Copyright, 1895, by The John Ckurch Co. and The Biglow & Main Co, j4U Rights Reserved, PREFACE. Gospel Hymns Nos. i and 2, by P. P. Bliss and Ira D. Sankey; Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6, by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan, and Geo. C. Stebbins, are now compiled in this volume under the title of Gospel Hymns Mos. i to 6. All duplicate pieces have been omitted, and the Hymns re- numbered in consecutive order from i to 739. In addition to the large number of Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs in this collection, there v/ill also be found over 125 of the most useful and popular Standard Hymns and Tunes of the Church. NOTE. — // t's a direct 'violation of the Copyright Law to reprint or publiih copyright words or music, for any purpose whatever, without first hwvin^ secured written *^er mission to do so from the owners of copyright. THE PUBLISHERS. (5o8pel Ib^mns Nos. 1 to 6. riie tunes for these Hymns will be found in tine Music Editioi (739 Pieces.) ALL people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice: Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without our aid He did us make: We are His flock. He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto: Praise^ laud, and bless His name always, For it is seemly so to do. For why? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth al all times firmly stood. And shall fiom age to age endure. DOXOLOGY. L. M. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 3 GRACE. (may bb sung before and after meat.] Blessing Invoked. Be present at our table, Lord, Be here and everywhere adored; These mercies bless, and grant that we M'ay feaat in Paradise with Thee. Thanks Returned. We thank Thee, Lord, for this our food, For life, and health, and every good: Let manna to our souls be given, — The Bread ofiLife sent down from heaven. 'Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give Unto him who on Jesus, His Son, will believe. 11: Hallelujah, 'tis done! I believe on the Son ; I am saved by the blood of the crucified One. :I| Tho' the pathway be lonely, and dangerotii too, Surely Jesus is able to carry me through. Many loved ones have I in yon heavenly throng, [song: They are safe now in glory, and this is their Little children I see standing close by their King, [sing: A nd He smiles as their song of salvation they There are prophets and kings in that throng I behold. And they sing as thev march through the streets of pure gold.: There's a part in that chorus for you and fa me, And the theme of our praises forever will be 6 Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. Hark! 'tis the voice of angels. Borne in a son» to me, Over the fields of glory, Over the jasper sea. Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care. Safe from the world's temptatioiM, Sin can not harm me there. Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my doubts and fears; Only a few more trials,) Only a few more tears! Jesus, my heart's dpar refuge, Jesus nas died for me* Firm on the Rock of Ages| Ever my trust shall be. t Here let me wait with patience^ Wait till the night is o'er; Wait till I see the morning Break on the golden shore. 3 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. In some way or other the Lord will provid*; It may not be my way, It may not be thy way; And yet, in His own way, **The Lord will provide." Then we'll trust in the Lord, And He will provide ; Yes, we'll trust in the Lord, And He will provide. At some time or other the Lord will provide; It may not be my time, It may not be thy time; And yet, in His own time, ♦'The Lord will provide." Despond then no longer: th Lord will pro- And this be the token — [vide; No word He hath spoken Was ever yet broken: "The Lord will provide." March on then right boldly; the sea shall divide: The pathway made glorious, "With shoutings victorious, We'll join in the chorus, "The Lord will provide." 8 Wand'rino afar from the dwellings of men, Hear the sad cry of the lepers — the ten; *' Jesus, have mercy!" brings healing divine; One came to worship, but where are tne nine? II -.Where are the nine? :II Were there not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Loudly the stranger sang praise to the Lord, Knowing the cure had been wrought by His Gratefully owning the Healer Divine; [word, Jesus says tenderly, " Where are the nine?" *' Who is this Nazarene?" Pharisees say; " Is He the Christ? tell us plainly^ we pray." Multitudes follow him seeking a sign, [nine? ■Show them His mighty works— where are the Jesus on trial to-day we can see, Thousands deridingly ask, " Who is He?" How thev're rejecting Him, your L»rd and mine! Bring in the witnesses — where are the nine? 9 What means this eager, anxious throng, Which moves with busy haste along. These wondrous gatherings day by day? What means this strange co«imotion, pray? In accents hushed the throng reply: *• Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." i.Who is this Jesus ? Why should He The city move so mightily? A passing stranger, has He skill To move the multitude at will? Again the stirring notes reply: ••Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." Jesus! 'tis He who once below Man's pathway trod, 'mid pain and woe, And burdened ones, where'er He came. Brought out their sick, and deaf and lame, The blind rejoiced to hear the cry — "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." Again He comes! From place to place His holy footprints we can trace. He pauseth at our threshold— nay, He enters— condescends to stay. Shall we not gladly raise the cry — "Jesus of Nazareth passeth by ?" Ho! all ye heavy-laden, come! Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and home, Ye wanderers from a Father's face, Return, accept His proffered grace. Ye tempted ones, there's refuge nigh, " Jesus ot Nazareth passeth by." But if you still this call refuse. And all His wondrous love abuse, Soon will He sadly from you turn, Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn. "Too late! too late!" will be the cry— " Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.'* 10 This loving Saviour Stands patiently; Though oft rejected. Calls again for thee. Calling BOW for thee, prodigal. Calling now for thee ; Thou has<, wandered far awiay. But He's calling now for thee. Oh, boundless meroy, Free, free to all! Stay, child of error, Heed the tender call. Though all unworthy, Come, now, come home- Say, while he's waiting, "Jesus, dear, I come." 11 Ho! my comrades, see the signal Waving in the sky! Reinforcements now appearing, Victory is nigh! " Hold the fort, for I am coming, Jesus signals still. Wave the answer back to Heavea,-^ " By Thy grace we will. ' See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on; Mighty men around us lulling, Courage almost gone. See the glorious banner waving, Hear the bmgle blow; In our Leader's name we'll triumph Over every fee. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Fierce and long the battle rages, But our Help is near; Onward comes our Great Commander, Cheer, my comrades, cheer! 12 Th-kee is a gate that stands ajar, And through its portals gleaming, A radiance from the Cross afar, The Saviour's love revealing. Oh, depth of mercy ! can it be That gate was left ajar for me? For me, for me ? Was left ajar for me ? That gate ajar stands free for all Who seek through it salvation; The rich and poor, the great and small, Of every tribe and nation. Press onvd^ard, then, though foes may While mercy's gate is open: [frown, Accept the cross, and win the crown, Love's everlasting token. Beyond the river's brink we'll lay The cross that here is given, And bear the crown of life away, And love Him more in heaven. 13 Feee from the law, oh, happy condition, Jesus hath bled, and there is remission. Cursed by the law and bruised by the fall, (^tace hath redeemed us once fer all. Once for all, oh, sinner receive it, Once for all, oh, brother believe it; Cling to the Cross, the burden will fall Christ hath redeemed us once for all. Now are we free— there s no condemnation, Jesus provides a perfect salvation; " Come unto Me,^' oh, hear His sweet call. Come, and He saves us once tor all. "Children of God," oh, glorious calling, Surely His grace will keep us from falling; Passing from death to life at His call. Blessed salvation, onee for all. 14 Work, for the night is coming, Work thro' the morning hours; Work while the dew is sparkling. Work 'mid springing flowers; Work, when the day grows brighter. Work in the glowing sun; Work, for the night is coming, When man's work is done. Work, for the night is coming, Work throughthe sunny noon; Fill brightest hours with labor, Rest comes sure and soon; Give every flying minute Something to keep in store; Work, for the night is coming. When man works no more. Wbrk, for the night is coming, Under the sunset skies; While their bright tints are glowing, . Work, for daylight flies. Work till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more; Work while the nioht is darkening, When man's worlc is o'er. 15 I WILL sing you a song of that beautiful laad, The far-away home of the soul, [strand Where no storms ever beat on the glittering ||: While the years of eternity roll. :|| Where no storms ever beat on the glittering While the years of eternity roll. [strand. Oh, that home of the soul in my visions and Its bright jasper walls I can see; [dreams Till I fancy otit thinly the vail intervenes II : Between the fair city and me. :|| Till I fancy, etc. That unchangeable home is for you and for Where Jesus of Nazareth stands, [nie, The King of all kingdoms forever, is He, II : And He holdeth our crowns in His hands. ;I| The King of, etc. Oh, how sweet it will be in that beautiful So free from all sorrow and pain, [land. With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands, [on, etc. ||;To meet one another again. :|| With songs 16 There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign; Eternal day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. There everlasting spring abides. And never-withering flowers; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. Sweet fields bevond the swelling flood. Stand dressed in living green. So to the Jews old Canaan stood. While Jordan rolled between. Could we but climb where Moses stood. And view the landscape o'er, [flood. Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cola Should fr.ght us from the shore. 17 We're going home. No more to roam. No more to sin and sorrow; No more to wear The brow of care, We're going home to-morrow. We're going home, were going home to-morrow, We're going home, we re going home to-morrow. For weary feet Awaits a street Of wondrous pave and golden; GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. \ to 6. For hearts that ache, • The angels wake The story, sweet and olden. For those who sleep. And those who weep, /.bove the portals narrow The mansions rise Beyond the skies — "We' re going home to-morrow. Oh, joyful song! Oh, ransomed thron^! "Where sin no more shall sever; Our King to see. And, oh, to be "With Him at home forever! 18 I AM 80 glad that our Father in heaven Tells of His love in the book He has given; Wonderful thmgs in the Bible I see, This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me. 1 am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, I am so glad that Jesua loves me, Jesus loves even me; Though I forget Him and wander away, Btill He doth love me wherever I stray; Back to His dear loving arms would I flee, When I remember that Jesus loves me. Oh, if there's only one song I can sing. When in His beauty I see the Great King, This shall my song in eternity be: " Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me." Jesus loves me, and I know I love Him, Love brought Him down my poor soul to re- deem; Yes, it was love made Him die on the tree, Oh, I »m certain that Jesus loves me. I am so glad, etc. !f one should ask of me, how could I tell? Grlory to Jesus, I know very well: God's Holy Spirit with mine doth agree. Constantly witnessing— Jesus loves me. in this assurance I find sweetest rest, Trusting in Jesus, I know I am blest; Satan dismayed, from my soul now doth flee, When I just tell him that Jesus loves me. 19 Rejoice and be glad: The Redeemer has come! [tomb. Go look on His cradle, His cross, and His Sound His praises, tell the story. Of Him who was slain; Sound His praises, tell with gladness, He liveth again. Rejoice and be glad! It is sunshine at last! [past. The clouds have departed, the shadows are Rejoice and be glad! For the blood hath been shed; Redemption is finished, the price hath been Rejoice and be gjad! i.P'-'d- Now the pardon is free! The Just for the unjust has died on the:tree. Rejoice and be o;lad! For the Lamb that was slain O'er death is triumphant, and liveth again. Rejoice and be glad! For our Kin» is on high, He pleadeth for us on His throne in the sky. Rejoice and be glad! F®r He cometh again; He cometh in glory, the Lamb that was slain. Sound His praises, tell the story, Of Him who was slain ; Sound His praises, tell with gladness, He cometh again. 20 We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love, For Jesus who died, and is now gone abo^e. Hallelujah ! Thine the glory. Hallelujah ! amen. Hallelujah ! Thine the glory, revive us again. We praise Thee, O God! for Thy Spirit of light. . Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered f our night. All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who hath borne all our sins, and hath cleans- ed every stain. All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us, and sought us, and^ guided our ways. Revive us again; fill each heart with Thy ' love; [above. May each soul be rekindled with fire from J 21 Rock of A^es, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From thy riven side which flowed, Be of siu the double cure, Save:me;from itslguilt and power. Not:the labor:ot my hands Can fulfill Thy law's demands; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, Ail for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone. Nothing in my hand I bring. Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress. Helpless, look to Thee tor grace; Foul, I to the fountain tlv, W'ash me, Saviour, or I die. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyes shall close iu death When I soar to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. 22 Have you on the Lord believed? Still there's more to follow; Of His grace have you received? Still there's more to follow; Oh, the grace the Father shows! Still there's more to follow; Freely He His grace bestows, Still there's more to follow. More and more, more and more, Always more to follow, Oh, His matchless, boundless love! Still there s more to follow. Have you felt the Saviour near? Still there's more to follow; Does His blessed presence cheer? Still there's more to follow; Oh, the love that Jesus showsl Still there's more to follow; Freely He His love bestows, . Still there's more to follow. Have you felt the Spirit's power? Still there's more to follow; Falling like the gentle shower? Still there's more to follow; Oh, the pow'r the Spirit shows! Still there's more to follow; Freely He His power bestows, Still there's more to follow. 23 Heavekly Father, bless me now; At the Cross of Christ I bow; Take my guilt and grief away; Hear and neal me now, I pray. Bless me now, bless me now, Heavenly Father, bless me now. Now, O Lord! this very hour, Send Thy grace and show Thy power; While I rest upon Thy word. Come and bless me now, O Lord! Now, just now, for Jesus' sake. Lift the clouds, the fetters break; While I look, and as I cry, Touch and cleanse me ere I die. Never did I so adore Jesus Christ, Thy Son^ before; Now the time! and this the place! Gracious Father, show Thy grace. 24 Wkart gleaner, whence comest thou, With empty hands and clouded brow? Plodding along thy lonely way. Tell me, where hast thou gleaned to-day? Late I found a barren field, The harvest past my search revealed, Others golden sheavesihad gained, Only stubble for me remained. Forth te the harvest field away I Gather your handfuls while you may ; All day long in the field abide, Gleaning close by the reapers' side. Careless gleaner, what hast thou here, These faded flowers and leaflets sere? Hungry and thirsty, tell me, pray, Where, oh, where hast thou gleaned to-day* All day long in shady bowers, I've gaily sought earth's fairest flowers; Now, alas! too late I see All T've gathered is vanity. Burdeiaed gleaner, thy sheaves I see; Indeed thou must a-weary be! Singing along the homeward way, Glad one, where hast thou gleaned to-day? Stay me not till day is done: I've gather'd handfuls one by one; Here and there for me they fall, Close by the reapers I've found them all. 25 Ah, my heart is heavy-laden, Weary and oppressed! •'Come to me," saith One, *'and coming, Be at rest!" *' Come to me," saith One, " and comiag. Be at rest I ' ' Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my Guide? •* In His feet and hands are wound-printa And His side." Is there diadem, as monarch, That His brow adorns? ** Yes, a crown in very surety, But of thorns!" i If I findlHim, if I follow, What's my portion here? " Many a sorrow, many a conflict, Many a tear." If I still hold closely to Him, What have I at last? "Sorrow vanquished, labor eaded, Jordan past!" If I ask Him to receive me, Will he say me nay? "Not till earth and not till heaven Pass away!" 26 One more day's work for Jesus, One less of life for me! But heaven is nearer. And Christ is dearer. Than yesterday to me; His love and light Fill all my soul to-night. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. One more day's work for Jesus, One more day's work for Jesus, One more day's work for Jesus, One less of life for me. One more day's work for Jesus; How glorious is my King! 'Tis joy. not duty, To speak His beauty; My soul mounts on the wing At the mere thought How Christ my life has bought. One more day's work for Jesus; How sweet the work has been, To tell the story, To show the glorv. When Christ's flock enter in! How it did shine In this poor heart of:mineI One more day's work for Jesus — Oh, yes, a weary day; But heaven shmes clearer, And rest cemes nearer, At each step of the way; And Christ in ail- Before His face I fall. Oh, blessed work for Jesus, Oh, rest at Jesus' feet! There toil seems pleasure, My wants are treasure. And pain for Him is sweet; Lord, if I may, I'll serve another day 27 Dne there is above all others, Oh, how He loves! His is love beyond a brother's, Oh, how He loves! Earthly friends may fail or leave us. One day soothe, the next day grieve us; But this Friend will ne'er deceive us, Oh, how He loves! 'Tis eternal life to know Him, Oh, how He loves! Think, oh, think, how much we owe Oh, how He loves! [Him, With His precious blood He bought us. In the wilderness He sought us, To his fold He safely brought us. Oh, how He loves! Blessed Jesus! would you know Him, Oh, how He loves! Give yourselves entirely to Him, On, how He loves! Think no longer of the morrow, From the past aew courage borrow, Jesus carries all your sorrow, Oh, how he loves! All vour sins shall be forgiven, Oh, how he loves! Backward shall your foes be driven, Oh. how he loves! Best or blessings He'll provide you. Naught but good shall e'er betide you. Safe to glery He will guide you, Oh, how he loves! 28 Tell me the Old, Old Story, Of unseen things above. Of Jesus and His glory. Of Jesus and His love. • Tell me the story simply, As to a little child. For I am weak and weary, And helpless and defiled. Tell me the Old, Old Story, Tell me the Old, Old Story, Tell me the Old, Old Story, Of Jesus and His love. Tell me the Story slowly, That I may take it in — That wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin. Tell me the Story often. For I forget so soon. The " early dew" of morning, Has passed away at noon. Tell me the Story softly, With earnest tones, and grave; Eemember! I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save; Tell me that Story always. If you would really be. In any time of trouble, A comforter to me. Tell me the same old Story, When you have cause to fear 'That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear. Yes, and when that world's glory Isldawning on my soul. Tell me the Old, Old Story: ♦'Christ Jesus makes thee whole." 29 The Spirit, oh, sinner. In mercy doth move Thy heart, so long hardened. Of sin to reprove; Resist not the Spirit, Nor longer delay; fto-day. God*8 gracious entreaties May end with Oh, child of the kingdom, From sin-service cease; Be filled with the Spirit, With comfort and peace. Oh. grieve not the Spirit, Thy Teacher is He, That Jesus, thy Saviour, May glorified be.] Defiled is the temple. Its beauty laid low, On God's holy alter The embers faint glow. By love yet rekindled, A flame may b« fanned; [hand,^ Oh, quench not the Spirit, The Lord i» atm GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 30 I LOVE to tell the Story Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His Glory, Of Jesus and His Love! Ijlove to tell the Story, Because I know it's true; It satisfies my longings, As nothing else would do. I love to tell the Story, 'Twill be my theme in glory, To tell the Old, Old Story Of Jesus and His Love. I love to tell the Story! More wonderful it seems, Thaniall the golden fancies Of all our golden dreams. I love to tell the Story! It did so much for me! And that is just the reason, I tell it now to thee. I love to tell the Story! 'Tis pleasant to repeat What seems, each time I tell it, More wonderfully sweet. I love to tell the Story; Fox some have never heard f he message of salvation From God's own Holy Word. I iove to tell the Story! For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirstmg To hear it, like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sino the New, New Sono, 'Twill be — the Old. Old Stokv That I have loved so long. 31 floLT Spirit, faithful Guide, Ever near the Christian's side; Gently lead us by the hand, Pilgrims in a desert land; Weary souls fore'er rejoice, While they hear that sweetest voice Whisp'ring softly, " Wanderer, come! Follow me, I'll guide thee home." Ever present, truest friend. Ever near Thine aid to lena. Leave us not to doubt and fear, Groping on in darkness drear. When the storms are raging sore. Hearts grow faint^nd hopes give o'er, Whisper softly, "Wanderer, come! Follow me, I'll guide thee home." When our days of toil shall cease, Waiting still for sweet release, Nothing left but heaven and prayer, Wondering if our names were there; Wading deep the dismal flood. Pleading naught but Jesus' blood; Whisper softly, " Wanderer, come! Follow me, I'll guide thee home!" 32 Beneath the Cross of Jesug I fain would take my stand — The shadow of a mighty Rock, Within a weary land. A home within the wilderness, A rest upoH the way. From the burning of the noon-tide heat, And the burden of the day. safe and happy shelter,' O refuge tried and sweet. Oh trysting-place, where Heaven's love Ana Heaven's justice meet! As to the Holy Patriarch That wondrous dream was given. So seems my Saviour's cross to me, A ladder up to heaven. There lies beneath its shadow. But on the further s-ide, Th_g darkness of an awful grave iSat gapes both deep and wide; isnd there between us stands the Gross, Two arms outstretched to save. Like a watchman set to guard the way From that eternal grave. Dpon that Cross of Jesus Mine eye at times can see The very dying form of One Who suffered there for me; And from my smitten heart with tears Two wonders I confess— The wonders of His glorious love, And my own worthlessness. 1 take, O Cross, thy shado\r For my abiding place; 1 ask no other sunshine Than the sunshine of His face: Content to let the world go by, To know no gain nor loss, My sinful self, my only shame, My glory all the Cross. 33 With harps and with viols there stands a great tnrong [song: In the presence. of Jesus, and sing this new Unto Him who hath loved us and washed us from sin. Unto Him be the glory for ever. Amen. • All these once were sinners, defiled in Hia sight, [unite. Now arrayed in pure garments in praise they He maketh the rebel a priest and a king. He hath bought us and taught us this new song to sing. How helpless and hopeless we sinners had been, [our sin* If He never had loved us till cleansed fro* Aloud in His praises our voices shall ring. So that others- behevmg, this new eoog sbft sing. 10 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 34 Oh, bliss of the purified, bliss of the free, I plunge in the cricnson-tide opened for me; O'er sin and uncleanness exulting I stand, And point to the print of the nails in His hand. sing of His mighty love, Sing of His mighty love, Sing of His mighty love. Mighty to save. Oh, bliss of the purified, Jesus is mine, No longer in dread condemnation I pine; In conscious salvation I smg of His grace, Who lifteth upon me the light of His face. ®h, bliss of the purified! bliss of the pure! No wound hath the soul that His blooa cannot cure; [rest, No sorroTv-bovred head but may sweetly find No tears but may dry them on Jesus' breast. O Jesus, the crucified! Thee will I sing; My blessed Redeemer, my God and my King; My soul, filled with rapture, shall shout o'er the grave, [Save." And triumph in death in the "Mighty to 35 Geace! 'tis a charming sound, Harmonious to the ear; Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. Saved by grace alone, This is all say plea; Jesus died for all mankind, And Jesus died for me. Grace first contrived a way Ta save rebellious maa; And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wondrous pfan. Grace taught my roving feet To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies each hour I meet While pressing on to God. Grace all the work shall crown. Through everlasting days; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, Amd well deaertes our praise. 36 PEKCioira promise God hath give^ To the w>eaTy passer by, On the way from earth to heaven, "I wjll guide thee with Mine eye." 1 wi'4 guide thee, I will guMe thee, " I will guide thee with mine eye;" On the way from earth to beaven, " I will guide thee wi4,h Mine eye." When temptations almost win thee, And thy trusted watchers fly, Let this promise ring within thee, "I will guide thee with Mine eye.' When thy secret hopes have perished, In the grave of years gone by, Let this promise still be cherished, **I will guide thee with^Mine eye." When the shades of life are falling, And the hour haa come to die. Hear thy trusty Pilot calling, **I will gsidc thee with Mine eye* 37 Down life's dark vale we wander. Till Jesus cornea; We watch and wait and wonder. Till Jesus comes. All joy His loved onea bringing, When Jesus comes ; All praise through heaven ringing, WhQH Jesus comes. All beauty, bright and vernal, When Jesus comes ; AH glory, grand, eternal, When Jesus comes. Oh, let my lamp be burning. When Jesus comes; For Him my soul be yearvaing, When Jesus comes. No naore heart-pangs nor sadness. When Jesus com^es; All pe-ace and joy and gladaess, When Jesus comes. All doubts and fears will vanish, When Jesus comes; All gloom His face will banisfli, When Jesus comes. He'll know the way was dreary. When Jesus comes; He'll know the feet grew weary. When Je»u3 comes. He'll know what griefs oppressed me, When Jeaus csmes; Oh, how His arms will rest me! When Jesus comea. 38 What! <' lay my sins on Jesus?" God's well-beloved Son-l No! 'tis a truth mostspcecious, That God e'en thata&s done. I Hallelujah, Jesus saves me, He makes me " white as snow.'* Hallelugah, Jesus saves me, He makes me " white as sn«w." Tee, 'tis a truth most precious. To all who do beiieve, God laid our sina on Jeaua, W^h© did the load receive. What! "bring our g«iU to JeswB?** To wash away our stains! The act i« passed that freed as, ABd naught to de remalaa. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 11 39 O Chkist, what burdens bowed Thy head! Our load was laid on Thee; Thou stoodest in the sinner's stead, Didst bea*»Jl ill for me. A Victim led, Thy blood was shed; Now there's no load for me. Death and the curse were in our cup — O Christ, 'twas full for Thee; But Thou hast drained the last dark drop— 'Tis empty now for me. * That bitter cup — love drank it up; Now blessings* draught for me. Jehovah lifted up His rod— O Christ, it fell on Thee! Thou wast sore stricken of Thy God; There's not one stroke for me. Thy tears. Thy blood, beneath it flowed; Thy bruising healeth me. The tempest's awful voice was heard O Christ, it broke on Thee! Thy open bosom was my ward, It braved the storm for me. Thy form was scarred. Thy visage marred; Now cloudless peace for me. Jehovah bade His sword awake — O Christ, it woke 'gainst Thee! Thy blood the flaming blade must slake; Thy heart its sheath must be— All for my sake, my peace to make; Now sleeps that sword for me. For me. Lord Jesus, Thou hast died, And I have died in Thee; Thou'rt risen: my bands are all untied, And now Thou liv'st in me. When purified, made white, and tried, Thy Gloey then for me! 40 Oh, to be over yonder! In that land of wonder, Where the angel voices mingle, and the angel harpers ring; To be free from pain and sorrow, And the anxious, dread to-morrow. To rest in light and sunshine in the presence of the King. Oh, to be over yonder! My yearnmg heart g-rows fonder Of looking to the east, to see the blessed day- star bring Some tidings of the waking. The cloudless, pure day breaking; My heart is yearning— yearning for the com- ing of the King. Oh, to be over yonder! Alas! I sigh and wonder Why clings my poor, weak, sinful heart to any earthly thing; Each tie of earth nxust sever, And pass away for ever. But there'd no more' separatijon in the pres- ence of the King. Oh, when shall I be dwelling Where an^el voices, swelling In triumphant hallelujahs, make the vaulte That He languished and suffered for me, for That He languished and suffered for me? I've been told of a heaven on high. Which the children of Jesus shall see; But is there a place in the sky Made ready and furnished for me, for me, Made ready and furnished for me? Lord, answer these questions of mine, To whom shnii I go but to Thee? And say by Thy Spirit divine, [me,\ " There's a Saviour and heaven for me, for There's a Saviour and heaven for me. 75 At the feet of Jesus, Listening to His word: Learning wisdom's lesson From her loving Lord: Mary, led by heavenly grace. Chose tfhe meek disciple's place. At the feet of Jesus is the place for me, There a humble learner would I choose to be. At the feet of Jesus, Pouring perfume rare, Mary did her Saviour, For the grave prepare: And, from love the "good work " done, She her Lord's approval won. At the feet of Jesus, In that morning hour, Loving hearts receiving Resurrection power: Haste with joy to preach the Word: 'Christ is risen. Praise the Lord!", At the feet of Jesus, risen now for me, T shall sing Eis praises through eternity. GOSPEL HYMNS Nas. I to 6. 19 76 Oh, for the peace that floweth as a river, Making fife's desert-places bloom and smile; [forever," Oh, for the faith to grasp "Heaven's bright Amid the shadows of earth's •* little while." ■"A little while" for patient vigil-keeping. To face the storm and wrestle with the Btrone; [ing, *♦ A little while " to sow the seed with weep- Then bind the^sheaves and sing the harvest song. **A little while" the earthen pitcher taking, To wayside ibrooks, from far-off fountains fed; ^hen the parched lip its thirst forever slaking Beside tne fullness of the Fountain-head. '♦A little while" to keep the oil from failing, "A little while" faith's flickering lamp to trim; And then the Bridegroom's coming footsteps hailing, [hymn. We'll haste to meet Him with the bridal 77 Kow just a word for Jesus; your dearest Friend so true, Come, cheer our hearts and tell ue What He has done for you. Now just a word for Jesus— 'Twill help us on our way; One little word for Jesus, O speak, or sing, or pray. . Kow just a word for Jesus; You feel your s-ins forgiven, And by His grace are striving To reach a home in heaven. Now just a word for Jesus; A cross it can not be To say, '* I love my Saviour, Who gave His life for me." Now just a word for Jesus; Let not the time be lost; The heart's neglected duty Brings sorrow to its cost. Now just a word for Jesus; And if your faith be dim. Arise in all your weakness, And leave the rest to Him. 78 We' BE marching on to Canaan with banner and song, [wrong, We're soldiers enlisted to fight 'gainst the But, lest in the conflict our strength should divide. We ask, Who among us is on the Lord's Mde? fl: Oh, who is there among us, the true ai 4 the tried, Who'll atand by His colors — who'son the Lord's side? :|| The sword may be burnished, the armor h% bright, For Satan appears as an angel of light, Yet darkly the bosom may treachery hide, While the lips are professing "I'm on the Lord's sicfe." Who is there among us yet under the rod. Who knows not the paraoning mercy of Godt Oh, bring to Him humbly the heart in its pride; [Lord's side. Oh, haate, while He*s waiting, and seen the Oh, heed not the sorrow, the pain and th» wrong, tf^'^S' For soon shall our sighing be changed info So, bearing the cross of our Covenant Guide, We'll shout, as we triumph, "/'m on th€ Lord's side/^* 79 Ai.As! and did my Saviour bleed? And did my Sovereign die? Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I? Help me, dear Saviour, Thee to own, And ever faithful be ; And when Thou sittest on Thy throne, O I^rd, remember me. Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! grace unknown! And love beyond degree. Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in,(, When Christ, the mighty Maker died For man, the creature's sin. Thus might I hide my blushing faee, Whilst His dear cross appears. Dissolve m^i heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe- Here, Lord, I give myself away; »Tis all that I can do. 80 Look away to Je^ua, Soul by woe oppressed; *Twas for thee He suffered. Come to Him and rest; All thy griefs He carried, All thy sins He bore; Look away to Jesus; Trust Him evermore. Look away to J^?su3, Soldier in the fight: When th.e battle thickens Keep tnme armor bright; Though thy foes be many, Though thy strength be sm&ll^ Look away to Jcsus^ He shall conquer aU. 30 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Look away to Jesus, When the skies are fair; Calm seas have their dangers; Mariner, beware! Earthly joys are fleeting, Going as they came, Look away to Jesus; Evermore the same. Look away to Jesus, 'Mid the toil and heat; Boon will come the resting At the Master's feet; For the guests are bidden, And the feast is spread; Look away to Jesus, In His footsteps tread. When amid the music Of the endles-s feas-t, Baints will sing His praises, Thine shall not be least; Then, amid the glories Of the crystal sea, Look away to Jesus, Through eternity. 81 Our lamps are trimmed and burning, Our robes are white and clean, We've tarried for the Bridegroom, Oh, may we enter in? We know we've nothing worthy That we can call our own— The light, the oil, the robes we wear, Are all from Him alone. Behold the Bridegroom cometh, And all may enter in, Whose lamps are trimmed and burning. Whose robes are white and claan. Go forth, go forth to meet iiim. The way is open now. All lighted with the glory That's streaming from His brow. Accept the invitation, Beyond deserving kind; Make no delay, but take your lamps, And joy eternal find. We see the marriage splendor Within the open door; We know that those who enter Are blest tor evermore. We see He is more lovely Than all the sons of men, But still we know the door once shut. Will never ope again. 82 LoBD Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want Thee forever to live in my soul; Break down every idol, cast out every foe; Now iwash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow ; Now wash me. and I shall be whiter than snow. Lord Jesus, look down from Thy throne i© the skies. And help me to make a complete sacrifice; I give up myself, and whatever I know — Now wash me, and I sh^U be whiter than snow. Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat; I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet. By faith, for my cleansing, I see Thy blood flow — [snow. Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than Lord Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait; Come now, and within me a new heart create; To those who have soug^^t Thee, Thou never said'st No — [snow. Now wash me, and I &rfall be whiter than 83 Fresh from the throne of glory, Bright in its crystal gleam. Bursts out the living fountain, Swells on the living stream; Blessed Eiver, Let me ever Feast my eyes on thee. Stream full of life and gladness, Spring of all health and peace. No harps by thee hang silent, Nor happy voices cease; Tranquil River, Let me ever Sit and sing by thee. Eiver of God, I greet thee, Not now afar, but near; My soul to thy still waters Hastes in its thirstings here; Holy River, Let me ever Drink of only thee^: 84 In Zion's Rock abiding, My soul her triumph sings; In His pavilion hiding, I praise the King '^f kings. My High Tower i» Re 1 To Him I will flee; In Him confide, In Him abide ; My High Tower is He ! Wild waves are round me swelling, Dark clouds above I spp; Yet, in my Fortress dwelling, More safe I can not be. My Tower of strength can never In time of trouble fail; No power of hell, forever, Against it shall prevail. 85 I STOOD outside the gate, A poor, wayfaring child; Within my heart there beat A tempest loud and wil'd; GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 21 A fear oppressed my soul, That I might be too late, And oh, I trembled sore, And prayed outside the gate. Oh, "Mercy!" loud 1 cried, "Now give me rest from sin!" •'I will," a voi.ce replied; And Mercy let me in; She bound my bleeding wounds, And soothed my heart opprest; She washed away my guilt, And gave me peace and rest. In Mercy's guise I knew The Saviour long abused, Who often Hought my heart. And wept when I refused; Oh! what a blest return For all my years of sin! I stood outside the gate, And Jesus let me in. 86 Let us gather up the sunbeams, Lying all around our path; Let us keep the wheat and roses. Casting out the thorns and chaff, Let us find our sweetest comfort In the blessings of to-day, With a patient hand removing All the briers from the way. II: Then scatter seeds of kindness, :|| Then scatter seeds of kindness, For our reaping by and by. Strange we never prize the music Till the sweet-voiced bird is flown! Strange that we should slight the violets Till the lovely flowers are gone! Strange the summer skies and sunshine Never seem one half so fair. As when winter's snowy pinions Shake the white down in the air. If we knew the baby fingers, Pressed against the window pane, Would be cold and stiff to-morrow — Never trouble us again— Would the bright eyes of our darling Catch the frown upon our brow? — Would the prints of rosy fingers Vex us then as they do now? Ah! those little ice-cold fingers, How they point our memories back To the hasty words and actions Strewn alono our backward track! How those little hands remind us, As in snowy grace they lie, Not to scatter tnorns— but roses—* For our reaping by and by. 87 Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the Cross of Jesua Going on before. Christ the Royal Master Leads against the foe, Forward into battle. See, His banners go. Onward, Christian soldiers. Marching as to war, With the Cross of Jesus Going on before. Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod; We are not divided, All one body we; One in hope and doctrine. One in charity. Crowns and thrones may perish. Kingdoms rise and wane. But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain; Gates of hell can never 'Gainst thai Church prevail; We have Christ's own promise, And that can not fail. Onward, then, ye people, Join the happy throng, Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song; Glory, laud, and honor, Bnto Christ the King, This through countless ages Men and angels sing. 88 Oh. spirit, o'erwhelmed by thy failures and fears, [and tears; Look up to thy Lord, though with trembling Weak Faith, to thy call seem the heavens <.-. only dumb? [eome. " To thee is the message, '* Hold fast till I II: Hold fast till I come; :l| A bright crown awaits thee; Hold fast till I come. Hold fast when the world would allure thee to sin; [within; Hold fat«t when the tempter assails from In sunshine or sadness, in gain or in loss. To falter were madness; Oh, cling to the Cross. Thy Saviour is coming in tenderest love, To make up His jewels and bear them above; Oh, child, in thine anguish, despairing or dumb, [come." Remember the message, " Hold fast till I 89 Tenderly the Shepherd, O'er the mountains cold, Goes to bring His lost one Back to the fold. \ II: Seeking to save, seeking to save, Lost one, 'tis Jesus seeking to save. :| GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Patiently the owner Seeks with earnest care, In the dust and darkness Her treasure rare. Lovingly the Father Sends the news around: *'He once dead now liveth— Once lost is found." 90 Hallelujah, He is risen! Jesus is gone up on high! Burst the bars of death asunder, Angels shout and men reply: e IS risen, He is risen. Living now, no more to die. Hallelujah, He is risen! Our exalted Head to be; Sends the witness of the Spirit That our advocate is He: He is risen. He is risen, Justified in Him are we. Hallelujah, He is risen! Death for aye hath lost his sting, Christ, Himself the Resurrection, From the grave His own will bring! He IS risen, He is risen, Living Lord and coming King. 91 © CEOWN of rejoicing that's waiting for me, When finished my course, and when Jesus I see, [sounding word: And when from my Lord comes the sweet ** Receive, faithful servant, the joy of thy Lord." O Crown ©f rejoicing, O wonderful song ; O joy everlasting, O glorious throng; O beautiful home, my home can O glory reserved for me I O wonderful song that in glory I'll sing. To Him who redeemed me, to Jesus my King; All glory and honor to Him shall be given, And praises unceasing forever in heaven. O joy everlasting when heaven is won, Forever in glory to shine as the sun; No sorrow, nor sighing— these all flee away. No night there, no shadows — 'tis one endless day. O wonderful name which the glorified bear. The new name which Jesus bestows on us there; To him that o'ercometh 'twill only be given, Bleat sign of approval, our welcome to heaven. 92 "While foes are strong and danger nea % A voice falls gently on my ear; My Saviour speaks, He says to me. That as my days my strength shall be. His word a Tower to which I flee, For as my days my strength shall be. With such a promise need I fear. For all that now I hold most dear? No, I will never anxious be. For as my days my strength shall be. And when at last I'm ^called to die, Still on Thy promise I'll rely; Yes, Lord, I then will trust in Thee, That as my days my strength shall be, 93 In the silent midnight watches. List— thy bosom's door! j How it knocketh, knocketh, knocketh, ■ Knocketh ever more! , Say not 'tis thy pulse's beating, y, 'Tis thy heart of sin; Tis thy Saviour knocks, and crieth, "Rise, and let me in!'' Death comes down with reckless footstepi, To the hall and hu't; Think you death will tarry knocking. When the door is shut? Jesus waiteth,waiteth, waiteth, But the door is fast; Grieved, awav thy Saviour goeth. Death breaks in at last. Then is't time to stand entreating Christ to let thee in; At the gate of heaven beating, Wailing for thy sin? Nay! alas, thou guilty creature! Hast thou, then, forgot? Jesus waited long to know thee, Now He knows thee not! 94 We shall sleep, but not forever, There will be a glorious dawn! We shall meet to part, no, never, On the resurrection morn! From the deepest caves of ocean. From the desert and the plain, From the valley and the mountain, Countless throngs shall rise again. We shall sleep, but not forever, There will be a glorious dawn ; We shall meet to part,^no, never, On the resurrection morn 1 When we see the precious blossom. That we tended with such care. Rudely taken from our bosom. How our aching hearts despair! Round its little grave we linger, Till the setting sun is low, Feeling all our hopes have perished With the flower we cherished so. We shall sleep, but not forever, In the lone and silent grave; Blessed be the Lord that taketh. Blessed be the Lord that gave. In the bright, eternal city ^ Death can never, never come! ^ In His own good time He'll call us From our rest, to Home, sweet Home. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 23 95 Watchman, tell me, does the morning Gf fair Zion's glory dawn? Have the signs that mark His coming Yet upon my pathway shone? Pilgrim, yes, arise, look round thee, Light is breaking in the skies; Bpurn the unbelief that bound thee, Morning dawns, arise, arise! See the glorious li^ht ascending Of the grand Sabbatic year, Hark! the voices loud proclaiming The Messiah's kingdom near; Watchman, yes; I see just yonder, Canaan's glorious heights arise; &alem, too, appears in grandeur, Towering 'neath her sunlit skies. Pilgrim, in that golden city, Seated on the jasper throne, Zion's King, arrayed in beauty, Reigns in peace from zone to zone; There, on verdant hills and mountains, Where the golden sunbeams play, Purlin» streams and crystal fountains Sparkle in th' eternal day. Pilgrim, see! the light is beaming Brighter still upon thy way; Signs through all the earth are gleaming, Omens of the coming day. When the last loud trumpet sounding Shall awake from earth and sea, All the saints of God now sleeping, Clad in immortality. 