^^>/ JL? 1 X j.^; jg^ 4S^7 WILMINGTON DIRECTORY, 1860-61. SINGER'S F"H um\M, pyi\"f vi'i(j,\ m m,i\if.i('TIjrer}». Without a siif f p^sF^ij ,,jyy( j,^ j^jvy market mi ^l;e world! ^ j L._ jL*Iarket street jWilining-tou, N. C. nilAS. D. MYEES, FEED, J. MOOPtE. MYERS & MOORE, 4JI 34 MARKET STREET, k\ i ij wilmin(;ton, n. c, i/1 ^^ W1I()J.ESAJ>I<: AM) JJKTAIL DEAJ.EllS IN ^"^ Greiils' l:<\LsliioiiaT)le DRESS Al 1{IjSI[\ESS IliTS A^D CAPS, Of cvt'vy ^tyli- and i|uality : Gents', Youtlis^ and Boys' Caps, (LHn.fiRKN.S' HATS ANB CAfS, UMBRELLAS 1 OK SUN AND RAIN: ELEOA.NT FEENUH, KXULI811 AXB A3IEKICAN Together ^vitli a iiio.^t e.xti'U.^ivo assortment of GENUINE SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS, LADIES' DRESS AND TRAVELING TRUNKS, Every style and ileseripliou of Trunks, Valises, Bonnet Boxes, Reticules and Traveling Bags, 34 •• MARKET STREET 34 dLU Litirarp of tl)e (Ilnit)er0itp of Bonb Carolina Collection of Bovt^ Catoliniana io^n Upturn l^ill of t^e 01800 of 1889 cgri.GS" Vsrr4-R- I. V. k D. II. GENERAL COMMISSION forwardinImergiants No. 20 SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N, C. ^g-eintts ipoi^ the CAPE FEAK STEAMBt^AT COMMNY Composed of the new IRON STEA.^IEES FLORA McDonald, AND A. P. HURT, AND Old Line Wilmington and New York Packets; Keystone Line of Wilmington and Philadelphia Packets; Old Line Wilmington and Baltimore Packets; AND DEALERS IN LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, HAIR, AMERICAN GUANO, SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND OTHER BEST RED ASH AND BLACKSMITHS' COAL, SC„ K THE OLD FIRM. EAHNWEILES & BROTHERS, 2d DOOR FROM THE EXCHAKGE CORNER, ON FRONT STREET, AND 3d DCOR FROra TEE FXCHANGE CORKER, ON MARKET STREET, SIGN OF THE AMERICAN FLAG, WILMINGTON, N. C, ALSQ A BRANCH STOBE AT flL^RLHTTE, N. C, IMPORTS HS AND DKAIJ -HS IN Fancy and Staple Dry Goods^ FREMGH lilLLIETERT, DRESS CLOAKS AND TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES & LACE GOODS, AND A VARIETY OF ALL OUR OWN IMPORTATION. SBMfiMS MAM MAM UmMM, TO SUIT ALL AGES. BOOTS and SHOES, J^ OF THE MOST CELEBRATED MAKES. '^' Hats and Caps of the Latest Style, S^.,, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. 1|^=^ Bear in mind, that this Store has mo connection with the Corner Store, as the firm consists of tht- old original partners. DAVID KAHNWEILER, DANIEL KAHNWEILER. JACOB KAHNWEILER. ':^' KELLEY'S TO WHICH IS ADDED A BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 1860-61. COMPILED BY T. TUTHER, Jr., WILMINGTON, N. C: PUBLISHED BY GEO. H. KELLEY, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER^ 27 MARKET STREET. JTourixal 33viilclmgs : rULTON & PRICE, STEAM POWER PRESS PRINTEES. 1860. . 10 GEO. 11. KELLEY's WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. THEPARmTERiUAMELL 1 Patented by £. Booth, Aag. 16, 1859. This is the most simple, perfect and reliable machine in the market, capable of -a greater variety of work than any other machine. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves at the PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, MOZART H^LL,, WILMINGTOX, X. C. E. T, BARRY. GEO. HARRIS8. W. W. HARRISS. A. J. HOWELL. UW& & HOWELL, WILmilMCTON, N. C. WIL3IINGT0N, NORTH CAROLINA. Tuis Town, the capital of New Hanover County, and tlie largest and most eonnnercial place in the State, is situated mainly on the East side of the Cape Fear River, 34 miles from its mouth, in lati- tude 34° 11^ North, longitude 78° 10' West from Greenwich. Wilmington owes much of its commercial importance to its posi- tion upon the largest and best navigable river within the State, which admits vessels of five hundx*ed tons burthen to reach its wharves from the sea, while steamers ply regularly as high as Fay- ettc\'ille, during the greater portion of the year, find rafts and flats from the diflferent tributaries of the main stream bring in immense (juantities of produce for sale or shipment. In addition to these natural advantages^ the prosperity of Wilming- ton has been considerably enhanced by the construction of important works of internal improvement , bringing her into connection with near- ly every section of the State. Of these works, the first in the order of time was the Wilmington and Weldon Fiail Road, running from Wilmington to Weldon, 1G2 miles, in a northerly direction. Some- what later the Wilmington and ^Manchester Rail Road was built^ connecting Wilmington with the improvements of the State of South Carolina on the South, as the Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road does with those of Virginia on the North. These two roads form part of the great Northern and Southern Seaboard Route be- tween Portland and New Orleans. The Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road has been paying liberal dividends for years, and the prospects for remunerative profits being soon realized by the stock- holders in the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company become every day more cheering. .11 12 GEO. H. KELLEY'S The Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road, of over two hundred miles in length, now in course of construction, will open up to the trade and enterprise of "Wilmington a large and wealthy section of country, from which important accessions to the commerce of the place must certainly be derived. The Wilmington & Weldon Railroad connects with the North Carolina Railroad at Goldsboro', and thus Wilmington is put in communication with a large portion of the middle section of the State, while the Western North Carolina Railroad, connecting with the North Carolina Railroad at Salisbuiy, and designed to cross the Blue Ridge in the direction of Asheville, will give easy access to a country celebrated for the salubrity of its climate, the romantic beauty of its scenery, and the undisputed possession of the loftiest mountains east of the Mississippi. The port of Wilmington is also the natural outlet for the trade of the great mining region of the State, situated in the Deep River country, in Chatham county. As soon as the riches of this region are developed, Wilmington can hardly fail to receive marked and substantial benefits from this developement. In view of these advantages, present and prospective, there appears to be no good reason to apprehend any serious check to the growth of the town for many years to come ; on the contrary, an accelerated progress, both in wealth and population, may fairly be anticipated. In 1840 the census of the United States represented the popula- tion of Wilmington as amounting to 4,744, and in 18.50 to 7,264. An estimate fixing the present population at 11,000 will probably be found to vary very little from the actual result of the census now being taken, (June, 1860.) The assessed value of the real estate of the town, however, has more than kept pace with its advancing population^, having increased fully six-fold since the commencement of the several works of internal improvement which serve to pour the produce of the country into the warehouses or upon the wharves of the port, as M a V WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 13 well as to convey to the different points in the interior the supplies of goods and merchandise called for by the wants or wishes of the le. Among the public buildings of Wilmington, mention may be made of its Churches, of which there are eleven, some of them being really imposing edifices ; the U. S. Custom House, and Marine Hospital ; the Town Hall and Theatre, one of the finest municipal buildings south of the Potomac; the Coui't House and County Jail, together with the depots of the several Railroad Companies. The town is lit with gas, being the first town in the State to intro- duce that improvement. There are two daily papers published in Wilmington. There are four banks : — The Bank of Cape Fear, the Commercial Bank, the Bank of Wilmington, and the Wilmington Branch of the Bank of North Carolina. There is also the Savings Bank, but it is not a bank of issue. The banking house of the Bank of Cape Fear justly ranks among the finest public buildings in the State. Although the largest naval store market in the world, the trade of Wilmington is not confined to that department exclusively, but embraces a great variety of produce for export, including cotton, rice, pea nuts, flour, timber and lumber, etc., while manufac- turing industry, although receiving less attention than it deserves, is not wholly neglected. Shipping and commission business, whole- sale and retail merchandising in all departments, are extensively engaged in. A brisk trade is fast springing up with the West Indies and South America. Numerous lines of sailing packets connect Wilmington with many of the northern ports of the country, and a line of steamships between Wilmington and New York will probably be put in operation within the present year, in fact one of the ships of this line commences her trips this month. In conclusion it may be proper to say, that the list of interments in proportion to population, as well as the general health of the people, go to show that the climate of Wilmington is fully equal to that of any seaboard city or town in the United States. 14 GEO. H. KELLEY's WILfflNGTON DIRECTORY. MMAY & BLANEY, ^ ^-^^ MAIUFAGTUMRS AED DEALERS U ^>^ BOOTS le HHOiS, No. 35 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. ems' Fill BifslDliiiTii m iisii J^^Tlae only house in the place that soils North Carolina work, D. A. lAMOIT, mmmm m FORWAROiniG MERCHANT, No. 20 NORTH WATER STREET, Prompt personal attention given to Consignment for sale or shipment. E/IEiFEIS, TO John Dawson, Pres't Branch Bank of North Carolina, Wilmington. 0. G-.