THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL ART LIBRARY ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETIES A^T USKAht [ UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL ,mim llililliiillllllllllililili 00010693001 mnm use only Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil DECENNIAL INDEX '^^^c. Photolithographic and other Illustrations PUBLISHED IN The American Architect and Building News. A IV EEKLY JOURNAL OF ART AND CONSTRUCTIVE SCIENCE. 1876-1885. VOL. I. BOSTQN : TICKNOR & COMPANY. 1888. COPYRIGHT 1887, By TICKNOR AND COMPANT. Press of J. PARKHILL & CO., Boston. INDEX AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE. (INCLUDrNG BRITISH PROVINCES). m Gboup CliUB-HOFSES, DETALLS, Apartment and Tenement Houses, f Frame Houses, 3. DWBIiLING-HOFSES, < Country and Suburban Houses, " " Sketches, Half-timbered Houses, . Brick Houses, . Stone "... City Houses, .... '^ Blocks and Semi-detaclied, 4. Ecclesiastical, < 9. Hotels, 10. Interiors, 11. Ironwork, 12. Mercantile, Page i 3 7 9 . 17 19 23 . 27 29 . 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 . 51 53 57 59 61 63 65 . 69 67 71 73 75 r Banks 77 J Insurance Offices, 79 ^ Theatres, 81 I Miscellaneous, 83 '■ Urban Churches, . Village Churches, . Urban Chapels, Country Chapels, . Synagogues, . Interiors, .... Details, .... ]VIiscellaneous, Educational, Furniture (including Mantels and Fireplaces), gateways and Entrances, .... Hospitals, . • . r Billiard-Room interiors, I Dining " " j Ecclesiastical " ) Hall (Domestic) " I Library " (^ Unclassified " 760406 IV GKOUP 13. 14. 15. INDEX. Page 87 89 91 93 95 Miscellaneous Deawiis-gs, , . . . . " Stkuctukes, Monuments and Statues, C ITnited States Public Bxiildings, Cotirt-Houses, Engine-Houses, etc., 97 Exchanges and Chambers of Commerce, etc., 99 Institutes, 101 Libraries, 103 Marliets, 105 Musetuns, 107 State-Houses, 109 Town-Halls and City-Halls Ill Miscellaneous, 113 KAiLKOAD Stations, 115 Sketches and etchings, , . . . 117 Special Features (Towers, Dormers, etc.), 119 Stables and Faem Buildings, 121 Technical Diagrams, 123 Theatres, 125 Tombs, etc 127 16. Public Buildings < 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. FOREIGN ARCHITECTURE. Group 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Page Arch^ological and Historical. • . . . . 129 Details and Special Features, 131 dwelling-houses, 133 Ecclesiastical, 137 Educational, 1*3 Entrances and Gateways, 145 Fountains, 147 Furniture (including Mantels, etc.), 149 Hotels and Club-Houses, 151 Interiors, 153 Mercantile, 155 Miscellaneous, 157 Monuments, Statues and Tombs, 159 Public Buildings, Id Sketches, Etchings and. General Views, 163 Towers and Spires, . . . .' 165 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS IISTDEX. G Before the number, refers to Gelatine Prints only. Tmbr., Timber. Br. or Bk., Brick. Tr-cta., Terra-cotta. Stn.. Stone. St., Story. Decennial Index of Illustrations AMERICAN ARCHITECT AND BUILDING NEWS. 1876-1885. CLUB-HOUSES. No. Akchitect. Location. Remarks. Cost. 403 83 Aikeii, W. M. Brookline, Mass. Study for Chapter-House. 237 80 Boyd, Thomas, Sketch for Club-House. Rustic. 353 82 Burnham & Root, Chicago, 111. Calumet Club-House. Sy^-st. 440 84 Cobb & Frost, " Club-House. Bt. and 3-st. (Interior.) 397 83 Cutler, J. a. Williamstown, Mass. Sigma Phi Chapter-House. 2-st. 336 82 Emerson, "W. R. Boston, Mass. Boston Art-Club. 2 pi. Details (Ig slit.) 182 79 Gambrill & Ficken, New York, Des. for Union League Club-Ho. 2 pi. 445 84 Gilbert, B. S. Grand Rapids, Mich. Club-House. 3-st. (Interior.) $22,000 183 79 Hai-ney, G. E. New York, Des. for Union Leagiie Club-Ho. 3 pi. 185 79 Hatch, S. D. " 3 pi. 373 83 Hazlehurst & Huckel, Philadelphia, Pa. Barge Club-House. Frame. 1%-st. 184 79 Hunt, R. M. New York, Des. for Union League Club-Ho. 3 pi. 209 79 Jenney, W. L. B. Ann Arbor, IVIich. Chapter-House. Si/o-st. 292 81 Kleeves, August Buffalo, Design for Club-House. 214-st. 180 79 McKim, Mead & Bigelow New York, Des. for Union League Club-Ho. 3 pi. 145 78 McLaughlin, J. W. Cincinnati, 0. 70'xl00' Allemania Club-Ho. 3-st. 50,000 146 78 " " " Interior of Allemania Club-Ho. 3-st. 296 81 " " " Cuvier Club-House. 3-st. 16,000 195 79 Peabody & Stearns, New Y^ork, Accepted design. U. L. C. House. May 27 76 Potter & Robertson, Williamstown, Mass. K. A. Society Chapter-Ho. 44'x67' 179 79 " " New York, Des. for Union League Club-Ho. 3 pi. 256 80 Preston, W. G. Boston, Mass. Design for Boston Art-Club. 181 79 Raht, E. E. New York, Des. for Union League Club-Ho. 2 pi. 198 79 Renwick, James " 3pL 234 79 " " " Delta Psi Chapter-House. 3-st. 404 83 Silsbee & Kent, Milwaukee, Wis. Club-House. 3-st. 50,000 191 79 Thorp & Price, New York, Design for Union League Club-House. May 6, 76 Treat & Foltz, Chicago, 111. Club-House. 50'xl06' 5-st. 199 79 West & Anderson, New York, Des. for Union League Club-Ho. 2 pi. 347 82 Wilson, J. A. & W. T. Baltimore, Md. Merchant's Club-Ho. Comp.desc. 2-st. 35,000 [See also Part II.] (1) DETAILS. 414 427 519 223 July 1, 219 Feb. 5. Aug. 19 55 70 r53 425 86 332 208 81 336 206 241 328 406 271 380 47G 275 July 15 57 252 316 310 349 423 393 166 218 112 441 264 488 62 84 93 112 132 232 262 297 454 227 397 406 54 293 254 302 May 13 245 282 284 367 319 503 288 95 354 214 230 452-53 483 510 419 61 345 315 375 249 83 84 85 80 76 80 76 76 77 77 77 84 77 82 79 77 82 79 80 82 83 81 83 85 81 76 77 80 SO 81 82 84 83 79 80 78 84 81 85 77 77 77 78 78 80 81 81 84 80 83 83 77 81 80 80 76 80 81 81 82 82 85 81 77 82 80 80 84 85 85 84 77 82 82 83 80 Akchitect. Berg, C. I. Bradlee, Wiiislow & Co. Burns, C. M. Cataot & Chandler, Chandler, T. P. Clark, T. M. Cummings & Sears, Ciu-tis, E. C. Dewson, Edw. Durang, E. F. Emerson & Felimer, Emerson, W. R. Fehmer, Carl Fox, John A. Green & Wicks, Hartwell.H. W. Hartwell & Richardson. Howe, H. A. Howe & Dodd, Hunt, R. M. Lamb & Ricli, Langlev,Eanglev&Biu-ke Luce, C. S. Mc Arthur, J., Jr. McLaughlin, J. W. Mason, G. C, Jr. Peabody & Steams, Pfeiffer, Carl Location. San Antonio, Tex. Roxbiuy, Mass. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Dorchester, Mass. near Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Quincy, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. Manchester, N. H. Auburn, N. Y. Richmond, Ind. AVatertown, Mass. AValtliam, Mass. Potter, W. A. Powell, W. B. Preston, W. G. Price & Freeman, Price, Bruce Putnam, J. P. Putnam & Tilden, Rand & Taylor, Rcnwick, Jas. Richardson, H. H. Robertson, R. H. Romeyn, C. W. Rossiter & Wright, Rotch & Tilden, Shaw, R. G. & G. R. Waltham, Mass. Broadway, N. Y. Boston, Mass. New York, Islip, L. I. BeruardWlle, N. J. Short Hills, Lawrence, L. I. Canada, Holyoke, Mass. Brooklme, Mass. Philadelpliia, Pa. Cuicmnati, O. Newjiort, R. I. Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Brush Hill, Mass. Newport, R. I. Boston, Mass. St. Louis, jMo. Boston, Mass. Kew York, ■ Amherst College, Wayne Station, Pa. Cornwall, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, 3Iass. Marshfleld, 31ass. Boston, Mass, Seabright, N. J. Cincinnati, O. Boston, Mass. Arlington, Mass. New York, Boston, Mass. Harvard College, Maiden, Mass. New York, So. Orange, N. J. Bridgewater, JIass. Mt. Desert, Me. Blilton, Mass. Remarks. General Details of House. Memorial Rood-Screen. Large sheet of Details. House. Oriel Window. Operatives' Cottage (large sheet). Old South Church Pulpit and Screen The Shillaber Building. New Old South Church. Hotel Boylston. Store Front. Interior fittings of yacht " Thetis." Bookcase, etc. Details of Frame House. Organ for Oxford Presb. Chm-ch. Details for Stores. Boston Alt-Club (large sheet). The Howe Building. Details of House (large sheet). Large sheet of Details of House. Details of House. Designs for door and stairs. Universallst Church (large sheet). Iron store-front. Stone det'ls f rm MartinBrimmer's ho Oriel Window frm ho. of C.Vanderbilt St. Mark's Church. Half-timbered liouse (large sheet). " Redstone " (large sheet). "Sunset Hall." Baptist Theological College. Opera-House. Details of House. New City-Hall. Stone details. " Sculptiu-e details. Loggia and Oriel. Seventh-Day Baptist Church. New York Mutual Life Ins. Building. Gardner Brewer's store. Railroad Station. Fireplace details. Details of House. PierreLorillard's ho.(lg sht)SeeJy6'78 Hemenway G^^nnasium (large sheet). INIus.of Fine Arts(lgsht) SeeSeptl5'S3 R. H. White & Co's Store. Fifth- Avenue Riding-School (Ig sht). "The Berkshire." Organ for Chapel. Details of House (large sheet). Large sheet of DetaUs. Stable. Dry-Goods Store. Details of City House. I Dau'l. Webster House (large sheet). Charitable Mechanics Asso't'n. 2 pi. Char. Mecli. Asso't'n. 2 pi. (large sht) Large sheet of Details. Details of House (large sheet). Bay-window, Parlor-Car. Details of City House (large sheet). Upham's Iron Front. Details of House (lai'ge sheet). Organ-case, Grace Chiu-ch. Reredos, Grace Church. The Ames Builduig. The Law School. Converse Memorial Library. Bladison Avenue M. E. Church. Iron Store Front, 31 Greene Street. Large sheet. Memorial Library (large sheet). " Chatwold." Details of House (large sheet). Cost. DETAILS. u No. * 388 83 301 81 212 80 78 77 120 78 107 78 481 85 204 79 P4 77 299 81 384 83 501 85 399 83 136 78 67 77 79 77 152 78 215 80 258 80 306 81 Nov. 18 76 110 78 340 82 517 85 309 81 220 80 73 77 374 83 164 79 AUCHITBCT. Stem, J. H. & A. H. Stickney, F. W. Stone & Carpenter, Sturgis & Brigham, Thayer, S. J. F. Tolman, G. E. Upjohn, R. M. 3 Van Brunt & Howe, Vaughan, H. Vonnegiit, Bernard Ware & "Van Brunt, Withers, F. C. Wyatt & Sperry, Dickson (del.), IndianapoUs, Ind. Lowell, Mass. Boston, Mass. Dartmouth College, Washington, D. C. Boston, ""Mass. Maunch Chunk, Pa. ShelburneFalls.Mass aiichigan University, Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Harvard College, Wellesley College, Cambridge, Mass. Ljnm, Mass. New York, Baltimore, Md. Albany, N. Y. Dedham, Mass. Marblehead, Mass. New York, Remarks. Details of Hoiise (large sheet.) Vesper J3oat-Club (large sheet). Bay-window and Dormer. Hunnewell Building. JMuseum of Fine Arts. Warehouse. Details of Library. Sketches of Old House. Central Chiu-ch. Reredos and Altar. Emanuel Church. Details. Rood-Screen & Seats, St. Stephens Ch. Moniunental Doorway. Details of First Church. Details of Memorial Hall. Details of New East Wing of Library. Large sheet of Details. Deanery Epis. Theo. School (Ig sht). Details St. Stephens Church (Ig sht). Reredos, Trinity Church. Det'ls Trin. Church alterations. 2 pi. Christ Chiu'ch Orphanage (large sht). First Refomied Church (sketches). Old Fairbanks Mansion. Old Staircase. Old and new Trusses of Post Oflce. Bench Ends. TerrorCotta Details. Cost. [See also Part XL] APARTMENT AND TENEMENT HOUSES. No. i_ Aechitect. LOCATIOIJ. Remaeks. Cost. Dee 23, 76 Babcock, Jno. C. New York, The Albany. 2 plates. $225,000 434 84 Botticher, P. G. Newark, N. J. Apartment-house and stores. 6-st. 53,000 77 77 Cunimlngs & Sears, Boston, Mass. Hotel Kempton. 80,000 273 81 Curtis, E. C. >' Tenement-houses for Manf. Co. 2-st. 366 82 " " Apartment-house. 7-st. 45'xll2'. 225 80 Da Cuuha, J. W. Model Tenement-ho. Plan at p. 166. 438 84 Gilbert & Thomson, New York, Apartment-house. 10-st. 550,000 213 80 Hardenburgh, H. J. " The Yancorlear. 408 83 Hornblowcr, Jos. "Washington, D. C. The Everett. (Bachelors' Apt-house). 463 84 KinibaU, W. D. Minneapolis, JMinn. Row of six Tenement-houses. 100,000 178 79 Moflfette. Geo. Boston, Mass. Tenement-houses for Cotton-lVIills. Oct. 21 76 Parfltt, Bros. New York, A new system of Apart. -house. Plans. 397 83 PfeifEer, Carl " The Berkshire. 2 plates. 320,000 445 84 " tt Plaza Apartment-house. 1,200,000 123 78 Price, Bruce " Six-story Apartment-house. 35,000 136 78 Putnam, J. P. Boston, Mass. Hotel Cluny. 474 85 Romeyn, C. W. & Co. New York, HofCman Arms. Apartment-house. 450,000 411 83 Sorby, T. C. Montreal, Can. The Albany Chambers. 56 77 Derby, jS\ L. Plan of Model Tenement-house. 69 77 Willett, J. R. Chicago, 111. BeaurivageApartment-ho. Plan only. 85 77 Philadelphia, Pa. Cheap houses, p 257. 1,000 88 77 Chicago, 111. Cheap Fireproof house, p. 281. 169 79 Prize Design for Tencment-ho. 2 pi. 177 79 Plumber's Comp. Plan of Tenem't-ho. 183 79 New York, Plans of Laborers' Dwellings, p. 205. 231 80 Boston, Mass. Phi by author •• Open Fireplace."}).233 268 81 Plan of Tenement-house, p. 75. 382 83 Plan of Apartment-house, p. 186. FRAME HOUSES.— Cotintry and Suburban.' 9 No. i A Architect. Location. REjVIARKS. Cost. Nov. 25 76 Allan, J. M. Ne'w Bedford, Mass. Really a city house. G9 77 Appleton & Stephenson, Newton, Mass. 450 84 a u Passaic, N. J. 2%-st. Equal to 3 stories. 405 121 228 83 78 80 Atwoocl, H. H. Barlow, A. E. Double house for §1,500 competition. §3,000 Porte cochere. 323 82 " LleweUj-n, Pa. £1 77 Bamum, F. S. Cleveland, 0. 2-st. and tower. 100 77 " 4,500 105 77 " " 440 84 Bartberger & Dietrich, Warwick, N. Y. Porte cochere. 262 81 Bates, W. A. Jackson, N. H. 355 82 Cleveland, O. 417 83 << Longwood, Mass. 520 85 " Jackson, N. H. Thorn MoimtaiQ Ho. and 2 cottages. 211 80 Besarick, J. 11. Ne\vton, Mass. Shows stable. 345 82 Bird, Geo. W. Des Moines, la. 74 77 Briggs, W. R. Stamford, Conn. 143 78 " '< Alterations. 3,000 Aug.2G 76 Brown, S. J. Newport, R. I. 17G 79 Brown & Allison, St. John, N. B. Triple house. Oct. 7, 76 Bugbee & Son, Oakland, Cal. 2-st. Large. 50,000 330 82 Bush, Howard S. Monroe, N. Y. 489 85 Bein, W. A. Flu. Rustic roof, covered with bark. Apr. 1. 76 Cabot & Chandler, BeverleyFanns,Mass 3-st. Remodelled. Sept. 76 << (I " 35'x58'. 1st St. 8'6" clear, 2d 8'. Nov. 25 76 <( tt " 64 77 a it Ponrfret, Conn. 3-st. Octagonal projection. 73 77 « 11 BeverleyFarms,Mass 135 78 <( « Manchester, Mass. 6,500 175 79 (. (< Beverleyrarms,Mass Farm house. 275 81 (( a Roxbury, INIass. 279 81 §3,000-House Competition. 3,057.94 3,402.40 371 83 " Maximum," 3,000.61 386 83 "U.K.," 3,305.50 382 83 " Midniriht Oil," 2,995,97 375 83 " Moses," 2,989.58 402 83 " Oliver Twist," 3,206.95 378 83 "Pecksniff," 2,936.37 393 83 " PenciU'aria," 3,169,40 398 83 " QiCen," 3,319.84 380 83 " Spring Chicken," 2,833.14 370 83 " Try," 2,993.30 384 83 " Vie," -^ 2,950.42 393 83 "Broome St.," (W. B. Mowbray), ■X 1,527.75 396 83 " Cassins," 1,577.90 396 83 " Cheek," 1,493.64 395 83 " Country," 1,511.97 410 83 " Engineer," 1,711.50 400 83 " Euchre," 1,510.05 407 405 83 83 " Family Broils," "Harrison," y Sl,500-House Competition. 3,354.80 3,285.61 391 83 " Minimivm," (J. S. Trowbridge), 1,500.00 395 83 "Peregrine White," 1,633.30 391 83 " Sweete Simpjlicitie," (A. C. Schweinfurth), 1,494,45 410 83 " Thumb Tack," 1,5.53.75 398 83 " Utile Dulci," 1,582.44 400 83 " Vtdcan," . 1,506.73 FRAME HOUSES. — Snefches. 17 413 83 296 81 295 81 294 81 226 80 122 78 95 77 414 83 309 81 236 80 430 84 457-59 84 461 84 377 83 887 83 (Gulbranson, del.) Cape Ann, Mass. Frame cottages. (Hapgood, del.) Medford, Mass. The Cradoclc House. (Tolman, del.) Newport, K. I. Colonial Architecture, p. 83, etc. " " p. 71, etc. " Boston, Mass. Old house — 200 years old. Deerfield, Mass. [bor. << u (Peabody, del.) Lenox and LittleHar- u u (Everett, del.) New England. u a (Gregg, del.) Dedham, Mass. Old Fairbanks House. (Details). Various, Low-cost houses, large sheet. Spohr>,Geo. S. 2y2-st. House, p. 138. Vignette. (Mansfield, del.) New Haven, Conn. Old frame liouses. p. 157-177. (Gregg, del.) Plattsburgh, N. Y. The Wofford House, p. 196. NottowayCo.C.H.,Va. Old Hotel, p. 12G. Concrete Houses, New Brighton, N. Y. p. 99. HALF-TIMBERED HOUSES. — Country and Suburban. 19 No. Architect. Location. Remarks. Cost 514 85 Addison & Fiedler, Chicago, 111. Alterations. High veranda. 402 83 Allen & Kenway, AVellesley, Mass. Stone below. Timber and plaster. 850,000 428 84 Anderson, E. CampWashington, O. Stone and timber. 417 83 Bartberger & Dietrich, nr. Pittsburgh, Pa. Stone, brick, terra-cotta and timber. 455 84 " " Red sandstone and shingles. 8,500 137 78 Bates, "W. A. Cleveland, 0. Brick and timber. Very steep roof. 192 79 " Large country house. Brk and shngls. 217 80 " Brick, terra-cotta and frame. 292 350 81 Comp. design. Brick and shingles. Cottage. Brick, shingles and plaster. 82 .< Short Hills, N. J. 407 83 (( Stone, brick, shingles, plaster,ttmber. 435 84 << Cheyenne City, AVy. Jackson, N. H. 2-st. Brick and frame. 520 85 " " Thorn Mt. House." Cottages. 476 85 Bates & Rainsford, Cheyenne City, AVy. 2-st. Brick and shingles. 160 79 Beers, W. H. Brick and shingles. 273 81 Boyd & Krrby, Pittsbitrgh, Pa. Gate Lodge. Stone, timber, plaster. 279 81 Bradlee & Wiuslow, Hingham, Mass. " Old ColonyHouse." 2 pi. See Hotels. 427 84 11 Roxbury, Mass. Stne and timber. Deck roof. Details. 315 82 Brocklesby, W. C. Hartford, Conn. Brick, stone and frame. Shngl or tUe. 225 80 Brown, W. A. Newark, N. J. 114-st. Brick, stone and timber. 350 82 Burnham & Root, St. Louis, Mo. Brick, terra-cotta and timber. 223 80 Cabot & Chandler, Dorchester, Mass. Stable ad.ioining. Sheet of details. 438 84 " Upperville, Va. Limestone and timber. 484 85 " Cambridge, Mass. and Frame stable. Black and white. 154 78 Cady, J. C. on the Hudson, Stn and shngls. 2-st. and gamb. roof. 520 85 Chandler, T. P. Germantown, Pa. 244 80 Cowles, Louis Cleveland, O. Essay in stone and wood. 389 83 Crapsev, Charles Cincinnati, O. Very high roof. 10,265 116 78 Dimon; J. AV. W. Parsonage. Stone, plaster and slate. 196 79 Dunham & Jordan. Birrlington, la. Stone, brick and timber. 7,000 461 84 Dminell & Elliott, Minneapolis, Minn. Large. 314 81 Eaton, F. S. Brick, timber and plaster. 287 81 Emerson, W. R. BeverleyFarms,Mass Brick, stone and shingles. 457 84 " Manchstr-by-th e-Se a Sketches by E. Eldon Deane. 458 84 u " " Gen. Loring's lio. Detached sketches. 376 83 Eyre, Wilson, .Jr. Chester Co., Pa. 2-st. Tile and rough-cast. 449 84 Fernald, A. C. Boston, Mass. 2-st. Brick and timber. 334 82 Franklin, AV. AV. Cincinnati, O. Tile or slate above square. 126 78 Gambrlll & Richardson, S. M.anchester, Conn. Stone and shingles. Stable. Corridor. 422 84 Gilbert, B. S. Rldgefield, N. Y. Stone and timber. 109 78 Oilman, A. New Rochelle, N.Y. Stone, brick and timber. 328 82 Green & AVicks, Auburn, N. Y. 3-st. Brick and shingles. 2 plates. 406 83 " Richmond, Ind. Brick or stne and shngls. Dtls of int. 200 79 Hartwell & Tilden, Belmont, Mass, Brick and timber. 120 78 Hicks, IMargaret Stone and timber. AVorkman"s c'tge. 202 79 Holly, H. H. Stamford, Conn. Brk and shngls. Brace and i^lstr gabl. 296 81 " Orange, N. J. Brick and timber. Belvedere. Pt.coch. Apr. 8, 76 Horsford, J. E. Quinev, 111. Brick and plaster. 362 82 Howard, S. M. AVheeling, AV. Ya,. Brick and stone in bands, and timber Jan. 1, 76 Hunt, R. M. Ne^vport, R. I. Stone, timber and slate. 399 83 Janes, F. H. Schenectady, N. Y. Stone and shingles. 266 81 Jenney, AV. L. B. Lake Forest, 111. Brick and timber. 340 82 Kennedy, R. G. near Darby, Pa. Alterations. 463 84 Kimba]l", AV. D. Minneapolis, INIinn. Row of six tenement-houses. 355 82 Kirby, H. P. Pittsburgh, Pa. Skch of prt of entry ho. Stn and timb. 310 81 Lamb & Rich, Bemardsville, N. J. Large sheet of details. 320 82 " Plstrandtimb. Comp. No.315,Dec3'81 333 82 " Short Hills, N. J. Brick and shingles. Country house. 349 82 " " " Redstone." Large sheet of details. 368 83 " Newton Center,Mass. Double plate. 383 83 Lord, J. B. Short Hills, N. J. Stone, brick trimmings and shingles. Aug. 5, 76 Lord & Fuller, Manchester, Mass. 2-st. Seashore ho. Rubble and clapbds 218 80 Luce, C. S. Brookline, Mass. Plaster gables. Dtls and interior. 2 pi. 517 85 McKim, Mead & AVhite, Narragansett Pr.,R.I. Stone and timber. 235 80 McLiiushlLn, J. AV. Cincinnati, O. Block of six houses. 25,000 403 389 83 83 Messenger, E. L. Newcomb, E. A. P. Ri'ir'lr inrl Qliino'lpc: Brookline, Mass. Stone and timber. 56 77 Oakey, A. F. Mt. Desert, Me. ilarine villa. Brck, stne and shngls. 382 83 " Newport, R. I. 464 84 " Milwaukee, AVis. Two views. Photographs. Tile roof. 1.57 78 Ober & Rand. AVhichester, Mass. 132 78 Peabody & Steams, Newport, R. I. uT„ri!Jrryr7" i Brick and timber dials. LoiiUard { Large sht. SeeJy0,'78. 232 80 " " 67 77 Pfeiffer, Carl Long Branch, R. I. Brick and slated. 75 77 " Ossia Lodge, AV. Va. 2-st. 348 82 " Milford, Conn. Stone, shingles and plaster. HALF-TIMBERED HOUSES. — Coww/f); and Suburban. 21 u No. a> X 117 78 213 80 219 80 293 81 108 78 482 85 209 79 267 81 319 82 414 83 508 85 369 83 608 85 273 81 298 81 427 84 375 83 459 84 282 81 434 84 388 83 398 83 469 84 507 85 515 85 351 82 476 85 501 85 May 6, 76 426 84 506 85 294 81 319 82 470 84 100 77 128 78 80 79 446 84 Architect. Potter & Robertson, Powell, W. B. Preston, W. G. Price, Bruce Phipps, S. E. Ramsey & Swasey, Renwick & Russell, Rich, C. A. Rossiter & Wright, Rotch & Tilden, Schweinfiu'th, J. A. Sims. J. P. Smvtli, Dou2;las Stem, J. H. & A. H. Sterner, F. J. Stevens, J. C. Stuckert, A. M. Sturgis & Brigham, Taylor, A. T. Taylor, Van Campen Thayer, S. J. F. Tubby, W. B. Van Brunt, A. Walker, C. H. AVheeler, L. B. Wheelwright, E. M. Williamson, T. R. Wood, W. H. Wright, F. A. Miscellaneous views, Location. Newport, R. I. Washington, Conn. Wayne Station, Pa. Spring Hill, Mass. Brookline, JMass. Mt. Desert, Me. Cincinnati, O. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Cincinnati, O. Competition, St. Louis, Mo. Morrisania, N. Y. NewtonCeuter, Mass. Dallas, Texas Mt. Desert, Me. Cleveland, O. Germantown, Pa. Narragansett Pr.,R.I. Indianapolis, Ind. Denver, Col. Portland, Me. E. Orange, N. J. Newport, R. I. Montreal, Que. Newark, N. J. Manchester, Mass. Holyoke, Mass. Kansas City, Mo. Short Hills, N. J. Newcastle. N. H. n'r Philadelphia, Pa. Newark, N. J. West Va. Short Hills, N. J. Remarks. Brick, etc. Brick, timber and plaster. Brick and timber. Stable adjoining. Large sheet of details. Brick and shingles. Study for house. Marine. Stone and timber. Low cottage. Stone and timber. Brick, stone, tile, plastr. Lg sht dtls, Brick and timber. Block or group of houses. " JJaiifors." Brick and slate. Brick and tuuber. Dbl cottage. Br, stn,tr-ctr. Plstrgabl Brick and timber. " Chatwold." Details and interior. Photograph. (See also Aug. 20, 1881.) Semi-detached. Eciual to one. " Shadow Farm." 3-st. Stn and tmbr. Views and details. Stone and timber. Stable adjoining. 2-st. Low. Stone and timber. 2-st. Marine. Belvedere. Stn and timb. Two, semi-detached. 3-st. Brick and shingles. Seaside cottage. Rubble and timber. Brick and shingles. High roof. With interiors. Architectural League design. Brick and timber. Seaside. Town villa. 2-st. Brick and timber. 3-st. Brick and timber. Design for cottage. Brick and timber. Photographs. Cost. $ 23,000 3,343.20 6,000 16,000 15,000 10,000 12,000 4,000 BRICK HOUSES. — Country and Suburban. 23 No. 1^ a Akchitect. Location. Remarks. Cost. 82 77 Anderson, E. Xenia, 0. Brick and stone. 129 78 " Cincinnati, 0. " 224 80 " " Brick. Artificial stone ceilings. 377 83 " « 417 83 " Dellil, 0. 423 84 " Peru, Ind. Stable adjoining. 329 394 82 83 Barlow, A. E. Bartberger, C. M. "Astonfleid." Allegheny Citj^ Pa. 488 85 Bartberger & Dietz, Sewleklv, Pa. p. 211. 180 79 Beebe, M. E. Buffalo, 'N. Y. Brick and stone. 414 83 Bevis, Henry Hillsboro', 0. «' 427 84 Botticlier, P. G. Newark, N. J. 3-st. Brick and stone. More city style. 434 84 " '• See "Apartment-Houses." 220 80 Boyd, Thomas Grafton, W. Va. 307 81 Burton, E. O. Lincoln, Neb. 129 78 Chirk & Briggs, St. John, N. B. Semi-detached. 2-st. Flat roof. 162 79 Orapsey, Clias. Cincinnati, 0. Bi'ick and stone. 10,000 366 82 Curtis, E. C. Boston, Mass. See '-Apartment-Houses." 70 77 Congdon, H. M. Cooperstown, N. Y. Porte cocliere. 351 82 Des Jardins, S. E. Cincinnati, O. Brick and stone. 317 82 Dietrich. E. W. Brooklyn, N. Y. " Fireplace. 210 80 Earle, S. C. Boston, Mass. " Semi-detached. 467 84 Edwards, Charles Paterson, N. J. Gardener's cottage. 163 79 Emerson, W. R. BrooklLne, Mass. Brick and stone. Rustic seat. [uel. 69 77 Fernbacli, Henry New York, Sy2-st.high-bt.ParsongeTempleEman- 347 82 Franklin, W. W." near Cincinnati, O. Brick and stone. 493 85 Eraser, W. S. Meadville, Pa. Brick, stone and terra-cotta. 355 80 Fuller, A. W. Albany, N. Y. Porte cochere. 474 85 Fuller & Wheeler, Schenectady, N. Y. Brick, stone and terra-cotta. 412 83 Gibson, R. W. Albany, N. Y. Office and keeper's lodge to ceniet'y. 431 84 " " Stables. Potsdam stone. Tile. 133 78 Hannaford, S. near Cincinnati, 0. Block of three houses. 350 82 " " Brick and stone. Full basement. 121 78 Hartwell & TUden, Binghamton, N. Y. 485 85 Hill, J. G. Washington, D. C. Brick, stone and terra-cotta. 150 78 Hobbs, I. H. Philadelphia, Pa. Remarkable plan and style. 20,000 191 79 Howe, F. M. near Boston, Mass. Brick, stone and terra-cotta. 427 84 Janes, F. H. Oswego, N. Y. 3-st. Lighted by electricity. Juii. 10 76 Jellitr, H. F. Xewark, N. J. 3-st. Jan. 8, 76 Jenncy, ^Y. L. B. Indianapolis, Ind. Brick and stone. Jan. 22 76 " Chicago, HI. May 13 76 " " Porte cochere. 138 78 Jennings, A. B. 292 81 Johnston C. H. Architectxiral League. Brick and stn. 143 78 Kennedy, R. G. Kilbuni, H. F. 70 77 Holyoke, Mass. Brick. Stable adjoining. 257 80 Kimball & Wisedell, near New York, See " City Houses'." 300 81 Kirby, J. H. Syracuse, N. Y. Detached city house. Brk and tr-cta. 307 81 Kirby & Bates, <' Brick. 84 77 Kirby & Cameron, Coliunbus, 0. 1-st. Conservatory. Large. 146 78 L<^tang, E. France, 2-st. See also "Foreign." 10,000 286 81 McArthur, J. PhUadelphla, Pa. Own residence. 149 78 McLaughlin, J. W. Cincinnati, O. Semi-detached. 20,000 296 81 " " See "Club and City Houses." 16.000 316 82 « u Brick, stone and terra-cotta. 25,000 265 81 Mason & Rice, Detroit, Mich. Si/z-st. Stn,br. Large and stately res. 280 81 " «« 105 77 Miller, W. H. Ithaca, N. Y. 81 77 Oakey & Bloor, Buffalo, N. Y. Red tile. 23^-st. 378 83 Orth, G. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Brick and ten-a-cotta. 152 78 Peabody & Stearns, Concord, jNIass. Three designs for country house. Apr. 22 76 Price, Bruce Wilkes Barre, Pa. 3-st. French rf . Rough-east. Stn ti-m. 40,000 408 83 •' Dayton, O. Detached city house on corner lot. 482 85 Preston, TV. G. Brookline, Mass. Brick and terra-cotta. Oct. 28 76 Putnam, J. P. Longwood, Mass. Block of Ave houses. Plan on p. 348. 78 77 Rand, G. D. Winchester, Mass. Brick and stone. 228 80 Romeyn, C. W. Brick and stone. Timber above sqr. 404 83 " Pittsburgh, Pa. Stone, brick, terra-cotta. Pt. cochere. 50,000 56 77 " Syi-acuse, N. Y. 2-st. and high roof. Detachd city ho. 8,000 430 84 Rossiter & Wright, Detroit, jNIich. 9,000 486 85 '< Pittsburgh, Pa. Semi-detached. Equal to one. 101 77 Russell, A. Syracuse, N. Y. Brick and stone. 249 80 Shaw, R. G. & 6. R. Milton, Mass. Details. Large sheet. Barn. 441 84 Sibley & Sons, Middletown, Conn. Parsonage. 433 84 Silsbee, J. L. Buffalo, N. Y. 359 82 Steen, James Pittsburgh , Pa. 5,000 BRICK HOUSES. — Country and Suburban, 25 No. Akchitect. 372 83 StiUburg & Stanb, 489 85 Stuckert, A. M. 240 80 Sturgis & Brigham, 47G 85 Taylor, Andrew T. 204 79 Toiman, G. R. 322 82 Van Brunt & Howe, 414 83 Wallingford, C. A. Oct. 21 76 Ware «& Van Brunt, 80 77 '< 258 80 « 108 78 Weary, P. A. Oct. 28 76 Weston & liand, 71 77 li 61 77 Wight, P. B. Mar. 4, 7(! Wilson J. R. 438 84 Wirtti, G. 28G 81 Withers, F. C. 1G5 79 Woollett, W. M. 199 79 <' 206 79 " June24 76 Woodcock, S. S. 342 82 Wolf. Jno. Location. Pittsburgh, Pa. Newark, N. J. on the Hudson, Montreal, Que. AVashington, D. C. Watertown, Mass. Indianapolis, Ind. Brookline, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Akron, O. Lowell, Mass. Brookline, Mass. Rockford, 111. Cmcinnati, O. St. Paul, ]Minn. Hartford, Coiui. Albany, N. Y. South Adams, Mass. Lowell, Mass. Taylor's Falls, Minn. Remarks. Brick and stone. Two interiors. 2-st. Brick and stone. Large. Semi-detached. Old house, sketched. Details. 2 pi. Brick and stone. Full basement. Belvedere. Deanei-y Epis. Theo. Sch. Lg.sht.dtls. Brick and terra-cotta bands. 70''xS6' Country house. Brick and stone. 2 and 3 st. i Brick and stone. Two suburban houses. Porte cochere. ' Remodelling. Date, 1800. 2-st. Fr roof. Full basement. 9G'x61' Detached city house, with garden. Cost. $11,000 STONE HOUSES. — Country and Suburban. 27 No., i Akchitect. LOCATIOX. Remarks. Cost. 40.5 83 Brocklesby, AV. C. Gt.Barrington, Mass. Coachman's cottage. Oct. 7, 76 Bui-nham & Root, Chicago, lU. 294 81 " " Detached city house. 355 82 " " Block of tlrree houses. 54 77 Chandler, T. P. Radnor, Pa. Massive retaining wall. 362 82 " nr Philadelphia, Pa. Extensive basement. Castellated. 372 83 " nrBrndywineRiv.Del 440 84 " Ingeborg, Pa. "Overbrook." Sept. 9, 76 Clarke, J. T. Medfleld, Mass. Rough stone. 304 81 Cleves, A. Omaha, Neb. Grand mansion in feudal style. 520 85 Des Jardins & HajTvard, Cincinnati, 0. Porte cochere. Bridge and gate. 30,000 406 83 Dodd, A. H. Richmond HiU, . 441 262 84 Davis E. F. Sketches in Ulster Co. Old houses. Light and dark granite. 81 Earle.'s.'c' Worcester, Mass. 20,000 166 79 Edwards, C. Princeton, N. J. Weatherboard and tile gable. 444 84 Emerson, W. R. Bar Harbor, INIich. 2-st. 57 77 Fern bach, Henry Salem Cemetery, L.I. Keeper's dwelling and gates. 321 82 Fuller, A. W. Denver, Col. Tile gables. 25,000 322 82 Hannaford, S. Cincinnati, 0. 431 84 Hapgood, M. P. Minneapolis, Minn. 2-st. 329 82 Kennedy, R. G. nr Philadelphia, Pa. 254 80 Kimball & Wisedell, Hartford, Conn. 465 84 Kirby, II. P. Pittsbiu-gh, Pa. Study of entrance-window and steps. 292 81 Kleeves, A. Buffalo, N. Y. Club-House. Jan. 29 76 Littcll, E. T. New York, Rectory of Zion's Ch.,N. Y. 3-st.andbt. 151 78 Lynn, W. H. Quebec. Que. New Chateau. St. Louis. 98 77 McKim, ■Mead & Bigelow, Rye,N.Y. Rectory house. 10,000 264 81 MoLanghlin, J. V>'. Cincinnati, O. Loggia and oriel. 316 82 " " Country house. 14,000 403 83 " " 2Vo and 3 st. 4t),000 410 83 " Clifton, 0. La"rge house. 75,000 442 84 Oakey, A. F. on the Hudson, 3-st. 89 77 Oakey & Bloor, BufiEalo, N. Y. See-house for Bishop. 2-st. 492 85 Oyler, R. Springfield, Mass. Shingle gables. 477 85 a " Jne 10, 70 Putnam, J. P. Greenwich, R. I. 2-st. Porte cochere. Plans on p. 188. 257 80 SehrofiE, IMax in Ohio, 3-st. Stepped gallery. 226 80 Scofield, L. Cleveland, O. 116 78 Shaw, G. R. &R. G. Brookline, IMass. 390 83 Smith, O. C. Allegheny, Pa. Skchs. Gable. Entrnce-pch. Bal., etc. 411 83 Sorby, T. C. Montreal, Que. "Albany Chambers." (See Apartmt). 101 77 Sturgis & Brigham, Newport, R. I. Gardener's cottage. 113 78 Upjohn, R. M. Harrison, N. Y. Large country house. 92 Dec. 9, 77 Whitehouse, F. M. Withers, F. C. Seaside. Porte cochere. 76 Wilkes Barre, Pa. CITY HOUSES. 29 Xo. Architect. LOCATIOX. Remarks. Cost. Nov. 25 70 Allen, J. M. Xew Bedford, Mass. Frame city house. 2i4-st. 39(5 83 Allen & Kenway, Boston, Mass. Stone. Basement and 3-st. High roof. 110 78 Anderson & Hamill, Xew York, Brandstn. Bt and 4-st. Two half ho. 277 81 Ai'cliitectiu'al League, " Brick and stone. 4-st. 25' front. 489 85 Ai-ev, C. O. Cleveland, O. Stone. Double ho. Stepped gables. 229 80 Bates, W. A. New York, Bk.4-st.Tmbr.Bay3-st.Crlot. Proi.chv. 138 78 Beers, W. Brooklyn Heights, Stone and brick. Basemt and 3V>-st. 4G1 84 Besarick, J. H. Boston, Mass. 3-st. Mansard roof and basement. 427 84 Botticher, P. a. Newark, N. J. 3-st. Brick. 270 81 Burling & ^V^litellouse, Chicago, 111. 3-st. and basement. Stone. Fire-prf. 454 84 " " 3-st. Stone. Square tower. Sept SO 76 Bumliam & Root, " 2%-st.Br and stn. Granite cols. Ti--cta. 100 77 " " Brick and stone. 2i/^-st. 112 78 " " Stone. 21/o-st. 208 81 " " 3-st. Stone. Detached. 32(5 82 " " Stone and terra-cotta. (Stable.) 353 82 " " Calimiet Club-House. o%-st. Tower. 360 82 '< " Basement and 2i4-st. Terra-cotta. 237 80 Brown, R. New York, 5-st. Br andstn." Comp. "Domvs." 137 78 Chandler, T. P. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Basement and 314-st. 173 79 Cabot & Chandler, Boston, Mass. Basement and 3-st. 24' Br and stn. 361 82 " " Bt, 4^st. Lg. circular arch. Stn,tr-ctr. 519 85 Clark, T. M. New York, Ave. St. Nicholas. 4-st. Group houses. 412 83 Crapsey, Charles Cincinnati, 0. Bt and 3-st. High roof. On 20' lot. 125 78 Cummings & Sears, Boston, Mass. Bt, 3-st. Br and stn, tr-eta. Lg. ctyho. 217 80 Curtis, E. C. " Bt and 4-st. Brick, stone, terra-cotta. 493 85 Des Jardins, S. E. Cincinnati, 0. 4-st. Stone and brick. 25' lot. 473 85 Dickson, Walter Albany, N. Y. Blk four hos. Br and stn. Bt and 3i^-st. 342 82 Dinmnock, M. J. Richmond, Va. Brick and stone. Corner lot. 392 83 " " Brick. Stair-hall interior. 230 80 Donaldson, J. M. Detroit, Mich. Brick and stone. Stone basement. 436 84 Fehmer, Carl Boston, IMass. 4-st. Stone. 