DIRECTORY OF GASTONIA AND BETHESDA M.E. CHURCHES, SOUTH, FOR CONFERENCE YEAR 1891 Rev. D. P. Tate THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ENDOWED BY JOHN SPRUNT HILL CLASS OF 1889 Cp287.09 G25t DIRECTORY GASTONIA and BETHESDA M. E. CHURCHES, SOUTH, ' DIRECTORY —OF— GASTONIA and BETHESDA M. E. CHURCHES, SOUTH, — FOR— CONFERENCE YEAR ISOI. Compiled by Rey. D. P. Tate, Pastor. GASTONIA, X. C : OAXl/ri^E JOB PRINT^ MAY, 18U1. CALENDAR, GaSTOXIA. Sunday ScliooT, 10 A. M. rieMcliing, 2iid, 3rd/and 4tli Sundays at 11 A. M ; 1st, -Jnd, and 3id Sundays at ni^lit. Player Meeting, Tuesday night. General ChivSS Meetings, 2 kI Sunday at 3 P. M. Practice, Monday iii^iil. Church Conference, Tuesday night before each Quarterly Conference. BETHESDA. Sunday School, at 9:30 a. m., except 3rd Sunday at 2 p. M. Preaching, 1st Sunday 11 a. m., 3rd Sunday 3 p.m. General Class Meeting, Wednesday night after 1st Sunday. Churcli Conference, Wednesday night before Quar- terly Meeting. Prayer Meeting Wednesday night. ASSESSMENTS FOR 1891, Sup]K)i t of Ministry ^7'2i).Q0 Foreign Missions 77.49 Donaestic Missions 35.34 Bishops ().-22 Coiiference ('laiuiants 2S.17 C'luirch Extension 14 3K Educatiiui 12.^-^7 Ecumenical Corjference (S7 Total S9U0.34 PASTORAL ADDRESS. Deak BPvETHRKN ; It is with a sino^^re desire to quicken you in cliurch work tliat tliis iiltle pMtii* plilet is placed in your hands. We camiol aiftu'd to be idle. Tiie work is immense, the harvest is ^reat; but labor<^rs are few. (^reat multitudes are sweep- ing along in the broad way tlmt leads to death, whil<3 many oi tlie mexjabers of tli^i cliurch are sitting with folded arms. It was in trying to help each otli^^r iind save the lost that Methodism had its birth, ai.d by enduring trials and making numerous sacrUices^ she has grown to be one of ihe largest and most rapidly-increasing of the Cliristiau deiiomination^. But iMethodism has not run its race; it has accom- plished only a very small part of the work ihe J^oid intends for it to do. This woik is to be accom- plished by us and our children. Each one of us must work to acliieve the greatest success. The man with one talent has his work to do as well as the one with five. The weak as well as the strong must sti ive to keep unspotted from the world. Our work has been abundantly blessed of the Lord— the last sixteen months, our memliership having about doubled in that time. For this we should be devoutly thank- ful, and be encouraged to go forward. Numerous ^ire the difficulties and temptations around us; but let us remember that Christ hath said, Ye are the s lit of the earth,'' and ""^Ye are the light of the world.'' 1 assure each one of you of the deep and abiding jnter.ebt X feel in you, For every wrong and for 4^ CHURCH Dl RECTO I^Y OF every neglect of duty on the part of any of you, I ,\m sorely grieved. As a mother is not satisfii^d when on« of lier de^rr one^ is absent from the table, so I am |)ained to rin«l a sinaie one of you absent from the house of God, wlien 1 am break nia: tiie ''Bread of Life/' Allow me to make tlie following: suirgestions : 1. Do not neglect the children. Remember that, it is in early life that habits are formed, and that; ^' as the twig is bent so tlie tree will be inclined." The man who says he cannot train his children to do right, contradicts God's word. The future of >()ur child is in your own hands. Will you train iiim for the church or for the '' chain-erang?" 2. Do not neglect tlie meatus of Grace. Attend the preaching of the Word. Be in your place at prayer-meeting. You cannot fully appreciate the ])rivilege of i>rayer and rei)eatedly stay away from this meeting. Is it a lack of api!r ciaU )n or the goods of this world that keeps you awayV Is jour work such that you cannot come? Then you aie not do ng a Go 1-given woi k, God does rn)l want of us to do anything that will keep us from worshipping Him. C »me to the Sabbatli school. Do not close your eyes againsi the Light, by failing to sLudy the Word. Come thru with us and we will do thee good.'