SCHOOL PATEOIS FOP. TU WIC SAFETY SCHOOL =>ATROLS FOR fRAFFIC SAFETY CHECK ROAD BEFORE CROSSING iRTH CAROLINA PUBLIC SCHOOL THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Cp 37 1.79 AX87P This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEE ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FI CENTS a day thereafter. It is DUE on DAY indicated below: Publication No. 291 SCHOOL PATROLS for TRAFFIC SAFETY Issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Raleigh, N. C. ,. :j Wfl'^L >**s* 1 : CONTENTS Page Foreword 5 Safety Patrols and Educational Values 7 Philosophy 7 General Objectives 8 Specific Functions 8 School-Community Cooperation 9 Utilizing Community Resources 9 Organization and Responsibilities 11 Suggested Organization 11 Responsibilities of Superintendent and Principal 13 General Responsibilities of the Teacher-Sponsor 14 Responsibilities of Teachers Other than Sponsor 14 Responsibilities and Duties Normally Assigned to Patrol Officers and Members 15 Responsibilities of Student Body 15 Status of Liability 16 Teacher-Sponsors 18 Selection 18 In-Service Education of Teacher-Sponsors 18 Responsibilities and Duties of Teacher-Sponsors 19 Training of Safety Patrols '. 21 Training Techniques 22 Membership in Safety Patrols 23 Method of Selection 23 Qualifications 23 Parent Approval 25 Size of Patrol 26 3 << General Rules for Patrol Members 26 General Duties of Patrol Members 27 Installation of Patrol 28 Operation Procedures and General Rules for Traffic Patrols 30 Location of Patrol-Protected Crossings 31 Position and Procedure 31 Relation to Traffic Signals and Police Officers 33 Hours on Duty 33 Bus Duty 33 Equipment 36 Insignia and Equipment 37 Procurement of Equipment 37 Suggestions for Proper Care of Equipment 38 Safety Patrol Activities 38 Suggested Status-Producing Activities 39 Possible Award or Recognition Activities 41 Evaluating Progress of Safety Patrols 42 Appendix 46 Bibliography for Materials and other Helps 46 Suggestions for Keeping General School Patrol Records ... 47 Recording and Analyzing Student Accidents 51 Additional Detailed Suggestions for Patrol Operations 58 FOREWORD Recognized as an integral part of the total educational pro- gram, safety education is being emphasized increasingly through a number of functional approaches. One of these is the school traffic patrol which affords many opportunities for developing habits of safety among all students. In this, as in so many other areas of education, emphasis is necessarily on both individual and group responsibility. The degree to which individuals be- come interested in their own personal safety, as well as that of their fellow citizens, is the degree to which programs of safety education can be effective. It is common knowledge that acci- dents result from many causal factors, the chief of which is human error. In North Carolina, and throughout the nation, accidents — especially traffic accidents — account for the greatest number of fatalities among youths of school age, four to twenty-four. This bulletin is designed, therefore, to assist schools in improving their programs of safety education through traffic patrols, one of the most widely recognized means for teaching and encouraging habits of safety. Traffic patrols are feasible in schools of all sizes and in all types of communities. Functional adaptations are discussed under organization ; school-community cooperation ; responsibilities of administration, teacher-sponsors, and pupils; membership in safety patrols ; operation procedures and general rules; equipment; activities; and evaluation. Fundamental to a successful program of safety education is the philosophy that education for safe living must be an integral part of the total education program; that it must engage the enthusiastic, cooperative support of administrators, teachers, pupils, and lay personnel; that it must be continuous, creative, and imaginative; and that it must be continually evaluated in terms of changing needs. Frequent expression of the philosophy that it is the school's inescapable responsibility to develop those attitudes and skills which will lead to habits of safe living in an ever-changing environment will be found throughout this manual. The Department of Public Instruction believes that traffic patrols, properly organized and supervised, can do much toward strengthening the total educational program. Acknowledgment is made of the services of John C. Noe, George D. Maddrey and Carlton T. Fleetwood, of the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education in the preparation of this bulletin, and to Vester M. Mulholland, Director of Research and Statistics, and L. H. Jobe, Director of Publications, for their editorial assistance. State Superintendent of Public Instruction January 1, 1956 > School Patrols for Traffic Safety SAFETY PATROLS AND EDUCATIONAL VALUES Philosophy Safety patrols are operating extensively and effectively, not only in North Carolina but throughout the nation. Clear-cut understandings among school board members, parents, teachers, pupils, and the general public as to the purposes and responsi- bilities of safety patrols have brought about widespread coopera- tion with such patrols and increasing prestige for their efforts. Safety patrols justify their existence for many reasons. They have been responsible for saving lives and preventing injuries. Equally important are the day-by-day learning experiences which they foster and which result in the development and use of habits of safe living. Such experiences are compatible with school programs which are designed to develop attitudes, skills, and knowledge needed for effective living in a democratic so- ciety. Willing acceptance and fulfillment of responsibility by patrol members in providing a needed service to society is one of the significant outcomes of such an educational program. Responsibility is no less important for patrol members than for all those with whom they work; for unless the responsibility of cooperation is accepted by patrol members and all others with whom they come in contact, patrols can never achieve their ulti- mate usefulness. This usefulness is almost unlimited if those in charge of administering and supervising safety patrols look upon them as another significant means of extending education opportunities to all pupils. As an integral and continuing part of the entire education program, safety patrols offer dynamic motivation for the acquisi- tion of knowledge, habits, skills, appreciations, and attitudes essential to safe living. Patrols also provide opportunities for developing many learnings based upon actual needs of the school and community, such as, • Skills and attitudes necessary to leadership • Skills and attitudes necessary to following directions • Abilities in problem solving • Skills and attitudes supporting cooperative effort by school and community When safety patrol programs are closely related to the total curriculum, they provide outstanding opportunities for citizen- ship education. Cooperatively planned and operated, such patrols represent learning by doing at its best. General Objectives General purposes of safety patrols are in keeping with those of other valuable school experiences ; and specific purposes are in agreement with all that is acceptable in a functional educational program. Major purposes are : • To reinforce classroom instruction in safety with meaning- ful activities in which the students have a large measure of self -direction • To give pupils practice in cooperative planning • To develop qualities of leadership and responsible coopera- tion among patrol members through daily use of democratic processes • To develop an understanding and appreciation of law en- forcement functions relative to pedestrian and vehicular traffic control • To develop among all students and others an awareness of traffic hazards and to create proper attitudes toward safe traffic behavior at all times and places Specific Functions Specific functions of school patrols may vary somewhat from one community to another; but, by and large, the following duties are commonplace : • To assist teachers, law enforcement officers, and others in programs of safety instruction for all pupils within the school — through patrol activities, class activities, general assemblies, bulletin boards, exhibitions, and exemplary behavior • To assist pupils in developing standards of traffic safety for school campus, for the immediate neighborhood in which they live, and for the larger community of which they be- come a part • To assist members of the student body in safe use of throughfares, sidewalks, and other facilities on the campus and in the immediate vicinity of the school • To remind motorists and pedestrians as well as pupils of their responsibilities for safety in traffic. Acceptable ways of accomplishing this purpose include the placing of safety patrol members at strategic locations and building public understanding and interest in safety through the newspapers and other media Emphasis on safety education as part of the total educational program may also be found in other publications issued by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, especially in the two following: Health Education, North Carolina Public Schools, pp. 333-357 and pp. 319-332; and Handbook for Ele- mentary and Secondary Schools. One of the chief purposes of the Handbook is to stress the fact that safety education, at its best, is a continuous and cooperative venture intimately interwoven with the entire educational program. SCHOOL-COMMUNITY COOPERATION Utilizing Community Resources Safety education as a school-community cooperative effort offers many opportunities for jointly planning and sharing nu- merous responsibilities. The school safety patrol, in particular, can readily engage the cooperative interest, imagination, and activity of the school, the home, and various community agencies. Such agencies as the PTA, local police, State Highway Patrol, fire departments, transportation organizations or clubs, safety councils, civic organizations, recreational and welfare groups, service clubs, radio and television stations and news- papers normally welcome the opportunity to cooperate with school patrol activities. Experience has shown that any school program is likely to be more effective when the school plans and coordinates its efforts with interested, community groups. Since the basic purposes of school patrols are educational in nature, those administering them are responsible for motivating and guiding all groups interested in building a good patrol pro- gram. Community agencies willing to cooperate with school safety programs should definitely be guided by educators and by sound educational principles. Ideas may come from any source, but school administrators are responsible for the functioning of an effective program which is in harmony with the educa- tional policies determined by the school and its board of education. Joint action with community groups demands that agreements be worked out in advance on such matters as instructing patrol members, obtaining insignia and equipment, financing the patrol program, publicizing the program, and providing recognition for patrol service. The school can not surrender its legal responsi- bilities, but it can enrich its program by utilizing the interest, ideas and services of community organizations. The feeling is rather general that school patrols, as an integral part of the whole education program, should be financed by the board of education. Where this is not possible, the school patrol may be temporarily dependent upon financial assistance from other sources, but only in accordance with sound educational policies. Schools have a responsibility to see that children are not exploited in any way. This means that any help the school ac- cepts from community groups must come from groups having a sincere public-service purpose. The school must reserve the right at all times to be final judge as to whether proposed co- operative arrangements are in accord with this principle. Community agencies whose materials and services are used by the schools may expect to be recognized in appropriate ivays for their cooperation; but the school should never be urged through its patrol activities to advertise any agency or community group. Cooperation of this nature, to the extent possible, should be re- garded as an opportunity for community agencies to serve their schools. The NEA publication of the National Commission on Safety Education, The Expanding Role of School Patrols * emphasizes this principle in the following statement: "The safety patrol program is one of the school's best opportunities for citizenship education. It is also an outstanding opportunity for the com- munity to participate in an educational program which depends for its success on complete school-community cooperation." The following chart, also quoted from this NEA publication indicates various levels of achievement in the cooperative arrangements between schools and community agencies. This descriptive outline indicates how schools can improve their relationships with com- munity agencies to the point that meeting the needs of pupils be- comes the single purpose of schools and community agencies. * Materials from this publication, copyright 1953, are used in this bulletin with permission of the NEA. 10 SEE CHART P^ G ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES Suggested Organization The following organization chart suggests the desirability for centering responsibility at all levels :* Superintendent ainervision Principal Supervision sfety Director Liaison Teacher-Soonsor Liaison Bus Driver ! tudent-Cautain Liaison Traffic Lieutenants Sidewalk Patrols serving at street corners immediate- ly adjacent to school. Convoy jieutenants T r _J ] Members to convoy i students walking | to and from school | on rural or urban roadways. I Auxiliary Lieutenants i Bus Lieutenants , «- 'Members i serving 'playground I and other I outdoor j areas of i campus . Members serving indoor school areas . I Members serving as monitors on buses The organization chart above indicates many specific types of activity which may be performed by the school patrol organi- zation. It is not likely, how r ever, that any particular school would attempt to organize a patrol which would assume all of these functions during the first year of its operation; nor would this seem wise. This chart is designed to illustrate the organization of an extensive program and to serve as a guide for growth from a single-phase program to one providing many additional serv- ices. Since traffic accidents are the greatest cause of death and serious injury to persons of school age (4-24) in North Carolina, it appears that the organization of a patrol to teach and guide students in safe traffic behavior should receive first consideration. In rural areas, school bus patrols may need to be organized first ; * Solid lines of chart indicate phases of patrol activity which need to be organized immedi- ately, while broken lines indicate phases to be entered into at a later date. Heavy lines indicate strong responsibility for supervision relative to various aspects of the patrol program while fine lines indicate liaison with limited direct responsibility for supervision. U bJD OS 03 o ea © o c5 g *t 23 8 H fi O >a ft fi fi O 3 « ft cu _ > o cS O X ca fi 0) 3 o >> - fi ft g - c« ft - rj u fi o X o to 03 CU p o „c g g m $ .S 2 ,2 O g) «, i— i o O 10 o cu rfi S * 3 ^ -8 t> fc £ cu =4H h c c Cfl o o Q fc ^ U) III 0* O O a a. O z < Q O H fi to I g ■rt as B .K > ' 1/ •ft * — •e u fi ft cu >> CU ft to +5 13 to ,c o to 03 fi ni +J fi > U B 0) '5 B fi be u ft OS Si. B b ft X cu oS cu B 05 s > gs ° fi -5 c to 43 -a -p 0) cd a> fi s •5 J to -" 2 be ft rt M '<-> .5 03 ft 8 „ r» H «H -fi. 2 5 Ol _- fi T3 b c ft 03 to c 03 p CU g -C -1 03 to 03 -u -fi h O o «H o » 43 to w cu ^ B B 33 cu c o B ft — >5 c ft c3 - o CC B B 3 T3 ■4-3 CO >. C3 c 'S B cj ~ o >» +J 5 IS B B 'b X y to 0) ft o c8 B (J u ^ oS o Cu > . b "S B oS to c js .2 o o « t B p a> S B J3 ^^ o u to J2 U tO B 03 03 rB to cu ft oS — «H rn -: u r.f B cu »v «H hf ro CD B >. O B to fad 4-> Cu Cu B to CO 13 B bX C B B B o B 1 — ' B -r oS B ~, ? fa oS B cu V !h Jh — ;- 01 ft cu o — -j to to 03 V - — B a> r- ^3 cu B -|j +3 cu ft ft B Cu cu ,r b C a) 2 — o B fc ^ ^-1 cu cu ocj -O O 'to a, o o cu o +5 ih oj !