PRINCIPLES AND DISCIPLINE OF THE United ^retjjra's CflitgregattM, AT SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA, As adopted by the Congregation Council, MAY 17th, 1859. nd approved by the Provincial Elders 1 Conference, MAY 20th, 1859. It SALEM, N. C. PRINTED BY L. V. BLUM. 1859. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 PREFACE. The Constitution of the Moravian Congregation at Salem having been changed by the abrogation of the statute which permitted none but members of the church to hold property or carry on business in the town of Salem, it became necessary to undertake a revision of the then existing rules and regulations, in so far as they related to the outward and secular concerns of the congregation^ Such revision was duly made, and the Rules and Regulations following, having been discussed in successive meetings of the Congregation Council, were finally adopted by a vote of more than two-thirds of the members present. Consequently, accord- ing to established rules and precedents, they are of equal weight and obligation as though they had been embodied in the foriher rules and regulations ; and hence also, the Congregation Coun- cil resolved that those brethren who had once signed the rules should not be required to do so again. Salem, June 1, 1859. PART I. PRINCIPLES OF FAITH A1VD PRACTICE. 1. The Church of the United Brethren, or Moravians, is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Corner Stone. (Eph. 2. 20.) As members of this church, we acknowledge the Holy Scrip- tures of the Old and New Testament to contain everything essential to salvation;, and to be the only rule of our faith and practice. We maintain the following points of doctrine as essential to salvation : a. The doctrine of the total depravity of human nature — that there is no health in us, — and that, since the fall, we have no power left to help ourselves. b. The doctrine of the love of God the Father, who "has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world," and "who so loved the world, that he gave his only begot- ten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not per- ish, but have everlasting life." c. The doctrine of the real Godhead and real manhood of J esus Christ ; — that God, the Creator of all things, was manifested in the flesh, and has reconciled the world unto himself, — that "he is before all things, and by him all things consist." d. The doctrine of the atonement and satisfaction of Jesus Christ for us ; — that "he was delivered for our offences, and raised again for our justification ;" and that in his merits alone we find forgiveness of sins and peace with God. ~e.. The doctrine of the Holy Ghost and his gracious opera- tions ; — that it is he who works in us the knowledge of sin, faith in Jesus, and the witness that we are the children of God. /. The doctrine of the fruits of faith ; — that it must show it- self as an active principle, by a willing obedience to God's PRINCIPLES AND DISCIPLINE. commandments, flowing from love and gratitude. (See Synodal Results, 1857, p. 7.) 2. The only object of our religious union is to constitute a church of Jesus Christ, in which the pure word of God is preached, the sacraments are duly administered, and chris- tian discipline is maintained. 3. We recognize as a true member of Christ's body every one, who, through the Holy Ghost, has experienced the new birth. Hence we regard all children of God as our brethren in Christ, loving them sincerely and heartily, and disclaiming, as alto- gether opposed to the mind of Christ, all sectarian animosity arising from diversity of views on points of doctrine, disci- pline, or church government. 4. Esteeming it a great privilege to meet together for the wor- ship of God and for mutual edification, we will be faithful in attending our meetings, "not forsaking the assembling of our- selves together." (Heb. 10. 25.) 5. We consider ourselves bound faithfully to provide a sufficient and suitable support for our ministers and their families ; and we will also bear an equitable part in defraying all other ex- penses connected with the service of the congregation. 6. Being members of the Moravian Church, we consider our- selves in duty bound to take a share in meeting the common necessities of the province to which we belong, and of the Brethren's Unity at large, — especially the missions among the heathen. 7. As regards our children, we desire ever to recognize them as the property of our Lord Jesus Christ, purchased with his most precious blood ; and to follow the divine precept, to " bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." (Eph. 6. 4.) Hence it is expected of all parents that they faithfully endeavor to guard their children against everything that might prove hurtful to their souls ; that they, through grace, obtained by prayer and supplication, be priests of God, lifting up holy hands for themselves and their families ; de- claring to them the love of Jesus, and in no wise neglecting the regular observance of family devotion ; that they set be- PRINCIPLES AND DISCIPLINE. fore them a consistent christian example ; that they cause their children punctually to attend school, religious instruc- tion, and the meetings for worship ; that they be suitably employed at home ; and that, as they increase in years, they be accustomed to habits of order and decorum, and to a well regulated and moral conduct. 8. As true brotherly love is characteristic of the disciples of Jesus, w r e will hold it fast as the bond of perfection. We will endeavor in love to serve and aid one another ; to bear with and forgive one another, mutually to exercise meekness, humility, and becoming respect, and carefully avoid whatever might interrupt that love, such as backbiting, slandering, or other uncharitable practices. We desire to love one another as Christ hath loved us. 9. As we are called, through the grace of God, to be children of peace, we will follow after peace with all men, carefully endeavoring to obey the precepts of our Saviour, " Whatso- ever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them;" and bearing in mind the important charge, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." 10. We recognize the duty of relieving the necessities of all such members, as may, through age, sickness, or other afflic- tions, have become destitute and unable to maintain them- selves. We likewise assume the obligation of so providing for the education of destitute orphans in the congregation, that they may become useful members of society, and capable of procuring for themselves an honest livelihood. 11. In regard to dress, domestic arrangements, and the like, we will aim at frugality, propriety, and economy, removing far from us all extravagance, vanity, and abuse of worldly goods. 12. We consider ourselves in duty bound to provide things hon- est in the sight of all men, as well as in the sight of God ; consequently we will endeavor to be "not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;" and we will steadi- ly discountenance the sin of habitual idleness. PRINCIPLED AM) DISCIPLINE. 7 13. We will not forget to hallow the Lord's day. We will make a faithful use of it as a day for devout meditation, and for building ourselves up in our most holy faith. The carry- ing on of worldly business or labor, other than w T orks of char- ity or necessity ; the frequenting of places of worldly resort, or anything w^iich interferes with edification and attendance on Divine worship, is wholly inadmissible. 14. Regarding intemperance in the use of strong drink as a most pernicious and sinful practice, rendering men in an es- pecial degree the servants of sin, we will endeavor to remove everything that can furnish occasion for this evil, from among us, and give timely admonition and warning to those who may be exposing themselves to temptation. 15. We w r ill carefully beware of all books and publications which are opposed to the Bible or treat it irreverently, or of such as have an immoral tendency, or may in any way cor- rupt the mind, or turn it from the simplicity that is in Jesus. We disapprove of any participation in such amusements as have an injurious or even a questionable tendency with re- spect to Christian morals. 16. In case misunderstandings or differences arise among any of the members, they shall first, according to the command- ment of Christ, endeavor to come to an amicable agreement and equitable settlement among themselves. Should they fail in so doing, the persons at variance shall select some oth- er members of the congregation to act as mediators ; and if the difficulty cannot thus be arranged to mutual satisfaction, the case shall be referred to the Board of Elders for brother- ly investigation and decision. Should either of the parties even then refuse to be reconciled and pacified, such party can no longer be considered a member of the church. In case, however, the point of dispute should render a resort to the courts of justice indispensable, everything at variance with our character .as brethren is to be avoided. 17. Should any one be overtaken in a fault, (Gal. 6. 1.) we will endeavor to restore such an one in the spirit of meekness ; and when, on committing an error, we are reproved and ad- 8 PROClFLES AXD DISCIPLINE. monished, we will, by the £race of God, receive reproof thank- fully, and strive to amend, considering all such admonitions as great benefits conferred upon us. 18. Inasmuch as it behooves every member of the church in all things to walk worthy of the gospel, so also shall those who give offence to others, and refuse correction, after repeated admonition and reproof, be excluded from church-fellowship, according to the rule: il Put away from among yourselves that wicked person.*' 19. If, therefore, any member in word or deed, act contrary to the rules and regulations of the church, and by his example tempt others to do the same ; transgressing the laws of the country ; overreaching his neighbor in trade : in any manner taking part in gambling and lotteries ; or being guilty of ly- ing, backbiting and calumny ; giving himself up to drunken- ness ; neglecting to satisfy his creditors ; committing the sins of cursing and swearing, fornication and adultery, or other manifest works of the flesh as enumerated Gal. 5. 19-21., such an one can not longer be considered a member of the church. PAET II. PRINCIPLES AXD RILES RELATING TO THE CON- STITUTION OR FOR3I OF GOVERNMENT OF THE CONGREGATION, 1. GENERAL SYNODS. The government of the Brethren's Church, under the supreme guidance of the Great Head of his church, our Lord and Sa- viour, Jesus Christ, is exercised by General Synods. Such a Synod constitutes, whenever assembled, the body to which pertains the chief legislative power for all general affairs of the church. PRINCIPLES AND DISCIPLINE. 2. UNITY'S ELDERS' CONFERENCE. The oversight and direction of the Unity from one general Syn- od to another, in all matters pertaining to general Synods, is committed to a Board, chosen by the Synod, and called the Unity's Elders' Conference, or the Directing Board of the Protestant Church of the Brethren. All other Boards, as well as servants'of the Unity, by whatsoever power appoint- ed, are responsible to this Board, in all matters over which the General Synod has jurisdiction. 3. PROVINCIAL SYNODS. The chief direction of all provincial concerns, and the power of legislating upon them, belongs immediately to Provincial Synods. These Synods are specially charged with the duty of examining thoroughly the spiritual as well as temporal con- dition of the congregations within the province. 