WwWm- A‘.’// STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY New Edition [1880], with a Supplement of upwards of 4600 New Words and Meanings. WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Note.— The only authorized Edition* of this Dictionary are those here described: no others published in England contain the Derivations and Etymological Notes of Dr. Mahn, who devoted several years to this portion of the Worh. See page 4. WEBSTER’S GUINEA DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Thoroughly revised and im¬ proved by Chaunoey A. Goodrich, D.D., LL.D., and Noah Porter, D.D., of Yale College. The peculiar features of this volume, which render it perhaps the most useful Dictionary for general reference extant, as books ever published, are as follows :— 1 . Completeness. —It contains 114,000 words—more by 10,000 than any other Dictionary; and these are, for the most part, unusual or technical terms, for the explanation of which a Dictionary Is moat wanted. 2. Accuracy of Definition. — In this department the labours of Dr. Webster were most valuable, In correcting the faulty and redundant definitions of I)r. Johnson, which had previously been almost univer¬ sally adopted. In the present edition all the definitions have been carefully and methodically analysed by W. G. Webster, Esq., the Rev. Chauncey Goodrich, Prof. Lyman, Prof. Whitney, and Prof. Gilman, with the assistance and under the super¬ intendence of Prof. Goodrich. 3. Scientific and Technics! Terms.— In order to secure the utmost, completeness j and accuracy of defini tion, this departmet 1 1 ; has been subdivided among eminent Scholars and Experts, including Prof.Dana, Prof. Lyman, &c. 4. Etymology. —The eminent philo¬ logist, Dr. C. F. Mahn, has devoted five years to perfecting this department. it is undoubtedly one of the cheapest 5. The Orthography is based as far as possible on Fixed Principles. In all cases qf doubt an alternative spelling is given. 6. Pronunciation. —This has been en¬ trusted to Mr. W. G. Webster and Mr. Wheeler, assisted by other scholars. The pronunciation of each word is indicated by typographical signs, which are explained by reference to a Key printed at the bottom of each page. 1, The Illustrative Citations.— No labour has been spared to embody such quotations from standard authors as may throw light on the definitions, or pos¬ sess any special interest of thought or language. 8. The Synonyms.— These are sub¬ joined to the words to which they belong, and are very complete, i 9 . The Illustrations, which exceed 3000, are inserted, not for the sake of ornament, but to elucidate the meaning of words which cannot be satisfactorily explained without pictorial aid. The Volume contains 1628 pages, more than 3000 Illustrations, and is sold rbr One Guinea. It will be found, on comparison, to be one of the cheapest Volumes ever issued. Cloth, 21s.; half-bound in calf, 30s. : calf or half-russia. 31 8. Qd .; russia, £2. 3 To be obtained through, all Booksellers. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL GEORGE BELL & 00020883260 New Edition, with a New Biographical Supplement of upwards of 9700 Names. WEBSTER’S COMPLETE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND GENEEAL BOOK OF LITEEAEY REFERENCE. With 3000 Illustrations, Tho¬ roughly revised and improved by Chauncey A. Goodrich, D.D., LL.D., and Noah Pouter, D.D., of Yale College. One Volume, Quarto, strongly bound In cloth, 1919 pages, price £1 111. 6c?.; half-calf, £2; calf or half-russia, £2 2s.; russia, £2 10s. Besides the matter comprised in the Webster’s Guinea Dictionary, this volume contains the following Appendices, which will show that no pains have been spared to make it a complete Literary Reference-book:— A Brief History of the English Lan¬ guage. By Professor James Hadley. This Work shows the Philological Rela¬ tions of the English Language, and traces the progress and influence of the causes which have brought it to its present con¬ dition. Principles of Pronunciation. By Professor Goodrich and W. A. W heeler, M.A. Including a Synopsis of Words differently pronounced by different au¬ thorities. A Short Treatise on Orthography. By Arthur W. Wright. Including a Complete List of Words that are spelt in two or more