•- 'ft? eS oS cu 1 m si « > cu £ &£-^ CD Cfi Sh ft fn 03 B ft O u cu fl^ 03 CU g p u a to .^.S B co .5 h to B CU g ft cu X c c <« ° +J B bJ02 5 S 2 2 o W ra C3 i; u^ w >^ CO CU S rB +J CO -u ft — V o to 2 u B fi fi 5j ^ oj +3 > co VJ m >» "" br o ^ — I B Cu Cu fi •^ J= 08 Cu OS S E . OS oS >> > CU T3 S ^ 5) 3 * S3 rB -a o B r/1 oS 23 >> B +J . O B CD 3 ^ B CD 5 CD S B o u ot S >■■ S co CD p oS O toswpC.;ii aS cu •h O O! CU fi O p, cu as ^ .?? biv_; to co tH "TJ CO r\ m I . rrl .-a ^ o > ft CU ft T3 O fi O O CD !S 00 H 60 J2 ^ ? A B cuo fi •B B ?S h fi & cu fi 03 B e2 p a -Soft ft (D CD o .a ** —. .2 03 O B co 03 X 60' 25 & _ B fl o s 3 oS g f^ 0) fi „p 03 "3 A CO 03 ft EiC O .B o .2 ? », t M fi «M .Tl CO ~ c ., S 03 co CD _ t—i ft fi CS x 2 P cu ft be :B £ 03 ^03 lo 4j S 03 B fe: 03 CD ^ T3 W > r-5 +J 2 g in larger cities, it may be best to give priority to organization of sidewalk patrols to serve at street corners or mid-block cross- ings immediately adjacent to the school. In small cities or towns with consolidated schools serving both urban and rural pupils, it may be wise to organize bus patrols and sidewalk patrols simul- taneously. For practical purposes this publication considers bus patrols as those whose members serve as monitors on a school bus and the terms bus patrol members and bus monitors are used synonomously throughout this publication. Experiences gained from successful operation of sidewalk and bus patrols should point the way toward the organization and operation of effective convoy and other auxiliary patrol units, such as stairway and corridor patrols, fire and disaster patrols, and playground patrols. Responsibilities of Superintendent and Principal The superintendent and principal should assume responsilibity for encouraging school safety patrols and for determining over- all safety patrol policies. The principal is responsible for organizing the patrol. He should be thoroughly familiar with the program and give it his active support. In view of his supervisory responsibilities, he should see to it that sound educational principles are assured in the patrol program and that only appropriate instructional tech- niques are employed. The principal should recognize the import- ance of good school-community relationships as safety patrols materialize and begin to function. He should assume much of the responsibility for community understanding and acceptance of the safety-patrol idea. It is necessary that he be familiar with liability of individuals or the board of education as it relates to the operation of school patrols, and that he inform pupils, teachers, and parents concerning such liability. He must also know whether patrol activities compLy with State and local regulations ; and he must assume the legal responsibilities rela- tive to patrol activities which are his by virtue of his position. The National Commission on Safety Education (NEA) in its bulletin, The Expanding Role of School Patrols, states: "Co- operative planning of the patrol program by teachers, students, and parents does not relieve the principal of his administrative responsibility for it. He must either see that the necessary things are done, or that the way is made clear for them to be done. Administrative responsibility for the success of the school patrol program, or any aspect of it, rests with the principal. 13 The following items suggest types of specific responsibility for the principal : • "Arousing interest and securing the cooperation of all school personnel and pupils in the patrol program. • "Providing opportunities for the faculty to discuss the work of the school patrols and their problems. • "Organizing the teacher-sponsor's program to provide suf- ficient time for carrying out the duties entailed in patrol sponsorship. • "Clearing the way for the school to draw upon community resources. • "Providing for the integration of safety education, including school patrols, within the total school program. • "Interpreting the school patrol program to the community." General Responsibilities of the Teacher-Sponsor The teacher-sponsor is responsible for directing the training of the patrol ; for keeping records ; for giving general supervision to the patrol program ; for coordinating patrol activities with the total school program ; and for securing the cooperation of the school staff, student body, parents, and community agencies or individuals who are interested in the patrol program. The teacher-sponsor, in cooperation with others responsible for school bus operations, is also responsible for assisting in planning and conducting training for school bus patrols. Responsibilities of Teachers Other Than Sponsor Although the teacher-sponsor is more closely connected with the safety patrol than any other adult, all teachers in the school should definitely assist in making a success of the patrol pro- gram. Teachers have many opportunities, in class and out, for observing the strong and weak points of patrol members and other students in relation to the patrol program. They should take every opportunity possible to commend the good work of patrol members and other cooperating students ; they should be willing to make and take suggestions for improvement. In as many other ways as possible each teacher should cooperate with the teacher-sponsor in achieving the goals of the patrol program. The National Commission on Safety Education (NEA) says: "Since the patrol program is school-wide, each teacher should be kept informed about patrol activities and developments. Each teacher should encourage discussions of patrol problems and 14 activities related to the ongoing instructional program. The personal attitude and example of every teacher ivith respect to patrols is important, and should be positive and helpful . . . "Each teacher should utilize every opportunity to : • "Maintain the interest and morale of patrol members, and of all students in the school patrol program. • "Instruct patrol members in the essentials of good patrol work. • "Recognize the work of the patrols. • "Bring to attention of entire faculty any patrol problems that need discussion and clarification. • "Assist patrol sponsors positively and constructively in achieving the goals of the patrol program." Responsibilities and Duties Normally Assigned to Patrol Officers and Members The captain is responsible for assisting the teacher-sponsor and others in training lieutenants and patrol members for their specific functions. He should also see that records are kept con- cerning attendance, punctuality and performance by officers and other members. Conducting daily inspections of patrol activities and reporting accidents and violations of patrol rules to the teacher-sponsor are also his duties. Lieutenants are responsible to the captain, and through him to the teacher-sponsor. Their general duties include assisting the teacher-sponsor and captain with the training of patrol mem- bers and keeping necessary records concerning attendance, punct- uality, and activities of patrol members. Daily inspections of their patrols, and reporting to the captain on accidents, violations of patrol rules, and general performance by patrol members are also their duties. Bus lieutenants should normally serve as the liaison between the patrol captain and bus members, assist the teacher-sponsor with training, and represent the bus patrol members in reporting problems relative to bus patrol operations. Patrolmen are responsible to the lieutenants for making necessary reports and for performing their specific duties as outlined in the rules governing school patrol operations. Bus patrolmen, however, are responsible for their actions to the bus driver and the principal. Responsibilities of the Student Body Each pupil has the definite responsibility of cooperating in every way possible with the school safety patrol in order that it 15 may operate effectively for the benefit of all. Students should take advantage of opportunities in the classroom, in student council meetings, in total student body meetings with patrol mem- bers and sponsors, and elsewhere to raise and discuss problems related to the school patrol program. Cooperation may take the form of encouragment of fellow students in following the leader- ship of patrol members in safe practices. Until each pupil in school becomes interested in his own safety, the safety of his fellow students and others, no safety program will be entirely successful. Status of Liability Concern is sometimes expressed relative to the liability of school officials in permitting pupils to serve as members of traffic safety patrols. The hazards which these pupils encounter depend in part on the scope of their activities. In North Carolina as well as in many other states, pupils are not allowed to direct motor vehicular traffic; nevertheless, certain hazards are in- volved in whatever duties are performed. According to the NEA study entitled Who is Liable for Pupil Injuries?, several states which have statutory authorization for operation of school traffic patrols provide for non-liability of the district or school employees in case of injury to members of the school traffic patrol. If negligence is responsible for injuries to students, the local board of education obviously would be liable. Negligence, as usually interpreted, consists of any conduct — in- cluding acts of commission or omission — which falls below the standard of care required for the protection of pupils against unreasonable risk of harm. Since negligence has been estab- lished as the key to liability, the sponsor of the school traffic patrol should exercise every effort to establish a teaching situa- tion in which there is little likelihood that such charges of negli- gence can be made. The NEA study also indicates that "no in- jured street traffic patrol pupils have claimed damage in any court of record; nor has any other pupil in a school operating such a patrol. . . . The legal status of pupil patrols has not been judicially determined. Although there is no court ruling to sub- stantiate the point, theoretically, permission of parents does not change the potential liability of school personnel. The best way to avoid the necessity for a court opinion on the question is to prevent accidents so far as possible." ^6 The position of the North Carolina Attorney General on lia- bility is made clear in the following excerpts from a letter which emanated from his office following requests for a ruling on lia- bility with regard to members of the school patrol in case of accident or injury while they are on duty in the morning or afternoon : "I find no express statutory authority for schools or municipalities to permit school children to act as junior policemen or as members of a school patrol, although I know that such practice is customary in a great many communities in North Carolina. "In case of BETTS v. JONES, 203 N. C. 590, our Supreme Court held that if members of boards of education or school trustees act in good faith and in the exercise of their best judgment, in the performance of their official duties, they are not responsible for personal injury or property damage; but if they act maliciously or in bad faith or knowingly employ an incompetent person, they will be personally liable for the negligent acts of their employees. See also SPRUILL v. DAVENPORT, 178 N. C. 364. The case of BETTS v. JONES was one arising in Anson County in which a child was killed when a school bus was overturned in a creek. It was alleged in the complaint that the school committee acted willfully, wrong- fully, maliciously, and corruptly in the employment of a bus driver known to be an incompetent and reckless driver. I assume that local school authori- ties will always select competent, mature, and capable students to act as members of the school patrol. "If the local authorities act in good faith in the selection of capable stu- dents to act as members of a school patrol, I am of the opinion that the local authorities would not be personally liable for an injury sustained by a member of the patrol while on duty. Such an injury would likely be caused by the driver of an automobile. Of course, such a person would be liable for any damage done under the ordinary rules of negligence applicable to such cases." The 1955 recodification of the school laws of the State, in Sub- Chapter IX, Article 21, Section 6.4 has this to say about school bus monitors: "The principal of a school, to which a school bus has been assigned, may, in his discretion, appoint a monitor for any bus so assigned to such school. It shall be the duty of such monitor, subject to the direction of the driver of the bus, to preserve order upon the bus and do such other things as may be appropriate for the safety of the pupils and employees assigned to such bus while boarding such bus, alighting therefrom or being transported thereon, and to require such pupils and employees to conform to the rules and regu- lations established by the county or city board of education for the safety of pupils and employees upon school buses." It appears that the local board of education should officially adopt all patrol rules and regulations. 