PMH 'AMESfV^GRANAHAN | = PUBLISHEDBY .)](!@o(S) »-^'^^n.o:a5TEBB,Hs United Society of Christian Endeavor, 50 BROMFIELD PTREET, BOSTON, MASS, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR EDITION OF GOSPEL HYMNS No. 6, BY IRA D. SANKEY, JAMES McGRANAHAN and GEO. C, STEBBINS. United Society of Christian Endeavor, 50 BROMFIELD STREET, BOSTON, MASS. THE BIGLOW & MAIN COMPANY,' I THE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY, New York and Chicago. ^ 1 Cincinnati and New Yoric, Copyright, 1891, by The Biglow &. Main Co. and The John Church Cw«iu^ ^auntaitt. I "A fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness."— Zec. 13: 1. Eev. F. BorxoME. Jambs McGbanahan. ^ r— I jS— 1 ^ IN, 1 ^c r-i ^r-^ Py_|cJ_i * -■m m — ^--^—m- * 3E£3 i^ . ^ y ' ]/ 1. Be - neatb the glorious throne a-bove, The crys- talfount-aiu springing, 2. Through all my soul its wa - ters flow,Thro' all myna-ture steal -ing; 3. The bar - ren wastes are fruitful lands, The des-ert blooms with ros - es; 4. My sun no moregoesdownby day,Mymoon nomore is wan - ing; 5. Oh, depth of mer- cy! breadth of grace! Oh, love of God un - bound-ed! .^ ^. ^ ^. -^ J -♦- ^ ^ j^. ^ Jli^ -%^ .^ZZA W- £^=^=5^ i^pE: ^ M -w — p A riv - er full of life andlove,Is joy and gladness bring- And deep with-in my heart I know The conscious- ness of heal - And He, the glo - ry of alllands,Hislove - ly face dis-clos - My feet run s wift the shin-ing way, The heavenly por- tals gain - My soul is lost in sweet amaze. By won-drous love con-found ■ -^f r mg. ing. es. ing. ed. ^ ^ :g=^=^: £ g • ^ V— t- f '^^ Choeus. I=d ^-1 =* :r? ^^. O glo - ri - ous fount - ain now flow -ing so free, :S:. - . J" J" ^ A ^ flow 1/ ^ ing, flow-ing so free, 1=^=^ m ;£ :it=M^. O fount- ain of cleans - ing ^ o - pened wide to me. No. 3. §mt m, # f attottt "There shall be showers of blessing."— Ezek. 34: 26. Charles Bruce. Ira D. Sankby. ^^1^ ■* — a- 1. Hear us, O Sav- iour,wliilewepray, Hum- bly our need con-fess- ing; 2. Know-ingThylove, onThee wecall, Bold - ly Thy throne addressing; 3. Trust - ing Thy word that cannot fail, Mas - ter, we claim Thy promise ; m !^£fct=E £ ■7- -I— I - I— h -^ '-^-^ 1 y-1^— t- i_N - feJ^J ^^^m % ^m^ Grant us the promised she w'rs to-day, Send them up-on us, O Lord. Pleading that show'rs of grace may fall, — Send them up-on us, O Lord. Oh, that our faith pre-vail, — Send us the showers, O Lord. i=l^U^^=^^=^^=t^ !#=S=^ Refrain. m ^ m ■•1—5 J ^ -*» — » ,-—9- :=1: Send show'rs of bless - ing ; Send show'rs re - fresh - ing ; fc H^^p^^^ ?it=*:^=^ -» ^^ 1- r I 1- &j^- ^=^ Send us show'rs of bless - ing ; Send them, Lord, we pray. ^ :ie-4 ^^_f. ^ ^_ t: ^ g55 No. 4. ife §xm$ I mn mm, "I will sing praise to the Loi'd"->ri7Da. 5 : 3. J. B. Atchinson. Geo. C. Stbbbins. 1. I've learn' d to sing a glad new song Of praise nn - to our King I 2. I've learn'd to sing the song of peace, 'Tis sweet - er ev - 'ry day, 3. I sing the song of per- feet love, It cast - eth out all fear! 4. I've learn'd to sing the song of joy. My cup ia running o'er 5. Soon I shall sing the new, new song Of Mo - ses and the Lamb, m^^^^ i 5^ ^ v-^/—t/—t/- ^^ ^^. i s: -f-='-r — i:z _ft Ul |e |ft_ F ?— r — t^' ^ H- i^ — ^ — V H — 1 k ^^ k— i ri ^y =j=j=j^N=^^^ g=^ r ^ take thee, Ee - member this — the Lord hath said, ' He nev - er will for- o'er thee; Be not dismayed ; thy Sav - iour holds The Lamp of life be- ta - tion, Di - rect- ed by the word of truth, So full of con- so- ^ i -^~ - j^- 'tm- f»^ t»"^' m^ ■^ -W- ^ w sake thee; Then mur-mur not, still bear thy lot, Nor yield to care or fore thee; And if He will that thou to-day Shouldst tread the vale of la - tion^ There is a calm for ev - 'ry storm, A joy for ev - 'ry b ^s b— ia- U h — » 1- t *=» I ^ j^rzzpuztrr m. sor-row ; sor-row, sor-row, Be sure the clouds that frown to-day, Will break in smiles to-morrow. Be not afraid, but trust and wait; The sun will shine to-morrow. A night from which the soul shall wake To hail an endless morrow. % ^ 5;=S: I S^SE^ ^ .-■»■ pp No. 6. §m0W m& ^iuU, "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way."— Matt. 7: 14. G. F. R. Gko. f. Root. 1. Why do you lin-ger, Why do you stay In the broad road, that most 2. Do you find pleasures, Last-ing and pure, In the gay scenes that the 3. Come then, be- lov- ed. No long- er stay ; Leave the broad highway,0 S^^^^^fei i2: dan - ger-ous way — While rightbefore you, Nar-row and strait, Is the bright g thoughtless al- lure — While your Redeemer, With love so great, Points to the ^ leave it to-day; Make yourde-cis- ion, Oh, do not wait; Take thou the -a fc=4 .01 » ~ 9 -!— ]—- 1- Eefeain. -^>r -^-S -g, ^ rTi path- way to heav'n's pearly gate? ^ way that is nar- row and strait? par-row and strart, path-way so nar- row and strait. ' Narrow and strait, m^^^ W t=t ^ ^m^ !=tp4: 4— 1-4- :^t3f S^ss^^ Narrow and strait, Narrow and strait, Is the bright pathway to heav'n's pearly gate. S^ -♦-^ t=t=t No. 7. # §mk 0f ^p». «*The Lord Jehovah is the Rock of Rev. H. L. Hastings. 4^ "—ISA. 26: 4. Hubert P. Main. ^iti±k.-&m m^=i 1 1. My soul at last a rest hath found, A rest that will not fail; 2. I'll hide me in this ref- nge strong, From ev-'iy storm- y blast; 3. Ye com-fort-less and temp-est-tost, By sins and woes op - prest, 4. Ye thirst- y, from this smit-ten Rock Life's crystal wa-ters spring; m^^ P ?:E^ B 'W=W^ 1 f— — «- ri: ;c=SE r-t t- $ ^- ^ -s> — ' 3^^ ^r? *ri A sure and cer - tain anch' rage ground In Christ with -in the vail. And sit and sing nn - til the waves Of wrath are o- ver - past. Ye tempt-ed,troub- led, ru-ined, lost, Come find in Christ your rest. There hide from ev - 'ry storm- y shock, And rest, and drink, and sing. m ±^ t^=S: ja- ^^^ ^^ tp: O Rock of A-ges cleft for me, In Thee my soul se-cnre-ly hide ; O Rock In Thee J^.^-s-r f My tow'r of strength, I fly to Thee, And safe - ly there a - bide. ^1 ■l?-i4 ^ i No. 8. §m$ ^MtM ^ §kmA <^towj. " He is able also to save them to the uttermost."—: CiiAxiDiA May Ferrin. 7:25. J. R. MUBBAY. teafeag r - p - -- - I 1. Je- BUS saves! O blessed sto - ry, Full of love and peace di - vine, 2. Je- sus saves! O, who can fath-om All the ful - ness of His love? 3. Je- sus saves! O sinner, heark-en To the call of love to - day; Bursting from the realms of glo - ry, Echoing thro' this world of He once died for our re- demption. Now He waits for us a - There's no oth - er way to heav- en, Je • sus is the on - ly It— - g - TT-fe^ a time. Q bove. ^ way. 3 $ Chorus. | M ^ 3==r Je- sus saves! O glo-ry! glo - ry! Shout the ti- dings o'er and o'er; m :^ ;^^^ ^5=t 'T7~3 ^^ Tell to all the earth the sto - ry, Je- sus saves for ev - er - more. •^mm^m^ ^ ^^i^in lO No. 9. (SlWjst U m^ §dtmtv. "I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer."— ISA. 49: 26. Eli. Nathan. Allegro. James McGranahan. 1. How sweet the joy that fills my soul, Christ is my Re- deem -er; 2. Tho' Sa- tan oft my way oppose, Christ is my Re- deem -er; 3. Whentri-alscome I still con-fess, Christ is my Re- deem -er; 4. The vie - to - ry by this I gaiii,Christ is my Re- deem - er; i g^-fnfe££ WWFi 9^ SE^ P=M^ P 'I J I >- J. ^ f=?ff r 1 His precious blood has made me whole, Christ is my Re- deem- er; With this I bold- ly meet my foes, Christ is my Re- deem- er; He gives me grace each care to bless, Christ is my Re- deem- er; By this I break sin's gall- ing chain, Christ is my Re- deem- er; Jl :^ :fl 'A :^ My sins were all up - on Him laid, A full a-tonement He hath made, 'Twas this that gave me life and light, ' Tis this that nerves me for the fight, He guides and keeps me day by day, He closer comes when dark the way, And if He tar - ry and I sleep,My dy-ing hour this hope shall keep, ^m ^ ^^ m '¥ ^ For me He hath the ran- som paid; Christ is my Re - deem- 'Tis this my hope that shines so bright; Christ is my Re - deem - He doth with this my fears al - lay; Christ is my Re - deem- That when He comes the grave to reap, Christ is my Re - deem- er. er. er. er. . " [7 j * £^ -f«- V -J- -^ 11 n ■^- izfet: f=F I No. 10. Mt ^hUm mt t%t IHmk "The shadow of a great rock in a weary land."— Isa. 32: 2. F. J. Ckosby. Ira D. Sankby. 1. Lead to theshad-ow of the Eock of Ref-ugeMy wea - ry feet; 2. Lead to the'shad-ow of the Eock E - ter - nal My heart op - pressed ; 3. Lead to theshad-ow ofthe"Eock of A-ges,"0 keep thou me p*#P H^^ g f=f=ftf a «z:^ Give me the wa-ter from the life stream flowing Clear, pure and sweet. There in the se-cret of Thy ho - ly presence, Calm shall I rest. Safe from the arrows of the world's temptations, Close, close to Thee. m ^ tit f- g - -<2- -^ ^^a& ^^ $ Chorus. i 4 ii —^ ^^ — -g — i= m There from the bil - lows and the f- f-' f- -r tem - pest hid - ing. fc^t^ f- p £ -^^=^ ^ ^^^ Un - der the shel - ter of Thy love ^ ^^^ ^^ bid - ing, ^ ^ 1^ mt $Mm fit tk §fiek—(^fimMti Ie^e^^ ^ :^i=g==g -==rdz3=3=i: Safe in the shad-ow of the "Eock of A - ges," Joy shall be mine. .<*. H«.«-^ ^ ^ -^ - ^ -f- -f 1^ ^-^t^^r t:=t:fe=t ^1 t — ^ — ^ No. 11, ®0 ®k^ f €!j>tt»t " Come unto me."— Matt. 11 : 28. "Words an*. f J. E. GOITLD. ^fel=#^ -g — g— g— r =|: g — a— j-^ 1. Je - sus, I come to Thee for light, Re - store to 2. Je - sus, I come — I can - not stay From Thee an 3. Je - sus, I come — "just as I am," To Thee, the me my oth - er ho - ly, -4Z. -a- -»- mk=& ^1^=^ ^^ I I i- f=r=tF=F I. 1 I 1 >l 1 1 _L I V 1 r 1 *d * • _i J ! '. 1 /L \yw 1 1 J S{ J • *1 <^ _ ^-L.. ^ v^ — ■nY""7 -5^ A /d H ^ -1 '-^, •«:- 1 Vlr ' f^ m ^ m « .1^ J ...J a< r^ 1 if blind pre - spot ■ - ed sight, And from cious day ; I would • less Lamb ; Thon wilt T - my soul dis - Thy word at my troub-led pel once spir the night — - bey— - it calm— /•V i, \L — \Mi C. ^ 1 "" ==g— f* rS' "1 ^^w^— — F— P— ^ — 1 -f^=— 1«— l^-^ ^— 1 VX} \ ■ \" \ 1 ■ 5> 1 I— — H i 1 ■ l,>=J— j-=g m e^ ^13 ^ ^^r» Je - sus, to Thee I come ! Je - sus, to Thee I come ! JS- !=P S^ 5^ f *S?g 13 1 No. 12. 'And in thy majesty ride prosperously."— Ps. 45: 4. H. H. MiLMAN. Geo. C. Stebbins. 1. Ride on! ride on in maj - es - ty! Hark! all the tribes ho-san 2. Ride on! ride on in maj - es - ty!The an- gel ar-mies of 3. Ride on! ride on in maj - es - ty! The last and fiercest strife 4. Ride on! ride on in maj-es-ty!In low- ly pomp ride on in I MM:^ ^-^-f0- --^:^?^ -j*-^ -!«—(*- -na cry; the sky is nigh; to die; :^=5^ ^-^-U- £3 :^=P=4: -=^ ^^■ •znflSiiEitvz^tE&S.-^^ ^=5^^ m^ O Saviour meek.pursne Thy road With palms and scatter'd garments strew'd. § Look down with sad and wond'riug eyes To see the approaching sacri- fice. 2 The Fa- ther on His sap-phire throne Awaits His own anoint- ed Son. ^ Bow Thy meek head to mortal pain,Thentake,OGod,Thypow'randreign.? -4^ ^^=B^^ iCrrt t^^^ I Chorus. Ride on, ... . ride ■I n ix 1 1 on ... . in maj - - es - 1 > > ty;. . . . 1 i^^^— i- ::^rF -^ -«-. ^ J-. 1 Ride on, ride on, ride T r " ^ on, ride on in i -r -« -r-^-i naj - es - ty, in — -\ maj - es- ty; ^•^ i- ^-^E&^ 1^ 1 1 ^ &--t:^= h — F-t—' In low I ly pomp, ride on ... . to die. . A — 3: -«$»- In low - lypomp, in low- ly pomp, ride on, ride on ^^ m ide on to die, to die. I 14 Ho. 13. \^bt M^% tU .OL. -A. jtL. ^ j^ 4^ .m^ .mL. m- ■J^E=^L=W-. ^ 1^ ^ Ho. 14. # (^M m& €imkm ^Hptl "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son."— Jno. 3: 16. M. Fbasbr. James McGranahan. 1. 'Tis a true and faith-ful say - ing, Je- sus died for sin - ful men; 2. He has made a full a - tone - ment, Now His sav-ing work is done; 3. Still up-on His hands the nail prints, And the scars np - on His brow; 4. But re-mem-ber this same Je - sus In the clouds will come a - gain, I — f -3-r # i I 3" :a=q: 1 ^=^^. ^ r^ :*:2zst m. T I I ^ Tho' we've told the sto - ry oft He has sat - is - fied the Fa - Our Ee-deem- er, Lord and Sav - And with Him His blood-bought peo- en, We must tell it o'er a- gain. "^ ther, Who accepts us in His Son. | iour In the glo - ry standeth now. ^ pie Ev - er-more shall live and reign. 9 i :P3e=t Chorus. ^^mmm^^ O glad and glo-rious Gos- pel! r=rP^f With joy we now pro - claim, we now proclaim. _^_ • -^ — I — — # I _-g^^ -r»- * -•- -•- -P^ -^ -%- -m~ p ^ :=-U !S^=^ ^^ f ^ Efe A full and free sal - va - tion, Through faith in Je - sus' name. t^ —I — i 16 No. 15. El Nathan. my gift §m? " Behold, now is the accepted time."--2 Cob. 6: 2. C. C. Case. q — ^ — ^'- -^--.=i_i_:^ -_j 1 — J — -i — ^-j — A — I 1 "••- -S^T-al-T — — '- -■•- ■; ^-rS •- -a -v-«hrH =^--^'-=^=3 1. While we pray, and while we plead, While you see your soul's deep need, 2. You have wandered far a - way; Do not risk an - oth - er day; 3. In the world you've fail'd to find Aught of peace for troubled mind; 4. Come to Christ, con - fes - sion make; Come to Christ and par - don take; l|i5E5=S^ % T=F •J -9- fe t± fe: -*-• '•^i' While your Fa- ther calls you home Will you not, my broth-er, come? Do not turn from God your face, But, to- day, ac-cept His grace. Come to Christ, on Him be- lieve. Peace and joy you shall re - ceive. Trust in Him from day to day, He will keep you all the way. ^^ m^ ^ N:^B = f^^ -t— 1 — \ Choeus. p^^^^^ Why not now? why not now? Why not come to Je - sus now? Why not now ? why not now ? ^Ei^P^ W---=F "R¥ =t Why not now? Why not now? Why not come to Je - sus now? Why not now? why not now? m ^^- n W=!^ mizm. vr No. 16. Widm^ l&wttgfc (^xm. / "He went forth conquering and to conquer."— Rev 6: 2. S. Martin. Jno. R. Swbney, 1 I r^-A i :5& ^=0- ^ Sp »-H^ it :5e*: *-r-»i^ ^iJ^ 1. Conquering now and still to con-quer,Rideth a King in His might, 2. Conquering now and still to con-quer, Who is this wonder- ful King? 3. Conquering now and still to con-quer, Je-sus, Thou Ruler of all, fUJ^^tlf U Iz:* ^m tfi4 ^ ^,-A — M xr- 3^ |s^^^s=J3?^:5P! r^^ Lead-ing the host of all the faithful In-to the midst of the fight; g" Whence all the armies which He leadeth, While of His glo - ry they sing ? w Thrones and their scepters all shall perish, Crowns and their splendor shall fall, J . K J. I ^>^. J^ _ . - I ^^ P ? P -*^-^-l»-'- ^^^ '-h^- -y !•—!»- ±=t 1/1/1/ -1 IV-JV ^H--4f![ : tT;4i F==^^? 1/ 1/ t^ See them with courage ad- vane- ing, Clad in their brilliant ar - ray, He is our Lord and Re-deem - er, Saviour and Monarch di - vine. Yet shall the arm-ies Thou lead- est, Faithful and true to the last, ^1^- ^-rr — [ i^-^-tMl »^[» t^ » ^-^ s Shouting the name of their Lead- er, Hear them exult- ing - ly say. They are the stars that for- ev - er Bright in His kingdom will shine. Find in Thy mansions e - ter- nal Rest, when their warfare is past. >_N> - - 'Si- J J ^ I 1/1/1/ Id Wi^ifX^ Witm^h, (^mu. — €0mMtl Chorus. Not to the strong is the bat - tie, Not to the swift is the race, ^-^ ^i?! JD.> r'-> I N N N -^. J?J . ^ it:^ ^ ^i^ ^^ :t=^ ^ i^zitzit ^ I ^-aij-^ : g |-- ^ 1 -"^^ :i«±g^ Yet to the true and the faith- fnl Vict'ry isprom-ised through grace. ■ ^- J.J. . I ■ IS No. 17. §0% =m n=n I it^ Kr.^:^^ ._ ^ « «_ >, SS fTT "f -TS- Hal - le - In - jah, Hal - le - lu - - jah, bless His name! Hal - le - lu-jah, Hal-le - lu - jah, ^ ^.JiJ^J" r::^^ ^«=-Jl^-lJ ^ ^ I :e=f t -/— y- Hal ,e - lu -jah, No. 21. •The Lord is my shepherd."— PsA. 23: 1. M. Fbassb. $ M. A. Sea. t S^ :at=i 5=c^ 1. One day the Shepherd passed, and turning, said, 2. He led me through green pasture land, 3. From out no other eye had ever beamed 4. Black clouds were gathering on a blacker sky, the 5. Dear Lord, the darkness falls upon me, 6. And soon there came a loving call in answer, 7. None ever perished following Jesus fully, Come, fol-low me; By waters etill; Such love on me; World all so drear; I can-not see; "Be not a-fraid; No, nev- er one; m JSL. Fg=t=£ ^ zsr. e P pa :2: :s: m What wonder that in haste I rose, With such a Guide, who would not follow, Good Shepherd, lead, and I will follow Upon the night wind rose the cry of My feet are stumbling on the mountains; Mine eye shall guide the blind ones, and the weary Mine arm shall aid. ' ' The weakest lambs are carried in His bosom, and Brought safely home. So kind was He! Go where He will? Hard aft- er Thee. One in great fear. Oh! suc-cor me. ^ H S3 No. 22. W%0MtvtK W\l\ Pag a^mt " The Spirit and the bride say, Come."— Rev. 22: 17. A. MoNTiKTH. Ira D. Sankey. $ ^ ^^S i ^ES 4- ^=S^ 1. O wand- 'ring souls, why long - er roam A - way from God, a - 2. Be - hold His hands ex - tend - ed now, The dews of night are 3. In sim - pie faith His word be - lieve, And His a- bun-dant 4. The "Spir - it and the Bride say. Come!" And find in Him sweet ^; 1F^ ^^ m P ^^ P f=^= r-rt-r $ 4 1- # ^EE^EE3^EE^±^ :^P=^==5: i=* :il=W: way from home? The Sav - iour calls, O hear Him on His brow; He knocks, He calls, He wait • eth grace re - ceive ; No love like His the heart can rest and home ; Let Him that hear - eth ech - o say, "Who g still; Oh, Q fill; Oh, ^ still. The g m .U: g^^^^^ ^^E^ P $ 4S-4- ■^^ ,^ Chorus. E^ i ^-3^-r?^ =^ ■»i-v- nr-v- ev - er will" may come to- day. ^ come to Him, "who - ev • er will." I .^ . •, ,^ come to Him, "who - ev . er will." [ Allpraiseand glo-ry bless- ed''who-8o • ev ■" er will." ^ >± be nn - to g=FTrp"ffT|P S ^j^fe^ m Je • sns. For He hath pur-chased a full sal - va- tion; Be-holdhow I f ^ . [: = t=t:i t=S: -- r . -r r' //J^ - i f :;«=;«: S4t ^XUMtvsv ^^itt gtajj ($«mt — teduM ^ — -^— I — A~S IieS ^E^ :5t=S: ^ won-drous the proc - la - ma- tion, "Who-so - ev - er will" may cornel -« — g-^-e-^S^-rgziri--— 3g--==z{=={=iizi!^:l-=g=^ --W=^ I ?Ei?^EH :^: Wo. 23. §tm P^, §I«SlSid fi^Stt^. "Consider and hear me, O Lord my God."— Ps. 13: 3. "Words arr. J. H. Burkb. 1. Hear me, bless-ed Je - sns, Bid all fearde - part; Let ThySpir-it 2. Let me fdl - ly trust Thee, Rest-ing on Thy Word; Let me still with 3. Hid-ing in the shad- ow Of Thy shelt'ring wings, I shall rest con- I H CH0-RU3. S M i whis - per Peace with-in my heart, pa - tience Wait on Thee, fid • ing In the King of kings • *> * ! ""'*!"* — ^H=^ ny heart. "^ O Lord. >Then,whate'er Thou send- est, of kings. ' ■•• — «■- f^« ssrie ua 'W=^ ^-X Happy shall I be, Je-sns my Redeem - er, Looking nn- to Thee. 2S No. 24. |f)!S, mm ^ut itt m pomittg. Joy Cometh in the morning."— Ps. 30: 5. C. E. B, arr. ^ Moderato. r\ Geo. f. Root. 1 1^ Q ', rf fi ! ' V ic IS K ■jr-T7-4 . . -_H ■ ] J _!"« ^ ' ^ J 1 ~ nv-^ InT J* N fcs ^ • "' ^\ J . • H vU 4 S~ •■ ^ \ -1 ■ \ -i .. f Yes, we'll I When the c, /Where our '^•\With their o / what ^' I And the 11 N IS meet night pre - gar- joy an - a - of cious ments when gels s gain watch ones spot all home ■ in - ing now • less shall ward the and are and be shall morn wait dwell shin - bear 1* m • - ing, In - ing. With - ing, Free - ing, Like ver, And us, Where # ' the its from the the the lAVtf '< 1 '"N "S -e m z5 1* ^ • ■ i# '- tti^54 — ^-^^^- H- U — U ;<— h— — (- 1— - -1 \^^—^-\j ^— — 1 1 — 1 iF — ^— -A — 1 m—- / / 1/ 1^ 4 1 1- E^ 3|=^: i dawn of a fair - er day ; dark-ness has passed a - way. toil and from ev - 'ry care ; robes that the an - gels wear. jour-ney on earth we close, life-stream for - ev - er flows. -^ lere no |wh^ V When our j We shall shad-ows veil the sun pil-grim - age com - pie see the King of glo shine, g Q • ted, L ry» i -v—\- -^ T S^ t=x $ ^-2- 1 ^ M-± — M — « m- ^-r—^—'—wi- wt-- S g^ :5f =1^ 3 ^^^^^ -^- 1/ '^ O - ver there in the heav'n - ly land. And the crys - tal And our foot - steps no Ion - ger roam, By the pearl - y We shall praise Him with harp and voice ; We shall sing the i:^ m^^ m -^-'- ^^ * ^ I =^- ^ ■:^—-^- -Oh-^ waves of the riv - er, Ev - er flow o'er the gold - en sand, gates glad - ly wait - ing, They will give us a wel - come home, grace that re -deemed us, While our hearts in His love re-joice. -ffl =. ^ m^ ^PRne^i^^f^- r^ i^ r I No. 25. ^M m ih ^vcmA m& §,xtam "Put on the whole armor of God."— Eph. 6: 11. C. H. Mann* J. H. Tenney. u ^m ^ =s t=q: S==¥= ^ f r""^*^ 1. Gird on the sword and ar - mor, Go raise the ban-ner high ; 2. Gird on the sword and ar - mor, Let faith be thy strong shield; 3. Gird on the sword and ar - mor, Press on the foe to fight ; # I t= f=F iP "m i J ■ ! ^. li=:5^ i I 5^ ■^ — zst The His No Cap - tain of Sal - va - tion To Thee is ev - er nigh. prom - ise shall sus - tain thee On ev - 'ry bat - tie field. en • e - my can harm thee, For God sus - tains the right. i ^^ t=^ ^^ m r t Choetts. m f- Then wave theglo- rious ban - ner, Press for-ward in His name ; 3^ I m r r His name tf ^m LI .JJ : ], ^^^ f ^s And soon thy Guide and Cap - tain Will vie - to-ry pro - claim. J « i-«S? «- ♦ r-^-*— ^— ♦ s £ m^ i 27" No. 26. Ph ^mimx Mfe mt jsjr. "Him that cometh to me I will in nowise cast out."— Jno. 6: 37. fiii Nathan. James McGranahan. # ^ ^ ^ ^1 1. How do I know my sins for- given? My Sav 2. By trust- ing Christ the wit- ness came, My Sav 3. Be - lieve and thou shalt sure- ly live, My Sav 4. Though rough the way, I shall en- dure, My Sav 5. How do I know I'll live a - gain? My Sav I . lour iour iour iour iour tells me tells me tells me tells me tells me X so; so; «^ m 1 A- tf± f^' JM^^ S an That now I am The par-don's free The Spir-it's wit- ness God will give His sheep are ev - er kept se- cure, With Christ in glo - ry heir of heav'n?My Sav - iour tells me Je - sus,name, My Sav - iour tells me My Sav - iour tells me My Sav - iour tells me I shall reign, My Sav - iour tells me m^^^. -(2- 1 F V— r r mChoeus. 1 I^ I I I \ I , 1 1 i A- way with doubt, a- way with fear, When this by faith I know; mm^ U. -. ■ ^ ^~^ ~ T^| h — & ^^ :ir^ f!_J^.UiJ^^ ^i^^^g^^^^ ?^ H some one should save; Some-bod-y's brother! oh, who then, will dare To » lin - ger, so long? See! he is sink-ing;oh, hast- en to-day — And | you've nev-er been: Winds of tempta - tion and bil - lows of woe Will ^ ter • ui - ly's shore, Haste then, my brother, no time for de - lay. But ? *=*=f=f *4=-NN=» Chorus. s^5 5^=^ throw out the Life-Line, his per • il to share ? ^ out with the Life-Boat! a - way, then, a - way! I Throw out the Life-Line! soon hurl them out where the dark wa- ters flow, j throw out the Life-Line And save them to - day. •' 1=^ ^ Throw out the Life-Line! Some one is drift- ing a - way; Throw out the ^m^mMmmmm ■¥ ¥ ^ ^- 30 ©tow #ttt tit* §itt'§mt—€mMti > ^ fe^^ S=5=t:J: ?^E ^z=|^: / ^ 1/ ^ Life-Line I Throw out the Life-Line ! Some one is sink-ing to - day IT g .f- -e- f r r r r f--F ^-■Me- ®^ C^ I If— ^— 1 ^ SLi — T- g |^=zje: $^-H*^ rr No. 29. # ^WWp tk pttg. "All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord."— PSA. 145: 10, BOBEBT GEANT. F. J. HAYDN. i^iE^piS 1. O worship the King all glorious a- bove, And grate-ful- ly sing 2. O tell of His might, and sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light, 3. Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite ? It breathes in the air, 4. Frail children of dust, and fee-ble as irail, In Thee do we trust, J • - - -•--' His won- der-fiil love; Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of days, whose can - o-py space; His chariots of wrath the deep thunder-clouds form, it shines in the light, It streams from the hills, It descends to the plain, nor find Thee to fail; Thy mercies how ten- der! How firm to the end, ^^ Pa - vil - ion'd in splen- dor, and gird - ed with praise. And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. And sweet - ly dis - tills in the dew and the rain. Our Mak - er, De - fen - der, Ee - deem - er, and Friend. I 31 £ I f No. 30. §ioIg <^pidt, ^m%tx %Un. "He shall teach you all things."— John 14: 26. L. W. MuNHAiiii. Robert Lowry. -■r 1. Ho - ly Spir - it, Teacher Thou, At the throne of grace we bow; 2. Com-fort - er in - deed Thou art, Giv-ing strength to ev - 'ry heart; 3. Sent to be our Guide to - day, Keep us in the nar - row way; 4. Teacher, Com-fort - er, and Guide, In our hearts do Thou a bide; ^ffi^^E -^ ^=S^^ ^ ^- r^rr r g^^i^^ 1^^:'-^ m Come, per- form Thine of - fice now, Teach us Let Thy presence ne'er de - part, Com- fort Grant that we may nev - er stray, Guide us And in life, what-e'er be - tide. Help us ^ ^ j(Z- -^ ^ ev - er - more, ev - er - more, ev - er - more, ev - er - more. is: i^ -s?- -^5'- Hf^r o a o Q li^Ii Refrain. -^EE^ ^- i i M - - - r^"*^* - - - -^ -a- Ho - ly Spir - it, teach us ev - er, Com- fort, guide, and leave us ^m ■^ ^ t f ii^fei j-,-j- J-^ — ^-•-i^ — SM ^. r^^ . '' r- nev - er; Dwell with-in us, we im-plore. Now and ev - er - more. 3^ No. 31. km\i ih €- -^-'-49-* For - get - ing in noth - ing His bless- ing to seek. Thy friends in thy con - duct His like- ness shall see. And, look - ing to Je - sus, Still trust in His Word. Thou soon shalt be fit - ted For serv - ice a - bove. ^ 1m. — &- Wm^M Sr No. 36. Ik ^0xA iis ®0mitt0. "Behold the bridegroom cometh ; go ye out to meet him."— Matt. 25: 6. E. A. H. Rev. E. A. Hoffmann. S 3 ^m p^p fc^ i=g: ^ M- f The Lord is com \ He comes from His / He soon will come (Be - gin His n - ni (Be - hold! He comes to ing fair to by and by, Be read-y home on high, Be read-y earth a - gain, Be read-y ver - sal reign. Be read-y one and all, Be read-y \ He quick - ly comes with trumpet call, Be read-y when when when when when when He comes ; He comes ; He comes; He comes ; He comes ; He comes ; i t:=:t=i=E ^ffi_^ f- 4-J^ ^^ W f t=i=i=i-=i i=§-s:^= i rj ^^==^E He is the Lord our Eighteousness, AndcomesHischos-en ones to bless,M "With Hal-le-lu - jahs heav'n will ring, WhenJesus does re -demption bring ; 2 To judgmentcalledatHiscommand, Drawn thither by His might-y band,? m ^ S=^r =t: ^ i^EHt :^e=te: m 3 I 3 -^ H»- 1^ j7i- ; - ^ :-j7^-i-ji And at His Fa - ther's throne confess; Be read-y when He comes. O trim your lamps to meetyour King! Be ready when He comes. Be - fore His throne we all must stand; Be read-y when He comes. -m m ^ E r^ Chokus. p=^^ ^r-i-J^ J j' ^N=^ -t_^ rr ^ > m \^ V 'T f r ^ Will you be read-y when the Bridegroom comes? Will you be when He comes? -♦—(*- v^ t: i=^ aa ®k EmA iiS ®<»tttitt0. — fymMd. — L4 — I ^_i._«p — ^ L^ — : read-y when the Bridegroom comes? Will your lamps be trim 'd and when He comes? _ — ^ ^ ,^ ^ -^j.^-jf r T^T»- -r • -r -T' 1*" '1^ ^^^^E^ i /- i r-J5^-K —I — —I — 'a^ s*— flfe^- -«1 — -t *- ^ ---« — »- ■^ — pl-i-4gH i i bright, Be it morning, noon or night ? Will you be ready when the Bridegroom comes? ^ 3 :^Z L^_^.-^_^.-4 ^^ trr-f-^' pi^ ^ ^ ^ I? No. 37. §fM4 a - -<5^— Chorus. :fe=ft: 4^-=^^ J=]^=^ -®(-x— ® ®- ■3=5= ^=^^=J It is finished; Hal - le - lu - jah! It is finished, Hal- le - lu - jah! m^^M^E^^^^. i^ =^ '^~~& t" — -Q— I l-t— ^ ^ — isr® 1 W ^s^-^^ — sd '- Christ the work has ful - ly done; Hal-le - lu - jah! All who will -»- -&~ -^~ ja, ,_ -(- — 4a— -P^ -,^- may e !^^^=^: ^=:^: tr-£r f=f ^ i -:i^--X- have their par - don Through the blood of God's own Son. . - I ^ ^ - - ^ _n 1 mdi i s m * Repeat for Alto and Tenor only, ■4.1 No. 40. ®Itwiis a ^mUiu (ft §tM. "There remaineth therefore a rest."— Heb. 4: 9. W. R. Lindsay. Ira D. Sankey. 1. There is a Par - a- dise of rest On yon-der tran- quil shore ; | 2. There is a Oit - ycrown'd with light,Its joys no tongue can tell; 3. There is a crown laid np on high That Christ the Lord will give 4. Oh, then be faith-ful un - to death, Press on the heavenly way, a ^^- ■r—r—f^- ii: 'f=F 35 1/. I Be- y ond the shad-o w and the gloom of night, Where toil and tears are o' er. § | For they who en- ter shall be-hold the King, And in His presence dwell, g ' To those who patient- ly His com- iag wait, And for His glo - ry live. -° That we may en- ter thro' the Gates of Life To realms of end-less day. ^ 1^ q»3 * -_f»2 q?: fct ^— y I* k^^ *=^=*=!?=tr- CHOEtlS. ^'=^— .^■ I n^-r'^-" *-r-j-r-r-^^ Meet me there, oh, meet me there, At the meet me there, meet me there, g^ -^- --^-=^- -V—^- ^z=?=i=f=f=gzi=:£ ^ ^ ^->.- M^^^^^^m^^ k--^ ^^j^ ^ >-,•—?— dawn- ing of thatmom-ingbrightand fair; Meet me there,. . . . oh, meet me there. e £=^ -fi!- -^^ 4^ 1^- ^=q %hm fe a f am4fe« 0t f cM.— tefluM. m meet me there, In the land beyond theriv- er,meet me there, meet me there, No. 41. f «a4 iitt% figfct. "Send thy light and truth, let them lead me."— Ps. 43: 3. John H. Newman. John B. Dykes. 1. Lead, kindly Light,amid th'encircling gloom,Lead Thou me on ; The night is ^m^ y—^—^-r-<^^ E i f -»-^- Ei :|= dark,and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet; I -^•-^fiz^^jyi: 1^3 frF--F fe=^i_^_ i^- ^— ^- fe-^ ^Ei a^i; do not ask to see The dis - tant scene; one step enough for me. ^EZ^ :t:=t i^— H»— «? *$>- ^r^ fee: -ia>-kp- I 1 I f 2 I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Shouldst lead me on; [Thou I loved to choose and see my path ; but now Lead Thou me on. I loved the garish day ; and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will; remember not past years. 3 So long Thy power hath blest me, sure Will lead me on [it still O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, The night is gone, [till And with the mom those angel faces smile, Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile. 43 No. 42. I Witt §m mv %m. " When I see the blood, I will pass over you."— Ex. 12: 13. El. Nathan. James McGranahan. . . . . IS m-j—i -■m ?H «--^- ^=r^ .^_u_j_ 1. "Wheu God the way 2. By Christ, the sin 3. O soul, for thee 4. The wrath of God 5. How calm the judg- ment hour shall pass of life would teach And gath - er all His own, less Lamb of God, The precious blood was shed, By God is free- ly giv'n; Up- on the Lamb was laid; To all who do o - bey sal - va - tion thus that was our due, ^- ifi^^=£ £ ■^^^: • jg a V :3— it-y---^g He puts them safe be - yond the reach Of death, by blood a - lone. When He fulfilled God's ho - ly word, And suf - fered in our stead, g The blood of Christ a - tones for sin, And makes us meet for heav'n. | And by the shed - ding, of His blood, The debt for us was paid, g The word of God a - bout the blood. And make that word their stay. ? =E i :^z=?^ 4=4: P T=?=rf Chorus. |»^ — f-r-r^ ■^ ^^ ^^^mm 'f^^- y ^ ]/ 1/ 1 ' ^ ^ }^ \ V ^ It is His wor(L God's precious word. It stands for-ev - er true: It is His word, God's precious word, -^ .j^ ^a- ^ft. Htt. _^ • ^- -^ -^ -!«-•- !ji=±=2: \ — \ — \— -<•• — » — »■- ■y — j^ __( — 1 — pi , •7 •? When I the Lord shall see the blood, When 1 the Lord shall see the blood, 1/ > 1/ I will pass o - ver you, ._7_^. f -^-F -5Mp^ i^pii 44 No. 43. ^attittg U tkt I " Arise, he calleth thee."— Mark 10: 49. Grace J. Frances. Hubert P. Main. ftzzzj^ tfc=5 -5 «l- m 1. Out on the mount- ain, sad and for - sak - en, Lost in its 2. Far on the mount- ain, why wilt thou wan - der ? Deep - er in 3. Flee from thy bond - age, Je - sus will help thee, On - ly be - m ^= i £ t=}- lEt ^ :Ne=^ -^~^- V— V — f ^^^^^m ^ :^=i 8=5: ma - zes, no light can'st thou see; Yet in His mer - cy, dark - ness thy path - way will be; Turn from thy roam-ing, lieve Him, and thou shalt be free; Won -der - ful mer - cy, ~^t- full of com- pass-ion, Lo ! the Good Shep-herd is call - ing to thee, fly from its dangers,Whilethe Good Shep-herd is call -ing to thee, boundless com-pass-ion, Still the Good Shep-herd is call -ing to thee. ' -C - T— ^^' g:-^'^ t: -— b — \^- tr-f-^ Choeus. i^i^-^ --m — « — -m — ^ — -• — L«L_^ — ^ — •ah-f-' Je- sus is call-ing, "Come unto Me;" T- ^^^^mm ^a^p^=p ■ ■^—^—^- Call-ingto thee, call-ing to thee, Hear the Good Shepherd calling to thee. ^ ^^ w-X. -»■ — id^ — m- — I (*• — V ^ ti^- 443 -u — I B- No. 44. %h €p j)l |aiti "Seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not."