THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ENDOWED BY JOHN SPRUNT HILL CLASS OF 1889 C378 c.S. This book must not be taken from the Library building. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Register of the Officers: and Faculty of the University of North Carolina. 1795-19*5 Compiled by 'he Staff of the North Carolina Collection Chapel Hill 1954. U ; ^ Need for a comprehensive catalogue of the officers and faculty of the University of Worth Carolina led to the compilation of this register by the staff of the iiortft Carolina Collection. p he period covered, 1795-1945, is that of the esqui-Oentennial being celebratec at the time when it was compiled. He register has teen mace previous- ly vith the exception of the list made by Cornelia Phillips pencer in 1889 and published in Kemp Blumraer Battle's Sketches of the : miver - s ity of North Carolina Together ith a Catalo^ie of ff icers and Students (Chapel Hill, 1889) The main source was The iniversit.v of &orth Carolina Catalo ; ue , 1818/19-1825/26, 1827/28-1944/45. ler the early years before the Catalogue was published, the manuscript minutes of the Board of Trustee? and Kemp Pluramer Battle's History of the University of i-l orth Carolina (Baleirh, 190 7 -1912) vere used. Inclusive dates of service and changes in rank and title are indicated by the date of the cata- logue in which they appear. Advanced degrees averde<. during period of service are indicated by dates of catalogue in which they are first recorded. Teachers in burner Tchool are omitted following the year 1899 when they ceased to be recorded in the general Catalo.-ue. Stu- dent assistants are omitted following 1899 for the sake of brevity. Transfer of names from the Catalogue to inaex cards was made by Louise Crice (rain and Marian Fuller. Notes from other source? vere added by j'elen Bortch Harrison. The work was compiled in its final form by Mary Lindsay 1'hornton, and the manuscript was typed by Jane Cutler Bahnsen. Mary L. Thornton •ha pel Hill, . . September, 1954 Begister of the -'acuity and • ff icers of the 'university of North Carolina 1795-1945 ABBOTT, PXTTOB BRYANT. A.B. , 1L.B. Assistant Director of the Institute of Government and Instructor in Political cience, 1943/44 Assistant Director of the Institute of Government, 1944/45 ABBOTT, WILLIAM RICHARDSON, A.M. Instructor in Jingllah, 1925/26-1930/31 AB-EENiiTRY, CLAUDE OLITffi, B.S. , M.D. Physician in Chief to the Dispensary and Demonstrator of Anaes- thetics, Raleigh, 1906/07-1908/09 Demonstrator of Anaesthetics, 1909./ 10 ABBBHETHT, ERIC ALONZO, S.B. , M.D. University Physician, 1919/20-1931/32 ABEHBETHY, JOHN RBAJZB, A.M. Instructor in Mathematics, 1926/27-1927/28 AX AMP, ALLIS COOPBB, A.B. Lecturer in Mathematics, 12*2/ *4 ADAMS, GEORGE C. S. , A.M. Instructor in French, 1938/39 AD MS, EABBXBT DYER, M.A. Curator, Person Hall Art Gallery, 1940/41-1941/42 Curator, Person Hall Art Gallery, Lecturer on Art, 1942/4? Instructor in Art, 194?/ 44-1944 (resided -December, 1944) ADAMS, JOSuPH EDISON, Ph.D. Instructor in Botany, 1935/36 Assistant Professor of Botany, 1936/37-1940/41 Associate Professor of Botany, 1941/42-1944/45 ADAMS, NICHOLSON BABNEY, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Spanish, 1924/25-1925/26 Associate Professor of panish, 1926/27-1929/30 Professor of Spanish, 1930/31-1944/45 (ahsent on leave, 1940/41.) (2) ADAMS, RAYMOND WILLIAM, A.M., Ph.D. (1938/59) Instructor in English, 1922/23-1928/29 Assistant Professor of English, 1929/30-1933/34 Associate Professor of English, 1934/35-1938/39 (absent on leave, 1934/35) Professor of English, 1939/40-1944/45 ADDISON, SDWABD SPENCER, B.S. Associate Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, 1941/42-1943/44 AKERS, SUSAN GREY, A.B. , Ph.D. (1932/33) Associate Professor of Library Science, 1931/32 Professor of Library Science and Acting Director of the School of Library Science, 1932/33-1934/35 Dean of the School of Librar.v Science and Professor of Library Science, 1935/36-1944/45 ALDERJUJr, BDWBJ AIDERS©!, Ph.S. , D.C.L. (1896/97). LL.D. (1899/1900) Professor of History and Philosophy of Education and Librarian, 1893/94 Professor of History end Philosophy of Bducation and Supervisor of the Library, 1894/95 Professor of Pedagogy and Supervisor of the Librnry, 1895/96 President and Professor of Political and Social Science, 1896/97- 1899/1900 ALEXANDER, COLIN CUTHBERT, A.B. Instructor in English, 1909/10 ALEXANDER, EBEN, B.A. , Ph.D., LL.D. (1893/94) Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, 1886/87-1890/91 Professor of the Greek Language and Literature and Librarian, 1891/92-1896/97) (on leave as Minister to Greece, Roumania, and Servia, 1893/94- 1896 '97) Professor of the Greek Language and Literature and Supervisor of the Library, 1897/98-1900/01 Dean of Academic Fatnxlty nnd Professor of the Creek Language and Literature and Supervisor of the Library, 1901/02-1902/03 Dean of the University, Professor of the Greek Language mc Litera- ture ana Supervisor of the Library, 1907/0^-1909/ 10 ALEXATOSR, KARIGI BOMAISE, A.B. , LL.3. Sports Writer and Staff Assistant, University New* Bureau, 1939/40- 1942/43 ALKXAKDXS, MORSE ATKINSON Instructor in Drawing, 1912/13 (3) ALEXANDER, WILLIAM L. , A.B. , A.M. (1858/59) Tutor of the Latin Language, 1857/58-1859/60 ALLCOTT, JOHN VOLNEY, M.A. Director of Person Hall Art Gallery and Associate Profsssor Art, 1940/41-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 19^2/43- 19/1 Af. 45 all™, ARCH TURNER Assistant in Physics, 1896/97 ALLEN, JAMES STUART Professor of Military Science and Director of Military Tactics, 1917/18 AI.LIHB, ELIZABETH T. , A.B. Instructor in Education in Kxtanslon Teaching, 1928/29 ALLMAN. COR* MARGARET, A.B. , 8.B. in L.S. Instructor in Library Science, 1942/43-1943/44 ALLPORT, FLOYD HENRY, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology, 1922/23-1923/24 ALLSBROOK, RICHARD GOLD Assistant in the Library, 1895/96 ANDERSON, CHARLES MEEKS , M.A. Instructor in Economics, 1934/35-1936/37 ANDERSON, EDWARD IIUTCHINGS, M.S., Ph.D. (1937/38) Instructor in Economics, 1931/32-1933/34 Instructor in Commerce, 1937/38 Assistant Professor of Commerce, 1938/39 ANDERSON, GEORGE KING, A.B. , M.D. Professor of Pediatrics, 1942/43 ANDERSON, HORACE BROCKMAN, A.B. , M.D. Associate Professor -19^4/45 BOND, WILLIAM FJGH, A.B. Tutor, 1834/35 BONNELL, ALLEN THOMAS, Ph.D. Instructor in ii-conomics, 1938/39 Assistant Professor of Economics, 1939/40-1944/45 (absent on leave in government service, 1940/41-1944/4 5) BONNER, BRANT, Ph.B. Instructor in Economics, 1941/42-1943/44 (13) BOOKER, JOHN MANNING, A.B. , Ph.D. (1913/14) Associate Professor of .English, 1909/10-1919/20 (absent on leave, 1916/17) Professor of English, 1920/21-1944/45 BORDEN, ARNOLD, A.B. Instructor in Art, 1939/40-1944/45 (absent on leave Fall, 1941; absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) BOBGMANN, CARL W. , Ph.D. Acting Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1934/35-1935/36 BOSSHARD, HEINRICH, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of German, 1922/23 BOST, RALPH WALTON, A.M., Ph.D. (1928/29) Instructor in Chemistry, 1926/27-1927/28 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1928/29-1933/34 Associate Professor of Chemistry and Acting Lean of the School of Applied Science, 1934/35 Associate Frofessor of Chemistry, 1935/36-1936/37 Professor of Chemistry, 1937/38-1939/40 Smith Professor of Chemistry, 1940/41-1944/45 BOUSHALL, THOMAS CALLE8DINE, A.B. General Secretary of the Y.M.C.A. , 1915/16 BQWEN, WILLIAM JONES, Ph.D. Instructor in Zoology, 1940/41 Assistant Professor of Zoology, 1941/42-1942/43 (resigned .December, 1942) BOYD, WILLIAM KENNETH, Ph.D. Visiting Professor of History, 1934/35 BOTE, FREDERICK WILLIAM, Major Professor of Military Science and Tactics, R.O.T.C. , 1919/20-1920/21 BRACKETT, STERLING, Ph.D. Instructor in Public Health, 1940/41 Assistant Professor of Public Health, 1941/42-1942/43 BRADLEY, JOHN HODGDON, Jr., A.B. Instructor in Geology, 1921/22 BRADSHAW, FRANCIS FOSTjiR, A.B. , M. A. (1926/27) , Ph.D. (1930/31) General Secretary of Y.M.C.A. , 1916/ 17-1917/18 Dean of Students, 1920/21-1932/33 Dean of Students and Lecturer in Sthics, 1933/34-1936/37 Chairman of the Division of Student Welfare, Dean of Students and (14) Professor of Philosophy, 1937/38-1942/43 Dean of the College for War Training and Professor of Philosophy, 1943/44-19*4/45 BRiGAW, STEPHEN C. Society Librarian, 1888/89 BBANDIS, HENRY, Jr., A.B. , LL.B. Instructor in Political Science, 1935/36-1938/39 Assistant Professor of Law, 1939/40-1940/41 Associate Professor of Law, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) BRANDON, WILLIAM PEW, A.M. Instructor in History, 1927/28-1928/29 BRANSON, EUGENE CUNNINGHAM, A.M., Litt.D. (1919/20) , LL.D. (1920/21) Professor of Rural Economics ana Sociology, 1914/ 15-1917/ 18 Kenan Professor of Rural Economics and Sociology, 1918/19-1919/20 Kenan Professor of Rural Social fcience, 1920/21-1933 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, Fall and Winter, 1923/24; absent on leave. Pall, 1925; died March 13, 1933) BRAUER, ALFRED TEEOBOR, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1942/43-1943/44 Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1944/45 BRAUHE, GUST AVE MAURICE, C.E. Professor of Civil Engineering, 1921/22 Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean of the "chool of Engineer- ing, 1922/23-1930 (died November 26, 1930) BRECHT, EDWARD ARMOND, Ph.D. Instructor in Pharmacy, 1939/40-1940/41 Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, 1941/42-1942/43 Associate Professor of Pharmacy, 1943/44-1944/45 BRECKENRIDGE, MILLARD SHERMAN, Ph.B. , LL.B. Professor of Law, 1927/28-1944/45 (absent on leave, first semester, 1934/35) BREWER, FISK P. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature and Librarian, 1869/70 BR ITT, HIRAM HAHVIE, M.A. Instructor in History, 1932/33-1933/34 Instructor in History, 1934 (resigned December, 1934) (15) BBOOKS, FREDitfUC-K PHILLIPS, S.M. , Ph.D. (1926/27) Instructor in Chemistry, 1923/24 Instructor in Bio-Chemistry, 1924/25-1925/26 Assistant Professor of Bio-Chemistry, 192f/ 27-1929/30 Associate I rofessor of Bio-Chemistry, 1930/ 31-1931/32 (absent on leave, 1931/32) BBOOKS, LEE MARSHALL, A.M., Ph.D. (1930/31) Instructor in Sociology, 1927/ 28-1928 /29 Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1929/30-193^/35 Associate Professor of Sociology, 1935/36-1944/45 (absent on leave, 1940/41; Spring, 1945) BBOOKS, MARTIN KAHAO, A.M. Instructor in Bomance Languages, 1921/22-1924/25 BROWN, ASHJ3SL, A.B. , A.M. (1846/47) Tutor of Ancient Languages, 1844/45-1849/50 Tutor of Ancient Languages and Librarian, 1850/ 51- 18 5?/ 54 Adjunct Profecsor of .Ancient Languages, Secretary to the Faculty and Librarian, 1854/55-1856/57 BROWN, CLARENCE R. (Instructor in Music in the State Normal School, Greensboro) Instructor in Music in the Summer School, 1896, 1897 BROWM, CLARK EDWARD, B.S., M.D. Associate Professor of Pathology, 1941/42-1944/45) (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/^5) BROWN, DALMA ABOLFH. A.M. Instructor in English, 193b/39-l940/41 BROWN, EDMUND, Jr., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Transportation and Marketing, 1922/23 Associate Professor of Marketing, 1923/24-192^/25 BROWN, GERALD ALTON, Ph.D. Instructor in Economics, 1940/41-1942/43 BROWN, GUJSRA GUILFERMO, A.B. Instructor in Spanish, 1942/43-1943/44 BROWN, HAROLD WILLIAM, Sc.D. , M.D. , Dr. P.H. Professor of Public Health, 1937/36-1940/41 Dean of the School of Public Health and Professor of Public Health, 1941/42-1942/43 BROWN, KENNETH GREJNL3A?, B.S. Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, 19^3/44 (16) BROWN. KENT JAMES, Ph.D. Associate 3 rof essor of German, 1912/ 13-1921/22 Professor of German, 1922/23-1943/44 (absent on leave, 1922/23) (died May 1, 1944) BROWN, LESLIE PARKER, A.M. Instructor in Romance Languages, 1917/18 BROWN, BOY MELTON, A.M. , Ph.D. (1932/ S3) Instructor in Sociology, 1925/26-1926/27 Research Associate in Sociology, 1932/35 Associate Professor of Public Welfare Administration, 1933/34- 1936/37 Professor of Public 'elfare Administration and director of the Division of Public Welfare and Social Work, 1937/38-1944/45 BROWN, WADE HAMPTON, B.S. , M.D. Professor of Pathology, 1911/ 12-1912/ 13 BROWNE, ALFRED DANA Instructor in Physical Training, 1903/04-1904/05 BROWNE, EDWARD TANKARD, A.M. , Ph.D. (1926/27; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1922/23-1925/26 Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1926/27-1931/32 Professor of Mathematics, 1932/33-1944/45 BROWNE, THOMAS JAMBS, M.A. Director of Physical Education, 1919/20 BROWNING, ROBERT WILLAHD, A.B. , M. A. (1941/42) Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 1940/41 Instructor in Philosophy, 1941/42-1943/44* Lecturer in Physics, 1944/45 BRUNER, HARRY DAVLS, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Physiology, 1939/40-1944/45 (absent on leave in government service, 1942/43-1944/45) BRUNER, JAMES DOWDEK, Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Romance Languages and Literatures, 1901/02-1905/06 Professor of the Romance Languages and Literatures, 1906/07-190b/09 BRUNING, FREDERICK WILLIAM, B.S. Assistant Professor of Naval Science and "Tactics, 1941/42-1942/43 * Error in catalogue'- (17) BBTAN, Gi-JOBGE PETTIGREW, A.B. Tutor of the Latin Language, 1860/61-1863/64 (absent in military service, 186? killed 1864) BRYAN, SHEPARD Instructor in latin, 1890/91 Student Librarian, 1891/92 BBTAN, WILLIAM FRANK, Ph.B. Instructor in English, 1907/08 BBYANT, VICTOR S. Society Librarian, 1887/88 Instructor in Biology, 1889/90 Librarian, 1890/91 BUCHANAN, DANIEL HOUSSOT, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, 1935/36-1944/45 BUFORD, ALBERT HUNTER, A.B. Instructor in English, 1943/44 BULLITT, JAMES BELL, A.M., M.D. Professor of Histology and Pathology, 1913/14-1919/20 (absent on leave in the service of U.^. , 1918/19) Professor of Pathology, 1920/21-1944/4&~ (absent on leave, Fall, 1928) BULLOCK, ROBERTS COZART, A.B. , A.M. (1928/29) Instructor in Mathematics, 1927/28-1929/30 BUROEVIN, A. Professor of Modern Languages, Feb. -May, 1836 BURKS, NULIAM GREEN, M.A. Instructor in Spanish, 1939/40-1944/45 BURLAGS, HENRY MATTHEW. Ph.D. Professor of Pharmacy, 1931/32-1944/45 BURLING, LANCASTER DSMOREST, B.S. Associate Professor of Geology, 1937/38-1938/39 BURROWS, ROBERT, A.M. Assistant Professor of Dramatic Art and Technical Lirector of the Carolina Playmakers, 1942/43-19*4/45 BUSH, LAURENS EARL3, S.M. Instructor in Mathematics, 1926/27-1929/30 (18) BUTLEH, GEOB&35 PHI; IE AS, B.E. , C.E. (1897/98) Instructor in Mathematics, 1695/96-1897/98 mil, HELEN LOUISE, Ph.D. Visiting Assistant Professor of Library Science, 1940/41 BUTT, SAMUEL McCLELLAN, A.M. Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 1924/ 25-1925/26 BYE, AP.THUE EDWIN, Ph.D. Lecturer in Art, 1942/43 BYERLY, KENNETH RHODES, A.M. Instructor in Geology, 1932/33 BYMJM, ERNEST TAYLOR, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of History and Political Science, 1897/98 BYHUM, JHTEHSOH CARNEY, S.B. , S.M. (1926/27) Instructor in Mineralogy, 1919/20 Instructor in Geology, 1924/25-1926/27 Assistant Professor of Geography and Geology, 1927/28-1931/?? (absent on sick leave, Fall and Winter, 1931/32; died Feb. 3, 1932) BYRNES, THOMAS HENDERSON, B.S., M.D. Instructor in Pathology, 1931/32-1939/40 CADBURY, WALLACE EVERETT, Ph.D. Acting Professor of Chemistry, 1943/44 CAIN, WILLIAM, C.E. , A.M. (1911/ 12) , L.L.D. (1917/18) , D.Sc. (1921/22) Professor of Mathematics and Engineering, 1689/90-1892/93 Professor of Mathematics, 1893/94-1916/17 Kenan Professor of Mathematics, 1917/18-1919/20 Kenan Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, 1920/21-1930 (died December t, 1930) C ALDER, JAMES iv ILL I AM Instructor in Physical Culture, 1898/99-1899/1900 CALDWELL, JAMES ROY, Jr., A.M. Junior Research Assistant in the Institute for Research in Social Science, 1938/39-1940/41 Instructor in Social Science, 1941/42-1942/43 CALDWELL, JOSEPH, D. D. Frofessor of Mathematics ana Presiding Professor, 1796-1803 President and Professor of Mathematics, 1804-1811 (resignea 1612) President and Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1816-1833/34 President and Professor of Moral Philosophy and Astronomy, lts34/?5 (19) CALDWELL, WALLACE EVERETT, Ph.]). Associate Professor of History, 1921/ 22-1937 / 2B Professor of History, 1958/29-1929/30 Professor of Ancient History, 1930/31-1944/45 (absent on leave on Kenan foundation, 'inter and Spring quarters, 1930/31 CALDWELL, WILLIAM JOTC*. A.3. , B.S. in L.S. Chief, Circulation Department, Library, 1940/41-1942/43 CALLir.DU, JAMES SCOfT Assistant in Chemical Laboratory, 1889/90 CAMERON, EDWARD ALEXANDER, A.M., Ph.D. (1936/3?) Instructor in Mathematics, 1929/30-1936/37 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1937/38-1940/41 Associate Professor of Hat hematics, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) CAMERON, FRANK KENNETH, Ph. D. Acting Professor of Chemistry, 1926/27-1931/32 Professor of Chemistry, 1932^33-1944/45 * CAMP, CHARLES WKLXSSH, A.M. Instructor in English, 1920/21 CAMPBELL, THOMAS JOSEPH, A.3. Director of Athletics, 1915/16-1918/19 (absent on leave in service of U.F., 1918/19) CAMPION, JOHN LEO, A.M., Ph.D. (1917/18) Instructor in German, 1916/17-1917,/ 18 CARLISLE, MAST 0*5 THOMAS, M.S. Lecturer in Physics, 1943/44-1944/45 CARMICHAEL, COLIN, H.Sc. , S.M. in M. I. ( 1934/35) Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1931/32-1933/34 Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1934/35-1935/36 CARMICHA1L, GRIFFIN, A.B. Instructor in Physics, 1943/44 CARMICHAEL, WILLIAM DON AID Assistant in the Library, 1896/97 CARMICHAEL, WILLIAM DO-ALL, Jr., S.B. in Commerce Controller of the Consolidated University, 1939/40-1944/45 CARP, CHARLES STUART Assistant in the Library, 1897/98 (29) CARP., 7HBSE3ICK LOfTIS, @fcT) Instructor in Latin, 1895/96 GABBIER, ViEREH PENDLETON, A.B. Instructor in Spanish, 1942/43-1943/4.4 CARROLL, DUDLEY DEW ITT, M.A. Professor of Economics, 1918'19 Acting Dean of the School of Commerce and Professor of Economics, 1919/20 Lean of the School of Commerce and Professor of Economics, 1920/21- 1944/45 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, 1924/25) CARROLL, HEZ:KIAH WYND9L, B.S. Associate Professor of Naval Tactics, 1943/44 CARROLL, JOHN IRWIS, Jr., A.M. Instructor in Romance Languages, 1938/29-1944/46 (absent on leave in government service, 1941/42; in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) CARTER, ISABELLE OAKLAND, B.S., M.S.S. Associate Professor of Social Work, 193?/38-1944/45 (absent on leave. Spring quarter, 1942/43) CARTER, RUTH, A. 3. Instructor in Education, 19A3/M CARTMELL, NAT J. Director of Athletics, 1912/13 CASSIDY, HARRIS MORRIS, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Economics, 192^/28 CATHET, WILTON, A.B. Instructor in Physics, 1923/24 CAUTHEN, CHARLES EDWARD, M.A. Instructor in History, 1928/29 CERTAIN, CASPER CASl, M.A. Associate Professor of the Teaching of English in the Training "chool, 1926/27-1927/28 (absent on leave in the spring quarter, 1P2G/27) CHADS OTJENE, JAMES HARMON, A. 5., J.D. Instructor in Law, 1931/32 Assistant Professor of Law, 19?2/33-193£/37 (absent on leave, 193f-/37) (21) CHAMBERS, LENOIR, A.B. Assistant Professor of Journalism, 1919/30-1920/21 CHANG, YUEN-ZANG, Ph.D. Visiting Professor of English, 1935/36 CHAPMAN, ROBERT HETT, D.D. President, 1813-1816 (resigned, Nov. 1816) CHAPPELL, SIDNEY GR.AHAM Instructor in Education and Assistant to Lean of the School of Education, 1926/27 CHASE, HARRY WOODBUHH, Ph.D., LL.D. (1920/21) Professor of the Philosophy of Education, 1910/ 11-1913/ 14 Professor of Psychology, 191^/15-1917/18 Chairman of the Faculty, Acting Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and Professor of Psychology, 1918/19 President, 1919/20-1929/30 (absent on leave fall quarter, 1927/28) CHEEK, PAUL TINSLEY Assistant in the Library, 1897/98 CHERRY, LOUIS ASHWORTH, B.A. , L.S. Librarian and Assistant Director of the Institute of Government, 1944/45 CHRISLER, VIVIAN LEROY, A.M. Instructor in Physics, 1910/11-1915/16 CHUTE, CHARLTON FOSTER, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Political Science, 1937/38 CLAFLIN, GEORGE H. , C.E. Instructor in Mathematics, Drawing, and Engineering, 1890/91 CLAIR, JOSEPH ROBINSON, M.S. Instructor in Geology, 1939/40-1940/41 CLARK, RALPH W. , Ph.D. Visiting Professor of Pharmacy, 1936/37 (winter and spring quarters! CLARKE, THOMAS, Ph.D. (1898/99) Assistant in Chemistry, 1894/95-1895/96 Assistant in Chemistry, 1898/99 Instructor in Chemistry, 1899/1900 (©) 22. CLAUD..L, CALVIN ANDRE\ A.B. , A.M. Instructor in French, 1942/43-1944/45 CLAXTON, PHILANDER PRIESTLY, A.M. (Professor of Pedagogics in the State Normal and Industrial School) Instructor in Educational Psychology and Methods in the Summer School, 1894/95-1895/96 Instructor in Psychology in the Summer School, 1897/98 CLEMENTS , GUY BOG EH, A.M. Professor of Pure Mathematics, 19 10/ 11 CLOFTON, ABNER WENTVORTH Tutor, 1809 Head of Grammar School, 1812 (died March 21, 1813) COATES, ALBERT, LL.B. Assistant Professor of Law, 1923/24-1924/25 Associate Professor of Law, 1925/26-1926/27 Professor of Law, 1927/28 1941/42 Professor of Law and Director of the Institute of Government,* 1942/43-1944/45 (absent on leave 1932/33, fall quarter, 1933/34, second semester, 1934/35, first semester, 1935/36) COBB, COLLIES, A.B. , A.M. (1894/95) , D.Sc. (1916/17) Assistant Professor of Geology and Mineralogy (in charge of depart- ment ) , 1892/93 Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, 1893/94-1895/96 Professor of Geology and Mineralogy and Secretary to the Faculty, 1896/97-1897/98 Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, 189S/99-1934/35 (absent on leave on the Kenan Foundation, 1920/21; died 1934) COBB, MARY LOUISA, A.B. Chief, .Bureau of Correspondence Instruction, Extension Division, 1922/23-1944/45^ COBB, M. B., A.M. Lecturer on Stenography, 1880/81 COBB, PALMER, Ph. B. (1901/02) , A. M. (1907/08) , Ph.D. (1908/09) Assistant in Modern Languages, 1899/1900-1900/01 Instructor in German and French, 1901/02 Associate Professor of German, 1908/09-1910/11 '* Director, 1931-1942, before the Institute was incorporated in the University in January, 1942. (23) COBB, WHITFIELD, Jr., A.M. Instructor in Mathematics, 1938/39-1940/41 Instructor in Philosophy, 1941/42-1942/43 (absent on leave, Jan., 1943- ) COBLE, ALBERT LUCISN, A.B. (1883/84) Instructor in Latin, 1879/80 Assistant in Mathematics, 1883/84-1885/86 COCHRAN, EMETH TUTTLE, A.M. Instructor in Public