,l_ ' W " "i DRIVEN FROM HOME Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/drivenfromhomeorOalge UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00029633905 DRIVEN FROM HOME OR CARL CRAWFORD'S EXPERIENCE BY HORATIO ALGER, Jr. Author of "Erie Train Boy," "Young Acrobat" "Only an Irish Boy," "Bound to Rise," "The Young Outlaw," "Hector's Inheritance" etc. NEW YORK HURST & COMPANY PUBLISHERS ALGER SERIES FOR BOYS. UNIFORM WITH THIS VOLUME. By HORATIO ALGER, Jr. Adrift in New York. A Cousin's Conspiracy. Andy Gordon. Andy Grant's Pluck. Bob Burton. Bound to Rise. Brave and Bold. Cash Boy. Chester Rand Do and Dare. Driven from Home. Erie Train Boy. Facing t he World. Five Hundred Dollars. Frank's Campaign. Grit. Hector's Inheritance. Helping Himself. Herbert Carter's Legacy. In a New World. Jack's Ward. Jed, the Poor House Boy. Joe's Luck. Julius, the Street Boy. Luke Walton. Making His Way. Mark Mason. Only an Irish Boy. Paul, the Peddler. Phil, the Fiddler. ARalph Raymond's Heir. Risen from the Ranks. Sam's Chance. Shifting for Himself. Sink or Swim. Slow and Sure. Store Boy. Strive and Succeed. Strong and Steady. Struggling Upward. Tin Box. Tom, the Bootblack. Tony, the Tramp. Try and Trust. Wait and Hope. Walter Sherwood's Pro- bation. Young Acrobat. Young Adventurer. Young Outlaw. Young Salesman. Price, Post-Paid, jjc. each, or any three books for $1.00. HURST & COMPANY Publishers, New York. DRIVEN FROM HOME. CHAPTER I. DRIVEN FROM HOME. A boy of sixteen, with a small gripsack in his hand, trudged along the country road. He was of good height for his age, strongly built, and had a frank, attractive face. He was nat- urally of a cheerful temperament, but at pres- ent his face was grave, and not without a shade of anxiety. This can hardly be a matter of surprise when we consider that he was thrown upon his own resources, and that his available capital consisted of thirty-seven cents in money, in addition to a good education and a rather unusual amount of physical strength. These last two items were certainly valuable, but they cannot always be exchanged for the necessaries and comforts of life. For some time his steps had been lagging, 2 Driven from Home. and from time to time lie had to wipe the mois- ture from his brow with a fine linen handker- chief, which latter seemed hardly compatible with his almost destitute condition. I hasten to introduce my hero, for such he is to be, as Carl Crawford, son of Dr. Paul Crawford, of Edgewood Center. Why he had set out to conquer fortune single-handed will soon appear. A few rods ahead Carl's attention was drawn to a wide-spreading oak tree, with a car- pet of verdure under its sturdy boughs. "I will rest here for a little while," he said to himself, and suiting the action to the word, threw down his gripsack and flung himself on the turf. "This is refreshing," he murmured, as, lying upon his back, he looked up through the leafy rifts to the sky above. "I don't know when I have ever been so tired. It's no joke walkiDg a dozen miles under a hot sun, with a heavy gripsack in your hand. It's a good introduc- tion to a life of labor, which I have reason to believe is before me. I wonder how I am com- ing out — at the big or the little end of the horn?" He paused, and his face grew grave, for he understood well that for him life had become a serious matter. In his absorption he did not observe the rapid approach of a boy some- Driven from Home. 3 what younger than himself, mounted on a bicycle. The boy stopped short in surprise, and leaped from his iron steed. "Why, Carl Crawford, is this you? Where in the world are you going with that grip- sack?" Carl looked up quickly. "Going to seek my fortune," he answered, soberly. "Well, I hope you'll find it. Don't chaff, though, but tell the honest truth." "I have told you the truth, Gilbert." With a puzzled look, Gilbert, first leaning his bicycle against the tree, seated himself on the ground by Carl's side. "Has your father lost his property?" he asked, abruptly. "No." "Has he disinherited you?" "Not exactly." "Have you left home for good?" "I have left home — I hope for good." "Have you quarreled with the governor?" "I hardly know what to say to that. There is a difference between us." "He doesn't seem like a Roman father — one who rules his family with a rod of iron." "No; he is quite the reverse. He hasn't backbone enough." £ Driven from Home. "So it seemed to me when I saw him at the exhibition of the academy. You ought to be ab,le to get along with a father like that, Carl." "So I could but for one thiag." "What is that?" "I have a stepmother!" said Carl, with a significant glance at his companion. "So have I, but she is the soul of kindness, and makes our home the dearest place in the world." "Are there such stepmothers? I shouldn't have judged so from my own experience." "I think I love her as much as if she were my own mother." "You are lucky," said Carl, sighing. "Tell me about yours." "She was married to my father five years ago. Up to the time of her marriage I thought her amiable and sweet-tempered. But soon- after the wedding she threw T off the mask, and made it clear that she disliked me. One rea- son is that she has a son of her own about my age, a mean, sneaking fellow, who is the apple of her eye. She has been jealous of me, and tried to supplant me in the affection of my father, wishing Peter to be the favored «©n.» "How has she succeeded?" "I don't think my father feels any love fop Driven from Home. 5 Peter, but through rny stepmother's influence he generally fares better than I do." "Why wasn't he sent to school with you?" "Because he is lazy and doesn't like study. Besides, his mother prefers to have him at home. During my absence she worked upon my father, by telling all sorts of malicious stories about me, till he became estranged from me, and little by little Peter has usurped my place as the favorite." "Why didn't you deny the stories?" asked Gilbert. "I did, but no credit was given to my de- nials. My stepmother was continually poi- soning my father's mind against me." "Did you give her cause? Did you behave disrespectfully to her?" "No," answered Carl, warmly. "I was pre- pared to give her a warm welcome, and treat her as a friend, but nry advances were so coldly received that my heart was chilled." "Poor Carl! How long has this been so?" "From the beginning — ever since Mrs. Craw- ford came into the house." "What are jour relations with your step- brother — what's his name?" "Peter Cook. I despise the boy, for he is mean, and tyrannical where he dares to be." "I don't think it would be safe for him to bully you, Carl." 6 Driven from Home. "He tried it, and got a good thrashing. You can imagine what followed. He ran, crying to his mother, and his version of the story was believed. I was confined to my room for a week, and forced to live on bread and water." "I shouldn't think your father was a man to inflict such a punishment." "It wasn't he — it was my stepmother. She insisted upon it, and he yielded. I heard after- wards from one of the servants that he wanted me released at the end of twenty-four hours, but she would not consent." "How long ago was this?" "It happened when I was twelve." "Was it ever repeated?" "Yes, a month later; but the punishment lasted only for two days." "And you submitted to it?" "I had to; but as soon as I was released I gave Peter such a flogging, with the promise to repeat it, if I was ever punished in that manner again, that the boy himself was panic- stricken, and objected to my being imprisoned again." "He must be a charming fellow !" "You would think so if you should see him. He has small, insignificant features, a turn- up nose, and an ugly scowl that appears when- ever he is out of humor." "And yet your father likes him?" Driven from Home. 7 "I don't think he does, though Peter, by his mother's orders, pays all sorts of small atten- tions — bringing him his slippers, running on errands, and so on, not because he likes it, but because he wants to supplant me, as he has suc- ceeded in doing." "You have finally broken away, then?" "Yes; I couldn't stand it any longer. Home had become intolerable." "Pardon the question, but hasn't your father got considerable property?" "I have every reason to think so." "Won't your leaving home give your step- mother and Peter the inside track, and lead, perhaps, to your disinheritance?" "I suppose so," answered Carl, wearily; "but no matter what happens, I can't bear to stay at home any longer." "You're badly fixed — that's a fact!" said Gilbert, in a tone of sympathy. "What are your plans?" "I don't know. I haven't had time to think." Driveii from Home. CHAPTER II. A FRIEND WORTH HAVING. Gilbert wrinkled up his forehead and set about trying to form some plans for Carl. "It will be hard for you to support your- self," he said, after a pause; "that is, without help." "There is no one to help me. I expect no help." "I thought your father might be induced to give you an allowance, so that with what you can earn, you may get along comfortably." "I think father would be willing to do this, but my stepmother would prevent him." "Then she has a great deal of influence over him?" "Yes, she can twist him round her little fin- ger." "I can't understand it." "You see, father is an invalid, and is verf nervous. If he were in perfect health he would have more force of character and firmness. He Driven from Home. 9 fe under the impression that he has heart dis- ease, and it makes him timid and vacillating." "Still he ought to do something for you." "I suppose he ought. Still, Gilbert, I think I can earn my living." "What can you do?" "Well, I have a fair education. I could he an entry clerk, or a salesman in some store, or, if the worst came to the worst, I could work on a farm. I believe farmers give boys who work for them their board and clothes." "I don't think the clothes would suit you." "I am pretty well supplied with clothing." Gilbert looked significantly at the gripsack. "Do you carry it all in there?" he asked, doubtfully. Carl laughed. "Well, no," he answered. "I have a trunk* ful of clothes at home, though." "Why didn't you bring them with you?" "I would if I were an elephant. Being only a boy, I would find it burdensome carrying a trunk with me. The gripsack is all I can very well manage." "I tell you what," said Gilbert. "Come round to our house and stay overnight. We live only a mile from here, you know. The folks will be glad to see you, and while you are there I will go to your house, see the gov- ernor, and arrange for an allowance for you io Driven from Home. that will make you comparatively independ- ent." "Thank you, Gilbert; but I don't feel like asking favors from those who have ill-treated me." "Nor would I — of strangers; but Dr. Craw- ford is your father. It isn't right that Peter, your stepbrother, should be supported in ease and luxury, while you, the real son, should be subjected to privation and want." "I don't know but you are right," admitted Carl, slowly. "Of course I am right. Now, will you maka me your minister plenipotentiary, armed with full powers?" "Yes, I believe I will." "That's right. That shows you are a boy of sense. Now, as you are subject to my di- rections, just get on that bicycle and I will carry your gripsack, and we will seek Vance Villa, as we call it when we want to be high- toned, by the most direct route." "No, no, Gilbert; I will carry my own grip- sack. I won't burden you with it," said Carl, rising from his recumbent position. "Look here, Carl, how far have you walked With it this morning?" "About twelve miles." "Then, of course, you're tired, and require rest. Just jump on that bicycle, and I'll take Driven from Home. n the gripsack. If you have carried it twelve miles, I can surely carry it one." "You are very kind, Gilbert." "Why shouldn't I be?" "But it is imposing upon your good nature." But Gilbert had turned his head in a back- ward direction, and nodded in a satisfied way as he saw a light, open buggy rapidly ap- proaching. "There's my sister in that carriage," he said. "She comes in good time. I will put you and your gripsack in with her, and I'll take to my bicycle again." "Your sister may not like such an arrange- ment." "Won't she though! She's very fond of beaux, and she will receive you very gra- ciously." "You make me feel bashful, Gilbert." "You won't be long. Julia will chat away to you as if she'd known you for fifty years." "I was very young fifty years ago," said Carl, smiling. "Hi, there, Jule!" called Gilbert, waving his hand. Julia Vance stopped the horse, and looked inquiringly and rather admiringly at Carl, who was a boy of fine appearance. "Let me introduce you to my friend and schoolmate, Carl Crawford." 12 Driven from Home. Carl took off his hat politely. "I am very glad to make your acquaintance, Mr. Crawford," said Julia, demurely ; "I have often heard Gilbert speak of you." "I hope he said nothing bad about me, Miss Vance." "You may be sure he didn't. If he should now — I wouldn't believe him." "You've made a favorable impression, Carl," said Gilbert, smiling. "I am naturally prejudiced against boys — having such a brother," said Julia; "but it is not fair to judge all boys by him." "That is outrageous injustice!" said Gil- bert ; "but then, sisters seldom appreciate their brothers." "Some other fellows' sisters may," said Carl. "They do, they do !" "Did you ever see such a vain, conceited boy, Mr. Crawford ?" "Of course you know him better than I do." "Come, Carl; it's too bad for you, too, to join against me. However, I will forget and forgive. Jule, my friend, Carl, has accepted my invitation to make us a visit." "I am very glad, I am sure," said Julia, sin- cerely. "And I want you to take him in, bag and baggage, and convey him to our palace, while I speed thither on my wheel," Driven from Home. 13 "To be sure I will, and with great pleasure." "Can't you get out and assist Mm into the carriage, Jule?" "Thank 3^011," said Carl; "but though I am somewhat old and quite infirm, I think I can get in without troubling your sister. Are you sure, Miss Vance, you won't be incommoded by my gripsack?" "Not at all." "Then I will accept your kind offer." In a trice Carl was seated next to Julia, with his valise at his feet. "Won't you drive, Mr. Crawford?" said the young lady. "Don't let me take the reins from you." "I don't think it looks well for a lady to drive when a gentleman is sitting beside her." Carl was glad to take the reins, for he liked driving. "Now for a race!" said Gilbert, who was mounted on his bicycle. "All right!" replied Carl. "Look out for us!" They started, and the two kept neck and neck till they entered the driveway leading up to a handsome country mansion. Carl followed them into the house, and was cordially received by Mr. and Mrs. Vance, who were very kind and hospitable, and were 14 Driven from Home. favorably impressed by the gentlemanly ap« pearance of their son's friend. Half an hour later dinner was announced, and Carl, having removed the stains of travel in his schoolmate's room, descended to the din- ing-room, and, it must be confessed, did am- ple justice to the bounteous repast spread be- fore him. In the afternoon Julia, Gilbert and he played tennis, and had a trial at archery. The hours gl ided away very rapidly, and six o'clock came before they were aware. "Gilbert," said Carl, as they were preparing for tea, "you have a charming home." "You have a nice house, too, Carl." "True; but it isn't a home — to me. There is no love there." "That makes a great difference." "If I had a father and mother like yours I should be happy." "You must stay here till day after to-mor- row, and I will devote to-morrow to a visit in your interest to your home. I will beard the lion in his den — that is, your stepmother. Do you consent?" "Yes, I consent; but it won't do any good." "We will see." Driven from Home. ijj CHAPTER III. INTRODUCES PETER COOK. Gilbert took the morning train to the town of Edgewood Center, the residence of the Craw- fords. He had been there before, and knew that Carl's home was nearly a mile distant from the station. Though there was a hack in waiting, he preferred to walk, as it would give him a chance to think over what he pro- posed to say to Dr. Crawford in Carl's behalf. He was within a quarter of a mile of his des- tination when his attention was drawn to a boy of about his own age, who was amusing himself and a smaller companion by firing stones at a cat that had taken refuge in a tree. Just as Gilbert came up, a stone took effect, and the poor cat moaned in affright, but did not dare to come down from her perch, as this would put her in the power of her assailant. ''That must be Carl's stepbrother, Peter," Gilbert deckled, as he noted the boy's mean face and turn-up nose. "Atoning cats seems 1 6 Driven from Home. to be his idea of amusement. I shall take the liberty of interfering." Peter Cook laughed heartily at his success- ful aim. "J hit her, Simon," he said. "Doesn't she look scared?" "You must have hurt her." "I expect I did. I'll take a bigger stone next time." He suited the action to the word, and picked up a rock which, should it hit the poor cat, would in all probability kill her, and prepared to fire. "Put down that rock!" said Gilbert, indig* nantly. Peter turned quickly, and eyed Gilbert in- solently. "Who are you?" he demanded. "No matter who I am. Put down that rock !" "What business is it of yours?" "I shall make it my business to protect that cat from your cruelty." Peter, who was a natural coward, took cour- age from having a companion to back him up, and retorted : "You'd better clear out of here, or I may fire at you." "Do it if you dare !" said Gilbert, quietly. Peter concluded that it would be wiser not to carry out his threat, but was resolved to keep to his original purpose. He raised hia Driven from Home. 17 arm again, and took aim; but Gilbert rushed in, and striking his arm forcibly, compelled him to drop it. "What do you mean by that, you loafer?" demanded Peter, his eyes blazing with anger. "To stop your fun, if that's what you call it.'" "I've a good mind to give you a thrashing." Gilbert put himself in a position of defense. "Sail in, if you want to!" he responded. "Help me, Simon !" said Peter. "You grab his legs, and I'll upset him." Simon, who, though younger, was braver than Peter, without hesitation followed direc- tions. He threw himself on the ground and grasped Gilbert by the legs, while Peter, dou- bling up his fists, made a rush at his enemy. But Gilbert, swiftly eluding Simon, struck out with his right arm, and Peter, unprepared for so forcible a defense, tumbled over on his back, and Simon ran to his assistance. Gilbert put himself on guard, expecting a second attack; but Peter apparently thought it wiser to fight with his tongue. "You rascal!" he shrieked, almost foaming at the mouth ; "I'll have you arrested." "What for?" asked Gilbert, coolly. "For flying at me like a — a tiger, and try- ing to kill me." Gilbert laughed at this curious version of things. 