141 78 Eraser, John Washington, D. C. 4y2-st. 449 84 Frederick, Claude " 4-st. and basement. 243 80 Friend, J. H. Competition, "Domestlctts 6a)iitas." 4-st. Bk. stone. 496 85 Gifford. C. A. Newark, N. J. $4,500 each. Three houses. Bk, stn. 411 83 Gibbs, D. W. & Co. Toledo, O. Two houses. Brick and terra-cotta. 437 84 Gilbert & Thomson, New York, Bt., 3-st. Br and stn. Stable 810.000. 50,000 243 80 Gould, T. J. Competition, Four cty hos. 4-st. Bk, stone, tr-cta. 302 81 Gray & Page, Washington, D. C. 31/4-st. Detached one side. 494 85 Gilbert, Cass St. Paul, annn. Row of houses. 3-st. 3,800 485 85 Hill, J. G. Washington, D. C. 2-st. Brick, terra-cotta. Comer ho. 15,000 408 83 Homblower, J. St. Paul, INIinn. "Everett Apartment^House." 5-st. 130 78 Hunt, R. M. New York, 4-st. Stone. 376 83 Janes, F. H. Albany, N. Y. Dbl ho.SVa-st. Br and stn. Plstr gables. 438 84 Jennings, A. B. New York, Si/o-st. Corbelled turret. Porch. 285 81 Kendall, E. H. " 4-st. Bk, stn, tr-cta. Donners. Cr lot. 289 81 " " Si/a-st. Bk,stn. Fifth Ave. Corner lot. 183 79 Kilbm-n, H. F. " Detached city house. Porte coehere. 257 80 Kimball & Wisedell, " 41/4-st. Brick and terra-cotta. 300 81 Kii-by, J. H. Syracuse, N. Y. Stone, brick, terra-cotta. Detached. 152 78 Kirby & Lewis, Boston, Mass. 314-st. Brick, stone. Narrow front. 257 80 " " Two houses. 3i,^-st. Brick, stone,tr-cta. 513 July 8, 85 70 Kirby, H. P. Laing & Fehmer, Study for a town-house. 3-st. and b.isement. Stone and brick. Chicago, ni. Jan. 22 76 Lewis, W. W. Boston, Mass. 4-st. and bt. Brandstn. For a doctor. 110 78 " " 3-st. and basement. Brick and stone. 269 81 " " 4-st. and bt. Stn,br. Interior. Cr lot. 360 82 " " Dbl ho. 3-st. and bt. Brick, stn, tr-cta. 448 84 '< " Two houses. 4and3st.,bt. Stn, br. 358 82 Lord, J. B. Yonkers, N. Y. Brick and timber. Four ho. ( suburbn). 20,000 347 82 " New Y'ork, Two hos. on 31'. SVa-st. Stn, br, tr-cta. 141 78 Luce, S. C. Boston, Mass. Remodelling. 2,000 413 83 McKim, JMead & White, " 3-st. Photograph. 296 81 McLaughlin, J. W. Cincinnati, 0. Cu^^er Club-House. q. v. 16,000 427 84 Osterling, F. J. Wlieeling, W. Va. Stone and brick. 2i/i-st. 386 83 Pfeiifer, Carl AVashington, D. C. 3-st. and bt. Brick, "iron balconies. 282 81 Post, G. B. New Y'ork, C. Vanderbilt's ho. Two elevations. 283 81 Potter, W. A. Chicago, 111. 3i/„-st.,bt. Brandstn. 2 pi. Cr lot. Stbl. ,^ 83 77 Potter & Robertson, Albany, N. Y^ Brick and stone. 144 78 " " Schenectady, N, Y. Alterations. Brick. 236 80 " " Albany, N. Y. 3-st. and basement. Brick and stone. May 13 76 Preston, W. G. Boston, Mass. 3-st. and basemt. Details. Ii-on. Oriel. 201 79 Price, Bruce New York, 5-st. Stn, br, tr-cta. 25' lot. 2 designs. 226 80 Putnam, J. P. Boston, Mass. 4-st. and basement. Stone and brick. 288 81 " " Brick and stone. Large sheet details. CITY HOUSES. 31 i^ No. c3 >H 391 83 234 80 413 83 436 84 272 81 56 77 237 80 235 80 357 82 291 81 456 84 Mar. 18 76 473 85 485 85 Apr. 8, 76 112 78 247 80 73 77 199 79 103 77 196 79 330 82 449 84 425 84 342 82 Sept 16 231 76 80 Architect. Read, C. H. Renwick, J. Richardson, H. H. Robertson, R. H. Romeyn, C. W. Rossiter & Wright, Silliman & Farnswortli, Smith, O. C. Taylor, Van Campen Thayer, S. J. F. TUton, E. R. Vaux, C. Van Osdel, Ware, J. E. Ware & Van Brunt, Wentworth, W. P. Wilson, J. A. Wilson, J. A. & W. T. Wirth, George Withers, F. C. Wolf, John Wyatt, J. N. Location. Washington, D. C. Nexv York, Boston, Mass. New York, Syracuse, N. Y. Competition, New York, Pittsburgh, Pa. Newark, N. J. Boston, Mass. New York, Worcester, Mass. Chicago, III. New York, Boston, Mass. Baltimore, Md. St. Paul, Minn. Jersey City, N. J. Taylor's Falls, Minn. Baltimore, Md. Remarks. 3-st. and bt. Brick. Iron balcony. Delta Psi Chapter-Ho. 3-st. and bt. 3-st. Brick and stone. Photograph. 4^st. and mansard roof. S^i-st. and base't. 34' lot. Fire-proof. Detached city houses. 2-st. High rf. 5-st. Brick and stone. " Freak." 5-st. Brick, stone and terra-cotta. Double city ho. Br and tim. (Sketch.) Block of tive houses. 3V2-st. Block of ten houses. 3-st. 4y,-st. and high basement. 3%-st. Brick, stone, terra-cta. 25' lot. 4-st. Brick and stone. Corner lot. 41/o-st. Stone. S-s't. and high rf. Cor.lot. Brandstn. 4-st. and bt. Brick, stone, terra-cotta. 414-st. li/>-st. in roof. 3y2-st. and'bt. Brandstn. HighFrrf. 3-st., bt. Cor lot. 24'x66' Br and stn. 3y2-st. and basement. 23' front. 314-st. and basement. 25' front. 3-st. and lit. Block of seven houses. Sii-st. Brick. Stepped gables. City house with garden in front. Brick and stone. 23'x80'. Plans and elevations, p. 2.'^3. Illus- trative of ventilating firejjlace. Cost. 8,000 45,000 BLOCKS OF HOUSES^— City and Siiburban. 33 [INCLTJDr^G SEMI-DETACHED.] No. ARCHITECT. Location. Remarks. Cost. 489 85 Arey, C. O. Cleveland, 0. Double hse. 2y2-st. Stn. Step'd gable. 355 82 Bumiham & Root, Cliicago, 111. Block of three citj' houses. 2i^-st. 519 85 Clark, T. M. New York, (Av.Nich.) Group of houses. 4-st. 129 78 Clark & Briggs, St. John, N. B. Semi-detached houses. 2-st. 473 85 Dickson, Walter Albany, N. Y. Block of fovu- city houses. SYo-st. 210 80 Earle, S. C. Worcester, Mass. Two connected ho. Br and stn. 2l^-st. 145 78 Fox, John A. Boston, Mass. Two connected houses. Frame. 2y2-st. 411 83 Gibbs, D. W. & Co. Toledo, 0. Double city house. 496 85 GifEord, C. A. Newark, N. J. Row of three houses. $4,500 each. 494 85 GUberfr, Cass St. Paul, Minn. Row of six houses. 3-st. 38,000 133 78 Hannaford, S. Cincinnati, 0. Block of three houses. 2i2-st. 376 83 Janes, F. H. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dbl city house. Brick and stn. SH-st. 257 80 Kirby & Lewis, Boston, Mass. Two houses. Brick, stn, tr-cta. 3i^-st. 360 82 Lewis, W. W. " Double city house. 3-st. 448 84 " " Two houses. 4 and 3 st. 347 82 Lord, J. B. New York, Pair city houses, on 31' lot. SVj-st. 358 82 Yonkers, N. Y. Four houses. 214-st. (Suburban.) 20,000 149 78 McLaughlin, J. W. Cincinnati, O. Semi-detached. 2yo-st. 235 80 " Block of six houses! Bt and 2i/^-st. 508 85 Price, Bruce « Block of six houses. 2Vo-st. Oct. 28 76 Putnam, J. P. Longwood, Mass. Blk of five ho. 2i4-st. Plan on p. 348. 298 81 Rich, C. A. Newton Centre, Mass. Double cottage. 'Half-timber. 2y3-st. 282 81 Sims. J. P. Germantown, Pa. Semi-detached house. 2i^-st. 357 82 Smith, O. C. Pittsburgh, Pa. Montreal, Can. Sketch for double city house. 2'^-st. 476 85 Taylor, A. F. Semi-detached houses. 2y2-st. 291 81 Taylor, Van Campen Newark, N. J. Block of five city houses. SV^-st. 465 84 " " Block of ten city houses. 3-st. 247 80 Ware, J. E. New York, Block three city houses. 4-st. 449 84 Wlrth, George St. Pavd, Minn. Block of seven city houses. 3-st. ECCLESIASTICAL.- (7f^^^« Churches. 35 Jan. 15 174 68 159 511 165 Nov.18 130 374 131 Sept 2, 86 112 264 420 171 Feb. 26 Apr. 8, 456 176 182 Jiily29 160 472 212 218 255 Mar. 4, 251 58 394 398 490 59 299 Jan. 1, May 6, 172 80 178 251 138 179 486 226 378 76 189 Dec. 2, 175 Sept 23 204 Dec. 9, 108 401 419 487 168 83 May 27 210 Sept 30 165, 73 313 106 Jan. 22 Feb. 12 306 Feb. f 188 148 Anderson & Crapsey, Beebe, M. E. Besariek, J. H. Broc'klesby, W. C. Burns, C. M. Cabot, E. C. Cassell, C. E. Cochrane, J. C. Congdon, H. M. Cummings, M. F. Cunmiings & Sears, Dempwolf, J. A. Dixon & Carson, Dunnell & Brown, Durang, E. F. Edwards, C. Egan & HUl, Esty, A. R. Eraser ,W. S. Gambrill & Richardson, Gibson, R. W. Gouge, F. H. Gray <& Page, Hartwell, Swasey & Co. Hubert & Pirsson, Kennedy, R. G. (del.) IvUburn, H. F. Kirby, J. H. LLnd, E. C. Marshall, H. R. Ord, John Peabody & Steams, Pfeiffcr, Carl Potter, E. T. Potter, W. A. Potter & Robertson, Price, Bruce Pursell, I. Ramsay, C. R. Renwick, Jas. Richardson, H. H. Robertson, R. H. Russell, R. G. Schickel, Wm. Sturgis & Brigham, Supplee, D. E. Upjohn, R. M. Vinal, A. Ware & Van Brunt, "Wilson, J. R. Wilson, J. A. & W. Wyatt & Sperry, Charleston, W. Ta. P. Catherines, Ont. Boston, Mass. . New Bedford, Mass. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Boston, Mass. Baltimore, Md. Chicago, ni. Sing Sing, N. Y. Glencove, N. Y. Dubuque, la. Portsmouth, N. H. Boston, Mass. Troy, N. Y. Lynn, Mass. Boston. Mass. Gettysbiu-g, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Minneapolis, IVIinn. Philadelphia, Pa. Paterson, N. J. Chicago, HI. Lockport, N. Y. Chicago, 111. Boston, Mass. Sewickley, Pa. Boston, Mass. Albany, N. Y. Clinton, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Fall River, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Northampton, Mass. New York, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Germantown, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa, St. Louis, Mo. New York, Northampton, Mass. Brookline, Mass. Springfield, Mass. St. John, N. B. Willces Barre, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. New York, Albany, N. Y. New York, ] Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa, Boston, Mass. Danville, Pa. Bennington, Vt. Cleveland, O. Boston, Mass. Lynn, Mass. Ironton, O. Baltimore, Md. [See also Part Presbyterian. Stone. St.ThomasEpiscopal. Stone. 80'xlOO' Cong., Chapel annex. Stn. 800 seats. St. James Episcopal. Brick and Stone. St. Stephen's Church. View showing Gothic Ch. [der. Stn. Clnu-ch of theHolyComforter. S.S.un- Bishop Chase Memorial Church. Stn. Bp. WhittingtonMem.Ch. Stn and tun JefEersonPkCh.Bk,Stn.Seat'gsem-cir. Trinity Cii. Stn. Plan on sep. plates St. Paul's. Stone. Porte cochere. St. John's. Native rock. 600 seats. Stone, timber and plaster. Gables. Ch., S.S., parish bldgs. Stn. 1000 sts, Presb. Ch. 44'x84' Brick and Stone. Universalist. Stone. Plan at p. 68. Old South Church. Stone. Memorial Church. Episcopal. Presb. Ch. Granite. (Boundary Ave.) Pi-esb. Chxu-ch. Lafayette Sq. 'Stone. Comp. for Ch. Porte cochere. Spire. Ch. of the Visitation. B.C. Stone. Church, with spire. R.C.Ch. 83'.xl6l' Stone. 225' spire R.C. Church. Spire. Stone. St.Adalbert, R.C. Bk and Stn. Spire, Cong. Church. Stone. 1000 seats. Comp.dcs. M.E.Ch. Bk and Stn. Spire, Trinity Chiu'ch. Cathedral. 2 plates. " Interior. " West front. [1000 seats. "Old Stone Ch." Presb.,and Chpl. Stn Chris. Ch. Stn and bk. Granite cols. Congregational Church. Ch.of the Puritans. 750seats. Marble. Christ Church. IstCong.Ch. Monson Grnite. 1200 sts. 1st Pi-esbyterian Church. Stone. Design for Chiirch. Stone. Spire. Presb. Church. (Rejected design.) Christ Church. Restoration. Asbury M.E. Church. Stone. Church of Messiah. Two sketches. Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. Comp. design. Stone. Brick dressings. Harvard Ch. Spire. Stone. 850 seats. New So. Ch. Cong. Chapel adj. Stn. Trinity Church. 2 plates. Stone. M.E.Ch. Bk, Stn. Spire 250'. 1200 sts. Moravian Ch. HolyTi-inity. Stn. 2-st. Central Presb. Ch. Stn. Spire. 750 sts. St. Patrick's. R.C. Cathedral. Cathedral. 6 plates. [Dtls. Mad.-Ave.M.E.Ch. Stn. 754 seats. Stn. St. James Church. [550 seats. Unitarian. A. Sq.xOO' Bk.Stn. Spire. R.C. OurLadyof PeiTJetualHelp. 2-st. Church of the Advent. Competitive design. Trinity Church. St.Math. Evan.Luth. Comp. 625seats. Central Church. Stone. Christ Church. See also 308. Baptist. Brick. 400 seats. Chiu'ch and Parsonage. Stone. First Church. Stone. St. Steph. IMem. Ch. Stn. Lg. sht dtls. Presbyterian Ch. 45'x75' Brick. Pres.Ch. Boundary Ave. Stn.tjO'xlSO' St. Michael's. Stone. II-] ECCLESIASTICAL. — l^illage Churches. 37 u No. 4) X 315 82 270 81 277 81 511 85 308 81 4ao 85 189 79 June24 76 430 84 163 79 485 85 467 84 344 82 275 81 74 77 445 84 258 80 206 79 60 77 187 79 230 80 126 78 126 78 384 83 381 83 124 78 235 80 239 80 Architect. Location. Remarks. Cost. Bartlett & West, Brocklesby, W. C. Burns, C. M. Chandler, T. P. Congdon, H. M. Dempwolf , J. A. Duunell & Brown, Earle, S. C. Ferry & Gardner, Gibson, R. W. Hartwell & Richardson, Hayes, W. H. ■ Howe & Dodd, Kilbm-n, H. F. Robertson, R. H. Rossiter & AVright, Silloway & Cobb, Starbuclv iSrVinal, Tliayer, S. J. F. Tilden, Geo. T. Valk, L. B. Van Brunt & Howe, Walker, W. R. & Son, Withers, J. C. Wood, W. Halsey Newton, la. Adams, Mass. Brya Mawr, Pa. Foxchase, Pa. Danville, Pa. Spring Grove, Pa. Owatonna, Minn. Norton, Mass. Wilbraham, Mass. Greenpoint, L. I. Norwood, Mass. Lodi, N. Y. Waltham, Mass. Larchmont, N. Y. Netherwood, N. J. Augusta, Me. Farmington, Me. Naini Tal, India, Perrysburgh, O. Bennington, Vt. Shellburne Falls,Mas No. Attleboro', Mass. Hanover, N. H. M.E. Bk and Stone. Spire and tower. St. Mark's. Stone. Arcade porch. Ch. of the Redeemer. Stone. 2 pi. Presbyterian Church. Christ Ch. Stone. Lge central tower. Christ Church. (Photograph.) St.Paul's Lutheran. Bk,Stn. 450seats. M.E. Church. Brick and Stone. Cong.Chapel. Timbered. See interior. Frame Country Church. Ch.of theAscension. Brick. Gabl to st. 1st Cong. Ch. Frm. Tower and Spire. M.E. Church. Brick and Stone. Universalist. Large sheet of details. Frame Church. Sketches for Church. Brick and frame above sq. 250 seats. Frame. Unitarian. M.E. Ch. 2-st. Spire. 500 seats. M.E. Mission Church. A village Chitrch, on diagonal plan. Chiu'ch. Emanuel Ch. Stone. Brick dressings. Universalist, and Parsonage. Bk, Stn. St. Thomas Church. Stone. Seashore Church. Ch.and S.S. Square tower. 600 seats. [See also Part XL] 10,000 6,000 12,000 4,000 7,000 ECCLESIASTICAL. — Urban Chapels. 39 u No. >H 295 81 149 78 157 79 300 81 Jxily 8, 76 279 81 80 77 98 77 66 77 Abchitect. Bush, H. S. Cady, J. C. Cassell, C. E. Hazlett, W. C. Potter & Robertson, Robertson, R. H. Supplee, D. E. Thayer, S. J. F. Wyatt & Sperry, Paterson, N. J. Brooklyn, N. Y. Harrisburg, Pa. Zanesville, O. New York, Mantua, Pa. Boston, Mass. Baltimore, Md. [See also Part II.] Remabks. Small Chapel. Stone. [seats. PUgrmChpl. Bk,tr-cta. 1200 to 1500 St. Paul's Ch. Small. Gable. Belfrj'. Chancel and Vestry. Stone. St. Augustine. Chapel and Schools. Madison-Ave. Ch. Stone and tile. Second Presbyterian Church. Stone. Unitarian Church. St. Geo. 44'x88' Marble. 400 seats. Cost. ECCLESIASTICAL. — Country Chapels. 41 No. Aechitect. Location. Remabks. Cost. 184 79 Brown & Allison, St. John, N. B. Episcopal. 132 Seats. Frame. Sl,793 142 78 Burr, F. S. (Boston), Maiden, Mass. Unitarian Chapel. Frame. 139 78 Chandler, T. P. Darlington, Md. Small. Stone. Dee. 16 76 Congdon, H. M. Hartford, Conn. St.Thomas. Stn. Granite paving-blks 415 83 Day, W. H. Palesville, N. Y. Gloria Dei Ch. Stone. 28'x50' 135 sts. 64 77 Earle, S. C. Bristol, R. I. Chpl St.aiichaersPar. L'gmedow-Stn 12,000 287 81 Emerson, "W. R. Mt. Desert, Me. St.Sylvia. Weatherboard and shingl. 258 80 Fassett, F. H. BerUn FaUs, N. H. R.C. Church. Frame. 144 78 Flcken& Smith, Sea Cliff, L. I. M.E. Church. (Proposed.) 428 84 Gifford, C. A. Harrison, N. J. Christ Ch. Stone and timber. Small. 508 85 " Newark, N. J. IMission Chapel. Frame. 2,500 316 80 Hunt, E.-M. IsUp, L. I. St. Mark's, France. 2 pi. 57 77 Jennuigs, A. B. Tannersville, N. Y. Union Church. Frame. 302 81 Moffette, Geo. Mt. Desert, Me. Rustic Chapel. 127 78 Parker, C. E. near Boston, Mass. Frame Chapel. 57 77 Potter & Robertson, OrangeMount'n, N.J. Counti-y Church. Stone. 87 77 " Englewood, N. J. ( ;hapel. Stone. Low tower. 18,000 111 78 " " Perspective study. Country Church. 146 78 (j (i Ovster Bay, L. I. Frame Church. 508 85 Rand & Taylor, Winchester, Mass. Ch.of the Epiphany. Frame. 200 sts. 4,000 290 81 Robertson, R. H. Seabright, N. J. Sketch of Frame Church. Small. 330 82 Rossiter & Wright, Irvington-on-Hudson Granite Memorial Chjirch. 12,000 271 81 Sims, J. P. Foxburg, Pa. Memorial Chapel. 474 85 "Wait & Cutter, Wakefield, Mass. Greenwood Chapel. Frame. 214 80 Walker & Gould, East Providence, R.I. Baptist Meetlng-House. Frame. [See also Part n.] ECCLESIASTICAL. — Synag^ ogues. 43 No. G514 85 Jan.29l 76 Architect. Eidlltz, Leopold Fraser, Furness&Hewitt, Location. New Yoi:k, Philadelphia, Pa. Remarks. Temple Emanuel. Plan in letter-press feynagogue. Stone. Cost. [See also Part II.] ECCLESIASTICAL. — Interiors. 45 No. Architect. Location. Rejiarks. Cost. 77 77 499 m 366 82 495 85 410 83 364 82 313 81 EidUtz, C. L. W. Hapgood, M. P. (del.), Hartwell & Richardson, Mead, Jno. C. Upjohn, R. M. Vaughan, Henry Ware & Van Brunt, Westchester, N. Y. Wethersfield, Conn. Cambridge, Mass. Wethersfield, Conn. Albany, N. T. Boston, Mass. Lynn, Mass. St. Peter's. Restoration. Interior. 1st Ecclesiastical Society. Sketches. Baptist Church. Interior. 