Welfare and Social Work, 1938/39 COENEN, FREDERICK EDWARD, A.M., Ph.D. (1936/37) Instructor in German, 1932/33-1936/37 Assistant Professor of German, 1937/38-1942/43 Assistant Professor of German and Advisor in the General College, 1943/44-1944/45 (absent on leave in Government service, winter semester, 1944/45) COFFEY, GEORGE NELSON Assistant in Geology, 1899/1900 COFFEY, JOHN NELSON Instructor in Engineering, 192^/25 COFFIN, MATHILDE (Supervisor of the Detroit City Schools) Instructor in Primary Work in Summer School, 189" /95- 1895/96 COFFIN, OSCAR JACKSON, A.B. Professor of Journalism, 1926/27-1944/45 COFFMAN, GEORGE RALEIGH, Ph.D. Kenan Professor of English, 1930/31-194^/45 COHEN, IRVIN <^0L, Ph.D. Instructor in Mathematics, 1942/43 COKER, EDWARD CALEB, A.B. , A.M. (1930/31) Instructor in Mathematics, 1929/30, 1930/31 (resigned, January, 1931) iCOKER, ROBFJRT ERVIN, S.M. (1897/98) , Ph.D. (1922/23) Assistant in Biology, 1895/96-1896/97 Instructor in Biology in the Summer School, 1897 Professor of Zoology, 1922/23-19-11/42 Kenan Professor of Zoology, 1942/13-1944/45 (absent on leave on the Kenan Foundation, 1932/33) (24) COKER, WILLIAM CHAMBERS, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Botany, 1902/03-1907/08 Professor of Botany, 1908/09-1919/20 Kenan Professor of Botany, 1920/ 21-1944/45 COLE, CLARA B01OT0I, A.B. In Charge of the Library Extension Service, 1924/25-1925/26 COLEMAN, THALLEUr C. Tutor of Mathematics, 1856/57-1857/58 COLLINS, HUBERT WALTER, S.B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1914/15-1915/16 COLLINS, RALPH STOKES, A.B. , A.M. (1931/32) Instructor in German, 1930/31-1931/32 COMER, HARRY FULCHER, B.S., M. A. (1932/33; General Secretary of Y.M.C.A. , 1921/22-1942/43 (absent on leave, 1939/40-1940/41) CONEY, DONALD, A.M. Associate Professor of Library Administration and Assistant Libra- rian, 1928/29-1930/31 Professor of Library Administration and Assistant Director of the School of Library Science, 1931/32 CONNOR, ROBERT DIGGSS WlMB^iRLY, Ph. 3. , LL.D. (1941/42) / Kenan Professor of History and Government, 1921/22-1929/30 Kenan Professor of American History and Government, 1930/31-1934/35 (absent on leave on Kenan foundation, 1931/32; resigned October, 1934) Craige Professor of Jurisprudence and History, 194l/42-1944,/45 COOK, FRANCIS CONNOR, M.A. Instructor in English, 1939/40-1941/42 COOK, JAMES OILMQRE, A.B. Instructor in German, 1935/36 COOK, OLIil VICTOR, A.B. , A.B. in L.S. Librarian, Education Library, 1932/33 Librarian, Documents Division, 1933/34 In Charge of Circulation, Library, 1934/35-1939/40 Acting Librarian, 1940/41 Assistant Librarian, 1941/42-1944/45 COOPER, ALBERT DEHWIN, A.B. , M. D. Instructor in Medicine, 1941/42-1944/45 (25) COOPKK, S0GBH1 HffilT, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Physics, 1941/42-1942/43 COOPER, MILDRED, A.3. , S.S. Cataloguer, the Library. 1922/23 COPLAND, DONALD El^ENE, Ph.D. Instructor in Zoology, 1941/42-1942/43 CORBITT, DURON CL<>UfiH, A.M. Instructor in History, 1929/30-1930/31 COBHBOTB, JAMES CLARKE, Jr. , Ph.D. Instructor in 0-erman, 1943/43 COENSVEttT, ALBERT CHARLSS, Ph.B. Instructor in Psychology, 1937/38-1938/39 Research Assistant in Psychology, 1939/40 C01:lIWELL, 0LI7KB KELLY, M.A. Director of Physical Education for Men and Professor of Physical Education, 1935/36-1944/45 COSTELLO, DONALD PAUL, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Zoology, 1935/36-1940/41 Associate Professor of Zoology, 194 l/ 4 2- 194 3/ 43 (absent on leave, 19*1/42-1942/ 43) Professor of Zoology, 1943/44-19*4/45 COSTELLO, HEL.N, Ph.D. Instructor in Zoology, 1936/37 COSTNER, J0N«tF MACAULAY, A.B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1909/ 10- 19 10/ 11 GOTTEN, LTMAH ATKINSON, A.B. , Ph.D. (1941/42) Instructor in English, 1940/41-1944/45 / ""COUCH, JOHN NATHANIEL, A.M., Ph.D. (1924/25) Instructor in Botany, 1922/23-1924/25 Assistant Professor of Botany, 1925/26-1927/28 (absent on leave, 1925/26-1926/27) Associate Professor of Botany, 1938/29-1931/33 Professor of Botany, 1932/33-1944/45 - (absent on leave on Kenan foundation, Winter, 1939) COUCH, WILLIAM TERRY, A.B. Assistant Director of Press, 1925/26-1931/32 Director of the University Press, 1933/33-1944/45 (resigned, October 1, 1945) (2e; COULTER, VICTOR ALDINE, Ph.D. Instructor in Chemistry, 1916/17 COVINGTON, HARRISON If., A.B. Tutor, 1834/35 ^COWL-EN, DUDLEY J ORTSTONE, Ph.D. Acting Associate Professor of Economics, 1935/36-1936/37 Associate Professor of Economics, 1937/38-1940/41 Professor of Economics, 1941/42-1944/45 COW IN, BOY BURFGHD, M.A. Associate Professor of Accounting, 1919/20 COX, WILLIAM EDWARD Assistant in Physics, 1898/99 CGXE, FRED JACKS OH Assistant in the Library, 1898/99 CRAFTS, ARTHUR G. , M.S. Lecturer in Physics, 19-* 3/44-1944/45 "CRAE, HARD IX, Ph.D., Litt.D. (1943/44) Visiting Professor of English, 1934/35 (winter] , 1935/36, 1941/42 Professor of English, 1942/43-19-14/45 (absent on lepve, Spring, 194?) CRAK, LOCKE Assistant in the Chemical Laboratory, 1879/80 -CRANE, HARRY WOLVEN, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology, 1921/^2-1922/23 Professor of Psychology, 1923,/?3-1943/44 KRUMPELMANN, JOHN THEODORE, A.M., Ph.D. (1925/26) Instructor in German, 1919/20-1920/21 Assistant Professor of German, 1925/26-1926/27 KUHN, HELMUT, Ph.D. Visiting Professor of Philosophy, 1939/40-1940/41 Associate Professor of Philosophy, 1941/42-1944/45 KYKER, GRANVIL CHARLES, B.S., Ph.D. (1938/39) Instructor in Bio-Chemistry, 1937/38 Assistant Professor of Bio-Chemistry, 1938/39-1939/40 Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry, 1940/41-1944/45 KYSER, EDWARD VERNON, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, 1922/23-1923/24 Associate Professor of Pharmacy, 1924/25-1929/30 (absent on leave, Fall quarter 1929/30) LACY, DAN, A.B. Instructor in History, 1934/35-1935/36 (resigned 1935) (66) LANE, BENJAMIN BENSON, A.M. Instructor in English, 1924/55-1926/27 LANE, GEORGE SHERMAN, Ph. I). Associate Professor of Germanic and Comparative linguistics, 193?/38- 1944/45 LANE, WILLIAM COBB As 8 istant in the Library, 189P/97 LANGE, WILLIAM FISHER, M.A. Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1936/37-1944/45 LAN0S70N, ALBERT DOUGLASS BEACH, A.M. Instructor in English, 1937/38-1939/40 LANIER, EDWEJ SIDNEY Self-Help Secretary, 1933/34-1940/41 Student Aid Secretary, 1941/42 Director of Student Aid, 1942/43-1943/44 Director of Student Aid and Director of the Office of Records, 1944/45 LANSBERG, WILLIAM ROSS, A.M. Instructor in French, 1942/43-1944/45 LARSH, JOHN EDGAR, A.B. , M.S., Sc.D. Assistant Professor of Public Health, 1943/44 Associate Professor of Parasitology, 1944/45 LASLEY, JOHN WAYNE, Jr., A.M., Ph. D. (1920/21 ) Instructor in Mathematics, 191l/l2-1917/l8 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1918/19-1919/20 (ahsent on leave, 1919/PO) Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1920/21 Associate Professor of Pure Mathematics, 1921/22-1923/24 Professor of Pure Mathematics, 1924/ 25- 1944/ 45 LATSHAW, HARRY FRANKLIN, A.B. in Ed. Instructor in Latin, 1920/21-1921/22 LATTA, JAMES EDWARD, Ph.B. , A.M. (190^/05) Assistant in Physics, 1899/1900-1900/01 Instructor in Physics, 1901/02-1903/04 (ah sent on leave, 1902/03) Associate Professor of Physics, 1904/05-1907/08 Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1908/09-1909/10 (resigned January 1, 1910) (67) LAWRENCE, GEORGE HAROLD, A.M. Supervisor of Field Social Work, 1932/33-1936/37 Assistant Professor of Social Work, 1937/38-1938/39 Associate Professor of Social Work, 1939/40-1944/45 LAWS ON, ROBERT BAKER, M.D. Director of the Gymnasium and Assistant in Anatomy, 1905/06-1906/07 Director of the Gymnasium and lemonstrator of Anatomy, 1907/08 Associate Professor of Anatomy and Director of the Gymnasium, 1908/09- 1922/ P3 Associate Professor of Applied Anatomy, 1923/24-192^/25 Associate Professor of Applied ^natomy and Director of the Gymnasium, 1925/26-1936/37 Director of Pynum Gymnasium and Associate Professor if Physical Education, 1937/38 Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1938/39-1944/45 LAWS0N r ROBERT BARRET?, 4.B. , M.D. Professor of Pediatrics in the School of Public Health, 19*0/41- 1941/42 LAX, ROBERT SYDNEY, A.B. Instructor in English, 19*3/44 LEA, LORENZO Tutor, 1828-1829 LEAR, JOHN 3MERY, E.E. Professor of Engineering Sciences, 1918/19-1922/23 Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1923/24-1937/38 LEAR, JOSEPH MERRITT, M. A. Assistant Professor of Insurance, 192'/ 25-1925/26 Associate Professor of Insurance, 1926/27-1944/45 LEARNED, HENRY DEXTER, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Romance Languages, 192^/23-1927/28 LEAVITT, STTIRGIS ELLENO, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Romance languages, 1917/18 Associate Professor of Romance Languages, 19 18.' 19-19 19/ 20 (absent on leave, 1919/20) Associate Professor of Spanish, 1921/ 22-194*/*5 (absent on leave, Fall and Winter quarters, 1929/30? absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, Winter quarter, 1938/39) LEDOUX, ALBERT R. , Ph.D. (Coettingen) Chemist to the State Board of Arri culture, 1876/77 Chemist to the State Beard of Agriculture and Director of Agricultural Experiment and fertilizer Control Station, 1877/78-1879/80 (68) LEFEVRE, ALIOS I.OtTIFE, M.S. Visiting Associate Professor of Library Science, 1938/39 LEFLER, HWR TALMADGE, Ph.D. Visiting Professor of History, 1934/35 Professor of history, 1935/36-194^/45 LEHMAN, ARNOLD JOHN, Ph.D., H.D. Professor of Pharmacology, 1944/45 LEHR, JAMES CLINTON, B.S. Part-Time Instructor in Chemistry, 1944/45 LELEIKO, MAX, B.S. Lecturer in Mathematics, 1943/44 LEONARD, E. C. , B.S. Lecturer in Physics, 1943/44-1944/45 LEONARD, JONATHAN Instructor in English and Commandant in the Military Organization, 1917/18 LEBCHE, CHARLES OLSEN, Jr., M.A. Instructor in Political Science, 1940/41 LEVIN, VALDIE EPHBAIM, A.M. Assistant Professor of Economics, 1829/30 LEWIS, ELISHA BETTS Instructor in Geography in the Summer School, 189^/ 95-18 95/ 96 LEWIS, JOSEPH VOLNEY Assistant in Natural History, 1888/89 Instructor in Biology, 1889/90 Instructor in Natural History, 1890/91 (name incorrectly fjiven as James V. in 1890/91 cat. ; LEWLS, IMCHARD HENRY, A.B. , M.D. Professor of Diseases of the &ye and Ear, Raleigh Medical Department, 190 1/02- 1902/03 Professor of Diseases of the Eye end Lecturer on Hygiene, Raleigh, N.C. , 1903,/ 04 Professorbiseases of the Eye and of General Hygiene, Raleigh Medical Department, 1904/05-1909/10 LEWIS, ROBEBT GUILFORD, A.B. Instructor In French, 1938/39-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 19^2/4 3-19 / 4/ 45 (69) L INGLE, Mrs. THOMAS WILSON Advisor to Women and Assistant Director of the Bureau of Extension, 1917/18 Advisor to Women, 1918/19 LIMES, JOE BURTON, A.B. , A.M. (1920/21) , Ph.D. (1924/25) Instructor in Mathematics, 1919/20-1922/23 (absent on leave, 1922/23) Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1924/25-1925/26 Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1926/27-1938/39 Professor of Mathematics, 1939/40-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1940/41-1944/45; LINKER, ROBERT WHITE, A.M. , Ph. D. (1933/34) Instructor in French, 1928/29-1936/37 Assistant Professor of French, 193^/38-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) LINSCOTT, HENHY FABBAB, Ph.D. Instructor in Greek and Latin, 1896/97 Associate Professor of Classical Philology, 139?