1 8 Driven from Home. "I thought it was you who flew at me," he said. "What business had you to interfere with me?" "I'll do it again unless you give up firing stones at the cat." "I'll do it as long as I like." "She's gone!" said Simon. The boys looked up into the tree, and could see nothing of puss. She had taken the op- portunity, when her assailant was otherwise occupied, to make good her escape. "I'm glad of it!" said Gilbert. "Good-morn- ing, boys! When we meet again, I hope you will be more creditably employed." "You don't get off so easy, you loafer," said Peter, who saw the village constable approach- ing. "Here, Mr. Rogers, I want you to ar- rest this boy." Constable Rogers, who was a stout, broad- shouldered man, nearly six feet in height, turned from one to the other, and asked: "What has he done?" "He knocked me over. I want him arrested for assault and battery." "And what did you do?" "I? I didn't do' anything." "That is rather strange. Young man, what is your name?" "Gilbert Vance." Driven from Home. 19 "You don't live in this town?" "No; I live in Warren." "What made you attack Peter?" "Because he flew at me, and I had to defend myself." "Is this so, Simon? You saw all that hap- pened." "Ye — es," admitted Simon, unwillingly. "That puts a different face on the matter. I don't see how I can arrest this boy. He had a right to defend himself." "He came up and abused me — the loafer," said Peter. "That was the reason you went at him?" "Yes." "Have you anything to say?" asked the con- stable, addressing Gilbert. "Yes, sir; when I came up I saw this boy firing stones at a cat, who had taken refuge in that tree over there. He had just hit her, and had picked up a larger stone to fire when I ordered him to drop it." "It was no business of yours," muttered Peter. "I made it my business, and will again." "Did the cat have a white spot on her fore- head?" asked the constable. "Yes, sir." "And was mouse colored?" "Yes. sir." 20 Driven from Home. "Why, it's my little girl's cat. She would be heartbroken if the cat were seriously hurt. You young rascal !" he continued, turning sud- denly upon Peter, and shaking him vigorously. "Let me catch you at this business again, and I'll give you such a warming that you'll never want to touch another cat." "Let me go!" cried the terrified boy. "I didn't know it was your cat." "It would have been just as bad if it had been somebody else's cat. I've a great mind to put you in the lockup." "Oh, don't, please don't, Mr. Rogers!" im- plored Peter, quite panic-stricken. "Will you promise never to stone another cat?" "Yes, sir." "Then go about your business." Peter lost no time, but scuttled up the street with his companion. "I am much obliged to you for protecting Flora's cat," then said the constable to Gilbert. "You are quite welcome, sir. I won't see any animal abused if I can help it." "You are right there." "Wasn't that boy Peter Cook?" "Yes. Don't you know him?" "No ; but I know his stepbrother, Carl." "A different sort of boy! Have you come to visit him?" Driven from Home 21 "No; he is visiting ine. In fact, he has left home, because he could not stand his step- mother's ill-treatment, and I have come to see his father in his behalf." "He has had an uncomfortable home. Dr. Crawford is an invalid, and very much under the influence of his wife, who seems to have a spite against Carl, and is devoted to that young cub to whom you have given a lesson. Does Carl want to come back?" "No; he wants to strike out for himself, but I told him it was no more than right that he should receive some help from his father." "That is true enough. For nearly all the doctor's money came to him through Carl's mother." "I am afraid Peter and his mother won't give me a very cordial welcome after what has happened this morning. I wish I could see the doctor alone." "So you can, for there he is coming up the street." Gilbert looked in the direction indicated, and his glance fell on a thin, fragile-looking man, evidently an invalid, with a weak, un- decided face, who was slowly approaching. The boy advanced to meet him, and, taking off his hat, asked politely : "Is this Dr. Craw ford?" 22 Driven from Home. CHAPTER IV. AN IMPORTANT CONFERENCE. Dr. Crawford stopped short, and ey&[ 'Gil- bert attentively. "I don't know you," he said, in a quemlous tone. "I am a schoolmate of your son, Carl,. My name is Gilbert Vance." "If you have come to see my son yoa will be disappointed. He has treated me in a shameful manner. He left home yesterday morning, and I don't know where he is." "I can tell you, sir. He is staying— £or a day or two — at my father's house." "Where is that?" asked Dr. Crawford, his manner showing that he was confused. "In Warren, thirteen miles from here." "I know the town. What induced Mm to go to your house? Have you encouraged him to leave home?" inquired Dr. Crawford^ with a look of displeasure. "No, sir. It was only by chance that I met him a mile from our home. I induced him to stay overnight." Driven from Home. 23 "Did you bring me any message from him?" "No, sir, except that he is going to strike out for himself, as he thinks his home an un- happy one." "That is his own fault. He has had enough to eat and enough to wear. He has had as comfortable a home as yourself." "I don't doubt that, but he complains that his stepmother is continually finding fault with him, and scolding him." "He provokes her to do it. He is a head- strong, obstinate boy." "He never had that reputation at school, sir. We all liked him." "I suppose you mean to imply that I am in fault?" said the doctor, warmly. "I don't think you know how badly Mrs. Crawford treats Carl, sir." "Of course, of course. That is always said of a stepmother." "Not always, sir. I have a stepmother my- self, and no own mother could treat me bet- ter." "You are probably a better boy." "I can't accept ihe compliment. I hope you'll excuse me saying it, Dr. Crawford, but if my stepmother treated me as Carl says Mrs. Crawford treats him I wouldn't stay in the house another day." "Keally, this is very annoying" said Dr. 24 Driven from Home. Crawford, irritably. "Have you come here from Warren to say this?" "No, sir, not entirely." "Perhaps Carl wants me to receive him back. I will do so if he promises to obey his step- mother." "That he won't do, I am sure." "Then what is the object of your visit?" "To say that Carl wants and intends to earn his own living. But it is hard for a boy of his age, who has never worked, to earn enough at first to pay for his board and clothes. He asks, or, rather, I ask for him, that you will allow him a small sum, say three or four dol- lars a week, which is considerably less than he must cost you at home, for a time until he gets on his feet." "I don't know," said Dr. Crawford, in a vacillating tone. "I don't think Mrs. Craw- ford would approve this." "It seems to me you are the one to decide, as Carl is your own son. Peter must cost you a good deal more." "Do you know Peter?" "I have met him," answered Gilbert, with a slight smile. "I don't know what to say. You may be right. Peter does cost me more." "And Carl is entitled to be treated as well an he." Driven from Home. 25 "I think I ought to speak to Mrs. Crawford about it. And, by the way, I nearly forgot to say that she charges Carl with taking money from her bureau drawer before he went away. It was a large sum, too — twenty-five dollars." "That is false!'' exclaimed Gilbert, indig- nantly. "I am surprised that you should be- lieve such a thing of your own son." "Mrs. Crawford says she has proof," said the doctor, hesitating. "Then what has he done with the money? I know that he has but thirty-seven cents with him at this time, and he only left home yes- terday. If the money has really been taken, I think I know who took it." "Who?" "Peter Cook. He looks mean enough for anything." "What right have you to speak so of Peter?" "Because I caught him stoning a cat this morning. He would have killed the poor thing if I had not interfered. I consider that worse than taking money." "I — I don't know what to say. I can't agree to anything till I hare spoken w r ith Mrs. Craw- ford. Did you say that Carl had but thirty- seven cents?" "Yes, sir; I presume you don't want him to starve?" "No, of course not. He is my son, though 26 Driven from Home, he lias behaved badly. Here, give him that!" and Dr. Crawford drew a ten -dollar bill from his wallet, and handed it to Gilbert. "Thank you, sir. This money will be very useful. Besides, it will show Carl that his father is not wholly indifferent to him." "Of course not. Who says that I am a bad father?" asked Dr. Crawford, peevishly. "I don't think, sir, there would be any dif- ficulty between you and Carl if you had not married again." "Carl has no right to vex Mrs. Crawford. Besides, he can't agree with Peter." "Is that his fault or Peter's?" asked Gil- bert, significantly. "I am not acquainted with the circum- stances, but Mrs. Crawford says that Carl is always bullying Peter." "He never bullied anyone at school." "Is there anything else you want?" "Yes, sir; Carl only took away a little un- derclothing in a gripsack. He would like his woolen clothes put in his trunk, and to have it sent " "Where?" "Perhaps it had better be sent to my house. There are one or two things in his room also that he asked me to get." "Why didn't he come himself?" "Because he thought it would be unpleasant Driven from Home. 27 for him to meet Mrs. Crawford. They would be sure to quarrel." "Well, perhaps he is right," said Dr. Craw- ford, with an air of relief. "About the al- lowance, I shall have to consult my wife. Will you come with me to the house?" "Yes, sir; I should like to have the matter settled to-day, so that Carl will know what to depend upon." Gilbert rather dreaded the interview he was likely to have with Mrs. Crawford ; but he was acting for Carl, and his feelings of friendship were strong. So he walked beside Dr. Crawford till they reached the tasteful dwelling occupied as a residence by Carl and his father. "How happy Carl could be here, if he had a stepmother like mine," Gilbert thought. They went up to the front door, which was opened for them by a servant. "Jane, is Mrs. Crawford in?" asked the doc- tor. "No, sir ; not just now. She went to the vil- lage to do some shopping." "Is Peter in?" "No, sir." "Then you will have to wait till they re- turn." "Can't I go up to Carl's room and be pack- ing his things?" 28 Driven from Home. "Yes, I think you may. I don't think Mrs. "Crawford would object." "Good heavens! Hasn't the man a mind of his own?" thought Gilbert. "Jane, you may show this young gentleman up to Master Carl's room, and give him the key of his trunk. He is going to pack his clothes." "When is Master Carl coming back?" asked Jane. "I — I don't know. I think he will be away for a time." "I wish it was Peter instead of him," said Jane, in a low voice, only audible to Gil- bert. She showed Gilbert the way upstairs, w 7 hile the doctor went to his study. "Are you a friend of Master Carl's?" asked Jane, as soon as they were alone. "Yes, Jane." "And where is he?" "At my house." "Is he goin' to stay there?" "For a short time. He wants to go out into the world and make his own living." "And no wonder — poor boy ! It's hard times he had here." "Didn't Mrs. Crawford treat him well?" asked Gilbert, with curiosity. "Is it trate him well? She was a-jawin' an' Driven from Home. 29 a-jawin' him from mornin' till night. Ugh, but she's an ugly er'atur' !" "How about Peter?" "He's just us naa — the m anest bye I iver set eyes on. It would do me good to see him flogged." She chatted a little longer with Gilbert, help- ing him to find Carl's clothes, when suddenly a shrill voice was heard calling her from be- low. "Shure, it's the madam!" said Jane, shrug- ging her shoulders. "I expect she's in a tem- per;" and she rose from her knees and hur- ried downstairs. fyj Driven from Home. CHAPTER V. carl's stepmother. Five minutes later, a« Gilbert was closing the trunk, Jane reappeared. "The doctor and Mrs. Crawford would like to see you downstairs," she said. Gilbert followed Jane into the library, where Dr. Crawford and his wife were seated. He looked with interest at the womau who had made home so disagreeable to Carl, and was in- stantly prejudiced against her. She was light complexioned, with very light-brown hair, cold, gray eyes, and a disagreeable expression which seemed natural to her. "My dear," said the doctor, "this is the young man who has come from Carl." Mrs. Crawford surveyed Gilbert with an expression by no means friendly. "What is your name?" she asked. "Gilbert Vance." "Did Carl Crawford send you here?" "No ; I volunteered to come." "Did he tell you that he was disobedient and disrespectful to me?" Driven from Home. 31 "No; he told me that you treated him so badly that he was unwilling to live in the same house with you," answered Gilbert, boldly. "Well, upon my word!" exclaimed Mrs. Crawford, fanning herself vigorously. "Dr. Crawford, did you hear that?" "Yes." "And what do you think of it?" "Well, I think you may have been too hard upon Carl." "Too hard? Why, then, did he not treat me respectfully? This boy seems inclined to be impertinent." "I answered your questions, madam," said Gilbert, coldly. "I suppose you side with your friend Carl?" "I certainly do." Mrs. Crawford bit her lip. "What is the object of your coming? Does Carl wish to return?" "I thought Dr. Crawford might have told you." "Carl wants his clothes sent to him," said the doctor. "He only carried a few with him." "I shall not consent to it. He deserves no favors at our hands." This was too much even for Dr. Crawford. "You go too far, Mrs. Crawford," he said. "I am sensible of the boy's faults, but I cer- 32 Driven from Home. tamly will not allow his clothes to be with- * held from him." "Oh, well! spoil him if you choose!" said the lady, sullenly. "Take his part against your wife!" "I have never done that, but I will not al- low him to be defrauded of his clothes." "I have no more to say," said Mrs. Craw- ford, her eyes snapping. She was clearly mor- tified at her failure to carry her point. "Do you wish the trunk to be sent to your house?" asked the doctor. "Yes, sir; I have packed the clothes and locked the trunk." "I should like to examine it before it goes," put in Mrs. Crawford, spitefully. "Why?" "To make sure that nothing has been put in that does not belong to Carl." "Do you mean to accuse me of stealing, tnadam?" demanded Gilbert, indignantly. Mrs. Crawford tossed her head. "I don't know anything about you," she re- plied. "Dr. Crawford, am I to open the trunk?" asked Gilbert. "No," answered the doctor, with unwonted decision. "I hate that boy! He has twice subjected me to mortification," thought Mrs. Crawford. Driven from Home. 33 "You know