17 TEACHER-SPONSORS Selection Since so much of the effectiveness of school safety patrols de- pends on those who supervise them, it is essential that faculty leadership be dynamic and sympathetic with the goals being sought. Invariably, the achievements of the patrol will reflect, in large measure, the strength and quality of faculty leadership. The superintendent or principal, therefore, should make certain that the teacher-sponsor of the safety patrol is, first of all, a person who has a keen interest in safety education programs. In addition, the teacher-sponsor should have the ability to or- ganize student activities, and direct them giving due considera- tion to individual differences, needs, and capacities. He should possess skill in leading both students and adults, and have the ability to cooperate with law enforcement officers and other community groups. He must realize at all times the great im- portance of satisfactory school-community relationships. A teacher-sponsor with these qualifications should be an en- thusiastic and dependable leader who can readily earn and main- tain the respect of pupils and fellow teachers. Since the teacher- sponsor will be working directly with patrol members, it is necessary that he possess these characteristics to a marked de- gree if he is to encourage initiative and dependability on the part of each member. Such a sponsor can also do much toward creat- ing proper attitudes of safety and cooperation among the total student body. Experience in many schools has shown that best results are achieved when the teacher-sponsor volunteers for the job and works with the patrol for several consecutive years. Teacher- sponsors may be appointed by the administrator ; or teachers themselves may wish to prorate responsibilities among them- selves according to interests and abilities. Irrespective of the method used to select or delegate patrol responsibility, the ex- perience afforded teachers and students through safety patrols can be as valuable as any others over which the school has super- vision. Favorable attitudes and belief in values of these experi- ences are necessary on the part of the teacher-sponsor and all other staff members if safety patrols are to function effectively. In-Service Education of Teacher-Sponsors Teacher-sponsors for safety patrols often assume their respon- sibilities with much interest and enthusiasm for the job but with 18 little technical know-how. The latter deficiency can be overcome rather easily if there is genuine interest in the work to be done. The following techniques are suggested as possible aids for in- service growth : • The use of printed materials and visual aids relative to school patrol programs. These are available through many state departments of education and other agencies as indi- cated in the Appendix. Sponsors definitely can grow in use- fulness as they become familiar with ideas and practices used elsewhere. • The use of consultants from local, state, and national educa- tion agencies. • The use of consultants from civic agencies in the local com- munity or from state or national groups. • Participation in university and college extension courses in safety. • Holding group discussions in local staff meetings, at which representatives from the student body, the PTA, and other community agencies may be present. • Having city-wide and county-wide workshops for the pur- pose of sharing ideas and experiences among teacher- sponsors. • Making visits to other schools in which safety patrols are functioning. Observations in such schools, plus discussions with teachers, pupils, and administrators, frequently help in securing valuable information. Responsibilities and Duties of Teacher-Sponsors Responsibilities and duties of the teacher-sponsor are varied and all are important if the safety program of the school is to engage the active interest of all teachers and all pupils. Many of the following suggestions are listed though not discussed in School Safety Patrol, a publication of the Department of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania: 1. In the first place, it is the responsibility of the teacher- sponsor to see that members of the patrol are selected according to school policy and procedure. This may involve the formulation of special policies through cooperative faculty-student-adminis- trative procedure ; or it may simply mean the careful adherence to policies already determined for all school activities. Some ad- 19 ministrative units have found it feasible to establish policies and procedures which will be applicable throughout the entire unit. This idea is worthy of serious consideration. 2. It is the sponsor's duty to assume general responsibility for the organization and operation of the patrol. Type of organiza- tion and details of operation, as indicated elsewhere in this bulletin, will vary from school to school. 3. Training patrol members in their duties and responsibilities is the responsibility of the sponsor. Training techniques will be discussed more in detail in a later section of this chapter. 4. It is the duty of the teacher-sponsor to maintain contact with all cooperating agencies through proper channels. This may involve reports of progress, cooperative efforts in projects of mutual interest and other positive public-relations activities. Experienced teacher-sponsors invariably state that keeping an up-to-date file on local patrol activities including literature con- cerning patrols is an invaluable aid in carrying out the duties of this position. 5. Since safety activities are an integral part of the total edu- cational program, it is imperative that teacher-sponsors assume initiative in coordinating the safety education work of the school with other school activities. 6. Realizing the significance of motivation and recognition, teacher-sponsors nowadays accept as their responsibility the development of programs which emphasize desirable motivation and wholesome recognition. Such programs should be charac- terized by sound teaching techniques. 7. Another responsibility of the teacher-sponsor is that of continually encouraging parents to cooperate with the safety program of the school. It is especially important that parents exemplify safe behavior in their daily activities. 8. Finally, the teacher-sponsor is responsible for a program of continuous and constructive evaluation of all phases of the safety program. This may include testing the patrol on its general and specific information concerning the operation of safety patrols. It may include appraisal of staff members' attitudes toward the program. It may include an evaluation of public-relations tech- niques being used, evidences of administrative cooperation, pa- rent cooperation, and attitudes of the student body. Since prog- ress and effectiveness in the safety program of the school are so closely connected with creative evaluation, every teacher-sponsor 20 should continually seek and use every means of evaluation to im- prove the program. Teacher-sponsors of safety patrols definitely have some of the most significant responsibilities in the total educational program. Regarded in this manner, it should be stimulating and challeng- ing for any teacher to work in this vital area. PATROL INSTRUCTION Training of Safety Patrols The teacher-sponsor, as has been previously mentioned, is defi- nitely responsible for the training experiences of patrol members. Even though this responsibility is inescapably his, he should re- member that in addition to school personnel other individuals and agencies in the community, as well as persons on the state and national level, are also willing to. share this responsibility. Law enforcement agencies ; industrial organizations ; transporta- tion agencies or clubs ; automobile manufacturers ; medical so- cieties; and civic-minded individuals, such as PTA members, chairmen of safety committees in civic organizations, consultants from state and national organizations, and others are vitally interested in the patrol movement and are usually eager to give assistance to local schools in organizing and operating effective school patrol programs. The teacher-sponsor should also remem- ber that older students experienced in safety patrol techniques may serve as valuable assistants in the training program. 21 Training Techniques As in other aspects of teaching, a variety of training tech- niques can be used to improve safety patrol knowledge and skills. Some proved techniques are : • Field trips for the purpose of studying pedestrian and ve- hicular traffic behavior, including situations in which law- enforcement officers are operating. • Group discussions of safety problems suggested by field trips or other experiences. • Cooperative formulation of rules, regulations, and policies. • Use of consultants and specialists. • Study of available literature, including daily papers. • Demonstrations. • Exhibits. • Panel discussions. • Illustrated lectures. • Motion pictures. • Role-playing. • Setting of good example by the teacher-sponsor, other school personnel and parents. Through such teaching techniques the teacher-sponsor should use every opportunity to provide experiences which emphasize the development of responsible citizenship, including qualities of leadership and cooperation. In the training of safety patrols, it is likely that emphasis will alternate between individual and group experiences. Teacher- sponsors will often find large and small group experiences effect- ive for achieving some purposes, whereas individual assistance on other occasions will likely be more beneficial. 22 MEMBERSHIP IN SAFETY PATROLS Method of Selection There is no one best plan for the selection of patrol members which will fit all situations. Membership should be open to both boys and girls. Whatever plan is used, pupils, teachers, and parents should cooperate in determining the pattern; and all activities should be carried out democratically. Patrol members may be appointed by the principal or teacher-sponsor ; they may be selected by the principal and/or teacher-sponsor from a group of candidates suggested or elected by the student body or they may be chosen through school-wide elections with possible class or homeroom representation. The student government organi- zation may have a voice in the selection of patrol members. In some instances prospective members may volunteer. From the standpoint of guidance, participation in patrol activities may be the therapy needed by some students. Occasionally, therefore, a counselor or homeroom teacher may recommend, on a trial basis, some student for participation in patrol activities. In the final analysis, membership in the patrol is ahvays subject to the approval of the teacher-sponsor and the principal. Again, it should be emphasized that both the manner and cri- teria by which members are selected are basic to an effective safety program. It is imperative that the overall objectives of the safety patrol be kept in mind as members are agreed upon. The qualifications of members of a safety patrol determine the character of a patrol. It is also true that a strong patrol strengthens the character of its members. Qualifications Desirable qualifications for membership in safety patrols in- clude the following: • Dependability • Interest in safety education programs as a means of reduc- ing accidental injuries and deaths occurring to school stu- dents or others. • Safety consciousness and a willingness to use safe practices. • Desire to help others. • Courtesy, patience, fairness and tact. • Neatness, personal cleanliness and bearing. • Regularity and promptness. 23 • Respect for rules and regulations and for the rights of others. • Good judgment. • Alertness in suggesting improvements in the patrol program. • Willingness to keep equipment clean and in good condition. Those who possess such qualifications tend to develop into efficient members of the safety patrol. On the other hand, the patrol assumes among its obligations the development of these characteristics among all its members. In elementary schools, membership in the patrol is usually limited to pupils from the upper grades. Beyond elementary school practically all pupils are capable of understanding the importance of safety and serving as patrol members. Pupils in grades seven, eight, and nine usually show considerable interest in safety-patrol activities. This interest stems from their recent experiences in elementary school, the subject matter pursued in these grades and the general characteristics of early adoles- cence. Interest in all aspects of safety is still important in senior high school and seldom wanes when principal, teachers and pupils take time to stress its significance. Techniques for moti- vating interest in safety usually vary with age groups and with different communities. It is generally accepted that service in the patrol should be voluntary. Membership in the patrol should seldom be regarded as a reward and never as a punishment. Bus patrol members should be older pupils who can serve as bus driver's first-hand helpers. If there is only one patrol mem- ber per bus, he should ride at the front of the bus, where, in conjunction with the driver, all responsibilities for pupil safety can be coordinated and carried out. He should be given definite instructions as to his duties and should not be permitted to act independently of the driver. The feeling should exist that the patrol member has been selected to help the driver. In a State Board of Education bulletin entitled, Rules, Regulations and Laws Governing Public School Transportation in North Carolina, the editors state, "The ideal choice for this important post would be a boy who because of physical size, strength, character and personality has the respect of his classmates, and who in addition lives near the end of the route." The school laws of North Caro- lina, as indicated earlier, permit administrative appointment of such bus monitors, whose duties are strictly those of helpers. 