Library • •F THE University of North Carolina TliiiJhook wa.s presented by tlie family of the late KKMP I'LFMMEK BATTLK, '49 President of tlie l.'niversity of Norlh Carolina from 1876 to 1890 ^5 - c. ^ Ti c UNIVERSITY OF N C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032195801 THIS TITLE HAS BEEN MICROFILMED This book must not be t-oken from the Library building. rm No. 471 v-i^^ ju/^Lye^ .^!*«^ Jyr /^a^/^^^l^^ ,J^t.^u*^ <^* ^^^' in Jfonn auD 3Lobing jHemor^ of 3f anng liLgraan ([jox. ilrtijatclg iprinttU. PROEM. ry^HESE pages are designed to commemorate the graces and virtues of one tenderly be- loved, who was suddenly summoned from the Wilderness of Earth to the Paradise of God. They comprise appreciative memorials which originally appeared as obituary tributes of the press, and a few letters of sympathy and con- dolence which, however fruitless at first, became more and more grateful and consoling to the hearts of those whom the iiand of bereavement had grievously smitten. These contributions are preserved for the gratification of personal friends, who will appre- ciate the fact that they but imperfectly outline the beautiful mission of her whose symmetry of person, equable temperament, and rare ac- complishments gave the fairest promises of a lonof and useful life. It is not extravagant affection which prompts the dechiration that the subject of this memorial was so just, so self-contained, and so solicitous for the happiness of those around her that she never permitted an elevation of the voice, an unguarded expression, or the unjust criticisms of others to mar the harmony of her social circle. She ever had a kind word, a gentle act, or a pleasant smile to soften or beguile those transient vexations which are too often magni- fied until they roughen the surface of our little world. The cares and responsibilities of her married state wrought no change in her admirable dispo- sition further than to cause her character to expand and blossom as a beautiful flower, and her Christian graces to irradiate as stars, to re- flect the virtues of her inner life. She was wise and good, natural and confiding. Trusting, not in her own strength, she leaned upon her Saviour as the final refuge; so tliat when her peerless spirit passed into the hands of Him who gave it, she was prepared to say, " Father^ not my will, but Thine be done.'''' While her friends may feel comforted that in her triumph over death she has been transferred to a brighter and happier world, human nature will assert itself in grief and sorrow over so great and irreparable a loss. But faith illu- mines the dreary way, and softens the asperity of affliction with the pleasing assurance that " The Love that has stricken, o'er pain sheds its ray." W. R. C. E am tlje usiirncti'an anti tlje life, saidj tfje 3Lorli. ^e tijat irh'ctictf) fir mc, Hjaugf) Ije lucre tieali, get 0!)all ]^e Ii'be; anti tnljosocbcr libetlj anti beliefaetfj in me, sljall neber life.— St. John. 2rf)nt tiau luljirl) men called Ijcr last, gijall 6c Ijcr fairUjtiag in ctcrnitg. — Seneca. OBITUARY NOTICES. DEATH OF MRS. WILLIAM R. COX. "XTESTERDAY morning, at six o'clock, Mrs. William R. Cox died at the residence of her father, Right Rev. T. B. Lyman, on East North Street, this city. Her iUness was of brief duration and her death unexpected. An infant child survives her. She was a lady of rare cultivation of mind, and with all the graces of the Christian woman. The news of her death caused mingled surprise and sorrow. News and Observer, Raleigh, Aug. 22, 1885. Sorrow to many Hearts. N MEMORIAM. RARELY have the citizens of Kaleigh suf- fered a greater shock than in the unex- pected death of Mrs. Fanny Augusta Cox, which occurred at the residence of her father, in this city, Friday morning, August 21. The daughter of the Right Reverend Theodore B. and Mrs. Anna M. Lyman, and the wife of Hon. William R. Cox, she had the deepest hold upon the affections of the entire commu- nity, not only of this city, but of many other sections of North Carolina, and the news of her sudden death will carry sorrow to many hearts. 