/98-1898/99 Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, 1899/1900-1902 (died December 30, 1902) LITTLE, BLANCHE E. (Instructor in Drawing, Franklin, Pa.) Instructor in Drawing in the Summer School, 1896 LITTLE, MALCOLM GILES, A.M. Head, Department of Extension Teaching, 1926/27-1928/29 LITTLE , BOBERT IRVING, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of French, 1924/25 LITTLE, THOMAS ALEXANDEB, A. 3. Instructor in English, 1923^24 LITTLE, WILLIAM M. , A.B. Instructor in English, 1890/91 LLOYD, CHARLES EDWARD, A.B. Instructor in German, 1935/36 LOGAN, fiEORGE BRYAN, Jr., A.B. Librarian, Education Library, 1923/24 Reference Librarian, 1924/25-1926/27 (died December, 1927) LONDON, HENRY MAGER Assistant in Geology, 1897/98-1898/99 (70) LONG, AUGUSTUS WHITE Tutor, 1884 (listed only in Kemp Plummer Battle Sketches of the History of the University of North Cnrolina ) LONG, EDGAR, A.M. Instructor in English, 1915/16 LOONEY, CHARLES T. G. , M.S.C.E. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1936/37 LOUTRELL, CHARLES FRANCIS Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, 1944/45 LOVE, CORNELIA SPENCER, A.B. , B.L.S. Assistant Librarian, 1917/18-1918/19 In Charge of Orders and Accessions, 1919/20-1922/23 Order Librarian, 1923/24-1944/45 LOVE, JAMES LEE, Ph. B. (1885/86) Instructor in English, 1883/84 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1385/86 Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Librarian and Secretary, 1886/87 Associate Professor of Mathematics and Secretary, 1887/88-1888/89 LOW, FRANK NORMAN, Ph.D. Instructor in Anatomy, 1937/38-1938/39 Assistant Professor of Anatomy, 1939/40-1944/45 LOWE, ELLAS AVERY, A.B. , Ph.D., D.Litt. Visiting Professor of Latin Paleography, 1943/44-1944/45 LUCAS, JOSEPH BLOUNT, A.B. , A.M. (1854/55) Tutor of Ancient Languages, 185.^/54-1855/56 Tutor of the Latin Language, 1856/57-1858/59 LUMIANSKY, ROBERT MAYER, M.A. Instructor in English, 1941/42-1944/ 4 5 (absent on leave in military service, 1943/44-1944/45) LUMPKIN, BEN GRAY, M.A. Instructor in English, 1938/39, 1942/43-1943/44 LYLDANE, RUSSELL BERRY HANCOCK, Ph.D. Visiting Associate Professor of Physics, 1938/39 Assistant Professor of Physics, 1939/40-1944/45 (absent on leave, 1941/42-1944/45 (?1) LYONS, JOHN CORIDEN, M.A. , Ph.D. (1927/28) Instructor in French, 1923/24-1926/27 Assistant Professor of French, 1927/28-1929/ ?0 Associate Professor of French, 1930/31-1934/35 Professor of French, 1935/36-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) MAASKE, ROSEN JOHNE, M.A. , Ph.D. (1938/39) Professor of Education, 193^/38-1938/39 McAllister, breck parkman, Ph.D. Visiting Professor of Law, 1938/39 M'ALLISTER, DAVID W. , A.B. Tutor, 1835/36 McALLIST£R, JAMES GRAY, Jr., A.M. Instructor in Mathematics, 1942/43-1944/45 McBBYDE, JOHN McLAREN, Jr., Ph. D. Associate Professor of the English Language, 1904/05 McCAIN, JOHN WALKER, Jr., A.M. Instructor in English, 1927/28 McCALL, FRED BAYS, A.B. , LL.B. (1928/29) Instructor in Latin, 1922/23 Assistant Professor of Law, 1923/24, 1926/27 Associate Professor of Law, 1928/29-1933/34 Professor of Law, 1934/35-1944/45 McCALL, JOHNSTON VANNOY, A.B. Instructor in Spanish, 1924/25-1925/26 McCAMPBELL, JOHN CALDWELL, S.B. , M.S., Ph.D. (1943/44) Instructor in Geophysics, 1939/40 Instructor in Geology, 1941/42-1942/43 Assistant Professor of Geology and Lecturer in Mathematics, 1943/44 Assistant Professor of Geology, 1944/45 (resigned October 8, 1944) McCarthy, gerald raleigh, a.b., a. m. (1923/24), Ph.B. (1926/27) Instructor in Geology, 1922/23-1925/26 Assistant Professor of Geology, 1926/27-1931/32 Associate Professor of Geology, 1932/33-1938/39 (absent on leave, 1937/38) Professor of Geology, 1940/41-1944/45 (absent on leave in government service, 1942/43-1944/45) (72) McCHESNEY, EVANS WILLIAM. Ph.D. Associate Professor of Physiology, 1931/32-1932/33 Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry, 1933/34-1936/37 McCLAMROCH, ROLAND PRINCE, A.M. , Ph.D. (1927/28) Instructor in English, 1922/23-1927/28 Assistant Professor of English, 1928/29-1940/41 (absent on leave, 1929/30, P.^ll and Winter quarters 1934/35, absent on leave, 1935/36, 1938/39) Associate Professor of English, 1941/42-194^/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) McCORKLE, THOMAS SMITH, B.Mus. Instructor in Music, 1925/26-1926/27 Assistant Professor of Music, 1927/26-1929/30 Associate Professor of Music, 1930/31-1934/35 (absent on leave. Fall quarter 1934/35) Mccormick, charles tilford, a.b. , ll.b. Professor of Law, 1926/27 Professor of Law and Dean of the School of Law, 1927/28-1930/31 Mccormick, john gilchrist Assistant in Geology, 1896/97-1897/98 McCOY, SAMUEL JESSE, A.M. Instructor in English, 1932/33 McDEVITT, HELEN LOUISE, A.B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1943/44 Mcdonald, ralph waldo, Ph.D. Associate Director of the Extension Division, 1939/^0-1942/43 Mcdowell, david pranklin, m.a. Instructor in Spanish, 1939/40-1940/41 Mcdowell, hoy hendrlx, a.b. , m.d. , m.p.h. Instructor in Clinical Syphilology, 1942/43-19^3/44 McEVER, EUGENE TUCKER Instructor in Physical Education, 1944/45 McEVER, HERBERT MACAULEY, B.S. Instructor in Physical Education, 1944/45 McGEACHY, ROBERT SHERWOOD, A.B. , M.D. Assistant in Surgery and Gynecology, 1902/03 Chief of Dispensary, Raleigh, N.C. , 1903/04-1904/05 Instructor in Therapeutics and Anaesthetics, Raleigh, 1905/06-1909/10 (73; McGIJ, JAMES WILLIAM, Jr., M.D. Chief of Dispensary, 1902/03 Lecturer on Therapeutics, Raleigh, 1903/0/! -1904/05 Professor of Diseases of Children, Raleigh, 1905/06-1909/10 MeGEHEE, GEORGE BADGER, A.B. Assistant Director of the Institute of Government and Instructor in Political Science, 1943/44 MeGEHEE, LUCIUS POLK, A.B. , LL.D. Professor of Law, 1904/05-1908/09 Dean of the School of Law and Professor of Law, 1910/11-1933 (died October 11, 1923) McGIKHIS, EUGENE KARL Visiting Professor of Law, 1927/28 McHALE, CECIL JOHN, A.B. in L.S., M.A. Assistant Professor of Library Administration, 1929/30-1931/32 In Charge of Circulation Department, Library, 1929/30-1931/3? (resigned January, 1932) Mcintosh, atwell Campbell, a.m., ll.d. (1923/24) Professor of Law, 1910/11-1922/23 Acting-Dean of the School of Law end Professor of Law, 1923/24, 1926/27 Professor of Law, 1924/25, 1927/28-1933/34 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, 1927/28) Kenan Professor Emeritus of Law, 1934/35-1938/39 (died January 27, 1939) McINTOSH, CHARLES EUGENE, M.A. Head, Bureau of High School Debating and Athletics, Extension Divi- sion, 1942/43-1944/45 McINTOSH, LINDA SHUPORD, A.M. Instructor in Education in Extension Teaching, 1929/30 McIVER, ALEXANDER Professor of Mathematics, 1869/70-1870/71 McIVER, BERRIE C. Instructor in Greek, 1883/84-1884/85 McIVER, JOHN F. Society Librarian, 1886/87 MACK, EDWARD, Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1917/18 {absent on leave in service of U.S., 1917/18) Smith Professor of Chemistry, 1935/36-1938/39 (74) MACK, ROBERT DONALD, Ph.D. Professor of Bacteriology, 19*3/44 (resigned June, 1944) McKEE, DAVID RICE, A.B. Instructor in French, 1933/29 McKEE, JAMES, M.D. Clinical Professor of Mental and Nervous Disorders, Raleigh, 1903/04 Clinical Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases, Raleigh, 1904/05- 1909/10 McKEE, JOHN SASSER, M.D. Demonstrator of Obstetrics, Raleigh, 1909/10 McKEE, WILLIAM JOHN, C.E. , M.A.. Ph.D. ( 1930/31) Professor of Education in Extension Teaching, 1936/27-1930/31, 1933/34-1936/37 , 1941/42-1944/45 Head, Department of In-Service Teacher Training, Extension Division, 1929/30-1934/35 Supervisor of Correspondence Instruction, Extension Division, 1937/38- 1944/45 McKEE, WILLIAM WAKEFIELD, A.B. , B.D. Acting-General Secretary of the Y.M.C.A. , 1939/40 MACK EI, ERNEST LLOYD, A.M. , Ph.D. (1927/28) Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1921/22-1925/26 (absent on leave, 1924/25) Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1926/27-1933/34 Professor of Mathematics, 1934/35 Professor of Mathematics and Advisor to Freshmen, 1935/36-1937/38 Professor of Mathematics, 1938/39-1942/43 Professor of Mathematics and Dean of Men, 1943/44-1944/45 McKIE, GEORGE McFARLAND, A.M. (1907/08) Instructor in Expression, 1899/1900-1900/01 Instructor in Expression and in English, 1901/02-1905/06 Instructor in Public Speaking end in English, 1906/07 Instructor in Public Speaking, 1907/08 (absent on leave, 1907/08) Associate Professor of Public Speaking, 1908/09-1922/23 (absent on leave, 1919/20) Professor of Public Speaking, 1923/24-1936./ 39 Professor of Public Speaking and Advisor in the General College, 1939/40-1941/42 (died June 14, 1941) MACKIE, ROMAGNA GALLOWAY, A.B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1943/44 (75) MacEIHNJSY, LOREN CAREY, Ph.D. Professor of Medieval History, 1930/ 31-1944/45 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, Winter and Spring quarters 1935/36) Mcknight, robjrt earlan, pi».jd. Instructor in Zoology, 1940/41 Mcknight, boy bowman, a.b. , m.d. Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, 1922/23-1923/24 Mcknight, thomas mortimer, a.b. Instructor in Spanish, 1922/23-1923/24 McKlTIGKT, WILLIAM ALBERT, B.S., A.M. (1941/42) Instructor in Spanish, 1935/36-1937/38, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) McLAIN, JAMES HOV/ARD Instructor in Physics, 1907/08 McLAUCHLIN, JAMES A., A.M. (Superintendent of the Wadesboro Graded Schools) Instructor in Latin in the Summer School, 1897 Mclean, frank, a.b. Instructor in English, 1905/06-1906/07 McLEAN, JOHN ALLAN, H.E. Instructor in Engineering, 1934/35-1935/36 McLEOD, WILLIAM MILTON, A.B. , A. M. ( 1930/31) , Ph.D. (1933/34) Instructor in History, 1929/30 Instructor in French, 1930/31-1935/36 McMANIS, THOMAS JOSEPH Instructor in Physics, 1908/09-1909/10 MacMILLAN, WILLIAM DOUG ALL, III, A.M., Ph.D. (1925/26) Instructor in English, 1920/21-192^/25 Assistant Professor of English, 1925/26-1927/28 Associate Professor of English, 1928/29-1936/37 (absent on leave, 1934/35-1935/36) Professor of English, 1937/38-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) McMUBEAY, CHARLES ALEXANDER, Ph.D. (of University of Chicago) Instructor in Pedagogy in the Summer School, 1897 (?6) McNEIB, CORINNE CEAWFGEB, B.A. Instructor in Art, 1235/36-1936/37 McNSLR, WALDO FOBSST, A.M. Instructor in English, 1936/37-1939/40 MacNLDER, WILLIAM DeBERNIERE, M.D. (1903/04, Sc.P. , LL.D. (1937/38) Assistant in Biology, 1899/1900 Assistant in Anatomy, 1901/ 02 Demonstrator of Clinical Pathology, Raleigh, 1902/03-1903/04 Demonstrator of Clinical Pathology and of Medical Diagnosis, Raleigh, 1904/05 Professor of Pharmacology and Bacteriology, 1905/06-1910/11 Professor of Pharmacology, 1911/ 12-1916/ 17 Kenan Professor of Pharmacology, 1917/18-1923/24 Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology, 1924/25-1936/37 Dean of the School of Medicine and Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology, 1937/38-1939/40 Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology, 1940/41-1944/45 MAC OH, EEESHAL L. , M.A. Instructor in Economics, 1929/30 Acting-Assistant irofessor of Economics, 1933/34 MacPHEE, HALSEY MYRON, M.A. Instructor in Psychology, 1937/38-1938/39 Instructor in Eusiness Psychology, 1939/40-1940/41 