NEWS AND OBSERVER CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY C971.92, "RlfcSnl ®ij? library of tljP Hmttfrsiftj of Nortlj (Earolitta dalUrtum of Nnrily (Earoltmatta lEttooittpo bg of itjj?(£iaBa of 1BB3 ~R\G3al »339 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00031663389 This hoofy must not be taken from the Library building The News and Observer YOUR PICTURE OF RALEIGH INDUSTRIES, PROFESSIONS, AND BUSINESS INSTITUTIONS 1939 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Containing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of representative business and pro- fessional interests and institutions of Raleigh, North Carolina, and vicinity. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA "The Progressive Capital of a Progressive State" Altitude of City 363 Feet Areas (Square Miles) 6.5 Square Miles CLIMATE Average Annual Temperature 60.3 Degrees F. Average Annual Rainfall 46.88 Inches HIGHWAYS U. S. 1, 15A, 64 and 70. State 59. POPULATION Census (1930) 37,379 Present Estimate 53,000 Publication of this directory made possible by the business concerns, professional people, officials and institutions that are listed. It is not a complete Directory RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA (Courtesy of Chamber of Commerce) HISTORICAL Raleigh abounds in historic eminence and noteworthy traditions. The first English settlement in America was made at Roanoke Island on the coast of North Carolina by Sir Walter Raleigh. The Capital City of the State was named in his honor and in memory of this achievement. The land upon which Raleigh had its beginning was purchased in 1792 as a location for the establishment of the State Capital. The first capitol building was completed in 1794 and destroyed by fire in 1831. The present building, over 100 years old, is a recognized example of Doric architecture with few equals. It is noted for its beauty and design. The 17th President of the U. S., Andrew Johnson, was born here. This famous old home now stands as a shrine in Pullen Park. The State Hall of History here, with its collection of North Carolina his- torical records and important archives, attracts much interest. Wakefield, the home of Joel Lane, erected in 1760, is owned and preserved by the Colonial Dames. This colonial home was erected in the old town of Bloomsbury, which was the county seat of Wake County in 1771. The oldest bank building in North Carolina still stands on the profperty of Christ Church. It is the present rectory. It was built in 1795 as the State Bank. Many visitors in Raleigh are likewise interested in monuments and me- morials of famous North Carolinians on Capitol Square and in State det- pertment buildings. Three points of special beauty in Raleigh are Dix Hill, Country Club, and the Federal Cemetery. STATISTICAL REVIEW POPULATION A corporate population of 37,379— 15th Federal Census. A 53.1% increase, 10 years, 1920-30. Population now estimated at 53,000 (city and environs). Population within a radius of 50 miles, 650,000 (Federal Census). CLIMATE A mild, healthful climate, an average temperature of 60.3 degrees F. Alti- tude, 363 feet above sea level. A mean annual rainfall of 46.88 inches. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY EDUCATION A recognized center of education. A State College (branch of the University of North Carolina), including four schools — agriculture and forestry, engineering, textile, and the basic di- vision. Saint Mary's — Largest Episcopal girls' school of this denomination in the United States. Meredith — A Baptist A-grade college for women. Peace — A Presbyterian junior college for women. Shaw and St. Augustine — A university and college for Negro students. Sixteen public schools in Raleigh — 11 white and five Negro. One parochial school and three business colleges. A State library, 78,636 volumes; a municipal library, 30,319 volumes. 1 Parochial school and 3 business colleges. A State library, 78,636 volumes; a municipal library, 30,319 volumes. A State museum of natural history, the largest in the South. State Historical Museum located in Supreme Court Building. RECREATION 4 golf courses; 3 public, 1 private. 13 public park areas; playgrounds. A municipal auditorium seating 4,000. Two municipal swimming pools. A stadium for athletics. Six theatres, seating a total of 5,600. TRANSPORTATION A municipal airport — on North and South air mail and passenger routes between New York and Miami. 3 railroads — 2 main lines. 3 passenger motorbus lines; 12 motor-truck freight lines. 118 passenger busses arriving in city each day, and 118 departing. 22 passenger trains arriving in and departing from the city daily. GENERAL DATA 44 industries, employing 1,200 workers; annual value of products, $5,290,000 3 State banks, 1 national. 3 life and 2 fire insurance home offices. 578 retail stores, with net sales for 1935 of $18,313,000; employing 2,585 per- sons, earning $2,182,000 annually. 81 wholesale and jobbing firms, with an annual business of $20,409,000. State departments and institutions in Raleigh employ 3,328 persons, with pay roll of $4,815,000. Property valuation— $48,086,228. Bonded debt— $5,131,000. Postal receipts— $602,883.84. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 5 Total street mileage, 107.9, with 64.3 miles paved; number of gas meters, 4,000; light meters, 10,500. Daily pumping capacity of water works (municipal), 5,000,000 gallons from both the main and auxiliary sources of supply; average daily consumption, 3,919,526 gallons; miles of mains, 124.81; number of connec- tions, 9,381; value of plant, $1,875,000. Fire department has 56 men, with five stations, 573 hydrants, and full motorized equipment valued at $100,000. Wake County Statistics — Area, 824 square miles; population, 94,757 (1930 U. S. Census); number of farm families, 7,153; estimated value of crops iin 1938, $6,191,648; value of farms, $20,140,092. BUILDINGS— OFFICE AND PUBLIC Academy Building 304 S. Salisbury Allen Building 301 S. Blount Biblical Recorder Building 119-21 W. Hargett Capital Club Building 16-22 W. Martin, office R511 Commercial Building, The 14-20 E. Martin, office R408 County Court House 316 Fayetteville Elks Building 226 S. Salisbury Federal Building 300-14 Fayetteville Gregory Building 133y 2 S. Salisbury Hardbarger Building 428y 2 Fayetteville Haywood Building 203-05 Fayetteville Henry Building 307 Fayetteville Holleman Building 210y 2 Fayetteville Home Building II8V2 Fayetteville Lawyers Building 320 S. Salisbury Lightner Arcade Building (c) 120-122 E. Hargett Lightner Building (c) 125 E. Hargett Masonic Temple Building 135 Fayetteville, office R502 Masonic Temple Building (c) 427 S. Blount Mechanics & Farmers Bank Building (c) 13 E. Hargett Montague Building 126V 2 E. Hargett Municipal Building 335-37 Fayetteville North Carolina State Agricultural Building . . . W. Edenton, cor. Halifax North Carolina State Agricultural Building Annex ... 101 Halifax North Carolina State Departments Building W. Edenton, cor. Salisbury North Carolina State Health Building W. Jones, cor. Dawson North Carolina State Museum Building 101 Halifax Odd Fellows Building 15 W. Hargett, office R807 Odd Fellows Building (c) 115% E. Hargett Professional Building 123-27 W. Hargett Professional Building Annex 209-211 V2 S. McDowell Raleigh Building 5 W. Hargett, office R714 Raleigh Building & Loan Building 5 Exchange pi. Raleigh City Memorial Auditorium E. South, cor. Fayetteville Rogers Building 131V 2 E. Martin Rogers Building 10 W. Martin Security National Bank Building 239 Fayetteville, office R903 Security National Bank Building Annex 6-10 Market pi. Shepherd Building 120% Fayetteville Sir Walter Building 400-12 Fayetteville State Capitol on Square bounded by Wilmington, Morgan, Salisbury & Edenton State Highway Commission Building 109-15 E. Morgan State Revenue Building S. Salisbury nw cor. Morgan State Supreme Court Building W. Morgan cor. Fayetteville Wachovia Bank Building 234 Fayetteville Woodard Building 303 Fayetteville 6 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY STATISTICAL SUMMARY FOR WAKE COUNTY Courtesy of the Department of Conservation and Development and Department of Labor Population (1930)— Total, 94,757. Urban, 37,379; rural, 57,378. Physical Characteristics— 527,360 acres. Located in east central Piedmont. Rolling, fertile. River — Neuse. Towns and Cities— County seat, Raleigh; Cary, Fuquay Springs, Wendell, Wake Forest, Apex, Garner, Varina, Zebulon. Agriculture (1935)— Total farms, 5,975. Total acres in farms, 408,892. Acres crop land harvested, 114,704. Value of all farms (land and buildings), $13,- 188,294. (1936) The principal crops and their values are: Tobacco, $4,261,695; cotton, $725,254; corn, $625,195; sweet potatoes, $196,361; hame hay, $144,272. Total value of all crops, $6,210,324. Forests and Products — The forest area is approximately 330,000 acres, comprising 62 per cent of the total land area. More than 222,000 acres of tihe forest land are in farm woodlands. The principal merchantable species, by standing feet, are as follows: Pine, 119,000,000 and 21,000,000 mixed. Saw timber is fairly accessible by roads and rail. An average of twenty sawmills operating in the county produced some 30,000,000 board feet of lumber annually. Minerals — The following minerals are found in Wake County: Brick, claiy and shales, serpentine, granite. Assessment, tax Rate and Debt (1937)— County assessment, $85,029,353. County tax rate, $.75. Bonded debt, $3,017,000. Electric Power — Wake County is served by extensive lines of the Carolina Power and Light Company, extending from the principal substation at Method. 110 KV lines run from the Cape Fear Steam Station near Moncure, throu#i Raleigh north to Henderson and east to Smithfield. 66 KV lines run to Wake Forest, Wendell and Zebulon, and Holly Springs, with minor lines serving every section of the county. An 88 KV interconnection is made with lines of Duke Power Company at Nelson. Transportation — Railroads: Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard, Southern, Nor- folk Southern, Durham & Southern. Bus lines: Carolina Coach Co., Atlantic Greyhound, Sutherland Bros. N. C. highways: 55, 59, 91, 95. U. S. highways: 1, 15A, 64, 70, 70A. Wholesale Trade— Number establishments, 101; net sales, $24,256,000. Retail Trade— Number Stores, 1,058; net sales, $22,887,000. Service Establishments — Number establishments, 265; total receipts, $1,109,000. Motor Vehicles (1937) — Passenger cars, 17,400; trucks and trailers, 5,435. Radios — Number radio sets, 13,650. Public Schools (1937)— Total number schools, 82; graded, 65; high, 17. En- rollment: Total, 24,618; graded, 18,649; high, 5,969. Total number principals and teachers, 657. Average daily attendance, 21,808. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 7 SUMMARY OF MANUFACTURERS No. Estab- Total No. Employees Type of Industry: lishments Employees Male Female Apparel and Other Finished Products of Fabrics, Materials 1* Chemicals and Allied Products 5 150 145 5 Food and Kindred Products 33 543 513 30 Furniture and Finished Lumber Products 2 37 36 1 Lumber and Timber Basic Products .... 12 220 219 1 Metals, Metal Products, Metal Working .10 68 66 2 Printing, Publishing and Allied Industries 19 408 331 77 Stone, Clay and Glass Products 8 315 315 Textile Mill Products (Total ( 3 681 418 263 Cotton Yarns 1* Cotton Fabrics 1* Knit Goods — Hosiery 1 Miscellaneous Industries 10 205 92 113 Totals 103 2,661 2,137 524 *To avoid revealing individual reports, employees in these groups have been added in the totals but omitted from the above columns. RURAL FREE DELIVERY SERVICE RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA ROUTE NO. 1 CARRIER: LINWOOD LOWERY NO. BOXES—301 Starts atP. O., north on Salisbury St. to Peace, thence east to N. Person St., north on Wake Forest Rd. Returns by way of Lassiter's Mill Rd. ROUTE NO. 2 CARRIER: A. B. HARRISON NO. BOXES— 396 Starts at P. O., east over Poole Rd., returns by Rock Quarry Rd., goes south on East St. to Garner Hwy. Back by old Fayetteville Rd. ROUTE NO. 3 CARRIER: R. H. STEPHENS NO. BOXES— 421 Starts at P. O., south over Hwy. 15A to Williams Cross Road, by way of McCullers. Returns over Atkins Rd. ROUTE NO. 4 CARRIER: M. A. BRANCH NO. BOXES— 316 Starts at P. O., southwest over Rhamkatte Rd., thence Avent's Ferry Rd., to Western Blvd. Returns by way of Hillsboro Rd. ROUTE NO. 5 CARREER: D. I. BLEDSOE NO. BOXES— 203 Starts at P. O., northeast over Tarboro Rd. Returns by way of old Louis- burg Rd. ROUTE NO. 6 CARRIER: V. C. RAY NO. BOXES— 261 Starts at P. O., west on Hillsboro St. to Oberlin Rd., by Leesville. Returns by way of Ridge Rd., Clark Ave., Bedford Ave., Daughtridge St. 8 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY NATIONAL President Franklin D. Roosevelt Vice President John N. Garner Secretary of State Cordell Hull Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Secretary of War Harry H. Woodring Secretary of Navy Claude A. Swanson Attorney General Frank Murphy Postmaster-General James A. Farley Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace Secretary of Commerce Harry L. Hopkins Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Chief Justice Charles E. Hughes Associate Justices — Hugo L. Black, James C. McReynolds, Stanley J. Reed* Pierce Butler, Owen J. Roberts, Harlan F. Stone and Felix Frankfurter. NORTH CAROLINA DELEGATION IN CONGRESS UNITED STATES SENATORS Josiah William Bailey Term expires 1943 Robert R. Reynolds Term expires 1945 MEMBERS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES First District — Lindsay Carter Warren — (D). Second District — John Hosea Kerr — (D). Third District — Graham Arthur Bardin — (D). Fourth District — Harold Dunbar Coaley — (D). Fifth District— A. D. Floger— (D). Sixth District— Carl T. Durham— (D). Seventh District— J. Bayard Clark— (D). Eighth District— W. O. Burgin— (D). Ninth District— Robert L. Doughton— (D). Tenth District— A. L. Bulwinkle— (D). Eleventh District — Zebulon Weaver — (D). THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY STATE GOVERNMENT Governor— Clyde R. Hoey, of Cleveland. Lieutenant-Governor — W. P. Horton, of Chatham. Secretary of State— Thad Eure, of Hertford. State Auditor — George Ross Pou, of Johnston. Treasurer — Charles M. Johnson, of Pender. Superintendent of Public Instruction — Clyde A. Erwin. Attorney General — Harry McMullan, of Beaufort. Utilities Commissioner — Stanley Winborne, of Hertford. Director of Railroad Transportation — Clarence H. Noah, of Guilford. Commissioner of Banks — Gurney P. Hood, of Wayne. Commissioner of Labor — Forrest H. Shuford, of Cleveland. Commissioner of Agriculture — W. Kerr Scott, of Alamance. Commissioner of Revenue — A. J. Maxwell, of Wayne. Commissioner of Insurance — Dan C. Boney, of Lenoir. President Board of Health— S. D. Craig, M. D., Winston-Salem. Adjutant General — Gen. John Van B. Metts, Raleigh. Chairman Historical Commission — M. C. S. Noble, Chapel Hill. Director of Conservation andDevelopment — R. Bruce Etheridge, of Dare. Chairman Highway and Public Works — Frank L. Dunlap, Raleigh. Chm. Board of Charities & Public Welfare — W. A. Blair, Winston-Salem. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT THE SUPREME COURT W. P. Stacy, of New Hanover, Chief Justice. Heriot Clarkson, of Mecklenburg, Associate Justice. Michael Schenck, of Henderson, Associate Justice. W. A. Devin, of Granville, Associate Justice. M. V. Barnhill, of Edgecombe-Nash, Associate Justice. J. Wallace Winborne, of McDowell, Associate Justice. A. A. F. Seawell, of Lee, Associate Justice. Edward Murray, Clerk, Raleigh. Dillard S. Gardner, Marshall-Librarian, Chapel Hill and Raleigh. Robert C. Strong, Reporter, Raleigh. The Supreme Court meets on the first Monday in February and the last Monday in August of each year. The call of appeals from appeals from the judicial districts begins on Tuesday of each week during the term. JUDGES OF SUPERIOR COURTS First District — C. E. Thompson Elizabeth City Second District — Walter J. Bone . . . Nashville Third District — R. Hunt Parker Roanoke Rapids Fourth District — Clawson L. Williams Sanford Fifth District— J. Paul Frizzelle Snow Hill Sixth District — Henry L. Stevens, Jr Warsaw Seventh District — W. C. Harris Raleigh Eighth District — J. J. Burney Wilmington Ninth District — Q. K. Nimocks, Jr Fayettevilla Tenth District — Leo Carr Burlington 10 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY Eleventh District — J. H. Clement Walkertown Twelfth District — H. Hoyle Sink Greensboro Thirteenth District — F. Donald Phillips Rockingham Fourteenth District— W. H. Bobbitt Charlotte Fifteenth District — Frank M. Armstrong Troy Sixteenth District — Wilson Warlick Newton Seventeenth District — Julius A. Rousseau North Wilkesboro Eighteenth District — J. W. Pless, Jr. Marion Nineteenth District — Zeb V. Nettles Asheville Twentieth District — Felix E. Alley Waynesville Twenty-First District — Allen H. Gwyn Reidsville EMERGENCY JUDGES F. A. Daniels, Goldsboro. N. A. Sinclair, Fayetteville. T. B. Finley, Wilkesboro. H. A. Grady, New Bern. P. A. McElroy. Marshall. W. F. Harding, Charlotte. Walter H. Small, Elizabeth City. E. H. Cranmer, Southport. WAKE COUNTY OFFICIALS Clerk of Superior Court — W. H. Sawyer. Register of Deeds — Hunter Ellington. Sheriff — Numa F. Turner. Treasurer — J. Milton Mangum. Coroner — Roy M. Banks. Surveyor — Pittman Stell. Auditor— H. G. Holding. Superintendent of Health— Dr. A. C. Bulla. Tax Collector — J. Leonard James. Tax Supervisor — D. B. Harrison; Assistant, C. C. Rich. County Attorney — Leon S. Brassfield. Board of Elections— Dr. L. M. Massey, Chm., Lynn Wilder, W. J. Andrews. Superintendent of Schools — John C. Lockhart. Superintendent of Public Welfare — Mrs. T. W. Bickett. Demonstration Agent — John C. Anderson. Home Demonstration Agent — Mrs. Maude P. Mclnnis. County Physician — Dr. Frank Yarborough. County Commissioners— John P. Swain, Chm., W. W. Holding. George E. Up- church, M. Wallace Chamblee, T. Floyd Adams, Hunter Ellington, Clerk. Board of Education— N. Y. Gulley, Chm., M. B. Chamblee, Dr. W. C. Riddick, J. Milton Mangum, Treasurer. Superior Court, Seventh Judicial District— Judge Wm. C. Harris; Solicitor, Wm. Y. Bickett. Recorder's Court, (Apex District)— Judge, R. W. Johnson, Jr., Solicitor, Alfonso Lloyd. Recorder's Court, (Fuquay Springs District)— Judge, Robert A. Cotten; Solicitor, N. F. Ransdell. Recorder's Court, (Wake Forest District)— Judge, Donald Gullev; Solicitor, J. B. Saintsing, Jr,; Clerk, J. L. Gill. Recorder's Court, (Zebulon District)— Judge, W. H. Rhodes; Solicitor, F. D. Finch. Recorder's Court, (Wendell District)— Judge, W. A. Brame; Solicitor, E. D. Flowers. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 11 RALEIGH CITY OFFICIALS Attorney — Clem B. Holding. Auditor — Walter R. Price. Building and Electrical Inspector — Harry C. Davis. Building Superintendent — E. Carmi Banks. Cashier — Herbert W. Moore. Clerk — Joseph E. Sawyer. Commissioner of Public Safety and Sinking Fund— Theo K. Fountain. Commissioner of Public Works — Roy L. Williamson. Court — Hon. Wiley G. Barnes, Judge; Paul S. Dowell, Clerk. Farm — Claude O. Ray, Supervisor. Fire Department — W. Ernest Holland, Chief. Health Officer— Dr. Alex C. Bulla. Market — Warren D. Pattishall, Superintendent. Mayor — Hon. George A. Iseley. Memorial Auditorium — E. Carmi Banks, Superintendent. Physician — Dr. John S. McKee. Plumbing Inspector — John B. Thiem. Police Department — Howard L. Pierce, Chief. Public Schools — Claude F. Gaddy, Superintendent. Purchasing Agent and Director of Personnel — Clifton W. Beckwith. Sanitary Department — John F. Peatross, Superintendent. Solicitor — Samuel W. Ruark. Superintendent of Cemeteries — Arthur Goodwin. Superintendent of Parks — Richard H. Ferguson. Superintendent of Streets — John Knox. Tax Collector— Cecil G. Stone. Tax Lister — Samuel F. Taylor. Traffic Violation Bureau — Nathaniel Warren, Asst. Chief in Charge. Treasurer — Theo K. Fountain. Utilities — Craighead L. Barnhardt, City Engineer; Ernest B. Bain, Superinten- dent Water Department. Water Collector — Chas. S. Perry. Water Works — Jas. T. Horton, Chief Engineer. Boys' Probation Officer— Earl M. Smith. Juvenile Court — Hon. Wiley G. Barnes, Judge. STATE INSTITUTIONS The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: Frank P. Graham, President; R. B. House, Dean of Administration; Harl R. Douglas, Professor of Education. State College of Agriculture and Engineering of the University of North Carolina, Raleigh: J. W. Harrelson, Dean of Administration; T. E. Browne, Professor of Education. Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro: W. C. Jackson, Dean of Administration; John H. Cook, Professor of Education. Biltmore College: C. A. Lloyde, Dean, Asheville. Appalachian State Teachers College, Boone: B. B. Dougherty, President. East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville: Leon R. Meadows, President. Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee: H. T. Hunter, President. North Carolina School for the White Blind and for the Negro Blind and Deaf, Raleigh: G. E. Lineberry, Principal. North Carolina School for the Deaf, Morganton: Dr. C. E. Rankin, Supt. 12 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY Agricultural and Technical College, Greensboro: F. D. Bluford, President; W. T. Gibbs, Professor of Education. North Carolina College for Negroes, Durham: J. E. Shepherd. President; Alphonso Elder, Dean. Winston-Salem Teachers College, Winston-Salem; F. L. Adkins, President. Elizabeth City State Normal School, Elizabeth City: J. H. Bias, President. State Negro Normal School, Fayetteville: J. W. Seabrook, President. Cherokee Indian Normal School, Pembroke: G. G. Maughon, Superintendent. ELEEMOSYNARY INSTITUTIONS Central Hospital, Raleigh: Dr. Julian W. Ashby, Superintendent. The State Hospital, Morganton: Dr. F. B. Watkins, Superintendent. The State Hospital (Negro), Goldsboro: Dr. F. L. Whelpley, Superintendent. Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School, Concord: Charles E. Boger, Superintendent. State Industrial Farm Colony for Women, Kinston: Miss Elsa Ernst. Supt. Eastern Carolina Training and Industrial School for Boys, Rocky Mount: S. E. Leonard, Superintendent. Caswell Training School, Kinston: Dr. F. M. Register, Superintendent. State Home and Industrial School for Girls, Eagle Springs: Grace M. Robson, Superintendent. Soldiers Home, Raleigh: W. T. Mangum, Superintendent. North Carolina Orthopaedic Hospital, Gastonia: Dr. W. M. Roberts, Chief Surgeon. State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, Sanatorium: Dr. P. P. McCain, Superintendent. Western Sanatorium, Black Mountain: Dr. S. M. Bittinger, Superintendent. Morrison Industrial School for Negro Boys, Hoffman: Rev. L. L. Boyd, Supt. Confederate Women's Home, Fayetteville: Mrs. Ina Foust Smith, Supt. LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN NORTH CAROLINA January 1 — New Year's Day. January 19 — Lee's Birthday. February 22 — Washington's Birthday. April 12 — Anniversary of the resolutions adopted by the Provincial Con- gress of North Carolina at Halifax in 1776, instructing the North Carolina dele- gates to the Continental Congress to vote for a declaration of independence. May 10 — Confederate Memorial Day. May 20 — Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. July 4 — Independence Day. September — (First Monday) — Labor Day. November— Tuesday after First Monday)— General Election Day. November — (Last Thursday) — Thanksgiving Day. November 11 — Armistice Day. December 25 — Christmas. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 13 FOOTBALL STATISTICS NORTH CAROLINA'S BIG FIVE N. C. STATE 19 Davidson 7 Carolina 21 Alabama 14 19 Wake Forest 7 7 Furman 7 Va. Tech 7 Manhattan 3 Detroit 7 Duke 7 Carnegie Tech 7 14 The Citadel 6 59 CAROLINA 14 Wake Forest 6 21 N. C. State 14 Tulane 17 7 N. Y. U 34 Davidson Duke 14 7 Va. Tech Fordham 20 Virginia C 117 37 DUKE 18 Va. Tech 27 Davidson 7 Colgate 6 Ga. Tech 7 Wake Forest 14 Carolina 21 Syracuse 7 N. C. State 7 Pittsburgh 3 So. California 7 114 7 100 WAKE FOREST 57 Randolph-Macon 6 6 Carolina 14 31 The Citadel 20 South Carolina 19 7 N. C. State 19 Duke 7 Clemson 7 6 V M. 1 6 13 W. Maryland 20 21 Davidson 161 98 DAVIDSON 12 The Citadel 6 7 N. C. State 19 Duke 27 33 Erskine South Carolina 25 Carolina 34 13 Furman 12 29 Wofford 12 6 V. M. 1 19 Wake Forest 21 100 163 ALL-TIME ALL-AMERICA ELEVEN Position Player College Year Center Bob Peck Pittsburgh '16 Guard ! . . . W. W. Heffelfinger Yale '91 Guard Truxton Hare Pennsylvania '00 Tackle Wilbur Henry Wash. & Jeff *19 Tackle Bronko Nagurski Minnesota '29 End Harold Muller California '22 End Huntington Hardwick .... Harvard '14 Quarter Harold Grange Illinois '25 Back George Gipp Notre Dame '20 Back Willie Heston Michigan '04 Back Jim Thorpe Carlisle '12 14 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY UNDEFEATED CYCLES Team Years Won Tied Team 1— Washington . . . '07-17 63 4 14— Tennessee . . . 2— Michigan '01-05 56 1 15— Harvard 3— California '20-25 50 4 16— Georgia Tech 4— Yale '86-89 47 17— Penn State . 5— Yale '04-08 42 3 18— Pennsylvania 6— Yale '94-96 39 2 19— Tennessee 7— Pennsylvania . '96-98 38 20— Pennsylvania 8— Yale '90-93 37 21— Minnesota 9— Nebraska '12-16 34 1 22— Southern Cal 10— Princeton '84-87 34 2 23— Cornell 11— Pittsburg .... '14-19 33 24— Notre Dame . 12— Minnesota .... '03-05 33 1 25— Notre Dame . 13— Harvard .... '11-15 33 3 Years Won Tied '26-30 33 3 '98-00 32 1 '14-18 32 2 '19-22 29 5 '94-96 28 '30-33 28 2 '03-06 28 2 '33-36 28 4 '31-33 27 1 '21-24 26 '29-31 26 1 '10-14 26 3 "BOWL" GAME RECORDS 1916-39 Rose Bowl Games at Pasadena '16 — Washington State 14, Brown 0. '17 — Oregon 14, Pennsylvania 0. '18— U. S. Marine Corps 19, Camp Lewis *7. 19— Naval Train. Sta. 17, Mar. Barr. *0. '20— Harvard 7, Oregon 6. '21— California 28, Ohio State 0. "22— Wash. & Jeff. 0, California 0. '23— So. California 14, Penn State 3. "24— U. S. Naval Acad. 14, U. of Wash. 14. '25— Notre Dame 27, Stanford 10. '26— Alabama 20, Univ. of Wash. 19. '27— Alabama 7, Stanford 7. '28— Stanford '29— Georgia Tech 8, California 7. '30— So. California 47, Pittsburgh 14. '31— Alabama 24, Washington St. 0. '32— So. California 21, Tulane 12. '33— So. California 35, Pittsburgh 0. '34— Columbia 7, Stanford 0. '35— Alabama 29, Stanford 13. '36— Stanford 7, So. Methodist 0. '37— Pittsburgh 21, Univ. of Wash. 0. '38— California 13, Alabama 0. '39— So. California 7, Duke 3. ♦Service teams played during war periods. In 1902. Michigan defeated Stan- ford, 49-0, under auspices of the Tournament of Roses Committee. 7, Pittsburgh 6. EAST-WEST SHRINE GAMES '25— West 7, East 0. '27— West 7, East 3, (Jan.). '27— West 16, East 6, (Dec). '28— East 20, West 0. '30— East 19, West 7, (Jan.). '30— West 3, East 0, (Dec). 32— East 6, West 0. '33— West 21, East 13. '34— West 12, East 0. "35— West 19, East 13. '36— East 19, West 0. '37— East 3, West 0. '38— East 0, West 0. '39— West 14, East 0. SUGAR BOWL GAMES AT NEW ORLEANS '35— Tulane 20, Temple 14. '37— Santa Clara 21, La. State 14. '36— Texas Christian 3, La. State 2. '38— Santa Clara 6, La. State 0. '39— T. C. U. 15, Carnegie Tech 7. ORANGE BOWL GAMES AT MIAMI '35— Bucknell 26, Miami 0. '37— Duquesne 13, Miss. State 12. '36— Catholic U. 20, Mississippi 19. '38— Alabama Poly 6, Mich. St. 0. '39— Tennessee 17, Oklahoma 0. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 15 SUN BOWL GAMES AT EL PASO '36 — Hardin-Simmons 14, New Mex- ico State 14. '39— Utah 26, N. Mexico 0. '37— Hardin-Simmons 34, Texas Col- lege of Mines 6. '38— W. Virginia 7, Texas Tech. 6. COTTON BOWL GAMES AT DALLAS '37— Tex. Christian 16, Marquette 6. '38— Rice 28, Colorado 14. '39— St. Mary's 20, Texas Tech 13. WORLD'S SERIES RESULTS WINNERS 1 LOSERS | g'mes WL | WINNING PITCHERS 1903 Boston A. Pittsb'gh N. 5 3 Dinneen 3, Young 2; Phillippe 3 1905 N. Y. N. Phil'phia A. 4 1 Mathewson 3, McGinity; Bender 1906 Chicago A. Chicago N. 4 2 Walsh 2, White, Altrock; Reulbach, Brown 1907 Chicago N. Detroit A. •4 Brown, Reulbach, Overall, Pfeister 1908 Chicago N. Detroit A. 4 1 Brown 2, Overall 2; Mullin 1909 Pittsb'gh N. Detroit A. 4 3 Adams 3, Maddox; Mullin 2, Donovan 1910 Phil'phia A. Chicago N. 4 1 Coombs 3, Bender;- Brown 1911 Phil'phia A. N. Y. N. 4 2 Bender 2, Plank, Coombs, Mathewson, Crandall 1912 Boston A. | N. Y. N. '4 1 3 Wood 3. Bedient; Marquard 2, Tesreau 1913 Phil'phia A. N. Y. N. 4 1 Bender 2, Plank, Bush; Mathewson 1914 Boston N Phil'phia A. 4 Rudolph 2, James 2 1915 Boston A. Phil'phia N. 4 1 Foster 2, Leonard, Shore, Alexander 1916 Boston A. Brooklyn N. 4 1 Shore 2, Leonard, Ruth; Coombs 1917 Chicago A. N. Y. N. 4 2 Faber 3, Cicotte; Benton, Schupp 1918 Boston A. Chicago N. 4 2 Ruth 2, Mays 2; Vaughn, Tyler 1919 Cincy N. Chicago A. 1 5 3 Eller 2, Reuther, Sallee, Ring; Kerr 2, Cicotte 3920 Clevel'd A. Brooklvn N. 5 2 Coveleskie 3, Mails, Bagby; Grimes, Smith 1921 N. Y. N. N. Y. A. 5 3 Douglas 2, Nehf, Barnes 2, Hoyt 2, Mays 1922 N. Y. N. N. Y A. '4 Ryan, Scott, McQuillan, Nehf 1923 N. Y. A. N. Y. N. 4 2 Pennock 2, Bush, Shawkey; Ryan, Nehf 3924 Wash. A. N.„Y. N. 4 3 Zachary 2, Johnson, Mog'dge; Nehf, McQuil'n, Bent'y 1925 Pitts'bgh N. Wash. A. 4 3 Aldridge 2, Kremer 2; Johnson 2, Ferguson 1925 St. Louis N. N. Y. A. 4 3 Alexander 2, Haines 2, Pennock 2, Hoyt 1927 N. Y. A. Pittsb'gh N. 4 Pipgras, Hoyt, Moore, Pennock 1928 N. Y. A. St. Louis N. 4 Hoyt 2, Pipgras, Zachary 1929 Phil'phia A. Chicago N 4 1 Fhmke, Walberg, Earnshaw, Rommel; Bush 1930 Phil'phia A. St. Louis N. 4 2 Farnshaw 2, Grove 2; Haines, Hallahan 1931 St. Louis N. Phil'phia A. 4 3 Hallahan 2, Grimes 2; Grove 2, Earnshaw 1932 N. Y. A. Chicago N. 4 Gomez, Ruffing, Pipgras, Moore 1933 N. Y. N. Wash. A. 4 1 Hubbell 2, Schumacher, Luque; Whitehill 1934 St. Louis N. Detroit A. 4 3 P. Dean 2, J. Dean 2; Auker, Rowe, Bridges 1935 Detroit A. Chicago N. 4 2 Bridges 2, Rowe, Crowder; Warneke 2 1936 N. Y. A. N. Y. N. 4 2 Gomez 2, Hadley, Pearson; Hubbell; Schumacher 3937 N. Y. A. N. Y. N. 4 1 Gomez 2, Ruffing, Pearson; Hubbell 1938 New York A. Chicago N. 4 Ruffing 2, Gomez, Pearson NONE PLAYED IN 1904 'TIED 1 GAME 16 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY A ACCOUNTANTS— CERTIFIED PUBLIC CARTER, R. C. & CO.— Robert C. Car- ter, CPA. 706 Commercial Bldg. PH. 4877. POOLE, GEO. R„ C. P. A.— 406-08 Capi- tal Club Bldg. PH. 2293. PULLEN A. M. & Co.— Carl K. Mahler, res. mgr. 1003-04 Raleigh Bldg. PH. 1341. Certified Public Accountants. ADVERTISING— OUTDOOR GENERAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING CO.. INC.— Fred H. Workman, dist. supvr.; R. F. Porter, dist. slsmn. 201- 202 Lawyers Bldg. PH. 3244. Shop & Storage 525 E. Lenoir. PH. 5055. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS (See Farm Implements) ADIPORTS RALEIGH MUNICIPAL AIRPORT— Serv-Air, Inc. Mrs. E. G. Meyers, mgr. Fayetteville rd. beyond City Limits. PH. 3733. Sales & Service, Flight Instructions. AMBULANCE SERVICE (See Funeral Directors) APARTMENTS BAILEY, THE— 200 E. Edenton. PH. 2722. 3 & 5 Rooms. Vapor Heat, Hot Water At All Times. Has Dining Room. McNEILL APARTMENTS— 127 Halifax. PH. 12. Desirably Located, Comfort- able 4-Room Apartments, Unfurnish- ed, Reasonable Rates ARCHITECTS COOPER, THOMAS W— 17 Professional Bldg. Annex. 