1273 Issued June 30,1910. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FARMERS’ BULLETIN 404 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. BY SAMUEL FORTIER, Chief of Irrigation Investigations , Office of Experiment Stations. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1910 . LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington , D. O., Aril 25, 1910. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith material for a bulletin on the irrigation of orchards, prepared by Samuel Fortier, chief of irrigation investigations of this Office. This material is based on the best irrigation practices of the arid region, and is intended pri¬ marily for the use of settlers in that region. It is therefore recom¬ mended that it be published as a Farmers’ Bulletin. Doctor Fortier desires to acknowledge the receipt of notes on the irrigation of orchards from state agents of this Office and special agents appointed temporarily for this and other purposes. Respectfully, A. C. True, Director. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. 404 2 6 C 0 N T E NTS. Tage. Selection of lands for orchards. 5 Typical water supplies for orchards. 6 Clearing and grading land for fruit. 9 Locating the tree rows. 10 Methods of irrigating orchards. 12 Furrow irrigation. 12 Earthen head ditches. .. 13 Short tubes in head ditches. 14 Head flumes. 15 Pipes and standpipes. 17 Making furrows. 19 Applying water to furrows. 20 The basin method. 22 The check method. 23 Time to irrigate orchards. 24 Number of irrigations per season. 25 Duty of water in orchard irrigation. 25 Evaporation losses from orchard soils. 2< Effect of soil mulches in checking evaporation. Loss of w T ater due to percolation. Removal of waste water. . Growing crops between the tree .. ^ Winter irrigation of orchards. 404 *> O ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Fig. 1. Orchard tracts at Lewiston, Idaho. 6 2. Weir, with automatic register, used by the Temescal Water Company. 7 3. Concrete-lined canal of the Temescal Water Company. 7 4. Section of hydrant box of Riverside Water Company, showing device for measuring miner’s inches. 8 5. Orchard tract under Gage Canal, Riverside, Cal. 8 6. Hexagonal method of setting out orchard trees. 11 7. Plan of planting apple trees with peach trees as fillers. 12 8. The use of the “A” scraper in building head ditches. 13 9. Wooden box placed in bank of head ditch. 14 10. Wooden check in head ditch. 15 11. Section of wooden head flume, showing opening and gate. 15 12. The use of low check in head flume... 16 13. Common sizes of concrete head flumes. 17 14. Earthen head ditch lined with concrete. , 17 15. The use of pipes in furrow irrigation. 18 16. Section of standpipe outlined in figure 15. 18 17. Method of irrigating from iron standpipes connected with pressure pipes.• 19 18. Making furrows in orchard. 20 19. Furrow irrigation, showing dry spaces. 21 20. Cross furrowing the dry spaces. 21 21. Use of zigzag furrows. 22 22. Basin method of irrigation. 23 23. Ridger used in basin irrigation. 23 24. Combination of check and furrow methods. 23 25. Average duty per month under Riverside Water Company, December 1, 1901, to November 30, 1908 . 26 26. Relation between temperature and evaporation from a water surface at Tulare, Cal. 28 27. Tank experiments at Reno, Nev., to determine effect of soil mulches in checking evaporation. 30 28. Outlines of percolation under sixteen furrows in orchard 58 under the Gage Canal Company, Riverside, Cal. 31 29. Soil auger used to locate ground-water level._. 32 30. Box drain. 32 31. Sand box in tile line. 33 32. Orchard, showing strawberries between rows of trees. 35 404 4 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. SELECTION OF LANDS FOE OECHAEDS. Care and good judgment should be exercised in the selection of an orchard tract. If it turns out well the profits are high, but if it fails the losses are heavy. It involves the setting aside of good land, the use of irrigation water, and somewhat heavy expenses in purchasing trees, setting them out and caring for them until they begin to bear. Assuming that the climate and soil of the district selected are adapted to the kind of trees to be grown, the next most important things to consider are good drainage and freedom from early and late frosts. Low-lying lands under a new irrigation system should be regarded with suspicion, even if the subsoil be quite dry at the time of planting. The results of a few years of heavy and careless irrigation on the higher lands adjacent may render the lowlands unfit for or¬ chards. On the other hand, the higher lands are not always well drained naturally. A bank of clay extending across a slope may inter¬ cept percolating water and raise it near the surface. Favored locations for orchards in the mountain States are often found in the narrow river valleys at the mouths of canyons. The coarse soil of these deltas, the steep slopes, and the daily occurrence of winds which blow first out of the canyons and then back into them, afford excellent conditions for the production of highly flavored fruits at the minimum risk of being injured by frost. Proper exposure is another important factor. In the warmer re¬ gions of the West and Southwest a northern exposure is sometimes best, but as a rule the orchards of the West require warmth and sun¬ shine, and a southerly exposure is usually most desirable. Natural barriers frequently intercept the sweep of cold, destructive winds, and when these are lacking, wind-breaks may be planted to serve the same purpose. Depressions or sheltered coves should be avoided if the cold air has a tendency to collect in them, a free circulation of air being necessary to drive away frost. The low-lying lands seem to be the most subject to cold, stagnant air. While experience has shown that orchard trees ot nearly all kind* can be successfully grown on soils that differ widely in their mechan¬ ical and chemical composition, it has also shown that certain t\pi* of soils are best adapted to particular kinds of trees. 