THE CARE OF The Eyes and Ears. BY RICHARD H. LEWIS, M. D., Member of the State Board of Health, and Surgeon for Diseases of the Eye, Ear, and Throat to St. John’s Hospital, and to that of the Leonard Medical School, Raleigh, N. C. WILMINGTON, N. C.: PUBLISHED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF HEALTH. 1886 . DIAGRAM OF THE EYE IN HORIZONTAL SECTION. S, sclerotic coat; CH, choroid coat; R, retina, or nervous coat, continuous with ON, the optic nerve; ML, Macula lutea, or yellow spot, the centre of retina; VH, vitreous humor; L, lens; AH, aqueous humor; I, iris; CM, ciliary muscle; C, cornea; Ca, con¬ junctiva. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill \ PREFACE. The object of this article, prepared at the request of the State Board of Health, is to assist, as far as may be, in preserving in a condition of health and usefulness the most important of the senses. Eyesight stands easily first in the estimation of all, and Hearing is only second to it. Blindness being one of the most frequent causes of pauperism, it becomes still more the duty of the guardians of the public health to present to the people such information as may help to prevent its occurrence than a regard simply for the happiness and prosperity of the individual would require. But there are so many instances of damage to, and loss of, one or the other of these precious senses when they might have been saved by the knowledge of a few sim¬ ple facts, that there is no need to mention the relief of the community of a pecuniary burden to show the necessity for such a publication. This, then, being intended for those not at all versed in medicine, must be as free as possible from the technicalities in which the profes¬ sional man is accustomed to think, and at the same time as brief as possible in order to come, together with other necessary publications, within the resources of the Board for printing. The difficulties of the task are greatly increased by these conditions, but it shall be my en¬ deavor to be as plain and simple as possible, and at the same time as concise as a regard for clearness will permit. I trust the kind reader will bear these facts in mind. 217 N. Wilmington St., q Raleigh, N. C., May 12, 1886. J 5 >- E < E CQ M on W - H C/3 E W > Z D LT\ VO on t— oo h vo co < 1 (—j H C/3 U W > « J 53 O 0 ) <3 O W ID Q .£3 Ch QJ 0 ) O tn r—t 0 ) > 03 T 3 03 C/3 H 53 U U T 3