209 S. McDowell. PH. 3928. DEITRICK, WM. HENLEY, AIA— 115 W. Morgan. PH. 3239. SCHWARTZ, PHILIP— 2222 Creston Rd. P. O. Box 1205. PH. 2487. ARTISTS— COMMERCIAL FERREE. T. S„ JR.— 9C5 Odd Fellows Bldg. PH. 886. Res. PH. 1047-W. Ad- vertising Layouts, Art & Copy. ASSOCIATIONS— CLUBS— LODGES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE— 17 W. Da- vie. PH. 2784. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSN.— Zach H. Bacon, pres.; C. A. Dillon, 1st v-pres.; W. H. Weatherspoon, 2d v.- pres.; J. B. Wright, treas.; H. R. Randall, rec. sec; Wyatt Taylor, exec, sec. 7 E. Edenton. PH. 377. AUTOMOBDLE DEALERS GOWER PONTIAC CO.— P. W. Gower, owner. 308-310 S. Salisbury. PH. 1620. Pontiac — America's Finest Low- Priced Car, Sales, Service, Storage. RALEIGH NASH CO.— 324 S. Salisbury. PH. 2850. Nash & Lafayette Motor Cars, Sales & Service. 24-Hour Wrecking Service. General Repairs. SANDERS MOTOR CO., INC.— Wm. M. Sanders, pres. 325-329 S. Blount. PHS. 4C5 & 406. Ford V8, Mercury & Lincoln Zephyr V12, Sales & Service. SWAIN MOTORS— D. S. Swain, owner. 415-417 S. Blount. PH. 1680. Hudson Motor Cars, Sales & Service. WILSON UZZLE, INC.— Wilson Uzzle, pres.; A. B. Chandler, mgr. -treas. 421 Fayetteville. PH. 4275. Oldsmobile Dealer. Cadillac & LaSalle Automo- biles Distbr. A complete service & Paint Department. AUTOMOBDLE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES CAROLINA RIM & WHEEL CO.— Jas. P. Furpless, mgr. 325 S. Blount. PH. 731. RALEIGH AUTO SUPPLY CO.— Louis T. Zucker. 11 E. Martin. PHS. 786 & 787. Auto Supplies, Radio Parts & Sup- plies, Philco Home & Auto Radios. All Makes Radios Repaired. AUTOMOBILE EQUD?MENT— WHOLESALE MOTOR BEARINGS & PARTS CO.— L. T. White, mgr. 415 S. Salisbury. PH. 4820. Wholesale Automobile Equipment & Accessories. AUTOMOBDLE PARTS— USED ELMORE'S AUTO PARTS— Jerry P. Elmore, prop. 527 S. Blount. PH. 1429. We Buy Used Cars For Parts. We Sell New and Used Parts. AUTOMOBDLE SERVICE CARL'S MOTOR CO.— Carl Johnson, prop. Open for business After May 1st in New Location at 415 Gale. PH. 4431. General Auto Repair, Washing, Greasing, Storage. EVANS', JOHN W. SON— E. Morgan cor. Blount. PH. 1350. Complete Auto Service 24-Hour Wrecker Service. "Raleigh's Oldest." MUTUAL AUTO SERVICE— Joe M. White. 521 S. Wilmington. PH. 2766. Night PH. 4316. General Auto Repair- ing on All Makes of Cars. "Satisfied Customers Is Our Motto." AVIATION INSTRUCTION (See Airports) AWNING MANUFACTURERS LESTER, G. R. AWNING SHOP— G R. Lester, owner. 15 S. Wilmington. PH. 3246. Mfrs. Awnings, Truck Covers & Window Shades. WILLIAMS, THOS. R. & SON— (Col.) Thos. R. Williams. 816 S. Blount. PH. 1550. The Oldest Awning Firm in Raleigh. All Kinds of Awnings. We Do Any Kind of Carpet Work. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 17 BAKERS BAKE-RITE BAKERY— W. A. Solomon, owner. 1918 Fairview rd. PH. 3153. "Bread and Pies Like Mother Makes." POOLE, J. M.— 1010 Boylan dr. PH. 5350. Home-Made Pies of All Kinds. Spec, in Lemon Chiffon Pies. Give Us A Ring. BANKS MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK— James E. Strickland asst. cashier. 13 E. Hargett. PH 2643. Commercial, Savings & Trusts. Mem- ber F. D. I. C. RALEIGH INDUSTRIAL BANK— 200 S. Salisbury cor. W. Hargett. PH. 2409. The Complete Loan Service for You to Borrow the Cash You Need. Mem- ber F. D. I. C. BARBER SHOPS SIR WALTER BARBER SHOP— M. B. McCurdy. Sir Walter Hotel Bldg. PH. 2687. An Up-to-the-minute Shop Where All Work is Done by Regis- tered Barbers. UNION BARBER SHOP— David B. Al- derman. 311 »/ 2 Fayetteville. PH. 295. A First-Class Barber Shop With Regis- tered Barbers. BARBECUE (See Restaurants) BEAUTY SHOPS CHIC BEAUTY SALON— Mrs. Frances Alford Thompson. 129V2 Fayetteville. PH. 4941. A Most Modern Beauty Salon with Expert Operators. CRANFORD'S BEAUTY SALON— Mrs. Ellis C. Dowdy. 301 Odd Fellows Bldg. PH. 4793. Permanents, Finger Waving, Tinting, Hair Styling. Work Guaranteed. MAC'S BEAUTY SHOP— Mrs. R. C. Mc- Clary, owner. 514-515 Odd Fellows Bldg. PH. 1280. Your Individual Beauty Needs are Catered to by Up-to-date, Expertly Trained Operators. PAB'S BEAUTY SALON— Gladys Bat- son. 209 S. McDowell. PH. 576. All Forms of Beauty Culture. RALEIGH BEAUTY SHOP— Herbert E. Lipford. IO91/2 Fayetteville. PH. 2006. Beauty Culture in the Right Way. All Expert Operators. SIR WALTER BEAUTY SHOPPE— Mrs. Mary A Watkins.,412 Fayetteville. PH. 2332. "Raleigh's Leading Beauty Shoppe." VANITY BEAUTY SHOP— Mrs. Ruth H. Ferguson. 529 N. Person. PH. 2278. All Forms of Beauty Culture. Open Eve- nings. BEAUTY SUPPLIES BEAUTY SUPPLIES— J. LeRov Wheat- ley. 327 S. McDowell. PH. 3734. 'The House of Beauty Supplies." Call Us. BEER WOODY'S PLACE— A. E. Wood, prop. 128 W. Martin. PH. 9112. Woody's Place for the Best in Beer & Wine. BEER— WHOLESALE WEHBIE PRODUCE & BEER DISTRIB- UTING CO.— C. Michl. Wehbie. 125 E Cabarrus. PH. 4179. Distbrs. of Free State, Red Top & Barbarossa Beers. BDLLARDS. CAPITOL BILLIARD PARLOR— Chas. P. Roberts, mgr. 120 W. Martin. PH. 9325. "Raleigh's Newest and Most Modern Recreation Center." JONES & WYNNE— Fred C. Jones, Wm. H. Wynne, props. 213V 2 Fayetteville. Billiards, Soft Drinks & Tobaccos. "A Good Place To Meet Your Friends." BONDSMEN CRAWLEY, W. O., BONDSMAN— 323 S. Salisbury. PH. 2721. "Call Anv Old Time." BOTTLERS CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., THE — C. Lupton Thomson, mgr. 511- 515 W. Morgan. PH. 542. Coca-Cola- Delicious, Refreshing. RALEIGH NEHI BOTTLING COMPANY —Dale Starbuck, mgr. 3210 Hillsboro rd. PHS. 908 & 909. Exclusive Bottlers of Royal Crown Cola, Par-T-Pak and Nehi Beverages. RALEIGH ORANGE CRUSH BOTTLING CO.— Ottis S. Coates, mgr. 223 E. Da- vie. PH. 544. Bottlers of Orange Crush BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS RALEIGH BUILDING & LOAN ASSN., THE— 219 Fayetteville. PH. 1362. "Ra- leigh's Oldest Financial Institution." "33 Years Without the Loss of a Single Dollar." BUDLDING MATERIALS CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP.— 217-219 N. Dawson. PH. 2360. Lumber, Build- ing Material, Paint & Coal. OLDHAM & WORTH, INC.— Hal V. Worth, pres.; J. C. Byrd, v-pres S. West & Cabarrus. PH. 154. "The Lumber Number." Building Supplies and Lumber. BUDL.DING MATERIALS— FARM SUPPLIES MYATT, W. A., CO., INC.— 132-134 E. Martin. PHS. 83 & 84. Building Ma- terials, Heavy Grocers, Grass Seed, Fertilizers, Agricultural Implements and Farm Supplies. BUSINESS MACHINES UNDERWOOD ELLIOTT-FISHER CO.— L. H. DeVogt, mgr. 329 Fayetteville. PH. 380. Underwood Typewriters, Sundstrand Adding Machines, Under- wood, Sundstrand & Elliott-Fisher Bookkeeping Machines. Sales, Service and Supplies. 18 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS MACHINES— OFFICE SUPPLIES ADDING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE CO.— J. A. Caviness, C. F. Workman. 134 E. Morgan. PHS. 2059 & 1780. Vic- tor Adding Machines, Rebuilt Book- keeping Machines, Used Adding Ma- chines & Typew riters, Office Supplies. BUSINESS SCHOOLS (See Schools) BUS LINES ATLANTIC GREYHOUND CORP.— Douglas D. McAfee, div. mgr. Div. Office 300 W. Lenoir. PH. 4444. Bus Station, 131 W. Martin. PH. 447. c CAFE (See Restaurants) CARPENTERS CLODFELTER, J. H.— 1521 Sunrise Av. PH. 4293. Specializing in General Building Repairs, Remodeling & Al- terations. CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., THE — W. F. Butler, sales agt. 424 Fayette- ville. PH. 20. Cash Registers, Type- writing-Bookkeeping, Posting, Check- Writing & Signing Machines. CHIROPRACTORS HOFF, F. T., DR.— 214-215 Odd Fellows Bldg. PH. 330. Res. PH. 1948-J. Chiro- practor, X-Ray & Modern Scientific Treatments of Spinal, Nervous & Chronic Disea ses. CHURCHES (Catholic) CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF RALEIGH— Most Rev. E. J. McGuinness, bishop; Rev. Dennis A. Lynch, chancellor; Rev. J. Lennox Federal, pastor; Rev. John A. Brown, asst. pastor. 15 N. McDowell. PH. 2240. CIGARS COMMERCIAL CIGAR STAND— Hu- bert Crowder, prop. Lobby, Com- mercial Bldg. For Refreshments PH. 1200. Sodas, Smokes Sandviches, Sudden Delivery Service. SMOKE SHOP, THE— Carl Haynes. 130 Fayetteville. PH. 602. Luncheonette. Drinks, Tobaccos, Magazines & News- papers. WILSON'S CIGAR STORE— Robert Wil- son, prop. 131 S. Salisbury. PH. 5437. Lunches, Drinks, Tobaccos, Confec- tions & Magazines. CLEANERS-DYERS CAROLINA CLEANERS, INC.— K. W. Winston, mgr. 116 Harrison Av. PH. 4068. "Dependable Cleaners." GATES CLEANERS— O. M. Gates. 3015 Hillsboro. PH. 4652. "We Are Never Satisfied Until You Are." Prompt De- livery Service. HILKER BROS— Emil F. and Fred C. Hilker. 16 W. Hargett. PH. 4060. Plant 511 Hillsboro. PH. 2985. Tailors, Clean- ers, Dyers, Furriers & Fur Storage. HOOD-MODEL DRY CLEANING CO.— Ben T. Hood. Office 13 S. Wilmington. PH. 3778. Plant 606 N. Person. PH. 4220. "Ask the Folks We Serve." PEERLESS MASTER CLEANERS & DYERS, INC.— Robt. J. Ray, pres.; C. J. Barbee, sec.-treas. 518 Fayetteville. PH. 512. Br 203 W. Morgan. PH. 748. "We Do It Better." CLOTHING AMMONS, INC.— Oliver Horton, mgr. 235 Fayetteville. PH. 4193. Men's Fine Clothing & Furnishings. "Exclusive But Not Expensive." HUNEYCUTT, INC.— Wm. O. Huneycutt, pres. 1914 Hillsboro. PH. 2029. High- Grade Clothing for The Well Dressed Man. KLINE'S MEN'S WEAR SHOP— S. M. Snyderman. 16 E. Hargett. PH. 5307-W. We Specialize in Sport Coats & Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties & All Acces- sories. LISK CLOTHING STORE— H. P. Lisk. 131 S. Wilmington. PH. 4522. Men's & Women's Ready-to-Wear. "Why Pay Cash When Your Credit is Good?" NOWELL CLOTHING CO.— A. G. Now- ell, mgr. 311 Fayetteville. PH. 2749. Clothing & Men's Furnishings. O. K. CLOTHING CO.— Victor C. Mans- field. 113 E. Martin. PH. 1275-J. Ladies* & Men's Ready-to-Wear. COAL-COKE FERGUSON, S. J. COAL YARD— 620 N. Dawson. PHS. 3714 & 3715. Price's Coal Yard, 1115 W. Lenoir. PHS. 2285 & 2286. Mrs. S. J. Ferguson, admx. Both Yards. REYNOLDS COAL CO.— Hillsboro rd. PH. 1675-J. Coal, "Quality Plus Serv- ice." CONFECTIONERS ATKINS SODA SHOP— R. L. Atkins, prop. 324i/ 2 S. Salisbury. PH. 257. Com- plete Line of Tobaccos & Confections. CONTRACTORS— BRICK JOHNSTON, J. B.— 1806 Bickett Blvd. PH. 4139. General Brick Contracting. Anything in Brick Work I do. CONTRACTORS-CONCRETE STOKES, J . M., CONCRETE CON- TRACTOR— Specializing in All Kinds of Concrete Work. Also General Biulding Repairs, cor. Fuller St. & Rhamkatte rd. R. F. D. No. 4. PH. 4991. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT HUTCHINSON, GEO. W.