I MINUTES ov -nns «> >-■■ I EVANGELICAI, LUTHERAN I SYNOD AND MINISTERIUM % r)4 OP NORTH CA.ROLINA. CXHJVfiifKD AT Ik ST. JOHN'S CHUKCH, SALISBURY, N. C. MAT 2nd, 186T. iUso the Minutes of the 'Missionary Society. CH^ELOTTE, N. G. PBIWTBD AT THK "EVANGELICAL LUTHERAlf'* OFFICK. 1867. ( Hart^ Carolma College. MOUNT PLEASANT, CABARRUS COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA. ^ The next scholastic year of this Institution, will commenoe tirst Monday of August, 1867. TUITION, PEB SESSION OP FOBTY WEEKS, NATIONAL CURRENCY Engligli Department, $30 00 Classical, 40 00 Board can be obtained at $10 00 per month. Deduction will be made, in cases of protracted sickness. For further information address, Rev. L. A. BIKLE; Prof, of Ancient Languages, Mt Pleasant, N. C. MINUTES OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD AND MIXISTEPJUM OF NORTH C^R0LI:N^^. CONVENED AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, SALISBURY, N. C MAY 2nd, 1867. Also the Minutes of the Missionary Society. CHAELOTTE, N. C ritlXTED AT TnE "EVANGELICAL LUTHEEAK'' OFFICE. 18C7. MINUTES OF SYNOD. In accordance with the resolution of adjournment adopted at the last annual Convention, the Ministers and Lay Delegates of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina assembled in JSt. John's church, Salisbury, Kowan County, North Carolina, on Thursday, May 2, isGT, lU o'clock, A. M. Tlie Synodical dis- course was preached by the President Eev. S. Rothrock from Ro- mans, lUth chapter and 1st verse. ■v FIRST SESSION. TiiuKSDAY, May 2, lli o'clock, A. M. Synod was opened with singing and prayer by the President. The roll was called, the absentees noted, and the certificates of the Lay Delegates received. The names of the clerical members and Lay Delegates compos- ing this body registered as follows : ORDAINED MINISTERS. Ptev. Wm. Artz, ]\rount Pleasant, Cabarrus Countv, X. C. " S. Rothrock, Pockville, liuwan, " " Jacob Crim, South River, " " *' N. Aldi-ich, Charlotte, Mecklenburg " '* S. Scherer, .Salisbury, Rowan " '* L. C. Groseclose, Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus " " John Swicegood, Shady Grove, Davidson " ^' G. D Bernheim, jMount Pleasant, Cabarrus " *' D. I. Dreher, Concord, " '' " ^\. H. Cone, Gold Hill, Rowan '' AVm. A. Julian, Shaw's ]Mills, Guilford " W. KimTjall, Salisbury, Rowan " " L. A. Bikle. Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus " " A. D. L. Moser,* Lexington, Davidson " LICENTIATES. Rev. A. Grimes, Hay Meadow, AVilkes County, X. C. ^ew J. W. Barrier, :\Iill Hill, Rowan County, THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS. Rev. R. L. Brown, Salisbury, Rowan Countv, X. C. Rev. W. R. Ketchie, Xewton," Catawba Countv, '' *Receivf d at this meeting. LAY EELEGATES. D. M. Barrier, Uev. AVm. Artzs delegate. David Earnheart, " S. Eothrock's " J. K. Stevens, " X. Aldi-ieh's " E. A. Probst, " S. Schei-er's " H. A. Cheak, " L. C. Groseclose's '' Ransom "SVinecoff, Esq., " D. I. Dreher's " Thomas Earnheart, " W. H. Cone's " John Sloop, Esq., " "\V. Ivimball's " A. Swicegood, Esq., '• A. D. L. Moser's *" Aaron Yost, " J. W. Barrier's " S. Xupman, " E. L. Browns " COMMISSIOXEES. S. AVagoner, from Frieden's church, P. X. Heilig, Esq., from Organ church. Isaac Beaver, fi'om St. John's pastorate. The President now read his annual Report, which was laid on the table for future consideration. PEESIDENT'S EEPOET. Dear Brethren : "Grace be to you and peace from God our Eather and the Lord Jesus Christ." Through an ever watchful Providence, we are again assembled in Synodical Convention. As an ecclesiastical body, our attention will be directed to measures connected with the moral and reli- gious improvement of men, their present and future happiness, and the prosperity of the Eedeemer's kingdom. AVe should, therefore, duly feel the responsibilities resting upon us, take expansive views on the subject of Christian duty, and invoke "the wisdom that is from above" to "guide us into all truth." OrnCIAL ACTS. It is made my constitutional duty to present to you an account of my official acts during the past year. On the 16th of last June, I forwarded a letter of honorable dismission from this Synod, to Eev. J. L. Smithdeal, to enable him to connect himself with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of East Pennsylvania. On the 8th of last September, I forwarded a letter of like im- port to Eev. J. S. Heilig, to enable him to connect himself with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Maryland. On the '2Ut\i of last September, I extended an ad interim license to brother Jacob AV. Barrier, authorizing him to preach the gospel and bury the dead. On the 19th of last October, I extended an ad interim license of like import to brother Eichard L. Brown. Tliese brethren were recoinniended to me fur examinatiou with a view to their licensure. After a free collo(|uial interview with them as to personal piety ; their motives for seekinj^ the holy office ; their views on the subjects of Christian doctrine and duty; their mental qualilications for imparting biblical instruction to others ; and, having contidence in their ability to do good, I