Che Library. | of the t Gniversity of Worth Carolina Collection of Porth Caroliniana Chis book wags presenten by 36G.3 C35b ttt iet mo Path ate o> Gone SS Legs Sases Teghenkes 4, (os ~ le a) 5 4 i 5 ry AM BE W Bca Be. AEM SD | oF CROSS CREEK LODGE, No.4, OF THE Be @BRe 2Re H“e fe ar ay STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA; TO WHICH ARE APPENDED THE (ENERAL RULES OF THE ORDER, | ie na BY THE GRAND LODGE OF N. CAROLINA, FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. FAYETTEVILLE: PRINTED BY EDWARD J. HALE. 1843, >305) G ‘ mf —p aus ft es "a Aenea! od Baw IW WS AW So amen @ B Gta ARTICLE IJ. This Lodge shall be entitled “CROSS CREEK LODGE, No. 4,” of the I. O. O. F. of the State of North Carolina. ARTICLE IL. The N. G. shall preside at the meetings of the Lodge; he - shall see that the Bye-Laws of the Lodge, the general laws of the Grand Lodge, and the ancient usages of the Order are _duly observed, and that the Officers discharge their duties faithfully. ARTICLE III. He shall, on the death of a Brother, cause notices to be fur- nished to every member of the Lodge, to attend his funeral; and in case of failing to attend to any of the duties in this and the preceding Article, or any other duties herein imposed, he shall forfeit the honors attached to his office. Sickness or ab- sence from town the only excuse to be allowed as reasonable in such cases. ARTICLE IV. He shall sign all orders for the payment of money. He shall have a casting vote when the Lodge shall be equally di- vided. He shall inspect all ballots and report thereon. He shall have power to convene Special Meetings of the Lodge whenever he shall deem it necessary, or when any Bre mem- bers shall require him. ARTICLE V.. The V. G. shall appear at the time appointed, take his seat, and see that the Brothers behave in a becoming manner. In the absence of the N. G., he shall preside in the Lodge, and perform such other duties as are required of him by the Charges and general laws of the Order and Bye Laws of this Lodge. 4 ARTICLE VI. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an accurate ac- count of the proceedings of the Lodge, fill up all certificates, receive all moneys due the Lodge,iind pay them to the Trea- | surer, whose receipt he shall take for the same. He shall make out and furnish the Grand Lodge a Quarterly Report, and per- form such other duties as may be enjoined on him, hereinafter _ specified by the Lodge, and deliver all books, papers and keys belonging to his office to his successor. ARTICLE VIL. ‘The Treasurer shall hold his office for six months and until his successor be chosen, and shall receive from the Secretary all moneys for the use of the Lodge, and give his receipt for the same. He shall deposite, in such place of deposite as the Lodge may designate, all moneys received by him for the use of the Lodge, except fifty dollars for contingent expenses. He shall have his account ready for settlement on the night of E- tection, and attend the Committee of Finance with his vouch- ers. He shall deliver all moneys, books and papers in his hands to his successor in office. ARTICLE VIII. Regular Meetings of the Lodge shall be held every Friday night. In the absence of the N. G. and V. G., the oldest P. G. shall take the Chair. ARTICLE IX. Every member of the Lodge, except the O. G., shall pay at the rate of six and a quarter cents per week for Dues, and forty- three and three-quarter cents per aeeties for Orphan School Fund. ARTICLE X. Any member in arrears for one Quarter, shall not be allowed to vote, and shall forfeit his benefits; and if in arrears for two Quarters, and neglecting to pay the same, shall be considered as having voluntarily withdrawn, and shall not be re-admitted except upon ballot, and showing himself clear of the Secretary’s books. 5 ARTICLE XI. Any member who shall misbehave in the Lodge, or refuse to obey the presiding Officer, or who shall be convicted of con- | duct unworthy of the dignity of the Order, or derogatory to the character of a gentleman, shall be fmed, reproved, or suspend- ed, or expelled at the pleasure of the Lodge, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein. ARTICLE XII. - No member who is able to follow his usual avocation, or do any manner of work by which he can earn a subsistence, shall be entitled to benefits. ARTICLE XIII Every member of this Lodge, who has been a regular con- tributing member for six months, and is not more than six months in arrears, when rendered incapable, by sickness or o- | therwise, of