OUK MOTTO -LIBERALITY, JUSTICE, SECURITY. SS'Kvky^ Ckll OT^ oi' Wi'ite to XJ4 Before i^.-udr,^ M^ewl^ei'e.' Youri) Truly, -CORNl'-i MAIN AN1> AiA.NGnM STREEV3,— ITOIAl . illlCf OlY. 1839-00. LEADING HOTEL OF THE CITY! ^^. B. gll^j;^, Procprietof. ►0 ^^'CEK\ : Whitaker ni)\ Facklng, Safe Order, Fair Dealiiaj! ~-C>0 •X'O R. F. W^HITTh^HTTRRT. This book must not be taken from the Library building. MAIN STREET, Co3 -:- EVERYTH[N(; 1} TjRRSCRIPTIOXS will be deliv 1 Porter. NIGHT BELL and our custoaiers. We huvo thu 1 THE STATK and are continuall" WE SOLICIT ORDERS FIIC MERC [[ANTS. CA FURCHASIN -mWmmm "A O r? W^' NS AS EASY AS THE IN NOB'. JOHN C UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00030756290 -1DE.A.X.E22,S liT- r:KV ;.^ # Bibles, Pulpit, Family and Pocket Cyclopedias, Commentaries, Dictionaries and Standard Makes Generally. of the Firm, is Agent^ of Colportage and Sun- day Schools for the North Carolina Con- ference. Also Depositary for Ameri- can Bible Society. ALWAYS BUY THE BEST. MARKET HOUSE, DURHAM, N. C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN -:-FKESH MEATS!-:- Supplies the Market with the Very Best. PATEONAGE SOLICITED, AND THE WEST SHORE RAILROAD Is one of the most popular routes for business and pleasure travel leading to and from New York city, as well as bein^ the most substantially bnilt and elegantly equipped double track line through central New York S^-ate. This superbly built railroad has been justly named the "Picturesque Route," traversing as it does tlie west shore of the liistoric and world-famed Hudson River, skirting the foot-hills of the Catskill iMountaius, famous in Washington Irving's "Rip Van Winkle," and passing through the beautiful Mohawk Valley. By this route three express trains are run daily, in a^nigdirection, between New York, Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and the West. Palace sleeping-cars are attached to these trains, and run through without change between the points named. Sleeping-cars, New York to Toronto without change, are run exclusively by the West Shore. The West Shore, in connection witli the Fitchburg Railroad, is also the shortest line between Boston and Chicago. It is the only all-rail line to the Catskill Moun- tains, and the only line by which drawing-room cars are run througii to tlie heart of the Catskills. During the season of Summer travel fast (!'atskill Moun tail) express trains are scheduled. Attached to these trains are drawing-room cars, which run through without change between Philadelphia, Jersey ("ity. New York, and Catskill Mountains. Saratoga limited express trains are also run by the West Shore during the summer season, and, have drawing-room cars attached which run through without change between Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Lons Branch, Jersey City, New York, and Saratoga. Buffet smoking-cars, with revolving chairs, are a special feature of the splendid service on the West Shore. Drawing-room cars also run between Saratoga and Niagara Falls. The West Sliore also runs special trains between New York and New Paltz during the summer season for the accommodation of travel to and from Lake Mohonk, Minnewaska, Shawangunk, and all points in the Wallkill Valley. Tlie i;onuection in Jersey City station with the Pennsylvania Railroad will be appreciated by travelers to and from the South and the resorts of central New York State, as the long transfer through New York is thereby avoided. Passen- gers and baggage from Brooklyn are taken direct from the foot of Fulton Street by Annex boat to Jersey City stations. Tickets via West Shore can be purchased at ticket-offices of all connecting lines, and they are sold and baggage checked through to destination from all stations of the West Shore Railroad. C. E. LAMBERT, Qen. Pass. Agent, 5 VAXDEHIJIIjT AVF.Nl E, NEW YORK. TURNER & CO.'S ■FOR THE YEARS -C02^T'r.A.X3^TXiT<^- .A General Directory of the Citizens of the City of Durham^ N. C, with the White and Colored Population Separated in Different Parts of the Book, First the White Fol- loived by the Colored, to -T^mCXX IS .A-JDIDEX) .^- Sl/^lXiJ^^ ©I^SjC'l'O^Y, -.A-lsTX) .^:tT- APPENDIX OF USEFUL INFORMATION ALSO A FARMERS LIST. E. F.TURNER &CO., Publishers. DANVILLE, Va., 217 Elam. Street, "Z'oiilsiers, 2^Te^77■ "^"crls:. This Directory will be Issued Annually, or as the demand requires. SUPPORT NO OTHER FOR WE WILL ALWAYS GIVE YOU A RELIABLE AND CORRECT WORK. •^TrirtTSXOiT, liT. C. : Printed at Stewarts' Job Office. 1889. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1889, by E. F. Turner, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. All rights reserved. (PARlllSII BUILDING, MANCiUM STIJEET.) ID Xm EC ^^ TvT, IM- C- CAPITAL STOCK. - - $100,000. STOCKHOLDERS' LIABILITY, $100,000. DEPOSITOPwS' SECURITY, $200,000. BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS FOB DEPOSITS FROM BANKS, CORPORATIONS, BUSINESS HOUSES AND INDIVIDUALS. -: 01? facilities for Making Colkctlong ^- ON ALL POINTS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. ,,^1.11 TeefULrns -^^y^ill Toe iLviCad-e 2=rc2:nptl3r. riilXCIPAL COKrvESPO:NDENTS : National bank republic. New York City, N. Y. NATIONAL PARK BANK, New York City, N. Y. MANUKACTURP:R8' national bank, Pliiladolphia, Pa. MERCHANTS" BaNK, Danville, \n. NATIONAL UNION BANK OF MARYLAND, Baltimore, Mil. STATE Bank of VIRGINIA, Richmond, Va. NORFOLK NATIONAL BANK, Norfolk, Va. NATIONAL BANK OF RALEIGH, Raleigh, N. C. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, Charlotte, N. C Our Discount Rate is 8 Per Cent, to Everybody. I'ersons Depositing Money and receiving Certiiicates of De- posit therefor running G or 12 nionnlis will receive interest thereon at the rate of 4 per cent. J. S. CAKU, President. W.W. EULLEli, Vice-Pr't L. D. IIEAIITT. Cashier C. A. flOKDAN, Teller. J. S. CARR, \V. W. FULLEK E. J. PARRLSII, I J. W. WALKER, i A. 11. STOKES, T. D. JUNES, I J. T. MALLOKY, | J AS. A. ERYAX. A^BOOKS, "^ 1 PEMLSTIEET • MMYIlR* b^'DCOPY (PHOTOr,H*«>H,6K.ErcH OR PRJNT) POH ESTIMATE. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. WHEHS TO GO WHEN YOU WANT TO BTTT. The following is a list of enterprising merchants who are recorniuended hy tlie publishers of this work, and who recog- nize Directory Advertising as judicious and beneficial. PA(iF:. Andrews SheUy, Grocer 32 IJlaclvwell's Durham Ci)-operative Tol)acoo Works 8 Boone R. B., Lawvor 3H Cook S. T., Rostaurant 113 Cooper W. L., I^earTobacco 41 Daily Tobacco Plant centre lines Dowclee R. P., Ilarncps Mf^ -ti Durham Furniture Mfg Co., Inside front cover Durham Daily Sun 46 Durham Ricordi'r The 51 Durham Saisb, Door and Blind Mfg Co., centre lines Kdwards & .left'reys, Slioemakers 114 Kxum W. J., Lawyer 49 Faison & Taylor, I^eaf Tobacco 50 F'arthinjr C. G., Grocer, back cover First National Bank 6 n 5 Holloway J. A., Wagon Maker 57 Hollowav W. II., Blacksmith 58 Hudson River R.R 16 Hiitchins .1. W., Meats 4 .lohnson N. M. &Co., Druggists, back cover .Tones & lA'on. Dry Goods, etc 59 .Tones M. H., Jeweler 60 Kaufman S Parrish E. .1., Tobacco Manufacturer and Warehouse 75 Parrish W. L., Leaf Tobacco 74 Perry S. R., Groceries 76 Piedniont Air Line, top lines and 15 Pinnix J. '1. * Co.. Iicaf Tobacco 77 I'rsctor W. H., Grocer S] Pugh R. W., Carpenter and Builder. 78 Putnam House, N. Y 98 Robertson, Lloyd & Co., Hardware... 79 Kochello, C. W., Photographer 82 Rowland & Cooper, Leaf Tobacco 80 Schwartz. I., Meats 88 Seeman H. it Son, Wagon Mfr 84 Seoman II. E., Printer 85 Shelburn W., Photographer 86 Shenandoah Valley R. R 10 Sites A. B., Hotel Claiborn.. ..front cover Smith J. W. & Co., Leaf Tobacco 87 Smith T. B., Baker 88 Southgate & Son, Insurance, frontcover Spach J. C, Wagons 3 Stephens W. H., Carpenter 89 Stewart M. I. & J. C, Job Printers, opposite 32 Stokes A. H., Leaf Tobacco 90 strause & Raab. Leaf Tobacco 2 Taylor C. C, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker 91 Turner & Co., Directory Publishers... 11 Walker J. B., Leaf Tobacco 92 Walker W. L. & On., Leaf Tobacco.... 93 West Shore Railroad, opp. title page Whitaker D. W., Job Printer 2 Whitaker E. A., Grocer 94 Whitaker J. B. & Co., Stationery, centre lines Whitehurst R. F., Druggist 3 Whitted J. Y., Tobacco Mfr 95 and 98 Wilkins J. T. & Co., Grocers 96 Williams W. H. A., Upholsterer 128 Wright & Bingham, Groceries 129 Wyatt Bros., Grocers 143 Younger C. G., Painter 97 Younger J. C, Meats 97 JULIAN S. CARR, President. S. H. AUSTIN, Jr., Sec. M. E. McDowell, Vice President. J. A. McDowell, treas. Philadelphia Office, 1418 Chestnut St. New York Office, 102 Chambers St. Chicago Office, 8 Wabash Avenue. St. Louis Office, 416 N. 2d St. San Francisco Of- fice, 228 Front St. Atlanta Office, 9 W. Ala- bama St. New Orleans Office, 476 Con- stance St. London, England Office, 52 Farringdon Street. fjew York, Ontario Qiid Western Railway. The Best and Most Picturesque Route from New York to Cornwall, Middle- town, Ellenville, Liberty, Norwich, Delhi, Sidney, Oneida, Oswego, Suspension Bridg-e, Detroit, Chieag-o, Ar.d all inintsWest. Pullman Slce^Mii.e; Cars on Night Trains, and Pullman Drawing lIiMjui ('i.rs on Day Trains. Hard ('oal En^';ines used exclusivley on Passenger Trains. Depots and Ferries in NEW YORK— At the Foot of JAY ST. & WEST 42d ST. J. E. GUILDS, Gen'l Manager. J. C. ANDERSON, Gen. Pas. Agt. m OLD RELIABLE^ Stienandooti VallBy R. R. -PASSES THROUGH- Mkp of Dri^urpHg^edLoVBlinEg?, Magnificent ^cenerg, etc THE ONLY ALL-RAIL LINE -TO THE- WONDERFUL* CAVERNS* OF* LUR/\Y -AND- flNATURAL ^ BRIDGE!* NORTH, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. Eleg-ant Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers on All Trains Between NEW YORK AND CHATTANOOGA. O. HOWARD ROVER, Gen. Pass, and Freight Atj^ent, GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Governor — D. G. FOWLE — salary $3,000. Lieutenant-Governor — T. M. Holt. Secretary of State — Wm. L. Saunders — salary $2,000. Auditor— G. W. Sanderlin— salary $1,500. Treasurer — DONALD W. Bain — salary $3,000. Supt. Pub. Instr'n — SIDNEY M. FiNGER — salary $1,500. Attorney-General — Theo. F. DAVIDSON — salary $2,000. Adjutant-General — JAS. D. Glenn — salary $600. State Geologist — W. C. Kerr. Com. of Ag'ure — MONTFORD McGehee — salary $2,000. State Librarian — J. C. BiRDSONG — salary $750. SUPREME COURT. Wm. N. H. Smith, of Raleigh, Chief Justice; Joseph J. Davis, of Franklin, A. S. Merrimon, A. C. Avery and J. E. Shepherd, of Raleigh, Associate Justices; T. F. Davidson, of Buncombe, Reporter; T. S. Kenan, of Ral- eigh, Clerk; Robert H. Bradley, of Raleigh, Marshal. The Supreme Court meets in Raleigh on the first Mondays in February and October of each year, and its sessions continue until business is disposed of. CRIMINAL COURT. This court is composed of the counties of Mecklen- burg and New Hanover, Oliver P. Meares, Judge; B. R. Moore, solicitor, and John W. Dunham, clerk, for New Hanover; G. E. Wilson, solicitor, and T. R. Robertson, clerk, for Mecklenburg. SUPERIOR COURTS. The State is divided into twelve Judicial Districts, and for each a Judge and Solicitor are elected by the voters of the State at large, who are required by the constitu- tion to reside in their respective districts. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Boykin. P"all, Judge Gilmer. Beaufort — February ii, May 27, November 25. Curri-* 12 APPENDIX. tuck — March 4, September 2. Camden — March 11, Sep- tember 9. Pasquotank — March 18, June 10, September 16. Perquimans — March 25, September 23. Chowan — April I, September 30. Gates— April 8, October 6. Hertford— April 15, June 17, October 14. Washington- April 22, October 21. Tyrrel— April 29, October 28. Dare— May 6, November 4. Hyde— May 13, November II. Pamlico — May 20, November 18. Solicitor — John H. Blount, of Perquimans. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge McRae. Fall, Judge Boykin. Halifax— January 7, March 4, May 13, November ii. Northampton— January 21, April i, Sep. 30. Warren- March 18, September 16. Edgecombe — April 15, Oc- tober 14. Bertie — February 4, April 29. October 28. Craven — February ii. May 27, November 25. Solicitor— Geo. H. White, (colored) of Halifax. .THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Armfield. Fall, Judge McRae. Pitt — January 7, March 18, June 10, September 16. Wilson — February 4, June 3, October 28. Vance — Feb- ruary 18, May 20, October 14. Martin — March 4, Sep- tember 2, December 2. Greene — April i, September 30. Nash — April 29, November 18. Franklin — January 21, April 15, November ii. Solicitor — D. Worthington, of Martin. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Graves. Fall, Judge Armfield. Wake— January 7, February 25, March 25, April 22, July 8, August 26, September 23, October 21. Wayne — January 21, March ii, April 15. July 22, September 19, October 14. Harnett — February 4, August 5, Novem- ber 25. Johnston— February 11, Augusts, November 1 1. Solicitor— T. M. Argo, of Wake. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Bynum. Fall, Judge Graves. Durham — January 14, March 25, June 3, October 14. Granville— January 28, April 22, September 9, November 25. Chatham— February ii. May 6, Sept. 30. Guilford — February 18, May 27, August 26, December 9. Ala- mance — March 4, May 20, September 23. Orange- March 18, August 5, November 4. Caswell — April 8, August 12, November 11. Person — April 15, August 19, November 18. Solicitor — Isaac R. Strayhorn, of Durham. APPENDIX. 13 SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Shipp. Fall, Judge Bynum. New Hanover — January 21, April 15, September 23. Lenoir — February 4, August 19, November 11. Duplin — February 11, September 2, November 25. Sampson — ■ February 25, April 29, October 7, December 9. Pender — ^January 14, May 6, September 9. Carteret — March 18, October 21. Jones — March 25, October 28. Onslow — April I, November 4. Solicitor — O. H. Allen, of Duplin. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Merrimon. Fall, Judge Shipp. Anson — January 7, April 29, September 2, November 25. Cumberland — January 21, May 6, July 22, Novem- ber II. Columbus — January 14, April i, July 29. Robe- son — January 28, May 20, August 19, September 30. Richmond — February 11, June 3, September 16, Decem- ber 2. Bladen — March 18, October 14. Brunswick — Aprils, September 9. Moore — April 15, August 12, October 21. Solicitor — Frank McNeill, of Richmond. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Shepherd. Fall, Judge Merrimon. Iredell — ^February 4, May 20, August 5, November 4. Rowan — February 18, May 6, August 19, November 18. Davidson — -March 4, June 3, September 2, December 2. Randolph — March 18, September 16. Montgomery — April I, September 30. Stanley — April 8, October 14. Cabarrus — January 28, April 29, October 28. Solicitor — B. F. Long, of Iredell. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Phillips. Fall, Judge Shepherd. Rockingham — January 21, July 22, November 4. For- syth — February 4, May 20, October 21. Yadkin — Feb- ^ruary 18, September 23. Wilkes — March 4, April 29, September 9. Alleghany — March 18, September 2. Da- vie — April I, October 7. Stokes — April 15, August 5, November Ii. Surry — April 22, August 19, November 18. Solicitor — Thos. Settle, Jr., of Rockingham. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Connor. Fail, Judge Phillips. Henderson — February 11, July 15. Burke — March 4, August 5. Caldwell — March 18, September 2. Ashe — March 25, May 27, August 19. Watauga — -April 8, June 3, August 26. Mitchell — -April 15, September 9. Yan- 14 APPENDIX. cey— April 29, September 23. McDowell — May 13, Oc- ter 7. Solicitor — W. H. Bower, of Caldwell. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Clark. Fall, Judge Connor. Union — February 4. September 16. Mecklenburg — February 25, August 26. Gaston — March 18, October 7, Lincoln — April i, September 30. Cleveland — April 8, August 5, October 21. Rutherford — April 22, October 28. Polk — May 6, November 1 1. Catawba — January 14, July 15. Alexander — January 28, July 29. Solicitor — Frank I. Osborne, of Mecklenburg. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring, Judge Gilmer. Fall, Judge Clark. Buncombe — ^March 11, June 17, August 12, December 2, Madison — February 25, July 29, November 16. Tran- sylvania — April I, September 2. Haywood — April 8, September 9. Jackson — April 22, September 23. Ma- con — May 6, September 30. Clay — -May 23, October 7. Cherokee — May 20, October 14. Graham — June 3, Oc- tober 28. Swain — June 10, November 4. Solicitor — James M. Moody, of Buncombe. PUBLiIC WORKS AND INSTITUTIONS IN NORTH CAROtilNA. University of North Carolina, situated at Chapel Hill, Orange county, 28 miles W. N. W. from Raleigh. Re- opened September 5th, 1875. Officers of the Univeisity^ — Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President; W. T. Patterson Secretary. The North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind — Locatedat Raleigh. W.J. Young, Principal; J. B. Grimes, Steward; Dr. R. B. Haywood, Physician; L. E. Heartt, Treasurer. Insane Asylum of North Carolina — Situated in the vi- cinity of Raleigh, Will accommodate 250 patients. Dr. Eugene Grissom, Superintendent; Dr. F. T. Fuller, As- sistant Physician. State Penitentiary — Officers — W. J. Hicks, Architect and Warden; D. C. Murray, Steward; Dr. J. W. McGhee, Physician. Western North Carolina Insane Asylum, Morganton, Dr. P. L. Murphy, Superintendent; Drs. W. E. Ivey, J. M. Taylor, Assistants. Directors — J. W. Wilson, I. I. Davis, E. A. Perkins, F. T. Fuller, J. P. Sawyer, J. G. Hall, J. C. Harper, Jos. P. Caldwell, Dr. F. T. Fuller. U. S. Assay Office — Charlotte. R. P. Waring, As- sayor, Melter and Refiner. fjICHMOND and DANVILLE R. R. CO. The Short and Direct Line Washington, 'Q. (J. -A-ISriD i^iehmond, Va. TO ATLANTA AND BIRMINGHAM, PASSING THROUGH THE CITIES OF ALEXANDRIA, CHARLOTTESVILLE, LYNCHBURG, DAN- VILLE, GREENSBORO, REIDSVILLE, SALISBURY, CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA, AUGUSTA, RALEIGH, DURHAM, GOLDSBORO, SPARTANSBURG, GREENVILLE, SENECA, GAINS VILLE, AND ATHENS. 5o the §oath i Soath west MONTGOMERY, MOBILE, NEW ORLEANS, SHREVEPORT. TEXAS AND CALIFORNIA. The Great Passenger and Freight Line of the South, with Uusurpassed Facilities for Prompt and Satisfactory- Passenger and Freight Service. Inquiries for Information should be addressed to SOL. HAAS, J. H. DRAKE, JAS. L. TAYLOR, Traffic Manager, Gen. Freight Agent, Gen. Passenger Agt., Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. Washington, D- C. THE GREAT FOUR TRACK ROUTE. N. Y. Central & Hudson River R. R. THE MEW YESTIBU^ED LIMITED. THE Handsomest and Fastest Train in America is the magnilic-ent new Vestil)uled Limited, conii)i>sed of a a Buffet, Sni'ikin.cr and Lii)rary Car, two Parlor Cars, two Slceiiin^C irs arid a Din- ing ('ar, lietween New York andChieago and St. Lonis, over tlie great Four-Track New York Central AND Hudson River Railroad, and the Lake Shore Rail- KuAD. A Library, l'>atli-R' om. Barber Shop and Steam "Heat are tlie novel fea- tures. THE NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE Is over the New Y'ork Central and Hud- son RivtT llaih'oad. ni ( oiiiiectiou with the Miehi^-'an Central Railroad, crossing Niagara River on the celebrated Canti- lever Bridge witiiin a few hundred yards of the Falls. All trains stnp ten minutes at Falls View Station at the ver>;e of the great cataract and in full vicn' of the rapids just above the Falls. All Trains arrive at and de^^nrt from the Grand'Central Station, on 42d Street, New York ; the largest and tinest ]!ailway Station in America. MAGNIFICENT NE\¥ WAGNER SLEEPI:NG CAIJS Run regularly to and fr Capital employed in 1870 $ 25,000 '• "' " 1885 2,170,000 Hate of increase in manufacturing capital 808 per cent. Value of goods manufactured in 1885 $3,088,000 (Note. — In all the tobacco factories tlie increase, from December 31st. 1885, up to September 30ch, 1S8(3, exceeded 75 p^i- cent.) RAILROADS. In addition to the Ilichinontl and l)aM\'illc road (which oiv(!s Durham outlets to all market-i), and to the i-oad twelve miles lonLi' whicdi connects the city with Chapel Hill, — thescat of the Univers- ity of North Carolina, — there will soon be a road to Ljnichbui-i;-. Ya., by way of Roxboro, N. C, and South Boston Va., which will al.so be extended south to Sanford, N. C. where it will connect with the Cape Fear and Yadldn Valley and the Pvaleigh and Auo-usta Eoads. This will ijive a competing line to all ])oints and open up a rich tobacco country. Communities on this line have subscribed $700,000, of which Durham gave $100,000. CITY OFFICERS, Mayor: W. J. Christian. Cleric: Ctoo. W. Woodward. Treasurer: Frank P. Burch. City Weii;-her: W. H. Carter. Chief Police : J. A. Woodall. Street Commissioner: John B. Christian. City Attorney: W. J. Exum. Aldermen : \v. Duke, E. CI. Lea, T. D. Jones, J. W. Carlton, J. S. Mangum, C. M. Herndon, J. F. Corbett. Meet every first and third Tucsda}^ in each month at Mayor s office, Court House. ArPENDIX. 19 COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk of Court: 1). C. J[aiigum. Sheriff: F. D. Markhain. Register of Deedf^ : Paschall Lunsford. Treasurer: AV. H. Eowland. Couiit}^ Attorney: li. B. Boone. County Commissioners: Choinnan : W. M. Lowe; 83'dney Scott, .1. G. Latta, R. J. Tillcy, W. H. Perry. JUSTICES OF PEACE. DURHAM TOWNSHIP. W. T. Redmond, M. A. Angier, C. B. Green, W. 11. Wilkins, D. C. Cunter, C. F. A'^ickers, D. L. Belvin and Wm. T. Neal. CEDAR FORK TOWNSHIP. J. R Page, Sidney Scott. Wm. A. Jenkins, C. Barbee and W. llobson. OAK GROVE TOWNSHIP. Jno. T. Nichols, Thos. J. Holloway, Jno. Hall, W. J. Suit and Thos. A. Lasliley. PATTERSON TOWNSHIP. Jno. R. Ilutehings, C. G. Markham, Geo. A. Rhodes and J. S. Peney. LEBANON TOW^NSHIP. Kinchen IloUowa}^, S. AY. Iloldman, Gilman Latta, W. G. Gates and Thos. Lipscomb. MANtiUM TOWNSHIP. G. C. Hampton, Marcus Tilley, A. J. Roberts, P. A. FJanton and W. D. Turrentine. CHURCHES. St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Main street. Rev. T. M. N. George, I'ector: Sunday Services. 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Wednesday Services, 7:30 p. m. Services All Saints Days, 11 a. ra. Main Street Methodist Church, Rev. Robah Bumpass, pastor: Sunday Service, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 9 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Trinity Methodist Church, Church street. Rev. E. A. Yates, pastor: Sunday' Service, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Class Meeting Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. 