McPHEETERS, ROBERT ALLEN, A.B. , LL.B. Assistant Professor of Business Law, 1927/28-1928/29 MaePKERSON, DANIEL ALLAN, M.S., Ph. D. (1930/31) Ass ociate Professor of Bacteriology, 1923/24-1929/30 Professor of Bacteriology, 1930/31-1944/45 MacRAE, JAMES CAMERON, LL.D. Professor of Law, 1899/1900-1900/01 Dean of the department of Law and Professor of Lav/, 1901/02-1909 (died October 17, 1909) MacRAE, JAMES CAMERON, Jr., LL.B. Instructor in Law, 1904/05 MADDEN, THOMAS PATRICK, A. 3. Instructor in English, 1928/29 MADEY, ROBERT WILSON, B.Litt., A.B. (1937/38) , M. A. ( 1941/42) Associate Professor of Journalism, 1926/27 Director of the University News Bureau, 1918/19, 1923/24-1944/45 (77) MAG OFF IN, JAMES EDV'ARD, Ph.D. Assistant Professor for Industrial Research, 1936/37-1938/39 Associate Professor for Industrial Research, 1939/40-1940/41 MAKEPEACE, ALEXANDER WATTS, M.D. Professor of Obstetrics in the School of Public Health, 1940/41-1942/43 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43) MANGUM, ADOLPHUS W. , A.M. (1676/77) , D.D. (1880/81) Professor of Moral Philosophy and English Literature, 1875/76 Professor of Moral Philosophy, History and English Literature, 1876/77-1877/78 Professor of Moral Philosophy, History and English Literature and Librarian, 1878/79-1879/80 Professor of Moral Philosophy, History, and English Literature, 1880/81-1884/85 Professor of Mental and Moral Science, 1885/86-1889/90 MANGUM, CHARLES STAPLES, A.B. , M.J). Professor of Physiology and Materia Medica, 1896/97-1900/01 Professor of Materia Medica and Instructor in Anatomy, 1901/02- 1902/03 Professor of Materia Medica and Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1903/04- 1904/05 Professor of Anatomy, 1905/06-1928/29 Acting Dean of the School of Medicine and Professor of Anatomy, 1929/30 Professor of Anatomy, 1930/31-1932/33 Dean of the School of Medicine and Professor of Anatomy, 1933/34- 1336/37 Professor of Anatomy, 1937/38-1939 (died September 29, 1939) MANGUM, PRIESTLY HDITOli Tutor, 1817 MANLY, MATTHIAS BVASS, A.B. Tutor, 1825, 1826 MANN, WILLIAM ROSSER, M.B. Instructor in Aeronautics, 1940/41 Assistant Professor of Aeronautics, 1941/42-1942/43 MANNING, ISAAC HALL, M.D. Professor of Physiology and Instructor in Bacteriology, 1901/02- 1904/05 Dean of the Medical Department at Chapel Hill and Professor of Physiology, 1905/06-1906/07 Dean of the School of Medicine at Chapel Hill and Professor of (?6) Physiology, 190?/08-193l/32 (absent on leave, 1929/30) Dean of the School of Medicine and Professor cf Physiology, 1932/33 Professor of Physiology, 1933/34-1938/39 Kenan Professor Emeritus of Physiology, 1939/40-1944/45 MANNING, ISAAC HAIL, Jr., A.B. , M.P. Instructor in Medicine, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 194 2/43-1944/45 MANNIEG, JOHN, LL.D. (1883/64) Professor of Law, 1881/82-1898/99 MAREY, CHARLES Professor of French and Instructor in Topographical Drawinr, 1838/39 MARKHAM, BLACKWELL, A.B. Instructor in Zoology, 1917/18 MARKHAM, DONALD WILLIAM, A.B. , J.B. Acting Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1936/37 Assistant Professor of Law, 1937/38-1939/40 (resigned January, 1940) MARKHAM, EDWIN CARLYLE, Fh.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1934/35-1935/36 Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Advisor in the General College, 1936/37 Associate Professor of Chemistry and Advisor in the General College, 1937/38-1938/39 Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1939/40-1940/41 Professor of Chemistry, 1941/42-1944/45 MARKS, SALLIE BELLE, M.A. Supervising- Principal of the Elementary Grades of the Trainij? School with the rank of Assistant Professor of Education, 1927/28-1933/34 MARTIN, DONALD FRAZER, A.M. Instructor in Economics, 193?/38-194l/42 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45 Assistant Professor of Economics, 1942/43-1944/45 MAW IN , FRANCES, A.B. Head, Bureau of Class Instruction, Extension Division, 1939/40 MARTIN, HANSFORD EARL, A.B. Instructor in English, 1943/44 MARTIN, IBVLNG LEE, S.M. Instructor in Geography and Geology, 1930/31-1935 (resigned December, 1935) (72) MARTIN, JAMES Tutor. 1806, 1807 (listed only in Battle, Kemp Plumraer Sketches of the History of the University ) MARTIN, HART KATHLEEN, A.B. Instructor in Psychology, 1944/45 MARTIN, OSCAR EUGEIIE Instructor in Engineering, 1923/24 MARTIN, WILLIAM JOSEPH, A.M. (1858/59) Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, 1857/58-1867/68 (absent in military service, C.S.A. , Sept. 21, 1861-Anril, 1865) HARTLEY, JAMES A. Professor of the English Language and Literature and Secretary of the Vacuity, 1869/70 MARVIN, JAMES ROBERT, S.3. in E.E. Instructor in Engineering, 1934/35-1936/37 MAS I, JOSEFH FRANCIS, S.M. Instructor in Chemistry, 1943/^4 MASON, HERMAN CHARLES, Ph.L. Associate Professor of Bacteriology, 1942/43-1943/44 MATHERLY, WALTER JEFFRIES , M. A. Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1920/21-1922/23 Professor of Business Administration, 1923/24-1925/26 MATHES, ALBERT HENRY, A.B. Instructor in Physical Education, 1943/44-1944/45 MATTHEWS, RUDOLPH SAMUEL, A.B. Instructor in German, 1927/23-1930/31 MAUCK, ELWYN ARTHUR, Ph.D. Acting Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1937/38 Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1938/39 Assistant Professor of Political Science and Research Associate in the Institute for Research in Social Science, 1939/40-194^/45 (absent on leave in government service, 194^/43-1943/44) MAURICE, CHARLES STE1/ART, Ph.D. Lecturer in Geology and Physles, 1944/45 MAY, SAMUEL, A.B. Instructor in Modern Languages, 1896/97-1399/1900 (80) MEALE, EOBEBT POUTHAT, M.A. , Ph.D. (1935/36) Instructor in History, 19?°/ 30-1930/31, 1935/36 MEBAUE, GILES, A.B. Tutor, 1832/33 MEBAFE, WILLIAM MARION, 8.M. Instructor in Chemistry, 1927/28-1938/29 MEBAFE, WILLIAM NELSON, A.B. Tutor, 1833/34-163^/35? KECELD1C-, HAREY ELLSWORTH Instructor in Physical Culture, 1896/97-1897/98 MEHE, EOBEBT IHWDT, Ph.L. Assistant Professor of Economics, 1943/4 4-1944/45 MEIGS, EMILY BI1BLE Lecturer in the School of Library Science, 1939/40 Assistant Professor of Library Science, 1940/41-1944/45 (absent on leave, Winter quarte r, 1940/41) ME7.LEN, FREDERICK DAVIS, A.M. Instructor in English, 1930/31 MEEEITT, WILL DOC EERY, M.S. Instructor in Engineering, 1929/30 METZENTHDI, EENST CHE 1ST IAN PAUL, Ph.D. Instructor in Caiman, 1922/23 Assistant Professor of German, 1923/24-1925/26 Associate Professor of German, 1926/27-1935/36 (died July 22, 1936) MEYER, HAEOLD DIEDEICH, A.M. , LL. D. (1941/42) Associate Professor of Sociology, 192l/??-19??/?3 Associate Professor of Sociology and Supervisor of Field Work, 1923/24-1927/28 (absent on leave, 1925/26) Professor of Sociology and Supervisor of Field Work, 1928/29-1935/36 Professor of Sociology, 1936/37-1944/45 (not in residence, Pall quarter 1936/37; absent on leave, Winter and Spring quarters 1938) MEYERS, FEELER IC, A.M. Instructor in Economics, 1939/40-1940/41 MIALE, JOHN BUYER, B.S. , M. D. Instructor in Pathology, 1944/45 (81) MICKLE, JUJUBEl-' Bursar, 1875/76-1881/82 MILAM, DANIEL PRANKLIN, A.B. , M.D. , M.P.H. Professor of Nutrition in the School of Public Health, 1939/40- 1044/45 MILLER, .AUGUSTUS TAYLGB, Jr., Ph.D. Instructor in Physiology, 1939/40-1940/41 Assistant Professor of Physiology, 1941/ 42-19* 3/44 Associate Professor of Physiology and Physical Education, 19*4/45 MILLER, EDWIN SHBPARD, M.A. Instructor in English, 1937/38-1943/44 MILLER. HENRY GRADY, B.S. (1935/36) Instructor in Music, 1933/34-1935/36 MILLER, HUGH L. , Ph.B. Assistant in Chemical Laboratory, 1890/91 MILLER, V Hi I AM JASPER, E.E. , S. M.E.I. Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1931/3?- 1932/33 Professor of Electrical Engineering and Acting- Lean of the School of Engineering, 1933/34-1935/36 MILLICAN, CHARLES BOWIE, A.M. Instructor in English, 1923/24 MILLS, JAMES EDWARD, A.B. , Ph. B. (1901/02) Assistant in Chemistry, 1900/01 Instructor in Physical Chemistry, 1901/02-1902/03 Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1904/05 Associate Professor of "hysical Chemistry, 7905/06-1909/10 (absent on leave, 1905/06) MILLS, RICHARD CHJBL3BS, LL.M. , B.Se. Visiting Professor of Economics, 1930/31 MILNE, WILLIAM JAMES, Ph. D. , LL.D. (President of Hev? York State Normal College) Instructor in Mathematics in the Simmer f-chool, 1897 MILKER, CHARLES FREMONT, A.B. , A.M. (1941/42) Head, Bureau of Visual Instruction. Extension Division, 1937/38- 1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1944/45) MIMS, EDWIN, Ph.D. Professor of English, 1909/10-1911/ 12 (62) MIRANDA, JUAN Instructor in Spanish, 19^3/44-19*4/45 mitchell, anderson, a.b. Tutor, 18 21/ 22- 18 23/ 24 MITCHELL, CHARLES A. , 4.B. Tutor of Chemistry, 1857/58 MITCHELL, ELISHA, A.M., D. D. ( 18'l/42 ) Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, lb lb/ 19-1625/26 Professor of Chemistry, Minemlogy, and Geology, 1826/27-1856/57 MITCHELL, GEORGE WESTON Instructor in Drawing, 190?/08-1908/09 Associate Profassor of Drawing, 1909/ 10-1910/ 11 MOFFATT, JAMES STROHG, Jr., Ph.D. Instructor in English, 1919/20 MOLDS, P. CKLESTIHE Tutor of French, 1801, 1803 (resigned November, 100?) MONCTTRE, WILLIAM, Jr., M.D. Assistant in Dispensary, 1902/03 Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery , Raleigh, 1906/07-1909/10 MONROE, EDWARD D. Librarian, 1383/84 MONROE, JAMES R. Instructor in English, 1884/85 MONTANO, JULIO J0S2, M.S.Chem.Eng'g. Instructor in Spanish, 1943/44 MOORS, ERNEST RICHARD, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Spanish, 1940/41 M00B1S, JULIAN ALISON, B.S. , M.D. Instmctor in Histology, 1919/20 MOQEB, THOMAS L. Society librarian, 1888/89 MCREHEAD, ABRAHAM FORREST, A.B. Tutor, 1835/36 MCBKH2AD, JOHN MPTIZY Tutor, 1817 (63) MORGAN, IUCY SHIELDS, Ph.D. Professor of Health Education, 1942/43-1944/45 MORGAN, RUTH EVELYN DODD, M.S. Instructor in Case Work Practice, 1942/43-1944/45 MOB&AN, WILLIAM GARDNER, A.B. , M.D. Assistant University p hysician and Instructor in Physical Diagnosis, 1937/38-1940/41 Associate University Physician and Instructor in Physical Diagnosis, 1941/42-1944/45 MORRIS, JOSEPH A. Society Librarian, 186C/87 MORRISON, HARVEY LOUIE, A.B. Lecturer in Physics, 1944/45 MORRISON, JAMB? E. Tutor, 1814-1817 MORRISON, JOSEPH LEDERMAN, A.B. Instructor in Journalism, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) MORRISON, ROY WILLIAM, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Education, 1928/29-1938/39 Professor of Education in Extension Teaching, 1939/40-1940/41 Professor of Elementary Education, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in government service, 1943/44) MORRISON, WILLIAM FRED Instructor in Drawing, 1917/18-1918/19 MORRISS, JOHN WALTER, Jr., M.A. Instructor in Physical Education, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) MORROW, EDWARD GRAHAM, A.M. Tutor of Mathematics, 1859/60 MORSE, WILLIAM CLIFFORD, Ph.D. Visiting Professor of Geology, 1930/31 MORWITZ, ERNST, J.D.and Econ.D. Ins tract or in German, 1943/44-1944/45 MOSELY, ALAN, B.Sc. Instructor in Zoology, 1929/30 MOSELY, MILLER, B.A. Instructor in Physics, 1943/44 (84) MOSELY, WILLIAM DUNN Tutor, 1817, 1813 MOSES, EDWARD PEARSON, A.M. (Winthrop Normal School, Pock Hill, S.C.J Instructor in Latin in the Summer School, 189? MOSHSR, SSEK HAY, Ed. P. Professor of Education, 19-33/24-1925/26 Professor of Education and Director of Training, 1926/27-1931/32 MOUZON, OLDJ TERRILL, B.S. Instructor and Research Assistant in Economics, 1939/40-1940/41 Assistant Professor of Economics, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) MOWRY, GEORGE 8. , Ph.D. Instructor in History, 1938/39-1939/40 Assistant Professor of History, 1940/41-194^/44 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1943/44) MOYER, EDWARD FHAUCIE, A.M. Instructor in Trench, 1938/39-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942( Winter 1-1944/45) MUELLER, WILLIAM RANDOLPH, A.M. Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactic?, 1944/4 5 MULDER, JOHH ELDOS, A.B. , LL.M. Assistant Professor of Law, 1934/35-1937/38 MULHOLLAND, TESTER MOYE, M. A. Instructor in Education, 1943/44-1944/45 MULLIS, CLYDE EDWARD, A.M. Instructor in Physical Education, 1941/42-1942/43 Assistant Professor cf Physical Education, 1943/44-1944/45 MUNCH, HOWARD FREDERICK, A.M. Assistant Professor of the Teaching of Mathematice in the i' raining School, 1926/27-1927/28 Associate Professor of the Teaching of Mathematics, 1928/29-1940/41 Associate Professor of Education, 1941/42-1942/43 Associate Professor of Education and Instructor in Mathematics 1 , 1944/45 MURCEISON, CLAUDIUS TEMPLE, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Applied Economics, 1921/22 Professor of Applied economics, 1922/23-1923/24 Acting-Dean of the School of Commerce and Professor of Applieo Economics, 1924/25 Professor of Applied Economics, 1925/26-1935/36 (absent on leave, 1934/35-1935/36) (85) WJEEICK, JOSEPH HAROLD, A.B. Instructor ia Physical Education, 1943/44-1944/45 HUEPHEY, ARCH IB ALP- EEBOW Instructor, 1737-1799 Professor of Ancient Languages, 1800, 1801 MUBJPHY, SALTER Secretary in the President's Office, 1893/94 MU32AE2, JOHH HARRIS, 3.8. in E. 5. Frofessor of Electrical Engineering, 1918 ; 19-1? 21/ 22 NAETEE, ALBE2CHT, M.S. Associate Professor of Electrical Sngineeriiig, 1923/24 HAIIIX1AB, KOWAEL MOVBSS, A.H. Instructor in Mathenatics, 1934/35 NAPIER, WILLIAM BEHJAMIH, LM. Instructor in Trench, 1938/39-1940 (died "ctoher 1, 1940) HEAL, CHAXLES CLEVELAND, Jr., A.M. Instructor in French, 1931/32-1932/33 KELSON, RQLAHD WHPEEWAY, A.B. Instructor in English, 1935/36 HESS, KENBETH Resident Artist, Ferson K all Art Gallery, 1941/42 Resident Artist and Instructor in Art, 1942/43-1944/^5 HEWBOLD, S. C. Instructor in Sociology, 1936/37 HE'.vBY, GEOHBB eloar Assistant in Biology, 1897/98 NEWCOMEE, EARL HOLLAED, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Botany, 1941/42-1944/45 NELELL, LEQHE BUSES, A.B. , M.D. (1905/06) Assistant I'emcnstrntcr of Clinical Pathology, Paleigh, 1904 '05 I'emonstrator of Anatomy, 1905/06 HEWLANLS, A. F. (Instructor in Writing, Kingston, Ont.) Instructor in Vertical Writing in the Surr.ner School, 1896 (86) NEWMAN, JOHN Appointed Professor of Chemistry, 1796. No record of acceptance. NEWMAN, JOHN B. , S.B. Instructor in Physics, 1943/44 (resigned May 6, 1944) NEWSOME, ALBERT BAT, A.M. , Ph. D. (1935/36) Assistant Professor of History, 1923/24-1925/26 Professor of History, 1935/36-1944/45 NEWTON, C. C. Assistant Librarian, 1885/86 NICHOLSON, GEORGE EDWARD, Jr., A.M. Instructor in Mathematics, 1943/44 NIGGLI, JOSEPHINA, A.M. Instructor in Radio -Dramatic Art, 1942/43 NOBLE, MARCUS CICERO STEPHENS, Pd.D. (1913/14) (Superintendent of the Wilmington City Schools) Instructor of Methods in Arithmetic and Algebra in the Summer School, 1894-1896 Professor of Pedagogy, 1897/98-1912/13 Dean of the School of Education, Professor of Pedagogy, 1913/14- 1933/34 (temporarily relieved of administrative duties, 1922/23; absent on leave, 1923/24; relieved of administrative duties, 1930/31-1933/34) ^enan Professor Emeritus of Pedagogy, 1934/35-1941/42 (died June 1, 1942) NOE, THOMAS PASTSUR, Jr., S.M.E. Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1930/31-1934/35 Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1935/36 NOLEN, HERMAN CHRISTIAN, Ph.D. Visiting Professor of Business Administration, 1941/42 (service began January, 1942) NORTON, CLARENCE CLIFFORD, M.A. Instructor in History, 1924/25 NORTON, JOHN WILLIAM ROY, A.B. , M.P.H. , M.D. Professor of Public Health Administration, 1938/39-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1941/42-1944/45) NORWOOD, JAMES HOGG, A.M. Tutor, 1833/34 (87) O'CONNOR, ? ROBERT BRENDAN, A.B. , M.D. Instructor in Anatomy, 1939/40 OHJM, HOWARD WASHINGTON, Ph.D., LL.D. (1933/34} , Litt.D. (1935/36) , L.H.D. (l94l/42> Director of the School of Public Welfare and Kenan Professor of Sociology, 1920/21-1931/32 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, 1928/29) Kenan Professor of Sociology, 1932/33-1934/35 (absent on leave, 1932/33) Dean of the School of Public Administration and Kenan i'rofessor of Sociology, 1935/36 Kenan Professor of Sociology, 1936/37-1944/45 (absent on leave, Winter and Spring 1937) OLIVE, LINDSAY SHEPHERD, A.B. , Ph.D. (1943/44) Instructor in Botany, 1942/43-1943/44 OLIVE, WILDS WILLIAMSON, Geol. Instructor in Geology, 1942/43-1943/44 OLMSTED, DENISON, A.M. Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, 1817-1823/24 Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, 1824/25-1825/26 OLSEN, WILLIAM, A.B. , A.M. (1928/29) Instructor in English, 1923/24-1928/29 Assistant Professor of English, 1929/30-1936/37 Associate Professor of English, 1937/38-1940/41 Professor of English, 1941/42-1944/45 OSBORNE, ROBERT STEVENS, A.B. , A.M. (1940/41) Instructor in English, 1938/39-19*4/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/^5) O'SHEA, JEREMIAH FRANCIS, B.C.E. Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, 1944M5 OTEY, JAMES HERVEY, A.B. Tutor, 1820/21-1821/22 OWEN, WILLIAM H. , A.B. , A.M. (1642/43) Tutor, 1835/36-1836/37 Tutor of Languages, 1837/38 Tutor of Ancient Languages and Librarian, 1838/39-1843/44 OWENS, CHARLES EDWARD, A.B. Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, 1944/45 P/',.? : CLIFFORD EDNEY, A.B. , LL.B. Assistant Director in the Institute of Government and Instructor in Political Science, 1943/44-1944/45 (88) PADGETT, JAMES ABSALOM, M.A. Instructor in History, 1926/27-1927/28 PAGE, EDWIN RICHARD, E.E. Professor of Applied Electricity, 1918/19-1919/20 PAINE, GREGORY LANS IMG, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English, 1924/25-1927/28 Associate Professor of English, 1928/29-1931/32 Professor of English, 1932/33-1944/45 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, Fall 1941) PAKENEAM, THOMAS COMPTON, D.Phil. (London) Assistant Professor of Economics, 1924/25 PALMER, JOHN BRAME, A. B. (1908/09) Instructor in Latin, 1907/08 -1908/ 09 PARKER, WKME FEED, A.M. Instructor in the Bomance Languages, 19 12/ 13-19 13/ 14 Recorder and Instructor in the Romance Languages, 1914/15-1915/16 PARKER, J. ROY, A.B. Assistant Professor of Journalism, 19^1/42-1944/45 PARKER, JOHN WILLIAM, Educ. , A.M. (1938/39) ■ Instructor in Dramatic Arts in Extension, 1934/35-1938/39 Assistant Professor of Dramatic Art, 1939/40-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) PAR2ER, LUTHER WOOD, A.B. , A.M. (1908/09) Instructor in French, 1907/08-1908/09 PARKER, ROLAND BRYCE, A.B. Instructor in History, 1931/32-1932/33, 1940/41 Assistant to the Dean of Students and Instructor in History, 1941/^2 Dean of Men and Instructor in History, 1942/43-1944/45 (absent on leave from April, 1944-1944/45) PARKER, WILLIAM VAHH, A.B. , A.M. (1925/26) Instructor in Mathematics, 1923/24 Acting-Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1925/26 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1927/28-1930/31 (absent on leave, 1929/30) PATRICK, DAVID S. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature and Bursar, 1869/70 PATRICK, JAMES RUEY, M.A. Instructor in Psychology, 1926/27-1927/28 (89) PATTERSON, ANDREW, Jr., Ph.D. Acting-Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1942/43 (resigned, March, 1943) PATTERSON, ANDREW HENRY, A.M. Professor of Physics, 1908/09-1910/ 11 Dean of the School of Applied Science and Frofessor of Physics, 1911/ 12-19 27/28 Acting-Dean of College of Liberal Arts, 1918/19 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, 1923/24) PATTERSON, JOHN Tutor, 1816, 1817 PATTERSON, MAIS IE JANE, A.B. Lecturer in Mathematics, 1943/44-1944/45 PATTERSON, PAUL MORRISON, A.B. Instructor in Botany, 1926/27 PATTERSON, WILLIE THOMAS Bursar, 1882/83 Bursar and Secretary, 1883/84-1884/85 Bursar, 1885/86-1908/09 FATTON, JAMES WELCH, A.M. Instructor in History, 1927/28-1928/29 PAULL, NORMAN MOETON, S.B. Assistant Professor of Drawing, 1919/20-1921/22 PEACOCK, ERLE EWART, A.B. , M.B.A. , C.P. A. (193Q./32) Associate Professor of Accounting, 1920/21-1922/23 Professor of Accounting, 1923/24-1944/45 PEACOCK, WILLIAM HENRY, A.M. Lecturer in Mathematics, 1943/44 Lecturer in Mathematics and Instructor in Physical Education, 1944/45 PEAECE, ELBERT PLUMMER, Jr., A.M. Instructor in Mathematics, 1942/43-1944/45 (absent on leave, January, 1944-January, 1945) PEARSON, THOMAS GILBERT, S.B. Assistant Curator of the Biological Museum, 1897/98 PEELER, GEOBGE, A.B. Instructor in Physics, 1943/44 (resigned March 1, 1944 ) (SO) PEGG, CARL HAMILTON, Ph.D. Instructor in History, 1930/31-1934/35 Assistant Professor of History, 1935/36 Assistant Professor of Social Science, 1936/37 Assistant Professor of History, 1937/38-1939/40 Associate Professor of History, 1940/41-1944/45 PELL, ROBERT PAINE, A.B. (1881/82) Instructor in English, 1879/80-1880/81 Assistant Professor of English, Latin, and Mathematics, and Secre- tary, 1881/82 Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Languages and Secretary, 1882/83 PERINE, KEBLE BARNUM, B.S. Instructor in Bio-Chemistry, 1922/23-1923/24 PERKINS, AUBREY ALPHONSO, S.B. in Commerce Instructor in Economics, 1929/30 PERKINS, EDWIN MARVIN, J.I. Research Assistant in the Institute for Research in Social Science, 1933/34 Research Assistant in the Institute for Research in Social Science and Lecturer on Taxation in the School of Law, 1934/35-1935/36 Research Assistant in the Institute for Research in Social Science, 1936/37 PERRY, WILLIAM, A.M. Instructor in English, 1939/40-1940/41 PERRY, WILLIAM DECATUR, D.Ed. Instructor in Education, 1937/38-1938/39 Instructor in Education and Advisor in General College, 1939/40- 1940/41 Assistant Professor in Education and Advisor in General College, 1941/42 Vocational and Military Advisor and Assistant Professor of Education, 1942/43-1944/45 PFEIFFER, KARL G. , M.A. Instructor in English, 1936/39 PFLEUGER, LUTHER APPEL, Ph.D. Acting-Assistant Professor of German, 1933/34 (temporary appointment for the Winter and Sprang, 1934) (91) PHILLIPS, CHARLES, A.M. , D,D. (1875/76) Tutor of Mathematics, 1844/45-1852/53 Professor of Civil Engineering, 1853/54-1859/60 Professor of Pure Mathematics, 1860/61-1865/66 Professor of Pure Mathematics and Secretary to the Faculty, 1866/67- 186e/69 Chairman of Faculty and Professor of Pure Mathematics, 1875/76 Professor of Mathematics, 1876/77-1878/79 Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, 1879/80-188&/89 PHILLIPS, CHAELES A. SFEAS, Fhysics Instructor in Mathematics, 1942/43-1943/44 PHILLIPS, COY TATUH, M.A. Lecturer in Geology, 1943/44 PHILLIPS, GUY Bi2ffiYMAN, A.B. Professor of Education, 1936/37 Professor of Education and Advisor in the General College, 1937/36- 1939/40 