■k MANUAL 1 i * OF THE M ' ' - I PRESBYTERY OF ORANGE, § f CONTAINING |& - 1 ' i 4 THE HISTORY, STANDING RULES 1 1 I m ? AND THE tf ' SS ' I I i £ RULES OF PARLIAMENTARY ORDER, $4 - 1 Revised and Adopted October 1882, I -.■ m m I n :-; , . 1 ^ m SALEM, N. C. M & E. T. BLUM, PRINTERS AND BOOKSELLERS. - £fj 1883, v, H LIBKHRY OF THE University of North Carolina. Endowed by the Dialectic and Philan- thropic Societies. p 2- *T _ol > r * MANUAL PRESBYTERY OF ORANGE, CONTAINING THE HISTORY, STANDING RULES RULES OF PARLIAMENTARY ORDER. Revised and Adopted October 1882 SALEM, N. C. L. V. £ E. T. BLUM, BOOKSELLERS AND PRINTERS. COLLECTIONS ORDERED. Home Missions, First Sabbath of January. Publi cation, First Sabbath of March . Foreign Missions, First Sabbath of May. Invalid Fund,, First Sabbath of July. Evangelistic Fund, ..First Sabbath of September. Education, First Sabbath of November. Tuscaloosa Institute... First Sabbath ofDec'b'r. HISTORY. I. — FORMATION. TERRITORY. The Presbytery of Orange is the oldest of the existing- Presbyteries in the Southern Church, and there are only four of the existing" Presbyteries connected with the Northern Assembly that are older, viz : Philadelphia, New Castle, New York, and New Brunswick. In the order of formation, however, Orange was the seventeenth Presbytery formed after the sub-division of the Presbytery of Philadelphia in 1717. The Orange Presbytery was set off from the Presbytery of Hanover, Va., in 1770, by the Synod of New York and Philadelphia. The first six named ministers on the roll given below, com- prising the original Presbytery, were all members of the Hanover Presbytery. To these the Synod added a seventh member, viz : Hezekiah James Balch, distinguished for services rendered by Mm in the cause of civil liberty, as well as of Presby- terianism in North Carolina. The first meeting of the Presbytery was held at the Hawfields in (then) Orange County, N. C, Sep- tember 5, 1770. Rev. Henry Pattillo preached the opening sermon, and Rev. David Caldwell was appointed Stated Clerk. The territory of the Presbytery extended in- definitely to the South and West from the Virginia boundary, but practically only the State of North Carolina,East of the Blue Ridge and the upper part of South Carolina, were occupied by its ministers. There was, at a very early period, a Presbytery in South Carolina and Georgia, which had no eccle- siastical connexion with the Synod, and, as in the case of Messrs. James Campbell and James Ed- monds, ninth and tenth on the roll, ministers were occasionally received from that body into Orange. (Records of*he Presbyterian Church, pp. 409.451. Howe's His. of Presb. Church in So. Carolina.) It is a matter of deep, though vain regret that the Records of the Presbytery, embracing the first twenty-five years of its existence are lost ; also, the Records covering the interval from 1812 to 1827, — a gap altogether of forty years. This fact rendered the preparation of the following Roll of Members, from the beginning in 1770, a less easy task than it would have been otherwise. All available collateral sources of information have been used, but still it is probable that there are omissions of unknown names, and it is certain that many of the earlier dates can only be approx- imated. The changes which have occurred since the organization, in territory, boundaries, &c, to the present time, will be noted at their proper place in the following Historical Roll of the Pres- bytery : II. ROLL OF MEMBERS.