24 Parent Approval Written consent of the parent or guardian is almost univer- sally required by schools before students are permitted to serve on patrols. Such a policy is considered fundamental to the suc- cess of any patrol program, not only from the point of view of school-community relations but for quasi-legal reasons as well. The approval form which follows may be used as a model ; how- ever, the local board of education in cooperation with its schools may develop a different form. The reverse side of the form may be used for explaining the aims and accomplishments of the patrol. APPROVAL OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN Understanding the aims of the School Safety Patrol, I hereby give my consent to have serve as a member of the School Safety Patrol of School, if he is accepted for this service. Patrol Sponsor or Principal Parent or Guardian Date : 25 Another suggestion which has often been found helpful is that of having the patrol sponsor or school principal meet with the parents or guardians of prospective patrol members in order to give them a clear and complete understanding of the aims and responsibilities of the patrol. This can be accomplished through individual home visitation or through special individual or group conferences at the school. Such contacts between school and home should help in vitalizing the school patrol program and improve school-community relations in general. Parental approval with- out an understanding of the patrol program and a willingness to cooperate with it is meaningless. Size of Patrol The size of the safety patrol obviously will vary according to the size and needs of the school, the density of the population, the number of crossings and other hazards in the vicinity of the school, the volume of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the variety of activities to be engaged in by the patrol. National fig- ures indicate that the average patrol has ten to twelve members including a captain and at least one or more lieutenants. Smaller patrols of five or six members need only a captain, whereas larger patrols may require a captain and several lieutenants. A captain should not be assigned to a specific post but should re- main free to move from post to post carrying out his responsi- bilities as leader. Frequently two bus patrol members are assigned to each bus, one for the front and one for the rear. It is important that the size of the patrol be compatible with all as- pects of the school safety program. General Rules for Patrol Members General rules for patrol members, as well as emergency regu- lations, may be agreed upon cooperatively by members of the total student body or by some student organization. Homeroom suggestions, along with those from patrol members, school staff, teacher-sponsor, law enforcement officers and representatives from the local safety organization, should likewise be considered. Rules and regulations formulated as a result of such cooperative endeavor usually have the support of those who are expected to follow them. Such rules and regulations should have the approval of the local board of education. All but the last two of the following suggestions are found in the Pennsylvania Department of Public Instruction bulletin, School Safety Patrol: 26 • Report to post on time and remain during the prescribed period, or until properly relieved. • Perform duties outlined and do not exceed prescribed authority. • Wear patrol belt at all times while on duty. • Behave politely at all times. • Attend strictly to the task and do not permit attention to be diverted, while on duty by any unnecessary conversation, by games or amusements, or by "horseplay." • Remain on the curb — not in the street. • Direct children — not vehicular traffic. • Know the simple rules of first aid . . .* • Notify teacher-sponsor in advance of anticipated absence. • Report accidents to captain of patrol, who, in turn, should report them to the teacher-sponsor, using the standard stu- dent accident report forms. (See Appendix, p. 51.) • Observe specific directions set up for handling accidents or emergencies. General Duties of Patrol Members Duties of patrol members are well presented in the publication, The Expanding Role of School Patrols, by the National Commis- sion on Safety Education. In this bulletin the topic is discussed as follows : "The scope and limitations of the duties, responsibilities, and privileges of all patrol members should be clearly defined and understood by everyone in the school-community. The leadership role is best fulfilled by the boy or girl who exemplifies such prac- tices as these: • "Knows and attends to the duties of his post. • "Maintains an attitude of cheerfulness while on duty. • "Genuinely tries to help others. • "Shows a willingness to serve as- a member of the patrol team. • "Displays confidence and self-reliance in carrying out his duties. • "Adheres to safe practices at all times, whether on or off duty. • "Shows respect for his fellow pupils, for school personnel, and for others. • "Enjoys serving as a patrol member. * For further guidance in first aid instruction in grades 1-12, see Health Education North Carolina Public Schools, pages 319-332. 27 "The relationship of the patrol member to other students is extremely important. In no case should the patrol member as- sume that he is a policeman with the power to arrest other stu- dents. Rather, he should view his role as that of one who assists others constructively and helpfully in situations which might otherwise be disorderly and dangerous. The patrol plan developed in a school should provide an easy and effective way for patrol members to report to the teacher-sponsor instances of recalci- trant behavior on the part of the students. Such reports should be followed with appropriate action to discourage improper and un- safe behavior." Duties of a more specific nature are discussed in subsequent sections of this bulletin. INSTALLATION Installation of the Patrol Installing patrol members at the beginning of each school year, preferably at school-wide assembly, is an effective way of bring- ing all students into the program. Parents of patrol members, newspaper reporters, and other guests may be invited to this special program as a means of extending understanding of the safety patrol as well as increasing its prestige. 28 The function of the safety patrol and the responsibility of all students relative to the school safety program should be empha- sized at this assembly by the principal, superintendent, law- enforcement officers, and by pupils themselves. This can be done through speeches, panel discussions, charts, graphs, exhibits, filmstrips or moving pictures. Patrol members may then be sworn in and presented with belts, insignia, and identification cards in front of the entire student body. The principal or some community leader may make the presentations, with the teacher-sponsor placing the insignia on the patrol members. The following suggested form printed in a size suitable for carrying in a wallet may be used as an identification card : This is to certify that is a member of the Safety Patrol of School for the school year , Principal , Teacher-Sponsor SUGGESTED PLEDGES FOR PATROL MEMBERS If desired, patrol members may recite in unison a patrol pledge which they themselves, along with the sponsor, have formulated ; or one such as that suggested by either the State of Minnesota or the Pennsylvania Department of Public Instruction. The pledge itself may be printed on one side of the identification card. The following pledges are typical : Minnesota Pled a ge "I promise on my honor: • "To do my duty to God and my country, and obey the law. • "To work for the safety of the pupils of the schools as I would want those appointed to work for my safety and the safety of my family and friends. • "To try to protect myself and those with whom I come in contact from the risk of unnecessary chances. • "To keep myself clean morally, mentally and physically — by being honest, trustworthy, loyal, helpful, obedient, and brave. • "To do my part in helping reduce the number of accidents during the year and by my example to try to make my school a model one for safety. 29 • "To perform faithfully the duties as outlined for school safety patrol . . . [members]. • "To preserve and return my equipment when ordered to do so." Pennsylvania Pledge "I promise faithfully that as a member of the School Safety Patrol of School I will obey all safety rules and encourage others to do the same. I will do everything in my power to protect members of my school and other child pedestrians when they are crossing streets or highways at my post. "I further promise to wear my patrol insignia when on duty and to guide my own conduct toward traffic in such a manner as to set an example to all other children and to guard myself against accidents while on duty. I will be prompt and obedient; I will be loyal to my patrol, my school, and my community." In turn, a pledge indicating student-body cooperation may be formulated by the students themselves and spoken in unison, following the pledge recited by the patrol members. This two- way acceptance of responsibility can do much toward guarantee- ing an active and highly respected student safety patrol. The following pledge, or one similar, may add meaning to the safety program : We, the members of the . . student body, realizing the importance of using safe procedures at all times, promise to cooperate with out safety patrol in its efforts to help us. We shall abide by all safety regulations which are agreed upon for our school, our campus, and our community. And, as good citizens, we shall strive on all occasions to help each other in developing and using patterns of safe living. Whatever form the installation of the patrol may take, it should be simple, dignified and conducive to an understanding of the purposes of the patrol and the necessity for school-wide cooperation in carrying out its policies. OPERATING PROCEDURES AND GENERAL RULES FOR TRAFFIC PATROLS These suggestions are adaptations of standard rules for opera- tion of school safety patrols to meet North Carolina needs.* The traffic patrol function is to assist teachers and parents in the instruction of school pupils relative to safe practices in * The standard rules were originally formulated in 1930 and were revised in 1937 and again in 1948 by a committee composed of representatives of the American Automobile Association, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National Commission on Safety Education of the National Education Association, the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, the National Safety Council and the United States Office of Education. These rules were affirmed by a conference of organizations interested in safety education. Through- out the country these rules have done much to bring unity and clarity of purpose to school traffic safety patrols. 30 the use of streets and highways at all times and places. Patrols should not be charged with the responsibility of directing vehic- ular traffic nor should they be allowed to direct it. They should never function as vehicular traffic police; and need not, there- fore, be recognized by city ordinances or state laws dealing with vehicular traffic. Location of Patrol-Protected Crossings Crossings should be so located that adequate sight distances enable the driver to see the patrol member in time to insure a safe stop or to make whatever other driving adjustments may be needed. The standard belt worn by the patrol member standing on the sidewalk attracts attention of drivers under normal conditions when sufficient sight distances are provided at the crossing. In some school areas, the location of crossings with adequate sight distances may not be possible because of hilltops, curves, foliage, or other conditions. Where the patrol member cannot be seen at least as far away as the safe stopping distance for the legal speed at that location, the following procedures should be used : Encourage the local government to place an effective flashing signal, sign, or some other suitable warning device at the appropriate spot, thereby giving warning of a school crossing ahead, in order to insure the adequate reduction in speed of approaching vehicles. Advise residents of the community, through available media, of hazards at school crossings and encourage them to take the necessary precautions for protection of school students. The use of warning flags as a means of increasing visibility is not recommended for use in North Carolina. Their use is often misleading and can be dangerous.* Position and Procedure The patrol member's position is on the curb, not in the street ; in this position he holds back the pupils until he sees an adequate gap in traffic. When such a gap occurs, he steps aside and directs the pupils to cross the street in a group. He keeps his position on the curb except when his view of traffic is obstructed ; then he may step into the street only a sufficient distance to obtain a clear view. The pupils remain on the curb until the patrol member * Student efforts to direct vehicular traffic tend to increase with the use of flags. Patrols come to depend upon flags as a "solid wall" capable of protecting pupils from vehicles while crossing and pupils tend to rely upon the flags as absolute protection. Such dependence results in failure on the part of patrol members and pupil pedestrians to maintain constant vigil while crossing. 