TO THE CLERGY AND LAITY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C P 263 N87p ONE M 4 / TO THE CLERGY AND LAITY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Dear Brethren: — The approaching holy feast of Trinity Sunday will be the two hundredth anniversary of the first recorded adminis- tration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper within the territory of North Carolina. Some may conjecture that earlier instances are probable, as certainly they were possible ; but the first of which we have any record is that mentioned by Governor Glover in a letter to Henry Compton, Bishop of London, dated September 25, 1708 (Hawks's N. C, II, 301, and N. C. C. R., I, 689), in these words : "The Reverend Richard Marsden, waiting here for a passage to South Caro- lina, thought it convenient to administer the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, which is the first time I can learn of its being administered in this poor country ; this was done on Trinity Sunday, 1706." We, your Bishops and servants in Christ, feel that so interesting an anniversary should not be allowed to pass unnoticed. It marks in a special way the feeble beginnings of our ancient Church in this new country; it recalls the pathetic and heroic memories of those faithful men who brought into the civilization of a new continent the leaven of our historic faith, worship, and polity. We call upon our brethren of the Clergy of North Carolina to remind our lay people of these sacred memories and associations of our past, and especially on this coming Trinity Sunday to remember before God with devout grati- tude those of His servants departed to whom we owe so much, the Clergy and Churchmen of our Colonial days. We therefore set forth and authorize for use in all our churches on Trinity Sunday, June 10, 1906, immediately before the final Blessing, or after the General Thanksgiving in Morning and Evening Prayer, the special form of prayer printed on the following page. "S. P. G." In connection with this interesting anniversary we desire to call your attention to the fact that The Venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, to which the Church in the United States, and in an especial manner the Church in North Carolina, is indebted, under God, "for its first foundation and for long continuance of nursing care and protection," is just at this time compelled to remove from its present offices, and to provide a new home for itself. It has been suggested that American churchmen should offer to take upon themselves to provide the "Chapel" or the "Board Room" in the new quarters of the Society ; and Mr. Robert Treat Paine, 85 State Street, Boston, has consented to act as treasurer of a fund to be raised by voluntary personal subscriptions to carry out this purpose. Will you not bring this matter to the attention of your people, and offer to receive and forward to Mr. Paine any donations which may be intrusted to you? Some of our parishes have direct connection with the work of the missionaries of this Society, and an almost unbroken continuity of ministration from those days to the present. It is thought that some at least of our people may be interested in con- tributing to such an object. Your brethren and servants in Christ, Jos. Blount Cheshire, Bishop of North Carolina. Robert Strange, Bislwp of East Carolina. Junius M. Horner, Bishop of Ashevillc. Raleigh, N. C, May 30, 1906. Prayer of Special Commemoration and Thanksgiving, Trinity Sunday, June 10, 1906. .0 Cod of our fathers, Who, through the labors of Thy servants in past ages, hast built up Thy Kingdom in this great country and nation, toe give Thee hearty thanks and most high praise, as for the lives and labors of all those faithful missionaries and pastors toho gave themselves to Thy service in the Thirteen American Colonies, so especially at this time, for those who in the Province and Colony of North Carolina ministered Thy Word and Sacraments to the people. Into this strawge land they came, the messengers of Thy Truth and Love, and through many trials and dangers they sought Thy wander- ing sheep. We thank Thee for their faith and patience, for their suf- ferings and labors, and for the fruits of their sacrifices which we to-day enjoy. Thou didst water with the deios of Thy grace tlie little vine which on these shores they planted; Thou madest room for it, so that when it had taken root it filled the land. Continue, tee pray Thee, Thy love and favor to Thy Church and people; pardon our sins, fill us with Thy Spirit, sustain us with the heavenly food of Thy holy Word and Sacraments, keep us faithful to Thy Truth, make Thy Church a light and a guide and a sure founda- tion; bless our State and our country, and hasten the coming of Thy Kingdom; through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen. The foregoing "Prayer of Special Commemoration and Thanks- giving" is hereby licensed for use on Trinity Sunday, June 10, 1906. 00034013353 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION