Hlstoi7 Boom €&e li&rarp Ottt)l Division of ptaitb affairs (Hnitoersitp of Jftorfy Carolina / History Room This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It was taken out on the day indicated below: j ptii'u DUE H3U-6 »58 $££5495$ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection, an LSTA-funded NC ECHO digitization grant project http://www.archive.org/details/historicalsketchOOroys HISTORICAL SKETCH of The University of North Carolina Medical Department AT RALEIGH with Biographical Notes of its Graduates Published Under the Auspices of The Alumni Association 1941 OUR BELOVED DEAN foreword TIE publication of this pamphlet was authorized by the Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina Medical Depart- ment at Raleigh in session at Chapel Hill, February 22, 1940. Included in its contents are an historical sketch of the Department, a roster of its graduates and their biographies. A few of the latter are missing, due to delay or failure in responding to requests, as well as inability to secure correct data. During the seven years' existence of the Department it was the custom of the Dean to invite one of the eminent surgeons of the State to hold a clinic each year on Washington's birthday and to entertain the guest and the students at his house the same evening. After the disbanding of the Department the Alumni Association was organized by invitation of the former Dean at his residence, February 22, 1928, the twenty-fifth anni- versary of the original entertainment. Since that time the Association has met regularly each year on the same day at various places, as designated by the officers. Thus is per- petuated the life, the spirit and the bonds of friendship, which unite a body of loyal alumni, who are proud of being the only graduates in medicine of the University of North Carolina. It is hoped that the subject-matter of this pamphlet, the first and probably the last to be issued, may serve to bring closer together those now living and to remind them of their departed associates. I94i The University of North Carolina Medical Department At Raleigh ITS BEGINNING, ITS RECORD, AND ITS END* By Hubebt A. Roysteb, A.B., M.D., ScD. (Hon.), F.A.C.S., Formerly Dean and Professor of Gynecology, Raleigh, North Carolina In the spring of 1899, Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, then President of the University of North Carolina, asked me to meet him at a hotel in Raleigh for a conference. He unfolded plans which he had in mind for establishing at Raleigh a medical department of the University, for the instruction of students in the last two years of medicine, to supplement the two years given in the school at Chapel Hill. The matter, he admonished, was to be kept confidential for awhile until the details were completed ; but he would ask me to hold myself in readiness, as he would consider the plans further and recommend me for dean of the department whenever the arrangements were perfected. We met together on two subsequent occasions during the same year. More than once Dr. Alder- man mentioned the University of Virginia Medical School, as being situated in a town much smaller than Raleigh and still existing as a successful department, graduating students in medicine. At the time of the conference I was not yet twenty-eight years of age and I felt inade- quate to assume such heavy responsibilities as the situation seemed to impose ; but, under the inspiration of Dr. Alderman's enthusiasm, I began to think over the proposal and to prepare myself as best I could. Let me apologize at once for intruding myself too personally into this narrative ; but I cannot do otherwise, if I am to tell the true story of the Department's origin and subsequent course. Meanwhile Dr. Alderman resigned his office early the next year and became President of Tulane University in New Orleans, and later President of the University of Virginia. In June, 1900, Dr. Francis P. Venable was elected President of the University of North Carolina and it was under his administration that the Department was launched. I had heard nothing further of the plan and thought it had been discarded, until December, 1901, when I was informed in person by President Venable that the matter of a medical department at Raleigh would be •Address delivered by invitation at the annual reunion of the Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina Medical Department at Raleigh. Chapel Hill. N. C, February 22. 1940. 8 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina taken up by the Board of Trustees at their meeting in January, 1902. He requested me to advise with him further if the plans were adopted. The Trustees approved the project and shortly after the meeting I was notified of my appointment by a committee consisting of Governor Charles B. Aycock, Mr. R. T. Gray, and Dr. R. H. Lewis. The com- mission I received carried with it my election as Dean, the selection of a Faculty, the adoption of a curriculum, and the opening of the doors of the institution in September, 1902, just eight months after my ap- pointment. It was further impressed upon me that the University could not see its way then to incorporate the Department, and that the whole burden — scientific, educational and financial — must be assumed by the Dean and Faculty at Raleigh. No salaries were to be paid from the University's treasury until such a time as the Department might become an integral school of the University system. (Parenthetically this never happened and no emoluments were ever paid by the University to the Raleigh Faculty. The only compensation received by them came from what was saved and invested from the fees of students. In 1910 this amounted to about $6,000, which was divided pro rata according to position and service among the Faculty after the Department had been abolished.) Following is an excerpt from the account of the Trustees' meeting, as reported in the News and Observer of January 17, 1902 : "The most important step taken was the decision to establish the University of North Carolina Medical College at Raleigh. President Venable presented the plan which he and others had matured and urged that this advanced step be taken. After long discussion of the plan in all its phases, the recom- mendation of President Venable was adopted and the following members of this faculty were chosen : Hubert A. Royster, Dean and Professor of Gyne- cology ; W. I. Royster, Professor of Medicine ; A. W. Knox, Professor of Surgery ; R. H. Lewis, Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear ; K. P. Battle, Jr., Professor of Diseases of the Nose and Thoat." In the University Bulletin, containing the announcement of the De- partment of Medicine for 1902-1903, the following additional names appear in the Faculty at Raleigh, completing the list of teachers when the Department was opened in the fall of 1902 : Andrew Watson Good- win, Instructor in Clinical Medicine; Henry McKee Tucker, Lecturer on Obstetrics and Diseases of Children; James William McGee, Chief of Dispensary; Robert Sherwood McGeachy, Assistant in Surgery and Gynecology. With two exceptions all of the Faculty so far appointed had had experience in medical teaching, some of them for over twenty years. To this original Faculty some changes and additions were made from time to time, so that in 1909, at the beginning of the last session, the Faculty comprised : Hubert Ashley Royster, A.B., M.D., Professor of Gynecology, and Dean of the Faculty; Wisconsin Illinois Royster, M.D., Medical Department at Raleigh 9 Professor of Medicine; Augustus Washington Knox, M.D., Professor of Surgery ; Richard Henry Lewis, A.B., M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye and of General Hygiene; Kemp Plummer Battle, Jr., A.B., M.D., Professor of the Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat; Henry McKee Tucker, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics; James McKee, M.D., Clinical Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases ; James "William McGee, Jr., M.D., Professor of Diseases of Children ; Robert Sherwood McGeachy, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Therapeutics; William deBerniere MacNider, M.D., Instructor in Medical Diagnosis; Ralph Sanders Stevens, M.D., Demonstrator of Clinical Pathology; William Moncure, Jr., M.D., In- structor in Orthopedic Surgery; Claude Oliver Abernethy, B.S., M.D., Demonstrator of Anesthetics; John Sasser McKee, M.D., Demonstrator of Obstetrics; James Madison Harper, Assistant Demonstrator of Clini- cal Pathology. The doors of the Department were opened on September 9, 1902, and the first student registered was William deBerniere MacNider. The next day Frank Louis Sharpe, of Statesville, appeared as a candidate for the junior class. For over two weeks not another applicant came. The President of the University came down for an interview, in which he seriously suggested postponement of the opening of the session for a year. In this he was joined by one of our Faculty, who was also a mem- ber of the Board of Trustees. After consideration, however, the Faculty voted to carry on, even if only one student in each class were present for instruction. Their position was that the Faculty had been elected by the Trustees, that their appointments lay entirely with the Board, and that it would be unfair to the two students already enrolled to put off the opening of the Department, leaving them deprived of the oppor- tunity of applying to other medical schools. On September 26 three students who had qualified for the senior class at the University College of Medicine in Richmond, Virginia, came in together and signed the register. They were : Martin Luther Matthews, Zebulon Marvin Cav- eness, and Willis Dowd Gilmore. A few days later John Haywood Stanley, Jr., entered the third-year class. One other student registered in December, but withdrew after three months. The student body for the first session consisted of six men, four seniors and two juniors. Four were graduated, leaving two for the next year. Two others joined the senior class for that session. Registration for the second year totaled nine. In succeeding years the numbers were as follows: the third year, 17; the fourth year, 22; the fifth year, 23; the sixth year, 26; the seventh year, 22; the eighth (and last) year, 17. The total registration for the eight years came to 87. Of these, eleven died, failed, or withdrew. In percentages there was an average attend- ance of 18.7 per session and an average number of 9.5 graduates per class. The graduating classes numbered as follows: 1903, four; 1904, four; 1905, nine; 1906, eleven; 1907, ten; 1908, twelve; 1909, twelve; 1910, fourteen. 10 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina Of the 76 graduates eleven were prepared at medical schools other than the University of North Carolina; these particular students were given careful preliminary examinations. Their credentials were exam- ined and approved and they were awarded diplomas from the University with its privileges. Three students, who had entered the Department as juniors for our final session, were certified to the Medical College of Virginia and were graduated from that institution after one year of study. During the life of the Department at Raleigh two Deans served the School at Chapel Hill : Dr. Richard H. Whitehead for the first three years and Dr. Isaac H. Manning for the five succeeding years. I speak on my own account, as well as for the Faculty at Raleigh and for all the students under our tutelage, when I say that these two distinguished officials and able teachers sustained us at all times with the most efficient support and cordial interest. Dr. Whitehead passed away in 1916 at the University of Virginia, where he had filled a similar position after resigning his Chair of Anatomy at the University of North Carolina in 1905. He will be lovingly remembered by our earlier students. Dr. Manning remains as Professor Emeritus at Chapel Hill, full of honors and infused with the affection and respect of hundreds of students who have profited by his honest, conscientious, thorough methods of instruc- tion. No less credit is due the genial, active and talented teacher of anatomy, lately called to his reward, Dr. Charles S. Mangum, who was a devoted friend of the Department at Raleigh. We are proud, indeed, that one of our own graduates succeeded to the Deanship at Chapel Hill, a member of our first class, scientist supreme, teacher extraordinary, investigator international, Dr. William deBerniere MacNider. It was the constant desire of our Faculty so to dovetail the courses at Chapel Hill and at Raleigh as to bring about continuous trends of in- struction in order that the students might go from the basic two-year subjects into the clinical branches without a break. To this end three or more of the Raleigh Faculty appeared before the second-year classes at Chapel Hill each spring in order to cement more closely the curricula of the two schools. Again let us commend the teachers at Chapel Hill for their hearty co-operation for fitting in these lectures and demon- strations to the benefit of the students. We believe that this arrange- ment did much to prepare the students, educated in the atmosphere of learning which pervaded the University, to approach the practical appli- cation of their sound training in fundamentals with some idea of the subjects which were to follow, and to become acquainted with their future instructors. These visits served to bring teachers and taught into closer personal touch and to interest prospective students in the Depart- ment at Raleigh. Many of the students expressed themselves favorably to this effect. Medical Department at Raleigh 11 While individual records of marks constitute no rigid criteria by which to judge the final success of a student as a physician, it may be a source of satisfaction to note that our graduates in the eight years received the highest honor before the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners three times (one of these being a tie with a graduate of an old, well- known college) and came off with second honors twice. It is also with a feeling of congratulation that many of our men are holding high places in medical affairs, and that almost without exception all of those living are prosperous practitioners, pursuing important and useful careers in their communities, now including various states and countries. As the lone surviving member of the original Faculty, I hold every one of these in friendly esteem and extend to them everywhere my heartfelt wishes for their continued success. The hand of death has not spared us. As far as can be ascertained, twenty-four of our graduates have gone to the Great Beyond, almost a third of their number. The Class of 1908 has suffered most; seven of their twelve have died. To all these we say, Ave Atque Vale. There are left the fifty-two to carry the torch, to keep burning the fires of this Alumni Association after these thirty-eight years. Now, a final word concerning the closing of the Department. It may be recalled that in 1907 there was a "purging" of medical schools by the Council on Education of the American Medical Association, in which the smaller institutions were requested to either quit of themselves or to merge with other schools. The basis upon which this elimination seemed to depend was the matter of money for endowment, type of equipment, amount of clinical material, number and quality of buildings. The kind of instruction and the product of the schools in student standing did not appear to enter into the problem. In the early part of 1909 a committee from the Council came to inspect the Department. This committee was composed of Dr. Colwell, the Council's secretary, and Mr. Abraham Flexner, representing the Carnegie Foundation. Their inspection con- sisted of an interview of thirty-five minutes in my private office, with no visit to the medical building, the hospitals, or the city dispensary. It was perfectly clear that the Council had already determined to discon- tinue their listing of the Department and, while the Faculty, to whom I reported, were reluctant to give up, we felt that we must yield to the inevitable, unless the University was willing to take over the school and render adequate support. The next step was the appearance before our Faculty of the President of the University, who proceeded to advocate discontinuance of the Kaleigh Department, chiefly on the ground that if it were not eliminated, the Carnegie Foundation would remove the University from its pension system for teachers. After discussion pro and con, it was finally and of necessity decided to leave the matter to the President for presentation to the Trustees. The Executive Committee of the Board met in a few days and, in spite of some resistance and a 12 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina remark by the Governor concerning the then existing Law School of the University as being on the same footing as the Ealeigh Medical Depart- ment, the Committee upheld the President and the Department was abolished. In the Legislature of 1907 conditions were favorable toward securing $25,000 for a building for the Department at Raleigh as a result of a bill to be introduced for a separate appropriation, but this was withdrawn at the insistent request of the President with a promise that this amount would be obtained for the Ealeigh Department with the regular University appropriation in 1909. This promise was accepted; D the $25,000 went through but was used for the completion of the biologi- cal building at Chapel Hill. The concluding scene was a merger which brought together four medi- cal schools : the Department at Raleigh, the North Carolina Medical College at Charlotte, and the two schools in Richmond (the Medical College of Virginia and the University College of Medicine) — all com- bined into one school at Richmond, the present Medical College of I Virginia. To this institution we referred our three remaining junior students, as already mentioned. There is no need now to rehearse in detail the causes, conditions and controversies underlying the disestablishment of the Department. Suf- fice it to say that in the chaotic situation of medical education at the time, the Faculty at Raleigh, no less than the Trustees, the President and the Faculty at Chapel Hill, were unwilling to continue without the complete support, both corporate and financial, of the University. Much as they felt the responsibility placed upon them by the Trustees and their ambition to see the Department placed on a permanent foundation, the Raleigh Faculty were not content to proceed against opposition from the President of the University in circumstances which allegedly might hamper the standing of the larger institution. If the old Faculty were here today they would join me in a toast to the graduates of the Depart- ment, living and dead, and rejoice that we had a part in fitting these fine men for the practice of medicine, and in felicitations to the surviv- ing fifty-two loyal alumni of a school that is no more. Medical Department at Raleigh 13 ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL DEPARTMENT AT RALEIGH 1903 Dr. Zebulon Marvin Caveness Raleigh, N. C. Dr. Willis Dowd Gixmobe Deceased. Dr. William deBebniebe MacNidee .... Chapel Hill, N. C. Dr. Martin Luther Matthews Sanfofd, N. C. 1904 Db. Mabshall Ceapon Guthrie U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Dr. Fbank Louis Shaepe Statesville, N. C. Dr. John Hatwood Stanley, Jr Four Oaks, N. C. Dr. Arthur Ponder Willis Candler, N. C. 1905 Db. Charles Everett Conwell Died December 23, 1923. Dr. Quinton Henbt Cooke Rich Square, N. C. Db. John Bensell Cbanmer Wilmington, N. C. Dr. John Donnelly Charlotte, N. C. Dr. Mont Royall Farrar Died April. 