Senate Bill No. 27.] [Ses. I860-’61. Introduced by Mr. - John Spelman, Printer to the State. A BILL TO REGULATE THE FREE NEGRO POPU¬ LATION WITHIN THIS STATE. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the 2 State of North-Carolinci, and it is hereby enacted by the au~ 3 thority of the same , That the several county courts in this 4 State, at the term of their respective courts which shall 5 take place after the 1st day of January, 186 , a majority 6 of the justices being present, may, if they think the interest 7 of their county demands it, establish a poor-house in their 8 said county for the use of free negroes exclusively, to be 9 managed by such white agents as the said county court / 10 may appoint, which agents shall be paid for their services. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted , That at the same term of 2 the said county court, a commission shall issue there 3 from, directed to such a number of persons as to the said 4 court shall seem expedient, residing in different parts of 5 the said county, authorizing them of the said commission 6 to summon before them the free negroes residing in their 7 vicinity, in the said county, and to summon witnesses to 8 testify on oath as to the state and condition of the said 9 free negroes : Provided , That any free negro shall be 10 permitted to summon witnesses in his behalf; and the 11 said commissioners shall, after due inquiry, report to some 12 subsequent term of the said court the names, probable 13 ages, state and condition of such free negroes, distinguish- 14 in< T them as follows: First, such as are freeholders and 2 Senate Bill No. 27. [Session 15 farmers, and, in the judgment of such said commissioners, 16 able and willing to maintain their families properly and * 17 suitably, according to their condition. Second, such as 18 from their habits and characters the said commissioners 19 shall deem able and willing so to provide for their fami- 20 lies. Third, the names and ages of all other free negroes 21 resident in the said county. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted , That the said county 2 court may, upon the return of the said commissioners and 3 due examination, adjudge that those negroes who are in- 4 eluded in the first and second classes set forth in the 5 second section of this act, may go free of all legislation 6 enacted by this act except as to taxation hereby provided : 7 Provided , That if the said court shall not agree with the 8 judgment of the said commissioners as to any individual 9 free negro, they may direct a jury to he empanneled, with 10 proper notice to such free negro, and direct an issue to he 11 submitted to such jury to try whether the said free negro 12 is able and willing to support his family ; and according 13 to the verdict, the said free negro’s name shall be permitted 14 to remain as arranged by the said commissioners or placed, 15 in the third class described in the said second section. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted , Thot any free negro who 2 may, by the said commissioners, he arranged in the third 3 class, provided as above, shall have a right to traverse 4 the said return, time to summon his witnesses and prove 5 the said traverse true by a jury, in due form of law; and 6 the court trying such traverse shall arraign the said ne- 7 gro in the said class accordingly : Provided always, That 8 at all future terms of the said court it shall he the 9 duty of the grand jury of the county to return to the 10 court any free negro who from any cause has become 11 liable to have his class, as aforesaid, altered, and it shall 12 be the duty of the court, upon examination and a jury 13 trial, if required, to alter the class of the said free negro 14 accordingly. f