Professor of Education, 1940/41 Professor of Education and director of the Summer School, 1941/42 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, Spring quarter) Professor of Education, Director of Slimmer School, and Director of Admissions, 1942/43-1943/44 Executive Officer, College for War Training, 1944/45 PHILLIPS, JAMES, A. M. (1830/31) , D.D. (1852/53) Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 1826/27 -186 7 / 68 (died April 14, 1867) PHILLIPS, SAMUEL FIELD, A.M. Professor of Law, 1855/56-1859/60 PHILLIPS, WILLIAM B. , Ph.B. , Ph.D. Professor of Agricultural Chemistry and Mining, 1885/6S-188&/89 PEIPPS, IUTHER JAMES, S.B.Civ.Eng'g. Lecturer in Mathematics, 1943/44-1944/45 PICXARD, AMIS, A.B. , A.B.L.S. Acting Librarian, School of Medicine, 1940/41-1944/45 FICKARD, JOHN FRANK Superintendent of Buildings, 1901/02-1907/0& PICK3NS, WYATT ANDEEtf, A.3. Instructor in Spanish, 1923/24 PICKETT, HOWELL GEADY, S.H. Instructor in Chemistry, 1926/27-1927/28 (92) PliiBPCOT, ANDREW WARREN, A.B. , M.B.A. Instructor in Economics, 1941/42 PI23S01T, WILLIAM WHAffLBY, Jr., A.M., Ph.D. (1916/17) Instructor in History, 1915/ 16-1916/1? Assistant Professor of History, 1917/18 Associate Professor of History, 1918./ 19-1919/20 Professor of History and Government, 1920/21-1923/29 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, 1924/25; absent on leave, Fall 1928) Acting-Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of History and Government, 1929/30-1932/33 Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of History and Oovernaent, 1933/34-1935/36 Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of History and Political Science, 1936/37-1944/45 PITTS, PSJL MILLER, Jr.. B.S.Chem. Instructor in Chemistry, 1943/44 PLEMMCHS, WILLIAM HOMED, Ph. I). Admissions Officer and Acting-Hegistrar, 1943/44-1944/45 (from N May 15, 1944) PLESSOW, GUSTAV, Ph.D. Visiting Lecturer in English, Spring 1931-1932/33 PLISKE, EDWARD CARL, Ph.D. (name given as EARL CARL, 1941/42-1942/43) Instructor in Anatomy, 1938/39-1940/^1 Assistant Professor of Anatomy, 1941/42-1944/45 PLUMMER, DAVID EDWIN. M.L. Assistant Professor of Clinical Syphilology in the School of Public Health, 1940/41-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-19^ / /45) PLYLEB, EARLE KEITH, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Physics, 1924/25-1926/27 Associate Professor of Physics, 1927/28-1933/34 Professor of Physics, 1934/35-1943/44 (absent on leave, 1930/31; on Kenan Foundation, Spring 1940; absent 8n leave, 1941/42-1943/44) POCHHAN, HENRY AUGUST, M.A. Instructor in English, 1927/26 POLAND, GEORGE WAVERLY, Jr., A.B. , M.A. Instructor in Spanish, 1939/40, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) (93) POMEEOY, EABL SFENCEH, Ph.D. Acting- Assistant Professor of History, 1942/43-1943/44 Assistant Professor of History, 1944/45 POOL, SOLOMON, A.B. , A. M. (1866/57) Tutor of Mathematics, 1853/54-1855/56 Tutor of Mathematics and Secretary to the Faculty, lo56/ 57 -1859/60 Adjunct Professor of Pure Ilathemaiiics and Secretary of the Faculty, 1S60/61-1S65/66 President and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, 1869/70-1870/71 POPHAM, WILLIAM SHEBBEOOKE, B.S. Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, 1941/42-1944/45 (service began December 1941) POSEY, JAMES WILLIS, A.B. , A.M. (1927/28) Instructor in English, 1926/27-1930/31 (absent on sick leave, Pall and Winter 1930/31) POTTER, IBVIN LEWIS Instructor in Public Speaking, 1907/08 POTTEK, EOBEKT 2USSELL, A.M. , Ph.D. (1926/27) Instructor in English, 1922/23-1925/26 Assistant Professor of English, 1926/27-1929/30 (absent on leave, 1927/28) POUND, MERBITT BI00DW0fi2H, A.M. Instructor in History, 1931/32 PBATT, JOSEPH HYDE, Ph.D. Professor of Economic Geology, 1904/05-1905/06 State Geologist and Professor of Economic Geology, 1906/07-1907/08 Professor of Economic Geology, 1908/09-1922/23 (absent on leave in service of the U.S., 1917/ 18-1918/ 19) PBEST0N, CAELTON ESTEY, Ph.D. Associate Professor of the teaching of Science in the Train% School, 1926/27-1938/39 (absent on leave, 1926/27) Professor of the Teaching of Science, 1939/40-1940/41 Professor of Education, 1941/42-1944/45 PEICE, WILLIAK ENOCH, A.B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1919/20 PEINCE, WILLIAM MEAUE Lecturer in Art, 1939/40-1941/42 Director of Person Eall Art Gallery and Lecturer in Art, 1942/43 Lecturer in Art, 19^?/^4-1944/45 (94) PRITCHARD, JOSEPH INE Assistant, Registrants Office, 1919/20-1936/37 Recorder, Central Office of Records, 1937/36-1944/45 PRITCHARD, WILLIAw URALY, S.B.Cain. Instructor in Physical Education, 1943/44 PROUTY, CHILTUNE. , M.S. Instructor in Geology, 1936/39 PROUST, WILLIAM FREDERICK, Ph.D. Professor of Stratigraphic Geology, 1919/20-1944/45 (absent on leave on Kenan Foundation, Fall and Winter 1930/31) PU&H, JAMES TBOMAS, A.B., A.M. (1894 '95) Instructor in Latin, 1693/94-1894/95 QUINLAN, PERCY HALL, B.P.I. Instructor in Physical Education, 1941/42-1944/45 RABB, WALTER WAGEER, A.M. Instructor in Physical Education, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1944/45) RABOBfi, WILLIAM ANDERSON, Lt.Col. , U.S. Army, Retired Professor of Military Science and xactics, 1941/42-1&42/43 RAECLITP, THOMAS Assistant in the Chemical Laboratory, 1662/83 RADOFF, MAURICE LEON, A.M. Instructor in French, 1928/29 RAMIHEZ, MANUEL D. , A.M. Instructor in Spanish, 1942/43-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45; RANDLETTE, JAMES Tutor, 1685 (listed only in Battle, Eemp Plummer Sketches of the History of the University of Uorth Carolina ) RANEY, RICHARD BEVERLY, A.B. , M.D. Lecturer in Orthopedic Surgery, 1944/45 RANKIN, EDGAR RALPH, A.B. , A.M. (1915/16) Instructor in Education and Secretary of the North Carolina Debating Union, 1913/14 Assistant Director of the Bureau of Extension, 1914/15-1920/21 (95) Associate Director of the Extension Division, 1921/ 22- 1925/26 Heed, Department of School Relations, and Chief, Bureau of High School Debatingand Athletics, Extension Division, 1926/27-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, May* 36, 1918 - December 20, 1918; October 13, 1942 - June 4, 1947) RANKIN, PRANK BISANER, A.B. General Secretary of the Y.M.C.a. , 1906/07-1907/08 RANKDT, HENRY ASHBY, A.M. Instructor in English, 1928/29 RANKIN, WILLIAM WALTER, B.E. , A.M. Instructor in Mathematics, and Recorder of Absences, 1913/14 Instructor in Mathematics, 1915/16-1917/ 18 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1918/19-1919/20 (absent on leave, 1919/20) RANSON, MURPHY DALE, S.B. Instructor in Physical Education, 1941/42-1944/45 RAPER, CHARLES LEE, Ph.D. , LL.D. (1917/18) Associate Professor of Economics and of History, 1901/ 02-1905/06 Professor of Economics, 190?707-1908/09 Dean of the Graduate School ana Professor of Economics, 1909/ 16- 1919/2C REASONER, NORMAN ANDERSON, A.B. Instructor in Botany, 1917/18 REDD, ALEXANDER FLETCHER Professor of PhysicB and Chemistry, 1875/76-1676/77 Professor of General and Analytical Chemistry, 1877/78-1860/81 REDFORD, MINNIE (Teacher in the Paleigh City Schools) Instructor in Primary Reading end Language-work in the Summer School, 1894, 1895 Instructor in Phonics in the Sumner School, 1896 REED, MANSFIELD T. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1689/90 (listed only in Battle, Kemp Plummer Sketches of the History of the University of North Carolina ) RESNICK, IRVIHG, B.A. Instructor in Physics, 1943/44 REYNOLDS, C?RL VERNON, M.D. Associate Professor of Public Health, 1937/36-1944/45 (96) BEYNOLDS, CEDRIC OKELL, M.A. Educational Officer, V-12 Headquarters, 1944/45 REYNOLDS, FLOYD TCMPKDJS, A.M. Instructor in English, 1927/28 REYNOLDS, JOHN 0., M.A. Instructor in Mathematics, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in government service, 1942/43-1944/45) REYNOLDS, JOSHUA PAUL, M.S. Acting-A?sistant Professor of Zoology, 1932/33 REYNOLDS, THOMAS LEE, A.B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1940/41 RHEA, ANDREW Professor of Ancient Languages, 1806-1814 (resigned 1814) BHYHE, ORESTES PEAPLE, Ph.D. (spelled EEIN, 1914/ 15-1915/ 16) Assistant Professor cf German, 1213/14-1915/ 16 RICE, JAMES GKUNDY, A.M. Instructor in English, 1944/45 BICE, OSCAR KNEFLER, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1936/37-1243/44 Professor of Chemistry, 1944-/45 RICE, WILLIAM ABBOTT, Ph.L. Assistant Professor of Geology, 1941/42-1944/45 (ahsent on leave in government service, 1942/43-194^/45) RICH, LUKE ASHLEY, Ch.E. Assistant Professor of Laval Science and Tactics, 19^3/44-1944/45 RICHARDS, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS Teacher of French, English and German, 1796 ^utor in Preparatory Department, 1796-1798 (died Eecember, 1798) RICHARDSON, LOUISE, A.B. Assistant Librarian, 1913/14 RICHARDSON, WILLIAM P., B.A., M.D. , M.P.E. Instructor in Public Health for Social Workers and District Health Officer, 1936/37-1939/40 Associate Professor of Publid Health, 1940/41 Associate Professor of Public Health Administration, 1941/42-1943/44 (97) BIKER, M0HE03 MARVIN, B.S. Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Baval Actios, 1940/41 Associate Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, 1941/42 RIJSG-, VA1V0RTH K3VLASL, M.A. Instructor in Latin, 1926/27 HIPPY, JAMES FP-SD, Ph. P. Visiting Professor of History, 1931/32 B CBSES OB, CHARLES, B.S. Assistant in Biology, 189^/95 ROBERSOH, FOY, M.D. Director of the Infirmary, 1932/33 (on temporary appointment) Surgical Consultant for Freshman and Varsity Football Squads, 1938/39-1942/43 EQB12ES0M, NELLIE, A.B. In Charge of Public Discussion Bureau, University Extension Division, 1921/22-1933/34 Head, Library Lxtension Department, 1934/35-1944/45 (absent on leave, 1939/40) R0B3RIS, JOEli J0HE r ', A. M. (1842/43) Professor of the French Language and literature, 1841/42-1842/43 BOEEETS, LEONARD WARD, A.K. Instructor in English, 1943/44-1944/45 (resigned January 1, 19*5) BOSKETS, MUEAI EALSiEAD, A.M. Instructor in Romance Languages, 1921/22-1922/23 RQBERfSOH, DUPXTT JfAIIS, Jr. , A.M. Instructor in English, 1942/43-19*3/44 BOBEETSCN, SBtfHI MASOiJ, M.L. House Physician of the infirmary, 1832/33 (on temporary appointment) BOBS OS, CBABLES BASKEEVILLE, A.M., Ph.D. (1931/32) Instructor in History, 1925/26-1929/30 Assistant Professor of History, 1931/32-1933/34 Associate Professor of Government, 1934/35 Associate Professor of Political Ccience, 1935/36-1941/42 Professor of Political ! cience, 19^2/43-1944/^5 (absent on leave, March 1 to September 1, 1945) (98) ROE, ARTHUR, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Crganie Chemistry. 1941/42-1943/44 Acting Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, 1944/45 ROGERS, FRED TERFY, Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Physics, 194C/41 BOSSES, Egbert clatccm, m.b. Instructor in Psychology', 1540/41 ROGERS, WILLIAM WHITS, A.B. , A.M. (1924/25) Instructor in Psychology, 1923/24-1925/26 ROGERS, VJSP1ELB KEYSEE, Fh.D. Visiting; Professor of English, 1944/45 ROGERS OB, LIYIWSTOB BERTRAM, C.P. A. (1937/38) Auditor, 1925/26-1933/34 Assistant Controller, 1934/35-1936/37 Assistant Controller and (Local) business Manager, 1937/ 3£ Liberal Art"?, Professor of Civil Engineering.-, 1913/ 1* Lean of the College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Civil Engineer ing, 19 W 15-191?