^ Parsley, '• Commercial Bank, " John 'a. Taylor, '•' Wilmington Savings Bank, *' E. P. Hall, Esq. INDEX TO ADYERTISEMENTS. M^ The attention of the Public is called to the following list of Merchants and Business Men as among the best in their respective lines. Page. Aaron, David, 40 Adams' Express Co 86 Alderman & Bettencoui't, 82 AUen, WH, 62 Baldwin, S^ out side front cover and 90 and 91 Barry, ET, 10 Burkhimer, Henry, 72 Carr, Thos B, 26 Clark, John M, 103 Covell, WmK, 26 Dudley, EB, 64 Erambert, Louis B, 58 Express Steamboat Co 52 Farmers' House, 88 Planner, J H, 104 French, G R, 20 Greene, Zeno H, 24 Greer, David J, 42 Gwyer, Peacock & Co 84 HaU, AE, 88 Hansley, E, 56 Harriss& Howell, 00 Hart & Bailey, back fly leaf, Hathaway & Co 28 Hedrick&Ryan 22 Heins & Domler, 48 Heinsberger, P, 92 Page. Howard, W C 54 Huggins, L B & Sons, • 68 Jacobs, WmL, 62 Kahnweiler, S B & Co, in- side back cover, Kahnweiler & Bros, 2d page front fly leaf, Kelley, Geo H, 74 Kelley, Oliver, 34 Kordlander, H, 52 Lament, D A, 14 Lippitt, WmH, 18 Lippitt, JohnE, 60 McCarter, J M & Co, 26 McKoy, TH&Co, 70 Maclnnis, M, 36 MacRae, J & D & Co, 40 Marks, WH&Co, 38 Meier Joseph, 78 Monk, JM, 104 Montague. L, 72 Morse, CC, 40 Munro, G C & W J, 62 Murray & Blaney , 14 Murray, E& Co, 32 Myers, Geo, out side back cover, Myers & Moore, inside front cover, 15 16 GEO. H. KELLEYS WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. Page. Neff, Joseph H, 64 Perrin, H R, 20 Petteway, JT & Co, 46 Pigott, D, 50 Pirsson, James^ 92 Polvogt, C, 66 Robinson, C H & Co, 56 SmaU, Dr A& J, 56 Southerland, J B, 104 Thorburn, R, 78 Turner, LC, 30 Weill & Anathan, 103 West, SM, 88 Wilkinson & Co, 42 Wilmington Herald, 80 Wilmington Journal, 76 Wilson, James, 44 Worth, T C & B G, front flyleaf, GEISTER^L INr)EX. Banks, 110 County Officers, Courts, (fee, 107 Cape Fear Marine Total Abstinence Society, 108 Churches, Ill Consuls, 112 Inspectors, 107 Ladies' Benevolent Society, 109 Military, 109 Oakdale Cemetery Company, 106 Post Office, 112 Railroads, 110 Schools, 106 Secret Societies 108 Seamens' Friend Society, 109 Town Government 105 United States Government Officers 112 Wilmington Thalian Association, 106 Wilmington Gas Light Company, 107 Wilmington Library Association, 109 KELLEY'S Wilmington Directory. ABREVIATIONS: In the pages following h stands for house ; bdi for boards ; it for between ; cor for corner ; opp for opposite ; e for east ; u> for west ; n for north ; s for sonth ; avl or avenue ; al for alley ; ab for above ; bel for below ; nr for near ; r for rear ; sqi or square. The word street is implied. Numbered streets implied by the figures only. Aaron, David, dry goods and clothing, 25 Market, h Front. Adams Express Co., James Macomber, agent, office 17 Front. Adams, Albert, of A. Brothers & Co., h Market bt ord and 4th. Adams, Brothers & Co. , com merchants, cor Water and Princess. Adrian, A, grocer, 2-4 Front, bds Front bt Dock and Orange. Agostini, P, confectioner, 42 Market, bds . Agostini, F. 31., confectionery, 20 Market, h cor (ith and Dock. Alderman, I. T. , of A & Bettencourt, h Front between AValnut and Mulbery. Alderman & Bettencourt, grocers and com merchants, 32 n Water. Alderman, James, timber inspector, office 30 n Water. Alderman, A., naval store inspector, h Mulbery bt 2nd and Crd. Alderman, Ctco., naval store inspector, h cor Princess and s Water. Alderman, G. F., clerk Stokley & Oldham, bds . Alexander, I., watches and jewelry, 55 Market, h pame. 2 18 GEO. H. KELLEY's W. H. LIPPITT, WHOLESALE ^n \^D RETAIL DBEIilST Al CIEIST, AND DEALER IN PERFUMERY^ FANCY ARTICLES. G^RDEjST seeds, &c. PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately Coixipouiided, N. E. CORNER FRONT & MARKET STS. WILMINGTON, N. C. ()I5= Medicines can be obtained at any houi' in the niglit. Night bell second door from the corner, on Front Street. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 19 Allen, S. D., dry goods, 47 Market, bds Wm. G. Hooper. Allen, D. C, of Empie & A., bds cor Orange and 3d. Anathan, Simon, of Weil & A., li 2nd above Market. Anderson k, Savage, com merchants, 9 s Water. Anderson, J., of A. & Savage, h Orange bt Front and 2nd. Anderson, E. A., physician, Market bt 2nd and ord, h cor Front and Orange. Anderson, W. S., of Brown & A., h cor Market and 5th. Apel, John M., shoemaker, Murray & Blaney, h ord. Arey, Chas. R., salesman, John Dawson, bds Mrs. Holmes. Armstrong, H. C, printer. Herald Office, bds cor Chestnut and 9th. Armstrong, Wm. Thos., printer. Journal Office, bds cor Chestnut and 9th. Armstrong, Wm., shoemaker, h cor Chestnut and 9th. Arrington, B. F., dentist, 51 Market, h same. Aschkinass, A., clerk J. & H. Samson & Co., bds H. Marcus. Ashe, W. S., Prest. W. & W. R. R., h . Atkinson, Bp. Thos., h Orange bt 5th and 6th. B. Backus, H. R., clerk L. H. Pierce, h Front. Bade, Chas., barkeeper. Pilot House, bds same. Bagg, H. A., deputy sheriff, h 4th bt Princess and Chestnut. Bailey, John C, of Hart & Bailey, h 2d between Ann and Nunn. Baker, G. E., telegraph operator, bds W. H. Fanning. Baker, Henry, book keeper 0. G. Parsley & Co., h 2d bt Mul- berry and Walnut. Baker, John A., attorney at law. Front, opposite Bank Cape Fear, h Front. Baldwin, 0. S., manufacturer of clothing. Dealer in gent's furnishing goods ; Agent Singer's sewing machines, 38 Market, h same. Ball, Richard, pattern maker Hart & Bailey, bds Farmers' House. 20 GEO. 11. KELLEY 6. R. FRENCH, ^ Y/HOLSSALE m RETAIL DEALER IH BOdT^, SHOES m LEATHER, AND A GENERAL A8SOHT3IENT OF No« 11 MARKET STREET, f mm R. FERRIS S;:;,-,„ ■■"J DEALER IX ^^ BARTHENWARE, CHINA, GLASS AND STONE-WARE: — ALSO — WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 21 Bank of Wilmington, Front near Princess. Bank, Branch of North Carolina, cor Princess and Front, i Bank Cape Fear, Front bt Princess and Market. Barcliff, Mrs., boarding house, 36 Market. Barker, John, tinner, ^Y. H. Marks & Co., h . Barlow, L. N., groceries and lif|uors, 3 granite row, h Market bt 6th and 7th, Barlow, J. L., book keeper, L. N. Barlow, h Mulberry bt 7th and 8th. Barnes, J. J., clerk City Hotel, bds same. Barry, M., shoemaker, 45 n Water. Barry, James 0., clerk T. C. &B. &. Worth, bds 3d bt Chestnut and Mulberry. Barry, E. T., ambrotypist, and agent for Parmenter & Campbell's sewing machines, 17 J Front, bds Mrs. Maguire. Barry, JohnD., discount clerk Commercial Bank, h 3d bt Prin- cess and ^Mulberry. Baptist Church, cor Orange and Gth, Eev. A. Paul Kepiton, pastor. Baptist Church, Front bt Ann and Xunn, Rev. J. L. Pritchard, pastor. Baptist Church, (0. S.) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Pvev. Aaron Davis. pastor. Baptist Church, (now building) cor 3Iarket and 5th. Bate, R., clerk T. C. & B. G. Worth, h . Bates, Capt. B. G-., steamer W. W. Harllee, h cor 4th and Walnut. Bates, Edward A., book keeper M. Maclnnis, bds cor 4th and Walnut. Bauman, J. Gr., grocer, 33 n Water, h 5th Baxter, B., grocer, corner Dock and AVater, h Princess bt Front and 2d. Bayne, Robert S., printer. Journal Office, bds A. L. Price. ^ ., Beach, A., blacksmith, shop Nutt nr Walnut. Bear, Simon, clerk S. B. &. Bro., bds Farmers' House. 22 GEO. H. kelley's HEDRIGK & RTAN, No. 29 Market and No. 3 Front Streets, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Croodii, SHOES AlCLOTHIi; — ALSO — Wholesale Agents for the sale of AND IMPORTERS OF LINEN GOODS. J. J. HEDSICK. JAS. II. RYAN. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 23 Bear, M., clerk P. Neuman, bds same. Bear, Henry, salesman S. B. & Co., bds Farmers' House. Bear, Jacob, salesman S. B. & Co., bds Farmers' House. Bear, Solomon, of S. B. & Bro., h 41 and 42 n Water. Bear Samuel, of S. B. & Bro., h 41 and 42 n Water. Bear, S. & Bro., grocers, 44 n Water. Bear, S. & Bro., clothing, 41 and 42 n Water. Beck, John 0., printer Journal Office, bds Mrs. McCaleb. Bennett, C. J., shoemaker, bds Washington House. Bennett, Samuel E., clerk Express Office, bds City Hotel. Benson, James, harness maker James Wilson, bds . Berry, Chas., tailor, Heins & Domler, h . Berry, Wm. A., physician. Front, opposite Bank Cape Fear, h 5th bt Market and Dock. Bettencourt, Wm. C, h cor 2nd and Chestnut. Bettencourt, W. H., of Alderman & B., bds cor 2nd and Chestnut. Biddle, Wm. H., constable, h Castle bt 6th and 7th. Biggs, Asa, Judge U. S. District Court. Bishop, H. M., proprietor Farmers' House. Bishop, John, proprietor Pilot House, s Water. Bishop, J. F., barkeeper Pilot House, bds same. Bishop, Geo. W., harness maker, bds Princess nr 7th. Bizzell, A. F., of B. & Co., bds Mrs. McCaleb. Bizzell, F. M., of B. & Co., h . Bizzell & Co., grocers and com merchants, 29 n Water. Blackburn, L. D., ambrotypist, bds Mrs McCaleb. Blaney, R. W. B., of Murry & B., h Chestnut. Blanks, Wm., assistant book keeper, E. Murray & Co., bds 5th between Orange and Ann. Blossom, J. R., com merchant and agent for Herring's Fire-prooff Safes, 4 Water, h 2nd bt Dock and Orange. Bourdeaux, N. F., inspector naval stores, 30 n Water. Bowden, L. H., timber inspector, h Princess bt 5th and 6th. Bovrden, J. C, naval store inspector, h cor 2nd and Chestnut. 24 GEO. H. kelley's m ad r2 S §- If© q3 ^ ^ a] s KB M 'g iS^^-"- 2 «: - DC ^ »2 S ii il5 oO CZ) WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 25 Bowden, J. 0., naval store inspector, h 2nd btween Mulbery and Walnut. Bowden, W. N., salesman H. R. Perrin, bds John C. Bowden. Bowen, Geo. M., clerk S. D. Allen, bds Joseph Treat. JBoyd, Mrs. E., ^-onfectionery, 2nd bt Market and Dock, h same. Bradley, C, of G. & C. B., bds with J. NeflF. Bradley, G., of G. & C. B., bds with J. Neflf. Bradley, G. & C, boots and shoes, 41 Market. Bremer, H. M., saloon 34 n Water, h cor Front and Church. Brickhouse, E., machinist. Hart & Bailey, bds cor Church and 2d. Britt, D., at Hart & Bailey's, h . Brown, T. A., salesman Dawson & McPeak, bds A. A. Brown. Brown, Robert W., clerk Henry McLin, bds Brunswick. Brown, T. W., of B. & Anderson, h Orange bt 1st and 2nd. Brown & Anderson, watches and jewelry, 37 Market. Brown, L., boots and shoes, 57 Market, bds Farmers' House. Brown, Thos. W., Jr., attorney at law, bds Orange bt Front and 2d., office Journal building. Brown, Asa A., insurance agent, office Wilmington Savings Bank, h 3Iarket bt 6th and 7th. Brown, R. F., of DeRosset, B. & Co., h cor ^Mulberry and Front. Bryan, William, painter J. A. Parker, h . Btiie, J. E., of A. A. Hartsfield & Co., bds Princess. Bunn, L. F., painter, Princess bt Front and Water. Bunting, David E., provision inspector, h cor 3d and Red Cross. Bunting, S. R., clerk County Court, h 5th bt Market and Dock. Burch, William F., inspector and measurer. Custom House. Burgess, John, baker, bds . Burkhimer, H., segars and tobacco, 6 Market. Burkhimer, W., segar maker H. B., h Princess bt Water and Front. Bui-nett, S. J., bar keeper, h 3d bt Nunn and Castle. Burnett, R. B., saloon and restaurant, 14 and 15 n Water, hsame. Burnett, T. B., inspector, Custom House, h . GEO. 11. KELLEY S WH. K. COVELL, Ship Chandler d Grocer, No. 4 NORTH WATER STREET, J:^A complete assortment of COEDAGE .and YALL BOATS always on hand; also, Anchors, Chains, Paints, Oils, &c. J. M. McCARTER & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN iE'-^IKTO-ST uA.3Xri3 SS T -^ 3E=» Xj E3 J. M. m'carter, 5 T1@MAS B. eiRfi, M. i., SURGEON DENTIST. Office Market Street, between 2nd and 3d, WILMINGTON, N. C. ^^f" Residence '2d, between Oranse and Ann Streets. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. "27 Burnett, J. W., bar keeper, h 3cl. Burr, C. E. & R., proprietors Wilmington Herald, 40| Market. Burr, R., of C. E. & R. B., h Market cor Stli. Burr, C. E., of C. E. & R. B., h Market cor 8th. Burr, J. Gr., teller Bank Cape Fear, h Market cor 7th. Burr, Horace, h Dock bt Front and 2d. Burtt, S., blacksmith, shop Walnut, h Red Cross bt 3d and 4th. Buxbaum, H., clerk W. Jackson, bds H. Marcus. Buxbaum, Joseph, clerk S. B. Kahnweiler ct Co., bds H. Marcus. C. Cantwell, J. L., produce broker and clerk U. S. District Court, 8 s Water, (up stairs) h cor Market and Gth. Carr, T. B., dentist, Market bt 2d and 3d, h 2d bt Orange and Ann. Carstarphen, P., machinist Hart & Bailey, bds Farmers' House. Cash well, D., book keeper Stokley & Oldham, h Market bt 4th and 5th. Cason, Edward F., salesman Greo. H. Kellej, bds same. Cassidey, James, ship yard and marine railway, s Water, h same. Cawley, Wm., clerk S. B. Kahnweiler & Co., bds G. Prigge. Cazaux, A. D., commission merchant and agent for Smithes line New York packets, 21J Water, h 2d bt Ann and Nunn. Chadbourn, Geo., of J. H."'c. & Co. h . Chadbourn, James H., of J. PI. C. & Co., h Orange bt 3d and 4th. Chadbourn, James H. & Co., commission merchants and proprie- tors Clarendon Steam Saw Mill, IT n Water. Chambers, T. W. , printer Herald Office, h Princess bt 8th and 9th. Chambers, J. 0., printer Herald Office, h Prince.ss bt 8th and 9th. Chandler, , marble cutter, bds John Plunkett. Chatterton, Thos. M., book keeper J. M. Clark, bds Mrs. McCaleb. 28 GEO. H. KELLEYS JAS. L. HATHAWAY, W^r. R. UTLET. HATHAWAY & CO. Molasses and Sugar, comiissiyiMfiiifiiiiTS, ^^"We keep constantly on hand a large stock of all kinds of Groceries, wbicli we sell exclusively at Wholesale. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 29 Cherry, Francis, tailor 0. S. Baldwin, bds Washington House. City Hall, cor Princess and 3d. City Hotel, Cutts & Evans, proprietors, cor Market and 2d. Clark, R. B., blacksmith, bds 5th bt Mulberry and Walnut. Clark, William, carriage maker, h Chestnut bt 4th and 5th. Clark, N., timber inspector, h . Clark, JohnM., commission merchant, Hall's wharf, h Dock bt 2d and 3d. Collins, James W., book keeper J. & D. McRae & Co., h 6th bt Nunn and Chmx-h. Colville, T. L., foreman Hart & Bailey's machine shop, h cor 9tli and Chestnut. Commercial Bank of Wilmington, 23 Mai-ket. Comron, R. E., clerk Gwyer, Peacock & Co., bds Mrs. McCaleb. Conoly, John J., U. States deputy marshal, h Market bt 4th and 5th. Cook, E., salesman George R. French, bds same. Cookman, Wm. , gunsmith W^. H. Marks & Co., h cor 7th and Dock. Copes, Jacob, clerk R. Robinson, bds same. Cornehlsen, C, of Sharpsteen & C, h 4th bt Market and Princess. Cornehlsen, J. H. N., bar keeper Sharpsteen & C, bds Pilot House. Costiu, A. J. , book keeper J. C. Smith & Co. , bds cor 5th and Dock. Costin, Miles, of J. C. Smith & Co., h cor. 5th and Dock. County Jail, Princess bt 3d and 4th. Covell, W. K., ship chandler and grocer, 4 n Water, bds W. G-. Hooper. CoveU, J. W., book-keeper W. K. C, bds W. G. Hooper. Cowan, R. H., com merchant, cor Market and Water, h . Cowan, D. S., sec'y and treasurer W., C. & R. R. R., cor Market and Water, h Cowan, Thomas, at J. F. McRee, Jr., bds cor 4th and Chestnut. Craft, Thos. C, grocer, 48 Market, h Princess, bt 8th and 9th. Craig, J. G., locksmith W. H. Marks & Co., h I^IcRae between Mulbery & Walnut. 30 GEO. H. KELLEY .S L. C. TURNER MANUFACTURER OF DEALER IN STOVES AND GRATES, AVHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS, Always on hand, and put up at short notice, Roofing Tin, Light- ning Rods, Pumps and Pipes. Attention paid to repairing Guns, Locks, Lamps, &c., &c. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 31 Craig, John B. , clerk W. H. Marks & Co. , h Princess bt 4th and 5th. Cronly, M., auctioneer 1). Pigott, h 3d bt Orange and Ann. Crowl, L., ambrotype gallery, Front nr Market, h cor Ann and 2nd. Cumming, Wm. A., bookkeeper W. H. McRary & Co., h 4th nr Princess. Cumming, James D., bookkeeper J. H. Chadbourn & Co., h 5th bt Princess and Mulbery. Currie, John K., livery stable, '2nd bt Market and Princess, h Market cor 9th. Curtis, B. F., clerk J. H. Neft", bds Pilot House. Custom House, n "Water. Cutlar, F. J., physician, cor Princess and 2nd, h cor 2d & "Walnut. Cutlar, DuBrutz, attorney at Law, Princess bt 2ud and 3d, bds cor 2nd and "Walnut. Cutts & Evans, proprietors City Hotel, cor Market and 2nd. Cutts, A. H., of C. & Evans, h City Hotel. Daniel, N. G., clerk T. C. & B. G. "Worth, h 5th bt Orange and Ann. Davis, Rev. Aaron, h . Davis, H., with Geo. Davis, bds 2 . Davis, G-ec, attorney at law, office Bank of "W'ihnington, up stairs, h2nd. Davis, Geo. "W., British Vice Consul, cor Princess and Front. Davis, W. W., physician. Front nr Market, bds R. H. Howard. Davis, James G., clerk, T. C. & B. G. Worth, bds 5th bt Dock and Market. • Dawson, John, dry goods and mayor of city, and Prest. Branch Bank of N. C, 21 and 23 Market, h cor Market and 5th. Dawson & McPeake, dry goods, cor Market and Front. Dawson, James, of D. & McPeake, h 3rd bt Chestnut and Mulbery. Deinstback, "W., saloon, Toomer's al., h same. 32 GEO. H. kelley's E. MRRAY & CO., Wholesale Grocers, 9 Nos. 27 and 28 NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. m. I PERUVIAN Gulm swa/imnd guano. SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, tf f f tl itttlit % itti. Also, on hand all articles used in the Turpentine business; HOOP IROISr, GLtfEj TRtISS HOOPSj TURPEMTINE AND COOPERS' TOOLS, RIVETS, STRAINER CLOTH, &c., &c. E. MURRAY, D. K. :iURCHISON, J. T. MURRAY. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 33 DeNeale, Win. H., Jr., confectioner, bcis 40 Market. DeNeale, Wm. H., Confectionery, 40 Market, k same. DeKosset, Brown & Co., com merckants, agents for Stearns & Marvin's Safes, and Insurance Ag'ts., 6 n Water. DeKosset, W. L., of DeRosset, Brown & Co., bcls A. J. DeRosset. DeRosset, A. J., of DeRosset, Brown & Co., k cor 2nd and Dock. Dexter, M. R., book-keeper G. C. & W. J. Munro, bds W. a. Hooper. Dickson, Daniel, post master, k cor Princess and 2nd. Dickson^ Jas. H., pkysician, 49 Market, kTront, bt Ckest- nut and Mulbery. Disbrow, N., skoemaker, Murray & Blaney, bds Washing- ton House. Dix, John W. K., of J. & D. MacRae & Co., h 3d, bt Dickinson, P. K., k cor Front and Chestnut. Dixey, J., karbour master. Dock and Orange. Domler, H., of Heins & D., k 2nd, bt Nun & Church. Drane, Rev. R. B., h Market, bt 3rd and 4th. Dudley, E. B., ice dealer, bds cor Front and Nunn. Dudley, C. H,, com merchant and lumber dealer, 18 Water, h cor Front and Nunn. Dyer, John, tailor, 0. S. Baldwin, h Market nr 10th. E. Eckel, H., grocer, cor Front and Dock, h same. Edling, H., barber skop, Front nr Market, bds Washing- ton House. Eigenbruner, D,, of Goodman & E., h 37 n Water. 3 34 GEO. H. kelley'; OLIVER KELLEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL mmmm m forwarding MERCHANT, Keeps constantly on hand SUGAR, COFFEE, OA-3STDLES, SOA.P, lit til, Miiil» f lil» And every thing in the Grocery line, at No. 26 NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 35 Egbert, Miss CM., milliner, Front, n Bank Cape Fear, bda Dock. Eilers, H. B., grocer and com merchant, cor Water and Market, h cor 5th and Orange. Ellis & Mitchell, hay and grain dealers, 9 n Water. Ellis, Z., hook-keeper Ellis & Mitchell, hds C. D. Ellis. Ellis, C. D., of E. & Mitchell, h Nun cor 2nd. Ellis, A., of Morse & E., h 2nd ht Orange and Ann. Elton, John, shoemaker, Murray & Blaney, hds Toomer's alley. Empie & Allen, attorney's at law. Front, one door s Bank Cape Fear. Empie, Adam, of E. & Allen, h Front bt Ann and Nun. Episcopal Church, (St. James,) cor Market and 3rd, Rev. R. B. Drane pastor. Episcopal Church, (St. Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bp. Thos. Atkinson pastor. Episcopal Church, (St. John's,) cor 3d and Red Cross, Rev. pastor. Eramhert, Louis B., druggist. Market, h 9 th bt Chestnut and Mulberry. Evans, Thos., book-keeper Adams, Brothers & Co., bds Mrs. Backus. Evans, H. C, salesman Geo. R. French, bds same. Evans, J. J., of Cutts & E., h City Hotel. , Everett, John A., clerk Grant & Harrell, bds J. Grant.- Fanning, P. W., painter, Front nr Orange, h. same. Fanning, W. H., telegraph operator, h Dock. Farmers' House,H.M.Bishop proprietor, Nutt nr Mulberry. 36 GEO. H. KELLEYS TH 9 o < O w M M ■ s ^ ^ (8 6 "HI ^ ^ H I- h -H O S3 Li 7 ^ s - ^1 ^ ^ Hi Is 1 1 ZD £1 AYILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 3t Felt, P., carriage maker, cor Princess and 3J, h 8tli cor Kankin. Fergus, W. C, clerk Rankin & Martin, h Orange bt 2d and 3d. Fillyaw, 0. L., cabinet furniture, h cor 4th and Bladen. Fitzgerald, M., clerk T. 0. & B. G. Worth, h . Flanner, W. B. & Co., commission merchants, 18 n Water. Flanner, J. H., commission merchant, w side n Water, bds cor Chestnut and 2d. Flanner, W. B., of Wm. B. F. & Co., h Princess bt 6tli and 7th. Flanner, A. J., clerk J. H. Flanner. Flanner, Chas., clerk W. W. Peirce, bds Front. Fleisher, Simon, clerk David Aaron, bds same. Foyles & Galloway, grocers and commission merchants, 30 n Water. Foyles, D. M., of F. & Galloway, weigher and guager, Custom House, h cor Dock and 7th. Francis, M., shoe maker, Nutt nr Walnut, h same. Freeman, W. E., physician. Front nr Mulberry, h same. Freeman, J. H., dentist, Front nr Market, h 5th. Fremont, S. L., chief engineer and superintendent W. & W. R. R., h Red Cross bt 2d and 3d. French, G. R., boots and shoes, 11 Market, h cor Dock d; 4th. French, Chas. B., book keeper Geo. R. F., bds same. French, Wm. A., salesman Geo. R. F., h cor Dock and 4tli. Fulton, Mrs. C. A., h 4th bt Princess and Chestnut. Fulton & Price, proprietors Wilmington Journal. Fulton, James, of F. & P., bds Mrs. C. A. Fulton. Fur bush, E. D., butcher, bds cor Dock and Front. Furlong, W., at John E. Lippitt's, h Dock, bt 2d and 3d. 38 GEO. II. KELLEYS W. H. MARES & CO., Successors to L. A. HART, >- ^ O 02 HARDWARE, ~E^ ^IS] LANTERNS, PUMPS, BURISriNG FLUID, TIN & SHEET IRON WARE, No. 19 FRONT STREET, ^viLraimcTonr, n. c. W. n. MAKKS, WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 39 G. Gadsby, Miss F., assistant milliner Kalinweiler & Bros., bds . Galloway, Charles M., of Foyles & G-., bds Nunn, bt Front and 2d. Ganzer, C. H., clerk, J. G. Bauman, bds same. Gardner, Thomas M., discount clerk Bank of Wilming- ton, h 4th bt Chestnut and Mulberry. Gardner, J. D., sr., assistant teller Bank Cape Fear, h Mul- berry, bt 4th and 5th. Garrason, A., machinist Hart & Bailey, bds Farmers' House. Gause^ S. P., commission merchant, 19 s Water, h Orange bt 4th>nd 5 th. Gilbert, D. J., saloon and restaurant, 40 n Water, h cor Princess and 9th. Goodman, S. & Co., clothing, 43 n Water. Goodman & Eigenbruner, clothing and dry goods, 37 n Water. Grady, B. F., bds City Hotel. Graham H., commission merchant, n Water, h Princess bt 4th and 5th. Granger, E., coppersmith Hart & Bailey, bds John War- ren. Grant, R. H., livery stable, cor. 3d and Princess, h ,] Grant, B. H., at R. H. Grant's, h 5th. Grant & Harrell^ grocers and dry goods, 50 and 52 Market. Grant, James, of G. & Harrell, h Market, bt Tth and 8th. Greene, Zeno H., grocer and commission merchant, 7 Mar- ket, bds J. C. Bowden. 