4. PROVINCIAL ELDERS' CONFERENCE. The chief board of administration in all provincial affairs is the Provincial Elders' Conference. This Board is responsible to the Provincial Synod ; and is accountable to it for its ad- ministration. 5. BOARDS OF THE SALEM CONGREGATION. 1. Board of Elders. — The Board of Elders shall be compos- ed of the Pastor or Pastors of the Congregation, the Princi- pal of the Salem Female Academy, and three other brethren, to be elected by the Congregation Council, from among the members of the Council. They shall be 30 years of age, and not less than five years members of the church. — After the first election, these three brethren, shall, at the first meeting of the Board, determine by lot whose term of office shall expire respectively, at the end of the fir3t, second and third year, (in like manner as hereinafter provided for the Board of Trustees,) and after the first election one mem- ber shall be elected annually, to serve for three years. The election shall be on the first Tuesday in May of every year — the day fixed for the election of members of the Board of Trustees. The election of the Board of Elders shall be first m order. PRINCIPLES AND DISCIPLINE. At the meetings of the Board the pastor shall preside ; and in case there is more than one pastor, the senior (i. e. the prin- cipal) one shall be president. It shall be the duty of the Board of Elders : a. To watch over the spiritual and moral well-being of the Congregation as a whole. 5. To regulate the various meetings for worship. c. To maintain the proper exercise of church discipline. d. To decide upon applications for church membership. e. To determine for what purposes the church edifice shall be used. f. To appoint the Organist, and the principal chapel ser- vants, both male and female, and these shall appoint their assistants, with the concurrence of the Board- er. In general to carry out, in this Congregation, the princi- ples and rules enacted by the proper authorities of the church of the United Brethren. 2. Board of Trustees. — The Board of Trustees shall be com- posed of the Warden of the Congregation, (so long as such an officer with his present functions, shall be retained in the Congregation,) and six brethren, to be elected by the Congre- gation Council, who must be 25 years of age and have been members of the Church three years. After the first election the six brethren elected shall, at their first meeting divide themselves by lot into three classes ; the time of service of the first class shall expire at the end of the first year ; that of the second class at the end of the second year ; and that of the third class at the end of the third year ; so that one third, viz v two members must be chosen every year after the first, and their term of service shall then be three years. The election shall be held on the first Tuesday of May in every year. Should the office of Warden become extinct, the six elected members shall constitute the Board. PRINCIPLES AND DISCIPLINE. 11 At the first meeting after each annual election the Board shall organize by electing a President and Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees : a. To manage and direct all secular and financial affairs of the Congregation, and of the Salem Diacony and single Sis- ters' Diaconjr in particular. I. To determine the Salaries of the Minister, the Warden, and other officers and servants of the congregation. uch baptized children, by the sacrament of Baptism, have become incorporated into the visible church of Christ, and are to be regarded as members of the Congrega- tion, — unless by their misconduct in riper years, they have forfeited their privileges. Whenever members of the church desire to enter into the state of matrimony, they are to give notice of their intention to the minister of the congregation ; whom as a general rule,, they will request to perform the ceremony of their marriage. Whenever it becomes necessary to decide upon the question whether a member of the Congregation shall any longer be regarded as such (according to Part I, § 18 and 19 of these rules) the case shall be taken into consideration by the Board of Elders, and everything shall be done that the case may be determined fairly and according to the truth, the member in question being in every case entitled to a hearing before the Board. Members who have been excluded shall be duly notified thereof by the minister, and shall in all eases have the right of ap- peal to the Provincial Elders' Conference. Whenever any member shall have, for the space of twelve months, absented himself from the Lord's supper, or from the meetings of the Congregation, or shall have refused to contribute any sum towards the discharge of the regular dues of membership, without, in either case, assigning a sufficient reason, such member shall be considered as having withdrawn from the membership of the church. In order that the Congregation may be placed in a proper re- lation to such as have been excluded, or have withdrawn from PKINCIPLES AND DISCIPLINE. church fellowship, all cases of exclusion or withdrawal shall be mentioned to the congregation in an appropriate way, at a suitable meeting. Whenever the interests of the Congregation, at any future time, shall render it expedient to alter or amend, or add to, any of these present rules and regulations, such alterations, amend- ments, or additions, if adopted by a majority of two-thirds of all the votes cast in the Congregation Council, shall be of equal weight and obligation as though they had been literal- ly embodied in these present rules and regulations ; provided the vote on such alterations or amendments is not taken in the same meeting in which they were introduced, but at some subsequent meeting of the Congregation Council expressly Convened for that purpose ; and, provided further, that all such proposed alterations and amendments have obtained the ^auction of the Provincial Elders' Conference. 18