— 418 Commer- cial Bldg. PH. 3453. Res. PH. 3418-W. Concrete Engineering & Concrete Equipment. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 19 CONTRACTORS— GENERAL CONNELL CONCTRUCTION CO., INC. — R. E. Connell, pres.-gen'l. mgr.; R. J. Bryan, sec.-treas. 315 Odd Fellows Bldg. PH. 4882. General Construction Contracting. Spec, in Residential Con- struction. CONTRACTORS— GENERAL AND BUILDING DANIELSON, JOHN F.— 812 Cowper dr. PH. 3347. General Contractor and Builder. KENNISON & SYKES, GENERAL CONTRACTORS— Engineering & Con- struction. 210 Pace St. PH. 627. SKIPPER, JOE P.— 509 Frank. PH. 2298-W. General Building Contrac- tor. Also Remodeling, Painting, Decorating & Paper hanging. SMITH, V. D. BUILDING CONTRAC- TOR— 504 Masonic Temple Bldg. PH. 5640. General Contractor & Builder. YORK, C. V. & SON— Chas. V. & James W. York. 301-302-303 Academy Bldg. PH. 3062. General Contractors. CONTRACTORS— PLASTERING JACKSON, O.— 216 Elm. PH. 2953-W. Stucco & Plastering Contracting. Free Estimates Cheerfully Given. PEDDY, D. M.— 1712 Center rd. P. O. Box 1171. PH. 5353. Plain & Orna- mental Plastering. Estimates Gladly Given. THURSTON & SIPLE— 2711-13 Lassiter Mill rd. PH. 701-J. Plain and Orna- mental Stucco Specialty. CONTRACTORS— ROAD CLINE, F. D— Fairview rd. PH. 4338. Leon Ellis, partner, operating in Greensboro. Road & Municipality Paving & General Contracting. CONTRACTORS— TDLE— MARBLE ALLEN, DAVID G., CONTRACTOR— Of- fice & Show Rm. 104 N. West. PH. 1819. Res. PH. 4245. Tile, Marble, Ter- razzo, etc. Contr. Resilient Floors a Specialty. CORSETIERES ENNIS, ELIZA B. CORSETRIE & LIN- GERIE SHOP— 205 Fayetteville. PH. 1800. Where Your Money Buys More. Where Quality Prevails. 20 Years in Business. COUNTY OFFICIALS BANKS, ROY M., CORONER— 226 S. Salisbury. PH. 304. BICKETT, WM. Y., ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, SOLICITOR, SUPERIOR COURT, SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIS- TRICT— 3d Fl. Court House. PH. 829. Court PH. 161. Res. 1821 Glenn Av. PH. 3869. BRASSFIELD, LEON S., COUNTY AT- TORNEY— Suite 401, Lawyers Bldg. PH. 430. Res. 1553 Carr. PH. 2396. ELLINGTON, HUNTER, REGISTER OF DEEDS— 1st Fl. Court House. PH. 173. Res. 110 Duncan St. PH. 2188-W. HARRIS, WM. C, HON., JUDGE, SUPERIOR COURT, SEVENTH JU- DICIAL DISTRICT— 2d Fl. Court House. PH. 829 Court PH. 161. HARRISON, D. B., TAX SUPERVISOR —3d Fl. Court House. PH. 4524. HOLDING, HENRY G., AUDITOR— 1st Fl. Court House. PH. 160. JAMES, J. LEONARD, TAX COLLEC- TOR— 1st Fl. Court House. PH. 1239. Res. 33 Bagwell Av. PH. 1740-R. LOCKHART, JOHN C, SUPERIN- TENDENT OF SCHOOLS— 1st Fl. Court House. PH. 491. Res. 2241 Cir- cle St. PH. 2880-R. MANGUM, J. MILTON, TREASURER— 1st Fl. Court House. PH. 2692. Res. 1633 Glenwood Av. PH. 2196-J. RICH, C. C, ASSISTANT TAX SUPER- VISOR— 3d Fl. Court House. PH. 4524. SAWYER, WM H , CLERK OF SUPE- RIOR COURT OF WAKE COUNTY— 1st Fl. Court House. PH. 664. Res. 12 E. Lenoir. PH. 1314. D DAIRY PRODUCTS ECHO DAIRY— Garner. PH. 65-F-20. A Sanitary Dairy Serving Grade "A" Raw Milk. MYATT'S DAIRY— K. R. Myatt, owner. R. F. D. 3, on U. S. Hwy. 15-A, Oppo- site Air Port. Jersey Raw Milk. Ac- credited Jersey Herd. PINE STATE CREAMERY CO.— Office & Plant, 426 Glenwood Av. PH. 3910. Pine State Milk, Ice Cream. "The Finest in Dairy Products." STROTHER'S DAIRY— Country PH. 71- F-03. We Sell Grade "A" Milk & Dairy Products. WRIGHT'S DAIRY— L. E. Spivey, mgr. Garner rd. PH. 5452-W. Grade "A" Raw Milk & Cream. Also Chocolate Milk. Accurate Service. DANCING INSTRUCTIONS MIGNON DANCE STUDIO— Mignon Sis- son. 1917 Fairview rd. PH. 3295. All Types of Dancing, Character Work & Stage Training. "Dance And Be Healthy." STUDIO OF DANCE— Louise Norman Williams. 415V 2 Hillsboro. PH. 4286. All Types of Dancing Taught, Classes in Ballroom Tuesdays & Fridays, Juniors' Saturday Evenings. Dance Engage- ments Solicited. DECORATORS FINCH, JACK DECORATING CO.— 206 S. Boylan av. PH. 3602-R. Flags, Floats, Booths & Window Decorating of All Kinds. DEPARTMENT STORES HUDSON-BELK CO.— Karl G. Hudson, mgr. 315-317 Fayetteville. 316 S. Wil- mington. 14 E. Martin. PHS. 1894, 1895 and 4356. MONTGOMERY WARD— J. O. Dice, mgr. 225 Fayetteville. PH. 2103. 20 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY DICTATING MACHINES EDIPHONE CO., THE— Roger E. Moore, mgr. Rll, 211 S. McDowell. PH. 2381. Dictating Machines. DRILLERS (See Well Drilling) DRINKING CUPS (See Paper Specialties) DRUGS BLAND HOTEL DRUG STORE— D. A. Laughlin. 106 W. Martin. PH. 1190. A Complete Drug Store. Phone Us, We Deliver. CITY DRUG STORE— Wm. L. Johnson, prop. 135 E. Martin. PH. 2236. Norris Candies, Waterman's Pens, Sodas, Sun- dries & Prescriptions. ECKERD'S OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, INC.— A. B. Kirkpatrick, mgr. 222 Fayetteville. PH. 1852. Drug- gists. "Creators of Reasonable Drug Store Prices." PINE DRUG CO.— M. E. Dizor. 600 W. South. PH. 675. Prescription Drug- gists. Drugs, Toiletries, Perfumes. DRY CLEANERS (See Cleaners) ELECTRIC APPLIANCES GOULD-MORRIS ELECTRIC CO.— A. A. Gould, pres. 105 W. Martin. PH. 705. Westinghouse Electric Refrigerators. Radios, Lighting Fixtures, Beverage Coolers & Appliances. ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS CARTER ELECTRIC CO.— Henry L. Car- ter. 424 S. Dawson. PH. 3075. Night PH. 1532-J. Electrical Contracting, Wiring, Fixtures. Repairs on All Elec- trical Appliances. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO.— W. Worth Summers, prop. 2003 McCarthy. PH. 118. Electric Contractors, Wiring, Fix- tures, Repairs. Oil Burners & Air Con- ditioning Furnaces. HART, MILES I. ELECTRICAL SERV- ICE— 325 S. McDowell. PH. 159. Res. Cary, PH. 2711. General Wiring and Repairing. Automatic Stokers & Oil Burners, Installation & Service. PAGE ELECTRIC SERVICE— We An- alyze Your Wiring Difficulties Without Guessing Through the Use of the "Adequate Wiring Meter." Call 1787. "Spec. In Commercial Lighting and Wiring." PHELPS, JOHN H— 516 S. Salisbury. PH. 30. Electric Contractor, Wiring, Fixtures & Repairs. ELECTRIC EQUDPMENT THOMPSON ELECTRICAL CO., INC.— D. J. Thompson, pres.; F. E. Thomp- son, v.-pres. 20 W. Hargett. PH. 370. Wiring, Fixtures, Appliances. ELECTRIC MOTORS— REPAmiNG ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO.— J. M. Cutliff, pres.-gen'l. mgr. 112-14 W. Da- vie. PHS. 21 & 22. Electric Motors & Generators Sold, Serviced, Rented, Exchanged. Industrial Power Equip- ment Rebuilt. ENGEtfEERS OLSEN. WM. C— 5 Exchange pi. PH. 2116. Consulting Engineer. ENGRAVERS STORR ENGRAVING CO. Harry S. Storr, pres. 206 S. Salisbury. PH. 2941. Office Supplies, Printers & Engravers. FARM IMPLEMENTS RALEIGH TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. — H. A. Mooneyham, sec.-treas.- mgr. 417-419 S. Wilmington. PHS. 1500 & 3680. McCormick-Deering Farm Implts. & International Motor Trucks, Sales and Service. FEED FARRIS, JOHN A. FEED & GROCER- IES— 341 S. Wilmington. PH. 2266. Hermitage Feeds of All Kinds. Also Complete Line of Quality Groceries. Delivery Service. FEED & FARM SUPPLD3S FARMERS COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE — W. W. Eagles, pres.; M. G. Mann, gen'l. mgr.; B. W. Haigh, sec.-treas. 121 E. Davie St. PH. 5030. "Open Formula Feed & Fertilizer & Seed of Known & Adapted Origin." FEED— WHOLESALE FERGUSON FEED CO.— Leon D. Fer- guson. 319 S. Wilmington. PH. 538. Wholesale Feeds. FOILING STATIONS (See Service Stations) FISH HUDSON FISH & OYSTER CO.— I Jas. Hudson 315-17 Blake. PH. 4840. "Fresh From the Coast Daily." Wholesale & Retail. FIVE & TEN STORES (See Variety) FLOOR SURFACING BROOKS. JOHN L.— 1301 Filmore. PH. 4694. Laying & Finishing New Floors & Refinishing Old Floors. Estimates Gladly Given. FLORISTS ART FLOWER SHOP. INC., THE— Mil- dred M. Woodall. 24 W. Hargett. PH. 207. Corsages, Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Floral Designs. CAROLINA FLORISTS. INC.— Mrs. Pa- tricia Maupin, sec.-treas. 2806 Hills- boro. PH. 3646 "Personality in Flow- ers," Corsages, Cut Flowers, Floral Designs. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 21 DIXIE FLORISTS— Gertrude McLean, Rubie Hamilton. Morgan at Wilming- ton. PHS. Day 5436, Night 5461. Flow- ers at Moderate Prices. MARTIN'S FLORIST-^Tas. H. Martin. 921 E. Lane. PH 570. "Say It With Flowers." Flowers for Every Occasion. RALEIGH FLORAL CO. — Ethel M. Haynes. 208 Seawell Av. PH. 399. Night & Sundays Call 855-R. Flowers Is Our Business. Cut Flowers, Cor- sages, Potted Plants, Bulbs. STEINMETZ— 805 Halifax. PH. 113. Flowers for All Occasions. FOOD PRODUCTS CAROLINA FOOD PRODUCTS CO.— 1922 Alexander rd. PH. 2340. Cheeses, Mayonnaise, Potato Chips, Cheese Cake & Other High-Grade Food Products. FOUNDRIES HINER SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING CO.— Chas. N. Hiner. 800 N. Salisbury. PH. 2578. General Foundry. Struc- tural & Agricultural Castings. FUNERAL DffiECTORS MARTIN- YELVERTON FUNERAL HOME— H. Paul Yelverton, mgr. 104 S. Dawson. PH. 68. Ambulance Service. "Raleigh's Newest Funeral Home." MITCHELL FUNERAL HOME, INC.— H. W. Mims, mgr.; A. H. Mooneyham, sec.-treas. 222 W. Hargett. PH. 4288. Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Am- bulance Service. RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME, IN.— (Col.) Chas. A. Haywood, treas.-mgr. 322 E. Cabarrus. PH. 5380. Funeral Directors & Embalmers. 24-Hour Ambulance Service. FURNACES HOLLAND FURNACE CO.— Carl E. Sonderman, mgr. 410 S. Salisbury. PH. 4600. Holland "Vaporaire" Heat- ing. All Makes Furnaces Cleaned & Repaired. FURNITURE GOODWIN-SMITH FURNITURE CO.— B. R. Crabtree, mgr. 124 E. Martin. PH. 2335. Furniture, Stoves, Ranges & Home Furnishings. FURNITURE REPAIRING HARRIS, G HARVEY REPAIR SHOP— (Col.). 2714 Leesville rd. PH. 1020-W. Porch & Lawn Chairs. All Kinds of Furniture Repairing, Automobile Body Work. GARAGES ADAMS SERVICE GARAGE— O. Allen Adams. 130 E. Morgan. PH. 1951. Gen- eral Repairing to Any Car, Washing, Greasing, Lubrication. NEWBERNE'S GARAGE, INC.— 113 W. Hargett. PH. 745. Tires, Shell Products, Repairing, Storage, Washing, Lubri- cating, Accessories. ROGERS BROS. GARAGE— R. G. Wil- liams, mgr. 336 S. Salisbury. PH. 4300. Any Service to Any Car. 24-Hour Wrecker Service. SIR WALTER HOTEL GARAGE— E. G. Hines, mgr. 418-22 Fayetteville. PHS. 716 & 717. General Repairing, Paint- ing, Storage. General Tires & Acces- sories. STATE TIRE GARAGE— J. C. Hanner. 