OR FATRER AI/iST WARREAi LEE G055 THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIN'IL WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. ^lLMti,i/isc >ipt. JRD. A Bov's Advent urt's in the Army of iS6i-6^. A story nf battle and ])rison, of peril and escape. I'ully illustrated. ijiim. C'Lith, J1.50. RECOLLECTIONS OE A P RUGATE. A story I if the Army nf the I'ol.Hnac. \\'ith oyer So illus- trations ijy Cli.ii'in .Hid .'-iliehon. Ki.y.il ,Syo. (.'loth, $1.50. TOM CLIETOX ; or. IJ'cstt'rn Bovs ivith Grant and Sbcnujn's Ariiiv. Fully illustrated. i2mo. Cloth, 51.50. JACK ALDEN. A Storv of Advnitnrc in t])c l^irginia Campaigns, i86i-6^. A\'ith Pi spirited illustrations by P'rank T. Merrill. i2mo. Clt.ih, y minds inlluenced l)y differing conditions of birth, educa- tion, and temperament. Ha})py are we wlien all differences can be settled by arbitration or an appeal to the ballot, and not to arms. It therefore becomes Americans, while holding fast to cherished convictions, to avoid bitter discus- sions and misrepresentations, and, '' with malice PREFACE. Vll toward none, with cl unity for all," bind np the wounds and cement the friendships and loves between fellow-countrymen. If I have succeeded in even a small degree in impressing these lessons of charity and love upon my youthful readers, the writing of this book lias been justified. W. L. G. July 4, 1S97. OOl^TEIvrTS CUAPTEK PAGE I. Fi.siiix(; AND Fished ....... , . 1 II. I'lllL AT SciKIOL ........ . . 13 III. A Faih i:e and its Coxsequexcks . , . 25 IV. ]Mv Fatiiek leaves Wiciixou .... . . 34 V. ^\ ]Mysteuy . . . 45 VI. Ox Board the Brig '^Favorite" . . . . 5G VII. At Newberxe . , G8 VIII. A Storm at Sea . . 82 IX. The Wreck of the "Favorite" . 9:5 X. Ox A Barken Saxd-bak ..... . . 104 XI. We make Discoveries . . 118 XII. We Grope in Darkness . . 132 XIII. We leave Chicamacomico . . 144 XIV. Leavixc; Dixie . . 150 XV. The Boot is on the Other Leg . . . . 170 XVI. On Shore after the Battle . . 184 XVII. Home, Sweet Home . . . 197 XVIII. In the Navy . . 211 XIX. The Advent of the " Merri:\iack " . 221 XX. Iron meets Iron . . 23C CnXTJ'LXTS. CUAPTER XXI. AlTKR THE r<)Nrr.iLT XXII. ( )n' Tin: •• Si'i ri ii;i: "■ . XXIII. AriAiK ()\ Si,( i:>>i()\viLi.E XXIV. l)..\v.N jTii: UivKK .... XXV. TjiiKn AM) C'()M>i::\iNi;i) XX\'I. Em:mii:s, yi t Fkikmis . XXVII. At riAMMiTii XX\'III. Tin: Ai>vi;vr or the '• Ai,i;em XXIX. In the Ene.mv"s C'dinikv XXX. r.NDEii Two Flacjs .... XXXI. Wn H (M K Fleet .... XXXII. Fndeu thi; Sikcedn's ('aim; XXXIII. In the 1I..si'tiai PAGE I'lt; 2."i'.> 2.SS ;5ii SCO o(;;i LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Drawings by M. J. Burns. PAGE The " iMoNiTOR " finally lay alongside the Huge " Merrijiack " (p. 242) Frontispiece. I FELT Phil holding me up 8 " Why don't you shoot me? " 40 " Let go that Rope, Hez ! " 99 " Hold on," I said, " I can tow the Raft " 135 "Yes, they're Uncle Sam's Barkers, an' no Mis- take " 1(19 Landing of the U S. Troops at IIatteras 17.') "Take those Handcuffs off that Young Man's Wrists ! " 199 "Hullo," I said, "have you got a Contract to EAT all that Stuff ? " 250 I took her up again and strode resolutely to the House 285 The River was not Wide, and I was able to reach the Shore opposite to the Battery 296 The Order came, "All down!" and we struck the " Albemarle " like a Thunderbolt ! 375 IN THE NAVY. CHAPTER I. FISHING AND FISHED. I WAS najiied for my maternal grandfather. It was, however, a surprise to ni}" mother when on my twelftli birthday my grandfather, Hezekiah Perkins, after turning a quarter of a doUar over in his fingers a great many times, gave it to me with repeated admonitions al)Out saving. Heedful of these maxims, I hastened to invest it in a new fish- line and hooks, in order that I might make it pay a large dividend of fun, if not of fish. I was, as my mother declared, a " chip of the old block," — like my father, — more fond of fishing than of work. Even Jimmy Gager, the schoolmaster, with whom I was at times a favorite pupil, had accused me of bringing to school in my pocket more worms for bait than slate-pencils for ciphering. I confess that the week I received the money mentioned, I was so intent on cutting a good fish- mg-pole, and on other preparations for fishing, that I lost sight of the bircli sticks which Master Gager 2 FATHER Ad A IX ST SON. kc[)t iiudi'i" liis desk to (juickeii tlie meinoi'v of l)oys who, without a Avritteii excuse, forgot to go to scliooL Cue of tlie ti'iiits of my cliaractci'. if a hoy has a ehavaetcr at sucli an age, was un- (lis|)ositiou to foi'iu \"agal)oii(l associations ^vith l;ovs ot' all hinds, and with dogs. A dog that had ajipai'cntly lost its niastci' had singled nic out for that distinction, and l)ccanic 1M\' constant conipainon and pet. Xiy hither gave him the name of N'agahoiid ( whicli for con- \enience was ahhreviated to " \"ag "" ), and declared that he could always tell where I was ly the dog's y(d[i, as well as if ] had a hell tied to me. The Saturday after the purchase of my new lish-line, with Vag at my heels, I started on a iis]iing-tri[). Tlie city of W'ichnor. \\-here 1 >vas ho]'n and then lived, was a ( 'onne(_'licut t(n\-n of ahout sixteen thousand inhahitauts. Its situation near the liead of na\igation on the Wild River, hfteen miles from the sea, is one of he\\'ildering loveliness. Its streets climh and wind around Alpine-like lieights, crowned in places hy foi'est trees or gray 1)ould- eis and ledges. Among these heautiful hills the liomes and churches of its people cling and nestle like eagles" nests. The house in which my parents lived was on an Aeropolis-like hill whi(di rose from the centre of the town, and from which could lie seen two nar- row tributary streams, one on either side, quietly mingling Avith the hroader jiver, Avhich flashed and FISHIXd AXl) FfSHED. 3 gleamed like molten silver on its way to the sea. Its foliage-covered banks Avere as varied and l^ean- tiful as ever the light shone upon in any clime under the sun. My father, who was Ijy hirth a North Carolinian, was accustomed to sa3% for the purpose of teasing my mother, who was a native of the town, tliat in selecting its site the original Puritan settlers had not thought of its romantic loveliness, hut of the more practical fact that they could get house lots on Iwth sides of the land. On the Saturday mentioned I started out fishing, without thought of the l^eauty of the morning or of the surrounding scenery, and was soon on the wharf, absorbed in my favorite pastime, and wait- ing; for nibbles and bites. Wliile fishing remained good, nothing distracted my attention. I had at first very good luck, but after a time the fish ceased to bite ; even then, with Izaak Walton-like patience, I still persisted. But Vag, yelping with impatience at my inactivity, pranced around tlie wharf and then returned and looked solemnly into the water. Although I kept on fishing, my attention wandered to a steamer from New York, which Avas landing its passengers at an adjacent dock. With one eye on my bob, I watched a flood of people pouring over the gang-plank. There was one passenger who did not land in the ordinary manner. While the tickets were being 4 FA I in: It AdAixsT snx. taken at the [»lank", a little rag'anuil'liii elimhed out on the l)(n\' of tlie steamer, and Avitli an astonishing jump landed on his feet near me. '• W]ie\\',"" I ejaeulated adjniiingiy, ''l)ut that was a jnm|) ! '" The hoy made no i'e})ly, hut gathering up his oidy haggage, a hox containing hoot-hlaehing equipments, turned to the outroming }»assengei's, and with " lUack yei' hoots, sir?"" spoken in an energetic, nianner, hegan that occupation, and served a nund>cr of customers Ijcfore they left the A\'harf. After a while he sauntered towards me and Vag, jingling a goodly nundier of silver pieces, which he had received for his work. Patting the dog, who seeme(l to recogni/.c in him at once a con- genial fcdloAV-vagahond, he said : ^' Did n"t I catch 'em on the fly? '" Thinking he referred to his jump from the steamer, I said : "It was a hig jump. Why didn't you come down the gang-plank? You might have hroken your neck hy jumping in that Avay.'" ''Like ter jump; h'sides, hadn't no money, an' them fellers at the })lank would 'a" l)ooted me if they "d ketcdied me without tlie pastel)oard."' " What 's })astel)oar(l ? "* I inquired, not undei- standing his figure of speech. " Ticket," he responded ; and then asked, " Got any nibljles ? " FISHING AND FISHED. 5 " Yes," I replied, " and fish too ; look in that basket," and I dis[)layed a goodly nnml^er of perch and snekers. '' Better fishin' than in Ne' Yo'k," he said. " Say, can I take this fish-line \\ fish ? '" I assented with a nod, when he helped himself to bait and began fishing as if it were his only thonght in life. "• Where did yon come from? " I inqnired. " Ne' Yo'k," he responded, with the pecnliar pronnnciation of the Bowery. '"■ Yonr folks let yon go 'ronnd alone ? " I inqnired : "" mine would n't." " Ain't got none." "No what?" " No folks ; old gran' died t' other day, had n't no place t' stay, an' the cops got after me t' send me away t' the Island ; so I come on here." "Where you going to stay?"' I inqnired; and then added: " Better go up to our house. Mother '11 give you some supper an' you can sleep with me." "See anything green?" said the little fellow, pulling down the corner of his eye. " You can't stick me. See this," he said, jingling the silver he had in his pocket ; " made that in a jiffy ; goin' t' sleep 'round here somewhere — don't see any cops." " What 's cops ? " "Why, p'lice, of course; them's cops." During this conversation I took in the person- 6 FATHER AGAiyST SOX. alitv r»f tilt' ra^-aninlTiii. His clotliinc;- consisted of ti'ouscrs. murli t(.(> lai'^'c f(ir liim. lield \\\) hy a siiiL^'lt' suspfiidcr : a raLi'^cd sliirl that scarctdy lii'oke joints willi liis ti-i»nscrs : wliilr a sti'aw liat, tlic torn liriiii of ^\']li(•ll ^-ot constantly in his eyes, snniiounti'(l his lu-ad. Ilic i'.\})r('ssion ol his fare was very pleasant, and in it I I'cnu'nilicr now tlid'c ^\■as a mingling of good-natnre, shrcwdiU'ss, and decision. 1 gi\'e these seeniingh- trivial details hecanse the\' made an impi'(\ssion on me. yonng as I was, and also hecanse withont this new aeqnaintanee I slionld not. in all prohahility, he here to t(dl this storw The afternoon approached and ^\■e eon- tinned to talk and lish. althongh the iish had ceased even to nihhle. After a long silem e my conn'ade said. " Le 's go in swinnnin". ' ''•No,'" I responded, " nn tther says I can't go into the water until I learn to sAvim." Pliil Gurlev, for that he hiformed me was '-all the name he had." gave a half langh ;ind sniff of disdain : then, after a moment's attention to his nibl)leless hoh, said, '"('an y" hox? "Yes," I responded, "father has taught me to l»ox some, and gives me fencing lessons too some- times." " Ever seen a real light ? " asked Phil. "No," I replied. " TMd y(»n?"and then added, "Father savs 't isn't manlv to light, "less some FISHING AND FISHED. 7 one hits you ; then to promote peace you ninst liit 'em back so hard that they'll never want to strike any one again." " I see the fight l)etween tlie Xe' Yo'k Chicken an" the Bully Plug,"' said Phil. ''The Xe' Yo'k C'liicken got knocked out; made me sick. I never begins a fight, but I don't "low no duffers to puneh me. Xo, siree ! "' — then added, •• Ia" 's get into that boat," pointing to a little craft with her sail up. •• I see a fish break water out there." Suiting the action to his words, lie began to slip down the rope that held the l)oat to the wharf, and I, forgetting the often-repeated admo- nitions of my father to keep out of Iwats, fol- lowed. I had just got aboard when I noticed tAVO important facts : first, that the rope had in some way slipped over the h^Av rounded post of the wharf and we were drifting Avith the tide ; and, second, that my father was just coming down the AAdiarf, probaljly in search of a boy wdio had gone fishing that morning and had forgotten to return for dinner. My father, although kind and forbearing, would tolerate no disobedience of his orders, and I feared his displeasure should he find me in the act. So I hastily tried to pass Phil with the intention of getting behind the sail, just as a flaw of wind struck it. The narrow boat tipped, and overboard I went, clutching at air and water. 8 FA Til Ell AC ATX ST SOX. .Vs I went uikUt ^\•alel■ tlir second time T seemed to hear my motlier's \-(iice sa\iiig, '' Ilez, how eoiild jou?"'aiid I h'licw iiothiiin' moiv until 1 felt I'liil lioldini;' me up and shoiiliiin' for me to caldi liold of tlie L;'un\\alt' of tiic lioat instead of himself : and \\as eonseious ihal \'a^'. m\- [)oor di\i4', was trying' to h(d[) hy swiminiiiL;' frantieallv ai'onnd me, and yeliiing. I aftei'wards h'arned tliat when I'liil saw me g'o o\ei-l)oai'd lie seizetl an oai', and inniping with it to my I'eseue eanght me, and with the aid of the oar got me to the lioat, \\liieh fortnnately liad heen Itronght near ns l»v the wind. There ^\"as a hnstle of excitement, and a circle of people ai'onnd me, wlu-n I regained (■onscionsness. They were, as T thonght, }innishing me hy i-oUing me over a harrel. I ^\'as at last ahle to make them nnderstand that I was alive, hy yelling, '• Le' me go, an' T won't do so again.'" The ineident had (»ne important result l)esides saving me from the A\'ater, and that was that my father took Phil, as he termed it, ''home to di'V," clothed him in a dry snit of my clothes, and in some way persnaded him to remain at our house. The part Phil had taken in my rescue drew favor- al)le attention to him, and the eity "'Daily XeAvs " had a seare head-line in its next morning's issue, with tlie caption, " A RAGCIED HEPvO," giving with some detail an account of m}' rescue. Neighbors fond of excitement and gossip dropped in to talk the matter over with my mother, and FISHINC AND FISHED. 9 to bring goodies to the suppDsed invalid, nntil ni}' father faeetiouslj proposed to lure a man to help Andy Ca mulatto servant-ljoy that he had hrought Avith him from the South) do the eating. Among these callers was a eliildless lady, Mrs. Josephus Xonfit, a widow of independent fortune, distinguished among her neighl)ors as a i)rominent memher of the State Peace Society. After one or two visits, in which she talked much to Phil, ]\Irs. Nonfit brought lier brother, who talked with him as if to test his intelligence. Finally she proposed that he live with her and do errands and light chores. In payment for this ser- vice she would clothe him and send him to school, "so long," she added, '' as we can agree."" Phil had been somewhat nervous at first at the attention shown him, and confidentially told me he was afraid the cops Avould get after him ; but, gaining confidence in the people who showed him so much kindness and sympathy, after asking my fatlier's advice he assented to the proposal. Thus it was that Phil became my neighbor, and before long my most intimate friend ; and although my mother demurred at my constant association with him, my father replied, '' I played with our servants when I was young, and I 'd share my last dollar with that boy Andy." "• You always call him a 1)oy," said my mother, "but he is a man grown." " That is what we at the South call all of our 10 ]'\ 1 7 II K /! a<;a IX s t snx. iiiiilc si'i'\;iiits."" cxiilaiiicd my fatlici; and llicn Tcsuiiiiii<_;' said. •' 1 1 docs n'l liurt a lad to pla\' with aii\' ]l natmv one \':ist ^'yuiiiasiiini. iiiipclliii;.;' bovs to muscular cxcrtioii '/ Should he lie uiistiiilc'(lly lilauit'd. as lie oltrii is. Ix'causc his iustiucts ai'c at WAV with iiiattTual auxictx' to keep him clrau. aud liis (dotht's ami cutiidc whoh.' '.' " I)oys,"" Amly oitcii said, 'Ms powi'rl'ul I'oii" olj I'aisiu' lui-tioiis an" dirt."" Again, the licst of l»o\s and men and uations lV(d, \\ln'n di'i\(_'ii to the wall li\' lirutal bulhdng, that they must light in the inlci-cst of peace. Instiuct in cither case leads us to hit ihe other l'ell(»\\' so hard that he will not want to liit us ayaiu. ( hrist teaches us to foi-hi'ai; and return good for e\'il : Iml who will restrain evil if it is encoui'aged 1)\' uon-i'csistaiice ? IjoVS should Hot l>e taught to Itecome men tf)0 soon, and thus outgrow nuudi that is uiunixeil love- ableness iulu'reut in them, for they can never be boys ag'ain. In school ueithei' Phil nor I was anvthing more than moderateh" good. " ( )ur vouthful hearts for learning Imrned "" less than for a holiday. It was a serious though undebated question, as it ever will be with l)oys. w hat [»arents and guardians are for exce[)t to feed and house boys and trou1)le them b}' being fussy about them. Phil, especially. Iiad led tlu' free, untrammeled life of a vagabond in a great city so long that sometimes his guardian seemed to him a kind of rillL AT SCIIUUL. 17 doinostie ''cop," to check fiui and administer re- minders that he was under surveillance. I have hcen tlius particular in my estimate of Phil and myself l»ecause I want my l)oy readers to understand that Phil was a real l>oy, and not a Sunday-school-book lioy — ini author's creation and not nature's. This is not an a|)olog'y for his wrong- doing, but a simple statement of facts. One day, not long after Phil began his attendance at our school, we both had to stay in at recess for being late, on account of stopping to clind) a tree to inspect a squirrel's nest. One of the scholars was a neighbor's boy, named Dudley Burton. He was two years older than Phil, and a head taller and e(jrrespondingly larger than either of us. When Ave went to the play- ground that noon, Dudley, evidently presuming that after punishment neither of us would com- plain to the teacher, began to pull Pliil roughly by the jacket collar, and to say with sneering, tantalizing emphasis, '' Wharf rat I Wharf rat ! Wharf rat ! " Phil, with flushed, piteous face, said to me, " Marm would n't like to have me fight or I 'd give him one on the nose. She said this morning I must always be a little peacemaker. " Yes," I said, " fighting is disgraceful ; " while I must confess that all the time I was itching to get hold of the bully. " Mother says so, but father thinks it is our duty to resent bad treatment some- 18 FATlIi:n ACAIXST SOX. times, otlier\\'is(' Liillirs witiild I'lilc rlic \\()i'l(l mid yoiid pr(.)|)li' !)(_■ ;it a (liscoiiiit."' Ill the afteriiodii I)u(lle\' IJnrtoii. or, as tin' Ikivs called liiiii lichiud liis liack, '• liulh^ iJuiloii."" was \-ery [>i-(i\(.kiiiL:; : lie nut diily ealled J'liil had names, 1)11 1 [Hilled liislial iVoiii his head and Irainpled it under h)(it. I ^\'as sure from PhiTs llushe(| hiee that uotli- iiin' hut his :_;-()(id rooliitioii he[)l him from H^'htiiio'. 'Idiat iii^'ht as he M'alked t In >UL;htfulh" hy my side lie said, '• 1 siippiise I )ud thdU^ht I was afraid, hut 1 ain t .L^'nin" to L;'et into a. mess an" ha\e mai'iu feel had, would you, Ilez?"' "No."" T said hi'sitatin^ly. "• it wouldn't he pi'o])ei'."" And yet all the time I felt as if I would like to pound Dud. " I 'ni i;'oin" to tell marm ahout liim."" said Phil '•an" see what she thinks: if "t wa'n't fur niakin' marm feel had, 1 "d puneli him I I )o \'ou think she *d really eare ? "" •• ( )li, my I "" I said: "shehelongs to the Peace Society, and they don't helieve in iiyhting- I *' '•'Well," said Phil, after a moment's silence, and kicking at a stone in his way, '" nohody was e\'er so good to me as marm is. exce})t your marm when I Avas wet that time, an" I 'm goin' to l)e good."' .Vt recess on tlie Saturday h)re!ioon foilowdng, Burton threatened to strike Phil with a cat-stick, as we 1)oys tlien called a l)at. " Stop that, lUirton I "" I exclaimed, picking up another bat. PHIL AT SCHOOL. 19 "Two of yer, liey ? T\^vliaps you Avant to pick a quarrel," said Burton in a sneering tone. " Xo,'' I said, "■ l)ut ^\'e ^\■ant you to stop Imlly- ing." Just then the hell rang and [lut a stop to furtlier angry talk. On Saturday afternoon there was no school, and the boys gathered on the village green to i>lay '"• Four Old Cat," a game similar to Ijase ball, but not so intricate. In selecting })layers I was appointed to choose on one side and Dudley lUirton on the other. The cat-stick or l)at A\'as thrown up, caught, and first my hand and then Dudley's, alternately, was closed around it one al)ove the other, to determine first choice of players. It resulted in my being able to get four fingers on tlie cat-stick last. This should have given me the first choice,. Ijut Dudley jerked the bat from \w\ hand and declared that I \1 cheated. I was indignant, but yielded for the sake of peace, and that the game migiit not l)e spoiled. So we tossed up once more, and Dudley won the first choice. He had already chosen his first plaj^er when one of the best players in the school came on to the ground and I at once chose him for my side. This Dudley declared was unfair, and as I was in doubt I yielded again. During the progress of the game we were beat- ing the other side, Avhen Burton called a foul on one of Phil's runs, and not being sustained in his 20 FA Til !■: 11 A( : . I IXS T S ( )X. assertion struck IMiil \v\i\i liis cat-stick as he reaclu'(I tlic liomc _L;'oal. I was iio\\- not oiilv L;'et- tiiiy aii;4ry. Imt ^^•as n\' llic npinidu tliat \\c liad yielded eii(iiiL;'li inr the sake et' peace, ami said, '•Look liei'e. nurtoii. you "ve kiillied us iVoin the l)eL;'iuiiinL;', and we N'e lei it l;'o so as not to lia\e a fuss. Xow cheese il ! "" ••I dou't associate with wharf rats and gutter snipes,"* siiarliii^lv saiack ninil)ly as he struek DncUej', so that every blow aimed at him was warded off or avoided. Dudley was now out of breath as well as out of temper. He had lost his head. This was Phil's opportu- nity, and soon he had given the bully a black eye and a bloody nose. The boys cheered Phil ; when Dudley, thoroughly infuriated, and in defiance of fair play, kicked Phil in the stoiuach and then rushed upon him, while the boys cried, '' Foul I Shame ! Shame ! " and other exclamations of dis- approval of Dudley's conduct. But w^hen we thought Phil was down and conquered, l)y a skil- ful trick he turned the Ijully and was on top of him. Upon this a tremendous cheer went up from the boys, and they exclaimed, " Give it to him, Phil!"'^ '^No," said Phil pathetically, "I fights fair, if I is a wharf rat," and with this he let Dudley get upon his feet. Once more Dudley attempted to kick, when Phil caught his foot and sent him heels over head to the ground. He did not get to his feet so readily as usual, and wdien he again approached Phil it was with such total lack of self-command that Phil caught the bully's head under his arm and punished him " until he bellowed," as the boys said, " like a big calf." When Burton had gone from the field of his defeat, crying " enough," Phil turned to the boys l\\Tlli:n A(,AL\ST SON. and said. •• 1 1' aii\' (if Dud's friends ^\allts to call Hit' iir llcz names, (»!• lake up Dud's light, now "s y'v idiaMci'."' I)Ut 111) (lue M'aiite(l tii liglit. Idiev all ag'reed, e\"en Dudley's su[)[M>sed friends, that Thil luurheeii inoi-e than fail'. One of them set ii[) a cheer for i'liil. and calh'(l jiini '• I'hilihuster,"" and seenie(l .glad that the hulh' had heeii \'an(|uishe(l. I liidpeil IMiil put on Ins clothes, and liieii lie said soheil\ , •• Won't \u\\ go up lo marm's with me ? 1 s|iose she won't want me f'r a ho\' an\' more, now i \c heeii iightin", f"r she said this nioi-nin' that 1 junst he a [leacemaher." •• 1 don't thinlv she'll turn you otit of the house for thai." 1 said. '• I don't care so much "hout that," said I'liil. '■as 1 do lliat slie'll thiid< 1 '\e lieeii hail a-pui'pose. J '\'e tried all along to he good all' to he a peact'- maher. as maiaii told me 1 nnist, "cause she's good to a- fidh'i'."' And Phil hegan lo snufile with his ai'm up to his hice. saying hetwecii smiines. •" an" now — I "\e lieeii an' — an" — lvno(dvi.'d Ditd iSurton into pieces, an" tore my hest hi'ichcs ! " .Vnd ^\ith this Phil hegan to cr\' lilvc a good fellow. So I A\"ent home with IMiil to ]iel[i hini make Jiis eonfessiou to marni, as he (.•ailed ]\]rs. Xonlit. ".Alarm," said Phil, very httnd)lv and trendilingly. and catcliing his hreath Avitli agita- tion, and ■snullling, — " marm — I've l)een an' toi-n PHIL AT SCHOOL. 23 them new biielies a-li;^'htiu' Dud liuilon."" And then Phil began to liowl, as if he liad got the whipping instead of Dud. " Dudley kicked him dreadfull}', too," I put in synipatlietically. ''He's hurt liim l)ad, inarm." ''Why, wliy! What laee in the chuich or ill soeiely. though haviiiL;' hut little claim tti either hi^ii hirth or n'ood hreediuL;'. and thiai^h his life as a\-c11 as the means hy A\-hieh his wcallh was ac(|uired mi^ht lie a ti'ille shadv. .M\- fathei' jestingly said that in }iraetical Wich- nor. piet\' A\'as kept fnuii eontaniinatii)n hy keeping it frmii unduly interfering with a\ariee and money- gx'tling. Me eoiitinued, '• Wdiat though the Mas- ter said, long years ago in .ludea. 'Ye cannot serve (iod and .Mammon." and ^ Where your treas- ure is, there will your heart l)e also"? It does not ap[ily to the practical affairs of our churches, A\here large sums of money are needed for sus- taining a fashiouahle society and a high-salaried minister, and h)r converting the heathen. Cdiris- tiaiiit\', under modern conditions, must make concessions to the pursuit of Avealth, or suffer defeat."" (irandhither Perkins ])okt'd the fire lierceh- and his hice turned red — or was it a retlcction of the blaze? — as he said, '' Ifufus, I don"t l)elieve in a man"s heiug such a heathen as not to helong to a church, or so dummed poor that lie can"t help su})port it; that is — moderatel}'. It is written, "The meek sliall inherit the earth," isn't it?"" '■' I reckon, then,"" said father, with a smile, .-1 FAILl'RE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. 27 "that a good church meml)er mustn't he too par- ticular hoAV he comes into possession of his inheri- tance — is that it? " " How can a man he respectahle without money ? " querulously inquired grandfather, with another impatient poke at the fire. '•'• Besides, did n't vSt. Paul say, ' If any provide not for his own . . . he is worse than an infidel ' ? " " Wal," drawled Jim Bisbee, an ex-tin-peddler, who had dropped in for a neighborly talk, " a little money ain't a bad thing to hev, ]\lr. Johnstone, but if a feller pinches a dollar harder "n — he pinches on to other good tlnngs, it is t' my mind a sign that his heart is in the dollar ruther than in the good he can du with it. If a feller's l)ound t' make money l)y hook or crook, an' takes more pleasure in gittin' it than in usin' of it for some good purpose, then it 's agin Scriptur." " Well, then," said my father, " it 's a good idea to offer the high places in our churches not to those who are most Christ-like, Ijut to those who can put up the money ; to the highest bidder, as you might say? " '•'• Wal, nao\y, !Mr. Johnstone, that's one way o' puttin' of it, but I don't say it ain't a good scheme t' make the rich ones contribute money if they can't contribute a good example ; but, good- ness ! you know I think the M'ay t' keep men lib'ral an' good is t' keep 'em giviu' t' some good purpose ; then they feel they 've got an int'rest in 28 PATH Ell AdAIXST SON. it. So the eliui-cli is all rinlit when you look at that side of it. Don't you sue. Mi'. Johnstone?" My father sniilt'd at -linTs piL'stMitation of the moral use of nicuu-y in ehurch affairs. Avhile grand- fatlicr (lro})|»ed the jiolver. lookcMl at his huL;t' silver watch, n'ot u}), and with a soui' look at Jim I>ishee went out h)r the niiiht. I have recorded my reeolleetions of this conver- sation hecause it re^'e;ds my hither"s eontem})t for mere money-getters. I have often heard him express the o})inion that thi' lowest use to ^\•hich the human intelh'ct could he put was to convert it into a machine for tunuuL;' out dollars and cents. In this \\'ill he seen how alien wvn^ jiis methods of thought from the ordinary New l^nglmid mind. Xotwitlistanding these ^■iews and his contempt for sordid gains, my father sur^irised all his neigh- hors, not long after this conversation, hy entering into partnerslii}) A\itli a sharp-i'aeed, sharp-dealing man, a Mr. C*yrus Katchem. Father's explanation of his reasons was, that although a gentleman and in the main a good ( 'hristian, yet l)eing in no paying husiness lie had no proper recognition in either the church or in societv, and in conse(|uence would receive no con- sideration, sliould lie die, in a New England or a Wichnor heaven. "It's l)ecause you've got no proper gauge of your own eapaeity for husiness, Kufus. I "11 agree with you in one thing, you are too much of an .1 FAILURE AND ITS CONSEQI'ENCES. 29 honest man and a gentleman to take a partnersliip with C3TU.S Katchem," said grandfather ; and liav- ing- had his say he did not again mention the part- nership nntil his attention was called thereto by the following circnmstances : At first father had pnt into tlie business only a little read_y money that he had in l)ank, but after a time Katehem declared that father's al)ilities had " made things hum," so tliat the business was extending Ijeyond their capital. Grandfather Perkins, on l)eing consulted al)ont putting in more money, very wisely said: "If the business is extending, your credit ought to extend with it. Don't risk money when yon don't see where it 's going to." What arguments were used to counteract this very common-sense view I know not ; but a short time afterwards my motlier's estate was heavily mortgaged for money to put into the firm of " Katchem & Johnstone." A few days later Cyrus Katchem declared that the business had got into a terrible snarl, and some one would have to put in more money to untangle things. As my father had no funds on which to dra^^^ and as Katchem said that he had begged and bor- rowed for the firm to the extent of his abilities, the snarl became a knot, which, it was soon found, could not be untied without an assignment. Burton, shortly after this, took the o[)portunity 30 FA 7 II I:R . U /. 1 / A'.s' 7 ' X ( )X. to seize my inotlier's estate l>y fnrerldsiiic;' liis in(ii'tL;'aL;-e. hut was clieelonahMl hy ( iraiidt'allier Perkins. \\-li() i'liniished tlie uioiiev to ])a,\- n[) the iiioi'ti^an'e (111 tile estate, taking one liiuiself at six per cent, interest AnionL;' simie nf our fair-niiii(le(l neiglihors tliei'e ^\■as a strong opinion that ('\rus Ivatelieni had lie(h 'Jdiere was rejoicing in the house of Uufus .lohnstoue, liut (-irandhither Perkins Avas a wet Idanket. "Wait,"' he sai(h "until you liear A FAILURE AXD JTS CUXSEUl'ENCES. 31 from your lawyer. You 've beaten Kateliem, and now your lawyer will beat you." '' The Hon. Wliiteonie Cute is the soul of honor," exelainied my father ; '•'• I '11 voueh for his integrity anywhere." The day of settlement with the lawyer came. Father, the Hon. Whiteome Cute and his young- partner, and Grandfather Perkins were seated at a table where various papers weiv displayed and examined and explained. Ever^'thing so far Avas satisfactory. The Hon. Whiteome Cute then pre- sented an itemized account for his services. As the Hon. Whiteome Cute handed over to my father the account he said : " Mr. Johnstone, I 've known your father-in-law a great many years. I knew his good wife — (lod bless her I — before he married her ; I attended her funeral and Avas one of the Ijearers. I knew j'our wife, ]Mr. Johnstone, when she was a little girl. Our family has always thought a great deal of her ; and in consideration of our long, unbroken friend- ship I 've made my bill just as reasonable as is consistent." A tear glistened on the cheek of the Hon. Whit- eome Cute as he made these feeling remarks. All present were affected except Grandfather Perkins. He had unsentimentally put on his spectacles and was running his eye over the long, itemized account. As the Hon. Whiteome Cute concluded and was 32 FATIIl'R ACAIXST SOy. wipino' liis eves Avitli liis spotless ixx'ket-handker- eliief, (Traiidt'atlier Perkins, })assiii!_;' tlic paper to father, sai. and as AiaU' innicd to L;d i-allcil liim Iiack at^'ain. saxin^'. '-Andi'cw, H'cl the l;-uiis ohI and clean tliem. and we'll trv a litl le slioolini;' to-moi-i'o\\ ."" '• "\ es. sail, i'es[>oii(led Andy, as he kuwed liim- .self out. '•||e"s a mi^'lilN- liand\ tellei-, said -lim l>isl)ee, "an" lie knows as mueli as an\liod\. In." •• \'es : and foi' ni\" [lart, llnfiis, 1 ean"l see wliut in the \\drld he wanls to woi-k foi' \(>n for,"" said !4Tan relations sometimes existiiiL;' hetweeu master and slave. "1 "d like to see Fiicde Kohert."* T said. " Where does he live, father/"' ]\[Y FATHER LEAVES WICIIXOR. 48 " Rk'ss 3'ou, Hez, so would 1 like to see him I Where does he live, did yoii say? Well, when I came to this .State to enter college, he came to New York. He lived a, rather fast life, so it was said, though it was su[)posed he was studying law- there. I saw him once or twice after we came North. After that he was married, to an actress, it was said, and then father was angry, ])roke with him as he did with me later, and I 've not seen him since. He wrote me once ahout going to sea, and I 've never heard from him since.'' "Perhaps he has made u[) with your dad and is at home now," I said. " No," said father, '' he Avould starve before he would acknowledge himself wrong when he be- lieved himself right. No, he 's not gone home." The next day — and T rememljer it as if it were yesterday, though nearly forty years have passed since then — T accompanied father and Andy to the woods. The reserve and pride which at times seemed to shut me out from father's heart was Ijroken down that day, and he was sunny and at his best. I was allowed to shoot, under his direction, to my heart's content, for he was a famous shot ; and both Andy and father declared that T would make an excellent marksman. Before leaving for home, Avhile Andy Avas clean- ing the rifles, father said to me : "As you know, I am about to leave Wichnorfor 44 7-^ 1 I'll Ell A (;a ins t son. tlie 8<')utli : tliat unrortniiate failui'e lias made it iuhmII'iiI for nie t<> make an effort to do soiiietliiii!:;' for tlioS(' I lo\'e. My uncle has oi'fered me a jiosi- tioii with a L;-ood salary, a [)laee, he says, lliat doesn't rei|iiire mnrh Imsiness talent, — \\'hieh is fortunate foi' me, — hnt hde]it\'."" 'I'hen he hesi- tated as he said: " lie/,, I "\'e had, in some indehn- ahle way, a fetdin^' of iroultle — I mi^ht call it a jtresentiiiient. I sii[)[)ose it is siiiiplv low spirits. Still, 1 fe(d ill somr wa\' that ])ossi!)l\- f mayni>t see von a^'ain I'dI' a Ioiil;' time. 1 want yon always to reiiiemhi'r that \on are a ^'eiitleman s son. li \'ou ai'e e\'ei' tem|itc(l to door roiiseiit to a low-down act, rememhfi' this. I do not wish you to despise' us('i[iieiice to uie, the (lavs of onr se[)aratioii fi'om each olher." A slioi't lime al'ter tliis there came still aiiolhei' lett(.T. sa\"iiiL;' that his hithi'i' had consented to an aiTaiiL^cnK'nt hy which he was to come Noi'tli to remove mt»t]ier and me to his homi.' in Xoith ( 'aro- lina, and that he should not wiite a^'ain hefoi'e stailini^' tor ( 'oiniecticur. \W' were i^lad and somewhat excited over the prospect. I^ach day tlH/reafler I visite(| the steam- hoat landinL;' to welcome liim home, hut he did not come. Days and weeks passed, and yet he did not come: neither did we recei\e aiiv messa^'e tVom him. Mother wrote to (irandhither Johnstone, hut received no replv. And\', who ^vas consulted, said vei'v ])ositivelv, '* Mas"r IJufus is sick, an' de res" oh dem fokes dar doan" ear" t" nol)ody hut demselves. ^his"r Rul'us would write if he eouhh If an"t"inL;' is de matter, de ol" ]nas"r would he too sorry for hisself to car" for you uns."" After this the atmosphere at home hecame very gloomy, and I often fouixl mv mother eiving l>v lierself. "'Something dreadful has happeneil to vour father,"" slu' said,'" and I wotild go South to see what, if I oidy had the money. " (ir.uidfather Perkins said, "* Yes, something has certainly happened to A MYSTERY. 47 prevent liis coming, Lnt not necessarily sickness or accident. Wlien Eufns Jolnistone says lie will do anytliing, and fails to do it, there is some good reason for the failure ; it is not his fault, I am sure." The fact that he was starting for Wichnor when last heard from, and had not l)een seen or heard from since, though months had elapsed, became the talk of our town. Some of our neighljors — and among them the Burtons — put a sinister con- struction upon his non-appearance, saying he liad deserted his Northern wife. Jim Bisbee, when the subject came up for discussion, said : " Like 's not ^Iv. Johnstone has had some dis- 'greement with some o" tliem political hot-lieads there. Y' know he ain't the man t' kee}) his mouth shet when there 's anythin' that orter he said ; an' like 's not he 's l)en sayin' their secession tin ain't silver. It 's a word an' a l)low down there, an' the blow is likely t" come fust. Isnum, they shoot at each other instid o' sassin' each other as tliey would here ! For my part, I think sass is more moral an' civil, an' y' can git over it easier." "• Nonsense ! what kind of talk is that ? "' said grandfather, snifting as if he smelled something unsavory. " Wal," persisted Jim, assuming an argumenta- tive attitude, and poking his index finger at grandfather's vest, '' Naow, 1 tell y' liow "t is : I 've peddled tinware 'mong 'em, an' y' know y' 48 FATHER AdAiysT SOX. kiri(l"o st'f inside of a man wla-n y* ar" tradiii" A\"itli "iiii. If y" say aiivlliin" "Ixiut pulilics tlicv (loiTt like, tlu'y say. kiiul ii" |)lrasa]it-likc, tiiat llu/y ]\r\ the lii^'lK'st iTspcct f"r \'r opinions, but \""(1 better not express "em roiiiul there. Tlieii \"(1 better be a-L;'ettlir away if \'" ]ie\' any respect f"r \"r eari/tis. I snnm, tliein lliat ne\er o\\'ne(l a ni^'^cr or a siiin^-le on tlie roof of a sliant\- is tlie \\'nst ! 1 Lj'ness tliat "s tlie w a \' "t is daowii tliere "baout talkin" "L;'"inst secession: I "11 bet m\' liat ",L;'"inst a tin pan it "s L;dt sonu'tliin" l" dn w itli ][nfns .Iolnistone"s not eoniin" Imm when y" expei-teil him: jest like "s not he told 'em that it was eoirsarne(| nonsense I "" ( )tliei-s of oui' neiL;'liliors sn^'.^'ested that lie mij^'ht ha\-e Iteen foully dealt with in eoniin^;' throngli New ^'ork' ('ity. lint speculations ami eonjeetui'es re^'aribn^' him and his whereabouts proved as una\'ailinn' as had letters written to him and to Ivufus Jolmstone, Sr. The g'loom catised by father's absence, and tlie suspense eattsed 1)V uncertainty as to his fate. A\as inteiisiiied by poverty, whieli stealthily erept npon lis. This o-loom was lightened for me by Phirs eom- ing- to our house to l)oard. Mrs. Xontit. who had lieen complaining for some mouths of not l)eing well, Avas at last }»rostrated by a hemorrhage of the lungs, whic-h was so serious as to call forth from her physician, doubts if whether or not she could ever A MYSTERY. 49 recover from its effects. On his recommendation she went to ^linnesota for a change of climate. Before leaving, witli many kind admonitions to Phil, she connnitted him to my mother's charge to care for dnring her absence. As she paid qnite a large snm of money in advanee for his l)oard and elothing, this was a great assistance to mother. Poor woman, she never came l)ack alive. Two months or more afterward a telegram was received saying tliat she had died suddenly from a hemor- rhage of the lungs. After her death it was ascertained that the only will she had left was one in the hands of her legal adviser, which was made long 1)efore she knew Phil, and that the papers for Phil's adoption had never been executed. The lawyer said he liad no doubt, from what he had heard her say, that she had intended to make a provision for Phil, yet, he said, it is very connnon for pe(.)ple to put off such matters until too late to carry out their good intentions. Tims it was that Phil was once more thrown on Iris own resources. But the kindly influence of Mrs. Nonfit remained. Her love had left such an impression on Phil that in proportion as he regretted her death he heeded the good advice and teachings she had Q-iven him. Such is the transforming' in- fluence of kindness and love. We were in much the same situation so far as our immediate prospects were concerned. 50 i\ 1 77/ i:r . I (;. i ixs r son. Andy, after niopiiiL;' arouiid tlic place JVn' several weeks after tliis, left Uw paits niikiiowii. to tiiiay for their keep l>y working- on the farm. I^'ai'm work was distasteful to me. and grand- hither was \cry exacting, and. as I thonght, need- lessK fnss\-. IMiil h)oked u])on farming much as I (li(h tiiougli he did not o[ieidy complain. Alter we were in hed at night it \\as a favorite })astime with ns to talk of going to sea. From the standjioint of two l)oys in a eoiidoi'tahle home a sailor's lite ap[ieared alhu-ing. I f this riiuiiil wdi'M we st^c. The laml i^ man's >aff ihsvllinii-place, But ships sail on tlie sra"? '' I 'd "a" made an amendment to tliat verse if I "d liad the making of that g"eogra[)hy ; I 'd had it read : 'Tlie land is man's safe dwedling-plaee, But fools will '4o to sea.'" One evening Jim liisbee visited ns, and on aceonnt of his qnaint talk (whieh was sprinkled with more than aeeidental wisdom) he was a wel- come and entertaining visitor. ''Heard from y'r father yit, Hez?" he inqnired; then a(hled, as if in answer to his own qnestion, '' It "s awfnl qneer he or some 'n' else don't Avrite." I said* " Yes, Jim : and 1 'm tr^dng to get mother to consent to my going to sea, on some vessel l)Oiind for Sonthern ports, in hopes to learn some- thing aljont Avliere father is." '' Sho ! " stdd Jim slowl}', looking fixedly at me. '' (Join' t' sea ain't what it's cracked np to he, l)y a long ehnck. I 've ben t' sea myself, an' I rnther guess ef y' knew what kind o' dnin's an' the topsy-turvy kind o' life 't is y'd never say 'nother word." Just then mother came in, and Jim, to my sur- 52 ;■'. I 77/ i:ii . i <;. \ ixs t sny. pi'isc. turiKMl like a A\calli('r-\'aiit', and bcn'an to iii- tt'ivcdf witli lici' in liin' ^\itll iii\- wisiics. '•• Xaow, Mis" Jdliiislonc,"" saiil -lini. crossinL;' liis It'Ljs ill a \ his ^'raiTthei- : liilt lie's like lighted toiirhwdod an" the l»oy is like })o\\'dei', an" I n'licss "t is a i^ood idee t" kee{> sei-li tliinL;s in dil'feriint parcels if v" do n"t want t" hlow iqi. I siinni I Ili'z wants t" l;'o t' sea : or at least lie thinks he doos. an" ef y" don"t look aout he may feel es ef he "d a eall t" >^n. anyway, lie 's j(\st said t" nie that in touchin" at Southern ports he may tind aout somethin" "hout his father. Xaow, !Mls" Johnstone, wli\- dou"t v* let him hev a liek at sea- fai'in" life? There's Xathau (hillup. he didn't maount t' shucks on a hirm : jest see what a miyhty smart feller he makes as cap'n of a ship: at least that 's A\-hat they say. lleM "a" made a poor stick of a farmer. T' git ahead in the ^^•orld, a feller's got t' work at somethin" lie likes. Naow, I kind o" \A'lio[)ped "raoundfrom one thing to t' other till I got t" tin-peddlin". It fitted me jes" like a glove. 1 knew the minnit 1 got ou t" a tin eart that A MYSIllRY. 53 I was made for tlie l)iz ; an' I "ve made a pooty fair fort'n at it, tu. Say, i\Iis" Johnstone, why don't y' let Hez go ? Ten chances t' one 't '11 knock the conceit out on 'im ef y' let him try it. NaoAv, I wanted desp'ritly t' go t' sea once myself. Father up an' says, ' Go ahead, Jim ; an" when ye've got tired o' sleepin' on a shelf, come hum an' try an' behave y'rself an' sleep in a reg'lar bed.' " Wal, I went daown t' Rivermouth, an' after lookin' up at them tall masts an' understan'in' I 'd got t' shin 'em ef I went b'fore the mast, I ast the cap'n ef thar wuz any place behind the mast whar I would n't hev t' shin them tall poles. He said, guess 1 meant a cook's berth. Fin'lly, after peekin' 'raound kinder anxious-like most o' the day, I did ship as cook on a thunderin' gre't coal skuner. '■'• Wal, we sot sail an' for 'baout an hour every- thing was slick as greased sunshine, I snum I An' then the wind cum up, the waves sloshed, an' jest jumped tliat ol' skuner raound like popcorn in the hot ashes. I wuz washin' up the dishes, when them tin pans 'n' plates b'gun t' roll 'raound an' slide 'bout like all p'sessed. An' then I was con- sumedly sick, an' thar I wliz, tryin' t' hold on t' sumthin' an' tryin' t' ketch the pans an' things that wuz a-sloshin' fust this side an' then that side like mad. An' thar I wuz gittin' sicker an' sicker, an' sech a mess raound that air skuner's kitchen y' never see, but y'U stan' a chance ef y' go t' sea, I snum ! 54 FAriiri: A(,Ai\s'r sox. ••Fiirily. 