4. .._.._.._.._„ — ._.._.„_.._.._.. — ._..___^, i Rome's Law Or Ours™ Which? Ue..\A/ By THOS. E. WATSON Published and Copyrighted by THE TOM WATSON BOOK CO., Inc. Thomson, Georgia 1928 ROME'S LAW, OR OURS-WHICH? A RE you willing to spend a few minutes ''^*- sizing up a terribly dangerous situation, and. getting your bearings, as an American citiccn? There never was an oath required of a Christian minister, until hundreds of years after Christ. When the bishops of Rome be- gan to usurp the powers of the pagan Pontifex maximus — in the absence of the Emperors who had removed the capitol to Constanti- nople — the priests who supported the Bishop's usurpations were put under oath of allegiance to him. just as feudal vassals swore allegiance to feudal lords. Professor Pulliam of Mercer University was kind enough to translate for me the original oath prescribed for all priests at the Council of Trent (1545-63) and I ask you to carefully read it, in order that you may com- l)rehend how absolutely and unreservedly all priests are the subjects of the Italian pope, and how the oath places Catholic laymen on the footing of subjects to the priest. Thus, through obedience to the priests, they themselves become subjects of a foreign po- tentate : PART OF "THE SACREDOTAL OATH." (Translation from "The Holy Council of Trent.") I declare, in like manner, that in the Mass a true, individual and propitiatory sacrifice is of- fered for the living and the dead, and that in the Sacrament of the Holy Communion there is truly, really and substantially the body and the blood, together with the life and divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ; and that there is a conversion of all of the substance of the bread into the body, and of all the substance of the wine into the blood, which conversion the Catholic church calls Tran- substantiation. I confess, likewise, that under another form onlj' I have received Christ, the whole and complete and the true Sacrament. I firmly maintain that there is a Purgatpry, and tliat souls detained there are aided by tlie prayers of the faithful; and, likewise that the Saints, rul- ing together with Christ, should be worshipped and invoked, and that they offer prayers to God for us, and that their Remains are to be wor- shipped. I most firmly declare that Images of Christ, as always of the Virgin Mother of God, and of the other Saints also, should be had and kept, and that adoration should be given them, and veneration bestowed upQU them. Likewise, I affirm that the right of indulgences was left by Christ in the Church, and that the use of them has been most salutary to the Christian people. I recognize the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church as the mother and mistress of all 'the Churches; and I solemnly promise and swear true obedience to the Roman Pontiff, who is the successor of the Blessed Peter, the chief of the Apostles, and is the Vicegerent of Jesus_ Christ; likewise I accept and acknowledge unhesitatingly all the other things recorded, decreed, and de- clared by the sacred Canons, and by the Ecu- menical Councils; and at the same timel in like manner condemn, reject and anathematize what- ever heresies are condemned, rejected and ana- thematized by the Church. Tliis true Catholic faith out of which no one can be saved, which in the present vow I profess 589151 and truthfully uphold. I, in like manner, promise and vow and swear to keep and own (God help- ing) entire and inviolate up to the last breath of life; and that I shall see to it, so far as it shall be in my power, that it is held, taught and pro- claimed by my subjects, or l>y those whose care shall appertain to me in my official service. So help me God, and this holy Evangel of God. (Sacred Council of Trent. Padua, 1760, 800., p. 312. By permission and prerogative of the Superiors.) On page 119, Book II. of Bishop Burnett's "History of the Reformation of the Church of England," you will find this statement: On the 11th of May, 1532, King Henry VIII. "sent for the Speaker of the House of Commons, and told him that he found on inquiry that all the '(Roman) prelates whom he had looked on as wholly his subjects, were but half-subjects: for at their consecration they sw^ore an oath quite contrary to the oath they swore to the Crown; so that it seemed they were the Pope's subjects, rather than his." The King wanted the Speaker to bring the matter to the attention of Parliament, in order that some action should be taken against this divided allegiance. Bishop Burnett proceeds — "Upon which the two oaths that the clergy swore to the King and the Pope were read in the House of Commons." The oath of allegiance to the King was as follows : I, A. B. do utterly testify and declare in my Conscience, that the King's Highness is the only Supreme Governor of this Realm, and of all other his Highness's Dominions and Countries, Southern Pamphletii 4 Lare Book Collection as well in all spiritual and Ecclesiastical Thinpfs and Causes as Temporal ; and that no Foreign Prince, Person, Prelate, State, or Potentate hath or ouglit to have any Jurisdiction, Power, Su- ]>criority, preeminence of Authority Ecclesiastical or Si>iritual within this Realm; And therefore I do' utterly renounce and forsake all Foreign Juris- diction, Powers, S'uperiorities, and Authorities, and do promise that from henceforth I shall hear h'aith and true Allegiance to the King's