bli 1 li li IIUI aulj III Km ! i pt Ill 1 ^H 1 . STEPHEN Bo WEEKS CLASS OF 1886; PUD. THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSrTY IJElRAlKf OF THE UMVERsmr OF N®rai campmna TIE WEEKS COIJUECTIKDN OF ^-^^^^^ 'j,f^ ?s>n^w -^ ■■ UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032696002 ^ This book must not be token from the Library building. Form No. 471 31 ^f^ The following Portraits of American Whig Statesmen were originally published in the American Review. The publishers of that journal having been frequently ap- plied to for sets of these plates, have determined to re-issue them in the present form. To the Lover of Art and to the Student of Character this we feel assured will not be the most uninteresting of books. From the most defective of these plates to the most meritorious and admirable, there will be found a vast improvement. This improvement is almost an index of the history of the Art of Mezzotint Portrait Engraving in this country from the period of the commencement of the American Review to the present time. This we may say to those interested in Art. To the Student of Character — Character is displayed by the contour of the human head and the light of the human countenance, and we need hardly say that this collecting together — this placing side by side, the features of the men whom they have studied by their acts and their words, will compose a work which all such will appreciate. i:::^^^ in^AIYjEi^lI '>ril^lB3£31^1E^IEi UAi', '■- BT BHjny - .-?;prG" nYAn.nrrcmK m i'F:cRE■r/lR^ iJUio'^/jii v' ^i: iiiuijji', j.yi i:NG-9 B i A. ri .tUTUJiliii, N . i . C^CCc^L^^-^^y- ; POSTMASTER ^ENER/Jl A'i7iti>d. b) ^LJf.DunnAU, .r th&^Arnjincan. Seview liug^ hy Alli i-.i J...iLes TrMii n Dagnpn:eotyj^>f A-TTaMTrj^J- 0i:irKftjkT. >*J' TffK trj^TSJJ STJ-JJ^S . fJir A/n^'tCii^i' JfcvJeAV. zTEit ? By BR^nyr . . EI!G^ SEGXBTAS.T- OF TSE 'B.OMB DSPARTJ^iEN^. / U^a^:^ BT BRAnT,. EN&P RT- .-i JJ .KITCinF. ~^//c '/^7^ . r ^/\ 'r/ff C'' ' M ^y7/7.^'/ P KCB KTA^i ^ ^rinteAhj KiTiiL:' Imsrican. ^:^^^7^, '--*t // BY BSADY 77. a. BMPRESMU'I'A'JUVE FROM i^EUAGM « . for thji Ajnertcafv Ki/vww . ;f:\-r^r/VE or aovou >-'firr tttAAmerictm. ittw.-.i: ^^-t^^^^^:^ J^//\' SliNATOB. PROM HOHTH C/HU)UNA . Hrwniird rjfr Ameru-zut- S£vu:wfivm. a J'Jaaunrmrti ; :i;cUm- XT. b EiigrH'OG jj- JEKDJ^oJJOIUIF MJr.KTOM, IBOT^II^^ M.C FROM VA Engraved Cor the American Revieu/ n>mtttl byPcu/tU itCa KiiiJ|iv.-\HHiL:T,;e-NY ^CPJ^. \'ta'j'/i:e pnoM pumrayiVANjA h% E>i'}'ffr.rAfi,/f,>,'ri,:-/f. N.u.j^. V ^■Jfc . jraiTedl)'. ''^T^c^^J^^^^V^^ ir. s. :j£Nator j-rom (xSorgia J^.ywdLTrjvter. '£iyivyed for fAe .American. M^eview . aigj-areti. IjiT I. Boner. KroTTi a, buat 'by }ri.B Son W. W.Story . Enyra.vrJ. Kxpressly far tfu: AmerUiPiy Seview . MOMo TMs (DOMWIJ^. /Ar S^J\^A TOB FROM OB' From Uu PUunh Xatibnal Dagutmat iri^tffff ' ','^t)^ fcinw » iTf I'-'d "by Chester Ifardin^ I^itKibyAl: F.ii5r;iV(>dlivT. Donev ail O F c J A M E l^ K E M T . L . h .B . I^ATE I -HANCKLLOB. OF NEK ^•IRCUW { PM "WhfljJev, Mezz, iuorLa/rct UecLcUin u [/ ~ JC'i.i ' iflS'Wtt- .'^"i.^'-Jra/tJei'wK' SOMN HAMFBIEN FLEASAi^TSo or yiMriNiA . Enana'tui for the Ameriran- Aivim'. ....ft" tiwiLti.Ritcuu :. 1 m.ONo GK([Do E¥A:^S, i: s. sjLi/A7Vji,j'-jiOM mama: JtnamiJed for t/uAirunr/mJUvuti/ Printed by l^owell n tngl'aTOd byT.Doiiey. U.. /I't^tyt^i^ U.S. SENATOK,FR0U.4m^l7CEY. From, a. Daguerreotype^ UJomess by ArUi>l^,fJ.ark & I T ^ En^naed-far theBw^raphy of M"^ Leffore a/i. a rrr ,-/.f .Truniu/i itfvmf ^'^^— -"^-■n Knv t* ,''!._L)tiTLe\'. ?^yt^ FOJiMERLT V. S .St:iIATCm. FRO:u: liASSACEUSETTS From,J.nthonyM.ark: & CofJ/'aXiono^ Gallery nf Daguerreotype. J^^Jcaiesses f ! ! ::i:iii.::::::;!ii!!iiiii{iiiiiiLitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii