Q.&83 mtc\ ,v 4 n<> Gflfje Htbrarp of the WLnibtv&itv of iHortj) Carolina &i)t Cameron Collection 3Jn ffltmotp of pennefjan Cameron September 9, 1854- June 1, 1925 t&tu&tcc of the ©nibergitp of i^orth Carolina 1891=1925 G>£83 M87al «© fat CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ORGANIZED MAT 23, 1856. FAYETTEVIL^E : PRINTED BY EDWARD J. HALE & SON. if 1850. £fta- ifii c*p>*&. CONSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY OP THE DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ORGANIZED MIT 23, 1856. mi m i mttt—m— ■■ ■■ i niini»ii man ■ tfAYEf TEVILLE 2 FEINTED BY EDWARD J. HALE & BON. 1856. CONSTITUTION. AETICLE I.— Title. This Society shall be called the Church Building Society of the Diocese of 2sTorth Carolina. AETICLE II.— Membership. It shall be composed of the Bishop and Clergy of the Dio- cese, with such Lay members of the Church as may be at the time subscribers to the amount of one dollar or upwards per annum. Provided, that any person contributing twenty-five dollars may thereby become a life-member. AETICLE HL— Objects, The objects of this Society are the erection, or aid in erec- tion, the enlargement or repair, of Churches or Chapels within the Diocese, for the sole and secured use of the Protestant Episcopal Church. AETICLE IV.— Officers. §1. The Bishop shall be, ex officio, President of the Society. There shall be also a Vice President, (who shall always be a Presbyter,) a Secretary, and a Treasurer, — which last shall al- ways be a Layman. • §2. The said Officers, excepting the President, shall be elect- ed triennially, by the Annual Council. In the event of an omission to elect, the Officers of the preceding term shall con- tinue in office until the election of their successors. AETICLE V.— Council. §1, There shall be an Annual Council, entitled The Council of the Church Building Society of the Diocese of North Caro- lina, to consist of the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese, toge- 4 ther with Lay Kepresentatives from the several Branch Socie- ties, as hereinafter provided. §2. Any person, moreover, may become a life-member of the Council, by the payment of fifty dollars to the funds of the Society. And every person subscribing ten dollars or upwards, per annum, shall be entitled to a seat in the Council during the continuance of said annual subscription. §3. The Council shall meet at the time and place of the Di- ocesan Convention; shall have the general supervision and di- rection of the affairs of the Society, and shall receive and pass upon the reports of the several Officers. §4. A majority present at the time and place of any regular meeting, shall constitute a quorum. §5. The Officers of the Council shall be those of the Diocesan Society above mentioned. §6. The Secretary shall preserve, in a suitable book, minutes of all the proceedings of the Council, and of general meetings of the Society. §7. The Treasurer shall receive the moneys collected by the several Branch Societies, as well as all other contributions, by donation, legacy, or otherwise; shall invest or disburse them according to the directions of the Council, or of the Committee of Appropriation, acting in subordination to the Council; shall keep an account of all such transactions in a suitable book, and shall render, at the annual meetings of the Council, an account of the same. AETICLE YI.— Branch Societies. There may be formed in any organized Parish of the Diocese, or in any regular and distinct Missionary Station, a Branch of the General Society, under the following regulations: 1. There shall be but one Branch in any one Parish, or at any one Missionary Station. 2. The several Branches shall be subordinate to the general ; i# Society in Council, and bound by its Constitutional decisions. -~ 5 3. Each Branch shall be presided over by the Kector of the Parish: or if it be an independent Missionary Station, then by the Missionary in charge; or, if there be neither Kector nor Missionary, then by a Chairman, pro tempore, elected by a majority of the members of said Branch. It shall be competent to the several Branches, to appoint such other officers as they may deem desirable. 4. It shall be the duty of the several Branches, to keep a re- cord of their proceedings; to collect the funds of the Society, either by subscription, donation or otherwise, and remit the same to the general Treasurer; and in doing so, it shall be com- petent to them, severally, to devise and adopt such measures as they may deem best. 5. Each Branch Society, shall be entitled to send to the Council, one or more Lay Representatives, not exceeding four, to be chosen by said Branch, from among its members. Pro- vided, that no person shall be the Representative of more than one Branch, at the same meeting of the Council. ARTICLE VII. — Committee of Appkopkiation. §1. There shall be elected by the Council, triennially, (com- mencing with the present meeting) three Presbyters, and three Laymen, who, together with the Bishop, shall constitute a Com- mittee of Approbation. The Bishop shall be ex officio Chair- man. In the absence of the Bishop, the Committee may come together upon the call of any one of its members, and shall in such case, elect a Chairman pro tempore. §2. To this Committee, all applications for aid must be ad- dressed, through its Chairman; and it shall be the duty of said Committee, to consider all such applications, — to act thereupon, — to keep a minute of its own proceedings, — and at each annual meeting of the Council, to report the proceedings of the previous year. §3. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, and shall have power in subordination to the Council, to make appropriations from the funds of the Society. But for any ap- propriation, the specific consent, either viva voce or in writing, of a majority of said Committee, shall be necessary. §4. The evidence of such consent to the Treasurer, and his warrant for the disbursement of funds in his hands, shall be the order of the Committee signed by its Chairman. §5. There shall be no appropriation of the funds of this Society, towards any building, not secured to the sole use of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of North Carolina. AETICLE Ym.— Vote by Orders. In all meetings of the Council, it shall be permitted to any Clerical member, or to the delegation of any Branch Society, to call for a vote by orders, and by Branches; when a majority of both orders shall be necessary to the decision. AETICLE IX. — Alteration of the Constitution. In order to the alteration of this Constitution, there shall be necessary: 1st. An initial resolution, introduced by consent of a majority of the Council, present at any regular annual meeting, by which the proposed alteration shall be referred to the next annual meeting. 2d. A final resolution at said next annual meeting, adopting the proposed amendment by a majority of all the members present. Provided, That the unanimous consent of the members present at any meeting of the Council, in which a majority of the Branch Societies may be represented, shall suffice for such alteration. Officers elected at the First Annual Council, May 1856* TERM OF OFFICE, THREE YEARS. PRESIDENT, THE BISHOP, {ex officio) VICE PRESIDENT, Eev. R. B. DRAKE, D. D. SECRETARY, Rev. A. A. WATSON. TREASURER, A. J. DeROSSET, Jr., M. D. COMMITTEE OF APPROPRIATION! THE BISHOP, ex officio, Chairman. Rev. R. B. DRAKE, D. D. Rev. R. S. MASON, D. D. Rev. F. FITZGERALD. G. W. MORDECAI, Esq. S. J. PERSON, Esq. P. K. DICKINSON, Esq. Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN 21,1908 00034013095 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Saaftfsa JH HE Form No. A-368, Rev. 8/95