very well," she said, turning to Her husband, "that I have grounds for my re- quest. I blush to mention it, but I have rea- son to believe that your son took a wallet con- taining twenty-five dollars from my bureau drawer." "I deny it !" said Gilbert. "What do you know about it, I should like to ask?" sneered Mrs. Crawford. "I know that Carl is an honorable boy, in- capable of theft, and at this moment has but thirty-seven cents in his possession." "So far as you know." "If the money has really disappeared, madam, you had better ask your own boy about it." "This is insufferable !" exclaimed Mrs. Craw- ford, her light eyes emitting angry flashes. "Who dares to say that Peter took the wal- let?" she went on, rising to her feet. There was an unexpected reply. Jane en- tered the room at this moment to ask a ques- tion. "I say so, ma'am," she rejoined. "What?" ejaculated Mrs. Crawford, with startling emphasis. "I didn't mean to say anything about it till I found you were charging it on Master Carl. I saw Peter open your bureau drawer, take out the wallet, and put it in his pocket-" 34 Driven from Home. "It's a lie !" said Mrs. Crawford, hoarsely. "It's the truth, though I suppose you don't want to believe it. If you want to know what he did with the money ask him how much he paid for the gold ring he bought of the jeweler down at the village." "You are a spy — a base, dishonorable spy!" cried Mrs. Crawford. "I won't say what you are, ma'am, to bring false charges against Master Carl, and I won- der the doctor will believe them." "Leave the house directly, you hussy!" shrieked Mrs. Crawford. "If I do, I wonder who'll get the dinner?" remarked Jane, i ' at all disturbed. "I won't stay here to be insulted," said the angry lady. "Dr. Crawford, you might have spirit enough to defend your wife." She flounced out of the room, not waiting for a reply, leaving the doctor dazed and flur- ried. "I hope, sir, you are convinced now that Carl did not take Mrs. Crawford's money," said Gilbert. "I told you it was probably Peter." "Are you sure of what you said, Jane?" asked the doctor. "Yes, sir. I saw Peter take the wallet with my own eyes." "It is his mother's money, and they must settle it between them. I am glad Carl did Driven from Home. 35 not take it. Really, this lias been a very un- pleasant scene." "I am sorry for my part in it. Carl is my friend, and I feel that I ought to stand up for his rights," remarked Gilbert. "Certainly, certainly, that is right. But you see how I am placed." "I see that this is no place for Carl. If you will allow me, I will send an expressman for the trunk, and take it with me to the station." "Yes, I see no objection. I — I would invife you to dinner, but Mrs. Crawford seems to be suffering from a nervous attack, and it might not be pleasant." "I agree with you, sir." Just then Peter entered the room, and looked at Gilbert with surprise and wrath, remem- bering his recent discomfiture at the hands of the young visitor. "My stepson, Peter," announced Dr. Craw- ford. "Peter and I have met before," said Gilbert, smiling. "What are you here for?" asked Peter, rudely. "Not to see you," answered Gilbert, turn- ing from him. "My mother'll have something to say to you," went on Peter, significantly. "She will have something to say to you," 36 Driven from Home. retorted Gilbert. "She has found out who stole her money." Peter's face turned scarlet instantly, and he left the room hurriedly. "Perhaps I ought not to have said that, Dr c Crawford," added Gilbert, apologetically, "but I dislike that boy very much, and couldn't help giving him as good as he sent." "It is all very unpleasant," responded Dr. Crawford, peevishly. "I don't see why I can't live in peace and tranquillity." "I won't intrude upon you any longer," said Gilbert, "if you will kindly tell me whether you will consent to make Carl a small weekly allowance." "I can't say now. I want time to think. Give me your address, and I will write to Carl in your care." "Very well, sir." Gilbert left the house and made arrange- ments to have Carl's trunk called for. It ac- companied him on the next train to Warren. Driven from Home. 37 CHAPTER VI. MRS. CRAWFORD'S LETTER. "How did you like my stepmother?" asked Carl, when Gilbert returned in the afternoon. "She's a daisy!" answered Gilbert, shrug- ging his shoulders. "I don't think I ever saw a more disagreeable woman." "Do you blame me for leaving home?" "I only wonder you have been able to stay so long. I had a long conversation with your father." "Mrs. Crawford has made a different man of him. I should have no trouble in getting along with him if there was no one to come between us." "He gave me this for you," said Gilbert, pro- ducing the ten-dollar bill. "Did my stepmother know of his sending it?" "No ; she was opposed to sending your trunk, but your father said emphatically you should have it." 38 Driven- from Home. "I am glad he showed that much spirit." "I have some hopes that he will make you an allowance of a few dollars a week." "That would make me all right, but I don't expect it." "You will probably hear from your father to-morrow or next day, so you will have to make yourself contented a little longer." "I hope you are not very homesick, Mr. Craw- ford?" said Julia, coquettishly. "I would ask nothing better than to stay here permanently," rejoined Carl, earnestly. "This is a real home. I have met with more kindness here than in six months at my own home." "You have one staunch friend at home," said Gilbert. "You don't allude to Peter?" "So far as I can judge, he hates you like poison. I mean Jane." "Yes, Jane is a real friend. She has been in the family for ten years. She was a favor- ite with my own mother, and feels an inter- est in me." "By the way, your stepmother's charge that you took a wallet containing money from her drawer has been disproved by Jane. She saw Peter abstracting the money, and so informed Mrs. Crawford." "I am not at all surprised. Peter is meat Driven from Home. 39 enough to steal or do anything else. What did my stepmother say?" "She was very angry, and threatened to dis- charge Jane; but, as no one would be left to attend to the dinner, I presume she is likely to stay." "I ought to be forming some plan," said Carl, thoughtfully. "Wait till you hear from home. Julia will see that your time is well filled up till then. Dismiss all care, and enjoy yourself while you may." This seemed to be sensible advice, and Carl followed it. In the evening some young peo- ple were invited in, and there was a round of amusements that made Carl forget that he was an exile from home, with very dubious pros- pects. "You are all spoiling me," he said, as Gil- bert and he went upstairs to bed. "I am be- ginning to understand the charms of home. To go out into the world from here will be like taking a cold shower bath." "Never forget, Carl, that you will be wel- come back, whenever you feel like coming," said Gilbert, laying his hand affectionately on Carl's shoulder. "We all like you here." "Thank you, old fellow! I appreciate the kindness I have received here; but I must strike out for myself," *j.c> Driven from Home. "How do you feel about it, Carl ?" "I hope for the best. I am young, strong and willing to work. There must be an open- ing for me somewhere." The next morning, just after breakfast, a setter arrived for Carl, mailed at Edgewood Center. "Is it from your father?" asked Gilbert. "No; it is in the handwriting of my step- mother. I can guess from that that it con- tains no good news." He opened the letter, and as he read it his face expressed disgust and annoyance. "Read it, Gilbert," he said, handing him the open sheet. This was the missive: "Carl Crawford: — As your father has a nervous attack, brought on by your miscon- duct, he has authorized me to write to you. As you are but sixteen, he could send for you and have you forcibly brought back, but deems it better for you to follow your own course and suffer the punishment of your obstinate and perverse conduct. The boy whom you sent here proved a fitting messenger. He seems, if possible, to be even worse than your- self. He was very impertinent to me, and made a brutal and unprovoked attack on my poor boy, Peter, whose devotion to your father and Driven from Home. 41 myself forms an agreeable contrast to your studied disregard of our wishes. "Your friend had the assurance to ask for a weekly allowance for you while a voluntary exile from the home where you have been only too well treated. In other words, you want to be paid for your disobedience. Even if your father were weak enough to think of comply- ing with this extraordinary request, I should do my best to dissuade him." "Small doubt of that!" said Carl, bitterly. "In my sorrow for your waywardness, I am comforted by the thought that Peter is too good and conscientious ever to follow your ex- ample. While you are away, he will do his utmost to make up to your father for his dis- appointment in you. That you may grow wise in time, and turn at length from the error of your ways, is the earnest hope of your step- mother, An astasia Crawford. " "It makes me sick to read such a letter as that, Gilbert," said Carl. "And to have that sneak and thief — as lie turned out to be — Peter, set up as a model for me, is a little too much." "I never knew there were such women in the w r orld!" returned Gilbert. "I can understand your feelings perfectly, after my interview of yesterday." 42 Driven from Home. "She thinks even worse of you than of me," said Carl, with a faint smile. "I have no doubt Peter shares her senti- ments. I didn't make many friends in your family, it must be confessed." "You did me a service, Gilbert, and I shall not soon forget it." "Where did your stepmother come from?" asked Gilbert, thoughtfully. "I don't know. My father met her at some summer resort. She was staying in the same boarding house, she and the angelic Peter. She lost no time in setting her cap for my father, who was doubtless reported to her as a man of property, and she succeeded in capturing him." "I wonder at that. She doesn't seem very fascinating." "She made herself very agreeable to my fa- ther, and was even affectionate in her man- ner to me, though I couldn't get to like her. The end was that she became Mrs. Crawford. Once installed in our house, she soon threw off the mask and showed herself in her true colors, a cold-hearted, selfish and disagreeable woman." "I wonder your father doesn't recognize her for what she is." "She is very artful, and is politic enough to treat him well. She has lost no opportunity Driven from Home. 43 of prejudicing him against me. If he were not an invalid she would find her task more difficult." "Did she have any property when your fa* ther married her?" "Not that I have been able to discover. She is scheming to have my father leave the lion's share of his property to her and Peter. I dare say she will succeed." "Let us hope your father will live till you are a young man, at least, and better able to cope with her." "I earnestly hope so." "Your father is not an old man." "He is fifty-one, but he is not strong. I be- lieve he has liver complaint. At any rate, I know that when, at my stepmother's instiga- tion, he applied to an insurance company to insure his life for her benefit, the application was rejected." "You don't know anything of Mrs. Craw> ford's antecedents?" "No." "What was her name before she married your father?" "She was a Mrs. Cook. That, as you know, is Peter's name." "Perhaps, in your travels, you may learn something of her history." "I should like to do so." 44 Driven from Home. "You won't leave us to-morrow?" "I must go to-day. I know now that I must depend wholly upon my own exertions, and I must get to work as soon as possible." "You will write to me, Carl?" "Yes, when I have anything agreeable to write." "Let us hope that will be soon." Driven from Home. 45 CHAPTER VII. ENDS IN A TEAGEDY. Carl obtained permission to leave his trunk at the Vance mansion, merely taking out what he absolutely needed for a change. "When I am settled I will send for it," he said. "Now I shouldn't know what to do with it." There were cordial good-bys, and Carl started once more on the tramp. He might, indeed, have traveled by rail, for he had ten dollars and thirty-seven cents; but it occurred to him that in walking he might meet with some one who would give him employment. Be- sides, he was not in a hurry to get on, nor had he any definite destination. The day was fine, there was a light breeze, and he experienced a hopeful exhilaration as he walked lightly on, with the world before him, and any number of possibilities in the way of fortunate adven- tures that might befall him. He had walked five miles, when, to the left, he saw an elderly man hard at work in a hay field. He was leaning on his rake, and look- 46 Driven from Home. ing perplexed and troubled. Carl paused to rest, and as he looked over the rail fence, at- tracted the attention of the farmer. "I say, young feller, where are you goin'?" he asked. "I don't know — exactly." "You don't know where you are goin'?" re- peated the farmer, in surprise. Carl laughed. "I am going out in the world to seek my fortune," he said. "You be? Would you like a job?" asked the farmer, eagerly. "What sort of a job?" "I'd like to have you help me hayin'. My hired man is sick, and he's left me in a hole. It's goin' to rain, and " "Going to rain?" repeated Carl, in surprise, as he looked up at the nearly cloudless sky. "Yes. It don't look like it, I know, but old Job Hagar say it'll rain before night, and what he don't know about the weather ain't worth knowin'. I want to get the hay on this meadow into the barn, and then I'll feel safe, rain or shine." "And you want me to help you?" "Yes; you look strong and hardy." "Yes, I am pretty strong," said Carl, com- placently. "Well, what do you say?" "All right. I'll help you." Driven from Home. 47 Carl gave a spring and cleared tke fence, landing in the hay field, having first thrown his valise over. "You're pretty spry," said the farmer. "I couldn't do that." "No, you're too heavy," said Carl, smiling, as he noted the clumsy figure of his employer. "Now, what shall I do?" "Take that rake and rake up the hay. Then we'll go over to the barn and get the hay wagon." "Where is your barn?" The farmer pointed across the fields to a story-and-a-half farmhouse, and standing near it a good-sized barn, brown from want of paint and exposure to sun and rain. The buildings were perhaps twenty-five rods distant. "Are you used to hayin'?" asked the farmer. "Well, no, not exactly; though I've handled a rake before." Carl's experience, however, had been very limited. He had, to be sure, had a rake in his hand, but probably he had not worked more than ten minutes at it. However, raking is easily learned, and his want of experience was not detected. He started off with great en- thusiasm, but after a while thought it best to adopt the more leisurely movements of the farmer. After two hours his hands began to blister, but still he kept on. 48 Driven from Home. "I have got to make my living by hard work," he said to himself, "and it won't do to let such a little thing as a blister interfere." When he had been working a couple of hours, he began to feel hungry. His walk, and the work he had been doing, sharpened his appe- tite till he really felt uncomfortable. It was at this time — just twelve o'clock — that the farmer's wife came to the front door and blew a fish horn so vigorously that it could prob- ably have been heard half a mile. "The old woman's got dinner ready," said the farmer. "If you don't mind takin' your pay in victuals, you can go along home with me, and take a bite." "I think I could take two or three, sir." "Ho, ho ! that's a good joke ! Money's scarce, and I'd rather pay in victuals, if it's all the same to you." "Do you generally find people willing to work for their board?" asked Carl, who knew that he was being imposed upon. "Well, I might pay a leetle more. You work for me till sundown, and I'll give you dinner and supper, and — fifteen cents." Carl wanted to laugh. At this rate of com- pensation he felt that it would take a long time to make a fortune, but he was so hungry that he would have accepted board alone if i* had been necessary. Driven from Home. 49 "I agree," he said. "Shall I leave my rake here?" "Yes; it'll be all right." "I'll take along my valise, for I can't af- ford to run any risk of losing it." "Jest as you say." Five minutes brought them to the farm- house. "Can I wash my hands?" asked Carl. "Yes, you can go right to the sink and wash in the tin basin. There's a roll towel behind the door. Mis' Perkins" — that was the way he addressed his wife — "this is a young chap that I've hired to help me hayin'. You can set a chair for him at the table." "All right, Silas. He don't look very old, though." "No, ma'am. I ain't twenty-one yet," an« swered Carl, who