Cott« )w- \ »-odu JCTt 3 A C k 4" Ae. SVoct«. Cx>33 C&e m&rarp of t|>e Oniuewttp of Ji3ott& Carolina Collection of j|2ort& Caroliniana CG>33 X4I UNIVERSITY OF N.C AT CHAPEL HILL This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It was taken out on the day indicated below: ••*.'• -*<& ~j\^ £"W~. ( s \ f/ \ ss Jt^ * / L \ i REPORT ON THE COTTON PRODUCTION OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WITH A DISCUSSION OF THE GENERAL AGRICULTURAL FEATURES OF THE STATE. EY W. C. EERR, IPs:. ID., STATE GEOLOGIST, AND SPECIAL CENSUS AGENT. 1 527 TABLE OF CONTENTS. o CO r Page. Letters of Transmittal .' v Tabulated Results of the Enumeration - : 1-6 Table I. — Area, Population, Tilled Laud, and Cotton Production 3,4 Table II. — Acreage and Production of Leading Crops 5,6 PART I. Piiysico-Geographical a^td Agricultural Description of North Carolina 7-25 Outlines of the Physical Geography of the State 9-25 General Topography 9 Topographical Divisions • - 9, 10 Eastern Division 10 Midland Division - 10 Piedmont Division 10 Mountain Division 10 Climate 10,11 Geological Features .' 11, 12 Agricultural Regions '. 12 The Sea-board Region ~. 1 2-15 The Long-Leaf Pine Region 15-18 Sand Pine Barrens 16 Level and Rolling Upland Piny Woods 16 Pine Flats 16 Oat Uplands Region 1.3-20 Tnaismontane Region 20 General Remarks on Cotton Production in North Carolina 21-23 Table III. — Population and Cotton Production in each Agricultural Region of the State 21 Table IV. — •• Banner Counties," as regards Total Production and Product Per Acre, in each Agricultural Region 21 Comparison of the Agricultural Regions 21,22 Fertilizers 22,23 Table of Analyses of Soils and Subsoils 24,25 PART II. Agricultural Descriptions of the Counties of North Carolina 27-70 Sea-board Region 29-38 Long-leaf Pine Region 39-49 Oak Uplands or Metamorphic Region 50-65 Transmontaue Region „ 65-70 PART III. Cultural and Economic Details of Cotton Production 71-78 Reference List of Names and Addresses of Correspondents 72 Summary of Answers to Schedule Questions 73-78 Tillage, Improvement, etc 73 Planting and Cultivation of Cotton 74, 75 Ginning, Baling, and Shipping 75 Diseases, Insect Enemies, etc 76 Labor and System of Farming / 76-78 \j- MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. [fl Agricultural Map of North Carolina 3 Map SHOWING the Relation Between Ap.ea Planted in Cotton and the Total Area 21 Section from State Line at Fp.ENcn Broad Water-Gap to Sea-Level at New Berne q iii 34 C P— VOL. II 529 LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL. Berkeley, California, May 31, 1S83. To the Superintendent of Census. Dear Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on the cotton production and agricultural features of the state of Xorth Carolina, by Professor W. C. Kerr, special agent in charge of the subject for the state. Professor Kerr's long-continued connection with the geological and agricultural survey, as well as with the agricultural experiment station and board of agriculture of his state, imparts to his presentation of its natural features and most important agricultural industry an unusually authoritative character, from a thoroughness of personal knowledge that also finds expression in the brevity and terseness of his descriptions. While a portion of the matter has already been given to the public in state publications, yet in its present complete and unified form this report will convey so many more definite and connected impressions of the natural and industrial characteristics of ISorth Carolina as to render it of great interest both to the general reader, the student, and to those directly interested in industrial pursuits. Very respectfully, EUG. W. HILGAED, Special Agent in charge of Cotton Production. Professor Eugene W. Hilgard, Special Agent in charge of Cotton Production. Dear Sir : I have the honor to transmit herewith my report on the cotton production of Xorth Carolina. You will observe that I have followed closely the model of your Louisiana report, giving : (1) Tables of acreage and production of leading crops. (2) A description of the physical geography. (3) A description of the agricultural regions. (4) General discussion of cotton production aud culture. (5) Description of the counties in the several agricultural regions. (6) Abstracts of the schedules of cotton production appended to each description. (7) Abstracts of schedule answers to questions regarding cultivation, markets, diseases, etc. The sources of information for this paper are — (1) For the topography and geology, personal notes of observations throughout the state. (2) For climate, tri-daily observations made under the direction of the state geological survey at about thirty stations during the last twelve years, and publications of the Smithsonian Institution and of the signal service. (3) For soils, forests, and other agricultural data: first, personal notes of observations in prosecution of the geological survey in every county of the state, liuffin's Sketches of Eastern North Carolina, and Emmons' Swamp Lands; second, maps of the state laud surveys, chiefly of the public swamp lands; third, unpublished maps of numerous railroad surveys; and fourth, the answered schedules of questions, from which some details have been obtained for parts of a few counties. The analyses of soils given in the text were made in part for the Census Office by Messrs. J. B. Durrett, C. Cory, H. McC alley, and B. H. Loughridge at the University of Alabama, and in part for the state geological survey by Messrs. C. H. Bogardus, of the Xew Jersey survey, and G. B. Hanna, assayer of the United States mint at Charleston. Verv respectfullv, yours, W. C. KERR. V 531 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill TABULATED RESULTS OF THE ENUMERATION. Table I.— AREA, POPULATION". TILLED LAND, AND COTTON PRODUCTION. Table II.— ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF LEADING CROPS. l 533 TABULATED RESULTS OF THE ENUMERATION. Table I.— AREA, POPULATION, TILLED LAND, AND COTTON PEODUCTION. Counties. Area. The State. Sq. mte 48, 580 SEA1SOARD REGION'. Currituck Camden Pasquotank.. . Perquimans ... Chowan Dare Tyrrell "Washington . . Hyde Beaufort Pamlico ■Craven Carteret •Jones Onslow Pender Xew Hanover. Brunswick Columhus 214 232 245 150 382 376 382 557 620 470 820 407 389 645 889 182 814 895 Total , 8,951 LONG-LEAF PINE EEGION. Gates 339 Hertford 376 Bertie 689 Northampton 557 Halifax 682 Nash 595 Edgecombe 567 Pitt 657 Greene ' 257 Martin 482 Wilson 376 Johnston 689 "Wayne 001 Lenoir 457 Duplin 832 Sampson ! 964 Cumberland ! 982 Harnett 601 Moore 807 Richmond 820 Robeson 1, 039 Bladen 1 , 026 Total . OAK UPLAND8 REGION. "Warren Franklin Granville "Wuki- Orange Chatham Mont gomery Anson "Cnion Stanley Davidson ,. Jtowan 507 526 695 932 652 826 489 545 557 432 564 482 POPULATION. Total. Male. , 750 687, 0,476 6,274 10, 369 9,466 7,900 3,243 4,545 8,928 7,765 17,474 6,323 19, 729 9,784 7,491 9,829 12, 468 21, 376 9,389 14, 439 3,337 3,133 5,129 4,683 3,822 1,650 2,303 4,352 3,948 8,701 3,125 9,351 4,818 3,761 4,916 6,309 9,935 4,769 7,212 193, 268 95, 254 8,897 11,843 16, 399 20, 032 30, 300 17, 731 26, 181 21, 794 10, 037 13, 140 16,064 23, 461 24, 951 15,344 18, 773 22,894 23, 836 10,862 16,821 18, 245 23, 880 16, 158 4,277 5,816 8,129 9, 920 15, 212 8,777 13,130 10, 710 4,932 6,455 7,958 11, 581 12, 308 7,502 9,143 11, 187 11,493 5,362 8,395 8,963 11,840 7,954 Female. White. 867, 242 3,139 3,141 5,240 4,783 4,078 1,593 2. 242 4,576 3,817 8,773 3,198 10, 378 4,966 3,730 4,913 6,159 11,441 4,620 7,227 98,014 4,620 6,027 8,270 10, 112 15, 088 8,954 13, 051 11,084 5,105 6, C85 8,106 11,880 12,643 7,842 9,630 11, 707 12, 343 5,500 8,426 9,282 12, 040 8,204 4,495 3,791 4,855 4,795 3,633 2,875 3,110 4,554 4,424 10, 022 4,207 6,664 7,107 3,212 6,600 5,509 8,159 5,337 8,926 102, 275 22,619 11,234 20, 829 10, 294 31,286 15, 558 47, 939 23,835 23, 098 11, 780 23,453 11,416 9,374 4,616 17, 994 8,712 18, 050 8,941 10,505 5,119 20, 3 3 9,934 19,965 9, 633 4,973 5,122 6,815 7,987 9,137 9,417 7,968 10, 704 4,652 6,661 8,655 15,996 12, 827 7,277 10, 587 13, 347 12, 594 7,092 11,485 8,141 11,942 7,598 Color'd. Eg 532, 508 1,981 2,483 5,514 4,671 4,267 368 1,435 4,374 3,341 7,452 2,116 13, 065 2,677 4,279 3, 229 6,959 13, 217 4,052 5,513 9U, 993 3,924 6,721 9,584 12,045 21, 163 8,314 18, 213 11,090 5,385 6,479 7,409 7,465 12,124 8,067 8,186 9,547 11,242 3,770 5,336 10, 104 11,938 8,500 12 23 14 28 13 24 24 19 15 14 117 12 16 22 100,977 206,606 11,385 10, 535 15, 728 24,104 11,918 12, 037 4,758 9,282 9,115 5,386 10, 390 11, 332 0,386 16, 233 9,470 11, 353 13, 003 17,083 24, 289 23, 650 14, 555 9,143 15,500 7,953 6, 857 2, 517 8,790 9,204 13, 520 4,538 9,106 1,339 16, 341 3,992 13,621 6,344 TILLED LAND. 5, 926, 087 40, 455 35, 870 51, 400 53,544 35, 234 2,094 19, 225 30, 711 32, 167 43, 625 16, 989 50, 853 17,984 53, 458 56, 120 38, 156 7,396 18, 006 38, 293 641, 580 0.78 7.44 7.79 13. 12 17.16 7.63 18.11 26.43 7.81 27.01 25.20 25.25 16.33 15.83 11.80 3.83 1.92 2.14 5.52 13.34 48, 821 53, 625 82,377 ! 96,565 130, 219 82,238 132, 875 103, 302 75,084 56, 377 05,255 104, 407 122, 102 83, 943 09, 314 116, 892 54,238 42, 173 08, 780 75, 208 103, 055 37, 990 11.69 27.24 23.62 37.51 33.18 31.33 39.27 30.15 22.63 23.07 30.33 30.83 26.29 22.82 13.93 13.13 16.98 22.01 12.91 33.48 20.90 4.20 1, 804, 900 25.84 22.41 26.29 34.02 34.15 30.72 0.86 7.98 12.56 9.02 10.99 5.65 9.68 6.90 21.47 13.59 6.71 6.35 3.40 6.69 11.20 22.58 22. 28 18.68 27.09 32.12 21.00 36.62 24.57 45. 65 18.28 27. 12 23.68 31.74 28.72 13.02 18.95 8.63 10.96 13.32 14.24 15.50 5. 79 19.58 83, 87, 145, 156, 82, 119, 46, 58, 113, 94, 25. 70 34.60 4.52 38.19 0.40 11.30 14.11 32.06 22. 75 10.02 3.33 12.34 25. 84 25.99 32.61 20.30 19.81 22.55 14.77 25.31 23.54 21. 21 31.39 30.59 COTTON PRODUCTION. 3, 153 475 lbs. 389, 598 310 2,670 4,004 7,025 0,047 16 3,481 8,117 2,513 11, 785 4,585 12,838 2,936 8,403 0,658 1,463 142 385 2,113 Bales. Average per acre 85, 557 5,707 14, 605 19, 455 36, 219 43, 206 25, 768 51, 880 31, 147 10, 988 13,444 23, 700 32, 193 32, 103 19, 150 9,654 15, 346 9,210 9,281 8,882 25, 198 21, 607 1,618 139 823 1,181 2,778 2,223 8 1,123 3,524 718 0,021 2 226 5,782 1,014 4,078 2,841 835 60 244 930 0.44 0.31 0.29 0.40 0.37 0.50 0.32 0.43 0.29 0.51 0.49 0.45 0.35 0.48 0.43 0.57 0.40 0.03 0.44 30, 554 0. 43 1,803 6,360 7,290- 13, 616 16, 661 12, 567 26, 250 14, 879 8,020 6,383 13,049 15, 151 14, 558 8,235 4,499 6,291 3,905 3,027 3, »88 12,754 8,840 683 406,367 209,475 21,603 311, 274 0,559 59, 910 5,290 13, 478 0,519 28, 290 19, 090 5,878 3, 779 10, 645 7,778 12, 938 2, 535 30, 115 1, 919 5,858 2,989 11, 857 8, 330 2,475 1,553 4,381 0.33 0.44 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.49 0.51 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.55 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.47 0.41 0.42 0.39 0.45 0.51 0.41 0.42 Lbs. 621 627 438 420 564 525 714 459 618 408 729 693 642 492 687 609 813 603 903 027 Lbs. 207 209 146 140 188 175 238 153 206 136 243 231 214 161 229 203 271 221 301 209 009 203 0.45 0.30 0.43 0.39 0.50 0.30 0.43 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.42 0.41 0.41 405 621 534 537 549 696 720 681 672 678 783 672 645 612 663 585 603 558 039 720 582 639 513 609 552 717 516 618 054 597 621 600 585 585 155 207 178 179 183 232 240 227 224 226 261 224 215 204 221 195 201 186 213 240 194 201 213 171 203 184 239 172 206 218 199 207 200 195 195 | 535 SI 18. X. 1.12 12.48 17.20 28.67 40.31 0.04 9.26 21.25 4.51 19.01 9.70 15.66 7.21 21.76 10.32 1.65 0.78 0.47 2.36 9.56 16.83 30.86 28.24 65.02 63.35 43.31 91.50 47.41 62.22 27.89 03.05 46.72 53.42 41.90 11.60 15.92 9.38 15.44 11.01 30.51 20.79 1.57 32.39 42.61 57.56 9.44 64.29 8.11 16.32 13.33 51.92 34.27 13.69 6.70 22.08 4 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Table I.— AREA, POPULATION, TILLED LAND, AND COTTON PRODUCTION— Continued. Counties. OAK UPLANDS REGION— Cont'd Cabarrus Mecklenburg Iredell. Cataw ba Lincoln , Gaston Cleaveland Rutherford Randolph Guilford Alamance Person Caswell Rockingham Stokes Forsyth Davie Yadkin Surry Wilkes Alexander Caldwell Burke McDowell Polk , Total TRAN6M0NTANE REGION. Alleghany _, Ashe •. . . . Watauga Mitchell Yancey Madison Buncombe Henderson Transylvania Haywood Jackson Macon Swain Graham Clay Cherokee Total 536 TABULATED RESULTS OF THE ENUMERATION. Table II.— ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF LEADING CROPS. Counties. The State. SEABOARD REGION. Cnrritnek Camden rasquotank — Perqui»ans... Chowan Bare Tyrrell "Washington .. Hyde Beaufort Pamlico Craven Carteret Jones Onslow Pender Xew Hanover. Brunswick .... Columbus Total . LONG-LEAF TINE REGION. Gates Hertford Bertie Northampton . Halifax Xash Edgecombe . . . Pitt Greene Martin Wilson Johnston Wayne Lenoir Duplin Sampson Cumberland .. Harnett Moore Richmond Robeson Bladen 893, 153 316 2,670 4,004 7,025 0,047 16 3,481 8.117 2,513 11, 785 4,585 12, 838 2,936 8,463 6,658 1,463 142 385 2,113 Bales (475 lbs.) 389, 598 85, 557 5,707 14, 605 19, 455 36, 219 43, 206 25, 768 51,880 31, 147 16, 988 13, 444- 23, 706 32, 193 32, 103 19, 150 9,654 15,346 9,210 9,281 8,882 25, 108 21,607 1,618 Total 466,367 OAK UPLANDS REGION. Warren 21, 603 Franklin 30,274 Granville 6, 559 Wake j 59,916 Orange ! 5,290 Chatham ' 13,478 Montgomery 6, 51 9 Anson 28, 296 Union 19, 090 Stanley 5,878 Davidson f 3,779 Kowan ' 10,645 Cabarrus , 19,224 Mecklenburg j 41, 343 'redell I ]?, 603 139 823 ,181 ,778 ,223 8 ,123 ,524 718 ,021 ,226 ,782 ,014 ,078 ,841 835 66 244 930 36,554 1,863 6,360 7,290 13,616 16,661 12, 567 26, 250 14, 879 8,020 6,383 13, 049 15, 151 14, 558 8,235 4,499 6,291 3,905 3,627 3,988 12, 754 8,846 683 209, 475 Acres. ! Pounds. 57, 208 36 21 27 3 3 8 1 17 36 198 45 16 ,759 11'8 ,941 230 ,323 141 04 11 484 216 12 10 465 20, 986, 213 400 398 685 517 5, 263 1,520 2,732 303 250 730 690 2, 502 3,866 620 2,160 554 20, 484 8,487 7,562 550 598 1, 955 211 8,745 12, 881 102, 979 13, 500 4,655 14, 353 9, 510 15, 724 1,305 228, 449 992, 256 58, 932 , 606, 358 94,354 , 178,732 40, 837 14, 370 4,880 3, 467 1,735 260, 538 115,251 3, 230 2,291 242, 714 CORN. Acres. Bushels. 2, 305, 419 28, 019, 839 23,310 23, 663 2S, 525 21, 910 13, 877 956 8,300 15,824 21,632 20, 225 6,381 19, 001 5, 156 19,425 23, 259 16, 550 2,008 4,915 15, 723 324, 819 295, 447 348, 119 292, 850 143, 156 11,205 106, 839 217, 631 243, 623 286, 211 107, 959 218, 256 41,458 186, 054 185, 019 159,064 15,037 46, 329 136,546 90, 640 3, 369, 42C 21, 946 25, 521 37, 735 45, 224 44,790 32, 490 46, 235 46, 482 25, 148 24, 209 27, 288 45, 045 44, 469 29, 838 36, 813 53, 951 32, 677 21,244 27, 934 29, 502 49, 961 21,556 770, 058 170, 642 236, 088 345, 091 431, 581 437, 321 295, 619 433, 214 458, 166 173, 421 227, 445 299, 957 428, 996 466, 432 274, 010 330, 437 486, 768 282, 423 180, 458 302, 196 277,974 360, 128 188, 208 28, 457 32,642 42, 608 53, 172 28, 542 43, 087 18, 090 29, 121 28, 877 22,426 36, 983 38, 903 26,831 41,285 39,264 293, 773 338, 239 515, 159 612, 869 366, 640 558, 261 210, 521 305, 139 338, .020 271, 877 549, 900 597,519 381,321 539, 385 588, 220 SWEET TOTATOES. Acres. Bushels. 50, 803 462 377 291 850 723 293 460 479 261 1,093 783 1,323 834 435 765 1, 522 316 1,523 2,242 972 483 890 596 543 848 623 1,171 429 829 525 1,916 1,347 584 1,842 1,997 1,116 962 716 750 1,825 1,554 42, 902 26, 823 22, 751 99, 498 62, 247 19,717 31, 739 48, 429 20, 236 188, 507 65, 807 115,538 61, 469 38, 287 67, 980 116, 559 23, 138 111,779 186, 306 15,032 1,349,712 87, 494 76, 439 94, 473 67, 858 52, 709 ' 93,997 86, 033 82, 334 37, 660 92, 913 58, 336 210, 456 120, 561 50, 995 169,044 214, 596 91, 355 96,118 65, 018 65, 374 167, 225 117,638 22, 718 383 28, 493 48, 680 52, ,797 155, 201 22 622 53, 2.'ll 21. 499 39, 222 in, 113 10, 390 30, 277 25, 120 11, 281 26, 182 11, Acres. Pounds. 503 87 1,016 979 394 438 413 321 159 392 315 1,489 1,201 17 161 35 11 6 36 567 208 629 441 42 1 38 303 473 7,727 16, 861 810 2,090 2,780 237, 515 60, 873 304, 671 502, 676 276, 174 251, 108 206, 965 118, 777 92, 565 248, 622 260, 068 1, 163, 852 462, 042 , 863 4, 210, 176 2,901 110, 067 19, 214 3,150 1,800 19, 672 294, 201 95, 559 300, 203 240, 080 19, 963 830 17, 460 118,393 140, 340 1, 383, 839 Acres. Bushels. 500, 415 3, 838, 008 267 2, 734 1,008 8,854 1,930 17.4SS 1 222 13,921 791 6,888 17 230 781 7,022 1,065 13,427 1,354 18,400 1,395 18, 436 378 4,845 333 4, 426 107 1, 122 455 5,420 96 1, 280 183 2,269 86 606 240 2 262 267 2. 517 1,210 1,800 2,403 j 4, 805 j 4,497 3,875 j 9,589 3,301 1,738 1, 417 1, 590 3, 170 1,779 1,060 ! 433 654 1,509 1,202 7,924 3.571 2,814 362 00, 739 5,559 5,560 14,344 13, 948 12,243 19, 801 7,852 8,999 14,357 ' 10,975 ! 10, 924 17,701 7,593 12,949 17,488 132, 703 10,016 14, 512 20, 517 45, 709 41,771 30,135 94, 021 29, 400 16. 772 11,229 13,682 29, OSS 18,600 12,217 6,132 6, 297 13, 791 7.640 48, 744 32, 279 22, 845 3,795 530, 128 46 45, 110. 98, 86, 120, 50, 122 142 54. 04, 126, 090 812 090 962 268 311 248 4.54 719 n '*3 003 121 519 356 429' 537 6 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Table II— ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OF LEADING CROPS— Continued. COTTON. TOBACCO. cons. SWEET POTATOES. RICE. OATS. Counties. Acres. Hales (475 lbs). Acres' Pounils. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Pounds. Acres. Bushels. Oar uplands region— continued. 5, 175 7, 442 10, 949 19, 238 9,679 593 283 211 6 5 13 16 790 87 3 107 617 30 752 23 1,646 2,012 2,945 4,588 6, 126 2,079 295 114 91 1 4 3 7 10 302 26 1 29 182 12 301 9 362 49 15 7 23 38 45 910 1,688 5,868 10, 174 9,332 4,690 1,693 1,205 425 2,136 110 28 75 58 100 4 26, 380 6.085 2,180 5,122 12, 908 11,101 422, 716 695, 013 3, 012, 387 4, 336, 664 4, 341, 259 2,131,161 822, 788 633, 339 177, 595 905, 250 33, 211 11,799 25,384 20, 079 30, 541 931 21.248 19, 338 24, 678 31, 339 32, 783 35, 338 39, 790 24, 628 19, 372 25, 663 25, 175 19, 969 20, 920 22, 125 21, 735 25, 334 34, 865 16. 789 17, 315 22, 613 17, 675 10, 632 358, 210 313, 907 373, 472 390, 281 394, 062 477, 168 519, 185 305, 874 241, 523 361, 641 392, 767 338, 781 335, 164 438, 595 343, 070 397, 143 480, 089 212, 382 274, 495 325, 656 265, 934 139, 313 205 126 187 399 343 257 188 139 152 469 273 334 227 65 102 407 208 92 216 138 115 93 19, 179 19, 290 35, 834 28, 226 19, 809 20, 302 13, 252 12,843 24, 629 27,911 19, 860 18,447 6,231 8,266 24, 669 22, 255 9,237 21,071 11,858 12, 707 5,116 1 < 1,230 7, 560 6,313 6,699 10, 959 6,166 13, 524 20, 774 9,618 9,821 14,441 15, 200 8,408 11,780 13,366 11.289 9,199 8,240 7,503 3,886 3,455 1,690 877 04,236 44, 939 50, 244 Rutherford 1 1 835 1 ! 609 02, 211 31,971 129, 723 48, 869 56, 926 101, 398 139, 266 72, 391 95,304 139, 126 79,443 Wilkes 70, 737 55, 360 51,752 Caldwell Buike o 8 2 1,649 4,308 545 30, 592 21,762 McDowell Polk 13,111 5,786 Total 341, 166 143, 546 53,454 25, 292, 847 1, 039, 672 14, 146, 083 11,546 957, 484 15 9, 176 387, 176 2, 797, 822 TRAXSMONTAXE REGIOX. 8 60 23 77 84 1,626 947 29 10 100 21 46 11 4 25 42 2,049 11,064 7, 210 29, 647 33, 898 807,911 475, 428 4,087' 3,853 39, 516 4,801 9,154 1,166 1,095 5,771 8,411 7,201 15, 616 8,227 11,894 11, 200 17,816 29, 108 16, 407 9,762 17,254 12, 793 14,423 6.809 4,222 7,810 14, 507 122, 587 277, 027 148, 204 209, 131 205, 659 348, 858 490, 544 227, 411 154, 769 314,446 188,521 222, 855 100, 543 66, 092 113, 462 227, 650 3 4 35 26 25 87 40 34 36 131 102 21 S9 109 158 285 411 769 2,661 2,113 1,764 5, 872 2,627 3,446 2,405 10, 278 11, 214 2,154 5,460 7,058 11,789 1,933 3,357 1,828 3,990 3,657 4, 238 6,967 2,908 257 4,099 1,521 1,621 757 628 1,230 1,534 19, 365 Ashe 37, 955 10 13 3 6 23, 205 i 40,845 43, 631 12 4 38, 816 62,679 10 4 23,087 2,870 1 35, 834 16 6 9,440 12,209 4,301 3,914 Clav 7,607 11, 657 Total 63 23 3,113 1, 445, 061 205, 049 3, 417, 759 907 70, 306 40, 525 377,411 538 ;p a^ t i. PHYSICO-GEOGRAPHICAL AND AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTION oy NORTH CAROLINA. 7 539 --Oh. ftRTMENT OF IHE INTERIOR ' 7S- V / I ■ m ^ ■ : -< — z 1 '"^- ,.>-""' °/ K, Rv-i? ! C A R R, O L L 7 , JhekzvtHs I A "_ 5 H E V- ! , W AT- * U G A .&-•»- L l' ° r ■v--_ Ws^' -•j$*^»'» > >;? ^'o"eK-° - r, « 4e v i _r OvT~V y AGRICULTURAL MAP OF NORTH CAROLINA and part ofMRGINIA COMPILED FROM PERSONAL NOTES AND STATE AND COl XTV SURVEYS AND CORRESPONDENCE BY W. C . K E R R , P H . D . SPECIAL AGENT L880. \J - ;'" : .._ ."-. :' L;.-. OUTLINES OF THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE STATE OF NOETH CAEOLINA. Xorth Carolina lies east and west across the Atlantic slope of the Appalachians in a long, narrow, rudely triangular belt, its narrow western end resting on the highest plateau aud summit of that continental system of mountains, and its eastern broader end spread out in a low, level, and gently undulating plain on the sea-coast. Its length east and west is 500 miles : its mean breadth about 100 miles, the western extremity being only 15 miles wide, while its broadest part, near the sea-coast, in the meridian of Wilmington and Cape Fear river, reaches a breadth of 187i miles. This state is situated between the meridians of 75° 27' aud 81° 20' west longitude and 33° 50' and 36° 33£' north latitude, aud about midway between the great lakes of the north and the Gulf of Mexico. If on a map of the United States the map of this state was detached, aud its western end swung northward on its easternmost point as a pivot, the western extremity would touch the north shore of lake Ontario : swung southward it would reach the Gulf. The area of the state is 52,250 square miles, of which 3,670 is water surface, leaving a laud surface of 4S,5S0 square miles. Topography. — The ascent of the Atlantic slope from the sea is very gradual in the latitude of this state, more so than in the states north and south. The obvious reason is that the greater elevation of the mountains here is more than compensated l>y the notable protrusion of the coast-line of this state into the sea. If on a map of the United States a straight line be drawn from Saint Augustine, Florida, to Sandy Hook, it will pass more than KM) miles west of the eastern cape of Xorth Carolina. If, then, the ascent of this slope be followed westward from the easternmost point of the coast-line along a median parallel, it will be found that for the first 100 miles the rise is but little more than half a foot to the mile ; for the second 100 miles it is only 3 .J feet ; for the third 100 miles 5 feet; and for the last 75 miles, to the foot of the Blue Bidge, S feet per mile; aggregating 1,500 feet in 375 miles- If the steepest ascent be taken in a northwest direction at right angles to the trend of the coast and of the Appalachians (which is about X. 00° E.) the first hundred miles give a rise of 200 feet, or nearly 2 feet to the mile, and the acclivity for the next 130 miles, to the foot of the Blue Ridge, is 10 feet per mile, making 1,500 feet in 250 miles. The ci.smontane plateau rises. from an elevation of 1,000 feet on the east to 1,500 feet along its western border, where it is quite rough and mountainous. The Blue Bidge is an escarpment of from 1,500 to 2,000 feet average elevation above the plateau at its base, rising in some of its peaks to nearly 0,000 feet of absolute elevation. The region west of this chain is a long, narrow, elevated mountainous plateau, bounded westward by the high and massive range of the Smoky mountains. « t- -. 3 METAMORPHIC AND GRANITIC SOILS. ; DRIFT AND ALLUVIAL SOILS. SECTION FROM STATE LINE AT FRENCH BROAD WATER GAP TO SEA LEVEL AT NEW BERNE. A. granite: B gneiss anu schist; C, metamorpUic slates; D. Triassic sandstones E. Cretaceous greensand; F, Tertiary sands clays, and limestones G Quaternary sands and claj -. Topographical divisions.— From the preceding statement it fe obvious that, topographically, the state is naturally divided into four regions, or zones, parallel to each other and to the Appalachian axis and the coast, viz, Eastern, Midland, Piedmont, and Mountain divisions. 541 10 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. The Eastern division. — This division extends from 110 to 125 miles inland from the coast to the lower falls of the- rivers, rising very gradually to about 200 feet along its northwestern border, a little less toward the north, and a little more to the southward. This boundary is clearly enough defined by a straight line from Weldon, on the Eoanoke river, to the point where the Yadkin (or Pedee) river crosses the southern border of the state. The total area is nearly 24,000 square miles ; laud surface, 20,000 square miles ; and it may be described summarily in a single word as one broad champaign. Its surface is nearly level or slightly undulating, except along the river courses, ou the upper reaches of which are found bluffs and hills. The rivers from the interior cross it in a transverse direction, dividing it into half a dozen broad, flat swells, which sink dowu toward the coast to within a few feet of tide-level. The region is further characterized by numerous and large sounds, bays, and wide tidal rivers, by extensive swamps and marshes, and by wide tracts of alluvial and peaty soils, with extensive cypress and juniper forests near the coast, and of sandy soils inland having vast forests of long leaf pine. The Midland division rises toward its western limit to about 1,000 feet, and has an average elevation of about 650 feet. Its breadth is nearly 100 miles, and its area some 15,000 square miles. The surface is generally hilly and rolling, and sometimes quite rough near the larger rivers, which have cut their valleys in a southeasterly course across it often to depths of 200, 300, and 400 feet below the level of the broad-backed swells or table-lands between them. This and the two following divisions are regions of oak forests aud granitic soils. The Piedmont division. — This plateau slopes up from 1,000 to 1,200 and 1,500 feet at the foot of the Blue Eidge, having an average elevation of near 1,200 feet. It is from 60 to 70 miles wide, and has an area of about 7,000 square miles. Its surface is generally hilly, and often rugged, especially toward the western side, where numerous high and precipitous spurs project eastward and southward from the Blue Bulge. Two of these, the South mountains and the Brushy mountains, traverse almost its entire breadth in a nearly east direction, that is, diagonally, and throw off many secondary spurs and ridges, thus carrying its mountainous features to the borders of the midland division. These spurs frequently rise to an elevation of 1,000 and 1,500 feet and more above the intervening valleys. In this region rise most of the great rivers already referred to, whose waters have so profoundly modified the topography of the two preceding divisions. The Mountain division.— This is a high plateau, bounded eastward by the straggling, irregular, knobby chain of the Blue Eidge, which attains its greatest elevation of almost 6,000 feet midway of the state. Its average elevation is nearly 4.000 feet, most of its gaps being above 3,000 feet ; but toward the southern and northern borders of the state it drops to an altitude of near 3,000 feet, its lower gaps being but little above 2,000 feet. Seen from the east, this chain presents the aspect of a steep and rugged escarpment springing suddenly from the Piedmont plateau to an altitude of 2,000 and 3,000 feet and more above it, while from the west it appears as a low and very ill-defined range of scattered and irregular knobs and ridges of the moderate elevation of 1,000 or 2,000 feet above that plateau, which itself has an average altitude of about 2,700 feet, its valleys being 2,000 feet, and its higher tables and benches reaching 3,500 and 4,000 feet. The western boundary of this division is that of the state ; that is, the Smoky mountains. The area of this division is 5,700 square miles. These two parallel bounding chains are separated by from 30 to 50 miles, but at the Grandfather plateau they approach within 10 miles, diverging again northward. t This plateau is the culminating region of the Appalachian system, and contains not only its heaviest masses, but its highest summits, Mitchell's peak, in the Black mountains, being 400 feet higher than Mount Washington, aud a dozen other peaks surpassing that summit of the White mountains, and it is therefore the most elevated region of the United States east of the Mississippi river. It is traversed north and south by half a dozen cross chains, which are in some cases higher than either of the principal ranges, some of them being more than 6,000 feet, the Black, with Mitchell's peak, 6,688 feet, being one of these cross chains. The plateau is thus subdivided into a number of smaller plateaus or basins, bounded on all sides by high mountains, having each its own independent system of drainage. The Blue Eidge being the divide between the waters of the Atlantic and the Mississippi, all the rivers of this region, except those which rise north%of the Grandfather plateau, flow northwestward into the Tennessee river, the Xew river (Kanawha) flowing northeastward and reaching the Mississippi by way of the Ohio. Climate. — The geographical position of this state, together with its topographical features, give at once the controlling conditions of its climate. Its situation would give a middle temperate climate. The position of its eastern end on the Atlantic, and the projection of this end southward aloug the coast below the parallel of 34°, together with its near approach to the Gulf Stream, which hugs the shore closely at this point, give this part of the state a subtropical character. The isotherm of this southern angle is 66°, the same as that of southern Alabama, middle Mississippi, and middle Texas, while the great elevatiou and inland recession of the western section bring its climate within the cold temperate zone, the isotherm for this region corresponding to that of middle Xew England and Upper Canada, although it is not subject to the same extremes of either heat or cold, the range of temperature being less by fiom 5° to 12°. The average mean annual temperature for the state is 59°; for the eastern region, 61°; the middle. 58°; the western, 52°. The summer temperatures are, respectively, 77° for the - state, and 79°, 77°, and 70° for the several regions ; the winter temperatures for the state, 43°, and for the regions, 46°, 44°, 38°. respectively. The hottest month is July, and the coldest December. 542 PHYSICO-GEOGRAPHICAL AND AGRICULTURAL FEATURES. 11 The average annual rainfall for the whole state is 52 inches; for the east, middle, and western portions, (JO, 45, and 5S inches, respectively. This rainfall is distributed pretty uniformly through the year, except that August shows a considerable excess of precipitation in the eastern and middle regions and February in the western; and the summer rainfall exceeds that of the other seasons considerably in the eastern and very slightly in the middle, while the amounts for the whiter and summer are nearly equal in the west, autumn being the driest season in all sections. The prevalent winds in all sections of the state are frdin the west, but most notably in the western section ; and of the westerly winds, the southwest is the more common in the eastern division, the northwest in the middle division, and the west in the mountain region. The next in order of importance, except in the western division of the state, is the northeast wind. The east wind has no prominence in any quarter of the state, nor has the southeast wind, except on the immediate coast, and the south wind, except in the eastern section, is equally unimportant. The winds which bring rain are mostly southwesterly. Thunder- storms come generally from the west, winter rains frequently from the northeast, and in all seasons occasional rains, and sometimes very heavy ones, come from the east and southeast. These statements will need modification for special localities, particularly in inclosed mountain valleys, where the direction of the rain-bearing winds is governed by the local topography. In some of these the west is the rainy quarter ; in others the east ; and in still others the southeast. The average annual snowfall is 5 inches in the middle region, 2 inches in the east, and 14 inches in the west. The snow-clouds come generally from the northeast, sometimes from the north, and rarely from the southwest. Geological features. — The eastern topographical division is mantled over with a thin coveringof Quaternary gravels, sands, and clays, having, a thickness of one, two, or three score feet, being entirely removed in many places, and thinning out toward its northwestern margin. Underneath this formation is the Tertiary, of no greater thickness or persistence. Miocene clays, sands, and shell-beds (the so-called marls) crop out in the depressions and along the streams over nearly the whole breadth of the division, and in the southern half of it Eocene calcareous clays, chalk-beds, and shell limestones show themselves in the river beds and bluffs, occasionally coming to the surface elsewhere in the lower levels of the region. As we ascend the courses of the rivers, Cape Fear for example, the Eocene is represented by beds of lignitic clay, and then of sand and gravel and of purple and white kaolin clays. This formation is limited in thickness like the preceding, and thins out toward the coast, as well as inland. The Cretaceous is seen only in the beds of a few of the larger rivers south of the Xeuse, and usually only in the lower parts of the bluffs at low water. This formation is represented by loose and half-compacted greensands, with occasional shell-beds. Toward the northwestern limit of the division the upturned edges of the Archaean rocks, gneisses, slates, and quartzites appear in the beds and banks of the rivers from the Roanoke to the Pedee, and occasionally project above the sands and gravels at other points between. Along this margin of the division, and touching it near the Pedee, on the southern border of the state, and again at the forks of the Cape Fear, lies a narrow strip of Triassic rocks, red and gray sandstones, clays and conglomerates, with several seams of bituminous coal, one of them 6 feet thick and of good quality. These rocks are tilted toward the southeast at an angle of from 10° to 30°. The average breadth of the belt is 5 or G miles, which widens to 12 miles between Raleigh and the University and thins out toward the northern border of the state. The coal outcrop follows the course of Deep river about 30 miles. These rocks lie in a trough along the eroded edges of the nearly vertical Archaean slates and schists. This Triassic terrane is repeated in all its features along the northern border of the state, occupying a similar trough of from 2 to 4 miles in width along the upper valley of Dan river, extending from a point near Danville to 40 miles west. The dips here are reversed, being northward, and are much steeper — from 30° to 50° and 70°. The coal of this terrane is semi-bituminous, and the longer bed is only half as thick as that of the Deep River belt. Over the whole surface of the state west of the Quaternary, except these two Triassic tracts of less than 1,000 square miles and two or three small patches of primordial on the western border, the Archwan rocks alone have place. As the covering of sand and gravel disappears a zone of gneisses and schists is uncovered in the region of Raleigh, which is exposed from the northern border of the state, on the Roanoke river, southwestward to the Cape Fear, beyond which it is overlaid by the Quaternary. The dips are still easterly, as in the outcrops through the sand. A few miles west of Raleigh, and at the forks of the Cape Fear and the point where the Pedee crosses the southern border, the great central slate belt succeeds with its steep regular icesterly dips. This is one of the most extensive, conspicuous, and well characterized terranes in the state, and occupies a regular broad zone quite across the middle of the state, its breadth varying from 25 to 40 miles. These rocks consist of a variety of slates — argillite, chlorite, quartzite, conglomerate, graphite, and pyrnphy Hi te. West of this comes a zone of granites and gneisses, with obscure and confused structure and stratification, but with easterly dips. Beyond this granite belt the whole western region of the state is occupied by a great body of gneisses and mica-schists, interrupted by three narrow belts of slates and quartzites and limestones: one, irregular and broken, near the eastern border of the terrane (e. y., King's mountain); the second along the Blue Ridge; the third along the Smoky mountains on the western border. The dip of the first belt is west ; of the second, east : of the third, east and west. The rocks of this zone are much broken and disturbed, and the dips very variable in amount, but almost uniformly east. West of the Blue Pidge the gneisses are coarser, 54'.? 12 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. more massive, and thick-bedded, and also more tilted and broken. They are conspicuously characterized by numerous and very large veins or dikes of very coarse granite, in which have been opened many valuable mica mines. • The whole Archaean formation in the state is metalliferous, containing large bodies of magnetic iron ore and hematites, and gold and copper ores in all its zones from east to west. They have yielded also a notable number of gems, and the species of minerals, many of them of great rarity, number 180. Agricultural regions. — The agricultural regions do not correspond with the topographical divisions. The eastern division is subdivided agriculturally into two Subordinate regions. That which lies next the coast may be denominated the seaboard region. This is a region of swamps and savannas and wide alluvial tracts and semi- swamps, as also of oak, pine, and beech flats. Its elevation above tide is limited to 5 or 10 feet for the most part, only occasionally rising to 15 or 20 feet. It includes also tracts of marsh on the shores of the sounds and the margins of long-leaf pine ridges, and the sea-shore is formed by a narrow fringe of sand islands, which separate the seunds from the sea. The second region, which lies next westward, may be described as the long-leaf pine region. The soils of this region are predominantly sandy. It includes the soils characterized as " sand-hills or pine barrens" and the level "upland piny-woods soils", the growth of the former being almost exclusively long-leaf pine, with a scrub growth of black-jack oak and scattered tufts of wire-grass, and that of the latter long-leaf pine, mingled with the short- leaf species (Pinus tccda and P. scrotina), oaks, hickory, dogwood, etc., its soil being a gray sandy loam. There are also large tracts of long-leaf pine flats and mixed long- and short-leaf pine and oak flats with similar soils, but of finer and closer texture. The two next topographical divisions (Midland and Piedmont) may be included in one agricultural region, viz, the oak uplands region, and the western division will be called the transmontane region. From the description before given of the geology of these two regions of the state it is evident that the soils are of every variety of texture and composition, corresponding to the whole wide range of the metamorphic or Archaean rocks. They may be grouped in a general description under the designation of gray and yellow sandy and gravelly loams and red-clay soils. The subsoil, generally yellow or red clay, is occasionally gray sandy or gravelly loam, and in the bottoms often pipe-clay. In general, it may be stated that wherever the underlying rocks are hornblendic, composed of syenite, hornblende schist, or trap, the soils are red or mulatto or chocolate-colored and clayey. THE SEABOARD EEGION. This region abounds in lakes, bays, rivers, and sounds. Its water surface covers upward of 5,000 srjuare miles. That portion which lies between the two great sounds, Albemarle and Pamlico, covers an area of above 2,000 square miles, only a small part of which rises more than 10 feet above tide, a large portion being below 5 feet. The major part of this intersouud tract, formerly called Alligator swamp, is swamp, peat, and marsh land. There are several lakes in the interior of this swamp which are bordered by narrow fringes of rich black-loam soil of inexhaustible fertility. These lakes are, or were, covered with a heavy growth of gum (tupelo), cypress, ash, maple, etc. The more peaty and untillable tracts abound in cypress and juniper, and have long furnished the markets of the continent with these timbers, while those lying next the sounds and rivers are frequently semi-swamps or oak, beech, and pine flats, and have a rich gray or ash-colored clay-loam soil. That portion of the seaboard region which lies northward of Albemarle sound consists mainly of low-lying, level, clay-loam lands or semi-swamps, which are heavily timbered with oaks, hickory, ash, maple, and short-leaf pine (Pinus tceda), often passing into cypress and juniper swamps along the rivers and into the great Dismal swamp, which lies partly in this state. These lands, when cleared and drained, resemble the prairie lands of the northwest, and equal them in fertility. Along the ridges or swells between the bay-like rivers of this section are narrow tracts of sandy soil with long-leaf pine growth. A large part of this Albemarle section also lies below the level of 10 feet above tide. Similar tracts to those above described, that is to say, oak and pine flats, are found lying also near the bays and water-courses and fringing the swamps in the southern parts of the seaboard region along the coast to the South Carolina line. The tops of the higher swells of land between the great rivers of this region, and sometimes the slopes and lower levels, are frequently occupied by the description of swamp land known as "pocoson". These have for the most part a close, impervious, fine sandy, gray or ash-colored soil, with patches of cold, stiff brick-clay and of black soil composed of coarse sand and vegetable matter. The subsoil is of the same texture, with a little clay, and is of a yellowish color. The pocoson is commonly covered with a scattered or clumpy growth of scrub pine (pond pine, P. scrotina), with clumps of white bay or with copses of gallberry bushes and bramble vines and tufts of wire-grass and broom sedge, and an occasional loblolly pine (P. tceda), and are quite valueless. The pocoson lands occupying this topographical position are the sources of the tributaries of the rivers, and are flat and covered with water more than half the year, but are dry and cracked in summer. They are usually fringed about with narrow, irregular strips of canebrake or gum and cypress swamps of dark loamy soils, and with oak flats, which have gray clay-loam soils. These border tracts are very fertile. 544 PHYSICO-GEOGRAPHICAL AND AGRICULTURAL FEATURES. 