WMMM^^Mm^MM^ ag ^1 \l r ^^^ oPTrr.^ i ^ «* '»' '» '" '" >» -" THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIVIL WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. jtam^ojujca^^ tifto. Hai^ht, rtii Jac? SoMtr.b's Promotion Page 123 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVY. §, St0rn of % 6rcat Eebcdion. BY OLIVER OPTIC, author of "rich and iicmble," "in school and oct," "the boat clib.'' "all aboard," "now or never," "try again," "poor and pkolu," "Little by little," "the riverdale story books," etc. BOSTON : LEE AND SHEPARD, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK: CHARLES T. DILLINGHAM. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by WILLIAM T ADAMS, In th» Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massacbusettt TO CHARLES A. B. SHEPARD, ESQ., £ b 13 |1 k IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BT HIS FRIEND WILLIAM T. ADAMS. 602667 PREFACE. Tins volume, like its predecessor in the scries of "Army and Navy Stories," is not altogether a romance, but is hdieved to contain a judicious blending of fact and fiction, the former largely predominating ; the latter being introduced for the purpose of connecting and cementing the incidents Like "The Soldier Boy/' it is the record of a young man whose soul burned with a patriotic desire to serve his country m the hour of lier greatest need , and therein he is only a type of tens of thousands, who have forsaken the joys of home and the allurements of plenty, to battle upon the sea and the land for the integrity of the Union, — for a united country, which is one of the essential elements of our national peace, freedom, and jjrospcrity. The work is not a connected historical narrative of the opera- tions of the Western Gulf Squadron, though some of the events introduced will form a brilliant record in the history of naval movements in the South-west. The writer hopes the book will convey a correct picture, as far as it extends, of the glorious achievements of our gallant tars in that section ; and that it will impart some information, especially to the juvenile reader, in regard to the life of a man-of-war's man. The author gratefully acknowledges his indeljtcdness for valua- ble information, for charts, diagrams, and reports, to some of \na 5 PREFACE. naval friends, but especially to Ensign Francis L. Harris, a member of tbe late Arctic Expedition, now serving his country in the North Atlantic Squadron ; to whose mind the following pages will recall the long evenings spent in arranging the details of this story. Jack Somers is a representative character Many have lived as well and foutiht as bravely as he did for the country we love: and, while wc commend his no))le and patriotic example to our youthful readers, we may remind them that earnest and patient continuance in well-doing is suMe of its ultimate reward; which is the lesson wc have intended tc teach in these pages. WILLIAM T. ADAMa Dorchester, Nov. 24, 1864. CONTENTa CHAPTER rA«a I. The Victory at Port Rotal 11 II. The Dash away in a November Gale 21 III. The Sailor and the Soldier 32 IV. The Naval Rendezvous 42 V On Board the Ohio 54 ^'I. Jack takes a Lesson in Discipline 65 VII. The Harrisrurg , 76 VIII. "All Hands, up Anchor!" 86 IX. "All Hands, make SailI" 96 X. "Man Overboard!" 107 XI. The Cockswain of the Captain's Gig 117 XII, Ship' Island .,...,. 127 XIII. The Boat-Expedition 139 XIV, Jack on the Lookout 150 XV. The C. S. Steamer Wizard 161 XVI. The Shore Battery 172 XVII. Return of the Expedition 183 IVUI. Fokts Jacksok and St. Philip 193 J 8 CONTENTS. CHAPTER rAOB XIX. (Qlartebmaster Somers , 202 XX. The U. S Steamer Middy 212 XXI. Up. the River • 223 XXII. Ja( K Ashore 232 XXIII. The Planter's Mansion 243 XXIV. A Night-Expedition 253 XXV. The Capture of the Kenshaw 2('3 XXVI. The Union Refugees 274 XXVII. The Conspiracy on board the Middy ........ 284 XXVIII. The Middy on the Blockade 294 XXIX. The Blockade-Runner 305 XXX. On the Suwannee River 315 XXXI. Homeward Bound , . .327 THE SAILOR BOY. THE SAILOR BOY; JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVY. CHAPTER I. THE VICTORY AT PORT ROYAX. URRAH for the navy!" shouted John Somers, as he rushed into the house, threw his cap upoQ the floor in the entry, aud boUed into the room where the family were just sitting do^vn to supper. *' Hurrah for the navy ! " "■What is the matter now, John?" demanded Mrs. Somers, placing the teapot on the table, and suspending all further proceedings till the excited young man had told the news. '' ' The army and navy forever ! Three cheers for the red, ,vhitc, and blue ! ' " added John, swinging bi« 11 12 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, handkerchief, and singing lustily the words of the patri- otic song. " Why don't you tell us what the news is, John ? You act just like a madman when any thing lias happened." *" Fort Walker and Fort Beauregard captured ! The navy gave 'em fits down tliere," replied John, pulling the "Boston Journal" from his pocket, and tossing it upon the table, to the imminent peril of the milk pitcher, which, however, maintained its gravity, in spite of the rude assault. " Massy sake ! I thought the whole Southern consarn had broke down," added Gran'ther Green. " It will break down and cave in now. Our folks have got a footing in South Carolina now, and they'll soon bring the rebels to terms," said Jolm, who was fully imbued with the enthusiasm, as well as the spirit of prophecy, -which pervaded the earlier period of the gi*eat American Rebellion. " Let me tell you, gran'ther, the navy has done a big thing down there. Commodore Du- ^ pout wall bring 'em to their senses in double-quick time. ^IjK; v Charleston will have to take it next." ^*^ " Eat your supper, John, and talk about it afterwards," interposed Mrs. Somers. ^^^ " Supper ! " exclaimed Jolm : " who can eat with such ||-J§ news as this? Let me read it to you." Mrs. Somers and the rest of the family were quite willing to hear what the navy had done at Port Royal ; JACK SO M E RSI .\ T 11 E X A r Y. 13 and John was permitted to read the stirring account of tlie action, which he interpolated with comments of his own, expressive of his aihniration of the Ihig-ollicer and the bhie-jackets generally, who had achieved the glori- ous victory. '' I wish I had been there ! " exclaimed John, when he had completed the reading of the narrative. " How I wish I had been there ! " " You had better eat your supper now," quietly re- marked Mrs. Somers, who did not seem to relish the turn which the conversation had taken. *'• Here I am rotting on the stocks, lying round like a lubber, when the ship's in a gale of wind," said John, as he stuffed half a hot biscuit into his mouth, apparently to mollify the dissatisfaction with which he regarded lids position. "Have some apple-sauce, John?" added Mrs. Somers. The young aspirant for distinction took some apple- sauce, and continued to eat, for a few moments, Avith a desperation dangerous to the well-being of the digestive organs, and which might reasonably have awakened a fear in tiie mind of his anxious mother that he would choke himself to death, instead of being killed by a splin- ter or a shell on board a man-of-war. John Avas silent for a time ; but he kept up a vigorous thinking, and it is doubtful if he could jiave told whether he was eating hot biscuit or " salt horse." It would not liave required a 14 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, conjurer, either, to tell what he was thinking about ; and the poor mother, with her husband far away in the rebel country (if, indeed, he was still living), and one son ex- posed to the perils of battle and march, walked mechani- cally from the table to the closet, as she proceeded to clear off the table, looking as sad as a vision of sorrow ; and it needed no conjurer to tell what she was thinking about. She was a patriotic woman ; but no doubt she wished the glowing ncAvs from Port Royal had never reached the ears of her son. She had endured all the agonizing sus- pense which only the wif^ of an absent husband and the mother of an absent soldier-boy can comprehend ; and she would fain keep this remaining son by her side to sustain and soothe lier by his presence. She hoped he was not needed ; she tried to persuade herself that John belonged to her, now that his twin-brother had joined the army : yet the New-England blood hi her veins would not let her be selfish, if the country needed liis services. She knew what John was thinking about, and she knew that the oft-repeated question was about to be pro- posed with more emphasis than ever before : "Would slie consent to his entering the -navy? He had asked her permission twenty times during the summer and autumn, and she had as often silenced him by pointing to the work required to be done upon the little farm. But now the corn and cabbages, the potatoes and the apples, had all been harvested, and she could no longer detain him JACK SOME US /\ T/Ih' XAfY. 15 upon the plea that his services were ueeded at home ; for there was hardly work enough about the place to give Graii'thcr Greene, who was now in better healtli than usual, the exercise which was needed to keep him alive. *' Mother, aren't you ashamed of me ?" said John, sud- denly dropping his knife and biscuit, and looking steadily at Mrs. Somers, who was gathering up the dishes on the other side of the table. "Ashamed of you, my son ? "V\Tiat ails the boy ?" exclaimed she, pausing in her occupation, and gazing at him with all a mother's pride visible in her expression. "Aren't you ashamed to have a son loafing about home when the navy is short of sailors? I can hand, reef, and steer, and I know the mainmast from the jolly-boat. I've been one voyage with father in a square-rigged vessel, and two in a ' fore-and-after.' I can make a long splice, a short splice, an eye-splice, a Turk's head, or a Jacob's* ladder. I know where to find the halyards and braces, the clewlines, buntlines, and bowlines. I know all about it, mother. Now, aren't you ashamed to have me lub- bering round here like a dandy in a hay-field?" " No : I'm sure I am not," replied Mrs. Somers with emphasis. " You have been a good boy, and worked hard all summer." " But I haven't had any thing to do for a week but Blow my grub and pick my teeth." " It won't hurt you to lie still for a week or two-'* 16 THK SAILOR BOY; OR, " Well, mother, I Avant to go into tlie navy ; and I think I shall be just as safe there as I shall at liome, and be earning something all the time, too." " I should think you'd rather be at home than off to sea this winter. Don't you hear the wind howl out- doors ? " Jolin did hear the wind howl, and he had heard it be- fore, and it did not disturb his bright vision of life on the wave : on the contrary, lie rather liked its music. He suggested, in reply, that the coast of South Carolina or the mouth of the Mississippi would be a warmer and pleasanter place to si)end the winter than the cold hills of New England. Wliile they were debating the ques- tion, a loud knock at the front door interrupted the dis- cussion ; and John bolted the balance of his supper, while his mother went to answer the summons. "Does Captain Somers live here?" inquired a gentle- man at the door. " Yes, sir, he does ; but he is away from home now," ^eplied Mrs. Somers. " Won't you walk in, sir?" " Thank you : I wish to see. his son, John Somers," added the stranger, as he followed Mrs. Somers into the little front parlor. " Yes, sir : I'll call him," said she, as she glanced nervously at the shoulder-straps which the gentleman wore ; for the "foul anchor" on them indicated that he was an officer in the navy. JACK SOME US IX THE NAVY. 17 Leaving her lamp in the parlor, she returned to the kitchen, where John had just swallowed his second cup of tea, and was at that moment thinkin;i, that, on board a man-of-war, he should drink his ''slops" out of a tin cup, and not indulge in the luxury of i)latcs, knives, and forks. •* Tiiere's a gentleman wants to see you, John," said ills mother ; and her heart was full of misgivings, and that foul anchor still haunted her imagination ; and she could not persuade herself that the officer had not come to carry ott' her boy, and ship him in the navy. ''Wants to see me?" exclaimed John, who was not in the habit of receiving many visitors through the front door. '• Yes, and he is an officer in the navy." " "What can he want of me ? " ''Don't you know who he is, John?" asked the anx- ious mother, who had more than half suspected that there was a plot to rob her of her remaining son. " I don't ; I haven't the least idea, mother.' "AVell, don't keep him waiting, John, whatever he wants ; but I hope you w^on't do any thing without con- sulting me." " Of course not, mother," replied John, as he left the room. Mrs. Somers sat down in a chair near the parlor door, and tried to hear what the stranger said ; for she was very nervous and uneasy. She could not make out what the 18 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, gentleman wanted : so she concluded that the small lamp she had left in the parlor would not afford sufficient light on the subject of the meeting ; and she lighted a large kerosene lamp, and carried it into the apartment her:?elf. Tlie conversation did not seem to be interrupted by her appearance ; and she there lore concluded that the officer and lier son were not engaged in any plot or conspiracy against the peace and comfort of the present head of the Somers Family. '' Madam, perhaps I ought to speak to you as well as to your son about the object of my visit," said the officer, as Mrs. Somers deposited the lamp on the mantel-piece. "Well, I don't know, sir," replied she, fully expect- ing to hear a proposition for John to go into the navy that very night. " Captain Barney sent me after your son," he con- tinned. " That was not very kind of Captain Barney," thought the poor mother, now fully convinced that John was doomed to the navy ; but she did not say any thing. " I reside in the next town to this, and am at home for a short time on a furlough. My father was suddenly taken very ill this forenoon ; and, about an hour ago, the doctor declared he coidd not live till to-morrow morn- ing." " I'm very sorry," said Mrs. Somers, beginning to be deeply interrested in the sad story of the stranger ; " and, if I can do any thing to help you, I'll go right over." JACK SOMERS /xV THE XAVY. 10. " TliMiik vou : we do not need any assistance at home. My brother is a captain in the garrison down at Fort Warren, and my latlier has expressed a very strong de- sire to see him. I hastened over to Pinchbrook to take tlie cars I'or Boston ; but I was too late. All I could do then was to take a boat, and go down to the fort. Cap- tain Barney, who is a friend of mine, offered to let me have his boat ; but I don't know any thing about Pinch- brook Harbor, and must have a skipper. I am informed that your son is one of the best boatmen in the place, and knows every rock and shoal in the bay." '^ I think I do, sir," replied John quietly. '• But it is an awful night to go upon the water," added Mrs. Somers, as she glanced at the Avindows, the loose sashes of which were beating a tattoo against the frame. '• I know it is a bad night, Mrs. Somers ; but I have been afloat in many a worse one. It is not a pleasure excursion ; and I would not ask such a favor with a les? reasonable excuse than that which I have offered." "John knows best about such things; and, if he is willing to go, I shall not object," added Mrs. Somers. " Of course I am willing to go, mother. But you are not going yourself, are you, sir?" *'I feel that I must." " I thought ^ou would want to go back to yoni father." 20 THE SAILOR BOY; OB, *' I do ; but I am afraid you would not be able to gain admission to the fort -without me." " I guess they would let me iu." " I am afraid not ; and if my l>rotlier should fail to reach home in time to see my father, through any neglect of mine, I should never cease to reproach myself. I will go with you." "' Dress yourself warm, John, l)efore you go : it is an awful night on the sea," addt^d his mother. Leaving Mrs. Somers with the stranger, John hastened to put on his " sea rig," and in a few moments returned to the parlor, with an oil-cloth coat on his arm, and a fisherman's hat in his hand. "All ready, sir," said he. "Ay, ay, my lad," replied Lieutenant Baukhead, as he rose, and bade adieu to Mrs. Somers. " Now" be careful, John," added Mrs. Somers, as she followed them to the door. " I'm always careful, mother. Don't be a bit scared about me," replied the young salt confidently. " I wish that man didn't belong to the navy," said Mrs. Somers to herself as she closed the door : " he will be certain to fill the boy's head full of notions afore he gits back, and he'll be more'n ever for going. AVell, well, it can't be helped. I hope the poor soldier will see his father afore it's too late ; " and she resumed her household duties in the kitchen. JACK SOMERS J iV THE NAVY. 21 CHAPTER II. THE DASIIAWAY IN A NOVEMBER GALE. (VrOHN SOMERS had been as uneasy aa a fish ^& out of water ever since his brother went into the ^/T anny ; an event which liad occurred the preced- ing spring. He was quite as patriotic as Thomas, and was just as desirous of doing something to help his struggling country in the hour of her peril. His tastes were for the sea ; though he would rather have joined the army than not had a part in the glorious work of putting down the Rebellion. But his mother had steadily resisted his importunity, and the month of November found him Btill at home, an unwilling resident beneath the parental roof, discontented and unhappy even in the midst of those hallowed associations which make home the dearest spot on earth. If the summoning voice of his country was powerful, the gentle tones of his mother were more potent. Though he did not reason and philosophize on the subject, he feU that his mother was nearer to him than his country ; yet 22 THE SAILOR B O T ; OR, he hoped that she would yet give her consent to his going into the navy. Piuchbrook was situated a few miles from Boston ; and its port, wliich was dignified by the title of Pinchbrook Harbor, was located iii)on one of the arms of tlie sea connected with Boston Bay. It was a thriving little place ; and, during the summer, John, besides taking care of his father's little farm, had contrived to earn a few dollars by doing odd jobs in tlie village, and espe- cially by acting as skipper, cook, or foremast-hand, on board the sail-boats and yachts of the place. He was a skilful boatman, and was thoroughly proficient in the science of nautical cooking. His chowders, fries, and battered-clams were entirely unexceptionable ; and, at a pinch, he could bake a bluefish or make a batch of bis- cuit. But John was not satisfied with his achievements at Pinchbrook Harbor and in the bay, nor with the pro- ceeds of his labors. His wages in the navy, not to men- tion sundry huge expectations which he entertained of pocketing some enormously large dividends of prize- money, would yield a far better return for his labor. He was satisfied that he could do more for the support of the family away from home than he could by " loafing about Pinchbrook," as he modestly designated his humble oper- ations ; and, when he left the cottage Avith Lieutenant Bankhead, he fully believed that the something had JACK SO ME Its IN THE NAVY. 23 Inrned up for which he hud so impatieutly waited for montlis. To make ihc aoqnaintanec of a lieutenant in the navy was apiece ofjrood fortune wliich he had not anticipated, and lie was convinced that he slionld make a favorable impression upon the mind of his passenger before they returned from the fort. It was, as liis mother had re- marke«l, an awful night to go upon the sea ; but he had weathered some heavy gales in a fore-and-aft schooner, and he was satisfied tliat he could keep Captain Barney's little yacht right side up in any thing short of a West- India hurricane. As they walked down to the harbor, Lieutenant Bank- head questioned his young skipper in regard to the boat in which they were to venture upon the stormy bay, and the dangers they would encounter on the passage. These inquiries, however, were only intended to "bring out" the young salt, and develop liis knowledge of tlie business he had undertaken. His replies were so satisfactory, that the officer soon became as confident as his skipper ; and, moreover, he began to entertain a very high respect for the character and ability of his new companion. " You'll do, Jack," said Mr. Baukhead, after he had fully tested the knowledge of the boy, and the ])eculiar seamanship necessary for the safe management of a sail- boat ; ''you'll do. I can handle a ship: but I neve? fttt«mptod to work a boat under sail ; that is, I neve/ 24 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, made a business of it. If you put me through all right, I'll give you a ten-dollar bill, and be much obliged to you besides." " I'll do tlie best I can ; but it blows pretty lieavy, and there's an ugly sea running." "I know it, my boy ; and so much the more credit to you if you take me through handsomely." " I don't think there'll be any trouble about it, sir. Captain Barney's boat's as stiff as oak and iron can make her, and she works like a lady in a sea. Here is the wharf. I don't know your name, sir." " Lieutenant Bankhead, of the navy. Yours is Jack Somers ; at least, everybody calls you so." " Yes, sir ; and it's a good name enough for me. I wish it was written on the shipping-papers in the navy." " Perl laps it may be yet. AVe want all the likely lads of your build and spirit that we can get." " I sliould like to go in," added Jack, as he cast off the painter of a small dory, in wliich they were to pull out to the moorings of the sail-boat. " Why don't you, then?" " My mother don't want me to leave home. If you will step into this dory, sir, I will pull you off to the Dashaway." " Dashaway ! is that the name of the captain's boat?" " Yes, sir : he christened her himself." " Well, it's a smashing name. By the by, I will speak JACK SO ME US IiV THE NAVY 25 to \(n\Y inotlier about your .e -points in the foresail, if you please, sir, and I will put a couple of reefs in the main- sail. It Avill help us get off the ([uicketr." '• But you don't intend to carry a reefed foresail aud a reefed mainsail, do you ? " asked the officer. 26 THE SAILOR BOY, OR, *'No, sir: we will try it under jib, and mainsail with two reefs. I think she will carry it ; but, if she won't, we shall be all ready to put her under a reefed foresail." '"Just so; I understand you ; and your calculation is ft very good one." Jn a few moments these preparations were completed, and the mainsail was hoisted. The wind blew even fresher than John had supposed ; but he still believed that the Dashaway would carry her jib and double-reefed mainsail. '' Now, sir, if you will stand by the helm, I will let go the moorings, and hoist the jib," said the skipper, when every thing was in readiness for a start. "Ay, ay, my lad. The jib-sheet leads aft, don't it?" " Yes, sir." John then cast off the moorings, and, seizing the hal- yard, ran up the jib in the twinkling of an eye. Mr. Bankhead then made fast the sheets, and the Dashaway, catching a heavy flaw, heeled over till her washboard was nearly submerged, — an antic which caused the lieu- tenant at the helm to cast loose the mainsheet, under the impression that she was going over. " She can stand it, sir," shouted John, as he hauled in the sheet again, and took his place at the helm. "'' She makes cantering work of it, anyhow," added JMr. Bankhead, whose nerves were somewhat shaken by the heelinir-over of the boat. JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVl. 27 " She's goofl for a l)iL'",tX<'r lilow than tliis. Now, if you will take a seat on the weather-side, or lie down in the tiiddy, we shall soon get our beariii'zs. There, sir, she jumps over the waves like a feather." ('aj)taiii Barney was too niuclj of a sailor himself to own any other than a stiff, weatherly boat ; and such was eminently the character of the Dashaway. She breasted the big waves like a mass of solid oak ; and though the spray dashed furiously over her, as she leaped over the %ngry billows, John Somers felt as safe in her as he would in the kitchen of his mother's cottage. The wind was east, and the skv overcast, which made the ni"-ht exceedingly gloomy and dark. The intrepid young skip- per could only discern the sombre outlines of the islands and the headlands of the main shore ; but these were suffi- cient to enable him to lay his course. Lieutenant Bankhead, though an older and perhaps a better sailor, did not feel so much confidence in the weatherly qualities of the Dashaway. He was accus- tomed to large vessels, and he could not help realizing' that his life was in the keeping of the bold youth at the helm. lie was silent and thoughtful. His father was dying at home ; and, without this solemn fact, a man with a soul could not but be impressed and awed by the wild war of the elements, within the circle of whose con- tending forces the little bark that bore him on his mission of parental affection was struggling on her course. 28 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, He was silent and anxious ; and John, fully alive to the responsibility which rested upon him, was too busj? and too earnest to talk. The roaring of the wind, the surging of the wjives, and the thumping of the boat against the sturdy sea. were the only sounds to be heard ; and they were enough to occupy the whole mind of a thinking being, and idle words seemed to be an insult to the majesty of the storm. On flew the Dashaway, till the dark form of Fort "Warren appeared like a gloomy shadow upon the eastern sky. Tliey were soon sheltered from the fierceness of the blast by the high walls of the fortification, and the boat came into comparatively still Avater. The spell seemed to be broken ; and the lieutenant, who had hardly spoken a word since the boat got under way, uttered some hearty commendations of the skill of the boatman. By the exercise of the same good judgment which had enabled him to bring his little craft in safety through the darkness and the storm to her destination, John, with the assistance of his passenger, laid her alongside the wharf which forms the only landing-place at the island. Here, as Mr. Bankhead had anticipated, a serious diffi- culty presented itself. The fort was at that time, as it is at present, used as a place of confinement for political prisoners. Messrs. Mason and Slidell had just been placed within its strong walls, to meditate upon the folly Wid crime of rebellion against the best government on JACK SOMEIiS ly THE NAVY. 2J> earth ; tiiid the military rogulations, Mhich exdude'l tho curious aiitl the hiwless, were necessarily very stringent. ''Keep ort', keep off!" shouted the sentinel on the wharf, as the boat rounded up by the i)iir, — '' keep off, or ril lire into you ! " ••* I am Lieutenant Bankhead, of the United-States Navy ; and I come on business of pressing importance." *' Show your pass," replied the guard hoarsely. "• I have no pass." *' Keep off\ then, or I will fire ! My orders are very strict." ''Will you pass the word lor the officer of the guard?" '' I can't do it. Keep off, or I must fire ! " "One word, and I will go. AVho is officer of the day?" demanded the lieutenant. " Captain Bankhead." "He is my brother. His father is dying. You can put the boatman and myself under guard." This statement seemed to produce an effect upon the sentinel, and he ordered l)oth John and his passenger to come upon the wharf. The corporal of the guard was 8eut for, and soon appeared with a lantern in his hand, which enabled him to see the shoulder-straps of Mr. Bankhead. He directed them to get into the boat .igain, while he despatched a man for Captain Bankhead. It wai) some time before the latter appeared ; and then half 50 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, an hour was consumed in seeing the con^mandant of the fort and obtaining the necessary furlough. It was after ten o'clock when the two brothers were embarked on the Dashauay for the return tripo If there was any change in the Aveather, it was for the worse. The rain had begun to fall, and the gale had not decreased in violence. "• Now, my lad, yon have two lives besides your own, instead of one, in your keeping, and you must have a sharp eye to windward," said Lieutenant Bankhead. "• I shall do the best I know how, AVe will run up under the reefed foresail ; but a small boat going before the wind makes Avorse Aveather than on any other tackc. She Avill shake you up a good deal ; but she will land you at Pinchbrook Harbor in two hours from noAv, if nothing happens," adde^^ %/ another visit to Pinchbrook ; but the way had ah-eady been prepared for liini. jNIrs. Soniers, iiudiug that she should be compelled to yield to the tre- mendous pressure which would be brought to bear upon her, luul already decided to yield gracefully and without a struggle. Captain Barney had used his eloquence to some purpose ; but the strong desire of John to serve his country was the most powerful influence acting upon her mind. On the morning after the captain's visit, John was somewhat surprised to hear her open the subject herself, >»'ithout any prompting on his part. " I have been thinking about your going into the navy, John, ever since I waked up this morning." '"Have you? Well, what do you think about it, mother?" replied John. '' I have come to the conclusion that you had better go, if you want to." J A cur so ME as IN THE NAVY. 4S *' Of course, I want to go ; but I don't want to go if you aro not willing. 