1st Ecclesiastical Society. Interior. St. Peter's. Interior. Chapel for Sisters of St. Margaret. St. Stephen's Mem. Church Interior. [See also Part II.] ECCLESIASTICAL. —Details. 47 No. i Architect. Location. Remarks. 469 84 Cobb, A. W. Study for Church Tower. Feb. 5, 76 Cummings & Sears, Boston, Mass. Pulpit and Screen, Old South Church. 55 77 " " New Old Soutli Ch. Dtls. Stn. Screen. 208 79 Diirangr, E. F. Philadelphia, Pa. Organ. Pi-esbyterian Church. 522 85 Hartwell & Richardson, Boston, Mass. Side entrnc of Spiritual Tmpl. p. 305 488 85 Mason, G.C., Jr. Newport, R. I. Seventh-Day Baptist. Dtls. Restored. 214 80 Renwiok, James New York, Organ Case. Grace Church. 230 80 " " Reredos. Grace Church. 131 78 Richardson, H. H. Boston, Mass. Tower of Brattle Sq. Ch. Sculptured. 345 82 Rossiter & Wright, So. Orange, N. J. Large sheet of Details. See page Gl. 54 77 Upjohn, R. M. Boston, Blass. Central Church. Main entrance. Pch. 299 81 " Mauch Chunk, Pa. Reredos and altar. Marble. 399 83 Vaughan, Henry- St. Stephen's Ch.,R.I. Rood-screen and choir seats. 67 77 Ware & Van Brunt, Boston, Mass. First Church. Details. Nov.18 76 Withers, F. C. New York, Trinity. Reredos. 110 78 " " Church alterations. Cost. 19,947 4,000 [See also Part 11.] ECCLESIASTICA]^. — Miscellaneous. 49 No. >t Aechitect. Location. Remakks. COST. 388 118 83 78 Atwood, C. B. Bacon, F. H. Receiving Tomb. View and detaU. Mortuary Chpl. Tomb of a musician. 154 78 Ciunmiiigs & Sears, CapeHaytien,St.Dom Cathedral. 517 85 Dickson, Walter Albany, N. Y. Sketches 1st Reformed Ch. See dtls. Apr. 29 76 Littell, E. T. Roxboro', Pa. Parish buildings. Aug. 12 76 Parker, C. E. Charleston, S. C. New Old Circular Church. Brick. (2 pi.) 18,000 54 77 Peabody & Steams, Boston, Mass. St.Geo.Ch. Bk and Stn. Spire. 500sts. 222 80 Pi-ice, Bruce Demarara, Gui, Cathedral. Frame. 71 77 Roberts & Taylor, Jersey City, Refoi-med Ch. Brick and W. brick. 10,000 74 77 " Newark, N. J. ReceivingVault. Stn. Built for $2,680 5,000 459 84 Van Brunt & Howe, Boston, Mass. Mortuary Chapel and offices. 127 78 Walker & Gould. Central Falls, R. I. Baptist. 30,000 101 77 Ware & Van Brunt, Akron, 0. Soldiers' Memorial Church. 444 84 Wood, W. Halsey, Sewanee, Tenn. Chapel. Chapter-House and Cloister. Study for Chapel of Chateau. July 29 7G Wyatt, J. N. 480 85 Colonial, Boston, Mass. Old HolUs Street. July 15 70 " Old South Church. Perspective. Oct. 7, 76 Ipsen (del.). " " " Interior. Oct. 7, 76 Kendall (del.). " " " Roof sections. 164 79 " " " Interior, j). 52. 434 84 Isle of Wight, Va. Old Brick Church. reb.l2 76 Nauvoo, 111. The Temple. reb.2G 76 New Haven, Conn. Tower of Trinity Church. 519 85 RatclifEeboro', S. C. St. Paul's Church. Built 1819. 519 85 Riehniond, Va. Monumental Church. Built 1811. 429 84 San Francisco, Cal. Mission Dolores, p. 13©. 250 80 Speri-y (del.), ' York, Pa. Towers. 316 82 Classic design for country Chs. p. 20. 125 78 St. Teresa's. R.C. Church. See also " Special Features," for Church Towers and Spires. EDUCATIONAL. 51 281 248 224 15G Jan. 29 108 171 172 380 May 13 516 67 403 233 477 429 289 109 124 393 337 203 393 278 May 20 366 176 424 103 193 G261 262 227 260 329 Feb. 12 Apr. 22 385 428 483 503 258 409 69 485 231 286 222 102 481 119 501 194 466 56 80 102 Feb. 26 Dec. 30 150 190 215 Feb. 19 340 154 334 201 513 184 Architect. Architectural League, Brown, R. Bryant, G. J. F. Ca'dy, J. C. Cady & Congdon, rioiigh, G. A. Congdon, H. M. Dempwolf, J. A. Bunnell & Brown, Fassett & Stevens, Fraser, W. S. Freret, J. Hammatt, Edw. S. Hartwell, H. W. Hartwell & Swasey, Holly, H. H. Hornblower, J. C. Janes, F. H. Kimball, F. H. Langlev.Langlev&Biirke McLaughlin, J. W. Mason & Son, Merrill & Cutler, Newcomb & Son, Ogden & Wright, Peabody & Stearns, Pfeiffer, Carl Pierce, O. J. Potter & Brown, Potter & Robertson, Preston, W. G. Rand & Taylor, Richardson, H. H. Robertson, R. H. Rossiter & Wright, Scofield, L. T. Sibley, J. D. & Son, Silliman & Farnsworth, Silloway & Cobb, Smithnieyer & Pelz, Stone & Cai-penter, Thayer, S. J. F. Upjohn, K. M. Van Brunt & Howe, Vaux & Radford, Walker & Gould, Ware & Van Brunt, Wilson, J. R. Wyatt & Sperry, Yoimg, G. H. Young, T. C. Hooker, P. H. Location. Augusta, Me. Hartford, Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Steelton, Pa. Sea b'ry Mission,Minn Hanover, Pa. Owatonna, Minn. Portland, J\Ie. Wellsville, O. New Orleans, La. Rock Island, 111. Waltham, Mass. So. Braintree, Mass. , Tenn. Washington, D. C. Chatham, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. Toronto, Ont. Cincinnati, O. Newport, R. I. Lowell, Mass. Canibriilije, Mass. Albany, X. Y. Colorado Springs, St. Louis, Mo. Cambridge, Mass. Xew York. Chicago, 111. New York, Princeton College, Boston University, New Britain, Conn. Harvard Coll., Mass. New Y'ork, on the Hudson, Vermont University, Cleveland, O. Middletown, Conn. Vassar College, 79 Diagi-ams, Georgetown, D. C. Providence, R. I. Dartmouth College, New York, Michigan University New York, Providence, R. I. Harvard Coll., Mass. Quincy, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Wellesley Coll., Mass. Purdue Univ., Tenn. Baltimore, Md. Concord, N. H. St. Louis, Mo. Albany, N. Y. Remabks. A village School-IIo. Four examples Pub. School buiklg. Comp. 2 pi. 4-sI Academy buildg. Brick, Stn, ter-ctn Chapter-Ho. Trinity College. Stone Academy t)f Design. Stone. 21/2-st. School-Ho. Brick and Stn. [eta Eng. and Latin High-Sch. Bk, Stn, tr- Plans of foregoing. 2V2-st. School-House. Brick and Stn, Di\'inity School. Stone. Public School. 2-st. Bk, Stn, ter-cta. Baptist Academy. Brick and Stone. Design for School-House. 1-st. Brick, Public School-House. 3-st. Bk,Stone, The Good Shepherd Convent. "LutherHall.'"AugustinianTheo.Sem, School-House. 2-st. Brick. Thayer Academy. 3y2-st. St. Luke's JMemorial Hall. Comp.designforColumbiaUniversity. Public School-House. Brick and oak. Theo. Inst. 3-st. Brick, Stone, tr-cta. Bap.Theo.Col. RVo-st. Bk,Stn. Details. Public School-House. 3V-,-st. High-School. S-Ft. 53'xOO' Bk, Stn. Laboratory building. 2-st. Bk, Stn. Felton Hall Dormitory. 3-st. State Normal School. 3V2-st. College building. Skch forSchl of Wash.Unlversty. 2 pi. Henienway Gymnasium. " " Details. Lgslit. 5th. Ave. Riding-School. Large sheet. School-Ho. 2-st. 38'x50' Bk and Stn. Union Theo. Seminary. Bk. and Stn. Dormitory for 80 students. 2 plates. Lectui-e Hall. 3-st. 60'x 118'. JacobSleeperHall. 4-st. Bk,Stn,tr-cta. School-house. 2-st. Brick. Austin Hall. (Law School.) NcAvsboys' Lodging-House. 2 plates. School-Ho. 2-st. Brick and timber. Competitive design for Billings Hall Central High-School. 31/2-st. Stone. School and Chapel. Statelnd. School, Laboratory. 2-st. Brick, Stone, tr-cta. Design for High-School House. Georgetown College. Stone. 2 pits. D< )rmitorv bldgforBrownUnivsty.4-st Library. Bk,Stn. 6000sq.ft,$10per ft. Trinity Parish School. Library. Details, etc. Boys' Lodging-House and Schools. High-School. 3-st. Brick and Stone. Design for small School-House. 2-st. Dormitory bldg Brown Univsty.4i^-st. Academic Theatre. Interior. Adams Academy. 2 plates. P. E. Theological School. Stone. Design for College building. [eta. Stone Hall. Lgshtofdtls. Bk, Stn,tr- Plan on page 02. Brick, etc, Christ Ch. Orphanage. Lg sheet dtls. Gymnasium for St. Paxil's School. St.Paul'sSchool. 31/2-st. Bk,Stn,tr-eta, Smith Academy. 2 plates. Sketches in Boys' Academy. Forced ventilation of school-ho. p. 5. Cost. 12,000 5,000 32,000 18,500 40.000 30,000 6,000 40,000 (Bk, Stn.) 100,000 40,000 FURNITURE. [INCLUDING MANTELS AND FIREPLACES.] 53 M No. <0 >* JunelO 76 297 81 2J=6 80 491 85 Dec. 16 76 107 78 133 78 153 78 272 81 64-65 77 317 82 372 83 60 77 54 77 147 78 384 83 242 80 Oct.28, 76 Dec. 16 76 129 78 Nov.25 76 173 79 143 78 173 79 229 80 370 83 60 77 112 78 55 77 475 85 Juiiel4 76 493 85 168 79 155 78 116 78 74 77 76 77 78 77 256 80 259 80 85 77 101 77 235 80 237 80 246 80 248 SO 250 80 251 80 252 80 253 80 134 78 134 78 134 78 135 78 134 78 134 78 135 78 134 78 135 78 134 78 135 78 174 79 Brown, S. J. Burns, C. M. Cutter, M. N. Davenport, A. H. Day, Clinton Dewson, Ed. Dietrich, E. W. Ferry & Gardner, Ficken, H. E. Ficken & Smith, Hazlehurst & Huckel, Hine, Cicero Hixon, E. & Co. Kennedy, E. G. Kimbel & Cabus, Ledoux, M. Eugene Lewis, W. W. Lindsley & Cutter, McLaughlin, J. W. Morlock & Bayer, Peabody & Stearns, Potter & Robertson, Rinn, J. P. Roberts & Taylor, Russel & Huidekoper, Sims, J. P. Stickney (del.), Thomson, James Van Brunt, H. Walker & Gould, Wrigley, U. (del.), (Household Art Co.), Macomb (del.), p. 283. p. 19, p. 124, p. 147, p. 171, p. 183, p. 195, p. 238, " Abacus," " Advent," *' Albion," " A. Novice," " Avisez-le-jln," " Acanthus," " Fairdeal," ''Hope," " N^on-pane-solum,^ " Utile didci," (?) " Clay," " Cunctator," " Dry Goods," " Double Elejihant,' " Lynn," " Persevere," Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. Oakland, Cal. Boston, Mass. Newton, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, O. Boston, Mass. Williamstown, Mass. Lenox, Mass. Providence, R. I. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, 111. Fort Hamilton, Mantel and fireplace. Fireplace. Church furniture. P'nrniture sketches. Table and shelves. Library chair and table. Library and dining-room furniture. Bric-k-brac case, etc. Mantel and details. jNLantel and bookcase. Fireplace. Bric-&,-brac mantel. Sideboard and decoration. Buffet. Mantel and andirons. Fireplace. Design forcabuiet. Centennial show-case. " " Douglas Ax Co. Sideboard. Mantel and mirror. Chimney-piece. Dining-rooxu fireplace. Sideboard. Mantelpiece and furniture. Alantelpiece. Sideboard. Mantel in covintry house. Memorial mantel, K. A. Lodge. Fireplace. Brick and stone. Show-case. An old clock. Mantelpiece. Curio case. Hall stand. Chimney-piece, sideboard, etc. Cabinet. Sixteenth century. Studies of mantels. Mantel for bank. Old sola. Hooded mantel. Old mantel. y Sketches and diagi-ams of flre- I places. $200 > ComiDetition for Stone Fireplace. 1 Competition tor Sideboard, 300 Many examples of fireplaces and mantels will be found illustrating the articles on " Ventilating Fire places," and " The Open Fireplace," in Nos. 154 and 157, 1878, and Nos. 237, 248, 250, 251, 252, 255, 1880, etc. [See also Part II.] FURNITURE. 65 fH No. tx 287 81 287 81 287 81 288 81 290 81 ARCHITECT. "Facet Spera," " Hora JSlatutina, " Manii Propria,' " Morpheus,'" " Nous Verrons,'" Location. (Northrop), (Warren), (Dewson), (Marsh), Remaeks. Competition in Bed-room Furni- ture. Cost. GATE-LODGES AND ENTRANCES. 67 No. Architect. Location. Remarks. Cost. 286 81 81 81 77 83 83 85 79 79 85 78 77 78 80 Aichitectural League, Boyd & Ktiby, Cleaves, A. Fernbaeh, H. Gibson, R. W. 1 Howe, A. H. Lynn, W. H. Richardson, H. H. Stent, Thos. Stnrgis & Brighani, Upjohn, R. M. Ware, J. E. A cemetery entrance. A gate-lodge. Stone and timber. Bridge and gate. Keeper's dwelling and gate. Office and keeper's-lodge. Bk, Stone. Gateway to park. Kent gate. St. Louis gate. Gate-lodge. Entrance. Stone. Gate-lodge. Gardener's cottage. East entrance. Lodges. Stone. Lodge and chapel. Stone and timber. 273 304 57 412 382 508 167 170 G522 120 101 136 259 Pittsburgh, Pa. Omalia, Neb. Salem Fields Cemt'y, Albany Cemetery, New Haven, Conn. Quebec, North Easton, Mass. Mt. Pleasant Cem'ty, Newport, R. I. Greenwood Cem'trv, Maple Grove, L. I. $30,000 HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. 59 No. 124 78 129 78 188 79 106 78 June 3, 7(! IGO 79 Sept. y, 76 59 77 Aug. 5, 76 186 79 324 82 Dec. 16 7(! 64 77 231 80 187 79 Apr. 29 76 471 8.-> Aug.l9 7(> 245 80 449 84 415 83 Nov.18 76 118 78 139 78 304 81 Akchitect. Cabot & Chandler, Congdon, H. M. Cummings & Sears, Ficken & Smith, Funiess & Hewitt, Furiiess.Laing & Felimer Haslvell & Wood, Kimball, F. li. Merrill, O. A. Niernsee, J. H. Post, G. B. Potter, E. T. Putnam, J. P. Rand, G. D. Rand & Taylor, Robertson, R. H. Sillinian & Farns worth, Smitliuieyer & Pelz, Steen, James T. Withers, F. C. Winslow & Wetherell, Location. Baltimore, Md. Dorcliester, Mass. New Yorli, Plainfield.N. .J. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Chicago, 111. Lawrence, Kas. Hartford, Conn. Lowell, Mass. Baltimore, Md. New Yoric, Dorchester, Mass. Worcester, Mass. New Hampshire, New York (Hospital). Hot Springs, Ark. Pittsburgh, Pa. Washington, D. C. Pouglikeepsie, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Remaeks. JoluisHopkinsHos. Administr'nBldg. Johns Hopkins Hospital. Pay ward. Adam's Nervine Asylum. Frame. St. Mary's Free Hospital for Cliildren. N.E.Hospit'l for Women and Children. Muhlenberg Hospital, l^o-st. Jefferson Medical College Hos. 2 pi. Ill.Asy.forFeebleMindedChild'n.2pl. Kansas State Insane Asylum. Orphan Asy. 2 pi. See Nov. 23. '78. Old Ladies' Home. Johns Hopkins Hospital. New Y'ork Hospital. Fireproof. A hospital. Winter garden on roof. Adam's Nervine Asylum. New Lunatic Hospital. 2 plates. State Asylum Bldg. for Lady Patients. Competition. See plan on page 269. Pri\-ate Hospital. Sanitarium. West Penn. Inst, for Deaf and Dumb. Columbia Inst, for Deaf and Dumb. Hud. River State Hospital fori: .sane. Hudson River State Asylum. Childi-en's Hospital. Cost. 50,000 3,300 175,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 37,000 30,000 HOTELS. 61 ^ No. O X 424 84 520 85 55 77 279 81 342 82 433 84 228 80 70 77 113 78 359 82 404 83 393 83 440 84 Nov.25 76 214 80 33G 82 Feb. 5, 76 141 78 329 82 426 84 161 79 235 80 239 80 256 80 75 77 196 79 114 78 452 84 374 83 426 84 Nov.18 76 436 84 320 82 321 82 325 82 319 82 325 82 321 82 325 82 328 82 103 77 AllCHITECT. Baldwin, E. F. Bates, W. A. Besarick, J. H. Bradlee & WinsloM-, Clark & Lewis, Cluss & Schulze, Crapsey, C. CiiuuTQings & Sears, Emerson, W. R. Ficken, H. E. Gilbert, B. L. Hartwell & Richardson, Hatch, S. D. McLaughlin, J. W. Peabody & Stearns, Pearson, G. T. Potter & Robertson, Prague, John G. Preston, W. G. Preston & Fernald, Price, Bruce Putnam, J. P. Rapp, Geo. W. Sully, Thomas Thayer, S. J. F. Varian & Sterner, Ware & Van Biunt, Zerrahn, F. E. " Arcades ^mbo," " Bhie Boar," " Country Life," " Inn,'" " Qui Tarn," " The Canterbury," " Try," " Vermont," Baltimore, Md. Jackson, N. H. Boston, Mass. Hingham, Mass. Marblehead, Mass. Washington, D. C. Burnside, Ky. Boston, Mass. Magnolia, Seabright, N. J. Berkley, N. J. Mt. Kineo, Me. Murray Hill, N. Y. Cincinnati, O. Roanoke, Va. Princeton, N. J. Coney Island, Campobello, N. B. Boston, Mass. Bar Harbor, Me. Coney Island, Spring Lake, N. J. Manhattan Beach, NantasketBch, Mass. Cincinnati, O. New Orleans, La. Rye, N. H. Colorado, Boston, Mass. Los Angeles, Cal. Tlndrews & Jaques, W. A. Bates, Schweinfurth, Watts, Remarks. Rennert House. Brick and Stone. Thorn Mountain House and cottages Hotel Eliot. Brick and Stone. Old Colony House. 2 plates. Nanepashemet Hotel. Frame. The " Portland." 2y2-st. Frame. Hotel Boylston. Detail. Summer head-quarters. 2-st. Frame 3y2-st. Frame. Berkley Arms. 3-st. Frame. 3V2-st. Frame. 7-st. Bellevue Hotel. 3-st. Frame. Des. for Siunmer Hotel. Stn and timb, Half-timbered. 3V2-st. Hotel Brighton. The "Owen." The »' Anbrey.»' West End Hotel. 5%-st. Frame. St. George's Inn. SVo-st. Frame. Carlton House. 3y2-st. Frame. Winter Hotel at sea-coast. Brick. Frame. Highland House Hotel. Chalmette Hotel. Brick and Stn. 6-st. Farragut Hotel. 3-st. Frame. Proposed hotel. 2i,^-st. Brick. Hotel Hamilton. 2 plates. 3y2-st. 2 plates. 2 plates. y Competition for Country Hotel. Ye Old Inn, N. J. Cost. 350,000 15,000 14,000 100,000 (2 pi.) [See also Part 11.] INTERIORS. 63 Billiard-Room Interiors. No. 460 316 312 316 317 311 317 314 Architect. Chamberlain, W. E. "Albino," " Carleton," " Carom," " Fideliter," "Nous Verrons," " Bow Boy," " 'The Deuce," Location. Cambridge, Mass. (Everett), — — (2 pL) (Roche), (2 pi.) (Copeland), Remarks. Cost. > Billiard-Room Competition. INTERIORS. DiNiNG-RooM Interiors. 