To the Ministefs aod Members of the P[esbjtefian Chufches and Congregations in N, Carolina, The Editorial corps of the "North Carolina PitESBYTEKUN' is now complete, by the unanimous election of B. Fuller, Esq., of the Fajetteville Bar, as Associate Editor. It is our earnest desire that the first number shall be issued by the 1st Jan'y next, and we choose that time, instead of an earlier day, because the existence of tlie Paper will then commence with that of the Kew Year, and it will be more convenient for many to begin their subscriptions at that period. 2500 subscribers will be necessary to enable us to publish the paper without loss: that number / should and can be secured by tlie time indicated above. Our Synod can easily afford 8000 subscribers; indeed a larger number could be obtained with but little exertion or sacrifice, if all those to whom this Circular is addressed will but come up to our help and lend us their hearty co-operation. About 1500 names are already on our list, and we are confident that hundreds of others are only waiting an opportnnity to subscribe. We desire through this medium to afford that opportunity; and, to that end, we earnestly request that you will use your influence to induce your friends and neighbors to send on their names. A large circulation not only extends the field of usefulness, but affords the means of greatly en- hancing the value of the paper to its readers and to the Churcli; and we are well convinced that a per- sonal, direct appeal to their love for our common Cliurch and State is all that they need. We would respectfully call the attention of Pastors to the recommendation of Synod in this behalf, and uroe upon them the importance of an early action in the matter. A word of encouragement and solicitation from them will accomplish more than much effort on tlie part of otiiers, as our present list of subscribers abundantly testifies. The tei'ms are very low: the paper is to be of large size, and in all respects we believe will give ample satisfaction. The Church in our State greatly needs a journal of this kind, and there are abun- dant facilities for supplying this want, now sorely felt. The Ruling Elders and private Churcli members can do much, very much, for our support and en- couragement. It is indeed but an intensification and wide diffusion of individual effort that we con- template, and if we shall succeed — (and failure is impossible if we work in the right spirit,) — many who now mourn over the waste and desolate places in our Zion, will find matter for rejoicing, when they see her by this means again clothed in the freshness of a vigorous and healthy existence. I Many, who in their despondency now regard the Church as inefficient, will leap for joy at behold- ing her "arise and shine, hcF light having come, and the beauty of the Lord having risen upon her." Will you not then urge this matter as one in which you have a ^personal interest? We shall be encouraged to find our Jiands thus upheld, and you will be rewared by the consciousness of having used your endeavors in the right direction. Please forward the names of new subscribers to us at Fayetteville, N. C. By order of the Ex. Cora. GEORGE McNeill, Sr., Chairman. Nov'k 5th, 1857. Terms: $2 00 per annum in advance; $2 50 at the end of 6 months; $3 00 at the end of the year. NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. POST OFFICE. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ^ ^^^^^ ^^^7^ ^ . ^^.^^ ^^^^ I 7 /