1 Ii'm] i" lay daowii: the p(»ts an' dislics niUiu" I'aoiiiid witli uic on the flot)!', an" I L;-ittiii" sicker e\"ery (IiihiiiumI inlniiit t"ll 1 tlioiiylit I sliM (lie. I went on in that jmorsick an" nt t'"r the steam-ears an" got hum that night jest "haoiit niilkin"-time. "■Mother said wlieii I walked inter the liaouse, '•Mercy sakes ali\'e, -lames, y" look like a gliosti Wliar did y" come frum?" An" 1 said, 'Mother, I "\e come f"m the ravin" deep an" f"m death's door." '• When father come in, he said very kindly an' smilin"-like, •• James, eat your su})per an" go an" milk the eaows an' du the chores," Y'd ought t' see me spring tu it. Why, farm work Ava'n't in)t]iin' arter that v'v'ge : "" A MYSTERY. bb And Jim (.'Inu'lvled and iul)l)eMl down liis tmuscrs legs, Avhicli were some distanee from his shoes. ''Haven't you ever Ijeen to sea sinee, ^Mister Bisl)ee '/ "' inquired Phih '•'■ Wal — no, not V.aetly ; I 've been t' the nied- ders t" mow salt liay, but I "^e alla's kep' witlii i wadin' distanee o' the sliore, Iw gum I 1 say, Alis' Johnstone, give the 1)0}" a trial at seat'arin' li! , an' let liim liev money enough so he e'n git huM f'ni any reasonable distanee "thout walkin'." ]My mother, perhaps l)eeause she thouglit, like Bisbee, that I should get siek of the sea and be thereafter contented to stay at home, tinally eon- sented to my going on a voyage with Captain Zenas Williams, if he would take me. 56 FATIU'II ACLiJXSr SON. riIAPTEI{ VT. , 7? ox I!(»ai;l) Till-: isinc •■ I'A vdrite Now tliat it was at last settled lliat I was ,L;-(tinn' til sea, at least mie N'oya^'e. iieilliei' I'liiliKir I cinild talk' (if aii\ t hiiiL;' else, for JMiil liad made iijiliis iiiiiid that if ('a]»tain Zeiias Williams A\'(iid(l take ]iim lie would l;() with me. We were talking' at the lu'eakfast-lahle al)()iit it, ^\•|lell i^'raiidfatlier sail] : '" 1 siqipose it is all settled IKiW, I le/,. except wliat positinli \-()ll 'II take, wlietlier hefoi'e tliemastor, like Jim IJisltee, /'r/y/y/ : the best on 'em "11 act kind 'o tearin" like, when lliin^s is a-eiittin* u[» an* howlin" an" tossin".*' and -lim heax'ed a [>rofonnd sii_;li of sympathx' at wliat was before us. I had hard work to keep from laug'liing outright, for I had not forgotten Jim's description of his sea \'oyage. "Captain Williams,"" interrupted mother, 'Ms different from ordinary rough and profane sailoi's, and that is the reason I want llez to go to sea with liim ; he's a Chi'istian man."" '"Ilnm!"' ejaculated Jim. stroking his cliin th(»ughtfnlly : "yes, lie ix a pooty goo(l man, an" well spoken, hut then — Say, did y" liear "haout their church maulin' him at Jii\"ermaouth f"r cuss- in', once? "' "No,"' said mother, "and 1 don't believe any- thing said against such a man, either; envy loves a shining mark." " iJill Hardin*, one o* them liivennaouth men," ON BOARD THE BRIG '•FAVORITE:'' 59 continued Jim, not noticing my mother's remark, " went t' sea 'fore the mast Avith C'a[»'n Zenas ; an' when he come hum — y ' see he b'k^ng'ed t' the Bethel tu — he ^lut in a e(.)mplaint t' the chui'ch, an' they hauled him over the eoals f'r eussin' liis men at sea. "AVal, Cap'n Zenas he stood up t' the rack an" totdv it like a man. He owned up tliat he swore sometimes, but not in any irreligious man- ner, but as a cap'n of a brig, perfessionally. Then he turned on l>ill Hardin' an' said, ' Brethering, I had a duty t' perform f'r the OA^'uers an' under- writers, an' there ain't a man here,' he said, ' that can skipper a craft an' not swear, with such men 'fore the mast as that air Bill Hardin' ! ' " The officers an' Ijretheiing was mostl}' sea- farin' folks, an' they l)rought in 'ginst the cap'n thet it w^iz in evidence that he bed used strong- language at sea, but it \\'uz also shown thet it wa' n't used in a profane or irreligious manner, but as the cap'n of a ship, J snum ef they didn't," and Jim chuckled and added, ''l)ut Cap'n Zenas is a respectable man, Mis' Johnstone, an' 1 don't think the sea lies hardened his heart like it had the ole chap I sailed Avith, — sailors ain't like other people ; the terrors o' the deep are awful provokin', Mis' Johnstone. Ef y' could hev jest seed me on thet ole coal skuner 3^' would n't wonder sail- ors lose the'r presence of mind, an' — mos' every- thing else, I snum, sometimes." 60 FATHI.Il ACAIXST S(>X. It was a iiidiiu'iil of L;rt'at cxcitciuriit wlicii Phil and I, ill tiiirsca ri^'s, went (in lioai-d llie l)ri^' •• l*'a- voritc,"" at IJi\"cniioiil li. TIk- crcal^inL;' of tin.' l)locl>;s and llic snirll ol' tar all had a chaiin for us whicli cannot ]>r rxpn-sscil in \\'ords. lait A\'hich nian\ will nndcrstand. V\\' hrst L;-ot oui' chests into tlic forecastle, Avhitdi M'as a small, lilacf;. ill-snielliny hole, in which six men besides us lto\s were to ha\e a home. An old sailor named Tarhox showed us our lierths and whei'e to stow away ill Tarliox called our "sky- larking." I heard the ea})tain say, ••They'll do; they git round "niong the riggin" as ipiick' as cats." ■•Ay, ay," gi'owded 1)111 d'arhox, "'htit it'll lie diff'i'cnt h)r the ^•(.)ungsters in a gale o" wind!" That niglil we sle[)t in the forecastle, liut got our sup[)er up town. The next day, the last of the brig's cargo — several hundred quintals of dried ON BOARD THE BRIO - FAVORITE^ 61 fish, also a large (jnantity of salt, and several large l)(>xt's (ir cases — was stdwed l)el<»w decks. In the afternoon we pulled out into the stream ready to sail on the morrow, "wind and tide," as Bill Tar- l)ox said, '••[)ermitting." I had my first meal on board that evening, and then learned that in tlie forecastle of a ship there are no such things as a table, knives, forks, spoons, or crockery. The '"kid," around \\ hich we sat on the deck, contained a piece of ''salt junk" and a few boiled potatoes, to which we hel[)ed ourselves by cutting from the meat with our sheath knives. (The kid, let me explain, is a, tub bound with iron hoops.) ^\s we crawled out of the dismal fore- castle after this unpalataljle meal, Phil nudged me and said, '' Say, Ilez, we 're livin" like pigs, ain't Ave ? " That night I stood my first " watch " on board ship. I walked "fore and aft,*' looking over the taffrail and bows at every round, feeling that the safety of the ship depended on my vigilance and fidelity. When I Avas at last relieved, one can imagine \\o\\ horrified I was to see the old sailor who relieved me stow himself away in a snug spot, and light his pipe for a smoke ! " Is that alloAvable on shipboard ? " I asked. " Avast there and belay I " ejaculated the old salt ; "tlie barnacles can't come up through the bottom o' the brig, nor th' sky tuml)le on to th' mainmast when she 's in harbor an' safe at anchor." 62 FATifi:n A(;aixst soy. I ^vt'llt l)cl(»w ;iii(l liii-iicd in " all stairiii".'" as IJill Tarlxix called it (tlial is. with iin' clotlics on). It st'cmcd to me I had no sooner i^ot to slee[) than I lieard thnnniiiiL;' owei'y. when, stopping- lietVire a dingy, (hla})ilated luiilding. in a dirty alleyway, Phil ran u[) a }»aii' of i/reaky, narrow stairs and kno(deiiuinl)ed with wet and rol(L I thoiiu'lit \\r had (.'scajifd ^'I'eat ]>eril, and said as mueli at'lfrwaril lo Hill, liii t he loolv l he wind out of my sail, as saihirs say. l»y lan'_;iiin;.; \\\\^\ saying;', ''It \\an"1 iiothin" Iml a jintl' o" wind, \ ou lidtliei'! A\'ait till a ,L;'ale coiiifs so y"ll lia\'e to liold \'v hair on."" \\r ai'ri\('(l at Xoi-|'oll< in the coni'sc of' a week, and li\' that lime hotli IMiil and I had l)ecoinf in part accirstonird to the lil'e, and eonld at h'ast (hi a little H'ood scr\ ice. Unt it was a doL^'V lil'e. as the ^'rowl- \\\'j^ old sailors justly called it. There is nothing' regular ahout life on shiphoai'd : there are no state ;^()od for the th-st oflieer. ^Ir. r>ell not oidv treated Pliil and me consider- alel\', lint was si'iuiiin^ly nnudi interested in us and in oui- pro^iress in h'anuuL;' tlie duties of sailoi'S. lie not onl\' s|)oke to us in a [ileasant manner, but "iMit himself out "" to insti'Uet us in our duties. This was in mai'ked eonti'ast with the manner (jf till' llrst mate toward us. He, from our lirst I'oniing- on hoard, treated us as intruders and interlopers; especially was this true of his treatment of uie, for whom he seemed to ha\e taken a special dislike. On the trip from Norfolk to Xcwherne Mr. Ilardiny had called me to stand hy the wheel. It was roug'h weather, and I, heing' not aci/ustonied to the duties of helnisnian, of course did not suit him at a time which would have tried the skill of one much more experienced. I did my hest, liowever, and I douht if he would have been better suited had T bei'U able to steer miudi lietter. As it was, when the brig ^•aried a }>oint at times, owing' to my lack of both skill and strength, he began to curse me in a very foul and abusive maiuier, and tinally, though I had made no reply (though some AT NEWBiniNE. 71 of my contempt and disgnst for the man may have been seen in my face), he exchiimed, "• I "11 teach you, you surly dog, to sulk and look black at mc." And with this he seized a rope and struck mc, and was about to repeat the blow when the ca[)tain, coming out of the cabin, arrested his hand, saying in his coldest tones, " None of that, ]Mr. Harding ; I will have no punishments on board this brig without my orders, and in no case while a man is at the wheel." Some hot words followed. "You take a land-luljl)er on l)oard," said the mate angrily, " to l)oost through the cal)in window, but you must n't expect me to help you do it." " Let me hear no more of this. You have hazed the men ever since we began this voyage, so I am afraid we shall be left short-handed before we get back to New York," said the captain. " I won't have any more of it. Let me hear any inore such talk and I will send you to the forecastle to do duty." "You darsn't do it," growled the mate under his breath, but at the same time cowering and obeying the captain. There was a good deal of talk and many conject- ures among the men in the forecastle, ^^'hy, after such a breach of discipline as well as unusual prov- ocation, the captain did not "break" tlie mate as he had threatened and send him to the forecastle to do duty as a common sailor, as was the captain's right, and perhaps his dut}-. 72 FAriiER AOAixsr snx. '•I']] tell }-(»n,"" said .lim Cuiiklin. a I'cil-lieaded sailor and a sort oL' a -sliiirs lawyer." as sailors rail tlu' s|)rci(.'S. ••he 's !_;-ut Sdiue kind of a hold on tlie old man or he ^\■onld n"t take so nindi slark from him."" " Wal."" said I)ill Tarhox. slo^\•ly turninj^' his ([nid in hi?; check, '•I've sailed with ( "a}i*n Zeiias off "n" (»n ([uite a s^xdl, an" he 's a very considerate an" jnst man, hnt F never kne^\' o" his takin" l)a''k talk or slack <)" the jnw from any one l)"fore, an" "tween ^■on "n" me "ii" the niainm"st it looks "s though the mate InfJ got a round turn "nd a hig'ht on th' ol" man."* Such was the general opinion in the forecastle, where it was agreed 1»y all that the ca})tain, though an easy-going man when things went t(_) suit, was as hard as iron \\hen anyone didn't 'Mnind his eye,"" or ^vas lacking in respect to officers. It must not he inh-rred from the foregoing inci- dent that I was dull in leai'iiing the duties of a seaman. ()n the conti'ary I had (as no less an authority in seaniairshi[) than liill Tarhox declared) improved A\'onderfully. 1 had learned to knot and reef, could liox the com[)ass, knew the mean- ing of most of the orders for working the ship, and coTdd steer a trick at tlie ^^'heel in fair or ordinary weather. Phil liad made progress e(jual to if not greater than mine. ()f the two lie was the nimljler in laying aloft, and from the lirst, if not a better sailor, was a more ready one than I. AT NEWnKllNE. 73 From our coming on board lie was in greater favor with all on the brig than I. In teni[)eranient we were opposites : I was by nature grave, eokl, and unsmiling in my manner, and did not relish familiar ty, sueh as being slapped on the shoulder by a casual acquaintance, Avliile l^hil, though not lacking in pioper dignity, had a laughing, smiling manner that thawed, like sunshine, the coldest uatures into a liking for him. In learning there was also a difference. Phil learned as if by intuition, or, as Bill said, " as if he 'd learnt it all 't once an' was simply pickin' up ag'in what he 'd partly forgot." On the other hand I learned by patient applica- tion and careful attention to the minutest details ; but what I learned I did not forget, and could always make use of it, or, as ^Ir. Bell once flat- teringly said, " could apply in practice what I had learned in theory, and make a little knowledge go a great way." Phil had a wonderful liking for ]Mr. Bell, and could not sound his praises too highly ; he often said, " He puts me in mind of your father." This offended me, for I felt in my heart that there was no one to be compared with him. " You compare Mr. Bell with my father," I said, " but there is no resemblance." " Now, don't get in a freeze, Hez," said Phil, " for I agree with you that your father is hard to beat. I '11 tell you where the resemblance is — it 's because they are both of them gentlemen." 74 FATlIim AdAlXST SON. 1 had to arkiiowlcd^'e tliat in this I'hil ^vas riolit. ( )u oui' aii'i\al at iS\'\\lieriu\ uc iouiid tliat wi'athcr-lirati'ii and sl(H'[)y-]ell came out of an inner room with jNIr. Orton. The second officer, as he saw me, spoke in an undertone to the principal of the firm, lie then nodded to me pleasantly, and after a cere- monious leave-taking with ]\Ir. Orton, as I tliought very unlike that of a sailor, he went out. This ceremonious manner on the part of the second mate was not less observable than wais the air of respect and deference in the manner of iMr. Orton to the second officer of the " Favorite.'' 1 delivered the note from the captain. " Your captain should have come to the oflice for a matter like this," said Mr. Orton, as I thought in a needlessly sharp and irritable tone. " There are important papers to send on board, which must be receipted for." I replied respectfull}^ that the captain had said I could receipt for anything that was sent to him. Mr. Orton glanced at the captain's note again, 78 FATHER AGAINST SON. and said. " I sec," and then, in an al)stracti'd man- ner, dnunnuMl on tlic table \\-it]i liis lini;-ers. then said, ''Ah' clerk is ont ; c;in v(»n — A\'ill yon — ^\•l■ite a line at my dictation '/ '" aiid tlicn very c(.»nrtc onsly addc*!, •• I nsnally dii'tate to him."" I 1)eL;';in to write at Ids dictation, he constant'ly I'ct'cri'inL;- to ;i huiidlc of papers ^\•llich he had taken irom his s:il'e. and tor \\hich, in (h'tail, I had heen writing a recei[)t. TakiiiL;' the }ia[>er in his hands he glanee(] it over, and said in a tone of snrprisc, "•Yon ^\■l■ile a x^^vy line hand, spell corrt'ctly, and pnnctnate [)roperly. — (pdte extraordinary for a yonng — man."' T })rided myself on the neatness, correctness, and ra}tidity with ^\■hich I conld write, and A\'as [)leased with a coni[)linient whi(di I knew was not unde- served. "' IMease sign it,"" lie said, after looking it over the second tim(\ After going over the papers carefully and check- ing eacli one so as to make sure that all mentioned were there, T signed it, tied the pajjcrs together, and just then the clerk (whose absence had annoyed Mr. Orton) came in. "Your name is Johnstone,"" he said [)leasantlv, "• and T see you spell it as — as — our Johnstones do. '" Yes,"" I respondech '' My father is a North Carolinian."' '• Ah. indeed ? "" he said incpiiringly, and in a tone of surprise. .17' NEWBKRNI':. 79 " iNIy father," I said, '"is ]Mr. Rufn.s Johnstone, Jr. Do you know the family ? " Instead of answer- ing, ]\Ir. (Jrton looked atnie with an air of astonish- ment. " Uo yon mean to say," said the clerk to me, '•that your father is the Rufus Jolnistone, Jr., of Pine Groye Hall?" '•' Yes, sir," I replied ; •' do you know where he is ? We haye not heard from him for quite a wliile ; he has been absent from home for seyeral montlis, and we don't know what has happened to him." I noticed a look of intelligence pass between the clerk and his employer — a look such as people exchange when they liaye some common thought not conyeyed to a third party. Mr. Orton's face did not change, howeyer, and he presently said : " I heard some time ago that Rufus Johnstone, Jr., had returned from the North, but I had not heard before that he had a family, so naturally I am a little surprised, — but I know very little of the John- stones, except what I 've told you, and that only from hearsay." I attempted to inquire further, but as the ques- tions I desired to ask might imply distrust of my father they stuck in ni}- throat unasked, and I took my papers and with a bow left the office. I had not, howeyer, got far when I discoyered that I liad left my penknife on the table where I had l^een writing, and returned to get it. I was at the door, and before I liad put my hand 80 FATllEn AilAiyST SnX. t(i tlu' (ilil-fashioiicd fastening' I lieai'd a voice from within saw as if in rontiniiation of a ruiivrrsatioii, "Is it tlic one tlial is rcportiMl as goin^ to Ijc niarriLMJ to the ( I did not understand tlic lunm-") L;'irl ? "" •■ Vcs : and wasn't tliat one of tlu' Jolnistone l)o\-s "" — and 1 did not lu'ar tlie rrst of the (|Ues- tioii. Tlicn tile sanu' voice, wliidi I t(io]s: to l)e Mr. ( )iloii"s, ^aid. '• Tlie liov looks like the fanuly." All this time I had heen standing as if in a dream, hut now, realizing that I was doing a dis- lionorahle act in listcidiig to eon\'ersation not in- tt'uded h)r my cai's, I knocked at the door, and then at the I'all, •• ( 'ome in." \\'ent in. made my excitses, and re(daime(l my knife. .\fter I got out of the ollice I found mv thoughts husy with the ]iur[)ort of the eoin'ersation I had overheard. It ptizzled me. I)id it ha\e any refer- ence to me? I will say. in justice to myself, that I did not for one moment give to it an inter}>i'etatiou which might imply dishonorahle conduct on the }iart of my father ; yet I was not una^\■are that it wotdd hear sitcli interpretation. I dismissed from my mind this standpoint, and at last concluded that the conversation I had heard could not refer to me. When I had delivered the papers I said to the ca})tain: "Can yon })ay me my wages and let me leave the ])rig here?"" For answer the captain stared at me a moment as if he thottght I had lost my mind, and turned awav withont otlier answer. AT NEWnERNE. 81 That night I " turned in,"' as sailors term going to Led, debating if I Avould not l)etter run away in the morning and go in pursuit of my father. In the mi- down, eoilino- ro})es, and si-ruldjing' deeks hcgan. I now learned that the l)rig was short-handed: three of the men had rnn awa}' at NeAvherne, and tliong'h another had been shipped there as an ordi- nary seaman he proved to he hnt little I)etter than a green hand. lie liad been hnrt while at work the afternoon befoi'e we sailed, and a\;is in his l)nnk. It was said that the eaptain had sailed in a hnrry for fear of losing more men. It Avas obserA'able that tlie manner of the chief mate ^A•as more snl)ducd than usnal, from AA"hieh it was inferred that the captain had been reading him a lesson in priA'ate. Discontent ^^■as seen in the faces of the men, and they obeyed orders in a very surly manner. .1 STORM AT SEA. 83 Not only were tliev dissatisfied at Ll-Iiil;' sliort- liaiided, but also at the eiieroaehineiils on tlu.nr (|uarlers : and tluit tliis was a real and not an iniaginaiy g'l'ievanre any one fannliar with tlie narrow foreeastle (^wliieh is the sailor's only home on s!iipl)oard ) \\\\\ understand. Phil, who had been observant of the mood the men were in, said to me, '• The men don't like the Avay things are going on ; they say we are being used like dogs. They don't blame the eap'n so mueh, but they "re ugly "bout the hazing they 've got from the mate. If he "s got whiske}' on l>oard they say it "11 make trouble.'' Though, as it })roved, tlie mate did have li(|Uor on board, and indulged in it freely, trouble, as will be seen, did not come wholly from this, l>ut from another and an unexpeeted source. The weather continued fair, the sun shining in unclouded splendor during tlie entire day ; but the temper of the men did not accord with the weather. They grumbled in dangerous undertones unlike the ordinary sailor growl, wliich is one of hal)it rather than of deep-seated dissatisfaction. Tlie grumbling was general and indefinite in its char- acter; there was no special grievance. The men, as it were, egged one another on in expressions of discontent. " Tliis is purty grul) an' a purty craft, an', l)last my eyes, a purty lot o' stuff to come to sea witiil " said Jim Conklin, glancing at the barrels that ill, whoseemed to be enik'avoriiiL;- to tui-]i tlieir minds from tlieir grievances, and to get them started on some other tack. '•'■ See here, mates, I 've seen wus men 'an ok Hardin'."" "lie's a })urty othcer fr a "/.ample,"" gro^ded Conklin. '■'• I "11 tell ye. mates.'" continued i>ill, I'ounding liis shoulders and assuming a '•yariung" position, "" Har(Un" k)st liis only son — fell from the mast- head in a gale ; as likely a hoy as y' e\ er see." ''Took after his dad, I s'pose,"" interrupted Conklin sarcastically. "As I said," continued 15111, scowling at tlie in- terruption, " he was lost off the Cape three year ago. Hardin' has n"t l)en himself sence. Then, t' make matters wus, he took t' drink. Y" see,"' said Bill, turning to me, " when rum gits the least holt 'f a man, an" then anythin" runs athwart his hawser 't don't agree with him it don't seem t' make him better, as 't would a soljer Christian, but he takes t' drink 'til he 's like a craft with a thun- derin' big deck-load an' iiothin' in the hold. An' when a man takes rum aboard t' drownd sorrer A STORM AT SEA. 85 I 've noticed it gen'lly drownds out en-erytliing else that 's good. I 've sailed with Hardin' 'fore the mast sev'ral voyages, an' a l)etter shipmate an' all 'round sailor I 've seldom sailed Avith. When he. got to be fust mate, y' see, he didn't clind) through th' cahin AA'inder l^ut got t' th' quarter-deck through th' fo'cas'le, an' by hard knocks, an' he was a purty fair officer to sail with till he took t' rum — for if I lie a common Jack Tar that says it, if y' want fust-class treatment y' must sail with officers who was somebody 'fore they got to be sailors ; men like our second mate an' the cap'n." There was a moment's silence as the men ate their dinner, and it was evident that tliis attempt of Billy to get the men's thoughts on another tack was partially successful, but not wholly so, as will be seen by the se(piel. The weather continued fine all the next day un- til nearly sundown, when it began to blow from the north-east a very lively breeze, kicking up a rough sea. That night the order came, " All hands on deck ! " and at eleven o'clock it was, as sailors say, " blowing great guns " from north-east to east- north-east. It was four o'clock before we got the brig under easy sail, for in addition to being short-handed the deck-load of cotton hindered us, and liesides, the men did not work at their tasks with their usual heartiness. At six o'clock the wind was screaming, and the 86 i-A'riii:ii acmnst son. sea iiMTfasiiiL;', and tin' 1ii'i^' was laLoriiiq' in an ugiy and licavv cross sea. nude]- rcft'cd (o[)sails and foi'e- sail. In addition to otlirr discomforts it lic^'an to I'ain : latci' it tnnuMl to ^l^ct and liail. tlic wind stcadilv increasing- all the time. At ten o'clotdv ordci's canK' to donMc I'cct' tin' tojisail and reef the foresail. 'Idie\- w ci'e fi'o/.eii. and of conise as reeling- can oid\" l)e (h me with l)are lull ids it was trying- M'orlc. 'I'lie iVo/.en can\as \\as like sheet-iron, and to hold on to the \-ai-d was \-er\' ditlicnlt : l>ut at last. \\\{\\. o\'ei' an honr"s work, we L;-ot tlie I'etd's in and came (low II on deed; once more. Idiat ni;ght we L;'ot hnt fonr lioni-s below, and "when \n\ \vatc]i on ^\vvV came I found the hrig lahorin^- liea\'il\' and ^'oini^- at a tremendous |)aee, lier eoui-se partially in the ti'ou^-li of the sea and ]»artially (A'er tlie wa\'es. Such was the situation the uext niorniuL;', the wind still increasing', >\hen to our astonishment tlie mate ordereill was wet and dripping with sweat, when hours after tliis he came down from his duties on the quarter-deck. '' Keep her off four points,"' ordered the mate. " Hi yor, sir," responded Bill. As she swung off, witli her bio- foresail l)ellYinar out before the gale, it seemed as if the masts would be taken out of her. She stuck her nose into a tremendous sea, which swept the deck, washing two of our men off tlie forecastle hatch, stove in the weather door of the cook's galley, and washed " King Sambo," as we called the cook (liis name was Sam King), and some of his cooking utensils into the lee scuppers. Distressing as was the situation — one which ordinarily it would be difficult to find a subject of mirth — I laughed to see Sambo spouting water from his thick lips, and crawling to a dry place on a cotton Ijale, and with an angry but comical expres- sion on his face shake his fist towards liill, as much as to say, '• I '11 pay you for this." ^\.nd to a man 88 FA Til Ell . I ( Li IX S 7 ' S OX. ])vkn\' the mast it is no langliiiig matter to lie out with tlic ('(((tk. I'oi' ill sucli case lie will be deprived of iiiaiix' small faA'ors ( wliicli do not lorik small, how- ever, to a t"(uvniast hand), such as the privilege of diving his wet clotlies hefore the gallev tire, or o-(4- ting a sl\- si[> of coffee or tea, when in the cold on de.'k. To add to our general ti'ouhle, word came that the harrels in tlie forecastle had lu'okeii loose, and in so doing t!ie\' had fetched away the siiles oi tlie hunks to wliicli tliey had heen fastened, and ha\'ing iiotliing to l-reeji thmii in place, tlie contents of the hnnks Were spilleil on the de(dv. T, ^\•ith others, was sent to secure tlie harrels, when \Vi' found some of them were smashed, and had s[)read their contents of swi'et }»otatoes, haeon sides, and ta.i' on every side: while the unhi'oken. hari'els were dancing, chasseeiiig up and down, hack and forth, with hams, sweet potatot's, and tar[iaidin hats for partners. Aftt'r Conquering the harrids and securing them, we went once moi'e on de(d<: to find that, in ohedi- ence to an order from the chief mate, we were ahout to go on the shore tack. The hrig was meanwhile going at a tremendous pace ; her masts bendiiig, her gura\'ales half under water, and her how churning the sea. As we vrent slo"wlv around, the hrig, with seeming malice, stuck her nose under another sea, Avhich deluged the decks ; then as she swung off on the other A STORM AT SEA. 89 tack tlio upper yards to wliicli sails liad just been set seemed to bend like l)Ows. The eords' cracked, and then with a report like that of a gun (heard above other clamorous sounds of the air and sea) the yards snapped, and with the sail whipped and banged the foremast with angry blows. The captain, half-dressed (for he had been on deck nearly all the previous night, and had been sleeping at the time mentioned), rushed on deck, gave a sharp look aloft and over the decks, brushed the mate aside with a sharp word and manner, then thundered out his orders in a hoarse l)ut command- ing voice. The mate went Itelow ; the men sprung into the rigging to obey the orders, and the wreckage of spars and sail was soon cleared aAvay. The sail was shortened, and though the sleet and cold made tlie work very difficult it was quicklj^ accomplished. I was very cold when I got to the deck once more, and was thrashing my hands to get up a little circulation, when there came an order to go about on the other tack. The weather made the atmos- phere thick, notwithstanding the gale, so that A\e could see nothing plainly a quarter of a mile dis- tant. Before the order could be executed there came a shock, and then another. Our craft had struck bottom ! At first I thoup-ht that it was tlie sea 90 FATHER A(;AIXST SON. LcatiiiL;' ag'ahist liiT, so stvonc;' was tlie force of the waxes. Tlie stanch lii'ig, however, went about with seemingly no otlier niisliap tliaii shippiiiga sea that deluged the decks, hut in view of a greater danger we did not mind that. I had hcen (dinging to the rigging on the weather side, almost holding my hreath, hut seeing that the brig was seemingly uninjured I hreathed more easily. The i(dief from suspense was hut for a moment; other dangers menaced us. The cr}- went up, "^ We "\'e sprung a leak!" One can imagine, lint not realize, these awful monu'uts as the hrig drove forward amid the fury of the storm, while wi' waited h)r — I knew not what. Mr. Uell and Willy went helow to sear(di for the leak, w hile the men were sent to the pumps. Mr. liell Soon came on deck again, and it was noised annind that the leak had not l)een found on act'ount of the cargo's being in the Avav. There Avas then two feet of watei' in the liold. ''Jdiis was, however, thought to l)e in }tart due to tlu' water from the deck. It was for a moment thonglit that the pumps were gaining on tlie water. The spirit of discontent, if not of mutinv, had dis- ap})eared Ijefore a common danger, and the men worked with a- will. The lirst officer, however, was still stillen. Meanwhile the brio- drove forward in the howl- A STORM AT SEA. Dl ing gale, while the men, occasionally assisted by the steward and the cook, labored at the throhl)ing pumps. All tlie sail on the " Favorite " at that time was the reefed main topsail, and this was enough. The second mate, the cook, the steward, and even lUar- ney, the injured man, were laboring at the pumps with desperate enei'gy. But it was useless to deceive ourselves longer; the brig was steadily sinking. Phil, Sambo, Blarney, and I relieved the men at the pumps, while they threw over the deck load. Wliile this somewhat lightened the brio- the water still gained on the pumps. A cloud rested on the captain's usually placid face, for he saw that unless something unusual hap)- pened the " Favorite " was doomed. The brig was hove to, the long-boat carefully launched, and men stationed with boat-hooks to keep her from being stove to pieces against the side of the brig. But the men treacherously abandoned their posts of duty and piled into the boat. In an instant retribution followed ; tlie boat was broken and crushed like an egg-shell by l)eing dashed against the brio'. I saw for an instant the despairing faces of the wretches as they drowned alongside. There were now on board only the captain, the two mates, Tarbox, Blarney, Phil, and myself. "Cast off the boat from the stern davits," ordered the captain ; " stand by there and put him (indi- 92 FATiiEii A<;.[ixs'r son. catiiiL;' T)lanle^") in lirst.'" Tn jinotluT instant the l)oat was swept away : \u\\y it occnri-r(l I did iLot know, Init \\'as told tliat the [)aintcr liad parted. TIh'Ii rame tlic ei'\' llial tlie lii'iL;' was lillini;': ;it the same time the main derh was ]e\el witli the watci', and was swe[»t l)y tlie -waxes. The l»riL;' was put alxtut andlieaih'd for tlie shore as a last (U's[i('rat(' resort. To the landsman the land seems to he tlie only place of safety, not so to ihe seaman: to heaeh a ship on a sni'f-heaten slioi-e is the last res(ii't. The hi'ii;' sank lowi'r and lowta' as she ploughed madly tln'ou^h (he waves that threatened to en^adt her. It st'emed a mii'aide Ihat we wei'e not swe[)t from the de(d<:, or that the hri^' did not siid<. Another sound now hleiided with the shriek of the winds, the ereakinL;' of the eorday'e and spars, and the hissing of the water; it was the sound of the surf heatiuy the shore like a eontinuous can- nonade. A Ioul;' line of A\'hite and mountainous l)reakers foaming' in si'eniiii^- ani^'er was in si^lit. "Jdie hri^' plunge*! forward in the increasing si'as that indicated shoalinu' water. THE WRECK OF THE ••FAVORITE.'" OC CHAPTER IX. THE WItECK OF THE ''FAVORITE." Ltke some mad creature the " Favorite " plunged forward, her how now lifted on Mie top of the waves and now pitched down into the trongh of tlieni. We neared a shore, sea-heaten and seem- ingly Avithout hidentations, when there was a shout from the lookout. In the coast that seemed at first to he hut one stretch of sand-har right and left, there was an opening or inlet, and if Ave could hut reach this, if the hrig could not he saved, we at least could l)each her in comparatively calm water. But alas for our hopes ! The hrig would not answer to the helm. The joyous shout of antici- pated safety had hardly left our throats when, witli a shock that is iijdescrihahle, tlie '•' Favoi- ite '■ struck hottom ; then again and again, with awful concussion, making the declvs under our feet strain, creak, and groan, and with a harsh grating and p(junding sound she was heaclied within three hundred feet of the surf-beaten shore. The hrig, with perhaps all on board, was doomed to destruction ! How shall I describe that scene, as she lay 94 FATHER AdAINST S<)X. stranded ainid that tiuunlt of slirii-kiii^- winds and I'oaring waves'/ One wlio lias seen the sea only in its fair weather and sunshine moods ean know little of its wild furv in a slorin. As the sea struek oui' doomed eral't with terrible Mows, like those of ^'i^antie hanimei's \\-ielded l)v the demons of the sea and wind, it eansed her to iL;roan like some li\'in;^- ei'eature aware of its dan- yei- and learful of its doom. The shoi-e was not hir distant: l)Ut the wild and dangerons breakers, like a seethinn' caldron, inter- vened, d'he chief mate, in a wild manner, and with a wildei' look on his hice. I'.vclaimed, "' l^verv man h)r himself I "* "•No, Ml'. Hardin^-,'" said the caj)tain in re^tly, '■'we have a dutv to perform, 1>oth for onrseh'es and the ship-owners.'" TJie mate, at this re})roof, sluidv away as a dog does Avhen menaced hy its master. The brig", Avhich at iii'st was head on. liad, by tfie combined action of the tide and the thunder- ous sea, turned so that ker l)road^ide was nearly parallel with the 1)each. and then heeled over to- wards tlie land, farther and farther with every l)eat of the waves, nntil the decks were very steep. ""Cut away the masts," slionted the captain. In anticipation of this order, the second mate had ah'ead}' stationed two of us at the masts with axes. In a few moments the stays and lower rig- ging were cut, the masts fell with a crash over THE WRECK OF THE "FAVORITE:' 9& tlie side of the brig, ami the wreck of them was cleared away. The craft now righted, and, thongh she did not keep on level keel, was in a much less dangerons position than before. Meanwhile, such was the fury of the sea that it did not seem that she could hold together for many niinutes. IJnt slie was stanchly built and thougli she trembled, groaned, and shrieked at every thunderous wave, as if in dis- tress, she showed no signs of immediate breaking up. " Who of you men will try to reach the shore with a line?" cried the captain. "It's our only chance of rescue." "• I can swim, sir ; I will try," I said. "But I am the strongest swimmer," said Phil ; " besides, Hez's mother would n't like to have him drowned." " It 's a man's work, captain, not a boy's," said ^Ir. Bell, pushing us rather roughly aside. The cap- tain nodded assent, and Mr. Bell tied around his waist the deep sea line in such a manner that it could easily be detached, and sprung far out into the sea. We watched him as he came to the surface and struck out for the shore. The line was paid out as the l)old swimmer rose and sank with each sweep of the waves. " The nip is coming," said Phil (who was a mag- nificent swimmer) anxiously, '' when he reaches the breakers ; if he don't understand them, he will fail 90 FATHER A(;AIXST SOX. and liavc to coiiic l)ack, or will'" — and licit' Pliil k'I't Ills conidnsioii umitttTcd, for tlie stout swiiu- nier liad rcacluMl the surf. \Vr saw tilt' L;allant sailor once aftrr lie ivaclied tin.' hrcakci's, tlicii we lost si^'lit of liiin. and aft^'r a. inoineiit the line loosened and \Aas pulled Itaek into th.' In'i-'. What liad In^conie of Mr. Hell ? It was. !io\\-e\'er. not the time for question hut for action. l')oth Phil and I now aL;'ain volunteered to make the attempt. We had had expci'ienre in s\\ imming in rough water and in the surf off IJiverniouth. and 1)o\s ai'e often hettei' s\\ imniei's than men heeause of i)raetiee and agility. It was deeiiledthat Phil, who said he had a triek of liis own. should make the trial. After stripping to his undershirt and trousers he hung the small foi'eeastle lam}) Idled with whale oil ainutnd him. He had })un(died in the tin lam[» a small hole through wdii(di the oil might eonstantly ooze. Tlie oil he said would keep the seas from hreaking in his hiee and de})ri\ing him of his hreath. •• ( ^ood-l)^■. llez," said the hi'ave fellow. '• (iood- hv. " I said, shaking his hand, and then he elindx'd out on the jih-hoom, and threw himself into the sea. He came to tlie stirfaee, rose and fell on the seas like a sea-foAvl, and swam with a strong strolie for the shore. We watehed him lireatlilessly as he THE ]]'JU:('K OF THE - FA I'lJlUTE."' 'Jl reaclied the breakers, and then after a l)rief strug- gle got to Ids feet and went U[) the heaeh. A ehecr weld u[) from the hrig when it was known that Phil had suei'eeded in reaehing the shore, and that eorunmnieatiou with the land Avas estahlished. Phil began to pnll in the small line, to whieh was attached a strong cable, but he pulled very slowly, as if he were nu\eh exhausted witli the effort he had made in swi-nming. After a few moments, however, he begau to pull more vigorously, until one end of the cable was, after some delay, landed ou the beach. '■'• How will he fasteu the cable ? " was a query which continually occurred to me, and this proved to be the part most difficult to be achieved, for the land was a sand}- beach and no trees wei'e near to which it could l)e secured. We sa^v from the sliore that he could not do this in any case without help. The brig was meanwliile strained by the sea, that continued to pound and wrench her, and there was danger that she might possibly break up before the cable was fastened. The captain looked at me and I thought I read his wishes. As there was the cable with Phil at the other end to cling to in an emergency, there was but little danger in my making the attempt to reach the shore. Our ]:)eril, meauAvdnle, was growing greater and greater. Every sea swept our decks with terrible 1»S /'.I 77//-;/,' .I^M/.VN7' ,SV>.V. t'ui'\', or laslicd tin- wi'cck with a lorec that en- \('l()]i('(l it ill t^iaiii. WliatcviT was diniv must he (h>iit' at I iiicc. 1 tlircw (iff ill V (Miat ami hrx its. ainh hiuiichimn' my- self tar out I'roiii the hii^'. sti'Uck out lor the shoi'e, liul as I'liil had said." the ]ii|i caiiic "" whrii ! ri'ached the hrrakcrs. Ili'lorc I rcachc(l them, however, I saw a jiicre of the iiiaiu-to[»mast floatiiiL;' near me, and to this I cIuiil;' in order to n'et myself rested foi- m\" greater trial of strength \\'liieh was \-e1 to come. And then it oeeiirred to me that if I could liiit L;'et this spar on shore it would prove iisefuL So thiiil\ a rope which I had hiund atlache(l to it. IJeachiiiL;- the cahle, whicli was hut a short dis- tance from me. I swam easily, keeping' one liand on the to}imast and using tlu' other to swim Avitli, until 1 reaclnMJ the Ineakeis, -which were furiously eliasing each other like wild sea horses with wliite manes, and I'oaring with savage fury. I liad never swum in siicli rough \\ater hefore, and ] confess my heart sank as I neare(l the shore. It was W(dl that I had saved my strength, for the surf was terril)le, and it was hu'tunate that there was hut a slight undertow. The first I undei-stood sometliing- of from former experiences while swim- ming at Rivermoutli. ^\t last, after two waves in succession had iiurled me back and forth to and from the shore, I grasped • ■■■^ ■' ■ ^ \- •1^ X i . THE ]VRE('K OF 171 E - FAVOIinEy 99 tlie rope attached to the piece of inaiu-t<»piiKist l)v one hand and tlie cal)le for snpport Avith the other, and got to my feet: l)nt only to lie swept away again hy the receding ^vaves. 1 tried once more with the same result, then made a still weaker effort and failed. I now caught my lu'eath. summoned all my strength of will, set my teeth, and made a supreme effort, for I realized that my life depended on tlie issue. The sands gave way beneath my feet, and a wave came \\\i\\ a torrentdike force as if with malice, and engulfed me. I was gasping for breath and sli|)ping away when Phil caught me, at the same time exclaiming, "• Let go that rope, Hez ! " and dragged me to the beach. I lay for a moment getting my breath, when Phil said, " What made you hold on to that spar S(_i like time, Hez ? " " Something to lash the cable to, Phil," I said, gasping. '•* It 's just the thing," said Phil, "• but was n't it just like you to think of it?" Then he gave a look, and seeing that the topmast had gone adrift and was tossing amid the breakers, he watched his chance until it was thrown near him, then rushed into the water and dragged it to the shore. In a short time Ave had dug with our hands a deep hole and had fastened the spar into the sand, but not very securely, and braced it by holding on 1 00 FA Tin: J! Af.A/xsr snx. lo the i-opf wliicli T lia\(' iiu'iuioiu'd as lieiiig attaelied to it. '• It woift liold \ei'v loiii;'." I said to Pliil, "liut |»fi'liaps it will liold until sonie one can eoine to make it more seeni'e." This d(.)ne. we signaled to the hriy that the eahle A\'as reail}'. hut at hrst eould y'et no ansM'er. V\\' coidd see, how- ever, some unusual conunotiou on Iioard. .Vt last our si^-nal, after l)einy eonstantlv repeated, was answei'eil. and we [)i'reeived that those on the hi'iL;' were I'i^'Lj'inL;' what is known anioUL;' seamen as a cradle (a soi't of l)oats\\ ain"s cliaii' ) foi' tlu' [)ur[>ose of coniinn' "" !^1""''N ill trvino- to throw a rope to the captain, l)ut he stood like a statue near the wheel, without seeming to notice the faithful sailor. In a few moments a smother of foam covered the severed portions of the hrig. We could see no one on the wreck. We had seen the last, not only of the '■'■Favorite," Init of its captain and the hrave sailor. It was quite dark when this occurred, partly because of a cloudy sky, though it did not rain, and partly liecause of the a]^)proach of night. We strained our eyes for some time in endeavoring to see the wreck, and ran along the coast in the hope that one or both of tlie men miglit have reached the shore, but it was so dark that our endeavors were useless. "• It 's no use," said Phil, •' I 've heard Billy say a good many times that he couldn't swim; an' as for the cap'n, I think he didn't care much after the brig was wrecked." We had no time for grief, and at such times people do not mourn ; that comes with freedom from distress and with reflection. Phil and I munclied some wet hardtack we had in our pockets (for until then we had been too busy to think much of hunge]'), and then as we could not do anything more we lay down and slept as only tired boys can. 104 FAIiniR AiiAlNST SON. rWW'YVM X. ox A ];Ai;r;i:N sand-p.ai;. WnKN I awiiki' ill till' iiinniiiiL;' mv sleep had Itceii so pi-dloiiiid lliat at lirst I did Hot reeoo-nize my siirr(iiiiidiiiL;'s. nor iviiiciiilx'r tlie oceurrenees of the ]»rc\ ions day. I')Ut as I lirard the droning of tlic sea. it caiiic l>aek to me like some terrible dream. I'hil was not in his place hy inv side, hut on gclliiiL;' lip I saw liiiii standiiin' on a sand liill near by. taking an ol)Sfrvation of the snri'ounding country. The wind had gone down, the storm A\as over, and the sun \\as shining lirightlv. I looked sea- ward, but could see no trace of the •• Favoiite," and coiududcd that she had gone to pieces during the night, and drifted seaward with the turn ()f the tide. Seeing me awake, Phil came running toward me, extdaimiug, "See here, Ilez, this is just your style of an island; now you have got it, Avhat are you going to do with it '/ "" Then 1 remembered the way Phil and I, while lying in our cond'ortable l)ed at liome, used to imagine ourselves east away on a desolate island; ON A BARREN SAND-BAR. 105 • but I felt too serious to auswer to liini in the same jocular vein, and replied : "You may see some fun in this, Phil, but I confess I can't. All our shipmates are drowned, and here we are in this terriljle place with scarcel_y enoug'h clothes to cover us. There seems nothing to do l)ut to di'own ourselves." ''Now, don't growl in that style, Ilez," said Phil, putting his arm over my shoulder. '• You know I always said there was no fun in this kind of an island, but you always would have your own way, and now you 've got your desolate island I " The tone in which Pldl said this was so ludi- crous that, in spite of the seriousness of our situa- tion I had to laugh, and say, " Sure enough, Phil, what can we do with it?" " Tliat 's what I wanted to hear, Hez," said Pldl. " I learned when I was knockiuQ- around in Xew York that it was no use for a chap to put on a long face in a hard pinch, for it only made matters worse and harder to bear ; I was trying to get your courage up. You 've got grit enough, — more than I ever had, — but I shan't have any if you keep on looking as you did a few minutes ago. I was trying to keep up my own courage ; you know it has run down pretty low after looking around in this desolate place for something to eat, and seeing nothing but sand." "Well, Phil," I said, "you are right, there is no use getting down in the mouth. Let 's look 1 !J0 /■'. 