13 The savanna is another type of soil, and is found here and there among the pocosons and pine flats in patches of from a few hundred acres to 3 or 4 square miles in extent. These savannas are very flat and treeless, and are covered with grass. The soil is wet, cold, close, flue sandy, often black with humus; the subsoil is yellowish, with more clay. On or near the highest parts of the divides or water-sheds are frequently found small lakes of 3 or 4 to 15 or 20 square miles. In this case there is commonly a margin, of varying width, of rich swamp (gum and cypress) lands next the lakes. There are also here and there throughout the region narrow belts of long-leaf pine and sandy land, which frequently reach the coast south of Pamlico. A most notable feature of the region is the fringe of linear sand islands, called "The Banks", that wall' off the Atlantic along the entire coast. These constitute, in fact, an almost continuous sand-dune, broken here and there by narrow inlets, having a breadth of from a few rods to a half mile or more, narrowing occasionally to a mere low beach, over which the waves break into the sound, and again widening to 1 or 2 miles, as at Hatteras, and to 3 or 4 miles opposite Albemarle sound. This dune, or sand wave, is moving inland, the fine particles being continually carried over into the sounds, converting their outer margins into marsh, and gradually adding these to their own breadth. The average elevation of the crests of these islands, which are generally next to the sounds, is only a few feet or yards above high tide, but they are commonly broken into rounded hillocks 25, 30, and 40 feet high. Opposite Roanoke island these hillocks rise to a height of 75 and 90 feet, and in front of Albemarle sound they exceed 100 feet. Here they are quite bare, and rise in great waves, which are continually shifting their places, moving in a southwest direction at the rate of from 1 to 3 feet per annum. These islands were originally, and are still here and there, covered with forests of small oaks, hickory, short-leaf pine, dogwood, etc., and in many parts with red cedar and live oak and the noted evergreen shrub, cassena, or yaupon. The dwarf palmetto is found in the white-oak flats south of Pamlico and in the region of the Cape Fear, and as far up as Hatteras the larger species (sabal palmetto) thrives. A very small proportion of the area of the seaboard region is adapted to cotton, not more than 100 bales being produced in some counties, and the whole product of the region does not reach 37,000 bales. The chief crops are corn, wheat, sweet potatoes, peanuts, and rice, and latterly, in many sections, vegetables and Irish potatoes for the northern market. Lumbering in pine, cypress, and juniper and turpentine-getting have long been among the most important industries. The shad and herring fisheries are conducted on an immense scale, often with seines 1J miles long worked by steam, and the taking of other species of fish carries this form of industry through nearly the whole year. The region abounds in natural pasturage, and is well adapted to cattle and sheep raising. The following analyses, made for the North Carolina geological survey by Messrs. Bogardus and Hanna, are given of samples of the different classes of soils of the seaboard region : 1. Soils of gum and cypress swamps. — All these are fine corn soils, but will not grow cotton, as it runs to weed and never matures: No. 21. Bark mucky, porous soil on the southern margin of Mattamuskeet lake, in Hyde county; 6 feet deep. The mineral matter is in a state of very fine comminution. Timber growth, gum (tupelo), cypress, ash, poplar {Liriodendron), etc. The land produces from 50 to GO bushels of corn to the acre (Emmons). No. 22. Bark mucky, porous soil from the north side of Mattamuskeet lake, Hyde county; same depth, growth, etc. Fields alongside those from which the samples were taken have produced from 50 to 60 bushels of corn to the acre for more than 100 years without manure or change of crop (Emmons). No. 23. Bark mucky, porous soil, 3 to 4 feet deep, with same growth, from a large swamp on Blount's creek, on the south side of Pamlico river, 12 miles from Washington, Beaufort county; sample taken 1 foot deep. No. 24. Bark muck and porous soil, 2 feet deep, from Bear swamp, in Pamlico county. No. 25. Cypress and gum swamp soil, near the southern border of White Oak swamp, Jones county, 2 to 4 feet deep. Produces 50 bushels of corn to the acre. No. 26. Black mucky soil, 5 to 10 and 15 feet deep, from Big swamp, on the border of Bladen and Eobeson counties; a tract of 30,000 acres. Timber growth same as No. 21. No. 27. Black and my.cky soil from swamp on Eagle's island, across the Cape Fear river from Wilmington, Brunswick county, of many fathoms depth. Growth, gum, cypress, cane; an inexhaustible rice soil. No. 28. Black and mucky soil from a field cultivated in rice 100 years, which borders No. 27. 2. Soils of semi-swamps, akd of oak, beech, and pine flats. No. 29. Bark gray soil {semi-swamp) from margin of Bear swamp, Pamlico county ; depth, 2 feet ; the subsoil ia lighter colored and sandy. Growth, gum, (tupelo and sweet), poplar, maple, and ash. This is a good cotton land, and much of it occurs in this county and region. No. 30. Bark gray and gravelly loam from beech flat at Stonewall, south side of Bay river, Pamlico county. Growth, beech, gum, maple, and oak. This is an excellent cotton and corn land, and makes a bale to the acre. Large bodies of this description of land occur in the county. No. 31. Light-gray to ash-colored soil from a white oak flat half a mile wide at the head of North river, on the southern border of Open Ground Prairie swamp, in Carteret county. Growth, white oak, gum, maple, short-leaf pine (P. tmda), and dwarf palmetto. This soil represents extensive bodies of land on the borders of this and all the great swamps south and west of this point, and is a good corn and cotton land. 35 c p — vol. ii 545 14 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. No. 32. Gray light loamy soil from semi-swamp near Morehead City, Carteret county. Growth same as in No. 29, and like that in appearance and adaptations No. 33. Gray gravelly soil of oak flat near Whiteville, Columbus county, taken 1 foot deep. Growth, willow oak, ash, sweet and black gums, poplar, and maple. This soil represents a great area of land in the region on the borders of the swamp, and is a good cotton and corn soil. No. 3i. Dark-gray and ash-colored soil of Dover pocoson, flat and wet, Craven county; dark gray and ash- colored, and has a growth of scrubby pine, wire-grass, anil low thicketty brush. This soil has a close, fine texture, and is as impervious as clay. This is a common type of pocoson, but often the sand is coarse and the vegetable matter runs up to SO and 90 per cent., in which case the growth is gallberry and scrub pine, with clumps of white bay bushes and brambles. No. 35. Savanna soil, Beaufort county, near Pungo river, a level prairie of 4 or 5 square miles, flat, treeless, and covered with grass. This soil is gray to yellowish in color, has a close, fine texture, and is almost impervious to water. No. 36. Soil of Burgaic savanna, in Pender county, 25 miles north of Wilmington. This soil is like the last, and is nearly as extensive. It is dark colored, with a yellowish, more clayey subsoil. Both this and No. 35 are fair soils when drained. Gum and cypress swamp lands. Insoluble residue . Soluble silica Potash Soda Lime Magnesia Peroxide of iron . . . Alumina Phosphoric acid . . . Sulphuric acid Organic matter Water Total. Hyde couxtt. LAKE MATTAJHUSKEET. South side. Soil North aide. BLOUNT CREEK BEAU SWAMf. Soil. No. 21. 43. 00 0.03 ■ 43. 03 0.16 0.18 0.12 0.12 6.40 0.30 0.04 47.10 No. 22. 34.60; 0. 40 i Soil. SoU. No. 23. No. 24. BRUNSWICK cocxtt. WHITE OAK ; 6WAJTP. BIG 6WA3IP. EAGLE 6 ISLAND. J 35. 00 0.18 0.10 0.27 0.27 3.70 5.10 0.12 59. 24 ^ 1.86 5 61.10 0.79 0.69 1.62 1.08 13.78 71.30) 5. 90 J Soil. No. 25. 04.74 0. OS 0.12 0.13 1.39 1.23 0.00 38.80 12.30 0.22 20.80 100. 08 17. 50 2.30 100. 01 68. 34 0.05 0.02 0.10 0.29 0.30 S.83 0.06 0.21 22. 80 4.20 Soil No. 20. 52.20 0.60 SoU. No. 27. 1.16 0.55 6.09 0.34 0.C5 38.41 32.36 0.96 0.26 0.56 Cultivated soil. 4.92 0.45 1.30 59.19 99.70 100.00 ' 100.00 No. 28. 62.22 0.46 1.54 0.23 20.35 Trace. 0.23 12.43 Semi-sicamps, oal;, beech, and pine flats. Pamlico COUXTT. Calteeet COUXTT. COLUMBUS COUXTY. BEAR SWAMP. BAT BTVEB. FEAJRIE BWiMP. XEAB MOREHEAD. XEAB WHITE- VILLE. Soil. Soil. SoiL Soil Son. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. 62. 64 ) ! 60. 50 3.86 5 0.90 0.68 0.68 0. 5S I 10. 30 Trace. 0.43 I 19. 60 69. 28 ) ,„ „- [81.33 12. 05 ' 0.24 80 - 84 584.54 3. 70 5 0.07 0.02 0.44 0.22 1.18 69.07) > 13. bt 6.80 > 0.07 85. 15 ) „„ _ J 86. 72 1.57 5 Trace. 0.45 1.67 0.38. 1 5.12 0.02 0.03 4.41 1.32 ; 1 0.29 0.09 1.46 4.90 0.04 0.03 9.60 2.10 0.20 0.07 1.12 2. 69 4. 25 0. 08 0. 13 0. 06 0. 08 7. 70 13. 00 2. 50 4. 80 Water Total 99.67 | 100. 08 99. 50 ' 99. 59 100.12 i 54« PHYSICO-GEOGRAPHICAL AND AGRICULTURAL FEATURES. 15 Pocoson and savanna soils. Cbaven couktt. Beaufoet COUNTY. Pendeb county. DOVEE POCOSON. PUNGO SAVANNA. BUEOAW SA- VANNA. SoiL Soil. Soil.' No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. | 70. 50 f 86.89i ni ! J 90. 94 I 4. 05 3 0.02 0.17 0.20 0.11 r 1.16 I 2.77 0.11 92.66 0.86 0.34 0.22 0.40 I 1.31 0.12 0. K | 4.88 0.01 \ 0.76 25.20 2.70 4.55 0.55 Total 99.17 100.58 160. 92 [Soils Nos. 21 to 28 inclusive represent a class in which great depth is an important factor in determining the degree and duration of productiveness. In some cases, as in Nos. 21, 24, and 25, the plant-food percentages are quite low ; yet, being distributed through an easily penetrable soil stratum of unusual thickness, and containing a relatively large proportion of lime, there is cause for their high productiveness when fresh. But this evidently cannot endure long. In the cases of Nos. 22, 26, 27, and probably No. 23, the plant-food percentages are such as would be accounted from fair to very high, and, taking the depth into consideration, such soils as Nos. 2G and 27 are of extraordinary fertility. If the comparison between Nos. 27 and 28 — the former fresh, the other cultivated in rice for a century — be a fair one, the influence of cultivation in diminishing the prominent ingredients, potash and phosphoric acid, is here very strikingly shown by the analysis ; but the great difference in the respective amounts of humus and insoluble matter renders the strict comparability somewhat doubtful. Soil No. 29, said to be from the margin of Bear swamp, seems to differ only in depth from that of the lower lands (Nos. 23, 26, and 27), and resembles them in the large amount of vegetable matter and potash. Soil No. 24 differs so widely from this, and in such a manner, as to induce a suspicion that the specimens were exchanged, and that No. 29 is the true representative of the low land of Bear swamp. Both are alike poor in phosphoric acid. Of soils Nos. 30 to 33, the first only has a fair percentage of potash The rest are low in this respect, No 33 being apparently very deficient, but its very high percentage of lime ekes out for a time this deficiency as well as that in phosphoric acid. It must be of considerable depth to be at all durable. No. 32 has a good supply of phosphates, with only a moderate amount of lime, while in Nos. 31 and 30 a relatively large lime-percentage offsets a lower one of phosphates. The analysis of the pocoson soil is too incomplete to determine its character definitely ; yet the very small percentages of lime and alumina are instructive. Its defects are probably chiefly mechanical, in that it is a fine silt with very little clay, without enough lime to prevent its being acid or to give it a tendency to tilth. The inference is that, first of all, it should be heavily limed or marled and deeply tilled. Whether or not it is otherwise deficient in plan»-food does not appear, but lime is in any case its first need. Its extensive occurrence renders this experiment of great interest. Of the savanna soils, No. 36 can owe any difficulties in cultivation to its mechanical composition only, it being high in potash and fair in lime and phosphoric acid, while No. 35 is markedly deficient in potash. Liming or marling would also doubtless greatly improve these two soils. It is noteworthy that, on the whole, these seaboard swamp and savanna soils of Xorth Carolina are fairly and sometimes highly supplied with lime; an ingredient so notably deficient in most of the lands bordering the Gulf of Mexico west of the peninsula of Florida. The latter are mostly acid, and their vegetable matter is washed away in the drainage, while on the above soils humus is formed and retained under the influence of lime. — E. W. H.l THE LONG-LEAF PINE REGION. The second division, or long-leaf pine region, covers a large part of the state, roughly estimated at 15,000 square miles, and includes within its area all or parts of forty or more counties lying between the metamornhic or oak uplands region and the sea-coast. This region it may be subdivided into three classes, viz: Sandy pine barrens, level and rolling upland piny woods, and pine flats, in all of which the long leaf species of pine is predominant. The entire region is characterized, as stated, by gray and yellow sandy loams and sandy soils. 547 16 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Sandy pine barrens. — Those portions of this region which are properly characterized by the term "sand-hills", or " pine barrens ", lie for the most part in the southern half of the belt. The rivers which traverse and the water-courses which rise in it are frequently bordered by wide tracts of from 1 to 3 and 5 miles' breadth of cypress swamp, which is characterized by a deep black peaty soil, and by a growth of cypress, gum, ash, and maple, and often of cane. These soils, when drained, are of the greatest fertility and durability. The soils of the sand- hills are almost pure sand, and are of extreme infertility. This description of soil occupies a comparatively small proportion of the whole area. The sandy soil is generally only from a few inches to 1 or 2 feet deep, occasionally 3 or 4 feet, and is commonly underlaid by a yellow or brown sandy or gravelly subsoil ; but sometimes there are mere alternations of beds of different colored sands to unknown depths, and in other cases, at a depth of 8 or 10 feet or more, are half-compacted sandy and gravelly earths, gray and yellow, in which the channels of the streams are cut with steep, canal-like, often vertical banks. The forests are usually open and park-like, with tufts of wire-grass and occasional patches of tufted broom-sedge (mdropogon); but often -there is an undergrowth of small black-jack and other worthless species of oak. In the midst of the largest bodies of sand-hill lands there are occasional tracts of a fair grade of cultivable land, generally found on or near the watercourses. The sand-hill soils proper will produce almost nothing; they furnish, however, a scanty pasturage iu the swampy tracts which abound along the numerous sluggish streams. The yaupon and the scuppernong grape flourish even in these sand wastes. Nearly all the lands of this description are found on the waters of the Cape Fear south of the Neuse, and in the southern half of the belt. Only a few small tracts lie north of this section. The cotton product of this pine-kill or sand-hill section proper is very small, not exceeding 20,000 bales. The rivers and creeks of this region often have wide tracts of bottom laud, or are flanked by swamps or oak and pine flats, and on these are made crops of corn, potatoes, and rice. Cotton is grown on the better class of uplands of mixed oaks and pines, which are interspersed among the sandy tracts. Level and rolling upland piny woods. — The common type of land of the long-leaf pine region may be characterized as level and rolling piny uplands, the soil being a gray to yellow sandy loam, sometimes clayey or silty, with a forest growth of long- and short-leaf pines, oaks, hickory, dogwood, etc. These lands are of medium fertility, easily drained and cultivated, and constitute the great body of the most valuable cotton lands of the state. Most of the long-leaf pine belt north of the Neuse is of this character, and here one-half of the cotton of the state is made — one-third of it in a dozen counties. The subsoil is commonly a yellow sandy or gravelly clay, which is found at a depth of from 5 to 8 or 10, and sometimes 20 inches or more. The growth, as stated, is composed of long-leaf pines as the predominant element of the forests, generally mixed with short-leaf pines (which sometimes almost or quite replace them) and with a subordinate oak forest, which changes its character with the ^hanging topography and texture of the soil. In the better grades of rolling and yellow-loam lauds hickory and dogwood enter largely, and on the flatter tracts, with their close ash-colored soil, sweet gum, maple, and elm become prominent. Pine fats. — In some portions of this region, chiefly in the section lying north of the Neuse river and parallel to it, there are wide stretches of open long-leaf pine woods, with a few scattered oaks of small size and stunted gums and low huckleberry bushes, wire-grass, and broom-sedge. The surface is very level, and is interspersed with frequent swampy patches, having a scrubby growth of bay, maple, gallberry, myrtle, and other swamp jungle. The soil is an ash-colored silty clay, with alternating patches of sandy soil, underlaid by a gray stiff clay or fine sand and clay equally impervious. These flats are very unproductive, and are valuable only for turpentine and lumber. North of the Roanoke, lying partly in Bertie and partly in Hertford counties, there is another large body of land of the same character. Another class of pine flats, more properly pine and oak flats, differs from the ordinary level pine woods in having a more clayey soil, commonly ash-colored, with a clay subsoil, and a frequent large admixture of short-leaf (slash) pine, with post oak and white oak, and are usually more productive and more durable. These tracts generally lie near water-courses. A good example of this description of land is found in Scotland Neck, Halifax county, on Kehukee creek. The typical pine flats, however, have a forest growth almost exclusively of long-leaf pine, sometimes with a few scattered small oaks, post oak and black oak, or a scattered scrubby undergrowth, with a soil and subsoil as above described. These lands are of fair quality, and produce well when properly drained. A good example may be seen about Selma and eastward in Johnston county, and also on Six Runs creek, in Sampson county. The following analyses (made for the Census Office) are given of samples of the lands of this region : No. 11. Light gray soil from near Sparta, Edgecombe county. Depth taken, 3 inches; growth, long-leaf pine, small oaks, and dogwood. This is a fair type of the "piny- woods cotton land", is easily cultivated, and is naturally poor, but by composting will produce 1,200 pounds of seed-cotton per acre. No. 12. Subsoil of the above, light yellowish in color, from 10 to 15 inches deep, and underlaid by a brick clay. No. 13. Gray sandy loam soil from Penny Hill, Pitt county, taken 11 inches. Growth, long-leaf pine, oak, hickory, and dogwood ; the trees are tall and straight. This is the best cotton land of the level piny woods, and " stands well, wet or dry." No. 14. Subsoil of the above, a tenacious clay. 5-18 PHYSICO-GEOGRAPHICAL AND AGRICULTURAL FEATURES. 17 No. 15. Gray sandy loam of the level piny woods 5 miles north of Princeton, Johnston county, taken 7 inches. Growth, long-leaf pine, small post and black-jack oaks, and wire-grass. This is the " ordinary piny woodscotton land". No. 16. Subsoil of the above, a yellow sandy loam, taken from 7 to 20 inches deep. So. 17. Gray sandy loam soil, taken 3 miles from the upland level piny woods near Weldon, Halifax county, depth 1 inch. Growth, short-leaf pine, oaks, a little hickory, and dogwood. The soil is " light and dry, miry in wet, and bakes in dry weather after much rain". No. 18. Subsoil of the above, a light-yellowish loam. No. 19. Soil from the level upland pine woods near Wilson Court-House, Wilson county. No. 20. Subsoil of "Lousin swamp" lands, 7 miles north of Kingston, Lenoir county, taken from 15 to 20 inches. The soil is a dark loam with much more vegetable matter and less of all the other elements, notably of lime and magnesia. Growth, willow oak, sweet and black gum, maple, and short-leaf pine, scattered and large; a good cotton and com soil. No. 37. Light gray pine flats soil from a tract of pine flat lands in Johnston county near the town of Selma, around which such lands extend several miles ; taken 12 inches deep. Growth, long-leaf pine, small oaks, and sweet and black gum. This sod is somewhat lumpy and clay-like in appearance, but is a fair type of the better quality of pine flats. (Analysis was made by Messrs. Bogardus and Hanna.) Soils of the level upland piny woods. Insoluble matter Soluble silica Potasb Soda Lime Magnesia Brown oxide of manganese Peroxide of iron ■ AlnmiTifl- ._ 1 Phosphoric acid Sulphuric acid Water and organic matter . Total Hygroscopic moisture absorbed at Edgecombe county. SoU. No. 11. 91. 433 ) 2. 951 i Subsoil. Pitt county. PENNY HILL. SoU. SubsoU. No. 12. 94. 384 0.093 0.033 0.052 0.006 0.031 | 0.753 1.559 0.061 0.034 2.754 91. 842 ) 3. 514 J 95. 356 0.087 0.029 0.019 0.025 0.029 1.766 1.563 0.101 0.040 1.175 No. 13. No. 14. 77. 735 4.016 ) „, „., 77.520) £ 81.751 > > 5. 915 5 99.760 2.391 21.8C 2.190 SC.° 0.204 0.109 0.177 0.073 0.091 4.786 7.398 0.143 0.154 5.760 6.710 20. 5 C.° 83. 435 0.226 0.090 0.125 0.042 0.090 3.815 8.603 0.126 0.178 3.697 100. 427 5.847 19.4C.° Johnston county. FHLNCETON. SoU. Subsoil. No. 15. 94. 810 j 1. 283 i 96. 093 0.085 0.037 0.045 0.030 0.101 0.368 1.314 0.071 0.048 2.406 1.876 25. 5 C.° No. 16. 93. 276 ; 3. 567 ! 96.843 0.060 0.012 0.037 0.018 0.035 0.564 1.638 0.049 0.005 0.634 99. 895 25. 5C.° Insoluble matter Soluble silica Potash Soda Lime Magnesia Brown oxide of manganese Peroxide of iron Alumina Phosphoric acid Sulphuric acid Water and organic matter. Total Hygroscopic moisture absorbed at Halifax county. THEEE MILES FEOM WELDON. SoU. No. 17. 91. 500 j 1. 580 i 93. 080 0.135 0.047 0.123 0.048 0.111 1.580 2.900 0.117 0.040 1.678 99. 859 29. C.° SubsoU. Wilson county. NEAR WILSON COURT- HOUSE. Soil. No. 18. 72. 058 ) 9. 879 5 No. 19. LENOIB COUNTY. "LOUSIN SWAMP" NORTH OF KINGSTON. Soil. Johnston county. near selma. Pine-flat soil. No. 20. 81. 937 0.447 0.253 0. 068 ■ 0.101 0.116 5.244 8.583 0.160 0.013 3.347 93. 343 ) 1. 021 i 100. 329 5. 953 26. C.° 94.964 0.049 0.022 0.028 0.052 0.006 1. 056 1. 024 0. 067 0. 037 2.048 91.818) 2. 552 i .i.i 81.280 0.940) 0.088 0.619 0.082 0.083 0.050 11.040 3.154 0.039 70.840) 2.090S 0.248 0.069 0.016 0.137 0.215 15.334 5.849 0.130 77.860) 43.740) , „„J79.650 | , $49,610 81.060) S83.419 2.359) 0.141 0.063 0.065 0.036 0.091 3.427 5.096 0.206 0.118 7.251 72.280) J73.341 1.061$ 0.145 0.038 0.059 0.043 0.081 9.705 9%3 0.227 0.043 7.080 78.786) 586.191 7.405) 0.1S1 0.012 0.335 0311 0.052 4.987 4.024 0.130 0.075 3.876 79 507) „ „_{ 83.366 3.853) 0.186 0.084 0.276 0.162 0.084 6.520 6.412 0.330 0.051 2.546 0.092 0.041 0.036 070 0.214 0.087 0.003 Brown oxide of manganese 0.056 0.010 7.538 0.082 26.536 0.134 "Water and organic matter 4.569 i 5.646 6,187 11.660 Total 99.788 99.829 100.435 | 100.641 99.436 ! 100.175 09.913 100.615 100.130 100.011 2.592 17.0 C.° 1.950 17.7 0." 3.573 | 6.858 4.685 21.8 C.° 11.210 21.8 C.° 4.952 21.1 C.° 7.123 21.1 C.° 3.346 21.8 C.o 21.8 C.° [The gray sandy ridge soil of the neighborhood of Raleigh (Nos. 1 and 2) shows low percentages of potash, lime, and phosphoric acid, but seems to be of almost identical composition to the depth of 20 inches, and probably more. Being at the same time very easily penetrable, it may afford to deep-rooted plants for a time a fair supply of plant-food, but will soon give out. Phosphates are the fertilizers chiefly indicated. 551 20 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. The highly ferruginous plateau soil from near Raleigh (Xos. 3 and 4) shows in its subsoil a considerable superiority over the gray soils as to potash and phosphoric acid, but is notably deficient in lime, dressings of ■which, or of marl, would doubtless act very favorably in connection with deep tillage. Tbe deficiency in lime is here, as elsewhere, indicated by the prevalence of pine. The Spartanburgk soil and subsoil (Xos. 5 and 6) are again remarkable for deficiency in lime, and are evidently closely related to the plateau soil (Hob. 3 and 4) from near Raleigh, the chief difference being the higher percentage of phosphoric acid in the surface soil. But here again liming or marling is indicated as the first improvement needed. ^he soil from near Charlotte (Nos. 7 and 8) shows a remarkable superiority over the preceding in the percentages of phosphates, which are high in both soil and subsoil and show ample cause for the higher production, which could doubtless, however, be increased by liming or marling, lime being still deficient for a soil of tbis character. Tbe soil from Cabarrus (Nos. 9 and 10) also (taking soil and subsoil together) shows a high phosphate percentage; and, being associated with a good supply of lime, the soil should be both productive and durable with deep and thorough tillage. In all of these soils potash is rather low. — E. TV. EL] THE TRANSMOXTANE REGION". The western division of the state beyond the Blue Ridge is entitled to be considered and described as a separate agricultural region, on account of the marked difference of climate which distinguishes it from the cismontane divisions, inasmuch as its agricultural features and capabilities are differentiated strongly from those of the other divisions by its climate, although there is no difference in the soils, either as to origin or physical and chemical qualities. On the high table-land between the Blue Ridge and the Smoky, in addition to the growth of oak, poplar, maple, etc., there is a large intermixture of white pine, hemlock, walnut, cherry, linn ( Tilia Americana), chestnut, buckeye, magnolia of several species, sugar maple, and black locust; and the summits of the higher ranges above the level of 5,000 feet, as the Black, the Balsam, and the highest parts of the Smoky mountains, are frequently mantled over with a dense growth of spruce and fir. The soils of this region extend over the summits of the higher mountains, and are often of the greatest fertility quite to their tops, which are consequently heavily wooded. The flatfish or dome-like summits of a few of the higher and more massive mountains are bare of trees, and are covered with grass; are, in fact, natural meadows or prairies. A marked feature of the forests of this region is the occurrence of extensive thickets or jungles of laurel (Rhododendron), both on the valley flats and the mountain benches and slopes, and even on the summits of some of the highest ranges, as the Roan and Craggy, ■where these thickets cover many square miles. The " ivy " (Kalmia latifolia) is commonly associated with the laurel, and sometimes replaces it. These shrubs attain here the size of forest trees, being often 10 and even 15 inches in diameter and from 15 to 20 feet high. The valleys or troughs between the cross-chains are generally deep and narrow, but in some cases they open out into broad stretches of hilly and rolling country, with occasional tracts of river bottoms and benches or terraces, sometimes three or four, rising one above another and shouldering back against the flanking river hills. The soils of the bottoms are usually ash-colored or gray clays or loams, and are very productive, while the higher terraces are more sandy and less durable. This description applies especially to valley plateaus of the upper French Broad and of Valley river. Most of these basins are deep and narrow, and their surfaces are broken by projections of the inclosing mountains, so that but a small proportion of the surface of many of these transmoutane counties is arable. The slopes and spurs of the mountains, however, and generally even their summits, produce crops of native grasses, and timothy and blue-grass and other cultivated varieties catch easily aud become naturalized and self- propagating. The proper agriculture, therefore, for the regiou is stock-raising, to which, indeed, nine-tenths of it had been devoted until the war. Large crops of corn are grown on the river bottoms, while wheat, oats, rye, and buckwheat is grown on the hills and mountain sides. This region is the natural home of the vine, of which it has furnished several valuable native varieties. The apple, pear, and peach also flourish with remarkable vigor and vitality. The culture of the gold leaf tobacco has been domesticated in several of these transmontaue counties within the past decade, and one of them, Madison, already markets a million pounds per annum. The timber of the region also furnishes the basis of considerable commerce, which is rapidly increasing with the recent penetration of several lines of railway. Immense quantities of walnut, as well as of black locust and cherry, are already finding their way to market. 552 13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ■- ■ ■ ' \' (N5, -.* 4i° Ai -J'JfSniellvJIm-' # - / ^v s ^v X - A PercfftrUa^e uftoLa] are; i planted in Cotton in L88 1 I l~~j (i to O.J pel ' en1 [ x~~ 1 0.1 to! nr i tn r ) . GENERAL DISCUSSION 21 GENEEAL EEMAEKS ON COTTON FEODUCTION IN NOETH CAROLINA. Among the cotton states North Carolina is seventh in population, eighth in cotton production (389,598 bales), -and eighth in bales per acre (0.44). The product in 1870 was 144,935, and in 1860 145,514 bales. The following tables give various data relating to cotton production : Table ni.— SHOWING POPULATION AND COTTON PRODUCTION IN EACH AGRICULTURAL REGION OF THE STATE. POPULATION. COTTOX PRODUCTION. ■3 e Average per acre. Total in tons. o CD eS — a * ° n a "©a o o - c;a Agricultural regions. ■a 3.9 o £ Total. White. Colored. *S -2 | Acres. Bales. | a "So 22 (3 8>js if o S<8 CM Q a .2 a 1 G Lint. Seed. 11 a o a 5* DO bf m 3 p, a-0 o Ph fi 03 u V2 Pi <1 X6«. Lbs. Lbs. 1 Total 1, 399, 750 867, 242 532. 508 15.07 893, 153 389, 598 0.44 621 207 414 | 92,530 185, 060 100 18.39 193, 268 102, 275 90. 993 13. 34 ' 85, 557 36,554 0.43 609 203 406 8,682 17,364 9 0.6 407, 643 200, 977 206, 666 25. 84 [ 466, 367 209, 475 0.45 639 213 426 49, 750 99, 500 54 32.4 798, 839 563, 990 234,849 9.80 341,229 143, 569 0.42 597 199 398 34, 098 68, 196 37 13.5 Table IV.— SHOWING "BANNER COUNTIES", AS REGARDS TOTAL PRODUCTION AND PRODUCT PER ACRE, IN EACH AGRICULTURAL REGION. o £ COUNTIES HAVING HIGHEST TOTAL PRODUCTION - . COUNTIES HAVING HIGHEST PRODUCT PEE ACHE. a! a fa P. . ^ tin \L *? o few l*i £§< H 103. 60 7.27 1.06 0.00 48.55 1.39 5.23 S. 10 0.20 39.35 0.45 4.88 1.37 0.42 50.80 0.67 1.60 0.45 0.33 40.60 0.27 E e 100. 00 4.56 Trace. 0.14 50.04 1.72 1.62 0.34 0.45 40.55 0.58 BLUE MARLS (MIOCEXE). 6.97 0.37 0.15 47.62 1.03 'E a §■2 10 100. 24 37.24 1. CO 0.34 30.45 1. 88 100. 10 26.33 0.91 0.02 33.03 0.59 11 100. 00 38. 23 0.75 0.04 29.19 0.58 Vi 100. 51 0.86 2.09 5.47 5.15 0.19 0.38 1.67 1.40 0.41 1.10 0.28 1.57 38.15 25.16 24.89 21.41 4.25 6.89 1.68 2.92 1. GO 13 99.10 24.70 0,02 0.24 34.97 2.26 6.01 0.32 1.08 29.06 0.44 "3 W, ~ 3 — o © u >'> 14 15 99. 95 49.66 0.37 0.34 20.25 0.37 3.75 2.02 11.72 6.48 =■■2 o'S • 16 101. 69 58.83 0. 93 0.70 14.60 0.41 3.62 0.18 2.82 10.23 9.87 GENERAL DISCUSSION. 23 These marls belong to three classes: the first three are greensand, or Cretaceous; the next four, Eocene-Tertiary; the others, Miocene-Tertiary. No. 1 represents the greensand marl of the Cape Fear River section ; the sample is from the river bluff at Wilmington. No. 2 is from a stream near Kinston, aud represents that of the Neuse Eiver section. No. 3 is from a point about 15 miles farther north, near the upper limit of the Cretaceous. These marls are not much used, because they contain too small percentages of lime aud too large proportions of sand for sandy soils, and especially because so large quantities are required (500 bushels and upward to the acre), but they are used with very good results on clay soils. The Eocene or chalk marls are very rich in lime, being, in fact, generally but uncompacted limestones or comminuted shells. Their content of potash and phosphoric acid is often of considerable value. No. 4 is from Wilmington, where marls of this description are abundant and near the surface. No.- 6, from near Kinston, represents the Eocene marls of the Neuse river; they extend from Goldsboro' to New Berne, and underlie the whole country to the Cape Fear. These are valuable fertilizers, and are used by the better cWtss of farmers with very great advantage. But the blue marls are more widely distributed than the others, and more accessible, and are much more extensively used. There are few counties of the long-leaf pine and seaboard regions in which these marls are not found. Forty or fifty years ago their introduction under the teaching of Mr. Edmund Euffin, of Virginia, revolutionized the agriculture of Edgecombe and the adjoining counties. The marl is used in the compost heap or alone, and is distributed in the furrow or broadcast. These samples fairly represent the marls and their distribution, and were taken from open pits which had been extensively used, in all cases with marked and permanent benefit. The marvel is they are not universally used, a hundred tons for every one. Muck and peat beds are found in vast quantities in every section of the east, and these are also used in the compost heap, as are also marsh mud and sea- weed and fish and fish-scrap on the sea-coast and sound. 535 24 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. ^ S 3 6 S 6 o s * ■jaw box : ioure3jo pae JQitTM -q« jo ojuiiuodnraj, 'oQOH* Q „ ojn^eioui oidoosoiS^jj 'inox •ppre ounqdpng ■pp« ouoqdsoq<£ "cainnqY •989Tre3 •aura jo opixo Hiioag ■Biean^Bj^ ■otnii •*pog •qstfjoj ■onp ■teai oiqnioein V¥KL "B0IIT8 e l°i n l°S •ja^Bca 9[qnioBai -a p 05 6 B ? 6 A o fi p o O n s p 3 i 5 « B " 3 § = — © I- CD CI co CI T-l o © © 3 5 CO eo CO w t- CD CN 115 C3 *# CD - H O CO •-< ~* CI CO r- CO •aoji jo oprxojaj o CO t~ CI CO CO CM © © CO CO - CD IT. © CO in o e- o [- CO e CM CD CO © CD CD CD CO > 3.815 1 0.368 3 o o 00 lO 3 CI IS I 1.056 > 0.484 ta t- •OM "3 "1 c g p.« e o « o se 2 e ft *S Psa feo _ Fj » C.-X 2 S 2 S t£© = 1 ^2 o - 11 •a « s » c 7, ^ (3 : 5 o © i s . B I cs r^ ^ T 1 & ? S — > > > •P H d a tx a h 3 o « a t* ►J !h H = o Kj rH .i fx O CO •jdqnmx 556 ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 25 Tnox M99B& •i&#*ni oiubSjq -pioB oLinqdpis pi^8 ouoqdsotid — o 00 CO t- iO N 04 • ■* ■H eq © O O o •tf 04 us -earnm^y nojt jo QpTsaiad •BtsanS-ej^ •snni -epog ■qsTnoj; ■enpisaj. Qtqtiiosni' pnox •■botjts aiqTqog ■onp -TS9J 3iqti[0Btrj I ■ho^bi q}d8 fi as 3s © S ° a *■ — <5 ™ =s ° d J* > fi 0) ^-* £ £ a fer, k k 2 ft ,_}>_] O Q CO CO CO CO 557 PAET II. AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 27 5:9 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA. The counties are here grouped under the heads of the several agricultural regions previously described to which each predominantly belongs, or, in some cases, under that to which it is popularly assigned. Each county is described as a whole. The regional groups of counties are placed in the same order as that in which the regional descriptions themselves are given. The statements of areas of woodland, etc., refer to the original state of things, irrespective of tilled or otherwise improved lands. Appended to the description of each county from which a report or reports have been received is an abstract of the main points of such reports, so far as they refer to natural features, production, and communication. Those portions of the reports referring to agricultural and commercial practice are placed in a separate division (Part III) following that of county descriptions. In making the abstracts of reports it has in most cases been necessary to change somewhat the language of the reporter, while preserving the sense. SEABOARD REGION. (Embraces the counties of Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Dare, Tyrrell, Washington, Hyde, Beaufort, Pamlico, Craven, Carteret, Jones, Onslow, Pender, New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbus.) CURRITUCK. Population: 6,476. — "White, 4,495 ; colored, 1,981. Area: 2S2 square miles. — Woodland, 41,119 acres. Tilled lands: 40,455 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 316 acres; in corn, 23,310 acres; in wheat, 101 acres; in oats, 267 acres. Cotton production : 139 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.44 bale, 627 pounds seed-cotton, or 209 pounds (Otton lint. * Currituck county is bounded northward by Virginia, eastward by the Atlantic ocean, and southward mainly by Albemarle sound, and is traversed north and south by Currituck sound, which occupies about one-third of its territory. 'Between this sound and the Atlantic ocean lies a narrow strip of sandy soil, which in its origin is a sand-dune of the breadth of from 1 to 3 miles, rising in some of its higher hillocks to nearly one hundred feet, covered generally with a small growth of pine, oak, hickory, dogwood, etc. The body of the county, particularly the northern section, is quite level, and has a growth of oaks, hickory, and short leal' pine and a clay loam soil, but becomes swampy near the streams. There is a narrow belt- of oak and pine lands also in the middle section. The narrow southern promontory which projects into Albemarle sound is for the most part sandy, and except along the margin of the sounds, where it is more or less swampy, has a growth of long-leaf pine. With the exception ot the dune hills, nearly the whole county lies below the level of 10 feet above tide. The soils of this county are much better adapted to corn and rice than to cotton. The stalk of the latter grows luxuriantly, but does not fruit well. Fishing is also naturally a leading industry; and the county has great facilities for truck farming, which is rapidly acquiring importance. Of the county area, 22.41 per cent, is tilled land, of which 0.73 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. The most abundant facilities exist for shipping by the sounds and canals and by rail. CO 36 c p — vol. ii 561 30 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. CAMDEN. Population : 6,274.— White, 3,791 ; colored, 2,483. Area : 214 square miles. — Woodland, 65,729 acres. Tilled lands : 35,870 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 2,670 acres; in corn, 23,663 acres; in wheat, 461 acres; in oats, 1,008 acres. Cotton production : 823 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.31 bale, 438 pounds seed-cotton, or 146 pounds cotton lint. Camden county is a long narrow strip of .territory parallel to Currituck. Northwestward it reaches the Dismal swamp and southward Albemarle sound, and lies between two of its projecting arms, Pasquotank river and North river. The northern and larger portion of this county belongs to the description of semi-swamp or oak flats, and along the main rivers, and frequently for a mile or two from their margins, are gum and cypress swamps. At a distance from the streams these lauds, as in the preceding county, are characterized by a heavy growth of oak, hickory, short-leaf pine, etc. The middle portion of the southern end of this county, along the divide between its two bounding water-courses, has a narrow zone of sandy loam soil with long-leaf pine forests. The main crops are corn and cotton, with some small grains ; but fishing and truck-farming are also among the common and profitable industries, and several thousand bushels of flaxseed are annually exported. Of the county area, 26.20 per cent, is tilled laud, of which 7.44 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Shipments are made to Norfolk by the Dismal Swamp canal and by rail. PASQUOTANK. Population: 10,369.— White, 4,S55 ; colored, 5,514. Area: 232 square miles. — Woodland, 44,345 acres. Tilled lands: 51,400 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 4,004 acres; in corn, 28,525 acres; in wheat, 3,300 acres; in oats, 1,930 acres. Cotton production : 1,181 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.29 bale, 420 pounds seed-cotton, or 140 pounds cotton lint. Pasquotank is a long, narrow strip of territory parallel to Camden county, and is of similar topographical situation and agricultural features. It is bordered eastward and westward by two bay-like arms of the sound, Pasquotank river and Little river, both of which take their rise in the Great Dismal swamp. The upper and middle portions, therefore, belong to the general description of swampy land and semi-swamps. Near the streams there are generally strips of swamp proper, with gum, cypress, and juniper forests, but farther from them are semi- swamps and oak and pine flats, with oak, hickory, short-leaf pine, ash, maple, black gum, and holly. These lands are of great fertility. The southern end of the peninsula on the sound is, as usual, sandy, piny woods. The industries of the county are the same as those of Camden. More cotton is produced, and lumbering still constitutes an item of consequence, as also in all these Albemarle counties. Truck farming is also assuming large proportions, and the raising of early potatoes for the northern market has recently become one of the most profitable industries. Of the county area, 34.62 per cent, is tilled land, of which 7.79 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. All these Albemarle counties have unlimited facilities of transportation through their numerous bays, rivers, and sounds, which are connected with Norfolk harbor through the Dismal swamp and the Currituck canals, and also by railway. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OP C. "W. HALLOWELL, OP ELIZABETH CITY. There is a considerable variety of soil and a limited area of good cotton lands iD scattered patches of from 20 to 300 acres, the lower lands being generally dark alluvial and -wet, and not at all adapted to cotton. The higher lands, being drier, are better adapted to cotton. Only one year in several may be said to be a good cotton year. The early spring is apt to be cold and wet, which necessitates late planting; again, some of the moister soils will not mature the crops before the coming of early frosts. For these causes the "sure" cotton lands of this region are of very limited area. The soil may be divided, first, into the gray loam, with stiff' foundation, and secondly into sandy ridges. The. chief soil is the gray loam. The proportion of the lands of the region of this kind does not exceed one-twentieth of the acreage, and its natural timber is beech, ash, white oak, poplar, sweet gum, and hickory. The average depth is 6 inches, when its color changes into that of the subsoil, which is a yellow sand mixed with clay. Near the water-courses the subsoil is yellow and sometimes bluish clay, and that of the dark lands is hard and crumbly. The chief crops are corn, wheat, cotton, oats, pease, potatoes, and flaxseed, but the soil is apparently best adapted to corn and flax. Three feet is the average height of the cotton-plant, which inclines to run to weed in wet summers. Topping has been tried, but without good effect. Fresh land produces in favorable seasons 1,000 pounds of se*d-cotton per acre, and 1,425 pounds are needed for a 475-pound bale, which, when clean, rates in the market as middling and low middling. After seven years' cultivation the land produces 600 pounds of seed-cotton per acre. Crab- and water-grass are troublesome. The proportion of land originally cultivated now turned out is very small. Cotton shipments are made, from October to January, by steamboats and sail vessels to Baltimore and Norfolk. Rates of freight per bale are 75 cents to Norfolk and §1 25 to Baltimore. PEEQUIMANS. Population: 9,466. — White, 4,795; colored, 4,671. Area : 245 square miles. — Woodland, 61,4S2 acres. Tilled lands : 53,544 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 7,025 acres; in corn, 21,910 acres; in wheat, 2,957 acres; in oats, 1,222 acres. Cotton production : 2,778 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.40 bale, 564 pounds seed-cotton, or 188 pounds ' cotton lint. 562 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 31 Perquimans county is in every respect twin to the preceding, and northward it extends into the Great Dismal swamp. A considerable percentage of the surface of Perquimans is occupied by what is commonly called swamp land, though for the most part it is drainable and cultivable. These swamp lands, which are better described as semi-swamps and oak and pine flats, are a repetition of those before described, and have a similar soil, which varies from a fine gray loam to a dark mucky soil of high fertility. Along the Perquimans river, which is an arm of Albemarle sound, he in a southeasterly drection narrow zones of cypress swamps, beyond which, northward and southward, are narrow tracts of sandy soil, with forests mainly of long-leaf pine. These long-leaf pine tracts, •which occupy the divides between the streams, project in the form of promontories into the margin of the sound. Of the county area, 3415 per cent, is tilled land, of which 13.12 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Shipments are by sound and canal steamers and by rail to Norfolk. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF WILLIAM NIXON, OF WINFALL. This county, divided nearly in half by the Perquimans river, has a sound front of fifteen miles, which is not subject to overflow, is level, and has different soils, principally clay, sandy, and black. Cotton is slow in getting oif in the spring, and is liable to injury (shedding) from heavy rains in August. About one-half of the county is what is designated stiff land, which extends 20 miles north and 15 miles east from the sound. The natural timber growth is sweet gum, oak, pine, poplar, ash., beech, hickory, holly, and dogwood. The land is a gray clay ,oam, about 6 inches deep ; the subsoil is heaver than the surface soil, and is mixed with some very fine sand. Corn, cotton, wheat, oats, and potatoes are the chief crops. The soil is best adapted to corn and wheat, but one-fourth of the improved land is occupied by cotton. The plant is most productive when 3 feet high ; but it grows from 2 to 5 feet in height, and is apt to run to weed in hot, wet weather. Fourteen hundred and twenty-five pounds of seed-cotton are required to make a 475-pound bale, rating in the market as middling. About 5 per cent, of the land originally cultivated now lies turned out, but does well when again cultivated. The sandy soil, occupying about three-tenths of the land in this region, and extending from 8 to 10 miles north by 7 miles across the county, is timbered with pine, poplar, oak, and hickory. The soil is whitish yellow to the depth of 8 inches, when it changes into that of the subsoil, which is heavier than the surface soil, and is a clay mixed with sand. It is early, warm, and well drained, and is best adapted to corn, cotton, and sweet potatoes. The black soil extends 10 miles north by from 2 to 4 miles east and west, and occupies about two-tenths of the lands. It is a blackish loam to the depth of 1 foot. The subsoil is clay and sand, underlaid with blue mud at the depth of 10 feet, and is best adapted to corn. Cotton shipments are made, from November 1 to January 1, by steamboat to Norfolk and Baltimore. Rates of freight per bale are: to Norfolk, SI ; to Baltimore, §1 50. CHOWAN. Population: 7,900.