96 Give me the wings of faith to rise, Within the vail, and see The saints above, how great their joys, How bright their glories be. Many are the friends who are waiting to-day, Happy on the golden strand. Many are the voices calling us away. To join their glorious band. Calling us away, Calling us away, Calling to the better land. Once they were mourners here below. And poured out cries and tears; They wrestled hard, as we do now. With sins, and doubts, and fears. I asked them whence their victory came; They, with united breath. Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, Their triumph to His death. 97 My latest sun is sinking fast. My race is nearly run; My strongest trials now are past, My triumph is begun. O come, angel band, Come and around me stand, O bear nte away c^ your snowy winga To my immortal home. I know I'm nearing the holy ranks Of friends and kindred dear. For I brush the dews on Jordan's banks, — The crossing must be near. I've almost gained my heavenly home; My spirit loudly sings; Thy holy ones, behold, they come! I hear the noise of wings. O, bear my longing heart to Him Who bled and died for me; Whose blood now cleanses from all sin, And gives me victory. 98 Thou didst leave Thy throne, and Thy kingly crown. When Thou earnest to earth for me; But in Bethlehem's home there was found no For Thy nativity. [room Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus 1 There is room in my heart for Thee. Oh, come to my heart Lord Jesus, come I There is room iu my heart for Thee. Heaven's arches rang when the angels sang Of Thy birth and thy royal degree; But in lowly birth didst Thou come to earth, And in greatest humility. Foxes found their rest, and the birds had their nests In the shade of the cedar tree; [God, But Thy couch was the sod, O Thou Son of In the deserts of Galilee. Thou camest, O Lord, with Thy living word, That should set Thy people free; But with mocking and scorn, and with crown Did they bear Thee to Calvary, [of thorn. Heaven's arches shall ring, and its choirs shall sing; At Thv coming to victory, [is room,'* Thou wiU call me home, saying **yet there There is room at My side for thee. 99 " Home at last " on heavenly mountains, Heard the *' Come and enter in;" Saved by life's fair flowing fountains. Saved from earthly taint and sin. " Home, sweet home,'' our home forever; All the pilgrim-journey past ; Welcomed home to wander, never, Saved through Jesus — " Home at last." Free at last from all temptation, No more need of watchful care; Joyful in complete salvation. Given the victor's crown to wear. Saved to greet on hills of glory Loved ones we have missed so long; Saved to tell the sinner's story. Saved to sui.^ redemption's song. 24 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. "Welcomed at the pearly portal, Ever more a welcome guest; Welcomed to the life immortal, In the mansions of the blest. 100 The mistakes of my life have been many, The sins of my heart have been more, And I scarce can see for weeping, But I'll knock at the open door. I know I am weak and sinful, It comes to me more and more; But when the dear Saviour shall bid me come in, I'll enter the open door. I am lowest of those who love Him, I am weakest of those who pray; But I come as He has bidden, And He will not say me nay. My mistakes His free grace will cover, My sins He will wash away, And the feet that shrink ana falter Shall walk through the gates of day. The mistakes of my life have been many, And my spirit is sick with sin. And I scarce can see for weeping, But the Saviour will let me in. 101 Come, for the feast is spread; Hark to the call! Come to the Living Bread, Broken for all; Come to His house of wine. Low on his breast recline, All that He hath Is thine; Come, sinner, come. Come where the fountain flows — Biver of life- Healing for all thy woes. Doubting and strife; Millions have been supplied, No one was e'er denied; Come to the crimson tide. Come, sinner, come. Come to the throne of grace, Boldly draw near; He who would win the race Must tarry here; Whate'er thy want may be, Here is the grace for thee, Jesus thy only plea, Come, Christian, come. Come to the Better Land, Pilgrim, make haste! Earth is a foreign strand^ Wilderness, waste! Here are the harps of gold. Here are the joys untold — Crowns for the young and old; Come, pilgrim, come. Jesus, we come to Thee, Oh, take us in! Set Thou our spirits free; Cleanse us from sin! Then, in yon land of light. Clothed in our robes of white, Besting not day nor night, Thee will we sing. 102 One sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er; I'm nearer home to-day, to-day. Than I have been before. II: Nearer my hqme, :|| Nearer my home to-day, to-day. Than I have been before. Nearer my Father's house, Where many mansions be; Nearer the great white throne to-day. Nearer the crystal sea. Nearer the bound of life. Where burdens are laid dowa; Nearer to leave the cross to-day, And nearer to the crown. Be near me when my feet Are slipping o'er the brink; For I am nearer home to-day, Perhaps, than now I think. 103 LuFT up, lift up thy voice with singing, Dear land, with strength lift up thy voieel The kingdoms of the earth are bringing Their treasures to thy gates — rejoice! Arise and shine in youth immortal, Thy light is come, thy King appears BeyoHd the century's swinging portal, Breaks a new dawn — the thousand yeanti And shall His flock with strife be riven? Shall envious lines His Church divide. When He, the Lord of earth and heaven. Stands at the door to claim His Bride? Lift up thy gates! bring forth oblations! One crowned with crowns a message bring His word, a sword to smite the nations; His name— the Christ, the King of kings. He comes! let all the earth adore Him The path His human nature trod Spreads to a royal realm before Him, The Light of life, the Word of God! 104 I have entered the valley of blessing, And Jesus abides with me there; _ And His spirit and blood make my cleansing complete. And His perfect love casteth cut fear. Oh, come to this valley of blessing, Where Jesus will fullness bestow — And believe, and receive, and confess Him, That all His salvation may know. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. as There is peace in the valley of blessing, And plenty the land doth impart, And there's rest for the weary-worn traveler's feet, And joy for the sorrowing heart. laiere is love in the valley of blessing. Such as none but the blood-washed may feel, [to greet, When heaven comes down redeemed spirits And Christ sets His covenant seal. There's a soag in the valley of blessing. That angels would fain join the strain, As with rapturous praises we bow at His feet. Crying, Worthy the Lamb that was slain. 105 I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger, I can tarry, I can tarry but a night! Do not detain me, for I am going To where the streamlet? are ever flowing. I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger; I can tarry, I can tarry but a night! Of that city, to which I journey. My Redeemer, my Redeemer is the light; There is no sorrow, nor any sighing, feNor any tears there, nor any dying: There the sunbeams are ever shining, [there; Oh, my longing heart, ray longing heart is Here in this country, so dark and dreary, I long have wandered forlorn and weary: 106 Oh, what are you going to do, brother? Say, what are you going to do? You have thought of some useful labor, But what is the end in view? You are fresh from the home of your boyhood. And just in the bloom of youth! Have you tasted the sparkling water That flows from the fount of truth? Is your heart in the Saviour's keeping? Remember He died for y»u ! Then what are you going to do, brother? Say, what are you going te do ? Oh, what are you going to do, brother? The morning of youth is past; The vigor and strength of manhood, My brother, are yours at last: You are rising in worldly prospects, And prospered in worldly things;— A duty to those less favored. The smile of your fortune brings. Go prove that your heart is grateful— The Lord has a work for you ! Then what are you going to do, brother? Say, what are you going to do ? Oh, what are you going to do, brother? Your sun at its noon is high; It shines in meridian splendor, ▲nd rides through a cloudless sky; You are holding a high position, Of honor, and trust, and fame; — Are you willing to give the glory And praise to your Saviour's Name? ' The regions that sit in darkness Are stretching their hands to you . Then what are you going to d; brother? Say, what are you going to do ? Oh, what are you going to do, brother? The twilight approaches now; Already your locks are silvered, And winter is on your brow: Your talents, your time, and your riches, To Jesus, your Master, give; Then ask if the world around you Is better because you live. You are nearing the brink of Jordan, But still there is work for you ! Then what are you going to do, brother? Say, what are you going to do ? 107 Aet thou weary, art thou languid? Art thou sore distressed? " Come to 5ne," saith One, and coming, ** Be at rest." Hath He marks to lead me to Him If He be my guide? "In His feet and hands are wound-prints, And His side." Is there diadem as monarch, That His brow adorns? ** Yes, a crown in very surety. But of thorns!" If I find Him, if I follow. What my future here? " Many a sorrow, many a labor, Many a tear." If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last? "Sorrow yanquished, labor ended, Jordan past." If I ask Him to receive me. Will He say me nay? " Not till earth and not till heaven Pass away." Amen. 108 Shall we meetibeyond the river. Where the surges cease to roll? Where in all the bright forever Borrow ne'er shall press the soul? Shall we meet, shall we meet, \[: Shall we meet beyond the river, :|| Where the surges cease to roll ? Shall we meet in that blest harbor, ' When our stormy voyage is o'er? Shall we meet and cast the anchor By the fair, celestial shore? SI6 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Shall we meet in yonder city, Wliere the towers of crystal shine? "Where the walls are all of jasper, Built by workmanship divine? — Shall we meet with Christ our Saviour, When He comes to claim His own? Shall we know His blessed favor, And sit down upon His throne? 109 All gloijj* to Jesus be given, That life aua -^alvaiion are free; And all may be wasi^ed and forgiven, And Jesus can save even me. Yes, Jesus is mighty to save, And all His salvation may know On His bosom I lean. And His blood makes me clean, For His blood can wash whiter than snow. From darkness and sin and despair. Out into the light of His love, He has brought me and made me an heir To kingdoms and mansions above. Oh. the rapturous heights of His love. The measureless depths of His grace, My soul all His fullness would prove. And live in His loving embrace. In Him all my wants are supplied. His love makes my heave-n below. And freely His blood is applied. His blood that makes whiter than snow. 110 There's a land that is fairer than day, And by faith we can see it afar; For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling-place there. II: In the sweet by-and-by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. :|| We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blest. And our spirits shall sorrow no more, Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. To our bountiful Father above,! We will offer our tribut'e of praise, For the glorious gift of His love. And the blessings that hallow our days. Ill Oh, turn ye, oh, turn ye, for why will ye die? When God in great mercy is coming so nigh? New Jesus invites you, the Spirit says "Come," And angels are waiting to wt ^come you home. How vain the delusion, that \, hile you delay. Your hearts may grow better, your chains melt away; [you are, Come guilty, come wretched, come just as All helpless and dying, to Jesus repair. The contrite in heart He will freely receive. Oh! why will you not the glad message be- lieve? [come? If sin be your burden, why will you not 'Tis you He makes wetcome; He bids you come home. 112 Must Jesus bear the cross alone. And all the world go free? No, there's a cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. The consecrated cross I'll bear --'ji.' '-^pth shall set me free; Ana tnen go home my crown to wear, | For there's a crown for me. I Upon the crystal pavement, down At Jesus' pierced feet, With joy I'll cast my golden crown. And His dear name repeat. O precious cross! O glorious crown!l resurrection day! Ye angels, from the stars come dowa And bear my soul away. 113 Through the valley of the shadow T must go, Where the cold waves of Jordan roll; But the promise of my Shepherd will I know. Be the rod and the staff to my soul. Even now down the valley as I glide, I can hear my Saviour say, " Follow Me!" And with Him I'm not afraid'to cross the tide, There's a light in the valley for me. |: There's a light in the valley, :|| There's a light in the valley for me, And no evil will I fear. While my Shepherd is so near, There's a light in the valley for me. Now the rolling of the billows I can hear. As they beat on the turf-bound shore; But the beacon light of love so bright and clear. Guides my bark, frail and lone, safely o'er, I shall find down the valley no alarms. For my Saviour's blessed smile I can see; He will bear me in His loving, mighty arms, There's a light in the valley for me. 114 'Tis a goodly pleasant land that we pilgrims journey through. And our Father's constant blessings fall around us like the dew; But its sunshine and its beauty to our hearts no joy can bring, [of the King. Like the splendors that await us in the palace Iniithis goodly pleasant land only strangers now are we. [we long to be; For we seek a oetter country, and 'tis there Yes, we long to swell the anthem that for evermore shall ring. From the pure in heart made perfect, in the palace of the King. -^ GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 27 O the palace ef the King, royal palace of the King ; Where our Father in His mercy all the ransomed ones will bring; [pass away, Where our sorrows and our trials like a dream will And our souls shall dwell forever in the realms of endless day. Our Redeemer is the Kine; what a sacrifice He made, [blood the ransom paid; "When he purchased our redemption, and His In His cross shall be our glory, to that blessed cross we'll cling, Till we reach the gates that open to the pal- ace of the King. [His name! We shall see Him by and by, hallelujah to Through the blood of His atonement life eternal we may claim; We shall cast our crowns before Him and our songs of victory sing. [of the King. When we enter m triumphant to the palace 115 They dreamed not of danger, those sinners Whom Noah was chosen to warn; [of old. By frequent transgressions their hearts had grown cold, They laughed his entreaties to scorn: Yet .daily he called them, "Oh, come, sin- ners, come. Believe and prepare to embarki [room Receive ye the message, and know there is ^ For all who will come to the Ark." Then come, come, oh. come; There's refuge alone in the Ark. Receive ye the message, and know there is room For all who will come to the Ark. He could not arouse them, unheeding they stood. Unmoved by His warning and prayer; The prophet passed in from .the oncoming And left them to hopeless despair: [flood, The flood - gates were opened, the deluge came on. The heavens as midnight grew dark, Too late, then they turned, every foot-hold was gone, They perished in sight of the Ark. OJsinners, the heralds of mercy implore, They cry like a patriarch, "Come;" The Ark of salvation is moored to your shore, Oh, enter while yet there is room! [head. The storm-cloud of Justice rolls dark over- And when by its fury you're tossed, Alas! of your perishing soul 'twill be said, "They heard, they refused, and were lost." ' 116 When my final farewell to the world I have said. And gladly lie down to my rest; [dead," When softly the watchers shall say, "He is And fold my pale bands o'er my breast; And when with my glorified vision at last The walls of "That City " I see. Will any one then, at the beautiful gate. Be waiting and watching for me? II: Be waiting and watching, Be waiting and watching for me. :H There are little ones glancing about in my In want of a friend and a guide; [path. There are dear little eyes looking up into Whose tears might be easily dried, [mine, But Jesus may beckon the children away, In the midst of their grief and their gle*» Will any of them, at the beautiful gate, Be waiting and watching for me? There are old and forsaken who linger awhile In homes which their dearest have left; And a few gentle word% or an action of love May cheer their sad spirits bereft. [corn. But the Reaper is near to the longstanding The weary will soon be set free, Will any of them, at the beautiful gate, Be waiting and watching for me? Oh, should I be brought there by the bounti- ful grace Of Him who delights to forgive, [path. Though I bless not the weary about in my Pray only for self while I live, [lect, Methinks I should mourn o'er my sinful neg- If sorrow in heaven can be, Should no one I love, at the beautiful gate, Be waiting and watching for me! 117 WHAT shall I do to be saved From the sorrows that burden my soul? Like the waves in the storm, When the winds are at. war. Chilling floods of distress o'er me roll. What shall I do? what shall I do? O what shall I do to be saved? O what shall I do to be saved. When the pleasures of youth are all fled, And the friends I have loved, From the earth are removed. And I weep o'er the graves of the dead? What shall I do? what shall I do? O what shall I do to be saved? O what shall I do to be saved, When sickness my strength shall subdue? Or the world in a day. Like a cloud rolls away, And eternity opens to view? What shall I do? what shall I do? O what shall I do to be saved? Lord, look in mercy on me, Come, O come and speak peace to my soul. Unto whom shall I flee. Dearest Lord, but to Thee? [whole. Thou canst make my poor, broken heart That will I do! that will I do! To Jeaus I'll go iind be saved. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 118 Holy, Holy. Holy! Lord God Almighty! Earl V in the morning our song shall rise to fbee; Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and Mighty! God m three Persons, blessed Trinity! Holy, Holy, Holy! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns arou4id the glassy sea: [Thee, Cherubim and Seraphim falling down before Which wert and art, and evermore shall be. Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide Thee, [not see, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may Only Thou art Holy, there is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in lo?e and purity. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth, and sky, and sea; Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and Mighty! God m three Persons, blessed Trinity! Amen. 119 When- the storms of life are raging, Tempests wild on sea and land, I will seek a place of refuge In the shadow of God's hand. He will hide me, He will hide me, Where no harm can e'er betide me; He will hide me, safely hide me lu the shadow of His hand. Though He may send some affliction, 'Twill but make me long for home; For in love and not in anger All His chastenings will come. Enemies may strive to injure, Satan all his arts employ; He will turn what seems to harm me Into everlasting joy. 8o, while here the cross I'm bearing, Meeting storms and billows wild, .Jesus for my soul is caring, taught can harm His Father's child. 120 Thine, Jesus, Thine, Ho more this heart of mine Shall seek its joy apart from Thee, The world is crucified to me, And I am Thme. Thine, Thine alone, My joy, my hope, my crown; Now earthly things may fade and die, They charm my soul no more, for I Am Thine alone. Thine, ever Thine, ^■.^ Forever to recline ' On love eternal, fixed and sure. Yes, I am Thine for evermore, Lord Jesus, Thine. Thine, Jesus, Thine, Soon in Thy crown to shine. When from the glory Thou shalt come, And with Thy saints shall take me home, Lord Jesus, come. ' 121 Long in darknesslwe have waited For the shining of the Light; Long have felt the things we hated Sink us still in deeper night. Blessed Jesus, loving Saviour I Tender, faithful, strong and true, Break the fetters that have bound us. Make us in Thyself anew. Now, at last, the Light appeareth, Jesus stands upon the shore; And, with tender voice. He calleth, " Come to me and sin no more!" Nothing have we but our weakness Naught but sorrow, sin and care; All within is loathsome vileness,. All without is dark despair. All our talents we have wasted. All Thy laws have disobeyed; But Thy goodness now we've tasted. In Thy robes we stand arrayed. Thou hast saved us— do Thou keep us, Guide us by Thine eye divine; Let the Holy Spirit teach us, That our light may ever shine. Blessed Jesus, be Thou near us ; Give us of Thy grace to-day ; While we're calling, do Thou hear U3, Send us, now, Thy peace, we pray. 122 Jesus, gracious One, calleth now to thee, "Come, O sinner, come!" Calls so tenderly, calls so lovingly, " Now, O sinner, come." Words of peace and blessing, Christ's own love confessing. Hear the sweet voice of Jesus, Full, full of love ; Calling tenderly, calling lovingly, " Come, O sinner, come." Still He'waits for thee, pleading patiently, " Come, O come to Me! Heavy-laden one, I thy grief have borne, ■- Come and rest in Me." Words with love o'erflowing,' Life and bliss bestowing. Weary, sin-sick soul, called so graciously, Canst thou dare refuse? Mercy offered thee, freely, tenderly, Wilt thou still abuse? Come, for time is flying. Haste, thy lamp is dying. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. i to o. 29 123 We've journeyed many a day Upon an ocean wide, Amid the mist and spray Of many a surging tide; But, lo! the land is near! For just beyond the foam I see it bright and clear. The light of home, sweet home. There's a light upon the shore, brother, It flashes from the strand ; The night is almost o'er, brother, The haven's just at haad. We've had our storms of doubt, Our rains of bitter tears. Our fightings fierce without, Within our anxious fears; But, lo! the storms are past, They can not reach us more; We've sighted land at last. The blessed stormless shore. G land of calmest rest, Where suns no more go down! O haven of the blest, With bliss and glory crowned! Ko more the storm, the dark, The breakers and the foam, No more the wail, for hark! We hear the songs of home. 124 Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of Thy love. All to Thee, all to Thee, Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee; Take my voice and let me sing ■ Always— only— for my King. Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages from Thee; Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold. Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in endless praise; Take my intellect and use Every power as Thou shalt choose. Take my will and make it Tkine, It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is Thine own^ It shallbe Thy royal throne. Take my love, my God, I pour At thy feet its treasure store; Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. 125 The Gospel bells are ringing. Over land, from sea to sea: Blessed news of free salvation Do they offer you and me. *' For God so lotyed the world That His onl^ Son He gave, Whosoe'er believeth in Him , Everlasting life shall have."j Gospel bells, how they ring; Over laud from sea to sea; Gospel bells freely bring Blessed news to you and me. The Gospel bells invite us To a feast prepared for all; Do not slight the invitation, Nor reject the gracious call, "I am the bread of life. Eat of Me, thou hungry soul, Though your sins be red as crimson, They shall be as white as wool." The Gospel bells give warning, As they sound from day to oay, Of the fate which doth await them Who forever will delay. ** Escape thou, for thy life; Tarry not in all the plain. Nor behind thee look, oh, never, Lest thou be consumed in pain.'* The Gospel bells are joyful, ...s ti^ey echo far and wide, Bearing notes of perfect pardon, Through a Saviour crucified. '•Good tidings of great joy To all people do I bring, Ii-nto you is born a Saviour, Which is Christ the Lord" and Kin£« 126 Jot to the world! the Eord is come; The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. Let every heart prepare Him room, The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. Joy to the world! the Saviour reigns, The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. O praise Him, floods, rocks, hills and plains, [the Prince of Peace. The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and He rules the world with truth and grace,. The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. And saves us by His righteousness, The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. 127 A RULER once came to Jesus by night. To ask Him the way of salvation and light; The Master made answer in words true and plain, ♦* Ye must be born again." U; " Ye must be born again, :!| I verily, verily say unto xhee^ Ye must be born again." 80 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. r to 6. f e children of men, attend to the word 80 solemnly uttered by Jesus, the Lord, And let not this message to you be ia vain, *' Ye must be born again." O ye who would enter that elarious rest, ^ A.nd sing with the ransomed the song of the blest; The life everlasting if ye would obtain, *' Ye must be born agam." h dear one in heaven thy heart yearns to see, A\. the beautiful gate may be v/atching for thee; Then list to the note of this solemn refrain, »* Ye must be born again." 128 Justice: Cut it down, cut it down, ' Spare not the fruitless tree! It spreads a harmful shade around, It spoils what else were useful ground, No fruit for years on it I've found, Cut it down! cut it down! Jtercy: One year more, one year more. Oh, spare the fruitless tree ! Behold its branches broad and green, Its spreading leaves have hopeless been, Some fruit thereon may yet be seen, One year more! one year more! Justice: Cut it down, cut it down. And burn the worthless tree! For other use the soil prepare, Some other tree will flourish there. And in my vineyard much fruit bear, l Cut it down! cut it down! Mercy: One year more, one year more. For mercy spare the tree! Another year of care bestow. On its fair form some fruit may grow, If not — then lay the cumberer low, One year more! one year more! Still it stands, still it stands, A fair, but fruitless tree! The Master, seeking fruit thereon, Has come — but, grieved at finding none, Nov; speaks to Justice— Mercy flown — Cut it down! cut it down! Come near me, O my Saviour! Thy tenderness reveal; O, let me know the sympathy Which Thou for me dost feel! I need Thee every moment; Thine absence brings dismay* But when the tempter hurls his darts. 'Twere death with Thee away )ome near me, my Redeemer, And never leave my side; Wy bark, when tossed on trouble's sea, The storm can not outride. Unless Thy word of power Arrest the surging wave; No voice but Thine its rage can que. No arm but Thine can save. Come near me, blessed Jesus! I need Thee in my joy, No less than when the direst ills My happiness destroy; For when the sun shines o'er me, And flowers strew my way, Without Thy wise and guiding hand More easily I stray. Be near me, mighty Saviour, When comes the 'latest strife; For Thou thro' death's shadow passed ; And ope'd the gates of lif^, And when among the ransomed I stand with crown and palm. To Thee, Divine, unfailing Friend, I'll raise eternal psalm. 130 "Why do you wait, dear brother, Oh, why do you tarry so Idiig? Your Saviour is waiting^ to give you A place in His sanctifaed throng. ^. Why not? why not? Why not come to Him now ? :|| What do you hope, dear brother. To gain by a further delay? There's no one to save you but Jesus,. There's no other way but His way. Do you not feel, dear brother. His Spirit now striving within? Oh, why not accept His salvation. And throw off thy burden of sin? Why do you wait, dear brother? The harvest ih passing away; Your Saviour is longing to bless you. There's danger and death in delay. 131 Is Jesus able to redeem A sinner lost, like me? My sins so great, so many seem! O sinner, "Come and see." The bleod that Jesus shed of old Was shed for you and me : And there is room within the fold— O " come to Him and see." Is Jesus willing to forgive A rebel child, like me? Who would not in His favor live? O rebel, " come and see." Is Jesus waiting to relieve "^ A wanderer, like me, Who chose the Father's House to leaver O wanderer, " come and aee." Is Jesus ready now to save A gjiilfv one, like me, Who brought Him to the cross and gravel^ Come, guilty one, and Bee. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 31 132 O WHAT a Saviour, that He died for me! From condemnation He hath made me free; "He that belie%'eth on the Son," saith He, ^^Hath everlasting life." *' Verily, verily, I say unto you, Verily, veri.y, ' ' message ever new ; •' He that believeth on the Son," 'tis true, " Hath everlasting life." All my iniquities on Him were laid, All my indebtedness by Him was paid; All who believe on Him, the Lord hath said, ^^Hath, everlasting life." Though poor and needy, I can trust my Lord; Though weak and siniiil, I believe His word; O wlad message! every child of God ^^Hath everlasting life." Though all unworthy, yet I will not doubt. For him that cometh He will not cast out. "He that believeth," the good news shout, ** Hath everlasting life." 133 If never the gaze of sun and moon, On the blessed home above, From whence are its ravs of wondrous noon? Oh! "The Lamb is the light thereof." They shall walk in white, there shall be no night In the fadeless home above ; And the shout shall ring as the ransomed sing, Oh ! " The Lamb is the light thereof." And thus saith the page of Holy Writ Of the land of song and love, *'The glory of God did lighten it, I And the Lamb is the light thereof." Then follow Him till the eye grows dim. And the soul, as ark-freed dove, Shall speed away to realms of day. Where "The Lamb is the light' thereof." 134 Oh, how happy are we. Who in Jesus agree, And expect His return from above; We sit 'neath His vine, and delightfully join In the praise of His excellent love. Oh, how happy are we, Who in Jesus agree, How happy, how happy are we. When united to Him, We partake of the stream Ever flowing in peace from the throne. We in Jesus believe, and the Spirit receive, That proceeds from the Father and Son. We remember the word Of our crucified Lord, When He went to prepare us a place: "I will come in that day and will take away. And admit to a sight of My fact." you Come, Lord, from the skies And command us to rise To the mansions of glory above; With Thee to ascend and eternity spend In a rapture of heavenly love." 135 Blessed hope that in Jesus is given, In our sorrow to cheer and sustain, That soon in the mansions of Heaven, We shall meet with our loved ones again. II: Blessed hope, blessed hope, We shall meet with our loved ones again. :B Blessed hope in the word God has spoken, All our peace by that word we obtain; And as sure as God's word was ne'er broken, We shall meet with our loved ones again. Blessed hope! how it shines in our sorrow, Like the star over Bethlehem's plain. That it may be, with Him, ere the morrow, We shall meet with our loved ones again. Blessed hope! the bright star of the morning, That shall herald His coining to reign; Oh, the glory that waits its fair dawning, When we meet with our loved ones again. 136 Tempted and tried! Oh! the terrible tide [and wide! May be raging and deep, may be wrathful Yet its fury is vain, For the Lord shall restrain, And forever and ever Jehovah shall reign. Tempted and tried. Yet the Lord at thy side, Shall guide thee, aud keep thee, Though tempttjd aud tried. Tempted and tried. There is One at thy side. And never in vain shall His children confide! He shall save and defend. For He loves to the end, Adorable Master and glorious Friend! Tempted and tried, Whate'er may betide, In His secrpt pavilion His children shall hide, 'Neath the shadowing wing, Of Eternity's King, [shall sin». His children shall trust, and His servants Tempted and tried! Yet tne Lord will abide, [Guide, Thv faithful Redeemer, thv Keeper and Thy Shield and thy Sword, Thme exceeding Reward, Then enough for the servant to be as his Lord. Tempted and tried, The Saviour who died [side; Hath called thee to suffer and reign by His His cross thou shalt bear, And His crown thou shalt wear. And forever and ever His glory shalt shar*. ^2 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 137 I CAN NOT tell how precious The Saviour is to me, Since I have Him accepted, And He hath made me free; I can not tell His goodness, Enough to satisfy; And if you'll only take Him, You'll see the reason why. I can not tell how precious The Saviour is to me ; I only can entreat you To come, and taste and see. I can not do for Jesus As much as I should like; But I will e'er endeavor To work with all my might; For, was not my dear Saviour For sinners crucified? For me, then, surely, J«.sus Hung on the cross and died. Whene'er I think of Jesus, I can not but rejoice; To me He's ever precious, For Him I raise my voisce: I know He has in gloryi A home prepared for me. Where I shall live forever So happy an-d so free. 138 Beautiful valley of Eden! Sweet is thy noontide calm; ^ver the hearts of the weary, Breathing thy waves of balm. Beautiful valley of Eden, Home of the pure and blest, How often amid the wild billows I dream of thy rest — sweet rest I Over the heart of the mourner tf Shineth thy golden day, Wafting the song of the angels Pown from the far away. There is the home of my Saviour; There, with the blood-washed throng, Over the highlands of glory Bolleth the great new song. 139 FiBBCE and wild the storm is raging Bound a helpless bark, fm to doom 'tis swiftly driving, i^'er the waters dark! ioj, behold the Saviour, -Toy, the message hear, **rn stand by until the morning, I've come to save you, do not fear," Tes, I'll stand by until the morning, I've come to sa*e you, do not fear. Weary, helpless, hopeless seamen. Fainting on the deck. With what joy they hail their Saviour, As He hails the wreck! On a wild and stormy ocean, Sinkmg 'neath the wave. Souls that perish heed the message, Christ has come to ^saye! Daring death thy soul to rescue. He in love has come; Leave the wreck, and in Him trustingi Thou Shalt reach thy home! 140 We'ee saved by the blood That was drawn from the side Of Jesus our Lord, When He languished and died. Hallelujah to God, Far redemption so free ; Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Dear Saviour, to Thee. O yes, 'tis the blood Of the Lamb that was slain; He conquered the grave. And He liveth again. We're saved by the blood, We are sealed by its power 'Tis life to the soul, And its hope every hour. That blood is a fount Where the vilest may go, And wash till their souls Shall be whiter than snow. We're saved by the blood. Hallelujah again; We're saved by the blood, | Hallelujah, Amen. 141 What though clouds are hovering o'er xae, And I seem to walk alone — Longing 'mid my cares and crosses For the joys that now are flown — If I've Jesus, ''Jesus only," Then my sky will have a gem; He's a Sun of brightest splendor, And the Star of Bethlehem. What though all my earthly journey Bringeth naught but weary hours, And, in grasping for life's roses. Thorns I find instead of flowers— If I've Jesus, ''Jesus only," I possess a cluster rare; He's the "Lily ®f the Valley," And the " Rose of Sharon" fair. What though all my heart is yearning For the loved of long ago — Bitter lessons sadly learning From the shadowy page of woe — If I've Jesus, "Jesus only," He'll be with me to the end; And, unseen by mortal vision, Angel bands will o'er me beiid. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. When I soar to realms of glory, And an entrance I await. If I whisjjer, "Jesus only!" "Wide will ope the pearly gate;! When I join the heavenly chorus And the angel hosts I see, Precious Jesus, •* Jesus only," Will my theme of rapture be. 142 Whom have I, Lord, in heaven but Thee? None but Thee! None but Thee! And this my song through life shall be, Christ for me! Christ for me! He hath for me the wine-press trod. He hath redeemed me "by His blood," And reconciled my soul to God. Christ for me! Christ for me! I envy not the rich their joys, Christ for me! Christ for me! I covet not earth's glittering toys, Christ for me! Christ for me! Earth can no lasting bliss bestow, "Fading" is stamped on all below; Mine is a joy no end can know, Christ for me! Christ for me! Though with the poor be cast my lot, Christ for me! Christ for me! " He knoweth best,"— I murmur not, Christ for me! Christ for me! Though "Vine and Fig-tree" blightlassail, The "labor of the Olive fail," And death o'-er flocks and herds prevail, Christ for me! Christ for me! Though I am now on hostile ground, Christ for me! Christ for me! And sin beset me all aroujid, Christ for me! Christ for me! Let earth her fiercest battles wage. And foes against my soul engage, Stronc; in His strength I scorn their rage, Christ for me! Christ for me! And when my life draws to its close, Christ for me! Christ for me! Safe in His arms I shall repose, Christ for me! Christ for me! When sharpest pains my frame pervade, And all the powers of nature faae, Still will I sing through death's cold shade, Christ for me! Christ for me! 143 I HAVE heard of a land far away, And its glories no tongue can declare; But its beauty hangs over the way, And with Jesus I long to be there. II: To be there, to be there, And with Jesus I long to be there. :II There are foretastes of heaven below. There are moments like joys of the blest; But the splendors no mortal can know Of the land where the weary shall rest, 3 In that noontide of glory so fair. In the gleam of the river of life. There are joys that the faitiiful shall share; O how sweetly they rest from the strife? There the ransomed with Jesus abide In the shade of the sheltering fold; Evermore by Immanuel's side They shall dwell in the glory untold. 144 Glidii^o o'er life's fitful waters. Heavy surges sometimes roll; And we sigh for yonder haven. For the Home-land of the soul. Blessed Home-land, ever fair I Sin can never enter there ; But the soul, to life awaking Everlasting bloom shall wear. Oft we catch a faint reflection Of its bright and vernal hills; And, though distant, how we hail it! How each heart with rapture thrillsl To our Father, and our Saviour, To the Spirit, Three in One, We shall sing glad songs of triumph When our harvest-work is done. *Tis the weary pilgrim's Home-land, Where each throbbing care shall ceasBf And our longings and our yearnings, Like a wave, be hushed to peace. 145 Would you lose your load of sin? Fix vour eyes upon Jesus; Would you know God's peace within? Fix your eyes upon Jesus. Jesus who on the cress did die, Jesus who lives and reigns on higU^ He alone can justify ; Fix your ejes upon Jesus. Would you calmly walk the wave? Fix vour eyes upon Jesus; Would you kn.ow His power to save? Fix your eyes upon Jesus. j Would you have your cares grow Hght? Fix your eyes upon Jesus; ould you songs have in the night? Fix your eyes upon Jesus. Grieving, would you comfort know? Fix your eyes upon Jesus; Humble be when blessings flowj? Fix your eyes upon Jesus. Would you strength in weakness have? Fix your eyes upon Jesus; See a light beyond the grave? Fix your eyes upon Jesus. 146 There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign; Eternal day excludes the night. And pleasures banish pain- 84 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. There everlasting springs abides, And never-fading flowers; DeatJi, like a narrow sea, divides That heavenly land from ours. Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood, Stand dressed in living green: So to the Jews fair Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. But timorous mortal.'^ start and shrink To cross this narrow sea, And linger, trembling on the brink, And fear to launch away. O could we make our doubts remove,— Those gloomy doubts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love. With unbecloaded eyes, — Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er— Kot Jorc^an's stream, nor death's cold flood. Should fright us from the shore. 147 Oh, I am so happy in Jesus, His blood has redeemed me from sin, I weep and I sing in my gladness. To know He is dwelling within. Oh, I am so happy in Jesus, From sin and from sorrow so free ; So happy that He is my Saviour, So happy that Jesus loves me. Oh, I am so happy in Jesus, He taught me the secret of faith ^ To rest in believing His promise, And trust whatsoever Me saith. Oh, I am so happy in Jesus, I lay my whole soul at His feet; The love He has kindled within me Makes service and suffering sweety Oh,, I am so happy in Jesus; If earth in His love is so blest. What joy in His glorified presence, To sit at His feet as His guest. 148 The gospel trumpet's sounding The year of jubilee, And grace is all abounding To set the bondmen free. Return, return, ye captives, Return unto your home, ||: The gospel trumpet's sounding. The jubilee is come ! :|| Forsake yoxir wretched service, .Your master's claims are o'er; Avail yourselves of freedom, Be Satan's slaves no more. A better Master's calling. In accents true and kind; He asks a loving service. And claims a willing mind. He offers you salvation. And points to joys above: And, longing, waits to make yow The objects of His love. Injliving faith accept Him, Give up all else beside; While grace is loudly calling. Look to the Crucified. 149 Oh, the bitter pain and sorrow That a time could ever be. When I proudly said to Jesus, ''All of self and none of Thee.** II : All of self and none of Thee, :|1 Whenll proudly said to Jesus, ''All of self and none of Thee." Yet He found me; I beheld Him Bleeding on th' accursed tree, And my wistful heart said faintly, "Some of self and some of Thee." II : Some of self and some of Thee, : || And my wistful heart said faintly, " Some of self and some of Thee." Day by day His tender mercy, Healing, helping, full and free, Brought me lower, while I whispered, " Less of self ai'id more of Thee." IJiLess of self and more of Thee, :|| Brought me lower, while I whispered, " Less of self and more of Thee." Higher than the highest heavens. Deeper than the deepest sea. Lord, Thy love at last has conquered, '■''None of self and all of Thee," II : None of self and all of Thee, :|i Lord, Thy love at last has conquered, '■'■None of self and all of Thee." 150 Can it be right for me to go On in this dark, uncertain way? Say "I believe," and yet not know Whether my sins are put away? I will no longer doubt Thee, O Lord J I will forever rest in Thy word. Can it be right in doubt to wait, Wait for the day. that tries the heart. Ere I shall learn what is my state. Fearing the Judge should say depart?! Can it be right such loads to bear. While He says " Come, I'll give you rest?** Bidding me cast on Him my care. Leaning in love, upon His breast. Can it be right to doubt His power. Both to forgive and vanquish sin? Even in trials of darkest hour. Can not His love give peace within? Can it be right no soul to seek. Lest I should prove unfit to guide? Can He not teach my tongue to speak? Will He not ample strength pri-vide? GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. d6 Can it be right with such a Lord, Even to dread the hour of death? Waiting in faith the great reward, Calmly I'll yield my dying breath. 151 From the riven rock there floweth Living water, ever clear; Weary pilgrim, journeying onward, Know you not that Fount is near? Jesus is the Rock of Ages — Smitten, stricken, lo ! He dies ; From His side a living fountain, Know you not it satisfies ? *' Without money, without merit," Jesus calls, "Come unto me," Thirsty traveler, be encouraged, Know you not the Fount is free? Fainting in the desert, dreary, Guilty sinner, hark! 'tis He! 'Tis the Saviour still entreating, Know you not He calleth thee? 152 Thott art coming, O my Saviour, Thou art commg! O my King, Every tongue Thy name confessing, Well may we rejoice and sing. Thou art coming! rays of glory. Through the veil Thy death has rent, Gladden now our pilgrim pathway. Glory from Thy presence sent. Thou art coming, Thou art coming. We shall meet Thee on Thy way. Thou art coming, we shall see Thee, And be like Thee on that day. Thou art coming, Thou art coming J Jesus, our beloved Lord, O the joy to see Thee reigning, Worshiped, glorified, adored. Thou art coming, not a shadow, Not a mist and not a tear, Not a sin and not a sorrow, On that sunrise grand and clear; Thou art coming! Jesus Saviour, Nothing else seems worth a thought, Oh, how marvelous the glory. And the bliss Thy pain hath bought. Thou art coming, we are waiting With a hope that can not fail, AskLig not the day or hour, Anchored safe within the veil; Thou art coming! at Thy table We are witnesses for this As we meet Thee in communion, Earnest of our coming bliss. 153 Only trusting in my Saviour, All to Him my soul would leave; He has suffered to redeem me. And His word I now believe. Now to Christ alone I'm clinging, Though the tempest round me blow; Heeding not the clouds above me, Dreading not the waves below. Only trusting, nothing doubting, This is all that I can do; Every trial that befalls me He will safely bring me through. There are breakers in the distance. Yet no danger will I fear; On the Rock my feet are resting, Naught of harm can reach me here# Only trusting, only trusting. This is joy and life to me; Thou wilt never leave me friendless While I cling, O Christ, to Thee. 154 In my Father's house there is many a room. And my Lord has gone to prepare A place for me; O can it be That I shall be with Him there? ||; Forever with Jesus there; :|| What grace divine, that He is mine I And I shall be with Him there. | In my Father's house there is endless day, With no cloud of sorrow or care. No tearful eyes, no groans or sighs. They know who are with Him there. In my Father's house there's no want or woe. And there can be no more prayer; For what beside can God provide. Since we shall be with Him there? In my Father's house there is no more death. For the life ot God we share; No thought of sin can enter in. For we Shall be with Him there. In my Father's house there are blessed Saints, Who His holy image bear; They find in this tlieir sweetest bliss. That they may be with Him there. 