40 GEO. II. kelley's DAVID AARON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN READY MADE CLOTHING, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETING, &c., &c.. No. 25 Market Street, WII.M1HGTOH, M. C. C. C. MORSE, Wholesale ciud Retail W 59 MABKiET STREET, ^W^ILMIlSrGTON, ]sr. c. A fresh and complete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES on hand, and constantly arriving. Call and examine. J. & D. MacRAE & Co., General Commission and Shipping I^/X E3 n. O E3[ .A. 3Nr T S , 31 nXToi^tla. "W^tor Stroot, WILMINGTON, N. C. JOHN MACR.^E, DONALD MACRAE, JOHN W. K. DIX. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 41 Green, James S., sec'y. and treas. W. & W. E. R., h . Greenburg, R., clerk M. NewhofF, bds same. Green, Jas. G., yard master W. & W. R. R., li cor 2d and Niinn. Greer, Jolin, tinner L. C. Turner, l)ds2dbt Market & Dock. Greer, David J., carbon oil and lamps, 46 Market, h 2d bt Market and Dock. Groves, Henry W., timber inspector, h . Gwyer, Peacock & Co., grocers and commission mer- chants, n "Water. Gwyer, Wm. A., of G., Peacock & Co., li . H. Hagerty^, James, clerk Harriss & Howell, bds cor 5tli and Orange. Haynes, F. W., clerk L. H. Pierce, bds cor Cliurcb and 2nd. Hall, Eli W., attorney at law. Front bt Chestnut and Princess, li same. Hall, Wm. H., physician. Front bt Market and Princess, h same. Hall, E. D., county sheriflP, h cor 3d and Chestnut. Hall, Samuel L._, clerk A. E. Hall, bds same. Hall, A. E., com merchant, 10 n Water, h cor Gth and Orange. Hallett, B. A., clerk T. C. & B. G. Worth, bds A. J. Galloway. Hallett, Capt. B. F., bds W. G. Hooper. Hanly, James H., harness maker, bds Mrs. Lewis. Hanover, S. W., clerk David Aaron, bds same. Hanson, Henry, grocer, Nut nr Red Cross, h same. Hansley, E., grocer and com merchant, 37 n Water, li 7th cor Walnut. 42 GEO. H. KELLEY S WILKINSON $c CO., 32 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C, THE PLACE EVERY-BODY BUYS CONFECTIONERY, Nuts, Tobacco, Segars, and Produce of all kinds. a. W. WILKINSON & CO. 89 Barclay St., New York. DAVID J. GREER, AGENT, DEALER IN CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, No. 46 Market Street, Keeps constantly on hand a good supply of the best quality Kerosene and Carbon OILS, Together with a general assortment of LAMPS, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, SHADES, &c. Also, The best labor saving article ever discovered. This Soap is war- ranted to wash in hard, soft, or salt water, without any boiling, and ■without the least possible injury to the most delicate fabric. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 43 Harrell, E. J., of Grant & H., bds James Grant, Harriss, Wm. M., com merchant, 18 s Water, li Market bt lOth and 11th. Harriss, Geo., of H. & Howell, bds Dock, cor 2nd. Harriss, W. W., of H. & Howell, h 2nd bt Chestnut and Princess. Harriss & Howell, com merchants, n Water. Hardy, W. H., tailor 0. S. Baldwin, h Front. Hardin, T. H., discount clerk Bank Cape Fear, bds cor 3d and Mulbery. Hardwick, J. M., grocer, 18 Front, h Princess bt Stli and 9th. Hart, L. A., of H. & Bailey, h 3d bt Dock and Orange. Hartsfield, A. A. & Co., grocers, 15 Market. Hartsfield, A. A., of A. A. H. & Co., h cor Market and 7th. Hartsfield, Wm., coj^persmith Hart & Bailey, h cor 4th and Nunn. Hashagen, H. G., grocer, cor 4th and Walnut, h same. Hathaway, James L., of H. & Co., h 5th bt Dock and Orange. Hathaway & Co., importers molasses and sugars, and com merchants, 2 and 3 n Water. Hawes, C. W., clerk J. T. Petteway & Co., bds Mrs. Red-' ding. Hawkins, Isaac W., deputy sheriff, h cor Queen and 5th, Hays, Wm. M., printer Journal Office, h Brunswick nr 4th. Hedrick & Ryan, dry goods, 29 Market and 3 Front. Hedrick, J. J., of H. & Ryan^ h cor Princess and 9th. Heins & Domler, merchant tailors and gent's furnishing goods, 1 Granite Row, Front. 44 GEO. II. KELLEY S NORTH CAROLliA SADDLE WAREHOUSE. JAMES WILSON, No. 5 Market Street, near the Wharf, ?IANUFACTUPvER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES. COLLARS, "Wliips and Trniiks, .P^ AND DEALER IN IE. MIS. sio m mil iimii m n. Coach Trimmings and Saddlery Hardware. J^" Always on exhibition, the lara-est assortment to be found in 'the State, of HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS and TRUNKS ; 200 different styles of TRUNKS, CAR- PET BAGS and VALISES; 100 different styles of RIDING SADDLES; 40 different styles of HARNESS. Having a force of first class workmen, I am constantly manufac- turing goods of the above description, which I offer Wholesale or Retail at low prices and on accommodating terms to prompt customers. Harness, Saddles and Trunks manufactui'ed to order and re- paired with neatness and despatch. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 45 Heins, J. F., of H. & Domler, bds Washington House. Heinsberger, P., book binder, Journal Building, bds Pilot House. Henderson, Jolm M., naval store inspector,, bds Mrs. Bow- den. Henning, Robert, book keeper Hathaway & Co., bds Mrs. Backus. Hense, M., tailor 0. >S. Baldwin, bds Princess. Heron^ Wm., book keeper Hedrick & Ryan, bds Dock bt 6th and 7th. Hewitt, John, shoemaker, bds Mrs. Farrow. Heyer, J. C. & Co., grocers, 38 and 39 n Water. Higbee, J. S., commission merchant, Washington House h same. Front. Highsmith, Wm., blacksmith, h cor 12th and Princess. Hill, Wm. P., physician, office and residence over W. Meares' drug store. Market. Hill, F. J., h cor Mulberry and 5th. Hilzinger, John, cutter 0. S. Baldwin, h Princess bt Front and Water. Hinton, Miss K, A., millinery, 3 Front, bds Mrs. Howard. Hockaday, James, Tinner W. H. Marks & Co., bds Far- mers' House. Holland, Gr. W., salesman J. M. Robinson & Son, bds J. M. Robinson. Holmes, John L., attorney at law, next to Bank Cape Fear, h cor Chestnut and 4th. Holmes, H. L., attorney at law, Journal building, h same, Holthusen, A., clerk A. Mongers, bds same. Hooper, George, clerk Hathaway & Co., h . Hooper, Wm. G., physician, Market bt 2d and 3d. 46 GEO. H. kelley's J. T. PETTEWAY. ROGER MOORE. M. I PlTTira 4 It FACTORS Commission Merchants, No. 8 NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. G. Prompt personal attention given to the sale of COTTON. MIL STORES I OTHER PRODUCE. We keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of CLUE, SPIRIT CASKS, Orders for all goods in our line filled at lowest market rates, and forwarded with despatch. JAS. T. PETTEWAY & Go. TNTLLMINGTON DIEECTORT. 47 Hooper S., carriage maker, cor Market. Houston, Kobert, clerk J. H. Flanner, bds Geo. Houston. Houston, George, book keeper D. A. Lament, h. cor 4tli and Chestnut. Howard, W. C, auctioneer and naval store broker, 5^ s Water, h. cor 3d nr Mulberry. Howard, E. J., boarding house, 45 Market, Howell, A. J.;, of Harriss & H., bds cor 5th and Orange. Huggins, L. B. & Sons, grocers, cor Market and 2d. Huggins, Geo. W., clerk L. B. H. & Sons, bds same. Huggins, Wm. T., of L. B. H. & Sons, h 4th bt Market and Dock. Huggins, James B., of L. B. H. & Sons, bds L. B. H. Huggins, L. B., of L. B. H. & Sons, h McRae bt Mulberry and Walnut. Hutchins, L. L., exchange office, Front bt Market and Dock, bds W. G. Hooper. Hutner, Henry, watch maker, bds Mrs. McCaleb. Hyde, Wm., cashier Wilmington Savings Bank, h cor Dock and 7th. I. Ivey, S. P., sash and blind maker, h Front bt Chestnut and Walnut. J. Jackson, W., clothing, 10 Market, h same. Jacobs, B. J., salesman W. L. J., h Princess nr 4th. Jacobs, Wm. L., saddles and harness, 29 Market, h cor 4th and Princess. 48 GEO. II. KELLEYS WILMINGTON MERCHANT TAILORING AND Clothing Store, Front Street, No. 1 Granite Row : HEINS&DOMLER, Keep always on hand a well selected stock of FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH MD AMERICAN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and TESTINGS; Also, a handsome stock of Ready-Made Olothingj Expressly made for their firm and to suit the market. The finest as well as the largest stock of H O S I E3 H. "S- , Which they will sell low for Cash, and one imcc only. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 49 Jacobs, Joseph L. , assistant post master, bds Princess bt 4th and 5th. James, J. T. , reporter Wihnington Herald, bds cor Chestnut and 7th. James, T. C, clerk Smith & McLauriu, bds cor Chestnut and 7th. James, John S., naval store inspector, h cor Chestnut and 7th. Jarrcll, Jacob, laborer Hart & Bailey, h . Jennings, Samuel B., of Gwyer, Peacock & Co., h . Jewett, Stephen, cashier Bank of Wilmington, h 4th bt Mulberry and Walnut. Jeffers, T., machinist W. & M. B. B., bds Farmers' House. Johnson, T. H., butcher, 28 Front, h Dock. Johnson, J. W., butcher, bds Dock bt 7th and 8th. Johnson, R. C, naval store inspector, h . Johnson, Geo. L., salesman John Dawson, bds Mrs. Holmes. Johnston, E. N., salesman L. N. Barlow, bds T H, Johnson. Jones, B. J., clerk C. C. Morse, h Market bt 8th and 9th. Jordan, W. H., harness maker, bds Princess. Judge, John, clerk J. B. Blossom, h 5th bt Orange and Ann. Justus, H., moulder Hart & Bailey, bds 6th. K, Kahnweiler, S, B. & Co., millinery, dry goods and clothing, s w corner Market and Front. Kahnweiler & Bros., millinery, dry goods and clothing. Market, adjoining the Exchange Corner. Kahnweiler, David, of K. & Bros., bds City Hotel. Kahnweiler, Daniel, of K. & Bros., bds City Hotel, Kahnweiler, Jacob, of K. & Bros., bds City Hotel, Katz, Morris M., of S. B. Kahnweiler & Co., bds City Hotel. Kea, James E., dentist, cor Market and 2d, bds 4th nr Orange. Keegan, William, bar keeper J. Malarky, bds same. Keen, J. T., salesman J. S. Williams, bds cor 5th and Princess. 