ODE FOR SEPTEMBER 7*- SOLO. t. 230. From thy holy habitation, God of grace and consolation, Behold us meet before thy throne. Saviour, to believer's precious, With sanctified delights refresh us, And us as thine in mercy own : AIL We humbly cry to Thee, Send now prosperity ; Let thy beauty On us appear, — establish here Our work, the work of praise and prayer. MARRIED PEOPLE. T. 184. Accept, God of our salvation, The sacrifice of praise and prayer ; Thou bidst us come,; all things are ready, The treasure of thy boundless grace Is opened to the poor and needy, They ne'er go empty from thy face. iofce'&cn «9errn meine ©e.efe, tint) bergig nickt 90ßas Sr Dir ®ute$ getfyan bat \ 3Bo fang id) Seinen SHuljm'nur an ? 3Bo hbtt mein io&en auf? 3d) pretfe Siel), fo gut icf) faun, Hdh merf in ©uafcen Drauf. Upon thy gracious invitation Unto thy altars we repair : CHORUS. MARRIED PEOPLE T. 5S5. Guide us, thou great Jehovah, Pilgrims through this barren land; We are weak, but thou art mighty ; Hold us with thy powerful hand-. Bread of heaven Feed us till we want no more. Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the living waters flow ; Let the fiery cloudy pillar Lead us all our journey through : Strong Deliverer :||: Be thou still our strength and shield. GUESTS. T, 11 Help thy servants to maintain A profession free from stain, That their sole reproach may be, Following Christ and fearing thee. Lord uphold them day by day, Shed a light upon their way ; Guide them through perplexing snares^ Care for them in all their cares. MARRIED PEOPLE., % 39. Tho' dark be my way, yet'since he is my guide, 'Tis mine to obey, and 'tis his to provide ; |Tho' cisterns be broken, and creatures all fail, The word he has spoken shall surely prevail. Sis* His love in times past me forbiddeih to think. M He'll leave me^at last unrelieved to sink : Sji i/^Z>o//*. Each sweet Ebenezer I have in review, Confirms Iiis good pleasure to help me quite through. CHORUS. greife, 3mtfafem ben £cmt; iobc, Biön, beinen (Bert! 2)cnu ev macbettue SHie<\e( beittev 3:fjove fefl, nub fronet beine Stinbev bvinnen, nub fdiajfet beinen ©vdnjeu griebe. MARRIED PEOPLE. T. 185. Seiner ßaube 03? erf pi 55iv ju weifen, @e» uns I)ei{i$e3 ©efcot ! ^93rr. Jgiff un$, 3Jatfr> ffirnfi tmb Äraffc eweifen, jp ©teuevn, tt>o 2$ert>crben brofyt ! fl|@d)n>. ©ib, bafircrfue SÖtutterforfl' ltiib fliege Ol 3ebe$ feit' in ©eine fetten *3BeAC I MS5eiie. Saß auc« unfers QBaubeftf ©efeeiu ; 3f?ve$ spfafceö ienefotefein ! CHILDREN. T. 22. i Lord, who number'st all their days, |jl Who guardest them in all their wa}'S, K In whom they live, and move, and are, (|j Who know'st their wants, and nearest prayer;— ^ Endow our parents with thy love, And give them wisdom from above To educate each child for thee, As thy redeemed property. Grant them and us, their children, grace, n So here on earth to run our race That we in heaven may meet, and sing Eternal praise to thee our King. 1 1 PARENTS. T. 166. Our children, gracious Lord and God, With fervor we to thee commend • Thou hast redeem'd them by thy blood ; Thy blessing on them all descend : Kind Shepherd take each little lamb * Into thy faithful arms of love ; Cause them to know thy saving name, And thy redeeming grace to prove. GUESTS. T. 582. ! 1 1 Beyond your utmost wants His love and power can bless; To praying souls he always grants More than they can express. CHORUS, QBir wollen brv ©fite be£ £evnt flebenfeu, unb bi$ icbcö be£ ipervu in affem bas mi£ bev iperv gctfyan l)af, unb be£ großen (Sittel au ©einem £>aufe, buveb ©eine 58amif)ei^iAfeit unb große (Pute. ( 2Biv wollen SDir ein grcubcnsDpfcr tbun, unb deinen Flamen, £crr ! bin* fen, baß Sv fo ttofHid) i|>. 2)aö i|t ein fofKicb Siu.a bem Gerrit baufeu, ttub iofrfutgen Seinem SHamen, 2)u ALL. T. 249. Repeat the solemn strain. Worthy the Lamb once slain ! Let all reply, Amen ; Blessing, and power and majesty, Thro' endless ages be to thee, Who us by blood has bought. In mercy sought And to thy fold us brought* SALEM— 1855.