— Jkr. 45: 5. Rev. J. J. MAXFiEiiD. W. A. Ogdkn. g 1. I do notask forearth-ly store Be - yond a day's sup - ply; 2. I care not for the emp-ty show That thoughtless worldlings see; 3. What-e'er the crosses mine shall be, I will not dare to shun; 4. And when at last, my la-bor o'er, I cross thenar -row sea, -i9- ' I on - ly cov - et, I crave to do the I on - ly ask to Grant, Lord, that on the more and more. The clear and sin - gle eye, best I know, And leave the rest with Thee ;- live for Thee, And that Thy will be done ; oth - er shore My soul may dwell with Thee ; ^ ^ :^=i=ft I :^=ae: r-^- T-^-r -y-i- $ fei -J^M^^-A-^ ^ fcihibdM^ ^=^ ,_i »n • ^ — -q — '^ — -m- atut To see my du - ty face to face, And trust the Lord for dai - ly grace. Well sat - is-fied that sweet re-ward Is sure to those who trust the Lord. Thy will, O Lord, be mine each day, "While press-ing on my homeward way. And learn what here I can-not know. Why Thou hast ev - er loved me so. I Chorus. M ^S^^z^^gElEg :2g: Then shall my heart keep sing - ing. While to the cross I sing-ing, sing- ing, 40 ®k ^p 0f Jaitl». — €0MhM, $ i lilt cling; f For rest is sweet at e=F=t ^ Je - sns' feet, While 4- ( » =^ ^ • :^ k- ^ ^ :k cling, I cling; ^ ^=i i m -221 home- ward faith keeps wing - ing, While homeward faith keeps wing - ing. E^E^^fei r=iE :»=^ 1 — r- f-^ f No. 45. ^ui ^t #tt. "For thy name's sake lead me, and guide me."— Ps. 31: 3. "Words arr. Ika D. Sankey. 111 J 1 1 1 U ft 4 is 1 M A ^ m \ \ JF ■ TT 4 r \ J • G^- ^ J i ■ -. f^^ >i A • A J ^ ^ A w ^ % m ^ X ^ vi; 4555 J \ «' ^ ^ m ■ ^J ■ IJ S * S S S m> 1 1. Trav'ling to the bet - ter land, O'er the des - ert's scorch-ing sand, 2. When at Ma - rah, parched with heat, I the spark-ling fonnt-ain greet, 3. When the wil - der - ness is dreaj, Show me E - lim's palm-groves near, 4. Thro' the wa - ter and the fire. This, Lord, my one de - sire : 5. When I stand on Jor-dan's brink, Do not let me fear or shrink; /A^'tf ri w ' w w ^ 1* 1 8? * III gJ7-tf f r r r — » -H- » ^ J [.■.. ^ .._. h ■ ^-^t-H ^-^ j -H } V— 1 ^_ -^T—^—^- I I 1 m ^h=k And lead me 1 ^^- ^ lit « r r T~~* Fa- ther, doThou hold my hand. Make the bit - ter wa - ters sweet, With its wells, as crys-ta-l clear. With Thy love my heart in - spire, Hold me, Fa - ther, lest I sink. pi^^ H* — ^- ^n' And lead me on. P atirst r-'- No. 46. #tt% a §mk m^. "Make no tarrying, O my God."— Ps. 40: 17, Fanny J. Crosby. W. H. Poane. fcS 1 1. 'Tis on - ly a lit- tie way on to my home, And there in its 2. 'Tis on - ly a lit- tie way far-ther to go, O'er mount-ain and 3. 'Tis on - ly a lit- tie way; there I shall see The friends that in ^a^ gf^ ^ Ef^ i r^ r piiipi^i^ H-t-+-i —j—irf. sunshinefor- ev - er I'll roam; While all the day long I jour-ney val -ley where dark waters flow; My Saviour is near with blessings glo - ry are wait-ing for me; Their voic- es from home now float on M with § to ^ the g:zb:^=:t=t: -=i^ i: ^--^- -^ — rs. t— 1 — \ I I x==x ^ ^^- ^, =5: song, O beau - ti- ful E- den-land, thou art my home. \ cheer,His word is my guid- ing-star; why should I fear? > 'Tis on- ly a air. They 're calling me ten- der- ly, calling me there. / ^ if^ t^^ -y-l- ■$^^- t=t Z^. s r ^iS< =ti: iff-f mmm^^^^mm^ lit-tleway,on - ly a little way, 'Tis only a lit-tle way on to my home. f i^s^i No. 47. i ^itt ^UiM %lU, 'Praise ye the Lord."— Psalm U8 : l. Eli. Nathan. Allegretto. JAMES MCGRANAHAN. ^ ^- -IV-J- ■T 1. I will praise the Lord my Glo- ry, I will praise the Lord my Light, 2. I will praise the Lord my Prophet, Ho - ly Priest and Righteous King, 3. I will praise the Lord my Shepherd, Keeper, Past -nre, Door and Fold, 4.1 will praise the Lord my Fa - ther, Sav-iour, Brother, Guid e and Friend , 5. I will love Him, I will trust Him, All the rem- nant of my days. He my cloud by day to cov - er, He With the an- gels who a- dore Him, "Ho - O'er the lone- ly hills He sought me^ When He thus far in life hath led me. He And will sing thro' end- less a - ges. On - ^^ my fire to guide by night. ly, ho - ly,"I will sing, the night was dark and cold, will lead me to the end. ly my Redeem-er's praise. -I — P 1^ Choeus. 'm s i^ =F=t5^z;|*^ ^ m I will praise Thee with my whole heart, will praise Thee O Lord; IV- -•^- ^ . r^ 5^ P=^ I f- -I — t- i^ -^m^—K :^- -^z cr^-rT 1 will be glad and re- joice in Thee, O Thou most high. J- 1 Strtt :t=P=t ..(2. 40 No. 48, §0i Mx% M %m^i / "I will trust and not be afraid."— Isa. 12: 2. E. Q. Taylor, D. D. Geo. C. Steebins. m ^^ « M « — L^ ^ ES ^ ■«^— ^- S J-* — I— : h- 1. Not saved are we by try - ing, From self can come no aid; 'Tis 2. 'T was vain for Is - rael bit - ten By ser-pents on their way, To 3. No deetls of ours are need -ed To make Christ's merit more: No e^-t^l -^ — ^ :^cz:^=^zz^ m 'WE± f :^=^=^: ^ -^==52=;^: k l^ 1/ on look frames the blood re to their own of mind, or - ly- ing, Once for our ran-sompaid; 'Tis look- ing g do- ing, That aw- ful plague to stay; The reme-dy 'o- feel-ings, Can add to His great store; 'Tis sim - ply "^ m^i ^*— 2 ■^ W w^ l«-p- ^2=1= rf=r^ ^^^^. ^^ t--^-^ 1=1: nn for to -to Je - sus, their heal-ing, re-ceiveHim The ho - ly One and just; 'Tis His great work that When humbled in the dust, Was of the Lord's re- The ho - ly One and just, 'Tis on-ly to be- .tm. 1 L.«_±._i u — I 1 — I -1 te ^^i^ ChoruSi \ \ SI Ipl:i^pp^ii =IS: saves us, It is not Try, but Trust, veal - ing. It was not Try, but Trust, lieve Him, It is not Try, but Trust. is not Try, but Trust; It W- n SO V i^^N=^^^ §0i ®% but ©wtist. — €i0ttd«M. ^t00 isaotTry, butTrust; 'TisHisgreatworkthatsavesns; Itisnottry, butTrust. No. 49. (^0mt, §i0% cfpmi " I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove."- -John 1 : 32. Robert Bruce. n u 1 I 1 J • Ira D. Sankey. ^^l^-r^r^ -< — 1 — ■ — 1 — =^T-=i-^ __j _-j_ -H -H » — ^^ -2-^ 3 =^ -^ — \— Ei=i=rSzzp tg— ;^ i=5=3 — 1. Come, Ho - ly Spir - it, 2. Come, Ho - ly Spir - it, 3. Come, Ho - ly Spir - it. Like a dove de- scend- ing, Eest Thou up- Ev- 'ry cloud dis- pel - iug, Fill us with Sent from God the Fa- ther — Thou Friend and ^M e r^3 SeE^? ■.^t=^-=t r=TT I — t — t — t- i -^^ j_.,__| !_ -I 1- :^=: ¥ 9= 3 :e: :^w: on us While we meet to pray; Show us the Sav-iour, All His glad- nesSjThro' the Mas- ter'sname; Bring to our mem-'ry Words that Com- fort - er and Guide- Our thoughts direct - ing. Keep us Teach-er p t^=^%==^=^ 1S!~ love re - veal - ing; Lead us to Him, The Life, the Truth, the way. He hath spo - ken, Then shall our tongues His wond'rous grace proclaim, close to Je - sus, And in our hearts For - ev - er - more a- bide. :=(:e=g=cg f=K[=^=t=t^: -t^ ^EPH ^1 No. 50. §m^ d fasawti " Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you."— Acts. 2 : 22. Eli Nathan. James McGranahak. fii -Mhs^ ~l ^^\ — ^^^if ^^^^r^ i=i i l.^Je-sns of Naz - a-reth!" O what a name! Let us re-joiceandHis 2. Je - sus of Naz - a-reth, tru - ly a man, Low in His era- die His 3. Je - sus of Naz - a-reth, nailed to the tree, Dy - ing that we by His 4. Je - sus of Naz- a-reth, raised from the dead, Spot- less and ho- ly and 5. Je - sus of Naz- a-reth, seat-ed on high, Send- ing the Spir - it of 6. Je - sus of Naz- a-reth, earth's coming King, Peace to the warring world m atS: « y—^- L I ! ^ fe^i :t:^ .^—-^ * glo - ry pro- claim; Sav - iour and Keep- er for ev - er the same; life He be - gan, Lived be- fore God,both in pat- tern and plan, death might be free, Bear- ing the curse all for you and for me, still in OUT stead, Made for us ev - er our glo - li - fied head, grace to ap-ply Life through the word un - to men far and nigh, soon He shall bring, Na - tions of saved ones His prais- es shall sing; m ^^- :^=:S: fe^fe -fS ta ^-f-=rTT Chorus. — I—- — I — — ^^ Shepherd, Eedeem - erand Lord.^ Righteous, o - be - di-ent One. Dy - ing a ran- somfor all. Eais' d from the dead for us all. Oflf-'ring sal - va- tion to all. All shall bow down at His name.' ^.=5^1*^-1* Je - sus of Naz - a-reth, once cm - ci- ^^_ _ J. SS 4— ,-4 r ^ ■ •■ fied, Je - sus of Naz - a- reth, now glo - ri - fied, Je - sus of *-.* f v— r- fe: -^— .»■- -^ .^-i -^_._ ^ : ^ ^ i^nzt -i^» — I Naz - a-reth,thronedat God's side, Glo - ry and praise to His name. -^_^. .^==t=ps=^^=N3:E; -.fS? n I I' I No. 51, S M. Fraser. f ftdawg to f ^s«^. 'Whose I am and whom I serve."— Acts. 27: 23. M. A. Sea. ifel* s 1 1 1 I I 1—, 1 1 r-J 1 ^ 1 l-n 1. I belong to Je-sus; I am not my own; All I have and 2. I belong to Je-sus; He is Lord and King, Reigning in my 3. I belong to Je-sus; What can hurt or harm, When He folds a - 4. I belong to Je-sus; Bless- ed,blessed thought! With His own most 5 I belong to Jesus; He has died for me; I am His and He is min^ Through eternity. t^ mLr'?n^ ^^^'' ,^"!??'- 6 I belong to Jesus; inn" H ^^'i*'2 " ^? ^^J^l^'^'f He will keep my soul, ^.^^irir'i^'' almighty Arm? ^^^^ ^-^^ deathly wateA dark preciousbloodHasmysoulbeenbought. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^11. ' - 7 I belong to Jesus; And ere long I'll stand With my precious Saviour there, I In the glory land. Si3 -^-B^— (2 r^^^E^^g] No. 52. # ^0mt U i%t ^mimt "Those that seek me early shall find me."— Prov. 8: 17. Words arr, J. J. Lowe. #r 5 i^ :^=i|: &=^± 1. O come to the Sav-iour while now He is call- ing, O 2. There's no oth - er name a - mong men that is giv - en, There'j 3. The door of His mer - cy is now stand-ing o - pen; O 4. And he that be - liev - eth, the prom- ise is writ - ten, Is m^^ _^_- — ^ — ^ — 0^ -• — fft ^^^^^^^=^^^ p N_fe_J^_^^ Nir^rifc^ m -K-K :4=-J: ?=v=*-^— ^ come while there's mercy and pardon so free; O trust in His grace, He will no oth-er way to be saved but this way ; O trust in Hismer-cy; too has - ten and en - ter,for "Yet there isroom;" For if you re-ject Him,this saved thro' the blood of the Cru- ci- fied One ; The Spir - it is pleading ; O -f-^-^—s &£SEESEESEEEEfcE^ -^ -^ !S?EF£E?£5 SEl^3 FH^ lc=!z=t2 z-v -^.^=: ^-±±^- r=h^E^ m I 3=^^ ^ Pg ■^■ ^3=3: keep thee from fall-ing, And strength too' ercome He of- fers to thee, long hast thou striven With sin and with self ; O come while you may. word He hath spo-ken, That where He now is " Ye nev - er can come." will you not has-ten, And find in His love a ref - uge and home. W S I ^^^^ ^^1^ H?^ m_ r=^ f Refrain. :4 iour, O come,come while you may; S4 # ^om( t- ^,1^ «-- ^-^l ■«-i-I^ — I f— I f Him; ry; Him; y ■ I Might- y in wis- dom, Praise Him,ye an - gels, There in His likeness @e1 ^rr^^r-^^ $m ^^i^i r^ boundless in mer - cy, Great is Je - ho - vah, King o - ver all. ye who be-hold Him Robed in His splen- dor, match-less, di- vine. joy - ful a - wak - ing, There we shall see Him, there we shall sing. £?^ -,«^-— yr SE^; ^ P ^O §0%, gtfly U ih §mi—€0mMd. Choeus. Ho-ly, ho-lj, ho-ly is the Lord, Let the hills be joy-fvil be-fore Him, - - - - I ^ ^ S-^ -^- ^' ^ rj -^-!Hft- r-p^-^-rt"^- :^^ :^^: / / IS No. 55. ^xMit, \m, ^m\, tk pttg d ^mmt H. F. Lyte. 'Praise the Lord, O my soul."— Ps. 14G: 1. Henry J. Gaxjntl,ett. IP =^ 1^=1. ;i!=^-^: t^ -t=^^i ^ I I ^ I . ' I I I I I 1. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven ; To His feet Thy trib-ute bring; 2. Praise Him for His grace and fa - vor To our fa - thers in dis- tress; 3. An - gels, help us to a - dore Him, Ye be - hold Him face to face; *=3=^ 4 ^M tJ: -^— (* — W- * Ransom'd, heal'd, restored, for- giv - en, Who like thee His praise shall sing? Praise Him still, the same as ev - er. Slow to chide, and swift to bless ; Sun and moon, bowdowu be - fore Him, Dwellers all in timeand spacer M: J- J-.-^^J- ■^■i -U- — »■- :&i ! /- V=f^ :=|: iin^^^i I J. r^ I I Praise Him! praise Him! praise Him! praise Him! Praise the ever-last- ing King! Praise Him! praise Him! praise Him! praise Him! Glorious in His faithful- ness ! Praise Him! praise Him! praise Him! praise Him! Praise with us the God of grace ! f- t^Pi ii f- sr No. 56. €%xU, mjj |^tt. "Christ is all, and in all."— Col. 3: 11. HORATIUS BONAR. GEO. C. STEBBINS. 1. In the hour when guilt as -sails me, On His gra-ciousnamel call, 2. In the night when sorrow clouds me, And the burn - ing teardrops fall, 3. In the day when this im-mor-tal Shall fling off its mor- tal thrall, -♦- -f»- -]*- rJz-± ]/ y ^'' t: -yz=^ ^^-:r-^ V — / — y- -j — — vs f^ -N-N S iip i=^=S^"=ait= 3t3^ZLC: ^■=^^ Then I find the heavenly fullness, Christ, my right-eous-ness, my all. V Then I sing the song of patience, Christ, my Broth - er and my all. o Then my song of res - ur - rec- tion Shall be Christ, my all in all. ? mmi Choeus, I f ^ All my song when standing yon- der, Shall be Christ, my joy, my all. Wi -»^-\ — ^ — r^ i ^=^ t; 4i^- ■*f=. S=1e: ^ h-XA—:^- ^-4 1t^ 1= is=s P --^..^ :g=9= This shall ev - er be my anthem, " Christ my glo - ry, Christ my all;'* ^^ %---^- t ^^^1 ¥--^ V — \/- e: r ^ This shall ev - er be my anthem, "Christ my glo - ry, Christ my all.' g^gj -nffi— (ft— ift iPI^ ^ i P t— in — ?-i7-^ ss No. 57. "Thine eyes shall behold the land."— ISA. 33: 17. I. Watts, arr. Ira D. Sankby. ^ Ea3 ^ ^s=T=i S^E^5^=^| ^ 1. There is aland of pure delight, Where saints immor-tal reign ; 2. There ev - er-last - ing spring a-bides,And nev -er-with-'ringflow'rs; 3. Sweet fields beyond the swell - ing flood Stand dress' d in liv - ing green ; 4. Could we but climb where Mo- ses stood, And view the landscape o'er, ^ ^^. t=r- -^ z^:z~^ A t-^-t=F 3 r^^f ^ I :i!==3rt: ^^- 3=S m. E - ter - nal day ex-cludes the night, And pleasures ban - ish pain. Death, like a nar - row sea, di-vides This heavenly land from ours. So to the Jews old Ca - naan stood, While Jordan rolled be- tween. Not Jor- dan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. I m. — I 1 — I — — !— : — — ! — -d »■- -^ m- A f £^ rr— ^ f 1 — i- -^ Choeus. 1- J: -4 feE^ 1=5^ -z^ S O wond-'rousland be-yond the sky, O land so bright and fair. ^ 3t=^: When shall we reach Thy gold - engates,And dwellfor-ev- er there? £: 4 ^^S^^l -(»■ 1*~ -•_j»: r k f ^^ f No. 58. mm §Mh m pt 'Yet not I, but Christ liveth In me."— Gal. 2: 20. Eli Nathan. psg ^^^y^ James McGranahan. 1^1^ :^ Si] 1. As lives the flow'r within the seed, As in the cone the tree, 2. Once far from God and dead in sin, No light my heart could see; 3. As rays of light from yon-der sun Theflow'rsof earth set free, 4. With long- ing all my heart is filled, That like Him I may be, . ^ — » 1 r-« »— pz|2:fe-jft=£ -j g k 1^- f ^ #=i ^E^ :^=^==± -^— #: :^-:^ -^-K- -^- -•• So, praise the God of truth and grace, His Spir-itdwelleth in But in God's word the light I found, Now Christ liv-eth in So life and light and love came forth From Christ living in As on thewond'roustho't I dwell, That Christ liv-eth in -\ — me. me. ji ^^g^ »-t 1^— t- ^^. i2=i2=i2=;2: f I —> fcr Chorus. :^=?51=q ^-S: £--^=* :g:|J-5=g5 |iri: Christ liv-eth in me, Christ liv-eth in me, Christ liv-eth in me, Christ liv-eth in 4= t^ ■^- P m^. m IE* ' ■ / / r 'P :N=^: -r-v- O what a sal - va - tionthis, That Christ liv - eth in me! me, O -^ > OO Ho. 59. m §m gtli tk §m »f f^w. "I have loved thee with an everlasting love."— Jek. 31: 3. Rev. J. P. Hutchinson. Arr. by E. N. Wilbur A. Christy. rJ= I^I^ -^— , '-^- -^ — 1. We have felt the love of Je - siis In our hearts with rapture glow; 2. Chos- en not for our d.eservings,Butthat God His grace might show; 3. Will He leave when care en-croaches? When we're tempted will He go ? :rfc=:::?;;==ir=4=: Will that love for-sake and leave us? Nev-er, For our fail - ures will He leave us? Nev-er, When the last dread hour ap-proaches? Nev-er, Oh, nev-er, Oh, nev-er. ^m fc§r£^: ^. tz:!^ j22- Oh, nev-er, i A—N- -rt- Se^ — K— ^ — I — I ' - ^ ^^3 t— £^ V^' If on beds of pain we languish, Earth-ly friends may lightly go, 'Tis in Christ the Fa- ther sees us, To His Son the love doth flow; And when safe - ly home in glo - ry, When sad tears no long- er flow, fc=fc=^ C5 3^ j s — ^^Xj^ ^ ^ fcfc: 1 * « ^ • 9- r-> :^s3 q ^ -f^-i--i--M ' '! rTTi r-r-t 'Tis midnight; in the gar- den now The suff '-ring Sav-iour prays a - lone. Ev'nthatdis- ci- pie whomHe lov'd HeedsnotHis Master's grief and tears. Yet He, who hath in anguish knelt, Is not for - sak - en by his God. |-»- -^-F-l — ^ Sffi^ ^^^ ^ ^ -^. -eh, as ?