NE jl.jrUOjULTRA X Library OF THE University of North Carolina This book was presented by G> WAR RECORD DAVIDSON COLLEGE —-- rTD —---—— «L> Compiled by CORNELIA REBEKAH SHAW Librarian 1917-1918 1923 PRESBYTERIAN STANDARD PUB. CO. Charlotte, N. C. 2 War Record / r FOREWORD HEN a state of war was declared in April, 1917, the unrest prevalent throughout the country manifested itself in intensified form on the campus of every college for men. At Davidson about eighty students were excused from the completion of their spring work to help in food production at their homes. Between April 1, 1917, and September 1, 1918, one hundred and fifty-eight students went into service; fifty- five of these were in the two Senior classes of the period. In the summer of 1918, at the request of the War Department, four professors and thirty-three students went from Davidson to the training camp at Plattsburg, New York, to receive instruction which would fit them for assisting in teaching military science. The change of conditions in France and the resolve of the Government, as shown by the passage of the man-power bill, to throw the weight of America into the war at once, made it seem the necessary and patriotic thing to offer the college for the housing and training of one of the 550 Students’ Army Training Corps. All the men eighteen years old or over, who registered on September 12, and who were physically fit and pre¬ pared for college work, took the oath of allegiance and became regular members of the Students’ Army Training- Corps. This impressive ceremony took place south of Shearer Hall, at noon of October 1. The student-soldiers, numbering two hundred and twenty-three, were barracked in three dormitories: Watts, Rumple, and Georgia. All classes were abolished and the companies were formed on the basis of age. Scarcely had the organization been completed when the prevailing epidemic of Spanish influenza reached David¬ son. The south wing of Chambers dormitory was made into an improvised hospital for the two hundred and fifty and more victims. One death resulted from the visitation and all exercises were suspended for three weeks. . ; 4 Davidson College After the Armistice was signed the incentive to work disappeared. The unit was demobilized on December 10, 1918, after about seven weeks of actual work, half of this time being taken up with adjustments, physical examina¬ tions, etc. The work of President Martin, of the Faculty, and the officers of administration, was greatly increased during the period in which the Students’ Army Training Corps was in existence. Schemes of study and details of discipline had to be reshaped. Classes were shifted, the curriculum remodeled, and the teachers worked as indus¬ triously as the men in the trenches. As far as can he ascertained at this time 736 students and alumni entered the service, not including the 223 mem¬ bers of the Students’ Army Training Corps. Of this num¬ ber (959) twenty made the supreme sacrifice in battle or in camp hospitals, and 368 were commissioned officers. War Record 5 OUR DEAD “These laid the world away; poured out the red Sweet wine of youth; gave up the years to he Of work and joy, and that unhoped serene That men call age; and those who would have been Their sons, they gave, their immortality. These hearts were woven of human joys and cares, Washed marvellously with sorrow, swift to mirth. The years had given them kindness. Dawn was theiis, And "sunset and the colours of the earth. These had seen movement, and heard music; known Slumber and waking; loved; gone proudly friended; Felt the quick stir of wonder. * All this is ended.” From The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke, Published and copyrighted by John Lane Company. Used by permission. MEMORIAL SERVICE In the late afternoon of May 27, 1919, with relatives of those we sought to honor, the faculty and students, trus¬ tees and commencement visitors, gathered in the Presby¬ terian Church at Davidson to show affection for and do reverence to the twenty Davidson College Alumni who had given their lives in the European War—dying in battle lines or in American camps. The service flag of their Alma Mater was draped over the pulpit and a wreath of laurel encircled the gold stars thereon. Prayer and song added tenderness to the hour. Reverend Charles Malone Richards, 1892, read the names and class numerals of our beloved and heroic dead. Reverend William Talliaferro Thompson, 1905, deliv¬ ered the memorial tribute of which only a brief can be obtained. Dr. Thompson began by repeating — THE SPIRES OF OXFORD “I saw the spires of Oxford As I was passing by. The grey spires of Oxford Against a pearl-gray sky. My heart was with the Oxford men Who went abroad to die. The years go fast in Oxford, The golden years and gay. The hoary colleges look down On careless boys at play. Rut when the bugles sounded war They put their games away. They left the peaceful river, The cricket-field, the quad, The shaven lawns of Oxford, To seek a bloody sod— They gave their merry youth away For country and for God. Davidson College 7 God rest you, happy gentlemen, Who laid your good lives down; Who took the khaki and the gun Instead of cap and gown. God bring you to a fairer place Than even Oxford town." This was followed by a statement of the fact that the English college men meant much to Britain throughout the war, and that the American college men were equally as generous with their lives. Particularly was this true of our college, so that there is a corner of a foreign field that is forever Davidson. These men who gave their lives we do not think of as lost. “ ’Tis man’s perdition to be safe When for the truth he ought to die." Nor do we think of them as dead. Browning desired his friends to think of him as just away and more alive than ever. This is the picture we have of them. Not because we have accepted any cheap theology and believe that death on the battlefield is the initiatory rite to heaven; but because we feel that with the rearing these men had at home, and the training that was theirs at college, the danger they faced, the hardship and agony they experi¬ enced as they served, must have led them to know the Great Sufferer for mankind, even Jesus, whom to know aright is life eternal. We most assuredly do not think of their death as use¬ less. Unquestionably the immediate consequence- of the valor and sacrifice of the American troops was the triumph of the Allies. The world turned around at Chateau Thierry and the pivot on which it turned was the standard of our soldiers. Our men undeniably saved the day for civilization. 8 War Record But more than that, they revealed to us in America the realities of life, through the strain and stress that was upon us as a result of their presence in Europe linking us to the war. We began to understand that things were not all, that justice, truth, righteousness, mercy, God, were the essentials of life. Further than this they showed us what is in man, exhib¬ iting a courage, a modesty, and an unselfishness that has lifted our idea of the possibilities of the human race. “The greatest gift a hero leaves the race is to have been a hero.” Finally, they have challenged those of us who remain to service hv their own efforts and sacrifice, and by their manifestation of the fact that men have capacity for finer things if they are but granted the chance. Mr. Wilson said recently, “Once more in the providence of God, Amer¬ ica is being given the opportunity to show the world that she is born to serve mankind.” In the providence of God, this group of men, represented by the cluster of stars that death has kissed to gold, calls us to possess ourselves of this opportunity to serve our fellowmen, that righteous¬ ness and peace may so prevail throughout the earth that even the lowest and feeblest may be free and happy. It is only as we hear and follow that their death will not have been in vain. They call us by their death. Can we fail them who did not fail us ? At memorial services held on Armistice Day, 1920, Professor Joseph Moore McConnell, 1899, of the David¬ son College Faculty, said in part: Why did they die, those patriotic sons of Davidson? Those of us here who had taught them remember with what buoyant hearts and high devotion our college stu- dents volunteered at their country’s call. There was no shouting or tumult, no flaring of trumpets, none of the pomp and circumstance of war connected with their going, hut with firm resolve, they gave up their preparation for life, slipped away to camp and field and began that gruel¬ ling routine that was to fit them for the life and work of a Davidson College 9 soldier. Occasionally, during the weeks and months of training, they would drop in to see us, spend a few hours on the campus shaking hands with friends and then would he out and gone, frequently to some port of embarkation and thence over the sea to the fields of France. We remember how their faces were fairly aglow as their hearts burned with the desire to he in the thick of the fight, to make their contribution. The fight for what? The fight to overthrow despotism, misrule, injustice and oppression throughout the whole wide world. No crusader of the middle ages ever took the cross with a higher, nobler purpose than that shown by our college boys as they bade good-bye to friends and crossed the seas to crush the power of military despotism, to set free the peo¬ ples of all lands. Truly, the sons of the new world, nur¬ tured in the home of freedom, were returning in filial love to bring a votive offering of peace and liberty to the parent peoples of the old world. And we do ourselves honor today when we honor their memory, made precious and dear to all mankind by their heroic sacrifice. “When a deed is done for freedom, through the broad earth's aching breast Runs a thrill of joy prophetic, trembling on from East to West. And the slave where’er he cowers, feels the soul within him climb To the awful verge of manhood, as the energy sublime Of a century bursts full-blossomed on the thorny stem of time. Through the wall of hut and palace shouts the instan¬ taneous throe, When the travail of the ages wrings earth’s systems to and fro; At the birth of each new era with a recognizing start, Nation wildly looks at nation standing with mute lips apart, . , .. . . And the glad truth’s yet mightier man-child leaps beneath the future’s heart." 10 War Record What was the result of these “deeds done for free¬ dom” by our heroic dead? In truth a new era in the his¬ tory of the human race has been ushered in, an era of new hope to men, new rights, new ambitions, new opportuni¬ ties—in fact a new world order. The shot fired at Lex¬ ington has indeed been “heard around the world"— Cantigny, Chateau-Thierry, Belleau-Wood, the Argonne are other Lexingtons. And today throughout all lands a new sense of freedom and individual rights, and a. new hope of future world peace, are stirring in the hearts of peoples formerly -oppressed by autocratic and militaristic governments. This great boon to mankind, not yet fully realized, hut in the making, is the gift to the world of the 40,000 or more American boys (and we are proud of the Davidson men among them) who rest beneath the soil of France; and also of the other thousands who succumbed to disease or accident while in training camp, and who sleep here in the homeland. We are grateful and happy to think that they did not die in vain. Their sacrifice was, as it were, an atonement for the inhumanity of the Turk, the cruel injustice of the Hapsburg, the militarism of the Hohenzollern, and the stupid oppression of the Romanoffs. And these hoys of ours, having paid the price with their lives, the peoples of the Turkish Empire are today liber¬ ated from the barbarous misrule of the fanatical followers of Islam, the nations of Austria and Germany, though suffering for the present, have been regenerated, and the Russians, for the time confused and delirious in the posses¬ sion of a new and unfamiliar freedom, are groping toward a new light. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Our hoys gave their lives not only for their friends, nor for their country alone, hut for the whole world. Through their sacrifice, Asia, Africa and Europe, yea, the world, have learned the lesson of American freedom. Davidson College 11 DANK OF DAVIDSON MEN IN THE GREAT WAR Compiled September, 1923 Brigadier Generals_ 1 Colonels_ 2 Lieutenant-Colonels_ 5 Majors_ 22 Captains_ 47 Captains (Chaplains) _ 2 First Lieutenants_ 94 First Lieutenants (Chaplains)_ 19 Second Lieutenants_ 143 Lieutenants (Navy)_ 3 Lieutenants (Navy, J. G.)_ 3 Ensigns _ 18 . Commanders_ 1 Something of the variety of service rendered by non¬ commissioned men is shown by the following: Young Men’s Christian Association Secretaries- 24 Camp Pastors_ o Christian Science Workers- 1 Army Field Clerks_ 3 Local Attorneys for P. M. G.- Inspector of Transports- I Red Cross Workers- 8 In Gas Mask Factories- In Gun Cotton Laboratories- 1 Cooks_ 2 Corporals_ 30 Sergeants_ 47 Sergeants, first-class- 4 Sergeants, first-class, Medical Corps- 5 Battalion Sergeant-Majors- 8 Master Signal Electricians- 1 Quartermaster Sergeants, s. g.- 2 Seamen, second-class- ~ Seamen, first-class- r Firemen, third-class- 12 War Record Signalmen_ 1 Store-keepers, first-class_ 2 Pharmacist Mates_*_ 1 Hospital Apprentices, first-class_ 1 First Gunners Mates_ 1 Chief Gunners Mates_ 1 Machinist Mates, second-class_ 1 Yoemen, first-class_ 3 Chief Quartermasters_ 1 Chief Quartermaster Cadets_1 Landmen Electricians_ 1 Dental Surgeons_ 1 Assistant Surgeons_ 1 THE FACULTY AND THE WAR John Wilson MacConnell, Professor of Biology and Col¬ lege Physician, was commissioned Captain in the Medical Reserves, in May, 1917, was called into active service September, 1917, and served as Lieutenant- Colonel with Base Hospital No. 60. Thomas Wilson Lingle, entered the Young Men's Chris¬ tian Association service in September, 1917, with the 13th American Engineers. He was transferred to the French Association work and spent eleven months in camp, five miles from Verdun. Four months were spent lecturing to American and French troops. Groves Howard Cartledge, Associate Professor of Chem¬ istry and Physics, was commissioned Second Lieu¬ tenant in November, 1918, and remained in Chemical War Service until January, 1919. Hinton Baxter Overcash, Adjunct Professor of Biology, entered the Medical Supply Service, May, 1918, was transferred to Quartermaster Corps and served until June, 1919, as Quartermaster Sergeant, Senior grade. William Joseph Martin, President of the College, was a member of the State Council of Defense and served as one of its chairmen. Davidson College 13 Practically all members rendered valuable service in Red Cross, Liberty Bond and War Saving- campaigns, and all gave special war courses to the members of the Student Army Training Corps, stationed at the Col¬ lege in the fall of 1918. George Whilden Mackey, elected in the spring of 1917 to become Director of the Gymnasium in September fol¬ lowing, was released at his request, and served as First Lieutenant in the 35th and 5th Divisions until August 13, 1919. BETHINCOURT (Lines in memory of First Lieutenant Charles D. Mont¬ gomery, Jr., 1909, and published in Memorials of Dixie Land , by Lucian Lamar Knight). Aye, worthy of the kings of old Who wielded combat’s lance, Those boys of ours whose hearts of gold. Sleep in the dust of France. One face among them I recall— A mirror true to truth; Peer of the knightliest of them all Was this immortal youth. Cradled among our Georgia pines, None braver on the plain, E’er graced Napoleon’s battle lines Or marched with Charlemagne. Like yonder bird of ether bold Upon her mountain nest, France, to a mother’s heart will fold This eaglet on her breast. Through burning Argonne s fiery hell, O’er glorious St. Mihiel, “To sound oppressions’ funeral knell, — Was mottoed on his shield. 14 War Record Nor marvel if a prince he stood Amid war’s withering flames, He joined to Scotia's highland blood One of her grand old names. Montgomery’s castle on the heights, His proud ancestral shrine, Can boast among its sleeping knights, None worthier of the line. Victorious over freedom’s foes, On fields of old renown, His spirit, like a rocket, rose To clutch a martyr’s crown. Rest thee in peace, my gallant lad, Though far from home you sleep; God’s own pure knight, Sir Galahad, Will vigil o’er thee keep. France, too, will consecrate the ground, Her changeless stars above, And, in the air, to wrap thee ’round, Her lillies and her love. Reprinted by permission. Davidson College 15 DAVIDSON ALUMNI WHO DIED IN SERVICE, EUROPEAN WAR—1917-18 Class Edgar B. Anderson_1915_Franklin, Tenn. Joseph Sidney Bachman_1918-Bristol, Tenn. Samuel Chandler Baker_1886-Sumter, S. C. Pressley Robinson Brown_1906-Charlotte, N. C. Thomas McNeill Bulla_1907-Emporia, Va. Reid Davis Cranford_1919-Davidson, N. C. fames McCants Douglas_1910-Winnsboro, S. C. Samuel Chalmers Hart_1918-Mooresville, N. C. Samuel Reeves Keesler_1917-Greenwood, Miss. Charles Dodd Montgomery-1909_-Atlanta, Ga. Tazewell Norvell Morton_1918-Oxford, N. C. Deane Mortimer Orgain-1918-Danville, Va. John Cannon Paisley_1917-Gibsonville, N. C. David Reid Poole_1919-Mocksville, N. C. Erwin David Shaw_1915-Sumter, S. C. Harry Faison Shaw-1918-V ilmington, N. 0. Frank Hollingsworth Smith—1916-Easley, S. C. Frank Martin Thompson-1908-Raleigh, N. C. John McDonald Wearn_1919-Charlotte, N. C. George French Worth_1911-Creswell, N. J. 16 War Rfxord EDGAR B. ANDERSON, Jr. Born June 20, 1893, at Franklin, Tennessee. Matriculated at Davidson College in September, 1911. Enlisted in service on May 1, 1917. Trained at Camps Kirkman and Sevier. Sailed for France in May, 1918, witli Company E, 114th Regiment of Field Artillery. Battles: St. Mihiel, Meuse Argonne. With the Army of Occupation in Luxemburg in winter of 1918-19. ' Died, February 20, 1919, from pneumonia, at Le Mans, France. Davidson College 17 EDGAR B. ANDERSON, Jr 18 War Record JOSEPH SIDNEY BACHMAN, Jr. Born March 3, 1897, Bristol, Tenn. Entered Davidson College, September, 1914; A.B. Degree, 1918. Enlisted in the Navy, July 10, 1918. Called for active service September 26, 1918. Died at Hampton Roads, Va., from cerebro-spinal fever October 17, 1918. Davidson College 19 JOSEPH SIDNEY BACHMAN, Jr. 20 War Record SAMUEL CHANDLER BAKER Born December 15, 1866, in Sumter County, S. C. Graduated at Davidson College, 1886. Graduated in Medicine at University of Virginia, 1888. Commissioned Captain in Medical Reserve Coips, August 17, 1917. Assumed active duty at Camp Wheeler, October 9, 1917. Advanced work in brain surgery at Neurological Institute, New York City, December, 1917. Died of pneumonia, at Sumter, South Carolina, March 20, 1918. Davidson College 21 SAMUEL CHANDLER BAKER 22 War Record PRESSLEY ROBINSON BROWN Born November 12, 1882, Mecklenburg County, N. C. Entered Davidson College, 1902. Commissioned First Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. At Camp Merritt, N. J., November 9 to December 19. Arrived in Scotland, January 1, 1918. Assigned to Base Hospital No. 66. Transferred March 21, 1918, to the 9th Infantry. Transferred June, 1918, to the 23rd Infantry. Killed in action July 1, 1918. First officer from Mecklenburg County to die in the service. Davidson College 23 PRESSLEY ROBINSON BROWN 24 War Record THOMAS McNEILL BULLA Born June 4, 1881, Layetteville, N. C. Entered Davidson College, September, 1903; A.B. Degree, 1907. Commissioned Lirst Lieutenant (Chaplain) 4th Viiginia Regiment, May 17, 1917. Stationed at Norfolk, Va., and Anniston, Ala. Transferred in 1918 to 111th Machine Gun Battalion, 29th Division. Arrived in Lrance, June, 1918. Transferred in August to 116th Infantry. Died October 17, 1918, from wound caused by exploding shell, received October 15. Davidson College 25 THOMAS McNEILL BULLA 26 War Record REID DAVIS CRANFORD Born July 18, 1896, at Davidson, N. C. Matriculated at Davidson College, September 1, 1915. Enlisted in U. S. Marine Corps. Trained at Paris Island, S. C. Arrived in France, Spring of 1918. Member of 83rd Company, 6tb Regiment. Battles: Chateau Thierry, Belleau Wood, and Soissons. Killed in action, July 19, 1918, at Soissons, France. Davidson College 27 REID DAVIS CRANFORD 28 War Record JAMES McCANTS DOUGLAS Born July 14, 1889, Winnsboro, S. C. Entered Davidson College 1906.; graduated 1910, B.S. Degree. Completed Law Course at University of South Caiolina, 1913. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Lield Artillery, August 15, 1917, Lort Oglethorpe, Ga. Assigned to 316th Regiment, Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to School of Lire, Lort Sill, Okla., July, 1918. Assigned to 48th Regiment, El Paso, Tex. Married Elizabeth Allison, of York, S. C., June 12, 1918. Died October 12, 1918, from influenza, developing into pneumonia. Davidson College 29 JAMES McCANTS DOUGLAS 30 War Record SAMUEL CHALMERS HART Born October 17. 1890, in Rowan County, N. C. Matriculated at Davidson College, September, 1908; A.11. Degree, 1912. He enlisted, Private, first-class, September 19, 1917, Com¬ pany “G/' 119th Regiment, 30th Division. Sailed for France, May 11, 1918. Killed in action at Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918. Cited by General Pershing and awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for continuing to press forward after being severely wounded. Davidson College 31 SAMUEL CHALMERS HART 32 War Record SAMUEL REEVES KEESLER, Jr. Born April 11, 1896, at Greenwood, Miss. Matriculated at Davidson College, September, 1913; A.B. Degree, 1917. President of the Student Body, 1916-17. First Officers’ Training Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May-August, 1917. Commissioned Second Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. Camp Jackson, S. C., 324th Infantry. Transferred to Aviation Section. Trained at Fort Sill, Okla., and Minneola, L. I., New York. At front commanding 24th Aero Squadron, and operator of long distance Naval guns. Died October 9, 1918, from six wounds received in aerial combat on October 8, 1918. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross. Davidson College 33 SAMUEL REEVES KEESLER, Jr 34 War Rfxord CHARLES DODD MONTGOMERY, Jr. Born May 16, 1888, in Atlanta, Ga. Matriculated at Davidson College, September, 1905; A.B. Degree, 1909. Graduated at Atlanta Law School, 1912. Trained at Fort Oglethope, August-November, 1917. Commissioned First Lieutenant of Infantiy, Novembei 27, 1917. Assigned 7th Machine Gun Battalion, 3rd Division, United States Regulars. Arrived in France, April, 1918. Transferred in August to 9th Machine Gun Battalion, same Division. Battles: Chateau Thierry, Vesle Campaign, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. Killed in action October 15, 1918, at Bois de Foret, near Verdun. First Post of American Legion organized in Georgia was the Charles D. Montgomery, Jr., Post No. 1. Davidson College 35 CHARLES DODD MONTGOMERY, Jr. 36 .War Record TAZEWELL NORVELL MORTON Born November 16, 1896, near Oxford, N. C. Matriculated at Davidson College, September, 1914; A.B. Degree, May, 1918. Enlisted in the Coast Artillery Corps, May, 1918. Trained in Heavy Artillery at Fort 1 homas, Fort Adams, and Fort Greble. On front September 5 to September 29, 1918. Transferred to Military School at Langres in October. Died from pneumonia following influenza, October 26, 1918. Davidson College 37 TAZEWELL NORVELL MORTON 38 War Record DEANE MORTIMER ORGAIN Born October 15, 1896, at Danville, Va. Matriculated at Davidson College, September, 1915; A.B. Degree, May, 1918. He enlisted in the Navy soon after his graduation and died of pneumonia, following influenza, October 27, 1918, at the Naval Base Hospital, Norfolk, Va. Davidson Collect 39 DEANE MORTIMER ORGAIN 40 War Record JOHN CANNON PAISLEY Born April 1, 1898, in Guilford County, N. C. Entered Davidson College, September, 1913; A.B. Degree, 1917. Commissioned First Lieutenant, November 15, 1917, Sec¬ ond Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Assigned to Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. In France with Company “A,” 7th Infantry. Killed in action at Chateau-Thierry, June 21, 1918. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross, September, 1920. First Davidson man killed in action. Davidson College 41 JOHN CANNON PAISLEY 42 War Record DAVID REID POOLE Born November 18, 1894, at Mount E T lla, N. C. Matriculated at Davidson College, September 1, 1915. Entered Service November 19, 1917. Private, Company “C,” 321st Infantry, Camp Jackson, S. C. Died of meningitis, December 15, 1917. (Contracted while nursing a comrade).* He was the first Davidson man who died in the Service. Davidson College 43 DAVID REID POOLE 44 War Rfxord ERWIN DAVID SHAW Born September 30, 1894, at Alcolu, S. C. Matriculated at Davidson College, Septembei 7, 1911. Enlisted June, 1917, Ground School for Aviators, Colum¬ bus, Ohio. Arrived in England, October 1, 1917. Continued training at Oxford, Grantham and Wadding- ton, England, and in Scotland. Commissioned First Lieutenant in Royal Aii Setv ice. Assigned to Front, May, 1918. Killed in aerial comhat (after destroying two German planes), near Grandcourt. France, July 9, 1918. Davidson College 45 ERWIN DAVID SHAW 46 War Record HARRY FAISON SHAW Born January 14, 1894, at Concord, N. C. Matriculated at Davidson College, September 4, 1913. Enlisted in Naval Reserves, December 4, 1917. Trained at Charleston, S. C. Commissioned Ensign, August 1, 1918. Died of pneumonia, following influenza, in New York City, December 20, 1918. Davidson College 47 HARRY FAISON SHAW 48 War Record FRANK HOLLINGSWORTH SMITH Born September 29, 1897, at Easley, S. C. Matriculated at Davidson College, 1912; A.B. Degree, 1916. Teacher, McCallie School, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1916-17. Entered Virginia Military Institute Training Camp, June 17, Graduated September 17. Trained in Aviation at Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.; Dallas, Tex., and various fields for specialties. Killed in airplane collision while operating camera gun on Talliaferro Field, Fort Worth, Texas, October 5, 1918. 49 Davidson College FRANK HOLLINGSWORTH SMITH 50 War Record FRANK MARTIN THOMPSON Born April 21, 1886, in Raleigh, N. C. Entered Davidson College, 1904. Graduated at State College of Agriculture and Engineer¬ ing, 1910. Commissioned First Lieutenant, Second ( Mficeis Raining Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., November 6, 1917. Assigned to 15th Machine Gun Battalion. o Sailed for France, April 22, 1918. Killed in action September 12, 1918, at St. Mihiel, France. This was his first battle. Davidson College 51 FRANK MARTIN THOMPSON 52 War Record john McDonald wearn Born November 12, 1897, at Charlotte, N. C. Matriculated at Davidson College, September, 1915. Entered Coast Artillery Corps, August, 1917, Fort Cas ¬ well, N. C. Transferred at 10th Anti-Aircraft Battery, July, 1918. Arrived in France, August, 1918. Training continued at Fort De Staine, France. Died October 19, 1918, from pneumonia, following influenza. Davidson College 53 John McDonald wearn 54 War Record GEORGE FRENCH WORTH Born July 22, 1890, at Creskill, N. ]. Matriculated at Davidson College in September, 1907. A.B. Degree, 1911. Entered Naval Coast Defense Reserve in 1917. Was stationed in New York as Gunnery Instructor. Transferred to Submarine Chaser Service for the winter of 1917-18. First Gunner’s Mate. Defective eyesight prevented his being commissioned. He died from pneumonia, following influenza, February 14, 1919. Davidson College 55 GEORGE FRENCH WORTH 56 War Record ROSE STEVENSON Loray, North Carolina. Died, October, 1918. Twenty-six years. When volunteers were called for to help nurse student members of the S. A. T. C., at Davidson College, in Octo¬ ber, 1918, Miss Stevenson responded. She contracted influenza while at Davidson. Pneumonia followed and she passed away on the day she was to have graduated at the Presbyterian Hospital, in Charlotte. She was the only sister of Thomas McLelland Stevenson, 1912. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Davidson College 57 ROSE STEVENSON 58 War Record SERVICE REGISTER Beginning on the opposite page is a list of the graduates, under-graduates, and former students of Davidson College who served their country in the World War. The list is probably incomplete. However, the fact that during the last six months not over twenty names were added makes us feel that the ground is fairly covered. No omission is intentional. The * * * indicate that the infor¬ mation given was received from newspapers. From the names so starred and from the names followed by a blank space, every effort was made to secure the needed infor¬ mation. Five direct appeals were sent to each man, and general requests were made through the college bulletins, The Davidsonian, and the Church and daily papers. The names followed by * died while in service, and are duplicates of those given in the foregoing pages. Thirty-five men were wounded and gassed. Two were members of the Legion of Honor, nine received the Dis¬ tinguished Service Cross, six were awarded the Croix de Guerre, thirteen citations were given, and nine foreign medals and crosses were received. The information in this paragraph, compiled largely from newspapers and reports, is far from complete. 59 Davidson College ADAMS, MINOR REVERE. 1gir R. O. I\ C., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May .13, 1917. ' Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, November 27, 1917. In 335th Field Artillery, Battery E, 87th Division, Camp Pike, Ark. Transferred to Camp Jackson and later to School of Fire at Fort Sill, Okla. After completion of course sent to Camp Funston, Battery E, 29th Field Artillery,10th Division. Discharged at Camp Jackson, S. C., Decem- ALEXANDER, EUGENE. . Commissioned 1st Lieutenant by School for Chaplains at Camp 1 ay or, Ky-, August 15, 1918. Assigned to 11th Division, 71st Infantry, Camp Meade, Md., September 5. Ill from influenza and pneumonia, September 26 to October 14. On January 25, 1919 went to Camp Stuart, Va. Transferred in February to U. S. S. Liber¬ ator, and made one trip across in March. Discharged April 10 1919. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant (Chaplain) in Officers Reserve Corps, U. S. A., October 4, 1919. ALEXANDER, HAZEL NORWOOD .... 1910 Enlisted December 13, 1917, at Fort Thomas, Ky. Served as Assistant to, and as Wing Sergeant-Major till discharged. In 265th Aero Squadron, organized February 8, 1918, Wilbur Wright Field, Fairfield, Ohio. Transferred to Garden City, L. I., March 28, 1918. July. 8, 1918, Sergeant First Class, First Provisional Wing, Air . Service, Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, L. I. Recommended and passed examination for commission in Reserve Corps, Air Service. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Aviation Section, Signal Officers’ Reserve Corps, January 29, 1919. ALEXANDER, ROBERT DUNN.Ex-1919 Enlisted July 3, 1917, as private in Piedmont Artillery Company. August 25, went to Camp Sevier, S. C. At Camp Sevier the regi¬ ment was changed from 1st N. C. F. A., to 113th Field Artillery, 55th Brigade, 30th Division. Regiment sailed in June, 1918. Sep¬ tember 1, in the line northeast of Toul. Served in St. Mihiel, Argonne, Troyon Sectors, went to Bissen with 33rd Division. Returned to France in January, 1919. Served as Private 1/Cl, as driver, cannoneer, and stenographer. Arrived U. S., March, 1919. Discharged May 2, 1919. ALEXANDER, UHLMAN SEYMOUR . . . . 1915 Enlisted June 26, 1918, and assigned to Battery B, 318th Field Artillery of 81st Division. Arrived in France, August 23, 1918. Regiment was never called to the front. In University of Paris, February to June, 1919. Arrived U. S. A. July 13, 1919. Dis¬ charged July 23, 1919, from Camp Mills. ALFORD, ERNEST LESLIE . . . . . Ex-1917 Enlisted April 12, 1917, in Company H, 1st Sep. Bn., Florida Na¬ tional Guard. Promoted Sergeant, April 27, 1917. Attended O. T. C. at Fort McPherson. Com'missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Q. M. ('., August 14, 1917. In command of Company B, 307th Motor Supply, at Camp Gordon, October 20, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Q. M. C., January 29, 1918. In convoy work out of Detroit from March 31, 1918, to June 20, 1918. Sailed for France, June 28, 1918. In Chateau Thierry drive July, 1918. Commissioned Captain, Infan¬ try, July 30, 1918. Sent home August 18, 1918, as Instructor, 9th Division, Camp Sheridan, Assistant Division Inspector, September 9, 1918, to September 21, 1918. Transferred from Captain of Infantry to Captain Motor Transport Corps, October 28, 1918. Dis¬ charged March 7, 1919. ALLAN, TAMES.1911 1917, Commissioned Captain, Field Artillery, 2nd Oglethorpe Train¬ ing Camp. Instructor 3rd Series of 1 raining ( amps at Camp Jack- son, till February, 1918. Transferred to 308th Cavalry at Douglas, 60 War Record Arizona. In July, 1918, the Cavalry Regiments were transferred into Field Artillery Regiments, and he was sent to the School of Fire at Fort Sill. Okla. Assigned to take the 56th Field Artillery Regiment in its final stage of training, and continued till Armistice was signed. Discharged December, 1918. ALLEN, WILLIAM TRONSDALE . . . . Ex-1920 June 11, 1918, Private, Company 146, U. S. Marine Corps, Battery G, Paris Island, S. C. Promoted Corporal, September, 1918. Remained at Paris Island as Instructor till February 28, 1919, when he was discharged. ALLISON, OKEY JOHNSON.1924 Enlisted April 7, 1918, Fort McPherson, Ga. At Fort McPherson till August 15, 1918. Camp Upton, August 17-31. Arrived France September 13, 1918. With Base Hospital No. 65, at Kerhuon, France. Promoted Sergeant, February 19, 1919; Sergeant 1st Class, March 5, 1919. Discharged September 18, 1919, at Camp Mills, L. I. ANDERSON, EDGAR B.