155 Ten thousand times ten thousand. In sparkling raiment bright. The armies of the ransomed saints Throng up the steeps of 'light; 'Tis finished, all is finished, Their fight with death and sin; Fling open wide the golden gates. And let the victors in. Halleluiah! Hallelujah To the Lamb who once was slain t Hallelujah ! Hallelujah To Him who lives again ! What rush of hallelujahs Fill all the earth and sky! What ringing of a thousand harf Bespeaks the triumph nigh! O day, for which creation And all its tribes were madel Ojoy, for all its former woes A thousanlfoli repaid! 156 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. \ to b. O then what raptured greetings On Canaan's happy shore! What knitting severed friendships up, Where partings are no more! Then eyes with joy shall sparkle, That brimmed with tears of late; Orphans no longer fatherless, Kor widows desolate. 156 I FEEL like singing all the time, My tears are wiped away; For Jesus is a friend of mine, I'll serve Him every day. I'm singing, singing, Singing all the time ; Singing, singing, Singing all the time. When on the cross my Lord I saw, Nailed there by sins of mine, Past fell the burning tears; but now I'm singing all the time. When fierce temptations try my heart, I sing Jesus is mine; And so, though tears at times may start, I'm singing all the time. The wondrous story of the Lamb, Tell with that voice of thine. Till others, with the glad new song, Go singing all the time. 157 Mine! what rays of glory bright Now upon the promise shine! I have found the Lord my light; 1 am His, and He is mine. Mine, oh, mine, mine, oh, "mine, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, I am His and He is mine ! Mine! the promise often read. Now in living truth impressed. Once acknowledged m the head, Now a fire within the breast. Mine! the promise can not change, Mine, though oft my eyes are dim; Naught can from His love estrange Tho^ who place their trust in Him. Mine! though oft my hand may fail. He is strong and holds me fast; By His blood I shall prevail, He shall lead me home at last. Mine! when death the bars shall break, 'Mid those glories all divine. ** Satisfied" I shall awake. Clasp His feet, and call Him mine. 158 Eteenity dawns 3a my vision to-day, [pray; Gather round me my loved ones to sing and to The shadows are past, and the veil is with- drawn. Brightly now does the morn of eternity dawn. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah, we sing! Jesus conquered the grave, robbing death of its sting ; Hosanna ! again let the glad anthem ring, •* Sing and pray 1 Eternity dawns !" Eternity dawns! Oh, the glories that rise. How they burst on my soul in its blissful sur- prise; With rapture the gleam of the city I see, Where the crown and. the mansion are wait- ing for me. ^^^^^^^ "Eternity dawns!" There will be no more I am nearing the gates of the city of light; The shadows of time are passing away, [pray. Tarry not, O my Saviour, come quickly, I " Eternity dawns!" Earth recedes from my view; [adieu; Weeping friends, now farewell, I must bid you I'm resting in Jesus, His merits I plead. Fear ye not, "for my God shall supply all your need." " Eternity dawns!" 'Tis a source of content, That in preaching salvation my life has "^en spent;J 'Tis "Jesus my All," and the Saviour of men, May His grace be upon you forever. Amen, 159 NoTHiifG, either great or small — , Nothing, sinner, no; ^ Jesus died and paid it all. Long, long ago. " It is finished ! ' yes indeed, Finished everj^ jot ; Sinner, this is all you need ; Tell me, is it not ? When He, from His lofty throne Stooped to do and die. Everything was fully done: Hearken to His cry! Weary, working, burdened one, Wherefore toil you so? Cease your doing; all was done Long, long ago. Till to Jesus' work you cling By a simple faith, "Doing" is a deadly thing — " Doing" ends in death. Cast your deadly " doing" down-^ " Down at Jesus' feet; Stand in Him, in Him alone. Gloriously complete. 160 We speak of the land of the blest, A country so bright and so fair. And oft are its glories contest. But what must it be to be there? II: To be there, to be there, Oh, what must it be to be there? :|| We speak of its pathways of gold. Its walls decked with jewels so rare. Its wonders and pleasures untold. But whp.t must it be to be there? GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 3T "We speak of its peace and its love, The robes which the glorified wear, The songs of the blessed above, But what must it be to be there? "We speak of its freedom from sin, From sorrow, temptation and care, From trials without and within, But what must it be to be there? Do Thou, Lord, midst pleasure or woe, For heaven our spirits prepare, Then shortly we also shall know And feel what it is to be there! 161 Our Master has taken His journey To a country that's far away, And has left us the care of the vineyard, To work for Him day by day! There's a work for me and a work for you, Something for each of us now to do ; Yes, a work for me and a work for you, Something for each of us now to do. In this " little while," doth it matter. As we work, and we watch, and we wait. If we're filling the place He assigns us, Be its service small or great. There's only one thing should concern us. To find just the task that is O'Urs; And then, having found it, to do it With all our God-given powers. Our Master is coming most surely. To reckon with every one; Shall we the7i count ou'r toil or our sorrow, If His sentence be, I" Weil done "? 162 Be our joyful song to-day, Jesus, only Jesus; He who took our sins away, Jesus, only Jesus. Name with every blessing rife, Be our joy and hope through life. Be our strength in every strife, Jesus, only Jesus. Once we wandered far ftom God, Knowing not of Jesus, Treading still the downward road, Leading far from Jesus; Till the Spirit taught us how, 'Neath the Saviour's yoke to bow. And we fain would follow now, Jesus, only Jesus. Be our trust through years to come, Jesus, only Jesus; Password to 'the heavenly home, Jesus, only Jesus. When from sin and sorrow free, On through all eternity, This our theme and song shall be, Jesus, only Jesus. 163 How sweet the word of Christ the Lord, While on the cross He dies, A word to all who on Him call For life in paradise. From the cross the Saviour cries, Come with Me to paradise ; Look to Me, believe and live, Accept the life I freely give. The dying thief, in full belief, On Jesus fixed his eyes; His only plea, "Remember me, O Lord, in paradise." By man condemned, without a friend, Will Jesus heed his cries? O blessed Lord, how quick Thy word^ "To-day in paradise." Though vile as he, O sinner, flee. While Jesus calls, be wise; His wojd believe, and now receive A life in paradise. 164 Rejoice with me, for now I'm free^ I joy in a new pleasure: From God above, the gift of love Is mine in fullest measure. Rejoice, rejoice, Christ is my choice, His cross alane my glory ; When life shall last, when death is past, I'll sing the joyful story. Once vile with sin, Christ makes me cleans Gone 13 all condemnation; For I believe and now receive A full and free salvation. In Christ I live, and He doth give Great joy where once was sadness; And in this way, from day to day. My life is filled with gladness. To all proclaim His wondrous name. Repeat the old, old story; Till work is done and heaven won. Then praise Him more in glory, 165 Tee prize is set before us, To win. His words implore ug. The eye of God is o'er us ' From on high, from on high; His loving tones are calling While sin is dark, appalling, 'Tis Jesus gently calling. He is nigh, He is nigh. By and by we shall meet Him, By and by we shall greet Him, And with Jesus reign in glory By and by. (^ We'll follow where He leadeth, We'll pasture where He feedeth, We'll yield to Him who pleadeth From on high, from on high; 39 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Then naught from Him shall sever, Our hope shall brighten ever, And faith shall fail us never, He is nigh, He is nigh. Our home is bright above us, No trials dark to move us, But Jesus dear to love us There on high, tliere on high! We'll give Him oest endeavor. And praise His name forever, His precious words can never, jjever die, never die. 166 I AM trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only Thee! Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free. 1 am trusting Thee for pardon. At Thy feet I bow; For Thy grace and tender mercy Trusting now. I am trusting Thee fo,r cleansing In the crimson flood; Trusting Thee to make me holy By Thy blood. I am trusting Thee to guide me, Thou alone shalt lead, Every day and hour supplying All my need. I am trusting Thee for power; Thine can never fail; "Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me Must prevail. I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Never let me fall; I am trusting Thee forever And for all! 167 Goon news from heaven, good news for thee. There flows a pardon, full and free, To guilty sinners, throiigh tlie blood Of the Incarnate Son yl- God; He paid the debt that thou dids?! owe, He suff'ered death .for thee below, He bore the wrath divine for thee. He groaned and bled on Calvary. Good news from heaven, good news for thee, There flows a pardon, full and free, To guilty sinners, through the hlood Of the Incarnate Son of God. Good news from heaven, good news for thee. The Saviour cries, " Come unto me All ye who toil, with fears opprest; Come, weary one, oh, come and rest." He loves thee with o'erflowing love, He hears thy prayer in heaven above. He all thy pasture shall prepare, And lead thee with a shepherd's care. Good news from heaven, good news for thee. Has echoed from eternity; And loud shall our hosanuas ring. When with the ransome** throng we sing. "Worthy the lamb, " whose precious blood Has made us kings and priests to God; Our harps we'll tune to noblest strains, And glory give to Him ;who reigns. 168 Saviour, breathe an evening blessing, Ere repose our spirits seal; Sin and want we come confessing. Thou canst save and Thou canst heal. Though destruction walk around us,. Though the arrows past us fly; An^el guards from Thee surround us, We arc safe if Thou art nigh. Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness can not hide from Thee; Thou art He who, never weary. Watchest where Thy people oe. Should swift death this night o'ertake us, And our couch become our tomb. May the morn in heaven awake us. Clad in bright and deathless bloom. 169 Sound the high praises of Jesus our King, He came and He conquered. His victory sing; Sing, for the power of the tyrant is broken. The triumph's complete over death and the grave; Vain is their boasting, Jehovah hath spoken, i And Jesus proclaimed Himself Mighty tc Save. Sound the high praises of Jesus our King, He came and He conquered, His victory sing Praise to the Conqueror! Praise to the Lord, The enemy quailed at the might of His word: In heaven he ascends and unfolds the glad story. The hosts of the blessed exult in His fame; In love He looks down from the throne oi His glory, [name. And rescues the ruined who trust in Hit 170 This. is the day of toil. Beneath earth's sultry noon, This is the day of service true. But resting cometh soon. II: Hallelujah! Hallelujah I There remains a rest for us. :|I Spend and be spent would we, While lasteth time's brief day; No turning back in coward fear, No lingering by the way. Onward we press in haste, Upward our journey still, Ours is the path the Master trod Through good report and ill.j Thelway may rougher grow. The weariness increase, We gird our loins and hasten on,-^ The end, the end is peace. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 89 171 Theee is joy among the angels, Singing round the throne above When repentant tears are flowing, "While the risen Lord is showing All the riches of His love, |: All the riches of His love. :|| There is joy, oh, there is joy, Joy that never can be told, "When a soul that long has wandered, Comes within the Saviour's fold. There is joy among the angels, When a sinner lieeds the call; "When he turns to Christ believing, And from Him is love receiving Grace that saves us one and all, J|: Grace that saves us one and all. :| There is joy among the angels, "When His cause is speeding on; "When the notes of praise are ringing, That the gospel work is bringing Precious sheaves for harvest morn, J: Precious sheaves for harvest morn. ;|I 172 Over the ocean wave, fd,r, far away. There the poor heathen live, waiting for day; Groping in ignorance, dark as the night,; No blessed Bible to give them the light. Pity them, pity them, Christians at home, Haste with the Bread of Life, hasten and come. Here in this happy land we have the light Shining from God's own word, free, pure and bright; Shall we not send to them Bibles to read, Teachers, and preachers, and all that they need? [bring Then, while the mission ships glad tidings List! as that heathen band joyfully sing, " Over the ocean wave, oh, see them come, Bringing the Bread of Life, guiding us home." 173 "When we reach our P'atlier's dwelling, On the strong eternal hills, And our praise to Him is swelling, Who the vast creation fills, Shall we then recall the sadness. And the clouds that hung so dim, "When our hearts were turned fJ*m hardness. And our feet from patlis of sin? Yes, we surely shall reinember, And His grace we'll freely own ; For the love so strong and lender, That redeemed and brought us home. "When the paths of prayer and duty, And affliction all are trod, And we wake and see the beauty Of our Saviour and our God, Shall we then recall the story Of our mortal griefs and tears. When on earth we sought the glory, Wrestling oft with doubts and fearsT And the way by which He brought ua, All the grievirigs that He bore, All the patient luve that taught us. We'll remember evermore; And His rest will be the dearel. As we think of weary ways, And His light will be the clearer As we muse on cloudy day». 174 " Must I go and empty-handed," Thus my dear Redeemer meet? Not one day of service give Himi Lay no trophy at His feet? " Must I go and empty-handed," Must I meet my Saviour so? Not one soul with which to greet Him, Must I empty-handed go? Not at death I shrink nor falter, For m.y Saviour saves me now; But to meet Him empty-handed. Thought of that now clouds my broT?-, Oh, the years of sinning wasted, Could I but recall them now, I would give them to my Saviour, To Hid will I gladly bow. Oh, ye saints, arouse, be earnest. Up and work while yet 'tis day. Ere the night of death o'ertakes thee,^ Strive for souls while still you may^' 175 Mr sin is great, my strength la weak. My path beset with snares, But Thou, O Christ, hast died for me, And Thou wilt hear my prayers. To Thee, to Thee, the Crucified^ The sinner's only plea, Relying on Thy promised grace, My faith still clings to Thee. Theiworld is dark without Thee, Lord, I turn me from its strife To find Thy love a sweet relief; Thou art the Light of Life. Temptations lure and fears assaiL My frail, inconstant heart; But precious are Thy promises. And they new strength impart.^ Unfold Thy precepts to my mind. And cleanse my bhndecl eyes; Grant me to work for Thee on eartfc. Then praise Thee in the skies, . "' 176 I've found the pearl of greatest price? My heart doth sing for joy; And sing I must, for Christ is mine! Christ shall my song employ. I've found the pearl of greatest pric«. My heart doth sing for joy ; And sing I must, for Christ is mine I Christ shall my song employ^ -no GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. t to 6. Christ is my Prophet, Priest, and King: My Prophet full of light, My great High Priest before the throne, My King of heavenly might. For He indeed is Lord of lords, And He the King of kings; He is the Sun of Righteousness, if With healingin His wings. on a happier shoMf "Thy will be done I " 230 Is Thy cleft, O Rock of Ages, Hide Thou me; When the fitful tempest rages, Hide Thou me; Where no mortal arm can sever From my heart Thy love forever. Hide me, O Thou Rook of Ages, Safe in Thee. From the snare of sinful pleasure. Hide Thou me; ThoU; my soul's eternal treasure^ Hide Thou me; When the world its power is wieldt&B; And my heart is almost yielding;. Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ages, Safe in Thee. S2 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. In the lonely night of sorrow, Hide Thou me; Till in glory dawns the morrow, Hide Thou me; In the sight of Jordan's billow,] Let Thy bosom be my pillow; Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ages, Safe in Thee. 231 WHBN^the King in His beauty shall come to His throne, [His own, JLnd around Him are gathered His loved ones, There be some who will knock at His fair palace door, [more." To be answered within, "There is mercy no II: "I have never known you," :|| "I have never, I have never, I have never known you." They had known whence He came, and the trace which He brought* eir presence He healed, in their streets He had taught. They had mentioned His name and their friendship professed; [fessed: But they never believed, for of them He con- Now the righteous are reigning with Abraham there. But for these is appointed an endless despair; It is vain that they call: He once knocked at their gate, [their fate: But they welcomed Him not; so now this is O sinner, give heed to this story of gloom. For the hour is fast nearing that fixes your doom. Will you still reject mercy? still harden your heart? [—*< Depart!" Oh, then, what will you do as the King cries 232 I AM waiting for the morning Of the blessed day to dawn. "When the sorrow and the sadness Of this changeful life are gone. 1 am waiting, only waiting, Till this weary life is o'er; Only waiting for my welcome From my Saviour on the other shore. I am waiting, worn and weary With the battle and the strife, Hoping when the warfare's over To receive a crown of life. Waiting, hoping, trusting ever. For a home of boundless love; Like a pilgrim looking forward To the land of bliss above. Hoping soon to meet the loved ones, Where the ** many mansions " be; Listening for the happy welcome Of my Saviour calling me. 233 H.EAVENLT Father, ^e, Thy chfldren, Gathered round our risen Lord, Lift our hearts in earnest pleading: Oh, revive us by Thy word! Send refreshing, send refreshing From Thy presence, gracious Lord I Send refreshing, send refreshing, And revive us by Thy word 1 Gracious gales of heavenly blessing In Thy love to us afford; Let us feel Thy Spirit's presence. Oh, revive us by Thy word! Weak and weary in the conflict, '< Wrestling not with flesh and blood,** Help us. Lord, as faint we falter; Oh, revive us by Thy wordl^ With Thy strength, O Master, gird Uft, Be our Guide and be our Guard; Fill us with Thy holy Spirit, Oh, revive us by Thy word! 234 Jestts is coming! sing the glad word! Coming for those He redeemed by His blood, Coming to reign as the glorified LordI Jesus is coming again! Jesus is coming, is coming again ! j Jesus is coming again I Shout the glad tidings o'er mountain and plaint Jesus is coming again ! Jesus is coming! the dead shall arise, Loved ones shall meet in a joyful surprise. Caught up together to Him in the skies, Jesus is coming again. Jesus is coming! His saints to release; Coming to give to the warring earth peace: Sinning, and sighing, and sorrow, shall cease, Jesus is coming again! Jesus is coming! the promise is true; Who are the chosen, the faithful, the few. Waiting and watching, prepared for review? Jesus is coming agam! 235 We are children of a King, Heavenly King, Heavenly King, We are children of a King, Singing as we journey; Jesus Christ our Guard and Guide, Bids us, nothing terrified, Follow closely at His side, Singing as we journey. We are traveling to our home. Blessed home. Blessed home, We are traveling to our home, Singing as we journey; V Toward a city out of sight, Where will fall no shade of nighfc^ For our Saviour is its light, Singing as we journe]' GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 59 Full of joy we onward go, Heavenward go, Heavenward go, Full of joy we onward go, Singing as we journey; Singing all the journey through — Singing hearts are brave and true- Singing till our home we view, Singing as we journey. 236 Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be His helpers. Other lives to bring? Who will leave the world's side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for Him will go? Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the Kilig 7 Who will be His helpers, Other lives to bring ? By Thy grand redemption. By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side ; Saviour, we are Thine. IS'ot for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we the army, Raise the warrior-psalm; But for love that claimeth Lives for whom He died, He whom Jesus nameth Must be on His side. Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem. But with Thine own life-blood For Thy diadem; With Thy blessing filling All who come to Thee, Thou hast made us willing, Thou hast made us free., Fierce may be the conflict^ Strong may be the foe. But the King's own army, None can overthrow; Bound His standard ranging, Victory is securo, For His truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure. 237 Traveling to the better land. O'er the desert's scorching sand. Father! let me grasp Thy nand; Lead me on, lead me on! When at Marah, parched with heat, I the sparkling fountain greet. Make the bitter waters sweet; Lead me on, lead me on! When the wilderness is drear. Show me Elim's palm-groves near, And her wells as crystal clear; Lead me on, lead me on! Through the water, through thft fire, Never let me fall or tire, Every step brings Canaan nigher; Lead me on, lead me on! Bid me stand on Nebo's height, Gaze upon the land of light, Then transported with the sight, Lead me on, lead me on! When I stand on Jordan's brink. Never let me fear or shrink; Hold me, Father, lest I sink; Lead me on, lead me on! When the victory is won, And eternal life begun. Up to glory lead me on! Lead me on, lead me on! 238 Look unto Me and be ye saved, I heard the Just One say; And as by faith on Him I gazed, My burden rolled away. I've passed the cross at Calvary, I'm on the Heaven side ; li: The world is crucified to me, Since Christ my ransom died. :8 By His atonement reconciled, My Father's face I see; The empty tomb now intervenes Between the world and me. Oh, glorious height of vantage grouudl Oh, blest victorious hour! In Him to trust and fully know His resurrection power. 239 No works of law have we to boast, By nature ruined, guilty, lost: Condemned already, but Thy hand Provided what Thou didst demand. II: We take the guilty sinner's name. The guilty sinner's Saviour claim, No faith we bring, 'tis Christ alone, 'Tis what He is — what He has done; He is for us as given by God, It was for us He shed His blood. We do not feel our sins are gone, We know it by Thy word alone; We know that there our sins didst lay On Him who has put sin away. Because we know our sins forgiven. We happy feel— Our home is heaven; O help us now as sons of God, To tread the path that Jesus trod. 240 Thkbb is love, true love, and the heart grow» When the Lord to Bethany comes, [Warm, And the word of life has a wondrnug charm, When the Lord to Bethany comes. 84 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. i to 6. There ia joy, glad joy, and a feast is spread, When the Lord to Bethany comes; F«r His heavenly voice brings to life the dead, When the Lord to Bethany comes. 'Twas a happy, happy day in the olden time, "When the Lord to Bethany came, Open wide the door, let Him enter now For His love is ever the same ! {I: His love is ever the same I :|| Open wide the door, let Him enter now ! For His love ia ever the same ! There is peace, sweet peace, and the life grovs^s calm. When the Lord to Bethany comes; [psalm, the trusting soul sings a sweet, soft When the Lord to Bethany comes. ^ere is faith, strong faith, and our home seems near, When the Lord to Bethany comes; And the crown more bright, and the cross more dear, When the Lord to Bethany comes, 241 Child of sin and sorrow, Filled with dismay, Wait not for to-morrow, " Yield thee to-day; Heaven bids thee come. While yet there's room; Child of sin and sorrow, Hear and obey. Child of sin and sorrow, ; Why wilt thou die? Come while thou canst borrow Help from on high; Grieve not that love Which from above. Child of sin and sorrow. Would bring thee nigh. 242 Lord, my trust I repose in Thee, how great is Thy love to me! Thou the strength of my life shalt be; This I know, this I know. Thine, Thine, and only Thine, Now and ever Thine ; Thon dost love me. Saviour mine ; This I knew, this I know. Thou dost lead with a sweet command. Thou dost lead with a gentle hand; On the rock of Thy Truth I stand; This I know, this I know. 1 shall rise to a world of light, I shall rest in a mansion bright. Then my faith shall be lost m sight. This I know, this I know. 243 Not what these hands have done, Can save this guilty soul; Not what this toiling flesh has borne, Can make my spirit whole. Thy work alone, my Saviour, Can ease this weight of sin ; Thy blood alone, O Lamb of Grod, Can give me peace within. Not what I feel or do, Can give me peace with God; Not all my prayers, nor sighs, nor teari, Can ease my awful lead. Thy love to me, O God, Not mine, O Lord, to Thee, Can rid me of this aark unrest, And set my spirit free. No other work save Thine, No meaner blood will do; No strength, save that which is divine, Can bear me safely through. I praise the God of grace, I trust His love and might; He calls me His, I call Him mine; My God, my joy, my light! 244 My life flows on in endless song; Above earth's lamentation, I hear the sweet, though far-off, hymn That hails a new creation: Through all the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing; It finds an echo in my soul — How can I keep from singing? What though my joys and comfort die? The Lord my Saviour liveth; What though the darkness gather round? Songs in the night He giveth; No storm can shake my inmost calm While to that refuge clinging; Since Christ ia Lord of heaven and earth, How can I keep from singing? I lift my eyes; the cloud grow thin; I see the blue above it; And day by day this pathway smooths. Since first I learned to love it; The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, A fountain ever springing; All things are mine since 1 am His— How can I keep from singing? 245 Once again the Gospel message From the Saviour you have heard; Will you heed the invitation? Will you turn and seek the Lord? II: Come believing 1 come believing 1 Come to Jesus, look and live I :|| Many summers you have wasted, Ripened harvests you have seen; Winter snows by Spring have melted, Yet you linger in your sin. Jesus for your choice is waiting; Tarry not: at once decide! While the Spirit now is striving. Yield, and seek the Saviour's sida. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Cease of fitness to be thinking; Do not longer try to feel; It is trusting, and not feeling. That will give the Spirit's seal. JLet your will to God be given, Trust in Christ's atoning blood; Look to Jesus now in heaven, Best on His unchanging word,. 246 BotTNC the alarm! let the watchman cry!— **Up! for the day of the Lord is nigh; Who will escape from the wrath to come? "Who have a place in the soul's bright home?" Sound the alarm, watchman, sound the alarm I For the Lord will come with a conquering arm ; And the hosts of sin, as their ranks advance, Shall wither and fall at His glance. Sound the alarm! let the cry go forth, Swift as the wind, o'er the realms of earth; Flee to the Rock where the soul may hide! Flee to the Rock! in its cleft abide, Sound the alarm on the mountain's brow! Plead with the loat by the wayside now; "Warn them to c®me and the truth embrace; Urge them to come and be saved by grace. Sound the alarm in the youthful ear, Sound it aloud that the old may hear; Blow ye the trump while the day-beams last! Blow ye the trump till the light is past! 247 Bbautiful morning! Day of hope, Dawn of a better life; U ow in thy peaceful hours we rest, Far from earth's noise and strife. Morning of resurrection joy, Day when the Saviour rose, Singing shall greet thy opening hour. Singing shall mark thy close. Beautiful morning! All the week Waiteth thy welcome light. Since the first dawning, calm and clear Out of the darkest night. Beautiful morning! Grief and pain, "Weeping before the tomb. Fly at thy dawning, Jesus rose, Jesus dispelled the gloom. 248 •TvnLL not be long our journey here, Each broken sigh and falling tear "Will soon be gone, and all will b« A cloudless sky, a waveless sea. Roll on, dark stream, We dread not thy foam ; The Pilgrim is longing For home, sweet home. 'Twill not be long, the yearning hearti May feel its every hope depart, Ajxd grief be mingled with its song; ffe'lT meet again, 'twill not be long. Though sad we mark the closing eye Of those we loved in days gone by, Yet sweet in death their latest song — We'll meet again, 'twill not be long. These checkered wilds, with thorns o'mm spread, Through which our way so oft is led— This march of time, with truth so stronj^, Will end in bliss, 'twill not be loaa. 249 'Tis known on earth, in heaven too, 'Tis sweet to me because 'tis true; The '* old, old story" is ever new; Tell me more about Jeaiiia. JI: "Tell me more about Jesus J" :i! Him would I know who loved me so; "Tell me more about Jesusj'' Earth's fairest flowers will droop and die^ Dark clouds o'erspread yon azure sky; Life's dearest joys flit fle^itest by; Tell me more about Jesus. When overwhelmed with unbelief, When burdened a blinding grief, Come kindly then to my relief; Tell me more about Jesus. And when the Glory-land I see, And take the " place prepared " for m«, Through endless years my song shall b«-" Tell me more about Jesus. 250 The word of God is given To all who serve Him here, That when the Lord from heavea In glory shall appear. We then shall be delivered From sorrow, sin, and pain; And if for Christ we suffer, With Him we then shall reiga. We are going home to Jesus I Going home to Jesus ! Going to the mansions He's preparing there on high f We are going home to Jesus I Going home to Jesus I And we'll gather there la glory I By and by I Once in our sin we wandered Far, far away from God, And precious hours we squandered Upon the downward road; But God in grace hath called us. And given us to share The purchase of our Saviour, A mansion bright and fair. Now with this hope to cheer us, And with the Spirit's seal. That all our sins were pardoned. Through Him whose stripes did heal| As "strangers" and as "pilgrims," No place on earth we own. But work and watch as " servants,** Until our Lord shall come. se GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 261 To Him who for our sins was slain, To Him for all His dying pain. Hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah to His name. T.o Him, the Lamb, our Sacrifice, Who gave his life the ransomed price To Him who died that we might die To ein, and live with Him on high. To Him who rose that we might rise, And reign with Him beyond the slcies. To Him who now for us doth plead, And helpeth us in all our need. To Him who doth prepare on high Our home in immortality. To Him be glory evermore! Ye heavenly hosts, your Lord adore. 252 The sands of time are sinking, The dawn of heaven breaks. The summer morn I've sighea for — The fair, sweet morn awakes. Dark, dark hath been the midnight, But day-spring is at hand. And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land. I've wrestled on toward heaven, 'Gainst storm and wind and tiae, Now, like a weary traveler That leaneth on his guide. Amid the shades of evening. While sinks life lingering sand, I hail the glory dawning From Immanuel's land. Beep waters crossed life's pathway, The hedge of thorns was sharp; Now these lie all behind me — O! for a well-tuned harp! O, to join the hallelujah With yon triumphant band! Who sing where glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land. 253 I KNOW that my Redeemer lives! "What comfort this sweet message gires! He lives, who once was dead; He lives, all-glorious in the sky; He lives, exalted there on high, My everlasting Head.i II : He lives ! He lives 1 I know that my Redeemer lives ! :1| He lives, to bless me with His love; He lives, to plead for me above, My hungry soul to feed; He lives, to grant me rich supply; He lives, to guide me with His eye, To help in time of need. He lives, triumphant from the grave; He lives, eternally to save; And while He lives I'll sing; He lives, my ever-faithful Friend; He lives, and loves me to the end. My Prophet, Priest, and King! He lives, my mansion to prepare; He lives to bring me safely there; My Jesus still the same: What joy this blest assurance gives! — "I know that my Redeemer livea:" All glory to His name! 254 "A LITTLE while!" and He shall come; The hour draws on apace. The blessed hour, the glorious morn. When we shall see His face: How light our trials then will seem! How short our pilgrim way! Our life on earth a fitful dream, Dispelled by dawning day! Then come, Lord Jesus, quickly come, In glory and in light ! Come, take Thy longing children home, And end earth's weary night! " A little while! " with patience. Lord, I fain would ask, *' How long? '' For how can I with such a hope Of glory and of home. With such a joy awaiting me. Not wish the hour were come? How can I keep the longing back. And how suppress the groan? Yet peace, my heart! and hush, my tonguel Be calm, my troubled breast! Each passing hour is hastening on The everlasting rest: Thou knowest well— the time thy God Appoints for thee is best: The morning star will soon arise; The glow is in the East. 255 Precious Saviour, may I llr*^ Only for Thee! Spend the powers Thou dost gtV^ Only for Thee! Be my spirit's deep desire, Only for Thee! May my intellect aspire, Only for Thee! Only Christ who died for me Paid the price and made me free. Now, and through eternity, Only for Thee ! In my joys may I rejoice Only for Thee! In my choosing make my choicev Only for Thee! Meekly may I suffer grief, Only for Thee! Gratefully accept relief Only for ^h-o! GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 6T Be my smiles and be my tears, Only for Thee! Be my young and riper years, Only for Thee! Be my peace and be my strife, Only for Thee! Be my love and be my life, Only for Thee! 256 Only waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown; Only waiting till the glimmer Of the day's last beam is flown; Till the night of death has faded From the heart once full of day; Till the stars of heaven are breaking Through the twilight soft and gray. Only waiting till the reapers Have the last sheaf gathered home; For the summer time has faded And the autumn winds have come. Quickly, reapers! gather quickly, All the ripe hours of my heart; For the bloom of life is withered, And I hasten to depart. Only waiting till the angels g Open wide the pearly gate, I At whose portals long I've lingered, ; ' Weary, poor, and desolate: Even now I hoar their footsteps. And their voices far away; If they call me, I am waiting, Only waiting to obey. "Waiting for a brighter dwelling Than I ever yet have seen. Where the tree of life is blooming, And the #elds are ever green: Waiting fot my full redemption, When my Saviour shall restore All that sin has caused to wither; Age and sorrow come no more. 257 Once more, my soul, thy Saviour, through the Is offered full and free; [Word, And now, O Lord, I must, I must decide; Shall I accept of Thee? I will ! I will ! I will, God helping me, I will, I will be Thine ! Thy precious blood was shed to purchase me— I will be wholly Thine I By grace I will Thy mercy now receive, Thy love my heart hath won; On Thee, O Christ, I will, I will believe, And trust in Thee alone! Thou knowest, Lord, how very weak I am, And how I fear to stray; For strength to serve I look to Thee alone — The strength Thou mu«t supply! And now, O Lord, give all with us to-day The grace to join our son^; And from the heart to gladly witn us say: , " I WILL to Christ belong!" To all who came, when Thou waat here bel«W| And said, " O Lord, wilt Thou?" To them **I will!" was ever Thy reply; We rest upon it now. 258 It's a bonnie, bonnie warl' that we're livin' im the noo', [throe: An' sunny is the Ian' that noo we aften traiv'l But in vain we look for something here t© which oor hearts may cling, [the King. For its beauty is as naething tae the palace o' We like the gilded simmer, wi' its merry, merry tread, [ties wi* the dead; An' we sigh when hoary winter lays its beau- For tho' bonnie are the snawflakes, an' the doon on Winter's wing, [the King. It's fine to ken it daurna touch the palace o' Then again, I've juist been thinkin' that when a'thing here's sae bricht, [quiverin' licht. The sun in a' its grandeur, an' the mune wi' The ocean i' the simmer; or the woodland i' the spring, [the King. What maun it be up yonner i' the palace o' It's here we hae oor trials, an' it's here that He prepares [somed sinner wears. His chosen for the raiment which the ran- An' its here that He wad hear us 'mid oor 'We' tribulations sing, [palace o' the King, /"e'll trust oor God wha reigneth i' the the Oh! its honor heaped on honor that His court- iers should be ta'en [warl' o' sin an' pain. Frae the wand'rin' anes He died for i' this An' its fu'est love an' service that the Chris- tians aye should bring [o' the King. To the feet o' Him wha reigneth i' the palace The time for sawin' seed, it is a wearin', wearin' dune; [verasune. An' the time for winnin' souls will be ower Then lat us a' be active, if a fruitfu' sheaf we'd bring [King. To adorn the Eoyal table i' the palace o' the Then lat us trust Him better than we've ever dune afore, [ever bounteous store: For the King will feedsHis servants frae His Lat us keep a closer grip o' Him, for time is on the wing, [o' the King. An' sune He'll come an' tak' us tae the palaoe It's iv'ry halls are bonnie upon which the rainbows shine, ftadin' Vine; An' its Eden bow'rs are trellised wi' a never An' the pearly gates o' heaven do a glorious radiance fling [o' the King. On the starry floor that shimmers i' the palace Nae nicht shall be in Heaven, an' nae deso- latin' sea, [o' the free; And nae tyrant hoofs shall trample i' the city There's an everlastin' daylicbt, an' a never fadin' spring, [o' the King. T7bere ^he LaaiD is a' the glory f the palace 68 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. We see onr freens await us ower yonner at His gate; [late; Then lat us a' be ready, for ye ken its gettin' Let oor lamps be brichtly burnin'; let us raise oor voice and sing, For sune we'll meet, to pairt nae mair, i' the palace ©' the King. 259 •'Eedebmep!'* "redeemed!" Oh, sing the joyful strain! Give praise; give praise And glory to His name; Who gave His blood our souls to save, J: And purchased freedom for the slave!: 8 ''Redeemed !" redeemed from sin and all its woe 1 •'Redeemed !" redeemed eternal life to know ! "Redeemed!" redeemed by Jesus' blood, •'Redeemed J" redeemed 1 Oh, praise the Lord I What grace! vrhat grace! That He who calmed the wave Should stoop, my soul, My guilty soul to save! That He the curse should bear for me, j:A sinful wretch, His enemy! ;|1 "Redeemed!" redeemed! The word has brought repose, And joy, and joy That each redeemed one knows. Who sees his sins on Jesus laid, |:And knows His blood the ransom paid.rg "Redeemed!" redeemed? O joy, that I should be In Christj in Christ, From sin forever free! Forever free to praise His name, |:Who bore for me the guilt and shame!: J 260 God is great, and God is good. And we thank Him for this food: By His hand must all be fed, Give usj Lord, our daily bread. 261 Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing hi^h! Tbr sky is o'ershadowed witn blackness, lio shelter or help is nigh; •*Carest Thou not that we perish?"— How canst Thou lie asleep, » When each moment so madly is threatening A grave in the angry deep? The winds and the waves shall obey My will, "Peace, be still!" Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, Or demons, or men, or whatever it be. No water can swallow the ship where lies The Master of ocean and earth and skies ; II: They all shall sweetly obey My will; "Peace, be still 1" :|| Master, with anguish of spirit I bow in my grief to-day; Tlie depths of my sad heart are troubled, Oh*' waken and save^ I pray! Torrents of sin and of anguish Sweep o'er my sinking soul; And I perish! I perish! -dear Master; Oh! hasten, and take control. Master, the terror is over. The elements sweetly rest; Earth's sun in the calm lake is mirrored, And heaven's within my breast; Linger, O Blessed Redeemer, Leave me alone no more; And with joy I shall make the blest barber- And rest on the blissful shore. 262 O WHAT shall I do to be saved? The gathering storm I behold, Exposed to the wrath of my God; II: Is there no sheltering fold? :|| H: I am the door, by Me if any man enter la. He shall be saved, he shall be saved. :| what shall I do to be saved? No light, no hope can I see. No help in myself can I find; R : Is there no mercy for me? : g O what shall I do to be saved? So vile, so burdened with sin, how to the fold may I come, B: How may I enter therein? :| 1 enter the wide open door. In Christ I now have believed; I'm cleansed from my sins by His blood; II : I trust and now I am saved! :g 263 Jestts, I my cross have taken. All to leave and follow Thee; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shalt be. Perish every fond ambition, All I've sought, or heped, or known. Yet how rich is my condition, God and heaven are still my own. Let the world despise and leave me. They have left my Saviour too; Human hearts and looks deceive me — Thou art not, like them, untrue; Oh! while Thou dost smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate, and friends disown me — Show Thy face, and all is bright. Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed by faith, and winged by prayer! Heaven's eternal day's before thee, God's own hand shall guide thee there: Soon shall close thy earthly mission, Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days, Hope shall change to glad fruition. Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. 264 ALOire the River of Time we glide. Along the River, along the River, The swiftly flowing, resistless tide. The swiftly flowmg, the swiftly flowing, GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 69 And soon, ah, soon, the end we'll see, Yes, soon 'twill come and we will be ||: Floating, floating, Out on the sea of eternity ! :l| Along the River of Time we glide. Along the Biver, along the River, A thousand dangers its currents hide, A thousand dangers, a thousand dangers, And near our course the rocks we see, Oh dipadful thought! a wreck to be Along the River of Time we glide, Along the River, along the River, Our Saviour only our bark can guide, Our Saviour only, our Saviour only, But with Him we secure may be, No fear, no doubt, but joy to be 265 ** Till He come!"— oh, let the words Linger on the trembling chords; Let "the little while" between In their golden light be seen; Let us think how heaven and home Lie beyond that " Till He come." "When the weary ones we love Enter on their rest above. When the words of love and cheer Fall no longer on our ear. Hush! be every murmur dumb! It is only ^*TUl He come." Clouds and darkness round us press: Would we have one sorrow less? All the sharpness of the cross. All that tells the world is loss. Death, and darkness, and the tomb. Pain us only '^Till He come." See, the feast of love is spread. Drink the wine and eat the bread; Sweet memorials,— till the Lord Call us round His heavenly board; Some from earth, from glory some, Severed only '^Till He come." 266 Oh, to be over yonder, In that land of wonder, [harpers ring: Where the angel voices mingle, and the angel To be free from pain and sorrow. And the anxious, dread to-morrow, To rest in light and sunshine in the presence of the King. Oh ! to be over yonder, In that land of wonder- There to be forever In the presence of the King. Oh, to be over yonder! My yearning heart grows fonder Of looking to the east, to see the blessed day- Some tidings of the waking, [star bring The cloudless, pure day breaking! My heart is ye \rning— yearning for tli3 (xsscx- ing of the King. Oh, to be over yonder! Alas! I sigh and wonder — Why clings my poor, weak, sinful heart t» any earthly thing? Each tie of earth must sever, And pass away forever: [of the King. But there's no more separation in the presence Oh, when shall I be dwelling Where angel voices, swelling In triumphant hallelujahs, make the vaulted heavens ring- Where the pearly gates are gleaming, And the Morning Star is beaming — Oh, when shall I be yonder in the presence ef the King? Oh, I shall soon be yonder, Though lonely here I wander. Yearning for the welcome summer— longing for the bird's fleet wing; The midnight may be dreary. And the heart be worn and weary. But there's no more shadow yonder in the presence of the King. 267 Come, thou weary, Jesus calls thee To His wounded side; '•Come to me," saith He, "and ever Safe abide." Seeking Jesus? Jesus seeks thee — Wants thee as thou art; He is knocking, ever knocking At thy heart. If thou let Him, He will save thee — Make thee all His own; Guide thee, keep thee, take thee, dying, To His throne. Wilt thou still refuse His offer? Wilt thou say Him nay? Wilt thou let Him, grieved, rejected, Go away? Dost thou feel thy life is weary?] Is thy soul distressed? Take His offer, wait no longer; Be at rest! 268 Mt Saviour's praises I will sing, And all His love express; Whose mercies each returning day Proclaim His faithfulness. II: "Every day will I bless Thee!" :| And I will praise, will praise. Thy aamo Forever and ever ! Redeemed by His almighty power. My Saviour and my King; My confidence in Him I place. To Him my soul would cling. On Thee alone, my Saviour, God, My steadfast hopes depend; And to Thy holy will my soul Submissively wouIU. bend. m GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Oh, giant Thy Ruty Spirit's grace, And aid my feeble powers; That gladly I may follow Thee Through all my future hours. O 269 ♦Onwaep, upward, homeward!" Joyfully I flee From this world of sorrow. With my Lord to be,* Onward to the glory, Upward to the prize, Homeward to the mansions. Far above the skies. Onward to the glory, Upward to the prize, Homeward to the mansions. Far above the skies. *• Onward, upward, homeward!'