1929. Dr. Joseph Newit Mooee Marshall, N. C. Dk. Leone Bubns Newell Charlotte, N. C. Dr. Ralph Sandebs Stevens Died May 20, 1932. Dr. Lorenzo Stevenson Webb Deceased. 1906 Db. Claude Oliveb Abebnethy Died July, 1940. Db. James Gabrett Anderson Died January 10, 1930. Db. Aethue Beown English 26 Fourth St., Bristol, Tenn. Db. Logan Elmoee Faething Deceased. Dr. Battle Applewhite Hocutt Clayton, N. C Db. Habey Mubbay Jones Deceased. Db. William Stone Jobdan Deceased. Db. Geobge Ammie McLemoee Smithfield, N. C. Db. John Hamlett Meebitt Woodsdale, N. C. Db. Jesse Womble Wnxcox Wilmington, N. C. Db. Chaeles Baynes Wilkerson Raleigh, N. C. 1907 Db. Julius Jackson Babefoot Db. Heney Blount Best . . Db. Julius Vance Dick . . Db. John Atkinson Feeeell . Dr. Emmett Wightman Gibbs Db. Robeet Peimbose Noble . Died February IT. 1921. Wilson, N. C. Gibsonville, N. C. 49 W. 49th St., New York Shelby, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. City. 14 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina Dr. Wilbur Calhoun Bice Died August 27, 1917. Dr. Ivie Alphonso Ward Hertford, N. C. Dr. Albert Gideon Woodard Goldsboro, N. C. Dr. William Tilson Woodward Erwin, Tenn. 1908 Dr. James Marion Buckner Swannanoa, N. C. Dr. William Willis Green, Jr Tarboro, N. C. Dr. David Watson Harris Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Dr. Evander McNair McIver Died July 10, 1923. Dr. Robert Gray McPherson Saxapahaw, N. C. Dr. Julian Decatub Matnard Died February 1. 1931. Dr. George Monroe Monk Deceased. Dr. Austin Flint Nichols Roxboro, N. C. Dr. Everett Joseph Stewart Scoeield . . . Died July 16, 1932. Dr. Albert Johnson Terrell Died 1918. Dr. John Blois Watson Died July 15. 1938. Dr. Samplett Edgar Webb Died 1927. 1909 Dr. Wade Hampton Braddy Burlington, N. C. Dr. William Bukdette Chapin Deceased. Dr. Lucrus Victor Dunlap Albemarle, N. C. Dr. Charles Sidney Eagles R. F. D. 4, Wilsou, N. C. Dr. Bayard Cleveland Johnson Bunn, N. C. Dr. Braxton Bynum Lloyd Carrboro, N. C. Dr. John Moses Maness Deceased. Dr. Arthur Eugene Riggsbee Durham, N. C. Dr. Frederick Brunell Spencer Salisbury, N. C. Dr. Wallace Amick Strowd Durham, N. C. Dr. John Samuel Talley Troutman, N. C. Ds. John Melvin Thompson Deceased. 1910 Dr. George Sprite Barbee Zebulon, N. C. Dr. Mordecai Lee Barefoot Dunn, N. C. De. Arthur Edward Brides Deceased. Dr. Alton Cook Campbell Raleigh, N. C. Db: Oscab Eason • • • Died June 29, 1921. \Im. William LeRoy Fleming Enfield, N. C. Dr. George Wesley Gentry Roxboro, N. C. Dr. Charles Fortune Gold Rutberfordton, N. C. Dr. James Madison Harper R. F. D. 1, Garner, N. C. Dr. Joseph Robert Hester Wendell, N. C. Dr. William Dexteb Mosek Burlington, N. C Dr. Adolfo Bartolome Rodriguez Quemado de Guines, Cuba. Dr. Jesse Armed Strickland 712 Power & Light Bldg., St. Petersburg, Fla. Db. Amos Monkoe Wooten Pinetops, N. C. Medical Department at Raleigh 15 CLASS OF 1903 DR. ZEBULON MARVIN CAVEXESS Dr. Caveness was born at Cheek's Mills, Randolph County, X. C, July 19, 1876, the son of Isaac F. Caveness and Mary Ann Bray. He was educated in public and private schools, the University College of Medicine at Richmond, Va., and the University of North Carolina, graduating in medicine in 1903. He was licensed June, 1903, and began practice at Zebulon, X. C, July, 1903, and did general practice until 1912. During 1909 and 1910, he did postgraduate work in Proctology in New York and Chicago, during the summer months. He moved to Raleigh January, 1912, and began to specialize in Proctology. He married Mary Corina Jones, of Raleigh, N. C, December 27, 1904. They had two sons, Zebulon Marvin, Jr., born August 21, 1906, and died January 25, 1913 ; William Fields, born September 13, 1908. His offices and honors include : member and Deacon in Baptist Church ; Trustee of Meredith College; member and past president of Raleigh Chamber of Commerce ; member and medical examiner of Draft Board, Wake County, during the first World War; member of Wake County Medical Society, North Carolina State Medical Society, and American Medical Association; past president and Honorary Fellow of the National Proctologic Association. DR. WILLIS DOWD GDLMORE In lieu of a biographical sketch, which was never forthcoming, the following letter from Dr. Gilmore, who died in 1939, is published: Michigan State Sanatorium fob Tuberculosis, Howell, Michigan, February 14, 1931. Deab Doctor Woodabd : Tour letter of February 2nd gave me, or I should say intensified in me the feeling I often feel, a "homesickness" for the Old North State. Some day, not this year, I hope to attend one of these Alumni Association meetings of the Medical Department of the University of North Carolina. I trust that this year may bring the fullest attendance and most enthusiastic meeting you have ever had and that with the renewed interest no thought of their dis- continuation may be entertained. I have been doing a special work for the last ten years and have not lived in my home State but have retained my membership in the North Carolina Medical Society, although I am an associate member of the Michigan Medical 16 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina Society. I have been engaged in tuberculosis work during the above men- tioned period and have watched with interest the progress made in the treat- ment of this disease from the day when the Sanatorium was merely a boarding house, the main advantage over home care being better environment and a saner routine, until today when approximately fifty per cent of these patients receive some form of chest surgery. In this connection I may add that Michigan probably stands in the forefront in this particular, due in a large measure to the work of our Consulting Surgeon, Dr. John Alexander, who is also Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Michigan. Our affiliation with the Staff of the latter institution has been a most beneficial one to me, not only in tuberculosis but in other branches of medicine as well. We have a thoroughly modern and new Sanatorium of 500-bed capacity, and this is only one of several, some smaller, and two larger, for the treatment of tuberculosis in this State. I have a family, a wife and one daughter, the latter being the most impor- tant factor in our household although but two years old. No twins, I thank you, if so I'd not be able to write this at all. Xou need not read this letter, but just tell the boys the kind of work I'm engaged in and extend my greetings and express the desire I have to meet with you at a later date. With best wishes for a good attendance on the 23rd and with kind regards for each one present, Tours very truly, W. D. Gilmoee, M.D., WDG:B. Assistant Medical Director. DR. WILLIAM deBEBNIEBE MacNIDEB Dr. William deBerniere MacNider was born in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, June 25, 1881. His father, Virginius St. Clair MacNider, was a physician, as was his maternal grandfather, Dr. Wm. P. Mallet. Young MacNider was educated in the public school of Chapel Hill, and did his undergraduate work with two years of medicine at the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. He completed the work for the M.D. degree at Kaleigh, North Carolina, where the last two years of the University Medical School were taught. Following graduation, Dr. MacNider studied at the University of Chicago and "Western Reserve Medical School. Upon returning to Raleigh he practiced medicine for three years, and was Instructor in Clinical Pathology and Physical Diagnosis in the Medical School. In the fall of 1905 Dr. MacNider returned to Chapel Hill as Professor of Pharmacology; in 1918 he became Kenan Professor of Pharmacology, and in 1924 he became Kenan Research Professor of Pharmacology. Early in his career Dr. MacNider became interested in experimental medicine and published a number of papers based on clinical studies. In preclinical teaching he began his work with experimental animals in the study of kidney function and induced kidney injury. Prom this beginning to the present time have come contributions of fundamental importance to scientific medicine. Medical Department at Raleigh 17 Dr. MacNider has received honors from, and is a member of, the following organizations : American Society of Pharmacology and Thera- peutics (President for two years); American Physiological Society; American Biochemical Society; National Academy of Sciences; Execu- tive Committee of the Medical Division of the National Research Coun- cil; Mayo Foundation Lecturer, 1938-39; American Society for Experi- mental Pathology ; American Society for Pathology and Bacteriology ; Association of American Physicians ; American Association of Univer- sity Professors ; Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society ; American Medical Association (Past Chairman of section on Pharmacology and Thera- peutics) ; President of North Carolina Medical Society; International Anesthetics Research Society (Honorary President) ; Harvey Society Lecturer and Honorary Member; Physician in Chief pro tempore at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston ; National Board of Medical Examiners (Pharmacology) ; Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Proceedings of the Society for Ex- perimental Biology and Medicine; Sigma XI (Charter member of the North Carolina Chapter) ; Honorary Phi Beta Kappa; Honorary Alpha Omega Alpha ; Honorary LL.D. from Davidson College; Honorary D.Sc. from Medical College of Virginia ; Edward N. Gibbs Prize, New York Academy of Medicine; Research Medal of Southern Medical Association, 1933; Sigma Nu Fraternity; Associate member of Sigma Theta Chapter of Phi Chi Fraternity; Dean, Medical School, University of North Carolina, 1937-39. Dr. MacNider married Miss Sarah Foard, January 23, 1918. They have one daughter. Some of the most important general subjects published by Dr. Mac- Nider since 1929 are as follows : Experimental production of acute and chronic injury of a nephritic character to the kidney, with studies in urine formation under the same conditions. Mechanism of urine formation. In chronic kidneys the study of the processes of repair and resistance imparted to the kidneys as a result of such repair processes. A study of the toxic action of general anesthetics on the kidneys and the prevention of toxic effects — the value of a solution of glucose. Influence of the age of the animal in determining the toxic action of the anesthetics. Studies of the acid-base equilibrium of the blood in different types of nephritis and during pregnancy. Use of an alkali and glucose in the treatment of trench nephritis during the World War. 18 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina DR. MARTIN LUTHER MATTHEWS Dr. M. L. Matthews, of Sanford, N. C, was bom November 7, 1874, in East Bend, Yadkin County, N. C, the son of Dr. J. M. Matthews and Sarah Mildred Matthews. Literary education was acquired at Union High School, East Bend, and Trinity College, Durham, N. C. He taught school at East Bend and Wilkesboro, N. C. He entered the Medical College of Virginia in 1900 and remained there two years, then entered University of North Carolina, Medical Department, at Raleigh, and was graduated in 1903. He was married December 23, 1897, to Miss Buth Huff, also of East Bend, N. C. In 1903 he located in East Bend and practiced medicine for four years; then moved to Cameron, N. C, in 1907, and remained there for about eleven years, doing general practice. In 1907 he took special work in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat at the Graduate School of Medicine, Tulane University, in New Orleans, La. In 1918 he located at Sanford for the practice of his special work. He served three years as chief of Lee County Memorial Hospital, was elected President, Fifth District Medical Society ; is an Honorary Fellow of North Carolina Medical Society and a Fellow of the American Medi- cal Association. Dr. Matthews has taken an active part in church and civic life. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church ; was a Steward for more than forty years, Superintendent of Sunday School for several years, District Lay Leader for Fayetteville District Conference ; Teacher of Woman's Bible Class ten years. Member I. O. O. F. when at Cameron prior to 1918. He also belongs to the Rotary Club of Sanford. Two daughters were born to Dr. and Mrs. Matthews while at East Bend, Ernestine and Olivia. Three were born at Cameron. One died in infancy; the remaining daughter, Ellen, and son, John, survive. Three daughters are married and the son was graduated from Appa- lachian State College in 1938. Medical Department at Raleigh 19 CLASS OF 1904 DR. MARSHALL CRAPON GUTHRIE Marshal] Crapon Guthrie, son of Michael Cronly Guthrie and Eliza- beth Lord Williams, was born in Southport, Brunswick County, North Carolina, April 13, 1879. He attended Trinity College, Durham, North Carolina, for two years, entering the Sophomore class. He studied medicine at the University of North Carolina ; was demonstrator of Anatomy during his third year and demonstrator of Clinical Pathology during the fourth year of his medical course. During his fourth year in medicine he was also Assist- ant Pathologist to Rex Hospital, Raleigh, North Carolina. He gradu- ated with the degree of M.D. from the University of North Carolina in 1904, and was admitted to the practice of medicine in the State of North Carolina, making the highest general average before the State Board of Medical Examiners for that year. He was acting physician for the Summer School of the University of North Carolina in 1904. On Octo- ber 3, 1904, he took the examination for the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service at Washington, D. C, following which he was intern for several months in the James Walker Memorial Hospital, Wilmington, North Carolina. Dr. Guthrie was married to Miss Harriet Ellen Harding, February 24, 1915, in Washington, D. C. They have had three children, Marshall Crapon Guthrie, Jr., born December 15, 1915 ; Helen Elizabeth Guthrie, born July 7, 191S, and Eugene Harding Guthrie, born April 9, 1924. Marshall and Helen Guthrie were born on the Canal Zone and Eugene was born in Washington, D. C. One child, Helen Elizabeth, died August 31, 1927. On August 26, 1905. under the status of Acting Assistant Surgeon pending the forwarding of his commission as Assistant Surgeon in the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, he was ordered to New Orleans for duty in the suppression of Yellow Fever — prevalent in that city. He reported for duty to and served under the general direction of Surgeon J. H. White, in charge of the Yellow Fever campaign in that city. His appointment as Assistant Surgeon was received September 9, 1905. While on the above detail he was assigned in charge of the dis- trict in the lower part of the city, and had charge of the district opera- tions for the suppression of Yellow Fever. While on duty in New Orleans he contracted Yellow Fever. He was relieved from duty at New Orleans on October 30, 1905. On October 30, 1905, he was ordered to Cape Fear Quarantine Station, where he was in temporary charge until January 9, 1906. 