13 She was born at Hagerstown, Maiyland. January 26, 1849, being- a member of one of the most prominent families of that State. Her early life was spent for the most part in Europe; and her rare educational advantages in Dresden, Paris, and Rome were improved to the utmost, giving her an unusual command of modern lan- guages and a broad and catholic culture. Her father removed with his family from Rome to California, and upon his election to the Bishopric of North Carolina took up his permanent resi- dence in Raleigh. Here she speedily became a general favorite, her kindliness of disposition and uniform courtesy winning her hosts of friends. In January, 1883, she became the wife of Hon. W. R. Cox, then as now the Representative in Congress from the Fourth District. Shortly after their marriage. General and Mrs. Cox took an extended European tour, pleasant reminders of which occasionally appeared in the columns of " The News and Observer." Illness of 'Brief "Duration. 15 In Wasliington Mrs. Cox soon became well known in society, and social circles looked for- ward with pleasant anticipations to her residence in that city during the approaching winter. Her illness was of but few hours' duration, and the first intelligence received by the community was the announcement of her death. She leaves two sons, — a handsome boy of twenty months, in whom her whole heart was wrapped up, and an infant. News Observer, Raleigh. eA cultivated Christian Lady. TpVERY citizen of Riileigh who knew that "^ lovely, cultivated Christian lady, Mrs. Fanny Lyman Cox, the wife of our honored Representative, was struck with horror and grief at the announcement of her sudden death this morning. Mrs. Cox was the daughter of Bishop Lyman, and was extensively known and greatly admired throughout our State. Her friends and family are paralyzed and dumb with grief in face of the inscrutable providence which has removed the young mother, in the prime of her life and usefulness, from their midst. We cannot give expression to the uni- versal regret with which this terrible blow has been received. Slate Chronicle, Raleigh. A sad Bereavement. /~\UR sympathies are extended to General ^-^^ W. R. Cox, Congressman in the Raleigh District, upon the death of his most lovable wife, which sad event occurred at his residence, in Raleigh, on Friday, August 21st. Mrs. Cox was the daughter of Bishop Lyman. She leaves two children, the youngest a tender infant. This sad bereavement not only affects her family circle, but will be painfully felt in a wide circle of admiring friends and acquaintances. Southerner, Tarboro. Loveliness of Character. rr\RE wife of General William R. Cox, Con- -*- gressman from the Raleigh District, North Carolina, died at Raleigh yesterday morning. She was the eldest daughter of Bishop Theodore B.Lyman; she was well known in lialtiniore, and greatly admired for her accomplishments and loveliness of character. Mrs. Cox had travelled with her father, and later with her husband, extensively in Europe, tlie East, and in this country. jNIrs. Cox's mother is a sister of Augustus J. Albert, and her maiden name was Fanny Augusta Lyman. Li Washington, where she spent several winters witli her husband, she had made a most favorable impression. Her illness was known to onl}- her nearest relatives and friends in Baltimore. Father Lyman, of Govas- town, is an uncle of Mrs. Cox ; Dr. A. B. Lyman, of this city, is a brother; Mrs. Robert Gilmer is a first cousin. Besides these, she has numerous relatives and connections by marriage in Baltimore. Sun, Baltimore. Assemblage of Excellencies. TN the death of Mrs. William R. Cox, wife of the Representative from Raleigh, North Carolina, her many friends here and elsewhere have sustained a loss which will be long and deeply felt. During her residence in this city she charmed every one with her easy and graceful manners, her self-possession and rare intelligence. She enjoyed society, and had a joyful interest in life, for she was surrounded with the manifold comforts and appliances which are incident to the most easy conditions, and there was everything in her external cir- cumstances to make that life desirable. She combined a rich assemblage of excellencies. Possessing faculties of a high order, fine con- versational talents, varied stores of information, besides accomplishments as a linguist, there was Harnioiiious as the F/ozver. 