* From the formation to the present time. Entered. Left. 1770 Hugh McAden, Hanover, *i78i " Henry Pattillo, Hanover *i8oi James Criswell, Manwver. " David Caldwell, Hanover *i824 Joseph Alexander, Hanovet 1785 Hezekiah Balch, Hanover 1775 Hezekiah James Balch, Donegal. *i777 * The names in italics annexed to names of members show the Presbyteries from which they severally came into Orange as ordained ministers ; those in roman letters the Countries, 5 Entered. Left. 1771-1774J0HN Harriss, Leivestoyi 1785 James Campbell, South Carolina *i78j " James Edmonds, South Carolina 1785 " Thomas Reese 1785 John Simpson 1785 1775-1776 Alexander McMillan, Foreign Deposed 1778 1777 Samuel E. McCorkle 1795 Thomas H. McCaule 1795 " John Debow, New Brunswick *i?83 " Thomas Hill 1785 1778 Andrew Patton, Asso. Ref. Penna James Hall 1795 " Robert Archibald Deposed 1797 John Gossan I787 1779-1784 Alexander McWhorter, New York 1781 " Thomas Craighead 1787 James McRee 1795 James Templeton 1785 ; ' Daniel Thatcher 1790 James Frazier 1784 Francis Cummins 1785 ' David Barr 1795 1784-1787 Jacob Lake 1794 John Beck In 1784 the Presbytery of South Carolina was set off by the Synod from Orange Presbytery. The following members of the Presbytery met at the Waxhaws, South Carolina, April 1785, and held their first meeting, viz : Joseph Alexander, Francis Cummins, James Edmonds, John Har- riss, Thos. Reese and John Simpson. The State line between North and South Carolina became the southern boundary of Orange. States, or Denominations whence received ; and all names without such designation are names of members who became such by ordination in the year prefixed to their names. A * placed before the date on the right hand indicates removal by- death in that year. Where no date is given, in this column it means either that it is unknown, or that the person is still a member, which may be readily ascertained from the Roll of Churches. The figure in ( ) following a name denotes mem- bership the second or third time, of the same person. 1789 David Kerr, Ireland , 1796 1790 William Moore, Hanover 1801 1792 William Hodges 1800 " James Wallis 1795 " Samuel C. Caldwell 1795 " Colin Lindsay, Scotland Deposed 1803 1793 Lewis F. Wilson 1795 " James McGready 1796 " Joseph D. Kilpatrick 1795 " Alexander Caldwell 1795 " Angus McDearmid, Scotland Deposed 1803 1794 Samuel Stanford 1812 1795 John Robinson 1801 " James H. Bowman 1815 " Humphrey Hunter, South Carolina 1795 " John Makemie Wilson 1795 " John Carrigan 1795 '* William McGee 1795 " William L. Thompson 1802 In 1795 the Presbytery of Concord was set off from Orange by the Synod of the Carolinas. The Yadkin River was made the line of division, Con- cord embracing the territory West, and Orange, East of this line. After the division the following ministers composed Orange Presbytery, viz : Pat* tillo, Caldwell, Moore, McGready, Bowman, Hodges, Lindsay, Robinson, Stanford, Kerr, and McDearmid. 1798 John Gillespie 1810 " Samuel McAdoo 1801 " William Paisley *i857 !799 John Anderson 1801 " Robert Tate 1812 1802 Leonard Prather, Methodist Church " Daniel Browne 1809 1803 John Matthews 1806 11 Andrew Flinn 1S05 " Malcom McNair 1812 " EZEKIEL B. CURRIE *l85I 1804 Murdock McMillan 1812 " Hugh Shaw 1812 1806 James Smylie ^ 1812 1808 William L. Turner, Lexington 1812 u James K. Burch *... 1810 1809 John MclNtYRE........ 1812 " Murdock Murphy, 1st Pres. of So. Ca 1S11 1810 William McPheeters, Lexington *i836 " William B. Meroney 181 1 Joseph Caldwell *i835 1812 Benjamin H. Rice 1812 " James W.Thompson , *i8i6 " Allen McDougald..... 1812 " William Peacock 1812 " "Samuel Paisley 1836 In 181 2 the Synod of the Carolinas set off the Presbytery of Fayetteville from Orange, South of the following line : Mouth of Neuse River to junction with Trent River, thence direct to junction of Deep and Haw Rivers, thence direct to mouth of Uharrie River on the Yadkin. *The follow- ing ministers composed the new Presbytery, viz : Stanford, Tate, Turner, McNair, McMillan, McIntyre, Meroney, McDougald and Peacock. Mr. Meroney, however, having removed out of the bounds ot the new Presbytery before its first meeting was never actually a member. This year the Synod of the Carolinas was dissolved, and the year following the Synod of North Carolina, com- prising the Presbyteries of Orange. Concord and Fayetteville, held its first meeting at Alamance church. 1813 Robert H. Chapman, Troy ., ,.„ 1816 1816 Jonathan Otis Freeman 1821 1817 John Witherspoon 1833 " John H. Pickard ^1858 " James Morrison 1819 1818 Shepherd K. Kollock ..' 1825 1821 Samuhl L. Graham 1836