1 77//: A' . I ^'.1 IXST SOX. 9 iiroiind ;ui(l sec wlial kind df a country it is l)eforo \vt' cnijcliidt' tilings arc liopclcss. Yoii rcnicuil)cr father used to say: 'A 1»i'avc man never eives u|) until e\erytliiiiL;- is tried, and tlieii lie kee^is (in ti-yiiiL;." "" '•d'liat"s it. lie/.."" said Phil, with one of liis suiin\- smiles, ••and let "s try for sonit.' breakfast hrst. 1 "n: hun^i'y ! Pilly said that hi' t]ionL;'ht this was llatteras lieaeh: if that is so, Paudieo Sound is on the othei' side, not a half-mile to the west of us. I eoidd see water frtuii tht.' lo[) of that sand-liill. Let 's ljo o\-er and see what we ean iind ; there must he clams and oysters, for the water is prelt \ smooth tliei'c." This IieiiiL;' aL;reed upon, we tii^htened our lielts for lireakfast. and set out for exploration westward. Let the ri'ader imagine, if he can, our de[)lorahle condition. A\'c had on no coats, hats, slujcs, or stocd^in^s : nothini;- hut thin trousers and under- shirts to co\er our nakedness ; and this clothing' Avas still damp with sea water. .Vs wi' toiled through the sand and over the hil- locd^s \\-e cotild catcli occasional glimpses of the water to the westward, and see the kind of land on which we had heeii wrecked by the treacherous sea. On our left, with the exception of onr island, as far as the eye could see the beacli extended seemingly without a break. Here and there were sand hillocks formed by the drifting of the sand before furious A\inds ; on these were a few clumps of scrul>oaks, ON A BARREX SAMJ-BAR. 1U7 while on tlie lower levels the patches of lowland were covered by coarse marsh grass. The rest was sand, glaring in the sun, drifted l)y the \\\\\{\ or wet by the sea; except ourselves there was nothing that indicated human life. As we approached the western shore of this ocean barrier we saw an inland sea, extending north and south as far as the eye could reach. Looking west- ward we could see land like a blue cloud lying twenty miles or more aAV'ay. As we approached the sliore a flock of ducks, with a sound like rushing wind, rose in the air and for an instant darkened the sky. ''There 's enough to eat if we only had a gun,'' said Phil, looking hungrily toward them. " Yes," I replied harshly, '• and there, forty miles away, is a settled country that we might reach /f we only had a boat. If we had a gun, we 've got neither a fire nor means of preparing a duck if we shot one." " Don't be cross," said the dear fellow. '' I 'm so hungry I really believe I could eat one without cooking ; but we won't scold al)out the cooking till we get the duck ; " and Phil made up such a face that I laughed, as he no doubt intended that I should. The tide was partially out when we reached the shore. I turned up my trousers and waded into the shallow water, while Phil walked and stamped on the sand where the tide had receded, looking for 108 FATHER A (; A IN ST SON. clams or other slit-ll-ti.sh that iniylit liave Ijeckled thciv. T caiiLjht a oral), hut soon discovered it was a s})id('r crah and iioti^'dod to cat. I continued wad- iiiL;' hack and forth, feeling in the sand with my feet and IdokiuL;' out shar}»ly for anything that Avas ealalilc. " Wc will \r\- a little hiilher iip.'" I said ; •" there don't seem to l)e anv o\"sters here: "" and with this remark' I staited foi- the shoi'e, AN'lieii I trod on soiiie- thini;- shai-ji and hard that made me cry out \\ith })ain. I (lid not mind the jiain, however, A\hen it hashed upon me that I had often hui't mv feet in the same way on oyster shells while \vading near lvi\-ermouth. I [ilunu'ed my hand irdt) the M'ater and nitid and drew otit a (dum[i of hu^'c ovstci's, saving' jovfuUy, ''Here's our hreakhist. Phil; we shan't Starve, tliat's settled: " And I tossed the oysters to the shore, where Phil got two stones and Ijroke their totig'h sludls Itcfore I cotild reach him. We fotnid the oysters delicious, and after eatiny them without lieing satisfied avc waded out for more, and soon discovered that those I liad already found were on tlie edge of a large 1)ed of them. After this we found some rottnd clams, or what are known as (juahaugs, on the flats. We soon had eaten all we wished, and then discovered that we were very thirsty, and that we had seen no water except sea-water on this desolate stretch of beach. ON A BAlini'JX SAND-BAR. 109 Our hopes and prospects, which had h)oked so rosy but the mouieiit before, were clouded by this dis- covery. At hist I said, "We have been saved from the sea, and from starvation, only to die of tliirst, Phih" " Xo," said he, " we shall find water here ; when strong men have been drowned we have Ijeen saved, and I liave faith that we shall in some way get out of this scrape, Hez. Your marm used to tell us we must trust in God. It 's a good time to try it now, Hez." I made no reply, but was ashamed of my doubts, for when I thought of the almost marvelous man- ner of our preservation, how could I douljt that God had stretched out his hand for our salvation ? I was also ashamed that Phil, with less teaching than I, had develr)ped more faith than I had. We ran around for nearly a half-hour without finding water, when we came to one of the marshes whicli we had passed and repassed in our anxious search. " There is water, but of course it is salt," said Phil, throwing a stone towards a little pool in the midst of the marsh. Thinking of a saying of my grandfather, " Never take anything for granted un- til it is proved," I went to the pool, scooped up a handful of water and put it to my lips. It was fresh I Remembering to have seen some large clam-shells on the beach, such as my mother used 110 FATlIl'Al MiMXST SOX. f(ir inilk-skiiiiint'is, I laii and yot two of tliciii, and IMiil and 1 draidv oiir lill. '1'1iihil;1i till' water was tepid and Itraekisli. I do iKit renieiiilter to lia\'e e\'ei' hefdi'e drnnk an\ tliinL;- witli sueli a I'elisli. 'Idiis jmihI was no ddubt water wliieli in keini;- tillered tln-(»UL;li tlie sand tri»ni tlie salt water had liecmiie tresli. Trnly. as I'liil had intimated, (ind had showed his pur[»(_)se of pre- ser\in^' onr lives I *• ludoiv yon ^ot up this nioriniH4\"' said Phik ''I felt so discouraged that it seemed that there was nothing' to do hut to L;i\e uj). 'Jlien I remem- l)ere llic coast. Sup[)(\se \vc follow till' shore aloiiL;' in that direction, and see if there is aiiytiiin".;' cast np hv the sea tli.it we can nse : iiia\he we shall lind a harrel of hardljread, or something' of that kind, Phil!"" ••It's just thethin^!"" Phil cried ont joyfnlly, •• I wonder 1 did n't think of it ! \\v nii^'ht as well l»eL;in exjiloi-iiiL;' this place hrst as last and know all that can l)e ^ot from it to make ns comfoi'tahle."' So we set out. walking' northward on the liard heach from whiidi the tide had receded. As we ronnde(l a point of land near the iidet not a (piarter of a mile from where we started, Ave came to a part of the coast that toi'ined a little hay, where. lookiiiL;' northward, we saw a [lortioiL of tlie liri^;' dee[)ly suhnier^'ed, l>nt with the how protrud- ing' fi'om the water. An ol)ject on the flats near the inlet arrested our attention. It looked to lis as if it was a Iol;' or a hn^'e hundle, hut we ho[)ed it mi^ht he a hamd of liread. .\s we ap})roached it, an unspeakal)le and name- less (diill crt'pt ovei' us. '^riie same dread was reflected on hotli our faces. Neither of us spoke, hut we drew closer to each other and shuddered. It was a human form; that, doubtless, of one of our former shipmates. We walked slowly and in silence toward this dread ol)jt'ct. l>oth of us stop[)ed a few paces from it and looked once more in each other's faces as if for a renewal of courao-e. ox A DARREN SAXD-BAR. 113 '' It "s got to l)e done, Phil," I at last said, and then, encouraged Ijy the sound of my own voice, I hastened over the few intervening stents and stood beside it. It was the lifeless body of poor Billy Tarljox ! '' Poor Bill I " was all we ccnild say as we gazed at the inanimate form, swollen, and disiigured by the waves' cruel buffets. '■'■ Dear old fellow I " said Phil, " he was such a good, faithful man I Don't you remember his say. ing that a sailor nuist be prepared to face every- thing, and make the best of it ? " " Yes," I said ; " and I heard him say he could n't swim, and if he could, he should be drowned just the same if it was so fated. He said he had been shipwrecked four times, and when men who could swim had been drowned he had been saved." " We must bury the poor fellow," I said ; " we can't shirk a plain, but terrible, duty like that.'' Before burying him, we took from his feet liis shoes and stockings, also took his large silver watch, and his oil jacket, and trousers, removed his belt and sheath knife (which a sailor always wears, l)ut we had removed ours from our persons on preparing to swim ashore). We also felt in his pockets in hope of finding a flint and tinder box. Phil had heard Bill say he always kept by him tlie means of lio-htino- a fire ; and that even should he be cast away on a whale's back he could cut a piece of the blubber and start a fire with it. We found 1 14 FA 771 ER A ( / .1 IXS T S ON. nothing- to jnstity this Ixiast. A fish line, with sinker and Ikki]-;. and a (bill jioelvet-knife A\'ere all tliat \vc Iniiiid tlieiH'. Al'tc]'this w'c scodprd with our liai'c hands a liole in the linisesand far ahoxc hig'li-water mark, and to this \\r carried liini, and thei'e we hoth knelt and I [ii-ayrd — not very formally, l)nt in a heart- fell manner. Then eoveriny him with sand we tnrned sadlv away. •■It"s hard on ns. we eaiTt do more,"" said Phil, "hilt I know l)illy wonld say we did the hest we eoiild.'" Alter this we turned onr steps tOA\ard tlie por- tion of the "h^ndiite "" of Avliieli I have l)efore made mention. It }iro\(Ml to he in deeper \\ater tlian we could reacli -without swimming, and as the tide ran ^\■itll great swiftness near tlie shore we decided that it Mas dang-erons to undertake t<» reach it. It was this inlet that caused the curient to carry us ill this direction when \\e A\ere swinnning ashore, and which afterward earried the Avreck to tliis place. Al)out a lialf-mile away there Avas a eontinna- tion of the barren sand-bar. The tide was rising and the Avater was pouring I'apidly tlu'Otigli this nariow inlet. There was no appearance of an\' human habita- tion on the otlier side and so we followed the shore around the iidet to the Avest. Here A\e made two discoveries ; on a sand-bar we ON A BARREN SAND-BAR. 115 found a fragment of an old sail, and at anotlier point a liani, which, as it was covered with thick cloth, we knew to l)e a part of our cabin stores. After this A\e found se\eral small things, the most valual)le of which was a demijohn covered with ^\"icker-^vork. "' It's the mate's wliiskey bottle," I said. 'sJnst the thing to keep water in; don't throw it," exclaimed Phil as I made a motion, at the first impulse, to cast it back into the sea. Later we found a piece of the hatcli partly- covered l)y seaweed. This we threw^ out of the reach of the tide, not knowing what use it might sometime be to us. We now retraced our steps luitil we reached the place we had started from in the morning, wdiicli was not more than a half a mile away. We were encouraged by the results of our morning's work, for we now had several things to make our life here more endurable. Phil had begun to ^\'hittle from a piece of tlie topmast which he had split off, with Billy's sheath knife, which was very sharp. " What are you doing tliat for? " I said. " We 've [/ot to have a fire in some way," he re- plied, " I do n't know exactly how." " You do n't expect to start one by the friction of whittling, do you? " I said derisively ; then added, "• I would n't fret just at present, Phil, for there 's no chance for a fire, as I see. I wish we had some IIG FAT 111:11 AC A INST SON. kind of a sliadr, tlie sun eomcs as throuu'li a l)urii- iny-u'lass."" Pliil at this jniiip('(l to liis feet \x\\\\ a veil, cxclaiiiiiiiL;-. •• W'r "il lia\c a lire lie/., liui'i'ali ! "' I looked at IMiil lliiid^iiiL; lie liad i^diu' mad, until lie tool-; out tlic crxstal ot liilTs ^\■at(■ll, and said, •.•llcn'"s a liuriiiuL;'-L;'lass ! "" IMiil. with tliis. toiv tVoui tlic haul sonic oily |ia})i'r A\hich ^\'as now dry, and then tor a half hour sat iiaticntly trying to start a tire. Tln'rc soon ^\-as a smoke in l■^■id(■n(•e, hut no tii'c. It was iuipossihle to make a hla/.e with the i;lass, though the [nijier was seorehed and charred. \\ last I'liil threw tlie n'lass from liim in ang'er saving, "It's all liumhug, the things \\-e read in hooks I Afterwai'ds we tilled our demijohn with M'ater, got some oysters and (dams, and with a piece of raw ham made out (jiute a su})per, — itsing large clam shells (which W(,' found in ahttudance ) for plates for our oysters. After this we gatlieu'd a large quantity of the dried marsh grass and made a l)ed in a }>lace sheltered from the ■wind, using the piece of old sail for a hedspivad, M'itli })oor Bill's oil clothes and pea-jacket underneath to keep us dry. Then, after our old manner, we Ijegan to discitss the events of the day. and, among otlier matters, how we shotild get otf from this desolate sand-key. "We have never l)een far to the southwa.rd,"" said Phil, - and how do we know luit there are ON A BARREN SAND-BAR. 117 people living- here. People must come here to fish and hunt, anyway." It was agreed, hefore we went to sleep, that on the next day we would explore to the southward as far as possible. Soon after we reached this conclusion we were fast asleep. US i'Arjii:n a<.ai y s i ■ ,s ox. ClIAPTi:i{ XT. AVE MAKE ])lS('(tVEi;iES. l^Ai;LV ill the iiioriiiiiL^' we l>L'g';iii prepiirations l'i;r our j()unn'\'. \\'e awit fully (IcttTiniiiLMl not to iTtui'ii umil A\c hail niadi' a tliiiiou^'li cxploi'a- tidii aii not sliced, we put into a hole at the foot of the topmast, after carefully wrap})iny' it in dried grass and covering it with stones. Over these we laid the hatch (of Avliieh I have elsewhere made mention) and covered the whole with sand. Hav- ing made these preparations, and others which are too unim[>ortant to mention here, we started out on our explorations. As we hegan our journey the sun rose in un- clouded splendor, and such is the elasticity of youth and health that, notwithstanding our environ- ment of hardship and the dreary stretches of sand, we were liopeful, and hegan our prospecting tour with a certain spice of enjoyment. We determined that, at short intervals, one of us should go to the top of the hluff to make oljservations of the countr}', that wo important feature of it might esca[)e our attention. We saw several red foxes, and as they were un- disturhed hy our presence we felt assured that there were no inhabitants there. We had not traveled along the hard-heaten shore more than an hour when w^e came to the limits of the sand-har. A strait a half-mile or more in width separated us from a continuation of this stretch of desolate barren beach. The whole island we judged to l)e aljout two miles and a half long. We went to the top of the sand-hill and gazed on the opposite land, but saw no signs of dwellings or of man's presence there. There 1-20 FATiiini A(;aixst so.\. -was IK) soniul except the sereech of sea-gulls and the roai' of the hi'cakers. For a h'w iiioiiieiits we sat in silence on the l)luff. gazing across the strait to the o})posite land, oppressed l»y the dreary outlook that confronted us. We now knew that ^ve A\ere on a sand-ljar encompassed hy A\'ater. The tears came to Phihs eyes and lie lihtlthered otitrighl, wliile I felt my heart siidc like lead, so oppressed was I liy tlie situation that now A\as a eertaiiitv and not a surmise. Finally Phiks face cleared, and he said. " Ilez, this /.s- your kind of an island, and 1 wash my hands of it. old fellow I "' •• Had we helter swim across to the other side?"' J said. ••There may lie people living there, and if there are none A\e are no worse off there than we are here." •• Well, Ilez," said Phil, ••you hare got courage, l)Ut I feel as gloomy and hopeless as can he. There seems no chance to get away from here." ••I dou"t feel Aery ho})efttl myself, Phil," I said, ••hut we are no worse olT than we were this morn- ing, and A\e know now just how the land lies. I shouldn't wonder if there were peo})le living on the other side of this strait, after all."' Though I said this to kee}) tt[) my own courage as Avell as Phiks, it afterwards proved that in this random remark 1 had hit somewhere near the truth. There were hshermen"s huts beyond land that was WE MAKE DISCOVERIES. 121 in plain sight from where Ave sat so despondent and gloomy, and we shonld have fonnd no great difficulty in crossing the strait. After a moment we began to walk to the west- ward along the shore. We saw here several shoals of fish, but they were a kind called bony fish, and though Phil was eager to try to get some of them I knew we couldn't cook them if we were so fortu- nate as to get them. We skirted the strait and reached tlie shore of the sound, wliere we found oysters and clams in profusion, but we had no immediate need of them. We wandered over the entire sand-spit. It was al)out twelve o'clock when we came to a little spring in the sand, which we found to l)e clear, cold, and remarkably pure. In the vicinity was a number of stones, evidently brought there by some one ; on one of them I sat down. Phil threw off the oil coat which he had been wearing, and as he did this he exclaimed, ^ What 's that?" I looked up inquiringly, when he explained l)y saying, " I heard a sound when I threw the coat down — a sort of a clink like a piece of money." " You imagined it, Phil," I said. " I don't imagine things, Hez," said Phil. " It is you who hear and see tilings that never existed ! " I picked up the jacket and began to look it over carefully, for I kncAV that Phil's imagination never 122 FArni:R AaAiysr son. ](.■(! liim astiMv as mine soniotiiiics did luc : l>nt I could liiid iiolliiuL;'. sd tlnvw it ou a stout:', and tlu'ii I too lieard a iiictallic (diid< wliicli awakriuMJ WW cui'iosity as it liad I'liiTs. " There is souu'tliiiiL;' tlieiv." I said: and witli tliat licL;'an to search tlie L;arnu'id onet' more. '■ It "s all inooiishiiie ! Tliere's iiotliiuL;' ill tliat old Coat Itut \\\\\\.{ we see."" and with tliis hall'-(iiicru- lous remark 1 passed the coat to my I'i^ht liaiid. "'Idle eoat is haunted. I guess," said Phil jo- costdv. " for w'e lioth can hear something that we can't see."' I. ho\vc\'er. was all excitement just tlien. for my right hand had come in contact with a hard std> stauce that might explain the clink. I 'nder and just inside the arndiole of the riglit slee\e I found a little pocdvct. closed l)y a flap which was sewed dtiwn : this I quickly ri]>ped with the knife, hut found the pocket also sewed tt}i, and oiled over like the I'cst of the coat. On cutting the stitches away, I fottnd inside of the little })ocket a packet al)out three inches long, wra})ped and stitclied in oiled silk, which, when divested of its covering, proved to he a metallic case sectirely closed, and containing matches that were as dry as on the day they were placed tliere. Very few people, except those Avho have been without fire under similar circumstances, can I'ealize our joy at the discovery of these matches. We quickly gathered some dry grass, and some WE MAKE DISCnVKRTES. 123 dry scrul>-oak limbs from a clump of trees \\lii(li grew near l)y, and started a tire, at tirst for the mere novelty of it, but on second tliouglit ^ve con- cluded to cook something for our dinner. We sharpened sticks and on them fixed pieces of l)acon, and after l)ro\yning one side of the Ijacon by holding it oyer the l)laze Ave put an oyster on it and held the other side oyer the fire, thus cook- ing the bacon and \yarming if not fi'}'ing the oysters. "We made, as we then thought, a royal dinner; for what Avas lacking in our cooking was made up by fine appetites, such as I doubt if any king on a throne ever had. If there is any blessing that I then had the loss of wliich I lament at this day, it was that fine appetite. In looking back to that time I think I never enjoyed food as I did then and there under the lilue southern sky, with pure water for our drink. The feast is truly in the palate. After eating our fill we sat there talking, and laughing, even, for some time. AVe filled the water-bottle from the spring, and left the fire as regretfully as a miser leaves his gold l)ehind. "I shall always feel grateful to Bill for these matches," said Phil, " for they seem just like a gift from him." "Yes," I agreed, "this match-safe and its con- tents, preserved so marvelously, is the result of Bill's forethought and experience, and justifies his 124 FATURIl ACAIXSr SON. saying that lie liad tlie incaiis of kindling a fire always \\\ lilm."" We liad not gone niori' than a Imndred yards from the spring when IMiil, pointing aliead of ns, exelainied. "' Looh : theiv "s a honsi' ! "" Snrc cnoHgh. a short distance alicad tliere pro- trndcd a chiinncy from l)ehind a sand-hill. We hnrried toward it : l)Ut fonnd it was only a chim- ney. ()nr disap[iointnient Avas great, for it had not occurred to ns tliat there might lie a tdiimney without a latusc. or a house without any one living in it. As we came to it we found that 1)csides the ehinnu'V tlicre remaine(l only a h'\\' wcatlicrd»eaten lioards and joists, a door, scatti-red [)ieees of I'usty tin, and a lew shingles. "•It was a A\reck-liouse," said Phil: ''it was blown down, [tcrhaps. and ])eo})le \\\in have heen here at dilfercnt times have used the fragments for firewood."' The reason wc had not seen it l)efore was that it was hidden between two sandhills, so that look- ing from the ocean to the sound one could not see it, and so though it was near wliere Ave Avere cast on shore we had not stund)led ujion it before. " ]More likely they Iiave carried aAvay parts of it,"' I said. " I liave noticed it is the nature of some people to cany off or desti'oy Avliat they can't use, and very likely that AA-as done in this ease." Phil Avent to the fireplace and scraped out some WE MAKE DISCOVERIES. 125 of the ashes and said, "See here!'* and Avith that showed me a lot of nails. " You see by this," said he, '' that it is as I said. They have been using- it for firewood."' ''Yes," I said, *'aiid perhaps they were poor, shipwrecked ])eo[)le like ourselves." " I "11 tell you, Phil, what we had better do," I said, after a moment's th(HTgiit ; '' we will build a little shanty right u}) against tliis chimney. It is near the spring, and it is convenient to both the ocean and the Sound ; it is sheltered from the wind, and there is that clump of scrul)s near the spring, — that will be convenient, too."' Phil agreed with me, and said. '• Yes, and people will come here for water and wood, and those who 've used the fireplace once may come here again." Although we had been favored with fair weather since the storm in Avhich aa'C had been cast away, we knew that we could not reckon on it for long. So we agreed to begin the construction of a hut at once. With this in view we began to clear away a space near the chinmey. In doing this work, under the debris we came u])on an old rusty fry -pan, which, though broken at one side, was to us like gold, so valuable was it for cooking. " We 're set up in housekeeping now," exclaimed Phil joyfully; " we 've got a place to cook, matches to kindle a fire, and a fry-pan ! " 126 FATHER AfiAIXST SON. Before dark, so earnestly had we \voi'l.:ed, \\'e liad not only cleared the space needful for onr hut. hut had gilt together all the nails and pieces of joists and hoards, and arranged them foi' our \\'oik in the morning. Not until this did we kindle a fire and eoolc S(»me oystei's and hacon after our old hishion. tor tiie l)roken fry-pan would need to have a good deal of rust scoured from it l)efore it was ht lor use. AVhen we awoke in the morning we wrw so eager to hegin our house that though we had hut a few oysters we felt Me could not then spend time to gather more. .At lirst we had ])lanned to l)uild up the sides of onr hut with s<'awee(l, hut Hnalh' deeiiled (as aac hoped to he detained hut a slioi't time on this island, and as warm weatlier was near) to huild only a temporaiy shelter that would keep us di'v and warm in ease of a storm. For this purjiose we shai'}iene(l the }M)int of one of the joists, and digging down to the (day set the joist into the ground as solid as possilile, opposite and ahout nine feet from tlie (diimney. This up- right stood ahout seven feet out of the gi'ound, and on tins we had })lanned to [)ut one end of a joist and fasten to it for a ridgepole. It puzzled us for a time, however, Ik^w to tix the other end of tlie ridgepole to the ehimney. We could drive another stake, to be sure, hut it would he in the way of our hreplaee. Finally Phil proposed that we knock WE MAKE DISCOVERIES. 127 out one of the bricks in the centre of the cliinmey at the desired height, and in the hole thus made insert one end of the joist. Phil got on my shoulders, and l)y scratching away the mortar with a nail, and then pounding with a stone, the hrick was finally loosened. It was noon l)efore the ridgepole was fastened, and as we were tired and hungry we set to work to get our dinner. We scoured out the broken fry-pan, opened some oysters and fried them, and soon had one of the most appetizing meals we had had since we were shipwrecked. Before night came we had got the piece of sail from the topmast, attached pieces of rope to each side of it, thrown the canvas over tlie ridgepole and fastened it to the ground l)y pins, and had a very comfortable tent that would protect us from rain and wind. During the week that followed, though it rained several times, we fixed up the space left open on each side of our chimney l)y driving into tlie ground pieces of board which we split with our knife, and then, using the twigs for wattles, w^ove them in and out like basket-work (though very roughly) between these stakes, with the long beach- grass for filling. As this did not keep out the w^lnd we gathered seaweed, which lay in almndance on the shore, and, as we were not particular about the looks of our house we filled in the crevices w4th 1-28 FATHER AGAINST SOX. tliis and piled it np a^'aiiist tlic sides. Tlie otlier end of the tent we l)uilt up in the same waw lea\-inL;' a space so tliat we eouhl put np the (hior from tlie inside. We also lianked U[i the sides of the tent with sand. There still, however. remaintMl at each end. near the to}) of our roof, an open space wlii(di we conld not hnd means to close except imperfectly: but we e(.)nsoled ours(dves. l>y sayiny that holes \\ere need- ful for ventilation. After that we laiilt a slee[»inL;'-l»nnl\. and also set the hatch upon four stakes for a tahle. and then we felt that if our sui'roundinLjs were not very nice or elegant they were at least comfortahle. While engaged in hnilding our hut (and it took us several days), we kept a shar[i lookout iV)r lisher- men, or foranv one ^\dlo might \'isit this [ilace. As we had a fish-hook and line we made several attem})ts to cateh fish, but without success. Phil faeetiouslv declared that the trouble with the hook was. "it was too small for an anchor and too large for lish." Shortly after we had got tlie roof to our tent pitched we went to the northern end of the island, with some clams for l)ait, to try once more for hsh. Phil, on the way. had found a small dead fish, which, for fun, he fixed to tlie hook, unknown to me. When at the strait he threw the liook and fisli into the water and excdaimed that he had catight a fish, but I saw ])V his manner that he was WE MAKE DISCOVER//' S. 129 trying to play some kind of a joke on me : l)ut in another moment there was a great wliirl, the line tightened, and Pliil Avas red in the faee with ex- citement and exertion. " It 's a big one, Phil I " I said, fully aroused. " Play him as you would a trout, or your line "11 break." Finally, seeing that Phil did not under- stand what was required, I took the line, and after a struo'gle of several moments I landed a largfe striped bass, Aveighing, I should judge without exag- geration, not far from thirty pounds. We were very exultant OA^er tliis l)ig fish, as AA'e carried it to our hut and prepared it for cooking. It was delicious eating when fried with ham fat. The portions Ave did not eat we prepared for drails Avith Avhich to catch other bass, or blue-fish, and thence- forth Avere seldom Avithout this kind of food. Shortly after this, Avhen aa^c Avere out on one of our prospecting tramps, Ave saAV a schooner in the Sound; but though Ave shouted and signaled by SAvinging our jackets she kept on her course Avitli- out seeing us. This incident made us very despondent, instead of encouraging us as I now see it should have done, because it shoAved that vessels occasionally passed through these watere. At no time since Ave Avere cast upon this place were Ave so doleful as over our failure to attract the attention of the people on board the schooner. I perhaps Avas tlie more dis- couraged for some reason Avhich I did not then 180 FATHER AGAIXSr Sr>N. iiii(l('i'st;iii(l. I was luiaccduiitiilily drpressi'd, and lacldiiL;' ill slrciigth and energy. At aiKitliiT liiiu' A\n' cainc t(i a |tlaee on tlie sliore of the Siiunil wliiMc tlii'iv w'ci'c trai-ks ot nu-n's feet in tlic sand, as if a iiaity liad Lnidfd there hut a slml-t time hefoie. We ran aiiHind the island lil^e elo\v hi^'h-water mark, where the sand was as jiard as a maeadam- ized road. IJythe time we liad o-ot the door of onr hut to the south strait 1 fouud myself tired and heated. As I had till then l)een strong and A\ell, 1 did not attach to niv indisposition any other meaning ex- cept fatigue. So 1 ke[it at work without men- tioning my sensations, otlier than to say that I was tired. AVhen at last ^^•e liad, Avitli great labor, got all our materials for the contem})lated raft to the })lace where we were to emhark, on putting them together we found that the raft would not carry even one of us. We were greatly discouraged at this, and I was on the })oint of advising that we return to the place of our old hut and give u[) the atteni])t to get away. After looking across the narrow strait Avistfully at the other shore Phil said, ''If you Avere n't so awful down in the mouth, llez, I should say our best plan in any case, wdietlier the raft would cany WE GROl'E IX DARKXESS. 133 us or not, would be to strip, put our clothes and other stuff on the raft, and s\A'ini across, pushing the raft; for don"t you see, old fel', avc couldn't paddle the awkward thing, even if it would carry us and we had good paddles, and we have n't got anything that is like one." I recognized tlie force of Phil's remarks, and mechanically began to take off my clothes, and Phil, understanding my act as a tacit assent to his intimated proposition, follow^ed my example. With- out another word we \\aded into the chilling cur- rent and, iJUshinQf the raft l)efore us, be ran to swim. At first the chill seemed to penetrate to my very marrow, but after swinnning a few yards a reaction set in and I was somewhat warmer, but still had to force myself to action. I did not understand that this might mean the beginning of a serious sick- ness, for I had always been strong and well, and therefore could not understand that I was anything but indolent. The sky was overcast, and that had, as I thought, some influence in causing me to feel depressed. "What's the matter?" said Phil, while puffing and blowing and looking very red in the face. " There don't seem to be any git in you, and this raft 's going out to sea just as fast as the tide can take it ! We 've got to put on more steam, Hez, or we won't fetch the other side of tliis little brook." 134 FATHER AdAIXST SnX. I then saw tor the lirst time that a strdiio- current ^^■as cai'iTin^i;' us dcranward. I put on a spurt, hut WT still eontiiuiril to drift to\\ar(l the niouth of the strait. "It \\-on"t do!"" cxclaiuu'd Phil, ratchini;' his hi'catli and lool^iuj^ srariMl. •• Wc nii^ht as wull turn ha(d< and L;'ct ashore while ^\■e can."" "It must d(»."" I said, now fullv ai'oused to our daUL^cr. •• We nii^'hl as well l;o to sea ^\■i^h the raft as to l;ii ;isliore w ithout onr cdothes. I'.ul lhoUL;li ni\- words cx])i-esse(l conlideiice and couraL;'c, and though they hcarteiiefj I'hil, I was hir from feelini;' anything;' hut a (h'Sperate resolution not to turn ha(d<. So witliout more words we continued hattliiiL,'' with the swift tide. It seemed for a time like working against fate, l^hil was out of hreatli, and my desperation, caused hy the knowledge that failure meant death, was all that sustained me. We were now at the very mouth of the inlet and (hitting still farther. I uotictM] that a short distance ahead the water seemed smoother — almost calm. I thoug-ht there might he less tide there and easier swimming. With a few desperate strokes I forged ahead and swam around the raft, clutched and placed hetween my teeth one end of a rope with wliieh the raft Avas lashed together, and made a supreme effort, feeling that our lives depended on it. HOLD ON," I SAID, "I CAN TOW THE RAFT." WE GROPE IN J)ARKXESS. 135 Phil seconded my efforts, wliile I, seeing that the raft still drifted towards tlie oeeaii, ))eeaiue, as it were, frenzied, and put out more and more effort, until at last the raft moved towards the shore without drifting. '' By George," exelaimed Phil, ''this raft is drifting the other way!" I soon saw, hy sighting oljjeets on the shore, that we had struek a eounter-eurrent or eddy, and at the same time found that I eould touch bottom, and that the water was scarcely above my waist. " Hold on," I said ; " I can tow the raft." I heard Phil laughing, and turning, indignantly said, ''Where does the laugh come in, Phil?" " Why," he replied looking back, " here we 've been swinnning Avhen for the last thirty yards we might liaA'e waded." So it proved ; with the exception of a channel alxjut a hundred yards A\'ide we could have waded most of the way, but we had been deceived as to depth by the dark-colored bottom. After towing the raft for a wliile we came to another narrow channel across which a few strokes carried us. We reached the sliore, and were pulling the raft above high-water mark so that we might make use of it again if needed, when suddenly every- thing seemed to whirl around and turn over and over. I staggered and fell : I had fainted for the first time in my life. 180 FMIIER AdAIXST SON. Wlifii at last T revived Phil was looking very solter and sad. "I am L^ettiuL;' to be a ])al>y — a pcrfeet milk- sop. T 1»('lie\f. IMiililiuster." I said. '•1 guess uol,"" said IMiil ; "if you hadn't put oil so tearingly foi' a spell when we were out in the ehaiuiel we "d have gone out to sea A\ith all ourclothes — you swam like mad: I neversawthe like of it. It"s I that "s a hahy ^\•hen it eonies to a hard sjjot, and not you, Ilez.'" ( )ne thing surprised us, and that was that on looking around we saw some of the wreckage of the '• Fa\drite."' such as tard)arrels and other things, far aliow high-water mark. "What geese we are,'" exelainieil Phil: "while we 've heen lying around over yonder the wreck- ers have l>een not two miles from us on this coast; otherwise how did this stuff get above high-water mark ? "" "Yes," I replied, "l)ut it don't matter now, let's get somewhere ^wliere I can get a good rest; I ne^'er felt so mean in my life. I can't stand this grub either, it makes me sick." " Well, you are s(pu'annsh," said Phil, cramming his mouth full of food; "this fried fisli is awful g()C)d. " After this we began our journey up the coast and had not gone far when Phil, who was ahead of me, ext'lainied, "Well, here's a go, llez ; Me are on another island." WE GROPE IX DARKNESS. 137 I went to tlie top of the sand-hill \\here he stood, and looking off said, ''Sure enough. Phil, hut what is that down there just ahove high-water mark? It looks like a hoat." We both started toward it. It proved to be the boat of the "Favorite," in which, it will be remembered, poor Blarney had gone adrift. lUit we found it to be stove in at the bows and without oars. " I hope Blarney got ashore alive in it," said Phil, " l)ut it is n't at all likely, for he was no sailor, and he would n't have stood much of a chance if he had been." As the island we were on \^-as nothing but sand there remained nothing for us to do but to get away by swimming. At first we debated whether we should go back to where we started from in the morning or go ahead. The island was not over a mile and a half long and we soon reached its southern limit, Phil carry- ing the door and I the full haversaclvS, and other useful things. With the exception of a narrow channel, twenty or more feet wide, we were able to wade to the other shore, and found, as Phil said, " When one really gets at a task it never proves as hard as it looks." By the time we had reached the other shore the clouds that had for some hours overcast the sky gathered increasing darkness ; and soon after a 138 F.[Tiii:ii a<;ainst sox. furious storm of rain, thunder, and linlituiuL;' l)urst u|)(»ii us. AVe sta^'u'ered on in the darkness in lio})es to eoine upon a iislu'rnian"s luU. I was Ixith liot a.ud eold : at times tlie heat seemed uneusbirahlc and at oihrr times I was sliivcring A\-itli cohh I fch indiffcrt-nt to evrrytliinn'. cxeept a siekenin^' fecdim^; lie^inning in my liead and exteiKhiiL;' all o\('i- me. \i last I sloppL'd and said. " Phililntster, you can j^-o on, hut J am siek and })layed out; I ean"t go any farther.'" 'Jdie rain -was descending in torrents AA'hen we halted hetween two sanddiills, and Phil covered and sheltered me as Ijest he could with the eauvas and the oil jaeket. During tlu' night my sleep was trotd)led, and I had frequent chills with fever, and fotmd myself continually trying to ex[»lain to my mother why I wav so wet and cond'ortless. ^' Wake up, old fel". "' called Phil. I threw off the canvas and sat up. The stm was shining : the sky was once more clear. Phil was standing on the hillock ahove me and })ointing, smiling, and saying something AA'hich thotigh I heard 1 could not h)r sonic time coni})reliend : for a stupor seemed to chain my thottghts and percep- tions. '"•What is it, Phil?" T said : "my head aches so I can't seem to understand you." I heard JMiil say something aljoiit houses in sight. WE f.'EOP/'J IN DARKXESS. IP.O I have 1)ut ail iudistiiu't reinembraiico of what oceuiTod after tliat except that 1 was soon in a room that seemed very close and ill-smelling, trying to eat food, for Avhicli I had an nnaccountahh' loathing. Then I remember a delicions feeling of being between cool sheets and seeming to hear my mother's voice saying, "Sleep, my l)oy. You will soon feel better." When I awoke the kindly face of a young woman greeted me. "Where am I? Where is mother — and Phil? " I inquired ; and then as I dimly remendjered how I came there I attempted to get up, when it seemed as if my bones would drop asunder, I was so lame and weak. " Where 's Phil, ma'am ? "' I asked. " He 's over yon in the boat with my man," she replied, but as she spoke I heard Phil's voice. Then there was a whispering outside of the door. The woman said, " Come in, he 's right peart," and Phil Avas at my bedside. " I 'm awful weak, Pliilibuster," I said, " but I guess it 's time we were going, it must be quite late." "Don't you know," said Phil, glancing at the woman, " that you have l)een lying here sick for 'most four weeks, a fever sickness, as John calls it? I guess you 're coming 'round all right now. Here, have some clam soup ; then turn over and 140 FATHER AGAINST SOX. go to sleep again, and we 11 have a good talk l)y and l)y." I yielded to the stronger will, turned over with my hire to the wall, studit^l the red tlowers on the wall i)a[)er, and then fell into a long, restful sluniher. When I a^\•(lke Pliil still sat hy the Ix'd. T yawned and said. "1 "ve had a nap. I hclirve. AVhat was it vou were saying ahout clam soU})?"" ••A nap I "' exelaimer twelvr hours stead v and it has done you no end of good: you don't look like the same person."' ''Take down that glass and let me sei% will you?"' I said. I'liil hesitatctl, then said. ''You look a little peakeilot, and he thought he ^\"(luld go ahoard and see what kind of peo}ile was on her. I was not only anxious to he going, hut ftdt that we had liunh^ned these good people too much ah'eady. "When T said as much to John and his wife they WE GROPE IX DARKXESS. 143 l)oth deelaivd that we were in> trouLle, and that they had had nothing Init good lucdv ever since they took us in. They considered us sort of mas- cots that had hrought them protection. Finally John said Phil could go off to the schooner with him, and if lie liked the looks we could make a l)argain with the captain. It was agreed by us all that that would he better than trustinef to the Confederates. 14^ FATHER AGAINST SOX. CUXPTFAl XITI. WE LEAVE ClllCAMACoMiro. That dav, wliilc Pliil and Jolni wciv off in the boat on tlu' rn'aiid HUMitioiU'(l in tlic [»receding cliaptrr. and I A\'as in tlir kitclicn licdping Jane mend some lisliin^'-iu'ts. we licard a }»eculiar call outside. Jane started np, saying: ''The men at tlie forts are eoniinn': get over von in the Iteacdi grass, and stay away till you See the net hung up hack of the house."' I did not wait to question, hut startech Before this I had known that there was a system of signals in use among the villagers to give warn- ing to one aritither. In all the houses the women, and even tlie ehihhen, were on the lookout, so it wordd have hi'en almost impossible for any stranger or enemy to ap[)roa(di the place without uiaking his presence known, and giving all persons wh(^ wished to conceal themselves an opportunity to (h) so. J was (piickly hidden l>ehind the sanddiills, where none could a[)proach without my seeing them or receiving warning. Not five minutes after I left I saw a party of men at the house, and then after some twenty minutes had elapsed, as if they were satisfied that WE Ll'AVE CHICAMACOMICO. 145 tliere were no men there whom the}' could con- script, they took their departure. I waited, expecting to see tlie signal displayed, but it did not appear. ^Vfter a time I oljserved two of the neighl)ors' hoys gradually drawing near to me while pla}-ing around the sand-hills. I thought nothing of it until they came within a few feet of where I was lying, when I began to comprehend that they were sent to communicate with me. Without turning his face towards me one of them said, " Missus says you must n't come to the house to-night," and then carelessly, while playing, they made tlieir way back. It was at ten o'clock at night, or later, when I saw a light in the back window. This was a sig- nal that John and Phil had been at home. In an- other moment Phil was with me. " The conscription gang are scattered all through the village, laying for the men to come home from fishing, but they '11 wait till they are old and gray before they catch 'era," said Phil in a suppressed tone, accompanied by a chuckle of amusement. " I 'm afraid they may catch John, or seize his boat," I said. " John is not to be caught napping," said Phil ; " before we got ashore he seemed to suspect trouble at home, for he suddenly determined to anchor his boat and go ashore in his dory at some other than his usual lauding. Then we got word that they 140 FA Til El! AC'AIXST SON. were hiyiiio' for liini tlici'e. lie is at tlie shore waiting' tor us now. He says kee}) a sliar}) look- out and not 1m' seen."' We wt'iit to tlie |ilaee wliere lie had a^'i'eed to meet us. and \\(.'i-e soon on Ixiard of liis hoat. ( )n our arrixal .lolin L;ot up sail at once and stood (»tit into tlie Sound, so liiat he niiylit l)e in the vieinitv of the siliooiici' and at the same time kee}i at a re- s[i('ctfid distance fi'oni the p'aiig in the town. I now learned tliat Jolin and Phil had not l)een on lioai'd of tlie schooner, hill had talked to one of the lisheriiii'ii who had. lie told them that it was, as .lohn had thought, a "^ aiikee ci'afl. whiidj, not know iuL; thai the State had seceded, had come in hii' a liarhor. It was neai'h- suni'ise when we discovered the schooner well otl' in the hay. and it was ten o'clock wdien wi' came near eiiouii'li to hail her. In answer lo our hail there came an evasive re- ply, and an iindtation to come on hoard if we wanti'd any inh)rmation. We were soon along- side, and Phil and I (dimhed on deed-:. An elderh' man stood at the tiller with his feet wide ajiart. giving at times sharp orders to the only hand on deck hesides himself. Without changing his position he cast a serutiiuzing glance at John in the hoat. then at Pliil and me. "Well,"" he said tons, "spit it out; wdiat is it?" Then to John he said, "What's the matter? Avhy don't you come al)oard?" WE LEA VI-: CIIICAMACOMICO. 