^-^THE^-^ LE OF THE CRATER N PR0NT 0F PETERSBURG. JULY 30, 1864. A Memorable Day In History, AN ADDRESS Delivered Before the A. P. Hill Camp of Confederate Veter- ans, Petersburg, Va., in that City, on the 24th of June, 1890, by Comrade Geo. S. Bernard. Published by A. P. Hill Camp, C. V., the proceeds to be applied towards the erection of a Monument to General A. P. Hill. For Sale by T. S, BECKWITH & CO., Booksellers, PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA. PRICE, 15 CENTS." Petersburg Index-Appeal Presses. [The following from the Rural Messenger, (Petersburg, Va.), of July 19, 1890, is selected from several favorable press notices descriptive of this pamphlet:] " THE BATTLE OP THE CRATER." " We have received, with the compliments of the author, Geo. S. Bernard, Esq., of Petersburg-, a pamphlet copy of an address de- livered by him before the A. P. Hill Camp of .Confederate Veterans, of that city, on June 24th, 1890. The address covers eighteen double columns of closely printed matter reciting the author's individual •impressions as a participant in that memorable action, supplement ed by liberal quotations from other sources. " We had read the thrilling account with absorbing interest as it first appeared in the Dally Index- Appeal ', and look upon it as an exceedingly valuable contribution to the history of that ever to be re- membered war day, July 30th, 1864, when the Federals exploded their mine under the Confederate works, and produced that horrible hell-hole that is destined be known on the pages of history as 'The Crater.' Comrade Bernard was one of that gallant band, of Confed- erates who recaptured the broken section, and restored Lee's line. His graphic account of what he saw and heard and felt on that oc- casion must vividly recall,to all those who participated in that death- struggle, scenes and events now perhaps fading from the memory, but which time's wearing touch can never quite efface. Every old soldier ought to have a copy, to refresh his memory as to how men fought and died then in defense of the right; and every son of a soldier should read it, to imbue his mind with an adequate sense of the duty of devotion to one's country." ALBEMARLE HOTEL. Centrally Located. Newly fitted up. Guides and Convey- ances furnished at moderate rates to those wishing to visit the Battlefields and other points of interest. FBEEH4X W. JOZIES, Proprietor. PYLE & DeHAVEN, Real Estate Agents AND LAND BEOKEES, Also, Agents of -Virginia Immigration Society. OFFICE, NO. 1 MECHANICS BUiLDING, TABB ST., NEAB POST OFFICE, IPIETiEIR-SIBTJ'IR.O-, ^7~J±. JQp'Great Bargains in Farms, Timber Land, and Mineral Land. Write for Circulars Containing Description. Sent Free. THE BATTLE OF THE CRATER. ttjjltz' 30 7 iee4- LE DAY IN HISTORY, j^nsr .ajdidie^ikiss DELIVERED BEFORE THE A. P. HILL CAMP OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS, OF PETERSBURG, VA., IN THAT CITY, ON THE 24TH OF JUNE, 1890, BY COMRADE GEO. S. BERNARD. Comrades : It was my fortune as a member of the Petersburg Riflemen, Com- pany E, 12 th Virginia infantry, Gen. Wm. Mahone's brigade, to take part in the memorable engagement known as "The Battle of the Crater," and it is now proposed to give some account of the ac- tion — to tell a war story from the stand- point of a high private in the rear rank, supplementing information within my personal knowledge with some material drawn from other sources believed to be reliable, this being necessary to a proper understanding of what will be told. On Saturday morning, the 30th of July, 1864, when the mine under the angle in the Confederates works around Petersburg known as "Elliott's salient" was exploded, blowing up, or burying under the debris of earth and timber, be- tween two hundred and fifty and three hundred officers and men occupying the works at this point, making therein a huge chasm described in the report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War as "from 150 to 200 feet in length, about 60 in width, and from 25 to 30 feet in depth, and aptly called "a crater," from its resemblance to the mouth of a vol- cano, Mahone's brigade was occupying the breastworks on the Wilcox farm im- mediately south of our city, say, about a point which would be reached by a pro- longation of Adams street. The site of the "Crater," as is well known to proba- bly all now present, is east of the Jerusa- lem plank road and about a half mile south-east from Blandford cemetery, be- ing located a short distance beyond our city limits in the county of Prince George on the farm of Mr. T. R. Griffith. Some time during the night preceding the explosion, our brigade received or- ders to be "ready to move at a mo- ment's warning," which, of course, indi- cated that something was expected re- quiring a movement of the command. It was well understood that the enemy were mining somewhere on our line, but exactly at what point was not known. A' countermine was made by the Con- federates several hundred yards to the right of the Crater, near the point at which the Confederate breastworks cross the Jerusalem plank road, as may be seen at this time. At the Elliott salient a countermine was begun, but was aban- doned for want of proper tools. The explosion took place between day- break and sunrise (4:44 A. M. was the exact time), and the impression made upon those hearing it may be likened to that of the nearly simultaneous discharge of several pieces of artillery. The con- cussion of the atmosphere was unusual. We were all soon in the breastworks. Something extraordinary we knew had happened. Soon a report came down the line from the direction of the scene of action that a mine had been exploded and a part of our works blown up and was occupied by the enemy. A little after six o'clock, when the Crater had been in the enemy's posession for more than an hour, a staff officer rides rapidly past us; General Mahone's headquarters, which were at the Branch House, just west of the Wilcox farm, is the point of destination of this staff- officer, who is Colonel Chas. S. Veuable, aide-de camp to General Lee. Colonel Venableis bearing a message to General Mahone who was then, as he had been since the wounding of General Long- street at the battle of the Wilderness, in command of Anderson's division, which was compu.-ed of the brigades of General Wm. Mahone (Virginians), General A. R.. Wright (Georgians), General J. C. C. Saunders (Alabamians), General N. H. Harris (Missi^sippians), and General Joseph Finnegan (Floridians). The message borne to General Mahone is to send at once two of his brigades to the support of General Bushrod it. John- son, who commanded that part of the Confederate lines embracing the works now in the enemy's hands. Very soon, under orders received, the men of Mahone's brigade of Virginians and Wright's brigade of Georgians began to drop back from their places in the breastworks, one by one, into the corn- field immediately in their rear, and when they were well out of sight of the „ ene- my, theline was formed and the two brig- ades marched to the Ragland House,* were there halted and the men were di- rected to divest themselves of knapsacks, blankel-iolls and other baggage; an order which to the veteran plainly bespoke se- rious work and that in the near future. In a written statement made by Col. Venable in 1872, referring to the carry- ing of the message from Gen. Lee to Gen. Mahone, he says : "Be sent me directly to Gen. .Mahone, (say- ing that to save time the order need not be sent through Gen. A. P. Hill,) with the re- quest that he would send, at once, two of the brigades of his division to the assistance of Gen. Johnson. I rode rapidly to Gen. Ma- hone's line, and delivered my message. He immediately gave orders to the commanders of the Virginia and Georgia brigades to move * The fagland House stood on the west side of the plank road and on the south side of New road, some three or four hundred yards in front of the present residence of Mr. Jno. J. Cocke. to the salient and report to Gen. Johnson. The troops moved promptly, the Virginia brig- ade (Gen. Weisiger) in front. We rode on to- gether, at the head of the column, Gen. Ma- hone giving instructions to his officers and in- quiring as to the condition of things at the salient. « hen we reached the peach orchard, in rear of the Ragland House, noticing that the men were encumbered with their knap- sacks, he halted the column, and caused both brigades to put themselves in battle trim. \v bile the men were throwing aside their knapsacks, he turned to me and said, 'I can't send my brigades to Gen. Johnson,— I will go witb them myself.' He then moved the col- umn towards the opening of the covered way. which led to the Crater salient. I left him at this point, to report to Gen. Lee, who mean time, had come to the front. I found trim sit- ting with Ger. Hill, among the men in the lines, at a traverse near the River salient. v\ hen I told him of the delivery of the mes- sage, and that Gen Mahone had concluded to lead the two brigades himself, he expressed gratification." Leaving the Ragland house we marched along the edge of the hills skirting Lieu- tenant Run to New Road, or Hickory street, and entered this road a hundred or two more yards east of the bridge, then marched westwardly to within a few yards of the bridge over this run and then filed northwardly down the ravine on the east side of the run to Hannon's (now Jackson's) old ice pond, here en- tered a military foot path leading along the pond eastward to the head of the pond, thence filed eastwardly up a ravine along the same military foot path to the Jeru- salem plank road. We are now at a point a few feet from the southwestern corner of the Jewish cemetary of today, and the position of the foot path in this ravine along which we came is yet plainly marked. At the plank road we are halted and countermarch by regiments, thereby placing each regiment with its left in front. Here we see on the roadside Gen. Mahone, with other officers, dismounted, their horses standing near by. Mahone had then reported to Gen. Beauregard at the headquarters of Gen. Johnson, which were at the old house which until a few years ago stood on the crest of the hill a short distance northwest from the north- west corner of Blandford cemetery and near the