gave them authority as above set forth. Lrother IJarrier has since been preaching in St. Enoch's and Trinity churches, and brother Brown has recently accepted of the charge of the Gold Hill pas- torate. At the last meeting of Synod, brotlier J. II. Fesperman received a license, for six montlis, to preach the gospel and bury the dead. In the month of November last, having confidence in the zeal, the good intentions and the capacity for usefulness of this brother, I renewed his license, without, however, increasing its powers. The authority of the licenses of the brethren just named, expires at the present meeting of Synod ; it will now become the duty of the Ministerium to examine them constitutionally, and then act in accordance with the result of such examination. On the 15th of last January, I received a letter from Rev. L. C. Groseclose, informing me, that in September preceding, he had formally resigned the charge of the Gold Hill pastorate. He further stated, that he had been elected pastor of the Alamance charge, on a salary of 8500, and the parsonage at Gibsonville ; but, that his salary had been raised to nearly S600 for three- fourths of his time. He was still unsettled in his mind at the time ef writing, whether he would accept of the charge or not. From the statements in brother Groseclose's letter, the church in the Alamance and Guilford charges, is in a flourishing and growing condition, more so than it has been for many years. On the 19th of February last, I received a letter from Eev. A. D. L. Moser, of the South Carolina Synod, informing me that he had removed to the Davidson pastorate, with a view of taking charge of the same. He also asked for instructions, as to the proper course to be pursued by him, in severing his connection with the Synod of South Carolina, and connecting himself with ours. I gave him instructions as to his proper course, and the nature of the credentials which would serve him as a passport to membership in our Synod. On the 18th of last March, I received a letter from brother G. H. Fesperman, informing me that ho had been sick for a long time ; that he was advised by his physicians to go South for a while, in order to regain his health ; and asked my permission to leave his field of labor for the purpose of restoring his declining health. Believing that it would be unsound policy and in conflict with true Christian charity and sympathy, to restrict a minister to a field at the sacrifice of his health, I accordingly gave him per- mission to leave his charge for the purposes set fortli in his letter. On the 12th of April, I received a letter from Eev. J. B. An- thony, informing me that he had accepted of a call to the Mifflin - town charge, Juniatta county, Pa., and recjuested an honorable dismission from this Synod, to enable him to connect himself with the Evangelical Lutheran Central Synod of Pennsylvania. I im- mediately forwarded to him the desired letter of honorable dis- mission. On the 29tn of April, I received a letter from Eev. A. Grimes, stating, that in consequence of old age and the infirmities conse- quent thereupon, and the afflicted condition of his aged compan- ion, he would not be able to attend the present meeting of Synod. He also states that he had been able to preach to his little congre- gation, numbering five communicants, but once during the past year. He invokes the Divine blessing upon our deliberations, and asks to be excused for his non-attendance. I recommend that brother Grimes be excused, and that his letter be read before Synod. The foregoing items embrace all my official acts and correspon- dence of which any record is necessary. VACANCIES. I would apprise you, that two vacancies, by the removal of ministers beyond the geographical limits of our Synod, have occurred in the Board of Trustees of North Carolina College, and four by the expiration of time ; which it will become your duty tc> fill at this meeting. COySTITUTIOX. Tho Constitution of the Evangelical Lutheran General Synod in North America is hereby submitted to you for ratification. It is earnestly hoped that in the ratification of the said Constitution, there may be unanimity of sentiment and harmony of action ; and it is believed that such united and harmonious action will greatly contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Church. "And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified." SAMUEL EOTHEOCK, President. Salisbury, N. C, May 2d, 1S67. Synod now took a recess until 2 o'clock. AFTEENOON SESSION. The business of Synod resumed. An election for officers of Synod was held and resulted^ as follows : Rev. N. Aldkicii, President. Kev. Wm. a. JuLiAy, Recording Secretary. Rev. G. D. Bkuniikim, Corresponding Secretary. Dr. P. A. SiFFKKD, Treasurer. The President inquired Avhethor there were any Ministers pres- ent from other Lutheran Synods who wished to unite with this body. In response to wliich Rev. A. D. L. Moser presented a certificate of honorable dismission from the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina, and was unanimously received as a member of this Synod. On motion, the Minutes of last Synod were referred to the Committee