* Here I find no rest; Treading o'er the desert Which my Saviour pressed; •^Onward, upward, homeward!" I shall soon be there, Boon its joys and pleasures I, through grace, shall share. •'Onward, upward, homeward!" Come along with me; Te who love the Saviour. Bear me company; "Onward, upward, homeward!" Press with vigor on; Yet a little moment And the race is won. 270 0«, soul-tossed on the billows, afar from friendly land, [low of His hand.'* L«ok up to' Him who holds thee in ''The hol- In "The hollow of His hand," In the hollow of His hand, O how safe are all who trust Him, In *'The hollow of His hand." Though raging winds may drive thee, a wreck upon the strand, [hollow of His hand." Still cling to Him who holds thee in "The ■^hen strength is spent in toiling, and wearily you stanci, [hollow of His hand." Then rest in Him ,who holds thee in "The When by the swelling Jordan, your feet in sinking sand, [low of His hand." Eemember still He holds thee in " The hol- And when at last we're gathered, with .all the ransomed band, [hollow of His hand. ' ' We'll praise our God who holds us in "The 271 ^ajLiSE Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Sing, O earth— His wonderful love proclaim! Sail Him! hail Him! highest arch-angels in glory; Strength and honor give to Hia holy name! Like a shepherd Jesus will guard His children. In His arms He carries them all day long; Praise Him! praise Him! tell of Hisj excellent greatness, [song. Praise Him! praise Him! ever in joyful Praise [Him! praise Him! Jesus, lour blessed Redeemer! [died: For our sins He sufferod, and bled, and He our Rock, our hope of eternal, salvation. Hail Him! hail Him! Jesus, the crucified. Sound His praises! Jesus who bore our sor- rows, [strong: Love unbounded, wonderful, deep, and Praise Him! praise Him! tell of His excellent greatness, [song! Praise Him! praise Him! eve^: in joyful Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Heavenly portals loud with hosannas ring! Jesus, Saviour, reigneth for ever and ever: Crown Him! crown Him! Prophet, and Priest, and King! Christ is coming! over the world victorious, Power and glory unto the Lord belong; Praise Him! praise Him! tell of His excellent greatness, [songi Praise Him! praise Him! ever in joyful 272 I KNOW not why God's wondrous grace To me He hath made known, Nor why — unworthy — Christ in love Redeemed me for His own. But "I know whom I have believed, And am persuaded that he is able Te keep that which I've committed Unto him against that day." rknow not how this saving faith To me He did impart, Nor how believing in His word Wrought peace within my heart, I know not how the Spirit moves, Convincing men of sin, Revealing Jesus through the word, Creating faith in Him. I know not what ©f good or ill May be reserved for me. Of weary ways or golden days, Before His face I see. I know not when my Lord may come. At night or noonday fair, Nor if I'll walk the vale with Him, Or "meet Him in the air." 273 Behold a Fountain deep and wide, Behold its onward flow; »Twas opened in the Saviour's side, II : And cleanseth "white as snow," | Come to this Fountain, 'Tis flowing to-day ; And all who will may freely com«. And wash their sins away. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. M From Calvc-y*8 cross, where Jesus died In aorrow, pain, and woe, Burst forth the wondroua crimson tide j. Thatcleanseth ''white as snow." :\ may we all the healing power Of that bless'd Fountain know; f rust only in the precious blood iJ.That cleanseth "white as snow.":]] iLnd when at last the message comes, And we are called to go, ©ur trust shall still be in the blood H:That cleanseth "white as snow.": J 274 CoMK with thy sins to the fountain, Come with thy burden of grief; Bury them deep in its waters,! There thou wilt find a relief. Haste thee away, why wilt thou stay? Risk not thy soul on a moment's delay; Jesus is waiting to save thee, Mercy is pleading to-day. Come as thou art to the fountain, Jesus is waiting for thee; What though thy sins are like crimson, White as the snow they shall be. These are the words of the Saviour: They who repent and believe, They who are willing to trust Him, Life at His hand shall receive. Come and be healed at the fountain, List to the peace-speaking voice; Over a sinner returning Now let the angels rejoice. 275 O CHILD of God, wait patiently When dark thy path may be, And let thy faith lean trustingly On Him who cares for Thee; And though the clouds hang drearily Upon the brow of night, Yet in the morning joy will come And fill thy soul with light. • child of God, lie loveth thee, And thou art all His own; With gentle hand He leadeth thee. Thou dost not walk alone; And though thou watchest wearily The long and stormy night, Tet in the morning joy will come. And fill thy soul with light. O child of God, how peacefully He calms thy fears to rest. And draws thee upward tenderly, Where dwell the pure and blest; And He who bendeth silently Above the gloom of night, Will take thee home where endless joy Shall fill thy soul with lights 276 O woNDEBFTTL words of the gospel! O wonderful message they hring^ Proclaiming a blessed redemption Through Jesus, our Saviour and Kiagt Believe, oh, believe in His mercy That flows like a fountain so free ; Believe, and receive the redemption He offers to you and to me. He came from the throne of His glory^ And left the bright mansions above. The world to redeem from its bondage; So great His compassion and love. O come to this wonderful Saviour, Come weary and sorrow-oppressed, Behold on the cross how He suffered, That you in His kingdom might rest. There's no other refuge but Jesus, No shelter where lost ones may fly; And now, while He's tenderly callin»J O "turn ye," "for why will ye dieV" 277 Closer, Lord, to Thee I cling. Closer still to Thee; Safe beneath Thy sheltering wing I would ever be; Eude the blast of doubt and sin, Fierce assaults without, within. Help me, Lord, the battle win;— Closer, Lord, to Thee. Closer yet, O Lord, my Rock, Refuge of my soul; Dread I not the tempest shock. Though the billows roll. Wildest storm can not alarm. For, to me, can come no harm, Leaning on Thy loving arm; — Closer, Lord, to Thee. Closer still, my Help, my Stay, Closer, closer still; Meekly there I learn to say, "Father, not my will; " Learn that m affliction's hour. When the clouds of sorrow lower. Love directs Thy hand of powerj— Closer, Lordv to Thee. Closer. Lord, to Thee I come, Light of life Divine; Through the ever Blessed Son, Joy and peace are mine; Let me in Thy love abide. Keep me ever near Thy side. In the "Rock of Ages" hide,— Closer, Lord, to Thee. 278 Rejoice in the Lord, O let His mercy cheer, . He sunders the bands that enthrall; (fear, Redeemed by His blood, why should we ever Since Jesus is our "all in all." If God be for us, if God be for us, if God be for oi^ Who can be against us, who, who, who, Who can be against us, against us ? 62 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Be strong in the Lord, rejoicing in His might, Be loyal and true, d.ay by day; When evils assail, be valiant for the right, And He will be our strength, our stay. Confide in His vrord, His promises so sure, In Christ they are " yea, and amen:" Though earth pass away, they ever shall en- *Tis written o'er and o'er again. [dure, Abide in the Lord, secure in His control, 'Tis life everlasting be^un; To pluck from His hand the weakest, trem- It never, never can be done. [bling soul, ) 279 ** God is Love!"— His word proclaims it, Day by day the truth we prove; Heaven and earth with joy are telling. Ever telling, ** God is Love!" Hallelujah ! tell the story, Sung by angel choirs above ; Sounding forth the mighoy chorus— " Grod is Light, and God is Lw 1 '* •«God is love!"— Oh, tell it gladly, How the Saviour from above Came to seek and save the lost ones, Showing thus the Father's love. •' God is Love!"— Oh, boundless mercy — May we all its fullness prove! Telling those who sit in darkness, **God is light, and God is Lovel" 280 Jxstjs, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came. Born m a manger to sorrow and shame; Oh, it was wonderful— blest be His namel Seeking for me, for me! H: Seeking for isie ! Seeking for me ! :|I Oh, it was wonderful — blest be His name 1 Seeking for me, for me ! Jesus, my Saviour, on Calvary's tree, Paid the great debt, and my soul He set free; Oh, it was wonderful— how could it be? Dying for me, for me! II : Dying for me I Dying f®r me ! :|] Oh, it was wonderful — how could it be ? Dying for me, for me I Jesus, my Saviour, the same as of old, While I was wandering afar from the fold. Gently and long did He plead with my soul, Calling for me, for me! II: Calling for me ! Calling for me ! :|I Gently and long did he plead with my soul, Calling for me, for me 1 Jesus, my Saviour, shall come from on high — Bweet is the promise as weary years fly; ©h, I shall see Him descending the sky, Coming for me, for me! B: Coming for me ! Coming for me 1 Ml Oh, I shall see Him descending the sky, Coming for me, for me 1 281 j Out of my bondage, sorrow and nigkl* Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come: Into Thy freedom, gladness and light, Jesus, I come to Thee; Out of my sickness into Thy health. Out of my want and into Thy wealth. Out of my sin and into Thyself, Jesus, I come to Thee. Out- of my shameful failure and loss, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into the glorious gain of Thy oross, Jesus, I come to Thee; Out of earth's sorrows into Thy balm. Out of life's storms and into Thy calia« Out of distress to jubilant psalm, Jesus, I come to Thee. Out of unrest and arrogant pride, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into Thy blessed will to abide, Jesus, I come to Thee; " Out of myself to dwell in Thy love» Out of despair into raptures above. Upward for aye on wings like a dove, Jesus, I come to Th^e. Out of the fear and dread of the tombi, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come. Into the jov and light of Thy home, Jesus, I come to Thee; Out of the depths of ruin untold, Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold Ever thy glorious face to behold Jesus, I come to Thee. 282 Glory ever be to Jesus, God's own well-beloved Son; By His grace He hath redeemed ua^ **lt is finished," all is done. Saved by graee through faith in JeBU^ Savefl by His own precious blood. May we in His love abiding. Follow •u t» know the Lord. Oh, the weary days of wandering. Longing, hoping for the lightj These at last lie all behind us^ Jesus is our st^e-ngth and might. In His safe and holy keeping, 'Neath the shadow of His wing» Gladly in His love confiding, May our souls His praises sing. 283 Who came down from heaven te earMit Jesus Christ our Saviour; Came a child of lowly birth? Jesus Christ our Saviour! Sound the chorus loud and clear. He hath brought salvation nev^ None so precious, none so dear, Jesus Christ our Saviour.^ GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 6« ffho was lifted on the tree? Jesus Christ our Saviour; There to ransom you and me? Jesus Christ our Saviour Who hath promised to forgivet Jesus Christ our Saviour; Who hath said, ' believe and live?" Jesus Christ our Saviour. Who is novy enthroned above? Jesus Christ our Saviour; Whom should we obey and love? Jesus Christ our Saviour. Who again from heaven shall come? Jesus Christ our Saviour; Take to glory all His own? Jesus Christ our Saviour. 284 Wk have heard the joyful sound, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! ©pread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Bear the news to every land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves; Onward!— 'tis our Lord's command: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Waft it on the rolling tide: Jesus saves! Jssus saves! Tell to sinners far and wide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing, ye islands of the sea, Echo back, ye ocean caves; Earth shall Keep her jubilee; Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing above the battle strife. Jesus saves! Jesus saves! By His death and endless life, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing it softly through the gloom, When the heart for mercy craves; Bing in triumph o'er the tomb,— Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Give the winds a mighty voice: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Let the nations now rejoice, — Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Shout salvation full and free. Highest hills and deepest caves; This our song of victory,— Jesus saves! Jesus savesi 285 He is coming, the ** Man of Sorrows,** Kow exalted on high* le is coming with loud, hosannas, In the clouds of the sky. Halleliijah ! Hallelujah I He Is coming again ; And with joy we shall gather around Him, At His coming to reign. He is coming, our loving Saviour, Blessed Lamb that was slain; J of God the Father, .He shall reign. He is coming, our Lord and Master, Our Eedeemer and King; We shall see Him in all His beauty, And His praise we shall sing. He shall gather His chosen people, Who are called by His name: And the ransomed of every natiool For His own He shall claim, 286 Whebbver we may go, by night or day, A loving voice within doth gently say: My son, from every way of sin depart; Be Satan's slave no more, *'Give Me thf heart!" "Give'Me thy heart, give Me thy heart ; O weary, wandering child, give Me thy heart.* Slight not that voice so kind, but gladly hear, And choose the Lord to-day, while He is near; He will His pardoning love to thee impart; Oh, hear Him calling still, "GiveiMe thy heart!" We may have chosen long from Him to roam Yet He will welcome us, if we but come; Oh, may we not delay, but quickly start- While Jesus sayeth still, ''Give Me thf heart!" 287 LIST to the voice of the Prophet of old, Proclaiming in language divine. The wonderful, wonderful message of tt That " They that be wise shall shine.'* They shall shine as bright as the stars. In the firmament jeweled with light; And they that turn many to righteousness As the stars forever bright. Though rugged the path where our duty mar O! why should we ever repine? [leadl When faithful and true, is the promise to all That "They that be wise shall shine." The grandeur of wealth, and the temples «f fame. Where beauty and splendor combine, Will perish, forgotten, and crumble to dust. But '* They that be wise shall shine." Then let us go forth to the work yet to do. With zeal that shall never decline. Be strong in the Lord, and the promise beliere That ** They that be wise shall shiae." 288 1 BBLiEVED in God's wonderful mercy awl face, in the smile of His reconciled faee. Believed in His message of pardon and peao«| I believed, and I keep on believing. Believe I and the feeling may come or may go. Believe in the word, that was written to ahvw That all who believe, their Salvation may kamr% BoUere. and Iteep right oa Ift^ioviac. 64 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. I betleved in the work of my crucified Lord, Believed in redemption alone through His blood, Believed in my Saviour by trusting His word I believed, and 1 keep on believing, I believed in the heart that was opened for me, Believed m the love flowing blessed and free, Believed that my sins were all nailed to the I believed, and I keep on believing, [tree; I believed m Himself, as the true Living One, Believed in His presence on high on the throne. Believed in His coming in glory full soon; I believed, and I keep on believing. 289 Mbet me there! Oh, meet me therel In the heavenly world so fair- Where our Lord has entered m. And there comes no taint of sin, "With our friends of long ago, Clad in raiment white as snow, Such as all the ransomed wear,— Meet me there! Yes, meet me therel Meet me there! Oh, meet me therel Far beyond this world of care; When this troubled life shall cease. Meet me where is perfect peace; Where our sorrows we lay down For the kingdom and the crown, Jesus doth a home prepare, — Meet me there! Yes, meet me there Meet me there! Oh, meet me therel No bereavements we shall bear; There no sighings for the dead. There no farewell tear is shed; We shall, safe from all alarms, Clasp our loved ones in our arms, And in Jesus' glory share,— Meet me there! Yes, meet me therel 290 AnB yeu ready, are you ready for the coming of the Lord? Are you living as He bids you in His word? Are you walking in the light? Is your hope of heaven bright? Could you welcome Him to-night? Are you ready? Tlierefore be ye also ready, be ye also ready, Therefore be ye also ready, Pot in such an hour, such an hour as ye think not, The Son of Man cometh. Are you waiting, are you waiting for the com- ing of the King? [bring? Mave you bundles of the golden grain to Can you lay at Jesus' feet Any gathered sheaves of wheat. There your blessed Lord to greefcT Are you ready? > Have you risen, have you risen irom xkt heavy midnight sle^p? [deep? 1 Have you risen from your slumber long and \ Are your garments washed from sin. Are you cleansed and pure within? I Are you ready for the King? Are you ready? 291 Praise the Saviour, ye who know Hk&; Who can tell how much we owe Him? Gladly let us render to Him All we are and have. Jesus is the name that charms us; He for conflict fits and arms us; Nothing moves and nothing harms fm. When we trust in Him. Trust in Him, ye saints, for ever; He is faithful, changing never; Neither force nor guile can sever Those He loves from Him. Keep us. Lord, oh, keep us cleaving To tnyself, ana still believing, Till the hour of our receiving Promised joys in heaven. Then we shall be where we would be. Then we shall be what we should be; Things which are not now, nor could b«, Then shall be our own. 292 Shine on, O Star of beauty. Thou Christ enthroned above? Eeflecting in Thy brightness Our Father's look of love, ||: Shine on, shine on, Thou bright and beautiful star. :| Shine on, O Star of glory. We lift our eyes to Thee; Beyond the clouds that gather. Thy radiant light we see. Shine on, O star unchanging, And guide our pilgrim way, Until we see the dawning Of heaven's eternal day. And when with thy redeemed ones We reach the heavenly shore. May we with Thee in glory Shine on for evermore. 293 Far, far away in heathen darkness dwelling. Millions of souls forever may be lost; Who, who will go, salvation's story telling- Looking to Jesus, heeding not the cost? ^ i ||: "All power is given unto Me, :H Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel, and 1», I am with you alway." See o'er the world the open doors inviting, Soldiers of Christ, arise and enter in! Brethren, awake! our forces all uniting, [sin. Send fv\.a the gospel, break the chains of GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6* •Why will ye die?" the voice of God is call- •* Why will ye die?" re-echo in His name; Jesus hath died to save from death appalling, Life and salvation therefore go proclaim. God speed the day when those of every nation ♦*GIory to God" triumphantly shall eing; Itansomed, redeemed, rejoicing in salvation. Shout "Hallelujah, for the Lord is King.'' 294 I KNOW I love Thee better, Lord, Than any earthly joy; For Thou hast given me the peace Which nothing can destroy. The half has never yet beea told. Of love 80 full aad free I The half has uever yet been told, The blood — it cleanseth me I Ilknew that Thou art nearer still Then any earthly throng; And sweeter is the thought of Thee Than anj lovely song. Thou hast put gladness in my heart; Then may I well be glad! Without the secret of Thy love I could not but be sad. O Saviour, precious Saviour, mine! What will Thy presence be, If such a life of joy can crown Our walk on earth with Thee? 295 PEECiotJS word that Jesus said! The soul that comes to Me, 1 will in no wise cast Him out. Whoever he may be. Jj- Whoever he may be, :l! I will in no wise cast him out. Whoever he may he. O precious word that Jesus saidi Behold, 1 am the Door; And all who enter in by Me Have life for evermore. It: Have life for evermore, :lt And all who enter in by Mo Have life for evermore. O precious word that Jesus said! Come, weary souls oppressed, Come take My yoke and learn of Me, And I will give you rest. y. And I will give you rest, :[1 Come take My yote and learn «f Me, And I will give you rest. O precious word that Jesus said! The world I overcame; Aad they who follow where I lead Shall conquer in My name. ||: Shall conquer io My name, :tl And they who follow where I lead Shall conquer iu My name. 296 Weaet gleaner in the field, poor or plenty b« the yield, Labor on for the Master, nothing fearing. There's a promise of reward, at the coming of the Lord. Unto all them that love His appearing. the crown, the glory crown, O the day, the happy day is nearing, When the crown of rich reward shall be given by th« Lord Unto all them that love His appearing. Jesus now has gone above to complete Hia work of love; His return day by day is surely nearing. When His own He will receive, and a wel- come He will give Unto all them that love His appearing. O how light will seem the grief, and the toil- some way how brief, When a crown in the glory we are wearing, O the rapture who can tell, as forever there we dwell, [i^gt With redeemed ones that loved Hia appeaj- 297 We lift our songs to Thee^ Our Saviour and our guide; O make us from our burdens free, And keep us near Thy side. We lift our prayers to Thee, Who only heareth prayer; They who on earth do thus agree. Shall find Thy blessing there. i We lift our faith to Thee, Increased by grace divine; Help us, O Lord, Thy footsteps aee^ And on Thy help recline. We lift our all to Thee, For all things, Lord, are Thine; Take us, and all we have, and sea Thy likeness in us shine. 298 I Ksow that my Redeemer lives, And has prepared a place for me, And crowns of victory He gives To those who would His children be. Then ask me not to linger long Amid the gay and thoughtless throng, 1: For I am only waiting here To hear the summons : "Child, come home f* 4 I'm trusting Jesus Christ for all, I know His blood now speaks for me; I'm listening for the welcome call. To say; "The Master waiteth thee! " I'm now enraptured with the thought, I stand and wonder at His love — That He from heaven .0 earth was brought To die, that I may live above. 66 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. I know that Jesus soon will come, I know the time will not be long, Till I shall reach my heavenly home And join the everlasting song. 299 Not far, not far from the Kingdom, Yet in the shadow of sin: How many are coming and going! — How few there are entering in! ||: How few there are entering in ! :ij How many are coming and going ! — How few there are entering in 1 Not far, not far from the Kingdom, Where voices whisper and wait; Too timid to enter in boldly. So linger still outside the gate. Away in the dark and the danger, Far out in the night and the cold; There Jesus is waiting to lead you So tenderly into His fold. Not far, not far from the Kingdom, 'Tis only a little space; But, oh, you may still be forever Shut out from yon heavenly placel 300 ©NLT a beam of sunshine. But, oh, it was warm and bright; The heart of a weary traveler "Was cheered by its welcome sight. Only a beam of sunshine That fell from the arch above, And tenderly, softly whispered A message of peace and love. Only a word for Jesus, Only a whispered prayer Over some grief- worn spirit May rest like a sunbeam fair. Only a beam of sunshine That into a dwelling crept. Where over a fading rosebud A mother her vigu kept. Only a beam of sunshine That smiled through her falling teara, And showed her the bow of promise, Forgotten perhaps for years. Only a word for Jesus! Oh, speak it in His dear name; To perishing souls around you The message of lore proclaim. Go, like the faithful sunbeam, Your mission of joy fulfill; Bemember the Saviour's promise. That He will be with you still. 301 AwAKs, my soul! to sound His praise. Awake my harp! to sing; Join, all my powers! the song to raise, , And morning incense bring. Among the people of His care, And through the^nations round, Glad songs of praise will I prepare, And there His name resound. Be Thou exalted, O my God! Above the starry train; Diffuse Thy heavenly grace abroad. And teach the world Thy reign. So shall Thy chosen sons rejoice. And throng Thy courts above; While sinners hear Thy pardoning voice, And taste redeeming love. 302 Mt Father is rich in houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands! Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold. His coffers are full,— He has riches untold. I'm the child of a King ! The child of a King 1 With Jesus my Saviour, I'm the child of a King I My Father's own Son, the Saviour of men, Once wandered o'er earth as the poorest of them; But now He is reigning forever on high, And will give me a home in heaven by and by, I once was an outcast stranger on earth, A sinner by choice, an alien by birth! But I've been adopted, my name's written down, — An heir to a mansion, a robe, and a crownl A tent or a cottage, why should I care? They're building a palace for me over there! Though exiled from home, yet still I may sing: All glory to God, I'm the child of a King! 303 SoKQs of gladness, never sadness. Sing the ransomed ones in heaven; Anthem swelling, ever telling Of the joy of souls forgiven. Sweetest music erer swelling Through the eourt« of heaven above; Ever ainging, ever saying, God is Life, and Grod is Love i Ever sunshine, never shadow, Calm, mild, clear celestial day; Ever summer in its brightness, Never winter or decay. Ever gazing, loving, praising,! With the angel hosts above; One eternal Hallelujah, One eternal song of love. Never sighing, never sinning; No distrust, nor doubt, nor feara; Through the long unenaing ages. Through the long eternal yeari. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to o •T 304 Blessbd assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed ia Hia blood. B: This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour all the day long. :U Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight. Angels descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Perfect submission, all is at rest, I, in mj Saviour, am happv and blest. Watchmg and waiting, looking above. Filled with His goodness, lost in Hia love. 305 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed. And did my Sovereign die? "Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I? At the cross, at tbe cross, where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away, It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day. Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned upon the tree? Amazmg pity, grace unknown, And love beyond degree! But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord, I give myself away, »Ti8 all that I can do! 306 In the shadow of His wings There is rest, sweet rest; There is rest from care and labor. There is rest for friend and neighbor, In the shadow of His wings There is rest, sweet rest. In the shadow of His wings There is rest, sweet rest. II: There is rest, there is peace, there is joy In the shadow of His wings. :|| In tbe shadow of His wings There is peace, sweet peace. Peace that passeth UMderstanding, Peace, sweet peace that knows no ending; In the shadow of His wings There is peace, sweet peace, In the shadow of His wings There is peace, sweet peace. In the shadow of His wings There is .joy, glad joy. There is joy to tell the story, Joy exceeding, full of glory; In the shadow of His wings. There is joy, glad joy, Ia the shadow of Hia winga There is joy, glad joy. 307 Jesus, Thy name I lore, All other names above, Jesus my Lord! Oh, Thou art all to me! Nothing to please I see. Nothing apart from Thee, Jesus, my Lord! Thou, blessed Son of God, Hast bought me with Thy bldod, Jesus, my Lord! Oh, how great is Thy love, All other loves above. Love that I daily prove, Jesus, my Lord! When unto Thee I flee. Thou wilt my Refuge be, Jesus, my Lord! What need I now to feart What earthly grief or care, Bince Thou art ever near, Jesus, my Lord! Soon Thou wilt come again! I shall be happy then, Jesus, my Lord! Then Thine own face I'll see. Then I shall like Thee be. Then ever more with Thee, Jesus, my Lord! 308 Jestts is tenderly calling thee home- Calling to-day, calling to-day; Why from the sunshine or love wilt thou r«(6l Farther and farther away? Calling to-day, calling to-day, Jesus is calling, is tenderly calling to-daj. Jesus is calling the weary to rest- Calling to-day, calling to-day; Bring Him thy bvf den, anathoushalt be blesfc; He will not turn thee away. Jesus is waiting, oh, come to Him now- Waiting to-day, waiting to-day; Come with thy sins, at His feet lowly bow; Come, ana no longer delay. Jesus is pleading, oh, list to His voice- Hear Him to-day, hear Him to-day; They who believe on His name shall rejoiee; Quickly arise and away. 309 Some one will enter the pearly gate By and by, by and by, Taste of the glories that there await. Shall you? shall I? Some one will travel the streets of gold. Beautiful visions will there behold, Feast on the pleasures so long foretold! Shall you? shall I? 68 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Some one vrill gladly his cross lay down By and by, by and by, Faithful, approved, shall receive a crown, Shall you? shall I? Some one the glorious Kin^ will see, Ever from sorrow of earth be free, Happy with Him through eternity; Shall you? shall I? Some one will knock when the door is shut By and by, by and by, fiear a voice saying, " I know you not," Shall vou? shall I? Some one will call and shall not be heard, Yainly will strive when the door is barred. Some one will fail of the saint's reward: Shall you? shall I? Some one will sing the triumphant song By and by, by and by. Join in the praise with the blood-bought Shall you? shall I? [throng, Some one will greet on the golden shore Loved ones of earth who have gone before, Safe in the glory for evermore: Shall you? shall I? 310 Oh, wondrous Name, by prophets heard Long years before His birth; They saw Him coming from afar. The Prince of Peace on earth. The Wonderful ! The Counsellor! The Great and Mighty Lord 1 The everlasting Prince of Peace ! The King, the Son of God I Oh, glorious Name the angels praise, And ransomed saints adore, — The Name above all other names, Our Refuge evermore. Oh, precious Name, exalted high. To Him all power is given: Through Him we triumph over sin, By Him we enter heaven. 311 Let us sing of the love of the Lord, As now to the cross we draw nigh; [grace. Let us sing to the praise of the God of all For the love that gave Jesus to die. O the love that gave Jesus to die, The love that gave Jesus to die*; Praise (Jod, it is mine, this love so divine. The love that gave Jesus to die. O how great was the love that was shown To us— we can never tell why — [a«ain Not to angels, but men; let us praise Him For the love that gave Jesus to die. Now this love unto all Grod commends. Not one would His mercy pass by; [all ** Whosoever shall call," there is pardon for In the love that gave Jesus to die. Who is he that can separate those Whom God doth in love justify; Whatsoever we need He includes in the deed, In the loy« that gave Jesus to die. 312 O BBOTHER, life's journey beginning. With courage and firmness arise; Look well to the course thou art choosing^ Be earnest, be watchful, and wise; Remember, two paths are before thee. And both thy attention invite; But one ieadetii on to destruction, — The other to joy and delight. God help you to follow His banner, And serve Him wherever you go ; And when you are tempted, my brother, God give you the grace to say "No." O brother, yield not to the tempter, No matter what others may doj Stand firm in the strength of the Master, Be loyal, be faithful, and true; Each trial will make you the stronger, If you, in the name of the Lord, Fight manfully under your Leader, Obeying the voice of His word. O brother, the Saviour is calling; Beware of the danger of sin; Resist not the voice of the Spirit That whispers so gently within; God calls you to enter His service,— To live for Him here, day by day. And share by and by in the glory That never shall vanish away. 313 O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast. And our eternal home: — Under the shadow of Thy throne Still may we dwell secure; Sufficient is Thme arm alone. And our defense is sure. Before the hills in order stood. Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. A thousand ages, in Thy sight. Are like an evening gone: Short as the watch that ends the nlghif Before the rising sun. 314 Fea.1i not! God is thy shield. And He thy great reward; His might has won the field: Thy strength is in the Lord! Fear not ! 'tis God s own voioe That speaks to thee this word j Lift up your head : rejoice In Jesus Christ thy Lord I Pear not! for God has heard The cry of thy distress; The water of His word Thy famting soul shall bless. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. r to 6. I Fear not! be not dismayed! He evermore will be With thee, to give His aid! And He will strengthen thee. Fear not! ye little flock; Your Shepherd soon will come, Give water from the rock, And bring you to His home! 315 "There shall be showers of blessing:" This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need ; Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. "There shall be showers of blessing"— Precious reviving again; Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain. << There shall be showers of blessing;" Send them upon us, O Lord; Grant to us now a refreshing. Come, and now honor Thy word. •'There shall be showers of blessing:" Oh, that to-day they might fall, Now as to God we're confessing, Now as on Jesus we call! 316 When we gather at last over Jordan, And the ransomed in glory we see. As the numberless sands of the seashore^ What a wonderful sight that will be! Numberless as the sands of the seashore 1 Numberless as the sands of the shore 1 Oh, what a sight 'twill be. When the ransomed host we see, ..cj numberless as the sands of the seashore I When we see all the saved of the ages, Who from sorrow and trials are free, Meeting there with a heavenly greeting— What a wonderful sight that will be! When we stand by the beautiful river, 'Neath the shad.e of the life-giving tree, Gazing over the fair land of promise — What a wonderful sight that will be! When at last we behold our Redeemer, And His glory transcendent we see. While as Kmg of all kingdoms He reigueth — What a wonderful sight that will be? 317 Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide, The darkness deepens— Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me! Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou, who changest not, abide with met I need Thy presence every passing hour, What but Thy grace can foil the temp<»t*« power? Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay csm 5 come.^' When the weary ones we love Enter on their rest above,! When their words of love and cheer Fall no longer on onr ear, Hush! be every murmur dumb! It is only '* Till He come." Clouds and darkness round us press: Would we have one sorrow less? All the sharpness of the cross, All that tells the world is loss, , Death, and darkness, and the tomb, Pain us only " Till lie come.'* 6ee> iiie feast of love is spread, Drink the wine and eat the bread: Bweet memorials, till the Lord Calls us round His heavenly board, Some from earth, from glory somej Severed only «• Till He come,'* 365 Ok WARD, Christian soldiers I Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before. Christ, the Royal Master, Leads against the foe; Forward into battle, See Hia banners go. Onward, Ghtiatiaa soldiers, If arching aa to war, With the cross of Jeaaa Going on before. Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God: Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod; We are not divided, All one body we — One in hope and doctrine, One in cnarity. Crowns and thrones may perish. Kingdoms rise and wane; But the church of Jesus Constant will remain: Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that Church prevail: We have Christ's own promise— And that can not fail. Onward, then, ye faithful, Join our happy throng. Blend with ours your voices, In the triumph-song: Glory, laud, and honor. Unto Christ the King: This through countless ages Men and angels sing. 366 Jesus, Saviour, pilot me, Over life's tempestuous sea; Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding rock and treacherous shoal: Chart and compass come from Thee: Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. As a mother stills her child, Thou canst hush the ocean wild; Boisterous waves obey Thy will When thou say'st to them " Be stillt" Wondrous Sovereign of the sea, Jesus, Saviour, pilot me. When at last I near the shore. And the fearful breakers roar 'Twixt me and the peaceful rest, Then, while leaning on Thy breastj May I hear Thee say to me, "Fear not, I will pilot thee!'» 367 I'vK found a friend in Jesus,— He's ererytSiing to me; He's the fairest often thousand to my soul! The *♦ Lily of the Valley," in Him alonefl see All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole: [my stay; In sorrow He's my comfort, in trouble He's He tells me every care on Him to roll; He's the "Lily of the Valley," the Bright and Morning Star; He's the fairest often thousand to my soulf Ib sorrow He's mj comfort, in trouble He's my stay* He tells me every care on Him to roll ; He's the "Lily ef the Talley,*' the Bright and Mo». ing Star ; ^ He's (he fairest of tea thousaad to my soal I ^ 80 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. He all my grief has taken, and all my sorrows borne; [lower; In temptation He's my strong and mighty I've all for Him forsaken, I've all my idols torn [His power. From my heart, and now He keeps me by Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempts me sore, Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal: He's the "Lily of the Valley," the Bright and Morning Star; He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul! He'll never, never leave me, uor yet forsake me here, [will; While I live by faith, and do His blessed A wall of fire about me, I've nothing now to fear: [fill. With His manna He my hungry soul shall When crowned at last in glory, I'll see His blessed face. Where rivers of delight shall ever roll; He's the "Lily of the Valley," the Bright and Morning Star; He's the fairest often thousand to my soul! 368 Jesus, the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far Thy face to see. And in Thy presence rest. Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, Nor can the memory find A sweeter sound than Thy blest name, O Saviour of mankind! Oh, hope of every contrite heart! Oh, joy of all the meek! To those who fall, how kind Thou art! How good to those who seek. And those who find Thee, find a bliss Nor tongue nor pen can show; The love of Jesus, what it is None but His loved ones know. Jesus! our only joy be Thou, As Thou our prize wilt be: Jesus! be Thou our glory now, And through eternity. 369 Like wandering sheep over mountains cold, Since all have gone astray; To " Life " and peace within the fold, How may I find the way? R: ** I am the way, the truth, and the life : No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." :| Bewildered oft with doubt and care To God I fain would go; While many cry " Lo here! lo there! * The Truth how may I know? To Christ the Wat, the Truth, the Lipb, I come, no more to roam; He'll guide me to my "Father's house," To my Eternal home. 370. Hatk faith in God; what can there b« For Him too hard to do for thee? He gave His Son; now all is free; Har* faith, have faith in God. Have faith thy pardon to believe. Let God's own word thy fears relievej Have faith the Spirit to receive; Hare faith, have faith in God. Have faith in God, and Trust His might That He will conquer as you fight. And give the triumph to the right; Have faith, have faith in God. Have faith in God; press near His side; Thy troubled soul trust Him to guide; In life, in death, whate'er betide, Have faith, have faith in God. 371 Wk shall reach the summer-land. Some sweet day, by and by; We shall press the golden strand, Some sweet day, hj and by; Oh, the loved ones watching there. By the tree of life so fair, Till we come their joy to share, Some sweet day, oy and by. By and by, some sweet day, We shall meet our loved ones gone. Some sweet day, by and by. At the crystal river's brink. Some sweet day, by and by; We shall find each broken link, Some sweet day, by and by; Then the star that, f:xding here. Left our kearts and homes so drear, We shall see more bright and clear. Some sweet day, by and by. Oh, these parting scenes will end, Some sweet day, by and by; We shall gather friend with friend. Some sweet day, by and by; There before our Father's throne. When the mists and clouds have flowa We shall know as we are known, Some sweet day, by and by. 372 ^T Jesus, as Thou wilt; Oh, may Thy will be mine; Into Thy hand, of love I would my all resign: Through sorrow or through joy. Conduct me as Thine own. And help me still to say. My Lord, Thy will be done. My Jesus, as Thou wilt; Though seen through many a tear^ Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear; GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. i to 6. 81 Since Thou on earth hast wept, And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee, My Lord, Thy will be done. My Jesus, as Thou wilt; All shall be well for me; Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee: Straight to my home above I travel calmly on. And sing, in life or cleath— My Lord, Thy will be done. 373 I Oh, what will you do with Jesus? The call comes low and sweet; As tenderly He bids you Your burdens lay at His feet; Oh, soul, so sad and weary. That sweet voice speaks to thee; Then what will you do with Jesus? Oh, what shall the answer be? II : "What shall the answer be ? :|| What will yeu do with Jesus ? Oh, what shall the answer be ? Oh, what will you do with Jesus? The call comes loud and clear; The solemn words are sounding In every listening ear; Immortal life's in the question, And joy through eternity: Then what will you do with Jesus? Oh, what shall the answer be? Oh, think of the King of Glory— From heaven to earth come down, His life so pure and holy* His death, His cross, His crown; Of His divine compassion. His sacrifice for thee: Then what will you do with Jesus? Oh, what shall the answer be? 374 Laborers of Christ, arise, 4jnd gird you for the toil; The dew of promise from the skiea Alread^y cheers the soil. Go where the sick recline, Where mourning hearts deplore; And where the sons of sorrow pine, Dispense your hallowed lore. Be faith, which looks above, With prayer, your constant guest; And wrap the Saviour's changeless love A mantle round your breast. So shall you share the wealth That earth may ne'er despoil. And the blest gospel's saving health Repay your arduous toil. 6 375 God calling yet! shall I not hear? Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear? Shall life's swift passing years all fly. And still my soul in slumber lie? II: Calling, oh, hear Him, :|| Ood is calling yet, oh, hear Him calling, calling, II: Calling, oh, hear Him, :|| God is calling yet, oh, hear Him calling yet. God calling yet! shall I not rise? Can I His loving voice despise? And basely His kind care rerpay? He calls me still; can I delay? God calling yet! and shall He knock. And I my heart the closer lock? He still is waiting to receive, And shall I dare His Spirit grieve? God calling yet! and shall I give No heed, but still in bondage live? I wait, but He does not forsake; He calls me still; my heart, awakel God calling yet! I can not stay; My heart I yield without delay: Vain world, larewell, from thee I part; The voice of God has reached my heart, 376 Oh cease, my wandering soul. On restless win^ to roam; All this wide world, to either pole, Hath not for thee a home. Behold the ark of God! Behold the open door! Oh, haste to gain that dear abode, And rove, my soul, no more. There safe thou shalt abide, There sweet shall be thy rest; And every longing satisfied, With full salvation blest. Ah, yes! I all forsake. My all to Thee resign; Gracious Redeemer, take, oh, take And seal me ever Thine! 