1 shouldn't have a moment's com- fiTt if 1 thought you were worrying about me all the time." " I don't think I should worry any more if you were gone than I have for the last two or three months." " AVell, I didn't mean to drive you into letting me go." "•You haven't. I've made up my mind that you will just be as well off in the navy as you will be at home. You always was a good boy ; and I expect you will be- have yourself wherever you go." '^ I always mean to do that, mother. A fellow can't be a very bad boy iu the navy, they are so strict." So it was decided that John should go into the navy ; and there wasn't half so much friction about the matter as he thought there would be when the final action should come. His mother seemed to be entirely satisfied to liave him go ; and she was more cheerful for the few days following the decision than she had been before. All doubt 'and anxiety on the subject were removed, and slie was disposed to look on the bright side of the case When Lieutenant Bankhead appeared, there was no occasion for the array of excellent and convincing argu- ments which he had provided to overcome the mothe/s repugnance to the proposed step. '* Is your son at home, madam?" said he, after the introductory remarks were concluded. 44 THE SAilOR BOY; OR, '' Yes, .sir ; he is out in the garden. I liave sent Jeunj^ after Iiim, and he will be here in a few moments." *' I suppose you know what kind of a time we had upon the water the other night," continued the visitor " Yes, sir : John told me all about it." " And, of course, he told you how deeply I am in- debted to him for the service he rendered me ? " '' He didn't say much about that," replied Mrs. Som- ers, who did not know but that he might think her son had criticised the conduct of his passenger on that event- ful night. " He is a brave little fellow, and I owe him a debt \ shall never be able to repay." " Oh, w^ell ! John don't mind that." " But I mind it ; and I should have been here before to repeat my thanks, if the death of my father had not pre- vented." " John thought ever so much of you ; and I rather think he is much obliged to you for falling overboard, and giving him a chance to pull you into the boat. But you are not the first man that John has pulled out of the water," added the mother proudly. " I am very glad to have obliged hira, though it is not every young man whom I should be willing to oblige in that manner. But, madam, your son wishes to go into the navy." '"'" Yes, sir ; he has been wanting to go ever since the JACK SOMETiS IX THE NAVY. 45 war broke out : Imt 1 coiildn't make up my miud to let him go before ; and John isn't a boy that would go with- out his mother's leave." *' Good boys always love and respect tiieir mothers." '' But I've made up my mind to let him go just as soon as he has a mind to. He wanted to go off and sign th« papers yesterday ; but I told him lie had better wait till he saw you." *' Indeed ! I am very glad you have consented. " Yes, sir ; I thought it would not do any good to hold out any longer : and John is a good boy, and will be- have himself Avherever he goes. Here he comes : he can speak for himself.' Lieutenant Bankhead rose, and grasped the hand of Jolin as he entered the room ; and, after they had talked a while about their trip to Fort Warren, the subject near- est to the young man's heart was again brought up for consideration. His grateful friend gave him all the in- formation necessary for his guidance in the important step he Avas about to take. It was decided that John should enter the navy on the following day; but, as the ship to which Mr. Bankhead had been ordered would not be ready for sea for a few weeks, it was thought best, for several reasons, that the young sailor should enlist in Boston, and spend the period of his probation on board the receiving-ship at Charlestown. The arrangements iiaving been completed, and an appointment made for i6 THE SAILOR BOY; OH, John to meet liis friend in the city at noon the next day, Mr. Bankliead rose to take liis leave. " Jack, I dare say you may think I am a very forj^et- ful man," continued the lieutenant, with a smile upon his handsome face. "Fors not ; hut siipi)<>>e lio lia«l ?" '* I slioiiM liiivi' knuckod him omt, just as you did, m;^ tij)unky oiu'," "But then you wouhl have ne it ; and left tlie ship's corporals to lake care of him, if he wasn't satisfied. I nii;:ht have cut down his hammock arter he turned in, or dropped a l>elayin'-pin on his toes, or something of that sort ; but I shouldn't get up a fight witli him. The fact is, my crank little one, an ill-tempered fellow is sarved out so many ways, board a man-o'-war, that he soon lams to mind his own business." " Well, I dare say I shall soon learn the ways of my new shipmates; but I don't half like the fashion of hitting a fellow in the dark." " You can't fight it out board the ship, and you won't stand it to be bullied l>y a flunky. As to hitting 'im in the dark, my little breezer, that's all in your eve. Your flunky knows who does it, and so does every man in the ship. That's our way of sarvin' 'im out." '' Very likely I shall get used to it in a short time : at any rate, I mean to do my duty faithfully, obey orders, au«l keep up to the discipline of the ship." '* That's right, my jolly bantam : that's the way to get iilong in the navy." Tom Longstone was a veteran in the navv, and knew 62 THE SAILOR BOY. OR, every rope iu tlie ship, as well as every quirk iu its dis- cipline, and Avas thoroughly posted iu all the supersti- tions and traditions ol the serviee. For some reason or other, — perhaps because he had displayed the spirit of a man, — the old salt was strongly prejudiced iu Jack's favor at the first interview, and proceeded, in due form, to take him luider his protection. Tom pumped him dry in regard to his parents, his native place, his antecedents upon the sea and the land. He examined him in sea- manship, inquired carefully into his moral and religious principles, — as carefully as though Jack had been a candidate for the situation of chaplain instead of ordinary seaman, — and was particularly nice in his inquiries into the incipient hero's patriotism. " You see, my jolly little clipper, I believe in two things : one on 'em is the Bible, and t'other the 'Meriken flag. I never throwed a vote in my life, and never had nothin' to do Avith politics ; but the man that says any thing agin the 'Meriken flag, Avhy, smash my cutwater, but he's my enemy ! Them's my sentiments, Jack. I haven't got no other creed, in politics or religion. Stand by the Bible and the 'Meriken flag, my hearty, and jt'll be all right with you iu this world and t'other one too. Steady ! there's the boatswain's Avhistle piping to supper. Here, my jolly biscuit-nibbler, stOAV your little carcass in here, and I'll see that the sharks don't gnaw your walk- ing-timbers off." J A( K SO .\r E n s I .V t n t: s .\ v \ Ci Tom Longstuiic seatL-tl liiuir^elf at the iness-tahle, upon which the j^nib ha/-o dm.^ wlio had h«'e'.i di'puted to serve in the phiee ol" Spri;jr^'s. They did not iia\e liot l)iseiiit.s aud baked apples lor supper ; but the Tare was good, wholesome, and abimdant in ouautity. Jack was intro- duced to his mess-matrs, in man-of-war style, by Tom ; aud very soon the conversation turned upon the events which had occurred before supper, aud our hero was duly commended and admii-ed for his manliness. '• He'll larn better how t(j sarve out a flunky one of these days," said Tom, who was proud of his protefje. '' That's just the way you'll sarve out the rebels, my lad : lay 'em aboard, and carry 'em all standing." '* I hope I shall behave myself on such an occasion," replied Jack modestly. '* I came into the navy to fight for my country, and I intend to do my duty." '^ That's the idea, my merry little piper. Stand by the stars and stripes as long as there's a plank left." *•' I reckon some of us will be drafted bet'bre long," added Ben Blinks, a weatherly old tar, who had just re- turned from a foreign cruise, and shipped again for three years. "^The sooner the better," said Jack with enthusiasm. " I've been aboard the guardo about as long as I want lo be," continued l)o]» Rushington, a man-of-war dandy, who wore ear-rings, aud had shining black curls. 1)4 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, '-'• I say, Jat'k, who's tlie ofTicer that convoyed you aboard ? " demanded Tom Longstone. " Lieutenant Baukiiead.' ** Bankhead ? lie is a •rentlcman and a scholar. I'v} heard good things of him." " He promised to liave me drafted into his ship," added Jack. " Good, my little honey-bee ; and, if he takes you, he must take me," said Tom, bringing his fist down upon the mess-table. " I think he woidd be very glad to have you." " Suppose you put in a word for me." '' I will, with pleasure." *'And for me," added Blinks. " Likewise for me," suggested Rushington. Half a dozen others made a like request ; and Jack did not know but lie should have the pleasure of drafting the whole crew for Mr. Bankhead's ship. But, after con- sultation with Tom, he decided to use his influence only for Blinks and Rushington : first, because he liked them ; and, second, because Tom said they w^ere first-rate sea- men. JACK SOME US jy riiE savy. 65 CHAPTER VI. JACK TAKKS A LKSSON IN DISCIPLINE. X the followiug day, Springs was released from coiitineiueut ; having served out his twenty-four hours ujK)U bread aud water. He was ordered to resume his duties as cook of tlie mess. He looked at Jack with an evil eye : hut, as our hero was under the powerful protection of three old men-of-war's men, he behaved tolerably Avell ; and Jack, willing to for- give him, treated him as handsomely as though nothing had luippened to disturb their friendly relations. '•Just keep an eye to windward, my lad," said Blinks after supper. " Spriggs looks as though he meant mis- chief." '• Thank you, I will," replied Jack ; " though I am willing to let by-gones go for nothing." '- Spriggs isn't : so just keep your weather-eye wide open." '' Do you think he will attempt to whip me ? " " Not he ; he has got enough of that : but he'll upset a pot of hot tea in your lap. or do some dirty trick of that sort." 66 THE SAILOR BOY, OR, " I'll look out for him." "Just keep right up stiff iuto the wiud, and we'll see you through if he attempts to fool you." Jack paid no apparent attention to Spriggs, though he kept a close watch upon all his movements. When the hammocks were piped down at night, he observed that his enemy kept a sharp eye upon him, and ho had no doubt he intended mischief. He mentioned his suspi- cious to Blinks, whose hammock was slung next to his own." "All right: he's got your bearings, and he means to cut you down." " I don't see that I can help myself, unless I kocp awake all night." " Yes, you can : we'll rig a dummy for you." Blinks explained his plan ; and, with the assistance of his other friends, they deposited four twenty-four-pound shot in Jack's hammock. Another shot was slung over the hook, in such a manner that the ropey arn which held it in position would be severed Avhen the revengeful vil- lain cut the lanyard of the hammock. Bob Rushington then stowed himself away under the lee of the mainmast, and Jack occupied his hammock. All these preparations hadbaen very carefully conducted, so as to avoid the keen scrutiny of the master-at-arms and the ship's corporals, who form the active police of a man-of-war ; but it is more than probable that one of the latter officers knew JACK SOBERS IX TRh X A \' Y. 67 all about the proceedings, ami wu.s good order by the men. There was no crowding or treading upon each other's corns ; but every one knew his place, and did not get in anybody's way. "• Cat the anchor ! " said the first-lieutenant. The ponderous anchor was now hanging at the hawse- hole , and the execution of the order last given would secure it upon the top of the bulwarks, ready to be dropped overboard when occasion should again require its use. '• Lay forward to the cat-falls ! " said the boatswain ; and those whose duty it was to do this work attached a purchase-block to the anchor, for the purpose of hoisting it up to the cat-head, which is a *imber projecting out over the bow of the ship. 'All ready with the cat, sir!" reported the second- lieutenant. 92 TEE SAILOR BOY: OR, " Walk away with the cat ! " replied the executive officer. On board a man-of-war, the ropes are not pulled hand over hand ; but the men walk away with them : that is, they run along the deck with them as firemen do with the engine. " Strike four bells ! " continued the first-lientcnaut to the quarter-master at tlie wheel ; which meant. *' Go ahead at full speed ! " The Harrisburg was now actually in motion, and glid- ing down the Delaware upon her mission of destruction among the rebels ; if, indeed, such was her mission : for none of the crew had the remotest idea where the good ship was bound, or upon what kind of duty she was ordered. If the officers knew, they did not condescend to inform the men ; for the " people " are as far removed from their superiors in social rank in the ship, as though they were not all equals before the democratic law of our land. '' Here we are ! " said Jack enthusiastically, as he placed himself by the side of Bob Rushington, Avho was gazing through one of the open ports into the water. " Yes, my lad, we are off," replied the dandy sailor, who looked very sad and sentimental for the moment. " Has it occurred to you that not every one who is full of life and hope to-day will return alive and well from this cruise ? " JACK SO M !■: II S IN THE X A I ' J'. 93 " Well, I hadn't lliought any thing about it," replied ,]atk with a smile, as he glanced at the wry face of his friend, ''and, wliat's more, 1 don"'t mean to think any thing about it." '• You are a thoughtless boy," sighed l^ob. '• Some of us- will lose tlie number of our mess before many weiks have j)assed by " " ^'ery likely, Bob : but wcarc going out to fight fo. our country ; and, if we are not ready to die for her. we liavc no business here." ''Very true, my lad; but the future is dark and un- communicative." '' Come, Bob, you splice too many syllables on your words. You are a brave fellow, and ready to do your duty." '' I trust I am ; but sad thought,s come like the autumn of the year." '' Avast there, Bob ! " said Ben Blinks. " Don't frighten the lad." '' He doesn't frighten me," added Jack. " I put my trust in God ; and, come what may, I know it will be all right with me as long as I do my duty to my God and" my country " '• Why, darken my toplights, if tiie lad don't talk like a parson I" saiooms are .^pars whicli extend out beyond the yard-arm-^, when used; hut, \\lien the sails 4rc furled, they lie upon the top of them. Tlie boom *.r'iciug-lines are attached to the inner ends of the.se spars, by which they may be hauler our sailor-boy had lialted for a moment till his dangerous companion should get out of his way. At that instant. Jack felt the whole Aveight of Becket come down upon him, and his hold upon the shrouds was wTenched off. The instinct of selt-prcservation pro'mpted him to seize the nearest object, which happened to be the lonf^ less of Sam Becket. The additional strain upon the hands of that worthy was more than he was competent to sustain ; and Jack, realizing that he had «Trasped an insecure substance, released his hold, and- recovering his balance, leaped down upon the quarter- deck of the ship. Sam Becket, unable to obtain a new liold upon the rio-o-ing, was pitched over backwards into the sea. Jack saw Avith horror the catastrophe which had overtaken the gambler, and jumped upon the rail to ascertain his fate. " Man overboard ! " shouted se>-eral ot the watch. J A (• K S n M ERS IN THE X A V Y. 1 09 The orticor ol" the deck ose detached the life-buoy. Jack Somers stood on the rail, gazing down info the dark and treacherous .sea where his topmate iiad disap- peared. He was a courageous lad; and, without think- ing of the consequences to himself or of his own weak- ness, plunged iato the water just as Becket rose to the surface. The latter was but an indifferent swimmer, if he couhl swim at all ; anle to go alolt witliout ac- cident." '" Foul play, sir I " replied Bccket iu surly tones. ''What do you mean ?" " The topniau below nie pulled mc oil" the rigging, sir." ''Who was he?" " Somcrs, sir," replied Becket with the most unbhish iug ctfrontery. '* Somers I " exclaimed Mr. Bankhead, astonished at the charge against his j>rofc(je. '' Yes, sir : he caught hold of my legs, and pulled me off the rigging," addetl he, looking up from the hammock in the sick-bay, where the examination was in progress. "Do you know who saved your life? — who jumped overboard after you ? " '' No, sir. Who was it ? " '' No matter who it was. Did Somers pull you off by accident ? " " No, sir : I think not. We had some ^rouble in the mizzen-top last night, and I think he has a gi'udge against f me. He was sarvin' me out, sir." " Marine, pass the word for Somers," added Mr. Bank- head. Jack presently appeared, and had no difficulty in di^ vining the occasion of the summons. The first-lieuten- ant state*! the charge, which Jack promptly denied, giving a full explanation of the affair as it was. 116 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, " Pass the word for Rushiugtoii," said Mr. Bankhead , Rud the captain of the mizzeii-top ai)i)oarcd, and substan- tiated Jack's story. The trouble in the top -vvas alio ventilated. " They are lying on me, sir ! " said Bockct. ** You black-hearted scoundrel I " exclaimed INIr. Bank- head warmly ; for his indignation could be no longer controlled. " Would Somers push you overboard one minute, and dive after you the next ? " The wretch was taken all aback Avhen he learned that his injured topmate had saved his life at the peril of his own : and, having convicted the culprit, Mr. Bankhead went on deck, followed by Jack and Rushingtou ; for the ship was now approaching the capes of Virginia. JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVY, 117 CHAPTER XI. THE COCKSWAIN OF THE CAITAIX'S GIG. TTE ITarrisbiirg stood in between tlie rapes, and, m'\, ill tli^' course of the forenoon, dropped her an- ^^J^/ clior off Fortress Monroe. Jack, from liis lofty perch in the niizzcn-top, ohtaincMl a fine view of that celebrated fortification, of which he had heard and read so mnch. As he gaz.ed upon the " sacred soil" of Virginia, now consecrated by the ashes of heroic martyrs who had falK'ii in defence of the glorions old flag, his thoughts reverted to Iiis soldIer-l)r'. 1 33 tain's ^M^ was again in (U'niaiul. Jack saw a great many things which intoivsted and instrnctod him ; hnt no evonla of sutlicieut importance to he recorded in these pages oomrred during his stay. From Port Royal, the IIarrisl)nrg went to Key West on tlie foHowiug day; thence to HuNana, where she ex- changed sahites with the English, French, and Spanish men-of-war lying in the harbor ; and Jack ha«l a fme opportunity to observe the perfection of ceremonial ob- Rervances which prevail in the navy. Admirals and commodores were as thick as snow-flakes at Christmas ; and such a banging of great guns, such a dipping of ensigns, such a tossing of oars, even the old salts had never seen before. P^very other man lie met seemed to be an admiral ; and he had nearly worn out his cap in touching it to tlie foul anchors that glittered upon the shoulders of those who passed his station. The last time he pulled the captain off from the shore, he heard him tell' a gentleman with him that the Harris- burg was ordered to Ship Island to relieve the flag-siiip Niagara ; and, the same day, she got under weigh again. '' We are in for't now. Jack. We sliall have some music afore long," said Tom Longstone, when Jack re- ported his information to the old (piarter-maste; . ''I'll bet a month's pay we pitch into Mobile afore April Fools' Day." " I hope so," replied Jack. 134 THE SAiLon noT; on, *' Perliaps you won't feel so good about it when the time comes. You don't know wliat 'tis. Jack, to see round-shot smashin' through the sides of the ship, tear- ing off splinters, and scatteriu' 'em like kindlin'-wood all over the decks, knocking over tlie best men at the guns. "We don't any on us know much about it." *' I'm ready for it, if we can only knock Mobile, or any other rebel place, in pieces. I hoped I shoidd be in when Cliarleston was taken." " Time enough yet, Jack." If our hero could have known in Avhat bloody and ex- citing scenes lie was soon to engage, lie would have been satisfied to spend the intervening time in preparing for tlie future. Every day the men were drilled at the guns, and in tlie iise of the cutlass and boarding-pike ; so that, the longer the trying ordeal of battle was deferred, the better prepared were the crew to meet it. After a passage of four days, the Harrisburg arrived at Ship Island ; m hich my young readers are aware is little more than a sand-bar off the eastern coast of Louis- iana. Slie was now nearer the rebels than she had been before ; and certain little steamers, flaiuiting the Confed- erate flag, were occasionally seen near the land, as they came out to ascertain what Uncle Sam was doing at the island. They were very prudent, however ; and seldom placed themselves within range of the heavy guns on board the ships-of-war. JACK SOMF.nS IN THE X A V Y. 135 After tlie slilj) had hctMi at this station ahoiit ton Jays, H hoat-cxpeditioii was t)r;raniz(.'(l ; thtm whip twc^ or three rebels in any fair encounter. There 140 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, *va.s pluck eiiouL^li in tlie expeditioD to have supplied tliree times as large a company : and it was fortunate for tiiem and for the Government that Mr. Granger was a prudent and sensible man ; otherwise the expedition might have taken it into its head to attack the city of New Orleans or Mobile, or pitched into Fort Pike, Fort Gaines, or some other rebel stronghold in the vicinity. When the boats were ready to start, Mr. Granger ordered the second and third cutters alongside the first, in Avhich he was seated himself. The officers in com- mand of the other boats had already been instructed in regard to their duties ; and Mr. Granger proceeded to give a few general directions for the conduct of the men. The oars had been " tossed," and the crews listened in respectful silence to the remarks of the commander of the expedition. ''Cast off!" said tlie cockswains of the cutters; and the tliree boats separated, so as to permit each to use its oars. " Let fall ! " added the cockswains. " Give way ! " The cutters dashed away, the men pulling with a will. As yet, they knew not where they were going ; and, aside from the natural curiosity all men feel, it is not probable that they cared, provided they w^ere introduced to some Btirring scene w^hicli would enable them to do something for the old flag, and furnish an opportunity for the daring spirits to distinguish themselves in a hand-to-hand fight. JACK SOMERS JN THE S A V Y. 141 Jack Somers stowed liiiiiself tiway iiiuler the lee of Pom Longstone, who was in the same boat witli liiiii partly bceausc the oUl (luartennaster wished " to keep RU eye on him;" and i)artly beeause the veteran was a ga"'C and a })roi)hct, and daek wanted the benefit of his observations and instrnetions. ''Do you know where we are going, Tom?" asked Jack in a low voice ; for loud talking was not permitted. " Haven't the least idea, my lad," replied Tom in a whisper. '* AVhere do you suppose ? " ''The likes of you and me, my darling, are not to know any thing about it. Bless you. Jack, Mr. Grauger hasn't asked my opinion about any thing, and hasn't even told me where we are going ! " *' Cau't you tell in what direction we are pulling?" " As to the matter of that, my honey-bee, we are head- ing due north." ^'AVhat do you tli'inh we are going to do?" " 1 have not the leastest idee in uatur'. May be we are goin' to capter Mobile ; that lays off here away some- where . but I don't think we are. Jack." ''Of course we are not," replied Jack impatiently. •' May be. Fort Pike ; I heard one of the jollies say there was such a battery or fort in here somewhere. I don't think we are, though." "You know we are uot, Tom." l42 THE SAILOR BOY; OR " May be we are going across the country to strike NeAv Orleans," chuckled Tom ; "■* but I don't believe we are." *' You know very well Ave are not going to do any thing of the kind. You are an old seaman. I didn't know but you could tell, from the arms and other things in tho. boat, what kind of work we are to perform." "• AVell, my baby, seein' as how you want to know so bad, ril give you my opinion. 