— White, 3,633 ; colored, 4,267. Area : 150 square miles. — Woodland, 44,446 acres. Tilled lands: 35,234 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 6,047 acres; in corn, 13,877 acres; in wheat, 622 acres; in oats, 791 acres. Cotton production: 2,223 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.37 bale, 525 pounds seed-cotton, or 175 pounds cotton lint. Chowan county lies in the angle of the Chowan river and Albemarle sound. Northward it consists of sandy, upland piny woods, except narrow tracts along the river and some of its tributaries, where cypress swamps of considerable extent are found ; and there are also large areas of oak flats. The southern portion of the county, lying near the souud and south of the Yeopim river, is characterized by a gray clay-loam soil and a mixed oak and pine forest growth, and is for the most part very productive. Bear swamp, which crosses the county in a northeast and southwest direction, is more properly a semi-swamp from 3 to 5 miles wide, very level, with a gray silty soil, and the characteristic growth of such lands comprises short-leaf pine, oaks, maple, ash, dogwood, occasionally cypress and gum, and frequently a large admixture of holly, which here attains the size of oaks and furnishes a superior cabinet wood. The agriculture of the county, as well as its other industries, is quite like that of Gates. Its fisheries are among the largest and most profitable in the country. Of the county area, 36.72 per cent, is tilled laud, of which 17.16 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Being surrounded on three sides by navigable waters and crossed by a line of railway, the county has abundant means of transportation. ABSTRACT OF THE EEPORT OF L. W. PARKER, OF SMALL'S CROSS-EOADS. About one-half of the lauds in this region is what is designated as "Albemarle sound bank or level", about one-half being cultivated in cotton. This region is twenty miles in length and ten miles wide. Its natural timber is oak, gum, maple, and pine. The soil is black in the bottoms and a white sand on the hills, the average depth in the former being 2 feet. The subsoil is heavier than the surface soil, being in the bottoms a "blue mud of a putty-like nature and on the hills yellow and sandy. Cotton, com, potatoes, pease, and peanuts are the chief crops ; but the soil seems best adapted to cotton, and 50 per cent, of the improved land is given to this crop, which is most productive when 3 feet high, and is inclined to run to weedin wet seasons when planted too deep, the remedy for which is manuring aud good and early cultivation. In fresh land the seed-cotton product is 1,500 pounds per acre, of which 1,425 pounds make a 475-pound bale of lint, rating as middling staple. After five years' cultivation the product is 750 pounds per acre, and 1,540 pounds are needed to make a bale, the lint rating as low to middling. The carrot and hog-weed are most troublesome. About 25 per ceut. of land once in cultivation now lies turned out, and when again taken in it produces finely for two or three years. It washes and gullies on the slopes, but the damage is not serious ; but in most cases the valleys are improved by these washings of the uplands. The sandy ridge occupies about one-third of the lands iu this section, extends 20 miles in length by 6 miles in width, and is timbered with yellow pine. The soil is a white sand to the depth of 8 inches, with a subsoil of yellow sand heavier than the surface soil. It is early, warm, well-drained, and easy to till in dry seasons, and is apparently best adapted to wheat, pease, or cotton, and one-half is occupied by the latter crop. The cotton-plant attains the height of from 3 to 4 feet, but is most productive when 3 feet high. It is inclined to run to weed in wet seasons, and topping is practiced to stop this tendency. In fresh lands 1,425 pounds of seed-cotton is necessary for a 475- pound bale, which rates in the market as middling. After five years' cultivation the product ranges from 500 to 600 pounds per acre, and rates as low middling. Crab-grass is the most troublesome weed. About 10 per cent, of the land once in cultivation now lies turned out, 503 32 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. The hlack swamps or bottoms extend 10 Uiiles square, ami occupy one-fourth of the laud in this region. The soil is a prairie, putty-like loam, black in color to the depth of 3 feet, when it changes into that of the subsoil, a blue mud, intermixed with some gravel. It is late, cold, ill-drained, and best adapted to corn and oats, but one-tenth of the improved land is occupied by cotton. The latter crop is most productive at the height of 3 feet, but grows from 4 to 8 feet high, and is inclined to run to weed under all circumstances. Fertilizing will favor bolliug. The staple rates as low middling. The cost of production is about 6 cents per pound. Cotton shipments are made as soon as ginned to Norfolk or Baltimore. Rates of freight per bale are : to Norfolk, $1 ; to Baltimore, Sil 25. DAEE. Population: 3,243.— White, 2,875; colored, 308. Area: 382 square miles. — Woodland, 19,996 acres. Tilled lands : 2,094 acres. — Area planted in cotton, Hi acres ; in corn, '95G acres; in wheat, 25 acres; in oats, 17 acres. Cotton production : S bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.50 bale, 714 pounds seed-cotton, or 238 pounds cotton lint. The surface of Dare county is mainly water, the land, made up of a succession of long, narrow islands and peninsulas, being interpenetrated throughout by great bays, sounds, and navigable bayous. The county is bounded eastward by the Atlantic ocean, westward by Alligator river, and southward by Pamlico sound. The larger portion, on the mainland, is a swamp, which lies but a few feet above tide-level. Around the margins of this portion, next the sound, are narrow tracts of a few miles, in places, of drainable, cultivable land belonging to the general description of oak flats, having a gray-loam soil of a close texture. It is also fringed by considerable bodies of marsh land next the sound, from which large crops of cranberries are. gathered. Roanoke island, a part of this county, lies within the upper portion of Pamlico sound, and is a narrow tract, twelve miles in length and from two to three miles in width. The upper portion is for the most part sandy, with a short-leaf pine growth, intermixed with oaks, and the southern half is mainly swamp and marsh. The easternmost part of the county, like the corresponding portion of Currituck, is a narrow fringe of sand reef, properly a dune, which, as in the former case, was originally covered with a forest of short-leal pine, oaks, hickories, dogwood, etc., with abundance of grape-vines. These have for the most part disappeared, leaving a tract of sand waves, which are moving, under the impact of the trade winds, constantly toward the southwest into the sound, and sometimes rise to a height of more than 100 feet. There is very little tillable land in the county. Its chief industry is, of course, fishing. Of the county area, only 0.86 per cent, is tilled land, of which 7.G3 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. TYEEELL. Population: 4,545. — White, 3,110; colored, 1,435. Area: 376 square miles. — Woodland, 57,282 acres. Tilled lands: 19,225 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 3,481 acres; in corn, 8,300 acres; in wheat, 261 acres; in oats, 781 acres. Cotton production: 1,123 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.32 bale, 459 pounds seed-cotton, or 153 pounds cotton lint. The description of Tyrrell county may be given by simply repeating that of Washington, except that the great intersound swamp extends over a larger part of the county. Its northern third, lying on Albemarle sound, resembles in all its features the corresponding portion of Washington. No part of it rises 20 feet above sea-level. It is bounded on the east by the great projection from Albemarle sound known as Alligator river, which has a depth nearly equal to that of the sound and a breadth of from 3 to 5 miles. A portion of the rich border laud of lake Phelps lies within this county. In the southeastern corner, along Alligator river and its tributaries, and on the western side, these lands are semi-swamps and oak fiats, and have a gray silt and clay loam soil. Of the county area, 7.98 per cent, is tilled land, of which 18.11 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF EPH. LEIGH, OF FORT LANDING. The uplands, or tillable lauds of our creeks and rivers, are skirted by gum, cypress, and juniper swamps. The black or deep-soil lands are rather of a cold nature ; hence cotton starts slowly in the early season, and when it does start it grows too rapidly and late, and consequently is cut off by frost. In our lighter lands the soil is warmer and the plant matures early, and so we have but very little stained cotton. The chief soil is a light, fine sanely loam of a whitish-gray color, with a subsoil of tough yellow clay, very stiff, which in places looks nearly blue. Its natural timber is gum, poplar, ash, and pine. This soil is easy to till in good seasons, and is well-drained, early, and warm. Corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rice, and potatoes are the leading crops. The proportion of cotton planted is about one-third, and usually attains the height of from 2| to 5 feet, about 3 feet being the most productive. Too much rain makes it run to weed, and topping will help to make it boll; 1,425 pounds is needed to make a bale. The most troublesome weeds are crab-grass and morning-glory. We are not troubled with gullies on the slopes. The black soil forms about one-third of the lands, and is timbered with gum, poplar, cypress, ash, and oak. This soil is best adapted to rice, corn, pease, and potatoes. The proportion of cotton planted is probably one-tenth, 1,(360 pounds of seed-cotton being necessary for a 475-ponnd bale. Cotton shipments are made, from November to the middle of January, by steamboats and sailing vessels to Norfolk and Baltimore. Rates of freight are from 75 cents to §1 25 per bale. WASHINGTON. Population: 8,928.— White, 4,554 ; colored, 4,374. Area: 382 square miles. — Woodland, 75,810 acres. Tilted lands: 30,711 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 8,117 acres; in corn, 15,824 acres; in wheat, 047 acres; in oats, 1,005 acres. 5G4 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 33 Cotton production : 3,524 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.43 bale, 018 pounds seed-cotton, or 20C pounds cotton lint. Washington county lies on tlie southern shore of Albemarle sound and Roanoke river, and extends southward into the great intersound, or Alligator swamp. Only about one-half its territory, next to Albemarle sound, has been brought into cultivation to any extent, tbe southern half remaining in its original condition. The cultivable portion consists mainly of oak flats, having a close gray clay loam soil and a growth of oak, hickory, beech, maple, and short-leaf pine, with flatfish ridges here and there which have an intermixture of long- and short-leaf pine and sandy loam soils. The former are generally quite fertile. The southern portion of the county is swampy, and is characterized by the presence of two considerable lakes, Phelps and Pungo, which occupy the highest portions of tbe swamp, and from which many of the streams of the county take their rise. Around the margins of these lakes are narrow belts or ridges of swampy, mucky land, which were originally covered by heavy forests of gum, ash, maple, cypress, poplar, etc. The soils are of great depth and indefinite fertility. Much of the swamp land of this portion of the county is peaty and worthless, except for timber. Tbe southwestern section consists partly of semi-swamps, with gray fertile loams, and partly, in the "Longaere" country, of pocosons, with a small growth of pine and scrub oaks, very flat, with an ashen soil of close texture, siliceous, but as impervious as clay. Of the county area, 12.56 per cent, is tilled land, of which 26.43 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF J. P. NEWBERRY, OF PLYMOUTH. Cotton in the lowlands is invariably late, and is apt to grow too much weed. The high and sandy soil is preferred. The soils cultivated in cotton are : first, the light and saudy ; second, the dark clay, the chief soil, the light and sandy, occupying five-eighths of the lands iD this region. Its natural timber is cypress, pine, gum, ash, and poplar. The average thickness of the upland soil is 3 inches; of the lowland, Is inches. The subsoil is heavier, and is described as a clay and gravel mixed, underlaid by sand and gravel at 8 feet, which is rather difficult of tillage in wet seasons. Cotton, corn, and potatoes form the principal crops. The soil is best adapted to cotton on the upland and corn on the lowland. The proportion of cotton planted is one-half, which is most productive at the height of 2-\ feet. On rich soils in wet seasons it is inclined to run to weed, but topping in July and August help to prevent it. Fresh land produces from 1,000 to 1,'iOO pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds being needed for a 475-pound bale, which, when clean, rates in the market as good middling. After five years' cultivation the yield is from 500 to 600 pounds per acre, and 1,425 pounds is then needed to make a bale, but it does not rate as well in the market. Crab-grass is the most troublesome weed. The slopes are but little subject to gullies. Cotton shipments are made in November and December by steamboat to Norfolk and Baltimore. Rates per bale are ftl '25 and fit 10. HYDE. Population: 7,765.— White, 4,424; colored, 3,341. Area: 557 square miles. — Woodland, 41,247 acres. Tilled .lands: 32,167 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 2,513 acres; in corn, 21,632 acres; in wheat, 1,070 acres; in oats, 1,354 acres. Cotton production : 718 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.20 bale, 408 pounds seed-cotton, or 136 pounds cotton lint. Hyde county is enveloped by sounds and great bay-like rivers, and its middle portion is occupied by a large lake, Mattamuskeet, 20 miles in length and 6 miles wide, with two other lakes in its northern portion. Two-thirds of its land-surface is occupied by the great Alligator swamp. A narrow fringe of from 1 to 2 miles' width around the central lake is the highest portion of the county, and is from 6 to 10 feet above tide. It was originally covered with a heavy swamp growth of cypress, gum (tupelo), maple, ash, etc. These lauds have been cultivated for a century, and still produce 56 bushels of corn to the acre without manure or rotation. This ridge slopes off in every direction from the lake — eastward into a tract of oak flats, which extends to tbe sound. Tbe southwestern portion of tbe county within the projecting arms of Pungo river and other bays from Pamlico sound may also be described as oak flats, with a soil which, in general terms, is a gray silly loam — an admirable wheat soil. The northern portion of this county, throughout its whole extent from east to west, is alow-lying savanna or peaty cypress and juniper swamp, like the Great Dismal, called Alligator swamp. Of the county area, 9.02 per cent, is tilled land, of which 7.81 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. The productions of this county are chiefly corn and wheat, to which has been recently added rice. Lumbering and fishing complete tbe list of its industries. BEAUFORT. Population: 17,474.— White, 10,022; colored, 7,452. Area: 620 square, miles. — Woodland, 224,330 acres. Tilled lands : 43,625 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 11,785 acres; in corn, 20,225 acres; in wheat, 374 acres; in oats. 1.305 acres. Cotton production : 6,021 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.51 bale, 729 pounds seed-cotton, or 243 pounds cotton lint. Beaufort county lies south of Washington county on both sides of the Pamlico river, which in this part of it k course is an arm of the sound of the same name, from 2 to 6 miles wide, and'throws off several wide projections or bays into the county on both sides. It is bounded on the east by Pungo river, another broad arm of Pamlico sound, whose waters also penetrate the county in numerous wide navigable bayous. A considerable proportion of tin; county is occupied by swamp lands. In the northern section, and across its whole breadth, lies tbe western extremity of tin- great intersound swam]), which attains its greatest elevation here of 40 feet above tide. In this culminating swell between the Roanoke and Pamlico rivers rise numerous tributaries of these rivers and of the sounds. The central portion of this part of the swamp belongs to that class of soils described as " pocoson ", and i.s of very low fertility. Along the courses of the streams as they flow out from this swell are considerable marginal tracts of semi-swamp and oak flats, which are very productive. There are also belts of cypress swamp near Pamlico 34 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. river and the other streams on both sides, and south of the swamp, in the middle as well as along the western edge of the county, the land is mostly a level piny woods with a light sandy soil. In the eastern portion of the county, and on both sides of the Pamlico river, both along the banks of this river and of the before-mentioned projections, are large tracts of oak fiats and semi-swamp, which are among the most productive soils of the region. Near the mouth of Pungo river occurs one of the largest prairies or natural meadows, savannas, in the state, embracing an area of 1,200 or 1,500 acres. It is treeless and fringed by short -leaf pine and oak forests, and has a fine, close, gray sandy soil, as impervious as clay. Its subsoil is of the same character, but is more clayey, and is of a slightly yellowish color. Marl is found in various parts of the county, but is little used. Of the county area, 10.99 per cent, is tilled land, of which 27.01 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF R. W. "WHARTON, OF WASHINGTON. Sandy loams and clay soils are in about equal proportions, and near the rivers are tliin sandy loams and clays. All are good for cotton, but loams are preferred. On heavy black bottom lands, as also on heavy clay upland, cotton is liable to be prematurely frost-killed. The sandy loam is the chief soil, and occupies one-half of the lands in this region. Its natural timber on the uplands is pine, intermixed with oak; on the bottoms the growth is gum, cypress, ash, and poplar. The average thickness of the soil is 2 feet on the bottoms and 1 foot on the uplands. The subsoil is heavier, and is usually yellow or grayish under the loam or clay soil and a coarse yellow saud under the sandy soil. Cotton, corn, oats, wheat, sweet and Irish potatoes, peanuts, and field pease are the chief crops. The soil is well adapted to all the above crops except wheat, which requires heavy manuring. The proportion of laud planted in cotton is one-third, which is most productive when 3+ feet high. It incliues to run to weed on rich lands if the seasons are very warm and wet, for which early planting and the use of phosphatic manures are beneficial. Fresh land produces from 900 to 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds ordinarily making a 475-pound bale, which, when clean, rates in the market as low middling and middling ; but much depends on ginning and handling. After six years' cultivation the land will produce GOO pounds per acre if proper rotation is observed, otherwise from 300 to 400 pounds, from 1,485 to 1,540 pounds being needed to make a bale, which rates two grades lower than staple from fresh land. Crab-grass aod fennel are the most troublesome weeds. One-twentieth of this land now lies turned out, but when again taken in it produces for two or three years as well as original soil. The soil readily washes or gullies on the slopes, but no great damage is done, and efforts have been made, with good success, to check it by horizontalizing. Shipments are made, from the 20th of September to the 1st of February, by steamers to Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. Rates of freight are : to Norfolk, $1 ; to New York, $2 per bale. • PAMLICO. Population : 6,323.— White, 4,207 ; colored, 2,116. Area : 470 square miles. — Woodland, SO, 574 acres. Tilled lands : 16,989 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 4,585 acres ; in corn, 6,381 acres ; in wheat, 285 acres ; in oats, 378 acres. Cotton production : 2,226 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.49 bale, 693 pounds seed-cotton, or 231 pounds cotton lint. Pamlico county is bounded on the east by Pamlico sound, and is enveloped by two of its great arms, Pamlico and Neuse rivers. Another of these arms, Bay river, with its numerous bayous, penetrates the central portion of the county, and nearly its whole border is deeply indented by smaller projections from the sound. A large part of the county consists of swamp lands with extensive oak and beech flats. These soils are very rich. Cotton is a leading crop in this county. There is a narrow belt of sandy, piny woods crossing the county diagonally from the southeastern angle at Wilkinson's point to Durham's creek in the northwestern corner. Of the county area, only 5.65 per cent, is tilled land, of which 25.20 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF J. S. LANE, OF STONEWALL. All our lands are low and mostly bottoms. The chief soil is the stiff or clay land, which forms one-third of the lands, and extends at intervals over the whole county. Its natural timber is pine, cypress, juniper, cedar, poplar, maple, ash, oak, holly, and black and sweet gum. The soil is grayish in color to the depth of from 6 to 12 inches. The subsoil is considerably more compact than the surface soil, and is impervious to water. We have surface drains on all our stiff lauds. The chief crops are cotton, corn, rice, sweet and Irish potatoes, wheat, and oats, and the soil is well adapted to all. Cotton occupies about two-fifths of the cleared land and usually attains a height of from 3 to 5 feet, but is most productive at 3 or 4 feet; it inclines to ruu to weed when we have morning rains about fruiting time, which causes the fruit to drop and the stalk to continue to grow. Fresh land produces from 1,500 to 2,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,485 pounds will make a 475-pound bale, which rates in the market as good ordinary to low middling. After eight years' cultivation the yield is 1,000 pounds, and 1,465 pounds are needed to make a bale, the grade being about the same as that from fresh land. The most troublesome weeds are rag-weed, dog-fennel, and Spanish needle. No land now lies turned out, and it is not subject to wash, as our land is level. About one-half of the lands in this region are the black alluvial soils, which exteud throughout a large portion of the adjoining counties, and are timbered with oak, ash, pine, poplar, beech, maple, holly, elm, juniper, and cypress. This soil produces well while fresh, but becomes worthless for cotton by long cultivation unless well marled or limed. The cost of cotton production is 10 cents per pound. Cotton shipments are made, from October to March, to Norfolk, New Berne, and Baltimore. Rates of freight per bale are : to Norfolk, $1 50; to New Berne., 50 cents. CRAVEN. Population: 19,729.— White, 6,664; colored, 13,065. Area: S20 square miles. — Woodland, 197,135 acres. Tilled lands: 50,853 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 12,838 acres; in corn, 19,001 acres; in wheat, 235 acres; in oats, 333 acres. 5G6 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 35 Cotton production : 5,782 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.45 bale, 642 pounds seed-cotton, or 214 pounds cotton lint. Craven is a large, straggling county, stretching 60 miles along tlie lower readies of the Neuse river, which passes through its center and draius its entire area. The physical description of its territory, especially the southern and eastern sections, is identical with that of the two preceding counties. It consists largely of swamps, pocoson, and oak flats. The section lying north of the Neuse river belongs for the most part in its agricultural features to the second subdivision, or long-leaf pine belt, having considerable tracts of pine flats and long-leaf pine ridges, with a soil often very sandy and unproductive. Near its upper margin it is penetrated by considerable tracts of swamp and semi-swamp lands, which project southward from Pamlico river and form properly the western extension of Bay River swamp. Along the southern shore of Xeuse river the soil is mainly a close gray loam. The great Dover pocoson, occupying more than 100 square miles in its southwestern angle, is elevated GO feet above tide in its central part, and is very flat and sterile for the most part, but has strips of oak and pine flats radiating in all directions from the center along the numerous streams. Of the county area, 9.G8 per cent, is tilled land, of which 25.25 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS OF CHARLES DUFFY, JR., AND JOHN HUMPHREY, OF NEW BEENE. There is not a great deal of rolling land in this vicinity, and the kinds of soil cultivated in cotton are: brown lands, with fine clay subsoils; lowlands of the great swamp; and last, the light sandy soil on the banks of the Neuse river. The brown uplands are the best for cotton, and a large proportion of the region is of this kind. The soil is timbered with pine, gum, holly, hickory, and dogwood, and its thickness is from 3 to 6 inches. The subsoil is heavier, and is usually a clay, underlaid at a depth of from b' to 20 feet with shell marl, and in some places by hard-pan, which is leachy and impervious to water. Cotton, corn, oats, rye, pease, and potatoes are the leading crops, but the soil seems best adapted to corn and cotton, and the latter occupies probably 20 per cent. of the cultivated laud. Cotton attains the height of from 18 to 36 inches, but inclines to run to weed in wet seasons, to prevent which ■we use marling and thorough draining. The yield is from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, from 1,425 to 1,540 pounds being required for a 475-pound bale, which, when clean, rates as middling to good middling'. After ten years' successive cultivation the yield is from 300 to 500 pounds per acre, and then from 1,485 to 1,600 pounds is needed to make a bale, which rates a grade or two lower than that from fresh land. The most troublesome weeds are dog-fennel, hog- and carrot-weed. About 10 per cent, of the land originally cultivated now lies turned out, but when taken in cultivation again it does admirably. Some damage is done by gullies and washes on slopes. The swamp land occupies about 10 per cent, of the lands in this region. Its uatural timber is gums, cypress, oak, poplar, and large pines (short-leaf). The average thickness of the soil is from 1 to 3 feet, when it changes into subsoil, which is heavier than the soil, and is usually a clay resting on sand and pebbles, and then on marl or rock. The soil is early and warm when well draiued, and is apparently best adapted to corn, but makes good cotton. The proportion of cotton planted is 5 per cent, which usually attains and is most productive at the height of 3 feet. Fresh land produces from 1,000 to 2, 000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds being needed for a 475-pound bale, which rates the same in the market as that from the brown uplands. It produces after ten years' cultivation from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds per acre, 1,425 pounds being required to make a bale. The staple is usually better than that from fresh land. The soil is but little subject to gullies; no damage is done. The light sandy soil also occupies about 10 per cent, of the lands in this region, and has a growth of oak, hickory, pine, and dogwood. The color is a whitish gray to the depth of 6 inches, when it changes to that of the subsoil, which is a yellow sand and clay, never difficult to till. This soil is admirably adapted to truck-farming, and with proper fertilizers many early vegetables of the finest quality can be produced. Cotton inclines to run to weed on this soil in very dry seasons. The staple from the fresh land rates, when clean, as middling. Shipments are made, from October 1 to January 1, by steamboat to Norfolk, New York, and Boston. Rates of freight per bale are $2 and $3. CARTERET. i Population: 9,784.— White, 7,107; colored, 2,677. Area: 407 square miles. — Woodland, 07,211 acres. Tilled lands: 17,984 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 2,936 acres; in corn, 5,156 acres ; in wheat, 418 acres; in oats, 107 acres. Cotton production : 1,014 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.35 bale, 492 pounds seed-cotton, or 164 pounds cotton lint. Carteret county occupies a long strip of country south of Craven county and of Pamlico sound, and is bounded southward by the Atlantic ocean. It is traversed east and west through the middle by a succession of swamps, the largest of which, occupying its eastern peninsular projection, is called the Open Ground Prairie swamp. This is a peat swamp, quite barren in its middle parts, but fringed around its margin with oak flats and gray silty soil. There is also a line of sand islands (sand dunes) along the coast, and inland, parallel to the coast, are several ridges of long leaf pine sandy lands. The highest part of the county is only 37 feet above tide. Carteret has the advantage of the best harbor on the coast of this state. Of the county area, 6.90 per cent, is tilled land, of which 1G.33 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF A. OAKSMITH, OF HOLLYWOOD (J. H. BECTON ALSO FURNISHED A REPORT). The soils on ridges, as also on the high hanks bordering on Bogue sound, we term the uplands. In seasons of drought our lowland cotton lands do the best ; in ordinary seasons, upon an average, the uplands are most reliable. The chief soil cultivated in cotton is a liyht sandy loam, which occupies the larger portion of the lands in this region, embracing all the uplands, plains, and ridges, and is timbered mostly with the different varieties of pine, with some oak. The soil is a fine and coarse sandy loam of a mixed gray, buff, and brown color to the depth of 20 inches, when it changes into that of the subsoil, which is heavier than the soil, and varies at different places, being in some places a strong bluish clay, in others a species of marl and a black peculiar rocky substance. 567 .. 36 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. The chief crops are cotton, corn, rye, oats, wheat, sorghum, Irish and sweet potatoes, and truck, but the soil is apparently best adapted to cotton, corn, sorghum, and sweet potatoes. Cotton attains the average height of 3 feet, and runs to weed in wet weather. Fresh land produces about 800 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, about 1,435 pounds making a 475-pound bale, which rates as middling when clean. After two years' cultivation the product is from 600 to 700 pounds per acre, about 1,540 pounds being needed to make a bale, the staple rating as low middling. Jerusalem oak and dog-fennel are the most troublesome weeds. About one-third of land once cultivated now lies tinned out. The bottom lands of Newport river are black prairie, with a darker heavy sandy loam soil. In the lowlands are alluvial deposits and black swamp lands. Very little cotton is planted on these last two soils. Cotton shipments are made in November by rail to New Berne at 75 cents per bale. JOXES. Population: 7,491.— White, 3,212 ; colored, 4,270. Area: 3S9 square miles. — Woodland, 134,598 acres. Tilled land: 53.458 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 8,463 acres; in corn, 19,425 acres; in wheat, 429 acres; in rye, 245 acres ; in oats, 455 acres. Cotton production : 4,078 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.4S bale, 687 pounds seed-cotton, or 220 pounds cotton lint. The great tract of swamp land which lies between the STeuse river and the Atlantic ocean and extends through a considerable portion of the two preceding counties projects westward into Jones comity, where it reaches its highest elevation of 40 feet, and is crowned by a chain of small lakes of from 1 to 3 or 4 miles diameter on the summit, on the border of Jones and Carteret counties. The northern border of the county is occupied by a portion of the great Dover pocoson, which projects into it from Craven. In its middle and southern sections lies a great part of the great White Oak swamp, the central portion of which is also a pocoson; but it is margined about with* fringes of canebrake lands, white-oak flats, and cranberry marshes, as well as by considerable tracts of swamp lauds covered with oak, cypress, gum, poplar, ash, etc. Trent river flows through the center and. with its tributaries, drains almost its entire area. Along this river on both sides are considerable bodies of long-leaf pine sandy lands. There are also along the main river, as well as its tributaries, narrow strips of oak flats aud occasional gum and cypress swamps. The county resembles, therefore, very closely the two last described in physical features aud in products and industries. Of the county area, 21.47 per cent, is tilled land, of which 15.83 percent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE EFFORT OF H. C. FOSCUE, OF POLLOCKSYTLLE. On the Trent river, for a mile on each side, there is a level tract of land with a light soil; then we have a gray land with stiff clay subsoil. The. stiff' soils are most generally used for cotton, but fair crops are made on the light soil. Our best is the light noil having a. clay subsoil. This soil is more easily drained and cultivated, and the cotton matures better, and makes the best yield. It occupies ah. nit one-eighth of the land in this region, and is found in a belt along the Trent river between the very light lands and those with very heavy clay subsoils. The timber is oak, hickory, poplar, and dogwood. The average thickness of the soil before its color changes into that ef the subsoil is from 6 to 18 inches. The subsoil is clay, but not close pipe-clay. Cotton is the market crop, nearly all other crops being raised for home consumption, but corn is perhaps best adapted to the soil. The proportion of cotton planted is one-third. It is most productive at the height of 3 feet, and is inclined to run to weed when planted late or in ill-drained land; but efforts are made to restrain this by draining and the use of lime. Fresh land produces 700 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds being needed for a 475-pound bale, which, when clean, rates in the market as middling. After five years' cultivation it produces about 300 pounds per acre, and from 1,485 to 1,540 pounds are needed for a 475-pound bale. The lint is much shorter and not so strong as that from fresh land. Hog-weed is the most troublesome weed. The proportion of land once cultivated now lying out is very small ; it washes and gullies on the slopes, but the damage is not great. The valleys are injured by the washings to a small extent, and efforts have been made to check it by horizoutalizing with good success. The stiff lanel, of which two-thirds is planted in cotton, extends from 5 to 10 miles back from the river, and is timbered with pine and has an undergrowth of gallberry. The soil is best adapted to cotton, and is a gray clay loam to the depth of from 1 to 2 feet. Cotton occupies two-thirds of the land that is cleared. The stalk grows to the height of 4 feet, but is most productive at 3 feet. In wet seasons, and when planted late, the cotton inclines to run to weed, but by drainage and lime this tendency can be checked. The land, when fresh, will yield from 500 to 700 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds making a 475-pound bale. This staple rates in the market as middling when clean. After five years' cultivation the soil yields 300 pounds per acre, and then 1,485 pounds make a bale. The staple is much shorter than that from fresh land. About one-tenth of this land once cultivated now lies turned out, and when taken into cultivation again it does not do so well for the first year, as it is then sour. Cotton is shipped to New Berne. Kates of freight per bale are from 40 to 75 cents. OXSLOW. Population: 0,820.— White, 6,600 ; colored, 3,220. Area: 645 square miles. — Woodland, 212,866 acres. Tilled lands: 56,120 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 6, 60S acres; in corn, 23,259 acres; in oats, 96 acres. Cotton production: 2.S41 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.43 bale, 600 pounds seed-cottoD, or 203 pounds cotton lint. The identical terms used in the description of the preceding county might be repeated for Onslow. Nearly one- half of the White Oak swamp lies in its northern section, and from it flow most of the streams by which the county is drained. The best agricultural lands of the county lie along the margin of this swamp. A great part of it is drained southward into Sew river, which traverses the entire length of the county from north to south. Tin's river for one-half of its length is a broad, navigable bay, from 1 to 2 miles wide, and is famous for its fine oysters and fish. On both sides of it are large tracts of upland piny woods, with a gray sandy soil, which are admirably adapted to the 508 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 37 production of cotton. Nearer the sea-coast and its fringe of sounds the soils are more sandy, and are covered with long-leaf pines as their principal growth, a similar large tract occupying its northwestern section. Tbere are numerous narrow fringes of cypress swamps along the various streams. A portion of the southwestern side of this county is penetrated by the Holly Shelter pocoson. The productions of this county are similar to those of the preceding. Of the county area, 13.59 per cent, is tilled land, of which 11.80 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Shipping is done by way of New river, which is navigable to the middle of the county. PENDER. Population: 12,468.— White, 5,509 ; colored, 0,959. Area : 889 square miles. — Woodland, 287, 7ounds being needed to make a 475-pound bale. After ten years' cultivation it produces very little, and it does not pay to cultivate it when worn down. Cotton on lowlands is more liable to disease, such as blight, sore-shin, rust, runs too much to weed, grows too late, and is liable to be killed by frost. Hence we prefer upland for cotton where the soil is good and red clay lies near the surface. Such land is more susceptible of improvement, is more easily cultivated, can be planted ten or fifteen days sooner, yields a better quality of lint, and yields better every way. Cotton shipments are made to Norfolk, by rail and by steamboat. Rate of freight per bale, $1. 571 40 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. HERTFORD. Population: 11,843.— White, 5,122 ; colored, 6,721. Area: 370 square miles. — Woodland, 119,330 acres. Tilled lands: 53,025 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 14,005 acres; in corn, 25,521 acres; in wheat, 817 acres; in oats, 1,800 acres. Cotton production : 0,300 hales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.44 hale, 021 pounds seed-cotton, or 207 pounds cotton lint. Hertford county lies on the northern border of the state, and is bounded eastward by the Chowan river. The soils are for the most part of the general region of upland piny woods lands, but near the water-courses there are considerable tracts of oak and pine flats and alluvial land. Along the margin of the Chowan and some of the other water-courses are fringes of gum and cypress swamp. Marl in abundance underlies the surface. Besides the culture of cotton and corn, there are the fish, lumber, and naval-stores industries. Of the county area, 22.28 per cent, is tilled land, of which 27.24 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Cotton, lumber, and other products are shipped by steamer and rail to Norfolk. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF JUDGE DAVID A. BARNES, OF SIURFREESBORO'. The soils of most importance are the sandy uplands, -which have clay subsoils and a timber growth of oalc, dogwood, and pine; thickness from 3 to 4 inches. The chief crops are corn, cotton, pease, and sweet potatoes. The proportion of cotton planted is one-third, which runs to weed in wet seasons, the remedy for which is a free use of fertilizers, especially dissolved bone. Fresh land produces 8C0 or £00 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, from 1,425 to 1,540 pounds making a bale. Crab-grass is the most troublesome pest in cotton cultivation. About one-third of this land once cultivated lies turned out. It washes on slopes, doing some damage, while the valleys are improved. BERTIE. Population: 10,399.— White, 0,815; colored, 9,584. Area: 689 6quare miles. — Woodland, 184,070 acres. Tilled lands: 82,377 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 19,455 acres; in corn, 37,735 acres; in wheat, 309 acres; in oats, 2,403 acres. Cotton prod action : 7,290 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.37 bale, 534 pounds seed-cotton, or 178 pounds cotton lint. Bertie county lies south of Hertford, in the angle between the Roanoke and Chowan rivers, and consists for the most part of level piny uplands, having a sandy loam soil; but the northern part of it is largely pine flats, having an infertile ash-colored, line sandy soil. The southern part, near the Roanoke river, and along its chief tributary, the Cashie, are wide tracts of level oak and pine lands, which are very productive. The Roanoke river through almost the whole length of this county is bordered by a tract of alluvial lands from 3 to 6 miles wide, subject to annual overflows, and covered with heavy forests of cypress, maple, ash, etc., which are among the most fertile of the continent. In the middle region, on and near the Cashie and its tributaries, are considerable bodies of valuable swamp and semi-swamp lands. Cotton, corn, potatoes, flsh, and lumber make up the list of industries of this county. Marl is found in the southern and middle sections. Of the county area, 18.08 per cent, is in tilled land, of which 23.02 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS OF E. E. ETHERIDGE, OF COLERAIN, AND J. B. CHERRY, OF WINDSOR. Cotton is generally planted on the uplands, -which are light, having clay bottoms. These form the larger portion of the cotton lands, and extend all over the county. The timber is mostly pine. The subsoil is heavier, being a red, yellow, or white clay. The chief crops are corn, cotton, oats, and Irish and sweet potatoes, but the soil is best adapted to corn and potatoes. Cotton occupies about ono- third of the tilled land, and grows to 3-J feet in height. It inclines to run to weed in warm, moist weather, which indicates a bad crop, and topping is the only remedy used to restrain it. Fresh land produces 050 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,485 pounds being needed for a 475-pound bale, which grades as low middling. After years of cultivation the soil makes very poor cotton. Crab-grass is the most troublesome weed. A considerable amount of land once cultivated now lies turned out. It washes and gullies very readily on the slopes, and the valleys are injured to a considerable extent by the washings of the uplands. Cotton shipments are made in October and November, by steamboat, to Norfolk and Baltimore. Rates of freight are §1 to SI 25 per hale. NORTHAMPTON. Population: 20,032.