was really sixteen. "I shouldn't say you was. You ain't no signs of a mustache." "I keep it short, ma'am, in warm weather," said Carl. "It don't dull a razor any to cut it in cold weather, does it?" asked the farmer, chuckling at his joke. "Well, no, sir; I can't say it does." It was a boiled dinner that the farmer's wife provided, corned beef and vegetables, but the plebeian meal seemed to Carl the best he 50 Driven from Home. ever ate. Afterwards there was apple pud« ding, to which he did equal justice. "I never knew work improved a fellow's appetite so," reflected the young traveler. "I never ate with so much relish at home." After dinner they went back to the field and worked till the supper hour, five o'clock. By that time all the hay had been put into the barn. "We've done a good day's work," said the farmer, in a tone of satisfaction, "and only just in time. Do you see that dark cloud?" "Yes, sir." "In half an hour there'll be rain, or I'm mis- taken. Old Job Hagar is right after all." The farmer proved a true prophet. In half an hour, while they were at the supper table, the rain began to come down in large drops — forming pools in the hollows of the ground, and drenching all exposed objects with the largesse of the heavens. "Where war you a-goin' to-night?" asked the farmer. "I don't know, sir." "I was thinkin' that I'd give you a night's lodgin' in place of the fifteen cents I agreed to pay you. Money's very skeerce with me, and will be till I've sold off some of the crops." "I shall be glad to make that arrangement," Driven from Home. 51 said Carl, who Lad been considering how much the farmer would ask for lodging, for there seemed small chance of continuing his journey. Fifteen cents was a lower price than he had calculated on. "That's a sensible idea!" said the farmer, rubbing his hands with satisfaction at the thought that he had secured valuable help at no money outlay whatever. The next morning Carl continued his tramp, refusing the offer of continued employment on the same terms. He was bent on pursuing his journey, though he did not know exactly where he would fetch up in the end. At twelve o'clock that day he found him- self in the outskirts of a town, with the same uncomfortable appetite that he had felt the day before, but with no hotel or restaurant anywhere near. There was, however, a small house, the outer door of which stood conve- niently open. Through the open window, Carl saw a table spread as if for dinner, and he thought it probable that he could arrange to become a boarder for a single meal. He knocked at the door, but no one came. He shouted out: "Is anybody at home?" and re- ceived no answer. He went to a small barn just outside and peered in, but no one was to be seen. What should he do? He was terribly hun« 52 Driven from Home. gry, and the sight of the food on the table was tantalizing. "I'll go in, as the door is open," he decided, "and sit down to the table and eat. Somebody- will be along before I get through, and I'll pay whatever is satisfactory, for eat I must." He entered, seated himself, and ate heart- ily. Still no one appeared. "I don't want to go off without paying," thought Carl. "I'll see if I can find somebody." He opened the door into the kitchen, but it was deserted. Then he opened that of a small bedroom, and started back in terror and dis- may. There — suspended from a hook — a man of middle age was hanging, with his head bent forward, his eyes wide open, and his tongue protruding from his mouth ! Duveii from Home. 53 CHAPTER VIII. CAEL FALLS UNDER SUSPICION. To a person of any age such a sight as that described at the close of the last chapter might well have proved startling. To a boy like Carl it was simply overwhelming. It so hap- pened that he had but twice seen a dead person, and never a victim of violence. The peculiar circumstances increased the effect upon his mind. He placed his hand upon the man's face, and found that he was still warm. He could have been dead but a short time. "What shall I do?" thought Carl, perplexed. "This is terrible !" Then it flashed upon him that as he was alone with the dead man suspicion might fall upon him as being concerned in what might be called a murder. "I had better leave here at once," he re- flected. "I shall have to go away without pay* ing for my meal." 54 Driven from Home. He started to leave the house, but had scarcely reached the door when two persons — a man and a woman — entered. Both looked at Carl with suspicion. "What are you doing here?" asked the man. "I beg your pardon," answered Carl; "I was very hungry, and seeing no one about, took the liberty to sit down at the table and eat. I am willing to pay for my dinner if you will tell me how much it amounts to." "Wasn't my husband here?" asked the woman. "I — I am afraid something has happened to your husband," faltered Carl. "What do you mean?" Carl silently pointed to the chamber door. The woman opened it, and uttered a loud shriek. "Look here, Walter !" she cried. Her companion quickly came to her side. "My husband is dead!" cried the woman; "basely murdered, and there," pointing fiercely to Carl, "there stands the murderer !" "Madam, you cannot believe this !" said Carl, naturally agitated. "What have you to say for yourself?" de- manded the man, suspiciously. "I only just saw — your husband," continued Carl, addressing himself to the woman. "I had finished my meal, when I began to search Driven from Home. 55 for some one whom I could pay, and so opened this door into the room beyond, when I saw — him hanging there !" "Don't believe him, the red-handed mur- derer!" broke out the woman, fiercely. "He is probably a thief; he killed my poor husband, and then sat down like a cold-blooded villain that he is, and gorged himself." Things began to look very serious for poor Carl. "Your husband is larger and stronger than myself," he urged, desperately. "How could I overpower him?" "It looks reasonable, Maria," said the man. "I don't see how the boy could have killed Mr. Brown, or lifted him upon the hook, even if he did not resist." "He murdered him, I tell you, he murdered him!" shrieked the woman, who seemed be- reft of reason. "I call upon you to arrest him." "I am not a constable, Maria." "Then tie him so he cannot get away, and go for a constable. I wouldn't feel safe with him in the house, unless he were tied fast. He might hang me !" Terrible as the circumstances were, Carl felt an impulse to laugh. It seemed absurd to hear himself talked of in this way. "Tie me if you like!" he said. "I am will* 56 Driven from Home. ing to wait here till some one comes who has a little common sense. Just remember that I am only a boy, and haven't the strength of a full-grown man J" "The boy is right, Maria ! It's a foolish idea of yours." "I call upon you to tie the villain !" insisted the woman. "Just as you say! Can you give me some rope?" From a drawer Mrs. Brown drew a quan- tity of strong cord, and the man proceeded to tie Carl's hands. "Tie his feet, too, Walter !" "Even if you didn't tie me, I would prom- ise to remain here. I don't want anybody to suspect me of such a thing," put in Carl. "How artful he is !" said Mrs. Brown. "Tie him strong, Walter." The two were left alone, Carl feeling deci- dedly uncomfortable. The newly-made widow laid her head upon the table and moaned, glancing occasionally at the body of her hus- band, as it still hung suspended from the hook. "Oh, William, I little expected to find you dead !" she groaned. "I only went to the store to buy a pound of salt, and when I come back, I find you cold and still, the victim of a young rufifian! How could you be so wicked?" she demanded fiercely of Carl. Driven from Home. 57 "I have told yon that I had nothing to do with your husband's death, madam." "Who killed him, then?" she cried. "I don't know. He must have committed suicide." "Don't think you are going to escape in that way. I won't rest till I see you hung!" "I wish I had never entered the house," thought Carl, uncomfortably. "I would rather have gone hungry for twenty-four hours longer than find myself in such a position." Half an hour passed. Then a sound of voices was heard outside, and half a dozen men en- tered, including besides the messenger, the constable and a physician. "Why was he not cut down?" asked the doc- tor, hastily. "There might have been a chance to resuscitate him." "I didn't think of it," said the messenger. "Maria was so excited, and insisted that the boy murdered him." "What boy?" Carl was pointed out. "That boy? What nonsense!" exclaimed Dr. Park. "Why, it would be more than you or I could do to overpower and hang a man weighing one hundred and seventy-five pounds." "That's what I thought, but Maria seemed crazed like." ^8 Driven from Home. "I tell you he did it ! Are you going to let him go, the red-handed murderer?" "Loose the cord, and I will question the boy," said Dr. Park, with an air of authority. Carl breathed a sigh of relief, when, freed from his bonds, he stood upright. "I'll tell you all I know," he said, "but it won't throw any light upon the death." Dr. Park listened attentively, and asked one or two questions. "Did you hear any noise when you were sit- ting at the table?" he inquired. "No, sir." "Was the door closed?" "Yes, sir." "That of itself would probably prevent your hearing anything. Mrs. Brown, at what hour did you leave the house?" "At ten minutes of twelve." "It is now five minutes of one. The deed must have been committed just after you left the house. Had you noticed anything out of the way in your husband's manner?" "No, sir, not much. He was always a silent man." "Had anything happened to disturb him?" "He got a letter this morning. I don't know what was in it." "We had better search for it." The body was taken down and laid on the Driven from Home. 59 bed. Dr. Park searched the pockets, and found a half sheet of note paper, on which these lines were written : "Maria: — I have made up my mind I can live no longer. I have made a terrible dis- covery. When I married you, I thought my first wife, who deserted me four years ago, was dead. I learn by a letter received this morn- ing that she is still living in a town of Illi- nois. The only thing I can do is to free you both from my presence. When you come back from the store you will find me cold and dead. The little that I leave behind I give to you. If my first wife should come here, as she threat- ens, you can tell her so. Good-by. "William." The reading of this letter made a sensation. Mrs. Brown went into hysterics, and there was a scene of confusion. "Do you think I can go?" Carl asked Dr. Park. "Yes. There is nothing to connect you with the sad event." Carl gladly left the cottage, and it was only when he was a mile on his way that he remem- bered that he had not paid for his dinner, after all. 6o Driven from Home. CHAPTER IX. A PLAUSIBLE STRANGER. Three days later found Carl still on his trav- els. It was his custom to obtain his meals at a cheap hotel, or, if none were met with, at a farmhouse, and to secure lodgings where he could, and on as favorable terms as possible. He realized the need of economy, and felt that he was practicing it. He had changed his ten- dollar bill the first day, for a five and several ones. These last were now spent, and the five- dollar bill alone remained to him. He had earned nothing, though every where he had been on the lookout for a job. Toward the close of the last day he over- took a young man of twenty-five, who was trav- eling in the same direction. "Good-afternoon," said the young man, so- ciably. "Good-afternoon, sir." "Where are you bound, may I ask?" "To the next towa." "Fillmore?" Driven from Home. 6l "Yes, if that is the name." "So am I. Why shouldn't we travel to- gether?" "I have no objection," said Carl, who was glad of company. "Are you in any business?" "No, but I hope to find a place." "Oh, a smart boy like you will soon find employment." "I hope so, I am sure. I haven't much money left, and it is necessary I should do some- thing." "Just so. I am a New York salesman, but just now I am on my vacation — taking a pedes- trian tour with knapsack and staff, as you see. The beauty of it is that my salary runs on just as if I were at my post, and will nearly pay all my traveling expenses." "You are in luck. Besides you have a good place to go back to. There isn't any vacancy, is there? You couldn't take on a boy?" asked Carl, eagerly. "Well, there might be a chance," said the young man, slowly. "You haven't any recom- mendations with you, have you?' "No; I have never been employed." "It doesn't matter. I will recommend you myself." "You might be deceived in me," said Carl, smiling. 62 Driven from Home. "I'll take the risk of that. I know a reliable boy when I see him." "Thank you. What is the name of your firm?" "F. Brandes & Co., commission merchants, Pearl Street. My own name is Chauncy Hub- bard, at your service." "I am Carl Crawford." "That's a good name. I predict that we shall be great chums, if I manage to get you a place in our establishment." "Is Mr. Brandes a good man to work for?" "Yes, he is easy and good-natured. He is liberal to his clerks. What salary do you think I get?" "I couldn't guess." "Forty dollars a week, and I am only twen- ty-five. Went into the house at sixteen, and worked my way up." "You have certainly done well," said Carl, respectfully. "Well, I'm no slouch, if I do say it my- self." "I don't wonder your income pays the ex- penses of your vacation trip." "It ought to, that's a fact, though I'm rather free handed and like to spend money. My pros- pects are pretty good in another direction. Old Fred Brandes has a handsome daughter, who thinks considerable of your humble servaat." Driven from Home. 63 "Do you think there is any chance of mar- rying her?" asked Carl, with interest. "I think my chance is pretty good, as the girl won't look at anybody else." "Is Mr. Brandes wealthy?" "Yes, the old man's pretty well fixed, worth nearly half a million, I guess." "Perhaps he will take you into the firm," sug- gested Carl. "Very likely. That's what I'm working for." "At any rate, you ought to save something out of your salary.'' "I ought, but I haven't. The fact is, Carl," said Chauncy Hubbard, in a burst of con- fidence, -'•'! have a great mind to make a con- fession to you." "I shall feel flattered, I am sure," said Carl, politely. "Fhave one great fault — I gamble." "Do you?" said Carl, rather startled, for he had been brought up very properly to have a horror of gambling. "Yes, I suppose it's in my blood. My father was a very rich man at one time, but he lost nearly all his fortune at the gaming table." "That ought to have been a warning to you, I should think." "It ought, and may be yet, for I am still a young man." "Mr. Hubbard," said Carl, earnestly, "I feel 64 Driven from Home. rather diffident about advising you, for I am only a boy, but I should think you would give up such a dangerous habit." "Say no more, Carl ! You are a true friend. I will try to follow your advice. Give me your hand." Carl did so, and felt a warm glow of pleas- ure at the thought that perhaps he had re- deemed his companion from a fascinating vice. "I really wish I had a. sensible boy like you to be my constant companion. I should feel safer." "Do you really have such a passion for gam- bling, then?" "Yes; if at the hotel to-night I should see a party playing poker, I could not resist join- ing them. Odd, isn't it?" "I am glad I have no such temptation." "Yes, you are lucky. By the way, how much money have you about you?" "Five dollars." "Then you can do me a favor. I have a ten- dollar bill, which I need to get me home. Now, I would like to have you keep a part of it for me till I go away in the morning. Give me your five, and I will hand you ten. Out of that you can pay my hotel bill and hand me the balance due me in the morning." "If you really wish me to do so." "Enough said. Here is the ten." Driven from Home. 65 Carl took the bill, and gave Mr. Hubbard his five-dollar note. "You are placing considerable confidence in me," he said. "I am, it is true, but I have no fear of being deceived. You are a boy who naturally in- spires confidence." Carl thought Mr. Chauncy Hubbard a very agreeable and sensible fellow, and he felt flat- tered to think that the young man had chosen him as a guardian, so to speak. "By the way, Carl, you haven't told me," said Hubbard, as they pursued their journey, 'mow a boy like yourself is forced to work his own way." "I can tell you the reason very briefly — 1 have a stepmother." "I understand. Is your father living?" "Yes." "But he thinks more of the stepmother than of you?" "I am afraid he does." "You have my sympathy, Carl. I will do all I can to help you. If you can only get a place in our establishment, you will be all right. Step by step you will rise, till you come to stand where I do." "That would satisfy me. Has Mr. Brandes got another