31 directs them to cross. After the pupils have crossed, the patrol member returns to his position on the curb. School authorities should confer with traffic officials in arrang- ing for proper parking of cars near schools so that only in ex- ceptional cases will the patrol member need to step into the street. PROPER POSITION POSITION ONLY WHEN VISABILITY IS BLOCKED 32 When the street is wide or the traffic heavy, there should be one or more patrol members on each side of the street. They should operate under the direction of one member who should determine when the gap in traffic is adequate to allow the group of pupils to reach the opposite curb in safety. When adequate gaps in vehicular traffic do not occur at fre- quent intervals, permitting pupils to cross the street or highway safely, the vehicular traffic problem is not a safety patrol re- sponsibility but should be handled by the police. The American Automobile Association's publication, "Safety Patrol Handbook," gives additional detailed suggestions with illustrations on patrol position and procedure, some of which are reproduced on pages 58 to 68 of the Appendix. Relation to Traffic Signals and Police Officers At interesections without any traffic control the flow of traffic may be sufficiently heavy to require the assignment of a police officer at those times when pupils are going to and from school. For intersections at which traffic is controlled by a police officer or a traffic signal or both, the safety patrol member assists by directing children across the street in conformance with the di- rections of the police officer or the signal device. Hours on Duty It is essential that patrol members be on duty at all times while children are crossing streets or highways in going to and from school. Patrol members should reach their posts at least ten or fifteen minutes before the opening of school in the morning and at noon, and should remain on duty until the tardy bell. For duty at dismissal times, they should leave their classes two or three minutes before the bell and should remain on duty until all pupils who are not stragglers have passed their posts. Efficiency in school safety patrol operations makes it desirable to have all classes dismissed at the same time. If there are several dismissal times, the size of the patrol should be increased and the members rotated so that no one member will be absent too long from his class. Bus Duty Assignment to bus patrol duty in no way relieves the bus driver from full responsibility which he has for the safe conveying of children to and from school. The function of the bus patrol is purely that of assisting the bus driver. School authorities should 33 CHECK ROAD BEFORE CROSSING instruct pupils to obey both the bus driver and any patrol mem- ber assigned to bus duty. One or two patrol members may be appointed for each bus, de- pending upon the capacity of the bus. When two patrol members are on duty, one should be at the rear of the bus and one at the front. When only one is used, he should be located at the front of the bus. In the selection of patrol members for bus duty, it is desirable that they be among the first to board the bus en route to school and among the last to leave the bus when returning home. Duties of bus patrol members include the following: • To assist the bus driver in checking attendance and making certain that all pupils are aboard the bus and in safe riding position before the bus starts. • To assist the driver in maintaining order while the bus is en route. This includes observing that no pupil has his head, arms or hands out of windows and that all pupils remain in safe riding positions at all times. • To assist the bus driver in directing pupils to board and leave the bus in a quiet and orderly manner. When pupils are ready to leave the bus, a patrol member alights first and stands ready to give assistance to pupils getting off. • To assist the bus driver in preventing pupils from crossing any highway or street until directed to do so by the driver. 34 The patrol member should also make certain that all pupils are out of the roadway before boarding the bus after a stop. To assist the bus driver in making certain that the roadway is clear in all directions when pupils must cross the street or highway in the process of boarding or leaving the bus. The driver must make the decision that the highway is clear for adequate distances, then direct the students to cross in front of the bus. The patrol member should escort very young pupils across the roadway only if and when specifically authorized by the principal and only upon the driver's signal to cross. (The 1955 recodification of the school laws of North Carolina permits the administrative appointment of school bus monitors whose duties shall be those of helpers under the direct supervision of bus drivers.) To assist the bus driver in the use of the emergency bus door and to assist him in administering first-aid. Patrol members should be given instructions for these functions as part of the regular patrol-training program. They should be in- structed to operate the emergency door or to direct first-aid activities when requested to do so by the driver, or to act on their own initiative when the driver is unable to give directions. To report to the driver any bicycle riders, roller skaters, or other "hitchers" on the bus. To report to the driver any violation of the bus rules and regulations by any passenger. To get off the bus when it stops at the approach to hazardous railroad crossings and other hazardous places, when approved by the principal and directed by the bus driver, observe con- ditions, and signal the driver when it is safe to procede. Upon request, assistance in planning procedures for such hazard- ous places is available from the Division of Transportation, State Board of Education, Raleigh, N. C. After the bus has passed such a hazardous place, the driver should not stop to take on the patrol member until the bus is in such a posi- tion past the hazard that his stopping will not force the entrapment of other vehicles. 3.5 EQUIPMENT Procurement, use, and proper care of equipment and insignia are essential to a successful safety-patrol program. Patrol mem- bers need to be impressed with the importance of properly using and caring for their equipment. They should be helped to realize that neatness, cleanliness, and bearing help significantly in gain- ing respect for the safety work they are doing. A clean white belt makes the patrol member more visible, more easily identified. Moreover pride in equipment and the manner in which it is worn are almost invariably a true indication of a patrol member's good attitude toward his work. It cannot be assumed that equipment will be adequately cared for ; nor will haphazard efforts in this direction be satisfactory. Patrol members must be instructed in the proper care and use of their equipment. Initial training for this is the responsibility of the teacher-sponsor ; however, much of this responsibility can become a function of the patrol captains as they gain experience in their jobs. CLEAN NEAT PROPER PROUD 36 1 Li • Insignia and Equipment Each patrol member should have a Sam Browne belt made of two-inch wide material, a badge, a raincoat, and a rain hat. The Sam Browne belt should be worn over the outer garment at all times while on duty; and the badge on the belt at right breast level. Since patrol members must serve in all kinds of weather, it is essential that a raincoat and hat be provided for their use. The Sam Browne belt is very effective as a traffic warning, since it is immediately recognized by the motorist and consequently provides some protection for school crossings. Procurement of Equipment Schools should purchase patrol equipment under contracts made by the North Carolina Division of Purchase and Contract ; equipment is usually less expensive when purchased through this channel. Individual schools should place their orders for patrol equipment with the superintendent for purchase in the same manner as all other materials under State contract. De- 37 tailed information concerning such equipment is filed in the superintendent's office. Suggestions for Proper Care of Equipment • Sam Browne belts should be cleaned regularly according to directions given by the manufacturer. • Belts should be worn only when on duty. • Belts should be repaired as frequently as necessary. • Badges should be affixed to belts and removed only when belt is being cleaned. • Badges should be cleaned or polished as frequently as neces- sary according to instructions of the manufacturer. • Raincoats should be hung on rustproof hangers in a place provided for such purposes. • Periodic inventories and inspections of equipment should be made and recorded. This should lead to practices which would enable the equipment to give greater service. • At the end of the school year, or any time when members sever relationship with the patrol, equipment should be re- turned to the captain or the teacher-sponsor for safe keeping. • During the summer equipment should be properly stored for protection from dust, dampness, and excessive heat. Rain- coats, when stored for long periods of time, frequently fare best if placed in individual paper or plastic garment bags. Any specialized suggestions for storage made by the manu- facturer should be followed carefully. SAFETY PATROL ACTIVITIES Much has been said about the safety patrol organization and objectives, selection and duties of members, responsibilities of teacher-sponsors, and training techniques for sponsors and pupils alike. Perhaps the most significant aspect of effective safety patrols is that their activities should be so integrated and correlated with all other school activities that they are always regarded as part of the continuing and total school program. Unless patrol activities are so planned and so regarded, they are likely to lose much of their meaning. The importance of the school patrol in the total educational program must be recognized by parents, teachers, the student body, and the patrol members themselves if it is to be success- ful. Every efficient patrol will include in its day-by-day efforts a wide variety of activities, carefully planned as part of the 38 regular school program and designed to develop in the school and community the highest possible regard for safety through patrol work. When such an attitude is developed, problems of organiza- tion, selection, training, and operation of the school patrol are reduced to a minimum. Motivation, recognition, and morale re- ceive due consideration in any successful patrol program. Recognition of patrol members should be in harmony with the philosophy of the individual school and its administrative unit, and should be so understood by all teachers, all pupils, all parents and others in the community interested in the activities of the patrol. The Safety Patrol Bulletin, issued by the Department of Public Instruction in Pennsylvania, states that wholesome atti- tudes toward safety patrols are developed through two types of activities: status-producing activities and reward activities. Suggestions from that bulletin are given below : Suggested Status-Producing Activities • Installation ceremonies (See pp. 28-30, this publication.) • Patrol-sponsored assembly, such as a play, a problem forum, or a traffic court. • Patrol representation in the student council or in some other comparable student government organization. • Safety-patrol section in the school publication with a patrol reporter. • A safety bulletin board maintained by patrol members. • A training program for the lower grades involving visits to homerooms by patrol members for the purpose of emphasiz- ing safety in traffic and all other places. • School-safety committee, council, or commission, to assist in correlating patrol activities, and to give impetus to the whole safety program. • Patrol meetings which are regular, well-planned, and pur- poseful. The meetings should include training and study sessions, with occasional entertainment. Now and then a special guest will add variety. Meeting dates and topics should be planned and posted well in advance. When possible it may be wise to hold these meetings during school hours. • Accident reporting and record keeping. This is a necessary process in determining weaknesses of the safety program and in revealing causal factors in the accidents which occur. The information is very useful in evaluating the safety pro- gram and in re-shaping it to meet changing needs. 39 • A system of apprenticeship in which regular members help to train new members. This can be useful in preparing new members for their duties and responsibilities as well as in screening undesirables. It is desirable for this training peri- od to come in the spring thereby paving the way for an effective patrol in the fall. This technique has possibilities of bringing patrol activities before the public in an impres- sive manner, provided it is not over-used. • Special duties such as fire-drill aides, ushers, guides, special messengers, members of first-aid teams, members of emerg- ency or civil defense teams, and playground aides. These activities also have possibilities of producing status for the patrol in many communities. • A safety court, cooperatively planned and conducted by pupils and sponsor and designed primarily as a training medium rather than a punishing body. Such courts require the pres- ence of strong faculty leadership at all sessions. CAUTIONS ABOUT SCHOOL SAFETY COURTS* Though student courts may have certain advantages, they may easily become dictatorial and do immeasurable harm to the patrol program and the school. The publication of the National Safety Council, Student Safety Activities, gives the following com- ments and precautions concerning "School Safety Courts" : "Some schools have inaugurated school safety courts whose responsibility it is to enforce safety regulations. In schools which operate a court system, the safety court is usually a part of the regular court proceedings, held by the Student Government Association. If students have a clear understand- ing of the function of the court, they are willing to give it their whole- hearted support and the court can contribute a great deal to the success of the program. If the student body is not in sympathy with the idea of a court and will not respect the decisions of the court, the safety program will progress better without a court. "The court is an enforcing body which carries out safety regulations and teaches appreciation and observation of the law. The court consists of a judge and a clerk, or a panel of judges and a clerk, or, in rare cases, of a judge, jury, and clerk. The adviser serves as a court of appeals. "Judges should be appointed by the president of the student safety organi- zation from a list recommended by the faculty. "The court convenes regularly — as often as the docket requires — to con- sider cases called to its attention by a card (which may be prepared by the student safety organization) containing the name of the offender, the nature * Many schools of the nation have expressed the opinion that courts have no place in the schools; however, some feel that they do. If courts are to be used, this information indicates precautions to be considered in