1 hus the best 404 5 6 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. peach, almond, apricot, and olive orchards of the West are found on the lighter or sandier loams; the best apple, cherry, and pear orchards on heavier loams; while walnut, prune, and orange orchards do best on medium grades of soil. The requirements of all, however, are a deep rich, and well-drained soil. TYPICAL WATER SUPPLIES FOR ORCHARDS. Formerly most western orchards were supplied with water through earthen ditches. These leaky, unsightly channels, by reason of their J 1_1 L BRYDEN AVE. n i—;-—-1 r Fig. 1 . —Orchard tracts at Lewiston, Idaho. cheapness, would have been quite generally retained had it not been for the increasing value and scarcity of water. The value of w T ater for irrigation purposes has increased beyond the average of that given by the census report of 1902 over 300 per cent. In many locali¬ ties there is likewise great scarcity at certain times. These rapidly changing conditions have induced many water companies to save 404 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. 7 ®Wfe. *$gp1°r *\ * At ''/ ^isddt&d-'d. some of their heavy losses in conveying water supplies by substituting pipes for open ditches in earth, or else by making the ditches water¬ tight by an impervious lining. The high value and scarcity of the water in natural streams have, likewise induced orchardists to install pumping plants to raise water from underground sources. It was esti¬ mated that in 1909 20,000 of these plants were in operation in California alone. In other parts of the West reservoirs are being built to supple¬ ment the late summer flow of streams which fail to provide enough water for all. The few typical ex¬ amples which follow may not only give the reader an idea of how orchards are supplied with water, but indicate also the customary division into tracts to serve this and other purposes. The Lewiston Basin is located where Clearwater River flows into the Snake River in western Idaho, and varies from 700 to 1,900 feet above sea level. A few years ago water was brought from neighbor¬ ing creeks and stored in a reservoir. The water required for orchard irrigation is conducted from this reservoir under pressure in two lines of redwood stave pipes over the rolling hills which separate the reservoir from the orchard lands. On these lands contour lines were first estab¬ lished, and each quarter section was afterwards divided into 10-acie tracts by 60-foot streets. These were further subdivided into eight 5-acre tracts, with a 20-foot alley through the center. ligme 1, showing block 28 of the survey, indicates the general arrangement. The large conduits from the reservoir are connected to smaller lateral Fig. 2.—Weir with automatic register, used by the Temescal Water Company. fo/ned p/dsfer. : 2'/z /ned concrete * {55 '/otnedp/oster 2'/i/ncti concrete •' -.V: • 3 /o'd fnc/> concrete '•: ' Fig. 3.—Concrete-lined canal of the Temescal Water Company. 404 8 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. pipes laid in the alleys, and these in turn are tapped by 3-inch pipes, which furnish water to the 5-acre tracts. The town of Corona, Cal., is hemmed in on all sides by lemon and orange orchards. The chief water supply for these groves comes from Perris Basin, 40 miles distant. The Temescal Water Company owns Fig. 4.—Section of hydrant box of Riverside Water Com¬ pany, showing device for measuring miner’s inches. 3,GOO acres of water¬ bearing lands in this basin, and at favor¬ able points pumping plants have been in¬ stalled. These plants are operated by mo¬ tors supplied with current from a central generating station lo¬ cated at Ethenac. The discharge from each pump is measured over a rectangular wier having an automatic register. This device is shown in figure 2. Small lined channels convey the water from the pumps to the main conduit shown in cross-section in figure 3. The con¬ crete lining of this conduit is composed of one part cement to seven parts sand and gravel, having a slop( r/rrigotino Flume 911.10 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o 0 o o o o * o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o • o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o © o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o © o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o 0 a Lnf 4 o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o © o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o © 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o © o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o • o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o « o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o © o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o JO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 9Z8.0C Irrigating Flume - 92 5. 