II T ■ ■ ■ H I ■■■ "■ '■■ ■■» ■»■ ■■' BABrSOWN'/ESORM * WALTCR'CRANC * an ju in h i a»..ji Jin, hi , int. «,m m i : 111 ^P^r-. w> ■^22 2 6i CRANE (Walter) Artist'; a.l.s.,' 3 pp., 8vo, 1882 8s 6d " I am negotiating with regard to your father's MS., he .^sop in Verse, you lent me, and hope to be ahlc to settle soinethiir §Sl of lAhr&f ■ ' ■ ■ , UNIVERSITY OF N.C AT CHAPEL HILL 00022092744 Digitized by the internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/babysownsopOOcran B/fB7S> , M OWN * /ESOP BEING'THEFABLESCONOENSEO-INRHYME" • with • portable* morals- \e » •PICTOR) ALLY' POINTED Q^\]J BY W4LT€R:CR/IN€ ENCRAVtO A PRINTED IN ColoWtS ;&f u EDMUND" EVANS SI :orgeRoi V£ a-cLJUxx & Tou.ck kt-vt and tktrt , but fk. Crtd.it ©I this part of Hu book S>h|l ULlovad5 to U'< m. YWaJtlr Qwl X^_ J&^^ possassor5'or o " Bao ys Opfcra " , _ Bao/pBouquit •;fh — *r I 1 8C3731 The Fox and the Grapes. The Cock and the Pearl.— The Wolf and the Lamb. The Wind and the Sun. King Log and King Stork. The Frightened Lion. The Mouse and the Lion. — The Married Mouse. Hercules and the Waggoner. The Lazy Housemaids. The Snake and the File. — The Fox and the Crow. The Dog in. the Manger. — The Frog and the Bull. The Fox and the Crane. Horse and Man. — The Ass and the Enemy. The Fox and the Mosquitoes. — The Fox and the Lion. The Miser and his Gold.— The Golden Eggs. The Alan that pleased None. The Oak and the Feeds.— The Fir and the Bramble. The Trees and the Woodman. The Hart and the I 'inc. The Man and Snake. The Fox and the Mask. The Ass in the Lion's Skin. The Lion and the Statue. The Boaster. The Vain Jackdaw. 33. 77/6' Peacock's Com- plaint. 34. The Tivo Crabs. 35. Brother and Sister. 36. The Fox without a Tail. 37. Tlic Dog and the Shadow. $$. The Ci ow and the Pitcher.— The Eagle and the Crow. 39. The Blind Doe. 40. The Geese and the Cranes. 41. The Trumpeter taken Prisoner. 42. The Man and the Satyr. 43. The Cock, the Ass, and the Lion. 44. The Stag in the Ox- stall.— The Deer and the Lion. 45. The Lion in Love. 46. The Cat and J 'en us. — The Mice in Council. 47. The Cat and the Fox. — The Hen and the Fox. 4 8 . The Hare and the Tortoise. — The Hares and the Frogs. 49. The Porcupine and the Snakes. — The Bear and the Bees. 50. The Bundle of Sticks. 51. The Parmer s Treasure. 52. The Fisherman and the Little Fish. 53. Fortune and the Boy. 54. The Ungrateful Wolf. 55. 77/i? Horse and the Ass. 56. Die Assanti the Sick Lion. Hfor ^TAin^ 8 just pxusid to sxpUin . _ ool lb -a fowl wanting -food, -/inol Thin KicKld if.asidj wili> disdain . Si JM \ H€ WIND and As 5un k^ a. Ut, Tlat Wayfarers' clcak wkick Aoulci. mind". " Jov£ stntthim aiSfork, Who aid royal work for hi gokUsd H\im uboLt'o! H-isir kinc?. ^ <£* THE* FRIGHTENED" LION *-? M^ BULL FROG, according S. .% rule., aC c\.-cro2ik in his usual pool: /\nd nt l2vucTln£ol in his hsavfl" As a Lion oLid. starf \r\ a. ■fricjw' from "\nt brink liKi A -Tool . " IMAGINARY • FEAR5 - ARE.' THE. WolWT' i J: M ''I * ''i r V, VhyiE-MQU SE.