==E p aq pi No. 62. §\md ^mimx, im §mm, •* Ye are made nigh by the blood of Christ."— Eph. 2: 13. Furnislied by Merton Smith. Arr. by El Nathan. James McGranahan. k ^m^^^ ^^^ :^=5: 1. Bless-ed Sav-iour, ev - er uear - er 2. Bless-ed Sav-iour, I would nev - er, 3. Bless-ed Sav-iour,drawmenear - er 4. Bless-ed Sav-iour, let me lin - ger I am draw - ing to Thy feet; Nev-er more Thy love re-ject ; Ev- er near - er to Thy heart, Ev- er near Thy precious feet, ^m^. -^— e^ f -^~^- ■v-yr ^*- » 10- — 1=- -I— p t^-.. :^E=|E=?: ^^:^:^—!^ ^ % i J :- \ ?^=^ ■^i=^=^ 5 ■^ Thou hast borne my ev-ery sor - row, I am made in Thee complete; At Thy feet I learn the les - son How Thine im - age to re- fleet; When I'm wea -ry, heav- y la - den, And I feel the tempters dart; Till I hear that welcome summons, Come, thy loved ones now to greet; ^ fe .^—m,- t t -^— ^ sESr=E?Ef^^ V=^ -^f=^ For Thy love my soul is yearn- ing, More and more tome im - part; There I go when all for- sake me,Whenby foes I am op - pressed; Oft I stum - ble,oft I fal - ter, OftI'mtoss'd on an-gry seas; Oh, the joy that there a- waits me, While I hope and watch and pray I ^^ L_^ (^ .m—m- ^- !— ^— |g„ I f3. ^ V y=^ m -W—^- 1r-r ^^ =1— ) j^ 7 ^=j — j ^ M f^ m I have heard Thy ten- der plead-ing, Come and dwell with-in my^heart. Then I hear Thy loved voice say-ing,Come to me, I give you rest. But I know that Thou wilt guide me, Thro' the storm, to end-less peace. For the morn- ing light is dawn- ing. Of the fair and end -less day. 64 No. 63. k^^ litttt "Behold the Lamb of God."— John 1 j 29. F. J. Crosby. Geo. C. Stebbins. U 1 1. Look up! lookup! ye wea-ryones, Whose skies are veil'd in night, 2. The gifts ye bro't with lov- ing hand Your Lord will not dis - own, 3. Re - joice, the grave is o - ver-come, Audio! the an - gels sing; ftit i^^-^"^ SHt £ — , ' V i > r^ ^m $ fc^ :3^=3i^: r ^^=^■==^1 i — pi— Lf — g-g^.— TWr^ < :, *' For He who knows the path you tread Will yet re-store the light; Their o - dors sweet to heav'nshallrise Like incense 'round His throne; The grandest tri- umph ev - er known Has come thro' Christ our King; m^ §^: p ^p^=3^ ^!^ -g! -mr- 17 ------- [7 Look up! and hail the dawn- ing Of hope's triumphant morn-ing. Look up! and hail the dawn- ing Of joy's transcendent morn-ing. All heav'nproclaimsthe dawn -ing Of love's all glorious morn-ing. -»^-^ =30 ^ I -^—H- q^=^ k.-^ ^ m Be - hold Him! be - hold Him! Your Sav - lour lives to - day; i^ ^ i ^ ^ Be - hold Him ! be - hold Him! The clouds have roU'd a - way. 5--.--S: F^ t * es :^.^ ri' i No. 64. p. M. D. ^mA mt, ^mlmv. "For thy name's sake lead me and guide me."— Ps. 31: 3. Frank M. Davis. t fe% fc* ^- ^ m 22: P f 1/ 1/ 1. Sav - iour, lead me, lest I stray, 2. Thou the ref- uge of my soul 3. Sav - iour, lead me, till at last, f m ^- h&A n- -s?- ^^f: Gen - tly Wheu life'i When the P l^- -'» ^- J- l.Sav iour, lead me, lest I stray, Gen k^- =s 5&: ^^m iSlEi^Eg f lead me all the way storm- y bil-Iowsroll, storm of life is past, TTTT I am safe when by Thy I am safe when Thou art I shall reach the land of MM m^i t=t:=--t--«^ p V- - tly. lead me all the way ; ^4 fe^ ^^- N N I — 1 1=^ nnrv-t side, . nigh, day, . I would in Thy love a- bide. On Thy mercy I re - ly. Where alltearsare wip'da-way. M ■m- -fi- -m- -*■ :t<=tE ^-^- ■M=s: u te^^ K^: -/ h- :N^=^ f safe when by Thy side, Chorus. | I would. inTh; y love abide. ^=3*: P \ — rx- -^ -f^ i«— » \- — r' — s S Sstel S|; Lead me, lead me, Sav - iour, lead me, lest I stray ; .fU- Ml. -|«. -^, -^ -«- ^ ..^ ^^=^A P H i*- — * »■- lest 1 stra: Sav-i our,lead me, ^> rit. e dim. *^^ ^Z i Gen - tly down the stream of time, Lead me.Savionrjall the way. .(ft. ^#_H»_^_^^_^ -(ft. I I ^ ^ 1 ft^ stream of time. all the way. No. 65. §ttnm, # ^M&(ttV\ "Return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy."— ISA. 55: 7. W. B. COLLYER, arr. Geo. F. Root. ^^pis^^^^^S 1. Re- turn! re- turn! O wan-d'rer,now re- turn! Ee-tum! re- turn! 2. Re- turn! re-turn! O wan-d'rer,now re-turn! Re-turn! re-turn! 3. Re- turn! re-turn! O wan-d'rer,now re- turn! Re- turn! re-turn! 532. 9_l_^ 0t ^ ^ — 1_^ ^ — l-M. :^=^: And seek thy Father's face; Those new de- sires which in thee burn He hears thy hum- ble sigh ; He sees thy soft- ened spir - it mourn Thy Sav-ionr bids thee live ; Come hum- bly to His feet and learn ^^^m fe^i f=F=b^ f t— ^i — r P li m at^rst J, J -1- — ' a- ==4 i Were kin- died by His grace, Were kin -died by His grace. When no one else is nigh, When no one else is nigh. How free - ly He'll for - give, How free - ly He'll for - give. mi ^r r=f i No. 66. MmM^ (SJattmg, "Turn ye, turn ye— for why will ye die."— Ezbk. 33: 11. F. J. Crosby. Ira D. Sankky, 1. Turn thee, O lost one, care-worn and wea- ry, Lo! thegoodShepherd is 2. Still He is wait- ing, why wilt thou per- ish, Tho' thou hast wand'red so 3. List to His mes-sage, think of His mer - cy ! Sin-less, yet bear-ing thy 4. Come in the old way, come in the true way, En-terthro' Je - sus, for * ^=^J^ ■g-^-y-^ :^=te=^ -r>-tr i i= ^:^=J4n ^ -^— Hi— gH -H-r 1— r 1 1 m- ^'=^^: call-ing to far from the sins on the He is the day; fold? tree; Door; Seek-ing to Yet, with His Per- feet re - He is the save thee, wait-ing to cleanse life-blood, He has re- deem'd mis- sion, life ev - er - last - Shepherd, ten - der - ly call- thee, thee, X t=t=t :?: e i^ JjgZZ^ Choeus. 3E3=p^=^^ ^3-t5 -5- -- ]/ ]/ Haste to re - ceive Him, no longer de - lay. Wondrous compas- sion that cannot be told! Thro' His a - tenement, He of- fers to thee. Come in thy weakness, and wander no more. '- ' ' — ^— ^-rJ|;i:fcxzfz:>E=^=r=fci=SE:= ;} Tender - ly caU - ing, i^piip^s ei-f-i-^-rf--:! pa- tient - ly call - ing, Hear the good Shepherd call-ing to thee; -^^ -r-;-rT^T" ^ — ^ — ^ §*■ -I*- -I*- ytzz^-^ fe m ®^My €Iattitt0. — ^(JttduM l-:^^' --\-9,-^-\-^— — \- — I — S-^-\ — 1-^ — IN — srh 1 — — l^^^A-HvF-H--— I Tenderly call-ing, patiently calling, Loving-Iy say-ing, ' 'Come unto Me! ' ' ^ H/ I I ^ " " No. 67. ^tMt\i, mt, # ^nt And know my heart."— Psa. 139: 23. Grace J. Frances. iii -A ^- HUBERT P. MAIN. I ■^ ■« ^=H h ^---^--j- t^: :^: s 1. Search me, O Lord, and try this heart of mine, Search me, and 2. Search me, O Lord, sub-due each vain de - sire, And in my 3. Search me, O Lord, and from the dross of sin, Re - fine as 4. Search me, O Lord, let faith thro' grace di - vine Thy - self re- ^ 53 -i^-^- -I '- ^ ». f -e^-^-^- :^= p I ^ -i9- i^=:S75i: J- -:^=z. :^==^: -=ft» ^-^ r- i^^: 1^1 ' _ prove if I in-deed am Thine; Test by Thy word, that nev-er soul a deep-er love in - spire; Hide Thou my life, that I, su- gold, and keep me pure within ; Search Thou my tho'ts whose springs Thine fleet, in ev- 'ry act of mine, Till at Thy call my waiting -■£-3cf -'&- t -(ft_i p:. JSIL -^_^- :^^: H«— ^- ess: f I I changed can be, My strength of hope and liv- ing faith in Thee. preme-ly blest, Be - neath Thy wings in per-fect peace may rest. eyes can see. From se - cret faults, O Saviour, cleanse Thou me. soul shall rise, Caught up with joy to meet Thee in the skies, r-^ - - - ^^^^ ' i mr^=^^±^f^^E^ m -^ m ^0 No. 68. ^m th §\md f nvitatm G. M. J. 'The Spirit and the bride say come."— Rev. 22: 17. James McGranahan. K S N N . ^S— J^ :=S: — ) 1 p — , 1 — -al- 1. Hear the bless-ed in - vi - ta - tion, Come, come, come; To the fount- ain 2. 'Tis the voice of Je- sns say - ing, Come, come,come; Now His blest com- 3. 'Tis the Ho - ly Spir- it call - ing. Come, come, come; Ere the shades of 4. Lo! "the Spir- it and the Bride say, Come.come, come: And let him that 1^ fe ^ ^ > I ^ > of sal - va-tion. Come, come, come ; Healing streams are flowing still; Welcome,"? mand o- bey -ing, Come, come, come; He will cleanse from ev'ry ill; Welcome, « death be fall - ing. Come, come, come ; He the heart with peace will fill ; Welcome, -^ hear- eth now say, Come, come, come; And let him that is a- thirst Come,and o ^. t=fc t -y — I 1— -t^^—S?" ::]'v:qs=HSi: s :«t:z^ -p^-t ^=J rri r-^^ :^_(«- ^rn^ 1=^^ who - so - ev - er will; Let him take the wa- ter of life free - ly." -_ — i — y-' ^^ i^zipr £ i :l2=t^ -V — ^- 1/ ? Chorus. pHii^i -ffi 1 1 Let him m take, let him Let hira take, -*-r -'T^ take, Let him let him take, Ei mi -N-a-Kj — PS — I- take -^l the wat- er of life free :l^z={^-^ ly; Let him take, .... J let him take, -— JL ^ -^ ro ==52:^=^ ^m the ^\md §mM\m. — ^m\tkM. :-i ._4— l^-A |V-N— j- \ v-\ — I — ^ — m — m — m — «i — •^ W — ^-\-9 -m 9—9 — 9 — 9 — nt. ;iz. let him take,. . . . Let him take the "wa-ter of life free - ly. let him take, — 1 ^_ __ •: 1* — ^— r I 1 1 1 1- 1 1 /7\ f-^ i^3^ '^. m p: m , No. 69. % fOttdey. S " Wheve I am, there ye may be also."— JlilO* 14 J 8. S M. Fbaseb. M. A. Sea. A= ri^: i=^=f= S^ *-5r 1. Safe up- on the heav'nly shore, Done with pain forev- er-more, Wea-ri- 2. Stormsshall never reach us there,No more sor- row, pain or care, No more 3. Safe up -on theheav'ulyshore,Donewith sin forev - er-more, Wea-ri- :t=f^=f 3 , L^—L, 1 ^ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ I 1^-=ii;=--J^- wzzpz ness and weakness o'er, Up yon- der; O the calm and qui - et rest cross for us to bear, Up yon- der; Gain for them that suffered loss, ness and weakness o'er, Up yon- der; Nev - ermore to know a fear, |z|2Zlll=f=Zi^f!?^ -9 d>---P^rl •fS? 9 1 r-l ;^--^--:^E=:t 0- — , :^=r--irpz=| w 1 -^ 9.--- -^=5=S=g.3.||±g-S: ^B On the loving Saviour's breast; It is bet- ter than earth's best, Up yonder. Crowns for them that bore the cross, And a calm for hearts that toss, Up yonder. Nev - er-more to shed a tear, Bet- ter far than ev - erhere, Up yon-der. ^' -(«— J ^ , ^_,it_^_!«_±-(ft_r^ 1*- -I 9s~\ 9- -9—^. H 9—' r-r-r-ir ^£=:^=tz=iUr " ^ y y EP^I No. 70. |n peM^ttty §mhm, "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."— Ps. 23: 2. Mrs. M. A. Whitaker. Geo. F. Root. &=.^ ::J;:i^- '^^ -i^-- i =1 1^ — -sr — I- 1. In the heav'n- ly past - ures fair, 'Neath the tender Shepherd's care, 2. Far from all the noise and strife That disturb our dai - ly life, 3. O how good and true and kind, Seek- ing His stray sheep to find, V 9^ ^=^=-# *— jf ^ ^.^ Let us rest be- side the liv - ing stream to - day ; Calm- ly « Let us pause a- while in si - lence and a - dore; Then the "^ If they wan - der in - to dan - ger from His side; Ev - er » ^ ^1 ^^m^^^^m t^ t :fc: ^^^^ -H 1 1-- — 1 1—? 1 — I 1— ^— ^ ^N — -sl-^ — I ■*!-- h 7 1/ there in peace re- cline, Drink-ing in the truth di- vine, As His sound of His dear voice Will our wait- ing souls re-joice, As He close- ly may we tread Where His ho- ly feet have led, So at is^g ^^gj ?=?TTf=r=r W^^ -^5j — ^- ,^_^^- -Hw — ^ ^^ ^ w-i-- lov - nam last ing call ■ eth us with Him _,* ,«_._ -4 -^- we now His own in heav'n with joy for ev - we may - er - a - -f- bey (with joy o- bey), more (for ev - er-more). bide (we may a- bide), f . ^ i^^il-^- -^-^- t=?- 4= '^'^ fn §wm% §utnm,—^0mkM. Choeus, ^=^ n N — I — ^5) — [—+ — I — I — ^ — \ — r r r r ^ Glorious stream of life e-ter-nal, Beauteous fields of living green (living green), Sfe .^_^e_^..^. -^ ^^^^l^lil^ ^' »< 17-^- J_A.U :^: _A__L.^^ — |S ^._]V — V ^ — I S ^-N >i -^ , 1/ ]/ Tho' re- vealed with- in the word Of our Shepherd and our Lord, ^. .fe .tfe W^ ^ ^^^^^a^^ l^-]N- Bit ^ r r- 5 r By the pure in heart a- lone can they be seen (ev - er seen). I m^ I?— ^-rjg: -^— ^ :f^-j!- ^ I ^ ^ No. 71. g'itt 6oiitt0 §i(rmt In my Father's house are many mansions."— Jno. 14: 2. Rev. Wm. Hunter. WM. MiLIiER. B^^^Si; .^ w_* ;r ^ — I — "S ' — \iz^~^ — ^ r 1 ^ f My heav'nly home is bright and fair; Nor pain, nor death can enter there: i It glitt'ringtow'rs the sun outshine ; That heav'nly mansions shall be mine. pijj / I'm go-ing home, I'm going home, I'm go- ing home to die no more! \ To die no more, to die no more, I'm go- ing home to die no more! :f= M ft. H«- .^ -W—W^W- 2 My Father's house is built on high, Far, far above the starry sky ; When from this earthly prison free, That heavenly mansion mine shall be. 3 Let others seek a home below. Which flames devour, or waves o'er- Be mine a happier lot to own [flow ; A heavenly mansion near the throne. •7^3 No. 72. kiMM. $ " I shall be satisfied, when I wake with thy likeness."— Ps. 17 : 15. HORATIITS BONAR. GEO. C. STEBBINS -4- — ! j- E35^ #d3=s=«=s^g: ill iti^ ^ -nh-^- -■:A--^z=^-=^-=\~ 1. When 2. When 3. When 4. When g- -5- shall wake in that fair morn of morns, Aft - er whose dawning shall see Thy glo - ry face to face, When in Thine arms Thou shall meet with those that I have loved, Clasp in my arms the shall gaze up - on the face of Him Who died for me, with -*■- ^ TS. '^ 1^ — 1 L^ U :^=^::iSt=t t nev - er night returns, And with whose glo - ry day e - ter - nal burns, o wilt Thy child embrace,V/henThoushalto - pen all Thy store of grace, g dear ones long removed, And find how faith - ful Thou to mehastprov'd,'o- eye no long- erdim, And praise Him with the ev - er- last- ing hymn, m ff , K-^ l-r-^-^^^T — I? — H P--H fi- H^^P^— i-»l i-h— I -- l^ — — -^- 5 i ^ — ' I shall be sat - is-fied, be sat - is- fied. shall be sat - is-fied, I shall be ^ -^ -^ -^" I shall be I shall be sat - is- fied. When I shall ^ When I shall fvake in @-?-^-^>-r— i— -t^=t- ~s~^-f-p^-^- J — ^=^ r^ -^—■^ &^ ■^E^ sat - is- fied, When I shall wake in that fair morn of morns. When I shall W=^- :^±^^-^ -k-> t— F-t No. 73. ®ak ©Itott Pa fatti "I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand."— ISA. 41 : 13. Julia Sterling. Ira D. Sankey. r^: ^-=^- ^-3- -•-^ :1=: -/^ :^: -s;*- 1. Take Thou my hand, and lead me — ChooseThoumy way; "Not as I 2. Take Thou my hand, and lead me — Lord, I am Thine ; Fill with Thy 3. Take Thou my hand, and lead me, Lord, as I go; In - to Thy III III i:^=.^ziz^-^ ^h=t: -^- :^=K t— r — r ^j=^. r~r -t ' will,"0 Fa- ther, Teach me to say ; What though the storms may gather? Ho - ly Spir - it This heart of mine ; Then in the hour of tri - al per- feet im-age Help me to grow ; Still in Thine own pa- vil- ion mi '-w=^- -i^-f-^- -^ ^m ?^f=#=f^=^i e^ f Id: WMi ri _^^.-, :^: ■*-^-^^: Thou knowest best ; Strong shall I be — Shel - ter Thou me : ilg f 1=^ Safe in Thy ho - ly keeping, There would I res^ Eead-y to do, or suf- fer, Dear Lord, for Thee. Keep me, O Father, keep me. Close, close to Thee. :ti=fe= f-rr 3^~ siz: •ya r I No. 74. ^attittg at tk $mt "I will come again, and receive you unto myself."— John 14: S. Mrs. K. M. Reasoner. T. C. O'Kane. 1. I am wait-ing for the Mas-ter, Who will bid me rise and come 2. Many a wea-ry path I've traveled, In the darkest storm and strife, 3. Ma - ny friends that traveled with me Reached that portal long a - go; 4. Yes, their pil-grim-age was short-er, And their triumphs soon-er won; £ ^m^m -4H^ :U:=:^ 1^ i^g^^^n ^^ — it m-^^ — 9 — 5i/-v- To the glo - ry of his presence, To the glad - ness of his home. ^ Bear-ing many a heav - y bur-den, — Oft - en strug - gling for my life. § One by one they left me battling With the dark and craft - y foe. "* Oh, how lov-ing-ly they'll greet me When the toils of life are done. 3 v-rr ■^E^JI^M. Choeus. 3tl3t They are watch - - ing at the port-al. They are wait - They are watching, they are watchingat the portal. They are waiting, they are It^iz:^ '=^=^a- \y—Y-^—^ P ri -^ -3^ «i -H- qv=]^ ^ — -m — ■«- - ing at the door; Wait-ing on - - - ly for my wait-ing at the door; Wait-ing on- ly, wait-ing on- ly for my g^M^^^^i^^ Waiting at th §00t — §m(kM, m ^ii^ :g=*=it com- ing, All the loved ones gone be - fore. com- ing, All the loved ones, all the loved ones gone be - fore. - -•- -•- -(0- -•- -^- ^ -^- ■^- ' B^^jj I f± No. 75. ©h«a §mtUkA §im. " and parted his garments."