Number 25 THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIVIL WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. ***^««tte»Tr« Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill THE PRINCES OF PEELE THE PRINCES OF PEELE BY WILLIAM WESTALL AUTHOR OF A QUEER RACE," "THE BLIND MUSICIAN," "THE PHANTOM CITY," " MR. FORTESCUE,,' ETC. NEW YORK LOVELL, CORYELL & COMPANY 5 AND 7 EAST SIXTEENTH STERET COPVRIGHT, lSu2, UNITED STATES 6OOK COMPANY [.-?// righls resi'r7'e,i.\ THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER I. MRS. prince's presentiment. The hall of an old-fashioned country house. Background, a massive oaken staircase ; on the walls, several handsomely- framed prints ; a trophy, composed of a fox's mask and half a dozen " brushes " and stags' antlers, arranged as a hat-stand. In the foreground, vases filled with ferns and flowers. The comely couple standing in the sunlight, which streams in through the doorway, are the master and mistress of the house, Leonard Prince and Dorothy his wife. He is drawing on his gloves, she putting a gardenia in his buttonhole. Mrs. Prince is the stouter, albeit not the taller of the two, a matron of somewhat imposing presence, well-favored, with dark eyes and a fair skin. Mr. Prince, not having thickened with age like his spouse, looks younger than his years, which are far on in the fifties ; his hair and mutton-chop whiskers are turning white, his comely face is bright with health and high spirits, and his keen gray eyes, strong white teeth, and square jaws bespeak a vigorous constitution, a sanguine temperament, and an energetic character. " Thank you very much, my dear," says Mr. Prince as his wife hands him his hat, " I think I hear Tommy's step on the gravel. Come with me as far as the lodge gates." Mrs. Prince put on her garden hat, and the two went out together at the open door. Tommy, Mr. Prince's hack, an old favorite who knew his business so well that he always came to be mounted without escort, was waiting for his master. Mrs. Prince stroked his 603306 6 THE PKIXCKS 01- PEELE. neck, gave him a piece of sugar, and the three walked slowly down the avenue. Mr. Prince cast a backward longing glance at the house, as if he were sorry to leave it, even for the day ; and well he might be, for it was a glorious morning, and Holmcroft, with its brick walls, tiled roof, clustering ivy and rose-covered porch, and in its fair setting of shrubberies and gardens, never looked more charming and picturesque. " Yes, it is a dear, beautiful old place," said INIrs. Prince, following her husband's eye, and reading his thoughts. " Yet what a wilderness it was when we came here, nearly thirty years since." " So it is ; and since we were first married. We have a great deal to be thankful for." *' We have indeed. God has been very good to us, and if we are permitted to end our days here " " If I had reason to fear we should not, I think it would break my heart." " And mine. However, we need not talk about ending our days. Neither of us is so very old yet. You are the young- est man of your years in the county ; and Mr. Vayle was saying only the other day that you rode as straight as when you were thirty." " And you walk as straight, Dorothy. While, as for your looks " " No more ; an' thou lovest me ! You might suppose I w'as fishing for a compliment. Shall you be home late to- night ? " " No, Monday is generally an easy day at the office ; and if there isn't much doing I mean to return early and do some jack-fishing before dinner." " It seems rather a long time since we heard from Jack, doesn't it? " Mr. Prince smiled ; he was amused that his mention of jack-fishing should remind his wife of their eldest son ; but answered gravely — " Well, I don't know. It seems only the other day that you had a letter from him." " It is nearly three weeks since." " i)ear me ! How time flies ; I suppose he has been too busy." " I am sure he has not been so busy that he could not find THE FRIXCES OF PEELE. -j time to write to his mother, and I hope he is not going wrong again, Leonard." " Why should you think so ? Peploe speaks of him in the highest terms. He is very steady and regular, and is becoming quite an adept at underwriting, they say. They are quite willing to take him in as a junior partner next year, if I find two thou. I think by that time I shall be able to do it — with a little effort ; and I don't see why I should not. They are a young firm, I know, but Peploe and Pope are both honorable arid enterprising ; and it is a chance not to be missed." " I hope Jack will prove himself worthy of it, but my mind misgives me." " Because he has not written to you for a fortnight ? " " Not that only, though it is a bad sign. In his letters lately there has been something that I cannot define, which has made me very uneasy. Moreover, in my last letter to him, written nearly three weeks ago, I put some very pointed questions, which he has not thought fit to answer — another bad sign. And you know how facile and impulsive he is; and he has gone wrong before. My fear is that he may be running into debt. He was always a spendthrift." " You are over anxious, Dorothy. True, Jack has gone wrong before, as you say, and given us no end of trouble, but he has many redeeming qualities — he has never done anything dishonorable, nor taken to drink ; he is sharp and clever too, and very affectionate. Moreover, for three years his conduct has been quite irreproachable ; his employers speak well of him ; and I think we may safely conclude that he has sown his wild oats." " Well, I am perhaps mistaken. Let us say no more about it, and hope for the best ; and if Jack had been like Ned and Charlie we should have been almost too happy. One must have a cross, I suppose. ..... Here we are at the lodge gates. I shall expect you about four. Good-bye, dear." " Good-bye, dear," echoed Mr. Prince ; and then, after kiss- ing his wife, he rode off, slowly and pensively. " I hope I have not made Leonard unhappy with my croak- ing," thought Mrs. Prince to herself, as she wended up the avenue. " But I have had misgivings about Jack for some time, and I did no more than my duty in telling Leonard. It is not as if I had no warning for my fears. I know Jack 8 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. better than he does. His letters have not been sincere this month or more, and if he could have answered my queries he would have done so. Of that I am sure. In spite of our exhor- tations I fear — nay I am almost sure — that he has been get- ting into debt. I will write again to-day, and insist on an answer, and if it is not forthcoming his father shall go to Liverpool and see him." Meanwhile Mr. Prince was mentally accusing his wife of being fidgety, and too prone to look on the dark side of things. " What if Jack has been wild ? " he thought. " Many a young fellow who has been wild turns out well. And if there were anything wrong, Peploe and Pope would be sure to let me know. All the same, he should answer his mother's letters ; and when I get to the office I will write and tell him so." And then Mr. Prince, dismissing the subject from his mind, and turning Tommy on the turfy side of the road, can- tered gaily towards Peele. Jack, their eldest son, had been a trouble to his parents from his youth upwards. In addition to minor scrapes he was expelled from a public school, and after spending a term or two at Cambridge, ran off, worked his way in a sailing ship to Australia, and a few years later returned to Holmcroft, penitent and ashamed. The experience did him good ; his father thought it had wrought a radical change in his char- acter, and after a few months' probation at home, Mr. Prince got the repentant prodigal a place with Peploe and Pope, a Liverpool firm of ship and insurance brokers, where the knowledge of shipping and commerce which he had gained on his voyages and at Melbourne, stood him in good stead, and being bright and intelligent withal, and having that cap- city for making friends so common with most scapegraces, he was not long in winning the confidence of his employers, and obtaining a leading position in their office. PI is father, though greatly disappointed (he had intended him for the bar), laid the flattering unction to his soul that Jack was on the high road to fortune and would give him no more trouble, an opinion, however, in which, as we have seen, his wife did not share. Of their two other sons, Edward, the elder, is rounding off his legal education in the office of his father's London agent, and Charlie, in the intervals of shooting, fishing, and hunting, is serving his articles in the paternal establishment. THE PRIXCES OF PEELE. g As Mr. Prince rides up the High Street of Peele, which straggles over a low hill, topped by the ruins of an old castle, he is greeted by all and sundry. Common folks touch their hats to him, others nod familiarly, and say " Good-morning, Mr. Prince," for the master of Holmcroft is the most popular and influential man in the town, leading solicitor, clerk of the peace, clerk to the justices and board of guardians, and agent to Lord Hermitage, the largest land-owner in those parts. He has been several times mayor, and no candidate for suffrages of the " free and independent " burgesses of the borough whom he does not support has much chance of becoming its representative in Parliament. His friend, Mr. Lincoln (of the great American firm of Lyman, Lincoln, and Jump), who has a country seat in the neighborhood, calls him the " Boss of Peele." He is, moreover, supposed to be well off ; keeps a stud of hunters, lives in good style, and gives liberally to local chari- ties. His legal business is of the lucrative sort so much de- sired by solicitors — mainly conveyancing ; he is the trusted adviser of all the squires and farmers in the countryside, and save in litigious cases never had a bill taxed in his life, nor has he ever consented to take up an unclean case or accept a disreputable client. Mr. Prince reins up before an old-fashioned house in the High Street, throws his right leg over his horse's withers and drops lightly on the pavement. On this. Tommy goes off to his stable, and his master walks briskly into his office, the old-fashioned house aforesaid. The brass plate on the door bears the inscription — *' Prince and Prince, Solicitors." The Princes in question were Mr. Leonard Prince's father and uncle, to whose business he succeeded many years pre- viously. They have been long dead, but he likes to keep up the old style, the more especially as he has good reason to believe that his sons will succeed him in turn, and the firm become, in reality as in name, " Prince and Prince " once more. After looking in at the general ofiice and the estate office, and seeing that all the clerks are at work, and bidding them 10 THE PKIXCES OF PEELE. good-morning, Mr. Prince enters his own room, where he is presently joined by Mr. Lillywhite, his managing clerk, A queer-looking gentleman was Mr. Lillywhite. People said he had the longest head in all Peele. He had certainly the biggest nose ; and it was the only part of his face which blushed or otherwise showed emotion, the rest of his visage being as sallow and expressionless as a piece of his own parch- ment. The nose, however, was all expression. It moved when he talked, wobbled when he laughed, and trembled when he swore. Its hue changed with the days of the week. On a Monday morning it was terra cotta red ; by Wednesday it toned down to light purple, on Saturday it was generally light blue. These remarkable variations were conceiveably due to the fact that Mr. Lillywhite made a rule of drinking a bottle of old port with his Sunday dinner, and with his other dinners only beer. The managing clerk was further distinguished by the length of his body and the phenomenal bareness of his face and head, the only hair of which he could boast being a single yellow tuft on the top of his cranium, which he humor- ously called his scalp lock. " Anything new this morning, Lillywhite ? " asked Mr. Prince as he opened his letters. " Nothing particular. Mr. Jumper called. He wants another will making." " The deuce he does ! Why, that will be the second this year, won't it ? " " The third. He is a good man, Mr. Jumper, always think- ing about his latter end. However, it amuses him and pays us. This is a free country and a man has a right to make as many wills as he likes." " Well, prepare the draft, and let him have it at once. Has anybody else called ? " " A gentleman who seemed rather anxious to see you. He was here when I came. Said he would call again shortly, but refused to give his name." " A stranger then .'' " " He must be ; I never saw him before." " Probably a commercial traveller, who wants to recover a debt for his house." " I don't think so. He does not look like one. Besides, in that case he would have told me his business. Shall I send him in to you if he comes again ? " THE PRINCES OF PEELE. II " By all means." "Well, I think I'll go and prepare this draft. It will be little more than a copy of the previous will, with a few varia- tions." Whereupon jNIr. Lillywhite withdrew ; but the door had hardly closed behind him when he was back again. " Here he is, Mr. Prince," he whispered. "Just come in at the front door This way, sir. Mr. Prince has arrived." And then there entered a tall red-haired gentleman in a tweed travelling suit, closely followed by the managing clerk. " God bless me, Mr. Peploe ! " exclaimed Mr. Prince, rising from his chair with a look of blank surprise. " How are you ? " " As well as can be expected, thank you, seeing that I have been travelling all night. Could I have a word with you, Mr. Prince ? " (glancing at Lillywhite). The head clerk took the hint and withdrew a second time. " Peploe, Peploe," he murmured, " Peploe and Pope. One of Jack's masters. What's up now, I wonder ? " " Pray take a seat, Mr. Peploe," said Mr. Prince seriously, for he thought of his wife, and feared that this visit boded no good. Peploe was a busy man. It was no light cause that brought him all the way from Liverpool to Peele. " How did you leave Jack ? " " I did not leave him at all. He left us." " Left you ? How, Mr. Peploe t " " In the lurch. You will excuse mybluntness, Mr. Prince. But I have neither time nor inclination just now to beat about the bush. I must come to the point at once. Your son has robbed us — that is why I am here to-day." Mr, Prince turned as white as a sheet, and fell back in his chair as if he had been struck. " Robbed you ! No, no, Mr. Peploe ! That is impos- sible. Jack may have been a Httle wild and extravagant, perhaps, but not dishonest, don't say he has been dis- honest." " I wish to God he had not. But there, see for your- self." 12 THE PKIXCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER II. peploe's proposal. ISIr. Peploe took from his pocket-book two documents and laid them on Mr. Prince's desk. One was a wildly incoherent letter from Jack, in which, with many expressions of contrition, the writer acknowl- edged having abused his employers' confidence and '' taken " a large sum of money — lost on the Stock Exchange and betting — he must have been mad, but he would pay them back every penny, so help him God, he would. He ended by begging them to say nothing to his father. The other document was to the following effect : — " Private and Confidential. " Messrs. Peploe and Pope, " Dear Sirs, — I have gone through your books and find that the defalcations directly traceable to Mr. John Prince amount to the sum of 19,450/, i^s. 6ci. — Yours truly, Henry Tanner, Accountant." Mr. Prince gazed at these letters like one fascinated, and his hand trembled so that he could scarcely hold them. He knew from the first that Peploe was the bearer of bad news ; but the reality surpassed his worst fore- bodings. His eldest son a felon and a fugitive from justice ! He would rather have heard that Jack had died by his own hand. Yet, even in that moment of unspeakable mental anguish Leonard Prince's first thought was of his wife. "What would she say? How would she bear it? How should he tell her ? " he asked himself. " But you — how ? " he said at length in a husky voice. " I know what you mean," answered Mr. Peploe. "You mean how came we to let him rob us to the tune of nearly twenty thousand pounds ? \\'ell, we were fools, there is no THE PRINCES OF PEE I.E. 13 doubt about that, people are fools sometimes. But he got on the blind side of us — that's a fact. And it never occurred to us that such a bright, seemingly straightforv/ard young fellow, so respectably connected, too, could be otherwise than honest. The worst of it is that it is not our money that he has taken." " Not your own money." " No, it is clients' money. You know the nature of our business. We underwrite the names of a number of friends to policies, and the accumulated premiums form a fund for the payment of losses. If the premiums exceed the losses the profit goes to the underwriters, less our commission ; if the losses exceed the premiums the underwriters have to make up the difference. We have the handling of the money, which we invest on the best terms we can obtain, compatible with good security. Latterly this branch of the business has been managed by your son, under our directions. I am afraid, though, we did not look as sharply after him as we should have done. But as I said just now, we never thought that a man so respectably connected, and of whom we thought so highly that we were going to take him into partnership, Avould go wrong. He was so diligent, too, and regular in his attendance at the office — would not even take a holiday. I know why, now. If he had he would have been found out. " Well, last Saturday he went yachting with some friends, and intended to be back on Sunday night or Monday morning, but the yacht got into trouble off the Welsh coast, and Prince did not turn up at the office on Monday. Now, it so happened, that on the same day I received notice of several claims ; also I heard that a steamer in which we were rather largely interested had come to grief in the Channel. Knowing we should want money, and a lot of it — when claims are concerned it never rains but it pours — I called at a bank where we had, or rather should have had, ten thousand pounds on deposit, and gave notice of withdrawal. I was told that nearly half of it had already been withdrawn in various amounts and at intervals extending over several weeks. Though surprised I was not alarmed. I merely thought that Prince had changed the investment for some good reason, and blamed him only for not informing me. But when I found that the books contained no entry of the withdrawals, the possibility of something being wrong dawned on my mind. As the day 14 THE PRINCES OE FEELE. went on my uneasiness increased, and as soon as I could get away from the office I called at your son's lodgings. He had not returned. In the course of the evening I called three times, always with the same result. " When I called again next morning, I learned that he did not return till midnight, and must have left shortly after- wards. At any rate, he had not been in bed. My visits had alarmed him, perhaps, also, he heard of the loss of the ' Cyclops,' and knew that, in view of our financial require- ments, his frauds could no longer be concealed. Anyhow, I have not seen him since last Saturday. That note came by post." " The wretched, misguided boy," groaned Mr. Prince. " Have you any idea where he is ? " " Well, I am afraid I could not give you his correct address at this moment. But I don't doubt that if I tried I could lay my hands on him." In saying this Mr. Peploe went rather beyond the mark. He had not the faintest idea what was become of Jack, but it did not just then suit his purpose to say so. " Do you propose to prosecute .'' " asked Mr. Prince, in a voice which showed how much the effort cost him. " Well, that depends on circumstances. We might, you know. Your son has behaved shamefully, there is no doubt about that. We trusted him and he has betrayed us. All the same, we have no wish to go to extremities, and if we could be met " " If you could be met. Pray be explicit, Mr. Peploe," said Mr. Prince, looking as if he had no idea what the other was driving at, though he knew only too well. " Explicit ! Oh, yes, I will be explicit. It is very easy to be explicit in an affair of this sort. As I remarked just now, we have no desire to prosecute. But unless we can have fifteen thousand pounds within the next four days — say by next Tuesday, at the latest — we must pull up, and then every- thing will be exposed, and we shall be forced to hunt your son down and prosecute him, if only for our own justification ; and as it is a case of forgery as well as embezzlement, we can fetch him back from America, or anywhere else, if he goes out of the country." " Forgery ! Good heavens ! " " Yes, it is mostly embezzlement, but there are one or two THE PRINCES OF PEELE. IS undoubted cases of forgery. It would be a terrible scandal for all of us. But if we can be met, nobody need be the wiser. Tanner is sworn to secrecy, so to speak, and you may be sure we won't split. If this got wind we should lose half our underwriters, and our credit would be ruined. Can you find us fifteen thousand pounds between this and next Tuesday, Mr. Prince ? I am not in a position to make any promises about paying you back ; we shall have to lose nearly five thousand ourselves, and we are only a young firm, but we would try to pay you a moderate interest. What do you say, Mr. Prince, will you do it .'' " " It is not a quesion of will, Mr. Peploe, I am grieved beyond measure, I am unspeakably humiliated that a son of mine should have done you this wrong. It adds to my grief that his wrong-doing may entail your ruin, but I cannot do what you wish." Peploe's saturnine face flushed with anger and disappoint- ment. " That means you won't," he exclaimed angrily. " I know fifteen thousand is a big lump. But just consider the con- sequences of your refusal. Our ruin is a minor consideration. \\'e should have looked better after our business, I admit ; but having regard to the circumstances, I don't think the creditors will be very hard on us. They will let us make a fresh start. But think of your son in a felon's dock, he is sure to get ten years at least ; think of the scandal it will cause. You are a great man here, I am told. How will you look your townsmen in the face when they know that your eldest son " " Mind what you say, sir, or ," exclaimed Mr. Prince, springing from his chair, as if he were minded to resent the insult with a blow or show the insulter to the door. Then he sank down and bowed his head. The man had only spoken the truth. " You feel it keenly. I knew you would. What father would not," returned Peploe soothingly. " All the more reason for letting us have this money. It will be well laid out, and we are asking nothing unreasonable ; we will pay you in- terest. My partner said to me the last thing before I came away — ' Be sure,' he said, ' you don't ask the old gentleman any- thing unreasonable, Sam. It is not hush-money we want, only help.' " 1 6 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. Mr. Prince winced. He prided himelf on the comparative youthfulness of his appearance, and it went against the grain to know that these Liverpool people spoke of him as " the old gentleman." " Reasonable or unreasonable, I am unable to do it, Mr. Peploe," he returned sharply. " I don't say I would not if I could. But as I unfortunately don't happen to have fifteen thousand pounds in my pocket or at my bankers " " I did not suppose you had, Mr. Prince. But there are ways and means. A gentleman in your position could easily raise as much. Anyhow, I should think so." " Not in four or five days." " We might, perhaps, make it seven." " Not in seven, nor in fourteen days." " In that case there is nothing more to be said," observed Peploe, rising from his chair ; " things must take their course, I suppose." Mr. Prince made no answer. It seemed useless to prolong the interview, and he wanted Peploe to go. He was beginning to hate the man, and he wanted to be alone. " Things must take their course, I suppose," repeated the persistent Liverpudlian. " But, perhaps, you may tliink better of it after all ; and if you do — if you see your way — you will, perhaps, be good enough to telegraph to our office in Liverpool. We won't take any action before Friday, but the sooner the better. One word will do — ' Arranged,' We shall understand." " I can hold out no encouragement, Mr. Peploe, none whatever. Nevertheless, if I should see my way I will telegraph, as you say." Peploe's countenance brightened. Like drowning men, the financially embarrassed catch at straws, and, though fairly considered, the lawyer's concluding observation offered little ground for hope, Peploe went away comforted, and little doubting that on his arrival at Liverpool he should find awaiting him the telegram whose despatch he had suggested. When the door closed behind his visitor, Mr. Prince leaned back in his chair, and wiped the perspiration from his brow. He had undergone the most painful experience of his life, and there was worse in store. How should he break the news to his wife ? If he could spare her he would. But it was impossible. Know she must. In a week the secret would be THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 17 out. For though he had not liked to say so in express terms, it was as much out of his power to find fifteen thousand pounds in four days, or four months, as to find fifty thousand. -Contrary to the general belief, a belief which he rather encouraged, Mr. Prince was not rich. He had a good income, and he lived up to it. Beyond the two or three thousand pounds which he employed in his business for temporary advances to his clients, and so forth, and which he could neither well spare nor immediately realize, he had very little laid by. He had always looked on his business as an estate which he could bequeath to his sons as his father had bequeathed it to him. His wife was provided for by a marriage settlement and a policy of insurance on his life. He had not thought it necessary to economize, and though not a thriftless man, it gave him less pleasure to accumulate than to spend. But now he bitterly regretted that he had not been more provident ; for he would gladly have paid twice, nay thrice, fifteen thousand pounds, to avert the disaster with which he was threatened. Only a few days, and, as Peploe said, he would be unable to look his neighbors in the face. The hue and cry after Jack ; the story of his defalcations told in every paper in the land ; the trial and sentence (for he was sure to be taken) ; the consternation of friends, the exultation of the envious ; the joy of political opponents ; all this was torture, even in the thought. What would it be in the reality .-• Moreover, the scandal could hardly fail to injure his business and imperil his position, and Mr. Prince valued his position hardly less than he valued his life. Better leave Peele alto- gether. And yet leaving Peele would be the end of the world. There was no other spot in it where, for him and his, life would be worth living. A knock at the door. " Come in," said Mr. Prince, taking a paper at random from the pile before him. When Mr. Lillywhite entered the room his principal was deep in the perusal of counsel's opinion in the matter of " Towzler v. Towzler and another." " Oh, Mr. Peploe is gone, then," said the managing clerk, with well affected surprise ; for he had heard Peploe's departing footsteps. " Yes, he is gone. What is it ? Anything new .? " 2 l8 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Only that Hutchins wants ten or twelve thousand pounds on the security of his Tanfield property. It is worth half as much again, and as he will pay five per cent, and execute a mortgage for five years I thought it would be an excellent investment for some of Mrs. Lincoln's money." " Mrs. Lincoln's money is very well where it is. You can- not beat Consols for safety, and one or two per cent, makes no difference to her." " That is true. All the same, the transfer would make good business for the office. Hutchins would stand a 'procuration fee,' and investigating titles and drawing the mortgage, and what not, would make a nice penny." " Right you are, Lillywhite. You have always an eye to the main chance. If I had not you to look after details it it would not be the office it is by a long way. Yes, the transfer would make something nice, and lawyers live on costs I have heard say." " Two hundred pounds, at the very least." " All the same, you must bear in mind, my dear Lillywhite, that now Wilmot is dead I am Mrs. Lincoln's sole trustee, and must take the whole responsibility ; and really, you know, I hardly like to change the investment, merely to oblige old Hutchins and put money in my own pocket." " It won't be merely to put money in your own pocket. It will put money into Mrs. Lincoln's pocket, to the tune of a hundred and thirty or forty pounds a year." " The Lincolns are so rich, Lillywhite, that they think less of a hundred pounds than I do of six and eightpence ; and I have no doubt that if I were to mention it to Mrs. Lincoln she would say — ' leave the money where it is. A trustee cannot be too particular ; and my position is all the more delicate in that I am both her trustee and her solicitor. And so long as I keep the money where it was from the first, nobody can find fault with me. However, I will think about it, and look at the trust deed again before deciding. I have not read it for years, and it rather runs in my mind that I am restricted to Consols." " Tanfield farm is quite as safe, Mr. Prince." " Perhaps. Anyhow I am not going to infringe the trusts of the settlement either to make business for the office or to oblige Mr. Hutchins. I suppose it will do if he gets his answer next week ? " THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 19 " Oh, yes. He is in no hurry ; and if we don't find him the money he can easily get it elsewhere. Anything else, sir ? " " I think notj" and Mr. Prince turned again to the paper before him. Lillywhite took this as a sign of dismissal, and went away greatly dissatisfied that he had failed to find out the cause of Peploe's visit, and the nature of his business. He liked to know, and flattered himself that he did know, everything that went on in the office, and a good deal that went on out- side. There was no end of secrets locked up in that long head of his ; never before had his employer kept anything from him, and, considering his position in the office and his many years of faithful service, he felt that he was being badly used. What did it all mean ? Why had Peploe come all the way from Liverpool ? What had passed during his long interview with the governor, and, above all, why was the governor so close ? For years there had not been a difficult or delicate case in the office as to which Mr. Prince had not consulted him, and, as often as not, taken his advice. " Well, if he won't tell me, I must find it out for myself, he thought. " I must find it out, and it is a queer case that Andrew Lillywhite cannot 'bottom.' " 20 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER III. SOWING THE WIND. During the remainder of the day Mr. Prince had little leisure for thought. Several important clients called ; he was sent for to the Town Hall ; the second post brought him letters which required immediate attention ; and when he mounted his nag for the ride home the clock of St. Dunstan was chiming six. It was a fine evening. The park-like country before him, with its sparkling meads, silvery streams, and hedgerows white with hawthorn, looked exquisitely beautiful. Spring had cast her magic spell over the land ; larks were carolling joyously in the upper air ; and the red sun was dipping slowly towards the empurpled shades of the distant forest. But all these sights and sounds, all this glory of nature, were lost on Leonard Prince. There was no sunshine in his heart. It was heavy with grief and pain. For the first time in his life he was battling in deep waters. Never before had he gone home reluctantly, never before looked forward to meeting his wife with apprehension and fear. For the hundredth time he asked himself how he should tell her the evil news, tell her that their eldest son was a forger, thief, and a fugitive from justice, and that in a few days his shame and their own would be published on the house-tops ? And how would she bear it — she who was more sensitive on the point of honor than himself, whose pride was even greater than his own, and who had lavished so much love and tenderness on this unworthy boy ? " It has to be faced," he murmured ; " the sooner I get it over the better." So soon as he was cleared of the town he touched Tommy with his heel, and the gallant little horse stepped out to such purpose that in less than twenty minutes he was at the Holm- croft lodge-gates. THE PRINCES OF TEELE. 21 As ISIr. Prince pulled up at the hall door, his \vife crossed the lawn with a bunch of freshly-gathered flowers in her hand. "How about the fishing?" she said, smiling pleasantly. " I thought you were coming home early to try for some jack ! " " Fishing ! Well, do you know I forgot all about it — never thought of it since." " You have been busy, then ? " " All day. Every minute occupied. Had to see the Mayor and the Watch Committee about an impending lawsuit ; long conference with Thornwood touching that disputed water- right, and I don't know what besides." " You look fagged, and your eyes are troubled. You are more than fagged, you are worried. What is it, Leonard t Nothing has gone wrong, I hope." " Yes, Dorothy, something has gone very wrong. But come into my room, dear. We can talk there more at our ease, and without being observed or overheard." He led the way, and she followed him in silent surprise. The style and furnishing of Mr. Prince's room were in har- mony with its owner's tastes and pursuits. On the writing- table law papers neatly tied and docketed, on the walls trophies of the chase, and engravings of celebrated horses and scenes in the hunting-field ; fishing-rods in one corner, a gun rack in another. Mr. Prince drew up a chair for his wife, then seated himself by her side, and took her hand. All this preparation and the gravity of her husband's manner naturally alarmed Mrs. Prince. " Good heavens, Leonard ! " she gasped. " What is it ? The boys ! Has Are they well ? Tell me quickly." " I believe so. I have heard nothing to the contrary. But there are w^orse things than not being well. You have high courage and you will need it." Mrs. Prince drew a deep breath. " Go on, please. Don't keep me in suspense. I can bear anything but that." " You remember what 3'ou said this morning about Jack, that you feared he was going wrong. I did not share in your fears. But you were right. He has gone wrong, fearfully wrong " 22 THE nUXCES OF PEELE. " Oh, Leonard ! \A'hat has he done? " " Robbed his employers of nearly twenty thousand pounds and absconded." Mrs. Prince neither exclaimed nor turned pale ; she looked dazed and bewildered, as if the stroke had stunned her, and she was unable to grasp the full significance of her husband's words. Then drawing a long breath, and putting her hands before her eyes she remained silent several minutes. Mr, Prince, who had expected a scene, watched her anxiously. " Did you understand, Dorothy ? " he said at length, again taking her hand. " Oh yes, I understood, perfectly. This boy of ours — the first I bore you, Leonard — this boy by whom we set such store, whom we have helped so generously and forgiven so often, has played the thief, and will engulfus in his own ruin. Is this all, Leonard ? " " All, Dorothy ! Good God, what would you have ? Yes, it is all." " He has not been arrested .-' " " Not yet." " You think he will be, then ? " " I am sure. Peploe says that unless I can find fifteen thousand pounds within the next five or six days they will put the police on his track, and if they do the odds are a thousand to one against his escape." " Tell me all about it." Mr. Prince told her of Peploe's visit and his demand. " The money must be found, Leonard." "Must! Must!" he said bitterly, "It is easy to say must. But how? Tell me how? You know that I have not fifteen thousand pounds in the world, or anything like it." " Cannot you borrow it ? " " No. What security can I offer ? The bank would let me have two or three thousand, I daresay, but that would be of no more use than two or three hundred. These people want fifteen thousand by next Friday, at the latest," " Mr. Lincoln ? " " I doubt whether Mr. Lincoln would lend me a thousand pounds, rich as he is, and he starts for Liverpool to-morrow morning, eti route for New York. I don't see how I could raise this money though I had a respite of six months instead of six days. It cannot be done, I wish it could." THE riUXCES OF PEELE. -'3 " It shall be done. It must be done. . . , Have I been a good wife to you, Leonard Prince .'' " " Why do you ask so strange a question, Dorothy } You know that I love the very ground you tread on." " Have I been a good mother to your children ? " " Ask them. Even Jack ; but w^hy " " Well, I would rather give up my life, I w^ould rather follow you to the grave, I would rather see Jack lying dead at my feet than that this disgrace should befall us. Do you realize the horror of it ? " " To the full. A great misfortune has come upon us, and we are threatened with a disaster which I see no way of averting." Mrs. Prince wrung her hands, and her white lips twisted convulsively. " It must be averted. There is a way," she exclaimed wildly. "You are a man of business. I would do anything, anything. If you love me, think of something, for if the worst happens I shall either die or go mad." He leaned his head on his hand, made a desperate effort to compose himself, and obey his wife's injunction to " think of something." When he looked up she placed her hand on his shoulder. " You have thought of something," she said eagerly, " what is it .' " It was a terrible moment for Leonard Prince, He had inherited from his father a healthy body, a sane mind, and a nature so happily organized that it cost him no effort to do right. And he had always been dominated by a desire to do right. Never in his life had he pal*^ered with his honor or abused the confidence of a client, nor was there any class of men for whom he had so great a contempt as chicaning lawyers and defaulting trustees. He w'as a strongman, too, with a clear head and a rare capacity for facing and over- coming difficulties. But there was a weak point in his armor — he loved his wife with hardly less ardor than when they were first wed — and though she was the weaker of the two, love gave her a power over him which he was unable to withstand. Left to himself, or less passionately entreated, he would never have thought of so fatal an expedient as that which had occurred to him. He would have braved the storm and lived down the scandal which the revelation of his son's misconduct would have caused. But with that pale, drawn 24 THE PRIXCES OF PEELE. face bex'ore him, with those dear beseeching eyes raised to his in agonized suspense what could he do, how help himself ? " You have thought of something," she repeated. " What is it ? Tell me, Leonard. Tell me at once," " I have thought of something, only " " What .? " " It would not be right." "But what is it.?" Again Mr. Prince hesitated, and then slowly, and almost in a whisper, as if he feared the walls might hear him, he answered — " It is this. I am the sole surviving trustee under Mrs. Lincoln's marriage settlement. The entire fund, fifteen thousand pounds, is invested in Consols. It stands in my name, and I could turn it into cash within twenty-four hours." " Thank God ! Oh, Leonard, why did not you tell me this sooner? It would have saved me — words cannot tell the agony it would have saved me." " Because I did not think of it sooner. Remember this is not my money, Dorothy." " I am sure Mrs. Lincoln would lend it to you." " She has no power to lend it. The corpus, the principal, cannot be dealt with till she is dead and her youngest child is twenty-one. Remember, too, that my position is very peculiar. I am both her solicitor and her trustee. When Wilmot died, she might have appointed another in his place. But she put so much trust in me that she would not. It is owing to her generous, her excessive confidence, that I have the sole control of the fund, and if I were to use it for my own purposes, what would she think of me ; what should I think of myself ? " " I would not wrong Mrs. Lincoln for the world. We should pay her back every shilling," broke in Mrs. Prince, impetuously. " Every shilling ! And though it is a little irregular, consider the alternative." " I have considered the alternative ; and as for reinstating the fund, that would not be so easy as you think. Fifteen thousand is a great deal of money." "We will economize. We can save several hundreds a year without perceptibly altering our style of living. Edward is keeping himself ; there is only Charlie on our hands, and THE PRINCES OE PEELE. 25 with care and good management we can make the amount up in a few years." " You forget one thing, Dorothy. We are all mortal, and if anything should happen to me, you and the boys would be in a terrible difficulty. Mrs. Lincoln would then be obliged to appoint another trustee, and exposure and disgrace would be inevitable. You would have to confess that I had mis- appropriated the trust fund. Everything would come out." If Mr. Prince thought that this argument would induce his wife to renounce the scheme which he had so unfortunately suggested he was mistaken. " You might insure your life, and then Mrs. Lincoln would be safe in any event," she said after a short pause. " You will do it, Leonard, won't you? Say you will do it, and relieve me from this dreadful suspense. It is to save the family honor. Where should we hide our heads if it were all made known, and Jack put on his trial. You said only this morning that it would break your heart to leave Holm- croft. For my sake and Edward's and Charles's, if not for your own, you will do it, dear. And Jack himself, he is our own boy, after all, and dear to me still. Think of him under- going a term of penal servitude ! It would be his ruin, here and hereafter. Oh, think of it ! Why should you hesitate ? While you live the money will be at your disposal, and when you die it will be paid by the insurance — unless we save it in the meantime — and I feel sure you will live so long that we shall. You are not an old man yet. You will, won't you, dear?" And she took both his hands in hers, and looked at him pitifully with tear-filled eyes. "Adam and Eve over again," thought Mr. Prince. " But it is my own fault ; I gave her the idea. " Very well, Dorothy, it shall be as you wish," he said sadly. " I only hope the remedy won't prove worse than the disease." " I am sure it won't, Leonard. Thank Heaven ! I can breathe now. I should have gone mad. You will insure your life ? " " My own life and the lads' lives. They are to be my partners ; and it is a common thing for partners to insure each other's lives. It will add to the value of the security. In that way Mrs. Lincoln will, as you say, be practically as safe as if the money remained in Consols, provided, of course, I keep up the payment of the premiums, and that I must and 26 THE PKIXCES OF PEELE. can do, though it will come very heavy. I shall try to make Peploe and Pope pay five per cent, even though they never repay the principal — and, yes, I will give up my shooting in Scotland. I can easily say that I have not time for both that and hunting. It is irregular, very irregular, there is no deny- ing that, but the emergency is a desperate one, and if Mrs. Lin- coln does not suffer — and with the arrangements I shall make I don't see how she can — we shall have notjiing much to reproach ourselves with." This was rather an expression of hope than conviction ; he knew that if anybody else had done what he was proposing to do he should have characterized the proceeding by a very ugly word, and though he was trying to make the best of it, and to make believe that no harm could come of it, he had an uneasy feeling that harm would come of it in some way not then apparent either to himself or his wife. She, however, had no misgivings. Albeit so honest that she would not have plucked a flower in Mrs. Lincoln's garden without asking per- mission, it did not seem to her that in urging her husband to take that lady's money and use it for his own purpose, with- out her knowledge, she had done anything reprehensible. Leonard was merely borrowing it, she argued ; the measures he was taking would ensure its eventual repayment, and all would be well. " When will you send the money to Liverpool ? " she asked. " I shall not send it — I shall take it. I must have a thorough understanding with Messrs. Peploe and Pope, and if possible, get some security from them before I part with any money." " But suppose they have Jack arrested before you get there ? " " I shall telegraph them in the morning that I am coming." " I wonder what has become of him, Leonard .-• Where can he be ? " " That does not concern me at present. I only hope he is far enough, and that we may hear nothing of him again for a long time — if ever." " Oh, Leonard ! you hope never to hear of Jack again ! Why ? " " Because we are not likely to hear any good of him. When a man goes so utterly to the bad as he has done, he is gener- ally past praying for. Before this last affair I had more faith THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 27 in him tlian you had ; now I have none whatever. The best thing for him to do, though I doubt whether he will have the sense and resolution to do it, is to go to America or one of the colonies, begin a new career, earn an honest livelihood, and stay there until his misdeeds are forgotten. I hope it won't turn out that he has victimized other people besides Peploe and Pope." " God forbid, Leonard ! Why should you think so .'' " " Because a man who is capable of robbing his employers and deceiving his parents is capable of anything. It is one of the points I must inquire about when I am at Liverpool." " Will you tell the boys ? " " Not Charlie — except that Jack has behaved badly and gone away, we know not whither, and the less that is said about him the better. But Edward must know everything." " Why Edward and not Charlie ? " " There is no need to lay on the lad's shoulders so heavy a burden. Let him enjoy his life while he is young. But either Edward or Lillywhite must know, and faithful though Lill)avhite is, I don't want to put myself in his power. I shall have to deal with Peploe and Pope on the one hand and Mrs. Lincoln on the other. Her dividends will have to be paid just as if the trust fund was still invested in Consols, the in- terest from Peploe and Pope will have to be collected as may be arranged, and the insurance premiums regularly paid. All this must be done without hitch and unknown to every- body in the office but ourselves. It is only by taking Edward into my confidence that I can make sure that in the event of m}^ illness or absence there will be no difiiculty, for a hitch might be fatal. And Ned has an old head on young shoulders." " Yes, Edward is very good. But all this is very, very sad. Oh, Leonard," said Mrs. Prince, sighing deeply, "shall v^^e ever know content again .? " " We may. Anyhow, I know people who have very ugly skeletons in their cupboards, and yet laugh and joke, dine with appetite, and ride as merrily to hounds as if they had nothing on their minds. Use is second nature, they say ; and we shall perhaps get so used to our particular skeleton that its presence in the cupboard won't trouble us — very much." This assurance, though it may have answered its intended 28 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. purpose of comforting Mrs. Prince, neither allayed her hus- band's apprehensions nor quieted his conscience. No amount of sophistry could reconcile his trained intelligence and essentially upright mind to the gross breach of trust which he contemplated, or render him oblivious to the fact that he was about to lay on his soul a burden of which only death could relieve him. But the alternative : a broken- hearted wife, a frightful scandal, and a convict son, had even greater terrors, and he chose, as he thought, the lesser evil. On the following day, after telling Lillywhite that he had decided to decline Hutchins' proposed mortgage, Mr. Prince went to London, and thence to Liverpool, where he arranged matters with Peploe and Pope as satisfactorily as so bad a business could be arranged. Shortly afterwards, however, what he had feared came to pass. It was discovered that Jack had not confined his depredations to his employers. He had discounted a forged bill with his private bankers. But as there was reason to believe that he had left the country for parts unknown, the bankers decided not to throw good money after bad by trying to hunt him down. Nevertheless, they were very wroth, declined an offer from Mr. Prince to make the amount good, and intimated that in the event of the cul- prit returning to England they should consider it their duty to prosecute him. But none of these things oozed out at Peele. The people of that rather sleepy old town were quite satisfied with the only explanation which the Princes vouchsafed to them : that Jack, having got into debt and lost his billet at Liver- pool, had betaken himself to America, there to make a fresh start. THE PKIiYCES OF PEELE. 29 CHAPTER IV. THE BROTHERS. One of the last days of October, a still air and a dappled sky, a veil of silver mist mellowing yet not obscuring the sunlight, two horsemen riding along a deep lane, over- shadowed by trees, from whose half nude branches russet- colored leaves, heavy with dew, are falling noiselessly to their mother earth. The two men wear costumes suitable either for road or field — breeches, leggings, gray coats, and felt hats — one has spurs but no hunting crop, the other a hunting crop but no spurs. The rider with spurs is three or four years under thirty — tall, slightly built, swarthy and clean shaven. He has dark intelligent eyes and good looks, but his skin is sallow, his face that of a man who does not live much in the open air. His companion, younger by several years, and not quite so tall, has laughing brow)i eyes, brown hair, and a brown face, to which a silky moustache with naturally curled points gives a somewhat rakish, devil-may-care air. This young fellow is Charlie Prince ; the other, Edward — generally called " Ned " by his family and familiar friends. " Do you expect any sport to-day t " asked the elder brother. " Not much, but we shall at any rate have the pleasure of riding about in the forest, which is never so beautiful as at this time. I would rather go with the foxhounds, of course. But regular hunting hasn't begun yet, and this week's cubbing fixtures are all long ones. You can never tell what may happen with Mr. Vayle's harriers. This should be a good scenting-day, and if we have the luck to find a straight run- ning fox " " A fox." " Why not ? The foxhounds always fight shy of the forest — if they once get in they never get out — and if the 30 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. harriers chance to rouse a long tail they will do good service by running him. Last season we found a fox in Silverwood. Spinney ran him " " Spare me, Charlie," interrupted Edward with a laugh, *' It is a thrice-told tale. The day we dined at Cherry-Tree Hall that run was discussed a full hour by the clock. And do not imagine that I am pining for an heroic run. I am not a keen sportsman like you and father ; and I have ridden so little lately that I should be all abrasions. I shall be quite content with a little tittuping through the rides, or a canter across Thornwood Plain — if by good fortune we do get into the open — and whatever happens, I shall leave off in good time. I must do two or three hours' work at the office before dinner ; and to-morrow I may have to go to town." " In re Lyman, Lincoln, and Jump ? " " Of course." " I say, what a fine pot-boiler that case is proving for the office. It would almost keep us going, though there was nothing else. Is there any likelihood of its being settled, do you think ? " " Not the least, I should say. There is a big estate ; the partners and Mrs. Lincoln are all at sixes and sevens, and you may be sure the lawyers won't let them settle until they have had a lot more picking out of it." " The pater advised Mrs. Lincoln to settle, though, didn't he ? — if she had a chance." " Yes, the pater always advises his clients honestly, some- times against his own interests. But the partners are com- bative and won't listen to reason. Litigants seldom do listen to reason. If they did we lawyers should lose our reason for being. And a friendly settlement is out of the question now, whatever it may have been a little while ago. Suits are going on both here and in America." " Yes, I know. And- that reminds me that I have a question to ask you. Has anything been heard of Jack ? I am aware it is a tabooed subject, and I should not think of mentioning it to father or mother. All the same, he and I were very good friends — though after I went to Marlborough I saw very little of him — and I cannot help wondering what has become of him. Poor old Jack." " You need not waste your pity on him, Charlie. He is not worthy of it. Jack behaved very badly." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 3 1 " You mean he was always getting into scrapes." " Always. And he gave father and mother no end of trouble. At first they thought it was all boyishness and high spirits, and that he would steady as he grew older. But the last thing he did was the worst." " Running away from Liverpool ? " " Yes, and before running away he ran heavily into debt, and it cost the pater no end of money to put things straight — this is entirely between ourselves, Charlie — and if you add to that what it cost when he went wrong at Cambridge it comes to a nice penny." " Bad enough, in all conscience. All the same, there are worse things than running into debt, and I don't quite see " "Jack did worse. It was not merely getting into debt, though in his case there was not a shadow of excuse. Just consider ! When he came back from Australia, penniless, he was kindly treated and freely forgiven. Father found him a good place in Liverpool, where he might have done well. But almost from the first, as we afterwards ascertained, he went to the bad, and worse still, played the hypocrite. He hoodwinked his employers completely, made them believe he was as steady as a growing tree, and wrote letters home, tell- ing how well he was doing. Then, when exposure became inevitable, he just disappeared without writing a line to any of us to say he was sorry, and left father to pay the piper. And naught has been heard from him or of him since, \^'hat could be worse than that, I should like to know ? " " As bad as that, was it ? No wonder father won't talk about it, and hasn't been the same man since." " Who says he has not been the same man since ? " asked Edward sharply. " Isn't it evident ? And Lillywhite was saying so only the other day." " So it was Lillywhite that gave you the idea. Did he say anything about Jack ? " " He merely asked whether anything had been heard of him!" " I wish Lillywhite would mind his own business. And you are both wrong. I don't think father has altered in the least, except in being three years older, and he is still one of the most active men for his ase that I know." 32 THE PRINCES OE PEELE. In making this assertion Edward spoke rather diplomati- cally than truthfully. Leonard Prince had not been the same man since the disappearance of his eldest son. His hope that he should get used to the skeleton in the cupboard had only been realized in part. The deceit which he was obliged to practice fretted him, a deceit of which he was reminded every time he paid Mrs. Lincoln her dividends, every time he remitted the Assurance Company the premiums on his life policies, and every time he received a check or a " put off" from Peploe and Pope. Then, again, the sense of the heavy pecuniary liability which he had assumed, and the fear, never long absent from his thoughts, that the fraud might be dis- covered when he was least expecting it, weighed on his mind and damped his naturally high spirits. He gave more time to business and less to sport, rode less boldly to hounds and seldom went from home — never when Edward was away. His friends ascribed these changes to increasing years, and as he always contrived to be cheerful at home they passed almost unobserved by his wife. And then there came to pass an event which by adding to Mr. Prince's professional en- gagements made his personal anxieties easier to bear. This was the death of his friend and neighbor, Mr. Lincoln, on which, for some doubtless sufficient yet not very ap- parent reason, his partners fell out amongst themselves and went to law. Mrs. Lincoln being compelled in self-defence to join in the fray, the proceedings on her behalf were con- ducted by Mr. Prince, who entrusted the active management of the suit (which speedily drifted into Chancery) to Edward, and as the interests at stake were important, and frequent consultations with counsel necessary, the young man had to spend the greater part of his time in London. We may now return to the two brothers. " Which way are we going } " asked Edward, as they came to a place where three roads met. " By Wroughton Shaughs, of course. It will save us a mile and a half at least." " How about the gates, though." *' I have not been this way since last season, but now that hunting is beginning, they are sure to be open." Turning from the high-road into a narrow lane, they went on until they came to a gate leading into a bridle-path. " Let me, I rather like opening gates," said Charlie. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 33 Edward made no objection ; he did not like opening gates. But Charlie found the task more difficult than he had ex- pected. His mare would not be still, and the gate, though unlocked, was ingeniously fastened with a chain, a ring, a staple, and a hook. " Get off," said Edward. " No, thank you. I never get off to open a gate, and if there were not so many broken stones on the road " "Allow me, sir," said a wayfarer, who, while Charlie was struggling with the gate, had come up unperceived ; " allow me, sir," and with that the wayfarer loosed the chain and drew back the gate. He was a particularly disreputable-looking tramp, with a grim, unshaven face, a patch over one eye, and nothing much on but a sailor's jumper and a pair of ragged trousers. •' Thank you. I say, Ned, have you any coppers ? " Ned answered " No," and rode on, without giving the tramp a second glance. " Well, there's a sixpence for you. And, look here ; would you mind letting out that curb chain a link, while I light a cigar ? " The tramp tooked at the cigar longingly. " God bless you, sir," he said, " but might I make so bold as to ask if you have a bit o' baccy about you. I have not had a. smoke for twenty-four hours (producing a short clay pipe), nor yet broken my fast." " Poor fellow ! Here are a couple of cigars ; and take this shilling and go and get a good meal. Go at once ! " and Charlie, touching his horse with his heel, cantered off. But the tramp did not go at once. He lighted one of the cigars, and as he smoked it leaned on the gate and looked after the two horsemen. " That's Charlie," he soliloquized. " The same kind- hearted, generous lad, he always was. How he has altered ! If he hadn't been with Ned I shouldn't have known him. No wonder he did not know me. And Ned — but he hardly so much as looked my way. He is too superior a person to notice a poor devil of a tramp — and we were never real friends. Anyhow, I need expect no help from him. But the old man would give me a lift, if he knew — or Charlie. To which of them shall I apply, and how ? A few pounds — just enough to take me to London and buy me a kit. . . . But 3 34 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. it would never do to go to the house any more than for Charlie to come to me at a boozing ken. And whatever I do 1 must keep close. There are constables at Peele, and some fellow might — by God ! my back tingles at the mere idea. . . . I have it — a note ! Yes, I think I can fake a scribble that will fetch him — and without exciting suspicion either. And now for some grub ; and it shall be a skinful. I have not had so much money in my pocket since I left Colchester." " What did you give that fellow ? " asked Edward, when Charlie came up with him. " Eighteen pence and two cigars." " Eighteen pence and two cigars ! Say two shillings — nearly as much as a laborer in these parts earns by a day of honest work — and for opening a gate ! " " He was starving." " How do you know ? " " He said so — and he looks it." " Of course he said so — tramps always do — yet I'll be bound the rascal has as much money in his pocket as you have. I never give anything to beggars — on principle." "And deuced little to anybody else — also on principle," said the other sotto voce. " You have been taken in, my boy, and not for the first time. You are too impulsive. If you give to everybody who pleads poverty you will end by being poor your- self ! " Charlie, irritated by his brother's reproof and painfully conscious that he had acted impulsively and, in ^1 probabil- ity, been victimized by an impostor, held his peace. After passing through two more gates, that were easily opened, they crossed a big field and came to yet another gate armed with spikes which opened, or rather should have opened, into a grassy lane. On one side of this gate and nearly as high was a stiff flight of posts and rails. " It is not locked, I hope," said Edward. "Worse, it is nailed." " By Jove ! We shall have to go back, then." " That would be two miles out of our way and throw us late for the meet. We can jump this rail ; there is turf on both sides." " In cold blood, and that drop ! Not if I know it." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 35 " Merry Boy will do it easily. Come, I'll give you a lead. Kitty likes a bit of timber." The next moment Charlie was over. Edward, who, though a fair horseman, was not a bold rider, did not seem to like it, but liking still less to turn tail he let Merry Boy follow, and albeit the old horse hit the top rail with his hind legs, he alighted safely in the lane, round a bend of which Charlie had already disappeared. " God bless me, another gate ! " exclaimed Edward, as he turned into the road. " Nailed up, of course." " Also locked," said Charlie, coolly, at the same time back- ing his horse. " Good heavens ! you are surely not going to jump it ! It's a foot higher than the other, and as strong as a brick wall. If Kitty hits it with her fore-legs she will turn a somersault and break your neck and her own back." " There is nothing else for it. We cannot jump the rails from this side : the drop is too big." " Nothing else for it ! I would rather wait here all day. Why on earth you came this way I cannot imagine. We had far better have gone round by the road." " It is a regular bridle-path. How could I know that the rascally old farmer had hung new gates and nailed them up? " " What shall we do, then .? I have it ! One of us must run to Oxbridge for a blacksmith, or a hammer or some- thing, while the other waits here. You are the better run- ner " " I am not so sure about that. Would not it be fairer if we tossed up ? " returned Charlie, laughing. The reproof was still rankling in his mind, and Ned's discomfiture amused him. " However, I think we can do better than that. We must make a circumbendibus and do the fence." " What are you thinking about ? It is impossible ! " It certainly looked so. The fence was a high bank, topped by an impenetrable blackthorn hedge, and with a ditch on both sides. " I think, though, I noticed a practicable place in that corner," said Charlie, turning his horse round. At the corner in question the fence turned at almost right angles, and the blackthorn hedge was weaker, and the ditch narrower than elsewhere. 36 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " This will do. You go first, Ned, and make a gap for me and Ki,tty. It is just the sort of place old Merry Boy likes. He is as clever as a cat, and Kitty is such a beggar to rush. As likely as not she would go slap into the thickest part and stick fast." " It is the most beastly place I ever saw. No, thank you, I prefer to play second fiddle on the present occasion. You go first." " Certainly, if you will let me ride Merry Boy. But why not lead him over ? You go on ; I'll send him after you." " A happy thought, I'll act on it at once," replied Ned, dismounting with great alacrity. " But hold him till I climb the bank. I don't want to be jumped upon." " All right ! Go ahead ! Say when you are ready to catch him." " Now ! " shouted Edward as he disappeared on the further side of the fence. Charlie, dropping the bridle, gave Merry Boy a touch with his whip, whereupon the old hunter sprang over the ditch, scrambled up the bank and pushed through the gap, which he greatly widened. But Edward somehow missed catching him, and the next moment Merry Boy was justifying his name by cantering merrily round the field. Meanwhile, Kitty was dancing about on her hind legs and Charlie vainly trying to make her take the jump quietly. In the end he was obliged to let her take it as she liked, with a rush that carried her triumphantly over the ditch, and through the gap, only to fall ignominiously on her head in the field beyond. " Serve you right, you impetuous hussy ! " said the young fellow as he scrambled to his feet. " You'll not be in such a hurry next time." And with that he remounted and galloped after Merry Bo}^ whom Edward was vainly trying to catch. But the old horse yielded himself a willing captive to Charlie, who held him while his brother "got up." " Call this a short cut ! " said Edward, as soon as he could speak. " Call this a short cut ! It is a cut I shall cut no more, I can tell you. I would rather go five miles round any day." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 37 " Oh, it is good fun, and all in the day's work," returned the other, laughing. " Fun ! A fig for such fun ! " exclaimed Ned in a tone of deep disgust. After this they had no further trouble. An easy jump over some sheep hurdles and a ten minutes' trot brought them within sight of Cobster Green, 38 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER V. THE MEET. " There they are ; we are just in time," said Charlie, point- ing to the hounds, which were gamboling in a grassy glade, while the huntsman and whip stood guard over them. The horsemen on the ground did not exceed a dozen, for the Master detested a big field — unless the fair element greatly preponderated — only one degree less than a blank day. Though his hard riding days were over, Mr. Vayle sat his bob- tailed gray like a centaur, and was as keen a Nimrod as when he first carried a horn half a century before. Near him rode a young girl, to whom he paid great attention, for Mr. Vayle was still a gay cavalier and, as was said, could refuse nothing to fair ladies who favored him with their company and ad- mired the forest which he so dearly loved, and of which he knew every nook and corner, and almost every tree. Among his other peculiarities was a habit of saying, quite uncon- sciously and irrelevantly, " Dear me ! Dear me ! " and speak- ing his thoughts in a soft (and fortunately generally inaudi- ble) undertone. The name of the young girl was Olive Lincoln ; her years were about seventeen. As touching her person she was slim and well-shapen, slightly built, and rather tall than short. She had a fair, soft skin, peach-like cheeks, clearly-cut features (nose a little retrousse), dark hair, and large violet eyes, with long lashes, which were merry, mischievous or tender as the humor took her. As touching her costume, Olive wore a dark-green habit and a jockey cap, which became her to admiration, and she rode a corkey blood cob, hardly less good-looking and high- spirited than herself. "We are rather late, I fear," said Edward, after his brother and himself had greeted Miss Lincoln and the Squire. " I hope you have not been waiting for us." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 39 " No, indeed, I have not. I never quarrel with people for not coming, and I am like time and tide, I wait for no man. (Dear me ! dear me ! what a conceit that young man must have of himself)." Miss Lincoln, who alone heard Mr. Vayle's " aside," laughed merrily. " The Squire means that he waits only for ladies, Mr. Edward," she said. " He would not wait for you though you were really a prince. We are waiting for ladies now — Mary Windle and Kate Convers, and the Spankaway girls." " There they come down the Earl's Path," said Charlie, who had sharp eyes and kept them open. " That is right. I am glad of it," observed the Squire. " They will be here in two minutes. We will draw Earl's Wood, Horner." The huntsman (a stout, short-legged old fellow mounted on a horse the right color for a hearse and big enough to draw one with a coffin inside) blew his horn and trotted off, followed by the pack. Next came Bill the whip, who rode a common-looking yet marvellously clever bay cob, whose name, " Noah's Ark," had been bestowed upon him because he was considered eminently safe and never shirked water. Mr. Vayle (who possessed a sense of humor) had chris- tened Horner's horse " Pagan," partly on account of his color, but chiefly because nobody had ever seen him on his knees. When he did fall at a fence it was always backwards, which was very convenient for Horner, who (being fat and heavy) found it much pleasanter to slip over the animal's tail than come a " cropper " over his head. Earl's Wood was reached in a few minutes, and the hounds (all small foxhounds) were no sooner thrown in than their eager cries proclaimed that " something was afoot." Said something proved to be a hare, which gave a very fair half- hour's run in the wood and out of it. Edward Prince got his gentle tittuping, the girls had " good fun " jumping the drains and dodging the trees ; and when the hare was killed the old Squire dismounted from his bobtailed gray, waved his hat and shouted " Whoo-whoop " with the best. While this was going on, Charlie had spoken to the hunts- man, and a forest-keeper, who was watching the sport, and made a confidential communication to Miss Lincoln, which bore fruit later on. 40 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Where shall we try now ? " asked Mr. Vayle. " Let us try the Warren," said Olive. " Why the Warren ? " " We may find a fox there. The keeper saw one only this morning." " Oh, that is it, is it ? And would you really like us to find a fox?" " So much ; and so would Mary Windle and Kate Conyers, would not you, girls ? " " So much ! " echoed the young women in question. " Do draw the Warren, Mr. Vayle." " Well, I suppose we must. Dear me ! Dear me ! What do you say, Horner } " " I'm willing, sir. If we don't find a long-tail we shall, mebbe, find a hare, and the fox-hunting gentlemen cannot complain. They never come hereabouts," said the huntsman, whom a cap, collected by Charlie, and a long pull from Charlie's flask had put in excellent humor, and made him feel — for the moment — as bold as brass. So Horner blew his horn again, and the cavalcade made at a round trot for the Warren. " It's your fault, Charlie," whispered Miss Lincoln, who had dropped behind in order to have a word with him. " If you had not heard about the fox and put me up to it I should not have asked the Squire, and " " He would not have done it for anybody else. Never mind, I'll take all the responsibility." " But suppose I get my neck broken or lame Daisy, or " " You won't do either one or the other. I'll pilot you." " Thank you. I'll do my best to follow. But what will mother say ? She won't let me go with the foxhounds for fear of accidents, and now " " You are not going with foxhounds." " But we are going to hunt a fox." " That remains to be seen. We have first to find a fox, and it will be no easy matter to bustle him out of the Warren, I can tell you." " I think we shall find a fox, Charlie. I am sure we shall. The Squire says it is an ideal hunting day, and I am sure there is a scent." " Not a doubt of it. But that does not prove we shall find a fox." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 41 " We shall find a fox. I have a presentiment. If we don't I will never ask Mr. Vayle to draw the Warren again. So it will be all your fault. But what shall I do about Potts ? He is riding old Tinker, one of the carriage horses. I don't think it can jump a bit, and Potts would fall off if it did — and as mother told him to take good care of me, he considers it his duty to go wherever I go." " Oh, never mind old Potts, We will drop him into the first ditch, and leave him to vegetate." " Charlie, you are really too bad," and then she laughed and said, " Poor Potts ! I hope the ditch will be soft, he is a good old man," and laughed again. Just then Edward came alongside, with so grave a mien that Olive rallied him. " Why so serious, Mr. Edward. Aren't you enjoying your- self ? " she asked. " I have enjoyed myself exceedingly, so far ; but this is a serious matter." "What is?" " Drawing the Warren for a fox. I doubt whether it is the right thing. I quite admit that the Squire is lord of the forest, so to speak, by general consent : but it is a question in my mind whether the Warren can fairly be considered a part of the forest." " I don't think anybody will mind the question in your mind, Mr. Edward, if we find a fox in the Warren, and, if we do, mine be the blame, for it was I who asked the Squire to draw the Warren." " In that case there is nothing more to be said," returned Edward, his grave face relaxing into a smile, " for where is the man who could refuse when Miss Lincoln asks .-* " " I forgive your previous doubts in consideration of your pretty compliment. But here we are at the Warren. Where shall we go, Mr. Charles .'' " (It was always " Mr. Charles " when Edward was present.) " I have heard something about upwind : which is upwind .'' " " You mean that foxes generally run upwind ; but to-day there is no wind " " So there can be no up. What shall we do then ? " " Well, it is a safe rule to stick to hounds, above all in a big cover like this, where they may slip away unseen and unheard." 42 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " All right. Mr. Charles, you stick to the hounds, and we'll all try to stick to you, won't we, Mr. Edward .'' " " Certainly, Miss Lincoln, if you will it. I am not sure, though, that Charlie is to be trusted. He must be careful not to lead you into danger." " Or you. At any rate, where he goes I shall go ; and unless you keep with us you will be thrown out," answered Olive, rather sharply. It displeased her to hear Charlie dis- paraged, and she did not " care " for Edward. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 43 CHAPTER VI. THE RUN. The Warren was a large wood, technically a part of the forest, but separated from the main portion of it by a broad stretch of turf. It was intersected by two rides and several bridle-paths, the trees and undergrowth being elsewhere so thick as to render progress on foot difficult and on horse- back well-nigh impossible. When the field reached the wood Mr. Vayle marshalled his forces. The main point was to prevent reynard (if per- chance he should be found at home) from stealing back into the forest, in which event a run in the open would be out of the question. To this end he posted several men between the wood and the forest, with instructions to head back the fox if he should attempt to break in that direction. Bill, the whip, took his stand at the top of the principal ride ; a long-legged brewer, on a roan gelding, with a bit of red ribbon flying from its tail as a danger signal, and a sport- ing butcher, on a thorough-bred screw (which he wanted to sell), undertook to watch on one side of the covert ; and the ladies and the keeper were asked to keep a look-out on the other. Horner was then ordered to throw in his hounds and draw towards the higher ground, and away from the forest. " If we don't take care, we shall all be left lamenting," said the Squire when these dispositions had been made. " The covert is so thick that you can neither see hounds nor hear a hallo. Twenty years ago, when the foxhounds used to come here, they once slipped out with a fox unseen by any- body, the huntsman got bogged, and the hounds had a fine run of an hour and forty minutes all to themselves. (Dear me 1 Dear me !) Where are you going, Charlie ? " " Into the Warren with Horner. I can whip up to him." " Yes, yes ; go. Quite right, and if you find, shout your 44 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. loudest. (Dear me ! Dear me ! I wish I was as young as Charlie, or even that conceited jackanapes, his brother)." Miss Windle and Miss Conyers, overhearing this soUloquy, laughed consumedly. " What is the matter ? Why are you laughing ? (Dear me ! Dear me ! Youth is the time for laughter ; why shouldn't they laugh ?) Are you going too, Olive ? " " Yes, Squire ; I should like to be as near the hounds as possible, if- there is going to be any fun." " Quite right. Yes, go. But beware of trees and holes, and take care of your hat. (Dear me ! Dear me ! I wonder whether it is the hounds or Prince Charlie she would best like to be near.)" Fortunately, none save the object of it heard this sotto voce, and, blushing brightly, she followed her pilot, and was followed in her turn by Edward Prince and coachman Potts. Nobody else went into the wood, and they had not gone far before two of the party began to wish they had stayed with the others. They were forced to ride in single file, twisting and turning, dodging the boughs and threading their way through the brambles, their horses slipping where the ground was smooth, and stumbling where it was rough. " Stoop low and shut your eyes, Olive," said Charlie : " never mind Daisy, she will take care of herself, and I will take care of you." Which he did so effectually that not a bough touched her. " Can anybody see the hounds ? " inquired Horner. " If they was to get on a line now we shouldn't be in it." "I wish we were not in it," growled Edward. " I knew Charlie would lead us into some mess. Confound it ! I believe I have cut my nose." " So you have," said Olive, glancing round. " It is bleed- ing dreadfully. You look like a red Indian in his war paint." Whereupon Edward, muttering an imprecation, applied his handkerchief, thereby adding greatly to his difficulties : with the same hand he had both to guide his horse and ward off the branches, one of which flying back, crushed Potts's castor and bonneted him completely. " Oh Lord ! " shouted the coachman. And dropping his reins he made frantic efforts to extricate himself. But the THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 45 lining of his hat having fouled on his rather large nose he found this no easy task. In the end, however, he emerged, very red in the face and uttering strange oaths. All laughed, even Edward, who was beginning to think that the tip of his nose would go on bleeding forever. " Oh by — that hurt, that did," howled the huntsman. " Ooo, 00, 00 ! " While he was laughing at Potts his shin-bone had collided against the bole of a tree and got the worst of it. " I won't come into this 'ere hole again, not for ten long-tails. And Where's the hounds ? They may be a mile away by this time. Thank goodness, here's a path at last. We can get along a bit now." All put their horses into a brisk trot, Horner still leading, for he best knew the way. " Hark ! " he cries, stopping short so suddenly that Kitty nearly cannoned against Pagan. " Cannot you hear sum- mut ? " " By Jove ! I do believe it's a whimper." " Ay is it " (listening intently), " it's Ringlet, and when Ringlet speaks you must be sure there's summut. There it is again. It's a line. Mr. Charlie, it is a line. Hike to Ringlet ! Hike to Ringlet ! For-rard ! For-rard ! " And the old fellow, bending over his saddle-bow to avoid impending branches, goes off at a canter, followed by the others, all in a state of high excitement, for Ringlet's solitary note has now swollen into a full chorus. Charlie, mindful of the Squire's injunction, shouts his loud- est ; Olive cheers on the hounds ; Edward pockets his hand- kerchief and lets his nose take care of itself ; and Potts squar- ing his elbows and using his heels, succeeds in putting old Tinker into a high and ponderous gallop. "This way," cries the huntsman; "we can't see 'em, and we don't know what it is — mebbe a hare, after all — we must just ride to the music till we get out of the wood." Presently they emerge into a broad path, riding, as before, to the music, for the hounds still keep to the thick of the wood. " Bill should be somewhere about here," says Charlie. " And hark ! There's a hallo ! A fox ! by all that is glorious, a fox ! Hike hallo ! Hike hallo I Forrud away ! Forrud away ! " " How do you know it's a fox ? " asks Edward. 46 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Because it's Bill's voice, and he knows better than to tally- ho a hare. Hike hallo ! Hike hallo ! I hope Mr. Vayle and the others will hear. Blow again, Horner. At the top of the wood, which they reached at the same time as the hounds, are the brewer, the butcher, and the whips, holding up their hats and halloing till they are black in the face. " He's only just gone ! he's slipped through the gateway into that field. There ! Beauty has it. That's the line. For'rard to Beauty ! Well done, old girl ! " " Hike for'ard ! Hike for'ard ! " " I hope the Squire has heard the row and will be able to catch us up," says Charlie. " Shout again ! Forrud, forrud, forrud ! to Beauty. Sound another blast, Horner." Meantime Bill has opened the gate, and all ride after the hounds, which are racing across a big pasture to a breast- high scent, the butcher leading on his thoroughbred screw. Next come Charlie and Olive, Bill and the brewer, followed k by Horner and Potts. The first fence is a low bank with a widish ditch on the near side. To the surprise of everybody, himself probably included. Tinker takes it in his stride, and the coachman sticks on. " Bravo Potts ! " shouts Charlie : " if you go on like that you will be in at the death. . . Not quite so fast, Olive ! If we don't save our horses now they will not live through the run. Never mind though the hounds do get a bit ahead. They cannot keep up this pace over that plough." Nor do they. The scent grows colder, and two or three freshly ploughed fields with openable gates are traversed at a trot, the hounds hunting beautifully, checking only once and recovering the line v/ithout any help from the huntsman. Then more grass and faster going ; small enclosures and blind fences, with few jumpable places. " The butcher seems inclined to make the running, let him go first and make gaps for us," says Charlie, whose native daring was tempered by a sense of his responsibility for the safety of his fair companion. At the third fence, after leaving the plough, Tinker blun- dered into a blind ditch, throwing Potts clean over his head and completing the destruction of his rider's hat. "■He is done to a turn ; you had better go home," said THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 47 Charlie, after ascertaining that Potts was none the worse. " And tell Mrs, Lincoln, with my compliments, that I will take good care of Miss Olive." The field, now reduced to seven, continue the chase, the hounds for the most part running mute to a burning scent. A few yards behind them ride the brewer, the butcher, and the whip, closely followed by Olive and Charlie, while Edward and Horner bring up the rear. The chase has lasted nearly an hour, and shows no signs of coming to a close when the hounds run on to a highway where two roads meet (one of them bounded by a wide brook), throw up their heads and stop short. They have lost the scent. Horner makes a couple of casts without result, and things are beginning to look serious when a faint hallo in the dis- tance, and a hat at the end of a stick, gives a timely hint as to the direction taken by the fox. " He has crossed the brook," says the huntsman, sounding his horn. " Hike hallo ! Hike hallo ! Yoh over ! Yoh over ! " "Hike hallo! Hike hallo! " echoes Bill, whipping the hounds up the brink. " Yoh over ! Yoh over ! Beauty has it again. Faw-rud to Beauty ! Faw-rud ! Faw-rud ! " The hounds swim the stream in the wake of Beauty, and after " feathering " a few seconds on the further side, go off full cry. " All very fine," says Edward, " but how are we to get over t " Seeing that the opposite bank, besides being high, is crowned with a three-barred rail, a pertinent question. The brewer, the butcher, and the whip answer it on the instant. Crossing the girth-high stream, they leap their horses on the bank and then, dismounting and breaking down the topmost rail, lead them over the others. " Dare you ? " asks Charlie of Olive. " Go, and I will follow." Charlie goes. " Let Daisy have her head," he shouts, as Kitty scrambles up the bank, and then, though there is hardly standing room, leaps his mare over the rails without dismounting. Olive does the same, and the next moment they are galloping after the hounds, which, like the horses, have been greatly refreshed by the check and the bath. 48 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Are you going to have it, Mr. Prince ? " asks Horner, looking ruefully at the obstacle. Though neither a bold rider nor a keen sportsman, Edward had, so far, gone very well — partly, perhaps, out of a spirit of emulation, partly, it may be, because he did not like to lag behind when a lady led the way, and that lady Olive Lin- coln. But the brook looks ugly and the bank dangerous, to say nothing of the rail ; and it requires a strong effort to screw up his courage to the sticking point and let his horse go. But at the critical moment his nerve fails him. As Merry Boy rises at the bank, Edward clutches at the bridle and pulls him back into the stream, whereupon the bewil- dered and indignant animal plunges down the middle of it, flounders into a hole, and only after a desperate bout of swimming and scrambling succeeds in getting back on to dry land. " I don't think I should try that again, sir, if I was you," observes the huntsman. " You'll be drowned if you do. That is a main dangerous place, that is, though when I was young like your brother and Mr. Macadam, and Bill and the butcher, I should ha' thought naught on it — naught. But I'm an old fellow now. Come along o' me. I think I know the fox's point. We'll be at it as soon as them." "You can go where you hanged please, Horner. I am wet through from the waist, and shall go straight home. I wish we had not found that brute of a fox. I never go out with my brother that I don't get into some beastly mess," an- swered Edward savagely. He was not naturally sweet tem- pered, and an involuntary cold bath on an October day with a ten-mile ride in wet clothes and water-logged boots before him, would try the patience of a saint. " Call him a sportsman," soliloquized Horner, as he went his way. " Why, he is not fit to be named in the same day as his brother. Mr. Charlie's the boy for me. He both rides straight and takes a pleasure in seeing hounds hunt. Hark ! Is not that 'em? His point is Welsby coppice I do believe. Hold up, boss. You're not a getting tired already, surely." " Isn't this glorious, Charlie ? " cries Olive, as they reach the crest of a hill, over which the hounds have disappeared a few moments previously, and up which the four men have walked to ease their horses. " Is not this glorious ? " She might well say so. Below them was a breezy, wide- / THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 49 stretching common, which sloped gently towards a verdant, well-wooded valley, dotted with quaint cottages and red farm- houses, and bounded far away by a shining river. '' Yes, that is Harold's Common, as big as a parish, they say. And see how the hounds are going — all in a cluster ! Well, we are not likely to lose sight of them, that is one com- fort, and, by Jove, there he is ! " " The fox do you mean — where ? " " Don't you see that dark object, a mere speck — about half- a-mile before the hounds .'' " " And that is the fox ! Poor fellow ! Do you know, Charlie, I almost hope he may escape." " I don't think he will : the scent is too good. But if we don't go on the hounds will escape us. Come along ! " And they went — helter-skelter down the hill. Macadam and Charlie leading, for the butcher had taken a good deal out of his thoroughbred, and speed was not the strong point of Noah's Ark. But the going was good, and, after a two- ' mile gallop, all overtook the hounds, just as the latter left the common for the fields, and exchanged grass for plough. And then the pace slackened — fortunately, for it is no joke to face wide ditches and formidable fences with fagged horses. Even the hard-riding brewer was glad to let the whip lead the way and keep a keen look-out for gates and weak places. But jumps were not always avoidable, and at the very last obstacle — a rail and ditch — which had to be taken flying, Daisy came to grief. Charlie went first, and then, with keen anxiety, turned to see how it would fare with Olive. " Send her at it," he cried, " it's rather a big place." The little mare did her best, but being well-nigh spent, hit the rail hard and went into the ditch instead of over it. Olive luckily fell clear, and before Charlie and Macadam could dismount to help her, was on her feet. As for Daisy, she seemed minded to repose for a while in the ditch, and it was with some difticulty that they got her out of it. " Whether we lose the hounds or not, we must have no more jumping," said Charlie, as he helped Olive into the muddy saddle. " Remember, I am responsible for j-our safety, .and you would not like any harm to befall Daisy." " Not for the world. But I should be very sorry to spoil your sport. Ride on after the hounds. I can take care of myself." 4 5° THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Certainly not. What would your mother say ? And the hounds have stopped running. Don't you see them feather- ing in the middle of that stubble \ " "Have they killed?" " I don't think so. You would hear Bill shouting ' whoo- whoop ' if they had. The scent has either failed or the fox run to ground. Let us go on and see." The hounds were baying at the mouth of a drain. " He's in here, sir," said the whip, who was prone on the grass, listening intently. " I can hear him. Shall I run to yonder farmhouse, get a spade and try to dig him out? " " Don't, Charlie, don't ! He is a gallant fox and has given us a splendid run. Let him live," pleaded Olive. " Very well. — Yes, I think he deserves to save his brush — an hour and forty minutes with only two checks. What do you say. Macadam ? " " I am quite of your opinion. And it is Hobson's choice. This drain is deep, and we have no terriers. You may as well call them off, Bill. How far are we from Peele ? " " If that house across the fields be the King George, and I think it is, nigh on fifteen miles. It's been a clinking run, Mr. Charlie, it has that." "You are right, and you have ridden well up. Bill. Here's a crown for you ! And now let us go to the King George and refresh our horses and ourselves, and then we will hie us home. What has become of my brother and Horner, I wonder? " " They did not like that brook, I think. But never you fear, sir. Horner will turn up. He does not ride as straight as you and Mr. Macadam, but he's generally somewhere about at the end of a run." The whip proved a true prophet. As hunters and hounds drew up at the door of the inn Horner came jogging up the road. " What have you done ? " he asked. Bill told him. " I felt sure he was making for Welsby Coppice, and he'd ha' got there, too, if the hounds hadn't pressed him so hard. The Squire will be as well pleased as if he had ridden the run himself. But he'd ha' been all the better pleased if you'd ha' taken the brush home in your hat, Miss Lincoln. He likes a kill, the Squire does." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. SI " But I don't, and I am sure the brush is much better where it is than in my hat. Here is something to put into yours " (handing him half-a-sovereign), " and will you see, please, that the horses are properly attended to, and then you can go into the house and get something for yourselves." " Thank you, miss, thank you kindly," said the old fellov/, pocketing the rip and touching his cap. " But I'll stop where I am. If I was to get off it would take me half an hour to get on again, I'm that stiff and rheumatical. I'll have some cheese and bread and sixpenn'orth o' whiskey. Bill. And slip the bit out of Pagan's mouth and bring him some gruel. He'll not run away, I'll warrant." 52 THE PRINCES VF FEELE. CHAPTER VII. GOING HOME. The ride home was long and, so far as pace went, slow, yet very pleasant withal. The declining sun shone brightly on a charming landscape, which still retained much of its autumnal glory ; and the run and its incidents, besides being pleasant to think about, made a subject for conversation which it seemed impossible to exhaust. Horner, as was meet, rode first, at the head of his pack. Next came Bill and Mr. Macadam — the latter acting as amateur second whip — to whom followed Olive and Charlie. The butcher, whose horse had gone dead lame, brought up the rear, and was soon left hopelessly behind. " We had better keep together ; horses like company, and this jog-trot is quite fast enough," had said Charlie to Miss Lincoln. " By all means. It will be so much more cheerful for us, besides being better for the horses," answered Olive, with a sigh. " Are you tired, Olive, that you sigh ? " asked Charlie softly. " A little. But it was not that." " What, then ? " " I was thinking about my mother. She will be frantically anxious. What time shall we get home .-' " " You, at six, I, half an hour later. I don't think you need distress yourself on that account. I suppose Potts would deliver my message ? " " I have no doubt he would, also a few observations of his own. He thinks nobody can take care of me but himself, and will tell mother that without him I should be sure to come to desperate grief." " Well, your appearance at home safe and sound will prove the contrary." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 53 " For which thanks to you, Charlie. If you had not piloted me so carefully and told me what to do I should never have seen the end of the run — and I have enjoyed it so much. So much that I am almost ashamed of myself, for I fear it is very cruel." " What is .? " " Hunting." " There's no doubt it is, in a sense ; but what is not .'' You cannot eat a mutton chop without killing a sheep, nor drink a glass of water without swallowing a lot of microscopic organisms. And remember that if there were no hunting all these hounds would have been drowned when they were whelps." " So we may regard ourselves as philanthropists. Instead of being a cruel amusement, hunting is a humane pursuit. Foxes die in order that hounds may live. I vote for the hounds," returned Olive brightly, for though she rather suspected that there lurked a fallacy in Charlie's theory, she was not disposed to scrutinize too severely his ingenious argument in support of so pleasant a pastime. " That's it. Miss Lincoln," put in the brewer. " If there was no hunting there would be no hounds, and if we killed no foxes there would be no hunting. And you may do a lot of hunting without killing — to-day for instance. The betting is always ten to one on the fox. I suppose you have nothing of the sort in America, Miss Lincoln ? " " Do you mean fox-hunting ? " " Yes." " You are quite mistaken, Mr. Macadam," said Olive, who, though she liked hunting and England exceedingly, was too patriotic to admit that her country played second fiddle in anything whatever, " You are quite mistaken. I believe there is very good fox-hunting in Virginia, and we have something far finer — buffalo-hunting on the prairies and grizzly bear-hunting in the Rockies." " But they hunt buffaloes without hounds — just ride up to them and shoot them down. The poor brutes have no chance," said the brewer. "I don't call that sport at all," said Charlie; "hunting without hounds is like dancing without music — and then there is no jumping." " And what is that like ? " demanded Olive, tartly. 54 THE PRINCES OE PEELE. " Fox-hunting without jumping is like war without fighting." " Or beer without hops," suggested the brewer. " Or love without kisses," added Charlie. " All the same, America is " " Your country, and you are quite right to stick up for it. I admit your superiority as to buffaloes and grizzlies, and I daresay ii: is good fun hunting them. But I am quite content with Old England and fox-hunting ; I want nothing better." " Hear, hear ! " said the brewer ; " Old England forever, and may we never have worse sport than we have had to- day." " That is a sentiment in which I can concur without reserve," observed Olive. " It is the best day's sport I ever had ; and I don't think I shall have a better until I hunt the buffalo and the grizzly in their native wilds." And then they all laughed. When people are in high spirits a small joke goes a long way. An hour's alternate jog-trotting and walking brought them to Rodwell Cross, and there they parted company, the hounds and the brewer going one way, Miss Lincoln and Charlie another. " My mother and I were talking about you the other day," said Olive, after a short interval of silence. " I hope you were speaking well of me." " I am not sure that you would think it well. My mother said that you were not cut out for a lawyer, and I rather agree with her." " So do I. To tell the truth, I don't like the law, and I am not a lawyer by choice." " You would rather have been something else ? " " I would rather have been a soldier. I wanted to go into the army, but, as my father and mother objected, I yielded to their wishes, and became an articled clerk, a good deal against the grain. My father is very good, though. He does not tie me to the desk. ' Enjoy yourself while you are young,' he saj^s. ' Care will come soon enough. If you are not ploughed more than once at your exams. I shall be con- tent.' " " And have you been ploughed ? " " Never. My pride would not let me, and the exams, are not very difficult." " But you don't spend much time at the office .'' " THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 55 " No more than I can help." " And is that the way you intend to go through Hfe — doing no more than you can help ? " asked Olive, rather con- temptuously. "I did not say I do no more work than I can help," re- turned Charlie, with some asperity. " I said I spent no more time in the oiifice than I could help, which is a very different matter. And there is no particular reason why I should work hard. Ned does. He likes it, and old Lilly- white is a host in himself, to say nothing of my father ; and, though he is fond of field sports, no man in the county works harder at his profession." " Yes, your father is a very fine man. Everybody respects him. He has been very good to us. My mother says that there is nobody in the world in whom she has such absolute confidence. He is integrity itself." " Yes, and he is kindness itself. I would rather lose my right hand than vex my father. It was to please him that I gave up my idea of going into the army." " It was not to please your mother, then ? " " It pleased them both. If the pater had been left to him- self I think he would have consented. But she would not hear of it — she comes of a Quaker family, and has some Quaker notions about soldiering and that — and if you want to please my father you must please my mother. , . I am afraid you think me a very idle fellow, Olive." " No, I would not say that. You hunt and fish, and play cricket and football with great energy and success. No, you are far from idle. But you don't seem to care about getting on. Now, in America, a young man in your position would throw all his energies into business." " Make a fortune, you mean ? By the time I should have made a fortune I should have lost the capacity to enjoy it, I would rather go on as I am. I shall have enough for my wants." " But could you not try to make a name ? " " What chance has a country solicitor of making a name, I should like to know ? " " Oh, there are ways. You might get into Parliament, for instance. Anyhow, if I were a man, I should not be content to be a nobody. I would either make a fortune or a name, or, in some other way, win distinction." 5 6 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " I loSc my chance of winning distinction when I went into my father's office instead of going into the army, and I shall never have another — unless the French come and the yeo- manry cavalry are called out," said Charlie, laughing lightly, yet not without a touch of bitterness. " But here we are at your lodge gates, and just at the time I expected. The church clock is striking six. Shall I go in with you ? " " Of course you must, and give an account of your steward- ship, and help me to make my peace with my mother." " All right. Let us trot up the avenue, and then she will know we are coming." As the two belated ones reined up before the house a foot- man threw open the door, and a plump, little woman, with a round, fat face, lively black eyes, and wearing widow's weeds, appeared at the threshold. " At last ! Thank heaven, you are safe, Olive. If you only knew how anxious I have been ! When I heard the sound of hoofs in the avenue, I feared it might be the huntsmen com- ing to teJl me you were killed. Why didn't you return with Potts?" " Because I should have had to leave off at the very be- ginning of the run. I would not have done it for a thousand Potts. He got home all right, I suppose 1 " " He did get home, but I cannot say he was all right. His hat was battered all to pieces and fastened on with a handkerchief, his face scratched all over and encrusted with blood, his coat torn and covered with mud, and Tinker lame. Potts returned in a sorry plight, I assuie you, and he said you two were careering over the country like mad people, and he doubted whether either of you would come home alive. He frightened me dreadfully, and I don't think I shall ever let Olive " " Potts is an old tea-pot," interposed Charlie. " It was one of the finest runs ever known, Mrs. Lincoln, and no danger- ous jumping, and Olive rode like an Amazon. If the fox had been killed, instead of running to ground, she would have got the brush." "Yes, Olive does ride well," said Mrs. Lincoln, mollified by the young fellow's praise of her daughter. " But that is no reason why you should lead her into danger." " He did not lead me into danger, he led me into safety," answered the girl warmly. " If you had only seen — he kept THE PRINCES OE FEELE. 