20 APPENDIX. First Baptist Church, Manguiii street, Eev. J. L. White, pastor: Sunday Service at 11 a. in., and 7:30 p. m. Sunda}- School at U-.'M) a. m. Prayer Meeting every AVednesdny. Primitive Baptist Church, Clevehmd street, T. Y. Monk, pastor: Sunday Service at 11 a. ni., once a month. M. E. Church, East Durham, Rev. L. L. Johnson, pastor. Sun- day Services, 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesdaj', 7 p. m. Blackwell Baptist Church, Chapel Hill street, Eev. W. B. Oliver, ])astor: Service at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. Presbyterian Church, Main street, Rev. II. T. Darnall, pastor: Sunday Service at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 0:30 a. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday. Young Men's Meeting 4ivery Sunday from 3 to 4 ]). m. FIRE DEPARTMENT. INDEPENDENT HOSE COMPANY, NO. J. Chief: W. T. O'Brien. Assistant Chief: J. B. Warren. Foreman: E. W. Whitaker. Assistant Foreman : T. T. Tabb. Meeting every 3rd Tuesday evening in each month at Duke' office. DUPJIAM HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY, NO. 1. — (COLORED.) Foreman: P. H. Smith. Treasurer: L. S. Walden. Meet at Mayor's office 1st Wednesday night in month. DICK BLACKNALL HOSE COMPANY, NO. 1. Chief: H. E. Heartt. Foreman : H. A. Reams. Assistant Foreman: C. H. Whitted. Secretary: S. II. Reams. Treasurer: W. B. Wliitted. Meets every Thursday at 7:30 p. m., at Engine House, Main s;. LODGES, ETC. Knights of Pythias, No. 31, meets every Thur.sday, at 7:30 p. m., at Odd Fellows' Hall, 3rd floor, Wright's building; Jas.H. Southgate, C. C. Geo. W. Watts, V. C. APPENDIX. 21 A. O. U. M., moots first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 1). m., at Masonic Hall: A. W. Kennedy, Master Workman; E. P>. Turrentine, Eeeorder; Q. E. Pawls, Financier; J. S. Manning, Fore- man ; T. ir. ]\Iartin, Overseer; J. M. Manning, Medical Examiner; E. II. Jones, Guide; Leo. J). Heartt, Past Master Workman ; T. F. Cheek, Inside W.; C. J. O'Brien, 0. W. Durham Lodge, No. 352, A. F. and A. M., meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday night in each month, at Masonic Hall: N. M.Johnson, W. M. ; J. W. Elackwell, Treasurer; J. Southgate, Secretary. Durham Roj'al Arch Chapter, No. 48, meets 3rd Tuesday night of each month, at Masonic Ilall: Jas. Southgate, II. P.; ('. ('. Taylor, Secretary. The Durham Land and Security Co., Durham, N. C. incorpo- i-atod under the Laws of North Carolina. Authorized Capital, S500,000. Officers: J. L. W^atkins, President; James A. Bryan, 1st Vice-President; R. I. Rogers, Secretary and Treasurer; W. W. Fuller, Attorney, with a full Board of Directors. THE COMMONWEALTH CLUB. The ])uljlic s])irit of Durham is organized in the Comn^onwealtli Club, whose twenty-tive members i-epresent a large part of the capital, enterprise and business of the city. They suggest public improvements and b}- united action secure them. The officers of the Club are: President, G. W. AVatts; Recording Secretary, T. B. Fuller; Corresponding Secretary, Lucius Cireen. Durham Commandery, No. 3, Knights Templar, meets 1st Mon- day of each month at Masonic Hall: Jas. Southgate, E. C. ; J. W. Blackwell, Recorder. Eno Lodge, No. 210, F. & A. M., meets 1st Monday of each month at 2 p. m. : J. L. Markham, W. M.; D. C. Gunter, Sec. Grold Link Lodge, No. 114, I. O. of O. F., meets every Monday, at 7:30 p. m., at Odd Fellows' Hall, W^right's Building: Wm. Freeland, N. G.; T. M. Stephens, V. G.; J. A. Stout, P. G. ; J. A. Woodall, Treasurer; H. W. Smith, Secretary; H. Brown, Financial Secretary; J. Fetchett, Chaplain. Durham Encampment, No. 14, I. O. of O. F., meets 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Wright's Building: J. Heartt, C. P. ; J. A. Stout, C. W. ; J. A. McMannen, J. W.; C. J, Ilulin, Scribe; W. L. Freeland, Treasurer. 22 APPENDIX. Alma Lod^e, No. 5, I. O. of O. F., meets every Tuesday at 7:30 ]). m., at Odd Fellows' Hall, Wright's Building: 11. E. Ileartt, W. (1.; Mrs. J. A. Stout, V. (}.; Mrs. Emma D. Smith, Secretar}^; Mrs- Jiaura Brown, Treasurer; Mrs. (.'. J. Ifuliu, Financial S(K-retary. Young Men's Chi-istian As.sociation, (Jorcoi-an sti-eet, near Main street: Eegular lleligious meeting each Sunday at 4 p. m. Boj's' meeting, Sunday at 3 p. m. Workers' Training Class, Saturda}' at 8 p. m. Eegular Business meeting, 2nd P"'riday of each month (Board of Directors meet after adjoui'nment of this meeting): J. II. Southgate, President; L. D. Ileartt, Vice-President; T.J. Simmons, Eecording Secretary; C. A. Jordan, Treasurer; J. J. Stowe, General Secretary. Directors: E. J. Parrish, G. W. Watts, Chas. McGary, P. M. Briggs, II. G. Lea, H. G. Griffin, W. S. Halliburton and L. G. CIolc. Membership of about 210. Junior Branch Young Men's Christian Association : President, Frank Chamberlain; Vice-President, W. Rowland; Secretary, J. Puryear. Ladies' Auxiliar}- Society Young Men's Christian Association; President, Mrs. A. G. Carr ; First Vice-President, Mrs. E. C. Fan- ning; Second Vice-President, Mrs. Eobt. Jones; Secretary, Mrs. M. W. Eeed ; Treasurer, Mrs. E. J. Parrish. Durham Jjight Infantr}-, meets 1st Tuesday in each month, at their Armory, at 7:30 p. m.: AV. A. Gattis, Jr., Captain; J. S. Burch, 1st Lieutenant; J. W. Jones, 2nd Lieutenant; T. J. Winston, 1st Sergeant ;H. G. Griffin, Quartermaster Sergeant. Durham County Medical Society, meets 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month: J. M. Manning, President; J. A. Smith, 1st Vice-President; J. P. Monroe, 2nd Vice-President; J. D. Eoberts, Secretary and Treasurer; Members. A. G. Carr, N. M. Johnson, W. J. H. Durhal, J. F. Cain, T. S. Vickers. Jewish Cemetery Society, meets 1st Sunday of each month at Summerfield's: C. Summerfield, President; Julius Wicover, Secre- tary; A. Goldstein, Treasurer. Durham Cornet Band, meets in Duke's Building, Tuesda}^ and Friday, at 7:30 p. m.: P. B. Cheek, President; E. T. Cheek, Secre- tary and Treasurer; J. Thomas, Captain. St. Cecelia Musical Society, meets 1st Friday of each month at APPEXDIX. 23 7:H0 p. 111., at St. Cet-uliu Hall, Main street: Miss L. M. Southfi^ate, President; Miss M. F. Fuller, Secretary; ^frs Geo. AV. Watts, Treas- urer; Vernon Darnell, liibrarian. St. Cecelia II'iII, Main street, corner Church street. Stokes Hall, Main street, corner Cocorau street. Durham Street Car Railway Compan}-: W. T. Blackwell, Presi- dent; ofHce, Blackwell's Bank. Durham Tobacco Association, meets 1st Monday of each month, at 3.30 p. m. at their rooms, Main street: L. W. Wise, President; 1\ L. Peay, Vice Pre.sident; Lucius Tiiley, Secretary; R. G. Lea, Treasurer. Black-well Park' and Rttce Track, hej'ond w limits. Street Cars direct to the Parlv. Has a halt' n\ile race course. ii:;rand stand, lari;'e staltles, a ladies' dressini!; room, etc. Private property. COLORED LODGES, ETC. G. X. O. ofU. F., Xo. 209G, meets Tuesday at 7.30 p. m.. at Man- i-um Hall: X. Ci., G. W. Bumpus; V. G., Rev. B. K. Butler; E .S., G. \V. Pearson; P. X.F., G. F. Maben ; W. C, H. L. Robinson; Treasurer, P. H. Smith. G. X. O. of O. F., Reliable Lodo;e Xo. 2970, meets Thursday at 7.30 p. m., at Mano;um Hall: Wm. Jones, X. G. ; Henr}^ Bookrum, V. G.; W. T. H. Woodwartl, P. S.; John Burwell, Secretary : Charles Pratt, Treasurer. Pride of Love Lodjijc, Good Samai'itans, Xo. 303, meets Monday at 7.30 ]). m.,at Rigsbee Building, Parrish street. Universal Brotherhood, Xo. 318, meets Friday at 7.30 p. m., nt Rigsbee Building, Parrish street. Independent Social Club, meets Thursday at 7.30 p. m., at Rigsbee Building, Parrish street: C. Richmond, President; S. P. Lassiter, Treasurer; M. B. Bingham, Secretaiy ; J. A. Wright, B. A. Doric Lodge, Xo. 28, F. & A. M., meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, at 8 p. m. at Hall in Hayti : W. G. Pearson, W. M. ; B. H. Lethers, Secretary; A. A Parker, J. W.; Xathan Hawkins, S. W. 24 APPENDIK. Pride of Durham Lodge, No. 2095, I. O. of'O. F., meets at Maii- gum Hall every Thursday at 7 p. m. Eoyal Kuights ot'Kiug David, No. 1, meets every Friihiy at 7.30 ]). m., atMangumllall: II. L. Eobinson, C; W. S. Smith, V. C. ; E. Euffin, Sentinel; J. W. Barton, Chaplain ; George Warren, Treas- urer. COLORED CHURCHES. White Eock Baptist C!hureh, Eev. Allen Eaton, Pastor; Petti- grew street, near Hayti: Sunday services, 11 a. m. 3.40 p. m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday school, 9 a. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 8 p. m. A. M. E. Church, Fairview street, Eev. A. J. Chambers, Pastor: Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Sunday school, 3 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday 8 p. m. Sunday school, Teacher.s meet Friday 8 p. m. Second Baptist Church, Shanty Eow, Pastor; Henry Johnson : Sunday service at 3 p. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday. Mt. Yernon Baptist Church, Eev. J. B. K. Butler, Pastor; Eamsay Hill. Sunday service at 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. A. M. E. Church, Chapel Hill street, Pastor; Henry Hall. Sun- day service at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday. Durham Primative Baptist Church, Fairview street, Pastor, Everett Faucett. Sunday service at 11 a. m. Prayer meeting when convenient :o: THIS DIRECTORY WILL BE LSSUED ANNUALLY, OE AS THE DEMAND EEQUIEES. SUPPOET NO OTHEE, FOE WE WILL ALWAYS GIVE A VALUABLE WOEK. EespectfuU}^, E. F. TURNER & Co., 217 Elm Street, Yonkers, N. Y. APPENDIX. -'0 We espcciall}' call the attention of our readers to the following liberal patrons of our work who have assisted us with much valu- able information, without which we would consider our book in- complete, and to show our appreciation of the same we make the following brief mention : THE BLACKWELL DURHAM CO-OPERATIVE TOBACCO COMPANY IS THE LARGEST WORKS OP ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. The -'Durham Bull" is the genius of our 3'oung city. It has found its way into every principal market on the globe and it is smoked by every nation ; indeed we may say it is smoked in every language in the known world. This mammoth enterprise started from a very small beginning some twenty years ago, when Dur- ham was a water station on the North Carolina railroad. Perse- verance and judicious management has brought it through all these years to its present immensity. Good work always tells. Without going into a detailed account of the origin and rapid growth of the "Bull" as a factory of granulated tobacco— which would fill a volume — we will, in a brief way, give our readers some idea of it now and its present capcity, which is about 8.000,000 POUNDS A YEAR. The factory building is one of architectural beauty, built of brick and granite, four stories in height, with a frontage of 350 feet, and 160 in length, with a capacity of 250,000 pounds per day. Do you catch the idea of its immensity? This is a Durham enterprise of which the whole State feels proud. Hundreds of hands are em- ployed daily, and it has paid in the last ten j-ears for labor alone, $100,551.51, as near as a casual observer can observe. The factory proper, with its adjuncts, cover over twent}^ acres of ground, and it is supplied with all of its own appurtenances, in every branch, for the speedy execution of all w^ork connected with the business. It is a veritable hive of varied industries, all with one object in view — preparing the "Bull" for the smoker's use. The company use at least 110,000 yards of cloth per month for making the tobacco sacks, or a total of 1,400, 000 yards per annum. During the jnist decade the Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co. has sent out something OVER 34,490,177 pounds op manupactured tobacco, which has gone all over the world and 611ed the pipes of all nations. In the same length of time it has paid in taxes to the United States government a sum that will astonish you — $3,813,- 930.89. This shows that this factory has been, and is now, one of the most important factories in the industry and progress of Dur- ham. Most assuredly it does. The "Bull" carried with it the name of Durham to every iuhabitablc land, both in the new and the old world. 2G APPENDIX. Nowhere on llie habitable ^;h)be is bettor tobacco produced than rig-ht here ai'ound Dui'ham ; and nowhere in America — or out of America — is it man u fact uivd with niore success, or gives more gen- eral satisfaction, than by tlie {)rojjrietoi"s of the now famous '-Dur- ham JjuII." THE GUIDIX(J SPIRIT. In eveiy gr-eat and successful enterprise tl'.eiv is a "power be- hind the throne" — a nnjving genius, a directing spirit. In the \vurl;ings of llie enterprise, and President of the Couij>any, is a Xorth Carolinian — one whom all Xorth Carolinians delight to h(^nor — wdio is a t^'pical rejjresentative of the ])lnck and energy that is to-da}' i-egenerating and disentlii'aliing the South from her '•Rip Van Winkle" sleep and pushing her forward in the grand inarch of progrsss. As the great king Artaxerxes was traveling through the wide realms of Persia, u certain man, named Mises, presented him with a pomegranate of a wonderful bigness, wdiich the king admiring demanded out of what paradise he had gotten it. Mises answered that he had gathered it from his own garden and cultivation. The king was exceedingly pleased with the jjresent, and gracing ilises with ro^'al gifts in return, swore by the sun, ''That the same man with like diligence and care might as well of a little city make a great one.'' MR. JULIAN S. CARR Is to-day doing a great work for Durham; doing a lion's share in making of Durham a great city. His diligence and care in bu.-ii- ness, with a generous heart filled with Christian grace, is the secret of his great success. From his entrance in the firm owning the "'Durham Bull," afoun- dation was laid for {he largest smoking tobacco factory in the world. A ])olicy was mapped out which faithful, consistent ex- ecution has enabled the firm to achieve its present great succctjs. Mr. Carr has demonstrated his abilit}' not only to design but to ex- ecute, and it is these characteristics that aid in bearing a man on to the realm of success. Had it not been for the enterprise dis])layed by such leaders in the tobacco manufacturing industry as Mr. Carr and his associates, it is more than likely that the unnatural state of affairs that has so long characterized cotton manufacture would have had, in a great measure, its counterpart in tobacco; that is to say, the bulk of it would jirobably have been manufactured at the North. APPEXDIX. "SUMMERSET VILLA," MR. CARR'S RESIDENCE. Mr. CaiT, with his hap|\y and interesting I'amil}', now occupy their new and beautiful I'esidence, ''Sunimerset Villa," completed at a cost of about $120,000. It is one of the finest residences in tiie South. The accotnjnuiyiuij; illustration gives you but a faint con- ception of its beauty and tiuish. Thoroughly convenient arrange- ments; supplied with all the modern improvements to make it a royal dwelling jjlaee. Xo expense was spared in the materials used. Mr. Carr has a warm place in his heart for the old cx-Gonfeder- ate soildier. It is nut mere sympathetic words — it is deeds. His generosity and liberality are coextensive with his reputation, and his open-hearted charity mu^t bring him the sweetest benediction that ever ]3oured its solace upon the sorrow-swept heart <^f human- ity, lie is among THE FIRST IN ALL GOOD WORKS, and especially enterprises that look to the advancement of Dur- ham — a town that is as dear to him as "the apple of the eye." He has been called to fill many important positions, and in every sit- uation he has acted so well his part as to win commendation and 28 APPENDIX. increase the esteem of his fellow-citizens. A devout, consistcntand energetic member of the Methodist church, he has inspired, b}' his christian bearing, a sentiment of warm regard that ripens with in- tercourse into a strong affection. Men love him for his virtues, for his kindly disposition, for his wide sympathies, and for his chiv- alrous and exalted sentiments. Such a num is an untold blessing in any community, Durham is proud of such a whole-souled cit- izen. The State is proud of him. The South glories in his grand achivements. Town, State and section honor him, and lay the chaplet of their plaudits at his feet. His career and example are illustrious precepts for the rising generation. Long live Julian S. Carr and the great enterprise of which he is the honored head! HOTEL CLAIBORN. The Hotel Claiborn under the charge of A. B. Sites, (who has always enjoyed the reputation of a first class hotel man,) iscertan- ly worthy of great note. It is located in the midst of a thriving business centre, convenient to all the principal places, and within easy access from all parts of the city. The building is substantially constructed, the interior arrangements are perfect and including all the most modern improvements for the convenience, comfort and safety of guests. This Hotel holds a leading position among the lovers of good living, the cuisine being second to none in the city. J. SOUTHOATE & SON. J. Southgate & Son, represent more than twenty-five of the best English and American companies. Nearly $500,000,000 capital and assets. Strongest company agency in the South. The largest in the state. Mr. J. Southgate has been located in Durham some thirteen years. He conducts his business upon the strictest princi- ples of commercial integrity, and has won an excellent i-eputation as an honorable, energetic and thoroughl3' reliable business man, and is veiy popular in leading social and commercial circles. The firm of J. Southgate & Son has been wisely managed and has had an unusually prosperous career, its policies reflecting great credit upon the firm. They rank among the best companies, most influential business men, and the best proof of their abilities is the splendid record which they have made. They have built up a large business, and an ever increasing reputation for affording abso- lute security, coupled with the most honorable and liberal treatment of policy holders. They have transacted a lai'ge business and Mr. Southgate is to be congratulated upon the large measure of success which has attended his efforts. He is an experienced and prudent underwriter, and has every facility for writing risks. APPENDIX. 29 J. B. WrilTAKER, JR. J. B. Wliitaker was born in Goldsboro, X. C, Septembers, 1851. The war interfered somewhat with his education. Entered the prinl- iui^ office of his father, J. B. Whitauer Sr., and soon manifested special fitness for this avocation. Became a swift compositor and was acUnowledi^ed one of the fastest and most accurate composers of tyj)e in the State. Indeed when about 15 years of age he pub- licly issued a challenge for a contest with any printer in the Slate not over 18 years of age, and this challenge was not accepted. At 19 years of age ha was employed as a journeyman on the Wilming- ton Daily Jouriuil, published by Englehard & Price, and soon won the distinction of being ihe swiftest compositor in that office. When a youth he published a humorous paper which had quite a run. lias occupied the position of local reporter of the Goldsboro News and local editor of the Goldsboro Messenger. At one time be was owner and editor of an advertising sheet, called the Weekly Advertiser. Was married April 25th, 1871, to Miss Sallic A. Jones of Goldsboro. Mr. WhitaUer held in Goldsboro the positions Asst. Postmaster and Town Clerk, although a Democrat. A very high compliment at- testing his merits, as in this case politics were ignored, and Repub- licans voted for him from higher motive^; than those which usually actuated the average voter. In these positions he acquitted himself with credit to himself and acceptability to his constituents. Moved to Durban in Feb., 1877, to take charge of the job printing office of r>lackwe!rs Durham Tobacco Co. Held that position untiljune, 1879, when he purchased the job printing office of D. W. Whitaker, and built up a successful business. His office was almost entirely de- stroyed by the great fire of 1880. But he immediately purchased a new outfit, and soon revived his business. It is generally con- ceded that his bronze printing stands in the front rank of excellence. Was a delegate to the first two Democratic county conventions held in Durham county. He took an active part, (as he does in all other high and commendable movements) in the State prohibition campaign, wMiich was defeated by an amalgam- ated combination of llepubiicans, Liberals and Anti-prohibition- ists. This cause, though retarded, will sooner or later triumph as all truth must. It may be slow and tedious but sure. Mr. Whit- aker, be it said to his everlasting honor, is an enthusiastic coadju- tor in the temperance movement. He talks it, he votes it, and he watches it. He is a man of strong convictions and lives true to them. The acts and aims of his life bear the impress of lofty motives, of unselfish and unswerving devotion to the interests of his fellow-man. In whatever position he has been called to act, whether social, political or religious, he has kept an eye single to 30 APPENDIK the glory of God and the elevation of man. His high toned chris- tian character, gentlemanly de))ortment and faniilliarity with the wants of the people, pre-eminently fit him for the leadershij^ among men. He is a strong advocate of education and was one of the most influential men in the establishment of our Graded .School.