/ 18 Chairman of the acuity, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and Professor of Civil Engineering, 191t/l9 (died, January 12, 1919) STACY, Mrs. MAR YIN HENDRIX Advisor to women, 1919/20-1941/42 Dean of Women, 1942/43-1944/45 ST«INBACX, RATMOHD PHABKLIH, S.B. Elec.Sng'g. , S.M.I. ( 1933/34) Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1928/29-1937/38 - (109 STAILINGS, RCKBM LEE, Jr., B.S. Instructor in Economics, 1941/4?- 1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) S ANFORD, LOIS F0O?E, M.D. Instructor in Medicine, 1942/43-1944/45 STANFORD, WILLIAM RANEY, A.B. , M.D. Instructor in Medicine, 1942/43-1944/45 STAPLES, EDGAR IVAN, S.B. (filden Ivan in 1916/17 catalog) Instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1915/ 16-1916/ 17 STEADMAN, JOHN MARCiLLUS, Jr., Ph.D. Instructor in English, 1916/ 37-1918/ 19 STEELMAN, S ANFOED LE ; . IS, B.S. Instructor in Chemistry, 1943/44 STSINEN, EDWARD VON DEN Instructor in Physical Culture, 1901/02-1902/03 STEINER, JESSE FREDEBICK, Ph.D. Professor of Social Technology, 1920/21-1926/27 STEPHENS, GEORGE GULLETT Instructor in Physical Culture, 1893/94. 1895/96 STEPHENSON, IRVING JOSEPH, A.B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1923)*24, 1930/31 STEPHENSON, L.D. Lecturer in Mathematics, 1943/44 (resigned) STEVENS, BENJAMIN ALONZO, M.A. Assistant Professor of Education, 192^/25-1925/26 Associate Professor of Ecucation in Extension Teaching, 1926/27, 1929/30 STEVENS, RALPH SANDERS, M.D. Demonstrator of Clinical Pathology, Raleigh, B.C., 1905/06-1909/10 STINESPRING, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Ph.D. Visiting Professor in ^lassies, 1939/40 STITH, ABNER Tutor, 1814, 1815, 1816 STOCKARD, HENRY JEROME Instructor in English, 1892/93 (no) STONE, ALMA HENS, see SKAGGS, ALMA (STONE) STONE, ROB RT EDWARDS, A.B. , M.D. Assistant University Physician, 1936/39 Assistant University hysician and Instructor in Physical Diagnosis, 1939/40-1940/41 Associate University Physician and Instructor la Physical Diagnosis, 1941/ 42-19*4/45 (absent on leave in military service, 194?/ 43-1944/45; STONER, IHVING, A.B. Instrtictor in Mathematics, 1943/44 STOUDEMIRE, STERLING AUBHEY, A.M., Ph.D. (1930/31; Instructor in ^^panish, 1924/25-1929/30 Assistant Professor of Spanish, 1930/31-1933/34 Associate Professor of Spanish, 1934/35-1940/41 Professor of Spanish, 1941/^2-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-19^4/^5; STRALEY, HARBISON WILSON, III, A.B. , Ph.D. (1938/39 J Instructor in Geology, 1935/36-1938/39 STRALEY, JOSEPH WARD, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Pnysics, 19*41*5 STRAUGHN, WILLIAM RINGGOLD, Jr., M.S. Instructor in Bacteriology, 1943/4/1-1944/45 STRICKLAND, WILLIAM E. , A.B. , B.S. Instructor in French, 1941/42-1944/45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43- 1944/45; STROHG, EARL D. , M.A. Associate Professor of Business Law, 1929/30 S TROUP, THOMAr BRADLEY, A.M. Instructor in English, 1929/30-1932/33 STRUDWICK, WAN SP0TSW00D, B.L.S. Assistant Librarian, 1907/ 08 -191?/ 18 (absent on leave, 1910/11 STUHLMAN, '.ring, 1940) THOMPSON, ALBERT WILDER, M.A. Instructor in French, 1923/24 THOMPSON, EDGAR TRISTRAM, M.A. Instructor in Rural r ocial Lconomics, 192" /?5- 19 25/ 26 THOMPSON, ELIZABETH HARDY, A.B. , B.L.S. Head Cataloguer, the Library, 1923/24-1944/45 THOMPSON, FRANK THORNBER, A.M., Ph.D. (1924/25) Instructor in English, 1923/24-1925/26 THOMPSON, JACOB, A.B. Tutor, 1831/32-1833/34 THOMPSON, MATT LEE, S.B. Coram. Auditor, 193^/35-1935/36 THOMPSON, 0. W. Tutor, 1828/29-1829/30 THORNTON, MARY LINDSAY, A.B. (1939/40) , A.M. (1943/44 > Assistant Librarian, 1917/18 In Charge of the North Carolina Collection, 1918/19-1944/45 (113) THORNTON, RICHARD HUHT, A.M. Instructor in English, 1914/ 15-1916/ 17 Assistant Professor of English, 191?/l8-1918/l9 THRALL, WILLIAM FLINT, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English, 1920/21-1922/23 Associate Professor of English, 1923/24-1926/27 Professor of English, 1927/28-1941 (absent on sick leave. Fall and V.'inter, 1930/31; not in residence Winter, 1935; absent on leave, Fall and Winter, 1939/40; died October 15, 1941) THURMAN, BEVERLY REED, Jr., A.M. Instructor in French, 1933/34-1935/36 TICKLER, RICHARD BliiCK, B.A. Instructor in Chemistry, 19*3/^4 TIPPETT, JAMES STERLING, M. A. Visiting Lecturer in Extension Teaching, 194 3/ 44-1944 /^ 5 TISDALE, DOROTHY HOPE, Ph.D. Instructor in Sociology, 1942/43 TOLMAN, HERBERT CUSHING, Ph.D. Professor of Sanskrit and Acting Professor of Greek, 1893/94 TOMS, CLINTON WHITE, Ph.B. Professor of Pedagogy, 1896/97 Superintendent of the Summer School, 1897 TOMS, JOHN EL IAS, M.M. .Acting Assistant Professor of Music, 1936/3? Assistant Professor of Music, 1937/38-1943/44 (absent on leave, 1940/41-1942/43) TOTTEN, HENRY ROLAND, A.M., Ph.D. (1923/ PA) Instructor in Botany, 1914/15-1922/23 (absent on leave c in military service^ 1918/19/' Assistant Professor of Botany, 1923/24-19JM/25 Associate Professor of Botany, 1925/26-1928/29 Professor of Botany, 1929/30-1934/35 Professor of Botany and Advisor to Freshmen, 1935/ 36-193^/37 Professor of Botany, 193?/38-194//45 (absent on leave in military service, 1942/43-1944/45) TOWLES, OLIVER, A.B. , Ph.D. (1912/13) Associate Professor of Romance Languages, 1909./ 10-1919/20 (absent on leave in service of the U.S., 19 17/ 18 -19 18/ 19) Professor of : rench, 1920/21-1924/25 (absent on leave on the JCenan Foundation, 1922/23) (114) TOXEY, CHARLIE B. , Jr., B.S. , A.M. (1942/43) Instructor in Mathematics, 1940/41, 1942/43-1943/44 TOY, WALTER DALLAM, M.A. Professor of Modern Languages, 1885/86-1888/89 Professor of Modem Languages and Secretary, 1889/90-1890/91 Professor of Modern Languages, 1891/92-1897/98 Professor of Modern Languages and Secretary to the Faculty, 1898/99- 1900/01 Professor of the Germanic Languages and Literature and Secretary to the acuity, 1901/02-1933 (absent on leave, 1910/ 11; died "ctoher 10, 1933) TRABUE, MARION REX, Ph.D. Professor of Educational Administration, 1922/23-1934/35 (absent on leave, Pall and Winter, 192?/28; absent on leave, 1931/32, 1932/33) Professor of Educational Administration and Lirector of the Division of Education of the Consolidated University, 1935/36-1936/37 (absent on leave, Winter and Spring, 1936) TRAWICK, MARTIN WHITFORD, A.B. Instructor in Physics, 19 2?/ 28 -19 28/ 29 TREADWELL, OLIVER W , A.B. Tutor, 1826 fZ? -1829/ 30 TRIMBLE, RALPH McCOY, C.E. , S.M. (1927/28) Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1923/24-1926/27 Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1927/26-1928/29 Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, 1929/30-1937/38 Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, 1938/39-1944/45 TROTT, RICHARD GEORGE, A.B. Instructor in Mathematics, 1929/30 TROY, MATTHEW Preparatory Dept. , 1804 TRUSS ELL, STANLEY PORTER Instructor in Music, 1925/26 TUCKER, GORDON HERSCHEL, M.S. Instructor in Zoology, 1938/39 TUCKER, HENBY McKEE, M.D. Lecturer on Obstetrics and Disease?, of Children, r Raleighj 1902/03 Professor of Obstetrics, Raleigh, 1903/04-1909/10 (115) TURLINGTON, EDGAR WILLIS, A.B. , B.C.L. Instructor in Latin, 1915/16 Instructor in English, 1916/17 TURNER, CHARLES ROOT Assistant in Physics, 1894/95 TURNER, ELBERT DAYMOND, Jr., A.B. Instructor in Spanish, 1938/39 TWETO, OODEN, A.M. Instructor in Geology, 1939/40 TYLER, RALPH WINIFRED, Ph. P. Associate Professor of Education in Extension reaching, 1927/28- 1928/29 TJLLMAN, BERTH OLD LOUIS, Ph.D. Kenan Professor of the Classical Languages and Literatures, 1944/45 VALENTINE, JOSEPH MANS ON, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Zoology, 1929/30 Acting-Assistant Professor of Zoology, 1930/31 Curator, Museum of Natural History, 1934/35-1936/37 YANCK, RUPERT BAYLESS , Ph.D. Research Associate in Sociology, 1932/33 Research Associate in the Institute for Research in Social Science, 1933/3^-1936/3? Research Professor in the Institute for Research in Social Science, 1937/38-19^/45 (ahsent on leave, 19^?/ 43-1944/^5) VAN CLEAVE, CHARLES LURWARD, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Anatomy, 1940/41-1942/43 Associate Professor of Anatomy, 1943^4-194^ / 45 VAN COLLIE, RUTH FRANCE, M.A. Instructor in Physical Education, 1944/45 VAN HECKE, MAURICE TAYLOR, Ph.B. , J.L. Associate Professor of Law, 19 Pi/ 22-19 22/ 23 Professor of Law, 1928/29-1930/31 Dean of L a v School and Professor of Law, 1931/32-1940/41 Professor of Law, 1941/ 42-1944/45 (ahsent on leave in government service, I942/43-1944//15) VAN LANDINGHAM, HARRY SYLVANUS , M.A. Instructor in French, 1921/22-1924/ 25 (116) VAUGHN, WILLI All WEBLLK, A.B. , M.E. Lecturer in Radiographic Anatomy, 194/!/i5 V AUGHT, JOHN, A.B. Instructor in Physical Education, 1936/37-1944/46 (absent on leave in mil it airy service, 1942/ 43-1944/ 45) VENABLE, CHARLES SCOTT, A.M. Instructor in Chemistry, 1912/35 VENABLE, FRAXCIS PRESTON, Ph.D. (Goettingen, 1881/82), F. C.S. (1882/83) , D.Sc. (1903/04), LL.L. (1903/04) Professor of General, Agricultural, and Analytical Chemistry, 1880/81- 1884/85 Professor of '-eneral and Industrial Chemistry, 1885/86-1887/88 Professor of General and Analytical Chemistry, 18fc8/89-1893/94 Mary Ann Smith Professor of General and Analytical -hemistry, 1894/95- 1899/1900 President, 1900/01 President and Professor of heoretical Chemistry, 190l/02-190e/07 President, 1907/08 President and Professor of Theoretical -hemistry, 1908/09 President, 1909/10-1910/11 President and Professor of Chemistry, 1911/ 12-1913/ 14 (absent on leave, 1912/13, 1913/14) Francis Preston Venable Professor of Chemistry, 191^/ 15-1916/17 Kenan Professor of Chemistry, 1917/ 18-1929/ 30 Kenan Professor meritus of Chemistry, 1930/31-1933/34 VENABLE, LOUISE MANKIKG, A.B. Executive Secretary of Extension Livision, 1921/22-1933/34 VERMONT, ADOLPHE Instructor in the Romance languages, 190^/08-1909/10 VERMUELE, CORNELIUS P. Professor of Ancient Languages, 1830/31 (during illness of Professor Looper) VICTOBIUS, GLAUS, B.S. Instructor in Chemistry, 1943/<14 VILBRANDT, MANX CARL, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Industrial Chemistry, 1921/23-1927/28 Professor of Industrial hemistry, 1928./ 29-1929/' 30 VILES, GEORGE BURKIPGE, Ph.D. Professor of the "ermanic Languages and Literatures, 1910/ 11 Associate J-'rofessor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, 1911./ 12 (117 ) VILlEE, CLAUDE ALVIN, Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Zoology, 19*2/43-1944/45 VININO, MORGAN FISHER, A.B. , LL.B. (1931/32) Chief, bureau of Lectures and c 'hort Courses, and Visual Instruction. University Extension Division, 1924/25 Chief, Bureau of Lecturer and Short curses, University Extension Division, 1925/26-1929/30 (absent on leave, 1925/26 Acting Head, Department of Public Service, ana Chief, Bureau of Lectures, ''hort < ourse?, and Radio, Extension division, 19?0^L- 1932/53 (died October 1, 1933) VOCLER, C. L. Instructor in Botany, 1918/19 WAGER, PAUL WOODFORD, A.M., »h.L. (1927/28) Instructor in Rural Social Economic?, 1926/27 Assistant Professor of Rural Social conoroics, 1927/?»-193l/32 (absent on leave, 1930/31; Fall, 1931; Associate Professor of Rural Social Economics, 1932/33-1937/38 (absent on leave, 1934/35, 1935/36; Fall and Spring, 1937/38) Associate Profe-sor of Political cience, 1938/ 39-1942/43 Professor of Political Science, 1943'44-19