147 We ex})lainL'(l to liim that we had Ix^'eii east aAvay and Avanted to get home, and if lie Mas L^'oing to a Xoi'tliern port Ave hoped to get a passage with him. "Xo [)Ia('e for huid-lultbers, 1)ut if voii can reef and steer" — and here he gave ns another searching glance, and then added, '' We are shortdianded, or we would n't he in Pandico SoiukL" Then, see- ing that John was about to east off his painter, he added. " Come aboard and ]»ilot me out of the u})- per inlets, and I "11 give tliese l)oys a passage ; they "11 ha\e to work, though: and I'll give //o» ten silver dollars to pilot me out of here." John eame on board at once, saying to the cap- tain, " I '11 do my best, but I can't say Ijut the Hatteras Inlet folks ain't right peart after yon 11 ns." '•' I understand," said the captain, " but if you know the upper inlets we may get the ' Pliilena ' throirgh to-night. I 'm just from the West In- dies ; got fruit and perishable stuff al)oard, and 've got to git to N' York or the cargo '11 be sp'iled. I come through the inlet by them forts in the night, but the thing now is how to git back." " What made you put in here ? " incjuired Phil. '' Short-handed and did n't like the looks o' the sky; likely to have a storm 'fore I can make N' York. An' then," continued the old captain in his thunderous bass tones that seemed to make the air vibrate, -' I did n't know this State had gone crazy 148 FA 'III I -n A'.JIXST SOX. till some of \u\iv lisliennm told uu'. 1 knew that South ('"i-"liii\' had l;'oiil' s-2 FATiniR AC MX ST SnX. In a U'W nioiiiciits tilt' "("otloii riant," such was her iiaiiK'. was alongside and licrnit'ii swarmed oil llic sflidiinci' s dcc]<.s, takini;' possi'ssion in tlic name of llic ( oidcilcratc States. We wei'e ordei'e(l oil l)oard the "('ottoii Plant."' wliicli was at onee headtMl toi' Ilattcras lid(4. In the afti'niooii we were land('(l at the inlet, and soon alter coiidiictiMl to the ol'licc of the naval coni- iiiaiidaiil. ( 'aptain IJari'on. lie i('cci\('(l us with cliilliu^ciNilitv : anyone could sec that he liaarrou. ••No, sir, a ('a])e ('odder. l)Ut "ve sailed out o" them poi'ts all m\ life, ever seiice I was ten year old. I>e"n four times "round the world: l>e"n feii'n v'y"(_.X's all mv life : ^ds, capn of a shi[) f"r near tliirtv vear. Then I thoUL;'ht Fd settle down "t hum: then I had a kind "f a-hankerin" for the salt water "s^'in. I see you "re a sailor an' know how "t is. Then I put most o" mv money in this little craft: thouyhi I "d 'muse myself eoastin". C'apt'n, slu' "s a little craft, won't do you no good, an' senee I ain"t no designs "g'inst the SoittherJi folks p'r'aps y '11 WE LEAVE ClIICAMACOMICO. 153 let me an" my schooner go. Y' ar' welcome to the cargo ; that "s fair." Captain Barron smiled as he replied : " Personally I should like to oblige you : l)ut we are at war with the United States, and yonr vessel is a prize, and you are a prisoner of the Confederacy." "But," said Captain Bangs, "you b'long to th 'nited States, don't ye ? them are the buttons 'f our common country you *ve got on y'r coat ; \xcuse me if I offend, Ijut I don't understand things." " Sir," said the officer haughtily, " I am an officer of the Confederacy and owe no allegiance to the old government ; " and then in an insinuat- ing and pleasanter tone he said, "■ Perhaps we can arrange it, captain, so that you can still com- mand your vessel ; we should be glad to give you employment in our way ; the Confederacy needs good seamen. It would l)e preferable, would it not, to still command your own craft to being a prisoner of war? I can promise you letters of marque from our president." "'To do what?" asked the captain, knitting his brow, as if he were trying to comprehend the prop- osition. " Why, to capture Yankee vessels ; there will be some good pickings, and you will soon get rich." " An' be hung for piracy, as I sh'd desarve, an' as every one does that raises liis hand 'g'iust the l-")4 FATHER ACMXsr SOX. lliiL;' tliat "s |»r(»tLM'ti'(l liiiii. an" that lie "> sailcil under. X(). sir! IM lie sunk in tlu- • Philfiia " lirst an' l)f ilaiuiit'd to all li-aitors and tui'Ucdats ! " Tlu'rc was a look of la^'f on the ot'iit'cr's face, "wliicli the ca^jtain [)('i'cci\in^' said, " Ioxciim' nic sir. 1 "in a little heate(l, hut 1 mean no disi'espeet to you. Wdiv. I "\'e sailed undei' that tlai;' when you was in \'our el'adle. I "\'e he'll L;lad to he [iroteeted. an" })roud. sir. to stan" under it. an" feel that it was ni\' tlai;'. the fla^' o" free Americans, that our fathers fought for an" die(l foi' : ni\- hither f(iUL;'ht with Decatur, ^rn" hdl deinl on the de\\(lt'r magazines CDnstnictrd. and tlir Iminl) jH'uols. tlioUL;li tliry were al'lcrward sliowii to lie uns(.'r\iecal)l(', wei'e (■onsi(lfrt'(l linislicd. 'riit'i'c wci-c about sc\t'n liundrtMJ nu-n on arr(.)n lielongs to the na\'y. and was some cut U[), I reckon, by wliat your old cap'n said. W'liw he played, so they say, a ^'ankee tri(d< at Washington: he almost got iharge of the whole dog-goned Yankee na\y when that old Alie sto[)j)ed it; we shonld *ave had a l)etter lot o' ships if it had ii"t been for that." This last ol)seivation was said in the tune of one who is aggrieved over unfair nsage. LEA VI NG DIXIE. 157 "What are tlieso forts for'/"" T inquired, for I couldn't see any use in defending a sand-l)ar. '' Well,"" said, he '• I reckon the Yankee ships can t come over the sand l)each, an" there ain"t water "nougli for "em to git through over yon," indicating the northern inlets, "an" they ean"t come through h"yer ; if they try it we '11 blow "em out o' th" water.'" That my young readers may Ijetter comprehend the situation and the purpose of these forts, I will recite a few facts which Phil and I did not then know, and which, in })art, may he unfamiliar to the reader. When tlie news of the capture of Fort Sumter by the South Carolinians was flashed over the country, President Lincoln at once called an extra session of Congress, to meet on July 4, 1861, and also issued a call for seventy-five thousand vol- unteers to maintain the laws, and to restore the supremacy of ivTational rule. These acts of the chief executive were hailed at the North with an outburst of patriotism with a unanimity which never abated in its enthusiasm, and before which party lines were practically o1)lit- erated; and the peo})le rushed to arms to sustain the central government. (_)n the r)ther hand the governors of the slave States utterly refused to cooperate in the Xational defence ; while the secessionists among the people, availing themselves of the call of Mr. Lincoln for 1 .') 8 FA Til /■; /.' ACM XS T S ON. volniitt't'i's, iiiiidc a last ct'lni't to t'orcc \\\v States into rt'lx'llion, under the [)retext that tlils eall of tlie I^'edei'al i;(>veniinenl liad ni\ade(l their I'iylits as s(i\('i-eiL;'ii States. I'lider tliesc iiiflueiices one State after anotlier iiad seceded iVoiii the ruioli. and tiuallv the ( 'oli- h'derae\". witJi .lelTel'Sdli l)a\is at its liead. issued letters ol' inari|Ue. and in\ited the I'ehel Slates Id lit out pri\'aleei's Uw tlie eajitui'e or destrutdiou of the nieridiant \essels of tlie North. On the lUth of April. ISCi, Mi-. Lincoln issued a jiroclaniatiou declai-in^' a hhxdvade on all the coast from South ('arolina to 'I'exas. and on the 2lHli, N'ir^iiua ha\ in^' alread\' seceded, and the secession of North ('arolina heiiiL;- inniiineiit. he extended the hhxdvade to the coast of those States. Uut to t'stahlish an etfectixe l)]o(d-;ade fi'oni Mexico to the I'otoniac. ui-ar Wadiin^'ton. was an innnense undeitakin<4-. To understand the value of llatteras Inlet in eonueetion with this lihxdvade, as \v(dl as froni a military standpoint, take tlie maps of Xortli Caro- lina and Virginia, and you will ol)serve on them a tang'led network of internal na\'iL;'al)le watei's pro- tected l>v a long' harrier of narrow sand islands (()f which llatteras heacli, where the " Favorite " had lieen wrecked, forms tlie greater part) extend- ing from Curricut Sound, near Norfolk. A^a., to l)elow Ueaufort, S.C. 'I'lirou'''h these sand harriers there are, as I have LEAVING DIXIE. 159 already instanced, nnmerons channels or iidets, where vessels of lin'ht draft can pass to coinnui- nicate with the vast inland country, and through which blockaders could not follow on account of shallow water, v>'\n\e the pi'incipal or main chan- nels were guarded by the forts at Ilatteras Inlet. Once safe within tliese waters the rebel, foreign, or native trader had the whole countr}' o[)en to his operations. The English traders and slii[)l)uilders, if not the English government, seemed to have been care- fully posted, before the war began, as to all the advantages of onr coast line to l)lockade runners, and also as to the premeditated rebellion, for the ink on the proclamation declaring tlie rebels bel- ligerents was not dry before they began to lit out at their ship-yards privateers exactly fitted to thread these shallow inlets. In this manner the insurgents were able to receive munitions of w^ar and English goods in exchange for their cotton. For a time the Confederacy was virtually a province of Great Britain. Two of the most important points for this inland traffic were Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds. Neither Phil nor I comprehended at that time the importance of the forts at Hatteras, and I have given these details so that boys who read this nar- rative may comprehend the part this position played in the affairs of the war. After our interview with Captain Barron, Phil, 1<;0 FATHER AdAINST SON. (':i]it;iiii IJaii^s. Xixoii, and I were all coiitiiied in a small Iniildiui;- used for ^auird (|Uarlcrs. ( )ur food was \'('ry Ljood and our Irt'atuit'nt fair, and after about a Wfek we were alloWLMJ conipai'ative liberty, after si^'uiiii;' a [)arole of honor not to H'o l)e\-ond certain limits. l/nder this arranL;'e- ment -lohii was allowx'd To ljo liome, only Iteini;' i'e(]uire(l to rejioit to the commandant (jiiee each \\eek. At tirst I was veiy much interested in my new surroundings. I thon^ht. as IMiil said. " It will l)e something' to talk aliont if we evei' ^'et home."" Thus I was \'er\' ol)ser\ ant and curious re^'arding the forts. The iid'ormation I gained was after- wards of advantage to wxc. IIo^\e^■er, I soon tii'ed of llatteras. and eliafed over our forced detention from liome and friends. I became tired too of tlie never-ceasing sound of the surf and the unending calm of the water in Pandico SouiKh as A\ell as of the al)surd brag of the Southern soldiers of wdiat they intended to do witli the Yankees if they came to llatteras. " I want to get away from here, Philibuster,"" 1 said one (hiy : •' I am tired of it."* *' So am I," said Phil, '' but Avhat can we do al)out it ? We niiglit as well l»e a thousand miles from land as to be liere, so far as running away is concerned. We have just got to grin and bear it till something turns \\\)." On the last of July the Confederates were jubi- LEA VIXr; DIXIE. Kil lant. When T iii(|uire(l the cause of their manifes- tations of i(^v one of the gaiard said: " Our army has just captured the whole durned Yankee army at Manassas, and sent 'cm to Rich- monch'' " What are you going to do with "em '! " I inquired, just to see what tlieir ideas of the uses of tlie Yankees were. ''• Well, I reckon we-uns '11 make 3'ou-uns work for we-uns." Then followed extravagant statements of the performances of the Confederate army, all of which they believed, no douht, hut which we seriously questioned among ourselves. Up to this time we had been treated with some respect and forl)earance, hut thereafter the ser- geants and oflicers became overbearing and disa- greeable, if not insulting. Even the privates seemed to consider themselves superior persons, and, as Phil said, " put on lugs." Our rations meanwhile steadily decreased in quantity, and we all grew more and more discon- tented. This discontent was not the less when the guard began to circulate a rumor that we were all to l)e sent to Lynchburg. One day, about the 23d of August I should judge, I was wandering along the ocean shore when I heard a shrill whistle. I turned and saw John Nixon, beckoning to me from a sand-hill. I knew at once that he had something of impor- 1i;2 FATUiin AdAiysr sn\. laiicc to coiiiiiiuiiicatc, and that lie liad Ix^cn ut what's vour plan. Johu '.■' " 1 said ; " I know yon ve got one." "I reckon that guard-house where they keep ye LEA VIN'.' DIXIE. 163 ain't uiiU'h to ^ct out'n wlit'ii I was thai/* said John: "the boards t' that hjwiT bunk was h)ose, an" there "s no floor nnderneath. 1 dnj;- a right smart lioh' down ther, nfself, an' I reckon yon t-'n claw ont in a right smart time." ^' Ikit what \\ill \A-e do then? AVe can't get away from this phice," I exchiimed impatiently. "Well," said John with provoking slowness, ''I reckon you 'n' IMiil 'n' that cap'n man \1 better git out "n' come over t' th' second crik where I 've goi; my l)oat an' a lot o' grub flxin's." And then John outlined a plan l)y Avhich he agreed to have his boat in a creek about three miles distant. If we did not cc^ne sooner he wc uld be there three nights in succession, and longer if we could not get there at that time and lie ould do so safely. On returning to the fort I told Phil all this, and more which I have not here given. The next morning when I started to leave the guard quarters I was told that I had violated my parole l)y talking to the negro laborers, and the captain was also deprived of his liberty on a similar pretext. When I liad dennirred at being restrained, the young officer of the guard showed me his written instructions, that we were not to be allowed there- after to go beyond guard quarters. During the day I examined the lower bunl; and found, as John had said, tliat the boards Nvere im FAriiEi; AdAixsr so.x. Idosc, and tliat uiidci' this IIrtc was iiotliiiiL,'' but saiid to (»l»sti-iicl our (,-\it. ( )ii the iii^'lit ol' Aiin'iist -'k at alxiut eleven ()"('l()ck. Phil. \\]i(» had heeli (iccii|»\-iiin- the upper hiliil\, i'eiii(>\ed the lioai'ds at the l)()tti»in of the lower one. and ^\■e weie read\' to ti'\" to i^et out. 'idle second relief had just Ix'cn seid out, and the !_;'uai'ds relie\f(l \\-ei'e soon fast aslee[i and snoriuL;'. Soon after this I saw the sei'L;"eant of the L;-uai'd hisliMi the door, and tlieii. eastiiiL;' a glance toward his prisoiieis, he la\' (hiwn, liut a})parently not witli the intention of sleejiiiiL;-. I saw him making' an effoi't to keep awake, l)ut after starting up and looking aiduiid once or twice he sank hack in his hunk, and soon his nieasui'ed l)reatliing assured nie that it \\as safe for us to act. Thi.s Avas hetter luck than we had anticipated. I silenth' got up. when one of tiie guard, who sle[)t next to us. looked out of his liuidc, and then yawned and lay down again, and was sc>on fast aslee}). It was a half hour after tliis \\ hen we went to woik. It was liy no means a hard task to dig awav the loose samL ( )u starting out W(> had no ti'oul)le in evading the sentinels, a\1io kept l)ut an indifferent outh^ok, as I had more than once previously observed. In two liours' time we had reached the I'endez- vons agreed n})on, l)ut at iii'st could !ind neither John nor his boat. For a time 1 thought some LEAVING DIXIE. 165 disaster had overtaken him ; then thought I would try a signal wliieli lie had taught us. It was at once answered, and in another moment John came ashore in a dory from his sail-hoat which he had secured off-shore, where she could not be easily- seen. To our surprise we found not only John's wife, but also Captain liangs on board. I had told the captain of John's plan and had described the situa- tion of his boat, and he had made his way to the place early in the evening by evading the guard and slip})ing out of the door. John Nixon's boat was twenty feet long, sharp at both ends, half-decked forward, and, as he often said, was the best boat on Pamlico Sound, and lit to make an ocean voyage in. By Captain Bangs's advice he had formed the plan of passing through one of the northern inlets, and then of making his way up the coast of Dela- ware and New Jersey, but was in hopes that before going so far we should fall in with some northern- bound vessel and be taken on board. A gentle soutliern breeze was l)lowing when we got up sail and steered to the northward. " I hope we shan't see that or'nery ' Cotton Plant ' anywhere," said John anxiously ; " one o' ye 'd better go for ard an' keep a lookout." We kept from six to ten miles from the shore during the next day, and when night came steered nearer the shore. 1G6 FATHER AGAINST SON. •"I s'piiso." said -lolin, '' we iiiio-lit git tliroiii^li at tlie ( )('ra('<»la' Inlet. l)Ut inel_)l)e tlie Ilat'ras cusses "ve n'ot a hoat tliere." It was al»iiut twelve o'eloek that iiiglit when wo tacked sheets and slodd tor one of tlie iiortliei-n inh'ts, \\-hei'e Jolni saiil tlie chainiel was xevy nari'ow and intricate, and where none hut thost^ familiar with its eonstaiit ehan^'es ever xcntui'ed. As we neared it we found the tide ^'oin^' out like a niill-i'aee, and calling' foi' all of John's attention to keep the Itoat fi'oin ^roundin^'. Suddeidv there eanie an ominous call: "' lh)at aho\- ! Wdiat hoat is that'.'"" .lohii made no I'osponse at first, hut said to us on hoard, " Kee}i down in the hoat so they won"t see ye." When the call was i'i'peate(l in a peremptory maimer. John ei'ied out in a tone of great alai'm, '■'A tishin' hoat: the l)lamed tide's toting me out to sea, an" I Avant to get in shore : throw me a rope, or give me a tow." Jolm's tones seemed so genuine that the people on board the hostile eraft seemed tliorougldy deeeive(h ^' No steam up," eame the laughing reply. "-Let down _y'r sail and row in." "' Throw a line, 1 say, or I reckon I "11 go on to tliese (h^ggoned flats : I dar" n"t let go the tiller, an' I'm Jest a-gittin' out to sea right fast, — an" my wife "s e\}»ectin" me t" hum "fore this."' A hoarse latigh was the oidy answer, as we were swept by the strong current out into the ocean. LEA VI NG DIXIE. 167 '"I reckon 't was that or'nery 'Cotton Plant'; they did n"t \va\q np steam, an' if they fire their dnrned ol* g-nn now they can't liit the boat." In another moment the steamer couhl not l^e seen for the (Uii'kness, and then we trimmed onr sails so as to lay onr way np the coast. ''Tliat was an all-fired good trick y' played on them fellers," said Captain Bangs. '' I almost thonght y' u'a» scared." "■ I was n't 'feared they 'd ketch me ; the'd go]; stnck on th' flats 'f the'd started after ns ; Init I war 'feared tlie'd fire that big gnn an' sink 'er, or I wonld n't 'a' made such a dnrnation yelpin' 'bout it," said John in his high-pitched drawling tones. " They won't put chase ; should n't wonder if they tho Light the joke was on their side," said the gruff captain in a tone of satisfaction. We were some fifteen miles up the coast when a glorious day broke, and under a full press of sail, with the wind abeam, we went on our way. During the day we held our course without sighting a single sail, all on board, with the exception of John's wife, taking turns at standing watch. About ten o'clock the next morning Captain Bangs, who was on the lookout at the bow, as he stood snufflng the air, and looking at the sky said : " We sh'll hev a change o' weather in course of twenty-four hours ; it 's comin' on t' blow." Just then he stopped suddenly in his weather IF.S FAT HER ACALYST SON. })r()l)liecy. ;niii dl I iiited States war vessels, a<'ei)iin)aiii('(I liy ehai'lered steainei's. '• I'xtat ah(>\' I "" caiiic the call from the nearest steaiuei'. ■• What hoal is that '!" •Idhn answered in a tcehle, hiL;-h-[)itched tone; hnt the old ca}>taiii. disre^'ardinn' his answer, i'e[ilied hy shontiiiL;' ont in a more seaman-like style thi'on^h his hands hollow i'(l for a trnmpet, ''The 1)oat '.lane,' from Ifatteras, with escaping prisoners iVom the forts. What steamer is tliat?" And then in an aside he said, '•That'll fetch "em ; they'll want to know all we loiow."' "The United States war-steamer ' Monticello," " came the answer. " Will \()n come on 1)oard?" On receiving an al'liiinative reply, the steamer slowed n}) and took ns on hoai'd and onr hoat in tow. I'ntil the moment of my arrival there I had never l)een on the deck of a war-vessel, and I was amazed at the dazzling white decks, tlie neatness and briuiitness of the uniforms of the officers and THE BOOT IS ON THE OTHER l.EG. 17l sailors, and tlic polished metal and taut ngging of this ship. To my eyes she looked more like ii craft for a holiday show than for serviceal:)le ac- tion ; l)ut mine was the mistake of a novice in naval affairs. ''Good deal o" gingerhread work here," said Bangs in his suppressed bass, and then, with an approving look at the orderl}- seamen and the Avhite decks and taut rigging, added, " Everything ship- shape to a marlin-spike, though. " "• You are wanted at the office," said a spruce- looking young gentleman. AVt- were conducted to a spacious cabin, where seated at a table, on which were charts and wiiting materials, wT-re two officers of the ship. The older of these addressed John, saying : " You are a native of Hatteras, Ave understand ? " " Yes," responded John, " my wife and I war both born there." '^ What are you leaving the island for ? " John responded by telling the circumstances, which the reader already knows, and added: " 'Most all Ave-uns' folks — 'most all the men folks, I mean — have be'n druv off by these crazy folks Avho ain't satisfied with this country an' want t' fight." " You are a Union man, I take it, Mr. Nixon ? " said the officer pleasantly. " Yes, T reckon th' United States ar' good 'nough f'r me," said John. " I had rights 'nough 'thout 172 FATHER Af.'AFXST SON. li^-litiiT tir Yankees; I ain't ^'ot no nin'gers, aiT (l(»ii"t want any that Ivind o' truck, neitluT.'" ''I suppose you are a }iilot in these parts ; niost lishernien are."" Jolni sliook Ills liead. sayinn'. "T know tli" clian- nels an" Pamlico. I n'clcon. Init a small erat't an" a bii;' ship aiv (lit't'"rent."" After ])UttinL;- a few general (jUestions akout the island and its people, the (»riieer he^'an to impure Avhat we knew ahout the forts. "•I think this youn^- feller has a pictur" he made o' the forts,"" said ("a[itain 15anL;'s. I hung my hea(k for I knew the drawing I had made was anything hut a good one, though I liad drawn a better one from it for one of the noii-eom- ndssioued oftieei's of the garrison. T. how ex er. took it, crumpled and soile(k from my pot-ket, and at Ids ro({iiest both Phil and I stepped to the table or desk, and in reply to his (piestions soon gaxe him all the information we possessed, whieh after^^■ard proved to be of considerable value. The officer also brought otd, by a few (|iiestious, the story of our shipwreck on Hatteras. After the interview Ave were assigned to (jnarters with the petty oiheers, and in half an liotir felt otirselves very nuich at home among them. C)ne of the sailors said to me, *■' Blast my e^'es, youngster, yoti "le sailin" under close reef. I've got some togs that b"longed to Bill Barnacles, a young cha[) that died."" THE BOOT rS nX THE OTHER LEG. 173 Then he sliowcfl me a suit of sailor's elotlies that were just ahout my size. These, after some bargaining, I Ijought, giving him Bill's wateh and a promise to pay him five dollars some other time. I put the elothes on at onee after the bargain was concluded, and the sailor who sold them said he would Ikivc thought they were made for me. We learned that the squadron consisted of seven war-vessels : the '^ ^linnesota " (the flagship of the squadron), the " AVabash," the " Monticello," the " Susquehanna," the '' Pawnee," the "• Harriet Lane," and the " Cumberland" ; carrying altogether one hundred and fifty-eight guns, many of them of heavy calibre. In addition to these war-vessels, there were the " Adelaide," the '' George Peabody," and the tug " Fanny," which were chartered steamers and transports ; there were also two or three schooners without masts, and a hxrge number of iron surf- boats. We learned that on board of the transports was a body of nine hundred troops, under the command of General Benjamin F. Butler, while the naval expedition was commanded by Flag Officer Stringham, U.S.N. As Bangs had surmised, this formidable array of battleships was on its way to attack the Confed- erate stronghold standing at the entrance of Pam- lico and Albemarle Sounds. As we came on deck. Captain Bangs said, " 'Tween me an' th' mainm'st, shipmates, I think the 174 F I TJJKR . 1 a A fXS 7' .s77.V. l)()(it '11 ])v oil l" (•tlicr \f'j; with them hlastrd rcltcls that was so lii^'h an" min'htv with iis 1" llal'ras : I'll n'it ni\' schditncr hack, au" tlif\'"ll git a lesson, true 's nu' iiaiiu' "s r)aii'_;s ! Aim! the old sca-do^'. with a '^vhn smile, hit into a hiiLi'f }»1iil;' of •• na\ y." as if to I'liiphasi/.c his sa.tist'actioii. '' It "11 tak'ca j)o\\-('ii'ul lot o" lessons t" learn them thar folks. ! reckon, " said John vcrv carnestlv. '' ^'on c"ii learn a stii]»id or a fool, hut I reckon our folks over thar' are j)liinih crazy."' I'^arly on 'Ihiesday lllornill^• Hatteras lio'ht was in si^iit. Wdieii we roiiiide(l tiie oiitershoals there Avas a heaxy ^'roiiiid swell, and as we neared the shore the l)each. as far as the e\'e could see. pre- sented all uiihrokeii line of surf. I>\' li\'e o'cloek in the afternoon the whole sipiadron had c(»me to anchor at (he southward of the t'ape. During' the night husy [)rej)ai'ations were made for the landing of troops in the morning. The stirf l)oats were hoisted, and signals were exchanged hetweeu the slii})s of the s(piadron and the ilag- ship. Tlu'se and other preparations showed that a drama of naval hattle was to o[)en with the dawn of tlie coming day. .John was sent to the llag-ship, where it was tliougiit he might he of itse. as he was familiar with the inlet and other features of the islan(h As t'arl\- as four o'clock the next morning the crew of the '* Mijnticello " was summoned to hreak- •wf ^ THE BOOT IS OX I'll E (>'/7u:n Li:a. IT') fast, and hy seven, with the " Pawnee " and the '^ Harriet Lane, " the steamer Avas ordered to assist in covering, or protecting, the landing of tlie troops. Tlie place selected for the landing was al)ont three miles from the forts, where tliere was a slight bend in the sliore, and less undertow than at any other portion of that part of the l)each. Shell were fired from our ship to protect the troops when landed. The dismasted scliooners were anchored near tlie shore, and then allowed to drift near the breakers, after which each of the iron surf boats took from them fifty or more soldiers to the shore. Phil, at his request, was allowed to accompany an officer in one of these boats, but I did not get the chance, in which, as w"ill be seen, I was fort- unate. A boat from the •■' Pawniee " made a successful landing, but some of the boats that followed were swamped, and most of them, when they entered the surf were, with the greatest difficulty, kept from capsizing. S(Mne of them I saw hurled on the beach with the waves sweeping over them, Avhile the half-drowned soldiers struggled through the water to the shore. The surf lioats Avere so badly crushed by the heavy breakers that they could not return to the A^essels ; and after some three hun- dred men had been taken to the shore no attempts were made to land any more. , Those on shore were left in a very perilous and 17<') i'A'riii:n AdMxsr snx. uncomfdi'talilc |)(tsiii(in. witliout pi'dvisions. uiialilc to I'ctuni. with tlicii' aiiiiiiuijitii)ii wet. and lial>K' to lie cajjtm'cil l»v a sii[)t'ri()r force wliicli iniu'lit casily l)c sent aL^'aiiist tlifiii. Ill the distance, on tlic forts, tlic enemy's flags could l)e seen ilelia.iitlv lloatlng. All tills tinii' 1 had lieeii lntereste(I In watching' the gumiers, and the shell tliat wei'e occasionally thrown oN'er the li'oo[is towards the eiieni\'. M \' attention was, howe\'er, soon drawn to still iiioi'c exciting scenes. At aliout ten o"(dock in the forenoon there was a nioyement among the remaining \essels of the fleet. " Idast my timbers," said Captain Bangs, "if I don't think they're goin' to give them f(^rts a lesson from the Ten ( ''nniian'meiits, sech as, '• 'Jdiou shalt not steal,' oi' somethin' of a moral natur' f'r th'r good : What craft 's that?" ''That," said the sailor addressed, "is the ' Wa- l)ash," towing the ' ( 'undierland,' and that craft following them is the tlag-slii[) • Minnesota." " "I s'pose they're prooty well fixed f'r shoot- in' ? " said the old ca})tain inipiiringly. " Yes, sir," said a [>etty officer, whose acquaint- ance I was cnltiyating, "the 'Wahash' carries forty-fiye lieayy guns, the ' Mlmiesota ' forty-six, the '•Cumberland" twenty-four, and the 'Susque- hanna ' out there getting under way carries seven- teen guns." THE BOOT IS ON THE OTHER LEG. 177 "One liinidivd and thirty-tAvo buU-dog's l)arkin' in one fight ! " exclaimed the ohl ea[)tain. •■ Why, tliej c"n blow them forts out o' the .sand into Pamlieo Sound ! " The vessels went forward into position south- easterl}' from the forts. As they showed their sides to us we saw a jet of flame and smoke leap from their ports, followed by a thunderous roar and concussion that echoed over the water; and then from the forts there came an angry flash and roar, as if in acceptance of the challenge to combat. The first battle between earthworks and slii[)s, in the Civil War, had begun. In from ten to twenty minutes the "• Minnesota " and the '^ Susquehanna '" added their guns to the clamor and were belching flame and smoke, and filling the air with terriljle explosions, the sounds of which came rolling and vibrating over the waters. "• That 's a pretty good play of the commodores ! " exclaimed an officer who stood looking off at the ships in conflict. " By Jove, they can't get his range while our ships plump almost every shot into their sand-heaps. Just see the shell burst above them I " Sure enough, we could see the sand thrown up as the shot struck the parapet outside of Fort Clark, and little clouds of smoke above the forts showed the bursting of shell there, while the shots from the guns of the forts either fell short or threw up jets of water beyond the ships, as they struck. 178 FATHER AGAINST SON. The reason for this was tliat tin- ships instead of I'cniaininL;' stati()iiar\'constantlv passed and repassed tlie ciiciin's I'oi'ts in iiarrdwiiiL;' nv \vi(U'ning eireles, (h'HvcriiiL;- tlicir lire as tlicy eanie in ran^-e. IJy tliesc tactics of the adiiiii-al tiic artilh-rists at the foi'ts were ciuistaiitly haflleil in tlieir attempts to H'cl rani^'c of the ships. If ])y i^'ood hick lliey nearly ;j;t»t tile raiin'e they \\-oidd l(tse tlie adxaiitaye so L;-aine(l at the next hont, for tlie sliips did not pass twice at tlie same distance. 'I'hns e\frv shot made h\- the enemy was in the iiatnre of an experiment, and duriiiL;' that jiart of the action not a. ship was struc]^. I watched the red toni^aies of hre and jets of A\hite snlphnr smoke that lea[)e(l in constant sne- cession from oiir ships, \\liile the conciissioiis shook the deck on which I stood, and seemed ev(.'n to rock the earth heiieath the sea. The s(piadron moved maji'stically withont halt, deli\('rini4- lire and throwing' death and destruction a-mong onr enemies. The hnrsting shell, and other evidences of dis- trnction, imjiressed me as something terrihle ; or perhaps sympathy with my father's people gave me this feeling. '' It *s awfnl," I said, '■ for those })oor fellows in the h)rts."' Meanwhile the " ^lonticello." having performed her mission in landing and covering the troops, turned her hoAvs toward the fleet and steamed THE BOOT IS ON THE O'lHllR LEG. 170 doMii the coast, tiring shot into the forts as she advaneed. We tlien noticed tliat tlie flag of Fort Chirk was (h)wn, that its guns were silent, and that the men were running from it like cliickens from the swoop of a hawk. " I guess," said Captain Bangs, standing seaman- like, with his feet wide apart and with the sarcastic smile of an injured man avenged, " that them rebel landluhhers won't steal any more schooners from honest men ag"i]i right away." When Me arrived at the moutli of the inlet tlie lire of our shi[)s had slackened, and Fort Hatteras did not return the fire. I heard an officer say, '" The fight is all out of them ; they 've got enough of it." We liad just liegun to make our way into the inlet when a signal came from the flagship for the "Monticello " to return and go to the ''Minnesota." As we lay near the huge flagship, John and another person came on board the "• Monticello " as })ilots. AVe then went forward and entered the Ijreakers, the lead being often thrown so as to keep the craft in the deepest water; but, as we advanced, notwith- standing this precaution, the ship more than once struck bottom, making everything on board rattle. As we turned the point of land at the inlet we found the water more and more shallow ; and the vessel pounded the bottom constantly. ISO FATII1:R AdAINST SON. ( )i-(lci-s were o'iN'f'ii to turn and woi'k tlie vcssd out a^'aiii, wliiMi tlicro was seen a llasli and smoke from l^'dit Ilattci'as, followed l)y tlir Ik'HowIiil;' of its L^'iiiis, and llicir shot shi'ickcd and liowlcd over our heads and around us. I was slandint;' ahaft iieai' the two pivot qaiirs when 1 hea.i'd a (|uiek ordei; and the n'uns wei'e manned and he^an to make sharp replies to the reliel hatterw Meanwhile the shi[). tliou^h ]i(")undinL;- tlie bottom as we hacked and hlle(l, turne(l her head seaward, and l>y aid of full steam, and taking' aut a few niontlis previous had been hokling a position of trust under President Lincohi in the United States navy. The result of the capture of Hatteras Inlet was of great importance, for it not only gave to the national government possession of tlie key to the inland Avaters of Xortli Carolina, but afforded a point of support for our Ijlockading squadi'ons, and stopped, in part, the fitting out of piratical expedi- tions on these interior u'aters. 1 s4 ]\ I Tin:R m:a ixs r sax. CIIAI'TFJJ XVI. ox SHOKK AFTEi; THE I'-ATTLE. rlrsT iH'forc tlic l);itili' \\'as (i\'cr 1 L;'(it iicniiissioii t(i ;icc(»ni]Kiii\' ;i iiiitlslii piiiaii, wlio was LjiiiiiL;- to the sli(ii-f ill (iiif (it tlic l)(ials. I liad iidt seen Phil since tlic (la\" hci'orc, and waiitc(l to tails" ^\'itll him alxait L;'ftt iiiL;' hoiiu' on oiU' (if the ships, as it was tlinn^hl thai tlu' " Moiiti- crllo"" wdiilil remain ou duty in these A\-aters after the vest of the s(|ua(b'on liad left. The soldiers whom I found on shore had had a- hard time siiiee they were landed tlu-re, nearly thirlv-six hours before. 'rhe\' were "without a pi'oper siqijily of food, water, or shelter. The ut- most n'ood-nature. however, seemed to pi'evail. There was a line of stat'ked muskets, neai' wliieh were tires, at whieh the men were di'vin^' their elothes. and eookiiiL;'. Most of the soldiers ^^■ore a stran^'e-lookiiiL;' dress, eonsistinn' of a red ea}). a sliort jacket open at the front, and l^ai^'oy trou- sers terminating at the knees, helow which were canvas leggings and shoes. The men Avearing this dress I was told belonged to Hawkins's regiment of zouaves. " Say, eully.'" said one of a group to whom I nX SHORE AFTER THE BATTLE. 18o addressed an iiu|uiry, '' liev y" got aiiylliin" dry 'bout ye t' lend? I ain't seen noth'n' dry 'eept m' throat senee th" pitelied us on t' this sand-heap."' The individual who thus addressed nie was a blond 3'oung fellow with a slouching gait, a solemn- looking eountenanee, and a voice which ranged from a thin trel)le to a squeak like the iiling of a saw, and, as I afterwards perceived, whose nearest ap- proach to a laugh was a still shriller shriek and a spasm-like contortion of liis sallow face. '' Plenty of Avater last night," I said suggest- ively. '• Yas, an' plenty in these bags o' ourclo'es," said the blond, for illustration wringing Ids wet, baggy trousers ds:nee. I asked if any of them liad seen Phil, and accom- panied my question with a description of him. " Yis, I see that chump hang'n' 'round here. Ain't seen 'm lately, dough," said another. " Dat feller ? Yas, I 'member him. He 's no slouch. Xo more chump t'n yous are. He told s'm' tough yarns "bout be'n' shipwrecked," said the first speaker, whom they called Blenders, and who, addressing me, continued : '' Yas, he went up t'r th' fo't with us ; was th'r w'en th'r ships begun t' plump some iron things 's big 's nail-kags. Th'y come rid'n' in t'r that sand-heap like fun, an' druv us out a-fly'n'. '•' Y^'r th' feller dat 's wid him when he 's ship- wrecked ? Den 't 's true ? A'r jist tor't he was jist 18(] FA 1111': n ACALYST SOlV. L;i\-"ii" lis L;iifT -jist cliiiiiiiii" i"r us. IJiit 't was toii^li "ii" we L;()t sl(t[)"ir "i-oiiu" las" ui^lit. Jist wait, "11 vn\ \\"ilc 1 pile some n" dis stuffii" in an" I ^* lony will Vdus. Mv caiMi "s u[> tlirr". '" ''Don't ti-(iii1)l('."' 1 said. "I loiow tlic way: 1 was a [JiisdMcr ii[i there, and know all alioiit the iVtrt. So \'ou saw my ehuni there'.''"" I continued. " \\^■ll. I sh"d smile! I lit out. tho", when them naiI-kaL;s com" a ioai-"n" an" slioiu'n". ridin" int" th' l'o"t. An" don't \-oiis for^'it it." I>v this time Ideiiders had hnisheil his meal. This consisted of part of a !_;'oose. which I was told was one of a llocdc that liad hissed at the zouave uniform. It had heen lulled hii' showiiiL;" disri'S[)eet to 1 lawkins's zouaves. ( )n ourway up to Fort ( 'larlc lUeiidei's still continued to talk'. lie did not scru- ple to say that if he evei' L^'ot home he'd never take a n'un and kna[)sack ayain. •' This slee[)'n' out 'n th' rain don't suit mo worth a IJowerv lam[)-[H)st. cully. " and then with a des- olate groan witli which he constantly interspersed his remarks he said. '' Vous sailors gits th" best 'f us. v'r carry yous house wid yer. or rader yousjiouse cariies yous, cully : jist a-rint it was an improvement on the ragged dress he had east away. Tlie soinid of tlie guns of tlie Federal fleet still eontinned, and tlie rnsldng sound of the shell trav- ersing the air Avas terrifying to sensitive nerves. "Just hear d*m talk'n'," said Blenders, " jaw'n' away 't de fort ; th'y '11 knock everythin* to p*ee"s so t\\x' won't he no stuff'n' left in 'em.'' '•' I 1)'lieve they "ve stopped firin' up t' th' fo't th' rebs 're in," said Blenders's captain. '' Say, can't some o' you bo^-s kind o' sneak 'round there an' see what's c'm' over the sp'rit o' the dreams o' Johnnie reb ? " "A'r now, cap'n, don't give ut t' us so high flown," said Blenders, with one of his piercing tones which I had learned to regard as a laugh. " I '11 take m' shoot'n'-stick an' g' up an' see w'at 't means." " Guess we 'd better go too, Phil," I said ; '' we might as well see all that 's going on." So we went with Blenders, who meantime con- tinued to talk, clipping his " ings " in a most law- less manner, and, as Phil said, speaking as if it was too much work to wag his jaw to pronounce his words. When we came in sight of the fort we saw a new flag flying. ls,s FATiiim .\^:.\rxs'r son. ••'Fhey "yc sunfiKlcrcd."" saiil Pliil : •• tlii' white Hay says tlicy "\(' ^ot ciiohl;']! of tinlitiiin'."" As we adNaiici'il toward the fort, we saw tlieir men 111! the [iara[)('t. and tlicii lieLj'aii to meet sol- (hcrs ill ^raw wlio wei'c as a ^eiici'al tliiiiL;' \\'illiiiL;" to i-tive (h'Scri[itioiis of their part of tin/ li^ht. Kver\- one of them sfcme(l to tliinl-; lie liad t'sca}ie(l (h'alli hv a mira(de. 1 don't rememl)er alioiit the (h'tails they L;a\(' us, lait j^ot tlie imprt'ssion tliat tliey liad Ix'en hailly fri^'litened, and I also notice(l that tlic\- spola' moi'e respt'etfidly of the " \'anks " than I had vwv heard them l)efore. i'hil east a siLj'nitieant ulancc at me. sayiiin': *■• 'J'hey have had what your grandfather \\duld call * a ehange of heart." "* IMeiuh'rs A\('nt hatdv to I'eport. wliile Phil and 1 \\n'nt h)rwar(l to the fort, where we found that it was indeed true that the garrison liad ca[)itulated. That the houdtardmeut had heeu a terrible one the harraeks ai'ound the fort gave evidence. When we en'ei'ed the fort, we found that e\er_ything that could he destroyed hy heavy shot was in a condition of dilapidation and wreck. At one place there was a hole in the centre (pf the sand para[»et, whicdi, I was told, was pro- duee(I l»y exploding shell : while on the exterior slope there were holes made in the same man- ner. T ^\■as told that (hiring the last part of the hondiardment a shell [)assed througli the venti- lator of the bond)-proof, and though it did not ex- OiY SHORE AFTER THE BATTLE. 189 pldde it kiekrd up .siu-li a dust and smoke that the utuKtst eonsteruation ])revailed among the erowd of ottieers and men who had sought shelter there ; they th(Uight the magazine had eaught fire. From the deseri[)ti()n that a sergeant (the same young felknv who had taken charge of me when I was first marched to the guard quarters by order of Captain Ikutou) gave me of the effects of the shell that struck thick and fast in the interior of the fort, it must have Ijeen something terril)le. '' What do you think," I said, ''of l)eing able to blow the Yankee ships out of water now?" His answer dazed me. *•• 'T wasn't fair f"r 3-ou 'n Yanks t' take all the ships ; I reckon if we uns had our share we 'd make it right hot fo' you uns." " Before this war is over," I said, '' I think your people ^^■ill find they made a mistake in supposing the Yankees w^ould n't fight. I have alwaj-s no- ticed that people wdio are slow in getting angry are more to be feared than any others." "•Yoii-uns can subdue we-uns, but 3'ou-uns can't conquer we-uns," said the young sergeant, in his high-pitched Southern tones, and with tears in his eyes. A feeling of melancholy came over me when I reflected on the terrible strife of brother with brother, and the blood that must be spilt and the suffering endured, before these people of a com- mon language and kindred could arrive at such an too FATIIKU Ad.MXST SOX. lUKlerstandiiiL;' <>l' llicir dilTfi't'iiccs as to makt' a scttlcliK'llt of tlifiii [Kissililt'. Vet liow little did I, or aii\' oiu' else at tliat tiuic. (•(Hiiprt'iiriid tlic iikil;- lutndc to \\liicli tlu' sli'it'i' \\-as vft to ^tow. IVt- lia[is it \\-as l)ccaus(' 1 was fi|iiall\' of Soutln'i'ii and Nortlicni liiicaL;'*' that tin- strife seemed more tfi'i'i- l)le to me tliaii to otliei's. And then I tlion'^lil of m\- dear fatlier amont;' tliese nnstalveii l>ut lira\e {leoph' w'lio were liis kindre(l and ti'iends. and won- dered how he reL;-ar(K'd \\\\> fratricidal strife. This feeliny was. howe\'er. transient, and soon o'ave ])laee to satisfaetioii at seeing- these jieople. who had treate(l me witii l»nt little eonsidei'ation, and e\en witli insolence, heaten and hinnhle(h Ah! had I known, conid I ha\'e seen into tlie fut- \n-e. 1 should lia\'e fell h'ss satisfaction, and }ier- liaps a degree of consternation at what it lield h>r nie and for those \\\\u wvvv dear and near to me. We could s(.'e steamei's in tlie Sound black with troo[»s sent to reeidorce tlie forts. These soldiers Mere evid(Mitly curicnis ollsel■^■ers of the lln'ht. Their curiosity sei'me(l to akate when the tug " l^^umv.'" from the fleet, came to the landing, for \\\v\ hurriedly left. •• You see." said the young rekel sergeant, in tlie tone of one who a\ as grieved. *• that we-uns ve got a right smart o' men, l)ut you-uns 've got all the shi})S, and half 'f 'em hdong to us. I reckon." When the " Faiury " came in I went with Thil to see wdio was on hoard. ON sunn/- AFTER Tin: BATTLE. 101 Among tlu' passengers T noticed a tliiclv'-sct, florid-faced man in the nniform of an oflicei' in the United States ann}-. '' That ol" feller with a eock eye "s Ben lUitler," said Blenders, who had come to the wharf with ns. I had often heard my grandfather speak of lawyer Ben Bntler, and from what I had heard I knew this to l)e the same person, and henee re- garded him with some curiosity. There was in his face and I)earing a look of power and audacity. One of liis eyelids di'ooped over the eye, and when he spoke he tlu-ew hack his head as if to see the l)etter from under the half- closed lid, and at the same time to em[)hasize a re- mark. Young as I was, he impressed me as one who was capal)le of undertaking anything diftieult, and who delighted in attem]^)ting it. His face, as well as his manner, told that he was one Aylio could give and take terrible blows, and rejoice in a trial of strength and wits that would daunt other men. " So that is Ben Butler," I said. "• Y's," said Blenders, " an' y' don't want t' be leanin' on t' him f'r a lamp-post neither, cully, or Cock-eye nearly ate up our colonel t' other day. What did he say? Well, I didn't hear, but I heard ol' Ben thump th' table, an' our colonel jist a-litin* out 's if th' hook an' lackler 'd struck him." " What was it about ? " I inquired. " Don't 'zac'ly know, but 't was somethin' "bout l!t-2 FAl'UER ACIAIXST Sd.V. that lie (lid iTt like "t "cause nur (if'ccrs M strung sonic "f till' lllcll U}) 1>V til" t lllllllllS. "" \Vlicii the general liaing to s|»cak to him."" 1 said. •• lU'ttci' kffp away from him." said IMiil : "'he looks to nil' like a frllcr lliat would cat a (•ha[i at one gulp."" lint disregarding both IMiihs and I')lendei'"s cau- tions, I A\-ent n{i to him and taking otf m\- hat said, *'('an I sjteak' to \(»n. general'/"" lie ga\'e me a i'a[>id and stern glance, and looking down into my face said sharpl\-. " What is it?"" and then added, "I don"t connnand the navy." " I don"t l)elong to the navy, general."' I said. ''I was shipwrecked on Ifatteras and was made ii prisoner, and made my escape in a boat to the stpiadron. I want to get home." •'Where do youl)elong?" in(^uired the general in a modified tone. "In ( 'onneetieut. sir,"" I replied: "I am the grandson of Ilezekiah Perkins, of Wichnor. I "ve heard him mention you — you were his lawyer in a !)ig land ease."" The general eyed me sternly for an instant, but I met his eye unflinchingly. '^ Yes, yes,"' he tinally said ; '" I remember him. ''What can I do for vou ? " ON simni-: after the battle. 