20 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina On January 9, 1906, he was ordered to the Immigration Station at Ellis Island, New York, reporting to Surgeon George W. Stoner, Medical Officer in Charge. His duties here were concerned primarily in the line inspection of arriving immigrants. He served on this detail until May 8, 1906, when he was ordered to Havana, Cuha, reporting to the Medical Officer in Command of the Service, Surgeon R. H. Von Ezdorf, at this port. He served here until November 17, 1906, when he was returned to the Immigration Station at Ellis Island, New York Harbor. On December 1, 1906, he was ordered to the Government Hospital for the Insane at Washington, D. C, for the purpose of studying mental diseases. On March 22, 1907, he was returned to the Immigration Sta- tion at Ellis Island, New York Harbor, where, in the Immigrant Hos- pital, his work was concerned principally with the mental examination of arriving aliens and in the medical care of women and children. On September 9, 1909, he was commissioned a Passed Assistant Sur- geon. Under orders dated September 13, 1912, he was detailed under special temporary duty to make an examination into the prevalence of tubercu- losis, trachoma, smallpox, and other contagious and infectious diseases among the Indians domiciled in the State of Oklahoma. The investiga- tions were undertaken September 28, 1912, and terminated December 11, 1912. They carried him primarily to Indian boarding schools, where the larger number of examinations were made. He also made a certain number of examinations of adult Indians, but in view of the fact that in Oklahoma there were no "closed" reservations and the Indians were scattered indiscriminately through the general population within the State, favorable opportunities for examining considerable numbers of adult Indians were not secured. After this detail he returned to his station at Ellis Island, New York Harbor. On February 25, 1913, Dr. Guthrie was reassigned to duty at Ellis Island, New York, effective March 22, 1911. On May 26, 1913, he was relieved from duty at the Immigration Station at Ellis Island, New York, and was transferred to Cape Fear Quarantine Station at Southport, North Carolina, to assume charge of the quarantine activities of the Port of Wilmington, North Carolina. On August 1, 1913, he was relieved from duty at Cape Fear Quaran- tine Station and directed to proceed to Tampa Bay Quarantine Station and assume temporary charge. Quarantine activities at this point were carried out under some difficulty on account of a fire a short time previous, which destroyed the pier head and the group of buildings which ordinarily were concerned with processes of fumigation, etc. He was relieved from duty at Tampa Bay Quarantine on September 25, 1913, and directed to proceed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to assume charge of the medical examination of aliens at that point. The immigration work at Philadelphia was interesting, of fair volume, and Medical Department at Raleigh 21 the activities generally were conducted on several piers which had been fitted out in a more or less creditable manner for examination purposes. On January 3, 1914, he was directed to proceed to Wheeling, West Virginia, on temporary detail for the purpose of examining two aliens who had previously been operated on for trachoma by the grattage operation. On March 7, 1914, he received orders relieving him from the Phila- delphia Immigration Station at Gloucester City, New Jersey, across the river from Philadelphia, and directed to proceed to the Canal Zone, arriving at that point not later than April 1 to report to the Governor for duty in connection with the administration of quarantine of the Canal. In addition to the duties of Chief Medical Officer of the Panama Canal, he was the Officer in Charge of Immigration, had supervision over the Pala Seco Leper Colony, was a member of the Canal Zone Board of Health, and of the Board for the Determination of Quaran- tinable and Contagious Diseases. The Quarantine Regulations of the Panama Canal had been formulated very largely by Surgeon J. C. Perry, who preceded Dr. Guthrie on the Canal Zone. These Regulations were modified and added to to some extent and were applied to quaran- tine procedure of vessels entering the Canal Zone and Panama ports or passing through the Canal. Two stations were operated, one at each Canal port, and vessels transiting the Canal were passed through under quarantine guard under certain conditions. Under date of August 15, 1917, Dr. Guthrie was directed to report for examination to determine his fitness for promotion to the grade of Surgeon. He was commissioned as Surgeon effective December 20, 1917. While serving as Chief Quarantine Officer of the Panama Canal, Dr. Guthrie made inspections along the coast of South America from the Canal to Valparaiso, Chile, visiting in all 37 ports while on this inspection trip. He also made visits to Colombia, South America, visiting the ports of Cartagena, Puerto Columbia, Baranquilla, and Santa Marta. He also made an inspection trip to Limon, Costa Rica, and points 50 to 60 miles inland from Limon. In addition to the above, he made several trips along the coast and into the interior of the Republic of Panama investigating certain outbreaks of illness. On September 11, 1918, he received orders relieving him from duty as Chief Quarantine Officer of the Panama Canal and directing him to proceed to Washington, D. C, for further orders. On January 3, 1919, he assumed temporary charge of quarantine activities for the Port of Wilmington, North Carolina, at Southport, North Carolina, the location of the Cape Fear Quarantine Station. Under date of October 24, 1919, he was relieved from duty at Cape Fear Quarantine Station, Southport, North Carolina, and directed to proceed to Washington, D. C, preliminary to assignment to duty at 22 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina St. Paul, Minnesota, as Supervisor of District No. 10, embracing the States of Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and Montana. He re- lieved at this point Surgeon (K) H. M. Bracken. Prior to proceeding to St. Paul, he was temporarily assigned to New Yoi'k City under date of November 5, 1919, for the purpose of studying the soldier relief work of District No. 2, assuming charge of District No. 10 under Bureau orders dated November 22, 1919. The work in District No. 10 was in connection with soldier relief activities following the World War. In the absence of Government-owned hospitals in this district, it was neces- sary to make contracts with a large number of civil hospitals, to build up medical staffs to supervise care and treatment, to secure attending specialists as well as a considerable number of physicians to make physi- cal examinations, to render treatment of various character, including the care of out-patient cases, and to build up throughout the district a very large staff of part-time physicians for the conduct of general physical examinations. The volume of work in the above categories increased tremendously and with great rapidity. Under date of January 12, 1920, he was directed to proceed to Wash- ington, D. C, for conference at the Bureau. He was relieved from duty as Supervisor of District No. 10, the head- quarters of which district having in the meantime been changed from St. Paul to Minneapolis, Minnesota, under Bureau orders dated Novem- ber 12, 1920, proceeding to Atlanta, Georgia, to assume charge of the Office of Supervisor of District No. 5, relieving Surgeon (B) George S. Pitcher. District No. 5 comprised the States of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida. The work in District No. 5 was similar to that of District No. 10. In both of these offices there was built up in a relatively short period of time a very large office force of practically 200 clerical personnel and 20 to 30 doctors. The entire field personnel, including part-time physicians, was more than a thousand. In District No. 5, he also had supervisory charge over Hospital No. 48, at Atlanta, Georgia. On April 11, 1921, under direction of Bureau orders, he attended a Supervisors' Conference, which met at the Bureau of War Bisk Insur- ance, at Washington, D. C. Under date of April 23, 1921, he was directed to report to the Director of the Bureau of War Bisk Insurance for duty. One June 18, 1921, he received orders to report to Washington, D. C, for a conference relative to administrative work in the different districts. On July 27, 1921, he was relieved from duty as Supervisor of District No. 5, Atlanta, Georgia, and assumed charge of the Service Hospital in that city. On September 1, 1921, he was relieved from duty as Medical Officer in Charge of the Hospital at Atlanta, Georgia, and assigned to duty with the Veterans' Bureau, in Washington, D. C. Medical Department at Raleigh 23 On February 24, 1922, he was appointed Chairman of a Board to meet at the Bureau for the purpose of conducting an examination of an alien. His duties with the Veterans' Bureau, in Washington, D. C, had to do with the general hospitalization program for the disabled veterans throughout the country and he was in administrative charge of this activity of the Veterans' Bureau. He was relieved from this duty under date of October 3, 1922, and detailed to the Bureau as Executive Officer. In addition to his general duties as Executive Officer, he received the following temporary details while acting in that capacity : Chairman of a Board to meet at Wash- ington, D. O, to re-examine an alien for alleged feeblemindedness under Bureau orders of March 21, 1923 : Chairman of a Board to meet at Ellis Island, New York, for the re-examination of an alien under Bureau orders of April 30, 1923 ; Recorder of a Board to study the activities of the Public Health Service at the Port of New York relative to quaran- tine and immigration procedure under Bureau orders of May 9, 1923 ; member of a Board to consider shortage of property at Hospital No. 65 at St. Paul, Minnesota, under Bureau orders of June 19, 1923; member of a Board to meet at Washington, D. C, to examine candidates for promotion in the regular corps of the Service under Bureau orders of January 8, 1925; directed to proceed from Washington, D. C, to Curtis Bay, Maryland, the Baltimore Quarantine Station, and return to inspect Service activities at that point under Bureau orders of September 28, 1925 ; member of a Board to meet at Washington, D. C, for the purpose of examining officers for promotion in the regular corps under Bureau orders of January 19, 1926. On March 26, 1926, he was relieved as Executive Officer of the Bureau and directed to report to the Secretary of the Interior in connection with the reorganization of the Indian Medical Service. On this latter duty, he was assigned to the Office of Indian Affairs as Chief Medical Director and his duties have since that time been in connection with the general administration of the medical activities of that Bureau among its ap- proximately 225,000 ward Indians scattered throughout the United States. Since the date of his assignment in 1926, approximately $3,187,000 has been expended in hospital construction and equipment, resulting in the establishment of physical improvements in some existing institutions, a larger proportion of new hospitals, fairly modern in their construction and equipment, and in the authorization of several new institutions now in process of construction or about to be constructed. The general appropriations for health work among the Indians have increased from $700,000, the appropriation for the fiscal year 1926, to $4,050,000 for the fiscal year 1932. During the period in question the Indian country has been districted until there are now eight districts, 24 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina including the territory of Alaska, in each of which districts, with the exception of one, there have been commissioned officers of the Public Health Service detailed to serve in the capacity of Medical Director. Exclusive of these seven officers so detailed, two additional officers are serving in the central office of the Bureau in Washington. The general health program for Indians has been broadened and improved. More than 100 field or public health nurses have been estab- lished throughout the several jurisdictions, and while much remains to be done in the standardization of procedures and equipment and institu- tions, it is nevertheless felt that considerable progress has been made. Dr. Guthrie was commissioned in the grade of Senior Surgeon under date of July 1, 1930. He was promoted to the grade of Medical Director under date of September 9, 1931, to rank as such from September 9, 1931. He received his permanent commission in this grade under date of January 5, 1932. He was relieved from duty with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Decem- ber 27, 1933, and temporarily assigned to duty at the Bureau until January 10, 1934, when he was directed to assume charge of U. S. Public Health Service District No. 2 with headquarters at the U. S. Custom- house, Baltimore, Md. District No. 2 comprised the District of Colum- bia, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro- lina, Kentucky, Georgia and Tennessee. The duties of District Director were to make routine inspections of Service activities within the District, to make special investigations when directed by the Surgeon General's Office, to adjust controversies, to study service activities and make recom- mendations for service economies and improvements in the District, etc. During the period of service as Director of District No. 2, Dr. Guthrie also served on Boards for entrance examination into the Service, for promotion of officers already in the service and on special boards as follows : Chairman of Board to make study of whether the Perryville, Maryland, Supply Depot should be maintained, April 13, 1934 ; member of Board to study acquisition of site and construction of certain addi- tional quarantine facilities for the Norfolk Quarantine Station at Hamp- ton Roads, Virginia, May 7, 1934. On November 1, 1934, Dr. Guthrie was relieved from duty as Director District No. 2 and assigned to duty at the U. S. Immigration Station, Ellis Island, N. Y. Here he was Executive Officer in Charge of the Boarding Division until July 1, 1937, when he was assigned as Chief Medical Officer, relieving Medical Director M. H. Foster. On June 27, 1938, he was relieved from duty as Chief Medical Officer, U. S. Immigration Station, Ellis Island, N. Y., and assigned to duty in Washington, D. O, as Chief Medical Officer, U. S. Coast Guard. Medical Department at Raleigh 25 DR. JOHN HAYWOOD STANLEY Dr. Stanley was born in 1874 on a farm in Johnston County, N. C, the son of a planter. He received his preliminary education at Buie's Creek Academy and Turlington Institute. In 1900 he entered the Medical Department of the University of North Carolina, graduated in 1904, and passed the State Board the same year. He located at Four Oaks, N. C, May, 1904, and ever since has practiced medicine in this town and surrounding country. In 1910, he took special courses in diseases of the rectum and has done a limited work in that field since that date. He has served as commissioner and mayor of the town, and as a member of the board of education in Johnston County several terms. DR. ARTHUR PONDER WILMS Dr. "Willis was born at Mars Hill, N. C, January 7, 1880. His father was Dr. Carver Willis, his mother, Eugenia Ponder, both of Mars Hill, N. C. Preliminary medical education was at Mars Hill College. His first three years in medicine were spent at the now discontinued Tennessee Medical College, of Knoxville, Tenn., and his fourth year at the University of North Carolina Medical Department at Raleigh, where he was graduated in 1904. Postgraduate work was obtained at the New York Post Graduate Medical School in 1907, also at Tulane University in 1917. He was married to Miss Eloise Candler, of Candler, N. C, April 7, 1909. Their only child, Candler Arthur Willis, was born January 26, 1910, and was graduated from Duke Medical School, June, 1936; he served two years' internship, one at Watts Hospital, Durham, N. C, and one at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital at Elkin, N. C, and is now practicing at Candler, N. C. Dr. Willis' contribution to medicine and society has been 35 years of energetic, faithful, and conscientious work, with several papers read before the Tenth District Medical Society, a few of which have been submitted to and printed in the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery, Charlotte, N. C. He was elected president of the Tenth District Society in 1936, which honor came largely from his attitude and writing on the subjects of medical economics and state medicine. Medical Department at Raleigh 27 CLASS OF 1905 DR. QUINTON HENRY COOKE Quinton Henry Cooke was born at Woodland, N. O, October 8, 1879. He was graduated in 1905. His present location is Rich Square, N. C, where he has engaged in general practice ever since his graduation. He says that he has received no honors worth mentioning. He is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, and belongs to the Baptist Church. In 1908, he married Miss Effie Benthall and they have three living children, all boys. DR. JOHN BEXSELL CRAXMER John Bensell Cranmer was born February 1, 1874, and was graduated in medicine in May, 1905. He located in Wilmington, N. O, where he still resides. He has devoted himself to general practice and surgery. Postgraduate work was secured at Clinics in Baltimore. Honors, both medical and civic, have come to him as follows : Past- President of New Hanover County Medical Society and of the Third District Medical Society; Past-Councilor of State Medical Society; ex- member New Hanover County Board of Health ; ex-member of Staff, James Walker Hospital, and ex-instructor in Materia Medica ; member and ex-President, Staff of Bulluck Hospital and ex-instructor in Ob- stetrics and Surgery. He is a MaBOn and an Episcopalian — a vestryman of St. James' Parish and a Diocesan Lay Leader. He was married September 10, 1896, to Miss May Hardison Webb and they have one living child, a daughter. DR. JOHX DOXXELLY John Donnelly was born December 23, 187S, and received the degree of M.D. in 1905. He first located at Hillsboro, N. C, and later at Charlotte, N. O, his present residence. In 1908 he married Miss Anne Henderson. They have two daughters and one granddaughter. Dr. Donnelly has specialized in Tuberculosis since 1910. He was in charge of the Tuberculosis Dispensary of the North Carolina Medical College, 1910 to 1916; physician-in-chief, Charlotte, N. C, Tuberculosis 28 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina Clinic, 1919 to 1931 ; Tuberculosis specialist, 80th Division, U. S. Army, during World War No. 1, one year's service in France, with rank of Major, Medical Corps; member Board of Directors, N. C. Tuberculosis Association, for past ten years; Superintendent Mecklenburg Sanato- rium for Tuberculosis from its