— Matt. 27: 35. Mrs, M. B. C. Slade. Beverently. Geo. F. Root. m^m4H^^ ife*i i-it $ 1. From the Bethlehem manger-home, Walking His dear form be-side, We to 2. Scorn- ful words the soldiers fling; Wicked rul- ers Him de-ride, Say-ing, 3. Wondrous love for sin -ful men, Of the sin-less One that died! May we i i m Chorus. ^^^^ y^ ^s=r '--3- Calvary's mount have come. Where our Lord was cru- ci-fied. If thou be the King,Save Thy-self, Thou cru - ci-fied. [ Sweet tones of wound Thee not a -gain, Thou,0 Christ, the cru -ci-fied. g— W l;l^ ^ to=|K ^=t -¥ f=f^ ^ :p=l=p=p=p -"I \ J— l-H- -r— 4-J- ^ -♦— ^ ^ te TC?^ love come down the ages through: Fa- ther,for-give,they know not what they do. ^ e ^ p £i- ^ g-_£4,tfXr i -ffl- IP r r r I tifes: •yr rr^ Ho. 76. ^.m^ it #tt. " Preach the word ; be instant in season, out of season."— 2 Tim. 4 : 2, M. Feasee. Allegretto moderato. ^ IS — N — N — Is- -s-A ie-i — \ ^> — ^^ — y 3 ^ —^ ^—-i • ■• ■•■ ..^_-_^.. 3^=:^ s=5=^ James McGeanahan. js ^ s ^ iiiEi 1. Pass a - long the in - vi - ta-tion, Who-so - ev - er will may come; 2. Pass a - long the cup of comfort That the Lord has giv-en you; 3. Pass a - long each boon and blessing That may come to you through life; 4. Pass a - long the watchword,"CouTage;"Soon the darkness will be o'er; Pass it on, m^ Pass it on, (Pass a - long the lov-ing 0th - er wea - ry, troubled You may help the wea-ry - iL uu. See, al - read - y dawn is -■W=^- ■W=-^ ^ ^-PF^ 1=.^ — i — •! — m- m message Un -to ev - 'ry thirsty one; Pass it on, spirits Need to taste itssweetnesstoo;Passit on, hearted Who are faint a-mid the strife; Pass it on, breaking On the bright ce-les-tial shore; Pass it on, pass it on. pass it on. pass it on. pass it on. -m — m ' Lts^**.^ 1/ — t^— « ■ U 1/ . - Chorus. ^ ^ ^ ^ N ,t__^^V^_J^ iqzrq: Pass a - long the in - vi - ta - tion, Pass a - long the word of God, ^:S=r '^^^ T'f^ k$$ it #tt. — ^mtMd, I i^^^i^^ J^-^n Un - til every tribe and nation Shall have heard of Christ the Lord, Shall have L T I 1^ 1 1 1 1 ^ — \^-V\r- — !^- ^ :f=*: 2!rrit :?-=!£ nJL I heard, Shall have heard Shall have heard of Christ the Lord. of Christ the Lord, of Christ the Lord, G ^Efcp ^S=^ -rt^k y-t- ^t_|« ^R-^ fzitzitezi:^ i i lil No. 77. Pjrrj? 0f f l^^tt^. ' Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord."— 2 Peter 1 ; 2. M. Fraser. ^± i£ES^ -^?-=J-T-3= M. A. Sea. 1—^—4- 1. More of Je - sus, More of Je 2. More of Je - sns, More of Je 3. More of Je - sus, More of Je 4. More of Je - sus, More of Je 5. More of Je - sus, More of Je N i=JI^ITlJz sus, 'Tis the Christians yearning cry; sus, While I tread earth's weary ways ; sus, O to feel His love each hour! sus. In my weak- ness and my pain ; sus, Sore - ly do I need His grace; ?=£5=J More of Je - sus, More of Je - sus. On - ly He can sat - is - fy. More of Je - sus, More of Je - sus, Till in Heav'n I hymn His praise. More of Je - sus. More of Je - sus, O to re - al - ize His power! More of Je - sus. More of Je - sus, He can turn my loss to gain. More of Je - sus, Bless -ed Je - sus. When shall I be- hold His face? i:ij:^X-X- ^ ■^■•■m- ■^f=r^-- .._Ji See Strt t t •TO No. 78. Mf ^!^0nAx$m toissn. "The cross of Qur Lord Jesus Christ."— GAii. 6 Isaac Watts, arr. :14. Ira D. Sankey. $ ± i 4r ~ ^ -»l-r :3i^ :S 1. When I sur - vey the won-drous 2. For - bid it, Lord, that I should 3. See, from His head, His hands, His 4. Were all the realm of na - ture b b 1/ < y 1/ cross, boast, feet, mine, m -#— ^* ^--* -'^-fc 1y-\y ^=£=£=5: 1. When I sur-vey I :l2=f!=Z|S 5^i^^ the wondrous cross, ■§ ^"=rrr On which the Prince of glo - ry Save in the death of Christ, my Sor - row and love flow min- gled That were a gift by far too died, . Lord; down; small; 12-1 On which the Prince of glo- rydiedjg" $ ^ .^ ^ • ^ 1^ -ir--^: ^ rr My rich - est All earth - ly •'c r^ r Did e'er such love A love so great gain I count but things that charm me and sor - row and so di - most, meet, vine, ^ $=t_=«: i*-i«- ^m My rich - est gain I count but loss, And i)our con - tempt on I sac - ri - fice them Or thorns com - pose so De - mands my soul, my all my pride, to His blood, rich a crown ? life, my all. -n ^ ^ m And pour con-tempt SO Mh Won^xifm ^tm> — ^meUM, m^$^^m 1^ O wondrous cross where Je-sus died, And for my sins was cru-ci-fied; ^fe -^a— ^ J® !-($* «— I (*- :^=i -y-^- f m My longing eyes look up to Thee, Thou blessed Lamb ofCal-va-ry. P 1/ 1/ "? 1^1/ / / No. 79. #ttt §^fU0t " God i^ our refuge and strength."— Ps. 46: 1. Mrs. C. WARREN. Hubert P. Main. I mm ■25'- 1. Je - sus. Thou Ref - uge 2. Tho' clouds may rise, tho' 3. No jjower on earth, or 4. Not death it - self, that m I ^1 of the soul, tem-pests rage, power be- low, last dread foe, J-^ 1-^- -r'5'- • Sg^ |» _j_ _g- m To Thy dear arms I flee ; Thou wilt my shel - ter be, Can tear me from Thy side, Can hold me with his chain m^m=^ r- $ ^=^=5t f ^l -^—^ -^ :^-^: 1 From Sa- tan's wiles, from self and sin, O make and keep me free. While with a stead - fast heart and true, My trust is stayed on Thee. If ';ieath Thy shel - t'ring wings of love, Dear Ref- uge, I a -bide. Thro' Christjwho con - quered Death, I rise, And life e - ter - nal gain. ^ . J kl 1 , @1 ^ I n No. 80. ftt p«? p Ml Haw §tMt "In me ye might have peace."— John 16 : 33. Mrs. E. W. Chapman. j. h. Tbnnby. ES5E^-^ rt m^i^^^^^i^±Ei^^ ^r- 1. In times of sor-row,God is near, His vig - ils nev- er cease, — 2. The' long undwea-ry is the night. And morn brings no re- lief, 3. His love V7e may not un- der-stand, While tri - als herein - crease, 4. Soon shall our eyes the land be- hold Where pain and care shall cease ; -•■- ^ — {^ — ^ — ^ 1 -Jt-^-i^-z-i^-l ^—m—^ m I =i: --^' :s^: f His ten - der, lov-ing voice I hear, "In Me Yet faith the promise still be- lieves, " In Me But yet we know His v7ord is sure, "In Me Till then we'll trust the promise sweet, "In Me ye shall have peace. "§ ye shall have peace.'* 2 ye shall have peace."-? ye shall have peace."? m ^=^ -m—»- t^ y — \/- fq=r!: 1 t^ :N^=^ -^-r i Choeus. i * —^- -^- fe lit:: '^m r :£13 jS, O bless - - ed peace! sweet boon of heav'n ! That O blessed peace ! O blessed peace! sweet boon of heav'n! sweet boon of heav'nl That -•- -•- -•- -••^ -^- -i0- -♦- -<•- -<^- -|^- -^ 0) ^ t^ — ly — i!^ — ^ H ^^^ ::^=E^- psptSi bids our trouble cease ;0 precious word, divinely giv'n, "In Me ye shall have peace!" -fc— H \/-\ h— -^-^l»- H ^~!~l — I—- .--+-- g=t=i^-t v-t/-y- SS EE= ±vz:tt Ho. 81. i^ $Mm ift ih ^xifH, "A good soldier of Jesus Christ."— 2 Tim. 2: 3. Isaac Watts. Ira D. Sankby. ^ -I — I ^ s=i=jTrs=^-3:^ 1. Am I a sol- dier of the cross — A fol-lower of the Lamh ? 2. Must I be car- ried to the skies, On flow- ery beds of ease, 3. Are there no foes for me to face ? Must I not stem the flood ? 4. Since I must fight if I would reign, In-crease my cour- age, Lord ! 3 ^3^ tr — \/. I . ]/ - -F h h- I I I- -5^— V- fZ- ^ip^^^i wm '-•»T-r"f» And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? While oth - ers fought to win the prize, And sailed thro' blood - y seas ? Is this vile world a friend to grace. To help me on to God ? I'll bear the toil, en-dure the pain. Sup - port -ed by Thy word. m ^ ^=^ r Chorus. ^-j- ^=i.=^\=d: ± ?l=#r-' -¥—tt ■«-i»- -,*— ^— S- ~-¥=F- rrt- ^— S3 In the name .... of Christ the King, Who hath In the name of Christ the King, ■f rrr-r :^ ^- - ^— y— y— ^- -n-^-i^ -¥—^- -^ — I- 4 u in ^=*=^- i?i -T ^E^ i-f - ^ :" g V^ as •g"-#) ^: rrp purchas'dlife for me. Thro' grace I'll win the promise crown, What-e'er my cross maybe. @3 No. 82. gtg ^0d att4 my |^tt Wm. Young, Behold, God is mine helper."— Ps. 54: 4. J. R. Mtjeray. =^ 1^=:^ at « m—* 1 ■^ — ai 1 • ■•'— 1. While Thou, O my God, art my help and de-fend - er, No 2. Yes, Thou art my ref - uge in sor - row and dan - ger, My 3. And when Thou de-mand - est the life Thou hast giv - en, With I ^ -N— 4- S^: ^ -J- :g=3= jt* •^-«- Rfl* cares can o'er-whelm me, no ter - rors ap-pall; The "wiles and the strength when I suf - fer, my hope when I fall; My com - fort and joy will I an - swer thy mer - ci - ful call. And quit this poor -»■ — » — I b — I— la- ta- p*s; -M=^ m r=nr -^^ fer ^^^^ snares of the world will but ren - der More live - ly my hope in my joy in this land of the stran- ger, My treaa-ure,my glo - ry, my earth but to find thee in heav - en. My por - tion for - ev - er, my ^S^i ^ t r^^=r='='=^=f=r^ '^T=rf p Refrain. Mv God -wi- J Ji and my all, My ^ — 1 ^ . ^EElES ^ God and ray God and my God and my ^m T all. ) r all. \ T all. J My God, my all, -^ 7- S4 PH ^0A m& my ^\l—€mtkM, God and my all, tei^^yEE^ B. ^.rlf * i^3=^^ J: S fe^3Ee My God, my all, My treas-ure, my glo - ry, My God and my all ^ — ^ — 1^ ; I _ _ _ _ ^=^-1: -r-t^-tr V — t^- :^=t i^Ezq^: ^ No. 83. (9 f ^im to Satti wifli |(m$. "Words arr. ' Let me talk with thee."— Jer. 12 : 1. W. G. Fischer, by per. -. I v^ I love to talk with Je - sus, for it smooths the rug-ged road; \ *\And it seems to help me on-ward,when I faint be-neath myload; j 2. r Oft I tell Him I am wea - ry, and I fain would be at rest; 1 That I'm dai - ly, hour-ly, long - ing to re-pose up - on Hisbreast; ^i_:f^: — ^L-^^ — ^ — f> ^ m — ^ — ^ . i* -,-.a- iliE^^ii& ^ — ^ T =sr-=^: -y- I ^-1- f- 1 1— r 1 1 -^ m 1 1 f— I— H— ; \ « !-f i 1 When my heart is crush'd with sor- row, and my eyes with tears are dim, And He an-swersme so kind -ly, in the tend' rest tones of love, -^ — f- -g — I* -IK 1^. ^*-H* h- hr— b- t=t^-=l^ -W-2-^— ^ •p= ar-| ;— ■ P^ 4 — -^ H 1^=3^ ..9' ^ ^'l There is nought can yield me com- fort " I am com - ing soon to take thee like a lit- tie talk with Him. to my hap - py home a - bove. ' ' m^ i (^ i» •• .^1_±_4^- i p-f -S-^ :^=U: :k=^ r-r— f ^: 3 Though the way is long and dreary to that far off distant clime, Yet I know that my Redeemer journeys with me all the time; And the more I come to know Him, and His wondrous grace explore, How my longing groweth stronger still to knew Him more and more. 4 So I'll wait a little longer, till my Lord's appointed time, And along the upward pathway still my pilgrim feet shall climb; Soon within my Father's dwelling, where the many mansions be, I shall see my blessed Saviour, and He then will talk with me. No. 84. <^itt0 tttttof tk §mi " Give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness."— Ps. 30 J 4. J. H. Johnston. James McGranahan. D^ t~ sing, -^ ' ' Sing nn-to the Lord, O m zJt ye saints of His, sing, ¥=i 5=t gz \ /-y-y-j — *- *-^^— ^^ i^ :5t-:3: ^ Sing nn-to the Lord, And at the remembrance of Hia ho- li-ness,l ^ I* I * C- a? ^ ( » W ^^ :Ma£=^ :tl^=^=^ v^=^-- :^-=Mt :r::t I ^ JM*>-J^ Fine. :af:a!r* SE$E«^^^S r -(S?;— 3^ {■'■ 1. O Lord, Thy lov- ing kind- ness Doth O give thanks unto the Lord." -| 2. Thy goodness we re-mem - ber, We 3. Let saints re-count His mer - cies, And -k. ?:: H=:^2- n± i £E^ ES^EferEli; :zb: :l2z:pEizi^zi^=:5^:^ corn-pass all our ways, And " Thy compass-ions fail not," Thro' all the praise Thy ho - li - r.ess, We look to Thee, O Sav- iour, To save, and fill His courts with praise; Let all who know His goodness, Their hal - le- ^ -<9-» ■m j— r— r 1/ I r EiE s 6G <^itt9 ttttt0 iht ^0kA. — (^0\xd\iM. ^=^^^^^^^^^^m pass- ing days; To Thee, O great Je- ho -vah, In "time of need" we cry ; heal, and bless ; 'Tls by Thy lov-ing fe- vor Thy trusting children stand, In - jahs raise; Praise God, the lov- ing Fa- ther, And Jesus Christ His Son, !*--♦- -5?-' S:5Ep^: S f ■'^^^ ^=M=^ 1 zsezim: ^^-^ i^^^^i^i^^li ^^ See And all who call up - on Thee Shall find Up- held, and kept, and guid- ed. By Thy With God the Ho - ly Spir - it, The glo - I Thee ev- er nigh. pro-tect - ing hand. rious Three in One. :^ziz:.fe: -^ £ ^^ m m No. 85, f watt Ut %\kU, # ^tsxi. "My soul waiteth for the Lord."— Ps. 130: 8. E.B. M. A. Sea. ^:E£iE3- -i=i-. wait wait wait wait wait ^iEE for Thee, for Thee, for Thee, for Thee, for Thee, -1^— r^- Lord! Thy Lord! Be - Lord! Thy Lord! Thy Lord! But glo - rious face fore Thy feet lov - ing hand rapt - ure deep for a lit ■ to to to to tie r fall, feel, know, while: ^ f- IN ^ r^ i^iiP^i^pi^ ■J^- ^^ 1 That ho - ly To wor - ship low - ly Whose ten - der touch can Of liv - ing ev - er - This night my long- ing, face that once was marred Was marred, O Lord, for ■^_ H*— I*- and a - dore My Sav - iour, all m e - ven now The wounded spir- it more with Thee; Love can- not more be - eyes may meet Thy joy - ful, wel- come t--=t: m f me. all. heal, stow, smile. ill sr No. 86. Wtit pantj ^mmbn, »• Let not your heart be troubled."— John 14: 1, Charles Bruce. Ira D. Sankby. I±'^^ r -^ -h 1 ^-J — ^• rH--1 . -(^•=d J=s- :] 1 n — 1 ~A ~X ^ m ^Td ■ ' 1 1 ^1 « ^ ' \^\ J ^ * <5r 1 v; 4' — 1 ! ! ! -^ -f0 ^^ \ J « ^1 1 ^^ J J 4, ^j^ * 1. How oft our 2. How oft a - 3. may our 4. Then let us r souls mid faith workj are lift- ed up, When clouds are dark and drear, our dai - ly toil, With anxious care oppressed, in Him be strong,Who feels our ev - 'ry care, and watch and pray, Re - ly - ing on the love i-l 1 • ! ! M J Pl:t- " ^ ^ '^ MB ^ A •■ * 1 ra ^ (^ ^ * - I- ^ 1 ^— ^- -^- ^ Sr -p p= -^ L_ |5^ 4-^ 1 — -t^ bs- J^ -1*- 1 [— -1 h— -1 1 — 1 ' _? — 1 " r r 1 1 I ' p i^ i i=q=4 -^--JTJ -25^ L ^^=^^^=3^ '-s^ X^-^ For Je - sus comes, and kind- ly speaks These loving words of cheer, g We hear a - gain the pre - cious word That tells of joy and rest. 2 And will for us, as He hath said, A place in heaven prepare. * Of Him who now prepares a place For us in heav'n a - hove. ® I 1^ I 1^ I 2 John 14: 2. P Chorus. :^ E^^*: ^ Siiil ^=S=i "In my Fa - ther's house are ma- ny man - sions; If it « (Z ee£ 4z=t=?c r^r=p t:i: qv— =?£ ^ *Et ♦ ^- — ■•— ^ — ♦ — '-, S^ were not so I would have told you; In my 1^ ^=^=^ ss Fa f ther*s f ®k pany pattisiw — €l0ttdttM. m^M Ritard. ?i=§^=^ m house are ma - ny mansions, I go to pre-pare a -♦- -^- -si-. place for you.' > > .^R^^ i No. 87. ^^ WmtM Mi fflSttsS. Anon. "Sir, we would see Jesus."— John 12: 21, F. Mendelssohn. Arr. i ^ -«^■ -J We would see We would see We would see We would see :a!=5|: ^ ::1: ^^=J?|- i sus— for the shad-ows leugth-en A- cross this sus— the great Rock-fouu-da - tion, Where-ouour sus— oth - er lights are pal - iug, Which for long sus— this is all we're needing, Strength, joy, and mr-i^- -^M t B^:-i^ ^=Sr f i^t fcb^ZJ 3!F^=i=5^ :3^=S :^:3=Sq -ah -^ -«- ^^S^^^: lit - tie land-scape of our life; We would see Je - sus, feet were set with sov'reign grace; Not life, nor death, with years we have re-joicedto see; The bless- ings of our will - ing-ness, come with the sight; We would see Je - sus, our weak all their pil-grim - dy- ing, S :^zi-_?R. :f:=t:: i^Pi^ faith to strengthen ag - 1 - ta - tion, age are fail - ing ris- en, plead-ing ; ^rr ^ =1 --^^=3F=f SEESzIi^ziB -^H^S-"-^- Pi5 s m For the last wea - ri - ness — the fi - nal strife. Can thence re- move us, if we see His face. We would not mourn them, for we go to Thee. Then welcome, day! and farewell, mor- tal night! ^O No. 88. ^xubm §W of §m$, "The precious blood of Christ."—! Pet. 1: 19. Frances R, Havergal. J. H. Burke. 1. Pre - ciousjpre-cious blood of Je - sus, Shed on Cal - va - ry ; 2. Though thy sins are red like crim-son, Deep in scar -let glow, 3. Pre - cious blood that hath redeemed us! All the price is paid! 4. Pre - cious blood, by this we con- quer In the fierc- est fight, i £: Wt * p^ i -«$+- -zi- Shed for reb - els, shed for sin- ners, Shed for thee! Je - sus* pre - cious blood shall wash thee White as snow. Per - feet par - don now is of- fered, Peace is made. Sin and Sa - tan o - ver-com-ing, By its might. m _^_!_ ^^N— ^ — kw — Lr — 4^- J-!^ &± i E^a^ Chorus. ■^kk^idi,i= ^^ the precious blood of Je - sus, Shed on Cal - va - ry ; m y -rf —^- ^^=fefe=i ^ 1 1 — 1^ ? ^ ^ :^: be-lieve it, O receive it, m^mmmm ¥ I ^ — I 'Tis :^= for thee. e &0 No. 89. f j»tttt0 pm itt €hxm mt f M Dedicated to the Young Men's Chrietian Associations of the "World. Robert Weidensall. Geo. C. Stebbins. _j , 1 — ^ . I ^ — I ^— p*^ t ^^. 