daughter?" "No, there is only ome." 66 Driven from Home. "Then I shall have to be content with the forty dollars a week. If I ever get it, I will save half." "I wish I could." "You can if you try. Why, you might have two thousand dollars saved up now, if you had only begun to save in time." "I have lost more than that at the gaming table. You will think me very foolish." "Yes, I do," said Carl, frankly. "You are right. But here we are almost at the village." "Is there a good hotel?" "Yes — the Fillmore. We will take adjoining rooms if you say so." "Very well." "And in the morning you will pay the bill?" "Certainly." The two travelers had a good supper, and retired early, both being fatigued with the jour- ney. It was not till eight o'clock the next morn- ing that Carl opened his eyes. lie dressed has- tily, and went down to breakfast. He was rather surprised not to see his companion of the day before. "Has Mr. Hubbard come down yet?" he asked at the desk. "Yes; he took an early breakfast, and went off by the first train." "That is strange. I was to pay his bill." Driven from Home. 67 "Repaid it himself/' Carl did not know what to make of this. Had Hubbard forgotten that he had five dol- lars belonging to him? Fortunately, Carl had his city address, and could refund the money in New York. "Very well ! I will pay my own bill. How much is it?" "A dollar and a quarter." Carl took the ten-dollar bill from his wallet and tendered it to the clerk. Instead of changing it at once, the clerk held it up to the light and examined it critically. "I can't take that bill," he said, abruptly. "Why not?" "Because it is counterfeit." Carl turned pale, ami the room seemed to whirl round. It was all the money he had. 68 Driven from Home. CHAPTER X. THE COUNTERFEIT BILL. "Are you sure it is counterfeit?" asked Carl, very much disturbed. "I am certain of it. I haven't been han- dling bank bills for ten years without being able to tell good money from bad. I'll trou- ble you for another bill." "That's all the money I have," faltered Carl. "Look here, young man/' said the clerk, sternly, "you are trying a bold game, but it won't succeed." "I am trying no game at all," said Carl, plucking up spirit. "I thought the bill was good." "Where did you get it?" "From the man who came with me last even- ing — Mr. Hubbard." "The money he gave me was good." "What did he give you?" "A five-dollar bill." "It was my five-dollar bill," said Carl, bit terte- Driven from Home. 69 "Your story doesn't seem very probable," said the clerk, suspiciously. "How did he hap- pen to get your money, and you his?" "He told me that he would get to gambling, and wished me to take money enough to pay his bill here. He handed me the ten-dollar bill which you say is bad, and I gave him five in return. I think now he only wanted to get good money for bad." "Your story may be true, or it may not," said the clerk, whose manner indicated incre- dulity. "That is nothing to me. All you have to do is to pay your hotel bill, and you can set- tle with Mr. Hubbard when you see him." "But I have no other money," said Carl, desperately. "Then I shall feel justified in ordering your arrest on a charge of passing, or trying to pass, counterfeit money." "Don't do that, sir ! I will see that you are paid out of the first money I earn." "You must think I am soft," said the clerk, contemptuously. "I have seen persons of your stripe before. I dare say, if you were searched, more counterfeit money would be found in your pockets." "Search me, then!" cried Carl, indignantly. "I am perfectly willing that you should." [aven't you any relations who will pay your bill?" " jo Driven from Home. "I have no one to call upon," answered Carl, soberly. "Couldn't you let me work it out? I am ready to do any kind of work." "Our list of workers is full," said the clerk, coldly. Poor Carl! he felt that he was decidedly in a tight place. He had never before found himself unable to meet his bills, nor would he have been so placed now but for Hubbard's rascality. A dollar and a quarter seems a small sum, but if you are absolutely penni- less it might as well be a thousand. Sup- pose he should be arrested and the story get into the papers? How his stepmother would exult in the record of his disgrace! He could anticipate what she would say. Peter, too, would rejoice, and between them both his fa- ther would be persuaded that he was thor- oughly unprincipled. "What have you got in your valise?" asked the clerk. "Only some underclothing. If there were anything of any value I would cheerfully leave it as security. Wait a minute, though," he said, with a sudden thought. "Here is a gold pencil! It is worth five dollars; at any rate, it cost more than that. I can place that in your hands." "Let me see it." Carl handed the clerk a neat gold pencil, Driven from Home. 71 on which his name was inscribed. It was evi- dently of good quality, and found favor with the clerk. "I'll give you a dollar and a quarter for the pencil," he said, "and call it square." "I wouldn't like to sell it," said Carl. "You won't get any more for it." "I wasn't thinking of that ; but it was given me by my mother, who is now dead. I woukl not like to part with anything that she gave me." "You would prefer to get off scot-free, I sup- pose?" retorted the clerk, with a sneer. "No ; I am willing to leave it in your hands, but I should like the privilege of redeeming it when I have the money." "Very well," said the clerk, who reflected that in all probability Carl would never come back for it. "I'll take it on those conditions." Carl passed over the pencil with a sigh. He didn't like to part with it, even for a short time, but there seemed no help for it. "All right. I will mark you paid." Carl left the hotel, satchel in hand, and as he passed out into the street, reflected with a sinking heart that he was now quite pen- niless. Where was he to get his dinner, and how was he to provide himself with a lodg- ing that night? At present he was not hun- gry, having eaten a hearty breakfast at the 72 Driven from Home. hotel, but by one o'clock he would feel the need of food. He began to ask himself if, after all, he had not been unwise in leaving home 1 , no matter how badly he had been treated by his stepmother. There, at least, he was certain of living comfortably. Now he was in dan- ger of starvation, and on two occasions al- ready he had incurred suspicion, once of be- ing concerned in a murder, and just now of passing counterfeit money. Ought he to have submitted, and so avoided all these perils? "No!" he finally decided; "I won't give up the ship yet. I am about as badly off as I can be; I am without a cent, and don't know where my next meal is to come from. But my luck may turn — it must turn — it has turned!" he exclaimed with energy, as his w r andering glance suddenly fell upon a sil- ver quarter of a dollar, nearly covered up with the dust of the street. "That shall prove a good omen !" He stooped over and picked up the coin, which he put in his vest pocket. It was wonderful how the possession of this small sum of money restored his courage and raised his spirits. He was sure of a dinner now, at all events. It looked as if Providence was smiling on him. Two miles farther on Carl overtook a boy of about bis own age trudging along the road Driven from Home. 73 with a rake over his shoulder. He wore over- alls, and was evidently a farmer's boy. "Good-day!" said Carl, pleasantly, noticing that the boy regarded him with interest. "Good-day!'' returned the country lad, rather bashfully. "Can you tell me if there is any place near where I can buy some dinner?" "There ain't no tavern, if that's what you mean. I'm goin' home to dinner myself." "Where do you live?" "Over yonder." He pointed to a farmhouse about a dozen rods away. "Do you think your mother would give me some dinner?" "I guess she would. Mam's real accom- modatin'." "Will you ask her?" "Yes; just come along of me." He turned into the yard, and followed a narrow path to the back door. "I'll stay here while you ask," said Carl. The boy entered the house, and came out after a brief absence. "Mam says you're to come in," he said. Carl, glad at heart, and feeling quite pre- pared to eat fifty cents' worth of dinner, fol- lowed the boy inside. A pleasant-looking, matronly woman, 74 Driven from Home. plainly bill neatly attired, came forward to greet him. "Nat says you would like to get some din- ner," she said. "Yes," answered Carl. "I hope you'll ex- cuse my applying to you, but your son tells me there is no hotel near by." "The nearest one is three miles away from here." "I don't think I can hold out so long," said Carl, smiling. "Sit right down with Nat," said the farm- er's wife, hospitably. "Mr. Sweetser won't be home for half an hour. We've got enough, such as it is." Evidently Mrs. Sweetser was a good cook. The dinner consisted of boiled mutton, with several kinds of vegetables. A cup of tea and two kinds of pie followed. It was hard to tell which of the two boys did fuller justice to the meal. Nat had the usual appetite of a healthy farm boy, and Carl, in spite of his recent anxieties, and narrow es- cape from serious peril, did not allow himself to fall behind. "Your mother's a fine cook!" said Carl, be- tween two mouthfuls. "Ain't she, though?" answered Nat, his mouth full of pie. When Carl rose from the table he feared that Driven from Home. 75 he had eaten more than his little stock of money would pay for. "How much will it be, Mrs. Sweetser?" he asked. "Oh, you're quite welcome to all you've had," said the good woman, cheerily. "It's plain farmer's fare." "I never tasted a better dinner," said Carl. Mrs. Sweetser seemed pleased with the com- pliment to her cooking. "Come again when you are passing this way," she said. "You will always be welcome to a dinner." Carl thanked her heartily, and pressed on his way. Two hours later, at a lonely point of the road, an ill-looking tramp, who had been reclining by the wayside, jumped up, and ad- dressed him in a menacing tone : "Young feller, shell over all the money you have got, or I'll hurt you! I'm hard up, and I won't stand no nonsense." Carl started and looked into the face of the tramp. It seemed to him that he had never seen a man more ill-favored, or viliainoos-look- ing. 76 Driven from Home. CHAPTER XI. THE ARCHERY PRIZE. Situated as he was, it seemed, on second thought, rather a joke to Carl to be attacked by a robber. He had but twenty-five cents in good money about him, and that he had just picked up by the merest chance. "Do I look like a banker?" he asked, hu- morously. "Why do you want to rob a boy?" "The way you're togged out, you must have something," growled the tramp, "and I haven't got a penny." "Your business doesn't seem to pay, then?" "Don't you make fun of me, or I'll wring your neck! Just hand over your money and be quick about it ! I haven't time to stand fool- ing here all day." A bright idea came to Carl. He couldn't spare the silver coin, which constituted all his available wealth, but he still had the counter- feit note. "You won't take all my money, will you?" he said, earnestly. Driven from Home. yj "How much have you got?" asked the tramp*, pricking up his ears. Carl, with apparent reluctance, drew out the ten-dollar bill. The tramp's face lighted up. "Is your name Vanderbilt?" he asked. "I didn't expect to make such a haul." "Can't you give me back a, dollar out of it? I don't want to lose all I have." "I haven't got a cent. You'll have to wait till we meet again. So long, boy! You've helped me out of a scrape." "Or into one," thought Carl. The tramp straightened up, buttoned his dilapidated coat, and walked off with the con- sciousness of being a capitalist. Carl watched him with a smile. "I hope I won't meet him after he has dis- covered that the bill is a counterfeit," he said to himself. He congratulated himself upon being still the possessor of twenty-five cents in silver. It was not much, but it seemed a great deal bet- ter than being penniless. A week before he would have thought it impossible that such a paltry sum would have made him feel comfort- able, but he had passed through a great deal since then. About the middle of the afternoon he came to a field, in which something appeared to be 78 Driven from Home. going on. Some forty or fifty young persons. boys and girls, were walking about the grass, and seemed to be preparing for some interest- ing event. Carl stopped to rest and look on. "What's going on here?" he asked of a boy who was sitting on the fence. "It's a meeting of the athletic association," said the boy. "What are they doing?" "They try for prizes in jumping, 'vaulting, archery and so on." This interested Carl, who excelled in all manly exercises. "I suppose I may stay and look on?" he said, inquiringly. "Why, of course. Jump over the fence and I'll go round with you." It seemed pleasant to Carl to associate once more with boys of his own age. Thrown un- expectedly upon his own resources, he had al- most forgotten that he was a boy. Face to face with a cold and unsyinpathizing world, he seemed to himself twenty-five at least. "Those who wish to compete for the archery prize will come forward," announced Robert Gardiner, a young man of nineteen, who, as Carl learned, was the president of the associa- tion. "You all understand the conditions. The entry fee to competitors is ten cents. The Driven from Home. 79 prize to the most successful archer is one dol- lar." Several boys came forward and paid the en- trance fee. "Would you like to compete?" asked Edward Downie, the boy whose acquaintance Carl had made. "I am an outsider," said Carl. "I don't be- long to the association." "I'll speak to the president, if you like." "I don't want to intrude." "It won't be considered an intrusion. You pay the entrance fee and take your chances." Edward went to the president and spoke to him in a low voice. The result was that he advanced to Carl, and said, courteously: "If you would like to enter into our games, you are quite at liberty to do so." "Thank you," responded Carl. "I have had a little practice in archery, and will enter my name for that prize." He paid over his quarter and received back fifteen cents in change. It seemed rather an imprudent outlay, considering his small cap- ital ; but he had good hopes of carrying off the prize, and that would be a great lift for him. Seven boys entered besides Carl. The first was Victor Russell, a lad of fourteen, whose arrow went three feet above the mark. "The prize is mine if r.oue of you da better 80 Driven from Home. than that," laughed Victor, good-naturedly. "I hope not, for the credit of the club," said the president. "Mr. Crawford, will you shoot next?" "I would prefer to be the last," said Carl, modestly. "John Livermore, your turn now." John came a little nearer than his predeces- sor, but did not distinguish himself. "If that is a specimen of the skill of the clubmen," thought Carl, "my chance is a good one." Next came Frank Stockton, whose arrow stuck only three inches from the center of the target. "Good for Fred!" cried Edward Downie. "Just wait till you see me shoot !" "Are you a dangerous rival?" asked Carl, smiling. "I can hit a barn door if I am only near enough," replied Edward. "Edward Downie!" called the president. Edward took his bow and advanced to the proper place, bent it, and the arrow sped on its way. There was a murmur of surprise when his arrow struck only an inch to the right of the centre. No one was more amazed than Ed- ward himself, for he was accounted far from Skillful. It was indeed a lucky accident Driven from Home. 8f ' "What do you say to that?" asked Edward, triumphantly. "I think the prize is yours. I had no idea you could shoot like that," said Carl. "Nor I," rejoined Edward, laughing. "Carl Crawford J" called the president. Carl took his position, and bent his bow with the greatest care. He exercised unusual de- liberation, for success meant more to him than to any of the others. A dollar to him in his present circumstances would be a small for- tune, while the loss of even ten cents would be sensibly felt. His heart throbbed with excite- ment as he let the arrow speed on its mission. His unusual deliberation, and the fact that he was a stranger, excited strong interest, and all eyes followed the arrow with eager atten- tiveness. There was a sudden shout of irrepressible ex- citement. Carl's arrow had struck the bull's-eye and the prize was his. "Christopher!" exclaimed Edward Downie, "you've beaten me, after all !" "I'm almost sorry," said Carl, apologetically, but the light in his eyes hardly bore out the statement. "Never mind. Everybody would have called it a fluke if I had won," said Edward, "I ex* 82 Driven from Home. pect to get the prize for the long jump. I am good at that." "So am I, but I won't compete; I will leave it to you." "No, no. I want to win fair." Carl accordingly entered his name. He made the second best jump, but Edward's exceeded his by a couple of inches, and the prize was adjudged to him. "I have my revenge," he said, smiling. "I am glad I won, for it wouldn't have been to the credit of the club to have an outsider carry off two prizes." "I am perfectly satisfied," said Carl; "I ought to be, for I did not expect to carry off any." Carl decided not to compete for any other prize. He had invested twenty cents and got back a dollar, which left him a profit of eighty cents. This, with his original quarter, made him the possessor of a dollar and five cents. "My luck seems to have turned," he said to himself, and the thought gave him fresh cour- age. It was five o'clock when the games were over, and Carl prepared to start again on his journey. "Where are you going to take supper?" asked Downie. "I— don't— know." Driven from Home. 83 "Come home with me. W you are in no hurry, you may as well stay overnight, and go on in the morning." "Are you sure it won't inconvenience you?" "Not at all." "Then I'll accept with thanks." 