operating them. 40 of his offense, and the witnesses. Students should be encouraged to report only acts which may lead to accidents. "Penalties, if imposed, should be carefully administered. Frequently pen- alties are too harsh. If the defendant is found guilty, penalties which have proved adequate are: "A reminder or reprimand "A visit to the city court to witness disposition of traffic offenders "Denial of privileges connected with the type of offense "Referral to the principal "Some schools have found the courts effective even though no penalties were imposed." Possible Reward or Recognition Activities Motivating interest in patrol work and maintaining morale among members is a matter of continuing concern for all schools which sponsor patrols and especially for teachers and sponsors. Handling this problem in cooperation with students themselves helps greatly to increase the prestige and status of the school patrol in the eyes of the entire student body. ''When pupils feel that the school patrol program is their program, they are eager to serve and they find great personal satisfaction in the oppor- tunity to serve. In these circumstances, it may be questioned whether any regular pattern of special recognition for patrol service is either necessary or desirable." This quotation from The Expanding Role of School Patrols, National Commission on Safety Education, NEA, expresses the philosophy of many schools. Rewards, on the other hand, may serve a useful purpose. Certainly all plans involving special recognition for patrol serv- ice should be appraised in terms of their educational values and their benefits to the greatest possible number of pupils. Such plans should credit the entire patrol group for its service, rather than glorify one person or a few individuals. Reward activities, whether individual or group, sometimes serve as positive motivating influences which give status to the patrol and at the same time serve as incentives for continuing the good work already under way. Individual awards, such as certificates of merit for all those who give satisfactory service, may serve a useful purpose, but group awards are usually con- sidered more acceptable, since they tend to develop a sense of unity and loyalty which makes for good relations among mem- bers of the patrol. Some of the following suggested recognition activities may prove useful : • Free movies and athletic events. Local theatre owners are frequently willing to sponsor a Safety Patrol Day during 41 which patrol members are admitted free of charge. Some schools admit patrol members to athletic events free of charge. • Field trips to points of interest may be stimulating to patrol members. • Participation in patrol athletic activity programs and in special play days arranged for patrols from several schools is likewise valuable at times. • Special trips, banquets, picnics, sponsored by PTA's, safety councils, service clubs, or the like, may be desirable at times. Efforts to provide out-of-state or other distant trips are some- times attempted for all members of the patrol in an administrat- ive school unit. Such trips often involve heavy expenses which are not commensurate with rewards associated with other school activities. Since some schools attempting such trips do not yet have adequate safety libraries or other needed services, it seems unwise to spend unnecessarily large sums of money in this man- ner even though it may be provided by non-school agencies. If the school feels that it must be represented at distant patrol meetings it might be better for such trips to be restricted to a few persons from each school. The number would likely be de- termined by the patrol members who have given outstanding service to the school and community. Persons who are privileged to take such trips might best be elected by patrol members, sub- ject to approval of parents, school sponsor, and the principal. Again, it should be stressed that rewards and recognitions must necessarily be handled carefully, as every wise sponsor realizes, if full educational and morale values are to be gained. Handled unwisely, they can be harmful ; yet they may sometimes constitute the spark which gives day-by-day vitality and effec- tiveness to patrols. EVALUATING PROGRESS OF SAFETY PATROLS The accompanying check lists are suggestive of techniques which may be used for determining progress in safety-patrol activities. The first check list is a slightly modified version of the one appearing in The Expanding Role of School Patrols (Nation- al Commission on Safety Education, NEA) ; whereas, the second is a reproduction of the evaluative statements appearing in the 42 appendix of School Safety Patrol (Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, Department of Public Instruction). These particular check lists may be useful as a means of im- proving the operation of safety patrols. On the other hand, the student body, patrol members, and faculty members, with the cooperation of others, may prefer to formulate their own tech- niques for evaluation. Regardless of the methods used, it is im- portant that frequent evaluation be part of the continuous pro- gram for improving patrol activities. CHECK LIST A (Check level of achievement which best represents your school.) Making Progress Toward An Ideal Goal Length of Achievement 12 3 The student body participates cooperatively with the school safety patrol in formulating the rules and regulations under which the patrol operates. ■ The safety rules and regulations of the school are based on a comprehensive and cooperative survey of possible hazards in the immediate vicinity of the school as well as the larger community. There is a conscious and continuous effort by all members of the school staff to foster safe traffic habits on the part of all pupils. The student body accepts the safety patrol as a necessary and vital part of the school organiza- Teachers and pupils are given frequent oppor- tunities to express their opinions regarding patrol operation through such means as questionnaires, suggestion boxes, and open discussions. Time needed to do effective work with the safety patrol is made available to the teacher-sponsor by the principal within the day's work program. The teacher-sponsor has had adequate prepara- tion in the basic principles of safety education, and has a thorough knowledge of local traffic problems and regulations. Definite qualifications have been established for the selection of patrol members. Both boys and girls are eligible to serve on the safety patrol. 43 The written permission of parents is obtained be- fore a student can become a patrol member. Appropriate insignia and equipment are provided at public expense so that the patrol can function effectively at all times. If insignia and equipment are provided by out- side agencies, it is free from advertisement and entails no undesirable obligations on the part of the school. Patrol membership rotates among many pupils in order that the advantage of first-hand experience in patrol work is spread as widely as possible. There are regularly scheduled and carefully planned meetings of the safety patrol at which time matters of interest and concern are dis- cussed. There are definite provisions for instructing pa- trol members in such matters as: • qualifications of a good patrol member • general duties of a patrol member • what to do in case of accident • exemplary behavior by patrol members leads to desirable student attitudes toward patrols. • use and care of insignia and equipment Appropriate recognition is provided from time to time for all patrol members to help maintain their interest and morale. Accident records are kept and are carefully ana- lyzed to determine ways of improving the patrol program The press, radio, and television are used when- ever possible in order to keep the community fully informed of the activities and achievements of the safety patrol. The school initiates periodic appraisal of the long- term effectiveness of the safety patrol, or co- operates with community agencies in appraising the patrol. 44 CHECK LIST B* Each building in the school district has a well-organized Safety Patrol Adequate faculty supervision is given to the Safety Patrol. The Safety Patrol is made up of pupils above the fourth grade. Patrol members are selected on the basis of leadership and reliability. Special courses of instruction on duties are given to all pupils serving on the Safety Patrol. School recognition is given pupils serving on the Safety Patrol. Both boys and girls serve on the Safety Patrol. Each school system sets up its own procedures for controlling violations. Safety Patrols assist in loading, unloading, and keeping order on school buses. The standard insignia are worn by patrol members while on duty. Parents or guardians are required to give written consent before any pupil is permitted to serve as a member of a Safety Patrol. Where conditions are hazardous, patrol members and/or police are stationed on opposite curbs of the thoroughfare. Patrol members are on duty at least 15 minutes before the opening of school and remain on duty until the scheduled time for the opening of the school day. The Safety Patrol members are furnished with adequate equip- ment to protect their health in all kinds of weather. The school Safety Patrol not only helps at intersections but is given other assignments where the safety of pupils is involved. The school welcomes cooperation by police and other com- munity agencies in organizing and directing the safety patrol. At least one faculty meeting is devoted to School Patrols each year. The Safety Patrols, traffic lights, street markings, and other protective measures are periodically checked so that they offer the proper protection to those who are on their way to or from school, and insure proper operation of safety devices for pupils and others. Yes No * School Safety Patrol, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction. 45 APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY The Expanding Role of School Patrols. National Education Association, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Handbook for Elementary and Secondary Schools. Issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Raleigh, N. C, 1953. A Handbook for School Bus Drivers. North Carolina Depart- ment of Motor Vehicles, Raleigh, N. C, 1954. Health Education. Issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Raleigh, N. C, 1953. How to Organize and Supervise a School Safety Patrol. Ameri- can Automotive Association, Washington, D. C, 1950. Minnesota School Safety Patrol Manual. Department of High- ways and Department of Education, State of Minnesota, 1946. Pupil Patrols in Elementary and Secondary Schools, Research Bulletin, Vol. XXVIII No. 1, National Education Associa- tion, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C, 1950. Rules, Regulations, and Laws Governing Public School Trans- portation in North Carolina. North Carolina State Board of Education, Raleigh, N. C, 1950. School Safety Patrol, Bulletin No. 391. Department of Public Instruction, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1951. School Safety Patrols, Standard Rules for Street and Bus Patrols in Virginia. State Department of Education, Richmond, Virginia, 1951. Student Safety Activities, Student Safety Organization Hand- book for Secondary Schools. National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, Illinois, 1945. Who is Liable for Pupil Injuries? National Education Associa- tion, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C, 1950. References for Materials and Other Helps In addition to specific publications available from the State Department of Public Instruction in the forty-eight states, ma- terials and other helps concerning school patrols may be secured from the following sources : 46 Films and Filmstrips The Driver Improvement Section, State Highway Patrol, North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, Raleigh, N. C, will send, upon request, its extensive list of available films and film- strips. They are available on loan; however, return transporta- tion costs must be paid by the borrower. Traffic Patrol Materials American Automobile Association, Mills Building, Washing- ton 6, D. C. (Also available through its North Carolina affiliate, The Carolina Motor Club, Charlotte, North Carolina.) Association of Casualty and Surety Companies, 60 John Street, New York, N. Y. (Also available through its affiliate, The North Carolina Association of Insurance Agents, Inc., Com- mercial Building, Raleigh, North Carolina.) National Association of Automotive Mutual Insurance Com- panies, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, Illinois. North Carolina Association of Mutual Insurance Agents, Inc., Raleigh Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. National Commission on Safety Education, National Educa- tion Association, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. National Congress of Parents and Teachers, 600 S. Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 5, Illinois. National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago 11, Illinois. United States Office of Education, Washington 25, D. C. Fire Materials National Board of Fire Underwriters, 85 John Street, New York 38, N. Y. National Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarch Street, Boston 10, Mass. Other State Civil Defense Office, Civil Defense Building, Jefferson Street, Raleigh, N. C. SUGGESTIONS FOR KEEPING GENERAL SCHOOL PATROL RECORDS The following student record procedures may be helpful in developing forms for use in the school's patrol program. Such records can be very helpful to the sponsor for planning training programs and increasing the overall effectiveness of the patrol program. 