opening, September 7, 1926, to 1937. He is now in private practice in Charlotte. DR. LEONE BURNS NEWELD Leone Burns Newell was born October 12, 1S78. He received degrees of B.S. from Davidson College in 1901, and M.D., 1905. He first located at Charlotte, N. C, and that is his present home. He is a general practitioner. His postgraduate work was had at the New York Post Graduate Medical School in several courses at various times. He reports that his professional honors are not "worth speaking about." He is a K. of P. and a Mason and a Presbyterian, "probably in poor standing." His marriage to Miss Miss Annie Rogers was consummated in 1906. None of their children lived. Dr. Newell was Assistant Demonstrator of Pathology during his senior year as a student and held a similar position in the Department at Chapel Hill for one year. He was also an Instructor in Medicine at the North Carolina Medical College in Charlotte. In 1905, he received the highest honor in the graduating class and also made the highest mark before the State Board of Medical Examiners. DR. RALPH SANDERS STEVENS Balph Sanders Stevens was born in Smithfield, Johnston County, N. C, on April 25, 1884, to W. S. Stevens and wife, Mary B. Stevens. His early education was in Smithfield at private schools and the long- famed "Turlington Institute." After his graduation from the city schools, he entered the University of North Carolina Medical School and in 1905 he received his degree there. He came home to begin practice, but in a few weeks' time he was offered a position as assistant to Dr. H. A. Eoyster, Baleigh, N. C, and he moved to Baleigh to take up his duties. While in Baleigh he also taught Clinical Pathology in the University Medical School, and also taught Anatomy in the Shaw Uni- versity until the year 1910, when he gave up his duties as outlined and entered private practice. Medical Department at Raleigh 29 He practiced in Raleigh until the entry of the United States into the World War, when he volunteered for service and became a Captain in the Medical Corps of the 3rd Division. His war service kept him in Europe until 1919, where he served with the Army of Occupation in Germany after the Armistice. After his return to the United States he located in Princeton for private practice and enjoyed a large clientele. At this place he lived until his death on May 20, 1932. He married Miss Eula Hood, daughter of T. K. Hood, of Smithfield, N. C, and he was father of three boys and 3 girls, all of whom sur- vived him. His widow now resides in Smithfield with the youngest son and two younger daughters. One son, Thomas Hood Stevens, is now a practicing physician in Hallsville, Texas. The oldest daughter is a student in Virginia Intermont College, taking training to enable her to enter the Bellevue Hospital School for Nurses. Medical Department at Raleigh 31 CLASS OF 1906 DR. CLAUDE OLIVER ABERNETHY Dr. Abernethy was born on October S, 1SS0, at Rutherford College, Burke County, Xorth Carolina. His father was John T. Abernethy, a Methodist minister, and his mother was Anna Scott Abernethy. He had five brothers and three sisters. He was married on August 2, 1911, to Miss Mary Carter Ray, of Raleigh, X. C. They have three daughters. He began his education in the public schools of Xorth Carolina and took a B.S. degree from the University of Xorth Carolina in 1902 and an M.D. degree from the same institution in 1906. He also took a postgraduate course in the University of Pennsylvania in 1915. He practiced general medicine in Raleigh, X. C, from 1906 until 1915. After 1915 his practice was limited to Urology and Dermatology. He was Urologist and Dermatologist to Rex and St. Agnes Hospitals. Raleigh, N. C. From 1908 until 1910, when the school was discontinued, he was Professor of Urology and Dermatology in the University of Xorth Carolina, Medical Department, at Raleigh, X. C. He was Captain in the Medical Corps of the United States Army from June, 1918, until February, 1919. After leaving the training camp at Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, he was placed in charge of a Genito-urinary Infirmary at Camp McClellan, Alabama. He was a member of the Edenton Street Methodist Church, Raleigh, N. C. He was a Mason and a Past-Master of the Raleigh Lodge Xo. 500 ; a member of the Carolina Country Club and the American Legion. He was also a member of the following Societies and Associations : Raleigh Academy of Medicine, "Wake County Medical Society, American Medical Association, American College of Surgeons, Southeastern Branch of the American Urological Association, and the Xorth Carolina Uro- logical Society. Dr. Abernethy died in July, 1940, as the result of an automobile accident. DR. JAMES GARRETT AXDERSOX Dr. James Garrett Anderson was born on a farm at Paint Fork, Madison County, Xorth Carolina, December 6, 1881, a son of D. X. Anderson, and grandson of John A. Anderson, a farmer of Madison County. 32 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina The common schools of Madison County grounded Dr. Anderson in the fundamentals of an education, and he began teaching school at Grape Vine, and later at Bull Creek, after he had finished his own course at Mars Hill. As soon as he could command the necessary money he entered "Wake Forest College, North Carolina, and was there for two years, but completed his academic training in Central University of Kentucky, from which he was graduated in 1898 with the degree of Master of Arts. For three years thereafter he was principal of the Emma High School, and for one year held the same position with the Leicester High School, after which he was principal of the Sand Hill High School, the oldest high school in North Carolina. Dr. Anderson took his medical training in the Medical Department of the University of North Carolina, from which he was graduated in 1906, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, after which time he was engaged in prac- tice at Asheville. Later on he took postgraduate work at the New York Polyclinic, and frequently attended clinics in different parts of the country. He belonged to the Buncombe County Medical Society, the North Carolina State Medical Society, the Tenth District Medical Society, the Southern Medical Association, and the American Medical Association, the Southern Association of Anesthetists and the National Association of Anesthetists. Dr. Anderson was interested in many things outside of his profes- sional connections, and was a thirty-second degree and Shriner Mason ; was one of the founders in 1920 of the French Broad Hospital, of which he was co-owner, manager and treasurer ; was one of the organizers of the Bank of West Asheville, and became its vice-president; was one of the organizers and a director and vice-president of the Mutual Security Company, owner of the New Medical Building; was one of the organ- izers of the Bank of Commerce and the Commerce Union Trust Com- pany ; was one of the organizers of the French Broad Realty Company, which he served as president for several years; a director of the Federal Mortgage Company; president of the Anderson Realty Company, that carried on a general brokerage and real estate business; owner and president of the Asheville Radium Company that owned all of the radium at Asheville ; and one of the original directors of the West Ashe- ville Finance Company. From 1912 to 191S he was one of the Board of Aldermen of West Asheville, and during that period the lights, water, sewers and other public improvements were installed. In every way he took an intelligent and effective interest in development along civic, educational and religious lines, and in this connection became vice- president of the West Asheville Community Club, one of the organizers of the Colonial Life Insurance Company of High Point, North Carolina, and very active in the West Asheville Methodist Episcopal Church, South, being chairman of the building committee and the finance com- mittee and one of the Board of Trustees and of the Stewards. When the Medical Department at Raleigh 33 church was built he donated its pews, and was very generous in his donations to all of the church work. During the World War, Dr. Ander- son was very active in local war work, was chairman of the War Savings Stamp campaigns at West Asheville, and one of the effective speakers in behalf of the different drives. On July 25, 1907, Dr. Anderson married Miss Lottie Lee Alexander, of Asheville, a daughter of Henry and Samantha (Veasy) Alexander, the former of whom was a Confederate veteran and large landowner. Mrs. Anderson is descended from two of the most prominent pioneer families of Western North Carolina, the Alexander and Davidson fami- lies. Five children were born to Dr. and Mrs. Anderson : John Bascomb, a physician in Asheville, N. C. ; James Garrett, Jr., a dentist at War, W. Va., Glenn Elwood, member of a brokerage firm ; Margaret Louise, and Arthur Alexander, both students. Dr. Anderson died January 10, 1930, with generalized peritonitis following appendectomy and diverticulectomy. DR. ARTHUR BROWN ENGLISH Arthur Brown English was born at Faust, N. C, on October 2, 1883. He graduated in the class of 1906 and located at Mendota, Virginia. While at Mendota Dr. English was the leader in building a Methodist Church to which he had his membership moved. Here he was Super- intendent of the Sunday School for two years. On March 12, 1908, he was married to Miss Ardis Stickley, whose home was in Mendota. In the fall of 1909 Dr. English and his bride went to Portland, Oregon, where he practiced for four years. (He was most successful here and very much in love with Oregon, but due to the unhappiness of both Dr. and Mrs. English's families, because of the great distance between them, he was induced to return to the East.) During Dr. English's stay in Oregon his two children were born : Hazel Virginia, March 29, 1908; Ralph Stickley, March 29, 1911. Hazel graduated at Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, Virginia, and two years later received her degree at Maryland College for Women in Balti- more. Ralph graduated from Kentucky Military Institute, then attended King College in Bristol, Tennessee, for two years, and the University of Tennessee, where he received his B.S. degree and is at present taking his M.A. degree. His plan was to enter medicine in the fall of 1935. Upon returning to the East, Dr. English again located in Mendota, Virginia, where he practiced until 1921. At this time he entered the Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital of New York City, and graduated in 1923. He then located at his present address, where he and Dr. Arthur Hooks, formerly of Smithfield, N. O, opened a pri- 34 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina vate Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital, where they have heen most successful. Dr. English is a thirty-second degree Mason ; a memher of State Street Methodist Church, Bristol, Tennessee; a member of the Kiwanis Club, and a member of the Sullivan and Johnson County Medical Society, of which he was President in 1930. He is also a member of the Tennessee State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. DR. I/OGAN ELMORE FARTHING Dr. Farthing was born on June 6, 1879, in Boone, North Carolina. He died of ulcerative colitis on March 31, 1938, in Wilmington, North Carolina. He was the son of John Watts Farthing and Adeline Rivers Farthing. He is survived by his widow, Maude (Hackney) Farthing, to whom he was married in May, 1908, and by one son, Dr. John Watts Farthing, who is practicing surgery in Wilmington, N. C. Dr. Farthing was graduated from the University of North Carolina in May, 1906, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Later on, he took postgraduate work in New York City. In 1906-07 he was resident physician of the James Walker Memorial Hospital in Wilmington, N. C, and in 1907-08 he was resident physician of the State Hospital at Morganton, N. C. From 1908 until 1919 he practiced medicine in Pittsboro, N. C, where he built up a large and loyal clientele. From early in 1919 until he was stricken with his fatal illness he practiced in Wilmington, N. C. Dr. Farthing was former secretary and president of the staff of James Walker Memorial Hospital. He was a member of the staff of the Bulluck Hospital. He was Past-President and Past-Secretary of the New Han- over County Medical Society and a member of the Third District Medi- cal Society of North Carolina, and by virtue of thirty years of continu- ing service he was an honorary member of the North Carolina Medical Society. He was also a Fellow of the American Medical Association. Dr. Farthing was a thirty-second degree Mason, a Past-Master of the Pittsboro Lodge. He was a deacon of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilmington. Dr. Farthing brought with him to the Coastal Plain of North Caro- lina much of the ruggedness of his native mountains, in a strong physique and a well-rounded mentality. He practiced medicine con- scientiously and with excellent judgment. In his last illness he dis- played the same fortitude, courage, and unselfishness that he had exem- plified during the long years of the successful practice of medicine in this his adopted city, leaving behind him the memory of a high example of a life well spent in the service of his fellow man. Medical Department at Raleigh 35 He preferred internal medicine to all other branches of his profession and by reason of his early training he had a special aptitude for psy- chology and psychiatry that stood him in good stead in solving many of the problems that confront every physician. He was capable of doing good surgery. Dr. Farthing was a good man and a Christian gentleman. He was unostentatious, but his value as a physician and his example as a man will long be remembered by his many patients and his wide circle of friends and acquaintances. DR. BATTLE APPLEWHITE HOCUTT Dr. Hocutt was born in 1879. He was graduated in medicine (as he expresses it, "after a hard struggle") in 1906. In the same year he was licensed and joined his County and State Medical Societies. He began practice the same year at Clayton, N. C, and has resided there ever since. He married Miss Lucile Ellington in 1909 ; they have had no chil- dren. He enrolled at the New York Postgraduate Medical School in 1920 and 1924, and has attended all the graduate extension courses given by the University of North Carolina. Twenty-five years ago he was ap- pointed local surgeon of the Southern Railway System at Clayton, which position he still holds. He is a member of the Fourth District and Seaboard Medical Societies; of the County Board of Health, Clay- ton Rotary Club (Past-President), Baptist Church (deacon), and of the Board of Town Commissioners. He is a general practitioner. DR. HARRY MTRRAY JONES Dr. Jones was born July 9, 1881, at Franklin, X. C. His parents were George A. Jones and Lily Lyle Jones. He received his education at Franklin High School and the University of North Carolina, where he was graduated in medicine in 1906 ; in- terned at the Pittsburgh Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. In June, 1907, he married Miss Mildred Butler, Butler, Pa., a nurse at the Pittsburgh Hospital, and settled first in Franklin, N. C. He removed to Nezperce Pass, Idaho, in November of 1909, where he practiced until his death, October 14, 1914, from pneumonia and menin- gitis. He was buried at Nezperce. There were four children : Blanche, now Mrs. Jean Hajus, Bridgeport, Conn.; Harriett Marie, secretary for Nichols & Snotherly, Attorneys, 36 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina Westfield, N. J. ; George A., later a student at Chapel Hill ; Harry M., Jr., in the office of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in New York City. His widow has married again and is now Mrs. W. C. Meeks, Newark, Conn. He was a member of the Methodist Church of Franklin, N. C. DR. WILLIAM STONE JORDAN Following is a newspaper account of the life and services of Dr. Jordan, sent in since his death : Dr. William Stone Jordan, 53, one of Fayetteville's leading physicians and most useful citizens, died in Highsmith Hospital shortly before noon, February 24, 1938, after a month's illness with endocarditis. He was a Past-President of the Cumberland County Medical Society and former President of the Fayetteville Kiwanis Club. Dr. Jordan was a native of Greene County, the son of the late Dr. Thomas M. Jordan and Mrs. Ida May Sasser Jordan. His father was a physician, who practiced in Greene and Wake counties. After graduating from the University of North Carolina, Department of Medicine, in Raleigh, William S. Jordan came to Fayetteville in 1906 as an intern in the Highsmith Hospital and two years later entered general practice here. At various times he was associated with three hospitals in Fayetteville. He served on the staff of Cumberland General Hospital and for many years past was one of the owners of the Lilly, Jordan and McKay Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital. He had been a member of this firm of specialists since 1916. His particular interest was bronchoscopy and the eye. At one time he served as Cum- berland County health officer. Dr. Jordan was a member of the county, District and State Medical Societies, the Southern Medical Society, and the American Medical Association. He was a steward and a trustee of the Hay Street Method- ist Church and a trustee of the Fayetteville city schools. He was presi- dent of the University of North Carolina Chapter, Alpha Epsilon Delta, national pre-medical fraternity. Dr. Jordan is survived by his wife, Mrs. Louise Huske Jordan ; three sons, William S., Weldon H., and Thomas M. Jordan; and a daughter, Miss Louise H. Jordan ; his mother ; two brothers, Lieut. Commander L. L. Jordan, of Eedlands, Calif., and Lieut. F. D. Jordan, U. S. N. ; and four sisters, Mrs. C. E. Bell, Gainesville, Fla. ; Mrs. J. T. Lazar, Florence, S. C. ; Mrs. D. H. R. Wiggs, Norfolk, Va. ; and Miss Julia Jordan, of Ealeigh. Medical Department at Raleigh 37 DR. GEORGE ABODE: McLEMORE Dr. McLemore was born in Sampson County, November 12, 1878. He received his high school training at Beulah High School, near Clin- ton. Graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Xorth Carolina at Ealeigh in 1906. He followed his profession in Johnston County, near Clayton, X. C, until 1923. On September 10, 1923, he moved to Smithfield, X. C, where he practices medicine and superintends the management of farms, town property and a drug store. He was married to Nellie E. Johnson, of Johnston County, in 1908. To this union have been born five children ; all are living. Lucile gradu- ated from Woman's College of University of Xorth Carolina at Greens- boro in 1934. She made the honor roll every year and was one of the 25 to be chosen for the Honor Society. She is now teaching school in Johnston County. Margaret helps run the store and acts as office girl. Eloise is in school at the Woman's College of the University of Xorth Carolina, Greensboro. Eobert is a Junior in the Smithfield High School. George is in the fourth grade of the Smithfield school. Mrs. McLemore died April 18, 1934. DR. JOHN HAMLETT MERRITT Dr. Merritt was born at Woodsdale, Person County, X. C, May 1, 1S81. His mother was Mary Catherine (Hamlett) and his father, William Merritt, M.D., a practicing physician in Person County and Granville County, X. C, and the adjoining county of Halifax, Va., for fifty years. He was married June 2, 1915, to Miss Ellen Coxe, Eed Springs, X. C. To them were born five children : John Hamlett, Jr., Mary Elizabeth (married in 1938 to Harry Wharton Winstead), Ellen Coxe, William Joseph, and Xancy. Dr. Merritt was President of the Person County Medical Society, 1916-18 and 1933-34; member County Board of Health for 25 years. He built a football field for the Bethel Hill High School and served on the School Board for many years. He is active in all work that tends toward the advancement of the community. DR. JESSE WOMBLE WHJjCOX Dr. Willcox was born at Carthage, X. C, September 20, 1879, the oldest son of W. C. and W. B. Willcox. His paternal grandfather, Dr. William Penn Willcox, studied medicine at Castleton, Vermont, and at Jefferson Medical College. His admiration for his grandfather was probably the greatest factor in Jesse Willcox's decision to study medi- 38 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina cine. He attended private and public schools in Moore County, N. O, was graduated from the University of North Carolina with the degree of Ph.B. in 1903 and in 1906 received the degree of M.D. from the University of North Carolina, Department of Medicine, at Raleigh, N. C. In 1906 he located at Carthage, N. O, and practiced there until 1911, when he spent a year at the North Carolina State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis. On April 25, 1907, he married Miss Meta Vestal Watson, of Carthage, N.C. On August 5, 1908, a daughter, Jessemin, was born to them. In the summer of 1912 the subject of this sketch moved to Laurel Hill, N. C, and practiced there until February, 1922, except for two years spent in the Army during the World War as First Lieutenant. While in the Army he attended the Army Medical School for Tuberculosis. Early in 1922 he lost all his financial savings in a fire and, being offered a Captain's commission in the Reserve of the U. S. Public Health Service, he accepted the commission and went back into the service. In the various Government and State services he was stationed at Green- ville, S. C, Dawson Springs, Ky., Chattanooga, Tenn., Milwaukee, Wise, Leavenworth, Kan., Hot Springs, S. D. Later he was at Paterson, N. J., Rutland, Mass., and Schenectady, N. Y. In 1934 he returned to North Carolina and practiced medicine at West End, N. C, through 1940. He is now Medical Director, Red Cross Sanatorium in Wilmington, N. C. In October, 1924, he married Mrs. Corinne Stevens, and thereby inherited two daughters, Patricia and Bobby. DR. CHARLES BAYNES WILKERSON Charles Baynes Wilkerson, M.D., was born in Orange County, N. O, on September 24, 1878, the son of Thomas Earl Wilkerson and Mary Susan Henry Wilkerson. He was reared in Person County, near Rox- boro, N. O, and received his grammar and high school training in local public schools and in Caldwell Institute and Trinity Park School. He then attended Trinity College (now Duke University) and received his medical training degree in the Class of 1906. He took the State Board examination at Charlotte in June, 1906; receiving a telegram the afternoon the examinations were posted to come to Cary, N. O, and look after the practice of Dr. J. M. Templeton while Dr. Templeton made a trip to Canada. He practiced in Cary until Dr. Templeton returned in December, 1906, and then was called to Apex, N. O, to look after the practice of Dr. H. G. Utley, who was going to Florida. Dr. Utley remained in Florida permanently, and Dr. Wilkerson practiced in Apex continuously from December, 1906, until January 1, 1921, when he removed to Raleigh and went into Medical Department at Raleigh 39 partnership with his brother, Dr. Thaddeus Earl Wilkerson. He has continued in active practice in Raleigh since that date. While practicing in Apex. Dr. Wilkerson served as local surgeon for the Seaboard Airline Railway and for the Durham & Southern Railroad, being a member of the Seaboard Surgeon's Association. He was also president of the People's Bank in Apes and took an active part in the business and civic organizations of the town. He is a member and Past President of the Wake County Medical Association, a member of the State Medical Society, and of the Raleigh Academy of Medicine. He was county physician for Wake County from 1921 to 1931, inclusive, and is a member of the staffs of Rex Hospital and of St. Agnes' Hospital. Dr. Wilkerson was married in December, 1908, to Annie Royall Farthing. He and his wife have five children : Josephine, who has an A.B. degree from Duke University and has done special work at the University of Xorth Carolina, preparing herself to be a writer; Dr. Aunie Louise, now practicing with her father; Margaret, now Mrs. George B. Flint ; Charles, Jr., who will probably study medicine ; and Lewis. Dr. Wilkerson is a member of the Methodist Church and has served as a steward for many years. He is now actively engaged in general practice in Raleigh, X. C, with the hope of many years of service and usefulness still before him. Medical Department at Raleigh 41 CLASS OF 1907 THE CLASS OP 1907 By Miss Bibdie Lawbence Here's to the "Class of 1907" ! The dear old Medical Men, May they always think of absent friends When they toast the "now and then." The "Xoble" now in stature great May he be great in name. And "Best" in name be best in deed And not unknown to fame. "Barefoot" perhaps in youth they roved Adown some pleasant "Glenn," And "Woodward" passed with whistle gay To rest and pass again Thro' fields of "Rice" where "Dicky" birds Send forth their clear, shrill cry, But sad tho' true both "Birds" and boys Will leave home by and by. The lisping child is satisfied. The boy soon restless grows, What mother "Gibbs" no longer suits For everything he knows. The stinging "Ferrell" of school days Has marked each boyish hand, May sin ne'er mark the manly hearts Of those whom nature planned To be great men, not slothful slaves, For they "Wooda rd"ent\j Strive the laurel crown to win For dear old "U. N. C." Then may the God who keeps us all Thro' sunny days and fogs Keep watch and "Ward" o'er all our boys The dear old "Meds," "Dick's Dogs." May 9, 1907. 42 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina "DICK'S DOGS" By Miss Bibdie Lawrence Empty is the kennel, "Dick's Dogs" are loosed to fame, May they never cause a blot to mar Dear "U. N. C.'s" fair name. The world is wide, its paths are rough, Eife with downs and ups; Let not "Dick's Dogs" forget the time When they were just "Dick's Pups." The "Pups" are full-grown "Dogs" at last, Ripe for a famous howl And busy barks from time to time, Always an honest growl. Then go, dear "Dogs," growl, howl and bark, Through sunny days and fogs, And God keep watch o'er all our boys, The dear old "Meds," "Dick's Dogs." May 9, 1907. DR. JULIUS JACKSON BAREFOOT Dr. Barefoot was born and reared in Wilson, N. C, was graduated from the Wilson High School and worked for several years before enter- ing the University in 1903. His wife and two boys are living in Wash- ington, D. 0. He was married September 30, 190S, to Miss Octavia Rivers. After graduation he practiced with Dr. A. W. Goodwin in Raleigh, N. C, and then went to Swepsonville, N. C, on May 15, 1910, and then moved to Graham, N". C, in June, 1913. In Graham he was part owner of a drug store. He was County Physician for four years, Secretary of the County Medical Society, and during the war was Chairman of the Examining Board until December 30, 1917. On January 1, 1918, he entered the Army as a First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps attached to the Air Service at Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, transferred from there to Meridian, Mississippi, then to Langley Field, where he was commis- sioned a Captain, then to Camp Oglethorpe, where he took a special course in X-ray training. He was discharged from the Army on Decem- ber 13, 1918, and returned to Graham, ST. O, where he resumed general practice until the time of his death on February 17, 1921. Medical Department at Raleigh 43 DR. HENRY BLOUNT BEST Dr. Best was born April 30, 1883, in Greene County, North Carolina, the son of Thomas Haywood and Mary Blount Best. At the age of 8 years he moved with his family to Wilson, N. C. He graduated from the Wilson High School in 1901, after which he worked for two years, attending private school at night. In September, 1903, he entered the University of North Carolina Medical School and graduated at Raleigh with the Class of 1907. After graduating he immediately located in Wilson, N. C, where he has engaged since in the general practice of medicine. From 1920 to 1932 he was connected with the Carolina General Hospital, Wilson, N. C. Dr. Best is a member of the First Methodist Church of Wilson, N. C. He was a charter member of the local Rotary Club and is at present a member of the I. O. O. F. organization. He is also a member of the Wilson County Medical Society, the Fourth District Medical Society, the North Carolina State Society and American Medical Association. He has never married. DR. JU1JUS VANCE DICK Dr. Julius Vance Dick, Gibsonville, N. C, was born July 17, 1876, in Guilford County, North Carolina, the son of John S. and Pandora Wharton Dick. He received his elementary and high school education at Whitsett Institute, after which he spent several years teaching in the public schools of the State. Always having had an ambition to be a physician, he gave up school work and in the fall of 1903 entered the University of North Carolina Medical School, graduating with the Class of 1907. Immediately after graduation from Medical School, Dr. Dick located in Gibsonville, North Carolina, for the practice of his profession. His life has been devoted to general practice in the town and surrounding country. On June 8, 1910, he married Miss Blanche Rankin, of Whitsett, North Carolina. There are no children. Dr. Dick has always taken an active part in all phases of the life of his community. He served five years as member of the School Board and four years as member of the Board of Aldermen. He was active in the building of the Guilford County Tuberculosis Sanatorium and has been a member of the Board of Directors of this institution ever since its establishment. He is a charter member of the Gibsonville Rotary Club and is a Mason. His religious affiliation is with the Presbyterian Church. 44 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina During World War No. 1 Dr. Dick was a contract surgeon of the United States Army, serving with the S. A. T. C. unit at Elon College. Throughout the years of his practice Dr. Dick has been a member of the North Carolina Medical Society and is now an honorary member of this organization. He is also a member of the American Medical Association. DR. JOHN ATKINSON FERRELL, Dr. Ferrell was born at Clinton, North Carolina, December 14, 1880, son of James Alexander and Cornelia (Murphy) Ferrell. He was grad- uated at the University of North Carolina, B.S. in 1902, and M.D. in 1907. In 1919 he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Public Health by Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, the first occasion on which it conferred this degree. He began the practice of medicine in Kenansville, North Carolina, and in the same year was made superintendent of health of Duplin County. In 1909 John D. Rockefeller provided the funds for the control of the hookworm disease which had become such a menace in the South. Dr. Ferrell was made director of educational and control measures in North Carolina for the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission with the title of Assistant Secretary of the State Board of Health. When the International Health Board of the Rockefeller Foundation was created in 1913, Dr. Ferrell was appointed a regional director and has been in immediate charge of the Foundation's activities in the field of public health in the United States, Canada, and Mexico from that date until the present time. Dr. Ferrell is a member of the American Medical Association (chair- man section on public health, 1922-1923), Southern Medical Associa- tion, National Malaria Committee (chairman, 1924), Medical Society of State of North Carolina (secretary, 1912-1915), Medical Society of State of New York, Medical Society of New York County, American Public Health Association, president, 1933 ; chairman Executive Board, 1935-1939), Honorary Life Member Conference of State and Provincial Health Authorities of North America (field secretary, 1937-1938), Hon- orary Life Member Canadian Public Health Association, Honorary Fellow Royal Sanitary Institute, Member Royal Institute of Public Health, Delta Omega (president, 1931). He is the author of numerous articles on public health subjects. Dr. Ferrell was married January 28, 1909, to Lucile Devereaux, daugh- ter of Benjamin F. Withers, of Charlotte, North Carolina, and they had three children, Bettie Devereaux, John Atkinson, Jr., and Benjamin Withers Ferrell. Benjamin, the second son, died in 1936. Medical Department at Raleigh 45 Dr. Ferrell is a member of the Cosmos Club, Washington, D. C, the Town Hall Club, New York, and the Five Kidges Golf and Eiding Club, Stamford, Connecticut. His office is at 49 West 49th Street, New York, N. Y. DR. EMMETT WIGHTMAX GIBBS Dr. Gibbs was born September 23, 1872, was graduated May, 190", practiced at Candler, N. C, for one year, moved from there to Asheville, N. C.j where he practiced until January, 1910. He then moved to Mooresboro, N. C, in Cleveland County; after practicing there for nine years he moved to Shelby, N. C, in the same county. He has practiced there since May, 1919. He is a member of the Shelby Central Method- ist Church, of his County and State Medical Societies, and of the Cleveland Masonic Lodge, Shelby, N. C. He married Miss Maude Sanio in 190S. They have one daughter, who finished college in 1934. DR. ROBERT PRIMROSE NOBLE Dr. Noble was born at Selma, N. C, on December 3, 1S81, the son of Dr. B. J. Noble and Bettie Moore Noble. He was prepared for college at Turlington Institute (now the Smith- field High School) and entered the University of North Carolina in September, 1900. He was varsity catcher on the University of North Carolina baseball team, 1903-05, having the honor to be catcher on the famous 1903 team which record still stands. He studied medicine at the University and was graduated with the degree of B.S. and M.D. The last two years were spent at Ealeigh, where the junior and senior studies were carried out. After graduation, Dr. Noble passed the N. C. Medical Board in 1907 and then the same summer went to Birmingham, Ala., where he suc- cessfully passed the Alabama State Medical Board and secured his license to practice there. Eeturning to North Carolina, he practiced at Selma with his father a month before going to Marion, N. C, as sur- geon for the South and Western, later the Clinchfield Bailroad, where he practiced at Camp No. 9 as headquarters till the panic of 1907 set in and all work was halted on the building of the road. Eeturning to Selma to spend Christmas he stayed there and became associated with his father in the general practice of medicine till January, 1912, when he went to Ensley, a suburb of Birmingham, Ala., where he practiced till October, 1915, when he went to Philadelphia and studied X-ray 46 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina, under Dr. H. K. Pancoast, of the University of Pennsylvania. In January, 1916, Dr. Noble came to Raleigh to specialize in X-ray and has remained there since, only for the time spent in the service of the U. S. Medical Reserve Corps. He was stationed at Kelly Field, Texas, near San Antonio, as head of the X-ray department at. the main hospital there. Returning to Raleigh in March, 1919, he has practiced Roent- genology continuously. Dr. Noble also specializes in the removal of superficial skin growths with the endothermic method, desiccation and coagulation, using also the radio knife when necessary. Married Miss Marie Newland (who was born in Asheville) at Selma, N. 0., on December 30, 1908. They have one child, Robert P. Noble, Jr., and two grandchildren. Dr. Noble is a Shriner, Knight Templar, Royal Arch, Council and Blue Lodge Mason ; member of the Hayes Barton Baptist Church of Raleigh (Deacon) ; Past-President of the Rex Hospital Staff, "Wake County Medical Society, and Raleigh Academy of Medicine ; member of the North Carolina State Medical Society and the North Carolina Radiological Society. DR. IVIE ALPHONSO WARD Dr. "Ward was born September 23, 1879, in Chowan County, N. C. His parents were