84. Driven from Home, CHAPTER XIL AN ODD ACQUAINTANCE. After breakfast the next morning Carl started again on his way. His new friend, Edward Downie, accompanied him for a mile, having an errand at that distance. "I wish you good luck, Carl," he said, ear- nestly. "When you come this way again, be sure to stop in and see me." "I will certainly do so, but I hope I may find employment." % "At any rate," thought Carl, as he resumed his journey alone, "I am better off than I was yesterday morning. Then I had but twenty- five cents ; now I have a dollar." This was satisfactory as far as it went, but Carl was sensible that he was making no prog- ress in his plan of earning a living. He was simply living from hand to mouth, and but for good luck he would have had to go hungry, and perhaps have been obliged to sleep out doors. What he wanted was employment. It was about ten o'clock when, looking along the roadj his curiosity was excited by a man Driven from Home. 85 of very unusual figure a few rods in advance of him He looked no taller than a boy of ten ; but his frame was large, his shoulders broad, and his arms were of unusual length. He might properly be called a dwarf. "I am glad I am not so small as that," thought Carl. "I am richer than he in having a good figure. I should not like to excite at- tention wherever I go by being unusually large or unusually small." Some boys would have felt inclined to laugh at the queer figure, but Carl had too much good feeling. His curiosity certainly was aroused, and he thought he would like to get acquainted with the little man, whose garments of fine texture showed that, though short in stature, he was probably long in purse. He didn't quite know how to pave the way for an ac- quaintance, but circumstances favored him. The little man drew out a handkerchief from the side pocket of his overcoat. With it flut- tered out a bank bill, which fell to the ground apparently unobserved by the owner. Carl hurried on, and, picking up the bill, said to the small stranger as he touched his arm : "Here is some money you just dropped, sir." The little man turned round and smiled pleasantly. "Thank you. Are you sure it is mine?" 86 Driven from Home. "Yes, sir; it came out with your handker- chief." "Let me see. So it is mine. I was very careless to put it loose in my pocket." "You were rather careless, sir." "Of what denomination is it?' "It is a two-dollar note." "If you had been a poor boy," said the lit- tle man, eying Carl keenly, "you might have been tempted to keep it. I might not have known." Carl smiled. "What makes you think I am not a poor boy?" he said. "You are well dressed." "That is true; but all the money I have is a dollar and five cents." "You know where to get more? You havd a good home?" "I had a home, but now I am thrown on my own exertions," said Carl, soberly. "Dear me! That is bad! If I were better acquainted, I might ask more particularly how this happens. Are you an orphan?" "No, sir; my father is living." "And your mother is dead?" "Yes, sir." "Is your father a poor man?" "No, sir; he is moderately rich." "Yet you have to fight your own way?" Driven from Home. 87 "Yes, sir. I have a stepmother." "I see. Are you sure you are rot unreason- ably prejudiced against your stepmother? All stepmothers are not bad or unkind." "I know that, sir." "Yours is, I presume?'' "You can judge for yourself." Carl recited some incidents in his experience with his stepmother. The stranger listened with evident interest. "I am not in general in favor of boys leaving home except on extreme provocation," he said, after a pause; "but in your case, as your father seems to take part against you, I think you may be justified, especially as, at your age, you have a fair chance of making your own living." "I am glad you think that, sir. I have be- gun to wonder whether I have not acted rashly." "In undertaking to support yourself?" "Yes, sir." "How old are you?" "Sixteen." "At fourteen I was obliged to undertake what you have now before you." "To support yourself?" "Yes ; I was left an orphan at fourteen, with no money left me by my poor father, and no relatives who could help me." 88 Driven from Home, "How did you make out, sir?" asked Carl, feeling very much interested. "I sold papers for a while — in Newark, New Jersey — then I got a place at three dollars a week, out of which I had to pay for board, lodging and clothes. Well, I won't go through my history. I will only say that whatever I did I did as well as I could. I am now a man of about middle age, and I am moderately wealthy." "I am very much encouraged by what you tell me, sir." "Perhaps you don't understand what a hard struggle I had. More than once I have had to go to bed hungry. Sometimes I have had to sleep out, but one mustn't be afraid to rough it a little when he is young. I shouldn't like to sleep out now, or go to bed without my sup- per," and the little man laughed softly. "Yes, sir ; I expect to rough it, but if I could only get a situation, at no matter what income, I should feel encouraged." "You have earned no money yet?" "Yes, sir; I earned a dollar yesterday." "At what kind of work?" "Archery." The little man looked surprised. "Is that a business?" he asked, curiously. "I'll explain how it was," aad Carl told about the contest Driven from Home. 89 "So you hit the mark?" said the little man, significantly. Somehow, there was something in the lit- tle man's tone that put new courage into Carl, and incited him to fresh effort. "I wonder, sir," he said, after a pause, "that you should be walking, when you can well af ford to ride." The little man smiled. "It is by advice of my physician," he said. "He tells me I am getting too stout, and ought to take more or less exercise in the open air. So I am trying to follow his advice" "Are you in business near here, sir?" "At a large town six miles distant. I may not walk all the way there, but I have a place to call at near by, and thought I would avail myself of the good chance offered to take a little exercise. I feel repaid. I have made a pleasant acquaintance." "Thank you, sir." "There is my card," and the little man tooK out a business card, reading thus • HENRY JENNINGS, Furniture Warehouse, Milford. "I manufacture my furniture in the coun- try," he continued, "but I ship it by special ar- 9<3 Driven from Home. rangements to a house in New York in which I am also interested." "Yes, sir, I see. Do you employ many per- sons in your establishment?" "About thirty." "Do you think you could make room for me?" "Do you think you would like the business?" "I am prepared to like any business in which I can make a living." "That is right. That is the way to look at it. Let me think." For two minutes Mr. Jennings seemed to be plunged in thought. Then he turned and smiled encouragingly. "You can come home with me," lie said, "and I will consider the matter." "Thank you, sir," said Carl, gladly. "I have got to make a call at the next house, not on business, though. There is an old school- mate lying there sick. I am afraid he is rather poor, too. You can walk on slowly, and I will overtake you in a few minutes." "Thank you, sir." "After walking half a mile, if I have not overtaken you, you may sit down under a tree wid wait for me." "All right, sir." "Before I leave you I will tell you a secret." "What is it, sir?" Driven from Home. 91 "The two dollars you picked up, I dropped on purpose." "On purpose?"' asked Carl, in amazement. "Yes ; I wanted to try you, to see if you were honest." "Then yon had noticed me?" "Yes. I liked your appearance, but I wanted to test you." 92 Driven from Home. CHAPTER XIII. AN UNEQUAL CONTEST. Carl walked on slowly. He felt encouraged by the prospect of work, for he was sure that Mr. Jennings would make a place for him, if possible. "He is evidently a kind-hearted man," Carl reflected. "Besides, he has been poor himself, and he can sympathize with me. The wages may be small, but I won't mind that, if I can only support myself economically, and get on." To most boys brought up in comfort, not to say luxury, the prospect of working hard for small pay would not have seemed inviting. But Carl was essentially manly, and had sensible ideas about labor. It was no sacrifice or hu- miliation to him to become a working boy, for he had never considered himself superior to working boys, as many boys in his position would have done. He walked on in a leisurely manner, and at the end of ten minutes thought he had bet- ter sit down and wait for Mr. Jennings. But he was destined to receive a shock. There, un- Driven from Home. 93 der the tree which seemed to offer the most inviting shelter, reclined a figure only too well- known. It was the tramp who the day before had compelled him to surrender the ten-dollar bill. The ill-looking fellow glanced up, and when his gaze rested upon Carl, his face beamed with savage joy. "So it's you, is it?" he said, rising from his seat. "Yes," answered Carl, doubtfully. "Do you remember me?" "Yes." "I have cause to remember you, my chicken. That was a mean trick you played upon me," and he nodded his head significantly. "I should think it was you that played the trick on me." "How do you make that out?" growled the tramp. "You took my money." "So I did, and much good it did me." Carl was silent. "You know why, don't you?" Carl might have denied that he knew the character of the bill which was stolen from him, but I am glad to say that it would have come from him with a very ill grace, for he was accustomed to tell the truth under all eir- eumstances, 94 Driven from Home. "You knew that the bill was counterfeit, didn't you?" demanded the tramp, fiercely. "I was told so at the hotel where I offered it in payment for my bill." "Yet you passed it on me!" "I didn't pass it on you. You took it from me," retorted Carl, with spirit. "That makes no difference." "I think it does. I wouldn't have offered it to anyone in payment of an honest bill." "Humph! you thought because I was poor and unfortunate you could pass it off on me !" This seemed so grotesque that Carl found it difficult not to laugh. "Do you know it nearly got me into trou- ble?" went on the tramp. "How was that?" "I stopped at a baker's shop to get a lunch. When I got through I offered the bill. The old Dutchman put on his spectacles, and he looked first at the bill, then at me. Then he threatened to have me arrested for passing bad money. I told him I'd go out in the back yard and settle it with him. I tell you, boy, I'd have knocked him out in one round, and he knew it, so he bade me be gone and never darken his door again. Where did you get it?" "It was passed on me by a man I was trav» eling with," Driven from Home. 95 "How much other money have you got?" asked the tramp. "Very little." "Give it to me, whatever it is." This was a little too much for Carl's pa- tience. "I have no money to spare," he said, shortly. "Say that over again I" said the tramp, men- acingly. "If you don't understand me, I will. I have no money to spare." "You'll spare it to me, I reckon." "Look here," said Carl, slowly backing. ''You've robbed me of ten dollars. You'll have to be satisfied with that." "It was no good. It might have sent me to prison. If I was nicely dressed I might pass it, but when a chap like me offers a ten- dollar bill it's sure to be looked at sharply. I haven't a cent, and I'll trouble you to hand over all you've got " "Why don't you work for a living? You are a strong, able-bodied man." "You'll find I am if you give me any more of your palaver." Carl saw that the time of negotiation was past, and that active hostilities were about to commence. Accordingly he turned and ran, not forward, but in the reverse direction, hop- ing in this way to meet with Mr. Jennings. 96 Driven from Home. "Ah, that's your game, is it?'' growled the tramp. "You needn't expect to escape, for I'll overhaul you in two minutes." So Carl ran, and his rough acquaintance ran after him. It could hardly be expected that a boy of sixteen, though stout and strong, could get away from a tall, powerful man like the tramp. Looking back over his shoulder, Carl saw that the tramp was but three feet behind, and almost able to lay his hand upon his shoulder. He dodged dexterously, and in trying to do the same the tramp nearly fell to the ground. Naturally, this did not sweeten his temper. "I'll half murder you when I get hold of you," he growled, in a tone that bodied ill for Carl. The latter began to pant, and felt that he could not hold out much longer. Should he surrender at discretion? "If some one would only come along," was his inward aspiration. "This man will take my money and beat me, too." As if in reply to his fervent prayer the small figure of Mr. Jennings appeared suddenly, rounding a curve in the road. "Save me, save me, Mr. Jennings!" cried Carl, running up to the little man for protec- tion. "What is the matter? Who is this fellow?" Driven from Home. 97 asked Mr. Jennings, in a deep voice for so small a man. "That tramp wants to rob me." "Don't trouble yourself! He won't do it," said Jennings, calmly. 98 Driven from Home. CHAPTER XIV. CARL ARRIVES IN MILFORD. The tramp stopped short, and eyed Carl's small defender, first with curious surprise, and then with derision. "Out of my way, you midget!" he cried, "or I'll hurt you." "Try it!" said the little man, showing no sign of fear. "Why, you're eo bigger than a kid. I can upset you with one finger." He advanced contemptuously, and laid his hand on the shoulder of the dwarf. In an instant Jennings had swung his flail-like arms, and before the tramp understood what was happening he was lying flat on his back, as much to Carl's amazement as his own. He leaped to his feet with an execration, and advanced again to the attack. To be up- set by such a pigmy was the height of morti* fication. "I'm going to crush you, you mannikin!' , he threatened. Driven from Home. 99 Jennings put. himself on guard. Like many small men, he was very powerful, as his broad shoulders and sinewy arms would Imve made evident to a teacher of gymnastics. He clearly understood that this opponent was in deadly earnest, and he put out all the strength which he possessed. The result was that his large- framed antagonist went down once more, strik- ing his head with a force that nearly stunned him. It so happened that at this juncture rein- forcements arrived. A sheriff and his deputy drove up in an open buggy, and, on witnessing the encounter, halted their carriage and sprang to the ground. "What is the matter, Mr. Jennings?" asked the sheriff, respectfully, for the little man was a person of importance in that vicinity. "That gentleman is trying to extort a forced loan, Mr. Cunningham." "Ha! a footpad?" "Yes." The sheriff sprang to the side of the tramp, who was trying to rise, and in a trice his wrists were confined by handcuffs. "I think I know you, Mike Frost," he said. "You are up to your old tricks. When did you come out of Sing Sing?" "Three weeks since," answered the tramp, sullenly. ioo Driven from Home. "They want you back there. Come along with ine!" He was assisted into the buggy, and spent that night in the lockup. "Did he take anything from you, Carl?" asked Mr. Jennings. "No, sir; but I was in considerable danger. How strong you are!" he added, admiringly. "Strength isn't always according to size!" said the little man, quietly. "Nature gave me a powerful, though small, frame, and I have increased my strength by gymnastic exercise." Mr. Jennings did not show the least excite- ment after his desperate contest. He had at- tended to it as a matter of business, and when over he suffered it to pass out of his mind. He took out his watch and noted the time. "It is later than I thought," he said. "I think I shall have to give up my plan of walk- ing the rest of the way." "Then I shall be left alone," thought Carl regretfully. Just then a man overtook them in a