performing his daily avocation, shall be entitled to receive from the funds of this Lodge three dollars per week du- ring such incapacity. ARTICLE XIV. There shall be a Standing Committee of three persons, ap- pointed quarterly by ballot, called the Committee on Funeral Benefits. It shall be the duty of said Committee, on the death of a Brother, to superintend the funeral obsequies of the de- ceased, and to request permission of the immediate relatives of the deceased to control the same; and if permission be granted, said Committee shall see that the deceased Brother be decently interred at the expense of the Lodge. Said expense shall not exceed thirty dollars, to be levied by an assessment upon each contributing member. | ARTICLE XV. Whenever the conduct of a Brother shall render it necessary to suspend or expel him, the charges shall be presented in wnit- ing to the Lodge, who shall refer them to a Committee of three to investigate, and report the same to the Lodge as early as practicable. Said report shall be acted on at the next stated tneeting, or as soon circumstances will ad- 6 mit; and if unfavorable, the delinquent may be suspended or expelled;—provided, always, that the delinquent be duly noti- fied by the Committee, of the charge or charges preferred, and an opportunity offered to vindicate himself. - ARTICLE XVI. The requisite qualifications for membership shall be—first, good moral character, regular and steady conduct, sober and industrious habits; second, to be of respectable standing in so- ciety, whether of trade, profession, or otherwise; third, to be ex- empt from all mental and bodily infirmities, which may prevent them from using the proper means to obtain a respectable sub- sistence for themselves and families. ARTICLE XVII. , If, on balloting for the candidate, there should appear not more than two black balls, the proposition shall be laid over un- til the next regular meeting; in the mean time, the person or persons thus voting, shall make known their objections to the N. G., who shall repeat the same to the Lodge, without dis- closing the names of those thus voting; but three black balls shall, in all cases, exclude a person from the Lodge. ARTICLE XVIII. Every person initiated, or receiving Degrees in this Lodge, (except Ministers of the Gospel,) shall pay a fee as follows:— For Initiation, under forty-five years of age, Five Dollars; and in addition for every year he may have attained beyond, such sum as the Lodge may determine. For the First Degree, One Dollar; Second, Two Dollars; Third, Three Dollars; Fourth, Four Dollars; Fifth, Five Dollars;—all ihe which shall be paid for in advance. ARTICLE XIX. Any Brother hailing from any other Lodge, wishing to be- come a member of this Lodge, shall send in his Card. A Com- mittee shall then be appointed to examine him, and if found to be a bona fide member, he shall be balloted for, and if a major- ity do not oppose him, he shall be admitted on payment of the q sum of Three Dollars; but shall not be entitled to the benefits ; until he shall have been a contributing member for six months, or have taken the Fourth and Fifth Degrees in this Lodge. ARTICLE XX. Applications for the withdrawal of Cards shall be made in open Lodge; and if no Brother object, the same shall be grant- ed,—provided the applicant be clear of the Secretary’s books. But if a Brother object, it shall then be decided by a majority whether the Card be granted or not; and if granted, ‘Twenty- Five Cents shall be paid to the Secretary as a fee for the same, for the use of the Lodge. : ARTICLE XXI. _ Members drawing Travelling Cards shall not be exempt from : paying their weekly or other contributions. Any member neg- lecting to return his Travelling Card within two meetings of the Lodge after his return, shall be fined One Dollar. No member shall draw a Travelling Card unless all his dues be paid up to the time of its expiration. [ ARTICLE XXII. Every member who consents to serve on a Committee, and does not attend to the duties thereof, shall be fined One Dol- lar, unless excused by the Lodge. 3 ARTICLE XXIJIL No smoking, or other refreshment than water, shall at any | time be allowed in the Lodge, or any apartment thereunto be- longing. . ARTICLE XXIV. ‘The N. G., on the night of his installation, shall appomt a | Committee of three, to examine the books and settle the ac- | counts of the Lodge. By ARTICLE XXV. It shall be their duty to audit the books and accounts of the |S. and T., together with the accounts of the members, and to | report thereon, stating the receipts and expenditures of the ae the debts due to, and owing by it, so. as_to exhabit_an 8 exact statement of its affairs at the next regular meeting of the Lodge. ARTICLE XXVI. If the S. and T., or either of them, shall refuse or neglect to attend the meetings of the Committee, with their books, &c., he or they shall be fined Five Dollars, unless a good and sufli- eient excuse be offered to the Lodge, and by it rhs cuit ARTICLE XXVIL The Keeper of the Lodge, for the faithful performance of his duties, shall receive from the Funds of the Lodge the sum of One Dollar per month. ARTICLE XXVIIL No person shall be permitted to enter or Jeave the Lodge without the permission of the N. G. ARTICLE XXIX. If any doubt or dispute shall arise respecting the true intent or meaning of any Article or Articles of these Bye-Laws, the case shall be referred to a Committee of three intelligent Bro- poo to be appointed by the N. G.- ARTICLE XXX. Propositions to alter the Bye-Laws shall be read in open Lodge, for two successive regular meetings, and acted upon the third. No proposition shall be sustained, unless two-thirds of the members present concur therein. And finally, it is particularly enjoined, that all the members of this Lodge shall treat each other during its sittings with all due respect, and that all ungenerous remarks and personal al- lusions, or sarcastic language, be carefully avoided, by which the feclings of any Brother may be wounded, and the most prominent of our objects—Frienpsmp, Cuarrry, and Harmony —be diminished or interrupted; and that all discussions be con- ducted in that spirit of candor, moderation, and open generosi- ty, which leads men to the altar of concord and good fellow - ship. And it shall be the duty of the N. . to Hears 3p ev add thing te the contrary. uw GBNERAL LAWS, FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF SUBORDINATE LODGES, WORKING UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE GRAND LODE OF N. CAROLINA. 31 aie 1d ARTICLE I.—Repealed. Lodges shall assemble on their appointed evenings of meet- ing, during the two Winter Quarters at half past six o’clock, and during the two Summer Quarters at eight o'clock. ARTICLE IL No Lodge shall be opened unless five Brethren be present, one of whom shall be qualified to fill the Chair. ‘ARTICLE IIL. The W. shall examine every person in the room prior to the * opening of the Lodge, and, when opened, the G. shall not al- low egress or ingress to any one without ihe usual formality. ARTICLE IV. The members composing a Lodge shall each pay: into the funds of such Lodge a sum not less than six and one quarter cents per week. . * ARTICLE ve There shall be four Elective Officers, viz: The N. G., V.G., S.and T. The R. and L. S. to the N. G,, the W., C., G., and S. 8. shall be appointed by the N. G., and the R. and L. 8. to - the V. G, shall be appointed by the V.G, 10 ARTICLE VLI.. Every Officer shall fill his station during the space of thir- teen Lodge Nights, or to the end of the Quarter. ARTICLE. VIL. No Brother shall be held eligible for the N. G’s Chair unless he shall have filled the Chair of V. G.; nor for the V. G’s Chair unless he shall have served in an Elective Office to the end of the Quarter, or filled some inferior station twenty-six nights and shall have received the Fifth Degree,—unless by special dispensation from the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE VIII. Propositions for candidates to fill any of the Chairs shall be made one Lodge Night immediately preceding, and on the night of Election. ARTICLE IX. No Past Officer shall oppose any qualified Brother for such offices as he may have filled, unless the Past Officer shall have been four Quarters out of such office, except the 8S. and T. ARTICLE X. Every Elected or Appomted Officer shall attend the Lodge at the time of opening, or be fined such sum as the Lodge shall determine, unless he submit a reasonable excuse, to be judged of by the Lodge. ARTICLE XI. : Any candidate who shall attempt to influence the Election, shall be fined such sum as the Lodge shall determine. ARTICLE XII. Any Elected or Appomted Officer who shall absent himself from his Lodge for more than three successive Lodge Nights, shall thereby vacate his seat, unless excused by the Lodge, and another Officer shall be elected or appointed, as the case may require, who shall fill the situation for the remainder of the Quarter, and who shall receive all the honors of the station as though he had served the full term. : rt ’ ARTICLE XIII. The new elected Officers shall be installed on the night of _ their election, or the succeeding night. ARTICLE XIV. Any Brother who shall make use of profane, vulgar, or inde- cent language, shall be fined in such sum as the Lodge shall _ determine. ARTICLE XV. The N. G. shall have full power to preserve order in the Lodge, and any Brother refusing to obey his commands, shall, for the first offence, be fined, and for a second offence, may be ordered to leave the room for the night. ARTICLE XVI. No subordinate Lodge has a right to adjourn, but must close in due form, after its Zegular busimess shall have been gone through with. ~ ARTICLE XVII. No subordinate Lodge has a right to go into committee of the whole. ARTICLE XVIII. Any disputes, grievances, or differences existing between Brethren, shall be laid before the Lodge whereof the offending party is a member: The N. G. of the Lodge shall thereupon ap- point a Committee of five, who shall have power to summon the contending parties, and determine the matter in question; nevertheless an appeal may be made at all times to the Lodge, and from their decision to the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XIX. . ‘Any motion for an expulsion shall be announced in open Lodge, on the two Lodge Nights previous to its being acted upon; if then carried, the person expelled shall not again be ad- mitted into the Lodge (unless the decision shall be reversed by the Grand Lodge,) and notice thereof shall be sent to subordi- nate Lodges under her jurisdiction. 42 ARTICLE XX. . No Brother shall be allowed the privilege of votmg on the same night whereon he is initiated. ARTICLE XXI. Any O. or I. G. who shall admit a Brother without the ne- cessary formality, shall be fined or suspended, at the diserction of the Lodge; and should they conjoimtly suffer a stranger to enter the Lodge, they shall be expelled. ARTICLE XXII. Any member or visiting Brother who shall divulge any of the proceedings required by them to be kept secret, or the name of a Brother who may have opposed a person coming into the Order, or who may have reported unfavorably of him, to such applicants, shall be suspended 0 or expelled, at the discretion of the Lodge. ARTICLE XXIIL In case of the application from a sick Brother for assistance, the N. G. of the Lodge to which he is attached shall visit him, or cause him to be visited by the V. G. or some other Brother; and if the Brother so applying be a bona fide member, he shall pay him weekly, from the funds of the Lodge, not less than Three Dollars per week, and also provide persons to sit up with such Brother if found necessary. ARTICLE XXIV. In case of the death of a Brother, the N. G. of the Lodge’ whereof he is a member, shall cause the Funeral Benefit erant- ed by such Lodge to be immediately paid to the widow, of the deceased Brother, -which sum shall not be less than Twenty Dollars. Should there be no widow, it shall be the duty of the N. G. to have him decently interred at the expense of the Lodge. ARTICLE XXV. Absenting himself from the Lodge shall not scot the Bro- ther from receiving the benefit granted by the Lodge in cases of sickness; provided such Brother's sbi contributions shall haye been regularly paid, . 13 | ARTICLE XXVI. ° Any Brother found in a state of intoxication, while recelving the benefit of the Lodge, shall forfeit the same, at the disere- _ tion of the Lodge. ARTICLE XXVII. Any Brother who shall be found in a state of intoxication, shall be suspended, not less than twelve wecks, or may be ex- pelled. ARTICLE XXVIII. Any member of the Order who shall follow any illegal prac- tice, shall be suspended or expelled as the Lodge shall deter- mine. ARTICLE XXIX. In all decisions by the N.G., the right of appeal to the Lodge shall be allowed to all Brethren affected by his deci- sions, and from that decision to the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXX. No person shall be received into this Order for a less sum than Five Dollars; nor shall the five Degroes be conferred on any member for a less sum than Fifteen Dollars, (except Min- isters of the Gospel in charge of congregations, all of whom shall be admitted free of charge,) and in all cases the fees shall be paid in advance. \ ARTICLE XXXL. The name, place of abode, and occupation, of a person pro- posed for membership, shall be recorded by the Secretary of the Lodge, and the N. G. and V. G. shall appoint a Committee of three Brethren to examine into the character of such person, and the Committee shall, on the ensuing Lodge Night, give in their report. If, after balloting, there should be found but one black ball in the ballot box, a second balloting may be had thereon; if, on the second balloting, there should not be more than one black ball, the election shall lic over until the next meeting. If then, after balloting, two or more black balls are - found in the ballot box, the person so opposed shall not be re- v 14 ecived into the Order, and notice thereof shall be sent to th Grand Lodge and all other Lodges under her jurisdiction;— nevertheless, suchtperson may again be proposed at the expira- tion of six months from such application, and if elected, shall be received into the Order. ARTICLE XXXII. Any Brother proposing an unworthy person or minor, know- ingly, shall be fined at the discretion of the Lodge. ARTICLE XXXIITL. Any Brother who shall have drawn his certificate of mem- bership from the Lodge whereunto he was connected, shall not be allowed to visit any one Lodge more than three times with- out depositing his certificate in such Lodge. ARTICLE XXXIV. Any Brother who may wish to leave his Lodge to join any other, shall receive his certificate of membership, provided no accounts or charges stand against him on the Secretary’s books; and any Brother wishing to deposite his certificate m any Lodge, shall make application to such Lodge for the same through a member thereof; and if a majority not oppose him, he shall be admitted in such Lodge. ARTICLE XXXV. Should any doubts arise respecting these Laws, they shall be determined by the Grand Lodge, and no one of them shall be altered, amended, or annulled, except through motion made in the Grand Lodge after due notice having been given to the subordinate Lodges. This Article not to take effect until after the next annual communication of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXXVI. Any Brother who shall be concerned in organizing, or who shall give countenance and support, or who shall visit any Lodge or Lodges in the State of North Carolina, purporting to’ be Odd Fellows, and not possessmg a legal and valid Charter? duly granted and presented by the Grand Lodge of North Ca- rolina, shall be deemed unworthy of fellowship; and may, upon 1d _ satisfactory proof, be suspended or expelled at the option of the Lodge. And any Brother so suspended or expelled, shall not be reinstated unless he makes suitable submission, and the Grand Lodge assents thereto., Nor shail any person, who has been admitted to membership in such spurious Lodge, be re- ceived into any regular Lodge without the consent of the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XXXVIL. Any subordinate Lodge failing to make its retum and pay its dues to the Grand Lodge, as required by the 1st Section of Article 18th of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, for two stated communications in succession, shall thereby be deemed extinct and its Charter forfeited. Upon the demise of a Lodge, the last installed Officers shall, within three months, transmit or surrender to the Grand Secretary (or such other Brother as may be appointed by the Grand Lodge to receive them) the Charter, Books, Papers, Furniture, and Funds of said Lodge. Members of extinct Lodges, who were clear of the books of such Lodge at the time of the dissolution, or who have paid up all arrearages then due, to the Grand Lodge, shall, upon ap- plication to the Grand Secretary, receive certificates under the Seal of the Grand Lodge, to enable them to make application for admission to membership in other Lodges; and no member of a defunct Lodge shall be admitted, either as a visiter or - member, into any regular Lodge, without such certificate. ARTICLE XXXVIII. No Lodge shall have power to expel a Brother from his Lodge for any other cause than that of a violation of the Con- stitution of the Grand Lodge of the United States, the Consti- tution and General Laws of this Grand Lodge, or a violation of the Laws of the land. ARTICLE XXXIX. No subordinate Lodge shall initiate an individual over forty- ‘five years without the unanimous concurrence of its members. 16 OPONING PRATERRo O LORD GOD, our Crearor, PRESERVER, and Gracious Beneracror, vouchsafe Thy presence unto ws, assembled at this time; upon those of our Order not permitted to come, and upon all of mankind in distress. Mereifully grant unto us Thine assistance, so to demean ourselves in Thy sight, that in every circumstance and trial of life, we may find favor with Thee, and be blessed. Bless the sick and distressed, the widow and orphan) administer largely to them the consolations of Thy Grace and Spirit, and grant unto-all, that passport in life, which, in death, will give an abundant admission through the Son of Righteousness, into Thine everlasting Kingdom, to love and praise Thee forever. Amen. CLOSING PRAT BRo We give Thee most hearty thanks, our Faruer, that Thou hast permitted us to transact business, as a band of brothers, relative to our mutual comfort and consolation. And while we would take measures to provide all things honestly in Thy sight, we would not forget our dependence upon Thee at all times, for all blessings, temporal and spiritual. Dismiss us in the bonds of Friendship, Love and Truth, with Thy blessing to attend us, and 'Thy Spirit to guide us; and finally, permit us to assem- ble around 'Tuy 'THRonr, where we may praise Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. - 17 SONG. Attend, most ancient Brothers, For honor o’er us hovers— Attend, most ancient Brothers, For honor’s court is here. The man that honor binds not, A welcome with us finds not; The man that honor binds not, ~ Can never enter here; The man that honor binds not, Can never enter here. The man that honor holds dear, Alone a welcome finds here, The man that honor holds dear, Alone can enter here; The man that honor holds dear, Alone can enter here. Our motto’s Mirth and Harmony, Friendship, Truth and Unity; Our motto’s Mirth and Harmony, In Brotherhood combined; Our motto’s Mirth and Harmony, In Brotherhood combined. SONG. Brothers, attentive stand, Whilst our most Noble Grand Gryes him the Charge: The bond of society Is Friendship and Harmony;— Honor and secrecy Will us unite, Brothers, you’ve naught to fear, For Honor’s court is here, Love, Mirth, and Joy; Friendship here abounds, Whilst Mirth our evening crowns, Let every voice resound, Hail! Liberty! ty INDEX TO BYE-LAWS. Articte 1.—Title of PCI Oty. ts Sue Meer 2c Uaioe Pace 3 PRRIOn ones duties -of NG... o...ccc cscs ccccc coun ites Bs Pace 3 ArTicLE 3.—Same, with penalty for failing to attend to all’ duties enjoined.................++...PAGE 3 ArTICLE 4.—Duties of N. G. Conannedy Weeds iack sb. hes Pace 3 PaTiCne o.——Dutics of VCE ee ce. Pace 3 ArticLe 6.—Duties of ecretaryer, PPM Te aes Pacer 4 ArticLe 7.—Duties of Treasurer. ..........css2vecessesene Pace 4 ArticLe 8.—Respecting regular meetings, and who shall preside in the absence of the N. 4 ARTICLE 9. —Respecting Weekly and Quarterly Dues, and who exempt from payment of.....Pacr 4 ArticLE 10.—Respecting arrears, and penalty for same...Pacr 4 5 5) ArricLe 11.—Improper conduct of members... . PAGE ArTICLE 12.—Benefits, who are not entitled Be ae Pace ! ARTICLE 13;—Benefita, who are entitled to............+... Pace 5 - ArticLe 14,—Funerals and Funeral Benefits.............Page 5 AxticLE 15.—Suspensions and Expulsions................ PaGE 5 ArtTIcLe 16.—Requisite qualifications for ie me PacE 6 ArvicLe 17.—Manner of admitting members... . PAGE 6 ArTIcLE 18.—Fees for Initiation and Degrees, who ex- empt from payment of, what age Ini- tiation Fee may be increased, how PVA crcinees.4 ss .. Pace 6 ARTICLE 19.—Respecting Brothers initiated in other Lodges seeking admission into this..... Pace 6 ArticLe 20,—Withdrawal Cards............ 0... cs esse ee nees Pace 7 ArticLe 21.—Travelling Cards... acetate RAGES ArticLe 22.—Penalty for failure of members of Com- mittees to discharge the duties thereof..PacE 7 ArtIcLE 23.—Smoking, and all refreshments but. water prohibited in Lodge.......2..:ssen. ivtines PacE 7 ArticLe 24.—Committee to examine Books, &e., how and when appointed, .: ni vsegese cuteness Pace 7 Articie 25,—Duties of said Committee......... .-PAGE 7 ARTICLE 26.—S. and T. to attend meetings of same, with penalty for failure.................-.. PAGE 8 ArticLé 27.—Compensation to Keeper of Lodge........PacE 8 ARTICLE 28.—Permission of N. G. necessary to enter or leave the Lodge... .....00. 5... spears sees: Pace 8 ARTICLE 29.—Manner of settling doubts or disputes re- specting meaning of Bye-Laws......... Pace 8 Anxticte 30.—Respecting propositions to alter same.... Pace 8 Fnendship, Chanty, &c. inculcated..,....PAGE 8 iis book must not be taken from the Library bu iding. -C. AT CHAPEL HILL | ! | 00048089334 UNIVERSITY OF N ity Pee oer ee Y ais Ha ‘ nia ae ie 4 1 Sn Ren RD STATO TAT ae t hah maa i nae A “ f Pa oe) dance UE UES x 3 Pie i S3CG hat be ¥ ae pri! ce mys : apy b i ’ att cdo SMR Bee UTA es im Cay i j ie Maman Th NaI? it Ay ae aaa % Hig actin ‘ rr AT aa cca Oy,