*.Ex-1915 He enlisted at Camp Kirkman, May 1, 1917; transferred in fall to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France in May, 1918, with Company E, 114th Regiment, Field Artillery. Battles: St. Mihiel and Meuse Argonne. With the Army of Occupation in Germany. Transferred to Le Mans in February, 1919. Died of pneumonia, February 20, 1919. ANDERSON, LOUIS HARRISON.1915 O. T. C., Fort Oglethorpe, May 14, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, August 15, 1917. Assigned to 81st Division, Camp Jackson, Battery E, 318tli Field Artillery. Pro¬ moted 1st Lieutenant, December 31, 1917. Sent to School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla., March 6, 1918. Sailed for France with 318th Field Artillery, August 1, 1918. Trained in a French Artillery School, and detailed as an Instructor in School of Fire for Field" Artillery Camp Du Valdahon. Promoted to Captain, Field Artillery, March 21 , 1919. Arrived U. S. A., June, 1919. Discharged July 8, 1919. ANDERSON, SAMUEL WILLIAM . . . .1911 May 15, 1917-September 15, 1917, Training at Forts Oglethorpe and Monroe. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, C. A. R. C., till October 26, 1917. Transferred to C. A. C. Regular Army. Promoted 1 st Lieutenant, October 26, 1917, C. A. C. September 15, 1917, First Company, Coast Defense, Charleston, S. C\, December 11, 1917, Battery A, 61st Artillery, July 16, 1918, sailed for France. Assigned to First Army, as Reserved Army Artillery. After the Armistice, was placed in 28th Division, in Command of Company F, of 112th Infantry. Returned to U. S. A., May 1, 1919, and will remain in service. Ex-1919 1918 ANDREWS, WILLIAM PARKER .... 1918, 2nd Lieutenant, Plattsburg, N. Y. ANGLE, CHARLES WILLIAM. Enlisted June 3, 1918, in U. S. Naval Reserve. Sent to Naval Training Station, Norfolk, Va. Transferred to Naval Base, Hampton Roads, Va. Remained there training recruits until latter part of August, when sent to the Officers School of the Naval Aux¬ iliary Reserve, New York City, and Pelham Bay, N. Y. Placed on inactive duty on January 19, 1919. ANSLEY, CAMPBELL WALLACE .... Ex-1917 September 15, 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, C. A. C. Assigned to Fort Screven, Ga. On December 21, 1917, assigned to 61st Artillery Regiment, and sailed July 1/, 1918, for Prance. Served as Line Officer, Battalion Staff Supply Officer, Regimental Subsistence Offi- cer- Returned to U. S., January 30, 1919. Discharged March 8, Davidson College 61 ARCHER, VINCENT WILLIAM ..... Ex 1914 1917, in Field Hospital 322, Camp Jackson, S. C. 2nd Lieutenant Quartermaster Section. * * * ARMISTEAD, NATH. LE MASTER . . . . Ex-1919 Entered Service May 14, 1917. Trained at Fort Root, Ark., and Ground School at Champaign, Ill. Sailed October 15, 1917, for France, and trained at Tours and Langres. Flying Instructor part of time. Return to U. S. delayed on account of illness. Discharged June 1, 1919. ARROWOOD, JOHN BARTLEY.Ex-1916 Attended O. T. C., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., JVlay 15, 1917. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. At Camp Jackson, S. C., August 15, 1917 to December 10, 1917. At Camp Joseph E. lohnston, ^Jacksonville, Fla., December 10, 1917, to January 10, 1918. Remount Depot, 301, Camp Hill, Va., January 10, 1918, to July 10, 1918. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, March 29, 1918. Sailed for France August 14, 1918. Arrived U. S. June 30, 1919. Dis¬ charged August 22, 1919. ARROWOOD, ROBERT SOUTH . . . • 1913 He was inducted into service at Camp Taylor, July 12, 1918. Com¬ missioned August 15; served as Chaplain at Camp Lee fiom August 15, 1918, to January 15, 1919. Transferred to U. S. S. Wilhelmina, as’Transport Chaplain with headquarters at Hoboken. Discharged May 19, 1919. on U. 1919, S. in . Ex-1912 S. Charleston from De¬ convoy work from New .Ex-1918 May 1, 19 i 7. Commissioned Cap- Assigned to command 13th Com- 4th Training Battalion, 154th Depot Brigade, Camp Meade, August 17. Transferred to Headquarters Company, 808 Pio- AUST1N, DAVID McBRYDE 1917, Seaman in Navy. Served cember 11, 1917 to January 14, York City. AUSTIN, TAMES MADISON Attended O. T. S., Fort Niagara, tain of Infantry, August 1917. pany, neer Regiment* Vco^-e^tro^) ^ V^nc^ September, 1918, Argonne Forest, with 80th Division. Appendicitis March, 1919. Returned to U S A., in serious condition June, 1919. Several operations followed. Discharged March 12, 1920. Ex _ 1914 A ^ R S E e?ond°0 E T H CV Fort Benjamin Harrison August 27 1917. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, November 27 191/. Attached to 84 cember 13, 1918. BACHMAN, HARRY WILSON . 1918, Camp Mills, N. Y., 1st Lieutenant. BACHMAN, fOSEPH SYDNEY* • Enlisted in Navy, July 10, 1918. Reported tember 26, 1918. Died at Hampton Loads, 1913 1918 for active service Sep- Va., October 17, 1918, of“Cereb“ro-Spinal fever. Ill about twelve hours. BAILEY, CLARENCE BERNARD ■ • A * at A ; my Medical December 7 1917, in Medica I » ^ commissioned 2nd Lieutnant, V SaSV° Corps Assigned May 3, 1919, commissioned 1st Lieutenant. Discharged June 6, 1919. 1914 IClCjUcll IL13 ' *-'*•** * Ill France eight months. 62 War Record BAILEY, HERBERT PUTNAM.1922 Enlisted July 19, 1918, 3rd O. T. C., Plattsburg, N. Y. Commis¬ sioned 2nd Lieutenant, Camp Grant, Ill. Discharged December 12, 1918. BAIN, JOHN MARTIN.Ex-1917 Enlisted April 25, 1918, at Camp Jackson, S. C. Was cook first four months, and instructor remainder of service. Discharged Jan¬ uary 9, 1919. BAKER, FRANK HAYNE.Ex-1917 Inducted into Medical Department, June 22, 1918. Sent to Yale Laboratory School. Sent overseas with Laboratory Unit, September 7, 1918, with 86th Division. Stationed at Saint Andee de Cubjat, France. Transferred November 1, 1918 to Headquarters, Medical Laboratory, Dijon. Transferred December 15, 1918, Base Labora¬ tory, Embarkation Center, Le Mans, France. Arrived U. S. A., July, 1919 and was discharged as Sergeant on July 25, 1919. BAKER, SAMUEL CHANDLER* . . . . . 1886 He entered service in June 1917. Commissioned Captain, Medical Reserve Corps, August 17, 1917. Assumed active duty at Camp Wheeler, October 9th, 1917. Took a special course in brain surgery at Neurological Institute, New York, December, 1917, and was or¬ dered back to Camp Wheeler. He died of pneumonia, at Sumter, S. C., March 20, 1918. BAKER, WILLIAM THOMPSON.Ex-1925 He enlisted in Navy as app. seaman, December 10, 1917, at United States Training Station, St. Helena, Virginia. On U. S. S. Mon¬ tana (Cruiser) as seaman second class, Feb. 21, 1918. In convoy service from February 25 to July 14, 1918, making five trips. Transferred July 14, 1918 to U. S. S., Antigone (Transport), (Yeo¬ man) on which six trips were made. Discharged as Yeoman 3rd class, U. S. Navy, Feb. 23, 1919 at Newport News. (Captain’s and Chaplain’s Yeoman on U. S. S. Antigone.) BANKHEAD, JAMES CHARLES.Ex-1915 Camp Jackson, S. C., 1918. * * * BARKSDALE, CECIL BRUCE.Ex-1915 April 6, 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Assigned to Company K, 323rd Infantry, 81st Division. France August, 1918. Meuse-Argonne, Vosges, and Verdun Sectors. Pro¬ moted to 1st Lieutenant, February 1919. Arrived U. S. A., June 1919. Discharged June 14, 1919. BARNHARDT, JOHN JACOB.Ex-1911 Enlisted in Air Service Branch of Regular Army, January 28, 1918 Sailed for France, July 16, 1918. Landed in U. S. A., June 28, 1919. Discharged July 26, 1919. BARRON, JOHN ROY.1911 First O. T. C., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May, 1917. Transferred to Fort Monroe, Va., and Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 14, 1917. Sailed for France, September 12, 1917. Trained further at Bourges, Langres, and St. Omer, France, and De St. Maner. As¬ signed to 1st Trench Mortar Battalion, Battery A, March 19, 1918. Transferred October 1st, 1918 to Headquarters Troop, 1st Army Corps. Promoted 1st Lieutenant September 27, 1918. Discharged July 1, 1919. BARRY, JOHN C.1912 Enlisted in Medical Department, Regular Army, April 1, 1916, at Columbus, Ohio. Transferred to Camp Hospital, Fort Bliss, Texas, and assigned to 8th U. S. Cavalry, January, 1917. Transferred to Infantry Training School, Leon Springs, Texas, January, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in May, 1918. Transferred to 157th Depot Brigade, Camp Gordon, Ga. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, August 1918, and made Assistant Brigade Adjutant. Discharged January 14, 1919. Davidson College 63 BATE, WILLIAM CALHOUN ^ 1ni<7 February 28 1918, U S. Navy, Norfolk, Va.,' and Hampton Roads U. S. S. Olympia, Transport service, Russia. May, 1918 cruis¬ ing in European waters till June, 1919. Discharged July 5, 1919. 1899 BEALL, LOUIS GIRARDEAU Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, May 19 1917 Called o service March 2, 1918. Officers Training Camp,’ Camp Green R af ’ , Ga -’ Com P any 21 > and served on Disability and Examining Boards. transferred to Fort McPherson, Ga., and later to Camn himn n 'H A T7 d r inranc V e 4 September 13, 1918. Stationed at Ker tlosiutal Center. Commissioned Captain August 21 1918- Majoji May 2, 1919. U. S. A., July, 1919. Discharged August BEDINGER, HENRY GRAYBILL 1qn Enlisted March 1, 1918. Trained as Chaplain at Fort Monroe, Com- m^sionedist Lieutenant, Chaplain, April 4, 1918. Post Chaplain at hort Moultrie till September 23, 1918. From Tuly 16 1918 till December 14 1918 with 75th Regiment, C. A. C. Sailed for France October 5, 1918. From January 4th, 1919 to May 20th, 1919 Post Chaplain at Chambery, France. From May 22 to August 14 1919 Post Chaplain at Air Service Production Center No. 2. Arrived U. S. A., August 29, 1919. Discharged at Camp Gordon, Ga. Sep¬ tember 16, 1919. BELK, JOHN BLANTON Entered service as 2nd Lieutenant, C. A. moted 1st Lieutenant, November 27, 1917. well, and three months at Fort Monroe. 19, 1918. Assigned to 8th Anti-Aircraft Ex-1915 C., August 5, 1917. Pro- Five months at Ft. Cas- Arrived in France June Battalion, C. A. C. manded Battalion from August 12, 1918 to February 17, 1919. charged at Camp Gordon, Ga., August 8. 1919. 'Served on Sector with 1st Division, with 7th French Army on Lorraine; 10th A. A. Sector (Colombey-les-Belles) and from March 1, 1919 to July 3, 1919 with Inspector General’s Department, Nantes, France. Com- Dis- Toul with BELL, JOHN LESLIE.Fx-1912 Enlisted in Piedmont Battery of 1st N. C. F. A. This was changed to Battery F, of 113th Field Artillery of 30th Division. Detailed to 3rd O. T. C., at Fort Leon Springs, Texas, January 4, 1918. Sent with 300 men to Saumur Artillery School in France. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, July 1918. Sent to Le Blanc, Department of Indre, and kept on duty in Field Artillery Motor School there till ordered to U. S. Arrived U. S. March 27, 1919. Discharged April 25, 1919. BELLAMY, EMMETT HARGRAVE .... Ex-1911 Enlisted July 25, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Troop G, 1st Separate Squad, N. C. National Guard. Resigned Commission and re-commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, November 25, 1917, Field Ar¬ tillery, Assigned to 80th Division Field Artillery. Transferred June 13, 1918 to 7th Ammunition Train, Camp McArthur. Arrived in France August 27, 1918. 7th Ammunition Train stationed at Camp de Mencon, and at Jezaineville. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Company G, 7th Ammunition Train. Transferred June, 1919 to Company A, same train, at Hilgert, Germany. Com¬ pany A returned to U. S. A., September 1, 1919. Discharged Oc¬ tober 9, 1919, Camp Meade, Md. BELLINGRATH, GEORGE COUNCIL .... 1918 June 28, 1918, in Naval Reserve Force. Ordered to active duty August 1, 1918. Trained at Charleston Naval Training Station. Sent to Officers’ Material School, Norfolk. November 15th. Com¬ missioned Ensign in Reserve Force, March 15, 1919. Placed on inactive duty, March 16, 1919. 64 War Record BERNHARDT, GEORGE COLUMBUS .... Ex-1890 Graduated from West Point, Class, 1892; conimissioned 2nd Lieu¬ tenant 6th Cavalry, June, 1892. Served with that regiment till February, 1901. Captain 15th Cavalry from February, 1901, to June. 1915; Major, Cavalry, May, 1916; Lieutenant-Colonel, Cav¬ alry July, 1917; Colonel (temporary), Infantry, August, 1917 to October, 1918; Brigadier-General (temporary) October 1, 1918, to June 1, 1919; returned to pre-war rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Colonel Tulv 1 1920, (Commanded a troop of 6th Cavalry, 2nd Lieutenant) at the battle of Santiago de Cuba, 1898. Served with 6th Cavalry in China Relief Expedition, 1900; afterwards as Captain and quar¬ termaster of Volunteers at Fientain, China. Served with oth Cav- alrv. as Captain during Philippine Insurrection, and in the campaign against Moros at Lake Lanao, in 1902. Served on Mexican Border, 1913 to 1916. On General Staff, Washington, 1). C., 1912 In charge of Finance Division, Depot, Quartermaster, Washington, D. ( ., 1916-17). Organized and trained 329th Infantry of the 83rd Division, at Camp Sherman, Ohio, and accompanied it to France. Sent to front with 1st Division, and assumed command of 28th Infantry, on line north of Toul. Commanded regiment during St. Mihiel offensive in Sep¬ tember, 1918, and in the Argonne-Meuse Campaign, October 1st to 11th, 1918. Commanded the 2nd Brigade. 1st Division, October 10 to 27. Assigned to 189th Brigade of 89th Division, and com¬ manded it on its march into Germany in November and December, 1918. Returned home in May, 1919. Decorated by French Gov- eminent for services at St. Mihiel, and made an officer of the Le¬ gion of Honor, receiving the Croix de Guerre with palm. Since re- turning to America he has completed course at the Army Staff School, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, and was designated to attend the Army Staff College in Washington from August, 1920 to June, 1921. BERNHARDT, GEORGE HARPER • • __ • Ex-1916 1918, Commissary Office and Naval llase, Norfolk, \ a. Ensign. * * * BERNHARDT, MATTHIAS RICHMOND . . . Ex-1920 July 26, 1918, U. S. Navy. Trained at Hampton Roads, Naval Base. Served on U. S. S. Michigan. Discharged December 12, 1918. BERRYHILL, WILLIAM CAREY.. Ex-1919 May 28, 1918, Camp Jackson, S. C. Overseas ten months. Dis¬ charged July 1, 1919. BIDDLE, PERRY HARVEY.1923 He enlisted at Fort Screven, June 6, 1917. Transferred to Camp Jackson August 14, 1917. Attached to Discharged July 18, 1919. BIRD, ELDRED HOLLOWAY June 8, 1918, Naval Station, Charleston, duty as a pharmacist mate, September 5, BITZER, GEORGE LEESE, Jr. . Three months in Army Training Camp, BITZER, WILL TINSLEY ...... Entered O. T. C. (7th Reg.) at Ft. McPherson, Ga., May 22, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, of Field Artillery, Aug. 15, 1917. Assigned to 320th Field Artillery, 82nd Division, Camp Gordon, Ga. Assigned to Aviation Section for training and ordered to France, November 22, 1917. Rejected for Air Service, May 10, 1918, for physical reasons. Served in St. Mihiel Offensive, Argonne Forest and Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Returned to U. S. A., August 1919. Discharged, August 29, 1919. BLACK, ARTHUR FRIEZLANI).F.x-1910 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, Eagle Pass, Texas, 3rd Infantry. 1919, 1st Lieutenant. April 1, 1919, discharged. * * * Base 1 lospital at Jackson. 1920 S. C. Placed on inactive 1919. Ex-1918 1918.’ 1914 Davidson College 65 BLACK, FRED LeROY.Ex-1904 Entered U. S. Service, June, 19, 1916, Captain, 2nd N. C. Infantry. On Mexican Border. This Regiment was later changed to 119th Infantry, 30th Division. Went overseas, May, 1918. Transferred, January, 1919 to 3rd Division, 4th Infantry, Army of Occupation. Arrived U. S. A. August 23, 1919. officer, 3rd Division, to be stationed in service. BLACK, JOHN McKINLEY.1920 May, 1917, entered O. T. C., Fort Oglethorpe. Captain of Infantry, temporary at Camp Pike. He will remain Assigned to Camp Commissioned 2nd Jackson, Columbia, sailed Lieu- 1922 Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. S. C., 316th Field Artillery, 81st Division. August 5, 1918, for France. Arrived August 18, 1918. Commissioned 1st tenant, Field Artillery, October 19, 1918. Discharged July 2, 1919. He was trained in the Field Artillery Firing School, Valdabon, Dobs. Stationed at St. Bliu, near Chaumonte, France. November 1918, to May, 1919. BLACK, ROBERT LAWSON 1918, 2nd Lieutenant (Plattsburg), Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Discharged December 14, 1918. BLAIR, HENRY THEODORE.Ex-1911 Enlisted December 14, 1917. Sent to Camp Johnston, Florida, Jan¬ uary, 1918. Placed in charge of Allotment, etc., War Risk Insurance, for block of seventeen Companies, which had best record reported. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant and made Instructor in Systematizing 'the Supply Depots, etc. Sent to Washington, as 1st Assistant and later in charge of assignments, transfers, commissions, Operating Division of the office of Director of Purchase age. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Captain and Major. Lai sent to Philippine Islands. Discharged July 30, 1919. BLAKE, ROBERT SIMS . . • • • • E . x ‘ 1916 Enlisted May 14, 1917, O. T. C., Fort Oglethorpe Ga. Commis¬ sioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. Attached to 3-1st In¬ sist Division, Camp Jackson, August 27, 191/ to April lb, Transferred to 156th Depot Brigade, April 15, 1918. Pro- lst Lieutenant April 20, 1918. Discharged February 11, under the and Stor- 1919 :y m 2 nd . Ex-1916 Lieutenant. fantry, 1918. rnoted 1919. BLAKE, WILLIAM KENNEDY, JR. • . .• May, 1917, O. T. C. August, 1917, commissioned . . Assigned to 318th Field Artillery, 81st Division, and remained with them till end of war. Discharged April 22nd, 1919. , Qin 1 ' L1 Tr’ain ] Canp!'j'ackson till May 8, 1918. Arrived at Brest, May 30 1918. Sent to Honderlaincourt June 24, 1918. In Champagne - Marne Defensive. Aine-Marne Offensive, Chateau I luerry Sector, 1 Verdun Sector, Meuse-Argonne Offensive, 11, 1918. Arrived Pfaffendorf, Germany. December 14, 1918. Left Germany, July 14 1919. A., August 3, 1919. Discharged as private, August LeR °Y. M. C. A., Secretary at Camp Wheeler West Fla., from December 15, 1918, till in France March 16, 1919. Located in till August 6, 1919. Work was Oisne Aisne Offensive, Tuly 15, to November Arrived 10, 1919. U. S. BLYTHE, FRED September 22, 1918, At Naval Air Station, Key February 8, 1919. Arrived Camp Pontanezen, at Brest, letics and education. BOGGS, WILLIAM LAURIE Chief Yeoman, U. S. S. Edgar BONEY, NORWOOD BRUCE • Enlisted in Navy June 17 191/, training. July 15, 1917, placed January 10, 1918, U. S. S. May 15, 1918, transferred December 11, 1918. 1907 m Ga. ath- Ex-1915 F. Luckenbach. Ex-1917 and sent to Norfolk, \ a., for on U. S. S. Texas, as Signalman. Arkansas, to enter a fire control School, to U. S. S. New Mexico. Discharged 66 War Record BOOE, EVERETT LITTLE.Ex-1911 Entered 2nd O. T. C., at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 27, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, November 27, 1917. Assigned to 38th Regiment of Infantry, 3rd Division, Camp Green. Arrived in France April 6, 1918. Trained in Trench Mortar School at Chatil- lion-sur-Seine. On Front through second battle of Marne, and in Vesle Drive, St. Mihiel Sector, and beginning of Argonne Drive. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, September 5, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A., October 13, 1918, and sent to Camp Gordon as Instructor in Trench Mortars. Discharged January 7, 1919. BOSWELL, MADISON GRIFFIN.1915 June 15, 1918, entered Georgia School of Technology, for a course in Radio Work. Five weeks later sent to Officers’ Training Camp, Camp Gordon, Ga., July 18, 1918, to October 15, 1918. Commis¬ sioned 2nd Lieutenant, Company A, 3rd Replacement Regiment. Sent to Camp Beauregard, La. In Camp Personnel Office from November 11, 1918 to March 11, 1919 when discharged. BOYD, JAMES LeROY . . . . . . . 1912 1917, Headquarters, Battery F, 319th Field Artillery, N. A., 82nd Division, Camp Gordon, Ga. 1918, France, 2nd Lieutenant. With 82nd Division, July to November, 1918. March 15th, 1918, pro¬ moted to 1st Lieutenant. Discharged August 19, 1919. BRADFORD, BERNARD McCAULEY .... Ex-1912 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps, June 26, 1918. Assigned to Urological Department, Camp Jackson, and later at Camp Dix, N. J. (same department). Discharged January 28, 1919. BRADSHAW, DORSEY THOMAS.1911 1918, Fall S. A. T. C., Central State Normal, Ada. Oklahoma, for three months. BRADY, FRANK . ..Ex-1917 Enlisted April 1, 1917, in Jackson, Mich., Company M, 32nd Mich¬ igan National Guard. Trained at Camp Grayling, and at Waco, Texas. Transferred to Company F, 126th Infantry, 32nd Division, as Corporal. Fractured arm playing football. Made Sergeant 1st Class, Medical Corps in Base Hospital. Discharged at Waco, Texas, March 5, 1919. BRIDGES, JAMES ROBERTSON.Ex-1913 Enlisted November 5, 1917, at Fort Monroe, Va. Served on Vesle Sector (Corps troops) August 7, 1918. Oise-Aisne Offensive (Corps troops) September 13-15, Argonne Sector and Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensives September 26, 1918, to November 11, 1919. Ar¬ rived in France April 13, 1918; arrived U. S. A., May 5, 1919. Discharged May 20th, 1919. BROCKINGTON, WILLIAM BURRIE .... 1912 1918, 34th Company, 9th Training Battalion, 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson, S. C. * * * BROWER, JAMES GRAHAM.Ex-1917 Trained at Camp Jackson, S. C., till May 8, 1918, with Truck Com¬ pany No. 6, First Corps Artillery Park. Arrived Brest, France, May 30, 1918. Sent to Hondelaincourt, June 24, 1918. In Champagne- Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, Chateau-Thierry Sector, Oisne-Aisne. Offensive, Verdun Sector, Meuse-Argonne Offensive period covering July 15 to November 11, 1918. Arrived Pfaffendorf, Germany, December 14, 1918. Left Germany July 14, 1919. Ar¬ rived U. S. A., August 3. 1919. * * * BROWN, CHARLES GRADY.1922 Trained at Camp Jackson, with Truck Company No. 6, of First Corps Artillery Park, as Corporal. Arrived, France May 30, 1918. In Champagne-Marne Offensive, Chateau-Thierry Sector, Oise-Aisne Offensive, Verdun Sector. Meuse-Argonne Offensive, covering period from July 15, 1918 to November 11, 1918. Arrived Pfaffendorf, Davidson College 67 Germany, December 14, 1918. Left Germany July 14, 1919. Ar¬ rived U. S. A., August 3, 1919. Discharged August 10, 1919 at Camp Lee, Va. BROWN, DONALD ERWIN 1917, Private, Camp Sevier, S. C., Infantry. * * * Headquarters 1913 Department, 118th BROWN, FRANCIS KENNETH.Ex-1914 Drafted May 9, 1918. Trained at Fort Screven, Ga., thirty days and at Camp Humphreys, Va., till August 10, 1918. Attached to Rail¬ road Engineers. Sent to Camp Forest, Tenn., September 10, 1918, and assigned to 209th Engineers. From September 10, till Decem¬ ber 21, 1918 at Camp Sheridan, Ala. Sergeant Company B, 209th Engineers. BROWN, HARRY BERNAL. 192 o Enlisted June 25, 1918, U. S. N. R. F. In training at New Orleans, La., on U. S. S. “Cheyenne” November 14, 1918. Given in-active service discharge May, 1918, at Key West, Fla. BROWN, JAMES WALKER.1912 October 17, 1918, \. M. C. A. Service. Served at Camp Meigs and Camp Humphreys, Va., and then was transferred to Liberty Hut, Washington (Billy Sunday’s Tabernacle). Resigned October 1, 1919. BROWN, PRESSLY ROBINSON*.Ex-1906 Commissioned August 15, 1917, 1st Lieutenant. Went to Camp Mer- . ritt, November 9, 1917. Arrived in Scotland, January 1, 1918; with Base Hospital No. 66 till March 21, 1918, when he was transferred to 9th Infantry. In June he was transferred to the 23rd Infantry. Killed in battle, Tuly 1st, 1918. BROWNLEE, ROBERT FRANK.1914 Attended first O. T. C., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., July 14, 1917. Assigned to 81st Division, at Camp Jackson. Attached to 321st Infantry, September 5, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant December 31, 1917, and as¬ signed to 321st Infantry. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Served thirty-three days in St. Die Sector (quiet sector). In Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensive. Discharged July 31, 1919. BRUCE, SYDNEY . . . . . . . 1914 Enlisted in C. A. C., at Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, May 1, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Served three months at Fort Moul¬ trie, then transferred to Fort Monroe, Va. Discharged December 24, 1918. BRUNSON, STILES MELLICHAMP .... Ex-1915 Enlisted in American Field Service late in 1917. Placed in Motor Truck Service as a Volunteer in French Army. There for six months. Enlisted in American Red Cross, and sent to Italy De¬ cember 1917, with Ambulance Service of 3rd Italian Army of Duke D’Aosta. In summer of 1918 returned to France, and entered French Officers Artillery Training School at Fontainebleau. Study¬ ing there with rank of “Eleve Aspirant” when Armistice was signed. Returned to U. S. A., in March, 1919. BUFORD, PRESTON._ ^-V 1910 Enlisted May 29, 1918, at Camp Jackson, with Battery C, 317th Field Artillery, 81st Division. Went overseas August 7, 1918, and remained till June, 1919. Discharged June 19, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va BUIE,'ARCHIBALD PATTERSON . . • , Ex-1912 2nd Lieutenant in 2nd Florida Infantry. Called into Service August 5 1917 Transferred to Camp Wheeler, Ga., 31st Division, 124th Infantry. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, October 1, 1917. Arrived in France, October 19, 1917. Transferred to 32nd Division. On front till Armistice. Arrived in Germany December 15, 1918. Left Germany, Easter, 1919. Arrived U. S. A., May Un¬ charged June 13, 1919. Dis- War Record 68 BULLA, THOMAS McNEILL*.1907 Enlisted as Chaplain (1st Lieutenant) of 4th Virginia Regiment, May 17, 1917, at Norfolk, Va. Company transferred to Anniston, Ala., in September. In early Spring (1918) he was transferred to 111th Machine Gun Battalion, 29th Division. On June 29, 1918, the Battalion arrived overseas. In August he was transferred to 116th Infantry. Died October, 17, 1918, from wounds from explod¬ ing shell received October 15. He died from loss of blood. BULLOCK, JOHN WATKINS.1917 May 7, 1918, inducted into Ordnance Department, Camp Hancock, Ga. Transferred to Camp Pike, Ark., and to Camp Bragg. Dis¬ charged June 10, 1919, as Sergeant of Ordnance. BURGIN, LAURENCE L.Ex-1917 Enlisted in Coast Artillery August 7, 1918. Corporal m 7th Anti- Aircraft Battery, Fort Caswell. Sailed for France, June 10, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A., March 7, 1919. At front at St. Mihiel, Toul and Argonne. BURNS, ALVIN CARUTHERS.Ex-1919 1918, Camp Wadsworth. * * * BURNS, EDDIE BETTS . . . . • Ex-1919 1917, Private, Camp Jackson, S. C. 1918, France, Cook, Company K, 118th Infantry, 30th Division. 1919 (March) U. S. A. In France twelve months. Cited by General Pershing “for distinguished and exceptional gallantry at Villeret, France, on September 26, 191S.” “During the operations near Villeret this soldier acted as stretcher bearer and never hesitated during the heaviest enemy shell fire and for four days and nights worked almost continuously administering to the wounded. On one occasion when a comrade was wounded in an advance outpost, about 250 yards in front of the line, Burns volunteered to go and get him through very heavy shell fire and in plain view of the enemy carried the wounded man to a place of safety, saving his life.” A shell exploded so close to them that Mr. Burns’ wrist watch was torn from his arm. BURNS, HARRY POWER ...... Ex-1918 Enlisted in U. S. Navy June 21, 1918. Stationed at Charleston, S. C. Instructor, Naval Unit, University of Virginia. Released December 23, 1918. BUTLER, CHAUNCEY WRENN . . . . Ex-1912 1918, 1st Lieutenant, Aviation. * * * CAINE, FRANK HAMMOND . . . . Ex-1913 July 24, 1918, Battery C, 1st Regiment Field Artillery, R. D., Camp Tackson, S. C. Discharged December 3, 1918. CALDWELL, HARRY.Ex-1914 Enlisted June 12, 1917, in Hospital Unit O, Fort McPherson, Ga. Arrived in France March 4, 1918. With Base Hospital No. 6. Served at Talence, near Bordeaux, March 4, 1918, to March, 1919. Unit was demobilized in April, 1919. CALDWELL, MORRISON HARRIS, JR. . . . Ex-1915 May, 1917, Officers Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, August, 1917. Transferred to Camp Jackson and then to Camp Sevier. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. At¬ tended Toledo School of Sharpshooters. Promoted Captain. Worker in Headquarters Company of 156tli Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson. Commissioned Captain in Reserves. CALHOUN, JOHN CHILES . . . Ex-1918 April 10, 1917, Company A, South Carolina National Guard. Trans¬ ferred July 25, to Federal Service, Fort Moultrie, S. C., as First Class Gunner. Promoted Sergeant, and later served as Plotter. Transferred to Regular Army December 12, 1917, 61st Artillery, C. A. C. Trained at Camps Eustis and Stewart. Arrived in France, August, 1918. Returned to U. S. A., February, 1919. Discharged as Sergeant of Infantry, March 3, 1919. Davidson College 69 CALHOUN, RALPH MORRISON . . . Ex-1920 Sailed for France with 42nd (Rainbow) Division, October 18, 1917. Battles: Lorraine, Champagne, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Ar- gonne and Sedan. With Army of Occupation in Germany. Sailed for U. S. A., April 18, 1919. CAMPBELL, ERNEST RAY 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, C. A. France. Gassed November 10. CAMPBELL, HERMAN ARCH. 1918, 22nd Company, 156th Depot C., Fort 1918. * Caswell, * * N. C. 1918, 1914 in Brigade, Camp Jackson, S. C. 1917 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM HENRY RUFFNER . . . 1910 Ensign, U. S. N. Reserves. Shipped, March, 1918. Relieved from active duty, December, 1918. CANDLER, GEORGE SCOTT.1907 Enlisted April 22, 1917, 1st Officers Training Camp, Fort Mc¬ Pherson, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 13, 1917. 1>ro ' moted 1st Lieutenant, January 1, 1918. Promoted Captain, Novem¬ ber 1, 1918. Assigned to Company F, 328th Infantry. Wounded in action September 17th, 1918, at Vandierres, in St. Mihiel Drive. As 1st Lieutenant in command of Company D, 328th Infantry, 82nd Division in Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Discharged June 21, 1919 Ex-1914 Served with Officers Train- Discharged at CANDLER, MILTON ANTONY • On August 26, 1918, he enlisted in Signal Corps 209th Field Signal Battalion. Later attended Signal ing Camp, and was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Camp Hancock, Ga., January 4, 1919. CANSLER, EDWIN THOMAS, JR. . • • • . Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, 1st Officeis liainin» Camp. Assigned to Machine Gun Company, 3Hst Intantiy, cist Division. Promoted 1st Lieutenant January 1, 1918. transferred to 89th Division, as Captain, Judge Advocate s Department Made Assistant Division fudge Advocate, 80th Division, December 23, 1910 Discharged March 12. 1919. Infantry. 332nd Infantry, Ga. Ex-1917 Camp 19 i 1 1915 Ex-1917 1917 1918. Overseas seven months, CARMICHAEL, McKINNON 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, N. C. Jackson, S. C. * * * CARR, MAXCY HALL 1st Lieutenant. * * * CARRIKER, JOHN ANDERSON 1918, Camp Polk, Raleigh, N. C. CARROLL, ALEXANDER THOMAS . 1918, Medical Department, Fort Oglethorpe CAR iShled Mnrch T ‘ 19 IsfiV" Legal ' Section Ordnance Corps, Washington, D. C. April, ^18, tram, * Ordnance Department, Canm Hancock,^,a.. and Ca ^ J School Camp Taylor, Ky„ October, 1918. Discharged December 3, 1918. CARSON, JAMES HOLMES £ mmi ‘ s ; rne d 1st 'Lieutenant, Field Enlisted August 26 1917 Conmu s i. Captain , September 13, Artillery, November 27 1917. Commissionea v. ^ ^ Instructor 1918. Commissioned Major, m Reserves, J . ; j M ay 22, Field Artillery Officers’ Training School. Discharged May 1919 . _ ... CARSON, McALIS I ER • * Oaletlioroc August, 1917. Coni- Entered 2nd Training Camp at Og^tho I - f) ecembe r 15, 1917 missioned 1st Lieutenant. At Camp riK ,h>/Jh 1 ’ to June 20, 1918. Ten weeks spent m Schoo 1916 1913 of Fire at Fort Sill. 70 War Record Qnilprl fnr 'France Auirust 27, 1918. Assigned to Base Section No. I Arrived U S Af February 22, 1919. Discharged March 7, 1919. CAR Maf , r5°m7 E attIn?ed 1st’ Trailing Camp, Fort Oglethorpe Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant August 15, Aligned to Camp Jackson, S. C., August 29, 1917, Company K, 322nd ^fantry, 81st Division Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, December 31, 1917. Course in musketry at Fort Sill, Okla., January, 1918. Moved with Divi¬ sion to Camp Sevier, June, 1918, and to Camp Upton, July, 19. Liverpool, England, August 11, 1919. France, August 18, One month training near Tonnerre; one month m trenches in Vosg mountains. Camp St. Airy near Verdun November 1 1918. In Meuse-Argonne Offensive November 9-11, 19 18. In^ ijF’ioig cember 1, 1918 to June 1, 1919. Landed U. S. A., June 18, 1919. Discharged at Camp Lee, June 24, 1919 CARTER, ROBERT CECIL ...••• Ex-19 9 CARTLEDGE, GROVES HOWARD • • • .* * 1911 Civilian Research Chemist, American University Equipment Sta¬ tion, Bureau of Mines, Washington D. C., June 15, 1918. Latei converted into Research Division, Chemical War Service, U. 9 . 1 . Subsequently made Liaison Officer between Research Division, Chemical War Service and C. W. S. Proving Grounds Lakehurst N T (Still Civilian.) Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Chemical Warfare Service, November 5, 1918. Discharged January 16, 1919. CARWILE, PRESTON BANKS . • • • • Ex-1919 Enlisted 1918. One month at Camp Wadsworth, S. C. landed, at Brest September, 1918. Private in Signal Platoon of Headquarters Company, 55th Pioneer Infantry. December 6 , 1918 assigned to Company D, 106th Infantry, 27th Division. Landed at Hoboken March 6 , 1919. Trained for a month for 27th Division parade, New York City. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va., April 4, 1919. CASHION, AVERY TED • ■ • • • A .*~ • „ 1917 1917 Air-craft service of U. S. Government (Stand. Air Corpora¬ tion)’ Elizabeth, N. J., and Plainfield, N. J. Enlisted in Naval Avia¬ tion Branch, July 27, 1918. Sent to University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Placed in Naval Reserves after Armistice. Returned to Stand. Air Corporation till spring of 1919. CASSELL, FRIEL MONTGOMERY . . . • Enlisted April 22, 1917, Roanoke, Va., in Coast Artillery, three months at Camp Stewart, and lime months at Fort Corporal, 60th Regiment, C. A. C. Landed in Crest, May at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. In hospital. 