50 J thickness on the >es of 2^ inches and on the bottom of 3 to 4 inches. The lining is ren¬ dered still more im¬ pervious by the ad¬ dition of a plaster coat one-fourth of an inch in thick¬ ness, composed of one part of cement to two parts of sand. The cost was 5J cents per square foot, or 55 cents per linear foot. The main conduit consists of about 30 miles of lined canal and 10 miles of piping 30 inches in diameter. The groves are laid out as a rule in 10-acre tracts, and piping of various kinds con¬ veys the water from the main to the highest point of each tract, from which it is distributed between the rows in furrows. LINCOLN AVENUE 926.40 305.40 fHydrant 926.90 929.90 Fig. -Orchard tract under Gage Canal, Riverside, Cal. 404 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. 9 A large part of the water used by the Riverside Water Company is pumped from the gravelly bed of the Santa Ana River. From thence it is conveyed in a main canal to the orchard lands and dis¬ tributed to the groves in cement and vitrified clay pipes. The owner of a tract, whether it be 10, 20, 30, or 40 acres in extent, receives his supply at the highest corner through a hydrant box. Each hydrant box not only allows the water to pass from the end of a lateral pipe to the head flume of the tract to be irrigated, but also measures the amount in miner’s inches under a 4-inch pressure head as it passes through. A section of the hydrant box showing the adjustable steel slides to regulate the opening is given in figure 4. On the Gage Canal system in Riverside County, Cal., the water supply for the tiers of 40-acre tracts is taken from the canal in riveted steel pipes varying from 6 to 10 inches in diameter. These larger mains are connected with 4, 5, and 6 inch lateral pipes of the same material, which convey the water to the highest point of each 10-acre tract. This general arrangement is shown in the sketch, figure 5. The ditches conducting water from gravity canals to orchard tracts do not differ from the supply ditches for other crops which have been described in previous publications of this Department.® CLEARING AND GRADING LAND FOR FRUIT. As a rule fruit trees are planted on land previously cultivated and cropped. One of the best preparatory crops for orchards is alfalfa. This vigorous plant breaks up the soil and subsoil by its roots, collects and stores valuable plant foods, and when it is turned under at the end of the second or third year leaves the soil in much better condi¬ tion for the retention of moisture and the growth of young trees. In the Bitter Root Valley, Montana, new land is first plowed 8 to 12 inches deep, then carefully graded and smoothed and seeded to red clover for one or two seasons. On the west side of this valley pine trees and pine stumps are encountered. These can best be removed by burning. A hole 1^ inches in diameter is bored through the base of the stump or tree in a slanting direction. It is near the surface of the ground on the windward side and about 18 inches above the surface on the leeward side. A fire is then built in the hole, using small twigs to start it. As the fire burns the opening is increased and larger limbs are inserted. In two or three days the stump v>\\\ have burned out, the fire burning down into the roots to a depth of 12 to 14 inches. The cost of such clearing varies with the charactei of the land and the density of the growth. From $10 to $b> an acie will clear the land of stumps and it then costs $5 to $10 to get the unburnt roots plowed out and the land ready for planting._ a u. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bills. 263 and 373, 41647—Bull. 404—10-2 10 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. Iii recent years lar^e areas of wooded lands in both the Hood River %j o and Rogue River valleys of Oregon have been cleared in order to plant apple trees. One of the methods employed in the Hood River district to rid the land of its growth of fir, pine, scrub oak, and laurel is similar to that just described. Another method consists in split¬ ting open the stumps with giant powder and then pulling out the roots with a stump puller. Stump pullers of various kinds are used in California for a like purpose. The most powerful of these con¬ sists of a portable engine, windlass, and cable similar to an ordinary hoisting plant. A heavy chain is fastened to the tree at the proper height above the ground. To this chain the pulling cable is hooked and when the power is applied the tree is pulled out by the roots. In New Mexico and Texas the mesquite is usually grubbed out by Mexicans, but in California, where labor costs more, such shrubs as mesquite, manzanita, and chaparral can be more cheaply removed by a stout pair of horses and a logging chain. Devices for the removal of ordinary desert plants, such as sage¬ brush and grease wood have been described in a previous bulletin. 