road leading southwardly up the hill to the cemetary. It -was now about half past eight o'clock, and the enemy were just as they had been for nearly four hours, in quiet occupation of tlie crater, with about oue hundred aud fifty yards of our breastworks to the south and some two hundred yards of these works to the north of the Crater, reaching down to the foot of the hill on the north side. To these limits on either side the Confederates occupying the lines north and south of the Crater confined them. Gen. Mabone, having had the regiments countermarch at the Jerusalem plank road, goes ahead along the covered way leading directly across the road, south- eastward^ to the ravine in rear and west of the Confederate works *iow occupied by the enemy. Ascending the little knoll at the point where the ravineis en- tered by another smaller ravine or gully, into which the zig-zag covered way led and terminated, he sees the Confederate works rilled to overflowing with Federal troops, and, counting eleven regimental flags, estimates the Federal force in pos- session as at least 3.00U men. The situa- tion is an extremely grave one. His own little force of two brigades then ap- proaching in the covered way, if assailed in this position, would be inevitably cut to pieces and destroyed. So Mahone orders Courier J. H. Blakemore to go at once back aud bring up the Alabama brigade (Saunders') to come by the same route which the Virginia and Georgia brigades had taken. Whilst Gen. Mahone is at the knoll surveying the enemy and arranging for the attack, we are cautiously approach- ing the ravine along the covered way. At the angles, where the enemy could see a moving column with ease, the men are ordered to run quickly by, one man at a time; which was done for the double pur- pose of concealing the approach of a body of troops and of lessening the dan- ger of passing rifle balls at these exposed points. I should have mentioned that there was constant shelling as we moved along our route from the breastworks at Wilcox's farm, but we were well protected by the • shelter of intervening hills. As we passed the Hannon pond, I remember seeing a solid shot, or shell, fired from one of the enemy's guns descend into the 8n* water but a few feet from our moving line. Arriving at the ravine, we found Gen. Mahone standing near the mouth of the gully into which the covered way led and along which we were filing into the ravine, now and then exchanging a word of encouragement with some passing offi- cer or man in the ranks.* In this ravine are some artillery men, with one or more mortars in position, and I have a strong impression that I saw skirting the slope of the hill a slight, line of breastworks which looked as if it had been made that morning for temporary shelter by men working with their bayo- nets. Soon the line of battle is formed ; the 12th Virginia on the left of the brigade, the 6th Virginia on the right, the bri- gade sharp-shooters on the right of the 6 th. The middle regiments were the 16th, the 41st and 61st, the 61st being the center regiment. On the field today may be seen a tree that marks the position of the right of this line of battle. The line formed, we advanced some twenty yards up the slope of the hill and lie flat on our faces. In this position we are concealed from the view of the ene- my, now two hundred yards in our front. Our brigade is under the command of Col. D. A. Weisiger, colonel of the 12th, whilst the 12th is commanded by Capt. Richard W. Jones, the 6th by Col. Geo. T. Rogers, the 16th by Capt. L. R. Kil- by, the 41st by Major Wm. H. Ethe- ridge and the 61st by Lieut. Col. Wm. H. Stewart. The sharp-shooters are •commanded by Capt. Wallace Broadbent. A few minutes after we take the recum- bent position, Capt. Drury A. Hinton, acting aid-de-camp to Col. Weisiger, walks along the line and directs the regi- mental officers to instruct their men to reserve their fire until the enemy are *"Filing down the reinforcing ditch that ran perpendicular to the works," says Lieut. W. A.S.Taylor, adjutant of the 61st Virginia regi- ment, in a statement made July 16, 1880, "I saw Gen. Mahone at the angle formed by this ditch and the one that ran parallel to the works. As we filed to the right he made some encourag- ing remarks, adding 'Give them the bayo- net 1 ". 4 reached. As soon as Captain Hint on passed down the line Captain Jones step- ped out in front of us, as we lay on the ground, and, with great coolness of man- ner, said : "Men, you are called upon to eharge and recapture our works, now in the hands of the enemy. They are only about one hundred yards distant. The enemy can fire but one volley before the works are reached. At the command 'forward' every man is expected . to rise and move forward at a double-quick and with a yell. Every man is expected to do his duty." This short address, delivered under the gravest of circumstances, wasimpiessive in the extreme, and well calculated to nerve up the men to do their best work. The words and manner of the speaker sank deep in my memory. How Captain Jones came to deliver this address is explained in a letter writ- ten by him to General Mahone from Ox- ford, Miss., under date of January 3rd, 1877: '"On getting my regiment in position in the ravine your courier delivered me a message to report to you at the right of the brigade. I went immediately, walk- ing in front of the brigade, and found all of the other regimental commanders before you when I arrived. At that moment you gave the order to have the Georgia brigade moved up rapidly to its position on the right of the Virginia brigade, and then turning to the of- ficers you delivered a stirring address to this effect: 'The enemy have our works. The line of men which we have here is the only bar- rier to the enemy's occupying the city of Pe- tersburg. There is nothing to resist his ad- vance. Upon us devolves the duty of driving him from his strong position in our front and re-establishing the Confederate lines. "We must carry his position immediately by as- saulting it. If we don't carry it byithe firstjat- tack we shall renew the attack as long as there is a man of us left or until the works are ours. Much depends upon prompt, vigorous, simul- taneous movements.' I do not profess to give your words, but your address and orders were given with such peculiar emphasis and under such impressive circumstances that the senti- ments were indelibly inscribed on my mind. I at once placed myself in front of my command and had bayonets fixed, I explained to them the character of our work and perilous posi- tion of our army." "The works are only one hundred yards distant," said Capt. Jones : a for tunate mistake. They were, in point of ftct, two hundred yards distant.* "The enemy can fire but one volley before the works are reached. " A timely reminder was this, as, whilst advising the men of the gravity of the situation, it warned them of the great import- ance of a quick movement towards the foe.f Let me here mention all incident : Lying next on my right was a young friend, Emmet Butts, a member of the bar of our city. His proper position was on my left. Having a superstitious be- lief that the • safest place for a man in battle is generally his proper place, I said to my friend, "Emmet, suppose we change places ? I am in yours, and you in mine." "Certainly," was his reply, with a pleasant smile, and we then changed places. I never saw the poor fellow alive afterwards. Soon after reaching the works he fell, his forehead pierced with a minnie ball. Immediately after Captain Jones de- livered his address the expected com- mand "forward" was given — by whom I could not of my personal knowledge say. Each man sprang to his feet, and moved forward, as commanded, at a double- quick, and with a yell. The line was about 100 yards in length when it started forward, but with the men moving at slightly different paces and lengthening out a little on the right as the right regiments and sharp-shooters obliqued to the right towards the crater, before we were half across the field, the line had probably lengthened a hundred or two feet, and widened to twenty feet *For twenty-three years my impression and belief was that the works were about one hundred yards distant. In June of 1888 I visited the ground and carefully noted it. To my amazement I discovered that the distance was double what I would have sworn it was. So surprised was I at this discovery I asked several of my comrades who were in the charge what was their recollection as to the distance, and found that several of them, like myself, thought the distance only 100 yards. + Captain Jones, afterwards major of the 12th, having received a copy of this portion of this address, writes as follows : "I think you give the substance of my orders except that I charged them (my command) specially to fix bayonets and not to stop to fire a gun until we were at the works." or more, and the men thus moving for- ward with open ranks, no spectacle of war could well have been more inspirit- ing than the impetuous charge of this column of veterans, every man of whom appreciated the vital importance of get- ting to the works and closing with the enemy in the quickest possible time, every man feeling that to halt or falter for a moment on the way was fatal. The charge was probably as splendid as any of which history has made record. Just as we were well over the brow of the hill, I cast my eyes to the right, and I will ever carry a vivid impression of the rapid,but steady and beautiful, move- ment of the advancing line of some 8O4) men — the greater part of whom, being to my right, were within the range of my vision — as our five Virginia regiments, their five battle-flags, borne by as many gallant color-bearers, floating in the bright sunlight of that July morning, and the battalion of sharp-shooters double- quicked across the field they were uncon- sciously making famous. A Federal soldier thus describes the charge : "The second brigade had hardly raised their heads when the cry broke out from our men, 'The rebels are charging-. Here they come.' Looking to the front 1 saw a splendid line of gray coming up the ravine on the run. Their left was nearly up to the bomb-proofs, and their line extended off into the smoke as far as we could see. They were