47 Suggestive record form No. 1 is an adaptation of a pupil-viola- tion report form found in "Safety Patrol Captain's Manual", produced by Carl Pike and Don Hurst, for use in Jackson, Michi- gan. Since it is worthwhile to commend safe practices as well as to report violations of safety regulations, the form has been changed so that it is usable for both purposes. This form can be used by all patrol members. Record form No. 2 is suggested for use by the patrol captains or lieutenants in recording daily patrol operations for each month. This is an adaptation of a form illustrated in "Safety Patrol Handbook" published by the American Automobile Association. As a matter of practicability, forms Nos. 1 and 2 may be most useful if a sufficient supply of No. 2 is placed in the front of a patrol record book and a suitable supply of No. 1 is placed in the back of the same book. Copies of the standard accident report form can be folded and placed in the back of the patrol record book for use when needed. Record form No. 3 is devised to serve as a daily and monthly summary of the operations of each of the respective patrols. The sample illustrates one designated for a sidewalk patrol and one for a bus patrol. Such summary record forms could be made up on poster board and located in a prominent place. This would enable the teacher-sponsor or others to readily note the day-to- day progress of patrol operations. Lieutenants can report daily to their captain who can summarize the reports and enter the summaries on record form No. 3. SAMPLE RECORD FORM NO. 1 Patrol Report on Pupil Behavior, Where Patrols Operate Commendation <- Check one -^ Violation Pnnil 's Name Pupil A o. t.i n 's Homeroom No. n by Pupil Reported by Rm. No 48 i J c c e £ tj < \ S \ \ \ \ \ \ . c e\j \ \ \ \ \ \ s \ \ \ \ ' \ S; \ V \ g • \ » \ \ \ \ \ ^ c3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ •H § I I g o O -P S3 \ \ \ ' , \ S \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rH \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ r-i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ r-i \ \ \ \ \ k \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ as \ \ \ \ \ \ \ h IS I \ \ \ \ \ VO \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ \ \ -3 \ \ . \ \ S f-\ ■ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ . H \ , • S N \ \ 1 i ! f. 2 •0 B M < Oh 8 B O; O 5 g 1 I 1 — — ] 5& o p 55 RECORDING AND ANALYZING STUDENT ACCIDENTS* Information on the unsafe acts and unsafe conditions causing accidental injuries and deaths to students is essential to the func- tioning' of an efficient school safety program. For this reason it is essential that records be kept and the analysis be made of these records. Importance of Records The successful initiation and continuation of this fundamental safety education activity — the securing of accident data and the using of it — requires: 1. The recognition by school authorities of the value of such student accident reports. These reports may be used in a. Adjusting the safety curriculum to immediate student needs b. Individual student guidance c. Modifying the structure and use of the building and grounds d. Protecting the school from unfortunate publicity and lia- bility suits growing out of accident cases. 2. The adoption of the Standard Student Accident Reporting System, preferably on a system-wide basis. This will help attain uniformity and make possible a comparison of records. The Standard system is not a new system, but was devised by the Na- tional Safety Council and cooperating school authorities many years ago. It consists of an original accident report form and a monthly summary sheet. It has been in use in some school systems for about 20 years. The National Safety Council will furnish, without charge, a year's supply of both the accident report form and the summary sheet. Subsequently sup- plies may be printed locally or purchased from the Council at nominal rates. 3. The education of the entire instructional staff on the value of the Standard Student Accident Reporting System; and the training of all teachers and other designated persons to fill out completely the accident reports, to give full details, and to make reports promptly. Responsibility for the preparation of the original accident report is primarily with the teacher in charge when the acci- dent occurs. Accidents in areas of patrol supervision should be reported by patrol members, but the school sponsor should be summoned immediately to lend assistance and verify the * Information in this section is taken largely from Safety Education Memo # 3, a mimeo- graphed bulletin; Student Accident Records and Analysis, published by the National Safety Council. 425 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11. Illinois. 51 report. If a motor vehicle is involved, the police should also be summoned. If a motorist who is involved leaves the scene where he has caused an injury, the patrol member should record his license number and report it to the teacher-sponsor. The patrol member should also record the license number and specific acts of any motor vehicle driver operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner in the vicinity of his post. The teacher- sponsor with local police assistance may confer with such drivers as a means of correcting such unsafe acts by motor- ists. Reports should be filled out completely and, on all school- jurisdictional accidents, should be forwarded to the superin- tendent's office not later than twenty-four hours after the accident happened. (Some superintendents require an im- mediate report, by telephone, on serious accidents of this type, followed by a written report.) Reports on non-school accidents should be completed as soon as the student returns to school. The development of specific plans for the use of reports. Use of reports will vary from one school system to another. In general, it is desirable that copies of all student accident reports be examined by the teacher-sponsor, the principal, the supervisor, the superintendent, and others who may find such information useful. In some instances, selected reports should be examined by the individual staff member concern- ed. For example, the custodian should study reports of all building and ground accidents resulting from poor plant con- ditions. The physical education teacher should examine the reports of all accidents in physical education and recreational activities, whether on school property or not ; the shop teach- er should examine reports on all shop accidents. Accident reports should be studied by the advisers of all students involved in the accidents. The analysis of completed reports by some competent person to determine the real causes of the accident and the needed protective measures. This analysis, together with a copy of the accident report, should be sent to the persons who are particularly concerned with the accident, the custodian, the physical education teacher, the home economics teachers, and others. Parent cooperation in order that the Standard Student Acci- dent Reporting System may function efficiently. Parents may be the source of much information on non- 52 school accidents. They will, very likely, become increasingly sympathetic with the school's efforts to improve facilities, if they are informed about the student accident situation. Will Many Reports Be Required? In view of their functional significance, the amount of time invested in the collection of student accident reports is amazingly small. On an average, there is one serious (necessitating loss of one-half day or a doctor's care) accident a month to every 500 pupils. In addition, there would probably be a number of less serious accidents occurring on school property for which records should also be made. At most, however, no school would be bur- dened with excessive reporting. What Accidents Are Reported? Accidents of the following type should be reported : 1. All injuries requiring a doctor's care 2. Those keeping a student out of school one-half day or more, regardless of where the student was when injured — on school property, en route to or from school, at home, or elsewhere. 3. All school jurisdictional accidents, however slight. (Unless otherwise defined by administrative ruling or court action, school jurisdictional accidents are those occuring while stu- dents are on school property, in the school building, and on the way to and from school). Making out the Accident Report The first step in the making out of the accident report is to collect all necessary data. The next step is to read the instruc- tions carefully at the top of the Standard Student Accident Re- port Form ; then complete and answer accurately all questions on the form. Brevity, without sacrificing precision, is desirable ; but no questions should be overlooked or omitted. If the precise answer to any question is not known, the lack of information should be recorded. The most significant part of the accident report is the "De- scription of the Accident." The ultimate value of the report de- pends largely on the clarity, completeness, and accuracy of this description. In reporting an accident on a swing, it is not suffi- cient to state, "student fell from swing." A useful report of the accident might read: "Rusted link of swing broke as the swing reached the top of forward arc, causing student to fall ten feet to ground. School custodian had warned children "to be careful of 53 the swing,' but had not informed playground supervisor of the condition of the swing nor had the custodian taken the swing out of service." All questions on the accident report form have been asked in simple, non-technical terms ; and will cause no confusion when filling in the forms. Student Accident Summary Sheet Each month, the information contained in the accident report should be tabulated on the Student Accident Summary Sheet so that the school administrator may see (1) what kinds of accidents are frequent among the students; (2) the causal factors relative to such accidents; (3) the trends for different types of accidents and the causal factors involved therein. Summaries for indi- vidual schools, as well as for the entire school system, should be compiled monthly and made available for the entire system. Such summaries provide a basis for determining whether the safety education program of the school system should be revised. Using the Summarized Data The data on the summary sheets have both immediate and long-range value. It is desirable for the person in charge of acci- dent reports to use these data in the preparation of a monthly memorandum for teachers, calling attention to progress made in various areas of safety, to the high frequency in certain types of accidents, and suggesting necessary emphasis during the following month. At the end of the academic year the current report should be compared with the one of the previous year and such questions as the following should be answered : 1. To what degree has progress been made during the past year? 2. What weaknesses are noticeable in the safety education pro- gram? How may they be overcome? 3. What special emphasis should be made during the next year? 4. How do the accident records of this locality compare with national records, or with those from similar communities? Data on student accidents should be gathered primarily for local use. It is to the advantage of all schools, however, to have maximum information on the accident situation in other com- munities. School systems, therefore, are urged to forward copies of their monthly summaries to the National Safety Council so that published tabulations of student accidents may be as com- plete as possible. Student accident data are invaluable to all 54 safety agencies endeavoring to serve the schools, and for this reason all agencies cooperating with the school in its safety pro- gram should invariably be supplied with these reports. Reproduction of Standard Accident Forms Standard accident report forms are reproduced in miniature on the following pages. These forms may be had in small quan- tities, free of charge, from the National Safety Council to those schools reporting their accidents each month. The forms are not copyrighted and may be reproduced by any school desiring to do so. 55 STANDARD STUDENT ACCIDENT REPORT FORM Part A. Information on ALL Accidents Name: School: Time accident occurred Place of Accident: Home Address: Sex: MO; FQ Age:. Grade or classification: Hour A.M.; P.M. Date: School Building □ School Grounds □ To or from School □ Home □ Elsewhere □ T" On w N {,:■ !■'"' y w M< Mi ^r V- <- a. « 1-5 < Abrasion Amputation Asphyxiation _ Bite _ Bruise Burn Concussion Cut _ Dislocation _ Other (specify) Fracture Laceration Poisoning Puncture Scalds Scratches Shock (el.) Sprain Abdomen _ Ankle _ Arm _ Back _ Chest Ear _ Elbow _ Eye _ Face Finger _ Other (specify) Foot Hand Head Knee Leg Mouth Nose Scalp Tooth Wrist DESCRIPTION OF THE ACCIDENT How did accident happen? What was student doing? Where was student? List specifically unsafe acts and unsafe conditions existing. Specify any tool, machine or equipment involved. Degree of Injury: Death fj Permanent Impairment fj Temporary Disability Q Nondisabling fj Total number of days lost from school: (To be filled in when student returns to school) Part B. Additional Information on School Jurisdiction Accidents Teacher in charge when accident occurred (Enter name) : Present at scene of accident: No: Yes: 9. Z ui III ±c < First-aid treatment Sent to school nurse Sent home Sent to physician Sent to hospital By (Name) :. By (Name) :_ By (Name) :_ By (Name) :_ Physician's Name:_ By (Name) :_ Name of hospital:. 10. Was a parent or other individual notified? No:. Name of individual notified: By whom? (Enter name) : Witnesses: 1. Name: 2. Name: Yes: When: 11 . Address: . Address: Ibiec ■ 12. Athletic field Auditorium Cafeteria Classroom Corridor Dressing room Gymnasium Home Econ. Laboratories Specify Activity Locker Pool Sch. grounds _ shop _ Showers Stairs _ Toilets and washrooms _ Other (specify) Specify Activity Remarks What recommendations do you have for pre- venting other accidents of this type? Signed: Principal: Teacher: (Natiooal Safety Council — Form School I) 56 Printed in U.S.A. Kct. JOM— IU»— WHF, mi-is noon s STUDENT ACCIDENT SUMMARY Month of_ City. .SchooL Year. No. of school days in above month i Stud.rrt ACC. 2 (1941) accidental death* thh month. Cop/ei of original report cardt covering thorn aro attached. t : CLASSIFICATION STUDENTS KILLED AND INJURED. BY GRADES SndM i*' Q ' n 6rada Grada Grade Grada Grad« Gradt Gr«d» Grad« Grad. Grad -i — i — r TOTAL ACCIQCNTS D SCHOOL BUILDINGS _»«!,.- ~k Other building ,„ - . SCHOOL GROUNDS i _,IM„ . _.._ 1 .. • ., " _fn«tti«ll . Unorganized Activities I Other.._ _ . 1 GOING TO OR FROM SCHOOL Motor vehicle— bicycle- Other motor vehicle Other bicycle Other HOME Falli i 1 Other home . 1 ... .. ._. .._ OTHER I Motor vehicle — bicycle | Other motor vehicle [ Other bicycle Other street & sidewalk I Playgrounds (not school) [Other places ■ ENROLLMENTS AND DAYS LOST 1 jf Days lost— This month's 1 Days lost this month from pre- ll vious month's accidents ...__..