carriage. He greeted Mr. Jennings respectfully. "Are you out for a long walk?" he said. "Yes, but I find time is passing too rapidly with me. Are you going to Milford?" "Yes, sir." "Can you take two passengers?' "You and the boy?" Driven from Home. 101 "Yes; of course I will see that you don't lose by it." "I ought not to charge you anything, Mr. Jennings. Several times you have done me favors." "And I hope to again, but this is business. If a dollar will pay you, the boy and I will ride with you." "It will be so much gain, as I don't go out of my way." "You can take the back seat, Carl," said Mr. Jennings. "I will sit with Mr. Leach." They were soon seated and on their way. "Relative of yours, Mr. Jennings?" asked Leach, with a backward glance at Carl. Like most country folks, he was curious about people. Those who live in cities meet too many of their kind to feel an interest in strangers. "No; a young friend," answered Jennings, briefly. "Goin' to visit you?" "Yes, I think he will stay with me for a time." Then the conversation touched upon Milford matters in which at present Carl was not in- terested. After his fatiguing walk our hero enjoyed the sensation of riding. The road was a pleas- ant one, the day was bright with sunshine and 102 Driven from Home. the air vocal with the songs of birds. Foi a time houses were met at rare intervals, but after a while it became evident that they were approaching a town of considerable size. "Is this Milford, Mr. Jennings?" asked Carl. "Yes," answered the little man, turning with a pleasant smile. "How large is it?" "I think there are twelve thousand inhab- itants. It is what Western people call a 'right smart place.' It has been my home for twenty years, and I am much attached to it." "And it to you, Mr. Jennings/' put in the driver. "That is pleasant to hear," said Jennings, with a smile. "It is true. There are few people here whom you have not befriended." "That is what we are here for, is it not?" "I wish all were of your opinion. Why, Mr. Jennings, when Ave get a city charter I think I know who will be the first mayor." "Not I, Mr. Leach. My own business is all I can well attend to. Thank you for your com- pliment, though. Carl, do you see yonder building?" He pointed to a three-story structure, a frame building, occupying a prominent posi- tion. "Yes, sir." Driven from Home. 103 "That is ray manufactory. What do you think of it?" " "I shouldn't think a town of this size would require so large an establishment," answered Carl. Mr. Jennings laughed. "You are right," he said. "If I depended on Milford trade, a very small building would be sufficient. My trade is outside. I supply many dealers in New York City and a I the West. My retail trade is small. If any of my neighbors want furniture they naturally come to me, and I favor them as to price out of friendly feeling, but I am a manufacturer and wholesale dealer." "I see, sir." "Shall I take you to your house, Mr. Jen- nings?" asked Leach. "Yes, if you please." Leach drove on till he reached a two-story building of Quaker-like simplicity, but with a large, pleasant yard in front, with here and there a bed of flowers. Here he stopped his horse. "We have reached our destination, Carl," said Mr. Jennings. "You are active. Jump out and I will follow." Carl needed no second invitation. He sprang from the carriage and went forward to help Mr. Jennings out. io4 Driven from Home. "No, thank you, Carl," said the little man. "I am more active than you think. Here we are !" He descended nimbly to the ground, and, drawing a one-dollar bill from his pocket, handed it to the driver. "I don't like to take it, Mr. Jennings," said Mr. Leach. "Why not? The laborer is worthy of his hire. Now, Carl, let us go into the house." Driven from Home. I beckoned for me." Julius Gibbon flushed painfully, and he trembled with nervous agitation, for he feared something had happened. "Very well, go out, but don't stay long." Leonard crossed the street and walked 113 > to Stark, who awaited him, looking grim and stern. "Your uncle is inside?" he asked. "Yes, sir." "Tell him I wish to see him at once — on busi- ness of importance." r88 Driven from Home. "He's busy," said Leonard. "'He doesn't leave the office in business hours." "Tell him I must see him — do you hear? He'll come fast enough." "I wonder what it's all about," thought Leonard, whose curiosity was naturally ex- cited. "Wait a minute!" said Stark, as he turned to go. "Is Jennings in?" "No, sir, he has gone over to the next town." "Probably the box has not been missed, then," thought Stark. "So much the better! I can find out how matters stand, and then leave town." "Very well!" he said, aloud, "let your un- cle understand that I must see him." Leonard carried in the message. Gibbon made no objection, but took his hat and went out, leaving Leonard in charge of the office. "Well, what is it?" he asked, hurriedly, as he reached Stark. "Is — is the box all right?" "Look here, Gibbon," said Stark, harshly, "have you been playing any of your infernal tricks upon me?" "I don't know what you mean," responded Gibbon, bewildered. Stark eyed him sharply, but the bookkeeper was evidently sincere. "Is there anything wrong?" continued the latter* Driven from Home. J89 "Do you mean to tell me you didn't knov* that wretched box was filled with waste pa per?" "You don't mean it?" exclaimed Gibbon, is dismay. "Yes, I do. I didn't open it till this morn- ing, and in place of government bonds, I found only folded slips of newspaper." By this time Gibbon was suspicious. Hav- ing no confidence in Stark, it occurred to him that it was a ruse to deprive him of his share of the bonds. "I don't believe you," he said. ni the bediside of my dying mother." "I admire your audacity, Mr. Stark," ob- served the manufacturer, quietly. "Don't suppose for a moment that I give the least credit to your statements." "Thank you, sir," said Gibbon. "I'm ready to accept the consequences of my act, but I don't want that scoundrel and traitor to go free." "You can't prove anything against me," said Stark, doggedly, "unless you accept the word of a self-confessed burglar, who is angry with me because I would not join him." "All these protestations it would be better for you to keep till your trial begins, Mr. Stark," said the manufacturer. "However, I think it only fair to tell you that I am better informed about you and your conspiracy than you imagine. Will you tell me where you were at eleven o'clock last evening?" "I was in my room at the hotel — no, I was taking a walk. I had received news of my mother's illness, and I was so much disturbed and grieved that I could not remain indoors." "You were seen to enter the office of this factory with Mr. Gibbon, and after ten minutes came out with the tin box under your arm." "Who saw me?" demanded Stark, uneasily. Carl Crawford came forward and answered this question. "I did!" he said. 198 Driven from Home. "A likely story! You were in bed and asleep." "You are mistaken. T was on watch behind the stone wall just opposite. If you want proof, I can repeat some of the conversation that passed between you and Mr. Gibbon." Without waiting for the request, Carl re hearsed some of the talk already recorded in a previous chapter. Phil Stark began to see that things were getting serious for him, but he was game to the last. "I deny it," he said, in a loud voice. "Do you also deny it, Mr. Gibbon?" asked Mr. Jennings. "No, sir; I admit it," replied Gibbon, with a triumphant glance at his foiled confederate. "This is a conspiracy against an innocent man," said Stark, scowling. "You want to screen your bookkeeper, if possible. No one has ever before charged me with crime." "Then how does it happen, Mr. Stark, that you were confined at the Joliet penitentiary for a term of years?" "Did he tell you this?" snarled Stark, point- ing to Gibbon. "No." "Who then?" "A customer of mine from Chicago. He saw you at the hotel, and informed Carl last even- Driven from Home. 199 ing of your character. Carl, of course, brought the news to me. It was in consequence of this information that I myself removed the bonds from the box, early in the evening, and sub- stituted strips of paper. Your enterprise, therefore, would have availed you little even if you had succeeded in getting off scot-free." "I see the game is up," said Stark, throw- ing off the mask. "It's true that I have been in the Joliet penitentiary. It was there that I became acquainted with your bookkeeper," he added, maliciously. "Let him deny it if he dare." "I shall not deny it. It is true," said Gib- bon. "But I had resolved to live an honest life in future, and would have done so if this man had not pressed me into crime by his threats." "I believe you, Mr. Gibbon," said the manu- facturer, gently, "and I will see that this is counted in your favor. And now, gentlemen, I think there is no occasion for further delay." The two men were carried to the lockup and in due time were tried. Stark was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment, Gibbon to five. At the end of two years, at the intercession of Mr. Jennings, he was pardoned, and furnished with money enough to go to Australia, where, his past character unknown, he was able to make an honest living, and gain a creditable posi- tion. jjoo Driven from Home, CHAPTER XXVIII. AFTEE A YEAE. Twelve moLit^s passed without any special incident. With Carl it was a period of steady and intelligent labor and progress. He had excellent mechanical talent, and made remark- able advancement. He was not content with attention to his own work, but was a careful observer of the work of others, so that in one year he learned as much of the business as most boys would have done in three. When the year was up, Mr. Jennings de- tained him after supper. "Do you remember what anniversary this is, Carl?" he asked, pleasantly. "Yes, sir; it is the anniversary of my going into the factory." "Exactly. How are you satisfied -with the year and its work?" "I have been contented and happy, M>. Jen- nings; and I feel that I owe my happiness %&& content to you." Mr. Jesnings looked pleased. Driven from Home. 20 1 "I am glad you say so," he said, "but it is only fair to add that your own industry and intelligence have much to do with the satis- factory results of the year." "Thank you, sir." "The superintendent tells me that outside of your own work you have a general knowl- edge of the business which would make you a valuable assistant to himself in case he needed one." Carl's face glowed with pleasure. "I believe in being thorough," he said, "and I am interested in every department of the business." "Before you went into the factory you had not done any work." "No, sir; I had attended school." "It was not a bad preparation for business, but in some cases it gives a boy disinclination for manual labor." "Yes; I wouldn't care to work with my hands all my life." "I don't blame yoa for that. You have quali- fied yourself for something better. How much do I pay you?" "I began on two dollars a week and my board. At the end of six months you kindly advanced me to four dollars." "I dare say you have found it none too much for your wants." 202 Driven from Home. Carl smiled. "I have saved forty dollars out of it," he answered. Mr. Jennings looked pleased. "You have done admirably," he said, warmly. "Forty dollars is not a large sum, but in laying it by you have formed a habit that will be of great service to you in after years. I propose to raise you to ten dollars a week." "But, sir, shall I earn so much? You are very kind, but I am afraid you will be a loser by your liberality." Mr. Jennings smiled. "You are partly right," he said. "Your services at present are hardly worth the sum I have agreed to pay, that is, in the factory, but I shall probably impose upon you other duties of an important nature soon." "If you do, sir, I will endeavor to meet your expectations." "How would you like to take a journey, Carl?" "Very much, sir." "I think of sending you — to Chicago." Carl, who had thought perhaps of a fifty- mile trip, looked amazed, but his delight was equal to his surprise. He had always wished to see the West, though Chicago can hardly be called a Western city now, since between Driven from Home. 203 it and the Pacific there is a broad belt of land two thousand miles in extent. "Do you think I am competent?" he asked, modestly. "I cannot say positively, but I think so," answered Mr. Jennings. "Then I shall be delighted to go. Will it be very soon?" "Yes, very soon. I shall want you to start next Monday." "I will be ready, sir." "And I may as well explain what are to be your duties. I am, as you know, manu- facturing a special line of chairs which I am desirous of introducing to the trade. I shall give you the names of men in my line in Al- bany, Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago, and it will be your duty to call upon them, explain the merits of the chair, and solicit orders. In other words, you will be a traveling sales- man or drummer. I shall pay your traveling expenses, ten dollars a week, and, if your or- ders exceed a certain limit, I shall give you a commission on the surplus." "Suppose I don't reach that limit?" "I shall at all events feel that you have done your best. I will instruct you a little in your duties between now and the time of your departure. I should nryself like to go in your stead, but I am needed here. There 204 Driven from Home. are, of course, others in my employ, older than yourself, whom I might send, but I have an idea that you will prove to be a good sales- man." "I will try to be, sir." On Monday morning Carl left Milford, reached New York in two hours and a half, and, in accordance with the directions of Mr. Jennings, engaged passage and a stateroom on one of the palatial night lines of Hudson River steamers to Albany. The boat was well filled with passengers, ami a few persons were unable to procure staterooms. Carl, however, applied in time, and obtained an excellent room. He deposited his gripsack therein, and then took a seat on deck, mean- ing to enjoy as long as possible the delight- ful scenery for which the Hudson is celebrated. It was his first long journey, and for this rea- son Carl enjoyed it all the more. He could not but contrast his present position and pros- pects with those of p year ago, when, helpless and penniless, he left an unhappy home to make his own way. "What a delightful evening!" said a voice at his side. Turning, Carl saw sitting by him a young man of about thirty, dressed in somewhat pre- tentious style and wearing eyeglasses He was tall and thin, and had khtuIt sidp whiskers. Driven from Home. 205 "Yes, it is a beautiful evening," replied Carl, politely. "And the scenery is quite charming. Have you ever been all the way up the river?" "No, but I hope some day to take a day trip." "Just so. I am not sure but I prefer the Rhine, with its romantic castles and vine- clad hills." "Have you visited Europe, then?" asked Carl. "Oh, yes, several times. I have a passion for traveling. Our family is wealthy, and I have been able to go where I pleased." "That must be very pleasant." "It is. My name is Stuyvesant — one of the old Dutch families." Carl was not so much impressed, perhaps, as he should have been by this announcement, for he knew very little of fashionable life in New York. "You don't look like a Dutchman," he said, smiling. "I suppose you expected a figure like a beer keg," rejoined Stuyvesant, laughing. "Some of my forefathers may have answered that de- scription, but I am not built that way. Are you traveling far?" "I may go as far as Chicago." "Is anyone with you?" 206 Driven from Home. "No." "Perhaps you have friends in Chicago?" "Not tli at I am aware of. I am traveling on business." "Indeed; you are rather young for a busi- ness man." "I am sixteen." "Well, that cannot exactly be called vener- able." "No, I suppose not." "By the way, did you succeed in getting a stateroom?" "Yes, I have a very good one." "You're in luck, on my word. I was just too late. The man ahead of me took the last room." "You can get a berth, I suppose." "Cut that is so common. Really, T should not know how to travel without a stateroom. Have you anyone with you?" "No." "If you will take me in I will pay the en- tire expense." Carl hesitated. He preferred to be alone, but he was of an obliging disposition, and he knew that there were two berths in the state- room. "If it will be an accommodation," he said, "I will let you occupy the room with me, Mr. Stuyvesant," Driven from Home. 207 "Will you, indeed ! I shall esteem it a very great favor. Where is your room?" "I will show you." Carl led the way to No. 17, followed by his new acquaintance. Mr. Stuyvesant seemed very much pleased, and insisted on paying for the room at once. Carl accepted half the reg- ular charges, and so the bargain was made. At ten o'clock the two travelers retired to bed. Carl was tired and went to sleep at once. He slept through the night. When he awoke in the morning the boat was in dock. He heard voices in the cabin, and the noise of the transfer of baggage and freight to the wharf. "I have overslept myself," he said, and jumped up, hurriedly. He looked into the up- per berth, but his roommate was gone. Some- thing else was gone, too — his valise, and a wallet which he had carried in the pocket of his trousers. 