57 with me all the time, he went first overall the difficult places and told me what to do. But for him I certainly should have come to grief." " Well, well, we will say no more about it. All is well that ends well. Won't you stay and dine with us, Charlie ? We will excuse your costume." " You are very kind, Mrs. Lincoln ; but they are expecting me at home, and Kitty has had a hard day. I must get her made comfortable for the night as soon as possible." And then they shook hands, and the young fellow hied him homeward, musing, and not in the best of humors. It was not the first time Olive had hinted — though never before so plain- ly — that he was not taking life sufficiently in earnest, and that he ought to have higher aims and nobler pleasures than being merely a country lawyer, captain of the Peele Eleven, and riding straight to hounds. His conscience told him that the imputation was true, and he did not like it ; less, however, out of regard for his conscience than Olive's good opinion, which he greatly desired. He had known her since she was eleven or twelve years old — that was why they called each other by their Christian names — and he was her senior by three years. But being as precocious as travelled American girls generally are, and having seen a good deal more of the world than he had, she treated him much as a strong-minded elder sister treats a wayward brother — ordered him about, made him fetch and carry for her, and occasionally admonished him for his good. Charlie, on his part, made no objection ; he did not find it unpleasant to be ordered about by a pretty girl, and he liked Miss Lincoln so well that he would have suffered much rather than forfeit her good-will or forego the pleasure of her society. He had never seriously asked him- self whether he loved her. A little flirting was all very well, but the conscience aforesaid told him that he was too young to become engaged, and existing arrangements v/ere so en- tirely to his satisfaction that he had no wish to change them for a state of things that might interfere with hunting and cricket. Nevertheless, Olive's strictures on his want of purpose were very galling, the more ecpecially as, albeit in one sense true, they were not altogether deserved. She did not give him credit for the sacrifice he had made in renouncing his desire to enter the army. It had been the dream of his life 58 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. to go to the wars, and he knew that he had it not in him to shine as a solicitor. The study and practice of the law were only made tolerable to him by being largely intermixed with sport, and out-of-door work in connection with Lord Hermit- age's estate. "If I can only please Olive by making my fortune as a lawyer, I may as well give it up as a' bad job," he thought. " And I would rather please her than anybody else. But what can a fellow do ? I might enlist ; but after the way Jack has behaved that would break their hearts entirely, and I am not sure that Olive would like me to be a private sol- dier." So it came to pass that, notwithstanding the good day's sport he had enjoyed, Charlie went home pensive and de- spondent. Meanwhile Olive and her mother were making him the subject of another discussion. " What have you and Charlie been talking abovit ? " asked Mrs. Lincoln, as they sat in the drawing-room, waiting for dinner to be announced. " All sorts of things — the run and the hounds — and, lastly, about himself. I took the liberty of telling him what you said the other day — that he was not sufficiently in earnest, that he ought to have a purpose in life and try to make some show in the world." "How did he take it?" " Very well. He never resents anything I say. The trouble is that he does not like law a bit. He wanted to go into the army." " It was very well he did not. All idle young men want to go into the army, I think." " Charlie is not idle, mother ; anything but that. He works with great energy at anything he likes, and it is not his fault that he has been put into a profession which he detests." Mrs. Lincoln smiled. " What would you have, my dear ? " she said. " A minute since you were blaming the young man, now you are praising him." " Well, I am afraid of him sinking into a nondescript and a nobody — half sportsman, half lawyer, and he has it in him to do a great deal better than that — he is generous, cour- THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 59 ageous and high-spirited and in many things really very clever — much more so than some people imagine." " You have observed him very closely, I think." " Naturally. We were children together ; and I always observe people. It is amusing." " All the same, Olive, there is a grave defect in Charlie's character, I fear he is unstable and will never excel — except in sport. What if he does not like the law } He has gone into it, and it is his duty to conquer his dislike. Many a man has made a fortune and a name in a profession which he did not find congenial at first. Let him take example by his brother. Edward will get on. He works at this unfortunate suit of ours night and day. His knowledge of the law is simply immense. He seems to know everything and forget nothing." " Yes, he is the model young man, which is perhaps the reason I don't much like him." "You mean you don't like him because other people do." " That is not it. I dislike him because he is priggish and conceited, after the manner of models. Then he doesn't ride straight, and I detest his laugh." Mrs. Lincoln smiled again. " That is a new fad of yours, Olive, judging people by their laugh," she said, " and if riding is to be the test I admit that Edward is hopelessly inferior to his brother. But it is not a test of a man's moral worth, and judged by any other standard, Edward is the better man. He is industrious and clever, as high-principled as his father, and altogether a most promising young man. I greatly prefer him to CharUe, and so I think must every sensible person." " Then I am not a sensible person, for I am sure I don't," returned Olive defiantly. " Well, well, there is no accounting for likes and dislikes," said Mrs. Lincoln with an air of amused resignation, " and perhaps if I preferred Charlie you would prefer Ned. Some people go by the rule of contrary. But let us go in to din- ner ; the bell has rung and you must be very hungry." 6o THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER VIII. "the blessin g." " Got some gruel ready, Tom ? " asked Charlie of the head groom, as he rode into the stable-yard. " Yes, sir." " Well, take good care of Kitty. We have had a clinking run and a long hack home. What are you doing with a fire in the harness-room ? " " Drying Mr. Edward's boots and saddles and things. He got into a brook or summat, and came home sousing wet." "Give Kitty a linseed mash—but no corn, mind, and no bran, and when she is cool sheet her well up and bandage her legs." And with that the young fellow hurried into the house, for it was quite dinner-time ; but it took him only a few minutes to change his hunting suit for evening dress, and he entered the dining-room with the second course. A large low ceiled room it was and oak wainscoted : at one end burnt a bright fire of logs, at the other shone resplendent a fine black oak cabinet and sideboard, lighted with wax candles, in its way quite a work of art, to the building of which Mr. Prince, who was curious in such matters, had given much time and thought. The windows were hung with crimson curtains, the walls adorned with choice oil paintings, and all the arrangements were suggestive of good taste and easy circumstances. " Had good sport, my boy, eh ? " said Mr. Prince pleas- antly, as Charlie took his seat. " Capital ! Found a fox and ran him an hour and forty minutes with only two checks. Hasn't Ned told you .^ " " He could not tell me more than he knew. He got into trouble at Cobbin Brook and came home. Gad ! I would not have come home." " I think Edward did quite right to come," observed Mrs. Prince gently, and with a slight lifting of her beautiful arched THE PRTNCES OF PEELE. 6 1 eyebrows. " It would have been very foolish of him to go on with wet clothes and his boots full of water." " Ah, Avell, there's no accounting for tastes in these things. And Ned never was much of a sportsman." " I never pretended to be, father. Chacun a son gout, you know " " All the same, you rode like a sportsman to-day, Ned," put in Charlie. " If you had not got into the brook you would have seen the end of the run as well as the best — and an accident may happen to anybody." The mother smiled. She knew that her sons were not always sympathetic, and the junior's generous defence of the elder, even in so small a matter as this, touched a responsive chord in her heart. "Well, one cannot help getting a bit excited when hounds are running," said Ned, smiling in turn, " and, if Merry Boy had not blundered into the deepest part of the brook, I don't think I should have been far behind you." " Blundered, did he ? " said Mr. Prince, with a gesture of surprise. " The old horse does not often do that, unless However, it is perhaps as well you did not take much out of him. He will be fit for me to ride with the foxhounds on Thursday — if you will help Lillywhite to look after the shop, Charlie ! Ned is going to town for a few days." " Of course I will, father ; and if the weather holds out you ought to have good sport." " I hope Olive came to no harm," said Mrs. Prince. " I have never been able to reconcile m3'self to the idea of girls riding to hounds ; and I know that her mother is never quite happy when she is out." " She did not come to the least harm, and straight she rode, too ; never shirked a single jump," returned Charlie. " Did not boggle at the brook, I suppose ? " said Mr. Prince, with a side glance at his elder son. " Nor anything else." " If you mean that for me, father," he said, " if you mean that I boggled at the brook, just let me tell you that I did nothing of the sort. If Merry Boy had not refused the bank and plunged into mid-stream, so wetting me through, I should have gone on ; but I am not so fond of huntings as to be in- different to the consequences of a ducking." " You see what you have missed, Ned," said the father, 62 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. mischievously, " the best part of a chnking run, and a ride home with a pretty girl." Edward, who took himself too seriously to like being chaffed, did not deign to reply. Before dinner was quite over the butler told Mr. Prince, in an aside, that Thomas Roots, from Windy Gap, would like to have a word with him. " Bother Thomas Roots. Why cannot he come to the office in business hours ? However, he is an important tenant, and always up to time with his rent. It is about that new barn he wants building, I suppose. See him, Charlie — it is in your line — and say that Lord Hermitage won't let us spend any more money in improvements this year ; but, after Lady Day, I daresay we can manage it. Show Roots into my room, Hartly, and give him a glass of grog." Charlie had got rid of the farmer, and was on the point of returning to the drawing-room when one of the maids gave him a note, which on opening he found to run as follows : — " The waif, whom you so generously relieved this morning, craves the favor of an interview with Mr. Charles Prince. He has a very important communication to make, but being in rags would rather not show himself in the house. He will wait for an answer at the stable-yard gate." " He must be a queer tramp," thought Charlie ; " this letter is well written and not badly expressed. Shall I see him ? Ned would say he was a begging-letter impostor, and want to send for a constable. As likely as not, though, he is a decent fellow down on his luck. Anyhow, there is no harm in hear- ing what he has to say." So, after lighting his pipe and putting on a felt hat, he went leisurely into the stable-yard, unsuspicious of evil, and anticipating nothing more serious than a tramp's story, pos- sibly true, but more probably false, ending with a request for money. He found his man lounging against the gate-post with his hands in his pockets, and his hat slouched over his eyes. "Well," said Charlie, stopping before him. " I should like a word with you, sir, if you would be so kind as to give me a hearing. But we might be overheard here, people are coming and going. Could we go some- where ? I shall not detain you long." The tone, voice, and manners of the man were so different THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 63 from those of the tramp who had opened the gate for him, earlier in the day, that Cliarlie could hardly believe it was the same. " Is it so very particular, then, what you have to say ? " he asked. " Very, sir, as you will be the first to admit when I tell you." " Let us go into the harness-room. There is a fire, and the men are sure to be away by this time." Charles led the way to the harness-room, opened the door and went in, the tramp following. Edward's saddle was dry- ing before the fire on an old wooden case, turned upside down. Charlie removed the saddle and told the tramp to take a rest on the box, then he put a log on the fire and stirred it up. As he stooped to do this his face came near the tramp's. " You have been drinking," he said sternly, turning round with the poker still in his hand. " Yes, sir, I have had a glass of brandy, but not out of your money, for on my way to Peele I earned sixpence by helping a carter to get his cart out of a ditch. And if you are ever as tired and hungry and used up as I was this morn- ing, you'll be glad of a drop of something to put a bit of life and courage into you. And I'd have no objection to another glass if you'd give me one. Might a fellow smoke .'' " " Might a fellow smoke ! Do you know yon are getting confoundedly familiar. You have not only been drinking ; you are drunk." " No, I am not. One glass of brandy does not make a man like me drunk, and that is all I have had. As for familiarity, I have a right to be familiar." " You impertinent scoundrel ! I've a good mind " " Don't use bad language, my dear sir. You'll be sorry for it afterwards." " 'Pon my word, this is intolerable. Say at once what you have to say or I'll send for a constable." " I don't think you will, sir." " Why not ? You are either an impostor, or worse." " Well, perhaps I am — in one sense. All the same — don't you know me ? " " Know you ? How on earth should I know you ? " " Look at me." The tramp rose, doffed his hat, removed the patch from his eve. and then threw back his head. 64 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Look ! " he repeated. Charles shook his head. " By this fitful light," he said, again stirring the fire. " By this fitful light I should not know my own brother." " I am your own brother." " My own brother ! Good Heaven ! You don't mean to say you are Jack ? " " Yes, I am your vagabond, ne'er-do-weel brother, the same, though I can hardly believe it, who, when you were a little chap, so high, used to romp with yow. in this very room and ride you round the garden there on his back." Charlie's first impulse was to exclaim, " Dear old Jack," and take his hand. Then, remembering the evil Jack had wrought (though he did not know the worst) he drew back. "What are you doing here, and what has brought you to this pass ? " he asked coldly. " I will tell you. But not so loud, not so loud — the serv- ants — somebody might hear. But let me ask you first of all, did the governor square Peploe and Pope ? " '' I believe so. At any rate, he paid a good deal of money." " Then they did not burst up ; there was no scandal ? " " Peploe and Pope did not burst up ; there was no scandal." " Then he must have squared them. I wonder how much it cost him t But did he square the bank as well ? " " What bank ? " "Jardine and Jameson." " I cannot tell you ; I never heard of them before. Now, answer my questions — where have you been, and what do you want ? " " Where have I been .-• Well, when I found the game was up I jumped a ship " " You ran away from your debts, you mean. That was cowardly." "My debts? Yes, I ran away from my debts," answered Jack with a hard laugh, " and a good job I did. I put on a suit of sailor clothes, went down to the docks, jumped on board a ship as she was being towed out, got a berth as or- dinary seaman, and sailed in her to China, and a rough voy- age we had, I can tell you. At Hong Kong I left her and got a billet in a merchant's office, and if I had been a steady- going chap I might have saved money and got on. I did save some, but I spent it in a spree and lost my billet at the THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 65 same time. There was nothing for it but to go to sea again, so I shipped on board a brig bound to Queenstown for orders. We got orders to go on to Liverpool, and that being about the last place in the world I wanted to go to, I slipped overboard and swam ashore, and as I had not a copper in my pocket and hardly a shirt to my back, I 'listed. By the time I had finished my drill, the regiment was sent to Col- cliester, and there I got across with an infernal brute of a sergeant-major. One day last week he provoked me beyond endurance, and I knocked him down. I was placed under arrest, of course, but the same night I escaped from the lock- up, went to a boozing ken, a common lodging-house, and ex- changed clothes with a tramp while he slept, then set off on the tramp myself." " You are a deserter, then ? " " A deserter — and worse ; he is " Jack seized the poker and sprang to his feet. Charlie turned sharply round. There was a dark figure in the doorway, " You, Ned t " he exclaimed. " Yes, you dropped this note in the hall, and, recognizing the handwriting, and guessing what had happened, I came here just in time to hear this vagabond's confession — or so much of it as he chooses to tell. How dare you show your face here. Jack ? " " What is that to you, Ned ? You are not my keeper. I have done you no harm." " Done me no harm ! You have harmed us all. Are we not partners in your disgrace. To make good your defal- cations and prevent a frightful scandal, father had to borrow money and incur a liability of which he will not get rid while he lives. Is that no harm ? Is it no harm to us — to Charlie and me — think you, that our eldest brother should be guilty of forgery and fraud and become a drunkard, a deserter, and a tramp .-* " '' Forgery and fraud ! " exclaimed Charlie. " No, no, Ned. Surely, it is surely not so bad as that ! " " You were so young at the time that father did not want you to know, so, for God's sake, keep it to yourself, but it is true, ask him if it isn't." " It is true," murmured Jack, bowing his head. " And the bankers refused to be squared. If they find out that you are in the country they will prosecute you. Y/hy on 66 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. earth didn't you stay in China or go somewhere else ? If you possessed the sUghtest vestige of a conscience, you would have cut your throat or blown out your brains rather than come back here." " Don't say that, Ned," interrupted Charlie. "It is almost as if you told him to commit murder. And he is our brother, after all. It is not for us to throw a stone at him. If we don't forgive him, who will 1 " " Well, I might have forgiven him if he had not come back. But this is the worst thing he has done yet. If he is taken up as a deserter, and he may be any moment, for I have not the least doubt the police are on the look-out for him — if he is taken he is sure to be recognized, and then It makes my very blood run cold to think of it What is your object in coming here. Jack ? I suppose you have an object ? " " I thought I might get a little help. There is not a beggar on the road who is poorer than I am." " And you shall be helped, Jack," broke in Charlie im- petuously. " I cannot do much, but whatever I can do I will." " He does not deserve to be helped, Charlie, and if it was not for the disgrace it would cause the family, I should say leave him to his fate." " No, you would not, Ned ; when it came to the point you would not have the heart to turn your own brother from your door, without raising a hand to help him, though he is a black sheep." " You are right. Charlie," said Jack, gloomily. " I am a black sheep, and I fear I always shall be ; but is it entirely my own fault, think you ? A man is pretty much as God makes him. At school I was always getting into scrapes ; Ned was never in a scrape in his life. I could never do right ; he could never do wrong, and it has been so ever since. How I wish my father had let me go to sea when I wanted. I should have got licked into shape while I was a cub. What was the use of trying to make a barrister of a fellow like me 1 " " Not a word against the pater. Jack, if you please," said Charlie. " He has been only too good." " I am not saying a word against him ; merely expressing a regret that I was not allowed to go to sea. I regret still more that he did not drown me while I was a whelp. I wish THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 67 I had never been born. Don't you think I feel my degrada- tion ? Ned accused me of being a drunkard. I am not ; at any rate I am not a sot ; but sometimes I get utterly reck- less. I think of what I am, and what I might have been, and then I am ready for anything. I try to drown dark memories in drink — and, I won't deny it, the habit grows. . . . But I won't trouble you, why should I ? You are among the for- tunate of the earth, while I, like Cain, am a vagabond on the face of it. Let me go. What if I am lagged t It will only be fifty lashes. I can stand that, and I did not enlist in my own name." " That would not do at all, Jack," said Edward, speaking kindly for the first time. " You would have to be brought before the Bench, and somebody would be sure to recognize you : and I cannot bear to think of you wandering about the country like a common tramp. Have you any money in your pocket, Charlie ? " " Three or four sovereigns." " And I have no more." " That will do, thank you," said Jack, humbly. " Five pounds will make me rich beyond the dreams of avarice." " No. You should have enough to take you out of this country, and start you in another — forty or fifty pounds at least — and you must be away from Peele before daylight to- morrow — by the 5.30 train. ... I have it. I am going to town to-morrow by the 10.30 express, in re Lincoln. I can get the money there, and you can meet me — it won't do for you to come to Wood's Hotel — at the Black Bull, in Holborn, between five and six o'clock. Where will you go ? " " To New York, in a sailing ship from the Thames. I must fight shy both of Liverpool and Queenstown." " You will really go, now ? You won't spend the money in drink ? " " I assure you, Ned " " Well, it is your last chance, remember ; and I don't mean to give you all this money at once. Fifteen pounds o" co will be enough to keep you a few days in London, and pay your passage in a sailing ship to New York. I will remit the balance to the care of some banker to wait your arrival. What may be your latest alias ? " " It was John Jones the other day. It is anything you like, now." 68 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Let it be grandfather's, then, Mark Darnley. And now we must go in, or we shall be missed. Charlie will bring you some clothes and a rug presently. You cannot go to London in those rags ; and you must be olT before the men come in the morning." " Couldn't I see h'nti and my mother and ask their forgive- ness ? It might help me to do better." " No. It would be too cruel. It would reawaken painful memories ; their hearts would bleed afresh — and — there are other reasons." The " other reasons " were Edward's dread of a scene, and a fear that the scapegrace might obtain from his father a great deal more money than the modest sum which he him- self proposed to give him. " Anyhow, he may see them," Charlie said. " We have evening prayer about ten o'clock. When the stable clock strikes the hour go round to the dining-room window, Jack. I will arrange the blinds so that you can look in without be- ing seen. But take care they don't see you. I will bring you the things as soon as I can, and I shall come again in the morning to see you off and say good-bye." When his brothers were gone Jack put his elbows on his knees and his head between his hands, and gazed gloomily at the flickering fire. " Evening prayer ! Evening prayer ? " he moaned. " They keep it up, then. How long is it since ? To think of that time and what I am now is enough to make a fellow hang himself, as my dear brother advised me to do. How proud I was when mother took me in to prayers for the first time, and held me on her lap while father read, and then I would kneel at her side and say my own prayer, ' God make me a good boy ! ' .... Not much use, that prayer. He has made me a deuced bad boy — or the devil has — worse than I dare tell or anybody knows I'll ask Ned to pay my passage and see me safely on board. If he gives me all that money I shall go on the loose and get lagged, to a dead cer- tainty They are very good, 'pon my soul. Charlie is really kind ; he means it. Ned is good because he wants to get rid of me. He is nothing if not respectable. Gad if he saw me marched off with those things on my wrists, between a couple of fellows with fixed bayonets, he would have a fit I am on the down grade and no mistake. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 69 If I could only keep ofif drink ! Unless I do I shall go to the deuce fast, and utterly — faster I dare say in America than here. However, as nobody knows me there and nobody cares for me here, it don't much matter. Life is but a thought, and I have seen more of it than most men twice my age." And so his vagrant thoughts ran on until the clock struck ten. Then he went out and crept furtively, by well-known paths, to the dining-room window and looked into the house from which he was an outcast and might never enter again. The room was empty, but there presently came a servant and laid a Bible and a prayer-book on the table. Next, a bell rung, and Mr. and Mrs. Prince and their two sons, followed by several domestics, entered the room and took their places, just as they had done in days gone by. For the most of those present it was a ceremony without any particular mean- ing — Mr. Prince taking part in it mainly to please his wife, and because it was the right thing to do — but the vagabond's interest in it was intense ; he lost neither a word nor a ges- ture ; it was his last glimpse of home, the last time he should look on his father and mother, for whom, despite his sins and degradation, there was, deep down in the heart, an undying affection. When Mr. Prince had read a few verses and a short prayer the servants withdrew, and Mrs. Prince, sitting down at the piano, asked her sons and her husband to join her in singing the old Evening Hymn : — " Glory to thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, oh keep me, King of kings, Under thine own almighty wings." When it was finished she rose from her seat. " Are you going to bed already, mother ? " asked Charlie. " Yes, I feel rather tired." The two young men kissed her. " Good-night, and may God bless you," she said with emo- tion, " and may He also bless poor, erring Jack, wherever he is this night. I have thought much about him to-day." " Aye. God bless him," added Mr. Prince, in a choking voice. " He needs a blessing, if anybody does. It is nearly three years since his name passed my lips. He has done us a cruel wrong. But he is our own lad still. That is a fact 7° THE PRINCES OF PEELE. one cannot blot out ; and for aught we know he may be lead- ing a better life. I often wonder where he is, and how occu- pied. All the same, I hope we may never hear of him again — unless it be something good. Better that he should perish in a foreign land than come back and disgrace us." All this fell on the listening vagabond's ears and burnt into his soul. His whole body trembled with suppressed emotion, and his face was bathed with tears. " I have their blessing," he murmured ; " they love me still, drunken reprobate though I am. Please God, I'll never touch drink again ; and when they hear of me it shall be something good— it shall — it shall." And then he crept back to his hiding-place, by the way he had come. A few days later Jack was at sea, on board a ship bound for New York ; and during the voyage, which was long and stormy, he never turned in without murmuring : " Keep me, oh keep me, King of kings, under thine own almighty wings," and saying to himself : " It shall be something good, if I live." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 7 1 CHAPTER IX. MRS. Lincoln's plan. Though Mrs. Prince was neither a match-maker nor a schemer, it would have been strange if the idea of mating her soil Edward with OUve Lincoln had not occurred to her. The advantages of such a match would have been obvious to a much less intelligent matron. Olive was an heiress, and, albeit somewhat wayward and self-willed, a very charming girl ; and Edward, who was a model son, could not fail to make an exemplary husband. Moreover, in the probable event of the misappropriation of the trust money coming to light, the fact of Olive being Edward's wife would disarm Mrs. Lincoln's resentment and prevent scandal. The secret would be kept in the two families ; and the intercourse be- tween them had latterly become so frequent and friendly, that she anticipated no difficulty in the realization of her designs. Formerly the Lincolns were generally from home — if they could be said to have a home — dividing their winters between Paris, Italy, and the Riviera, making occasional visits to America, and spending only their summers at All Hallows. But since Mr. Lincoln's death his widow and his daughter had lived there exclusively and in strict seclusion, making few calls, and receiving scarcely anybody save the Princes. Mrs. Prince opened the campaign by sounding her son. " Olive is a charming girl," she said, " and will make a very fine woman. Don't you think so ? " " Yes, I think she is. All the same, she would be more so if she were a little less wilful and capricious ; and not being a prophet I am unable to say whether she will make a fine woman," answered Edward, who (probably owing to his legal habit of mind) had a provoking way of never assenting to a proposition without cavilling. " I did not say she was faultless," observed Mrs. Prince rather impatiently. " A girl brought up as she has been is sure to be a little wilful ; and she has seen so much of the 72 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. world that she is older than her years. But I think I know her as well as you do, and I assure you she is a girl of noble nature, whose love any man might be proud to win." " Unquestionably — always, of course, provided " " Oh, don't give me any of your always provided. You need not talk to me as if you were afraid of committing your- self. I am very much in earnest. Tell me without equivo- cation whether you would not be proud to win her, whether the advantages, both to yourself personally and to the family, which would accrue from a marriage with Olive have not occurred to you ? " " Of course they have, and as you press for an answer, I admit that I should be very glad — but there are difficulties in the way which you do not seem to have taken into account." " What are they ? " " Well, in the first place, I might have to keep her." " Naturally, but as you have now a share in the office, and as she is an heiress, that is surely not much of a difficulty." " You forget that Mr. Lincoln, in his will, expressed a strong desire, amounting almost to a command, that his daughter should not marry until she was at least twenty-one ; and in the event of her marrying without her guardians' con- sent before she is twenty-five the whole of her fortune, except two hundred a year, goes to another branch of the family (after her mother's death), a provision intended, no doubt, to prevent her being snapped up by a mere fortune-hunter." " But her guardians have nothing against you ? " " Perhaps not, but they would certainly object to her marry- ing before she comes of age. In no case can she touch a penny of her fortune pending that event, and my share in the business would not enable me to give her such an establish- ment as she has a right to expect. Besides, I know for a fact that Mrs. Lincoln would object to any engagement whatever during Olive's minority. She would regard it as a violation of the spirit, if not the letter, of her husband's injunction ; and in my opinion it would be impolitic even to raise the question." " That does make a difference, certainly," said INIrs. Prince pensively. " All the same, I do not see why you should not make yourself agreeable to Olive in the meantime. There are a hundred w^ays in which a young man may let a girl know that he loves her, without actually proposing. And the sooner THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 73 you begin the better, for, though OUve is fancy free now, she is at an impressionable age, and there is no knowing how long she may remain so. It will be quite enough to propose in two years or so, and, if you have secured her affection in the meantime, I am sure Mrs. Lincoln would not object. Why should she ? Where will she find a man more likely to make Olive happy ? " " All very well, but suppose I fall in love with Olive and she does not reciprocate, how then .-' " " That is the risk you must run, my dear, and remember that faint heart never won fair lady." " I don't think I have a faint heart, mother, though I do confess to a cautious temperament. And, to tell the truth I have begun your plan already ; I have tried to make myself agreeable to Olive, as yet, however, without much tangible success. I seem to get no 'forruder.' She gives me the go-by for Charlie, and, do you know, I have sometimes had a suspicion that those two are slightly spoons on each other. Has that possibility entered into you calculations, mater ? " Mrs. Prince laughed. " You are really too absurd with your doubts and suspi- cions and misgivings, Edward. Mentally, Charlie is little more than a boy. They saw a good deal of each other when they were children, that is the reason why they are so friendly. Besides, he is both too young and too much taken up with hunting and that to fall in love. He thinks more of Kitty than Olive, and he is not Olive's ideal. These Americans are very practical. Mrs. Lincoln is a farmer's daughter, and Mr. Lincoln made his own way. They think nothing of a man who does not put all his energies into his profession and make money. I do wish father would insist on his spending more time at the ofiace." " Charlie is a lad after father's own heart," answered Edward with a supercilious smile. " Yes ; he says he was much the same at the same age, and that Charlie will buckle to when he has had his fling. We shall see. . . . You will think of what I have said, dear ? " " I will, mother ; and, to be quite open with you, I care for Olive very much — perhaps rnore than, considering the circumstances and having regard to my own peace of mind, is quite prudent — and I am glad you think I have a chance." 74 THE. PRINCES OF FEELE. " A chance ! You have every chance — good looks, a good position, good manners, a stainless character, a fair future and no rivals — what could you want more ? " If Mrs. Prince had known that at the very time she and Edward were concocting this ingenious scheme for the cap- ture of Olive's heart Mrs. Lincoln was beginning to question whether it was not in danger from another quarter, the former lady might have seen reason to modify her opinions and revise her plans. Mrs. Lincoln could have told her that despite Charlie's faults and the other's virtues, Olive's preference was for the younger and (matrimonially) less eligible brother. Nevertheless, Mrs. Lincoln had no reason to suppose that her daughter's happiness was compromised as yet, much less that Charlie had spoken words of love ; but young people were young people, and the latent spark might easily be kindled into a flame which it would be difficult, perhaps im- possible, to control. This contingency Mrs. Lincoln greatly deprecated. Even though Charlie were a desirable parti, it would be her duty to respect her husband's wishes as well in the spirit as the letter, and the surest way of doing so was to prevent Olive from forming any attachment whatever for several years to come. On the other hand, it would be the height of indiscretion to talk to Olive in this strain, or warn her against Charlie. Indeed, Mrs. Lincoln shrewdly suspected that she had talked too much about that young gentleman already, and that her somewhat exaggerated rejections on his faults, instead of making her daughter think worse of him, had made her think better of him. Had it not been for the exigencies of the lawsuit, the difficulty might easily have been got over by a voyage to America or a trip to the Continent. But neither of these expedients being admissible, she adopted a third, which, as she believed, would prove equally effective. This was to renounce the seclusion in which she had lived since her husband's death, entertain freely, and en- courage the visits of young men and maidens, who might, she hoped, prove a counter attraction to Charlie. As a beginning, she resolved to give a breakfast to the hunt, of which the late Mr. Lincoln, though he never rode to hounds, had been a liberal supporter. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 75 Mr. Prince, who thought she had mourned quite long enough, and delighted in anything which gave eclat to the noble sport which the famous Mr. Jorrocks happily described as the image of war, without its guilt and only 25 per cent, of its danger, warmly approved of his client's design, and ren- dered her every help in his power. Negotiations were opened with the Master and Secretary of the Hunt, and a fortnight later the local papers announced that the Riversdale Hounds would meet at All Hallows on the following Monday at 10.30 (for breakfast). The words in brackets, it is hardly neces- sary to observ^e, referred exclusively to the biped members of the hunt, the dietary of hounds on hunting mornings being strictly limited to fox — when they can catch one. The occasion afforded a fine opening for Edward Prince, He was a good caterer, an adept in the management of pic- nics, outings and parties, and made himself very useful to the ladies of the house. Mrs. Lincoln left all the details to him ; and the butler and the cook were ordered to place themselves at his disposal. The result justified her con- fidence, the breakfast was all that could be desired, and Edward won great praise. On the eventful morning All Hallows, a fine old country house commanding a wide prospect of green valley and sylvan heights, was as merry as a fair. Gay cavaliers were cantering across the park, dashing dog-carts driving up the avenue, hounds reposing on the lawn, led horses pacing to and fro before the house. The portico, the hall and the dining-room were ablaze with scarlet, and brilliant with white breeches, shining boots, and resplendent spurs. The gather- ing was large, for Mrs. Lincoln had invited several of her neighbors to see the show, and some had come to break- fast whose hunting would be finished when the first fox broke cover. At one end of the principal table sat Mr. Prince (who was doing the honors for Mrs. Lincoln), at the other Bertie Brown, the master of the hounds and the captain of the county eleven, a long-limbed, broad-shouldered gentleman, whose handsome face was radiant with health and high spirits, as well it might be, seeing that its owner hunted four days a week in winter and played cricket as often in sum- mer, and between whiles did a fair amount of shooting and fishing. The banquet was graced with the presence of sev- 76 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. eral elderly ladies and a few fair girls ; and Olive's bright eyes, scarlet jacket and broad-brimmed low-crowned hat turned the heads of at least half a dozen of the younger members of the hunt. Time being limited, everybody worked at high speed, and most of the guests, so soon as they had finished, gave place to later comers who had not been fortunate enough to find seats. Among them was Charlie, but while the majority of the others went out of the room he went no further than the back of Olive's chair — a fact which did not escape the notice either of his brother or Mrs. Lincoln. When the clock on the mantelpiece cuckooed eleven the master stood up and signified that he had something to say. But his erstwhile radiant face had become pathetically solemn, for speech-making was more abhorrent to him than a dodging fox or a hard frost, and even his warmest friends were fain to admit that oratory was not his forte. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began in faltering accents, " Ladies and gentlemen, I have to thank you — no, I don't — ■ I mean that it would not be right for us to separate without expressing our high sense of Mrs. Lincoln's kindness in inviting the Riversdale hounds to breakfast this morning, and on their behalf " " Is thy servant a dog that he should do this thing t " in- terrupted the waggish secretary in a sotto voce sufficiently audible to set the table in a roar. " Hang it, Rookwood, don't cross a fellow in that waj-," exclaimed the master with a bewildered look, and pulling up short. " What the dickens .'' Ah, I see, I must hark back. I beg your pardon, ladies and gentlemen, hounds was a slip, I meant members of the hunt " " Gad ! I think the hounds are the most important mem- bers of the hunt," muttered the irrepressible secretary. " If you don't shut up, Bob, I shall — On behalf of the hunt, I thank Mrs. Lincoln for her hospitality, also for the interest she takes in our sport. Her covers are always a sure find ; Charlie Prince, who has almost as keen a nose for his namesake as a veteran hound, tells me that an un- commonly fine fox was seen in Whitethorn Wood this morn- ing. I hope he is there yet and will give us a good run. Gentlemen, fill your glasses and join me in drinking the healths of our highly respected hostess and her lovely daugh- ter." THE PRIXCES OF PEELE. 77 Mrs. Lincoln bowed, Olive smiled and blushed, and after the healths had been drunk Mr, Prince responded in a neat little speech, which was very much applauded. He had scarcely sat down when a sporting farmer, whose breeches and boots looked as if they had been heirlooms in his family for several generations, went up to the master and whispered something in his ear. " Gentlemen," said Mr. Brown excitedly, " a fox, probably the fox I alluded to just now, was viewed away from White- thorn Wood five minutes ago. If the hounds are laid on at once we may have a good run. Perhaps Mrs. Lincoln will kindly excuse us." The words were hardly out of his mouth when there was a general stampede for the door ; and the next moment men were rushing wildly about in all directions, looking for their horses, calling for their grooms and mounting in hot haste. Charlie leant over to Olive. " Let us mount quietly in the stable-yard, and get out the back way," he said, " Come." 78 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER X. WELL SAVED. Miss Lincoln followed her pilot and their horses, v/hich had been waiting on the pillar reins, were brought out at once. Daisy being amiss, Olive was going to ride a thorough- bred chestnut, belonging to a dealer, which her mother had promised to buy for her if the horse behaved to her satisfac- tion. Charlie had tried the animal a few days previously, and pronounced him to be a fine goer and a good jumper. " But you will have to be careful at first," he said as they rode out of the yard. " He is quiet enough by himself, but he may get excited with hounds, and chestnuts are sometimes rather hot." " Oh, I think I can manage him. He seems very gentle, and you will keep near me, won't you .'' " " Of course I shall. Don't I always ? " Olive smiled. She was quite conscious of the fact that Charlie generally did keep near her, whether in the hunting field or elsewhere. The " back way " was a short cut which brought them to Whitethorn Wood in advance of the crowd and just as the hounds were laid on. But the scent had grown cold almost to notliingness, and as Quickly, the huntsman, did not believe in pottering about to no purpose, he blew his horn and went off at a canter to Lorton Springs, a cover about two miles distant, which was probably the fox's point. The way thither led across some large grass fields and through a line of gates. So far, the chestnut, which rejoiced in the name of Rata- plan, had been quite under control, but with the hounds be- fore him and a hurrying crowd of horses behind him he grew excited and began to pull. " Not so fast, Olive," said the watchful Charlie, " if he gets fairly into his stride you won't be able to stop him." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 79 " I am doing my best," returned Olive, straining at the bridle, " but the harder I pull the faster he goes." Right before them was a ditch, bounded on the further side by a quickthorn hedge, which, though high, seemed too thin to be either difficult or dangerous ; but Charlie knew it of old. " This way," he said, " there is a gate yonder, and that hedge is topped with wire ; it would be certain grief." " He will neither stop nor turn," cried the girl, tugging at the reins with all her might. Charlie rode close up to her, and, grasping the bridle, tried to pull the horse round. He might as well have tried to turn a steam-engine. Rataplan had got his head down, and seemed bent on charging the bullfinch. " He will come an awful cropper. You must get off, Olive. Quick, slip your foot out of the stirrup ; see that your skirt is clear, and when I put my arm around your waist, throw yours round my neck. Now ! " The next moment Olive was on Kitty's back, with Charlie's arm round her waist and as the young fellow turned his mare from the fence Rataplan rose at it, but he was going too fast to jump high, and hitting the almost invisible wire with his fore legs made a complete somersault in the air and landed in the next field on his back. " Dear Olive, thank God you are safe ! " exclaimed Charlie passionately. " And I owe my life to you." "It was nothing. Any other fellow would have done the same." " But no other fellow did ; and, oh Charlie, I would rather owe my life to you than anybody else in all the world." Her face was very pale, but her eyes were bright, and there was a light in them which Charlie had never seen there be- fore. Just then the secretary and several other men, who had observed the incident from a distance galloped up to offer their help. The secretary jumped from his horse and assisted Olive, who was half fainting, to dismount. " That was a deuced near thing, and very well saved," he exclaimed. " The beggar bolted, I suppose. Take a drink from my flask, Miss Lincoln : it will do you good." Olive drank and felt better. Meanwhile, Macadam and 8o THE PRINCES OF PEELE. the butcher, who had scrambled through the bullfinch, shouted that Rataplan was all right — he had fallen in a soft place — and they would lead him round to the gate. " But you will surely not ride that bolting beggar again, Miss Lincoln," put in the secretary. " He may bolt when Charlie Prince is somewhere else, and you would be in the wrong box then." " She shall have Kitty, and I will ride Rataplan," said Charlie, " then she wont lose the day's sport." " But wont he bolt with you ? " asked Olive anxiously. "I think I can hold him, I am a little stronger than you (smiling). Besides, that tumble will have taken the devil out of him." It seemed so, for when the butcher brought him round to the gate the horse looked as quiet as a lamb. The saddles were changed and the secretary (who was the pink of politeness where ladies were concerned) having helped Olive up, they resumed their interrupted journey. Presently Edward overtook them, looking not very happy. Albeit he had resolved not to lose sight of Olive, even though he should break his neck, he had made a bad start, owing to the temporary disappearance of the rustic to whom he had en- trusted his horse ; and had the hounds found at the first draw would have been left hopelessly behind. When he heard that Charlie had saved Olive from a great danger — probably from death — by a brilliant feat of horsemanship, he did not feel any happier. Nevertheless, he could not help congratulat- ing her and complimenting him — in a fashion. " I hope you have quite recovered from the shock, Miss Lincoln," he said, with slightly exaggerated anxiety. " Quite, thank you ; but I confess that when I saw that wire, and Rataplan would not stop, I was horribly fright- ened." " Of course you were ; I should have been myself," returned Edward, sympathetically. "It was very well done of my brother, very well done,. How fortunate he was with you. All the same, Charlie, I am rather surprised you did not dis- cover that the horse was a bolter when you tried him the other day." " When I tried him the other day he was as easy to hold as a parson's hack. You forget, too, that Bristowe said he was quiet with hounds and a perfect lady's hunter. Besides, THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 8 1 I am by no means sure that the horse is a bolter. He was very fresh, and when he heard the field clattering behind him got excited. Exercise him regularly, and ride him to hounds twice a week, and he will be as safe a mount as Daisy." Olive was about to say that Charlie had acted nobly, and to protest that he deserved unqualified praise, when a thought, suggested by a new-born prudence, arrested the words on her lips, and, turning to Edward, she inquired how he had left his mother, rather to his bewilderment. But as he always assumed — unless there was strong evidence to the contrary — that other people took him as seriously as he took himself, he answered with becoming gravity that his mother, though not fully recovered from her cold, was much better. When they reached Lorton Springs the hounds were being "blown out." Reynard was not there. After a word with the master, Quickly led the eager pack to a third cover, Rak- low Park, at so fast a pace that the hindmost hunters imagined that the hounds were running, and did not discover their mistake until they overtook the main body. A big cover was the so called park, with deep winding rides, and so difficult to get away from that even hard riders were sometimes left sorrowing in the fastnesses of its impene- trable thickets. By the advice of the urbane secretary, who, having been brought up in the way he should go, knew every brake and bush in the country, Olive, the Princes, and several others took up a strategic position at the north-east corner of the cover. " Here," he said, " we command a view of two sides. Whether the fox breaks this way or that we shall see him. If he breaks yonder we shall hear the whip's view hallo, if on the other side, Quickly's horn. Now silence in the rank ! if you please." The secretary's prescience was justified by the event. " What is that, Charlie ? " asked Olive, a few minutes later, pointing to a dark object which was gliding across a stubble field some two or three hundred yards from where they stood. " That is the fox. Miss Lincoln," answered the secretary. " He has stolen out of the cover unbeknown, as Mrs. Gamp would say. But keep quiet until he is fairly away, or those loitering fools in that old lane will either head him back or get before the hounds." 6 82 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. But when reynard was in the next field and had put a brook with rotten banks between himself and the loitering fools in question, the secretary and Charlie gave a series of view hallos that made the horses prick their ears, and nearly frightened to death a poor hare which had been hiding in her form. Before the echo of them died away. Quickly, followed by his pack, leaped from the wood, and soon the baying of the hounds proclaimed that the chase had begun. " Over the brook by the bridge," said Charlie, leading the way. " We shall nick in on the other side." Which they did, just as the hounds, closely followed by the master and Quickly (who had done the brook despite its rotten bank), were streaming over a big pasture, bounded by a flight of posts and rails, which was easily done by the timber jumpers ; the others rode for a gate. For fifteen minutes or so the pace was fast and furious ; then, after a short check it became slower, yet not too slow for enjoyment — more enjoyable indeed for folks who liked to look about them and had an eye for the picturesque. They were in the best of the Riversdale country, a country which though mostly under plough rode light and carried a good scent, slightly undulating and intersected by ditches so wide that the man and horse who went in were seen no more until they got out — yet quite practicable for resolute jumpers and riders of nerve. No use looking for gaps or riding for places ; those who did not take things as they came had to stop behind or make ignobly for the nearest road. As the chase swept on, the sun, which had been hiding all the morning, came out, nobly investing the far-away hills and brightening the brown fields and dark woodlands with the wondrous witchery of his smile ; and all this beauty, blending with the sights and sounds of sylvan war, red-coats and galloping horses, the cries of men, and the music of hounds, gladdened still more the two young souls who had just made the supreme discovery of their lives — that they loved and ■were loved. They talked in snatches : it is not easy to keep up a conversation when hounds are running. " Are you enjoying it, Olive ? " he asked. " Can you ask .