^ Finally, bretiiren, pray forme that the Word of the Lord may have free course and be gloi ified," and ''the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ail.'* Your aflectionate pastor, D. P. Tate. GASTONIA AND BETHESDA CHURCHES. ^ Church_Officers. Kev. T. W. Guthrie, V. Kev. D. P. Tate, P. C. PARSOKAGB TRUSTEES. V. E. Lon^, A, K. Ar.ders, G. A. Gray, J. P. Long, S. M. Morrig. BETIIESDA TRUSTEES. I. VV. Henry, John Suggs, A, R, Anders, H. R. Elmore, J. M, Armstrong. GASTONIA TRUSTEES. J. J. C. Anders, W. H. Jenkins, A. R. Anders, L. H. Long, J. T, Spencer. GASTONIA STEVVARDS. H. Jenking, J. J. C. Anders, y. E. Long, T. R. McArver. BETHESDA STEWARDS. Charlie Elmore, J. M. Armstrong, A. B. Anders. 6 CHURCH JblRECTORY' OF SUPERINTENBENTSOF SUNDAY SCHOOI^ Eethe^sfla.— A. R, Anders. Ga&tonicu—J. J. C, Anders. SECKETARIES OF CHURCR CONl^'ERE^CES, Bethesda.— Jolm S^2"gs. Gastouia,— S. M. Asbuiy, CLASS LEADERS. J. M. lleuyy\ JefiT Benty. A. R. Anders, J. M. Armstrong^ VV. n. Jenkins, S. M. Morris, Y. E. L()h^L^ S. M. Asl.iirv, B. T. Morris^ J. J. C. Anders^ YISITIXG COMMITTEE. J. J. C. Anders, Mrs, G. A. Gray, S. M. Moiris, Mrs S. M. Asbnry^ Y. PI Loiiij Mrs. Oliver Davis, W. 11. Jenkins. Miss Esther Boliek, Tli(^ Sj)Heial duty of this eoinmittee sluiU be to vis«~ il the sick, and lo.)l; after those in r.eed. Sexton. — Alonzo Spencer. C. VV. ^penc'-r, | ij,uer^ Shufoid Wilkeisaii3 ] ^^^-'^^^^ GASTONIA AND BETHESDA CHURCHES. 7 Classes of GastoniA: Ida Fayssoux, J. A. lluss, Mainie Huss, McT. Anders, O. W. Dayis, E. C. Carpenter, W. X, Davis, X^eila r)avi:>, Hhelton Wells, Esther Bolick, W, B. Carpenter J. J, J. L. Smith, Geo. V/. Snail h, Fannie Smith, Jane Gray, A. G. White, L. Tumey, John L. lihyne, Joseph Taylor, J. W. Byers, Minnie Laney, (^lass ^iTo. 1. . B. Long., Leader, Alice Fay^soux, D. B. Huss, Annie Anders, Essie A riders^ Lydia Davis, Nannie Carpenter, Love Davis, Laura Boyd, VV. M. Hoke, Ila Bolick, Lucy Carpenter, Lizzie Torrence. ClassXo. 2. C. Andeis, Leader. America Smith, 8tamey Smith, Geo. A. Gray, May Gray, Mary A. Johnson, B. F. Leadwell, Cliarlie Rliyne, Elvena Rhyne, Martha Laney, Walter Friday, John Canii)bell, Isal)elhi Gaston, Margaiet Gaston, Belle Johnson, Sarah Lowrance, Maraaret Neal, W. G. Jones, .Mary A. Jones, J. H. Tuck. Class Xo. 3, S. M. Morris, Leader. Isabella Neal. Tina Campbell, Dorcas Gaston, Julia Wright, Sarah Johnson, Anna Clyne, Susan Neal, M. P. Jones, Martha Jones, a CHURCH DIRECTORY OF Class ^o, S. M. As bury, L. L. Spencer, Nettie Asbury, Ui>bt. 1^11 H'illiam Froiiebergei\ P^ttii Jenkins, Oota Loftiii, J^anra Wilkinson, >S! ill ford Wilkinson^ Kobt. White. Emtua Morris, 4. Leader. Sam. K Asbury^ Borsey Asbury, John Jenkins, May Fioneberger,, A. K. Loftin, li. A. Wilkinson, Carrie WilkinSiHi, Marvin Wiikinsciv^ Nancy While, Felicia A^ibury^ C. W, Spencer, Ilendersoii Losig, I^enoia Spencer, H. P. McArvei-, R. MoArver, JmcoL* Weaver, (jMirie McArver^ Uachel Geth McAliste^\ P. J. Gardner, Edna Gardner, Mary Howe. Jnlia Grier, Alice Hliyne^ Mary ]j. Wilson, Lillie Jenkins, vv ocxIIhv Haw U ins, J. B. 33HHrd. MoHie llHfoia, Mary L Kincaid, J>ora Tate. Ja'*<»l) A. Uhyne^ WillidHi Rhyiie, Nuucy Ramsey^ Class No, i\. W. H. Jenkins, Leader. Maggie Wilson, ]>avid Ramsey, J. M. Kincaid, M. L. Manney^ L. Mauney, B. H. Bi i-crs, Emily Beard, O. T. Lytton, Mary Hut ton, Laban Rhyne, Jnlia Rhyne, Lee Eall^, OASTGr^^IA AND BETHESDA CMURCHCX 9 Classes of Bethesda, Martha Henry, Kusaii Elmof't^, Ji)\m Elmore. Alice Elmore^ Kllen EIniore, Marjjaret Ehxiore^ jMSper Ford, Alice Ford, Eliza Ford, Class No. X. W. H^nrj, Leader-. Harriet Tlenry, Henry Elmore, ui. W. A. Wilson, ILnniah vvilsoiv^ Malicia W^lbuu, Maggie A. Beaty^ Til OS. Ford, Lucy Ford, Minta Com best, Delpiiia Stowe, jjeroy Ilorsley, Margaret Howe, Peter CavpeiUer, Maa[(?ie Wallace, M M. Warren, James Warren. Jonas Hulfstetler, Calvin W^alUice, Class Ko. 4. Jeff Ueaty, Lea