coming, and com- ing with a rusb. We all saw that they were going straight for the second brigade." See address of Lieut. Freeman S. Bowley, deliv- ered Movember 6, 1889, before the California commandery of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Getting within ten paces of the ends of the little ditches or traverses, which led out perpendicularly from the main trench of our breastworks some ten or fifteen paces, to. my surprise I saw a ne- gro soldier setting up from a recumbent position on the ground near my feet. He was the first colored soldier I ever saw, and this was my first knowledge of the fact that negro troops were before us. I had not then fired my rifle, and I might easily have killed this man, but regard- ing him as a prisoner I had no disposition to hurt him. Looking then directly ahead of me, within thirty feet of where I stood, I saw in the trench of the breast- works crowds of men, white and black, with arms in their hands, as closely jammed and packed together as ^e some times see pedestrians on the crowded sidewalk of a city, and seemingly in great confusion and alarm. I distinctly noticed the countenances and rolling eyes of the terror-stricken negroes. I par- ticually noticed in the hands of one of the frightened creatures the new silk of a large and beautiful stand of colors, the staff swaying to and fro as the color- bearer, his eyes fixed in terrified gaze at his armed adversaries, was being pushed and j' stled by his comrades. With my gun still loaded I might have fired into this mass of men, but I regarded these also as practically our prisoners. Cast- ing my eyes upon the ground over and beyond the brestworks — east of them I mean — I there saw large numbers of the enemy retreating to their own brestworks. Many, however, were taking shelter be- hind, that is, on the east side, or out side, of our breastworks, as I could see from the tops of their caps, just over the parapet. Into a squad of those I saw retreating to their own works I fired my rifle, and not stopping to note the dam- age done by my shot, or to enquire who was thereby hurt, I jumped into one of the little ditches leading out from the main trench. This ditch was about as deep as I was high and about eighteen inches wide. Proceeding down it to- wards the trench, or main ditch, I was suddenly confronted by a negro soldier at the other end of it, standing with his gun pointed towards me at "a ready," and looking me in the face with a grin on his. As may be imagined, I was now in quite a predicament. What should I do? Shoot the fellow I could not — my gun, having been just fired, was empty. Bayonet him I could not, as I had no bayonet on my gun. I had lost my bayonet at the battle of the Wil- derness, and glad of having done so, as I was thus lawfully relieved of that much weight on a march, I had never bothered myself about getting another, never hav- ing expected to get close enough to an armed enemy to need < it. Nor could I club this man — the narrowness of the ditch prevented. Nor could I turn my back upon him with safety. But there was a protecting hand to save me. Just in front of me, and to my right, was a large recess in the earth, perpendicular to the little ditch in which I stood and parallel to the main ditch or trench, large enough for a horse to stand in, say, eight feet in length, four in width and of the same depth with the little ditch. Into this recess, by a rapid stride to my front and right, I made my way and there load- ed my rifle in the quickest possible time — no muzzle-loader was ever loaded in less time. I was now less than five feet from a trench full of Federal soldiers with arms in their hands, and was in a position critical and perilous in the extreme. Just as I got into this place, I discov- ered near me, at my feet, a negro soldier, who immediately began to most earnestly beg me not to kill him. "Master, don't kill me ! Master, don't kill me ! I'll be your slave as long as I live. Don't kill me !" he most piteously cried, whilst I was rap- idly loading my gun and he doubtless supposed that its next shot was intended for himself "Old man, I do not intend to kill you, but you deserve to be killed," was my reply. I addressed him as ' 'old man, " as he was apparently over the mil- itary age, and to my then young eyes seemed old. All the time he was begging for his life he was cringing at my feet. As soon as I assured him I did not projDose to molest him, he began to vigo- rously fan a poor wounded Confederate soldier, doubtless one of Elliott's men who held the breastworks at the time of the explosion, lying on his back appa- rently in extremis. I thought he was dying. Manifestly the old negro's idea was that this attention to the helpless Confederate would serve to pro- tect him against other in coming Confed- erates. In the absence of evidence as to his identity, it cannot be positively affirmed that this old fellow was not the ex- preacher referred to by Lieut. Bowley in his address before the California com- mandery of the Loyal Legion of the United States in the following para- graph : 'Among the sergeants of my company was one, John H. Offer, by name, who had been a preacher on the eastern shore of Maryland. He exerted great influence over the men, and he deemed the occasion a fitting one to offer some remarks, and, assuming his "Sunday voice,' he beaan: "Now men, dis am gwine to be a gret fight. de gretest we seen yet; gret things is 'pending on dis fight: if we takes Petersburg, mos' likely we'll take Richmond, and 'stroy Lee's army an' close de wah. Eb'ry man had orter lift' up his soul in pra'r for a strong heart. Oh, 'member de pore colored peope ober dere in bondage; oh, 'member dat Gineral Grant, and Gineral Burnside, and General Meade, an' all de gret giuerals is right ober yander a watch- in' ye, and 'member de white soldiers is a watchin' ye, an' 'member dat T&e a watchin 1 ye, and any skulker is a gwine to get prod ob dis bayonet; you heah me!' " About the time I got my rifle loaded. Comrade John R. Turner, the esteemed afljutant of our camp, then a member of my company, came into the recess, and certainly one and possibly two other Con- federates.* Ready now to give the enemy a shot, I looked around the corner towards the place near the intersection of the ditch with the trench where I saw the fellow who pointed his gun and grinned at me, but he was not to be seen. All I could see in this direction were the ends of rifles and bayonets held by men in the trench concealed from my view by the angle of the treuch and small ditch. Whilst I was making this observation, a Federal soldier in the irench near this angle fired his gun, and its muzzle was close enough to the dry eartheu angle to make the dust rise in the air as the wind of the exploding rifle- charge knocked away a part of the sharp corner of the trench and ditch at this aocrle. *My impression has always been that Ser- geant W. W. Tayleure (of whom hereafter) was one of the other Confederates. iSmce this paragraph was written. Sergeant Tayleure (now a resident of Brooklyn, N. Y.) has vis- ited Petersburg and informed me that my im- pression was correct, as he distinctly recollects the old negro's vigorous fanning of the wounded Confederate as the latter would say to him. "Damn you, fan me fast," and the old fellow would reDly, "yes. sir — yes, sir;" from the use of which language by the wounded Confederate we may safely infer that he was not as near death's door as for over twenty- five years I believed him to have been, but it is to be hoped that he is today somewhere in this world alive and in sound health. Strange to say. Sergeant Tayleure has no recollection of seeing either Comrade Turner or myself in this recess, nor does Comrade Turner recollect seeing Sergeant Tayleure, the wounded Con- federate or the old negro. Finding in this direction nothing at which to shoot, although only a wall of some five feet intervened oetween the place where I stood and a ditch full of men in blue, I stood tip-toe and looked eastward towards the ground beyond our breastworks. Here I saw numbers of the eDemy crowdiag behind the outer or eastward part of our works apparently three or four deep, the tops of their caps only being visible, and there were at the same time others of the enemy retreat- ing across the open field between our works and theirs, and at these I fired this, my second shot, and again re- loaded. About this time a conference took place between Comrade Turner and my- self as to the propriety of remaining in the place where we then stood. The suggestion was made that we fall back to our line, I mean that part of it repre- sented by the Petersburg Riflemen, all or the greater part of whom, we believed, were standing or lying at or near the ends of the ditches leading out from the trench. We agreed, however, that whilst we were in a very dangerous position, it was our safest. Besides ihis, a back- ward movement, by even as few as two men, might have started others, perhaps the whole line, to falling back. So we concluded to remain where we were. Had we attempted to fall back, we would have gone from a position in which we were comparatively safe (unless our whole line had been beaten back) to one of great danger, and would probably have lost our lives. Both of us now fired several shots from this place, probably four or five. I then thought I would take an enfilading fire at the enemy in the trench to my right, who wtre in plain view, there being an angle in the breastworks to our right, the re- cess in which Comrade Turner and my- self stood being so located as to enable us, when on tip-toe, to look southeast- wardly down the trench towards the Cra- ter, some seventy-five yards to our right. When taking a survey of this part of the trench I saw men struggling there, which indicated that some of our men opposite that part of the breastworks had effected an entrance therein. Seeing this I de- termined to withhold my proposed shot down the trench. Just at this time, looking to my left, I saw Federal soldiers comiug out of, and many of our men passing into, the trench along the little ditch by which Comrade Turner and my- self had entered ; whereupon I went at once into the trench into which the Con- federates were now entering in num- bers from the litt e ditches up and