'Taint worth much ; but old Tom's always ready to give the best he's got." The veteran spoke in low tones ; and the seamen near him gathered closer around him, so as to hear the opin- ion of the sage of the first cutter. Tom took off his cap, scratched his bald head as if to stimulate his intellectual powers, and sharpen his judgment up to tlie requisite pitch for the important decision he was about to render. " I don't know where we're goin', or Avhat Ave're goin' to do, as I said before," continued Tom, Avhen all heads Avere bent down to catch the Avords of Avisdom when they should fall from his Aenerated lips. '' How- some Aer, in my opinion, AA'e're goin' to take a look at the rebels, or else to attack some shore battery, or else some steamboat or sailing vessel. Noav, my lads, you've got my opinion : so don't pester me no more." Old Tom indulged in a Ioav chuckle as he settled batk on the thAvart, and glanced around him to discover iw the darkness hoAv his opinion had been received. Jack i;()Mj:i::!3 jy the .savt. Wo " Bully lor you, Tom ! I thought you kuowcd all About this work," laughed an old sheot-auchor niau. Jack gave up in dcjjpair, and was obliged to content himself with knowing no more tlian the law allows. The men at tlie oars were relieved every hour; for it was a long pull before they reached the scene of opera* tions. At eight o'clock, the expedition came into a broad bay extending into the mainland. The boats were pass- ing between two headlands about two miles apart, when a cannon-shot dropped into the water a short distance ahead of the first cutter. '* There's music for you ! " said Tom Longstone. "" There's some more ! " added the sheet-anchor man. This was the first time that Jack ISomers had ever list- ened to the whizzing of a cannon-ball ; and the sensation was decidedly novel, if not agreeable. It was different from what our sailor-boy had anticipated. One of the ugly missiles might hit the first cutter, and smash her in pieces, killing half her human freight. There was no chance to strike a blow in self-defence, or even to fire a shot in return from the ho\vitzers ; for the battery from which the shot came was situated on the headland on the port -hand, and more than a mile distant. Mr. Granger being a prudent man, and unwilling to expose the boats' crews to the fire of the battery, gave orders for them to pull up into the favoring shelter of a t^mall island, several of which appeared near the eu- 144 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, trance to the bay. The fort then opened with shell ; to whose hideous screaming, Jack and a majority of the party listened for the first time. The second-lieuten- ant landed upon the island, and with his glass made a careful examination of tlie battery and the shores of the bay. " We're in the stocks I" said Tom Longstone with the peculiar low chuckle with which he often delivered himself. " We shall not stay here long ! " added Jack nervously ; for the shells did not sound pleasantly to his ear. *' You aren't afraid, are you, my little lamb?" de- manded Tom. " Of course I'm not afraid," replied Jack with a deep blush ; '^ but I don't like to lie here, and be shot at, without a chance of paying off the rebels in their own coin." '' It aren't pleasant to lay still under fire, my boy ; but that's a part of a good seaman's duty, and he must take things as they come. Don't be alarmed. Jack : they won't hit you." '' They are just as likely to hit me as they are any one else. I should like something to do, if it's nothing more tlian pulling an oar." '* That's cause you're narvous. Jack." Perhaps there were not many in the boats who were not nervous as they listened to the screaming shells. It JACK SUM Hits jy THE S A \ Y. 145 was a new rxporionco to tlioin ; and it is not in tin- na- ture of mail to stand in the prcsi'iuc of dcalli. witliout beiii;^ moved by the peril. Some of tlie crew hiuglied, and made fun of the (hmgeroiis missiles as they scTceciied through the air, or hurst at very inconvenient distances from them : hut it is prohahle that those who hiughed the loudest were the most afraid, and therefore struggled the hardest to avoid making au exliibitiou of their real feeliugs. Tom Longstone and a few otlicrs had been under fire before : and they were as cool and self-possessed as though they had been on board a receiving-ship iu a peaceful port. Mr. Granger, who liad recently been pro- moted for irallant conduct, seemed to be perfectly calm, paying no attention to the shells which were droi)ping around him. The rebels in the fort liad not yet got the range of the island ; and their firing was not accurate, though it was rapidly improving. At last, the com- mander of the expedition iinished his examination, and walked toward the boats. The crews of the cutters watched him with eager in- terest : and most of them believed, perhaps some hoped, that the expedition was to be abandoned ; for they did not sec what three boats could do while exposed to the fire of the rebel battery, whose guns commanded the waters of the bay. Mr. Granger, INIr McBr'de, and the master's mate from the third cutter, held a short con- 10 146 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, sultation on the yliorc, out of tlic hearing of tlie men, Wlien it wa.s ended, each returned to his boat, and orders were given to cast otf. It was a moment of deep anxiety to all tlie men ; for the question of success or failure rested u})on the decision of the officers. The boats shoved off from the land ; and, when the men gave way, instead of going about, they Avere headed up the bay. There was a strong inclination to give three cheers manifested by the more ardent spirits ; but it was quickly repressed by a sharp word from the second-lieu- tenant. The boats were kept as much as possible within the shelter of the range of islands on the easterly side of the bay. and in a few moments they had passed out of reach of the shells ; for the gunners in the fort, probably en- veloped in their own smoke, had not discovered the change of position made by the boats. " Steamer on the port-qnarter, sir ! " shouted Mr. McBride from the second cutter. " I see her ! " replied Mr. Granger. " Now look out for squalls, my hearties ! " said Tom Longstone in a low voice, as he glanced at the new en^ emy, which was jnst emerging from behind a headland in the direction indicated by the fourth-lieutenant. ''We shall have a light yet ! " added Jack uneasily; for, on a nearer approach, a hand-to-hand fight with the rebels was not quite so sentimental an ailkir as it had seemed to be at a distance. JACK so^^Kns /y the navy. M7 We do not inojin to accuse our Ihto <»!' lu-iuz atVaitl ; but the lcrril)le inactivity of the niouiciit was almost iiisupportahK'. lie waiite no coward. To sit in the boat like a block ot" wood, and be shot at by the rebels, was wretched business ; and he lioped Mr. Granger would pull out, and order the boats' crews to board the steamer, and not permit her to stand off and pelt them with shot and shell. " It will be a smart fight too," added Tom. "Ay, ay; that it will. The steamer's cut us off! I'll tell you what, Tom: Mr. Granger has got us into » tight place !" replied Grummet, the sheet-anchor man. " Let him alone ; he knows what he's about," an* swered the veteran. " Don't ye see, Tom, the steamer can stand off, and whittle ns up into inch-pieces ; and we can't board, nor nothin'?" '*• Leave all that to Mr. Granger," persisted Tom, whose long experience had begotten confidence in his officers. Under the lee of one of the islands which rose higher above the water than the others, the men were ordered to lie on their oars. The fort still kept banging away at the island behind which the boats had first taken refuge. The steamer, which was a small river-boat, drawinir no 148 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, more water than the first cutter, came puffing across the bay, like a man with the astlima, towards the first island. She was a slow affair, and it took her some time to come within hailing distance of the expedition. As she ap- proached the man-of-war's boats, the fort, out of regard for her safety, ceased firing ; which might have been done half an hour before, so far as any injury to the cutters was concerned. *" I tell you, Tom Longstone, we are booked for a rebel prison, as sure as you was born," said Grummet. *' Stopper your jaw ! " replied Tom impatiently. " What are your officers for, if they are going for to send you to a rebel prison ? " ''Don't you see that old snorter astaru of us, Tom? Are you goin' for to run away from a steamboat ? " " Wc aren't goin' for to run away from any thing that shows a rebel rag at its peak, — mind that, you old croaker ! " added Tom. " You aren't afraid, are you, Jack?" continued he, putting his arm around his jjrotege, and hugging him like a baby. " Of course I'm not afraid; only — only" — " What, my bleating little lamb ? " " I Avish the fun would commence." " See that, Tom ! " continued the sheet-anchor man. " D'ye see that gun on the t'gallaut fo'castle ? She is swinging it round." " Let her swing it round," snarled Tom. " Now bat- ten down your jaw-port and don't groan any more." JACK SOMERS IS THE NAVY. 149 At this niomeut, tin order was heard for the men to give way ; and, before the \L,\n\ of the steamer was ready, the boats had doubled the ishind, and the men were lying upon their oars, with the high land between them and the steamer. '' See that ! " said Tom triumphantly. " Mr. Granger knows all about it." '' Perhaps he do," replied Grummet doubtfully, as a shot from the steamer whizzed harmlessly over thei» heads. 150 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, CHAPTER XIV. JACK ON TUE LOOKOUT. /^Ifc/HE armament of the rebel steamer consisted of ■ I ^^^^ fcUns, placed on the main-deck, forward of ^^jy the boilers. Tlie hull set so low in the water, that, Avliile the island lay betv/een the steamer and the boats of the expedition, she was powerless to do them any injury. Those in the first cutter could see the smoke-stack of the Wizard — which Avas tlie name of the steamer — over the island, while the crew of the latter could not even determine the position of the boats. The battle — if the affair could be dignified by such a title — promised to be notliiug but a game of hide-and- seek ; for, when the Wizard moved, the boats dodged round the island, so as to escape her fire. It was "pull," and *' lie on your oars," for half an hour. The rebel battery on shore could not interfere with the game, lest the steamer should suffer from its fire. Tom Longstone sat upon the tliwart, occasionally in- dulging in his inward chuckle, and apparently enjoying the sport as keenly as a live boy relishes a game of JACK S \ ''ball" or '' l»ii;h-s|)y." OKI Grummet was uot at all flalistiiMl with the jmsition i>t' affairs. He was a hrave mail, and ready to light his gun while there was a jdauk to stand ou ; but he was an inveterate croaker. He was always afraid that tin- otiicrrs hatl made some mistake, or that they did not see the whole of the ground. Once in a while, he was kind enough to suggest the manner in ■which all three boats were to be blown up, sunk, or cap- tured. He could see a hiuulred ways to get into a bad scrape ; but he never troubled himself to consider how to get out of them. '• S'posiu' another rebel steamer should come do^v^l upon us," growled Grummet : " where should we be then?" *' I reckon we should be just where we are now," re- plied Tom, who was the only man that ventured to con- front the grim sheet-anchor man, as he doled out his dis- mal notes of foreboding. " S'posin' a company of rebel infantry should show themselves ou the main shore there, not twenty fathoms from where we were just now?" " We'd have to give 'em a few charges of grape from that 'ere howitzer." '' There wouldn't be a man left of us if that should happen, Tom Longstone ; and you knows it." " I should like to p'int that 'ert> howitzer in among em. Grummet." 152 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, '• Sikucc, lurwarcl I " t?aid Mr. Grauger in a low, stern tone. Tom's body shook with his inward chuckle as he thought what an awful deprivation it would be for Grum- met if he had to refrain from grumbling. "• Forward, there ! " said the lieutenant. "I want a man wlio is light and smart." " I sir I " exclaimed Jack, springing up from his po- sition under the lee of the old quartermaster, and touch- ing his cap. Half a dozen others, answering to the description, sprang up at the same time, eager to perform any service which might be required of tliem. '^ Somers, you'll do," replied Mr. Granger. '' Come aft," Jack passed along between the rowers to the st«rn- sheets, and again touched his cap to the commander of the expedition. '• Do you see the steamer?" asked Mr. Granger. " Yes, sir," replied Jack, glancing at the Wizard's smoke-stack, which could still be seen over the little island. " I will land you on the island ; and jou must creep on your face up to the highest part of the ground, and see if you can make out how many men there are ou the steamer. Do you understand me, Somers ? " "I do, sir." J A r A' S OMER S I y THE XA V T. \ 5 <^ " Now niiiid your ovt', and don't let tboni see you." "Ay, ay, sir: 1 will be very carelul." " Now go forward, and be ready to junij) asliore when the boat touclies," Jack sahited tlie lieutenant, and sprang forward to the bow of the cutter, proud and happy to be selected even for the humble duty to which he had been ordered. '* Good boy, Jack ! " said Tom Longstone as our sailor- boy passed liim on his way to tlie bow. *' What may that 'ere mean?" queried Grummet. " Fight ! " replied Tom. " He's goin' to board that steamer, as sure as I'm a Yankee," added Grummet, pulling out his cutlass from under the thwart, and passing liis thumb along the edge. '•That's it; tliere's a hole in that millstone, lea.st- wise," chuckled Tom. " I s'pose he'd board a frigate if he fell foul of one." "No doubt on't," laughed Tom. "Give way, — ea.sy ! " .said Mr. Granger; and the boat swung in .so that Jack Somers could jump a.^hore. " Did you say good-by to the lad afore he v/ent ashore?" continued Grummet: '* 'cau.se that's the la.st you'll .see of liim." Tom Longstone sprang to his feet at these words, and gazed earnestly at Jack and at all the surroundings on the island. " Grummet, you're an old fool ! " exclaimed Tom an 154 THE SAILOR Ji O f , O Ji, grily. "• Vou fViL'^liteiUMl me inore'ii a wliole frigate's broadside would. I thought the hid was killed for sar- tin." '• He will be, soon." "Avast tbere ! If you don't stop growling, I'll heave you overboard." " Silence forward ! " said Mr. Granger. The command was obeyed, and the sheet-anchor man's savage reply %vas nipped in the bud. Tom was too much interested in the movements of his young friend on tiie island to give any further attention to his unhappy ship- mate in the boat. Jack, us directed, crept on his stomach up the ascent of the island till his head had reached the highest point, from which he could look down on the low^ deck of the Wizard. Our sailor-boy "was a very good scholar for one who had enjoyed only the privileges of a district school ; but it did not require a very profound knowledge of arithmetic to solve the problem whicli had been imposed upon him. The men in the rebel steamer were all gathered npon the forward-deck ; and, according to our mathematician's es- timate, they numbered about thirty. They would not stand still long enough to be counted with entire accu- racy ; but Jack satisfied himself that this was very nearly her force. He was about to retire from his position, and report the result of the examiDatiou, when certain movements JACK S().\ff:iiS JX THE ^AVY 155 on board of the Wizanl (K'ticled him to remain a few moini'uts lon^'or. The steamer had run up ehjse to the ishiud ; and her deck-hands were now iu tlie act of pass- iujr the -ang-phmks to the shore, evidently with the in- tention of landing her men. Jai-k did not want to see any more: but, retreating tVom his position with all haste, he leaped into the boat. ^'Well, Somers?" demanded Mr. Granger in sharp, quick tones ; for the speed \vhi the history of this war. 176 THE SAILOR BOY, OB, '' I don't care where they use 'em : they aren't ship- shape. They may do for sogers and marines, and such lubbers ; but they aren't fit for sailors. Howsoraever, there won't be much left of her in half an hour from now/' *' Why not, Mr. Grummet ? " asked Jack. ''Avast there! Don't you go for io mistering me, I aren't a dandy nor an ot!icer," said Grummet fretfully. " I meant no harm." " I know you didn't, my lad ; and, if you did, we can't afford to quarrel. Some of us will wake up in eternity m less nor an hour from now ; and this crazy old craft will go to the bottom ! " " What makes you think so? " " Think so? I knows it. Do you see that 'ere batterj over there ? " " I've seen it before to-day." " Do you expect this piece of shingle- work to stand up afore them guns ? " " I don't know ; but I think Mr. Granger wouldn't take us in where there isn't a fair chance for us." " The leftenant's a brave man , but he's hot-headed. Now, you mark my Avords, not one in five of us will ever get back to the ship ; and the cap'n of the Harrisburg never'll set eyes on this ugly hulk of a steamboat." " You forget that you told us once before to-day, we should come to a bad end." JACK soMh/is /.v J // tj yAir. 177 "' Divln't I toll you the truth? Tlierc's Graves a-lajin' 'Viv're ; his pipe's out." *■' But he's the ouly man killed." "Avast growlin;;, Grummet I" said Tom, joiuiiiL: his creu' at the gnu. ''The worse you makes it, Old Blow- er, the better it'll be lor us. When you says auy thing's goiu' wrong, it always goes riglit," '' IIow's your hand, Tom?" asked Jack. " Good as new : the doctor patched it up, and it's all right now." " I'm glad to hear it How are our poor fellows in the cabin ? " ''AH doing well but Jones , and the doctor says he'll die, in spite of all he can do, poor fellow " " Didn't I tell you so?" exclaimed Grummet. "No, you didn't, — you old bruiser! You aren't a goin' for to frighten the boy with your ghost-yarns. I tell you " — At that moment, a twenty-four-pound shot from the battery, which the steamer was rapidly approachmg, dropped into the water on one side of her, and interrupted the conversation. All the steam that the Wizard's boil- ers would bear was now crowded upon her ; and, when she had advanced a quarter of a mile farther, the order was given for the battery on the forward-deck to open upon the fort, which was an earthwork, mounting four gims. 12 178 THE SAILOR BOYi OR, The firiug was vigorously kept up on both sides. Two of the shots from the shore-battery struck the steamer, but without iuflicting auy serious injury. As each party had an equal number of guns, it was a fair thing ; but the ;junners in the fort were evidently not accustomed to their work, while the old man-of-war's men on the deck of the Wizard were perfectly at home at this business. As the steamer approached nearer to the land, the fire from the fort was sensibly diminished ; and Mr. Granger was confident that two of its guns had been disabled. The Wizard's course had been made by various angles, so as to disturb as much as possible the calculations of the gunners, and to prevent any chance shot from raking her. The tAvo balls that had struck her, therefore, passed across her, instead of through lier from end to end. Both went under the cabin, abaft the paddle-boxes ; one of them crushing through the pine- wood partitions, and the other knocking off one of the quarter-pieces at the stern. While the men were still busy at the guns, Mr. Gran- ger came down from the wheel-house. *' Give it to them, my men ! " said he with a smile, as he observed the vigor with which they worked. " AYe must hoist the stars and stripes on that battery." " Hurrah ! " shouted the gun crews. "Ready with the gang-planks!" added the command- er ; and, at the same time, the bell from the wheel-house stopped the engine, and the boat struck the shore. JACK SOMEHS IN THE X A I' Y. 1 'U *' Boarders, away ! " shouted Mr. Granger, as the steamer touched tlic shore. " Hurrah ! " yelled the scauieu, as tliey leajKnl ashore, and dashed up the hill to the spot where the battery was located. On they flew, up the slope, and over the breastworks; when, after a short and decisive struggle, the victory was won. There were but few men in the fort, — only enough to man the guns, — and there was nothing very brilliant in tl»e achievement. Jack Soniers hardly found an opportunity to strike a blow. The rebel flag was pulled down, and the stars and stripes were run up in its place. "Not so bad as it might be, — is it?" said Jack, with a smile, to Grummet. "' You haven't seen the end of it yet," persisted the grumbler. ''We've seen the end of this battery, at any rate." It was quite true that they had not yet seen the end of the expedition ; for, after a working-party had been detailed to transport the guns to the steamer, Islr. Gran- ger ordered the first cutter to be manned, and iiinnc- diately started up the bay in her. After })idliii,ir a slnnt distance, they discovered the town which was kno^^^l to be there ; and, at a convenient place, the commander landed. Taking twenty men witli him, \\r pio'-eeded to examine the locality. On the road, which they soou ISO . THE SAILOR BOY; OR, reached, they captured two men, whom Mr. Granger questioned, and from wliom, in spite of themselves, lie obtained some valuable information. Crossing the neck of land, they came to the water on the other side ; and here Mr. Granger discovered that of which he liad evidently been in search. It was a nonde- script craft, which the rebels were converting into a ram ; probably for the purpose of making a raid among the men-of-war at Ship Ivsland. At the approach o{' the party, the mechanics who were at work upon her fled, as though the whole Federal army was sweeping down upon them. Mr. Granger gave directions for setting fire to the ram ; and the seamen piled up heaps of chips and shavings in various parts of her. and applied the match. The party remained long enough to insure the destruc- tion of the clumsy contrivance ; and then hastened back to the boat, which was about two miles distant. AVhen they reached the road Avhicli they liad before crossed, a new and startling state of things menaced them. Rushing down the road, on the double-quick, was a company of infantry. They had just come in sight from behind a hotel used in summer for pleasure-seekers from Now Orleans : and it Avas impossible to elude their observation ; for the country was flat and open, and af- forded no place for defence or concealment. Jack could not help glancing at Mr. Granger to ol> serve the effect of this discovery upon him : but he looked calm and unmoved, as he had all the morning. 'JACK SOMEItS IN THE NAVY. 181 " It's lucky old Grummet isu't here," said T(jui. " He told me we luuhrt seen the end ol' it yet," replied Jack. '" What are we •xoiiiij: to do?" *■' Duimo, my darling." *' Shall we figiit, or surrender?" *' Jest look at the leftenaut afore you say surrender." " They are three to our one." *' No matter, my hoy, if they were ten to our one. Never say die ! " Jack couldn't exactly see how they were to proceed, with a compauy of fifty or sixty men in the very act of charging upon them ; hut he had unlimited confidence iu his commander, and he was resolved to take things as they came. " Halt ! " shouted the captain of the rehel company. Mr. Granger declined to ohey, and ordered tlie men to move on towards the hoat. The muskets of the soldiera were raised to their shoulders. " Fall flat on the ground ! " said the commander sud- denly. " Fire ! " shouted the rehel oflicer at the moment, when all the seameu dropped as though they had heen shot. The hullets whistled over their heads ; hut not a man was injured. They jumped, and ran again with all their might towards the place where they had landed, closely pursued by the rebels. Old Tom Longstone and some others of the party were 182 Tn :: s .1 / l o n r o r ,• o /?, more accustomed to fiL^liting than they were to running , and the consequence was, that the rebels gained rapidly upon them. But, in the midst of the race, Jack Som- ers, agiie r,nd fleet as he M'as, happened to be tripped by*one of his companions, who was looking over his slioulder to see the pursuers. Before he could pick him- self u\), his pard and capped the piece, " I want to see you run. Make tracks towards that hotel. If you turn to the ^ right or the left, or look beluud you, I shall just put J A c K s o M i: n s / s t hen a v y. 1 80 tliis Imllet tliroiigli you. Now, (loiiMe-qiiick, lorward., manli ! " The rebel could not do otherwise than obey , and, t(» do liim full justice, he did obey the orders of his captor to the letter. As soon as a reasonable distance lay be- tween liini and the soldier. Jack turned his attention to the excitini; events which weiv transpiring:^ in the vicinity of th'e first cutter. The party had ward ami touching his liat : " tliat's a mistake !" ''^ Somers ! " exclaimed Mr. Granger. '' My darling!" exclaimed T(jm Longstone, springing forward, and throwing his arms around liini. ^' Hurrah ! " shouted the men, witli wliom Jack was a great favorite. "How's this, Somers?" asked Mr. Granger, whose pleasant smile indicated the satisfaction wliich Jack's re- appearance afforded him. " I thought you were taken by tlie rebels." " No, sir : I wasn't taken. I took the rebel who was sent to capture me." "How was that?" " He ordered me to drop my cutlass ; and T ordered him to drop his musket. As I had a loaded pistol in my hand, he had the worst of it. T picked up tlie gun, and loaded it. Then I told him to run up to the hotel yonder, or I would shoot him. He did so ; and that's the bust I Raw of him. Here is the musket, sir." " Why didn't you come down to the boat then ?" " Because the rebels were between you and me, sir. I was afraid I couldn't whip the whole of them : so I ran down to the fort." " Bravo, Somers ! " said Mr. Granger, laughing at the manner the story was told, no less than at the story itself. 188 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, Tlie comimmder of the expeditiou tlien ordered the dead and tlie woiiuded men to be couveyed to the first cutter ; and the boats returned to the steamer. The men were sad for the loss of their companions, and little ^Ya3 said on tlie passage. On their arrival at the point, all the brave fellows who luid fallen during the day "vvere reverently committed to the earth, prayers being said by Mr. Granger ; while all who could be spared stood uncovered around the grave. The work for the day Avas finished. The ram had been destroyed, an armed steamer captured, and some valuable information had been obtained hy Mr. Granger- The result Avas entirely satisfactory to all, except old Grummet ; and the expedition started on its return to the ship. The boats Avere all towed astern of the steam- er, and the men had nothing to do but to t-alk over the events of the day. It Avas three bells in the dog-Avatches, when the people on the deck of tlie Harrisburg discovered a steamer, Avitli the stars and stripes over the stars and bars at her stern, approaching them. The arri\'al caused some excitement on board ; and three stunning cheers welcomed the vic- tors back to the ship. Captain Mainwright took Mr. Granger by the hand, and congratulated him upon the success of the expeditiou. That night there was such a spinning of yarns on board the Harrisburg as had never been knoAvn before. E\ ery man Avho had been with the JACK SOMERS IN TUB N A V T. 189 expedition was a hero ; but Jack Somcrs was regarded as somerliing better tliaii a licnt. He was comniciided by the oHircrs, aud lauded by tlie < lew ; ami, il' lie 1ih<1 not been a very sensible young man, his bead would liave been turned by the lavish praise wjiich was bestowed upon him. Jack had a strong friend in the wardroom, — one whc could command the ear of the captain ; and, if our hero could have heard what was said about him by these dis tinguished persons in the cabin, he might well luive been dazzled by the prospects in store for liini. They were discussing a plan for his future advancement ; which, in due time, will be revealed to our readers. Our sailor-boy bore his honors with tolerable self-pos- session. His fame had extended beyond his own ship, and his position as cockswain of the captain's gig fre- quently brought him to the notice of the naval and mil- itary officers on the station. Ilis modesty, however, prevented him from making a fool of himself; aud, wherever he went, he was a universal favorite. My readers must not suppose that there was no one else at Ship Island but Jack Somers, because he happens to be the central figure of our picture ; or that the rest of the people there had nothing to do but to praise him. There was, at this time, a mighty expedition gathering there, which was destined to achieve one of the grandest and most brilliant operatious recorded in the annals of 190 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, war. Jack was only a very liumble iudividual in the vast thron'? : and we doubt whether General Butler •o ' lY or Flag-officer Farragut ever heard that there was such a person. It was fortunate for Jack that he did not consider him- self the greatest man in the fleet ; as any self-sufficiency of that kind would have placed him in a very unpleasant position. lie was still content to touch his cap to Mr. Midshipman Dickey, and to discharge all his duties on board with promptness and fidelity. In his letters to his mother, he related his adventures with the expedition : but Mr. Bankhead, in writing to his friends, gave a more glowing account of the affair ; which, in due time, was conveyed to Piuchbrook. "All hands up anchor, ahoy!" piped tlie boatswain, one morning, about a week after the boat-expedition. Jack sprang to his place at the capstan, buoyant with hope that the day of action had again arrived. Every man at Ship Island knew that some stupendous enter- prise was about to be undertaken ; though none but a few of the higher officers of the army and navy knew what it was. "Where do you suppose we are going now, Tom?" asked Jack when the ship was fairly under way. " Don't know, my bantling ; but you may be sure, if there's any big thing to be done, this ship will be there,** replied Tom. '' We're headed to the south'ard." JACK SO.VFRS J\ rnE NAVY. 191 *' Perhaps wc are goiiii^ tl«)uii to the Mississippi." *' Mayho wc 1)0, Jac-k." That t'\ filing, tlie Ilarrishur;^ arrived at Pass a I'Oii- tre ; and, on the two lollowini^ day>, she made several attempts to cross the har, and enter tlie Mississippi, but without sueeess. She tlien went round to the South' west Pass ; where she crossed the bar, and proceeded up. the river to l*iIot Town. At this i)hice, Jack learned that the seamen in tliG navy have ^((inclhing to do besides