66 th Field Artillery Brigade. Six months at Sailed from St. Nazaire, France June 2nd, 1919; landed , June 15, 1919. Discharged from Camp Meade, Md., Trained Monroe; 7, 1918. Trans- Coblentz 1923 In action ferred to Germany. U. S. A. 1919. CASSELL, JACOB ERISMAN . • • „ • • , 1921 Enlisted Tune 22, 1918, U. S. Navy. Sent to Norfolk Navy \ard, and St. Helena for training. On U. S. S. Munplace from August 31, 1918 to December 7, 1918. Made one trip across in September 1919. Discharged December 13, 1918. CHAMBLISS, LEOPOLD ALEX.1919 Enlisted in 1918. Assigned to Company 30, 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson, S. C. Private in Psychological Department at Camp Jackson till discharged. CHESTER, PINCKNEY JONES . . . . . Ex-1911 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, July 10, 1917. Armv Medical School at Washington, and Officers Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Two weeks at Fort Sill, Okla. Transferred Decern- Davidson College 71 Arizona. 6 , 1919. till Jan- 1901 G Ex-1916 reene. ber 1, 1917 to Base Hospital No. 5, Camp Little, Nogales, Chief of Medical Staff. Promoted Major. Discharged May Holds rank of Major in Medical Reserve Corps. CHEDESTER, WILLIAM PIERCE .... Camp Pastor at Camp Shelby, Miss., from March 1918, uary 1919. CHILDS, EDWARD POWELL, JR.Ex-1918 Entered service May 28, 19is. Sergeant in Company C, 533rd Engineers, and later in 5th Company, 20th Engineers—both For¬ estry Units. Overseas from August 26, 1918 to April 18, 1919. In no major operations. Company stationed behind the lines during entire foreign service. CHOATE, JOSEPH LEIGHTON .... Enlisted in Fall of 1918. Private in Base Hospital Camp N. C., for fifteen months. Discharged February 9, 1919. CHRISTENBURY, LLOYD.Ex-1917 Enlisted November 15, 1917, in the Navy, as Apprentice Seaman. Sent to St. Helena for training. Transferred to U. S. S. Utah January 18, 1918, and U. S. S. Mississippi April 25. Transferred to Naval Base at Norfolk in Commissary Department. Made Store- Keeper, 1st Class, October 1, 1918. Discharged December 21, 1918. CLARK, DEWITT DUNCAN.1912 Helped organize the Red Cross Ambulance Company No. 43 at Raleigh, N. C., in June and July, 1917. Received commission as 1st Lieutenant, August 1, 1917 and ordered to active duty with Ambu¬ lance Company 43, at Camp Lee, Va., September 6, 1917. This Am¬ bulance Company was made a part of 80th Division. Transferred to 3rd Battalion 318th Infantry, November 1, 1918, with which organization he was on the last offensive of Meuse-Argonne. Re¬ ceived Captain’s Commission February 26, 1919. Discharged June 6 , 1919. CLARKE, RUFUS RIVERS.1919 July 16, 1919, commissioned 2nd Lieutenant (Plattsburg), September 16, 1918. Adjutant of 2nd Battalion, and later Commander of Com¬ pany F. Infantry, U. S. Army, Harvard University, S. A. T. C., Cambridge, Mass. Discharged December 16, 1918. CLARY, ERNEST GILMER.. 1917, Sergeant, Batterv F, 113th Field Artillery, Camp Sevier, (July 25, 1917). In France May 26, 1918. Engagements: Defensive, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Troyon and Woevre. turned to U. S. A., March 19, 1919. Discharged March 28, CLARY, ROBERT SCALES . . . • • Enlisted for Mexican Border Service in 1916. Assigned to 1916 S. C. Toul Re- 1919. Ex-1914 U. S. Decem- School of Aviation. Rated as M. S. E., A. M. R. M A., Pilot and Aeronautical Engineer. Has served at New York, San Diego, Honolulu, San Francisco, Dallas, Austin, Urbana, Ills., and Mem¬ phis, Tenn. Commissioned Second Lieutenant. In Aviation Sec¬ tion of Signal Reserve Corps. CLARY, WHITFIELD SPENCER • o • . • • i n Enlisted in U. S. N. R. F., May 14, 1918. Trained at Naval Oper¬ ating Base, Norfolk. In Morale Department. Discharged ber 18, 1918. CLOUD, TOEL MABLE . . • _ •, • Attended first Officers’ Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery August 14, 1917. Assigned" to Camp Jackson, S. C., 316th Field Artillery 156th Artillery Brigade, 81st Division. 1 ransf erred I y. ’ Replacement Depot. Promoted 1st Lieutenant July 1918 1 rans ferred to 14th Division, Camp Custer (42nd Field Artillery), gan. Promoted to Captain, October, 1918. Discharged 8 , 1919. 1912 Ex-1916 Ga. Michi- February 72 War Record COACHMAN, KENDRICK POWELL .... Ex-1919 October 10, 1918, S. A. T. C., Massachusetts Institute of Tech¬ nology. Discharged December 21, 1918. COBB, JAMES ORR - - - - - - 1912 Enlisted in Naval Reserve Flying Corps, September, 1918, Ground School, Cambridge, Mass. Trained in flying at Bayshore, Long Island, Hampton Roads, Va., and Pensacola, etc. Commissioned Ensign. Still in Naval Reserve Flying Corps on inactive duty. Pilot’s license. COCHRAN, CARLISLE CALAIIAN.Ex-1916 Enlisted July 10, 1917. Sailed for France, April 2, 1918. With Sanitary Department, 30th U. S. Infantry, 3rd Division. On front June 3, 1918. Wounded July 5, 1918, on Marne. In hospital till October 18, 1918. With Army of Occupation in Germany. Dis¬ charged September 3, 1919, as Sergeant. The papers (March 13, 1920) announced that he had just been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for attending to wounded under shell fire after being wounded. COCHRANE, ROBERT SHARPE . . . . . Ex-1915 He enlisted in Navy, at Charlotte, N. C., February 6, 1914. He was Pharmacist's Mate, 1st Class, when United States entered the War. Discharged November 6, 1917; Re-enlisted November 7, 1917. Trained with Marines, at Quantico. Ph. M. U. S. N. Sailed for France, February 6, 1918. Trained at Chatillon-Sur-Cher three months. In Chateau-Thierry, Soissons, St. Mihiel, Champagne Sector and Argonne Forest engagements. With Army of Occupation in Germany from December 16, 1918, till July 18, 1919. Arrived LT. S. A., August 6, 1919. Discharged at Charleston, October 11, 1919. Distinguished Service Cross for gallantry in action in Cham¬ pagne Sector, October 3 and 4, 1918. Cited February 19, 1922, for dressing wounds under shell fire for 48 hours. Wounded and gassed October 4, 1918. COLEMAN, WILLIAM OSCE . . . . Ex-1916 Enlisted May, 1917. Attended first Officers’ Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, August, 1917. Sailed for France, October, 1917. Decorated, March, 1918. Lost hand July, 1918. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, April, 1919. App. Aide to General Hines, June, 1919, Coblentz. Arrived U. S. A., November 12, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dodge, la., January 21, 1920. CONOLY, JOHN GILBERT.Ex-1918 Enlisted August 27, 1918, Battery F, 9th Regiment, Field Artillery. Served six months in France with Artillery Replacement Outfit. Discharged May 26, 1919. COOK, SAMUEL HENRY.1909 Enlisted at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May 3, 1918. Served four months in Personnel Office, Recruiting Department, Fort Oglethorpe, and four months as Supply Sergeant, 6th Company, 2nd Training Bat¬ talion, 157th Depot Brigade, Camp McClellan. Ala. Discharged December 9, 1918. COOPER, JOSEPH BENTON.Ex-1909 Enlisted March 29, 1918, at Camp Boone, Great Lakes, Ill. Remained there five months. Trained further at Officers’ School at Pelham Bay, and Columbia University, also the Packard Factory. Discharged in Charleston, December 10, 1918. COOPER, JAMES CRAWFORD.Ex-1915 First Officers’ Training Camp, April 29, 1917, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infanry, August 13, 1917. Arrived in France, September 10, 1917. Six weeks at American Infantry Officers’ School, Valreas, France. Assigned to 51st Company, 5th Regiment, LT. S. Marines, 2nd Division. Transferred to 74th’ Com¬ pany, 6th Regiment U. S. Marines. Three months in Toul Sector Davidson College 73 at C hateau-Thierry. Arrived 1918. Served as such with 13, 1919. Now G. U. S. A. as 20th and 31st 1st Lieutenant, Christian Science War Relief 1904 1904 Verdun Front, and Instructor, July 1, Divisions until discharged, January Henderson Company, 1st N. C. N COOPER, WILLIAM EARLY June, 1918, to April, 1919, with Committee, Charleston, S. C. CORNELSON, CHARLES ARTHUR November 6, 1918, Chemical Warfare Service 1st Lieutenant ,n May fto July Ku' h'4 NT' ? A ' Secretary" Administration Division of Chemical' VVarfare's!'iv‘ice" S "" 7 ° f the CORRIHER, MITCHELL BREVARD . . . Ex-19^0 mm'? 1 !? a - t Ca . m D./^ cksot t V .?• C -> September 7, 1917, Company B, 306th Regiment Military Police of 81st Division (Corporal). Trans¬ ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C., May, 1918. Sailed July 29, 1918 September 1, 1918, to September 25, 1918, in quiet sector of Alsace- Lorraine. I ransferred to First Army as Traffic Police “C. R. A.” with French in Argonne-Meuse Offensive. After Armistice served with 8th Corps, Headquarters Military Police Company at Montigny- sur Aube, till June, 1919. Arrived U. S. A., June 20, 1919. Dis¬ charged at Camp Lee, Va., July 12, 1919. COSBY, MORTIMER. . 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry; 1st Lieutenant, 332nd Infantry, Ca:mp Jackson, S. C. * * * COSBY, WILSON McPHAIL 1917, Camp Jackson, S. C. 1918, 1st Lieutenant, 322nd COWLES, MILES ANDREW Entered West Point, June Assigned to 13th Regiment Bliss, Texas. Transferred December 19, 1917, to Camp Greene. Sailed for France, May 22, 1918. The Regiment trained at Artillery Training Camp, Camp de Souge, France. Sent to Chateau-Thierry, July 27, 1918. On front near Fer-en-Tardenois; in St. Mihiel Offensive (Hill 304) and Argonne Offensive—the latter from Sep¬ tember 26, 1918, to November 11, 1918. During this battle he served on General McGlachlin’s Staff. With the Army of Occupation. 1st Lieutenant, Regular Army, from graduation; Emergency Cap¬ tain, 1918. Ex-1914 C. Assigned to Fort Caswell, N. C., there served with 2nd Company, Coast and as Judge Advocate Special Court, and Assistant Judge Advocate General Court-Martial. 1st Lieuten¬ ant, C. A. C., September 6, 1918. Landed in France, October 15, 1918. Served in France at Heavy Railway Artillery Training Cen¬ ter, Madly le Camp, and Aussimont and Alencon, Orne. Landed U. S. A., March 13, 1919. Discharged at Camp Jackson, S. C., April 17, 1919. CRAIG, WILLIAM GILBERT .... Enlisted April 1, 1918. Camp Jackson. Psychological Department. Transferred November 1 to Sanitary Department, Discharged Tanuary 25, 1919. CRAIG, WILLIAM LYLES . . • . . . • Enlisted June 4, 1917. Overseas with 30th Division 1918, to April 11, 1919. Discharged April 14, CRANFORD, REID DAVIS* Enlisted in the fall of 1917, as private in U. S. Island, S. C., 83rd Company, 6th Regiment, early in 1918. At Chateau-Thierry, Killed in action July 19, 1919. Commissioned at Fort Oglethorpe, Infantry. * * * 15, 1914, graduating August 30, Field Artillery, Regular Army, 1912 Ex-1915 Ga., Ex-1916 1917. Fort COWLES, WILLIAM HENRY 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, C. A. August 15, 1917, and while Defenses of the Cape Fear Ex-1917 Belleau Camp Sevier. Ex-1914 from June 11, 1919. Ex-1919 Marine Corps, Paris Arrived in France Wood and Soissons. 74 War Record CRANFORD, SPENCER ROUSE . . . . _ . Ex-1916 Enlisted in U. S. Marines; trained three months at Marine Training Camp, Paris Island, S. C. Made Drill Sergeant, and sent to New York as Drill Instructor. After four months duty there, sent to Dover, N. J., as Patrol Sergeant. Discharged April 28, 1919. CRAWFORD, IRVINE CRAIG . . . . 1912 1917, 318th Field Artillery, Headquarters Company, Camp Jackson, Q * * * CRAWFORD, JOHN ALEXANDER . . . Ex-1911 1917, 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C. 1918, A. E. F. * * * CRAWFORD, LAWRENCE AYLETTE . . . . 1916 Enlisted June 25, 1917, in Ambulance Company 31. Trained at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Camp Jackson and Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred at Camp Jackson to 81st Division, Ambulance Co. 321. Arrived in France August 24, 1918. Trained at Tennerre, Yonne. In St. Die Sector, Vosges, Sommedue Sector, and Meuse-Argonne. After Armistice moved to Chatillon-Sur-Seine till May 1919. Ar¬ rived U. S. A., June 20, discharged June 29, 1919. CRAWFORD, ORAN STEADMAN.. 1913 Rejected from 1st Officers Training Camp because of underweight. Accepted for Ordnance Corps, and transferred to 57th Pioneer Infantry as they left for France. Trained at Le Mans until Armistice. Served from November, 1918 to March, 1919, as Ser¬ geant-Major, P. W. E. Compound at St. Nazaire. At Sorbonne University four months. Discharged at Camp Mills, July 23, 1919. CRAWFORD, ROBERT HOPE . . . . . . 1910 Previous to entry of U. S. into the war he was with the American Red Cross in Germany from May 16, 1915 till October 1, 1915, when units were recalled to America. Commissioned 1st Lieu¬ tenant, M. R. C. May 19, 1917. Member of Hospital Unit O. Pro¬ moted Captain December 31, 1917. Sailed for France February 6, 1918. Unit O was assigned to Base Hospital No. 6, Bordeaux, France, where he was Assistant Surgeon. On April 18, 1918 he was transferred to Surgical team to serve French forces at Amiens. Hospital was bombed three times. Returned to B. H. No. 6, June 1st, and remained there till September 3rd, when transferred to Mobile Hospital No. 4, behind American lines. Sent back to B. H. No. 6, December 1, and remained through January, 1919. Demobilized from U. S. Army January 31, 1919 to join Medical LTnit in Macedonia to fight typhus fever. Received “Medal of Military Merit” from King of Greece, and the medical officers were received by him several times. Arrived U. S. A., July 5, 1919. Discharged at once. CRAWFORD, ROBERT TAYLOR . . . . . 1914 He enlisted June 26, 1917 in 31st Ambulance Corps. Sent to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 25, 1917. Transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C., October 3, 1917. Transferred to O. T. C., Camp Sevier, S. C., May 25, 1918. Transferred to Field Artillery Training Camp, Camp Jackson, June 10, 1918. Transferred to Field Artillery Training Camp, Camp Taylor, Ivy., July 1, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Field Artillery, August 17, 1918. Transferred to 45th Field Artillery, Leon Springs, Texas. Discharged December 24, 1918. CRAWFORD, ZED JOHNSTON . . . . . 1913 Enlisted in Y. M. C. A. work June, 1917. Assigned to Charleston. Enlisted as Seaman in U. S. Naval Reserves November 22, 1917. Commissioned Ensign in U. S. N. R. F., February 26, 1918. Sent over-seas as Executive Officer of U. S. Sub Chaser 178, operating at Holyhead, Wales and patroling Irish Sea. They sank one Ger¬ man Submarine, and bombed others. In February, 1919, placed in Davidson College 75 command of this boat and later of Sub Chaser 322, at Brest Ar¬ rived home August 19, 1919. Released from active duty October 6, CRAYTON, LOUIS BROYLES. 1917, Officer in Piedmont Artillery Company. 1918, Captain Field Artillery, Camp Sevier, S. C. 1918, France, Major of Discharged April, 1919. * * * MARK. March 21, 1918, Camp Jackson, S. C., Company 15 Field Artillery. CRISP, SELLARS 113th 113th 1915 4th 1916 Enlisted Training Battalion, 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred May 8, 1918 to Company E, 402nd Telegraph Battalion of Signal Corps. In France July 14, 1918. Injured in accident September, 1918. In¬ valided home December 17, 1918. Discharged on S. C. 1)., at U. S. General Hospital No. 6, Fort McPherson, Ga., April 15, 1919. GROOM, GABE HOLMES.1907 July 22, 1917, 1st Lieutenant, Sanitary Detachment 113th Field Artillery, Camp Sevier, S. C. June, 1918, Camp Hospital No. 15, Camp Coetquidan, France. Commissioned Captain, M. C., November 14, 1918. Assigned in April, 1919, to Evacuation Hospital No. 26, Arrived U. S. A., August 1, 1919. Dis- Ex-1919 at Neuenahr, Germany, charged August 23, 1919. CROSLAND, JOHN 1918, U. S. Army. CROUCH, GEORGE SANFORD.Ex-1918 Enlisted in Naval Reserve Force, June 1, 1918, as 2nd Class Sea¬ man. Assigned to Patrol Duty at Charleston, S. C. Qualified as Sharpshooter. Three months course at Hampton Roads, Va. Com¬ missioned Ensign, S. S. Palmico, with Norfolk as base. Placed on inactive duty April 13, 1919. CROWELL, JAMES LEE, JR. . . . . Ex-1918 Enlisted in Officers Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May 14, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. Assigned to 81st Division, 321st Infantry. At Camp Jackson from August 29, 1917 to May, 1918. At Camp Sevier from May, 1918 to June, 1918. Sailed for France July 31, 1918. In St. Die Sector, Verdun and Meuse-Argonne Offensives. Arrived U. S. A., June 20, 1919. Discharged July 15, 1919. Cited for bravery. CROWELL, WILSON ARCH KING . . . . Ex-1919 Enlisted April 17, 1918, in Cavalry, 13th Rect. Company, 1st Platoon, 51st Squad. Sent to Fort Thomas, Ky., thence to Camp Gordon. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, October 15, 1918. As¬ signed to 14th Company, 4th Training Battalion, 158th Depot Bri¬ gade, Camp Sherman, Ohio. Transferred to 1st Company, same organization. Discharged February 3, 1919. CULBRETH, HENRY BASCOM.1921 Enlisted March 1, 1918 at Camp Jackson, S. C., Truck Company No. 6, First Corps Artillery Park. Arrived in France May 31, 1918. In active duty on Aisne-Marne Drive, Oise-Aisne^ Drive, Chateau-Thierry Sector and Meuse-Argonne Sector. In Germany from December 14, 1918 to July 14, 1919. Arrived U. S. A. Aug¬ ust 3, 1919. CULLUM, WELCOME HASTINGS TA . , 1918, 2nd Lieutenant, Plattsburg, Camp Perry, Ohio. Discharged December, 1918. CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT BROWN July 29, 1918, Plattsburg Barracks, N. tenant Infantry, September 16, 1918. negie Institute, Pittsburgh, Penna., S. ber 23, 1918. CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT SYDNEY . • Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, December 1, 191/. Pathologist. Served in New York, Texas and Washington. 1919 1919 Y. Commissioned 2nd Lieu- Company Commander, Car- A. T. C. Discharged Decem- 1911 Bacteriologist and Ar- 76 War Record rived in France, September, 1918. In Central Laboratory, Dijon, France, and Coblentz, Germany till April, 1919, when invalided home because of pneumonia. Discharged June 24, 1919. CURRIE, ARCHIBALD MURPHY . . . Ex-1917 Enlisted January 9th, 1918 in Naval Aviation Corps % Stationed at Pensacola, Florida, and at Boston Tech. Aviation School. Quali¬ fied flyer. School discharged December 19, 1918. Rank: C. P. O. (Dirigibles) Naval Aviation. CURRIE, EDWARD SMITH.. 1912 Enlisted February 10, 1918, as Chaplain, 316th Field Artillery Bri¬ gade, Camp Jackson, S. C. 1918, in France (Lt.) 316th Field Ar¬ tillery, and with 6th Marines, 2nd Division. Discharged August, 1919. * * * CURRIE, ERNEST McARTHUR.Ex-1916 Trained at 2nd O. T. C., at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry November 27, 1917, and assigned to 46th Infantry, at Camp Taylor, Ky. On May 1, 1918 transferred to 6th Replacement Regiment. Promoted to 1st Lieu¬ tenant, September 18, 1918. Sent overseas in command of Company 11, Camp Gordon Replacement Troops. Assigned to 35th Division, and placed near Verdun, November 18, 1918. Sent to Sorbonne, February 1, 1919 to July 1, 1919. Discharged at Camp Gordon, August 19, 1919. CURRIE, JOHNATHAN ELLIOT . . . . Ex-1919 Enlisted January 9, 1918, in U. S. Naval Aviation Corps. Stationed at Pensacola, Fla., U. S. Naval Aviation Dirigible Section. En¬ listed as Lds for Q. M. Promoted as 1st Class Quartermaster, April 1, 1918, and Chief Quartermaster, July 1, 191S. Discharged February 26, 1919. CURRY, ALBERT BRUCE . . . . . 1906 August 1, 1917 to August 1, 1918, Religious Work Secretary (six months) and Camp Director of Religious Work (six months) at Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga. August 1, 1918 to August 1, 1919, Associate Bible Study Secretary, Headquarters of Y. M. C. A., with responsibility for the Bible study work of the Army and Navy. Four months of this period was spent in France and Belgium in same capacity. DAVENPORT, WLLIAM PEYTON . . . . Ex-1916 Entered service September 8, 1917, as 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps. Commissioned Captain February 14, 1918, while serving with 316th Field Artillery, Camp Jackson. Transferred March 1st to 322nd Infantry, 81st Division. Arrived in France August 6, 1918, and was assigned to 114th Infantry, 29th Division; served with them in trenches. Commissioned Major, February 28, 1919. Arrived PL S. A., July 12, 1919. Wounded by shrapnel October 12, 1918. Cited for action under shell fire, November 9, 1918. Battles: Vos¬ ges Sector and Argonne north of Verdun. Awarded D. S. C. Dis¬ charged Tuly 30, 1919. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM LEE . . . . Ex-1916 May 25, 1918, enlisted in Signal Section of Headquarters Company, 323rd Regiment, 81st Division, Camp Jackson, S. C., later trans¬ ferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. In France August 11, 1918. Vosges Mountains twenty-eight days, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Recom¬ mended for D. S. C. Discharged Tune 25, 1919. DAVIS, CARLTON CARLISLE.Ex-1914 1918, Battery F, 52nd Artillery, C. A. C., A. E. F. * * * DAVIS, D. ALSTON.. Ex-1913 Enlisted at Baltimore, January 20, 1917. Sent to Kelly Field, Tex., August 15, 1917, and to Chenute Field, Rantoul, Ills., August 25, 1917. Graduated in Military Aeronautics there December 15, 1917. Completed bombing course at Ellington Field, Texas., April 22, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Aviation Section. Completed Davidson College // gunnery course at San Leon, Texas. Assigned to 271st Aero Squadron, Aberdeen, Md., July 5, 1918. Discharged January 10, 1919. DAVIS, EDDIE PARKS.Ex-1911 Entered O. T. C., May 15, 1917 at Fort Meyer, Va. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, August 15, 1917. Assigned to Camp Lee, Va., remained there from August 17, to July 16, 1918. Transferred to Camp Funston, July 20, 1918, remaining there until April 1, 1919. Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J., April 1, 1919 to Octo¬ ber 18, 1919. Discharged October 18, 1919. DAVIS, JAMES DONALD.Ex-1917 1918, Corporal, 11th Anti-Aircraft Battery, C. A. C., A. E. F. * * * .... Ex-1912 Corporal Company A, 316th Machine until June, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Camp Hancock, Ga., June, 1918 to S. C. 1918, Discharged, 1918 DAVIS, NORTON PIATT Enlisted September 5, 1917. Gun Battalion, 81st Division Lieutenant, and Instructor, __, December, 1918. Discharged December 6, 1918. DAVIS, SAMUEL MOSELEY . . 1918, Rifle Range, 6th Naval District, Charleston, 5th Regiment, Company 8, Section 4, Charleston, S. C September, 1919. ALBERT . . . . . Ex-1920 1918, in Base Hospital No. 65. Trained at Fort four months. Arrived in France September 13, at Kerliuon Hospital Center. Kerhuon Hospital into an Evacuation Hospital after Armistice. Sergeant 1st in charge of personnel work. Discharged July 18, 1919. DEAN, RAYMOND • Enlisted April 1, McPherson, Ga., 1918. Stationed made Class power plants. Camp Sevier, S. C. Ex-1919 1910 School course Ex-1915 Ark., for three Training Camp, Field Artillery. DEATON, FRED LEE.Ex-1918 He served in shipyards and DELANEY, LUKE SQUIRES 1918, Comnany D, of Charlotte, DENNY, ROBERT EVANS . o January 26, 1918, enlisted in Air Service. Entered U. S. of Military Aeronautics, Princeton, June 15, 1918. Completed September 7, 1918. Transferred to Camp Dick, Texas, and to Fort Monroe (No. 1 in class of Aerial Observers there) and to Post Field, Okla., January 1, 1919. Commissioned .2nd Lieutenant, Aviation Section. Signal Officers Reserve Corps, December 13, 1918; Dis¬ charged February 6, 1919. DICK, GAITHER PIERSON Enlisted June 29, 1918. Assigned to Camp Pike, weeks, and then to Field Artillery Central Officers Camp Taylor, Ky. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant m Discharged December 4, 1918. tt iqiq DIXON, CHARLES ALEXANDER, JR. • • • r Jf , 1918 Entered service July 25, 1917, as a 2nd Lieutenant C A. C., and assigned to 5th Company, Fort Caswell. Sent to Fort Monroe, Feb¬ ruary 1918, to be trained in Artillery. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, C A C., and assigned 2nd Trench Mortar Battalion. Arrived m England, June 12 1918. Trained till Armistice^ Tna Judge Advocate at St. Nazaire. Arrived U. S. A., August 31, Discharged December 31, 1919. DOUGHERTY, LOUIS B. . • • • ; In France six months, and returned early m 1918 to aviator, and 1917 he was *ffi S C r , Fort Oglethorpe, Ga". Co,™,,, was so training when the Armistice was an Ambulance Driver in the French Army * * * Ex-1919 train as an signed. In on the Sal- 1910 78 War Record Fire, Fort Sill, Ark., July, 1918, where he received his certificate. Transferred to 48th Regiment F. A., El Paso, Texas. Died of In¬ fluenza-Pneumonia October 12, 1918. DOUGLAS, WILLIAM LOVETT.Ex-1918 Enlisted June 3, 1917, 3rd Division, Regular Army. Sergeant, 3rd Supply train. Overseas from April 28, 1918 to February 13, 1919. At Chateau-Thierry three months, St. Mihiel' six weeks in ammunition and wounded work and driving truck. Gassed at Cerges in July. Finished officers training camp, Saumur, France. Novem¬ ber 16, 1918. Discharged at Winchester, England, February 13, 1919. U. S. A., March, 1919. DUMAS, WALTER ALEXANDER . . . . 1915 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, 21st U. S. Infantry, San Diego, Calif. 1919, 21st Infantry, Vancouver Barracks, Washington. 1st Lieutenant, 31st Infantry, Siberia, October, 1919. Captain in U. S. Army. * * * DUNCAN, SHAYLOR HENRY.Ex-1920 1918. Discharged Tuly 1919. * * * DUNN, ARTHUR WILSON.Ex-1914 1918, Camp Tackson, S. C., later in France. * * * DUNN, WILLIAM M.1903 1917. In Naval Reserve Force. P. A. Surgeon. Served during the period of war. DYE, JOHN CALVIN . . . . . Ex-1906 Enlisted January 1918. Trained at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Trans¬ ferred to Aviation Section, Garden City, L. I. Later he was sent to Small Arms Firing School, Camp Dodge, la. On examining Board, Camp Perry. Transferred to Base Hospital at Camp Dodge. Promoted Captain June, 1919, at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio. Will remain in service. EASLEY, PHILLIP SAMUEL.1904 Enlisted as 1st Lieutenant, M. C., July 8, 1918. At Fort Ogle¬ thorpe and Camp Wadsworth till August 30, 1918. Assigned to 56th Pioneer Infantry. Arrived in France September 14, 1918. With Companies B and D in Argonne Sector October 1, to Nov¬ ember 11, 1918. Sent to Germany, December 1, 1918, and remained there until July 4, 1919. Arrived U. S. A. August 1, 1919. Holds commission as Captain in Reserve Officers Corps. EDGERTON, LACY GRAVES.1916 Enlisted in 1918. Corporal Battery A, 314th Field Artillery, of 80th Division, A. E. F. At the front at St. Mihiel and Argonne from September 12, to November 11, 1918. Discharged June 7, 1919 EDGERTON, LUTHER TALMAGE . . . . Ex-1921 Entered service April 26, 1918. Trained at Camp Jackson in Motor Battalion, Company B, 306th Ammunition Train. Arrived in France July, 1918. Arrived in U. S. A., June 1919. Discharged June 22, 1919. EDWARDS, MAGNUS EUGENE.Ex-1921 May 28, 1918, enlisted at Camp Jackson, later sent to Camp Sevier. Arrived in France August 15, 1918, with 323rd Infantry, 81st Divi¬ sion. In trenches in Lorraine thirty days, and from November 6 to 11, was on Meuse-Argonne front near Metz. Arrived U. S. A., June 14, 1919. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va., June 27, 1919. ELDER, JOHN HOWARD ..1913 Refused at Fort Meyer Training School, May 4, 1917, on account of impediment of speech. Enlisted May 7, 1917, Company E, 1st Virginia Infantry. Mustered in July 25, 1917. Assigned to Camp McClellan, Ala., September 24, 1917. Company merged to form Company L, 116th Infantry, October 5, 1917. Trained till February 28, 1918. Appointed to Officers Training Camp January 8, 1918. Became ill and could not attend. Discharged (sick) February 28, 1918. Was an analytical chemist in gun cotton plant till the Armis¬ tice. Davidson College 79 ELLIOT, GEORGE DOUGLAS June 3, 1918, enlisted in U. S Helena Station In Quartermaster’s School,^Cherry btot Island, and served as Relief Quartermaster, Submarine Base’Chen- stone Island, near Cape Charles, Va. ' as 2nd Lieutenant. Ex-1920 months Stone Discharged January 28, 1919, Company K, 3rd Provisional Regiment Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp 1918. Promoted to Corporal October Jackson in January, 1919. Promoted to Camp Gordon, July 25, 1919. 1918 1914 18 , 1910 ELLIOTT, HARRY BARTLEY August 26, 1918, enlisted in 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Sevier, S. C., in September, I , 1918. Returned to Camp Sergeant in June. Transferred Discharged August 16, 1919. ELLIOTT, HENRY LAURENS, JR. l s t Officers I raining Camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May l 4 ’.., 7. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Assigned to 318th Field Artillery, 81st Division, and later promoted to lst Lieutenant, and Captain. Commanded Battery E, 318th Field Artillery. In France from August 1918, to February, 1919. Student at London School 1919 coHomics 4rom March to July, 1919. Discharged August ELLIOTT, WILLIAM AIKEN. June 18, 1917, enlisted in Aviation Corps at San Antonio, Texas. January, 1918, commissioned 2nd Lieutenant (non-flying section). Discharged March 6 , 1919. No overseas service. ERWIN, SAMUEL FULTON . . . . . . 1912 Enlisted May 20, 1917 in Company B, 1 st Battalion, S. C. Engi¬ neers. Called July 25, and connected with 117th Engineers, 42nd Division. ^ 1 rained at Camp Sevier and Camp Mills. Arrived in France, November lst, 1917. In the lines almost continually until the Armistice. In Germany until April 6 , 1919. Discharged May 14, 1919. EVANS, JAMES FRED.Ex-1918 Enlisted August 5, 1917. Sent to Fort Screven, Ga. Company or¬ ganized January 1 , 1918, into Battery F, 61st Artillery, C. A. C. Transferred to Fort Monroe, April, 1918. In France August 1918. Trained further at Castillon, France. Arrived U. S. A., February 17, 1919. Discharged March 4, 1919. EVANS, JOHN EBENEZER ..1910 Commissioned lst Lieutenant, and promoted Captain. Called to service June 9, 1917, and went to Europe same month. Attached to British Expeditionary Forces, and served with 45th Field Ambu¬ lance, 15th Division, 11th Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, same Division, No. 8 Casualty Clearing Station, and 70th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. On detached service with the 51st Division during battle of Cambrai. Recalled to American Army July 10, 1918. Served with 19th Engineers and in Chief Surgeon’s (A. E. F.) Of¬ fice. Arrived U. S. A. February 9, 1919. Discharged February II, 1919. FAIRIES, EARL WHITESIDE . . . . . Ex-1919 July 25, 1917, Private, 5th Company, Cape Fear C. A. C., N. C. N. G., Fort Caswell, N. C. Transferred July 3, 1918, to Battery A, 75th Regiment, Railroad Artillery Reserves, with which he went to France. Transferred, February 14, 1919 to Headquarters Company, Embarkation Detachment, Camp Guthrie, Moutoir, France. Dis¬ charged at St. Aignan, France, May 9, 1919. Enlisted in \. M. C. A. work in Paris till July 5, 1919, when released by the National Board. FAIRLEY, ANGUS CLIFTON . . • • 1918 Enlisted August 26, 1918, and sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. As¬ signed to Company C, 156th Depot Brigade. Sent to Camp Sevier, S. C. October 1. Transferred to Camp Personnel Company. Dis¬ charged April 2, 1919. 80 War Record FARRTOR, NORMAN PLAYER . . • • *916 Enlisted in U. S. N. R. F., as Fireman, 3rd Class, Norfolk, Va., December 12, 1917. Called and sent to U. S. Naval Station, St. Helena, Norfolk, January 10, 1918. Ordered on board U. S. S. Dahlgreen, June 5, 1918. Sent to Officers Material School, July 16, 1918. Graduated and appointed Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., Novem¬ ber 13, 1918. Attached to Headquarters, Fifth Naval District. November 13, 1918. On U. S. Sub-Chaser No. 200, December 16, 1918. Made Commanding Officer of Sub-Chaser No. 200, March 11, 1919. Ordered to U. S. S. Susquehanna, March 27, 1919. Three trips to France for American soldiers. Released from active duty July 12, 1919. FAISON, HENRY WILLIAM . . . Ex-1914 1918. Aviation Corps, Garden City, L. I., N. Y. * * * FAISON, TAMES ELIAS.Ex-1916 Enlisted in 2nd N. C., Infantry June 20, 1916. Went to El Paso, Texas, September 1, 1916; promoted Sergeant October 1, 1916; 1st Sergeant July 1, 1917; 2nd Lieutenant December 4, 1917; 1st Lieutenant June 6, 1918, and Captain February 21, 1919. Landed in France, June 26, 1917. In Belgium, near Ypres, July 18 to Sep¬ tember 5. Wounded September 1, 1918, at Ypres. Wounded 2nd time September 29. Sent to hospital in London October 6, to De¬ cember 6. Joined 30th Division December 13. Sailed for U. S. March 21. Arrived U. S. A., April 2, 1919. Discharged April 29, 1919. FAISON, JOHN BUTLER . . . .. . Ex-1917 1918, Ensign Naval Auxiliary Transport Service. Aide to Admiral Sims, at Cardiff, Wales, and through the Admiral was appointed 2nd in Command of Port of Hamburg, Germany—the largest port on the Continent. * * * FERGUSON, RICHARD FURMAN . . . Ex-1912 1918, Sergeant, Company C, 117th Regiment of Engineers, Field Artillery, U. S. R., A. E. F. * * * FETNER, LAWRENCE MERRILL .... Ex-1911 Attended first Officers Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., June 14, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant. Assigned to 318th Infantry, Camp Lee, Va. Arrived in France March 16, 1918. Wounded in Argonne Drive. Promoted to Captain. Arrived U. S. A. Tune, 1919. FINLEY, THOMAS AUGUSTUS.1917 Enlisted in LI. S. Naval Reserves, Norfolk, Va., June 4, 1918. Trained at Naval Station at Hampton Roads, and on LT. S. Rhode Island, and Philadelphia Navy Yard. In Officers Material School at University of Pennsylvania, four months. For five weeks was on Sub-Chaser No. 73. Commissioned Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., May 1, 1919. Relieved from active duty May 15, 1919. (U. S. S. Rhode Island and Sub-Chaser 73 were on patrol duty along Atlantic Coast) FITZPATRICK, OSSIE HENRY . . . . 