on Unfinished Business. Rev. Prof. W. Eichelberger, Revs. Barrier, Brown and Ketchie, also, Dr. P. A. Sifferd and 5lathias Barrier, Esq., were, on motion, received as advisory members of Synod. Resolved, That the members of Synod meet each morning at >^ o'clock for religious service, and at >^^i o'clock, A. M., and '1 P. M. for the transaction of business. Resolved, That Synod adjourn on Friday afternoon to give place for a meeting of the Rowan Bible Society. On motion. Revs. Messrs. Rumple and Gibs, of the Presbyte- rian Church, were received and invited to seats as advisory members. All papers intended for the Synod and ^linisterium were called for and handed in. Business was now suspended for half an hour to give the officers of Synod an opportunity to arrange the papers, and appoint the various Standing Committees. At the call of the President, business was resumed, and the following Committees were announced : STANDING COMMITTEES. L On PresidenVs Report. — Revs. G. D. Bernheim, L. A. Bikle, and Mr. J. K. Stevens. il. On Petitions and Vacancies. — Revs. Dreher, Crim, and Mr. D. M. Barrier. 3. On Unfinished Business. — Revs. Artz, Kimball, and J. Sloop, Esq. 4. On Finnnce. — Rev. S. Rothrock, Earnheart and Yost. 5. On the State of Religion. — Revs. Sherer, Moser, and Mr. S. Nupman. G. On Confcrential Meetings. — Revs. Bikle, Cone, and Mr. T. Earnheart. Parochial reports called for, handed in and arranged as follows: p^ 1 'f. SI •^ua^OAauaa; 11 •l^DOT 1 ^^ •sSuij8aj\[-jaA'BJj '- r— 1— 1 C^ •S93SB13 atqig '- '" •SJi^ioqog O "^ o o o o CO o •SJ.3qot^8X o ec 'T r^ -M o c •siooqos -^' >— 1 C-3 C^l !M - • s^B J3un j; .-. ^ .^ :i ^ ^:: •saaqingj^^; jo qi'B9(i (M ?0 C<1 c^i >-t -r C-1 •suoisi^ndx3[ ^ •suoissiuisiq; ■^ .— ' cc cc c-i CO •suot;bjo;s9jj •suoTSSiinpy ^ -c uot^BTHjgTioQ qo,3 •suop'erajtjuo,'^ • ^ ;^ ^ •s;u'Bomninuio3 qo^ O •9;uBDmnrarao3 "AV I § t- o ? o § ."§ S § ?5 § ,^-v, r C^l •— CO -"T CC C^l CI ^ C^4 PhIs •s;inpY pjoo •S^UBJUI pjOQ •S4PPY 8;HAV •s;uBjui 8;iqAV X C 'w -O >.-i (M •suou^2a,iSuo3 -M .-H C^l ■CJ !M C<1 .-1 C > > >y. ~ ' /.^ ^^ c^ ^^ -v ^j <•> ^> r^ --^ ■v .\j ,-> ^j ,-^ »^ «^ -^ r> , ^ "^ "y: r^ -^ ,^ r^ V* I^ •ri O O O O O r- ►> Report of the correspondiug delegate to the South CaroUua Synod received and adopted, CORRESrONDING DELEGATE'S REPORT. Brethren of the Korth Carolina Synod : As your corresponding delegate to the Synod of South Carolina, we would state, that we were permitted to meet with that body assembled in convention, on the ISth October, 1806, in St: Mark's church, Edgefield district, South Carolina, and that we conveyed to the brethren thus assem- bled your Christian salutations. The devastations of the late war, which fell heavily upon that section of our beloved Church, and a severe drought of the pre- ceding summer, made the circumstances of their assembling peculiarly trying, and yet, there was to be seen such ready sub- mission to the divine will and such hopefulness in reference to the future, thst we felt it good to be in their midst, for in them, the declaration of the Apostle to the Gentiles found a cheering illustration, "cast down, but not in despair." The business of the Synod was conducted in a spirit of harmony that became those who are "of the same household of faith," and gave full evidence of the prosperity of that portion of the Church committed to their care. Not less than 1,UU0 souls have been added to their membership by Baptism, Confirmation, and Certfi- cate. "With this increase to the Church, there is also the prospect of additions to their clerical ranks, eight or ten young men present- ed themselves as candidates for the ministry, were received by the Synod and are now prosecuting their studies under Professor Smellzer, of Newberry Seminary. One of the most pleasing and encouraging incidents of that synodical meeting,w as the prompt- ness with which a number of the ministers and laymen pledged themselves and their churches to the support of these young men, during the period of their theological studies. An amount amply sufficient for this purpose was in a very few minutes secured. Such liberality in the midst of so much destitution and pecuniary embarrassment is worthy of our special notice. The report of the delegates of that body to the last meeting of our General Synod, brought up for consideration the General Synod's amended Constitution, which was unanimously adopted. The establishment of a General Theological Seminary, to be located wherever the General Synod may direct, was also consid- ered, and a resolution of approval and an expression of the read- iness of that body to unite in the undertaking was unanimously agreed to. The "Evangelical Lutheran," as the organ of our Church, was mest heartily approved, and by resolution it was agreed to give it the full support of the Synod. It affords us no little pleasure to say, that this pledge so far as the postal arrangements of the country admit has been faithfully redeemed. 10 These are the only items connected with the meeting of that Synod we have thought needful to bring to your notice. Rev. Xoah Derrick was elected as corresponding delegate to this Synod and Eev. T. S. Boinest as his alternate. Respectfully submitted, N. Aldrich. Report of the Corresponding Secretary received and adopted. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY'S REPORT. Your Corresponding Secretary, herewith presents his report for the past sy nodical year. No written^communications have been received by your Secretary; and the only items to be reported upon are the annual proceedings of three Synods. The Minutes of the Evangelical Lutheran Ten- nessee Synod for 1866, have been sent for the use and information of this Synod. From these Minutes we learn that the brethren con- nected with said Synod, are deeply concerned for the prosperity of Lutheran Church. They have di\ided their Synod into conferential districts, elected a commissioner to the next meeting of General Synod, recommended the Evangelical Lutheran to the favorable consideration of their membership, and adopted a new constitution containing rules of order for ti-ansacting synodical business. They gave permission, to their ministers residing in the valley of Virginia, to form themselves into a new Synod, by adopting a con- stitution not inconsistent with the Word of God and Sj-mbolical books of the Lutheran Church. The clerical roll contains names of twenty-four ordained minis- ters, one licentiate, and one applicant. The table of Parochial reports consists of reports from eleven ministers who report forty-two congregations, and three thousand ni|ie hundred and sixty communicants. OFFICERS OF SYNOD. Rev. a. Efied, President. '' L. A. Fox, Recording Secretary. " A. J. Fox, Corresponding Secretary. " J. M. Smith, Treasurer. The next annual meeting of this Synod will convene in Cedar Grove, church Lexington District, South Carolina, on Thursday before the third Sunday in September, 1867. Minutes of Western Virginia Synod for 1867, have been re- ceived. On examination nothing is found requiring special notice in this report, except the reports in relation to the institutions under their care. 11 The President of Eoanoke College, reports one hundred and forty-seven students for session preceedin^ the meeting of Synod. Efficient measures were inaugurated for the benefit of Wythe- ville Female College, so as to secure its former prosperity, and in- sure success for the future. The brethren of Western Virginia Synod, are truly active and self-denying in their exertions to promote intelligence and piety, and the interests of our Lutheran Zion. OFFICERS OF SYNOD. Eev. J. C. Repass, President. " Alex. PiiiLLirri, Secretary. •' E. II. McDonald, Treasurer. Next annual meeting of this Synod will be held in Stony Creek church Giles county, Western Virginia to assemble on Thursday before the third Sabbath in August 18G7. Minutes of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Maryland is re- ceived. From a careful perusal of proceedings of this ecclesiastical body, we learn it is deeply interested in all things promotive of religion and intelligence. The reports of various committees show the Synod is actively engaged in the work of the Lord, and energetically laboring for the salvation of souls. The Lord abundantly bless their labors. OFFICERS OF SYNOD. Rev. J. G. Butler, President. " Jno. J. SuMAN, Secretary. " J. G. Brandan, Treasurer, The next annual meeting of this Synod will convene in West- minister Carrol county Maryland, on the evening of the 10th of October 1867. Respectfully Submitted, * DANIEL I. DREHER. Report of the delegates to the last meeting of the General Syn- od received and adopted. REPORT OF DELEGATES TO GENERAL SYNOD. Your Delegates met at the time and place assigned for the con- vening of the General Synod, where they were met by delegates elected from the Synods of Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia. A constitutional quorum being present. Synod was properly or- ganized, and entered upon the transaction of such business as came up for its consideration. It was ascertained, during the sessions of the Synod, that the Synod of North Carolina was entitled to more delegates than had 12 been appointed, accordingly two were added to the delegation, by enrolling names of* two who had been elected as alternates. That part of the action of General Synod requiring the atten- tion of this body, may be found on pages 12 and 15 of printed minutes of said Synod. The first, refers to a proposed change of constitution, as to name and certain articles contained in said document. The second, relates to the formation of a Theological Seminary "under the immediate control of General Synod." The actions of that body elicited a considerable am.ount of de- bate, and all its doings were designed for the good of our Luther- an Zion,' and for the glory of God. Further information may be obtained from printed minutes of that body. Eespectfullv submitted, DANIEL I. DEEHER. The resolutions connected with the report of the delegation to the General Synod, were refered to the committee on the Pres- ident's report. Synod now adjourned to meet Friday bi^ o'clock A. M. Closed with prayer by Eev. Bernheim. Prof. L. A. Bikle preached at night from Isaaih 1 : IGth and 17th verses. SECOND SESSION. Feiday Morning. Si o'clock May 