0 An effort should be made to establish a fairly uniform grade from top to bottom of each tract. This is done by cutting off the high points and depositing the earth thus obtained in the depressions. The length of the furrows should not exceed one-eighth of a mile and in sandy soil they should be shorter. As a rule, it is not difficult to grade the surface of an orchard so that small streams of water will readily flow in furrows from top to bottom. LOCATING THE TREE ROWS. In setting out orchards which are to be irrigated, the elevation of the surface of the ground should first be ascertained? This is usually done by making a contour survey by which each tract is divided up into a number of curved strips or belts by level lines. Such contours are shown in figure 1, page G, the vertical distance between them in this particular case being 1 foot. With these as a guide the direction of the tree rows can be readily determined. Where the trees are watered in basins or checks, flat slopes are not so objectionable, but in furrow irrigation a slope of about 2 inches to the 100 feet is necessary to insure an even distribution of water. When streams are to be run in the furrows the slope of the furrows may be increased to 8, 10, and even to 12 inches to the 100 feet. On slopes varying from 10 to 40 feet to the mile, the tree rows may therefore be located at the proper distance apart down the steepest slope. Under such conditions the trees are most commonly planted in squares. The location of the 404 a U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers’ Bill. 373. IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. 11 trees can be best fixed by the use of a surveyor’s transit and steel tape When these are not available, a woven-wire cable about three-six¬ teenths of an inch in diameter will answer the purpose. If apple trees are to be set out and it is desired to have them 32 feet apart tags are inserted between the strands of the cable to mark this exact distance. A base line at the proper distance from the fence or one margin of the field is then laid down and long sighting stakes driven at each tag. The corner is then turned and a similar line is laid out. This process is continued until the location of the trees around each of the four sides of the tract has been fixed. The corners can be^t be turned with a 100-foot tape or link chain. First measure from the end of the base line a distance of 30 feet. Hold the one-hundred end of the chain at this point, and the 10-foot link at the corner; take the tape or chain at the 50-foot mark or link and pull both lines taut. A stake driven at this vertex will establish a point on a line at right angles to the first. When stakes have been set on all four sides the intermediate locations for the trees can be readily ascertained by sighting between corre- Fig. 6. -Hexagonal method of setting out orchard trees. sponding marginal stakes. Where the slope is steep and difficulties are likely to be encountered in distribut¬ ing water, the equilateral, hexagonal, or septuple method of planting, as it is variously termed, should be adopted. The manner of marking the ground for this method is indicated in figure 6. It will be observed that in this method the ground is divided up into equilateral triangles, with a tree at each vertex. The trees likewise form hexagons, and when one includes the center tree of each hexagon they form groups of sevens. Hence the name equilateral, hexagonal, and septuple. The chief advantage of this mode of planting in irrigated districts is that it provides three and often four different directions in which furrows may be run. Having the choice of so many, it is not diffi¬ cult to select the one which is best for any particular tract. 1 he ground can likewise be cultivated in more ways, and about one- seventh more trees can be planted to a given area than is possible in the square method. In the past the trees of irrigated orchards have been planted too close. This is made clear to even the casual observer who visits the 404 12 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. old orange groves of Riverside, Cal., the deciduous orchards of the * Santa Clara Valley, California, or the apple orchards of the Hood River district in Oregon. Under irrigation systems peach trees should be spaced 20 to 22 feet, olive, pear, apricot, and cherry trees from 22 to 28 and 30 feet, orange trees 22 to 24 feet, apple trees 30 to 3G feet, and walnut trees from 48 to 5G feet apart. On the Pacific coast the tendency toward wide spacing has induced many growers to insert peach fillers between other slower maturing trees, such as the apple and walnut. A common practice in this direction is shown in figure 7,- which represents the arrangement of trees in a young orchard in Douglas County, Wash. Here the trees are set in squares 18 feet each way, but in every other row peach trees alternate with the standard apple trees. In the remaining rows winesap apple trees are used for fillers. As the apple trees grow and begin to crowd the fillers, the peach trees are removed. If more Spitz Peach Spitz iff -*- /S' iff id' Jonathan Ffeach a Jonathan A. Spitz Jonathan Winesap Jonathan B. Spitz Spitz a Jonathan Fig. 7.