-'. Jn appreciation of his zeal and devotion to the Graded School cause in the campaign he was elected a member of the Eoard of Education and Learning, which position he held for nearly two terms — the only member who was present at every meeting. lie was secretary of the Board from its organization to the time of his 7'esignation. He was a trustee of the Methodist Female Seminary, which position he resigned to become a member of the Graded School Board. Mr. Whitaker moved to Goldsboro in December, 1884. While in Goldsboro he became prominent in the affairs of town and coun- ty. He was made Chairman of the County Board of Educati(^n. He was also local editor of the Goldsboi-<) Messenger and was ]»ro- ])rietor of a bookstore. He returned to Durham in the year ]888. He is now editor of the Durham Plant. He is a good thi)dj:er and a line writer. While 3Ir. AVhitaker has never taken a regular col- legiate course, he is nevertheless an educated man; few men of his age are as well equipped for life. He is unlike most men in that he is ever faithful to his friends. His motto in life is '-Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you-" BDiiEfis m s,uf-Miii Mmw -of all Kinds Repaired on Short Notice. FOUNDRY AND BLACKSMITH WORK of all kinds. Pipe and Pipe Fittin<^s — a good stock on hand. Belt- ing, Oils, Bolts, Nuts, and Washers. Valves, Injector Litters, Steam Gauges, Water Gauges, and Glass. Li short. Every- thing kept in a FIEST-CLASS MACHINE SHOP. AGENTS FOR THE AMES ENGINE AND BOILEK. Those wanting a Strictly First-Class Slide- Valve Engine, at a moderate price, will find it to their interest to confer with me. I make PIoav- Castings for all Plows generally used in this section, which 1 guar- antee to be of best quality and which will give satisfaction. TURNER'S f)ui'l]kir( f)ii^ectofy. §11889-90.1* :o : Abbreviations Used in this Directory. All., iibove^ advt., adverti-sment ; ave., avenue ; bds ., boards; bet., be- tween; com., commission ; com. mer , commission merchant: cor., corner; do., ditto; e., east; ft., foot; h, house; la., hme; mfg., manufacturing; rafr., manufacturer : mfrs., manufacturers ; n., north 5 nr., near ; lab., laborer ; opp., opposite; pi., place; P. 0., post oflice; r., rooms; s., south; st., street ; w., west ; Wash'n Washington ; wid., widow; wks., works; tob., tobacco; R. & D. E. R., Richmond and Danville Rail Road ;gen'lmdsc., general merchan- South, witU unsurpassed facilities fov ])rompt and satisfactory passenger and freight service. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 32 DLRECTOIl Y.— VV h ite. Allen J. H., postmaster, h Morris. Allen AV. B., clerk, h Parrisb. Allison Miss L,, saleslady, h South. Allison Miss Lele, school teacher, h 2 Carr. Alsley Jim, weaver, h e Dnrliam. Anderson Mrs Mary, wid, h Morehead ave. Anderson S. C , foicman, h McManning. Andrews A. A., grocer. Green, h do. Andrews T). IT., grocery, Five Points, h Chapel Ilill. Andrews I). W., clerk, h Green. Andrews II., carpenter, h Cleveland. Andrews II. M., machinist, h South Green. Andrews Henry, laborer, h Angier ave. Andrews J. C, h Rigsbee ave. Andrews Jno. D., mailing clerk, h 18 Chapel Hill. Andrews J. G., h 78 Chapel Hill. Andrews Shelly, groceries, Mangnm nr Main, h Eoxboro. Anger M. A., retired merchant, h McManning. Arendell B. J., Bowers & Arendell, r }»fain nr Mangnm. Arendell S. F., saloon, Ilickstown, r Main nr Mangnm. HEADQUxVRTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS FOR GRADED SCHOOLS Public Schools and Private Schools, the Durham Book Store of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., »fc Co. Arrington Dr. W. F.. dentist. Main nr Mangum,hcor Willard and Dandy. Arrington John II., clerk, h cor Willard and Dandy. Ashe Samuel T., editor The Tobacco Plant, also attorney at law, Main nr Corcoran, h Mangum. Atkinson Geo. E., works cotton mill, h e Durham. Atwater Miss A. F., h 46 Dandy. Atwater Miss Lucy, school teacher, h 46 Dandy. Atwater Miss Orien, n 46 Dandy. SHELLY ANDREWS, DEALER IN CONFECTIONERIES, &c., MANGUM STREET, NEAR MAIN, T HE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles 1 Fancy Woods ! Mahogany, En;^- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- ti-ated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon ai)plication. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. Tiike tlie 'Piedniont Sii'-r-seni:er and Frei^'ht Lino J lCtlll(UI|L 'iill -1^1I|L, oUIieSoutli, with uiisuri>assft(l Facilities for prompt and sati>aftanbui"oyd Mrs Martha, wid h Railroad. Boykiii W. F., bobbin maker, h Main nr Church. Boylan Wm., dry goods, h 32 Wilhird, Bradshaw R. M., bar keeper, h Hunt. Bradsher Nannie, boarding house, h Cleveland. Bradsher W. C, collector" Parrish Warehouse, bds Hopkins House, Cleveland. Brandon Haywood, tob worker, h 39 Pettigrew. Brandon Miss Sallie, cig inspector, h 39 Pettigrew, P>randon Thos.,tob worker, h 39 Pettigrew. Branson William H., sec and treas Durham Cotton Mfg Co., li Pettigrew e Durham. Brag Miss Callie; cig packer, h 39 Pettigrew. Brag Miss Eliza, cig packer, h 39 Pettigrew. Brewer, — carpenter, bds. Main. Bridges J. L., farmer, h e Durham. Bridges R. R., snpt N. C. division Richmotid & Danville R. R., Parrish building, Mangum, bds Hotel Clayton. _EMEMBER THAT THE DURHAM BOOK STORE is located oji i\ the corner of Main and Corcoran streets, in the old Blacknail drug store building. Call aad see us. J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. " Briggs Miss Blanch, h Queen. Briggs J. H., farmer, h e Durham. Briggs P. M., Qlackwell's attorney and counsellor at law, Durham Co-Operative Tobacco Works, h Dillard Briggs Wm M, h e Durham Bright J Mc D, drug clerk, r cor Main and Corcoran Bristow L. T., book keeper Banner Warehouse, h Qroadway Broadwell A Ct, carpenter, h South Green Brock D L, clerk, h ^I'oadway K. B. boom; Attorney-at-Law, OFFICE: — COURT HOL'SE BUILDIKG, MAIN STREET, NEAR CHURCH, x:)XJFLP3:.A.ivn, :isr- o- ¥l^^ ni^Pi^>i %-i>it^r» ! Manufactured by Peek & Son, (Establish- li\e Upeitl 1 iai|0: ed 1850), ISe? and L569 Broadway, and 212 to 216 West 47th Street, New York. Artistic in design. Elegant in finish, Warranted five j'ears. M -I .1 (t)' -t , (T)' i T • To the South and South iaki tlie riedqorjt s^u'-l/ine wost,Montgomer.v Mobile, New Orleons, Shriveport, Texas and California. For intbrmation, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRDCTORY.— Whitk. 37 Brock J 0, chief engineer Durham Electric Light Co, h (^roadway Biock T H, tobacco weigher, h Qroadway Brock W P, tol>acco employee, h Morehead Brockwell Geo, cig maker, li Ferrell Brockwell James, carpenter, h Fei'rell Brockwell John, cig maker, h Ferrell Brockwell Miss Julia, cig packer, h Ferrell Brockwell Miss Mar}-, washer, h Shanty Sow Brockwell Miss Viola, cig packer, h Ferrell Brogden J R, farmei", h Main Broglin Miss Bettie, cig packer h Chapel Hill Broglin .Miss Jennie, dressmaker, h Chapel Hill Broglin Wm, h Chapel Hill Brooks J R, h Caswell Hill Brooks J AV, real estate agent, Peabody, h do Bi'own Miss Bettie, h Shanty Row Brown Mrs Bettie, washer, h Shanty Row Brown Mrs Caroline, wid, h e Durham Brown C J, overseer Carr's tob mfr, h Red Cross THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURINO Co. Dealers in Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Mouldings, Build- ing Material. ^rown Mrs E J, wid h e Durham Brown F F, h Carr Brown Henry, box maker, h Peabody Brown Horace, policeman, h 99 South Brown Jas, box maker, h Strayhorn Brown James M, lab, h e Durham Brown John, painter, h 99 South Brown Miss Laura, h 99 South Brown Miss Louisiana, weaver, h e Durham Brown T J W, weaver, h e Durham Brown Miss Tina, sack maker, h e Durham Brown Miss Virginia, weaver, h e Durham Browning Mrs ALiry, wid, h Ferrell Browning AVm, tob worker, h Peabody Browning W M, carpenter, h Jones Bruce S C, printer, h Red Cross Bryan Elhvood L, mang for E J Parrish, h Dillard Buchanan L T, Durham Male Acadeni}', corner Green and Cleveland, h Broadway Builders Manufacturing k Supply Company, Sash, Doors, Blinds, etc., J W Blackwell, Pres, Lucius Green, Vice f\elikhle kr^d ^^ti^f ^dtof y ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. "T^ip^-lmrvt^f .CV^iV T iT^pw '^^'"^ '>^^'^'^^ Fi-ei,irlit and Passpn;rpr Lino of 1 1CU11|UI|L iniI-J^lT(C, the .South, with unsurpassed fuc-ilitics for jirornpt and satisfactory ])assenger and freight service. For iniorniation, ad(hess, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 38 DIRECTORY.— White" Pres, S E Watt. Sec and Treas, Railroad street BniiipassRev RoLah, Pastor Main Methodist Clinrcli, li Main Burch F P, bank teller and J B AVhitaker & Co, r cpr Main and Corcoran Burch Geo W, niang Carr's, li Main. Bnrch Joe, h Cle\X'iand Burcli J C, tob worker, r cor Main and Mangum Burcli J S, floor niang Parrish AVarehouse, li Main and Mangum Burch Joab, clerk. Banner AVarehouse. ]5nrch S G, clerk, h Main Burgess Aliss Fannie, weaver, h e Durham Burgess Mrs Hester, Avid, h e JJurham Burgess T H, h e Durham Burkhead AV G, editor Prohibitionist, Raleigh, h 112 Dandy Burns Mrs C wid, h Ramseur Burton R, leaf tob, Foster & AVatkins, h Ramseur Busbee AA^alton Manning, attv-at-law and notary public, court house Alain, h AlcManning Cain Miss A P, h AIcAlanning Cain Dr Jas F, physician, h McAIanning Subscribe to the Daily Tobacco Plant, FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Cain Aliss S AI, h AlcManning Cain S R, clerk, h AIcAlanning Campbell Aliss Aimie, ci"; packer, h Alorris Campbell Aliss Belle, h Dillard Campbell Aliss Gracie, machine liand, h Railroad. Cam[)bell Hugh, stone cutter, h Railroad Campbell Aliss Ida, cig packer, h Alorris Campbell James B, shoemaker, Alain nr Church, h Alorris Campbell Airs Alary, wid, h Railroad Campbell Aliss ISTealy, cig packer, h Morris Canad}' Aliss Anna, h Rigsbee ave Canady Aliss Genevive, h Rigsbee ave Canady Ruflin, mason, h Rigsbee ave Garden Aliss Bettie A, weaver, e Durham Garden Miss Carrie, AVeaver, h e, Durham Garden J W, carpenter, h w Durham Garden John S, cig maker, h Jackson Garden Jones, watchman, h 57 Chapel Ilill, Garden Aliss Alattie, cig packer, h 57 Chapel Hill Garden S A, dra^nnan, h e Durham Garden AVm, tob worker, h Peabody THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles I Fancy Woods ! Mahogany Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desiretl, promptly sent by mail uj^on application. Address, PEEK & SON, 15C7 Broadway, New York. (a^' 1 ^ A^ ' i T ' Tho great Passenger and Freight Line of 1 ietln|oi)t -iV if- 1(111 c, f for prompt and satisfiiotoi-y passenger and freight service. For information, •address, J. L. Taylor, Wasliington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— White. 39 Carlton Miss Annie, h Rigsbee Carlton F M, clerk, cor Main and Mangnni Carlton J W tob buyer, h liigsliee Carlton Miss Mable, h Smoky Hollow Carlton Miss Nettie, h Rigsbee Carpenter John, machine hand, h 25 Lea Carpenter Wm, h 25 Lea Carr Dr A G, physician and surgeon, Main i\r Mangum, h Dillard Carr Dudley, mang for Straus & Roab, bds Hotel Claiborn. Carr Julian S, Pres Blaekwell's Dm-ham Co-operative Tob- baco Co, I'res First Xat Bank, Vice-Pres Durham Electric Light Co, Vice-Pres Durham Fertilizer Co, h "Somerset Villa," Dillard Carr L A, Morgan & Carr and Sec'ty and Treas Durham Fer- tilizer Co, h Pettigrew nr Jackson Carrington S R, Carrington & Thaxton, h McMainiing Carrington & Thaxton, grocers, cor Mangum and Railroad Carrmgton AV G, larmer, h McManning Carroll J 0, shoemaker, h South THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Make Counters, Wainscoting, Door and Window Trimmings, soft or hai'd wood. Carter W C, clerk of city market, h e Main Carver O T, clerk h Cleveland Cash Samuel, carpenter, h Strayhorn Gates Albert, h Blackwell's Park Gates Miss Eula, cig packer, h Chapel Hill Gates 11 M, caipenter, h w Green ('ates Isaiah, coifin maker, h Green Gates John, engineer, h Morris Cates Joseph, cig packer, h Main Gates Robt, gardener, h Blackwells Park Cates Thos, carpenter, h Jackson Cates W A, h Blackwell's Park Cates W H, undertaker for Durham Furniture Mfg Co, h Roxboro Cates Wm, clerk, h Cleveland Chadwick Mrs Mary, wid,h Watkins Chamberlain H B, printer, h 37 Jackson Chamberlain L L, printer, h 37 Jackson Chand3erlain S W, jeweler, h 37 Jackson Cheek Miss A M, h Pettigaew Cheek Anthony, farmer, h e Durham Slwky^ fjelikble ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOB.ACCO. 1"3' 1 J- (a)' 4 T ' The preat Freiglit and Passenger Line of leeilHOTl t 'Till -L(ir)e, the south, with unsurpassed facilities for prompt and satisfiictory passenger and freight service. For iji formation, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 40 "^IIIP:CT0RY.— White! Cheek Clarence, T F Cheek & Son, h Mangum Cheek Miss Emma, h e Durham Cheek F L, carpenter, h Ferrell Cheek John, farmer, h e Durham Cheek Jas M, machinist, h Chapel Hill Cheek Jno A, carpenter, h Chapel Kill Cheek Newton, farmer, h e Durham Cheek P B, carpenter, h Lea Cheek Mrs Sarah, wid, h Alston ave Cheek Wesley, h e Durham Cheek T F, T F Cheek & Son, h Mangnm Cheek T F & Son, furniture and undertakers, cor Mangnm and Parrish Cheek T E, h Petti grew Christmas Mrs E ,wd, h Cleveland Christmas Miss Eliza, seamstress, h Liberty Christmas Miss Fannie, seamstress, h Liberty Christmas Miss Ida, h Cleveland Christian C E, h Rigsbee ave Christian D C, box maker, h Chapel Hill TRIUMPHANT SONGS, the book used in the Sam Jones meeting, only 35 cents each or $3.60 Y>er dozen, at the Durham Book Store of J. B. Whitakek, Jr., & Co. Christian J A, h Rigsbee Christian J B, street com, h Chapel Hill Christian Jas, carpenter, h Chapel Hill Christian Lue, machinist, h Chapel Hill Christian T B, h Rigsbee ave Christian T S, emp Blackwells, h Mangum Christian W J, Jr, h Rigsbee ave Christian W J mayor, h Rigsbee ave Christian Willie, student, h Chapel Hill Clark E J, agent Singer Sewing Machine Co, Main nr Church Clark J L, Supt Parrish fact, h Roxboro Clark Wm L, carpenter, Cleveland, h do Clark W Y, carpenter, h Cleveland Clements Julian, tob worker, h Cleveland Clements M M confectionery, etc, cor Main and Mangum, h Parrish Clifton E G, drug clerk, r cor Main and Mangum Clifton J R, machine hand, h Jones Cline Miss Laura, h Smoky HoUoav Gloss Mrs M A, wid, h Dillard THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles ! Fancy Woods I Mahogany Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. 1 ie(;ln"|OT)t i^U'-L(;ll"|C, the Soutli, witirunsurim^sed Facilities lor pr()in])t and satisfaetory passenger ond freight service. For information, address. J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— White. 41 Cobb J B, liuvn^ for Stranse & Roab, h cor Jackson and Wil- lard Oole Jas, tirenuvn, li e Durham Cole J E, plumber, h Dillard Cole J L, clerk, h Roxboro Cole L G, book-keeper, h Cleveland Cole S J, machine hand, h South Cole W T, sawyer,, h Angler ave Coleman S B, floor mang, h Jackson Coley II P, lumber dealer, h Carr Coley Wm, machine hand, h South Collie Miss Eliza, h Willard Collie James, h Willard Collie Miss Pattie, ciii; packer, h Willard Collie Mrs Susan '^^ wid h Willard Council Miss Ida, spooler, h e Durham Connell Wyatt, drayman, h e Durham Connell Wm, carder, h e Durham Conrad Miss Claudia, cig packer, h 81 Lea Conrad J F, groceries also contractor and builder, Mangum nr Peabody, h cor Mangum and Broadway THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND M UNUFACTURING Co., Woodworkers, Turning, Planing, Scroll Sawing and Ripping done in best manner. Conrad Mrs Sarah B, dress-maker, li 81 Lea Cooper E R, h Ramseur Cooper W L, leaf tob, Rigsbee ave, h n Durham Cooper W E-, Rowland & Cooper, h Ramseur Cope Miss Blanche, spinner, h e Durham Cope J C, bib, h e Durham Cope John, lab, h e Durham W. L. COOPER, MWtp ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 4S=-The Best of References Givec."©H DUHAM, N. C. G^entiiiie f)ut^l\kii| ^oh^66o ! NONE GENUINE 'WITHOUT THE BULL. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIRLINE, Passing throucrh the Citios of Alexiiiulriii, Cliarlottesville, Lyncliburir, Danville, Greensboro, Reids- ville. Salisbury, Columbia, Au^nista, anil to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 42 DI HECTOR Y.—W hite. Cope Miss LilUian, spinner, b e Durham Copeland W A. machinist, h McManning Copley Charles, clerk, h Hunt Couch Miss Sadie, ci,£^ packer, h Yickers Couch Wm, machinist, h Vickers Couch W G, painter, h Yickers Council Miss Maggie, cigarette inspector, h G4 Chapel Hill Council Ti J, watchmaii,"h 64 Chapel Hill Cox Albert, tob buyer, h Alston ave Cox A B, farmer, h Alston ave Cox Miss Bettie A, h Morris Cox E, lab, h Peabody Cox John A Jr, h Morris Cox John A, boarding house, h Morris li do Cox John H, foreman, h Peabody Cox Miss Kate M, h Morris Cox Miss Laura, cigarette packer, h Peabody Cox Miss Lena, h 5lorris Cox Miss Maggie E, cigarette packrr, h Peabody Cox R C, ass't book keeper, h Morris The Weekly Tobacco Plant! HANDSOMEST IN THE STATE— ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. Cozart Miss Bettie, sack stringer, h Angier ave Cozart Mrs Jane, sack stringer, h Angier ave Cozart Mrs T G, principal Methodist Female Seminary, h Bamseur Cozart T G, cashier Banner Warebouse, li Ramseur Crabtree — , tob worker, h Pine Crabtree Archie, machinist, h 61 Chapel Hill Crabtree Mrs Bettie, wid, h Green Crabtree Chas E, book keeper, h e Main Crabtree George, packer, h Jackson Crabtree Hallie, drayman, h w Durham Crabtree Jacob, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Crabtree John H, box maker, h Green Crabtree Miss Mary, h Peabody Crabtree Miss Mattie, h Peabod}' Crabtree Mis Nancy, wid, h w Durham Crabtree Newton, watchman, h Jackson Crabtree R E, h Main Crabtree Robt, cigarette packer, h Green Crabtree Samuel, machine hand, h Jones Crabtree Wm, cigarette packer, h 61 Chapel Hill THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles ! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany Em.'- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. ' Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway", New York. Vrl ^ i (-D* 1 V uTi* i T • To the South and South Take llie riedn^Ol^t Au'-Jyllie west, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleons, Shriveport, Texas and CaUfornia. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— White. 43 (Jrahtree W A, fanner, h (31 Chapel Hill Crabtree W G, box maker, h Jackson (;rabtree W H, box maker, h Bailey's al (Orane W A, shoe maker, h e Durham Crews Miss Julia C, h Green Crews Mathew, tob worker, h Tickers Crews Paul, foreman, h Mangura Crews T J, tob buyer, h Green Croon Eddie L, machine hand, h 6 Lea Croon Mrs Mary, wid, h 6 Lea Cross C R, clerk, h cor Rigsbee ave and Green Cross J W, clerk, li cor Rigsbee ave and Green Cross Mrs S R, wid, h Green Crowell Mrs A L, wid, h e Durham Crowell Mrs Maude J, carder, h e Durham Grumpier R 11, tob worker, h Main nr Church Crutchfield J K, carpenter, h Angier ave Currell W H, carpenter, r Parrish Cutts Miss Emma, h South Cutts J P, railroader, h South THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Builders, don't contract for your house until you see us. No cliarge for estimates. Dalby Col E, leaf tobacco, Main nr Church h do Dalton P 11, drug clerk, li Main nr Church Darnall Rev H T, pastor Presbyterian Church, h Main Darnall L C, Darnall & Thomas, Main nr Mangum Darnall Miss Lucy, ass't photographer, h McManning Darnall & Thomas, pianos and organs. Main nr Mangum Davenport Miss Anna, h cor Main and Mangum Davenport Mrs S M, dressmaker, cor Main and Mangum Davie W B, Vice Pres, The Fancett Durham Tobacco & Snuff Co., h w Durham Davis Mrs B, merchant tailoress, clothing etc, Main nr Church h Bailey's al Davis J M, railroader, h Jones Davis R S, clerk, h Cleaveland Day James R, h Main Deaver Geo, engineer, h e Durham Debnam Mrs Maggie, h cor Watkins and Foster Debnam Thomas," cigar maker, h Watkins and Foster Debnam Walter, cigar maker, h Willard Denning Miss Alice, weaver, h e Durham Denning Miss Cora, weaver, h e Durham ^Iwky^ i^elikble ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. 'Pi\^<.li-.->nnf -Qii' T ^r^,^ The ffreat Pa-senger and Fi-oi.L'ht Line J ILL111(UI| L -^ill - l-/n|C, of the South, with unsui-passed Facihtios i'ov prompt ami satisfactory Passenger and Freiglit Service. For informa- tion, address. J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 44 DIRECTOKY.— White. Benninp; Mrs Maiy A, wid, h e Durham Denning Tlios, forenum spinning mill, h e Durliam Dennis Anthony, clerk, h Liberty Dennis A W, clerk, h Liberty Dennis Charles, clerk, h Liberty Dennis James, clerk, h McManning Dennis John, tob worker, h e Dnrhara Devlaming A S, bof)k keeper, r cor Mangnm and Great Jones Dickinson Joe, contractor and builder, Roxboro, h do Dickinson Miss Maggie, h Roxboro Dickinson Thos, loom lixer, h e Durham Dixon Miss Jennie, cig hand, h 58 Chapel llill Dixon Joseph, h 58 Chapel Hill Dixon S A, clerk, r cor Main and Mangnm Dixon T G, clerk, h Ahiin Dixon W II, watch maker, h Bailey's al L)odd J II, shoe maker, Pettigrew, h do Dollar Mrs Zoie, h Sniokey Hollow Demestic Sewing Machine Co, W R Murray, agent, Mam nr Cleveland FOK BOOKS, STATIONEPvY AND FANCY GOODS, be sure to go to the Durham Book Store of J. B. Whitakkr, ,1r., &, Co. Dossett Simpson, lab, h Peabody Doub Miss Laura, music teacher, h Main Dowd J W, foreman, Blackwell's Durham Co-Operative To- bacco Co, h Dillard Dowdee Herman, clerk, h Mangnm Dowdee E, P, harness maker, Mangnm opp Green and Wyatt nr cor Maiigum Draughon A J, grocer, Main, h Peabody Driver House, AI F Kirkman, Church nr Main .risfe»v. . R. P. DOWDEE, JIAXUFACTITKER OV AND DKALER IX iVM' HARNESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, 'Vs=;."* BRIDLES, WHIPS, ETC., Mangum Street at Howerton & Bro.'s CXtrriage Factory, Repairing and Order Work of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch, ^L p. n 1^ f^-.'^ ^ ,' ^ ^ ^ I Manufactured by Peek & Son, (Establish - 1 i(e W.j)Cltl 1 Itir^O! ed 1850), 15(57 and 156'.) Broadway, and 212 to 216 West 47th Street, New York, Artistic in design, Elegant in finish, Warranted live years. TUvE T[IE PIEDMONT AIR-LIXE, Passin.s tlirouyli the Cities of It ilei.u'li, Durham, (joldshoro, Spartanhurg, Greenville, Seneca, Gains- \Mlle an'l Athtnis, to the South and Soutli West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. dTeECTOEY.— White. 45 Dnnlap Mrs Eliza, wid, li Morris Dunn Brice, tinner, h Main Dupree AVm, carpenter, h e Dnrluun Durand F 0, ,!