3d. Synod met and was opened with prayer by brother Crim. Roll called, minutes of previous session read and confirmed. Rev. Mr. Hardie General agent for the Bible Society of N. C. and Rev. Mr. Wheeler of the Methodist Episcopal Church being present, were received as advisory members. Report of the Committee on President's report received and adopted. REPORT ON PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Your committee to whom was referred the report of the Pres- ident of Synod, beg leave to present the following : The only matter that claims the attention of Synod, is the com- munication from Rev. A. Grimes, ^ye recommend that Father Grimes' letter be referred to the committee on petitions and va- cancies. We likewise recommend that the President's report be append- ed to the minutes of ^%nod. In refrence to the course to be persued by this Synod relative to the ratification of the proposed amendments to the Constitution 13 of the General Synod, as brought to the notice of this Synod by the President, and the chairman of our delegation to the General Synod. We recommend the following action : 1st. Resolved^ That we adopt the change made by the General Syn- od in June 1^60, m its name, style and title, and, hereafter recog- nize it as the Evangelical Lutheren General Synod in North America. lind. Resolved, That we also adopt the omission of Article II Sec- tion 3d., of the General's Synod's constitution, known as the Lib- erty clause, together with the change of Article III Section 1st., being a mere verbal alteration occasioned by the adoption of the present name of the General Synod. Eespectfully submitted, G. D. BERNIIEIM. L. A. BIKLE. J. K. STEVENS. On motion the following resolutions were adopted. Inasmuch as Rev. D. I. Dreher, chairman of our delegation to the General Synod, has brought to our notice as instructed by that body, its action in refrence to the establishment of a Theological Seminary, Therefore : 1st. Resolved, That we heartily co-operate with the General Syn- od in the establishment of a first class Theological Seminary, to be under the immediate control of the General Synod. •2nd. Resolved, That this Synod respectfully recommend the city of Charlotte, Concord or the town of Lincolnton, N. C. as central points for the location of said Seminary. 3d. Resolved, That our delegates to the ensuing meeting of Gen- eral Synod, be instructed to bring this to the notice of said body. The Report on Petitions and Vacancies was received and adopt- ed by items. REPORT ON PETITIONS AND VACANCIES. Committee on Petitions and Vacancies. This Committee have placed in their hands the following com- munications : 1st., A letter from Rev. A. Grimes praying to be excused from attending present sessions of Synod, assigning as reasons for ab- sence, want of means, family atlliction, and inhrmities of old age. AVe recommend his letter be read before Synod. We recommend that he be excused, and that this Synod provide means for the re- lief of this aged servant of God. !2nd. Is a letter from Rev. L. C. Groseclose, expressing his regrets at not being able to attend this meeting of Synod on account of personal affliction, desires to be excused for his absence, and wishes his name recorded in favor of adopting the amended constitution 14 of General Synod. We recommend that he be excused, and that his name be recorded as requested. 3d. Is a letter from Rev. J. H. Fesperman, praying to be ex- cused for absence from this present session of Synod on account of personal affliction. We recommend he be excused. Eev. J. H. Fesperman requests a renewal of his license. This letter also con- tains a petition from the congregation of St. Matthews desiring a continuance of his services. The renewal of the license of this brother is respectfully referred to the consideration of Mmisteri- iim, and the petition from St. Matthews Church, is referred to favorable consideration of Synod. 4th. Is a petition from the members of Lau's Church numer- ously signed, praying the North Carolina Synod to hold its next annual sessions in that Church. We refer this petition to the fa- vorable consideration of Synod, when voting for a place for its next annual meeting. 4 VACANCIES. The church in Wilmington is still vacant, but your committee have no suggestions to make, as that good people seem unwilling to employ a minister till they can provide a comfortable support for him. The Iredell charge is without a pastor, and until it can procure one, we recommend it be supplied by the Western Conference. The Churches in Catawba county are refered to the the action of this present meeting of Synod, hoping satisfactory arrangements may be made for their supply. Respectfully submitted, D. I. DEEHEE. JACOB CEIM. D. M. BAEEIEE. After the reading of Father Grime's letter, the following res- olution was passed. Resolved, That all our ministers having charges, be required to take up collections, begining with the first Sabbath in October ensuing, lor the relief of our aged brother, Eev. A. Grimes, that said collections be forwarded to the President of Synod, to be by him transmitted to Eev. Grimes as his wants and necessities may require. Mr. David E. Eidenhouv, a commissioner from Bethel Church Stanly county, appeared, presented a certificate, and took his seat as an advisory member. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to prepare a plan to have the vacant congregations visited by the ministers of Synod during the ensuing year. Committee — Eevs. Cone, Bernheim and Eothrock. 15 EEPORT ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The Committee appointed to report on unfinished business as per resohitions and reconnnendations found in minutes of last year, wouUl invite the attention of Synod. 1st. To a series of resolutions adopted on Pastoral support as found on pajj^e 'ilst. Your Conmiittee recommend Synod tu ini^uire how the rocommendations in these resolutions have been regarded or observed. :2nd. Your Committee recommend that inquiry be made of the committee appointed, on the subject of correspondence in relation to German emigration as found on page 24, and what has been done to attain the object contemplated. 3d. Y^our committee invite the attention of Synod to resolutions, No. 7 and 8, on page '2i) : authorizing the Western Conference to hold a meeting in St. Mitchiell's Church, Iredell county, on Fri- day before the 5th Sunday in July, and that the Rev. D. I. I>re- her be permitted to connect himself with the Central Conference. We recommend that Synod inquire what hasbeen done in relation to these subjects. Eespectfullv submitted, Wm. ARTZ. W. KIMBALL. JOHN SLOOP. In compliance with resolutions on page 21st, Minutes of last year, the various Ministers and Church councils made their re- ports which were received and adopted. REPORT ON VACANT CONGREGATIONS. The committee appointed to prepare a schedule of appointments for vacant congregations, beg leave to report the following : 1st. Newton Mission — To be visited by the following brethren twice during the ensuing year: Revs. Scherer, Crim, and Kim- ball, provided the congregations composing the Mission, will de- fray their traveling expenses. 2nd. Iredell Pastorate — To extend a call to a pastor at as early a day as possible, and in the mean time to be visited by the follow- ing brethren : Revs. Rothrock, Bernheim and Cone ; provided the pastorate pay their expenses. 3d. Bethany church — To be detached from the Forsythe Mission, and attached to the Davidson Pastorate. 4th. Alamance charge — To call a minister to locate amongst them as soon as possible, and in the mean time to be visited by Rev. Rothrock, provided the charge pay his traveling expenses. 5th. We would recommend that the Wilmington Mission be IG referred to the care of the Eastern Conference, and that Church be advised to seek a pastor as soon as possible. Respectfully submitted, W. H. CONE. S. ROTHEOCK. G. D. BERNHEIM. On motion leave of absence was granted to bro. KimbaU's del- agate. The corresponding delegate from the South Carolina Synod,. Eev. N. Derrick aj^peared and took his seat with us. Synod now adjourned subject to the call of the President. Closed with prayer by bro. Scherer. Wm. A. Julian preached at niorht from Job '21: 15. THIED SESSION. Saturday Mokxing, 8 J o'clock, May 4th. Synod was opened with prayer by Eev. Artz. Eoll called. Minutes of previous session read and confirmed. Treasurer of Synod now read his Eeport, and on motion it was re- ferred to the Committee on Finance. On motion a Committee was appointed to re arrange the confer- ential Districts Committee — Eevs. Bikle, Sherer, Moser and Dr. P. A. Sifferd. EEPOET ON CONFEEENCES. The Committee in whose hands have been placed the records of the different Conferences connected with this Synod, respect- fully report the following : CENTRAL CONFERENCE. This body held three sessions during the past year. We call the attention of the Synod to the following report of the commit- tee of Conference on Church extension, as an item demanding con- sideration : We the Committee, appointed by Conference to report on Church extension, would recommend to Dr. P. A. Sili'erd and Capt. Jacob A. Fisher, the propriety of taking preliminary steps to organize a congregation, and build a Church, for the benefit of the members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in their vicin- ity — the Church to be located at some central point between Con- cord, C)rgan, St. John's and Lutheran Chapel Churches. We also bring this enterprise to the notice of Eev. G. D. Bern- 17 heim, requesting him to preach at Bostiau's school-house and env courage the people to organize and build a Church. We likewise recommend to the friends and citizens of Mount. Pleasant, the propriety of building a Lutheran Church in said, place, for the benefit of the CoUefre and members residing there. 1). 