UA3 ♦t iJ%P4 ioctetteg r* LlA3 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Hy '-the first occupant. More than two persons may not live in one room at any time, with- out permission specially obtained. 7. No student, without permission from the Pre- sident or presiding Professor, shall go beyond the prescribed limits in study hours, or at any other time when the bell may call him to his duty. 8. A student shall not receive visitors into his room, nor shall he visit others in the hours of study, without leave from a member of the Faculty. 9. No student shall disturb or attempt any impo- sition on any of his fellow students in any manner whatever; and every student shall preserve order and decorum in his own room, and shall be respon- sible for all disorder committed in it, unless he give information, when in his power, of the person or per- sons from whom it proceeded. 10. The Faculty may interdict any house in the village as improper for the reception of students as boarders, on account of the irregularities in which / 1S - tfiey are permitted or tempted to live, or the disor- derly and pernicious examples set before them. 11. A student may not occupy a room for resi- dence out of College, till each of the rooms shall have two inhabitants. But Professors may receive students to reside in their houses, and the Faculty may permit a student to live wholly in the village, when they shall judge his situation requires such in- dulgence. •V- 12. At the ringing of the bell the'first time in the morning, the students shall rise to prepare for busi- ness. As soon as the bell shall ring a second time, they shall repair to the ha^f without delay, and at- tend prayers. - * ' CHArTEll VII. , Of the Library and Libp^aj^^ 1. A room shall be appropriated to the Library, in which shelves shall be put up at the expense of the Board of Trustees. Fire shall be made and kept up in the room by order of the Librarian, as often and as long as he shall think necessary, particularly in wet weather. No person but a Trustee or member of the Faculty, shall at any time have access to the Library, without the presence of the Librarian, or some officer of the College. 2. The Tutors shall act as Librarians, and assist each other in giving out books. At the end of every session, the Librarians shall present to the Faculty a written report on the state of the Library. S. Such books as by a determination of the Facul- ty ought not to he taken out by the students, may be consulted by them in the Library, on such days, and within such hours as shall be appointed by the Faculty. 4. A student may not at any time, take down a book from the shelves of the Library. The Libra- 17 rian alone is to deliver it to him, and return it to its place. 5. When a student shall take a book out of the Li- brary, he shall sign a receipt, in which the book shall be specified by the Librarian. 6. A volume shall not be kept out of the Library more than one week, without being returned to the Librarian, and the receipt for it renewed. If any other person shall want the vol *9^3 at the end of that tjjne ? {jieS^pe wJjoJias aJreajJKjialr ^k shall not then take it flrtt-a*new. *" 7. AVfteNra book shall be gi^ven out or returned, the Librarian shall exataine jt, v to\see if it be da- maged or t defaced, and Twt sfudent §hall deface or damage a book 'belohgftig^o wie Library, he shall pay according to the damage done, as estimated by the Faculty, e^p to the replacing of the set. If he shall los e it, he shall pay to the Librarian its value as estimd^^lBpflWaculty, or else lie shall replace it as before. ~Lf»be sha*lMfail to return it in two weeks after taking it out "of the Library, he may be judged to have lost it, and the Faculty may proceed accord- ingly. If a student sliafl refuse to comply wiUPflleT decisions of the Faculty uo these subjects, he may be admonished, suspended or dismissed, as the nature of the case may requi re.^ m ... 8. The LibrattaYT'shalT keep a catalogue of all the books of the Library. And if any book shall be pre- sented to the University* tire jNiife *nd residence of the donor shall be recorded. 9. The Libraries* snail appoint a day and hour for delivering and receiving' £onks, and they shall attend once a week for tne'se purposes. 10. While the students are attending at the Libra- ry, they shall obserye an orderly deportment. 11. A student shall not lend a book which he has taken out of the Library, without permission from the Librarian. ■/ 12. Tt shall be the doty of each Professor and Tu- •*/ tor in the University, to keep a regular account of the scholarship of each student during his course, n< ting his regularity and moral conduct, and shal the" end of each session furnish" the parent or gi dian of the student, with an abstract or accoui ( the same, and cause this account to be laid befoi . Board of Trustees at the Public Anniversary initiations. Jgt .y &*-s* <«* Mm. 49*,, * M«. n UNIVERSITY -.■'•.-. 1111 00036753138 This book must not be taken from the Library building.