— White, 7,987; colored, 12,045. Area: 557 square miles. — Woodland, 144,779 acres. Tilled lands: 96,505 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 30,219 acres; in tobacco, 30 acres; in corn, 45,224 acres ; in wheat, 1,725 acres; in oats, 4,805 acres. Cotton production: 13,010 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.38 bale, 537 pounds seed-cotton, or 179 pounds cotton lint. Northampton county is situated between the Virginia border and the Roanoke river. Its soils belong to the general region of level piny uplands, merging toward the western limit into oak uplands and a more hilly surface, with an elevation of 150 feet above sea-level. Its numerous streams have general fringes of oak flats, alluvions, or gum and cypress swamps, and the Roanoke river has in its extensive "bottoms" some of the best corn lands in the state. Of the county area, 27.09 per cent, is tilled land, of which 37.51 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. For further details, reference may be had to the report of J. B. Macrae. AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 41 ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OP J. B. MACRAE, OF JACKSON. The low grounds alluvial soils of the Roanoke river, are cultivated only in corn. The next body of land is 4 feet above the highest water mark of freshets, and about 25 feet above the low grouuds. Then comes the section of the county known as " piny woods ". The best land in this section for cotton is a peculiar gray soil having a hard red-clay subsoil, and commonly designated "piny woods", which occupies two-thirds of the county and is timbered with short-leaf pine and red or black oak. The color before it changes into that of the subsoil is whitish gray to the depth of 6 inches. The chief crops are cotton and corn, and the soil is well adapted to both. Three- fourths of the tilled land is planted in cotton. The plant is most productive when 2+ feet high, and inclines to run to weed when there is an unusual quantity of rain. Fresh land produces 1,200 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,485 pounds are needed for a 475-pound bale of lint, which rates as middling when clean. After three years' cultivation the product is 500 pounds per acre, and the staple is much shorter than that from fresh land. Crab-grass gives most trouble in cultivation, especially iu damp, warm weather. One-fourth of the land once cultivated now lies turned out. Cotton shipments are made from the 1st of October by rail to Norfolk ; the rate of freight is §2 25 per bale. HALIFAX." Population : 30,300.— White, 9,137 ; colored, 21,163. Area: 682 square miles. — Woodland, 178,508 acres. Tilled lands : 130,210 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 43,206 acres ; in corn, 41,790 acres ; in wheat, 1,300 acres ; in oats, 4,497 acres. Cotton production: 16,661 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.39 bale, 549 pounds seed-cotton, or 183 pounds cotton lint. Halifax county lies between the Eoanoke river on the north and Fishing creek, one of the confluents of the Tar river, on the south. The eastern and larger part of this county belongs to the normal type of upland piny woods, the western third to the oak uplands. Long-leaf and short-leaf pines are commonly mingled with a subordinate growth of oaks, hickory, dogwood, etc. The surface is generally level or a little rolling, with small, often abrupt, hills and ravines near the streams. The soil is a gray, sandy loam, with a yellow to brown subsoil. The creeks and larger streams nearly all flow southward into the Tar river, the water-shed, according to a curious topographical law previously referred to, lying quite close to the south bank of the Eoanoke. The western section belongs in large part to the oak uplands region, having its characteristic gray, yellow, and reddish clay loam and sandy loam soils and rolling surface and predominant oak forests, with an intermixture of short-leaf pine. The crops of this section are largely grains (corn, wheat, etc.) and tobacco. The bulk of the cotton product is made in the eastern section. The streams in the eastern section have often narrow, swampy tracts of gum and cypress along their margins, but there are extensive alluvial areas or bottoms on the larger rivers, especially the Eoanoke, whose bottoms are of unsurpassed fertility. In the great bend of Scotland Neck are some of the finest cotton lands of the state. Marl is abundant in the middle and eastern sections. Halifax is one of the most prosperous cotton counties, and produces very large crops of grains besides, chiefly of corn, of ,/hich the product is nearly half a million bushels. Of the county area, 32.12 per cent, is tilled land, of which 33. IS per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF R. H. (Messrs. J. H. Parker, of Enfield, and J. N. Smith, of Scotland Xeck, also furnished reports.) The upland soils vary greatly from a light sandy soil to a stiff clay, and are found in patches of from 20 to 200 acres. The climate for cotton being a short one, the plants on the bottom lauds grow too much to weed and too late, subjecting the cro2> to damage from early frost. The uplands, with suitable soils and proper fertilizers, are esteemed the best for cotton; but old lauds are generally preferable to new when well manured. The chief soil is a. fine clay loam from 8 to 12 inches deep, the color of 'which is brown, and the subsoil is a red and yellow clay. This class of land constitutes one-iifth of the arable uplands, and has a growth of red oak, holly, hickory, poplar, etc. The crops are corn, cotton, oats, wheat, and pease, but the soil is best adapted to cotton and wheat,. Cotton is planted on two-fifths of the uplands, and is most productive when 3J feet in height. It inclines to run to weed in a wet August and September, and topping favors boiling. Fresh land produces from 800 to 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,485 pounds making a 475-pound bale of lint, rating as low middling. After ten years' cultivation the product is 400 pounds per acre, the staple, when clean, rating about the same as that from fresh laud, sometimes better. Crab-grass and hog-weed are most troublesome. No serious damage is done by gullies on the slopes. The sandy loam of the creek uplands has a gray color to the depth of 10 inches aud a subsoil of red, white, and yellow clay. It is easy to till, early, warm, and well drained, and is best adapted to cotton, corn, and pease, about one-fifth of the uplands being planted in the former. Cotton is most productive at the height of 3 feet. The product from fresh land ranges from 800 to 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, from 1,485 to 1,540 pounds being required to make a 475-pound bale, which rates, when clean, as low middling. After ten years cultivation the yield is 400 pounds per acre, the staple being quite as good as that from fresh land. A light gravelly loam occupies one-fifth of the lands iu this region. It is gray in color to the depth of 8 inches, when it changes into that of the subsoil, a yellow sand for 2 or 3 feet, then red and yellow clay. Its natural timber growth is pine, oak, ami dogwood. Cotton shipments are made in October, November, and December, by steamboat aud rail, to Norfolk and Baltimore. Rates of freight per bale are SI 50 to Norfolk and .$2 to Baltimore. The report of Mr. J. N. Smith, of Scotland Neck, agrees substantially with the preceding. The report of Mr. Parker adds several points : That the eastern half of the county is level and rolling and well adapted to cotton, but the western half, being hilly, is not suitable for cottou culture. The chief toil, a gray upland, extends 20 miles north, 00 miles south, 80 east, and 15 west. Tarboro' is the center of a fine cotton section with a radius of 50 or 00 miles, the natural growth being long- and short-leaf pine, oak, hickory, dogwood, sweet gum, etc. The soil is a fine sandy loam 12 inches deep. Iu the eastern section two-thirds of the tilled land is in cotton; in the western, from one-third to one-half. 573 42 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. XASH. Population: 17,731. — White, 9,417 ; colored, 8,314. Area: 595 square miles. — Woodland, 193,247 acres. Tilled lands: 82,238 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 25,708 acres; in tobacco, 27 acres; in corn, 32,490 acres; in wheat, 3,787 acres; in oats, 3,875 acres. Cotton production: 12,507 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.49 bale, 090 pounds seed-cotton, or 232 pounds cotton lint. The general topographical and agricultural features of Nash county correspond quite closely to those of Halifax, to which its situation is similar. It lies south of that county, and also on the borders of the oak uplands, to which the western part of it belongs. It is drained for the most part by the Tar river and its numerous tributaries, along which are narrow strips of alluvial soil with oak forests and occasional cypress swamps. The divides between these streams through the middle and eastern portions of the county belong to the region of level upland piny woods, the growth being a mixture of long-leaf and short-leaf pine, with oak, hickory, dogwood, etc. These sods are well adapted to the culture of cotton, and are of average fertility. The soils inmany places in the western section are red or yellowish clay loams. This county lies largely within the area of the most productive cotton section of the state; the corn and potato crops are also important. Marl is abundant in the eastern part, but has not been extensively used. Of the county area 21.00 per cent, is tilled land, of which 31.33 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OP THE REPORT OF J. M. MAYO, OP WHITAKER. The uplands are preferable for cotton, as it grows too late on the lowlands and is liable to be killed by early frosts. The chief soil is liijht graij, having a clay subsoil, three-fourths of the uplands being of this description, and is timbered with oak, pine, poplar, sweet gum, and dogwood. The chief crops are cotton, corn, wheat, rye, and sweet and Irish potatoes, and it seems well adapted -to all ; but the proportion of cotton planted is at least half of the cultivated lands. The plant inclines to run to weed in wet weather, the only remedy for which is to plant as early as practicable and cultivate rapidly. The product from fresh lands ranges from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds of seed- cotton per acre, and 1,425 pounds will make a bale ; clean staple rates as middling. After three years' cultivation the yield is about 400 pounds per acre. Rag- and hog- weed and crab-grass are most troublesome. About one-third of the land once cultivated now lies turned out, and rest improves it. The soil on the slopes iu the light lands is subject to wash or gully, and efforts are made to remedy this by horizontalizing and hillside ditching with good success, but it requires constant attention. The stiff bottom lands are found only on the creeks, rivers, branches, and swamps, and cover a small portion of the county. They are timbered with gum, oak, dogwood, beech, elm, and poplar. The soil is a blackish or brown heavy clay alluvium; the subsoil a bluish clay, sometimes a white sand, or yellow sand and yellow clay. Very little cotton is planted on this soil. The Tar river bottoms occupy a very small portion of the lands. They are timbered, and are of the same character as the stiff bottom lands. Cotton shipments are made by rail to Norfolk, Petersburg, Baltimore, and New York, and the rates of freight per bale are from $1 95 to $3 50. EDGECOMBE. Population : 20,181.— White, 7,90S ; colored, 18,213. Area: 507 square miles. — Woodland, 125,083 acres. Tilled lands : 132,875 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 51,880 acres ; in corn, 40,235 acres ; in wheat, 2,422 acres ; in oats, 9,5S9 acres. Gottiin production : 20,250 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.51 bale, 720 pounds seed-cotton, or 240 pounds cotton lint. Edgecombe is a typical county of the long leaf pine region. It is traversed through its middle portion by the Tar river, and is drained by its numerous tributaries. The soils are characteristically gray, sandy loams, with a yellow to brown subsoil, and belong to the region of level piny uplands. Along the borders of the various streams are frequent and extensive tracts of alluvial lands, and on some of them occur cypress anil gum swamps. This is one of the leading cotton counties of the state, and on the percentage cotton map it will be seen to occupy the center of one of the zones of greatest production. It stands second among the counties of the state in its product of cotton, and its corn crop is also among the largest. The long-leaf pines, which were once found abundant over the whole surface of this county (and region), have been thinned until they are a subordinate element, so that the remaining forests are mainly of short-leaf pine and oak. Both commercial fertilizers and the native marls have been more largely used than elsewhere in the state, and, in connection with compost, most effectively, so that Edgecombe has long been foremost in this special agriculture of the east. Of the county area, 30.02 per cent, is tilled land, 39.27 per cent, of the latter being cultivated in cotton. It has the advantage of both river and railroad transportation. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS OF MESSRS. ELIAS CARR, OF OLD SPARTA, AND J. L. BRIDGES, OF TARBORO'. The chief soil cultivated in cotton is what is designated as "}>iny wood land", which occupies from three-fourths to four-fifths of the and in this region, and extends 40 miles north, east, and west, and south to the South Carolina line. The natural timber is loug- and short-leaf pine, oak, gum, hickory, and dogwood. The color of the soil is blackish when new, wearing white with age. The average thickness of the surface soil is 4 inches, when it changes into that of the subsoil, which is generally a yellow sand, with a very s:i all percentage of clay. The soil is easy to till at all seasons. The chief crops are cotton, corn, wheat, and oats, but the proportion of cotton planted is about one-half of the whole acreage. The plant is most productive when 3 feet high, and only inclines to run to weed on fresh and ill-drained land, but it is improved by draining and marling. Fresh land produces from 400 to 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, from 1,400 to 1,540 pounds of cotton being required to make a 475-pound bale of lint, which rates as low middling when clean. After ten years' cultivation the yield is almost nothing. We manure from the beginning. Crab-grass is the most troublesome weed. 574 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. ■io The quantity of cotton grown on other soils is insignificant. Bottom lands have a growth of gum, cypress, etc., and they are best adapted to corn and oats. Cotton shipments are made in November and December, by water, to Norfolk and New York. Rates of freight are $1 40 to the former and S2 35 to the latter per bale. • The reports of Messrs. J. J. Battle, of Rocky Mount, and W. G-. Lewis, of Tarboro', agree in most points with he above. They add that the spring is too late and the fall too early to realize full crops. Cotton runs to weed from overmanuriug and excessive moisture in August, especially after a dry June and July, and the most troublesome weeds are hog- weed and crab-grass. PITT. Population : 21,794.— White, 10,704 ; colored, 11,090. Area: 657 square miles. — Woodland, 217,222 acres. Tilled lands: 103,302 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 31,147 acres; in corn, 40,482 acres; in wheat, 3,787; in rye, 284 acres ; in oats, 3,301 acres. Cotton production : 14,879 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.48 bale, 681 pounds seed-cotton, or 227 pounds cotton lint. The description of Edgecombe county applies, with scarcely a change, to this county also. The only mentionable difference is that it contaius perhaps a larger proportion of swampy lands, both along the Tar river and its main tributaries and the two Cotentneys. The body of its area is the normal level, upland, piny woods, with their usual soils and forests. It is also one of the best cotton counties, and its grain crop is larger in proportion than that of most of the cotton counties, exceeding 500,000 bushels. Its product of rice and potatoes is also of considerable importance. Marl is abundant, and is used with the best results, as in Edgecombe. Of the county area, 24.57 per cent, is tilled land, and 30.15 per cent, of the latter is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OP THE REPORTS OF W. M. B. BROWN, OF GREENVILLE, AND JAMES JOTNER, OP MARLBORO'. The uplands are known as "piny wood lands" — the very best lands for improvement — intersected by small streams just sufficient for drainage. On the lowlands cotton is prone to grow too late and be caught by frost ; hence uplands are preferred for cotton, and as we are in the marl belt, a great abundance of which is found convenient to almost every farm, the use of this as a fertilizer we find to be especially valuable for all crops when used on the piny woods. The chief soil cultivated in cotton is the piny woods, which occupies from three-fourths to four-fifths of the lands in the region and embraces the whole of Greenville township, except the bottoms of the river and the swamps. Its natural timber is pines, with oak, hickory, gum, and maple. The surface soil, from 6 to 8 inches deep, is of a gray yellow color, blackish in swamp and river bottoms. The piny woods are almost always underlaid with red or yellowish clay, with marl in the branches or small streams. This soil is best adapted to cotton, corn, and small grain, the bottoms being best adapted to corn, the sandy belt to small grain. Cotton occupies one-half of all cultivated land, and generally attains a height of 3 feet, but it is inclined to run to weed in wet seasons. Fresh land produces from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds of seed-cotton per acre,l,425 pounds being required to make a 475-pound bale of lint, which rates as low middling v>.da), and sweet and blue gum, has a clay-loam soil 4 feet deep and a subsoil of whitish, sticky clay. Very little of this soil is planted in cotton, as it is better for corn. The troublesome weeds are hog-weed, yellow-top, and crab-grass. The seasons are short between late and early killing frosts, April 20 and October 20. SAMPSON. Population : 22,894.— White, 13,347 ; colored, 9,547. Area: 964 square miles. — Woodland, 374,576 acres. Tilled lands: 116,892 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 15,346 acres; in tobacco, 2S acres; in corn, 53,951 acres; in wheat, 1,249 acres; in rye, 409 acres ; in oats, 654 acres. Cotton production : 6,291 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.41 bale, 5S5 pounds seed-cotton, or 195 pounds- cotton lint. 578 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 47 Sampson county lies in the middle of the long-leaf pine belt, and much the larger part of its territory represents the average character of the soils and forests of that belt. It is drained by South river, one of the principal tributaries of the Cape Fear, whose streams divide its territory into north- and south lying belts or zones — flatfish swells, the higher portions of which are characterized by sandy soils aud forests predominantly of long-leaf pine. In places near the southern and western margins, and again near the northern end, there are tracts which are quite sandy and approach the character of pine barrens. There are also extensive pine flats, especially on the waters of Six Runs, with here and there considerable bodies of pine and oak flats. The corn crop of the county is much more important than that of cotton, reaching nearly 500,000 bushels, aud the crops of potatoes and rice are both unusually large. There are also large bodies of virgin pine timber, still valuable both for turpentine and for lumber. Marl is abundant, and is used with the best results in some sections, chiefly the northern. Of the county area, 18.95 per cent, is tilled land, of which 13.13 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF A. A. M'KAY, OF CLINTON. Cotton depends very much upon a warm spring, so that it can start up sufficiently to get out of the way of the grass. Since commercial fertilizers have come into use, the cotton has been so pushed that the frost in the fall scarcely ever catches it, or at least few- green bolls are affected. The kinds of soils cultivated in cotton are generally a soil that is stiff, caused by the clay being near the surface, and the rich sand} 7 loams. The chief soil is a clayey and sandy loam, which occupies about two-thirds of the lands in this region, and is timbered principally with long-leaf pine; many oak ridges have a growth of maple, poplar, black and sweet gum, elm, hickory, cypress, juniper, ash, beech, holly, dogwood, and cedar. The chief crops are cotton, corn, pease, sweet potatoes, wheat, rye, oats, tobacco, etc., but the soil is best adapted to corn and cotton, and about one-fourth of every farm is planted in cotton. The plant usually attains a height of from 3| to 4 feet, and is most productive at that height. It does not incline to run to weed, except on alluvial lands or lands very highly manured ; topping; favors boiling. Fresh land produces about 750 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, about 1,425 pounds making a 475-pound bale of lint, which, when clean, rates in the market as low middling. After ten years' cultivation the yield per acre is 300 pounds. Cocklebur is the most, troublesome weed. About two-fifths of land once cultivated now lies turned out, and when again taken in produces better than if cultivated everv year. The valleys are improved by the washings of the slopes. Efforts have been mado to check the damage done to> the slopes, by plowing in curved lines and by hillside ditching, with profit to the lands and to the crops. Cotton shipments are made in November by rail to Wilmington. The rates of freight are 50 cents per bale to Wilmington and §2 50 to New York. Most of the cotton in the county is sold to merchants in Clinton, the county-seat, CUMBERLAND. Toptdation : 23,830.— White, 12,594 ; colored, 11,242. Area: 982 square miles. — Woodland, 294,178 acres. Tilled lands: 54,238 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 9,210 acres; in corn, 32,677 acres; in wheat, 1,141 acres; in rye, 1,513 acres ; in oats, 1,509 acres. Cotton production : 3,905 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.42 bale, 603 pounds seed-cotton, or 201 pounds cotton lint. Through the middle of Cumberland county, from its western margin, on the Moore county-line, to the Cape Fear river, which crosses the eastern side of the county, lies a broad, irregular zone of pine barrens with a very sandy and unproductive soil and an almost exclusive growth of long-leaf pine. On both sides of this zone, along the northern and southern sections of the county, with unimportant exceptions, and in the section eastward of the Cape Fear river, the soils belong to the class of gray sandy loams of the average upland piny woods. Near the river, on both sides, are large tracts of semi-swamp and oak and pine flats, which are very productive. Many of the streams which flow from the central pine barrens of the county contain narrow fringes of gum and cypress swamp, and the swampy tracts along the river often contain a considerable percentage of cypress. The turpentine and lumber interests are still important. Of the county area, 8.63 per cent, is tilled land, of which 16.98 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF O. EVANS, OF IDAHO. The uplands are much better for cotton than the lowlands, but if the fall is late the lowlands are the best. The kinds of soil cultivated in cotton are sandy and clay loams. The clay soil is the chief, and occupies two-thirds of the land in this region, two-thirds of which is planted in cotton. It is timbered with sweet gum, pine, oak, etc. The chief crops are cotton and corn, hut the soil is apparently best adapted to cotton. The plant is most productive when 2 feet high, and runs to weed in rich, damp lands. Fresh lands produce 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,425 pounds will make a 475-pound bale of lint. After five years' cultivation the product is ti00 pounds per acre, the staple comparing favorably with that from fresh land. Cocklebur is the most troublesome weed. About one-fifth of the land once cultivated now lies turned out. Cotton shipments are made in November and December, by rail and steamboat, to Wilmington aud New York, and the rates of freight are from 75 cents to $1 50 per bale. HARNETT. Population: 10,862.— White, 7,092; colored, 3,770. Area: 601 square miles. — Woodland, 175,096 acres. Tilled lands: 42,173 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 9,281 acres; in tobacco, 32 acres; in corn, 21,244 acres; in wheat, 2,393 acres; in rye, 489 acres; in oats, 1,202 acres. Cotton production : 3,627 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.39 bale, 558 pounds seed-cot ( on, or 186 pounds cotton lint. Harnett county lies on both sides of the Cape Fear river, on the northwestern margin of the long-leaf pine 1 ielt. Near the river, and for several miles on both sides, its surface is quite hilly in its upper portion, and here the soil is of the intermediate character described on page 16 as oak and pine sandy and gravelly hills. On the tops of the 579 48 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. ridges and river hills these soils are gray, sandy loams; but on the slopes they approach the character of clay loams, and are covered mainly with forests of oak and short-leaf pine. The body of the county belongs strictly to the long- leaf pine belt, and has the general characteristics of that region. The western section, as well as a narrow belt in the middle near the south bank of the river and some portions of the south side, partakes in part of the character of the pine barrens. Fear the river, and along its principal tributaries from the west, and in the angles between these and the river, are wide tracts of gray, clayey, silty lands (oak and pine tlats) and occasional narrow strips of gum and cypress swamp. Cottou production is the principal industry of the county, but grain, lumber, and turpentine are also important products. Of the county area, 10.96 per cent, is tilled land, of which 22.01 percent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF II. C. Jl'NEILL, OF LILLINGTON. The upland soil does not vary much, and tbe only difference in the first two described is that there is some sand in one and none or very little in the other. The cottou in the lowlands is late and runs too much to weed, and is liable to be prematurely killed by frost. The gray upland soil is a mixture of putty-like land and coarse sand, and such is nearly all the land between the Cape Fear and Little rivers for several miles before they unite. Its natural timber is oak, dogwood, sweet gum, hickory, and pine. The average thickness of the surface soil is 18 inches, and the subsoil is a clay or yellow loam, becoming by cultivation like surface soil. The chief crops are cotton, corn, wheat, and oats, but the soil is best adapted to cotton aud corn. The proportion of cottou planted is one-half of the land cultivated: it attains the height of from 1 to 4 feet, and is most productive when from 2^- to 3 feet high. On new laud, and in wet weather, it inclines to run to weed. Fresh land produces from GOO to 800 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,480 pounds making a 475-pound bale of lint. After ten years' cultivation the product is from 300 to 400 pounds per acre. Hog-weed is the most troublesome. The gray upland dark-loam soil, with very little or no sand, occupies about one-third of the lands in this region. It joins the Cape Fear bottoms, and extends about 10 miles. The thickness of the surface soil is 12 inches, over a subsoil of yellow clay, one-half of which is planted in cotton. The yellow-loam soil, which runs alongside of tbe Cape Fear river, is to some extent subject to overflow. The proportion of cotton planted is very small, aud the natural timber is heavy oaks and gums of both kinds. The subsoil is a red clay, becoming very hard when exposed, but like the surface soil when under cultivation. The cotton-plant inclines to run to weed under all circumstances. Guano favors boiling, and causes the cotton to open better. Iron-weed is thick all over this land. Cotton shipments are made by rail to Fayetteville and Raleigh. Rate of freight per bale, §1 25. MOORE. Population: 16,821.— White, 11,485; colored, 5,336. Area: 807 square miles. — Woodland, 281,934 acres. Tilled lands: 08,780 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 8,882 acres; in tobacco, 70 acres; in corn, 27,934 acres; in wheat, 11,242 acres; in rye, 1,512 acres; in oats, 7,924 acres. Cotton production : 3,988 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.45 bale, 639 pounds seed-cotton, or 213 pounds cotton lint. Moore county lies on the western margin of the long-leaf pine belt. Its middle and southern portion belongs largely to the class of lands called pine barrens or "sand hills". The northern part of this triangular territory partakes more of the character of the oak uplands agricultural division, being very hilly and broken, with sandy and gravelly soil on the higher ridges, having a mixed oak and pine growth, and on the slopes of the hills partaking of the character of clay loams. Near the middle (a little north of east), as well as in the southwestern region, and in the eastern one, are considerable bodies of level and rolling upland piny woods. These are the best cotton soils. The tributaries of the Cape Fear, which rise along the southeastern section of the county, are fringed with gum, cypress, aud juniper swamps, and on many of the streams, large and small, are patches, and sometimes considerable tracts, of alluvial "bottom" lands. The agriculture of the county is divided between cotton and grain crops; but the lumber and turpentine interests are quite important, and there are yet large turpentine forests untouched. Of the county area, 13.32 per cent, is tilled land, of which 12.91 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS OF J. M. JOY, OF JONESBORO', AND DR. J. C. CAMPBELL, OF CARTHAGE. The bottoms of Deep river and its tributaries are our most valuable corn soils, and are not cultivated in cotton. The}' are estimated to form one-twentieth of the whole. About four-fifths of the land in this region embraces what is termed "sandy soil'', and extends to the Atlantic coast on the south. The timber is pine, oak, hickory, black-jack, chincapin, and dogwood. The color of the soil varies from a whitish-gray to a yellowish- brown aud blackish to the depth of 6 inches, when it changes into that of the subsoil, which in some places is soft sand, in others red or yellow clay. The soil is early, warm, and well drained. The chief crops are corn, cotton, wheat, oats, potatoes, and pease. The proportion of cottou planted is about oue-tifth, and usually grows from 1 to 4 feet iu height, 3 feet being the most productive height. It inclines to run to weed when grown on fresh or damp land. Fresh land produces about 600 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,400 pounds making a 475-pound bale of lint, the staple, when clean, rating as middling. After ten years' cultivation the product is 400 pounds per acre, and the staple is shorter than that from fresh land. Crab-grass is the most troublesome. About one-fourth of the land once cultivated now lies turned out. No great damage is done by washing or gullying on the slopes. Cotton shipments are made by rail to Raleigh at $1 25, aud to Fayetteville at 75 cents per bale. RICHMOND. Population: 18,245.— White, 8,141 ; colored, 10,104. Area : 826 square miles. — Woodland, 216,096 acres. Tilled lands : 75,268 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 25,198 acres ; in corn, 29,502 acres; in wheat, 3,751 acres; in iye, 942 acres ; in oats, 3,571 acres. 580 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 49 Cotton production : 12,754 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.51 bale, 720 pounds seed-cotton, or 240 pounds cotton lint. Eichmond county also lies on the border of the long-leaf pine belt, its eastern and southern portions, forming not less than three-fourths of its territory, belonging to the latter, while its western and northern parts, lying along and near the Great Pedee river, belong more properly in their agricultural features to the zone of oak and pine sandy hills, being quite hilly, and in some places rugged. The slopes of the hills on the river front and its tributaries are quite steep and broken, and have a clay loam soil, which is covered by oak and short-leaf pine forests. In the northwestern corner, on the Pedee and its tributaries, are wide tracts of level gray loam soils, originally covered with heavy oak forests. Through the eastern portion of the county, in a north and south direction, lies a considerable tract of pine barrens, which is very sandy and unproductive. The streams which drain the southeastern section of the county (one-third of its territory) flow into Lumber river, and are margined through their whole course by alluvial tracts and cypress swamps, the divides between these parallel and south-flowing streams being occupied by level upland piny- woods tracts having a gray sandy loam soil of fair productiveness. Cotton is the chief single interest, but the product of grain is large, and the turpentine and lumber interests are still important. Of the county area, 14.24 per cent, is tdled land, of which 33.48 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. EOBESOX. Population: 23,830.— White, 11,942; colored, 11,938. Area: 1,039 square miles. — Woodland, 383,093 acres. Tilled lands : 103,055 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 21,607 acres; in corn, 49,961 acres; in wheat, 875 acres; in rye, 1,548 acres; in oats, 2,814 acres. Cotton production : 8,840 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.41 bale, 582 pounds seed-cotton, or 194 pounds cotton lint. The soils of Eobeson county are mainly those of the ordinary level piny woods, but there are belts of gum and cypress swamp along nearly all of its water-courses, those on the two main streams being quite large. The county is drained by the upper waters of Lumber river, which enters the Atlantic through the state of South Carolina at Georgetown. On the higher divides between the streams the soil is sometimes quite sandy, in some places reaching the character of pine barrens. The lands are chiefly devoted to the culture of cotton and corn, but the value of the potato and rice crops is quite considerable. Turpentine and lumber are also large interests. Marl is found abundantly in the lower half of the county. Of the county area, 15.50 per cent, is tilled land, of which 20.96 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Shipments are made by rail to Wilmington. BLADEN. Population: 16,15S. — White, 7,598; colored, 8, o60. Area : 1,026 square miles. — Woodland, 297,237 acres. Tilled lands: 37,990 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 1,618 acres; in corn, 21,556 acres; in wheat, 109 acres; in oats, 362 acres. Cotton production : 683 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.42 bale, 603 pounds seed-cotton, or 201 pounds cotton lint. Bladen county lies south of Cumberland, and, like it, on both sides of the Cape Fear river. It has narrow zones of pine barrens running parallel to the river courses nearly the whole length of the county", and it also abounds in cypress swamps and alluvial " bottoms" along its streams. There are also large bodies of level piny woods. Marl is found in the bluffs of the river. On many of the streams are extensive bodies of gum and cypress swamps. This county has a very - limited agriculture, the chief crop being corn ; and very little cotton is produced, turpentine and lumber being still among the chief interests. Of the county area, only 5.79 per cent, is tilled land, of which 4.26 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. The upland soils vary greatly in appearance and quality, and may be found in spots and patches of from 1 to 300 acres. Cotton in the lowlands will not mature, and is subject to be killed by frost ; therefore the uplands are always preferred. Three kinds of soils may be distinguished : (1.) The ura'i gravelly soil, with clay subsoil, forming about one-third of the land in this region. Its natural timber is cypress, oak, poplar, asb, hickory, guru, pine, aud walnut. The crops are corn, cotton, and. small grain, but the soil is best adapted to cotton, corn, and oats. The cotton crop occupies about one-fourth of tin- lands, and is most productive when 3 feet high. It is inclined to run to weed in the richest laud and in wet seasons, and efforts are made to restrain this tendency by topping and by using less heating manures. The product from fresh land ranges from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds making a 470-pound bale, which rates in the market as good middling. After three years' cultivation tin- hind yields from 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre, from 1,425 to 1,540 pounds being required to make a bale, which rates as low middling. Rag-weed and bog-weed are most troublesome. About one-third of tin' land once cultivated now lies turned out, but when it is again taken in it is found to be much improved. The valleys are considerably improved by the washings of the uplands. (2. j Chocolate-colored soil, rich by deposits, occupies one-sixth of the lands in a Joel t one. ha If a mile wide by from 12 to 15 miles long. The average thickness is 2 feet before changing into that of the subsoil, which is heavier and sticky. This soil is last adapted to corn, wheat, and oats. Gotten runs to weed under all circumstances. ('■'.) Black soil, mixed with coarse and line sand, occupies one-half as much surface, and is about In miles long by 2 miles wide. This soil is timbered with pine, bay, black gum, and gallberrv. The subsoil contains pipe-clay, ami is adapter! to corn, potatoes, and cotton ; but one-fifteenth of this soil is planted in the latter crop. Fresh land produces from GOO to 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, which rates in the market as middling. Cotton shipments are made by steamboat to Wilmington. Rates of freight, per bale, 50 cents. 50 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. OAK UPLANDS, OH METAMORPHIC REGION. (This region embraces the following counties and parts of counties : Warren, Franklin, Granville, Wake, Orange. Chatham, Montgomery, Anson, Union, Stanley, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Iredell, Catawba, Lincoln, Gaston, Cleaveland, Eutherford, Randolph, Guilford, Alamance, Person, Caswell, Rockingham, Stokes. Forsyth, Davie, Yadkin, Surry, Wilkes, Alexander, Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, and Polk.) WARREN. Population: 22,619.— White, 6,386; colored, 16,233. Area : 507 square miles. — Woodland, 140,528 acres. Tilled lands: 83,864 acres ; area planted in cotton, 21,603 acres; in tobacco, 1,759 acres; in corn, 28,457 acres ; in wheat, 5,09S acres ; in oats, 5,559 acres. Cotton production : 7,778 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.36 bale, 513 pounds seed-cotton, or 171 pounds cotton lint. Warren county lies on the northern border of the state, and is bounded in part by the Roanoke river, the tributaries of which drain about one-half of its territory, the southern half being drained by the Tar river. Through the middle of the county, along the divide between these rivers, lies a wide, level, and undulating tract, with forests of oak and short-leaf pine, hickory, dogwood, etc., having generally a soil of the class of gray and yellowish gravelly and sandy loam, and frequently belts of red-clay loam. Northward and southward the land becomes more hilly, and near the streams the soil is more clayey and often reddish in color. Many of these streams are bordered by narrow strips of level bottom land. The tributaries of the Tar on the southern side are separated by wide tracts of nearly level oak uplands, and are bordered by extensive bottoms. This portion of the county is also less broken than the northern. The agriculture of the county is divided between the production of cotton, tobacco, and the cereals; but the vine and the peach flourish, especially in the northern and western sections lying within the hill country. The western border of the county rises to an elevation of 500 feet, so that there is abundant water- power developed by the fall of its numerous streams, many of which leave its territory at an elevation of less than 200 feet. Gold mining has been a profitable industry in the southern corner of the county and the neighboring parts of Halifax, Nash, and Franklin. Of the county area, 25. SI per cent, is tilled land, of which 25.76 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Transportation to market is furnished by railroad to Raleigh, Norfolk, and New York. FRANKLIN. Population: 20,829.— White, 9,476; colored, 11,353. Area : 52G square miles. — Woodland, 146,604 acres. Tilled lands: 87,492 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 30,274 acres ; in tobacco, 118 acres ; in corn, 32,642 acres : in wheat, 8.362 acres; in oats, 5,560 acres. Cotton production: 12,938 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.43 bale, 609 pounds seed-cotton, or 203 pounds cotton lint, Franklin county lies south of Warren, and corresponds very nearly in all its agricultural and topographical features with the description of that county. The eastern, and especially the southeastern sections contain a considerable proportion of long-leaf pine as a constituent of the forests. This county is drained by the Tar river and its tributaries. The middle portion belongs to the region of oak and pine gravelly and sandy hills, and the western end rises into the oak uplands. The large cotton product of this county is of recent date, but here and in the adjoining counties it has greatly increased in the last dozen years. The western half is largely devoted to the culture of tobacco. Of the county area, 25.99 per cent, is tilled land, of which 34.60 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF BLAIR BURWELL, OF LOUISBTJRG. The kinds of soils cultivated in cotton are as follows: (1) Sandy soil, with yellow-clay subsoil: (2) sandy soil, with red-clay subsoil ; (3) black sandy soil, with close black subsoil. The chief soil is the sandy, which forma about two-thirds of the land in this region, and is the leading soil in the counter, with now and then soil No. 2 in the northern part of the county and occasionally soil No. 3 in the east and south. Its chief natural timber is short-leaf pine, with some long-leaf pine in the southeast. The average thickness of the surface soil before its color changes is from 3 to (i inches. Cotton and corn are the chief crops, but the soil seems best adapted to cotton, which occupies about one-third of the cultivated acreage. The plant is most productive at 2+ feet, but reaches from 1+ to'3i feet. Wet weather in June or July makes it run to weed, and topping succeeds partially in making it boll. Freshland produces 500 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds making a 475-pound bale, which, when clean, rates in the market as middlings ' After three years' cultivation the yield is from 400 to 600 pounds per acre, and 1,425 pounds make a bale, which rates the same as the fresh. Wire- and crab-grass are most troublesome. About one-third of the land originally cultivated now lies turned out, but when again taken in it produces a fair yield. It gullies readily on the slopes, but no serious damage is done. The valleys are often injured by the washings of the uplands, and efforts have been made, with fair success, to check the damage by horizontalizing. Cotton shipments are made by rail to Norfolk and Raleigh, and the rates of freight per bale are to Norfolk $2 25, and to Raleigh 75 cents. 562 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 51 GEANVILLE. Population: 31,286.