65 u No. l>H 414 83 349 82 337 82 353 82 200 79 373 88 Sept.2, 36 244 80 111 79 467 84 215 80 224 80 225 80 139 78 Julv22 76 71 77 167 79 276 81 278 81 274 81 275 81 274 81 Architect. Location. Remarks. Cost. Berg, C. I. Dietrich, E. G. W. Eyre, Wilson Ficlven, H. E. Hastings, Thomas Hazlehurst & Huekel, Jennev, W. L. B. Kimball & Wlsedell, Lewis, W. W. Pliipps, Sanford Potter & Robertson, Price, Bruce Putnam, J. P. Robertson, R. H. Van Brunt, H. Ware & Van Brunt, " Crayon," "Z," " Quentin Durward," " Utility," " Waverley," San Antonio, Tex. Newport, R. I. New York, Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, 111. Roxbury, Mass. Boston, Mass. Seabright, N. J. Boston, Mass. (Brown), (Roche), (Watts), Restaurant of Hotel Brunswick. Dining-Hall of Barge Club. Dioing-Room and Chamber. Cluny Hotel. Parlor. Hotel Dining-Room Competition. INTERIORS. Domestic Hall Interiors. 67 No. >H 392 83 318 82 328 82 228 80 202 79 297 81 118 78 143 78 450 84 55 77 506 85 281 81 467 84 Junes, 76 375 88 96 77 250 80 472 85 489 85 Apr. 1, 76 Mar.25 V6 67 77 150 78 68 77 206 79 Jan. 8, 76 81 77 207 79 114 78 142 78 267 81 267 81 261 80 267 81 269 81 269 81 267 81 268 81 260 80 263 81 267 81 264 81 267 81 263 81 Akchitect. LOCATIOX. Remakks. Cost. Dimmock, M.J. Earle, S. C. Green & Wicks, Hine, Cicero Holly, Hudson Kirby & Lewis, Lewis, W. W. Palmer & Spinney, Peabody & Stearns, Pf eiffer, Carl Phipps, Sanford Price, Bruce Roteh & Tilden, Russell, W. P. SUliman & Farnsworth, StUson, C. H. Stuckert, A. Morris Sturgis & Brigham, Thayer, S. J. F. Tilden, G. T. Upjohn, R. M. Van Brunt, H. Walker & Gould, Ware & Van Brunt, WooUett, W. M. " Atelier," "Bee," " Essayon," " Faithful andGrateful,' Hand with Tulip, " Ionic," "Lux," " Lyyin," " Penates," " Pencil," " Puck," " Romance," " Tabard," " Wayside," Richmond, Va. Norwich, Conn. Auburn, N. Y. Ottawa, Can. Stamford, Conn. Cohasset, Mass. Boston, Mass. Chicago, ni. Cambridge, Mass. Nahant, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Mt. Desert, Me. New York, Birmingham, Conn. Newark, N. J. Boston, Mass. I*rovidence, R. I. Milton, Mass. Hartford, Conn. Providence, R. I. Harvard College, Tolman, Bates, (2 pi.) GifEord, Matthews, Brown, Truscott, Edwards, Dewson, Berg, Schweinfurth, Walker, Gould & Angell, (2 pi.) Stair-hall. Hall. Stair-hall. Vestibule. HaU. HaU. Two stair-halls. Stair-hall. Reception-room. Staircase. Entrance-hall. (Dewson, del). Staircase. See April 22. " Chatwold." Hall. Stau'-hall. Morse Building. Staircase. Stair-hall. Stair-hall. Hall and staircase. City Hall staircase. Halls at the " Hawthorns." Eastern staircase of Capitol. Interior decoration. Entrance-hall and elevator-car. Memorial vestibule. " " Interior decoration. Stair-hall. Wood staircase. Comp. in decoration. Vestibule. Competition ta decoration. Competition for Entrance-Hall of ' small Country Hotel. INTERIORS. Ecclesiastical Interiors. 69 No. AUCHITECT. Location. Remakks. Cost. 277 81 Bums, C. M., Jr. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Chm-ch of tlie Redeemer. 430 84 Earle, S. C. Norton, Mass. Congregational Cluu.-ch. 77 77 Eidlitz, C. L. "W. Westcliester, N. T. St. Peter's Church. Restoration. Mar. 4, 76 Esty, Alex. R. Boston, Mass. Congregational Ch. Columbus Ave. 398 83 Gibson, R. W. Albany, N. Y. The Cathedral. 366 82 Hartwell & Richardson, Cambfidgep't, Mass. 1st. Baptist Church. Oct. 7, 76 Ipsen, L. S. (del.) Boston, Mass. Old South Church. 2 pi. See p. 325. 495 85 Mead, Jno. C. Wethersfleld, Conn. 1st. Ecclesiastical Society. Sept 30 76 Supplee, D. E. Philadelpliia, Pa. St. Matthew's Ev. Luth. Ch. Comp. 410 83 Upjolm, R. M. Albany, N. Y. St. Peter's Chm-ch. 384 83 Van Brunt & Howe, ShelbiimeFalls,Mass Emanuel Church. 364 82 Vaughan, Henry- Boston, Mass. Chapel for Sisters of St. Margaret. 127 l^ Walker & Gould, Central Falls, R. I. Baptist Church. 30,000 313 81 Ware & Van Brunt, Lynn, Mass. St. Stephen's Memorial Church. 125 78 New York. St. Teresa's Roman Catholic Church. [See also Part II.] INTERIORS. Library Interiors. 71 No. 450 86 332 116 406 502 269 489 Jan. 15 Oct. 14 169 69 AnCHITECT. Burnham & Koot, Dewsou, Ed. Fiedler, A. Green & Wicks, Isaacs, H. G. Lewis, W. W. Stiickert, A. Morris Sturgis & Brigliam, Supp'lee, D. E. LOCATIOK. Chicago, 111. Quincy, Mass, Chicago, 111. Richmond, Ind. St. Louis, Mo. Boston, Mass. Newark, N. J. Montreal, Can. Van Brunt, H. Remarks. Photograph. Doorway, Bookcase, etc. 2 plates. Photographs. Wainscot. Full height. Public Library. Competition. Comp. for Decoration of Library Wall. Cost. INTERIORS. Unclassified Interiors, 73 >H No. c3 >< 414 83 221 80 271 81 43G 84 440 84 64-G5 77 515 85 4G6 84 445 84 484 82 380 83 uly22 76 ep. 23 76 61 77 310 81 146 78 79 77 406 83 253 80 460 84 100 77 506 85 63 77 85 77 eb.26 76 280 81 385 83 120 78 120 78 119 78 119 78 119 78 120 78 119 78 126 78 128 78 127 78 127 78 127 78 128 78 126 78 126 78 142 78 142 78 142 78 142 78 142 78 143 78 169 79 Aechitect. LOCATIOIf. Remarks. Cost. Berg, C. I. Class & Schuize, Cobb & Frost, Dewson, Ed. Edwards, C. Fox, Jno. A. Gilbert, B. S. Hartwell & Richardson, Klmbel & Cabus, Lamb & Rich, McLaughlin, J. W. Pfeiffer, Carl Sturgis & Brigham, Thayer, S. J. F. Van Brunt, A. Van Brunt, Henry Vaux & Radford, "Ware & Van Brunt, Wood, W. Halsey ' At the nth Hour," ' Strident," ' Fah-fah," ' Afidnight Oil," ' Observanda," 'i?," ' Ha]/ State," ' Disco," ' Feather and Arrotv," ' Inconnu," ' Minus." ' Tom Pinch," ' Voltaire," 'X Y Z," ' Stet nomen in umbra, ^Echinus," '■Hero," ' Kemo," ' A. Seeker," ' Coin us," San Antonio, Tex. Washington, D. C. Chicago, 111. Paterson, N. J. Brockton, Mass. Grand Rapids, Mich, Concord, N. H. Walthani, Mass. Bernardsville, N. J. Cincinnati, O. Osseo Lodge, W. Va. New York, Boston, Mass. Providence, R. I. Kansas City, Mo. Boston, Mass. New York, Harvard College, Montrose, N. J. [Arts. Model-Room of Patent-Office. National Museum. Entrance-Hall of Patent-Office Interiors. Interior decoration. Sketches of interior work. Theatre. The Peninsular Club. Railroad Station. Large country house. Interior decoration. (Centennial Ex.) " " and furniture. Collection of furniture, etc. on large sheet of details. The Allemania Club-House. Fii'eplace, etc. " The Berksliire." The Lawrence Room. Museum of Fine Y.M.C.A. build'g. Sketches by Deane. Interiors of City Hall. House interiors. House decoration. Stiidies. [try. Metropolitan Mus. of Scientrflclndus- Academic Theatre. Several house interiors. Large sheet. " Jacob Sleeper " Hall. >■ 2d Competition. Bay- Window. 3d Competition. Wall decoration. 5th Competition. Vestibule. $850,000 A Library Wall Competition. See "Firmiture" for Fourth Competition, "Stone Fireplaces.' IRON-WORK. 75 No. i Abchitect. Location. Remabes. Cost. 478 58 355 399 65 376 419 125 85 77 82 83 77 83 84 78 78 79 79 83 82 Hannaford, S. Povdson (maker), Post, G. B. Smithmeyer & Pelz, Tobey, S. E. Trowbridge, J. S. • Wrought-Iron Gates, p. 90. Iron Staircases. Wrought-Iron GrUle. " Cemetery Gates. Mediaeval Ironwork. Examples of Ironwork. Bronze Plaque, etc. Wroughl^Iron Lamps. " Gates. Student. Gallery Railing. Competition. Knockers. American Architect Competition of Gates. Large sheet. New York, Arlington, Va. Boston, Mass. «5,000 128 172 Boston, Blass. 195 374 362 MERCANTILE . — Banks. 77 No. to Akchitect. Location. Remakks. Cost. 316 298 454 70 Mav 27 383 158 278 Mar. 4, 488 Nov. 11 446 80 81 84 77 76 83 79 81 76 85 76 84 Bryant «& Snell, Carson, C. L. Dunnell & ElUot, Ferry & Gardner, Howard, S. M. Lamb & Ricli, Peabody & Steams, Pope, Fred Staub, C. Leo Supplee, D. E. Wirth, Geo. Boston, Mass. Baltimore, Aid. Anoka, Minn. Northampton, Mass. Wheeling, W. Va. Mount Morris, N. Y. Boston, Mass. New York, Lawrence, Mass. Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Paul, Minn. Merchant's Nat'l Bank. 5-st. Fr.roof. WesternNat'l BankBldg. 2-st. Bk,Stn. Washbm-n Building, Bank, etc. 3-st. Saviugs-Bank. People's Bank. 4-st. 50'x65'. Bank Bldg. Bt. 5-st. High rf . Bk, Stn, Howard Kat'l Bank. 5-st. (2 designs.) UnitdBnkBldg. 9-st. and more. Bk,Stn Savings-Bank Building. 4-st, Bk,Stn. Cits. Nat'l Bank. 4-st. Stn. 25' front. Bank-building. 2yo-st. Comp. design. Nat'l Ger.-Am. Bank. 6-st. Bk, tr-cta. 22,000 225,000 MERC ANTl'LE. — Insurance. 79 No. ARCHITECT. Location. Remarks. COST. G496 85 Bradlee & Winslow, Boston, Mass. New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. 240 80 Cabot & Chandler, Philadelphia, Pa. Insurance Bldg. Si/n-st. Bk, Stn, tr-cta. 357 82 " " Liv. and Lond. and Globe Bldg. 5-st. 92 77 Clinton & Pii'sson, New York, Queen Ins. Bldg. 6-st. 30' front. 2 pi. 125,000 233 80 Hannaford, S. Cincinnati, O. Phoenix Ins. Bldg. and Stores. Sy^-st. 364 82 Hazelhiirst & Huckel, Philadelphia, Pa. L. and L. and GlobeBldg. 6-st. Bk,Stn. 414 83 Mead, J. C. Hartford, Conn. Pire Ins. Co. Big. 1 and 2 st. Bk, Stn, tr-cta. 62 77 Peabody & Steams, Boston, Mass. N.Y. Mutual Life Ins. Buildiug. Dtls. 115 78 " Mutual Life Ins. Co. 5yo-st. G496 85 " " Mutual Life Ins. Bldg. (See No. 115) 104 77 Price, Bruce Design for Insurance Building. 4-st. 114 78 Thorp, A. H. New York, Orient Ins. Bldg. 7-st. and high-bt. MERCANTILE.— Theatres. 81 No. i Akchitect. Location. Remarks. Cost. 462 84 Beman, S. S. Pullnaan, HI. The ATcadcincluding Theatre. 2 slits. S325.000 172 79 Ellis, Harvey , Rochester, N. T. Lyceum Th.andStrs. SVa-st. 98'xl86' ' 75iO0O 466 84 Fox, J. A. Brockton, Mass. Theatre, Hall,TownOfflces,Stores,etc. 330 82 Kirby & Bates, Lyons, N. Y. Holyoke, Mass. Opera-House and Stores. Bk,Stn,tr-cta 116 78 Luce, C. S. Whiting Bldg and Opera-Ho. Bk, Stn. 125,000 166 79 " " OperarHo. 90'xll4'. 1040 seats. 2pl. 40,000 Oct. 21 76 "Walker & Gould, Danielsonville,Conn. Music Hall and Strs. 3-st. Bk. and Stn. 456 84 Wirth, Geo. DiUutli, Minn. Grand OperarHo. and Store Blk. 3-st. 100,000 [For buildings used only as theatres, see under " Theatres." See also Part II.] MERCANTILE. — Miscellaneous. 83 No. 481 155 359 382 Jan. 15 415 334 295 427 Aug. 5, 458 97 469 July 8, Aug. 19 137 153 160 346 391 98 157 Apr. 1, 477 256 81 472 490 390 412 447 350 502 96 105 227 353 54 225 204 468 JunelO July 15 389 Oct. 28 207 290 Mar. 2 5 507 147 Dec. 23 94 199 429 392 421 459 457 Jan. 8, " 29 72 84 403 454 228 247 302 238 348 444 497 83 138 95 452 81 84 76 84 77 84 76 76 77 78 78 79 82 83 77 78 76 85 80 77 85 85 83 83 84 82 85 77 77 80 82 77 80 79 84 76 76 83 76 79 81 76 85 78 76 77 79 84 83 84 84 84 76 70 77 77 83 84 80 80 81 80 Akchitect. Adler & Sullivan, 78 Anderson, E. 83 Atwood, C. B. 76 Baldwin, E. F. 83 Briggs, Wan-en R. Cabot &, Chandler, Carson, C. L. Cazin, Alex. Chandler, T. P. Clarlc, T. M. Clarke & Dewson, Cooper, G. E. Cummings & Sears, Cutler, J. G. Drake, W. H. Earle, S. C. Earle & Fuller, Edbrooke, G. H. Edwards, 0. Emerson & Fehmer, Eyre & Jackson, Fehmer, A. Fickeii, H. E. Foster & Liebbe, Fox, J. A. Fraser, W. S. Gambrill & Richardson, Harney, G. E. Haskell & Wood, Hatfield, R. G. Hess, Julius Hornblower, J. C. Hornblower & Marshall, Hunt, R. M. Jackson, J. A. Jenney, W. L. B. Kirby & Lewis, Laing & Fehmer, Lewis, W. W. McKeau & Fairweather, McLaughlin, J. W. Marble, O. & Sons Moser, John Ogden & Wright, Osgood, S. J. Peabody & Stearns, Potter & Robertson, Powell, W. B. LocATioisr. Remaeks. Preston, W. G. Price, Bruce Putnam & Tilden, Richardson, H. H. Chicago, 111. Cincinnati, O. New York, Baltimore, Md. Stamford, Conn. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Denver, Col. Ridley Park, Pa. New York, Boston, Mass. Utica, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Rochester, N. Y. Chicago, ni. Worcester, Mass. Chicago, 111. Paterson, N. J. Boston, ]Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Hartford. Conn. Seabright, N. J. Des Moines, la. Boston, Mass. Pittsburgli, Pa. Hartford, Conn. New York, Topeka, Kan. New Y'ork, Detroit, Mich. Washington, D. C. New York (B'way), Waterbury, Conn. Chicago, I'll. Malde^n, Mass. Boston, Mass. Chicago, 111. Ashmont, Mass. St. John, N. B. Cincinnati, O. Bii-minghani, Ala. New York, Albany, N. Y. Grand Rapids, Mich Boston, Mass. Albany, N. Y. Lebanon, Pa. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. Wilkes BaiTe, Pa. Boston, Mass. Stores. 6-st. G8'x 170' Stone andiron. ''Gazette" Bldg. 0-st. Stone .and iron. Stores. 5-st. Stone and iron. Comp. des. for Off .-Bldg. 9-st. C. Field. Sate-Deposit Building. [ter-cta. Store and OfQceBldg. 37'xl22' Brick Brown Bldg. 5-st. Bk. Steei> rf. Crlot. Thos. Wilson 0«ice-Bldg. Bt and 4-st. Store and Office. 5-st. Brick, Stone. Stores. [and ter-cta. Lawrence Bldg. Ware-hos. 7-st. Brick Store Front. 4-st. Brick, iron. Stone. Store and Office. 5-st. Brick, Stone Bedford Bldg. 5-st. and high roof. Shillaber Bldg. 58'x8S' 5-st. 2 pi. Store and Office. 41' 6-st Granite. Corner Store. Bt. and 0-st. Granite Store Front and Details. 5-st. Two Store Buildings. Stone, Marble El wood Mem. Bldg. 7-st. Stone. 2 pi Fitchlnst. 4-st. Blockof seven Stores. Block of three Stores. 4-st. 77'xl45' Salisbury Bldg. 4-st. Store and Dwel. Business premises. 5-st. Marble. Adams Exjiress Office. Offtcc-lUiilding. Bt and 2-st. Brick. Details ot Store. Comfort's Bldg. Stores. Gi/o-st. Photo Allyn Memorial. Stores. 2-st. Frame. Store and Dwelling. 4-st. Corner Store. Basement and 4-st. Ai-buckle Warehouse. 6-st. Standard Oil Co.'s Office. 3i/o-st. Store and Office Bldg. 4-st.andhighrf. Stone Front. 3y2-st. High-basement. Office-Bldg. eVj-st. Stone, brk, tr-cta. Office and Store Blk. 3-st. 60'xl50' Offlee-Biiilding. Basement and 5-st. Stone Bldg. 50'xl02' 6-st. Bk, Stn. Lenox Building. 4-st. Business premises. 4yo-st. Corner. Store-Building. Iron front. 3-st. oo^ " .,, " 5-st. Dtls. 2 Stores. 4y2-st. Brick and terra-cta. Store and Office. 4-st. Social Hall and Stores. Frame. 2y2-st. Stores. 4yo-st. [Brick, Iron. Store and Office Blk. 6-st. High roof. Store, p. 128. Shops and Office. 4-st. [10-st. The John.son Big. 90' high. Stn, Iron. ShillitoBlg. 173'x269'. 6-st.above bt. Wiggins Building. Dry goods store. 2-st. Suggestion forArchitectural Institute Office-Building, [and tr-cta. Red tile. Store-Bldg. 5-st. High roof. Iron, brick Block of foiu- Stores. 3-st. Brick Store-BIdg.3-st. Bk,Stn,irn coL,,lintels Store-Building. 5-st. Bk, Stn,tr-cotta. Dry goods store. 4-st. Large. Gardner Brewer Store. 5-st. Store-Building. 5-st. Photograph. Store of R. H. White & Co. Details. Store and Apt.-Ho. 6-st. Bk, Stn, tr-cta Office-Building. 2-st. Dry Goods Store. 5-st. Stone and iron. Mason Building. 7-st. Bk, Stn. 2 pi. Cold-storage W.arehouse. Bk, Stone. Claflin Building. Stores. 6-st. Boston Terra-Cotta Co.'s Bldg. 4-st Store. 2i'.-st. Bk, Stn, iron. Tin roof. The Wood Bldg. Stores. 3i/,-st. Bk.Stn. Upham's Iron Front. Details. Ames Building. Details. CO.ST. $130,000 25,000 250,000 30,000 45,000 70,000 50,000 20,000 160,000 400,000 80,000 15,000 25,000 and iron. 25,000 MERCANTILE. — Miscellaneous. 85 No. 453 470 70 61 345 93 337 250 99 519 G518 515 231 78 107 458 395 119 142 423 427 90 170 95 390 491 301 848 Aechitect. Elcliardsoii, H. H. Rinn, J. Ph. Romeyn, C. W. Roteh & TUden, Russell, A. Shaw, G. R. & R. G. Silliman & Farnsworth, Sims, J. O. Smith & Forbursh, Smith, W. W. Stevens, J. Calvin Stillburg & Staub, StuTgis & Brigham, Thayer, S. J. F. Tiibby, W. B. Van Brunt & Howe, Walker & Gould, Ware, J. E. Williams, C. L. Williamson, T. R. Wilson Bros. & Co., Wilson & Kimball, Wyatt & Sperry, Young, G. H. Zimmerman, Boston, Mass. Brookline, Mass. Boston, Mass. Xew York, jMilton, Mass. Syracuse, N. Y. New York, Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, O. New York, Portland, Me. Pittsburgh, Pa. Boston, Mass. New York, Lowell, Mass. Providence, R. I. New York, Urbana, O. Philadelphia, Pa. Germantown, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Minneapolis, Minn. Baltimore, IMd. Boston, Mass. Remabks. [See also Part Ames Building. Details. Own Offices. Store Front. 5-st. Marble and ii-on. Iron Store Front. 5-st. Details. Asso. Hall and Strs. 2Vo-st. Bk, Slate. Stores. 4y2-st. Stonel and Brick. Welles Bldg. G-st.tosqr. 3-st. in roof . Morse Bldg. 8-st. Bk. and Stn. 2 pi. Stores. Brick and Stone. 4-st. Drug-Store and Dwelling. 2yo-st. Stn. Store of W. and J. Sloaiie. Store-front alterations. Store and Ofttce Bldg. 90'xl20'. Dtls. Upper part of Hunniwell Building. Wareho. Incmbstlbl rf . Coversll,UOG' Leather warehouse. 5-st. and attic. Hildreth Bldg. Stores. Tj-st. Bk, Stn. Store-Bldg. 4i;,-st. Brick and Stone. Vaughan Bldg. Brick and Stn. 5-st. Storage warehouse. Store and Photo. Studio. 3-st. Bk,Stn. Stores. 3-st. (Chestnut St.) Y.JI.C.A.Bldg. Strs.under. 3-st.andrf. "Times" Bldg. 4-st. Bk.Stn.Grnitebase Blk. of 8 Strs. lCC'xlC5'. 