William Caleb Ward and Alice Victoria Hollowell Ward. His mother died when he was but eight years old. He attended Belvidere Academy at Belvidere, Perquimans County, N. C, and Yadkin Valley Institute in Yadkin County, N. C. He entered the University of North Carolina Medical School in 1903 and graduated in Raleigh with the Class of 1907. He began general practice in June, 1907, at Weeksville, Pasquotank County, N. C, where he remained for one year. Located at Belvidere, Perquimans County, N. C, in June, 1908, where he did general practice until 1925. He was substitute intern several months in 1925 at Bellevue Hospital and New York Eye and Ear Hospital, New York, specializing in eye, ear, nose, and throat. In 1926 he located in Elizabeth City, N. C, to practice his specialty. Not being able to fully adjust himself to office work alone, he left Elizabeth City in 1936 and returned to Perquimans County, taking up his old practice in addition to eye, ear, nose, and throat work, and is now located in Hertford, N. C. On August 20, 1915, he was married to Miss Ruth Mae Lassiter, of Corapeake, N. C, the daughter of J. R. Lassiter and Missouria Jarvis Lassiter. Medical Department at Raleigh 47 They have four children: Ruth Alice, who graduated at Meredith College in the Class of 1936, afterwards teaching Science and English in the lit. Ulla School, Rowan County, N. C. Ivie Alphonso "Ward, Jr., who after leaving Elizabeth City High School attended one year at Fork Union Military Academy, Fork Union, Va., and graduated from Campbell College, Buie's Creek, N. C, with the class of 1938. William Jarvis "Ward, now at Wake Forest College preparing to study medicine. Marguerite E. Ward, student, Hertford, N". C. He has at all times taken an active part in religious, political and civic activities of the communities in which he has lived. He has served as Superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School for seventeen consecu- tive years; Moderator of Chowan Baptist Association, 1931-35; now Chairman of Board of Deacons of Hertford Baptist Church; member of Seaboard Medical and the District and State Medical Societies. DR. ALBERT GIDEON WOODARD The following sketch of Dr. Woodard appeared in a local newspaper, October, 1939: Dr. A. G. Woodard, local eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist, is one of the leading citizens of Wayne County. Through professional ability, business acumen, civic interest, and a brotherly love for his fellow men, Dr. Woodard has won this place of leadership. A list of the various activities in which he is engaged and of the honors which have come to him indicate the fine place he holds in the community. Dr. Woodard is a Kiwanian, a Mason, Shriner, Junior and Woodman of the World. Just recently he. was named Lieutenant Governor of the Seventh North Carolina District of Kiwanis and he is chairman of the committee on good will of Kiwanis of the Carolinas; and is a member of the International Board on Good Will in the Kiwanis Organization. He has served as secretary of the local club and is a past-president of the club. He is a member of the Goldsboro Board of Aldermen, now serving his second term ; is a director of the local unit of the Branch Banking and Trust Company, one of the strongest financial institutions in this section ; is president of the Citizens Building and Loan Association. Dr. Woodard is past-president of Tuscarora Council of Boy Scouts and is active in the organization which sponsors Girl Scouting. He is a member of the Wayne County Medical Society (past-president and secretary), of the Fourth District Medical Society ( past-president), and member of the North Carolina Medical Society. Before coming to this county he served as secretary of the Johnston County Medical 48 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina Society (past-president). He has served as secretary of the Wayne Society, too. In religious belief, Dr. Woodard is a Methodist. He was born in Johnston County, on a farm near Princeton, in 1882, the son of L. I. and Kisah Woodard. His father died when he was only a year of age and his mother when he was only 12. He lived on the farm until he went off to school, to Turlington's Institute in Smithfield, and then to Buie's Creek, now Campbell College. Upon completion of his work at this institution he entered the Univer- sity of North Carolina and graduated in medicine in 1907, at Raleigh. Following his graduation he did general practice in Princeton for ten years, until 1917, when he purchased half interest in the Eainey Hospital in Burlington. He sold his interest in this hospital to Dr. J. B. Parker and went to New York Post Graduate School, where he did special work in eye, ear, nose, and throat. He located in Smithfield for a short while, but came to Goldsboro later in 1920. Dr. Woodard married Miss Bessie Joyner, native of Princeton, N. C. They have one child, Mary Craig Woodard, born February 8, 1940. DR. WILLIAM TILSON WOODWARD Dr. Woodward was born on the 8th of February, 1883, at Democrat, North Carolina, his parents being James Henry and Dorcas Alvina (Carter) Woodward. His father was born in Unicoi County, Tennessee, a son of Benjamin Webb Woodward, who served as a lieutenant in the Confederate Army throughout the Civil War. James Henry Woodward was a commissioner of Buncombe County, North Carolina, for two or three terms and served as magistrate in that county for a number of years. He has engaged in farming the greater part of his life and achieved substantial success. At Democrat, North Carolina, in 1875, was celebrated his marriage to Dorcas Alvina Carter, who was born in Democrat, a daughter of Garrett Carter, who was killed in defense of the Confederacy during the Civil War. To their union twelve children were born, five sons and seven daughters, William Tilson, whose name introduces this review, being fourth in order of birth. The public schools of Democrat, North Carolina, afforded Dr. Wood- ward his early education and after graduating from high school he entered Mars Hill College, North Carolina. His medical training was received at Lincoln Memorial College at Knoxville, Tennessee, which institution he attended three years, and at the University of North Carolina, Medical Department, at Baleigh, from which he was graduated on the 30th day of June, 1907, with the M.D. degree. In the same year he began practice in Democrat, North Carolina ; he remained there until 1909, when he came to Erwin, Tennessee, where he has since resided. He has remained a constant student of his profession, having taken post- Medical Department at Raleigh 49 graduate work in the New York Post Graduate School. In addition to his private practice, Dr. Woodward has discharged the duties of both city and county physician of Erwin and Unicoi County for a number of years. On the 26th day of April, 1910, he married Miss Mame Elizabeth Vandergrift, a daughter of Edward Jackson Vandergrift, of Erwin, Tennessee, and to their union seven children have been born : Robert Lee, Elizabeth Carpenter, William Edward, Margaret Edith, Garrett Ulmont, Sarah Virginia, and Jackson Henry. Dr. Woodward is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, being Past Master of Centennial Lodge of Erw 7 in, Past High Priest of Erwin Chapter, Koyal Arch Masons, Past Illustrious Master of the Erwin Council of Royal and Select Masters, and Past Commander of Malta Commandery No. 30 of Erwin. He is a member of the First Baptist Church of Erwin, Tennessee, of which he is a deacon. Along profes- sional lines he holds membership in the Tennessee State Medical Asso- ciation and the Unicoi County Medical Society, of which he was presi- dent for a number of years, now a member of the Tri-County Medical Society, consisting of Washington, Unicoi and Carter Counties. During World War No. 1 he served on the Local Examining Board of Unicoi County. Dr. Woodward has been a dominant factor in many movements for the improvement and development of both the city of Erwin and the county of Unicoi. Medical Department at Raleigh 51 CLASS OF 1908 DR. JAMES MARIOX BUCKNER Dr. Buckner, of Swannanoa, N. C, was bom March 7, 1879, at Mars Hill, N. O, in Madison County, the son of Robert Dallas Buckner and Harriett Amanda Carter. He received his high school training at Candler, North Carolina. At the age of twenty-five, he entered the University of North Carolina, Medical School, which he attended two years, graduating at Raleigh, N. C, with the Class of 1908. He practiced his profession a few months at Mount Vernon, Ky., after which he practiced six months at Walnut, N. C, Madison County, with Dr. Andrew McDevitt ; for one year after this he practiced at Demo- crat, N. C. Leaving Democrat, N. C, he located at Swannanoa, N. C, February 14, 1910, where he purchased his home, and has since practiced there, covering a period of over 29 years. On May 22, 1912, Dr. Buckner married Miss Anna Pearl Buckner, who lived near "Weaverville at the time. To this union were born two children, Mary Phyllis Buckner, the first child, January 4, 1916, and James Marion Buckner, Jr., April 5, 1920. At the birth of the latter the mother died, leaving the two motherless children in the care of Mrs. Buckner's sister, Mrs. J. C. Maxwell, who was a devoted mother to them. The close associationship of Mrs. Maxwell to the family ripened into love between Dr. Buckner and herself, and the two were married on June 30, 1922. To this union two children were born, Arnold Graham Buckner, May 31, 1923, and Bruce McKay Buckner, May 18, 1927. Mary Phyllis Buckner received her degree from Asheville Normal and Teachers College, Asheville, N. C, in 1937, and later taught at Dunn, N. C. James Marion, Jr., was a student at Oak Ridge Military Institute, Oak Ridge, N. C. ; Arnold Graham and Bruce McKay, students at the Swannanoa High School, Swannanoa, N. C. Dr. Buckner at all times has taken an active interest in the civic affairs of his community, and a prominent part in the political affairs of the county and State. He has also taken an interest in the religious affairs of his church and community. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, member of the Buncombe County Medical Society, also the Tenth District Medical Society, and affiliated with the Southern Medical Asso- ciation. 52 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina DR. WILLIAM WILLIS GREEN Dr. Green was born in Franklin County, N. C, July 29, 1885. He attended Bingham School and the University of North Carolina, grad- uating in 1908. He located in Tarboro, North Carolina, where he has practiced ever since. In 1916 he married Miss Sue Baker. They have two children, both boys. He is an Episcopalian. He belongs to the Am erican College of Surgeons and to Beta Theta Pi and Phi Chi (medical) fraternities. His postgraduate work was obtained at New York and Chicago. In World War No. 1 he took his training at Camp Greenleaf and Camp Mills ; he was Surgeon, Evacuation Hospital Four, France ; Surgeon, S. O. S. Tours, France, and Major M. C. He specializes in surgery, and holds the following positions : Local Surgeon for Atlantic Coast Line Railroad ; Consulting Surgeon, State Hospital at Raleigh ; and Chief Surgeon of Edgecombe General Hos- pital, Tarboro, North Carolina. DR. DAVH) WATSON HARRIS Dr. Harris was born in Cumberland County, N. C, on May 27, 1883, the son of Redick E. and Mollie G. (nee Luther) Harris. He was grad- uated in medicine in 1908. He practiced first in Maxton, N. C. In 1921 he located at Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and limited his practice to Urology, to which specialty he has since devoted his time. He has attended postgraduate courses at the New York Post Graduate and the Johns Hopkins Medical Schools and at the Crowell Clinic, Charlotte, N. C. His wife is Mrs. Minnie J. (Lawhon) Harris, of North Carolina, and they have two sons : David W., Jr., a journalist, and Arch, a lawyer, both graduates of the University of Florida. DR. EVANDER McNAIR MOVER Evander McNair Mclver was born August 7, 1876, in Jonesboro, North Carolina, Lee County, and was the youngest child of Capt. Alex- ander and Flora Bryan Mclver. He lived most of his life in Jonesboro and attended the University of North Carolina, working his way through, and graduated in 1904. In 1906-07 he attended Georgetown University, and went back to the Uni- versity of North Carolina for postgraduate work, and graduated in medicine with the Class of 1908. He returned to Jonesboro and was a very successful physician, practicing in the surrounding counties. Medical Department at Raleigh 53 He served as First Lieutenant during the World War, being stationed at Little Rock, Ark. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church in his home town and also the Masonic Lodge. In 1920, October 28th, he was married to Miss Rachel Tucker, of Pleasant Garden, N. C. He died July 11, 1923, no children surviving. At the time of his death he was a member of the State Legislature and was County Physician of Lee County. DR. ROBERT GRAY McPHERSON Dr. McPherson was born October 27, 1880, and was graduated in medicine in May, 1908. In the same year he located at Saxapahaw, N. C, where he has continued to reside. He married Miss Josie McBain, January 4, 1911, and they have five children. He is a member of the Alamance County Board of Education, the Methodist Church, the Masons, and the Junior Order. DR. JULIAN DECATUR MAYNARD Dr. Maynard was born at Bradshaw, Orange County, on July 14, 1884. His parents were John and Louisana Strowd Maynard. He married Miss Myra E. Berry, of Durham, North Carolina, March 3, 1909. There are two children : Julian Decatur, Jr., and Mrs. G. Josef Cortest, of Freeland, Pennsylvania. Dr. Maynard graduated in 1908 and first practiced medicine at Rouge- mont, North Carolina, later going to Durham, where he lived until 1911. At that time he moved to Knotts Island, where he did community health work and was physician to Elizabeth City District, United States Coast Guard, until 1917. During World War No. 1 he served as 1st Lieutenant in the Medical Corps. After the war he practiced medicine in Wades- boro, North Carolina, until his death there on January 28, 1931. He was a Mason and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. DR. AUSTIN FLINT NICHOLS Dr. Nichols was born at Mt. Tirzah, Person County, August 18, 1885. the son of Dr. Charles Gattis Nichols and Mrs. Mary Hall Nichols. At the age of two with his parents he moved to Roxboro, Person County, North Carolina. Here he received his high school education. In 1901 he entered the University of North Carolina and received his A.B. degree 54 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina in 1905 and his M.D. in 1908. He has done postgraduate work in different fields of practice since receiving his medical degree. After his graduation he returned to his home town, Roxboro, and entered the practice of medicine with his father. From 1914 to 1921 they ran a private hospital. After his father's death he discontinued the hospital and carried on in general practice. On October 25, 1931, Dr. Nichols was married to Miss Mildred Davis Satterfield, Head of the English Department of the Roxboro High School. No children have been born to this union. Dr. Nichols has always been an outstanding worker in the religious and civic activities of his town and county. For 15 years he has served as steward in the Edgar Long Memorial Methodist Church. For 18 years he served his county as coroner. He has been very active in Boy Scout work ; has served as President of Person County Medical Society, Secretary of the Sixth District Medical Society, and is a member of the Medical Staff of the Gentry-Williams Hospital. DR. ALBERT JOHNSON TERRELL Dr. Terrell was born December 15, 1875, at Old Fort, N. O, the son of William Pitt and Ada Haight Terrell. He attended a private school there, and later attended and graduated from Horner Military School, Oxford, N. C. He then entered Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C, graduating in 1898. After several years business experience, he decided to study medicine, and went to Raleigh, N. C. He graduated from the University of North Carolina, Medical Department, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, on May 21, 1908, and was admitted to practice June 17, 1908. In connection with his medical course, Dr. Terrell later attended the University of Virginia, completing his work with honors, and served an internship at the Philadelphia Polyclinic Hospital. In 1914 he com- pleted a three-months course in diseases of children at Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine. Following his educational experience, Dr. Terrell established a prac- tice at Black Mountain, N. C, in 1910, and was married January 14, 1914, to Miss Bertha Nell Crawford. He died October 14, 1918, leaving his widow and one son, Albert Johnson Terrell, Jr., born December 30, 1917. Unselfish in his professional efforts, responding to calls at any time of day or night, Dr. Terrell enjoyed the love and confidence of the entire community. His death, during the 1918 influenza epidemic, was due in part to his weakened physical condition, caused by unceasing and strenuous work in combatting the epidemic. Medical Department at Raleigh 55 Dr. Terrell was a member of the Baptist Church, and was active in Masonry. He was a 32d degree member of Asheville Consistory, and took the Shrine degree in August, 1918, shortly before his death. DR. JOHN BLOIS WATSON Dr. Watson was born January 2, 1885, in Raleigh, N. C, the son of James R. and Lizzie King Watson. His grandfather was Dr. David Watson, and bis great grandfather Dr. Robert Watson, both of Chatham County, N. C. After studying pharmacy and practicing as a druggist for some years, he entered the University of North Carolina Medical School and grad- uated at Raleigh with the Class of 1908. He served an internship at St. Leo's Hospital in Greensboro, N. C, and located in Raleigh for the practice of his profession. In 1912, 1915, and 1916 