1. Young men 2. Young men 3. Young men 4. Young men in Christ the Lord, Own Him your Sav-iour in Christ the Lord, Be might - y in His in Christ the King, Your grate - ful trib-ute in Christ the Friend,On Him all hopes de- God, word, bring, pend, I b _U-J-^ E 3 U— 1- 1 J Lj ^s=?-=^^=F''-i^=ztB 5 ^-M-^ His name a - dore; Its truths de - clare; Of love and praise; Of true re - lief: I For by His wond'rous sac - ri - fice. And seek the Ho - ly Spir - it's power, U - nit - ed in His roy - al name. To ev - 'ry bur-den ed soul you meet, ^^^r^- ~r~ r I ± c — u~ Hr \dt & m f=^T^F^Pf U-4- 45=f ^^ 4 — A- y ^n: _^^jj^j^ :t=^ I He paidthegreat redemption price,That all might have e - ter - nal life, By faith and per- se-vering prayer, That ye may wit-ness a - ny- where. With loyal hearts His words proclaim,Throughout the world to all Young Men, His gracious, loving words, so sweet, ' ' Come un - to me, ' ' with love re - peat, -e^ .^ j^ i^^^iiu That come That sin • "Fe muit "■And I Him. found. ei 5 Young men in Christ, arise, The world before you lies, Enslaved in sin; Malce haste to swell the mission band, Prepared to go at His command, To save lost men in every land, • At any sacrifice. 6 Young men in Christ the Son, In Him we all are one; For this He prayed; Then let us join the heavenly throng, To sound His praise in endless song, For all we have and are belong To Christ, our Lord Pivine. No. 90. €mh^ ^mt ®i)(-p0lti "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."— John 6: 37. Fannt J. Crosby. Robert Lowry. —I . ^ - — « — «-f ^ ' - m — ■< r? Sid: g 1. We are com-ing home to Je - sus, We have heard His welcome voice 2. We are com-ing home to Je - sus, For He died that we might live 3. We are com-ing home to Je - sus, By the cross, our on - ly way ^^^=^- ^JV^tJU^ ^ M^ We are trust-ing in His good-ness, In His mer - cy we re-joice He is willing to re-ceive us, He is wait-ing to for-give There He finished our re-demption, And we can no more de-lay. :^=^- ^zizteizf: > f Refrain. com-ing, com - ing com-ing, com-ing ^i-#-^ -3^~^ \- =3=^"?= — Is— -3^ We are wt9 — M _g__gZTZ com - ing from — S — i- the dark • ness to =1= the ^J5_4, '^ =^- -^ ^- T^ — — t^ =t^_ =M ^^ Ught; lEt *=*: We are com-mg . home, We are light, to the light; 7 7 com - mg, com-ing -^ — L# ^: _|K. |HS._ S=qs; grgr;:^: £^ r? -^_» i com - ing home, We are com- ing home to - night. H 1 1 1 1 . . ^ 1/ com-ing, com-ing com-ing, com-ing No. 91. §it (Bvm, m th6 ^'^ «d J r ^£^^i P :^=± •^t!?-' — fe— ?■ -f— -f No. 96. # €0mt U ttte pewiM ^a»i(»ut " Come unto me all ye that labor."— Matt. 11 : F. W. Faber, arr. Moderaio. , IBA D. SANKBY. t-t-: ^^i=S f-^JSr-r^Zr^-^r^ 1. O come to the mer - ci - ful Sav- iour who calls you, O 2. O come then to Je - sus whose arms are ex - tend - ed To 3. Then come to the Sav- iour, whose mer - cy grows bright- er The 4=! Jbzg; ■W4 ;EeeE P^ 1 — r!>-tFFi — j-\-^ i=t=r=ip=* s^^ come fold long m to the Lord who for - gives and for - gets ; Tho' dark be the -" His dear chil - dren in clos - est em- brace ; O come, and your '^ • er you look at the depths of His love ; O fear not, 'tis g- depths 4--, ::t=-1=:t 3=* -« p^l i— •— »l ■« -^- ?^=»Z=1^ I J fort - uneon earth that be -falls you, A bright home a - waits you whose ex - ile shall short- ly be end ■ ed, And Je - sus will show you the Je- sus, and life's cares grow light-er While think-ing of home and the ■^t ^-^ — t^ i t=i=t ^ Choeus. Come home, . . come home, . :^=s: :i; =::(: f- -^- sun nev - er sets. light of His face, glo - ry a - bove. Come home, 1^- :^— come home, in 1— 1 — c^ ■- ^ ^=Zr OS $ ^gi 3=^&^: r ■<&- ^ dark-nes3 no long - er to roam, 'Tis Je - sus who ten-der- ly mmm Ts: •^- -•- T#- -!•- -♦- ±zi:=t ^t^t I ^=ajz=il=i|: :s: 1^=3 ^mw: i=i:?=i- f M calls you to - day, Oh broth- er, my broth -er, come home. eEi= e NM4^^# g *2--^ H ^— I— No. 97. " My Kefuge, my Saviour."— 2 Sam. 22: 3. Dora Grehnweli,. WM. J. KntKPATBICE. -^-(s- I i=f=i=^ I am notskill'dto understand WhatGod hath will'd, what God hath plann'd; I take Him at His word indeed : "Christ died for sinners, " this I read ; That He should leave His place on high. And come for sinful man to die, And O! that He fulfilled may see The travail of His soul in me, 5. Yea, living, dying, let me bring My strength, my solace from this spring, ,jHl^l^ I on -ly know at His right hand Is One who is my Sav For in my heart I find a need Of Him to be my Sav You count it strange ? — so once did I, Be - fore I knew my Sav And with His work con-tent-ed be, As I with my dear Sav That He who lives to be my King Once died to be my Sav lour! iour! iour! iour! iour! V 1^ I - ^ -^— t^- f-^^ :^"^S pp: ^ UO No. 98. (SlMsiit tk ^mvAmn, "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleaneth us from all sin."— 1 Jsro. 1: 7. Newman HAi^ii. C. C. Casb. N ^ ^=:fcT^ S: ^ ^^m :i=4-||jr m Fount - ain of pur - i - ty o - pened for sin, Though I have la - bored a - gain and a - gain, Cleanse Thou the thoughts of my heart, I im- plore, Whit - er than snow! noth-ing far-ther I need, Here All Help Christ may the my self- meThy is the e^^ i^.^.^ ^=^#=1^ f iSE r-nr f > I p s^ ^ i^Ei i^=S; >— -r —I ■• ah— -m- ~9- -S- 1 ■^^mZ: pen - i - tent wash and be clean ; Je - sus. Thou bless - ed Re cleans - ing is ut - ter - ly vain ; Je - sus, Re- deem - er from light to re- fleet more and more; Dai - ly in lov - ing o - Fount- ain; this on - ly I plead ; Je - sus my Sav - iour, to N _S ^K K K S t=t. -^'- .J 2; a i fcdb: =ai :^g=z^=z^^±^zp^^ g— i-l-^^^ deem - er from woe, Wash me and I shall be whit - er than snow, sor - row and woe, Wash me and I shall be whit - er than snow be - dience to grow. Wash me and I shall be whit - er than snow Thee will I go, Wash me and I shall be whit - er than snow. ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ £ Si E t^: V Choeus. MITJ ,__ H J ^ 1 Jt :=t Whit er than snow, Whit - er than snow, whit er than mi xoo ^Imisit ihe ^mnim, — ^omkM, i ^m^m. I ^r. ■^i snow, whit - er than snow -m- ^» »~\ Wash me, Ee - deem er, Wash me, Re- deem - er. r^ ■ v^7-^-tr m :~r^ r- And I shall be whit - er than snow. whit - er than snow. — «■ m- •- m No. 99. Pm mMn, "Create In me a clean heart, O God."— Ps. 51 : 10. J. H. Johnston. James McGbanahan. W I SE3: --r Pi!r-^5ti;> 1. I bring to Thee, O Mas - ter, My bur- den and my grief ; 2. I bring my guilt- y nat - ure, For cleans - ingand for cure; 3. Thy mer - cy reach- es low- er Than all the depths of sin; 4. My fal-tering faith I bring Thee, My weak and wavering will; -i5? •■ ^^m^^ f I — r- f ps -^ « -^) 1 i .-LI ?EE5 ■^=3=^ -^<. I do believe Thy prom - ise, Help Thou mine un - be - Oh, heal my sore dis - eas - es, Re - store and make me As Thy com-pas-sions fail not, Oh, give me peace with My spir - it fails and fal-ters; Thy prom - is - es ful - lief, pure. - in. fill. ig^ -1^.-1- r="=^ ss; giBTzgz;; i y--h IQX No. 100. F, J. Crosby. m0 ®0-§ajj. Rise, he calleth thee."— Mark 10 j 49. JNO. R. SWENEY. I^p^^ :^: ^ :^=q^ :i!--^; r-"^5r-^ir:it— ^ 1. Out on the des - ert, seek-ing, seek - ing, Sin - ner, 'tis Je - sos 2. Still He is wait - ing, wait-ing, wait -ing; O what com-pas - siou 3. Lov - ing - ly plead -ing, pleading, plead-ing, Mer - cy, though slighted, I i ^-^-—.^ f^ -T^ —T ^ -^ m^ :|^: -8^ i ^3^mm i E -^ 1 ^- seek - ing for thee; Ten - der - ly beams in His eye! Hear Him re bears with thee yet; Thou canst be call - ing, call- ing, call -ing, § peat - ing, gen - tly, gen - tly, § hap - py, B i hap-py, hap- py; q —^ ^t_._. I fe^^ Eefrain. S ^_4^_|N^4 '^3. Hith- er, thou lost one, O come un - to Me. Come to thy Sav-iour, O why wilt thou die? ^ Je - bus ls call-ing, | Come ere the life-star for - ev - er shall set. e. ^ t. ) w £=£=f: m. ^ m tj.. f^ ^^ t ^ T p f ' I :ife i^ i SHE i^^^^EES — -: ! (•~--l»- — »- Je - sus is call - ing ; Why dost thou lin - ger? why tar - ry a - way? m. ^ £ ^=^ iEit ^A^^^- f N-dV Come to Him quickly,say to Him gladly. Lord, I am coming, coming to-day. ^ ^ ^ lO^ No. 101, m& §\m %m. "God, even our Father, comfort your hearts."— 2 Thess. 2: 16, 17. Eli Nathan. James McGranahan. r_^^iz=Szzfz^-J±iil-ZJij!-^=;jEEg=z:^ 1. "God bless you!" from the heart we sing, God give to ev- 'ry one Hisgrace, 2. God bless you on your pilgrim way, Thro' storm and sunshine guiding still ; 3. God bless you in this world of strife, When oft the soul would homeward fly, 4. God bless you, and the patience give To walk thro' life by Je- sus' side; 5. God bless us all, and give us rest When Christ shall come and glo-ry dawn; b »— k» — m- -m — \ 1*— -t^-r — »- — «^ — -^ — M^ 3^^ -i h-^S- \ h^ — F" F Till He on high His ransomed bring To dwell with Him in endless peace. His pres-ence guard you day by day, And keep you safe from ev'ry ill. And give the sweetness to your life, Of wait ing for the rest on high. For Him to bear, for Him to live, And then with Him be glo- ri -fied. Our sun is swinging toward the west, Life's little day will soon be gone, - -^-W — «- — » £3t J -^ ^ .- EE3 ^1 :^--Nc m Chorus. I , 4S-.-4 ;3±=^ S^E^^^i^-jz^ll -±: :^: m God bless you! God bless you! Bless and keep us all in Je - sus' love, Z^l^Z H»- — U~ -h^- ^^^ -W- — (*• W— e=e: ■v-t—[ I And, when our partings here are o-ver,Takeu3 to the joys a-bove. when our partings, ^ : :?: -1e--:iE ■-1==^5=?= g -1*--^ :^z^ :W=t -^— ^- £=-£=E"= Sitezz^Ef; >-i^ :^=^=k "7^-^ ztitt m 19 103 No. 102. |!S ®% €m&^ fit (^mUxt Jdtmg? Neither did the cruse of oil fail."— 1 King. 17 : 16. Mrs. E. R. CHARiiES, arr. Ira D. Sankey. »t- i^r^ ?EE* Is thy cruse of com- fort fail-ing? Rise and share it with a friend, For the heart grows rich in giv- ing; All its wealth is liv - ing grain; 3. Lost and wea - ry on the mountains, Wouldst thou sleep amidst the snow? 4. Is thy heart a well left emp- ty ? None but God its void can fill; t=r^ m v--tr i^ SEs And thro' all the years of fam- ine Seeds, which mildew in the gar- ner, Chafe that froz- en form be-side thee, Noth-ing but a ceaseless fountain ^ii -■r=f^ F=t i ^ It shall serve Thee to the end. Scattered, fill with gold the plain. And to-geth - er both shall glow. Can its ceaseless long-ings still. ^fe=F!^ -^^=^ Love di- vine will fill thy store-house, Or thy handful still re - new, Is thy bur - den hard and heav- y ? Do thy steps drag wea - ri - ly ? Art thou wounded in life's bat- tie ? Ma- ny stricken round thee moan; Is thy heart a liv - ing pow- er? Self-entwined, its strength sinks low; P ^ tr±:r=[^^ m »=^^: n rr i ^^^^^^ * Scant -y fare for one will oft - en Make a roy - al feast for two ; Help to lift thy brother's bur- den, God will bear both it and thee ; Give to them thy pre- cious ointment, And that balm shall heal thine own ; It can on - ly live by lov - ing. And by serv - ing love will grow ; iiSSS=^^EE£ %- p 104 f is ®fcg €>mM, ttt. — ^0ttdttM ^^^M^^^ii^ Scant - y fare for one will oft - en Make a roy - al feast for two. Help to lift thy brother's bur-den, God will bear both it and thee. Give to them thy precious ointment, And that balm shall heal thine own. It can on - ly live by lov- ing, And by serv - ing love will grow. No. 103. F. J. Crosby, I 'Christ is all and in all."— Col. 3: IL rit Anon. m^^ i:* ± 1. Lord, at Thy 2. Tears of re - 3. Still at Thy r-? ^ '^m mer - cy-seat, Hum- bly pent- ant grief Si - lent - mer - cy-seat, Sav - lour, ^ _^ fall; Plead-ing Thy fall; Help Thou my fall ; Trust- ing Thy ^ P ^ fc* f t±& :^^k^^^=^i^ ^ r -rr r r prom - ise sweet, Lord, hear my un - be- lief. Hear Thou my prom - ise sweet, Heard is my efe ^ip i call; Now let Thy work be-gin, call; Oh, how I pine for Thee! call; Faith wings my soul to Thee j ^^ ^ m ? £ l^^^i^^^^ Oh, make me pure within, Cleanse me from every sin, Je - sus, my all. 'Tis all my hope and plea: Je- sus has died for me, Je - sus, my all. This all my song shall be, Je- sus has died for me, Je sus, my all. No. 104. ^ingitt0 ttfitit tof* t0 tht ^oxA, "Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."— Col. 3: 16. J. H. Johnston. Jamks McGranahak. ^ ^ ^ I fete ^=^^=^^^5=^=5=5: .J— J— J- 1. Come in - to His pres-ence with sing - ing, O wor-ship the 2. Not yet as the an- gels in heav - en, May mor- tals their 3. Then come to His courts with re- joic - ing, And join in the N N N N \ ^ -i^ !?i^ KJ^ N :^z=:5=-W=:i: i * 1E=}S :a|=^=ai: V , V U I — 1 -•^3- -iT'^ Lord with a song, A trib - ute of grat - i - tude bring-ing, ^ grat - i-tude sing; Not here up- on earth is it giv -en, g cho - rus of praise; The pray 'r and the an- them but voic-ing | ^_^L_,_ J:::^ J__> - N N N N N .\ \ ^ I To Him to whom praises be - long; But oh,whileyoujoininthanks- Per- feet- ion of serv-ice to bring; But ear-nest and true ad - o - The thanks which your loving hearts raise; "With grace in your hearts e-ven ^^=^^5 giv- ing, With voic- es in tune- ful ac - cord, Ee - mem-ber. He ra - tion. The heart in the hymn and the pray' r. Will be an ac- du-ty Will change in- to pleas- ure ere long, And see- ing the mm m ^-T^ -» — W- — I* — (*— H ^ V — ]/ lOO rrr- I i^ & ^ •«^ — «! «! ■« — m — • — -m :^ —M =^ Is watch - es your liv • ing, And sing with your hearts to the Lord, cept - ed ob - la - tiou, And light - en life's bur - den and care. King in His beau - ty, Your life shall then be as a song. M^. i^^: '^^=TT^ ^--f-- i2Z.tkE^E:il -r-^^t Chorus. . \^ N \ — H Q,l7U J — J^ --J— -^ =H — 1 ■^W-^ r -r- "■ ■ « — ^ — m — — — — Ji^ — r-- \>v *^ r r t 1 " ! ^ " ',• c/ ^ 1/ 1/ Sing - ing, . . . Sing - ing with f^ ^ -r- grace 1/ in . . . sing - your heart \y ing . to the 1 Lord, -I*-- /m\* It 1 i W 1 glvl2.k_^ L . ^- ._E_ 1 k ^ F • H^-r-> — r — p- i'' ""ir- ^ — r — ' 1 1 F ^^ / / I fet i^^=^ w^^. :^==* ■if^ t'-t^-s^— ;■ F*-— -•■- m^. ^ y V This is true wor - ship and love ; Liv - ing, Liv - ing and sing- ing in m V- -m — m- ^fl¥ sc % w u m •IpH-r ^^^ sing - ing This is ac - cept - ed a - bove. sweet - est ac- cord, > . -r- g*^ S^ m w loy No. 105. %xm-'§avtd, ^tftM^g^attci "I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart."— Ps. 9: 1. Frances R. Havekgal. Geo. c. Stebbins. pj^m^ms^mm sftM^ 1. True-hearted, whole-hearted, faithful and loyal, King of our lives, by Thy 2. True-hearted, whole-hearted, fullest al-le-giance Yielding henceforth to our 3. True-hearted, whole-hearted, Saviour all gloriousl Take Thy great power and grace we will be; Un - der the stan-dard ex- alt - ed and roy - al, g glo - ri-ous King ; Val- iant en-deav- or and lov - ing o - be-dience, a reign there a - lone, O - ver our wills and af- fee- tions vie - to - rious. m ^=p^ -f^--m- ■-f-^ m $ 4—4- Choeus. ^ ^^^ll^^g -wi—ash :s_i_^ — ^- f3 Strong in Thy strength we will battle for Thee. Free - ly and joy -ous-ly now would we bring Free - ly sur-rendered and who - ly Thine own. Peal out the watchword! Peal ^ =E --f^-t^ ^ m^^^^^ ^ A^^.JS-^.-\—\^ !?;^5±5: 3to si - lence it nev- er ! Song of our spir- its re - joic - ing and free ; silence Song rejoicing and free ; silence Song y-r-r g -y-v- ^^^I^Z^\ 108 '^mt-'^t^ttd, ^^ktitt-^atitL — €mduM. ^^=^^.^^=^^ ic=^ m^ Peal out the watch - word ! Peal -^ loj - al for - ev - er, loy - al m^f^E^EE^m ^ t , t -^< ^ I, -y — I/- -z,=^-r-]- — I s-~ . . -sr-44 fctfc^-^l^s- "' h-^-.- —— j— — -«— gj «_ i — ?^ -^^=t ^fl tf 1 — ^ ^ — f • •- -^r King of our lives, By thy grace we will be. King ^. .^ ^ ^•L. . 1 ij^f— ^-.>-f— U- 1-^ 1 — 1 — tz -^=^ ^^__±-^_ -«r+l H-^-^^-L'-^— 1^ □__ 1 *^ -i — F^ --r: — r^ -Hi No. 106. §U»i §tm^, (^mnt W ^ixm0i. "Give Thy strength unto thy Servant."— Ps. 86:16. Rev. W. W. How. G. J. Elvey. i » i ■■m — m — "•!