10:'. '*! want to g'et lioine lirst. and then I want to get an appointment in the navy to tiglit for my conntiTi generaL I 've been a sailor, but I 've had a good education/* ''Well," said the general, making a few rapid scratches in a note-book, "T will see what I can do. You and your friend can go to the flag-ship with me when we go ; we shall be going soon now."' In a few minutes a group of Confederate officers came to the " Fanny " to visit the flag-ship, and tender their s;irrender to the flag-officer, C^ommo- dore Stringham. As I left the " Fanny " I found Phil and Blen- ders ready to congratulate me on having, as Phil said, '•'• interviewed Ben Butler and escaped with my life to tell the story."' "■ Le 's look at you,"' said Phil laughingly : " are you much bit up ? " I told Phil of my interview, in a few words, and said, "We are to go to the flag-ship on this boat, the ' Fanny.' " " You "ve got cheek 'nough f'r a double row "f teeth an' a high collar,"' said Blenders admiringly. " So you 'r' kitin' home, are you ? Well, I wish I was goin' t' N' Yo'k." The last we saw of Blenders he was resting one shoulder on the spile of the landing, with both hands in his pockets, and with one leg thrown over the other in the very attitude of a Bowery boy with the blues. 11)4 FA III III! AdMXST So.X. We were soon oii the 'leclv of the liucj'e •■ Miniie- sola,'" wliicli wr t'oiiiel to Ix' a iiia^iiilied ('(litioii of the '• Moiitict'Uo "" ill clcaiiliiiess and neatness. And licre I found inxsclf face to face \\-itli (xen- eral Ihitlci'. lie L;a\'' mt' ;i scn'ci'c look, and then, \\itlioiit a Word (o inc. tiiinc(l and lookc(l IMiil o^"er from hcail \i > fool, and said : '• AVliat jiosition do yoii liold in tlic ]'cl)el army, and how came \dn here '/ "" •"This is ni\- cliiim. L;'cncral."" I sai(h " lie is n't a i-clx'l : lie e\chanL;-e(l liis I'a^'u'ed suit for that one, \\liich he h)iiiid at the fort."" *■^'ou"ll do."" said tlu' n'eiiei-al. with a grim smih'. " \'ou '\(.' l)eL;aiii reprisals ali'cady."" and with this remark he went to the commodore's caltin. After standiiiL;' around on the decl-; for a while admiriiiL;' the neatness and order that prevailed ever\\\ here, A\'e Aveie eoinhicted hy a petty officer to our temporary (piarters. The next uiorniny early we were on deck, and at ahout ten o"(do(dv wei'e summoned to the com- modore's ofhce, where we found (ieneral r)utler and Flay-oi'ticei' Strin^ham. And here also, to nn' sur- prise, 1 found John Nixon, just leaving- the cabin. The conniio(h)re was a stately, elderly man with tlie manner of one accustomed to eonnnand, but at the same time very gentlemanly. The commodore nodded to the general, as nnich as to say, (lo on ; and the general proceedtnl to })ut a few sliarp in(j[uiries about John Xixon, and made me tell my Oy SlfcRK AFTEll I'llE BATTLi:. VX) story of iK'ing- cast away, and also our esra[)e from the rebels. I inferreil that some doul)ts had been entertained of John's relial)ility and loyalty, for one of the (piestions asked was : " What was the occupation of John Nixon while 3'ou were with him ? '" '' Fishing," said Phil, ^'' and dodging around to keep out of tlie way of the rebs."' Phil's re[)ly provoked a smile, and then the gen- eral gave him a stare from under his drooping eye- lids, and proceeded to cross-examine him and me, occasionally turning his face to the commodore as if to call his attention to some answer of ours. His (piestions were so sharp, and at times savage, that I felt, as Phil said when we got out of the cabin, " If I 'd had anything on ]ny conscience I \1 been scared." As we came on deck we met John again, and were told by him that he Avas just going to see General Butler once more. In a short time w^e met John in a highly elated mood. " That Ben Butler is a right good man, give me these," said John, showing us two golden half- eagles ; "• said I earned 'em yesterday ; an' he give me this letter to Colonel Hawkins, an' says he '11 give me regular pay to pilot an' t' find Avhat th' rebs 's doin'." We shook hands with the dear fellow and sent our respects to his wife, and our thanks for all she had done for us. lOG FArilKR AnAIXST SON. Our voyage (o Ilimi[)t(iii IJoads was uuevontful, cxct'})! that ill ()l)S('i'\iriL;- tin' drill and seamanship Mil hoard we iK-eaiiK' infatuated with life on a lllan-of-\^'ar. ( )n our arii\al at Fort Monroe we were, throuo-li llie kindness of (ieiieral Uiitler. L;'i\en transporta- tion pa[)ers fur Wiehnor, hy the way of Washing- ton. noMi:. swiiET Home. 1!>" CHAPTER XVII. HO^IE, 8AVEET HOME. The trip to Washington was made by night, and we passed through the city the next morning so qiiiekly tliat we saw hnt little of it, except the mud through which we wallowed, and some of its sliarp contrasts of sfjualid suburbs, and classic and im- mense public buildings. Xothing that concerns our story occurred until we reached Baltimore, Avdiere, after having crossed the city from one station to another, we found our- selyes obliged to w^ait for a train before proceeding to New York. While here an incident occurred which came near placing Phil and me under lock and key. It will l)e remembered that Phil was dressed in Confederate uniform, while I wore the uniform of the United States nayy, and that we wore tliese because we had Jio other clothing or money to purchase any. While Phil and I sat in the waiting-room chat- ting and reading a newspaper, a thick-set, roughly- dressed man came up to us, and gras[)ing both Phil and me by the collar, said in sharp, peremptory tones, '' Here, come with me, I want you," and with this began to drag us away. 10s FA Tin: II AdAlXST SOX. " Will yoii [ilcasc tell lis what we liavc done, sir'/"" I said as ivsjicct fully as I could. To this ivasoualik' iu(|uir\' he ,L;':ivt' a roun'h I'fjoindci'. whcrfUiMui I hc^aii to resist, ^\'ll<'n he siia|i|HMl a pail' of haiidcuiVs on iii\ wrists, and. IMdl. who u[» to that time had made no resistance, wreiiehril hiiu- sclf loose and ran awav. ••We are on our w"a\' hoiiie. our transportation pa])ers are here."" I said. indicatiuL;- where. He thi'ust his hand into my pocket and seized the }»apers, and without lookiuL;' at them transferred them to his own. •• Will \du please look at those [ia[)ers. and let me know xoiir authority for arrestini;' me'/'" I sai(L ••I'll show you my authority." lie said, with a sa\aL;'e }iiill at my handcuffed wrists, at \\'hicli I cried out and l>ee.an to resist with all my sttd)l)orn- ness and strength. The scene hy this time had caused (ptite a ntiniher of persons to gather around, and to them 1 ap})ealed, Avhen the hrute struck me a stagyerinn' blow with his list. Two men in the uniform of the navy had lyy tliis time come up. and one of them said, in very (jtiiet l)ut (h'cided tones. '"AVhat is all this about'/ " " I am a (kdeetive, this man is a deserter, that"s what "s the matter." said my ca[)tor sarcastically, fa.cing with me the men wdio wore the navy l)lue. As my face was turned to them I at once recognized the officer. 'TAKE THOSE HANDCUFFS Orp "THAT YCJK. \N'S 'PRISTS HOME. SWEET HOME. l!»0 "Mr. Beli: Mr. lU'll!"' I cried out, -you kuow me. That uian lias takeu away the transportation papers given us ; we are just going home I "* The detective was just al)Out to strike nie again, when Mr. Bell said : '' Xo more of that, sir I I am a naval officer, and if you have any warrant for his arrest I would like to see it." '•'• I am on the lookout for such men," said the detective, "and don't have a warrant; don't need one." " I know this man," said Mr. Bell, '' and will he responsible for him." "■ I don't know you," said the self-styled detec- tive, " and for all I know you may be a deserter yourself." "I think you know me, though," said Mr. Bell's companion, now pushing himself in front of the detective. The ruffian's face fell as he abjectly stannnered out, "I didn't know you, sir, I — I " — " Take those handcuffs off that young man's wrists ; restore those papers ; now apologize to this officer." This Avas uttered in a tone of stern authority, and the detective, whose manner at once had become changed, said: " There 's been so many deserters since the bat- tle of Bull Run that we 've liad to be a little rough, and arrest men on suspicion ; there was no offence 2(10 I\[T]I]:i; AdAlNST >v iii\' i'(iii;_;liiic>s. I'crliaps I am a little too zealous."" '■ Now \oii liaxc a|ioloL;i/.fd. take yourself off: and if 1 do catcli you at anytliiiiL;' like tliis work ai^-ain. I will make it my duty to see you taken care of."" said tlie ollieer. The l)rute sluidv away like a wln[(ped eur. I tlianke<| the oflicer f(»r his timely interference, and also thaidell was waitino- foj- the same train to New York that we were, and that his friend liad come to the station with him to see him off. ^Ir. Pxdks friend spoke very kindly to us hefore leaving, and to my surprise addressed Mr. Bell as lieutenant. AVe were so delighted to get out of our serape, and at the same time to meet our former second HOME, SWIll'/r JJUMI:. 201 mate, tliat our joy more thai\ eoiuiterl)alaiieed our former elian'rin. On our wdv to New York we sat together. "We thought you wi-re drowned.** I again said to him, " though we heard at C'liicamaeomieo that one man was saved from the wrecd-:, and that an- other man had eonie ashore in a hoat, and A\'e thought that man may have been the Irishman we called Blarney.*' "• The one that was saved from the wreck was I,** said Mr. Bell, "and the other man I think was Blarnev- He enlisted in the Confederate service, and as I was acquainted with one of the officers at the forts I Avas allowed to ship on board an Eng- lish vessel bound for Halifax, and from tliere got back to the States. Through the influence of the friend you saw Avith me at Baltimore, I have been ap[iointed a volunteer officer in the navy."" " How was it that you got ashore ? "' I inquired. " We saw you reach the l)reakers, but that was the last we saw of you." He told us that he had been stunned and dazed by being dashed against a piece of timber just before reaching the surf, but had instinctively kept himself afloat while being swept here and there at the mercy of the waves, and when just about to give up, a piece of plank that had floated from the brig struck against him ; this he grasped with the tenacity of a drowning man, and finally threw him- self across it. After this he remembered but little 202 FATUIJl AdAIXXT Soy. until soiiu' men witli a boat I'cscnt'd him at the inlet, ^\•llel■e the tide, lie was t(ihl. liad })rohal)ly eari'ied liim. Idie men wlio liad I'escued him assnre(| him that tlie liri^;' liad L;('ne tn pieres. and that iKiUe i>]\ lioai'd had l)eeii saved: they tool-; liim til ( 'hicamacdmicd. and t'nim thence to Hattei'as hdet. ( )n our ai'i'i\al in New York, Mr. Hell insistiMl on h'ndiii!.;' eacli of us mone\- enoUL;li to })ureliase a L^ood suit of rlothes. I sai(h '• ^\^■ ha\H' friends at home wlio are not |»(tor. and we shall he witli tiiem to-mori'ow'."" "• It is heeause \du will he anioiiL;' friends soon that I insist on leiidiuL;' \'ou enoUL;'h money for that |iUi-])ose,"" said Ml', liell. '" Vou suredv won't re- fuse to accept a small favoi' from \"oui' shipmate. If a man e\cr ni'eds to ap[)ear in L;()od divss it is anioiiL;- friends." So he went ^^'ith us to a (dothin^'diouso and sjient a half-hour in littiny eatdi of us with a neat tdtizen's suit. After this he aecom})anied us to the Wiclmor boat, and upon my ri'marking- that he seemed very familiar with the city he readied: "Yes: I used to live here. Some of the pleas- antest and some of the saddest liours of my life have l)een spent here : and I am here now to make inquiries regarding ptM)ple \'ery dear to me."' lie sliook hands with us in a very ph^isant man- ner, and wished us all kinds of good fortune. " I HOME. SWRET TI(?ME. 203 am o'lad to have nu't you a^'ain," he said, ''and if I can l)e of any use to you hereafter, let nie know." The steamer had started when it occurred to us that we had neglected to get our former mate's address, in order to repay him tlie money loaned us. We were vexed at ourselves for our thoughtless neglect, and Phil exclaimed : "' That 's just our luck, as soon as we got track of him to lose sight of liim again. I never saw a man I liked so well exce[)t your father, and Mr. Bell lias some ways that are just like his."' When we awoke in the morning and went on deck we found the hoat op[iosite Rivermouth. not many miles from our home. .Vs we came in sight of Wichnor. its houses nestling among the foliage far upon the heights, or on a level wath the river, and its churches and public Ijuildings gilded by the rays of the morning sun, made a scene more beautiful than words can express. I tried to say something of this to Phil, lait my words clioked me, and the tears started to my eyes unljidden. I then saw that there were tears in his eyes, and I knew he understood me. And then (my heart sank at the thought) sup- pose something has happened to mother during these months since I last heard from home. But this thought I did not long retain, for, youth-like, I thought that what I wished nuist be. As we neared the wharf Phil said : 204 FA Til FA! AGAINST SON. '•IIcz, there's tlie place \\liei'e I pulled von out (if tlie water yeai's aij;'(), and there's Aour ^randjia's house, — and, by (ieoi'^'e. we are almost in I It seems a thousand years since we left the dear [)laee." We laniled and made our wa\" thi'oUL;'h the sti't'cls. It was early moi'inn^- and hut fe\\" of the people were yet mo\ in^'. We were not iiioi'e than lialf-wa\" up tlu- stivet — I say •• u}) "" advisedly, foi'the ascent of the sti'eet was as stee}i as the r(»of of a lionsc — when M"e saw \'a_L;' nosiuL;' around in a neii;hl)orini4- \-ard. T jiut my tinkers to my mouth and L;ave a sharp and [lecnliar whistle \\\{\\ which I was accustomed to call him. I le sto})[ie(l and looh'cd around in a surjirised and thou^'htful maimer, as if he could not l)(die\'e his eai's, and then resunuMl his nosing'. "Here, X^a^'," \ called, and he came like a shot out of the yard and IooIvimI up and down the street, snuffed the air \\'ith a foolish, suspicious look, as if to say : "That sounds like Ilez Johnstone, but most likely I am bein^' fooled." Phil and I both burst into laughter at Vag's look of comical suspicion and amazement, at hearing wdiicli, as if it dispelled all doubts, he came l)ound- ing u})on us. whining and yelping with the greatest deliglit, and then ran in eir(des arouml us, bai'king in the most extravagant maimer. He had not ceased these antics when we readied HOME. SWEET HOME. 205 the stone stei)s tliat led to grandfather's lionse, and my mother eame to the ()[ten door to see what was ihe matter. She ran down the steps to greet ns. l-'iir the time lier eool New Enghmd reserve was thoronghly thawed, and she cried and hmghed in tlie same breath. She had received the evening before a letter that I mailed to her at Fort Monroe. She had also seen an account of the wreck of the " Favorite," in which it was said that all on board perished except two persons. The months that passed until she heard from me had l)een sorrowd'ul ones for my poor mother, though she had insisted that I was still alive. My grandfather, whose icy exterior very seldom showed emotions, was quite demonstrative for him. He held out both hands, which trembled as he said : " My dear boy, it does me more good to see you than — than — ten thousand dollars ; yes, and I "m glad to see you too, Philip." While at breakfast we told the outlines of our story, and especially dwelt upon that part of our experience which related to the battle at Hatteras Inlet, and our interview with General Butler and the admiral of the war squadron. "• You were pretty l)right to get out of it alive," said grandfather. " Yes, I call it pretty smart. Hez, you 've got some of the Perkins push in ye I guess, and will make your way in life." "201 ; F.\TlIi:i! ACMXS'r SOX. ■• (^)uitc ;i iIkiw."" said I'liil. winkiiiL;- at iiii- aftt-r i;'raii(lt'atli('r had L;iiiir dUl. "-If smiuc of the folks aroinid litTc (•( luld liavc licard him tlit-v woidd haw lli(iU'4ht him cra/.x"."" l-^\i'ii m\ mutlicr. who oxcrhcard tliis remark. hiil;4li(M| and said : " \'oiir L^raiidtallicr has L;'nt fcfliii^s. lnu he doii"t show tlicm ol'lfii : he fell [irctly had wlieii he thought \(>ii wi'rc di'ow 1H'(1."" It wa^ rfilaiid\" a rccomjiciise for mv liai'dshi}is and snllrriiiLis to reccixc snch a xx'tdconu' lionu.'. and it was all the more a[)]ireeiatiMl heeanse it was in contrast with the treatment we had tifteii reeeiveil while ahsent. It enal)le(l me to see the dit'ferenee hetweeii tliose who were aetnated hy real affection for me and tliose wlio wei'e indifferent. After liieal'chist L;randhither and IMhl went down- town, and in\' mother and Iliad a Ioiil;'. alfeetioiiate, and conlideiitial talk. I mentioned that I had lieard al)out my i'utlier at Newheriie, when ^he. to in\' sur]>rise, said she liad reeeiveil se\eral letters from him while I had l.)een altseiit. The tirst of these was (kited shortly after I left home, and in it he said, •' I have writ- ten se\'eral letters to whiidi I lia.ve reci'ived no answer," ami then meiitioiu'il sendini;' a draft 0:1 New ^'ork for a hnndred dollars: he saissil)l\- to liriiiL;' altout a l)r('acli Itctwccii liiin and \(»ii."" 'riic next day. wdiilc IMiil and I wci't' (lowii-towii, a tall I't'lldw in a sli(i(d: o" o'oiiT int' th' navy. Wal, I don't lilame ^'e l'"r Iiein' a patriot. — I 'in one. tu, — hnt then I could n't stan" it t' he killed an' hev my stomach turne(l to]iside-tui'vy all 't the same time. Iladn't \'" hetter soi-t o' I'eeonsider the motion, as they say in taoun meetin" '/ Xaow we've !4ot a han^-up ri^'imint, an' mavhe ^■e 'd ^it t' 1)6 a eor[)oral "I' y' jined us." The thinn' that interested me in . I im's conversa- tion was that he intimated th.it we had L;dt into the pa[)ers. '• I low did the iiewspa})ei' know anythini;- alxmt lis, -lim ? " I asked. ''Why, the hull taoun "s talkin" "haout ye. P'r- haps (lurley e'n tell ye haow th" pa[)ers got hold on 't," said Jim, as he winked at Phil and walked off. "Well," confessed Phil. "I didn't know that I was talking for print, hnt a fellow talked to me at the store, and tliey told mv afterwards that he was a reporter on the ■ Messenger.' '' HOME, SWEET HOME. 209 When I had got tlie pa[)er I found a cohiinii of matter under a l)in" searediead, giving an account of our adventures, and especially detailing our con- nection with tlie tight at Hatteras Inlet. On reading it I said to Phil : '' That news[)aper man seems to have pumped you pretty dry." " Yes," said Phil sheepishly, '' and he did it as slick as pulling a cork from a l^ottle. I had n't any idea that I was being interview"ed. He did n't say much, but he seemed so awfully interested that I let myself go." Phil, at this, looked so distressed that I laughed in spite of my disposition to be provoked and annoyed. On our way about the town we met the Hon. Whitcome Oute, who shook hands with us as if we were his dearest friends. I was much pleased at the notice of so distin- guished a man, and told grandfather of it. '' That 's just like Whit Cute," said he. " Ten chances to one he didn't know you, though. I was talking with him a day or two since, when a chap with a load of wood from Bean ^^alley stopped to say ^ How do ye do ' to him. Well, to see Whit shake hands with him you would certainly have thought they were the clearest friends. And then Whit said, ' I 'm busy just now, but call around to my office and we '11 talk over old times.' After the man had left he said to me, ' Perkins, who was that old chap ? ' L>1 (I FMIIFJI AdAIXST SON. '•• Villi sec."" swivasticallv cliiicklcfl ^Taiidfatlier, '• lliat "s part of a jiiililic iiiaiTs stocl-: in trade: lir has ti) prctcinl In Iximw' cNtTxlKKly. ^•Tlif |iifcc ill tlic [lajK-f." said lie. •• won't do you aii\ lianii and iiia\' d(» vou niori' L;'(>iid than \(Ui thiid\ till-. l*nlilic iiumi like to lRd[t thosu who lia\c hcfii noticed in the jiapcrs."' Al'tci- tliis 1 (h'li'ctcd him niailiiiL;- to dil'lV-rciit [icrsons copies ol' the pajier tliat eoiitained tliis leleienee to Phil and nie. IN THE .V.ll^}'. 211 CHAPTER XViri. IN THE NAVY. At the time of wliirli I write, the attention of the conntry was direeted to the Army of tlie Potomac. tJK'n heing organized l)y (ieiieral (leorge B. MeC'kdlan. It was expected that it wonld soon wipe ont the disgrace and retrieve the disas- ter of the defeat at lUiIl Pnn, which had humiliated Northern pride and correspondingly encouraged the insurgent South. But little public attention was given to our navy, and wliile our j-oiuig and adventurous men crowded to enlist in our armies there was not a corresponding enthusiasm to serve on the sea. On the other hand, a large number of trained officers of Southern birth had left our service to cast their lot with the Confederacy, while those seamen who had returned from stations al)road, and whose terms of enlistment had expired, were ini[)atient to be discharged to enjoy that shore lib- erty — and to spend their money in a manner dear to a sailor's heart. Cwing to these I'easons there was an unusual opportunity for well-educated young men to rise in the naval service, and Grandfather Perkins, fcjreseeing this, exhibited unusual interest ■2^■l FA riiiiii A(;a/xst soy. ill rii(lc;i\'()iiii^' to L;t't IMiil and nic in :i position to Itc adxaiiccd tlicrcin. Tlic lion. Wliitconif Cute liad adxiscd that wr sliould cndraNur to ])ass an cxainiiiat ion in order to entiT an ad\aiiccd (dass at tlic Annapolis Xa\al Scliodl. wliri'c. it' wc wci'c al)lf to ]iass sncli an rxaniinat ion. we slioidd. after reiiiainiiiL;' a \-eai' or more. ilonl)lless recei\c apjHiintnients as niidsliijinien. and also start witli (lie ad\"antaL;'e of a teelinical edneation in na\al affairs. lint tliis sound ad\iee receixcd Unt little attention from two iieadsti'on^' l)o\s. and (irand- fatliei' Terkins was not a L;i'eat lieliex'ei' in wliat lie seoi'iifidh" ealled liook-learnin^' : lie l)elii'\'e(l that practice is superior to theory, and. as he termed it. ■•one niontli in the iia\y. in time of war. would be better schooliiiij;' for N'oun^' men than all tlie naval academies in the woi'ld."' While this view- accorded well with the desii'es of both I'liil and myself, it was not by any means a correct one. Udie tlieor\- taug'ht by professors in S(di()ols is, after all. but the I'esnlt of the knowledn'e wlii(di others lia\c gained b\- practical experience and often by ""hard knoidx's." After accpiiriuL;' the theory through books, practice (piicdcly transmutes it into tlu' o-old of real jiractical knowded^'c. I do not remember (if 1 ever knew) just how it came about, but in December, by advice of o'randfatliei', who no (loul)t bad been advised l)y some one else. IMiil and I took tlie boat tor Xew York, and on the (kiv of our arrival w^ent over IN THE XA VY. 213 to the Brooklyn Navy Yard and enlisted in the navy. From thence, after remaining on board the receiv- ing-ship for a short time, we were drafted and sent to the " Congress," then lying ;it Newport Xews. ^"a., guarding the mouth of the James Kivcr. We arrived there the first of January in LSli.:. and were sent at once on board the '* Congress." On arriving on board, we reported to the exei'U- tive officer, Lieut. Joseph B. Smith. We were dressed in the becoming l)lue uniform of United States sailors, and as we saluted lie looked up pleasantly and said, in his deep mellow tones : '•'• So you have come to l)e sailors, have you ? "' I replied that I was hoping to become something besides a common sailor. " Well," he replied gravely, '' if you did n't expect to become anything better, I would advise you to jump overboard at once." He was dressed in navy blue, his face was dark with the tan of the tropics, and he had the bluff, cheery manner of a sailor, to whicli were added the manners of a gentleman. His high l)row and firm- set mouth, though the latter was concealed in part by a full beard, showed him to be a man of deter- mined character as well as of good intelligence. He liad a manner of mingled firmness and good- nature which made me like him at once, and I thouo'ht him an ideal sailor and g-entleman. He questioned us as to where we had been at sea, 214 FA I'll 1:1: A'.ALXS'f SOX. ;ill«l iisl\(M| us ;i tew otllfl' (illcstinlis aliiUlt nlir scIiooHul;'. and llini assi^i'iicfl us tn duty. I had Hot lifcii l(iu;4' (Ml llic •' ( '(iUL;TfSS "" Lcfore 1 Icarnrd lliat. lliou^li iImtc was a larL^'c uniidtcr of Hicii llici'f. llici'f were l)Ul lew sailors aiuoiin' tliciii. ( )iu' of till' old sailors wlioiii I uict had Ix'tMi oil hoard this vesstd for sc\t'i'al \ rars, lia\ iui;' rci'idistcd after tlircc \cars" scrxicc in hci- ou the liraziliaii station. lie was a man of nioi'c than ordinary inicUii^ciicc. and for a ^\■olld(■l•. as I aftcrwai'ds learned it to he aiiioiit;' sailoi's. did not drink sjurituous li(jUors. •• I should have thought,"" I said interroi^'atiNely, '• Aou would lia\'e sla\'eard the lories an' si^'ht-coNcrs : cnt sonic o the traiinn' lacdvlc to the i^uns. an" sonic of the ^nn l)i-c('cliiiiL;'. 'I'/ii'ii t lie order conic to discliar^'c them AN'hosc time "d expireth An" alter tha.t you could n"L ^it one of 'cm aboard a^'iii witli a denitdv." '•Well/' I said, "it sccnis to nie the Xa\al I )ci)ai1 iiiciil should keep its a^rcciiicnts with sailors, if it expects tlicni to work willin^'h." •'Sailors." said Josiah. '•haxc no rights that captains feel hoiind to I'cspcct, an" here w'c arc with a lew sailoi's di'aftcd from the otiici- ships, an" a lot of ni'ccnhorns : what kind "f a chance do A\'e stand if them Soiitlici'ii hilks send out some ci'aft to lii^'ht us'/ ()f course we "11 lick "em some way, hut we ain't in slii])-sliape to do it. ''Ilci'e "s ahout two hundred men aboard that "d lie seasitd'C in a calm : them fellers from Fort l''dlswortli are nice l)oys enoULj'h, hut thev don't know till' Hyini;' jih-hoom from a marlin-spike. We've got some good ol'licei's as there is in the service, and that's the reason 1 "\'e stU(d\ to tiie ship after the rats have had the intelligence to leave.*" And Josiah gave a hitch to his trousers ami went to work [tolishiug with heeswa.x the huge gun numher ^- on the starboard side of the ship, IX THE NAVY. 217 SO one could see his face in the shine of it, " o-ood enough," as Josiah said, •' to shave l)y." Phil and I. and a young fellow named Wilson, were selected with others to serve as a gun's crew to a thirty -two pounder on the gun-deck. I^eech was hrst captain, Wilson second captain, I was iirst loader, Phil second loader, Avhile two raw- Ijoned fellows of what \\as called tlic Fort Ells- worth men were first and second spongers, while the side tacklemen Avere of the same croAvd ; in all, thirteen men, including the powder-men, or, as the sailors call them, '* powder-monkeys." On the gun-deck there were fourteen of these guns each on the port and starboard sides, and tAvo at the stern on the same deck, while on the upper deck, which is usually called the spar-deck, were fourteen short thirty-two pounders. I soon became proficient in the gun-drill, and Phil with his usual quickness '' took to it, " as Josiah said, '' like a baby to its mother's milk." Leech took much pains when at leisure to teach us points in gunnery and seamanship). On my part I was not only observ- ant, but gave all my spare time to tlie study of the "Ordnance Instructions," a copy of which I bor- rowed of Josiah, so that though not as quick at learning as Phil I made up in attention and study for it, and in a month's time very few things in serving a gun were unfamiliar to me. One circumstance occurred which brought me into favor with the captain. I was called to his 21.S FATHER A a A INST SON. cahiii ill tlic absence of liis elei'k. to do some writ- iiiL;-, ami, as I liaxc l)et'oi'e iulimated in these jiatj'es. I |ii'i(leil m\sell' oil wi'itiiin' a ra[>i(l ami k\L;'il»li' hand, as well as lieiiiL;' (juiek and eoiTeet at liLi'ures. 'The captain was |ilease(| to notice this, and ask'e(l me some (jiU'stions ahoiit m\' ex[iei'ience as a saihu'. and this incident, as it will he seen, afterwards hore frnit. I was telling- IMiil of the notice I i-eceived in the captain's cahin. when he said lani4'hinL;l\' : '' Well, old how W'e aint L;'ettini_;' pi'omotioii very fast : hut hist captain on a L;nri liei'e seems more of an olHce than an ensign's appointment did on shoi'e at home. It doiTt seem that we A\'ill liave any ti^htiii',;', either."" '' I L^'uess." said I. *■ w'e "ve n'ot as hi^'h positions as oiir knowdefl^'e will entitle ns to at [iresent, and as for h^litinL;' I ain"t haid-;erinn' after it."" '' l^'or m\ pait."" said Phil, *■ I am eonsiderinn' mys(df liudieutenant Smith ahoiil an iron vesstd the Southerners ai'e huilding' at Norfolk. I'he captain seemed to think that any kind of a ci'aft that they min'ht l>uild would not amount to nnieh ; hut tlie lieutt'iiant said that he knew lirooks (who is said to liave eontrived tlie iron-elad ), and that lie is a harddieaded, sensible ol'iicei', though just a little ci'anky on the subject IN Till': NAVY. 219 of iroii-flads. Tie also said lit- liad lieard tliiit old Frank liudiaiiaii is to coniniaiid the iron-clad that they have made from the old ' ^lerrimaek,' and if this is true tliere will l)e some hot work ent out for us (that is. if the iron-tdad idea is g'ood foi- any- thing), for there is n't a more determined or eapahle officer afloat, so Smith said, than Buchanan." Tliere had been some talk alxnit an iron-elad among the men, for whatever is talked of in the cabin finds its way to the sailors of a ship. When I spoke to Leech about tlie iron-clad he exclaimed: ''Avast tliere, you luliberl Iron ain't the stuff to carry much aboveboard on the water: it's all well enough on land, but blast my eyes, "tween me and the mainmast, I 'd rather have a plank o' good oak, afloat, than a ton of iron I " And in this opinion Josiali voiced tlie general opinion of the slii^)'s company, or its sailors at least. It is Avell to say here that the authorities at Wasliington were a-ware that an iron-elad was l^uild- ing at Norfolk, and the secretary of the navy had before that time contracted for every form of an iron craft then known to naval men, and one, as will be seen, tliat was never known of before in naval architecture. AVe heard nothing more about our appointment to some better position than that of common sailors, and the only letter I received from grand- i^20 f.['j/i/:j; AdAjy.'^'r ,sux. fatliLT simplv I'oiiiisclcd inc to ]te patit ;)t and learn all I could. ^ Tlu'rc siHin occuiTt'd an cwnt tliat not only l)i'(ikt' tlic nii>ii()i(iii\ 111 si/a-lifc. l)Ut \\lii(.-li L;a\«' ns ii.Li'litiiiL;' i'1I(iul;1i to last niosi l)oys a lifetime : an extMit that will not onl\- lie iinniortal in story lor all time. InU wliidi also in a single day revolution- i/.e(| naval wartari'. and made the ^\l»oden \'essels of all the na\'ies of the world impotent. THE ADVENT OE THE - MERJiLUACK." 221 CHAPTER XIX. THE ADVEXT OF THE *•' MERKOrACK." The muriiini;- of the 8tli of ^laivli Avas calm and beautiful. The sun slione in a sky of unelonded splendor, lighting up with golden flashes the gently undulating waters of Hampton Roads. Our good ship lay at anchor not five hundred yards from the shore of Newport News, where we could hear tlie beat of the drums and the shrill music of the fifes that roused soldiers in the camp on the bluff opposite to us. On that morning I remember the merry clack of voices that followed the breakfast call on shore, the grateful fragrance of the pines wafted to us on the morning breeze, and the indescribable smell of land that comes to the sailor on the sea. .Vs soon as the sun was well up, our sails (that had been wet hy a shower during the night) were loosened, that they might dry. This was preceded by the usual scrubbing of the decks, and other duties that begin the day on board a man-of-war. Up-stream, a few hundred yards from us, and a little farther off shore than the ''Congress,*' lay the " Cumberland,*' swinging lazily atanclior on the F. I THE II AfiA fXS 7 ' .s' OX. incoming' tidf, wiili licr Ijoats li;iiiL;iiii-;' to licr lower liodiiis. ;iii(l 1 lie w ;inIiiiil;' nt licrsailoi's iii t lie i'iL;'4'iiiL;'. I In- l()l'l\' sides 1111(1 lici' liiiit riLj'L^'in^' oiuliiicil on tlic water uimI sk\ made lier look like "a paiiiteil sliijt iij)oii a painted ocean. Seven uiile^ or more away towai'ds I''oi1 Monroe Wi'Vi' llie "Minnesota." tlie " lioaiioke. and the "St. Lawrence."" liesides se\'eral L;'nn-li(»ats. In tile lia/.\' distance across tlie (dianiiel was to l)e seen tlie lowland of ('i'aiie\ Island and Se\\-(drs i'oiiit. at the month of the I-^li/.aliet li Iki\'er. All the time we had lain liei'e. there had heeii, as I ha\c elsewhere said, riinioi's of a dan^'crons ii-oii- (dad ci'al't that was hnildinn' at Norhilk to (lesti-o\' onr licet at lIam|iton Utiads - -not that an\- one on hoai'd was alarmed thci'eat, I oi' the did sailors scol't'ed at aiiv suidi " lioise-marine cont ri\ aiice " !)einL;' able to stand a Itroadside iVom one of our shijis, uiueh less that (»f our whole lleet. It was eight o"cloci<: oi' past, while I was on tlie spai' de(d<, when I lieai'd the ol'licer of the dt'ck sav that then' wei'e two steamei's in the .lames Ili\'er ahout tweh'e miles distant. I did not learn his conclusions re^ardiiiL;' them, and the remark was of so little interest to me at the time that 1 doubt if 1 slioidd have I'ecalled it hut for the terrible and tragic oceuri'ences that follo\ve(l. The captain had l)eeu detatdieil from the ship, lea\inn' the executive oftic-ei' in command. At about ten o'cloid-: there M'as observed from THE ADVENT OF Till-: - MERIUMACK." l>2;') our (k'l'ks li»iig lines of l)laek sinokf in tlif diivt-- tion of Norfolk, indicatino- that steanit-rs M'ere coming down tlic Elizabeth IJiver. The l)laek smudge of smoke eonstantly increased in volume, ^yhen, at about one o'cloek, three steamers rounded Se well's Point, and wt're visible from the deck of the "Congress.*' Then our crew l)ecame aware (hoAV, I do not remend)er) that the iron craft of which Ave had heard was one of these vessels. This, however, did not alarm us. I remember that old Josiali said, as lie rolled his (juid in his mouth with a half smile of evident contempt, when I asked him what lie tliought about her, '' She "d better give tis a wide l)erth, youngster, or we'll give lier a broadside that "11 send her to Davy Jones's locker like a shot."' "• But," I replied anxiousl}-, " they say she is all iron, Josiah." " Avast there, you land-lubber ! '' said he ; " she '11 sink all the quicker for it." And such was the general sentiment of the old sailors on board — one of contempt, rather than of doubt of the result in a battle betAveen us. Between one and two o'clock these hostile steam- el's were seen descending with the tide, and in their midst was a strange structure, or a [)ortion of it, protruding like the roof of a house from the water, surmounted by a smoke-stack. As they were apparently coming toAvard us, there Avas a bustle of preparation onboard our ship. ■2-2A I'M' III: I! A'.Aixsr sox. Tilt' s;iils were iiuickly furled, the druiiis Ix'at to ([Uarti'i's, tln' iiicii ti)i)k llicir stalidus. The q-nns were sliottctl, the iiiaqaziiics opened with the HUiiiiers at theii' posts. Shot, shell, and eartiid^'e were all in [daee. swords, pistols, and hoarding- pikes in the rack, while the sui-^-eons" tahle gleamed with kinves and saws, in tenilih- hut nee(ll'ul read- iness. As the iroii-elad slowK' neareil us. \-ouiil;' Wilson, w ho. though hut twenty years of aqe. was an old nian-oi-w ai's man, said : •• She niox'es awful slow : we "11 get a liek at her and sink her the lirst hi'oadsidt' I '" Little did we then realize that so many of our Itrave men would he slee}unL;' their last sleep heforc the sun weld down that nie-ht I At half-[)ast two the sti'ani^'e craft was l)ut a (piarter of a mile from us. Wv still awaited orders, and. with our e-uus trainetl at a pro[)er ele- vation, silently viewed her a})proaeh, T, on my part, with strange tremors of expeetatiou and nervous apprehension, while awaiting the oi'der to lire. lUd'oif this, howevei'. we had seen the "Minne- sota."" the " Koanoke,"" and the "St. Lawrenee "" hurrying towards us to take part in the tight, so did not in any Avay fear the general result of the et)n- tliet. The shore hatteries had already opened lire with })rodigious noise, if not with mueh result. Then the " ('und)erland "" opene(l with her lieavy pivot THE ADVEyr OF Till-: ■• Mi:niiIMA('Ky 225 UTius. and we wore astonished that the strange non- descript was still corning on witliout reply. Snd- denlv a flash amid smoke came from her l)ows, and then a roar as the shot struck our sides and rattled on our decks. Then the long-expected order came for us to open tire. The lanyards were pulled, and when the smoke cleared we expected to see lier sinking. What was our surprise to see her apparently unin- jured, moving from us. Her starhoard })orts flew open and her terril)le l)roadside smote us with a tearing, crasliing sound impossihle to describe. Then, without taking further notict^ of us for the time being, she slowly passed us within three hun- dred yards, making towards the " Cumberland," Avhicli, with the shore batteries, w^as firing every gun that would bear on her. But never did brave men make a more hopeless battle. To our dismay we saw the shot glance from the sides of the iron craft, apparently making no more im- pression on her than if they had been foot-balls filled with wind, instead of solid shot. After the '•• ^lerrimack " had steered for the " Cumberland,'" a shot from one of our stern p'uns carried away the flag of the iron-clad, and the green Fort Ellsworth men thought she had sur- rendered, and began to cheer. Lieutenant Pren- dergrast, on the gun-deck, said.: "■ Don't cheer, men, the fight is n't over yet." Shot meanwhile smote us, as it seemed, from every ■1-1^\ FAIlli:!! AdAfXsr SoX. (liiTcrKdi : tlicrc was a tire on oiir ^'nn-dccl^. and teri'iMf crii'S ranic IVoni (Hir woumltMl as tlir\' wcit carried to tlic cocl^-pit, witli maii^lfd toriiis, and witli tlici)' lil(>(id piiui'iiiL;' tn tlic (lcclvliil(' the dead still la\- anmnL;- the L;-inis, Tt was awful I Uiit w'(ti'sc sdon rauic I. witli others, I'an to the ^j)ar-dec]\ in my e\eiteinent. and tliei'e saw tliat some of our men wei'e looseiiin;.;' tlie sails. I was soon reminded that m\- station was on the L;un-de(d< lielo\\'. At llial time the scene on tiie L;un-(h'ck haflles desci'i[ition. ( )n iieariiiL;' the •• ( 'umherlaiid "" the rein') captain called out, ••Will \-ou surrender?"" •• No,"" \\'as the I'eph- : "• I "II sink alon^'side first ! "" 'I'he I'ehcl ci'al't then struid^ the •• ( 'umherland "" with her iron pi'ow. with a crash: and while shouts and dreadful cries came to ns on the still air she wi'l^'u'leil ])[[rk from the doomed sliij), leaving' a o-rc'iit. L^'ash in her sides. With a roai' from lier L;'uns the ••('umherland"" listed to }iort. and then Avitli her dead and wonnde(l and man\ liviuL;' she Avent down liead-lirst (as if disdaijnn^' vvvn in her last slrUL^u'le to make a hacdcward mo\'e ), with her i-olors still llxiiii;'. This I saw in a mere glimpse tlu'ongh our port-holes (hiring the sun-ounding con- f\ision. The gun-l)oat -Zouave"' hail meanwliile come alongside of us: she was a tug with hut two guns. She ma< FA Till:/; A '.WIN ST SOX. saw ActiiiL;' (aj'taiii Smitli ('(»mc dnwii the aftcr- liatcli\\a\' and, while oiir toot was on llic ladder, |iiit liis liaiid lo Ills iiioutli to 'j;\\r an ordei; and I'all dead in the act. I notired also at this time a sti'eani ol' hlood poui'iiiL;' ihi'ounh our seiip- [x'l's (lik'e A\'ater while washiiiL;' down decdvs ) on the deel^s of the '•ZoUa\'e, and I renieinl»ei' wou- deiinn' if ni\- l)lood too woidd soon join in sw(dliiiL;' tliat sanguine stream. W'e liad meanwhile L;'roiinded. and aftei" w^liat seemeil an lioiir, thonn'h I leariRMJ afterwards tliat- it was hut a few minutes, t he rel)el ii'on-clad having' linished hei' work. Ideuteiiaiit Preiidei'^i-ast (in eonnnaiid since the death of Lieutenant Smith) caused the white flaL;' to 1>e hoisted in token of tlic sui-i'cnder of oui' ship. To escape the terrilile scene below decl\S I went to the S})ar-dec]-;, lollowed l)v Phil, who di'ipped lilood as ln' walkeil. and n'ot him in a j)osition Itack of tlie mainmast wliero he was in part slud- tered fi'om the shot that now strtick us from the ritlemeii oil shore. It was while I Avas (htini;' this that a small rehel steamer eame alon^'side, to seeiire such arms as were possil)le, and also, as I afterwards learned, to ordi'r the crew out of the '"Congress '" prelimi- nary to l)urnin«4' her. IlavinL;' hound np pool' Phil's arm with my handkerchief, and L;'i\'en him and yonni;- Wilson (wh(3 w^as in rear ol the maininast) a drink of THE ADVENT OF THE '•MERRIMACK.'' 229 Avater, I walked aft and saw a young fellow, appar- ently an officer, step from the paddle-box of the little rebel steamer to the hammoek netting of the "Congress" (it l)eing just level with the paddle- box), then go aft and seize the colors which were trailing from our stern. While winding them around him he was struck l)y a rifle-shot from the shore and fell dead on our deck. I am thus particular in narrating this incident, as it was afterward claimed that he was shot while rescuing the wounded of the " Congress." The ship was now on fire in several places ; the enemy finding the fire too severe for their liking hauled off, with a few of our officers for prisoners, and opened fire on the " Congress."' As there was no further duty to perform, and as the fire that was raging on board was likely to reach the magazine soon, those of our crew remain- ing on board, not disabled, devoted their attention to rescuing the Avounded and saving themselves. The l)oats, which were attached to the slup by a line from the jil>boom, with a boat-keeper on board with instructions to allow no one to get on them, were now brought alongside and filled with our men. Phil, Wilson, and other wounded, as well as some who were not, were put in one of these boats, while I took to the water and swam ashore. It was fortunate that I did so, for the fire soon after reached the magazine, and the fragments of 230 FATin-R .[(.'AfXST SOX. tlie dead, and tln' Moody and niaiiLz'lfd sliip. -were scatt('ivd o\'ci- tlic waters. This ended \ny pai'licipation in this most nienio- rahle eoiilliet. Thus in litlle more tlian two lioui's the "Men'i- niaelv "" had desti'oved a llea^■\' iVi^'ate and a laTLi'e sloo|) of WAV, moimtiiiL;' loi;-ether sevent\--tonr L;'nns, and had Idlleil in l)attle and drowne(l two hun- di'ed and lit'tyof llieir ei'ew. — a destrm-tion hardly matelied in na\a] warfare. Vet the woi'k of tlie '• Mei'rimaek "' was not vet tiinsliech After tlie events narrated she steamed into Hampton lloads ( lea\ ini;' our lau'inni;' friLjate and the sunken ■■ ( 'uiidiei'land '" and theii' eri'ws to tiieii' fate). headiiiL;' towards the '•Minnesota,"" aeeompanied liy hei' consorts, the "' Patricdc Henry" and the •• .lamestown."" The •• Minnesota.'" in attem})tinL;' to reacli the scene of tlie ti^'hl. had nin aground aliout half-way between l^'ort Monroe and where the "Congress"' lay. This, instead of 1»eing a mish)rtune as it then seemed, })roved to ])v her sah'ation : h)r the iron- clad drawing- twenty-two or more feet of water (and as the tide was then almost out) eould not get within a mile of her. Only a single shot from the iron-clad ship struck tlie ''Minnesota."' The lire from tlie rifle guns of her consorts was, however, more destruetive : but when the "Minnesota"" linally brought one of her heav}" o'uns to bear on them tliev turned tail, while the THE ADVENT OF THE •• MERlilMAC K.'