^un and locksmith, Cliiirch nr Main, h McMan- ning Durham Bobbin & Shuttle Co,-T L Watkins, pres, T D Wright, sec and treas, e Durham Durham Book Store, J B Whitaker Jr k Co, cor Main and Corcoran Driver Mrs N A, wid, IxLs Driver House Dudley W JI, -rocer, Main opp P 0, h South Duko Brodio L, W Duke Sons & Co. also leaf tobacco, h s of city nr limits Duks Beni Ef, vice pres AV Didce Sons k Co, h cor Chapel Hill and Willard Duko James B, pres W Duke Sons & Co, h Duke Joseph, ])ri titer, li Main Duke Sons "W" & Co, mfrs of cigarettes and tobacco, J B Duke, pres, G W Watts, sec and treas, cor Peabody and Cigarette THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co., Manufacturers of Stone-Fronts, Porches, Bay-Windovvs, Braolcets, Balustrades, etc. Duke Washington, W Duke Sons k Co, h Peal»ody Durham Miss C, h Cleveland Durham Cotton Mfg Co, J M Odell, pres, W^ H Branson, sec and treas, e Dumam Durham Daily Sun, J A Robinson, editor and proprietor, .Nhiin nr Corcoran Durham Electric Light Co, J S Carr, pres, Peabody nr Pine Durham Miss Eula, h Cleveland Durham Fertilizer Co, S T Morgan, pres, J S Carr, vice pres, L A Carr, sec and treas, factory, e Durham, oliice, Man- gum nr Main Durham Furniture Mfg Co, J R Procter, pres, W T Red- mond, sec, E AV^ Kennedy, treas, cor Main and Church Durham Jas, 65 Chapel Kill Durham Land & Security' Co, JL Watkins, pres, li I Rogers, sec and treas, cor Main and Corcoran Durham Miss Lulu, cig packer, h 65 Chapel Hill Durham Luther, printer, h 65 Chapel Hill Durham Machine Shop, -TT Kerr, prop. Peal )ody nr Corcoran Durham Male Academy, L T Buchanan, prin, Green cor Cleveland Slkdkweir^ f)ui^l)kiii ¥obkddo ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. pr^--'qtp;.-y7^y^ai;|;?>^ DAIIjY SWK Bright and Crisp, Bright and Crisp. Spicy and Sparkling. Spicy and Sparkling. JAS. A. ROBINSON, Editor. (" OLD HURRYGRAPH ") LOCAL, STATE — AND — GENEEAL NEWS! Served in the Most Tempting Manner. $4.00 a Year ; $1.00 3 Months ; 10 Cents a Week. GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM. VWi ,1 ^"^'-i ^ C\)' L T ' The shfvrtest direct line Take tl^e riedn^oi-^t tA:if-L(ir|e, f^m Washington, d.c. mid Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For imformation, ad- dress, J. L. Taylor, AVashington, D. C. DIRECTOllY.— White. Durham Marble Works, Whitaker & Hnlin, proprietors, Main nr F O Purluim Post Oflice, J 11 Allen, postmaster, Main and Cor- coran Durham Recorder (The) (Weekly), issued every Wednes- day, E H Hackney, editor and propr, Main nr Mangum Durham Sash, Door "^and Blind Mfg Co, C Taylor, pres; W A Wilkerson, niang; L W Grissoni, sec and treas; cor Peabody and Main Durham School of Music, Miss Lessie M Southgate, prin, cor Main and Church Durham Street Railway Co, W T Blackwell, pres, office of Bank of Durham Main Durham T C, clerk, h Church Durham Walter, horse dealer, h Strayhorn Durliam Water Works, S W Holman, supt, office Main nr Mangum Durham W E, clerk, h Cleveland Durham Dr W J IT, physician, h Church Durham W P, grocer and supt Street R R Co, h Cleveland THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Dealers in Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Mouldings, Build ing Material. Dyer John W, auctioneer, h Pine Dymott Robt, gas titter, h 10 Carr Edwards H F, grocer, Mangum h do Eakes Miss Lucy, cig packer, h Main Eakes M, boarding house, h Main Ellington T M, butcher, h Mangum Ellington W W, W T Saunders & Co, h Mangum nr Main Elliot A G, grocer, Mangum nr Peabody h McManning Ellis E B, carpenter, h Watkins Ellis H G, carpenter, h 5 Lea Ellis William F, dry goods, etc, Corcoran nr Main and Mc- Manning Ellison A M, clerk, h e Durham Ellison Travis, h Gattis av Ellison Miss Willie, h Gattis av Elmer Mrs M 11, wid, h Liberty Eniory Miss Albert, weaver, h e Durham Emory Miss Claudia, h e Durham Emory Hudson, weaver, h e Durham Emory Mrs Mary A, h e Durham Englehard J C, bookkeeper, r Morris nr Watkins Subscribe to the Daily Tobacco Plant, FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. 'Pip^-lmoT-if ^i »' T ir^^ ^^^^ ^'^''^ Freight an — * ^^»^ Blank Books of all kinds made to order. Check, Draft and Note Books, Bither Printed or Lithographed. Bill, Letter and Note Heads, And all kinds Mercantile Printing, -^I'lDom Ppotnptly and at Iiom Ppiees.-f^ Magazii^esof alll^ii^JsfioQip^iip ai^v] §t\/|le Special attention given to orders tor RIBBON BADGES stamped in Gold, for Societies. -^ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION.^ TRY US. IT WILL PAY YOU. lo6 JENKINS & WALTHALL ••• find Printers, •?• 9, 11 and 13 N. Twelfth St., K-iCKiixEOisriD, - ViE-GriisrijOL. -^^mi K--» s«^^^— Blank Books of all kinds made to order. Check, Draft and Note Books, Either Printed or Lithographed, Bill, Letter and Note Heads, And all kinds Mercantile Printing, •^ylDone Promptly and at lioua Ppiees.-l^ Magazii^esof alll<;ii2^s Boai^Sii^ ai^v] Stv^le Special attention given to orders for BIBBON BADGrES stamped in Gold, for Societies. ^ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION.^- TRY US. IT WILL PAY YOU. 'Ob (y)' ^ 1 ^ f 'X ' i T ' ^ '^'"^ iiivat Passenger and Freight Line of 1 iedll|01]l: IZTlU- 1^11)0, the South, with unsurpassed Facilities for promjit and satisf;iotory passenger and freight service. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Wasliington, D. C. DIKECTORY.— White. 411 First National Bank, (The) J S Carr, pres, LI) lleartt, Ciishier, .Manguin uv Main Fisher C I, painter, h Jackson Fitchett James, mason and grocer, h Ramseur Fletcher Miss E J, cig packer, h Ramsour Floyd J W, clerk, hds Driver House Floyd T B. clerk bds. Driver House Follett A L, h Ramsenr Follett Mrs C M Y, milliner, ATain nr Church Ramsenr Foster W A, bookkeeper, h Morris Foster W E, bookkeeper and rev stamp clerk, h Morris Foushee O 13, clerk, h Cleveland Fraley Allen, rig packer, h Main Fraley Mrs Bettie, wid, h Main Fraley Francis, cig packer, h Main Fraley Joseph, cig maker, h Main Frale\' Miss Maggie, cig packer, h Main Fraley Miss Minnie, cig packer, h Main Fi'anklin L L, com traveler, h Reams av Freeland George, fireman, h South rnilE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MUNUFACTURINO a Co., Woodworkers, Turning, Planing, Scroll Sawing and Ripping done in best manner. Freeland Miss Hattie, h Pettigrew Freeland J II, clerk, r cor Main and Corcoran Freeland JF, grocer, Main nr Mangum, h Pettigrew Freeman Mrs Fannie, wid, h Cleveland French John T, boots, shoes etc, Main next to P O, he Dur- ham Frock S, genl mdse, Mangum nr Peabod}', h Fayetteville rd Fuller F L, atty at law, Main nr Corcoran, cor Main and Dillard Fuller T B, bookkeeper, h Dillard W. J. EXUM, Attorney-at-Law 5 ROOM 5 WRIGHT BUILDING, CORNER MAIN AND CORCORAN STREETS, G[;ei\uii\e f)ni^l\kin ^oh^66Q ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. i^. ., 'T;" (. r • The Great Pa-'setrier and Freiirlit Line 1 ICdniOqt 'An - l-:er and Freiglit Service. For informa- tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 50 DIRECTOIIY.— ^YHITE. Fuller "W W, atty at law, and vice pres First Xatioiial Bank, Main nv Corcoran, h cor Main and Dillard Fullerton Mrs Mary, h Alston av Garley Charles, weaver, h e Durham Gannnon Mrs J S, h Main (rardener 8 F, jeweler, h Cleveland Garner Rnfns, hox maker, h 33 Jackson Gates J B, dept slieriff, h Chapel Hill (Tates J D, tob bnyer, h Cleveland tore building. Call aad see us. J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. Gattis T J & Son, stationery and books. Main nr Church (iattis Capt W A, book keeper, h Chapel Hill Gayle Mrs M J, wid, h 112 Handy Geanes G N, clerk h Main nr Church Geor Fred C, Sttly sent by mail uiion ap- plication. Address, PEEK .t SON, 15()7 Broadway, New York. m\KE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passinn tlirougli the Cities of X Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greetiville, Seneoa, Gains- ville aud Athens, to the South and South West. For iniormiition, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. BIRECTOEiY.— W hite. 51 Giddens J. T, tob weigher, h 28 Willard Gilbert John, tob worker, h Pettigrew Gilbert John, carpenter, h Brown Gilbert Miss Lilla, h Brown Gilbert Mis3 Lney, h Brown Gilbert Miss Maggie, h Brown Gilbert Thaddeiis'^, hauler, h Pettigrew iGilluni Mrs Jemima, wid, h Vickers Gilman W A, boarding house, h Main Gladstein M, grocer, Fayetteville rd, h do Gleeson M J, com broker, Main nr P O, bds Hotel Glaiboirfi Glenn Miss Emma, twister, h-e Durham Glenn Ilillman, farmer, h e Durham Glenn Miss Jane, h Cleveland Glenn John, foreman, h e DuHiam Glenn M C, engineer, h South Godman Oscar, woodworker,' h Main nr Cluirth Godwin Miss Alice, cig maker, h e Durham Godwin Gaston, carpenter, 'h e Durham Golden Belt Mfg Co, bagMufrs, J S Carr, pres, cor'PettigFew and Blackwell THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Woodworkers, Turning, Planing., Scroll Sawing and Kipping done in the best manner. Goldstein A, h Pine Gooch Geo P, shuttle maker, h e Durham Gooch F E, h South Gooch S J, carpenter, h South Goodson J W, leaftob, Pine nr Pettigrew, h Eamsem- and Rowland 'a»9 AND DEALERS IN CORNER MAIN AND CHURCH STREETS, Blackwell's Durham Tobacco j^^HCinilS: reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put u)>on the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." Pip- .In-* -^-i-if iA^in' T -I-r^tf» '^'^'^ groat Frt'iVIit and Passen,r(i r\ 4;i '■'l^'x f Manufactured bv Peek it Son, (Establish - J.I\e Upeia riai^Ol ed 1850), IoGT and 1569 Broadway, and 12 to 216 West 47th Street, New York. Artistic in design. Elegant in finish, Warranted five years. MaU^ -<-1,^ '~P^ ^ 1^^ ^.-.-i- C\);.v T ' The shortest direct Hue i.ike tl)e I ledn^oqt '-A-iM^n^e, fvom washinj.ton,D.c., and Richmoiid.Va., to Atlanta, aivl Buniinghain. For imformation, ad- dress, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— White. 53 Griffin H G, book keeper, h McManning (ri-ilHn Joslina, weaver, h e Durham Grissom L W, sec and treas Durham Sash, Door & Blind Alfg Co, h ^fcManniug Griswold W J, broker and commission merchant, Main nr Mangum cor Liberty and Queen (Tulley Airs M A, wid, h 15 Carr (runter A B, h Bigsbee Gunter Mis C M, weaver, h e Durham (lunter Miss DeUa, weaver, h e Durham Gunter Mrs M A, wid, h e Durham Gunter Miss Minnie, weaver, li e Durham Gunter Thos, h e Durham Guthi-ie B II, tobacco weigher, h Cleveland Guthrie W A, lawyer. Main nr Mangum, h Main cor Queen llabell J J, mer tailor, h Morehead are Hackney Augristus, weaver, h e Durham Hackney B, h Ferrell Hackney E C, editor and prop Durham Recorder, Main nr Mangum h Corcoran and Green rnilE DURHAM 8A8H, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURINO i Co. Dealers in Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Mouldings, Build ing Material. Hackney M S, h Eoxboro liailey K C, carpenter, h east Durham Hall Adolpheus, painter, h e Durham Ilall Miss Bettie, dress maker, h e Durham Hall Andrew, tob workei-, h Main Hall E D, watchman, h Morehead ave Practical &3s M Sleaiii Fitter, AND PLUh/lBER AND TINNER. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO the erection of Cooking Ranges. Parlor Heaters, Water Closets. Bath Tubs, Pumps, Tanks, Lead and Iron Piping. OFFICE, MAIX STREET, OPPOSITE SEARS' LIVERY STABLE. Slwky^ ^elikble ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. (T), -^ 4. '^lie(i ii) 1§^0, kt liillsboi^o, >!. MOVED TO DURHAM IN 1879. i1?J Y7f ^"Tf Having the Largest Circulation, and is th Best Advertising Medium in the "Golden Belt Tobacco Section " #, e. Mm€MME¥t Editor and Proprietor, y_j^ ^^ ,x (v^'x^ I Manufactured bv Peek & Son, (Establis ii\e Urpeia riailOl edl850), 1507 and 15G9 Broadway, ai 12 to 216 West 47th Street, New York. Artistic in design, Elegant finish, Warranted five years. Co t ::-Vi ^j4 -^ PHERS & ir ^ ^ ^H^awvs^^ i^ !>. F\ichmond^ VA. ^'"^-A ^^M- a -V ■ © ^ 4^ I^ ^ 1 ^1 't)' 1 J. c'T' • T ' To the South and South ake tlie I lediiiorit Air-J^ir|e west,Moutgomery, ilobile, New Urleons, Shrive[)nrt, Texas and Cahfbinia. For inioimation, -ddress, J. L. Taylor, Wasliington, D. C. DIEECTORY.— White. 55 lai'gis Miss Lnetta, h w Durham larris Mrs Susan C, wid, li w Durham larp C T li, painter, h 06 Chapel Hill larper R B, tobacco buyer_, h South larper Wm, turner, h Vickers Ttirris J W, shoe maker, h Main larris Miss Lizzie, h M;iin larris Mrs Mahala, wid, h Bailey's al larris Mrs Dr T W, wid, h Main lartman Adam, weaver, li e Durham lartman John, carder, h e Durham lartmon AV T, reporter, h Cleveland larward John L, dairyman, h Eailroad st laskell M, groeer, 55 Cliapel Hill, h do laskins Bobert, B Ilaskins & Co, h Cleveland laskins Bobert & Co, leaf tob, cor Watkins and Foster Jayes E.ias, elevator lifter, h e Durham layes II B, clerk, h Pine layes Mrs Jennie, weaver, h e Durham layes John, weaver, h e Durham r [IE 'DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Builders, don't contract for your house until you see us. No liarge for estimates. layes Miss Maggie, weaver, h e Durham leartt E A, clerk, h Carr f CUT FLOWERS AND BOUQUETS A SPECIALTY. CHOICE NEW ROSES AND eveiything for the Garden, Ever- greens, Shrubs and Shade Trees of all Varieties furnished upon short notice. Lawns, Garden and Cemetery Lots carefully looked after and kept in order. CHABGES MODEBATE. KEUBEN HIKBERD. RAMSEUR ST., opp REAMS AV, DUBIIAM, N. C. BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. mAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing ti.rongli the Cities of I Alexandria, Chui-Jottesville, Lynohburg, Danville, (Jicensboro, Keids- ville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and Soulli West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 56 DlPvECTORY.— White. Heartt F II, dnii^ clerk, r cor Main and Corcoran Ileartt Howard E, machinist, li CMiapel Hill Heartt Leo D, cashier The First National Bank,h Cha[»el IIiI! llegg Frank, painter, h lloHoway Henderson A, ck^'k, h lianiseur Henderson Dr L B, dentist, cor Main and Clinrch h Eamseur Henderson Miss Mary, h Kaniseur Henderson 11 G, l)Ook keej)er, h Cleveland Henderson Miss Sallie, h Raniseur Hendon W D, foreman, r cor Main and Manguni Henry Chas E, clerk, h Pettigrew Henry R L D, farmer, h Pettigi-ew Henry W P, hook keeper, h Pettigrew Herndon & Atwater, ice mfrs, ^h^in nr limits Herndon & Bagwell, groceries, M^angnm nr Main Herndon C M, ice manf, h Kamseur Herndon Mrs D, wid, h Main Herndon Mrs Fannie, weaver, h e Durham Herndon Gee, hox maker, h Lea Herndon John A, cig packer, h Main milE DAILY TOBACTJO PLANT has the lai'gest bona ji,l.- circulation 8 ever secured by a Durham daily. Tlierefore it is the best advertising medium. Herndon Julia, waslier, h Pop)lar Herndon M C,'h Chapel Hill Herndon Miss Mittie, dress maker, h Main Herndon Xazor V, box maker, h Main Herndon Miss Sarah, dress maker, h Main Herndon T B, printer, h Main Herndon W R, livery stables, Mangum, h Green Herndon W T, Herndon & Bagwell, h Morrisville Hester J W, tobacco works, h Cleveland Hester AV I), clerk, r cor Peabody and Mangum Hibberd H, florist, Ramseur opp Reams av, h Main Hicks J M W, book keeper, bds Hopkins House Hio^h C A, farmer, h South High C C, farmer, h South High James, h Ramseur High John, lab, h Ramseur Highsmith L "W, tob worker, h Yancey Hill R Q, carpenter, h Fuller Hinton Miss Cora, h Rigsbee ave Hinton Robt, cigarette maker, h Rigsbee ave Hinton Wm, box maker, h Rigsbee ave Ml /^ ^, ©'X Manufactured by Peek & Son. (Establish- 1 Jqe Upeia riar|0, ed ISoO), 1567 and ]5(;9 Broadway, and 212 to 216 West 47th Street, New York. Artistic in design, Elegant in finish, Warranted five years. VW.i .1 (v)-i :eline, wid, li e Diu'ham Horton Miss Cornelia, b Fuller Ilorton Miss Martha, weaver, h e Durham Horton Miss, Minnie, cig packer, h Fuller Hoton Mrs, Saphrosna, wid, h e Durham Houston Denj, carpenter, South, h do Howard Frank, tob worker, h Fuller Howard George AY, shoemaker, b Main nr Church Howard Mrs, Martha, wid, h Vickers TL)well k Co, gen merchandise, Mangum nr Main Howell H C, Howell & Co, also lumber dealer, Mangum nr Main, h outside limits Howell John, carpetiter, h e Durham Howell Joseph, carpenter, h w Durham Howell Miss Minnie, student, h Jones Howerton C P, 11 T Howerton & 13 ro, b cor, Manginn ami Hunt SHbscribe to the Daily Tobacco Plant, FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Howerton H T, Howerton & Bro, b Cleaveland Howerton R T, RT Howerton & Bro, b Cleveland Howerton R T & Bro, mfrs carriages, and buggies also under- takers, Mangum op[i Green Hudgins Miss Cora L, dress maker, b 7 Carr Hudgins W C, l)ar clerk, h 7 Carr 9 PRACTICAL II o t? B iB ii, o a I?' — AM) — Green Street, near Cleveland, DURHAM, N. C. HorKosShod on correct principles. Thousands of horses are permanenlly injured bv bad shoeinsr. The undersigned has studied the anatomy «f the^ horse's foot, aiid li'is had manv years' experience, and he believes that he can satisfy any reasonable horse owner with his work. He solicits a share of the public's patronage. HE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles ! Fatioy Woods ! Mahogany Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut. Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired. ]iromptly sent Uy mail upon application. '"Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. W(,1 _-( ii;.'er and Freight Service. For iMfdiin t tion, a(l,<, , -, (^)- ^ ^ (Ti* T • To the South and South lake [lie I iedri^orit £r\ir-J^nie wost, Montgomery, Mobile, New Oi-leon,-^, Shriveport, Texas iunl California. For infornuition, nddress, J. L. T.iylor, Washington. D. C. DIE ECTOR Y.— W h itk. 67 McPheron D, J A Tatnrn & Co, li Peubody McPlierson D, cariienter, h Fuller McPlierson ?\Iiss Dnlina, oig packer, li Peabody MePlieison II, carpenter, h Peabody McWilliamsP, barness and collar iiifr, cor ^Nlain and Corcor- an, b Foster Maclvay Josepb J, insurance, Main nr Manguni li Cleveland MacKay Miss Mary, b Cleveland Maddry J M, carpenter, b Vickers Maiden Mark, carpenter, b e Durbani Main Street Metiiodist cburcb, Rev Kobab Bumpas, pastor, Mai n Mainav J IT, utacbine Viand, b Jackson Mainard Miss Laura, dressmaker, b e Durbam jMallory J T, nianir Stokes' Opera House and bill poster, L'ar- risb, b Green Malone Jobn, clerk, b Peabody Malone L V, box maker, b Morris Maner Miss Ann, h Main Maner John, carpenter, b Fuller rpiTE DURirAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING I Co., ]\Ianufacturers of Stone-Fronts, Porches, Bay- Windows, Brackets, Balustrades. &e. Maner Josepb, lab, b Fuller Maner Miss Nannie, b Fuller Maner Mrs Tabby, wid, b Main Maner Wrn J, engineer, b Fuller Man2:um Atlas, li e Durbam Mangiim D C, clerk Superior Court, Court House, Main, b cor McManning and Proctor Mangum DeWitt, macbinist, b }.bingum /ILLIAMS, MAXr!''ACTrREK AND DKALEK IX i'liiifs, mnm mm, m S\MlLEI!IOFraRYDESCBraN. Repairing done day or night. Satisfaction guaranteed. Buggy Tops, Cushions andDashes made to order. Harness cleaned and put in first-class order. Give ine a csll. Comer Mai^^ rf- Covcopcztl Sts. , DulpIxclttl, JNT. C ©Ikd^weU'^^ ©ui^lT^iil ¥obk66o ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. rpAKE THE PIEDMONT AIRLINE, p.assinjr Ihrouirht the rinVs of I FJaleiiili, Durham, Goldshoi'o. Spaitanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Clains- ville and Athens, to tlie South and Southwest. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washin<;ton, D. C. i>8 DIRECTORY.— White. .Mangani F R, carpenter, h Cleveland Mangnni J S, W Mangiini k Son, h Liberty Mangtnn Mrs Martha, wicl, h e Durham Mangnni P G, li Main Mangnni Miss Phalia, weaver, h e Durham Mangum Miss T, h Mangum Mangum Wiley, farmer, h Mangum Mangum AVillis, undertaker, Church cor Main, h Proctor Mangum Win, tob worker, h e Durham Mangum William, nitV sash, doors, mouldings etc, also W Mangum & Son. Green nr Morris, h Green Mangum W & Son, dry goods, etc, Mangum nr Peabody Manning" James S, Manning & Manning, h McManning Manning John, Manning & Manning, h Chapel Hill Manning Dr John M, physician and surgeon, Parrish Bldg, Mangum, r do Manning & Manning, lawyers, AVright Bldg, Main nr P O Manufacturers House Furnishing Agency, blinds, tiles, grates, etc, }*eabody Markham A D, farmer, h Pettigrew Subscribe to thii Dail}^ Tobacco Plant, FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Markham C J, carpenter, h Chapel Hill Markham Miss Emma, dressmaker, h Chapel Hill Markham Felix D, high sheriff Durham County, Ct House, Main, h outside limits Markham H H, salesman, h Proctor and McManning Markham H P, clei'k Southern Express, h Kigsbee av Markham Jasper, horse dealer, bds Driver House Markham J M, h Chapel Hill Markham J W, carpenter, h Chapel Hill WM. MANGUM, MANUFACTURER OF OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. All work executed with promptness and in the most workmanlike manner. Also COTTON GINNER and WOOL CARDER, Green, Between Foster and Morris Streets, Durham, N. C. HE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles I Fancy Woods! Mahogany, English Oak, Bni'led Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash, 'Oriental Black. Illustrated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon ap- plication. Address, PEEK & SON, 1507 Broadway, New York. T Wi.i .1 \)' 1 ^ C\)' L T ' Tlie sliortest direct line ikke tlie liedrnoqt iA:ii-L(ii]e, f,,„n Washington, d.c, aiid Rit^hniond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For imtbrniation, ad- dress, J. L. Taylor, Washington, I). C. DIRECTORY.— White. 69 Markham John L, cotton buyer, genl nidse and agt South- ern Express, cor Main and Mangum, li Cleveland Markliani John AV, grocer, cor K R and Mangum, h Main .\hirkhani M F. salesman, r cor Main and Mangum Markliam M J, clerk, h l^eabody Markham Miss Mittie, dress maker, h Chapel Hill Ahirks MrsLannie, li Smoky Hollow Marsh Miss L A, dress maker, Main nr Church, h Dillard Martin Thomas H, Martin & Thompson, h Pettigrew cor Jackson Martin & Thompson, leaf tob, cor Parrish and Corcoran Martin W M, tob" worker, h Railroad Mason James B, clerk, h cor McManning and Proctor Mason Miss Sal lie, h McManning Mason W C, farmer, h McManning Mason W J, grocer, h South Massey John, mill hand, h e Durham Massey W J, tob worker, h Angle r av Matthews A B, X M Johnson^fe Co, druggists, h South Matthews P>enJ, h South THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Dealers in Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Moulding?, Build- ing Material. Matthews James, weaver, h e Durham Matthews J B, drug clerk, h South May Miss I, h Brown May James, mason, h Brown May Miss Martha, h Brown Mayes Stokes, machinist, h 13 Carr Maynard Adolphus, lab, h Angier av Mayn(;r Wm, contractor, r cor Main and Mangum Mays Charles, machinist, h Main ^anningT manning, Attorneys-at-Law, WRIGHT BUILDING, CORNER MAIN AND CORCORAN STREETS, Slw^y^ ^elikMe ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. niAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing tlironph the Cities oi' X Alexandria, Cliailottesville, Lyncliburj:, L>iinville, Greensboro, HiA(h- ville. Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and Soutli West. For infoimation, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 70 DIKECTOKY.