2.0% Driven from Home. CHAPTER XXIX. THE LOST BANK BOOK. Carl was not long in concluding that he had been robbed by his roommate. It was hard to believe that a Stuyvesant- -a repre- sentative of one of the old Dutch families of New Amsterdam — should have stooped to such a discreditable act. Carl was sharp enough, however, to doubt the genuineness of Mr. Stuy- vesent's claims to aristocratic lineage. Mean- while he blamed himself for being so easily duped by an artful adventurer. To be sure, it was not as bad as it might be. His pocketbook only contained ten dol- lars in small bills. The balance of his money he had deposited for safe keeping in the in- side pocket of his vest. This he h?d placed under his pillow, and so it had escaped the notice of the thief. The satchel contained a supply of shirts, underclothing, etc., and he was sorry to lose it. The articles were not expensive^ but it would cost him from a dozen to fifteen dol- lars to replace them. Driven from Home. 209 Carl stepped to the door of his stateroom and called a servant who was standing near. -How long have we been at the pier?" he asked. "About twenty minutes, sir." "Did you see my roommate go out?" "A tall young man in a light overcoat?" "Yes." "Yes, sir. I saw him." "Did , -ou notice whether he carried a valise in his hand?" "A gripsack? Yes, sir." "A small one?" "Yes, sir." "It was mine." "You don't say so, sir I And such a respecta- ble-lookin' gemman, sir." "He may have looked respectable, but he was a thief all the same." "You don't say? Did he take anything else sir?" J s ' "He took my pocketbook." "Well, well! He was a rascal, sure! But maybe it dropped on the floor." Carl turned his attention to the carpet, but saw nothing of the lost pocketbook. He did find, however, a small book in a brown cover, which Stuyvesant had probably dropped. Pick' lag it up, he discovered that it was a bank book on the Sixpenny Savings Bank of AJ- 210 Driven from Home. bany, standing in the name of Eaehel Nor« ris, and numbered 17,310. "This is stolen property, too," thought Carl. "I wonder if there is much in it." Opening the book he saw that there were three entries, as follows : 1883. Jan. 23. Five hundred dollars. it June 10. Two hundred dollars. u Oct. 21. One hundred dollars. There was besides this interest credited to the amount of seventy-five dollars. The de- posits, therefore, made a grand total of $875. No doubt Mr. Stuyvesant had stolen this book, but had not as yet found an opportunity of utilizing it. "What's dat?" asked the colored servant. "A savings bank book. My roommate must have dropped it. It appears to belong to a lady named Rachel Norris. I wish I could get it to her." "Is she an Albany lady, sir?"' "I don't know." "You might look in the directory." "So I will. It is a good idea." "I hope the gemman didn't take all your money, sir." "No; he didn't even take half of it. I only wish I had been awake when the boat got to the dock." Driven from Home. 211 "I would have called you, sir, if you had asked me." "I am not much used to traveling. I shall know better next time what to do." The finding of the bank book partially con- soled Carl for the loss of his pocketbook and gripsack. He was glad to be able to defeat Stuyvesant in one of his nefarious schemes, and to be the instrument of returning Miss Norris her savings bank book. When he left the boat he walked along till he reached a modest-looking hotel, where he thought the charges would be reasonable. He entered, and, going to the desk, asked if he could have a room. "Large or small?" inquired the clerk. "Small." "No. f>7. Will you go up now?" "Yes, sir." "Any baggage?" "No; I had it stolen on the boat." The clerk looked a little suspicious. "We must require pay in advance, then," he said. "Certainly," answered Carl, pulling out a roll of bills. I suppose you make special terms to commercial travelers?" "Are you a drummer?" "Yes. I represent Henry Jennings, of Mil- ford, New York." 212 Driven from Home. "All right, sir. Our usual rates are two dol lars a day. To you they will be a dollar and a quarter." "Very well ; I will pay you for two days. Is breakfast ready?'' "It is on the table, sir." "Then I will go in at once. I will go to my room afterwards." In spite of his loss, Carl had a hearty ap- petite, and did justice to the comfortable breakfast provided. He bought a morning paper, and ran his eye over the advertising columns. He had never before read an Al- bany paper, and wished to get an idea of the city in its business aspect. It occurred to him that there might be an advertisement of the lost bank book. But no such notice met his eyes. He went up to his room, which was small and plainly furnished, but looked comforta- ble. Going down again to the office, he looked into the Albany directory to see if he could find the name of Rachel Norris. There was a Rebecca Norris, who was put down as a dressmaker, but that was as near as he came to Rachel Norris. Then he set himself to looking o\er the other members of the Norris family. Finally he picked out Norris & Wade, furnishing goods and decided to call at the store and inquire Driven from Home. 213 if they knew any lady named Rachel Norris. The prospect of gaining information in this way did not seem very promising, but no other course presented itself, and Carl determined to follow up the clew, slight as it was. Though unacquainted with Albany streets, he had little difficulty in finding the store of Norris & Wade. It was an establishment of good size, well supplied with attractive goods. A clerk came forward to wait upon Carl. "What can I show you?" he asked. "You may show me Mr. Norris, if you please," responded Carl, with a smile. "He is in the office," said the clerk, with an answering smile. Carl entered the office and saw Mr. Norris, a man of middle age, partially bald, with a genial, business-like manner. "Well, young man?" he said, looking at Carl inquiringly. "You must excuse me for troubling you, sir," said Carl, who was afraid Mr. Norris would laugh at him, "but I thought you might direct me to Rachel Norris." Mr. Norris looked surprised. "What do you want of Rachel Norris?" he asked, abruptly. "I have a little business with her," answered Carl. "Of what nature?" 214 Driven from Home. "Excuse me, but I don't care to mention it at present." "Humph ! you are very cautious for a young man, or rather boy." "Isn't that a good trait, sir?" "Good, but unusual. Are you a schoolboy?" "No, sir ; I am a drummer." Mr. Norris put on a pair of glasses and scrutinized Carl more closely. "I should like to see — just out of curiosity — the man that you travel for," he said. "I will ask him to call whenever he visits Albany. There is his card." Mr. Norris took it. "Why, bless my soul!" he exclaimed. "It is Henry Jennings, an old schoolmate of mine." "And a good business man, even if he has sent out such a young drummer." "I should say so. There must be some- thing in you, or he wouldn't have trusted you. How is Jennings?" "He is well, sir — well and prosperous." "That is good news. Are you in his em- ploy?" "Yes, sir. This is the first time I have trav- eled for him." "How far are you going?" "As far as Chicago." "I don't see what you can have to do with Driven from Home. 215 Racnel Norris. However, I don't mind tell- ing you that she is my aunt, and — well, upon my soul! Here she is now." And he ran hastily to greet a tall, thin lady, wearing a black shawl, who at that moment entered the office. 216 Driven from Home. CHAPTER XXX. AN ECCENTRIC WOMAN. Miss Norms dropped into a chair as if she were fatigued. "Well, Aunt Kachel, how are you feeling this morning?" asked her nephew. "Out of sorts," was the laconic reply. "I am very sorry for that. I suppose there is reason for it." "Yes; I've been robbed." "Indeed!" said Mr. Norris. "Lost your purse? I wonder more ladies are not robbed, carrying their money as carelessly as they do." "That isn't it. I am always careful, as care- ful as any man." "Still you got robbed." "Yes, but of a bank book." Here Carl became attentive. It was clear that he would not have to look any farther for the owner of the book he had found in his stateroom. "What kind of a bank book?" inquired Mr. Korria. Driven from Home. 217 "I had nearly a thousand dollars deposited in the Sixpenny Savings Bank. I called at the bank to make some inquiries about inter- est, and when I came out I presume some ras- cal followed me and stole the book " "Have you any idea who took it?" J got into the horse cars, near the bank; next to me sat a young man in a light over- coat. There was no one on the other side of me. I think he must have taken it." "That was Stuyvesant," said Carl to him- self. "When did this happen, Aunt Rachel?" "Three days since." "Why didn't you do something about it be- fore?" "I did. I advertised a reward of twenty- five dollars to anyone who would restore it to me." "There was no occasion for that. By giv- ing notice at the bank, they would give you a new book after a time." "I preferred to recover the old one. Be- sides, I thought I would like to know what became of it." "I can tell you, Miss Norris," said Carl, who thought it time to speak. Hitherto Miss Norris had not seemed aware of CarFs presence. She turned abruptly and surveyed him through her glasses. 2i8 Driven from Home. "Who are you?" she asked. This might seem rude, but it was only Miss Rachel's way. "My name is Carl Crawford." "Do I know you?" "No, Miss Norris, but I hope you will." "Humph ! that depends. You say you know what became of my bank book?" "Yes, Miss Norris." "Well?" "It was taken by the young man who sat next to you." "How do you know?" "He robbed me last night on the way from New York in a Hudson River steamboat." "That doesn't prove that he robbed me. I was robbed here in this city." "What do you say to this?" asked Carl, dis- playing the bank book. "Bless me! That is my book. Where did you get it?" Carl told his story briefly, how, on discov- ering that he had been robbed, he explored the stateroom and found the bank book. "Well, well, I am astonished ! And how did you Know Mr. Norris was my nephew?" "I didn't know. I didn't know anything about him or you, but finding his name in the directory, I came here to ask if he knew any such person." Driven from Home. 219 "You are a smart boy, and a good, honest one," said Miss Norris. "You have earned the reward, and shall have it." "I don't want any reward, Miss Norris," re- joined Carl. "I have had very little trouble in finding you." "That is of no consequence. I offered the reward, and Rachel Norris is a woman of her word." She thrust her hand into her pocket, and drew out a wallet, more suitable to a man's use. Opening this, she took out three bills, two tens and a five, and extended them toward Carl. "I don't think I ought to take this money, Miss Norris," said Carl, reluctantly. "Did that rascal rob you, too?" "Yes." "Of how much?" "Ten dollars in money and some undercloth- ing." "Very well! This money will go toward making up your loss. You are not rich, I take it?" "Not yet." "I am, and can afford to give you this money. There, take it," "Thank you, Miss Norris." "I want to ask one favor of you. If you ever come across that young man in the light j20 Driven from Home. overcoat, have him arrested, and let me know." "I will, Miss Norris. 77 "Do you live in Albany? 17 Carl explained that he was traveling on business, and should leave the next day if he could get through. "How far are you going? 17 "To Chicago.' 7 "Can you attend to some business for me there?' 7 " "Yes, if it won 7 t take too long a time. 77 "Good! Come round to my house to sup- per at six o'clock, and I will tell you about it. Henry, write my address on a piece of pa- per, and give it to this young man. 77 Henry Norris smiled, and did as his aunt requested. "You have considerable confidence in this young man? 77 he said. "I have." "You may be mistaken." "Rachel Norris is not often mistaken." "I will accept your invitation with pleasure, Miss Norris, 77 said Carl, bowing politely. "Now, as I have some business to attend to, [ will bid you both good-morning. 77 As Carl went out, Miss Norris said : "Henry, that is a remarkable boy.' 7 "I think favorably of him myself. He is in the employ of an old schoolmate of mine. Driven from Home. 22 1: Henry Jennings, of Milford. By the way, what business are vou going to put into his hands?" "A young man who has a shoe store on State Street lias asked me for a loan of two thou- sand dollars to extend his business. His name is John French, and his mother was an old schoolmate of mine, though some years younger. Now I know nothing of him. If he is a sober, steady, industrious young man, I may comply with his request. This boy will investigate and report to me." "And you will be guided by his report?" "Probably." "Aunt Rachel, you are certainly very ec- centric." "I may be, but I am not often deceived." "Well, I hope you won't be this time. The boy seems to me a very good boy, but you can't put an old head on young shoulders." "Some boys have more sense than men twice their age." "You don't mean me, T hope, Aunt Rachel," said Mr. Norris, smiling. "Indeed, I don't. I shall not flatter you by speaking of you as only twice this boy's age." "I see, Aunt Rachel, there is no getting the better of you." Meanwhile Carl was making business calls. He obtained a map of the city, and located the 222 Driven from Home. different firms on which he proposed to call. He had been furnished with a list by Mr. Jen- nings. He was everywhere pleasantb received — in some places with an expression of sur- prise at his youth — but when he began to talk he proved to be so well informed upon the subject of his call that any prejudice excited by his age quickly A'anished. He had the sat- isfaction of securing several unexpectedly large orders for the chair, and transmitting them to Mr. Jennings by the afternoon mail. He got through his business at four o'clock, and rested for an hour or more at his hotel. Then he arranged his toilet, and set out for the residence of Miss Rachel Norris. It was rather a prim-looking, three-story house, such as might be supposed to belong to a maiden lady. He was ushered into a sit- ting-room on the second floor, where Miss Nor- ris soon joined him. "I am glad to see you, my young friend," she said, cordially. "You are in time." "I always try to be, Miss Norris." "It is a good way to begin." Here a bell rang. "Supper is ready," she said. "Follow me downstairs." Carl followed the old lady to the rear room on the lower floor. A small table was set in the center of the apartment. Driven from Home. 223 "Take a seat opposite me," said Miss Nor- ris. There were two other chairs, one on each side — Carl wondered for whom they were set. No sooner were he and Miss Norris seated than two large cats approached the tahle, and jumped up, one into each chair. Carl looked to see them ordered away, but instead, Miss Norris nodded pleasantly, saying: "That's right, Jane and Molly, 3'ou are punctual at meals." The two cats eyed their mistress gravely, and began to purr contentedly. 224 Driven from Home. CHAPTER XXXI. CARL TAKES SUPPER WITH MISS NORRIS. "This is my family," said Miss Norris, pointing to the cats. "I like cats," said Carl. "Do you?" returned Miss Norris, looking pleased. "Most boys tease them. Do you see poor Molly's ear? That wound came from a stone thrown by a bad boy." "Many boys are cruel," said Carl, "but I remember that my mother was very fond of cats, and I have always protected them from abuse." As he spoke he stroked Molly, who purred an acknowledgment of his attention. This completed the conquest of Miss Norris, who inwardly decided that Carl was the finest boy she had ever met. After she had served Carl from the dishes on the table, she poured out two saucers of milk and set one before each cat, who, rising upon her hind legs, placed her forepaws on the table, and gravely partook of the refreshments provided. Jane and Molly Driven from Home. 225 were afterwards regaled with cold meat, and then, stretching themselves out on their chairs, closed their eyes in placid content. During the meal Miss Norris questioned Carl closely as to his home experiences. Hav- ing no reason for concealment Carl frankly related his troubles with his stepmother, elicit- ing expressions of sympathy and approval from his hostess. "Your stepmother must be an ugly crea- ture?" she said. "I am afraid I am prejudiced against her," said Carl, "but that is my opinion."