414 S. Salisbury. PH. 226. Any Repair to Any Car, Body Work, Painting, Radio Repairing. WATKINS, W. R. GARAGE— W. R. Wat- kins. U S. Hwy. 15A at Caraleigh: PH. 262. Motor Rebuilding & General Auto Repairing. Pure Oil Products. GAS COMPANIES RALEIGH GAS CO., THE— L. E. Hurst, div. mgr. 414 Fayetteville. PH. 4400. Complete Residential, Commercial and Industrial Gas Service. "Gas is Twice As Fast at Half the Cost." GROCERS— RETADL ALLEN'S MARKET— J. LeRoy Allen. 15 S. Dawson. PH. 592. Complete Line Quality Groceries, Fresh Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy Products. Prompt Deliveries. AMERICAN GROCERY STORE— 340 W. South. PH. 3834. Staple & Fancy Gro- ceries, Fresh Meats, Fruits & Vege- tables. DICKSON, INC.— C. P. Dickson, pres.; J. W. Upchurch, mgr. 119 E. Martin. PH. 2231. Fresh Meats, Groceries, Pro- duce & Feeds. Prompt Delivery Service. EAST END MARKET & GROCERY— Geo. A. Mohas, G. Alexiou Spiros. 542 E. Davie. PH. 3564. A Complete Gro- cery Store. Meats, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. FETNER'S MARKET— W. A. Fetner, prop. 2515 Fairview rd. PH. 3205. Fancy Groceries, Quality Meats, Sea Foods. Delicatassen. Free Delivery. HALIFAX STREET GROCERY — C. Blanchard Jones, C. Sheldon Arnold. 445 Halifax. PH. 100 For Quality Gro- ceries, Meats, Fruit & Fresh Vege- tables. PILOT MERCANTILE CO.— Jas. J. Har- vey. 1100 Harp. PH. 3725. The Store Where You Get Quality Merchandise at the Right Price. WATKINS MARKET— Jas. I. Watkins. 415 N. Boundary. PH. 5205. A Grocery Store & Meat Market That Meets Your Demands. WHITE'S GROCERY STORE— Earl R. White. 703 W. Peace. PH. 596. Fresh Vegetables & Fruit. "A Complete Grocery & Meat Market." GROCERS— WHOLESALE LEWTER, J. H. CO.— J. H. Lewter, prop. 331 Blake. PH. 2378. Wholesale Grocers, Candy & Confections. 22 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY ICE CREAM (See Dairy Products) HARDWARE CAROLINA HARDWARE CO., INC.— W. C. Tucker, Jr., mgr. 233-235 S. Wil- mington. PHS. 233, 2505 & 2506. Job- bers, Retailers, General Hardware & Builders Supplies. HATCHERIES RALEIGH HATCHERY— Chas. G. Fox. 301 S. Wilmington. PH. 672. U. S. Ap- proved Baby Chicks. HIGHWAY MATERIALS HUNT, J. B. & SONS, INC.— 323 W. Martin PHS 2616 & 4183. Highway Supplies, Building Materials & Road Machinery HOMES METHODIST ORPHANAGE— Rev. Al- bert S. Barnes, supt.; A. Wade Prid- gen, bus. mgr. 1101 Glenwood Av. PH. 684. HOSPITALS McCAULEY PRIVATE HOSPITAL— (Col.) Dr. L. E. McCauley, Surgeon. 513 S. Wilmington. PH. 1270. ST. AGNES HOSPITAL— (Col.) Mrs. Frances A. Worrall, supt. Oakwood Av. nr N. Tarboro. PH. 514. HOTELS BLAND HOTEL— V. St. Cloud, mgr. 100 W. Martin cor Salisbury. PH. 1602. Fireproof, Modern, Most De- sirably Located Near Post Office, Shopping District & Union Stations. COLONIAL PINES HOTEL— Mrs. V. St. Cloud, mgr. Off Fayetteville rd. Near Air Port. PH. 4620. Two Golf Courses, Quiet, Beautifully Appointed, Most Excellent Food. RALEIGH HOTEL— S. J. Lawrence, mgr. 138 W. Martin cor. McDowell. PH. 2733. "We Cater to Your Comforts." SIR WALTER HOTEL — Roland A. Mumford. mgr. A Robert Meyer Hotel 400-412 Fayetteville. PH 2600. Radio, Circulating Ice Water, Private Bath Every Room. "North Carolina's Largest & Finest." TOUR INN— "A Place For Those Who Care." Private Baths — Enjoyable Atmosphere — Superb Food. 1101 Wake Forest rd. PH. 1111. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS PRICE, L. B. MERCANTILE CO., THE — I. Howard Stampley, mgr. 509 Hills- boro. PH. 4467. Household Specialties on Installment Plan. I ICE-COAL CITY ICE & FUEL CO.— L. T. Mincey, prop. 200 Harrison Av. PH. 300. Dealers for Anchor Kolstoker Automatic Coal Burner. Quality Coal. IMPLEMENTS— AGRICULTURAL (See Farm Implements) INSURANCE— FIRE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FIRE ASSN. — James M. Battle, resident v.- pres. 103 Security Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. PH. 2179. ' Mutual" Fire & Automobile Insurance. INSURANCE— GENERAL BALL & CO., INC.— Geo. F. Ball, mgr. Office 127 S. Salisbury. PH. 104. All Forms of Insurance, Also Bonds. Apartment Rentals. HARPER, FRANK M. & SON— Frank M. Harper, Sr.; Frank M. Harper, Jr. 508 Capital Club Bldg. PH. 2264. Gen- eral Insurance. WILIAMS, RICHD. S.— 614 Commer- cial Bldg. PH. 3547. Insurance of All Kinds, Life Accident & Health, Public Liability, Automobile & Fire. INSURANCE— GROUP CUMMINGS, JOHN, GEN'L AGT.— Group Dept. Provident Life & Acci- dent Insurance Co. of Chattanooga. Tenn. 2300 Byrd. PH. 4415. INSURANCE— LIFE ATLANTIC LIFE INSURANCE CO, I. Godwin, gen'l. agt. 602 Security Nat'l. Bank Bldg. PH. 384. Life & Retirement Income. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSUR- ANCE CO., THE— W. T. Beaty, gen'l. agt. 1109 Raleigh Bldg. PH. 265. Life Insurance, Annuities, Retirement & Family Income. Educational Funds. CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., INDUSTRIAL & ORDINARY— H W. Williamson, dist. mgr. 712-13 Odd Fel- lows Bldg. PH. 2811. DURHAM LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF RALEIGH, N. C— Home Office, 330 Fayetteville. PH. 5100. District Of- fice, 301-304 Commercial Bldg. PH. 2216. "We Protect The Family. ' EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SO- CIETY OF THE U. S., THE— John Pasco, C L U agency mgr. 601-612 The Commercial Bldg. PHS. 334 and 335. GATE CITY LIFE INSURANCE CO.— Frank N. Wilkerson, mgr. 204-05 Woodard Bldg. PH. 2939. "The Old Reliable " HODGES, DAN M., GENERAL AGENT — Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. of Ft. Wayne, Ind. 5-6 Security Nt'l. Bk. Bldg. Annex. PH. 1064. Res. PH. 1851. JENRETTE, J. M.— 512 Capital Club Bldg PH. 277. Life, Accident & Health Insurance. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.— Gayle J. Cox, mgr. 906 Raleigh Bldg. PH. 234. Life, Accident, Health & Group Insurance. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 23 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, THE— Robert L. Isaacs, dist. mgr.; R. P. Snell, agent; R. W. Holleman agent. 410-411 Commercial Bldg. PH. 2454. PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO. OF AMERICA— Mrs. Gladys Wheeler, special agent. 116 St. Marys St. PH. 3136. P O. Box 254. Life, Group & Annuities. STATE CAPITAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.— Irving F. Hall, pres.; R. L. Ed- wards, v.-pres.; H. F. Ledford, sec; Rogers C. Wade, treas.; W. A. Gerald, agency mgr.; Dr. H. B. Hayward, medical director. 5th Floor Wachovia Bank Bldg. PHS. 1657, 1658 & 1643. INVESTMENT SECURITIES INVESTORS SYNDICATE— H. W. Myers, mgr. 704-705 Odd Fellows Bldg. PH. 3150. "Living Protection." Est. 1894. Resources Over $132,000,000.00. KIRCHOFER & ARNOLD, INC.— R. C. Kirchofer, pres. -treas. Suite 401 Capi- tal Club Bldg. PHS. 465, 466 & LD 9928. Securities for Investment. PEARSE, R. J., AT PINE HAVEN— Member A. S. L. A. 5 mi. N. on Falls Road, Rt. No. 1. Land Planning En- gineer, Landscape Architect. PH. 3344-M. LAUNDRIES ACME LAUNDRY— James L. Bland. 3025 Hillsboro. PHS. 1685 & 1688. Complete Laundry Service. OAK CITY LAUNDRY— Robt. E. Dunn, mgr. 436 S. Salisbury. PHS. 180 & 181. "Oldest and Best." Complete Laundry & Dry Cleaning Service. Rug Sham- pooing. LETTER SERVICE CARROLL LETTER WRITING CO.— Mrs. Delia G. Carroll, owner; Mrs. James Maynard, mgr. 2IOV2 Fayette- ville. PH. 359. Multigraphing, Mimeo- graphing, Automobile Lists & Direct Mail Advertising. RALEIGH LETTER WRITERS, INC.— Jimmy O'Neal, mgr. 804 Raleigh Bldg. PH. 1811. Direct Mail Advertising, Multigraphing, Mimeographing, Steno- graphic Work & Printing. JEWELERS BOWMAN'S JEWELRY CO.— C. E. Bow- man, J. E. Stell. Odd Fellows Bldg. 15 W. Hargett. PH. 415. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry & Silverware. Es- tablished 1924. JOHNSON'S JEWELERS— 14. E. Hargett St. PH 2622. Elgin, Hamilton, Gruen, Bulova & Benrus Watches, Every- thing in Fine Jewelry & Silverware. Jewelry and Watch Repairing. LAND'S INC.— Harry Sobell mgr. 137 Fayetteville. PH. 3966. Jewelers & Watchmakers. Nationally Advertised Watches Diamonds. "Raleigh's Lead- ing Credit Jeweler " JUNK BANE, MAX & CO.— 329 W. Cabarrus. PH. 4541. Scrap Iron & Metals of All Descriptions. Machinery & Steel Building Materials. LIGHTING FIXTURES RUGGLES'— Bert Ruggles, mgr. 301 S. Blount. PH. 621. Lighting Fixtures. (Commercial & Residential), Acces- sories, Service. We Save You Money. LIGHTING SYSTEMS WRENN ELECTRIC CO.— L. M. Wrenn. 631 W. Martin. PH. 4689. Delco Light- ing Plants & Pumps, Delco Radios, Superfex Oil Burning Refrigerators. LOANS— MORTGAGE BLANCHARD, LAWRENCE E.— 814 Ra- leigh Bldg. PH. 613. Mortgage Loans, General Insurance, Real Estate. LOCKSMITHS BROCKWELL'S SHOP— Mrs. Ethel B. Andrews. 220 S. Salisbury. PH. 1907. Res. PH. 1516-R. Locks & Keys. Larg- est & Best. Equipped Repair Shop in the State. COVALT'S KEY, LOCK AND GUN SERVICE— Door Closers Repaired. Courteous Service. 322 S. McDowell. PH. 4655. LADIES' APPAREL (See Women's Apparel) LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS BUSBEE, ISABEL B., MISS— 1818 Park dr. PH. 3679-W. Landscape Archi- tect and Garden Consultant. Super- vision of Planting. LUMBER JEFFREYS LUMBER CO., INC.— Sid- ney B. Jeffreys, gen'l. mgr. U S. High- way No. 64. P. O. Box 1126 PH. 4734. Air Dried Ceiling, Flooring, Siding, Framing & Roofers. MARTIN MILLWORK CO.— Wm. D. Martin, pres. -treas. Harrison Av & Morgan. PH. 451. Good Millwork and Lumber. Woodwork of All Kinds. 24 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY MACHINERY DILLON SUPPLY CO.— C. A. Dillon, pres. 216-220 S. West. PH. 752. Mill Supplies & Machinery. UNION MOTOR EXPRESS TERMI- NAL — Jack Williams, mgr. Agents for Barbour Motor Express Co., Cap- ital Coast Express Co., Helms Motor Express Co., Raleigh Danville Ex- press Co., Stallings Transfer Co., 313 W. Martin. PH. 795. MACHINERY— ROAD NORTH CAROLINA EQUIPMENT CO — A. E. Finley, pres.-gen'l. mgr. 3116 Hillsboro. PHS. 1183 & 2719. Rep. Dept. PH. 4999. Road Machinery, General Overhauling & Repairing. MATTRESSES JABER'S MATTRESS CO.— Farris Jaber, mgr. 1111 E. Martin. PH. 2015. Mat- tresses Rebuilt at Lowest Prices. JOHNSON MATTRESS CO.— W. B. Johnson, owner. 117 S. Blount. PH. 4951. Made to Order, Rebuilt & Ster- ilized. STEWART FURNITURE & MATTRESS CO.— W. J. Stewart, mgr. 339 S. Wil- mington. PH. 9278. New & Used Furniture at Lowest Prices, Mat- tresses Renovated & Recovered. MEAT MARKETS COX, E. C— City Market Stalls 9-10. 