down the line. Casting my eyes up the line towards the Crater I saw Confederates beating and shooting at the negro soldiers, as the lat- ter, terror-stricken, rushed away from them. I saw one negro running down the trench towards the place where sev- eral of us stood and a Confederate sol- dier just in his rear drawing a bead on him as he ran. The Confederate fired at the poor creature, seemingly heedless of the fact that his bullet might have pierced his victim and struck some of the many Confederates immediately in its range. A minute later 1 witnessed another deed which made my blood run cold : Just about the outer end of the ditch by which 1 had entered stood a negro sol- dier, a non-commissioned officer (I no- ticed distinctly his cheverons), begging for his life two Confederate soldiers, who stood by him, one of them striking the poor wretch with a steel ramrod, the other holding a gun in his hand with which he seemed to be trying to get a shot at the negro. The man with the gun fired it at the negro, but did not seem to seriously injure him, as he only clapped his hand to his hip where he ap- peared to have been shot, and continued to beg for his life. The man with the ramrod continued to strike the negro therewith, whilst r,he fellow with the gun deliberately reloaded it, and placing its' muzzle close against the stomach of the poor negro, fired, at which tne latter fell limp and lifeless at the feet of the two Confederates. It was a brutal, horrible act, and those of us who witnessed it from our position in the trench a few feet away could but exclaim: "That is too bad ! It is shocking !" Yet this, I have no doubt, from what I saw and afterwards heard, was but a sam- ple of many other bloody tragedies during the first ten minutes after our men got into the trench, many of whom seemed infuriated at the idea of having to fight negroes. Within these ten min- utes the whole floor of the trench was strewn with the dead bodies of negroes, in some places in such numbers that it was difficult to make one's way along the trench without stepping upon them. But the works are not yet ours. To the north of the Crater and in the ditches immediately behind and west of it the Confederates were in possession; but the Crater itself is held by a large number of the enemy, several hundred of them, not yet ready to surrender. There were also some fifty yards of our works south of Crater in the enemy's possession. To drive out these, about ten o'clock — a little more than an hour af- ter the charge made by the Vir- ginia brigade — Wright's brigade of Geor- gians was ordered forward from the same ravine from which the Virginia charged, but such was the severity of the fire the men of this gallant brigade were forced to oblique to the left and take shelter among the works now in the hands of the Virginians, thus failing in their attempt. When this charge was about to be made, the Virginians in the trench were noti- fied and directed to fire upon the enemy in their front as rapidly as possible, in the language of the order, "to keep their heads down;" an order which was obeyed with a will, as nearly every man standing in the trench was supplied with several guns, his own, and one or more of the hundreds of captured guns which lay all along the trench. Not only when the charge was made, but all of the time after our men got in the trench did they fire from our breastworks at the enemy when- ever they showed themselves along the crest or rim of the Crater, as they con- stantly did, or whenever they attempted to run the giuutlet from the Crater across the field to their own works, a move- ment which was attempted by many and by some successfully. About the crest of the Crater next to theFederal lines might be seen sometimes a man from the outside climbing over to get within the Crater and sometimes a man from the inside climbing over to get outside. I remember seeing a gallant Federal officer mount the edge of theCra- ter at this point and with conspicuous bravery wave his glittering sword over- head as if calling on his men to follow him — a sight which commanded my ad- miration, as it must have done that of all who witnessed it. An incident occurred about this time, or a little later in the morning, that I have often recalled. Happening in my immediate presence, it very deeply im- pressed me. In my company two men, Orderly Sergeant W. W. Tayleure and Private Buck Johnson, of the Petersburg Riflemen, came very near having a per- sonal difficulty. Tayleure had been stand- ing on the step, which was about nine inches above the floor of the trench and upon which all men of ordinary height' had to stand m order to be able to shoot from the parapet, and had been firing at the enemy from this position. Just at this time Buck Johnson, who had doubt- less been engaged in the same way else- where, and who was never known to flinch, bearing a splendid reputation as a soldier, as indeed did Tayleure, happened to be standing on the floor of the trench. Tayleure asked him why he did not get up on the step and fire at tne enemy. Johnson's high spirit promptly resented the imputation against his courage im- plied in this question and he used some very strong language to Tayleure. One word led to another, and the two men, both being of approved courage, were about to come to blows, when Joe Sacry, a member of the Richmond Grays, stand- ing on the little step above mentioned, having just fired his gun, received a bul- let in his head and fell lifeless at the feet of the two men. The quarrel instantly ceased. Poor Sacry's bleeding corpse substituted profound seriousness in the place of angry words, and I believe the needless quarrel was never renewed. Both Johnson and Tayleure served to maintain on several subsequent fields of battle the good name that each had al- ready well won in their three years of active service. Wright's brigade of Georgians about eleven o'clock is called upon to make another attempt to carry the works about the Crater and south of it, but this like the first attempt, is unsuccessful. As on the occasion of the first charge, word is passed down the line to the men in the breastworks to fire rapidly to keep the enemy's heads down, and the order is in like manner obeyed. What has been going on in the Crater? Those who were in it can best tells us, and I may, therefore, properly draw from the interesting address of Lieutenant Bowley above referred to. Here is what he says: "With a dozen of my own company I went own the traverse to the crater. We were the last to reach it, and the rifles of the Union soldiers were flashing in our faces when we jumped down in there, and the Johnnies were not twenty yards behind us. A full line around crest of the crater were loading' and firing as fast as they could, and the men were dropping thick and fast, most of them shot through the head. Every man that was shot rolled down the steep sides to the bottom, and in places they were piled up four and five deep. For a few minutes the fire was fear- fully sharp. Then the enemy sought shelter. The cries of the wounded, pressed down under the dead, were piteous in the exireme. An enfilading fide was coming through the traverse down which we had retreated. General Bart- lett ordered the colored troops to build a breastworks across it. They commenced the work by throwing up lumps of clay, but it was slow work; some one called out, "Put in the dead men, 1 and, acting on this suggestion, a large number of dead, white and black. Union and rebel, were piled into the trench. This made a partial shelter, and enabled the work- ing party to strengthen their breastworks. Cartridges were running low, and we searched the boxes of all the dead and wounded. "The day was fearfully hot; the wounded were crying for water, anl the canteens were empty. A few of our troops held a ditch a few feet in front of the crater and were keep- ing up a brisk fire. In the little calm that followed, we loaded a large number of mus- kets and placed them in readiness lor instant use. Another movement was soon attempted by the enemy, but our fire was so sharp that they hastily sought cover The artifiiery on Cemetery Hill and Wright's Battery kept up a constant fire of grape and kept the dirt flying about us. A. mortar battery also opened .on us, after a few shots, they got our range so well that the shells fell directly among us. Many of them did not explode at all, but a few burst directly over us and cut the men down most crueliy. Many of the troops now at- tempted to make our lines, but, to leave, they had to run up a slope in full view of the enemy, that now surrounded us on three sides, nearly every man who attempted it fell back riddled with bullets. At 11 o'clock a determined charge was made by the enemy: we repulsed it, but when the fire slackened the ammunition was fearfully low. About this time two men, each carrying all the car- tridges he could manage in a piece of shelter tent, reached us. "The white troops," continues Lieutenant Bowley,"were now exhausted and discouraged. Leaving the line, they sat down, facing in- wards,and neither threats nor entreaties could get them up into line again. In vain was the cry raised that all would be killed if captured with negro soldiers; they would not stand up. From this time on the fire was kept up, mainly, by the colored troops and officers handling muskets. A few Indians, of the 1st Michigan Sharpshooters, did splendid work. Some of them were mortally wounded, and drawing their blouses over their faces, they chanted a death ^ong and died— four of them in a group. An attempt had been made to dig a trench through the side of the crater towards the Union line, but the rebs got the range of that hole, and. plugged the bullets into it so thick and fast that no one would work in it. Of the men of my company who had rallied with me, all but one, a sergeant, lay dead or dying. The troops seemed utterly apathetic and indiffer- ent The killing of a comrade by their very sides would not rouse them in the least. Be- tween 1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon our men in the ditch, wutside the crater, had expended all their ammunition, and were quickly cap- tured. Then the rebels planted their battle flags on the edge of the crater, front and both flanks, not six feet from our