- TtU? -<5^- ^- I 17" '^^ 1. Blest Je- sus, gi-ant us strength to take Our dai-ly cross, what e' er it be, 2. And day by day, we hum-bly ask That ho-ly mem 'ries of Thy cross 3. Help us, dear Lord, our cross to bear. Till at Thy feet we lay it down; A ^ ^ ^^^: e=i^ -^-^ fe ^l jO. t ip*; t=t f=t f=t=f f r^ s J J 's ^ ^ P s ¥ #: ■^ r*^r And gladly, for Thineown dear sake, In paths of du - ty fol- low Thee. Maysancti - fy each com-mon task, And turntogain each earth -ly loss. Win thro' Thy bloodourpardonthere,And thro' the Crossattain the Crown. lOO No. 107. %h $m0\tt*^ ^mt. *The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."— 2 Cob. 4: 6. Words arr. Reverently. Geo. F. Root. 1. How sweet, O Lord, Thy Word of grace Which bids a sin - ner 2. Thy visage, marred and crown-ed with thorn. Thou didst not hide from 3. The heavens de- clare Thy power and love; In all Thy works, be - 4. The bright- ness of Thy glo - ry, Lord, Fills heaven and earth and M: •i-r ■4—* t=t ^^^^■^^^^^^ :^z=^: f *E=* r-t—\- i^ ii^ w. t=^ seek Thy face. And nev - er seek in vain, grief and scorn, Nor from the dews of night, low, a - bove,Thy maj - es - ty I trace, writ-ten word With beams of heaven-ly grace, r ^Q^ And nev - er seek in Nor from the dews of Thy maj - es - ty I With beams of heavenly P iir: i^ f :^ 1 \/-t m Iv: 4—1- ■M: 3^: t^ W^ ^-%^^-i — ^^aL vain; That face, once set so stead - fast- ly To meet Thy cross of night; Yet, in that face a love appears Which scat- ters all my trace. But mer - cy shines not in the skies, And hope with -in my grace; But all the hosts of Heav- en shine, With no such ra - di - i=^- :^=^: -¥ — h- r=~^^=^ -«-T^*|- ip^TiTS— i^- ^ \- f A ^3Ei ^==1= l—X -.-^-A ^ --w^-mh m ag - on - y. Can nev - er me dis - dain. Can nev - er me dis - dain. gloom- y fears, And fills my soul with light. And fills my soul with light, spir - it dies, Un - til I see Thy face, Un - til I see Thy face, ance di-vine, As Thy most bless - ed face, As Thy most bless-ed face. No. 108. paM0W-— r 111 No. 109. %)xm isktt k ^aM ••If thou Shalt confess the Lord Jesus."— Rom. 10: 9. Eli. Nathan. James McGranahan. m^^i^^^^^^m 1. Behold how plain the truth is made Since Christ the ransom price has paid, 2. Thedeathof Christ up- on the tree Was for the judgment due to thee, 3. By rais- ing Je - sus from the dead Our bless- ed God has sure - ly said, 4. And now to God as sons brought nigh We come and" Ab-ba Fath-er " cry, ^3^E^^ f-f^^ I ^ — :r—^ — ^-j-m — m --8--*^- F=Ff $ A—] — =hS^ -^ 3 :^i; ^5=^ And all our sins on Him were laid We must in Him be He died that thou mightstransom'd be And live by faith in That He accepts the blood He shed As cleans-ing us from And seek the Spir - it's full sup- ply That we as sons may saved. Him. sin. live. ^=f^ -?»-H«- i # •"— r(*-H* ^iS I Chokus. *q ^S If thou shalt con - fess with thy mouth, Confess with thy mouth the Lord i- mm $ SEES ^zii^z^:^! ^ — 1?~ •* • 1/ / %^^ rr f ^ ^m r Je - sus And be- lieve in thine heart, That God hath raised i=p s ^^^fe^^ e=^:^^=FEf ^=qr. J^J^J 4-_A-^ 4^1 :a|=zil— ^ t«* n ¥=-'- fete: Him from the dead, Thou shalt be saved, Thou shalt be saved. m-^ — ^ 1^_ -\ 1 — ^ — V — k :|^:^ifzzUz=tit^ I ^ .^EE^F £^S^ P 11» No. 110. WAt ^0kA ^tt^ ^at^it §timm %. " Mizpah ; * * * The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another."— Gen. 31: 49. i J. H. Johnston Allegro. James McGranahan. fei i :^: ^ g-l- j -j * '?!S) -a I 1. The Lord keep watch be-tween us, The ev 2. Though ab*- sent from each oth - er, "We are 3. Though time and space may sev - er The Mas w=^ -^-: er pres - ent Friend; not far from Him ; ter's serv - ants here, 4. The Lord Him-self is watch- ing. In ten - der-ness and love; m^ -tz S^S=fe: i^ I P # rr r IeE3^^^& J-, — I- I ^=s= ^ m m^ No love like His so might - j, To keep and to de - fend. Let not our cour - age fal - ter, Let not our faith grow dim. 'Tis on - ly for a sea - son. The meet - ing- time draws near. Let prais - es meet and min - gle A - round the throne a - bove. -m 1 1 — 4=t -t^ — rn— r Choeus. m i- s -^. Miz - pah, Miz - pah, The Lord keep watch be-tween us. Keep watch in ten - d'rest love, ^^BefC F ^ — ^ SEi =tp I y — - » J 1 1 J i N ¥ w ;i=^ Un - til our prais - es min - gle A - round the throne a - bove. ^^ ? E^E ^^ 113 Ho. HI. Jaitfc iis i%t fMowj. "The victory that overcometh the world.even our faith."— 1 JOHK 5j 4. John H. Yates. Iba D. Sankey. N-i;=;-t- « h=i: 3=ii±M 1. Encamped a - long the hills of light, Ye Chris- tian sol - diers, rise, 2. His ban - ner o - ver us is love, Oar sword the word of God; 3. On ev - 'ry hand the foe we find Drawn up in dread ar-ray; 4. To him that o - ver-comes the foe, White rai-ment shall be giv'n; ^ is=t ^ a|=i4 ^ — ^ 1— *— «i m — m- ■•'- ~m- -•- -m- -m- -•- ere the night Shall veil the glow - ing skies; And press the bat - tie _ ^ ^ , We tread the road the saints a - bove With shouts of tri - umph trod; « Let tents of ease be left be -hind. And on -ward to the fray; Be - fore the an -gels he shall know His name con-fesssed in heaven; Sfe "^-i^rP ^ i E^iES to=^ g=g R m A -gainst the foe in vales be- low, Let all our strength be hurled; By faith they,like a whirlwind'sbreath, Swept on o'er ev - 'ry field; Sal - va- tion's hel-met on each head,With truth all girt a - bout, Then on- ward from the hills of light, Our hearts with love a - flame; . - - . - ..- ^ \^~'-)- ^^E^. ^ X ^^ t ^E^ m f^ Faith is the vie - to - ry, we know, That o - ver-comes the world. The faith by which they conquered Death Is still our shin - ing shield. The earth shall tremble 'neath our tread, And ech - o with our shout. We'll vanquish all the hosts of night, In Je - sus* conquering name. '^ -#-H« — m-^» — »—^ — ^ ~ :r^- m ■-F-^ 114 laitfc i^ tk mdm^,—€0mMd. Choeus. -9- 4-=^-^-^ -^- ^- ^ 1 i-i — ^ — ^ — ^v 1 1 1^ 1 1 7if~fc— j-v-ip*— ^--j-"^ -^- « m ' -r!— ==J -9 1> ~m 1> 1 f/rr ^ ^ ^ H ^ . ^ n ^ -t—t=r \iv •< 7 ^ «i * J ^ «! • ^ *f m «■ S S _ Faith is the vie Faith is the vie - to - ry! - to - ry! Faith is the vie - Faith is the vie - to - ry! to - ry! /i^'S* S S A •• « . 1* ^ '1 ;_ |_ '^ • 1 f^i. , >,» fcf 1# ^ ,• * ! s» •< ~ ~ 1 , ^^ \7 ^ ^ \j J L - tf mt » • X 7 # • |» \a' I . 1 \^^ V 1/ '/ y ^ 1" "/ I" 1 / r > / > 1 ^ ^ - J. ^ 1 N -Jf—i- — W- ^—^ — -•! — f— * J J — _^ 4— — N -\ — fs- -1- — h-IJ /W-^ i 1 — ! — ^ -^ i 5- -^^ ^ r~s^ world. Oh, glo - ri - ous vie - to - ry, That o - ^ . ^ -^ ^ -^ ^ff: ^ b^ ^ ver-eomes the Vm\' ~ \ \ U Wk ^1* S • 2 II I^J. , ■ - !^ J^JJ 1^^ ^» L • «i ^ L .. » to w ^"^"^ — 11 " r r • r 1 y j» » p- 1 1 t- h |l 1 1/ b V I ^ ^ r ;^ No. 112. pisi^iatt §iyinw. "All nations shall come and worship before thee."— Rev. 15: 4. F. J. Crosby. Ika D. Sankey. n L ! , I n r>, L_ _ 1. Great Je-ho- vah, mighty 2. Jew and Gentile, bond and 3. From her night shall China 4. In - dia's groves of palm so Lord, free, wake, fair, Vast and boundless is Thy word ; All shall yet be one in Thee ; Af-ric's sons their chains shall break ; Shall resound with praise and prayer; 5. North and South shall own Thy sway, East and West Thy voice o - bey; ^^^^^-^3-^^^ --m^^^^ rr m, King of kings, from shore to shore Thou shalt reign for - ev - er - more. All con - fess Mes-si - ah's name, All His wondrous love proclaim. E - gypt, where Thy peo-ple trod, Shall a - dore and praise our God. Cey - Ion's isle with joy shall sing Glo - ry be to Christ our King. Crowns and thrones before Thee fall. King of kings and Lord of all. - to -♦- -♦- I**! F^-^^to' to to ^ f- H \ r-^-J--^ to— I^V* •• n > 1— 1 \» to- -to-to-* 1— csr' k» 1 1— ^ i -to to' ««- lis No. 113. ^M a ^0tt4e(M f Miotttl "And his name shall be called Wonderful."— ISA. 9: 6. E. A. H. ElilSHA A. HOFPMANW. Christ has for sin atonement made, What a won-der-ful Sav-iour! I praise Him for the cleansing blood, What a won -der - ful Sav-iour! He cleansed my heart from all its sin, What a won-der-ful Sav-iour! He walks be -side me in the way, What a won-der-ful Sav-iour! ^t^^^^^ ^^. ^ r^ m- i 1 I \ — \ — -—■ - f — m — •■— - gj r §^^^^^^ ^ ^-^tr-^^r-y We are redeemed! the price is paid! What a won-der-ful Sav-iour! Thatrec - on-ciled my soul to God; What a won- der- ful Sav-iour! And now Hereignsand rules there- in; What a won - der- ful Sav-iour! And keeps the faith-ful day by day; What a won- der- ful Sav-iour! m. —'m — » ; — ^=fip i tp rr Chorus. 3^ ^^ % ■^^-v ^ — s i^'-hi!-^— ^ What a won - der - ful Sav - iour is Je - sus, my Je - sus! - - - r# l£=i^ m^ M I ^*s What a won - der - ful ^|^# — "-r Sav - iour is Je - sus, my Lord! S ?^^ f 2: 5 He gives me overcoming power, What a wonderful Saviour! And triumph in each trying hour; What a wonderful Saviour! 6 To Him I've given all my heart, What a wonderful Saviour! Tlie world shall never share a part; What a wonderful Saviour! IIG No. 114. Fanny J. Crosby. *' For he is risen, as he said."— Matt. 28 : 6. J: Gbo. C. Stebbins. :3: ^ -r 1. Christ hath ris - en! Hal - le - lu - jah! Bless-ed mom of life and light; 2. Christ hath ris - en! Hal - le - lu - jah! Friends of Je - sus, dry your tears; 3. Christ hath ris - en! Hal - le - lu - jah I He hath ris - en, as He said; ^.- -J. ^¥4m a^^3 s :s F^ T Lo,. the grave is rent a - sun - der, Death is conquered thro' His might. Thro' the vail of gloom and dark-ness, Lo, the Son of God ap- pears. He is now the King of glo - ry, And our great ex - alt - ed Head. 1 a :g: ^ »— 2-H» is- la- y * K :)=t i te 10 :w:^=^- Refeain. +=&^B M feat U- :^ Christ is ris - en! Hal - le - lu - jah! Gladness fills the world to-day; g ^-g— r^ ^zfcKiff^ 3=t?: y p^ >-fe ^ i ^ f* 2 m From the tomb that could not hold Him, See the stone is rolled a - way. r>4r -g- t; € fcifi^-c ^^^ 1 — r f^ iir No. 115. |tt §m»* im. *' The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the : of Jesus Christ."— 2 Cor, 4: 6. James McGranahan. 1. The liv - ing God, who by His might Spake but the word and there was light, 2. This mighty Christ, so strong and true, Has come from God, His work to do ; 3. In Je-sus' face our God we know, And trust in Him to bear us through; 4. When darkness gives the soul distress, When sorrows on our path way press, 5. Then come, ye wea - ry ones, and rest ; Come, sinful souls, and here be blessed ; ^ :f^ ^ -(ii-- Hath promised now to show His grace To sin-ful men, in Je-sus' face, ff He comes with power the soul to save, To give the vie -fry o'er the grave. • He will not leave us to de-feat, Butmakeour vie- to -ry com-plete. ? One look at Him will clouds displace, While comfort beams from Jesus' face, g With-in yourheartgiveChristHisplace, AndseeGod'slovein Je- sus' face, g* H^b b-— b— b- -^\ h-— — ^ h-h^---F r r — hh h~ Bia*s m 1^^=^^=:^- Chorus. > I \ ^ i ! N J^ In Je-sus' face! in Je-sus' face! O wondroussight! Owondrousgracel z^^zzV: ^ 1/ g ^ -L>-U W ■y-v-v K^ a|3=at=fc^ ii m The liv-ing God through sin concealed, In Je-sus' face is now re -vealed. ,- , y- f - - t-.a ii^n,AA-,-,,«-.-«^J-»-->L-»; I p i k-g--^ ^m '& r lis No. 116. # $mlmt, f wdottss ^mimv, "He shall save his people from their sins."— Matt. 1 : 21, Frances R. Havergal. J. H. Burke. I- ^^m^^m- ^ 1. O Sav - iour, precious Sav - iour, Whom, yet un - seen, we love; 2. O bring - er of sal - va - tion, Who won-drous- ly hast wrought, 3. In Thee all full-ness dwell- eth, All grace and power di - vine; 4. Oh, grant the con - sum - ma - tion, Of this our song, a - bove, m^Btt=^ ^ ^z ^^^^^t :t -f± £^ i J-4— )- , U=- * H— h-^ •^- O Name of might and fa - vor. All oth - er names a - bove. Thy-self the rev - e - la - tion, Of love be - yond our thought. The glo - ry that ex - cell - eth, O Son of God, is Thine. In end - less ad - o - ra - tion, And ev - er - last - ing love. ^ m ^^ ^ (O-t , E=f li^I f 1— I Chorus. fc:^ Sj^4=il: We wor - ship Thee! we bless Thee! To Thee a -lone we sing! -.^-J ggd:- e g "C : J-—.. i gfc ^^^^^^^^^^ We praise Thee and con • fess Thee, Oar Sav-iour, Lord and King. -I hs 1 — £ W- 11» No. 117. ^ ^mt 0n p0i "That where I am, there ye may be also."— John 14: 3. L. W. Mansfield. Geo. C Stebbins. i^ u,u ^ $ ^ S g ■ Lg-rJ ^i- 1. Be-yond the light of set-ting suns, Be-yond the cloud- ed sky, 2. Be - youd all pain, beyond all care, Be - yond life's mys-ter - y, 3. Swift- flying worlds,their nights that roll Far out on seas of light, 4. My sins and sorrows, strifes and fears, I bid them all fare- well, ^^ t^^ ff $ i^-- *=& m m ^— 3H =4S=i- :^- Be - yond where starlight fades in night, — I have a home on high, h Be - yond the range of time and change, — My home's reserved for me. i^ Will bring no darkness to my soul; My home's beyond the night. -5* High up a-mid th' e-ter - nal years, With Christ, my Lord,to dwell. | Pii ^^^g I F-^f- f.-Z ^ ^ u 1/ I I ^m. ^^^j=^-i=^^=^^p^ ^^ A man-sion there, not made with hands, A a mansion there, not made with hands, M y- :^ ^-4IUL^. g place prepared for me; And while God lives, and angels ^ a place prepared for me; F^=r= t^ i if-kr— i^ iil^ 3t:*:iqtH«-:f: y— fc ^=kr£^ ISO §, Itfittf «tt pgfe. — €0mhM, ^^=^ r^ ritard. m 5^S£=^ :i ^^: 1/ 1/ * :^- -^- -^- * sing, That home my home shall be. an-gels sing, that home my home shall be &■& :t=|:!B=»=^=^:=^?: ^ M\ g^ ^ ^ r U > t^- -te No. 118. # §ay j>f §fst and (^Mmn, ' The rest of the holy Sabbath.'— Ex. 16: 23. C. Wordsworth. X=^h ^- German Melody. jg^g fi « *=• ij. I r and glad-ness and sad-ness ^ fO day of rest and glad-ness, O day of joy and light; ' to balm of care and sad-ness. Most beau -ti - ful, most bright ; r r r ^ — -— ^ ~ I ^ &_ — x~^ 1 ~< 1 ' i-t ^1 |i :^^=^ ^ ^=^ SI ■j^-jar Sg=5: m On thee the high and low - ly. Thro' a- ges joined in tune, J J ^i^^^ ^^^ g; ^ •.^' '^ "f" ' [^ ' ^i^i^^^^^^^ f ^ Sing^Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly," To the great God Tri - une. ^=r^ '^-v^ 2 On thee, at the creation The light first had its birth; On thee, for our salvation, Christ rose from depths of earth; On thee, our Lord, victorious, The Spirit sent from heaven ; And thus on thee, most glorious, A triple light was given. >— N^ — ^ - 1 — r— t f i^ ^1 3 New graces ever gaining From this our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining To spirits of the blest; To Holy Ghost be praises. To Father, and to Son ; The Church her voice upraises To Thee, blest Three in One. No. 119. MxtWh ^t>xih ®% ^atti "And it was restored whole, like as the other.— Matt. 12; 13. Eli Nathan. H. H. McGranahan ^^^^EE^^^^^fe^^ :it?£: ^5=^^5? w—^—n^ 1 . * 'Stretch forth thy hand, ' ' thj palsied hand, Fear not, it is thy Lord's command 2. ' 'Stretch forth thy hand, ' ' thy emp-ty hand , No gift of thine will God commend 3. ' 'Stretch forth thy hand, ' ' thy helpless hand, Up-held by God, thy soul shall stand 4. ' 'Stretch forth thy hand, ' ' thy dying hand,When thou shalt come to Jordan strand ^f- ^ g^^i^^Pf Seek not from Him to hide thy sin, Con-fess, and ask to be made clean, i The emp - ty hand that shows thy need,Of this a- lone will He take heed, g Fight not in thine own strength the foe, But trusting Je-sus, on - ward go. ? Thro' all the bil - lows Christ shall guide, And brin^ thee safe to Canaan 's side, g m. "Stretch fortli thj hand," On Christ believe, "Stretoh forth thy hand,"the pow'r receive; ^ ^ h I 1 V-=fc ^ i ^ -^ He of- fers grace so fall and free, "Stretch forth thy hand," He speaks to thee. m PP No. 120. f jjmftittt^ wM %iiiAmisinl " Now we see through a glass, darkly ; but then face to face."