—Plan of planting apple trees with peach trees as fillers : A, Trees as planted at first; B, peach trees removed ; C. Winesap removed. space is required the winesaps can be taken out, leaving the apple trees in squares 36 feet apart both ways. METHODS OF IRRIGATING ORCHARDS. FURROW IRRIGATION. The usual way of irrigating orchards is by means of furrows. These vary in depth, length, and distance apart, but this diversity does not tend to create different kinds of furrow irrigation. The division of this subject is rather due to the means employed in dis¬ tributing water from the supply ditch to the furrows. In some cases the distribution is effected by making openings in an earthen ditch, in others by inserting wooden or iron spouts in the ditch banks, while in many others flumes having the desired number of openings or pipes with standpipes divide the supply among the requisite num¬ ber of furrows. These designs and methods will be described under their respective headings. 404 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. Earthen Head Ditches. 13 Permanent ditches at the head of orchard tracts should be located by a surveyor. The proper grade depends chiefly on the soil. If the soil is loose and easily eroded, a slow velocity is best. On the other hand, the velocity must be sufficiently rapid to prevent the deposition of silt and the growth of water plants. In ordinary soils, a grade of 2^ inches to 100 feet for a ditch carrying 2 cubic feet per second is not far out of the way. The amount of water to be carried varies from J to 2 or more cubic feet per second. A ditch having a bottom width of 24 inches, a depth of G inches, and sloping sides, ought to carry 1^ cubic feet per second on a grade of Fig. 8.—The use of the “A” scraper in building head ditches. half an inch to the rod or 3 inches to 100 feet. Such a ditch may be built by first plowing four furrows and then removing the loose earth either with shovels or a narrow scraper. The loose earth may likewise be thrown up on the sides and top b}^ means of the home¬ made implement shown in figure 8. Canvas dams, metal tappoons, or other similar devices are inserted in the head ditch to raise the surface of the water opposite that part of the orchard where furrows have been made and which is about to be watered. The chief diffi¬ culty in this mode of furrow irrigation arises in withdrawing water from the ditch and in distributing it equally among a large number of furrows. A skilled irrigator may adjust the size and depth of the ditch bank openings so as to secure a somewhat uniform flow in the furrows, but constant attention is required in order to maintain it. 404 14 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. If the water is permitted to flow for a short time unattended the dis¬ tribution is likely to become unequal. Parts of the ditch bank become soft, and, as the water rushes through, the earth is washed away, permitting larger discharges and lowering the general level of the water in the ditch so that other openings may have no dis¬ charge. Some of the orchardists of San Diego County, Cal., insert in niches cut in the bank pieces of old grain sacks or tent cloth. The water flows over these without eroding the earth. Another device is to use a board pointed at the lower end and containing a narrow opening or slot through which the water passes to the furrow. Shin¬ gles are also used to regulate the flow in the furrows. The thin ends of these are stuck into the ground at the heads of furrows. Short Tubes in Head Ditches. In recent years short tubes or spouts have been used in many of the head ditches of orchards to divert small quantities of water to furrows. These tubes are usually made of wood, but pipes made of clay, black iron, galvanized iron, and tin are occasionally used. For nurseries and young trees especially, and also for mature trees, a cheap and serviceable tube may be made from pine lath, such as are used for plaster- The 4-foot lengths are cut Fig. 9.—Wooden box placed in bank of head ditch. mg. into two equal parts and four of these pieces are nailed together to form a tube. One of these tubes when placed with its center 2 inches below the surface of the water in the head ditch discharges nearly three-quarters of a miner’s inch of water, and if placed 4 inches below the surface will discharge more than 1 miner’s inch. In southern Idaho the lumber mills manu¬ facture a special lath for this purpose. It is 4 inch thick, 2 inches wide, and 36 inches long. If such tubes when thoroughly dry are dipped in hot asphalt they will last a much longer time. In some of the deciduous orchards of California a still larger wooden tube or box is used. Figure 9 represents one of these. It is made of four pieces of J by 3J inch redwood boards of the desired length. The flow through this tube is regulated by a cheap gate, consisting of a piece of galvanized iron fastened by means of a leather washer and a wire nail. The orchardist who lives near a manufacturing town or citv can O r- often purchase at a low figure pieces of worn-out and discarded piping varying from f to 2 inches in diameter. Such pipes when 404 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. 