- SpTME LION Poor tUigik Mous*. was, and y£k, Wknl-k Lion got caugjit' in a. n£t ? /\ll his strtnSfU was no us£ Twas Thi poor littfc Nousi Wlno nibbled him out of "mt n£f. '5MALU- CAUSES' MAY- PRODUCE Cii^ATHESUC '•TH E.- nARilJE-PTOOUS O rW Housj. had Hiss "L_ion for bride ; vlry cTnaf was kis joy and his lorids: DuT it chanced maJ" .sh* huh On ns.r husLand Kir Tool', yn^nd mi weight was'foo muc.K) r 5o lai died •One -may- be- too- ambitious- vrcuiis my whitl „ Prom tta mud .vJurt'tis ituckl hit kugtad - No such, luck; CI £T" your skoulcLr you.rss.lf To Tint wksxl. ' IH£ QODS' HELP THOSE WHO' HELP'THEMbELVty KTv m. /X *t. / I: ®^r ^>TH€ '5NAK€-«TH€riLe ^S SNAKC/mafix.lvkcl <^l2 a FTIi for a ainnsr. TTs rtot'wowi . , u your wnlk" Said th^ 3TJ.il , 4onirmiitaki; | rn ^vcctiilbTn^ol "lb Taki ; *lo <5 W£ s not" ~H\£ way of a Fik.' V/f MArMEET'OUR' MATCH' THerox^ T He' grow ? — ■ J1 !— " E^f AID sly Fox +otk Crow V^S' With "Hi S. ckiiS^' L^r mi \\zat your 5ws;£t" voicx, viow ; ola bk&ss!" /ind mis Crow, bting wi&k, C&WeJ tkt bif from fur bi<\k_ 'M ui i'c ckaornu" said Has, Fbxr, "an.cL ktr^jf ck fcLfi{" : BEWARE' OF" FLATTERtRi: THePQGlNThleTIANGeRi l; thcfr-og% me' Bum £ COW sought" a YnouHi^ rlul or n-^.y; But a cOopMn liis. rn&n= %rlW la/, ) <( /j^^' ; AID tlu fYog^ute puffai v^gj;« • upToThcyiS, ; ^ Tr7Tr ^ Was this Dull about mi as "ho S\ZS.\ nd ki snkppsdout-'hownow] Ravtktr k'j&ter, fro^-brotka'' Wkm ,mosT mildly ,tl-u Cow " Puff . puff's &\d tkg. otk.tr, A clvs.ntur2.cl a morssJ To pray. "A Fr tf is a Bull \( ks tWis !" DOrsi'T - 3E SELFISH ' • BRAQ IS' (NOT' ALWAYi' BELi E F ' V i HORSE ANDMAN: j TH€ ASS" &f THC E N6NY 1: Took Man oh nis back, Tc^ hifhnimtkSt-Ag"tb aJH-^ck; How lit+li Inis clrs&d, r\s mz mtmy tIioI, Min Would m^kx nim his ^ sIaul <§p his ha^ck. * ADVANTAGES' MAY- BE DEARLY • BOUQHT . ta-uyfla-ft 6T up : I £.r us TUi trom Th£ fog * b&idtktM^: buftiuAsS < S^id- Why so J Vvijl th l/ double my lod\a 7 Or my blows. Thin, by 6o^d, ,/ind by shrrup, 1 v£ no causi "to c5o . : YOU a* REASONS" ARE" to - • NOT • MINE : £ ^TH£-FoX- aTrienosQLinoes ] "€ING pia.Sald old fbx- Pr*y don'r'sind +Ks.m a.wav for a*. kun,6rr£.r swarm Yvould Work rni vnoa k&rm ] J ka^l roV£To rick ^s% b|jAS£ ivzry oni: Sdf,5on,or bdtk'triiol, lTi£.nt)ii Ass h&d a riok ; Wkik tki world^tkiir afforfs, boktal Tun. YOU' CAN NOT HOPETO' PLE A5E' f\LC ■ 'DONY-TRY " WOODMAN^ H€ Tr£€S ask of Man AW ki &sh__ wzlUnd gool -So Wdl doe* kz Undk kiSdXtl 26 Wm karf saidTh.eiW' Qt tu>o ^ais Hah ti« flood ^ bors &way.-\ lip you clo5l to my sick'" l@ Lit* Ths borctUin rsplfccl , \j II U smashed if Usid* you. 1 %• r 1U€ 1W® €VW° awkward, so shambling _» a gain Crab did her dau^Wtrr ho TijOl "1 am backwa-rol ; b udiol Ussons in wa <3ui -• LOOK -PCT- HOME' md, IJfistri 34 in a"trab (MD fox, rninusTail My rri£.ndbifi£r£ 5 a lucky TT]i*s(iAb: CfiV£ your Tails a short lease! - BuT tii£ foxss WS.TI nT cfctss., /?r)d nom. jol(owi.dTh£ jashion -^«_ ' cf+faf>. J VET '50ME' FASHIONS ■ HAVE. (MO BETTER. REA50M Tne'CRoW*THe Ml'PITCHCR-lM 1X1 'Wths cunning old. Crow dot his drink When twas low in Th£ fitcrur, just Think! Dontjay-HiafhEJfilUtf-! WrrkpitbJufiilttl if, 1 S II thz. Wafer To5£ Up To Tni brink. fcTHe"€/=lGL€'flND*THe' GROW -Fira-H6 €^le j^u? off with c \ Umb; ^lllllfr Then Tht Crow tKou.gkMb lifh^n /— >s£) In his £x\£!bl-i conceit", I ^ ThiL Wool tangled, his f^f /Ind tKe 5liLpKtrol laod hold ojYhs 5ne\.m. - Beware of'overatinq your own'Powers WWm> V 12 THCBLINDDOe- (^Jf poor half-Uinol Dos. nsr oni ^ kspT shoreward, all danger To if 3 /, f\s shi. [?d k/ tins. 5i<^ , rooV innoctni | Sn£. \X/a.5 shot" from c\ boat" passing by. -• WATCH ■ OIM ALL 1 SIDE5 ! ^mieGeese'&THe'CRfltfefo /vj|/\li(l Gasi 'joinEcltKi Crams in somt (f\\\ was wJLtiN.disTuTkicUtthiir Xitflit-wingfccl, , l4u Crarii5 fUd, ^utltit slow Git5i / \A/ill {id, Could nt" ^^^^^and wtri caucfkt* in TOE-TRUMPETEfrTAtWPRlSONEfl Trumptter, prisoner m<^ck, Hobidl Kis life would bi 5ba.r£d . 1 , , i. , whin ht5aiol Hzd no p<2vvT IkiTK^ -f"g K /~> But" Thty an-Sw^r^d him-'fuT tb Cool thj. hot ittvA/; Simple S^ltyr, Linus id To mams \Af2ys , {"sit" confu.si.ol, WhtntK?. sanu mouth tUw not cSc cold Too' -y^SOP/MMEDAT- DOUBLE OEALuh a- rnouss. in hir sicrkf MifAmorfako-Sid hsir quite , And Jot Idt'icIe, ^ caJb -fourcd hi in3Tk&d •• NATURE ' WILL' OUT -" '0 a Council of IMlia. oust c&m£ out" promSt' with &dviu; A\nd <\lu!l on Cdfo tliTo^ Would na.vi miTa round vol} adlfu btli-n&n&r not" bj.m so nice. e • BEST' Policy RtMS • ON • AM ■ OFTEN)- I IF •■>» J 46 S^VT'^S ('<■ «( ' >k Ml HW J TIHE HEN"AND 6 TIHirF©X' 4-iil moTi secure, on my "Wren BEWARE' OF INTERESTED' FRIENDSHIPS E Inlt Fox sau'd 8 can bi^y, wKin it" \\Ys , emy wiUi tn&.t witn. m^xa meJkt TE.pl itd/'lMlostdlsAT friincl .' >; THE* MARrAlNID*THIE*T@RT©ll$E ass was sum bVii'A so iriucK Tims. To sb&rt, "TlaaT sWi. lay cloven To 5U1K , And kt oldTMck-sKd! cr^p To th£_ winnm^-jooif -finshL'Ybu. may .stars ,V« : PERS1bT£rK£' SEATS IMPULSF. i tTHI in IARES°A» e TIHIE°FR^-froc£.s lift Hun- terror \Dt.k\nd . OUR.' OWN ARE' NOT' THE ONLY- TROUBLES = PoRCUPINL,5NAKE,&CeMPAt. NQ shares wifk tKt Snavkis, l?«,rcu.= o hs. climLs IMl^stirs kne.es, HopincS doo-ilki to pU^S£., /And ^ olrukbintf is aJ! that hi <$tk . m y ^ TfcS^lll ^ IF© PUT V U\ E? ^Nl ©"TrlHil E " B <2>Y : ^nEoy kttolUss sUbf Ly Tni Will *"jy Odme IFo-rfum awcxkedjlrutk Totdf; 5,3 Aid shj: , Inlad sT b^Ln drowned, ir would! hcxvx 5uxt\y b^tri found, irlnis by IForTunt , not- (Folly bt.-ftl.'** FORTUNE" IS NOTAN5WeRftSLE'FOR'OURWANTOFFORE5l4Kr 'JliVM 1 KIETMdRATiFyiLrWOJLF; © flu Wolf, -from whosttkroat his lonS bill m&oli Doni, His lonS bin m&dc - if frlain Tkto £ £Xta£ct£cJ his fs£ ; ' £ Thankful your Ksaol 5 outac&in -SOME "CHARACTERS • HAVE'NQ-SENSE'OF'OBU^ATION I f(3SlHIEIRHAH ^TNE o nSH° ,AYI^ ths fish,*stVu iFishtrman took m, a. poor Ifttk mite, -from his hook, L-S-t ms. <5o ! || ' m so svr\es.\[ . -, Hi rsp\if" ?\ S T IHE'A^S' fit THE*5ICK*L1C (T^ UM FTY Lion ,- p £ r Uzps wirti Hw ^out IK^pt In is cavi jwhore ,to Solvi any doubt; Many visitors .* ©uttn* Ass ( hi5aid"lMo! „ Trisy <5o in , but II W szzn yiotu comt out. • REASON ■ FROM ■ RESULTS • **^£ i^J 1^ i / — l^u i m babisownvesofS * WALTCRXRANC ♦' mm ^t^ f HI 1 Also ey the samc: THE BABYS Q _OPERA B The e)?^ BOUQV Ef KOUTUCDOE