drawing their pay and eating their ••grub." The topmasts were sent down, and the ship strip})cd Tor action. P^very thing not re- quired for immediate service Avas sent on shore, and a guard of marines stationed there to protect the property. It was a hard day's work ; and Jack's hammock never felt so good as it did that night when he was permitted to '' turn in." The guns were all shotted, in readiness for an attack ; for the rebels had a fleet of rams and iron-clads up the river, with which they had already made one demonstra- tion against the blockading-fleet. After these prepara- tions were completed, the Ilarrisburg steamed up to tho liead of the Passes. But here she again mocked tho eager expectations of the seamen ; for no forward move- ment was made for a month. Tiiere was occasionally an incident to vary the monot- ony of the scene. The arrival of the mortar-fleet, the 192 THE SAILOR HOY. OR, discnvoiy and destruction of a telegraph-wire extending across the river, afforded brief periods of excitement : but all were anxious to pour a few broadsides into Forts Jackson and St. Philip; for there was no longer any doubt that the reduction of these fortifications was the object of the expedition. On the IGth of April, another fever of expectation was produced by the ship getting under way again, and going up to the head of the fleet, consisting of fifty-one men-of-war ; where she anchored, much to the disappoint- ment of the gallant tars. But the next week realized all their anticipations, and immortalized every man of them. JAifC aOAIEIiS IX THE NAVY. 193 C HATTER XVIU. FORTS JACKSON AND ST. nilLIP. (V^j/4/ NDOUBTEDLY the hero of our story was a /jrl brave, smart, and patriotic yoiiiiL: man ; a good \^Jy%/ seaman, and fully devoted to his duty : but wc do not Avish any of our enthusiastic readers to suppose he captured Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip alone, or even that he did any more than his fair share of the work. The river was full of ships, brigs, schoon- ers, gunboats, and mortar-vessels. There were thousands of men, and hundreds of guns ; and the history o^ those tremendous events would require a whole volume : so that we can only describe the part whicli our sailor-boy acted in the memorable scenes of that glorious occasion. Per nearly a week, the mortar-fleet shook the very earth with the roar of their ordnance ; and the ponder- ous shells screamed through the atmosphere like " rieuds in upper air." But no sensible impression seemed to be produced upon the forts. They still held out ; and the intrepid flag-ofllcei- :n /"ommand of the squadron pre- pared for more JeciUed measures. The ships had been 18 194 THE SAILOR BOT; OR, made ready for the severe work before tliem : and every heart iu the fleet biirued to meet the foe at closer quar- ters. On the afternoon before the great l)attle, the flag-officer visited every ship in the squadron : and Jack Somers came to the conckision that this act meant something; which was the unanimous opinion of all his top-mates. Every man on board the Harrisburg was in earnest, and longing for the decisive moment ; but though there was a great deal of moving about in the fleet, a great many boats passing and repassing during the rest of the day, the men were piped to supper as usual, and the starboard- watch turned in at the proper time. At three bells iu the morning, all hands were called ; and, shortly afterwards, the signal to get under way was made on board the flag-ship : but it was half-past three before the fleet was under way, owing to the difficulty which some of the ships experienced in ''purchasing" their anchors. The drum beat to quarters ; and the ships, in two lines, moved up the river. The chain which the rebels had extended across the river, support- ing it upon hulks of vessels, had been partially removed, and the two lines of ships passed through. The j' column of the Red " was commanded by Captain Bailey ; and the *' column of the Blue," by Farragut himself, — the former occupying the right, and the latter the left. It was night ; but the scene was illuminated by the JACK soAfjjiis ly Tin: X A f r. 10.) immense titvs uliich tlie oiieniy luid kindled on shore t(» assist the aim of the unniucrs in the forts, and by tlic firc-sliips wliicli were linrled down l)y the rebel squad- ron with the intention of destroyini; the Federal ileet by conthiirration. The boat-brigade, which liad been organ- ized by Commodore Porter, fonglit these fire-fieuds both obstinately and snecessfnlly, and not a ship was destroyed by them. Before tiie Ilarrisbnrg reached the hnlks, the forts openc(l fire upon the fleet. Shot and shell rained down upon the devoted vessels. The grandest and most terri- ble scene which the eye of man ever looked upon suc- ceeded. The river seemed to be a molten sea of fire ; while the roar of the cannon, the hissing of shot, and the screaming of shell, were enough to appall the stoutest lieart. When the order was given, the Ilarrisbnrg poured her broadside into Fort Jackson, which lay on the port hand. The siiip was shaken down to her keel by the'tremeudou« explosion, and Jack felt sure that the rebel works were blown to pieces ; for it seemed to him that nothing which liuman hands had made coiild stand before siich a tor- nado of iron hail. He attempted to look through the port, to observe the destruction which the broadside had caused ; but the ship was enveloped in such a dense vol- ume of smoke, that nothing could be seen. The sulplmr- ous cloud rolled in at the port, "und blinded him so that 196 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, he could not even discern the man on the opposite side of the gun. There was no time to look around him ; for the gun- crew sprang to their duty with an energy which showed their zeal in the work before tlicm. Almost in th« twinkling of an eye, the ponderous piece was ready for a second discharge, and another broadside was poured into the fort. Again Jack tried to obtain a view of the forti- fication. His position as first-loader and second-boarder at the muzzle of the gun, when it was drawn in. placed him near the port, where he had an opportunity to see when there was any thing to be seen. " Somers, ahoy I " shouted the first-captain of the gun. '* Stand by, and take the cartridge ! '^ Ay, ay ! '' replied Jack as he sprang to his duty. "What are you star-gazing out the port for? Keep both eyes peeled I " Jack was reminded by these remarks that it Avas his duty to assist in knocking down tlie fort, and not to take notes for the future historiaUc But the scene was differ- ent from what he had anticipated ; and it seemed hard to stand at the guns without the privilege of beholding the mischief they wei'e doing. It was nothing but smoke, however, in every direction ; and he might as Avell have been in the gloom of the forehold, so far as seeing any thing was concerned. He was nearly stunned by the awful roar of the broadside ; and. when the captain of JACK SOMi:n>^ IN THE NAVY. 197 gun No. 9 shoiitiHl to liiin at the top of his luugs, his voice soumled Wkv tliat of a pygmy in the distance. The words which he spoke himself did not seem to come from Iiis own mouth. In spite of the rebuke lie had received, Jack Somers was thorougldy ali\e to l»is dnt y ; and lie worked with so much zeal, that he soon wiped out any imputation which his momentary neglect had produced. At such a time as this, the splendid and punctilious discipline of the navy is exhibited to the best advantage. What to the casual observer, in the still waters of a peaceful harbor, may seem terribly formal and ridicu- lously precise, is the foundation of success in the ordeal of a mighty naval conflict. P^very man knows his place, and has a definite duty assigned to him in case of any emergency that can happen. Every one of the gallant tars at gun No. 9 had a double, and some a triple, duty assigned to him. Every manoeuvre of the piece was performed in order, with the utmost promptness and pre- cision. At quarters, the men are stationed on each side of the gun ; and the same crew handle the gim on the opposite side of the ship, — a division consisting of three guns on the starboard, and three on the port-side. As the Har- risburg went up the river on this momentous occasion, her port-battery first engaged Fort Jackson ; but when she reached Fort St. Philip, on the other side of the 198 TEE SAILOR BOY; OR, river, her starboard-battery delivered the terrible broad- side. Tlie sec'oiid-captaiu of gun No. 9, with his crew, went over to the other side, and manned tlie other gun No. 9. Jack Somers, as we have before stated, was first-loader and second-boarder. The man opposite to him was first- boarder and second-loader. The next was a shot-and- wad-man, who was also a pumpman and pikeman. The third was a sponger, who was also a boarder. The fourtli was a crow-and-handspikc-man. who was also a fireman and sail-trimmer. The iifth was a train-tackle- man, and also a boarder. The sixth was a captain of the gun. The men on the opposite side had correspond- ing duties ; and each is designated bv his proper ordinal, as first-boarder, second-boarder, &c. The gun is secured by three classes of ropes. The breeching is the heavy piece of cable passing througli an eye at the breech of the gun, with each end fastened to the side of the ship, which prevents the recoil from throwing the piece out of position. Tlie train-tackle is a rope with double blocks, attached at one end to the carriage, and at the other to a ring in the deck, by which the gun is hauled back from the port, or secured for loading. The side-tackles are the purchases attached to the side of the carriage, by which the gun is drawn up to the port. Modern orun-carriages have but two wheels, the after- JACK SOMERS IX THE X A V Y. 199 most part resting on the deck. A handspike witli roll- ers on tlie end, called a rolling handspike, by which the carriage is pried np and made to l)ear n])on the rollers, is now used when the gun is to be run out at the port. The cartridges are brought up from l)el()w, one at a time, in a leathern bucket having a cover, which removes the liability to accident. vShot-stands are placed near the breech of the gun, to hold the balls, — five in each,— which are replenished as occasion requires. The perfect discipline Avliich prevailed on board the Harrisburg inspired every man with zeal and courage ; for he knew that he was one wheel in the vast machine whose action was essential to the operation of the whole. P^very one supported every other one. and was in turn supported by them ; and entire confidence reigned through- out the ship. The Harrisburg passed Fort Jackson, and poured her broadside into St. Philip. It was the same scene over again, but intensified by the hopes of success, and by the continued tension upon the ner\ous systems of its actors. But hardly had the ship passed the second fort before she got aground ; and, at "the same instant, the vessel seemed to be wrapped in fljimes. It was an aw- ful moment to the devoted tars, wjjo conld not yet com- prehend the nature or the extent of the calamity which had owrtiikcn the sliip : but. to tjicir boiioi- and glory, not one of them deserted his station Tlic ])oif-l»attery 200 THE SAILOR BOY: OR, Still roared, as it poured its destructive missiles into the enemy. An immense fire-raft liad l)een pushed forward by one of the rebel rams ; and tlie Ilarrisburg, in attempting tc avoid it. had been run into slioal water, and grounded. The ship was on fire, the flames leaping up to her tops : and her destruction seemed to be inevitable. The fire- men were called away . and. after exertions almost superhuman, llie fire was extinguished, and the noble ship was then backed off from the shoal. The severest part of tlie day's work was yet to come. T\^iat the officers saw was soon patent to all the crew, — that the river was swarming with rebel gunboats and iron-dads. The roar of Itattle increased : and the shot and shell crushed througli the sides of the Harrisburg, scattering splinters and other missiles in every direc- tion. AVounded men were borne down to the cockpit, where Dr. Sawsett was busily discharging the duties of his profession ; and the dead lay silent and calm amid the awful din. Still our noble ship continued to pour a terrible fire into the rebel vessels : and still her men. nerved to des- peration by the thunder and the crash of battle, worked like heroes. Now she butted against a rebel ram, and now she poured her death-dealing broadsides into the iron-mailed vessels that assailed her. Jack Somers was only a hero among heroes. Stunned J A r h s ,).if j: i: s 1 s r ii e s a \ ' y. 20 1 l»v die roai-. ItliiuK'tl by llio smoke, lie iiiaiutaliied his position at ltmii No. D, without knowing what was trans- piring even a lew leet from him. As the ship olianged her phice, lie ohtained an occasional glance at a rebel gunboat ; and he saw one of them crushed like a paper- box l»y the great guns of'tlie IVnsacola. Still he exerted himself to the utmost. When he saw a solid shot crush the head of poor Lawrence, — one of liis topmates, — he felt dizzy for an instant; but, even fn»m this shock, he i-ecovered under the stimulus of the awful excitement. Such a furious and destructive action could not long continue. The roar began to diminish ; for the gims of the rebel fleet had been silenc^ed. Of the fifteen which had appeared, eleven had been destroyed, driven ashore in a sinking condition, or sent to the bottom of the great river. The columns of the Federal squadron moved on. Three or four vessels were missing. The Varuna had been sunk, after she had done deeds which immortalized her name and that of her heroic commander. The smoke cleared away, and the fleet steamed up the river. Silence reigned when the storm of battle had spent itself. The victory was complete ; and cheer on cheer rent the air, and gave a thrill of inspiration to the poor fellows who had been wounded, as the grateful sounds reacheo their ears. 202 THE SAILOR BOY, OR, CHAPTER XIX. QUARTERMASTER SOMERS. ,^^^^ FTER pas.^inir the forts, the Harrisbiirir pro- 71 eeeded on lier way up the river. On the fol- /^^w lowing day, after many difficulties and delays, the fleet arrived at English Turn. Some of the light gunboats had been sent forward to cut the telegraph wires, and otherwise prepare tlie way for the more for- midable squadron which was to follow. The intelligence of the approach of the terrible gunl)oats had already been conveyed to the city of New Orleans ; and that reckless desperation which had so often characterized the move- ments of the rebels in times of extreme peril began to manifest itself in the wholesale destruction of property. Large cotton-ships, which had been freighted with the precious staple of the South to run the blockade, were set on fire, and came careering down the river, convert- ing the mighty stream into a moving panorama of leap- ing flames. The Mississippi was covered with burning vessels, and other valuable property, which the fiery sons of the South JACK SO Af E I{ S I xV T 11 E SA J ' Y. 203 had niaile haste to dostroy. The Harrisburfr threaded her jHiilous path throu^li these floating chariots of flame, till tlie roar of raiiiion was heard ahead of her. The ship liad j)roeceded hut a short distance farther, before the C'avntra, in which Captain Haih'V was k*ading the way up the river, was tliscovered engaging the rebel earth- works on botli shores. The Ilarrisburg, being one of the fast ships, imme- diately crowded on all steam to assist the spunky little Cayuga in the unc([\ial l)attle into which she had ven- tured. The ship was now within a mile of the bat- teries, which opened fire upon her, as well as upon the Brooklyn and Pensacola. As she approached the forts in a direct line, only the two guns on her topgallant-fore- castle could be used ; while the batteries were enabled to meet her with a raking fire during her approach. The crew were at quarters ; and the broadside guns had been loaded with shell, shrapnel, and grape, which are used only at short ranges. AVhen the ship had ap- proached sufficiently near, the order was given to keep her away. She rounded to, and her port battery poured into one of the forts a broadside which could not but be fearfully destructive among the gunners in the fort. At the same time, the starboard battery of the Pensa- cola gave the fort on the other side of the river a broad- side' of the same material. The Brooklyn then passed between these two ships, and delivered her broadside; 204 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, which, being followed by otliers from the remaining ve.H- sels of the fleet, entirely silenced the guns in the earth- works. The action was short, but brilliant, — what Ad- miral Farragut has styled " one of the elegances of the profession." Not all of tlie fleet could obtain a ''pop" at the batteries, so quickly were tiiey silenced. The Harrisburg continued on her course, the crew still at quarters, in readiness to make tlie' daylight shine through any rebel works which should have the temerity to dispute her advance. As she approached the city, the artistic eye of Mr. Bankhead, who was standing in the mizzen-rigging, giving directions to the quartermaster at the wheel, so as to avoid the burning wrecks which were borne down by the current of tlie mighty river, discerned a beautiful little steamer, which had been set on fire, and was drifting down with its fellows. It was not one of those ungainly, top-heavy Western steamers, whose build had called forth the criticisms of old Grummet ; but she was evidently a sea-going steamer, whose graceful lines and symmetrical proportions would have filled the eye of a professional yachtman. The executive officer of the Harrisburg was a gentle man of exquisite taste in nautical affairs ; and the destruc' tion of so fine a craft greatly disturbed his equanimity. In fact, he was disposed to rescue the little steamer from the "manifest destiny" which appeared to have over- taken her, especially as the fire had made but little prog JACK SOMERS JN THE ^ A f ). 205 •ess. He immediately communicated the suggestion tc Captain Mainwriglit, pointing out the value which the fine ciat't miglit be in the future operations )f the fleet. Mr. Bankhcaa Avas satisfied tluit he could save the feteamcr ; and the order ^vas at once given for the attempt to be made. 'Strike two bells, quartermaster!" said the first-lieu- tenant. '' Clear away the second cutter ! " ''Two bells, sir!" repeated Tom Longstone, who was conning tlie wheel. "Three bells, quartermaster!" continued Mr. Bank- head the first signal being to stop her ; the second, to back her •^ Three bells, sir!'' By the time the little steamer had drifted down to the ship, the second cutter was in the water, manned by her regular crew. A dozen more men, with axes and buck- ets, were ordered into the boat. Mr. Bankliead, having a peculiar interest in the rescue of this elegant speci- men of naval architecture, took charge of the expedition himself. • • Somers ! " said he as he sprang upon the gangway. "Ay, ay, sir!" shouted Jack in reply, as he sprang forward to answer the welcome summons. " Take a bucket, and come into the boat." " Ay, ay, sir ! " answered our sailor-boy, pleased to be remembered when there was any difiicult duty to be per- formed. 206 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, The boat dashed after the burning steamer ; and, as slie was now only a few fathoms astern of the ship, the bowman had his boat-hook fast to her before the oars- men had pulled a dozen strokes. Jack, who had stowed himself in the bow of the cutter, was the first to leap on board. Rushing into the engine-room, he seized a shovel, and began to throw overboard the combustibles which had been piled up near the wood-work. There were a dozen pairs of ready hands to assist him. The work of firing the steamer had been done in haste, and the chips and shavings were damp. The flames had therefore hardly been communicated to the wood-work ; and, after a few moments of vigorous exertion with the buckets and the axes, the fire was completely subdued " Clear away that hawser on the forecastle ! " said Mr. Bankhead. '' Pass it into the boat." '*Ay, ay, sir!" answered Sam Becket, who happened to be nearest to him when the order was given, as he seized the end of the rope. ^* Carry it over to the port-side," added the officer. The cockswain in charge of the cutter was ordered to pull round to the other side of the steamer. By this time, half a dozen men had hold of the hawser, and were hauling it over as directed. Mr. Bankhead, who was now making signals with his hands for the ship to back down to the prize, incautiously stepped wdthin the \>iorht of the hawser, a portion of which had fallen into • ^ ( A- 5 O M i: R 3 I -V /• // E \ A VY. 207 the water. He was standing on tlic plank- shear at the time ; and, tlierc being no railing for protection, he was sndilenly and violently tripped np when the men hauled the rope over to the other side, liy the operation, his legs were pidlcd out from nnder liim ; jind, obeying the law of gravitation, lie dropped head lirst into the river. Unfortunately for Jack Somers, he was at this critical moment engaged in extinguishing the last remnants of fire in the cabin of tlie steamer, and lost this glorious opportunity of practising his favorite diversion of leap- ijig overboard. AVe doubt not he would have done it, if he had witnessed the catastrophe ; but, as he did not, an interesting and exciting incident for this chapter was thereby effectually spoiled. Sam Becket, who had lost caste by falling overboard, was the nearest man to Mr. Bankhead when the acci- dent happened ; being at that moment engaged in clear- ing away the coils of the hawser in the middle of the deck. As the reader has a very indifferent opinion of Becket's Christian impulses, it is not to be supposed that he was moved by any lofty motives at this crisis in the affairs of the executive ofhcer of the Harrisburg. It is reasonable to believe that he remembered how Jack had behaved on a similar occasion, and how much credit he had obtained by his promptness and courage. Be this as it may, Sam Becket plunged into the river, and swan\ towards Mr. Bankhead. 20S THE 9AILOR BOY, OR, Though Becket was not an expert swimmer, he suc- ceeded in reaching Mr. Baukhcad as he rose, and grasped him ])y tlic collar, regardless of the dignity of his high office. It is quite probable, however, if a charred timber had not floated near him at this critical period, that both of them would have gone to the bottom together. Becket was clumsy in his operations ; but he kept a firm hold upon the sufferer till the boat came up and rescued them. Then it appeared that the first-lieutenant of the Ilar- risburg had struck his head in falling, which had in- flicted a serious injury, and deprived him of conscious- ness. The ship had now backed down to the little steamer. A heave-line Avas thrown upon her deck, and the hawser hauled on board. The second cutter pulled immediately to the gangway ; and Mr. Baukhead, still insensible, was conveyed to the deck, and thence to the wardroom, where Dr. Sawsett, full of interest and sym- pathy, hastened to his assistance. The hawser was se- cured, and the ship proceeded on her course with her prize in tow. The Harrisburg, shortly after this accident, arrived before New Orleans, and anchored. The events con- nected with the surrender of the city are matters of his- tory ; and we shall confine our attention to the personages who have already been presented to the reader. Mr. Baukhead was not dangerously injured, though he v\'aa J A C K S (> M L R S I A T II E S A \ ' 1'. 20'J contluod to liis l)tMl ;i few days ; ami J?i<-k Somcrs was relieved (d' a heavy load of anxiety, when he saw him return to duty at the expiration of a week. It need seareely be said that Sam Bceket had suddenly become a hero : that, fi'om the neirlect induced by his lost reputation, he had at onee risen to the pinnaele of popular- ity. INIen began to understand and appreciate him. They gave him due credit for the noble deed he had performed, without scrutinizing his motives. ^Ir. Bankhead had sent for him as soon ^is he was able to see him, and thanked him for the service he had rendered, besides giving him an intimation that he should be suitably rewarded in the future. The first time that the executive officer appeared on deck, Jack Somcrs began to edge this way and that way, beating up towards the quarter-deck, till he found him- self under the lee of the mainmast. It would have been quite evident, to any one who had watched our hero, that he desired to communicate with Mr. Bankhead ; but he was very shy and sheepish in his movements. He was too familiar with the requisites of navy discipline to approach, and congratulate his powerful friend upon his recovery, as he would gladly have done. It was not to do any stupid thing of this kind which caused him to edge up to the mainmast ; it was a purely business matter. At last, when he had mustered the requisite degree 14 210 THE SAILOR BOY; OB, of boldness, he dashed briskly up to the first-lieutenant, and touched his cap. His face was covered with blushes, and he was as confused as a school-girl when she reads her first composition in public. " Well, Somers ? " said Mr. Baukliead kindly, as he emiled at the difficulties with which Jack was beset. " I beg your honor's pardon ! " stammered Jack, taking off his cap ; "■ but I wanted to speak a word to you about Becket." "What, Somers?" " If you please, sir, I would like to see him rated as he was before that affair," added Jack, after a deal of stumblin^r and blunderinj:^. "Cockswain of the captain's gig? Impossible! You would be disrated if that were done," " Don't mind me, if you please, sir ; and I would thank your honor more than any other man in the ship if it could be done." " We may do something else for him ; but I object to disrating you." replied Mr. Baukhead. " You are a good-hearted fellow, Somers ; and you shall not suffer for it." Jack argued like a lawyer ; alleging that it would be peculiarly grateful to the feelings of his topmate to be restored to his old rating. It would wipe out the stain upon his character, and be better than any thing else that could possibly be done for him. At last, moved by all JACK SOM Eli S I S T II E X A V Y. 211 these arguinonts, Mr. Bankhcad promised to submit the matter to Captain Mainwriglit. Hair an hour afterwards, the word was passed for Somers to appear at the mainmast ; which is the high court of ccpiity on hoard a man-of-war. Tlie captain was tiiere, and heard our saik)r-boy repeat liis request. '' Somers, why didn't you jump over after Mr. Bauk« head?" said he in a quizzing tone. '• Because your honor told me not to jump overboard even after the best friend I had in tlie world. Besides, sir, I was not present when the accident happened." '- I grant his request, Mr. Bankhe^nd ; but Somera shall be rated as a quartermaster hereafter." ^' Thank your honor 1 " exclaimed Jack, who, though happy to have Becket receive his due, was not at all anxious to lose his own rating as a petty olHcer. Becket was sent for, and made as happy as a man could be by the restoration of his rating as cockswam of the captain's gig. 212 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, CHAPTER XX. THE Uo S. STEAMER MIDDY, (\/''M much obleegcd to you, Jack Somers, for what d^\ yo^i doue," said Becket, as they sat down in (^y. the mizzen-top, ou the cveuing after the cou- — ference at the maiumast. " I knew^, after what had happened, that the first-hiff woukl want you to have your old place ; and I thought I'd help him out a bit," replied Jack. " It was handsome of you, Jack ; and. with all my faults, I'm not mean enough to keep still alter what you've done for me. You've been unanimous — uo, that's not what the shore lubbers call it." '• Magnanimous," added Rushington, whose vocabU' lary was more extensive than that of the mass of man- of-war' s-men. *' Ay, ay : that's the word. It's as long as a frigate's cable ; but it's just what I meant. You saved my life, and you have always treated me handsomely, Somers. Now you've put me back just where I was before. I JACK so.\fi:ns / x the navy. 213 (\o\\'l want to 1)0 I'c.oli.sli, .lack ; Imt I'd do any thing in tlir world ior yon." '•Thank yon, Ufcki't. Tin ^dad 1 liad a chance to do you u good turn." '^ I've been a rough fellow, in my day ; ])nt you'v* taught nie a lesson that all the parsons in the conntry oouldn't have got into my noddle. By the way, Jack, do you know what I thought of you wlieu we first come aboard the ship?" '• I haven't the least idea." '■* Well, Jack, I thouglit yon was one of them pious sort of lubbers that say long prayers, and go eanting up and down the rigging, and shirk their duty whenever they get a chance, — one of them chaps that's always preaching what they (h)n't practise." '• I don't see where you got such an idea as tliat of me." '* Nor I nnther. Jack ; but I did get it: any the tenderness of the old man. ''I know you won't, Jack. I alius took you for an honest lad; and, if you desart me, 1 shall be disap- piiited, — that's all. Now read me a cha])ter in your mother's Testament, my darlin^^" Jack toijk the Testament from its place of concealment under the mess-table, and read — as he had often done before to the old quartermaster — a portion of a chapter. Tom, as was his habit, commented upon the text in man-of-war style. Our sailor-boy listened, but with only half his attention ; for the Middy was still an anxious topic in his mind. A week elapsed before any decided steps were taken in manning the Middy ; and Jack M-as full of doubts and tears. In the mean time, the little steamer had taken in her ammunition, small-arms, provisions, and stores, and seemed to be entirely ready for a cruise. We have continually spoken of the Middy as a little steamer ; and so she was, when compared with the lar^^er steamers of the fleet : but she was extensive enouirh to require the services of forty men, including petty-officers ami marines, besides her officers and the engineers and firemen. Her crew was selected with great care from the squadron ; and we are happy to inform our anxious 222 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, readers that botli Jack Somers and Tom Lougstone wero drafted iuto lier, to their iuteuse .sati.sfactiou. Passed-midshipmaii Hayswell was appoiuted first-lieii- tenaut, and Mr. Midshipman Dickey was ordered to the little gunboat in the capacity of second-lieutenant, — a promotion which added three inches to his height in a single instant. The officers and crew of the Middy went on board, and at once made themselves comfortable in their new quarters. JACK SOMEIi!^ IN THE NA V Y. 223 CHArTKK XXI. VV TIIK KIVER. I J/AQK SOMERS wjis delighted with the change which liiid l>een made in his position : uot that ;'\^/^ he was dissatisfied with his duties on Iward the Ilarrisburg ; but tliere was a prospect of being ordered to more active duty. Tlie Middy was small and fast ; and lie was confident tluit her services would be in continual demand. Besides, Mr. Bankhead was now his captain ; and he hoped he should, have a better opportu- nity to distinguish himself. Jack had hardly become accustomed to his new quar- ters in the Middy before a new character appeared on board, and one with whom the quartermasters were to become particularly intimate. lie was a rough-looking man, and swore ever so much more than there was any need of; but he was not much worse than many of tho crew. Jack Somers had not yet learned to swear. He was strongly tempted, sometimes, to use big words ; but, when he observed that Mr. Bankhead and Mr. Granger never Uttered an oath, he came to the conclusion that he could 224 THE SAILOR BOY, OR, better afford to imitate them tlian the seamen wlio were less careful of tlicir speech. Tom Loii;istone never used a profane word ; and a long conversation with him, wliile the Ilarrisburg lay at anchor below the city, had fully confirmed all his previous resolutions. Mr. Lunsley did swear ; and his nose was very red, and his manners very coarse. Jack did not like him at all when he appeared at the wheel-liouse, where the two quartermasters were engaged in making things snug and orderly. He was the very antipodes of Mr Bankliead, who was a perfect gentleman in all his relations both with his inferiors and his superiors in rank. There was only one thing about him which Jack did like ; and that was the rosette of " red, Avhite, and blue," which he wore upon the lappel of his coat, indicating that he Avas a loyal man. In the midst of so many traitors, this was no small recommendation in a man who knew every bend and shoal of the Mississippi River. •""All hands, up anchor, ahoy!" passed through the Middy shortly after the appearance of Mr. Lunsley. Tom Longstone and Jack were in the wheel-house with the pilot, who was smoking his cigar, and watching the operations of the sailors on the forecastle. "Anchor's away, sir ! " said the man who officiated in the capacity of boatswain, to Mr. Hayswell, who stood upon the hurricane-deck. " Strike one bell, Jack ! " added the lieutenant. JACK SOMERS IX T JIIZ NAVY. 223 " One bell, sir ! " The Middy went ahead slowly ; and, when the anchor had ln'cii plaeed on llie forecaslle, the four bells were struck, and she went ahead rapidly up the river Jack had the wheel, and received his directions irom Mr. Lunsley, who continued to smoke his cigar and to swear, though he had notliing particular to swear at. At ihe time of wliich we write, the country on both sides of the river was in possession of the enemy, who closely watched the stream, though they were very care- ful not to demonstrate upon any of the gunboats which passed up and down after the capture of New Orleans. Though the rebels could not successfully contest the pos- session of the river with the powerful naval armaments of the Geen plated with iron sufficiently thick to resist a rifle- ball. Iron screens had been prepare*! to protect tiie men while working the guns. 16 226 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, The Middy continued on her course up the river, bear- ing the stars and stripes through the very midst of the dis- comfited rebels. The men were piped to dinner as usual ; and no one on board seemed to consider that he was in the enemy's country, and surrounded by enterprising and spiteful foes. Tom was at dinner ; and Jack was alono with Mr. Lunsley, who declared that he could not leave till the steamer had passed a certain dilficult bend which he described. " I think I can get along alone, after what you have said," added Jack, who had a great deal of confidence in his OA\'n ability. " Perhaps you can, my little joker ; but I don't trust this craft out of sight when there's a shoal ahead," re- plied the pilot ; and of course he could not utter a remark of this length without interlarding it with half a dozen JVIississippi oaths. '' Your directions are very plain, and I thought I un- derstood them." " But I have some pride in this business. I've run up fi,iid down this brook for ten years, and always had good luck. Now, if this steamer should get aground, some of your folks would call me a traitor, or some other pretty name of that sort." *' I think not, sir." •' I won't trust 'em, little joker. If you " — The loyal philosophy which was contained in the JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVY. 227 thoujilit Mr. Luiisley was about to utter avjis forever lost upou dur lioro ; for a caunou-shot at thiij iustaul •vrhistled through the air, uiipleai^autly near the wheel- house. '• 1 kiiow'd it ! " said he, changing his tone aud mau- ner. *' Kuew what ? " *' I kuow'd there was a battery here." ^' What did you run us upou it for, then ? " " We must go in the cliannel, any way, my joker. But may be you ain't afraid of cannon-balls?" '' Not particularly ; though I have a wholesome re- spect for them when they are properly projected," replied Jack. Another shot followed the first, and then a third. The crew were called to quarters, and Tom Longstone returned to the wheel-house. Captain Bankhead took his station on the hurricane-deck, by the side of the pilot ; and Mr. Hayswell was on the forward-deck. '• Strike two bells, quartermaster," said the captain. '' Two bells, sir." The boat stopped ; for it was no part of Captain Bank- head's plan to have his vessel knocked to pieces without an adequate compensation. By his order, the thirty-two- pounder on the forecastle was discharged in the direction from which the shot came. Old Grummet was captain of this piece ; and there was not a belter gunner in the 228 THE SAILOR BOYi OR, navy. The old man growled all the time ; but he worked with ail alacrity Avhicli spoke better for his zeal and courage than his words did. After half a dozen shells had been thro^^'n into the thicket from which the fn-ing had proceeded, the guns of the enemy appeared to be silenced ; and the Middy again proceeded on her way. She had been backed down the stream some distance ; and, during the firing, the engine had worked just enough to keep her head up the river, and give her steerage-way. As she advanced, the thirty-two-pounder continued to discourse with the unseen rebels. " We are all right now, Tom ! " said Jack. " Not yet, my darling. The rebel guns is short range ; and, when we come up, they'll give us some more.'* "You may depend on that," added Mr. Liinsley. " Starboard ! quartermaster." " Starboard, sir I " replied Tom. " Steady ! " "Steady, sir!" " Now^ we catch it again ! " continued the pilot. " Star- board ! " " Starboard, sir ! " replied Tom, as another shot passed over the forward-deck, so that the '' wind" could be felt in the pilot-house. Just then, Tom was called to assist in working one of the quarter-guns, and Jack was left alone at the wheel. The pilot kept Avell 1)ack behind the iron plates which ghielded the helmsman. JACK SOMEIiS ly THE NAVY. 22') ** Hartl-a-starboanl ! " saitl tlie pilot. '• You tlou't see where you arc goiug, sir ! " replied Jack. The suu, which had been behind a cloud, at this mo- ment came out, and the helmsman could distinctly see the bottom on the bow of the INlidtly. Then; was not four feet of water in the direction tlie pilot had ordered him to steer. *' Hard-a-starboard ! " repeated the pilot sharply. '' Do 3'ou think I don't know this river better than yon do? ^'' But look, sir ! I can see the bottom ! ' At this moment, the thirty-two-pounder sent another shell into the thicket, the noise of which seemed to startle Lunsley, and he crouched back into his former position, lie had risen with the intention of taking tlie wheel from the hands of the refractory quartermaster. Three or foui more shots from the shore passed near the Middy : but she was still nutouched , for her motion prevented the rebel gunners from obtaining the correct range. " Ilard-a-starboard the helm !" shouted Lunsley again, when he had quieted his nerves. This time he did not wait for Jack to execute the order, but rose, and seized the spokes of the wheel, roll- ing il over in the direction indicated. ''Better mind wliat 1 say!" growled he with a volley of oaths, whicli made Jack's blood run cold. " There's no water there ! " exclaimed Tom, glanciuii 230 THE SAILOR BOY: OR, over the port-bo\v at the long shoal, which could be dis- tiuctly seen. At the same time, mustering all the strength and nerve of his slender frame, he heaved the wheel over to port again, and thus prevented the Middy from grounding while under the Ih'e of tlie enemy's gnus. '* Let go tliat wheel, yon vilhiin ! " cried the pilot, attempting to grasp him by the throat. '•What's tlie matter here?" demanded Captain Bank- head, opening tlie door of the pilot-house. " This man is a traitor I He's trying to get the boat aground ! " replied Jack with energy. '^ He lies ! " " Mind your lielm, Somers ! " said Captain Baukhead, unable to compreliend tlie merits of the question. "Shall 1 j)ut her liard-a-starboard as he orders me?" asked Jack. '• You cau see the bottom there, sir." The captain glanced over the port-bow, and wa* satis- fied that the rpiartermaster had spoken the truth. " Steady ! " said he. " Steady, sir ! " repeated Jack ; which is the order vvhen the helm is to be kept as it is. He looked at Luusley. as he spoke, with a triumphant expression upou his face. The pilot's face was as dark as a thunder-cloud. The captain stepped out, apparently satisfied that he could trust Jack, though he did not know any thing about the river, better than the pilot, who knew all about it. JACK SOMEIiS IX THE X A V Y. 231 He had scarcely closed the door after lie liad willi- ilrawii, wlieii Luusley spraiij^ to the wlicul Hgain, and made a vint iho pilot was a powerful man, and Jack found himself defeated in his attempt by main strength to prevent the Middy from being thrown ashore. He did not give up the ship : and tin's was precisely what it would have amnunled to, if she had got aground there ; for the rebels could have knocked her to pieces in five miiuites if sli.- would oidy '• hold still" long enough. When he found he was not a match in ])hysi ai strength for the burly pilot, he had the presence of mind to strike two bells, followed by three ; which were the signals re- spectively to stop and back her. The traitor, finding tlie steamer Avas receding from the shoal, sprang forward towards the bell-pulls. There was a heavy hard-wood stick in the wheel-house, which had been used to pry up the iron screens into position. Jack grasped this weapon ; and, as the pilot placed his hand upon the pull, he struck him a heavy blow upon the back of the head, which felled him to the dc<'k. Jack then rang two bells, — stop her; one bell,— tthead slow; four bells, — ahead, full speed. 232 THE SAILOR BOYi OR, C ir A P T E R XXII. JACK ASnORP:. /^^fc^IIE Tonr of tlic irnn.-^, and tlie busy socncs in m\\ P'^''t of the steamer, liad ])revente34 THE SAILOn BOY; OR, " ^Vhat'ri the matter, my darling?" asked Tom as he joined Jack at the wheel. '' Nothing particular, Tom. I'll tell yon all about it, hy and by," replied Jack, still keeping his eyes fixed upon the water ahead. The clouds of smoke obstructed his vision ; but he made the most of the brief intervals when the wind opened a clear space for him. lie felt that the safety of the Middy depended as much upon him as upon the cap- tain ; for, if she got aground, it would insure her destruc- tion in a very few moments. Tiie rebels were improving in their practice, and two or three shots had struck the steamer. One liad passed through the cabin on the main deck : and another had ploughed up several feet of the hurricane-deck, abaft the smoke-stack. The Middy soon passed the most dangerous point, and the guns of the rebels had begun to fall short of the mark. Only the port-(piartcr gun of the steamer could be brought to bear upon the battery ; and the action seemed to be over, unless Captain Bankhead chose to renew it. "Where is that pilot?" asked the captain, opening the door of the wheel-house. " I dunno, sir . I pitched him out on the hurricane- deck," replied Tom, stepping out to look for his victim. '' He is not here now." " I dropped him down there," added Tom, pointing to / A c K s o .\r Eli s' / y T 11 1: sa v y. 2 "^^ .'> fhe place Avhere he had depositeil tlie senseless form of tiic j)il(jt. *• Wo must fiud him before he has a cliaiu'e to do any further mischief." Tlie captain and quartormastor walked aft to ascertain what had become of Lunsley, who iiad c\idenlly come to his senses, and taken himself ofi\ He was not on the hurricane-deck ; and they were about to descend to the main-deck, when the pilot's canoe, Avhich had been tow- ing astern, was discovered some distance down the river, pulling towards tliG battery. The villain, who had in some measure recovered from the effects of Jack's blow, had crept down from the hurricane-deck during the excitement of the action, and taken to his canoe. A twenty-four-pound «hot from one of the quai'ter-guns was sent after liim ; but the object was so small, and tlie distance so great, that the gunner failed to hit it. The Middy was then put about, so as to bring the thirty- two-pouuder to bear upon the battery, and again opened fire upon the rebels ; for Captain Baukhead expressed his purpose to clean out the enemy from their position. As the battery did not reply, she was moved up nearer, so that one of the twenty-four-pounders could also command the spot. After tiring for half an hour without eliciting any response from the rebels, the Middy went down the river again, and placed herself in different positions to tempt the enemy to renew the action ; but the batter/ was still silent. ■2o() Tin: SA iLon n o r ; o n, The quarter-boat on the starboard-side was then cleared awjiy ; and Mr. Hayswell, the first-lieutenaut, was ordered oil shore to examiue the posiliou. ^' Somers, you will go in the boat. Mr. Hayswell may want such a person as you are to assist him," said Cap- tain Bankliead. " Thank you, sir." '^ Take a pistol and cutlass with you, and don't be reckless." "Ay, ay, sir." The boat contained twelve men besides the officer, and pulled to the nearest point of land, just below the battery, where it could be covered in case of necessity by the fjuns of the steamer. Mr. Hayswell with eight of the men landed, and cautiously made their way up to th boat below, or at least escape capture till the Middy had . ime to shell out the rebels a second time. Mr. I lays well adopted the suggestion ; and he party succeeded, with the help of the negro Avho was Waiting for the jubilee, in making their way as far as the cross- road, which led from the principal highway to a 'and- ing-place on the river. AVhile the boat-expedition N ere looking for the cotton-burners half a mile above, Tie rebel artillery company had returned by this road ; ^ their original position. Of course the enemy had a m ^ tive in leaving the earthwork, and a motive in returning to it. The subject was rather dark to Mr. Ilayswell ; bu' the fact was undeniable. Meanwhile, the shells from the Middy were dropping into the earthwork, and doing terrible execution amon*^ the rebels. About the time our party reached the road, they had got about enough of it, and were on the point of retiring again, probably satisfied that they had *' waked up the wrong customer " when they attacked the little Middy. Now, it was very unfortunate lor our 240 THE SAILOR BOT; OB, people on shore that this result had been reached at this particular moment ; for the retreating graybacks instantly discovered the blue-jackets, and, with a whoop and a yell, dashed forward for the purpose of capturing them. Resistance was useless ; and Mr. Hayswell ordered the men to run for their lives ; of which permission they promptly availed themselves. Most of them attempted to make a sweep round the road, and reach the boats, where the rebels followed them. Jack prudently re- treated in another direction ; and, reaching a gin-house, crawled in, and stowed himself away among the ma- chinery. The guns of the Middy still played a lively tune, and Jack was in hope that his companions had escaped. He remained in his concealment until he thought the rebels must have retired, and then crept out. No firing had been heard for some time ^ and he stealthily moved towards the river, confident that his progress would not be interrupted. But this was a day of mistakes ; and our hero soon found that he had miscalculated his chances. The rebels had ceased firing, because their twelve-pounders only drew the steamer's fire, which they found too much for them, without injuring her. While he was slowly and cautiously making his way towards the river, he was suddenly and very unexpectedly accosted by a couple of graybacks. JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVY. 241 '' Halt I " said one of tlicm, stepping in front of our sailor-boy. Jack (lid halt: he could not well help halting, unless he coueluded to step over the rebels in his path. They had been eoneealed behind a mound of earth, and were either watching for him, or observing tiie moxements ot" the Middy. *' Lay down your arms ! " added the rebel speaker, elevating a musket, and taking aim at him. Perhaps Jack was reckless ; on tlie whole, we rather think he was : for, instead of obeying the order, he drew liis revolver, and fired at the soldier who addressed him. Of coarse, the grayback discharged his musket ; and Jack felt something on his left shoulder very much like a saw drawn along the skin. But he was not killed, — he was sure of this, — and immediately fired another barrel of the revolver, which caused the assiduous rebel to drop. Yet Jack was sure he was not killed ; for he heard him swear after he fell. There was no time just then to balance probabilities : and our blue-jacket, concluding that the rebels were in force at the earthwork, decided to change his base ; which is always considered a very difficult operation in the midst of an engagement. In the present instance, it consisted only of wheeiing about, and running away in the opposite direction ; which has often been the sum 16 242 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, aad substance of the same manoiuvre when conducted on a larger scale. Jack ran till he came to the mansion, being chased by tlie uninjured rebel of the couple. lie dodged several times, and at last threw his pursuer off the track. As h3 doubled up under the Ice of the big house, he saw a cellar-door open ; through which, as the place looked iuviting, he entered without asking permission. JACK SOME It is 7'V ThP NAVY. 243 CHAPTER XXIII. THE planter's MANSION. ^^^\\¥j cellar iuto which Jack had entered appeared ^1 1 to be the storehouse of the plantation ; for w ^^^\y was half tilled with boxes and barrels, crates and cases, with demijohns, jugs, and canisters- In one corner, there was a small room partitioned off from the rest of the space, which our hero concluded was the depository for eatables, and for which reason he was very desirous of exploring it ; for it will be remembered that the action had been commenced on board the Middy just as the hands were piped to dinner. Jack had eaten nothing since morning ; and, as boys at his age are con- stitutionally predisposed to be hungry, he was now, in the middle of the afternoon, almost in a suffering cou' dition. He tried the door of the room in the corner of the cel- lar; but, to his grief, it was locked. Jack could not help thinking what a villanously bad practice it was to keep the pantry locked ; but if he had considered the number of working negroes on the place, whose diet era- 244 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, sisted of a peck of corn and a small allowance of bacon per "vveek, lie would have been satisfied witli tlie wisdom of the arrangement, and, for the sake of the negroes aforesaid, have been content to remain hungry for the present. As he could not find any thing to eat, or even to drink, — for the demijohns and jugs were either empty or filled Avith oil or vinegar, — he was obliged to stow himself away among the boxes and barrels, to wait for a more convenient season to emerge from the gloom of his hiding-place. He was alone, and there was nothing to disturb his meditations. Of course, he could not help reviewing the incidents of the afternoon, and wondering how many of his companions had been killed, wounded, and captured. As he had no data upon which to base his calculations, his conclusions were not particularly satisfactory. He was almost certain, however, that Mr. Haysw^ell was a prisoner ; but he contented himself with the tliought that he was no great loss to the Goveniment, after his mismanagement of the affair of the boat-party. For the want of something better to do, in the gloom and silence of the cellar, he went to sleep ; as almost any sailor is apt to do, when he has nothing to busy his hands or occupy his mind. He is " broke of bis rest,* as the elderly ladies in the country say ; and it is just as natural for him to go to sleep as it is for liim to " splice the main-brace." Jack w^ent to sleep. He had not eatefl JACK so^fF^s ix the navy. 24,') Rny tliiiiir to ltIvc liini the uiLrlitnuire, and his hed wa.s hard, t'oUl, and uncomfortable. His position was lather cramped ; and tliese tilings, combined, caused him to dream. An old horse, thin, spavined, and afflicted with the Ijeaves, covered all over with stars and bars, slowly came round, and beuan making stern-way till his heels were within reach of the divamcr. He thought it was about time to retire, but found himself unable to move. The old horse delibei-ately raised his heels, and kicked him in the head. Ue tried to cry out, and tried to beat a retreat ; both of which, lor some mysterious reason, he was unable to do. The dilapidated old nag contimied to poimd away till his head seemed to be mashed to a jelly , and, when it appeared to him that the end of all things had come, he waked uj) in a violent perspiration, trem- bling from head to foot witli the agony he had endured during his slumbers It was as dark as Egypt ; but there was no old horse present. He felt around him, and the boxes and barrels among which be had stowed himself recalled his ])ewil- dered senses, and informed him where he was. He rubbed his eyes, and renewed the vision which had just faded from his consciousness. The old horse was, without doul>t, the Southern Confederacy ; a fact sufficiently cer- tified by the stars and bars he wore. Jack could not help laughing at the sorry figure of the miserable crea- 246 THE SAILOTi BOY; OR, ture ; but, wlieu he thouglit Avhat awful blows the typical beast had giveu him, he concluded that the Confederacy, though a one-horse affair, Mas not to be despised. Jack had seen a dream-book on board the ITarrisburg ; but what the significance of dreaming about horses, and especially about such a mir^erable beast as that which liad occupied his slumbering mind, might be, he could not tell. In truth, he had not much fi\ith in dreams ; yet he could hardly escape the conclusion, that such a remarkable vision must mean something. If not actually a captive in the hands of the rebels, he was certainly in a fair way of becoming such ; and he was afraid the dream foreshadowed his own fate in the hands of the enemy : but he hoped, if he Avas doomed to a rebel prison, that the old horse would not kick quite so hard as he had in his dream. It Avas very dark in the cellar now ; and Jack groped his way out from the boxes and barrels which had con- cealed him, and felt his way in the direction of the door by Avhich he had entered. It was closed, locked, and the key removed. He could not open it by any art or device of his fertile ingenuity ; and it was patent to him that his retreat by the door was cut off. But there must be, according to the natural rule of architecture, some means of getting into the cellar other than from the out- side of the house. This was a comfortable reflection ; and he groped about the dark place till he found the ■tairs leading to the entry above. JACK SOME US IS THE S A V Y. 247 As a niattor of precaution, lie seated himself on the first sttep, nud, Avhile he was listening for any sounds which miirht reach him from the rooms above, loaded the two barrels of his pistol which had been discharged at the rebels. There were footsteps to be heard in one of the rooms over him ; but the entry was apparently unoccupied. When the pistol had been prepared for use, be cautiously ascended the steps, opened the door, and passed into the principal hall of the mansion. The front door was now before him. On each side of it, there was a room opening into the hall. Jack's intention was to pass out of the house by the main en- trau^'e ; but, unfortunately, one of the doors at tlie side of it was open. The room was lighted, and there were persons in it engaged in conversation. It was not safe to fim the gantlet of this open door ; and Jack was obliged to seek a passage in some other direction, or wait till the parlor-door should be closed. To facilitate the ease and silence of his movements, our hero slipped off his shoes ; and. tying them together by the strings, secured them in his belt. Thus prepared, he commenced exploring the premises. There was a door in the rear of the house ; but this was locked, and the key removed. Adjoining the two front rooms, there were two other rooms ; one of which Jack con- cluded, from the pleasant odors saluting him in that direction, was the dining-room. He looked in at the 248 THE SA 1 LO n B Y; OR, key-liole. The room was lighted, and tlie table seemed to be ill readiness for the family. There were no serv- ants present ; and Jack concluded tliat they bad gone to the cook-bouse, Avhicb in the Soutbern States, our read- ers are aware, is usually located at some little distance from the mansion. The hungry intruder ventured to open the door, using extreme care in the operation. On the table, there were a pair of cold roast chickens, bam, bread, cake, and other nice things, which proved to be an unconquerable temptation to the unwelcome visitoi-. "Without cere- mony, he confiscated one of the chickens and a quantity of bread, — soft-tack, in the vernacular of the blue-jack- ets ; and, his mouth watering at the savory anticipations the feast excited, he beat a hasty but well-conducted re- treat. As the hall was an exposed place, be thought of re- turning to the cellar to discuss this supply of viands ; but, as he passed the door of the apartment opposite the dining-room, he glanced through the key-hole. It was not lighted ; and, with the same care he had before used, he opened the door. It was a starlight evening, and sufficient light came through the Avindows to enable him to see that the room was the planter's library. But he had hardly entered the apartment before he heard foot- steps in the hall. Darting towards a door which he descried in the dim light, he opened it, and shut himself J A C K S O M K li S I \ THE X A V Y. 249 111, just as a person eutoivd iVoiu the hall. It was as (lark as Eivbiis in iiis new (juarters ; but Jack, after placinix liis pistols in a ])osition ior instant service, felt around liin\, and ascertained that he had taken refuge in a large closet, which contained 5tacks of old papers, pamphlets, and hooks. Hanging on one side were sun- di-y articles of clothing ; hnt our hero hoped they woidd uot be wanted till he had departed. He had not dared to latch the door behind him, lest the noise should at- tract the attention of the person who had entered. Push- ing it oj)en a little, he found that the library had been lighted ; and the servant who had performed this service was seated in an easy-chair, occupied with his own re- flections. He was a sleek, well-fed negro, dressed like a gentleman ; and apparently had no interest whatever iu the '\jubilee" for which the field-hands in the huts were impatiently praying. The fellow was evidently waiting for the planter to finish his supper and take possession of the library. He sat there as composed and contented as though he had been the owner of the library. He was certainly uncon- scious that he was, just at that moment, very much iu Jack's way ; for the latter wanted a chance to open the window, and jump out. Jack was provoked at the indif- ference of the gentlemanly servant, aiul even considered the propriety of giving him one of the bullets in his re- volver: but he rejected this suggestion, as it would have 250 THE SAILOR JI O Y : OR, been nothing less than murder ; for the fellow was as harmless us he was fat and lazy. Then he thought he would ''appear" to the negro, and, in the confusion which ensued, escape by the front door; but, as this would su]))e('t him to a pursuit, he de- cided to remain quiet, even at the risk of liaving to stay in the closet till the planter had retired for the night. lie concluded, after mature deliberation, that this would not be a very terrible calamity ; for the old horse of his dreams could hardly reach him in tliat comfortable posi- tion. One thing, however, he regarded in tlie light of a calamity ; and that was his empty, gnawing, rebellious stomach, which was protesting in its own eloquent lan- guage against the deprivations to which it had l)een cru- elly subjected since seven-bells in the morning-watch. AVliatever happened, he was determined to attend to the claims of this discomfited organ. Carefully pulling the door to, he detached a wing from the carcass of the chicken, and devoured it. The drum- stick and second joint were next depleted of every edible particle ; and, in due time, the disintegrated skeleton of the fowl lay in a heap upon a pile of pamphlets, stripped as clean as the buzzards could have picked it. The three large slices of bread also disappeared, and Jack felt bet- ter. Nothing was needed but a cup of tea or coffee to complete the feast. Perhap;^ the negro exquisite in the easy-chair thought there were rats in the planter's clo9«t JACK SOMF.RS IN THE X A ]' Y. 251 when lie lieiinl tlie chickiMi-hoiies crack ; hut, hickily for Jack, he was too indolent to investigate the cause of the strange noises. Our hero felt perfectly contented at this point of our narrative. I don't think he would Iiave cared a straw if the servant, or even the master, had opened the closet door when he had finished his supper ; for there is some- thing in a full stomach which inspires coniideuce. If it should ever be our lot to become a brigadier-general, Ave should never take our brigade into battle except upon a full stomach. Jack again pushed the door open a little, so that he could see into the library. Suddenly the sleek black rose from the easy-chair as thongli he had received a diarge of electricity through his back-bone, and the planter \\\\\\ another gentleman entered the apartment. Of course, the colored gentleman retired. '' Have a cigar, Litchiield," said the planter •^ Thank'e," replied the guest ; for such he appeared to be. "1 always smoke when I get a chance." '-Eh, Mr. Litchfield?" thought Jack, when he heard that voice, and recognized it as belonging to Lnnsley, the }»ilot. " So you change yonr name as well as your colors." The gentlemen in tho library talked about the Rebel- lion, and especially about the affair of the Middy : and Jack learned that the first-lieutenant ami four of the men had been captured ; that the others had escaped to th« 252 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, l)oat, and reached the steamer, wliich stiU lay at auchoi off the earthwork. '' Well, I suppose it's about time for me to start," said Litchfield, alias Luusley, after they had conversed about the event for half au*hour. "But I don't quite under- stand the cotton matter yet." The planter then proceeded, after closfn^r the hall-door, and declaring that no negro must hear a word about the business, to describe the place where a large steamer, loaded w^ith cotton, was concealed iu a bayou some miles above. He was afraid the Union gunboats would discover and appropriate the valuable cargo, or that the Confederate cotton-burners would destroy it. Between these two fires, he was terribly perplexed. He had char- tered a steamer, and intended to run his cotton up the Red River, where it would be sjife for the present. Lunsley agreed to pilot the boat up, and manage the enterprise. '• But it must be done to-night. That Yankee gun- boat will have it in the morning, if you don't/ said the planter. " It shall be forty miles up the river before ^Hylight," replied the pilot. '* Perhaps not ! " said Jack to himself, as i) ^ 'wo gen- tlemen left the study. JACii SOMEim ly THE ^ A V i\ 203 CIIAPTKR XXIV. A MGHT-EXPEDITION. I AOK SOMP^xS was troiiblod with a strong flesirc to get his hands upon that Mr. Litchiiekl, aliaa XW Luiisley ; or, failing in that, to brhig liis pistol to bear upon some vital part of his corporeal being. The wretch was a traitor, and had worn Union colors to obtain the favor of the naval ollicers, that he might betray his trust into die hands of his employers. It was evident to him now that Litchfield had never intended to take the Middy above this point ; for he knew of the ex- istence of the earthwork. It was his pui'pose to get her aground, where the battery could Jvuock her to pieces. It also looked very much as though he had come up for the purpose of taking charge of the cotton-steamer which the planter had intrusted to his care. Jack waited but a moment, after the gentlemen had left the room, before he emerged from his hiding-place ; and, carefully opening the Aviudow, jumpe»e th« window, 254 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, that DO suspicions might be awakened. He was now free : the old horse had not yet hit him on the head ; and he was disposed to believe the old adage, that dreams go by contraries. But Jack was too wise a lad to crow before he had got out of the woods. The conversation between the pilot and the planter, to which he had listened, placed in his possession some val- uable information, of which he now purposed to avail himself. The light-battery was still in the vicinity, and a squad of rebels was at the earthwork watching the Middy. Instead, therefore, of going to the point where he had landed, he made his way directly to the river, hoping that he should be able to find a boat. He could discover no craft of any sort ; and was compelled to resort to a log, upon Avhich he boldly put oif. The current carried him down the stream, after ho had pushed out from the shore ; and, when he had rou uded the bend, he discovered the Middy at anchor on the edge of the shoal. By a vigorous application of the board he used as a paddle, he contriAcd to navigate the log so as to bring it up imder the bow of tlie steamer. The watch hailed him ; but his well-known \ oice was all that was needed to secure him assistance in getting on board. " Why, Jack, my darling ! " cried Tom Longstone, ag the veteran tlirew his arms around him, '' I guv you up for lost ! " " I'm all right, Tom. Who's officer of the deck?" JACK SOMERS IN THE y A V Y. 255 " Mr. Dickey, up there," replied Tom, pointing to the hurrieaue-dei'k. " Come on board, sir," added Jack, touching his cap to Mr. Dickey. '' If you please, sir, I would like to see the captain." " Come up, then." '' AV'hcre away now. Jack, ray dear? Can't you tell us any thing about it?" " Not now, Tom ; there'll be more fun by and by : but don't say a word/' whispered Jack as he ascended to the hurricane-deck. " So you got off, Somers ! " said Mr. Dickey with a degree of condescension which was indeed quite remark- able. " Yes, sir : I stowed myself away in a dark place till night, and then came off." "Have you seen Mr. Iluyswell?" "No, sir: he was taken, and tlioy have sent him off somewhere. If you please, sir, I would like to see the captain about something of great importance." " Tlie captain ! I'm acting first-Iieutcnant of this ship : and you are aware tliat all communications must pass through me," added Mr. Dickey witli sublime impor- tance. " I beg your honor's pardon," added Jack with a clever stroke of policy. " There's something to be done right off"; and I only wanted to save time." 2oG THE SAILOTi HOY; OR, " State your business to me at once, then," continued the acting first-lieutenant of the Middy. Fortunately, however, Mr. Dickey's liigh flight was disturbed by the appearance of Captain Bankhead him- self, who at once recognized Jack, dark as it was. '' Somers ! " exclaimed he, greatly astonished. " Come on board, sir," answered Jack, touching his cap. " But you were captured ? " " No, sir : not quite. I came very near it." " Come into the wheel-house, and tell me all about it," added Captain Bankhead, leading the way. Jack told his story as rapidly as possible, including that part relating to tlie cotton-steamer. The latter portion of the narrative Avas particularly interesting to Captain Bankhead, who was much dispirited by the loss of his first-lieutenant and five men ; for it now appeared that one had been killed in the boa^ The capture of the steamer, laden with cotton, would heal his wounded pride, and enable him to return to the fleet with* flying colors. Mr. Dickey was called in ; and Jack stated with great care all the particulars in relation to the cotton-steamer. The captain proposed at once to get up his anchor, and hasten to the mouth of the bayou where the boat was concealed. " I beg your honor's pardon," interposed Jack very JACK SO ME US IN THE NAVY. 257 reverently ; '' but tlic battery is ou duty somewhere about here, and men are watching the steamer from the earthwork." " Very good, Jack," said the captain with a smile. "You are right. If you have any suggestions to make, I will liear thcni ; I'or I tiud you have got a long head for so small a body." '' I think the first cutter, with a howitzer and twenty men, would do the business in first-rate style," replied Jack. " But, Somers, you must be used up after such a hard day's Avork." " Not at all, sir : I am as fresh as though 1 had just come out of my hammock." " Because you must go in the boat, if we conclude to take the steamer in that manner." " I am all ready, sir." " Mr. Dickey, clear away the first cutter, and have a howitzer ready for her I " added the captain. The commander of the Middy seemed to be much troubled when his little first-lieutenant had gone to exe- cute the order. He did not speak for some time ; and, as it was not proper to submit his doubts to a quartermaster, we must add that the want of a suitable officer to conduct the expedition was the occasion of his perplexity. Mr. Dickey was the only officer- who was available for th« 17 258 THE SAILOR BOY, OR, important duty, and it was not proper that the captain should go himself. Mr. Dickey was young, brave, and smart in a double sense ; but he was hardly qualified to execute so diffi- cult an undertaking. Captain Bankhead had seen one expedition fail for want of discretion on the part of an officer ; and he was very much inclined to leave Mr. Dickey in charge of the Middy, and perform the duty himself. This plan was rejected ; for the steamer her- self might be captured in his absence. There was lio alternative but to commit the charge of tlie expedition to Mr. Dickey ; and accordingly that little officer was duly instructed for the purpose. The best men on board were detailed to form his crew, all of them armed to the teeth. Mr. Dickey was sol- emnly charged to be prudent, and to act with vigor and determination. The chief-engineer was ordered to go in the boat, as his services would be required in case the enterprise should be successful. Mr. Dickey was directed to consult with him in any emergency. Captain Bankhead had decided to make a demonstra- tion with the Middy in order to cover up the movements of the boat-party. The anchor was weighed, and she stood over to the other side of the river, where, under the shadow of the high bank, the boat cast off, and pulled up the river with muffled oars. The Middy was then headed down the river ; and those who were watching no JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVY. 259 doubt congratulated themselves that they had driven lier off. Curled up in the bow of the cutter, Jack Somers re- lated his adventures to Tom Longstone,' who was one of the party. He spoke in whispers ; and Tom did not speak at all, so deeply was he absorbed in the exciting story. The oarsmen pulled for two hours against the current, when she was in the vicinity of the bayou where the cot- ton-steamer lay. Of course, none of the party knew precisely where to find the mouth of the stream they were to ascend. Jack Somers was in the bow of the cutter, on the lookout for any thing like an opening in the bank of the river. The boat still kept under the shadow of the left bank of the river ; and Mr. Dickey had carefully observed his instructions to preserve entire silence. While Jack was on the watch, straining his eyes to find the bayou, he discovered a light on the opposite shore ; and, when the boat had advanced a little farther, he clearly discerned the opening for wdiich he had been in search. But the light was ominous. It was clearly a lantern in the hands of a man, as its occasional motion plainly showed. Jack Somers promptly concluded that the light meant something, and that it was some kind of a signal for the cotton-steamer. As the man who carried it could not 8J60 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, possibly have sceu tlic cutter, tlie meaning of the light was easily read. The signal-mau liad, ol" course, been iuslructcd to show the light if there was uothiug to inter- fere with the passage of the cottou-boat. Our hero saw that this was delicate business to man- age, and he was very much afraid that Mr. Dickey would spoil every thing by his self-suthciency. lie had a sug- gestion ; but he hardly dared to offer it, lest it should be rejected : but there was no time to spare ; for the cutter was now passing the bayou. Creeping aft between the oarsmen, he touched his cap in the darkness, and ^ begged his honor's pardon ; but there was a light on the bank." " What of it?" demanded Mr. Dickey. " Here's the place, your honor," added Jack in a w^his- per. '• There is a man with a light on the bank. If your honor will please to order the men to lie on their oars." Mr. Dickey did give the order ; for he had been sub- missively addressed as " your honor ; " and nothing more than that could possibly be expected of a quartermaster. Jack then explained the probable meaning of the light, and hinted, in a very respectful but roimdabout way, that the man who carried it must be disposed of before the boat entered the bayou. He did not say this in so many words ; and, happily, Mr. Dickey did not take offence ar JACK SOMF.nS !X THE X A V Y. 261 "■We will ])ull over to the otiior side, iiiul land a c-ou- pie of men, who can silence him, and keep the siirnal flying," said Mr. Dickey, who fully believed that he had jjiven utterance to an original idea, so carefully had Jack worded his hint. The boat dropped down stream about half a mile, and then crossed over. Jack begged permission to be one of the two men who were to execute the important duty of capturing the signal-man ; adding, that it would enable him to verify some of the information lie had obtained on shore. Mr. Dickey was graciously pleased to graiit his request, for the reason stated ; and, when a signal for the boat to approach had been agreed npon, he landed with his companion. " Have you got your pipe with you, Raymond?" asked Jack as they tonched the bank. " Of course I've got ray pipe. D'ye want to smoke, Jack?" " No, I never smoke." And Jack proceeded to ex- plain his plan to his shipmate. A fifteen-minutes' walk brought them to the junction of the bayou with the main river, where they found the signal-man. "lias that boat come down yet?" demanded Jack pointing up the bayou. '^ AVhat boat?" replied the man. " That cotton-boat : we are going up in her." 262 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, '■' She liain't come dovni yet. AMiy dou't you go up where slie is. if you are goiu' in her?" '• Didn't knoNv wliere to fuul her. Come along, Ray- mond : we shall find her now easy enough," added Jack as he moved off. ''Avast a minute till I light my pipe by this 'ere lantern." replied Raymond as he had been instructed. '' Lend us your glim a moment." " You'll put it out." " No, I won't." The sigual-man permitted him to take the lantern : whereupon Jack sprang upon him, and bore him to the ground. The movement was so sudden, that he had no chance to resist. Raymond came to Jack's assistance ; placing his pistol at the fellow's temple, Avliich caused him to beg for his life. AVith a rope which had been brought for the purpose they tied him hand and foot, and fastened him to a tree. Jack assured the unfortunate rebel that he should not be harmed, if he made no noise ; but he instructed Ray- mond to shoot him. if he opened his mouth or attempted to escape. Our hero then took the lantern, and waved it three times, — wliich was the signal for the boat to advance : then giving it to his companion, who was to remaii). he hastened down to the water to board the cut- ter as -she entered the bavou. JACK SOjIfERS IN THE SA V Y. 203 CHAPTER XXV. THE CAPTURE C? THE KENSHAW. fACK SOMERS sat ao^^^l on a loir at the month of the bayou to await tlie arrival of the cutter. He was entirely satisfied with what had heeu ^ — done thus far, and every thinir was certainly workino: ri^^ht ; but he would have felt much safer in regard to the future if such a man as Mr. Granjrer hiul been in command of the expedition. Mr. Dickey was no older than himself, and had a hiijfher respect for his own personal dignity than tor any thing else. Any indis- cretion might ruin the wiiole affair, and return the party to the Middy empty-handed and crest-fallen. Jack ho|)ed for the best ; and, when the boat appeared, he jumpud on board, and reported to Mr. Dickey the success of his mission. " Very well, Somers. You have be/iaved yourself with great gallantry, and I shall take occasion to r:*pr)rl your good conduct to the captain," replied Mr. Dickey. "Thank your honor," added Jack, removing his cap, 264 THE SAT LOR BOY; OR, though !ij couM not iiclp "laughing in his sleeve" at the magnificent beiiring ol" tlie young olhcer. " It is a great satisfaction to an officer to have men upon whom he can rely, when tlilficult and dangerous service is to l)e performed," continued Mr. Dickey, addressing the engineer. "Yes, sir," responded that officer. — a man of forty, wlio liad seen more service before Mr. Dickey was born than the latter liad ever performed. Jack Somers resumed his position in the bow of the boat, on tlie lookout now for the cotton-steamer. After tlie expedition liad proceedet. Tlie Middy came to anchor iu a position where she could defend her trom any attack from the shore. Litchfiehl, the pilot, had been put in irons, and con- veyed on board the Middy. He was silent and sullen, refusing to answer any questions put to him by the cap- tain. In the morninir, however, he appeared to be more tractable, and expressed his regret for his past conduct. '* I'm true to the Gover'meut, cap'n, and have beeu from the beginning," said he. ''And for that reason you attempted to destroy my vessel ! " ''No, sir: I only wanted to get that steamer out, and take her down to New Orleans. You haven't any pilot on board now, cap'n ; and, if you will only trust me, I'll take the Kenshaw down for you, and prove that I'm a true man." " Very well : I w^ill trust you," replied Captain Bank- head. " You will find that I'm all right." The pilot's irons were taken otf, and he was ordered into the boat. Mr. Dickey was appointed to the com- mand of the Kenshaw as prize-master, and Jack was to go in her as Avheelman. Captain Bankluad jiccompa- nied the party to the steamer ; and, on boarding her, 272 THE SAILOR HOY. O R, proceeded at ouce to ilie wheel-house, followed by Luns- ley. Two marines, armed with muskets aud pistols, were placed iu the apartment. " Somers," said the captaiu, ''you will remain at the wheel during the pas.-age down. The pilot will give you your steering directions. If the boat gets aground, you AwU immediately order the marines to shoot him !" •"Ay, ay, sir," replied Jack. '' You needn't take all that trouble, cap'u. I shall do my duty, honor bright," added Lunsley. '' You have a strong inducement for doing it," an- swered the captain as he left the Avheel-house. Mr. Dickey gave his orders, and the gi-eat furnaces of the Kenshaw blazed with renewed vigor. The fasts were cast oft', and the steamer commenced her downward trip to New Orleans. The Middy kept close astern of her, with her gnus shotted in readiness to defend her in case of an attack. Jack Somers kept his station at the wheel-house for seven long hours, his breakfast and dinner being brought up to liim. Lunsley said very little on the passage. He was apparently studying his chances to escape from the strong grip which held him in abeyance : but there sat the marines, pistol in hand, during the entire trip ; and certain death was the penalty of even a suspicion of treachery. At one o'clock, the Kenshaw made her landing at the JACK SOMEIiS /\ THK NA\T. 275 Levee in Neu- Orleans. Tlie jiilot was iiniiUMliately de- livered over to Cieiieral Butler for safe kci-pini: ; and ,Jaek, Avho had not slept a wink during the preceding night, appropriated the captain's stateroom to his own use, and turned i^ 18 274 THE SAILOR BOY; OK, CHAPTER XXV: THE UNION REFUGEES. /-^^ FOUR-HOURS' nap renovated Jack's exhausted 'Vl frame ; and he was ready to take another job >^^ w of piloting, if one liad presented. Towards ^-^^ evening, Captain Bankhead visited the prize ; and one of the boat's crew liauded Jack a letter from home. It was a joyons missive ; for it contained the intelligence of his father's escape from tlie rebels, and his return to Pinchbrook. On the last page Avere a few lines written in tlie well-known heavy hand of Captain Somers, in which he encouraged his son to do his duty to the country faillifully, and to stand by the old flag to the last. The old gentleman declared his intention of going into the navy in some capav.ity, as soon as he had recovered from the effects of his campaign in Virginia. The letter also contained tidings from ''Tom Somers in the Army," Avho had been promoted to the rank of sergeant for meritorious conduct. The people in Pinch- brook were all well, and (;very thing was in' a prosperous condition at the cottage. JACK SO^fKRS /.V THE X A r T. 275 '* All right I " said Jack, as he folded up the letter, and put it in his poeket, to be read over and over again. *' Tiiey shall hear from )ne one of these days. Well, God bless the old gentleman I He is one of the right sort, and ought to have the command of one of these gunboats. I suppose little Dickey, who don't know enough to go into the house when it rains, could get a vessel as quick again as my father, who has tumbled about on the ocean all his lifetime." Mr. Dickey obtained a great deal of credit for the skil- ful manner in which he had brought in the Kenshaw ; and there was a strong probability that he would be pro- moted for liis good conduct on tliat occasion. The facts in the case were not explained. Tom Longstone could not tell the captain, that, if it had not been for Jack's suggestions, the whole affair must have been a failure. Mr. Gordon, the engineer, might have saitl so ; but he was a prudent man, and minded liis own business. Prob- ably it Avas just as well that nothing of the kind was said ; for Mr. Dickey's faults were those which age wouM cor- rect. He was a good fellow with his equals, and was as brave as a lion in the presence of his country's Ibes. The crew of the prize-steamer were sent on board the Middy on the day after her arrival, with a fine prospect before them <»f jxx-keting a very liaiidsmne allowance of prize-money, afiei- llie Kni-haw and !ici- cai-go had i)assed lliron;_di all the iiirslirs of red-tape with which the law surrounds a uaval prize. 276 THE SAILOR BOY, OR, The little steamer was repaired and strengthened where she had been found to be weak ; and, at the expiration of a fortniglit, she was ready for another cruise. An addi- tion was made to her crew. Mr. Ilayswell's place was supplied by Mr. McBride, the fourth-lieutenant of the Harrisburg ; and a pilot of known loyalty was put oa board. Thus prepared, ^he little Middy again sailed upon a cruise up the river. This time she attended the Harrisburg and other ships of the fleet, and went up as far as Vicksburg, Natchez, Baton Rouge, and other cities on the river, had surrendered, after more or less display of force. Vicksburg proved to be "a hard nut to crack." The batteries which defended the city were located on high bluifs, where the guns of the fleet were unable to reach them. Tlie water was falling, and the larger ships had experienced much difficulty in getting up. Tlie Harris- burg had been compelled to ligliter her battery and coal over some of the shoals. In the face of these difficulties, operations were suspended until a rise of the river should favor their renewal ; and the larger vessels of the fleet returned to New Orleans or Baton Rouge. The jrunboats had command of the river, however, below Vicksburg ; and the irou-clads belonging to the squadron of Commodore Porter had run the gantlet of the heavy batteries at that place. During the summer, the fleet inflicted severe injury upon the rebels at various JACK SOME lis IX THE X A l' T. 277 points ; uud all the etforts of the ktter to regain posses- sion of the river were unavailing. Tlie Arkansas, which had forced a passage through the Union fleet at Vicks- burg, was destroyed, Grand Gulf bombarded, and the enemy terribly punished at Baton Rouge. In the midst of such events as these, Jack Somers passed the season. The Middy was ordered to watch the banks of the river, to protect the transports which conveyed troops and stores to the fleet and the army, and generally to annoy the enemy as opportunity was pre- sented. At one time she narrowly avoided a broadside from the Arkansas ; and, at another, escaped by superior running from the Webb and Music, — the two consorts of the rebel iron-clad. Later in the season, when the river began to rise, the Middy was ordered to make a rcconnoissance up the Red River ; and she started upon the perilous duty. This river had been the hiding-place lor rebel gunboats and cotton-steamers ; and the Middy had not proceeded many miles before she was attacked by a battery of light-artil- lery, which she repulsed without difficulty, and proceeded on her way. " I don't think we shall make a very long trip in this direction," said Mr. Deane, the pilot. " I suppose we have only come up to take a look, and find out what there is here," replied Jack, who was at th« wheel. 278 THE SAILOR BOT: OR, " There's a steamer round that bend," added the pilot. " I see her smoke-stacks." " There's a chance for a prize, then. Very likely she is a rebel gunboat, — one of the cotton-clads." "Well, we shall soon find out." He had hardly uttered the words before a shot from a concealed battery struck the wheel-house, tearing the roof completely off, and scattering the splinters in every direction. " Tiiat's a close shave," said Jack. "Are you hurt,. Mr. Deane ? " " Not at all," replied he, shaking off the pine-wood which had fallen upon him. "But I slrouldn't like to try it over again." " Two shots never go in the same place. AVe are safe for the rest of the day." The order was given by the captain to stop and back her ; but, before the Middy could get out of range, half a dozen more shot fell unpleasantly near to her. The gims in the fort were heavy, long-range pieces ; and it would be madness for the little steamer to attempt to go any farther. She therefore put about, and com- menced her return trip. She had proceeded but a few miles towards the Mississippi, when a white flag was dis- covered on the shore, around which were gathered some forty or fifty men. Tiiey hailed the steamer, and asked ^ be taken off. JACK SOMRRS I.V THE N A V 7. 279 The Middy's wheels were stopped, and Captain Bank- head desired to know who and what they were. " We are all Union men," replied the spokesman of the party ; " and we want to get out of this region." " Where are you from ? " '^ We came from up the river. We have been robbed by the rebels of every thing we had : some of the Union- ists Iiave been murdered ; and we want to get inside the Union lines." " Where are your families?" demanded Captain Bank- head. *'We had to leave them; but the rebels don't meddle with tlie w^omen and children. We haven't had any thing to cat for two days." The bow of the Middy was run up to the shore : but the captain seemed to have some doubts in reirard to the party ; for a portion of them were armed with guns, pistols, and other weapons. He questioned them still further in regard to their antecedents, and finally per- mitted them to come on board ; taking the precaution to disarm them as they passed the gang-plank. They were provided with food, of wliicli they partook with ravenous appetites. Their clothing was in a very dilapidated condition ; and their appearance certainly confirmed their story, that they had suffered every imaginable hardship. INIany of them proposed at once to enlist in the Union army, or 280 THE SAILOR BOY; OR. enter (he uavy, as the captain might elect. They pr(v fvissed to be very anxious to avenge the indignities to wliich they had been subjected, and desired to join any force which should have for its object the subjugation of their State. The man who had spoken for them was an intelligent and gentlemanly person ; but the majority of the party were coarse and rude in their manners, belon^inor to the lowest stratum of Western society. " I say, Jack, ray dear, I don't like the looks of them bloody vill'ns on the main-deck," said Tom Longstone in a low tone when he came up to relieve the wheel at dinner-time. "Why not?" " Stop my grub if I don't believe they are rebels at heart. Jack ! " ''What makes you think so?" " I don't like the looks of them. The sharks would dodge such a crowd ! " " They have seen hard times." " I don't mind their dress. Jack ; but they look ugly about the eyes." " Is that all you have against them?" " No ; shiver my timbers if it is. I seen 'em whisper- ing together more'n decent men ought to." Jack went down to his dinner ; and, being off duty afterwards, he took the opportunity to examine the refu- JACK SOMERS IS THE N A V T. 281 gees. They were certainly wliisperiiig together ; and h« iiotieed that their spokesman frequently passed from crjc squad to another about the deck. Their movements were suspicious ; and Jack very much desired to know ^vhat their head man had to say in this confideutial manner. The refugees were congregated on the deck around the wind-sail by wliich fresii air was introduced to the fire- room below the main-deck. Dunnett, the leader, was seated near this wind-sail at that moment, talking to a group around him ; and Jack's curiosity was so thor- oughly stimulated, that he could not resist the temptation to become one of his hearers. Descending to the fire-room, he procured a short ladder used in oiling the engine ; and, running it up the hatch through which the wind-sail passed, he ascended till his head was above the deck. He was now right in the midst of the squad, and could distinctly hear every word that was said. *' When I whistle, every man Avill do his share of the work," said Dunnett in a whisper. '"Half the crew are below : put the hatch on, and keep them there ; then we can easily conquer the rest." Jack did not wait to hear any more. lie was only afrai y. on, who was then officer of the deck. In a few words, he informed him of the conspiracy. The captain was then made acquainted with the alarming facts ; but not a word was yet said to any other person. Captain Bankhead was prompt and decided. The watch on deck were ordered to the quarter-gims in a quiet way. Tliey had been loaded with case-shot during the action with the light battery. Tlie charge of one was given to Tom Longstone, while the other was in care of Raymond. At the same time, a plank in the bulkhead between the forecastle — where part of the men ^vere at the time . — and the fire-room was knocked out. Through this opening the seamen passed into the fire-room, and thence into the after-cabin, where they were armed with cut- lasses and pistols. They were ordered to stay behind the paddle-boxes, where they could not be seen by the conspirators. The two quarter-guns were in readiness to be slung round in an instant, so as to command the passage on each side of the engine. The preparations were all completed ; bui Dunnett did iiot yet give his signal for the attack. The crew of the Middy were impatient for operations to commence ; and, after some further time had elapsed, the captain began to think that Jack had been deceived, and that his passen- gers were honest and loyal men. The fact was, that Dunnett had been waiting for a bet JACK SOLVERS ly THE NAVY. 28S tcr (llspositioii ot" the erew for liis purpose ; but, when be had waited till his patience was exliausted as well as that of the eaptuin, he gave the designated whistle. A couple of the rebels sprang to the hatch, and closed it ; perfectly confident, no doubt, that they were imprison- ing at least half the seamen of the Middy. Others rushed to the wheel-house and to the engine-room, where, of course, they overpowered the pilot and the engineer. Having secured these points, they formed in a ])ody, and moved aft. It now appeared that they were armed with bowie-knives ; but, believing they were to encounter only half their number, they advanced with entire confidence. 284 THE SAILOR BOY; Oli CHAPTER XX\ai. THE CONSPIRACY ON BOARD THE MIDDT. AYING round the guns I " said Captain Bank- head ; and, when tlie rebels advanced, they were confronted by the black muzzles of the tweuty-four-pounders. "There! what do you think of that, my beauties?" added Tom Lougstone, who stood with the lock-string in his liand, ready to scatter the iron hail among the conspirators. '* Silence ! " commanded the captain. The rebels, seeing what kind of a trap they had fallen into, began to retreat. '• Halt ! " shouted the captain in a voice of thunder. '' If a man of you moves, I will give the order to fire I " There was no mistaking this insinuating request ; and the party stood iu dumb amazement before the frowning guns. It was impossible for them to help seeing, that, if they made any movement, it would result in the cer- tain destruction of half their number. Their plans had certainly been w«ll laid ; and nothing but the discovery JACK SOMERS IN THE XAVY. 285 of them interfered witli llicir success. P^xpecting an easy victory, they were confounded to find the wliole project suddeidy ruined. Dunnett looked savagely discontented with the result ; and Captain Bankliead was afraid he would l.c rash enough to rush upon the guns, and sacrifice his party. It would have been a terrible necessity to him to give the order for the destruction of so many human beings as must have followed the discharge of the twenty-four- pouuders, especially as the engineers and two seamen were also exposed to the fire. " You understand the matter now," said Captain Bank- head, after the rebels had stared at the guns long enougli to understand the situation. " It only remains for you to surrender." '' Never ! " yelled Dunnett, stamping his foot with rage. '' Very well : you can take your choice." The villain looked behind him, glancing at the shore ahead of the steamer. He evidently had something tcv hope for ; as the rebels had the wheel and engine in their power, and could take the Middy where they pleased. Captain Bankhead then nipped this hope in the bud by sending Mr. McBride, with Jack Somers and two ma- rines, to recover the wheel-house. Unfortunately, the rebels who had captured Mr. Deane, the pilot, had taken his pistols from him ; and the two mep Ht the wheel were thus supplied with weapons. The 286 THE SAILOR JJO Y; O Ji, lieutenaut and his men were equally well armed, it is true ; but tlic capture of the rebels involved the loss of some life, which a prudent officer should always avoid if possible. There was uo other Avay, however ; for the Confederates at the wheel, beginning to understand the state of atfairs below, were putting the steamer about, probably witli the intention of running her under the guns of some battery in the vicinity. Mr. McBride ordered the marines to advance, and take the men at the wheel. They obeyed ; but the rebels were prompt and decided i.n their resistance, and one of the marines fell. Tiie other, intimidated by the fall of his companion, discharged his musket, and retreated. Jack, seeing how matters were going, climbed upon the top of the pilot's stateroom, — which was a continuation of the wheel-house, — and advanced towards the scene of action. '• Shoot them, Somers ! " said Mr McBride, fearful that Jack might attempt to compromise the matter. "Ay, ay, sir!" replied our sailor-boy, lying down upon his stomach, and creeping forward, with his re- volver in his hand. The lieutenant then approached the wheel-house with the marine, ready to take advantage of the panic which the other movement might occasion ; though they did not show themselves to the enemy. Jack had now reached a point where he could see the rebels ; for, as the reader JACK SO ME US IN THE X A l' Y. 287 remembers, the roof of the wlioel-Iiouse hu though they had not expected to be deprived of their guMs and pistols. Tin wa-iness of Captain Bankhead had prevented the earlier execu*ion of the treacherous scheme, which could hardly have failed of ultimate success if thr suspicions of Tom Longstoi.e and the investigations of Jack Somers had uot disclosed it in season to prevent it," accomplishment. The Middy reached the Mississippi at dark, and joined the fleet which was block \ding the mouth of the Red River. The next day, she reported to the flag-officer at Baton Rouge, and was ordered to New Orleau** for re- pairs. 294 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, CHAPTER XXVIII. THE MIDDY ON THE BLOCKADE. /^^fc^HE Middy arrived at New Orleans about the m\ middle of AiiLnist, where she was immediately VlJV followed by the Harrisburg. The little steamer was then hanled up at Algiers, opposite the city, and completely dismantled for the purpose of making certain repairs and alterations, to adapt her to a different service from that in which she had before been engaged. Her officers returned to the ship, with the exception of Mr. Dickey, Avho remained in ciiarge of the crew. The Harrisburg then departed for Ship Island. During the session of Congress, the navy had been re-organized ^ and Jack learned that his friend Mr. Bank- head was now a commander. Flag-officer Farragut was henceforth to be known as a rear-admiral. Mr. Dickey Lad been promoted to the new rank of ensign. Mr. McBride was still a lieutenant ; but his name was much nearer the head of the list than before. Our sailor-boy was rejoiced at the promotion of his f'vends ; but he was heartily disgusted when he learned. J A CK SO M E II S JX T 11 K XA V Y 295 a few days later, that Captain Bauklioad liad been or.lerea to the eommana of a gunboat in the Eastern Gulf Squad- ron, and that by no possibility could he obtain a berth in the same vessel. He poured out his sorrows in dubious strains to his friend Tom Longstone, who did all he could to comfort him. '^'ve got enmigh of this fresh-water duty!" said Jack. " I waut to see the blue sea again, and be tum- bled about in a gale once more. I suppose we can get back into the Ilarrisburg again, if ^vc want to do so.' ''DoD't you do it, my darling. AVe have done very well in this 'ere trim little craft." " But I don't want to paddle about here in fresh water all my days; though I woiddn't mind it if Captain Bankhead were to remain in command." ''See here, Jack; do you mind Avhat them 'ere men are doin'?" continued Tom, pointing to the shipwrights at work on the forecastle of the Middy. " They are putting up bulwarks, of course." " That means that we are going to sea, my bantling." "But who is going to command her? That is the question." " I dunno, Jack." " Mr. Dickey, very likely." " Perhaps he be : he's a ensign now ! " added Tom t^th one of his inward chuckles. "What a lubberly name that is to give an oificer in the United-States Navy ! ^ aren't much better nor Cftllin' him a marine.* 296 THE SAIL on BOY; OR, The supposition In i-t'L^ird to Mr. Ensign Dickey })roved not to be correct ; for tlie connmind of tlie Middy was given to Lieutenant McBride : but the aspiring little gentleman was to serve as executive officer, while an acting ensign — Mr. Brackett — was attached to hei as second-lieutenant. Tlie repaiis and alterations were completed, her quota of officers reported to the captain, and the Middy was again ready for duty. '*A11 hands, up anchor, ahoy!" piped the acting-boat- swain one fine morning about the middle of September. " Here's a letter which Commander Bankhead re- quested me to deliver to you, Somers," said Captain McBride, who had just come on board with his orders, having arrived the night before from Ship Island. " Thank you, sir," replied Jack, as he received the letter through the window of the wheel-house. " You had better open it before we get off; for it xnay contain an official document." added the captain. " I have been expecting an order to send you ashore ; but J hope there is nothing of the kind there." '* Nothing, sir." ''Anchor away, sir ! " reported the boatswain. " Strike one bell, quartermaster ! " said Mr. Dickey. " One bell, sir ! " replied Tom Longstone. There was a pilot on board, who had already received his instructions ; and, as Tom had the helm. Jack was at liberty to read his letter, which was an object of no JACK SOMKliS /-V Till': X A r v 20: little iutere.t to him. Captaiu Baukheml iuibnnea him that he was waitin- an (»p|)()rtinnty to join his ship, and that tliev sho.il.l probably meet a-aiii in a few weeks ; for the MiiUy had been transferred to the Eastern Gulf Sawadron. - I hope yon will continne to conduct yourself with tlie same heroism, and devotion to your country's cause, which have heretofore distinguished you," the writer con- tinued ; - for I have hi-h hopes, of your future. Your character has, thus far, been above reproach ; and I am satisfied that you will continue to keep it pure and unsul- lied. I have just written to your mother a long story about you, in which I told her that you never gambled, drank liquor, or swore ; that, when you had a day's lib- erty in New Orleans, you returned with no vices clinging to you; that your shipmates love you for your virtues; that you frequently read your Testament ; and are, in every respect, what I would have you. It is easier to be brave in battle than it is to be a good man. '' But I have not written this letter to tell you what a good boy you have been ; though it was exceedingly pleasant to be able to give your mother so good an ac- count of you. I desired to inform you that I have repre- sented your case to the admiral, and others who have influence at Washington. I hope to procure for you a warrant as a midshipman in the navy. I think I could obtain a commission for you as an ading-ensign ; h^J 2t).S THE SAILOR J: O Y ; OR, you arc not a navigator, and I wish to have you well in- structed. You must go to the Naval School for a time ; and, as your education lias not been neglected, you need remain there but a few months. The admiral warmly seconds my views ; and I doubt not. as a special favor to him, the request we make will be granted. " Now, my dear boy, be true to yourself, your coun- try, and God, and I shall hope to see you an officer in the regular navy — not a volunteer — in a few months. I have taken all this pains, and am Avilling to accept a warrant, when I could procure a commission for yon, in order that you may not be thrown out of the service when the war closes ; of which. Heaven knows, there seems to be no present prospect. I shall expect to see you when the Middy arrives ; but I may be gone before she comes. " Good-by, Jack ; and remember me to Tom Long- stone. " Your devoted friend, " John Bankhead." Jack was bewildered by the contents of this kind let- ter, and glanced at his collar to see if there was not already an anchor upon it. " Midshipman Somers" did not sound badly ; and our hero's face was wreathed in smiles as the thought passed through his mind. A delightful prospect was certainly before him ; and h« JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVY. 299 resolved to be good and true to the end, that he might be worthy of such friends as Commander Bankhead. '^ AVliat's in the letter, my dear?" demanded Tom Idnntly, as Jaek went forward to look out at the win- dow. " Captain Bankhead desires to be remembered to yon, Tom." " God bless his honor ! " exclaimed the old quarter- master, lifting his cap. '' Starboard ! " said the pilot. " Starboard, sir ! " repeated Tom. " Steady ! " " Steady, sir ! " "Well, Somers," said Captain McBride, stopping at the side of the window of the Avheel-house, '^ did the letter please you?" "Very much, sir," replied Jack. "Will you please to read it, sir?" Captain McBride, in spite of the traditions of the navy, had ventured to be quite familiar with the quarter- masters of the Middy ; for both of them were trusty men, and had more than once won tlie approbation of tlie officers. He took the letter, and read it through. " I knew something about this matter before, Somers ; and I congratulate you upon the bright prospect before you " " Thank you, sir," replied Jack, touching his cap ; for 300 TRE SAILOR BOY; OR, he was determined that this familiarity in his case should not breed contempt. " I don't know much about your education, Somers. "What have you studied?" asked the captain. " l^ve only been to the common school, sir ; but I went through with what they called the high-school course." '' Have you studied Latin ? " *' No, sir," laughed Jack ; "but I have studied algebra and geometry." " Well, Somers, I'll give you my opinion, and you may take it for what it is worth. I've got some books in my cabin ; and, while we are lying at anchor, I recommend you to overhaul your studies, and brush them up. You have plenty of time to spare." " I thank you, sir : I shall certainly do so." " You and Longstone have the wheel-house all to yourselves after we have discharged the pilot ; and there is nothing to prevent your making good use of your time." " I shall do so, sir." "And, if you want any assistance, I will cheerfully afford it," added the captain as he walked aft. " Thank you, sir. You are very kind." " God bless your honor ! " ejaculated Tom Longstone, who felt just as though all these favors were conferred upon himself. "What's in the wind, my darling?" J AC K SOMERS IN THE NAVY. 301 *' Port 1 " ."^aitl the pilot. " Port, t^ir !" repeated Tom. " Steady ! " added the pilot, who was determined that the wheelman should not do any talking while upon duty. '^ Steady, sir I " repeated Tom. But Jack, who sympaihized with his friend in his im- patience to know what the important letter contained, took the helm, and handed the document to Tom, who eat down in the corner, and proceeded to study out its contents ^'Is it a middy, my darling?" exclaimed the veteran when he had liuished the letter. '' I touch my hat to your honor." ''- Not yet, Tom." " Starboard ! " said the pilot. " Starboard, sir ! " added Jack. '' No talking at the helm ! " said the pilot testily. '^ If you say another word, I'll report you to the olficer of the deck." Tom took the helm again, and Jack went below. In the course of the day, the captain gave him several works on geometry, gunnery, and mathematics in gen- Qral, which he carefully deposited in the closet in the wheel-house. In the afternoon, the Middy went through Pass k VOutre, and, before evening, was rolling about in the y02 THE SAILOR BOY: OB, swells of tlie Gulf; but she was a good sea-boat, and the motion was rather refreshing to the old salts on board. Before daylight, she came to anchor near the Harris- burg. Visits were interchanged between the ship and the Middy during the day ; but Jack was disappointed to find that Captain Bankhead had gone the day before. At sunset, the Middy departed for the eastward, and, on the following day, reported to the acting admiral com- manding the Eastern Gulf Squadron. Captain McBridc received his orders, and immediately sailed again for the station, which was near the mouth of the Suwannee River, in Florida. Tom Longstone expressed his dis- gust when he found, as he supposed, that the steamer was actually engaged in the blockading service ; but Jack was too busy with his books to object to this life of inac- tivity. After they had lain on the station a few days, and Jack's head was as full of lines and angles, projectiles and parabolas, as a professor's, an incident occurred which broke up the monotony of the blockader's life. Jack was standing at the window of the wheel-house, running over in his mind a difficult problem in geom- etry which had perplexed him during the day. It was a dark and ioggy evening, and no lights were allowed ; for it was just the time to tempt a blockade-runner into a daring deed : but Jack was an earnest student^ and he did not cease to study because he could not use lii* book. JACK SOMERS IN THE NAVY. 303 As he meditated upon the mysterious problem, he tliou^dit lie heard tlie sphishiiig of a steamer's paddles in the water, between the Middy and the shore. The sound drove all the mathematics out of his head ; and he soon satisfied himself that the splashing was not an illu- sion. He immediately reported the fact to Mr. Dickey, who communicated it to Captain McBride. The cable was instantly slipped and buoyed, and the Middy was in motion. The fog was so dense, that nothing could be seen ; but, after going at full speed for fifteen minutes in the direction of the mouth of the river, she was stopped, and her officers listened attentively tor the sounds. They could now be distinctly heard ; and the Middy continued the chase in the fog and darkness. She approached the m-outh of the river, sounding her way, and stopping fre- quently to listen to the splashing of the steamer's wheels, which could be more distinctly heard at every pause. " Hullo, de steamer ! " said a voice, close aboard of her, at one of these stoppages. A negro in a skiff now emerged from a dense volume of fog, and came alongside. " May I come on board, massa?" said he. " I'm pilot, massa : knows ebery foot ob de riber." ''Ay, ay ; come on board ! " replied the captain. '• You go mos' aground, massa ! No water obei dar,'* added the man as he pointed over on the pon-bow- "How much water do you draw, massH?" 304 THB SAILOR BOTj OR, *' We caa carry up about five feet,'* replied Captaio McBride. "" Golly, massa ! jus' five foot on de bar at high water, — dat's all ! " grinned the negro. "•Are there any batteries up the river?" " Yes, sir : tree guns up dar. Mos' on de bar now, massa cap'n." "' We will remain here till high water, Mr. Dickey," added the captain. '' Dis chile want to run away awful bad, massa," said the visitor. '' Good pilot, massa : knows all about de Keys, and all about here." " I am glad to see you, then. What steamer was that which just went up the river?" '' Don't know, massa : 'speck it was de 'Lympus. She done run de blockade from de Keys." The Middy remained where she was, and the pilot was taken below to be fed and clothed. JACK SOMERS IS THE NAVi. :3U6 CHAPTER XXIX. THE BLOCKADE-RUNNER. ^^^I^WVj water on tliiit portion of the coast of Florida ^1 to wh^ch tlie Middy had been ordered is very VlI/ shallow. The shoals extend out from the laud about sixteen miles ; and, six miles from shore, there was not, iri many places, more than a foot of water between the Mivldy's keel and the bottom. Her light draught, and weaiherly qualities, had been l;oi prmcipal recommendations for the service on which she had been sent; but, for in-shore duty, she was well-nigh useless without a pilot, which she had, thus far, been unable to obtain. The Suwannee River has two outlets. In front of these there is a long, circular reef, outside of which the INIiddy lay. The blockade-ruuncr had approached from the di- rection of Cedar Keys, and entered the river by the most southern of the two outlets, passing inside of the Midd}'. The negro who had boarded the steamer said he had been after oysters. He had been on the lookout for a 306 THE SAILOR BOT; V H^ Government vessel for weeks ; for, as he had declared, he '^ wanted to run away very bad." Hundreds of slaves liad come off to the fleet in various places ; and Clem — • this was the negro's name — said there were thousands more who wanted to escape from slavery. There wa8 no difficulty in believing all this, and nothing very strange in Clem's coming off just when and where he did. His color was a sufficient guaranty for his loyalty, but not for his skill as a pilot in those difficult and dan- gerous waters. Captain McBride gave him some supper, and supplied him with clothing ; for the poor fellow was not very far from naked. He questioned him very closely in regard to his knowledge of the na^'igatiou of the river and the contiguous waters. Clem answered that he had been a fireman on a river-steamer for ten years ; had been fishing and oysterlng for five more ; and, finally, that he had several times piloted a steamer, drawing three or four feet of water, from the Keys to Clay Land- ing ; and he wished he " was jes as sartin of gmne to hoaben as he was of gwine frew dem channels." The Middy started, in the fog and darkness, to pass the bar ; though not till the captain had carefully con- sulted all his authorities on board in regard to the chan- nel, and ascertained that the spring-tides were then pre- vailing. *' I'm going to trust you, Clem," said the captain, <« JACK SOAfEItS IN THE NAVY. 307 he conducted him to the wlicel-house ; '*■ but woe betide you if you get us into trouble ! " '' Gollv, massa ! AVIiat's dis nigger gwiue to git you into trouble I'ur? I kin take dc steamboat up to Cb«y Landin' ; and dat's fur as live i'oot kin go. Git you into trouble, massa (-1})^! ! Golly ! I guess dis chile git hisself into trouble ius. Yah, yah ! AVhat you s'pose ole nuissa say if he coteh Clem takin' Yankee gunboat up de riber? I s'peck he broke his back if he cotch him, jes as shore as you was a white man I " ''Well, never mind that now," added Captain 3IcBride, who could not help seeing the force of the black pilot's argument. " Go into the wheel-house now, and tell the quartermaster how to steer." " Sar ! " exclaimed Clem, opening his mouth from ear to ear. " Give these men your orders, and they will observe them." " Clem gib dese gemmen de orders ?" " Certainly." "Cotch Clem doin' such a t'ing as dat, massa cap'n I Nigger gib orders to de white man ! Yah, yali, yah ! " and the pilot doubled up and laughed till the waistbands of his new trousers were in danger of being ruptured. " Come, Clem, we are losing the tide," said the cap' tain " Yes, sar ! " exclaimed he, springing to the wheel, " Whar does you sti-oke dem bells ? " SOS THE SAILOR BOY', OR, " Here," said Jack, pointing out the bell-pulls. '' If de gemman gib dis chile de wheel, he can steer hisself all alone." " Give him the wheel, quartermaster," added the cap- tain. The black pilot stuck his head out of the window, as though he was trying to peer through the fog and gloom of the night. It certainly looked very hopeless ; but the negro snuffed the air half a dozen times, and then confi- dently struck the bell to go ahead. "Have you got your bearings?" demanded the cap- tain nervously ; for it looked like dubious business to go over a bar, with not more than six feet of water on it, in such a night as that. "Yes, massa cap'n : I smell um," replied Clem gravely. "You smell them, you black rascal! What do you mean by that ? " roared the captain angrily ; for he was disturbed by a strong suspicion that Clem was making game of him. " Golly, massa cap'n, you frighten dis nigger out of his wits ; and he won't know de channel from de reef ! " " What do you mean by saying that you smell your bearings ? " " Yes, massa, dat's so : I smell de rotten isters ober on de point dar." The Middy now went ahead slowly. Clem was as confident as though it had been broad daylight, with a JACK SOMKnS ly THE NA V Y. .?09 clear sky above him. Tom Longstoue iieaved the I'^ad constantly. *' Quarter, less two ! " said he as the steamer ben^an to move. **Dat's all right dar," said the black i)ilot. '• Dij chile kiu tell you de depf hisself, widout no soundin'." ''And a half, one ! " added Tom with empliasis. "Yes, sar; and, de nex' time you frow, find jes one fadom." " By the mark, one ! " roared Tom, who thought it was about time to strike two bells. " Rite on de bar, massa," said Clem, thrusting his head out of the side-window, and taking three long snuiFs. " Dar's de pint ober dar." '' By the mark, one ! " repeated Tom as he tlirew the lead again. '' Needn't soun' no more down dar. Dis cliile knows all about it hisself," cried Clem, who appeared to think that the precaution was an imputation upon his skill or his loyalty. But Tom did not suspend the operation ; and soon the depth increased to eight feet. "All right now, massa cap'n," said Clem a few min- utes later, as he fixed his eye on the compass. The binnacle-lamp had been lighted : but it was not to be supposed that Clem knew any thing about the com* pass ; yet great was the astonishment of the captain SIO THE SAILOR BOY; OH, when it was observed that uow lie steered entirely by that instrument. ' A\niat is your course, Clem ? " asked Captain Mc* Bride. " No'th-east by no'th, massa," replied the black pilot. " Can you box the compass?" "Yes, sar . no'th, no'tli by east, nor'-nor'-east, no'th- east by no'th, uor'-east, no'th-east by east, east-nor'-east, east by no'th, east," chattered Clem without hesitation. " Tliat M'ill do Where did you learn that?" " 'Board vessel down t' de Keys." Clem was certainly a prize ; and Captain McBride was duly grateful that this "intelligent contraband" had con- cluded to run away at the precise time he did. " Steamer on tlie port-bow ! " shouted the lookout on the forecastle. " Dems 'em. massa cap'n ; and de fort's right ober liar," said Clem, pointing out of the window. "We had better not wake up tlie fort, if we can help it," said the captain. " I think not, sir," added 'Sir. Dickey. The fog was not quite so dense no tlie river as it had ooi'ii outside ; and the blockade-runner :\ ;:M he distinctly seen, at anchor. But there Avas a great deai cf confusion on board of her, as it now appeared from the noise wliich reached the Middy. Probably her captain was not a little surprised to find a United-States steamer Kt his JACK SOMKIl's ly THE KAVY. 31X heels on such a iii-ht and in such a place ; and it must be acknowledged that Captain McBride ^vas scarcely less surprised. "Can you run alongside that steamer?" asked the captain of the pilot. '' No, sar : dat steamer don't draw no more'n four foot oh water." " Clear away the first cutter, Mr. Dickey ! " added the captain. " Send Mr. Brackett to board the steamer." In a few moments, the first cutter, as the starboard quarter boat was designated, was pulling towards the blockade-runner. It contained, besides the second-lieu- tenant, an engineer, a master's mate, and fifteen seamen, all armed to the teeth. As the boat approached the prize, a rocket went up from her forecastle, and she be- gan to move up the river again. But, before she had got full headway on, IMr. P,rackett boarded her. No resist- ance was made, though some of the crew jumped over- board, and swam towards the shore. The rocket had done its work, and the battery opened fire ; but the aim of the gunners seemed to be half a mile farther up the river, and no notice was taken of tlie firing by the Middy. The prize was brought alongside the steamer, and her crew put in irons to prevent them from doing mischief. ISIr. Brackett was directed to re- main on board of her with his pri/e-cn-w ; and Jack was ordered to her wheel, witli instructions to follow the 312 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, Middy. Both vessels reached the h;ir in safety ; bul there was not water enough for the little ;j^unboat to go over, and she was compelled to anclior. The Olympus — for Clem had been correct in his supposition — was supplied with provisions and stores, and ordered to Key AVest. An euninccr and two first-class firemen were sent on board, wlio, witli her negro firemen, formed a sufificient force for the engine. The master's mate and six seamen also went in her. The Olympus was a river-steamer of light draught . She was loaded with a valuable cargo of hardware and cloth- ing, which she had just brought up from Cedar Keys, where it had been landed by a schooner hailing from Nassau. Captain McBride liad some doubts wliether she would reach Key West : but nothing else could be done with her ; and he had full confidence in Mr. Brackett's skill and prudence. She was fortunately favored with good weather ; and, at the end of three weeks, the prize- crew returned to the Middy by a vessel bound to Pen- sacola. '' Xow, massa cap'n," said Clem, when the Olympus had departed, " dar's two boats loaded with cotton up de riber, wat's gwine down to de Keys to load de schooners dar." "Where are they?" " Up to Clay Landing, massa." *• Can we go up there?" JA( K S a ME 11^ IN THE NAVY. 313 '* Yes, sar, 'pose de fort let you go." " We can take care of the fort." "And (le ^'orillas, massa?" *'The what?" " Dera fellers dat goes about on lioss-back cutting people froats, — deni dat fired on de boats down to de Keys." "Oh! the guerillas?" " Yes, sar." "We can take care of them too." " Take de gumboat right up dar, den ; but de gorillas done shoot de man at de wheel ! " added Clem with a shudder. "Well, we have iron screens to protect the helms- man." The Middy remained at her anchorage above the bar till the forenoon of the next day, when a southerly wind, which had prevailed for several days, had raised the water nearly two feet above the ordinary level of high tide. The fog had disappeared ; and, under these favor- able circumstances, the little gunboat sailed on her cruise up the river, where no armed steamer had gone before. The iron screens had been put up to protect the gunners and the helmsman, and every preparation made for a stormy time. Clem was now as lively as though he had been going to a ball instead of a battle. He opened his mouth wide 314 TflE SAILOR HOY; OR, enough to shame tlie alligators, and seemed to rejoice continually at his good fortune in escaping to tlie '' gum- boat." From the paymaster's stores lie had been rigged out in a complete suit of seaman's clothes ; and the change of dress certainly wrought a marvellous revo- lution in his personal appearance. He was apparently forty years of age, as black as charcoal, and very far from being a handsome man. He had no knowledge of any thing except what related to his particular sphere of duty. He didn't know what caused the war ; but he was sure it would free the slaves. He had been down to Key West several times in a schooner ; but his travels did not appear to have enlarged his understanding. He was always good-natured, docile, and funny. He could not speak without exciting a laugh ; and at once became a favorite with both otHcers and crew, all of whom had a high respect for him on account of his skill as a pilot. Clem took his place at the wheel ; and the Middy as- cended the river, with the American flag flying at the stern, to the intense disgust of " Secesh " on its banks. In due time, the fort opened upon 'her very spitefully; but its guns proved to be miserably ineflicient in range, which suggested to Captain McBride his proper course. Dropping his anchor with a spring on the cable, out of reach of the enemy's guns, he proceeded in a leisurely manner to knock the works to pieces with his thirty-two- pounder and one quarter-gun. JACK SO ME US J\ TUE N A V 1 . 316 CHAPTER XXX. ON THE SUWANNEE RIVEK. t^HE superiority of the Middy's metal over that of the fort was soon manifest, not only to those '^ on board the steamer, but to the occupants of tlie works , and tlie latter displayed their apprecia- tion of the fact by running away This important part of the enterprise being disposed of, the gunboat pro- ceeded up the river. Ou her passage, she was contin- ually assailed by riflemen on the banks of tlie river ; but the bullets struck harmlessly upon the iron screens which protected the wlieel-house and the gun-crews. Clem performed his share of the work to the admira- tion of the olhcers. Safely ensconced beliind the iron plates of his quarters, he shouted with delight when the rifle-balls struck the screens. ^' Golly ! dis jes like a skeeter-bar ! " cried he with his long chattering laugh. " You liears de skeeters buzz on de outside: but dey can't come in, nohow; no, sar ! Yah, yah, yah ! " '" Shut your mouth, blackee, afore any one fulls into it," added Tom Longstone. 'd 1 () '/' // .'•: S.4 f LOJi BOY; OR, " Yah, yah, yah ! " added Clem, peering through tho sight-holes in the front screens. "Dar's de steamers ! " "I see them," said Jack. " There are hundreds of people on shore." Just then, a shot from the thirty-two-pounder fell near them, and they fled. At the same time, the quarter-guns opened with canister ; and not a human being could be seen in any direction. Captain McBride was afraid that tlie rebels would set fire to tlie steamers when their cap- ture became inevitable, especially as the Middy could not rim up into the shallow water, where they were moored to the shore. Mr. Dickey was ordered to get out the first cutter, and, with a strong force, proceed to the steamers ; the Middy all the time playing upon the shore with grape and canister to keep the rebels at a respectful distance. Jack Somers asked permission to go in the boat ; and, as Mr. Dickey knew the value of his services, his request was readily granted. The boat dashed in under the stern of the nearest steamer ; but the painter had scarcely been made fast before a volley of rifle-balls was discharged into the midst of the crew by a gang of rebels concealed among the cotton-bales. " I am wounded ! " groaned Mr. Dickey, sinking back in the st?rn-sheets of the boat, just as he had risen to board the steamer. " Lead on, Somers ; don't mind me ! " added the intrepid young officer as the seamen hesitated. JACK SOMERS / .V THE NAVY. 317 '' Come on, boys ! come on ! " shouted Jack, leaping on board the cotton-boat. *'Ay, ay!" added the men with a cheer as they fol- lowed our hero. The rebels who had fired the volley had formed a case- mate among the cotton-bales, at the stern of the steamer. As soon as Jack discovered the position of the enemy, he ordered the cockswam of the first cutter to cast off, and pull away from his exposed situation. The order was obeyed , the four men in the boat moving her up under the lee of the steamer's paddles. One man had been killed, and one wounded, besides the first-lieutenant. Jack had fourteen men with him ; and of course he lost no time in placing them out of the reach of the rebel riflemen at the stern of the boat. As the guns of the Middy protected his party from assault in the direction of the shore, our hero was in no haste to finish the affair. He took time to consider the best means of driving the enemy from their lair without the loss of any of his men. Climbing up to the top of the mass of cotton-bales, he soon found a way to their stronghold, which was open at the top. But it was not safe to approach the den ; for the rebels were ready to fire the moment they discovered a blue-jacket. "Bear a hand here, my lads!" said Jack in a low tone, when a happy thought took possession of his mind. ^' Roll up this bale ! " 318 THE SAILOR BOY: OR, " Ay, ay ! " replied tlie men promptly, as they .saw at a glance wliat Jack intended to do. " Now she rises ! " The bale did rise, was rolled over two or three times, and then tumbled down into the lair of the rebels. From the groans and the oaths that followed this novel assault, it was plain that some of the boat's defenders had been crushed under the bale. '* Up with anotlier ! " shouted Jack. "Ay, ay, Somers ! Here she goes ' " But the rebels did not wait for another. They le«ape<( from their dangerous quarters, and fled to the shore, — those who were able to do so. An examination of the den showed that two of the rebels liad been badly injured by the fall of the bale. As the seamen were all on the top of the pile, they were unable to prevent the escape of the others, if they had been disposed to do so. Not another rebel could be fourid, after a diligent search in every part of the steamer : and the victory was complete. The fasts were cast off; and, wdiile a dozen men pushed her off from the landing-place with poles, Jack, with the rest of the men, pulled off to the Middy with the wounded officer and seamen. Mr. Dickey was evidently very badly injured, — a bullet having passed through his side. He Avas faint, and appeared to be rapidly sinking. " Somers again I " said he with a gentle smile, in reC' ognition of the service which Jack had rendered. J A C K SO M K US I \ T H E NA V Y. 319 ** How do you foel, sir?" kt Very btul ; there is a hole in my side big euoii^di for an allii^ator to crawl in," lie replied languidly Jaek could not smile at this conceit , for Mr. Dickey looked as though he was dying. '^ I ought to have taken you on board before, sir." ** No, Somers : you did just right, and just what I ordered you to do." The cutter came alongside the Middy, and the wounded otVicer was tenderly conveyed to the cabin, wlsere the surgeon proceeded to examine his wound. Before hi? decision could be reached, the captain ordered off the cutter to secure the other steamer. It was fully manned again, and placed in charge of Mr. Scott, the master's mate, and the only remaining olficer who was available for this duty. Captain McBride would willingly have given Jack the command of this expedition ; but it was hardly in order to send a petty-officer upon such duty. As the boat pulled over to the steamer, Jack informed Mr. Scott of the manner in which the first steamer had been defended : so that officer was prepared for an ambush. But all doubts on this point were soon settled by the discovery of a broad sheet of flame rising from the steamer's forecastle. The rebels, whe were con- cealed in various hiding-places near the landing, had improved the opportunity while the boat returned to th« Middy, and set her on fire. 320 THE SAILOR BOY; OR, The iir^t cutter dashed up to the cotton-boat, and her crew leaped on board. The fire had made but little progress. By rolling a few of the bales overboard, and a diligent use of the buckets, the flames were extin- guished. During these operations, an occasional shot liad been fired by the rebels from their concealment in the storehouses on the shore ; but the distance was too great for effective firing, and no one had been hit. Mr. Scott, while the cutter was coming off, expressed his astonishment that the enemy had not burned the boats on the appearance of the Middy ; but it seemed, from the plan they had adopted to defend them, that they were confident of beating off the steamer's boats. A further reason was now manifest to the party, consist- ing of a company of artillery, having four guns, which now appeared on the shore, dashing down to the landing- place at the utmost speed of the horses. "• We must abandon her ! " exclaimed Mr. Scott when this new array of force was discovered. " I hope not, sir ! " replied Jack. " We can tow her off with the boat, or carry a long line to the Middy." " Cast off the fasts, Somers ! " shouted Mr. Scott in an excited tone. " Pass that hawser into the boat ! Lively, my men I " Jack rushed forward to let go the steamer's fasts. The rebel company were wheeling their guns into posi- tion, and there was yet imminent danger. Our sailor- JACK SO M Ell S" / .V T /7 E y AVY 32 1 boy, foresociii^j^ that the hm;,'- hawser wouhl be necessary ill haiiliiiir (itrthe steamer, considered it necessary to cast off the en«l on sliore so as to save the line. For this pur- pose he spran«,' o\cr the gan;,'-phink, and liad unfastened the rope, when a ])ullet from the rifle of one of the con- cealed rebels passed throuudi the flesliy l)art of his left thigh. lie dropped upon the ground, just as the steamer began to recede from the land. All the boat-party were in the cutter or in the after- part of the steamer, so that the catastrophe which had overtaken him was not discovered till it was too late to remedy it. Jack, with admirable presence of mind, tied his handkerchief tightly around his leg. lie rose, and attempted to walk dcnvn to the water ; but he found himself unable to do so. By this time, the artillery company had unlimbered their pieces, and were pouring a steady fire into the Middy and the first cutter : to which she was replying with shell from her thirty-two, and canister from one of the twenty-fours. Mr. Scott was still on board of the steamer, with a portion of the men. He had attached the hawser which Jack had saved to the tow-line, so that the Middy soon had botii her prizes in hand ; witli which, having accomplished the work for which she had come, she steamed down the river. Jack had crawled a short distance from the landing- place to shelter himself from the fire of the Middy'g ai S22 THE SAILOR HOY. OR, giins ; but, a.s soon as the action ceased, he was waited upon by at least tif'ty rebels. They were not in the best humor imaginable, and not disposed to treat the wounded quartermaster with the kindness due to a brave but un- fortiuiate enemy. He was taken to a shed, and laid upon some cotton-bales. A doctor who was present dressed his wound, and declared that he would be fit to be hung in a week ; which was certainly very consoling to the sufferer. While he lay there surrounded by a knot of rebels, he liad an opportunity to learn their opinions. They were vexed, disappointed, and angry, and bestowed unmeas- Vired abuse upon the artillery company for not coming sooner. This battery had been in the vicinity of the .^ (eys to guard that place from a boat-attack, which was i,xpected. On tlie appearance of the Middy on the pre- ceding night, it had been sent for, and had been mo- mentarily expected during the forenoon. This Avas the principal reason why the steamers had not been burned. Jack Somers found himself to be an object of great curiosity. He was visited by all the men, Avomen, and children in the place, all of whom were anxious to look upon one of tlie " terrible Yankees." The sufferer was not a very dancrerous-looking person, especially in his present exhaus!c 1 ( D-i-lition : and those who came to scoff at him foiiul tlivir admiration and sympathy ex- cited rather than their hatred. He wUiS pale, but he JACK SOMERS IN Till-: NAVY. 323 was handsome ; and the ladies expressed their surprise tluit such a pretty boy shouUl be a ''horrid Yank." Among those who came were Major Sandlor*!, a rich phmter residing near the hiuding, and lus wile and dauixliter. The latter, a girl of fifteen, was touched to the heart by the sad, pale face of Jack. She thought it was a terrible thing for such a nice-looking young maa to lie wounded and suffering upon a heap of cotton- bales. " AVhat is your name, poor fellow?" said she. " John Somers, miss," answered Jack. "' What did you come down here to kill our people for?" added she. "' Because they are rebels and traitors ! " replied he faintly We don't know whether Miss Edith Sandford liked this answer or not ; but she protested with all her might against the little Yankee's lying on cotton-bales, where he was, in such a dreadful condition. She insisted tlia' her father should take him home, and treat him like a liuman being. She was an only daughter ; and, though Major Sandford had a great many objections, he finally consented, and Jack was paroled for this purpose lie was conveyed in a wagon to the house of the planter; a good room was provided for him. and Kdith saw that he was tenderly nursed. At the expiratiuu ot a fortnight, he was able to walk out. 324 THE SAILOR BOY; O u, " I wish you wasn't a Yankee," said Edith one day, as they walked in front ot" the mansion. " I wisli you wasn't a rebel," replied Jack. " I'm not a rebel, any more than you are ! " exclaimed she, with a very pretty pout upou her interesting coun- tenance. " We won't talk politics then," hiughed Jack. " I suppose my time here is about out, and I must soon be sent to a rebel prison." "To prison? Oh. no ! they won't send a nice young man like you to prison." ''But they will. Miss PMith." '' Why don't you run ofF, then?" '' I would not break my parole." " I thought a Yankee would do any thing that is mean ?'* "I think not." It was plain that Edith was much interested in Jack ; k«nd she was not the first young lady who had been moved in the sauie direction; not that she indulged in ''moon- shine" at his expense; but she pitied him. She wept w'hen the captain of the artillery company insisted that his prisoner should be sent off; for he did not believe in treating Yankees like gentlemen. No reasonable excuse uould be offered for resisting this claim ; and Jack, after giving u,3 his parole, was taken into custody. He was sent to a barrack a few miles farther inland, where three others, captured from a boat-expedition at Cedar Keys, JACK SOMER^ IX THK S A V Y. 325 were coiifiuetl. They were to remiiiii here till au oppor- tunity offered to sciul them to a pri.s(jn-cainp. Jack decided uot to wait lor this opportuuity ; but one night lie made his way through the roof of the barrack, and, under the guidance of a negro who was panting for the -'day of jubilee," reached the coast, near tiie mouth of the Suwannee. After starving, and sutTering from cold and storms, for a week, they found a dug-out, with which they pulled off to the Middy. *' Somers again ! " said Mr. Dickey as he climbed over the bulwark. Mr. Dickey was not dead, and gave him a warm hand as he stepped upon deck. " My darling I " cried Tom Longstone. " I was sura you was dead ! " '* Not yet, Tom. I was wounded ; but T am pretty weH now." Jack had been absent four weeks, and had sutfered a great deal during the last part of this time ; but it was worth while to endure a great deal for such a welcome as was extended to him by officers and crew. After he had taken his supper, he told his story, and listened to a nanative of the events which had taken j)lace on board during his absence. The cotton-steamers had been sent to Key West, and the officers and men who went in them had just returned. Mr. Dickey had been very low, and was not expected to live for a week. He was now 526 THE SAILOR BOT\ OR, able only to walk about tbe deck. Clem bad taken the Middy tbrougb every conceivable cbannel wbere there was water enough to float her, and was still a favorite on board. " Now, Somers, if you have finished your yarn, I want to see you," said Captain McBride at a later hour in the evenin'jT. " Here is your warrant as a midshipman ; and you are ordered to the Naval Academy, after a thirty- days' leave of absence. Here is a letter from Captain Bankhead." " Thank you, sir ! " exclaimed Jack as he took the papers. "A supply-steamer will be along in a few^ days, and yon will leave in her," added the captain. Jack 'svas bewildered by this intelligence ; for the pros- pect of seeing Finchbrook in a few days, and embracing his mother, shaking hands with his father, and spinning yarns to the rest of the folks, was very deb'ghtful. The two days he remained on board the Middy, he spent with Tom in the wheel-house. The veteran could hardly recon- cile himself to part with his young friend ; but, as it was for Jack's advancement, he put a cheerful face upon the matter. The supply-steamer arrived ; and Jack, after thanking the captain for his kindness and shaking hands with offi- cers and crew, went on board : and thus ended the career of Jack Somers in the navy as an ordinary seaman. JACK SO ME US ly THE XAVT. 327 CHAPTER XXXI. HOMEWARD BOUND. (V/'ACK SOMERS was compelled to remain at Key ^1 West three weeks before he could find a vessel rX?A bomid to the North ; and tlie important docii- — iiients which he carried l>urned in his pocket. He wanted to show them to Captain Barney, to his mother, and to all his friends in Pinchbrook. They were the evidences of his good conduct, of his skill and bravery ; and, though Jack was a modest young man, he was proud of his record. He had served his country faithfully and zealously ; and he was grateful to his friends for their high appreciation of his services. During those three weeks of idleness. Jack applied himself closely to the study of navigation ; using a book which Captain McBride had kindly presented to him. He felt that he had not a moment to waste, and that his future success depended upon the zeal and energy with which he devoted himself to his studies. He was anx- ious to secure a high rank in the Naval School ; and he was willing to purchase his anticipated position by hard work. 828 THE SAILOR HOY; OR, lie was alivady a lliorougli seaman. Tom Lougstone had been a i)atieiit teaeher, and he luul learned all that belongs to an able seaman's duty. lie was perfectly familiar with the practical part of gunnery ; was thor- oughly posted in all the technicalities of the ship and its batteries. Of the science of gunnery he knew only what he had learned from his books since the Middy sailed from New Orleans. He had thus obtained a measure of knowledge in regard to the practical details of his profes- sion, to the attainment of whicli the young gentlemen in the Naval School must devote months or years. But Jack had not acquired all this information during the single year he had been in the navy : he had simply added to his previous knowledge by close attention to his duty. Busy as he was with his studies, he found time to write a long letter to Captain Bankhead, informing him of the reception of his warrant, and expressing his gratitude for the friendly interest he had ever manifested in his wel- fare. '• I shall always tliink the trip we made to Fort AVarren on that dark November night, a year ago, was the luckiest cruise I ever made," wrote Jack in the let- ter ; '• for it gave me a friend who has done more for me than I could ever have done for myself." Jack wrote this ; but I am sure that Captain Bankhead neither would nor could have done what he did, if our hero had not deserved such distinguished favors, — if ho JACK SOMKIiS IN THE NAVY. 329 had not been a «;(mm1 hoy and a good seaman. lie had several weeks before received letters from home, inforni- 'n\\i him tliat his brother had been promoted to a lieuten- ancy. Tom was a commissioned officer, and was therefore some months, if not years, ahead of him in tlie race for di>finction ; but botli (jf them, while they liad a just and proper regard ibr the honors of their respective profes- sions, were bettor satisfied to have served their country in its liour of trial thau they were to receive their mer- ited |)romotion. Jack wante