4 50 GEO. H. KELLEYS D. PIGOTT, BEOKER, AUCTIONEER, — AND— ^enEif-cd ^oninLLA/jLan jlLe^i^clicuitj WILMINGTON, N. C. lilt isTATE, mmm, BA^INTK STOCK, RAIL ROAD STOCK AKD SECURITIES, And every description of Property bought and sold on Commission, either at private or public sale. CONSIGNMENTS OF PROBUGE RESPECTrULLY SOLICITED "Refers to the public generally. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 51 Keith, E. A., com merchant, 7 s Water, h Front bt Market and Princess. Kelley, J., carpenter, h Chestnut bt 8th and 9th. Kelley, George H. , books, stationery, pianos, music, and agent for Lillie's fire-proof safes, and Grover & Baker's sewing machines, 27 Market, h 3d. Kelley, 0., grocer and com merchant, 26 n "Water, h cor 7th and Walnut. Kennedy, R., shoemaker, bds Washington House. Ketchum, David W., clerk John M. Clark, bds . Keiser, Jacob, shoemaker G. & C. Bradley, bds Mechanics' Hotel. Kidder, E., of K. & Martin, h 3d cor Dock. Kidder & Martin, com merchants and dealers in lumber, 6 s Water, (up stairs.) King, William, tailor Heins & Domler, h . King, J., butcher, bds. J. J. King. King, J. J., butcher, 26 Front, h 2d. King, Charles H"., bookkeeper C. H. Robinson & Co., bds . Koch, J., grocer, cor Front and Ann, bds same. Koch, R., coppersmith Hart & Bailey, bds H. Marcus. Knohl, Wm., watch maker, h 5th bt Market and Princess. Kordlander, H., bottling house, cor Front and Castle, h same. Lain, R. M., grocer, 2nd bt Market and Princess, h cor 5th and Queen. Lament, D. A., com merchant, 20 n Water, h 3d bt Red CrOSS and Walnut. < Langdon, P. H., auditor and supt's clerk W. & W..R. R., h cor 4th and Market. Larking, Wm., book keeper Bank of Wilmington, h Dock bt 5tli and 6th. 52 GEO. H. KELIiEY's Steamboat Company. steamer NORTH CAROLINA, Captain BARBER, Steamer FANNY LUTTERLOH, Captain ELDER, Run regularly between this place and Fayetteville for freight and passengers. A Steamer leaves Wilmington every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday at noon. Retui-ning leaves Fayette- ville every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning. M!^ No efforts will be spared to give satisfaction to the patrons of this line. E. MURRAY & Co., Agents at Wilmington. GEO« W. WILLIAMS & Co., Agents at FayetteviUe. H. KORDLANDER, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER, ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF LEMON SODA, SARMRILLA, Gl'S POP. &C. ^®" Agent for the sale of Philadelphia Ale and Lager Beer, At Wholesale. All cash orders from the country punctually attended to. Corner Front and Castle Sts., WILMINGTON, N.|C. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY, 53 Latta, J. C, book keeper E. A. Keith, h 6th bt Mulberry and Red Cross. Latta, J. E., book keeper Herald Office, bds 7th nv Walnut. Lattimer, Z., h cor 3d and Orange. Lawrence, E. Z., book keeper J. R. Blossom, bds Mrs. R. Price. Lawrence, T. E., butcher, cor Market and 2d, h cor 5th and Mulberry. Lawson, A. W., tinner W. H. Marks & Co., bds . Lawton, M. & J., cabinet makers. Front bt Princess and Chestnut, h same. Lawton, J. of M. & J. L., h Front bt Princess and Chestnut. Lawton, M., of M. J. & L., h Front bt Princess and Chestnut. Lawton, B. J., clerk W. K. Covell, bds 7th bt Princess and Mul- berry. Lemon, "Wm., steward L. Montague, bds same. Leslie, J. J., shoemaker, h cor 9th and Chestnut. Lessman, A., bakery, 2d bt Market and Dock, h same. Letgin, Henry, grocer, cor Market and 7th, h same. Levy, Abraham, clerk S. B. Kahnweiler & Co., bds H. Marcus. Lewis, W. M., tinner L. C. Turner, bds 4th bt Hanover and Brunswick. Lewis, John H., clerk W. H. Lippitt, bds . Lewis, T. C, assistant book keeper Hathaway & Co., bds Mrs. McCaleb. Ling, Joseph J., treasurer W. & M. K. R., h . Lippitt, J., clerk J. T. Petteway & Co., bds Mrs. Lippitt. Lippitt, Joseph J., com merchant, 23J n Water, h Chestnut bt 3d and 4th. Lippitt, A. D., clerk J. M. McCarter & Co., bds 2d bt Orange and Dock. Lippitt, Thos. B., book keeper J. J. L., bds same. Lippitt, W. H., druggist, N. E. cor Front and Market, h 2d bt Dock and Orange. Lippitt, James W., clerk W. H. Lippitt, bds same. S4 GEO. H. KELLET's W. G. HOWARD, NAVAL STORE BROKER, AUCTIONEER, GEORGE P. ROGERS & GO.'S GLUE, Office on South Water Street, " Old Stand." Having received the appointment of Auctioneer, respectfully ofifers his services for the purchase and sale of REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, NEGROES, — AND — GENERAL MERCHANDIZE. Special attention will be given to the NAVAL STORE BUSINESS AS HERETOFORE. I^:E:F'EI^E2s^CES : 0. Gr. Parsley, Esq. , Pres't Commercial Bank of Wilmington, N, 0. John Dawson, Esq., Pres't Branch Bank of N. C, " " Messrs. Kidder & Martin, " " Messrs. E. Murray & Co., T. C. Mcllhenny, Esq., Messrs. Dollner, Potter & Co., | >t ^ . Messrs. Watson & Meares, ^ "^^^ ^°^^- WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 55 Lippitt, J. E., ice house, 2(3 and 28 Front, h Orange bt4th and 5th. Loeb, Jacob, of L. & Swarzman, h Front, bt Dock and Orange. Loeb & Swarzman, dealers in groceries, wood, coal, segars and li- quors, cor Chestnut and n "Water. Loeb, Charles, clerk Kahnweiler & Bros., bds Pilot House. Loeb, A., clerk Kahnweiler & Bros., bds H. Marcus. Lofthus, A. L., blacksmith Hart & Bailey, bds cor 2d and Church. London, M., attorney at law. Front opp Bank Cape Fear, h cor Chestnut and 3d. London, Rufus, clerk DeRosset, Brown & Co., bds A. J. DeRosset. Long, Rev. John S., h cor Walnut and 2d. Lord, F. J., Spanish consul, office 6 n "Water. Lorrimer, P., tailor Heins & Domler, bds J. Malarkey. Love, R. S., clerk Alderman & Betteneourt, bds Red Cross bt 2d and 3d. Love, J. D., salesman 0. L. Fillyaw, h cor 6th and Bladen. Love, Thomas L., clerk Anderson & Savage, bds corner Front and Mulberry. Lowery, Charles, pattern maker Hart & Bailey, bds . Lowry, R. W., livery stable, cor 2d and Princess, bds "Washing- ton House. Lucas, E. T., tinner "W. H. Marks & Co., h . Lucas, Miss A. F., proprietress "V\^ashington House, Front bt Mar- ket and Princess. Lutheran Church, (now building,) cor Market and Gth, Rev. J. H, Mengert pa.stor. Lyon, Jacob, dry goods and clothing, cor Market and n "Water, h cor 4th and Market. M. McCaleb, Mrs. M. S., proprietress Rock Spring Hotel, Chestnut bt Front and "\A''ater. 56 GEO. H. kelley's E. HANSLEY, COUISSION lERCHANT, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN OLD IMPORTEI BRANllIES, WINES, GINS, U., iR¥ GOiBS, GPJSEBiES, SHOES, &G., No. 37 NORTH WATER STREET, AYILMINGTON, N. C. Dr. A. & J. SMALL, OPERATIVE and MECHANICAL OFFICE ON PRINCESS STREET, FIRST FLOOR OF THE JOURNAL BUILDING, wttMiiews, 1. c. C. H. EOBINSON & CO. comissioN m forwardmg MERCHANTS, W[]L[l^[][F!fl(gT@[M, Mo (g. Agents for the sale of Dr. H. H. Robinson's Bricks. Prompt personal attention given to consignments for sale or shipment. C. H. ROBINSON, H. H. ROBINSON. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 57 McCallum, James I., at John Dawson's, h cor 4th and Orange. McCarter, J. M. & Co., dry goods, 43 Market. McCarter, J. M., of J. M. McC. & Co., bds City Hotel. Mcllhenny, 0., sup't Gas Works, bds A. J. Galloway. Mclntyre, R. M., clerk Hedrick &Ryan, bds cor Chestnut and 3d. McKeithan, Henry H., clerk, bds T. J. Williams. McKoy, T. H. & Co., grocers and com merchants, 8 s Water. McKoy, T. H., of T. H. McK. & Co., bds W. N.Teden. McLaurin, John, of Smith & McL., h Dock. McLaui-in, H. W., book keeper E. Murray Iarket ami Gth. Walker, Thos. J)., Pre.t. W. & M. II. 11.. 1. . Walker, Wm. A., .secretary W. k 31. 11. 11., h Clicstnut bt 8th and 9 th. Walker, Maj. John, h Market bt Front and 2d. Wallace, S. D., ass't sec y and gen. ticket ag t W. & W. K. R., h cor Rod Cross and 4th. Walters, S., blacksmith, Mulberry bt Front and Water. Ward, E. R., jailor, h at same. Ward, D. M., carpenter, h Dock bt 7th and 8th. Warren, John, proprietor ^Mechanics' Hotel, Front bt Orange and Ann. Washington House. John Cropper proprietor. Front bt Market and Princess. Watson, Henry, blacksmith Hart & Bailey, bds . Watters, Mrs. M. E., h Front bt Dock and Orange. Watters, W., machinist Hart & Bailey, bds . Webb, H., upholsterer and paper hanger, 2o Front, ii 7th nr Princess. Weichselbaum, Henry, clerk elacob Lyon, bds same. Weill, S. R., clerk L. Myer & Brc, bds Mrs. McCaleb. Weill & Anathan, dry goods and clothing, 13 Market and o6 n Water. Weill, Abraham, of ^V. & Anathan, h Market bt 2d and od. Weill, 3Iarks, clerk Kahnweiler k Bro., bds Pilot House. Wells, Isaaq, coach maker, Mulberry bt Front and Water. Wertheim, Henry, clerk S. Goodman & Co., bds Farmers' House. Wescott, E., engineer Elli.s & Mitchell, h 3d bt Church and CastJe. West, S. M., auctioneer, com merchant, and notary public, 7 S Water, h 3d bt Princess and Chestnut. Wheeler, Rev. J. H., bds cor Chestnut and 5th. White, B. F., paper hanger, bds Farmers' House. 86 GEO. H. KELLEYS THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO. RUN DAILY LINES NORTH, EAST, SOUTH & WEST, FORWARDING HEAVY AND LIGHT FREIGHT, Coin, Bank Notes, Bonds, Jewelry, &a Each Express accompanied by careful and experienced gers. We collect Drafts, Notes, or collect on delivery of goods. JAMES MACOMBER, Agentj 17 Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 87 Whitehead, W. A., clerk T. H. McKoy & Co., h Dock bfc 6th and 7th. Whitehead, James I., clerk T. C. & B. G. Worth, bds Mrs. Jones. Whitfield, J. W., clerk M. Maclnnis, h Walnut bt 4th and 5th. Whitney, C. W., clerk J. M. McCarter & Co., bds Chestnut bt Water and Front. Wick, John, saloon, Nutt nr Walnut, h same. Wilder, A., constable, h Boundary bt 5th and 6th. Wilkinson & Co., confectioners and dealers in fruits, tobacco, se- gars, &c., 32 Market. Wilkinson, J., of W. & Co., h 17 av and Market. Williams, John F., machinist Hart & Bailey, bds cor Cottage 1 and 4th. Williams, W. A., com merchant, 7 s Water, h cor 4th and Cottage 1. Williams, J. S., dry goods, 17 Market, h 5th bt Dock and Orange. Williams, E. D., printer Journal office, h 2d bt Ann and Nun. Williams, Lewis M., constable, h 5th bt Mulberry and Chestnut. Williams, F. W., salesman Myers & Moore, bds Mrs. Betts. Williams, Gleo. W., keeper Seamen's Home, cor Front and Dock. Williams, W. H., salesman 0. S. Baldwin, bds same. Williams, R. D., clerk T. C. &B. Cr. Worth, bds cor Cottage 1 and 4th. Willard, James A., grocer and com merchant, 11 and 12 n Water, h Chestnut bt 3d and 4th. Willis, H. B., foreman Herald office, h Market nr Princess. Willis, E., clerk W. Meares, bds W. G. Hooper. Willson, Wm. A., book-keeper Grwyer, Peacock &Co., bds . Wilmington Herald, C. E. & R. Burr proprietors, 40| Market. Wilmington Gaslight Co., cor Castle and Surry. Wilmington Institute, Princess bt 3d and 4th, L. Meginney principal. Wilmington Journal, Fulton & Price proprietors, Princess bt Front and 2d. Wilmington Savings Bank, Front opp Bank Cape Fear. GEO. H, KELLEYS FARMERS' HOUSE, KEPT BY H. M. BISHOP, South of Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road Depot, WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. E. HALL, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 10 North Water Street, WILMIN&TON, N. C. North Carolina 4-4 SHEETINGS and assorted YARNS always on hand, and for sale for account of manufacturers. S. M. WEST, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Real Estate, Bank Stock, Negroes, and all kinds of property bought and sold on small commission. REFERS TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, WILxMINGTON DIRECTORY. 