— White, 13,603 ; colored, 17,683. Area: 695 square miles. — Woodland, 161,089 acres. Tilled lands: 145,030 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 6,559 acres; in tobacco, 8,941 acres; in corn, 42,608 acres; in wheat, 14,428 acres; in oats, 14,344 acres. Cotton production : 2,535 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.39 bale, 552 pounds seed-cotton, or 184 pounds cotton lint. Granville county lies on the Virginia border west of the two preceding counties, and is drained partly toward the north by the tributaries of the Koanoke and partly (in its middle region) by the Tar, and in its southern portions by the Xeuse. In its central and higher portions, where it is 500 feet above tide, it is comparatively level and rolling, and has, for the most part, a gray gravelly loam soil, with here and there small tracts of red clay. Among the most productive soils is a level body of oak and hickory land in the northern section with a dark gravelly-loam soil. Smaller iracts of similar character occur near the middle, and also on the southern border. The southern portion of the county, along the divide between the waters of the Tar and Neuse rivers, is another comparatively level bench of land, belonging mainly to the class of gray sandy loams, derived in large part from the underlying Triassic rocks (red sandstone). These alternate with gray gravelly loams. The forests are of oaks, hickory, and dogwood, intermingled with short-leaf pine. The principal agricultural product of this county is the gold-leaf tobacco, which is the largest crop in the state — more than 4,500,000 pounds. The gray and light colored granite soils of the eastern, middle, and western sections, as well as the last-named (Triassic) soils, are noted tor the high grade of tobacco which they produce. This is also a large grain-growing county, its aggregate reaching nearly 750,000 bushels. Of the county area 32.61 per cent, is under tillage, of which 4.52 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS OF J. W. HUNTER, OF KITTRELL, AND S. P. J. HARRIS, OF HENDERSON. The uplands are rolling, partly sandy and partly mulatto, and the soil is generally uniform, with no great change of soil or surface in the southern part. The springs are generally late and frosts early. The former prevents planting as early as we would like, and the latter often cuts off the yield sometimes as much as 25 per cent. ; but otherwise our climate is good for the growth of cotton. The soils cultivated in cotton are, first, a light sandy and gravelly soil; second ; mulatto and red lands; and third, a red, stiff clay. The chief soil is the sandy soil, about one-half of the lands being of this kind. Its natural timber is pine, oak, hickory, gum, and black- jack. The soil varies from a fine sandy to a gravelly loam of a gray color, and has a depth of 6 inches. The subsoil is mostly a red, firm clay, which mixes well with the surface when plowed deeply. The chief crops are tobacco, cotton, wheat, and oats, but the soil is apparently best adapted to the production of tobacco and wheat. In the year 1869 one-half of the land was in cotton, hut in 1879 only one-eighth. The plant generally attains a height of 3 feet, but is most^ productive when 2 feet high. It tends to run to weed in very wet seasons, and topping is resorted to as a preventive. Fresh-land staple rates in the market as middling. The most troublesome weeds are crab-grass, hog-weed, and water-weed. Perhaps about one- fourth of such land now lies turned out, and these are now the most valuable for bright tobacco ; but when again taken iuto cultivation it will do finely. The mulatto or ,hght-red land constitutes but a small proportion of the land in this region. Its color is a brown mahogany, and it has a red-clay subsoil, underlaid at 2 feet by rock. The red stiff and pipe clay, extending chiefly around Oxford, is timbered with oak, hickory, and black-jack, and is best adapted to tobacco, wheat, and grapes. Cotton shipments are made by railroad to Norfolk and Raleigh. Rates of freight per bale are: to Norfolk, $2 65 ; to Raleigh, $1 25. WAKE. Population: 47,939.— White, 24,289; colored, 23,650. • Area : 932 square miles. — Woodland, 240,004 acres. Tilled lands: 156,899 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 59,916 acres; in tobacco, 230 acres; in corn, 53,172 acres; in wheat, 14,783 acres; in rye, 211 acres; in oats, 13,948 acres. Cotton production: 30,115 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.50 bale, 717 pounds seed-cotton, or 239 pounds cotton lint. Wake county, in which the capital of the state is situated, is one of the largest counties in the state, and shows the largest product of cotton. It is drained by the tributaries of the Neuse, and lies on the eastern margin of the oak uplands, its southern and eastern sections partaking of the agricultural features of the oak and pine gravelly hills, the forests being made up of long-leaf and short-leaf pines, oaks, hickories, dogwoods, etc. The northern portion of the county, as well as the western, is quite hilly and broken in surface, especially along the streams, and the soils are predominantly gray and yellow sandy and gravelly loams, with occasional areas of red-clay soils. Cotton is the chief crop of the county, but the northwestern section adds to this industry the production of tobacco. The culture of corn is also a large feature in its agriculture, and in this crop Wake also stands first, exceeding 600,000 bushels, which, with the small grains added, would nearly reach S00,000 bushels. In elevation and surface features Wake resembles the counties last described, the levels ranging between 300 and 500 feet above the sea. The product of cotton has greatly increased in this county (more than fourfold), as well as throughout this re«TM>?. and the state, in the last decade, and the fact is mainly due here, as elsewhere, to the increased consumption oi commercial fertilizers. Of the county area, 20.30 per cent, is tilled laud, of which 38.19 per cent, is cultivated m cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF O. W T . SHAFFER. OF IJALEIGH. The kinds of soils cultivated in cotton are: (1) mulatto or chocolate land, a very deep red clayey loam ; (2) sandy soil and sandy loam, light and easy to till, but not rich ; (3) clay with sand and mica. The chief soil is the "mulatto lands' 1 , and the proportion of lands of this kind in this region is very email, say 1 in 50, but is much greater in other townships. Its timber is pine, oak, poplar, maple, elm, hickory, 583 52 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. cedar, sweet and black gum, and dogwood. The soil is a heavy clay loam, -which grows darker with cultivation and manure. The leading crops are cotton, corn, oats, wheat, cow-pease, etc. That portion planted in cotton forms at least one-half of all the lands in cultivation, and attains a height of from 3 to 3£ feet, the latter being most productive if the season is favorable and long; but it inclines to run to weed in warm, wet weather and on very rich land. Fresh land produces 800 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds being needed for a bale, which, when clean, rates in the market as middling. After sis years' cultivation the production is from 400 to 500 pounds per acre, from 1,425 to 1,6S0 pounds being needed for a bale, and the staple is shorter and lighter than that from fresh land. June grass is most troublesome. The valleys are injured by the washings of the uplands, and efforts are made to check the damage by hillside surface ditches, with very good success. The light sandy loam occupies two-thirds of the lands, three-fourths of which is planted in cotton. This soil, which extends all over the county, is sometimes underlaid with a clay subsoil at from 3 to 8 inches, and can be properly described a9 a whitish gray to brown tine sandy loam. Its natural timber is pine, poplar, maple, scrub oaks, elm, and gum. The subsoil is heavier than the surface soil, and is a clay mixed with sand; it is best adapted to cotton and pease. Cotton grows to a height of from 2 to 2J feet, the larger being the more productive in good seasons. Fresh land produces 400 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,660 pounds make a bale, which rates as middling. The clay lands extend throughout the county in patches, and the timber is the same as that of soil No. 1. The color varies almost indefinitely. The average thickness of the surface soil is from 4 to 6 inches. Cotton shipments are made by wagon to Ealeigh. ORANGE. Population: 133,698.— White, 14,555 ; colored, 9,143. Area: 652 square miles. — Woodland, 130,549 acres. Tilled lands: 82,607 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 5,290 acres; in tobacco, 2,323 acres; in corn, 28,542 acres; in wheat, 18,358 acres; in oats, 12,243 acres. Cotton production : 1,919 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.36 bale, 516 pounds seed-cotton, or 172 pounds cotton lint. Cotton is beginning to enter largely into the agricultural interests of Orange county, and the product now is five times as large as it was in 1870. The upper half of this county is devoted, in large part, to the culture of tobacco, and the whole of it to the production of grain crops, of which the aggregate exceeds 550,000 bushels. It is traversed in a northeast and southwest direction through its middle region by chains of slate hills. Its levels lie between 400 and 800 feet above sea-level, the average elevation being about that of the state, viz, 640 feet. Its southeastern section is drained by the tributaries of the Cape Fear river, and has a low, undulating tract of land, with gray and yellow sandy and clay loam soils and mixed oak and pine forests. The larger part of this county is characterized by oak forests and red-clay soils, with an intermixture in the poorer sections and on the slaty hills of short-leaf pine. The region described as slate hills is characterized mainly by a gray gravelly loam soil. Of the county area, 19.81 per cent, is under tillage, of which 6.40 per cent, is devoted to cotton. The university is located in this county. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF C. W. JOHNSTON, OF CHAPEL HILL. ft The principal soil is sandy, and occupies one-fourth of the lands of this county with an average thickness of 5 inches. The growth is oak and hickory. The chief crops are corn, wheat, and oats. The proportion of cotton planted is not more than one-sixth ; its usual height is 3 feet, and it produces best at 2| feet, but runs to weed from too much wet. The product of seed-cotton on fresh land is from GOO to 800 pounds, and 1,660 pounds make a bale. Crab-grass is the most troublesome pest. About one-half of such land originally cultivated lies turned out, but when taken into cultivation it produces well if manured. This laud does not easily wash. Shipments are made by rail to Raleigh. CHATHAM. Population : 23,453. — White, 15,500 ; colored, 7,953. Area: 820 square miles. — Woodland, 212,212 acres. Tilled lands: 119,185 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 13,47S acres; in tobacco, 141 acres; in corn, 43,087 acres ; in wheat, 28,930 acres ; in oats, 19,861 acres. Cotton production : 5,858 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.43 bale, 018 pounds seed-cotton, or 200 pounds cotton lint. Chatham county lies contiguous to the long-leaf pine belt, and includes a small strip of it along the southern edge. It is drained by the waters of the Cape Fear river, the main affluents of which unite near its southeast corner. The principal of these, Deep river, has on both sides extensive bottom lauds, covered with oak and short- leaf pine forests, which are very productive. A large part of its surface is hilly and broken, especially near the rivers, and in the middle and northeastern sections these hills rise to au elevation of from 660 to 700 feet above the sea, attaining in a few cases theelevatiou and designation of small mountains ; the average elevation is 500 feet. The soils are for the most part those of the oak uplands, generally sandy, gray to yellow loams, alternating here and there with belts of red-clay soil. Toward the southern borders occur the sandy and gravelly oak and pine hills. With the exceptions noted, the forests consist mostly of oak, hickory, etc. Along the eastern margin of the county is a wide, level tract of oak and pine lands, with a gray clay loam soil of Triassic origin. Only a minor portion of Chatham, in the southern and eastern parts, is devoted to the culture of cotton, grain crops constituting its predominant agricultural interest. Its corn product exceeds 550,000 bushels, and the total grain crop exceeds 800,000 bushels. Its facilities for manufacturing are unsurpassed. Two large and two other considerable rivers cross its territory with a fall of from 300 to 400 feet, and develop a force of more than 40,000 horse-power. Of the county area, 22.55 per cent, is tilled land, of which 11.30 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Facilities for transportation are ample, both by railway and river. E.34 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 53 ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF R. J. POWELL, OF PITTSBORO'. East of the Haw river the lands are generally sandy, with some red clay. West of the river the gray, gravelly lands are suited best for cotton ; there is but little sandy laud on the west side. Cotton matures much better where there is sand in the soil, and is rarely planted in lowlands. In damp locations it is subject to rust ; hence the entire cotton crop is raised on rolling land. The stiff red-clay soil produces a huge growth of stalk, but it continues green till checked by frost, and does not mature the fruit ; at least one-third of the cotton fruit on such soil uever matures. The dark sandy loam east of the Haw river extends to the Orange and Wake county-lines, covering about one-third of the .comity, and the river is the dividing line between the stiff clay and sandy loam lands. The timber is oaks, hickory, dogwood, and pine. The soil ix a whitish-gray and blackish, fine sandy and coarse sandy and gravelly loam, having a thickness of from 3 to 6 inches, and a subsoil of tough red and yellow clay. The chief crops are cotton on the east side and cereals and grass on the west side of the Haw river. Cotton usually attains a height of from 2 to 5 feet, but is most productive when from 3 to 3J feet high. It is inclined to run to weed when too thick in the drill in very wet seasons, and thinning and topping restrain it and favor boiling. Fre%h land produces (without fertilizers) 400 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,4"25 pounds will make a 475-pound bale, which, when clean, rates as middling in the market. After three years' cultivation the product is 150 pounds per acre, 1,545 pounds making a bale, but the staple does not rate as good as that from fresh laud. Crab-grass is the most troublesome weed. About one-fourth of the land once in cultivation now lies turned out. Old-field pines and cedars reclaim our lands very fast when not so rolling as to wash away, and in a few years they produce as well as ever. Cotton shipments are made in October, by wagon, to Raleigh. The report of Mr. J. F. Rives, of Pedlar's Hill, agrees in the main with the above. He mentions, however, among tbe cbief crops, besides cotton and corn, sorglmm, wheat, oats, and potatoes, and among the troublesome weeds Spanish needles and hog-weed. He considers shallow cultivation favorable to boiling. Mr. J. W. Scott describes one-half the lands in his township — Haywood, about the forks of Cape Fear river — as a sandy, gravelly loam, having a growth of short-leaf pine, oaks, hickory, gum, poplar, elm, etc., about one-quarter of which is planted in cotton. The chief crops are cotton, corn, wheat, oats, pease, sorghum, peanuts, aud tobacco. Cotton reaches a height of from 3 to G feet, and runs to weed in wet summers on rich clay soils, but is restrained by early topping. The product of seed-cotton per acre on fresh land is from 600 to 1,200 pounds, from 1,425 to 1,545 pounds making a bale of lint, early pickings grading as middling. After 3 or 5 years the yield is from 300 to 500 pounds per acre, the same amount being required for a bale, and the staple being as good as that from fresh laud. MONTGOMERY. Population: 9,374. — White, 6,857 ; colored, 2,517. Area : 489 square miles. — Woodland, 179,473 acres. Tilled lands: 46,209 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 6,519 acres; in tobacco, 54 acres; in corn, 18,090 acres; in wheat, 9.197 acres; in oats, 7,S52 acres. Cotton production : 2,9S9 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.46 bale, 654 pounds seed-cotton, or 21S pounds cotton lint. In its topographical features Montgomery county may be described in nearly the same terms as the Chatham. Several low chains of mountains or high ranges of slate hills cross its territory in a direction nearly north and south. The county is drained by the Yadkin river and two of its cbief tributaries, the Uharie and Little rivers. Its territory, therefore, is quite broken in surface. Its soils are mostly sandy aud gravellj loams, witb occasional tracts of red clays. Along its eastern border, and particularly in its southeastern corner, there are large bodies of valuable timber, as it here touches the long-leaf pine belt; the lands are of the common character of this border region, and its soils aie generally lean. Cotton is quite a subordinate interest in comparison with grains. Of the county area, 14.77 per cent, is tilled land, of which 14.11 per cent, is cultivated in cottou. The water-power of its rivers is very great, the Yadkin having a fall within the county of more than 200 feet and a force per foot of above 350 borse-pow er. There are many valuable gold mines, both vein and placer. ANSON. Population: 17,994.— White, 8,790 ; colored, 9,204. Area: 545 square miles. — Woodland, 149,000 acres. Tilled lands : S8,293 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 28,296 acres; in corn, 29,121 acres; in wheat, 5,969 acres; in oats, 8,' 99 acres. Cotton production : 11,857 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.42 bale, 597 pounds seed-cotton, or 199 pounds cotton lint. Anson county lies on the southern border of the state, and is bounded on the cast by the Pedee river. About one-third of its territory, in the southeastern portion, belongs to the long-leaf pine belt, with its characteristic soils and forests. The northwestern and northern sections of the county consist of slate soils (gray, gravelly clays), occupied by f6rests of oak, short-leaf pine, hickory, dogwood, etc. The river hills near the Pedee have a sandy and gravelly loam, becoming more red and clayey on the lower slopes. There lies across the middle, in a northeast and southwest direction, a low, nearly level tract, 5 or 6 miles wide, of brown, yellow, and gray sandy and clay loam soils, derived from the clays and sandstones of the Trias. These lands are naturally quite productive, but are much worn, and have been devoted mainly to the culture of cotton, which is the most important industry of the county, although the corn crops are quite large. Of the county area, 25.31 percent, is under tillage, of which 32.05 per cent, is in cotton. 54 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF W. A. LILES, OF WADESBORO'. Tbj chief soil cultivated in cotton is a sandy soil, which occupies three-fifths of the lands in the region, and is whitish gray and brown in color. Its timber is piue, oak, hickory, black-jack, and dogwood. The thickness of the surface soil on uplands is 4 inches; on river or creek bottoms from 2 to 5 feet. The subsoil is a purple and red clay, quite impervious, and yellow porous clay. The chief crops arc cottoD, corn, oats, and wheat. The soil is best adapted to oats; but the proportion of cotton planted comprises two-fifths of the cultivated lands, and attains a height of from 2 to 5 feet, but is most productive at 3 feet. In warm, wet weather and rich bottom lands it is inclined to run to weed, and fertilizing favors boiling. Fresh land produces 800 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,425 pounds will make a bale. After ten years' cultivation the product is 500 pounds per acre, and 1,425 pounds make a bale, which compares favorably with the staple from fresh land. Crab-grass is the most troTiblesome weed. About one-fourth of the land once in cultivation now lies turned out. The soil on the slopes readily washes or gullies, and the valleys are injured by the wJshings from the uplands, often seriously. The bottom lands, of which one-fifth is cultivated in cotton, is buff, yellow, brown, or mahogany in color, and is late, cold, ill-drained, and best adapted to corn. Its natural timber is oak, gums, poplar, and hickory. The cotton-plant grows from 4 to 6 feet in height, and is apt to run to weed in warm, damp weather ; phosphate manure favors boiling. Fresh land produces 1,500 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,465 pounds will make a 475-pound bale. After ten years' cultivation the product is 1,000 pounds per acre, 1,425 pounds making a bale, and the staple compares favorably with that from fresh land. About one-twentieth of the land once in cultivation now lies turned out, but when again taken in it does well. The slaty soil, of which one-fourth is planted in cotton, occupies about three-tenths of all the land in this region, but the soil is best adapted to wheat and oats. Its natural timber is pine and post oak. The height attained by cotton on this land is 2 feet. The production on fresh land is 500 pounds of seed-cotton per acre ; after ten years' cultivation, 300 pounds per acre. About one-third of such laud once cultivated now lies turned out, and when again taken in it does poorly. Cotton shipments are made all the season by rail to Wilmington and Charleston ; rates of freight per bale, 81 60 UNION. Population: 18,056.— White, 13,520 ; colored, 4,536. Area : 557 square miles. — Woodland, 176,245 acres. Tilled lands: 83,913 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 19,090 acres; in corn, 2S,877 acres; in wheat, 12,464 acres; in oats, 14,357 acres. Cotton production : 8,336 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.44 bale, 621 pounds seed-cotton, or 207 pounds cotton lint. The southern portion of Union county, which lies on the South Carolina border, is penetrated to a distance of several miles by sinuses of long-leaf pine (sandy lands) on the level-backed divides between the streams. This portion of the county is drained southward into the Pedee through South Carolina. The soils of the larger part of the county are of a slaty origin, and are gray gravelly and sandy for the most part, with occasional areas of red clays. The forests are mixed pine and oak, hickory, etc. The soils of a narrow belt along the west side are granitic. The cotton product belongs mainly to the southern half, the northern portion being devoted to small grains, of which it produces large crops — a total of nearly 500,000 bushels. Of the county area, 23.54 per cent, is tilled land, of which 22.75 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF H. M. HOUSTON, OF MONROE. The upland soils vary greatly. The soil chiefly cultivated in cotton is the mulatto (black-jack) soil, which occupies one-third of the lands in this region, extending in patches through the county in a direction northeast by southwest, and is timbered with pine, Spanish oak, and black-jack. Three-fourths of this soil is planted in cotton. The average thickness of the surface soil is 2 feet, when it changes into the subsoil, wkicu is a tough, dark-red clay. The chief crops are cotton, corn, wheat, and oats, but the soil is best adapted to cotton, which usually attains a height of 3 feet, and will run to weed in wet, warm weather, topping and fertilizers being used to restrain this tendency. Fresh land produces 1,200 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds being needed to make a bale of lint, the staple rating as strict good middling. After ten years' cultivation the product is very little less, and the staple rates the same. Hog-weed is most troublesome. One-fourth of the land once cultivated now lies turned out. Considerable damage is done by wash or gullies on the slopes, and efforts have been made to cheek this by hillside ditching with good success. Black slate gravel soil also occupies about one-third of the lands in patches of from 5 to 100 acres, and is timbered with pine, hickory, and oak. The thickness of the surface soil is from 6 to 12 inches, and has a subsoil of red clay, underlaid by a blue slate rock. The soil is best adapted to cotton, and one-fourth of it is planted in this crop. Fresh land produces from 600 to 800 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds making a 475-pound bale of lint, which, when clean, rates as good strict middling. Aften ten years' cultivation the product ranges from 400 to 600 pounds of seed-cotton per acre. About one-fifth of land once cultivated now lies turned out: but when again taken in it does well the first year in wheat and the second year in cotton. The sandy soil occupies one-third of the lands in this region, running through the county northeast and southwest in 6treaks, two- thirds being planted in cotton. The natural timber is pine, hickory, and black-jack. ' Cotton shipments are made in October, November, and December, by rail, to 'Wilmington, Norfolk, New York, and Providence at $2 25 per bale. STANLEY. Population: 10,505.— White, 9,166; colored, 1,339. Area: 432 square miles. — Woodland, 119,148 acres. Tilled lands: 58,628 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 5,878 acres ; in corn, 22,426 acres ; in wheat, 16,465 acres; in oats, 10,975 acres. Cotton production : 2,475bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.42 bale, 600 pounds seed-cotton, or 200 pounds cotton lint. AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES 55 Stanley county lies on the west side of the Yadkin river, and is bounded on the south by the Rocky river, one of its largest tributaries. Its soils are derived from the clay and chlorite slates of the great central slate belt of the state, and are gray and gravelly loams or red clays, according as the underlying rock is of the former or of the latter description. The forests are of oak and short-leaf pine. Its surface is quite broken near the rivers. The southwestern corner of the county is characterized by broad and comparatively level tracts of gravelly land, covered with extensive short-leaf pine forests, with a subordinate growth of oaks. The cotton product is of about equal value with that of the grains, of which the total exceeds 400,000 bushels. The slate lands of this region produce heavier wheat than any other soils, reaching 65 and even 70 pounds to the bushel. Of the county area, 21.21 per ■ cent, is tilled land, of which 10.02 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Transportation is by wagon to railroads of the adjacent counties. DAVIDSON. Population: 20,333.— White, 16,3-41 ; colored, 3,992. Area: 564 square miles. — Woodland, 142,673 acres. Tilled lands: 113,314 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 3,779 acres; in tobacco, 484 acres; in corn, 36,983 acres; in wheat, 32,195 acres ; in oats, 16,924 acres. Cotton production : 1,553 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.41 bale, 585 pounds seed-cotton, or 195 pounds ■cotton lint. This county lies midway of the breadth of the state and of the midland division, and on the northern border of the ■cotton belt. The average elevation is about 800 feet above sea-level — the northern end 1,000 and the southwestern 600 feet — but is interrupted by ranges of hills which are 900 feet in height and upward. The county is bounded on the west by the tortuous course of the Yadkin river, whose numerous tributaries drain almost its entire surface, one of which, Abbott's creek, traverses its middle section from north to south, while a multitude of smaller streams flow in a generally southwest course into the river. Both the river itself and these tributaries are generally bordered by tracts of bottom lands with a rich-alluvial soil, covered by heavy forests of oak, largely white oak. There are considerable, tracts of red-'clay soil scattered through various portions of the county, which are covered with heavy oak forests. The eastern and northern margins, which lie along the elevated divides and swells between the greater rivers, contain mixed oak and pine forests, and have a soil which is generally a gray and yellow gravelly or sandy loam A clay subsoil is found throughout the county. The cotton product of Davidson county is small, and is limited to its southern end. Its wheat crop is the largest in the state, and its total grain product is only less than that of Ilowan, amounting to 850,000 bushels. The southern half of the county lies within the great gold belt, and numerous mines of gold, and quite a number of copper and silver, have been opened. The slate hills of the south end are notable for their deposits of gold gravel, or placers. Of the county area, 31.39 per cent, is tilled land, of which only 3.33 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Transportation is by rail to Charleston, Norfolk, and New York. KOWAK Population : 19,965.— White, 13,621 ; colored, 6,344. Area : 482 square miles. — Woodland, 117,870 acres. Tilled lands: 94,378 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 10,645 acres; in tobacco, 216 acres; in corn, 38,963 acres; in wheat, 24,195 acres; in rye, 253 acres ; in oats, 17,751 acres. Cotton production : 4,381 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.41 bale, 5S5 pounds seed-cotton, or 195 pounds cotton lint. Eowan county lies on the west bank of the Yadkin river and south of its principal tributary, the South Yadkin, and resembles very closely in its agricultural and topographical features the county of Davidson, above described. Its entire surface is drained by the tributaries of the Yadkin, which traverse its territory in a northeasterly course. Its middle and northern sections, which lie for the most part above the level of S00 feet, rising at one point above 1,000 feet, are characterized by an abundance of red-clay soils and heavy oak forests, interspersed with hickory, walnut, etc., only the higher parts of the water-sheds between the streams showing any growth of pine (short-leaf), and havinggray and yellow sandy loam soils. The southeastern corner of the county, amounting to one-third (if its territory, is quite broken, and is traversed by low ranges of mountains or high hills, which rise in places to a level • of a thousand feet and more above the sea. These consist geologically, lor the most part, of ledges of granite The hills of this region have a light gray and yellow sandy loam soil. The culture of cotton has greatly increased in the past decade, but still occupies a secondary place in the agriculture of the county, most of its territory being better adapted to the growth of corn and small grains, of which the total is the largest in the state, being more than 875,000 bushels. The upper portion produces also a considerable quantity of tobacco.W'Of the county area, 30.59 per cent, is tilled land, of which 12.34 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. There are many gold mines in this county, mostly in the southern part, and several copper veins. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF J. G. RAMSAY, OF SCOTCH IRELAND. The kinds of soil cultivated in cotton are the red clay and sandy soils, and most of the planting is done in a mixture of these soils ■when practicable. About one-third of the lands in this region are sandy, and the natural growth is pine, oak, hickory, ash, elm, maple, walnut, dogwood, black-jack, sweet and black gum, and sourwood. The average thickness of the surface soil is (i inches, and it is difficult to till in dry seasons. The principal crops are corn, wheat, oats, rye, cotton, and tobacco, but the soil is best adapted to wheat, corn, and oats. About one-twentieth of the tilled land is planted in cotton, which usually grows to a height of 3 feet, and if higher is not so productive. It inclines to run to weed on rich, wet land, not fertilized. Fresh land produces from 50') to COO pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds making a bale of lint, the staple rating, when clean, about second rate. Crab-gTass is most troublesome. Serious •damage is done by washing or gullies on tin- slopes. Cotton shipments are made in October, November, December, and January, bv rail, to Salisbury at 50 cents per bale. 587 56 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. CABABETJS. Population: 14,064.— White, 9,849; colored, 5,115. Area: 370 square miles. — Woodland, 80,297 acres. Tilled lands: 80,439 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 19,224 acres ; in corn, 26,831 acres ; in wheat, 17,550 acres; in oats, 7,592 acres. Cotton production : 7,467 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.39 bale, 552 pounds seed-cotton, or 184 pounds cotton lint. Cabarrus resembles Rowan county in its general features, both topographical and agricultural. It is drained by the upper waters of the Rocky liver, one of the chief affluents of the Yadkin, and abounds in water-courses, which traverse its territory from northwest to southeast, dividing it into narrow zones or tiattish swells, the higher parts of which are comparatively level and are covered with a growth of oaks and piues and have a characteristic gray to yellow loam soil, while along the borders of the streams there are numerous and often extensive tracts of alluvial bottom lands, which, as well as large tracts of red clay and dark gravelly loam soils, are covered with heavy forests of oak, hickory, walnut, poplar, maple, etc. Along the eastern margin of the county lies a narrow belt of a lew miles in breadth of slate hill-land, in the forests of which the short-leaf pine predominates. The soils of this tract are much less productive than the average of the county. Cotton enters as a large element into the agriculture of this county, and divides almost equally the attention of its population with grain crops, of which it produces more than half a million bushels. Of the county area, 33.97 per cent is tilled land, of which 23.90 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Gold and copper mining also come in for a considerable share of attention. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF JOHN M'DONALD, OF CONCORD. The upland soil greatly varies, and there is no continuous extent of any one variety. No lowlands in this region are cultivated in cotton. The host cotton lands consist of a more or less fine granitic soil. This soil is of a loose, loamy character, and is easily worked. Ahout 20 per cent, of the land of the county is of this character, and is found in all parts of it in limited areas. Its natural timber growth is hickory, the various oaks, some walnut, short-leaf pine, etc. The soil is a whitish-gray fine sandy loam to the depth of G inches, with a subsoil of stiff red and sometimes yellow clay, not altogether impervious. The chief crops are cotton, corn, wheat, and oats, and the soil is well adapted to all of these on the uplands, while on the lowlands it is best adapted to corn. The proportion of cotton planted comprises two-thirds of the cultivated lands. It is most productive when :i feet high, and is inclined to run to weed in wet seasons or in a wet spell preceded by a drought, but this tendency is restrained by deep cultivation and underdraining by thoroughly subsoiling. Fresh lands produce 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,425 pouuds will make a 475-po«nd bale of lint, which rates in the market as good middling. After live years' cultivation the product ranges from 500 to 700 pounds per acre, about the same amount of seed-cotton being needed for a bale ; but there is no difference in the staple. Crab-grass and butter-weed are the most troublesome pests. About 20 per cent, of the land once in cultivation now lies turned out; it improves by this, and if kept from washing and the old field pine allowed to grow up the yield will nearly equal that of fresh land. Very little is done to prevent washing on the slopes, except by hillside ditching, which, if intelligently done, proves effective. Tho stiff ' nmlatto-colored soil is probably the result of the decomposition of the same kiud of rock as the granite soils, but with a larger percentage of clay ; consequently, it does not wash so easily, and is more retentive of plant-food, but not so easy to work. About 25 per cent, of the laud in this region is of this kind, one-fourth being plauted in cotton. The surface soil is a heavy clay loam of a mahogany color to the depth of 12 inches, with a subsoil of deep red clay ; it is best adapted to wheat, cotton, and corn. Fresh land produces from 900 to 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds making a bale, which, when clean, rates in the market as middling. After five years' cultivation the product is about 500 pounds per acre. The heart; black soil, with pipe-clay subsoil, commonly called black-jack land, occupies about 20 per cent, of the land in this region, and is timbered with black-jack. This soil seems best adapted to corn and wheat. The proportion of cotton planted is one-half, and the product from fresh laud is 800 pounds of seed-eottou per acre ; the lint rates as middling. Cotton shipments are made to Concord and Charlotte ; the rates of freight are 60 cents per hundred-weight. MECKLENBURG. Population: 34,175.— White, 17,922; colored, 16,253. Area: 576 square miles. — Woodland, 115,649 acres. Tilled lands : 134,028 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 41,343 acres ; in corn, 41,2S5 acres ; in wheat, 12,295 acres ; in oats, 12,949 acres. Cotton production : 19,129 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.46 bale, 660 pounds seed-cotton, or 220 pounds cotton lint. Mecklenburg county lies on the southern border of the state, and is boua^ed westward by the Catawba river. The elevation varies between 600 and 900 feet, the average being about 700 aa;>J|!| the sea. This is one of the largest and most productive as well as one of the most populous counties in the state. * The production of cotton constitutes the principal feature of the agriculture of the entire county, having increased more than threefold in the last ten years ; before the war the culture of cotton did not reach northward beyond the middle of the county. A considerable portion of the territory of this county belongs to the class of red clay lands which were originally covered with heavy forests of oak, pine coming in as a constituent of the forests only on the summits of the ridges and divides between the streams, where the soils are gray and yellow sandy loams. The higher portion of the county, which lies along the water-shed between the Yadkin and the Catawba in a north and south direction, belongs, in the main, to the latter class of soils, but has here and there small tracts of red clay. Of the county area, 36.36 per cent, is under tillage, and of this 30.85 per cent, is in cotton. This county shows a large product of cotton, ranking third in this respect; and also produces corn and the small grains on a large scale, aggregating 800,000 bushels. Gold and copper mining are important industries in several sections of the county. Charlotte being an important railroad center, the county has ample facilities for shipment in every direction. 538 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 57 ABSTRACT OF THE REPORTS OF MESSRS. R. I. M'DOWELL, OF CHARLOTTE, AND WILLIAM E. ARDREY, OF PINEVILLE. Most uplands are well adapted to the growth of cotton, which matures early, and generally not much is lest by frost. The kinds of soil cultivated in cotton are, first, gray lands, which have a large per cent, of sand, and cover one-fourth of the county; next, mulatto or red lands, with a red-clay subsoil, which cover over one-half of the county; and last, a black-jack and post-oak land with a hard impervious subsoil. The natural timber is oak, hickory, pine, and dogwood. The average thickness of the surface soil is from 4 to 8 inches. The chief crops are cotton, corn, wheat, and oats, but the land is best adapted to cotton, which yields best when 4 feet high, but grows from 2 to 5 feet iu height. It is inclined to run to weed when the soil is a rich heavy loam or has much vegetable matter; on most lands phosphates are beneficial. Fresh land produces from 500 to 1,000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds making a bale. Crab-grass is the only pest dreaded in cultivation. About one-tenth of such land originally cultivated now lies turned out, but is being rapidly put in cultivation ; when again taken in it does better than fresh land, especially when aided by fertilizers. The soil on the slopes is apt to wash or gully unless protected by hillside ditches. The valleys are benefited by the washings of the uplands. IEEDELL. Population: 22,675.— White, 16,752 ; colored, 5,923. Area: 595 square miles. — Woodland, 153,039 acres. Tilled lands: 101,018 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 11,603 acres; in tobacco, 465 acres ; in corn, 39,264 acres ; in wheat, 17,476 acres; in rye, 359 acres; iu oats, 17,488 acres. Cotton production : 4,657 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.40 bale, 573 pounds seed-cotton, or 191 pounds cotton lint. Iredell is a county of rolling uplands, and lies on the waters of the Catawba on the west and of the Yadkin on the east, being mainly drained by the latter. It is divided in a northwesterly and southeasterly direction by the course of the tributary streams into broad, flattii-h, elevated zones, the summits of which have generally a grayand yellow loam soil, with mixed oak and pine forests and occasional tracts of red clay oak-covered soils, while along the streams, which abound in alluvial bottoms, forests of oak, walnut, hickory, etc., predominate. One of these high swells or divides lies along and quite close to the course of the Catawba river, and has an elevation of 900 feet in its southern portion, rising to 1,000 feet and upward at its northern limit. The average elevation of the county is but little below 1,000 feet above sea-level. The cotton crop has increased tenfold since 1870, and is confined mainly to the southern half, this form of agriculture having only recently passed beyond the middle of the county. The northern section produces tobacco as it* chief market crop, but corn and the small grains occupy the larger portion of the tilled surface of the county, and aggregate more than 800,000 bushels. Of the county area, 26.53 per cent, is tilled land, of which 11.49 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Transportation is by rail, east, west, and south. CATAWBA. Population: 14,946.— White, 12,469 ; colored, 2,477. Area : 445 square miles. — Woodland, 110,328 acres. Tilled lands: 75,350 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 5,175 acres; in tobacco, 49 acres; in corn, 21,248 acres; in wheat, 15,054 acres ; in oats, 7,566 acres. Cotton production : 2,012 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.39 bale, 555 pounds seed-cotton, or 185 pounds cotton lint. Catawba county lies on the northern border of the cotton belt and on the margin of the Piedmont division of the state. It is bounded northward and eastward by the Catawba river, and has its western end on the foot-hills of the South mountains. As to its middle, southern, and eastern parts, it resembles the county of Iredell, from which it is separated by the Catawba river. Through the middle region of it, and in a northeast and southwest direction, is a broad belt of oak and hickory forest with a red-clay soil, while that of the western section is a light to yellow sandy loam. The streams of this county, all of which flow into the Catawba, are occasionally bordered by considerable tracts of alluvial lands, and along the course of the Catawba are extensive bottoms. These and the red lands of the county are very productive. In the .southeastern corner, as well as along the northwestern border, are mountain spurs which rise to an elevation of 1,500 feet and more above sea-level. A broad, flatfish plateau crosses the county in a northwest and southeast direction between these mountain spurs, which, for the most part, is characterized by sandy and gravelly loams, and its oak forests are intermingled with much pine. The culture of cotton has been introduced into the county since 1870, and has become the money crop. The larger part of its territory is still devoted to grain, of which more than half a million bushels are produced. Tobacco has been added to the list of its products within a few years, nearly half of the county being well adapted to the better grades of this crop. Of the county area, 26.46 per cent, is tilled land, of which 7 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Transportation is by railroad, east, west, and south. LINCOLN. Population : 11,061.— White, 8,180; colored, 2,881. Area : 295 square miles. — Woodland. 