-" So much." " You look so. Your eyes are as bright as the sun." " Oh, Charlie ! But mind what you say — somebody might THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 83 — and your brother is close behind. How well he is going." Edward was going well. He had made up his mind to keep close to Olive, and as he was riding the cleverest horse in his father's stud he had no difficulty in sticking to his resolve. He needed merely to stick on, and though he had no stomach for the sport and never took a jump without fearing a fall, the thought that he was gaining credit with Miss Lincoln for his bold riding and preventing her from getting too thick v/ith Charlie steeled his nerves and converted what would otherwise have been a penance into the sem- blance of a pleasure. After a run of two hours, the latter part of it rather drag- ging, the fox was handsomely killed in the open, and the brush awarded to Miss Lincoln. Then the hounds went further afield to draw again ; but as Olive said she was tired and Charlie declared that Rataplan had had enough, and Edward said he had, they decided to hie them home, as did most of the others who had no second horses out, they turned their backs on the field and their faces towards Peele. Olive rode between the brothers and was very gracious to Edward, complimenting him warmly on his riding, though not quite as judiciously as she might have done. " You went as well as anybody," she said. " With a little more practice you will soon be as good a man with hounds as Charlie." " It is very kind of you to say so, Miss Lincoln, but I am sure I shall never be Charlie's equal in horsemanship. He gives his mind to it, I don't," answered Edward, in a tone which implied that he held horsemanship in light esteem. " Well, if you want to excel in anything you must give your mind to it, mustn't you .-' You give your mind to law, therefore you excel as a lawyer. But would it not be pos- sible for a man to excel in both — like your father, for in- stance." " I am not sure that my father does excel as a lawyer. But there was no examinations in his time. He owes his success rather to native shrewdness, sound judgment and capacity for business than profound knowledge." " No matter, he excels. And you forget his high sense of honor and his pleasantly genial manner, so important in a lawyer." *' It is not for me to praise my father, Miss Lincoln. But 84 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. you are quite right. Character, and manner which inspires confidence are more essential to success — at any rate in a country lawyer — than mere knowledge of the law," he answered, wondering at the same time what she would say if she were to know about the broken trust. Charlie listened in silence, but he guessed that some of Olive's remarks were intended for him. " She wants me to take the pater for my example," he thought, " and I will." The brothers saw Olive home. " I am sorry I cannot ask you to stay," she said as they reined up at the door, " my mother is gone to town and won't be back till dinner-time. Will you change saddles here, Charlie .? " " No, I will ride round to the stables. You go on, Ned. I'll overtake you before you get to the lodge gates." Whereupon, after shaking hands with the two cavaliers and bidding them good-night, Miss Lincoln tripped into the house. As Charlie was mounting his horse in the stable-yard a man put a note into his hand. *' From Miss Olive," he said. It contained these words ; " At four to-morrow afternoon, in the King's Path." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 85 CHAPTER XT. "their first tryst." On the next day Charlie was early at the ofBce, and, having an object in view, worked with unwonted diligence. He draughted a rather complicated lease so well that Lillywhite declared he could not have done it better himself, and Mr. Prince said the same. Shortly before three o'clock, Charley, having finished his lease, went into his father's room. " I am going to Fountains," he said ; " one of the chimneys is in a very bad way, and Pringle wants somebody to look at it." " Yes, you had better ; but take care what you promise. If we let the account for disbursements get too high we shall have his lordship complaining again. 1 suppose you will be back in time to go home with us in the dog-cart ? " " No, I think I shall walk home by the fields. One gets so little walking in the hunting season." " Anyhow, you won't be late for dinner." " Trust me for that ; I have always a frightful appetite the day after hunting." Fountains was a farmhouse in the neighborhood of All Hallows, and thither, after leaving the office, the young fellow went with swift strides. The chimney was, of course, only a pretext. A few days previously he had met Mr. Pringle " promiscuous in the street," when that gentleman casually observed that his kitchen chimney was tumbling down, and suggested that the " mending of it " was rather a landlord's job than a tenant's. Pringle seemed surprised that Charlie had taken his joke seriously, and after showing him the chimney and his prize bullocks, invited him to step inside and have a glass of home- brewed. Charlie being, as he said, pressed for time, prayed to be excused, and after taking leave of the farmer made a bee line for All Hallows, whistling blithely as he crossed the 86 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. fields, vaulting all the gates, and feeling generally as if he were walking in air. For was he not going to his first love tryst ? Little recked the high-spirited lad just then of pru- dence and caution, of impending difiiculties and possible trials. " Olive ! Olive ! Dear Olive ! She loves me. She loves me," was his sole thought, a thought which quenched every doubt and silenced every misgiving. And was it not better so ? Youth is the time of illusion and love, the time when life seems endless, and the future has no terrors. Let those to whom it is given enjoy it while they may. As Charlie drew near All Hallows he sobered down some- what, and looked sharply about him. The house, which oc- cupied the site of an ancient hunting-lodge built by Henry VIII., stood on the brow of a gentle acclivity, overlooking a spacious park, dotted with noble trees and begirt with broad woodlands. The King's Path (so called after the much-mar- ried monarch), where Olive had asked Charlie to meet her, was a sequestered walk winding between laurel bushes and leading to a small lake, nestling in a grove of copper beeches and weeping willows, invisible from the house. Though the time was winter, the weather was mild, and the air balmy. The setting sun was raining gold on Whitethorn Wood, and as he sank below the horizon a crescent moon mirrored itself in the still waters of the tiny lake. It was an ideal trysting-place. Charlie, guessing that Olive did not want him to venture too near the house, leaned against the bole of a lordly beech tree and waited. He was too happy to be impatient, and his thoughts were of the pleasantest, and he knew she would come. Presently a light hand touched him on the shoulder. While he was looking one way, Olive had come another, and the soft carpet of fallen leaves deadened her footsteps. " Dear Olive ! How good of you to come," he exclaimed, turning to her. He would have clasped her in his arms, but young love is often timid, and not yet daring to do more, he took both her hands. " Dear Olive ! How good of you to come," he repeated ardently. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 87 " I am not sure that it is quite right ; but after yester- day it seemed necessary to have an explanation — I feared you would be committing some imprudence, and there may be no other opportunity for a long time. But, first of all, let me thank you again for saving me from a danger which, if it had not been my death, would almost certainly have made me a cripple for life. I am really very grateful, Charlie ; so is my mother, as she will tell you when you call. How can I thank you enough ? " " By letting me kiss you and saying you love me." Then Charlie, taking silence for consent, and growing bolder, drew her to him, and looked into her love-bright eyes, and took love's tribute from her yielding lips. " You love me ? " he said, still holding her in his arms. " Do you think I should be here if I did not ? " she returned with a happy laugh. " But until yesterday I knew not myself how much. I thought my affection for you was no more than sisterly. But when I felt that I was safe in your arms, and I looked up at your face, and heard you call me dear Olive, it was like a revelation. I learnt the truth. What did I say ? I am afraid it was something very foolish." " That you would rather I had saved you than anybody else ; which meant, I thought, that you loved me better than anybody else." " You might have made a worse guess, my Prince. But it must be all love, remember." " Naturally, my sweet Olive. Is not love lord of all ? " " I did not mean in that sense, you foolish boy. I meant that we must not be engaged." " In love and not engaged ! How can that be, Olive ? You talk in riddles. What is the difference ? " " Immense. We cannot help being in love ; love comes of itself, but we may help being engaged. In the one case we can keep it to ourselves, in the other we should have to tell everybody. You would have to ask my mother's consent, which you would not get, and tell your own people, and that might lead to trouble." " So 1 You think your mother would not consent." " I am sure. My father disapproved of early marriages. I am forbidden to marry before I am twenty-one, and my mother disapproves of long engagements, and I fear she would also disapprove of you." 88 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Personally, do you mean ? " " Personally, in the sense that she thinks you take life too easily and your character is unformed. But that is not the point. She would not consent to an engagement now, though you were all she could wish ; and if you were to ask and be refused you could not come any more to our house ; we should not be allowed to meet, and that would not be nice, and if I marry without the consent of my guardians, who would, of course, be guided by my mother, I forfeit my fortune." " I don't care anything about your fortune." " But I do, I have heard my father say that only fools des- pise money, and I think he was right. It would be dreadful to marry on narrow means. Fancy not being able to buy pictures and have things, and go on the Continent or to America whenever you wanted. You must let it be as I say, if you please, dear." " I see," said Charlie thoughtfully, " we are to regard our- selves as being in love, but not engaged. Being in love is a state of mind ; an engagement is a quasi-contract. But how long .? " " Until I am of age. I shall be eighteen next month." " So long?" " Well, perhaps my mother might consent to our being engaged when I am twenty, or so — if you wish it very much, and please her in the meantime. But what does it matter so long as we love each other. Engaged couples are so stupid. Three months wall be quite long enough to be ridiculous. And there is another reason for not saying anything — Ed- ward." " I think I know what you mean. Well, we must keep him in the dark — as long as we can. I say, Olive, what a wise little head you have got." " It is an American head, Charlie, that is the reason. Now you must promise not to be jealous if I seem to prefer Edward to you sometimes, and let other men pay me little attentions — only, of course, to hoodwink the censorious and suspi- cious." " All right ! I promise. Am I to consider myself at lib- erty to pay little attentions to other girls — to hoodwink the suspicious, you know." " Certainly not. The idea ! Other girls, indeed ! All THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 89 you have to do is not to pay me marked attention — in public ; or look at me too often or too ardently. If you do 1 shall flirt outrageously, so mind." And then as if to enforce the admonition, she gave him a playful tap on the cheek, which Charlie resented, as a Chris- tain should, with a kiss. " But surely, Olive, you will meet me here sometimes, or elsewhere," he said ruefully. " If you are good and discreet ; and if we play our parts properly and keep them in the dark we shall have many op- portunities of exchanging a word. So long as we don't seem to care for each other you will be a welcome guest at All Hal- lows. And now I am going to read you a lecture. You won't be vexed ? " Charlie warmly protested that he would not be vexed what- ever she said, and putting his arm round her waist and tak- ing one of her hands in his he bade her begin. "You are a foolish boy," she said, smiling and nestling up to him, " and I have a great mind to " " What ? " " Leave you right away. Let me go." " Not until I have had my lecture." "We will take that as read, then, as they do at meetings," she said with a smile. " You had the substance of it as we rode home after that good run with the harriers. But then I was talking to you merely as a friend, rather telling you what my mother said than I myself thought ; and perhaps she ex- aggerated, hoping thereby to make me think less of you." " And she did not succeed." " No, dear. All the same, I want my mother and my peo- ple in New England to think well of you — when they know — and if they hear that you are merely a lawyer's clerk, and that you give all your energy and your time to sport I am afraid it will be just the other way. In America — I mean in New England, for I know nothing of the South — everybody works, the rich as well as the poor. My mother says she would not give a fig for the man who has no occupation, or who, having one, does not put all his energies into it. You have now a great chance of securing yourself in her good opinion. She is grateful for what you did yesterday ; and thinks even that there is some advantage in fine horsemanship. It is not a question of money. You will have some ; I shall 9° THE PRINCES OE PEELE. have a great deal ; it is a question of having a purpose. And I need not say how anxious I am that my Prince should be well thought of by all who are dear to me." " Is that all ? " asked Charlie, after a minute's thought. " Yes I have said my say." " And a very good say too. What terribly earnest people they must be in New England ; and I really don't see the good of being rich if you have to work as hard as if you were poor. However, I am not rich, and I quite agree with you that I ought to work harder than I have done. I knew that you would expect me to turn over a new leaf, and I began this morning, and did so well as to win high praise both from my father and Lillywhite. And I mean to go on. I will win your mother's good opinion, and when you meet your toiling kinsfolk in New England you shall have no reason to be ashamed of your young man. For the remainder of the season I shall hunt only two days a week. I am through with my articles. Next year my father will give me a small interest, and I shall become a member of the firm. As for a purpose, I have a threefold purpose — to be as smart a lawyer as Ned, as honorable a gentleman as my father, and to make myself worthy of the love of the best and dearest and sweetest girl in the world." " Oh, Charlie, you have made me so happy ! " she cried joj'ously. " And you are so clever that you can be anything you like." " Didn't you know that before ? " " I knew you were good and brave, but I was not so sure about the cleverness. And — afterwards — my fortune will be yours, you know — you must run for Parliament — I am sure you could get in for Peele — you must run for Parliament and become a great statesman — perhaps Prime Minister." " Hadn't I better go to America, and run for the Presi- dency ? " " You couldn't. You are not a born American. You might get naturalized and go into Congress. But no, that would not be good enough ; the best people don't go into Congress ; our politicians, I am sorry to say, are, for the most part, scallawags." " That sounds very dreadful, dear, though I have not the least idea what it is. Still, on the whole, I think I would rather be an English Premier than an American scallawag. THE PRINCES OF PEEL E. 91 I once thought of being a general ; in dreams I have been an M. F. H. But I daresay the Premiership would suit me almost as well. Yes, I decide for the Premiership." After the laugh which this sally provoked had subsided, and Olive had observed that more unlikely things had hap- pened, she bethought her that it was time for them to part. Her mother would be wondering where she was ; and if she should send one of the maids to look for her the result would be too awful to contemplate. Charlie appreciated too keenly the necessity of prudence to press his sweetheart to prolong her stay. He went with her to a point where the path bent towards the house — she would not let him go further for fear he should be seen — and there they parted as lovers (engaged or other- wise) are wont to part. Charlie jumped no gates as he wended hom.ewards ; for though happy and exultant, his exultation was not altogether free from apprehension. He had accepted new responsibil- ities, and the position of an accepted yet unbetrothed lover was not entirely to his mind. And if Ned were kept in the dark and Olive led him to think that he was not indifferent to her. he would have just cause for complaint, and when he knew the truth there would be a bitter quarrel, much unpleas- antness and, perhaps, lifelong enmity between his brother and himself, to the great distress of his father and mother. The possibility was undeniable, and Charlie could not help asking himself whether it would not be better for him and Olive to avow their love and take the consequences ? But Olive thought differently ; her will was his law, and when he remembered that the avowal would be followed by an interdict on their lovemaking and, probably, by Mrs. Lincoln's departure from the neighborhood, he felt that he had not the courage to advise, or adopt, so bold a course. " There will be a row in any case," he soliloquized ; _ " what is the good of meeting it half-way ? If we can put it off a couple of years that will be so much to the good." " How about Pringle's chimney ? " asked his father Avhen they met at dinner. ""^I had my walk for nothing. The chimney only wanted pointing and a new pot, and Pringle had it done himself." _ " Just like Pringle ; he always calls out before he is hurt." 92 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Pringle ! You must have been close to All Hallows. Did you call ? " asked Edward suspiciously. " No ! But I suppose it will be our duty to call in the course of the week. W^ill you go with me ? " Edward would rather have gone alone, but seeing that if he went alone, Charles would also go alone, he said "yes," and it was agreed that they should call on the following Thursday. Both he and his mother had been a good deal exercised in their minds by Charlie's rescue of Olive. " I am glad he showed so much courage and presence of mind, and it is a mercy dear Olive was not killed," said Mrs. Prince. " But I wish you had been the rescuer. It is just the sort of thing that makes an impression on a young girl's mind — dramatic and romantic and that. However, as Charlie cares nothing about girls, and is not her ideal, I don't think any harm will come of it." Whatever misgivings Edward might have had were set at rest by his visit to All Hallows. Mrs. Lincoln thanked Charlie warmly for his rescue of Olive and lauded his gallantry, and while he talked with the mother Edward talked with the daughter, who seemed pleased with his company and was more gracious to him than she had ever been before. But while her smiles were for him, the responsive pressure of her hand was for Charlie, and both brothers went away happy, the one in the belief that he had made an impression, the other in the assurance that he was the favored swain. As owing to bad weather and stress of circumstances the King's Path was not always available the lovers had to do most of their courting in the hunting field. It was the only place where they could talk freely ; and as Mrs. Lincoln had asked Charlie to act as her daughter's pilot he was doing no more than his duty in looking after her. Nevertheless, when Edward was out she rather affected his companj', and gave him frequent opportunity of paying her the little attentions to which his mother attached so much importance. This was generally when they were riding to the meet or drawing the first cover ; for, after the fox went away, he had to give place to his younger brother, and, as often as not, was either left behind or thrown out, the result being that three times out of four Olive and Charlie found themselves together at the close of the day, and had a delightful ride home together. THE PRIA-CES OF PEELE. 93 On the whole, however, Edward was well satisfied with the way in which things were shaping. The hunting season would not last forever, and when it was over his innings would begin. Meanwhile, as the result of close observation, he had arrived at three very definite and comforting assur- ances — that his attentions were beginning to tell, that Olive's liking for Charlie, never more than a feeling of ca??iaraderie, was fast changing into indifference, and that Charlie had not yet turned his thoughts to love. Rather was he turning them to business, buckling to, as his father and Lillywhite always said he would, and working almost as industriously as his elders. From all of which it may be inferred that the lovers were playing their parts well. They, too, were satisfied, so were Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Prince, — the one because she felt sure that her fears touching the relations of her daughter and Charlie were groundless ; the other because she was equally confident that her plan for a marriage between Olive and Edward was working to a successful issue. 94- THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER XIL THROWN OUT. It was one of the last days of the season : the winter was past and spring was coming forth in all her glory. The erstwhile dark wheat fields had donned their livery of green; farmers were busy harrowing their meadows and making up their fences ; hedgerows were beginning to bud, birds to build their nests, and gentleman foxes to ramble from their native wilds and be out o' nights. It was one of the last days of the season and the Riversdale hounds were meeting at Blackthorn. Not a favorite fixture by any means, Blackthorn being a great wood, as big as a small forest, where it was easy to go astray, and which it was difiicult to make a fox quit. On the other hand, Blackthorn was a sure find, and when the hounds got away with one of the right sort the result was generally satisfactory to the for- tunate few who happened to see him break cover or hear the halloes of those who did ; to the residue and remainder con- fusion and disappointment. Nevertheless, there was a full muster, for the weather was propitious, and devotees of the sport were eager to put in all the hunting they could before Diana for a season bade the world farewell. Among those present were Olive Lincoln and the two Princes, who, with their horses, had " railed " from Peele to a station some three miles ride of Blackthorn. En route Edward had been very fortunate ; he sat opposite to Olive, and talked to her, and feasted his eyes on her all the way ; for that had come to pass which he once expressed himself to his mother as fearing — he was smitten, and so deeply withal that the material advantages which a marriage with Miss Lincoln would bring him faded into insignificance as compared with the fair girl herself. At the station he super- intended the unboxing of Olive's horse, helped her to mount, and rode with her to cover, Charlie pairing off with the THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 95 second Miss Spankaway, one of a trio of red-haired, hard- riding sisters. At the cover side counsels were divided, even the knowing ones hesitating wliither to betake themselves. Some tried to follow the hounds into the thick of the wood, others kept in the rides or stole round to points where they thought the fox might break ; the majority, of whom were our friends, took post to windward of the wood. While Edward, who had a weakness for big-wigs, was be- ing introduced by the secretary to Sir Somebody Something, a distinguished stranger from a distance, and Lydia Spanka- way was talking to Mrs. Rivers, Charlie exchanged signals with Olive, and then turned his horse quietly into a contiguous ride. She followed, and presently came up with him. " Do you think we are going in the right direction ? " she asked. " Have they found a fox .-' " " I have not the remotest idea, I wanted to give Ned and Lydia Spankaway the slip and have a talk with you, dearest. Don't you think I care m.ore for you than for all the foxes in the country ? " " I hope so. All the same, there is something in your tone — you speak as if you were not quite happy." "How can I be quite happy? Did not Ned monopolize you all the way, and the last time we were out you flirted with Teddy Spankaway all the time." " How horrid you are, Charlie," returned Olive with her prettiest pout. " Didn't you promise not to be vexed if I pretended not to care for 3^ou, and let other men pay me little attentions ? " " I call them big attentions, and you flirt as if you liked it," muttered the young fellow. " Well, I do, just a little. It is great fun. Your brother was quite wild when I was flirting with your friend Teddy the other day, and I dearly like to tease Edward. He thinks so much of himself. All the same, I almost think I did him an injustice in saying that my fortune was the exclusive ob- ject of his affections. I begin to think he is half in love with me." " Of course he is ; everybody is." " Not quite so bad as that, I hope, Charlie dear. You must not imagine that everybody is as infatuated as yourself. And don't be jealous and absurd. Rather give me credit for 96 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. tact and fine managem-ent. Nobody either suspects us or talks about us ; and you know that I love you. What would you have more ? " Charlie saw that it was time to climb down, " You are quite right. You are always right," he said, penitently. " I am an ass, a dolt, and you are wise and clever. But I love you so dearly that I begrudge every smile that you give to another. It is one the less for me." " You avaricious wretch ! Cannot you console yourself with Lydia Spankaway ? She is always smiling on you." " Hang Lydia Spankaway ! She is always smiling on every- body. Her life is a perpetual giggle." The words were hardly spoken when the young woman in question and her brother came tumbling out of the wood a few yards ahead of them. " Where are the hounds ? " asked the brother. " That is just the question I was going to ask you, Teddy," said Charlie. " We tried to follow them into the hollow and got bogged." " Of course." " By Jove, I believe I heard a hallo. Come along, Lydia. Won't you come, Prince ? " " No. We are just as well here, and if you ride to every semblance of a shout you hear, your horse will be used up before the fun begins." " It's a view hallo. I'll swear it's a view hallo," exclaimed the youth excitedly. " Come along, Lydia. If they have gone away I'll give a screech, and if they come this way, you do as much for us, there's a good fellow." And with that Mr. Spankaway and his sister went off at full gallop. " Do you think they are gone away ? " inquired Olive, anxiously. " As likely as not." " Then why ? " " Why don't we ride after the Spankaways ? Because I would rather ride home with you, darling ! " " Ride home with me .'' What ? Listen ! I am sure that is Teddy screeching." " Let him screech. I'd rather ride quietly home with you than have a galloping run of forty minutes without a check. It is almost our last chance. The season is as good as over, THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 97 and I doubt whether we shall be able to contrive a tete-a- tete oi more than a few minutes all summer. Now the days are so long the King's Path is not safe — too many people about." " But isn't it a very long way, and won't it seem strange ? " " Only fifteen miles, and our horses are fresh, and we can gruel them and get a cup of tea at the Beehive. And there is nothing strange in losing hounds in Blackthorn high woods. Half the field will be in the same fix ; and having lost them, it will be better for us to go straight home than potter about here for the remainder of the day, or wait in the village for the 4.30 train." " I am not sure that it will be quite wise," said Olive passively. " All the same ; if it will give you pleasure " " Give me pleasure ? Oh, Olive, if you only knew. This way," and with that he turned his horse in the direction of Teddy Spankaway's last screech. " You are going to look for the hounds, then ? " " We must find out what has become of them. They may be in the wood yet. It would never do to leave without having a proper tale to tell when we get home." Olive smiled. It pleased her to think that, impetuous though he was, her lover had not altogether lost sight of prudence. As they went on they were joined by many others, and presently the master himself came up in a great heat and asked the question everybody else was asking, " Where are the hounds ? " and like everybody else got no answer. " I do believe they have slipped away," he said. And so it proved. On reaching the confines of the wood they found there several yokels and second horsemen, from whom they learnt that the hounds had gone away ten minutes previously. Quickly and some two score gentlemen with them, very fast, and as it seemed, running towards Sand- ford. " What a sell ! " chorused twenty voices. " I shall go on and try to nick in ; they may check or run a ring," said the master, and off he went, followed by a dozen of the belated ones, whose number was continually increasing. " Not a bit of use," said another, " Ten minutes' start and a fast thing. They will only hammer their horses' legs to pieces on the hard high-road. I shall chuck it ijp and go home." 98 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " I suppose we had better do the same," observed Charlie to Olive, as if the idea were occurring to him for the first time. " If we try to overtake them we shall only use up our horses to no purpose." " You think it would be a vain pursuit, then } " " Decidedly." " Very well. Let us go home, then. Which is the way ? " Several of the others set off with them ; but they soon parted company, and Charlie had Olive all to himself for the rest of the ride, and a delightful, long drawn out ride it was — through green lanes and pleasant bridle-paths, past ancient halls nestling among trees, farmhouses with red roofs and high gables, and barns such as are not built nowadays — big enough for cathedrals — and quaintly picturesque churches, whose ivy-mantled towers looked down on the dust of twenty generations. At the Beehive, an old timbered inn, which had been a house of entertainment since the dissolution of the monaster- ies, the travellers halted to bait their horses and refresh themselves. Tea was served in a snug little parlor with black oak wainscoting and diamond shaped window panes, looking into a venerable garden ; and as there was nobody in the garden, and the lovers were sole occupants of the parlor, they were quite happy, forgetting for a while every- thing but themselves and their love, and lingering perhaps longer than was altogether wise. Nevertheless, they reached home an hour sooner than they would have done had they returned by rail. " What will Edward say? " asked Olive, as they reined up at All Hallows lodge gates. " I do not see that he has a right to say anything. I am your duly appointed pilot ; and I have taken you home many a time before." " The circumstances were very different, though. We have been alone nearly all day, and he will be vexed at being left to train home by himself — perhaps say something to mother which may reawaken her suspicions. Anyhow, for the next few weeks we shall need to be extremely circum- spect, and I will be very gracious to Edward. No, don't come up to the house with me. If mother thinks you are neglecting me, so much the better. Good-night, Charlie, dear." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 99 " Good-night, darling. This has been the happiest day I ever had in my life." " I hope we may not have to pay a heavy price for it," thought Olive as she trotted up the avenue, " but something tells me that Edward will be very angry — and I distrust him more than I like to let Charlie know. Dear old Charlie ! How strange it is that two brothers should be so different." THE PRINCES OF FEELE. CHAPTER XIII. JEALOUS. Edward did not miss the lovers until some time after they had stolen away. Then, after making several fruitless inquiries, he went to look for them. He might as well have looked for a needle in a haystack ; but while he was seek- ing the lovers he found the hounds, and the hounds found a fox. Feeling sure that he was now on the right track, he rode to the first whip's in view hallo, and was one of the first out of the wood ; and having no doubt that he should presently encounter Charlie and Olive (who were generally in the first flight) went boldly on. But the field being rather scattered and the country rather heavily timbered, he looked for the fugitives in vain, and had to console himself with the reflection that he should find them with the hounds checked — or, at any rate, at the end of the run, which he devoutly hoped would not be long. It lasted a good hour ; the latter part of it, however, being rather slow, and ended in the middle of a covert, where Reynard ran into a drain and could not be persuaded to come out and be killed. Edward, who thanks to easy fences and a line of gates, was well up, looked round, and when he saw nothing of those whom he sought his first feeling was a sense of elation. He had beaten his brother for once. But when the last of the laggards appeared on the scene, and the said brother and the young lady were still invisible, he began to feel uneasy. " Have you seen anything of my brother and Miss Lin- coln .? " he asked of Teddy Spankaway, who was standing at his horse's head, devouring a ham sandwich and drinking whiskey and water from an electro-plated flask. " The last time I saw them was in Blackthorn Wood and very thick they seemed." " Thick ! What do you mean ? " " They were in close converse, and very near together — heads almost touching, in fact — and though I told them I THE PRINCES OF PEELE. loi had heard a hallo, and when I knew the hounds were run- ning gave a screech which I am sure they must have heard, they did not come on. Anyhow they are out of it, and I expect that is where they want to be. That brother of yours is a sly dog. Prince, and Miss Lincoln is a deuced nice girl." And then Mr. Spankaway, who was himself rather sweet on Olive, and jealous of Charlie, laughed maliciously and offered Edward his flask. Edward tried to look unconcerned, muttered something about the possibility of anybody losing hounds in Blackthorn Wood, and asked whether they were going to draw again. " Of course we are, as soon as the master turns up. He has been thrown out — not often that happens, though — and I expect Quickly will take the hounds back on the off chance of falling in with him. Do you know your horse has lost a shoe ? " " Confound it ! So he has. Where is there a forge ? " " Down the road to the right ; near the windmill." The loss of the shoe delayed Edward half-an-hour, and when he set his face towards Blackthorn, hounds and hunters were nowhere to be seen ; but presently he met a groom with a lame horse, who was able to tell him that Mr. Brown had fallen in with the hounds, and that his brother and Miss Lincoln were gone home. " But there is no train till 4.30." " I think they are hacking all the way, sir." " The deuce they are ! " and Edward Prince went on, look- ing as black as thunder and in a very evil frame of mind. Teddy Spankaway's words had reawakened the suspicion he had once entertained, that Olive and Charlie had a sneaking kindness for, and, perhaps, a secret understanding with each other. " It looks like a planned thing," he thought. " It looks as if they had stopped in the covert on purpose. Anybody may lose hounds in that horrid M^ood ; but why did not they come on with Brown, and why, oh wh)?^, have they gone home by road without waiting for me, or making an effort to find me ? It is not fair, it is not right, it is scarcely courteous." Edward was furiously jealous ; the idea of being supplanted by his brother, whom in his heart he rather despised, was gall and wormwood to him, and he had made so sure 102 THE PRIXCES OF PEELE. that Olive liked him and cared no more for Charlie than Charlie cared for her that the disappointment was doubly bitter. He had been deceived, played with, made a "spoon handle of," and he said in his anger that he would let " those two " see that he could not be befooled with impunity. But when he cooled down somewhat and considered the matter further, he perceived that he had really very little ground for complaint ; the existence of a secret understanding between Olive and Charlie had still to be proved. Spankaway, a mere sporting man, who regarded coarse jokes as high wit, was quite capable of straining a point to provoke a laugh. He had no doubt grossly exaggerated, if not actually invented ; and, after all, there was nothing very alarming in Charlie and Olive being left behind for once in a way, and hacking home instead of v/aiting for a train. In like circumstances he would probably have done the same. Notwithstanding this commendable effort to weigh both sides of the question Edward was suspicious still. Though the circumstances were consistent with either theory, the thoughts and memories which came unbidden to his mind fed the flame of his jealousy, and he felt intensely anxious to know the truth. But how was he to know it ? He could not openly ask Charlie without risking a rebuff and showing his own hand. He was neither his brother's keeper nor Olive's guardian. Charlie had just as much right to fall in love with her as he had, and would certainly refuse to disclose anything which might compromise her, or which he desired in his own interest or hers to keep secret. After long cogitation Edward made up his mind to dissemble his jealousy and keep his suspicions to himself. Until he had evidence that Olive and Charlie were carrying on a clan- destine courtship he would not say a word to anybody — even to his mother. But he would seek for evidence, leave no stone unturned to obtain it, and when he had obtained it, act. How, he could not, as yet, decide ; that would depend on circumstances ; only he was fully resolved that Olive should be his and not Charlie's. The mere thought that he might lose her angered him almost past bearing. He had known for sometime that he loved Olive, but never until then had he realized the intensity of his passion, and how necessary to his happiness she was become. CharUe, indeed ! Charlie's partiality for Olive — if it ex- THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 103 isted — was mere calf love, the fugitive fancy of an overgrown boy, who took no thought for the morrow ; his, the strong love of a mature man, who had formed definite views of life and meant to get on. If the matter were fairly put to Olive there could, he felt sure, be no question as to her choice. Meanwhile, the fair putting being neither feasible nor expe- dient, there was nothing for it but to wait, and, as Edward said to himself, everything comes to the man who knows how to wait — and watch. His first question to the groom who met him at Peele station was whether his brother had returned. " Yes, sir ; he hacked." " He got home early, then ? " " Not very. About half-past five, I think. It is a longish way from Blackthorn." " Fifteen miles ; they took five hours to ride fifteen miles, and their horses quite fresh," thought Edward. " What could they be doing all the time ? " And the demon of jealousy gnawed harder at his heart than ever. But when he got home and met Charlie in the hall he smiled pleasantly. " A nice fellow you are, to run away and leave me to come home alone," quoth he. " Nay, it was you who ran away and left us. \Mien we got out of the covert you were non est, and you had been gone so long that there was no chance of overtaking you. So we just hacked home, Olive and I." " You did not stop anywhere, then ? " " Only at the Beehive to gruel. Had you a good run > " " A regular clinker, A good sixty minutes, first twenty as fast as we could leg it, and lost the fox in a drain at Slasher's Mill." " And we were out of it ! But make haste and get changed. The pater v/ants you in his room." " What's in the wind now ? " " A family council. You are required to make it complete, so hurry up." Edward, though particular about his person, and generally slow over his toilet, did hurry up, and, on entering his father's room some fifteen minutes later, found the other members of the family in deep consultation. The matter was this : — The firm of Lincoln, Lyman, and Jump (whose affairs were in Chancery) had made heavy advances to one of their I04 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. correspondents in Trinidad, on the security of various properties there. The correspondent in question having failed, and the amount involved being large, and the business complicated, it was considered necessary to send somebody out to protect the interests of the house and realize the hypothecated properties ; and in the opinion of the Vice- Chancellor no gentleman could so well perform this duty as Mr. Leonard Prince ; he was a lawyer, a man of business, and had all the facts at his fingers' ends. Would he accept the commission, and on what terms "i " The letter came after you were gone, this morning," said Mr. Prince to Edward, " and, as you see, it requires a prompt answer. Mother and Charlie are rather for it. They are pleased to think the trip would do me good. What is your opinion .-* " Edward was also rather for it. Like the others, he thought the trip would do his father good ; moreover, during his absence he would naturally take his father's place in the office, and represent him in the town, and the idea pleased Edward. But he was not the man to answer an important question by simply saying ditto to somebody else. " What is your opinion "i " repeated Mr. Prince. " What is my opinion ? " said Edward, knitting h'is brows and looking wondrous wise. " This is a very serious matter, and requires a good deal of consideration. Mother and Charlie think the trip would do j^ou good. I hope they are right ; but what is their authority ? These West India Islands are not generally supposed to be the most healthy places in the world." " Mr. Lincoln had been several times to Trinidad, and I have heard him say that the island was healtliy and the voyage there pleasant." " Then we may regard that point as settled. The next is, can you be spared ? " " That is rather for you to say. Charlie has been doing very well lately, and I don't see why you, and he, and Lilly- white should not be able to do without me for three or four months ; and the pay I get for going out would be all to the good." " Less the extra premium on your life policy." Mr. Prince's countenance fell. Something was always happening to remind him of that terrible skeleton. Only the THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 105 week before Peploe and Pope had written to say that they doubted whether they should be able to pay any more interest. " I had not thought of that," he said gravely. " It is not indisputable, yet." " It does not become indisputable for two years. In the meantime you are limited to Europe and North America. But the company would give you a license." " Of course they would. But upon what terms .'' You had better go to town to-morrow and ascertain. If they make any charge at all it should be something quite nominal ; as my policy permits me to cross the Atlantic the mere voyage involves no extra risk, and the trip out and home, and the change and that, can hardly fail to benefit my health." " That is a good point. I will urge it," said Ned, making a memorandum in his note-book. " If this can be arranged you will go, of course." " I think so. It will be an agreeable trip, and a new ex- perience ; and they cannot give me less than five hundred and my expenses." " Five hundred is not enough, father. Shall I arrange that for you also while I am in town ? " " By all means, Ned. You are a better hand at a bargain than I am, and will probably get more than I should dare to ask. And now, having finished our business, let us go in to dinner." The next morning Edward went to London, and justified his father's opinion of his business capacity by making two satisfactory bargains. By persuading the assurance company that the contemplated voyage could not fail to benefit his father's health he obtained the license on very favorable terms, and by taking the opposite tack with the Chancery people — dwelling on the perils of ocean travelling and the manifold dangers of a tropical climate (especially for a man at his father's time of life) — he obtained a hundred and fifty pounds more than the sum which Mr. Prince had named, and with which he would have been content. Edward called this diplomacy, his father would have called it sharp practice — if he had known the facts — but Mr. Prince was too well satisfied with the result to be inquisitive about details, and the money would be very useful. The license granted by the Insurance Company (in con- lo6 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. sideration of a payment of twenty pounds) was for a voyage to Trinidad and back per Royal Mail steamer, and the perils incident thereto, and a residence in the island not exceeding three months — unless Mr. Prince should be detained there longer than that period by circumstances beyond his control. For a hundred and thirty pounds more the Company would have anticipated the time by which the policy was to become indisputable and made it "good for all the world." But as this seemed to Edward like paying so much money for noth- ing, he elected for the conditional license, and plumed him- self on having scored a great success. But it is possible to be too clever, and in the issue Edward discovered that the proverb about a penny saved being a penny gained is not of universal application. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 107 CHAPTER XIV. lillywhite's demand. Mr. Prince's main (though unconfessed) reason for de- siring to go to the West Indies was that he might get away from the skeleton for a time. With tliree or four thousand miles of ocean rolling between them, it would (metaphorically) be out of sight, and, as he hoped, out of mind. The fresh scenes he should behold and the new and varied impressions he should receive must needs divert the current of his thoughts, and he would enjoy a short interlude of peace, which he sorely needed, for latterly the skeleton had been unpleasantly ob- trusive. After paying the agreed interest in full, though intermit- tently, for three years Peploe and Pope had suddenly ceased their remittances and intimated pretty plainly that it was un- likely they would ever be resumed. This meant a loss of six hundred a year ; and the premium on the triple life policy brought up to a thousand pounds, per annum the cost of keeping the skeleton under lock and key. But for the profits arising out of the Lincoln lawsuit the burden would have been almost more than Mr. Prince could bear without mak- ing such retrenchments as would seriously affect his position in the town. For Mrs. Lincoln's sake he wanted the suit to end ; for his own, it was better for it to go on — a conflict of interest that sometimes rendered it difficult for him to advise his client with that singleness of purpose which for three generations had been the rule of the office. Edward, on the other hand, was rather disposed, for finan- cial reasons, to protract the suit, and father and son had occasionally " words " on the subject. The young man had, moreover, an unpleasant way of referring to the skeleton as that " terrible business," and hinting that in using Mrs. Lin- coln's trust fund to square Peploe and Pope, his father had committed a fatal mistake. This Mr. Prince knew only too well : but he did not like being told so. It was as bad as io8 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. rubbing bay salt into an open wound. Nor did he in his heart approve in his wife's project for making a match be- tween Edward and Olive. There was something underhand about it ; he had a great regard for Olive, and felt sure that Edward and she would not pull well together. But Dorothy- had set her mind on it, and if he could not successfully op- pose her alone much less could he do so when she was sup- ported by Edward, who was a host in himself, and to whom the knowledge of the secret gave additional power. Oppressed by all these cares, and feeling as he had never felt before the weight of years, there were times when Mr. Prince wished himself dead. His death would settle every- thing, the assurance money make good his breach of trust, and though he could not leave his sons a fortune he should leave them an excellent business, and a name free from re- proach. These fits of depression were, however, infrequent, and he was forgetting his worries in the work of preparing for the approaching voyage, and beginning to contemplate the future more hopefully, when an incident occurred that revived his fears, and gave him the most severe shock he had sustained since the discovery of Jack's defalcations. Two or three days before his departure he was in his room, looking over papers, and making notes for Edward's guidance during his absence, when the door opened and in walked Lillywhite. In this there was nothing unusual, but the de- liberation of the managing clerk's movements, and the solem- nity of his visage, bespoke the importance of his errand. " What is it, now, Lillywhite .'' " said Mr. Prince, looking up. " Has our best client run away without paying his bill of costs, or does Mr. Trumpler want a new will making ? " Instead of greeting his employer's joke with a smile, Lilly- white looked more solemn than ever, " It is not office business this time, Mr. Prince. It's touch- ing a matter personal to our two selves that I want a word with you." " Can he want his salary raised ? " thought Mr. Prince. " All right, Lillywhite. If there is anything I can do for you, I am sure I shall be very happy " " You set sail on Friday ? " " God bless me ! Is that what j^ou had to say ? " quoth Mr. Prince with a laugh. " Yes, I set sail on Friday." " I hope you will come back, sir." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 109 " 'Pon mv word, Lillywhite ! Of course I shall come back. Why not?" " Well, there's a sight of water between this and the West Indies ; and where there is water there is danger. I never liked it — -neither inside or out. I don't want to discourage you, sir, but I cannot help thinking that it is a very hazardous undertaking for a gentleman at your time of life. And as you may never come back, though I sincerely hope you will, I should like to have a proper understanding." " As to what ? For heaven's sake come to the point, Lilly- white. For you know how busy I am." " My position in the office." " Your position will be what it has been — that of managing clerk." " Under Mr. Edward ? " " Of course. You surely don't suppose that he will be under you ? " " He might do worse. He has not all the sense in the world, though he evidently thinks so ; and his manner to me is often very discourteous, almost offensive, indeed ; and if I am to be under him during your absence, he must promise to treat me with becoming respect, also I should like a slight increase of salary." " Anything else .'' " asked Mr. Prince, sarcastically. " You had better open your mouth wide enough while you are about it." " Not at present. I think that will do till you come back." " Not at present ! Gad, you speak as if you were surprised at your own moderation. You have been with me a long time — more than twenty years." " Twenty-two on the tenth of next month." " Twenty-two, then ; and served me well and faithfully, and I have treated you handsomely, giving you my entire confidence, and letting you have pretty nearly your own way in everything. In point of fact, I have spoiled you. It is as Edward said the other day. You cannot stand corn. You are getting above yourself." " Edward said that, did he ? I am obliged to him," inter- posed the managing clerk, with an angry shake of his portent- ous nose, which, after blushing violently, had become almost blue. no THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " You are getting above yourself," repeated Mr, Prince, heedless of the interruption, " and as your demands are unreasonable and cannot be complied with, I fear we shall have to part — unless 3'ou choose to withdraw them. Think about it, Lillywhite. I should be sorry for you to decide hastily." " I have thought about it already, and my mind is made up. But before you finally make up yours, sir, there is one observation I should like to make. You say you have given me your entire confidence. So you have — with one exception • — and. " " Because it is the right thing to do, and Mrs. Lincoln knows it. She appointed two in the first instance, and only refrained from appointing a successor to Wilmot because of her unbounded confidence in father. She cannot be expected to have the same confidence in me — yet." " Well, I hope she will provide you with a pleasant col- league, dear." " I hope so. One who will sign whatever I put before him, without reading it, and never bother his co-trustee with idle questions." The same post that brought Mrs. Prince the letter from Mrs. Lincoln brought Charlie a letter from Olive, full of deep feeling and expressing the warmest sympathy and love. It must be terrible to lose such a father as his had been, she said, and her heart bled for him ; indeed, it did. His sorrow, was her sorrow, his loss her loss, not only because she felt for him and with him, but because she had loved and honored Mr. Prince more than she could tell. He was one of the best and sunniest men she had ever known. It was a great blessing to have had so good a father, and she counted it as a priceless privilege to have had such a friend. And then Olive went on to speak of themselves, mentioning the probability of her mother giving up All Hallows, and re- gretting the concealment they were obliged to practice. But she held out a hope that when the time of mourning for his father was past, her mother might be prevailed upon to sanc- tion an informal engagement, an engagement, that was to say, not to be made public until Olive came of age. Charlie read this letter with mingled feelings. It gave THE PRINCES OF PEELE. ' i6i him a strange sense of sweet pain. Olive's appreciation of his father's noble qualities, the assurance of her sympathy and love were unspeakably grateful to him. But the thoughts her words suggested and the consciousness of the irreparable loss which he had sustained wrung his heart with anguish. With his father gone and All Hallows empty, Peele would be like a strange land. The dear old days, so full of pleasure and enjoyment, when the present had no sorrows and the future no terrors, were gone forever. Fair as were his prospects, and albeit he had come into a goodly heritage, and Olive was loving and true, he was still cast down ; and at times he had a vague foreboding that his father's death would prove the harbinger of further misfortunes, as well for himself as for others. But only at times, for he was too busy for much brooding. It almost seemed as if Mr. Prince's demise had created business. It poured in from every side, and Charlie got his full share of it. Then the books had to be balanced, and other preparations made for proving the will. At the same time, Edward was making interest to obtain the public appointments so long held by his father. The brothers had already received a kind letter from Lord Hermitage, in which he spoke in high terms of the late Mr. Prince, and requested them to act as his agents on the old terms. The papers from Trinidad did not come quite so soon as Edward had expected, but within a few days of their arrival he and his mother paid the succession duty and proved the will. "When will you write to the insurance company?" asked Mrs. Prince, when the transaction was completed. " This very day ; I have only been waiting for the probate, which I shall of course let them see." " And how soon are you likely to get the money ? " " In a few days. The directors meet on Tuesday, I think, and as everything is in order I don't see why they should not send us a check at once. The .^gis make a specialty of prompt settlements." " That is well. What a relief it will be ! Before your father died it did not trouble me much. But now, I know how much he must have suffered." On the Wednesday next after this conversation Edward found on his table a bulky packet, bearing the seal of the ^Egis Life Assurance Office. 1 62 THE PRINCES OF FEELE. "They have returned the probate," he said to himself; " and sent a check, I wonder ? If they have not I will offer to allow them two months' interest at bank rate. Mother worries so, and I want to get the confounded thing off my mind." (Opening the packet.) " A letter — of course — but no check. . . . What — why — they — villains, idiots — what do they mean ? " and Edward Prince, after turning as pale as if he had seen a ghost, reddened with rage and dashed the letter on the floor. Then he picked it up and read it again. Thus the portentous missive ran : — " Dear Sir, — I am instructed by my directors to inform you that as facts have come to their knowledge which lead them to believe that Mr. Leonard Prince did not observe the conditions of his license, they are unable to make any payment in respect of his joint policy (No. 43,751). " I have the honor to return herewith the probate of your late father's will, the receipt of which be good enough to acknowledge, " Your obedient servant, " Myles Cutter, Sec." THE FRINGES OF FEELE. 163 CHAPTER XXII E D W A R D' S DILEMMA, The refusal of the insurance company to comply with his demand was a greater shock to Edward than his father's death. The latter event, though it befell so suddenly and tragically, was at least in the course of nature. It had been foreseen, and, in a sense, provided for. But that an office like the ^gis should decline to pay up was an undreamt of contingency, a bolt from the blue, and Edward was so fiercely indignant at what he deemed the company's flagrant dishonesty, and so sick with disappoint- ment, as to be rendered for a while unfit to consider the matter fairly. " My directors declined to pay, do they ? " he muttered. "Well I'll make them pay, then. I'll sue them; I'll expose them, I'll smash them. Haven't we paid the premiums regularly all the time .'' Didn't I get a license and pay for it .'' . . It's fearfully awkward. What will my mother say, and what shall we do about the broken trust .'' Mrs. Lincoln will be here in a fortnight, and if she appoints new trustees before I get the money out of these rascals — that would be ruin. But I must get it ; there is no other word for it — must, must. . . From facts that have come to their knowl- edge they have reason to believe that father did not observe the conditions of his license. By going ashore when the steamer went aground, I suppose. They have seen the account in the papers. They argue that if he had not landed he would not have been bitten by the snake. But he was obliged to land ; if he had stayed on board and it had come on to blow he might have been drowned. He acted for the best. He could not prudently have done otherwise. . . . No ! There is nothing in it. It's just a miserable attempt at chicane, unworthy of a great office like the ^gis. They 1 64 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. think I am in want of the money, and that they can frighten me into offering a compromise. I'll see them first. I'll not take a penny less than the full amount. . . . Shall I confer with Lillywhite ? The old fellow is very shrewd. . . No, I'll write to the secretary and ask what he means, and keep my own counsel till I get his answer." So Edward, bottling up his wrath, constrained himself to write a studiously courteous, yet curt and slightly sarcastic letter, asking Mr. Cutter " kindly to state for his information the precise ground on which the company refused to pay the amount for which his father had insured his life, and paid the stipulated premiums regularly, and to the last fraction." Mr. Cutter's reply came in due course. It was to the effect that, after reading the account of the late Mr, Prince's death in the public papers, an account which was implicitly confirmed by the certificates his executors had submitted to them, the directors could come to no other conclusion than that he had invalidated the policy by violating its provisions. The license was for a voyage to and from Trinidad, and the perils incident thereto, and a limited residence in the island. It did not include the perils incident to a cruise in the Bay of Paria and a landing on the Spanish Main. In these circum- stances the directors could not, in duty to their shareholders, pay the amount of which the late Mr. Prince had insured his life by the joint policy (43,751). " There seems to be something in it after all," soliloquized Edward when he had read the letter. ..." The accident was clearly not incident to the voyage between England and Trinidad. But surely a license to reside in Trinidad implies a right to do whatever an ordinary resident in the island would do — cross a river, climb a mountain, or cruise in the bay, which is almost completely landlocked and as much a lake as a sea. However, I will have Lillywhite in and hear what he says — two heads are better than one — and I may as well tell Charlie at the same time. It will save trouble." So the two were called and the matter laid before them. " What do I think about it ? " exclaimed Charlie, impet- uously. " Well, I call it a piece of infernal rascality. The grounds on which these people want to repudiate their liability appear to me quite frivolous, and I should pitch into them without further notice." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 165 Edward smiled. " What do you say, Lillywhite ? " (turning to the managing clerk). " Well, I cannot quite agree with Mr. Charles that it is a piece of rascality. There are two ends to a stick, break it as often as you will, and it seems to me that these people have a case, though not one to run away with ; and they are surely taking a very narrow view of their obligations in refusing to pay. But it is a nice point, a very nice point, and one as to which two good lawyers might easily arrive at opposite con- clusions. Was your father, according to the strict letter of his license, justified in taking that cruise ? That is the ques- tion. I should say he was, and I can promise you one thing, Mr. Edward : if it comes to a fight, and the case is tried in this county, you'll get a verdict, whatever the lawyers say. But perhaps the compan}^ don't mean fighting, after all. How would it be to show your teeth — write that, in view of the position they have taken up, you have no alternative but to proceed for the recovery of the sum due under the policy, and inquire who will accept service for them ? " " That is exactly what I thought of doing, Lillywhite, and I will do it to-day — nothing like striking while the iron is hot." This ended the conference. Edward turned to his desk, and the other two left the room. " A very unpleasant affair this, Mr. Charles," observed the managing clerk, sympathetically, when they were in the outer office. " Very ; and rascally, too, on the part of the ^gis people, I call it. But you don't think there is any chance of their winning, do you ? " " Not with a Peele jury. But when you go to law you never know what the issue will be. A surprise may be sprung on you at any moment ; and fifteen thousand pounds is a large sum, either to gain or lose." " Yes. I wonder why my father insured his life for so much. It was very, very good of him ; but there was really no need. My mother is provided for by her marriage settle- ment, and the office will bring in quite enough for Ned and me." " One of you might get married, and that would involve another establishment, you know." 1 66 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " It would not involve an outlay of fifteen thousand pounds. However, that is no reason why the company should not pay up, and I am glad that Ned is going for them." " Humph ! They have not told him, then. I thought as much," mused Lillywhite, as he returned to his desk. " They ought to have done. It may be my duty to enlighten him one of these days." Mr. Lillywhite, as Edward had informed his mother, was a good deal "cut up" by Mr. Prince's death. He knew that he had not been very kind on the occasion of their last in- terview ; letting pique get the better of propriety, and rather returning evil for good than good for good (Mr. Prince had always treated him handsomely), and being at the bottom by no means a bad fellow, he greatly regretted the fact ; " it stuck in his crop," to use his own expression ; and, by way of making amends, the managing clerk resolved to do all that he could for his late employer's family. This meant Mrs. Prince and Charlie, particularly Charlie, for though Edward had observed the conditions of their compact, and since his father's death had been surprisingly affable, the managing clerk did not love him. Though Lillywhite had not been told so, he inferred with certainty that the insurance money was destined to replace Mrs. Lincoln's trust fund ; he also foresaw that failure to re- cover the amount from the company would lead to a serious crisis in the fortunes of the family and the firm. It would be his business to protect Charlie. Edward might look to himself, " If he likes to get into a mess — make himself a party to the fraud, and run the risk of being struck off the rolls — that is his affair," thought Lillywhite, By return of post came an answer to Edward's second letter to Mr, Myles Cutter. It was provokingly laconic, and ran as follows : — " I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your es- teemed favor of yesterday, and in reply, beg to inform you that Messrs, Bartrum, Fox, and Crafty, Chancery-lane, are prepared to accept service on our behalf." " They do mean fighting, then," muttered Edward between his set teeth. Lie had cherished a lingering hope that when THE PKIXCES OF PEELE. id-j " my directors" saw that he was in earnest they would climb down. " So be it. I will hurry on the action with all speed ; draw up a case for counsel's opinion and retain Going and Somers. There is no reason why the cause should not be tried at the winter Assizes." When Edward went home he told his mother. " The insurance company won't pay," he said bitterly. " Won't pay ! Why } " *' There, read for yourself," showing her Cutter's letters and the copies of his answers. It is given to few people to consider judicially cases in which they are personally interested, and Mrs. Prince was no<" one of them. In the refusal of the ^Egis to pay she saw only a vile attempt to ruin herself and her children, and de- nounced the company with passionate indignation. " You must make them pay. Don't dally, make them," she cried. " You may be sure I shall do my best, mother." *' Your best won't do, Edward. You must make them. What is law for, if not to redress WTong and punish fraud .-' You are a lawyer, are you not ? " He tried to explain, but she interrupted him wdth angry exclamations, until, and at length, he, too, grew angry. " Do you suppose I have not as much interest in getting the money as you have ? " he said. " If you think I am not competent to conduct the case, put it into the hands of some other solicitor. I won't stand in the way. But at least listen to reason, and please to understand that though I will strain every nerve to succeed, it is beyond my power to guarantee success. As for the law and fraud, and wrong and so forth, perhaps the less we say about that the better." Mrs. Prince rose from her chair, her nostrils quivering, her hands clenched, and fierce words rose to her lips ; but re- straining herself with a great effort she asked her son quietly, albeit in a voice trembling with suppressed wrath, what would happen if he did not succeed. " Frankly, mother, I don't know. It will be time enough to consider that contingency when it arises, and I think we shall succeed ; and chances are at least in our favor. I only want you to understand that the company have a case, and we must not reckon on success as a certainty." 1 68 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " When, then — how soon ? " " When is the case likely to be tried ? In two or three months I hope. At any rate, before Whitsuntide." " God help me ! " she murmured. " Until then I will try to possess my soul in patience. . . . But Mrs. Lincoln is coming to confer with you about the appointment of fresh trustees. She will be here in a few days. What will you say to her 1 " " I shall temporize. The appointment will be made by deed, which I will promise to prepare as soon as I have a little spare time. Mrs. Lincoln's matter is not urgent ; she is too good-natured to hurry me, and one way and another I can easily put her off three or four months." " Very well, I leave it to you," returned Mrs. Prince gloomily. " Anything but exposure. It would kill me — and not a word to Charlie, mind. You see I was right in not let- ting you tell him the other day." " I am not so sure about that. You know my opinion — and circumstances will force us to tell him — mark me if they don't." " But not yet, not yet. Spare him a little longer — and me," murmured Mrs. Prince faintly, as if the mere idea were more than she could bear. Edward said no more, but if he had not dreaded another scene he would, probably, have insisted on telling Charlie the whole truth without further delay, for he perceived that if the impending action against the company went against them he should have to bear the brunt. Up to the time of his father's death Edward had neither incurred blame nor taken responsibility. He had simply been the recipient of a secret. But his father's mantle had fallen on his shoulders, and whether as Mr. Prince's executor or Mrs. Lincoln's solici- tor, it was his duty to inform that lady of the disappearance of her settled fortune — unless he could restore it — and if he failed in his suit restoration would be impossible. In that event he would be regarded, and rightly, z.% particeps a-iminis, and though his offence might be less flagrant than his father's, exposure would react injuriously on his character and mar his professional prospects. The thought that Charlie was out of it all, and should the " worst come to the worst," would be able to say to Mrs. Lincoln and Olive, " I knew nothing of this dreadful busi- THE PRINCES OF FEELE. 1 69 ness ; if I had known I should have told you," made him almost wild, and he made up his mind that if counsel's opinion were unfavorable he would tell Charlie all, whatever his mother might say. But counsel's opinion w'as not unfavorable. It was to this effect : From a strictly legal point of view the insurance company were probably right in their contention that the late Mr. Prince had violated the conditions of his license. On the other hand, there could be no question that the land- ing on the Venezuelan coast was unintentional, and, in the circumstances, unavoidable. Moreover, juries did not always take a strictly legal view of the cases which they are called upon to decide. They seldom sympathized with wealthy corporations, and in this instance the sympathies of the jury would almost certainly be with the plaintiffs, for at the worst Mr. Prince had erred from inadvertence ; the ground- ing of the yacht and the bite of the water mocassin being acci- dents pure and simple, and no fault of his. Taking all these facts into consideration there was every reason to believe that the executors were well advised in taking action against the company. After this Edward, regarding success as certain, decided to say nothing to Charlie till after the trial. 170 THE PRINCES OF PEELE, CHAPTER XXI. olive's design. As the Princes had no interest in making a secret of their difference with the insurance company, it soon became a matter of common knowledge in the borough of Peele, and the burgesses naturally sided with the family of their " late eminent and respected townsman," as the local paper described Mr, Prince. Equally natural was it that the sub- ject should be warmly discussed wherever men met, and the " shameful conduct " of the ^gis nightly denounced in every tavern in the town. The Mercury did a leading article on the subject, in the course of which it expressed great regret that a certain highly-respected lady should be called upon, so soon after the death of her late lamented husband, to undergo another trial, assured her of its sympathy, and wished her a happy issue out of her afflictions. This and the many other assurances of sympathy which she received were very gratifying to Mrs. Prince. She regarded them as well-deserved tributes to the respectability of the family and the memory of her husband. But Edward, who took wider views than his mother, would have been much better pleased had the sympathy of his neighbors been somewhat less demonstrative. He feared that it might do him more harm than good, and the result justified his appre- hensions. The defendants, getting wind of the strong feel- ing which prevailed against them at Peele, and believing with reason, that no Peele jury could be trusted to render an impartial verdict, applied for a change of venue, and the application, though energetically opposed by the plaintiffs' counsel, was granted, and an order made for the case to be tried at London by a special jury. "A bad job, this, Mr. Charlie," observed Lillywhite THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 171 gravely, when they received the news from Edward, who was in London, " watching the case." " I don't see it, Lillywhite. One jury is as good as another. We have right on our side, and an insurance com- pany that contests a claim always fights at a disadvantage. The legal presumption, as well as popular feeling, is against them." " That is true. All the same, I don't much like London juries. They are conceited chaps, those Londoners. Then the omen is bad. It is just as if you were going to fight a duel, and your opponent had won the toss for the choice of ground." Edward, also, was discouraged by the result of this first passage of arms. Like Lillywhite, he regarded it as a bad omen. But a consultation with Sergeant Somers, his leading counsel, who never, under any circumstances, allowed him- self to be discouraged, restored his confidence. " I am not sure that you don't gain more than you lose," observed the great advocate. " Though a Peele jury might be more friendly, a London jury is sure to be more intelli- gent. On the facts before me, Mr. Prince, I have little doubt as to the result. Not that I think our legal position is absolutely unassailable — it has one or two very weak points — but I shall be able to make a strong appeal to the jury on their sentimental side, and when sentiment and prejudice go together they are bad to beat." So Edward went home comforted, for the sergeant was a great verdict winner. Meanwhile Mrs. Lincoln and Olive were returned to All Hallows, and the now senior partner of the firm of Prince and Prince presently waited on his client to inform her as to the progress of the chancery suit (if it could be said to progress) and consult her touching the appointment of new trustees under her marriage settlement. His report was disheartening. To all appearance the suit might go on forever, or, at any rate, until the partnership estate was exhausted and there was nothing left for anybody, save the lawyers, and Mrs. Lincoln, appalled by the prospect, urged her adviser to try whether he could not put a stop to further litigation by arranging a compromise. To effect this object, she was ready to make any sacrifice short of absolute surrender. 172 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. Edward quite agreed with his client as to the expediency of the course she suggested, and said he should use his ut- most efforts to carry out her wishes. He would have said so in any case, if only by way of keeping in the lady's good graces ; but in this instance he spoke with more than pro- fessional sincerity. True, the chancery suit was a good thing for the office ; but it is doubtful wisdom to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, and Edward reflected that in view of certain eventualities it were a still better thing to deserve well of Mrs. Lincoln. Moreover, as he had not abandoned the hope of marrying Olive, it was clearly his in- terest to save the remnant of her heritage from the harpies of the law. Mrs. Lincoln next mentioned that she was resolved to leave All Hallows. It would go very much against the grain. But she felt that she must ; the expense of '' running it " and fighting a chancery suit at the same time was greater than she could afford ; and Edward received instructions to advertise the house to be let furnished. Mr. Marsh, an old friend of her husband's, whose business took him frequently to America, owned a pleasant little house on the coast, not more than two hours' railway journey from Peele, which, hav- ing no present use for, he had offered her, at a nominal rent. There she and Olive would abide until they were " out of chancery," and could see their way more clearly. " And now about my trustees," observed Mrs. Lincoln. " I suppose I should appoint two." " That is as you like. You have power under the settle- ment to appoint two." " And I shall do so. It is more regular ; and it is not fair to saddle one friend with the entire responsibility. Every- body is not like your dear father. He was one in a thousand. The money is still in Consols, I suppose ? " " Yes, certainly, of course," answered Edward with a ner- vous start ; and his eyes fell somewhat, and a fugitive flush of shame mantled his brow, for he was not yet so case- hardened that he could lie in cold blood without a sense of humiliation and shame. " Well, keep it there. It is a comfort to know that, what- ever happens, I shall have twenty-five hundred dollars a year, of which nothing short of the collapse of the British Empire can deprive me. But I must have two trustees — THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 173 would you kindly consent to be one of them — in succession to your father ? " "With all my heart. I shall only be too glad," was the quick and almost eager answer. Mrs. Lincoln looked pleased. It was not often that the self-contained Edward Prince showed so much warmth. " I knew you would. Thank you very much. You lay me under a great obligation, which I hope some time to have the opportunity of discharging. And now, as to your colleague. I cannot think of anybody more suitable than Mr. Marsh, the friend of whom I spoke just now. He is a man of business and means, and very nice in every way. " Will he act ? " " I have not the least doubt he will. I shall ask him the next time we meet ; or shall I write ? Is there any hurry about the appointment .'' " " Not the least. And I have so many irons in the fire just now that I hardly know which way to turn. Our action against the ^gis takes a good deal of my time, not to speak of other matters ; and then there is your chancery suit, and the proposed compromise, as to which I mean to run up to town and see Topper, Sandboy, and Perrywinkle right away." " You are very good. Well, never mind about the appoint- ment just now. I won't write to Mr. Marsh. I will wait till I see him, and as he is going abroad, that will not be for some time." Edward breathed again. The immediate appointment of Mr. Marsh would be fatal. He knew him by repute as a very shrewd man of business, not likely, Edward felt sure, to accept the trusteeship without ocular demonstration that Mrs. Lincoln's Consols stood in their joint names. At all hazards the appointment must be delayed until the ^gis paid up. When her solicitor was gone Mrs. Lincoln gave her daughter an account of what had passed, lauding Edward to the skies for his kindness and business aptitude. Olive was in a captious mood, due m.ainly to the necessity (which there was no denying) of leaving All Hallows ; and praise of Edward seemed to imply dispraise of Charlie. " Where does the kindness come in ? " she asked abruptly, when her mother paused for a reply. 174 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Come in ? What a question. It comes in everywhere, First of all in agreeing to be my trustee." " That is not much. I remember hearing father say that when a trust fund is invested in Government stock a trustee- ship involves no risk and very little trouble. Besides, Edward Prince being a lawyer will make a charge for his trouble, I suppose ? Why don't you ask Charlie or Mr. Lilly- white to be a trustee } They would consider it an honor, and be quite as efficient as Mr. Marsh, I should say." " Not a bad idea, Olive ; and if Mr. Marsh does not return from the Continent in a few weeks, or shows any disinclin- tion to act, I shall ask Charlie." " You think he would be better than Mr. Lillywhite ? " asked Olive carelessly, as if it were a matter of indifference to her which of the two her mother might prefer. " Charlie, of course, if only because he is the younger." " Mr. Marsh is not young." " No, but he is an old friend. However, I am not nearly so wedded to the idea as I was before you suggested Charlie. There is no hurry, Edward says, and — we shall see." From which Olive inferred that the decision would be in accordance with her desires. As may be supposed, her motives for wishing Charlie to be chosen were based rather on sentiment than reason. If possible she would have had him appointed and Edward discarded, but that being out of the question she wanted him to be at least equal with his brother ; she also thought that if Charlie were made a trustee he would be brought into more intimate relations with her mother, and that business arising out of the trust might afford him an occasional excuse for visiting them at their new home by the sea. To all seeming a harmless enough design, yet fraught with momentous consequences, as well for Olive herself as for the Princes. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 175 CHAPTER XXIIL EDWARD SCORES AND OLIVE SCHEMES. Edward Prince had no great hope of success in his mis- sion of compromise. Nevertheless, the attempt was worth mak- ing. If he succeeded he should make a fast friend of Mrs. Lincoln, and by serving both mother and daughter increase his chance of winning the latter. If he failed, the chancery suit would go merrily on, bringing grist to the professional mill — for there still existed a considerable residue of the partnership estate to cut and carve at. So " equal to either fortune " as touching the matter in hand, and confident as to the outcome of his action against the ^'Egis, Edward went to London in high spirits. His first proceeding was to call at the office of Topper, Sandboy, and Perrywinkle, of King-street, Cheapside, the legal advisers of Mr. Jump, who was supposed to be the most irreconcilable litigious of the half-dozen parties concerned in " re Lincoln, Lyman, and others." Edward had a slight acquaintance with Mr. Perrywinkle, who managed the Chancery department of the firm's business, and after cooling his heels for an hour in the general office, he was allowed to see Mr. Perrywinkle, a short, slightly-built man of thirty-five or so, with a quick, vivacious manner, a sallow skin, lantern jaws, and beady black eyes. Although Edward was exceedingly riled at being kept so long waiting, he put on his pleasantest smile and most urbane manner, and opened the campaign with an apology to Mr. Perrywinkle for trespassing on his valuable time. Perrywinkle was equally expansive. " Don't mention it, my dear sir," said he. " I am de- lighted to see you. Pray take a seat. And now what can I do for you ? " " Well, we are both busy men, and I will come straight to the point. I am concerned for Mrs. Lincoln, as you know, and my object is to ascertain whether you don't think it would 176 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. be advisable for us to cease litigating and arrange our differ- ence amongst ourselves." Perriwinkle's cadaverous countenance lengthened portent- ously. " God bless me ! I surely haven't made a miscalculation," he exclaimed. "The Pactolean stream is not dried up at its source ? There is still corn in Egypt — an estate I mean ? " " Of course there is, or I shouldn't be here." " I see. Of course you wouldn't. Yes, I see. You are from the country, and your client is a widow. Being tired of litigation — which I admit is rather a costly luxury — she has instructed you, or you have advised her, to hoist the white flag, with a view to a suspension of arms and a treaty of peace ? " Edward nodded. Perrywinkle's manner was growing slightly unpleasant, not to say offensive. " You have been in the general office .-' " " Rather ! I waited there an hour." " Well, as I daresay you observed, it is crowded with clerks, and there are as many more in other parts of the building — and then the rent of these offices ! How much do you think we have to make before we get anything for our- selves ? " " I have no idea." " Five thousand a year — rather more than less. We are not a country office, and business is business." " I understand. You have got hold of a good thing and mean to stick to it." " I did not say so, but of course you are at liberty to infer what you like. However, I may as well tell you that our client won't hear of a compromise. He thinks he has been badly used, and resents, as an imputation on his good faith, Mrs. Lincoln's demand for an account of the firm's transac- tions during the twelve months immediately preceding her husband's death. He has large independent resources, and rneans to go on fighting as long as there is a shot in the locker." " In that case I have got my answer, and may as well take my departure. Good-morning, Mr. Perrywinkle." " Good-morning, my dear sir, ^^i^^-morning," repeated Perrywinkle, bowing his visitor to the door with effusive politeness. 7'HE PRINCES OF PEELE. 177 As Edward, highly indignant, rose to take his leave, he noticed on Perrywinkle's desk a letter addressed : " Jabez J. Jump, Esq., Thatched House Club, St. James's-street." This gave him an idea, on which he forthwith acted. Making for Cheapside, he hailed a passing hansom, and bade the driver take him to the Thatched House Club. " It's highly irregular, and as likely as not I shall meet with another rebuff," he thought; "but I'll make the at- tempt, if only on the off-chance of getting even with that cad of a Perrywinkle." Mr. Jump was not in, said the hall porter, but he generally lunched at the club, and the most likely time to find him disengaged was about 2.30. On this Edward went elsewhere for awhile, and, presently returning, met with his man, whose acquaintance he had made a few years previously at All Hallows. Albeit Jabez J. Jum.p hailed from Vermont, he bore not the least resemblance to the Yankee of comedy and the comic papers. He was an essentially "all round man." His body was round, his face was round, and his limbs were round. He had rosy cheeks, shrewd gray eyes, and a genial smile. His whiskers were of the orthodox British cut ; he neither chewed tobacco nor sported a goatee ; and, strangest of all, had almost lost the nasal twang of his native land. Mr. Jump received his visitor cordially. " Glad to see you, Mr. Prince," he said. "Won't you sit down ? What can I offer you .-' A cup of coffee .'' All right. Two cups of coffee at once, John Thomas. You smoke, of course. Plere is a cigar I can recommend." Edward took the proft'ered cigar, and settled himself in the very easy chair which Mr. Jump wheeled round for him. " A great many changes since v.-e last met five years ago at poor Toby's (one of Mr. Lincoln's Christian names was Tobias). And sad ones. Toby and your father both gone to their long homes ; the house of Lyman, Lincoln, and Jump gone to pot ; and ourselves at loggerheads, fighting with the ferocity of Kilkenny cats. But such is life. How is Mrs. Lincoln ? " " V/ell in health, but low in spirits." 178 THE PRINCES OE PEELE. " Owing to this cursed chancery suit, no doubt. Well, I don't wonder at that damping anybody's spirits. I know it often damps mine ; and it takes a good deal to do that, you bet. Why doesn't she come down from her high horse and settle, then ? " " I am not aware that she ever rode the high horse. Any- how, she is quite ready to come to terms." " The deuce she is ! Why, it was only last week I said to Perrywinkle, ' Why doesn't somebody propose a com- promise .'' ' It is about time, I guess. If we quarrel much longer there won't be a red cent left to serve as a bone of contention. Hadn't you better see Perrywinkle ? " " I have seen him, and as the interview was not precisely satisfactory I came here to see you." " You surely don't mean to say that he told you I did not want to end it ? " " If he had said you did I should not be here now, Mr. Jump." " I see. He does not want to end it, and no wonder, con- sidering how he is fattening on our folly. I was a fool not to think of that before. I w'sh all lawyers were at the devil — I beg pardon (laughing he; 'tily), I was forgetting you were one of the tribe — all London awyers, let us say. And now about business. What are your ideas ? Have you anything deiinite to propose ? " Edward had something definite to propose, and he put the matter so clearly and fairly, and was so " well up " in all the complicated details of the case that Mr. Jump complimented him on his smartness. After some further conversation the American assented, " in principle," to Edward's proposals, and undertook to submit them to the other parties to the suit, and recommend their adoption. But as two of the litigants were in New York, and for other reasons, this would require time ; and use what diligence they might several months must needs elapse before " the business could be put through," but that it would eventually be " put through " Mr. Jump had no doubt whatever. " I don't think I shall change my lawyers," he observed. " It is a bad thing to swop horses when you are crossing the stream ; and Perrywinkle knows the ropes. But if I remain his client he will have to dance to my tune ; I have danced to his quite long enough." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 179 All of which greatly pleased Edward. He had scored in every way ; done a good thing for himself and his client, and put a spoke in the wheel of Mr. Perrywinkle ; and he re- turned to Peele full of admiration of his own cleverness, and in a serene and self-satistied mood. " I have as good as settled it," he said complacently to Charlie and Lillywhite, " and that means a saving to Mrs. Lincoln and Olive of something like two or three score thousand pounds out of the fire. Perrywinkle gave me a shirty answer, and sneered at me as a country lawyer. But I was not going to be bowled over in that way, so I went straight to Jump. It was rather a bold thing to do ; but it turned out all right. I showed him how desirable it was — in his own interest — to come to terms, and he not only accepted my proposals — in principle — but undertook to get the other parties to the suit to accept them. That is why I regard the affair as being practically settled." Charlie warmly congratulated his brother on his success. " Seeing Jump was simply a master stroke," he said ; " I should not have thought of it. I should just have punched Perrywinkle's head and come home." Edward bore himself rather more modestly when he made his report to Mrs. Lincoln. Yet, even with her he did not hide his light under a bushel, and felt that he fully deserved the profuse thanks which she gave him and the praises she bestowed on his fertility of resource and presence of mind. OUve also thanked him, and so graciously and heartily withal (for had he not rendered them a great service and lifted a load of care from her mother's mind ?) as to raise his hopes still higher and make him hardly less confident of winning her love than beating the Assurance Company. Before he went away Mrs. Lincoln inquired after Charlie, especially as to whether he was taking more kindly to the law. " Oh, he does his best, and makes himself useful — after a fashion ; but he is not clever, Mrs. Lincoln, and I fear will never make a lawyer." Although this observation, and the manner of it, which was flippant and almost contemptuous, vexed Olive, she could not disguise from herself that there was much truth in Edward's opinion of his brother's character, and she regretted more than ever that destiny had made Charlie a second-rate lawyer instead of a hero, or a poet, or something equally dis- i8o THE PRINCES OF PEELE. tinguished. A few daj'S later the lovers met at the old tryst- ing-place for the last time. On the morrow she and her mother were leaving All Hallows, probably never to return, for even though Edward's proposed compromise were accepted without serious modification there was grave reason to doubt whether Mrs. Lincoln's future income would enable her to keep the place up. The unliquidated costs of the suit were sure to be heavy, and nobody could tell how much the assets of the defunct firm were likely to realize. No wonder, therefore, that the lovers were not in the best of spirits. Charlie was the more melancholy of the two. Ed- ward's success in the matter of the chancery suit had kindled his natural arrogance, and he was again making things un- pleasant at the office. Home was not what it had been. His father's death had worsened his mother's temper ; she kept her younger son at a distance, and, as it would seem, gave all her confidence to Edward, and Edward affected to treat him as a boy. This was quite bad enough ; and now Olive was going away. Correspondence with her would be diffi- cult, if not impossible, and he could only hope to see her at long intervals. Olive tried to cheer him. " We are not going to the end of the world, you foolish boy," she said, smiling. " Whitebeach is only fifty miles away," " What does it matter where you are if I cannot see you ? " asked Charlie moodily. " Oh, but you can see me. You must come to White- beach." " All very fine ; but what would mother say — and Ned ? " " You must have an excuse, of course, and I think you will have one. I am almost sure my mother will ask you to be one of her trustees, along with Edward. You will, won't you ? " " Certainly. I would do anything in the world to oblige her and please you, darling." " Take care what you say. I shall, perhaps, be putting you to the test one of these days." " I wish you would — any test you like. I shall, of course, be glad to act as one of your mother's trustees, but I don't quite see how that will afford me a pretext for visiting you at Whitebeach." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. l8l " You could come to her to talk about business, you know." " I cannot imagine what there would be to talk about — unless you put her up to ask me to bring her dividends now and then." " Well, I shall see whether I cannot. I shall have to mind what I am about, though. But you are all to be invited to spend a few days with us at Whitsuntide ; and your mother has asked me to visit her at Holmcroft. Oh, we shall have opportunities, and I shall write to you occasionally, though you must on no account write to me. Mother is so very curi- ous about letters. And when the chancery suit is gone to the bourne from which no traveller returns, which I hope will be soon, and mother can think about other things, we will tell her all. So keep up your courage, Charlie dear. You said just now you would do anything to please me. Do that ; be of good cheer ; it will please me immensely." " God bless you, Olive, you are the best and dearest girl in the world." "Of course I am — but that is no reason why — see how you have upset my hair. And now I must really run away. We shall meet again at Whitsuntide ; and you shall hear from me in the meantime. Good-night." And then they parted, and rather to his surprise Charlie went away in better heart than he had come — the outlook was not so bad as he had thought it, after all. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER XXIIl. TRIED AND FOUND WANTING. Some two months after the Lincolns left Peele Edward received a letter from his client to the effect that Mr. Marsh being still on the Continent and the time of his return uncer- tain she had decided not to trouble him in the matter of the trusteeship. She was writing to Charlie, asking him to be good enough to accept the appointment, and in the event of his acceding to her request (as to which she made no doubt) Edward would perhaps kindly prepare the necessary deed, and they could all sign it when the brothers and Mrs. Prince came to Whitebeach at Whitsuntide. " Charlie will accept, of course, and a good thing, a very good thing. Plis appointment will make us safe in any event," thought Edward to himself : and he felt much as a general would feel who on the eve of battle was told that an impor- tant pass in his rear had been occupied by a detachment of his own troops. For as the day of the trial drew near Edward grew less confident. He protested to himself and everybody else that they were sure to win ; but the possibility of failure was undeniable, and followed by the appointment of Mr. Marsh would have spelt ruin. He hinted as much to his mother, when he told her of Mrs. Lincoln's proposal, to appoint Charlie, saying what a good thing it was and how much it had eased his mind. Mrs. Prince looked as if she did not quite understand him. " I am glad Mrs. Lincoln wishes to appoint your brother," she said. " It is a compliment to him and the family. Still, I don't quite see You are surely not in any doubt as to the result of the trial." " I think we shall win, of course : but everything is possible, and there is always the glorious uncertainty, you know." " Don't talk to me in that way. I knov; nothing of the sort, THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 183 in this case," returned Mrs. Prince, severely, almost angrily, indeed. " I refuse to admit the possibility which you sug- gest. And if — if the verdict were to go against us, I think I should doubt the goodness of God." Edward, dreading a scene, said no more. Besides, it was obviously impossible to reason with a woman who flatly refused to consider a certain contingency because its occur- rence would conflict with her ideas of the divine goodness. Charlie, whom Olive had already apprised of her mother's decision, wrote to Mrs. Lincoln by return post, saying how glad he should be to accept the appointment ; and Edward, writing at the same time, expressed his sense of the honor conierred upon them, and assured her that he and his brother would use their best endeavors to justify her confidence. The trial came off the following week, in the Court of Queen's Bench. It was marked by no sensational incidents, nor, save at Peele, did it excite any particular interest. There was no dispute as to the facts ; for nobody doubted that Leonard Prince had died from the effect of a snake-bite on the coast of Venezuela ; and in order to avoid the expense of bringing witnesses from Port-of-Spain, or sending thither a commission, the solicitors concerned had agreed to accept, as evidence, the account of the occurrence given by the Trinidad papers, and confirmed by private correspondents. Sergeant Somers and a junior appeared for the plaintiffs, the Attorney-General and a junior for the defendants. The sergeant, who was a fluent and powerful speaker, carried the v/ar into the enemy's camp with great vigor, stig- matizing the Assurance Company's refusal to pay the amount for which Mr. Prince had insured his life as a mean evasion of a solemn obligation, and contending at considerable length that the deceased had not broken his contract by going ashore at Chachacara Bay. The license for a limited sojourn in Trinidad, a license for which he had paid an extra premium, surely carried with it the privilege of doing what ordinary inhabitants of the island were in the habit of doing. A cruise in the Bay of Paria was an ordinary incident of Trinidadian life ; the landing and the result of an accident, for which Mr. Prince could no more be held responsible than for inadver- tently treading on the water mocassin that caused his death. He disembarked because, in the captain's opinion, he would be safer ashore than aboard. \\\ this he exercised a wise 1 84 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. discretion, and the learned counsel felt quite sure that in analogous circumstances any of the "gentlemen of the jury" v/ould have done the same. Se/ge?"\t Somers concluded with an eloquent appeal to the jury to give his clients the benefit of any doubt they might entertain — if, contrary to his belief and expectation, they should entertain any doubt — as to the right of the widow and children to receive the sum for which the late Mr. Prince had assured his life, and for which he had honestly and regularly paid the stipulated consideration. When Sergeant Somers sat down, the Attorney-General got up, and as in duty bound made very light of his adversary's arguments, even going so far as to protest that the plaintiffs had no case. A great company like the ^gis, he said, never disputed a claim unless it were flagrantly and obviously unjust, as in the present instance. But if they were to admit this claim, they might as well make all their policies absolute at once, and let their policy-holders live where they liked, even in the most pestiferous parts of the earth. The license was expressly for a voyage to and from Trinidad, and the perils incident thereto. It included a residence in the island for a limited time, and, of course, all that " residence " in the ordinary acceptation of the word fairly implied. His clients had no wish to construe this condition in any narrow sense. If Mr. Prince had lost his life while voyaging in Trinidadian waters they should have paid the sum for which it was assured without demur. But the Attorney-General called the particular attention of the jury to the fact that the license did not cover the perils incident to a voyage in Venezuelan waters, and a landing, voluntary or involuntary, on the Venezuelan coast. If it were competent for Mr. Prince under his license to go to one part of Venezuela it was competent for him to go to all parts, and some parts of that country were amongst the most unhealthy in the world. This would be practically converting a conditional license into an all-world policy, and the correspondence between the Secretary and Mr. Edward Prince (which he proceeded to read) showed that the company's oft'er to make it an all- world policy on very moderate terms was distinctly declined. In taking this course Mr. Edward Prince had clearly made a grievous mistake ; he had been penny wise and pound THE riUNCES OF PEELE. 185 foolish, but it would be hard indeed to visit on the company the unwisdom of a policy-holder. If there were any element of doubt in the case, he, the learned counsel, would be the first to urge the jury to give the plaintiffs the benefit of it ; but there was none, not a scintilla, and he besought the jury, as men of business and the world, to render a verdict in accordance with the principles of equity and the dictates of common-sense. The judge's summing up was decidedly in favor of the defendants. He cautioned the jury not to let their natural feeling for Mrs. Prince and her sons, and the common preju- dice against wealthy corporations, either warp their judgments or influence their verdict. All they had to do was to construe a contract as set forth on the policy on Mr. Prince's life, and the license for the voyage to Trinidad ; both of v/hich he read and commented upon in some detail. If the jury were of opinion that a license for a voyage to Trinidad and the perils incident thereto included a voyage to Venezuela and its incidental dangers, they would give a verdict for the plaintiffs, if not, their verdict would be for the defendants. After a short deliberation the foreman of the jury informed the Judge that they had found for the defendants. " It was your refusal to make the policy ' all-world,' that did the mischief," whispered Sergeant Somers to Edward Prince. " In the face of that, I really don't see how they could have come to any other conclusion." The Attorney-General, who had been conferring with the company's Solicitor and Secretary, asked and obtained per- mission to make a statement before the jury separated. The directors had instructed him to say that, in the event of the verdict being in their favor, they would not ask for their costs, and he, on his part, should advise them to pay to Mr. Prince's executors the surrender value of his interest in the policy at the time he went abroad, either in cash, or in the shape of a reduced premium, should the sons decide to con- tinue the policy on their joint lives." " Very liberal, very liberal indeed," observed the judge ; and murmurs of approval were heard in the jury box and echoed in the bar. "That's two for themselves and one for you," observed Sergeant Somers to his client. " It would be a shame if they kept all those premiums and gave nothing in return. They 1 86 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. could not do less, and this public announcement of their liberality will get into the papers and be a splendid adver- tisement for them." Edward made some sort of a reply — he hardly knew what — and the sergeant, seeing that his client was indisposed for conversation, said no more — to his client's great relief. For Edward was terribly disappointed. He had hoped against hope, and to the very last believed that they should win. Now, the scales were fallen from his eyes, and he saw that he had been living in a fool's paradise from the first — worse still, that public opinion at Peele would hold him responsible for the result. People would say that to save a hundred and fifty pounds he had thrown away fifteen thousand. The Attorney-General's taunt cut him to the quick. It wounded him in his most sensitive part — his self-esteem — he felt the imputation all the more keenly that it was entirely undeserved, and he could not resent it as publicly as it vv'as made. He had not made a mistake. He had acted on sound business principles. The veriest fool could be wise after the event. What would have been the good of making the policy " all-world " when his father proposed to go only to Trinidad ? The fault was his father's. But for his father's fatal indiscretion, all would have been well. Unfortunately, however, this was a line of defence he could not undertake without incurring the reproach of disrespect for his father's memory : and at Peele respect for that memory was an article of faith. " Well, I must just grin and bear it — and alone, too," he thought bitterly. " Mother is very trying — she won't listen to reason — and Charlie is as happy as the day is long, con- found him. However, that is nearly over. When he learns the secret and executes the deed of appointment his immu- nity will cease. We shall both be in the same boat then, and he will have to do as he is told. But what is to be done next .'' That is the question." To which question Edward promptly addressed himself, and, being a man of energy and resource, was not long in deciding on a plan of action. When he had done thinking he wrote to his mother apprising her of the result of the trial, which he ascribed to the one-sided and almost malig- nant summing up of the judge. Yet though it was a terrible misfortune, he implored her not to be cast down. The secret THE PRIiVCES OF PEELE. 1S7 was still intact, there was not the least reason to fear expos- ure, and he had thought of a scheme which would enable them to meet the difficulty arising out of the loss of the insur- ance money. Of this he should give her full particulars on his return ; business of importance would keep him in London another day. He wrote in the same sense to his brother, omitting, however, any reference to the secret and the scheme. Edward's object in remaining in town was to avoid break- ing the bad news to his mother in person. He thought that by the time he got home she would have recovered somewhat from the shock, and spare him the reproaches in which she might otherwise have indulged. In this he was not disappointed. He found his mother look- ing pale and stern indeed*; and the dark circles round her eyes told of a sleepless night, but she was quite composed, and, as it might seem, in a reasonable frame of mind. "What is your plan ? " she asked abruptly. " I want to know nothing more of this iniquitous trial. Let us not talk about it — your plan .' " Edward's plan was to surrender the policy out and out and get all they could from the company. There was no object to be gained by keeping up the policy on Charlie's life and his own. They were both young and likely to sur- vive Mrs. Lincoln, and the payment of the premiums was a heavy drain. He had seen Mr. Cutter, and the company were disposed to deal fairly with them. The full surrender value, reckoned on a liberal scale, would probably amount to fifteen hundred or two thousand pounds. As to this, he should hear further from the Secretary in the course of a few days. The sum recovered from the company would form the nucleus of a fund for the liquidation of the liability to Mrs. Lincoln's trust. Meanwhile, the money could be used for temporary advances to clients at a high rate of interest, thereby bringing grist to the mill both directly and indi- rectly. Edward had also a plan for notably increasing the profits of the office, and he thought, by limiting their draw- ings and living carefully, they might wipe off the debt in seven or eight years. In all probability an over sanguine estimate ; but besides being as ignorant of figures as women generally are, Mrs. Prince was just then too anxious to be critical. 1 88 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Thank God ! It is not so bad as I feared," she said with a sigh of relief, and the care-worn face lost some of its gloom. " How clever you are, dear ! I like your plan ; it seems so practical. We must all economize. I think I can keep house on my marriage settlement and the five hundred a year ; so that you and Charlie will only need to take from the business what you require for your personal expenses. In seven years, you say ? " " Seven or eight — with ordinary luck." ** Of course. And as Charlie is to be your co-trustee, nobody will know anything — the secret will be kept in the family." " Exactly. And if I happen to be ill or away from home when Mrs. Lincoln's dividends fall due Charlie can do what is necessary." " You will tell him then ? " " Of course. There is nothing else for it, he is my partner. Without his consent I can neither surrender the policv nor go on paying Mrs. Lincoln her interest." " Poor boy ! I would have spared him a little longer," murmured Mrs. Prince sadly. " It is a terrible weight to lay on his young shoulders, Edward." " Well, they are pretty strong shoulders ; and it is quite time for him to learn the family secret and help in carrying the family burden," returned Edward. " The family secret," said Mrs. Prince with a slight shud- der, and in a low, intense voice. " Do you know, dear, I sometimes think it has been the family curse ? But for it your father would never have gone to the West Indies. See what trouble it has caused you ! It has lain on my mind like lead all these years — and now Charlie — yet we acted for the best. It was impossible to let Jack be prosecuted. The disgrace would have been more than I could bear, and utterly ruined your prospects. We should have had to leave Peele. I would do the same again, Edward. When shall you tell Charles ? " " Let me see ! We go to Whitebeach next Friday. I will tell him the day before." '' Poor boy ! Break it as gently as you can. It will be a great shock to him, and a heavy burden afterwards. He is very like his father, sensitive on the point of honor." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 189 CHAPTER XXIV. A FAMILY DIFFERENCE. On the following Thursday the brothers were in the room at Holmcroft, once their father's, where they wrote and smoked, kept their fishing-tackle and fowling-pieces, and used generally as a bachelors' den. They had just dined ; their mother was in the drawing-room. Both were smoking Ned a cigarette, Charlie a briar-root pipe. Charlie, looking forward to seeing Olive on the morrow, was in high spirits, all the more so as Ned, owing to an un- expected demand for his presence at some committee meet- ing (he had succeeded to all his father's appointments) could not leave for Whitebeach before Saturday. Wherefore, Charlie, as he hoped and confidently believed, would have his sweetheart pretty nearly all to himself for the greater part of two days. But Edward, vexed at having to stay behind, and surmis- ing the cause of his brother's brightness, was in an evil temper, and his thoughts were not pleasant. "You have got the deed of appointment, I suppose ? " he said, d, propos of nothing in particular. " It is in my bag." " Mrs. Lincoln knows you will accept ? " " Of course. Didn't we both write to her ? " " Well, as you are to be my co-trustee — I have something to tell you, Charlie — something very important." " All right, old man. Go ahead ! " " Pray be serious. It is no laughing matter, I assure you." " I was not laughing." " At any rate, you smiled." " How long has it been a sin to smile ? I smiled because you looked so glum." " I look glum, do I ? So would you — what I have to tell you is something in which you, like mother and myself, are deeply concerned. It is a family secret, long kept back from 190 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. you, first by father's wish, since by mother's, for your own good ; but things have happened which render it imperative that you should be told." " Go on, I am all attention," said Charlie, sobering down and looking serious. " Before I go on I must ask you not to reveal or hint to anybody, directly or indirectly, what I am about to tell you." " As it is a family secret, that goes without saying. I give you my word to keep it inviolate.'' " Well, it concerns Mrs. Lincoln's trust. There is nothing in it." " Nothing in it ! What do you mean ? " " Money. There is no money in it." Charlie looked quite bewildered. " But — why — how ? " he stammered. " Mrs. Lincoln's money is in Consols, and she gets her dividends regularly. I have seen the receipts. You are chaffing, after all." " Chaffing ! This is too serious a matter for chaff, Charlie. I tell you Mrs. Lincoln's settled fortune is non-existent. It is gone — vanished — though Mrs. Lincoln does not know it." " Gone ! How t " " Father sold out the stock and used the proceeds to square those Liverpool people, when Jack robbed them and ran away." " But that was — a breach of trust," exclaimed Charlie, aghast. " Of course it was, but it was either that or letting Jack be prosecuted for embezzlement and forgery — to the tune of nearly twenty thousand pounds — which would have meant penal servitude for him and a fearful disgrace for the family. We should have had to leave Peele. Not that I approve of what father did. I would have let Jack hang before I would have used trust money, and saddled myself with that huge liability, and risked unspeakable consequences. I did not know of it till afterwards." The young fellow bowed his head, and his heart sank within him. His idol was overthrown. The father whom he had so deeply loved and revered, whom he had always regarded as a model and exemplar of every manly and Christian virtue, that father had committed an act of delib- erate dishonesty and violated the trust reposed in him by a friend, and that friend a woman. And then, remembering THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 191 his essentially noble nature and high sense of honor, and that memorable conversation on the way to Southampton, he realized how intensely his father must have suffered, how terrible had been the temptation to which he yielded, and pitied him with all his soul. His poor father ! " It was to provide for restitution of the trust fund that father insured his life," observed Edward, after a long pause, which Charlie did not seem disposed to terminate. '* The trial was a terrible blow. I really durst not face mother with the news. That was why I stayed in London another day. But she bears up bravely, much better than I expected." " My God ! What shall we do, then >. We have not fifteen thousand pounds." " Nor anything like it. We must keep it quiet, go on as we have been doing, and wipe off the debt as best we can." And then Edward explained his plan, and showed Charlie the calculations on which it was based. " I told mother we could pay it in seven or eight years — that was to keep her quiet, she worries so — but if we can do it in nine or ten, without crippling ourselves overmuch, I shall be very glad." " And meanwhile ? " " Meanwhile ? " repeated Edward snappishly. " Don't you see .-• Didn't I say that we must go on as usual, pay Mrs. Lincoln her dividends as they fall due, and keep our own counsel ? " ** And execute the deed of appointment, and make believe that the principal sum is intact and invested in Government stock.?" " Exactly. I think, though, you might have put it a little less bluntly." " Well, you may do as you please, but as for me, I .shall not be a party to the — deed." " The devil you won't ! " " I shall not accept the appointment unless Mrs. Lincoln is first informed of the facts. She is a good woman ; she won't be hard, she will give us time." " Oh, this is the most infernal nonsense I ever heard," ex- claimed Edward, impatiently. " What has Mrs. Lincoln's goodness to do with it } You cannot bind her to secrecy ; indeed, I doubt whether she can keep a secret. She would tell tAvo or three other women — in strict confidence — and it 192 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. would be all over Peele in a week. Besides, I told her dis- tinctly that her money was still in the ' three per cents.' — I could not help it, she asked me — and mother would rather die than give her consent." " All the same, Ned — No, the deception would be too gross. I will do anything in reason, but put my name to a statement which I know to be untrue ! That I cannot do, to please anybody." Edward was getting very angry. His brother's refusal to accept the trusteeship was the last thing he expected. " So that is the line you take, eh t " he said, sneeringly. " You have a higher sense of honor than the rest of the family, and yet you won't stretch a point to save the family from dis- grace. I suppose you think I am quite capable either of tell- ing a lie or signing a false statement .-' " " And if I do think so I only judge you out of your own mouth," returned Charlie whose temper his brother's inso- lence had thoroughly roused. " Didn't }'ou say just now you had told Mrs. Lincoln that her fortune was still in the three per cents .'' What do you call that .-" " Edward now almost beside himself, sprang to his feet. " If we weren't brothers you should smart for this," he exclaimed fiercely. " What do you mean ? " asked Charlie, also rising. " What do I mean ? I mean that I should thrash you." " You couldn't, Ned. I am stronger than you, and you were never much of a fighter." Though excited and angry, Charlie was much cooler than his senior. " But we are brothers, and it is wicked to quarrel in this way." " Why did you insult me, then .-* " " Why did you t " At this point the door opened, and Mrs. Prince came in. " Haven't you done smoking ?" she began, and then seeing that something was wrong, stopped short. " Why — what — you are standing up ; you both look pale and angry," she went on. " Surely you have not been quarrelling "i How was it ? What is it about .'' " " Ask Charlie," said Edward. " Ask Ned," said Charlie. " You are the elder, Edward ; I ask you." " I told him about that — as we agreed — and now he won't accept the appointment, and refuses to sign the deed." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 193 Mrs. Prince's countenance darkened. " Is this so, Charlie ? " she demanded sternly. " I don't think it would be right, mother — unless Mrs. Lin- coln is told." " Tell Mrs. Lincoln ! " exclaimed Mrs. Prince, aghast ; " tell Mrs. Lincoln ! Are you mad, boy 1 Do you know ? " " I know. Ned has told me everything. Let us do the right thing, mother. We shall never have a better chance. Jack is far away, poor father gone — forever. We can explain to Mrs. Lincoln how, but for the loss of the trial, which is no fault of ours, the money, used under the stress of a great emergency, would have been restored ; and proposes to make it good by instalments, as Ned says — of course paying the interest regularly in the meantime. I am sure she will agree and think all the better of us for our honesty and frankness and keep our secret. And think what a weight it would be off your mind, mother ! " Mrs. Prince seemed to hesitate. Charlie's appeal had evidently made an impression. " What do you think, Edward ? " she said, turning to her elder son. If his mother had been simply a client and himself disin- terested Edward would doubtless have urged her to follow Charlie's advice. But he had told Mrs. Lincoln that her fortune was intact ; and the disclosure must needs lower him in that lady's estimation — and Olive's, and exalt his brother, who would shine as the only immaculate member of the family. Anything were better than that. " I cannot agree with Charlie ; I wish I could," he said earnestly, and in his usual self-contained manner. " It would simplify matters immensely, as he says, and take a great weight off your mind— and mine. But how do we know that Mrs. Lincoln would undertake to keep the matter secret, and whether, though she did, she could ? In her annoyance— and she is sure to be more or less annoyed — she might let out whatever we confide to her — and we shall have to tell every- thing. There can be no half confidence. And as for giving us time to pay up — isn't it at least on the cards — in my opinion it is almost certain that Mrs. Lincoln would change her mind about appointing Charlie and me ? And whomsoever else she might appoint would be in duty bound to enforce immediate restitution of the trust fund by all the means in 13 194 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. their power. Unless I am mistaken, mother, you and I as father's executors, could be made personally responsible ; the office would be broken up ; I should lose my appointments, and if the new trustees were hostile — which is quite possible — the estate might have to be wound up in bankruptcy also." " That is quite enough, Edward," cried Mrs. Prince, appalled by this catalogue of contingent calamities, " you need say no more. Mrs. Lincoln must not be told, and you must accept the trusteeship, Charles." " I cannot, mother. I don't presume to judge you ; but from my point of view it would not be right." " Would it be right to besmirch your father's name and drag Edward and me into the Bankruptcy Court ? That is the alternative. It cannot be wrong to obey your mother, and I ask you to do this for my sake, if not for your own. I will take the responsibility." It was hard to withstand his mother, but the young fellow, recalling his father's parting counsel, given, as it might appear, in view of the very eventuality which was now come to pass, repeated his refusal. " I am very sorry ; you distress me beyond measure, but I cannot, I really cannot. I would rather lose my right hand than sign that deed without telling Mrs. Lincoln." " Oh, Charlie, do you want to break my heart ? " and with that Mrs. Prince threw her arms around his neck and laying her head on his shoulder fell a-weeping. No wonder Charlie wavered and showed hesitation, which his mother quickly perceiving redoubled her efforts, not commanding, but entreating and beseeching. " My dear boy, my own Charlie, don't be so hard. Your acceptance of the trusteeship is the only way of preventing disaster and disgrace. I am getting into years, these troubles are telling on me. I should die, Charlie, and oh, to think of it, you would be the cause." Charlie kissed his mother tenderly ; and it was evident that, for the moment at least, he was silenced, if not van- quished. " It is all right ; he will do as you wish," interposed Edward. " He would not let me dictate to him just now, and quite right, too. I lost my temper. I am sorry if I hurt you, old fellow, but we will say no more about it, and let bygones be bygones. Com.e, I v, ill take you to your room, THE PRINCES OE PEELE. 195 mother. You must lie down, or you will have a headache after all this excitement." " Let bygones be bygones ! " murmured Charlie bitterly, when they were gone. " Does he mean it, I wonder ? If he had not frightened mother with his exaggerations she would have agreed to my proposal. Oh, why didn't I stand to my guns "i They may say what they like, but it would be an infamy to sign that deed and keep Mrs. Lincoln in the dark." Again Charlie recalled his father's words almost the last he had heard from his lips : " If you have any doubt, give con- science the benefit of it. , . . You will be glad afterwards, for you w'ill have nothing to reproach yourself with, and right can never be wrong, nor wrong right." " Which is it to be ? " he asked himself. " Shall I obey my father and do right, or my mother and do wrong ? " " I had no idea Charlie would prove so restive and stubborn. He has always been so easy-tempered and obedient," observed Mrs. Prince to her elder son as they passed to her room. " Well, he surprised me, but it was a good deal my own fault. I was out of temper and rubbed him the wrong way. I suppose that got his back up. It was well you tried entreaty. I tried the other thing and it did not answer." " Yet he did not say he would sign the deed, after all." " He did not say he would not, and that comes to the same thing. Silence gives consent. Take for granted that he will and say no more. And when you come to think about it, he has no alternative. He has promised Mrs. Lincoln to accept the trust and given me his word not to split. You need not worry, mother ; he will sign fast enough when it comes to the point." 196 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER XXV. "at whitebeac h." When Charlie considered the alternative of compliance with his mother's wish he saw, as Edward had seen, the difhculty of his position. He was between the devil and the deep sea. To sign the deed would be to make himself par- ticipator in a fraud, a fraud that, in view of his present and prospective relations with the Lincolns, would be doubly- infamous, which, were it to come to Olive's knowledge, she never would pardon. On the other hand, refusal would embroil him with ever3'body. His mother and brother would overwhelm him with reproaches ; Mrs. Lincoln would be deeply and justly offended, and Olive unappeasable. It was her pet scheme, a scheme on which she had set her heart, and of which he himself had warmly approved. How could he get out of it '^. What excuse could he offer ? That he was too young, that the responsibility would be too great for him, that it was inexpedient for brothers to be trustees under the same settlement ? None of these pretexts would hold water, and if made would simply be laughed out of court. He could not even think of a plausible, harmless lie, and if he did take to lying he might as well sign the deed and have done with it. That would clearly be the simplest course and by far the easiest,— if he could forget honor and honesty, his father's sage advice and his duty to Olive and her mother. These thoughts kept Charlie awake the greater part of the night, and morning found him still halting between two opinions, still wandering in a maze of perplexity and indecision. When he met his mother at breakfast no reference was made to the scene of the night before. Mrs. Prince, who since her husband's death had been subject to fits of despond- ency, was unusually cheerful. Edward urbane and in good spirits. He had received a letter from the ^gis people to THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 197 the effect that they were prepared to pay two thousand pounds for the surrender of the hfe poUcy. This was more than its actuarial value, but for reasons which would readily suggest themselves they were desirous to offer the most liberal terms in their power. " I suppose you will accept ? " said Mrs. Prince. " Of course. I shall write and say so at once, though as we are going away the transaction cannot be completed until offer the holidays." Later in the day Edward had a characteristically happy thought. It occurred to him that he might as well try to get a little more. So he wrote a polite letter to the company, thanking them for their offer, which he and his brother were disposed to accept. He would communicate with them further after the holidays. Meanwhile, he put it to the company whether, considering the heavy sums which the late Mr. Prince had paid in premiums, and the unfortunate circumstances of his death, it would not be a graceful act on their part to meet all the costs of the recent suit. This drew a prompt and curt reply from the Secretary, to the effect that his directors declined to modify in any sense the terms which they had proposed, and unless these were formally accepted and the policy surrendered in the course of the ensuing week the offer would be withdrawn and not repeated. The Secretary's letter followed Edward Prince to White- beach, and was answered a few days later in a way which took the first-named gentleman's breath away and gave his directors a bad quarter of an hour. Five-and-thirty years ago Whitebeach had not begun to be popular ; it was neither infested by cheap trippers nor patro- nized by people of fashion. The village consisted of a post- office, an inn with an ivy-covered porch, and a dozen fisher- men's and laborers' cottages with thatched roofs. The parish possessed, further, three or four farmhouses, and half- a-dozen or so of a better sort occupied by people who pre- ferred the rural charms of \Miitebeach to the rampant row- dyism of Ramsgate or the ostentatious vulgarity of Brighton. There were neither donkey-boys nor bathing-vans, and trains were so few and far between that the station-master had time to cultivate roses, and his garden was one of the sights of the place. igS THE PRINCES OF PEELE. When the Princes arrived at Whitebeach station, they were greeted, rather to their surprise, by Mrs. Lincoln and her daughter. " So kind of you to meet us," said Mrs. Prince, as she ex- changed kisses with her hostess. " So good of you to come," murmured Charlie as he shook hands with Olive. " We are so quiet here that the arrival of visitors is an event of which we naturally make the most," said Mrs. Lin- coln. " Sometimes we come down merely to see who is com- ing or going. The phaeton is outside. We can either drive round by the road or go by the footpath, an easy walk of a mile or so." " The footpath, by all means, I feel quite cramped with sitting so long," returned Mrs. Prince. Charlie also elected for the footpath, the bags and rugs were deposited in the phaeton and the Lincolns and their guests climbed a rustic stile by the roadside and took to the fields. The day was perfect, the way delightful — now pass- ing over a daisy-pied meadow, now through a field of waving corn, anon dipping into a glade, where a gurgling stream, crossed by a moss-grown bridge, flowed gently between the entwined boughs of overhanging trees. Larks were carolling in the sun, swift-winged swallows chasing in graceful fiight their tiny prey ; and a quiet sea breeze wafted inland the odor of pine woods and the perfume of flowers. Albeit still preoccupied and perplexed, Charlie Prince could not be insensible to the subtle mfluence of these sights and sounds, so propitious to enjoyment and love. The brightness of the day, the beauty of the landscape, and the presence of his sweetheart were not long in conjuring away his cares. Before they were over the first field he had be- come talkative and gay. For prudential reasons the lovers made no attempt to " pair off," and in obedience to a whispered hint from Olive the young fellow devoted himself more assiduously to the elder ladies than to INIiss Lincoln. He was especially atten- tive to her mother, she to his ; and though two of the party were burdened with a portentous secret all seemed to be in high spirits and unapprehensive of impending trouble. " There ! That is our house, or rather the house we Xwo. in," said Mrs. Lincoln, as they emerged from a clump of THE PRINCES OF PEELE. '99 trees which for the last few minutes had obscured the view. " And you call it? " asked Mrs. Prince. " The Pines." A red brick house with a tiled roof, mellowed with age, many-gabled, and built on a hillside. Above it, terraced gardens and shrubberies, and, higher still, a dark pine wood. A little to the left a break in the cliffs and an almost land- locked cove, with fishing boats drawn up on the beach, and a small yacht riding at anchor. " How lovely ! " exclaimed Mrs. Prince with effusion. " Edward said Whitebeach was nice, but I had no idea it was so charming as this." " Oh, yes, it is very nice and lovely, also lonely, not to say dull," observed Mrs. Lincoln dryly. " For my part, I like a little society. At present the place seems to be inhabited chiefly by women. Except the fisher folk and Mr. Oldbury, the Rector, we don't see a man in a blue moon. I am sorry Edward could not come with you. But he will be here to- morrow, you say ? " " Yes, and I hope early — if he can get away. He is de- tained by town's business, which he cannot possibly do by deputy — and he always puts business before pleasure." " And quite right, too. It is the way to get on. By-the- bye, I hope he has found time to prepare the deed of appoint- ment." " Oh dear, yes. Charlie has it in his bag. It can be signed to-morrow." " There is no hurry. It will do any time before the gentle- men go, and I hope they will stay as long as they can. As for you, Mrs. Prince, I shall keep you for a fortnight, at least — longer, if your sons can spare you." Mrs. Prince, whose cue it was to be " all things " to Mrs. Lincoln, smiled pleasantly and said she would be very glad — if her hostess could do with her. " Do with you," exclaimed Mrs. Lincoln. " I shall be grateful to you. Why, we are sometimes so dull that I have sometimes thought of advertising for a brace of rattles." Mrs. Prince turned pale. Rattles suggested burglars. " Rattles ! Yes, it is very lonely here, as you say. But I should think night catches and electric bells would be a better protection than rattles." 200 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Bless you ! I didn't mean wooden rattles. I meant a brace of lively American girls who could go on talking till further orders, play and sing whenever they were asked, take a hand at whist, and make themselves generally useful and always agreeable." Whereupon everybody laughed, but Charlie's laugh was forced, and he felt sure it sounded hollow. The mention of the deed had sent his spirits down to zero again, and for a few minutes thereafter he was so sombre and silent that Olive asked him, as he helped her over a stile, what he was dream- ing about. " You," he whispered, and truly, for the question which most troubled him was what she would say when he told her (if he did tell her) that he must decline to become her mother's trustee. Olive, smiling archly, suggested that if thinking about her made him look so dismal he had better think about some- thing else, on which Charlie laughed, as in duty bound, and pulling himself together, made a not unsuccessful effort to look pleasant. When they reached the house luncheon was ready. The meal over, Mrs. Lincoln suggested that Mrs. Prince should lie down for a while, " I am sure you must be tired," she said; " and when you are rested we will go out for a drive. What will you do, Charlie?" " Explore." " You mean look round the place," added Mrs, Lincoln, after a moment's thought. " But you won't know How- ever, I dare say Olive will go with you — will you, Olive ? " " Certainly, mother." " You must not be long, though. I have ordered the carriage for three o'clock." Mrs. Lincoln did not make this proposal very heartily ; but hospitality has its duties ; she could not do the honors herself without missing her afternoon nap, and it was only for once in a way. Edward, when he came, would act as a check on Charlie's amatory hankerings, if he entertained any, and she was beginning to think that her apprehensions on this score had been groundless. After Olive had taken her lover through the greenhouses and round the garden, both behaving the while as discreetly THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 20I as if they were under their mothers' eyes, she piloted him by devious paths towards the pine wood, first bidding him mark well the way, so that he might find it another time unguided. " But why ? Where are we going ? " he asked. " You will see." Presently they reached a quickthorn hedge, dense, high, and apparently impenetrable ; but gliding behind a fir tree with wide-spreading boughs Olive slipped through an almost invisible gap, and Charlie, following, found himself in a broad walk, hemmed in between the hedge and a high wall, hidden under a century's growth of ivy, and carpeted with mossy turf. At one end of the walk was an arbor, at the other, a tiny pool, white with water-lilies. " Now we can talk," said Olive. Charlie put his arm round her waist and " I didn't mean that (laughing). However, nobody ever comes here but me. Mother does not know of it ; besides, she objects to climbing the hill. I did not find it out until we had been here a month, and then by accident. You have no idea how weirdly beautiful it looks by moonlight. But the gardeners — Mr. Marsh keeps the gardens up, you know — won't come near the place if they can help, especially after dark." " Why ? " "They wouldn't tell you if you asked them. They wouldn't tell me. So I got one of the maids to find out. They think it is haunted. They are superstitious, rustics generally are, I fancy, especially when they live near the sea, but I am not in the least, are you ? " " No ; but why should it be haunted ? " " Well, there are two stories ; one has it that, long ago, a former owner of the property hanged himself to one of the trees hereabout ; another, that he was drowned while boating off Thornby Point, for which cause his disembodied spirit is supposed to revisit the glimpses of the moon, and has been seen on this very spot within the last four years. At least, so they say. And what do you suppose they used to call this beauti- ful glade ? ' Dead Man's Walk ! ' Wasn't it too horrid 1 Mais nous avons change tout cela." " What do they call it now ? " " What should you think ? The Fairies' Tryst. Are you an early riser, Charlie ? " 2 02 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Well, not very, but I can be, you know. Why ? " " Because — early morning is the pleasantest part of the day at this time of the year. All is so fresh and bright, and the birds are singing and the rabbits hopping about, and that. I often come here about seven or eight. I daresay I shall be here to-morrow morning and on Monday." " I am sure I shall. I like to hear the birds sing and see the rabbits hop about, and all that." " Don't tease ; if you do you will only have the rabbits and the birds to keep you company. There are three or four ways of getting here, which is fortunate, for we must not be seen coming together or following each other. Didn't you observe that mother rather hesitated to let me show you round the garden ? Close to the pool is a door in the wall, open- ing into a path which brings you to the bottom of the carriage drive ; and behind the arbor is another path leading to the boathouse and the cove." " I shall go round by the cove." " Do. Then nobody can suspect, and on Monday morn- ing we might come another way. And now we must return, or we shall outstay our leave, and then mother would think — what we don't want her to think — at present." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 203 CHAPTER XXVr. THE fairies' tryst. Charlie hesitated no longer. He would neither play the liypocrite with Olive nor deceive her mother by accepting a bogus trust. For the others, being already committed, there was some excuse ; for him, with his father's warning ringing in his ears, none. He was, moreover, absolutely certain, his brother to the contrary notwithstanding, that Mrs. Lincoln would both give them time and keep their secret ; and it might be that his refusal to sign the deed Vv^ould compel them to deal frankly with her. It would be very painful, of course — another scene with his mother, another quarrel with Ned — but nothing could be more painful than the agonies of doubt which he had lately endured, and anything were better than participating in an act of which he should never be able to think without shame and remorse. In the improbable event of Olive on the following day speaking of the trust, or referring to the deed, he would tell her all that he was at liberty to disclose — otherwise not until Monday morning. For her sake it was better to keep her in the bliss of ignorance so long as might be ; for his own, to put off the portentous communication to the last moment. After telling Olive he would announce his decision to Ned and his mother, and then — the deluge. The second meeting at the Fairies' Tr}^st went off as Charlie expected. Olive made no mention of the trust. Why should she ? She regarded the affair as settled ; the brothers had agreed to act, and they had only to execute the deed which Charlie had brought in his bag. After a delightful tete-a-tete the lovers returned to the house by different ways, and when he strode carelessly into the breakfast-room she was pouring out a cup of tea for his mother. He had been down at the Cove, he said ; Mrs. Lincoln 2 04 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. hoped he enjoyed his walk, to which he answered that he had enjoyed himself immensely, and Olive from behind the tea urn gave him so roguish a glance that it was all he could do to keep his countenance. Late in the day Edward came, and he had so much to say, and the two matrons made so much of him, and Olive deemed it to be politic to be so civil to him (by way of lulling her mother's suspicions) that Charlie had to fall rather into the background, not unwillingly, for as the day wore on he thought more and more of the ordeal before him and its pos- sible issues, and wondered wistfully what the next forty-eight hours would bring forth. After Edward had been flattered and refreshed, there was a walk down to the cove and an inspection of Mr. Marsh's yawl, which he had placed at Mrs. Lincoln's disposal ; and at that lady's suggestion it was agreed that on Monday her daughter should go out for a sail, with Edward for captain and Charlie for crew. Both knew how to sail a boat, but the elder was supposed to be the more skilful sailor of the two. Sunday was spent in going to church, rambling in the grounds, and sauntering by the sea-shore. At night a little concert of sacred music, in which Edward who had a voice like a corn crake, was conceited enough to think that he dis- tinguished himself ; then, all to bed. To Charlie's relief, for there is nothing more fatiguing than trying to look happy when you feel miserable, and as the critical moment drew near his uneasiness increased. All day he had been op- pressed with gloomy forebodings, and for a long time wooed sleep in vain. Wakening at six and finding further sleep im- possible, he rose, donned his clothes, and going softly down- stairs slipped out by a side door. Now, it so fell out that Edward, happening at the same time to open his bedroom window, to let in the fresh morn- ing air, spied his brother wending down the avenue. This made Edward put on his considering cap. " What," he asked himself, " can be Charlie's object in rising so early ? At home he stops in bed till the last moment." And his naturally sharp wits being still further sharpened by curiosity and suspicion he was not long in coming to the conclusion that Charlie's object was Olive — that they had planned a ma- tutinal meeting, and he was on his way to the rendezvous. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 205 " If I could only catch them ! '' muttered Edward between his set teeth. It was too late to see whither Charlie went ; but if he were right in his surmise Olive would presently be making her way in the same direction (Charlie would naturally start first) and her he might shadow. So Edward hastily dressed, keeping watch the while from his windows, which looked south and west respectively, and commanded several exits. After watching for nearly an hour he was rewarded for his diligence. Miss Lincoln, wearing a sun-bonnet and garden gloves, and armed with a light spud, crossed the lawn ; and, as it might appear, made straight for the pine wood. Three minutes later Edward was on her track, at a respectable distance, however, and dodging behind shrubs and bushes to avoid being seen. After a short, albeit exciting, chase, he reached the quick- thorn hedge ; and there the pursuit ended, for though he could have sworn that Olive was not a score of yards ahead of him, and he had caught a glimpse of her gown only a moment previously, he was completely baffled. The quarry had vanished without leaving a trace behind. Edward looked hard at the hedge. It was as strong and impervious as a stone wall. No animal less ponderous than an elephant could break through it, none less active than a deer leap over it. He reconnoitred it from one end to the other, made several wide casts, and after loitering about a long time retraced his steps, foiled and discomfited, and wild with jealousy and rage, for though he had failed to catch the lovers m. flagrante delicto he had not a shadow of doubt that they were together — somewhere. When Olive, unaware of the danger she had so narrowly escaped, slipped through the opening, which Edward had fortunately overlooked, Charlie received her in his arms and greeted her even more tenderly than usual. Who could tell when or whether he should have the chance again ? " How kind of you to come ! " he said. " Was the coast clear ? Have you any news ? " " Quite. I did not see even a gardener. Yes, I have news, a letter — whom do you think from "i And a message for you." " I have no idea." " From Cousin Paul. It came yesterday. He writes from 2o6 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. Nevada City, California. This is the message (producing the letter). I will read it. Listen. ' Tell your (a word I cannot make out, but I know he means you) that the impos- sible has happened. I have come across Mark Uarnley— more, I have taken him in hand and he is doing well. I gave him the message. It brought tears to his eyes, and he was very quiet and down for a long time afterwards ; he would like anybody who takes an interest in him to know that he has kept straight ever since he came to this country ; and he thinks that before long his family will hear something to his advantage. I think so, too. When are you going to bring your Prince to America ? He would make his fortune out here. He is the right sort. I shall never forget the Vv'on- derful way in which he made your horse turn a somersault over that fence.' " Dear old Paul ! I should like to see him again. Who is this Mark Darnley, and why did you send him a message .-• " "Well, it's rather a secret, but you can keep one." "Try me." " Mark Darnley is my brother Jack, As you may have heard. Jack was a sad scapegrace and a sore trouble to my father and mother. He behaved so badly, in fact, that it was impossible for him to remain in England ; and Ned and I got him away to America. Knowing he had gone West, I asked your cousin to keep a look-out for him, without, of course, saying he was my brother, though I fancy, from the tone of his letter, that he guesses or has been told the truth." " Why does he go by the name of Darnley ? " " To throw the police off his track. He deserted from the army; and there was a hue and cry after him." " How dreadful ! But he is doing well now, and from what Paul says, I am sure he is very sorry and penitent." " He has need to be. When I think of the trouble he has caused ! However, the less said about Jack the better. It is a painful subject — and I have something to tell you, darling, something which has been on my mind since I came here. I am very sorry, for I fear it will make you as unhappy as it has made me — but there is no help for it." " What is it ? " asked Olive anxiously. " I shall have to decline being your mother's trustee." " You are surely joking," she said, eyeing him with bewil- dered gaze. THE PRINCES OE PEELE. 207 " Do I look as if I were joking ? " In truth, he looked more like a man who is about to be executed, or going in for a competitive examination. "But why ? What has happened ? " " That is the worst of it. I am not at liberty to say." " Not at liberty to say, not at liberty to tell me ! " she exclaimed hotly, disengaging herself from his embrace. " I thought we were to have no secrets from each other. Is this the return for my love ? Is this " " Don't be so hast}', Olive. Let me explain." " What can you explain ? Will you tell me why you refuse to do this very small favor for my mother, which you said you esteemed an honor ? Will you tell me, yes or no ? " " Do have a little patience with me, Olive. I cannot answer yes or no. You may be sure I would if I could — right willingly. Some time you shall know all. But for the present my lips are sealed — much against my own will. Believe me, darling, that if I could tell you without breaking my word I would not hesitate a moment." *' Breaking your word, indeed ! Why, you are breaking it now. Didn't you write to my mother that you would accept the appointment with pleasure ? Haven't you protested over and over again that you would do whatever I asked you, and never keep aught back from me ? " Olive spoke with great heat and indignant gesture. She was touched in her pride, and felt as if her love were contemned. The idea of making Charlie a trustee was entirely hers. It was she who had suggested it to her mother, and persuaded her to discard Mr. Marsh. Her lover's refusal to act was both a breach of faith and an affront to her mother and herself. "It is all over between us," she continued after a short pause. " As we have not been formally engaged there is no engagement to break off. And we never shall be engaged. I cannot give my love to a man who slights my mother, and refuses me his confidence." " Don't say that, Olive. For God's sake don't say that. You will break my heart. If you knew how sorely I have been tried you would pity me instead of blaming me. I am striving to do right under terrible pressure to do wrong. You don't want me to do wrong, and I should do if " Here poor Charlie, who was deeply moved, nearly broke 2o8 THE FRIJVCES OF PEELE. down, and in her heart Olive began to relent. But her temper was still high, and her pride would not let her show signs of yielding. " It cannot be right to slight my mother or wrong to give me your confidence — if you really love me," she said coldly. " However, you will do as you think best. I shall return your letters before you leave ; you can send mine when you get home." And then she turned on her heel and went down by the arbor; but as she thought of her lover's distress and recalled his pathetic appeal pity conquered pride, and, once out of sight, she stopped frequently and listened eagerly, hoping to hear his well-known footsteps, and ready to throw herself into his arms and ask his forgiveness for her hasty words. But Charlie, ignorant of the vagaries of maidens' minds, and believing that Olive had said her last words, remained for a while in gloomy meditation, and then left the Tryst by the gap in the hedge. Near the house he fell in with Edward. " You were up betimes this morning," said the latter. " I saw you go down the avenue soon after six." " Did you ? " answered Charlie absently, and walked on. Then, as if suddenly remembering something, he stopped short. " Look here, Ned," he said, " I may as well tell you now as later. I am not going to execute that deed unless Mrs, Lincoln is told." " Nonsense ! you consented." " No, I didn't. I admit that mother made me hesitate ; but I did not consent, and I never shall. That you may make up your mind to." Edward felt disposed to use strong language ; but, remem- bering the failure of his former attempt at browbeating, he kept his temper, observing quietly that he felt sure his brother would think better of it before the day was over. " No, I shall not," was the answer. " You must tell mother yourself, then ; I won't." " Very well ; I shall tell her when we return from our cruise," Edward smiled derisively. In a contest with his mother Charlie was sure to come off second best. There would be another scene, ending, as before, in his discomfiture, and the deed would be signed. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 209 " It is past eight (looking at his watch). Let us go in to breakfast, or we shall not be off before the tide ebbs." The brothers entered the breakfast-room with the ladies. Charlie glanced at Olive ; though pale and heavy-eyed she was calm and composed, and as alert as usual. " You are not looking very bright this morning," said her mother. " The sail will do you good." " I am not going to sail." " Why ? " " I don't feel like it." " Have you a headache ? " " Yes, I have a headache." " In that case you had better stop at home and keep quiet. You will go all the same, of course (addressing the brothers)." " I think so. What do you say, Charlie ? " asked Edward of his brother. Charlie did not care for a sail with his brother for sole companion, he feared they might quarrel, and wanted to be alone — but as he could not well refuse to go because Olive was not going, answered listlessly, and not very graciously; " Yes, let us go." " When shall we expect you back ? " asked Mrs. Lincoln, and Edward (who evidently intended to " boss the show ") replied : " That depends a good deal on wind and weather. About three o'clock, I should say. W^e shall go a few miles out, and if it keeps calm do a little line fishing." " At any rate, you will be back in time for afternoon tea ? " " Certainly. At the very latest." 14 2IO THE PRINCES OF FEELE. CHAPTER XXVII. A CATASTROPHE. Olive's head ached a little, her heart a good deal. Con- science told her that she had been unkind, using in her anger words which, the more she thought of them, the harsher they seemed. She knew Charlie's loyalty and worth and how deeply he loved her ; only for good reason and because he had no alternative would he do aught either to give her um- brage or affront her mother. What was it .'' Why had he given his word not to execute the deed (for in this sense she construed his explanation), which only two days before he had been quite willing to execute, or he would not have brought it with him ? Had she been less impetuous and more forbearing, he might have given her a clue to the mystery without actually breaking the promise he had so strangely given. By her own act she was left completely in the dark. Instead of keeping quiet, as her mother had bidden her, Olive roamed restlessly about the grounds in rueful mood, longing continually for Charlie's return, in order that she might let him know by sign or word that he was forgiven and she repentant, and arrange for a meeting on the morrow. After luncheon Olive, with a book in one hand and a sun- shade in the other, strolled towards the shrubberies, as if seeking a shady corner where she might sit down and read ; then, as if changing her mind, or following out a preconceived plan, she doubled and made for the Fairies' Tryst. It was the quietest spot she knew, and she wanted to be alone with her thoughts. Sitting down in the arbor, Olive opened her book, and her resolve to make it up with Charlie having some- what tranquilized her mind, she actually succeeded in read- ing a few pages with understanding. But soon her thoughts wandered once more, and finding it impossible to sit still, she laid the book down and turned with pensive mien into the path leading to the Cove. THE PRINCES OE PEELE. 2 1 1 "Olive!" The girl started and stopped short. It seemed as if some- body were calling her name a long way off. Yes. There it was again — " Olive ! " faint, yet distinct, as if wafted by the breeze from over the sea. Greatly wondering, but quite on the alert, she walked slowly down the path. Charlie ! Of course. Who else could it be .' Who but he would call her name in that soft, low voice } And there he was in the path, coming to meet her. " Back already ! " she cried, hastening towards him. " I did not expect you so soon." But even as she spoke he was gone — as suddenly and swiftly as though he had sunk into the ground, or melted into the air. Thinking he was teasing her she ran to the spot where she had last seen him, peering into the bushes and calling his name. But her summons was unheeded, her eyes sought for him in vain ; he had vanished utterly. It was very strange. And then, feeling faint and bewildered, she leant against a tree and tried to compose herself and collect her thoughts. If it had not been for the call she might have thought that Charlie wanted to avoid her ; but if he did, why was he there alone ? And the manner of his disappearance was so creepily uncanny. One moment there, the next nowhere — gone without turning his head or making a sign. Olive had protested to her lover that she was not superstitious, and was probably no more so than most folks ; yet she had read stories of wraiths and doubles, and now strange thoughts assailed her and a great fear came over her. But not for long ; in a few minutes she was herself again, and laughing at her own folly. " It was Charlie himself — of course it was — why should I doubt it? Anyway, I'll soon find out," a resolve that showed she was not quite so sure as she tried to believe. In twenty minutes she was at Ae Cove. Two or three boatmen were loitering about, with their hands in their pockets and their pipes in their mouths. " Is the yawl back. Job ? " she asked one of them. " Not yet ; and I don't see her coming, neither " (shading his eyes with his hands and looking seaward). It was all Olive could do to maintain her composure, and feeling that she must say something, yet not knowing what, she rather foolishly asked the man, who had a sour temper, 2 1 2 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. and made a point of always looking at the dark side, when he thought the yawl would be back. " That is more than I can tell you, Miss Lincoln," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. " It depends so much how far the gentlemen have gone, what sort of sailors they are, and what sort of weather they make. I've seen boats go out as has never come back." Olive turned pale." " You surely don't think they are in any danger .'' " she asked. " No, miss, I cannot say as I do think so ; the yawl is a good sea boat, the wind is fair and the weather fine. But there's no telling ; the sea is always treacherous, and we have as much weather on this coast as anywhere I've bin to, and I've bin well-nigh everywhere. As like as not it'll be blowing half-a-gale before sundown." " Would half-a-gale be very bad .'' " " Not as bad as a hout-and-houter, nor yet three-parts of one, miss." Olive turned away and wended homeward — by the road, not the footpath and the Fairies' Tryst. It was not Charlie she had seen, then, after all. At any rate, not Charlie in the body, and as she did not believe in apparitions and knew nothing of telepathy, she fell back on optical illusions, about which she had lately read a paper in Chambers''s Miscellany. Nothing was more probable than that the shadowy likeness of her lover which she had seen in the path was the coinage of her imagination. The meet- ing in the morning, the quarrel, Charlie's departure, the loneliness of the Fairies' Tryst and its associations ; all these favored the evolution of mental phantasmagoria. Yes, there could be no doubt about it ; the figure she had seen and the voice she had heard were illusions ; an opinion in which she was confirmed by a re-perusal of the article in C/iambers's Miscellany. Nevertheless, and in spite of herself, doubts still lingered in Olive's mind, and as the hour when the brothers had promised to return drew near her uneasiness increased. They might be back at three or four ; they were sure to be back at five. Every time the clock struck she counted the strokes, and when it went five and there was still no sign of them, her anxiety deepened into alarm. " They are surely very late," she said to her mother. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 213 "Oh, I don't know. \Mien men go out fishing they lose count of time. They are perhaps having good sport and don't like to leave off ; or the wind may be contrary. Let us have tea, they are sure to be back by dinner-time." Again Olive was comforted, but only for a while. At six o'clock her suspense grew unbearable, and not liking to make another visit to the Cove she took a field-glass and went to a part of the grounds which commanded a view of the sea. Several boats were visible, any one of which might be the yawl; this cheered her; she was also glad to see that the old sailor's forebodings as to the weather were not being fulfilled. True, the boats were tossing about a bit, and there was a lively breeze, but nothing like a gale, or even half-a-gale, and as the yawl was a good sea boat and Edward a skilful boatman — to say nothing of Charlie — it was hardly conceiv- able that they could have met with any mishap. Her mother was no doubt right ; they had either gone further than they intended or were catching so many fish that they did not like to leave off. Olive shut up her glass, and on returning to the house found her mother at the front door, gazing seaward and looking vexed. " I see nothing of them," she said, testily. " Whatever can they be doing } If they are not here soon the dinner wull be quite spoiled. Let us walk down the avenue, and see whether they are coming."' Olive acquiesced. It was a winding avenue, and as they rounded the first turn two men v.'ere visible in the distance, coming towards them. " Why, there they are," exclaimed Mrs. Lincoln. " Two men, at any rate," returned Olive, with assumed indifference. " Yes, Edward and Charlie. No, it isn't. Edward and somebody else. W^ho is he .'' Your eyes are younger than mine." " Job, the boatman," said Olive, and for the second time that day a great fear came over her. " Charlie is behind, no doubt ; he will be here presently. I am very glad ; there will be no need to keep dinner back more than ten minutes or so. Here they come. Well, you are late, I was just saying. — Why, what ? ^^^hatever is the matter ? " 2 1 4 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. Edward was deadly pale, his eyes were red, as if he had been weeping ! he was all of a tremble, his knees bent as he walked, and the old sailor looked portentously grave. " Whatever is the matter ? " she repeated. " Where is Charlie.'' " " He — I — mean — Charlie " stammered Edward, \viping the sweat from his brow, and leaning on Job for support. " He is " " Dead," said Olive in an intense whisper, looking into his eyes, her hands tightly clenched, her face ghastly. " Who says so ? How do you know ? How does anybody know ? " returned Edward, bending his head, as if to avoid her gaze, " I can see it in your face," " What has happened ? Tell us right away, for Heaven's sake," exclaimed Mrs. Lincoln, who was too agitated to no- tice her daughter's still greater agitation. " What has hap- pened .-* Where is Charlie ? " " There has been an accident. A very sad, inexplicable accident," said Edward, pulling himself together and speak- ing more coherently. " When we were a few miles out — south of Thornby Point — the wind fell off and we began fishing, and did pretty well, but after a while it grew very hot, and Charlie proposed that we should bathe. All this time we had been drifting further south and were a longish way from land. I agreed, of course, but as I am not much of a swimmer I said I would keep close to the boat, and I warned Charlie not to go too far away ; the tide being on the turn and the yawl beginning to drift, 'AH right,' he said, 'I'll not lose sight of you,' and then he dived over the port side and swam away. A few minutes afterwards I went into the water on the starboard side, and stayed in, perhaps, a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, keeping close to the boat, which con- tinued to drift, and floating on my back nearly all the time. The first thing I did when I got into the boat was to look for Charlie, To my horror, I could see nothing of him ; even through my glass, a very powerful one that we had taken with us, I could not make him out. Then I shouted, again and again, but no answer came. . . , When I last saw him — just before I went into the water myself — he was going away from the land, but whether he had continued in that direction I could not tell — it was not likely that he would keep straight THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 215 on ; yet I feared that, with his swimming and the boat drift- ing, we were so far apart that he could not see me, so I made sail and stood out to sea, then tacked, then lay to, and tacked again, and so continued a long time, all the while keeping a sharp lookout, and making as much noise as I could. At last, I fell in with a fishing-smack, and, hailing her, told the crew what had happened. They lent me a boy to help sail the yawl ; and we both cruised about fully three hours, until, in fact, as night was coming on and the wind rising, the smack's people wouldn't stay with me any longer ; they said it was no use." " And they was right," put in Job ; " if you had stood there, on and off, to the Judgment-day, you wouldn't have found him. He was gone long afore you fell in with the smack — ten to one afore you missed him. It was cramp — that's what it was — and when a man is seized with cramp he just gives a shriek and goes down like a stone. As like as not, however, the body will be washed ashore or picked up." " Did you hear any cry, Edward ? " asked Mrs. Lincoln. " Hear any cry ? Oh, Mrs. Lincoln, what do you take me for ? Do you think that if I had heard a cry I wouldn't have gone to him ? " " Of course you would. I beg your pardon. I did not know what I was saying. What a terrible misfortune. Poor Charlie! I fear it is as you say. Job; he must have been seized with cramp. God help his poor mother. Who will break it to her.? Olive!" But Olive was gone. She had heard enough ; her worst forebodings were realized, and, unable longer to control her feelings, she had stolen away to her own room. " Would you break it to her, Mrs. Lincoln ? " asked Ed- ward with bated breath, and in a broken voice. " I . , . don't feel as if I could. The suspense and agony of the last few hours have quite unmanned me, and I am physically ex- hausted. I should be eternally obliged." It was not a pleasant thing to do, and rather in the line of his duty than hers ; nevertheless Mrs. Lincoln gave a prompt, albeit somewhat reluctant, assent to the proposal. " Very well," she said, " but you must be at hand in case she wants you. No wonder you are so overcome, but you will have to keep up for your poor mother's sake. Go into the house and get a glass of wine while I speak to her." 2i6 THE PRINCES OE PEELE. Mrs. Lincoln, though a good woman, was not good at beating about the bush ; it was her habit to go straight to the point, and she brolw whose significance it was impossible to ignore : for if Edward's account of the manner of his brother's death were true, Charlie surely did not go into the water clothed and wearing his watch. Besides, it was not his watch ; she knew it ; and Job, the boatman, had brought it to the Pines with his other things. If Edward's account were true ! And why shouldn't it be true ? It was beyond a doubt that Charlie was drowned while bathing, as Edward had told. And then there came back to her the thought, born of her grief and rejected in her cooler moments — the thought that had he made a more strenuous effort he might have saved his brother's life. Unless Lillywhite were an unmitigated scoundrel and liar, Edward had kept something back. If he were capable of concealing the fact that the body supposed to be Charlie's was that of an unknown sailor, he was capable — of what ? The elder brother had been jealous of the younger, and she had proof the other day that he could be violent, that he was little better than a ruffian with a veneer of politeness. Olive shuddered at the dire yet formless suspicions which forced themselves into her mind, like shadowy phantoms of the night. They were terrible ; impossible, unspeakable, and with a great effort she chased them away. How she wished that Lillywhite had either held his peace or told her more ; and that he knew more and could throw light on that other mystery which had given her so much concern she had no doubt whatever. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 301 CHAPTER XXXIX. " THOSE EYES." The interview with Lillywhite happened on a certain Wed- nesday in the month of March. On the following Tuesday the Marshes gave a dinner party, to which were invited, as usual, all the officers of the Red Hussars, then at Warcook Heath ; and all — save Captain Locksley — came. " A touch of liver," explained Captain Revel, had compelled his friend at the last moment, vialgrt hd, and greatly to his regret, to stay behind. In India Locksley had had malarial fever, from the effects of which he still occasionally suffered. It was nothing serious, however, and before the end of the week he would be fit for duty and the field. Olive said she was sorry. She might have said disap- pointed, for despite Lillywhite's revelations and her own anxieties she had still a thought to spare for the mysterious captain, and would have been pleased to see him. On the other hand, it was a relief, and, in some measure, a consola- tion, to find that Edward Prince was also among the ab- sentees. Instead of him came a note, asking that he might be excused, on the ground of a sudden engagement and pressing business. Olive surmised correctly that the true reason was reluctance to meet her so soon after their last parting, and fear that her disdainful silence implied an in- tention on her part to disregard his prayer to let bygones be bygones. But, whatever the cause, his absence was satis- factory. She would have found it hard to treat him as a friend, and to treat him otherwise might attract attention and provoke inquiries. The hostess wanted to make a musical evening of it, and when the gentlemen joined the ladies after dinner, singing was going on. Colonel Ethelstan, on being asked by Mrs. Marsh to sing, kindly consented, but instead of the rollick- ing soldier's song, which all were expecting, he sang, " Oh, no, we never mention her ; her name is never heard," in so 302 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. lugubrious a voice as to make everybody feel melancholy. Next, a lady sang an even more dismal sounding song in Italian, which nobody understood, whereupon Mrs. Marsh, in despair, appealed to Captain Revel. " You look as if you could sing. Captain Revel," she said, in a whisper, " cannot you give us something — if possible, something lively. Those sentimental songs are very nice, but they are not exhilarating." " I will do my best," quoth Revel modestly. " What do you say to a rattling hunting song ? " " Just the thing, by all means ; thank you very much." The captain sat down at the piano, which he played pass- ably well, and, after striking a few notes, began : " I've as nice a little hunter as e'er you'd wish to see, So high she lifts her forefoot, so proudly bends her knee; Her fiery head and nostrils red assert her noble blood; Her girth is deep, and hocks she has that send her through the mud. My gallant little hunter, my dashing little bay." " Now see her at the covert side, responsive to my hand, While other horses fret and fume, how quietly she'll stand ; But when hounds proclaim a find, and for'ard is the cry, She'll fling the dirt behind her, and o'er the pastures fly. My gallant little hunter, my dashing little bay." " The scent is good, the pace is fast, the crowd's soon left behind ; A minute's check, a view hallo, and onward like'the wind ; At a rotten bank and yawning ditch the funkers turn away ; The best thing, quoth the master, we've had this many a day. Oh my noble little hunter, my dashing little bay." " Good heavens ! Miss Lincoln is fainting," exclaimed somebody. Whereupon there was a cry for brandy and sal volatile, the singing stopped, the women fluttered round a limp figure on an ottoman, and the men asked each other what had be- fallen. But the sensation lasted only a few seconds ; thanks to the prompt opening of a window, Olive came to as quickly as she went off. " It's the heat of the room," said one. " She's not very strong ; rather consumptive, you know," whispered another. " She flushed, turned pale and went off. A very bad sign, I should say. Her friends should send her to Madeira or the Riviera." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 303 " Hadn't you better take a turn in the garden and get a breath of fresh air ? " suggested Mr. Marsh. Olive smile gratefully, accepted her host's arm, and, saying she would be back presently, left the room. When she was gone, Captain Revel, at Mrs. Marsh's re- quest, began his song afresh and finished it, little thinking that it had anything to do with Miss Lincoln's faint. But for her the song was hke a bolt out of a blue sky. She knew every word of it ; Charlie and herself had spent hours in adapting it ; the air was the same, and Revel's voice so closely resembled Charlie's that it was like a voice from the dead. How had this man from India learnt what was known only to Charlie and herself .-* The shock and sur- prise coming so soon after Lillywhite's strange tale were too much for her. It sent the blood back to her heart, and for a few seconds she lost consciousness, a lapse which those present ascribed to every cause but the right one. After a short absence she returned to the drawing-room, looking somewhat pale, indeed, yet cheerful and composed, and, in answer to Mrs. Marsh's anxious inquiries, protested that she felt quite well again. " It must have been the heat," said the elder lady. " Yes, it must have been the heat," replied Olive, and then she sought an opportunity of asking Revel where he had learnt the song ; but, as during the rest of the evening she found no opportunity of speaking to him privately, she de- cided to wait for a more propitious occasion. " Hunting is nearly over. Miss Lincoln," said Revel, shortly before he and his brother officers took their leave. " We must make the best of the few days that are left to us. There is a near meet on Friday. I suppose you'll be out ? " " That is my intention, all being well." " So, I think, will Captain Locksley. He is sure to be fit by then, and I want him to ride a horse I bought last week at Tatt's, a regular flyer, they say he is." Olive would have gone if only on the off chance of being able to put the question which was weighing so heavily on her mind. " Where and from whom had Revel heard Charlie's song ? " she asked herself again and again, asked herself until her head ached and her brain was in a whirl. Friday came, and Olive went. The day was, fortunately. 304 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. fine ; but even bad weather would have failed to keep her at home. Among the first to greet her at the meet were the two cap- tains. Locksley rode a powerful blood chestnut, so hot that a less consummate horseman would have found it hard to control him. The Master of the Riversdale Hunt was the soul of punctuality, and, at a few minutes after eleven, the hounds began to draw a covert, which, albeit a sure find, was large, and difficult to get away from. Moreover, the morning being windless, nobody had any precise idea on which side the fox would break. A part of the field stayed outside, another division went into the wood, and took post in the central ride. Captain Locksley, whose horse the throng and cries were exciting almost past holding, discreetly slipped into a cross ride, "far from the madding crowd." Olive, perceiving that Captain Revel was so far ahead of the others that she might speak to him without being over- heard, rode up to him. " I hope you are none the worse for your faint," quoth he. " Not in the least, thank you." " The heat of the room, I suppose ? " " I think so ; the opening of the window revived me at once." " We had a very pleasant evening. I say, how well that little Miss Bravo sings ! " " Yes, she has a splendid voice. But I think the song that gave the most satisfaction was yours. Captain Revel." " It was more the words and the air than my singing, then. But it is a rattling song. ' My Little Hunter,' we call it." " Is it in print .-' I should like to have a copy." " Oh, no. It isn't in print. I learnt it " " Tally-ho ! Gone away ! " halloed a voice at the extremity of the covert. " For'ard, for'ard, hark, for'ard, away ! " shouted the mas- ter, who was behind them. " Gallop like blazes ; they are outside, and running like mad." Question time was clearly past ; Olive's query remained unanswered. The horses, as eager as their riders, raced wildly for the top of the wood ; and the more impatient, dis- daining an open gate, took the boundary fence in their stride. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 305 The hounds were two fields ahead ; only the huntsman and one other with them. The other was Captain Locksley. Then there was riding in hot haste to " catch up," crowd- ing at gaps and craning at big places. Several men " went • muckers" at the second fence, and soon the field became widely scattered and portentously thinned. Olive, whose veteran hunter neither faltered in his gallop nor funked at his jumps, held steadily on in the wake of the flying pack, draw- ing ever nearer to Captain Locksley and the huntsman, who were still leading. Revel had taken a line of his own. And so for nearly half-an-hour, when they came to a brook, whose rotten banks and ugly " take-off " would have baulked a stag. " No crossing here, Miss Lincoln," said Lockslc}-. " But, unless I am mistaken, we shall find a ride and a bridge be- yond that plantation to our right. I'll show 3'ou the way." Olive followed, wondering at his knowledge of the country. He seemed to know it better than some people who had hunted in it all their lives. It was easy to jump into the plantation, but diificult to force a way through it, so thick were the trees. As the cap- tain stooped to avoid a branch his spectacles were plucked off by a twig. Olive caught them as they fell. " Here are your glasses ! " she said, when they were out of the wood. Their eyes met. Locksley's face, divested of its disguise, was entirely changed. " Those eyes ! Good God, those eyes ! " Olive reeled in her saddle, and with difiiculty suppressed a scream. It all came to her like a revelation. Lillywhite's story, the hunting-song, Locksley's knowledge of the country, his admission that he had served in the yeomanry cavalry, his bold riding, and, above all, those eyes. " You are Charlie Prince," she gasped. "Yes; but no more just now, for our old love's sake. Another time," returned the captain, hurriedly, as he replaced his tinted glasses. " Where are the hounds ? " demanded the master (a welter weight), as he crashed through the plantation on his elephant- ine steed, snapping young trees as if they were willow wands. " There goes Quickly's horse. How the deuce has he got to 20 3o6 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 'em ? This way, Miss Lincoln, they are running through the spinney." On they go again, but, fortunately for those whose horses are beginning to flag, not quite so fast as at first. Olive rides automatically, feeling as though she were in a dream. Had her horse been less clever and steady, and Locksley, who continued to gallop by her side, less watchful, she would have come to grief several times. After another half-hour they come to a grassy lane, bounded by a bank which, though a fair jump, is a big " drop " on the further side. Locksley, wanting to see Olive fairly over, bids her go first, whereupon the knowing gray tops the bank and slips into the lane with the agility of a cat. But the chestnut, naturally impetuous, and irritated by being held back, rushes blindly, jumps wildly, pitches on his head, and rolls over on his side. The next moment he is on his legs again ; but the captain lies where he fell, motionless and limp, his face streaked with blood. The chestnut in rising has struck him on the head. Olive screams, and two men, who have got into the lane at an easier place, come to her call. Both dismount, and while one of them raises the prostrate man's head the other pours brandy down his throat. Without effect. Locksley still lies motionless and limp. " It's a bad case, I fear," says one. *• It looks so," assents the other. " He has got a terrible gash on the head. See how it bleeds." " What shall we do ? " " Tie his head up with a pocket-handkerchief ; take him to that farmhouse there, and send for a doctor." By this time two or three more men, and a couple of la- borers from an adjacent field have come up to see what is the matter and offer their help. A gate is lifted from its hinges, covered with coats and used as a litter. Meanwhile one of the horsemen gallops off for a surgeon, who lives in a village three miles away. The farmhouse is fortunately near, and the farmer's wife, a kindly soul, who when she hears what has happened, gladly receives the wounded man into her house, and lets him be laid on her parlor sofa. Olive's courage rises to the occasion ; she sees what she ought to do and does it promptly. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 307 " I am a friend of Captain Locksley's," she says to the farmer's wife. " I will take charge of him till the doctor comes. We don't want all these people here ; the quieter he is kept the better." The hint served; gentlemen and laborers promptly with- drew ; but not before Olive had asked the former, if they met Captain Revel, to send him straightway to Marie's Farm. This done, she set to work ; got water and a sponge, washed Locksley's wound, rebandaged his head, and made him as comfortable as circumstances permitted. Then she sat watch- ing him and wondering, her mind at times positively reeling under the weight of the unanswerable questionings suggested by the startling discoveries of the last few days, and above all, of that day. It was Charlie beyond a doubt. He had admitted it ; and now, as he lay there, with eyes uncovered, and she studied in detail the well-remembered features, and recalled what she had heard of the obscurity of Captain Locksley's antecedents, and his silence as to his past and his kindred, she marvelled that she did not recognize him at an earlier stage of their acquaintance. But this was an ex post facto judgment. As a matter of fact, it would have been marvellous if she had recognized him sooner. When you have the best reason for believing that a man is dead and buried, you do not expect to meet him in the flesh, and, in the event of your seeing anybody like him, the resemblance is ascribed to a blind chance or a freak of nature — anything but a resurrection. Moreover, Charlie was so much changed that, when he wore his tinted spectacles, his own mother would not have known him ; and neither his brother, nor Olive, nor Lillywhite, nor any other of his old Peele friends had recognized him. Even his voice — and voices dwell long in the memory — was altered — either from the explosion or the relaxing effect of the Indian climate on his throat. Yet though Olive knew that Locksley was her old love, she could not conceive how he had been saved from drowning and found his way to India ; and why Edward had buried another body in his stead. Edward either knew that his brother was alive, and that Locksley and Charlie were the same, or he did not. If it were a plot contrived by the brothers, how had Charlie been persuaded to drop his identity, renounce his inheritance, 3o8 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. leave his mother and herself without a word of farewell ? True, she had treated him unkindly ; but Charlie was neither heartless nor a lunatic, and surely none save a lunatic would make so great a sacrifice for so light a cause. And if it were not a plot, if Edward and Lillywhite believed Charlie to be dead, what then ? That was the question, a question which the longer Olive pondered it, the harder it seemed, and he who alone could clear up the mystery lay like one in very truth dead, and might never. , . . The thought was madness. He must recover, must, must. . . . Would the doctor never come ? Olive was roused from her reverie by the clatter of hoofs on the road, and presently Captain Revel appeared. " This is a bad business," he said sorrowfully, regarding his unconscious friend, " a very bad business. And all my fault. I should not have let him ride the chestnut. He is too hot for this country. We want horses that can creep as well as fly. I don't think it is anything very serious, though. It looks like a case of concussion of the brain. The doctor will be here presently. I passed through the village where he lives. He is coming in his trap as fast as he can. I out- paced him How good of you to stay with Locksley ! He will be very grateful when he knows. Wheels. There he is. Now we shall know the worst. I do hope it isn't a fracture." As Revel spoke, the surgeon came in. He was a man of few words; and without wasting any time removed the band- age and carefully examined the wound, which still bled pro- fusely. " It's a nasty cut, and narrowly missed being fatal," he said at length. " Is it a fracture ? " asked Revel anxiously. " No, a superficial scalp wound and severe concussion of the brain. He will probably remain unconscious for several days ; but I daresay we can pull him through — if all goes well." When the doctor had stopped the hemorrhage and stitched up the wound, he asked Revel whether he proposed to keep Captain Locksley at the farmhouse or take him to his own. "Take him to his own, if it can be done safely. We have ambulances at the camp." " The ambulance, by all means. How soon can you have it here ? " THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 309 " In less than two hours. I will go at once, and send off an ambulance with one of our hospital orderlies and Captain Locksley's servant, and then return. Shall you remain here ? " " Certainly ; and see my patient safely home." Olive inquired whether she could be of any further use, adding that if she could she would be glad to stay. The doctor thought not, and suggested that the best thing she jcould do was to take a glass of wine and go home quietly. He saw that the shock and the strain had been almost too much for her strength. Olive took the glass of wine and left with Captain Revel, whose road and her own lay for some miles together. " Am I to conclude that you think there is danger, doctor 1 " demanded the captain before he went away. " Concussion is never free from danger; and we may have complications. We are pretty sure to have inflammatory fever ; but Captain Locksley is young, and as I said before, I hope for the best," was the cautious answer. 3IO THE PRINCES OF PEELE. CHAPTER XL. ANOTHER DISAPPOINTMENT. LocKSLEY remained unconscious for the greater part of a week; theninflammatory fever and delirium supervened ; and his convalescence was slow. But Miss Lincoln heard of him often — sometimes through Revel : and several times a week Mrs. Marsh sent a servant to inquire how it fared with the gallant captain. One day when he was quite out of danger and in his right mind, Olive had a visit from Lillywhite. His ostensible rea- son was to convey Captain Locksley's thanks to Miss Lin- coln for the kindness and attention she had shown him at the time of his accident, but this was merely a pretext : the message might just as well have been sent by Revel. After Lillywhite had given her an account of his lodger's condition, and observed that it would be several months be- fore he was fully recovered, her visitor said abruptly : — " You know who he is ? " Olive nodded assent. " He told me so ; and he is very anxious that you should keep the knowledge to yourself — for the present." " I have not told anybody, nor shall I, until I see him. I suppose you have known all along 1 " " No. Only since the accident. When he was delirious he said things that gave me the idea, and then by putting two and two together I saw how it was. And I am really humiliated to think that I, who had fancied myself rather clever at finding things out, should have had Charles Prince in my house for months without discovering his secret. But though I knew that it was not his body that lay in the family vault, I did not doubt that he was drowned : and that, I sup- pose, accounts for my blindness." " Do you think Edward knows ? " " Not a bit of it. He could not sleep in his bed if he did. I saw him in Peele yesterday. He was all smiles, greeted me THE PRINCES OF FEELE. 311 affably, and looked uncommonly well satisfied with himself. Do you know, I don't think he greatly regrets the accident which has befallen Captain Locksley." Olive reddened with indignation, and, probably, another feeling. " But what does it all mean ? " she asked. " How could Charlie escape drowning without his brother's knowledge, and having escaped Vvhy, instead of returning to Whitebeach or Peele, did he take another name and enlist ; and, above all, why did Edward commit the unspeakable atrocity of burying as Charlie's a body that was not Charlie's ? " " That is more than I can say. As yet, Charles has told me very little. He is too weak for much talk. I suspect many things, and, I daresay, have formed a pretty accurate guess as to how it came about. But, as I have no certain knowledge, and could not say what I suspect without bring- ing a very serious charge against a certain person, I think you will have to wait until Captain Locksley can tell you him- self." " You mean that you won't tell me." " Don't put it in that way, I beseech you," said Lillywhite plaintively. " I would do anything in reason to oblige a lady, indeed I would ; especially a lady for whom I have so great a regard as yourself. But this secret is not mine. Moreover, as I don't know all the facts I may be quite wrong ; and it would be much better and pleasanter for you to hear the story from the fountain-head ; and I am sure the captain would be ill-pleased if I tried to anticipate him." " But how is it to be managed .'' I cannot call on Captain Locksley alone." " Mrs. Marsh might come with you." " Then we should not be alone." " Why, when he is a little better should not ]\Irs. Marsh ask him to spend a few days at All Hallows ? " " I am afraid I could not well propose anything of the sort without exciting suspicion." " Well, you get Mrs. Marsh to call with you — or without you, and I'll manage the rest. She is a kind-hearted lady, and only needs a hint. Have you mentioned to anybody what I told you about the wrong body being buried .'' " " How could I without giving my authority .-' Besides, it would have made such a talk." 312 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Humph ! There is at least one woman who can keep a secret," thought Lillywhite. " And it's just as well ; we'll punish that jackanapes another way, and more effectually." " Have you any word for the captain, Miss Lincoln ? " he asked. " Say how glad we are that he is getting on so well, and that we hope he will soon be quite strong. And give him this," (taking a forget-me-not from a vase of flowers on the table). So Olive had to possess her soul in patience longer than she liked or had anticipated, which was all the more provok- ing as she had given Mr. Oldbury cause to believe that she would be back in Boston before June, and already the haw- thorn was beginning to bloom, the perfume of violets and primroses was in the air, and the woods at eve were melo- dious with the songs of thrushes and nightingales. Spring- tide was in all its glory and summer advancing with flying feet. Yet until the mystery of Charlie's disappearance should be solved and himself restored to health she really could not leave England. She was as determined as ever to re- turn to America, but a month more or less would make no great difference. Wherefoi"e she informed her cousin that circumstances had arisen which might detain her where she was until July. " I hear that Captain Locksley continues to mend ; he is downstairs," said Mrs. Marsh to Olive, one day about a fortnight after Lillywhite's visit. " I am very glad. Shall you call ? Do you think he is strong enough to receive visitors .'' " "Why not? He is strong enough to come dowstairs." " Very well. We will call to-morrow. I have a great re- spect for Captain Locksley." So on the morrow the ladies were driven to Woodbine Cottage, as Lillywhite called his dwelling. They found him at work in the garden. " How is the captain ? " inquired Mrs. Marsh. "Getting on nicely, thank you. Still very weak, though, and I fear it will be a long time before he fully regains his strength. He wants a change, and I was thinking whether I might take the liberty of making a suggestion to Mrs. Marsh t " THE PRIXCES OF PEELE. 313 " What is it ? I am sure if I can be of any use I sliall be very glad." " I was thinking that a few days at All Hallows Avould do him a power of good. The situation is so breezy, the gardens so spacious, and the view so fine " " A very good idea, Mr. Lillywhite. I am obliged to you for mentioning it, I shall certainly ask him. Can we see him, or ?" Lillywhite showed them into the cottage. They found t4ie sick man sitting near the window basking in the sun- shine. At the sight of them his face lighted up with smiles, and he thanked Mrs. Marsh warmly for her visit ; Olive, less profusely, but the glance which he gave her was more expressive than words, and went to her heart. She thought he was looking less unlike his old self — perhaps because confinement in the house had robbed his face of much of the bronze tinge it had acquired in India, yet the resem- blance was still so remote as to render it unlikely that any- body less sharp-sighted than herself would recognize him. After Locksley's guests had congratulated him on his re- covery and talked about the accident and other matters, Mrs. Marsh asked him to make a long visit to All Hallows whenever he was well enough. Locksley protested that nothing would give him so much pleasure ; but so soon as he was fit to travel, which would be in about a week, the doctor said he must go to Brighton for at least a month. Sea air and sea bathing would do him all the good in the world. When he came back from Brighton he had to go to Captain Revel's people in Surrey ; but that visit he could put off for a while, and in the meantime should be delighted to profit by Mrs. Marsh's invitation. This proposal pleased Mrs. Marsh, and it was agreed that Captain Locksley should make his visit to All Hallows on his return from Brighton. Olive was disappointed : she would have to wait at least another month for the satisfac- tion of her curiosity, and defer even longer her departure for America. What would Cousin Hosea say ? Yet she could not blame Charlie. As the doctor had ordered him to go to Brighton ; and the sea air and salt water would do him so much good, go he must, and the sooner the better. And, after all, five or six weeks are not an eternity ; the 314 THE nUNCES OF PEELE. year was still young, and she would be back in Boston be- fore the fall. All the same, Olive felt that she was not being altogether faithful to the spirit of her promise and her vow, that her allegiance to the cause was wavering ; and she began to look forward to her cousin's letters with less of desire than of apprehension. July was drawing to a close when Captain Locksley came to All Hallows, looking all the better for his sojourn at the seaside, yet not fully recovered, for his health had been so much impaired by the Indian climate, the hardships of cam- paigning and malarial fever, that the nervous shock occa- sioned by his accident had well-nigh finished him. Olive and he had no need to contrive stolen interviews. The man of the house spent much of his time in London ; and Mrs. Marsh, a late riser, was seldom seen by her guests before noon. " I must leave you to entertain Captain Locksley in the mornings, dear," she had said to Olive before his coming. Olive made no objection to this arrangement — and she did not think Charlie would. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 315 CHAPTER XLI. CAPTAIN LOCKSLEy's CONFESSION. The next morning Captain Locksley and Miss Lincoln took a walk through the grounds. At first neither had much to say, for their thoughts were busy and their hearts full. Charlie led the way to their old trysting-place and invited her to sit down on a rustic bench under the wide-spreading branches of a noble chestnut tree. " You want to hear my confession, I suppose ? " said he. " Call it what you like. I am dying to know why you went so mysteriously away, leaving us all in the belief that you were dead. Perhaps you can justify it, but in the absence of explanation it seems very strange, and, as regards your mother, cruel." " Ah, yes, my poor mother ! When I think of her — how- ever, you shall know all, and then you can judge how far I am to blame. Fortunately, I can tell you without breaking my word, for Lillywhite has divined, and told me, what I had promised not to reveal." " You are talking in riddles." " Wait a minute. I must begin at the beginning. We quarrelled at Whitebeach because my lips were sealed as to the cause of my refusal to become one of your mother's trus- tees." "Don't say we quarrelled. Say, rather, that I was unkind. I should have trusted you. You said you could not tell with- out breaking your word." " I had been entrapped into giving my word. All the same, a man's word should be sacred. What I promised not to reveal was, that under great stress, and urged by my mother, my father used your mother's trust money to make good my brother Jack's embezzlements at Liverpool, and save him from prosecution and penal servitude." And then Charlie told her all the reader knows, touching lightly on his father's fault, and laying perhaps exaggerated emphasis on 3 1 6 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. the efforts his father had made to repair the wrong he had done, Olive did not deem the fault very heinous. " I am sure your father meant honestly," she said. " I still believe he was one of the best men I ever knew ; if he had lived all had been well ; and but for that unfortunate landing on the Spanish Main the money would have been amply secured. I don't think a bit worse of him, Charlie. But why, after his death, didn't your mother and Edward tell us all ? I am sure my mother would have kept the secret and given them time to pay the money." " That is what I urged them to do. I don't want to speak ill of my mother. Nobody could have a better mother, and she had many noble qualities. But she was proud, and set what she called the honor and credit of the family above every other consideration. . . . Well, as I was saying just now, I had a second time refused to accept the trustee- ship, unless your mother were told how matters stood ; then, after another quarrel, Ned climbed down ; we became friends again and went out for the sail in which you were to have borne us company. After a while the subject was renewed, and Ned did his utmost to persuade me to fall in with his views. It was a great deal easier to withstand his arguments than my mother's entreaties. I gave him a flat refusal. Then he said unpleasant things ; we both grew very angry, and he threatened to throw me out of the boat. I simply laughed and dared him to try. This made him still more angry, and he said something about you " "What? Don't keep anything back, please," said Olive, seeing that he hesitated. " He said he could see what I \vas up to — charged me with intending to curry favor with you and your mother by telling what I had promised to keep secret, ' as if Olive would have anything to do with the son of the man who had defrauded her mother.' This maddened me almost past bearing, and I told him, among other things, that if he were not my brother I would serve him as he had threatened to serve me." " After that he shut up, and for nearly an hour, neither of us said a word. Then he came the old dodge, climbed down, said how sorry he was for losing his temper and asked my pardon. He had been so sorely tried. Mother was so mas- THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 317 terful. If his advice had been taken, things would not have come to such a pass. For his own part, he did not care a great deal whether the whole thing came out or not : but he should like to keep father's memory free from reproach, and so forth. This touched me, and I said, ' All right, Ned, let bygones be bygones,' and we talked the whole horrid thing over again, discussed the expediency of making a confidant of your mother, whether our mother liked it or not, without, however, coming to any definite conclusion. " By this time it was very hot, and as the wind had fallen, and the water was smooth, I proposed a swim. Ned said he would rather not just then; also, that it would not be wise for both of us to leave the boat, but if I liked he would take care of it while I bathed. To this I agreed, and while I un- dressed he lowered the mainsail. " The water was like the day, warm, and the swim was en- joyable — for a while. Sometimes I would go ahead as fast as I could, then, when I got out of breath, float lazily on the rippling sea, looking up into the blue sky and thinking of you. I had been in the water perhaps half an hour when the wind began to rise, and it struck me that I had better be making for the boat. Treading water, I looked round, and to my horror saw that she was sailing away from me. With a great shout I swam after her as hard as I could. I shouted again and again, frantically, desperately. Ned must both have heard and seen me — I could see him — but the more I shouted the faster the boat seemed to go. Still I struggled on until utterly exhausted I was forced to turn on my back and let wind and waves take me whither they would. By this time the boat was a mere speck, and as I could not see land, I had no idea in what direction I was drifting. " What I felt just then words cannot tell. Ned's cruel desertion cut me to the soul. He had left me to perish, hop- ing I should perish. It would have been more merciful and less base if he had stabbed me to the heart or blown out my brains. I called to him again, though I knew he would not hear ; I called to you though I knew you could not help." " I heard you," said Olive. " You heard me ! But how ? " Olive told him, and Charlie, taking her hand, continued his story. " All the same I was determined not to give in : for though 3l8 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. I could only swim a few strokes now and then, and getting back to land was quite out of the question, there was always the off chance of my being picked up by a home-returning fishing smack or a passing ship, I saw several in the dis- tance, but all were too far away either to see me or hear a hail. After a while I fell in with a broken oar. It saved my life. Without it I must have gone under. Thus I drifted about for hours, growing ever more exhausted and less hope- ful, my eyes so sore with the salt water that I could hardly see ; and worse still, my mind began to wander. I saw strange things, and it was only with a great effort that I could realize where I was and what had happened. Yet I knew that the end could not be far off. But it did not trouble me. Exhaustion had conquered fear. " How long this went on I cannot tell. All I know is that I was roused from my apathy by the sound of voices. Clear- ing my eyes from the water I looked up and saw, looming above me, what looked like the hull of a big ship. The sight rekindled my love of life. But when I tried to answer the shouts my voice gave forth no sound, I could only wave one of my arms. Then the people on the ship hove to, lowered the boat and took me on board. It was hours before I could give an account of myself. I told them — well, not the whole truth — merely that while I bathed my boat drifted away, and being unable to overtake her I drifted away too. I gave myself the first name that came into my head — Locksley — • probably because a few days previously I had been reading Tennyson's Locksley Hall. And it seemed appropriate : — '" Howsoever these things be, a long farewell to Locksley Hall, Now for me the woods may wither, now for me the roof tree fall, Comes a vapor from the margin, blackening over heath and holt, Cramming all the blast before it, in its breast a thunderbolt. Let it fall on Locksley Hall, with rain or hail or fire or snow ; For the mighty wind arises, roaring seaward, and I go.' " I had already resolved to go and not return to the old place until I had made either a fortune or a name. What else was there for me to do ! My sweetheart had cast me off." Tears sprang into Olive's eyes. " Oh, don't say that, Charlie," she exclaimed, reproach- fully. THE PRIXCES OF PEELE. 319 " At any rate, she said so, and I thought so. My mother had threatened to disown me because I refused to do a dis- honorable action at her bidding ; my brother had left me to die a cruel and lingering death. That was the worst. If I returned I should have to tell the story of his infamy, as, albeit for my mother's sake, and the credit of the family, I was willing to keep silence, I would not then, nor would I now, tell a single lie to shield Ned from the disgrace he so richly merits. He is not worth it. " The ship that saved me was a brig, bound from Waterford for the Thames ; the master, a warm-hearted Irishman, placed his wardrobe at my disposal, and I promised, after we reached London, to pay him for what I took. When I landed I went straight to the Tower, enlisted in a regiment on the roster for India, and paid my debt with the bounty. " I had always desired to be a soldier, as you know, and I vowed to myself that I would either make my mark or lose my life. I think I may say that I have done the one — in a small way — and I have come very near to doing the other oftener than I can remember. " And now, Olive, I think you know all. You have already heard how I got promoted and won the Cross, and a great deal of what befell me in India. I could easily have avoided coming into this neighborhood if I had chosen ; but I yearned with an unspeakable longing to see the old place again, and learn what was become of you and how it fared with my mother and Ned. I had no fear of being recognized ; and, but for Lillywhite's communication, and the song, and my spectacles falling off in the run, even you would not have recognized me, though I meant to make myself known to you and Lillywhite and Ned, and my mother — if she had lived." " To nobody else .'' " " Nobody, except Revel ; he is my closest friend. You see it would be difficult to explain my disappearance and change of name without telling the story of the broken trust and Ned's treachery. And I shall retain the name of my adoption. It is the name by which I am known in the service." " And have made illustrious. I think you are quite right. But there is one thing I cannot understand — Edward's in- famous conduct. What were his motives ? " 320 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Greed, jealousy, and revenge ; and, I daresay, dread of the disclosures which persistence in my refusal to become your mother's trustee would have rendered inevitable." " Still, I don't quite see " " He had much to gain by my death. It would bring him fifteen thousand pounds from the policy on our joint lives, give him the whole of the business, the residue of my father's estate, and control over my mother's fortune. Brothers though we were, we had never been sympathetic. He was in love with you, and had discovered that you loved me." " How t " " He opened one of the letters you wrote me from Geneva. Lillywhite as good as saw him do it ; he has the envelope still which Ned opened and softened, and then reclosed. I wish Lillywhite had told me at the time ; but the old fellow cannot part with a secret without a pang. Yes ; Ned had a good many reasons for wanting to get rid of me." " Did he get the insurance money .