1907 Headquarters Company, 81st Field Artillery. * * * FITZPATRICK, RUFO McAMIS.1902 A member of N. C. Cavalry, 1912 to 1917, including service on Mexican Border. He commanded Company B, 115 Machine Gun Battalion, 30th Division, August 5, 1917, to October 10, 1918. He was wounded on latter date and spent four months in a London hospital. Arrived U. S. A. March, 1919. At Camp Merritt. Com¬ missioned as Captain U. S. Army, in September, 1920. In R. O. T. C. work at Dallas, Texas, 1922. FLANAGAN, ERNEST LELAND.1907 Reported at Chaplain’s Training School, Camp Taylor, Ky., July 13, 1918. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant (Chaplain) August 15, 1918. Sent to Port of Embarkation, Newport News, Va., and as¬ signed to transport service, making two round trips. Four months Davidson College 81 at Debarkation Hospital No 52, Richmond, Va. Then assigned to ^?, n s!°C., S ful V y C 17 m i9 k 19 S tlree tnpS ' Dischar S ed at Camp Jack- FLEMING, CHARLES FRANKLIN . Fv 1Q1 , Enlisted in Company D, 1st S. C. Infantry, August 'l 1917 as Ser- foio*' ( hai T r< -‘ (1 11 8t h Infantry. Arrived in France May 23, 19 . 18 : Attended Officers draining Camp at Langres, France. Com- missioned 2nd Lieutenant, October 1, 1918. Assigned to Company G, -8th Infantry, 1st Division, Regular Army. In first and second Argonne battles. In Germany eight months. Arrived U. S. A., July 5, 1919. FLEMING, Drafted Sevier. Discharged at Camp JOHN KERR Dix, N. J., July 11, 1919. Ex-1919 September 7, 1917. Trained at Camp Jackson and Camp Served m Company B, 306th Military Police, 81st Division- in Headquarters Company, 115 Infantry, 39th Division and in Ma¬ chine Gnu Company, 162nd Infantry, 41st Division. Left USA August 22, 1918. Arrived March 31, 1919. In no battles FLINN, EMERY.' 1919 1918, Company F, Candidates Schooi, Fort Monroe, Va. (Heavy Artillery O. T. C.) Discharged November 21, 1918. FOREMAN, KENNETH JOSEPH . . . . 1911 Enlisted in U. S. Naval Reserve Force, Tune 25, 1918. Released from active service December 20, 1918. The period was spent in the radio schools at Hampton Roads, Va., and Cambridge, Mass. FOUNTAIN, TEFFERSON LODRICK Enlisted November 21, 1917. Trained at St. Naval Base, Norfolk, Va. Transferred to U. ruary, 1918. Discharged for physical disability, FOUNTAIN, NATHAN WHITEHEAD U. S. Navy. * * * FOWLE, SAMUEL RICHERSON 1918, 2nd Lieutenant Infantry, Camp Jackson, FRASER, HENRY BOULINEAU September 11, 1917, enlisted in Troop Camp Gordon, Ga. October 29, 1917, Signal Corps, and assigned to the 81st 106th Field Signal Battalion. December geant 1st Class, Signal Corps. January tery. Field Artillery, Officers’ Training April 7, 1918, ordered to, and left for 23, 1918, sailed from Hoboken, N. J., Helena, am S. S. May 2 Ex-1920 U. S. Maine, 5, 1918. Feb- Ex-1919 Ex-1918 S. C. Ex-1918 “B,” 1st Georgia Cavalry, this troop transferred into Division as Company “B,” 19, 1917, promoted to Ser- 9, 1918, entered 4th Bat- Camp, Leon Springs, Texas. Camp Merritt, N. J. April for France. April 25, 1918 Hoboken. May at St. Nazaire, collision 100 miles at sea and returned to sailed again and May 12, 1918, landed May 29, 1918, entered Saunntr Artillery School, June 1, 1918, commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field September 6, 1918, left Sauniur for the front, 129th Field Artillery, 35th Division, regiment near Nancy and assigned to Landed at Hoboken, N. J., and sent 17, 1919, discharged at Camp Gordon, FREEMAN, DAVID RALPH Enlisted May 28, 1918, at Camp Jackson Sevier, June 22, and placed in 323rd Infantry Band. France August 15, 1918. Trained at Faulay 1918. 1, 1918, France. Saumur, France. Artillery, N. A. and assigned to September 14, 1918, joined Battery “C.” April 20, 1919, to Camp Mills, N. Y. May Georgia. 1921 1918. acted June sion Transferred to Camp Arrived till September 15, Sent to St. Die Sector September 21, 1918 till October 19, In Meuse-Argonne Sector November 3, till 11, 1918. Band as stretcher bearers during this Offensive. Arrived U. S. A., 14, 1919. Discharged June 25, 1919. (This Band at Divi- Review given by General Pershing in honor of King and Queen of Belgium.) 82 War Record Fx-1914 FOL S™s«Offtes?nU Camp For. 0|le,hoVpe; Ga May 13 Camp Sevier, September 10 1917. Battery made a Igr o Field Artillery. Attended School of Fire, Fort S' 11 ’, {’V i'nf u trv 9 1918 Sailed Tune 4, 1918. Transferred to 353rd Antantry. School of Fire at Camp Coetquidan, France 1 romoted Captain, assigned to Battery F. 28th Field Artillery, Camp Funston, Kansas Was under sailing orders when Armistice came. Battery demobolized and discharged February 8, 1919. FJ. Thomas, U ron. and remained in it until discharged. Was at Issoudan and Romorantin Air Centers. Later went to Aerial Gunnery School at St Tean de Monis. Later went to Chaumont. Attained the rank of Sergeant. Sailed for U. S. A in April 1919. Discharged at Camp Tackson, S. C., latter part of April, 1919. GARTH CORNELIUS VOORHEES . . •. • • , 191S 1918, School of Military Aeronautics, University of Texas, from June 15 to September 7. At Camp Dick, Dallas, iexas, September 20 1918 to October 28, 1918. Call Field, Wichita Falls, Texas, October 28 to January 18, 1.919. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in Air Service, S.' R. C., January 17, 1919. GEORGE, JACK FOY . • • • Tune 12, 1917, enlisted in Hospital Unit March 4, 1918, assigned to Base Hospital ence near Bordeaux. Arrived U. S. A. demobilized April 11, 1919. -p, 1Q1C) GIBSON MACK WILSON . • • • • . 1917,’ Private, Hospital Unit O Fort McPherson, Ga. Unit was formed on Tune 12, 1917, arrived in France March 4, 1918. As¬ signed to Base Hospital No. 6, Talence near Bordeaux Arrived V. S. A.. March 24, 1919. LTnit demobilized April 11, 1919. Ex-1919 O. Arrived in France No. 6, located at Tal- March 24, 1919. Unit GIGNILLTAT, GEORGE WARREN In Educational Service. September 17, 191/ to Army Y. M. C. A., at Camp Jackson. Enlisted in Field Artillery, Camp Jackson, March 13, 1918 1918 to September 1, 1918, in Field Artillery Training School at Camp Taylor, Ky. Commissioned 2nd ant. Field Artillery, September 1, 1918. from September March Battery From Central to November 14, 19is, with 36th Field Artillery, Anniston, Ala vember 14, 1918, to December 19, Sill, Okla. Discharged December GILBERT, SAMUEL MILLARD September, 1918, 13th Training Officers’ Training School, Camp 1918, with 19, 1918 School of Fire at 1, 1918. C, 316th May 15, Officers’ Lieuten- 1, 1918, No- Fort 1915 Battalion, Field Artillery Corps, Taylor, Ky. December 18, 1918, 1919 Garden s. c. s. c., 1915 commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, l . S. A. Discharged December 18, 1918. GILCHRIST, JOHN W. STUART . . • . .■ 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, Fort Sill, Okla. 1918, Aviation, City, L. I., N. Y. 1918, 1st Lieutenant, Camp Jackson, 1918, Signal Corps, A. E. F., France. Aerial ^Observer, 104th Aero Squadron. Cited for bravery. * * GILLESPTE, JAMES THORNWELL Enlisted August 13, 1918, Camp Jackson, Depot Brigade. Transferred to Battery R. I). Discharged December 20, 1918. GILMER, ELLISON LINDSAY . . 1 J x ’ lb86 Graduate of Artillery School, 1905. Lieutenant-Colonel, Coast Ar- tillery Corps, National Army, November 26, 1917. Colonel, National S. C. 13 th Assigned to Regiment, Ex-1917 156th F. A. Davidson College 83 Army, March 2, 1918. Major, Coast Artillery Army, May 15, 1917. Lieutenant-Colonel, Regular ary), August 1917 to March 6, 1918. GILLON, WILLIAM ALBERT 1917, Y. M. C. A. War Work. * * * GOLDEN, WILLIAM SYDNEY Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Training School for Chaplains, 150th Infantry, 38th Division, Montreal, October 2, 1918. Sent Le Mans, till after Armistice. Corps, Army Regular (tempor- 1890 (Chaplain) August Camp Taylor, Ky. Camp Shelby, Miss, to Chateau daux Assigned to La 15, 1918, at Assigned to Sailed from Louplande, near Pallice, a port 1913 near Rochelle. Sent to a hospital at Christmas because of epidemic of Influenza. When Hospital closed in May he was transferred back to La Pallice. Arrived U. S. A., June 30, 1919. Discharged July 2, 1919. GEORGE BROWNING GOLDSMITH, * * * Ex-1918 1920 Ex-1919 In France Trained at France. m Ex-1909 Brigade. GOOD, JAMES FRED.Ex-1916 Enlisted April 14, 1917, in Headquarters Company, 1st S. C. In¬ fantry. Transferred November 7, 1917, to 121st Ordnance Depot Company. Discharged April 19, 1919. GOOD, LOUIS PORTER .... May 24, 1918, 13th Company 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred August 17, 1918, to Company B, 306th Ammunition Train. Ar- ' rived in France September 8, 1918. In St. Mihiel Offensive. Trained at Vercel. Organization supplied 81st Division with am¬ munition for Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Assigned to University of Aix-Marseille. Received first prize offered to American students. Discharged as Corporal, August 1, 1919. GRAHAM, DUGALD McFADYEN . . . . Enlisted July 5, 1916, for Mexican Border Service, with Battery C, 111th Field Artillery, 29th Division. Camp McClellan, Ala., and six weeks target practice Discharged June 2, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va. GRAHAM, FRED WILLIAM. 1918, Battery “B, ! ’ 61st Artillery, C. A. C., 33rd Railway 1918, France. Released, April, 1919. GRAHAM, IRWIN PATTON.Ex-1908 Enlisted August 27, 1917, in second Training Camp, Fort Ogle¬ thorpe, Ga. Commissioned Captain, Field Artillery, November 27, 1917. Assigned to 316th Field Artillery, 81st Division, Camp Jack- Transferred March 1, 1918, to 16th Field Artillery, 4th Divi- Regular Army, Camp Greene, N. C. _ Sailed May 1, 1918. In command of Battery B, 16th Field Artillery till April, i919. Arrived U. S. A., May, 1919. Battles: Marne-Aisne Offensive Tuly 25, to August 5, 1918; Vesle River Defensive, August 5, August 9, 1918. St. Mihiel, September 12, September 1W 1918; Meuse-Argonne, September 26 to November 11, 1918. Germany till April, 1919. GRAHAM, RICHARD MALCOLM • •, • _ Entered service September 12, 1917. Sailed for Fiance 23, 1917. Commissioned as Executive Officer Second the Air .Service. Arrived U. S. A., January 31, as 2nd Lieutenant, July 5, 1919. GREY, TAMES PARKS, JR. • • ■ : Overseas for three months, September to November, 111 4, American Red Cross. Enlisted December 1917, in Air Servme Stationed at Fort Worth, Texas, during entire service; Promoted Sergeant, and later commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Discharged b ruary, 1919. GRIER, CHARLES TALMAGE . • • • 1918, Captain, Medical Department, Fort McPheison, son. sion, . Ex-1919 December Lieutenant in 1918. Discharged Ex-1914 with Ex-1907 Ga. 84 War Record four 1919. Ex-1918 GRIER, TIIOMAS LABAN . • • • ■ •' n ‘ E *I 191 ° Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Officers Training Corps, at Oglethorpe, Ga., August 15, 1917, (after three months training), C'-ivalrv Section, IT. S. A. Attached to 317th hield Artillery, Camp Tackson S C. ' Transferred at his own request to 306tli Training Headquarters and Military Police, November 10 1917. Commis¬ sioned in Infantry Branch, and assigned to 13th Company, 4th Training Battalion, 156th Depot Brigade Commissioned 1st Lieu¬ tenant, March 13, 1918, and Captain September 13 1918. In charge of 5th Company, 2nd Training Battalion, 156th Depot Bri¬ gade. Discharged May 15, 1919 . GRIER, ROBERT FRANKLIN . • • • ■ Ex-1913 April 13, 1917, 118th Infantry, Company G, U. S. N. G. Guarded bridges till July 20, 1917. Camp Jackson S C., July 20 to Sep¬ tember 25, 1917. Camp Sevier from September 25, 1917 to May 11 1918. Sailed for France May 11, 1918. Under fire months at Ypres and Somme. Sailed for U. S. A., March 3, Discharged at Camp Jackson, April 3, 1919. GROOME, JAMES IRWIN . • • , • T T Enlisted in Marine Corps, April 9, 1918, Buffalo, N. Y. Trans¬ ferred to Paris Island, S. C. Instructor m Non-Commissioned Offi¬ cers’ School. Transferred January 10, 1919, to Quantum, V ir- ginia. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, June 16, 1919. I laced on reserve list, June 26, 1919. HAGOOD, BENJAMIN FOLGER Enlisted April 23, 1918, U. S. Naval Reserves. Ensign, U. S. N. R. F., August 1, 1918. Attended terial School at Charleston, S. C., April 23, 1918, 1918. Placed in command U. S. S vessel on duty around Charleston. HALL, GEORGE CARLYLE Enlisted in Navy, March 19, 1917; HALL, ROBERT DAVIDSON 1918, 2nd Lieutenant (Plattsburg), December, 1918, discharged. HALL, VIRGINIUS CORMICK . . • • • Ex-1917 Enlisted March 13, 1917. Trained at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Joined 321st Infantry, September 10, 1917, as 2nd Lieutenant. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, December 30, 1917. Sailed July 31, 1918. In action in Vosges Mountains during September, 1918, and Meuse- Argonne Offensive in November, 1918. Mustered out October 16, 191.9. 1n9n MOORE.. 1920 13, 1918, Plattsburg, N. Y. Commissioned 2nd Infantry, September 16, 1918. Stationed at Dick- Manito, 11 S. P., Discharged January discharged August 31. Pennsylvania State Ex-1917 Commissioned Officers’ Ma¬ to August 1, 262, a patrol 1919. Ex-1912 1920. 1919 College. 11 . HALL, WALTER Enlisted July Lieutenant of in son College, Carlisle, Penna., September 18, till February 14, 1919 when discharged. Commanding Officer there for two months. HALLIBURTON, ROBERT ALEX . ... • Ex-1917 March 4, 1918, U. S. A. T. Service, at Washington, D. C. De¬ tailed for entire period on design construction and inspection of Army Transports. Discharged July 7, 1919. HALT 1WANGER, ROBERT SYDNEY . . . • • 1914 Tune 15, 1918. Enlisted in Navy at Columbia. Trained at t har- leston Naval Camp. Transferred to Naval Laboratory as 1st Class Hospital Apprentice. Discharged January 2, 1919. HAMILTON, EVELYN HARRISON . . ; . • 191 ‘ Enlisted October 2, 1917, at Fort McPherson, Georgia, in Emory Unit, later Base Hospital No. 43, Medical Department, U. S. A. Called into service March 4, 1918. Appointed Clerk for seven hos¬ pitals in Base Hospital No. 43. (During seven months Base Hos¬ pital No. 43 handled 9,000 cases, of which 102 died). Arrived U. S. A., March 25, 1919. Discharged April 2, 1919, as Corporal. Davidson College 85 HAMPTON, EDWIN GOODLOE . . . Ex-1917 Enlisted May 29, 1918, at Camp Pike, Ark. Transferred June 2*9 1918, to Camp Stewart. Promoted 1st Sergeant, Company C* 525th Engineers. Arrived in France, July 21, 1918. From' July 29, 1918 to October 2, 1918, Mehun, France, in Construction of Ordnance Repair Shop. October 2 to 12, Clemacy, in Gas School. October 12 to 21, in Gas School at MFhun. October 21, November I, Bourges, Railway Construction. November 1 to 12, St. Germain- du-Puy, in charge of construction of fifty locomotives per day November 12 to December 15, Officers’ Training School, 116th Engineers, Construction Work, December 15, 1918, to July 21, 1919. Arrived U. S. A., July 29, 1919, and discharged August 13,' 1919. HARDING, ROBERT HENRY.Ex-1918 1917, member of Hospital Unit O, Fort McPherson, C,a. Unit formed June 12, 1917. Arrived in France, March 4, 1918. Served at Talence near Bordeaux. Arrived U. S. A., March 24, 1919. Unit demobilized April 11, 1919. HARPER, JAMES CUNNINGHAM.1915 May 12, 1917, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., O. T. C. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 14, 1917. Transferred to Camp Jackson, Com¬ pany I, 323rd Infantry, 81st Division. Transferred to 156th Depot Brigade, November 15, 1917. Organized and commanded Company 18, of 5th Training Battalion. Transferred, February, 1918, to 29th Company of 8th Training Battalion. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, March 15, 1918. President of the Canteen Council of the Brigade, and in charge of labor battalions in emergency work. Promoted Captain, June 20, 1918. Transferred to Orangeburg, S. C., to organize U. S. A. Training Camp for colored troops. Changed to an S. A. T. C. Transferred to Texas, Chicago, Vermont and Tennes¬ see. In charge of S. A. T. C. Unit at Washington & Lee Univer¬ sity. Discharged April 9, 1919. HARRIS, ROBERT OTIS . . . . . Ex-1919 Enlisted May 14, 1917, Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 15, 1917, and assigned to 319th Field Artillery, Battery B, Camp Beaure¬ gard, La. 1918, Battery D, 142nd Field Artillery, same camp. With A. E. F., and Army of Occupation in Germany for over a year. With 18th Field Artillery, 3rd Regular Army Division. Dis¬ charged October 2, 1919. HARRIS, SAMUEL CALDWELL.1917 Enlisted in Naval Aviation with rating of Chief Quartermaster (Aviation) U. S. N. R. F., on June 10, 1918. Stationed at Massa¬ chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., till November 27, 1918. Ill from Influenza-Pneumonia for five months in the period. HARRIS, WALTER PAGE. Ex-1920 Attended Plattsburg Training Camp from July 18, 1918, to Sep¬ tember 18, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, Septem¬ ber 16, 1918. Discharged December 23, 1919. HART, SAMUEL CHALMERS*. 1912 Enlisted September 19, 1917, Company G, 119th Infantry, 30th Di¬ vision. Sailed for France, May 11, 1918. Continued to advance after being wounded in arm at Bellicourt, France, and was awarded Distinguished Service Cross. Died from loss of blood, September 29, 1918. HARWOOD, WALLACE BAKER • • •, • , • , Ex ; 1919 Enlisted in Signal Reserve Corps, July 12, 1917. Graduated at University of Texas School of Military Aeronautics, October 27 1917. At Kelly Field, Texas, till December 26, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps. Instructor till Tuly, 1918. Tester, July-November, 1918. Assistant Officer in charge of Testing and inspecting. Discharged March 7 , 1919 . 86 War Record _ Fx-1914 11Al Eni?s?ed ’ SS > 5, 1917, Sergeant Company L,W[60* Infantry, c ms p . T ssS.: ,,n irA^Tu^ wounded November 1, 1918. Dis- School of Technology. 2nd 1920 Chap- Work 1910 trained at Fort McPherson, At Base Hospital No. 6, at A., March 24, 1919. Unit Ex-1912 Ex-1916 1917, and March 4, 1918. Arrived U. S. 12 , Argonne Offensive. Slightly charged March 22, 1919. HAWKINS, THOMAS WILLIAM 1918, Aviation School of Boston Lieutenant.* * * HA ^Ente?e^ I Army C Y. A M. D C. A. Work February 9, 1918. Entered Iain’s Training School. November 1, 1918. Building Religious Secretary, Camp Wadsworth. Building Secretary, Pisgah Forest N. C. Chaplain Candidate, Camp Taylor, Ky. Discharged aftei Armistice, November, 1918. HAY SAMUEL BURNEY . . , * , 1916 Enlisted in Navy January 10, 1918. Commissioned Ensign, and sen to Annapolis for further training. On Steamer Edith; was sent to South America on cruise from January to May, 1919. 1 laced on inactive duty July, 1919. HAYNES, FRANK KELLY . • • *• » 1918, Dental Surgeon, Naval Reserve Corps. HENDERSON, ARTHUR IRWIN . . • Member of Hospital Unit O. Unit formed June Ga. Arrived in b ranee Talence, near Bordeaux. Demobilized April 11, 1919. HENDERSON, EDWARD PALMER • . .• • •. Ex ' 1916 Enlisted January 6, 1918, 3rd Officers Training Camp Fort Ogle¬ thorpe, Ga. Sergeant, Company I 51st Infantry, April. Commis¬ sioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, N. A., July 4, 1918. Camp Mills, and Camp Dix. Arrived in France, September 1st, 1918, Company 1), 162nd Infantry, 41st Division. Trained replacements at St. Aig- nan. Transferred to 77th Division, 308th Infantry. In five attacks in six days, trying to rescue the “Lost Battalion.” Wounded Octo¬ ber 7, 1918. In hospital till December 10, 1918. In 3rd Corps School at Clancey. Division Supply Officer, Prov. u. S. A., April 1919. Discharged May 14, 1919. HENDERSON, ELMORE SULLIVAN . . • - Physically disqualified at beginning of war by Local Exemption Board. Served on Board one year. Operated on, and qualified. En¬ listed October 31, 1918, private in Central Machine Gun Officers Training School, Camp Hancock. Transferred December 6, 1918, to Central Infantry. Officers Training School, Camp Gordon. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, February 15, 1919. HENDERSON, MILES PALMER September 21, 1917, Company D, 2nd Camp Dix, N. J. Enlisted at Perth 502nd Engineers, Sailed for France U. S. A., June 22, 1919. HENDERSON, STEVEN THOMAS . * * • Enlisted February 16, 1918, as Seaman 2nd (lass, U. S. I\. Four or five weeks in Washington. Made Chief Quartermaster, Aviation, at Massachusetts Tech., March 18, 1918. Sent to Flying Field at Key West May 28, 1918, and to Miami, July 1, 1918; Pensacola, Fla., July 10. ' Commissioned Ensign, U. S. Naval Reserve Flying Corps, Class Five. At Patrol Station, Rockaway Beach, L. L, September 1, to December 28, 1918. Placed on inactive list De¬ cember 28, 1918. In air about 250 hours, 150 of which were outside the three mile limit of New York Harbor, as escort for troop ships, etc. Rated as Seaplane Pilot, H. S. 1, and H. S. 2, machines. Army Eng. Ex-1908 Battalion, Amboy, N November 153d J., 12 . Ex-1916 Depot Brigade, in Company B, 1917. Arrived 1917 Davidson College 87 HENDRIX, JOHN MAXWELL.Ex-1914 Enlisted June 25, 1917, in Red Cross Ambulance Company. Trained at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and Camp Jackson, S. C. Arrived in France, August, 1918. Ambulance Company 321, served with the 81st Division. Arrived U. S. A., March 12, 1919. Discharged at Camp Lee March 23, 1919, as 1st Sergeant. HENGEVELD, FRED.. . 1918 Enlisted June 3, 1918. Spent eight months at Paris Island, S. C. U. S. Marine Corps. Transferred to Ouantico, Va., January, 1919. Entered Officers Training Camp, January, 1919. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, April, 1919. Discharged April 30, 1919. HICKS, LEWIS GLASGOW.Ex-1916 Enlisted June 2, 1917, in Troop C. N. C. Cavalry. The outfit formed a part (after September 1, 1917) of 115th Machine Gun Battalion, 30th Division, at Camp Sevier, S. C. On January 5, 1918, he was assigned to 3rd Officers Training Camp, Leon Springs, Texas, for training in Field Artillery, and April 20, 1918, to the French School of Cavalry at Saumur, France. At completion of course, sent to 90th Division, as Artillery Instructor. Moved to front two months before Armistice. Six months in Germany with Army of Occupation. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, July 12, 1918, at Saumur, France. Arrived U. S. A., June 18, 1919. Discharged July 7, 1919. 1Q1 , HILL. FRANK ARMFIELD.. • Ex ‘ 1915 1918 U S. S. Leviathan, Yeoman. Assistant pay-master m Navy. HILL. THOMAS MORLEY . • • • • • 1916 1917, Batterv F. 113th Field Artillery, Camp Sevier, S. L. France, Company A,'41st Brigade, 41st Engineers. HILL. ROBERT BURNS . • • ■ • ; 1Q1 , 1910 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps, August 1916 . Graduate of Army Medical School, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieu¬ tenant. Medical Corps, Regular Army, January 28, 1917. Sailed for France November 12, 1917. Promoted Captain and Major, Reg¬ ular Armv, March 28, 1918. Promoted Lieutenant-Colonel (tem¬ porary) May 5, 1919. Commanded Camp Hospital No. 15, Base Hospital No! 66, Evacuation Hospital No. 2, and Evacuation Hospi- - -- Returned to XI. S. A., October 31, 1919. N\ ill remain JOSEPH NEWTON . .• • 1Q ^‘ 1913 1st Engineers, and went to France in August. 191/. Master Signal Electrician with the Signal Corps, for months. In charge (as civilian) of School of Photog- McHenry, Md., November, 1919. tal No. 49 in service. HILLHOUSE, Enlisted in Served as twenty-one - raphy U. S. Hospital No. 2. Fort Discharged October 15, 1919. Fx1919 mP &£& rI £ Corps 'at PaHs Is.and S. 1918. Sailed from Charleston, July 28 1918 p^l ^Ut? 1C Company, ^rd*Regiment, 9 2nd ^rovblonal B igade. Landed U. S. A., September 3, 1919. Discharged as Sergeant, Sep¬ tember 10. 1919. . 1918 Depot Brigade. Trans err e T i^; n p e -; me nt of Engineers.^ Trans¬ ferred July 2?" 'l91S to Camp l^lffto SptwSfwS. 3 RegbmerR 1 here^assigned ^ 13 th Division. Jan¬ uary 20, 1919, traiisferreTto Camp Bowie, Texas, and discharged January 29, 1919. Q tatjaiaN . • • 1920 HOI s m ? r c. 15 ' War Record meat. 5th Marines, 2nd Division. Engagement: Chateau Thierry, Soissons, Pont a Mausson, St. Mihiel, Champagne. In Germany December 13, 1918, to May 2, 1919. Selected as a member of ‘Per¬ shing’s Own” to take part in the Victory Parades in Paris, London, New" York, and Washington. Total time spent in France twelve months, in Germany, six months. Discharged September 25, 1919. HOLLER, ZEB NORTH . . . • • • . 1907 Enlisted December 18, 1917, at Stillwater, Oklahoma. Private 1st Class, C. A. C. Clerk in Personnel Office, Fort Rosecrans, Califor¬ nia. ’At Coast Artillery School, Fortress Monroe, Va., October 6, 1918 to November 15, 1918. Discharged November 25, 1918. HOLLINGSWORTH, JAMES WILLIAM . . . Ex-1919 HOLLISTER, CHARLES SLOVER, JR. Ex-1920 In office of Ship Building Co., Chester, Penn., 437 East 12th St. Tuly 11, 1918, in Navy Yards at Philadelphia, Penn., rated as Yoe- man, 1st Class. At Chester, Pa., was made supervisor of labor constructing Mine sweepers. Later was in service on U. S. Mine sweeper “Turkey.” Discharged February 14, 1919. HOLLISTER, WILLIAM ...... 1916 Enlisted September 5, 1918, and stationed at Camp Humphreys. Rated as Surgical Assistant at that camp. Discharged May 28, 1919. HOOD, JAMES CORBETT.Ex-1917 Enlisted April 12, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, 322nd In¬ fantry, 81st Division. Discharged July 9, 1919. Overseas 12 months. HOWARD, GEORGE . ..1912 June 12 to 20, 1919, Receiving Company, Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla. Made Instructor of the enlisted men’s school, July 15, 1918. Instructor in Reserve Officer’s Training Corps, September 16, 1918 and commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant September 22, 1918. Dis¬ charged December 12, 1918. HOWARD, JOHN WITHERSPOON . . . . Ex-1915 Two years in France and Germany. * * * HOWARD, RAWLS.1917 May 6, 1918, Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Caswell, N. C., and served with the 9th Anti-aircraft Battery. Sailed for France July 14, 1918. Was trained in Anti-aircraft work in Paris for six weeks. On Toul Sector September and November, 1918. Arrived United States February 7, 1919. Discharged March 24, 1919. HOWELL, BILLY SHAW.Ex-1918 HOYT, GEORGE BROWN.1916 Entered 1st Officer’s Training Camp at Fort McPherson, Ga., May 12, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps August 15, 1917. Assigned to Camp Gordon, Ga., August 29, 1917. Transferred to Camp Johnston, Florida, December 11, 1917 to at¬ tend Quartermaster School. Sent to Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C. January 14, 1918. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Quartermaster Corps March 22, 1918. Served as Company Commander and with Commissioned Officer’s Staff. Discharged January 15, 1919. HUEY, WILLIAM ANDERSON . . . . Ex-1915 Enlisted for Mexican Border Service June 23, 1916 with 1st South Carolina National Guards. Served eight months. Called again April 13, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant June 25, 1917. 1st Lieu¬ tenant, December 4, 1917. Served with 118th Infantry, 30th Division, in France. Discharged February 17, 1919. HUFFSTETLER, JOSEPH FOSTER .... Ex-1918 August 5, 1918, sent to Camp Wadsworth, S. C., assigned to Com¬ pany L, 5th Pioneer Infantry. Transferred to 4th Corps Artillery Park, Medical Detachment. Sent to France in September, 1U°>. In Totd Sector (Meuse). In Germany, November 17, 1918 to February 14, 1919. Discharged March 24, 1919. Davidson College 89 HUGHES, EDWIN LEON ... Ex l916 ?o rg 1 e niC t C ° m P an y A > 118th Infantry, April 12, 1917 to November ' 28, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 118th Infantry November 28, 191/. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant April 20, 1918. Sent to France with Advanced School Detachment, 30th Division, May 18, 1918. Ypres-Lys Offensive and Somme Offensive. Transferred to 38th Infantry, 3rd Division. Germany, January 16, 1919, to May 1, 1919. Company D, 3rd Army, Composite Regiment. Discharged October 15, 1919.- HUGHES, JOHN FRANCIS.Ex-1909 Entered 2nd Officers Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Aug¬ ust 27, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant and sent to Camp Gor¬ don, Ga., October 27, 1917. Discharged October 27, 1918. Did not go overseas. HUGHES, JOHN HENRY.Ex-1917 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Dental Corps, August, 19117, Camp Sevier, S. C., 118th Infantry, 30th Division. Arrived in France May 23, 1918. Ypres-Lys Offensive and Somme Offensive July to October, 1918. Transferred to 143rd Infantry, 36th Division March 6, 1919. Transferred to 3rd Division. Arrived in U. S. A. October 20, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., October 28, 1919. HUGHES, ROBERT EARLE.Ex-1917 Enlisted June 12, 1917, Medical Department, and trained at Fort . Thomas, Fort Benjamin Harrison and Camp Zachary Taylor. As¬ signed to 64th Pioneer Infantry. Discharged December 1918. HUGHES, SAMUEL WATKINS.Ex-1917 Drafted September, 1917, and assigned to Camp Jackson, S. C. Placed in Battery A, 316th Field Artillery, 81st Division. Sailed for France August 5, 1918. Arrived United States June 1919. Dis¬ charged at Camp Lee, Va., June 20, 1919. HUMPHREYS, WILLIAM GUY August 12, 1918 Marines, Paris Battery A, 336 Co. Discharged HUNTER, COYTE March 7, 1918 sent to Camp Jackson, S. C. Landed in France May 31, 1918, and sent to Motor Mechanics School, near Paris. In Aisne- Marne Offensive, Chateau-Thierry Sector; Oise-Aisne Offensive; Verdun Sector Argonne Drive. With Army of Occupation at Pfaf- fendorf, Germany from December 14, 1918 to July 14, 1919. Landed in United States August 3, 1919. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va., August 10, 1919 . HUNTER, PARKS CALDWELL Lieutenant. Served in France. * * * HUNTER, STERLING LUDLOW Enlisted in Navy, December 17, 1917. Sent to St Training School, Norfolk, Va., January 20, 1918. tleship, Maine, May 16, 1918 and sent to N. Y. for August 1, 1918. Made two trips on Mastonia before Armistice and seven afterwards. Hand was injured. In hospital August to October 1, 1919. Discharged October 4, 1919. Cause of injury to hand was from handling heavy shells. HUNTER, WILLIAM BLAIR.• ,. , 1907 Enlisted June 20, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Promoted to Captain December 3, 1917, Camp Sevier, S. C. Served with 105th Engineers and 120th Infantry. Arrived in France June 1st, 1918. One citation; three Battle Clasps. HURLEY, JOHN FRANKLIN . . Attended 3rd Officers Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., eligible for 2nd Lieutenant. * * * HUTCHINSON, THOMAS JOHNSTON . .. • • Camp Secretary at Camp Auburn, Alabama for nine months. Island, S. C., and February 14, 1919. Quantico, Va. 1918 1920 Ex-1917 Ex-1918 Helena Naval Placed on Bat- Foreign service Ex-1920 and 1904 90 War Record IVES, GEORGE ALLEN . • v, . Ex ' 1918 Enlisted in Navy, July 12, 1917 Commissioned Ensign February, 1918. Placed in command of a Submanne Chaser m the Irish be , Irish Channel, and the English Channel. United States, April, 1919. Placed on inactive duty. Approved for Navy Cross. JAMES, ALEXANDER LONG • . • Ex , Graduated West Point 1908 2nd Lieutenant of Cavalry Served with troops in Western U. S. and Hawaii. From 1914-16 at 1 Myer and during a part of this period was Aide-de-Camp to the President. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant. In 1916 served in Philip¬ pines. Promoted to Captain and to Major, 1917 . Commanding 1st Squadron, 2nd Cavalry in France, spring, 1918. May to August on Duty with General Staff, Gen. Headquarters. A. E. F. Aug. 5 to December 5, Chief of the Press and Censorship Division of General Staff, A. E. F. Cited by Gen. Pershing, King of Belgium^and President of France. Decorated with “Order of the Crown, by Belgian Government and made a Chevalier of Legion of Honor by French Government. 1n1 . TAMES, WALTER SCHERER . • • • * r ',, r 1914 Entered 1st Officer’s Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe Ga., May 15 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Cavalry, O. R. C. Aug¬ ust 15, 1917. Stationed at Camp Jackson, S. C. from August 29, 1917 to July 1918. Transferred to Field Artillery, December, 191/. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Field Artillery, March 13, 1918. Sailed for France September 3, 1918 with 4th C. A. P. On duty with 2nd American Army Corps Headquarters until the Armistice was signed. In Germany till May 28, 1919. Sailed for U. S. July 3, 1919. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 1, 1919. JOHNSON, WALTER ALEXANDER . • • • 191/ Enlisted Tune 14, 1918 and sent to Camp Gordon, Ga. Sent to Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., to Field Artillery Officers Training Camp, September 13, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Ik d Artillery Reserve Corps, December 21, 1918. Discharged December 21. 1918. 1on , JOHNSTON, HENRY ALAN . * * * , ^ 9 °‘ April 4, 1917, Assistant Paymaster, U. S. N. R. F. (Lieut. Jr. Gr.) Active duty supply department Navy Yard, N. Y. Senior member ot U. S. Board for Commandeering January 22, 1918 to February -2, 1918. Promoted Post Assistant Paymaster 1918. Discharged from active duty February TOHNSTON, JOHN EDWARD . . Attended 1st Officers Training Camp at Fort 14, 1917 to August, 1917. Commissioned 2nd F. A. With 1st Division in France, 1st Lieutenant, ment, A. E. F., A. P. O., 729. In France October (Lt.) September 22, 1919. 28. Oglethorpe, Ga., May Lieutenant, U. S. R., 5th F. A. Regi- 1, 1917 to May 1914 Landed in 322nd Infantry, Camp Ex-1918 Jack- 19, to 1917, Camp 1922 19 1919 At Saumur Artillery School for three months. IT.’ S. May 31, 1919. Discharged June 16, 1919. JOHNSTON, LINDSEY M. 1917. 2nd Lieutenant, Company “I’ son, S. C. * * * JOHNSTON, WILLIAM GLADSTONE . . He entered service at Camp Jackson, S. C., September Company B, 321st Infantry, 81st Division. Transferred Sevier, May 20, 1918, and to Camp Upton, July 21, 1918. Arrived in France, August 21, 1918. Trained at Percy. On St. Die Front, September 20 to October 17, 1918; at Meuse-Argonne Offensive, November 9 to November 11. At University of Clermont Ferrand from March 1 to July 1, 1919. Arrived U. S. A., July 23, 1918. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va., August 18, 1919. [OHNSTON, WILLIAM THOMAS . . . • ' Ex-1919 Enlisted Tune 22, 1916 in Company F, 3rd Separate Battalion, Na¬ tional Guard State of Georgia. Called into Federal Service Aug¬ ust 5, 1917, Company F. 121st U. S. Infantry, Camp Wheeler, Ga. Davidson College 91 Attended 3rd Leon Springs Training Camp at Leon Springs, Texas January 5, 1918 to April 20, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Infantry June 1, 1918. Trained recruits for overseas service in Camps \\ heeler, Ga., Pike, Ark., Mac Arthur, Tex., Cody N M Travis, Tex., Bulks, Tex., Forrest, Ga., Greenleaf, Ga., Fort Ogle¬ thorpe, Ga. Attended Infantry Officers school at Camp Lee, Va. March 1, 1919 to March 27, 1919. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va.! March 27, 1919. Re-enlisted as Sergeant April 21, 1919 at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Supply Sergeant Recruit Depot Post, Fort Ogle¬ thorpe, Ga., April 21, 1919 to August 28, 1919; appointed 1st Ser¬ geant, 33rd Recruit Company, August 29, 1919. With R. O. T. C. Unit, Davidson College, for several months. 1st Lieutenant U. S. Army. JONES, EDWARD EUGENE.Ex-1915 2nd Lieutenant, Camp Jackson, S. C. * * * JONES, ROBERT CANNON.Ex-1918 1917. Enlisted April 30, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Inf. O. R. T. Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 15, 1917. Assigned to 117th. Field Art. October 19, 1917. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant F. A. N. G. February 26, 1918. Member A. E. F. France, Octo¬ ber, 1918 to December, 1918. Recommended for Captain September 18, 1918. Discharged at Camp Gordon, Ga., January 14, 1919. JONES, ROBERT HAYNE . . . . . . 1916 1918, April 15, Army Vocational Training, Clemson College, for two • months. Camp Meade, Maryland, 312 Field Artillery, 79th Division. Went to France August, 1918. In training till Armistice. Four months in French University at Clermont-Ferrand. Discharged July 28, 1919 as Private. JULIAN, WILLIAM ALEXANDER .... Ex-1917 June 19, 1917 Navy, Seaman, 2nd Class, Quartermaster school and Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va. Ready for Quarter¬ masters place on transport when war ended. Discharged in Febru¬ ary, 1919. JUSTUS, FRED SIMPSON.Ex-1923 Member, 6th Company, N. G. N. C. Trained at Fort Caswell, N. C. and sent with Battery C of 2nd Battalion, Trench Mortars to France, April, 1918. Trained at Langres and Vitrey five months. In St. Mihiel Drive from September to November 11, 1918. Arrived in U. vS. in March, 1919. KARRIKER, CLYDE PASCHAL ... . . Ex-1920 Enlisted in clerical department of Air Service August 9, 1917. Trained at Fort Thomas, Ky., Austin, Texas, Ft. Omaha, Neb. Ar¬ rived in France February 21, 1918. Further training at ‘ French Gun School” and made instructor in same. Sent to Front near foul July 24, 1918. In Verdun Sector, St. Mihiel drive, Meuse-Argonne battles, and at Sedan when the Armistice was signed. Arrived in U. S. March 10, 1919. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va., March 19, 1919, as Sergeant 1st Class. KEESLER, SAMUEL REEVES* . • , • , • 2nd Lieutenant at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Was Aerial Observei in France. Was shot three times in the breast and three times m the abdomen in an air fight with four enemy planes and once m hip after falling to the ground. This occured at 5 P. M., October 8, 1918. Died at noon, October 9, 1918 in German prison, guished Service Cross Awarded. KEESLER, WILLIAM PARISH . • 1C • 17 • , Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Cavalry, August 15, c 1 ^ signed to Camp Jackson, S. C. Sent to France as 2nd Lieutenant, 316th Field Artillery, 156th Artillery Brigade, 81st Division. Ar¬ rived in France August 17, 1918. Schooled at Valdahon, France, until Armistice was signed. Left France May 28, 1919. Dischargee June 19, 1919. 1917 Distin- 1917 92 War Record KELLY, CLAUDE CURRIE . . . . . 1909 Called into Service December 17, 1917. Sailed for France June 28, 1918. Surgeon in Evacuation and Base Hospitals overseas. Ar¬ rived U. S. April 17, 1919 and discharged as 1st Lieutenant, Medi¬ cal Corps, September 29, 1919. KELLY, RICHARD STERLING . . . . . 1910 Enlisted August 27, 1918. Field Artillery Officer’s School, Camp Taylor, Ky. Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant. Discharged Decem¬ ber 18, 1918. KENNEDY, MARION STODDERT . . . . . 1918 Enlisted July 18, 1918 in United States Marine Corps. Trained at Paris Island, S. C., and at Quantico, Va. Discharged as Sergeant, February 12, 1919. KERR, SPENCER HALL ...... Ex-1913 Enlisted in Aviation Section, Signal Corps. Graduated from Aero¬ nautical school of Cornell University July 21, 1917. Arrived in Italy September 17, 1917. Trained in flying at Foggia and licensed by Italian and American Army as Military Aviator. Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant December 15, 1917, and promoted to 1st Lieuten¬ ant, Aviation Corps, U. S. A. January 15, 1918. Instructor in Ad¬ vanced Flying March 11, 1918 to July 12, 1918. Instructor in Night Flying July 9, 1918 to July 12, 1918. Piloted from Milan to Paris, 600 miles across the Alps. 1st American (with partner) to fly over the Alps. Attached to Italian Foixes for night bombing August 7, 1918. Sailed for LT. S. September 4, 1918, to test new model planes and sent to Dayton, Ohio. Resigned December 10, 1918. KERR, WILLIAM CLARKE DOUB .... Ex-1915 He served as interpreter with the A. E. F., at Bordeaux, France, September 1917 to February, 1918. Attached to Y. M. C. A. with rank of Secretary. He lectured in behalf of war-cause, March- May, 1918, Instructor in Military French, and in Interpreter serv¬ ice, attached to Base Hospital No. 65, May, 1918 to March, 1919. Fort McPherson, Camp Upton and Kerhuon, France. Sergeant. Dis¬ charged March 10, 1919. KILLIAN, DANIEL MARCUS . ... . Ex-1912 Enlisted July 23, 1918. Trained for Machine Gunning at Camp Han¬ cock, Ga. Discharged at Camp Hancock, Ga., February 3, 1919. KING, PARKS McCOMES . . . . . 1897 Commissioned as Captain, Medical Corps, April 22, 1918. Called into service July 1, 1918, and assigned to Evacuation Hospital No. 15 at Reinmacourt, Rivgney, September 1, 1918. Moved near Ver¬ dun October, 1918. Discharged July 24, 1919. KING, ROBERT VAUGHN.Ex-1916 Private, National Guards, Camp Beauregard, La. * * * KIRKPATRICK, LAWRENCE RANDOLPH . . . 1900 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant in Medical Reserve Corps, September 1917. Assigned to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., October 4, 1917. Trans¬ ferred as Assistant Division Surgeon, 15th (Cavalry) Division, De¬ cember 13, 1917. Promoted to Captain May, 1918, Camp Travis. Promoted Major, October 1918. Discharged December 22, 1918. KLUTTZ, LEX . . . ... . . Ex-1915 In 1917, he enlisted with Base Hospital Unit No. 34. After Armis¬ tice was signed he spent 3 months in Edinburgh University. He then joined 8th Infantry and went to Coblentz as 1st Assistant to Chief Chaplain. In Germany. KNIGHT, FLOYD LAFAYETTE.Ex-1920 May, 1918 to July 20, 1919, Navy Hospital Corps at Norfolk, Va. Discharged Tuly 20, 1919. KNIGHT, JOSEPH IRWIN ..1922 Enlisted May 10, 1917 as Private in Hospital Unit O, Fort Mc¬ Pherson, Ga. Unit was formed June 12, 1917. Sailed for France Davidson College 93 February 17, 1918. At Base Hospital No. 6 at Bordeaux during the war. Four months at the University of Toulouse, France. Dis¬ charged August 1, 1919. KNOX, MILTON H.Ex-1914 He entered the Officers Training Camp for Chaplains', July 12, 1918. Commissioned First Lieutenant and Chaplain. Transferred to Camp Dix, where he served with the 11th, the 16th and 9th Bns. of 153 Depot Brigade. . Discharged July 12, 1919. KNOX, PAUL HAMILTON.Ex-1916 1917. Company A, 321 Infantry, Camp Jackson, South Carolina. * * * KNOX, MALCOLM MITCHELL.1915 Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, R. C. August 15, 1917. at Fort McPherson, Ga., and assigned to Camp Gordon, Ga., with 320th Field Artillery, Headquarters Company. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Field Artillery National Army December 31, 1917. Transferred to Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Sent to France in June, 1918. Completed course in Field Artillery school. On Front April 4, 1918. Returned to U. S. Promoted to Captain July 30, 1918. Sta¬ tioned at Camps Bowie and Doniphan. Discharged February 10, 1919. Commissioned as Major, Field Artillery, Reserve Corps, March 21, 1919. LACKEY, MARVIN ALPHONSO.Ex-1915 Commissioned Lieutenant (J. Grade) in Medical Corps, U. S. Naval Reserves and stationed at U. S. Naval Yard, Norfolk, Va., and at U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot. Made one trip to France and was transferred to Naval Hospital at Norfolk. Discharged from active duty July 30, 1919 as Lieutenant. LACY, BENJAMIN RICE.1906 Commissioned Chaplain with rank of Captain July 13, 1917 with 1st N. C. Field Artillery. Mustered into Federal service August 5, 1917, and given commission in Federal service; organization changed to 113th Field Artillery, 30th Division. Trained at Camp Sevier, South Carolina, from September 15, 1917, to May 19, 1918. Served overseas from May 26, 1918, to March 19, 1919. In the fol¬ lowing engagements: St. Mihiel, Argonne, Defense of Toul Sector; Defense of Woerve Sector. Discharged April 15, 1919. Citation for First Aid to wounded men under shell fire. LACY, THOMAS ALLEN.. 1922 July 16, 1917 Battery F, 113th Field Artdlery, Private 1st Class at Camp Sevier, S. C., from September 15, 1917, to May 19, 1918. At Camp de Coetquidan, Brittany, France, from June 13, 1918, to Aug¬ ust 28, 1918. Engagements: St. Mihiel, Weovre, Meuse, Argonne, drive for Metz in Troyon Sector. In 3rd Army in Luxemburg, De¬ cember 5, 1918 to Tanuary 5, 1919. Discharged March 19, 1919. LANE, DAVID WOODSON . . • • • • ? x *1917 Company E, 306th Engineers, Camp Jackson, S. C. May, 1918, 5id Company, Engineers, R. O. T. C., Camp Lee, \ a. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Engineers. Stationed at Camp Humphreys, V a., and Camp Lewis, Washington. Discharged December, 1918. LAW, WILLIAM LATTA, JR. . • . • . q'a A . Enlisted May 1, 1917. 1st Sergeant, Section 16 U. S A Ambu¬ lance Company, Allentown, Penna. transferred August 1, LI/ < U. S. School of Aeronautics, Austin, Texas. _ After Decembei , 1917, trained at Tours, France, 2nd A. I. ( . Commissioned 1 st Lieutenant. Aviation, May 13, 1918 Flying Instructor, 1 ours May 13, 1918, to July 6, 1918. From July, 1918, to February, 1 1 , An Service Rep. at General Staff College and Operations Officer, ^n Army Observation Group, East of Argonne, and around Metz. \\ the Army of Occupation. Discharged March 13, 191 . LAWSON, WILLIAM DAVID . • • ■ ■ Attended Officer’s Training Camp at Leon Springs, . exas 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, November, /, • ° 1916 Ex-1918 August, 94 War Record 35th Division, 129th Field Artillery (Mo. Kan. National Guards) January, 1918. Sailed March 1918. At 2nd Corps, Art. School, Montigny, April and May, 1918. Trained with Regiment June to Aug. at Camp Coetquidan. On front Aug. 1918. Promoted to Cap¬ tain, November 1, 1918. In the following drives: Vosges, St. Mihiel, Meuse, Argonne, Verdun. Arrived in United States, April, 1919. Discharged May 20, 1919, at Camp Shelby, Miss. LEAZAR, AUGUSTUS.1911 Enlisted in Air Service, July 29, 1917, at Aviation Ground School, Princeton, N. J. Remained there two months, then transferred to Love Field, Dallas, Texas. Completed training here and commis¬ sioned 2nd Lieutenant. After this acted as Instructor at Love Field, Dallas, Tex., Lake Charles, La., Camp Dick, Tex., Bock- well Field, San Diego, Cal., and Oneonta Field, on Mexican Border. Later transferred to Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., assisting in designing aeroplanes for the army. Transferred March 1st, 1919, to Langley Field, Va., and put in charge of all flying work for the Science and Research Dept. Discharged July 30, 1919. LEGARE, WILLIAM STOREN . . . . . 1924 Enlisted at Plattsburg, N. Y., July, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieu¬ tenant of Infantry, September 16, 1918. Commanded Company G. S. A. T. C., at Howard College. Discharged December 16, 1918. LILLY, HENRY TRACY . . . . . 1918 Enlisted June 1, 1918, in Medical Corps, Base Hospital No. 65. Trained at Fort McPherson, Ga., and Camp Upton, N. Y. Ar¬ rived in France September 13, 1918. This unit was a 4,000 bed hospital near Brest. Appointed Sergeant December 1, 1918 in charge of operating room. Arrived in U. S. August 6, 1919. Dis¬ charged August 13, 1919. LINGLE, THOMAS WILSON.. 1893 Volunteered with Y. M. C. A. September 1, 1917 and arrived in France September 14, 1917 and assigned to work with the 13th American Engineers, with 10th French Army, November 17, 1917, transferred to Y. M. C. A. of French Army. Was eleven months in camps near Verdun. October, 1918, was spent in lecturing to American troops. November to January, 1918 to French troops. Arrived in America in February, 1919. Six weeks lecturing on war topics in North Carolina, Virginia and New Jersey. In May and until June 23, Camp religious work director at Camp Meade, Md., also Ed. Director in Tune. Released June 23, 1919 on request. LIPPARD, RAYMOND CLIFFORD.1911 Entered Chaplains’ Training School at Camp Taylor, Ky., July 12, 1918. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant and Chaplain, August 15, 1918, and assigned to Camp Pike, Arkansas, September 5, 1918, with 162nd Depot Brigade. Served until discharged, December 9, 1918. LLEWELLYN, CARL POWELL . . . . . Ex-1918 1917. General Hayden’s Staff at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Discharged in 1919. * * * LONG, BYRON BURDETTE.Ex-1912 Enlisted September 4, 1917. Assigned to Battery E, 316th Field Artillery, 81st Division. Promoted to Corporal. Transferred to Central Officers Training School, Camp Taylor, July 4, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, September 28, 1918. Assigned 4th Regiment Camp Jackson. Attended School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla. Discharged January 28, 1919. LONG, CARL HERMAN ...... 1921 Entered Army Air Production service June 7, 1917 at Plainfield N. J. Enlisted Navy Flying Corps July 27, 1918 at N. Y. City. Trained at Mass. Institute of Technology. Placed on inactive list December 24, 1918. In Naval Reserve Flying Corps till July 27, 1922. O. T. S. Rank C. Q. M. Cadet. Davidson College 95 LONG, GUY MAXWELL.Ex-1914 Navy. * * * LONG, ROSWELL CURTIS.1913 Private 81st Division, Headquarters Troop, September 4, 1918, to May 21, 1919. Camp Jackson, S. C. 1st Lieutenant, Chaplain, 4th Regiment F. A. June 12, 1918, to September 10, 1919. Chaplain 2nd Brigade F. A. R. B. September 10, 1919 to December 23, 1919. Did not go overseas. LORE, EDWIN PAYNE.Ex-1913 LOTT, WARREN ........ Ex-1901 Cadet, United States Military Academy, 1903-1907. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant and assigned to 17th Infantry, June 15, 1907. Re¬ signed commission January 4, 1908. Entered 1st Officers 1 raining Camp, at Fort McPherson, Ga., 1917. Commissioned Major, In¬ fantry Officers Reserve Corps August 14, 1917 and assigned to Camp Gordon, Ga. 3rd Battalion, 325th Infantry, 82nd Division. Arrived in France January 10, 1918. Attended General Staff Col¬ lege (A. E. F.) at Langres, March 1, 1918, to June 1, 1918. Rejoined 325th Infantry and assigned to 1st Battalion. Served in Lagny and Morbach Sectors, St. Mihiel and Argonne. Wounded October 12, 1918. Promoted to Lieu.-Col. April 17, 1919. Arrived m U. S. May 9, 1919. Discharged May 31, 1919. Cited for Bravery Oc¬ tober 11, 1918. LOVE, JAMES JAY . . • • • • , • ,* 1919 ' 2nd Lieutenant, Plattsburg, August, 1918. Discharged December, 1918. LOVE, SAMUEL GLENN . • • \ ; ... - c E a ' 1912 1917, Medical Reserve War Hospital, September, Leith. Scotland. 1st Lieutenant, British Forces. May 11, 1918, reported m Casualty wounded. January, 1919, American Medical Coips, Discharged, February, 1919. * .Ex-1920 with Marine Corps, Paris Island, S. C., Company ’A” Uth Reeiment, U. S. M. A. E. E. France via New York City. Landed at Brest, September 24, 1918. Did Guard Duty and was attached to Service of Supply. Landed m U. S., August , 19 . Discharged August 13, 1919. LYL Eidist I ed F Au I guS 27^1917, Second Officers' Artilk?? Oglethorpe, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 319th tield Artillery, List as slightly at St. Aignan. LOVE, WILLIAM June 23, 1918, UlimiUbMUUCU ’ • 1 TT C A Ttmo In France, April, 1918. Arrived U. S. A., June, 82nd Division. 1919. LYNCH, WILLIAM 1918. Private. McAllister, john worth • Tune 26, 1918, at Pans Island S C , with ferred to Quantico, Va., November 6, 1918. EDWARD * * * Ex-1913 Ex-1919 Marine Corps. Trans- Discharged January 13, 1919. McARN, ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS 1920 J_> clLLCl j 9 »-• 101Q Taylor, Ky. 7September 26, 1918. Discharged December 15, McARX, HUGH MONROE • • T j h Camp," at Fort Ogle- May, 1917, attended First Officers gaming ^ £ atta ched thorpe, Ga., and commissioned 2nd Lieute_ , Service as to 323rd Infantry 81st Division . J e r | n “^ S m, Oklahoma, and Aerial Observer, Apnl, j 9 • ^ With 1st Army Air Service Selfridge Field. Mt. Clemens, Mich. With ist y in France. 96 War Record McASKILL, LEON CLARK ..1919 May 25, 1918, with Marines at Paris Island, S. C., 176th Company, Marine Barracks, 1918—. Corporal (Bayonet Instructor). Dis¬ charged January 31, 1919. McBRYDE, JOHN MALCOLM . . . . . . 1916 Enlisted in Marine Corps, December 11, 1917, and sent to Paris Island, S. C. Later sent to Quantico, Va. Arrived in France, March 27, 1918, and joined 74th Company, 6th Regiment, Marines, April 15, 1918, Southeast Verdun. Served in Bois de Belleau, June 1, 1918, to July 4, 1918. In Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 18, 1918. Wounded July 19, 1918. Arrived in United States, March 11, 1919. Discharged, June 20, 1919. McCASKILL, HAROLD JUDSON . . . Ex-1920 1917, 5th Division; 14 months overseas in France and Germany. Discharged July 30, 1919. McCASKILL, HARRY LEE . . . . . Ex-1915 He enlisted June 2, 1917. Georgia Coast Artillery Corps. Overseas Inly 18, 1918. Seven months in France. Discharged March 1, 1919. McCASKILL, JOSEPH CLYDE . . . . . 1921 Enlisted, July, 1918, at Plattsburg Barracks. Discharged, Septem¬ ber, 1918. McCLERKIN, JUAN FRED ..Ex-1920 Attended First Officers’ Training Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May 13, 1917, and commissioned 2nd Lieutenant August 15, 1917. Assigned to Company E, 324th Infantry, 81st Division. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, December 30, 1917, and assigned to 2nd Battalion, 324th Infantry, as Battalion Adjutant. Arrived in France August 18, 1918. At Vosges, September 18, 1918, to October 19, 1918. Sonnnediene Sector (in Meuse-Argonne Offensive), November 5 to November 11, 1918. Arrived in United States June 19, 1919. Dis¬ charged Tuly 21, 1919. McCLOY, DIXON ESDALE .Ex-1918 Attended Second Officers’ Training School, Leon Springs, Texas, August, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. Assigned to Camp Travis. Transferred January 10, 1918, to Air Service. Sent to Kelly Field, and later to Taliaferro Field. Transferred, June, 1918, and placed in charge of U. S. Government Experiment Plant at North Fort Worth. Passed Pilot’s examination, and transferred to Kelly Field. Discharged January 3, 1919. McCLURE, ALEXANDER MILLER .... Ex-1903 1st Lieutenant, Infantry, Assistant Adjutant, Camp Dix, N. T. McCLURE, WILLIAM THOMAS . . . 1910 1917, Lieutenant, Junior Grade. Appointed Assistant Surgeon, Lb S. Navy, July, 1917. On U. S. S. “May.” Served in convoy work on French coast from March, 1917, to May, 1918. Medical Officer at U. S. Naval Base, Rochefort, France, May, 1918, to Feb¬ ruary, 1919. From February, 1919, to August, 1919, Liasion Officer with U. S. Army. Resigned March, 1920, as Lieutenant. McCOMBS, WILLIAM WHITNER.1914 Enlisted in Regular Army, September 1, 1917, in Field Artillery at Fort Thomas, Ky. In October sent to Camp Robinson, Wise., Head¬ quarters Company, 17th Field Artillery. Arrived in France, Decem¬ ber 28, 1917. At Camp Valdahon, France, till March 15, 1918. Then sent to front as part of 2nd Division till Armistice was signed. Started into Germany, November 16, 1918. Ten days after arrival, caught “flu” and sent to hospital, then home. Discharged at Camp Jackson, S. C., May 12, 1919, as Private, Battery “F,” 17th Field Artillery. McConnell, john wilson. 1901 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, North Carolina, Na¬ tional Guards, December 17, 1915. Called into Federal Service, June 19, 1916, and sent to Mexican Border in 1916. Commissioned Cap¬ tain, Medical Corps Reserves, May, 1917, and sent to Camp Jackson, Davidson College 97 C., and La No. 5, 1st from May- Offensive; S. C.; active service September 1, 1917. Promoted to Major in Feb- ruary, 19IS. Sailed from Newport News, Va., for Prance August 21, 1918. With Base Hospital No. 60, A. E. F. Promoted'to Lieu¬ tenant-Colonel, Medical Corps, May 7, 1919, and sent to U. S in charge of convalescent patients, May 12, 1919. Landed May 22 1919, and transferred to General Hospital No. 2, Fort McHenry’ Md. Discharged November 23, 1919. McCORD, THOMAS FRANKLIN.1 910 September 14, 1917, Army Field Clerk at Headquarters,’Camp Jack- son, S. C., with 81st Division. Discharged February 18, 1919. McCORMICK, HUGH. 1916 Enlisted March 6, 1918. Trained at Camp Jackson, S. Bate French Motor School. In Motor Truck Company Corps, Artillery Park. Private First Class. Overseas 22, 1918, to August 3, 1919. Battles; Aisne-Marne Ohateaii-Thierry; Oise-Aisne Offensive; Verdun; Meuse-Argonne Offensive. With Army of Occupation, December 14, 1918, to" July 14, 1919. Discharged August 10, 1919. McCOY, JAMES ANDREW.Ex-1911 Navy Boatswain. * * * McCUTCHEN, KENNETH BENSON.1921 July 8, 1918, in Radio Department, Naval Operating Base, Hampton, Va. Completed course in Radio Telegraphy with rating as Lands- • man, Electrician, U. S. Naval Reserve Forces. Relieved from active duty January 22, 1919. McDonald, graham . ..19is Entered Service May 24, 1918. Discharged at Camp Jackson, June 12, 1918, for physical disability. Re-enlisted August 16, 1918, at Clemson College, in Mechanical Branch of the Army. Discharged as .Corporal, December 12, 1918. McDonald, john caldwell ... . . 1915 Enlisted in Ground Section, Aviation Corps, December, 1917, Fort Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Waco, Texas, in January, 1918; to Camp Greene in May, 1918, and Garden City, L. I. Transferred to Gas Offense in Chemical Warfare Section. Sent to Officers’ Train¬ ing School, Camp Humphrey, and Gas School at Camp Kendrick. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, November, 1918. McDOWELL, EMMET S., Jr .Ex-1919 February 18, 1918, in Aviation Service. Called to active service June 1, 1918, and trained at Dallas, Texas, Ithaca, and Fort Monroe, Va. Graduated from Ground School, September 28, 1918. Dis¬ charged November 26, 1918. McDOWELL, JAMES DAVISON . . • 1894 July, 1918, in Medical Corps. Commissioned Major, Medical Corps, September 20, 1918, and assigned to duty with General Hospital No. 16, New Haven. In charge of sick officers’ ward until Decem¬ ber 14, 1918. Transferred to General Hospital No. 19, Oteen, N. C., From February, 1919, was Chief of Medical Service. Relieved from service in September, 1919. McDOWELL, JOHN .... Troop B., First Virginia Cavalry. McDuffie, james henry . . 1st Lieutenant, Medical Reserves, August 11, duty October 1, 1917, and sent to Camp . . n w France in Tune, 1918. In charge of Surgical Division, Camp Hos¬ pital No. 19, at Camp La Courtine. Later Commanding Officer of the Hospital. Discharged July 7, 1919. McDuffie, lewis robert . • • • • - 7 Yn He enlisted June 21, 1917. Fort McPherson, August 28 1917. In 29th Ambulance Company of American Red Cross. V ransferred Sep¬ tember 18, 1918, to Camp Gordon, 327th Ambulance Company of 8_md Ex-1912 1910 1917. Called Greenleaf, Ga. to active Sent to 98 War Record Division. In January, 1918, transferred to Aviation Section. Min- eola, Long Island, Princeton, Camp Dick, and Montgomery, Ala. Discharged December 18, 1918. McEACHERN, NEILL ALEXANDER . . . . Ex-1917 He enlisted July 28, 1917, and was discharged August 9, 1919. McEACHERN, DANIEL SHAW . . . Ex-1912 He enlisted in the Navy, April, 1917, and was discharged February, 1919. McELROY, WILLIAM PROCTOR .... Ex-1911 From August, 1917, to April 14, 1918, in Y. M. C. A. work at Blue Ridge and Camp Jackson, S. C. Served at Camp Hospital at Camp Jackson. Commissioned Chaplain (1st Lieut.), April 13, 1918, and transferred to 105th Engineers, 30th Division, Camp Sevier, S. C. Sent to France in June, 1918. Returned to U. S. April 1, 1919. At Camps Jackson, Gordon, Ga., and Fort McPherson, Ga. Discharged August 15, 1919. McEWEN, JAMES HENRY . . . . . 1914 Enlisted as Seaman Second Class, July 1, 1918. Discharged from Officers’ Material School, Hampton Roads, Va., December 24, 1918. McGEACHY, ROBERT SHERWOOD . . . . 1894 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, Camp Sevier, S. C. * * * McGuire, eugene hayes . . . . . Ex -1923 Enlisted February 27, 1918, Fireman Third Class, U. S. Navy. Trained at Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I. U. S. S. “Louis¬ ville” from April 29, 1918, to August 23, 1918, in transport work, making eleven round trips to France. Discharged September 3, 1918. McINTIRE, EDWIN JAMES . . . . . 1916 Enlisted June 24, 1918, and trained at Camp Gordon, Ga. Sailed for France August 26, 1918. Ship was torpedoed September 8, 1918. Rescued by English Destroyers. Landed September 8, 1918. Pri¬ vate in Company K, 325th Infantry, 82nd Division. Arrived in LTnited States June 15, 1919. McKAY, JAMES HAMILTON WOODROW . . . Ex-1915 1st Lieutenant, Field Artillery, in 1917. Transferred to Aviation and sent to France, October 1, 1918. Returned to U. S., February, 1919. Discharged in February, 1919. McKAY, HAMILTON WITHERSPOON . . . . 1906 Enlisted in Medical Corps, U. S. Army, in April, 1917. Commis¬ sioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, June, 1917. Ordered to Train¬ ing Camp, August 27, 1917. Promoted to Captain Medical Corps in December, 1917. Served in the capacity of Specialist in Genito¬ urinary Surgery. Promoted to Major, February, 1918. Sent to University of Paris as student in Genito-Urinary Surgery and Dermatology, after Armistice was signed. Honorably discharged as Major. August 22, 1919. McKAY, ROBERT WITHERSPOON . . . . Ex-1917 Commissioned Captain, Infantry, at Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 27, 1917, and assigned to 60th Infantry, November 27, 1917. Went overseas in February, 1918. Bayonet and Tactical Instructor, 60th Infantry, which was being trained at Chatil- lion Sur-Seine. Observer on French front. Command of Company “G,” 60th Infantry. In two raids in Vosges in June and July, 1918. In second raid he and his company were cited by the French General, in command of 1st Battalion of the 60th Infantry. Wounded in St. Mihiel drive, September 16, 1918. Was six months in Germany. Discharged Tuly 15, 1919. Croixe de Guerre. McKEE, ROBERT BINGHAM . . . . Ex-1918 He was in U. S. Naval Aviation Service from June, 1918, till Jan¬ uary, 1919. Ensign in U. S. N. R. F. McKETTHEN, JAMES EDWARD.1918 Enlisted June 4, 1918. Ensign. School No. 1 at Hampton Roads, Va. Discharged December 22, 1918. Davidson College 99 September 9, 1918 at Washington and McKELDIN, JAMES RICHARDSON Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant at Plattsburg’ Instructor in Student Army Training Corps Jefferson College, Penn., Fall, 1918 McKinnon, lauchlin dixon 1 91 7, 117th Field Hospital, 105th Sanitary Train, Camp Sevier,’S. C. McKinnon, william boston August 5, 1918, Private, Guard and Fire Company, Camp Hill 1921 1917 port News, Va. Discharged December 11, 1918. Ex-1916 New- DOUGLAS * * * Ex-1916 1908 1907 McLEAN, ARCHIBALD 1918. U. S. Navy. McLEAN, CHARLES ERNEST. Chaplain, 1st Lieutenant. * * * McLEAN, JOHN LACY. Attended Second Officers’ Training Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 27, 1917, to November 27, 1917, and commissioned 2nd Lieu¬ tenant. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, June 15, 1918, 156th Depot Brigade and Company K, 50th Infantry, Camps Sevier and Dix. Discharged May 19, 1919. McLEAN, JOSEPH.1 882 Enlisted in summer of 1918 for Y. M. C. A. work as Religious Sec¬ retary at Camp Gordon, Ga., and six weeks later was transferred to Fort McPherson, Ga. November 15, 1918, appointed Field Director, American Red Cross, General Hospital No. 6, Fort McPherson, Ga. Charleston, 1920—. McLEAN, RICHARD ANGUS.Ex-1908 Attended Second Officers’ Training Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, November, 1917. Stationed at Camp Pike, Ark., from December 1, 1917, to July, 1918. At Camp Dix, New Jersey, to September, 1918. Went to France in Septem¬ ber, 1918. Discharged a month later account physical disability. In Government work until bis death at Alexandria, March 24, 1919. McLELLAND, WILLIAM DAVID . . . . . Ex-1909 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Department, Officers’ Reserve Corps, May 19, 1917. 1st Lieutenant in Regular Army, December 8, 1917. Promoted Captain, Medical Corps, May 5, 1919. Surgeon, Military Police, Coblentz. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross. Still in the Armv. McLEOD, DANIEI/CALHOUN.Ex-1917- June 3, 1917. Sergeant 1st Class, Medical Corps. Assigned to duty as 1st Sergeant, 324th Ambulance Company, 81st Division. Attended Third Officers’ Training Camp, Camp Jackson, S. C., and commis¬ sioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, April 6, 1918. Assigned to 2nd Battalion, 323rd Infantry. Sent to France in July, 1918. In train¬ ing until September, 1918. In action at Vosges Mountains (30 days) Verdun Sector and Meuse-Argonne. Promoted to 1st Lieu¬ tenant, Infantry, November 12, 1918. Victory Medal and cited for patrol work. Arrived in United States, June 18, 1919, and dis¬ charged Tune 24, 1919. McLEOD, JOHN ARROWWOD ... Enlisted in Infantry, September 5, 1917, Camp Jackson, S. Division, Company L, 322nd Infantry. Attended Ihird Training School at Camp Jackson, S. C., and commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, June 1, 1918, Sent to Camp McArthur, Tex., from Camp Pike, Ark., and assigned to Company E, 8th Infantry Replacement Battalion. Sent to Camp Cody, New Mexico, ber, 1918, and assigned to 388th Infantry. 11, 1918, at Camp Cody, New Mexico. McLEOD, JOHN DANIEL September 8, 1917, in Battery F, 316th Field son, S. C. Appointed Corporal, September 19, Field Artillery Officers’ Training Camp, at Discharged Ex-1920 C., 81st Officers’ in Octo- December Artillery, Camp Jack- 1917. Entered Fourth Camp Jackson, S. C., 1916 100 War Record May 15, 1918. School transferred from Camp Jackson to Camp Taylor, Ky., June 28, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, August 31, 1918. Assigned to Field Artillery Replacement Depot, Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to School of Fire, Fort Sill, Okla., September 9, 1918. Graduated from School of Fire, November 22, 1918, and assigned to Battery I), 60th Field Artillery, Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Field Artillery O. S., Camp Taylor, Ky., January 31, 1919. Later sent to Fort Sam Houston, Tex.; Camp Mormoyle, Tex., and Marfa, Tex. At latter place served as Motor Group Supply Officer and Company Commander. Discharged January 15, 1920. McLEOD, MARTIN CLIFTON.1913 Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, May 14, 1917. Commis¬ sioned 1st Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, Fortress Monroe, August 15, 1917. Arrived in France, September, 1917. With 53rd Coast Artillery Corps, October, 1917. In A. E. F. Heavy Artillery School two months. Rejoined 53rd, April 1, 1918. St. Mihiel and Verdun from August 30 to November 11, 1918. Promoted to Cap¬ tain, September 21, 1918. Arrived United States, November, 1918. With 44th Company, Coast Artdlery Corps, Camp Jackson. McLEOD, RANDALL ALEX. . ..1909 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant (Chaplain), July 11, 1918. Assigned to Headquarters, Replacement Training Center, Camp Lee, Va. Transferred February 1, 1919, to Morale Department, Camp Lee, Va., with special care of wounded. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant (Chaplain) in Reserve Corps, which expires October 5, 1924. Dis¬ charged April 14, 1919. McMillan, benjamin franklin .... Ex -1912 In June, 1918, at Base Hospital, Camp Greene, N. C., Barracks No. 5. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., as Sergeant (Gas Instructor) in Tulv, 1918. Discharged December 20, 1918. McMillan, Charles v. Ex -1924 Enlisted July 27, 1918. With Battery C, 8th Regiment, Field Artillery, Camp Jackson. Transferred, October 16, 1918, to 14th Battery. France, November, 1918. Transferred to Headquarters Company 309, Field Artillery, 78th Division. LI. S. A., May 10, 1919. Discharged May 17, 1919. McMillan, douglas moore . . . . Ex -1915 Trained at Fort McPherson and Camp Upton. France, September, 1919, with Base Hospital 65, Kerhuon, near Brest. Discharged at Camp Mills, September 18, 1919. McMILLAN, GARNETT SHERMAN . . . . Ex-1918 Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, First Officers’ Training Camp, and assigned to 87th Division, at Camp Pike, Ark. Was overseas for over nine months. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, October 12, 1918, in France. Discharged March 15, 1919. McNAIR, MALCOLM PROTHO . . . . Ex-1918 Enlisted in Navy, November 12, 1917. Trained at Newport, R. 1. On Naval Transport Susquehanna for eleven months. Discharged at Charleston, S. C., September 10, 1919. McNEILL, ARCHIE ALEXANDER .... Ex-1917 Sergeant, Ambulance Company No. 322, at Camp Jackson, S. C., in 1918. Attended Officers’ Training School at Camp Jackson, S. C., in 1918. * * * McNEILL, ARCHBAL d STEWART . . . . Ex-1918 In Officers’ Training Camp, Leon Springs, Tex., May 8, 1917. In Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps, July 13, 1917. School of Military Aeronautics, Austin, Tex., till October, 1917. Sailed for France, November 23, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, May 18, 1918, Aviation Section. Graduated as a Pursuit Pilot, August, 1918. Transferred to 95th Aero Squadron, September 28, 1918, 1st Pursuit Group. In Argonne Drive. Arrived United States, February 12, 1919. Discharged February 18, 1919. Davidson College 101 McNEILL, DANIEL ARCHIBALD. 