Highness, his Heirs and "Lawful Successors; and to my Power shall Assist and Defend all Jurisdictions, Privi- leges, Preeminences and Authorities, Granted or helongiug to the King's Highness, his Heirs and Successors, or united and annexed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm. So help me God, and hy tlie Contents of this Book. The oath which all Catholic prelates took, for flic Pope, contains the most sweeping sub- mission to his authority, the obligation to main- tain him in all his claims of power, and the vow to ol)ey all Rules, Decrees, Ordinances, Sentences, Dispositions, Reservations and Pro- visions issuing from Rome. Then follow these words : "Heretics, schismatics, and Rebels to our Holy Father and his Successors, I shall resist and persecute" In a marginal note. Bishop Burnett states that the actual words in the Latin oath are, "Prosequar in pugnaho." (The word pugnabo implies physical force, violence, battle. Our words pugnacious, pug- nacity, and piinitiz'c belong to the same class.) In consequence of King Henry's discovery of the divided allegiance of Roman Catholics, he caused Parliament to enact severe laws. which required Englishmen to swear that the King of England was Supreme within the realm. Catholics had to make oath that the\- owed no allegiance, temporal or spiritual, to any foreign prince, power or potentate. (The State of New York copied that law, and used to enforce it upon Roman Catholic immigrants, before our War Between the States.) Many English Catholics refused to take the oath of "Supremacy" — as it was called — and they were put to death as traitors. Sir Thomas More, the Chancellor, who had barbarously burnt fellow-Christians for de- nying that priests could create God out of wine and bread, was himself beheaded because he refused to take the oath of undivided allegiance to King Henry. To meet another clause of the treasonous oath of the priests, it was made a capital of- fense to introduce into England any papal order, decree, excommunication, or other pro- vision, without the consent of the King. Had Gibbons, O'Connell, and Farley lived in Great Britain, a few generations ago, they would ha^'e been put to death, for treason, on account of the infamous A'^^ teinere decree which they brought into this countr}' in 1908. Had they gone to Rome, taken that treason- ous oath of blind obedience to the Italian pope, 6 ;ind returned to England. Queen Elizabeth, or Kini,'' Edward VI. would have had tlieir heads cut off. Lord Baltimore sneaked out of England under King James I., rather than take the oath of undivided allegiance, and the Catholics whom he settled in Maryland did the same thing. They were not willing to swear, that the Pope had no right to overthrow Protestant governments, subvert Protestant laws, and persecute to death such heretics as you and I. Right now. if a real oath of allegiance were offered to either of these three Irish Cardinals, or to Archbishop Blenk. or to Bishop Keiley, he would refuse to take it. He couldn't take it, without perjuring him- self, although he might do so with "a mental reservation." The Pope's is the only church that is foreign ; the only church whose laws antagonize de- mocracy aiid republican institutions ; the only church that sends and receives ambassadors ; the only church that has a secret cipher, a secret service and a world-wide network of secret societies ; the only church whose theo- logy teaches murder, and whose literature is so obscene that she savagely prosecutes ex- • monas, ex-nuns, ex-priests, and Protestants who expose it. The Pope's is the only church which or- ganizes for political purposes, and calls upon her meml)ers to so use their votes as to change our laws into conformity with hers. The Pope's law condemns freedom of the press and of speech ; and Catholics now are hending every energy to put the Pope's law in place of ours. Liberty of worship would go next, and then the schools would fall completely into the power of Rome. In essentials, we would be the subjects of a foreigner, just as we were in the days of King Geoi-ge, only the oppression would be in- finitely worse. If these Irish Cardinals could Mcxicauicc us. they would. If we don't wake up and get busy, thcv ivW. For 400 years, the Roman prelates had full control of Mexico, one of the richest lands on the globe; and see what they did for it! They enslaved the people, robbed them of their produce, kept them in ignorance, filled- them with degrading superstitions, vilely mis- used their women; and built gorgeous Cathed- rals and palaces for themselves, leaving the miserable peon to live in a wretched hut, hard- ly fit for a decent man's dog. That's what they did in Cuba and South America; what they did in the Philippines; what they did in Italy itself, until Garibaldi, Cavour and Victor Emmanuel broke the papal yoke. Portugal was sunk to the lowest depths by the same detestable svstem, and onlv sue- ceeded in throwing it off six or eight years But our daily papers and many Protestant preachers are mysteriously convinced, that the Roman system is not the same that it was in Italy, in 1848: in Portugal, in 1908; in the Philippines, in 1898; in Mexico, in 1895. In iNIexico, the Catholic priests were burning heretics in 1895 ; in Rome, they were starving and assassinating them, in 1848; in Portugal, the nuns and their l)ahies left the convents together, in 1908 ; and in the Philippines, the