4-st. Bk,tr-ct Mercantile Trust Deposit Co. Bldg. Store and Office. Whitney Es. 5-st. Sketch for Country Store, p. 9G. IL] Cost. 30,000 4,000 MISCELLANEOUS DRAWINGS. [NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED.] 87 ^ No. fcH 74: 77 425 84 132 78 247 80 416 83 221 80 Aug. 5, 76 66 77 515 85 495 85 96 77 432 84 470 84 318 82 516 85 253 80 291 81 338) 339) 82 361 82 484 85 485 85 501 85 Acanthus Spinosus. American ArcMtects. Group of Architect's Illustrated Alphabet. An Architectiu-al Medley. Ai-cliitectural Forms. Ethnology of Boston. Back Bay Park. F. L. Olmstead, Landscape Architect. Carving to fill a Geometrical Form. H. H. Kendall. " Wood. Examples by ladies at Cincinnati, O. Tobey, del. " aVid Furniture, p. 220. Crazy and Sham Roofs about Boston. Farm Bell near Philadelphia. T. P. Chandler, Aichitect. Fuller, Artist. Mi-. George Photograph. Joan of Are. Painted by Gabriel Max. Renaissance. Triumph of " Studies in p. 231. School of Drawing and Painting. Studies. Stained-glass Wmdow, by F. Crown in shield. " " " Harvard. " " at Boston, Mass. By Burue Jones. " " by J. & R. Lamb. Terra^Cotta. The Delia Robbia, Retable, etc. " Panels. Tarn worth. Sculptor. MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES. 89 No. 200 362 286 Mar. 4, 59 193 231 349 374 68 Apr. 1, 449 226 389 107 360 301 103 May20, June 3, Dec. 30 92 99 125 189 296 471 511 401 ARCHITECT. Atkinson, R. S. Berg, C. I. Dempwolf, J. A. Francis, H. M. Griffin, T. Hapgood, M. P. Howard, S. :M. Jenney, W. L. B. Laffertv, J. V. Lynn, W. H. PfeiEEer, Carl Preston, W. G. Rossiter & AVright, Schroff, 3Iax Scott, Smith, O. C. Stickney, F. W. Vaux, C. Wallver & Gonld, Location. Boston, Mass. Spring Grove, Pa. Winehendon, Maiden, Mass. Wlieeling, W. Va. Cliicago, 111. Coney Island, Quebec, Can. Philadelphia, Pa. Nonquit, Mass. Rock River, Wis. Pittsburgh, Pa. Lowell, Mass. Philadelpliia, Pa. Chicago, 111. Boston, Mass. New York, Boston, Mass. Nahant, Mass. Mississippi Jetties, Remabks. Slow-Burning Cotton IVIill. Frame Pigeon-House. Paper Mills. Machine-Shop. Studio. Frame. IVo-st. Sketch for Cotton-Mill. Cremation Furnace. LincoLn Park Refectory. Elepliant House, p. 91. Chateau St. Louis. New Jersey Head-Quarters. Centn'l. A Bath-House. Studio. 1-st. Stone. Hunting-Box. Canadian Trophy, Paris Exposition. Design for Boat-House. Vesper Boat-House. Large sheet. A Rustic Shelter. Rhode Island Head-Quarters. Plan of Art-Building, p. 179. Terra-Cotta Works. 2 plates. Seats on Blaekstone Square. Grain Elevators. 2 plates. Belvedere. Central Park. Construction of Mill-Roof. Rotary Jail. p. 104. Coggeswell Drinkmg Foimtaln. Summer House, p. 176. ' p. 100. I Cost. 8,000 MONUMENTS AND STATUES. 91 No. 265 411 431 402 286 286 287 285 289 412 167 285 445 286 287 474 290 451 289 487 505 287 285 289 361 348 135 167 285 194 453 96 397 July 29 280 287 289 211 Mch.18 Aug. 5, 285 285 280 458 G298 449 166 162 286 285 460 480 522 286 290 Apr. 22 205 287 363 380 381 385 444-45 168 1 220) 303 91 509-11 488 81 83 84 84 81 81 81 81 81 83 79 81 84 81 81 85 81 84 81 85 85 85 85 85 82 82 78 79 81 79 84 77 83 76 81 81 81 80 70 76 81 81 81 84 81 84 79 79 81 81 84 85 85 81 81 70 79 81 82 83 83 83 84 79 81 77 85 85 Architect or Designee, Aiken, AV. M. Avery, H. O. Ball, Thomas Billings, H. Boyle, John Curtis, E. C. Chantrey, CIuss <& Schulze, Crawford, Thomas Dallin, C. B. D'Aiigers, David Foley, J. H. French, D. C. Greenough, R. S. Gould, T. R. Hastings, Tliomas Hofmann, E. Von Hennesv, J. F. Howe, F. M. Hughes, Ball Keller, George Lewis, W. W. Little & Smith, McLaughlin, J. W. JMilmore, Martin Noerr, Albert Peabody & Stearns, Price, Bruce Powers, Rhmehart, Rimmer, W. Rogers, John St. Gaudens & "White, Searle. H. R. Story, \V. W. Stebbins, Emma Tolman, G. R. Van Ihunt & Howe, Ward, J. Q. A. Ware & Van Brtmt, Whitney, Anne "V^ithers, F. C. LOCATIOX. Remarks. Charleston, S. C. ]Milwaukee, Wis. Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Plymouth, Mass. Chicago, 111. Boston, Mass. Washington, D. C, Boston, Mass. Richmond, Va. Boston, Mass. Wasliington, D. C. Richmond, Va. Concord, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Boston, Mass. Hinghani, Mass. Brooklyn, K. Y. Vienna, Aust.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Boston, Mass. Manchester, N. H. Cleveland, O. Monmouth, N. J. Cincinnati, O. Boston, Mass. Charlestown, Mass. Washington, D. C. Brookline, Mass. AVilkes Barre, Pa. Boston, Mass. Aimapolis, Md. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. Sailors' Snug Harbor. Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Lexington, Mass. Aubm-n, N. Y. Savannah, Ga. Boston, Mass. Newburyport, Mass. Detroit, IMich. Charleston, S. C. Boston, IMass. Hartford, Conn. Charleston, S. C. Cleveland, O. Washington, D. C. Y'orktown, Va. Grant Memorial, [See also Part Sketch for Monument. Design for Confederate Monument. Mon't. to Victims of Newhall-Ho. Fire Base of Washing'n Monument, p. 282 Statue of George Washington, p. 291 Statue of Charles Sumner, p. 292. Emancipation Monument, p. 304." Statue of Jos. Quincy. p. 281. Forefathers' Monument, p. 15. Indian Group. Bronze. Monument to a Soldier. George Washington, p. 27. Luther Monmnent. Competitive des. Beethoven, jj. 293. Patrick Henry, p. 304. Paul Revere, p. 41. Thomas Jefferson, p. 28. Stonewall Jackson, p. 80. INIinute-Man Monument, pp. 16-17 John Harvard. jNIarble Groups on Post Office. Governor AVmthrop. p. 304. Benjamin Franklin, p. 281. Gov. J. A. Andrews, p. 16. Monument in AVoodlawn Cemetery. " Classical Poesy." The Moon Memorial. Roger AVilliams. Nathaniel Bowditch. p. 281. Soldiers' Monument. Gai-field Monimient. Cemetery Monument. Battle-field Monument. Smton Rostrum and Monument. Gen. Glover, p. 293. Army and Navy Monmnent. p. 303 Soldiers' and Sailors', p. 15. Washington Monument. Soldiers' Monument. Woodward Monument. D. Webster Statue, p. 280. Chief Justice Taney, p. 281. Alex. Hamilton, p. 293. Reynolds Monument. Farragut Monument. R. R. Randall, p. 56. Washington Monmnent. E. Everett Monument, p. 292. Horace Mann. p. 280. Battle-field Mommaent. Blake Monument. W. W. Gordon. Ether Monument, p. 292. George Washmgton. p. 27. Cass Monument. Calhoun Monument. Samuel Adams, p. 304. SokUers'Monument. Bridge and Gate, Jasper Monxmient. p. 103. Pitt Monument, p. 178. Confederate Soldiers'Monm't. p. 221. Garfield Monmnent designs. Washington Monmnent designs. Design for Monument. Sundry Monuments. Comp. Designs. Five double plates. Discobulus, The, of Naucydes. U.] Cost. 15,000 PUBLIC BUILDINGS OF THE UNITED STATES. 93 No. i Aechitect. Location. Remarks. COST. 221 80 Cluss & Scliulze, Washington, D. C. Patent-Office. Interior. Model-room. 436 84 " " " Museum. 252 80 " " National Museum. 2 plates. 399 83 Peabody & Stearns, PDje's Peak, Signal-Station. §5,000 58 77 HiU, J. G. Little Rock, Axk. Post-Offlce and Custom-House. 100,000 60 77 " Memphis. Tenn. u n 400,000 81 77 " Albany, N. Y. 11 11 154 78 " "Washmgtou, D. C. Bureau of Engraving. 300,000 159 79 " New York, Barge Office. 165 79 " Utica, N. Y. Custom-House, etc. 225,000 225 80 " Topeka, Kan. Custom-House and Post-Offlce. 229 80 " Kansas City, Mo. 14 (i 237 80 << Harrisburg, Pa. U. S. Custom-House. 376 83 " Quincy, 111. " 879 83 " Frankfort, Ky. " 386 83 " Jackson, Miss. " 406 83 " Detroit, Mich. " 407 83 « Peoria, 111. " 412 83 " Minneapolis, Minn. " Julys, 76 Mullett, A. B. Chicago, 111. Original Custom-House. 455 84 Peltz, P. J. Bay Head, N. J. Life-Saving Station. May 6, 76 Potter, AV. A. Covington, Ky. Custom-House and Post^ 305,000 June 3, 76 Fall River, Mass. Custom-House, etc. 337,000 " 17 76 " Boston, Mass. Post-Offlce extension, etc. 2,077,000 July 22 76 Grand Rapids, Mich, Custom-House and Post-Offlce. 129,000 140 78 Vrydagh, J. A. Washington, D. C. Patent-Offlce and plans. G156 78 Tlie U. S. Capitol. 156 78 " Capitol plans, p. 205. 317 82 " pp. 27 and 41. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. — CoMr/-//ows^5. 95 No. (D Akchitect. Location. Remakes. Cost. 272 81 Aiken, W. M. Aiken, S. C. Court-House. 2-st. Brick and Stone. 816,000 333 82 Bartlett & West, , Iowa, " Brick, Stone, terra-cta. 246 80 Boyd, T. Pittsburgh, Pa. " Competitive design. 363 82 Davis, F. E. Prince Geo.'s Co.,Md. " 2-st. Brick. 75 77 Gay, H. L. Rockford, 111. Diagram of Court-House wall. 163 79 Glenn & Mahrenberger, Austin, Tex. Court-House. 52'x67'. Brick, Stone. 333 82 Hannaford, S. Hillsboro', O. " 2%-st. Stone. 335 82 Koch & Co. Jamestown, Dak., " Brick, Stone, terrarcta. Sep. 23 76 See, Milton Honesdale, Pa. Comp. design for Court-Ho. Bk, Stn. Feb. 19 76 Stone & Carpenter, Providence, R. I. Court-House. 129 78 Withers & Vaux, New York City, " Plan on p. 209. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. — Engine-Homes, etc. 97 No. i Aechitect. Location. Remarks. Cost. Jun. 24 76 Clougli, G. A. Boston, Mass. Engine-House. 2-st. 110 78 Dinkelberg, F. P. Lancaster, Pa. Fire Engine-House. 66 77 Hartwell & Swasey, Fall River, Mass. Engine-llouse. Sep. 30 76 Paine, W. J. " " Brick and Stone. 127 78 Parker, C. E. Concord, N. H. Central Fire-Station. Brick, Stone. 198 77 Preston, W. G. St. Jolin, N. B. Hook-and-Ladder House. 177 79 Russell, H. Syracuse, N. Y. Chemical Engine-Station. Frame. 60,000 62 77 Stone, H. Providence, R. I. Pumping-Station . PUBLIC BUILDINGS. — Exchanges and Chambers of Commerce, etc. 99 No. i Aechiteot. Location. Rehaeks. Cost. 285 81 Atwood, C. B. New York, Produce-Exchange. Comp. 2 plates. 435 84 Fay & Eichberg, Atlanta, Ga. Chamber of Commerce. 5-st. 262 81 Mix, E. T. Milwaukee, Wis. Plan of Chamber of Commerce, p. 6. 136 78 Moser, John Galveston, Tex. Cotton-Exchange. Brick and Stone. 80,000 497 85 Price, Bruce Cincinnati, 0. Chamber of Commerce. Comp. 2 pi. 422 83 SchrofE, Max New Orleans, La. Cotton-Exchange. 197 79 Scott, T. S. St. John, N. B. Custom-House. 217 80 " " « 352 82 Treadwell, E. P. Buffalo, N. Y. Board of Trade Office. 5-st. Bk, Stn. 402 83 Upjohn, R. M. Hartford, Conn. Produce-Exchange. 7-st. Brick, Stn. 515 85 Wheelwright & Everett, Cincinnati, 0. Comp. des. Chamber of Commerce. 276 81 Withers, F. C. New York, Produce-Exchange. Comp. 2 plates. 700,000 385 83 Wolters, H. New Orleans, La. Cotton-Exchange. 432 84 " Memphis, Tenn. « * 249 80 Wyatt & Sperry, Baltimore, Md. Comp. design for Com Exchange. [See also Part 11.] PUBLIC BUILDINGS. — /«s///w/^s. 101 No. Architect. Location. Reuabes. COST. Aug.26 76 Clark, T. M. Montreal, Que. Competition for Fraser Institute. 305 81 Harlow, A. B. New York, Watkins Institute. 3-st. Brick, Stone. 490 85 Hartwell & Richardson, Cambridgeport,Mass Odd Fellows' Hall. 5-st. Bk, terra-cta. 205 79 Holly, H. H. Brooklyn, N. Y. L. I. Historical Society. 2 plates. 87 77 Hutton, A. Philadelphia, Pa. Y. M. C. A. Aug. 2 6 76 Keller, Geo. Montreal, Que. Design for Fraser Institute. Oct.l4, 76 Mason, G. C. '< 11 « " 14, 76 Parfltt Bros. " *■ 477 85 477 85 111 78 63 77 111 78 381 83 72 77 Jun. 17 76 62 77 97 77 131 78 293 81 88 77 189 79 477 85 477 85 66 77 122 78 429 84 392 83 510 85 289 81 315 82 437 84 230 80 171 79 299 81 Architect. Atwood, C. B. Barr, H. T. Cabot & Chandler, Cummings & Sears, Earle, S. C. Ficken & Kirkus, Fuller & Jones. GambrUl & Richardson, Gouge, F. H. Hartwell, H. W. Hunt, R. M. Luce, S. C. O'Grady, T. Peabody & Stearns, Preston, W. G. Richardson, H. H. Rotch & Tilden, Shaw & Hunnewell, Steen, J. Thayer, S. J. F. Location. Boston, Mass. Orleans, Mass. Woburn, Mass. Bristol, R. I. Monson, Mass. Ottawa, Ont. Woburn, Mass. Easton, Mass. Utica, N. Y. Belmont, Mass. New York, Hingham, Mass. Boston, Mass. Remakks. Public Library Competition. Competitive design Public Library. Snow Library. 28'x30'. Stone, brick. Two des. for Town Library. 2 plates. Rogers Free Libraiy. 2y2-st. Stone, Lyon Mem. Library. 1-st. Granite. Pub. Library in country town. Des. Parliament Library. Town Library. Stone. 2 plates. Ames Memorial Library. Design for Library. 2i/,-st. Bk, Stone, Town Librany and Hall. Bk, ter-cta. Lenox Library. 2 plates. Comp. des. for Library. Frame. 2-st, Public Library. Competition. Design for Public Library. "Woburn, Mass. Deerfleld, Mass. School Library, etc. Brick, Stone Lincoln, JMass. Library. Brick, Stone and terra-cta, Quincy, Mass. The Crane Library. Maiden, Mass. Converse Memorial Library, Billerica, Mass. Library. 1-st. Brick. Bridgewater, Mass. New Library. Details. Large sheet. Watertown, N. Y. Free Library. New York, Astor Library. Hingham, Mass. Small Library-building. Stone, bk. Suggestion for Library. Plan p. 133. [See also Part U.] Cost. $3,200 150,000 250,000 40,000 50,000 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. — M^rMs. 105 XO. Akchitect. Location. Remarks. Cost. 144 109 G500 78 78 85 Dempwolf , J. A. Whitehouse, F. M. Withers, F. C. York, Pa. Chicago, 111. New York, City Market. Brick and Stone. Hucksters' Market. Jefferson Market. $22,000 PUBL] [C BUILDINGS.— Museums. 107 No. AltOHITECT. Location. Rbmakks. Cost. 473 297 G253 Aug.l2 85 85 81 80 76 77 Aiken, W. M. Peabody & Steams, Sturgis & Brigham, Vanx & Mould, Vaux & Radford, Charleston, S. C. St. Louis, Mo. Boston, Mass. New York, Museum of Fine-Arts. Design. " " Large sheet. American Museum of Nat'l Hist. 2 pi. Met. Museum of Scientific Industry. 500,000 850,000 [See also Part 11.] PUBLIC BUlLDmGS— State-Houses. 109 No. >* Mar.ll 76 161 79 Apr. 15 76 150 78 234: 80 475 85 432 84 ARCHITECT. Location. Remakks. Cost. Eidlitz & Richardson, Fuller, T. Upjohn, R. M. Albany, N. T. Hartford, C!onn. Boston, Mass. New State Capitol. 4 pi. Plan of Assembly-Chamber, p. 28, Original des. and plans State Capitol. Capitol. " Dome. State Capitol. 2 plates. [mnndt. Old State-House. Drawn by Schlader- PUBLIC BUILDINGS.— roiy;z-//^//s and City-Halls. Ill u No. 03 tH Feb. 5, 70 232 80 224 SO Dec. 2, 7(> 433 84 373 83 140 78 197 79 293 81 431 84 499 85 164 79 July 1, 76 112 78 233 80 132 78 212 80 432 84 G386 83 309 81 Mar. 2 5 76 118 78 163 79 443 84 134 78 Aechitect. Location. Remarks. Cost. Anderson & Crapsey, Boyington, W. W. Clark, T. M. Cornwell & Mayennich, Dean, D. K. Dodd, A. H. Emerson, W. R. Ferry & Gardner. Hartwell, H. W. Hartwell & Richardson, Hartwell & Tilden, McArthur, John McComb, Jno. MeKean & Fairweather, McLaughlin, J. W. Merrill & Cutler, Richardson, H. H. Rotch & Tilden, Thayer, S. J. F. Ware & Van Brunt, Hillsboro', O. Chicago, 111. Stoughton, Mass. Broolvlyn, N. Y. Erie, Pa. Sliaron, Mass. Milton, Mass. Uxbridge, Mass. Belmont, Mass. Ware, Mass. jNIilton, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, St. John, N. B. Avondale, O. "Wilton, N. H. North Easton, Mass. Dublin, N. H. Providence, R. I. Brookline, Mass. Methuen, Mass. Milton, Mass. Town-Hall. 2-st. 50'xll5'. Bk,Stn. Hall for Republican Convention. Des. for Town-Hall. 2-st. Bk,Stn,tr-cta New City-Hall Comp. 3-st. Stone. City-Hall. 4-st. Town-Hall. Frame. 2V.-st. [Bk, Stn. 2 pi. Competitive design for Town-Hall. Town-Hall and Library. Bk, ter-cta. " 585 seats. Brick, ter-cta. New Town-Hall. [2 pi. Town-Hall. Bk, Stn. Porte cochere. Public Building. 2 plates. City-Hall. N. entrance. Details. Municipal Offices. Town-Hall. 2-st. " 21/2-st. " 2-st. Frame. Floor-plan City-Hall and Int. 2 pi. City-Hall. Town-Hall. Stone. Kevins Memorial Hall. Brick, Stone, Competitive design for Town-Hall. 120,000 40,000 42,000 35,000 16,000 20,000 1,000,000 167,000 [See also Part n.] PUBLIC BUlJ^Dll^GS. — Miscellaneous. 113 No. Location. Remakks. Cost. 467 443 265 268 441 461 123 282 284 Dec. 2, " 16, 365 442 518 G505 79 380 202 Bartberger & Dietrich, Brown & Dawson, Cobiirn & Bamum, Fink, Alden IMcArthur, Jno. O' Grady, T. Preston, W. G. Supplee, D. E. Windiim, J. H. Wirth, Braddock, Pa. Troy, N. Y. Cleveland, O. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. St. .John, N. B. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Paul, Minn. Hartford, Conn. New York, Rockford. 111. San Antonio, Tex. Toledo, O. ■Water-Works, p. 268. New State Armory. City Armory. Exliibition-Bldg:. N.E.Manf'rs Bldg. Sculpture Details. [ship. Comp. des. for Kotch Trav. Scholar- Police-Station. Details of same. 2 plates. Police-station. 30'x70'. Telegraph-Offlce. Armory. Brick and Stone. Quarter-Master's Depot. Newgate Prison. Sk.byM.P.Hapgood. The Tombs. Details of Walls. The Alamo, p. 160. Grand Stands. 42,225 12,000 RAILROAD STATIONS. 115 No. i Akchitect. Location. Remarks. Cost. 243 80 Baldwin, E. F. Baltimore, Md. B. & 0. R. R. Offices. 