1911 Enlisted as Religious Secretary, August, 1917, at Camp Jackson, S. C. Sent to Camp Wheeler, Ga., in January, 1918; to Pensacola, Fla., in March, 1918. Commissioned Chaplain (1st Lieut.), July 20, 1918. Sailed for France, August 2, 1918. On front with 54th Infantry at Vosges Sector. Transferred to 64th Infantry, 7th Division. Arrived in U. S., June 8, 1919, and sent to Camp Fun- ston, Kan., as Division Chaplain. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va., August 18, 1919. Commissioned Chaplain (1st Lieut.) in O. R. Corps. McNEILL, LAUCHLIN.1906 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Field Artillery, 1918, Camp Pike, Arkansas. * * * McNEILL, JAMES PURDIE.1917 First Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, May 13, 1917. Ill with typhoid fever three months. Appointed Army Field Clerk in Adjutant General’s Department, December 17, 1917. Arrived France, January, 1918. Detailed for duty 1st Section General Per¬ shing’s Staff, Clerk in charge of cables from War Department. Promoted Chief Clerk of the Section in charge of replacements, per¬ sonnel, remounts, and tonnage. Arrived U. S. A., June 16, 1919. Discharged June 17, 1919. McRAE, JAMES ARTHUR.1909 Enlisted April 15, 1918, Medical Supply Depot Detachment, Camp • Greene. Discharged February 8, 1919. McRAE, MARION McRAE, RAE ALEX. .Ex-1919 .Ex-1916 Enlisted May 25, 1918, Camp Jackson. Infantry, Camp Sevier, S. C., and Camp Upton, N. Y. Sailed for France, July 20, 1918. Ten months in France and England. Gassed and slightly wounded. Company A, 165th Infantry, 42nd Division. Discharged May 21, 1919. McSWEEN, JOHN ... Entered Army with National Guard, July 25, Lieut.) 2nd South Carolina Infantry, part of 113th Machine Gun Battalion. Trained Camp 1908 Battles: after Armistice April 1, 1919. 1917. Chaplain (1st 30th Division. With Sevier, S. C. Trans- St. Mihiel Offensive was sig ned. 1886 Va. ferred to 105th Ammunition Train, and Argonne Drive. Luxembourg U. S. A., March, 1919. Discharged MACK, EDWARD. April 1, 1918, Y. M. C. A., Marine Camp, Quantico, of Religious Work till August 1, 1918. He did volunteer Camp Lee, Va. MACK, FRANCIS MURRAY . . • • ■ • Volunteered in 1st South Carolina National Guard, June -.3, Mexican Border, August 11, 1916, to November 25, 1916. missioned 2nd Lieutenant, September 13, 1916, Company South Carolina Infantry. Called to service European War, 1917, 118th Infantry, 30th Division. Transferred to Company G, August 26, 1917. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, November 13, 1917. At School of Arms, Fort Sill, Okla., November 1, 1917 to January 12, 1918. Instructor, Tanuary 12, 1918, to May 1, 1918. Aimed Fiance 1 a > 25, 1918. Commanded Company G, 118th Infantry, as it marched into Belgium. Attended Intelligence School, August 1-12, 1918 Promoted Captain, September 20 1918. Battles: A1I 0 ^^" d of 30th Division in Belgium and France; Ypres-Lys Offensive a Somme Offensive. Served with 30 th Division m Second, Third and Fourth British Armies. Discharged July 13 , 1919 . _ MACK JOSEPH BINGHAM . •. • • c .• o r Enlisted, 1917. Corporal N. C. Engineers, Camp Sevie^ S. . March, 1918, Company A, Headquarters (First Army) Regula s, Director work at Ex-1910 1916. Com- H, 1st 102 War Record A. E. F. Transferred to Secret Service work in France, and in 1919 was in Postal Express Service of American Forces in France. Still in service. MACKEY, GEORGE WHILDEN . . . . 1911 1st Lieutenant, serving with 139th Infantry, 35th Division and 60th Infantry, 5th Division. Discharged August 13, 1919. MACKORELL, HAL RIDDLE . . . Ex-1920 In 2nd South Carolina National Guard, April 12, 1917. This became 118th Infantry, 30th Division. Trained Camp Sevier, S. C. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry. Served with his Regiment in France. Arrived in U. S. A., July 5, 1919. Discharged July 8, 1919. MADDREY, JAMES THEODORE.Ex-1919 Enlisted December 14, 1917, Private, Engineers Corps. Eight months at Camp Greene, N. C., with 435th Engineers. Transferred, 1918, to Engineers, Camp Forrest, Ga. Outfit changed to 474th Engineers. Discharged, January 25, 1919. MALLARD, JOHN BETHEA.Ex-1917 First Officers’ Training School, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. Assigned to 323rd Infantry, Camp Jackson, till January 22, 1918. Transferred to 52nd Pioneer Infantry, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Sailed August 3, 1918. Battles: Verdun, Malancourt and Meuse-Argonne. U. S. A., April 10, 1919. Discharged April 12, 1919. MALLISON, GEORGE.Ex-1891 1917, Inspector of Ordnance, Newport News, Va. (Retired Com¬ mander U. S. Navy). Attended Naval Academy, May, 1888, to June, 1892. Injured April, 1895, on U. S. S. Olympia, necessitat¬ ing amputation of right leg at knee. Placed on retired list as Com¬ mander, June 30, 1907, but continued in service till January 1, 1911. Ordered to duty as Inspector of Ordnance, Newport News. MARSH, CHARLES GLOVER.Ex-1919 MARTIN, HENRY FLETCHER.Ex-1915 He enlisted April 6, 1917, and was appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the Regular Army, October 26, 1917. Completed course at Army Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Assigned to Company G, 47th Infantry, 4th Division; France, in May, 1918. During the second battle of the Marne he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. Promoted to temporary Captaincy in the Argonne Offensive. Wounded on October 12, 1918. Rejoined his regiment in Remagen, Germany. Arrived United States, August 2, 1919. Retired for wounds, March 1921. Battles: Second battle of the Marne, Vesle River, San Mihiel, and Meuse Argonne. Cited in general orders for personal gallantry. MARTIN, WILLIAM CARLTON.Ex-1908 Enlisted July 1, 1917. Field Clerk at Headquarters, Southeastern Department, Charleston. Sailed for France, April 28, 1918. Served at Headquarters, Base Section No. 2, Bordeaux. Returned U. S. A. July 8, 1919. Bronze medal from Headquarters Mission Francaise. Discharged August 13, 1919. MATHESON, JAMES PLEASANT.1899 Major in Medical Department. Served with Hospital Unit O, formed June 12, 1917. Arrived in France, March 4, 1918. Stationed at Base Hospital 6, Talence, France (near Bordeaux). U. S. A., March 2, 1919. Unit demobilized, April 11, 1919. MATTHEWS, CARL JACKSON.1921 Enlisted August 26, 1918. With 156th Depot Brigade, Company C, Camp Jackson. Transferred to Psychological Board, October 15, 1918, and to 48th Infantry, 20th Division, November 15, 1918. Dis¬ charged January 11, 1919. Davidson College 103 MATTISON, MARION EUGENE Enlisted, July, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Officers’ Train- A lg f ii amp ’ c L M° n i Springs, Tex - Promoted 1st Lieutenant, Coast ArtiHery. Sailed for France, July 14, 1918. Assigned Battery D, 42nd Coast Artillery Corps, operating with Artillery of French Army. U. S. A., February, 1919. MATTISON, CLYDE SHARPE Entered Service June 27, 1918, Lieutenant, November 13, 1918. her, 1918. Discharged December YTTISON, WILBUR ERSKINE First Officers’ Training Camp, 1913 Camp Taylor. Transferred to 17, 1918. the 8th ... Ex-1911 Commissioned 2nd Fort Sill, Novem- M Fort Oglethorpe, 1917 ^ . . , _ , T . - v- -o-May 13, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, August 15, 1917. Assigned 371st Infantry, Camp Jackson. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, December 31, 1917. Arrived France, April 29, 1918. The 371st Infantry served in 157th French Division in Verdun, Champaigne, and Vosges cam¬ paigns. U. S. A., February 19, 1919. Discharged, February, 1919. MAXWELL, GEORGE MADISON . . . . 1896 Commissioned Captain, Medical Corps, December 3, 1917. Assigned active service March 20, 1918. Chief of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Department, General Hospital No. 5, Fort Ontario, New York. Discharged January 4, 1919. MAYES, CHARLES FRANCIS.Ex-1909 September 27, 1917, Control Laboratory Gas Defense Service, 12th streets, Philadelphia, Penna., for eight months. Sent to for research work for four months, and then made Chief of the Federal Rubber Co., making gas masks. First at LaFayette College, Easton, Penna., in charge of a testing chemicals entering into gas masks. Discharged and Race Wisconsin Inspector work was Laboratory as Corporal, Tanuary 16, 1919. MAYFIELD, HARRY FRIERSON Commissioned 2nd thorpe. Assigned Va. France, April tor for Battalion. Battles: Chateau 1917 Lieutenant, November 27, 1917, at Fort Ogle- to 4th Infantry, 3rd Division, Newport News, 29, 1918. Platoon Leader and Bombing Instruc- Gassed at Argonne; in hospital four months. Thierry, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, Returned May, 1919 Ex-1914 S. C. Transferred to Camp July 27. Commissioned 2nd 1918. Discharged December to U. S. A. with 37th Division. Discharged, MAYFIELD, WALTER ALEXANDER Enlisted June 23, 1918, Camp Jackson, Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla., Lieutenant, Q. M. R. C., December 1, 4, 1918. MEEK, TAMES HOLMES.Ex-1918 Enlisted May 3, 1917, Camp Brough. Transferred to Headquarters Company, 3rd Arkansas Infantry. Made Supply Sergeant, August 1, 1917. Trained at Fort Logan H. Root and Camp Beauregard till July, 1918. Central Officers’ Training School, at Camp Gordon. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant and sent to Camp Sherman, Ohio, as Supply Officer in 1st Gas Regiment. Discharged December 7, 1919. MENZIES, DONALD STUART.Ex-1921 Enlisted Tune 23, 1918. Eleven months in France, Company B, 13th Regiment U. S. Marines. Discharged August 15, 1919. MILBURN, WILLIAM FRANK . . • • • . 1910 1916, with Norton-Hayes Ambulance Corps, attached to 66th Division (Chasseurs) French Army. 1917 Sub. Chief, S. S. U. 59, attached to French Army. 1918, 1st Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, Com- manding Company C, Erie Proving Ground, Ohio. Discharged Captain, July 30, 1919. MILES, ROBERT WHITFIELD . . • • • Y. M. C. A. Service, September 17, 1917, to June 15, 1919. ( amp Jackson, September 17, 1917, to December 1, 1917. France, December 29, 1917. Invalided home July 21, as 1911 Sailed for 1918. Con- 104 War Record valescent until October 31, 1918. Spoke in War Work Campaign, November, 1918. S. A. T. C. “Y” Secretary, December 1, 1918, to Tune 15, 1919. (Davidson College, January to June.) MILLER, JOSEPH HENRY, Jr. . . . . 1919 Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 1918, Plattsburg, N. Y. Discharged, December, 1918. MILLER, LELAND LONG . ... . . 1910 Private in Richmond Blues, 1916, serving as Corporal, Troop B, on Mexican Border. Commissioned November, 1917, as 1st Lieutenant in Regular Army. Assigned to 6th Cavalry. Went to France, March, 1918. Six months as Judge Advocate, General Courts- Martial. Did regular troop duty later, acting as Adjutant of a detachment and as General Supervisor of the Court work of the Regiment. Post Judge Advocate and Disbursing Officer, Fort Oglethorpe. Still in service. MILLER, RUFUS CLYDE.Ex-1919 Enlisted July 24, 1917, Private, Battery F, 113th Field Artillery, Camp Sevier, S. C. Served as wireless operator in Field Artillery. Discharged March 28, 1919. MILLIGAN, SAMUEL JAY ...... 1910 Enlisted in LT. S. Air Service January 8, 1918, at Washington, D. C. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Flying status as a Reserve Military Aviator. Discharged Tanuarv 28, 1919. MILLS, JAMES EDWARD '.. 1896 1918, 30th Engineers, for Gas and Flame Combat Service. Com¬ missioned Captain, E. O. R. C., September 4, 1917. Commissioned Captain, Chemical Warfare Service, August 16, 1918. Commis¬ sioned Major, Chemical Warfare Service, October 16, 1918. France, January 10, 1918. LT. S. A., February 2, 1919. Cited for service rendered at Handon Field, France. Discharged March 3, 1919. MILLS, LADSON ARTHUR.1907 F. A. O. T. C., August 27, 1917, Fort Oglethorpe. Injured in service and operated on. Recommended for 1st Lieutenant, Q. M. C., but unable to serve because of physical condition. Discharged March 29, 1917. Drowned in trying to save a life, Tune, 1918. MILLS, LONNIE NEIL . . . . . Ex-1912 Enlisted July 25, 1917, Battery F, 113th Field Artillery. France, May, 1918. Battles: Toul defensive, August 29, 1918, September 11, 1918; St. Mihiel offensive, September 12-14, 1918; Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26, October 8, 1918; Troyon defensive October 11, November 7, 1918; Woevre offensive, November 8-11, 1918. U. S. A., March 19, 1919. Discharged March 28, 1919. MILLS, WILLIAM HAYNE . . . . . . 1892 February 10, 1919, Y. M. C. A., A. E. F. University, at Beaune, France, as Instructor in Rural Economics and Sociology in College of Agriculture. On April 16, 1919, received into Army Educational Corps, A. E. F. Discharged July 13, 1919. MINTER, CLARKE COTHRAN . . . . . 1913 Enlisted November 15. 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant May 15, 1918. Discharged December 15, 1918. Reserve Military Aviator. MINTER, HUGH . . . . . . . Ex-1916 Enlisted 1st Maryland Ambulance Corps, May 4, 1917. Trained at Camp McClellan, Ala. Sailed, May, 1918. Corporal in Sanitary Squad No. 42, A. E. F. At front, July-November, 1918; Haute Alsace, Belfort, Verdun, and Argonne. Sent to Bordeaux on special sanitary duty. Arrived LT. S. A., March 28, 1919. Discharged April 14, 1919. MINTER, JOHN RUSSELL.1913 Enlisted June 8, 1917, U. S. Marine Corps. Trained at Paris Island, S. C. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, September 15, 1917. Trained at Quantico, Va., October, 1917, to Febiuary, 1918. Arrived France December 26, 1918. Trained in Haute-Marne Sector till May, 1918. Battles: Belleau Wood, St. Mihiel, Champagne offensive Davidson College 105 and Meuse-Argonne offensive. In Germany, December, 1918, to July, 1919. Promoted 1st Lieutenant July 1, 1918. Promoted Cap¬ tain July 2, 1918. Gassed July 1, 1918; in hospital for a month. Discharged December 15, 1919. MISENHEIMER, THOMAS MELCHOR .... 1918 August 25, 1918, in Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps. Student in Harvard Medical School, August, 1918-December 19, 1918. Dis¬ charged as Private, December 19, 1918. MITCHELL, CHARLES EDWARD .... Ex-1918 Enlisted January 3, 1918, at Camp Sevier. Sailed from New York, May 26, 1918. Further training near Rennes, France. In St. Mihiel Drive, at Woevre, and in Argonne Forest Battle. Sailed from France March 10, 1919. Discharged April 3, 1919. MITCHELL, FRANCIS MARION, Jr .1917 June 3, 1918, Troop G, 16th Cavalry (Enlisted), Fort Brownsville, Texas, June 22, 1918; kept there on patrol and outpost duty. Private First Class, January 4, 1919. Corporal, April 15, 1919. Discharged September 29, 1919. MITCHELL, JAMES ANDERSON . . . . Ex-1913 He enlisted in June, 1917, Troop B, Asheville. Transferred to Sani¬ tary Detachment, 114th Field Artillery. Trained Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. Sailed May 26, 1918. Trained near Rennes, France. Battles: St. Mihiel, Woevre, and Argonne Forest. Arrived U. S. A., April, 1919. Discharged April 3, 1919. MITCHELL, THOMAS JOHNSON ... . . 1917 Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, 1918, Statistics Branch, General Staff, U. S. A., 174 Bryant street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Debarred from field service because of physical disability. Discharged December 26, 1918. MONROE, CHARLES FERGUSON .... Ex-1918 1917, Recruiting Office, Naval Reserve Force, Fernandina, Fla. * * * MONROE, JAMES CLARKE 1918. Private, Company C, 119th Machine Gun Battalion. MONTGOMERY, CHARLES DODD* Ex-1920 * X- 1909 C., Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Commissioned 1st 27, 1917, Infantry. 7th Machine Gun Eat- U. S. Regulars, December 15, 1917, Camp 31, 1918. Chateau-Thierry and Vesle. Trans- Machine Gun Battalion. St. Mihiel Drive and in action October 15, 1918, at Bois de Foret, major engagements. Recommended for August, 1917. O. T. Lieutenant, November talion, 3rd Division, Greene. France May ferred, August, to 9th Meuse-Argonne. Killed near Verdun. In six D. S. C. MOORE, CARLISLE CLARK . . . • • Enlisted June 4, 1917, with Base Hospital No. />4. Trained at town, Penna., and Camp Mills, N. Y. Arrived Liverpool December 25 1917, and at Nantes, France, January 8, 1918. Work largely in laboratory. Arrived U. S. A. April 19, 1919. Discharged at Camp Jackson. MOORE, JOE PALMER . . • - n1 , Enlisted May 17. Sent to Allentown, Penna., September 8, 191/. In October sent to Philadelphia to work in Hospital Laboratories. December 13, 1917, with Base Hospital No. 34. 1 rans- 216, and placed in charge of Central A. May, 1919. Sergeant First Class. Ex-1915 Allen- 1911 No. S. Sailed ferred to Base Hospital Laboratory. Arrived U. Discharged, May, 1919. MOORE, JOHN SWANN . • • • May 12, 1917, O. T. C., Fort McPherson, Ga. Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. R., August 15, 1917. her 25, 1917. In French Training School. Valteas. her 10, 1917, to 23rd sion. Placed on duty as Ex-1915 Commissioned 1st France, Septem- Reported Novem- Regiment (St. Thiebault, France), 2nd Divi- Fown Mayor at Headquarters of Division. Transferred January 5, 1918, to Machine Gun School. Five weeks 106 War Record later assigned to 5th Machine Gun Battalion, Company B, 2nd Division. In trenches from February to May, 1918. Sent to reinforce the French, June 15. Ordered to U. S. A. as Instructor. Assigned to Camp Dodge. Discharged December 17, 1918. Now Captain in Infantry Reserve Corps. MOORE, JOHN WALKER . . . . . 1906 With Base Hospital No. 34. Sent to Allentown, Penna., September 8 , 1917. Sailed December 13, 1917. Major, Commander-in-Chief of Laboratories of - section of France. Arrived U. S. A., 1919. MOORE, JOHN WATSON.. 1912 Enlisted July 26, 1917. Sergeant, July 27, 1917; 2nd Lieutenant, October 9, 1917; 1st Lieutenant, March 20, 1918; Captain, July 30, 1918. From July 26, 1917, to August 22, 1918, with the 113th Field Artillery, U. S. N. A. From September 18, 1918, to March 3, 1919, with 41st Field Artillery, U. S. A. From March 3, 1919, to June 16, 1919, R. O. T. C., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. Overseas from May 8, 1918, to September 1, 1918. Discharged June 16, 1919. MOORE, ROBERT HANNA . . . . Ex-1916 Enlisted July 1, 1918, and sent to First Army Trade School, at Uni¬ versity of South Carolina. Sent to Camp Johnston, Florida, where he was “attached to the permanent personnel of the Camp.’’ Dis¬ charged December 31, 1919. MOORE, SAMUEL WILLIAMS.1893 September 25, 1917, Y. M. C. A. Service, Camp Gordon, Ga. March 5, 1918, France, with 15th Engineers till August, 1918. With 2nd Battalion, 323rd Infantry, 81st Division, at Fanley, France, August 20-September 15, 1918; in Vosges Mountains next and sent to Ver¬ dun front November 1, 1918-November 11, 1918. U. S. A., May 1, 1919. MOORE, WILLIAM ROSS ..1909 1918, 1st Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Monroe, Va. 1919, France. * * * MORGAN, CHARLES COPE.Ex-1913 Enlisted May 11, 1917, at Charleston, S. C. Sergeant First Class, Q. M. C., July 15. Sailed for France July 8, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant January 31, 1918, and assigned to Regulating Branch (and Adjutant to General Hilgard), where transportation of troops were regulated for the front. Promoted 1st Lieutenant November 3, 1918. Discharged May 30, 1919. MORGAN, WILLIAM MANGUM .... Ex-1919 1918, 2nd Lieutenant, Company E, 119th Infantry, 81st Division, Camp Sevier, S. C. (On Mexican Border, 1916). * * * MORRIS, SAMUEL LESLIE.1911 November, 1917, 1st Lieutenant, M. R. C., M. O. T. C. at Camp Greenleaf, January-May, 1918. Arrived France June 16, 1918. Served with British Expeditionary Forces, June 28, 1918-March, 1919. With General Hospital No. 9, Rouen; 2nd, 5th and 9th Cav¬ alry Field Ambulance Corps, and Casualty Clearing Station. Pro¬ moted Captain, M. C., February, 1919. Student, March, 1919, to June, 1919. Discharged Tuly 8, 1919. MORRISON, JAMES GRIER.Ex-1918 Enlisted June, 1918, in Base Hospital No. 65. Trained at Fort Oglethorpe, Fort McPherson, and Camp Upton. France, September 13, 1918. Invalided home, March, 1919. Discharged, April, 1919. MORRISON, JULIAN KNOX.Ex-1916 1917, Ambulance Corps, France. 1918, American Mission, Mallet Reserve. 1st Lieutenant, Motor Transport Corps. Wounded Sep¬ tember 12, 1918, A. E. F. 1919, Tank Corps No. 1903. Distin¬ guished Service Cross. * * * MORRISON, ROY WILLIAMSON.1916 Enlisted March 1, 1918, 158th Depot Brigade. Officers’ Training School, Camp Sevier, May, 1918. Transferred to Camp Hancock, Davidson College 107 A. S., s. E. r. c. . Austin. Sailed for Avord, France, three 1916 tion) TOctober *7, G “" S “' MORRISON, RUFUS REID . . / ' 1ono Aulust Z S d I9l7 dm °r t Batt - ery ’, l uly > . 191 A Battery ' Federalized “ August 5 1917 Commissioned Captain. Trained at Camp Sevier, S. C., 113th I ield Artillery. Sailed for France May 27 1918 Trained at Camp Coetquidan, France. Battles: Toul Offensive" ugust 29-September 11; St, Mihiel Offensive, September 12-14- October 41 ?! 0 ??- ^ ensive ’ September 26-October 8; Troyon Defensive October 11-1/, Woevre Offensive, November 8-18, 1918 . Arrived U. S. A. March 19, 1919. Discharged March 28 1919 MORRISON, WILLIAM GILBERT Enlisted at Memphis, Tenn., May 7, 1917! Trained, Ground School, University of Texas, I 1 ranee July 2o, 1917. Trained at Tours and months, and at Issoudun, France, two months. Commissioned 1st St^MT- 11 ]’ M S ’’i ?’t °‘ C V November 11, 1917. Pursuit Pilot, St. Mihiel May 15-June 10, 1918. In charge of Training School of Aerial Gunnery, June 10-December 1 , 1918. Badly wounded in 2 ^ 1919 accident ‘ Fel1 1 ’ 200 feet into the sea. Discharged January MORROW, ROBERT LEE.Ex-1916 Enlisted at Fort Thomas, Ky., December 19, 1917. Trained at Camp Greene. Promoted from Private to 1st Sergeant, April 1918 • Sailed from Hoboken, June 23, 1918; arrived at Brest, France, July 5, 1918. Served in France from July 5, 1918, to Tune 23, 1919 Member ot 8th Company, 3rd Air Service Mechanics. Discharged as Sergeant First Class, July 16, 1919. MORSE, ALBERT AUGUSTUS.Ex-1912 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry. * * * MORTON, HENRY FLOURNOY 1918, In Y. M. C. A. work a Released, March, 1919. MORTON, JAMES RAYMOND, J R . August 10, 1918, Naval Reserve Corps, Training Camp, Charleston, S. C. Ensign, U. S. N. R. F. Sent to U. S. Naval Academy, June 11, 1918, to September 18, 1918. Temporary Ensign, U. S. N. One trip across on U. S. S. Rochester, escorting fifteen troop ships. Resigned May 30, 1919. Lieutenant (J. G.), U. S. N. R. F MORTON, TAZEWELL NORVELL* ‘.1918 May 30, 1918, Coast Artillery Corps, Battery B, 52nd Regiment. He enlisted on way home from Davidson College. Trained in Heavy Artillerj' at Fort Thomas, Fort Adams and Fort Greble. Arrived France September 5, 1918. At front till September 29, 1918. Trans¬ ferred to Military School at Langres, in October, and took influenza- pneumonia there. Died October 26, 1918. MORTON, VENABLE.Ex-1920 few months at Camp Sevier, S. C. 1908 1917 In S. A. T. C. of Southern Dental College, at Atlanta. MORTON, WILLIAM WILSON.1909 Commissioned Chaplain (1st Lieutenant), September 24, 1917. First Chaplain for Provisional Army. Assigned 322nd Infantry, 81st Division, Regimental Chaplain, Camp Jackson seven months, Camp Sevier two months, Camp Upton one month. Training in Tonnerre Area, Vosges, St. Die, Meuse-Argonne, near Verdun. Promoted Captain by Special Order of General Pershing. Senior Chaplain of 81st Division, March 1, 1919. Discharged June 25, 1919. MULLEN, LEROY.1916 Enlisted Harvard R. O. T. C., April 27, 1917. Enlisted U. S. Air Service, July 10, 1917. Gi-aduated M. I. T. School for Aeronautics October 6, 1917. Sailed for France October 27, 1917. Reserve Mili¬ tary Aviator, Tours, France, June, 1918. Trained at Issoudun, France. Discharged April 28, 1919, as 1st Lieutenant. 108 War Record MULLEN, THOMAS LEE.Ex-1917 Enlisted February 20, 1918, Medical Department, Camp Sevier, S. C. Served in Belgium and Northern France. Wounded September 29, 1918. Returned to LT. S. December 28, 1918. Discharged January 20, 1919. MURCHISON, HENRY DILLON.Ex-1923 Member of Motor Supply Train No. 427, Motor Truck Company No. 542. Stationed at Mars Hospital from November 1, 1918, to June, 1919. Arrived U. S. A. June 27, 1919. MURPHY, CLIFTON.. . 1913 September 10, 1918, Psychological Department in Sanitary Corps of the Medical Corps, Section B, at Camp Creenleaf, Chattanooga, Tenn. MURRAY, EDWARD CLARK.1914 Enlisted May 3, 1917. Sergeant First Class, Company C, 105th Engineers, 30th Division. Trained at Greensboro, N. C., till August 20, 1917, and Camp Sevier till May 18, 1918. Arrived at Calais, France, June 14, 1918. At Proven, Belgium, till July 10. Ypres- Cambrai-St. Quentin Fronts, September 20-November 1, 1918. Bat¬ tles: Vermogelle, Bellicourt, Montbrehein, Brancourt, Premont, Busigny, La Selle River, Veauxandigny, Mazzenheim. U. S. A. April 18, 1919. Discharged April 24, 1919. MURRAY, JOSEPH JAMES . . . . . . 1909 Commissioned Chaplain July 6, 1918, 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred in August to 8th Division, Camp Fre¬ mont, 12th Infantry (Regulars). Stationed at Camp Mills and Newport News. Detailed on transport trip, May, 1919. Discharged June 3, 1919. MURRAY, ROBERT LEBBY.1917 Enlisted May 29, 1918, Camp Jackson, S. C., Battery A, 317th Field Artillery, 81st Division. Sailed for France August 8, 1918. Landed in America, |une 8, 1919. Discharged June 20, 1919, as Corporal. MURREY, HENRY POLLARD, Jr. . . . . Ex-1921 Naval Aviation, Great Lakes Naval Training Station, August 9, 1918-September 10, 1918. NASH,JOHN FREDERICK ..1911 1917. Served as Commissioned Officer of Company 12, R. G., and Adjutant 3rd Battalion at Camp Greenleaf, Ga. 1st Lieutenant Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. A., December 29, 1918. With Evacua¬ tion Ambulance Company 80, A. E. F., U. S. A., and discharged March 13, 1919. NASH, SHEPHERD KOLLOCK . . . . 1915 He enlisted May 1, 1918, and was assigned to 321st Infantry, 81st Division. Transferred to Camp Sevier for Fourth O. T. C. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, at Camp Gordon, August, 1918. Assigned to 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Tackson. Discharged Decem¬ ber 28, 1918. NEAL, BENJAMIN TILLMAN.Ex-1912 1917. O. T. C., Fort McPherson, Ga. * * * NEAL, JAMES CALDWELL ...... Ex-1910 Enlisted December 12, 1917, in 23rd Engineers. Trained at Camps Mead and Laurel, in Maryland. Sailed for France March 29, 1918. Regiment did construction work. Battle: Meuse-Argonne Drive. U. S. A., June 16, 1919. Discharged June 28, 1919. NEAL, WILLIAM HENRY.1917 Enlisted October 31, 1918, and entered Field Artillery Officers’ School at Camp Zachary Taylor. Commissioned February 1, 1919, as 2nd Lieutenant in Field Artillery Reserve Corps. Dicharged Feb¬ ruary 1, 1919. NEAL, WILTON COOK.1920 Enlisted May 28, 1918. Sent to Camp Jackson. Transferred to 81st Division, Headquarters Department, 306th Engineers, Camp Sevier, June 21, 1918-July 13, 1918; Camp Upton, N. Y. Reached France August 20, 1918. In Vosges Sector September 21-October 21. Davidson College 109 Fontenay and Sommediene Sector, November 1, 1918. In Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Marched 165 miles November 17-December 3, Stationed at Aisey-Sur-Seine, December 3, 1918-May 6, 1919. U. S. A., June 15, 1919. Discharged June 18, 1919, as Corporal. NEELY, THOMAS McRAE . . . . . Ex-1911 1918, Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. * * * NEISLER, CHARLES EUGENE, Jr .Ex-1916 Inducted as Second Class Seaman November 13, 1917. Naval Reserve Training Camp, Charleston, S. C. Transferred at once to Indian Head, Md., for Chemical Service. Promoted in May, 1918, Chief Gunners’ Mate, and transferred to American University Experiment Station for special work, and later to Cleveland, Ohio, as Smoke Box Inspector at Lenox Chemical Company Plant. Dis¬ charged July 7, 1919. NICHOLS, LEE BURRUS.1920 1917, 321st Infantry Regimental Hospital, 1919, France, 321st Infantry, Sanitary Besancon University for four months. Dis- Enlisted September 18, Camp Jackson, S. C. Detachment. Attended charged July 23, 1919. NICHOLSON, WILLIAM 1917-18, Camp Pastor, War Work Council of NIMMOCKS, DAVID RAT Enlisted July 14, 1916, Mexican Border Service. of the 1912 AVERY Camp Lee, Va., under the auspices Southern Presbyterian Church. .Ex-1919 Company B, 1917, J., October Sam Hous- 1913 1917-Nov ember 27, 1917. Assi 27, 1917. Com¬ plied to Company 1917 119th Infantry, Greenville, S. C. 1918, France, 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry. * * * NISBET, DOUGLAS HEATH . . . • Enlisted in Medical Corps, U. S. Army, at Lakewood, N. 15, 1918. Stationed at San Antonio Base Hospital, Fort ton. Discharged October 13, 1919. NISBET, EVERETT PHIFER O. T. C., Fort Oglethorpe, May 15, missioned 2nd Lieutenant, November 17 L 56th Infantry, 13th Brigade, 7th Division, December 15, 191/, Camp McArthur, Texas. France, August 11, 1918. Transferred to Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 56th Infantry September 1, 1918, as Battalion Scout Officer. U. S. A., June 27, 1919. Dis¬ charged July 2, 1919. 1014 NORRIS, WILLIAM RUGGLES . • • •. . * 0 Enlisted May 15, 1917, Fort McPherson, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery August 15, .191/. Ass ^J d ‘° ^j 1 Division Camn Gordon. Trained as Aerial Observer at Port bill, Selfridge Field. France, August 27, 1918. 135 th Observation Squadron at Toul Air Dome, November 7 1918 After Armistice, with Combat Officers’ Depot, at Gondrecourt. U. S. A. August iz, 1919. Discharged August 28 1919. Fx-1916 NUTTALL BAN.EI MORR s on 2nd Lieuten • Fi M Ar^y. Trained at tort Sill in Aerial Observation Transferred tj Infantry after Armistice. With 15th Infantry m China, June, 1920. OATES, WILLIAM HOLT • • • ; * V 1917, 1st Lieutenant Infantry. Prance, 19ift. Fv1915 O’CONNELL, JASPER WALKER . • £ N G Trans Enlisted Tune 5, 1917, 7th Company, C. A. C., N. L. IN. u. ra s ferred to 7th Anti-Aircraft Battery, January, R ttl France June 10. Trained at DeSta^ns tdl Angus 1918 Balt St Mihiel, Argonne and Toul. U. b. A., iviarcn, March 24, 1919. AIN. BEANE MORTIMER • Norfolk . Va. Died of pneu- molia! flllowi™™ Spanish influenza, October 27, 1918, at Naval Base Hospital, Norfolk, Va. ORG 1918 110 War Record ORMAND, HARRY WHITE.1916 Enlisted May 28, 1918, Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to Camp Rariton, N. J., and Aberdeen Ordnance Training School, Aberdeen, N. J. 2nd Lieutenant Ordnance Department. O. R. C. Discharged from Camp Greene, N. C. ORR, JAMES HARVEY . . . . . . Ex-1918 1917, 5th Company, Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Caswell, N. C. 1918, France. Transferred to Trench Mortar Battalion. Sailed for France May 29, 1918. In Lorraine Sector greater part of time. U. S. A., April 20, 1919. Discharged as Private, April, 1919. * * * ORR. WILLIAM LAW, Jr .Ex-1910 Medical Corps, France. He was shell-shocked, and returned to Plattsburg in the summer of 1918 to recuperate. * * * OSBORN, THOMAS DEWEY . .... . 1901 Graduated at West Point, 1905. Captain Field Artillery, Regular Army, July, 1916. Lieutenant-Colonel, Field Artillery, National Army, August 5, 1917. Colonel, Field Artillery, U. S. Army, July 30, 1918. OSTEEN, WILLIAM THACKER . ,. . . . Ex-1916 O. T. C. Camp Taylor, Ky. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Still in Officers’ Reserve Corps, Field Artillery. OVERCASH, HINTON BAXTER . . . 1915 Enlisted May 30, 1918, in Medical Supply Service, Camp Medical Supply Depot, Camp Sheridan, Ala. Transferred to Quartermaster Corps. Discharged June 4, 1919, as Quartermaster Sergeant, Senior Grade. OVERTON, WILLIAM SWEPSTON, Jr. . . . . 1918 Enlisted June 26, 1918, as Eds. Electrician (G). Stationed at U. S. Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I. Transferred to Officers’ School at Pelham Bay, N. Y. Served a while on oil tanker. Dis¬ charged May 26, 1919, with rank of Ensign, U. S. N. R. F. PAINE, WALTER HOLMES . . . . Ex-1915 Enlisted in Air Service December 8, 1917, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Served at Kelly Field, Tex.; Camp Morrison, Va.; Garden City, Long Island, and at Flower Down, Worthy Down, and Eastbourne, England. U. S. A., December 2, 1918. Discharged December 14, 1918. Sergeant. PAISLEY, JOHN CANNON* . . . . . 1917 Entered Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, May, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, November, 1917. Assigned Company A, U. S. Infantry, 7th Regiment. Killed in action at Chateau- Thierry, June 21, 1918. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross, September, 1920. PANELLA, JOSEPH ANTHONY.Ex-1918 Enlisted June 25, 1918. Assigned to 32nd Company in 8th Train¬ ing Battalion, 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson. Discharged from service because of defective eyesight. PATRICK, BAILEY . . . . . Ex-1919 Entered service April 28, 1917. Arrived in France June 20, 1918. Served with 2nd Trench Mortar Battalion. Arrived United States April 20, 1919. Discharged May 12, 1919. PATRICK, GEORGE RIDDLE.Ex-1913 Enlisted in Medical Corps, September 20, 1917. 