20,293 acres. Tilled lands: 53,571 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 7,442 acres; in corn, 19,338 acres; in wheat, 10,159 acres; in oats, 6,313 acres. Cotton production : 2,945 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.40 bale, 564 pounds seed-cotton, or 188 pounds cottou lint. 580 58 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Lincoln county lies south of Catawba county and west of the Catawba river, and its features, agricultural and topographial, are those of that county, and may be described in nearly the same terms. Its territory is drained by the parallel courses of the numerous tributaries of the South Fork of the Catawba, which traverses its middle section,, and the average elevation is nearly 1,000 feet above sea-level. In its middle portion is a north aod south zone several miles in breadth of red-clay soils, with oak and hickory forests. For the rest, its forests are mixed oak and pine, and its soils are gray and yellow gravelly loams. The eastern side of the county is quite hilly near the river. Onlv within the last few years has the culture of cotton entered to any considerable extent into the agriculture of this county, and it already holds the leading rank. Of the county area, 28.37 per cent, is under tillage, and of this 13.89 per cent, is in cotton. The manufactures of the county, especially in iron and cotton, have always been considerable. Eailroads cross the county in two directions, furnishing ample means of transportation. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, OF IRON STATION. The soils are chiefly of three kinds : 1, clay loam and clay ; 2, gray sandy ; and 3, piny old fields, chopped off. The leading soil is the gray sandy, with red or yellow subsoil, about two-thirds of the lands being of this description. Its natural timber is post oak, hickory, dogwood, and short-leaf pine. The average thickness of the surface soil is 6 inches ; the subsoil is a tough red or yellow clay, baking hard, but becoming fine and friable when treated with vegetable matter, and tills easily. The chief crops are corn, cotton, wheat, oats, and tobacco. The soil seems best adapted to cottou, oats, and tobacco, the proportion of cotton planted beiug one-half. The latter usually attains a height of from 1 to 5 feet, and is most productive at from 2| to 3 feet. It is inclined to run to weed in a wet August, or when planted on new ground and not manured with bone-dust. Fresh land produces from 400 to 600 pounds of seed-eottou per acre, and from 1,425 to 1,483 pounds are needed for a 475-pound bale. After eight years' cultivation the soil yields 250 pounds per acre, and the staple from stimulated old lands seems to be longer and stronger. Spanish needles and crab-grass are the most troublesome weeds. In the last few years much land turned out has been reclaimed and put in cotton ; when again taken in it does well in wheat for a few years, and in oats and cotton as long as manured. The soil readily gullies on the slopes, and in many places serious damage is done. The valleys are to some extent injured by the washings of the uplands, but the proportion of valley to uplands is Dot considerable. Efforts have been made to check this damage by horizontalizing and hillside ditching, and with good success when properly attended to. The day loam and day soil are timbered with large oaks, hickory, and poplar, and the average thickness before it changes into subsoil is from 1 to 5 inches. The subsoil is tough, and contains hard white gravel, underlaid by slate or granite at from 4 to 10 feet. The soil is apparently best adapted to wheat and corn. Cotton is most productive at from 2+ to 3 feet, and in wet weather is apt to run to weed. Fresh land produces 500 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, from 1,425 to 1,485 pounds being needed to make a 475-pound bale. After eight years' cultivation it will yield 200 pounds per acre. The old jiine-Jields' soil is about the same a3 No. 1. Cotton on bottom lands being late in starting off in the spring, and growing too late in the fall, the crop is confined almost entirely \o the uplands. Cotton is shipped by wagon to Charlotte, and the rate of freight is SI 25 for 25 miles. GASTON. Population: 14,254:.— White, 10,188; colored, 4,060. Area : 364 square miles. — Woodland, 97,543 acres. Tilled lands: 59,569 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 10,949 acres ; in corn, 24,678 acres; in wheat, 11,566 acres ; in oats, 6,699 acres. Cotton production : 4,588 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.42 bale, 597 pounds seed-cotton, or 199 pounds cotton lint. Gaston, a small county, lies on the southern border of the state, and is bounded eastward by the Catawba river, whose tributaries drain its entire surface. In the southern section are several small mountain chains and spurs, the highest of which, King's mountain, reaches an altitude of nearly 1,700 feet above sea-level. Most of the county is quite broken, and partakes of the character of the Piedmont division. It is characterized by mixed forests of oak and pine and by gray and yellow gravelly soils of moderate fertility, with occasional areas of red-clay soils. In the northwestern section are the largest tracts of oak and hickory forests, with their corresponding red- clay soils. Of the county area, 25.57 per cent, is under tillage, and of this 18.3S per cent, is in cotton. The product of cotton has increased sixfold in the last ten years. There are many valuable beds of iron ore in the county, and the manufactures of cotton, and formerly of iron, have attained considerable importance. It is one of the oldest iron-manufacturing regions of the south, some of its furnaces dating back nearly one hundred years. In water-power it has superior advantages. It has also several noted gold mines. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF JASPER STOWE, OF LOWELL. The soils are numerous, and vary from lich to very poor. Cold weather in late April and May is one terror to the cotton-planter, and frequently frosts in the fall kill the cotton before it matures. About one-sixth of the cotton land is what is termed " chincapin" land. This soil is gray fine sandy, having a subsoil of compact red or yellow clay, and occupies patches of several square miles, forming large and small farms in all sections of the county; its timber is generally a mixed growth of oaks and pines. Cotton and corn are the chief crops, but the soil is best adapted to cotton, two-fifths of the improved land being occupied by this crop. It is most productive when 2^ feet high, and inclines to run to weed in wet seasons, for which we think deep plowing a remedy. Fresh land produces 500 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,425 pounds will make a 475- pound bale ; the grade is always good. Crab-grass is the only pest. The slopes wash or gully very readily, but the damage is not extensive. The granite soil occupies one-seventh of the lands in this region, and extends from northeast to southwest, in places several miles in length and half a mile in width; there are several such ranges in the county. The timber \s mostly small hickories, with oaks and 590 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 59 pines in fair proportion. The soil is a whitish-gray, coarse, sandy, gravelly loam, to the average depth of 5 inches, when it changes into the snhsoil, which is tenacious clay, sometimes porous. The former contains hard and soft granitic pebbles, and is only difficult to till in wet seasons. It is best adapted to cotton and oats, three-fifths being the proportion of cotton planted, which grows from 30 to 42 inches hio-h. Fresh land produces from 700 to 1,500 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,425 pounds will make a 475-pound bale of lint, which rates, when clean, as good middling. No one thinks of cultivating without manuring. The hickory or red land constitutes two-thirds of the region, and is timbered the same as the other soil. The subsoil is generally a stiff, deep-red clay, and the soil is best adapted to corn and wheat, though one-fourth is planted in cotton. Fresh land rarely produces 485 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, and 1,485 pounds is needed for a bale, which rates as low middling. Cotton shipments are made in November by rail to Charlotte. Rates of freight are from 50 to 75 cents per bale. CLEAVELAND. Population: 16,571.— White, 13,700 ; colored, 2,871. Area : 464 square miles. — Woodland, 129,115 acres. Tilled lands : 85,752 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 19,238 acres ; in corn, 31,339 acres; in wheat, 11,116 acres; in oats, 10,959 acres. Cotton production : 6,120 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.32 bale, 453 pounds seed-cotton, or 151 pounds cotton lint. Cleaveland county is situated on the southern border of the state, and lies -westward of Gaston county. Its northern end rests upon the summit of the South mountains, at an elevation of nearly 3,000 feet above sea-level, and its upper half belongs properly to the Piedmont division. It is drained by several large, tributaries of the Broad river, which rise in this chain and cross the county southward into South Carolina. Its agricultural and topographical features are very similar to those of Catawba county, to which its territory is contiguous. Its soils consist of alternating tracts of red or reddish clay and gray and yellow gravelly loams (chiefly the latter), and have their corresponding forests of oak and of oak mingled with pine. This county produces cotton throughout its territory even up to the flanks and on the slopes of the South mountains, although this form of agriculture is the growth "of a decade, the product having increased twelvefold in that time. The production of grain exceeds 500,000 bushels. Of the county area, 28.88 per cent, is tilled land, of which cotton occupies 22.43 per cent. Gold mining is also a familiar industry, placers being common in the north and vein mines in the south end. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF J. B. LOGAN, OF SHELBY. The chief soil cultivated in cotton is a yellow sandy soil, which occupies three-fourths of the entire area and extends throughout the county, interspersed with tracts of red-clay land. Its natural timber is pine, hickory, oak, dogwood, poplar, and, in the mountainous part, chestnut, chestnut-oak, locust, etc. The average thickness of the surface soil is 6 inches before its color changes into that of the subsoil, which is harder and heavier than the surface soil. Cotton, corn, wheat, oats, and sorghum are the chief crops, but cotton is planted on one-fourth of the cultivated land, which grows from 2 to2| feet in height, and is apt to run to weed when the land is too rich naturally er planted too wide and thinned out too much. Commercial fertilizers and thicker planting are used to restrain this tendency. Fresh land produces from GOO to 1,200 pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,600 pounds making a 475-pound bale of lint. After four years' cultivation the product is from 300 to 500 pounds per acre, and about 1,780 pounds are needed for a bale. The lint is not so long or heavy, but probably has a firmer texture. Rock or pigeon weed and foxtail are the most troublesome weeds. Considerable damage is done in certain localities by the washing or gullying of the slopes, especially in the white sandy land, and efforts are made with great success to prevent the damage by hillside ditching and horizontal plowing. There are three qualities of land, however : (1) the yellow sandy, (2) the white sandy, and (3) the red rather clayey land ; but not much difference in growing cotton, the yellow sandy, if any, being the best. All parts of the county, even the northern or mountainous part, grow cotton tolerably well by fertilizing with guano or phosphates. Cotton shipments are made, by rail, to Charleston at §2 25, to Wilmington at .$1 35, and New York at £2 95 per bale. The report of E. P. Chambers, of Stice's Shoal, agrees in general with the above. He describes the prevalent soil as gray sandy, having oak and hickory forests, and some pine intermixed, and the subsoil as usually a red and sometimes yellow clay. Two -fifths of the cultivated land is in cotton, but rye is one of the chief crops. Crab-grass is the most troublesome pest. Twenty per cent, of this land lies " turned out". The second class of land has red-clay soil, embracing moie than one-fourth of the land of the region. Its growth is oak and hickory, and the soil is from 8 to 10 inches deep. A third class is described as black bottoms, which embraces less than one-fourth of the lauds of the region, and tbe subsoil is usually a blue clay. Very little of this land is planted in cotton. EUTHEEFORD. Population: 15,198.— White, 11,910; colored, 3,288. Area : 520 square miles. — Woodland, 180,192 acres. Tilled lands : 63,325 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 9,679 acres ; in tobacco, 38 acres; in corn, 32,783 acres; in wheat, 8,683 acres ; in rye, 689 acres; in oats, 6,166 acres. Cotton prodvetion : 2,079 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.21 bale, 306 pounds seed-cotton, or 1 02 pounds cotton lint. The topographical features of Eutherford county may be described in the same terms as those of Cleaveland, which bounds it on the east. Like that, it is traversed from its northern limit, in the South mountains, by the parallel southerly courses of several large tributaries of the Broad river. Its northern half is in many places quite rugged and mountainous (being properly a part of the Piedmont division;, and its northwestern corner rests on 591 60 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. some of the summits of the Blue Ridge at an elevation of nearly 4,000 feet. Its soils and its agriculture correspond in all their features to those of Cleaveland county, and its cotton product has inci*eased seventeen -fold since 1870. Gold mining is also an industry of some importance, especially in the northern section, where placers are abundant and extensive on the flanks of the South mountains and in the beds of the streams at their base. Of the county area, 19.18 per cent, is tilled land, of which 15.1G per cent, is planted in cotton. Transportation is by wagon to the railroads of adjacent counties, and thence to Charlotte, Wilmington, and Charleston. RANDOLPH. Population: 20,836.— White, 17,758 ; colored, 3,078. Area: 701 square miles. — Woodland, 237,909 acres. Tilled lands: 91,093 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 595 acres; in tobacco, 45 acres ; in corn, 35,338 acres; in wheat, 29,443 acres ; in oats, 13,524 acres. Cotton production : 295 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.50 bale, 708 pounds seed-cotton, or 23G pounds cotton lint. The southern portion of Randolph county for a few miles from its border partakes in part of the character of the long-leaf pine belt, but for much the larger part of its territory it belongs strictly to the oak upland region, its surface being quite hilly and broken, and near the western margin there are several small mountains. Through its middle region, from northwest to southeast, is an elevated ridge or divide between the waters of the Deep river and the Yadkin which has an altitude of from 700 to 900 feet above the level of the sea. The western and southern sections of the county are characterized by the occurrence of sharp ridges and hills of slate, with light-gray, sandy, gravelly soil ; but the upper portion is much less broken, and consists of broad, flatfish swells, which constitute the divides between the upper waters of the Haw, Deep, and Uharie rivers, the latter being one of the tributaries of the Yadkin. The soils of this portion of the county are, for the most part, gray, gravelly loams, alternated here and there with red clay lands. Cotton is produced in only a small part of the southern half of the county, the production of small grains (700,000 bushels) constituting its principal agricultural feature. Of the county area. 20.44 per cent, is tilled land, of which only 0.65 per cent, is planted in cotton. There are several noted gold mines in this county. Transportation is furnished by the North Carolina railroad, which crosses the upper corner of the county. GUILFORD. Population: 23,585.— White, 16,885; colored, 6,700. Area; 6S2 square miles. — Woodland, 108,071 acres. Tilled lands: 120,722 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 283 acres; in tobacco, 910 acres; in com, 39,790 acres; in wheat, 27,743 acres; in rye, 354 acres; in oats, 20,774 acres. Cotton production : 114 bales, average cotton product per acre, 0.40 bale, 573 pounds seed-cotton, or 191 pounds cotton lint. > Guilford county lies in the middle of the midland plateau, and near its highest part, on the -water-shed between the Cape Fear and Dan rivers, which crosses its territory nearly midway in a west and east direction at an average elevation of between 800 and 1,000 feet above tide. In its physical characteristics and its agricultural features this county may be taken as a typical average of this region. This elevated swell of land between the water-courses, with its projections at right angles between the main tributaries of the above-mentioned rivers, is characterized by quite a uniform forest growth and soil, both of which may be taken as representative of these features for the major part of the midland division. Its forests consist mainly of oaks of various species and hickory, with a subordinate growth of short-leaf pine scattered quite uniformly over most of its area. Along its river and creek bottoms, which are in many parts of the county extensive, and in the southeastern section of the county — even on the uplands — are heavy forests of oak, intermingled with hickory, walnut, poplar, maple, etc. These lands have generally a reddish-clay loam soil. The soil of the higher and broad-backed ridges and swells is quite uniformly a yellowish sandy and gravelly loam, underlaid by a yellow and red-clay subsoil. The cotton zone barely touches the southern border, the chief crops of the county consisting of grains (of which the aggregate exceeds three-quarters of a million bushels) and tobacco, the product of which is nearly half a million pounds, grown mostly in the northern half of the county. Of the county area, 28.10 per cent, is tilled land, of which only 0.22 per cent, is planted in cotton. Gold, copper, and iron are found in many places, and have been mined on a considerable scale, chiefly before the war. Transportation is east, west, and north by rail to Richmond, Norfolk, and New York. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF DR. D. W. C. BENBOVf, OF GREENSBORO'. The principal soil is light sandy ; but about one-half the land of the region varies from tract to tract, and comprises sandy and red-clay soils, chiefly the former, and some dark loam. The natural growth is oak, hickory, ash, maple, dogwood, short-leaf pine, etc. The soil has a thickness of 5 inches over a subsoil of stiff clay, gravel, and hard-pan, and the chief crops are wheat, corn, oats, tobacco, and cotton. The height of cotton is usually 2 feet. One-third of this land lies "turned out"; it washes on the slopes, doing serious damage, but the Talieys are improved 50 per cent,. Very little effort is made to check damage. ALAMANCE. Population: 14,613.— White, 9,997 ; colored, 4,616. Area: 445 square miles. — Woodland, 71,239 acres. Tilled lands: 72,621 acres ; area planted in cotton, 211 acres; in tobacco, 1,6S8 acres ; in corn, 24,628 acres ; in wheat, 18,601 acres; in oats, 9,618 acres. Cotton production : 91 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.43 bale, 615 pounds seed-cotton, or 205 pounds cotton lint. 592 - AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 61 This county is drained by the upper waters of the Cape Fear river, and one of its principal tributaries, the Haw river, crosses it from the northwestern to the southeastern corner. The soils of this county are largely fertile Eed-clay loams, with oak and hickory forests. Slate hills, which rise to the elevation of low mountain chains, occupy' the southern end of the county, and have oak and pine forests and thin, sandy loam soils. The northern portion consists of alternating tracts of gray sandy loams and red clays. The cotton belt barely touches the southern edge of the county. The upper end is devoted to the production of tobacco, and the whole of it to grain crops, of which the yield is large. The manufacturing facilities of the county are very great, and, in number of cottpn-looms and spindles, Alamance stands first of all the counties in the state. There are also gold deposits, both vein and placer, in tho middle and southern sections. Of the county area, 25.50 per cent, is tilled land, of which 0.29 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Transportation is east and west by rail. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF J. A. GRAHAM, OF GRAHAM. The principal soil is sandy, and occupies two-thirds of the lands. A gray chalky soil comprises one-third ef the land. Tho former is in scattered patches, and has a growth of post oak, black-jack, chincapin, and white oak ; its thickness is 6 inches, over a subsoil of yellow clay. The chief crops are corn, wheat, oats, cotton, and tobacco, but the soil is best adapted to the last. One-fourth of such land is in cotton, and its usual height is 2 feet, but it is most productive at 2£ feet. Fresh land produces from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds, from 1,425 to 1,545 pounds making a bale. The yield after three years' cultivation is from 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre, 1,060 pounds making a bale; but the staple from fresh land rates the best. The worst pests in cultivation are crab-grass and rag-weed. Not more than one-fifth of such lands once cultivated now lies turned out. PERSON. Population: 13,719.— White, 7,206; colored, 6,513. Area : 401 square miles. — Woodland, 96,011 acres. Tilled lands: 71,634 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 2 acres; in tobacco, 5,868 acres ; in corn, 19,372 acres; in wheat, 8,974 acres ; in oats, 9,821 acres. Cotton production : 1 bale; average cotton product per acre, 0.50 bale, 711 pounds seed-cotton, or 237 pounds cotton lint. Person county lies outside of the cotton belt, and belongs to the bright tobacco zone. Near the middle of it rise several low mountain ridges of granite and slate, with oak and pine forests. These attain an altitude of about 1,000 feet (the general elevation being from 600 to 700 feet), and have a thin gravelly and sandy soil, while the other sections are alternately of this character and of red-clay soils of greater fertility. To the latter class belong especially the northwestern and southeastern sections. The chief agricultural interest is the production of tobacco of a high grade, in which industry this is one of the leading counties. To this crop the light sandy soils are peculiarly adapted. In tobacco product Person county is fourth in rank. Of the county area, 27.91 per cent is tilled land, of which only an insignificant portion is planted in cotton. Transportation is by wagon to the railroad in adjoining counties, and so to Richmond and the other markets. CASWELL. Population : 17,825.— White, 7,169 ; colored, 10,656. Area: 407 square miles. — Woodland, 76,200 acres. Tilled lands: 83,545 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 6 acres; in tobacco, 10,174 acres; in corn, 25,663 acres; in wheat, 10,841 acres ; in oats, 14,441 acres. Cotton production : 4 bales; average cotton product uer acre, 0.67 bale, 951 pounds seed-cotton, or 317 pounds cotton lint. Caswell county duplicates the features of Person, both agriculturally and topographically, except that the mountains are wanting. The larger part of its territory is devoted to the production of bright yellow tobacco, while grain crops 'occupy a comparatively subordinate position, and are produced principally along the river and creek bottoms which abound in the northern and eastern sections of this county. The northeastern section consists largely of red-clay lands, with oak and hickory forests, while the lighter tobacco soils occupy most of the southern and western portions. Caswell ranksthird among the tobacco counties in aggregate product. Of the county area, 32.07 per cent, is tilled land, of which 0.01 per cent, is planted in cotton. Transportation is furnished by the Ricbnumd and Danville railroad and a branch of it. ROCKINGHAM. Population: 21,744.— White, 12,431; colored, 9,313. Area: 582 square miles. — Woodland, 138,200 acres. Tilled lands: 77.439 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 5 acres; in tobacco, 9,332 acres; in corn, 25,175 acres; in wheat, 11,298 acres; in rye, 301 acres; in oats, 15,200 acres. Cotton production: 3 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.60 bale, 855 pounds seed-cotton, or 285 pounds cotton lint. Rockingham, like the two preceding, is a border county, and belongs to the same famous bright tobacco licit. It is traversed in a northeasterly course by the waters of the Dan river, and its southern section is drained by the upper tributaries of the Cape Fear (Haw) river. The northwestern corner of this county, constituting a bout one-third of its territory, near the Virginia line and north of the Dan river, consists for the most part of elevated flatfish ridges and swells having gray, yellow, gravelly loam soils, while the southern and eastern two-thirds of the county consist of alternating belts of these loams ami of red clays. Besides tobacco, in which this county ranks second, large crops of 38 o p — vol. n 5'j:i 62 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. grain are produced — upward of 000,000 bushels. Dau river, with its tributaries, furnishes abundant water-power, and the former stream is navigable in a small way for flat-boats. A bed of semi-bituminous coal, 3 feet in thickness, and of good quality, outcrops in the eastern section, but it has been but little mined. Of the county area, 20.79 per cent, is tilled land, of which only 0.01 per cent, is planted in Cotton. Shipments are made by rail to Danville, Richmond, and other markets. STOKES. Population: 15,353.— White, 11,730 ; colored, 3,G23. Area: 470 square miles. — Woodland, 131, 4S3 acres. Tilled land* : 53,309 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 13 acres ; in tobacco, 4,090 acres ; in corn, 19,969 acres ; in wheat, 9,374 acres; in rye, 1,195 acres ; in oats, 8,408 acres. Cotton production : 7 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.54 bale, 708 pounds seed-cotton, or 250 pounds cotton lint. Stokes is another border county, and belongs also to the bright tobacco belt. It is drained by the upper tributaries of the Dan, and belongs to the Piedmont division of the state. Its surface is for the most part quite rugged and broken, containing the terminal spurs and ridges of the Brushy mountains, which here attain au elevation of more than 2,500 ieet above the sea. The general elevation is above 1,000 feet. The forests of this county and of the Piedmont region generally contain au added element, the chestnut, on elevated ridges and mountain slopes, and the proportion increases with the elevation. A new species of oak also makes its appearance, the chestnut oak, which occupies the crests and upper slopes of the poorer stony and gravelly ridges of the whole mountain region. The proportion of sourwood (Oxydendron) also increases to such an extent in the Piedmont region as to become a marked characteristic of its forests, and is indicative of a scant soil. It is worthy of note that, with the extinction of the herbage which originally mantled the soil and kept it moist, the chestnut has almost disappeared in half a century from the upper midland counties, and is dying out slowly in the Piedmont region. The soils of this county resemble those of Rockingham, being predominantly yellow and gray gravelly loams, with occasional red-clay belts, the former well adapted to the production of the higher grades of tobacco, which constitutes the chief element of its agriculture, and in the total product of which this county stands filth. Its manufacturing facilities are great but undeveloped, and it is rich in iron ores. Its agriculture has the advantage of the presence of several limestone beds, and there are also outcrops of semi-bituminous coal in the southeastern sectiou. Of the county area, 17.52 per cent is tilled land, of which only 0.02 per cent, is planted in cotton. Transportation is by wagon, and occasionally by flat-boats on the Dan river. A railroad from Greensboro' is nearly finished to the border. PORSTTH. Population: 18,070.— White, 13,441 ; colored, 4,629. Area: 364 square miles. — Woodland, 91,053 acres. Tilled lands: 59,157 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 16 acres; in tobacco, 1,693 acres; in corn, 20,920 acres; in wheat, 13,590 acres; in rye, 492 acres; in oats, 11,780 acres. Cotton production : 10 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.63 bale, S91 pounds seed-cotton, or 297 pounds cotton lint. Forsyth county lies west of Guilford, and is bounded on the west by the Yadkin river. Through its middle portion is a broad swell or plateau, the divide between the waters of the Yadkin and Dan, with au elevation of from 1,000 to 1,200 feet, and having forests of oak. dogwood, sourwood, pine, etc. Its soils are light, gray loams. The tributaries of the Yadkin, which drain the southwestern section, abound in bottom lands of great fertility", and have heavy oak forests, interspersed with hickory, walnut, poplar, etc., while the middle, northern, and eastern section's are characterized largely by gray sandy loam soils, with forests of oak and pine. This county shows an increasing product of the better and medium grades of tobacco, but it produces chiefly grain crops — an aggregate of more than 500,000 bushels. Of the county area, 25.39 per cent, is tilled land, of which cotton occupies only 0.03 per cent. Transportation is by rail to Greensboro' and to the other markets beyond. DAVIE. Population: 11,090.— White, 7,770; colored, 3,326. Area: 2S9 square miles. — Woodland, 63,566 acres. Tilled lands: 59,272 acres. — Area planted in cottou, 790 acres; iu tobacco, 1,205 acres; in corn, 22,125 acres , in wheat, 13,244 acres; in rye, 444 acres; in oats, 13,366 acres. Cotton production : 302 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.38 bale, 546 pounds seed-cotton, or 182 pounds cotton lint. The small county of Davie lies in the angle between the Yadkin and the South Yadkin rivers, and resembles in its general features the preceding county. It also corresponds with that county in its agricultural productions. In the southern half ®f this county the soils belong largely to the class of red clays, and are covered with heavy oak forests, while the middle and northern portions have a mixed growth of oaks and pines and a light-gray, sandy, and gravelly soil. This section of the county is mainly devoted to the culture of tobacco. The river hills, flanking both the Yadkin and its chief tributaries, are quite broken, and have a productive gravelly loam soil and forests predominantly of oak. The elevation of the surface ranges from 700 to 1,000 feet, the average being about S50 feet above sea-level. The culture of cotton has recently entered the southern and western townships. The grain crop is quite large, exceeding 650,000 bushels; and latterly also tobacco has been cultivated to a considerable extent in the north and west sections, the soils of a large part of its territory being well adapted to the higher grades. There are several valuable iron-ore deposits in the county. Of the county area, only 32.05 per cent, is tilled land, and the proportion of cotton planted is 1.33 per cent, of the latter. Transportation is furnished by the Western Korth Carolina railroad, which crosses the adjacent county of Rowan. r>94 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES 63 YADKIN. Population :. 12,420.— White, 10,876; colored, 1,544. Area : 351 square miles.— Woodland, 89,582 acres. Tilled lands: 52,816 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 87 acres; in tobacco 425 acres; in corn, 21,735 acresf in wheat, 10,190 acres; in rye, 821 acres; in oats, 11,289 acres. Cotton production : 26 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.30 bale, 426 pounds seed-cotton, or 142 pounds cotton lint. Yadkin county bes immediately north of Davie, in the bend of the Yadkin river, which bounds it northward and eastward. It is traversed in a nearly east and west course by the Brushy mountains, which here drop down into low spurs and swells, the average elevation of the county being probably not greater than 1,200 feet. Its soils and forests are like those of Davie county. Its agricultural interest is divided between the production of tobacco and grain crops, the product of the latter nearly reaching half a million bushels. Cotton culture has invaded its southern border to a small extent within a few years. There are several iron mines in the county, but they have been little worked, as they are too far from market. Of the county area, 23.51 per cent, is tilled land, of which 0.16 per cent, is planted in cotton. No railroad has yet reached the county. SURRY. Population: 15,302.— White, 13,227; colored, 2,075. Area: 476 square miles. — Woodland, 188,031 acres. Tilled lands: 69,011 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 3 acres; in tobacco, 2,136 acres; in corn, 25,334 acres; in wheat, 9,823 acres ; in rye, 3,027 acres ; in oats, 9,199 acres ; in buckwheat, 71 acres. Cotton production : lbale; average cotton product per acre, 0.33 bale, 474 pounds seed-cotton, or 158 pounds cotton lint. Surry is a north border county contiguous to the Blue Ridge, and belongs to the Piedmont section of the state. The Yadkin river is its southern boundary. Its western section is quite mountainous, and there are small mountains in the middle; so that its surface is quite broken, and its average elevation is nearly 1,400 feet. Its soils and forests are like those of the neighboring counties, Stokes and Forsyth, the high slaty ridges and mountains, as well as much of the rolling surface, having a light gray, sandy loam soil and forests of oak and pine, with sourwood and chestnut, while the better tracts of reddish clay loams have a predominant growth of oaks, hickory, poplar, etc., with little or no pine. The agriculture of the county is like that of Stokes, tobacco of the better grades being the chief market crop, but of greatly less value than the grain product, which exceeds 500,000 bushels. The water-power of the county is notable, a number of large tributaries of the "Yadkin crossing its territory with a fall of several hundred feet. This is a feature common to the whole Piedmont region. There are several cotton factories and iron mines and forges in the county. Of the county area, 22.65 per cent, is tilled land, of which only an insignificant portion is cultivated in cotton. WILKES. Population: 19,181.— White, 17,257 ; colored, 1,924. Area : 626 square miles. — Woodland, 268,834 acres. Tilled lands: 80,512 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 107 acres; in tobacco, 110 acres; in corn, 34,865 acres; in wheat, 9,515 acres; in rye, 5,236 acres; in oats, 8,240 acres; in buckwheat, 218 acres. Cotton production : 29 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.27 bale, 387 pounds seed-cotton, or 129 pounds cotton lint. Wilkes county lies west of Surry, and differs from it only in being more mountainous and rugged and having a greater average elevation— not less than 1,500 feet. Its northern margin rests on the summits of the Blue Ridge (at an elevation of from 3,000 to 4,000 feet), its southern on the Brushy mountains (from 2,000 to 2,500 feet above sea- level), and its whole surface is carved into a succession of mountain ridges and narrow intervening valleys by the Yadkin and its numerous tributaries. Its agriculture and its forests may be described in the same terms as were those of Surry, except that, with the increase of elevation, the growth of chestuut increases, and a new forest element enters, to a small extent, in the white pine (P. strobus), both in the South mountains and on the flanks of the Blue Ridge. Along the margin of the Yadkin river and its larger tributaries are frequent and wide tracts of sandy and clay bottom lands. In various parts of the county are small areas of reddish clay soil, but much the larger part of it shows the average oak upland soil, yellow or gray sandy loam. The lighter soils are well adapted to the highest grades of tobacco, the culture of which begins to enter largely into its agriculture. Of the county area, 20.10 per cent, is tilled land, of which only 0.13 per cent, is planted in cotton. The water-power of the county is very large, the sources of its multitude of rivers having an elevation of from 2,000 to 3,000 feet above tide, and their mouths less than 1,000 feet. ALEXANDER. Population: 8,355. — White, 7,458; colored, 897. Area: 245 square miles. — Woodland, 82,690 acres. Tilled lands: 41,572 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 617 acres; in tobacco, 28 acres; in corn, 16,789 acres; in wheat, 6,376 acres; in rye, 760 acres; in oats, 7,503 acres. Cotton production : 182 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.29 bale, 420 pounds seed-cotton, or 140 pounds cotton lint. 505 64 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Alexander, one of tbe smallest counties in North Carolina, lies south of Wilkes, and is separated from it by the chain of the Brushy mountains. A large part of this county is traversed or penetrated by spurs and high ridges thrown off southward from that range, many of which rise to the elevation of 2,000 feet, and its territory is drained southward by the tributaries of the Catawba. The southeastern section, as well as the middle, is characterized largely by oak forests, with red clay soils, the higher divides and ridges and spurs showing a large admixture of pine and chestnut and a more open, light colored, and sandy soil. The northern, western, and northeastern sections are quite broken and mountainous. The culture of cotton has entered the territory of this county within the last few years, though its product amounts to but a few score of bales. Tobacco is cultivated to some extent on the lighter soils, but corn and wheat are the principal products. It has ample, but undeveloped, water-power, and it has iron-ore beds of considerable extent, as well as a great variety of other minerals. Of the county area, 26.51 per cent, is tilled land, of which 1.49 per cent, is planted in cotton. ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF AV. P. BURKE, OF TAYLORSVILLE. The chief soil is a clay gravelly loam, embracing three-fourths of the lands, and having a natural timber growth of oaks, hickory, and pine. The thickness of the soil is 8 inches over a red-clay subsoil. The chief crops are corn, wheat, and oats. The proportion planted in cotton is 1 acre in 25 ; the usual height is '.i feet, and it is most productive at 2^ feet. Fresh land produces COO pounds of seed-cotton per acre, 1,425 pounds making a bale of lint. None of these lands 'lie turned out. The soil easily gullies on slopes, but there is no serious damage done. Transportation is by wagon to the railroad at Statesville. CALDWELL. Population: 10,291.— White, 8,091; colored, 1,000. Area: 495 square miles. — Woodland, 151,037 acres. Tilled lands: 41,512 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 30 acres; in tobacco, 75 acres; in corn, 17,315 acres; in wheat, S,211 acres; in rye, 084 acres; in oats, 3,886 acres. Cotton production : 12 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.40 bale, 570 pounds seed-cotton, or 190 pounds cotton lint. Caldwell county lies upon the flanks of the Blue Bidge, and exteuds southward beyond the Brushy mountains, a smaller and parallel range 2,000 feet and more in altitude. It is drained by the upper tributaries of the Catawba river and of the Yadkin, the larger of which rise in the summits of the Blue Bidge and its culminating region in Grandfather mountain, which touches the elevation of nearly 0,000 feet above the sea. This mountain throws off a number of long, heavy spurs down to the middle of the county; and is traversed midway in a direction parallel to the other two chains by the Warrior mountains, so that its surface is for the most part quite broken and rugged ; but the different chains are separated by extensive open valleys, and there is a great area of river and creek bottoms. The lands in the middle and southern sections generally have a red clay or yellow sandy loam soil of more than medium fertility, while its higher regions, on the ridges and spurs of the mouutaius, are frequently slaty ledges, with gray sandy and gravelly soils of medium to low quality. Its forests are predominantly of oak in the middle section and of pine and oak in the southern and northern, that is, in the more mountainous regions, while in the latter section white pine, hemlock, and chestnut constitute a considerable element of the forest growth. The chief crops are grain, but tobacco culture has been recently introduced, and for a few years past a few bales of cotton have been raised in an experimental way. Of the county area, 13.10 per cent, is tilled land, of which 0.07 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Of minerals the county contains gold and iron, the former in both placers and veins. Transportation is furnished by the Western Korth Carolina railroad, which crosses the neighboring counties south, and a narrow-gauge road is nearly finished to the center of the county. BURKE. Population .- 12,809.— White, 10,088 ; colored, 2,721. Area: 4S9 square miles. — Woodland, 129,089 acres. Tilled lands: 42,545 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 752 acres; in tobacco, 5S acres; in corn, 22,013 acres; in wheat, 10,010 acres; in rye, 1,054 acres ; in oats, 3,455 acres. Cotton production : 301 bales : average cotton product per acre, 0.48 bale, GS4 pounds seed-cotton, or 228 pounds cotton lint. Burke county lies westward of Caldwell on both sides of the Catawba river, which traverses its middle section and drains its entire territory. Its southern flank lies upon the crests of the South mountains, which here reach an elevation of over 3,000 feet above the sea and send oft' spurs in a northerly and northeasterly direction almost to the middle of the county. The northern end is elevated upon two of the most massive spurs of the Blue Bidge, Linville and Table Bock, which here rise to an elevation of nearly 4,000 feet ; and from this are thrust out numerous long and rugged spurs and ridges in a southeasterly course. A large part of the territory of this county, 1 herefore, is mountainous, and the average elevation is not less than 1 ,300 feet. In its middle section are considerable tracts of red-clay soils, with forests predominantly of oak, hickory, etc, while the remainder of the county is characterized in this respect by mrxed forests of oak. pine, chestnut, etc., with white pine in the mountains of the south and north. The river and creek bottoms are very extensive and fertile, and have light-colored clays, loams, and sandy soils. In the middle section, on both sides of the river, the uplands usually have a red-clay soil and oak forests. The other parts of the county have soils of a lighter color, yellowish to gray loams, aud forests of the usual mixed character of the region — oak, pine, chestnut, sourwood, dogwood, etc. Placer gold mines are numerous in the South mountains, and there are several vein mines on the north side of the county. Cotton and tobacco have been added to the list of cultivated crops within a few years, but grain forms the chief crop, and has an aggregate yield of 400,000 bushels. Of the county area, 13.59 per cent, is tilled land, of which 1.78 per cent, is planted in cotton. Transportation is by rail, east and west. £05 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 65 Mcdowell. Population: 9,836.— White, 7,936; colored, 1,897. Area : 545 square miles. — Woodland, 122,129 acres. Tilled lands: 34,79S acres. — Area planted in cotton, 23 acres; in tobacco, 100 acres; in corn, 17,675 acres; in wheat, 6,397 acres; in rye, 1,360 acres; in oats, 1,690 acres. Cotton production : 9 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.39 bale, 558 pounds seed-cotton, or 186 pounds cotton lint. McDowell county lies on tbe eastern flank of the Blue Eidge near its highest parts, which exceeds in this region an elevation of 5,500 feet, and its whole territory may be described as mountainous. Its average elevation is more than 1,500 feet, and it is for the most part drained by the headwaters of the Catawba river. The southern and broader end of its triangular territory is traversed east and west by the South mountains, a long eastward projection or spur from the Blue Eidge. Along the course of the Catawba river and some of its chief tributaries are wide tracts of sandy and alluvial bottoms, which are very productive. Tbe hilly and mountainous tracts have the usual variety of gray and yellowish oak uplands soils of medium fertility and mixed forests of oak, pine, chestnut, etc. Eeddish clay-loam soils, with a preponderant oak forest, are found in patches here and there in the middle and southeastern sections. A large proportion of the soils of the county ate well adapted to the better grades of tobacco, and the agriculture of the county has the great advantage of an abundance of limestone in the northern and middle sections. Gold mining in the South mountains has long been an important industry, several mica mines having been opened, and some attention is given to lumbering. There is a large amount of valuable timber on the slopes of the Elite Eidge and in the mountain coves, which must become the foundation of important manufactures, and then there is an indefinite amount of water-power. Iron ores of low grade are abundant. Of the county area, 9.98 per cent, is tilled land, of which 0.07 per cent, is planted in cotton. Transportation is by rail, east and west. FOLK. Population : 5,062.