men. They quickly pulled them back, but we knew that they were there, just on the other side of the clay bank. Muskets, with bayonets, were pitched back and forth, harpo< >n style. In this last movement the Confederates exposed themselves most fearlessly, and had all our men stood up at that time, th rebel loss would have been much more severe. I have good reason to believe that my own revolver did some effective work at this point." Here ends Lieutenant Bowley's account of what was transpiring in the Crater, and I will resume the narrative from our standpoint. It is now about one o'clock. We re- ceive another order to keep the enemy's heads down. A charge is about 10 be made, this time by the Alabama brigade, Gen. Saunders, who form in the ravine from which the Virginians had charged, but farther south and accordingly more nearly opposite the Crater The charge is successful — those who witnessed it say it was splendidly executed. The works are surrendered, and the prisoners pour out, making their way back, however, under a severe fire from their own batte- ries, some of them falling on the way. What was here transpiring those of us in the breatworks to the north of the Crater could not see, but we immediately knew the result of the charge. t rom this time during the balance of the day everything is comparatively 10 quiet. When night came on we are made to fall in line and move up the trench towards our right. In the trench that led around and to the rear of the Crater, dead men lie so thick that to walk along without stepping upon their bodies or limbs was very difficult. Our movement to the right is ended when we have been so shifted as to bring the Riflemen immediately in rear of the Crater. Here we are halted and a detail of two or more men from each company is called for. Of this detail it falls to my lot to be one. What is to be done ? The dead are to be buried ! Aud this detail is to do the work ! My horror can be better imagined than described. Before work commenced, somebody — who I do not know, but some one whose authoritity and orders in the premises, legal or illegal. I was prompt to recog- nize and obey — came aloug and put me in charge of a burying squad. I congrat- ulated myself that I had no nearer con- nection with this disagreeable work. In a big grave, not a hundred feet in rear of the Crater, a large number of the bodies were placed. The work was done by a squad of negro prisoners. In the gray light of morning I went into the Crater and there I saw the burying parties in this place still at work. This gloomy night's work had at least one humorous incident. Our worthy commander, Comrade Hugh R. Smith, then adjutant of the 12th, I am glad to know, lives today to vouch for the cor- rectness of what I am about to narrate: Comrade Smith had selected for his night's rest a grassy spot near the men in the trench, all of whom except those on guard or special duty were fast asleep, and like them was wrapt in the arms of Morpheus. He had the advantage ot his sleeping comrades in that he had a soft and cool bed of grass upon which to rest, but he was in close vicinity to the pile of dead men then being buried. Things, however, were fairly evened up, when, some time during the small hours of the night, one of the negro prisoners, looking out for a corpse to bury, seized our gal- lant adjutant by the ankle and was hur- rying him to the grave, when the adju- tant, not then ready to be buried, awoke to the great consternation of the poor prisoner, who thought he was handling a genuine corpse. It is Sunday morning, and breakfast time. Are we to eat in this horrible place, the air .filled with offensive odors from the presence of hundreds of bodies, still un buried, many of them within a radius of a few feet from -us 1 Yes, or starve. My messmate and my- self, I well remember, made our break- fast on hard-tack and fried pickle-pork. My impression is we had no coffee. I have a distinct recollection that the meal was not enjoyed. It is in order just here to reproduce for what they are worth as a contempor- ary record the following entries in my diary, the first made during the af- ternoon of this day, the others on the days of their respective dates : "Sundav. July 31, '64. Yesterday witnessed a bloody drama around Petersburg, perhaps as bloody as any affair of tne war. Fort Pillow not excepted. At this point, about half a mile southeast of the Old Blandford church. the ene- my exploded a mine under a tort in our works, blowing up 4 pieces of Pegram's battery with two lieutenants, Lieutenants Hamlin and Chandler, and twenty -two meD, together with five companies of the 18th S. C. regiment, El- liott's brigade, whereupon they immediately rushed upon and captured that portion of our works and about two hundred yards of the works t<> the left of the exploded portion. This occurred soon after sunrise, soon after which our brigade and Wright's, which occu- pied the extreme right of our line, were put in motion for this point, approaching it cau- tiously by the military roads recently con- structed. We were not long in le rning that our brigade would be assigned ihe task of cap- turing the works, supported by Wright. Ar- riving opposite the works, fortunately just at the moment, we were about to charge, the ene- my were also about to charge, when, seizing our advantage and rising with a yell we rushed forward and got into the works about one hun- dred yards distant, receiving but little tire from the enemy, who turned out to be ne- groes! The scene now baffles description. Hut little quarter was shown them. My heart sickened at deeds I saw done. Our brigade not driving the enemy from ihe inner portion of the exploded mine, Saunders and Wright's brigades finished the work. I have never seen such slaughter on any battlefield. Our regi- ment lost 27, killed and wounded, the majority of whom were killed and among them Emmet Butts, of our company. Put Stith, of our company, was wounded. Colonel Weisiger, commanding the brigade, was wounded. From what I have seen, the enemy's loss could not have been less than from 500 to 700 killed, to say nothing of those wounded and between live hundred and one thousand prisoners. Ours probably did not exceed 400 killed, wounded and missing. Negotiations under a flag of truce are now pending. Prob- 11 ably Grant wants to bury the dead between the lines. Permission was granted to water his wounded. I observed several citizens from the enemy's line take part in this act of humanity. They were probably members of the sanit a y committee. I saw also a woman standing in the Yankee breastworks. We in- dulge a hope that our brigade will be relieved tonight and return to its quiet position on the right." •'Tuesday, August 2, 1864. Back at Wilcox's farm. Our brigade and Saunders' relieved last night. Truce for four hours yesterday morning for burying the dead between the lines. Express of this morning states that 12 of our men were found between the lines and about 7U0 of the enemy. There could not have been as many as 700. We made the ne- gro prisoners carry their dt ad comrades to the Xankee line, where the Yankees made their negroes bury them. Loss in our regiment 18 kd. and 24 wd. The 6th regiment lost 70 kd. and wd. out of 80 carried in the tight. The re- mainder of the regiment was on picket. Cp. C ot sharpshooters, a detachment from the 12th, lost out of fifteen 5 kd. and 8 wd. The enemy admit a loss of over 4,000. Col. Thomas, commanding one of the negro br ; gades, told Capt Jones (ot our regiment) yesteiday dur- ing the truce that he canied in 2,200 men and brought out only 800. "It is said we cantured 20 flags from the ene- my and that the prisoners captured repre- sented two corps— 9th (Burnside's) and 2nd (Hancock's). . "Thursday, August 5. Yankee accounts of the affair put their loss in kd., wd. and pris- oners at 5.000 They say I he pian was to spring a mine at 3 o'clock Saturday morning, but that the fuse failed to ignite tiie powder twice — that they had six tons of powder in the mine. The 9 h aud 18th corps made the charge and the oth was in reserve. Our losses foot up 1,200. of which 300 are no doubt prisoners, the enemy claiming to have taken that number." "Saturday. August 6. The loss of our bri- gade in the fight of s-aturda. was 270 Kd., wd. and missing, of whom 88 were killed on the field, just one-half of the whole number (176) that had been killed irom the battle of the Wilderness to the present time." "Monday, .jugust 6, 1864. ben. Mahone in a congratulatory order to Mahone 's, launders' and Wright's brigades for their conduct in the affair of Saturday, July 30, says that with an effective force of less -ban 3,000 men and with a casualty list of 598 they killed 700 of the enemy's people, wounded by his own account over 3,000 and captured 1,101 prisoners, embracing 87 officers. 