— 1 Cob. 13; 12. Furnished by Eii Nathan. t^J±EES^^_ JAMES McGrANAHAN. -J- iia 1. Not now, but in the coming years, It may be in the bet-ter land, 2. We'll catch the broken threads again, And fin-ish what we here be-gun ; 3. We'll know why clouds instead of sun Were o-ver many a cherish'd plan ; 4. Why what we long for most of all, E - ludes so oft our ea-ger hand ; 5. God knows the way, He holds the key. He guides us with unerring hand; We'll read the meaning of our tears, And there,sometime, we'll understand. Heav'n will the mysteries explain. And then, ah then, we'll understand. Why song has ceased when scarce begun ;Tis there, sometime,we'll understand. Why hopes are crush'd and castles fall, Up there , sometime,we'll understand. Sometime with tearless eyes we'll see; Yes, there, up there, we'll understand. Chorus. teSite Jja44 ^ e£3=s=^ *■ I r . doth hold thy hand ; Then trust in God thro' all thy days; Fear not,for He l|:doth hold:|| thy hand ^^ mm :^izi^=^: -^-r^- \ (* ^-^- 1 ^i^ '^ V 7 ]/ 1/ a tempo prima. ad lib. I w* cres. I I S \ \ iv (V «. 1 i^-tV J--«--g',- Tho' dark thy way, still sing and praise ; Sometime,sometime, we'll understand. Repeat for alto only 1«3 No. 121. #tt% §mmhxd, *'I will make thy name remembered."— Ps. 45: 17. HOBATIUS BONAR, (alt.) Ira D. Sankky. 1. Fad - ing a- way like the stars of the morning, Los - ing their 2. Shall we bemiss'dtho' by oth - ers suc-ceed-ed Eeap- ing the 3. On - ly the truth that in life we have spoken, On - ly the N M ^ ^ M ^ . ^ _(iR ,[»_• J -« . ^ ^i^E^ =NE--Mt=:^ ^ feg: £-^ S- E light in the glo - ri - ous sun — Thus w»u-uld we pass from the fields we in spring-time have sown? No, for the sow - ers may seed that on earth wo have sown; These shall pass on- ward when M^^ -£- -I' — B*-- -4-i J^ *^^^^^|| =0?=^^=?-: ^ earth and its toil-ing, On - ly re-membered by what we have done. * pass from their la-bors, On- ly re-membered by what they have done. <5! we are for-got-ten, Fruits of the har- vest and what we have done. I ^f^: g=r : r "k- £ i_^ — ^R-^-|a_^ — 1~ -g" . M- -m- -1^ ■ * -W- \r-ir^- I ?=£ Refrain. On - ly remembered, on - ly remembered, On - ly remembered by H«-(«- £r5^fe^* '&z pt=t=t3 ^ 1^ 1 - S hi — ^■ '/—^—[ -»— 1 \/- -^ -^^^ '^^m -:i=^ ^3-J_E^ what we have done; Thus would we pass from the earth and its *r ^— feg-:-ff -^"^V :f=r g^ai X^^ #ttlia §mmhmA, — §$mhM, P iv-^ i ;s= *4: 35=3: toil - ing, On efeS^ '■m ly re - membered "by what we have done. :k- ^ 4 Oh, when the Saviour shall make up His jewels, When the bright crowns of rejoicing are won, Then shall His weary and faithful disciples, All be remembered by what they have done. Ko.122. ^ml fm mmt k #Mrttitt0 mw th Mu$. " I will praise thy name, O Lord. "— Ps. 54 : 6. Rev. E. CAsWAiiii. J. Barnby. i w^^^^ ^ ^ ; -^- tEk^=d±= ¥=^ 1. When morn-ing gilds the skies. My heart a - wak-ing cries, 2. Does sadness fill my mind ? A sol - ace here I find, 3. Be this, while life is mine. My can - ti - cle di - vine, g=^^^r?^=-S^z=r^ -^- ±:=tz: ^ 3=^5t May Je - sus Christ be prais'd; A - like at work and prayer^ May Je- sus Christ be prais'd; Or fades my earth -ly bliss?' May Je - sus Christ be prais'd; Be this th'e-ter-nal song, m^ J- 5^ m r^ i: 3 i m i=3^ Stl5 rr rr-r -1^ To Je - sus I re - pair ; May Je My com- fort still is this, May Je Thro* all the a - ges long. May Je ^ ^^ sus Christ be sus Christ be sua Christ be prais'd. prais'd. prais'd. i^: i l^-r No. 125. El. Nathan. §ti m p i > \ Let us go forth, the call Let us go forth, ^=rr=^ ^i is clear, . . the call Is clear. Let us go forth, Let us go forth, s.. ^ ^ ^ I M no tar - ry- ing here; X. no tar - ry- ing here ; iss ^fe m For Him to live, the Christjtlie Lord, For Him to live, the OhrIst,the Lord, ■• mi • « 1 (« hi r-H -^— ^ ::^^ i fei= 8 m ■j^nzj: " r r T A crown from Him, our high re - ward. A crown from Him, tJ:l J:^ it^ No. 126. i mWX pft ttjr piw %f{8. PSAIiM 121. I Q. F. Root. 9F^ :i: -(2- 1. 1 will lift np mine eyes unto the hills, from whence | cometh my | help; 2. He will not suflfer thy foot tobe moved : He that keepeth thee | will not | slumber; 3. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy | right J hand; 4. The Lord shall perserve thee from all evil: He shall pre - [serve thy |souI. ^i^ i :2=it js: My help cometh from the Lord, which made | heaven and | earth. Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither [slumber nor I sleep. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the | moon by J night. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from [this time forth, and even for| ev - er - |more. ^. IST- I 1^9 No. 127. F. J. C. km #tt. *'Ye shall be gathered one by one."— Isa. 27: 12. Ira D. Sankey. |S t=A: f :^=^ ^m ^=M=9=$ ^ r 1. Press on, 2. Press on, 3. Press on, press on, O pil - grim, press on, O pil - grim, press on, O pil - grim. r ^- ^t Ee - joic-ing in the Lord, A - long the heav'nly way; Tho' clouds and storms may rise ; J _ 1 , . ,. M :i: \^± r=f ^^ ^ 1^ ^ :^^- =^ j P:i :^=^. i 4: r^ Be - liev - Re - mem- The Light ing in His prom - ise, her Grod com-mands ns that nev - er fail - eth ♦-t-^ '^-^- And trust- ing in His word; 2 To watch and work and pray; -? Shines brightly in the skies; ? u te^ I m -^ — » :^^E ^ lf|J=|: d: ^ i^ Fear not, for He is with us, What- e'er the cross we bear; He bids us all be faith -ful. And cast on Him our care; Press on where crowns a - wait us. In yon-der man-sions fair; su ^ ■iS^ ^^- s a -12:^=^: =3==g ii^zztc p g^- p^— ^ ¥' And soon, be-yond the swell-ing tide, We'll gath-er o - ver there. And soon, be-yond the swell-ing tide, We'll gath-er o - ver there. And soon, be-yond the swell-ing tide, We'll gath-er o' - ver there. ^ 130 §xm #tt. — €0mMtA, Refrain. 2:^2=^=^ ^: m F .^_. :fc=^ — p- Gath - er o - ver there, Gath - er W-=^^ o - ver there; And -4* 1 r-H^— L=r— I :E=fctzrg=:j SI :^-^-l: tfe |.__l___j_j_v_4^J N_ i S E^=^=t^ -^8 «■ S m. soon, he - yond the swell-ing tide, We'll gath - er —^- \--i^ o - ver there. *=t: # I no.i28.Mhm'^ a Wttlmm in ^j>f?8 p^v^. Frederick W. Faber. Ps. 136: 1-26. i ^ws^ ^iEEfe^i Lizzie S. Tourjee. -(*-{*- 3=3? -gfcl- -;©- 1. There's a wide-ness in God's mer-cy, Like the wideness of the sea: 2. There is wel-come for the sin - ner. And more grac- es for the good; 3. For the love of God is broad -er Than the measure of man's mind; 4. If our love were but more sim - pie, We should take Him at His word; I I 3Ef A ^— ^— *-- ^=|fc=r=S=l ^w -I — I There's a kind- ness in His jus-tice, Which is more than lib - er - ty. There is mer - cy with the Saviour; There is heal - ing in His blood. And the heart of the E - ter-nal Is most won -der- ful - ly kind. And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweet-ness of our Lord. m^^^. 1 — r t-|-^ "1^ 131 No. 129. Mht §mkte 0f tk png. Psalm 45 : 10-17. Dr. J. B. Hebbsrt. mi -, f daugh- ter take good heed, In - cline,and give good ear; \Thy beau-ty to the King, Shall then de -light- ful be: n j The daugh- ter then of Tyre There with a gift shall be, ' t The dangh- ter of the King All glo-rious is with - in ; m w^ •■ — F-^ — ,•■ — .••- -^—W- I V — '--y — \^- w ^-=^=^=,^^. pr ^gl^^i Jszrqsr- *=^ rP! ^J Thou must for - get thy kin- dred all, And father'shousemostdear. 1 o And do thou hum-bly wor- ship Him, Be - cause thy Lord is He. J S And all the wealthy of the land Shall make their suit to thee. \ o And with em- broi- der - ies of gold Her garments wrought have been. / .=* ^ : „ ^ ^ ^ ^ S|3 ^ -^- ^^ ^)^- i> \ r^ r^ s s" fr Chorus. ^3^ z..a 1^ |j ^ J 1^ — p — I — ^ — ^_i_.— _ _^_i_^ — F-i-F -^ ^ .-]- :C=5 With gladness and with j oy , Thou all of themshalt bring, A.ud they together g -^--^-J^ ^ S|: en- ter shall The palace of the King, The pal -ace of theKing,The -?^-^?— r ■T^i ^5^—^ »5- tE^- :«=t p'^*' 1/ i^- rii. t= i?;^^ pal-ace of the King; And they together enter shall The palace of the King. X3^ Mht f ataa 0f ih §m^,—(f^mdnM. She cometh to the King In robes with needle wrought; The virgins that do follow her Shall unto Thee be brought. With gladness and with joy, Thou all of them shalt bring, And they together enter shall The palace of the King. Cho. — With gladness, etc. 4 And in Thy fathers' stead, Thy children thou shalt take, And in all places of the earth Them noble princes make. I will show forth thy name To generations all: The people therefore evermore To Thee give praises shall. Cho. — With gladness, etc. No. 130. §^n §m "Happy Is that people whose God is the Lord."— PsA. 144: 15, P. Doddridge. From E. F. Rimbault. fO hap- py day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my Grod! \ Well may this glowing heart rejoice. And tell its raptures all a - broad. ^ Chorus. Fine. D.8. — Hap-py day, hap - py day, When Je - sus washed my sins a- way; He taught me how to watch and pray, And live re- joic ing ev-'ry day; 2 O happy bond that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love ; Let cheerful anthems fill His house, While to that sacred shrine I move. 3 'Tisdone, the great transaction's done; I am my Lord's and He is mine; He drew me, and I foUow'd on, CJlJ^r?a'd to confess the voice divine. 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart, Fix'd on this blissful centre, rest; Nor ever from thy Lord depart. With Him of every good possess'd. 5 High Heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renew'd shall daily hear, Till in life's latest hour I bow. And bless in death a bo|i^ sp 4§air* 1^3 Wo. 131, ^pd lnvay. " Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel."— Mark 16: 15. F. J. Crosby. I. b. Woodbury, arr. !7^fe-*-^r^l»- — s W ' ^ — ?5 — 4» ar— 1 -=t=] 1. Speed a - 2. Speed a - 3. Speed a - in*). , 3 !• .. ff way, speed a - way, speed a - way, speed a - way way way _{^ — — ? f on your with the with the -^ -^ — i* — r~ mis - sion of life - giv - ing mes - sage of light, Word, rest. 1^-4--?— g!-- -^ ^ — ^- — t- ^- 1^- -1 h 1— -M :?^=1^ '-^^^^^^=i- ■z± — 1- 4 =t= ^ I I To the lands that are ly - ing in To the na- tions that know not the To the souls by the tempt-er in :f: ^ W=^^ dark- ness and night; 'Tis the voice of the Lord; Take the bond-age op - press' d; For the -(••- -m- -•■- -iS'- -.•■- -^- itzfc £ K r=F / / i i -.'—- 1- ^^=q: i^5 -j-i Mas-ter's command; go ye forth in His name, The won-der-ful w wings of the morning and fly o'er the wave, In the strength of your ^ Sav- iour has purchas'd their ran - so m from sin, And the ban- quet is a —I f^^S m^ ^: :^: ^ -¥=^ I -]—-]- / / N_N i^[EJ^EEiE|r|=|EiEg^ |jEEgE^i^ | Gos - pel of Je - sus pro-claim; Take your lives in your hand, to the Mas- ter the lost ones to save; He is call- ing once more, not a read - y, O gath- er them in; To the res- cue make haste, there's no 4= -^ -^-_t^_-?^_-^^-?r•-^ t=x t-Tit: :^=^=N U-A '-^-^ ^^-^ It -^_-5^ a^ZTZlt saa^iiiil work while 'tis day, 1 ' mo-ment's de - lay, >- Speed a- way, speed a- way, speed a - way. time for de - lay, J ^ t >--JU. '^A-ts*'-^ — ^ » -| f-^T m 134 No. 132. paMttfa&I (^%M U §i$m, "Who according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again."— 1 Pbt. 1 : 3. Bishop Wordsworth, alt. James McGranahan. 't=?E^ ^^3- 2 ; >Q W. I^SZE Hal - le - Christ is Hal - le - r, N > \/ ^ \ \ 1 I 11 lu - j ah ! Hal-le - lu-j ah! Hearts to heav'n and voices raise; ris-en, Christ the first fruits Of the ho - ly har- vest- field, lu - jah! Hal-le - lu-jah! Glo- ry be to God a - hove! m^^ E^^._^4 ! -•• ■a. -m- 2^ t=i^t ■e^^- S=# W--^- ^~y w Hearts to heav'n and voices raise j ]^=r^ fci ■V+- 1 Bi ^—Gf ^-^ -W ^i Slug to God a hymn of gladness, Sing to God a hymn of praise; Which will all its full abundance, At His glorious advent, yield ; " Hal - le - lu - jah to the Saviour, Fount of life and source of love; •^ H siafe ■^-Fe ^^nt- -fZ- ■W-\ f- ^=^-^=^ Sing to God a hymn of praise ; $^ 3 ^ m. 1 1 :St3t ^ n it* $?3:?i -Q- He wbo on the cross a vie - tim For the world's sal - va - tion bled, Then the gold- en eara of har- vest Will be - fore His presence wave, Hal - le - lu - jah to the Spir - it; Let our high as - crip - tion, be. ^ i-^ ¥ ^=^- ^-&i I -.-.-jM I SH3; 22: ^Efi -P >-^» : 3ti: sus Christ the King of glo - ry, Now is ris - en from ing in His sun-shine joy - ous,From the fur - rows of ■ le - lu - jah, now and ev - er. To the bless- ed Trin 1— -tr- -h- -P- :^ . - ^ -♦-. _ ! -(&— I Je- Ris- Hal the the ■ 1 ■ ^- dead, grave. ty. m 1= 133 No. i33. tot t% §xtU npn tk ^at^iS. "For thou shall find it after many days."— EcJCii.— 11: 1. Anon. Ira D. Sankkt. jir^ — -r-^ ^-1 .— t mrrn^^ ^^^^m :p: 1. "Cast thy bread np - on the ■wa-tera," You who have hut 2. "Cast thybread up - on the wa-ters," Sad and wea - ry, 3. "Cast thybread up- on the wa-tere," You who have a- -a — --(fc:^ fc4 ■V ^ m- ?s: ^=^ ^ W '^^ i s js:;^ 5 r ^ scant sup - ply ; An - gel eyes will watch a - bove it ; worn with care ; Oft - en sit - ting in the shad-ow, — bun - dant store ; It may float on many a bil- low, j« m a.- % It: :^: =^t lis: f % •■ \t-^, 3^ ^ i gfc r-'- =^==3 -<&- w You shall find it by and by ; He who in His Have you not a crumb to spare? Can you not to It may strand on many a shore ; You may think it e^ h^ .(Z ^. s^ eI ^ f- f i ri -K- %-i — % -=^ a ii^s S—'^ 25^ m right - eous bal-ance, Doth each hu - man ac - tion weigh, those a- round you Sing some lit - tie song of hope, lost for - ev - er, But, as sure as God is true, 9 M «_. .__a m. a ^— JuJ J -j*- ^ik iSJrJ p f i3e f tot t% §ta&f eU, — €0m\nM, Will your sac - ri - fice re-member, As you look with long-ing vis-ion In this life, or in the oth-er, ^fe a — ^ .^_^. Will your lov- ing deeds re- pay. Thro' faith's mighty tel - es-cope? It will yet re- turn to you. jiJi-Ji i t'EBm I -is- Bg :fe— I k-^ -r-^' -Pi-H*- V=^=t -5E-+ -M"- I I No. 134. F. J. Crosby. ®0m«?, €mt '^^x^, "All things are ready, come."— Matt. 22: 4. P ^ 8- Geo. C. Stebbins. zijS: — N- |\ -hS-={: t=t V— : r The The How ^ 1. Oh, list to the watchman cry - ing, 2. The Spir - it of God is plead - ing, 3. The mer - cy of God is call - ing, 4. The an- gels of God en- treat you, Come, come a - way; Come, come a - way; Come, come a - way; Come, come a - way; The ii=t fe£ !?-6- ^=% E 1/ ]/ Choeus. H Sav - iouris in-ter-ced - ing,Come,come to - day. f ^ sweetly the words are falling,Come,come to - day. I ' ■R'Q+ii/i7.TTi'T«ooifwinTv.ocfyou,Come,cometo- day. come a - way ; Come, come a - way ; Je- sus is gen - tly call- ing, Come, come to- day. isr No. 135. ^^t %» €X0VCn piitt. *'0 Lord, our Lord, bow excellent is thy name."— Ps. 8: 9. Rev. E. Perronet. James McGranahan. Allegretto moderato. f^ .^ w 1. All hail the pow'r of Je-sus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; 2. Let ev-'ry kin - dred ev-'ry tribe, On this ter-res-trial ball, 3. O that with yon-der sacred throng We at His feet may fall r r ^-S o Bring forth the roy-al di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of all. § To Him all maj - es - ty as - cribe, And crown Him Lord of all. S We'll join the ev - er - last-ing song, And crown Him Lord of all. " .-IlM-^^ Let us crown Him, let us crown Him, Let us g: Let us crown Him Lord of all, Let us crown Him Lord of all. Let us " t^ fj-^-j^- J. j^-^^.-i. J ^•-^ 1/ 1 -N I J r--^- HiPi ni=^-- crown the Great Kedeemer Lord of all : ''^f^^ :i n 1 — t"-- 1 Let us crown Him, Let us crown Him Lord of all, r^>- L_^- t:r-^-- m T:--^' e- -f-t^-f r^ i^^ tr i^e:^ ^-^■ i^-f^ iNE3 i Let us crown Him, Let us crown Him Lord of all. Let us crown Him Lord of all. Let us crown the Great Redeemer Lord of all g^i^^gi^-Ji._J-._^--£i--S---S-^--g -/ rV- '' .[ZlZIi^ 1 / 1 i^ 4»- — ^i^^^-=^ ^ = ^^-xx^ fc^St SI 13S No. 136. Words arr. ' A better country, that is a heavenly."— Heb. 11 : 16, Geo. C. Stebbins. P 133 ^ — •— I"!©' 1. There is a land which lies a - far, Where grief is all un - known; 2. We are but pil-grima on the earth, And brief our so - journ here; 3. There is a realm of boundless love, A goal for hearts dis - trest, A land wherein the an - gels sing A - round the heav'nly throne. But well we know when hence we go, There is a brighter sphere. Where all may find for end -less years A home a-mong the blest. . . . b^ -I- ^^ ^^. ^^^ .fZ-^-^. 1^1=^:^: :t==t: ^ :t: -6?---6? i Refrain. P =?=:^ ^ '=--J- f ^EES F —.5^ teitS--^ I twill be sweet when we shall meet Up - on that dis- tant shore,