Dr. Watson took special courses in infant feeding, physical diagnosis, and clinical medicine at the New York Post Graduate Hospital. In addition to his private practice, he taught phar- macy and pharmacology at the old Leonard Medical School for Negroes at Shaw University in Raleigh, and was a member of Rex and St. Agnes Hospital staffs. On December 27, 1920, he was married to Miss May Greenfield, of Kernersville, N. C. Dr. Watson was a Mason, a member of the Raleigh Academy of Medicine, and Wake County Medical Society, the North Carolina Medi- cal Society, the Southern Medical Association, and the American Medical Association. In 1929 be developed a septic endocarditis, which so impaired his health that he was obliged to give up his practice. On July 15, 1938, he died in Raleigh. In his practice Dr. Watson was especially interested in gastroenter- ology, and advanced to a high degree of efficiency in that branch of medicine. He was, however, a well-rounded medical man, skilled in diagnosis and therapeutics. Of a kind, sympathetic disposition, Dr. Watson was beloved by his patients and his friends. Naturally he was conservative, quiet and ever reserved in manner, but was always genial and communicative to his intimates. On account of his prolonged period of ill health and his consequent early retirement, he was known to few of his younger col- leagues. His contemporaries and his teachers will remember him with admiration and regret his untimely passing. Medical Department at Raleigh 57 CLASS OF 1909 DR. WADE HAMPTON BRADDY Dr. Braddy was born in Beaufort County, N. C, March 11, 1884. He was graduated in medicine with the Class of 1909. His graduate work was pursued at the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Following that he engaged in general practice at Greensboro, N. c. After three years' illness due to tuberculosis, he located in Burlington, N. C, where he has resided ever since. On March 18, 1915, he married Miss Mattie F. Rice. They have two living children : a daughter. Elizabeth Alston, and a son, Robert Rice Braddy. DR. WILLIAM BURDETTE CHAPIN Dr. Chapin was born September 24, 1883, at Pittsboro, Chatham County, N. C, the son of the late Dr. Hiram Tarleton Chapin and Anne Foushee Chapin. After attending Guilford College, Wake Forest College, and receiving an academic degree from North Carolina Military Academy at Red Springs, N. C, he entered the University of North Carolina, Medical School, and graduated at Raleigh with the Class of 1909. He located at Townesville, Vance County, N. C, for the practice of his profession. Several years before graduation he was married to Miss Fay Chantal Fike on April 24, 1905. While he was very successful at Townesville, his father, Dr. H. T. Chapin, who was practicing medicine in Pittsboro, died, and he was induced to move to Pittsboro. Prior to his return he took a course at New York Postgraduate Hospital. While at Townesville and Pittsboro he took leading parts in all civic and professional activities, being a member of the School Board of both places. He was a Lieutenant in Officers Medical Reserve Corps, and chairman of the local Red Cross at Townesville during World War No. 1. He was a thirty-second degree Mason and belonged to other fraternal organizations and to the North Carolina State Society and the American Medical Association. Dr. Chapin died November 6, 1935, at his home in Pittsboro, N. C. Surviving him are his wife and three children : Miriam Weatherspoon, now Mrs. Thomas J. Morgan ; Bessie Fike, of Pittsboro, editor of the Chatham Record and married to William B. Morgan ; William Bur- dette, with R. & F. Agency, Panama Railroad Company, in Canal Zone. 58 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina DR. CHARLES SIDNEY EAGLES Charles Sidney Eagles was born November 25, 1882, on a farm in Wilson County, North Carolina. His parents were Theophilus Randolph and Bethiah Eagles. The first school he attended was a private one, taught by his aunt, Mrs. John T. Bass. Later, he attended Eagles School, near Saratoga, North Carolina. In the fall of 1902 he went to Atlantic Christian College, in Wilson. While there, he joined the Christian (Disciples) Church. The next year he went to Trinity Park High School in Durham, North Carolina. In 1904 he entered the University of North Carolina to study medicine. The last two years of preparation were spent in Baleigh, North Carolina, where he was graduated in 1909. He passed the State Board examina- tions the same year. In July, 1909, he located in Saratoga, North Carolina, in Wilson County, to practice, where he still continues to live. On July 31, 1910, he married Mary Sue Yelverton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yelverton. To this union were born five children, Sidney Smith Eagles, James Lyman and Archie Yelverton Eagles, twins, Kathleen Eagles, and Charles Bayard Eagles. The greatest sorrow that ever came to Dr. Eagles was the death of his son James, who was accidentally shot by his twin brother, Archie, on December 23, 1929, just about five months before their fifteenth birthday. He is interested in the practice of general medicine, but has taken two postgraduate courses in Pediatrics. He likes to treat the diseases of children, but does not care for surgery, and does only what he is forced to do in general practice. He is a member of the County and State Medical Societies and also of the Fourth District Medical Society. Also, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of Atlantic Christian College. He considers that he has been blessed with a fair share of material things. He served several years on his local School Board and on the Board of Trustees of Mercy Hospital, Wilson, N. C. In 1935 he was elected unanimously as President of the Wilson County Medical Society. DR. BAYARD CLEVELAND JOHNSON Dr. Johnson was born January 31, 1S86, at Ingold, Sampson County, North Carolina, the son of Cicero Howard and Eugenia Bobinson John- son. He took his academic work at the University of North Carolina, entered the University of North Carolina Medical School and was grad- uated at Baleigh with the Class of 1909. He located at Bunn, N. C, for the practice of his profession. On September 12, 1912, he was mar- ried to Miss Virginia Mills, of Bocky Mount, Virginia. Medical Department at Raleigh 59 Dr. Johnson at all times has taken an active part in the religious and civic activities of his community. He had a leading part in building and maintaining the Methodist Church, of which he has served as a steward ever since the church was organized. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and also a Shriner. Due to ill health, Dr. Johnson had to retire from active work in March, 1932. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson have five children : Virginia Pauline, born May 7, 1915, received her degree from North Carolina College for "Women, Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1935; B. C, Jr., born Septem- ber 24, 1917, one year at the University of North Carolina and is now studying Diesel Engineering; Merla, born February 24, 1920, is now a student at Eastern Carolina Teachers College; Marjory "Wilson, born May 4, 1922, is now a junior in high school ; David Mills, born June 1, 1925, is now in the seventh grade. DR. BRAXTON BYNUM LLOYD Dr. Lloyd was born in Orange County, N. C, in 1886. He was grad- uated in medicine with the Class of 1909 From 1909 to 1912 he was Resident Physician at the Newark Eye and Ear Infirmary, Newark, N. J. After that he located at Carrboro, N. C, where he has since engaged in general practice. He married Miss Emma Hanes in 1912. For a term of two years (1915-17) he was mayor of his town. He is a director of the Bank of Chapel Hill. He describes his possessions as follows : "One damn lawsuit, a few boar cats, sow pigs, and farms." DR. ARTHUR EUGENE RIGGSBEE Dr. Biggsbee was born in Durham County, North Carolina, in 1881. His old home was situated near the present city limit sign and the Norfolk and Western Railroad bridge, on the road that is now Trinity Avenue. He was the son of Andrew Jackson and Mrs. Mary Cheek Biggsbee, who were dominated with the spirit that laid the foundation for a greater Durham. The old home still remains a landmark of the pioneer days. After receiving his early training in the city schools, Dr. Biggsbee secured a position with the Bell Telephone Company as electrician. It was this connection that took him over much of the country, including the West as far as the Pacific Coast. "While out in Denver, Colorado, he met Miss Eva S. Savage, whom he married in 1903. To this union six children were born, five of whom are living : Jack, Buth, Madge, Doris, and Meredith. 60 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina While out West, soon after his marriage to Miss Savage, Dr. Eiggsbee felt the call of the medical profession. He spent his first year in medi- cine at the University of Colorado, later returning to his native State and completing his medical training at the University of North Carolina in 1909. He began his medical practice at Chapel Hill, where he re- mained for only a short time, going from there to Morrisville, N. C, where he soon built up a large and lucrative practice. After sixteen years of success in Morrisville, he decided to return to the town of his birth, where he had many old friends and patients to greet him. Since 1925 he has met with phenomenal success in his own home town. His office is now located at 701 Depositors National Bank, Durham, N. C. He is a Shriner, a member of the Baptist Church, and the Monarch Club. His family is very active in civic and religious betterment of the community. DR. FREDERICK BRLNELL SPENCER Dr. Spencer was boru in Swan Quarter, Hyde County, N. C. He graduated from Rhodes Military College and entered the University of North Carolina Medical School and received his diploma in Raleigh with the Class of 1909. He served three years with Dr. John Whitehead and Dr. James Ernest Stokes in the Whitehead-Stokes Hospital and then began practice of general medicine in Salisbury, Rowan County, where he is now located. In 1918 he joined the U. S. Army and, after training at Fort Ogle- thorpe, went to Camp Shelby, Mississippi, with Base Hospital No. 132, to mobilize for overseas service. In March, 1919, he was honorably dis- charged and returned to general practice. He married Miss Olive Abernethy in 1920. They have four sons : Frederick, Allen, John Robert Warren, and James Edward. Dr. Spencer takes an active part in civic and religious activities. He is a member of the First Methodist Church, Past President of the Rowan County Medical Society, member of Country Club, director of the First National Bank, president of the Yadkin Hotel, and belongs to the State Medical Society and American Medical Association. DR. JOHN SAMUEL TALLEY Dr. Talley was born May 2, 1S80, the son of R. B. Talley and Bethi Cooper Talley. He attended Statesville Academy, then entered the University of North Carolina Medical School, from which he graduated Medical Department at Raleigh 61 at Raleigh with the Class of 1909. He took postgraduate work at Post- graduate School and Hospital, New York City. In 1913 he located for the practice of his profession in Troutman, N. C, where he is still practicing. On October 12, 1922, Dr. Talley was married to Miss Edith McLaugh- lin, of Statesville, N. C. There are two children, John Banks Talley, born May 31, 1924, and Julia Rebecca Talley, born October 21, 1927. Since locating in Troutman, Dr. Talley has been a member of the County and State Medical Societies. Medical Department at Raleigh 63 CLASS OF 1910 DR. GEORGE SPRITE BARBEE Dr. Barbee was born August 21, 1886, at Morrisville, Wake County, N. C, the son of Rufus and Adna Hudson Barbee. After receiving bis aeademie degree at Buie's Creek Academy, be entered the University of North Carolina Medical School and was graduated at Raleigh in the Class of 1910. After graduation he located at Zebulon, N. C, for the practice of his profession and has continued in the same community ever since. On October 22, 1913, he married Miss Neva DeElla Flowers, of Pam- lico County. They have one child, a son, G. S. Barbee, Jr., who attended Wake Forest College. Dr. Barbee has always been active in religious and civic affairs and has served as alderman and mayor many times. He served on Wake County Board of Health one term. He belongs to the Methodist Church, of which hs is a steward ; he is a Mason, both Scottish and York Rites, and a Shriner. His main hobbies and recreations are hunting and fishing and going to baseball and basketball games. While at Chapel Hill he was a mem- ber of his class baseball teams and of the University Glee Club. DR. MORDECAI LEE BAREFOOT Dr. Barefoot was born in Harnett County, N. C, in 1883. He was a member of the Class of 1910. He has been engaged in general practice for thirty years. His location is at Dunn, N. C. DR. ALTON COOK CAMPBELL Dr. Campbell was born in Jonesboro, N. G, January 31, 1884. The high schools of Jonesboro and Trinity Park, Durham, grounded him in the fundamentals of an education, and his medical training was taken, after one year of academic work, at the University of North Carolina, from which he was graduated in 1910. For ten months after his gradua- tion he interned at Rex Hospital, Raleigh, and the following year at the Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia, after which he located in Raleigh and entered upon genera] practice. He has been located in Raleigh since 1912, with the exception of the period of his military service during the World War. After volunteer- 64 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina ing he was sent to Base Hospital Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jackson- ville, Florida, as a Lieutenant, but in less than three months was pro- moted to Captain. Later he was transferred to Camp Jackson in Colum- bia, South Carolina, where he received an honorable discharge after the Armistice was signed. Then he returned to Raleigh and resumed his practice. For the past nineteen years he has been connected with the North Carolina State College as college physician. In June, 1920, he married Miss Elizabeth A. Gailey, who was born in Canada, and during the World War served as a Red Cross nurse. There are three children : Alton Gailey, Paul Peyton, and Mary Elizabeth. In 1927 he spent three months in Europe attending clinics, which proved very beneficial. Dr. Campbell is a member of the American Medical Association, Wake County Medical Society, Raleigh Academy of Medicine (which he served as president for one year), member of the Surgical Staff at Rex Hospital, the American Legion, the American Legion Luncheon Club, Isaac Walton League of America, the Raleigh Gun Club, Board of Trustees of the Raleigh City School Administrative Unit, and a member of the Edenton Street Methodist Church, of which he is a steward. His favorite sports are hunting and fishing. DR. OSCAR EASON Dr. Eason was born May 26, 1884, at Selma, Johnston County, North Carolina, the son of the late Kerney Eason and Katie Brown. After receiving his academic education at Clayton, N. C, he entered the University of North Carolina Medical School and graduated at Raleigh, N. C, with the Class of 1910. He served one year with Dr. Allen, of Wendell, N. C. He located at Princeton, N. C, for the practice of his profession. On May 31, 1911, he was married to Miss Norma Evelyn Griswold, whose home was in Selma, N. C. After taking a course in 1918 at New York, he specialized in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat in 1919 and located at Goldsboro, N. C, where he was very successful until his death on June 29, 1921. Dr. Eason always took a very active part in the religious, political and civic activities of the communities in which he lived. While at Princeton, N. C, he was a leader in the Baptist Church. He was mayor of Princeton from 1912 to 1918. He was a very active 32nd degree Mason. During his short stay in Goldsboro, N. C, he was president of the Rotary Club and of the Wayne County Medical Association. Medical Department at Raleigh 65 DR. GEORGE WESLEY GENTRY Dr. Gentry, Roxboro, N. C, was born March 1, 1884, seven miles east of Roxboro, in Allensville Township, Person County, North Carolina, the son of Zachary Taylor Gentry and Nannie Wade Gentry. After receiving his academic education at Roxboro High School he entered Wake Forest College in 1904. Having finished the two years' medical course given, he entered the University of North Carolina Medical School and was graduated at Raleigh, Class of 1910. He located first at Timberlake, Person County, North Carolina, for the practice of his profession. On October 21, 1915, he was married to Judith Reade Bowen, whose home was in Timberlake. He practiced there for fifteen years. In 1924 he moved to Roxboro and has been there ever since. In 1930 he accepted a position with Collins and Aikman Corporation, which re- quired two hours per day of clinic work at their plant in Roxboro. In September, 1937, he began to build and establish the present hospital in Roxboro, North Carolina. He belongs to the County and State Societies and the American Medical Association. There are two children: in 1917 Wesley Reade was born. In 1938 he received his B.S. degree from Wake Forest College. On January 16, 1929, George Wesley, Jr., was born. DR. CHARLES FORTUNE GOLD Dr. Gold, Rutherfordton, N. C, was born July 17, 1884, near Shelby, Cleveland County, N. C, the son of Williamson Fortune and Margaret Elliott Gold. After being graduated from Piedmont Preparatory School, he entered the University of North Carolina in the year 1904 and was graduated from its Medical School at Raleigh in the year 1910. In December, 1910, he first located in Ellenboro for the practice of his profession. In 1916 he took a postgraduate course in Philadelphia and in 1924 he studied in the New York Postgraduate School. On January 19, 1911, he was married to Miss Hattie Poe Johnson, of Raleigh, N. C. In Ellenboro, Rutherford County, Dr. Gold was successful in his pro- fession and built up a fine record; also, he and his family entered into the affairs of the community and county in a constructive way, both civic and religious. During the World War he served on the U. S. Medical District Advisory Board ; he had volunteered for active service but was appointed to the Board. He is a past president of the Rutherford County Medical Society and is a member of the North Carolina State Medical Society. He was a charter member of the Rutherford Country Club and a member of its first Board of Directors. 