MINUTES of tae »ORTB CAROLINA Free Will Baptist General Conference, Held at Grimsley's Diccting host^c, Precise county, IV. O. On the 6 th, 1th, 8th and 9th days of November, A. D. 1845, THtfRSDAf, Nov. 6th, 1845. Agreeably to previous appointment, the Minister?, Messengers, and Delegates of the North Carolina Free Will Baptist Conference, met at Grimsley's meeting house, Greene county, North Carolina. According to appointment, at 12 o'clock, Elder Thomas Moore introduced divinO service, and preached from the 4th chapter and 14th verse of St. Paul's letter to tho Ephesians, viz. "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and car- ried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftinessy whereby they lie in wait to deceive/' ° Conference was then duly organized, by choosing Elder Thomas Moore, Modera- tor, ElderCalvin Ruff, Clerk; and brother Willis Murphrey, Assistant Clerk. On motion of Elder Thomas Moore, agreed that brethren James Garland, and Hen> T Su gg 9 > be appointed a Committee of Finance, to receive contributions, settle with the Treasurer, and report to Conference. On motion of Elder Jeremiah Heath, agreed that Elder Little J. Utley be invited to a seat with us in conference. On motion of Elder John F. Jones agreed that Elder Jacob Utley, Elder John F. Jones and brother William Forice be a committee, to supply the congregation, and ftlf the stage with preachers during this Conference On rwotion of Elder Jesse Vause, agreed that Conference adjourn until Friday, 10 o'clock, A. M. Prayer and praise by Elder Roderick Powel. Friday, Nov. 7th. Met agreeably to appointment. Prayer by Elder W. Witchard. On motion of Elder Jesse Vause, agreed that the letters from the several church** be- called for and read, . . The letters were called for in order, and read. The number of members, delegates, amount of contributions, &c. is as the following table exhibits: CHURCHES AND COUNTIES North East, Duplin, Probability, do. Beaver Cretk, Jones, Leusen Swamp. Lenoir, Wheat Swamp, do. Bethel. do. Sand Hill, do. Woodenton, do. Hickory Grove,, do. Parker's, Pin, Imitation, do. Reedy Branch, do. Little Creek, Greene, Grimsley, do. Hookerion, do. Core Creek, Craven, Bachelor's Creek, do. Newbern, do. Brine's Creek, do. Sion\ Run, Cumberland, Wire Creek, Cai lei et, Island (Ve k, .loni s, PmJ Grove. VV ay ne, Wood *" warn p. do. Fr ee Union, Greene, El Bethel. Rob< son, Hog Swamp, do. Tar River, Pitt, Hart's, Gnenn, Goose ( reek. Craven, Hester rm h. Bladen, Jones' Bay. Beaufort, Milton B. River, ( raven, Gum Swamp, Put, Oak Grove, do. Gatem's m. h. Columbus, Lumberton, Robeson, Parker Branch, Jones, DELEGATES. Daniel Dai), Joshua Hardison, Jesse Coward, James Garland, Elijah V- Pit i n an , James Daugheriy, N. Hill, H. Cunningham Robert Daly, Blunt *-peir, By letter, H. Smith, B. Crafford, Wm. Fetes'. J. Ki'rel, M. MbriMon. W. Mnrphrey, Benj Canada, H. Suggs, Calvin V\ illiams, Joel I). Bull, Hiram G. Paul, By Idler. Thus J o nega S N Ernies, Ar. Mm ill, Wm. Springer Not represffiied. Council Bizzel, Aaron Parks, Jawb Raspbur v. L Brand, | Wm C. Miller, John Foley, j Hv letter. B:iS«ell SykeS, Turner May, .Ino. B. Baker.! Writ. Y. Paul, S S. Simson.l Kiilis Philips, W. Thmnps By letter. By leCer. Allen U iiidham. By letter. By lefer; Hampton Williams. ?| M C ? 2 — O 6. 5 | o — 5 - 3" ~ c 3 9? n 4( )| 122 10 14 1 50 50 o 98 2 00 ■ 7 2 4 2 128 14 2 00 1 00 2 27 1 00 20 1 SO 1 00 7 1 1 4 4 1 ■ 1 "< 1. 