ways. An Explanatory and Pronouncing Vocabulary of the Names of Noted Fic¬ titious Persons and Places, &e. By W. A. Wheeler, M.A. This Work includes not only persons and places noted in Fiction, ! whether narrative, poetical, or dramatic, but Mythological and Mythical names, names referring to the Angelology and De¬ monology of various races, and those found in the romance writers; Pseu¬ donyms, Nick-names of eminent persons and parties, &c., &c. In fact, it is best described as explaining every name which is not strictly historical. A reference is given to the originator of each name, and where the origin is unknown a quotation is given to some well-known writer in which the word occurs. This valuable Work i nay also be had separately, post 8 vo., 5 s. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Scrip¬ ture Proper Names. By W. A. Wheeler, M.A. Including a List of the Variations that occur in the Douay version of the Bible. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Greek and Latin Proper Names. By Professor Thacher, of Yale College, An Etymological Vocabulary of Mo¬ dem Geographical Names. By the Rev. C. H. Wheeler. Containing:—I. A List of Prefixes, Terminations, and Formative Syllables in various Languages, with their meaning and derivation; ii. A brief List of Geographical Names (not explained by the foregoing List), with their derivation and signification, all doubtful and obscure derivations being excluded. Pronouncing Vocabularies of Modern Geographical and juiographlcal Names. By J. Thomas, M.D. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Com¬ mon English Christian Names, with their derivations, signification, and diminutives (or nick-names), and their equivalents in several other languages. A Dictionary of Quotations, Selected and translated by William G. Webster, Containing all Words, Phrase3, Proverbs, and Colloquial Expressions from the Greek, Latin, and Modem Foreign Lan¬ guages, which are frequently met with in literature and conversation. A New Biographical Dictionary of upwards 9700 Names of Noted Persons, Ancient and Modern, including many now living—giving the Name, Pronunciation, Nationality, Profession, and Date of Birth and Death. A List of Abbreviations, Contrac¬ tions, and Arbitrary Signs used in Writing and Printing. A Classified Selection of Pictorial Illustrations (70 pages). With references to the text. “The cheapest Dictionary ever published, as it is confessedly one cf the best. The intto- dnctlon of Bmall woodcut illustrations of technical and scientinc terras adds greatly trf> the utility of the Dictionary.”— Churchman. To be obtained through all Booksellers . a 2 3 STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED By WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY. From the Quarterly Keview, Oct. 1873. “ Seventy years passed before Johnson was followed by Webster, an American writer, who faced the task of the English Dictionary with a full appreciation of its requirements, leading to better practical results.” • # • • “ His laborious comparison of twenty languages, though never pub¬ lished, bore fruit in his own mind, and his training placed him both in knowledge and judgment far in advance of Johnson as a philologist. Webster’s ‘American Dictionary of the English Language’ was pub¬ lished in 1828, and of course appeared at once in England, where successive re-editing has as yet kept it in the highest place as a practical Dictionary .” “ The acceptance of an American Dictionary in England has itself had immense effect in keeping up the community of speech, to break which would be a grievous harm, not to English-speaking nations alone, but to mankind. The result of this has been that the common Dictionary must suit both sides of the Atlantic.” .... “ The good average business-like character of Webster’s Dictionary, both in style ana matter, made it as distinctly suited as Johnson’s was distinctly unsuited to be expanded and re-edited by other hands. Professor Goodrich’s edition of 1847 is not much more than enlarged and amended, but other revisions since have so much novelty of plan as to be described as distinct works.” .... “ The American revised Webster’s Dictionary of 1864, published in America and England, is of an altogether