^ 281 " MeiTimack," not Ijeing able to ivaeli her, stcaiiicd away in the direction of Norfolk, accompanied l)y the smaller and less dangerous crafts. This was about sundoAvn on that eventful 8th of :\Iarch. .Vnd thus ended the lirst fight of iron-clad against wooden shi[)S in tlie liistory of naval Avar- fare. Little remains to l)e said, except that the heroism of those on Ijoard of the " Cuml:)erland,'" wliieh I have not attempted to tell (only as I saw it A\ith one of those glimpses which a man catches in a fight, while surrounded \)y danger and confusion), as well as that of my shipmates on the " Congress,*' was as grand as anything that ever took place on the sea. That evening, after I had got on shore and was drying myself at a fire kindled by our sailors, I heard some further details of the " Cumljerland's " heroic fight and fate. One of her sailors, with a simple patlios, told me that tlie captain of Ins gun would not leave it, but, throwing his arms around it as if it was his sweetheart, and thus clasping it, AA'ent down with the ship. And then was told to me how the guns were fought from gun-deck to spar- deck, and only abandoned wlien the muzzles were under water. And all this occurred amid the shots and shrieks, and the crashing and creaking of timber, broken by the tremendous broadside of the '' Merrimack." 232 F. [111 Eli AdAlNSr SUN. Tlu' old siiilors Awro l)i'(ikcii-lirartc(| dwr tlicir (Icfi-at. Some iiKiurmMl tlic loss of slii}»niatfs : l)ut one i)f tlic ]iiost pallictic lii^iufs lliat I I'ccall A\-as the (•a[)taiii of one of the ^UHs oil Itoard tlii' '■ ( 'iuiiIht- laiul "" nioiiiiiiiiL;' tlir loss of liis n'liii. Later in the cNciiiiiL;- I, A\itli others, under direc- tion of Lifiiteiiaiit Preiidcr^'rast, walked to Fort ^loiiroc. where was ^-athered a most iiielaneholy crowd (tf landsiiieii and sailors. It was one of the darkest periods in oiir national history: none kiKWV what the morrow would l)riiiL;- hirtli: one thin i^' was, liowe\-er. deemed cei'taiii. and that was that tlie '•"Merrimack"" would come out from her lair and (•om})lete the destruction she had henun. I>ut while wi- thus des[)aired, Providence held in store a surprise, not only for us. hut for the exulting' rehels, who were contideiit of our humili- ation and defeat with the eomiuL;' of another day. r had had nothiiiL;' to eat since mornino-, and strange to rtdate had not rememhered that I was hungry, so intense had been my excitement. lUit on eoming in siglit of the sutlers at Fort ]\loiiroe, and seeing some of the sailors eating there, it suddenly oceurred to me that I too was famished. I mention this as showing Iioav emotions or powerful excite- ment wall sometimes make one forget even hunger. After I had tinished a good meal of sutler's pies I turiu'd to leave, when I almost ran into an ofiieer. 1 saluted and was ahout to })ass when he called me THE ADVENT OF Till-: - MERR/}fArK:' 2:^3 by name. It was ^iv. IJell, the fonner .second oi'li- eer of the " Favorite."" "How came you here, Johnstone?"" he inquired in a tone of svirprise. I exphiined to him that I had l)een one of the crew of tlie ill-fated " Congress."" Then followed an explanation of how Phil and I had enlisted in the navy with the expectation of an appointment of some kind, which had not come. ^Ir. Bell smiled as he said : " They wind red tape rather slow in the navy, — but where is yonr friend Phil ? "' I replied that Phil had l)een wounded, and Avas then under the surgeon's care at Newport News ; that his wound was not very serious, and that after I had swam ashore, without telling him for fear he would desire to accompany me, I had walked down to tlie fort, thinking my services might be required in the morning. " That speaks pretty well for your nerve,*" said Mr. Bell, " after such a shaking up as you 've had ! It is just as well, perhaps, that the ' Minne- sota,' got aground, or she too might now be at the bottom of the Roads." " Are you," I inquired, " on board of her ? " " No," he replied, " I 'm a volunteer officer on the gun-boat ' Terror.' " " What do you intend to do if the rebel iron- clad comes out to-morrow?" I said. "There is not any if in it, my lad ; she will come •J:U FAIlIi:!! Ai.MXST S(>X. ;is sni'L' as the siiii risfs. and (lod knows wliat Avr shall do, (ir whiTc we shall 1)L' l)ctoi'(' the sun sets on Sunday."" •'I'd like lo l;'(» on hoai'd with you,"" I said; " ])i'rh;i|is I nii'^ht he oi' use. " " Well. I "11 lake you. hut I do not know that it is a l'riciidl\ act. I tell v«»u plainh' that 1 se'c no lio|)c ol' aiiNthiiiL;' hut disaster licloi-c us. It is siin|il\' the intention of all on Ixiard to lii^'ht iind l;'o down with the ship — there sccnis nolhili^' else to do : liut it \'ou waul to l;o, eonie alou^'. ••M\' lather iisimI to tell nie,'" 1 icplied, "that *a man eould die hut ouee, and the time to die was when he could die doiuL;' his duty. Mr. liell looked at me foi' a moment with an expression on his hiee which I could not iutei|)ret, l)ut after a moment said in a low tone as if to him- self, " ^'our hither must ha\c heeii a L;'entlemau."' "lie was."" I I'eplied. in nuich the same tone as that in which he had s[iokeu, Uehtre I could L;et leave to aeeompan\- him, how- e\'er, I was orderi'd to embark on a hoat tor the '^ Minnesota,"" then aground, as I have said, not far from Newport News. The night was calm and the mooii was not yet n[), l>ut the huruing "'Congress'' threw a lurid glare across the water, to me a grand hut depress- ing sight, for I I'ecalled the hrave men, so full of hope hut that nioi'iiing, who lay in death on h()aren ports lurid with tianie, when l)et\veen one and two oYdoek she l)lew u[) in a succession of explosions throwing towards tlie stars fonntain-Uke shoAvers of sparks, each rivalling tlie others in height. Then I " turned in," as sailors call going to bed, and slept soundly until aroused by the shrill music of the boatswain's whistle. 236 FATHER AGAINST SON. CHAPTER XX. n;()X mi:ets ikon". It was a hcaiuiful Smidav iiioi'iiinn' : the air Avas Ijaliny. and scaice a bivezt' stinvd llu' waters of l)('autil'ul llaiiiptdii Koails. I -went oil deck at ail t'ai'ly liour witli (Hic of the I't'tty olHeers, wlidSf ae([Uaiiitaiiee I had made A\liili' I was on hoai'd of tlie " M iiiiicsola "" at llatteras Inlet. The sun was up and the decks wri'c IteiuL;' scrulil)e(h hir not even iinpciidinL;' liatlh' is allowed to interfere with the routine on Ixtard of a man-of-war. "Have you seen that (jueer craft along'side?" iiU|uired my friend. " Xo," I refilled, " I have n"t heard anything al)out her ; wliere is she ? "' •"Why, right liere," he replie(h looking over the side of the ship toward Fort Monroe. I looked and saw a diminutive (hirk-looking craft, sharp at hotli ends, Avith a round structure al)out ten feet high in the centre, and a square l)ox-look- ing structure at her how. Her deck was nearly level with the water, there was no side railing, and she was indeed a queer-ap[)earing craft; looking, as my friend said, •' like a shingle sharpened at hoth ends, with a tin can set in the centre." IROy MEETS IRON. 237 "What is she for?" I inquired. " They say,'" he replied witli sarcastic emphasis, ''that they are going to hglit the rebel iron-clad with her, when she conies out," " Fight I "' I echoed in astonishment ; " I can't see anythino- on board that she has got to fight with. Where are her guns ? " As we spoke there came towards us a sailor on her deck, and to Inm we addressed the same inquiry. '^ Guns ? '" he replied, with a gesture towards the round structure. '' In the turret there, and be- tween you and I and the mainmast, mates, they '11 give that rebel craft that raised the devil here yes- terda}' (and that you seem so scared about) all she wants and change to boot." " I guess you have n't seen the ' Merrimack,' " I replied. " She '11 see us if she comes out here into Hamp- ton Roads again ; and she may think lierself lucky if she ever gets back," and he spat contemptuously over the side. " What makes her go ? I don't see any sails or smoke-stacks. " '' Well, there 's our smoke-stack," he said, points ing to two slit-like openings in the deck abaft the turret. " They 're made of good plain air and can't be shot away." " This is a sort of a sulMuarine craft," said another ; "blast my eyes if she didn't come most of the way from Brooklyn Navy Yard under water." 2:mS fa 1111:11 AcAIXsr SOX. "•('(tiiic ;i\\;i\- IVoiii tluTr." said ail old sailor: '' tlial cliaii takes vou for a horse marine: lie's codding' \i)ii.' I tlioi!;4-lil tlie same. aiiy a coincidence that looks like the interposition of Providence, she had l)een Hnished the same day as the " Merrimack." She was at once sent to o[)en the Potomac (then ol)- .structed hv rehel earthworks) to the navigation of IRON MI'lETS IRON. 239 onr slii})ping. The Naval I)e})artiiieiit, in tlicse orders to her eoinuiaiKler, also gave orders '-that the 'Monitor' was to make no stop on her passage exce[)t at Fort Monroe." ( )n the afternoon of the <^th, when her brave com- mander heard the sonnd of the tight at Hampton Roads, he hurried forward, in hopes to arrive in season to take a hand in tlie conflict. On his arrival he reported to Captain ]\Iarston, of the '• lioanoke," who "suggested that he should go to the assistance of the ' ^linnesota,' thongli as the othcer in com- mand in tlie al)sence of Flag-otiicer Goldsborough, he had received peremptory orders to send the ' ^Monitor " to Washington without delay.'' Had she arrived the morning previous, no doubt this order would have l)een (obeyed, Ijut her arrival after the disaster of Saturday determined the brave ]\Iarston to disoljey and retain the " Moni- tor " to protect the fleet. Thus it was, by a series of accidents, that the little " Monitor " was present tliat day to meet the " Merrimack," and dispute with her the supremacy of the sea, although at that time she had not been accepted l)y the naval authorities, and was the property, technically at least, of private indi- viduals. At about eight o'clock we saw the enemy's ves- sels (that had been lying at anchor near Sewell's Point since the previous night j coming in our direction. 240 FATIIEi: AdAIXST SON. Tilt' flrnnis of the *• Minnesota " gloomily heat to ([Uartei's : the men tont Avhcn ])roadside after broadside, at such close range that the vessels seemed to touch each other, liad time and again been receiveil, and the little craft Avas not only afloat, but as the old sailors said •■ making spunky replies to all that the big felloAV could say," and playing at will annind her gigantic and frowning antagonist, then exclama- tions of wonder and admiration Ijroke from the lips of all on board. x\t last, after this strange contest had lasted three hours or more (every hour seeming a day, so great was the suspense ), and the '' ^Merrimack " having vainly endeavored to ram the *" ^Monitor " (which had l)een able to avoid the blow on account of lier superior quickness), as if despairing of suc- cess against her lively antagonist, turned and steered once more for our ship. As she came in point- l)lank range of our guns we gave her a broadside that would have Ijlown out of water any wooden ship in the world. But it was like throwing pebbles against a solid rock. She returned fire with her bow gun, sending a shell crashing into us that spread destruction through our shi[), set it on fire, and tore four rooms into one. The second shell 244 FATiiini A(;mxst son. tliat struck us ^lasscd tliroiii;'!! our liull. and with a tcrrilie explosion l)lc\v up a litlle Iul;' IviuL;' along- side, produrin^' the wildest coiifusinn on board our ship. We l)elie^"ed We were ahout to meet the fate of the '• C'on^-ress."" Another shell was fii'ed iiitn us. \\-heii the little "Monitor,"" 1)\' tlii'owiiiL;' Inaself lietween the two. eonij)elle(l the " Mei'i'iniack "" to ehaiiL^'e her }iosition, and save(l us from desli-uetion. .lust then, how- e\'ei'. the rehel ii'ou-clad L;'ronnde(l. When 1 l(M)ked from the ]»ort ai^'ain it was to see the '• Mointor "" a[)[iarently relii-e(l from the fight, and we then thought she had received a mortal wound. We learned later that this was occasioned li\- a hurt received hy the l)ra\'e commander of the "Monitor."" He was standing in the jiilotdiotise directing the liglit when a shell stiiudv and ex[)loded directly in the sight-hole (or slit) through Avhich he ^\'as looking. lie i'ecei\'ed in his face the force of the hlow. which stunned him and lilled his eyes with powder, blinding and confttsing him. Thiid^- ing the pilot-lantse had been destroyed, he gave orders to withdraw from the tight. Yoitng Lieu- tenant Green took command and steered once more for the enemy, which had meanwhile taken advan- tage of the •• Monitor's "" temporaiy withdrawal from the fight to turn tail for Xorh)lk. The " ^Monitor "' lired a few shots at the retiring- craft, l)Ut the "Merrimack*" contintied on, accom- panied by her wooden consorts, reminding me of a in ox MEETS IRON. 245 big seliO()l-l)()y l)ullv bcinn' lielpt'd off from the iicld after an unexpeeted eheelc made by a smaller l)ov. Then the old sailoi's l)egan to say that it was as plain as the nose on your face that the " ]\Ierri- maek "" was glad of an excuse to turn tail. Thus was ended the most remarkable naval battle- ever fought (all things considered), for in this figlit a verdict was rendered against wooden sliips. In substance, they were all destroyed on that eighth and ninth of March, 1802; for after this, one of our '' Mcjuitors "' would have been com[)etent to sink all the wooden ships of the navies of the world. 2^6 FAi'iii:n AdAiysT son. ciiai'Ti:k XXI. AFi'Ki: 'I'm-: coxflict Tin-: little '■ .Mdiiiior,"" at'iciMlrix iu^- ]ierfonni(laI)l(' ;iiit;iL;(iiiist tVnm 1 hnuptdii Ko;uls. anrliorcM] along- side tlie '• Miiniesota."" as 111 lor service as when slie went into the lii^'lil. IW-yond a crack in the inm Idi^s of ]iei' pilot-house and a few dints in hei- tni'ret, made 1)\' the hii^'e shot iVoni the I'ilied ^ains of the *• Merrinia(d<."" she was eoinparatively uniii- iiire(l. Whether or not the •■.Monitor"" was a. victor has. I am Avell a\\'are. been discussed, al'iirmed. and denied: yet it has never heeii (|Uestioned that tlie ( 'oid'e(lerate (ioliath left the Held of the fin'lit to (»ur Dax'id, and \^■as at once ]»nt into the dry (h»cks for i'ei)airs at Xorfolk. The interest ainonn' us in the - Alonitoi' "" was great. Those who had viewe*! her with eontem[)t were now enthusiastic in their admii'ation of her. *■' lUast me. l)Ut she "s a kind of a Mother Cary's chicken of a craft," said Uill Knowles. an old man- of-war's man of u\v ac([uaintance, while we were looking' over the sides of the "Minnesota"" down on the deidcof the littli' craft. "See how the waxes go right over her I Blame my eyes, but that feller AFTER THE CONFfJCT. 247 was rig-lit -wlii'ii lie said slie was a kind of a sul)- niaiine craft. I would n't be astonislicd it' she should dive and eouie up a mile from us."* ''What I don't understaiul," said another, "is where she kee}is all of her guns." " Guns I " ejaculated Knowles. " She don't carry but two, l>ut them 's regular thunderbolts ! " '•' What I seed Avith my own eyes I seed, and jou nor no other horse-marine jackass can't make me see difrent. Didn't these two eyes of mine see *em shooting from that queer round house they call a tarret, from twelve to twenty places in it? And \\o\\\ though, ye can't see that many ports, l)ut it stands to reason that the guns is there, and th' port- holes too, if y' can't see 'em; but what gits the weather gauge of me is where they keeps them stowed when they ain't a-firing." " Keep 'em stowed ! Why, you wolverine," said Jim Knowles, '' while they "re firin' one they 're loadin' the rest of 'em down in the hold; they act as ballast there, or she 'd be top heavy with all that iron above decfe." Arid with this Jim winked a prolonged wdnk on one side of Ids face and looked wise on the other. " Well, shipmates," said another, " between me and the mainmast, Avhat gits down to the roots of my hair is, how they anchor her without a chain, windlass, or anchor." " I know where her smoke-stacks are," said 248 FATIIKll .K.'AfXST SOX. iiiiotlicr old salt : " I sec tlic smoke ('ome out of tliiMii two slits in lii'i' deck."" '• I>(■la^' tlici'c ! "" said aiiotlicf : '■ Iht siuokc-staeks arc on tlif liottoni side of her. and liv a sort of (.'coiKHiix' o' foi'ccs llii'\ disciiai'L;'(' it in tli" water! *•• Lik'ch".'" asscnt«M] aiiotlier: •• "t would n"t Itc no nioi'c slran^'c than the rest of this rraft that can't l»c hnrl, and l^-ocs aronnd hca\cns kno\\'s how. and hL^hts a liii;' lundicrini;' ci'al't that smashed c\-ci-y- ihiiiL;' to tlindci's till this little craft come alon^- and lai'nc(l her better mannei's. Now jest look" at her crew settin" "round on her deck. Not one ol them, the\' sa\-. was hurt, and was as cond'ortable all the time as if that i-elx'l ii'oii craft was j"st throwin" l)"iled "taters at "em "slid "f kin' shot."' •• Well, shipmates."' said Knowdes, who was an oracle on hoard. " whatexi'r is oi- is n"t. one tiling- is tiaie, that little craft ont thai'" preached a sermon on Sunda\- that the ( 'onfe(U'rates won"t for^■it in one while, and that keat all the sky-i)ilots of the navv." We were not alone in our woiuk/r and enthu- siasm for tlie little craft, for, with the tiashini;' ky tele,L;'raiik of the tidin^'s of this iiL^'ht, tliere was excitement in every town ami villaL;-e of tke lan(k 'I'hus it was that the i^'loom and uncertainty of Alonckiy, Alareh tlie Sth, gave place to rejoicing- and eonfidenee. No wonder that many of our people felt that in tlu' op})ortune app'-aran^e of the ''Monitor"" (lod liad leaidied foi'th iiis hand for our natioifs protection. AFTER THE CONFLICT. 2!0 Almost l)('fore the fight between the iron-rLids was over, measures were taken for the abandonment of the " Minnesota." This ^\•as soon aeeomplislied, and I was onee more at Fort ]\Ionroe, where I ol)- tained leave to visit Phil and our other wounded shipmates at Newport News. I found Phil sitting- in front of a hospital tent. He was quite cross because I had left NeA\port News without seeing him. ^ I was under Lieutenant Prendergrast's orders just as much as I was when on ship Ijoard," I said. " Besides, you know you would have wanted to go, and that was n't best. The surgeon told me y(ju \1 got to keep still awhile or you was likely to have trouble with your arm.'' '' That old saw-bones, " ejaculated Phil crossly, " makes a mountain of this molehill of a scratch. Why look a-here," said Phil, suiting the action to his words, '' I can use this arm " — But here his remarks on the subject ended, for a decided pallor and an expression of pain came to his face, which seemed to illustrate to him, as well as to myself, that he had a very sore arm. "You must stop that kind of fooling, Phil," I said, as I assisted him in replacing his wounded limb carefully in its sling, '^ or yow will give the sky-pilot a last job for yourself ! " "• Well, maybe you are right, Hez," said Phil, with a twinge of pain still evident in the expression of liis face. " I guess I '11 have to keep this arm in ioO FATHini ACAIXST SOX. its li;iinni()clv tor a whik' loiin'cr. Hut say. speak- iiii;'i)t' tlic sl-;\'-piliit rt'iniiids iiu' that the cliaplaiii sail], when he was in to S(.'e me a little while ago, that there is a ( 'oinieetieut rei;inient aliout a half mile from hei'e in camp. 'I'lie ehajilain is from the Xntmen' State, ami is a tine old man. Now, what saN'? SnpjiosiiiL;' we n'o (h>wn and si'e it there is an\- one irom W'ichiior there? 1 assented, and Phil wc'iit to see the hospital steward. an^ hn'ht was a-n'oin' on o* Saturckiy?" ''We were on hoard the ' Coiio-ress," " I said, ''and riiil ^\'as wounded; ha\en"t you iiotieed that his arm is in a sHiil;' '■ " .lim sto[)[)e(l faliuL;', and, hieinii;' us for tlie first time sinee lie had hailed us, dro[)ped his pie and ejaculated : "I'm a selfish lunkhead not t' 'ave seen it! Say, Phil, du y" feel had any ^vays ? If there's auythin" y' see "round liei'e that y" want, say the word an' th* fur Hies ! " And the tears stai'ted to the generous fellow's e\cs, at the thought that I'Uil was wounded and he had taken 110 nolit-e of the fact l)efore. "Oh, r am all right, Jim," said Phil; "the old le "liaout it. Every time our f(dlers fell hatdv th" ca|)"n aiT me "(1 L^'o liack an" ralh' "em an" dress "cm on th' liindmosl one. We just liad a tiirrihle tussh.' liin'O I Til" eap"ii lost his liat. an" lie drawe(l liis swoi'd an" wi'id t" llnd it. an" L;dt lost in th* swaiiiji : li\' ^'um if he did n"t ! Tlien I said t" oui' l)oys, • l''orra"d I We "11 I'escue the t-ap"]! an" his liat, or die on the lield o" i^'lory an" mud I " And just then one o* them hii;' shot come u[( the hill, sa\'in" ' Ssseeattt I ' An" dminiied "f e\ery last one o" them ]nen \" coolness, ])ravcry, and L;'ood judLjincnt. ( )ne would scarcely lu'lieve. to see this beardless. s[)indle-shaidce(h tow- headed, hoyish-look'iuL;' [xu'son, that he liad already distinguished himself in some of the most daring deeds of our na\al warfare. When Phil and I reported for duty, seeing Lien- tenant Dash way on deck, and thinking he was one of the midslii[)nu'n, we entered into conversation Avith him and talked nuich more freely than Ave should have done had we known that he was our eonnnandiug officer. He asked us a great many questions, and, as sailors would phrase it expres- sively, "" pumped us dry." We \A-ere not a little taken l)ack when, on asking, '•• What kind of a captain have Ave got here?" his manner changed from familiarity to sternness, as he replied : ON THE ■• SPITFIRE.'' 201 "Iain in command hert' : yon will report yonr- self to the execntiw (tt'ticer for duty at once."" Tlic •• Spitfire " was sc-liooner-riLj'.u'ed, and carried two pivot-g'uns and cig'lit tliirtv-pounders on her sides. The next day being Sunday and the - S[)it- fire "" l)eing ready for sea, we hauled out into the stream and steamed down the harbor, out beyond Sandy Hook, and down the coast. Among the men on board there were two whom I had [)reviously known on the "• Congress ; "" one of them was Bill Knowles and the other a young sailor named Winshn\", a Cape Cod man, well up in seamanshi[), though with small education. We steamed along the coast without events worthy of note, until off Hatteras, when on round- ing the cape the wind gradually rose, the sea became very rough, and tlie sky had a dull, leaden look tliat l^etokened a so'-easter. At al)out two o'clock the wind was still rising, and the sea was so rough that we had our hands full. Our craft was kept on the port tack, hove-to under close-reefed foresail and mainsail. In the driving- mist and rain it soon grew dark. It was my watch; the decks of the little craft were drenched with spray which was charged with phosphoric glare that added to the wildness of the storm. About three o'clock in the morning an arch of light rising in the Avest told us of a sudden change of wind. The mainsail was quickly lowered, and when the storm struck us the fore-sheet was shifted 2(i2 FA Tin: J! ANALYST SON. over. Wlicii our cral't would siul-; down in the tl'oUL^'li of tlic sea I could sec the ]lllo^|>llor('S(•(•nt ^v;d(•l■ lii^li alio\r llic lf\cl of our decks, and at times it si'ciikmI as i I' it would lie iniiiossiMe tor us to ride out the sloi'iii. Wdien I turned in the stoi'in was i^a^in;,;- with iiicrcasin',;' fur\ : Imt ^\•llen in the rnoriiinL; it was ni\" watch on deck. 1 found to ni\- astoinshnieiit that the sun was shining;', tiic wind iiad aliatiMl. and our little ci'.d't was steaming' once more alon^' the coast under full sail. "\Vh\ is it,"" I said to Knowles. "that there are so man\ sudileii chaiiLj'es oft llatteras'/ '" I don"t know, an" 1 douht if any one else does, ' m'rowled Kiiowdes. •• T only know it is the most idianm'alile liere of an\' place on our c(iast. an" as to the w li\s and whei'td'ores you mi^ht "s -well try to account for voni- mother-in-laws temper six months after marriau'e."" ''Mr. lUdl oiice told me,"" said Phil, '"that these sudden (dian^'es are ^hiui^'ht to ]n' caused hy the H'ulf stream heini;' so much nearer the coast here than at any otlun j»oint : and that, \\itli the fact that the Avater (leei)ens very ra^iidly from the shore to one hundred fathoms ami then falls abruptly to oA'er tw"o thousand ti\e hundred, is thought to have something to do with the sudden aiul capricious Weather here."" " I guess that is a new-fangled reason,'" said Knowdes, "for I nex'er heard of it before; l)ut I've ON THE "spitfire:' 2(33 heard the Hatteras lisliernicii say that lightniiiL;' can be seen from the hght-hoiise there at any time of the year." ''Yes," said IMiil, ''I liave lieard John Nixon say almost the same thing." That day we passed through Hatteras Inlet, and signaled the liag-shi[) that afternoon. The next morning, having received orders, we steamed up Pandieo Sound, where we were to watch at the moutli of one of tlie rivers for vessels that were attempting to run the blockade. For, the general coast being clear, it was only at such points that they could load with cotton and turpen- tine, and attempt to evade our vigilance by emerg- ing from the interior Ijy the })assage of these rivers in the night. It was a very monotonous and tiresome service, and the old sailors were inclined to growl, especially those who, like Knowles, had seen more exciting and remunerative service in blockading duty on the coast. "We might just as well be on wheels," said Knowles, " as to be foolin' 'round here ! I like a little prize money in mine, and l)lue water instead of these dirtj rivers, where you can't turn 'round without danger o' gettin' aground and stirrin' up the mud. Alx)ut all we can expect to get here is the shakes and fever. There 's the master's mate sick with it, aud the whole ship's company will 204 FA Tin: I! AGAINST SOX. ]ia\'(' til n'o into ili'v dnrk to get these malarial l)ar- iiacli's ol'f of "(Mil 1)V and l>y.'' •• l')(']a\- tlici-c ! "" said an old sailoi' tliat had sailcil with ihf licutciiaiit loiigc'r than the rest of tlir ship's crew. •• It' yon ai'c thiiikin" there ain"t giiiir to he aii\" lively times on lioard this lu'i-e t-ral't. v" diiiTt know nnndi almut the chap that's in eoiumand ! Why. shipmates, he "s more in love with tronhle lliaii tlie most of lis is \vitli our hivad haskets. If he don't eut out some work to shake the harnaeles off of y". and the lever out of v", too, then \ ' ma\' i-all me a luhher I '■An' \" make a nhstake in supjiosin" there's no danger here." chimed in anothei' old slndlhacdc, " for when y' get up one of these ri\-ers a little wavs, \" "II lind masked hatteries. an sliarp-shooters, aiT that. too. at p'ints where y' can't go 'round, go ahead, or git lKHd\. •• An' nusipiitoes an" torpedoes, to kill an' Intey', an' hlow' y" iiigher'u the mainmast, aiT annoy y' genei-ally." said another, giving a hiteh to his trousers h)r em[iliasis. The men laughed to hear tor})edoes idassified with mos(piitoes. hut I !ia\'e n.o douht thev thouglit the latter as great an evil asthetirst. h»r it was one that Avas ever present a\ ith us w hen up the river, wliere, as Phil said, these pests presented their hills after husiness hours. '• Well, our little lieutenant will go where any one will follow : he "s just adiankering f'r trouhle, ox Tin: •• sp/TFiR]:." 265 only tliem "s arc aliovc liiin arc lioldiu" him in," said tlu' old sailtir. It proved true that our liriUenaut comniaiidiug' oidv lai'lct'd permission to enter u[)on more liazard- ous undertakings, (^uite a number of tlie men were sick Avitli malarial fever, and among these the ca})tain"s clerk : so I was requested to take his place for ii,tini9. Thougli it was a place that I had no liking for, I did m}- duty while I occupied it, and received the hearty commendation of the lieutenant for the rapidity, neatness, and correctness of ni}^ writing. Although I did not, I trust, try to pa- rade my accomplislnnents, yet I was not averse to showing that I was well educated, and was not only (juick in figures, hut well up in higher mathematics. 1 think it ^^'as partly owing to this fact that when, shortly after, one of the master's mates was, as Knowles termed it, " dry-docked," hy being sent to the hospital at Brooklyn, 1 was put to the duty of acting master's mate. After being in this position for several months an order from the Secretary of the Navy was re- ceived, with my appointment as ensign. I was not displeased that I was to do duty in that office on board the " Spitfire." No order came for Phil's promotion, but I am sure he deserved it more than I did. He generously declared that he would rather I should get the position than have it himself, and seemed to rejoice at my good fortune ■2^U] FATIIi:i; Af.'AIXSI' SOX. ijiorc tliiin if it IkkI cDino to liiiii. 'J'liis did not siii'prisc inc. Ini' il was in lvft'|iiii^- with tlic iiiiiiil\' and niiscHisli iiatnic ni' (me wImi had Hot (»iu_' pai'- t i(d(' (if ell \ \' ill his SDiil. It was ill l-'clii-iiar\ . "'i->. whih' I was on dnty as ofliccr of tiic divk that I lirst h-anicd tliat Mr. \'>r\\. iidW liiMitciiaiit I'liittMl States na\\\ was (111 (hlt\ ill these waters. He caiiie on 1 »oa rd to \isit our lieutenant, witli wlioni lie was a((|nainte(l. lieforc he left the steamer I was otf duty, and paid my i-es]iects to him. lie in(|uii'e(l for IMiil. and he was st'iit for. and, as he had alwa\s heeii a i^'reat ta\(irite with Mr. l)(dl. I was not sui'jiriscd at the hearty ^reet in;.;' he recei\-ed. '• 1 am L;"lad, \dUiiL;' L;'eutlemen, to hear a L4'ood rc- ]iort of \'oii from \dnr eommaiidiiiL;' oflieei'. and that one of \"oU has reeei\-ed [)l'omotion. '• \ Cs."" 1 rejilied. ••mine came at last, liut Phil has iTt L;'ot his \'et. and vou know he is a better sailor than I am: my [>romotion was sim[)ly l;'oo(1 lu.d^." •• Theit' is no bnd-: or accidents, (.n'erytliing is or(li'rc(l or directe(l hxsome power liiu'lier than our- selves," said Lieutenant Hell. •• Xo one wlio has ()l)serve(l the course of this t(,'rril)le war can doubt that. If this war had been closed a year a^o we should have left the canse of all this bitterness be- tween brothel's untoU(die(l. and should have it all to h'jht over a. Ilcrc. Icaxini^' llif iiim. I (■i-('|it tdi'wai'di 1(1 wlici'c I was aMc In Idol-; (inl (in a (dcaivd s]Mil (111 llic liniw (if tlif liluff. wlicl'c the liattcr\' was stal i(inc(|. lint jusl as 1 was alidnl tn l(i(il< (lilt 1 licard a sdimd that made my licaU inniji. It was the nicasiii'cd ti'ani[i df a Imdy dt iiiaKdiinL;' men cdniin^- tdW ards mc I llattciitMl niyscll tdtlic L^Tdnnd and w'ailc(l. Tlicy were nidxiiiL;' ahuiL;' a path whicli fan sd ncaf td \\dicft' I was lyinL;' that it was astdiiishiiiL;- they did iidt sec inc : lint llic\ passed (Ui. and I had the satisfactidii df licaf- iiiL;' the Sdiiiid df tln'if fddtstcjis ^-fdW less and less distinct, and hnalh' die away in the distance. I iid'eifc(l fi'dni the ft'W" w'dfds I had heai'd them nttef that tliey \\"ei'e (ill theif way t( i sink the very scdws we had set adrift in the river for the pnrpdse (if harricadiiiL;' it. WIkmi I Iddked ont in the rear (if the eiienu's pdsitidii i saw sdiiie twenty men with their mnskets sta(d-;ed Idnii^-iiiL;' arciund the guns, laughing and making nncomplimeiitary I'eiiiarks al)(»ut the Yankee gnnneiy . r)etwe(,'n the liattery, \\hi(di cdusisted of three hrass lield-pieces and a light ship"s-gun, and the woods were stacked their muskets. 1 crept hack to m\- juirty, and orih'red them for- ward. The whole [iart\' of twenty-live men was jsooii in [idsition. Then, with a rush, we were on ON THE •• SPITFIRE^ 271 our foes, between tliem and their staeked muskets, calling upon them to surrender. Those that attempted to run we shot down, and the others surrendered. After rolling tlie light guns down the hluff and spiking the larger ship- gun we made our way haek to where \\e had left ourlioat; it was gone. From the sound of nuis- ketry down stream that broke out at just that timt', we concluded that the steamer was having a dis- pute with those who were attempting to barricade the river. We were in a quandary what to do, when Ivnowles's sharp eyes saw one of the scows of the enemy Ave had set adrift, caught in the projecting lind) of a tree. It was but tlie work of an instant to reach it and l)ring it to the shore, put our })ris- oners on board, and, using the shovels for paddles (for there w^ei'e no others), cross to tlie opposite side of the river, and go wdtli the current down to our steamer, in hope thus to reach her on the side from the enemy. Before we reached her, however, I discovered that they were on both sides of the stream, for when lower down there came a crackling of muskets, and several of our men and prisoners w^ere wounded. I do not know hoAv it would liave fared with us if one of our prisoners had not exclaimed, ''• You are firing on your friends ! " They ceased firing, and while they were hesitat- ino- and in doubt we shot out of range of their fire. FAl'lIi:il AdAINS'J' SiL\. Ill a few iiKHiH'iits I Avas safely on Imanl tlie " Sjiit lire "" witli my iirisoiicrs. It was not Idii^' Ijcforc we had clcaiuMl out tlie rinciiicii and were left luidisturhfil. Till' lieu tenant cDniniaiidiiiL;' cnnii)!! merited me on the maiiiuT 1 liail |ieriormed my part in this affair. ATTACK ON SECESSIONVILLE. CHAPTER XXIIL ATTACK OX SECESSIOXVILLE. When I reported to Lieutenant Dashway, lie at once resolved to make an attack on quite an impor- tant town on the river, some thirty miles above. His plan was to sweep the river, destroy salt-works, vessels, and any munitions of war tliat might Ijc found. The success of this plan depended upon surprising tlie enemy by a quick dash, and then fighting our way out again. I remendjer, even now while I write, the look of brave confidence on our youthful commander's face, and the determined resolution expressed in his firm- set jaw and in his steel-blue eyes, as he made this decision. As we passed the bluff down which we had rolled the guns and thrown the muskets we had broken, he said : "We '11 get those guns on board when we return." We had steamed up stream about fifteen miles without encountering the enemy, when we saw two schooners coming down on the tide. One of them, that was loaded with turpentine and cotton, was set on fire by her crew to prevent her falling 274 FATIIIIR MrATyST SON. into Diif liaiids, ;iii(l tlic (itlicr -was run ashore in tln' nind. Wr I'aii alonLj'siilf of the olic wliicli liad been tircil. lint liiidiiii;' that it was inipossililc to sa\'t' lici- we cont iiiuc(l (111 our course. 'Idie ]iili it assni-iMJ onr conniiandci' t liat it was inijioHant tliat liesiionld lia\c da\liL;lit as wtdl as liiL;li tide to pilot the steaiiM'i' lia(d< throU!_;h tin' erooked ri\ cr-idiaiuud. ^^'^■ stojiped just lonL; eliouyh to desll'o\- Some salt- works on the haid^s of the riN'er, and then dashed forward toward the town at a speed as L;r»':it as the crooked and narrowing' rixci' w'onld permit. ( )n our ari'ixal at the little town we found the people totally unprej)are(l for our i-ecejition. AVe (pU(d I'\ 177/ /:.' /.' A<;.[/ XS T S X. Wviow start iiiL;' Iht Ikh'sc into a cairicr. slir tunu'd, l)o\\-c(l, and L;a\(' iiic a siiiilc tliat lor the instant conijilctcly tnrnc(I ni\- Iicad : then slic clattcrrd down t lie st I'cct. All lliis toolv place ill less time than it lias taken nie to tell it. Tlie recall liaxiiiL;' lieeii soiiiided sliortU' al'tei'. I said n'ood-daN' to llic scolding' niisti'ess and started for t1ie l)oal. Iv'iiowdes and the rest of my crew weiv just ahead of nie, leading' the waw lie turned Iiaid^ lo ni'L;e me to hiii'i'\', when in an inslaiil the party had Ljoiie IVcnii oiii- \iew. At the same time \\c caught siL;ht of some of the towns- [)eople sknlkiiiL;' and lyin^- in wait, and for fear tliat they nii^'ht open lire from the houses I tnrne(l into another street. This caused some dcday. and when I arl■i^'e(l at the landinL;- I was chagrined, not only at lindin^' that my hoat -was ^'oiie. Imt that some men had ^ot two ^'nns in ])osition on the left haidv of the river and were ahoiit to open liiv on the steamer. Thei'e was no time for ipU'stioii or d(da\'. I hastily n'lanced ah)nL;' the shoi'e to see if thert' A\-as some kind of a hoat in which T eonld Lj-et hack to the steamer, hut there was none in siLjht. I then dodg'ed around some old wai'ehoitsi's, and from thence down to tlie i'i\'er-side, -where thi(d-:.h)W foli- ae'e eoneeah'd me. Knowles liad !4'one in some other direction, where I did not eoiicern myself, ]ia\'ine- enonnh trouhle of my own, and I A\'as left ATTACK ON SECKSSIoyVILLE. 2m to mv unpleasant reflections, and to work out my own salvation as best I could. I was in a bad tix, so much was sure. Here I was in an enemy's country, and that too after tak- ing a prominent part in depredations of a character hkely to wound the pride and aggravate the temper of niuch more humlile and better-natured peo})le than I ever gave these the credit of l)eing. 1 sat down in the thicket to think out a plan of escape to the I'nion lines. I came to the con- clusion that I had l»etter keep as near the river as possible, as in case of pursuit I could s^^■im to tlie opposite bank, and also by this route I possibly might find a skiff or some other kind of boat to get do^^■n the river in. This disposition to keep near water is almost an instinct with sailors. I once asked an old sailor what he Avould do if he was ever compelled to beg, and he replied that if he ever got Avrecked like that on shore, the first thing he \^'ould beg was a boat to get away from hind in. Though, as the reader knows, I bad had some experience on land, I was thoroughl}- imbued with this feeling so common to sailors, and felt safer for being near the water. I was dressed in uniform ; had on my Ijelt, with sword and revolver, which an officer of my rank wore when on duty. Thinking that the gilt but- tons and gold braid of \\\j coat and hat might betray me if seen even at a distance, I turned my coat wrong side out and thrust my cap into one 27 s FAl'llim ACMNST SUX. of its pockets, and |ilai'('(] on my head a 'j;v[iy sill<: liaii(lkfrcliicl' w oiiiid t iii-l)aii-lik'('. I tliiMi ix'jilacrd iii\' l»(dt and stalled down the ri\'er. keeping' to the wooded t'riiiLi'e lliat skirted iis slioi'es. This was late in tlie afternoon, and ni^iit soon eanie on. I ikKt its eoiicealinL;' \'eil I felt that !ii\' ehanees h>r escape wci'e iiici'easi'd : hut I had not L;'one more than a mile when 1 was sto})[ie(l hy a. ereek which I must ei'oss or l^'o arituiuk The latter was not to ])c thoU'^'ht of: so. in ho]»e eliat h\ da\liL;-ht 1 mi^ht lind a hoat in this litth' sti'eani (it was so near to the town). I eoiudnded t(j wail and make a sear(di lor this piir[iose. I found a sheltered nook. L;(it some dry leaves together for m\" hed, and muKcdiinL;' some slii[)"s hread whiidi I lanl in my pocket (to say nothiuL;' of chewing- the liittercud of rellectioii ), I fell asleep as sound as if in m\' hammo(d-; on hoai'd ship. I was awakene(k it seemed to me oidy a few moments later. h\- the mofuino- sun shining' in my hice. I was a little stiff and lame in m\' le^s : for a sailor unaecustometl to walking' on anythiuL;' hut ]ilanl< is soon wearied in his lei^'s while oii lamk The sk\' was (deai; and m\" mind was as (d(_'ar as the sky; I felt :M]ual to an\tliinL;'. The air was halmv, Avith just enoUL;h of the cool erispness ot spriuL;- in it to make exercise imitiny. I at onee he^'an to scan tlie shoi-es of tlie ereek for a hoat to cross in. and to pursue mv tra\"(ds umU'i" morv' I'asy eiretimstanees. 1 was following a ri\er path when . ( T7\i CK ON SEC/-: SSh )X 1 7 A /. /•;. l^T ! » I lieard the tramp (if horses, and in my modest desire not to attraet attention, I ste[)ped from the patli to the coneealing- foliage. Two liorsemen walked their horses [last me. I heard the Avord '' YaidxS,** and tlien one of tlieni said, *•' Ulieir steamer is slnit in so they can't get away." I inferred from tliis that the '' Spitlire " had been detained in tlie river over niglit ])y barrieades or other obstrnctions. I did not trouble myself al)out that, for I had learned that one can best attend to duty who attends to that which is liefore him, and who does not fret over things that are not present to his senses. I was now more cautious, for I knew I must 1)6 near houses, or a liouse at least, and I also knew that if I fell in with any one but a field negro I was likely to find an enemy. I went nearer to the water, and began to scan every nook along the shore near me, to find a boat. I was not long in finding a small skiff tied to a tree ; there were no oars in her, and believing them to be hidden near the boat I began to look for them. I was just about to give up the search when I was confronted by an old and very l)lack negro, with a pair of oars on his shoulder and a basket in his hand. I had found the oars, but with them an unpleasant incumbrance that was likely to upset my plans. We both lialted in surprise, in a sort of ''• Who 'd 'a" thonght of seeing you/'" manner. I, however, 2S() ]\['riiEi: A<:\ixsT soy. ]vci)\\'vvd my ^^"ils and sclt'-|ii)ssrssi(>ii lii-st aiiromised me he would if he eould An so without (kinger of heini;- found out. I did not think lie \\-ould betray me. uor did 1 ha\'e nnudi eoiihdeiiee in evei' seeini;- him a^ain. Self-interest ^\■ould. I argued, keep him from l)etra\ini;- me. toi' he was likely to he puiushe(l if it was known that he had heen holdiiiL;' eoii- versation a\ ith, and takiny money from, a Yankee. I afterwards leai'Uetl that the friendliness shown to tlistressed I'nion soldiers so uniforndy during- the war, was largely })ronipted hy that feeling the poor ever have for those who are more tmtortunate than themselves. I tra\'eled along the river-side witliout incident of note until I t-ame to the ereek whieh the old negro had mentioned. On arriving tliere I seated myself in tlie sun- shine near the ereek. I>aek of me ran a eart-})ath or n)ad but little used. T had not been there long wdren the sound of voices arrested my attention. T looked throim-li the mass of foliage and saw two ATTACK ON SECESSfOXVfLLE. 2S5] men leisiiivly walking' along the path. ( )ne was elderly, the other young, tall, and good-looking, but with a sinister ex[)ression on his face that gave nie an instinctive dislike, similar to the repulsion that pe()})le feel towards a serpent. The younger was saying : ''If I succeed T shall expect your intluence, or something mijre, with your ward." At this the elder man said })roudly : ^ I won't interfere, understand tliat, John Ferold ; an old man whose sympathies are blunted has no right to interfere in a young- girl's choice of a husband.*' I had noticed that near the river was a liouse of the liberal Southern pattern of the better people, and inferred that these gentlemen belonged there. After they had passed I went up the Ijank of the river to get a better outlook, and then, hav- ing seen but the one house Avitli its cluster of negro cabins, I turned Ijack and went down the bluff in another direction ; here I ao-ain beo-an to scan the shores for some kind of a boat with which to cross. T had about given up the thought of finding one, and had seated myself among the foliage but a little way from the water, and had begun to remove my clothes in order to swim the stream. I had taken off my coat and belt and was glancing around for something to float them on, when T heard a splash- ing in tlie water. I looked out through the bushes. i!S4 hwrui.ii A'iMxsT s(i\;. and a tiiiv. iiannw Imat in wliicli was seated re \i»uiil;' and L;i-aeerul \\v the partial U[isettin^' of her boat. 1 rushed to her reseue. for how, eveu Avlien in daULi'er mvself, could I hesitatt' lo respond to a call of humanity? A few strokes brou^'ht me to her just as she was eoming U[) from tnidei' water a secoud time. I had soon brought hei' to the shore, wliere she la^' like a dead [lersoii. while 1 danced around like a frantic lunatic ratlier than like a seiisil)le young I TOOK HER UP AGAIN AND STRODE RESOLUTELY TO THE HOUSE. Al'TACK OX SErESSIOXVILLE. 285 mail. T lillcd my cap \\\{\\ water and (leluL;c(l ]ier face, Avlien the poor girl was sutt'eriiig- alread}' from a surfeit of that element. Then my })resence of mind returned with the thought of my own peril, and remendjering the formula for restoring the drowning I applied it, and soon had the satisfaction of seeing her open her eyes. I waited no longer, 1)ut putting on ni}- eoat right side out I adjusted my belt, put on my cap, and taking her in my arms hurried u[) the hank to the house I had seen. As 1 M'as rushing on, witli her dripping form clasped in my arms, she regained consciousness and gave a little shriek as if her lieart was in the cry. Then grasping my neck with one small, heautiful hand, she said imperiously, '" Put me down, sir." I obeyed, for I was [)i(|ued and cool enough then. "• You fell into the river : excuse me if I could n't see you drown. I must help you to the house." As if to emphasize tliis view of the situation, she once more fainted. I took her up again and strode resolutely, and I confess somewhat angrily, to the house. She had meanwhile l)ecome conscious, and with- out more ado allowed me to carrv her up on the broad veranda, where I laid her down on a couch or seat, and Avas confronted by the elderly gentle- man I had seen earlier in the day. ''What does this mean, sir?" he sai\'r I met lace to lace the \(iiiiil;' t^'ciit k'liiaii wlioiii I ]ia\'t' ali'cafly iiiciitidiicd having' seen witli tlic older man. lie stopped and made a (pii(dv motion to liis liip |»o{dut plact'(l m\- hand siL;inliiaiitl\' to m\' belt. "Miss ! Ii'iiik'isoii."" I said, "has na-t witli an ac- cichMit.'" Witlioiit waitiiiL;' to licar more he started up tlie avenue as if lie had been shot out of a yun. I smileil to myself to see how (piiekly I had turned the eurrent of the youn^ man's thouyhts. Ever siuee I had [dnn^cd into tlie water, and especially siuee I had taken tlie youug kidy \n my arms, mv uerves had heeu invigorated so that now my feet seemed seart-ely to tout'h the grouu(k I had no sense of (kiuu'er. and my mind was theu as clear as if (k)iug' duty on slii[)hoard. I found the little boat from Avhicli the yoiuig lady had been precipitated, diiftiug iu the creek ; I strippetl, swaiu out, and lirouyht it to the shore, tipped the w'ater from it, and viewed with uuich satisfaction the light and graceful proportions of rxnvx Till': river. 