17 stands of colors, 2 guerdons a-nd 1,916 stand of small aj*ms, deeds which entitle their banners to the inscription, 'The Crater, Petersburg, July 30, 1864.' He says the enemy had massed against us three of his corps and two divisions of an- other." The foregoing -brief entries are all that I find in my diary relating to the battle. From information subsequently ob- tained I am able to correct some of the statements therein made : In Comrade W. Gordon McCabVs ad mirable address entitled '-The Defence of Petersburg," the accuracy aDd fullness of the information contained in which are only equalled by the clear and beautiful language in which it is conveyed, the statement is made that the loss of life caused by the explosion of the mine was 256 officers and men of the 18th and 22nd South Carolina regiments and two offi- cers and twenty men of Pegram's Peters- burg battery This battery was com- manded by Captain Richard G. Pegram, who was absent ou duty, and thus es- caped what befell his two lieutenants, Hamlin and Chandler. In a letter published in September, 1873, Dr. Hugh Toland, surgeon of the 18th South Carolina, locates this regi- ment as on the left, or north, of Pegram's battery, and the 22nd South Carolina as on the right, or south, of this battery at the time of the explosion. "My brigade," says Dr. Tolaad, "had sutlered severely — the 22nd South Caro- lina had lost its gallant Col. Fleming, and many a brave soldier. My regiment had lost 163 men. Two whole compa- nies, A and C, Eighteenth South Carolina, had not a man left, who was on duty, to tell the tale. One hundred and one of my men, including Capts. McComich and Birdgis w<-re dead — buried in the Crater or scattered along the works — and 62 missing." Giving the Federal loss in this engage- ment, Capt. McCabe in his address says : "In this grand assault on Lee's lines, for which Meaae h*d massed 65,000 troops, the en- emy suffered a loss of 5.000 men, including 1,101 prisoners, among whom were two brigade com- manders, whilst vast quantities of small arms and twenty-one standards fell into the hands of the Victors. " The quantity of powder used in ex- ploding the mine was not six tons, but 8,000 pounds. "The charge," says Lieut. -Col. Henry Pleasants, of the 48th Pennsylvania Veteran volunteers, the originator of the mine, in his report of the explosion, "consisted of three hun- dred and twenty kegs of powder, each containing about twenty-five pounds. It was placed in eight magazines, connected with each other by troughs half tilled with powder. These troughs from the lateral galleries met at the inner end of the main one, and from this point I had three lines of fuses for a distance of 98 feet. Not having fuses as long as re- quired, two pieces had to be spliced to- 12 gether to make the required length of each of the lines." In the concluding paragraph of this re- port Col. Pleasants says: "I stood on top of our breastworks and -wit- nessed the effect of the explosion on the ene- my. It so completely paralyzed them that the breach was practically four or five hundred yards in breadth. The rebels in the forts, both on the right and left of the explosion, left their works, and for over an hour not a shot was fired by their artillery. There was no fire from infantry from the front for at least half an hour; none from the left for twenty min- utes, and but few shots from the right." Major W. H. Powell, acting aide-de- camj) of General Ledlie, the command- ant of the first division of the Ninth Corps, at the time of the explosion, in his article entitled "The Tragedy of the Crater," published in the September, 1887, number of the Century, says : "I returned immediately, and just as I ar- rived in rear of the first division the mine was sprung. It was a magnificent spectacle, and as the mass of earth went up into the air, car- rying with it men, guns, carriages and tim- bers, and spread out like an immense cloud as it reached its altitude, so close were the Union lines that the mass appeared as if it would descend immediately upon the troops waiting to make i he charge. This caused them to break and scatter to the rear, and about ten minutes were consumed in reforming for the attack. Not much was lost by this delay, how- ever, as it took nearly that time for the cloud of dust to pass off. ******* " "Little did those men anticipate what they would see upon arriving there: an enormous hole in the ground about 30 feet deep, 60 feet wide and 170 feet long, filled with dust, great blocks of clay, guns, broken carriages, pro- jecting timbers, and men buried in various ways— some up to their necks, others to their waists, and some with only their feet and legs protruding from the earth. ******** "The whole scene of the explosion." con- tinues Major Powell, "struck every one dumb with astonishment as we arrived at the crest of the debris. It was impossible for the troops of the second brigade to move forward in line, as they had advanced; and, owing to the broken state they were in, every man crowding up to look into the hole, and being pressed by the first brigade, which was immediately in rear, it was equally impossible to move by the flank, by any command, around the crater. Before the brigade commanders could realize the sit- uation, the brigades became inextricably mixed, in the desire to look into the hole. * * *" From the next paragraph of Maj. Pow- ell's article it appears that Col. Pleasants was in error as to the extent of the demor- alization of the Confederates incident upon the explosion, as the South Caro- linians in the trenches near the Crater were quick to recover their equanim- ity and to make the in coming Federals feel their presence. In this paragraph this Federal officer says : "However, Col. Marshall yelled to the Sec- ond Brigade to move forward, and the men did so, jumping, sliding and tumbing into the hole, over the debris of material, and dead and dying men, and huge blocks of solid clay. They were followed by Gen. Bartlett's bri- gade. Up on the other side of the Crater they climbed, and while a detachment stopped to place two of the dismounted guns' of the bat- tery in position on the enemy's side of the crest of the crater, a portion of the leading brigade passed over the crest and attempted to re-form. It was at this period that they found they were being killed by musket-shots from the rear, fired by the Confederates who were still occupying the traverses and in- trenchments to the right and left of the Cra- ter. These men had been awakened by the noise and shock of the explosion, and during the interval before the attack had recovered their equanimity, and when the Union troops attempted to re-form on the enemy's side of the Crater, they had faced about and delivered a fire into the backs of our men. this coming so unexpectedly caused the forming line to fall back into the Crater." Mr. George L. Kilmer, of the 14th New York Heavy Artillery, in his article entitled "The Dash into the Crater," published in the same number (Septem- ber number, 1887,) of the Century, makes some striking statements. He says : "Some few declared that they would never- follow 'niggers' or be caught in their com- pany, and started back to our own lines, but were promptly driven forward. Then the col- ored troops broke and scattered, and pande- monium began. The bravest lost heart, and men who distruoted the negroes vented their feelings freely. Some colored men came into the crater and there they found a worse fate thandea'hon the charge. It was believed among the whites that the enemy would give no quarter to negroes, or to whites taken with them, j-nd so to be shut up with blacks in the crater was equal to a doom of death. * * * It has been positively asserted that white men bayo- neted blacks who fell back into the crater. This was in order to preserve the whites from Confederate vengeance. Men boasted in my presence that blacks had been thus disposed of, particularly when the Confederates came up." It will be asked what was the number of Federal soldiers who were actually in possession of our works at the time of of the charge made by Mahone's brigade. As the expression "an effective force of not less than 3,000 men" used in Gen. Mahone's eongn-tulory order to the three brigades, Mahone's, Wright's and Saunders, embraced not only the force of about 800 men of Mahone's brigade who made the charge a little before nine o'clock in the morning, but also the forces engaged in the several unsuccess- ful charges made by "Wright's brigade and the final successful charge made about one o'clock in the afternoon by 13 Saunders' brigade, and probably the co- operating artillery and other infantry, so • the statement made by Gen. Mahone in this order that "the enemy had massed against us three of his corps and two di- visions of another" and Capt. McCabe's statement that ' 'Meade had massed" for the assault "65,000 troops" must- be understood as embracing not only those who were actually in possession of our works but those immediately in, or massed a short distance behind, the Fed- eral works near by who were taking part or ready to take part in the affair. But we are not without data by which to ascertain the probable number of men that occupied the Confederate works when the Virginia brigade numbering about 800 men dashed forward, in the manner that has been described, to en- gage in what every man knew would be a death-struggle for their possession. Gen. Mahone's congratulatory order places the flags captured at seventeen; Capt. McCabe gives twenty-one as the number of standards cpptured. We will take Gen. Mahone's figures and es- ' timate each of the seventeen regiments represented by the seventeen flags as containing two hundred and fifty men, a fair average for a veteran regiment in the Federal army at that time. This done and we have a force of 4,250 men. But this average is manifestly two small, when we consider the statement of Colonel Henry G. Thomas, who com- mandedthe Second Brigade of the Fourth Division (Ferrero's) of the Ninth Corps, made in his article in the September number, 1887, of the Century, entitled "The Colored Troops at Peters- burg," in which he says: "There was but one division of dolored troops in the Army of the Poto- mac — the Fourth Division of the Ninth Corps — organized as follows. * * * * * * * Trn 8 made a division of only nine regiments, divided, into two brigades, yet it was numerically a larg e division. The regiments were entirely full and a colored deserter was a thing unknown. On the day of the action the division numbered 4,300, of which 2,000 belonged to Sigfried's brigade and 2,300 to mine. " To assume that tbe number of flags captured represented the total number of regiments at the place of capture leads to a very erroneous result. So far from there being only seventeen regiments in our works, there were probably more than double this number. There went into our works three white divisions, the First (Ledlie's), the Second (Potter's) and the Third (Wilcox's), of the Ninth (Burnside) Corps, about four regi- ments excepted, and after these the col- ored division of General Ferrero. This appears from the following paragraph in the testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Loring, of General Burnside' s staff, before the Committee on the Conduct of the War: " General Ledlie's division was to go in first; the whole of that division went into the crater, or lines immediately adjoining. General Potter's division was to go in next, but to go in on the right of the other, I did not see them and I do not know how many of them went into the crater. I simply saw the head of the column going in. I understood that they all went into the enemy's lines, but I cannot say positively about that. General Wilcox's division also went in at the same place where General Ledlie's division went in. I think four of his regiments— I am not sure of the number— failed to get in. In start- ing from onr line they bore off too much to the left and came back to our own line, and did not go in. I think that with that excep- tion the whole of General Wilcox's division went into the enemy's lines. The regiments of his division went in at different times, not as a division, but disjointedly. And at half past seven, about two hours and a half after the mine exploded, the whole of the colored division went in at the same point." If the three white divisions numbered each nine regiments (the number of the regiments in the colored division), they aggregated 27 regiments. Deduct the 4 regiments of Wilcox's division referred to by Col. Loring, allow 250 men to each of the 24 remaining regiments and we have 6,000 men. To these add the 4,300 col- ored troops, and there was an aggregate of 10,300 men! And this without counting a brigade of Gen. Turner's division of the 18 th corps, which, according, to his tes- timony before the Committee on the Con- duct of the War, took possession of about 100 yards of our works to the north of the Crater. Gen. Ord, in his testimony before the 14 Committee by implication, puts the num- ber of men who went into the Confede- rate works at 10,000 or 12,000, when he says : "The ground to the left and front ot the mine was marshy and covered bs- bushes aud trees. No preparations had been made for our troops to pass out to our right or Jeft They could only get out b v a single long trench or cov- ered way; so that in the slow process of get- ting lO.OuO or 12.000 men up through this i. ar- row space and through a single opening the enemy had an opportunity to mate prepara- tions to meet them. All this produced delay " With facts and figures like these to sustain the assertion, we are warranted in stating that the force against which our little band of about eight hundred Virginians was hurled out-numbered their assailants more than ten to one ! But whilst the highest credit belongs to the Virginia brigade for its achieve- ments on this occasion, itmustbe remem- bered that bad management in the dis- position of the Federal forces greatly as- sisted in producing the result. No troops, crowded as were the Federals in the Cra- ter and in the trenches on either side, the latter having a perfect net- .vork of tra- vesrses and bomb-proofs, which greatly impeded the Federals in resisting an as- sault from the west, or Confederate side of our works, could well have met a de- termined assault made from this direction. "These pits," says Col. Thomas in his Century article, referring to the trenches at this place, "were different from any in our lines — a labyrinth of bomb-proofs and magazines, with passages between." How far towards Cemetery Ridge, that is to say, west of the Confederate works, did the Federal forces advance at any time during their four hours' occupation of these works, is a question which nat- turally arises, and was asked several of the witnesses in the official investigation made by the Federal government. Ex- tracts from some of the testimony before the court of inquiry held at the head- quarters of Gen. Hancock on the 1st of September, 1864, will give us some light upon this point : Brigadier General S. G. Griffin, who commanded a brigade of Potter's division, on the stand : '■Ques.— Did your command go beyond the crater ? "Ans — Tt did. "Ques. — About how far ? "Ans. I should judge about two hundred yards. It might be more, or it might be less. It could not hive been much less, however; that is as near as I can judge." Col. H. G. Thomas, commandint they are in each other's way; they are only exposed to this terrific fire of the enemy,' which was then growing warmer and warmer, and was a very severe fire, w hile I was talk- ing to an officer— we had sought shelter in the crater— the head of the colored division ap- peared at the crest of the crater, and the di- vision commenced piling over into the crater and passing across it on the other side as well as they could. 1 exclaimed, 'What are these men sent in here for? it is only adding confu- sion to the confusion which already exists.' The men literally came falling over into this crat< r on their hands and knees; they were so thick in there thau a man could not walk. See- ing that 1 was g -ing to be covered up, and be entirely useless, 1 thought 1 would go out: As I hnd no control over these troops, and sup- posing there were officers in command, I said, 'if y«.u can get the e troops beyond this line so that 1 can ^et out, I will move my division right out and cover your right flank;' and I went back for the purpose of doing so. 1 met General Old on our line at the head of my di- vision. 1 said, "General, unless a movement is made out of the crater towards Cemetery hill, it is murder to ^end more men in there. That colored division should never have been sent in there; but there io a turor there, and per- haps they may move off sufficiently for me to pass rny division out.' " General Ord, in his testimony, using vigorous language; says : "The men had to go through a long narrow trench, about one-third of a mile in length, before they got into our extreme outwork, and then they went int > this crater, and were piled into that hole, where they were perfettiy use- less. They were of about as much use there as so many men at the bottom of a well." The stampede whicb took place when Mahone's brigade made its charge is thus described b} General Turner in his testi- mony : "J had got, probably, half way between our line and the enemy's lines — which were per- haps onb a hundred yards apart at that point, and it was a very broken country, thick under- brush and morass— when, looking to the left, I saw the troops m vast numbers coming rush- ing back, and immediately my whole first bri- gade came back, and then my second brigade on my right, and everything was swept back in and around the crater, and probably all but about one-third of the original number stam- peded back right into our lines. Alter some exertion 1 rallied my men of the first and and second brigades after they got into our lines, while my third brigade held the line." Gen. Carr, who commanded a division of the 18 th corps, iu his testimony thus describes the stampede: "I saw a vacancy, a gap that I thought about four regiments would fill, and assist that line of battle that was going over our breastworks to take those ritie pits. I immediately took command of part of Turner's division, and ordered them over the line to join the line of troops then advancing, aud told them to charge the rifle-pits in their front, which they did. That was about two hundred yards on the right of the crater. After putting those troops in, I stepped back from the intrench- ment some ten of fifteen yards towards the covered way, and I had scarcely got back to the lower end of the covered way when the stampede began, and 1 suppose two thousand troops came back, and I was lifted from my feet by the rushing mass, and carried along with it ten or fiftteen yards in the covered way. What staff I had with me assisted me in stopping the crowd in the covered way, and in putting some of them in position in the second line; some were in the first, i left General Potter in the covered way." I would like to give more extracts 16 from the sworn and other statements of our adversaries as to what was done and omitted to be done on this memorable day, which marked an event altogether exceptional in the history of the war; but I fear that I have already drawn from these sources of information to the point of prolixity. Although all matters of controversy would in this address gladly have been avoided, I cannot pass unnoticed a re- markable paragraph in Col. Alfred Ro- man's work, "The Military Operations of Gen. Beauregard." At page 267, after mentioning Gen. Meade's order to Gen. Burnside to with- draw his troops given at 9:45 A. M., and the orders given to Gen. Hancock at 9 :25 and to Gen. Warren at 9:45 "to suspend all offensive operations," Col. Roman, basing his statement upon statements made by Gen. Bushrod Johnson and Col. F. W. McMaster,* says : "Such was the situation— the Federals un- able to advance, and fearing to retreat — when, at ten o'clock, Gen. Mahone arrived with a part of his men, who lay down in the shallow ravine, to the rear of Elliott's salient, held by the force under Col. Smith, there to await the remainder of the division. But a movement having occurred among the Federals which seemed to menace an advance, Gen. Mahone threw forward his brigade, with the 61st North Carolina, of Hoke's division, which had now also come up. he 35th and 49th North Caro- lina, and the 28th and part of the 17th South Carolina, all under Smith, which were formed on Mahone's left, likewise formed in the coun- ter movement, and three-fourths of the gorge- line were carried with that part of the trench on the left of the crater occupied by the Fed- erals. Many of the latter, white and black, abandond the breach and fled to their lines, under a scourging flank fire from' Wise's bri- The statement here made that the charge was made by Mahone's brigade, with the 6 1st, 25th and 49th North Car- olina and the 26th and part of the 17th South Carolina regiments is as clearly in- correct as is the statement that Mahone arrived about ten o'clock, after Gen. Meade issued his orders above referred to. Against this statement as to time we may safely place that of Col. Venable, of Gen. Lee's staff, made in 1872, in which he says : "I know that it is difficult to *Col. McMaster, of the 17th S. C. regiment, took command of Gen Elliott's brigade when Gen. Elliott received his death wound early in the morning, soon after the Federals took possession of our works. be accurate as to time on the battlefield, unless noted and written down at the mo- ment. But I am confident this charge of the Virginians was made before 9 o'clock A. M. I know from my recollection of the notes received and answered by Gen. Lee, that after the charge, the formation of the Georgia brigade, under Col. Hall, was completed, and after some delay was moved around under the slope, more to the right, and made a charge at 10 o'clock to recover that portion of the line on the right of the Crater." But we are not without a contempora- neous record to prove beyond all contro- versy that the charge of Mahone's brigade was made prior to 9 o'clock A. M., and therefore to the several orders issued by Gen. Meade to suspend operations and withdraw the troops. Gen. Meade, in his testimony before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, '"At 9 A. M. I received the following dispatch from Gen. Burnside : [By telegraph from headquarters 9th army corps.'] '"9 A.M., July 30, 1864. " "Gen. Meade : " 'Many of the ninth (9th) and eighteenth' (18th) corps are retiring before the enemy. I think now is the time to put in the fifth (5th) corps promptly. " 'A. E. Burnside, " 'Major-General. I, " '[Official.] " 'S. F. Barstow, " 'Assistant Adjutant General.' "That was the first information I had re- ceived that there was any collision with the enemy, or that there was any enemy present. At 9:30 A. M. the following dispatch was sent to General Burnside: " 'Headquarters Army of the Potomac, I "'July 30, 1864— 9:30 A.M. J " '■Major General Burnside, Commanding 9th Corps : " 'The major general commanding has heard that the result of your attack has been a re- pulse, and directs that if, in your judgment, nothing further can be effected, that you withdraw to your own line, taking every pre- caution to get the men back safely. " 'A. A. HUMPHREYS, " 'Major General and Chief of Staff. " 'General Ord will do the same. " 'A. A. HUMPHREYS. " 'Major General and Chief of Staff. " 'Official: S. F. BARSTOW, " 'Assistant Adjutant General.' "Then I received the following dispatch from Captain Sanders: [By Telegraph from Headquarters 9th Army Corps.'] i "•9 A.M., July 30, 1864. " To Major General Meade : "'The attack made on right of mine has 17 been repulsed. A great many men are coming in the rear. W. W. ^ANDERS, '• 'Oaptain and C. M.' '"Official: S. F. BARSTOW, " 'Assistant Adjutant General. 1 " The Committee on the Conduct of the War, in their report made after all of the testimony bearing on the subjeet, oral and documentary, had been heard and considered, fully appreciating the impor- tance of stating correctly the order of sequence and accordingly the exact time of the occurrence of the several military movements which were the subject of the committee's investigation, say : "The fourth (colored) division was also or- dered to advance, and did so under a heavy fire. Thev succeeded in passing the white troops, already in. bnt in a disorganized condi- tion. They reformed to some extent and at- tempted to charge the hill in front, but with- out success, and broke in disorder to the rear. This was about 8:45 A. M., about four hours after the explosion of the mine. ***** "At 9:45 A. M. General Burnside received a peremptory order from General Meade to withdraw his troops. * * * * * *" ******* "The troops were withdrawn between one and two o'clock in considerable confusion, caused by an assault of the enemy, and re- turned to the lines they had occupied in the morning. The error of Col. Roman in placing the orders of Gen. Meade to his corps com- manders to suspend operations and with draw their troops anterw to the charge made by the Virginia brigade shows ex- ceptional want of care in the preparation of matter published to the world as his- tory. Especially is. this true as Col. Roman was a staff-officer of Gen. Beaur- gard, and ought to have been better in- formed as to the subject whereof he wrote. As to the statement that other troops besides the Virginia brigade made the charge, and that these troops were f ur reyiments and part of a fifth, it maybe safely affirmed that this is not according to the recollection of nny of the men of Mahone's brigade who participated in the charge, f There any posn the guns and pulled them square up this almost perpendic ular hill. It was the steepest pull I ever saw during the war. We then moved forward and came into battery about fifty yards in the rear of the right of the Gee house, a commanding position on the west side of the plank road about five hundred yards in rear of the Cra- ter. "Our orders were not to fire at all unless the enemy attempted to re-inforce the troops in the Crater, or the troops there attempted to advance to Cemetery Hill. We ran up piles of cannister in front of each gun and then had to stand idle and take a heavy fire. Col. Pegram and I went forward to the Gee house to see what was going on. We went up stairs and peeped through the bullet-holes, for the whole place was riddled with bullets and was being further riddled while we were there. From this position I saw Mahone's men lying down in the ravine. I saw no troops to their right or left. Suddenly they jumped up and with a wild yell charged and carried the posi- tion occupied by the enemy north of the Cra- ter. I never saw n thing done so quickly. Pegram and I yelled and clapped our hands and ran back and told our men. It was the first good news we had to tell that day. ''Tan- turn vidi," 1 as the Roman says. We pulled out of our position at sun-set." 18 the leadership of Colonel F. W. McMas- ter, did their full duty, as did other in- fantry by their fire from the flanks, none will deny. That the aitillery occupying the forts to the rignt and left and stationed in rear of the Crater rendered most effective ser- vice is beyond question. That the Alabama brigade made the final successful charge has never been dispuled. But that the charge of the Virginia brigade, commanded by Gen. D. A. Weisiger and directed by Gen. Wm. Mahone, made a little before nine o'clock in the morning, die the substantial work that led to the re-capture of the Crater and the adjacent earthworks is a fact that will always stand out boldly on the pages of history, and the fame of the brigade foi its part in this brilliant ac- tion, increasing as time rolls on, will shine out in the imperishable records of the late war long after its actors shall have passed away. Weisiger was an impetuous, dashing man, among the bravest of the brave ; Mahone, cool, courageous, and able, was by nature fitted for generalship as few men are, and none knew this better than the men of his command. Wherever he led or placed them, they always felt a moral certainty that they were being properly led or placed, either to inflict the most damage on the enemy or to have the enemy inflict the least damage on them. Accordingly, on the morning of the charge at the Crater, there was not a man in the brigade, knowing that Gen. Mahone was present personally superin- tending and directing the movement, that did not feel that we were to be properly and skilfully handled, and would be put in just when and where the most effec- tive service could be rendered. This im- pression of these two commanders of the old brigade, whose names have passed into history along with that of the com- mand, I have felt that justice requires that I should here record. I feel, too, that I should not pass in silence the gallant southerner, Captain V. J. Girardey, who was serving on General Mahone's staff at the time of the action and won by his conduct the com- mission of a brigadier-general, dating from the 30th of July, 1864, and whose splen- did conduct on this and previous oc- casions had commanded the admiration of all of the men of our brigade. Nor should I pass in silence the daring deeds of Privates Dean and Valentine, of the 12th As the line was forming for the charge, each picked out and pointed to a stand of Federal colors and said he meant to have it. On the charge, before reaching the works, Valentine received a wound from which he never recovered, and Dean was killed. Both men were members of the Petersburg Old Grays. I have now. Comrades, finished my story of the Crater, not however, with- out a painful sense that as a record of this historic battle it is very incomplete. Many brave and gallant deeds done by men on both sides have not been men- tioned. To Capt. McCabe's splendid narrative already mentioned, to the Century articles and other documents from which I have so freely drawn, and to the many old soldiers who participated in the action yet alive, I must refer for much that I have necessaiily omitted, as for instance, for such deeds of valor as those of Capt. Wallace Broadbent, on the Confederate side, who fell pierced by eleven bayonet wounds, and of Lieut. - Col. John A. Bross, on the Federal side, who, attired in full uniform, fell riddled with bullets as he was conspicu- ously rallying his men for a forward move. What has been narrated tonight must be received only as a private sol- dier's individual impressions of the ac- tion, formed partly from personal knowl- edge and partly from information ob- tained from others and believed to be au- thentic. If the story told has interested or contributed to a clearer understanding of how the battle was fought and won, it will have served its purpose. Hacks and Horses for Hire. Strangers taken to the battle fields and other places of interest around Petersburg. Apply to or address, R. T. STONE, Petersburg, Va. IMMIGRATION, LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. Chartered by Act of the Legislature. Authorized Capital Stock, $500,000. Minimum Stock, $50,000. Richard B. Davis, Preident, Jas. D- Brady, V.-President, Carter B. Bishop, Treas* W- N. Ragland, Secretary. General Counsel, Wm. Mcllwaine. Richard B. Davis, Jas. D. Brady, Carter R; Bishop, David Bailey, Morris Levy, W. L. Zinnner, W. Pannill. Directors Commissioned hy the Governor of Virginia. Offers its services to all parties desiring to sell or purchase lands. WEST-END Land and Improvement Co, PETERSBURG, VA. 285 Valuable Building Lots — High, Dry and Healthy. Davie & Whittle, 'amufmcturers of FertiliMerSi PETERSBURG, VA. Wm. E. Dibbell, Pres. Geo. Alex. Brown, V.-Pres. J. O. BowoisH,Treas. PETERSBURG 6P BBJPBRSBaRS,' W General Offices, 38 Wall Street, New York. Dressed and Polished Monunental and Gemetary Work of Every Description. Granite for all kinds of Building Purposes, Street Curbing, Paving, etc, The Granite from this Quarry has no superior, and we do the finest class of work, both in Monumental and Building contracts; also set and complete work, Orders by mail receive special attention. Prices furnished on application. P. O. Box 526, Petersburg, Va