25 also simplicity of taste, clear good sense, with an absence of anything like pretension. She was careful of the feelings of those about her, and in the relation of a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, she united dignit}', tenderness, and discretion. Her physical, intellectual, and spiritual per- son was a fine specimen of symmetry, — " har- monious as the flower." Her intellect was quick and active, her culture deep, and enriched by the experiences of extensive travels in foreign lands. She had a woman's appreciation of the beautiful in all its forms of manifestation, whether in natural scenery or in works of art. In the circle of her acquaintances the memor}'- of virtues that had such brief continuance on earth has left an impression that time cannot efface. Post, Washington. rriHE recent death of Mrs. William R. Cox, at Raleigh, North Carolina, has touched with grief the hearts of man^^ beyond the circle of the family that loved her so well. In this universal sorrow it is pleasant and consoling to record the nian}'^ attractive graces that clustered round her genuine and gracious life. Endowed with brilliancy, quickness of intel- lect, and natural delicate artistic tastes, she profited by her unusual opportunities, and by periods of foreign residence and travel, she be- came versed and accomplished in art, languages, and modern literature. These rich endowments of nature and culture made her a delightful companion to all who knew her; while her native kindness of heart, her thoughtful con- side^"ation for others, and her refined womanly instincts made all her associates her friends, Unselfish Uevotioii . 29 and won from many their entire confidence and affection. Ever sedulously considei'ate of those subordi- nate to her, she was beloved by them with the greatest warmth. Hers was a beautiful Christian character ; she lived in the fulfilment of duty, in unselfish devotion to the interest of relative and friend, and amidst all the duties and pleasures that surrounded her, her church and her obligations were never forgotten or neglected, and deft mementos, the work of her own hands, testify to her loving care. Verily " her sun went down while it was yet day," and a home is now darkened by the sudden removal of the one who was the centre of its life and light. May" the God of all comfort, in His own good way and time, heal the smitten hearts, and give fullest consolation to those who mourn. Churchman, New York. Simplicity of iMaiiiier. I N Raleigh, Friday morning, August 21, at tlie residence of her father, the Bishop of North Carolina, departed out of this life into a better, Fanny Augusta, wife of the Hon. Wra. R. Cox, in the thirty-seventh year of her age. The impression made upon society by this sad and unlooked-for event has been indicated in many ways, and especially by the appreciative notices of the secular press. Called to a con- spicuous position in the eye of the world, and having always moved in the most distinguished society, Mrs. Cox was singularly fitted to per- form with grace and dignity the duties of her station, and to add to it the charm of culti- vated and accomplished womanhood. Strength of natural understanding, simplicity of manner, which can only come of good sense and good Decision of Character. 33 feeling, decision of character, and a high sense of duty were the most important elements of a personality in which those who knew her best recognized also the softer qualities of gentle- ness, patience, kindness, charity. It is not possible that society should lose such an orna- ment and not feel deeply the loss. What she was to those of her own house- hold only they themselves can fully understand. The gentle and affectionate daughter, the lov- ing and confiding wife, the tender and devoted mother, the sincere and considerate friend, — her life was complete and rounded, though short. She gave full proof of her ministry to those to whom God had sent her : "• The heart of her husband did safely trust in her." But in the hour of bereavement we turn to other sources of comfort than social and domes- tic virtues, however conspicuous these may have been. Underlying these, quickening them into their most beautiful development, was a spirit Piety was Unostentatious. 35 of sincere and rational leligion. Family cares and social engagements could never make her forget her duties to God and to His Cliurch. Yet her piety was quiet and unostentatious, not exhibited to men, and known only by its sanctifying influence upon her character, and b}' those undesigned and unconscious self- manifestations wherein the most modest soul cannot but show occasional glimpses of its inner life to the appreciative eye of friend and intimate. The closing scene — awful and unexpected — might crush family and friends by its sudden sorrow, but God prepares His children whom He calls. Without fear and without repining she resigned her spirit into the hands of Him who stood by her ready to receive it. ." The fear of the Lord tendeth to life : And he that hath it shall abide satisfied : he shall not be visited with evil." Church Messenger, N. C. '''Abide tait/i us ; for it is towards evening, and the day is far spent" ''''Abide 7vith me, fast faUs the eventide, The darkness deepens. Lord, with me abide. When other helpers fail, and €077iforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh, abide with fjief" THE FUNERAL. THE funeral services of Mrs. Cox were held Sunday afternoon, from Christ Church, and were impressively sad. The tiibutes of respect paid the dead, in the attendance, the sympathy manifested, and the floral tiibutes, were marked. The services were conducted by Rev. Gilbert HiGGS, of Warrenton, Rev. Bennett Smedes, and Rev. R. B. Sutton, D.D. Rev. Dr. F. M. Hubbard was in the chancel. Rev. Gilbert HiGGS read the lesson. The choir sweetly chanted the burial anthem and the hymn, "Abide with me." Rev. Bennett Smedes recited the closing prayer. As the procession passed out the south door of the church the choir sang, "Hark ! hark! my soul, angelic songs are sing- ing." The services were concluded at the city cemetery, where the remains were temporarily placed in a vault. Rev. Dr. Sutton conducted these closing services. The following gentlemen were the pall-bear- ers: Messrs. Walter Clark, S. A. Ashe, V. E. Turner, George H. Snow, A. B. Andrews, F. H. BusBEE, R. S. Tucker, and C. B. Root. LETTERS. rriHE following personal letters to members of the family of the deceased furnish tlieir own explanation. They are embodied in this Memoir to facili- tate that communion of sympathy which is ever grateful to the overburdened heart. 41 Cape May, N. J., Aug. 21, 1885. I do not know how to write all the sorrow and sympathy I feel for you and for myself. We all loved your Fanny next to our imme- diate circle, and the shock is very great. My dear Aunt, how I wish I was with you in this trying hour, if only to press your d'ear heart on my shoulder, for I know what overwhelming sorrow is so well. I feel so shocked and dazed now I can only pray that He whom 3'ou liave served and trusted so long will hold you closer in His " everlasting arms " than ever before. Pa is completely unmanned ; he has been talk- ing a great deal about Fanny the past few days. J sends love and sympathy, in which all join, to you and all your afflicted household. Judge Cox, and precious little Albert, too young to know his loss. How dear he will be to you now, — a link between heaven and earth. ... * Closest of all Communion. 43 Capk May, Aug. 22, 1885. I could not help being disappointed when the mail came in, that there was nothing from Ra- leigh, although I did not know who was there to write. It is so hard to sit quietly here unable to do anything for you, and not knowing any- thing beyond the distressing, heart-rending fact that our dear Fanny's dear, sweet, kind, thought- ful spirit is no longer with you, but with her loving Saviour. That can be and must be the thought now, — not what we are suffering, but that the loving daughter and wife and gentle friend is face to face, even eye to eye, with her Saviour, — the closest of all communion. We are all so distressed, for we all loved her as one of ourselves. I so hope Judge Cox and Bishop Lyman were with you, and will anxiously await the particulars. I wish I could know when she is to be laid in the grave hallowed by Jesus, he having laid there first and robbed it of its gloom. I am thinking of you all the time, and praying for you and for all. * Overwhelming^ Sorrow. 45 Baltimohk, Md., Sept. 2, 188.'). What shull I say to express my great sym- pathy for you in this overvvhehning sorrow tliat has come upon you all ? It was a great shock to every one of us — something that is impos- sible to realize — that dear Fanny is gone. I always associate with her the thought of perfect health and strength. It will be a pleas- ure to me always to remember her as she looked last winter, when she stayed here with her little Albert. I never saw her look so pretty ; and she was so proud of her baby, and looked so perfectly happy, that I like to think of it. That she should have been taken out of this world when she had everything to live for is truly mysterious. I am sure it must be a comfort to you to feel that she has been spared pain and trouble in this life, and that she now awaits in the Paradise of God those whom she loved and left here on earth. The Precious Legacy. 