— White. Mays John, machinist, h >[ain Medlin Miss Cora, weaver, h e Durham Medlin James F, farmer, h e Durham Medlin ^Ym, farmer, h e Durham >reivin Joshua, clerk, h Jones Melvin Walter, box maker, h Jones Mercer Mrs J C, wid, h Morris Mesley J S, mer taikn-. Main nr Church, h Cleveland Messino:er Wm, tob worker, h Main Methodist Female Seminary, Mrs TG Cozart,prin,cor Church and Liberty Michaels A II, dru«: clerk, h Cleveland Miller Mrs C A, h Mangum Miller Mrs E B, dress maker, h 20 Morehead av Moan James, valet, h Chapel Hill Moffit Addie, dom, h e Durham Monk Mrs B D, wid, h Bed Cross Monk Miss Maude, h Bed Cross Monroe Dr J P, physician and surgeon, 4 AVright Bldg, Main, r do FOR BOOKS. STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, be sure to go t.> the Durham Book Store of J. B WnrrAKKK, Jn., & Co. Moore Mrs Jennie, dress maker, h Green Mooring John B, h Lea Morehead Banking Co, G S Watts, pres, W M Morgan, cash- ier, Alain bet Corcoran and Mangum Morehead Mrs Eugene, wid, h Morehead av Morgan John, h Green Morgan S T, Morgan & Carr, also pres Durham Fertilizer Co, h DiUard ]Morgan Mrs T A, wid, h Dillard ji i'jiiiiiiiiiiiiii MaviufUcturer's Aj^t. Wmmk^^^l^ COTTON BDYE!! JMCU 11 il V IVIIf ipm^iiiFff^ Durham, I^. C. New Styh^s ! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Asli and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. "^Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. mHE OPERA PIANO. f,:^. 1 J (X^' L T ' The gvpat Freight and Passen^ier Line of riedniOllt An -L(ll]e, the south, with un,surpassed facilities Ibr j)i'ompt and witisfactoi'v passenger and freight service. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. ('. iTlEECTOEY.— White. 71 Morgan William M, cashier, Morehead Banking Co, li Petti- grew cor Jackson Mooting John M, lawyer, Main, li Ramsetn- Morris J !>, foreman t^lackwell factory, h Jackson Morris R F & Son Mfg Co, mfrs of smoking tob and snuff, W II Willard, pres, S F Tomlinson, sec and treas, Pea- bod}' Morton JOB, grocer. Main, h Jackson Mni-pby , i)ainter, h South Murphy Richard, cig maker, h w Durham Murphy MissTitia, cig packer, h w Durham Murray E C, bank teUer, bds Hotel Claiborn Murray Miss Minnie, saleslady, h Pine Murray W R, Domestic Sewing Machines, Main nr Corcoran, h rine Muse Chas, bhicksmith, h 23 Lea Muse J T, bookkeeper, h Hunt .Muse & Shaw, dry goods, etc, Main nr Corcoran Muse W A, railroader, h Cleveland Muse William II, Muse & Shaw, h Hunt THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Woodworkers, Turning, Planing, Scroll Sawing and Ripping done in the best manner. Neal Miss Mary, h Lea Needham Mrs Angeline, wid,h Ramsem- Nethery Joseph, tob worker, h 6 Carr Nethery Miss Lou, h 6 Carr Nethery Richard, driver, h 6 Carr Nevery John, cig maker, h 15 Carr Neville Alfred, h e Durham Neville Miss Bettie, weaver, h e Dnrham Newcomb , carpenter, bds Main FASHIONABLE - DRESS - MAKER, MAIN STRETT OVER RAWLS' BAZAAR, Superior advantages in taste and experience. Your orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed in filling all orders, as to Fit, Styles and Prices. ^elikble ki^d ^kti^f^dtoi'y ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. (v)' 1 , CTi' ; -r ' Tlie Great Pa.-'«on;!;er and Freiijht Lim- I iedlT]OT]L ilU-J-^lI^e, of the Somh, with unsurpassed Faoilitlp-^ for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freiglit Service, tion, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, I>. C. For iniornia- i2 DIllECTOKY.— White. iS^ewman Isaac, clothing, Main nr Manginn, h LMne Newman Miss Lena, h Pine Newman Nathan, clothing. Main, h Pine Newman Miss Sai-a, li Pine Newman Miss Yetta, h Pine Newton Miss Bertha, school teacher, h Broadway Newton Rev C C, circuit preacher, h Broadway Newton Mrs Eliza, wid, h Angier av Newton Geo ]1, engineer, li Angier av Newton Herbert, h Broadway Newton Wm A, snpt Bobbin & Shuttle Shop, h Angier av Noell P A, clerk, h Main Norris M J, printer, li Railroad Norton C II, carpenter and builder, Green nr Foster, h do Norwood Ceplius, machinist, h Jackson Norv.^ood Mrs II, h Pettigrew Norwood Jas W, school teacher, h Jackson Norwood Mrs Octavia, h South Oakley Thos, h e Durham O'Brien L C, h Roxboro THE DAILY TOBACCO PLANT has the largest bona Jide circulation ever secured by a Durham daily. Therefore is the best advertising medium. O'Brien Patrick J, machmist, h w Durham O'Brien Wm T, machinist, h w Durham THE BEST IS ALWAYS THK CHEAPEST ! Ligtil Bunm'og Domestic STILL m THE LEAD ! Other machines continue to follow the " Star that Leads." Write and secure prices and information which will be given on application. Old machines of every make taken in exchange as part payment. W. R. MURRAY, Main St., Durham, N. C. W<-, ^^ i\ (r'-v t Manufactured by Peek & Son, (Establish- 1 l)e Upeiil riailO! ed 1850), ISIjT and 15G9 Broadway, and 12 to 216 West 47th Street, New York. Artistic in design, Elegant in finish, Warranted five years. To tlip iSoutli iiikI South l:ike the rieairiOllt 'Air-Lllie west. Montgomery. Moltile, New Orleons, Shriveport, Texas and Ciilit'oiiiin. For inlbnnation, juldress. .1. L. Taylor, Washini'toi, D. C. DlRECTOJn'.— Whitk. la O'Dauiel C 11, carpenter, li w Durliani 0(U>11 J C, carpcMitor, li Fuller Odell JM, I'l'os Dnrliani Cotton Mfo- Co, h Concord, N C O'Donnell AV C, contractoi-, h Vickers Olive J, night telegrapher, h 83 Pettigrow Oiive Henry, ticket agt P AL li R, 1^83 Pettigrow Oliver Benj, h Soutli Oliver Tiev \V B, pastor P>lackvvoll Baptist Church, h Lea Ohnstead A E, cari)enter, h Pine Ohn&tead T C, machinist, h Bailey's al Osborn W H, leaf t(th, wagons, carts etc, cor IVahody and lioxhoro, h .Main Page (Taiiatens, weaver, h e Durham Page Will, weaver, h e Durham f^ollock John, h Jackson Palmer Ellen, dom, li \v Durham Palmer Miss Maggie, nmsio teatdier, h Green Parham A W, toh worker, h Green Paris Miss Liz^cie, h Ramseur Parker Miss Emma, art teacher, h Main THE DURfJAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURINir Co. Woo.hvorkcrs, Turning, Planing, Scroll Sawing and Kipping done in the best manner. Parker John 1', J A Tatum k Co, h cor Lea and Jackson Parrish .Miss Dina, h Cleveland Parrish Miss Ella, weaver, h e Durham Parrish E J, Z I Lyon & Co, toh miVs, cor J'ettigrew and Pine, h or e Main and Dillard W. H. OSBORN, DURHAM, KC. ^^^. EUyiNGONCllDERASPLCIUTY.^^ ^*^ Also deiiler in HORSES, V,V(i- ^.^MWiM .lEs, Wauguns nnd Carts. ^Mflte Durham To!);iooo Company. E. J. Parrihih. Bank of Dui-h;»m. Morehead A; Co., Bankers. Slk6kweir^< ©urfiau) Tobkcco ! BE SURE YOU SM<:)KE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. rnAKE THE piedmont air-line, Passing through the Cities of _|_ Alex:inilria, (Jhailottesville, Lynehhurg, Danville, Greensboro, Eeids- ville. Sali-liuiy, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and South West. For ijiforiaation, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 74 DIEECrrORYT— VV H iTE. Panisli J B, carpenter, h 19 Moreliead av I'an-ish Matt, tob buyer, h Clevelaiul ]\irrish Putney, fanner, h e ])urhani IVrrish Miss Sal lie, h Dillard i^irrish Miss Velia, weaver, li e Durham Parrish W L, leaf tob, Foster nr Watkins, h Parrisli Parrish Warehouse, K J Parrish, prop, cor Parrish and Man- o;uni Paschaw Mrs S E, sack stringer, h Strayhorn Paskell Miss Sallie, h w Durham Patterson Miss Cornelia, milliner, h Mangum Pattison Mrs C S, wid, h 111 Dandy I'atton J R, clerk, h Morris Paul Miss Emeline h e Durham Paul Hiram, publisher of History of Durham, h Bailey's al Pay Benj, factory liand, h e Durham l^iy Lea, fiictory liand, h e Durham Pearce Mrs Mary, wid. h Alston av Pearce W T, freight clerk, h Morris Pearman Z M, foreman, h Morris FOR BOOKS, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, be sure to go to the Durham Book Store of J. B. W^HITAKEK, Jr., & Co. Peay Thos L, leaf tob, cor Queen and Peal)ody, h Dillard Pendergast Rufus, printer, h 06 Chapel Hill Pendergraph Miss Minnie, dressmaker, h Queen Pendergi-aph AVn], car driver, h Strayhorn Pendergrass P M, carpenter, h Cleaveland Pendergrass Thos, printer, h Cleveland Perry Miss Cornelia, weaver, h e Durham W.L.PAKRISH, I Ml Grades Bought on Order. PERSONAL ATTENTION Given to all business entrusted to my cai'c. Virginia and North Carolina Tobaccos. Samples sent on apj.lication. Best of Reference. Address, W. L. PARRISH, Dirham, N. C. milE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles ! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany Eng- X lish Oak, Burle:er for T J Kigsbee, h Rigsbee ave Perry Miss Lizzie, weaver, h e Durham Perr\' Miss Lou, dressmaker, h Rigsbee ave Perry Miss M, h Green cor Morris Perry Mrs ALartha, wid, h e Durham Perry S A, weaver, h e Durham Perry Sidney-, clerk, h Green cor Morris Perry Sidney R, grocer, Main nr Matiginn, h McManniug Pettie Geo, tob worker, h e Dnrliam Petty J M, emp mill, h Cleveland Pew Miss Mary, cook, h Angier ave Phipps Jaspei', printer, h Railroad Phipps Mrs L C, wid. h McManning Phipps Mrs Sarah, bag maker, h Railroad Pickei" Henry, carpenter, li South Green Pinnix J T, J T Pinnix & Co, h Ramseur THE DURHAM SASII, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURINd Co., ManufacturcM-s of Stone-Fronts, Porches, Bay-Windows, Brackets, Buhistraboro, Spartanburg, fJri-t-nviUe, .Si'necir. (4ains- ville an Prestcin .To]in, lah, li e Dnrham rrice C 1), h Pettigrew i^rice E I), tobacco worker, h Angier ave l^'ice G M, tobacco worker, h Angier ave Price Jesse J, tobacco weiglier, h Pettigrew Price Mrs M A, widow, h Angier ave Pridgen J I), clerk, h Chaierilill Pritchard J J, clerk, h Rigsbee ave Proctor J B,, ^ireslhe Durham Furniture Mfg Co, h corner P roadway and Mangum Proctor R B,^ J T AVilk'ins k Co, h Hunt j'roctor Mrs Sarah, widow, h Mangum Proctor W H, gi'ocer, cor Parrish and Mangum, li McMan- ning I'roctor AV W JI, bookkeeper, h Mangum Proctor Wesley, clerk, h \hingnm Pucee Jasper, machinist, h e Duihani Subscribe to the Daily Tobacco Plant, FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Pucee Mrs Prudent, wid, h e Durham Pucee Miss Rosa, h e Durham Pugh R W, contractor and builder, cor Lea and Jackson, h d<» Pnryear Mrs AUie, wid, h Fuller Puryear F P, h P)rown Puryear J B, clerk, h Liberty Puryear James, tobacconist, h Liberty Puryear James, h Brown Puryear John, clerk, h Brown S.R.PERRY, -DHAI.F.K IN- FAEY & FAMILY GROCERIES, Confectioneries, Toys, Fancy Goods, Dry Goods, Xotions, Hats, Shoes, &c., &c- rnUE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods! Mahogany. English JLoak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash, Oriental Black. Illustrated <'atalo<'ue, and all information desired, promptly .'^ent I.y mail upon ap- l>licati'on. Address, PEEK & SON, loG? Broaduay, New \ork. >,< I ,1 'i"^)' 1 J C\^,' L T ' The sliortest direct line lake tlie riednioiit 'iVn'-i^nie, f,o.n Washington, d.c, :nid Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birniingliani. For iniforjiiation, ad- di-ess, J. L. Taylor, "\VashinLeaf Tobacco, DURHAM, N. C. rpHE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods! MaJio^any, En^- JL lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Iliu.>- trated Catalo^rue, and all information desired, promi>tly sent hy mail upon application. Address, PEEK k SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. £\>^ TELEPHONE CALL, NO 23. OPPOSITE PARISH'S W. 11. WISHES TO INVITE your attention to the fact tliat we keep everything -needful for man or l)east in the- HEAVY OR FAN3Y GROCERY L'^NE ! We make a specialty in Fine Brands of Flour, Canned Goods, Fruits, Con- fectioneries, Snuff, Tobacco and Fine Cigars. Also Country Produce. Call and see us, or send in your orders. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. Thanking the public for past favors, and hoping to share a part of the same in the futre, I remain Your Friend, GS;entLir|e f)ut^l\ciin ^ohh.660 ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, passing throudit the ritics of Riilei;.'h, Durham. Gohlsboio, Spartanburg, Crreonvine, Sonoca, CKiin-^- ville an' 1 ^ ^' : T • The shortest direct line lake tl)e 1 lednioiit 2in-i't.T' The Gi'eat Fa-.«en^er and t lei'^Dt Liiv.> J' iedrr|Or) t a\U - L(llie, of the south, with un-ufpiisserl Facilitit^s for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Service. For informa- tion, afl(h-ess, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 86 dTkECTOR Y .^VVh ite. Stone Misa L E, weaver, h e Dnihani Stone Mrs Nancy, wid, li I'ettigrew Stone ]Miss Sarah, h e Durham Stone W II, jr, Robbins & Stone, h South Stone W II, sr, clerk, h South Stone W O, Stone & Young, h e Durham Stout J A, machinist, h Pine Stowe J J, sec Y M C A, h Main Straughm Mrs Enieline, wid, h e Durham Straughm Miss Liddie, weaver, h e Durham Strause LL, Strause & Haab, Richmond, Va Strause & Kaab, leaf tob, Morris nr Wat kins Strayhorn Cbas, emp Duke's, h Main Strayhorn Edward, watchman, h Morehead av Strayhorn Miss Laura, h Main Strayhorn T F, machinist, h Morehead av Strickland Miss Mollie, speeder, h e Durham Strickland W D, watchman, h Angier av Strickler A J, h Pettigrew Strudwick R C, lawyer, Main nr Corcoran, h Morris Subscribe to the Daily Tobiicco Plant, FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Styron B G, tob buyer, h Mc Manning Styron Chas, clerk, h Main Styron Mrs Clara, wid, h Liberty Styron C R, niglit clerk Hotel Claiborn, hds do Styron Eugene/tob buyer, h McManning Styron Capt W K, com salesman, h Main Suitt J B, weaver, h e Durham Suitt J R, weaver, h e Durham Suitt \V II, loom fixer, h e Durham -air- "W. si-i":BZ_i":BXJi=\.nNr, livdlaian Street, ID-a.rli.sim, IST. O. ALL WORK finished with greatest care, and satisfaction guaranteed. I am also prepared to do outside work (Viewing) of any kind, having supplied myself with best instruments for this branch of the business. Wkite or Ask for Prices. A large and assorted stock of Frames on hand always. ENLARGING WORK A SPECIALTY. Strangers Welcome. THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods! Maho-:!any, English Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash, Oriental Black. Illustrated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon ap- plication. Address, PEEK & SON, 1507 Broadway, New Y'ork. rpAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing through tiie Cities of I Ralei^'h, Durham, Goldshoro, Spartanburg, GroenvilK^, Senoca, Gains- ville and Atheiirt, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIEECTO Jl Y.— W iiiTE. 87 Suitt W R, dyer, h e Durham Sullivan Wni, grocer, Mangiim, h Roxboro Snrnmoi-tield C, C' Sninniertield & Co, h Pettigfevv Suntiaci'tield C & Co, dry ^(lods, etc, Main nr Corcoran Sunnnei-tield M, clerk, h Pettigre\v Siiniinertield Miss Rosa, saleslady, h Pettigrew Swift J W, J W Swift & Co, h cor Swift av and R R, w out- side limits Swift J W & Co, leaf tob, cor Morg-an and Gt Jones Sykes Mrs Ann, wid, h e Durham Sykes Miss James C, weaver, h e Diirliani Sykes Wm J, oiler, h e Durham 'I abb J AV, machinist, h Lea Tate Henry, l)0x maker, h Main Tatum John A, J A Tatum & Co, h Roxboro, outside limits Tatum J A & Co, grocers, l^eabody Tatum J W, tob dealer, h South Taylor C C, pres Durham Sash, Door & Blind Mfg Co, also tit) and sheet iron worker, Maiii nr Mangum, h Morris Taylor Mis Geo S, dress maker, 20 Morehead av rpHE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BUND MANUFACTURING I Co. Dealers in Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Mouldings, Build- ing Material. Taylor Geo S, tinner, li 20 Morehead av Taylor Geo W, mason, h 15 Carr Taylor Wm, stamper, h 6 Lea Taylor W R, Faison & Taylor, h Mc Manning Thaxton Mi's Eva, wid, h Gattis av Thaxton J J, Carrington & Thaxton, h South Thomas Miss Annie, h e Durham Tbomas A J, music dealer, h McManning I. w. SMif a I DURHAM, N. C. Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed- Q i\elikble ki|d ^ati^f kctor^^ ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. rpAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LTNE, Pnssin;! through tlie Citips of ±_ liiileigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gains- ville and Athens, to the South and South West. For information, addrei^s, J. L. Taylor, Wasliington, D. C. 88 DIRECTORY.— White. Thomas Bach, h e Durham Thomas C C, collector, h McMannm^i,^ Thomas Miss Elhi, weaver, h e Dnrlium Thomas J, Darnell & Thomas, cor Main and Mangiim Thomas Mrs Martha, weaver, h e Durham Thomas Phil L, cigar mfr, Main nr Corcoran, h South Thompson E E, clerk, h Dillard Thompson E S, bookkeeper, h Willard Thompson Eugene E, Martin k Thompson, bds Hotel Clai- born Thompson Miss Claude, h Smoky Ilollcnv Thompson Mrs Lucy, wid, h Lea Thompson Miss L E, cig packer, h Lea Thompson W W, compositor, h Dandy Tiddy Mrs Mary, cig packer, h Pettigrew Tilley F D, grocer, cor Mangum and Parrish, bds Pioanoke JBouse Tilley L, clerk, h Alston av Tingen B R,h Jones Tingen B T, restaurant, Main opp P 0, h Jones FOR BOOKS, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, be sure to go to the Durham Book Store of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., & Co. Tingen Miss Virgie, h Jones Tison James, policeman, r City Market Tollock Bertie, cig maker, h w Durham Tollock Geo, lab, h w Durham Tollock Thomas, lab, h w Durham Tomlinson S F, S F Tomlinson & Co, and sec R F Morris & Son Mfg Co, h Morehead av Trice C A, lumber, h Lea Turner A B, overseer, h Jones Durham -:- Bakery, Main, Near Church Street, - DURHAM, N. C. A CHOICE STOCK OF breadTcakes and pies constantly on hand. WEDDING AND PARTY SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. HE OPERA PIANO.— New Styh^s ! Fancy Woods ! Mahopany Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. liJus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. Address. PEEK & SON. 1567 Broadway. New \ ork. rWj 1 ,1 "v)' 1 ^ C\)' I T ' The shortest direct h'na iixkc tlie I iednioi-|t iAir-L(irie, iro,nWashm-ton,D.c., und Kiohniond, Va., to Athuita and Birmingham. For imformation, ad- . J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 90 DIRECTORY.— WiiiTK. Vickers Miss Martha, li Pettigrow Vickers Mose, lab, li Cleveland Vickei's Dr Thomas, physician, h Kamsenr Wahab W A, tob mano;, bds Hotel Claiborn Waldeii J E. carpenter and l)nilder, Roxboro, h do Walker Rev Alex, h Raniseur Walker J B, leaf tob, Pine nr R R, h Alston av Walker J W, J T Pinnix & Co, h Pettigrew Walker Miss N M, h I'ettii^rew Walker T J, tob ])njer, h Main Walker W L, W L Walker & Co, Seminary and Manguni, b do Walker W L & Co, leaf tob, h Mangum opp Wyatt Wall Capt W A, clerk, h Chapel Hill Wall W^ L, pay master, h Chapel Hill Wallace Wm, machine hand, h Lea Walters Eiss — , sack maker, h Red Cross Ward C M, carpenter, h Willard Ward Edgar, h e Durham Ward J J, drug clerk, h Main The Weekly Tobacco Plant! HANDSOMEST IN THE STATE— ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. Ware Mrs -, wid, h Main Ware G, clerk, bds Mangum Ware R G, foreman, h Green Warren Miss Annie, h Morris Warren J B, foreman, h Chapel Hill Warren J B, toli buyer, h Broadway A.ll.STOm&Cl). BROKERS AND LEAF DEALERS! In all classes of Nortli Carolina Tobaccos. Durham, N, C. Wrappers and Cut- ters a specialty. Lib- eral advances made ou all orders consign ed to them at a rea- sonable rate of in- terest. -New Styles! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany, Eng- _ , ut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. Address, PEEK x mtV, h 34 Jackson Watkins A S, Robertson, Lloyd & Co, h Richmond, Va \V atkins C, Robertson, Lloyd & Co. h Richmond, Va Watkins Dr J L, pres Durham Land & Security Co, pres Dur-. ham Bobbin & Shuttle Co, h Caswell Hill Watson Charles, tob case maker, h South Watson Joe, painter, h Main Watts Miss Ella, h Mangum Watt's House, J T Watts, prop, Mangum Watts GS, pres Morehead Banking Co, h Baltimore, Md Watts George W, sec and treas W Dnke Sons & Co, h Lea Watts J E, h Ramseur Watts J T, prop Watts' House, Mangum, h do Watts Mrs Lucy, wid, h "Swelton Heights," Lea Watts Miss Ro, h Cleveland AVatts S E, sec and treas Builders Manufacturing & Supply Co, h Cleveland THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Dealers in Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Mouldings, pudd- ing Material. Watts W T, h Ramseur AVeatherspoon Wm, tob worker, h Pine Weatherspoon Wm, machine hand, h Jones Weatherspoon W H, h Chapel Hill Weatherspoon Mrs Izila, wid, h Reams av Weaver Thomas, tob worker, h Fuller C. C. TAYLOR, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Cooking and Heating Stoves, Hollow Roofing and Guttering, Tobacco Flues, &c. MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. C. Selikble kqd ^ati^f kdtoi^y ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO (CA, - (Tr- , r ' The Crreat Pa-'sensjer and Freiiiht Line 1 iedrHOl)t -Air-l^llie, of the Soutli.witU unsurpassed Facilities ibr prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freiglit Service, tion, a, Lnocor, Main opp P O, h 83 Pettigrew Western Union Telegraph Co, Miss lula Smith, manager, Corcoran nr Main Whitaker A J, machinist, h Lea Whitaker Miss Ada, artist, h Cleveland Whitaker Albert, marble etc, h Wyatt Whitaker C D, mang dept L, Blackwell Durham Co-Ope r- ative Tob Co, h South Whitaker Charles, cig packer, h Main Whitaker D VV, book and job printer, Main nr Corcoran, li Cleveland Whitaker E, printer, h Cleveland npOR BOOKS, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, be sure to go to V tiie Durham Book Store of J. B. Whitaker, Jr., x Co. Whitaker E A, grocer, confectioner etc, pianos and organs, Main bet Church and Corcoran, h Cleveland W^hitaker II P>, lab, h Jones Whitaker J Albert, Whitaker & Ilulin, h Wyatt Whitaker W B,jr, J P> AVhitaker& C'o, Durham Book Store, also editor of -'Tbe Daily Tobacco Plant," h Main Whitaker W B jr & Co, Durham Book Store, Main cor Cor- coran Whitaker Jno W, clerk, Mangum J. B. WALKER, "m. vm m '^^*l JDXJISX3:-A-li«A, 3>T. a. Pron)])t attention c;ivcn to all oi'ders. A 1 years exi)ericnce enahles me to GUARANTEE ENTIRE SATISFACTION. HE OPERA PIANO. — New Styles! Fancy Woods! Mahogany, Englisli jL<'ak, Burled Walnut, Satm Wood, Ash, Oriental Black. Illustrated Catalogue, and all information desii'ed, promptly sent by mail upon ap- plication. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New Yorlc. t; uv ^ 1 f^' 1 . Ck^' L T • To the South and South Take tqe lietlqoqt AU-J^llie west, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleons, Shriveport, Texas and California. For intorniation, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTOEY.— White. 