higher order than these last [The London Imperial and Student’s]. It bears on its title-page the names of Drs. Goodrich and Porter, but inasmuch as its especial im¬ provement is in the etymological department, the care of which was committed to Dr. Mahn, of Berlin, we prefer to describe it in short as the Webster-Mahn Dictionary. Many other literary men, among them Professors Whitney and Dana, aided in the task of compilation and revision. On consideration it seems that the editors and contributors have gone far toward improving Webster to the utmost that he will bear improvement. The vocabulary has become almost complete , as regards usual words, while the definitions keep throughout to Webster's simple careful style , and the derivations are assigned with the aid cf good modern authorities.” “ On the whole, the Webster-Mahn Dictionary as it stands, is most respectable, and CERTAINLY THE BEST PRACTICAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY EXTANT.” LONDON: GEORGE BELL A SONS, YORK STREET, CO VENT GARDEN, GEORGE BELL & SONS. SPECIAL DICTIONARIES AND WORKS OF REF ERE NCE, Dr, Richardson’s Philological Dictionary of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Combining Explanation with Etymology, and copiously illustrated by Quotations from the Best Authorities. New Edition , with a Supplement containing additional Words and further Illustrations. In 2 vols. 4to. £4 14s. Gd. Half-bound in Russia, £5 15». Gd. Russia, £6 128.—The Supplement separately. 4to, 12s. An 8vo. edition, without the Quotations, 158. Half-russia, 20«. Russia, 24s. A Supplementary English Glossary. Containing 12,000 Words or Meanings occurring in English Literature not found in any other Dictionary. With Illustrative Quotations. By T. Lewis O. Davies, M.A. Demy 8vo. 168, Folk-Etymology. A Dictionary of Corrupted Words which have been Perverted in Form or Meaning by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy. By the Rev. A... S. Palmer, Author of “ A Word-Hunter’s Note-book.” Demy 8vo. 21s. “ Most interesting, instructive, and valuable contribution to the study of language.”— Athenceum. Synonyms Discriminated. A Catalogue of Synonymous Words in the English Language, with their various Shades of Mean¬ ing, &e. Illustrated by Quotations from Standard Writers. By the late Yen. C. J. Smith, M.A. Demy 8vo. New Edition , revised and enlarged. 14s. A Dictionary of Quotations. From the English Poets. By Henry G. Bohn, F.R.A.S., F.L.S., &c. 4thEdition. Post 8vo. 6s. “ Mr. Bohn’s volume has the rare recommendation of being entirely free from the rubbish which is commonly thrust into similar collections. His selections have been made from a long and extensive course of reading, and it everywhere bears evidence of a scholar’s eye and taste. There must be, as we judge, nearly 8,000 quotations in the volume, ranging from Chaucer to Tennyson.”— Times. A Biographical Dictionary. By Thompson Ooopkb, F.B.A., Editor of “ Men of the Time,” and Joint Editor of “ Athena) Canta- brigienses,” 1 vol. 8vo. With Supplement to 1S83. 15s. Supple¬ ment separate, 3s. Gd. This volume is not a mere repetition of the contents of previous works, but embodies the results of many years’ laborious research in rare publica¬ tions and unpublished documents. Any note of omission which may be sent to the Publishers will be duly considered. “It is an important original contiibution to the literature of its class by a painstaking scholar.it seems in every way admirable, and fully to justify the claims on its behalf put forth by its editor.”— British Quarterly Review. Bryan’s Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. With a List of Ciphers, Monograms, and Marks. Enlarged, Edition, thoroughly revised by R. E. Graves, British Museum. In monthly parts, 5s. each, Part3 1-4 ready. The Cottage Gardener’s Dictionary, With a Supple¬ ment, containing all the new plants and varieties to the year 1869. Edited by George W. Johnson. Post 8vo. Cloth. 6s. Gd. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, CO VENT GARDEN. - 6 STANDA'RI) WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE ALDINE SERIES OF THE BRITISH POETS. CHEAP EDITION. In Fifty-two Volumes} Bound in Olotli, at Eigliteenpeno© eacli Volume. Akenside, with Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyoe, and additional Letters. Is. 6d. Beattie, with Memoir by the Rev. A. Dice. is. 6d. Barns, with Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas, and additional Copyright Pieces. 