— White, Q ,918 ; colored, 1,144. Area-: 257 square miles. — Woodland, 72,813 acres. Tilled lands: 21,027 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 1,646 acres; in corn, 10,632 acres; in wheat, 1,896 acres; in rye, 600 acres ; in oats, 877 acres. Cotton production : 362 bales; average cotton product per acre, 0.22 bale, 312 pounds seed-cotton, or 104 pounds cotton lint. Folk is the southernmost of the Piedmont counties, lying upon the border of South Carolina, and of the cotton belt, which barely enters its southeastern corner. Three-fourths of the territory of the county is very mountainous, as it is bounded westward by the Blue Eidge, and its western and northern sections are penetrated by heavy and long spurs, thrown out from that range, of equal height or greater. It is crossed from west to east and nearly its entire territory is drained by the waters of Green river, one of the principal tributaries of tbe Broad. Along this river valley, as well as on some of the tributaries, are wide stretches of bottom lands of clay and sandy loams. The middle part of tbe county is a somewhat broken plateau of 1,000 feet elevation, and has a gravelly and slaty soil of a light color and loose texture and low fertility, and inferior forests of pine, oak, and chestnut. The southeastern section is of the same character. A large part of the uplands and of the mountain slopes in the west and north has forests largely of oak and a yellowish or gray loamy soil of good quality. In the higher parts, except where the soil is of the better grades, chestnut and chestnut oak are abundant. The principal agricultural pursuit is the production of grain crops, cotton being a new crop to the region, and as yet little cultivated. There are several gold mines in the middle and southern sections. Of the county area, 12.78 per cent, is tilled land, of which 7.83 per cent, is planted in cotton. Produce is shipped south by rail. the; transmontane region. (Embraces the following counties: Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, Mitchell, Yancey, Madison, Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Graham, Clay, and Cherokee.) ALLEGHANY. Population: 5,486. — White, 4,967; colored, 519. Area: 276 square miles. — Woodland, 74,S59 acres. Tilled lands: 46,198 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in corn, 7,201 acres; in wheat, 1,760 acres; in rye, 3,121 acres; in oats, 1,933 acres; in buckwheat, 755 acres. Alleghany county ie situated on the Virginia border, and is bounded southward by the curves of Hie Blue Eidge. in its middle section is a parallel and higher chain. Its entire surface is drained northward into the New and tbe Kanawha rivers, this, with tbe two following counties, constituting the New River plateau or basin, the only part of the state drained by tbe Ohio. It lies on tbe northeastern end of tbe long, narrow, elevated transmontane plateau, and has an average elevation of not less than 2,800 feet. Its forests are of oak, chest nut. and pine, with an admixture of white pine in tbe coves of tbe Blue Eidge and between that and tbe Peach Bottom range. Its soils are the common gray and yellow upland loams. Along the banks of the New river and its principal tributaries, especially Little river, aie considerable tracts of bottom lauds. Its agriculture is divided between the production of grains and grasses and cattle raising. Its products of buckwbeat and rye aie next to the largest in the state. Of the county area, 26.15 per cent, is tilled land. CJ7 66 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. ASHE. Population : 14,437.— "White, 13,471 ; colored, 966. Area : 370 square miles. — Woodland, 166,973 acres. Tilled lands: 70,207 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in tobacco. 60 acres; in corn, 15,616 acres; in wheat, 5,473 acres; in rye, 4,685 acres ; in oats, 3,357 acres; in buckwheat, 818 acres. Ashe county lies in the northwestern corner of the state, adjoining the states of Virginia and Tennessee, its southeastern edge resting upon the summits of the Blue Ridge mountain chain. It ia very rugged and mountainous, the spurs of the Smoky mountains being thrust out almost across its entire territory and reaching at various points an elevation of nearly 5,000 feet, giving an average elevation of 3,500 feet above -tide. It is drained by the two forks of New river, which meet in its northeast corner. Its forests, soils, and agriculture resemble those of Alleghany county. Grass and cattle count for much in this region, and rye and buckwheat are its common crops, as well as of Alleghany and the whole transmontane plateau. In the former (rye) this county shows the largest product in the state, and in the second it is nearly equal to the best. White pine and hemlock, as well as poplar, sugar maple, wild cherry, and walnut, become important constituents of the forests in many places. Of the county area, 29.65 per cent, is tilled land. WATAUGA. Population: 8,160.— White, 7,746 ; colored, 414. Area: 370 square miles. — Woodland, acres. Tilled lands : 44,753 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 10 acres ; in corn, 8,227 acres ; in wheat, 2,957 acres ; in rye, 2,387 acres ; in oats, 1,828 acres ; in buckwheat, 951 acres. Cotton production : 3 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.30 bale, 429 pounds seed-cotton, or 143 pounds cotton lint. Watauga county occupies the whole breadth of the narrower part of the transmontane plateau, being bounded for the most part northwestward by the Smoky range and southeastward by the Blue Ridge. It is traversed in a northerly course by two massive cross-chains connecting the summits of the Blue Ridge and Smoky mountains, the Rich mountains and the chain of Hanging Rock and Beech. Its average elevation would about equal that of Ashe county — 3,500 feet. Its whole surface is fugged and mountainous, with the exception of a few limited tracts along the two principal rivers, where considerable valleys open out, with occasional stretches of bottom lands. The soils and forests, as well as the predominant agricultural features of this county, are like those of Ashe county. There is great abundance of chestnut in its forests, and on the Rich mountains there are great quantities of linden ( Tilia). Its high levels and benches are the best grass lands in the state, and in consequence cattle-raising enters largely into its agriculture. It also produces corn and small grains in considerable quantities, including wheat, rye, and buckwheat, the county leading in the last-named crop. Of the county area, 18.89 per cent, is tilled laud, of which very little is cultivated in cotton. MITCHELL. Population : 9,435.— W 7 hite, 8,932 ; colored, 503. Area : 401 square miles. — Woodland, 105,586 acres. Tilled lands : 31,975 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 15 acres; in tobacco, 77 acres; in corn, 11,894 acres; in wheat, 3,374 acres; in rye, 1,358 acres; in oats, 3,990 acres; in buckwheat, 378 acres. Cotton production : 6 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.40 bale, 570 pounds seed-cotton, or 190 pounds cotton lint. Mitchell county is a continuation of the southern Appalachian plateau, and with Yancey, the next county described, occupies the basin of the Nolechucky or Toe river, which drains the highest masses and summits of the Blue Ridge and Black mountains. On its northern border the Smoky mountains reach an elevation of 6,4(:0 feet, while the Blue Ridge, which forms its southeastern boundary, has an elevation ranging from 3,000 to nearly 6,000 feet. Its surface is for the most part very mountainous, and has an elevation which would probably reach an average of 3,000 feet above the sea. The mountains of this county, as well as those of the other parts of the plateau, are generally covered with heavy forests of oak, chestnut, and pine, with a mixture here and there in the coves and on the higher slopes of white pine, hemlock (Abies Canadensis), and black birch, w T hile the lower slopes are covered with linden (two species), sugar maple; poplar, walnut, cherry, ash, etc. The soils of this county vary in their texture and composition, and belong to the general region of oak uplands soils, being for the most part gray and yellow gravelly and sandy loams, with occasional strips of red lauds. The mountains here, as in the two preceding counties, are generally covered to their summits with a fertile soil and heavy forests, the exception being some of the higher dome-like masses of the Smoky mountains (notably the Roan), which are bald upon their summits, and are, in fact, simply prairies. The average elevation of this county above the sea will exceed 3,000 feet. Its agriculture resembles that of the two preceding counties, the conditions being well adapted for the most part to cattle-raising, as well as to the production of grain crops. Tobacco culture has recently been introduced, but mica mining is the most important and profitable industry, while along its northern border are some of the finest iron-ore beds known. The first southern mica mines were opened here in 1868. Of the county area, 12.46 per cent, is tilled laud, of which 0.05 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. 598 AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 67 YANCEY. Population: 7,694.— White, 7,369; colored, 325. Area: 276 square miles. — Woodland, 109,776 acres. Tilled lands: 34,703 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in tobacco, 84 acres; in corn, 11,200 acres; in wheat, 3,940 acres ; in rye, 1,290 acres ; in oats, 3,657 acres. The description of Mitchell, the preceding county, applies to Yancey. It completes with that the basin of the Toe river or Noleckucky, one of the main affluents of the Tennessee river. The massive spur of the Black mountains rises in the middle of its southern end and projects northward almost to its center. This spur reaches an elevation in its middle portion of nearly 7,000 feet, and is the highest mountain east of the Mississippi river. Between this mountain spur and the Blue Bidge is a deep, narrow valley, in which rises and flows South Toe river, while on its westward flanks rises, in a similar gorge, Caney river, another of the. confluents of the Noleckucky. The county is bounded on the southwest by a cross chain from the Blue Bidge to the Smoky mountains, the northwest Black mountains, which through a considerable part of its course reaches an elevation of 5,000 feet and upward. The whole territory of this county, therefore, is exceedingly rugged and mountainous, and the larger part of its surface is adapted only to grazing; but in the valleys and troughs between the mountain spurs and ranges are considerable stretches of undulating and hilly land and occasional tracts of considerable extent of bottom land, which are very productive in corn and small grains. The culture of tobacco has also penetrated into this county within the last few years. The tilled land occupies 19.65 per cent, of the county area. The timbers and soils are similar to those of Mitchell county, and mica mining holds here a similar place of importance. Above 5,000 feet the principal growth on the Black mountains is two species of fir, Abies Fraseri and A. nigra (spruce). These trees are also found on the summits of the Boan and Grandfather, and farther west on the Balsam mountains. Lumber mills have multiplied very rapidly in the great forests of the last three counties, and enormous quantities of cherry, walnut, ash, sugar maple, and poplar lumber have been manufactured and exported in the last year. MADISON. Population: 12,810.— White, 12,351; colored, 459. • Area: 457 square miles. — Woodland, 157,618 acres. Tilled lands : 57,490 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 12 acres ; in tobacco, 1,626 acres ; in corn, 17,816 acres ; in wheat, 7,702 acres; in rye, 816 acres; in oats, 4,23S acres. Cotton production : 4 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.33 bale, 474 pounds seed-cotton, or 15S pounds cotton lint. Madison county, with Buncombe, Henderson, and Transylvania, make the plateau or basin of the French Broad the largest of these natural subdivisions of the plateau. It is bounded northward by the Smoky mountains. Its territory is also very rugged and broken, being not only surrounded by heavy, massive chains of mountains, but crossed and cut up by heavy spurs of those principal chains. Its soils, forests, and agricultural productions are like those of the preceding counties, except that bright yellow tobacco has recently become its most important crop, and already nearly reaches a million pounds per annum. It has also a larger proportion of white pine in its forests, and its iron-ore deposits are extensive and valuable. Of the county area, 19.66 per cent, is tilled land, of which 0.02 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. BUNCOMBE. Population: 21,909.— White, 18,422; colored, 3,487. Area: 614 square miles. — Woodland, 226,454 acres. Tilled lands : 77,62s acres. — Area planted in cotton, 1 acre; in tobacco, 947 acres; in corn, 29,108 acres; in wheat 17,501 acres; in rye, 2,966 acres; in oats, 6,967 acres; in buckwheat, 575 acres. Buncombe county occupies the middle portion of the French Broad valley. Its eastern border lies upon the summits of the Blue Bidge and the Bbck mountains, and its western upon the summits of the cross-chain called the Newfound mountains. The valley of the French Broad here is a wide, open basin, with considerable tracts of undulating and hi ly land and moderately mountainous tracts, while along its margin on every side are heavy mountain spurs. The forests and soils are of the usual familiar description, and the agriculture resembles in its main features that of the Piedmont division, consisting chiefly of the production of grains, of which the total is 650,000 bushels, and to a moderate (but rapidly increasing) extent of tobacco. Cattle raising occupies a subordinate position. The tilled lands occupy 19.75 per cent, of the county area. The crossing of two great railroad lines at Asheville, in the center of the county, gives it a commanding commercial position, and it is the center of a great summer travel. The average elevation of the French Broad plateau is about 2,500 feet. DENDEBSON. Population: 10,281.— White, 8,893 ; colored, 1,388. Area : 351 square miles. — Woodland, 106,441 acres. Tilled lands: 38,595 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 10 acres; in tobacco, 29 acres; in corn, 16,407 acres; in wheat, 2,598 acres; in rye, 3,734 acres; in oats, 2,908 acres; in buckwheat, 107 acres. Cotton production: 4 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.40 bale, 570 pounds seed-cotton, or 190 pounds cotton lint. 599 68 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Henderson county is a continuation southward of the French Broad valley described in Buncombe county, and its topographical features are very similar, except that there are broader areas of comparatively level and undulating lands, but of less fertility, the soils being predominantly light* gray gravelly loams, and its forests being mixed growths of oak and pine,, with hemlock and chestnut. Near the water-courses, in the mountain coves, are found walnut, cherry, maple, and occasionally white pine. The chief productions of this county are corn and small grains, the culture of tobacco being very recently introduced, and then only te a very small extent. There is a large aggregate surface of bottom lands in the county, those on the French Broad being very extensive aud fertile. Of the county area, 17.18 per cent, is tilled land, of which 0.03 per cent, is cultivated in cotton. Transportation is southward by rail. TRANSYLVANIA. Population: 5,310.— White, -1,823 ; colored, 517. Area: 382 square miles. — Woodland, 77,815 acres. Tilled lands : 17,967 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in corn, 9,762 acres; in wheat, S69 acres ; in rye, 3,2S9 acres ; in oats, 257 acres. Transylvania county occupies the upper portion of the valley of the French Broad, and lies along the flanks of the Blue Ridge and on the southern border of the state. It is bounded westward by a heavy cross-chain from the Blue Ridge to the Smoky mountains, the Balsam mountains, which rises throughout a considerable part of its course above 6,000 feet. This county is therefore the most elevated portion of the plateau of the French Broad. It is mostly mountainous and rugged, with spurs and knobs of mountains thrust out from the cross-chains which bound it. There are very extensive tracts of bottom lands along the tortuous course of the French Broad, reaching often a breadth of 1 or 2 miles, which are very fertile and produce immense crops of corn. The larger portion of the county, however, is only adapted to grazing. Its forests resemble those of the plateau generally, but contain a larger intermixture of white pine, as well as of hemlock, sugar maple, walnut, and cherry. The tilled lauds occupy 7.35 per cent, of the county area. HAYWOOD. Population: 10,271.— White, 9,7S7 ; colored, 484.* Area: 582 square miles. — Woodland, 115,632 acres. Tilled lands: 40,474 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in tobacco, 100 acres; in corn, 17,254 acres; in wheat, 10,054 acres; in rye, 757 acres; in oats, 4,099 acres; in buckwheat, 633 acres. Haywood county occupies the plateau or basin between the parallel cross-chains of the Newfound and the Balsam mountains, which lie at right angles to the main chains (the Blue Ridge and Smoky) at an average distance from each other of about 20 miles. This basin is drained by the waters of Pigeon river, one of the tributaries of the French Broad, which enters it beyond the Smoky mountains in Tennessee. This county is hemmed in on all sides by high mountain chains of 3,000, 5,000, and 6,000 feet and more above the sea. Its territory is exceedingly broken and rugged; yet there are considerable tracts of open, moderately hilly lands along the water courses, and occasional wide stretches of fertile bottoms, especially on the upper confluents of the river and near the middle of the basin. The average elevation is above 3,000 feet. The soils are of the usual description, and are above average fertility. It is one of the best grazing sections, and produces all the grain crops of the region, including rye and buckwheat, but, as yet, little tobacco. The mountains are clothed to their summits with forests of a great range of species. On the lower slopes and in the rich coves, besides the usual characteristic oaks, hickories, cucumbers, poplar, chestnut, etc., are found in abundance walnut, black locust, cherry, and ash, and a little higher sugar maple, linden, black birch, and beech, and on the highest ranges two species of fir. Since the advent of the railroad lumbering is rapidly becoming an important industry. The tilled land occupies 10.S7 per cent, of the county area. JACKSON. Population: 7,343.— White, 6,591 ; colored, 752. Area: 532 square miles. — Woodland, 136,317 acres. Tilled lands: 2S,606 acres. — Area planted in cotton, 16 acres; in corn, 12,793 acres; in wheat, 4,217 acres; in rye, 1,583 acres; in oats, 1,521 acres; iu buckwheat, 175 acres. Cotton production : 6 bales ; average cotton product per acre, 0.38 bale, 534 pounds seed-cotton, or 178 pounds cotton lint. Jackson county is quite similar to Haywood in its topographical and agricultural features, but is more rugged, and has less open bottom and valley land. It occupies the basin of the Tuckasegee river, a tributary of the Tennessee, lies west of the Balsam mountains, is bounded by the Coweecross-chain on the west and extends south to the Blue Ridge, and includes a high plateau beyond it of nearly 100 square miles, with an elevation of from 3,500 to 4,000 feet above sea-level. The county is well adapted to the production of grass. The soils, forests, and productions are like those of Haywood. Mica is mined in the county in many places, and gold is found on theplateau south of the Blue Ridge. Of the county area, 8.4 per cent, is under tillage, and of this 0.06, per cent, is in cotton. A railroad has been recentlv graded across the county. coo AGRICULTURAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COUNTIES. 69 MACON. Population: 8,064.— White, 7,395; colored, 669. Area: 539 square miles. — Woodland, 170, 170 acres. Tilled lands : 32,630 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in tobacco, 46 acres ; in corn, 14,423 acres; in wheat, 5,565 acres ; in rye, 1,823 acres ; in oats, 1,621 acres. Macon county occupies the valley of the Tennessee river, which flows through its center from beyond the Georgia border, on the south, toward the Smoky mountains. This is a wide, open valley, along which are considerable bodies of comparatively level and hilly lauds; with extensive bottoms along the river and its principal tributaries, recalling in its general features the basin of the French Broad, though much less extensive. Tbe county is better adapted to the cultivation of grains and has a larger area capable of such cultivation than the neighboring counties; but a large part of its territory is very mountainous, being hemmed in ou all sides by high mountain ranges. Along its western side lies the massive chain of the Nantehaleh mountains, with its numerous heavy, ragged spurs, and on the western margin is a deep canon, drained by the river of the same name. There are two notable plateaus in the south end of the county on the summit of the Blue Bidge, one on the headwaters of the east fork of the Tennessee, and the other on those of the Nantehaleh, both of them ranging from 3,500 to 4,000 feet in altitude. The larger part of the area of the county is, therefore, better adapted to grazing than to anything else. The soils and forests are like those of the counties above described. The tilled land comprises 9.46 per cent, of the county area. The culture of tobacco has been recently introduced to a small extent, and mica mining is carried on extensively. There are also considerable deposits of iron ore, and the only extensive or profitable corundum mine in this country is found here. The beautiful red marble is found ou the Nantehaleh river. A railroad has been recently graded across the northern end of the county. SWAIN. . Population: 3,784.— White, 3,234 ; coloied, 550. Area: 445 square miles. — Woodland, 107,825 acres. Tilled lands: 13,828 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in corn, 6,809 acres; in wheat, 1,473 acres; in rye, 515 acres ; in oats, 757 acres. Swain county lies north of Ma_con and Jackson, along the waters of the Tennessee river, and on the flanks of the great Smoky mountains on the north, which here reach their culmination in elevations of nearly 6,700 feet. With the exception of some open valley tracts near its center along the before-mentioned river and its tributaries, the' territory of this county is exceedingly rugged and broken. The proportion of cultivable land is very small. It is heavily timbered, even to the highest summits of the Smoky mountains, with the prevalent mountain forest growths. The higher levels of the Smoky mountains, about 5,000 feet above sea-level, are covered with forests of firs, while the more elevated coves abound in white pine and hemlock, and its deep gorges and lower slopes with maple, poplar, linden, hickory, chestnut, buckeye, walnut, magnolias, and cherry. The summits of the high mountains furnish fine natural pasturage, and grazing has always been the chief industry. The approach of the railroad, which has been graded through its middle section, will speedily develop an extensive lumber interest. The tilled land occupies 4.86 per cent, of the county area. GRAHAM. Population: 2,335.— White, 2,123 ; colored, 212. Area : 307 square miles. — Woodland, 49,767 acres. Tilled lands : 8,212 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in corn, 4,222 acres; in wheat, 718 acres; in rye, 566 acres; in oats, 628 acres. Graham county, lying south of the Tennessee river, is bounded on the west by the Smoky mountains and on the south by a high cross-chain called Long Bidge. It resembles Swain county very closely in its physical as well as its agricultural features. Its forests are a continuation of those of Swain, except that the mountains here do not reacli the elevation necessary to produce the fir. There is some open valley and hilly land on the Cbeowah river and its tributaries, which drains most of its surface. Its population is small, and its agriculture little developed, as there, are no accessible markets. Its soils and timber are capable of becoming the basis of thriving industries as soon as the projected Rabun Gap and Knoxville railroad shall be completed. The tilled land occupies 4.18 per cent, of the county area. CLAT. ♦ Population: 3,316. — White, 3,175 ; colored, 141. Area: 1S9 square miles. — Woodland, 60,606 acres. Tilled lands: 15,063 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in tobacco, 25 acres; in corn, 7,810 acres; in wheat, 3,282 acres; in rye, S54 acres; in oats, 1,230 acres. The smaK county of Clay, lying on the southern border, touches the state of Georgia, and is bounded on the east by Macon county, which it resembles very closely in all its features, physical and agricultural, and m its development. It is drained in a westerly direction by the Hiawassee river, which takes its rise in the Blue Bidge, in Georgia. Its eastern section lies upon the high plateau of the upper Nantehaleh river, and on the north lies the chain of the Koneteh mountains. A large part of its territory is very mountainous. It has line, open valley lauds on the river and its tributaries. Its southern section is hilly, somewhat mountainous, with lair agricultural capabilities. Both gold and mica are found, but have not been mined on any considerable scale. The tilled laud occupies 12.45 per cent, of the county area. 601 \ 70 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE. Population: 8,182.— Whites, 7,796; colored, 386. Area : 470 square miles. — Woodland, 149,150 acres. Tilled lands: 28,003 acres. — Area planted in cotton, none; in tobacco, 42 acres; in corn, 14,507 acres; in ■wheat, 4,317 acres ; in rye, 1,120 acres ; in oats, 1,534 acres. Cherokee county occupies the extreme western corner of the state, of which it includes the whole breadth, at this point less than 20 miles. It is bounded in part on the north by the Smoky mountains, and touches the states of Tennessee and Georgia on the west and south. For the most part it resembles Clay county in its soils and agriculture. The valley of the Valley river is open and comparatively level, with extensive bottoms and bordering hilly lands. This valley is nearly 20 miles long and from 3 to 5 miles broad, and contains a large proportion of tine agricultural lauds. The forests resemble those of the neighboring counties, and have been sufficiently described. Its agriculture is divided between the culture of grains and grasses and cattle-raising, and mines of gold, iron, and soapstone have been opened and wrought for many years. The iron-ore deposits are of great extent, and there is a great variety of colored marble on Valley and Nantehaleh rivers which needs only transportation to become valuable. The tilled lands occupy 9.51 per cent, of the county area. 602 PART III. CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC DETAILS OF COTTON PRODUCTION. 71 C03 REFERENCE LIST OF NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CORRESPONDENTS. SEABOARD OR TIDE-WATER REGION. Pasquotank.— E. W. Hallowell, Elizabeth City, February 10, 1880. Perquimans. — W. Nixon, Winfall, January, 1880. Chowan. — L. W. Parker, Small Cross-roads, January 6, 1880 Tyrrell.— E. Leigh, Fort Lauding, February 24, 1880. Washington. — J. P. Newberry, Plymouth, January 7, 1880 Beaufort.— R. \V. Wharton, Washington, January 10, 1880. Pamlico. — J. S. Lane, Stonewall, January 29, 1880. Craven. — C. Duffy, jr., New Berne, March 24, 1880 ; J. Humphrey, New Berne, January 12, 1880. Carteret— k. Oaksmith, Hollywood, February 23, 1880; J. H. Becton. Harlowe, May 26, 1880. Jones. — H. C. Foscue, Pollocksville, February 15, 1880. New Hanover.- — A. R. Black, Wilmington. Brunswick. — W. G. Curtis, Smithville, January 9, 1880. Columbus. — D. S. Cowan, Robeson, January 15, 1880. LONG-LEAF PINE REGION. Gates.— 3. J. Gatling, Gatlington, March 10, 1880. Hertford.— D. A. Barnes, Murfreesboro', June 30, 1880. Bertie.— J. B. Cherry, Windsor, February 24, 1830 ; E. E. Ethacidge, Colerain, April 3, 1880. Northampton. — J. B. MacRae, Jackson, July 23, 1880. Halifax.— J. N. Smith, Scotland Neck, June, 1880 ; R. H. Smith, Scotland Neck, December 18, 1880 ; J. H. Parker, Enfield, February 6^ 1880. Martin.— William Slade, Williamston, December 24, 1880 ; J. R. Lanier, Williamston, May 10, 1880. Pitt,—W. M. B. Brown, Greenville, April 15, 1880 ; J. Joyner, Marlboro', March 20, 1881. Greene— W. E. Best, Snow Hill, January 20, 1830 ; W. P. Grimsley, Snow Hill, January 30, 1880. Edgecombe— W. G. Lewis, Tarboro', April 14, 1880 ; J. L. Bridgers, Tarboro', March 27, 1880 ; J. J. Battle, Rocky Mount, April 15, 1880;. E. Can-, Old Sparta, January 13, 1880. Nash.— J. M. Mayo, Whitaker's, June 1, 1880. Wayne. — J. Robinson, Goldsboro', January 28, 1880. Johnston. — E. J. Holt, Princeton, March 5, 1880. Harnett.— H. C. McNeill, Lillington, January 30, 1880. Moore. — J.C.Campbell, M. D., Carthage; J. M. Joy, Jonesboro', April 15,1880. Cumberland.— O. Evans, Idaho, January 1, 1880. Sampson.— A. A. McKay, Clinton, February 10, 1880. Duplin.— J. B. Oliver, Faison's, January 30, 1880 ; J. A. Bryan, Kenansville, June 5, 1880. Bladen.— D. A. Lamont, Brinkland, February 2, 1830. OAK UPLANDS REGION. Granville.— J. W. Hunter, Kittrell's, March 22, 1880; S. P. J. Harris, Henderson, February 6, 1880. Franklin. — B. Burwell, Louisburg. Wake— O. W. Shaffer, Raleigh, January 5, 1880. Orange— C. W. Johnston, Chapel Hill, February 16, 1880. Alamance. — J. A. Graham, Graham, March 1, 1880. Guilford.— D. W. C. Benbow, M. D., Greensboro', January 29, 1880. Chatham.— J. F. Rives, Pedlar's Hill, February 2, 1830; R. J. Powell, Pittsboro', February 6, 1380; J. W. Scott,Haywood, January 1, 1880. Powan.—J. G. Ramsay, Scotch Ireland, June 14, 1880. Cabarrus. — J. McDonald, Concord, January 20, 1880. Anson. — W. A. Liles, Wadesboro', March 8, 1880. Union. — H. M. Houston, Monroe, January 30, 1880. Mecklenburg.— W. E. Ardrey, Piueville, February 18, 1830 ; R. I. McDowell, Charlotte, March 25, 1880. Gaston.— J. Stowe, Lowell, January 27, 1880. Lincoln. — W. A. Graham, Iron Station, February, 1880. Cleareland.— E. P. Chambers, Stice's Shoal, March 24, 1880; J. B. Loga», Shelby, March 2, 1880. Alexander.— W. P. Burke, Taylorsville, June 24, 1880. 72 604 SUMMARY OF ANSWERS TO SCHEDULE QUESTIONS. This part of the report embraces a summary of the answers given to each question or group of questions included in schedules sent to farmers in different parts of the cotton region of the state. Forty-eight of the counties in which cotton is growu are here represented. When a special auswer is given, the name of the county from which it comes is put in italics, and separated by semicolon. TILLAGE, IMPROVEMENT, ETC. 1. Usual depth of tillage (measured on land-side of furrow) : What draft is employed in breaking up? From 3 to 6 inches in the great majority of counties throughout the Chowan, Beaufort, Lincoln, and Moore. The draft employed state. From 2 to 3 inches in Perquimans, Jones, Columbus, is usually one or two horses or mules. Beaufort: Double Guilford, Cabarrus, and Martin. In breaking up, 8 inches in teams on large farms. 2. Is subsofling practiced ? If so, with what implements, and with what results ? It is not practiced in fourteen counties of the coaBt and long-leaf prevalent. Murphy's subsoil plow is used in several counties ; pine regions and in Granville county, of the oak upland region. in others either the bull-tongue, colter, or shovel plow. Ee- To a small extent in all other counties except Beaufort, Anson, suits are excellent everywhere except in Orange, Alamance, Union, Edgecombe, and Harnett, where the custom is more Lincoln, Halifax, Martin, Jone"s, Moore, and Duplin. 3. Is fall plowing practiced ? With what results? Not at all in Dare, Carteret, Jones, Wake, Northampton, Greene, counties, especially on stiff or heavy landin Beaufort, Halifax, and Harnett; very little in twenty-six counties, and to a and Nash; not much bettor than spring plowing in Union, large extent in the rest. Eesnlts are good in all but four 4. Is fallowing practiced ? Is the land tilled while lying fallow, or only " turned out"? r In twenty-eight counties fallowing with tillage is not practiced, lands are tilled while lying fallow. In Chowan only " turned the land only being " turned out ". In Granville, Franklin, out " when very rough. In a few other counties fallowing is Orange, Guilford, Eowan, Cabarrus, Alexander, and Pitt the practiced to a small extent. Eesults are not given. 5. Is rotation of crops practiced? If so, of how many years' course, in what order of crops, and with what results ? In eighteen counties rotation is either not practiced at all or to a order prevails ; results are generally good for cotton, except very small extent, cotton being planted continuously from in Alamance and Martin. In Guilford corn impoverishes but year to year; usually, in three years' course, corn and small wheat improves the land. In Lincoln cotton is planted two grain and pease or potatoes following cotton. N T o regular or three years, and then corn one year. 6. What fertilizers, or other direct means of improving the soil, are used by you, or in your region ? Is green- xnanuihig practiced? With what results? The use of commercial fertilizers is reported from twenty-eight some of the counties commercial fertilizers alone are thought counties, and in ten of these no other fertilizer is mentioned. to be unprofitable G-reen-manuring is not practiced to any In all other counties composts of stable manure, with other extent iu twenty-four counties; in others, cow-pease, grass, material, such as leaves, muck, lime, ashes, cottonseed, etc., and sometimes clover are turned under, and yield good re- are in general use. Marls are put on the land in Pamlico, suits, except in Duplin, where "there is no marked benefit". Craven, Columbus, Pitt, Edgecombe, Duplin, and Bladen. In 7. How is cottonseed disposed of? If sold, on what terms, or at what price? Is cottonseed-cake used with you for feed ? In thirty-six counties the seed is used or sold only for manure, while in any of the forty-three counties from whence answers wore in the others it is partly fed to stock for feed. Its price is received, except Wake, whore very little is fed to cows. from 10 to 12J cents per bushel. Cottonseed-cake is not used 73 605 74 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. PLANTING AND CULTIVATION OF COTTON. 8. What preparation is usually given to cotton land before bedding up ? In seven of the counties no preparation is given the land before bedding up. Iu twenty-four counties spring plowing is done ; in nine counties fall or winter plowing is practiced some- times. The old stalks are usually plowed under. St iv Han- over : The land is well broken, and sometimes subsoiled.. Moore: Fall plowing is best for stubble land, spring plowing; for hard gravelly land ; but no preparation is necessary for a, sandy or clay soil. 9. Do you plant in ridges ? How far apart ? Cotton is planted iu drills only in Greene county. In all others ridges are usually preferred. A distance of from 3 to 4 feet 10. What is your usual planting time"? The earliest dates given are Maxell 15 in Carteret, and April I in Rowan, April 10 iu Pamlico and Cabarrus, April 15 to 25 in thirty-one counties, May 1 in eleven counties, and May 15 jn 11. What variety do you prefer? How much seed is used per acre? between the ridges is the almost universal width, Granville, Alamance, Franklin, and Greene alone giving a less distance. Union. The longest planting season given is in Carteret — March 15 to June 1. There are fifteen varieties of cotton mentioned, and in a majority of counties no preference is expressed between several of tho varieties. The Dixon is, however, most generally planted, its name appearing in twenty-three counties. Tho Johnson is mentioned six times, Boyd's, Peeler, and Simpson varieties three times, Sugar-Loaf twice, and Matagorda silk, Clintoa, Petit Gulf, and others once each. Iu twenty-four counties, frouil to 2 bushels; in seventeen counties, sometimes as much as 3 bushels ; and six counties, occasionally 4 bushels. Chowan: From one-half to 1 bushel. 12. What implements do you use in planting ? Are " cottonseed planters " used iu your region ? What opinion is held of their efficacv or convenience I In twenty-nine counties cotton-planters are used either of some patent or home-made. A harrow usually precedes the planter, and sometimes a drill is made. Iu other counties (fourteen) the row is opened with a plow, the soed dropped by hand, and covered with a board attached to a plow-stock. In all 13. How long usually before your seed comes up? For favorable season the time is put at from 3 to 5 days in fourteen counties, from 6 to 8 days iu nineteen counties, 9 to 10 days in eight counties, 14 days in Orange and Lincoln, and 14 days, if soaked before planting, in Alamance. In unfavorable weather 14. At what stage of growth do you thin out your stand, and how far apart? but five counties cotton-planters, where used, are in grea, favor; "they save labor, are convenient, plant regularly, and economize seed." Anson : Liked where land is not too rough. Columbus: Not entirely reliable, though convenient. it sometimes is from 21 to 30 days before the plant appears ir> Perquimans, Chowan, Pamlico, Carteret, Cabarrus, Lincoln, and Pitt counties. in Pamlico. One or two plants are left standing at from 12 to 15 or 18 inches apart in the majority of counties ; 6 to 8* inches iu Wake, Alamance, Rowan, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Alexander, and Greene; 24 inches in Orange. In twenty-eight counties, when the plant is well up or from 2 to 4 leaves have appeared, or when from 3 to 6 inches above ground. When plants are from 10 to 15 days' old in Washing- ton, Brunswick, Granville, Orange, Chatham, Gates, Harnett, and Cumberland. After 21 days in Bladen ; when 6 weeks' old 15. Is your cotton liable to suffer from " sore-shin" 1 In ten connties, mostly iu the coast region, the disease is not known ; in twelve others it seldom appears, while in twenty-two it is very prevalent. Craven, Granville, and Edgecombe : Only when 10. What after-cultivation do you give, and with what implements 1 Northampton and Halifax: Bar off, chop out grass with hoes, then usually going over the field three or four times and chopping; use a very small plow to throw the dirt back to the plant; then out the grass between plants with a hoe. Fourteen counties- use only cotton plows. Martin and Nash : Run along close to use sweeps and hoes only, giving a shallow cultivation., the cotton with a fine-toothed harrow; then chop out and Cleaveland : Use the bull-tongue -plow, harrow, and hoe. side up with a sweep. Hertford : Use cotton plow, weeding-hoe, and sweeps ; work Twelve counties use scraper, turn-plows, sweeps, and cultivators, the land about every 10 days. 17. What is the height usually attained bv vour cotton before blooming? bruised with the hoe. Washington, Beaufort, Wake, Cabarrus r Mecklenburg, Cleaveland, Gates, Bertie, and Bladen: Iu wet, cold weather. Pitt: When spring winds are high. From 6 to 8 inches in Franklin and Harnett ; from 12 to 18 inches in most of the other counties. Pasquotank, Perquimans, Dare, Beaufort, New Hanover, Brunswick (of the coast), Pitt, Cum- 18. When do you usually see the first blooms ? Beaufort, Pamlico, Craven, Anson, Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Wayne, Johnston, and Bladen : June 25 to 28. All other counties July 19. When do the bolls first open? July 15 in Wayne; August 1, Pamlico, Carteret, Franklin, Poican, and Cleaveland; August 10 to 15, in Chowan, Washington. Beau- fort, Craven, Gates, Northampton, Martin, Nash, Harnett, Cum- 60t> berland, Sampson, and Bladen (long-leaf pine region), and* Orange, Chatham, and Lincoln (oak uplands), from 24 to X ; inches. 1 to 10, except Columbus and Guilford, where August and Ser>- tember are given as the dates. berland, Bladen Chatham, Anson, and Gaston. From August 1&- to September 1, in all other counties, except Columbus, isa which October is named. CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC DETAILS. 75 20. When do you begin your first picking ? September 1 in Chowan, Washington, Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, and counties. From September 15 to October 1 in all other coun- Brunsiviek (coast region), Gates, Martin, and Wayne (long-leaf ties, except Columbus, in which the first picking is made in pine), Franklin, Orange, Chatham, Cabarrus, Anson, Gaston, and the latter part of October. Cleaveland (oak uplands) ; September 10 to 15 in twenty-one 21. How many pickings do you usually make, and when? Do you ordinarily pick all your cotton ? Two pickings in Chowan, Pamlico, and Guilford; four in Wake, other counties during September, October, and November, or Cabarrus, Northampton, and Duplin, in September, October, from two to four weeks apart. In all of the counties, except November, and December. Three pickings usually in all Bladen, the cotton is usually all gathered. 22. At what date does picking usually close? November 1 in Guilford; November 15 in Dare; December 1 in December 10 or 15 in sixteen counties; from December 15 to Washington. Franklin, Orange, Alamance, Chatham, Union, January 1 in all others. Cleaveland, Pitt, Wayne, Harnett, Sampson, and Bladen ; 23. At what time do you expect the first "black frost" ? October 1 in Alexander ; October 10 or 15 in Beaufort, Craven, Car- burg, Gaston, Lincoln, Cleaveland (oak uplands) ; from Oc- teret, New Hanover (coast region), Bertie, Martin, Greene, tober 15 to November 1 in nineteen counties; November 10 Edgecombe, Nash, Harnett (long-leaf pine), Granville, Frank- or 15 in Pamlico, Columbus, Northampton, and Bladen, lin, Orange, Alamance, Chatham, Anson, Union, Mecklen- 24. Do you pen your seed-cotton in the field, or gin as the picking progresses? In no county is it reporced as penned in the field. In fourteen counties cotton is ginned as the picking progresses. Anson: counties it is housed mostly in the gin-house until each pick- Large planters gin as picking progresses; others only when ing is over, or till time can be had for ginning. In all other convenient. GINNING, BALING, AND SHIPPING. 23. What gin d® you use? How many saws ? What motive power? How much clean lint do you make in a day's run of 10 hours? Which mechanical "power" arrangement do you prefer with horse-power? There are 14 different gin patents in use in the state as far as re- Georgia gin of 30 saws, with 3 mules, will make 2,000 pounds; 35 ported. Of these the Brown is mentioned in 25 counties, the saws, with 2 mules, 1,200 pounds ; 40 saws, with water, 1,500 Georgia in 12, the Hall in B, the Taylor in 4, Emery in 3, and pounds ; 50 saws, with mules, from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds ; 50 others in 1 or 2 counties each. These are the Carver, Needle, saws, with 10 horse-power engine, 5,000 pounds; 60 saws, with Carolina, Carter, Clements, Griswold, Rowland, Massey, and water, 3,000 pounds. Excelsior. The number of saws vary from 40 to 100 in each gin. Hall's giu of 50 or CO saws, with steam, from 3,000 to 4,000 pounds. The motive power is steam, water, and horses or mules; but a The Needle gin of 50 saws, with 8 horse-power engine, 2,000 pounds; preference for steam is reported in 16 counties, for water in 5 50 saws, with 10 horse-power engine, 5,000 pounds. counties, and for mules in 1 county. The following capacity of Rowland's Carolina gin of 50 saws, with water-power, 4,000 pounds. each gin in ten hours' run with the different powers is given: Emery's gin of 50 saws, with steam, from 3,000 to 4,000 pounds; 50 Brown's gin of 40 saws, with 4 horse-power, steam, will make 1,875 saws, with water, 2,500 pounds. pounds ; 40 saws, with 12 horse-power, steam, 4,000 pounds; Taylor's giu of 40 saws, with horse-power, 1,000 pounds. 