66 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina In 1924 Dr. Gold built his second home at Rutherfordton, where he and his family live at present, and are serving in the life of the county, of the Episcopal Church, and he is active in his profession. While in Ellenboro his one child, Charles P. Gold, Jr., was born December 17, 1911. He was graduated from Blue Eidge School for Boys after which he attended Davidson College four years and received a B.S. degree in 1934; studied law three years at the University of North Carolina and received an LL.B. degree. He is now the Solicitor of Rutherford County. DR. JAMES MADISON HARPER Dr. Harper was born near Kinston, N. C, in 1876. He was graduated from the Medical Department at Raleigh in 1910. In September of that year he married Susie Norman McGee, and began practice at White Oak, N. C. In the years that followed he practiced with con- siderable success at Holly Springs, Hookerton, Jamestown, Zebulon, and Pittsboro, N. C. He has seven sons. In 1939, while located near Garner, N. C, where he still lives, his right leg had to be amputated because of a chronic osteomyelitis. He has been inactive since the operation. DR. JOSEPH ROBERT HESTER Dr. Hester was born near Franklinton in Franklin County, October 23, 1881, the son of William Henry Hester, who descended from the Granville County Hesters, and Louie Virginia Goswick, who was born near Louisburg in Franklin County. His father moved to Raleigh in 1887, where he was engaged in the tobacco business. In 1889 the family moved near Wendell and went into the tobacco raising business, where he spent his boyhood days. He attended the neighborhood one-room school ; later the Wakefield School, which became famous under the leadership of the late 0. L. Stringfield and Professor J. W. Perrell. He completed his high school education in the Wendell High School in the spring of 1903 and that fall entered the Academic Department of the University of North Carolina. In the winter of 1904 and 1905 he conducted a school for boys at Murfrees- boro and the winter of 1905 and 1906 was principal of the Middlesex School. In the fall of 1906 he entered the Medical School at Chapel Hill and graduated from the Raleigh Department in the spring of 1910. He secured his license that year and started the practice at Knightdale on July 15, 1910. In 1915 he decided to move to Newport News, Va., Medical Department at Raleigh 67 secured his Virginia license, and then went to the New York Post- graduate Medical School and took a course in general medicine. That finished, he moved his family to Newport News, where he stayed only a month before returning to his old location at Knightdale. At the New York Postgraduate in 1919 he took another course in general medicine. He remained in active practice at Knightdale until March, 1929, when he moved to Wendell, but continued with his same practice, as Wendell is only seven miles from Knightdale. He has remained there in active practice ever since. He was president of the Wake County Medical Society in 1925. While at Knightdale he served on the School Board and was chairman of that board for several years. He was vice-president of the Bank at Knight- dale as long as it remained in business, indulged quite extensively in farming until the last few years, but he now applies his entire time to the activities of his profession. He joined the Masons, took the Scottish Rite degrees through the 32nd, and joined the Shrine. He was later a member of the Raleigh Elks Lodge. He is a Baptist and a Bepublican. In 1911 he married Susie Nelson Finch, of Littleton, and to them have been born eight children, all of whom are now living. He has one daughter married, who is Mrs. Sidney Eddins, of Zebulon ; one daughter a senior at Meredith College; a son who was graduated at the Univer- sity of North Carolina in 1939 and is now in the Medical Department at Wake Forest College; one daughter in King's Business College; the other children are at home attending the Wendell School. For recreation he does hunting and fishing. He has bagged about all the varieties of game afforded by North Carolina and has fished the principal waters of the State and fished the Gulf Stream off the Caro- lina coast. He is a member of the Wake County Wild Life Club and was its president for two years. DR. WILLIAM DEXTER MOSER Dr. Moser was born December 17, 1880, in Alamance County, North Carolina, the son of Thaddeus L. and Barbara C. Moser. He graduated with honors from Oak Bidge Institute, 1903, studied two years in aca- demic work at the University of North Carolina, then two years medi- cine at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and finished last two years at the University of North Carolina Medical School at Ba- leigh, N. C, receiving his degree in 1910. He located at Burlington, N. C, July, 1910, in general practice, where he has been ever since, and has enjoyed a good full practice most of the time. He has been City Health Officer during the past 12 years, which position he still holds. During eight years of his life in Burlington he did X-ray and anesthetic work at Bainey Hospital. Since 1914 he has been Southern Railway Surgeon, which position he now holds. 68 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina Dr. Moser was married to Miss Cornelia Hancock, of Richmond, Va., in 1912, and they have five children, two girls and three boys. The girls graduated from college and now hold responsible office positions. The two oldest boys are entered in Wake Forest College and both play foot- ball. The youngest boy is in high school and also is a football player. During Dr. Moser's life in Burlington he has served as Secretary and Treasurer of the Alamance Medical Society for seven years ; he has also served as an official of the First Lutheran Church for about fifteen years, though he does not hold either position at the present time. DR. ADOIjFO BARTOLOME RODRIGUEZ Dr. Rodriguez was born in Cuba, October 24, 1882. He was grad- uated in the Class of 1910 and went back to his native country to prac- tice. Here is his story in his own words : I passed the Cuban State Board in October, 1910, and I went to the city of Holguin, where I was appointed City Doctor. In April of 1911 I married Miss Maria Schop of that city. In 1913 I went to Central Delicias (a sugar mill) of The Chaparra Sugar Company as resident physician. In 1914 my wife died and in August of that year I left that place and came to Quemado de Guines, where I did private practice until February of 1917. Then I was appointed city physician of Isabela de Sagua. I was at this place until 1919, when my friends of Quemado de Guines asked me to come to fill the place of city physician, vacant due to the death of Dr. Gonzalez. In 1926 I was designed Director of "Pocurull" Hospital at Sagua la Grande and in December of the same year I was designed Chief of the Board of Health of Sagua la Grande, where I was until September of 1933 ; then I resigned the place and came back to Quemado de Guines, where I was again designed City Doctor in December and which place I now have. I specialized in Ear, Nose and Throat at Calixto Garcia Hospital and I have been doing this work since 1927 until two years ago, when I decided to come back to Quemado de Guines and do general practice again, as economical conditions of the country obliged me to do. I was again married in 1916 to Miss Lucia Diaz, from Quemado de Guines and I have from her seven children : Maria, 17 years old, is about to graduate A.B. next June; Concepeion, 16 years old, is a Music Pro- fessor and she also will graduate A.B. next June; Adolf o, Jr., 14 years old, is beginning A.B. ; Lucia, 13 years old, a high school girl; Francisco, II years old ; Norma, 10 years old, had a University of North Carolina prize in a beauty contest several years ago and she keeps a picture of the Old Well, with much pride ; Jose Ignacio, 6 years old, is the last and the dearest. Medical Department at Raleigh 69 I am satisfied with my work and if actually I have not money enough, it is because I have always spent it. I am a Mason and have been Master of my lodge several years and District Grand Master Diputade for several years too. I am also an Odd Fellow. I have been President of the Local Committee of the Red Cross at Sagua la Grande. I enjoy a good general reputation. I went to high school and to The Institute of Santa Clara, where I took an A.B. degree. After the Independence War I worked as a school teacher and enjoyed a few months at Harvard University with the Cuban school teachers trip in 1900. In 1906 I went to North Carolina and started medicine at the University. About seven years ago I received the visit of Dr. L. H. Webb, Univer- sity of North Carolina, '10 — an old Chapel Hill boy, and I enjoyed his visit so much. About the same time I hoped to be visited by Wiggins, M.D., '10, University of North Carolina, but he never came. I remem- ber all my classmates as well as ever and I have always the hope to see someone. I used to play tennis and I was president of the Tennis Club at Holguin and at Delicias also. I used to play baseball and football, but now I am a little too old to do anything but horseback and automobile riding. That is almost all 1 have to tell you. DR. JESSE ARMED STRICKLAND Dr. Strickland was born April 21, 1880, in Nash County, N. C. Received grammar school education in Dry Wells Township. Left the farm at the age of 17 years and moved to Wilson, N. C, then entered the mercantile business, capacity as buyer and clerk, until 1901. At- tended the Wakefield Academy in 1901 and 1902. Attended the Atlantic Christian College in 1903 and 1904; in the fall of 1904 entered Oak Ridge School, graduating in the spring of 1906. Went to Chapel Hill in 1906 and began the study of medicine; was graduated in June, 1910. The last two years of the four was spent in Raleigh, N. O, the third and fourth years of medicine being given there. He was a member of the Phi-Chi Medical Fraternity and Acacia Social Fraternity. Interned at the James Walker Memorial Hospital, Wilmington, N. O, during the summer of 1909. Passed the State Board in June, 1910, at Wrightsville Beach, Wilmington, N. C. After graduation he began the practice of medicine in Zebulon, N. C. ; joined the State and Wake County Societies, and served as President of the latter during the years of 1912 and 1913. On February 14, 1912, he married Lela Flowers, of Vandemere, N. C. They have one child, a daughter, Jacquelyn, born September 15, 1915. 70 Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina In the fall of 1916 he moved to Norfolk, Va., and operated a private Sanitarium for the treatment of nervous diseases. He joined the Nor- folk County Medical Society and was a member of the Tri-State Medical Society, serving on several important committees. During the "World War, he joined the Army, served as 1st Lieutenant in the Chief Medical Examiner's office at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., and Camp Meade in Maryland. After the war he returned to his Sanitarium. In the year 1925 he was given an appointment in the Neurological Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and studied and visited the following clinics : Harvard University, Mayo Clinic, and the Presbyterian Hos- pital in Chicago. In June, 1925, he passed the State Board in Florida. He has written the following papers : Serum Treatment for Typhoid Fever ; Treatment of Nervous and Mental Diseases ; Treatment of the Central Nervous System ; Complications Following Influenza ; Treat- ment of 100 Cases of Gastro-Intestinal Disturbances. In September, 1925, he moved to St. Petersburg, Fla. He joined the Pinellas County and State Societies, and has served on important com- mittees. He was a charter member of the Lions Club, in Norfolk, Va., and served on Board of Directors and as Social Chairman. He is a Mason and Shriner. In St. Petersburg he served two years as President of the local Shrine Club and seven years on Board of Directors; was President of the Lions Club two years, 1931 and 1932; member of Board of Directors of the First Federal Building and Loan Association and third Vice-President. He served on the Staff of both Mound Park and St. Anthony Hospitals ; also taught the class in Nervous Diseases at the Mound Park Hospital Training School. He is a member of the First Methodist Church, also a member of the choir. At the present time he practices in St. Petersburg, Fla., with offices in the Power and Light Building, giving special attention to heart and gastro-intestinal diseases. His favorite pastime is fishing and hunting. DR. AMOS MONROE WOOTEN Dr. Wooten was born near Crisp, N. C, September 6, 1884, a son of Amos Monroe and grandson of Stephen Wooten, both prominent planters of Edgecombe County. Dr. Wooten's mother was Amanda Millicent Lewis, daughter of Kinchen Cobb Lewis, of Edgecombe County. Dr. Wooten attended the public schools of Edgecombe and Pitt Coun- ties and in 1905 graduated from Whitsett Institute in Guilford County. He took a commercial course at Massey's Business College in Richmond and received his professional training at the University of North Caro- lina, from which he was graduated in 1910 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and a member of Omega Upsilon Phi Fraternity. Medical Department at Raleigh 71 Following his graduation he began general medical and surgical prac- tice in Pinetops, X. C, where he has since continued with constantly augmenting success. He owns considerable real estate in Pinetops and seTeral farms in Edgecombe and Wilson Counties. Politically he is a Democrat. He is a Mason ; a member of the Edgecombe County Medical Society, of which he was President some several times ; a member of Xorth Carolina State Medical Society and the American Medical Asso- ciation. He was a member of the County Board of Health for 14 years and was a member of the Medical Reserve during World War Xo. 1. In 1924 Dr. Wooten attended the Chicago Postgraduate College. In addition to his professional interests, he is President of the Pine- tops Building and Loan Association and has held that office since its organization, in 1916. He is on the directorate of the Pinetops Banking Company, a member of the Pinetops Presbyterian Church, member of the School Board, and his favorite pastime is fishing and hunting. On April 3, 1911, Dr. Wooten married Margaret Bullock, of Baleigh. They have two children, Amos Monroe, Jr., and Margaret Lewis. Dr. Wooten is very popular both professionally and socially; he is always in the front of the different civic movements for the betterment of existing conditions and the furtherance of the prosperity of the com- munity in which he takes so deep and genuine an interest, and to whose improvement he has contributed so much of constructive value. Historical Sketch of the University of North Carolina THE RETURN TO A TWO-YEAR MEDICAL COURSE This year, 1910, marked the end of the Ealeigh Department of the University Medical School, established in 1902. A large sum was needed for its proper development and a committee, composed of Messrs. F. D. Winston, C. B. Aycock, and Perrin Busbee, was appointed by the Board of Trustees to report on the subject. The able and energetic Dean, Dr. Hubert A. Royster, and the faithful members of the Faculty, had done abundantly successful work. The graduates had shown an extraor- dinarily high proportion of merit before the State Medical Examining Board, on two occasions attaining the highest grade of the year [and another year obtaining a tie] ; they had become well equipped and useful physicians and many were fast attaining reputation. Yet the committee reported that it did not seem possible for the University to provide the necessary funds for the desired building, equipment and maintenance. After full consideration, the Trustees decided to discontinue the Raleigh branch of the School, embracing the last two of the course of four years, and concentrate their efforts upon the upbuilding of the department at Chapel Hill. — From History of the University of North Carolina, by Kemp P. Battle, 1912, Volume II, page 709. It is easy to understand the feeling of regret with which I learned of the proposal by the authorities of the University to establish in 1902 a graduate department at Raleigh. As I understand it, this was done with reluctance, but the exigencies of the situation at the time seemed to make it necessary. The threatening conditions having passed away and it becoming evident that neither such adequate clinical instruction, nor such proper equipment with laboratory and other facilities, as were demanded by the advanced medical thought of the country, were attain- able, the board of trustees in 1910, wisely in my judgment, ordered it discontinued. In this connection I feel that recognition should be made of the ability, earnestness and enthusiasm of the dean of that department, Dr. Hubert A. Royster, and of the faithful service of his associates in the faculty, cheerfully given for seven years without salary. It ought also to be said that in spite of the difficulties, owing to the comparatively small number of students, good work was done, as shown by the fine records made by many of our graduates. — Excerpt from the address of Dr. Richard H. Lewis (a member of the Board of Trustees and of the Faculty at Raleigh) at the dedication of Caldwell Hall, as reported in the News and Observer, May 9, 1912. MWmmmm warn ■I