280 the craft Avhicli I liad (U-tcntiined, without any coiupunctions of conscience, to take possession of as an act of war. After dressing- and turning my coat once more, so as not to attract too much attention, I took the oars and rowed away down the creek, out into the broader river, lio[)ing to reacli our lines. I was forty miles and more from Pamlico Sound, and how many from my ship I did not know : I was encompassed l)y dangers, without provisions or any means that I knew of of obtaining any. I recognized, however, that I must not hesitate on that account. I decided, also, tliat time was of the greatest consequence in this attempt ; that while I could not do wholly without food, I could at a pinch go forty-eight hours with the little that I had on hand, and must bear hunger I'cso- lutely if need be, rather than give over my attempt to reach my ship. While thus busy with my thoughts I was row- ing with a long, steady pull, and at the same time admiring the boat as she shot through the water in answer to my strokes. In glancing her over, I saw a blue ribbon which I had no doubt belonged to the young lady; I stopped, picked it up, and wet as it was placed it in my breast pocket. As I did so I smiled, and felt myself blushing at so sentimental an act. I rowed along near the left Ijank of the river, in order to keep out of sight. I was not a little 200 i\\'riii:i; acaixsi' sox. clatcil at tlif iiiaiiiK'r in wliicli, sd far. I had cscajird ii'diii tlif riiiiijiliratious of ilic iiKiniiii^'. and alsd at tlic decided Id-i^liteuilin' ( if lii\" jU'dSperts. M \- iin- derL;'aniieuts wei'e wet Iml I did imi tiiiiid that, for a saih)]' ^■i■ts aeeii.sti lined in it as diie df tlie iiise[)- ai'alile cdinniidiis dl' his life d)i ilic sea. The weaUiei' was iiiil(h and tlie exereise df l■d\\•in^■ kept nie warm. 1 hdii!_;li, as a \\diiih\ I was iidt (TissatishiMl v.dtli niy ediidnet in reseniiiL;- liie AnnnL;' lad\" I fdnnd iiivsell' i-e\ iew in^;- the deeuri'eiiee. and AxishiiiL^' I liad said tliis di' that, and left tinilttered the things I had said. In alnint three hours I reaehed a [)art df the ri\'er where I saw that the enein\' had atteni}»ted td eonstniet a l)arriea(h-. I also saw an o]teinn!4' whei'e it lool-:ed as if the •• Spittii'e "" liad lir(.ilut try as I might her face obtruded itself. I couldn't itnderstand it, for I was not (or at DfnVX Tin: lUVER. 203 least up to that time liad never Leen) su.seeptil)le to the charms of woman or girl. Finally, I explained to myself that, as I had read somewhere, when one does a favor or renders a service to a })ers()n he is all the more likely to have a liking' for that person, and I thought that tliis unusual antic of my fancy nnist l)e owing to that. P>ut tliis revery, or train of thouo-ht, was ab- i'n}itly ended hy what sounded like the click of oars. I listened, and my worst fears Avere con- iirmed hy liearing voices. I cautiottsly sprang up the com[)anion\vay, and peering over the side of the schooner saw a l)oat in which Avere three men coming alongside. I at once crept forward and went down the hatchwa}' of the hold, for I knew that they were less likely to visit this place than the cabin. Here I stowed myself away otit of siglit. and listened. I Avas afraid that when they found my boat they Avould look for me. HoAv long I la}' there I do not knoAA-, as sensa- tions very imperfectly record time, and often make minutes seem like hours, or the reverse. After a long time of waiting without hearing any more from the intruders, for so I considered them, I ventured on deck, crept aft, looked over the stern. ]My boat Avas gone. I now bitterly reproached myself for my needless tarry on board, when I might, as I said to myself, liave been in better business. It was, lioAvever, useless to get blue OA^er my loss. Neither did I long debate the ■294 /'. 1 7 11 1: 1! .UiAl A .s 7 • ,S (L\. course I imisl pursue. I resolved to swiui to the shore in Di'ler to reeo\cr tlie hoat I had lost, or if possiltle liiid another. I lirst \\"eut down into the eahin and lit one of the candles that wci'c in the captain's stores, and then looke(l tlie schooner o\'er with the vai^'ue hope tliat there might l)e a skiff in her hold: hut there Avas noiu'. All that I could lind that in tlu' least reseinhlcil one was a larL;i' wash-tid). I eai'ried this to the deck, attache(] a cord to it, reuioxed and [ilaced in it \\\\ clothiuL;' and sonic of the }>ro- visions, and sol'th" ^'ettiuL;' it o\cr the side of the schooner, swam for (he shore, towiny' the precious tul» after me. I iiad not, however, taken a dozen strokes, when, on lookiuL;' liack', I saw the schooner slowdy swiug- ing fi'oiu the shore. At hrst I coidd scarcely credit mv sc'uscs. l)ut wlu'ii I hecame salistie(l that I was not deeeiA'cd, I returned, (dimhed U[) ln'r side to hei' deck once moi'e, took U[i the tuh, dix'ssed. and then going aft put the hidm of the eraft hai'd aport, until she slowly swung around with her hows pointing down stream. An unusu- ally high tide had wcjrked the vessel from the mud. ( )nee more mv ho[)es rose at tlie thought that I might he ahh' to get l)oth the eraft and myself to the steamer. If, liowever, I anticipated a clear coui'se wdth any special favors from fortune, I was out of my reckoning. DOWN Till' RIVER. 295 OveiH'onfidenee, lik(,' pride, goes before a fall, and mine Avas seareely on its feet before it stumbled. It was bright starlight; the sky was uiuisnally clear, and I had l)ut little difliculty in keeping my course in the channel. The schooner moved so slowly that I became impatient, and running for- ward hoisted the jib. This made a creaking sound that seemed the louder because of the still night ; l)ut 1 did not desist on that account. I cleated the sheet, for the wind was fair, and hurrying aft once more took the tiller to bring her on her course (for she had fallen away frt)m it), when from the liver banks there was a flash followed by the roar of the gun. A shot came crashing tlu'ough the schooner, then came a liail from the shore : ''What craft is that?'' ''• Schooner ' Blanche,' '" I replied, "■ going to try and get out by the Yankee gunboats ; and you 've hurt the ' Blanche ' with your gun." For a short time there was no reply from the shore; then another voice called out: '•'■ 'T won't do ; there "s no such schooner on the river. Come ashore ! " " Ay, ay, sir," I responded, and then putting the helm a-starboard to give the appearance of obedience, I began to take off \n\ clothing once more, put it in the tub, which I low^ered over the side, and then followed it into the water. The river was not wide, and I was able to reach 20n FATUllU AGA/ysT SOX. tlu' sliore opposite to the l)att('rv vcrv qnickly. lle'iv, al'tei' rt'suiiiiiii;' my rlotliiiig. iiiid tnekiiig' in iii\- [)ock<'ts all tlic pi'ovisioiis tlicy would hold, I slai'tcfl u]) tlu' I'ivri' liaid\, cliuclxliiiL;' in my sleeves at tlie \'anl t i/.iii^'. ••Will \ou joiii us at supper, sir?" said the coloiud polit(dy. •• 'I1iaid;s,"" 1 said: •'you liave evidently seen st'rvii-e, and a[)preciate that a man may l)e a pris- <»ner and \ct a L;,<'ntleman."" '• Ves, I was made a pi'isoner at Malvern Hill, Lj'ot a shot ill the left win^'."" he said, liftiuL;' that arm. which 1 now for the tirst time noticed hung rathei' limp hv his side. " I h;ul no cause for com- plaint while T was with the YaidXI)1:MXI:I). I HAD lu'^iui to Ion II a very lii^li estimate of the Soutlieni |)eo[»lf. The coiisidcralr courtesy of tlie \-oiin'_;- colonel and the ^'ciicral ^'ood treatment l»y tlic soldiers \\lio foi'iiKMl my yuard led me to l)(di('vc that I should I'cctdvc all the consideration allowed hy military rides. I had not the slightest idea, notwithstanding the hints that had 1»een thrown out hy the young oflieer, that I should l>e regarded othei'wist' than as a, prisoner of war. I did not then know tliat the most vindictive enemy in WAV is the non-cond)atant : that those who are lighting Avith heaiiy godd-wiH lose all tlieir viu- dietiveness \\hen their enemies are helpless in their liands ; that those Avlio have not had hard fighting ai'e apt to wi'eak on defenceless [irisoners of war, whom Providence has thrown into tlieir hands, all the accumulated hatred of their liearts, which is all the more l)itter l)eeanse they are too eoAvardly to meet their enemy in 1)attle. where, strange as it may ap[)ear, men often gain a hearty respect for one another. The moment T came in coiitaet with those wlio had not heen liijhtino- I beo-an to receive I'oualiaiid TRfED AXD CONDEMNED. -^01 disrespectful treiitineiit. The Home Guard that had taken charge of me at the town heaped on me insulting epithets, the mildest of which was "Yankee, thief, and a1)olitionist." At the jail a young (officer of the Home Guard, in a sort of "stand and deliver" style, relieved me of knife, handkerchief, and also of my watch (a gift from my father), and all of my money he could find on my person, though he did not get all, for I had concealed in my shoes two five-dollar green- backs ; and as he did so, with every article taken, he reiterated the remark, apparently for my conso- lation, " Contraband of war, sar ! " After this ceremony, for the young fellow, with his ritualistic reiteration, evidently intended to •make it such, I was put into a closet-like, narrow room, which had not a single window in it, nor apparently any other means of ventilation. The light was completely excluded from it, so that, though it was still day when I was put there, I could not for a time distinguish its size or contents. It had an ill smell as if untidy and filthy persons had been confined there previous to my incarcer- ation. As I sat in one corner of this pen I heard the sound of footsteps, the door opened, and a flood of light poured from a window in the corridor ; and then for the first time in my life I realized how good and beautiful daylight was. "Whar' ar' y', y' durned Yankee spy?" said the FA/n/'J; .K.A/XST SoX. person: and liicii tlicrc apprarcd a lace dxcr his slioiildcr. wliicli 1 at (iiicc rfi-(iL;-iii/.(Ml as tliat ot llif \(iU1il;' man win. mi I liad heard .Mr. Ilcnih^rson call .((ihn l'"rl'(ild. " Whew ! "" he ejaculated: "it smells of the durneil ^^|ld-;. (iet a lanteni." '* Would n"l it he well, -lolin l-'ei'old." 1 said, "to take me out into li,L;ht and air 7 "" I heard an exidamation of sui'prise as the door A\'as slanniied. and 1 thon^iit the\' hoth h.id ^-one : . l)ut the\' soon came hark- with a hmtern. This \\'as held up while l^'erold took a sui'xaw of me. " Ves. it "s the same \ ankce sp\- I saw down to Henderson's." he said. •• ^ on see he is a spy. else how did he know ni\ name'.'"" '•'I should like a deci-nt )-oom."" I said. "I should he just as seeiire. Mi'. l"'erold. in clean (piarters as in this pen. where you ha\e ke}tt iie^'i'o prisoners, evidently."" "See,"" he said to the other, "'he knows all altout this country."' That nin'ht I I'eviewed the circumst;inces inuka' which I liad heen captured in the enemy's country, httt could see no reason why any sn(di charge as that of hein^' a sj»y should lie l»roUL;ht a^aiirst me. I at least liad heen yuilty of no conduct exce[»t such as I was read}' to re[)eat if I ever i^ot tlie cliance. It was not until the next iiiornine- that any food was ^iN'cn nie, and that was a poor (piality of corn- TRIED AXn mXDEMNED. r,(»:3 Lread, Avitli water. Vrt poor as it was I could have eaten more if I liad had it, my loiii;- fast had inspired such an ap})etite ; for in addition to a hmg fast I had hoth a Ijoy's and a sailor's ap[)etite I The man who had charge of me was called '' Jake," and I do not know that he had any other name ; to mv surprise he neither ahused nor insulted me. He let me severely alone, simpl}- doing what he had ti) do and saying wdiat he had to say, being- scant of ceremony in either act or manner. On the third (kiy of my incarceration I was taken from tlie jail and under guard was marched out into daylight. I knew not what it was for, l)ut I was glad once again to breathe clean air and see the light of the snn. T was not, howevei', prepared for the unnsual attention I received, and the ex- citement that my a[)pearance caused on the streets of the little town. A large, noisy, and excited crowd had gatliered there, reminding me of a gathering on the streets of my native Wichnor to see a circns come to town, only there was none of the good-nature of such a gatliering. Above the rattle of a drum and the shrill shriek- ing of a fife I could bear muttered cui'ses and exclamations of rage and hatred. Though I marched with stolid demeanor and a firm manner, with my face fairly to the front, I caught glimpses of the angry gestures of men, w^omen, and even children. The crowd bad evidently been drawn ■".< »4 F. 1 77//;/.' . 1 (;. I /.VN y ,s-o.y. tlierc 1)y ihiikh's (so 1 iiil"cm'(l tVom tlio rciiuirks I licard ) of the (Mptillr of olic of the Valikrc van- dals tliat liail stolen the mail and the jiostmastcr's scr\'ants. and wlio had lu'cn s[)yinL;' aronnd lliu town ('\t'r since. •' I )anyeroiis-lookinL;- cnstoniei'."" said one. abolition tliitd'."" adde(l anotliei'. •• ( 'nni" down li\ar to steal onr in^u'ers and L;'ot tookeii liisself."" said another Aoiee. -A sneakiiiL;' \'ank'eel"" ejaenlated anothei' : '• woiidei' how he "11 like \\-e nns after he "s had \\\\\\{ he "11 L;it. 1 reckon."" ''He ^\'on"t sta^■ Ioiil;' "iion^h."" facetionslv said another. "I i'e(dst liis temper, and the other members of the court frowned and moved nervously in their seats, and one of them, with a Ioul;'. sharp face, said: •'1 [)rotest that this is not a court of compli- ments, 1»ut a court of war to try a Yankee spy for his life." "I beg" vour par»h>n. gentlemen," said Mr. Hen- derson, looking at the s[»eaker with cool contempt. ''In all deference to the person who has just spoken, and to the court. I say all })laces admit of the exchange of courtesies l>etween gentlemen, and TRIED ANT) C0XI>EMXI:D. 300 I have not to leai'ii the correct manners due to [)olite society and among gentlemen — if that person has." After testifying to the occurrences that have heen elsewhere narrated, he was asked by the judge : '' Do you mean t(^ sav that you loaned your hoat to a Yankee who was trying to escape ? "' ^Ir. Henderson stared at the speaker, with cdoI contempt expressed in his manner, and replied in his cool, level, unexcited voice : '' I mean that I have no charge against tliis man for taking the l)oat : and I do not know that any one has a right to say he stole it.'* " Thanks I '" I ejaculated, for his generous \\'ords had saved my self-respect. After giving his testimony the old gentleman sat down, twirled his eye-glasses in his fingers, and looked at the court with the assurance of one who was accustomed to exact respect from all. Then the court was cleared and its members put their heads together in consultation. The judge cleared his tlu'oat and said : " This court finds you guilty of all the specifi- cations and charges. It has been proven that you stole our negroes, insulted our women and stole our mail, and committed other depredations un- known to the license of war. You were finally found in disguise within our lines, posted in the names and private affairs of our people. You have been found guilty of trying to incite servile insurrection and of being a spy." 310 FATllEU AdAINST SON. Mr. I lt'ii(lcrs(iii had iiiranwliilc k'l't tlic i-ouit with- out cwn 1( Hiking' at inc. I was t('ri'il»l\- IVi^iitciKM] and shaken liy this verdirt. th(niL;li I tried not tn 'X^\(-' tliosc' present tlir satisi'actioii dl' seeing;' it. 'V\n' iii('inl»c'rs oiicf iimrc ('•(iiisiiltfd tdLicthfr. after which I was iiiarclitMl out of the room and down the street, hee[>inL;' ste[) in as lirni and nidlineliinj^' a manner as ])ossil)k'. Theve was a tunntlt of \diees, and an answeiing tumidt in m\ own heart and liraiii. If tliere was one feeling- (h'eper tlian that of indi^'nation. it was the (h'termination that my enemies should not see any fi'ar or weakness in my marniei', liowever nuicli I miglit feel, and that if I nuist die I would die as heeame an ot'lieer in the service of his cuuniry. In a momerd more I A\-as inside of the jail, with feelings which 1 shall not attempt to describe. ENEMIES, YET EILIEXDS. yil CHAPTER XXVI. ENEMIES, YET FRIENDS. When alone once more in mj- prison quarters, all the firmness and stoicism with which I had outwardly encrusted myself dissolved before the thought of my impending chjom. I had no friends on whom I could call for help in my extreme need, and I had little hope that anything could l^e done for me if I had had such friends. I had seen enough of war to know that there was little mercy in it. I understood the angry resentment aroused by depredations committed during the raid. I also understood that it was not so much what I had done as it was to prevent similar incursions into their country, and what they were pleased to call Yankee vandalism, — that I was simply the scapegoat ; a sort of target on which to score their sense of outrage. I did not sleep nuich during the long night that followed, but went over again and again, in a nervous and sinking spirit, the events of the few preceding days, and those of the court which had so unjustly accused and condemned me. I was young and loved life, and did not then appreciate the fact that life is at best but short. Let me not 312 FATHER AOAIXST SOy. conceal the fact tliat iiiv mind was so l)ecloiuled Avitli L;looni that 1 was indi^-nant, ahnost to hatred, at my le. J had heeii lauglil to prav !)\ l)oth my fatlu'r and ]nother. l)Ut during' llie moiitlis I liad l)een at sea ainoni;' roUL;ii sailors I liad neL;ieete to tliis time since niv eajiture I had Ix'cn more [iroud than fearless; for I was afraid of Ix-inL;' thoULi'hl cowardly. .\s the houi's of the nii;ht draL:',L;t'd on I thought of all this, as I rolled and twisted in nervous a^'ony on m\' [)0or hed. lint now ha\iiiL;' given u}) all hope of human succor, I prayed, as I had never prayed before, h)r (iod"s hel[) and sustaining power, that I might he able to Ijcar my burdens like a Christian, a sailor, and a man. After long travail, and when Ijroken in spirit, 1 had surrendered myself to Ilim: when I asked no longer for earthly, but for spiritual deliverance, there came to me such an illumination of soul and softening of my pride and resentment, even tow- ards my enemies, that 1 prayed that they nnght be forgiven. Then there fell on me such a reaction of })eace and joy as 1 had never l)efore experienced. The burden of agony and gloom that had rested on my mind rolled from me as if it were some- thing material. The terrors of death no longer o[)[)ressed me, and I shortly fell into a long and dreandess sleep. ENEMIES, YET FRIENDS. 31 o When at last T awoko 1 Mas cheerful, and looked without fear at the future. In a few moments aftei- waking, Jake came in and looked at me curiously as I smilingly greeted him, saying: "Youngster, y* Avar sleeping powerful this mornin" when I fust come in yere ; }■' looked so comfortable an' kin o' peaceful that I would n"t wake y' I It seemed to me that y* did n't realize." "• Thank you, Jake," I said. '• I realize that I have been condenmed as a spy, and that I cannot expect any mercy. But I am innocent ; and if I die it is for my country. I have forgiven my ene- mies." "I reckon they won't forgive )jou much, Yank. But say, Squar Henderson has bin hyar this morning, t' know "f thar was anythin' he c"d do, an' then I told him yo' war in this nigger hole an' he jist looked mad, an' I 've got orders t' move yo' to a better place. I think he must hev tore 'round some. Come, git out o* hyar I " The room to which I was conducted was a square, large room with two grated windows facing the west. It had a comfortable bed in one corner, two chairs, and a table. I did not care so much for the latter as for the air and light. Jake aston- ished me further by bringing me a breakfast of ham, eggs, and coffee. " The squar wants y' to be well fed, y' see," said Jake ; " told me t' git y' what y' needed an' he 'd settle th' bill." ol-4 FATHER A(;AL\ST SOX. '' liiit," T said, "T can't accept such favors: lici'c- aftcr hriii^' inc tlic piisoii fare : tliat "s l)L'ttci' than to l)c ill debt. Here "s a i^'reenhaclv for the break- fast,"' foi' I liad coiiceahMl this money liefoi'e l)eing searched, "and if you \\\\\ L;-et nie some jteiis, ink, [)a})er, and en\'elopes you can take })ay tVu' it out of the \'." WHieii tlie writiuL;- materials came I hi'st A\'i'ote a h'tter of L;'i'ateful tlianks to Mr. Ih'iiih'rson. 1 said tliat wliile I could not accept [lecuniai'v help I should h'cl under ^reat ol)l illations to liini if he ^\'ould L;'ct sonu' letters to my friends, especiallv those addressed to my hither and mother. I then ^\•l■ote letters to them and Phil, and ti» m\ captain : all of \\'hi(di .lake said he would give to Mr. Ilenderson. All tlii'se I left open, as is the custom in an enemy's country when sending Icttci's under tlag of truce: while the one to hither was left Tinsealeil that it miyht not compromise him, and hecause I had nothing to conceal. 1 was informe(l that I was to he executed the following week, and T thought this delay in exeeu- tioji of the sentence was owing to the inter[)osition of Mr. Ilenderson, as it eouhl not [lossihlv he out of any I'egard these }>eo[tle had for me. During the following days my heart was lighter than it had l)een, though I vet had seasons of de- pression and gloom. j)uring these days my time was spent reading from a little Testament which was a gift from father. In it he had marked pas- ENE^riES. YET FRIENDS. ill-") sages, and in some plaees liad made marginal com- ments ; they were so like my father's ntterances that at times it seemed that I conld almost feel his presence Avhen T read them, and they were a great comfort to me. At last Jake informed me that the Richmond authorities had a[)proved of the findings of the court-martial, and that a day had been set for my execution. It was to take place on the following Saturday. It was a relief to know the worst. Suspense is harder to hear than the worst certainty. Knowing the woi-st, I began preparing myself for tlie great change. I prayed for strength to bear all the agony of my ignominious death. On the morning of that dread day I had got from my knees and was sitting at my table with the little Testament in my hand, thinking of nij home, when I heard (or did I l)ut seem to hear?) my father's voice speaking as if to an inner sense, sa}-- ing : " ]\Iy dear son, your father loves you — do not doubt it I I am coming." I started up and looked around my room, ex- pecting to see him. There was no one there but mj'self, and all was silent. ]My imagination had played me a trick. I sat awhile thinking it over, when a dread sound that was no trick of imagination came to my ear ; it was the tramp of armed men Avho came to conduct me to the i^lace of m\' death. 810 FATHKIl AGAINST SOX. Tlir\' halted licl'oiv my [irisdii door. I hoard the coiiiiiiaiid "Hall I" then tlic jaii^le of Jake's keys. ] rose I'loiii tlie talih'. alid as the door »)}ieiie(l said, \\ith a strange eahiiuess, ■• C'«)iiie in. I am ready I As 1 marehed. kee})iiiL;- ste]) with my guai'ik it was without aii\ outwai'd signs of fear or iier- xousness, for I was (h'termiiied that tliey shoidd see liow' hravely a liiiou .sailor eoiild die for his eonntry. It was as l)i'antiful a morning as ever (kiwned on this lovelv Southern land. 1 looked at the faces 1 [lassei], and ]iote(l ijie hate and satisfaction pict- ured tln're. In my heart there was a dee}) (piiet or stoicism. It was m\' last da\' tuider (-iod's sun- shine (as 1 then liiaiily lu'lie\ed), and yet J could not realize it. The measni'cd f/'dit/jK tramps of the cadenced step of my guard hlended with thi' roar of \-oices and the clamor of hateful exclamations as I neared the dreaded structure erected for my execution. We were halted, and I looked u}» at it with umpdvering nerve. I said to myself. "It is part (tf mv tight in this war to show these enemies of mv country that there are men who can die for it l)ravely."' My hands were tied, and as I stood, with set. resolute face and tii'm nerves, there came to my ear a sound like the (damor of many voices roliing nearer, and nearer, and nearer. 1 had commended ENEMIES, YET FRIENDS. 317 iiiv 8()ul to ITis ineiTV, and said '■'• Now,"' a>s a signal of my readiness, when there burst through the crowd around the gaUows a man on horseback, covered with llccks of foam and gray with road dust; he reined up, said something I did not understand, and handed a paper to the othcer of my guard. Then my hands were unbound, the order was given to tlie guard, — '' Shoulder arms, forward, march I" — and once more I was conducted to the street, with the word '' lieprieved I Reprieved I " ringing out on every side. Then, and not until then, curious as it ma}' seem, my limljs trendjled, and my heart throbbed almost to choking, and I should have fallen to the ground had I not been mercifully held up by my guards. Once more I was in the jail, and then learned from Jake the circumstances of my reprieve. "• Squar Henderson has been t' Riclimond 'bout your business," said Jake, " and has got it put off, I reckon. But I say, it war a right close shave, youngster, but th' all saj- y' showed a powerful lot of grit if y" are a Yank, an' it 's talked a right lot, 'roun' yere, that y' 've got Southern blood in ye." I reflected that while there were grounds for hope, as there were evidently some strong influences at work in my behalf, still there was hardly a hope that the verdict of the court-martial would be set aside for a Yankee "nigger-stealer,"' for it 818 FATHER AdAlXST SOX. seemed to me tliat this criinc was there eousidered the greatest a man (■(juld ediiiinit. I think tlie days that t'iilli)\ved mv i'e[)i'ieve were liarder tn hear tluiii tliose that preeeded tlie time set i'ttr my execution. ^lattei's of life and (h'atli in tlie ( 'oiifeth.M'aev move(l (|niekl\' in those times. I now hoped t(» hear from my fatlier. if not from iii\- moilier and l*hil, liefore the time hir mv execution arri\'ed. I was (|uile ner\'ous h»i' one of m\' stolid tem- peramenl, and I fear that I hored -lake xcrv nuu/h ahout so small a matter as my I'ate. Duihig this time I wrote out a cireumstaiuial account of our raid into Secessionx'ille, especially contradicting the ehai'ges that I was acting as a spy, also that I had in any way insulted the wife of the postmaster. This account 1 intended for my father. While intently alisorheut there was no one tliere. It was another delusion. When Jake eame in I in([uired if any one had heen near my room and he answered in the negative, anl further said that I was the oidy prisoner in tlie huild- inij', the others having- heen given their lihertv on EXEMIHS. VET ERIENDS. olO condition that they wonld enlist in tlie Sonthein army. I tell this incident as it oecuned, and do not attempt to explain it. One afternoon not long afterwards I broke the seal of a letter in a handwriting which I knew to be my fatlier's. It was an affectionate letter in which occnrred the very words I had heard. My father afterwards told me that he liad nttered this sentence alond as he wrote it. The letter itself was so like him, so unconstrained, that it almost seemed to bring me face to face with him. In it he explained that Mr. Henderson, having ascertaiiied by my letter to him that he was in Richmond, had been there to see him and get a suspension of the sentence. On the afternoon following the reception of this letter I was reading once more from my Testament. It was the only book I had to read, and I had found therein so much comfort that I had learned to love its promises, and understand them better than ever before. I was absorbed in reflection on what I had read, and I was so oblivious to my surroundings that it was as if I Avere in some other world ; then I heard once more, distinctly uttered by my father's voice, " My dear, dear son ! " Fearing to break the spell I did not move, when strong arms en- circled me, and I found it was no delusion now, but that my own dear father was with me in reality ; brown, thin, and careworn, Avith stern lines deeply '.\'l{) lA'i'inai AdAiNST soy. Avritteii nil liis face. Imt still liis own dear self, tlirilliiis4' me a\ itli his jireseiice and liis earnest love. (xod liless liiiii now and forever, in the great here- after in \\'hieli he awaits iiic I After all these years I seem to see his tender look of lo\'e. a love that knew no sejiaration of time, space, or eonntry. The past was all explaiiKMl. lie told nie that he had Iteeii detaine(l at his home, when he had ex}»eeted to join us at the North. 1)\' llic sickness of his father: that he had written letters at that time which he had learned only of late had heen intercepted hy jealous partisans of the Post-office Department. That \vvy afternoon T was given my lil)erty l)y signing a paretic of honor, and this A\as written liy the verv official who had acted as judge advocate in the coiu't that had condemned me to death. He was verv wordy and o1>se(}uious to my father. .\s we went out fatlier said : " It is such l)ond)- proofs as that man. who think to distinguisli them- selves without danger, that hring reproach to the brave men of our cause."' There were two horses at the door, and Andrew liimself gave me a hroad smile of greeting as I [lassed out under the l)lue dome bright with God's own sunsliine. '' We missed Andy at Wichnor," I said, '' Init we knew he Avould come to you if he could."' "•Yes," said fathei'. ''Andy is no fair-weather friend ; he goes wdiere I go." ENEMIES. YET FRIENDS. 321 We rode dcwn the street which I had so hitely trod as a eondeiiined man, and riding along- the river road halted at the very veranda u[)on which I had carried the drip^iing form of Miss Henderson. " Our home is some twenty miles away," said father, '• and these friends of mine have invited us to be their guests." I was about to explain that I had Ijeen there under different circumstances, but father smiled and said, '' I have been told all about it. Hez, and you will want to pay your respects to these good people, I knoAv.'' I was ushered into the house, was introduced foimally to ^Ir. and Miss Henderson, and, singular to relate, I was less self-possessed during this inter- view than I was on my first visit there. '* I am sorry," said ]Mr. Henderson, " that you have suffered so much at the hands of our people." "That's the nature of war," I responded, "and possibly 3'our people may think they have suffered somewhat at my hands ; but there is no mistake, I owe you a debt of gratitude that I cannot easily pay, and that I cannot express in words." I was presented to ^Sliss Dora Henderson by my father ; she was very kind in her manner towards me. " I can understand your gallant conduct, now that I know who your father is," she said, looking up into my face ; " you have Southern blood in your veins, and maw gracious ! how can a Southern o22 FATIIKR A<;AIXSr SON. gentlciuaii li('l[t l)t'in^' brave, L'sp(_^ei;illy when liis father is one of tlu- bravest in our eonnlrv 'Z "" ^ \ cs,"" s;ii(l fatlicr in baiitcriiiL;' tniu's. ••and niy gallantry was so niisundcistiKMl at oiif time that the gossips woiihl lia\f i! that I was about to inarr\' Miss hora here: ami tlimi more serioush- in a re- mar!: lo Miss Henderson added: ••d'liere is not nnudi differeiUH' at lu-art between Southern and Northern men: t]ie\' are both brave, but in a dif- ferent way: tlie Xortliern gentleman is less exeit- abh' and sentimental, liut is more eiiditi'ing. and mv son. I beliexe. has the good eliaraeteristies of both."* •• ( )h. "" exelaime(l Miss 1 )ora impetuoush'. *• there are none so l)ra\'e as our dear Southern heroes I "" and she gave father such an admiring look that I felt small ami chagrined when she continued: •'Wh.ii a hind man our [)resident is I Who but he w'ould have liberated a Yankee incendiary like your son '! " '•Miss Dora is grateful for yotir gallant conduct," interrupted Mr. Henderson, •• if she is just a little provoking."" ''Maw gracious I "" exclaimed the young laan : snum if he didn"t! I told him tin pans ware n't infallihle more "n eaows. IK- said I was a eheat. dumnuMl if he did n"t I an" him an" me irionged t" the same ehureh. an" in yood stan"iii\ tu, I swow ! "" '• But what did cows have to de» with it, Jim?" asked Thil. •• Why."" said Jim, with a grin. " v" see one time th" s([uire sold a caow t" m\' ole man. an" that ole eaow up an" died "h)re th" next milkin" : I vaow if AT PLYMOUTH. ool slie didn't! Father ho goes t' th' squire, an' says lie, 'I want my money l)aek, squire ; th' eaow is dead; '' " Wal," said tli" squire, ' eows ain't infallible,' an' that's all tli' satisfaction father could git; plague if it wa'n't I " Phil and I had a good laugh, and Jim contin- ued: "'Y'r granther would n"t own up any way "f lookin' at a thing was right but his own. Say, did y' ever hearn tell *l)aout his buying eggs o" that there Jot Williams, time I was referee? Didn't? Wal, I '11 tell y'," said Jim, picking his teeth with a long straw as lie turned his face reflectively down- Avard. "Jot Williams druv daown to Wichnor with a lot 'f eggs f'r sale — he lived on th' Jinks place aout there. Y'r granther kep' a store in them days daown on Central ^^•harf, and Jot was one of his customers, an' a good one tu, I guess. Wal, Jot he come in one day with a lot o' eggs, an' walked int' 3''r granther's store, an' sez he, ' I 'd like t' sell y' seventeen dozen o' fresh eggs, square.' " ' I don't want no eggs,' said y'r granther cross 's a settin' bin, ' an' won't hev 'em at any price, nuther.' " Jot Williams jes' sot down an' cleared his throat in a kind of a delil)'rate way, an' thumpin' th' floor with th' butt eend 'f his whip said, ' Yis, if du want these e(jgs, tu^ Mr. Perkins, an' ef y" don't buy 'em I won't neA'er come intu y'r store agin, 332 FA mint AOAiysT son. ail* y' know T Luy a lot o" q-oods, tu.' Yer granther })iille(l ill his horns an" said, 'Jot, I don't want t' lose a good customer an' fren*. an" I won't go back on \\'liat I '\c s(Mk nnther: wliat sliall ^\•t' dn 'liaout it'/" an' jis' then I wallvr(l intn that sl(»iv. ■••Here's ncigliltor Janifs liisliee, lie s a pootv fair man." said Jot, • an' we'll leave it aout tu him." '• • "(irectl." said the s(jnare. "So they tohl me the ease, an" T sot in jedg- mint on them eggs and hatched aout just as good a d'cision "s could he, I snum I '• • Wal." I said, •y" say. S(|uare Perkins, that y' won't he\' them eggs at no })riee ? " •• 'I'll' S(|Uare said " Yis.' '•'An" you say "f he don't l)uy 'cm. that you won't never come t' this shop agin 's long 's y' live ? ' " Jot said, ' That 's what I said, an' I '11 stand tu it." " Wal, I sot an* delih'rated, an' tin'lly said : 'It's a hunily ease t' deal -with, neighhors, 1)Ut here "s my d'cision: S(|uare. you've g(»t t' pay for tliem eggs, an' at a good market price, an' as y" say y" won't hev 'em at any price, the court '11 take them eggs f'r its fee.' " Wal, yer granther was kinder grouty over that d'cision o' mine, but Jot Williams made him stan' tu it. " Jot said I was a second Solomon, l)ut y'r AT PLYMOUTH. 333 granther said I was a second-class jackass ; siium if he didn't, and that, tn, arter I 'd pulled him aout 'f a bad hole ! '• Wal, 3''r granther held a grudge 'ginst me ; an' one day Avhen T went t' Wichnor t' trade I liitclied my hoss t' the hitchin'-post front his store an' Avent in. I had aout in my wagin "haout as good a lot of eggs as y' cummonly see, an' I put 'em in with a lot o' oats in th' tail o' th' wagin. " Yer granther 'vited me t' th' stove, polite as a basket o' chips. ' Quite chilly, Mr. Bisbee, f'r the time of th' year,' sez he. ' Take a seat b' the stove Avhere its comfort'ble.' An' then that critter went aout an' hitched his hoss, that al'a's lied his nose in everythin', tu th' tail of my wagin — I vaow tu man he did ! And then he come in an' p'lavered jest as sweet as maple sugar. An' when I went aout t' my team, ther was that pesky hoss a-champin' up an' deoun 'nough tu make yer cry — th' dummed critter was jes' a-goin' it in my oats an' eggs, with yaller frotli an' specks of egg-shells from th' eend of his pesky nose tu th' tip of his consarned ears ! " '•' It iras pretty mean,'* said Phil, holding on to his sides with laughter. "Mean?" said Jim, solemn as a funeral. ''I jest told him thet a man thet 'd du that 'd steal corn from a blind jackass, dunnned if I did n't I " ' Or buy eggs f'r hisself with another man's i\\iiii:]i a<;a/xsj' sux. nioiiev,' saiil \"r ^rantluT."" Aral .lini, relaxing;' liis Li'i'avitw (Tdsscd liis thin k'L;'s aliimst doul)!*' and laiiL;lK'\n\ ihouyli it was against liiins(.'lt'. From tlic time we canic tn I'lvmimtli. there hatl liccii rninitrsdl' an iron-chid that it was said was ahont to conic (hiwn tlic ri\'cr. In .Marcli tlicsc rumors midtiiijicih until al last tlicrc came one of our spies, with llic intelli'gence that she was ahout to make an attack on I'Kiiionth in eonjiuiction with land forces from the rehel capital. (reneral Wesstdls was so wtdl eonviuceil tliat tliere was truth in these I'limoi's that lie called for ri'enforcemeiits. lie diil not L;'et tliem. lor (reneral (iraiit neede(l all the axailahle troops for the over- land t-am})aiL;ii. that was then just ahotit to open. THE ADVENT OF THE -ALBEMARLE:' ooo CHAPTER XXYIII. THE ADVENT OF THE '"ALBEMARLE." On Sunday the IStli of ^Vpril there was an un- wonted stir in the Uttle to\^'n, for it was reported tliat the enemy was advancing from the interior on all the roads to Plymouth. In the afternoon the enemy sent word of his intention of storming the town, and at sundown the little wharf opposite the '' Southtield " was crowded with non-combatants \\\\o were embarking on a steamer for Roanoke Island. That afternoon the enemy attacked Fort Grey, a mile up the river, and this attack led those of us who were on board to infer that it was to clear the river for the iron-clad. Obstructions had l)een sunk at a narrow part of tlie river above for the purpose of preventing the pas- sage of such a craft, but the spring freshets had partially removed them. On the afternoon of the 19th the enemy shelled the place with a storm of spherical case-shot which riddled the houses and lopped the limbs from the trees in the streets of the little town. On the sides of the houses toward the river were groups of black people who had gathered there for protection, and whose shrieks and wails and prayers could be ^M i\[riii:n AdMXsr soy. heard alxivc tlie uproar uf the Inittle. Our 1)atteries aiiswfi'cd the sliots ot' the enemy, and tlie ^'uns of (lur l)()ats soon added to the tuuiult h\' throwing sh(dl over the town into liis raid^s. \\dien id^'lit eaiiie we eoidd see the Hretlvdike sparkh." of his Lj'uns in the lields on our ri^'ht. where uinh-r eo\'er of this u[)i'oar he was atteniptiii!.;' to capture an isolated re(hiuht. The hriiii;' continued with itn- ahated noise until ten o'clock in the evening, when it died away. Shortly aftin' there came the intelligenec that the ram was on her wav down the river. In [)rep- aratioii h»r her coming, ('ouunander Flitsher Jiad histened our two xessels together with long spars, while strong chains hung hetween them for the purpose of holding the ram. with the intention of siidviug or Itoarding lu'r while so held. We had but little doul)t that if we could in this AN-ay en- tangle the iron-clad we should [ilace her at a great disadvantage. The " Soutlitield '" carried live !>-ineh and one 100-pounder Parrots, and one 12-potinder howitzer, while the ''Miami" carried more guns than our ship; and although our Ijoats were of wood Ave l)elieve(l they would make the jtassage of the ram diflictilt, and, it was ho[)ed, impossil)]e. Both Phil and I, as the reader knows, had taken part in the fight Avith the " Mi'rrimack," and did not feel so sanguine as did our gallant and fear- less ecjunnander. We were not certain, however, THE ADVEXT OF THE "ALBEMARLE:' ooT tliat lilt' mucli-talke(l-(^f iron-clad was anything more than a " scare." It was abont one o'clock in the morning when a message came from General Wessells that the first craft that came down the river would be the rebel ram. It was nearly two o'clock when she made her appearance. Then we heard a gun tired from Fort Grey, and shortly after we heard the lookout ex- claim, '' Here she comes ! " Through my glass I saw a dark-looking craft with a huge \'olume of smoke pouring from her smoke-stack, which showed that she burned pitch- pine wood for fuel, and could be nothing else than the ram. She came on without firing a single shot, while we steamed up the river to meet lier, and to entangle her, if possible, in our toils. A water battery wnth a single gun carrying 200-pound shot fired once at the ram ; then, with- out replying to the battery, she was upon us. Either the Confederates had been warned of our plan, or else by accident avoided its consumma- tion, for they steered near the north side of the river, and then by a quick turn plunged the beak of the ram into the " Southfield."' I was standing by the forward gun when this took place, and had just given the signal for firing. Whether the signal was obeyed or not I do not remember (if I ever knew), for the ship began rapidly filling with water, and the chain 3:58 F Arm: 11 AuMXsr sox. plates of the •• ,\.]l)Oiiiarle,"" wliieli luul heeonie entangled in our iVainework, carried her Ijuws down ^\'ith ns as \ve sank. Amid the crush of tiiiihers, tlie ci'eakiiiL;' and sti'aiiiiiiL;' of llie enlocke(l ci-afls. the gnr^'hn;^' A\"aters. and the slnieks, and cries, and iinisket shots, 1 heard Phihs voice crv out eh:nu' and peiieti'atiiiL;' as we said^; : '•(iive thcui one more sliot, men I " Then 1 was caui^lit in tlie Lj'un ta(dYh' and carried uiah-r, in a wliirl of water, witli tlie sinkini;' craft. It seemed an aL;'e hefore I could extricate myself. There was a marinL;' sound in mv liead. it seenu'(l as if my hrains would hurst from m\' skull, and then I lost consciousness, to regain it as I found myself on the surface of the water. T heard the shar[) ci'ies, and the crack, rr((c/,\ crark. of nnisketry in the conliict. 1 found that I had come u[t Ijetween the iron- rlad and the " Southiield," and fearing to he cruslicdor otherwise injured hetween them I dived, and coming U[) heyond her on the north side swam h)r the swamp. As I reached the shore I turned and saw the " Miami " with all steam on headed down stream, followed hy tlie slowei' " Albemarle."' After floundering around for a wdiile, in an attempt to tind dry land, I determined to swim to the opposite side of the river where our forces were. It Avas n't much of a swim, l)ut the current Avas swift and carried me down stream out of my THE ADVEXT ()E THE -ALBEMAHLE:' 839 CMUirse. r succeeded at last in reaching' tlie shore l)elow the town. The water was verv cohl, and I was cliilled to the hone as I crept through the nuid to {\\(' S\vani}ty riAer-l)ank. My knees ^\•ere so weak, eitlierfrom being in the chilly water or from nerve strain, that I could scarcely stand. I found myself on the margin of a narrow stream, a branch of the main river, which swept between me and the town. With this discovery I sat down to debate with myself what course it was l)est to pursue. It was fortunate I did so, for the rattle of some tim- ber soon showed me that the enemy was near. I listened and then, not 1)eing- al)le to hear what was going on, crept toward the sound I had heard. As I did so there was a tramp of men, and coming near to me was a party bearing a boat or scow on their shoulders : these were followed by others with scows and timber. I was soon convinced that they were about to build a bridge across the stream for the purpose of reaching our left flank, which was protected by t^^•o small redoubts open at the rear. ( )n making this discovery, I determined to reach the town and give information of the sinister intentions- of the enemy. I retraced my steps, and then taking to the water reached the opposite side without accident, picked my way to firm land, and hurriedly walked to the town. I knew where General Wessells' headquartera 340 FATHER AhWIXST SON, were, and t(i tliis I stt'ere(l without delay. On arriving' thci-c I isl>ee. Phil exteinh'd his hand, and I kiiewhy the looks of his faee that he had heen nneertain as to my fate. '' I am yiad to see you. Where have yon l)een '/ " he exidaimed, wringiuL;' mv haniH>rturiity to es(.a[)(_' ; but John thought wv shduhl stand a better chance when net so near a Liri^'e C'ont'eilerate post like Plymouth. At Il.niiihou we h 111 what Jim callnl •• a com- mittee of the hull tu L;it aout of tlie C'onfederaey," and it was aL;'reed that we would esea[)e at the hrst o})[)oi-tunity tliat occurred. Jim. liowever. at hrst said, " 1 lieard jest naow that we was L;-oin' t' l)e sent t" Richmond t" he "xchanged. I snuni I don't want tu lose the chance."" An ohl soldier \\lio heard tliis remark said, "Don't you talce any stock in such stuff as that. I was a [)risoner once before this and got fooled liy just such rumors. I'A'cry time the rebs would have a slim guard, they "d l)egin to put up such talk as that. I)on"t}du lielieve it."" " I reckon,"" said John, •• it 's a kind of a Yankee trick they are try'n' to [»lay to make us easy to keep." '• Sho I " said Jim : "y' don't say? Wal, naow, I M-ould n't a thought it of 'em, by gum! I guess 1 '11 take my chance t' inake tracks, for if some o' these folks 1 "ve sold tinware tu should take it inter th'r heads th't 'cause it's worn a(Uit thet I cheated *em, likes not 't would go kind o" hard with nie." At last, after a long march, we were halted at Tarljoro', on the Tar Uiver, where, it was surmised, we were to be put on the cars and sent down south to iVudersonville. IN THE ENEMY'S COUNTRY. 