269 81 Boyington, "W. "W". Chicago, 111. C. & N. W. R. R. Depot. 173 79 Dixon & Carson, Baltimore, Md. Horse-Railway Station. 371 83 Ficken, H. E. Hoboken, N. J. Frame Ferry-House. 484 82 Gilbert, B. L. Concord, N. H. Union Depot. 507 85 Hurd, J. F. Cohasset, Mass. Old Colony R. R. Station. 241 80 Lewis, W. W. Clinton, 0. R. R. Station. 93 77 Peabody & Steams, Boston, Mass. Providence R. R. Station. Details. 518 85 Rand & Taylor, West Medford, Mass. Station built of pasture stone. 468 84 Richardson, H. H. Chestnut Hill, B. & A. Station. Sketch. 514 85 Robertson & Manning, Schenectady, N. T. R. R. Station. 484 85 Stiu-gis & Brigham, Dedham, Mass. B. <»P. R. R. Station. 383 83 Wilson Bros., Philadelphia, Pa. Broad-Street Station. G509 85 " '< il u 334 82 Wolters, H. Louisville, Ky. R. R. Station. SKETCHES AND ETCHINGS. 117 No. Aktist. Location. Remarks. Cost. 165 441 513 504 472 457 458 463) 464) 517 414 499 172 1921 204] 294 353 266 307 151 421 446 Cabot, E. C. Davis, E. F. Deane, E. E. Dickson, Walter Everett, A. H. Hapgood, M. P. Kennedy, R. G. Tolman, G. R. Sketch Club, Tolman, J. P. Boston, Mass. Ulster Co., N. Y. Albany, N. Y. Hingli'am, Mass. Manchstr-by-the-Sea Readville, Mass. Albany, N. Y. "Wethersfield, Conii. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Cobb, A. W. Rich, C. A. Springfield, Mass. Quebec, Can. St. Augustine, Fla. New Jersey, View. Etching. Old Houses, Church, etc. Boys' Academy. Old Houses, Furniture, etc. Houses by various architects. Mr. Hemenway's Ho. Emerson, arch't. Gen. Loring"s House. " " Col. Stevenson's Ho. " " First Reformed Church. Bits from a Sketch-book. First Ecclesiastical Soeiet5''s Bldg. Christ Church. Sketches and Details. Leaves from a Sketch-book. Old Boston Sketches. Staircase Tower, Hunting-Box, etc. Skches of Public Bldg, etc. p. 227, etc Views in the Citadel. Sketches at p. 27. An American Park. ■p. 15, etc. SPECIAL FEATURES. [TOWERS, DORMERS, ETC.] 119 No. 331 469 Feb. 19 131 309 250 385 373 402 502 419 498) 500 I 502 Feb. 26 332 512 512 521 513 502 519 177 358 410 327 323 283 ARCHITECT. Cobb, A. W. Parker, C. F. Ricbarsdon, H. H. Scott, Sperry, J. E. (del.). Watts, J. W. H. White, F. B. Withers, F. C. Phipps, S. E. Elzner, A. O. (del.). LOCATION. Reuabks. Chicopee, Mass. Boston, Mass. Ottawa, Can. York, Pa. Hackensack, N. J. Boston, Mass. Sketch for Tower. Study for Church-Tower. Tower. 150'. Tower of Brattle-Square Chiu-ch. " Government Building. Church-Towers at Clock-Tower, p. 223. Bits from Cottages. Water-Tower. Dormer, j). 66. Sketches of Dormers. " Entrances. " I Gables and Gable-ends. New Haven, Conn. ; Tower of Trinitj' Church. ' Towers, Belfries and Spires. Lg sht. Manchsti--by-the-Sea Spire of Cong. Church, p. 180. Secular Towers. Tower of Meridian-St. M.E. Ch. p.l97. " First Unitarian Ch. p. 67. Spire of Old Sleeting-Honse. p. 270. Capitals. Papier Mach6. " Large sheet. " (mainly Byzantine\ Bay and Oriel Wmdows. Large sheet. Parallel of Doi-mer Windows. Lg sht. Obelisks. Cost. Boston, Mass. Roxbury, Mass. Dorchester, Mass. STABLES AND FARM BUILDINGS. 121 No. 3 ARCHITECT. Location. Rem,\iiks. Cost. 423 84 Anderson, E. Peru, Ind. Brick Stable. 510 85 Baker, J. Ei. Newark, N. J. 2-st. Stable. Half-tunber. 405 83 Brocklesby, W. C. Gt. Barrington, Mass. Stone Stable. 223 80 Cabot & Chandler, Dorchester, Mass. Half-tunbered Stable. Stone, etc. 484 85 " Cambridge, Mass. Frame Stable. 507 85 Clarke, H. Dorchester, Mass. " " and Turret, p. 124. 460 84 Day, Clinton Cal. " " 243 126 80 78 Emerson, W. R. Gambrill & Richardson, Stable and Lodge. Half-timbered Stable. So.Manchester,Conn 164 79 Gardner, E. C. Holyoke, Mass. Brick and Stone Stable. 431 84 Gibson, Robert W. Albany. N. Y. Frame Stable. 437 84 Gilbert & Thomson, New York, Brick and Stone Stable. 10,000 71 77 Jones, Bassett Staten Island, N. Y". 2-st. Frame Stable. 70 77 Kilbiirn, H. F. Holyoke, Mass. Brick Stable. 417 83 Kiibv, H. P. Allegheny, N. Y^. .Stone " Oct.2S, 70 Lewis, W. W. Boston, Mass. 3-st. Stable. Brick, Stone. Main St. 57 77 Frame Stables for four houses. 442 84 " Brookline, Mass. 271 81 McLaughlin, J. TV. Cincinnati, O. Car-stables. 390 83 Merriir& Cutler, Lowell, Mass. Stone Stable. 2-st. and basement. 151 78 & Rand, Indianapolis, Ind. Carriage-house and Stable. Brick. 4,000 477 85 Peabodv & Stearns, Brookluie, Mass. Barn. p. 78. 283 81 Potter, W. A. Chicago, 111. Brick and Stone Stable. 219 80 Potter & Robertson, Washington, Conn. Half-timbered " 254 80 Powell, W. B. Cornwall, Pa. Stone Stable. Details. 270 81 'I 11 , 241 82 " Jockey," (Brown), " 343 82 " Leisure Hour," 341 82 " Paul Keiff," (Watts) 2 pi. ■ Competition for Hotel-Stable. 341 82 "■Pegasus," (Norris & Minot), " 343 82 " Presque Mais," 342 82 " Pichmond," J 478 85 " A Country Gentleman," (Randall), 502 85 " Ad rem," 485 85 " Asviodens," 502 85 "AtthellthlTour;' 490 85 " Cabby," 480 85 " Candlelight," 478 85 " Doris," (Everett), 510 85 " Festina Lente II.," 486 85 " Hay Foot, Straw Foot," 491 85 "Hope," 480 85 "Hostler," 478 85 "Jay," (WalUs), . $1,500 Stable Competition. 1,500 482 85 " MaHin Ctmzzleivit," 493 85 " Much in little space," 479 85 " Newport ," 488 85 "■ Nyphte," 489 85 " Old Apple Tree" 483 85 " Pen," 492 85 " Pye," 479 85 " Sir Roger," 482 85 " The Author," 510 85 " Tom" 497 85 " Try Angle," J TECHNICAL DIAGRAMS. 123 No. A. 293 81 Ai'ch. How to draw an elliptical, p. 64. 416 83 Beam-Tests. Continued in Nos. 418, '83, and 420, 424, 428. 430, 433, 437, 438, 447, '84. 308 81 Corbelling. Methods of 327 82 Chimneys. Stability of 331 82 Pendentives. 108 78 Perspective. Plate I. General Phenomena. 111 78 ' "II. The Perspective Plan. Use of Diagonals. 113 78 ' " HI. Division by Triangles. 115 78 ' " IV. Directions and magnitudes by scale. 117 78 ' " V. Measurement of inclined lines. 121 78 ' " VI. Parallel Perspective. 123 78 ' " VII. Three-Point Perspective. 125 78 ' " VIII. The Perspective of Shadows. 128 78 ' " IX. " Reflections. 130 78 ' " X. " Circles. 137 78 140 78 ' " XIII. " Distortions and corrections. 143 78 ' " XIV. " Curvilinear Perspective. 356 82 ' " XIV. " " " 356 82 t " XVI. " " « 360 82 ' " XVII. Converging lines. 363 82 ' " XVIII. Shadows by artificial light. 366 82 ' " XIX. " gas-light. 370 83 Various methods. 387 83 Range. A cooking 185 79 Screw-Scaffoldiiig. 409 83 Sewerage, etc. Keene, N. H. 421 84 " Blair Lodge, El. ("W. L. B. Jenney, arcliitect.) 451 84 Water-Supply and Drainage. House of H. Villiard, New York. (G. E. Warinc.') 223 80 Ventilation of gas-burners, p. 139. THEATRES. 125 (See also Mercantile Blocks.) No. i Architect. Location. Kemakks. Cost. 476 85 Browii, W. E. Detroit, Jlicb. Roller-Skating Rink. 425 84 Cady, J. C. New York, IMetropolitan Opera-House. 420 84 '< " See p. 87. G518 85 " " " " 439 84 Fernbach & DeLemos, " Eden Mus6e. 122 78 Hannaford & Procter, Cincinnati, 0. Springer Music-Hail. 204 79 Hornblower, T. C. Sulphur Springs, Va. Music Pavilion. 505 85 Ivimball & Wisedell, New York, Cassino Theatre. 278 81 Kleeves, A. Deti-oit, Mich. Music Pavilion. 166 79 Luce, C. S. Holyoke, Mass. Opera-House. 90'xll4'. 1040 seats. 40,000 Sep. 16 76 Oakev, A. F. Cincinnati, O. Music-Hail. 113 78 Oakey & Bloor, Buffalo, N. Y. Alterations to Rink. 208 79 Post, G. B. New York, Metropolitan Concert-Hall. 2 plates. 255 80 Potter & Robertson, " Comp. des. for Met. Opera-Ho. 2 pi. 220 80 Preston, W. G. " Sketches for Exhibition-Building. 337 82 " Campobello, N. B. Pavilion. 506 85 Sehladermundt, H. T. Buffalo, N. Y. Design for Music-Hall. 244 80 Silliman &Farnswortb, Orange, N. J. Music-Hail. G0'xl35'. 2 plates. 45,000 78 77 Thoi-p, A. H. New York, Plan of Ihomas' Concert-Hall. Sep. 16 76 Ware & Van Brunt, Cincinnati, 0. Music-Hall. 2 plates. Plan on p. 300. 153 78 Wilson, J. A. & W. T. Baltimore, Md. Skating-Rink. 205 79 Chicago, ni. Central Music-Hall. See p. 174. [See also Part II.] TOMBS, ETC. 127 No. c3 Aechitect. Location. Remabks. Cost. 388 118 158 484 74 441 114 353 74 83 78 79 85 77 84 78 82 77 Atwood, C. B. Bacon, F. H. Chandler, T. P. Gibson, R. W. Howe, F. M. Kellog & Laurence, Laing & Fehmer, Lewis, W. W. Roberts & Taylor, Receiving-tomb. Stone. Tomb of a Musician. Mausoleum. Design for Granite Tomb. Tomb. Taylor Mausoleum. Tomb in side of lull. Receiving-vault. Stone. Allegheny, Pa. Troy, N. Y. 30,000 Chicogo, 111. Cleveland, 0. Newark, N. J. 10,000 5,000 rSee also Part n.] Second General Division. FOREIGN ARCHITECTURE. ARCH^OLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL. No. COTTNTKY. Location. Remarks. 89 77 Austria (Tyrol), Innsbruck, The Goldne Dach^. 106 78 Denmark, Copenhagen, The Castle. 313 81 Egypt, Karnak, The Temple. (Chromo). 473 85 England, Buckfastleigh, Plan of the Abbey, p. 30. 440 84 " Fountains, Abbey, p. 255. 477 85 " Lewes, Castle, p. 79. 368 83 " Warwick, p. 19. 454 84 " "Westminster, The Coronation Chair, p. 117. 268 81 France, Caen, Castle. 318 82 " Chateau Chillon, p. 47. ., 349 82 <' " Pavilion, p. 110. 518 85 " " de Fleurigny, The Chapel, p. 258. 384 83 " Dieppe, Castle, p. 212. 324 82 " Mont St. Michel, p. 111. Also p. 159, No. 353. 291 81 <' Provins, Old Dungeon. 264 81 Germany, Castle Lichtenstein. 383 83 (( •' Deitz Castle, p. 199. Das Roth'sehe Haus. 331 82 " Sehweinfurt, 311 81 Greece, Assos, 2 plates. (Bas Reliefs and plans). Bas ReUefs. (Drawn by Mr. F. H. Bacon). 364 82 " " 368 83 " " Sketches. 366 82 '< " p. 311. Gate of the Agora. 304 81 «' Athens, 307 81 " " Choragic columns. Acropolis. May 20 76 '< » Plan of the Temple of Minerva, p. 166. 166 79 " Greek Theatre, p. 67. " " p. 36. Arch of Trajan. 188 88 79 ■ ,, 77 Italy, Benevento, 491 85 Ferrara, The Castle. 85 77 " Naples, Arch of Triumph. 406 83 Mexico, Coyoacan, Cloisters, p. 159. 366 82 Scotland, Dryburgh, Abbey, p. 312. 366 82 " Jedburgh, p. 314. 410 83 " Edinburgh, Queen Mary's Bath. p. 207. 413 83 Spain, Alhambra, Hall of the" Two Sisters. 415 83 " " Capitals. 403 83 " Segovia, Tlie Castle at Coca. S61 430 82 84 1 " " Roman Aqueduct. 159 79 Restoration of the Hypsethral Temple. 221 80 " ' " p. 121 (129) DETAILS AND SPECIAL FEATURES. 131 No. 170 482 490 490 383 324 310 322 405 48G 322 322 498 392 397 396 492 93-4 490 367 367 392 504 504 495-96 496 495 491 411 483 492-94 Country. Austria, Belgium, England, France, Italy, Spain, Various, Location. PragTie, Antweip, Bruges, Ghent, Canterbury, Kentish Gables, Liverpool, London, "Walton, Bayeux, Calvados, Chateaudun, Chantilly, jMarseilles Montreal, Orleans, Verneuil, Bologna, Florence, Palermo, Pavla, Cordova, Toledo, Moscow, Rouen, etc. Rem.\eks. A Bay-window. The Plantin Moretus IMansion. Rose window, p. 233. Entrance to chapel, p. 231. Door to hospital, p. 196. Door. p. 112. Two dormers. Rambling sketches. Details from the Charter House. Vesti-y door. p. 183. Stone and timber porch. Office entrance. Old fonts. Piscina., p. 306. " p. 54. Detail of cornice. Rose window, p. 259. Ecole dcs Beaux Arts. Rose window, p. 237. Tin-ret of Hotel de Ville. p. 7. Oriel, p. 3. Renaissance window. Stair-hall. p. 91. Details of cloisters and doorway, p. 88. " Palazzo Vecchio. n Bargello. (Outside staircasel. Rose window, p. 296. " p. 244. Doorway, p. 219. Renaiss.ance doorway, p. 153. Details of timber roof. pp. 260. 279. DWELLING-HOUSES. 133 No. COUNTKY. 384 83 Belgiimi, 390 83 " 472 85 " 239 80 England, 335 82 " 367 82 " 326 82 " 383 83 " 384 83 " 388 83 473 85 374 83 " 359 82 i< 361 82 11 331 82 >> 310 81 310 81 11 324 82 " 478 85 <> 357 82 i< 400 83 It 418 83 i< 336 82 i( 310 81 It 348 82 It 357 82 tt 248 80 ti 325 82 ti 520 85 tt 392 83 tt 484 85 tt 47^75 85 It 291 81 tt 318 82 It 356 82 tt 418 83 tt 459 84 France, 242 80 tt 317 82 ,1 397 83 It 305 81 It 462 84 tt 324 82 ti 469 84 tt 144 78 tt 97 77 11 146 78 It 326 82 11 355 82 11 412 83 11 413 83 11 418 83 It 308 81 It 318 82 It 344 82 tt 357 82 tt 374 83 11 383 83 11 390 83 11 418 83 11 453 84 11 455 84 11 448 84 11 399 83 11 514 85 11 476 85 11 Feb. 26 76 (pp.68, 69, 77, 78,85 \ 86,107,108,109. 410 83 Germany, 397 83 11 102 77 11 388 83 11 418 83 11 62 77 11 389 83 11 326 82 " Location. Antwerp, Ghent, Ypres, Artists' Homes, Adcote Shropshire, Bristol, Buehan Hall, Canterbury, Chester, Dartmouth, Huddington Court, London, Ludlow, Manchester, Sunninghill, "Wallingford, Whitchurch, Winchfield, Woodlands Hall, Yorkshire, Yarmouth, Chesterfield, Andelys, Bayeux, Beauvais, Cauciebec, Chateaudun, Blois, Chaumont, Caen, D'Amboise, Goulaine, Chateau Landon, Pierrefonds, Vitre, Morlaix, Paris, Perigueux, Rheims, Roiien, Sens, Bacharach, Berlin, Frankfort, Hanover, Hummelsfurt, Humnie Ishain, Reiviaiiks. Old house, p. 209. Marche aux Grains, p. 278. " " p. 20. Edis & Godwin, architects, Chelsea. Geo. E. Street's house, Homedale Surry. House at Hampslead. N. Shaw, architect. Country house, by Korman Shaw. Old house, p. 201. " Maryleport. p. 211. p. 258. " pp. 29, 31. George & Peto, architects. Old house, p. 231. " p. 201. The ButterwaLk. Old houses. Half-timbered. Lowther Lodge. 2 plates. Paul Pindar's house, p. 93. See " Interiors." 3%-st. Brick house. Suburban. Senii-detaehed Vdlas. 2 and 3 st. Estate olfices and house. Old house, p. 261. Half-timbered modern house. Architect's house. Villa residences. Semi-detached houses. Country house, by Norman Shaw. 2 plates. Old house, p. 123. p. 282. Hunting lodge. Old house, p. 165. " pp. 45, 55. Old almshouse, p. 39. Half-timbered house, by Stanton. A seaside cottage. Sketches of country houses. Great house at Half-timbered house. Houses. Old house, p. 52. Facade de 1' Escalier. du Longueville. Chateau de " " Nantes. E. Letang, architect, Boston, Mass. Chateau de par ViolleWe-duc. " p. 185. Old houses, pp. 234, 237. p. 249. " p. 306. Hotel de Cluny. House. 5-st. "stone. " 214-st. Stone and brick. Hotel. Cochet, architect. " Cuvillier, " 1-st. House. Brick and Stone. Corner of house, p. 280. 3-st. Brick and Stone. House. Gaillard, architect, p. 100. " Petit, " p. 125. Old houses. Old house, p. 76. " Place de la Pucelle. La Caisse d' Epargne. Old house, niustrations of VioUet-le-duc's article, "Habila- tions of Man." Old houses, p. 213. p. 51. Private houses. Old house, p. 255. " p. 305. Private houses, p. 71. Convent, p. 267. Schloss. DWELLING-HOUSES. 136 No. S COTTNTRT. Location. Remaeks. 484 85 Germany (Alsace), Mulhausen, Workingmen's cottages. 478 85 Holland, Amsterdam, House on the Damrak. p. 89. 501 85 Italy, Schlo, Houses for workingmen. 503 85 " Venice, Palazzo Foscari. 499 85 " " Loredon Palace. 483 85 " " Palazzo Pesaro. 410 83 Scotland, Edinburgh, Old houses, p. 212. Candlemaker's Row. 413 83 " « " p. 248. Canongate. 464 84 « Craignethan House. [See also Part I.l ECCLESIASTICAL. 137 No. V COUNTKY. Location. Remarks. 110 78 Austria, Prague, The Thein Church. See also pp. 123-507. 294 81 Belgium, Bruges, Le Saint Sang. 307 81 " " St. Jacques. 491 85 " " St. Sauveur Cathedi-al. * 493 85 " " Temple de Jerusalem. The BeKry. 498 85 < S6ez, Catholic Church of Notre Dame. 342 82 i< Thann, Church, at p. 27. 193 79 «' Troyes, " of St. Urbaia. 335 82 " Verdelais, Clocher de. 330 82 " Vezelay, Church, p. 185. 208 79 «« Design for a Cathedi-al. 101 77 " " Pi-otestant Temple. 99 77 Germany, Aix-la-Chapelle, The INIinster. 474 85 *' Brimswick, St. Catherine. 499 85 << Berlin, Die Dankes Kii-che. p. 27. 499 85 'i 11 Jerusalem " " 487 85 11 Cologne, The Cathedral. 87 77 It 11 Gross St. IMartin Chturch. 520 85 11 11 The Apostles' Church. 348 82 i( i 11 Church and street. 86 77 • 1 Dresden, Portal of Old Palace Chapel. 59 77 (I Hanover, Synagogue. Plan and section, pp. 47 48. 69 77 11 11 R. C. Church, p. 128. 390 83 Iaggiore. 469 84 " Siena, Cathedral. 512 85 " " Pulpit in the Cathedral. Oct.21, 9G 76 77 1 " Turin, A Jewish Synagogue. 400 522 83 85 I ;; Venice, St. Maria della Salute. 505 85 " St. Mark's. 501 85 " Sehio, St. Antonio, p. 52. 486 85 Mexico, Chihuahua, The Parochial Church. 508 85 " Mexico, The Cathedral. 514 85 " Queretaro, Church of the Cross. 413 459 83 84 1 Portugal, Belem, Cloisters. 123 78 Russia, IMoscow, Churches. 165 79 " Russian Church. 92 79 Scotland, Edinburgh, St. Giles's Church. 424) 429 ( 84 Spain, Avila, Cathedral of St. Vincent. Interior. See also 123 and 124. pp. 457 84 Barcelona, Doorway of Cathedral. 442 84 Burgos, Cathedi-al. 442 84 " " Porch las Hueglas. 411 83 Cordova, St. Lorenzo. 450 84 Gerona, Cloisters. 439 84 Leon, El Panteon. St. Isidore. 435 84 Salamanca, Old Cathedral. 281 81 Seville, Doorway of Cathedral. 447 84 Tarragona, Cathedral. Entrance to Chapter-House. 447 84 " " The Cloisters. 448 84 " " Capilla Mayor. 420 84 Toledo, ti 422 84 " Interior. 422 456 84 84 ", Church of St. Juan de los Reyes. Cloister " " 458 84 " Cathedral Cloister. 437 84 Toro, La CoUegiata. 455 84 " Cathedral. 444 84 Tudela, '• Interior. 437 1 454 ( 84 Zamora, Jan. 8, 76 Switzerland, Lausanne, " Plan on p. 13. " 22, 76 Geneva, " 411 83 Tararp, Church, p. 223. 369 83 Tunis, Grand Mosque. [See also Part I.] EDUCATIONAL. 143 No. jS Country. LOCATIOU^. Remakks. 240 80 England, Cambridge, Caius College. A. "Waterhouse, architect. 322 82 " Kensington, Inst, for Technical Education. A. "Waterhouse. 322 82 " Manchester, Catholic Schools. 322 82 " " School of Art. 405 83 " Qutnta Schools, 93 77 France, Marseilles, Ecole des Beaux- Arts. Also No. 94, '77. May27, 76 Hanover, Hanover, Roof of Gymnasiiun. p. 174. 120 78 India, Allahabad, Muir College. Emerson, architect. [See also Part I.] « ENTRANCES AND GATEWAYS. No. 145 I M 359 83 520 85 381 83 396 83 338 82 338 S3 344 82 381 83 350 S3 3G4 82 322 83 343 82 322 83 177 79 149 78 174 79 302 81 290 81 413 S3 380 S3 430 84 382 S3 412 83 268 SI 445 84 374 83 387 S3 392 83 330 S3 291 81 410 S3 520 85 338 83 409 S3 365 S3 259 80 COUKTRY. Austria, Belgmm, England, Egypt, France, India, Italy, Spala, Location. Prague, Antwerp, Aston Hall, Eccleston Hall, Cambridge, Canterbury, ' Ingestre Hall, London, Manchester, York, Cairo, Chartres, Contances, D' Aulb, Fontainebleau, Fleurigny, Laon, Loches. Mont St. Michel, Morlaix, Nevers, Paris, Perigueux, Sens, Toulouse, Vezelay, Vierzy, Siena, Venice, Seville, Toledo, Balearic Isles, Remarks. Portal, p. 228. Entrance to exhibition, p. 280. The Gate-House. Caius College gateway, p. 281. St. John's " " p. 283. Gateway, p. 49. Entrance, p. 172. Middle Temple Lane. p. 124. St. James's Palace Gateway, p. 293. A brewery gateway. Bootham Bar. p. 37. A stable entrance, p. 88. Arab doorway. Porte Guillaiune. Bridge and gate. Chateau de. Porte. ■ '' " du Baptist^re. " p. 245. Gateway, p. 161. Porte des Cordeliers. Gateway, p. 187. La Porte des Vignettes, " du Croux. Entrance to panorama. Renaissance entrance. Porte do L' Evech($. Gateway. XVI. century, p. 307, ^1 p. 185. Entrance to Buddhist Temple, p. 209 City gate. p. 279. Arsenal gate. p. 280. Entrance to monastery. Puerto de doce Cantos. Colored print. Porte du Convent de St. Fran9oisf p. 231. C. Garnier, arch't. p. 5. No. 430 363 391 431 109 370 522 452 357 109 400 379 246 Country. 84 82 83 84 78 83 85 84 82 78 83 ! f "" 83 80 Switzerland, England, France, Italy, FOUNTAINS. 147 Location. Churton, London, Bordeaux, Evreux, Grenoble, Lyons, Paris, Rouen, Perugia, Viterbo, Aiicona, Remabks. Memorial fountain, p. 137. Fountain, p. 282. " by Bartholdi. p. 291. '1^ p. 149. " p. 40. ByAucU-(5. " at St. Sulpiee. p. 306. " of the Stone Cross. " p. 205. " of the Medici, p. 90. Fontaine aux Treize CaneUes. Fountain. FURNITURE. [INCLTTDLNG MANTELS AND CHIMNEY-PIECES.] 149 No. G479 387 65 266 322 331 335 344 348 352 352 374 392 396 400 154) 157) 192 Country. Belgium, England, France, Persia, Location. Bruges, Remarks. Chimney-piece in Council-Chamber. Also p. 103. Chippendale furniture. Fireplace, etc. B. J. Talbert. 2 plates. Buffet. G. G. Scott. Jacobean sideboard. B. J. Talbert. Mantel-piece. Old renaissance chimney-piece. Mantel and book-case. B. J. Talbert. Sideboard. Old chimney-piece. Jacobean sideboard. B. J. Talbert. Sideboard, by B. J. Talbert. Hall chimney-piece. Chimney-piece. R. N. Shaw. Fireplace by VioUet-le-duc. p. 188, 189, 211, 212. » p. 68. HOTELS AND CLUB-HOUSES. 151 •^ No. s fcH Sept. 9 76 489 «o 331 .S2 400 83 352 82 312 81 304 81 Country. Austria. Belgium, England, Germany, Scotland, Location. Vieiuia, Brussels, London, Dresden, Glasgow, Remarks. Apartment-houses. Plans on pp. 291, 292. Continental Hotel. Albert Hall Mansions. Hatchett's Hotel. Design for casino or oliib. The Artists' Club. 2 plates. Trades House. [See also Part I.] INTERIORS. 153 ^ No. COTTNTRY. 326 82 England, 515 85 Ti 331 82 « 265 81 515 »' 166 79 <' 356 82 «' 322 82 " 324 82 '< 189 79 l< 468 84 «• 383) 387/ 83 if 348 82 " 518 85 '« 392 83 (( 502 85 " 496 85 " 350 82 " 310 81 " 239 80 " 249 80 <' 361 82 " 365 82 " 396 S3 " 498 85 France, 299 81 348 82 " 479 85 " 76 77 " 379 83 " 90 77 1 :: 251 80 310 81 4841 85 j( 487) 151 78 Germany, 158 79 " 64 77 " 84 77 Italy, 137 78 " 510 85 " 146 78 Russia, 365 82 Scotland, 422 84 Spain, 437 84 " 409 83 " Location. Adcote, Aidermanton, Carditf Castle, Combe, Warren, Crewe Hall, Harrow. Hereford, Holloway, London, Paddockhurst, Salisbury, Watford, Wakefield, Worcester, Bordeaux, Chateaudun, Blois, Grenoble, Paris, St. Cloud, Tours, Munich, Rothenburg, Genoa, Rome, Glasgow, Toledo, Toro, Cordova, Remabks. [See Country house, by Norman Shaw. Staircase, p. 221. G]:eat staircase. Drawing-room. Interior, p. 220. Speech-room at Harrow School, p. 67. Vicar's Cloisters, p. 192. Recreation-hall of Sanatorium. Lowther Lodge. Corridor. Natural History jMuseum. Paul Pindar's house, p. 281. St. Paul's Cathedral. Decoration. Steinway Hall. Dining-room. p. 261. New Salon. Cawston, architect. Entrance-arch. p. 64. St. Mary's Chui-ch. p. 304. Council Chamber, p. 119. Hall of the Commandery. Staircase. Interior. Grand Salon. (Stevenson). Prize design' for decoration. Side of drawing-room. Interior, by Macartney. Interior of' St. Crois. p. 19. I Staircases. Grand staircase of Francis I. Mus^e interior. Eden Theatre. Grand staircase, new Opera-House. Staircase-hall of house. Staii-cases at pp. 160, 199. Music-room of king of Bavaria. Haflnersches Haus. Interiors, etc. p. 87. Grand staircase of the University. Interiors of the Vatican. 2 plates and plan. Staircase in palace of Conti Guidi. Interiors. New club-house. Church of St. Juan. -p. 40. Interior of lantern, p. 219. " mosque. also Part I.] MERCANTILE. 155 No. COUNTKT. Location. Remaeks. 481 85 Belgimii, Antwei-p, National Bank. 178 79 Denmark, Copenhagen, Merchants' Exchange. A. D. 1624. 383 83 England, Exeter, West Country Art- Works. 318 82 Knaresboro, Bank Building. 322 82 Liverpool, A store front. 322 82 " Scottish Equitable Insiu-ance Building. 331 82 London, Doulton's Warehouse. 335 82 " Lisurance Building. R. N. Shaw, architect. 322 82 Mancliester, A warehouse. 352 82 " p. 146. 358 82 i< p. 215. 405 83 " 322 82 1' Brewery. 326 82 Sheffield, Corn Exchange. 439 84 France, Paris, Grand Magasin du Prtntemps. 358 82 Holland, Utrecht, 17th centiu-y building. 4st. Brick, p. 221. 335 82 Germany, Store fronts. [See also Part L] MISCELLANEOUS. 157 NO. Country. Location. Remarks. 387 370 150 347 251 318 478 460 485 467 246 83 83 78 82 80 82 85 84 85 84 80 85 85 85 85 83 78 England, France, HoUand, Italy, Eeskjavlk, Maidstone, at Paris, at Cormery, Cartoon, by Six F. Leighton. Barn. p. 39. Belgian Fayade, at Paris Exhibition. Barn. p. 84. Portrait of :M. Cliarles Gamier. Municipal Elephants. Exami^les of bricliwork. View of Bay. Grotto. Bridge. [164. Street lantern. Also No. 405, p. 151; No. 406, p. Delia Robbia Sculpture, pp. 24, 125, 126. p. 147. pp. 173, 174, 175. " • " pp. 185, 186. Old windmill, p. 149. Herod's Temple, restored by Ferguson. Paris, Amalfi, PozzuoU, near Rome, 481 483 485 486 379 145 MONUMENTS, STATUES AND TOMBS. 159 405 479 357 481 333 456 470 286 474 475 477' 478 , 479 ( 481 J 475 4G1 384 344 285 416 401 378 412 418 419 259 462 346 490 493 495 377 389 391 392 393 402 402 134 364 351 286 356 286 480 285 485 297 404 509 477 303 400 361 411 394 435 458 487 338 344 405 417 387 398 412 487 403 354 95 414 383 191 431 439 402 379 Architect. Austria, Belgium, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Location. Prague, Luxemburg, Cartmel, Lancashire^ London, Aigues-Mortes, Bordeaux, Beaune, Cry, Corsica Dijon, Le'puy, Marseilles, Paris, Passy, Valenciennes, Versailles, Rebiaeks. Florence, Novgorod, Edinburgh, Inverary, Stirling, Madrid, Leon, Constantinople, Cairo, [See also Part I.] Statue of St. George, p. 147. " William I. p. 103. Tomb. p. 208. Statue of Sir Rowland Hill. p. 127. I " Duke of Wellington, pp. 136, 220. " Edward I. p. 305. " Richard Coeur de Lion. p. 292. " Henry V. p. 43, London Monuments. Also pp. 75, 87, 99, 123. Albert Memorial, p. 51. Tomb. Rosetti. p. 197. INIonument to St. Louis, p. 207. Tomb. Monument to Monge. p. 280. p. 280. Monument to Napoleon, p. 100. " Philippe, p. 143. " Lafayette, p. 236. Tomb. " of Ed. About, p. 8. " au Cemetifere Mont Parnasse. M. L. J. Due. " Vaudremer, architect, p. 210. " of Diderot, p. 236. " with Military Courage, p. 268. Pillar Tomb. p. 295. Tomb, Delacroix, p. 127. '• Duban. p. 272. " Moncey. p. 295. " Generals Le Compte and Thomas, p. 303. " p. 319. " of the Xlltli century, p. 111. " Cherubini. p. 116. Monument to M. Regnault. Ecole des Beaux-Arta. " of Battle of Champigny. p. 291. " Charlemagne, p. 132. " Mii'abeau. p. 292. " Rouget de Lisle, p. 194. " jSIarsbal Ney. p. 292. " Col. Beaurepaire. p. 113. " Voltaire, p. 280. " Dumas, p. 171. Tombl P^re la Chaise. Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty, p. 137. Tomb. p. 148. Moniuncntal Fountain, p. 78. Competition ^louument. Statue of the Republic. Tomb. Statue of Germania. -p. 222. Lion of Brunswick, p. 17. Luther Monument, p. 197. Bishop Zobel Monument, p. 159. Monument to Secretary Burke, p. 195. Victor Emmanuel Monument. 2 plates. " p. 295. Equestrian Statue, p. 243. Monument to Parmigionanni. p. 70. " ]Michel Angelo. p. 233. " CoUeoni. p. 198. " St. Charles Borromeo. p. Tomb. p. 173. Monument of the Russian Empire. Tomb of the Covenanters, p. 258. Argyle Monument, p. 197. National Wallace Monument. 2 plates. Monument to Isabel, p. 152. Tomb of Bishop Marten. Tomb. p. 116. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 161 No. 186 476 489 529 Sept. 9 493 476 462 211 487 274 291 357 521 460 469 471 326 189 352 335 348 522 82 521 405 456 469 352 426 379 84 Nov. 4, 322 Mar.25 Dec. 2, 187 404 482 135 400 455 350 188 500 521 121 133 846 104 66 May 20 463 335 326 513 181 506 500 466 435 517 517 447 299 Nov.18 72 501 361 219 413 444 COTJKTRY. Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Ensland, Hungary, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Location. Vienna, Pesth, Antwerp, Bruges, Louvain, Mechlin, Ypres, Rio-cle-Janeiro, King's Lynn, Leamington, London, Newport, Salisbury, Beaugency, Compiegne, Neuilly sur Seine, Nice, Paris, Remarks. Anlialt, Jlnuicli, Nui'cmberg, Itot lien berg, Berlin, Gorlitz, Hanover, Heligoland, Hiklesheim, Kitzingen, Bray, Brescia, Monaco, Piaceiiza, Schio, Siena, Venice, Rome, Rybinska, St. Petersbur Edinburgh, Glasgow, Granada, Zaragossa, [See Opera-Honse. Plan on p. 21. IVIusenni of Natural History. New City Hall. Plan of Com-t Theatre, p. 151. Theatre, p. 293. Museum of Antiquities. Hotel de Ville. p. 65. Permanent Exhibition-Building. Custom-House. p. 38. Public Buildings. Children's Hospital, p. 294. British Museum. Plans. pp. 183, 293. " Castalia" Hospital Ship. Inner Temple LibrarJ^ [No. 344. Natural History Museimi. Waterhouse. Also p. 51 , Royal Courts of Justice. Free Library. Cost $3,500. The Poultry Cross, p. 95. Hotel de Ville. p. 295. Exposition-Building. Bank Parisienne. p. 138. Bibliothfeque Nationale. pp. 293, 303. Comptoir d' Escompte. Eden Theatre. Roof. Hotel de Ville. Heating and ventilation. Exposition Building. 4 plates. Nouveau Theatre de la Comedie. Opera-House. Plans p. 100. Fayade of New Opera-House. See p. 396. Lateral Facade of Opera-House. Palais du Legion d' Honneur. p. 135. " Justice. L. J. Due. " Trocadero. " " Museum of Sculpture. Rouen, " de Justice. Saumur, Hotel de Ville. p. 120. Design for an Orxiheon. Railroad Station. The Royal Library, p. 291. The Nassau House. The Rath-haus. (Drawn by L. S. Ipsen). New Parliament Building. Competition. Court-House and other subjects. Opera-House. p. 103. Bathing establishment, p. 167. Market-Plaee and Town-Hall. Old Custom-House. jMarket-House. Palazzo Commmaale. Theatre of Monte Carlo. Palazzo del Commune. Asilo Infantile, p. 51. Piazza del Campo. Ducal Palace. Plans, pp. 184, No. 434; 19, No. 472. Fondaco dei Tiirehi. (See article). Palace of Lueretia Borgia, p. 245. Palazetto. p. 29. Italian Parliament-House. Plans. Theatre, gh. Cells of House of Detention. Vegetable JIarket. p. 55. Municipal Offices. O. F. E. St. Andrew's Hall. Moorish Bazaar, p. 243. Old Lonja or Exchange, p. 303. also Part I.] SKETCHES, ETCHINGS AND GENERAL VIEWS. 163 u No. «3 Country. 471 85 Austria, 506 85 Belgium, ■481 85 ( 170 79 " 316 82 " 261 80 'i 115 78 " 100 77 Holland, 504 85 Italy, 409 83 " 105 77 " 400 83 « 503 85 Mexico, 265&C. 81 Scotland, 409 83 " 522 85 Spain, 407 83 " 377 83 Turkey, Location. Vienna, Bruges, Ghent, Cairo, Lavenham, Ludlow, London, "Windsor Castle. York, Caen, Cluny, Lillebonne, Morlaix, IVormandy, Paris, Perigueux, Rouen, Touraine, Augsburg, Bacliarach, Brunswick, Eisenach, Halberstadt, Hamburg, Hanover, Kolmar, Nuremburg, on the Rhine, Rothenburg, Rotterdam, Bologna, Perugia, Viterbo, Chepultepec, Scottish sketches, Edinburgh, Seville, Constantinople, [See also Part I.] Remarks. A street view. Canal at rear of City Hall. Maison des Bateliers, etc. Examples of Flemish architecture. A street, p. 9. Sketches of old houses. pp. 32, 43. Old London Bridge. Tower of London, p. 171. Sketches from Old York, p. 27. p. 135, etc. A street. Sketches. p. 3. Panorama of Sketches from the Palace of the Trocad^ro. Sketches at p. 155. A street-corner. A street. (Loches). " by W. C. Richardson. Maximilian Strasse. Street view. See also p. 303, No. 522. Sketches from the "SVartburg. Old houses, etc. View in Street-comers. (3 views), p. 39. Street in Sketches at See also p. 15. Houses, p. 377. Sketches at Piazza del Pellegrino, etc. Sketches at Citadel. [and 328, 330, 333, 354, '82. See also Nos. 273, 278, 288, 292, 295, 298 309, '81, High street, p. 197. Street, with Glralda Tower. (Etching by Haig). Sketches, by Gibson. Examples of Byzantine ornament. TOWERS AND SPIRES. 165 No. i I: Country. Location. Remarks. 507 85 Austria, Pi-ague, The Powder-Tower, p. 123. 3G8 83 " " Carlsbridge and Tower, p. 20. 498 85 Belghun, Bruges, The Belfry. 493 85 " Maestriclit, Towers, pp. 270, 271. 324 82 England, Bowdon, Dome of Chapel, p. 115. 336 82 " Brigliton, Clock-Tower, p. 256. 483 85 " Budworth, Church-Tower, p. 149. 323 82 " Chiselliurst, St. Nicholas Spire, p. 105. 454 84 " Cavendisli, Memorial to p. 111. 388 83 " Fincliley, Church-Tower, p. 2C1. 489 85 " Grantham, Stair-Turret, p. 224. 332 82 " Haninierstnith, St. Mary's Spire, p. 208. 316 82 " Liverpool, Clock-Tower, p. 18. 322 82 " " A Liverpool Tower. O. F. E. 498 85 " Lancashire, Water-Tower. p. 20. 457 84 " London, Record-Tower, p. 152. 327 82 " Manchester, Ventilating-Tower of Prison, p. 148. Waterhouse. 465 84 " Newha^'en , Church-Tower, p. 248. 427 84 " North Wales, Peers' Memorial Tower, j). 104. 417 83 " Nottingham, Municii^al Offices, p. 296. 432 84 " Norwich, Tower of St. Peter's, p. lf,9. (Street) 410 ) 410 j 83 " Yarmouth, Church-Towers, pp. 208, 282. 329 82 11 A Clock-Tower, p. 176. 455 84 France, Alby, Cathedral-Tower, p. 127. Jan. 1, 76 " Bergues, Clock-Tower. 442 84 " Caen, St. Etienne. p. 280. 487 85 " " Thaon, Church-Tower, p. 196. 438 84 " Cordonas, Lighthouse, p. 236. 405 83 " Douai, Belfry, p. 152. 338 82 " E\i-eux, L' Ev(5ch(?. p. 284. 382 83 " Lou vain. St. Jaques. p. 188. 89 77 " Paris, St. Jean Sans Pear. 478 85 " " 1,000' Tower. M. Eiffel's. 437 84 " Rouen, Tower of village church, p. 221. 300 81 " Termonde, Tower of Hotel de Ville. 401 83 " Toulouse, ■ " St. Augustine, p. 102. 482 85 " Valenciennes, Belfry, p. 141. (Dupont). 335 82 " Verdelais, Clocher de (Clock-Tower). 3G5 82 " Campanile of a Hotel de Ville. 488 85 India, Kootub, TheMinar. 455 84 Ireland, Dublin, Spire of St. Mary's Inchore. p. 125. 495 85 Italy, Florence, Palazzo Vecchio. p. 294. 491 85 " Perugia, Spires, p. 243. 329 82 " Riviera, Tower on the p. 178. 194 79 Russia, A group of Spires. 373 83 Spain, Buda, Light-house, p. 80. 488 85 " Saragossa, The Leaning Tower. 429 84 " Segovia, Tower of St. Esteban. p. 123. 156 78 " Seville, The Giralda Tower. See also 522, '85. 407 83 " A Belfry, p. 172. [See also Part I.]