1st Lieutenant. Camp Greenleaf. Arrived in England, February 5, 1918. Trained with the Royal Army Medical Corps. Arrived in France June 28, 1918. He did first-aid work in Flanders till Armistice. From November 11, 1918, till May 6, 1919, he was with the British Army in Belgium. Commissioned Captain March 29, 1919. Discharged June 12, 1919. Davidson College 111 PATTERSON, CARROLL 2nd Lieutenant. * * EDWARD * Ex-1919 PATTERSON, JOHN HOWELL.1919 Enlisted in United States Marine Corps, December 5, 1917. Cor¬ poral 147th Company, Eield Signal Battalion, 1st Regiment. Trained at Paris Island and Philadelphia Navy Yard. Served at Maryland State College, College Park, and Camp Fuller, Penn. Discharged January 15, 1919. PATTERSON, LESLIE HAMER.Ex-1918 Enlisted Camp Lee, September 22, 1917. Corporal Company F, 318th Infantry. Transferred to Engineering Department, Camp Meade. Sergeant, Company B, 65th Engineers. Trained at Ware- ham, Dorsett, England. Sergeant, 301st American Tank Center. Overseas one year. Served in France and Belgium. Special Gas Instructor in Heavy Tank Corps. Discharged April 9, 1919. PATTON, JAMES GODFREY, Jr. ‘.1916 First Officers’ Training Camp, Fort McPherson, May 12, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. With 89th Infan¬ try, Company C., Camp Logan, September 13, 1918, to February 15, 1919. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. Discharged February 15, 1919. PAYNE, JOHN LEWIS.1916 Enlisted, 1st Company, Coast Artillery Corps (N. C. National Guard), July 5, 1917. At Fort Caswell till March 22, 1918. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Reserve Corps, June 26, 1918. Sailed for France November 2, 1918. Arrived United States January 15, 1919. Discharged April 5, 1919. PAYNE, THOMAS SPARROW.Ex-1914 PEDEN, JAMES CLARK . . . . . . 1910 Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Naval Reserve (Lt. Junior Grade). In Naval Hospital, Philadelphia. Transferred to Panama Canal Zone as. Ship Surgeon on U. S. S. Tallahassee. Promoted to Lieutenant, Senior Grade, October 15, 1917. Several months were spent cruis¬ ing in West Indian waters. Transferred, August, 1918, to U. S. S. Wilhelmina, and in January, 1919, to U. S. S. Floridian, as Senior Medical Officer. Transport service till August, 1919. At Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va., Virginia, till December. Resigned and discharged, December, 1919. PENICK, JOHN NEWTON . . . • • f Ex-1920 Entered Service May 28, 1918, Company B, 142nd Infantry, Camp Bowie, Tex. Sailed for France in July, 1918. He had influenza m August, which was followed by an operation. Kept on light duty hospital till April, 1919. Stenographer in office of Chief of Staff Le Mans. Made Battalion Sergeant Major, July 4, 1919. U. S. A. August 8, 1919. Discharged August 30, 1919. PENICK, WILLIAM BINGHAM Major. Eight months at Fort Oglethorpe. Exist is Va. PERRY, JOHN HAMPTON CROPT . Ambulance Corps 104, Sanitary Train, Clellan. American Expeditionary Forces PERRY, ROY . • • • • „ Entered Service, June, 1918, 156th ^Depot Transferred to 306th Ammunition tram, . . r,., , August, 1918. Saumer Artillery Officers Training School commissioned because of Armistice. ( amp Hunt, France. Sorbonne University, March and temporary 2nd Lieutenant, Field Aitilleiy. pation. Transferred to 28th Infantry, 1st U. S. A., August, 1919. PETERS. ROBERT BROOKS • Enlisted July 19, 1918, at Plattsburg missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Septembei m at 1888 Transferred to Camp 29 th * Division. Camp Ex-1919 Mc- Brigade, Camp 81st Division. Ex-1919 Jackson. Arrived France, Class not April. Commissioned With Army of Occu- Division, Company K. 1919 Barracks, 16, 1918. New York. Corn- Instructor in Stu- 112 War Record dents’ Army Training Corps, at LaFayette College, Easton, Penna. Discharged December 17, 1918. PHARR, ELAM QUERY ..Ex-1914 Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant November 27, 1917, Second Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Field Artillery. At Fort Sill as Aerial Observer till June 25, 1918. With 278th Aero Squadron, Toul, France. Discharged at Camp Lee, July 30, 1919. PHARR, JAMES THOMPSON ..1912 He enlisted May 8, 1918, in United States Navy, at Corpus Christi, Tex. Trained and served at Newport Naval Base, Hampton Roads, U. S. S. Massachusetts, Bay Ridge Barracks, Brooklyn, N. Y., Philadelphia Navy Yard, U. S. S. Susquehanna, and on Receiving Ship at Hampton Roads, Va. Discharged September 5, 1919. PHARR, JOHN BOYD . . . . . . Ex-1918 Entered Service June 12, 1917, with Hospital Unit O. Trained at Fort McPherson. Arrived France, March 4, 1918. Stationed at Base Hospital No. 6, at Talence, France. U. S. A., March 24, 1919. Unit demobilized April 11, 1919. PHARR, NEAL YATES.. 1919 Enlisted at Plattsburg, N. Y., July 16, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry, September 16, 1918. Inetructor in Students’ Army Training Corps, of West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buck- hannon, W. Va. Discharged December 28, 1918. PHARR, WALTER WELLINGTON, Jr.1908 Entered Chaplain’s Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, August 26, 1918. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant (Chaplain). Assigned to 110 th Infantry of 28th and Keystone Divisions. Served five months. In Sorbonne University four months. Arrived United States July 13, 1919. Discharged July 30, 1919. PICKENS, JOHN READ . . . . . Ex-1919 Enlisted in Troop B, Tennessee National Guard, May 15, 1914. Called, June 18, 1916. Nine months on Mexican Border. In First Officers’ Training Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe, May, 1917. Commis¬ sioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. Assigned 327th Field Artil¬ lery, 84th Division, Camp Jackson. France, August, 1918. U. S. A., February 4, 1919. Discharged February 18, 1919. PIM, B. FRANK, Jr .. . 1914 Chaplains’ Training School, Camp Taylor, Ky. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant and Chaplain. Transferred to Officers’ Reserve Corps. POE, THOMAS McCONNELL.Ex-1917 POOLE, DAVID REID* . . ... . Ex-1919 He entered service November, 1917. Private. Company C, 321st Infantry. Camp Jackson. Died on December 15, 1917. Meningitis, contracted by nursing a fellow-soldier. PORTER, REUBEN WALKER . . . - . Ex-1917 Served on Mexican Border in 1916. Called July 25, 1917. Sergeant, Company 4, Coast Artillery Corps, South Carolina National Guard. Fort Moultrie. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, June 26, 1918. Fort Screven. Assigned 47th Coast Artillery Corps. France, October, 1918. U. S. A., February, 1919. Discharged March 7, 1919. POTTS, CLOYD ALEXANDER ... . . Ex-1910 Entered Service April 1, 1918. With 30th Company, 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson. Discharged, December, 1918. POTTS, GEORGE WILLIAM . . . . Ex-1915 Enlisted April 9, 1917. Trained at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., in 371st Infantry. Sailed for France April 6, 1918. At Verdun, Argonne, Champagne and Vosges Sectors. Wounded September 28 and 29, 1918. Arrived U. S., February 12, 1919, and Discharged March 7, 1919. Davidson College 1917 PRICE, WILLIAM ARMSTRONG Worked under the direction of the Bureau ivr;,U • ' ; 1909 pas 23&M 1 Dtechiu-ged’Y’ec^niber 115 ! F rfl8? hods'Jst^lLi^tenaiitYcf 1 ^ mission in Officers’ Reserve Corps. 1 ] " ieutenant s Com- PRIDGEN, DALLAS LEROY . r lnio Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Department '* * ’* X ' 1918 QUERY, HUGH ALEXANDER He enlisted September 12, 1917. Camp Jackson.' In Third Officers’ June T" WIT”’A J t a, S;i, V? 18 ' C°? missloned 2 " d LieutS, U. S. A., March ^Dis^harged' March^'^d^ l l M 9 ^ Ve months ‘ QUERY, STAFFORD MORRISON . . 1Q91 Enlisted July 9, 1917. Made Corporal, Battery F., *113th' Field M • f ry Tvr Cam 5 Sevier - , France, June, 1918. Battles: Toul, St 1919 Cl * MeUSe ' Argonne ’ lr °y° n - and Woevre. U. S. A., March 19, RANKIN, CARL EMMETT First Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe. 'Commissioned 2nd . Lieutenant Cavalry August 15, 1917. 11th Cavalry. Transferred to Lort Sill tor Machine Gun Instruction. Returned to M. G. Troon 11th Cavalry. In July, 1918, made Camp Judge Advocate. (Tempo- 1M9 ^ St ^ ieutenant > October 26, 1918. Discharged February 1, RANKIN, DONALD THOMPSON . . 1909 Enlisted August 10, 1917, Medical Reserve Corps. Commissioned 1st " Lieutenant. Assigned to Camp Greenleaf, October 3, 1917. Medical Officers’ Training Camp, first as student and then as Battalion Instructor, till March 2, 1918. Nine months in Detention Camp, training men for Medical Department. Discharged December 26^ RANKIN, FREDERICK WHARTON Enlisted October, 1917. One year overseas with First Army and Base Hospital 26. Commissioned Major. Discharged May, RANKIN, THOMAS WILLIAM . . Enlisted April 18, 1918, Battery C, 317th Field Artillery. Jackson Officers’ Training School, at Camp Jackson, May 15, Transferred to Field Artillery Training School, Camp Taylor, June 30, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, August 31, 1918. Battery C, 6th Regiment, F. A. R. D., Camp Jackson. School of Fire, at Fort Sill, October 8, 1918. Discharged December 13, 1918. RATCHFORD, CLYDE BANKS.1914 Enlisted July 23, 1918. Camp Jackson. Battery B, 5th Regiment, Field Artillery. (Debarred from earlier service because of physical reasons). Discharged December 7, 1918. RAYMOND, CHARLES AUCHESTER . . . Ex-1913 Religious Work Director, Young Men’s Christian Association. * * * REA, DAVID MILLER . . . . . Ex-1915 Enlisted in Coast Artillery Corps, April 6, 1917. Corporal, Novem- 1917. Sergeant, January, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 1905 Corps 1919. Ex-1909 Camp 1918. her, IT. S. A. Jan- Lieu- m Coast Artillery Corps after arriving in France, uarv, 1919. Discharged January 11, 1919. (Commissioned tenant in U. S. Reserves). REED, ROBERT GORDON . . . . Ex-1919 He enlisted in Coast Artillery Corps, at Columbus, O., December 1, 1916. Transferred in January, 1917, to the Medical Department at El Paso, Tex., and in April, 1917, to Base Hospital Arizona. First-class Sergeant. On August 10, 1918, 5, at Nogales, he entered the 114 War Record Fifth Officers’ Training Camp, at Camp Pike. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry, November 15, 1918. Discharged March 14, 1919. 2nd Lieutenant in Reserve Corps. REID, GUY GEORGE . . . . . . . Ex-1915 Company H, 120th Infantry, Camp Sevier. Overseas. Reported wounded February 6, 1918. * * * REID, RUFUS TINSLEY.. 1907 On Medical Staff of Gas Mask Factory, where 25,000 soldiers and men were cared for medically. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medi¬ cal Corps. * * * REID, THOMAS SUMTER . . . . . . 1910 Private, Section 513, United States Ambulance Service. Trained in Pennsylvania and New York. Overseas. * * * REINHARDT, ROBERT STEVEN, Jr. . . . Ex-1913 Enlisted August 27, 1917. Second Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, November 27, 1917. In 3rd Division in France and Germany. Discharged July 9, 1919. RHAME, JOHN MARION . . . . . . Ex-1914 Enlisted, August, 1917. Fort Oglethorpe. Commissioned 2nd Lieu¬ tenant, Infantry. Assigned to 45th Infantry, U. S. Army (Regulars). Camps Taylor, Gordon, and Sheridan. Command of Machine Gun Company in 67th Infantry. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, August 23, 1918. Camps Sheridan, Mills, and Gordon. Discharged, October, 1919. RICE, ROBERT RIVES.Ex-1912 Aviation Corps. * * * RICHARDSON, LUNSFORD . . . . Ex-1914 Enlisted as Second Class Seaman in Navy, December 10, 1917. Hampton Roads, Va. Trained in Aviation Section. Transferred to Great Lakes Training Station, Chicago. Special Course on Aviation Motors at Columbia University, New York. Second Class Machin¬ ists Mate. July, 1918. Discharged January 10, 1919. RICHARDSON, ROBERT PAYNE.1918 Enlisted June 22, 1918, in U. S. Marine Corps, Paris Island. Assigned School for Non-commissioned Drill Instructors. Served in Recruit Companies. Transferred to Replacement Battalion, Novem¬ ber, 1918. Sent to Quantico, Va. Discharged January 14, 1919. ROBERSON, ZEB VANCE . . • . . . . . 1914 Y. M. C. A., Blue Ridge Training School, September 25, 1918. Camps Sevier (50th Infantry) and Jackson (156th Depot Brigade) from October 19, 1918, to February 1, 1919. Y. M. C. A. Secre¬ tary. Resigned February 1, 1919. ROBERTS, DAVID WORTH ..1921 July 24, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Plattsburg, September 16, 1918. Discharged, December, 1918. In S. A. T. C. at Penn¬ sylvania State College, Company C, Section A. (Acting Major of 2nd Battalion at all ceremonies). ROBINSON, JOHN DANIEL ...... 1908 September 15, 1917, Fort Oglethorpe, Medical Department. Com¬ missioned 1st Lieutenant, August 4, 1917. Sent to Fort Sam Hous¬ ton, Tex. At Kelley Field, San Antonio, Tex., November 8, 1917. Hazlehurst Field, N. Y., January 20, 1918. Sailed for England January 31, 1918. Adjutant Camp Hospital No. 34, Romsey, Eng¬ land, three months. Camp Surgeon, Flowerdown, Winchester, two months. In France, August 11, 1918, with 166th Aero Squadron. At front on Toul Sector till November 11, 1918. At Frier, Ger¬ many, till March, 1919. Captain, February 17, 1919. Student at University of Edinburgh, March 1, 1919, to July 1, 1919. U. S. A., Tuly, 1919. Discharged August 4, 1919. ROBINSON, JOSEPH SMARR .... Ex-1913 1918, Y. M. C. A. Work, Hut No. 136, Camp Jackson, S. C. Released May 17, 1919. All service at Camp Jackson, S. C. Davidson College 115 ROBINSON, RALPH KNOX duty’department!' SepIenibei^ToA/ls^ v’ s'l to ierrea juecember 21, 1918, to Wissahickon Barracks Cane Miv robinsoTro^&.c^ £rom active duty ^ 5 ^°E£e RODDEY, BENJAMIN DUNLAP . ’ Enhsted April 30, 191 7. Commissioned at Fort Oglethorpe, August 9 r ’ 191 T 7 ’, d lieutenant. Assigned to Company C, 324th Infantry Camp Jackson. Transferred January 15, 1918, to Company Q 15 5th Infantry, Camp Beauregard. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May 7, 1918. I i ance, August 16, 1918; made Billeting Officer Division Headnuar sent 3 with T/stTv' 01 '' He T quarters St. Florant-Sur-Cler. Company sent with 41st Division to Contres France, early in September. March, 1919. Discharged May 12 1919 RODDEY, WILLIAM JOSEPH, J R / F , Q14 fois 1 23 -+l TT 0qlet T l lor P e Camp Jackson. France, April, 1918, with 371st Colored Regiment. Wounded September 29 1918 Discharged from hospital April 15, 1919. Awarded Croix de Guerre' Discharged as 1st Lieutenant. RODDEY, WILLIAM LYLE . . . 192 9 . Enlisted July 19, 1918. 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S A ' Sep- 16, 191 ^ (Plattsburg). Sent to Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass., as Instructor in Students’ Army Training Corps. Dis¬ charged December 21, 1918. ROGERS, WILLIAM HUDSON.1913 Enlisted June 6, 1917, University of Virginia, Ambulance Section 57, Allentown, Penna. In France, August, 1917. Paris, September 21, 1917, to November 2, 1917; Alsace, November 10, 1917, to February 25, 1918; Flanders, February 25, 1918, to Tuly 4, 1918; Champagne, July 14, 1918, to September 1, 1918; Argonne, Septem¬ ber 25, 1918, to November 11, 1918; Germany, December 10 to March 1, 1919. Awarded Croix de Guerre. Discharged April 10, 1919. ROUSE, JOHN HARRISON.1915 Enlisted February 13, 1818, R. O. T. C., Atlanta. Called into active service May 28, 1918. Engineer Officers’ Training School, Camp Lee, Va. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Engineers’ Corps, Sep¬ tember 25, 1918. Camp Humphries, Va. Discharged December 31, 1918. ROWLAND, EARL.1915 Enlisted at Charleston, S. C., May 4, 1917. First Officers’ Train¬ ing Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. (Camp Warden McLean) May 14-August 14, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, August 15, and assigned to 318th Machine Gun Battalion. Served with this organization at Camo Jackson, S. C.; Camp Sevier, S. C.; Camp Hancock, Ga., and in France. Discharged May 7, 1919. ROWLAND, GEORGE HARRIS . . . . . Ex-1919 1918, 11th Training Battalion, Camp Taylor, Ky. 2nd Lieutenant Field Artillery. * * * RUMPLE, JAMES MALCOLMSON ..... Ex-1913 Corporal, 1st Battalion, C. A., N. C. N. G., at declaration of war. Attended First O. T. C., at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, C. A. C., at Fort Monroe. Arrived in France September, 1917. Trench Mortar School, October and November, 1917, at Bourges. Transferred to Langres (American Trench Mor¬ tar School), November and December, 1917. English Trench Mor¬ tar School, and Guards Division before Arras, December and Jan- S. T. M. B., at Langres. 116th French Bat. de March, 1918. 1st Battalion, T. A. Battery uary. A. T. 116th U. near Verdun, 116 War Record D. 1st Corps Artillery, April, 1918, to March, 1919. Battles: Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and Argonne. Promoted 1st Lieu¬ tenant, September, 1918. SADLER, RALPH COLVERT.1908 1st Lieutenant. * * * SAFFORD, JAMES CLARENCE . . . . . Ex-1920 June 29, 1917, Forts Thomas and Benjamin Harrison. Provisional Instruction Company G, which was made, into Evacuation Hospital No. 2. In France, January, 1918. Attached to 1st and 2nd Armies, and French Sth Division. Three months at Coblentz. Discharged as Sergeant, May 5, 1919. SALLEY, JULIAN McQUEEN . . . . Ex-1908 Enlisted at Camp Jackson April 25, 1918. Assigned to Division Headquarters Troop, 81st Division. Transferred to Camp Sevier, Sailed for France July 31, 1918. Battles: St. Die Sector, Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Discharged as Wagoner-Chauffeur, June 21, 1919. SALLEY, THOMAS ELLIOTT.Ex-1913 Entered Second O. T. C., at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 27, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, November 27, 1917. From November 27, 1917 to August 20, 1918 with 30th Regiment 3rd Division. Arrived in France April 22, 1918. Trained at Trem- illy and Trousseytill. Served in Vosges, St. Die, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Sectors. Wounded June 22, 1918. Gassed Octo¬ ber 10, 1918. U. S. A. March 5, 1919. Discharged March 9, 1919. SAMPLE, JOHN HARRIS . . . . . . 1921 Enlisted July 29, 1918 at Plattsburg, N. Y. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry September 16, 1918. Instructor at Dick¬ inson College, Carlisle, Penna., S. A. T. C. Discharged December 23, 1918. SAMPLE, ROBERT CANNON . . . . . 1911 Enlisted December 13, 1917. Nine months of service were spent as Chief Surgeon on U. S. S. President Grant (Transport). Made seven trips to France. Discharged as Assistant Surgeon U. S. Naval Reserve Force, Tune 13, 1919. SCHMIDT, WILLIAM, JR.Ex-1915 1918, U. S. Marines. Enlisted May 8, 1918, Paris Island, S. C. * * * SCHWRAR, CLELAND KENT . . . . . Ex-1918 1918. Trained at Ground School, Massachusetts Institute of Tech¬ nology and U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola, and in Aerial Bombing at three stations in France. Submarine Patrol work, and convoy duty with bombing over German lines in Belgium. Stationed at U. S. Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads, Va. Released from active duty May 8, 1919. SCOTT, GORDON PARHAM ..... 1919 1918. 2nd Lieutenant, Plattsburg, N. Y. Camp Coppee, South Bethlehem, Penna. Discharged December, 1918. SCOTT, DONALD EVERETT.1907 July 25, 1904 to July 26, 1906 Company I, 3rd N. C. Regiment Infantry, National Guard. July 26, 1906 to February 5, 1910, 2nd Lieutenant in same company. February 5, 1910 to August 1, 1917, Captain and Adjutant 3rd N. C. Infantry, National Guard. August 5, 1917, commissioned Major. September 5, 1918, commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel. February 25, 1919 commissioned Colonel. 3rd N. C. Infantry became 120th U. S., September, 1918. France, May, 1918. Discharged June, 1919. SCOTT, JOHN ANDREW.. . 1911 First Officers Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery, August 15, 1917. Left U. S. A. September 12, 1917. Spent three months at Saumur, France, at¬ tending Field Artillery School. Assigned on graduation to 51st Ar¬ tillery Brigade, 26th Division. Served with 103rd Field Artillery Davidson College 117 tenant^"FiSTSSS^! 0 ' SHA^tu d NC A D r eS ' S ~ ’ In aC, '° n i\ Fw * lw Company of 81st Division. In Of icers Tmininl irln l A ™ bulan . ce sionecl 2nd Lieutenant. Field Artillery at Cam^T^o” Ky^Tug 8 : ?919 ery A ’ 6th Reglment ’ Camp Jack- • • . . . Ex-1915 to the Ground School for Aviation at , . . _ r , - Liverpool October 1, 1917 and cnn- tiannng at Oxford, Grantham, and Waddington. Commis- lst Lieutenant m Royal Air Service, and trained further in. ust 31, 1918. Transferred to son. Discharged January 14 SHAW, ERWIN DAVID* ’ Enlisted June 1917 and went Columbus, Ohio. Arrived at tinued sioned Died in Aerial combat south- Scotland. On front May 27, 1918. east of Grandcourt, July 9, 19>8 SHAW, HARRY FAISON* .... F , q1 . Enlisted m Navy Reserves December 4, i917. Trained at Charies- ton South Carolina. Commissioned Ensign, August 1, 1918. Died 20 mT 1101113 ’ f ° ll0Wing Influenz a, in New York City, December SHAW, JOHN ... 1Q19 Enlisted July 6,1918 Placed shortly thereafter in Non-Commis¬ sioned Officers School, Camp Greenleaf. Made Sergeant. Trans¬ ferred m August to Personnel Office, same school, and about Octo- ber 1 to Central Officers Training School of Artillery. Resigned after Armistice. Discharged December 16, 1918 SHAW, JOHN ALEXANDER . . ’ 1918 Enlisted in U. S Marine Corps June 22, 1918, Paris Island,' S. C. Promoted to Drill Instructor and transferred to Quantico, Virginia November 1, 1918. Discharged January 23, 1919. SHAW, WILLIAM MITCHELL . . . Ex-1912 Enlisted October 15, 1917 in U. S. Naval Reserve. Active service December 4, 1917. Commissioned Ensign April 15, 1919. Nine months on U. S. S. New Jersey; five" months on U. S. C. G Apache. Inactive duty May 21, 1919. Now Lieutenant (J. G.) U. S. Naval Reserve Force. SHELTON, CONRAD JOHNSTONE .... Ex-1911 Enlisted July 9, 1917, with Battery F, 113th Field Artillery. Pro¬ moted Corporal July 5, 1918. With A. E. F., May 27, 1918, to December 13, 1918. Battles: St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest. Wounded in Argonne Forest October 6, 1918. In hospital for some time. Landed in U. S. A., December 13, 1918. Spent several months in hospitals in U. S., and finally discharged March 11, 1920. SHIRLEY, MALCOLM JOHN . . . . . 1915 Enlisted November 26, 1917 at Charleston, S. C. Called into serv¬ ice December, 1917. Trained at Fort Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla. Served in France July 15, 1918 till May 29, 1919. Served as Pri¬ vate First Class (Clerk) in Supply Company 314 at Gievres, France. Discharged May 29, 1919. SILER, ARNOLD MILLER . . . ... 1912 1917, Regimental Sergeant Major, Camp Jackson, S. C. 1918, Officers Training School, Camp Jackson, S. C. Eligible 2nd Lieu¬ tenant. May, 1918. 1st Lieutenant, 5th Infantry, 2nd Brigade, A. F. in Germany. SIMMONS, JAMES STEVENS . . . .... .1911 Graduated at Army Medical School, 1917. Commissioned 1st Lieu¬ tenant, Medical Corps. Assigned to Base Hospital, Fort Bliss, Texas. Promoted to Major, M. C., U. S. A., in 1918. In charge of Department Laboratory, Hawaiian Department, Honolulu, April, 1920. 118 War Record SIMPSON, WILLIAM ELLIOTT . . . ... 1911 May 16, 1918, Training Detachment, University of Georgia, Bat¬ tery E, 303 Field Artillery, July 5, 1918. 10th Battalion, 157th Depot Brigade, Camp Gordon, Ga., May 10, 1919. France, July, 1918, April, 1919. Toul Sector, Marcheville Offensive and Pin- thevitte Offensive. Discharged as Private First Class, May 13, 1919. SISKE, MANLY ARPHEW . . . . . . 1920 August 25, 1918, Company A, 2nd Provisional Regiment, 156th De¬ pot Brigade, Camp Sevier, S. C. 1919, 5th Company 2nd Train¬ ing Battalion, 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson, S. C. Dis¬ charged as Supply Sergeant, September 5, 1919. SISKE, JAMES BOYDEN CRELVO .... 1914 1917. 2nd Lieutenant, National Army. 1918, Fort Dupont, Dela¬ ware; District Judge Advocate. 1919, France, and Fort Dupont, Delaware. SIZER, JAMES BURNETT.1922 June 1, 1917, Private, U. S. Marines. August 18, 1917, Head¬ quarters, 6th Regiment, LT. S. Marines, A. E. F. France. 2nd Lieu¬ tenant, December 14, 1918. Sailed from Philadelphia, October 16, 1917. Battles: Toulon-Troyon Sector, March 15 to May 15; Chat- eau-Thierry Sector, July 3 to July 15; Soissons-Rheims Offensive July 18; Marbach Sector, August; St. Mihiel Offensive, Septem¬ ber; Champagne (Meuse-Argonne) Offensive, October; Meuse-Ar- gonne, November 1 to November 11, Army of Occupation, Ger¬ many. Arrived U. S. A., August 8, 1919. Discharged August 15, 1919. SLOAN, WILLIAM HENRY . . . . . 1910 Medical Reserve Corps, 307th Infantry Regimental Infirmary, 77th Division of the National Army, 1917-’18. 1918, France. 1919, 1st Lieutenant, 307th Infantry. * * * SMALLWOOD, ROBERT FLEET . . . Ex-1906 Commissioned from civil life as 1st Lieutenant of Engineers, Sep¬ tember 4, 1918. Reported at Camp Humphreys, September 21, 1918. Transferred to Camp Shelby. Assigned to 153rd Engineers, November 9, 1918. Discharged December 14, 1918. SMITH, BERNARD REID . . . . . 1906 May 31, 1918, Assistant Surgeon, Navy, Medical Department. Dis¬ charged March 23, 1919. SMITH, DAVID PAYNE.Ex-1918 Enlisted June, 1917, Camp Greene. June 1917 to January 1918 at Camp Greene. Officers Training School, Fort Oglethorpe, January 15, 1918. Injured while in training. Returned to Camp Greene. Transferred to Gettysburg, Penna. Overseas, fall of 1918. With Army of Occupation in Motor Transport Corps. Discharged, June, 1919. SMITH, EDWARD CHAMBERS, JR. .... Ex-1915 1918, Corporal, 435th Depot Detachment of Engineers, Camp Greene, N. C. Transferred to Q. M. C., as Quartermaster Sergeant (Senior Grade), and assigned to duty with Construction Quarter¬ master at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Five times rejected for commis¬ sion account deafness; twice rejected for overseas duty account deafness. Discharged April 1, 1919. SMITH, FRANK HOLLINGSWORTH* . . . 1916 Entered Virginia Military Institute Training Camp, June, 1917; graduated September 1917. Went to Georgia School of Technology for Aviation training. Transferred to Dallas, Texas; thence to various fields for specialties. Killed in collision in Texas, October 5, 1918. SMITH, JEFFREY DEE ... ... Ex-1917 Davidson College 119 SMITH, LAWRENCE PEEK . . Ex 191S ! 91 f’ France with 639th Aero Supply Squadron, A. E. F., France. SMITH, SAMUEL DENNY. . Entered Officers’ Training Camp at Fort Meyer, Va., August" 1917 Discharged for physical reasons. In service at Fort Leavenworth Kansas, 1917-T8. May 15, 1918 at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and soon was transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga. Discharged as 2nd Lieutenant, December 31, 1918. SMITH, THORNWELL FRENCH. 1912 Enlisted in Wilmington Light Infantry July, 1917. Transferred V A- F, > For t Caswell, August, 1917. Transferred to 12th Anti-Aircraft Company, July, 1918. Sailed for France July 19, 1918. In Paris Guard. U. S. A., December 1919. Discharged at Camp Greene, January 5, 1920. SMITH, WILLIAM CLIFFORD.1922 Enlisted December 15, 1917, Private 1st Class, Marine Corps, 69th Company, Marine Barracks, Paris Island, S. C. Discharged Jan¬ uary 31, 1919. SMITH, WILLIAM JOEL.Ex-1917 Enlisted in Company H, 323rd Infantry, 81st Division, Camp Jack- son,^ September 5, 1917. Promoted to 1st Sergeant December 17, 1917. Trained at Camps Sevier and Mills. France August 16, 1918. In Vosges Mountains for a month. Meuse-Argonne Offen¬ sive November 5, 1918-November 11, 1918. Sailed for U. S. A. June 4, 1919. Discharged June 21, 1919 SMOAK, CLAUDIUS MELVIN.Ex-1919 Enlisted May 11, 1917 in Infantry. Attached to B. E. F. In action September 23, 1918 to October 17, 1918. Battles: Somme Offensive, Bellicourt, Jarcourt, Ramicourt. In 30th Division ad¬ vance. Gassed September 29, 1918. British “Military Medal” for “gallant conduct” in giving first aid under artillery and machine gun fire September 29, 1918. Arrived U. S. A., March 27, 1919. SOMERVILLE, WALTER GREY . . . . . 1916 Graduated at first training camp, Fort Meyer, Va. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant. Assigned to 35th Company, 155th Depot Brigade as Commanding Officer. 1918, promoted to Captain. Assigned to 34th Company, 9th Training Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade. Pro¬ moted to Major, August 24, 1918. Transferred to Fort Sill, Okla., for course in Technical Liaison. Transferred to Camp Lee, Va., as Instructor of Technical Liaison March 12, 1918 till July 21, 1918. Discharged January 1, 1919. SORRELLS, GEORGE BASCOMB.1923 Enlisted July 1, 1917, Fort Oglethorpe Infantry School. Trans¬ ferred to Camp Sherman, Ohio, August 1, 1917. Assigned to 83rd Division. France June 20, 1918. Battles: Chateau-Thierry, Le Mans, Tours, Toul, Verdun and St. Mihiel. U. S. A. June 25, 1919. Discharged Tulv 8, 1919. SPARROW, THOMAS DE LAMAR . . . . . 1916 Enlisted in Medical Reserve Corps, University of Pennsylvania, September 25, 1917. Discharged from draft October 17, 1917, and assigned to Enlisted Medical Reserve Corps. E. M. R. C. was placed in S. A. T. C. October 18, 1918. Discharged December 20, 1918. -c, 1Q17 SPENCER, CLARENCE RIVES . • • • • F ^ 1917 First Officers Training School, May 1917 Augu S t l917 317th Field Artillery, Camp Jackson. Transferred February 1918 to 142nd Field Artillery, Camp Beauregard. In command of Battery L>. Transferred to Air Service. Observer and Aerial Gunner lating as Pilot. Graduated at School of Artillery Observation,. Fort Sill, and School of Aerial Gunnery, Selfridge Field. Badly injured. 120 War Record SPRATT, FRED R.. . Ex-1920 Enlisted October 1, 1917, Private, E T . S. Marines, Paris Island, S. C. Transferred to Quantico, Va., 1918. Sailed for France October 15, 1918. Left France August 1, 1919. Discharged Aug¬ ust 11, 1919. SPRUNT, ALEXANDER.Ex-1918 Enlisted in Naval Reserve Force July 13, 1918. Naval Training Charleston, S. C., and U. S. Navy Yard, Charleston, S. C. Released December 9, 1918. SPRUNT, ALEXANDER . . . . . .1911 1917, Naval Reserve Flying Corps, Wilmington, N. C. 1919, En¬ sign. * * * SPRUNT, JAMES DALZIEL . . . . . . Ex-1918 1918, 2nd Lieutenant, Aviation (Naval) Corps, Pensacola, Fla. * * * SPRUNT, THOMAS PECK . . . . . 1903 Commissioned Captain, October 5, 1918, Medical Corps, U. S. A., and assigned to Base Hospital at Camp Jackson, S. C., October 21, 1918. Transferred to Camp Johnston, Fla., December 23, 1918. Transferred to Philadelphia. February 10, 1919, as Chief of Medi¬ cal Service in U. S. A., General Hospital No. 22. - Commissioned Major, M. C., U. S. A., April 29, 1919. Discharged June 20, 1919. STEWART, IVAN GRIFFITH . . . . . 1915 In Laboratories making gun cotton during war period. * * * STEYERMAN, LOUIS BERTRAM .... Ex-1917 Enlisted May 11, 1917 at Fort McPherson, Ga. Transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., in September 1917, and to Camp Wheeler, Ga., in October, 1917. Regimental Color Sergeant for 122nd Infantry till January 1918, when sent to Leon Springs, Texas. In fourth R. O. T. C., at Camp Wheeler, Ga., and Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry, August 26, 1918. Served as Personnel Adjutant, Camp Gordon, Ga., from September 9, 1918 to May 17, 1919. Dis¬ charged May 17, 1919. STONE, ROBERT HAMLIN . . . . . 1918 Enlisted August 26, 1918, 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson and Camp Sevier. Company M, 2nd Provisional Regiment of 156th Depot Brigade. Discharged as 1st Sergeant April 25, 1919. STOUGH, MICHAEL ALFRED . . . . Ex-1916 Enlisted May 1, 1918 at Camp Sevier, S. C. Transferred to Camp Jackson and Camp Taylor. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Field Artillery October 16, 1918. Attended School of Fire, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Discharged Tanuary 29, 1919. STUKES, SAMUEL GUERRY.1908 Enlisted March 15, 1918 in Radio Section of Signal Corps. Trans¬ ferred June 1918 to Air Service for training as pilot. Completed training December 1, 1918. Stationed at Signal Corps Radio School, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg. U. S. School of Military Aero¬ nautics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., and Air Service Flying School, Payne Field, West Point, Miss. Discharged as Reserve Military Aviator. STUKES, TAYLOR HUDNALL.Ex-1913 Second Officers Training School, Fort Oglethorpe, August, 1917. Transferred to Aviation Section, Officers Training School, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Decem¬ ber 6, 1917. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, January 15, 1918. Com¬ manding Officer 331st Aero Squadron; overseas in July, 1918. Discharged December 31, 1918. STUCKY, HAROLD JEFFERSON .... Ex-1909 Enlisted in Navy 1918. * * * SUSONG, WILLIAM ALBERT.Ex-1912 1918, Aviation Corps, Ground School, San Antonio, Texas. * * * Davidson College 121 SUMMERVILLE, HARRY W.* r He enlisted on June 20 1918 Trait^ U+ \t ' ' ar' , . Ex-1919 fev 'j -3 fcuowed^by Tub“cXS. Coun™ N c. ’ d November 27 ' 15-21, in MeckleSg TAT E.,.THOU AS GREENLEE 1S ’ ' l9is TAYLOR, ALEXANDER ... F , Q1 . Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Engineers iqiq &£££■* g n LfUJ the lavin^ nf Jh 2S ’ 1918 l 0r gallant conduct in connection with Gunfire. ” * H * J * mping off ta I je near Bellicourt, under Machine 1911 TAYLOR, ARCHIBALD BOGGS Enlisted June 12, 1917, Hospital Unit O. March 4, 1918, m France with Base Hospital No. 6, Talence, near Bordeaux. ’Ar¬ rived L. S. A. March 24, 1919. Discharged April 11 1919 TAYLOR, EDMUND DOUGLAS . ’ion Enlisted June 12, 1917, Hospital Unit O. March ' 4 , 1918, in France with Base Hospital No. 6, Talence, near Bordeaux. Ar¬ rives L. S. A. March 24, 1919. Discharged April 11,1919 TAYLOR, JACQUELIN PLUMMER . . . 19?1 September 1918, commissioned 2nd Lieutenant at Plattsbiir^ N Y Discharged December, 1918. TAYLOR. LINDSAY ARNOLD. 1922 Ma\ 17, 1918, Company D, 29th Engineers, Washington Barracks, rranee, July, 1918. Served at Regimental Headquarters till Sep- t io r ?v er T 1 ’ 1918 - With 55th C. A. C., September to November, 1918. In minor St. Mihiel Offensives and through the Meuse- Argonne Offensive. With surveyors attached to Headquarters First Army, for several weeks, and transferred to 29th Engineers Discharged July 15, 1919. TEAM, BENJAMIN LESLIE.Ex-1924 Enlisted April 25, 1917, St. Helena Training Sation, Norfolk, Va. Transferred to Recruit Camp, Navy Yards, Charleston, S. C. Served on U. S. S. Vestal, U. S. S. Supply, U. S. S. Gorgona, Coca Sola, Canal Zone, Panama, and Key West, Fla., also U. S. S. Hartford, Receiving Ship, Charleston Navy Yards, Charleston, S. C. Discharged as Electrician Second Class, (Radio) July 30, 1919. TEAM, JOHN LAWRENCE.Ex-1911 Infantry. 