9^ CONGEEGATION. High Priest of thy church dispensation, Lift up, we pray, thy pierced hand, And bless thy ransomed congregation As m thy presence here "vve stand: Before thy Father's throne remember By name each individual member; Tliy face upon us shine, Orant us thy peace divine, Eor we are thine. T. 586. Head of thy church, this day with joy, We in thy presence meet; 0 bless th-e moments we employ Thy mercies to repeat : Like incense from the sacrifice, Ascending giateful to the skies, We raise in thy prevailing name Thanksgiving's sacred flame. T. 159. fS?iUO NCC NcU CHORUS. Praise the LorrI, the God of our salvation, magnify his holy name forever 1 Sing ye of the grace of the (rod of Israel with joyful hearts and voices, and let his glory be proclaimed. T. 16T, Brethren. Jesus source of every blessing; Tune our hearts to grateful lays. Sisters. Streams of mercy never ceasing. Call for ceaseless songs of praise* All. Here we raise our Ebenezer ; Hither by thy help we're come; And we trust through thy good pleasure. Safely to arrive at home. CONGREGATION. Like a river, never failing, Flowed on us his boundless grace ! Hundred Years with beams of healing Shone upon our path his face ! Faithful Shepherd! Guide and keep us, Till in heaven we sound thy praise. Yea, his covenant stands forever; Mountains perish — He abides! What shall from his hand us sever? Ijovb protects us, Wisdom guides. Daily mercies, without measure, Crowned our years, for God provides. T. CHORUS. Sing ITallelujah, honor, praise t Youi^ grateful lauds to Jesus raise^ O favored congregation: For he became a sacrifice, And paid in blood our ransom-price> Procuring our salvation: Holj,~-happy Is our union — and communion With our Saviour ; Blessed be his name forever. Amen : — be then Praise and blessing, never ceasing, To him given. Here, and bj the hosts of heaven* CONGREGATIOK, T. 230. Rise, joyful spirit, rise, Exalt his sacrifice, Hallelujah 1 In highest strain — to the Lamb slain: Let heaven and earth reply, — Amen. CHILDREN. T. 14 Hosanna, our glad voices raise, Hosanna to our King : Should we forget our Saviour's praise. The stones themselves would sing. For we have learn'd to love his name; That name divinely sweet May every pulse through life proclaim, And our last breath repeat. CHOIR. T. 136. O liappj lot, To live in blessed union With Christ, and with his churck in close communion ; To look to him. Prompted by love and need; To feed by faith upon his death and merit And, purified in heart, become with him one spirit ; To love him, though we tee him notj 0 happy lot I ALL. Highly favor *d congregation, Lov'd by Jesus and esteem'd, Ne'er forget thy destination. Why from this vain world redeem'd. Brethren. Evidence by word and action, That thy faith is not in vain, bisters. That thy highest satisfaction Centres in the Lamb once slain. T. 15. Brethren. Sisters, By love's closest bonds united, As the Lord's own family, Be to serve his name excited, Be to him a fruitful tree. e a-; CONGREGATIOK To Christ we homage pay, We covenant this day Hnn to serve with ail our strength^ Him to love with all our heart, Him to follow, till at length We obtain in heaveu a part. T. 341. CHOIR. Let tKy holr, gracIoii«5 presence, Lord, our Saviour, fill our hearts this day anew ; May we ne'er thy care and guidance Lightly value, or forsake. May thine arm be strong to aid m Through the future of our course. From the present hallow'd moment To remotest generations Guide, protect us, and defend. CONGREGATrOIs. 18 Let thy pre.^enc'^, dai]y felt, dear Saviour, Strengthen, comfort, cheer each heart ; While we tarry here, (> may we never From thy holy wayj^ depart : Let us feed upon thy death and merit, And enjoy t^ie unction of thy Spirit, Showing forth thy matchless praise, Till in the^ wa end our race. T. 7 Let us stand ready, let each light, Trimm'd carefully, burn clear and bright, Each lamp be well supplied : May we by faith so walk below, That all the friends of Christ may know, We live to him who for us died. 'S'^S^*^ ^ -^-^ — — ' ^-^--^'^^ >^fr