1 o 4 169 ■10 24 4-1 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 30 ' -2 o 1 2 5 1 192 129 116 27 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 7 4 D :• b I 00 2 2 41 1 00 8 I 1 » 3 b :<0 1 00 50 4 23 1 2 1 00 5 »! o 4 1 1 00 6 38 1 50 92 1 25 1 i 1 H 24 1 00 6 5 1 130 l fh 3 ! .51 75 1, 1 36 1 00 6 2 90 32 1 50 I 00 1 4 27 1 Oo 3 1 27 50 25 45 6 21 50 18 50 10 1 00 95 2 I > S,42 2086 39. 20 Forty cents gratuitously bestowed .by Ten IMiie Swamp for Minutes, to be sent to Robeson county with other packages, by mail, and the postage to be paid out of the general fund. On motion agreed, that the Treasurer pro tern, pay over to the General Treasurer the money remaining in his hands. On motion of Elder Jesse Vause, agreed that the Committee of Finance, retire, set- tle with the Treasurer, and report to Conference. ft The Committee retired, settled w ith the Treasurer, & submitted the following report:; Balance on hand, of last year's contributions, - - S3 00 Contributions this year, - -• f» 60 Amount now on hand,. - -• - #42 GO JAMEs GARLAND. > ,. HENRY SUr.GS, l ,omm|ltc,! - On motion of Elder Jeremiah Heath, agreed that Elder Calvin Ruff, transcribe and; prepare these Minutes for the press. On motion of Elder Thomas Moore, agreed that t wolvc hundred copies of these. Minutes (1200) be printed, and distributed to the .several churches composing the- Free Will Baptist Conference, N. C. On motion of brother Willis Murphrey, agreed that Elder James Moore, contract for the printing of these Minutes, and distribute them to the several churches. On motion of Elder John Barrow, agreed that Elder James Moore be paid eight dollars ($S 00) for his trouble, of attending to the printing, and distribution of these- Minutes. On motion of Eider Jacob Utle_y, agreed that the following names be enrolled or* the list of preachers, viz. Williby Witchard, Hyram G. Paul, Abraham Taylor, Tho- mas Reeves, and Brinkly White. On motion of Elder Jesse Vause; agreed that Elder James Moore, preach the In-, troduetory Sermon at the next General Conference, and in case of his failure, Elder Jesse Vausfe. Voted that the next General Conference lie held at Little Creek, in Greene county-, North Carolina, and to commence tire Thursday before the second Lord 8 * Day in No- vember, 18 16. On motion, agreed that Conference close. Praise and prayer by Elder Jesse Vause. Calvix Rtiff, Clerk. THOMAS MOORE, Moderator. Willis Murph-rsy, Assistant Clerk. The following is a list of Elders and preachers belonging to the Free Will Baptist Conference in N. Carolina, viz. 1 Jeremiah Heath, 13 Jeremiah Roe, 25 Redding Rayford, 2 Jacoh Utley, 14 John Williams, 26 VVihon Daniels, 3 John F. Jones, ]5 Theop. Slaughter, 27 Willi by Witchard, 4 Difktfson Dttl, 16 William F. Bryant, 28 H.G.Paul. 5 Alfred Moore, 17 Henry D. Cason, 2!) Abraham Taylor, 6 Roderick IWel, IS David" H. Miller. 30 Thos. Reeves, 7 John Creekman, 19 Benjamin Albritton, 31 Brinkly White, 8 Charles Holland, 20 MatiKeW Manning, 9 James Moore, 21 R. A. Witherington, N.B. Through the request 10 Thomas Moore, 22 William J. Baker, of Elder .lesseV ause his name 11 John Barrow. 23 Calvin Rufi, is left blank in the list of 12 Stephen D. Collins, 24 Robei t Henderin, preachers Under the direction of the Committee of Arrangement, the stage was supplied, and the congregation entertained as follows viz. Friday, Nov. 7th. Elder David H. Miller introduced divine service and preach- ed from Paul's letter to the Hebrews, 6th chap, and 2nd verse, viz. "Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment." Elder John Barrow followed from Paul's first letter to Timothy, 4th chap, and 10th verse, viz. "For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that be- lieve." Elder John Williams followed from Genesis, 45th chap, and latter clause of the 24th verse, viz. "See (hat ye fall not out by the way." Saturday, Nov. Slh. Elder James Moore introduced divine service and preach- ted from St. Luke's gospel, 15th chap, and first clause of the 13th Terse, riz. "I will fcrise and go to my Father." Elder David H. Miller followed from the 19th chap, of St. John's gospel and latter clause of the 26th verse, viz. "Woman, behold thy son." Elder L. J. Utley followed from the 17th chap, of St. John's gospel, latter clause of the 4th verse, viz. "I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." Sunday, Nov. 9th. Elder David H. Miller introduced divine service by prayer, after which Elder Stephan D. Collins preached from St. Luke's gospel, 24th chap and 48th verse, viz. "And ye are witnesses of these things." Elder Jeremiah Heath fol- lowed from St. Matthew's gospel, 13th chap, and 33rd verse, viz. "The kingdom of heaven is like Unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till ihe Whole was leavened." Elder Jacob Utley followed and closed by prayer & praise. The times of holding the annual and quarterly meetings. CHURCHES AND COUNTIES. Annual meetings. QUARTERLY MEETINGS. Norlh East, Duplin, Probability, do. Boaver Creek, Jones, Leu sen Swamp, Lenoir, Wheat Swamp, do. Bethel do. Sandhill do. Wood'enton, do. Hickory Grove, do. Parker's M. H. ? Pill, Imitation do. Reedy Branch-, d6. Li Hie Creek, Greene, Grimsley, do. Hookerton, do. Cor© Creek, Craven, Bachelor's Creek, do. Newbern, do, Brice's Creek, do. Stony Run, Cumberland, Wire Creek, Carteret, Inland Creek, J ones, Piny Grove, Wayne, flood Swamp, do. Free Union, Greene, El Bethel, Robeson, Hog swamp, do. Goose Creek, Craven, Hester M. H., Bladen, Jones' Bay, Beaufort, M4'lton s Craven, Tar river, Pitt, Tatem's m. h Columbus LumbertOn, Robeson, Parker's branch, m h Jones 3 J list Sunday in Aug. 2nd do Sept. 3d do Aug. 1st do Octoberi 3d ilo Nov. l4lh do Sept. land do Sept. 1st do Sept :2nd do October. 3d do Sept. list do Oct. do Nov. |3d do Oct. 12 nd do Oct. i4th dt> Aug 1st do Nov. 2nd do Sept. ! 2nd do Aug. (4th do Aug. '1st do Oct. '2nd do Oct. list do Oct. l*t Sunday ill 2nd do Dec. 3rd do Feb list do .Ian , 1 3d do Feb |4;h do Dec. |2nd do De?. 1st do Dec. {2nd do Jan 3d. do Dee.. 1st do Jan , 1st do Feb.. 3d do Jan., 2nd do Jan. ith do Feb 1st do Feb., 2nd do Dec 2nd do Feb 4th do Feb. 1st do Jan 2nd do Jan 1st do Jan., list do Oct. 1st do Sept. 2 rid do Sept. 1st do Oct. 4th do Aug. 3d do Aug. 4 th do Oct. 3.1 do Oct. 3d do Oct. Feb.May&Nov, , M ^rch & .) une, , May and Nov-. , April and July. , May and Aug. , March & June, , March & June-. , March Si June, , April & July. , March & June. April and July, , May and Aug. , April and July, , April and July, , May and Nor, May and Aug. . , March & J una. ., May and NoV. , May and No*. , April and July. , April and July. April and Jul}'. 1st do Jan., April and July. 1st do Dec.-, March & June. 2nd do Dec, March & June. 1st do Jan., April and July. 4th do Nov., Feb. and May. a it it 3d do Nov , Feb. and May. 4th do Jan., April and July. 3d do Jan., April and July. 3d do Jan., April and July. Dear brethren, while in the discharge of the duty devolving Upon me by order of the General Conference, I feel happy to say in conclusion, that during the sitting of &ur Conference peace and harmony seemed to prevail; for which I feel abundantly to thank our adorable Creator, hoping that God will abundantly bless our endeavors, and crown our meeting with the best of consequences. 0 that God may help us to love each other more fervently, and conform us more to his holy and righteous will, and strengthen us in his love, is the prayer of your brother. CALVIN RUFF, Clk.