1904 TEAM, BENJAMIN GESS. Infantry. THACKER, JOHN GILLESPIIE.1916 1917, Sergeant, Ambulance Company No. 321, Camp Jackson, S. C. France. Served in St. Die Sector, and in Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Discharged June 27, 1919. THACKSTON, JAMES BECKWITH .... Ex-1909 1918, Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps, Camp Sevier, S. C. * * * THAMES, JOHN ALLEN ... 1918 Enlisted May 25, 1918. Assigned to 27th Company, 156th Depot Brigade at Camp Jackson. Transferred to Central Officers Train¬ ing School at Camp Gordon, July 25, 1918, and assigned to 17th Infantry, U. S. A. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry, Oc¬ tober 15, 1918. Placed with 29th Company, C. O. T. S., Camp Gordon, Ga. Discharged December 31, 1918. THAMES, PRESTON BROOKS . . . . Ex-1917 December 14, 1917, Chief Yeoman in U. S. Navy, on board U. S. S. Pennsylvania. Discharged September 14, 1919. 122 War Record THERRELL, DAVID HOLT . . . . . Ex-1918 June 12, 1917, Private, Hospital Unit O, Fort McPherson, Ga. February 16, 1918, France. March 24, 1919, with Base Hospital No. 6, Bordeaux. Discharged April 11, 1919. THIES, OSCAR JULIUS.1918 Inducted into S. A. T. C., October 10, 1918, at Massachusetts School of Technology. Transferred to Camp Devens, December 1, with 153rd Depot Brigade. Discharged January 31, 1919. THOMAS, LAVENS MATHEWS ON.1918 Entered the Central Officers’ Training School for Field Artillery at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., September 3, 1918. Graduated with rank of 2nd Lieutenant in Field Artillery Reserve Corps. Dis¬ charged December 11, 1918. THOMAS, LEE H... . Ex-1913 1917, Ambulance Corps, Allentown, Penna., 1st Sgt. * * * THOMASON, RICHARD LOCKE.Ex-1900 Entered Second Officers Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 30, 1917. Discharged ten weeks later because of physical disability. Member of 15th Infantry. THOMPSON, EDWIN BEVERIDGE .... Ex-1915 Enlisted in Medical Department, June 1, 1918, Camp Greenleaf and assigned to Base Hospital No. 103. Transferred to Fort Sheridan, and then to Camp Upton. Sailed for France October 27, 1918, arriving too late to open a hospital. Sergeant. Acted as Chaplain for two months. Assigned to Base Hospital No. 17, January 15, 1919. Did religious work and clerical work; conducted over fifty mili¬ tary funerals in absence of Chaplain. Landed U. S. A. July 6, 1919. Discharged July 18, 1919. THOMPSON, PRANK MARTIN* . . . . Ex-1908 Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Second Officers Training School, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., November, 1917. Assigned to 15th Machine Gun Battalion. Killed in battle, September 13, 1918. THOMPSON. FREDERICK NOLL.1921 1918, U. S. Naval Reserve Force. THOMPSON, JOHN ELLIOTT.Ex-1917 Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant August 15, 1917. Camp Jackson, S. C., September 1, 1917, in charge of negro troops. Sailed for France April 15, 1918. Trained for six weeks with the French Army and on front near Verdun, June 28, 1918-August 14, 1918. Entered the Champagne Offensive, September 28, 1918, and by Octo¬ ber 7, 1918 they had advanced twelve Kilos, and lost 67 per cent, of their men, capturing 800 prisoners. Then sent to Vosges Moun¬ tains, and remained there until Armistice. U. S. A., February 15, 1919, Discharged February 28, 1919. THOMPSON, MARSHALL ALEXANDER . . . Ex-1920 Enlisted December 15, 1917, Marine Barracks, Paris Island, S. C. Trained till March 13, 1918. Arrived France, March 27, 1918. Transferred May 17, 1918, to 81st Company, 6th Machine Gun Battalion. Battles: Belleau Woods and Chateau-Thierry. Wounded in battle, June 17, 1918. In hospital till July 13, 1918. Arrived U. S. A., August 25, 1918. Discharged July 26, 1919. THOMPSON, WILLIAM TALLIAFERRO .... 1905 1918, Camp Religious Work Director, Y. M. C. A., Camp Greene, N. C. THOMSON, JAMES WILLIAM.1910 First Officers’ Training School, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May 14, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, and assigned to 371st Infantry, Camp Jackson, S. C. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, December 31, 1917. Sailed for France, April 6, 1918. On front from June 10, 1918, to September 30, 1918. Battles: Verdun, Argonne, Champagne. U. S. A., February 11, 1919. Discharged February 28, 1919. Gassed once and wounded September 30, 1918, by machine gun bullets. In hospital till Armistice was signed. Davidson College 123 THOMSON, WARDLAW PERRIN . . . . 1916 Officers’ Training School, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May 13, 1917. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, August 15, 1917. Assigned to Company C, 323rd Infantry, Camp Jackson, S. C. Transferred to 24th Company, 156th Depot Brigade, November 15, 1917. Pro¬ moted 1st Lieutenant, April, 1918. Promoted to Captain, June, 1918. Assigned to 22nd Company, 154th Depot Brigade. 22nd Company later became Company K, 2nd Provisional Regiment, 156th Depot Brigade. Transferred to Camp Sevier, September 27, 1918. Dis¬ charged December 4, 1918. THORNTON, GEORGE S. . . . . . Ex-1915 1917, Battery E, 335th Field Artillery, Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark. Sergeant. * * * TODD, JOHN WELLS.1909 1918, 2nd Lieutenant, A. E. F. France. Gassed September, 1918. * * * F., from General Per- West Point. 1908 TOMPKINS, ARTHUR SMYLY.Ex-1917 Enlisted April 17, 1917. France, August 18, 1918. At the front sixty days. Trained at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Arrived in U. S. A., April 24, 1919. Discharged April 30, 1919. TOMPKINS, DANIEL AUGUSTUS, Jr. . . . Ex-1919 1917, Medical Reserves, Fort McPherson, Ga. 1918, Hospital Unit O. February 16, 1918, Base Hospital No. 6, Bordeaux, France. 12th Company, 3rd Battalion, 155th Depot Brigade. Returned March 24, 1919. Discharged April 11, 1919. TORRENCE, ROBERT MATTHEWS .... Ex-1916 Enlisted June 25, 1918, 36th Company, 156th Depot Brigade, Camps lackson and Stuart. In France, November 9, 1918. Transferred to 2nd Battalion, F. A. (R. R.), November 10, 2nd Artillery Company, F. A. (R. R.), December 17, 1918, to F. A. R. W., February 10, 1919, and to Company A, Headquarters Battalion, G. H. Q., A. E. April 15, 1919. Sent to U. S. as special courier shing to Adjutant General, Li. S. Military Academy, Discharged July 16, 1919. TROTTER. THOMAS KIRKLAND . . . • • 1913 1918, Fort Oglethorpe. Discharged September 4, 1918, physical disabilities. 1 U ^Commissioned^ Ut^Lilutenant, M. C., October 3 Iff/. Reported for active duty January 18, 1918, and served with Field Hospital No. 36, 7th Division. Later Commanding Officer, Motor Company iNo. 4, Commanding Officer, Ambulance Company No. 10. In St. and Argonne-Meuse-Verdun Campaigns September to November, 1918. Slightly wounded at St. Mihiel. Discharged May 10, 1919. VASS, LAUCHLIN CUMMING • r T • T _ • , T • . • 1Q1 „ Entered Religious Work Department of \. M. C. A., March -3, 1918. Six months at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Transferred to Columbia U versity. Sailed for France, November 11, 1918. Religious Director in Leave Area at La Baboule, and later at Biarntz. A July 17, 1919. Discharged July 20, 1919. VINSON, PORTER PAISLEY . • • • Enlisted 1918, 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, U. S. A. Base Hospital No. 102, Vicenza, Italy, and connected 6th Italian Armies. „ _ ^ VON GLAHN, WILLIAM CARSON • • • Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, M R. C., U. b. A., July. j.. tv Tanuarv 28 1918, Fort Houston, lex., with a ftSrfSSS OcSef ?6, Ar“S wry School^ New Haven, Conn., and Port o£ Embarkation Labora- tory, Hoboken, N. J. Discharged June 11, 1919. and Mihiel 1894 Work U. S. 1909 Assigned to with 4th and 1917. Active commission to 1911 124 War Record WADDELL, DECATUR FOX U. S. Navy. * * * Ex-1921 WAKEFIELD, R. F. . . . . . Ex-1916 1917, Headquarters 115th Machine Gun Battalion, Camp Sevier, S. C. 1918, in France. * * * WALKER, COSMO LOWRY . . . . . Ex-1917 Entered Second Officers’ Training School, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and Commissioned Captain, Field Artillery. Assigned to 80th Com¬ pany. Regiment transferred to Waco, Tex., and made a part of 7th Division. Completed course in School of Fire at Fort Sill, Okla. Rejoined Regiment. Transferred to Anniston. Sailed August 22, 1918. Trained at Camp Vans, France. Joined 81st Division. U. S. A., June 26, 1919. Discharged July 15, 1919. WALKER, ROBERT BRATTON.Ex-1918 1917, Private, Washington (D. C.) Ambulance Company, Allentown, Penna. (Tabahannock, N. Y.) 1918, Sergeant, Section 513, U. S. A. A. S., A. E. F. 1918, Commissioned 1st Lieutenant (September 1, 1918). January 24, 1919, Medaille d’honneur. * * * WALTON, FRANCIS CRACROFT .... Ex-1916 Member of Virginia National Guard. Called out March 26, 1917, guarding property around Norfolk. May 14, 1917, entered training camp at Fort Meyer. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in Regular Army, 6th U. S. Infantry. Overeas April, 1918. Sick. Returned to U. S., September, 1918. Discharged, December, 1918. WATKINS, DAN HATCHER.1903 1917, Headquarters, Field Artillery, Company 15, Watertown, N. T. * * * WATKINS, JOHN CRISPIN.Ex-1918 Enlisted, May, 1917, in 117th Engineers of 42nd (Rainbow) Divi¬ sion. France, November 1, 1917. Promoted Sergeant First Class. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant at Training School, September, 1918, Fort St. Menge, France. Promoted 1st Lieutenant, May, 1919. Transferred to 305th Engineers, 80th Division, September, 1918. Sailed for U. S. A., June 1, 1919. Discharged June 30, 1919. Battles: Lumeville Sector, Baccarat Sector, Champagne-Marne, Chateau-Thierry, Meuse-Argonne. WATKINS, ROBERT EARLE.1912 Passed examination for Regular Navy, Medical Corps, June 2, 1917. Commissioned Lieutenant. July 19, 1917, promoted to Senior Grade Lieutenant, M. C., LT. S. N. On inactive duty, October 23, 1919. Post-Graduate Course in Philadelphia, May 28-August 1, 1917. August 1, 1917, to April 15, 1918, on U. S. S. Mercury. Two trips to France. From April 15, 1918, to November 1, 1918, on U. S. S. Lenape; four trips to France. November 1, 1918, to April 4, 1919, U. S. S. Santa Teresa; four trips to France. April 4, 1919, to August 1, 1919, U. S. S. Callao, as Senior Medical Officer; one trip to France. August 1, 1919, to October 23, 1919, in charge of X-Ray Department, U. S. S. Hospital, near Philahelphia. October 23, 1919, discharged from Regular Navy to Naval Reserve, same rank. WATSON, DAVID LEWIS.Ex-1913 Enlisted, September, 1917, and trained at Camp Cody, New Mexico. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Sailed for France, September, 1918. In France five months. Discharged, April, 1919. WATT, CHARLES EDGAR, JR..Ex-1911 Enlisted February 10, 1918, Camp Gordon. Assigned to Company C, 3rd Replacement Regiment. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, on October 15, 1918. Assigned to Company B, 3rd Replacement Regiment. Assigned to inactive service February 10, 1919. Camp Gordon, Ga. WATT, CHARLES H.1906 Enlisted May 1, 1917, as 1st Lieutenant in Medical Reserve Corps. Went to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., and sailed for France, Davidson College 125 help British Expeditionary January, 1918, when trans- . F. Promoted Captain in July 23, 1917, on call for volunteers to Forces. On active duty with British till ferred to Base Hospital No. 18, A. E Medical Corps. Left France February 1, 1919. Discharged Feb¬ ruary 25, 1919. WATT, JOHN DILLARD Enlisted June 22, 1918, U. S. Marine Corps, Paris Island, S. C. Corporal from October 13, 1918. Non-commissioned Drill Instructor. Assigned to Recruit Companies. Transferred to Replacement Bat¬ talion, November 19, 1918. Discharged, January, 1919. 1919 1901 Ex-1919 N. C. Trained Battery. Sailed WATT, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS Fort Oglethorpe Training Camp, 1918. Discharged by request, Sep¬ tember 14, 1918. WEARN, JOHN McDONALD* . . Enlisted in 1917, with 5th C. A. C., Fort Caswell, until July, 1918. Transferred to 10th Anti-Aircraft for France, Tuly 14, 1918. Arrived in France, August 3, 1918. Sent to Fort De Staine (10 miles from Paris). While training here he took influenza, which developed into pneumonia. He died October- 19, 1918. WEARN, JOSEPH TRELOAR.1913 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps, December, 191/. . Assigned to duty July 4, 1918, at U. S. Army General Hospital No. 9, Lakewood, N. J., on Cardio-vascular Service. Transferred to Camp Meigs, Washington, D. C. Returned to General Hospital No. 9. Transferred, April, 1919, to Walter Reed Hospital. In charge of contagious ward. Discharged August 1, 1919. WESTROPE, CORDON . . • • • • Ex-1914 Enlisted June 23, 1918, Camp Jackson. Assigned to 18th Company, 156th Depot Bridgade. 2nd Provisional Regiment,18th Company was changed to Company F. Transferred to Camp Zachary faylor, 3rd Training Battalion, 1st Training Battery, b. A., L. O. 1. b. Discharged November 26, 1918. WHARTON, WILLIAM LACY . . • • . • Ex ' 191/ May 20 1918, placed in 27th Company, 156th Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson,’ S. C. Transferred June 10th to Headquarters Company, 5th Battalion. Promoted Corporal June 20th. .Transferred to C. O. T. S. Infantry, 28th Company, Camp Gordon, Ga., September 14, 1918. Discharged November 28, 1918. WHITE ANDREW WARDLAW . • . • . ■ ' v i ' " Reported for active duty February 27, 1918. Sailed from New \ork on July 5, 1918. Sailed from St. Nazaire, Prance, April 13 1919. rfc pi X m 0 9 SPit Dis^ar 4 g ed T&mp Te^ns^Ma'ss!^ WHI Je E SS A MTl "I*™ Company, Charlotte, N. C. mb/'” May 23. ' He became ill on May 25; in hospital for s.x months. Discharged at Camp Wadsworth, December 17, 1918. Ejc . 1914 4 J -Septe^er-Js 1? W .the Urn- versity of Virginia. Base Hospital No. 41 .called into'service r rnarv 27 1918 and trained at Camp Seviei, S. C. bailed toi trance Jufy" 5,1918. Located at St. Denis France till February, 1919. U. S., April 26, 1919. Discharged, April, 1919. WHITE, JOHN BONAR ^ Medicai Corps Reserve, January 7, Commissioned 1 st Lieutenant Medical School, Wash- ington d" C. TrtnsiS to Camp Gorlon, September 15, 1913, to August 13, 1919, when discharged. 1910 126 War Record WHITE, LOCKE.1913 Y. M. C. A. Work, 1917, Camp Greene, N. C. While here he was commissioned 1st Lieutenant (Chaplain), 1918, Chaplain 51st Pioneer Infantry, Camp Wadsworth, S. C. In France, August, 1918, with 51st Pioneer Infantry, A. E. F. In France 51st Pioneer Infantry was attached to 4th Army Corps as auxiliary troops, and with them he went to Germany. Discharged April 7, 1919. WHITE, ROBERT CURRIE . . . . . . 1913 1917, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., Company A, Medical Officers’ Training Camp. * * * WHITE, THERON LONG.1917 1918, Q. M. C., Camp Johnston, Fla. (On Personnel Board). * * * WHITEHEAD, LAWTHER JACKSON . . . Ex-1913 1918, 1st Lieutenant M. C., Base Hospital, No. 19, A. E. F., France. U. S. A., May, 1919. * * * WHITENER, WILLIAM CLARENCE .... Ex-1904 In France with 16th Infantry. Major. WHITNER, WILLIAM CHURCH.1912 Enlisted, May, 1915, in Richmond Light Infantry Blues Battalion, “B” Company. Organization mustered into Federal service, June, 1916, and went to Mexican Border. Transferred in August, 1917, to Aviation Section. Flight Commander “C” Flight in 51st Aero Squadron. Discharged December 17, 1918. WHITESIDES, CHARLES BARNETTE . . . Ex-1918 Enlisted May 28, 1918. In Base Hospital at Charleston till August 7, 1919, when released to inactive duty. WHITLOCK, HAROLD WRIGHT.1911 Enlisted April 1, 1918. Corporal, June 12, 1918; Sergeant, June 18, 1918. Sailed June 12, 1918. In 83rd Division of Ohio. Trained near Le Mans till October 15, 1918. Went to Officers’ Training School. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, May 11, 1919. Stationed at Headquarters, Infantry Section, Service of Supplies, as Official Historian, May and June, 1919. Discharged August 16, 1919. WILCOX, CLARENCE ROTHWELL . . . . 1911 1917, 1st Sergeant, 327th Ambulance Company, Camp Gordon, Ga. 1918, 2nd Lieutenant, Field Artillery. Instructor Saurnur Artillery School, France. 1919, Assistant Director Education, Army Schools, Gievres, France. Discharged Tuly 7, 1919. WILCOX, EVERARD ANSLEY' ... . . 1907 Captain, M. C., U. S. Army, A. E. F. Commissioned 1st Lieutenant M. R. C., June, 1917, and trained at Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe. Special course in Military Surgery, at University of Pennsylvania. Assigned to Surgical Board, Camp Jackson Can¬ tonment for examination of troops. Sent to France July 6, 1918, received further training in Military Surgery, and was assigned to Mobile Hospital No. 5, 3rd Army Corps, 1st Army, with which he served throughout the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. After the Armis¬ tice was sent to Savenay, France, on the surgical staff of Base Hos¬ pital No. 8, later No. 69. In February, 1919, was assigned to the Army of Occupation in Germany as Attending Surgeon, 3rd Army Corps Headquarters, until he returned with this organization, July 30, 1919. WILDS, LOUIS TREZEVANT.1906 August, 1918, to February, 1919, Y. M. C. A. Service, Camp Tackson, S. C. WILKINSON, GEORGE RICHARD.1912 January 5, 1918, commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Medical Corps. On active duty at Camp Jackson, S. C., Base Hospital. Discharged August 18, 1919. Davidson College 127 WILKINSON, JAMES RICHARD.1915 1918, France. * * * WILKINSON, JOSEPH EDWARD.1910 Member of Richmond Light Infantry Blues. On Mexican Border in 1916. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, F. A., April, 1917. Commis¬ sioned 1st Lieutenant and Captain, F. A., same day, November 22, 1917, at Fort Meyer. Transferred December 1, 1917, to Fort Sill, Okla.; upon completion of war course there, transferred to Camp Meade to organize Fourth O. T. C. Transferred later to Camp Jackson, F. A. Replacement Depot to organize School for Specialists in F. A. Commissioned Major, September 16, 1918. After the Armistice transferred to Camp Sheridan to demobilize 9th Division. Transferred April 1, 1919, to Carnegie Institute of Technology to take charge of F. A. Dept. O. R. C. Discharged, Camp Dix, Octo¬ ber 24, 1919. WILLIAMS, CHARLES BARKLEY .... Ex-1916 1917, Infantry, Camp Pike, Ark. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. * * * WILLIAMS, PATRICK HENRY ..... Ex-1895 Entered Second Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., August 27, 1917. Commissioned Captain of Infantry, November 26, 1917. Assigned to Company L, 39th Infantry, December 15, 1917, as Commanding Officer. Transferred to Regimental Headquarters, April 25, 1918, as Personnel Officer. Transferred to General Head¬ quarters, A. E. F., July 15, 1918, Casualty Department. Transferred to Bureau of Accounts, Paris, September 28, 1918. Arrived U. S., January, 1919. Discharged January 11, 1919. WILLIAMS, PETER McKELLAR, Jr .Ex-1914 Officers’ Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., May 13, 1917. Com¬ missioned 2nd Lieutenant, August 15, 1917. Promoted to 1st Lieu¬ tenant, March 14, 1918. Promoted to Captain, June 13, 1918. Served at Camp Jackson and Camp Sevier, with 156th Depot Brigade, Company M, 3rd Regiment, and Battery F, 317 Field Artillery, 81st Division. WILLIAMS, ROBERT MURPHY Camp Pastor at Camp Jackson, from October 1919. He was the only Camp Pastor allowed Jackson. WILLIAMSON, GEORGE THOMAS . 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry. * WILLIAMSON, HARRY DeLOS . . March 30, 1918, 2nd Lieutenant with Banks, Attended Officers’ Training Camp at WILLIAMSON, JOHN WILSON Enlisted May 8, 1917. 1918, Sergeant, L to 1918, to June 1, remain at Camp 1896 Ex-1918 Ex-1919 Penna. * * Gettysburg, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. . . . Ex-1913 113th Field Artillery, Head¬ quarters Company, American Expeditionary korces, France. Battles. St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest, Defense of Verdun Sector, \\ oel Sector and Toul Sector. Discharged March 29, 1919. WILLIAMSON, ORIN CONWAY . . • • • 1918 March 7, 1918, Base Hospital Detachment, Camp Jackson, S. C. Information Bureau, three months. Mailing Clerk. Sergeant, Medical Department, July 12, 1918. Discharged December 11, 1918. WILLIFORD, WADE H. . • . • . • . • Mav 13, 1917; commissioned 1st Lieutenant, Artillery, August L, 1917. Promoted Captain, Field Artillery, January, 1919. Attached to 1st Division, 5th Regiment of Field Artillery. Overseas twenty- one months with 5th Field Artillery. Discharged May 28, 1919. Croix de Guerre, Silver Star. Cited March 25, 1918, for advancing his battery under fire, “crossing through concentrated enemy fire fourteen times.” F 1Q1 q WILSON, CHARLES HOOPER - • Ex J 1918, U. S. Marines, Paris Island, S. C. 128 War Record WILSON, TAMES FRANK.1916 WILSON, LEONARD LIVINGSTONE .... 1920 June 28, 1918, U. S. Navy Dispensary, Navy Yard, Charleston, S. C. October 10, selected by competitive examination for Phar¬ macists’ Motor School, Hampton, Va. Transferred November 20 to U. S. Transport “Great Northern.” Transferred to Flowers Hos¬ pital, New York City, December 10, 1918. Discharged March 10, 1919. WILSON, ROBERT E.Ex-1914 1918, 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, Camp Jackson, S. C. * * * WINECOFF, EUGENE MONROE ..... Ex-1917 Enlisted, Medical Department, at Columbus, O., August 7, 1916, for Mexican Border Service. With Field Hospital No. 1, Fort Bliss, Tex., from August 23 to October 27, 1916. From October 28, 1916, to March 23, 1917, in office of District Surgeon, Nogales, Arizona. From March 24, 1917, same office, at Douglas, Arizona. Sergeant First Class, September 23, 1918. Still in service, December 22, 1919. WINECOFF, THOMAS EDWARD.1890 1917, Y. M. C. A., 12 Rue d’Aguesseau, Paris. * * * WITHERINGTON, ROBERT SOUTHERLAND . . Ex-1917 Enlisted as First Class S'eaman, June 24, 1917, at Atlanta, Ga. Trained at Charleston, S. C. Promoted to Ensign, and still tem¬ porary Ensign, LT. S. Navy, May 1, 1920. Served in France, March 23, 1918, to January 16, 1919. WITT, WILLIAM TAZEWELL.1916 1918, Camp Jackson, S. C. Released early account of fallen arches. WOOD, ALBERT CARMICHAEL.1920 Enlisted in LI. S. Ambulance Corps No. 29, at Fort McPherson, Ga. June 21, 1917. Company transferred to National Army, 82nd Divi¬ sion, Camp Gordon, 327th Ambulance Company. Promoted Corporal and from Corporal to Sergeant. Transferred at his own request (as a private) to Battery F, 319th Field Artillery, March 28, 1918. Sailed for France, May 19, 1918. Battles: Toul Sector, Lagney Sector, St. Mihiel Drive, Meuse-Argonne Offensive from October 6, 1918, to November 10, 1918. Discharged at Camp Gordon, May 22, 1919. WOODS, ROBERT UNDERWOOD .... Ex-1923 1917, Sth Company, C. D. C. F., Fort Caswell, N. C. 1918, Corporal, France. 1918, Sergeant, Unit 2, Fort Caswell, S. A. R. D., A. E. F., France. * * * WORTH, CHARLES WILLIAM . . . . 1920 August 28, 1918, inducted into service. Corporal in 156th Depot Brigade, serving at Camp Tackson and Camp Sevier till discharged. WORTH, DAVID GASTON . . . . . . Ex-1918 1917, 2nd Lieutenant, Artillery, 1918, France. Discharged, 1919. * * * WORTH, GEORGE FRENCH*.1911 1917, Naval Coast Defense Reserve, LT. S. S. Zara. Stationed in New York as Gunnery Instructor and later transferred to Sub¬ marine Chaser Service for the winter of 1917-1918. First Gunners’ Mate. Defective eyesight prevented his being commissioned. Died from illness following influenza, February 14, 1919. WORTH, HERBERT PHILLIPS.Ex-1920 U. S. N. R. F. * * * WORTH, WILLIAM CHADBOURN . . . . 1921 Enlisted December 15, 1917, Private First Class, Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps. March 9, 1918, sent to Princeton School of Military Aeronautics. Graduated June 1, 1918. Whole class sent to Taylor Field, Montgomery, Ala., as Instructors. Transferred, January, 1919, to Kelly Field, San Antonio, Tex. Commissioned 2nd Lieuten¬ ant in Signal Reserve Corps, with title of Reserve Military Aviator. Discharged a: Kelly Field, February 15, 1919. Davidson College 129 WRENN, SIMEON MAYO.Ex-1923 Enlisted, April, 1918, in Base Hospital No. 65, Fort McPherson, Ga. Trained at Fort McPherson, Ga. France, September, 1918, Kerhuon, France (near Brest). Discharged as Sergeant, July 18, 1919. WYLIE, WILLIAM DeKALB .Ex-1919 May 7, 1918, enlisted in Base Hospital No. 65, Fort McPherson, Ga. Served with this Unit thirteen months, ten of which were overseas. Last six months was Sergeant, doing work in laboratory. Discharged at Camp Devens, Mass., July 1, 1919. YOHANNAN, JOASH ISAAC . . . . . . 1911 1917, Medical Officer, Navy (1st Lieutenant). * * * YATES, HENRY BEATTIE.Ex-1915 1917, Company I, R. O. T. C., Military Branch, Chattanooga, Tenn. December, 1917, 1st Lieutenant, Infantry. Promoted Captain. YOUNG, ARCHIE LaFAYETTE .Ex-1917 1917, Hospital Unit O. Discharged as Private, 1919. YOUNGER, WILLIAM LEE . . . . . Ex-1919 September 17, 1917, Private, Base Hospital No. 41. Sailed for France, July 4, 1918, and stationed at St. Denis. Left France April 13, 1919. Discharged May 1, 1919. YOUNT, HAROLD PIORACE.Ex-1912 1918. Aviation Corps. * * * 130 War Record FACULTY OF DAVIDSON COLLEGE During the Period of Students’ Army Training Corps (In order of Official Seniority ) WILLIAM JOSEPH MARTIN—President; A. B., M. A. (Davidson), M.D., Ph.D. (University of Virginia). JOHN BUNYAN SHEARER—Vice-President; A.B. (Hampden-Sidney), M. A. (University of Virginia), D.D., LL.D. JOHN BUNYAN SHEARER—A.B. (Hampden-Sidney), M.A. (University of Virginia), D.D., LL.D.: Professor of Biblical Instruction. CALEB RICHMOND HARDING—A.B., M.A. (Davidson), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins) : Professor of German and Greek Language and Literature. WILLIAM RICHARD GREY—A. B. (Davidson), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins): Professor of Latin Language and Literature. JOHN LEIGHTON DOUGLAS—A.B., M.A. (Davidson), (Johns Hopkins): Professor of Pure Mathematics. JAMES MacDOWELL DOUGLAS—A.B., M.A. (Davidson), Ph. D. (Johns Hopkins) : Professor of Physics. MARK EDGAR SENTELLE—A.B., M.A. (Davidson), M.A. (Yale Univer¬ sity), D.D.: Professor of Philosophy. JOSEPH MOORE McCONNELL—A.B. (Davidson), M.A., Ph.D. (Univer¬ sity of Virginia) : Professor of History and Economics. HOWARD BELL ARBUCKLE—A.M., M.A. (Hampden-Sidney), Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins) : Chambers Professor of Chemistry. ARCHIBALD CURRIE—A.B. (Davidson), (Columbia University): Pro¬ fessor in Elementary Law, Education, and Public Speaking. WILLIAM WOODHULL WOOD—A.B., C.E. (University of Virginia): Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy. MACON REED—A.B. (University of South Carolina), (Vanderbilt Uni¬ versity), (Columbia University): Associate Professor of Greek and Latin. HARRY JENNINGS GARNAND—A.B. (Washington and Lee University), A.M. (Columbia University): Acting Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literature. HAROLD DUDLEY CLAYBERG—A.B. (University of Illinois), M.S., Ph.D. (University of Chicago) : Acting Associate Professor of Biology. CHARLES MALONE RICHARDS—A.B., D.D. (Davidson College): Lec¬ turer in Church History and Government and Christian Evidences. LIEUT.-COL. A. H. ML T ELLER—Seventeenth Division: Professor of Mili¬ tary Science and Tactics. FRANK LEE JACKSON—B.S. (Davidson College), C.P.A.: Instructor of Accounting and Business Methods. OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION WILLIAM TOSEPH MARTIN, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D.—President. JOHN BUNYAN SHEARER, M.A., D.D., LL.D.—Vice-President. FRANK LEE JACKSON, B.S., C.P.A.—Treasurer and Business Manager. JAMES J. WITHERS, M.D.—Acting College Physician. CORNELIA SHAW—Librarian and Registrar. JOSEPH MOOPE McCONNELL, A.B., A.M., Ph.D.—Secretary of the Faculty. WILLY McKINNON FETZER—Director of Athletics. MRS. ALICE B. ROBSON—Trained Nurse in Charge of College Infirmary. ORRIE ALTALENE STEELE—Secretary to the President. JOHN HILL—Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. HATTIE THOMPSON—Assistant to the Treasurer. Davidson College 131 BATTALION ORGANIZATION First Lieutenant Reuben G. Dennard, U. S. A.—Commanding Officer. Second Lieutenant A. B. McCormick, U. S. A.—Adjutant. Second Lieutenant J. A. Sullivan, U. S. A.—Instructor in Small Arms. COMPANY A-—(Men twenty years of age and above)—Captain, Second Lieutenant P. G. Dwyer, U. S. A. COMPANY B—(Men nineteen years of age)—Captain, Second Lieutenant C. M. Candler, U. S. A. COMPANY C—(Men eighteen years of age)—Captain, Second Lieutenant H. C. Doverspike, U. S. A. COMPANY D—(Men who had not registered September 12th, or were exempted from military duty, but as College students were permitted by the Government to take the military training under the regular officers)— Captain, Second Lieutenant A. B. McCormick, U. S. A. 132 War Record STUDENTS’ ARMY TRAINING CORPS OF DAVIDSON COLLEGE ENLISTED—OCTOBER 1, 1918 DISCHARGED—DECEMBER 10, 1918 Alexander, Earle Moore Alexander, James Moffatt Allison, Robert Turner, Jr. Apperson, George Patterson Askew, Samuel Horton Barnette, John Graham Barnhardt, James Monroe Beall, George Hugh, Jr. Behrends, Sam, Jr. Belk, Thomas Heath Black, George William Blue, Waylon Boaz, Thomas Abram, Jr. Boney, Elwood Rantz Booker, Edward Nelson Booth, Willis Roberts Boswell, John Reid Boulware, James Richmond, Jr. Bradham, Aubranth Brumbey Bradshaw, Ned Archibald Brady, Samuel Robert Brice, Samuel Douglas Breitinhirt, Boynton Blake Britt, Henry Mayo Brittain, Janies Charlton, Jr. Brooks, Richard Henry Brown, Ernest Hyde Brown, Frank Lee Brown, Otis Mack Brown, Paul High Brown, Robert Edward Lee, Jr. Burgess, Samuel Adamson Burke, Hayden Byrd, George Adam, Jr. Caddell, Joseph Crowell Caldwell, John Brown Caldwell, Leonard Brown Calhoun, Lawrence Gibson Carmichael, George M. Cashion, Elwell Grundy Cathey, Carl Homer Cellar, Albert Eugene Chalmers, Dwight Moody Chandler, Sydney William Choate, John Grier Choate, Joseph Porter Clark, Byron Oldham Clark, Joseph Fitzhugh Clyburn, Thomas Benjamin, Jr. Cochran, Fred A. Cochran, Robert McLellan Corbett, George Corbette, Harry Churchill Cornelson, George Henry, Jr. Craig, Augustus Rochester Craig, Roy Rochester Crouch, William Butler Curry, John Shaw Davenport, Harvey Wesley Davis, Alonzo James Des Champs, English Seale, Jr. Dew, John Hugh Dotson, James Loraine Doubles, Malcolm Ray Douglass, Willis D. Drake, Aubrey Eames Duckworth, William Frederick Dunlap, William Thomas, Jr. Epps, David Samuel Fetzer, Samuel Joseph Fetzer, Willy McKinnon Finley, Allen Gordon Fitchel, Louis William Forgey, David Shields Foster, James Kennedy Freeman, Thomas Archie Gaither, William Cowles Garth, Robert Campbell Gaston, John Moore, Jr. Gilchrist, Cecil Waltham Gilmer, James Melville Graham, James Angus Grantham, Vardell G. Green, George Daniel, II Grille, David Kemper Gunn, William Edwin Hall, Charles Leonard, Jr. Hall, William Alfred, Jr. Hamer, Brown McCallum Hamilton, Hugh Cunningham Handley, Charles Overton Hanrahan, Byron Snyder Harrell, Wade Hillman Harrison, James William Hart, Oliver Philip Harviel, Bewell Hashagen, Theodore Hyman Hayes, Bennett Allen, Jr. Heizer, Marshall Brownlee Hill, Hadley Alexander Howell, Clewell Howell, John Dudley Hyland, Jere Chamberlain Inman, Audrey McGowan Jamison, John McKee Johnson, John Samuel Johnston, Robert Irwin Johnston, Robert Kressler Johnston, Wilfred Ivey Key, Frank Sims Kiser, Ralph Fincher Knight, William Cary Lancaster, Oren Wilson Lawrence, William Henry Lilly, Edward Owings Guerrant Liston, Robert Todd Lapsley Littlejohn, Arthur Carlisle Lowrance, David Wilson Davidson College 133 McAlister, Lacy Little McCain, Walkup Kennard McCaskill, Joseph Clyde McC'loy, Joseph Dixon, Jr. McCloy, Shelby Thomas McConnell, Harvey Russell McCorkle, Henry White McCorkle, Walter White McGill, Myron Wallace McGirt, Roger Martin Mcllwaine, Robert Leslie McKeithen, Dan Ingram McKeithen, Leighton Black McKeldin, Wm. Gordon McLean, Floyd Coppedge McLees, John Logan, Jr. McLeod, Frank Daniel McMaster, John Creighton McNair, John Wilson McNutt, Sam Houston, Jr. McPheeters, Joseph Charles McPheeters, Robert Allen McPheeters, Thomas Shanks McQueen, James Edmund Mackey, Leconte Mackey, John Thomas Manning, Frederic Easley Marvin, George Glover Mason, Alfred Douglas, Jr. Massey, Olin Eugene Massey, Henry Heath Miley, William Henry, Jr. Miller, Henry Eugene Miller, John S., Jr. Mitchell, Alexander McFarlan Monteith, William Mack Montgomery, Ladson Fraser Morgan, Frederick Norman Morris, Arnold Augustus Morrison, Clarence Nicholson Morrow, Hazel Potts Morrow, Robert A. Murphy, Shannon Wiley Neel, George Neely Neisler, Joe Andrew Orders, Theodore Ormond, Alexander Pierce Ormond, Alfred Curtis, Jr. Parks, John Lindsey Patterson, Charles Edgerton Poole, Henry Rufus Poole, Robert Howard Poteat, John Alexander I Pridgen, Alexander Wade Pritchard, Thomas Henderson Rader, Edgar Franklin Ramseur, William Lee Ratchford, Edward Erwin Reid, William Kirkpatrick, Jr. Robbins, Andrew Jackson, Jr. Roberts, Ernest Matthew Roberts, William Nettles Roberts, William Worth Robinson, Allie Green Robson, George McCrea Rogers, Robert Lee Sanders, Charles B. Schenck, Lewis Bevens Shaw, Paul Whitworth Shaw, Roderick Kirkpatrick, Jr. Shields, Benjamin Ernest Singleton, George Dewey Sloan, John Gaither Smith, Hugh Smith, Walter Francis Snoddy, William Moss Sowell, Charlie Dewey Spann, Henry McFaddin Spence, Thomas Hugh, Jr. Sprunt, Douglas Hamilton Stephenson, Robert John, Jr. Stogner, David Coppedge Stone, Thomas Clarence Story, Joseph Reynolds Sullivan, William Bartlett Sutton, Parham George Tarleton, Henry Harold Thomas, Franklin Anderson Thompson, Franklin McCown Tremain, Martel Arthur Tufts, Edgar Hall Turner, Earle Alexander Tyson, Claud Landon Vance, Charles Robertson Walker, Joseph Rogers Warwick, James Sidney Warnock, Kenneth Runkle Watt, Marion Richardson White, John Floyd Wiley, John Davidson Wilson, Alexander Love, Jr. Wil son, Thomas Henry Witherspoon, James Whitted Woods, Edgar Archibald Young, Ticer 223