214-216 E. Martin. PH. 1334. Choice Western Beef, All Branded, Fresh & Cured Country Meats, Hams & Bacon. We Deliver. HODGE, ED. MARKET— (Col.) City Market Stall 9. Res 704 E. Lenoir. PH. 114. All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Native & Western. Prompt, Free Delivery. MEAT PACKERS HALL PACKING CO.— L. S. Hall, owner. Carolina Pines. PH. 2241. MILLINERY REESE, SALLIE N. MISS— 117 Wood- burn rd. PH. 1379-M. Maker, Re- modeler, Cleaner of Hats. MOTORCYCLES HARLEY-DAVIDSON SALES & SERV- ICE CO.— John D. and Gordon N. Hill. 132 E. Morgan. PH. 1769. Harley- Davidson Motorcycles Sales & Service, and Bicycles Sales & Repairs. MOTOR FREIGHT MOTOR TRANSIT CO.— R. S. Koonce. 324 W. Lane. PH. 2140. Daily Express, Service Between Virginia & the Caro- linas. Modern Warehouse, Pool Car Distbrs. MUSICAL INSTRUCTORS RABE, ALLEN THOMPSON — 313 1/ 2 Fayetteville. PH 3370. Teacher of Singing. Auditions by Appointment. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS— STEPHENSON, C. H. MUSIC CO.— 121 Fayetteville. PHS. 528 & 529. Music, Steinway Pianos, Hot Point Ranges, Radios and Fridigaire Dealers. NEWSPAPERS NEWS & OBSERVER— 114 W. Martin. PH. 4900. NIGHT CLUBS GATEWAY CAROLINA PINES— L. M. Bryan, prop. Fayetteville rd. PH. 9464. NURSERIES TONG PLANT NURSERY— 410 Dixie Trail. PH. 1251. Roses, Perenials, An- nual Plants, Bulbs. "If It's Worth Growing, We Have It." o OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES WILLIAMS, ALFRED & CO.— 119 Fay- etteville & 120 S. Wilmington. PHS. 4100 & 4101. Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers, Office Outfitters, Engravers, Royal Typewriters. OILS— PETROLEUM AMERICAN OIL CO.— John Norwood, mgr. plant 531 N. West. PH. 33. SINCLAIR REFINING CO.— Robt. L. Mitchell, gen'l. agt. Plant 1328 S. Blount. PH. 2826. Distbrs. Sinclair Petroleum Products. STANDARD OIL CO. OF NEW JERSEY — Wm. B. McDonald, sis. mgr.; Hal R. Tankard, supt. Bulk Plant 329 N. Har- rington. PH. 26. OPTOMETRISTS GHOLSON, A. W., DR.— 137 S. Salis- bury. PH. 3543. Better Glasses- Better Fitted. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 25 HEDRICK, WILLIAM P., DR.— Home Bldg., 118V 2 Fayetteville. PH. 2978. Res. 716 Nash Dr. PH. 3013-R. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS SPENCE, T. T., DR. — 401 Masonic Temple Bldg. PH. 798. Res. PH. 3677. PAINTERS— DECORATORS— PAPERHANGERS ASKEA, ROY O.— 426 E. Jones. PH. 5753. Painting, Papering, Decorating Contractor. Call For Free Estimates. ASKEW, JOHN— 402 Glenwood. PH. 2706. Res PH. 1323-W. Interior Decorating, Painting, Paperhanging. Estimates Gladly Given. GREEN & SON— R L. & C. E. Green. 712 W. North. PH. 713. Painting, Decorating, Papering. Free Estimates. Representing the Leading Wallpaper Firms of the Country. LEE, O. J.— 1027 W. South. Res. PH. 3841. Ofc. PH. 4906. Painting, Deco- rating, Papering Contractor. Free Estimates. WELLONS, WM. I.— 517 Polk. PH. 3870-M. Painting & Decorating Con- tractor. WORKMAN, T. R.— 104 S. Harrington. PH. 1695. Painting Papering & Deco- rating. Free Estimates on Request. PAINTS IDEAL PAINT & WALL PAPER CO.— Thos. B. Vick, Jr. 115 S. Salisbury. PH. 4196. Featuring "Barreled Sunlight" Paints, Complete Stock Latest Design Wall Paper, Painting & Papering. NORTH CAROLINA DISTRD3UTING CO.— A. E. Lewis, mgr. 811 W. Hargett. PH. 1126. Featuring "Pee Gee" Paints. Wholesale & Retail. PAPER SPECIALTIES NORRIS, GARLAND C. CO.— Garland C. Norris, pres.-treas.; S. W. Allen, v.-pres.; R. G. Walker, sec. 122 Glen- wood Av. PH. 690. Distbrs. "Dixie" Cups, Paper Specialties & Budweiser Beer. PHOTO ENGRAVERS STEARNS ENGRAVING CO.— Dana E. Stearns, mgr. 200y 2 S. Salisbury. PH. 2969. Photo-Engraving. PHOTOGRAPHERS— COMMERCIAL BARDEN, ALBERT— R202, 120» 2 Fay- etteville. PH. 1886. Res. 320 E. Edenton. PH. 3521-W. PLASTERERS (See Contractors-Plastering) PLUMBING & HEATING BRIDGERS, C. A.— 721 N. Blood worth. PH. 3144-W. Plumbing & Heating Contractor. Repair Work A Special- ty. State License No. 409. ENGINEERING & SALES CO.— Wm. H. Bond. 1918 Alexander rd. PH. 1855. Specializing in Government Work. IDEAL PLUMBING & HEATING CO.— R. Worth Watkins, owner. 103 E. Mor- gan. PH. 2550. Night PH. 1887-W. Plumbing & Heating Contractors, Re- pair Work Given Prompt Attention. MONTFORT PLUMBING & HEATING CO.— John B. Montfort. 126-128 S. Salisbury. PHS. 126 & 127. Plumbing & Heating Contractors. Norge Coal Stokers & Oil Burners, Norge Home Appliances PARKER, R. G., PLUMBING & HEAT- ING CONTRACTOR— 2108 Country Club dr. PH. 1992. VICKERS & RUTH PLUMBING AND HEATING CO.— Henry T. Vickers, Frank C. Ruth. 130 S. West. PH. 3684. Contracting, Alterations, Repairs, Oil Burners, Warm Air Conditioning, Combustioneer Automatic Coal Stoker. WALLIN, C. A. PLUMBING & HEAT- ING CONTRACTOR— 109 W. Davie. PH. 1627. Plumbing, Heating, Instal- lations, Repairs. Distbrs. Link-Belt Automatic Coal Stokers. WILSON, W. PLUMMER, PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR— 504 W. Jones. PH. 3020. Res. PH. 4484-J. PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES- WHOLESALE NOLAND CO., THE— John M. Carmines, mgr. 206 S. West. PHS. 2836 & 2837 Plumbing, Heating & Mill Supplies, Wholesale. STANDARD SUPPLY CO.. INC.— C M. Jones, pres.; A. W. Bonney, sec- treas. 106-10 W. Lane. PH. 217. Plumb- ing & Heating Supplies. Wholesale. PRINTING. CAPITAL PRINTING CO.— Chas. & Herbert B. Ruffin. 110 W. Hargett. PHS. 1351 & 1513. Printers, Office Supplies, Equipment & Publishers The Union Herald. COMMERCIAL PRINTING CO., INC.— Mitchell L. Shipman, pres.-treas.; Geo. A. Moore sec.-mgr. 227 S. Salis- bury PH. 3950. Printing, Ruling, Binding. MITCHELL PRINTING CO.— Clarence E. Mitchell. 115-117 W. Hargett. PH 18. Printers, Bookbinders & Office Sup- plies Specializing in County Index Systems & County Record Books. (Continued Next Page) 26 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY PRINTING— Continued MUTUAL PRESS— 121 E. Davie St. PH. 4722 "Convincing Printed Material for All Purposes." SOUTHERN PRINTING & ADVERTIS- ING CO— A. L. LaGarde, prop 325 S. McDowell. PH. 1615. To The Discrim- inating Buyer of Printing or Adver- tising We Offer an Extraordinary Service. NELSON, J. GRIFF— 711 Odd Fellows Bldg. PH. 3736. Res. PH. 986-J. "I Know Raleigh." Real Estate, Rentals and Property Adjustments. For Quick Action List With Us. RALEIGH REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO. — Graham H. Andrews, pres.; Mrs. Eliz. W. Ellington, sec.-treas. 306-310 Security Bank Bldg PH. 2798. PRODUCE ALLEN & WILLIAMS & W. & C. MARKET— City Market. Fresh & Cured Meats, Poultry, Eggs, Fruits, & Vegetables. Guarantee Satisfac- tion. Prompt Delivery. PH. 3345. RHODES, CHAS. A.— City Market Stalls 17 & 19. PH. 4483. Res. 310 S. Person. Onslow Country Hams, Poultry. Eggs, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables. Delivery Service. PRODUCE— WHOLESALE BROGDEN PRODUCE CO.— Warren S. Miller, pres -treas. 409 W Martin. PH. 236. Wholesale Dealers, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. HONEYCUTT FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. —5 W. Lane. PH. 5145. A Complete Line of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables. RAY, G. G. FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. — G. G. Ray. 314 S. Bluont. PH. 4755. All Kinds of Produce. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS (See Stenographers) R RADIOS SOUND EQUIPMENT CO.— II8V2 Fay- etteville St PH. 2984. Radios, Inter- communicating Outfits, Sound Systems & 16 MM Movie Projectors, Sold and Repaired. REAL ESTATE BANKS REALTY CO —Roy M. Banks. 1 & 2 Elks Bldg. 226 S. Salisbury. PH 304. "Bank on Banks for Values." DENTON. E V— 14 W. Hargett. PH. 3369 Real Estate, Loans, Leases. Ap- praisals. KESWICK CORP.— Hayes M. White, v.-pres ; J. L. Primrose, mgr , Sales Dept. 4th Fl. Wachovia Bank Bldg PHS. 4660 & 4661. Mortgage & Prop- erty Servicing. LAWRENCE BROS. CO.— J. C. Law- rence, pres ; W. E. Lawrence, v-pies ; M. C. Britt, sec.-treas. 212 S. Salis- bury. PH. 4324. Real Estate Sales. Rentals. Property Management, Insur- ance, Loans. REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION CO.— Jas. S. Rowe, Pres.; Chas. P. Finnell, v.-pres.-sec.-treas. 325 S. McDowell. PH. 159. Frick Refrigeration, Air Con- ditioning & Service, Day & Night Service. REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT- MANUFACTURERS STAHL, K. E. MFG. CO., INC.— 114 W. Lenoir. PH. 1972. Mfrs. Walk-In Market Coolers, Dry Storage Beverage Coolers & Anything In Special Refrig. Equip. Also "York" Air Conditioning. RESTAURANTS ASTOR GRILL— Peter M. Rozes, prop. 302 S. Salisbury. PH. 9300. Specializ- ing in Sea Foods, Steaks and Chops. B & B CAFE— Geo. Papson, prop. 221 S. Wilmington PH 9123. "One of Raleigh's Oldest & Best " Established 1914. B-C TAVERN— 26 W. Hargett. PH. 5785. Real Southern Barbecue & Brunswick Stew, "It's Hot — It's Good, Come and Get It." CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT — Peter Stathacos. Ill Fayetteville. PH. 36. Serving Breakfast, Luncheon & Din- ner. Spec, in Sea Foods, Steaks and Chops. DIXIE DINER & RALEIGH DINER— 123 W. Martin. PH. 3716. cor. Fayette- ville & Davie. PH. 640. Good Food, Courteous Service. EAST END CAFE— Geo. A. Mohas, G. Alexiou Spiros. 544 E. Davie. PH. 3564. Good Food, Good Service At the Right Price. GREEN GRILL— "A Good Place to Eat." 324 S. Salisbury. PH. 3522. Owned and Operated by Mr. & Mrs. Durwood D. Green. HILLSBORO LUNCH — Nick Miras, owner. 501 Hillsboro. PH. 9306. Spe- cial Dinners Served At All Hours. 24- Hour Service. HOLLYWOOD CAFE & HOTEL— Nick K. and Chas. Saparilas. 215 W. Martin. PH. 9339. The Place of Good Food. Nice, Comfortable Rooms. MECCA LUNCHEONETTE, THE— Nich- olas Dombalis. 13 E. Martin. PH. 702. "You'll Like the Food Here— It's Good" TOE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 27 O'KEEFE'S— Laurence O'Keefe. 10-12 W. Hargett. PH. 9299. Serving Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner, Beer, Wine. Foun- tain Service. Confections & Magazines. SAVOY CAFE— (Col.) Levy & W. A. Sanders, props. 410 S. Blount. PH. 9148. Spec, in Sea Foods, Fried Chick- en & Plate Lunches. SMITH, COEN BARBECUE STAND— T. C. Cooper mgr. 109 E. Davie. PH. 5241. Specializing in Barbecued Pig & Chicken. SOUTH STREET LUNCH— Chris Poulos. 604 W. South. PH. 4213. Good Food, Good Service, At A Good Price. WATSON'S BEER & OYSTER BAR— J. Carl Watson, prop. 201 N. West. PH. 9360. Specializing in Oysters & Beer. s SANDWICHES— WHOLESALE FISHER'S SANDWICH CO.— F. Norman, Mrs. Karlie K., W. T. & F. Herbert Fisher. 