-' " " Of course. It was with the insurance money that he reinstated the broken trust." " But won't that be bad for you, Charlie ? Won't it look as if you were implicated in the fraud." " I doubt whether it was a fraud. Anyhow I am not im- plicated. Ned doubtless believes that I am dead ; and I was under no obligation to advise the company that I was alive. To tell the truth, the fact that Ned would get the insurance money did not occur to me till after I had enlisted ; and then I reflected that if I died in India the company would only have paid a little too soon, and that if I lived to come back I could compel Edward to make restitution." " And that you will do ? " " Certainly. Also to account for my share in my father's and mother's estates, and my share of the profits and good- will of the business. He shall pay up to the last penny. That will punish him almost as much as exposure would." " And when ? " " Not just now. Probably on my return from Guildford. It will be a trying interview, and I don't feel quite up to the mark yet." " That's true Was it quite kind, do you think not to make yourself known and tell me all this sooner — when we met at All Hallows ?" THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 321 " I had no opportunity." " You could have written." " That might have been dangerous, arid I had another reason for keeping my incognito. I fell in love with you over again." " Oh, Charlie, had you ceased to love me ? " " Not exactly. All the same, you must remember that I thought you had cast me off, and six years' absence, you know " " That means you had forgotten me." " Not at all, and I loved you again, darling, at first sight." . " Yet you did not make yourself known." *' Well, do you know (smiling), I wanted to see whether Captain Locksley could not win the heart which had once been given to Charlie Prince. Did I succeed ? " " How dare you ask such a question ? It is really too bad of you," exclaimed Olive, with well-feigned indignation. " That is no answer to my question. Tell me, now, wouldn't the captain have had a chance, even though you had not discovered that he bore another name ? " " I shall not tell you." " Anyhow, you love me still. I have been true to you all these years, though you did cast me off." " Cruel." " Then you did not cast me off. So we are as we were, only a little more so. We had agreed to be engaged when you were old enough, and your mother gave her consent. You are old enough now, and your own mistress. Therefore we are really engaged, and there is nothing to do but fix the day," said Charlie, laughing pleasantly. Olive smiled and gave him her hand. " I doubt whether your logic is quite correct ; " she said archly, " but after all you have gone through, the perils you have survived and the honors you have won, I have not the heart to controvert your arguments. I could though an I would." " Of course you could — you can do anything you like with me — but you won't. That is enough for me. ^^'e are en- gaged, and now about the day ? " Olive's countenance fell. For the last half hour she had been oblivious of her promise, her vow, the cause — every- 21 322 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. thing but her lover — and now like Macduff's ghost at the banquet they rose up unbidden (in her mind) and struck ter- ror to her heart. " Oh, Charlie, it is impossible : it cannot be," she cried. " Cannot be ! Why ? " " Because of my vow," and then she told him how it came to be made. " Is that all ? I was afraid you had promised to marry some other fellow," observed Charlie with a sigh of relief. " Don't you see that as the vow was made in ignorance of a material fact it is not binding. If you had known I was alive it would not have been made." " Perhaps not. All the same — didn't you say just nov/ that a man should hold his word sacred, though he may have been entrapped into giving it ; and ought not a woman's vow to be as sacred as a man's promise t " " The cases are not analogous. My promise concerned a supposed secret, which I kept until it was imparted to me by a third person. Yours concerned your future conduct ; and in view of circumstances which have since come to light, you may disregard it with a safe conscience." " I cannot quite see it in that light. It was essentially a promise to do my duty to my country in her present trouble. Suppose our positions were reversed. Wouldn't you come back to England and fight for her, and, if need were, die for her?" " Women don't fight." " They can help and encourage the men who do, nurse the wounded, and comfort those whom war has bereft of sons, fathers, and husbands I love you none the less, Charlie, because I love my country and the great cause which is at stake. You have borne yourself so bravely and acted so nobly that I love you more than I did seven years ago. That was a girl's love, this is a woman's love. But I cannot, cannot forget that I am an American." " I don't ask you to forget it. I should be very sorry. Do you know, I have sometimes thought that I should — if the rules of the service permitted — like to enter the Federal Army for a v/hile. It would be a useful experience, and the cause is good." " Ah, then ! " exclaimed Olive, with glistening eyes. " But you have not named the day." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 323 " Oh, don't ask me now, dear." " Well, think it over. You don't propose to return to America immediately ? " " No, not immediately," returned Olive, with some hesi- tation. The subject was renewed on the next day and the day after that, Charlie beseeching and arguing, and trying hard to gain his point, she resisting, yet so faintheartedly withal that he felt sure she would end by yielding. Towards the end of the week Mr. Marsh came from Lon- don, bringing with him several visitors, whose presence in the house put an end to the lovers' private talks : and a few days later Charlie was obliged to leave for Guildford. " I shall write," whispered Olive as he was going away. " So shall I, and I shall be back in a fortnight." Before the fortnight came to an end Olive had letters from America. One of them was addressed in the well-known handwriting of Cousin Hosea. Conscious of her backsliding she opened the letter in fear and trembling. But Mr. Old- bury neither wrote words of direct reproach, nor referred to the prolongation of her stay in England. On the other hand, he dwelt at length on the prospect of the war and the temper of the country, of the unflinching determination to restore the union, and of the strenuous and unexampled ef- forts that, to this end, were being put forth ;_ of the devoted men who had died on the field of battle ; of delicate young women, who were doing the work of nurses in military hos- pitals and following in the wake of armies to tend the wounded and the sick. The abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, its prohibition in the territories and the offer of Congress to compensate any state which should abolish slaver}^ proved the nation's resolve to put away the sin which had drawn upon it God's anger and the reprobation of man- kind. But in all this there was no bitterness ; he even spoke tenderly of the rebels as " our erring brethren who are fighting nobly in a bad cause." The letter concluded thus : " I do not envy the feelings of those Americans who are absent from their country in the hour of her agony, who, as they are taking no part in the battle will have no share in the victory (a victory for the South as well as the North), and who, to the end of their days, will be haunted by the sense of having watched from 324 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. afar, with cold hearts and folded hands, the most momentous struggle for human freedom of our time." Olive read the letter in her own room. After reading it she sat a whole hour, motionless and in deep thought. Then she knelt down. When she rose from her knees her resolu- tion was taken. She wrote the same day to Liverpool, en- gaging a passage to New York by the next Cunard steamer. The following day she made her preparations, and on the day of her departure, she sent Cousin Hosea's letter to Char- lie, inclosing therewith a few lines from herself. " My hesitation is at an end," she wrote. " By the time you receive this I shall be gone. My cousin's letter will inform you why I have come to this sudden resolve. I hurry away for fear lest, if I see you again I may be persuaded to relent. I am sure you will love me none the less because I love my country too well to desert her in her hour of need. When the war is over and the victory won we may meet again — if you keep in the same mind. Until then, dear Charlie, fare- well, though I write the word with a faltering hand and a breaking heart. — Olive." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 325 CHAPTER XLII. EDWARD SURRENDERS. Early morning. Edward Prince in his office discussing with Mr. Simpson, his managing clerk, the contents of the freshly opened letters on his desk, pretty much as his father discussed business matters with Mr. Lillywhite in days gone by. But, for the most part, the nature of the business under discussion differed as widely from the business which the late Mr. Prince was wont to talk over with the old clerk, as the latter differed in personal appearance from his successor. Mr. Simpson was a dapper little gentleman with small features, a white face and piercing black eyes ; his clothes, of the newest cut, fitted him to perfection, his hair was parted in the middle, his whiskers were beautifully curled, and he sported a flower in his buttonhole. " Here's Walker wants his note renewed for three months, Mr. Simpson, what do you think, shall we do it ? " said Edward taking up a letter. " The security is pretty fair for a hundred and fifty, I think — a bill of sale on his stock, and a policy of insurance for five hundred, on which twenty annual premiums have been paid." " Good ! But he must plank something down — the interest in advance and legal expenses." " He'll do that — cannot help himself. I shall insist on fif- teen pounds." " That will do. Forty per cent, isn't bad interest on a practically safe investment. Now, about Jones. He asks for a thousand pounds and wants the money to-morrow, secured by an equitable mortgage on his house and land. The security is perfect, so good, indeed, that I am surprised he does not go to the bank." "His account is heavily overdrawn. He is afraid the bank 326 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. would want to keep the deeds as cover for the present ad- vance." " Then he is in a corner and squeezable. Say that he can have the money for four months, certain at one per cent, per month, and you can run him up a pretty stiff bill for expenses." " Oh, yes, sir. That is easily done. What about Symonds ? He was here just before you came, pleading for a little further delay, and talking about his wife and children." " I have granted him delays enough, and I won't stand any nonsense. Write him that if he does not pay within ten days Ave shall take proceedings. There is somebody at the door ; just see." Simpson went to the door, and took from a young clerk a slip of paper on which was written : " Captain Locksley would like to see Mr. Prince." " Captain Locksley ! What can he want ? " said Edward, glancing at the paper. " Either advice or a loan, I should say," returned Simpson drily. " On the security of his commission, I suppose. He has nothing else. Was Gubbins served with that writ yesterday ? " " Yes, sir." " Good ! Tell the gentleman I am disengaged, and shall be glad to see him." Whereupon, exit Mr, Simpson and enter Captain Locksley, with his hat in his hand, and his tinted spectacles on his nose. " Good-morning, captain ; glad to see you : pray sit down," said Edward offering his hand. Locksley responded with a formal bow, and sat down, looking hard the while at his brother. The latter, who hated being stared at, asked his visitor what he could do for him, to which the captain answered nothing. " Hang the fellow, he must be deaf," thought Edward. " What can I have the pleasure of doing for you. Captain Locksley ? " he repeated. " Don't you know me, Ned ? " said Charlie removing his spectacles. Edward's face blanched to the pallor of death, he fell back in his chair as if he had been shot, convulsively gripping the arms of it with both his hands. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 327 After thrice essaying to speak, without producing any- sound save a hoarse gurgle, he gasped : " You are not Charlie ? " " I am nobody else. You thought you had drowned me ? " " I — I protest " exclaimed Edward, wiping the sweat from his brow. " Don't ! I shouldn't believe you. You wanted me to die and left me to perish." " I assure you, Charlie, I had no idea " " Come, Ned, don't add lying to your other sins. Rather thank God that though you tried to commit murder you did not succeed. You treacherously sailed away and left me to drown ; and but for a friendly oar which kept me afloat, and a passing ship which picked me up, your object would have been accomplished. I enlisted and went to India, because if I had come back I should have been constrained to make painful explanations, which, for my mother's sake — not yours — I did not want to do." " But you call yourself Locksley. What evidence is there to show that you are Charles Prince ? " asked Edward, mak- ing a great effort to resume his ordinary manner. " Do you doubt it.-* " demanded Charlie indignantly. " If that is the line you are going to take — let me see " (rising from his chair), " the Mercury comes out on Saturdays. I shall see the editor at once, and by this time to-morrow all Peele will know " " No, no, for heaven's sake don't do anything rash," inter- rupted Edward. " I did not mean — I only suggested an ob- vious difficulty. I don't deny — I admit — yes, I admit, that you are my brother. But the shock has so upset me that I hardly know what I am saying. Does anybody else know of this 1 " "Three persons know, but every one of them — so long as I desire it — will keep the secret as religiously as I shall my- self—on certain conditions. These three are Lillywhite, who is now in the general office waiting for me, my good friend and comrade. Captain Revel, and Olive Lincoln." " Olive Lincoln ! Good heavens ! Does she know ? You told her ? " " Naturally. We are engaged." Edward fell back in his chair again, his face pale, his lips writhing. 328 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. Charlie watched him pitilessl)-. " But she is gone to America," said Edward at length. " That does not alter the fact. You were jealous ; that is one reason why you tried to drown me. You opened a letter which you found on my desk " " I didn't." " Lillywhite has the envelope which you broke open and reclosed. Shall I call him in .-* " " Pray don't. Anything rather than that. You spoke of conditions — conditions on which you would keep this matter secret." " And retain the name I bear. I suppose that would serve your purpose, though, candidly, I don't propose to do it out of consideration for you — and it is conceivable that I may have to take one or two more persons into my confidence ; but not in this country." " You are very bitter, Charlie." " No. I am only just." " Well, never mind that. What are your conditions ? " " That you return the fifteen thousand pounds you received from the insurance people." " Impossible. I should have to tell them everything." " Not at all. You would have to say that, having ascer- tained that, instead of being drowned, as everybody supposed, your brother was picked up by a passing ship, and left the country without communicating with his friends, you hasten to repay them the amount which you claimed and they paid in the belief that he was dead. They will be too glad to get back the money to ask questions." " It will look very bad." " If you wait until they find it out and make a demand it will. But if you make the offer spontaneously it will look rather well." " But they will ask for interest." "Why not? You have had the use of the money, and turned it to good account, too." " No, I haven't. It went to reinstate Mrs. Lincoln's trust fund." " Well, you have had the use of the money Jack paid. It comes to the same thing." " Six years' interest ! That will make a total of nearly twenty thousand pounds." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 329 " I don't care, though it makes a total of thirty thousand. Will you do it, or shall I communicate with the company? " " I suppose I must," groaned Edward. " What else ? " " I want my share of my father's and mother's estates ; and Jack must have his share " " He is rich. He doesn't want it ; he has written to say so. I can show you the letter." " In that case we shall have to divide equally. I also want an account of my share of the profits of the office since I went away. Our partnership has never been dissolved, re- member." " But I have done all the work ; you have done nothing." " Whose fault is that ? However, though I insist on hav- ing all that is due to me I want to be scrupulously fair. You can debit the account with the value of my personal services for the last six years — say three thousand pounds. That will be about fair, I think ? " Edward nodded assent, and a faint smile flickered over his face. It was three thousand pounds saved, as it were out of the fire. Charlie was less exacting than he had feared. " On the other hand," resumed Charlie, " on the other hand, there is my interest in the practice, which is quite as much." " Nothing of the sort. I deny it — I protest — it is not worth half three thousand pounds." " I think it is. Shall we have it put to arbitration ? I am quite agreeable." " How can we without disclosing the secret ? You have the whip hand now. Have your own way." " I will have what is right, Ned ; neither more nor less. And this is right. And there is another matter. You must do something for Lillywhite — undertake to allow him a hun- dred a year as long as he lives, or buy him an annuity." " Hang Lillywhite ! This is clean ruin," exclaimed Edward passionately. " It will take every shilling I have got. Don't be so hard on me, Charlie." " Don't you be so greedy, Ned. It won't take all you have got, or anything like it. Lillywhite says that what with money-lending and one thing and another you are making two or three times as much as we used to make, and for the future you will have all that to yourself. And I don't ask for an immediate settlement. You need not approach the 33 o THE PRINCES OF PEELE. ^gis people for a month, and I have no doubt they will be open to an arrangement. As for myself, all I ask is five hun- dred pounds down and the rest by instalments." " Let me have a little time to consider." " Not an hour. Why should a solvent man have time to consider whether he will pay his debts .-' Anyhow, my offer will not be repeated. If you refuse I shall run up to town and place myself in the hands of Topper, Sandboy, and Periwinkle." Edward drew a deep breath and bent his head. " I agree," he said, after a moment's reflection, " The account shall be prepared. I will settle with the ^gis a month hence : and bind myself to pay Lillywhite a hundred a year." " When will the accounts be ready ? " " In a week. My books are well kept. If you come here this day week at this time, the accounts shall be ready, and the money, and the bond." " Good ! We may consider that business as arranged. I shall leave the details to Lillywhite. He will examine the accounts and that. But there is something else." " Good Heavens ! What ? " " You have neither expressed sorrow " " I am sorry, very sorry." " I am glad to hear you say so, Ned, very glad," returned Charlie, cordially. " It is bad for brothers to be at enmity. If we cannot be friends — and I fear we never can — at any rate we need not be enemies. You are sorry, and have agreed to make amends, and I, on my part, forgive you. Here is my hand on it." They shook hands, and Captain Locksley went his way. For a long time after his brother was gone, Edward Prince sat with folded arms, sullenly thinking. " Thirty-three thousand pounds ? " he muttered. " Thirty- three thousand ! I should not get off for a penny less ; and it may be more, to say nothing of the hundred a year to Lillywhite. ... I did not think Charlie had it in him to be so hard and sharp. But a good deal of that is Lillywhite's doing — his revenge, I suppose. I should have kept him on, and would have done if I had foreseen — but who could have foreseen ? . . . Charlie will be well off, devilish well off. He has lighted on his feet again ; fellows who don't THE PKIXCES OF PEELE. 331 like steady work generally do. He will have fourteen or fifteen thousand pounds, and Olive and her money — that is the bitterest pill of all. He may buy as many steps as he likes, and rise high in the service. Oh, he may well afford to forgive me. . . . And I lose my chance of standing for the borough. I shall be too poor. . . . Yes, I am sorry, very sorry — that he was not drowned." 332 THE PRINCES OF FEELE. CHAPTER XLIII. 'twixt love and duty. On a June morning, in the year 1863, a gentleman wearing a military uniform, stepped out of Willard's Hotel, \\'ashing- ton, and after making inquiry of another military gentleman, with an armless sleeve, who was loitering at the door, as to the whereabouts of a certain hospital, wended thitherwards. The day was fine, and the streets were full of life and noise, and bustle. Soldiers everywhere, some in companies and squadrons, on their way to the front, or just arrived from the North or West to reinforce the garrison of the Capital ; others, mostly recruits, sauntering about, singly and in groups ; orderlies hurrying to and fro ; ammunition wagons, ambulances, gun limbers rolling sonorously over the pave- ment ; officers shouting their orders, sabres clashing, bayonets gleaming, horses neighing, banners flying, bugles blowing, and all the " pomp and circumstance of glorious war." Yet many — though they carried it off bravely — were under deejD discouragement. The Union cause was not prospering. Fredericksburg and Chancelloi'sville had been fought and lost, and the fear of losing Washington was becoming greater than the hope of taking Richmond. The officer in question surveyed the scene with an air Avhich was alternately critical and indifferent. He had seen too much of the stern realities of war to be excited by the mere preparations for combat. After twice asking his way he reached his destination, one of the temporary frame hos- pitals with canvas sides, so much in vogue during the Civil War. Passing within, the gentleman asked the dark-skinned janitor whether Miss Lincoln was in the hospital, and re- ceived an answer in the affirmative. " 1 should like to see her," said the stranger. " If you'll give me your name, and walk into the waiting- room I'll let Missy Lincoln know as you's dere." THE PRINCES OF FEELE. ZZl " Take her this card." " Yes, kernel," and the darkie went off with the card, which bore this inscription : — " Colonel Paul Coniston, 17th Illinois Bucktails." The waiting-room was a plainly furnished parlor, with a few commonplace engravings on the walls, and a few com- monplace books on the table. The " kernel " took up one of the books, glanced at the title-page and laid it down again ; then paced about the room impatiently for several minutes, then, turning a chair to one of the windows, sat down and contemplated, or seemed to contemplate, the street. While he was thus occupied the door silently opened and an eager voice exclaimed : " Oh, Cousin Paul, I am so sorry to have kept you waiting, but I was with the doctors and could not get away sooner." Her visitor rose from his chair and turned right about face. " Good heavens ! You, Charlie ; you, and in that uniform ? " " Yes, it is I, Olive, and in this uniform. And you, Olive, you are in my arms," suiting the action to the word and kiss- ing her passionately. " But why ? I can hardly believe. How has it come to pass? • The porter brought me Paul Coniston's card." "I wanted to surprise you." " And you have succeeded. But how has it come about "i Tell me quickly. I am dying to know." " Well I have the honor to be a major in Paul Coniston's regiment of Illinois Bucktails." " Oh, this is agonizing. Do tell me, please. When did you leave England .'' How long have you been in our army? How was it managed ? Have you left the Red Hussars ? " " Naturally. I could not hold the Queen's commission and Abraham Lincoln's at the same time." " But was not that a great sacrifice to make, Charlie ? " " It was all for love; and what won't a man do for the woman he loves ? " " Oh, Charlie, you make me so happy," she murmured, leaning her head on his shoulder, and looking up into his eyes, " so happy," 334 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " Besides, it was not much of a sacrifice. Tlie Red PIus- sars were ordered to London, and even with my accession of fortune I could not afford the life tliere — without being still more beholden to Revel than I have been and would like — though he is the best fellow in the world." " But I am still in the dark. How was it ? Begin at the beginning, and tell me everything. Do, please." " Well, when you so cruelly deserted me " " Don't be unkind, dear. I did no more than my duty. You would have done the same " " I am not so sure about that. When you went away I was terribly disappointed, and, for a while, so angry that I resolved to think no more about you. All the same, you were always in my thoughts. I found that without you life would not be worth living : and, before you had landed in America I had decided to follow you thither, and do what I knew would please you most — fight for the cause you love so well." " And are you really going to the front ? Think of the danger, and what will become of me if " (shuddering and clinging closer to him). Charlie smiled. " Wait a minute," he said. " I am not through with my story, yet. After I had arranged matters with Ned — he has made full restitution — I got an introduction to the American minister and some other people, wrote to Paul Coniston through the United States War Ofiice, and, after sending in my papers, set sail for New York, where I arrived three months ago, and where I found a letter from your cousin, saying that he was empowered to offer me a major's com- mission in his own regiment. I hope to get transferred to the cavalry later on, or, perhaps, a place on some general's staff." " Three months ago ! And you never let me know." " I had made up my mind to tell you in person, yet not before I had done something more than put on this uniform." "And what more have you done, dear ? " " What I never did before, fought in two losing battles. However, that was no fault of the Illinois fellows, they did their duty." " To think that you were in those terrible battles, and I didn't know it ! Suppose you had been killed. Are you going back ? " THE PKIXCES OF PEELE. 335 " Of course. I got three days' leave with great difficulty — the war is not over by a long way." Olive shuddered again and turned pale. " Three days," she cried. " But why need you go back at all ? You are not an American." " I am a soldier, and must do my duty, Olive. I thought you would be pleased at my joining the Union Army." " I am, I am so pleased that I could cry for joy. But when I think of the perils you have passed through, and the possi- ble still greater perils to come, my heart grows faint. . . . Of course, you must return to the front. Better that than dishonor ; and who am I that I should enjoy an immunity from suffering and anxiety in this time of trial } How will it end, Charlie ? These repeated defeats are very dishearten- ing." " In the triumph of the North and the restoration of the Union." " Do you really think so ? " " I am sure. Providence is generally on the side of the biggest battalions. We have the biggest battalions and the best equipped, and, what is of even greater importance in such a contest as this, the sea power. For the Rebs fight so superbly and are so much better handled than our fellows, that if they had a fleet and could keep their ports open, I doubt whether, despite our greater numbers, we could con- quer them. I am rather afraid they would conquer us." " Isn't it strange that men should fight so heroically for so bad a cause ? " " Well, do you know, I have rather changed my opinion about the cause. It is true that the South are fighting for the right to hold slaves ; but they are also fighting for in- dependence. The rank and file of their armies are not slave- holders, yet they fight like demons. I had an interesting talk the other day with a little rebel colonel, whom we took prisoner. He told me that he never owned a slave, and was strongly opposed to the war from the first. But when his State went out of the Union he felt it his duty to go with it and fight in vindication of the right of secession. I believe there are a great many of his way of thinking ; and though the Union must be restored and slavery suppressed, in the interest of both sections of the countr}', I cannot refuse the Rebs a certain measure of sympathy. Most of them are as 336 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. patriotic, according to their lights, as you Northerners are according to yours. I saw those ragged heroes — some of them armed only with smooth-bore muskets — advance to the attack of an entrenched position, shouting their wild battle-cry, melting like snow under a fierce cross-fire, yet never recoiling. I felt proud that I came of the same race. I hope you Yankees will deal tenderly with them when all is over. .... But I am forgetting that I have a letter for you. Here it is." " From Paul " (opening the missive). " Have you read it t " "Of course not, nor heard it read." " Listen ! It is so like Paul, ' I felt sure that a man who could make a horse turn a somersault over a hedge, in the way your sweetheart did that time at All Hallows, would make a good soldier. And he is a good one — as good as they make 'em. He did us )^eoman service at Chancellorsville. If there were more like him, and we had a strong general in supreme command, and the President would hang Halleck, I believe we should be at Richmond in a month. The Buck- tails worship the little Englishman (as they call Locksley) and would go through fire and water for him. I think they would almost drink water for him, if he asked 'em. . . . I hope you will grant his request. He richly deserves it.' " " What request .'' What does he mean ? " asked Olive. " I want you to name the day, darling. You will, won't you ? " " But it is impossible. You are going back to the front, and who knows when " " Exactly, who knows when, if not now } I have three days' leave. W'hy cannot we be married to-morrow ? " " To-morrow ! To-morrow ! And lose you the day after ? Oh, Charlie ! " " It would be a great comfort, dear, to feel that you belong- to me, that we belong to each other, until death." " For pity's sake, don't put it in that way. Death, death," exclaimed Olive, in a tone of terror. '• I think we had better wait — but if you wish it very much let it be as you say." "Thank you, Olive, thank you very much," said Charlie eagerly. " You have made me very happy. And now about the preliminaries, for which we have not too much time. I THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 337 suppose we shall want a license, or something of that sort." " I suppose so. I'll put on my things, and we will go and see Mr. Stretton, our clergyman. He will tell us all about it." The things were put on, and after a conference with the parson, arrangements were made for the marriage to take place on the following day. Then other calls were made ; Olive introduced her lover to several of her Washington friends, one of whom asked them to luncheon, another to dinner ; and after spending together the greater part of a happy day they separated, but only to meet again in the evening. It was past eleven when Charlie, after leaving his sweet- heart at the hospital, returned to his quarters. As he entered the hotel the secretary hailed him. " Here is a telegraphic despatch for you. Major Locksley," said he. " It came at seven o'clock. If I had known where you were I should have sent it on." Charlie's spirits went down to zero with a run, for he feared that the message boded no good. It was from Paul Conis- ton, and ran thus : " Leave cancelled. You are to report )'Ourself here right away. The Rebs are massing for a move, and fighting may begin any moment. You have got promotion. Don't delay an hour." " Go right away ! Not until I am married. I'll see them all hanged first," thought Charlie, as he crushed the telegram angrily in his hand. " I wish that confounded secretary had not given it to me. Twenty-four hours can make no great dift'erence, and I am on leave. They gave me three days ; I didn't ask for more, and by heaven I'll have 'em. Poor Olive, what would she think ? " Then, cooling down a little, he reflected that twenty-four hours might make a great deal of difference ; moreover, the Older was peremptory, and a soldier's first duty is obedience. If he did not obey he -would deserve to be court-martialed and cashiered. What would Olive say then ? What would his old comrades say. It was a hard case, a very hard case, hard to defer his marriage indefinitely, harder still to leave Olive without seeing her and saying farewell — the chances being about even that he should never see her again. It was out of the question to disturb her at that time of 22 338 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. night, and the interview, besides taking time, might shake his resokition. If he did go, and he had made up his mind to go, the sooner he went the better. His first proceeding was to send a telegram to Paul Coniston. " Message just received, am returning right away." Next, he wrote a brief letter to Olive, in which was enclosed her cousin's despatch. Words, he said, were powerless to describe his feelings ; he was wild with disap- pointment. But there was no other course, compatible with honor and soldierly duty, than immediate compliance with the order he had received. He felt sure that he was doing what she would wish him to do, and bade her be of good cheer. On the very first opportunity he should ask for another and a longer leave of absence, when he would claim the fulfillment of her promise. Meanwhile, he should write to her as often as possible and hoped she would write to him. This letter he confided to Captain Lawton (who had lost an arm at Fredericksburg and was not yet sufficiently recovered for active duty) and, after explaining the circum- stances, made him promise to give it to Miss Lincoln with his own hand early on the following morning. Half-an-hour later Major Locksley was on his way to the headquarters of the army of the Potomac. THE PKIiYCES OF PEELE. 339 CHAPTER XLIV. THE BATTLE. The battle of Gettysburg, which proved to be the turning point of the Civil War, had three distinct phases, or, rather, it consisted of three separate conflicts, fought on successive days. The first went in favor of the South ; the second was drawn ; the third ended in the repulse of the rebels and their retreat into Virginia. This event, together with the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, which took place about the same time, sealed the fate of the Confederacy, and sounded the death knell of slavery on the North American continent. So far, the Southerners had been fighting for Home Rule ; thenceforward they fought for existence and honor, and none the less desperately that most of them, especially the leaders, foresaw the inevitable end. Brave men do not yield because fortune seems adverse and hope grows dim, and never were braver than the tattered and hungry veterans of the army of Virginia, whose valor and constancy won the ungrudging admiration of those who least loved the cause for which so many of them shed their blood and laid down their lives. When Charlie reported himself at headquarters he was rewarded for his previous services and prompt return by promotion to the colonelcy of his regiment, vice Coniston, promoted to the command of a brigade. " It was very rough on you and Olive," said Paul. " But the General insisted ; and if you had not hurried up you would not have got the regiment, that's a fact. And you are none too soon. The Rebs have crossed the Rappahanock, and there will be wigs on the green before long. That's another fact." During the month which preceded the decisive encounter, there was a good deal of promiscuous fighting, in which Locksley bore a part and went through unscathed. Neither did aught worth mentioning befall him in the first day's battle. 340 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. The tactics of the Federals were strictly defensive ; they held strong positions round Gettysburg, against which, during two long summer days, the rebels dashed themselves like a stormy ocean against a rock-bound coast, but, failing in their bold endeavor, and their ammunition being exhausted and their losses appalling, gave up the contest and withdrew to their own country. Among the more important of the positions in question were two wooded heights, on the left of the Federal line, known respectively as Round Top and Little Round Top. On the western slope of these hills was Devil's Den, a rocky crest and glen, the scene of several fierce encoun- ters ; and a little to the north lay Trostle's Farm, the Hougoumont of Gettysburg. Hereabouts was the hottest fighting on the second day, and could the Confederates have captured and held these " coigns of vantage," the battle had been theirs. Hereabouts, too, were posted Colonel Locksley and his Bucktails, who met the rebels with a resolution equal to their own. It was only late in the day that the Federals realized the importance of Little Round Top, and they had no sooner occupied it with a battery and two brigades of infantry than the rebels began to climb the hill. Dodging from tree to tree, now creeping, now making a rush, they marched on, heedless alike of the hurricane of musketry, which tore great gaps in their ranks, and the hissing shell, which sent scores of them to their doom. Two Federal brigadier-generals and the officer in command of the battery were killed within a few minutes. " Hot work this," said Charlie, whose horse had just been shot under him, to one of his captains. The words were hardly spoken when the captain leaped in the air, then fell on his face, convulsively tearing at the grass iri his death agony. " At them with the bayonet, boys ! " shouted Locksley, pointing with his sword and leading the way. The Bucktails answered with a cheer. Then ensued a fierce and bloody hand-to-hand struggle. Bayonet crossed bay- onet, muskets were clubbed, men dashed at each other's throats, and, locked in each other's arms, rolled down the hill. Charlie had just disarmed a rebel officer, who at the same moment was shot through the head by a Federal sergeant, THE PRINCES OE PEELE. 341 when a tall Texan went for him with his bayonet. Evading the stroke by a rapid movement, Charlie got inside the man's guard, and ran him through the body. His sword breaking off short, he picked up the fallen rebel's musket and fought with that. Finally the Confederates were hurled down the hill, with great slaughter, and the two Round Tops left in possession of the Federal forces. Nevertheless, the latter on the whole had lost ground, and at seven o'clock the position of their left wing was decidedly precarious. The men from the South had carried the Devil's Den and captured three guns, and now swarmed among the woods and rocks at the base of the Round Tops, watching for an opportunity to renew the attack. Some of the Federal positions had been abandoned, owing to the destruction of horses and drivers. Of the eighty-eight horses belonging to the battery which held Trestle's Farm only four were left alive. One loyalist division had been simply smashed up, another was giving way, and it looked as if the entire left wing would be rolled back. Night drew on. Yet still the battle raged ; still the com- bat deepened. A thick pall of smoke, illumined by incessant flashes of blood-red flame, hung over the field ; great guns roared defiance as they threw their missiles of death into the thick of the palpitating throng ; the shrieks of maddened horses mingled with the cries of wounded men ; the ground was slippery with blood, and strewn with the bodies of the slain and the dying. In that terrible fight Locksley lost a third of his regiment. As yet, however, he had not been touched. It seemed as though he bore a charmed life. But his time came. He had found another charger, and was cheering his men on, when a sudden rush of the rebels on their left flank forced them back by sheer weight of numbers, and as misfortunes never come singly, his horse and himself were hit at the same time. Both went down, and the horse falling on Locksley crushed his leg and pinned him to the ground. Just then a regiment from another corps came up at a run to reinforce the fighting line and an officer, observing Charlie's perilous position, hurried to his rescue. With the help of some of the Bucktails, who had rallied and re-formed, he raised the horse and released his fallen rider. " Are you much hurt ? " asked the officer. 342 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. " I am hit, and I fear my leg is broken," answered Charlie, faintly. " I cannot move." " Take him to the rear," said the officer. He also had to be taken to the rear ; for even as he gave the order a bullet struck his neck, and he fell as if dead. This was one of the last episodes of the second day's battle. As night closed in the rebels sullenly retired, but they were not pursued. THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 343 CHAPTER XLV. AFTER THE BATTLE. Charlie's sudden departure was naturally a great shock for his sweetheart. But the postponement of their marriage gave her less concern than its cause — the opening of another campaign and the imminence of more fighting, which meant peril to the cause — another defeat might be fatal — and still greater peril to her lover. For noblesse oblige ; as a Victoria Cross man he had a reputation to maintain, and would, she felt sure, be ever in the thick of danger, and the forefront of the battle. What if the Federals should be vanquished and Charlie slain ? Heaven forbid ! She put the foreboding from her, yet ever and anon it would thrust itself forward, making her nights wretched and wringing her soul with anguish. Often she recalled the time when she had reproached him for his seeming want of purpose, and he had confided to her his dislike of the law and regret that destiny had not made him a soldier. And now he was a soldier, fighting for the Union — and her. The thought thrilled Olive with pride. He was her hero : she had gained him for the cause, given to it what she held most precious, and if he should give to it his life, God's will be done. And yet, and yet, would it not have been better had Charlie remained a lawyer, and he and she had married and settled down in that pleasant land across the sea, and followed those country pursuits in which they both so much delighted. .... No ! That would have been unheroic, cowardly even, a clear evasion of duty. They had chosen the better part. When the war was over and the Union restored, and Charlie had sheathed his sword, they might revisit England, see dear old All Hallows again, and hunt with the Riversdale hounds once more. God grant it ! The hot June days went swiftly on, and each day brought news to Washington, news of mustering squadrons, of en- 344 THE PRIXCES OF PEELE. counters with the enemy, of losses and captures, and, above all, of the steady advance northward of the rebel host. Men feared for the issue, and as the supreme moment drew near, their fears deepened. The Army of Virginia, emboldened by repeated victories, was proudly confident. Composed mainly of veterans, led by a captain of consummate ability, whose Government gave him a free hand, it was ready to go anywhere and do anything. The Army of the Potomac, on the other hand, was dis- couraged by defeat, in its ranks were many green recruits, the commander-in-chief had been changed five times in ten months, and the occupant of that unenviable post had to fight both the enemy and the chief of the staff at Washington, at that time the enemy's most potent ally. On the I St of July it was reported that Lee had attacked Meade in a position chosen by the latter, and that a great battle had begun. The result, as telegraphed to Washington the same night, was discouraging ; the result of the second day's fighting was indecisive. All the general public could make out was that neither army had retreated. Like thousands of other women at that time, Olive Lincoln was in an agony of apprehension and excitement. She trembled for her country and her lover. She -pictured him waving his sword, leading his men to victory, and when the fight was over, receiving the victor's reward. She saw him fighting hand-to-hand against overwhelming odds, saw him faint and wounded, saw him lying stark and stiff, horses galloping over him and men trampling on his bleeding body. Then she would take courage, try to persuade herself that all was well with him and the cause ; but though she preserved her outward calm and attended to her duties in the hospital, her mind was in a continual turmoil, and she knew no rest. On the evening of July 3d she received a telegram. It was several seconds before she could muster up courage to break the seal. It might either be a code of death or bring tidings of great joy. The sender was Paul Coniston, and this is what he said : " Locksley wounded, though not severely. He fought nobly and won great praise. Rebs in full' retreat." " That means he is severely wounded," thought Olive. THE PRIXCES OF PEELE. 345 " If he had not been he would have telegraphed himself. Paul might have said how he was. At any rate, he is alive and the victory ours. I shall go to Gettysburg right away." She sought out Captain Lawton, with whom she had be- come good friends, and asked him to go with her. He con- sented gladly, and as soon as it was possible they set off. It was a memorable journey. On every hand they saw sights and signs that showed the terrible character of the struggle which had been waged among the hills and dales of the Quaker State — companies of Confederate prisoners under escort, gaunt, dirty, ragged fellows, their faces still black with the smoke of battle, yet stepping jauntily and bearing them- selves bravely — wounded soldiers, their heads bandaged, their arms in slings, hieing them homeward or making for Washing- ton — shattered buildings and trampled fields. Round about Gettysburg, houses, barns, churches, stables, were crowded with wounded, who of both armies, numbered upwards of twenty-four thousand ; many of the dead still lay unburied ; for in the three days' fighting nearly six thousand were sent to their last account. Olive and her companion had great difficulty in ascertaining Colonel Locksley's whereabouts ; but they eventually found him in the Lutheran Church at Gettysburg, which had been turned into a hospital. At the door whom should she meet but Captain Revel. " You here ! " exclaimed Olive. " Have you also joined our army ? " " No, I am here merely as an observer, and a student of the art of war, temporarily attached by special favor, to the staff of a general of division, I came just in time for the shindy." " Charlie ! How is he ? " " As well as can be expected. They have extracted the bullet, and his leg is not broken, only badly contused. I don't think he is as badly hurt as he was when he had that tumble into the lane and gOL his head broken." " My poor boy ! He is always unlucky." " Not a bit. The luckiest man I know. Why, he was in the very thick of it — I wish I had been there — and is sure to get his promotion, I always said he would be a general." " Take me to him, please." The wounded hero lay on a pallet, looking very pale and 346 THE PRINCES OF PEELE. evidently in pain ; but when he saw Olive his eyes bright- ened, and a smile of gratitude lighted up his face. " My poor boy ! " she murmured, and stooped and kissed him. " How good of you to come, and so quickly. God bless you, darling," he whispered. " How could I help coming when I knew my dear lad was wounded? Paul said so little, and I feared he had not told me the worst." " He had no time to say more. He is pursuing the Rebs. You see that man on the next pallet ? " The man on the next pallet was even paler than Charlie. His eyes were shut and his neck was bandaged. " Is he dead } " " No ! no ! Jack ? " The man opened his eyes. " Here is somebody come to see us. Somebody you have heard of. Olive Lincoln — my brother Jack." " John Prince .'' " " Yes, the brave fellow came to my rescue when I was under my horse and could not rise, and got badly wounded for his pains." " I am sorry I cannot offer you my hand," said Jack feebly, " but I was hit in the neck and am completely para- lyzed. I cannot move a limb, and have not long to live." " Nonsense, old man, you will pull through. Never say die." Jack shut his eyes again. " I have paid back every penny," he murmured, " every penny. I said they should not hear of me again unless it was something good, and I have kept my word. ' Keep me, oh, keep me. King of kings, under Thine own Almighty wings.' The old man would have forgiven me, I am sure he would — and my mother " Olive had a happy thought. " Jack," she said, softly. Jack opened his eyes. " I have something to tell you. I saw your dear mother, not long before her death ; and she charged me, if I should meet you, to say that she not only forgave you with all her heart, but was proud of you ; she kept your likeness always by her, and sent you her blessing." THE PRINCES OF PEELE. 347 " Thank God ! " and he closed his eyes again, as it might seem, in silent prayer. Then he looked up. " I have a favor to ask of you, Olive," he said, " a last favor to a dying man." " Oh, don't talk in that way ; I will do whatever you want." " Charlie has told me about you and himself, of his great love for you, of the trials you have undergone, and of his late disappointment, and it would be a great comfort to me to see you married before I die." " Now ? " " Yes, right now. This is a church, and the clergyman was with me only a few minutes since." " What do you think, Charlie ? " asked Olive, turning to her lover with a perplexed look. " I think we must humor him, poor fellow. The doctors don't give much hope ; his life hangs on a thread, and I should like it immensely, Olive. You could stay with me altogether, and I should get better in no time." " Let it be so, then. I cannot do less for the dear lad who has done so much for me." On this Captain Revel was called into counsel and informed what had been decided. " The very best thing you can do," quoth he, and went to fetch the parson, who, on the circumstances being explained, willingly consented to perform the ceremony. And so in that church full of wounded men, amid scenes of suffering, and on the morrow of an epoch-making battle, Charlie and Olive were made man and wife. When the war was over they went to England, and General Locksley and his comely wife may still be occasionally seen at the covert side in a sporting county not far from the town of Peele. Jack Prince surprised everybody, and nobody more than himself, by getting better. After two years of suffering and helplessness, he regained the use of his limbs ; but he never regained his restive strength, and his life was not long. THE END. 5. Ob. Bai-rie'8 Morks. Complete. In 3 vols., beveled cloth, gilt top, $8.50 ; half calf, $16.00. The Little Minister. By J. M. Barrie. New edition, with full-page illustrations. ' l2mo, cloth, gilt, $1.25 ; paper, 50 cents. "A literary gem of enduring value and beauty in its unadorned straightforward- ness and simple power." — Chicago Herald. Two of Them. By J. M. Barrie. 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