15 cut into suitable lengths make a good substitute for wooden spouts. Tin tubes one-half inch in diameter and of the proper length have been used with good success. In compact soils, through which water passes very slowly, the furrows must be near together, and under such condi¬ tions small tin tubes are to be preferred. In making use of tubes of various kinds to distribute water to furrows it is necessary to main¬ tain a constant head in the supply ditch. This is done by in¬ serting checks at regular distances. These distances vary with the grade of the ditch, but 150 feet is not far from being an average spacing. In temporary ditches the canvas dam is perhaps the best check, but in permanent ditches it pays to use wood or concrete. An effective wooden check is shown in figure 10. In this the opening is con¬ trolled by a dashboard which may be adjusted so as to hold the water at any desired height and at the same time permit the surplus to flow over the top to feed the next lower set of furrows. Head Flumes. Formerly head flumes for orchards were built of wood, but the steady increase in the price of lumber and the decrease in the price of Portland cement have induced many fruit growers to use cement in tt.A When built of wood, the length of the sections varies from 1- 20 feet, 16 feet being the most common. The bottom width nm* 404 Fig. 11. -Section of wooden head flume, showing opening and gate. 16 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. from 6 to 12 inches, while the depth is usually 1 to 2 inches less. Redwood lumber If inches thick is perhaps the best for the bottom and sides, and joists of 2 by 4 inch pine or fir are commonly used for yokes which are spaced 4 feet centers. Midway between the yokes auger holes are bored and the flow through these openings is con¬ trolled in the manner shown in figures 11 and 12. A 2-inch fall for each hundred feet may be regarded as a suitable grade for head flumes, but it often happens that the slope of the land is much greater than this, in which case low checks are placed in the bottom of the flume at each opening, as shown in figure 12. A head flume composed of cement, sand, and gravel costs as a rule about twice as much as a wooden flume of the same capacity, but the early decay of wood, especially if it comes in contact with earth, makes the cement flume cheaper in the end. By means of a specially de¬ signed machine, which is patented, cement mortar composed of one part cement to about six parts of coarse sand is fed into a hopper and forced by lever pressure into a set of guide plates of the form of the flume. Such flumes are made in place in one continuous line across the upper margin of the or¬ chard tract. After the flume is built and before the mortar has become hard, small tubes from f Fig. 12.—The use of low check in head flume. . , . ,. to 14 inches m diameter, the size depending somewhat on the size of the flume, are inserted in the side next the orchard. The flow through these tubes is regulated by zinc slides shown in figure 12. Flumes of this kind are made in five sizes, the smallest being G inches on the bottom in the clear and the largest 14 inches. At a slightly greater cost a stronger flume can be built by the use of molds. The increased strength is derived from a change in the mixture. In the machine-made flume the mixture of one part cement to five or six parts of sand is lacking in strength, for the reason that there is not enough cement to fill all the open spaces in the sand. In using molds medium-sized gravel can be added to the sand and the mixture resembles that of the common rich concrete. Sucli flumes can be built of almost any size from a bottom width of 10> inches to one of 40 inches and from a depth of 8 inches to one of 24 inches, but when the section is increased beyond about 240 square 404 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. 17 inches it pays better to slope the sides outward and adopt the form of the cement-lined ditch. At present (March, 1910) the cost of rich concrete in place would be about $9 per cubic yard for the larger Fig. 13.—Common sizes of concrete head flumes. flumes and $10.50 for the smaller sizes. The quantity of concrete required per linear foot of flume depends on its size and the thickness of its sides and bottom. The dimensions given in figure 13 are for light rather than for heavy flumes and are designed for localities where there is little frost. For large head flumes and laterals, many fruit growers first carefully prepare an earthen ditch which has car¬ ried water for at least one season and afterwards line the inner surface with cement concrete. Figure 14 shows a section of such a ditch. Several years ago 3,200 linear feet of head ditches were lined for 26^ cents per foot; they were 14 inches on the bottom with 18-inch sides and a 2-inch lining. The cement cost $2.85 per barrel, gravel 75 cents per yard, and labor $1.75 to $2.50 per day. Pipes and Standpipes. Head flumes, being placed on the surface of the ground, interfere with the free passage of teams in cultivating, irrigating, and harvest¬ ing the crop. Dead leaves from shade and fruit trees also clog the small openings in the flumes. These and other objections to flumes have induced many fruit growers of southern California to conve} the water in underground pipes and distribute it through standpipes placed at the heads of the rows of trees. Both cement and clay pipes are used for this purpose. Fig. 14.—Earthen head ditch lined with concrete. 41647—Bull. 404—10 3 18 IRRIGATION OF ORCHARDS. The former are usually molded in 2-foot lengths, with beveled lap joints, and consist of a 1 to 3 or 1 to 4 mixture of cement and fine gravel and sand. The most common Turnout Stand _ . Private Lotero/ ___ sizes are (*), 8, 10, and Weir Box X £ Ss ok tin