89 Wilmington Iron and Brass Foundry, Hart & Cailey proprietors, 15 Front. Wilson, James, saddles and harness, 5 Market, bds Mrs. Lewis. Winney, John, coppersmith Hart & Bailey, bds . Winslow, Isaac C, clerk Hathaway & Co., bds W. G. Hooper. Woertz, S. , foreman Hart & Bailey's foundry, h n Water cor Walnut. Wood, K. B.^ contractor, h cor Orange and 3d. Wood, Robert B., Jr., deputy clerk county and superior courts, bds od bt Orange and Ann. Woodhull , M. H. , book-keeper and salesman . S , Baldwin , bds same. Woodward, Henry, tinner L. C. Turner, bds 4th bt Smith and Ashe. Worth, B. G., of T. C. & B. G. W., h Front bt Nun and Church. Worth, T. C, of T. C. & B. G. W., h Orange bt 4th and 5th. Worth, T. C. & B. G., com merchants, ag'ts for Howe's Scales, and New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Packets, 20 s Water. Wright, Joseph H., book-keeper Bank of N. C, bds Wni. A. W. Wright, J. W-, attorney at law, 51 Market, h cor Market and 6th. Wright, J. G., attorney at law, 51 Market h cor Market and 6th. Wright, James A., clerk superior court, h cor Market and 3d. Wright, A. E., physician. Market bt 2d and od. Wright, T. H., President Bank Cape Fear, h cor ]Market and 3d. Y. Yarbrough, 0. S., of Owen & Y., bds . Yopp, W. J., salesman Zeno H. Greene, h 5th bt Princess and Chestnut. Yopp, A. J., commercial reporter, collector and book-keeper Jour- •nal, h 5th bt jMulberry and Chestnut. Yopp, Samuel L., carpenter, h cor 5th and Princess. Z. Zimmerman, J. W., paper hanger, h 90 GEO. II. KELLEY S 66 THE mETROPOLSTAN MANUFACTORY." The goods offered have the highest reputation in this country and Europe. The TfiMS, BlBUiimnimS, miSIUAT MSIS. &c., are of CHOICEST MATERIALS, and all the mutations of style, /chere inqjwremcnt is the result, are adopted. NINE YEARS ago we commenced offering the Celebrated make of Trunks, &c., to the Wilmington public, and for the endorsement received, we point to the fact that we are now the LARGEST DEALERS IN NORTH CAROLINA I LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WiU find the most extensive assortment — the best style of work — the newest designs — the lowest prices. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 91 SCHOOL SATCHELS, TRUNKS, &c., BOYS AJS[JD GIRLS. TRUNKS purchased of us sent by our " TEUNK EXPKESS " to Depots free of charge. Sent to Steamboats and Vessels for shipping, free of charge. Sent to any part of the City for examination. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN marked, one address, in M;^. FanLiiiiig's Best Style. We are furnished with WEEKLY SUPPLIES BY SCHOON- ERS, direct from the Manufactory. The freight being light, enables us to sell as low as Northern establishments ; and the (Being sole Agent for the •■ Metropolitan Manixfactory,") to offer a SUPERIOR QUALITY at much LOWER FICxURES THAN SMALL DEALERS. E3ST-^EJXjiX®3E3a::E3I> 13^3. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE. NEWEST STYLES AND RELIABLE (^)rALITIES. OUTER and UNDER WEAR of every description. S1IA^YLS, BLANKETS, &C., Umbrellas, Canes, Pistols, Sheffield Pocket Cutlery, RAZORS and SHAVING MATERIALS, FRENOH TOILET ARTICLES FOR LADIES ^ GENTLEMEN. CIYWJ AND MILITARY WORK Made to order, at the largest CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE in the State. O. S. BALDl^IN, Proprietor, 38 MARKET St., Wilmington, N. C. GEO. H. KELLEYS WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. JAMES PIRSSON, PIANO #?"7i FORTE AND MUSIC STORE, No. 6 NORTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C, A general assortment of all kinds of Musical Ixstruments, Sheet Music, and every article in the 3Iusical line. Piano Fortes tuned and repaired ; and old Pianos taiien in exchange. WILMIIIGTOi BOOK BliDiRV. ^^ BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, BASEMENT FLOOR JOURNAL BUILDINGS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Ledgers, Journals, and all kinds of Blank Books made to order. ALSO, BOOK BiisrrnNo Done in all its various styles, in the most durable manner. P. HEINSBERGSR. WILMINGTON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agent — General. Rothwell, J H, 3d bt Princess and Chestnut. Agents Insurance. Brovrn, A A, at Wilmington Savings Bank. DeRosset, Brown & Co, 6 n "Water. MacEae, J & D & Co, 31 n Water. Worth, T C & B G, 20 s Water. Ageijts Steamboat Lines. Flanner, JH, Wilmington St^am Tug Co, a Water. Murray, E & Co, Express Steam Boat Line to Fayetteville. 27 & 28 n Water. Worth, T C & B G, Cape Fear Steamboat Line to Fayetteville, 20 s Water. Agents Sailing Packets. >JEW YOKK. Cazaux, A D, 2U n Water. Flanner, J H, w side n Water. Harris ct Howell, w side n Water. Murray, E & Co, 27 and 28 n " Worth, TC&BG, 20 s PHILADELPHIA. Harris & Howell, w side n " Worth, TC&BG, 20s BALTIMORE. Worth, T C & B G, 20 s BOSTON. Harris & Howell, w side u " Attorneys. Baker, J A, Front opp Bank Cape Fear. Brown, T W jr, Jour buildings. Cutlar, DuBrutz, Princess bt 2d and 3d. Davis, Geo, Wilmington Bank Building. Empie & Allen, next to Bank Cape Fear. Fennell, N H, Princess, Journal buildings. Holmes, H L, Journal Buildings. Holmes, John L, next to Bank Cape Fear. Hall, Eli W, Front bt Chest- nut and Princess. 93 94 dEO. H. KELLEY S Londou, M, opp Bank Cape Fear. Meares, P, Market bt 2d and 3d. Miller, T C, Front opp Bank Cape Fear. Poisson, Fred D, Princess opp Journal buildings. Person & Strange, Market bt 2d and 3d. Smith, M B, Front bt Ann and Nun. Waddell, A M, Princess bt 2d and 3d. Wright, J AV, 51 :\Iarket. Wright, J G, 51 Wright, W A, odbt Market and Dock. Wright, James A, Court house. Agricultural Impl'ts. Alderman & Bettencourt, 32 n Water. Foyles & Galloway, 30 n Water. Robinson, J M & Son, 8 Front. Greene, Zeno H, 7 Market. Amtrotype Galleries. Barry, E T, 171 Front. Crowl, L, Front nr Market. Auctioneers. Howard, W C, 51 s Water. Pigott, D, 7 s Water. West, S 31, 7 s Water. [ Lessman, A, 2d bt Market and Dock. I Patten, Wm, 44 Market. Banks. Commercial Bank, 23 Market. Bank Cape Fear, Front bt Prin- cess and Market. Bank North of Carolina, cor Prin- cess and Front. Bank of Wihnington, Front nr Princess. Banks, Savings. Wilmington Savings Bank, Front opp Bank Cape Fear. Barbers. Arney, J, Front nr Market. Edling, H, Front nr Market. I Evans, A, cor Market and 2d. jLarrington, D, Market. , Larrington, P, Nutt nr Mulberry. Blacksmiths." ! Beach, A, Nutt nr Walnut. j Burtt, S, Walnut bt Front and ! Water. Rambert, L, Mulberry bt Front I and Water. I Walters, S, Mulberry bt Front and Water. I Billiard Saloons. Bakers ! Thorburn, R, cor Dock and Front. Montague, L, 20 Market. Sharpsteen and Cornehlsen, 10 S Water. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 95 Bo-wling Alley. Cabinet Makers. Sbarpsteen it Cornehlsen, 10 s'Fillyaw, L, 10 Front. Water. | Lawton,M& J, Front nr Princess. Boat Builders. Carbon Oil and Lamps. 3Iorse & Ellis, !2d bt Orange and Qreer, D J, 46 Market. Ann. Marks, W H & Co, 19 Front. Book Bindery. Heinsberger, 1*, Jour buildings. Books and Stationery. Kelley, Geo H, '17 Market. Boots and Shoes. Bradley. G ct C, 41 Market. Brown, L, 57 Market. French, Geo R, 11 Market. Murray & Blaney, 35 Market. 'Quigley, C, cor Front and Dock. Brokers. (Exchange,) Hutchins, L L, Front bt Market and Dock. (Produce,) Cantwell, J L, 8 s Water, (up stairs.) (Produce,) VanAmringe, Geo O, 7 s Water. (Stock,) Pigott, D, 7 s Water. (Naval Store,) Howard, W C, 5^ .s Water. Bottler of Ale, &c. Kordlander, H, Bottling House, cor Front and Castle. Carriage Makers. Felt, P, cor Princess and 3d. Hooper, S, cor Market and 5th. Wells, I, Mulberry bt Front and Water. China and Glass Ware. Perrin, Henry R, 9 Market. Confectioners. Agostini, P, 42 Market. Agostini, F M, 20 " Boyd, Mrs E, 2d bt Market and Dock. DeNeale, Wm H, 40 Market. Suden, E, Nutt nr Red Cross. Wilkinson & Co, 32 Market. Copper Smiths. Hart k Bailey, 15 Front. Coal and Wood Dealers. Loeb & Swarzman, cor Chestnut and n Water. Worth, T C & B G, 20 s Water. 96 GEO. II. KELLEY S Clothing. Aaron, David, 2-5 Market. Baldwin, S, 38 " Bear, S & Bro, 41 and 42 Market. Goodman, S & Co, 43 n Water. Groodraan & Eigenbruner, 37 n AVater. Hcins & Domler, 1 Granite Eow. Jackson, Wni, 10 Market. Kahnweiler & Bro's, Market nr Exchange Corner. Kahnweiler, S B & Co, cor Front and Market. Lyon, Jacob, cor Market and n Water. Mengers, A, 40 n Water. Myer, I & Bro, 3 s Water. Newhoff, M, 18 Market. Neuman, P, 48 n Water. Newman, David, 14 Market. Peschau, E, 35 n Water. CoAvan, B H. cor Market and Water. DeEosset, Brown & Co, tJ n Water. Dudley, C H, 18 s Water. Eilers, H B. cor Water and Market. Flanner. J H, w side n Water. Flanner, Wni B k Co, 18 n Water. Foyles & Galloway. 30 n Water. Gause, S P, 19 s Water. Graham, H, n Water. /Greene, Zeno H, 7 market. Gwyer, Peacock & Co, n Water. Hall, A E, 10 n Water. Plansley, E, 37 n Water. Harriss & Howell, w side n ' Water. yHarriss, Wm M, 18 s Water. ^Hathaway & Co, 2 and 3 n Water, f Keith, E A, 7 s Water. Samson, J & H & Co, 8 Market. I Kelley, 0, 26 n Water. . Weill & Anathan, 13 Market and j/Kidder & Martin, 6 s Water, (up 36 n Water. | stairs.) Lamont, DA, 20 n Water. Commission Merchants. Adams, Brother & Co, cor Wa- ter and Princess. Alderman & Bettencourt, 32 n Water. Allen, W H, 20 n Water. Anderson & Savage, 9 s Water. -/Munro, G C & W J, 22 n Water Bizzell & Co, 29 n Water. •'Blossom, J R, 4 s Water. Cazaux, A D, 21i n Water. NChadbourn, James H & Co, ] n Water. Clark, John M, Hall's Wharf. Lippitt, Joseph J, 23^ n Water. McKoy, T H & Co, 8 s Water. McPherson, E, 6 s Water. McEary, W H & Co, cor Prin- cess and Water, Maclnnis, M, 16 n Water. MacEae, J &D & Co, 31 n Water. Monk, J M, 47 n Water. Murray, E & Co, 27 and 28 n Water. Nutt, H. , cor Eed Cross and Nutt. Owen & Yarbrough. n Water. Peirce, W W, Nutt nr Walnut. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 97 Petteway, James T & Co, 8 n Water. Pigott, D, 7 s Water. Eankio & Martin, 8 s Water, (up stQ.irs 1 Robinson, C II & Co, 11 n Water, (up s'airs ) Smith, James C & Co, 3 s Water, (up stairs.) Smith & McLaurin, 16 n Water. Southerland, J B, 44 u Water, (up Stokley & Oldham, 5 s Water. Turlington, W H, 4 n Water. West, S M, 7 s Water. s/Willard, James A, 11 and 12 n Water. Williams, W A, 7 s Water. Worth, T C & B G, 20 s Water. Dentists. Arrington, B F, 51 Market. Carr, T B, Market bt 2d and 3d. Freeman, J H, Front nr Market. Kea, James E, cor Market and 2d. Perkins, E, one door w of Journal Building. Small, A & J, Journal Building. Druggists. Erambert, Louis B, Market under City Hotel. Lippitt, W H, n e cor Front and Market. McLin, Henry, s e cor Front and Marrket. Meares, Walker, 45 Market. Dry Goods. Aaron, David, 25 Market. Allen, S D, 47 Market. Craft, T C, 48 Market. Dawson, John, 21 and 23 Market. 7 Dawson & McPeake, cor Market ind Front. Goodman & Eigenbruner, 37 n Water. Grant & Harrell, 50 and 52 Market. Hedrick & Ryan, 29 Market. Kalinweiler & Bros, Market nr Ex- change Corner. Kahnweiler, S B & Co, cor Market & Front. Lyon, Jacob, cor Market and n Water. McCarter, J M & Co, 43 Market. Samson, J & H & Co, 8 Market. Weill & Anathan, 13 Market and 36 n Water. Williams, J S, 17 Market. Express Office. Macomber, James, ag't, 17 Front. Flour and Feed. Ellis & Mitchell, 9 n Water. Stokley & Oldham, 5 s Water. Gas Fitter. Mitchell, James, Dock bt Water and Front. Gents Furnishing Goods. Baldwin, S, 38 Market. Heins and Domler, 1 Granite Row. Guano. DeRossett, Brown & Co, 6 n Water* McRary, W H & Co, cor Princess and n Water. Maclnnis, M, 16 n Water. Murray, E & Co, 27 and 28 n Water, Worth, T C & B G, 20 s Water. 96 GEO. H. KELLEY S Gun Smiths. Marks, W H & Co, 19 Front. Turner, L C, cor Princess and Front. • Grocers. Adrian, A, 24 Front. Alderman & Bettencourt, 32 n Water. Barlow, L N, 3 Granite Kow. Bauman, J Gr, 32 n Water. Baxter, B, cor Dock and Water. Bear, S & Bro. 44 n Water. Bizzell & Co. 29 n Water. Co veil, W K, 4 n Water. Craft, T C, 48 Market. Eckel, H, cor Front and Dock. Eilers, H B, cor Water and Market. Foyles & Galloway, 30 n Water. Grant & Harrell, 50 and 52 Market. Greene, Zeuo H, 7 Market. Gwyer, Peacock & Co, n Water. Hansen, Henry, Nutt nr Walnut. Hansley, E, 37 n Water. Hardwick, J M, 18 Front. Hartsfield, A A & Co, 15 Market. Hasbagen, H G, cor 4th and Walnut. Heyer, J C & Co, 38 and 39 n Water. Huggins, L B & Sons, cor Mar- ket and 2nd. Kelley, 0, 26 n Water. Lain, R M, 2nd bt Market and Princess. Leitgin, Henry, cor Market and 7th. Loeb & Swarzman, cor Chestnut and n Water. ]\IcKoy, T H & Co, 8 s Water. Maclnnis, M, 16 u Water. Morse, C C, 59 Market. Munro, G C & W J, 22 n Water. Murray, E&Co, 27 and 28 n Water. Myers, Geo, 11 and 13 Front. Neif, J H, cor Dock & Water. Quigley, P, Nutt nr Red Cross. Reader, Henry, cor Front and Mulberry. Robinson, Robert, cor Nutt and Walnut. Ruuge, G H W, cor Dock and Front. Schulken H, cor 4th and Walnut. Schulken, Martin, cor Red Cross and Front. Staankan, Geo, Front opp Freight Depot. Steenken, Geo, 4th nr Walnut. Vollers, L, 2nd bt Market and Dock. VonGlahn, H, n Water. Willard, James A, 11 and 12 n Water. Hard-ware. MacLean, A, 19 Market. Robinson, J M & Son, 8 Front. Hats and Caps. Myers & IMoore, 34 Market. Hay and Grain. Ellis & Mitchell, 9 n Water. Gause, S P, 19 s Water. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 99 McRary, W H & Co, cor Prin cess and n Water. Petteway, J T & Co, 8 n Water Stokley & Oldham, 5 s Water. WiUard, J A, 11 and 12 n Water. Hotels and Boarding. BarcliflF, Mrs , 36 Market. City Hotel, Cutts & Evans pro- prietors, cor Market and 2d. Farmers' House, H M Bishop prop, Nutt nr Mulberry. Howard, E, J, 45 Market. Pilot House, John Bishop pro- prietor, s Water. Marcus, H, Market nr Front. Mechanics' Hotel, John Wa,rren proprietor, Front bt Ann and Orange. Kockspring, Mrs M S McCaleb, Chestnut nr Water. Seamans' Home, Geo W Wil- liams, corn Front and Dock. Stuart, Mrs , Front nr Dock. Washington House, John Crop- per, Front bt Market & Prin- Ice Dealers. Dudley,[^E B, n Water. Lippitt, John E, 26 and 2^ Front. Iron and Brass Foundry. Hart & Bailey, 15 Front. Importers of Sugar and Molasses. Hathaway & Co, 2 and 3 n Water Muuro, G C &W J, 22 n Water. Livery Stables. Cm-rie, J K, 2d bt Market & Princess. Grant, E, H, cor 3d and Princess. Pope, W P, Princess bt 3d and 4th. Marble Works. Milligan, W G, cor Front and Walnutt. Millinery. Egbert, Miss C M, Front nr Bank Cape Fear. Hinton, Miss K A, 3 Front. Kahnweiler, S B & Co, cor Front and 3Iarket. Kahnweiler & Bros, Market ad- joining Exchange Corner. Meat Markets. Johnson, T H, 28 Front. King, J J, 26 Front. Lawrence, T E, cor Market and Second, Merchant Tailors. Baldwin, S, 38 Market. Heins & Domler, 1 Granite Row. Mindle, A, Princess bt Front and Water. 100 GEO. H. KELLEYS Newspapers. Wilmington Herald, C E & R Burr props, 40| Market. Wilmington Journal, Fulton & Price props, Princess bt Front and 2d. Notaries Public Gumming, J D, 17 n Water. Evans, Thos, cor Water and Princess. G-alloway, A J, cor Mulberry and n Water. Gardner, J D, Sr, Bank of Cape Fear. Howell, A J, w s n Water. Hyde, Wm, Savings Bank. Larkins, Wm, office Bank Wil- mington. Morris, R, office City Hall. Smith, W L, office Bank Wil- mington. Walker, A K, office Commercial Bank. West, S M, 7 s Water. Wright, J H, Bank of the State. Pianos and Music. KeUey, Geo H, 27 Market. Pirsson, James, 6 n Front. Painters. Bunn, L F, Princess bt Front and Water. Fanning, P W, Front nr Orange. Parker, J A, Dock bt Water and Front. Physicians. Anderson, E A, Market bt 2d and 3d. Berry, W A, Front opp Bank Cape Fear. Coe, Grover, cor Market and 2d. Cutlar, F J, cor Princess and 2d. Davis, W AY, Front nr Market. Dickson, Jas H, 49 Market. Freeman, W E, Front nr Mul- berry. Hall, W H, Front bt Market and Princess. Hill, W P, Market, over W Meares' Drug Store. Hooper, W G, Market bt 2d and 3d. McRee, J F, jr, cor Front and Chestnut. Medway, A, cor Front and Dock. Miller, J A, Front opp Bank Cape Fear. Potter, F W, Front nr Market. Schonwald, J T , Princess bt Water and Front. Swan, John, Front bt Market and Princess. Thomas, W G, Market nr 2d. Wright, A E, Market bt 2d and 3d. Restaurants. Burnett, R B, 14 and 15 n Water. Gilbert, D J, 40 n Water. Montague, L, 20 Market. Saddlery and Kaness. Jacobs, Wm L, 39 Market. Wilson, James, 5 Market. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 101 Saloons. Bremer, H M, 34 n Water. Burnett, R B, 14 and 15 n Water. Deinstbach^ W, Toomer's al. GUbert, D J, 40 n Water. Malarky, J, 17 s Water. Marcus, H, Front nr Market. Meier, J, Dock bt Water and Front. Montague, L, 20 Market. Peden, W N, 4 Market. Rush, A, 2d bt Market and Princess. Sliarpsteen & Cornehlsen, 10 s Water. Wick, John, Nutt nr Walnut. Sash and Blind Maker. Ivey, S P, cor Brunswick and Front. Slave Dealers. Southerland& Coleman, Princess cor 2d. Safes. Herring's, J R Blossom agt, 4 s Water. Lillie's, Geo H Kelley agt, 27 Market. Steam's & Marvin's DeRosset, Brown & Co agts, 6 n Water. Scales, Fairbank's Platform, Hart & Bailey, agts, 15 Front. Howe's Platform, T C & B G Worth, agts, 20 s Water. SMp Chandlers, Covell, W K, 4 n Water. Neff, J H, cor Dock & Water. Segars, Snuff, &c. Burkhimer, H, 6 Market, resi- dence cor 4th and Ann. Loeb & Swarzman, cor Chestnut and n Water. Marcus, H, Front nr Market. VanSickle, 12 Market. Wilkinson & Co, 32 Market. Sewing Machines. Finkle & Lyon's, Geo Myers agt, 11 and 13 Front. Grover & Baker's, Geo H Kelley agt, 27 Market. Parmenter & Campbell, E T Barry agt, 17|- Front. Singer's, S Baldwin agt, 38 Market. Stoves and Tin "Ware. Marks, W H & Co, 19 Front. Turner, L C, cor Princess and Front. Steam Saw and Planing MUls. Chadbourn. J H & Co, 17 n Water. Dudley, C H, 18 s Water. Gibbs, R W, cor Mulberry and n Water, (up stairs.) 102 GEO. H. KELLEYS Kidder & Martin, 6 s Water (up Northrop, S & W H, s Water. Parsley, G & Co, Chestnut nr n Water. Turpentine Distillers. Blossom, J R, 4 s Water. Fillyaw, Owen, Front nr Market. Love, W & T. Nutt, Henry, cor Nutt and Eed Cross, VanBokkelen, A H, s Water. Wooster, John, s Water. Upholsterers- Polvogt, C, cor Front and Princess. Smith, J, Princess bt Front and Water. Webb, H, 23 Front. Watches and Jewelry. Alexander, I, 55 Market. Brown & Anderson, 37 Market. "Wines, Ales, &c. Barlow, L N, 3 Granite Row. Foyles & Galloway, 30 n Water. Hansley, E, 37 n Water. Loeb & Swarzman, cor Chestnut and n Water. Meier, J, Dock bt Water and Front. Myers, Geo, 11 and 13 Front. McKoy, TH&Co, 8 s Water. Weill & Anathan, 36 n Water. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. 103 JOHN M. CLARK, COIIIISSIO^ A^D FORWARDiG MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER AND PLASTER HAIR, Agent for the STEAMERS KATE McLAURIU AND SUN, WILMINGTON, N. C. J^^Will give prompt attention to the sale of Country Produce, Naval Stores and Cotton. ABRAHAM WEILL, SIMON ANATHAN. WEILL & AITIAN No. 13 Market Street, and No. 36 Water Street, WILMINGTOX, N. C. STAPLE ANDlicf DRY GOODS. WINES, LIQUORS, GI6ABS, &C,, MANUFACTURERS OF CLOTHING-. large Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND GENTS' FURNISHINa GOODS: also CUTLERY. 104 GEO. II. KELLEY's WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. J. M. MONK, Commission Mercliant, ^■7 3\rortli "W^tor Stroet, WILMINGTON, N. C. .^^"Prompt and Personal attention given to consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, Bacon, Flour, &c., for sale or shipment. J. H. PLANNER WILMINGTON, N. C. COMMISSION & FOEWAEDING MERCHANT^ OFFICE No. 43 NORTH WATER STREET, ,5!^Will give prompt personal attention to all business entrusted to his care, either for sale or shipment. - Warehouses conveniently situated for storing Country Produce. ^^"Consignments of Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, &c., solicited. APPENDIX Town Government. COMMISSIONERS OF WILMINGTON. Mayor — John Dawson. S D Wallace, Q Parsley, Samuel R Bunting, W A Wright, T C MUter and Alfred Martin. OFFICERS APPOINTED BY COMMISSIONERS : Clerk and Treas—'K JMorris. Tax Co??ec;or— Thomas H Howey. Constable — John G afford. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer — James Mitchell. Assistant Chief Engineer — W T J Yann, Chief Fire Warden — B W Beery. Assistant Fire Warden — W T J Vanu. Fire Wardens— George Myers, B W Beery, C D Ellis, W T J Vann, Edward Kidder. E Kidder and C D Ellis to superintend blowing up buildings. Lamp Lighter — Dempsey Martin. HOWARD RELIEF FIRE COMPANY. Re-organized June 6th, 1859. Walter Furlong — Foreman. E P Wade — Secretary. John Sheppard — 1st Assistant. Daniel Disbrow — Treasxirer. Wm Dowling — 2d Assistant. 105 106 GEO. II. kelley's HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY No. 1. John Wright — Foreman. 2d Assistant. J Kizer— 1st Assistant. J F Bishop — Secij and Treas. COMMISSIONERS OF NAVIGATION. Office 18 s "Water, (up stairs.) George Harriss, T C Worth, W C Fergus, Joseph H Flanner, William M Harriss, Schools. BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Chairman — S D Wallace. Win S Larkins, James McDuffie. James Kerr, David Mclntyre, Eobert H Tate, Samuel Player and Joseph M Foy. , WILMINGTON INSTITUTE. L Maginney — Principal, WILMINGTON MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY G W Jewett — Princij^l. Wilmington Thalian Association. Meets at Thalian Hall. Donald MacRae — President. Geo. Myers — Vice President. Jos. H. Wright — Secy& Treas. F.D.Poisson — Wardrobe-keeper. Oakdale Cemetery Company. Donald MacRae — President. Wm. A. Wright, G. R. French, Edward Kidder, Jno. A. Taylor, Owen L. Fillyaw, S. D. Wallace — Directors. Asa A. Brown — Secretary and Treasurer. Office in Wilmington Savings Bank. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. lOT County Officers, Courts, &o. ^S/iejvJ— Edward D Hall. Clerh County Court — Samuel R Bunting. Clerk Superior Court — James A Wright. Judge U. S. District Court — Asa Biggs. Marshal U. S., District N. C. — Wesley Jones. Deputy Marshal U. S., District Wilmington — John J Conoley, Clerk U. S. District Court — John L Cantwell. Clerk and Master Equity—A M Waddell. Chairman County Court — James T IMiller. Register of Deeds, dx — Jere Nichols. Special Magistrate of Town — W T J Vann. Constables — Lewis M Williams, John Utley, William H Biddle, A Wilder, James P Stringfield, J J Moore. inspectors. WOOD INSPECTORS. Joseph Smith, William Holden. PROVISION INSPECTORS. David E Bunting, Hiram R Nixon. NAVAL STORE INSPECTORS. Alfred Alderman, James M Stevenson, James Bowden, John S James, George Alderman, John C Bowden, Thomas W Player, John M Henderson, B Southerland, William J Price, Robert C Johnson, Nathan F Bordeaux. TBIBER AND LUMBER INSPECTORS. James xilderman, L H Bowden, James S Melvin, Henry W Groves, J W Munroe, N Clark, Robert JMaxwell, E Turlington. Wilmington Gas Light Company. OflSce in Savings Bauk Buikliug. Col. John McRae — President. Wm. Hyde — Sec. and Treas. Oliver Mcllhenny — Superintendent. 108 GEO. H. KELLEY's Secret Societies. ST. JOHN'S LODGE No. 1— MASONIC. Meets the last Tuesday Evening in each month at St. John's Hall. L Fi\lysi\f— Master. M Newhoff— >S'. W. Oliver Mcllhenny — J. W. Jno L Cantwell — Treasurer. T M Gardner — Secretary. Henry Spalding — ^S^. D. A A Hartsfield— J: D. JO Bovf den— Tyler. CONCORD CHAPTER No. 1— MASONIC. Meets 1st Monday evening in each month at St. John's Hall. Most Ex R G Rankin—^. P. Com. L C Turner— (?. M. Sd V. Ex. L FillysiVf—Kiny. Ex. T B Carr— ^crt&e. Com. P W Fanning— Ca^f. Host. " A Martin— i'. >S'. " MNewhoff— i?. A. Ca];>t. I Northrop—!?. M. Id V. W J Price— (?. M. 1st V. Jno A Taylor — Treasurer. T M Gardner — Secretary. E Turlington— ?'^?er. CAPE FEAR LODGE NO. 2—1. 0. 0. F. Meets Tuesday nighr., at Odd Fellows' Hall. Asa J Murray — JV. G. W L Smith — Secretary. James E Kea — V. G. T H Howey — Treasurer. CAMPBELL ENCAMPMENT NO. 1— I. 0. 0. F. Meets in the Hall of Cape Fear Lodge 1st and 3d Friday in each month. J D Gardner— C. P. Thomas M Gardner— J". W. Rev A P Repiton — H. P. R J Jones — Scribe. John J Conoley — ;S'. W. Thomas H. Howey — Treasurer. Cape Fear Marine Total Abstinence Society. Meets at the Seamens' Bethel, on Dock Street, every Monday evening immediately after the close of the Prayer Meeting for Seamen. Charles D Ellis — President. Geo W Williams— T7ce Pres't. William MPoisson—>S'eo-cS'ec'?/ c& Trcas. C D Ellis, Gilbert Potter, Col John McRae, A J DeRosset, Gr Parsley — Executive Board. Greo AV Williams keeper of the Seamens' Home, cor Front and Dock Streets. Ladies' Benevolent Society. 1st Directress — Mrs Kennedy. 4th Directress — JMrs Hallett, 2d " Mrs Harriss, Secretary — Mrs VanSickle, 3d " Mrs DeRosset, Treasurer — Miss Lillington. Wilmington Library Association. Organized June, 1855. Dr. J. H. Dickson — President. Donald McRae — Treasurer. George Davis — Vice-President. Wm. R. Utley — Secretary. Piatt Cowan — Librarian . Rev. R. B. Drane, R. H. Cowan, E. D. Hall, S. D. Wallace, John A. Taylor, G. J. McRee, J. G. Wvight—Directors. iVIilltary. WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. Organized May 20th, 1853. Wm. L. DeRosset — Captain. I. C. Winslow — Ensign. R. B. McRae — 1st Lieutenant. A. D. Cazaux — Quarter Master. J. C. Mcllhenny— 2c? " C. D. Myers— Orderly. H. Savage — dd Lieutenant. GERMAN VOLUNTEERS. Organized February 22d, 1853. C. Cornehlsen — Captain H, G. Hashagen — Zd Lieutenant. H. VonGlahn — Is* Lieutenant. W. Deinstbach — Ensign. H. VoUers — 2d " J. Mqiqx— Orderly. 110 GEO. H. KELLEY's Banks. BANK OF CAPE FEAR. T. H. Wnght— President. H. R. Savage— Cas/tter. -J. Gr. Burr — Teller. J. D Gardner — Assistant Teller. Jos. McLaurin — JBooJc-keejjer. T. H. Hardin — Discount Clerk. Discount Day, Wednesday. BANK OF WILMINGTON, N. C. Jolin MacRae — Presided. S. Jewett — Cashier. W. L. Smith — Teller. Wm. Larkins — Booh-heejper, T. M. Gardner — Discount Cleric. Discount Day, Tuesday. BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA. John Dawson — President. Wm. Reston — Cashier. Wm. D. Smith— TeKer. Jos. H. y^vigh.i—Booh-lcee^per. Discount Day, Tuesday. COMMERCIAL BANK OF AVILMINGTON. 0. G. Parsley — President. Timothy Savage — Cashier. John McRae, Jr — Teller. Asa K. Walker — Book-keeper. J. D. Barry — Discount Clerk. Discount Day, Monday. WILMINGTON SAVINGS BANK. John A. Taylor — President. William Hyde — Cashier. Discount Day, Saturday. Rail Roads. WILmNGTON, CHARLOTTE & RUTHERFORD R. ROAD. Office cor Market and s Water, (up stairs.) H. W. Gmon— President D. S. Cow&n-^ Treasurer E. D. John C. ^loR^c-^Chie/Fnff. V. A. McBee— " W. D. WILMINGTON DIRECTORY. ' 111 WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. Thomas D. Walker — Freslclait. Wui, A. Walker — Secretary. J. P. Robertson — Gcnl Siqtt. Joseph J. Ling — Treasurer. R. B. McRae — General Freight Agent. WILMINGTON k WELDON RAIL ROAD. Hon. W. S. Ashe — President. J. W. Thompson — Gen. Frt. Agt. S. L. ^TLem.oni-Chf.Eng. & Sup. James G. Green — Yard Master. Jas. S. Green — Sedy. <& Treas. P. H. Langdon — Aud''r& Svpfs S. D. Wallaee-.4.ss^ Sec. & Gen. [Clerh. [Ticket Agent. Wm. Smith — Tichet Agent. Churches. Methodist Episcopal, cor Front and Walnut, Rev. John S. Long, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal, (S.) 5th bt Church and Castle, Rev. J. H. Wheeler, Pastor. Baptist, cor Orange and 6th, Rev. A. Paul Repiton, Pastor. Baptist, Front bt Ann and Nunn, Rev. J. L. Prichard, Pastor. Baptist, (0. S.) Castle bt 5th and 6th, Rev. Aaron Davis, Paster. Roman Catholic, Dock bt 2d and 3d, Rev, Thos. Mui-phy, Pastor. Episcopal, (St. James',) cor 3Iarket and 3d, Rev. R. B. Drane, Pastor. Episcopal, (St. John's,) cor 3d and Red Cross, Pastor. Episcopal, (St. Paul's,) cor 4th and Orange, Bp. Thos. Atkinson^ Pastor. Presbyterian, Princess bt 7th and 8th, Rev. M. McQueen, Pastor. Presbyterian, (now building.) cor 3d and Orange, Rev. M. B. Greir, Pastor. Baptist, (now building,) cor Market and 5th, Rev. J. L. Prichard, Pastor. Lutheran, (now building,) cor Market and 6th, Rev. J. H. Mcn- gert, Pastor. Seamens' Bethel, Dock bt Front and s Water, — , Pastor. 112 GEO. ir. kelley's Wilmington directory. Post*Office. WILmNGTON, N. C. Daniel Dickson — Post Master. Greorge W, Pollock, Joseph L. Jacobs — Assistants. Office hours from 7i A. M, to 1 P. M. 2 P. M. to Sundown. Sundays 7^ A. M. to 9 A. M. Northern Mail, by W. and TV, R. R. , arrives daily at 7 P, M. and 5 A. M. Closes IJ and 9 P. M., changing on Sunday from 1| P. M. to 10 A. M, Southern Mail, by W, and M. E. R. , arrives daily at 3| A. M. Closes daily at 7 P. M. Smithville, N. C. , (horse,) arrives Monday and Friday at 5 P. M. Closes Tuesday and Saturday at 7 A. M. Onslow Court House, N. C, (horse,) arrives Monday at 9 A. M. Closes Thursday at 9 P. M. United States Government Officers. CUSTOM HOUSE. Collector — James T Miller. Weigher & Guagcr-D M Foyles. Deputy Collector — W J Price. Inspector — T. B. Burnett. Surveyor — H R Nixon. Inspectors (t* Measurers — Wm F Naval Officer — Wm N Peden. [Burch and Uriah Sullivan. Consuls. British Vice-Consid — Don McRae, n Water. Spanish Vice-Consul — F^J Lord, 6 n Water. BraziUian Yice-Consul — G- Parsley, Jr, cor n Water and Mul- berry, (up stairs.) L. A. HART, JOHN C. BAILEY. WIL.MINGTON 11 I HART & BAILEY, Proprietors, FRONT STREET, BELOW MARKET, WILMINGTON, N. C, PRACTICAL RT^ILDEPuS OF PORTABLE and STATIONARY STEAM Ens (,)f any rcfjuired jmwer nnd kind of ))oik'v: I0.0.0000UC.6U i3.c-.e e.s.t.s.o. { , , 1. f7:j...i:^L^i^:liv^-;i:i::-l::'l, , SAW Al GRIST MILLS, m (.EARI^GS, niid niiv otluM- kind of MACHTNKRV made in any cstalili.slmu'nt Sontli. IFave on had a large variety of PJiTTSmHS for MiiCHmosaT Now in c-oncral use in tlic siirroundinir (•(mntry. AVill snpj.ly Of all kinds of lUiicliincry and mill work. TURPENTINE STILLS AND COPPER WORK In all its branclu's. All kinds of IROISr & BRASS CASTINGS, I'inislicd or nnfinislicd. at short notice: OW Machinery OverhaHled aod Repaired. iC-g^'All Avork warranted to he as represented. In eonneetiou with the ahnve estahlishnient. we have on hand a larjre stock of j RIT13RKR and LKATilKR IJELTlNi;. LACING, PA(^KIN(I, RIVETS, and MILLS. MILL and CI KCULAR SAWS of any size and gauge, furnished at short notice, ^ j nOr;n /!»rr This hook must not he taken from the Lihravy huilding. EB 1 ^ 196;! 'ssrxss ctory. M SIMON B. KAHNWEILEE. MOREIS M. KATZ. Sontb West Corner Front and Market Streets, TMPOETEllS AND DKALEES TX J. MILLINERY, Linens, Embroideries, Laces, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CONSTANTIA^ ON IIAXU A FTU.L ASS0RT3IENT OF liiffi' iD liiTHS' CLIIfHIill BOOTS, SHOES, &c. GEORGE MYfiJBS, • W liolJljiAl.' AN'f) CK'I^WI. G R O C E R , cr^ rl^Jir), V Ol' C'o'l'-i I!'- liVi:,l jiii .\|KTiciii'■ ■ :.:W^: . -- - -