377 God loved a world of sinners. For them He gave His Son; And whosoe'er receives Him, He saves them, every one; He came to bring salvation, To bear our sins away. That we with Him in glory Might live through endless day. y. "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? :|| Neglect 80 great salvation ?" Behold the bleeding Saviour Upon the cruel tree, — The Just, condemned, forsaken- He dies for you and me:. $2 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. The " &on of God" beloved, For us a curse was made; That we might have redemption, The awful price He paid. God loves the vilest sinner, But hates the smallest sin; Then who shall see His Kingdom? Or who can enter in? *The precious blood of Jesus' — Let every creature know — Can make the ''chief of sinners " Full whiter than the snow. Return to God, O wanderer, Thy purchased pardon take; Thy sins He'll not remember, For Thy Redeemer's sake; He'll cast them all behind Him, Or 'neath the deepest sea, And love us ever freely. Throughout Eternity. 378 C!oMB to Jesus! come away! Forsake thy sins — Oh, why delay? His arms are open, night and day; H« waits to welcome thee! Come to Jesus! all is free; Hark! how He calls, " Come unto Me! I cast out none, I'll pardon thee, " Oh, thou Shalt welcome be! Come to Jesus! cling to Him; He'll keep thee far from paths of sin; Thou Shalt at last a victory win, And He will welcome thee! Come to Jesus! — Lord, I come! "Weary of sin, no more I'd roam, But with my Saviour be at home; I know He'll welcome me! 379 At the feast of Belshazzar and a thousand of His lords, [Book of Truth records — While they drank from golden vessels, as the la the night, as they revelled in the royal palace hall, [the Hand upon the wall! They were seized with consternation,— 'twas D: 'Tis the hand of God on the wall I :|| Shall the record be ? — "Found wanting 1 " Or shall it be? — "Pound trusting 1 " While that hand is writing on the wall ? See the brave captive, Daniel, as he stood before the throng. And rebuked the haughty monarch for his mighty deeds of wrong; [of one and all, As he read out the writing— 'twas the doom For the kingdom now was finished— said the Hand upon the wall! See the faith, zeal, and courage, that would dare to do the right, Which the Spirit gave to Daniel— 'twas the secret of his might, Ia his heme in Judea, or a captive in thehall, He understood the writing of his God upon So our deeds are recorded— there's a Hand that's writing now; [mandates bow: Sinner, give your heart to Jesus, to His royal For the day is approaching — it must come to one and all, [written on the wall! When the sinner's condemnation will be 380 Jerusalem! my happy home! Name ever dear to me! When shall my labors have an end, In joy, and peace, in thee! Oh, when, thou city of my God, Shall I thy courts ascend, Where congregations ne'er break up, And Sabbaths have no end? Jerusalem! my happy home! My soul still pants for thee; Then shall my labors have an en4, When I thy joy shall see. 381 Thbbe's a royal banner given for display To the soldiers of the King; As an ensign fair we lift it up to-day, While as ransomed ones we sing. Marching on 1 Marching on ! For Christ count everything but loss ; And to crown Him King, we'll toil and sing, 'Neath the banner of the cross. Though the foe may rage and gather as the flood. Let the standard be displayed; And beneath its folds, as soldiers of the Lerd, For the truth be not dismayed" Over land and sea, wherever man may dwell, Make the glorious tidings known; Of the crimson banner now the story tell, While the Lord shall claim His ©wn! When the glory dawns — 'tis drawing verjl fooi near — It is hastening day by day Chi Then before our King the foe shall disappear' fee And the Cross the world shall sway. 382 , I WAS once far awajr from the Saviour, And as vile as a sinner could be; And I wondered if Christ the Redeemer Could save a poor sinner like me. I wandered on in the darkness, Hot a ray of light could I see: And the thought filled mj heart with sadoesi There's no nope for a smner like me. And then, in that dark, lonely hour, A voice sweetly whispered to me. Saying, Christ the Redeemer has power To save a poor sinner like thee. I listeiuftd: and lo! 'twas the Saviour \^ That w«s speaking so kindly te me; I cried, **Vm the chief of sinners, ThQXL eanst 0»7e a poor sinner like met" GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 8a I then fully trusted in Jesus; And oh, what a joy came to me! My heart was filled with His praises, For saving a sinner like me. No longer m darkness I'm walking. For the light is now shining on me; And now unto others I'm telling How He saved a poor sinner like me. And when life's journey is over, And I the dear Saviour shall see, I'll praise Him for ever and ever, For saving a sinner like me. 383 Theee is a calm beyond life's fitful fever, A deep repose, an everlasting rest; "Where white-robed angels welcome the be- Among the blest, among the blest, [liever There is a Home, where all the soul's deep /earnings, silent prayers shall be at last fulfilled; Where strife and sorrow, murm' rings and heart-burnings. At last are stilled, at last are stilled. There is a Hope, to which the Christian cling- ing. Is lifted high above life's surging wave; Finds life in death, and fadeless flowers springing From the dark grave, from the dark grave. There is a Crown prepared for those who love Him, The Christian sees it in the distance shine, Like a bright beacon glittering above him. And whispers, ♦♦Mine!" and whispers, ♦♦MineT" There is a spotless robe of Christ's own weav- ing; [soul? Will you not wrap it round your sin-stained ?oor wandering child, upon thy past life grieving, [thee whole! Christ makes thee whole! Christ makes 'here is a Home, a Harp, a Crown in Heaven; — Alas! that any should. Thy gift refuse! — 'he awful choice of life and death is §iven — Which wilt thou choose? which wilt thou choose? 384 There is a stream, whose gentle flow Supplies the city of our God; Life, le^ve, and joy, still gliding through, And watering our divine abode. That sacred stream, Thy holy Word, Supports our faith, our fears controls; Sweet peace Thy promises afford, And give new strength to fainting souls. Loud may the troubled ocean roar; In sacred peace our souls abide; While every nation, every shore. Trembles, and dreads the swelling tide. lldD«>» 385 A GUILTY soul, by Pharisees of old, Was brought accused, alone, But Jesus said, " Let him without a sim, Be first to cast a stone." "There is none righteous, no, not ane : All, all have sinned, There is none righteous, for all have sinned, And come short of the glory, the glory of G^od, II: Come short of the glory, :ll of the glory of God." A learned Master, Ruler of the Jews, God's kingdom could not gain, With all the lore and culture of the age. He ♦* must be born again." "Good Master," pray, can aught be lackiog Thy laws I do obey; [yetr ♦♦Go sell and give, then come and follow me," But sad he turned away. 386 Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light, Like a little candle burning in the night; In the world is darkness; so we must shin*, You in your corner and I in mine. Jesus bids us shine first of all for Him, Well He sees and knows it if our light is dim; He looks down from heaven. He sees us shme, You in your corner and I in mine. Jesus bids us shine then for all around. Many kinds of darkness in the world are found; Sin and want and sorrow; so we must shiae, You in your cornei' and I in mine. 387 Whoeveb receiveth the Crucified One, Whoever believeth on God's only Son, A free and a perfect salvation shall have. For He is abundantly able to save. My brother, the Master is calling for thee ; His grace and His mercy are wondrously free ; His blood as a ransom for sinners He gave, And He is abundantly able to save. Whoever receiveth the message of God, And trusts in the power of thesoul-cleansinj blood, A full and eternal redemption shall have, For He is both able and willing to save. Whoever repents and forsakes every sin. And opens his heart for the Lord to come im, A present and perfect salvation shall have, For Jesus is ready this moment to save. 388 Come, come to Jesus! He waits to welcome thee, O wanderer! eagerly Come, come to Jesus! Come, come to Jesus! He waits to ransom thee O slave! so willingly; Come, come to Jesu** GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. CJome^ come to Jesus! He waits to lighten thee, O burdened! trustingly Come, come to Jesus! Come, come to Jesus! He waits to give to thee, O blind! a vision free; Come, come to Jesus! Come, come to Jesus! He waits to shelter thee, O weary! blessedly Come, come to Jesus! Come, come to Jesus! He waits to carry thee, O lamb! so lovingly Come, come to Jesus! 389 (brriNG by the gateway of a palace fair, Once a child of God was left to die: By the world neglected, wealth would noth- ing share; See the change awaiting there on high. Carried by the angels to the land of rest, Music sweetly sounding through the skies ; Welcomed by the Saviour to the heavenly feast, Gathered with the loved in Paradise. What shall be the ending of this life of care? Oft the question cometh to us all. [bear, fiere upon the pathway hard the burdens And the burnmg tears of sorrow fall. Follower of Jesus, scanty though thy store, Treasures, precious treasures, wait on high; [o'er; Count the trials joyful, soon they'll all be O the change that's coming by and by. Wpward, then, and onward! onward for the Lord; Time and talent all in His employ; Snail may seem the service, sure the great reward; Ijoy- Here the cross, but there the crown of 390 O Cheistian traveler, fear no more The storms which round thee spread; Nor yet the noontide's sultry beams On thy defenseless head. H: "Fear thou not, for I am with thee: Be not dismayed, for I am thy God." :|I Thy Saviour, who upon the cross Thy full redemption paid. Will not from thee, His ransomed one. Withhold His promised aid. ▲ safe retreat and hiding-place Thy Saviour will provide; And sorrow can not fill thy heart While sheltered at His side. J5o: in thy darkest days on earth, When every joy seems flown. Believer^ thou shalt never tread Thetoilsomeway alone. 391 Hate our hearts grown cold since the day of old? ^ Have we left our souls' "first love?" Neither cold nor hot, God commends us not, Nor our lukewarm ways approve. Repent ye, repent ye, repent ye I 'Tis the call of God to every land ; Repent ye, repent ye, repent ye I For the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Has the God above our supreme true love? Have we bowed to Him alway? Do we own Hii. claim, and revere His name, And observe His holy day? Do we honor those who have soothed our woe«E me, O my Saviour, hide me In Thy holy place; Resting there beneath Thy glory, O let me see Thy face. Hide me, hide me 1 O blessed Saviour, hide me ; O Saviour, keep me Safely, O Lord, with Thee. Hide me, when the storm is raging O'er life's troubled sea; Like a dove on ocean's billows, O let me fly to Thee. Hide me, when my heart is breaking With its weight of woe; When in tears I seek the comfort Thou canst alone bestow. 441 Throw out the Life-Line across the dark wave. There is a brother whom some one should save; Somebody's brother! oh, who then, will dare To throw out the Life-Line, his peril toshaxe? II: Throw out the Life-Line ! : Some one is drifting away ; (!: Throw out the Life-Line 1 :|| Some one is sinking to-day. Throw out the Life-Line with hand quick and strong: Why do you tarry, why linger so long? Bee! he is sinking; oh, hasten to-day — And out with the Life-Boat! away, then, Throw out the Life-Line to danger-fraught men, Sinking in anguish where you've never been: Winds of temptation and billows of woe Will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow. Soon will the season of rescue be o'er. Soon will they drift to eternity's shore. Haste then, my brother, no time for delay, But throw out the Life-Line and save them, to-day. 442 O woBSHiP the King, all-glorious abovel And gratefully sing His wonderful love; Our Shield and De^nder, the Ancient of days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. O tell of His might, and sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space; His chariots of wrath the deep thunder-clouds form, [storm. And dark is His path on the wings of the Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air. it shines in the light; It streams from the nills, it descends to the plain. And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain. Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee' to fail — Thy mercies, how tender! How firm to the end. Our Maker, Defender, Bedeemer, and Friend. 443 Holt Spirit, Teacher Thou, At the throne of grace we bow; Come, perform Thine office now Teach us evermore. Holy Spirit, teach us ever, Comfort, guide, and leave us never; Dwell within us, we implore, Now and evermore. Comforter indeed Thou art^ Giving strength to every heart; Let Thy presence ne'er depart, Comfort evermore. Bent to be our Guide to-day, Keep us in the narrow way; Grant that we may never stray, Guide us evermore. Teacher, Comforter, and Guide, In our hearts do Thou abide; And in life, whate'er betide. Help us evermore. 444 Peeach the gospel, sound it forth. Tell of free and full salvation; Spread the tidings o'er the earth, Go to every nioe and nation. Spread the joyful tidings in anthem and storji Jesus hath redeemed us, give Him the glor;;; GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Preach the gospel full of joy, While on grace and mercy dwelling; Heart and soul in full employ, As the story you are telling. Preach the gospel, make it clear, By the blood of Christ remission; Give the message, make them hearj This alone is our commission. Preach the gospel full of love, Christ's compassion fully knowing; Seek the power from above. While His great compassion showing. Preach the gospel as if God Sinners lost through you were seeking: His salvation through the word, Speak as if the Lord were speaking. '445 I AM trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only Thee! Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free. I am trusting, Trusting only Thee ! I am trusting, trusting, Trusting only Thee. I am trusting Thee for pardon, At Thy feet I bow; For Thy grace and tender mercy, Trusting now. I am trusting Thee for cleansing In the crimson flood; Trusting Thee to make me holy By Thy blood. I am trusting Thee for power, Thine can never fail; Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me, Must prevail. I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Never let me fall; I am trusting Thee for ever, And for all. 446 Aftee the toil and trouble, There cometh a day of rest; After the weary conflict. Peace on the Saviour's breast; After the care and sorrow, The glory of light and love; After the wilderness journey. The Father's bright home abore. After the night of darkness. The shadows all flee away; After the day of sadness, Hope sheds her brightest ray; After the strife and struggle, The victory is won; After the work is over, The Master's own word, "Well done." After the hours of chastening, The spirit made pure and bright; After the earth's dark shadow. Clear in the light of Light; After the guiding counsel, Communion full and sweet; After the willing service, All laid at the Saviour's feet. After the pain and sickness, The tears are all wiped awayr After the flowers are gathered, No more of earth's decay; After the deep heart-sorrow, An end of every strife; ^fter the daily crosses, A glorious crown of life. 447 Sin no more! thy soul is free, Christ has died to ransom thee; Now the power of sin is o'er, Jesus bids thee "sin no more," Sin no more ! thy soul is free, Christ has died to ransom thee ; Sing the message o'er and o'er, Christ forgives thee, sin no more. Sin no more! but closely keep Near the Hand that guards the sheep; Shun the snares that lured before. Trembling go, and sin no more. Sin no more! His blood hath bought, Think on what His love hath wrought; Think of what for thee He bore. Weeping go, and sin no more. Sin no more! O sin no morel Jesus lives to keep thee pure; If o'ertaken He'll restore, Saying, "Go, and sin no more.** 448 Take time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in Him always. And feed on His Word; Make friends of God's childre»f Help those who are weak, Forg^ting in nothing His blessing to seek. Take time to be holy, The world rushes on; Spend much time in secret. With Jesus alone; By looking to Jesus, Like Him thou shalt be; Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see. Take time to be holy, Let Him be thy Guide; And run not before Him, Whatever betide; In joy or m sorrow. Still follow thy Lord, -' ; And, looking to Jesus, Still trust Is His Word. f« GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Take time to be holy. Be calm in thy soul; Each thought and each motiye . Beneath His control: Thus led by His Spirit To fountains of lore, Thou soon shalt be fitted For service above. 449 The Lord is coming by and by: Be ready when He comes! He comes from His fair home on high: Be ready when He comes! He is the Lord, our Righteousness, And comes Hia chosen ones to bless, A-nd at His Father's throne confess: Be ready when He comes! ItJWill you be ready when the Bridegroom comes ? :| Will your lamps be trimmed and bright, Be it morning, noon or night, Will you be ready when the Bridegroom cornea ? He soon will come to earth again: Be ready when He comesf Begin His universal reign: Be ready when He comes! With Hallelujahs heaven will ring, When Jesus does redemption bring; O trim your lamps to meet your King! Be ready when He comes! Behold! He comes to one and all: Be ready when He comes! He quickly comes with trumpet call: Be ready when He comes! To judgment called at His command, Drawn thither by His mighty hand. Before His throne we all must stand; Be ready when He comes! 450 Bbhold a Stranger at the door. He gently knocks, has knocked before, Has waited lon»,— is waiting still; You treat no other friend so ill. O lorely attitude! He stands With melting heart and laden hands; O matchlesslsindness! and He shows This matchless kmdness to His foes. But will He prove a Friend indeed? He will — the very Friend you need; The Friend of sinners, yes, 'tis He, With garments dyed on Calvary. Rise, touched with gratitude divine; Turn out His enemy and thine. That soul-destroying monster. Sin; And let the heavenly Stranger in. 461 Wk praise Thee, we bless Thee, Our Saviour divine, All power and dominion Forever be Thine; We sing of Thy mercy With joyful acclaim: J: For thou hast redeemed us; All praise to Thy name. :| All honor and praise to Thine excellent name; Thy love is unchanging, Forever the same; We bless and adore Thee, O Saviour and King; |: With joy and thanksgiving Thy praises we sing, rjl The strength of the hills, and The depths of the sea, The earth and its fullness Belong unto Thee; And yet to the lowly Thou bendest Thine ear |: So ready their humble Petitions to hear. :| Thine infinite goodness Our tongues shall employ; Thou givest us richly All things to enjoy; We'll follow Thy footsteps, We'll rest in Thy love, |: And soon we shall praise The« In mansions above. :|| 452 •*It is finished!" what a gospel! Nothing has been left to do, But to take with grateful gladness What the Saviour did for you. II: " It is finished," Hallelujah ! :|| Christ the work has fully done ; Hallelujah I All who will may have their pardon Through the blood of God's own Son. •* It is finished!" what a gospel! Bringing news of victory won, Telling us of peace and pardon Through the blood of God's dear So». •*It is finished!" what a gospel! Here each weary, laden breast, That accepts God's gracious olfer, Enters into perfect rest. •* It is finishpd!" what a gospell Jesus died to save your soul; Have you taken His salvation? Have you let Him make you whole? 453 Thbee is a Paradise of rest On yonder tranquil shore; Beyond the shadow and the gloom of night, Where toil and tears are o'er. Meet me there ! oh, meet me there I At the dawning of that morning bright and fair Meet me there I oh, meet me there ! In the land beyond the river, meet me there. There is a City crowned with light, Its joys no tongue can tell: For they who enter shall behold the King, And in His presence dwell. I GOSPEL HYMflS Nos. I to 6. 9t There ia a crown laid up on high, That Christ the Lord will give To those who patiently His coming wait, And for His glory live. Oh, then be faitnful unto death, Press on the heavenly way, That we may enter through the Gates of Life To realms of endless day. 454 Lead, kindly light, amid th'encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on; The night is dark, and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on; Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene; one step enough for me. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on ; I loved to choose and see my path; but now Lead Thou me on; I loved the garish day; and, spite of fears, Pride ruled my will: remember not past years. So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still Will lead me on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till The night is gone, And with the morn those angel faces smile. Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile. 455 Whek God the way of life would teach, And gather all His own, He placed them safe beyond the reach Of death, by blood alone. It is His word, God's precious word, It stands forever true : When I, the Lord, shall see the bkwd, I will pass over you. By Christ, the sinless Lamb of God, The precious blood was shed, When He fulfilled God's holy word, And suffered in our stead, O soul, for the? salvation thus By God is !''eely given; The blood of Christ atones for sin, And makej us meet for heaven. The wrath of Gjd that was our due, Upon the Lamb was laid; And by the she^iding of His blood The debt for us was paid. How calm the judgment hour shall pass To all who do obey The word of God about thfe blood. And make that word their stay. 456 •ft on the mountain, sad and forsaken, Lost in its mazes, no light canst thou see; Yet in His mercy, full of compassion, L»l the Good 6nepherd is calling to thee. 7 Calling to thee, sailing to theo ; Jesus is calling, " Come unto Me ;'* Calling to thee, calling to thee, Hear the Good Shepherd calling to thee. Par on the mountain, why wilt thou wandert Deeper in darkness thy pathway will be; Tnrn from thy roaming, fly from its dangers, While the Good Shepherd is calling to the» Flee from thy bondage, Jesus will help the€ Only believe Him, and thou shalt be free; Wonderful mercy, boundless compassion: Still the Good Shepherd is calling to thee. 457 I DO not ask for earthly store, Beyond a day's supply; I only covet, more and more, The clear and single eye, To see my duty face to face, And trust the Lord for daily grace. Then shall my heart keep singing, While to the cross I cling ; Forrest is sweet at Jesus' feet, [|: While homeward faith keeps winging. 4 I care not for the empty show That thoughtless worldlings see; I crave to do the best 1 know. And leave the rest with Thee;- Well satisfied that sweet reward Is sure to those who trust the Lord. Whate'er the crosses mine shall be, I will not dare to shun; I only ask to live for Thee, And that Thy will be done; Thy will, O Lord, be mine each day, While pressing on my homeward wa^. And when at last, my labor o'er, I cross the narrow sea. Grant, Lord, that on the other shore My soul may dwell with Thee, And learn what here I can not know^ Why Thou hast ever loved me so. 458 Teavelinq to the better land, O'er the desert's scorching sand. Father, do Thou hold my hand, And lead me on. When at Marah, parched with heat, I the sparkling fountain greet. Make the bitter waters sweet, And lead me on. When the wilderness is drear. Show me Elim's palm-groves neaf^ With its wells, as crystal clear, And lead me on. Through the water and the fire. This, O Lord, my one desire: With Thy love my heart inspire, And lead me on. 93 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. When I stand on Jordan's brink, Do not let me fear or shrink; Hold me, Father, lest I sink, And lead me on. 459 'Tis only a little way on to my home. And there in its sunshine forever I'll roam; While all the day long I journey with song: beautiful Eden-land, thou art my home. 'Tis only a little way, only a little way, 'Tis only a little way on to my home. 'Tis only a little way farther to go. O'er mountain and valley where aark waters ' flow; My Saviour is near with blessings to cheer; His word is my guiding-star— why should I 'Tis only a little way; there I shall see L^^^^* The friends that in glory are waiting for me; Their voices from home now float on the air— They're calliog me tenderly, calling me there. 460 I WILL praiee the Lord my Glory, I will praise the Lord my Light; He my cloud by day to cover, He my fire to guide by night. 1 will praise Thee with my whole heart, will praise Thee, O Lord ; I will be glad and rejoice in Thee, O Thou most high. I will praise the Lord my Prophet, Holy Priest and Righteous King; With the angels who adore Him, " Holy, holy," I will sing. I will praise the Lord my Shepherd, Keeper, Pasture, Door and Fold; O'er the lonely hills He sought me, When the night was dark and cold. I will praise the Lord my Father, Saviour, Brother, Guide and Friend; He thus far in life hath led me, He will lead me to the end. I will love Him, I will trust Him, All the remnant of my days; And will sing through endless ages, Only my Redeemer's praise. 461 KoT saved are we by trying. From self can come no aid; 'Tis on the blood relying. Once for our ransom paid; *Tis looking unto Jesus, The holy One and Just; 'Tis His great work that saves us, It is not Try, but Trust. I H: It is not Try, but Trust; :B ,' 'Tis His great work that sares us ; ' It is not Try, but Trust. *Twas vain for Israel bitten By serpents on their way, To look to their own doing, Tbat awful plague to stay; The only way for healing. When humbled in the dust. Was of the Lord's revealing, It was not Try, but Trust. No deeds of ours are needed To make Christ's merit more; No frames of mind, or feelings, Can add to His great store; ^Tis simply to receive Him, The Holy One and Just, 'Tis only to believe Him, It is not Try, but Trust. 462 Come, Holy Spirit, Like a dove descending, Rest Thou upon us While we meet to pray; Show us the Saviour, All His love revealing; Lead us to Him, The Life, the Truth, the Way, Come, Holy Spirit, Every cloud dispelling, Fill us with gladness, Through the Master's name; Bring to our memory Words that He hath spoken. Then shall our tongues His wondrous grace proclaim. Come, Holy Spirit, Sent from God the Father— Thou Friend and Teacher, Comforter and Guide — Our thoughts directing, Keep us close to Jesus, And in our hearts For evermore abide. 463 " Jesus of Nazareth! " O what a namel Let us rejoice and His glory proclaim; Saviour and Keeper, for ever the same. Shepherd, Redeemer, and Lord. Jesus of Nazareth ! once crucified, Jesus of Nazareth ! now glorified, Jesus of Nazareth 1 throned at God's sidOh Glory and praise to His name. Jesus of Nazareth! truly a man, Low in a cradle His life He began, Lived before God, both in pattern and plaa. Righteous, obedient One. Jesus of Nazareth! nailed to the tree, Dying, that we by His death might be free, Bearmg the curse all for you and for me. Dying a ransom for all. Jesus of Nazareth! raised from the dead, Spotless and holy, and still in our stead, Made for us ever our glorified Head, Raised from the dead for us all, Jfesus of Nazareth! seated on high, Sending the Spirit of grace to apply Life through the word unto men tux and bI|^ OfiTering salvation to all. p GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 99 Jesus of Nazareth! earth's coming King, Peace to the warring world soon He shall bring, Nations of saved ones His praises shall sing; All shall bow down at Hia name. 464 I BELONG to Jesus; I am not my own; All I have and all I am Shall be His alone. I belong to Jesus; He is Lord and King, Eeigning in my inmost heart, Over everything. I belong to Jesus; What can hurt or harm, "When He folds around mysoul His almighty Arm? I belong to Jesus; Blessed, blessed thought! "With His own most precious blood Has my soul been bought! I belong to Jesus; He has died for me; I am His and He is mine, Through eternity. I belong to Jesus; He will keep my soul When the deathly waters dark Round about me roll. I belong to Jesus; And ere long I'll stand With my precious Saviour there, In the glory-land. 465 O COMB to the Saviour while nowHe is calling, O come while there's mercy and pardon so free; [falling, O trust in His grace. He will beep thee from And strength to o'ercome He oners to thee. O come, come to the Saviour, O come, come while you may ; O come, come to the Saviour, He's tenderly calling to-day. There's no other Iname among men that is given, [way; There's no other way to be saved but His O trust in His mercy; too long hast thou striven [may. With sin and with self; O come while you The door of His mercy is now standing open; O hasten and enter, for "Yet there is room;" For if you reject Him, this word He hath spoken. That where He now is "Ye never can come." And he that believeth, the promise is written. Is saved through the blood of the Crucifiea One: The Spirit is pleading; O will you not hasten, •And find in Hia love a refuge and h^'-»* . 466 Quiet, Lord, my froward heart; Make me teachable and mild, Upright, simple, free from art; Make me as a little child— From distrust and envy free, Pleased with all that pleases Thee, What thou Shalt to-day provide, Let me as a ciiild receive; What to-morrow may betide. Calmly to Thy wisdom leave; 'Tis enough that Thou wilt care; Why should I the burden bear? As a little child relies On a care beyond its own, Being neither strong nor wise, Fears to take a step alone — Let me thus with Thee abide. As my Father, Friend, and (xuide* 467 Holt, holy, holy is the Lord! Sing, O ye people, gladly adore Him; Let the mountains tremble at His word, Let the hills be joyful before Him; Mighty la wisdom, boundless in mercy, Great is Jehovah, King over all. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord ! Let the hills be joyful before Him. Praise Him, praise Him, shout aloud for joyi Watchman of Zion, herald the story; Sin and death His kingdom shall destroy; All the earth shall sing of H'is glory; Praise Him, ye angels, y-e who behold Him Robed in His splendor, matchless, divin« King eternal, blessed be His name! So may His children gladiy adore Him; When in heaven we join the happy strain, When we cast our bright crowns before Him; There in His likeness, joyful awaking. There we shall see Him, there we shall sing. 468 Praise, mysoul, the King of heaven; To His feet thy tribute bring; Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven. Who like thee His praise shall singf li: Praise Him! praise Him! :1| Praise the everlasting King. Praise Him for His grace and favor, To our fathers in distress; Praise Him still the same as ever, Slow to chide, and swift to bless; [|: Praise Him! praise Him! :|j Glorious in His faithfulness! Angels, help us to adore Him, Ye behold Him face to face; Sun and moon bow down before Hi» Dwellers all in time and space: J: Praise Him! praise Him! :| Praise with us the God of gracel 100 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 469 If the hour when guilt assails me, On His gracious name I call, Then I find the heavenly fullness, Christ, my righteousness, my all. All my song when standing yonder, Shall be Christ, my joy, my all, II : This shall ever be my anthem, " Christ my glory, Christ my all." :t| In the night when sorrow clouds me, And the burning teardrops fall, Then I sing the song of patience, Christ, my Brother and my all. In the day when this immortal Shall fling off its mortal thrall, Then my song of resurrection Shall be Christ, my all in all. 470 There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign; Eternal day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. O wondrous land beyond the sky, O land so bright and fair, When shall we reach thy golden gates. And dwell forever there ? There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressea in living green- So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er. Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the shore. 471 As lives the flower within the seed, As in the oone the tree, So, praise the God of truth and grace. His Spirit dwelleth in me. li: Christ liveth in me, :II O what a salvation this, That Christ liveth in me Once far from God and dead in siii, No light my heart could see; But in God's word the light I found, Now Christ liveth in me. 2Ls rays of light from yonder sun The flowers of earth set free, So life and light and love came forth From Christ living in me. "With longing all my heart is filled, That like Him I may be, As on the wondrous thought I dwell. That Christ liveth in me. 472 We have felt the love of Jesus In our hearts with rapture glow; Will that love foresake and leave usf Never, no! oh, never, no! If on beds of pain we languish. Earthly friends may lightly »o, Will He leave us in our anguish? Never, no! oh, never, no! Chosen not for our deservings, But that God His grace might show; For our failures will He leave us? Never, no! oh, never, no! '"Tis in Christ the Father sees us. To His Son the love doth flow; Will He turn away from Jesus? Never, no! oh, never, no! Will He leave when care encroaches? When we're tempted will He go? When the last dread hour approachesT Never, no! oh, never, no! And when safely home in glory, When sad tears no longer flow, Can we e'er forget the story? Never, no! oh, never, no! 473 Soon will come the setting sun, When our work will all be done, And the weary heart at last be still; But the Lord with gentle cry, Will awake us by and by, And we'll meet again on Zion's hill. We'll meet each other there, Yes, we'll meet each other there, And the Saviour's likeness bear; When we meet each other there ; We'll meet each other there, Yes, we'll meet each other there, And His glory we shall share. Deep the shadows in the vale. Fierce the howling of the gale, Long and dark the storm around our door; But the Lord will make a way To the shining realms of day, With the shadow and the sto-rm no more. Flood the heart with parting tears, Frost the head with passing years, Xet the days of earth be filled with care; But the Lord at length will come, In His love to take us home. And we'll never know a sorrow there. 474 *Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow The star is dimmed that lately shone; 'Tis midnight; in the garden now The suflTering Saviour prays alone. 'Tis midnight; and from all removed, The Saviour wrestles lone with fears; Ev'n that disciple whom He loved Heeds not His Mastf c's grief and teari. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 101 »Ti3 midnight; and for others' guilt, The man of sorrow weeps in Dlood; Tet He, who hath in anguish knelt, ^v la not forsaken by His God. 475 Blessed Saviour, ever nearer I am drawing to Thy feet; Thou hast borne my every sorrow, I am made in Thee complete; For Thy love my soul is yearning, More and more its power impart; I have heard Thy tender pleading, Come and dwell within my heart. Blessed Saviour, I would never, Never more Thy love reject; At Thy feet I learn the lesson How Thine image to reflect; There I go when all forsake me, When by foes I am oppressed; Then I hear Thy loved voice saying, Come to me, I'll give you rest. Blessed Saviour, draw me nearer, Ever nearer to Thy heart, "When I'm weary, heavy-laden, And I feel the tempter's dart; Oft I stumble, oft I falter, Oft I'm tossed on angry seas; But I know that Thou wilt guide me Through the storm, to endless peace. Blessed Saviour, let me linger Ever near Thy precious feet; Till I hear that welcome summons, "Come," thy loved ones now to greet; Oh, the joy that there awaits me, , While I hope, and watch and pray! For the morning light is dawning, Of the fair and endless day. 476 Look up! look up! ye weary ones, Whose skies are veiled in night. For He who knows the path you trepd Will yet restore the light; Look up! and hail the dawning Of hope's triumphant morning. Behold Him I heboid Him! Your Saviour lives to-day ; Behold Him ! behold Him I The clouds have rolled away. The gifts ye brought with loving hand Your Lord will nat disown; Their odors sweet to heaven shall rise Like incense 'round His throne; Look up! and hail the dawning Of joy's transcendent morning. Rejoice! the grave is overcome, And lo! the angels sing; The grandest triumph ever known Has come through Christ our King; All heaven proclaims the aawning Of love's aii-gioriou8 morning. 477 Satioue, lead me, lest I stray. Gently lead me all the way; I am safe when by Thy side, I would in Thy love abide. Lead me, lead me, Saviour, lead me, lest I stray ; Gently down the stream of time, Lead me, Saviour, all the way. Thou, the refuge of my soul When life's stormy billows roll, I am safe when Thou art nigh, On Thy mercy I rely. Saviour, lead me, till at last, When the storm of life is past, I shall reach the land of day. Where all tears are wiped away. 478 E^tuen! return! O wanderer. n.ow return! Return! return! And seek thy Father's Those new desires which in thee burn [face; II: Were kindled by His grace. :| Return! return! O wanderer, now return! Return! return! He hears thy humble sigh; He sees thy burdened spirit mourn II : When no one else is nigh. : || Return! return! O wanderer, now return! Return! return! The Saviour bids thee live; Come humbly to His feet and leajn B: How freely He'll forgive. :ll 479 TuEN thee, O lost one, careworn and weary, Lo! the Good Shepherd is calling to-day; Seeking to save thee, waiting to cleanse thee, Haste to receive Him, no longer delay. Tenderly calling, patiently calling, Hear the Good Shepherd caliing to thee ; Tenderly calling, patiently calling, Lovingly saying, " Come unto Me !" Still He is waiting, why wilt thou perish, Though thou hast wandered so far from the fold? Yet, with His life-blood, He has redeemed thee, Wondrous compassion that can not be told! List to His message, think of His mercy! Sinless, yet bearing thy sins on the tr„ej Perfect remission, life everlasting, Through His atonement, He offers to thee. Come in the old way, come in the true way, Enter through Jesus, for He is the Door; He is the Shepherd, tenderly calling. Come in thy weakness, and wander no more. 480 Seaech me, O Lord, and try this heart of mine. Search me, and prove if I indeed am Thine; Test by Thy wora, that never changed can be, Ml^trength of hope and living faith in Thee. 102 Search me, O Lord And in my soul a d Hide Thou my life. Beneath Thy wings' Search me, O Lord, Refine as gold, and Search Thou my Thine eyes can From secret faults, GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. subdue each vain desire, ^ r love inspire; that I, supremely blest, in perfect peace may rest. and from the dross of sin, keep me pure veithin; thoughts whose springs see, 1^^' , O Saviour, cleanse Thou Search me, O Lord, let faith through grace divine Thyself reflect in every act of mine. Till at Thy call my waiting soul shall rise^ Caught up with joy to meet Thee in the skies. 481 Heae the blessed invitation, Come, come, come; To the fountain of salvation, Come, come, come; Healing streams are flowing still, Welcome, *' whosoever will; Let him take the water of life freely." 11: Let him take, let him take, Let him take the water of life freely. :|| 'Tis the voice of Jesus saying, Come, come, come; Now His blest command obeying. Come, come, come; He will cleanse from every ill; "Welcome, "whosoever will; Let him take the water of life freely o" 'Tis the Holy Spirit calling, Come, come, come: Ere the shades of death be falling. Come, come, come; He the heart with peace will fill; "Welcome, "whosoever will; Let him take the water of life freely." Lo! the Spirit and the Bride say, Come, come, come; And let him that heareth now say, Come, come, come; And let him that is athirst Come, and " whosoever will; Let him take the water of life freely." 482 Safe upon the heavenly shore, Done with pain for evermore. Weariness and weakness o'er. Up yonder; O the calm and quiet rest On the loving Saviour's breast; It is better than earth's best, Up yonder. Storms shall never reach us there, No more sorrow, pain or care. No more cross for us to bear. Up yonder; Gain for them that suffered loss. Crowns for them that bore the cross. And a calm for hearts that toas^ Up yonder. Safe upon the heavenly shore, Done with sin for evermore, "Weariness and weakness o'er. Up yonder; Never more to know a fear, Never more to shed a tear. Better far than ever here, Up yonder. 483 In the heavenly pastures fair. 'Neath the tender Shephera's care. Let us rest beside the living stream to-day; Calmly there in peace recline. Drinking in the truth divine, As His loving call we now with joy obey. Glorious stream of life eternal, Beauteous fields of living green, Though revealed within the word Of our Shepherd and our Lord, By the pure in heart alone can they be seoi Far from all the noise and strife That disturb our daily life, Let us pause awhile in silence and adore: Then the sound of His dear voice Will our waiting souls rejoice. As He nameth us His own for evermore. O how good and true and kind. Seeking His stray sheep to find. If they wander into danger from riis side; i Ever closely may we tread | Where His holy feet have led, \ So at last with Him in heaven we may abide-, i 484 1 Mt heavenly home is bright and fair. Nor pain, nor death can enter there: It's glittering towers the sun outshine; That heavenly mansion shall be mine. I'm going home, I'm going home, I'm going home to die no more I To die no more, to die no more, I'm going home to die no morCj My Father's house is built on high, Far, far above the starry sky; When from this earthly prison free. That heavenly mansion mine shall be. Let others seek a home below. Which flames devour, or waves o'erflow Be mine a happier lot to own A heavenly mansion near the throne. 485 I When I shall wake in that fair morn of morne After whose dawning never night returns, And with whose glory day eternal burns, I shall be satisfied, be satisfied. II: I shall be satisfi-ed, I shall be satisfied When I shall wake in that fair morn of morns. When I shall see Thy glory face to face. When in Thine arms Thou wilt Thy child ed brace, When Thou shalt open all Thy store of graoj I bhall be satisfied^ be satisfied. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 108 When I shall meet with those that I have loved, Clasp in my arms the dear ones long removed, And find how faithful Thou to me hast proved, I shall be satisfied, be satisfied. "When I shall gaze upon the face of Him Who died for me, vrith eyes no longer dim, And praise Him with the everlasting hymn, I shall be satisfied, be satisfied. 486 Take Thou my hand, and lead me — Choose Thou my way; "Not as I will," O Father, Teach me to say; What though the storms may gather, Thou knowest best; Safe in Thy holy keeping, There I would rest. Take Thou my hand, and lead me — Lord, I am Thine; Fill with Thy Holy Spirit This lieart of mine; Then in the hour of trial Strong shall I be — Eeady to do or suffer. Dear Lord, for Thee. Take Thou my hand and lead me, Lord, as I go; Into Thy perfect image Help me to grow; Still in Thine own pavilion Shelter Thou me; Keep me, O Father, keep me; Close, close to Thee. 487 AM waiting for the Master, Who will bid me rise and come To the glory of His presence, To the gladness of His home. They are watching at the portal, They are waiting at the door ; Waiting only for my coming, All the loved ones gone before. Many a weary path I've traveled. In the darkest storm and strife, Bearing many a h«avy burden, Often struggling for my life. Many friends have traveled with me, Reached that portal long a»o; One by one they left me battling With the dark and crafty foe. Yes, their pilgrimage was shorter. And their triumphs sooner won. Oh, how lovingly thej'll greet me When the tous of life are done« 488 Fkom the Bethlehem manger-home, Walking His dear form beside, We to Calvary's mount have come, W^^re o'S Lord was crucified. Sweet tones of love come down the agea througk : " Father, forgive, they know not what they do.** Scornful words the soldiers fling; Wicked rulers Him deride. Saying, if Thou be the King, Save Thyself, Thou Crucified. Wondrous love for sinful men^ Of the sinless One that died! May we wound Thee not again, Thou, O Christ, the Crucified. 489 Pass along the invitation. Whosoever will may come; Pass it on, pass it on. Pass along the loving message Unto every thirsty one; Pass it on, pass it on. Pass along the invitation, Pass along the word of God, Until every tribe and nation Shall have heard of Christ the L«fd» Shall have heard, shall have heard, Shall have heard of Christ the L«nL Pass along the cup of comfort That the Lord has given you; Pass it on, pass it on. Other weary, troubled spirits Need to taste its sweetness too, Pass it on, pass it on. Pass along each boon and blessing That may come to you through lifejj Pass it on, pass it on. You may help the weary-hearted Who are famt amid the strife; Pass it on, pass it on. Pass along the watchword, " Couragej" Soon the darkness will be o'er; Pass it on, pass it on. See, already dawn is breaking On the bright celestial shore; Pass it on, pass it on. 490 MoEE of Jesus, More of Jesus, 'Tis the Christian's yearning cry; More of Jesus, More of Jesus, Only He can satisfy. More of Jesus, More of Jesus, While I tread earth's weary ways; More of Jesus, More of Jesus, Till in Heaven I hymn His praise* More of Jesus, More of Jesus. O to feel His love each hour! More of Jesus, More of Jesus, O to realize His power! More of Jesus, More of Jesus, In my weakness and my p»in^ Here of Jesus, More of Jesus,, Be can turn my loss to gain. M"ore of Jesus, More of Jesus, Sorely do I need His grace; More of Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Whem shall I behold His fae«r 104 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 491 When I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. U wondrous cross where Jesus died, And for my sins was crucified ; My longing eyes look up to Thee, Thou blessed Lamb of Calvary. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast. Save in the death of Christ, my Lord; All earthly things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood. See, from His head, His hands. His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet. Or thorns compose so rich a crown? Were all the realm of nature mine, That were a gift by far too small; A love so great and so divine Demands my soul, my life, my all. 492 Jbsus, Thou Eefuge of the soul, To Thy dear arms I flee; From Satan's wiles, from self and sin, O make and keep me free. Though clouds may rise, though tempests Thou wilt my shelter be, [rage. While with a steadfast heart and true, kMy trust is stayed on Thee. No power on earth, or power below, Can tear me from Thy side. If 'neath Thy sheltering wings of love, Dear Refuge, I abide. Not death itself, that last dread foe, Can hold me with his chain; Through Christ, who conquered Death, I rise. And life eternal gain. 493 In times of sorrow God is near, His vigils never cease, — His tender, loving voice I hear, "In Me ye shall have peace." O blessed peace ! sweet boon of heaven 1 That bids our trouble cease ; O precious word, divinely given, '* In Me ye shall have peace 1" Though long and weary is the night, And morn brings no relief. Yet faith the promise still believes, "In Me ye shall have peace." His love we may not understand, While trials here increase, Jut yet we know His word is sure, " In Me ye shall have peace. '^ Soon shall our eyes the land behold Where pain and care shall cease; UMI then we'll trust the promise sweet, ••fe Me y« shall lusky peace." 494 Am I a soldier of the cross— A follower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? In the name of Christ the King, Who hath purchasedMife for me, Through grace I'll win the promised crown, Whate'er my cross may be. Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease. While others fought lo win the pri% And sailed through bloody seas? Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace. To help me on to God? Since I must fight if I would reign, Increase my courage. Lord! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word. 495 While Thou, O my God, art my help and de- fender, [appall; No cares can o'erwhelm me, no terrors The wiles and the snares of the world will but render More lively my hope in my God and my all. H: My God and my all, :|| My treasure, my glory, My God and my all. Yes, Thou art my refuge in sorrow and danger. My strength whenlsuSer, my hope wnen I fall; [ger. My comfort and joy in this land of the straa- My treasure, my glory, my God and my all. And when Thou demandest the life Thou hast given, With joy Will I answer Thy merciful call. And quit this poor earth but to find Thee in neaven. My portion forever, my God and my all.i 496 O I love to talk with Jesus, for it smooths the rugged road; [beneath my load; And it seems to help me onward, when I faint When my heart is crushed with sorrow, and j my eyes with tears are dim, There is naught can yield me comfort like a little talk with Him. Oft I tell Him I am weary, and I fain would be at rest; [upon His breast; That I'm daily, hourly, longing to repose And He answers me so kindly, in the tender- est tones of love, [home above." *' I am ceKiing soen te take thee to My laappy \< GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 105 Though the way is long and dreary to that far- off distant clime, [me all the time; Yet I know that my Redeemer journeys with And the more I come to know Him, and His wondrous grace explore, How my longing groweth stronger still to know Him more and more. 60 I'll wait a little longer, till my Lord's ap- pointed time, [gi'im feet shall climb; And along the upward pathway still my pil- Soon within my Father's dwelling, where the many mansions be, [will talk with me. I ahall see my blessed Saviour, and He then 497 ** Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of His, sing, 8ing, Sing unto the Lord, And at the remembrance of His holiness, O give thanks unto the Lord." O Lord, Thy loving-kindness Doth compass all our ways. And "Thy compassions fell not," Through all the passing days; To Thee, O great Jehovah, In "time of need" we cry; And all who call upon Thee Shall find Thee ever nigh. Thy goodness we remember, We praise Thy holiness, We look to Thee, O Saviour, To save, and heal, and bless; *Tis by Thy loving favor Thy' trusting children stand. Upheld, and kept, and guided • By Thy protectmg hand. Let saints recount His mercies. And fill His courts with praise; Let all who know His goodness Their hallelujahs raise. Praise God, the loving Father, And Jesus Christ His Son, With God the Holy Spirit, The glorious Three la Oue. 498 I WAIT for Thee, O Lord! Thy glorious face to see, That holy face that once was marred. Was marred, O Lerd, for me. I wait for Thee, O Lord! Before Thy feet to fall. To worship lowly and adore My Saviour, all in all. I wait for Thee, O Lord! Thy loving hand to feel. Whose tender touch can even now The wounded spirit heal. I wait for Thee, O Lord! Thy rapture deep to know, Of living evermore with Thee; Xiove can not more bestow- I wait for Thee, O Lord! But for a little while; This night my longing eyes may meet Thy joyful, welcome smile. 499 How oft our souls are lifted up. When clouds are dark and drear, For Jesus comes, and kindly speaks These loving words of cheer. " In my Father's house are many mansiona; If it were not so I would have told you ; In my Father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you." How oft amid our daily toil. With anxious care oppressed, We hear again the precious word That tells of joy and rest, O may our faith in Him be strong, Who feels our every care, And will for us, as He hath said, A place in Heaven prepare. Then let us work, and watch and pray, Relying on the love Of Him who now prepares a place For us in heaven above. 500 We would see Jesus— for the shadows length- Across this little landscape of our life; [ea We would see Jesus, our weak faith to strengthen For the last weariness— the final strife. We would see Jesus— the.great Rock founda- tion, [grace; Whereon our feet were set with sovereign Not life, nor death, with all their agitation. Can thence remove us, if we see His face. We would see Jesus— other lights are paling, Which for long years we have rejoiced to see; The blessings of our pilgrimage are failing; We would not mourn them, for we go to Thee. We would see Jesus— this is all we're needing, Strength, joy, and willingness come with the sight; We would see Jesus, dying, risen, pleading* Then welcome, day! and fartwell, mortal night! 501 Peat, brethren, pray! The sands are falling; Pray, brethren, pray! God's voice is calling. Yon turret strikes the dying chime; We kneel upon the verge of time. Eternity is drawing nigh ! Eternity is drawing nigh ! (is drawing nigh !) Praise, brethren, praise! The skies are rend- ing! Praise, brethren, praise! The fight is ending; Behold, the glory draweth near, The King Himself will soon appear. 106 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Watch, brethren, watch! Old time is flying Watch as men watch the partiag breath, Watch as men watch for life or death. Look, brethren, look! The day is breaking: Hark, brethren, hark! The dead are waking! With girded loins all ready stand; Behold, the Bridegroom is at handl 502 YouN© men in Christ the Lord, Own Him your Saviour God, His name adore; For by His wondrous sacrifice, He paid the great redemption price, That all might have eternal life, That come to God through Him. Young men in Christ the Lord, Be mighty in His word. Its truths declare: And seek the Holy Spirit's power. By faith and persevering prayer. That ye may witness anywhere That sinful men are found. Young men in Christ the King, Your grateful tribute bring. Of .love and praise; United in His royal name, With loyal hearts His words proclaim Throughout the world to all young men, ** Ye must be born again.'' Young men in Christ the Friend, On Him all hopes depend, Of true relief; To every burdened soul you meet. His gracious, loving words, so sweet, *' Come unto Me," wifti love repeat, ^^And 1 will give you rest." Young men in Christ, arise. The world before you lies, Enslaved in sin; Make haste to swell the mission band, Prepare to go at His command. To save lost men in every lana, At any sacrifice. Young men in Christ the Son, In Him we all are one; For this He prayed; Then let us jom the heavenly throng, To sound His praise in endless song, For all we have and are belong To Christ, our Lord Divine. 503 We are coming home to Jesus, We have heard His welcome voice; We are trusting in His goodness, la His mercy we rejoice. D: We are coming home, :|i W* mn ooming from the darkness to the light ; U: We are coming home, :|| We are comisg home to-night. We are coming home to JesoiSj For He died that we might live; He is willing to receive us. He is waiting to forgive. We are coming home to Jesus, By the cross, our only way; There He finished our redemption, And we can no mote delay. 504 At even, ere the sun was set. The sick, O Lord, around Thee lay; Oh, in what divers pains they met! Oh, with what joy the> went away! Once more 'tis eventide; and we. Oppressed with various ills, draw near; What if Thy form we can not see. We know and feel that Thou art here. O Saviour Christ, our woes dispel; For some are sick and some are sad. And some have never loved Thee well. And some have lost the love they had. And all, O Lord, crave perfect rest. And to be wholly free from sin; And they who fain would serve Thee best Are conscious most of sin within. Thy touch has still its ancient power: No word from Thee can fruitless fall; Here in this solemn evening hour, Lord, in Thy mercy heal us all. 505 O TENDER beseechings of Jesu-s! How sweetly they fall on the ear! O gospel of grace and of kindness, God's love and compassion brought near! Is the Spirit of Jesus now striving ? His warning, my brother, obey ; Resist not His gracious beseeching, O grieve not the Saviour away. Beseeching in love for our Saviour, Unworthy we pray in His stead; Believe in the word of forgiveness Accept of the ransom He made. Beseeching His blood-bought, His ransomed, Your bodies to Him gladly yield, That, in you, and through you, and by you, His grace may be fully revealed. Beseeching the saints to be holy. Filled always with meekness and love; Like Jesus so gentle and lowly. Reflecting the light from above. Beseeching that all for His coming Unshaken may ever remain. And stand with the saved and the chosen, With Him m His glorious reign. 506 Teoubled heart, thy God is callxngl He is drawing very near; Do not hide thy deep emotion. Do not check that falling tear. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. t to 6. lOT O, be saved, His grace is free I II : O, be saved, He died for thee I :H Come, the Spirit still is pleading. Come to Him, the meeK and mild; He is v^aiting now to save you. Wilt thou not be reconciled? Art thou waiting till the morrow? Thou may' st never see its light; Come at once! accept His mercy; He is waiting— come to-night. Let the angels bear the tidings Upward to the courts of heaven! Let them sing, with holy rapture, O'er another soul forgiven! 507 © LOKD, my soul rejoiceth in Thee, My tongue Thy mercy is telling; I've found Thy love so precious to me, My heart with its rapture is swelling. Woaderful love I O Tvonderful love 1 I'll slag of its fullness forever; I've found the way that leadeth above, The way to the life-giving river. I came to Thee o'erburdened with care, My guilt with sorrow confessing; 'Twas love, Thy love, that banished my fear, And gave me for sadness a blessing. To Thee my hope, and refuge divine, My faith is fervently clinging; And every hour some token of love New joy to my spirit is bringing. I look beyond this valley of tears, Where Thou, a mansion preparing, Wilt call me home forever witn Tbee, The bliss of the glorified sharing. 608 ETBKsrAL life God's Word proclalma To lost and dying men; By it alone we know the Lord, Unseen by mortal ken. O blessed Word, O gracious Word, We love it more and more ; O may it be our Strength and Sword, Till earthly strife is oer. God's grace is in His Holy Word, We need it every day; la all our conflicts, this the Sword. Our every foe to slay. By this same Word we know our work; And how it should be done; H»w we should live, and how through grace The promised crown is won. 609 O COKE to the merciful Saviour who calls you, O come to the Lord who forgives and for- gets; [falls you, Though dark be the fortune on eartn that be- A bright home awaits you whose sun never sets. Corae home, come home, In darkness no longer to roam, 'Tis Jesus who tenderly calls you (o-day. Oh, brother, my brother, corae home, come then to Jesus whose arms are ex- tended [brace; To fold His dear children in closest em- O come, and your exile shall shortly b« ended, [face. And Jesus will show you the light of His Then come to the Saviour, whose mercy grows brighter [love; The longer you look at the depths of His fear not, 'Tis Jeaiis, and life's cares grow lighter [above. While thinking of home and the glory 510 1 Aju not skilled to understand What God hath will'd, what God hatk I only know at His right hand (plana'd; Is one who is my Saviour! I take Him at His word indeed: *' Christ died for sinners," fehis I read; For m my heart I find a need Of Him to be my Saviour! That He should leave His place on high^ And come for sinful man to die. You count It strange?— so once did I, Before E knew my Saviour! And O that He fulfilled may see The travail of His soul in me, And with His work contented oe. As I with my dear Saviour; Yea, living, dying, let me bring My strength, my solace from this epriag, That He who lives to be my King, Once died to be my Saviour. 511 FotTNTAiN of purity opened for sin , Here may the penitent wash and be cle^i; Jesus, Thou blessed Redeemer from woe, Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Whiter than snow, whiter than snow. Wash me, Redeemer, And I shall be whiter than snow, Though I have labored again and again, All my self-cleansing is utterly vain; Jesus, Redeemer from sorrow and woe, Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Cleanse thou the thoughts of my heart, I implore, Help me Thy light to reflect more and more; Daily in loving obedience to grow, Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Whiter than'^now! nothing further I need, Christ is the fountain; this only I plead; Jesus my Saviour, to Thee will I go, Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. !•• GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 612 I BEING to Thee, O Master, My burden and my grief; I do believe Thy promise, Help Thou mine unbelief. I bring my guilty nature, For cleansing and for cure; Oh, heal my sore diseases. Restore and make me pure. Thy mercy reaches lower Than all the depths of sin; As Thy compassions fail not, Oh, give me peace within. My faltering faith I bring Thee, My weak and waveriag will; My spirit fails and faltefs; Thy proiajises fulfill. 613 drx on the desert, seeking, seeking; Sinner, 'tis Jesus seeking for thee; Tenderly calling, min« It shall serve thee to the end. Love divine will filUthy storehouse, Or thy handful still renew; |: Scanty fare for one will often Make a royal feast for two. :| For the heart grows rich in giving; All its wealth is li''ing grain; Seeds, which mildew in the garner, Scattered, fill with gold the plain. Is thy burden hard and heavy? Do thy steps drag wearily? 1: Help to lift thy brother's burden, God will bear both it and thee. :|| Lost and weary on the mountams, Wouldst thou sleep amidst the snow? Chafe that frozen form beside thee, And together both shall glow. Art thou wounded in life's battle? Many stricken round thee moan, |: Give to them thy precious ointment, And that balm shall heal thine own. :| Is thy heart a well left empty? None but God its void can fill; Nothing but a ceaseless fountain Can its ceaseless longings still. Is thy heart a living power? Self-entwined, its strength sinks low; J: It can only live by loving. And by serving, love will grow. '.|j 616 Lord, at Thy mercy-seat Humbly I fall; Pleading Thy promise sweet, Lord, hear my call; Now let Thy work begin. Oh, make me pure within, Cleanse me from every sin, Jesus, my all. Tears of repentant grief Silently fall; Help Thou my unbelief, Hear Thou my call; Oh, how I pine for Thee! »Ti6 all my hope and plea; Jesus has died for me, Jesus, my all. Still at Thy mercy-seat, Saviour, I fall; Trusting Thy promise sweet, Heard is my call; Faith wings my soul to Thee; This all my song shall be: Jesus has died for me, Jesus, my ail. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 109 517 Comb into His presence with singing, O worship the Lord with a song, A tribute of gratitude bringing, To Him to whom praises belong; But oh, while you join in thanksgiving, With voices in tuneful accord, ' Remember, He watches your living, And sing with your hearts to the Lord. Singing, singing, This is true worship and love ; Living, singing, This is accepted above. I Kot yet, arS the angels in heaven, I May mortals their gratitude sing; 1 Not here upon earth is it given Perfection of service to bring; But earnest and true adoration, The heart in the hymn and the prayer, "Will be an accepted oblation, And lighten life's burden and care. Then come to His courts with rejoicing. And join in the chorus of praise; The prayer and the anthem but voicing The thanks which your loving hearts raise. "With grace in your hearts even duty Will change into pleasure ere long, And seeing the King in His beauty, Your life shall then be as a song. 518 Tbue-heaeted, whole-hearted, faithful, and loyal. King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be; Under the standard exalted and royal, [Thee. Strong in Thy strength we will battle for Peal out the watchword I silence it never ! Song of our spirits, rejoicing and free ; Peal out the watchword ! loyal forever 1 King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be. True-hearted, whole-hearted, fullest allegi- ance Yielding henceforth to our glorious King; Taliant endeavor and loving obedience Freely and joyously now would we bring. True-hearted, whole -hearted, Saviour all- glorious! [alone, Take Thy great power and reign there Over our wills and affections victorious, Freely surrendered and wholly Thine own. 519 Blest Jesus, grant us strength to take Our daily cross, whate'er it be. And gladly, for Thine own dear sake, In paths of duty follow Thee. And day by day we humbly ask That holy memories of Thy cross May sanctify each common task. And turn to gain each eariu»y loss. Help us, dear Lord, our cross to bear. Till at Thy feet we lay it down: Win through Thy bl-ood our pard.on there, And through the Cross attain the Crown. 520 How sweet, O Lord, Thy word of grace Which bids a sinner seek Thy face, fi:And never seek in vain;:|I That face, once set so steadfastly To meet Thy cross of agony, ||:Can never me disdain.: H Thy visage, marred and c^-owned with thota. Thou didst not hide from grief and scorn, |j:Nor from the dews of night;: |j Yet, in that face a love appears Which scatters all mv gloomy fears, P:And fills my soul with light.:]] The heavens declare Thy power and 1ot«; In all Thy works, below, above, |j:Thy majesty I trace;: 3 But mercy shines not in the skies, And hope within my spirit dies, lirUntil I see Thy face.:! The brightness of Thy glory, Lord, Fills heaven and earth and' written Word II : With beams of heavenly grace; :fl But all the hosts of heaven shine With no such radiance divine |l:As Thy most blessed face.:i 521 'Tis the hallowed hour of prayer, And we trustingly bring All our doubtings and our fears To our Saviour and King; For we know that He delights A glad welcome to give, And the blessing that we ask for We shall fully receive. Precious hour of prayer ! Hallowed hour of prayer t Sacred season of communion, It is sweet to be there ! 'Tis the precious hour of prayer, And we humbly entreat: Father, breathe the Spirit now, As we bow at Thy feet; Touch our lips with power of song; Fill our souls with Thy love; And bestow the benediction Of Thy peace from above. 'Tis the sacred hour of prayer, Calm as heaven above; Soul to soul is breathing here The communion of love; Every heart is sweetly filled With a peace most profound; Oh, the place is like to heaven Where such true joys abo*md. 110 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 522 Behold how plain the truth is made; Since Christ the ransom price has paid, And all our sins on Him were laid, We must in Him he saved. If thou Shalt confess with thy mouth, Confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, And believe in thine heart That God hath raised Him from the dead, II: Thou Shalt be saved. :1J The death of Christ upon the tree Was for the judgment due to thee; He died that thou mightest ransomed b« And live by faith in Him. By raising Jesus from the dead Our blessed God has surely said That He accepts the blood He shed As cleansing us from sin. And new to God as sons brought nigh, We come and " Abba Father '^' cry, And seek the Spirit's full supply. That we as sons may live. 623 The Lord keep watch between us, The ever-present Friend; No love like His so mighty, To keep and to defend. Mizpah ! Mizpah ! Keep watch in tenderest lave, Until our praises mingle Around the throne above. Though absent from each other. We are n®t far from Him; Let not our courage falter, Let nor our faith grow dim. Though time and space may sever The Master's servants here, 'Tis only for a season, The meeting time draws near. The Lord Himself is watching In tenderness and love; Let praises meet and mingle Around the throne above. 624 ENCAMPEr) along the hills of light. Ye Christian soldiers, rise, And press the battle ere the night Shall veil the glowing skies. Against the foe in vales below, Let all our strength be hurled; Faith is the victory, we know. That overcomes the world. II: Faith is the victory! :|I Oh, glorious victory, That overcomes the world. His banner over us is love, Our sword the word of God; We tread the road the saints above With shouts of triumph trod; By faith they, like a whirlwind's breatl^ Swept on o'er every field; The faith by which they conquered Deatli Is still our shining shield. On every hand the foe we find Drawn up in dre-ad array; Let tents of ease be left behind, And onward to the fray; Salvation's helmet on each head, With truth all girt about, The earth shall tremble 'neath our tread. And echo with our shout. To Him that evercomes the foe, White raiment shall be given; Before the angels he shall knoW His name confessed in heaven; Then onward from the hills of light, Our hearts with love aflame; We'll vanquish all the host'? of nighty In Jesus* conquering name. 626 Geea-T Jehovah, mighty Lord, Vast and boundless is Thy word; King of kingSj from shore to shore Thou Shalt reign for evermore. Jew and Gentile, bond and free, All shall yet be one in Thee; All confess Messiah's name. All His wondrous love proclaim. From her night shall China wake, Afric's sons their chains shall break; Egypt, where Thy people trod. Shall adore and praise our God. India's groves of palm so fair Shall resound with praise and prayer; Ceylon's isle with joy shall sing, Glory be to Christ our King. North and South shall own Thy sway; East and West Thy voice obey; Crowns and thrones before Thee fall, King of kings and Lord of all. 626 Slkip on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest; Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's breast; We love thee well, but Jesus loves thee best — Good-night! Good-night! Good-night! Calm is thy slumber as an infant's sleep; But thou Shalt wake no more to toil and weep; Thine is a perfect rest, secure and deep — Good-night! Until the shadows from this earth are cast; Until He gathers in His sheaves at last; Until the twilight gloom be overpast— Good-night! Until the Easter glory lights the skies; Until the dead in Jesus shall arise, And He shall come, but not in lowly guis«— Good-night! GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. lU , made beautiful by Love Divine, flltJU in the likeness of thy Lord shalt shine, And He shall bring that golden crovfn of Good-night! [thine— Only "Good-night," beloved — not "fare- well!" A li-ttle while, and all His saints shjn\l dwell In hallowed union indivisible — Good-night! Until we meet again before His throne. Clothed in the spotless robe He gives His own, Until we know even as we are known — Good-night! ; 527 Cheist hath risen! Hallelujah! Blessed morn of life and light; Lo, the grave is rent asunder, Death is conquered through His might. Christ is risen ! Hallelujah 1 Gladness fills the world to-day ; From the tomb that could not hold Him, See, the stone is rolled away. Christ hath risen! Hallelujah! Friends of Jesus, dry your tears; Through the vail of gloom arid darkness, Lo, the Son of God appears. Christ hath risen! Hallelujahl ' He hath risen, as He said; He is BOW the King of glory, And our great exalted Head. 528 The living God, who by His might Spake but the word and there was light. Hath promised now to show His grace To sinful men, in Jesus' face. In Jesus' face I in Jesua' face I O wondrous sight I O wondrous grace I The living God, through sin concealed, In Jesus' face is now revealed. This mighty Christ, so strong and true, Has come from God, His work to do; He comes with power the soul to save, To give the victory o'er the grave. In Jesus' face our God we know. And trust in Him to bear us through; He will not leave us to defeat. But make our victory complete. "When darkness gives the soul distress, When sorrows on our pathway press. One look at Him will clouds displace. While comfort beams from Jesus' face. Then come, ye weary ones, and rest; Come, sinful souls, and here be blessed; Within your heart give Christ His place, And Bee God's love in Jesus' face. 529 O Saviour, precious Saviour, Whom, ye^ unseen, we love; O Name of might and favor. All other names above. We worship Thee ! we bless Thee! To Thee alone we sing ! We praise Thee and confess Thee, Our Saviour, Lord and King. O bringer of salvation, Who wondrously hast wrought. Thyself the revelation Of love beyond our thought. In Thee all fullness dwellethj All grace and power divine; The glory that excelleth, O Son of God, is Thine. Oh, grant the consummation Of this our song, above In endless adoration, And everlasting love. 530 Beyond the light of setting suns. Beyond the clouded sky, Beyond where starlight fades in night,— I have a home on high. A mansion there, not made with hands, A place prepared for me ; And while God lives, and angels sing, That home mj home shall be. Beyond all pain, beyond all care, Beyond life's mystery. Beyond the range of time and change, — My home's reserved for me. Swift-flying worlds, their nights that roU Far out on seas of light, Will bring no darkness to my soul; My home's beyond the night. My sins and sorrows, strifes and fears, > I bid them all farewell, Hi»h up amid th' eternal years, With Christ, my Lord, to dwell. 531 O DAY of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light; O balm of care and sadness. Most beautiful, most bright; On thee the high and lowly, Through ages joined in tune, Sing "Holy, holy, holy," To the great God Triune. On thee, at the creation, The light first had its birth; On thee, for our salvation, Christ rose from depths of earthj On thee our Lord victorious, The Spirit sent from heaven; And thus on thee, most glorioua A triple light was given. ii2 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. New graces ever gaining From tht3 our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining To spirits of the blest; To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father, and to Son; The Church her voice upraises To Thee, blest Three in One. 532 "Stebtch forth thy hand," thy paZ^tcd hand, Fear not, it is thy Lord's command; Seek not from Him to hide thy sin, Confess, and ask to be made clean. " Stretch forth thy hand," on Christ believe, •' Stretch forth thy hand," the power receive He offers grace so full and free, " Stretch forth thy hand," He speaks to thee. "Stretch forth thy hand," thy empty hand, No gift of thme will God commend; The empty hand that shows thy need, Of this alone will He take heed. ** Stretch forth thy hand," ihj helpless hand. Upheld by God, thy soul shall stand; Fight not in thine own strength the foe, But trusting Jesus, onward go. "Stretch forth thy hand," thy dying hand. When thou shalt come to Jordan's strand; Through all the billows Christ shall guide, And bring thee safe to Canaan's side. 533 Hot now, but in the coming years, It may be in the better land, We'll read the meaning of our tears. And there, sometime, we'll understand. Then trust in God through all thy days ; Fear not ! for He doth hold thy hand ; Though dark thy way, still sing and praise Sometime, sometime, we'll understand. We'll catch the broken threads again. And finish what we here began; Heaven Avill the mysteries explain, And then, ah, then, we'll understand. We'll know why clouds instead of sun Were over many a cherished plan; Why song has ceased when scarce begun: 'Tis there, sometime, we'll understand. Why what we long for most of all. Eludes so oft our eager hand; Why hopes are crushed and castles fall, Up there, sometime, we'll understand. God knows the way, He holds the key, He guides us with unerring hand; Sometime with tearless eyes we'll see; Yes, there, up there, we'll understand. 534 Fading away like the stars of the morning. Losing their light in the glorious sun— Thua would we pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered by what we have done. Only remembered, only remembered, Only remembered by what we have done ; Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling^ Only remembered by what we have done. Shall we be missed, though by others suc- ceeded, [sown? Reaping the fields we in spring-time have No, for the sowers may pass from their labors, Only remembered by what they have done. Only the truth that in life we have spoken, Only the seed that on earth we have sown; These shall pass onward when we are forgot- ten, [done. Fruits of the harvest and what we have Oh, when the Saviour shall make up Hi« jewels, [won, When the bright crowns of rejoicing are Then shall His weary and faithful disciples All be remembered by what they have don*. 535 WoEK, for time is flying, Work with hearts sincere; Work, for souls are dying. Work, for night is near; In the Master's vineyard Go and work to-rday; Be no useless sluggard, Standing in the way. In this glorious calling, Work till day is o'er; Work till evening falling; You can work no more; Then your labor bringing To the King of kings. Borne, with joy and singing, Home on angels' wings. There where saints adore HirOg Where the ransomed meet, Joy they show before Him, Bowing at His feet; Hear the Master saying. From His heavenly throne. When thy toil rewarding, "Laborer, well done!" 536 Have you sought for the sheep that bar* wandered, Far away on the dark mountains cold? Have you gone, like the tender Shepherd, To bring them again to the fold? Have you followed their weary footsteps. And the wild desert waste have you crossed, Nor lingered till safe home returning, You have gathered the sheep that were lostf Have you been to the sad and the lonely, Whose burdens are heavy to bear? Have you carried the name of Jesus, And tenderly breathed it in prayer? Have you told of the great salvation He aied on the cross to secure? Have you asked them to trust in the Saviour Whose love shall forever endure? GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to b. 118 Have you knelt by the sick and the dying, The message of mercy to tell? Have you stood by the trembling captive, Alone in his dark prison cell? Have you pomted the lost to Jesus, And urged them on Him to believe? Have you told of the life everlasting That all, if they will, may receive? If to Jesus you answer these questions, And to Him have been faithful and true, Then behold, in the mansions yonder * Are crowns of rejoicing for you; And there from the King eternal Your welcome and greeting shall be, fren," •* Inasmuch " as 'twas done for •* My Dieth- Even so it was done ♦' unto Me.'* 537 When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries, May Jesus Christ oe praised; Alike at work and prayer, To Jesus I repair; May Jesus Christ be praised. Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find, May Jesus Christ be praised; Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this. May Jesus»Christ be praised. Be this, while life is mine, My canticle divine, May Jesus Christ be praised; Be this th' eternal song, Thr'ough all the ages long, May Jesus Christ be praised. 638 The ©all of God is sounding clear, O Christian, let it reach thine ear; Endeavor now of souls to bring A band to love and serve the King. Let us go forth, the call is clear, Let us go forth, no tarrying here ; For Him to live, the Christ, the Lord, A crown from Him our high reward. Let us go forth, as called of God, Kedeemed by Jesus' precious blood; His love to show, His life to live, His message speak, His mercy give. Let "Christ alone!" our watchword be— The Son of God who made us free; He bore our sins, He makes us pure, \For His name's sake we all endure. The Christ of God to glorify, Hi8 grace in us to magnify;— His word of life to all make knowst Be this our work, and this aloud* 8 539 I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence ( cometh my | help; || My help cometh from the Lord, which made I heaven and | earth. |l He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: H© that keepeth thee | will not J slumber; H Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither I slumber nor | sleep. { The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy | right ( hand; 1| The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the I moon by | night. || The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall pre- | serve thy | soul, j The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for 1 ever- | more. | Amen, y 640 Peess on, press on, O pilgrim. Rejoicing in the Lord; Believing in His promise, And trusting in His word; Fear not, for He is with us, Whate'er the cross we bear; And soon, beyond the swelling tide, We'll gather over there. II: Gather over there, :|| And soon, beyond the swelling tide, We'll gather over there. Press on, press on, O pilgrim, ^ Along the heavenly way; Remember God commands us To watch and work and pray; He bids us all be faithful, And cast on Him our care; And soon, beyond the swelling tide. We'll gather over there. Press on, press on, O pilgrim. Though clouds and storms may rise; The Light that never faileth Shines brightly in the skies; Press on where crowns await us, In yonder mansions fair; And soon, beyond the swelling tide, We'll gather over there. 641 Theee's a wideness in God's mercy, litke the wideness of the sea; There's a kindness in His justice, Which is more than liberty. There is welcome for the sinner. And more graces for the good; , There is mercy with the Saviour; There is healing in His blood. For the love of God is broader Than the measure of man's mio^ And the heart of the Eternal la most wonderfully kind. 114 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. If our love were but more simple. We should take Him at His word; And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord, 542 U DAUQHTEB, take good heed, Incline, and give good ear; Thou must forget thy kindred all, And father's house most dear. Thy beauty to the King Shall then delightful be; And do thou humbly worship Him, Because thy Lord is He. With gladness and with joy, Thou all of them shalt bring, And they together enter shall The palace of the King, II: The palace of the King; :ll And they together enter shall The palace of the King. The daughter then of Tyre There with a gift shall be, And all the wealthy of the land Shall make their suit to thee. The daughter of the King All-glorious is within, And with embroideries of gold Her garments wrought have been. She Cometh to the King In robes with needle wrought; The virgins that do follow her Shall unto Thee be brought. With gladness and with joy Thou all of them shalt bring, And they together enter shall The palace of the King. And in Thy father's stead, Thy children thou shalt take, And in all places of the earth Them noble princes make. I will show forth thy name To generations all : The people therefore evermore To Thee give praises shall. 543 O HAPPY day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away ; He taught me how to M»atch and pray. And live rejoicing every day ; Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away. O happy bond that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love; Let cheerful anthems fill His house, WMie to thsit socfed shrine I move. 'Tis done, the great transaction's done; I am my Lord's, and He is mine; He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. Now rest, my long-divided heart. Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; Nor ever from thy Lord depart, With Him of every^good possessed. High heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear. Till in life's latest hour I bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. 544 Speed away! speed away on your mission of light, [night: To the lands that are lying in darkness and 'Tis the Master's comniand; go ye forth' in His name. The wonderful Gospel of Jesus proclaim; Take your lives in your hand,*;o jLc work while 'tis day, ' „ | Speed away! speed Livay! si»eedaway'i Speed away, bpeed away with the life-giving Word, ' Lord; To the nations that know not the voice of the Take the wings of the morning and fly o'er the wave, [to save; In the strength of your Master the lost one3 He is calling once more, not a moment's de- lay, Speed away! speed away! speed away' Prest Speed away, spe^d away with the message of To the souls by the tempter in bondage op- pressed; [from sin. For the Saviour has purchased their ransom And the banquet is ready, O gather them inl To the rescue make haste, there's no time for delay. Speed away! speed away! speed awayl 545 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hearts to heaven and voices raise; Sing to God a hymn of gladness, Sing to God a hymn of praise. He who on the cross a victim For the world's salvation bled, Jesus Christ, the King of glory, Now is risen from the dead. Christ is risen, Christ the first-fruits Of the holy harvest-field. Which will all its full abundance At His glorious advent yield; Then the golden ears of harvest Will before His presence wave» Kising in His sunshine, joyous, From the furrows of the grave. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory be to God above! Hallelujah to the Saviour, Fdttfit of life and source of love; GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 110 Hallelujah to the Spirit; Let our high ascriptions be, Hallelujah, now and ever. To the blessed Trinity. 546 ♦'Cast thy bread upon the waters," You who have but scant supply; Angel eyes will watch above it, You shall find it by and by: He who in His righteous balance Doth each human action weigh, Will your sacrifice remember, Will your loving deeds repay. **Ca3t thy bread upon the waters,'* Sad and weary, worn with care; Often sitting in the shadow, — Have you not a crumb to spare? Can you not to those around you Sing some little song of hope. As you look with longing vision Through faith's mighty telescope? ♦*Cast thy bread upon tlie waters," You who have abundant store; It may float on many a billow, It may strand on many a shore j You may think it lost forever^ But, as sure as God is true, In this life, or in the other, It will yet return to you. 647 Oh, list to the watchman crying, Come, come away; The arrows of death are flying, Come, come to-day. II : Come, come away ; :|] Jesus is gently calling, Come, come to-day. The Spirit of God is pleading, Come, come away; The Saviour is interceding. Come, come to-day. The mercy of God is calling, Come, come away: How sweetly the words are falling. Come, come to-day. The angels of God entreat you. Come, come away; The Father Himself will meet you, Come, come to-day. 548 Oh, hear the joyful message, 'Tis sounding far and wide; Good news of full salvation, Through Him, the Crucified God's Word is truth eternal; Its promise all may claim. Who look by faith to Jesus, And call upon His name. tl: " Whosoever calletb, HI Whosoever calleth on His name shall be saved t 11: Whosoever calleth, :!l Whosoever calleth on the Lord shall be saved V* Ye souls that long in darkness The path of sin have trod, Behold the light of mercy! Behold the Lamb of God; With all your heart believe Him, And now the promise claim, That none shall ever perish Who call upon His name. Ye weary, heavy-laden, Oppressed with toil and care, He waits to bid you welcome, And all your burdens bear; A precious gift He offers, A gift that all may claim, Who look to Him believing, And call upon His name. 549 "Though your sins be as scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they be red like crimson^ They shall be as w(X)l;" ||: " Though your sins be as scarlet, :| II : They shall be as white as snow." :| Hear the voice that entreats you. Oh! return ye unto God! He is of great compassion, And of wondrous love; II : Hear the voice that entreats you, :| 11 : Oh, return ye unto God! .|j He'll forgive your transgressions. And remember them no more! "Look unto me, ye people," Saith the Lord your God; |: He'll forgive your transgressions, :fl ii: And remember them no more. ;|| 550 Ho, reapers in the whitened harvest! Oft feeble, faint and few. Come wait upon the blessed Master, Our strength He will renew. For " they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, They shall mount up with wings, they shall mount up with wiugs as eagles ; j|: They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." rfl Too oft a-weary and discouraged, We pour a sad complaint; Believing in a living Saviour; Why should we ever faint? Rejoice, for He is with us alway; Lo, even to the end! Look up, take courage and go forward, All needed grace He'll send. 116 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 551 *< Neither do I condemn thee;" — words ©f wondrous grace; Thy sins were borne upon ,the cross, Believe, and go in peace. " Neither do I condemn thee," O sing it o'er and o'er ; ♦' Neither do I condemn thee, Go, and sin no more." ^Keither do I condemn thee,"— For tnere is therefore now Ko condemnation for thee. As at the cross you bow. *' Neither do I condemn thee," — 1 came not to condemn; I came from God to save thee, And turn thee frbm thy sin. ** I condemn thee," — O praise the God of grace; O praise His Son, our Saviour, For this His word of peace. 552 He lives and loves, our Saviour King; "With joyful lips your tribute bring; Eepeat His praise, exalt His Name, "Whose grace and truth are still the same. His mercy flows, an endless stream, To all eternity the same ; To all eternity, to all eternity, To all eternity the same. His hand is strong, His word endures, His sacrifice our peace secures; From sin and death He doth redeem, His changeless love be all our theme. Each day reveals His constant love. With ' ' mercies new ' ' from heaven above; Through ages past His word has stood; Oh, taste and see that He is good. 553 O THANK tke Lord, the Lord of love, O thank the God all gods above; O thank the mighty King of kin^s, Whose arm hath done such wondrous things. His mercy flows, etc. Whose wisdom gave the heavens their birth. And on the waters spread the earth; Who taught yon glorious lights their way. The radiant sun to rule the day. The moon and stars to rule the night, With radiance of a milder light; Who smote the Egyptians' stubborn pride, When in His wrath their first-born died. Who thought on us amidst our woes, And rescued us from all our foes; Who daily feeds each livin» thin|; Oiihank the heaven's Almighty King, 554 When morning lights the eastern skiai. Thy mercy, Lord, disclose; And let Thy loving-kindness rise; On Thee my hopes repose. I1-- On Thee my hopes repose ; :li And let Thy loving-kindness rise ; On Thee my hopes repose. Teach me the way where I should go; I lift my soul to Thee; Eedeem me from the raging foe: To Thee, O Lord, I flee. Because Thou art my God, I pray, Teach me to do Thy will; lead me in the perfect way By Thy good Spirit still. Kevive me, Lord, for Thy great name^ And for Thy judgment's sake; From all my woes, O Lord, reclaim, My soal from trouble take. 5.55 O THOU, my soul, bless God the Lord, And all that in me is; Be lifted up His holy name To magnify and bless. " Bless the Lord, bless the Lord, Bless the Lord, O my soul, And allKhat is within me, Bless His holy name." Bless. O my soul, the Lord thy God, Ana not forgetful be Of all His gracious benefits He hath bestowed on thee. All thy iniquities who doth Most graciously forgive; Who thy diseases all and pains Doth heal, and thee relieve. Who doth redeem thy life, that thou To death may'st not go down; Who thee with loving-kindness doth And tender mercies crown. 