47 Fanny was such a sweet cliaracter tliat we all felt very much attached to her. I do not be- lieve I ever heard her say a harsh word of any- one, nor heard her raise her voice in anger. She was always the same, no matter if we saw her ever}' day or only once a year. She had a kind, pleasant word for every one. This must have been pleasing to her Heavenly Father, and the thought of it must be a great help to you. But of course this is an hour of such sore trouble that it is beyond the power of any friend on earth to help or comfort you. I trust and am assured that the good God, whom you have loved and in whom you have believed all these years, will strengthen and sustain you. How your heart will go out in love and tenderness to the dear little motherless babies, — the pre- cious legacy Fanny has left behind her! Please give assurances of our sympathy to Bishop Lyman, Judge Cox, and all your household. Bright and full of Happiness. 49 Bai.timoue, Md., Sept. 6, 1885. I was so much distressed to hear of dear Fanny's sudden death. How dreadfully sad for her to be called just when life was brightest and fullest ! It is hard for us to realize, when we think of the little helpless babies she has been called upon to leave, that "all things work together for good for those who love God." Yet we do and must believe that it is so. Dear Mrs. Lyman, I wish I could say some- thing to comfort you, for Fanny's sake ; but I know of nothing except to think of the beauties and graces of her character, which surely now has been brought to perfection, the sweetness of her disposition, her kindness and generosity. Long and intimately as I have known Fanny, I never heard her speak ill of any one. She seemed always to think the best of every one. I am glad, as her life has been so short, that it has been so bright and full of happiness. One to be Proud of. 51 I\I()XT Alto, 1'exx., Aug 23, 1885. The tidings of dear Fanny's death came to us through the Phihidelphia " Piess," sent hy a friend tliis morning. It is hard to reaHze that she is taken, just now when she had so much to live for, in the happy days of her life. From time to time I have heard of her and of you all through my sisters, and I have never ceased to feel great interest in the welfare of the family, and lejoiced much in Fanny's happiness. We do indeed see " through a glass darkly ; " but we do still see through faith that " all things work together for good to them tliat love God;" and however imperfect we are, we are still sure of this, that we do love Him. I may write, I hope, without intruding upon the grief which the first death in 3-our family causes, for I loved Fanny as a child ; and when she came home, after so many years of absence, an elegant, accomplished, and dignified woman, she was one to be proud of and admire. Above all, I trust she was a sincere Christian, that now she is en- joying the rest of Paradise. If, in this great sorrow, the sympathy of your friends is any consolation to you, be assured you have it. Fascination so Peculiar. 53 LiTciiKiKLD, Conn., Aug. 2i, 1885. It is difficult for me to realize the fact that our dearly loved Fanny has passed away from these earthly scenes. After such brief experi- ence of conjugal and maternal happiness, what a sad, hard separation ! She was gifted and fitted, to adorn a home and the society which opened to her. The last time we saw our dear Fanny she was so bright, so lovable in her joy- ousness and prospective happiness. We, B and I, were impressed with the charm of a fas- cination so peculiar; it fairly transfigured her, and we caught the glow. We little thought it was our last meeting. It is the first blight, my dear friend, that has fallen upon your family circle, and it could only be one slip more heavy. . . . May you and the Bishop, as well as all so deeply involved in this heavy affliction, be ever sustained and cheered by the sweet assurance that she is "■ asleep in Jesus," and so draw eveiy spiritual and sustaining comfort from the hope of an eternal and blessed reunion. . . . A Terrible Loss. 55 Baltimork, Aug. 31, 1885 It was witli the deepest sorrow Dr. B and I saw in the papers the annonncement of your dear Fann3^'s death. Words fail me to express my sympathy with you and her father on this mournful occasion. So young, healthy, aiiust to Dust." 77 " Earth to earth, and dust to dust ! Saviour, in thy word we trust." Death is not the spirit's night, But dawning of eternal light. O'er Lazarus laid in his tomb, On earth you wept, in mortal gloom. Soft as Hermon's dews distil, Our hearts with heav'nlj^ solace fill! Teach us to feel — our hearts to say, " Our Father knew the better way." One 's needed for celestial choir, He speaks: " My daughter, come up higher." Lost one ! on summer ev'ning's close, When tired Earth seeks soft repose. Thy beck'ning hand from glowing skies Will oft be seen by loving eyes. New-Beene, N. C, Aug. 23, 1885.