„ .... ; Report made by_ Title. copy of this report should be sent each month to the National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan Ave., Chicago II, covering all schools in the that maintain records. I BOM— 550— NSC Printed In U.S.A. 57 ADDITIONAL DETAILED SUGGESTIONS FOR PATROL OPERATIONS To assist teachers in giving basic instruction to new Patrol members and in retraining old members, the following illustrated explanation of standard Patrol operation has been prepared.* 1. OPERATION WITH ONE PATROL MEMBER Used only on quiet streets tvhere traffic flow is not heavy and where no special hazards exist. Fig. 6. This is the standard position for Patrol members on duty. An Intersection The Patrol member stands on the SIDEWALK, one pace back from the curb-line and midway between the crosswalk lines. He faces the street watching for traffic. He glances over his shoulder to watch for children approaching. When they approach, he raises his arms sideward so that they point downward from his shoulders at 45 degree angles. The children stop behind his out- stretched arms. (Fig. 6.) The Patrol member then looks in all directions (See Fig. 7) until there is a suitable lull in vehicular traffic to permit children *Material and illustrations, pp. 58 to 68, are used by permission of the American Auto- mobile Association and are taken from its publication, "Safety Patrol Handbook," Copy- right 1950. 58 Fig. 7. Notice how the properly-trained Patrol member looks in all directions for approaching vehicles. to cross safely. {In urban areas, it is recommended cars be at least one block away and not approaching at an excessive rate of speed. In rural areas, the distance would be greater since speeds are higher.) The Patrol member then drops his arms and steps left, watching for traffic in all directions — especially that ap- proaching from his left, which would constitute the most im- mediate hazard. As he steps aside, he continues to face the street, and he cautions the children to WATCH FOR TURNING CARS. He then returns to his position on the center of the sidewalk, cutting off the stragglers. (See Fig. 8). If the crossing is located on a one-way street, the Patrol mem- ber steps right or left, depending upon the direction from which traffic approaches. Where possible, crossings on one-way streets should be on the side of the intersection from which traffic approaches. (See Fig. 9.) This means that the Patrol member has traffic approaching in only one direction, and no turning traffic. He should be on the alert for vehicles turning into the one-way street through error. 59 Fig. 8. This Patrol member has made certain that it is safe to cross the street. He drops his arms to his sides and steps to the left. He continues to look in all directions, following the numbered order shown above. C>/^> A Fig. 9. This shows a one-way street with Patrol post located on the side of the intersection from which traffic approaches. 60 Parked Car Hazard If a parked car or other obstruction hinders the Patrol mem- ber's view of traffic approaching from the left, the procedure changes in one respect from that just outlined. The Patrol mem- ber takes his standard position and then follows through with the steps outlined until he has looked in all directions. Then, cautioning the children to WAIT ON THE CURB, he steps into the street just far enough to see past the parked car or other obstruction. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MAY THIS DIS- TANCE BE MORE THAN 3 PACES. He looks first to the left, for his own protection from approach- ing cars, then in all directions. (See Fig. 10.) If no vehicle is coming, he drops his arms and motions the children to cross. He continues to watch for traffic. After the children have crossed, he returns to the sidewalk, cutting off stragglers. Fig. 10. A car parked too close to the intersection constitutes a hazard. The view of the Patrol member is obstructed. He is permitted to step into the street more than three paces to observe approaching traffic. At Mid-Block School Crossings In cities and towns, mid-block crossings are not normally used, though, in some rare instances, they may prove necessary. Operation at a mid-block school crosswalk is exactly the same 61 as at an intersection, except that, since the Patrol member has no traffic approaching from the rear or front, he looks both RIGHT and then LEFT before stepping left to allow the children to pass. Fig. 11. A mid-block crossing presents special hazards. Before re- leasing children to cross the street, the Patrol member must make cer- tain that vehicles are not approaching at excessive rates of speed. The Patrol member should be instructed to pay particular attention to the speed of approaching vehicles. School authorities should see that ample warning signs are erected and painted crosswalk lines are at least two feet wide, so as to be readily visible to approaching motorists. (See Fig. 12.) At a "T" Intersection School Crossing At a "T" intersection, Patrol operation depends upon the loca- tion of the Patrol posts. The location of possible posts at such an intersection are indicated in Fig. 13. Operation at posts 1,2,3, or 4 is the same as at a regular intersection, except that the Patrol member has traffic approach- ing from one less direction. Particular attention should be paid to turning cars, since there are likely to be heavy turning move- ments. Patrol members stationed at posts 1 and 4 should be 62 Fig'. 12. At mid-block crossings, crosswalks should have lines at least two feet wide to be easily visible to motorists. instructed that all traffic entering the "T" must turn either left or right. Patrol operation at posts 5 and 6 is more difficult than at a mid-block crossing because the Patrol member must watch for cars turning several ways. *m- Fig. 13. Possible Patrol posts at a "T" intersection. Patrol mem- bers placed at positions 1 and 4 must be especially alert to turning cars. 63 2. OPERATION WITH TWO PATROL MEMBERS Used at school crossings on heavily traveled streets; at excep- tionally wide streets; at places where special hazards exist, such as parked cars; where the view is obstructed by curves or hedges; at street intersections ivith heavy turning movements; and at the intersection of more than two streets. In a two-man operation, the Patrol members are stationed on opposite sides of the street. One acts as a "sender" and the other as "receiver." The position of each Patrol member is the same as has been explained and illustrated by Figure 6, that is, on the sidewalk one pace back from the curb and midway between the crosswalk lines. When children approach a Patrol member, he raises his arms to the standard side position, and the children stop behind his outstretched arms. Both Patrol members then look in all directions for approaching traffic. (See Fig. 14.) Fig. 14. Heavily-traveled, exceptionally wide streets require two Patrol members, a "Sender" and a "Receiver". After making sure that there is sufficient lull in traffic to per- mit safe crossing, the Patrol member holding back the children cautions them to LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING and WATCH FOR TURNING CARS, and then follows the regular procedure. At the same time, the Patrol member on the opposite corner faces the intersection to watch for traffic. 64 Both Patrol members remain on the curb. The children cross, and both Patrol members return to their original positions. Both Patrol members remain on the curb. The children cross, and both Patrol members return to their original positions. Points to remember in two-man operation are: 1. The Patrol member first approached by the children de- cides when it is safe to cross. 2. Each Patrol member watches primarily to his left for traffic while children cross. If view of traffic is blocked by parked vehicles, a Patrol mem- ber may step into the street so as to get a better view, but NEVER MORE THAN 3 PACES. 3. TWO-MAN POST WITH "SECONDARY" PATROL MEMBER Sometimes, when parked vehicles interfere with the view of approaching traffic and the Patrol member must step into the street, the children crowd into the street after him. While children should be cautioned to stay on the curb, it is sometimes desirable to use a "secondary" Patrol member to hold the chil- dren on the curb. In operations of this nature, the "secondary" Patrol member takes the fixed post on the sidewalk, one step back from the curb. He holds the children on the sidewalk. The regular Patrol member, although he has no fixed post, must remain on the sidewalk, except when he steps into the street to see past the parked vehicle. He is responsible for giving the signal that it is safe to cross. The "secondary" Patrol member releases the children at this signal. Operation is as follows : Children gather behind the outstretch- ed arms of the "secondary" Patrol member. The regular Patrol member then steps into the street just far enough to see around the parked vehicles— NEVER MORE THAN 3 PACES. He then looks for approaching traffic. (See Fig. 10.) If there are no approaching vehicles which constitute a hazard, he signals to the "secondary" Patrol member to release the children. Then, facing the street, he watches in all directions for approaching traffic. At the signal of the regular Patrol member, the "secondary" Patrol member drops his arms and steps to the right, faces the intersection, and watches for approaching traffic. After the children have crossed, the regular Patrol member returns to the 65 sidewalk and the "secondary" to his fixed position on the side- walk, one step back from the curb. The Patrol member stationed across the street operates in the same manner described under regular two-man operation. 4. OPERATION OF A THREE- OR FOUR -MAN CROSSING On wide streets with a safety island, or zone, in the center, it may be desirable to place a Patrol member on the island. If the island is particularly wide, such as might be the case on a park- way or boulevard with a wide dividing strip, two Patrol members may be stationed there. The Patrol member on the island func- tions in the same manner as on the curb. Fig. 15. Where there are safety islands or zones in the center of the street it may be desirable to post an additional member on the island. Care should be taken by the Patrol member releasing children from the curb that he does not overload the island. 5. OPERATION WITH A POLICE OFFICER When stationed at an intersection controlled by a police officer, the function of the Patrol member is to hold the children 66 on the sidewalk until the police officer stops traffic and signals to the Patrol member to allow the children to cross. 6. OPERATION AT AN INTERSECTION WITH TRAFFIC SIGNAL At an intersection with a traffic signal, operation is as follows : The Patrol member is in the standard position, one step back from the curb. If children approach when the light is red, the Patrol member stops them behind his outstretched arms. When the light turns green in the direction the children are to cross, the Patrol member makes certain that all approaching cars are stopping for their red light. When he is sure that traffic, especially turning cars, does not constitute a hazard, the Patrol member cautions the children to WATCH FOR TURNING CARS and, following the usual procedure, steps aside to permit the children to pass. Before the red signal comes back on, the Patrol member re- turns to his normal position, cutting off stragglers. He does this to prevent children being caught in the middle of the street when the light changes. The Patrol member must know the length of time the green is on and be able to estimate the correct moment to stop the flow of child pedestrians. To illustrate to the Patrol member how this can be done, work out with him the following information concerning his crossing. Children walk approximately 4 feet per second. Thus, if his street is 40 feet wide, it would take 10 seconds to cross. If the green period of the signal is 30 seconds, the Patrol member would count off 20 seconds and then stop further crossing until the light com- pletes the cycle and turns green again. Have him try this for four or five days, until he becomes adept at estimating the instant when the child pedestrian flow should be stopped. It will be noted that the Patrol member does NOT start the children the moment the light turns green, but waits until he is certain that approaching cars will stop on their reel signal and that turning vehicles will not constitute a hazard. 7. RURAL SAFETY PATROLS In rural sections where the children walk to school along the highway, the Standard Rides for the Operation of School Safety Patrol should be followed. Where the school is located on a dan- gerous highway, Patrol members should be on duty at selected locations to caution pupils to cross only when oncoming traffic 67 does not constitute a hazarcL Operation at such crossings would be the same as that just outlined for use at various types of school crossings. Most state or county road maintenance depart- ments, upon request, will paint crosswalks and place school warn- ing signs at approved school crossing points. Where several children walk for a considerable distance along the highway, they should walk single file on the left side of the highway facing oncoming traffic, with the Safety Patrol member leading the way. When the Patrol member sees a car approach- ing, he should call it to the attention of the pupils. On a two-lane pavement, all should step off the hard surface until the car has passed. . . . Fig. 16. In rural areas, along- heavily traveled highways, Patrol members should lead single fine on the left side of the roadway, facing traffic. 9. USE OF VERBAL CAUTIONS BY PATROL MEMBERS The use by the Patrol members of such phrases as LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING and WATCH FOR TURN- ING CARS IS PARTICULARLY ADVANTAGEOUS. This practice provides a means of re-emphasizing, at points of cross- ing, rules for safe walking taught in the classroom. It also serve; to correct the tendency of some children to depend blindly on the Patrol member. These verbal cautions may be varied from time to time and for different situations. On rainy days the Patrol member might caution the children to KEEP YOUR UMBREL- LA HIGH SO YOU CAN SEE. Another caution which could be used is KEEP TO THE RIGHT IN THE CROSSWALK. 68 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. 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