355 The bank of the river where we were lialted was quite steep, and no guards were placed near the water. I took out a small l)Ook-ma}i wliicli I had in my pocket, and saw that the Tar Uiver ran l)y Little Washington, where a force of our soldiers was stationed. In attempting to reach this place we had, however, to take into account the [)Ossi- hility that tlie same force that had captured Plym- outh might also capture it before we could arrive there. John thought this improbable, and gave S'ood reasons for it. So, after discussing' all the proljabilities, we determined to take this route to freedom. Along the margin of the narrow stream on which we were halted was a thick fringe of foliage, in which John proposed that we conceal ourselves and remain until the other prisoners were marched off; and then when darkness came, we would stand a fair chance to get away. One by one we got into this wooded river-fringe, and then worked our way as far down stream as we safely could while the party still remained there. On so doing, however, we found that the guards extended away down to the river on that flank of the camp. One by one, therefore, we silently distributed ourselves among the undergrowth, with the agree- ment that when darkness came we were to meet (if not captured meanwhile) at a tall tree which was designated. 356 FA Tin: i; u/l/xvy snx. I found a little ]i(tlli)\v near this tree, where, eoveriuj^' iiivselt' with dead leaves, I lav d()\\'ii, listening- to the clamor of the many voices that eame to me from the eanip, and the river that flowed by prattling of "^'ankee waters beyon(h I must have fallen asleep, tor I knew nothiiig more until I was awakened hy a hand on my shoulder. It was Phil, who with John Nixon had eome to meet me. " We ean"t find Jim." tliey said in a whis[)er; '" l)Vit M'e will wait f(»r him awhile." '•' Do you know where he was hid'.''"' I asked. "■ Ves. hut he is moved, and the }irisonei'S and their guard have been gone an hour. We ought to be getting along." We waited nearly an hour, and then not seeing or hearing from Jim reluetantlv started without liim. Phil said that just as the prisoners were marched away two rebel soldiers liad c(Mne prowl- ing along the sliore : that one of them had come so near him that at one time he thought that he should be discovered; })erhaps they saw Jim's long legs sticking out somewhere and took him in." It was at first del)ated between us whether or not we had l)etter cross the river and go down on the other side. We concluded that there was not enough advantage to l)e gained thei'eby to pay ; we should get wet, and our matches ^\•ould become useless; besides, it would take time. We therefore be2ran to walk along the river shore IN THE EXE MY' S COUXTRY. o57 listening and peering into the darkness with great caution until we had got full a mile away from where Ave started. During this time we had not met a single person. Feeling that now it was safe to [)roeeed with less care, we began to move ra})idly in single lile down the river. I was in advance, when, getting out of a path l)y which we had been moving, I stumbled over what I thought to be a log. I should never have known to the contrarj- if tlie supposed log hadn't got on to a pair of feet, run, then stumbled, and rolled down the steep bank. We all rushed forward, pounced on the intruder, and while John and Phil were tying Iris legs I held liim by the throat to keep him from crjdng out. "• We must buck and gag him,'" I called out to my comrades, "■ or he will raise the town." There came from the captive a gurgling sound, when, thinking that he was suffering from the pressure that I had put upon his windpipe, I loosened my grasp, and putting the cold muzzle of my canteen to his head, said : " If you move I '11 blow your brains out I and I don't want to kill you." The snorting and twisting continued until I thought he had a fit. The reader can imagine my astonishment when at last he said with a gasp of laughter, '"' Now stop yer nonsense ! I swow it 's too all-fired funny, Hez Perkins ! " I was angry, and exclaimed, " T wish I liad 358 FATHER An MX ST SON. clioked you liaidrr, you clowu you! What in thuiukT ai'c you laUL;■lliu^' at'/"" " Wal,*" said -lini ( for it was he), l)et\vet'n gasps, and still couvulscd, •* I swow, it's "nougli t" make a eaow laf to liax'e any ouc tryin" t" l)lo\\' y"r brains aout \\ith a caiUfi'u ! "" and Jim laughed still harder, in his gi-oaiiiug, eluudvling. out-ol'-ltreath manner. •• \'ou M'ill l)ring the \\hoh' eountry ai'ound our ears, you hlunderhuss ! "" said Phil, who seemed as mueh amused as Jim, though he tried to eoneeal it. But I was unahle to see the fun, and ean't to this (hiv when Phil sometimes relates the ineident. "It puts me in mind,"" said John, "of the snig- gering of a nigger we were going t" hang one night down t' our place. ''•"What ar" y" lallin" at, y" nigger?' said one of our folks. "'And that dog-goned nigger chuckled an' said: '" Why, massa, yo" "mos' hungyo' own nigger; got de wrong one, sah I " and then that or'nary nigger chuckled, and hawdiawed right smart ! "' It turned out that Jim had hdlen asleep, and when he awoke, thinking that we were gone, he had started off before we did.- He had no idea that the [»ersons who had come upon him were other than rebel guards until I called out to Phil. This foolish affair over, we started on our way once more, and met no other adventures that night. When davlight came we resolved to go into IN THE ENEMY'S COrNTliY. oo9 hiding during the day in a swamp near the river, in wliich was a thick growth of weeds and Ijuslies. We found a safe hiding-place there, and l)efore sunrise kindled a fire, fried some bacon and boiled some coffee, of which we each had a small quantity. Then having eaten breakfast \\e trampled out our fire, for fear the smoke would attract attention, and lay down on the dry leaves we had gathered, and warmed by the sunshine went to sleep, leaving only one — John Nixon — on guard. We had all learned that to have cool nerves and a clear head, a man must lay up a good store of sleep for emer- gencies. oOO FATHER AGAINST SUN. CHAPTER XXX. UNDER TWO FLA(1S. Xo incident of note oecnired dnring' the day, exc-cpt that .Inn (h_'serted liis post ^\■hen on gnard to h)ok at tlu' timber in the swaiii]). and had eonie hark in great ahirni. saying he had "seen an alli- gatoi' l)ig enougli to swaHer a eaow." Wlit-n we repro\"i'd hini for leaving liis station as lookout he said with })ro\iiking coolnt'ss, "I "11 eonie daown here an" make a great spec cnttin" that tind)er sometime; there "s a all-lired lot o' money in them ])ig trees."" As darkness came on we once more started on our way. searching the shores as we Avent for some kind of a hoat in which to pursue our journey with greater speed and safety. In this we Avere lunv- ever nnsnccessful ; for either there were no boats or tliev were Avell hidden. Thus it Avas we made so little progress that soon not only were Ave ont of provisions, l)ut also Ave be- gan to tliink that Ave had made a mistake in sup- posing that AA'e Avere on the Tar Ifiver. It liad been over three days since Ave started, our supplies Avere nearly all gone, and Ave Avere compelled to take some measures to replenish our stock or giAC up the attempt to get into our lines. UNDER TWO FLAG'S. 3(31 I estimateJ tliat ^\•t' liad traveled full thirty-five miles ; and, making- allowanee for the crookedness of the river and the necessary detours we had made, that unless we had made the mistake I have men- tioned, we were not far from thirty miles from our lines at Little Washington. It seemed to us that the influence of a Union force at even tliat distance would be felt, and that we might therefore presume on a certain amount of friendliness towards, or fear of, Union soldiers. John was the onl}' one of us who did not heart- ily agree with this view, and he only by saying, " You can't reckon on anything in this dog-goned country since th' folks have gone wild, 'xcept that they '11 do somethin' y' don' want 'em to. When people hev no right view of th'r own welfare I reckon they wont respect we-uns." It was finally agreed that John should interview the people at the first house we thereafter saw (providing it was n't a big planter's estate), and not only trade for food, but also get positive information as to our whereabouts, and of the distance to Little Washington ; or if we were off our course, to some other point inside of Yankeedom. We soon saw a house which we knew to be inhabited, by the smoke that came from the chimney. John threw off his coat, borrowed a hat and a canteen which a reb had exchanged with Phil, and said, " If I had a gun I reckon I co'd pass fo' one o' Hoke's men." ol)2 FATIIKR Ad A IX ST SON. Then. tM|inpp(Ml witli the snuff that was still left, he stalled out to trade and pros]»eet. \\i' gathered scxci'al other arti(des from the niend)ers of our }iarly. such as jaek-kinves and conilis. l)ut .lohn \ie\\-e(l tliese disdainfully, and said. '• I "11 "low tlie\' niav he light go(_)d, hut I re(dv(.n this snulf "11 go lietter with the women lh"t don't eoml) so inueh as they snuff. An' tlT '11 he no men folks "ee[»t yon.iig trash or old tins." ''It looks like a eoiisarned tieklish joh t' me," said Jim anxiously, '■• hut w' might "s wcdl he aout o" hreath "s tu l)e oiil o" fodder, I gatess." We waited [latieiitly for what seemed to he an hour, when we saw .lohn eoming hurriedly l»aek \\ith a ham dangling from one hand and a tin pail from the other. '•What's the matter, John?" we inqtiired in chorus. John made no re[)ly except to pass the liam to me and the pail to Jim and ejaculate, "Scoot t* th" swam[>," and with this led tlie way with such speed that we had to make our legs fly to keep him in sight. When we were well in the swamp we halted, and Jim, after listening, said, "If they put dogs on our track we must git t' the river right through tir swamp." But not a sound of a dog was heard, and John then satisfied our curiosity. " When I got to that house," said John, " I found no one thar but an oh woman, a yoiing girl, UNDER TWO FLAGS. 363 an' a nigger wench ; and they A\'ai' powerfnl cnr'us t' know whar T come f'ni. I said I come rigiit f"m Plymonth whar we'd gol)l)led a right smart h^t o' Yanks, and that I 'd got a fiirhjngh t' see m' folks that lived near Little Washin'ton, an' thet I ^\as all out of grul) fixin's an" wanted t' buy some. Said they had n't no eat hxin's, an' then ast me what rigiment I b'longed to. " To stop th'r 'quiries I begun to talk "l)out th' fight an' said I 'd got some powerfnl good snuff down thar f'r our folks thet I war goin" t' see. An' then I tuck out my snuff and let her take a dip. ' I *11 *lo\v,' I said, ' I'd like to git this snuff t' m' ol' woman an' maw." " Soon "s that ol' woman got a dip o" my snuff her eyes sinned an' she said peart like, 'Stranger, what d' y' want fo' that thar snuff ? ' "■ ' I don't wan' t' sell,' I said, 'but t' 'commodate y' I'll let y' hev' half o"vt f'r pervisions.' " ' What grul) fixin's d' y' want ? ' says she, an' her eyes pulled at that snuff-skin so powerful thet I could n't hardly hold it. " ' Will a ham do yo' any good ? ' " ' Yes, I reckon,' I said. " ' Stewed chicken ? ' " 'I reckon,' I said agin. " ' Some pones o' corn bread ? ' " ' Pass 'm along,' I said impatiently, shaking th' snuff-bladder. " ' It 's a bargain,' she said with a snap t'r her 304 FATHER Ai.AIXST SON. teeth like a steel trap when it shets : an" the ol' woman went out an" brong-ht in tlie fixin's. ''When I started oif I looked haek. fo" I sns- pieioned : an" there w's the ol" \\'onian goin* power- ful fas" over til" ticlds. .Vnd then I kneM'"tAvas time fo' me to f^'it ri^lit smart "fore tliat ol" "oman "d }»ut til" \\ hok' country on my ti'aek after that tliar stidf."" " Wal, I snum I "" ejaeulatLMl Jim. "I guess y' showed good jedgment in lightin" aout. Say, k' "s ha\^e some o" that jnhinn-cakc an" cliickcn : mv maouth seems t" he ];ind o" waterin" fr it. Wliat say ? •• Though none of us said a word in reply, our stomaehs indorsed the suggestion, and we soon were ranged ai'ound the tin }>ail, as ,Iim said, '' di'ivin" in the pickets on that chicken.'" John had k'arned that \\v. were about two miles above the town or village of (Ireenville on the Tar River, and, as I had thought, not over thirty- five miles from Little Washington. We were, however, surrounded l)y hostile people, whose enthusiasm had l)een raised to fever heat by the news (that had spread over the region as if l)y magic) that the Yankee garrisou had l)een ca})tured at Plymouth. AVe did not know that Little Washington was still in the possession of our troops, but reasoned that there had not been time for the enemy to capture it. It was agreed, whether our reasoning was right or the reverse, UNDin'. TWO FLAGS. 365 that we must risk eiideavoring to reach that [)hiee. After getting out of the swamp Ave made a wide detour (though Greenville was on the other side of the river), in order to give the people of that place a wide berth. AVe traveled most of the day and succeeding night, keeping our course as best we could. During the next day we came upon some negroes at work in the woods, and from them got several pones of corn bread, and learned that we were a mile from the river and a right smart distance below Greenville. When we offered them pay they would take nothing, though I was well sat- isfied that they had given us most of the food they had for the day. We were confident that the l)lack men would not betray us, for there is a freemasonry of mis- fortune among God's lowly ones. We struck out due north when we left them, and then turned back to the river, which we reached about sundown. We then rested and ate a good supper, and again started down the river-bank. We had not gone more than two miles when we came upon an old darkey just shoving off from the shore in a flat-bottomed, weather-beaten dory. We opened negotiations at once to purchase the craft. He finally agreed to sell it, with the under- standing that if we were captured by the enemy, we were not to tell them where we got it. We also bought one of his fish-lines and a hook, tliiuk- oCA] FATIIIJI AUAIXST SON. ing- that Ly tlic liclp of tlu'so wo should he ahlo tt) r('})lenish our stoclv of food sliouhj we he long di'taiiK'il on our joui'iicx'. 'Idial iiiglit we niaih' good use of ou.r time and nuiscles. and w r judgrd wlieii daylight eaine tlial we had made fidl Iweiily miles since we took to tiie ho;it. Willi the dawn we had more need of seereey tlian luiri'w so we [)ulle(l our little eraft into the l)ushes, in a nool\ well sheltered from sight, and, heing tired and sleej)\-, lirst estal)lishing one of our party as guai-(|. \\(,' lay down and slept, only awakening when it was our turn to stand wateh. With the night we continued our voyage, and each taking a turn at the oai's made such [)rogress that we ex[)ecte(l to get into Little \\'ashington l)e- foi'e morning. Uut either the tide set against us, or from some reason we did not ituderstand we failed to make the progress we anticipated, ami at daylight had not reached that place. We were very anxious, and were dehaliiig wliether or not to lie by for another day, when there came a shar}) hail from the shore. '^ What l)oat is that ? " "That's a landman's call," said Phil in a low tone. I answered the call hy replying, ^^ A scoav from np the river," '' Come ashore with your scow," was the laconic order. UNDER TWO FLAGS. 307 "I Yow we are either lueky or in a tarnation iscrape,'" said Jim. "That's what I thonght; Ave are inside the Union lines," said Phil, taking- tlie oars and row- ing for the shore, wliere we saw a party of men gathered. The skiff grounded and I jumped ashore ; for I had discovered that the men wore the Union Ijlue. It Avas tire outpost of Little Washington. The first thing uttered Ijy any one of us came from Jim ; it was : " Say, fellers, can't ye give us something nat'ral-like t' eat ? " They complied with Jim's request by conducting us to their rendezvous, where they gave us plenti- fully of Uncle Sam's rations. " I snum," said Jim, " this is tu good f'r anythin'." " Yes," said Phil teasingiy, " you can let yourself loose now, corporal, without danger of running on to a hunger snag." John was as undemonstrative as ever, only say- ing in his sober manner, " I '11 'Ioav I 'm right glad t' git hyar." When we got into Little Washington, and it was learned that we had escaped after being made prisoners at Plymouth, we attracted much attention. " We have forgotten something, in our joy at our safety," said Phil soberly. "What is it?" 3(18 FA Til i:r a a a ixs r snx. " Wv liavc fory-otten to tliauk God for tliis drliver- aiiee." As wt' iv('()n-iii/.c(l 1 1 is liaixl in our deliverance T felt, as Jim I5isl)ce said, ■" that we were in ' (iod's eomdr\-," and undci- (iocTs llan'."" We were treated ^\■itll i;-reat Icindness bv the oilicers at the post. ThouL^'li it was l)ut a few days sinee we were captured, it st'enic(I to us as if it liad l)ecn moidlis, so crowded wei'e tlie liours witli emotions insepa- V[\])\v from such adventures. We told the story of the siidciiiL;' of our guid)oat and of the capture of Plvmouth to a newspa[)er correspondent, and were intervie\\ed Iw oflieers, who thoun'ht it possil)le that the post was likely to be attacked at any day. WITH OCR FLEET. 3G9 CHAPTER XXXL WITH OITR FLEET. The next day Phil and I took leave of Corporal Bisbee and John Nixon, and went down the river to onr fleet, then lying at the mouth of the Roanoke, from which the rebel ram "-Albemarle "' was hourly expected. The first craft sighted was the " »Strikewell," commanded by volunteer Lieutenant Bell, who received us with almost affectionate heartiness, and invited us to dine with him, an honor A\'hich will be best understood by those conversant with naval etiquette. We then learned that we were thought to have Ijeen drowned, for thougli those captured at Plym- outh had been allowed to communicate with their friends, and though I had written to my mother of my capture, neither of us had sent a letter to any one in the fleet, and it was therefore thought probable that we had both gone down with the un- fortunate '' Southfield." We also learned that some forty oflicers and sailors of our steamer had been rescued by the "Miami " and the other vessels of the fleet. At the table we told the story of our capture and 370 FATHF.R ACMXST SOX. escape, and inentioiied tlic liano-ing (>f the North Caroliiiians tliat had ])ve\i caittuivd there. T tohl as a good j'ikc thr threat of tlie young lieutenant to liaiig iiif as a renegade Southerner, now that they had got lioM of me the seeond time. '• P)Ut \'ou are not a Southerner." said the lieu- tenant in(]niiingly. •• Xo," I rei)lied. '"It was a mistake. I liave I'ldatlons wlio are. though.'" ''I am a Soulherii man hy l)irth."" said Lituitenant Uell nursiiigly. •• I luwe a nund)er of rtdatives and fi'ieiids in tlie ai'iny. and though I helieve they are entirtdv wrong I ean understand their wav of looking at things. They have greater i»ride of their States, and also greater family pride, than Northern men — their likes and dislikes are mueli stronger. They are very hrave, and yet it seems to me we are Hghting as mueh to [)reserve their heritage as our own. If I dill n"t 1)elieve so I would take no part in a war against tliem."" •• I don't understand tliat," said one of the offi- cers of the shi[). ''I helieve that we are right and they are wrong, and I can't tmderstantl how we are preserving anything of theirs." "■ Liberty is a eommon heritage." said the lieuten- ant, '"hut what I mean is. that if they succeed in estahlishiug a government of their own, both North and South will eome under the control of foreign powers. United we are strong enough to protect ourselves au'ainst any nations that can be brotm-ht WITH OUR FLEET. 371 against us ; disunited l)y figiiting against eacli other, we shall finally lose a repu1)lican form of govern- ment for both. It is a very sad war of 1)r()ther against brother, and fatlier against son," and the captain looked thoughtful and sombre. '' Yes," I replied, '•' it is hard to tight against relatives and friends." Lieutenant Bell passed over my remarks by sajing to Phil, '' I have n't heard anything of your relatives, Gurley," which I understood was his way ))f saying that my Southern relatives could be of no possible interest to him. "- 1 might tell a long story," said Phil. '' I have good reasons for believing that my mother's married name was not Gurley ; but I know that whatever my parentage I am still myself." I had flushed, somewhat in anger I confess, at Lieutenant Bell's manner, and perhaps he saw it, for he said in reply to Phil's remark : "• Yes, after you have stripped a man of his arti- ficial surroundings that sometimes give him impor- tance, such as wealth, Ijirth, or honors, you have come down to the marrow of individual worth. The man who has not in some way got this vicAV of himself cannot properly estimate his own value. I am a good deal of a democrat, you see, — but still, blood Avill tell." I thought to myself that though he might voice the sentiments of democracy he was sometimes almost oiiensively aristocratic in his manner, yet I ■li'I FATHER Aa.MXST SON: could not lay hold of aiiylliiiiL;' in wlial lie had said or in liis niannei' that was tangibly .snol)bish, much less personally offensive. We re[)oi'tt'(l that afternoon to the senior officer of tlie lleet. and at our riMpiest. as we knew its ea[i(ain, were assi^'ued to temporal \- dut\' on the double-endei' •• Sassacus."" The })lan of the ( 'onfe(lerates. after the ca[>ture of Plymouth, was to take Xewl)erni\ and once niore open these inland waters to the ships of l-hii4'land. In this [)lan tlu' iron-(dad ram '• Albemarle "" was reekone(l ou to co(lperate with the troo})s under (Tcnei'al Iloke. 'I'wo days after our arri\'al here the enemy's iron-clad came down to contest tlie [)osses- sion of Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds. I was assureil that had we arrived a week ear- lier, I should have been given command of one of the smaller craft of the fleet, but as all disposi- tions for battle were now made, it could not l)e done. The prospect of sliarp work is not an unwel- come one to naval sailors, since it is not only their profession to fig'ht, but is also one of the I'oads they must travel to distinguish themselves and gain })ro- motion. ^len of our race are brave by nature, as has 1)een many times demonstrated in battle 1)y sea and land. It was often said, during the war, that personal courage was the cheapest thing we had. In the navy the officers who were cowardly soon had a chance to get out of the profession and give 11777/ Oril FLEET. 373 place to those who, wliiU' not seeking danger, did not shirk or flee from it. On the otli of May the " Albemarle " came sbnvly steaming down the Roanoke River to discuss the question who sliould retain the possession of the sound. The stakes to 1)e played for wcrt' large. If our eomljined fleet could destroy this dangerous craft we should regain possession of Plymouth, and also [)reserve the inland waters of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, and all that this implied. The vessels waiting to prevent the ram from getting into the sound wxn-e the '• ^lattabesett," which was also a double-ender, the '" Miami," " Whitehead," " Ceres," " Commodore Hall," and our own. As soon as it was reported to us that the "Albe- marle " was coming, the whole fleet steamed up the sound to give battle. We had not gone far before we saw black volumes of pitch-pine smoke, which told us that she was coming. At her approach the vessels of our fleet opened fire on her at com- paratively short range, to which at first she made no reply. But as she came near her forward port flew open — there was a puff of smoke, a flash and roar, and then a shell struck the quarter of the " ^Mattabesett," cutting her rail and killing and wounding (as we afterwards learned) six men at her pivot gy\i\' Meanwhile the shot and shell of our vessels were striking' the iron-clad roof of the 374 F. 1 riiE/i . i r;A ixs T SOX. •• A ll)('iii;i rlc "" ii!isistance of the ••Sassacus"' and attempted to explode a torpedo under the ii'on-(dad. Wdiile the pi\-ot guns were kept at work almost mnz/le to muzzle with those of the enemy, we drifted a[iart. The other sliips now" got into line and iireih and also made attem}»ts to hefonl the prop(dler of the iron-(dad with the seine: hut like all other attem[)ts proved impraetieal)le. At sundown the " .Vlbemarle " steamed up the Eoanoke River, never again to ap[)ear in battle. She was ilnally destroyed with a tor[)edo by the l)ra^•est of the brave Lieutenant C'ushing. WITH OUR FLEET. 377 It was not until the conflict was over that I learned that Phil had been badly scalded Avhile directing the guns on the forward deck of our shi[). I was told that, though so badly injured, he had for some time refused to leave his post, and even then did not until he was forced to do so. o7 8 FA J 11 1 lit A'.AI AS J' SUN. CTTAPTKIJ XXXIL rxDEi; TiiK sri;er portion of his body was badly scalded, and it was feare(l that he was injured internall}'. The surgeon shook his liead as if doulitful of any but un])leasant results, as he cut away his garments to ap[tly white lead, linseed oil, and other dressing. It nuist have been very [)aiid'ul, l>ut Phil talked^ hiughed, joked, and ciaed out only once wlien the surgeon hurt liira with rough handling. When the surgeon l)egan examining me he did not hurt mucli, and it is not my nature to cry out with pain. But Phil looked as compassionate as if my hurt was more desperate than Ids o^^■n. " I am not hurt half as bad as you are," I said, "• and here 3M3U are I'itying me just as if your scald was of no consequence." UNDER THE SUJiOEOYS CARE. oiM " AVclI, old fellow," said Phil, - yon never Aell out over anything-, hnt I .squeal when things go against my grain."" This Avas in part true, for I was of a more stolid nature than he, and sueh people sonietimes get credit for liravery when it is a matter of tenqiera- ment, rather than of courage. I liave seen men who were easily startled — who jumped and cried out nervously — and yet were really more coura- geous than othei'S who were not easily shaken. While the surgeon Avas removing Pliirs clothing to apply the dressing he came upon the locket of Phil's mother, which he had always worn around his neck. " Take that off,*" he said rather crossly ; "'■ it will hurt you." Phil passed an uneasy, restless night, and I heard him call out in his sleep repeatedly, which I thought indicated that he Avas in great pain. I did not suffer much, though hefore I got through Avith that bullet Avound the pain was enough for a lifetime. When the snrgeon A'isited us in the morning I told him hoAV Phil had called out in his sleep. He shook his head at this, and said, '' He needs A^ery careful nursing."" On reneAAung portions of the dressing lie came upon the locket again, and Avas very cross about it. "You must not AA'ear it,"' he said ; " it is likely to chafe and hurt you."" Phil then lianded over tlie locket to me, saying, "Hez, you keep 3-our AA'eather eye on it." 880 F. 1 77/ /•; n At ;a /xs t sclv. Tlii'ii Uic (l()('t(»r L^'avc Phil an opiate, and lie had fallen inti> a deep s\vv\) nndri' ils inlluL'nee, when Lieutenant licll. ha\ in^' heard of oiir injnries, came in [)a\- a \isil tn the ship. And now I iiinst tell of an occurciu/e which, were it not ti'nc. wonld seem like an invention. IJefoi'e Lieutenant Lell came I had opened the hud-cet and was lookill^• at tiie miniature of Phihs mothei'. d'lie likeness was that of a heautiful Avomaii, dressed in fanciful costume. F still had the likeness in my hand when the lieutenant came in. '• How are yon this morninL;'?'" he saith I made a motion towards Phil to indicate that he was sleepiiii;'. He looked at him earnestly for a moment, then said: '' \\^' shan't distnrl) him : if I am not mistaken he "s under the inllueiice of morphine." Li reply to his in(piiries I told lam of Phil's hrave conduct, and how he had stuck to his post of (lut}- after heinn' hni't : aneli. UNDER THE sril(;Eoy'S CARE. 383 "Of course you will come to keep liiiii comiJaiiy, for your own advantage as ^^'ell as liis ; he "s still 3'our friend if he is luy son." There was something in his manner of saying this that nettled me, and I growled to myself, " I guess the Johnstones have got as good l)h:»()das aii\' Bell that ever rang its own praise." ''What are you growling about, Ilez ? '" said Phil drowsily ; then, yawning, said, ^ I must have been asleep." " Your father has been here to see you, Phil." " Your granny I " replied Phil, who seemed much refreshed by his slumber; and then very seriously added : " But, honor Ijright, I dreanred of my mother, though; she came, as I thought, and brushed back my hair, as I rememljer she used to do, and said, ' ^ly dear boy I " and then, plague it I I woke up. But was n't it a beautiful dream ? Wlieu a fellow is down he wants some one to coddle him just as marm and your mother used to do. I sus- pect that I 'm a good deal of a bal)y and not much of a man. But say, old fellow, how is your venti- lator ? " " My what, you scamp ? " "• Bullet hole, you thickdiead ! " said Phil, laugh- ing. "That's all right; but seriously, Phil, — honor bright, and no fooling, — your father has discovered you, and when you heard me growling, it was 8 S 4 F. [11 IE R ACM XS '1 ' S ON. lu'causc lie had liecii [iatn»iiiziny' mv. just as if I was dill.'" "Just liaiid UK' my Lxdcet, IIi'Z," said Pliil.sniil- !Ul;' : and tlicu addril. "I l;'uc\ss yoii liave Ix-cii drcaiuinn' too, Ilez."' •• Vcs," r coutinufd. "and it was tliat locket tliat did the business: \du know leather al\\'a\"s thought it nii^'ht. Vou don't seem to thiid-; I am in ear- nest, l>ut your t'atlier has lieeii here while you were asleep.*" '"Xonsense ! "" ejaculated Phil. "Honest. Phil! and here he comes a^'ain, I i;'uess."" .Vnd the d(u>]' o[)ene(l and I^ieutenant Pell came in. Phil reached to grasp his hand, saving. " Glad to see you. lieutenant."" " I "m glad to see you." he re[)lied with great eni(,)tion ; "you are looking Ijetter. my dear hoy." Phil opened'his eyes Avith sur})rise at this demon- strative remark, while the lieutenant continued as lie sat down Iw Phil's side, still holding his hand: " I "ve got something to tell you. I think — I think — yes. I am positive — that you are my son. At any rate,"' he said, pointing to the locket that was in Phil's hand. " that dear woman \vas my wife."' " Well," said Phil excitedly, " Imt that was my mother. You don't mean to say that what Hez has been telling me is — is — so ? " The lieutenant made no other reply than to fall UNnr:i: the sriKr eon's care. 385 on his knees h\ Phil's side and kiss Ids face as he reverently exclaimed, "- Thank ({od I thank God ! I 'ni glad to liave such a brave boy for my son.'" " And I am glad to have a father like you ; that is — if it is really so," said Phil hesitatingly; " it seems too good to be quite true, though." And the father sat holding his boy's hand, saying- little, but with an exchange of feeling between them none the less deep, until Phil fell into a deep natural sleep. Lieutenant Bell laid Phil's hand down gently, saying softly, '•'■ God bless jou, mj son I " The surgeon came in and seeing Phil asleep said, " That 's good, that 's the effect I hoped for I " The next day Phil and I were moved to the " Strikewell," where Ijetter air and better attend- ance, it was thouo-ht, mio-ht be oiven him. As for myself, I seemed to be of little consequence ex- cept as Phil's friend. Sailors are not reputed to be sentimental, but when the romantic incidents of the meeting 1)et\veen father and son were known by the officers and men of the fleet, we were the recipients of as many indigestible messes as there were cooks. I don't know why it is that when people feel kindly towards you — when their emotions are particularly excited in your behalf — they proceed on the principle that if one is sick they can best express interest for you by stuffing your stomach and putting 3-ou in the way of getting worse. 381') FATHER A'lAiyST SON. 'I'lic JU'xt cnriiiiiy at'lur tlir cliaiigc of (|nart('rs l^liil sliowfil a disposition to exult. '■ Wliat do you tliiid-; of this? — tlu' lieittenant"s statc'-i'ooiii. and L;'nd> lo kill.'"" '•'■ I'x'afs ;iii\- sloi'v I L'N'cr rt-ad."' 1 said. •• this tind- iuL;' \Miur dad."" " Vrs,"' saiil tlu' lieutenant, who just then eanie in and overheard my remarks: '"and now that yoti a'-e a little better. LMiili]). 1 want to tell }-ou the storN' of in\' life. I am not L;'oinL;- to spin a lono- \arii. Iiut tell it in a, {vw words, so as not to i)nt \-on to sleep aL;ain. my dear hoy."" And the lieuten- ant looked at IMiil wich a soft li^'ht in his eyes that seemed to nu' vmy sentimental for a man. •• 1 was l)orn,"" he said. 'Mil Sontli Carolina, not two hundred miles from this place. My father is — if alive, (lod Idess him! — a slaveholder, hut at the same time a humane man who would not do injustiee to a servant oi' any one else. I>ut my brother and myself were sent North to he educated. I was in school in New Vork city to he trained as a lawyer: my brother in a I'onnectietit college. Mv brother married a Yankee girl. My fatlier could n't stand that ; sent him a check for mone}' ])elonging t() him from mother, and would have no more to ^\o with him. I ftdl in love with your mother, Phil, and married her, and when father learned of this he served nie as he had my brother. Yottr mother was of a good I'higlish family, but they were impoverished, and she had become an I'XDER THE SJ'RGEOX'S CARE. 387 actress. At tirst I went on llie stage, and \\\\\\ uiy own and my wife's wages we managed to live. When you were l)orn we named yon Philip, after lier father. Then her health failed, and she of course could not help support me and herehild too. I, foreseeing that we should soon come to want, left her the little money we had and shipped as a com- mon sailor on a voyage to China, giving her the advance wages I received. On arriving in China I wrote to lier, l)ut ne^Tr heard from her again. Xt the time I started on this voj'age you were about two years of age. On my return from my voyage I made a thorough search for lier and my child, but could learn nothing of them. When I left you boys in New York some three years ago it was to resume the search, but it Avas Avithout success. " At the time I shipped on the ' Favorite ' it was with the intention of communicating with my father. But at Newberne I learned that my brother was with him, and though T loved them both I was too proud to make any claim on them for rec- ognition while little more than a common sailor. The name I now sail under is not the one I am entitled to by birth. It was because of th(? pi'cjn- dice of Southern people against manual labor that I did not take my real name when I went to sea, but took instead the stage name I had used when I was an actor." During this narrative I had been exchanmng' 388 FATiii:i; agaixst sax. '^lanvt'S witli IMiil wliidi were almost as good means of communication as words would have been. ''What is your real name, and mine?"" said Pliil. " Johnst(»ne."" was the reply. •• (_)ne of the [)i-oudest in the State of North Carolina!'" I eotild restrain myself no longer. ••Phil,"" I said, "• C'ottsiii Phil, I am coming over to shake liands with you, surgeon or iKt stirgeon."" and with this 1 got out of hed and shook Pliil hy the hand and then l)luhl)ered out hetween gasps: ••Old fel, vou always were as good as gold, and I "ve loved you ever since you [luUed me otit of the Wild Piver: hut })lague me if I don't someway or other cotton to you just a little more, now that you are my cousin, than ever before." •• I don't understand this,"" said Lietitenant P)ell in amazement : '"and you '11 get cold, with nothing on Ijut your shirt. But, I say, explain. I don't understand it I " •' Well," I re[)lied somewhat tartly, '•my fatlier's name is Kufus Johnstone, Jr., and if I am not mis- taken, you are the Uncle Bob I've heard him tell so nuich about; the same that helped tame the Ijoy Andy." The scene that followed can be imagined better than told. I had to tell my uncle the story of Phil's com- ing to Vv^ichnor, and then to our home, and of my father going South and getting drawn into the Southern side of the rebellion. UNB1:R the srRGEON\S CARE. o80 " Of course Rufe had to go with our people," said the lieuteuaut, " but a uobler man or boy never breathed ! " When Uncle Robert said lliis, I forgave him from that moment some of the Southern Johnstone airs he had been puttiug on. 300 FA TIIER A (^A IXS '1 ' .S UX. CHAVTVAl XXXIII. IN TIIK HOSI'ITAL. As tlio very wai'ia \\(';itlii'r was a]ij)roacliiiiL;\ it was (leriiu'd ]}cM Iiy llic siii-L;'fecn modcr.itelv c'(^)iit('ut('d but for the torturt' of liaviu^;" tlic wound reamed out witli caustic at every notion of the old doctor. In -June we arrive(l at Brooklyn and were duly installe*] in comfortahle (quarters at the hos[)ital. Here, after a few days, mother and ^'randhither came to see us. (irandfather — wonderful to relate — had a uewsuit of clothes, and \\'hile in Brooklyn ex[)ended several dollars in ice-cream and other luxui'ies for Phil and me; or at least, whatever grandfather's intentions were, Phil got his share. 1 had already informed my mother, in a long letter, of our relationship, and the incident hy which it was discovered, and hence they were prepared to o-reet Phil as a rehiti\e. Thouo-h mother said she IN THE HOSPITAL. 301 could Tiut lia\e likrd liini any better than she always had, if he had been twice over related, I conld observe in her manner, as well as in grand- father's, more deference to the son of Robert John- stone than to plain Phil Gurley. This is saying nothing to their discredit, for they were simply human. Grandfather was aging very fast, and \\'ith age came a certain softening of many of his harsher traits. It was, as mother said, quite pitiful to see how childishly fond of me he had grown. One trait, recently developed, my mother considered still more alarming. This was liberality in the use of money. At a fair held in Wichnor for the Christian Commission, lie had, so my mother told me, given so freely that it was the talk of the town that he was losing his mind. And mother looked so alarmed as slie told me this that I was inclined to laugh. Phil slyly said to me he guessed Squire Perkins had had an enlarge- ment of the heart. Once, when grandfather had insisted on an ex- penditure for me that seemed to mother needless, for she was very frugal. Grandfather Perkins said : " Well, Rose, money is well in its way, but since I have seen men and l)oys like these two sacrificing comfort and everything else for this country, I 've made up my mind to be more liberal with money. I see now that I 've made a mistake in life in re- garding it as the principal thing to be considered, 002 FATHER AaAIXSr SOX. and T am sorry now T liavc n't n'ivcn more fi-eely to you and Kurns. Perlia[is I liavc niadu a mistake in considcrinL;- nione_v ot too L^'rcat value. .\ny- wav, I "\(' lieen scarry that I was not more lil)eral to Kufus and lc('})t iiini witli ns. lie used to sav money should he our servant, and not onr master, and I *m not sure hut that I "ve sometimes let it he m\' mastei-."" This was such an unusual admission for i^'rand- father. wln)m I 'd never hidoi'e known to adnnt that he could he wroiiL;' in anytliing'. that I heeame almost as miu'h alarmed as mother. Pliil looked over to me and whistlc(l such a prolonged whistle when gi'a 111 Ha tiler went out that mother mildly reproved him hy saying, '• I'hilip, you are getting- w(dl too fast h>r your good manners!" And then to me she said. " Your fatlu'r's way of looking at money came from his never knowing the want of it when he was a hoy, while your gnuidfather had to work and struggle for every cent he got. The true view may l)e hetween the two extremes.*' During the sununer mother came to Brooklyn quite often, and grandfather sometimes accompa- nied her, and at one time he stayed a week longer than she did. It was a happy day when, during th.e latter part of August, we were allowed hy the naval author- ities to go home tt) Wichnor on a sixty days' fur- lough. When we arrived at llivermouth, we took pas- IN THE HOSPITAL. 39o sage up the river for Wiclinor on one of the excur- sion steamers that ply between the two phiees. On its decks were a number of Wichnor peopU^ whom we knew; they treated us with great friend- liness. It seemed like a family party ratlier than an accidental gathering. " This seems a reality and the past a dream,*' said Phil, looking off on the beautiful banks of the river. I understood why these familiar scenes had raised a train of memories. I thouglit, too, of the time when he had first come to Wichnor and to our home ; and I asked myself the cjuestion, Was it accident, or was it by the direction of a higher power, that he was brought there and finally to Ins own father? '' (xod has been in our lives," said Phil rever- ently, '' and has saved us from many perils, to see this dear old to^\^l again." I made no reply, for there was a mist in my eyes and a choking in my throat. Mother and grandfather were at the wharf to re- ceive us, and we noticed with surprise that the fam- ily carriage had a new coat of paint and varnish. Among those who were on the wharf was Jim Bisbee, who was home on a veteran furlough. Grandfather invited him to take dinner with us the next day, and Jim was full of reminiscences of our fight at Plymouth and our subsequent escape. " I snum," said Jim, after l>eing helped to the 894 FA 111 Ell ACAIXSI' SOX. second pii-cc (il'pic, "'lliis is sdiiic Ix'ttrr "ii a-traips- ill" tliioiiuli the swaiii]) — saw iiaow. ain't it ? TlaTt- was til (tr llii'cc times wjieii I could n't tell whicli was my stomacli an\\'l liaout m" L;rul» aij;'"in as lonL;' as 1 ]i\-e. What is throwd awa\- in this taown would stand a soldier in !_;-ood stead on a. Ioul;' march."" '• \'es. if lie could n't Lj'et- anytliinu' l)elter," said Phil with a winic across the talile to me. "''J'liis wai',"" said L;'ra ml father, " has a tendency to show us that there ai'e some \'alues more pre- cious than silver and n'old."" '*(Jood L;-i'aci(_)Us. yis I "" said .lim, wiidei'vant and friend to ]ne."" ^\.nd then, shoi'tly aftei', he heeame delirious, lie seeme(l to inia^'ine himstdf at the head of his men in battle, for he cried out. '• Stand lirm, men I We must dri\"e them \yavV or v ])eople."'' Then, as if I'egarding this pro- phetic vision AA'ith a look of joy that was not of earth, this l)rave son of the South, my dear, dear father, [)resseil our hands, and died so gently that he seemed to sleep. IN THE HOSPITAL. 390 The war was soon over. All our enemies were friends and fellow-eonntrymen again. Mj mother and I, after grandfather's death, set- tled down in the home that Avas my father's. Un(de Koliert with Phil and his wife are in a Ijeautiful home near ns. As I write these eoneluding words I hear my wife (once such a little rebel J, who is putting my son Rufus to bed, and teaching him this prayer : ''(rod bless ])apa and mamma, our country and its glorious tlag, and all its people North and South, forevermore ! " To which my heart responds, Ameu ! ? y' RARE BOOK COLLIXTFON THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL Wilmer 502