3 vols. 4s . Qd. Butler, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitfokd. 2 vols. 3s . Chaucer, edited by R. Morris, with Memoir by Sir Haebis Nicolas. 6 vols. 9s. Churchill, Tooke’s Edition, revised, with Memoir, by James Hannay. 2 vols. 3*. Collins, edited, with Memoir, by W. Moy Thom A3, is. 6d. Cowpsr, including his Translations. Edited, with Memoir, and Additional Copyright Pieces, by John Bkuok, F.S.A. 3 vols. 4s. 6d. Dryden, with Memoir by the Kev. R. Hoopbk, F.S.A. Carefully revised, 5 vols. Is. Sd. Falconer, with Memoir by the Eev. J. Mitfobd. 13 . Qd . Goldsmith, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitfobd. Fe vised. Is. 6d. Stay, with Notes and Memoir by the Rev. John Mitfobd. Is. Qd. Kirke White, with Memoir by Sir & Nicolas, and additional Notes. Carefully revised, is. 6d. Milton, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitfobd. 3 vols. 4s. Qd. Parnell, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitfobd. Is. Qd. Pope, with Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyob. 3 vols. 4s. Qd , Prior, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitfobd. 2 vols. 3s. Shakespeare, with Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyce. Is. Qd. Spenser, edited, with Memoir, by J. Payne Cgllieb. 6 vols. 7s. Qd. Surrey, edited, with Memoir, by James Yeowell. Is. Qd . Swift, with Memoir by the Rev. J> Mitfobd. 3 vols. 4s, Qd . Thomson, with Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. Annotated by Peter Cunning¬ ham, F.S.A., and additional Poems, care¬ fully revised. 2 vols. 3s. Wyatt, edited, with Memoir, by James Yeowell. Is. Qd. Young, with Memoir by the Rev. I, Mitfobd, and additional Poems. 2 vols. 3s. Complete sets may be obtained, bound in half-morocco. £9 9s, N.B.—Copies of the Fine Paper Edition, with Portraits, may still be had, price 6s. per volume (except Collins, Ss. 6d.). LONDON .* GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 6 GEORGE BELL & SONS, THE ALDINE EDITI ON OF TH E BRITISH POETS. L SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES, The fifty-two volumes which have hitherto formed the well-known Aldine Series, embody the works of nearly all the more popular English poetical writers, whether lyric, epic, or satiric, up to th 9 end of the eighteenth century. But since that time the wonderful fertility of English literature has produced many writers equal, and in some cases far superior, to the majority of their predecessors; and the widely augmented roll of acknowledged English poets now contains many names not represented in the series of “ Aldine Poets.” With a view of providing for this want, and of making a series which has long held a high place in public estimation a more adequate represen¬ tation of the whole body of English poetry, the Publisiiers have deter¬ mined to issue a socond series, which will contain some of the older poets, and the works of recent writers, so far as may be practicable by arrange¬ ment with the representatives of the poets whose works are still copyright. One volume, or more, at a time will be issued at short intervals; they will be uniform in binding and style with the last fine-paper edition of the Aldine Poets, in fcap. 8vo. size, printed at the Chiswick Press. Price 58. per volume. Each volume will be edited with notes where necessary for elucidation of the text; a memoir will be prefixed and a portrait, where an authentic one is accessible. The following are already published:— The Poems op William Blake. With Memoir by W. M. Rossetti, and portrait by Jeens. The Poems of Samuel Rogers. With Memoir by Edward Bell, and portrait by Jeens. The Poems op Thomas Chatterton 2 vols. Edited by the Rev. W. Skeat, with Memoir by Edward Bell. The Poems of Sib Walter Raleigh, Sir Henry Wotton, and Selec¬ tions from other Courtly Poets. With Introduction by the Rev, Dr. Hannah,' and portrait of Sir W. Raleigh. The Poems of Thomas Campbell* With Memoir by W. Allingham, and portrait by Jeens. Thu Poems of George Herbert. (Complete Edition.) With Memoir