Taft Commission uncovered a situation as hideous as the darkest days of medievalism. But if can't conic to us, they say! CAN'T IT? In the very Convention that heard so much loyalty to American institutions the professions were belied by the speakers themselves. Thcx demand control of our national policy toward Mexico. They crave another 400 years of peonage, of unrestricted vice, of unrelieved ignorance, and of profligate living for immoral priests. They demand tJiat the Pope's lazv of Di- vorce drive ours off the Statute book. They crave complete ownership of the wife and child, in order that American mothers may l)e abject slaves, as European women used to be, when Popes were supreme. Tlicy denuind that the U . S. mails be closed to all sucJi Protestant literature as dares to tell the truth on Rome's infernal foreign system. Popery never was accepted by any nation. It has always been an organization of brute force. Christianity had won Italy, long before the sons of Constantine, and Theodosius forced Popery upon the churches. Charlemagne forced popery upon the Sax- ons, just as Henry II. of England forced it upon the independent Christians in Ireland. Without exception, every nation that yielded to the yoke of Rome, was made to do it, by the ruthless employment of military force. In England. France, Belgium. Spain, Por- tugal, Mexico, Central America, South Ameri- ca, Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Italy, the story has ever been the same. No nation voluntarily accepted Popery ; and wherever the Papacy has conquered, it was a tale of blood, of carnage, of pitiless crime. The very laiv of popery makes it a criminal, against God and man. The very law of the Roman church makes it a church of persecution, of oppression, of MURDER! Its very law is against Light, Progress, mental integrity, and independent Thought. Its very purpose is to enslave, to domi- nate, to pillage, to debase, to rule the very 10 minds of men, women and children, from the cradle to the grave; and to dupe, mistreat, and plunder them, at every stage of the jour- ney. It is a marvelous circumstance, that edi- tors and preachers will take the irresponsible word of American priests, when everybody can read the law itself, as laid down by the Popes, and codified by Vatican officials. Tliat foreign code is horrible, and it means war li'ifh ours. Gladstone warned England ; and now Eng- land sees how popish treason hampers her in Canada and Ireland. Gaml)etta warned France ; and France heed- ed the warning, thereby securing a unity which England lacks in the crisis of her fate. Bismarck warned the Germans, and he drove the Jesuits out; but William II. let them re- turn, and they have been conspiring for a general war, ever since. Is there no need of a warning to our people ? In the New York Convention, these Jesuits actually declared, that our Government should use its influence to hav^ the Pope created arbi- ter of tlic Peace Conference ivhen the ivar is over. Why not have the Methodist church repre- sented ? Why not demand that the Baptists have a representative ? W'hy not place in the Peace Conference for the Arch-bishop of Canterbury. 11 The Turks saved Austria and Germany : why not demand representation for the Sheik ul Islam ? Mahomet was much nearer Christianity than most of the Popes have been. The present pope is a Jesuit, and no Christian could possibly subscribe to the Jes- uit oatJi. The Jesuits had a famous law case in France, growing out of Jesuit mercantile transactions on the Island of Martinque, West Indies. These Jesuits were so powerful, that they believed themselves above the law, and they l)ecame piratical with their ships. Their re- fusal to pay an honest debt to the Lioncy Brothers and Gouffre forced the Marseilles merchants into bankruptcy ; but litigation en- sued, and the High Court at Paris forced the Jesuit Society to produce secret books. "Father" Lavalette was the name of the defendant, and the consecjuence of his exposure was that this criminal secret socictv was ex- pelled. The bloody clause in its oath is that which swears them to extirpate heretics and here- sies. The oath also contains the orthodox Catho- lic dogma, that the Pope has the power to depose non-catholic rulers, and to destroy non- Catholic governments. According to the affidavit of the Rev. P. A. Seguin. and the editorial sta!tement of 12 liishop Manuel Ferrando, the oath of the priest is fully as treasonous and miu'derous as that of the Jesuits. There is no doubt whatever that the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus and the Ancient Order of Hibernians take a similar oath. In Ireland, it has been proved in Court on the Hibernians, time and again; and Father McDermott accuses them of the Molly ]\IcGuire murders in Pennsylvania. Now reflect what all this tends to, inevita- bly: Three Irish cardinals sworn to persecute their fellow citizens ; Bishops and Arch-bishops sworn to the same thing; ' Twenty thousand priests sworn to perse- cute ;^ and Jesuits flocking here from all parts of the world, sworn to extirpate non-Catho- lics. Are the oaths meaningless ? If so, why do they sign them? Those oaths led to civil war in Ireland, England, and Scotland. Those oaths drenched Italy in blood, blasted Protestantism in Bohemia, and cursed Ger- man}- with a Thirty Years' War. Those oaths brought a French army upon IMexico in 1864, and caused the Armageddon now raging. The Pope is a Jesuit — and the private secre- tary of President Wilson is not only a lay- Jesuit, but a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus. 13 The— three Irish cardinals are Jesuits, sworn to persecute Olid TO EXTIRPATE, if they took the usual Jesuit oath. Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus hold the most powerful governmental appointments. Systematically, they are driving non-Catho- lics out of the pul)lic service. The head of the Army on the Mexican border is O'Ryan, an Irish Catholic, and I pre- sume a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus. Knights of Columbus in Congress are striv- ing to close the mails to anti-Catholic literature. In the New York Convention, orders were issued for all Catholic young men to form rifle clubs, of their own. None l)ut Catholics can join these rifle clubs ; and as the K. of C. and the German Central Verein are already armed and drilled, the Pope will have three standing armies in this Repub- lic read}^ to obey the three Irish cardinals who are the sworn enemies of their non-Catholic fellow citizens, and the sworn subjects of a foreign chureli 7vhose Imv calls for heretic BLOOD. Separate Popish colonies aloof from Ameri- cans : separate schools where un-American principles are taught: separate secret societies which lione but Catholics can join: separate rifle clubs whose guns are for Catholics only : a separate code of laws, irreconcileable to ours : to what does all this tend, if not to Civil War? 14 The En_i;lish historian, Fronde, says, in his "Short StncHes of (ireat Snhjects": In countries governed by authority, intelligence rules. In free countries, numbers rule. The supremacy of the Church is incompatible with any kind of liberty — liberty of conscience or of reason, lilicrty for man to expand in any direction save \vli;it tlie church marks out for him. OI)viously and confessedly, it is enemy of every- thing which we now call civilization and improve- ment. Yet it is an enemy against which self- governed peoples, who are most proud of their supposed advancement, contend at greatest disad- vantages. Power follows the majority of votes. The Church marshals its forces in an unbroken phalanx. The theory of a free government sup- poses every citizen to be influenced by patriotism, to exert his own intelligence, to take a personal and individual share in the business of the State. The Roman Catholics have no country but their church. They are allowed no independence. They are private soldiers in an army whicli is command- ed by the priests, and united and organized action is as superior at the polling-booth as an army is superior to a mob in the field. They claim their right to the free assertion of their opinions in the name of republican principles, and it cannot be de- nied them. But no such republican liberty is permitted within their own lines. They obey their commanders, and their commanders care nothing- for tile nation in the management of which they arc challenging a share. They are members of a spiritual empire which aims only at submitting all other powers under the feet. They are Catho- lics first, and Americans or English afterwards. Yet as English or American citizens, they possess the privileges of freemen, and the wire-pullers at ]iolitical elections, whose horizon is bounded I)y the result of some immediate struggle, know too well the value of such allies to be unwilling to liid high for their support. Thus it is that in the English Parliament, though England does not herself return a single Catholic representative, the Catholics, through the Irish members, often 15 hold the balance of power, and governments exist but by their sufiferance. (Short Studies, Etc. page 106.) Rome's criminal secret societies. What will he the natural fruits of those Romanist secret societies, anned, drilled, and sworn to murder ? If the oaths mean nothing, why are they prescribed, and why do Catholics swear to obey them? In the l)ook whose title is "Pope, or Presi- dent" I find the following, which is in sub- stance the same as the oath of the Jusuits. the Sinn Fein, the Ancient Order Hibernians, the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, and the Clan-na-Gael : the oath given below being that of the Italian papal secret order, called the San Fidesti, organized under Pope Pius IX : "I, N. N., in presence of Almighty God, the Fatlier, Son and Holy Ghost, of the ever im- maculate Virgin Mary, and of all the celestial court, etc.; of 3'ou, honored father, swear,' that I will sooner cut off my right hand, and die of hunger, or under the greatest torments; and I pray the Lord God Almighty to condemn me to the endless pains of hell, than to betraj' or deceive one of the honored fathers and brethren of the Catholic Apostolical Society to which I subscribed at this time, or if I do not scrupulously fulfill its laws, or give assistance to my brethren in want. I swear to defend myself in the cause which I have embraced, never to spare a single individual belonging to the infamous combination of tlie Lilicrals, whatever may be his birth, parentage, or fortune, and to have no pity for the cries of children, nor of old men or women, and to shed the blood of the infamous Liberals, even to the last drop, without regard to age, sex, or rank. Finally, I swear implacable hatred to all the ene- mies of our Holy Roman Catholic religion, one and true."