45 saws, with hor3e-power, 1,600 pounds; 50 saws, with horse- Asa "power" arrangement with mules or horses we prefer that power, 1,600 pounds ; 50 saws, with steam, from 2,000 to 4,000 made here; it has a large driving-wheel, cog-gearing, and pounds; 60 saws, with water, 3,125 ponuds; 70 saws, with band-wheel (Pasquotank). water, 3,500 pounds. 26. How much seed-cotton, on an average, is required for a 475-pound bale of lint ? In most of the counties 1,425; sometimes 1,310 in Columbus, Pasquo- Halifax; 1,545 in New Hanover and Gates; 1,660 in Wake tank, and Edgecombe ; 1,450 in Alamance ; 1,485 in Pamlico, and Orange. Craven, Cleaveland. Northampton, and Harnett ; 1,515 in 27. What press is generally used in your region for baling? What is its capacity ? In many of the counties home-made screws are in use. There are fif- pass, Hart's, and Southern Standard. Their capacity is from teen patented iron screw presses reported, Ball's and Brooks' 10 to 15 bales per day, or about 1 bale per hour. "The Cot- being mentioned six times each, Cockade three times, and ton King will, with three men, pack a bale in ten minutes", the following once or twice each : Caldwell, Centennial, Dixie, (Harnett). Boss, Roanoke, Godwin's, Eclipse, Beasley, Cotton King, Com- 28. Do you use rope or iron ties for baling? If the latter, what fastening do you prefer? What kind of bagging is used in your region? Iron ties only are used throughout the state, with arrow, buckle, Gunny bagging is used in thirteen counties. Jute, double anchor and anchor fastenings. The arrow is the most popular and arrow, Kentucky, Dundee, and Standard are used in other fastening. counties; also the " domestic", manufactured at Richmond. 29. What weight do you aim to give your bales? Have transportation companies imposed any conditions in this respect ? Fonr hundred pounds in Brunswick, Alamance, and Cumberland; Cleareland: The Carolina Central railroad averages bales at from 450 to 500 pounds in all other counties. In most of the 400 pounds. Sampson: Extra charges are made for over 500 state "no conditions" are imposed. Xew Hanover, Nash, Bali- pounds weight. Mecklenburg, Greene, Wayne: $1 is deducted fax, Duplin : Additional freight is charged if over 450 pounds. from the price of each bale below 400 pounds weight. 607 76 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. DISEASES, INSECT ENEMIES, ETC. 30. By what accidents of weather, diseases, or insect pests is your cotton crop most liable to be injured ? At what dates do these several pests or diseases usually make their appearance ? To what cause is the trouble attributed by your farmers '? The caterpillar appears in ten counties of the coast region ; in Pitt, Nash, Johnston, Sampson, and Bladen, of the long-leaf pine re- gion ; and in Guilford and Rowan, of the oak uplands. It usually comes in August and September in these counties, except in Beaufort and Johnston. There it appears in Octo- ber, too late to do any damage. Lincoln : The caterpillar has been here twice in fifteen years, coming late in the season and doing as much good as harm by eating the leaves, thus letting in the sun and causing cotton to open. The boll-worm is only reported in Perquimans, Jones, Pitt, Har- nett, Bladen, Guilford, and Rowan counties, and usually ap- pears in August. The cut-worm causes damage in Pitt and Duplin counties in May. Cotton-lice in Pasquotank, Carteret, Pitt, Edgecombe, Wayne, and Johnston counties in Juno aud~July. Shedding causes much damage in all of the counties except New Hanover, Columbus, Alamance, Union, Gaston, and Wayne, where no mention is made of it. It is generally attributed to droughts after excessive rains in the spring. Rot of bolls is complained of in all of the counties except Perqui- mans, Pasquotank, Carteret (coast region), Gates, Hertford, Northampton, Pitt, Nash, Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, Duplin (long-leaf pine region), Granville, Franklin, Cabarrus, An- son, Lincoln, Cleaveland, and Alexander (oak uplands). It is usually attributed to wet weather. Moore: Caused by water penetrating the holes made by the boll-worm. Rust is reported in all of the counties except Dare, Carteret, Gran- ville, Lincoln, Alexander, and Martin. It is usually attributed to " bad weather". Union: Cold nights followed by heavy dews. Halifax: Black rust in wet and red rust in dry sea- sons, and attributed to bad drainage, cold nights, heavy dews, and want of fertilizers. Pitt, Anson, and Duplin : To want of manure, potash in vegetable matter in the soil. Moore: To unsuitable soils. Sampson : A want of salt in the manure. Beaufort : On badly drained and poor land, or in soils having too much iron. Blight is reported from only nineteen counties, attributed mostly to bad weather. 31. What efforts have been made to obviate the trouble, and with what success? None in twenty counties. High fertilization, good culture, and thorough drainage is practiced against rust and shedding in Perquimans, Beaufort, Gates, Hertford, Bertie, Martin, Pitt, Greene, and Moore, with fair success in most cases. Beaufort and Graven : Wood ashes are used against rust. Craven : Acid phosphate to keep bolls from rotting. Carteret: Lime and salt, with some success. Anson: Subsoiling for shedding and potash for rust, with in- different success. Lincoln: Deep plowing against rust. Hali- fax : Ditching and application of vegetable matter, except for rust, against which no remedy has been found. Edgccomhe : Ditching and kainit, also marling, greatly modifies black rust. Nash : Salt and sulphate of potash produce line results. Duplin: Rotation of crops, fallowing, and applying vegetable matter, or using muriate of potash, from 30 to 50 pounds per acre, with other mauure, meet with marked success. 32. Is rust or blight prevalent chiefly on ill-drained soils ? which soil described by you are they most common! Coast region : Most common on the heavy and ill-drained soil of the low, blaek'swamp land in cool and wet weather, in Pasquo- tank, Chowan, Washington, Beaufort, and Carteret. Most common when land is poorest after heavy cool rains in Tyrrell and Brunswick ; on heavy and ill-drained soils in wet, hot seasons in Jones; on ill-drained gray loam soil with clay subsoil in New Hanover. ''I have seen it in low, -wet bottoms, and within 3 feet of a ditch in wet and dry seasons, and hot and cool "weather" (Perquimans). Long-leaf pine region : On ill-drained soils in all the counties. In wet and cool seasons in nine counties; in "wet and hot seasons Do they prevail chiefly in wet, cool seasons'? On common on lowlands in five counties, and on light sandy soils with stiff clay subsoils in most of the region. Moore: The farmers of the red sandstone region nearly all affirm that their cotton is not much subject to rust, disease, or other peat. Oak uplands: On ill-drained soil; sometimes on heavy clay soils; sometimes on light sandy soils wilh an impervious subsoil ; on black-jack oak soil in Cabarrus. On the red or hickory soils (Gaston), "which sutlers all the ills." In wet and hot seasons in Anson ; dry and hot seasons on land where stable manure has been applied alone in Lincoln; wet and cool seasons in other counties. in three counties; in dry and cool in three counties. Most 33. Is Paris green used as a remedy against the caterpillar; if so, how, and with what effect? Craven : Yea ; sprinkled ever the plants with good success. Bruns- caterpillar is not troublesome. Paris green has wick: Yes, but with poor effect. New Hanover: Yes, but the used in any other county to any extent. not been LABOR AND SYSTEM OF FARMING. 34. What is the average size of farms or plantations iu your region ? Is the prevalent practice "mixed farming" or " planting"? Coast region: From 1 to 20 acres in Dare; from 60 to 200 iu Chowan, Pasquotank, Jones, and Carteret; 150 iu Beaufort; from 30 to 300 in Craven : from 50 lo 500 iu Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Pamlico ; from 100 to 1,000 in Washington. The practice is entirely "mixed farming". Long- leaf pine region: From 30 to GO acres in Gates, Moore, Martin, and Sampson : from 50 to 150 in Hertford. Greene, Harnett, and Bladen ; from 300 to 500 acres in other counties. The practice is altogether "mixed farming". • C03 Oak uplands: From 50 to 100 acres in Orange, Chatham, Anson, Union, Gaston, and Alexander; from 50 to 200 in Franklin, Alamance, Guilford, Rowau, Cabarrus, and Cleaveland; from 50 to 300 in Granville. Wake, Mecklenburg, and Bertie; from 50 to C, 500 acres in Lincoln. The practice is "mixed farming", except in Wake, where "planting" is chiefly done. CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC DETAILS. 77 35. Are supplies raised at home or imported, and if the latter, where from f Is the tendency toward the raising of home supplies increasing or decreasing ? Brunswick, Wake, Bertie, and Northampton: Mostly imported from etc. In all other counties supplies are mostly raised at home. Baltimore and Cincinnati. Carteret and Hertford: Aboutone- Some bacon is purchased elsewhere. The tendency toward /half raised at home. Gaston and Edgecombe: Partly at home. raising home supplies is increasing in all of the counties ex- Nash : We import a great deal of meat, flour, sugar, corn, tea, cept Rowan and Anson, where it is said to be "stationary". 36. Who are your laborers chiefly ? whites, of what nationality I In Chowan county alone white laborers predominate. In twenty- the rest the laborers are thought to be about evenly divided seven counties negro laborers are most numerous, while in between the two races. 37. How are their wages paid; by the year, month, day; and at what rates? When payable? In a majority of the counties of the state laborers receive from $8 from 30 to 40 cents per day, or $75 per year. Women and chil- to 810 per month, and from §80 to §100 per year, with rations, dren receive usually about $5 per month, with board. Wages house, and fuel, or from 40 to 50 cents per day, without rations. are usually paid at the end of a specified time, either the In others the rates are from §6 to $8 per month, with rations, mouth, week, or day ; sometimes when cotton crops are sold. 38. Are cotton farms worked on shares ? On what terms ! Are any supplies furnished by the owners ? The share system is in general practice throughout the cotton coun- for the laborer, and one-half of any fertilizers that may be used, ties, the counties of Alexander, Pasquotauk, and Guilford the crop* is equally divided between the owner and laborer, alone reporting " no ", while a few reply "to some extent". For land alone, without supplies, the owner receives one-third When the owner furnishes all necessary supplies, except food of the coru and one-fourth of the cotton. 39. Does your system give satisfaction ? How does it affect the quality of the staple ? Does the soil deteriorate or improve under it? It does not give satisfaction in Perquimans, Craven, Jones, Guilford, is not affected in other counties. The soil is not affected in Harnett, and Bladen. "Hardtosay" in Pamlico, Franklin, Perquimans, Alexander,and Pitt; "improves if properly rna- and Edgecombe. " Yes " in all the others. nured and cultivated" in eleven counties, but "deteriorates" The staple is improved in Washington ; is not so good in Gates, and in all others. 40. Which system (wage or share) is the better for the laborer, and why? Pamlico, Craven, Granville, and Pitt : But little difference either negroes are extravagant, exercise no forethought, and need way, as they accumulate but little. Greene: Shares for the intelligent direction ; they need not run in debt ; their condi- married and wages for the single, because the former make tion requires a regular income. more and the latter are idle less. Shares in eleven counties : Laborers are provided for during winter Wages in thirty-one counties for following reasons : Laborers re- months ; they spend wages as fast as obtained. They can ceive cash monthly; are better clothed and fed; cultivate make more with proper work; gives a living at home and with better judgment and have fewer failures in crops, and children can be made useful; take better care of the crop and crops are not neglected ; for them there are no contingencies ; are less wasteful. 41. What is the condition of the laborers ? In thirty-four counties "good" and mostly improving. In eight demoralized. Sampson: Happy, if let alone by politicians, counties "poor". Gaston : Not good, but truly happy. Lin- Jones : Not as good as we would wish. Hertford: Live well, coin : Improved some, but not much. Wayne : Considerably but are improvident. 42. What proportion of negro laborers own land, or the houses in which they live? Columbus: About 90 per cent. Dare: About two-thirds. Tyrrell Oneintwenty. Chowan, Franklin, Onion, Pitt, Edgecombe, and and Beaufort: One-fourth. Craven and Chatham: One-fifth. Wayne: One iu fifty. Pasquotank, Perquimans, Alamance, Gaston, Greene, Sampson : One in eight or ten. Pamlico, Wake, Roivan, Johnston, and Duplin : " One in a hundred." In other Cleaveland, Alexander, Martin, Moore, Cumberland, and Bladen: counties, "very few." 43. What is the market value of the land described in your region ? What rent is paid for such land ? Coast region : Perquimans, Chowan, Pamlico, and Jones: From $10 and Gaston: Value, from $10 ti> $20 and $30 per acre ; rents, to $15 and $20 value ; from $3 to $5 as rent per acre. Pas- from $2 to $5 per acre. Franklin, Orange, Alamance, Rowan, quotank, Washington, Beaufort, New Hanover, and Columbus: Cabarrus, Lincoln, and. Alexander : Value, $5, $7, $8 and upward; Value, from $5 to $8 and upward ; rent, from $2 to $5 per acre. other counties, from $2 to $4 and upward. Rents, from $2 to In other counties valueB and rents from $2 and upward. $4 per acre. Long-leaf pine REGION: Pitt, Greene, Edgecombe, and Cumberland: In all of the cotton counties portions of the crop are taken as rent. Value, from $10 to $20 ; other counties, from $2 to $7 and up- (See No. 41.) Franklin : 800 pounds lint cotton for 25 or 30 ward. Rents, from $1 50 to $5 per acre. acres. Oak uplands regions: Granville, Wake, Anson, Union, Mecklenburg, 44. How many acres, or 400-pound bales, per " hand " is your customary estimate ? From 10 to 15 acres of cotton, besides the same amount of land iu or from 8 to 10 if cotton alone is planted. For picking this other crops; or from 25 to 30 acres alone iu cotton. The num- amount extra bands have to be employed. Iu Craven, Gran- berof bales of cotton varies according to the character of land ville, Anson, Gates, Bertie, Moore, Cumberland, and Sampson cultivated, but is usually from 5 to 7 bales with other crops, but 3 or 4 bales are estimated per hand with other crops. 45. To what extent does the system of credits or advances upon the growing cotton crop prevail in your region? Very little iu Columbus, Guilford, Chatham, and Alexander. To a do not clear enough one year to enable them to grow the next considerable extent in Brunswick, Rowan, Anson, Union, year's crop. The system is " blue ruin "to the farmor. Craven: Cleaveland, Cumberland, and Duplin. Not too much in Pam- The merchants and others who furnish supplies take advantage lico. To valueof one-half of thecropon anaverage in Carteret, by charging extortionate prices. Lincoln: Not much among Franklin, Mecklenburg, and Wayne. Only for fertilizers in those farmers doing their own work, but is almost universal Alamance. In other counties the system prevails to a greatex- among those who hire. Edgecombe, Pitt, Beaufort: The prac- tent, and in several "almostuniversallv". Wake: Most farmers tice is decreasing every year. 39 C P— VOL. II 609 78 COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. 46. At what stage of its production is the cotton crop usually covered by insurance? Is such practice general ? From March to November iu Gaston. It is generally insured when Jones, Martin, Pitt, Moore, and Cumberland ; when ready for in tbe gin-house in Franklin, Edgecombe, and Sampson, and shipment in a few counties, but not at all in the others until sometimes in Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Craven, the cotton has passed out of the hands of the fanner. 47. What are the merchants' commissions and charges for storing, handling, shipping, insurance, etc., to which your crop is subject I What is the total amount of these charges against the farmer per pound or bale ? Commissions, from 24 to 3 per cent. ; storage, 25 cents per month ; wharfage, 20 cents; weighing, from 10 to 15 cents; drayage, 10 cents in New Hanover, 15 eeuts in Carteret, 63 cents in Hal- ifax ; handling, 30 cents in Hertford, 75 cents in Halifax ; insurance, i per cent, in New Hanover, 25 cents iu Carteret, Franklin, Gates, and Nash ; 50 cents iu Hertford ; total charges, about 1 cent per pound to reach Baltimore or New York, or from £ to I cent per pound to Norfolk, including freight from Beaufort and Pasquotank; 1 cent to Norfolk, and H cents per pound to New York from Pitt, Edgecombe, and Nash ;-to Wilmington from Columbus county. Si 50 per bale. In other counties the usual estimate is $2 per bale, excepl at local markets, where farmers sell direct to buyers, and avoid other charges than weighing, or, perhaps, commission. 4S. What is your estimate of the cost of production in your region, exclusive of such charges, and with fair soil and management? From 5 to 6 cents per pound in Chowan, Carteret, Bertie, Gaston, and Duplin ; from 7 to 8 cents in twenty-four counties ; from 8 to 9 cents iu eight counties; 10 cents in Dare, Pamlico, Granviile, and Gates; $5 per acre in Guilford; §10 in Alexan- der; $12 in Granville; 2 per cent, in Perquimans; from 50 to 60 per cent, in Rowan. Alamance: Scents per pound; at 10 cents it pays better than corn at SI per bushel. 1878. Dr. To preparing ground, planting seed, putting in fertilizers, bringing to a stand, hoeing, and cultivation §99 65 To cost of fertilizers (cash) 110 97 To picking 21,984 pounds of seed-cotton 98 01 To interest on capital 72 00 To taxes 8 00 To bagging and ties 14 00 To transportation 10 00 Less the value of seed 412 63 56 25 Cabarrus (a): Determined to ascertain what it cost a pound to grow cotton, I commenced in 1878 to keep an accurate field ac- count. To be certain that the year 1878 was not an excep- tional year as to cheapness of labor, etc., I continued the account the following year. Tbe quantity of laud in cultiva- tion was 22 acres and over; the same tract both years. The preparation of the ground and after cultivation was prob- ably more thorough than are usually given for this crop. 1878. CR. By 7,087 pounds baled cotton sold 637 83 Net profit 281 45 Items. Cost of cotton per pound, 5. 3 cents. Expense per acre, exclusive af fertilizers $11 63 Net return per acre 12 32 Average price received per pound, 9 cents. Yield of seed-cotton per acre, 999. 8 pounds. 356 38 1879. Dr. To preparing ground, putting in fertilizer, planting, bring- ing to a stand, hoeing, and cultivation $97 34 To 40 bushels seed, at. 12A cents per bushel 5 00 To fertilizers (cash) 92 12 To blacksmithing 3 00 To picking 22,013 pounds of seed-cotton 90 69 To bagging and ties 15 00 To interest on capital 72 00 To taxes 8 00 To transportation 10 00 Less the value of seed. 393 15 56 25 336 90 It will be observed from an examination of the foregoing statements that the cost per pound iu growiug cotton must depend upon the yield per acre; that the product per acre is the measure of the planter's profit; thatthe cost of cultivation, etc., of an acre is the same when yielding 500 pounds or less of seed- cotton, as when yielding 1,000 pounds or more, saving the additional cost of picking, which is fully counterbalanced by the gain in seed, and that there can be no profit when the product of an acre fails to realize the farmer or planter more than $12. Cost of picking : The usual price paid is 50 cents per 100 pounds without board, or 40 cents with board. Beaufort : In the first of the season, when cottonseed is heavy, the price paid is 40 1879. Cr. By' 7,317 pounds baled cotton sold 813 19 Net profit 476 29 Items. Cost per pound, 4* cents. Expense per acre, including fertilizers $15 32 Profit per acre .- 21 65 Average price received per pound, 11. 11 cents. Yield of seed-cotton per acre, 1, OOO^J pounds. cents; iu the middle of the pickiug season, 50 cents; in the latter part of the season, when cotton and seed are light, from 60 ceuts to $1 per 100 pounds. The average amount picked is 140 pounds. Duplin : An ordinary hand can average about 100 pounds per day ; under favorable circumstances some pick as much as 200 pounds. It is usual to pick the cotton fields over two or three times, which is one reason why as much is not gathered as farther south. Alamance: Hands are paid 50 cents per 100 pounds with board, or 75 cents without board. An ordinary hand can pick only 100 pounds per day. Northampton : An ordinary hand can only pick 75 pounds of cotton per daj 610 a The estimate from Cabarrus county was made by C. McDonald, of Concord. / INDEX TO COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Page. Abstracts of the reports of correspondents 30-64 Accidents of weather as affecting cotton crops 76 Acreage and production of cotton (tables) 3-6 leading crops - 5,6 Acres of cotton per hand 77 Addresses and names of correspondents, list of 72 Advances made on growing crops 77 After-cultivation of cotton 74 Agricultural descriptions of the counties 27-70 regions, enumeration and general surface fea- tures of IS Alamance county, statistics and descripl ion of 60, 61 Alexander county, statistics and description of 63,64 Alleghany county, statistics and description of 65 Amount of charges against the farmer in sales of cotton 78 Angola bay, character and location of 37, 46 Analyses of gray sandy soils 19 gum and cypress swamp lands 13, 14 level piny- woods land 17, 18 marls 22, 23 oak and hickory upland soils 19, 20 piny-woods upland soils 17 pocoson and savanna soils 15 semi-swarups, oak, beech, and pine flats 13-16 of soils, by whom made iii,24,25 tables of soils and subsoils 14, 15, 17, 19,24, 25 Anson county, statistics and description of 53, 54 Answers to schedule questions, summary of 73-7- Aphides (Itce) on cotton-plant 76 Archaean formation, occurrence of 11,12 Ardrey, W. E., abstract of the report of 57 Area of the cotton culture extended since 1870 22 eastern topographical division 10 long-leaf pine region 15 midland division 10 mountain division 10 Piedmont division lu sea-board region 12 state 9 population, tilled lands, and cotton production of the counties (table) 2,4 Ashe county, statistics and description of 66 Average population per square mile (table) 3,4 size of farms or plantations 76 B. Bagging used in baling cotton 75 Bale, amount of seed-cotton required to make a (see abstracts in county descriptions) 30-64 Page. Bales, number of, in regions (table) 21 per acre in couuties, number of (table) 3,4 hand, usual working estimate of 77 weight of 75 Baling cotton, kinds of presses used in 75 Banks of the coast, character of the 13 Banner counties, having highest total cotton production and product per acre (table) 21 rank of, in other regards 21 Barnes, D. A., abstract of the report of 46 Battle, J. J., remarks of 43 Bear swamp, extent, soil, and growth of 31 Beaufort county, analyses of soils of 14, 15 statistics and description of 33, 34- Becton, J. H., mention of 35 Benbow, Dr. D. W. C, abstract of the report of 60' Bertie county, statistics and description of 4C Best, W. E., abstract of the report of 43, 44 Black, A. E., abstract of the report of 37 Black frost, first appearance of ... 75 Bladen county, analysis of soil of 14 statistics and description o(L 49 Blight or rust as affecting cotton, and how obviated 76 Blooms first appear, when 74 Blue Eidge, elevation of 9 Boiling favored and running to weed of cotton-plants pre- vented by : application of fertilizers or lime 31,32,34,36,37,39,40, 44,48,49,54,59 closer planting 59 deep cultivation 56 plowing 45, 58 early cultivation 31,34,39,42 marling 35, 42 thinuing out the plants 53 thorough drainage 35, 36, 39, 42, 45, 56 subsoiling 56 topping 30, 31 , 3.2, 33, 40, 41, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54 Bolls first open, when 74 Boll-worm, appearance of 76 Bottom lands of the oak-uplands region 18 Bridges, J. L., abstract of the report of 42,43 Brown, W. M. B., abstract of the report of 43 Brunswick county, analyses of soils of ." 14 statistics and description of 38 BryaB,.J. A., abstract of the report of 46 Buncombe county, statistics and description of 67 Burke county, statistics and description of 64 Burke, "W. I'., abstract of the report of 64 Bur well, B., abstract of the report of 50 611 80 INDEX TO COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. c. Page. Cabarrus county, analyses of soil and subsoil of 19 statistics and description of 56 Caldwell county, statistics and description of 64 Camden county, statistics and description of 30 Campbell, Dr. J. C, abstract of the report of 48 Carr, E., abstract of the report of 42, 43 Carteret county, analyses of soils of 14 statistics and description of 35, 30 Caswell county, statistics and description of 61 Catawba county, statistics and description of 57 Caterpillar, appearance of 76 Chambers, E. P., description by 59 Charges for storing, handling, and shipping cotton 78 Chatham county, statistics and description of 52, 53 Cherokee county, statistics and description of 70 Cherry, J. B., abstract of the report of 40 Chowan county, statistics and description of 31,32 Clay county, statistics and description of 69 Cleaveland county, statistics and description of 59 Climate of the state 10, 11 Close of the cotton-picking season .« 75 Coast bordered by continuous sand-dunes 13 character of the banks of the 13 Columbus county, analysis of soil of 14 statistics and description of 38 Commissions of merchants in sales of cotton 78 Composts, use of 73 Condition of laborers 77 ■Conditions imposed by transportation companies 75 Corn, acreage and production of (table) 5,6 Correspondents, names and addresses of 72 Cost of cotton production 78 Cotton, acreage and production of (tables) 3-0 per square mile (table) 3, 4 average amount of, picked in a day 78 lint made in a day's run of ten hours 75 picking, cost of 78 pickings, when begun, and how many made 75 production , cost of per pound 78 cultural and economic details of 71-78 distribution of, among the several regions 21, 22 general remarks on 21, 22 increase of, since 1870 22 in each county (see county descriptions). 27-70 region (table) 21 of the long-leaf pine lands 16 sea-board region 13 per acre (see county descriptions) 27-70 percentage of state's total, in each region (table) 21 rank of the state in 21 relation of white and colored population to 22 product per acre in counties (table) 3, 4 regions, and maximum of, in counties (table) 21 of long-leaf piue lands 10 oak-uplands region soils 19 on any soil and on fresh and old lauds (see abstracts in county de- scriptions) 30-04 shipments (see county descriptions) 27-70 total of lint and seed, in tone, in each region (table) . . 21 Cottonseed-cake used for feed and manure 73 disposal and price of 73 planters, use of 74 variety and amount of, used per acre 74 Counties, agricultural descriptions of 27-70 area, population, tilled lands, and cotton produc- tion of (table) 3,4 012 Page. Counties, comparison of, regarding cotton production 21,22 in each region having highest cotton production (table) 21 of the long-leaf pine region, descriptions of 39-49 transmontaue region, descriptions of 05-70 County descriptions of oak-uplands or raetamorphic region.. 50-65 Cowan, D. S., abstract of the report of 38 Craven county, analysis of marl of 22 soil of 15 statistics and descriptiou of 34, 35 Cretaceous formation, material of 11 Crop, advances made on growing 77 Crops, acres of, in each county (see county descriptions) 27-70 best suited to the soil (see abstracts in county descrip- tions) 3H-04 leading, acreage and production of (table) 5, of the long-leaf pine region 18 oak-uplands region 19 sea-board region 13 transmontaue region 20 Cultivation and planting of cotton 74, 75 Cultural and economic details of cotton production 71-78 Cumberland couuty, statistics and description of 47 Currituck county, statistics and description of 29 Curtis, W. G., abstract of the report of 38 Cut-worm, appearance of 76 Cypress and gum swamp lauds, analyses of 14 l>. Dare county, statistics and description of 32 Davidson county, statistics and description of 55 Davie county, statistics and description of 62 Depth of tillage usual in cotton production 73 Descriptions, agricultural, of the counties 27-70 Details, cultural and economic, of cotton production 71-78 Diseases, insect enemies, etc., of cotton 76 Dismal swamp 12, 31 Disposal of cottonseed 73 Dover pocoson of Craven county, extent and character of. . . 35 Drayage, charges for 78 Duffy, jr., C, abstract of the report of 35 Duplin county, statistics and description of 46 E. Eastern topographical division, area and general surface fea- tures of 10 Economic and cultural details of cotton production 71-78 Edgecombe county, analyses of soil and subsoil of 17 statistics and description of 42,43 Effect of the share system on the soil and staple 77 Efforts made to obviate diseases and pests 76 Elevations of the state 9, 10 Enumeration, tabulated results of the 1-6 Eocene formation, material of 11 Estimate of the cost of cotton production 78 number of bales of cotton per hand 77 Etheridge, E. E., abstract of the report of 40 Evans, O., abstract of the report of 47 F. Fallowing and fall plowing, results of 73 Farming and labor, system of 76-78 Farms, size of 76 Fastening used in baling cotton, kinds of 75 Feed, cottonseed-cake used as 73 Fertilizers, effect of, on cotton production 22 remarks on the use of 22 Fertilizing and green-manuring 73 Fisheries of the sea-board region 13 Forsyth county, statistics and description of 62 Foscue, H. C, abstract of the report of : .. 36 / INDEX TO COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. 81 Page. Franklin couuty, statistics and description of 50 Freight, rates of shipment of (see county descriptions) 27-70 Frost, first appearance of 75 a. Gaston county, statistics and description of 58,59 Gates county, statistics and description of 39 Gatling, J. J., abstract of the report of 39 Geological features of the state. 11, 12 Ginning, baling, and shipping cotton 75 Gins, cotton, list and capacity of 75 Graham couuty, statistics and description of 69 Graham, J. A. , abstract of the report of 61 Graham, W. A. , abstract of the report of 58 Granville county, statistics and description of 51 Gray sandy soils, analyses of 19 Greene county, statistics and description of 43, 44 Green-manuring and fertilizing 73 Greensand beds, occurrence of 18 Green swamp, description of 38 Grimsley, W. P., abstract of the report of 43, 44 Guilford county, statistics and description of 60 Gum and cypress swamp lands, an aly ses of 14 H. Halifax county, analyses of so*l and subsoil of 17 analysis of marl of 22 statistics and description of 41 Hallowell, C. W., abstract of the report of 30 Harnett county, statistics and description of 47, 48 Harris, S. P. J., abstract of the report of 51 Haywood county, statistics and description of 68 Height attained by cotton-plant before blooming 74 of cotton-plant (see abstracts in county descriptions). 30-64 Henderson county, statistics and description of 67,68 Hertford county, analysis of marl of 22 statistics and description of 40 Hilgard, Professor E. W., discussion of soils by 15, 18,20 Holly Shelter pocoson, description of 37 Holt, E. J., abstract of the report of 45 Home supplies 77 Horizontalizing to arrest washing of the soil (see abstracts in county descriptions) 30-64 Houston, H. SI., abstract of the report of 54 Humphrey, J., abstract of the report of 35 Hunter, J. W., abstract of the report of 51 Hyde county, analyses of soils of 14 statistics and description of 33 I. Implements employed in subsoiling 73 used in after-cultivation of cotton 74 planting cotton 74 Improvements, tillage, etc., details of 73 Insect enemies, diseases, etc., of cotton 76 Insuring cotton, practice of and charges for 78 Iredell county, statistics and description of 57 Iron ore, beds of 58 Islands of the coast, sand-dune character of 13 Itemized cost of cotton production 78 J. Jackson county, statistics and description of 68 Johnston county, analyses of soils and subsoil of 17 statistics and description of 44,45 Johnston, C. W., abstract of the report of 52 Jones county, analysis of soil of 14 statistics and description of 36 Joy, J. M., abstract of the report of 48 Joyner, J., abstract of the report of 43 K. King's mountain, location and elevation of 58 Page Labor and system of farming 76-78 Laborers, best system for 77 condition and nationality of 77 owning houses or land 77 Lakes and swamps of t Hk sea-board region 12 Lamont, D. A., abstract of the report of 49 Lands lying "turned out", proportion of (see abstracts in county descriptions) 30-64 market value of and rents paid for 77 of the sea-board region resemble the prairie land of the northwest 12 preparation given to, before planting cotton 74 proportion of, in cotton for each soil (see county de- scriptions in the respective regions) 27-70 Lane, J. S., abstract of the report of 34 Lanier, J. R., abstract of the report of 44 Leigh, Eph., abstract of the report of 32 Lenoir county, analyses of marl of 22 analysis of soil of 17 statistics and description of 45, 46 Letters of transmittal iii Level and rolling upland piny-woods soils, timber growth of. 16 Lewis, W. G., remarks of 43 Liles, W. A., abstract of the report of 54 Lincoln county, statistics and description of 57, 58 Lint per acre in counties (table) 3,4 tons of, in state and regions (table) 21 List of names and addresses of correspondents 72 Logan, J. B., abstract of the report of 59 Long-leaf pine region, area, subdivisions, and general charac- ter of 15-18 cotton production of 21 county descriptions of 39-49 Lousin swamp, lands of 43 M. McDonald, C, estimate by, of cost of cotton production 78 McDonald, J., abstract of the report of 56 McDowell county, statistics and description of 65 McDowell, E. I. , abstract of the report of 57 McKay, A. A., abstract of the report of 47 McNeill, H. C, abstract of the report of 48 Macon county, statistics and description of 69 Macrae, J. B., abstract of the report of 41 Madison county, statistics and description of 67 Manure, cottonseed-cake used as 73 Marl beds of the long-leaf pine belt 18 Marls, occurrence and analyses of 22,23,37-47,49 Martin county, statistics and description of 44 Mayo, J. M., abstract of the report of 42 Mecklenburg county, analyses of soil and subsoil of 19 statistics and description of 56, 57 Merchants' commissions on sales of cotton 78 Metamorphic formation, extent of 11, 12 or oak-uplands region 18-20 Midland topographical division, area and surface features of 10 Minerals, variety aud number of 12 Miocene formation, material of 11 Mitchell county, statistics and description of 66 Mixed farming or planting 76 Montgomery county, statistics and description of 53 Moore county, statistics and description of 48 Mountains, elevations of 10 treeless summits of 20 Mountain topographical division, area, elevation, and sur- face features of 10 Muck, occurrence of 23 IV. Nash county, statistics and description of 42 Nationality and condition of laborers Tl 613 82 INDEX TO COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA. Page. Negroes, condition of, and proportion of, owning land Newberry, J. P. , abstract of the report of New Hanover county, analyses of marls of statistics and description of. Nixon, W., abstract of the report of. houses or 33 22 37 31 Northampton county, statistics and description of 40, 41 Number of cotton-pickings made 75 O. Oaksmith, A., abstract of the report of 35, 36 Oak-uplands or metamorphic region, county descriptions of . 50-65 region, cotton production of 21 soils, timber growth, and general features of 18-20 Oats, acreage and production of (table) 5,6 Oliver, J. B., abstract of the report of 46 Onslow county, statistics and description of 86, 37 Open Ground Psairre swamp, location and description of 35 Orange county, statistics and description of 52 P. Pamlico county, analyses of soils of 14 statistics and description of 34 Paris green used as a remedy against the caterpillar 76 Parker, J. H., abstract of the report of 41 Parker, L. W. , abstract of the report of 31 , 32 Pasquotank county, statistics and description of 30 Pender county, analysis of soil of 15 marls of 37 statistics and description of 37 Perquimans county, statistics and description of 30, 31 Person county, statistics and description of 61 Picking of cotton begins and closes, when 75 price paid for 78 Piedmont topographical division, area and surface features of 10 Pine flats, soils and timber growth of 16 Piny-woods upland soils, analyses of 17 Pitt county, analyses of soil and subsoil of 17 analysis of marl of 22 statistics and description of 43 Planting and cultivation of cotton, details of 74,75 cotton, time of 74 Plateaus, elevations of 10 Pocosons, character, timber growth, and analyses of .. ..12, 15, 33-38 Polk county, statistics and description of 65 Population, average, per square mile (table) 3, 4 in regisns (table) 21 . of the state and counties (table) 3,4 Powell, R. J., abstract of the report of 53 Power used in ginning cotton 75 Preparation given to cotton lands 74 Presses used in baling cotton, kinds of 75 Prevalence of the credit system 77 Price paid for cottonseed 73 Production and acreage of leading crops (table) 5, 6 Proportion of negro laborers owning land or houses 77 Quaternary formation, material of 11 Questions, summary of answers to schedule 73-78 B. Kainfall of the state 11 Kamsay,.J. 6., abstract of the report of 55 Randolph county, statistics and description of 60 Ra»es of transportation (see abstracts in county descriptions) 30-64 Eating of the staple (see abstracts in county descriptions)... 30-64 Eed clay lands of the oak-uplands region 50-65 Eeference table of reports received 72 Regions, agricultural, enumeration of 12 areas of, in counties (see county descriptions) .. 27-70 614 Remarks on cotton production in the state Rent paid for land Report, plam of, and sources of information for Reports received from counties, reference table of Rhododendron, extensive thickets of Eicc, acreage and production of (table) Richmond county, statistics and description of Rives, J. P., reference to the report of Robeson county, analysis of marl of statistics and description of Robinson, J., abstract of the report of Rockingham county, statistics and description of Rotation of crops Rot of bolls, occurrence of, and haw obviated Rowan-bounty, statistics and description of Rust or blight, occurrence of, on heavy or ill-drained soils, in what seasons, and how obviated Rutherford county, statistics- and description of Pag». 21,22 77 iii 72 20 5, 6 48,49 53 22 4'.) 45 61,62 73 76 76 511, 60 2! 46.47 13 16 -15, 34 41 53 13-15 29-38 13,21 9 8. Sampson county, analysis of marl of statistics and description of Sand-dunes of the coast, character of Sandy pine barrens, soils and timber growth of Savannas, analyses and character of soils of 13 Scotland Neck lands, the tinest in the state for cotton Scot*, J. W., description by Sea-board region, area, timber growth, soils, and general de- scription of county descr' pt ions of industries aud cotton production of Section from state line at French Broad water-gap to sea-level. Seed-cotton, amount of, required for a 475-pound bale of lint. 7." penned, or how protected -75 product per acre (see county descriptions) 27-70 required for a bale of lint, amount of (see ab- stracts in county descriptions) 30-64 Semi-swamps, oak, beech, and pine flats 13,14 Shaffer, O. W., abstract of the report of 51, 52 Share system, cotton farms worked on ; effect on any soil, and reasons in favor of 77 Shedding, occurrence of, and how obviated > 76 Shipping, baling, and ginning cotton, details of 75 commission charges for 78 rates of (see county descriptions) 27-70 Slade, W., abstract of the report of 44 Slate belt, description of 11 hills, location and elevation of 52,53 Smith, J. N., mention of the report of 4l Smith, R. H., abstract of the report of 41 Snowfall, average annual 11 Soils of the long-leaf pine region 15-18 oak-uplands region 18-20 sea-board region 12-15 transuiontane region 20 tilling qualities, character, and productiveness of: black-jack or post-oak 49,56,57 slate and gravelly 54 swamps or bottoms 32, 35, 42, 44, 54 brown uplands 35 chincapiu land 58 ■ chocolate-colored 49 clay land 34,36,39,46,52 loam 41, 47, 58 dark loam 60 fine granitic 56.58,59 gravelly loam 41, 64 gray loam '. 30.31,45,48 level pine ^ .- 38 light laud \ 36,39 mulatto > 51, 52. 54. 56, 57 / INDEX TO COTTON PRODUCTION IN NORTH CARO Page. Soils, tilling qualities, character, and productiveness of — Con- tinued. oak and hickory uplands 38 pine, oak, and hickory flats 37 piny-woods 41-44, 46 red clay 60 sandy.' 31,33,35,39-61 loaru of creek uplands 41 ridge 31 second pocosou 46 yellow loam 48, 59 Sore-shin on cotton-plants 74 Space between ridges in cotton planting 74 Spartauburgk county, South Carolina, analyses of soil and subsoil of 19 Stanley county, statistics and description of 54,55 Stokes county, statistics and description of 62 Storing cotton, charges for 78 Stowe, J. , abstract of the report of 58, 59 Subsoiling, implements used iu 73 Subsoils, character of (see abstracts in coumty descriptions) . . 30-64 Summary of answers to schedule questions 73-78 Supplies raised at home or imported 77 Surry county, statistics and description of 63 Swain county, statistics and description of 69 Sweet potatoes, acreage and production of (table) 5,6 T. Table showing acreage and production of leading crops 5, 6 area, population, tilled land, and cotton pro- duction in the counties 3,4 counties ranking highest in total cotton pro- duction and product per acre 21 population and cotton production in regions - 21 Tables of analyses of soils and subsoils 14, 15, 17, 19, 24, 25 Tabulated results of the enumeration 1-6 Temperatures of the state 10 Terraces along the rivers 18, 20 Tertiary formation, material of 11 Thinning out cotton-plants 74 Ties used in baling cotton 75 Tillage, improvements, etc., details of 73 Tilled lands, acres of (table) (see also details of) 3,4 percentage of area of, devoted to cotton (table) . 3, 4 Tilling qualities of lands. (See under Soils.) Timber-growth of the long-leaf pine region 15-17 oak-uplands region 18 sea-board region 12 sea islands 13 transmontane region 20 Time, length of, before cottonseed comes up 74 Time of first black frost thinning out cotton-plants when bolls first open cotton-picking begins and the first cotton-blooms appeal Tobacco, acreage and production of (table) Topographical divisions of the state Transmittal, letters of Transmontane region, county descriptions of. soils, timber-growth, and surface fea- tures of '. Transportation companies, conditions imposed by facilities for and rates of (see abstracts in county descriptions) Transylvania county, statistics and description of Triassic formation, occurrence and material of 11 , Tyrrell county, statistics and description of V. Union county, statistics and description of Valleys of the transmontane region . Value of land Varieties of cottonseed preferred. .. W. Wages paid to laborers system, reasons in favor of Wake county, analyses of soils and subsoils of statistics and description of Warren county, statistics and description of Washing of soils, and how prevented (see abstracts in county descriptions) Washington county, abstract of the report of Watauga county, statistics and description of Wayne county, statistics and description of Weed, running to, of the cotton-plant. (See under Soils, char- acter and tilling qualities of.) Weeds, troublesome on any soil. (See under Soils, character and tilling qualities of.) Wharton , R. AV. , abstract of the report of White Oak swamp, description of Wilkes county, statistics and description of Wilson county, analysis of marl of soil of statistics and description of Winds prevalent in all sections Woodland, proportion of (see county descriptions) Yadkin county, statistics and description of . Yancey county, statistics and description of . 30-64 68 51-53 32 54 20 77 74 77 77 19 51, 52 50 30-64 32, 33 66 45 34 36 63 22 17 44 11 27-70 63 67 615 \