93 Whitaker Miss Julia, saleslady, h Mangum Whitaker K 11. h Kaleigh Wiiitakei- Miss Siulie, cig inspector, h Jackson Whitaker T E, cDUipositor, h Jones Whitakei- T J, tob weigher, h Jackson Whitaker Walter, emp Duke's, h Fuller White Chas C, foreman, h Cleveland White Danl, tob stennner, h Vickers White Geo, r Main nr Mauijum White Mrs J F, h Cleveland White J K 11, h e Durham White Miss Lizzie, warper, h e Durham White Miss Maggie, weaver, h e Durham White Miss Nannie, h Smoky Hollow White Wm R, machinist, h Fuller Whitehead R P, clerk, r Main nr PO Whitehurst Dr Richard F, druggist, cor Main and Church, bds Hotel Claiborn Whitley Mrs E, dress maker, Church nr Main, h do Whitley R D, watchmaker and jeweler, Church nr Main,h do rnUE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING J_ Co. Buiklers, don't contract for your house until you see us. No cuarge for estimates. Wliitley R D, sec master R R, h Pettigrew Whitt Mrs Mary, wid, h Ilolloway Whitt Thos, tob worker, h Fuller ' Whitted Miss Emma, h Main WHiitted J M, cashier Parrish Warehouse, h Mangum Whitted James Y, tob mfr, Pettigrew nr Pine, h Main Whitted Samuel, carpenter and builder, h Mangum Whitted W W, clerk, h Mangum Wilbon J D, harness maker, h 20 Morehead av W. L. WALKER & CO., leal f 5laQ§@ li@lsf i, DURHAM, N.C OI233EI3S SOX4ICITEID. I^lkdkweir^ f)ui^l\an^ f obkddo ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LIXE, Ri^^in.s tlirou^h tlie Citi«-« of Raleigh, Duihani, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, (lains- ville and Alliens, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 94 1>I RECTOE Y .— \Vh ite. Wicks Miss Florence, h Clevelaiul AVicks Jaines, h Cleveland AViggins A L, clerk, h McManning Wiggins J F, machinist, h Jones Wiggins J II, cigar maker, h Queen AViggins J W, lumber dealer, h 36 Jackson Wiley J F, bookkeeper, bank, r Morris nr Matkins Wilkerson Mrs Ann, wid, h Main Wilkerson Miss Fannie, h Main Wilkerson Lewis, sash, doors and blinds, h Main AVilkerson W A, mangDnrham Sash, Door & Blind Mfg Co, h Wilkerson av Wilkins J T, J T Wilkins & Co, h Hunt Wilkins J T & Co, grocers. Main nr Manguni AVilkinson Albert, mill hand,h w Durham AVilkinson Miss Henrietta, sack maker, h Red Cross AVilkinson II L, agt for W R Murray, h Pine AVilkinson Miss Lulu M, sack maker, h Red Cross A\''ilkinson Samuel M, h Red Cross AVilliams Miss Bettie V, h Rigsbee av Subscribe to the Daily TobMceo Plant, FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. AVilliams Charles II, h Morris Williams D II, lab, h Pettigrew Williams Geo, tob cutter, h 6 Carr AVilliams J C, carpenter, h Peabod}'^ Williams Jackson, tob cutter, h 6 Carr AVilliams James, car driver, h Morris AVilliams John, painter, h Angier av GROCER, C()NF[m?^l\^ER, FRIJITEP.ER. Pianos Organs, Flutes, Violins, Accordeons, Guitars, Ilannoiiicas, &c. Sole Agent for Ludien & Sates' Wholesale Husic House. DOUBLE STORE— 3 FLOORS. Main St., between Corcoran and Manguin DURHAM, N. C. mHE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles ! Fancy Woods! Mahogany Eng- X lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. Address. PEEK & SON. 1567 Broadway. New A^ork. <::^. -J A- (x^'' <. T ' The groat Freidit and Passenger Line of I ledll^Ol^ t 'All -L(ir|e, the south, wUii unsurpasseil facilities for jii'ompt and satisfactory passenger and freight service. For information, ad(hess. .1. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIEEUTOEY.— White. 95 Williams Miss Lula, li Morris AVilliaiiis Luther, h Morris Williams R D, geul mang Banner Warehouse, h liigsbee av Williams R P, asst ])ook-keeper, h Rigsbee ave Williams Robert. W, law student, h Rigsbee ave Williams Wm S, h Morris Wills 11, tinner, h Jackson W^ilson Chas R, farmer, h Morris Wilson Miss Mande, weaver, h e Durham Wilson Noel, roller eoverer, h e Durham Wilson W 0, carpenter, h west Durham AVinston Thos J, clerk, h Cleveland Wise W D, watchman, h Main Witcover Julius, clerk, h Pine Witt A T, tob picker, h Chapel Hill Witt Miss Lilly, cig [»acker, h Chapel Hill AVomVile F C. clerk, h Liberty Womble John T, hardware store etc, Main nr Mangmn, li Liberty Wood J S, tobacco worker, h Green rpiIE DURHAM SA8H, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING L Co., Manufacturers of Stone-Fronts, Porches, Bay-Windovvs, Brackets, Balustrades, ttc. Wood Miss M A, h Main Woodall Jacob A, policeman, h Cleveland Wood Irwin, foi"eman, h Main Woods J IL oil dealer, h Red Cross Woods Mrs Martha A, wid, h South Woods R S, gardener, h Green Woods Samuel L, tol) worker, h Red Cross MANUFACTURER OF ALL GRADES BRIGHT PLUG AND TWIST TOBACCO, AND FINE GRANULATED SMOKING, BiiM 1 VR fUllM'iP . Ambrosia, Harrv Lee, North State, Nat Macon, Dur- r^U'tJiiiNU iWiii ; liam Sun cuied, Hattie Walker, Okanke, Dream of Love, Cajie Fear, Gov. Allen, Enterprise, Favorite Our Own, Our Pet, Mag uolia, Durliani Black and Mahogany Twist. SMOKING TOBACCO:— HARRY LEE and RISING STAR. G[;ei\uii|e f)ut^l\kn( Yobkddo ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. TAKE THE PIEDMONT ATR-LTNE. Passincr tlimufrh tlie Cities of Alexan'lrin, Charlottesville, Lynohhui'ir, Danville. Gieensboro, Reid^- ville, Salisbuiy, Columbia, Au|justa, and to the iSouth and .South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washinsiton, D. C. 96 DIRECTORY.— White. Woods W A, nuicliine hand, h Green Woods Wm IT, h Rod Cross Woodward G W, book-keeper, h Broadway Woodward Miss N(ila, music teacher, h Broadway Woody E, clerk, h Main Word John, book-keeper, h 44 Dandy Worrell R K, clerk, h Manguin nr Main Worth E W, carder, h e Durham Wortham ^^'^l H, cooperate etc, Foster nr Green, h Jackson Wray Mrs C E, wid, h 8 Jackson Wray Geo, stamper boss, h 8 Jackson Wrenn G W, carpenter, h Jones AVrenn J N, carpenter, r Driver House Wrenn Mrs Mary A, wid, h e Durham AVright T D, sec and treas Durham Bobbin and Shuttle Co, h Alston ave Wyatt Bros, grocers, Mam opp P O AVyatt E F, E F Wyatt & Son, h Raleigh Wyatt E F & Son, harness mfs. Main nr Corcoran Wyatt M B, Wyatt Bros, h Main REMEMBER THAT THE DURHAM BOOK STORE is located on the corner of Main and Corcoran streets, in the old Blacknall drug store building. Call aad see us. J. B. Whitaker, Jk., & Co. Wyatt W F, E F AVyatt & Son, h Raleigh Wyatt W J, Wyatt Bros, h e Durham Yancey S II, foreman leaf dept, h Lea Yarborough Miss Alma, cig packer, h Lea Yarborough Mrs Cora M, wid, h Morris Yarborough Mrs Dora, wid, h Lea Yates Rev E A, pastor Trinity Meth Church, h llolloway Yates Miss Pearl, h llolloway Yates R R, carpenter, h 26 Lea J,TWIlKI!IS&[0, DEALERH IN bmm Previsions, Flo'dr, bacon, smoked meats, fish and salt, Confectioneries, Fruits. Canned Goods, Vegetables, Tobacco and Cigars, Teas. Coffees, Spices, & Fancy Groceries. Main, between Corcoran and Mangum, DURHAM, N. C. rpHE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods! Mahocrany Eng- X lish Oak, Burled Walnut. Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Hlu«- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, pronii)tly sent by mail uj on application. Address. PEEK & SON. 1567 Broadway. New York. P' 3 ^ 'A)* t T * Tlie great Freiglit and Passenjier Line of iean')OI]t 2111 -L(ir)e, the south, with unsurpassed facilities for prompt and satisfactory passenger and freight service, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington. 1). C. ^jjjj,(^rj.Q|^Y.— White. For information, 97 Yates Miss Sallie, h Holloway Yearbv Mrs Sarah, wid, h Wvatt Yearby W M, drug clerk, h Wyatt Young Men's Christian Association, Corcoran nr Main Young Wni, school teacher, also Stone & Young, h e Durham Younger C G, house and sign painter, Church nr Main, h do Younger J C, meat market, 9 City Market, h Main nr Churcli Younger Mrs M A, dress maker. Church nr Main Younger Mrs M A, wid, h Mangum Younger Marcus, butcher, h Main rpHE DURHAM SASII, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURINCr I Co., Manufacturers of Stone-Fronts, Porches, Bay-Windows, Brackets, Balustrades. &c. J. C. YOUNGER, DEALER IX AND IN FACT A FULL STOCK OF VEAL, POliK, LAMB, SAUSAGE AND MEATS OF ALL KINDS Constantly on hand. STALL, NO 9, MARKET HOUSE, C. u. House, Sign and Or&anentil Painter, Paper Hanger, AND WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURER. Home Address, WORE DONKIN VIRGINI A AND KQRTH CAROLINA. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. A MODEL NORTH CAROLINA FACTORY. Oapt. Jasme Y. Wliitted's Plug, Twist and Smoking- Establishment at Durham, N C. — T77":E3:Ea^ ^sroxr <3-o to — ]^EW-> TOKK-:-CTTY BE SURE AND STOP AT THE COR. 4 h AVE and 26bh STREET. WITH x\LL MODKHN IMPROVEMENTS. TURNER^S COLORED DEPARTMENT. A DAMS ADALINE, washer, h Seoggiiis row Adams J)ella, Avasher, h Maiigum Adams Henry, lab, h Smoky Hollow Adams Jelf, butler, h Dillard Adams Lonis, lab, h Scoggins row Adams 1 bos, lab, b Mangum Adams Tim,hackman, r Sear's stables Aitcb Tom, shoemaker, h Peony Akin Gilford, ial), h e Durham Allbright John, tob worker, r Parrish Allen .Henry, lab, r Main nr Mangum Allen Jack, carpenter, h Hayti Allen Pleas, lab, h Banks Allen Prince, hostler, b Soutb Allen Kichmond, b Hayti THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURIN^r Co. Woodworkers, Turning, Planing, Scroll Sawing and Ripping done in the best manner. Allen Sarah, cook, b Dillard Alston Flora, dom, h Mangum nr R R Alston p]dward, h Mangum Alston Henry, plasterer, h Mangum Alston Lucy, washer, b Bailey's al Alston Patience, cook, r Mangum nr R R Amey Charles, driver, b Railroad pi Amey Cornelius, lab,h Railroad pi Amey Lemuel, lab, h Hayti Amey Orange, h Railroad pi A nan Henry, lab, h Mangum Anan Milly, washer, b Alangum Anderson David, mason, b Poplar Armstrong Albert, coachman, b Railroad pi G^enuine ©UT^l^kii] Vofekddo ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. rpAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, passin;i throught the fities oi" I Riileigh, Durham, Gohlsboi-o, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca. Gains- viUe and Athens, to the South and Southwest. For information, addres^^, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. Too DIRECTORY.— Colored" Arner Sheppard, lab. h Hayti Ash Henry, lab, h Rigsbee av Ash Jas, lab, h Rigsbee av Atkins Alvis, h llayti Atkinson Calvin, porter, h Orange Atwater Carrie, washer, h Cobb Atwater Emma, washer, h Angier av Atwater Francis, dom, h Mangum Austin Emma, washer, h Shanty Row Austin Ferdinand, tob worker, h 51 Vickers Austin Matilda, dom, h Bailej-'s al Bailey Harriet, h Hayti Beiley John, lab, h Liberty Bailey Julia, cook, h Alston av Bailey Lum, h Scoggins row Bailey Mack, tob worker, h Hayti Bailey Nannie, tob worker, h Hayti Baldwin Price, porter, h Chapel Hill Banks Maria, boarding house, h Fayetteville rd Banks , lab, h Hayti THE DAILY TOBACCO PLANT has the largest hona Jitic cirenlatioji ever secured by a Durham daily. Therefore is the Ijest advertising medium. Banks Abner, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Banks Grace, h Red Cross Banks Jinmiic, h Red Cross Banks Sylvia, h Chapel Hill Bannock Young, tob worker, h w Durham Barbee Green, farmer, h Fayetteville rd Barbee Jennie, washer, h Fayetteville rd Barbee Mary F, washer, h Fayetteville rd Barbee Sarah, washer, h South Barbee Thedosia, nurse, h Fayettevill rd Barnes Jim, watchman. Banner Warehouse Barnes AVm, cook, h Main nr Church Barnhart Edward, drayman, h Hayti Barton John, barber, h Mangum Baskerville Laura, dom, h Main Battam Sam, tob worker, h Parrish Battle DanI, lab, h Queen Battle Daniel, cabinet maker, Main nr Mangum, h Main Baulin Julia, washer, h Angier av Beattie W M, h Pettigrew" Best Jim. lab, h Proctor rpHE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles ! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany Eng- X lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. Address. PEEK k SON. 1567 Broadway. New York. y,i i 1 ' 1 J J ietllT|Or^t All - L(llie, of tlie south, with unsurpassed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freiglit Service. For informa- tion, address. J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 102 DIRECTOKY.— Colored. Brown Jetf, driver, h 50 Vickers Brown John, drayman, h Vickers Brown John, lab, h Railroad Brown Luln, tob worker, h Shanty row Brown Mary A, washer, h Railroad Brown Younger, brick layer, h Hayti Bryant E B, "stone cutter, h Red Cross Bryant George, waiter, h Red Cross Bryant John, waiter, h Red Cross Rryant Ivatie, washer, h Cobb Bryant Mary, h Red Cross Buchanan Edw, hostler, h 52 Chapel Hill Bullocks Celia, tobacco worker, h Peabody Bullocks C W, lab, h Scoggins row Bullocks Henry, lab, h Peabody Bullocks LilHe, cook, h Proctor Bullock Mitti,e, washer, h Johnson Bullocks Rachael, washer, h Scoggins row Bullock Wm, tob picker, h Proctor Bunipus Finch, engineer, h South FOR BOOKS, STATIONERY AND FANCY (lOODS, l.e sure to go to the Durham Book Store of J. B. Whitakkr, Ju., & Co. Bumpns Francis, washer, h Pine Bumpus Jim, tob worker, h Proctor Bumpus Melissa, washer, h McManning Bumpus, Nettie, h Ilayti Bumpus Rowena, washer, h Ilayti Burch Graham, clom, h HoUoway Burnett Julia, h McManning Burnett Thos, hostler, h McManning Burt Mary, h Corporation Burt Matthew, tob worker, h Vickers ave Burton, Henry, porter at Claiborn Hotel Burton Martha, wosher, h Morehead ave Burton S B, billiards, Peabody, r do Burton Wesley, janitor, h Morehead ave Bush Caldwell, lab, h Shanty Row Bush Maggie, washer, h Shanty Row Bush Mary, washer, h Shanty Row Butler J B K, pastor Mt Vernon Baptist Church, h Ramsay Hill Bynum Chas, h Proctor Bynum Joe, tob worker, h Fayetteville rd THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany, Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. Lake tqe rietlinoiit iYii'-l^ii^e west, Mont y>:.^r\ .^^.^4- (S):.(. T :..^ TotlieSoutli and South g o m o r y . Mobile, New Oi-leons, Slirive{)Oit, Texas and California. For intbrniation, address, J. L. Taylor, Wasliington, I>. C. i)TEECTORY.— Colored. 108 I'yimm Kale, dom, h Lea Byiuini Lanra, cook, h Scroo'gins row Bynuiii Oscar, lal>, h Scroggins row Caniinon Jano, h 204 Vickers ave Cainmon John, hoxinaker, h Banks Canmion Luke, carjienter, li Banks Oauunon Marv, li Banks Campbell Wni, tob worker, h Proctor Canadv Win, tob worker, h Smoky Hollow Cannedy Lucy, washer, h Baily's al Capps F P, Ca[»ps Bj^os, h Ainej' avo Capps F P & 11 L, restaurant, Parrish C'apps 11 L, Capps Bros, h Mangum C'apiis Lucius, restaurant, h Mangum Ca[»}is liuth, cook, li Morris Carroll Peter, tob worker, h Hayti Carron Sidney, carpentei", h Hayti Carter Eliza, dom, h 40 Pettigrew Carver Lettie, cook, h Main Carver Samuel, porter, h THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Make Counters, Wainscoting, Door and Window Trimmings, soft or hai'd wood. Castleherry Annie, cook, li Foster Castleberry M, carpenter, h Foster Castleherry Rosa, tob worker, h F'oster Chambers Rev A J, pastor A M E C'hurch, li Fayetteville rd Chandlers Chavis, restaurant, Parrish, h Rigsbee ave Champ Anthony, lab, h Ramsey hill Champ Harriet, cook, h Ramsey hill Chavis Annie, dom, h Morris Chavis Maggie, washer, h Chapel Hill Chavis Thomas, h Chapel Hill Christmas Matthew, head waiter, Hotel Claiborn, h Rail- road |il Church Lon, lab, h Peabodv Clark Billy, lab, h Chapel Hill Clark Sam, tob worker, h Peonj' Clark Sarah, h l^eony Clay Tom, tob worker, h Smoky Hollow Clegg Archie, lab, h Poplar (Megg Robt, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Clennnens Annie, washer, h e Main Clemmens Lizzie, cook, h Cobb Slkdkweir^ f)ui*l\kni Yobkdco ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. rilAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing throwgli the Cities oi" X Alexandria, Clualottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Reids- ville, Salisbury, Columbia, Augusta, and to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Wasjjington, D. C. 104 DIPtECTOEY^CoLORKi). ~ Cole Ella, washer, h e Main Cole Geo, Brandon & Cole, h Smoky Hollow Coleman Jane, washer, h Pettigrew Coleman John, tob worker, h Pettigrew Coley Emerline, washer, h Proctor Colly Flora, washer, h Morehead av Colly W F, lab, Morehead av Colwell Samnel, porter, h Queen Cooke S T, grocery and boarding house, Mangnni nr Main, h do Cooper Lonis, tob worker, h Liberty Cotton Kod, lab, h Pettigvew Couch Eli, drayman, h Chapel Hill Couch Mary, washer, h Chapel Hill Crawford Daniel, tob worker, h Corporation Crawford Edward, tob worker, h Corporation Creig Alex, cook, h Peony Creig J) C, lab, h Chapel Hill Creig Eliza, washer, h Chapel Hill Creig Patty, washer, h Srayhorn The Weekly Tobacco I'lant! HANDSOMEST IN THE STATE— ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. Creig Tom, lab, h Proctor Creig Wesley, lab, h Hayti Creig Wm, lab, h Stray horn Crews Charley, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Cunningham Pattie, cook, h Rigsbee av Curry Ella, dom, h w Durham Curtiss W L, lab, h Hayti Dancy Captain, h e Durham Daniel Flemming, lab, h Main Daniel Harriet, dom, h Main Daniel Richard, lab, h Vickers David Frank, stone mason, h Queen Davis Addie, tob worker, h w Dniham Davis Bettie, sack stringer, h Pettigrew Davis Charles, lab, h Chapel Hill Davis Chas, tob worker, h 50 Vickers Davis Wiley, tob worker, h Shanty row Daj' Alec, tob worker, h Peony Day Bettie, washer, h Amey al Day Jane, washer, h Cleveland Day Julie, cook, h South mHE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods! Mahogany, English I Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash, Oriental Black. Illustrated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail ui)Ou aji- plication. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. JENKINS & WALTHALL .••And Ppinteps, •• f^Vwi^ 'W'--< — ^^^— Blank Books of all kinds made to order. Check, Draft and Note Books, Either Printed or Lithographed, Bill, Letter and Note Heads, And all kinds Mercantile Printing, •^l-Done Piromptly and at Iiom Pmees.-I^ Magazirpesolalll^ii^^sBoQi^Sii^ ai^x^ Stvile Special attention given to orders for RIBBON BADGES stamped in Gold, for Societies. ^ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION.-^- TRY US. IT WILL PAY YOU, >T< , 1 ,1 '^' 1 J. C\)' ^ T ' The shortest direct line l^lke tlie riedn-|01lt 5^ l M(l ri e, f,oni Washington, D.C, and Richmond, Va., to Athinta and Birmingham. For imformation, ad- dress, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIEECTORY.— Colored. 105 Day Wiley, lab, h Aniej^ al Day Wm, tob worker, h Peony Dick Lizzie, cook, h Maiiguni Dixon Ada, nurse, h Reams av Dixon Bettie, nurse, h Reams av Dixon Bindie, washer, h Reams av Dixon Joseph, brick maker, h Reams av Dixon Lethia, dom, h Cleveland Donnah Walter, lab, h Strayhorn Dotcher Martha, tob worker, h Hayti Dotcher Minnie, tob worker, h Hayti Dotrie Jim, lab, h Peony Douglas Fannie, washer, h Ramsey hill Douglas Flora, tob worker, h Vickers Downes Rev Geo, minister, h Peony Doyle Robert, lab, h Johnson Duke Sarah, washer, h Corporation Dunigan Austin, h Strayhorn Dunigan Ella, cook, h Mangum Dunigan Ovid, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Dunigan West, lab, h Strayhorn THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Dealers in Lumber, I'looring, Ceiling, Siding, Mouldings, Build- ing Material. Dunigan Zack, tob worker, h Seminary Dunston Wm, lab, h Peabody Durham Annie, washer, h Strayhorn Durham Mary, washer, h Peony Durham Sallie, Avasher, h Peabody Eckle Letta, washer, h Poplar Edwards & Jeffireys, shoemakers, Corcoran opp Farmers Al- liance Warehouse Edwards Jim, lab, h Proctor Edwards Richmond, tob worker, h Proctor Edwards Thomas G, Edwards & Jeffreys, h Hayti Elam Henry, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Elliott John, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Elliott John, lab, r Pine nr R R Ellison Nick, tob worker, h 56 Chapel Hill Ellison Wm, tob worker, h 53 Chapel Hill Emmerson Jordan, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Evans Badger, lab, h Railroad Evans James, porter, li Dillard Evans Matt, drayman, h Scoggins row BlackwellVDui^^ reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, passing througlit tlic riti*-'; o- Raleigh, Durham. Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Grt'enville, Seneca, (iains, ville and Athens, to the South and Southwest. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 106 dTkECTOEY.— Colored. Evans Nancy, cloin, h Borporation Evans Raney, h 48 Vickers Evans Squire, lab, h llayti Evans Z T, matrass maker, h Pettigrew Fairbone Casslc, washer, h Gobi) Farrington Gen, lab, h Peabody Farrington, barber, h Fayetteville rd Fancett Dunard, tob worker, h Peony Faucett Geo, lab, h Poplar Faucett Henrietta, dom, h Morris Faucett Henry, lab, h Proctor Faucett Jerry, lab, h Rayti Faucett L C, tob worker, h Orange Faucett Lindsey, drayman, h 54 Chapel Hill Ferrell George, lab, h 66 Chapel Hill Ferrell Mandy, washher, h e Main Fitz Jackson ,\lrayman, h Pettigrew Fitz Thomas, tob worker, h Foster Fitzgerald Edw, lab, h Peony Fitzgerald Lee, trucker, h Peony REMEMBER THAT THE DURHAM BOOK SToRE is lociite.l on the corner of Main and Corcoran streets, in tlie old Blacknall (h-ug store building. Call aad see us. J. B. Whitaker, ,I k.. A; Co. Fitzgerald Mary, h Chapel Hill Fitzgerald R B*^, brick mfr, Chapel Hill, h do Fitzgerald Sarah, h Chapel Hill Floyd Geo W, painter, h Mangum nr Main Foster Thomas, waiter, h Peabody Ford Dave, lab, h Scroggins row Fowler Abe, lab, h Railroad Fowles Alice, cook, h Johnson Freeland Edw, tob worker, h Red Cross Freeland Julia, cook, h South Green Freeland Maggie, washer, h Railroad pi Freeman Rebecca, cook, h Chapel Hill Fuller Frank, lab, h Hayti Fuller Gabe, tob worker, h w Durham Fuller Martha, cook, h Poplar Fuller Mary, dom, h Morris Garland John, tob worker, h Roxboro Gattis Benj, lab, h Fayetteville rd Gattis Chas, tob worker, h Hayti Gear Peter, tob worker, h w Durham Gear Cornelia, washer, h Poplar HE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods! Mahogany. EnglisJi Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash, Oriental Black. Illustrate • 1 j_ Cx)' c T ' To the South and South Take U\Q riednqOqt 'ilir-J^llie west, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleons, Shriveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Wasliington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— Colored. 