by the Rev. A. B. Grosart, and portrait. The Poems of John Keats, With Memoir by Lord Houghton, and portrait by Jeens. Sacred Poems and Pious Ejaculations by Henry Vaughan. With Memoir by Rev. H. F. Lyte. Coleridge’s Poems. By T. Ashe. [In the Press.. L )NDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORE STREET, COVENT GARDEN. STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY In Ten Volumes } price 2s. 6 d. each; in half-morocco , £2 10#,, or , with Plates , £3 the set. CHEAP ALDINE EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE’S DRAMATIC WORKS. Edited by 8. W. SING-EH, Uniform with the Cheap Edition of the Aldine Poets. The formation of numerous Shakespeare Reading Societies has created h demand for a cheap portable edition, with legible type, that shall pro¬ vide a sound text with such notes as may help to elucidate the meaning and assist in the better understanding of the author. The Publishers therefore determined to reprint Mr. Singer’s well-known Edition, published in 10 vols., small 8vo., for some time out of print, and issue it in a cheap form, uniform with the well-known Aldine Edition of British Poets. CONTENTS. Yol, I- The Life of Shakespeare. The Tempest. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. The Merry Wives of Windsor. Measure for Measure. Yol. II. Comedy of Errors. Much Ado about Nothing. Love’s Labour Lost, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Merchant of Venice. Yol. III. As You Like It. Taming of the Shrew. All’s Well that Ends Well. Twelfth Night, or What You Will. Yol. IV. Winter’s Tale. Pericles. King John. King Richard II. Yol. Y. King Henry IY., Parts I. and II, Bing Henry Y, Yol. VI. King Henry VI., Parts I. II. and IIL King Richard III, Yol. YII. King Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Vol. YI1I. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. Timon of Athens. Julius Csesar, Yol. IX, Macbeth. Hamlet. King Lear. Yol, X. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline, Uniform with the above, price 2 1 . 6 d; in half-morocco, 5e> CRITICAL ESSAYS ON THE PLAYS OF SHAKESPEARE, By William Watkiss Lloyd; Giving a succinct account of the origin and source of each play, where ascertainable and carelul criticisms on the subject-matter of each. A few copies of this Work have been printed to range with the fine-paper Edition of the Aldine Poets. The price for the Eleven Volumes (not sold separately) is £3 16a LONDON; GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET COVENT GARDEN, 8 ’ GEORGE BELL & SONS. POCKET VOLUMES. A Series of Select Works of Favourite Authors,, adapted for general reading, moderate In price, compact and elegant in form, and executed in a style fitting them to be perma¬ nently preserved. Imperial 32mo., cloth. Gatty’s Parables from Nature. 2 vols. 5 S . Captain Marryat’s Masterman, Ready, 2s. 6d. Lamb’s Elia. Eliana and Last Essay with Memoir, by Bakrt Cornwall. 2 vols. 5s. Bacon’s Essays. 2s. 6d. Burns’s Poems. 3s. - Songs. 3$. 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These Volumes are Issued under the general title of “ Elzevir Series," to distinguish them from other collections. This general title has been adopted to indicate the spirit in which they are prepared ; that is to say, with the greatest possible accuracy as regards text, and the highest degree of beauty that can be attained in the workmanship. They are printed at the Chiswick Press, on fine paper, with wide margins, and issued in £ neat cloth binding. Longfellow’s Evangeline, Voices, Sea-side and Fire-side. ^ 4a. Set With Portrait. —•— Hiawatha, and The Golden Legend. 4s. 6d. —-Wayside Inn, Miles Standish, Spanish Student. 4s. 64 Burns’s Poetical Works. 4s. 6 d. With Portrait. »-Songs and Ballads. 4s. 3d. These Editions contain all the copyright pieces published in the Aldine Edition. Cowper’s Poetical Works. 2 vols,, each 4*. 84. With Portrait. Coleridge’s Poems. 4s. 6d, With Portrait. Irving’s Sketch Book, 5$, With Portrait. ——— Tales of a Traveller. 5s. Milton’s Paradise Lost. 4s. 3d. With Portrait -—-— Eegained, 4s. 6d. Shakspeare’s Plays and Poom*. Carefully edited by Thomas Kiightlkx. In seven volumes. 5 s. each. Southey's Life of Nelson, 4s. 3d, With. Portrait cf .Nelson. Walton’s Angler, 4#. 6