2512 Everett Av. PH. 3812. Wholesale Sandwiches of All Kinds, Pies, Cake, Peanuts & Candy. SAVINGS & LOAN FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. OF RALEIGH— Fred J. Forbes, sec.-treas. 123 S. Salisbury. PH. 461. Accounts Insured Up to $5,000. SAW FILERS KUTZ, HAROLD R.— 311 W. Hargett. Res. 708 W. North. PH. 1847-W. Ham- mering, Shoulder Brazing, Planer and Paper Knife Grinding, Saw Gumming. SCHOOLS BISHOP TUTTLE SCHOOL, THE— (Col.) 1317 Oakwood Av. On Campus of St. Augustine's College. PH. 5147. Offers a Two-year Course in Social Work & Religious Education to Negro College Graduates, Men & Women. It Sponsors a Community Centre. HARDBARGER'S, MISS, SECRETARIAL & BUSINESS SCHOOL— Chess Hard- barger, pres.; Milton R. Gibson, Jr., bus. mgr. 428 Fayetteville. PH. 2453. Intensive Business Training for High School & College Graduates. Member of National Assn. of Accredited Com- mercial Schools. HOYLE'S SECRETARIAL SCHOOL— Mrs. H. P. Hoyle, pres. 306 Academy Bldg. PH. 638. Individualized Exten- sive Training for High School and College Graduates. NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEER- ING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA-John W. Harrel- son, dean of adm.; A. F. Bowan, treas.; W. Lyndon Mayer, registrar; Edw. L. Cloyd, dean of Students. 2205 Hillsboro. PH. 5600. PBX). PEACE, A. JUNIOR COLLEGE FOR WOMEN— William C. Pressly, pres. 15 E. Peace. PH. 2662. Offering 2 Years of Standard Academic Work, Both 1 & 2 Year Commercial Courses, Gregg System. Free Employment Service. RALEIGH SCHOOL OF COMMERCE— Carey E. Heath, mgr. 209V 2 S. Mc- Dowell. PH. 2209. Complete Business Training, Including Stenotypy, Comp- tometry & Machine Bookkeeping. Day and Evening Classes. ST. AUGUSTINE'S COLLEGE— (Col.) Rev. E. H. Goold, pres. 1317 Oakwood Av. PH. 1478. Offering Junior & Senior High School, 4 Years Complete College. SCHOOL SUPPLIES NATIONAL SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., INC. — E. E. Carter, gen'l. mgr. 120 S. Salis- bury. PH. 4855. 16-MM Films & Pro- jectors, Rental or Sale. Stage Equip- ment, Sound Systems. SOUTHERN SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., INC. — Chas. J. Parker, pres.; Henry N. Parker, mgr. 319-23 S. West. PH. 683. Laboratory, Library & School Supplies. SEA FOODS (See Fish) SECURITIES— INVESTMENT (See Investment Securities) SERVICE STATIONS ALLEN'S SERVICE STATION— D Henry Allen, prop. 531 Hillsboro. PHS. 94 & 95. Gas, Oils, Tires, Batteries, Wash- ing, Polishing, Greasing. 24-Hour Service ARNOLD'S SERVICE STATION— U S. Hwy. 70, Auburn, N. C. PH. 65-F-20. A Complete Texaco Service Station. Your Neighborhood Grocer. BOYLAN HEIGHTS SERVICE STATION —J. W. Upchurch. 234 S. Boylan Av. PH. 4867 A Station With Service. Washing, Greasing, Polishing. A Com- plete Repair Department. CITY HALL SERVICE STATION— John I. Lee. 17 E. Davie cor. Wilmington. PH 3530. Kelly Springfield Tires, Wil- lard Batteries. Complete Auto Service Station. DOWELL, GEORGE J. SERVICE STA- TION— 524-28 Fayetteville. PH. 424 Gas, Oil, Washing, Greasing. Tires, Batteries & Accessories. (Continued Next Page) 28 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY SERVICE STATIONS— Continued MORRISSETTE'S ESSO SERVICE— L. W. Morrissette. 2812 Hillsboro. PH. 9393. Esso Products, Washing, Greas- ing, Atlas Tires & Batteries, Acces- sories. OLIVER SERVICE STATION— 2517 Fair- view rd. PH. 9102. Complete Line of Gulf Products. PARTIN'S SERVICE STATION— W H. Partin, prop. 600 Hillsboro. PH. 1416 Featuring Gulf Products, Washing, Polishing & A Complete Greasing Service. STEVEN'S ESSO SERVICE— A. Glenn Stevens 502 Hillsboro. PH 9262. Esso Products, Washing, Lubricating, Atlas Tires & Batteries & Accessories. YARBOROUGH'S SERVICE STATION —617 Glenwood Av. PH 9233. Amoco Products, Washing, Greasing and Lu- bricating. YOUNG, SAM SERVICE STATION— 571 N. Person. PH. 9285. A Complete Service Station, Greasing, Washing. Polishing. "We Appreciate Your Busi- ness." STEEL PEDEN STEEL CO.— James M. Peden, pres.-treas. Ofc. & Shops 512 W. Har- gett. PH3. 98 & 99. Designers and Fab- ricators, Structural Steel, Ornamental Iron, Electric & Acetylene Welding, Steel Casements and Doors. STENOGRAPHERS— PUBLIC. MONTGOMERY, ELIZ. M.— 918 Com- mercial Bldg. PH. 4225. Res. 124 E. Edenton. PH. 986-M. Public Stenogra- pher. General Office Work, Mimeo- graphing, Notary Public. STORE EQUIPMENT OLIVER STORE EQUIPMENT CO.-^T. R. Oliver. 314 Whitaker Mill rd. PH. 1128. Toledo Scales, Cincinnati Butch- ers' Supply Refrigerators, Enterprise Coffee Mills & Meat Grinders, U. S. Slicing Machines. Service on All Makes Scales. SHEET METAL WILLIS, J. F. SHEET METAL WORKS —Halifax at Peace. PH. 2845. Sheel Metal, Roofing, Warm Air Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning. SHOE REPAIRING BAKER'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP— Saml. Goldin. 110 E. Hargett. PH. 9138. "Expert Shoe Repairing at Lowest Prices." CAUDLE'S SHOE SHOP— Henry T. Caudle. 216 S. Salisbury. PH. 393. Raleigh's Finest Shoe Repairing. HOBBY'S UNITED SHOE SHOP— Ollie J. Hobby. 6 E. Martin. PH 3558. Ladies' Invisible Soles Whole Soles, Rubber Heels, All Types of Shoe Re- pairing. PENNY'S SHOE SHOP— F. I. Williams, owner. 702 N. Person. PH. 2079. High-Grade Shoe Repairing. Ladies' Invisible Soles, Half & Whole Soles, Rubber Heels. SHOES EDWARDS, JAS. M.— 12 E. Martin. PH. 863-M. Nunn Bush Shoes for Men, Enna Jettick Shoes for Women & Poll- Parrot for Children. SAMPLE SHOE STORE— Morton B. Kamsler. 220 S. Wilmington. PH. 1380. We Clothe the Feet At the Least Cost. "Quality and Comfort." TAILORS CAUDLE, HERBERT, TAILOR— 11 Ex- change. PH. 3954. Tailoring, Alter- ations, Remodeling & Repairing. MUNNS' TAILOR SHOP— Mrs. Lenora M. Munns, Jas. C. Munns. 307V 2 Fay- etteville. PH. 4011. Tailoring, Remod- eling, Alterations, Repairing. TAXICABS CITY TAXI CO.— (Col.) Richd. Hay- wood, mgr. 223 ife W. Martin. PH. 2169. Prompt & Reliable Service. Also Baggage Transfer. STANDARD TAXI CO.— PH. 250O. Safe, Dependable Drivers. Day & Night Service. STROP TAXI CO.— I. E. Doggett, mgr 119 E. Morgan. PHS. 3800 & 3100. "Oldest and Most Reliable." TERMITE CONTROL TERMINIX CO. OF NORTH CAROLINA — R. O. Burns, mgr. 333 Fayetteville. PH. 1903. Bonded Termite Control, Licensed by E. L. Bruce Co., Memphis, Tenn. THEATRES WAKE THEATRE— Eddie C. Hough, mgr. 215 Fayetteville. PH. 1403. "Ra- leigh's Popular Theatre." SIGNS HESTER SIGN CO.— E. Wirt Green, Robt. E. Mills. 127V 2 S. Salisbury. PH. 4178. "Raleigh's Oldest Sign Shop." TIRES ROGERS TIRE CO., INC.— J. R. Rogers. 401 S. Wilmington. PH. 792. U. S. Tires, Edison Batteries. A Complete Sales & Service Department. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY 29 TOURISTS' HOMES DALE TOURIST HOME— Mrs. Martha R. Waters. 805 W. South. PH. 1059-W. Inner-Spring Mattresses, Steam Heat, Continuous Hot Water, Reasonable Rates. TRANSFERS CROWDER TRANSPORT CO., INC.— R. B. Crowder, pres.-treas.; D. P. Mc- Duffey, v.-pres.; A. S. Boles, sec. 420 S. McDowell. PH. 1505. Operating in Eastern Carolina Exclusively for A. & P. Tea Co. LESTER TRANSFER CO.— W. A. Les- ter, owner. 307 N. West. PH. 1953. Local Heavy Hauling. TRANSFER-STORAGE WARREN'S TRANSFER CO.— Ernest L. Warren. 305 W. Martin. PH. 538. Long Distance Moving A Specialty. All Kinds of Heavy Hauling. Furniture Crated & Stored. VETERINARIANS KOONCE, L. F., DR., D. V. S.— 422 S. Blount. PH. 338. Res. 116 S. Harring- ton. PH. 1645. Veterinary Surgeon. w WAKE COUNTY OFFICIALS (See County Officials) WELDING ALEXANDER WELDING SERVICE— Chas. E. Alexander. 414 S. McDowell. PH. 9103. Portable Electric & Acety- lene Welding, Radiator & Glass Work. ALLEN FORGE & WELDING CO.— M. F. (Mike) Allen. 409 S. Dawson. PH. 619. Electric & Acetylene Welding, General Machine Shop & Boiler Work. RALEIGH WELDING WORKS— D. Allen Williams, owner. 414 S. East. PH. 9178. Portable Electric & Acetylene Welding, Glass & Radiator Work. TYPEWRITERS CAROLINA TYPEWRITER CO.— C. P. Dawkins. 119 S. Salisbury. PH. 540. Woodstock Typewriters, R. C. Allen & Allen-Wales Adding Machines, Sales, Service, Rentals. u UPHOLSTERERS BROOKS FURNITURE SHOP — Claude M. Brooks. 220 S. Dawson. PH. 2445. Antiques & Reproductions, Upholster- ing, Refinishing & Repairing. PARROTTS UPHOLSTERING SHOP— Fayetteville Rd. U. S. Hwy. 15-A, So. at Caraleigh. R. F. D. No. 3. PH. 1094-M. Upholstering, Repairing, Re- finishing. Prices Reasonable. All Work Guaranteed. VARIETY STORES McLELLAN STORES CO.— M. B. Thomas, mgr.; A. K.- Bailey, asst. mgr. 230 Fayetteville. PH. 3504. 5c to $1.00 Store. VENDING MACHINES VENDING MACHINE CO., THE— Calvin C. Bishop, mgr. 329 W. Hargett. PH. 2433. Coin Controlled Machines of All Descriptions. WELL DRILLING HEATER WELL CO.— R. O. Heater. 201 Academy Bldg. PH. 2014. Domestic & Industrial Drilling Contractors. WINES— WHOLESALE STATE DISTRIBUTING CORP.— Allen M. Furman, mgr. 546 E. Davie. PH. 4277. Wholesale Domestic & Imported Wines. Garrett's Virginia Dare & Vir- ginia Lee Brand California Wines. WIPING CLOTHS ROCHELLE'S PRODUCTS CO.— O. P. Rochelle. cor. West & Cabarrus. PH. 5178. Wiping Rags & Supplies, Polish- ing Cloths and Waste. WOMEN'S APPAREL DARLING SHOPS, THE— Edwin F. Moss, mgr. 131 Fayetteville. PH. 4505. A Complete Women's Apparel Store Where Quality Goods and Right Prices Prevail. EQUELS' STYLE SHOP, INC.— Mrs. Visola Zimmerman, mgr. 117^ Fay- etteville. PH. 719. Ladies' Ready-to- Wear. Marvelous Values in Quality Clothes. GOODMAN'S LADIES' SHOP — Mrs. Celia R Goodman, owner. 20 E. Har- gett. PH. 3187. JEAN'S— (Brooks, Inc.) Arthur H. Spei- gel, mgr. 118 Fayetteville. PH. 2077. "A Smart Shop for Smart Women." Featuring Fashion Classics. (Continued Next Page) 30 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY WOMEN'S APPAREL— Continued KAPLAN, DAVID, INC.— David M. Kaplan, pres.-mgr. 107 Fayetteville. PH. 485. A Complete Ladies' Ready- to-Wear Store. PRESTON, INC.— J. C. MacLachlan, pres.; Gertrude P. Ewer, sec.-treas. 112 Fayetteville. PH. 4708. The Store Ahead, With Fashions Ahead. TEACHEY-WOMBLE, INC.— Caroline G. Teachey, pres.-mgr. 205 Fayetteville. PH 2250. A Woman's Store of Quality At the Right Price. WOODWORKERS STALLINGS, W. EDGAR — 923 S. Blount. Res. 317 Polk. PH. 3681-M. Fancy Woodworks, Automobile Body Building, Cabinets & Lawn Furni- ture. WOOD YARDS THOMAS WOOD YARD— (Col.) Will & Annie Thomas, owners. 719 S. Saun- ders. PH. 1970-R. Dealers in Wood & Kindling. MEMORADUM MEMORADUM The More You Tell The Quicker You Sell--, 3 > 6 11 >