556 I'LL Thee exalt, my God, King, Thy name I will adore; I'll bless Thee every day, and praise Thy name for evermore. The Lord is great, much to be praised, His greatness search exceeds; Eace unto race shall praise Thy works. And show Thy mighty deeds. 1 of Thy glorious majesty The honor will record; I'll speak of all Thy mighty works, Which wondrous are, O Lord. Men, of Thine acts the might shall shoWj Thine acts that dreadful are; And I, Thy glory to advance. Thy greatness will declarOo GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 117 657 /CRIED to God, I cried, He heard; In day of grief I sought the Lord; AH ni^ht with hands stretched out I wept, My soul no comfort would accept. Hath God forgot-ten to be kind ? His tender love in wrath confined ? My weakness this, yet faith doth stand, Recalling years of God's right hand. I thought of God, and was distressed: Complained, yet trouble round me pressed; Thou holdest. Lord, my eyes awake; 6o great my grief I can not speak. The days of old I called to mind, The ancient years when God was kind; I called to mind my song by night; My musing spirit sought for light. Will God cast off for evermore? His favor will He ne'er restore? His grace forever passed away? Or doth His promise fall for aye? 558 In Thy great loving-kindness, Lord, Be merciful to me; In Thy compassions great blot out All my iniquity. Wash Thou me, yes, wash Thou me, And then I shall' be whiter than the snow, I shall be whiter than the snow, wash me thoroughly from sin; From all my guilt nie cleanse; For my transgressions I confess; I ever see my sins. 'Gamst Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, Done evil in Thy siglit, [just. That when Thou speak' st Thou may'st be And m Thy judging right. Behold, I in iniquity My being first received; And with a nature all corrupt My mother me conceived. 559 Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength, My fortress is the Lord; My Rock, and He that doth to me Deliverance afford. My God whom I will trust, A buckler unto me, The horn of my salvation, too; And my high tower is He. The Lord is worthy to be praised, Upon His name I'll call; And He from all my enemies Preserve me safely shall. In my distress I called on God, Cry to my God did I, He from His temple heard my voice, To His ears came my cry. I therefore will to Thee, O Lord, In songs my thanks proclaim; And I among the heathen will Sing praises to Thy name. 560 Far from Thy sacred courts my tears Have been my food by night and day, While constantly, with bitter sneers, " Where is thy God?" the scoffers say. As pants the hart for water-brooks, So pants my soul, O God, for Thee : For Thee it thirsts, to Thee it looks, And longs the living God to see. These things I'll call to mind, and cry, When I shall tread the sacred way To Zion, pi-aising God on high. With throngs who keep the holy day. O why art thou cast down, my soul? And what should so disquiet thee? Still hope in God, and Him extol, WTiose face brings saving health to me. 561 Feom the depths do I invoke Thee, O Jehovah, give an ear; To my voice be Thou attentive. And my supplications hear. I am waiting, I am waiting. And my hope is in His word ; I am waiting, ever waiting. Yea, my soul waits for the Lord- Lord, if Thou shouldst mark transgressions, Who before Thee, Lord, shall stand? But with Thee there is forgiveness, That Thy name may fear command. Israel, hope thou in Jehovah, Mercies great are found with Him; He, abounding in redemption, Israel will from sin rededha. 562 O PEAisE our Lord, where rich in grace His presence fills His holy place; Praise Him in yon celestial arch, l!:Where holds His power its glorious march. ;I| O praise Him, O praise Him for all His deeds of fame, O praise Him, O praise Him, O praise His mighty name; Let all that breathe with glad accord Lift up their voice and praise the Lordo O praise Him for His deeds of fame, O praise the greatness of His name; O praise Him with the trumpet's sound, II : With harp and psaltry answering round.: | O praise Him with the notes of joy, And every harp in praise employ; On cymbals loud, Jehovah praise, ll:On cymbals high His glory raise.:! 118 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. i to 6. 563 f o Thee I lift my soul, O Lord; My God, I trust in Thee; O let me never be ashamed, Ner foes exult o'er me. Remember me, remember me, O Lord, remember me ; In mercy for Thy goodness' sake, Lord, remember me. O Lord, let none be put to shame, Upon Thee who attend; But make all those to be ashamed, "Who causelessly offend. Thy ways, Lord, show; teach me Thy paths; Lead me in truth, teach me: For of my safety Thou art God; All day I wait on Thee. Let not the errors of my youth, Nor sins remembered be; In mercv, for Thy goodness' sake, O Lord, remember me. * 564 Down in the valley with my Saviour I would go, [waters flow; Where the flowers are blooming and the sweet Everywhere He leads me I would follow, follow on, [won. Walking in His footsteps till the crown be Follow! follow ! I would follow Jesus I Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on 1 Follow ! follow ! I would follow Jesus ! Everywhere He leads me 1 would follow on 1 Down in the valley with my Saviour I would go, [waters flow; Where the storms are sweeping and the dark With His hand to lead me I will never, never fear. Dangers can not fwght me if my Lord is near. Down in the valley, or upon the mountain steep, Close beside my Saviour would my soul ever keep; [has trod. He will lead me safely, in the path that He Up to where they gather on the hills of God. 565 Jesus knows thy sorrow. Knows thine every care; Knows thy deep contrition. Hears thy feeblest prayer; Do not fear to trust Him — Tell Him all thy grief. Cast on Him thy burden, He will bring relief. Trust the heart of Jesus, Thou art precious there; Surely He would shield thee From the tempter's snare; Safely He would lead thee By His own sweet way, Out into the glory Of a brighter day. Jesus knows thy conflict. Hears thy burdened sigh; When thy heart is wounded, Hears thy plaintive cry; He thy soul will strengthen. Overcome thy fears; He will send thee co-mfort. Wipe away tny tears. 5ee Gather them in! for yet there is room At the feast that the King has spread; Oh, gather them in!— let His house be filled, And the hungry and poor be fed. Out in the highway, out in the byway, Out in the dark paths of sin, Go forth, go forth, with a loving heart, And gather the wanderers in I Gather them in! for yet there is room; But our hearts— how they throb with pain, To think of the many who slight the call That may never be heard again! Gather them in! for yet there is room; 'Tis a message from God above; Oh, gather them into the fold of grace, And the arms of the Saviour's love! 567 Come, ye that love the Lord, Ana let your joys be known, II : Join in a song with sweet accord, :|| II :Andlthus. surround the throne.: || We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion : We're marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God. Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God; ||:But children of the heavenly King: J ||:May speak their joys abroad.: H The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, ||:Before we reach the heavenly fields, :|| ||:0r walk the golden streets. :|| Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry; II : We' re marching through Immanuel's ||:To fairer worlds on high.:|| [ground,: J 568 Have you any room for Jesus, He who bore your load of sin? As He knocks and asks admission. Sinner, will you let Him in? Room for Jesus, King of glory ! Hasten now His word obey I Swing the heart's door widely «pen. Bid Him enter while you may. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 119 Room for pleasure, room for business, But for Christ, the crucified. Not a place that He can enter, In the heart for which He died. Have you any room for Jesus, As in grace He calls agam? O to-day is time accepted. To-morrow yx3u may call in vain. Room and time now give to Jesus, Soon will pass God's day of grace; Soon thy heart left cold and silent. And thy Saviour's pleading cease. 569 •'Almost persuaded," Now to believe; *'Almost persuaded," Christ to receive; Seems now some soul to say, *'Go, Spirit, go Thy way, Some more convenient day On Thee I'll call." ** Almost persuaded," Come, come to-day; " Almost persuaded," Turn not away; Jesus invites you here, Angels are lingering near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear: O wanderer, come. ** Almost persuaded," Harvest is pa^sti *' Almost persuaded," Doom comet tt ^aatl ** Almost "can not avail; ** Almost " is but to fail! Sad, sad, that bitter wail— " Almost— but lost/" 570 Theke were ninety and nine that, safely lay In the shelter of the fold. But one was out on the hills away. Far otf from the gates of gold — Away on the mountains wild and bare, II : Away from the tender Shepherd's care.:|I ** Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine: Are they not enough for Thee? " But the Shepherd made answer: "This of . Mine Has wandered away from Me, And, although the road be rough and steep, 11:1 go to the desert to find My sheep." || But none of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters crossed; Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through, Ere He found His sheep that was lost. Out in the desert He heard the cry— |l:Sick and helpless, and ready to die.:|| "Lord, whence are those blood-drops all the way. That mark out the mountain's track?" "They were shed for one who had gone astray, Ere the Shepherd could bring him back." " Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and torn?" J: "They are pierced to-night by many a thorn. ":!| But all through the mountains, thunder- And up from the rocky steep, [riven, There arose a glad cry to the gate of heaven, " Rejoice! I have found My sheep!" And the angels echoed around the throne, ||:" Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!":|| 571 Revive Thy work, O Lord! Thy mighty arm make bare; Speak with the voice that wakes the dead, And make Thy people hear. Revive! revive! And give refreshing showers ; The glory shall be all Thine own; The blessing shall be ours. Revive Thy work, O Lord! Disturb this sleep of death; Quicken the smouldering embers now By Thine Almighty breath. Revive Thy work, O Lord! Create soul-thirst for Thee; And hungering for bread of life, Oh, may our spliits be! xievive Thy work, O Lord: Exalt Thy precious name; And by the Holy Ghost, our lov^ For Thee and Thine inflame. 572 I AM Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be closer drawn to Thee. Draw ixie nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To tl ^ cross where Thou hast died ! Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord, By the power of grace divine; Let" my soul look up with a steadfast hope, And my will be lost in Thine. O, the pure delight of a single hour That before Thy throne I apend, When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my I commune as friend with friend. [God, There are depths of love that I can not know Till I cross the narrow sea; There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee. 573 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea-billows roll; Whatever my lot. Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul. 120 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. t to 6. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance oontrol, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin— oh, the bliss of this glorious thought— My sin— not in part but the whole, Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my [be sight. And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall The clouds be rolled back as a scroll. The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, «< Even so "—it is well with my soul. 674 SSAFB to the Rock that is higher than 1, y soul in its conflicts and sorrows would fly; So sinful, so wearv, Thine, Thine would I be; Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee. Hiding in Thee, hiding in Thee, Thou blest " Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee. In the calm of the noontide, in sorrow's lone hour, [power; In times when temptation casts o'er me its In the tempests of life, on its wide, heaving sea, [Thee. Thou blest **Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in How oft in the conflict, when pressed by the foe, [my woe; I have fled to my Refuge and breathed out How often when trials. Tike sea-billows roll, Have I hidden in Thee, O Thou Rock of my soul. 575 Gh, where are the reapers that garner in The sheaves of the good from the fields of sin? With sickles of truth must the work be done. And no one may rest till the * * harvest-home.' ' Where are the reapers ! oh, who will come And share in the glory of the " harvest-home ?' Oh, who will help us to garner in The sheaves of good from the fields of sin ?J Go out in the byways and search them all; The wheat may be there, though the weeds are tall; [by. Then search in the highway, and pass none But gather from all for the home on high. The fields all are ripening, and far and wide The world now is waiting the harvest-tide: But reapers are few and work is great, [wait. And much will be lost should the harvest So come with your sickles, ye sons of men, And gather together the golden grain; Toil on till the Lord of the harvest come, Then siiare yeHis joy in the *' harvest-honae." 576 To the work! to the work! we are servants of God, [trod; Let us follow the path that our Master has With the balm of His counsel our strength to renew, [to do. Let us do with our might what our hands find U: Toiling on, toiling on, :i| Let us hope, let us watch, And labor till the Master comes. To the work! to the work! let the hungry be fed, To the fountain of Life let the weary be led; In the cross andiits banner our glory shall be, While we herald the tidings, ^ ' Salvation is freer' ^^^^^ Tft the work! to the work! there is labor for For the kingdom of darkness and error shall fall; And the name of Jehovah exalted shall be In the loud spelling chorus, ** Salvation is free/" r.v T ^ [the Lord, To the work! to the work! in the strength of And a robe and a crown shall our labor re- ward; [shall be, When the home of the faithful our dwelling And we shout with the ransomed '^Salvation is free/' ' 577 I WILL sing of my Redeemer, And His wondrous love to me; On the cruel cross He suffered. From the curse to set me free. Sing, oh, sing, of my Redeemer I With His blood He purchased me. On the cross He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt, and made me free. I will tell the wondrous story, How my lost estate to save. In His boundless love and mercy, He the ransom freely gave* I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant power I'll tell; How the victory He giveth Over sin, and death, and hell. I will sing of my Redeemer, And His heavenly love to me; He from death to life hath brought me, Son of God with Him to be. 578 There are lonely hearts to cherian, While the days are going by; There are weary souls who perish, While the days are going by; If a smile we can renew, As our journey we pursue, Oh, the good we all may do. While the days are going bf • GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 121 II: Going by, going by, :|| Oh, the good we all may do, While the days are going by. There's no time for idle scorning, "While the days are going by; Let your face be like the morning, While tiie days are going by;, Oh, the world is full of sighs, Full of sad and weeping eyes; Help your fallen brother rise. While the days are going by. All the loving links that bind ua While the days are going by; One by one we leave behind us, While the days are going by; But the seeds of good we sow, Both in shade and shine will grow, And will keep our hearts a^low, While the days are going oy. 679 6iNO them over a»ain to me, Wonderful words of Life, Let me more of their beauty see, Wonderful words of Life. Words of life and beauty, Teach me faith and duty; (|;Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life. :| Christ, the blessed One gives to all Wonderful words of Life, Sinner, list to the loving call, Wonderful words of Life. All so freely given. Wooing us to heaven. |I:Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life.: II Sweetly echo the gospel call, Wonderful words of Life, Offer pardon and peace to all. Wonderful words of Life. Jesus, only Saviour, Sanctify forever. frBeautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life.:|| 580 Behold, what love, what boundless love, The Father hath bestowed On sinners lost, that we should be Now called the sous of God! Behold, what manner of love ! [us, What manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon That we — that we should be called, « Should be called the sons of God. 'No longer far from Him, but now By "precious blood" made nigh; Accepted in the " Well-belov'd,'' Near to God's heart we lie. What we in glory soon shall be, It doth not yet appear; But when our precious Lord we see, We shall His image bear. With such a blessed hope in view. We would more holy be, More like our riaen^ glorious LQrd, Whose face we soon shall see. 681 SiMPLT trusting every day, Trusting through a stormy way; Even when my faith is small, Triisting Jesus, that is all. Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by ; Trusting Him whateer befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all, Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine; While He leads I can nojt fall, Trusting Jesus, that is all. Singing, if my way is clear; Praying, if the path is drear; If in danger, for Him call; Trusting Jesus, that is all. Trusting Him while life shall laat, Trusting Him till earth is past; Till within the jasper wall. Trusting Jesus, that is all. 582 Yield not to temptation, For yielding is sin, Each victory will help you Some other to win; Fight manfully onward. Dark passions subdue, Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. Ask the Saviour to help you, Comfort, strengthen, and keep yoi^ He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through. Shun evil companions. Bad language disdain, God's name hold in reverence, Nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and earnest, Kind-hearted and true, Look ever to Jesui», He'll carry you through To him that o'ercometh God giveth a crown, Through faith we shall conquer, Though often cast down; He who is our Saviour, Our strength will renew; Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. 683 ^ What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear; What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer, GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to b. Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear — All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a Friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Are we weak and heavy-laden. Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our Refuge,— Take it to lue Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; In His arms He'll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there. 584 I've found a Friend; oh, such a Friend! He loved me ere I knew Him; He drew me with the cords of love. And thus He bound me to Him; And 'round my heart still closely twine Those ties which naught can sever, For I am His, and He is mine. Forever and forever. I've found a Friend; oh, such a Friend! He bled, He died to save me; And not alone the gift of life, But His own self He gave me. Nought that I have my own I call, I hold it for the Giver; My heart, my strength, my Life, myall. Are His, and His forever. I've found a Friend; oh, such a Friend! All power to Him is given; To guard me on my onward course, And bring me safe to heaven. Th' eternal glories gleam afar. To nerve my faint endeavor; So now to watch, to work, to war, And then to rest forever. I've found a Friend; oh, such a Friend! So. kind, and true, and tender. So wise a Counsellor and Guide, So mighty a Defender! From Him, who loves me now so well. What power my soul can sever? Shall life, or death, or earth, or hell? No; I am His forever. 585 Pass me not, O gentle Saviour, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art smiling, Pg not pass me by. Saviour, Saviour, hear my humble crjj While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Let me at a throne of mercy Find a sweet relief; Kneeling there in deep contrition,; Help my unbelief. Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace. Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Whom in heaven but Thee? 586 Mr Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine! For Thee all the follies of sin I resign; My gracious Redeemer, my Saviour art Thou, If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. I love Thee, because Thou hast first loved me, And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree; 1 love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow; If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. I will love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath; And say when the death-dew lies cold on my brow. If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. In mansions of glory and endless delight, I'll ever adore Thee m heaven so bright; I'll sing with the glittering crown on my brow. If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 587 Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy with the Lord, And He will surely give you rest. By trusting in His word. Only trust Him, only trust Him, Only trust Him now ; He will save you, He will save yeu, He will save you now. For Jesus shed His precious blood Rich blessings to bestow; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Wuy; That leads you into rest; Believe in Him without delay. And you are fully blest. Come then, and join this holy bandj And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land Where joys immortal flow. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 123 588 I HBAE the Saviour say— Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all, Jesus paid it all, All to Hira I owe;" Sin had left a crimson stain He washed it white as snow. Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and Thine alone, Can change the leper's spots, And melt the heart of stone. For nothing good have I, Whereby Thy grace to claim — I'll wash my garments white In the blood of Calvary's Lamb. When from my dying bed My ransomed soul shall rise, Then " Jesus paid it all!" Shall rend the vaulted skies. And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I'll lay my trophies down, All down at Jesus' feet. 689 I HAVE a Saviour, He's pleading in glory, A dear, loving Saviour, though earth-friends be few; [me. And now He is watching in tenderness o'er But oh, that my Saviour were your Saviour too. For you I am praying, II : For you I am praying. :tl I'm praying for you. I have a Father: to me He has given A hope for eternity, blessed and true; And soon will He call me to meet Him in heaven, [too! But oh, thai He'd let me bring you with me I have a robe: 'tis resplendent in whiteness, Awaiting in glory my wondering view; Oh, when I receive it, all shining in bright- ness, [tool Dear frionds, could I see you receiving one I have a peace: it is calm as a river— [knew; A peace that the friends of this world never My Saviour alone is its Author and Giver, And oh, could I know it was given to you! When Jesus has found you, tell others the story. That my loving Saviour is your Saviour too; I'hen pray that your Saviour may bring them to glory, [swered for you! And prayer will be answered— 'twag an- 590 Soul of mine, in earthly temple, Why not here content abide? Why art thou forever pleading? Vvhy art thou not satisfied? II I shall be satisfied, I shall be satisfied. When I awake in His likeness :H Soul of mine, my heart is clinging To the earth's fair pomp and pride: Ah, why dost thou thus reprove raef Why art thou not satisfied? Soul of mine, must I surrender. See myself as crucified; Turn from all of earth's ambition, That thou may'st be satisfied? Soul of mine, continue pleading; Sin rebuke, and folly chide; I accept the cross of Jesus, That thou may'st be satisfied. 591 Saviodr' Thy dying love Thou gavest me. Nor should I aught withhold, Dear Lord, from Thee; In love my soul would bow, My heart fulfill its vow, Some offering bring Thee now, Something for Thee. O'er the blest mercy-seat, Pleading for me, My feeble faith looks up, Jesus, to Thee* Help me the cross to bear, Thy wondrous love declare, Some song to raise, or prayer, Something for Thee. Give me a faithful heart — Likeness to Thee— That each departing day Henceforth may see Some work of love begun. Some deed of kindness done. Some wanderer sought and won, Something for Thee. All that T am and have— Thy gifts so free — In. joy. in grief, through life, I Dear Lord, for Thee! And when Thy face I see, My ransomed soul shall be. Through all eternity. Something for Thee. 592 Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep o'er the erring one, Lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save. 124 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying ; Jesus is merciful. Jesus will save. Though they are slighting Him, Still He IS waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive; Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently: He will forgive if they only believe. Down in the human heart, Crushed by the tempter, Feelings lie buried that grace can restore: Touched by a loving heart, "Wakened by kindness, [more. Chords that were broken will vibrate once Rescue the perishmg, Duty demands it; Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide: Back to the narrow way Patiently win them; Tell the poor wanderer a Saviour has died. 593 Saviour, more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to Thee; Let Thy precious blood applied. Keep me ever, ever near Thy side. Every day, every hour, Let me feel Thy cleansing power ; May Thy tender love to me Bind me closer, closer, Lord, to Thee. Through this changing world below, Lead me gently, gently as I go; Trusting Thee, I can not stray, I can never, never lose my way. Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o'er; Till my soul is lost in love. In a brighter, brighter world above. 594 Moke holiness give me, More strivings within; More patience in suffering, More sorrow for sin; More faith in my Saviour, More sense of His care; More joy in His service. More purpose in prayer. More gratitude give me. More trust in the Lord; More pride in His glory. More hope in His word; More tears for His sorrows, More pain at His grief; Mere meekness in trial, More praise for relief. More purity give me, More strength to o'ercome; More freedom from earth-stains, More longings for home; More fit for the kingdom", More used would I be; More blessed and holy. More, Saviour, li^ke Thee* 595 I HEAR Thy welcome voice That calls me. Lord, to Thee; For cleansing in Thy precious blood That flowed on Calvary. I am coming Lord ! Coming now to Thee 1 Wash me, cleanse me in the blood That flowed on Calvary. Though coming weak and vile, Thou dost my strength assure; Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse Till spotless all and pure. 'Tis Jesus calls me on To perfect faith and love, To perfect hope, and peace, and trust, For earth and heaven above. 'Tis' Jesus who confirms The blessed work within. By adding grace to welcomed grace, Where reigned the power of sin. And He the witness gives To loyal hearts and free. That every promise is fulfilled, If faith but brings the plea. All hail.; < ioning blood! All hail, redeeming grace! All hail, the Gift of Christ, our Lord, Our strength and righteousness! 596 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bend, [Friend; And we gather to Jesus, our Saviour and If we come to Him in faith, His protection to share, [there! What a balm for the weary! O how sweet to be Blessed hour of prayer, blessed hour of prayer; "What a balm for the weary ! O how sweet to be there ! 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the Saviour draws near, [hear; With a tender compassion His children to When He tells us we may cast at His feet every care, [be there! What a balm for the weary! how sweet to 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer ^hen the tempted and tried ^ [confide: To the Saviour who loves them their sorrow With a sympathizing heart He removes every care; [be there! What a balm for the weary! how sweet to GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 125 At the blessed hour of prayer, trusting Him we believe Fieceive, That the blessing we're needing we'll surely In the fullness of this trust we shall lose every care: [be there! What a balm for the weary! how sweet to 597 I NEE,D Thee every hour, Most gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. I need Thee, oh ! I need Thee ; Every hour 1 need Thee ; O bless me now, my Saviour I I come to Thee. I need Thee every hour; Stay Thou near by; Temptations lose their power "When Thou art nigh. I need Thee every hour; In joy or pain; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain. I need Thee every hour; Teach me Thy will; And;Thy rich promises In me fulfill. I need Thee every hour, Most Holy One; Oh, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son. 598 Jesus, keep me near the Cross; There a precious fountain Free to ail— a healing stream, Flows from Calvary's mountain. In the Cross, in the Cross Be my glory ever ; Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. Near the cross, a trembling soul. Love and mercy found me; There the Bright and Morning Star Shed its beams around me. Near the cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadows o'er me. Near the Cross I'll watch and wait. Hoping, trusting ever, Till I reach the golden strand, Just beyond the river. 599 Thou my everlasting portion. More than friend or life to me, % All along my pilgrim journey, ^ Saviour, let me walk with Thee. I|: Close to Thee, close to Thee; :|| AH along my pilgrim journey, Saviour, let me walk with Thee. Not for ease or worldly pleasure, Not for fame my prayer shall be; Gladly will I toil and suffer. Only let me walk with Thee. : Close to Thee, close to Thee ; :|| Gladly will I toil and suffer. Only let me walk with Thee. Lead me through the vale of shadows. Bear me o'er life's fitful sea; Then the gate of life eternal May I enter, Lord, with Thee. : Close to Thee, close to Thee ; :|J Then the gate of life eternal May I enter. Lord, with Thee. 600 I GAVE my life for thee. My precious blood I shed, That thou might'st ransomed be. And quickened from the dead; I gave, I gave My life for thee, What hast thou given for Me? My Father's house of light, — My glory-circled throne I left, for earthly night. For wanderings sad and lone; I left, I left it all for thee, Hast thou left aught for Me? I suffered much for thee. More than My tongue can tell. Of bitterest agony, To rescue thee from hell; I've borne, I've borne it all for thee, What hast thou borne for Me? And I have brought to thee, Down from My home above, Salvation full and free, My pardon and My love; I bring, I bring rich gifts to thee, What hast thou brought to Me? 601 There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall; Where the dear Lord was crucified, Who died to save us all. Oh, dearly, dearly has He loved, And we must love Him too ; And trust in His redeeming blood, And try His works to do. We may not know, we can not tell Whashe In the blood of yonder Lamb, Washed from every siaiu I am ; Robed in whiteness, clad in brightness I am sweeping through the gate Oh! tjie blessed Lord of light, He upnolds me by His might; And His arms enfold and comtort while I I am leaning on His breast, [wait. Oh! the sweetness of His rest, Hallelujah, I am sweeping through the gate. I am sweeping through the gate Where the blessed for me wait; Where the weary workers rest for evermore; Where the strife of earth is done,. And the crown of life is won; Oh, the glory of that city just betorel Burst are al' rhy prison bars, And I soar beyond the stars,' To my Father s house, the bright and blest Lo! the morn eternal breaks, [estate. And the song immortal wakes, Robed in whiteness I am sweeping through the gate. 667 Would we be joyful in the Lord? Then count the riches o'er. Revealed to faith within His word. And note the boundless store. There is pardon, peace, and power, And purity, and Paradise; With all of these in Christ for me. Let jojful songs of praise to Him arise. For every sin, by grace divine A pardon free bestowed; And with the pardon peace is mine, The peace in Jesus' blood. Of grace to break the power of sin He gives a full supply, The Holy Ghc-^t, the heart within, From sin doth purify. The power to win a soul to God, The 6pint, too, imparts; ^ And He, the gift of Christ our Lord, Dwells now in all our hearts. These blessings we by faith receive, By simple, childlike trust; In Christ,' 'tis God's delighf to give; He promised, and He must. 668 Come, souls that are longing for pleasure, Our Saviotir has pleasures to give; Come find in His love the rare treasure, That makes every true pleasure live. Come now saith the Lord, let us reason. Come now and your purpose declare ; Is it pleasures of sin for a season, Or pleasures the glorified share? The pleasures of sin are deceiving. They've nothing for yesterday's pain, But hope of to-morrow receiving. And then it'a to-morrow again. 140 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. The pleasures of sin are all fleeting, They vanish with life's passing morn; Like aewdrops the morning sun greeting, They glisten and then they are gone. Then all who are longing for pleasure. Ye weary and all who are worn; Come find in the Lord a sure treasure. That from you shall never be torn. Of Jesus thy choice be now makmg, Redeemer, and Saviour, and Lord; And soon in the glory awaking, lou'll share in the saint's blest reward. 669 Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angel-feet have trod, "With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the th-rone of God? Yes, we'll gather at the river; The beautiful, the beautifu' river- Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever. All the happy, golden day. Ere we reach the shining river. Lay we every burden down; Grace our spirits will deliver. And provide a robe and crown. At the smiling of the river, Mirror of the Saviour's face, Saints, whom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. Soon we'll reach the silver river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. 670 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy. Weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power. He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. Uow, ye needy, come and welcome; God's free bounty glorify; True belief and true repentance— Every grace that brings you nigh— Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. iiet not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream: All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him. This He gives you — *Tis the Spirit's glimmering beam. Oome, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall; If you tarry till you're better. You will never come at all. Not the righteous — Sinners Jesus came to call. 671 God is love; His mercy brightens All the path in which we rove; Blis-s He wakes, and woe He lightens; God is wisdom, God is love. Time and change are busy ever; Man decays, and ages move; But His mercy waneth never; God is wisdom, God is love. E'en the hour that darkest seemeth Will His changeless goodness prove; From the gloom His brightness streameth; God is wisdom, God is love. He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above; Everywhere His glory shmeth; God is wisdom, God is love. 672 From all that dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung Through every laud, by every tongue. Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends Thy word; Thy praise shall sound from siiore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 673 In the Christian's home in glory There remains a land of rest; There my Saviour's gone before me To fulfill my soul's request. There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary, There is rest for you. On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming. There is rest for you. He is fitting up my mansion, Which eternally shall stand. For my stay shall not be transient In that holy, happy land. Sing, oh, sing, ye heirs of glory! Shout your triumph as you go; Zion's gate will open for you. You shall find an entrance througll* 674 ScN of my soul, Thou Saviour dear, It is not night if Thou be near; Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eye** GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Ul When the soft d^ws of kindly sleep My wearied eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought— how sweet to rest Forever on my Saviour's breast. Abide with me from morn till eve. For without Thee I can not live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. If some poor wandering child of Thine Have spurned to-day the voice divine— 2Hov7, Lord, the gracious work begin; Let him no more lie down in sin. 675 Come, every joyful heart That loves the Saviour's name, Your noblest powers exert To celebrate His fame; Tell all above, and all below. The debt of love to Hmi you owe. He left His starry crown, And laid His robes aside, On wings of love came down. And wept, and bled, and died; What He endured no tongue can tell, To save our souls from death and hell. From the dark grave He rose — The mansion of the dead; And thence His mighty foes In glorious triumph led: Up through the sky the Conqueror rode,. And reigns on high the Saviour God. From thence He'll quickly come— His chariot will not stay— And bear our spirits home To realms of endless day; There shall we see His lovely facej And ever be in His embrace. 676 Mt soul, be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise; The hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw Thee from the skies. © watch, and fight, and pray; The battle ne'er give o'er; Kenew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. Ne'er think the victory won, Nor lay thine armor down: The work of faith will not be done, Till thou obtain the crown. 677 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on; A heavenly race demands thy zeal. And an immortal crown. A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey; J^orget the steps already troa. And onward urge thy way* 'Tis God's all-animating voice. '. That calls thee from on high, 'Tis His own hand presents the priz^ To thine aspiring eye. Blest Saviour, intrcjduced by Thee Have I my race begun; And, crowned with victory, at Thy feet I'll lay my honors down. 678 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want: He makes me down to lie In pastures green; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. My soul He doth restore again; And me to walk doth make "Within the paths of righteousness, E'en for His own name's sake. Yea, though I walk m death's dark vale^ Yet I will fear none ill; For Thou art with me; and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me; And in God's house, for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. 679 Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Saviour's brow; His head with radiant glories crowned^ His lips with grace o'erflow. He saw me plunged in deep distress. And flew to my relief; For me He bore the shameful cross. And carried ail my grief. To heaven, the place of His abode. He brings my weary feet; Shews me the glories of my God, And makes my joys complete* Since from Thy bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord,ithey should all be Thine, 680 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like meJ I once was lost, but now am found; r^ Was blind, but now I see. ^ 'Twas grace that taught my heart to tetl§f And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear^ The hour I first believed U2 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come; 'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far. And grace will lead me home. Tes, when this heart and flesh shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the vail, A life of joy and peace. 681 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove! With all Thy quickening powers; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. Dear Lord! and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate? Our love so faint, so cold to Thee, And Thine to us so great? Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers: Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle eurs. 682 JOBT as I am, without one plea, 3ut that Thy blood was shed for me. And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God! I come, I comel Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, Tb Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God! I come, I come! Just as 1 am, though tossed about. With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God! I come, I come! Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind, Sight, riches, healing of the mind. Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God! 1 come, I come! Just as 1 am; Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God! I come, I come. 683 Come, said Jesus' sacred voice. Come, and make My paths your choice; I will guide you to your home, Weary pilgrim, hither come! Thou who homeless, sole, forlorn, Long hast borne the proud world's scorn, Long hast roamed the barren waste. Weary pilgrim, hither haste. Ye who, tossed on beds of pain. Seek for ease, but seek in vain. Ye, by fiercer anguish torn. In remorse for guilt who mourn-» Hither come! for tfere is fonn^ Balm that flows for every wound, Peace that ever shall endure. Rest eternal, sacred, sure. 684 While life prolongs its precious light, Mercy is found, and peace is given; But soon, ah, soon, approaching night Shall blot out every nope of heaven. While God invites, how blest the day! How sweet the Gospel's charming souodl Come, sinners, haste^ O haste away, While yet a pard'ning God is found. Soon, borne on time's most rapid wing, Shall death command you to the grave-* Before His bar your spirits bring. And none be found to hear or save. In that lone land of deep despair No Sabbath's heavenly light shall rise- No God regard your bitter prayer, No Saviour call you to the skies. Now God invites; how blest the day: How sweet the Gospel's charming souadl Come^ sinners, haste, O haste away. While yet a pard'ning God is found. ^85 Prom every stormy wind that blows. From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat; 'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads; A place than all besides more sweet- It is the blood-bought mercy-seat. There is a scene where spirits blend. Where friend holds fellowship with frieiMl| Though sundered far, by faith we meet Around one common mercy-seat. 686 Once I was dead in sin, And hope within me died; But now I'm dead to sin — With Jesus crucified. And can it be that " He loved me. And gave Himselt for me ?" Oh height 1 can not reach, Oh depth I can not sound, Oh love, O boundless love, In my Redeemer found! cold, ungrateful heart That can from Jesus turn, When living fires of love Should on His altar burn. 1 live— and yet, not I, But Christ that lives in me; Who from the law of sin And death hath made me fire«. oOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. H6 687 Holt Spirit, come, AndJesus' love declare; Oh, tell us of our heavenly home, And guide us safely there. Our unbelief remove By Thine almighty breath; Oh, work the vyondrous work of 4ove, The mighty work of faith. Come with resistless power, Come with almighty grace. Come with the long-expectea shower, Ana fall upon this place. 688 I LOVE Thy Kingdom, Lord, The house of Thine abode, The Church ©ur blest Redeemer saved With His own precious blood. I love Thy Church, O God, Her walls before Thee stand, Dear as the apple of Thine eye, And graven on Thy hand. For her my tears shall fall; For her my prayers ascend; To her my cares and toils be given Till toils and cares shall. end. Beyond my highest joy 1 prize her heavenly ways; Her sweet communion, solemn vows. Her hymns of love and praise. Bure as Thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield. And brighter bliss of heaven. 689 KoT all the blood of beasts On Jewish altars slain. Could give the guilty conscience peace. Or wash away the gtain. But Christ, the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away; A sacrifice of nobler name And richer blood than they. Ky faith would lay her hand On that dear head of Thine, "While like a penitent I stand, And there confess my sin. lly soul looks back to see The burden Thou didst bear. While hanging on th'accursea tree, And knows her guilt was there. 690 How solemn are the words, And yet to faith how plain. Which Jesus uttered while on earth— •* Ye must be born again / " ** Ye must be born again /" For s© hath God decreed; No reformation will suffice— 'Tis life poor sinners need. '* Ye must be born again /" And life in Christ must have; In vain the soul may elsewhere go — 'Tis He alone can save. *• Ye must be born again f" Or never enter heaven; »Tis only blood-washed ones are thete. The ransomed and forgiven. 