109 Hart Lulu, h Aniey al Hart Nannie, washer, h Strayhoni llaskin Fannie, washer, h Fayetteville rd Ilaskins Lazarus, tob worker, h Scoggins row ILaskins Logan, I'armer, h Ainey al ILaskins Nathan, dom, h Main Haskins Pheobe, washer, h Amey al Ilaskins Virgil, lab, h Fayettevillo rd Hawkins Nathan, drayman, h Watkins Hawkins Robert, barber, h Manguni nr R R Hayes Washington, mason, h Cha|>el Hill Haynes AB, clerk, h Fayetteville rd Haywood Albert, barber, h Pettigrew Hc'artt Eliza, tob worker, h Peony Heartt Ida, nurse, h Strayhorn Heartt Morgan, tob worker, h Strayhorn Heartt Morris, tob worker, h Strayhorn Heartt Nelson, h Strayhorn Henderson Annie, sack stringer, h Chape! Hill Henderson Dempsy, gardener, h Chapel Hill ^1HE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co., Manufacturers of Stone-Fronts, Porches, Bay-Windows, Brackets, Balustrades, &c. Henderson Emma, sack stringer, h Chapel Hill Henderson Etta, washer, h Scoggins row Henderson Gabriel, butler, h Strayhorn Henderson Henry, tob worker, h Pettigrew Henderson Mollie, sack stringer, h Chapel Hill Henderson Nat, lab, h Chapel Hill Henderson Turner, lab,h Chai^el Hill Henderson Wm,tob worker, h Pettigrew Hendricks Katy, h Pettigrew Ilerndon Delia, dom, h Manguni Herndon Wm, lab, h Hayti Hester Martha, cook, h Pettigrew Heston Francis, cook, h w Durham Hicks E W, barber, r Manguni nr Main Hicks Mary, dom, h s of City Hight Sam, blacksmith, h Strayhorn Hill Edmund, h Hayti Hill Henry, carpenter, h Chapel Hill Hill Kate, cook, h Proctor Hill Mary, dom, h Morris Hines Bettie, nurse, h 32 Willard Blkdkweir^ ©ufl^kni l^obkdco ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. rPAKE THE PIEDMONT AlK-LINE, Pass-in.2 throuj.'h Mir Citi<-s of I Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, .Spartanhurg, Greenvillo, Seneca, G;iiiis- ville and Athens, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. no DIRECTORY.— Colored. F Hities Charles, barber, h Strtiyhorii Hinton Charles, porter, h Hayti Hodge Molhe, cook, h Hayti Hodge Mollie, cook, h Morehead av Hogan Bill, lab, h Seminary Hogan Mark, lab, h Peabody Hogan Win, tob worker, h w Durham Hogans Aggie, washer, h Pettigrew Jlogans Sallie, h Pettigrew Holland Catherine, cook, h Vickers av Holloway Charles, blacksmith, Peabody, h Albright Holloway Georgianna, washer, h Reams av Holloway Isham, firenian, h Hayti ]Tolloway John, lab, h Reams av Holman Annie, washer, h Amey al Hohnan Caroline, doin, h South Holman Charity, washer, h Amey al Holman Chas, lab, h Peabody Holman Henry, lab, h Peabody Holmes John, baker. Main nr Mangum lOR BOOKS, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, be sure to go lo the Durham Book Store of J. B. WlIITAKER, Ju., &, Co. Holmes Wm, h Haj'ti Holt Emma, seamstress, h Hayti Holt Victoria, cook, h 45 Dandy Hooker Mary, dom, h Mangum Hopkins Mary, cook, h Reams av Horace Polly, sack stringer, h Reams av Horace Randal, brick mason, h Reams av Horner Lucy, cook, h Strayhorn Horton Annie, washer, h e Main Horton John, drayman, h Pettigrew Horton Ora, washer, h Pettigrew Howell Virginia, h Watkins Hughes Bradford, tob worker, h Hayti Hunt Isaac, tob worker, h Hayti Hunter Ada, school teacher, h Fayetteville rd Hunter Chas, school teacher, h South Hurt Richard, butcher, h Pettigrew Husband Fannie, cook, h Pettigrew Husband Sarah, nurse, h Pettigrew Ireland Junius, tob worker, h Smoky Hollow Ivens Addie, tob worker, h Peabody Wi n L^ ©•!- • Manufactured bv Peek & Son, (Establish - ii\e Ucpera riaHOl ed 1850), 1557 and 1569 Broadway, and 12 to 216 West 47th Street, New York. Artistic in design. Elegant in finish, Warranted five years. mAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing throuorh the Cities of jL Ralei^'h, Durham, (loldsboro, Spartanbur;;, Greenville, Seneca, Gain.^- ville and Athens, to the iSouth and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. Iveiis Agnes, washer, h Poplur Ivens Jas, drayman, h Peabody Ivory Isaac, lab, h South elackson Ben, tob worker, h Ilayti Jasper llarvey, cook, h Orange Jeit'ers Annie, ninse, h Liberty Jetters John A, hib, h Rigsbee av Jeffers Louisa, washer, Rigsbee av Jetfers Mike, li Green Jeffreys M C, Edwards & JeftVeys, shoemakers, h Ilayti Jenkins Delia, sack maker, h Chapel Hill Jenkins Henderson, lab, h Morehead av Jenkins Mary, washer, h e Durham Jenkins Xelson, carpenter, h Chapel Hill Jenkins Sallie, washer, h e Durham Johnson Albert, brick layer, h Ilayti Johnson Benj, lab, h Ilayti Johnson Caroline, washer, h Ilayti Johnson Cyrus, huckster, Peabody, h Hayti Johnson Dan, tob worker, h Pettigrew THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Make Counters, Wainscoting, Door and Window Trimmings, soft or hard wood. Johnson David, dom, h Green Johnson Edward, lab, h e Durham Johnson Frances, sack stringer, h Hayti Johnson Jas, lab, h Rigsbee av Johnson Jennie, washer, h Poplar Johnson Julia, cook, h Jones Johnson Lizzie, dom, h 29 Dandy Johnson Louisa, cook, h McManninc? Johnson Mary, washer, h Chapel Hill Johnson Mary, cook, h Morehead av Johnson Ricli, tol) worker, h Pettigrew Johnson Rufe, tob worker, h Pettigrew Johnson Sarah, sack stringer, h Hayti Johnson Simon, tob worker, h Vickers Johnson Stephen, waiter, h Johnson Sol, lab, h w Durham Johnson Syrus, poultry dealer, h Amey al Johnson W H, lab, h Banks Johnson AVilson, planer, h w Durham Jones Bettie, cook, h Broadway Jones Bill, driver, h Corporation (genuine f)ut'l\kin ¥obk6do ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. PI . ("T)' 4 T- • The Great Pa-sengcr and FieieJit Line letin^Ori t '1\U- -L(llie, of the south, with unsuri-a^sed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freigljt Service. For info)ma- tion, address. J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 112 DIRECTOKY.— Colored. Jones Bithie, cook, h Poplar Jones Bob, tob worker, h 50 Vickers av Jones Booker, cook, h Peabody Jones Bryant, lab, h Peony Jones Evan, tob worker, h Proctor Jones Flora, dom, h South Jones Friday, lab, h Strayhorn Jones Henry, tob worker, h Pettigrew Jones Ileniy II, gardener, h Hayti Jones Ida, doni,li Chapel Hill Jones J D, vender, h Amey al Jones Lnlu, cook, h Liberty Jones Maggie, washer, h Peony Jones Malinda, washer, h Aniey al Jones Matt, tob worker, h Corporation Jones Milly, cook, h Poplar Jones Paul, tob worker, h Seminary Jones Quinton, lab, h Poplar Jones Rufus, tob worker, h Fayetteville rd Jones S W, carpenter, h Proctor Subscribe to the Daily Tobacco Plant, FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Jones Sarah, waiter, h Angier av Jones Stephen, tob worker, h Poplar Jones T J, shoemaker, Peai)ody, h do Jones W H, painter, h Proctor Jordan Abner, tob stemmer, h Chrpel Hill Jordan Coley, tob stemmer, h Chapel Hill Jordan Cornelius, farmer, h Railroad pi Jordan Edward, presser, h Chapel Hill Jordan Elsie, nurse, h Peabody Jordan Emma, cook, h Chapel Hill ^ Jordan Esther, tob stemmer, h Chapel Hill Jordan Maria, dom, h Fayetteville rd Jordan Mollie, sack stringer, h Chapel Hill Jordan Monroe, 'ab, h Fayetteville rd Jordan Rosie, sack stringer, h Chapel Hill Jordan Webb, h Fayetteville rd Judd Mack, lab, h Scoggins row Justice David, tob worker, h Reams av Justice John, lab, h Poplar Justice Mary, tob employee, h Poplar Kane Annie, dom, h Scoggins row THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles I Fancy Woods ! Mahogany, Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent hy mail upon application. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. (^. , . (T)' L T ' The great Freight and Passenfier Line of 1 ledlllOllt All --L(ir|e, the south, with unsurpassed facilities for prompt and satisfactory passenger and freight service. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— Colored. 113 Kane Bella, washer, h Ramsey Kane Duncan, lab, h Sco2:gins row Kane Fannie, washer, h Peony Kiiue Henrietta, lab, h Strayhorn Kane James, lab, h Kamsay hill Kane Janie, waslier, h Scoggins row Kane John, lab, h Ramsay Kane Maria, washer, h Strayhorn Ka})its Jim, tob worker, h Peabocly Kazort Etta, washer, h Peony Keps James, tob cutter, h Peabocly Kernodle James, musician, h Pine Killahew Wm, tinsmith, h Morris King Dilla, tob worker, h Ramsey hill King Sid, tob worker, h w Durham Kirkpatrick Logan, lab, h Chapel Hill Knight Virginia, washer, h 51 Vickers av Lagg Lucy.tob worker, h Shanty row Lane Joe, tob worker, h Blackwell THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MUNUFACTURING Co., Woodworkers, Turning, Planing, Scroll Sawing and Rippnigdone in best manner. Lane Leafy, dom, h Strayhorn Lane Lunford, driver, h Blackwell Lassiter Bettie, washer, h Corporation Lassiter Stephen, porter at Claiborn Hotel, h Ha3^ti Lattas Burrell, school teacher, h Amey al Lattas Caroline, washer, h Fayetteville rd Lattas Jas, lab, h Proctor Lattas Mary, tob worker, h Fayetteville rd Lattas Sandy, h Fayetteville rd Laurence Mann, tob worker, h South In the "Bij? 9 BviiUling," Maiigum St., Near Main, WE arc prepared to serve you a FIRST-CLAS-5 MEAL at any hour, and If you wish to stop over, wiH lurnish vou a comfortable room, aU on reasonable terms. \Ve have in connection with our boarding department, a nice stock of Groceries, Conlec- tioneries, Cigars and Tobacco. We earnestly solicit the patronage of all our friends. Give us a call and see for yourselves. Respectfully, COOIKE ^ enaeie 'd>i\i± > BLACK WELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. fvelikble k^d ^kti^fkdtoi'y ! TAKE TflE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, passing throught the cities of Raleigh, Durham, Golclsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gains, viile and Athens, to the South and Southwest. For information, address. J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 114 DIRECTOEY.— Colored. Laws Candes, waitress, h Queen Laws Henry, lab, h Queen Lecher Jas, tob worker, h Proctor Lee John, h Sco£^.£ci»s ''«^^' Lee Pattie, washer, h Scoggins row Lee Reuben, hib, h w Durham Lethers Adaline, washer, h Proctor Letbers J M, hah, h Pettigrew Lethers Jack, painter, h Railroad pi Lethers Jane, sack stringer, h e Durham Lethers Sid, lab, h Pettigrew Lethers Thos, lab, h e Durham Lewis Jim, tob worker, h Fayetteville rd Lindsay Henry, barber, h Peabody Lion Harriet, washer, h Poplar Lipscomb Menervia, cook, r Peabody Little Wm, lab, h Ramsey Lockhart Ilenry, cook, h Ramseur Ijockhart Wm, lab, h w Durham REMEMBER THAT THE DURHAM BOOK STORE is located on the corner of Main and Corcoran streets, in the old Blacknall drug store building. Call and see us. J. B. Whitakek, Jr., & Co. IBWAlDS&JllfllYS, BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS AND GENERAL REPAIRERS. Corcoran Street. - - DURHAM, N. C. NEXT TO BLaCKNALL'.S DRUG STORE. Special -A-ttentioan. GIA^EX TO ALL ORDERS for FINE GOODS and would inform the public that I am prepared to furnish goods of the iinest qual- ties at very short no- tice and at very rea- sonable prices. W<-( /-v ,, ^'^ f Manufactured bv Peek .«- (\)\i T ' To t!ic South and Sc iiike tt)e 1 iedqoi^t AiM^uie west, Mont go m^ South e r y . Mobile, New Oileons. Sliriveport, Texas and California. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. O. DIRECTORY.— Colored. m V'dge Martin, lab, h llayti Palmer Geo, tob workei', h Pine Palmer Jose[»hine, washer, h Reams av Palmer Sand\% lab, h w Durham Parker llenrj, lab, h Reams av J'arker Jennie, washer, h Pine Parker Manda, washer, li Scoggins row Parker Patience, washer, h Scoggins row Parker Wm, tob prize r, h I'eabody Parrish Carrie, cook, h Mangum Pitt David, lal), h Seminary Patterson Adaline, cook, h Strayhorn Patterson Andrew, lal), h Lea Patterson Family, washer, h Lea ['attei'son Emma, sack stringer, h Chapel Hill Patterson Henry, lab, h Proctor I*atterson Mandy, washer, h Proctor Payne Delia, nurse, h Pettigrew Payne llattie, cook, h Smoky Hollow Pace John, barber, h Ainey al rnHE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING I Co., Manufacturers of Stone-Fronts, Porches, Bay- Windows, Brackets, Balustrades, &,c. Pace Benj, tob worker, h Strayhorn Pearson \V G, prin graded school, h Fayette vi lie rd Peek Emma, washer, h Pettigrew Peek John, lab, h Pettigrew Peek Luke, tob worker, h Pettigrew I'eek Milley, h Pettigrew Peek Peggy, h Pettigrew Peek Wesley, farmer, h Pettigrew Peoples Easter, cook, h Poplar Peoples Isum, lab, h Scoggins row L'eoples Jane, cook, h Poplar Percise, Alex, lab, h Stra^'horn Perrun Cja'us, drayman, h Strayhorn Perry Isaac, tob worker, h Seminary Phester Junius, lab, h Corporation Phillij)S Wm, doni, h Roxboro Pine Jolm, lab, h Pettigrew l*ointer Ann, washer, h Pettigrew Pointer Fanny, washer, h Pettigrew Pointer Wm, tob worker, h Pettigrew Pookham H H, lab, h Poplar 8lk6kweir^ ©ui'llkni Tobkddo ! BE SUEE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. (y)' -j ■*- ^' <■ T ' The Great Pas-senger and Freii^lit Line J ieCllI|Or)t 2Tl11 -L(ir]e, of the SouUi, with unsui-passe.l Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Service. For informa- tion, address. J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 120 DIRECTOKY.— Colored. Pookhani Rebecca, washer, h Poplar Pool Kobt L, brick layer, h Fayetteville rd Porter Jas, cook, h South Powell Fannie, washer, h Poplar Powell Lang, lab, h Poplar Pratt Gaston, lab, r Main nr Church Pratt John, cook, h e Durham Predd Emaline, washer, h Reams av Preston R, lab, h Seminary Prett Chas II, tob worker, h 53 Chapel Hill Prett John, tob worker, h 56 Chapel Hill Preyer Elijah, tob worker, h Peon}' Preyer Geo, tob worker, h Peony Preyer Grandison, h Pine Preyer Henry, tob worker, h Peony Preyer Matilda, washer, h Chapel Hill Price Joe, washer, h Johnson Price John, tob worker, h 48 Vickers av Price Will, butler, h South Prince Harriet, washer, h Cleveland THE DAILY TOBACCO PLANT has the largest bona fide circulation ever secured by a Durham daily. Therefore is the best adver ising medium. Rae Moses, tob packer, h Red Cross Ray Johnson, tob worker, h Hayti Ray Judie, waitress R & D R R, h Red Cross Ray Lethia, h Hayti Ray Mollie, dom, h Fayetteville Ray ISTewman, butler, h Ramseur Ray Thomas, restaurant, Parrish, h do Ray West, lab, h Pettigrew Ray Wm, tob worker, h e Main Reed Henry, tob worker, h Seminary Richmond Aaron, gardner, h Chapel Hill Richmond J C, barber,Mangum nr Main, h Chapel Hill Richmond Young, tob worker, h w Durham Rigsbee Artelia,\lom, h Corporation Rigsbee George, lab, h Poplar Riley Dave, tob worker, h Pettigrew Riley Dick, tob worker, h Pettigrew Roach Ethel, nurse, Hotel Claiborn Roberts Geo, driver, h Hayti Roberts Jim, h w Durham Roberts John, lab, h Corporation THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles ! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany, Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash anurg, Greenville, Seneca, Gams- ville and Athens, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— Colored. 121 Robinson Celia, washer, h Hayti Robinson Henry, lab, h Hayti l^obinson Isaac, tob worker, h Smoky Hollow Robinson Jim, tob worker, h Smoky Hollow Robinson Lonnie, lab, h Hayti Robinson Xettie, washer, h Jackson Robinson Robt, lab, h Railroad Robinson Thos, lab, li Corporation Robinson Tom, tob worker, h 50 Vickers Robinson Tiny, tob worker, h McManning Rofe Geo, lab, h Smoky Hollow Rofe Lizzie, wasVier, h Angier av Rogers Bettie, washer, h Jackson Rogers Charles, lab, h Angier av Rogers Ella, cook, h Alston av Rogers Lacey, washer, h Scogginsrow Rogers Rosie, sack stringer, li Angier av Rogers Sallie, cook, h Poplar Rogers Wm, tob worker, h Mangum Rome Henry, lab. Shanty row THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING Co. Dealers in Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Mouldings, Build- ing Material. Rose Anthony, lab, h South Ross Annie, h Proctor Ross Isabella, cook, h Proctor Royster John, tob worker, ii Hayti Rnflin Anderson, tob worker, h Hayti Ruffin Betsie, washer, h Vickers RufHn Edw, lab, h Vickers Ruffin Eliza, h Fayetteville rd Ruffin James, grocery, h w Durham Ruffin Julia, washer, h Vickers Ruffin Lucinda, washer, h Vickers Ruffin Margaret, h Fayetteville rd Ruffin Peter, tinner, h Banks Ruffin Wm, lab, h A^ickers Rudd Bethel, tob worker, h w Durham Russell Dicey, washer, h Hayti Russell Frank, h Railroad pi Russell Henry, lab, h Amey al Russel John, carpenter, h e Main Russell Mary, nurse, h Morris Sandford S "S, Merchison & Sandford, h cor Main and Queen reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put u)ion the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST." mAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, pnssinp tliiought the cities of I Raleigli, Durham, GoUlsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, fhiin;^, viile and Athens, to the South and Southwest. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. i22 DIRECTOEY.— Colored. ~ Satteviield Agnes, seamstress, h Ilayti Saunders W H, h e Durham Savanah Anna, washer, h Seminary Savanah Edward, tob worker, h Seminary Scales Mary, washer, h Uayti Scoggins Ifepp, h Scoggins row Scott Harriet, cook, h Shanty row Scott James, lab, h Seminary Scott Jane, washer, h Smoky Hollow Scott Luella, washer, h Scoggins row Scott Polly, washer, h Poplar Seapark Mary, dom, h Morris Sears Frank, grocer, h e Durham Sears Frank, grocer. Smoky Hollow Sears Thad, lab, h e Durham Sears Wm, lab, h Seminary Seat A X, lab, h Scoggins row Sellers Annie, h Pine Sellers John, tob worker, h Vickers Sellers Jordan, blacksmith. Dandy, h P)anks REMEMBER THAT THE DURHAM BOOK STORE is located on the corner of Main and Corcoran streets, in the old Blacknall di'ug store building. Call and see us. J. B. Whitakhk, Jr., &, Co. Sellers Lncien, driver, h Pine Shanklin Irvine, dom, h Morris Shanklin Martha, cook, h Morris Shaw Agnes, washer, h Reams av Shaw Bud, h Hayti Shaw Catherine, h Chapel Hill Shaw Edwin, tob worker, h Hayti Shaw Kam, porter, h Hayti Shaw Sam, cli'iver, h Cobb Shaw "Winnie, h Hayti Sheldon Jim, driver, h Johnson Shepherd Jacob, butcher, h Pettigrew Simmonds John lab, h Smoky Hollow Sims Jim, driver, h Pine Sims Mary, washer, h Peahody Sims Skid; drayman, h Peahody Sinecer Canedas, cook, h Chapel Hill Skares John, lab, h Hayti Skeine Wm, lab, h Ramsey hill Skidmore Thos, brick layer, h Amey al Sleed Sedgwick, drayman, h Hayti W-i /-v i\ ^''y, I Manufactured bv Peek »fe Son, (Estai>lish- ii\e UfX^eia riai^Ol ed ISoO), 1557 and l.^OU Broadway, and 12 to 216 West 47th Street, New York. Artistic in design, Elegant in finish, Warranted five years. >W, 1 ,1 ii">* 1 . cT)' I T • To the South and South Take llie riCdrqOqt 2^ir-L(lIie AVest, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleons, Shriveport, Texas and CaUfornia. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— Colored. 123 tSmith A,ella, cook, h Reams av Stroud Geo, tob worker, h w Durham Strudwick Nancy, sack maker, h e Durham The Weekly Tobacco I'lant! HANDSOMEST IN THE STATE— ONLY $1.50 PEK YEAR. Strudwick Romania, lab, h e Durham Strudwick RN, tob worker, h e Durham Strudwick Sue, sack maker, he Durham Strudwick Walker, tob worker, h e Durham Strudwick Washington, grocer, h e Durham Stuart Genevive, cook, h Cobb Swepson Frances, tob worker, h llayti Swepson Milus, lab, h llayti Synaker Elmira, washer, h Pettigrew Synaker Minerva, washer, h Pettigrew Synaker Tony, tob worker, h Pettigrew Tate Christian, tob worker, h e Main Tate Maria, washer, h Viekers Tate Peter, tob worker, h w Durham Tate Wm, tob worker, h Smoky Hollow Taylor Fannie, washer, h Peony Taylor Jas, lal), h Peabody Taylor Lula, cook, h Peabody Taylor Major, tob worker, h Peabody Taylor Ranee, lab, h Peony Terrace Susan, cook, h Scoggins row THE OPERA PIANO. — New Styles 1 Fancy Woods ! Mahogany Eng- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalosue, and all information desired, prom]jtly sent by mail ui)on application. "Address. PEEK & SON. 1567 Broadwav. New York. Ml .1 'O • 1 ^ 0\) • 4 T ' The shortest direct hne rake tl|e l-^iednioiit 'An-J^itie, fmm washinfrton,D.c., jsnd Richmond, Va., to Athinta and Birmuighani. For initbrmation, ad- dress, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIEECTOR Y. —Colored. 125 Terry Julia, cook, h Poplar Thomas Celia, cook, li ^eniiiiary Thomas lloiiry, lah, h Sco^u:ins row Thomas Jolm, toh worker, h Chapel Hill Thomas AVasli, lab, h Queen Thom[)Son Albert, lab, h Terrell Thompson Albert, h w Durham Thompson Ann-, cook, h Reams av Thompson Eliza, washer, h Strayhorn Thompson Eliza, washer, h Morehead av Thompson Fanny, washer, h Peabody Thom[)Son Florence, h Shanty row Thompson Isabella, tob worker, h Peabody Thompson .Tc^hn, tob worker, h Strayhorn Thompson John, barber, h Pettigrew Thompson Maggie, tob stemmer, h Shanty row Thompson Mary A, washer, h Peabody Thompson Nick, lab, h Peabody Thompson i*atsy, cook, h Green Thom[>son Sam, lab, h McManning THE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURlNCx Co. Make Counters, Wainscoting, Door and Window Trimmings, soft or hard wood. Thompson Sallie, cook, h Jones Thomi)Son Sarah, washer, h Shanty row Thompson Thomas, lab, h Shanty row Thompson Thos, brick mason, h Peabody Tilley Harriet, washer, h Peabody Tilly Richard, lab, h Proctor Tinney Ruti", tob worker, h 48 Vickers av Toran M, lab, h Peabody Toumer Henry, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Toumine Wm, h 48 Vickers av Townsend J C, tob worker, h South Townsend Lethia, washer, h Cobb Trainer Reuben, lab, h Railroad Trice Delia, dom, h Hayti Trice Frances, dom, h Morris Trice James, tob worker, h Hayti Trice John, lab, h Hayti Trice John, schoolteacher, h Hayti Trice Patty, dom, h Hayti Trice Sarah, dom, h Hayti Trice Thomas, tob worker, h Hayti G(;ei\uii|e f)nfl\kii\ ¥obk66o ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. (v)* 1 -4- (j^)' c T * Tlie Great Pa!?-senper and Freij.'lit Lino J ieCin|01lL 2in-L(ir|e, ot the."South, with unsurpassod FMcilitl^'s ior prompt and satisfactory Passonger and Freiglit iService. For inlo)ina- lion, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 126 D I KECTO EY .—Colored. " Trice Wm, tob Avorker, h Iliiyti Trint Simon, tob woiker,b Cba[)el Ilil! Tucker Ilenny. washei", b lloxboro Tucker Jacob, Uib, b J^roctor Tucker Jane, washer, h Proctor Tucker Lew, lal), b lloxboro Tucker Sidney, b Cobb Turner Ben, brick mouldci', h Proctor Turner Clara, tob worker, b Slianty row Turner Fred, bib, b Corporation Turner Jane, doni, b Cleveland Turner Jim, lab, b Scoggins row Turner Lizzie, washer, b Amey al Turner S M, lab, h Amey al Turrentine Meridy, lab, b Kailroad pi Turrentine Walker, lab, b Keamg av Umstead Adaiine, dom, h Dillard LTpcburcb Sallie, clom, b Main Vastine Sil, lab, b Angier av Vine Jacob, tob worker, h 51 Vickers FUR BOOKS, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, be snre to go to tlie Durham Book Store of J. B. Whitaker, Jk., & Co. Wade Fanny, washer, h w Durham Wade Kate, h e Durham Wade Lucy, h e Durham Wade Milton, tob worker, h Smoky Hollow Wade Nim, h e Durham Wade Wm, farmer, h e Duham Walden L S, lab, h Hayti Walker Anderson, driver, h 53 Chapel Hill Walker Celia,tob worker, h Main nr Manguni Walker Dan, lab, h e Main AValker Delphia, dom, h Ramseur Walker Ellen, washer, h Amey al Walker Henry, tob worker, h Vickers av Walker Jas, box maker, b Lea Walker Lou, washer, h Smoky Hollow Walker Pheobe, cook, h Cleveland AValker Richard, lab, h s Green AValker Stephen, tob worker, h Strayhorn AVall Henderson, tob worker, h Strayhorn Wall Lilly, dom, h Pettigrew Waller John, lab, h Hayti THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods! Mahogany, English Oak, Burled Wahiut, Satin Wood, Ash, Oriental Black. Illustrated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon ap- plication. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York, mAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing throudi the Cities of X Kileigh, Durlmm, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneea, Gains- ville and Athens, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— Colored. 127 Walton Win, janitor, h e Durham Warren Ann, h Chapel Hill Warren Binghant, tob worker, h Chapel Hill Warren Echv, tob worker, h Chapel Hill AVarren Geo, tob worker, h Chapel Hill AVarion .Tas butler, h Chapel Hill Warren Lizzie, doiu, h Chapel Hill AVarren Mary, h Chapel Hill AVarreu Sandy, lab, h Smoky Hollow AVashington Dana, carpentei-, h Pettigrew AVashingt(^n Mary M, cook, h 31 AVillard AVatsonAlex, box maker, h Railroad pi AVatson Green, h Fayetteville rd AVatson AVilse, h Railroad pi AVatson AVilson, lab, h Fayetteville rd A\^eavcr S B, drayman, h Haj^ti Webb Delia, washer, h Railroad AVebb Esther, Avasher, h Railroad Webb Francis, dom, h Morris AV^ebb Robt, driver, h Bailey's al rpHE DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MANUFACTURING J_ Co. Woodworkers, Turning, Planing, Scroll Sawing and Ripping done in the best manner. AVeaver Celia, nurse, h Morehead av AVelbnrn Andrew, porter, h Hayti AVelch Dallas, tob worker, h e Main AVhite Bennie, school teacher, h Scoggins row AVhite Celia, washer, h Poplar AVhite Louisa, washer, h Corporation AVhite Martha, washer, h Corporation AVhite Mary, nurse, h Morris AVhite Pheobe, washer,"h Fayetteville rd AVhite Sim, h Pine AVhite AVill, tob worker, h w Durham AVhitted Anderson, clerk, h Amey al AVhitted Jas A, school teacher, r Mangum AVhitted James, h Hayti AVhitted Jas A, grocery, Amey av, h do AVhitted J S, lab, h Pettigrew AVhitted Jim, carpenter, h Fayetteville rd AVhitted Louisa, school teacher, h Reams av AVhitted Robt, carpenter, h Reams av AVhitted Sallie, seamstress, h Reams av AVhitted Tom, lab, h Ramsey f(elikhle kud ^kti^f ^dtoi'y ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO'. (T"). I J. OT)' c T * The gi'fat Freiglit and Passenger Line of I ietiniOr|t All-L(ir|e, the south, with unsurpassed facilities f(n- jirompt and «\tisfactory passenger and freight service. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 128 DIEECTOEY.— Colored. AVilkinson Julie, h Smoky Hollow Williams Eliza, washer, h Willard Williams Enoch, toh worker, h Scoggins row AVilliams Geo. luh, h Scoggins row Williams Haywood, drayman, h Seminary Williams Jas, toh worker, h Corporation Williams Laura, dom, h Dillard "Williams Lizzie, dom, h Corporation Williams Lticy, dom, h Smoky Hollow Williams Martha, washer, h Seminary Williams Xancy, waslier, h Hayti Williams Raney, cook, h Corporation Williams Kohert, hackman, r Jones' stahles Williams Rosa, cook, h Pettigrewcor Jackson AVillianis Saml, coacliman, hRamseur Williams Sarah, washer, h Scoggins row AVilliams Stephen, lah, h Mangum Williams W H A, upholsterer, Main nr Church, h e Dur- ham Williams Walter, dom, h Hayti THE DAILY TOBACCO PLANT has the largest bona file circulation ever secured by a Durham daily. Therefore is the best advertising medium. Williamson Mary, dom, h Ramsey AVilliamson Sam, lab, h Smoky Hollow Wilson Bella, seamstress, h Fayetteville rd Wilson Bella, cook, h 41 Pettigrew Wilson Sarah, washer, h Stray horn Wils!)n WiUie, carpenter, h Fayetteville rd Wilson William, weaver, h e Durham Winston Geo, driver, h Chapel Hill Main Street, DURHAM, N. C, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. MmKESS MAKER yPUOLSTERER. Varhir Suits Upholstered. I am prepared to Upholster, with neatness and dispatch, and in the best manner, Parlor Furniture of all kinds. Call and see my work. I buy frames north and do my uphol- stering in Durham. Mattresses made to order and of the best ma- terials. Work in this line solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Eespectfully, - - - W. H. A. WILLIAMS. ''PHE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany, Eng- 1 lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- ti-ated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. '"Address, PEEK iack\vell's Durham Co-0[.erative Tobacco Works WHITAKER D W, Main iir Corcoran Private Schools. Baptist Female Seminarj-, Mangum nr Wyatt Durham Male Academy, Green cor Clevehmd Methodist Female K^eminary, Church cor Liberty Real Estate. Bailey F J, Mc Manning; Brooks J W, Peabody" Durham Land & Security Co, cor Main and Corcoran ENTERPRISE LAND & TRUST CO, Main nr Mano-mu STOKES & GEEPv, Parrish nr Corcoran Restaurants. Capps F P & II L, col, Parrish Chambers Chavis, col, Parrish COOK S T, col, Mangum nr Main Macklin .1 \V,col, Church nr ^lain Overby Wm, col, Mangum nr R R Ray Thos, col, Parrish Rogers J J, Main opp P Tingen B T, Main opp P O Uzzle J E, Main nr Church Sash, Doors and Blinds. Builders Manufacturing and Supply C'o, Railroad st DURHAM SASH, DOOR AND BLIND MFG CO, cor Pea- body and Main MANGUM WILLIAM, Green nr Morris Saw Mills. MANGUM WILLIAM, Green nr Morris Rigsbee T J, Green nr Mangum Sewing Machines. Singer Se\ying Machine Co, Main nr Church DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, W R Murray, Main nr Corcoran TtlE OPERA PIA>fO.— New Styles ! Fancy Woods ! Maliogany Eng- lish O.ik, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all inforination desired, promjitly sent by mail ujion application. Address. PEEK «fe SON. 1567 Broadway. New York. VKi .1 '?)' 1 ^ C\)' i T ' The shortest du-oct line lake tMe riedn]oi-|t ^ii'-I!)ell J B, ^hiin nr Church Crane W A, e Durham Dodd J 11. I'etticrrew EDWARDS & JEFFREYS, col, Coi-coran opp Farmers Ware- house Harris J W, Main Jones T J, col, I'eahodv Ivosemond H M, Corcoran nr Main Yeates Thomas, h South Stoves and Ranges, ROBERTSON, LLOYD & CO, Main nr (V>rcorau TAYLOR CIIAS C, \Lain nr Alangum Womhle J T, ^hiin nr Manguni Tannery. Bird C, e Durham Telegraph Company. Western Union Telegraph Co, CV)rcoran nr Main Telephone Company. Southern Bell Telephone Co, Corcoran nr Main Tin and Sheet Iron Workers, Louc^ee Cireo E, Main nr P TAYLOR CIIAS C, ^hdn nr Mangum Tobacco Dealers— Leaf. Bass H J & Co, .eor Morgan & Fuller lUirton R, Foster nr Watkins COOPER W L, Rigsbee av Dalby Col E, Mainour Church Duke B L, Morgan nr Fuller FAISON & TAYLOR, Foster nr Watkins Goodson J W Pine nr Pettigrevv C^OODSON T C, Pine nr R R Gorman John Nick, Rigsbee av Haskins Robert L & Co, cor Watkins and Foster JOXES THOMAS D, Morgan and Gt Jones Jordan J F, Main nr P Lea N P & Co, Fuller nr Mangum Lea Rudolph G. Watkins nr Foster LYON R E, cor Church and Peabody G[;ei\uii\e f)ui^l\ciir| ^ohk66o ! NOXE GENUINE WITUUUT THE BULL. TAKE TF^E PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, passin^r throught the cities of Ralei;ili, Durluim, Goldsboro, iSpartanV)urg, flieeiiville, Seneca, Gains, ville and Athens, to the South and Southwest. For information, address, J. L. Tayloi-. Washington, D. C. 142 DI RECTOR Y.— Com m ercial. MARTIN & THOMPSON, cor Corconm and Parrish OSBORN W H, cor Peabodyand Roxboro ]*ARRI!SH E J, cor Pettiicrew and Pine PARRISH W L, Foster nr Watkins I'eav T L, cor Queen and Peabody i'lNNIX J T& CO, cor Watkins and Foster Reams I M, Reams av and Ramseur liOWLANI) & COOPER, McMannincr SMITH J W & CO, Main nr Five Points STOKES A H & CO, Parrish nr Corcoran STRAUSE & RAAB, Morris nr Watkins SWIFT J W & CO, cor Mors?an and Gt Jones TOMLINSON S F & CO, Main IJmstead A Iv, cor Roxboro and Holloway WALKER J B, Pine nr R R WALKER W L & CO, cor Mangnm and Wyatt Webb & Kramer, McManning Tobacco Manufacturers. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM CO-OPERATIVE TOBACCO Co, J S Carr, pres, Pettigrew cor Blackwell DUKE SONS' AV & CO, Peabody cor Cigarette Faucett Durham Tobacco Co, (The) Poplar nr Pine LYON Z I & CO, E J Parrish, prop, cor Pettigrew and Pine MORRIS R F & SON MFG CO, Peabody nr Corcoran AVHITTED JAMES Y, cor Pettigrew and Pine T. H. MARTIN. E. E. THOMPSON. «T Leaf Um Mm, -SUCCESSORS TO— DIBRELL BROS & CO., DURHAM, N. C. ^pHE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany, Eng- 1 lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail upon application. Address, PEEK & SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. THAKE THE riEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing through tlie Cities of I Alexandria, Cliarlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, Greensboro, Keitls- ville, Salislnu'v, Columbia, Augusta, aiul to the South and South West. For inlbrniation, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 14:; DIRECTORY.— CoMMEHciAL. Tobacco Warehouses. r> ANNTER Wx\REITOUSE, J 8 Lockhart, prop, Main opp P Fanners Alliance VVafehouse, cor Main and Corcoran PARRISll WAREHOUSE, cor Mangum and Parrish Undertakers. Cheek T F & Son, cor Mani^nm and Parrisli DURHAM FURNITURE MFG Co, Main nr Church ITowerton R T & P)ro, Mangum opp Green Mangani Willis, C'hurch nr Main Variety Store. Rawls Q E, Main nr Church Wagon and Carriage Makers. HOLLO WAY J AS A, cor Liberty and Roxboro Howerton II T & Bro, Mangum opp Green SEEMAX H & SON, Peabody nr Church Watchmakers & Jewelers. JONES M H, Main and Mangum Postley Charles T, Main nr Church Whitely R D, Church nr Main DEALERS IN mm GRocEiiiES, (;rass AND FIELD SEEDS, Hat/, Fodder, Shucks;, Bran^ Shipstvff and FeedAfn/f's fo all kinds, AND MANUFACUBED AND KENNEBEC ICE. HivCairL St., Opposite r*. O., ID-arliam, 2>T. C Blkdvweir^ ©ui'h^iil 'I'obkdco ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. !E^cii'rqef^ ©irectofy. THE FOLLOWING JS A LIST OF PEOMTNENT FABM- EL'S, WHO LIVE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES NAMED AS FOLLOWS. Bailej T L, Calclongh tSim, ('handler I) A^ Ferrell S B, Ferrell S J, Fletcher J D, Fiirgersoii T M, Xichol& Calvin, :N^ichois H ^y. Nichols J E, Nichols J T, Barhee F ^f, Barbee J W, Beck ^Y A, ' Bragg Thos, Carpenter I), Carpenter I M, Carpenter J E, Chandler D A, Crabtree Walter^, Dhue J T, Ferrell J E, Ferrell J W, Fletcher E T Fletcher J I), Gay J R, Hall A J, DAYTON, Nichols U R; Pal.ard John^ Penny J H, Parhani L, Patterson J W, Shaw J R, Shaw W H, Sherron W J^ Snipes E J, Snipes J P, suitt Av j; FISH DAM. Holloway J 11, Ilolloway WD, Holloway W 1\ Ilnsketh E H, Kerr Thos J, Norwood F M, Olmstead Jas, Perry W II, Roberson J E, Roberson J P, Roberson W A_, Rogers J T, Rogers J W, Rogers R L, Rosters R P. Rogers W T, THE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles! Fancy Woods ! Malio>rany, En-r- lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all inlbrniation desired, promptly sent l)y mail ui)Oii application. Address, PEEK k SON, 1567 Broadway, New York, TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passinj Rah • ■ -^ ' ' , , tliroua;h the Cities of Raleigh, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gains- ville and Athens, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Tavlor, Washington, D. C. DIEECTORY.— Farmers. Andres Jesse, Bass Dive, Carrington Mose, Cash Jas, Cole John, Flinton George, Flinton Rancher, Flinton Turner, Horner Jas, Carrington A S, Copely Henry, Copely John, Gooch Radford, Gooch Rufus, Goss R, Hardy Dr, Harris Chas, James L T, James Richard, Horner John, Horner Mose, Leathers Mose, Leathers Wm, Lipscomb Thos, Moize Noah, Rhodes Joseph, Roberts Weslejr Sims Charles. HAMPTON. Johnson A, Johnson L B, Meadow J M, Moore Saml, Roberts E, Til ley George, Tilley H, Tilley Luther, Weaver R, Weaton W H, HENDERSON. Barnes J R, Barnes T C, Bobitt J C, Boll A H, Boll J H, Booket A M, Booket Joseph, Bowden F P, Bowen T F, Brodie B F, Browne B F, Browne C E, Browne Joseph A, Harris S F J, Kelly J L, Ketchum J S, Klock A, McMillen J, Mitchell A J, Oldfield J, Parham J H, Parham J W, Parker J J, Perdue E O, Perdue J A, Reams G W, 145 FISH DAM. HoUoway J H, AVard Dr M P, Holloway H, Weatherby A C AVhitlev J E. GALVESTON. ^elikble kr^d ^kti^fkdtoi^y ! BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO. TAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, piissincr tIiro?itrIi.t the cities of Ralei;:h, Durham, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville,. Seneca, Gains, ville and Athens, to the South and Southwest. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. 146 DIE ECTOR Y.— Farm ers. Browne J L, Browne J W^ Buchou AV^, Burroughs B H^ Burroughs G R, Burroughs S A, Burrouirhs AV L, Butler E G, Cree A, Davis B, Dunn J H, Edwards J 11, Edwards L L, Edwards M L, Fuller FL, Fuller J A, jr^ Fuller J n, Fuller Thos, Fuller AV S, Gerry AV E, Harris J A, Harris J F, Harris L M^ Reams J F, Reams J M, Reavis Jno W, Reavis S AV, Rowland G H, Rowland J C, Rowland P G, Smerdon G, Sotter white J ]\ Sotterwhite S G, Swain S, Swain AV^ AV, Swain W Y, Stewart H, Stewart T P, Tucker B F, A^aughn J L, Vaughn J AV, Vaughn R S, AVade B F, AVade AV H, AVhite AV H, AViffgins L AV, AVrisht G AV. HIOKSTOWN. Andrews AA'', Barnwell D A, Browning A, Cole Edw, Davis C, Decerne Wiley, Duke George, Hicks David, Hicks Jas, Jones Stephen, McConley Jas, Martin Edw, Martin J H, Martin J M, Alartin Peter, Neil Henry, Keil AVm, Pendergrass E, Pendergrass Monroe, Pendergrass AVhite, Proctor Jas, Rhue AVm, Riley Bedford, Riley David, Riley John, Scoggins Albert, Shields John, Shields Joseph, Urastead Jas, Walker Frank, Walker J, AVarren AVm, THE OPERA PIAN(). — New Styles ! Fancy Woods ! Mahogany Eng- lish Oak, Burled Wahiut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent l>y mail upon application. '^Address. PEEK »k SON. 1567 Broadway. New York. mAKE THE PIEDMONT AIR-LINE, Passing through the Cities of J_ Raleigh, Durhani, Goldsboro, Spartanburg, Greenville, Seneca, Gains- ville and Athens, to the South and South West. For information, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— Farmers. HUNKADORA. Bail David, Ball F ^\, Ball J W, Ball Marcus, Ball W J, Blavlock A N, Bollock J R, Fossett W F, Garrard David, Garrard Jas, Garrard Josei)h, Garrard Wesley, Glenn Jas, Gray Henry, Gray Joseph, Green Geo, Harris Chas, Harris D D, Mangum Eugene, Manguni Alaynard, Mangum Wile}', Manguni W P, Nely Wesley, Oakley J C, Okey A, Parker Jeremiah, Parker John, Parrish G, Roberts Candas, Roberts David, Roberts Dewitt, Roberts Fanny, Roberts Jas, South gate P, Stagg^J H, Stagg J W, Teasley E B, Teasley Edward, T-easley Simpson, Teasley Wiley, Terry F M, Tilley A W, Til ley B, Tilley D G, Tilley Daniel, Tilley J D, Tilley J, Tilley Joseph, Tilley Marcus, Tilley R C, Tilley Simpson, Tilley VK, Tilley W P, Umstead H L, Watson O H, Wilson Silas, Wilkins W C, Wilkins W S, KELVIN GROVE. Adams A M, Be vers Atlas, Bevers B E, Bevcrs C, Brown Chas, Cozart Jas, Ferrell J P, Grady Alonzo, Grady Jas, Hays G L, King W W, Ludlem Chas, Lynn A B, Lynn J II, Lynn J M, Marshall W G, Martin W A, May W B, May WJ, Ross C F, 147 ©Ikdkweir^ Dut^l^km ^obkddo ! BE SURE YOU SMOKE IT, AND ASK FOR NO OTHER. (x)' -1 ■<- (a)' i T * The great Freight and Passentrer L 1 ietirq01"|t Tlll--L(iqe, the south, with unsurpassed faoiUti ]>rompt and satisfactorj- jjassenger and freight service. '"" ' '' address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. ine of ies for For information. 1-48 DIRECTOEY.— Parmers. Jones Sill, Jackson W M, King So well, Shepperd L J, Thompson John, Thompson Roscoe, Yearbv James. KNAP OF REEDS. Ad cock J J, Cash Jas, Cash Robert, Oritcher K O, Critcher R S, Daniel Robt, Forsyth D J, Forsyth Wiley, Fowler Ileury, Fowler Moses, Hall Wm, Harris Moses, Lynn W T, Nanee Preston, Peed Benjamin, Peed Joseph, Peed Richard, Roberts Gaston, Roberts J 0, Roberts Thos, Thompson J, Tillev Jas, Til'ey J X, Til ley Lee, Tippet W D, Bass Wm, col, Bowling J X, Bowling John, Bowling W H, Bowling Capt Wm, Critcher J A, Umsted B D, [Jmstead Chas, Umstead L A, Umstead Victor Veazey A J, Veasej^ A yi, Veazey L A, Veazy W B, Veasey W E, Veazey W D, AValler Calvin, Waller llenr^-. Waller Jas, Waller J A, Waller Logan, Waller MB, Waller S W Waller AV H, Waller W S, Washington M AVheeler C F, Wheeler Thos, Wilkins J W, Wilkins L A, Woods Joseph. E. LUSTER. Critcher Wm, Day Jas, Gordon Mord, Harris Wm, Jordan C C, Parrish W C, Parrish W G. Vt<-i /^ ex ^'a ? Manufactured bv Peek Ac Son, (Establisii- i i]e Urpeia riailOl ©d IS.oO), 1567 and 1569 Broadway, and 12 to 216 West 47th Street, New York. Artistic in design, Elegant in finish, Warranted five years. ¥ake tlie f^iedn]oi-(t Sii'-I^irie, tlom'w^Sato^^ and Richmond, Va., to Atlanta and Birmingham. For imformation, ad- dress, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— Farmers. 149 LYNDOVER. Blalock Hev A, Blalock J) W, ' Blalock H, Blalock S H, Blalock T Y, Blalock Wm M, Blalock AV R, Bowling Geo W, Bowling J W, Chambers W J, Kersey Wm, Mangum John, Read Jas, Saterfield B. MORRISVILLB. Adams A M, Adams J Q, Arnold W M, Barbee C, Barbee G W, Barbee Madison, Barbee P H, Barbee Rnfus, Barbee Wm, Carlton M L, Carlton W D, Cotten A T, Ddwards Asa, Edwards C D, Edwards D D, Edwards J J, Edwards J W, Edwards W H, Gibson J Iv, lEorne S R, King Benj, King J M, King J W, King Samuel, King Warren, King W L, Marcom B 11, Marcom G R, Marcom J A, Marcom J M, Marcom S C, Marcom S W, Marcom W A, Marcom W Y, Maynard Allen, Maynard Brinkley, Maynard Chas, Maynard E T, Maynard J R, ]\laynard Jas, Maynard Joseph, Maynard W C, Merritt W II, Morris A J, Morring J H, Morris W II, Page Edward, Page L A, Page M W, Page II, Page S P, Pollard A S, PoUard Thomas, Pugh J M, Scott A H, Scott Sidney, Scott W B, Sears T C. Slater R II, Slater Robert, Slater W A, Smith Thomas, Smith W R, Whitted W A. G[;ei\uine f)ui^l\kii| ^oWtto ! NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE BULL. ?»)• -f . C\)' 4 T- ' 'Ilie Great Pa^'seuger- and Frer-rTit Lin<^ J letnTfOq L illl - L(Uie, of the south, with unsurpassed Facilities for prompt and satisfactory Passenger and Freight Service. ''" ' '' lion, address, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. For in forma- 150 DIRECTORY.— Farmers. MT. TIRZAH. Allen John A, Anderson John^ Asley Harrison y Blaycock Albert, Bo wen, G 1\ Bowen linfus, Bnmpass. Simeon^ Burton A J, Burton R A^ Cash Ja& R, Cash Monroe, Cathran Jas- J^ Cathi'tsn John M. Cathran Richard, Cathran W D, Chambers' John E, Chanihers- S D, Clay II T, Clayton L M, Claj-toii Thos U, Clayton Thos J, Cozart C, Danieron N W^ Evans Haywood^ Glenn R S, Glenn Saml, llestor Noah, Hicks J M, Holisbangh Win II, Barbee G W, Barbee K, Beasley Jessie, Colvin A, Green Hugh, Green J, Hopson S H, Jenkins W A, Xerr J M, Lawrence W R, Jones Ja&per W, Kennedy J, Meadows S, Money Andrew, Moore E R, Moore Sidney, [Nichols II II, Noell J W, Noell Jas S, Oakley G C, Oakley John, Peed David E, Pierce G C, Read C G, Read E B, Read J G, Read J R, ReadTB, Read W F, Read Wm F, Saunders R B, Sned James M, Speed E A, Stanford R A, Sweeney Henry C, Underwood J E, Tillett James W, Townsend Elijah, Turner Jasper. NELSON. O'Briant II II, O'B riant Wm, Page Henry, Page J R, Page L A, Roberts Mathew_, Shipp R T, Slater R II, Slater W A, Sorrell M L, ''pHE OPERA PIANO.— New Styles ! Fancy Woods I Mahogany, Eng- L lish Oak, Burled Walnut, Satin Wood, Ash and Oriental Black. Illus- trated Catalogue, and all information desired, promptly sent by mail ujion application Addiess, PEEK it SON, 1567 Broadway, New York. M; 1^^ 41^^ C)- ^ 5 ,^^.,-«- (a)I-; T Z To the South anul SoutK l:ike Uie rietlrqoi^t fA:ii'-i^ir)e west, Mont go mcMv, llobile, New Orleons, Shriveitort, Texas and California. For informatioii, suldress, J. L. Taylor, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORY.— Farmers. 151 Morris J H, ■Slorris M C, Moniri W H- Ston« M D Tilley, Weathei'spooii A J, Weatherspooii IL ORANGE FACTORY. Andrews Jessee, Ashley John. Asliley Wiley, r> lay lock A IS", IJlaylock Richard, (■arrington Mose, Carroll Lee, Carroll L L, Carroll AVm, Cox A G, Ellis Mose, Eveans Smith, Flinton S G, Gra}^ Joseph, Green Geo, liohnan S W, Holt Dr E M, Horner Cad, Horner Jas, Ilorner Mose, Horner Paul, Johnson S H, Lipscomb T L, Raygan E B, Raygan Jas, Hay nor Wm, Rheed Newton, Soothe rland Philip, Southerland T H, ' 8tephen.s AV JB, Tilley Doe, Tii.ey Joseph, Tilley R 0, Tilley Sim[>son, Turr^ntine DanieK Wilborn H L, Wiles Fred, Wilson Silas, Wood Pomp, Youncre S S, STAGVILLE. Cameron B, Collins Geo P, Gill Wm, Glenn John, Green George, Ladd R J, Lash ley S M, Lash ley W C, Mangum Durell, Sutherland Philip, Umpstead Lee, Umpstead L L, Tilley Ira, Thompson John A, Thompson Joseph, Thompson P C, Thomi>son W 0, Thompson W P, Tiirrentine W D, Vaughan A C, Woods Wm. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco J^^.uLrluuS. reliable, satisfactory Smoking Tobacco ever put upon the market, hence dealers and consumers always pronounce it "THE BEST.'' W. B. >iddalDe, .Vd?/!^/' P(/^ r^£ BEST COMPANIES REPRESENTED. 'II i- , Tost of m.y patrons carefully guarded belbre and after a fire. ..ifoi-j! ui^^^T Chee.i lly Oiv<^n, and Your Patronage- Solici led. OI FICE NO. 2, W^KIGJJT BUILDING, CORNER WAIN AND CORCOR ^N STRKK V DURHAM, M.C Tki.ephonk No. *J. # ,'<«) jYIIOM^ I r^ ai OFKrCE I'^' -TIIF. I' VR-UiXT TJni i . "AXC.r. STRKsi. . DURHAM, NT C. ' IMB\ m A:. \HD RFTAIL L'cALE-^S \A' WHOLLiA.. f AND RFTAIL L'cALE-^S !;><••-♦- 'J' n Perfafnei les, Xo-f€f'Kr'ti:i!es, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. iiwi Roi f. cc:;nbr drug store, vK THE NKW COURT HOUSi:,— D . i '^ H A M , N . C ^1 G. IBi.^ Mfflii©* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r:ZALER INK Oiy Gflcds. Nfllions, iiools, and Shoes, Hals, Caps, READY-WADE CLOTHING, SENTS' FUHNISHING GOODS. Groceries, ,Sliip-Stu;>«. Hay, Fish, Wagons, Buggies, Farmer's Friend, Boss, T'ri \ .