691 Lord, bless and pity us. Shine on us with Thy face: That th' earth Thy way, and nations all, May know Thy saving grace. Let people praise Thee, Lord! Let people all Thee praise! Oh, let the nations all be glad, In songs their voices raisel Thou' It justly people judge. On earth rule nations all; Let people praise thee, Lord, let them Praise Thee, both great and small. The earth her fruit shall yield, Our God shall blessing send; God shall us bless, men shall Hi-m fear, Unto earth's utmost end. 692 Awake, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb; Wake, every heart and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. Sing of His dying love; fcjing of His risen power; Sing how He intercedes above For those whose sins He boxe. Ye pilgrims, on the road To Zion's city, sing; Rejoice ye in the Lamb of God- In Christ, th' eternal King. There shall each raptured tongue His endless praise proclaim; And sweeter voices tune the song 01 Moses and the Lamb. 693 While shepherds watched their flocks by All seated on the ground, [nighH The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. *' Fear not," said he— for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind — ♦'Glad tidings of great joy I bring. To you and all jnankind. '* To you, in David's town, this day, is born of David's line The Saviour, who is Christ, the Lordj And this shall be the sign:— X44: GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. **The heavenly babe you there shall find. To human view displayed, Ail meanly wrapped in swathing bands, And in a manger laid." Thus spake the seraph— and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels, praising God, who thus Addressed their joyful song: — •*A11 glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace; l&ood-will henceforth from heaven to men Begin, and never cease!" 694 Salvation! O the joyful sound! What pleasure to our ears; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. Salvation! let the echo fly The spacious earth areund, While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. Salvation! O Thou bleeding Lamb; To Thee the praise belo^ngs; Salvation shall inspire our nearts, And dwell upon ©ur tongues. 695 Spirit of Truth, O let me know The love of Christ to me; Its conquering, quickening power bestow, To set me wholly free. I long to know its depth and height, To scan its breadth and length. Drink in its ocean of delight, And triumph in its strength. It is Thine ofBre to reveal My Saviour's wondrous love; Oh, deepen on my heart Thy seal, And bless me from above. Thy quickening power to me impart. And be my constant Guide; With richer gladness fill my heart; Be Jesus glorified. 696 O MT soul, bless thou Jehovah, All within me, bless His name; Bless Jehovah, and forget not All His mercies to proclaim^ Who forgives all thy transgressions, Thy diseases all who heals; Who redeems thee from destruction. Who with thee so kindly deals. Who with tender mercies crowns thee, Who with good things fills thy mouth, So that even like the eagle Thou hast been restored to youth. In His righteousness, Jehovah Will deliver those distressed; He will execute just judgment In the cause of all oppressed. . 697 Jesus only, when the morning Beams upon the path I tread; Jesus only, when the darkness Gathers round my weary head. Jesus only, when the laillows Cold and sullen o'er me roll; Jesus only, when the trumpet Rends the tomb and wakes the soal. Ji^uo only, when in judgment lioding fears my hearL appall; Jesus only, when the wretched On the rocks and mountains call. Jesus only, when adoring Saints their crowns before Him brings Jesus only, I will, joyous. Through eternal ages sing, 698 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time)i All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive and fears annoy. Never shall the cross forsake me; Lo! it glows with peace and joy. When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way. From the cross the radiance streaming. Adds new luster to the day. Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure. By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there, that knows no measursj Joys that through all time abide. 699 We are waiting by the river, We are Watching by the shore. Only waiting for the boatman. Soon he'll come to bear us o'er. Though the mist hangs o'er the river. And its billows loudly roar. Yet we hear the song of angels, Waftec* from the other shore. And the bright celestial city— We have caught such radiant gleams Of its tower like dazzling sunlight, With its sweet and peaceful streams. He has called for many a loved one, We have seen them leave our side; With our Saviour we shall meet them, When we, too, have crossed the tide. When we've passed the val'e of shadows, With its dark and chilling tide, ^ In that bright and glorious city We shall evermore abide. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. IH 700 Savioue, visit Thy plaptation; Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain; All will oome to desolation, Unless Thou return again. Keep no longer at a distance — Siiine upon us from on high, Lest for want of Thine assistance Every plant should droop and die. Let our mutual love he fervent. Make us prevalent in prayers; Let each one, esteemed Thy servant, Shun the world's enticing snares. Break the tempter's fatal power; Turn the stony heart to flesh; And begin ftpm this good hour To revive Thy work afresh. 701 Jesus, hail, enthroned in glory There forever to abide; All the heavenly hosts adore Thee, Seated at Thy Father's side. There for sinners Thou art pleading, There Thou dost our place prepare; Ever for us intercedmg, Till in glory we appear Worship, honor, power and blessing Thou art worthy to receive; Loudest praises, without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. Help, ye bright angelic spirits! Bring your sweetest, noblest lays; Help to aing our Saviour's merits — Help to chant Immanuel's praise. 702 Jesus wept! those tears are over, But His heart is still the same; Kinsman, Friend and Elder Brother, Is His everlasting name. Saviour, who can love like Thee, Gracious One of Bethany. When the pa.ngs of trial seize us. When the waves of sorrow roll, I will lay my head on Jesus, Pillow of the troubled soul. Surely, none can feel like Thee, Weeping One of Bethany. Jesus wept! and still in glory He can mark each mourner's tears; Living to retrace the story Of the hearts He solaced here. Lord, when I am called to die, Let me think of Bethany. Jesus wept I those tears of sorrow Are a legacy of love ; Yesterday, to-day. to-morroW, He the same dotn ever prove* Xhou art all In all to me. Living One of Bethany. 10 703 I WAITED for the Lord, my God, And patiently did bear; At length to me He did incline My voice and cry to hear. He took me from a fearful pit. And from the miry clay. And on a rock He set my feet. Establishing my way. He put a new song in my mouth, Our God to magnify; Many shall see it, and shall fear^ And on the Lord rely. O blessed is the man whose trust Upon the Lord relies; Eespecting not the proud, nor such As turn aside to lies. 704 JesTTS! and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee? Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise. • Whose glories shine through endless aaydf Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far Let evening blush to own a star; He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. Ashamed of Jesus! that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend! No, when I blush be this my shame That I no more revere His Name. Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may. When I've no guilt to wash away. No tear to wipe, no good to crave, No f-ear to quell, no soul to save. Till then— nor io my boasting vain— Till then I boast a Saviour slain; And O may this my glory be. That Christ is not ashamed of me. 705 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear; It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds. And drives away his fear. It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. Dear Name, the Kock on which I build, My Shield and Hiding-place; My never-failing Treasure, filled With boundless stores of grace. Jesus, my Shepherd, Saviour, Friend, My Prophet, Priest and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring. I would Thy boundless love proclaim With every fleeting breath; So shall the music of Thy name Refresh my soul in death. 146 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 706 Bave, Jesus, save! Thy bleasing now we crave; For every anxious sinner here, Oh, let Thy mercy novsr appear, Lord Jesus, save, Lord Jesus, save. 8ave, Jesus, save! Thy banner o'er us wave. Of love eternal and divine; O Lord, let each one here be Thin©, L«rd Jesus, save. Lord Jesus, save. Save, Jesus, save! Thou conqueror o'er the grave. Give every fettered soul release, And to the troubled^whisper "Peace," Lord Jesus, save. Lord Jesus, save. Save, Jesus, save! And Thou alone shalt have The glory of the work diviue; Yea, endless praises shall be Thine! Lord Jesus, save. Lord Jesus, save. 707 V F©E a faith that will not shrink, Though pressed by every foe; That will not tremble on the brink Of any earthly woe. That will not murmur or complain, Beneath the chastening rod. Bat, m the hour of grief or pain. Will lean upon its God. A faith that shines more bright and clear When tempests rage without; And when in danger knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubtA Lord, give us such a faith as this. And then, whate'er may come. We'll taste e'en here the hallowed bliss Of an eternal home. 708 Ah, this heart is void and chill, 'Mid earth's noisy thronging; For my Father's mansion, still Earaestly I'm longing. Look4Qg h«me, looking home, T'ward tho heavenly mansion Jesus hath prepared for me, In His Father's kingdom. Sooa the glorious day will dawn. Heavenly pleasures bringing; Night will be exchanged Uor mora, Sighs give place to singing. Oh, to be at home, and gain AH for which we're sighing. From all earthly want and pain To be swiftly flyiug. Blessed h>om«! oh, bleared heme! There no mora fro eever: Soon we'll meot around tne throBe^ Praising God ferever. 709 When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, / My richest gain I count but loss, / And pour contempt on all my pride, / Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, | Save in the death of Christ my God: ! All the vain things tnat charm me mosi, I sacrifice them to His blood. | See! from His head, His hands, His feet^ Sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose bO rich a crown? Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an offering far too small: Love, so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, aay life, my all. 710 What various hindrances we meet, In coming to the mercy-seat! Yet'^who that knows the worth of prayer. But wishes to be often there? Prayer makes the darkened clouds withdraw. Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, Gives exercise to faith and love, Briags every blessing from above. Eestraining prayer, we cease to fight; j Prayer makes the Christian's armor bright; And. Satan trembles wheta he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. 711 Faith is a living power from heaven ( Which grasps the promise God bas gfven; Securely fixed on Christ alone, | A trust that can not be o'erthrown. I Faith finds in Christ whate'er we nee(^ To save and strengthen, guide and feed; Strong in His grace it joys t« share His eross, in hope His crown to wear. Faith to the conscience whispers peace, And bids the mourner's sighing eease; By faith the children's right we claia, And call upon our Father's name. Such faith in us, O God, i«iplant, And to our prayers Thy favor granf, m Jesus Christ, thy saving Son, Who is our fount of health alone. 712 Blkst be the tie that binds 0«r hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. Before our Father's throne We p*^ur our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one. Our comforts and our cares. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. UT We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flow* The sympathizing tear. When we asunder part, It gives us inward pam; But we shall still be joined in heart. And hope to meet again. 713 Did Christ o'er sinners weep, And shall our checksbe dry? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. The Son of God in tears The wondering angels see; Be thou astonished, O my soul! He shed those tears for thee. He wept that we might weep; Each sin demands a tear; In heaven alone no sin is found, And there's no weeping there. 714 Hasten, sinner, to be wise! Stay not for the morrow's sun; Wisdom, if you still despise, Harder is it to be won. Hasten mercy to implore! Stay not for the morrow's sun; Lest thy season should be o'er Ere this evening's stage is run. Hasten, sinners, to return! Stay not for the morrow's sun. Lest thy lamp should fail to bum Ere salvation's work is done. Hasten, sinner, to be blest! Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest perdition thee arrest Ere the morrow is begun. 715 Come, Thou almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise; Father! all-glorious. O'er all victorious, Come, and reign over us. Ancient of Days! Come, Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword; Our prayer attend; Come, and Thy people bless, And give Thy word success; Spirit of holiness! On us descend. Come, Holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour: Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power! To the great One in Three, The highest praises be. Hence evermore! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see. And to eternity Love and adore. 716 tsoTTND, sound the truth abroa>d[, Bear ye the word of God Through the wide world: Tell what our Lord has done, Tell how the day is won, And from His lofty throne Satan is hurled. Speed on the wings of love; Jesus, who reigns above. Bids us to fly; They who His message bear, Should neither doubt nor fear. He will their Friend appear, He will be nigh. Ye who, forsaking all. At your loved Master's call, Comforts resign. Soon will your work be done; Soon will the prize be won; Brighter than yonder sun Then shall ye shine. 717 Rise, glorious Conqueror, rise Into Thy native skies, Assume Thy right; And where in many a foM The clouds are backward roiled— i Pass through those gates of gold, And reign in light! Victor o'er death and heiU Cherubic legions swell Thy radiant train; Praises all heaven inspire; Each angel sweeps his lyre, And waves his wings of fire— Thou Lamb once slain! Enter, incarnate God! — No feet but Thine have trod The serpent down: Blow the full trumpets, blow! Wider yon portals throw! Saviour triumphant— go, And take Thy crown! Lion of Judah— Hail! And let Thy name prevail From age to age: Lord of the rolling yearsi Claim for Thine own the spheres, For Thou hast bought with tears Thy heritage. 148 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. And then was heard afar Star answering to star — **Lo! these have come, Followers of Him who gave His life their lives to save; And now their palms they wave, Brought safely home." 718 My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine; Now hear me while I pray. Take all my guilt away, O, let me from this day Be wholly Thine. May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart. My zeal inspire; As Thou hast died for me, Oh may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire. While life's dark maze 1 tread. And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away. Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll — Blest Saviour! then, in love, Fear and distrust remove; Oh, bear me safe above — A ransomed soul. 719 Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee, E'en though it be a cross That raiseth 'me, Still all my song shall be — Nearer, my God, to Thee! Nearer to Thee! Though, like a wanderer, The sun gone down,! Darkness be over me, My rest a stone. Yet in my dreams I'd be"=- Nearer, my God, to Theel Nearer to Thee! There let the way appear Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, toTheeJ Nearer to Thee! Then with my waking thoughts^ Bright with Thy praise. Out of my stony griefs, Bethel I'll raise; So by my woes to be- Nearer, my God, to Thee! Nearer to Thee! Or if, on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky,i Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly. Still all my song shall be- Nearer, my God, to Theel Nearer to Theei 720 Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now. Just now come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now. He will save you, He will save you, etc. He is able, He is able, etc. He is willing, He is willing, etc. He is waiting. He is waiting, etc. He will hear you. He will hear you, etc. He will cleanse you, He will cleanse you, etc* He'll renew you, He'llJrenew you, etc. He'll forgive you, He'll forgive you, etc. If you'll trust Him, if you'll trust Him, etc. He will save you, He will save you, etc, 721 I Jesfs, Lover of my soul, I Let me to Thy bosom fly, J While the nearer waters roll, ( While the tempest still is high;! Hide me, O my Saviour, hide. Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide. Oh) receive my soul at last. Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on TheeJ Leave, oh, leave me not alone, / Still support and comfort me; i All my trust on Thee i? stayed, , All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing. Thou, O Christ, art all I want; More than all in Thee I findf; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy name, I am all unrighteousness; Vide, and full of sin I am. Thou art full of truth and grace. Plenteous grace with Thee is found Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound; Make me, keep me, pure within. GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 1^9 Thou of life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee: /Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. 722 fiiNNERS, turn, why will ye die? God, your Maker, asks you— Why:' God, who did your being give, Made you with Himself to live; He the fatal cause demands, Asks the work of His own hands — Why, ye thankless creatures, why "Will ye cross His love and die? Sinners, turn, why will ye die? God, your Saviour, asks you— Why: He who did your souls retrieve. Died Himself that ye might live! i Will ye let Him die in vain? Crucify. your Lord again? Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will ye slight, His grace, and die? Sinners, turn, why will ye die? God, the Spirit, asks you— Why: He, who all your lives hath strove, Urged you to embrace His love; Will ye not His grace receive? Will ye still refuse to live? Why, ye long-sought sinners! why Will ye grieve your God, and die? 723 Suff'einq Saviour, with thorn-crown, ^ruis'd and bleeding, sinking down; Heavy-iadeu, weary-worn. Painting, aying crushed and torn — All for me, yes, all for me. I Jesus, Saviour, pure and mild. Let me ever be Thy child; So unworthy though I be, Thou did'st suffer this for me— • All for me, yes, all for me. Fain would I to Thee be brought. Blessed Lord, forbid it not; In the kingdom of Thy grace, Give Thy wandering child a place; Ob, bless me, yes, even me. 724 Jesus loves me! this I know. For the Bible tells me so: Little ones to Him belong; They are weak but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me ! Yes, Jesus me ! Yes, JesHS loves me ! The Bible tells me so I Jesus, from His throne on high, Came into this world to die; That I might from sin be free, Bled and died upon the tree. Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven's gate to open wide! He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in. Jesus, take this heart of mine; Make it pure, and wholly Thine: Thou hast bled and died for me, I will henceforth live for Thee. 725 Gloet to God on high! Let heaven and earth reply, " Praise ye His name!" His love and grace adore. Who all our sorrows bore; Sing loud for evermore, ♦' Worthy the Lamb." While they around the throne Cheerfully join in one, Praising His name — Ye who have felt His blood, Sealing your peace with God, Sound His dear name abroad, " Worthy the Lamb!" Join, all ye ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless; Praisti ye His name- In Him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise, Shouting with heart and voice, ♦' Worthy the Lamb!" Soon must we change our place, let will we never cease Praising His name; To Him our songs we bring; Hail Him our gracious King; And, through all ages sing, " Worthy the Lamb?" 726 Mr God I have found The thrice blessed ground, Where life, and where joy, and true comfort abound. Hallelujah ! Thine the glory I Hallelujah 1 Amen ! Hallelujah ! Thine the glory I Revive us again. 'TiSiee Number 721.) 150 GOSPEL HYMNS Nos. I to 6. 728 Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay, Though I have done Thee such despite, Cast not the sinner quite away, Nor take Thine everlasting flight. Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er Thy grace received; Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved. Yet O, the chief of sinners spare, In honor of my great High Priest; Nor in Thy righteous anger swear I shall not see Thy people's rest. O Lord^ my weary soul release, Upraise me by Thy gracious hand; Guide me into Thy perfect peace, And bring me to tne promised land. 729 All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of ail. Let every kindred, every tribe. On this terrestrial ball. To Him all majesty ascribe. And crown Him Lord of all. Oh, that with yonder saered throng, We at His feet may fall; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. 730 O FOR a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim — To spread, through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy Name. Jesus!— the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease; *Ti3 music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me. 731 Ask ye what great thing I know That delights and stirs me so? Wha4i the high reward I win? Whose the name I glory in? Jesus Christ, the Crucified. What is faith's foundation strong? What awakes my lips to song? He who bore my sinful load, Purchased for me peace with God, Jesus Christ the Crucified. Who defeats my fiercest foes? Who consoles my saddest woes? Who revives my fainting heart, Healing all its hidden smart? Jesus Christ the Crucified. Who is life in life to me? Who the death of death will be? Who will place me on His right, With the countless hosts of light? Jesus Christ, the Crucified. This is that great thing I know; This delights and stirs me so; Faith in Him who died to save. Him who triumphed o'er the grava, Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 732 LoBD, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peacej Let us each. Thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace: O, refresh us, O refresh us. Traveling through this wilderness. Thanks we give, and adoration, For Thy gospel's joyful sound; May the fruits of Thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound; Ever faithful, Ever faithful. To the truth may we be found. So, whene'er the signal's given Ls from earth to call away. Borne on angel's wings to heaven, Glad the summons to obey, May we ever. May we ever Reign with Christ in endless day! 733 Thebk is a fountain filled with blood. Drawn from Immanuel's veins; And sinners plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Lose all their guilty stains ; And sinners plunged beneath that flootv. Lose all their guilty stains. The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power. Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved to sin no more. E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply. Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. Then in a nobler, sweater song, I'll sing Thy power to save. When this poor lisping, stammering tongue liies silent in the grave. GOSPEL HYMiNb Nos. I to 6. 161 734 By faith I view my Saviour dying, On the tree, On the tree; To every nation He is crying. Look to Me! Look to Me! He bids the guilty now draw near. Repent, believe, dismiss their fear: Hark, hark, what precious words I hear, Mer<;y'8 free! Mercy's free! Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing, Pity me. Pity me? And did He snatch my soul from ruin, Can it be. Can it be? O, yea! He did salvation brine; He is my Prophet, Priest, and King; And new my happy soul can smg, Mercy's free, Mercy's free. Jesus my weary soul refreshes: Mercy's free, Mercy's free. And every moment Christ is precious Unto me, Unto me; None can describe the bliss I prove, While through this wilderness I rove; All may enjoy the Saviour's love, Mercy's free, Mercy's free. Lone as I live, I'll still be crying, Mercy's free, Mercy's firee; And this shall be my theme when dying: Mercy's free, Mercy's free. And when the vale of death I' ve passed, When lodged above the &tormy blast, I'll sing, while endless ages last, Mercy's free, Mercy's free. 735 O FOR a heart to praise my God, A heart fl'om sin set free; — A heart that always feels Thy blood, 6o freely shed for me; K heart resigned, submissive, meek, My great Redeemer's throne; Where only Christ is heard to speak- Where Jesus reigns alon«. O for a lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean; Which neither life nor death «an part From Him that dwells withm: — A heart in every thought Eenewed, And full of love divine; Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, A copy, Lord, of Thine. 736 * Wait, my soul, upon the Lord, Te His gracious promise flee, Layingihold wpon His word— •'As thy days thy strength shall be." If the sorrows of thy case Seem peculiar still to Thee, God has proraised needful grace — "As thy days thy strengtn shall be." Days of trial, days of grief In success-ion tnou may'st see, This is stil' thy sweet relief— **As thy days thy strength shall be.** Rock of Ages, I'm secure, With Thy promise full and free, Faithful, positive, and sure — ** As thy days thy strength shall be.'* 737 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer; He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. Thou art coming to a King, Lar^e petitions with thee bring, For His grace and power are such- None can 'ever asK too much. With my burden I begin. Lord, remove this load of sin; Let Thy blood for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guiltj L»rd, I come to Thee for rest, Take possession of my breast, There Thy blood-bought right maintain. And without a rival reign. 738 My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From every mountain side Let freedom ring. My Bative country, thee, LaB4 of the noble free, Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake, Let all that breathe partake. Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. Our fathers' God, to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing: Long may our land be With freedom's tioly light; Protect us by Thy might, (Sreat ©od, our King. 739 Thk Lord bless thee, and keep thee! The Lord make Hfs face shine lapon Iheet And be gracious unto thee: The Lord Jift up His counteisanoe upon thee, And give thee peace. Am£n. INDBX. A NO. A gmlty soul, by Pharigees of 385 A Tittle while! and He shall 254 A long time I wandered 46 A mighty fortress is our God 414 A ruler once came to Jesus 127 Abide with me! fast falls the 317 Afflictions, tho' they seem 326 After the toil and trouble 446 Ah, my heart 25 Ah, this heart is void and chill 708 Alas! and did my Saviour .....79, 305 >.ll glory to Jesus be given 109 All hail the power 334, 729 All my doubts I give to Jesus 63 All people that on earth do 1 All-seemg, gracious Lord 216 All the way my Saviour 42 Almost persuaded 569 Along the Kiver of Time 264 Amazing grace! how sweet 680 Am I a soldier of the Cross 494 Are you coming Home, ye 184 Are you ready, are you ready 290 Arise, my soul, arise 653 Art thou weary, art thou 107 Ask ye what great thing I know 731 As I wandered 'round the 344 As lives the flower within the 471 At even, ere the sun was set .: 504 At the feast of Belshazzar 379 At the feet of Jesus 75 Awake and sing the song 692 Awake, my soul, stretch every 677 Awake, my soul, to joyful lays 407 Awake, my soul! to sound His „ , 301 B Be our joyful song to-day 162 Be p^vesent at our table, Lord 3 Ba ye strong in the Lord 357 Beautiful morning! 247 Beautiful valley of Eden 138 Behold a Fountain deep and 273 Behold a Stranger at the door 450 Behold how plain the truth is 622 Behold, what love, what 580 Beneath the cross of Jesus 32 Beneath the glorious throne 415 Beside the well at noon-time 178 NO. Beyond tbfe ligBt of seftiftg.. 530 Beyond the smiling and the 602 Blessed assurance, Jesus 304 Blessed be the Fountain of 361 Blessed hope that in Jesus ig...= 135 Blessed Saviour, ever nearer 475 Blest be the tie that binds 712 Blest Jesus, grant us strength 519 Brightly beams our Father's 45 Brightly gleams our banner 186 Brother, art thou worn and 219 By faith I view my Saviour «.-„... 734 o Call them in— the poor 72 Can it be right for me to go? 150 Cast thy bread upon the 546 Child of sin and sorrow 241 Choose I must, and soon must 402 Christ has for sin atonement 413 Christ hath risen! hallelujah! 627 Christ is coming! let creation 60d Christian, walk carefully 398 Cling to the Bible, tho' all 392 Closer, Lord, to Thee 1 277 Come, come to Jesus 388 Come, every joyful heart 675 Come, every soul by sin 587 Come, for the feast is spread 101 Come, Holy Spirit 462 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly 681 Come home, come home! 627 Come into His presence with 517 Come, my soul, thy suit 737 Come near me, O my Saviour 129 Come, praise the Lord 396 Come, said Jesus' sacred voice 68S Come, sing, my soul, and 199 Come, sing the gospel's joyful 59 Come souls that are longing for 663 Come, Thou almighty Kmg 715 Come, Thou Fount of every 633 Come, thou weary 267 Come to Jesus! come away! 378 Come to Jesus, come to Jesus! 7^0 Come to the Saviour, make no '. 636 Come to the Saviour^ hear His 404 Come unto Me. It is the „^ 353 Come, ye disconsolate «m»,,^«m^- 661 Come, ye sinners^poor and^. ^..^MMnxeasusr NT INDEX. 163 NO. Come, we that love the Lord 567 Come with thy sins to the 274 Conquering now and still to 429 Cut it down, cut it down. 128 D Dark is the night 68 Depth of mercy 57, 207, 610 Did Christ o'er sinners weep 713 Down in the valley with my 564 Down life's dark vale we 37 Do you see the Hebrew captive 643 Encamped along the hills of 524 Eternal life GocPs Word 508 Eternity dawn« on my vision 158 F Fade, fade each earthly joy 647 Fading away like the stars of. 534 Faint, yet pursuing, we 177 Faith is a Mving power from 711 Far, far away in neathen 293 Far from Thy sacred courts 560 Fear not! God is thy 314 Fierce and wild the storm is 139 For God so loved! O wondrous 329 Fountain of purity, opened for ... 511 Free from the law, oh, happy 13 Fresh from the throne of glory 83 From all that dwell below 672 from every stormy wind that 685 rom Greenland's icy 41 From the Bethlehem manger 488 From the depths do I invoke 561 From the riven Rock there 151 Fully persuaded , 49 G Gather them in! for yet there 566 Gird on the sword and armor 438 Give me the wings of faith 96 Gliding o'er life's fitful waters 144 Glory be to the Father 191, 614 Glory ever be to Jesus 282 Glory, glory be to Jesus 194 Glory to God on high 725 Go bury thy sorrow 43 G) work in My vineyard 56 God be with you till we 340 God bless you! from the 514 Gcd calling yet! shall I not 375 God is great and God is good 260 God is Love; — His m«rcy 671 God is Love!— His word 279 Goi loved a world of sinners 377 God loved the world of sinners 623 God's almighty arms are round 342 Good news from heaven 16? NO. Grace! 'tis a charming sound 35 Great Jehovah, mighty Lord 525 Guide me, O Thou great 394 H Hallelujah! hallelujah! 645 Hallelujah! He is risen! 90 Hark! hark! my soul! 393 Hark! the voice of Jesue, crying 640 Hasten, sinner, to be wise 714 Have faith in God; what 370 Have our hearts grown cold 391 Have you any room for Jesus? 568 Have you on the Lord believed? 22 Have you sought for the 536 Hear me, blessed Jesus 436 Hear the blessed invitation 481 Hear us, O Saviour, while 416 Hear ye the glad Good News 187 Heavenly Father, bless me now ^ Heavenly Father, we beseech 189 Heavenly Father, we Thy 233 He dies! He dies! the lowly 350 He holds the key of all 399 He is coming, the " Man of Sorrows" 285 He leadeth me! oh, blessed 637 He lives and loves, our Saviour 552 Helpless I come to Jesus' blood 210 Hide me, O my Saviour 440 Ho! my comrades, see the 11 Ho. reapers in the whitened 550 Ho! reapers of life's harvest 646 Hold Thou my hand; so 356 HolyTrhost, with light divine 430 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God 118 Holy, holy, holv is the Lord 467 Holy Spirit, faithful Guide 31 Holy Spirit, Teacher Thou 443 Home at last on heavenly 99 Hope on, hope on, 418 How do I knowimy sins 439 How firm a foundation, ye 613 How oft our souls are lifted up 499 How solemn are the words 690 How sweet, my Saviour, to 327 How sweet, O Lord, Thy word 520 How sweet the joy that fills 422 How sweet the name of Jesus 705 How sweet the word of Christ 163 I I am coming to the cross 658 I am far frae my hame 607 I am not skilled to understand 510 I am now a child of God 666 I am so glad that our Father in 18 I am Thine, O Lord 572 I am trusting Thee, Lord 166, 445 I am waiting for. the Master 487 I am waiting for the morning 232 I believed in God's wonderful 288 I belong to Jesus 4P' 154: INDEX. NO. I bring my sins to Thee 73 I bring to Thee, O Master: 512 I can not tell how precious .137 I cried to God, I cried 557 I do not ask for earthly store 457 I feel like singing all the t^uie 156 I »ave My life for thee 608 I have a Saviour, He's pleading 589 I have entered the valley of 104 I have heard of a land far away 113 I have heard of a Saviour's 74 I have read of a beautiful city 183 I heard the v»ice of Jesus... 649 I hear the Saviour say „ 588 I hear the words of Jesus 222 I hear Thy welcome voice 595 I know I love Thee better 294 I know not the hour when my 621 I know not what awaits me 181 I know not why God's 272 I know that my Redeemer 253, 298 I left it all with Jesus 53 I looked to Jesus in my sin 333 I love to tell the Story 30 I love to think of the heavenly 71 I love thy kingdom. Lord 688 I must walk thro' the valley 341 I need Thee every hour 597 I saw a way-worn traveler 225 I stood outside the gate 85 I think when I read that sweet 201 I waited for the Lord my 703 I wait for Thee, O Lord! 498 I was once far away from the 382 I will lift up mine eyes (Chant) 539 I will praise the Lord my., 460 I will sing of my Redeemer^ 577 I will sing the wondrous 406 I will sing you a song of that 15 I'll Thee exalt, my God, O King 556 I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a 105 If never the gaze of the sun 133 Im my Fatker's house there is 154 In some way or other, the Lord 7 In the Christian's home in ., 673 In the cross of Christ 1... 698 In the harvest-field there is 328 In the heavenly pastures fair 483 In the hour when guilt assails...., 469 In the land of strangers 337 In the secret of His presence 363 la the shadow of His wings 306 In the silent midnight watches 93 In Thy cleft, O Rock of Ages 230 In Thy great loving-kindness 558 In times of sorrow, God is near 493 In Zion's Rock abiding 84 Is Jesus able to redeem? 131 la thy cruse of comfort failing 515 It's abonnie, bonnie warP 258 It ia finished; what a Gospel! 452 It may be at morn, when the ,,.. 651 It passeth knowledge, that 632 I've found a Friend; oh, such 584 I've found a friend in Jesus 367 NO. I've found a joy in sorrow 7© I've found the pearl of greatest 176 I've learned to sing a glad new 417 I've reached the land of corn 603 Jerusalem, my happy home 380 Jesus, and shall it ever be 704 Jesus bids us shine with a 386 Jeaus Christ is passing by 620 Jesus, gracious One, calloth 122 Jesus hail, enthroned in glory 701 Jesus, I come to Thee for light 424 Jesus, I my cross have taken 263 Jesus, I will trust Thee„ 202 Jesus is cominj^, sing the 234 Jesus ia tenderly cafling thee 308 Jesus, keep me near the cross , 598 Jesua knows thy sorrow .565 Jesus, Lover of my soul 721, 727 Jesus loves me, and I know I 18 Jesus loves me, this I know 724 Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I 226, 335 Jesus, my Saviour, to,,.. 280 Jesua of Nazareth! O what 463 Jesus only, when the morning 697 Jesua saves! O blessed story 421 Jesus, Saviour, pilot m^! 366 Jesus shall reign 64, 624 Jesus, the very thought 36S Jesus, Thou Refuge of the soul 492 Jesus, Thy name I love 307 Jeaus wept! those tears are 702 Joy to the world 126, 606 Just as I am, without one 6d2 Knocking, knocking, who „ 6|t Laborers of Christ, arise Lead, kindly Ligrft, amid Lead to the shadow of the ,.... Let us gather up the sunbeams.. Let us sing of the love of the Lift up, lift up thy voice with .... Light after darkness Light in the darkness, sailor Like wandering sheep o'er Long in darkness we have Look away to Jesus Look unto Me, and be ye Look up! look ud! ye weary Look, ye saints, the sight is, Lord, at Thy mercy-seat Lord, bless and pity us Lord, dismiss ua with Thy Lord, I care not for riches , Lord, I hear of showers of Lord Jesus, I long to be , I ;!i ,. / 86 .311 .103 121 80 343 476 619 616 691 732 209 INDEX. 155 NO. lord, my trust I repose in Thee 242 •■ol the day of God is breaking 69 Low in the grave He lay 323 M Majestic sweetness sits 679 Man of Sorrows! what a name 645 Master, the tempest is raging 261 Meet me there! Oh, meet 289 Mine! what rays of glory 157 More holiness give me .' 594 More love to Thee, O Christ 61 More of Jesus, more of 490 Must I go, land empty-handed 174 Must Jesus bear the cross 112 My country, 'tis of thee '. 738 My days are gliding swiftly by 665 My faith looks up to Thee 718 My Father is rich in houses 302 My God and Father while 1 229 My God, I have found 726 My heart, that was heavy, and 58 My heavenly home is bright 484 My hope is built on nothing 654 My Jesus, as Thou wilt 372 My Jesus, I love Thee 586 My latest sun is sinking fast 97 My life flow 6 Safe upon the heavenly shore 482 Salvation, O the joyful sound 694 Save, Jesus, save! 706 Saviour, again to Thy dear 412 Saviour, breathe an evening 168 Saviour, lead me, lest I stray , 477 Saviour, like a Shepherd 660 Saviour, more than life to 593 Saviour, Thy dying love 591 Saviour, visit Thy plantation 700 Say, is your lamp burning, my, 217 Say, where is thy refuge, poor , 185 Search me, O Lord and try 480 Shall we gather at the river? 669 Shall we meet beyond the 108 She only touched the hem , 657 Shine on, O star of beauty , 292 Should the death-angel knock 213 Simply trusting every day 581 Sing them over again to me , 579 Sing unto the Lord, O ye 497 Sinners Jesus will receive 331 Sinners, turn, why will ye die 722 Sin no more, thy soul is free... 447 Sitting by the gateway of a , 389 Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and 526 Softly and tenderly Jesus 324j So let our lips and lives express 625) Some day, we say, and turn 4( Some one will enter the pearly 30( Sometimes a light surprises...,., 61' Sometimes I catch sweet 39' Songs of gladness, never sad Sons of God, beloved in Jesus 35i Soon shall we see the glorious 64' Soon will come the settmg sun 47^ Soul of mine, in earthly temple 59( Souls of men. why will ye 33j Sound, sound the truth abroad.... 71[ Sound the alarm! let the 2' Sound the high praises 1< Sowing in the morning "' Sowing the seed by the daylight Speed away, speed away , Spirit of truth, O let me know Standing by a purpose true 6p Stand up! stand up for Jesus .., 615 Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay 728 Stretch forth Thy hand 332 Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour..... .. ^74 Sweet hour of prayer Suffering Saviour, with thorn f23 T Take may life and let it be 124,/663 Take the name of Jesus with / ^T INDEX. 157 NO. Take Thou my hand, and lead 486 Take time to be holy 448 Tell it out among the 192 Tell me the Old, Old story 28 Tempted and tried, oh! the 136 Tenderly the Shepherd 89 Ten thousand times ten 155 The blood has always precious 208 The call of God is sounding 538 The cross it standeth fast 400 The gospel bells are ringing 125 The gospel of Thy grace 190 The gospel trumpet's sounding 148 The Great Physician now is 629 The living God who by His 528 The Lord bless thee and keep 739 The Lord keep watch 523 The Lord is coming by and 449 The Lord's my Shepherd 678 The Lord's ohr Rock, in Him 321 The love that Jesus had for me 215 The mistakes of my life ....;. lOO The morning light is breaking 616 The prize is set before. us 165 The sands of time are 67, 252 The Spirit and the bride say 409 The Spirit, oh, s-inner 29 The way is dark, my Father 188 The whole world was lost in 626 The word of God is given,., , 250 Thee will I love, O Lord..,« 559 There are.lonely hearts to 578 There is a calm beyond life's ..; 383 There is a fountain filled 733 There is a gate that stands ajar; 12 There is a green hill far 601 There is a land of pure 16, 146, 470 There is a land which lies afar 349 There is a name I love 360 There is a paradise of rest 453 There is a stream, whose ".*.". 384 There is a joy ameag the angels 171 There is life for a look 635 There is love, true love 240 Thare is no name so sweet on 346 There's a beautiful land on 655 There's a land that is fairer 110 There's a royal banner given 381 There's a Stranger at the door 332 There's a wideness in 541 There shall be showers 315 There were ninety and nine 570 The?^ dreamed not of danger , 115 The'^'re gathering homeward 220 Thi^, Jesus, Thine 120 Thim, most gracious Lord 62 This is the day of toil • 170 This loving Saviour ^ ^ 10 Thoudidst leave Thy throne.... -. 98 Thou, my everlasting portion 599 Though your sins be as scarlet 549 Thou irt coming^ O my Saviour 152 Through the valley of the 113 Throw out the Life-line 441 Till He comel O let the 265, 364 NO. *Tia a goodly pleasant land 114 'Tis a true and faithful saying 427 'Tis known on earth, in heaven 249 'Tis midnight; and on Olive's 474 'Tis only a little way on to my 459 'Tis the blessed hour of 596 'Tis the hallowed hour of. 521 'Tis the promise of God, full 5 To-day the Saviour calls 630 To Him who for our sins was 251 To the hall of the feast came 44 To the work! to the work 576 To Thee I lift my soul, O Lord ^. 563 Trav'ling to the better land 237, 458 Troubled heart, thy God is 506 True-hearted, whole-hearted 518 Trusting in the Lord thy God 214 Trust on, trust oUj believer 212 Turn thee, O lost one, care 479 'Twill not be long our journey 243 w Wait, my soul, upon the Lord 736 Wand'ring afar from the dwellings 8 Watchman, tell me 95 We are children of a King 235 We are coming home to Jesus 503 We are waiting by the river , 699 Weary gleaner in the field , 296 Weary gleaner, whence comest 24 We bow our knees unto the 395 We have felt the love of 472 We have heard the joyful 284 We lift our songs to Thee 297 We praise Thee and bless Thee 228 We praise Thee, O God! 20 We praise Thee, we bless 451 We shall meet beyond the river 604 We shaJl reach the summer 371 We shall sleep, but not 94 We speak of the land of the 160 We thank Thee, Lord, for this 4 We would see Jesus — for 500 We're going home, no more to 17 We're marching to Ca'naan 78 We're saved by the blood 140 We've journeyed many a day 123 Well, wife, I've found the model 408 What a friend we have in Jesus 583 What can wash away my stain? 195 What! lay my sins on Jesus? 38 What means this eager, anxious 9 What tho' clouds are hovering 141 What various hindrances we 710 When God the way of life 455 When He cometh, wheh He..,. 638 When I shall wake in that fair 485 When I survey that wondrous 491, 709 When Jesus comes to reward 659 When morning gilds the skies 537 When morning lights the 554 When my final farewell to the 116 When peace, like a river „ 573 158 INDEX. NO. K^hen the King in His beauty 231 When the Lord from heaven 198 "When the mists have rolled 411 "When the storms of life are 119 When we gather at last over.... 316 When we get home from our 182 When we reach our Father's 173 Where is my wandering boy 631 Wherever we may go, by night 286 While foes are stivong and 92 While Jesus whispers to you 410 While life prolongs its precious 684 While shepherds watched 693 While Thou, O my God, art 495 While we pray and while we 428 Who came down from heaven 283 Who is on the Lord's side 236 Whoever receiveth the 387 NO. Whom have I Lord, in heaven 142 Whosoever heareth, shout 618 Why do you linger, why 419 Why do you wait, dear brother 130 With harps and with viols 33 With His dear and loving care 204-. Work, for the night is coming 14 Work, for time is flying ,.: 535 Would you lose your load of >45 Would we be joyful in the 667 Yes, we'll meet again in 437 Yet there is room! 642 Yield not to temptation 582 You're starting, my boy. on 401 Young men in Christ the Lord 502 Nos. I TO 6 COMPLETE. CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST OF GOSPEL HYMNS. By Expren, Charges not prepaid. Per copy. $1 00 2 50 7 00 Per 100. 10 00 15 00 Words and By mall, postpaid. Per copy. fFull Cloth, Red E^dges $1 18 ^ , •{ Illuminated Cloth, Gilt E;dges 2 75 Music. (Divinity Circuit, I^evant 7 25 Words Only, /Agate, Flexible Cloth 12 Small Type, t Nonpareil, Flexible Cloth 18 Words Only, r Flexible Cloth Covers ^ ^ < Board Covers I^arge Type, (pun Bound, Cloth Nos. 5 AND 6 GOMBiiMED. 25 30 35 Mti«iic Edition (Board Covers $0 70 music *,aition, J ^^^^^ ^.^^ ^^ ^^ ^.^^ ^ ^^ I/argre Type. 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Gospel Hymns, Consolidated, Paper (Gospel Hymns 1, 2, 3, and ^^^ Dozea. 4, in one volume) 1 05 12 00 Gospel Hymns:, Consolidated, Cloth (Gospel Hymns 1, 2, 3, and 4, in one volume) 1 55 18 00 Gospel Hymns No. 5, Paper 80 9 00 Gospel Hymns No. 5, Cloth 105 12 00 Gospel Hymns No. 6, Paper 80 9 00 Gospel Hymns No. 6, Cloth 105 12 00 These editions contain all the Melodies, but without words. A Piano or Orgfan played from the regular edition will agree perfectly with the Cornet played froin these editions.