1. JJkeueu, ^ Your Committee suggest that the above recommendations of the- Central Conference be approved by ^^ynod. KASTEKX CONFEKKNCE. We take pleasure in stating that this body re-organized in July ;- 1800, and held during tlie year four sessions. ' The following action of the Conference in reference to the in- terests of education in its bounds, we bring to the notice of Synod, as a matter of great interest to tlie Church, and deserving com- mendation : Eesolced, That after mature deliberation, this Conference deems it highly proper and altogether feasible, to establish a first-class Male and Female Academy at some eligible point within its bounds. liesolvcd, That this Conference locate this Academy at Lau's Church, provided the community raise SlUOO and donate a site of at least three acres of land on which to erect suitable buildings. Resolved^ That the right of property and the entire management of this Academy be, and is hereby vested in a Board of six Trust- ees to be elected by this Conference. Hesolved, That this Conference locate a Male and Female Acad- emy of a high order, at or near Gibsonville, on the sJ»me condi- tions, and with the same limitations as the Academy located at Lau's Church, with the exception, that the people of Gibsonville and vicinity be required to raise the sum of S^'OU. Your Committee recommend that Synod pass a resolution com- mendatory and appreciative of the efibrts of this Conference, to establish within its limits first-class schools, and thus give an addi- tional impetus to the cause of education in our Church. WESTERN CONFEliEXCE. We have received no records from this body, from which to report. Respectfully submitted, L. A. BIKLE, } W. H. CONE, } Coynmittee. D. EARXHAIIT, ) On motion the following resolutions were adopted: He-solved, That the report of the Committee of the Central Con- ference on Church extension be approved by Synod, and that the 18 new organizatiun recommended by said Committee be granted one year in which to complete their arrangements. Resolved, That the Synod regrets that there have been no meet- ings of the "Western Conference during the past year, but hope the Conference will be able to hold meetings during the ensueing year. Hesolved, That this Synod highly appreciates the efforts of the Eastern Conference to promote the cause of education by estab- lishing schools of high grade within its bounds, and it commends the course pursued by that body to other portions of the Church. Leave of absence was granted Mr. J. K. Stevens. Business of Synod suspended until - o'clock. Key. Derrick preached at 11 o'clock, from St. Luke, IG : and 31st verse. AFTEPtXOOX SESSION. Synod was opened with prayer by bro. Grim. Leave of absence was granted to Alexander Swicegood Esq., M. S. Wagoner, H. A. Clieak and Mr. Eariiheart. " On motion the following resolntions were adopted : Rewlved^ That the expenses of the Delegate to South Car- olina Synod, and also the expenses of the former Secretary be paid by the Treasurer. Rewlved^ Tbat this Synod now go into an election for del- egates to the approaching meeting of the General Synod and also to sister Synods. Then elections resulted as follows : GENERAL SYNOD. Froicipals. Alternates. Rev, S. Rothrock, Rev. L. C. Groseclose. " D. I. Dreher, '• X. Aldrich. " G. D. Bernheim, " L. A. Bikle. Mr. R. Wiiicoff, Mr. J. Fishor. " P. A. Heihg, " J. Duls. Dr. McEachem, " M. Earner, Esq. SOUTH CAROLINA SYXOD. Rev. L. A. Bikle Delegate, G. D. Bernheim, Alternate. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. An election of the Board of Trustees for North Carolina College resulted in the choice of 19 Jlonayart/ Mniibers of tie Board. Kev. X. Aldrioh. " AVm. Artz. Kev. L. C. Grosec'losc, ) ^Ir. Aloxandtr Brown. Eev. W.. H. Cono, ) " G. I). BtTuht'im, > o>u' i/ear. Maj. L. a. Heilifcs ) {ev. L. C Groseclosc, ^ " S. Sehfi'LT, > " Col. r. 11. iifiiig, ) '^ \V. A. Walton. Capt. J. A. Fisher. Mr. Peter Fogloman. Synod now adjourned to meet Monday S^ o'clock, A. M. Closed with prayer by bru. Crim. Prof. L. A. Bikle i)reaclied at nii^dit t'mni Tloniaiis, 7: and 23d verse. SABBATH SERVICES. Rev. G. D. Bernheini preached in the Lutheran Church, at lOi A. M. from St. John's Gosi)el, 17 : and ISth verse. Itev. S. Scherer preached in the Presbyterian Church, at 10^ A. JM. from. 1st. John, 3 : 14th verse. Rev. D. I. Drelier preached in the Methodist Church, at lOi A. M. from Col. 1 : and 20th verse. Rev, Moser preached at Bethel Church, in the county at 10^ A. M. At 2 o'clock, P. M. the sweet tone of the Lutheran l>ell alone was heard, inviting the lover's of Jesus from the vari- ous congregations, to meet around one common Board. The congregation being seated, the President of the Synod delivered a solemn and appropriate address, after which a large number of persons celel)rated the death of our Divine Master. Rev. Artz preached in Lutlieran Church at night, from 1st John 4 : and 19th verse. Rev. S. Rothrock preached in Presbyterian Church at night, from James 1 : 25, Rev. AVm, A. Julian preached in Methodist Church at night, from St. John's Gospel 15 : and 1st verse. FOURTH SESSIOX. Monday Morning S^ o'clock, May 6th. Synod met and was ojjened with jn-ayer l)y bro. Rothrock. Roll called, minutes I'cad and confirmed. On motion the following resolutions were adopted : Itesolvid, That this Synod appoint three ministers to deliv- er addresses at our next annual meeting on the following sub- jects : 20 On Church Literature — Eev. G. D. Bernheim. On Education — Rev. L. A. Bikle. On Foreign and Domestic Missions — Rev. AV. H. Cone. Iiisolved. That the Xorth Carolina College, and Monta. Moena Female Seminary, l)e advertised on the cover of the minutes of Synod. REPORT ON FINANCE. Your Financial Committee report the following contribu- tions to Synodical Treasury : Eev. Artz's chara:e — Mt. Carmel Church, 82 00— ?2 00 Kev Eothrock's charge — St. Peter's Church, 3 00— 3 00 Rev. Kimball's charge — St. Pauls Church, -.-•.-- 3 00 Luther's Chapel, 3 00— 6 00 St. Enoch's Pastorate — St. Enoch's Church, 3 50 Trinitv Church, 2 50— 6 00 Gold Hill Pastorate— St. Matthew's Church, 3 60 St. Stephens Church, 3 93— 7 53 Alamance Pastorate — Freiden's Church, - 7 08 St. Paul's ChHrch, .----. 3 75— 10 83 St. John's Pastorate — St. John's Chvirch, 13 55 Bethel Church, 2 00— 15 55 Rev. Dreher's charge — St. James Church, - 12 22—12 22 Rev. Julian's charge — Lau's Church, 4 30 Richland, - 1 17 Coble's, - 1 03— 6 50 Rev. Crim's charge — Smith's School-House, 75 Organ Church Pastorate — Organ Church, 10 00— 10 00 Rev. Moser's charge — Sandy Creek, .-.---- 3 00 Pilgi-im Church, 2 00 Beck's Church, 1 80 Bethany Church, 2 50— 9 30 Rev. Shcheror's charge — Bethel Chui-ch, 3 00 Salem Church, 2 10— 5 10 Rev. Cone's charge — Union Church, 5 00 Salisbury Church, 3 00— 8 00 Rev. Aldrich's charge — Charlotte, N. C. 5 00— 5 00 §107.68 21 CONTRIBUTIONS TO DEFRAY EXPENSES OF DELEGATES TO GENERAL SYNOD. Uev. Aldrich's charge-— Charlotte, X. C. $6 00— $6 GO Ecv. Cone's c'hargo-" Union Church, 7 00 Salisbury Church, 3 00— $10 00 Rev. Rothrock's charge— St. Peter's Church, 2 00— ?2 00 -Gold Hill Pastorate— St. :Mathew's Church, 2 00— $2 00 Kev, Kimball's charge— St. Paul's Church, - 2 00— ?2 00 ?22.00 Respectfully submitted, S. ROTHROCK, D. EXRXHENRT. SYXODICA.L TREASUEER'S EEPOKT. P. A. SiFFERD, Treasurer of the Evangelical Lutheraji Synod of North Carolina, in account with said' Synod as follows : 1866. May 3rd, To amount received of the Committee on Finance, - - $103 43 Amount receieved by the hands of W. Kimball, as a contribution from St. St. James Church, Concord X. C. - - - 5 75 $109.18 Paid J. J. Bruner, for printing 500 copies of the minutes, - - $80 00 Cash on hand, - - 29 18 ei09.18 RepectfuUv submitted, P.' A. SIFFORD, Treasurer. The Financial Committee have examined the Treasurer's accounts and tind them correct. The Treasurer's report adopted. Eespecttullv submitted, S. ROTHROCK, D. EARXHEART. Iccsolved, That a Committee be appointed to address the various Churches within the bounds of our Synod for the purpose of defrayino; the expenses of the Delegates to Gen- eral Synod, and that collections be lifted by each minister at an early day, and sent to Rev. D. I. Dreher Concord, X. C. Committte — Revs. Bernheim, Rothrock and Dr. P. A. Sif- ford. oo Messrs. Nupinan and Probst, were permitted to withdraw from Svnod for a time. On motion the following resolutions were adopted : jResolved^ That the Board of Directors of North i arolina College, be instructed to elect a President for tlie College at their next meeting, and if they are unable to do so then ; that they elect one at an early day. Besolved^ That tlie President of Svnod be instructed to write to the President of the Board Directors X.C. College, re- quiring him to send his annual report for publication. REPOPT OF THE PRESIDENT OF DIRECTORS OF NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Rev. iT. AldricK President of the Evangeliccd Luthercm Synod of the State of Korth Carolina : Dear Sir: Owing to the cares of life and to the unsettled condition of the country in which we live, I forgot to forward to Synod at its late meeting my annual report. As it has been made my duty, by special resolution of that body, to send you for publication in die Minutes, a report of the condition and prospects of the North Carolina College, I would respect fully submit the following: The College after a suspension of exercises for tlie space of live years, was re-opened on the first Monday in August, 1S66. During tiie present scholastic term, thirty-three students have been in attendance. The instruction and suspension of the Institution have devolved upon Prof. L. A. Bikle, who has given entire satisfaction to the Trustees and patrons of the College. Early in the year Rev. D. M. Gilbert of Savannah Ga., was elected President, but declined. It has been the earnest desire of the Directors to elect a full and efficient corps of Professors, but the stringency in monev matters has prevented. The funds of the College— someS 12^,000 in North Carolina bonds — are considerably below par, and consequent- ly but little can be realized by selling them. The prospects for a large increase iii the numljer of students tlie next scholastic year are promising, and if plentiful crops are made thisseason, the Directors will ])e enabled to procure the necessary meanstopay the salaries of all the Professors that may be required to carry on successfully the operations of the College. I am, dear sir. Your obedient servant, CHRISTOPHER MELCHOR, Pres. Board of Directors^ N. C. College. 23 EEPOPtT ON THE STATE OF RELIGION. Your Coinniittee on tlic State of Rolig'inii repoi-t that they have read with considerable iiiteresi the several reports of the brethren that have been ])hxced in their hands, and arc much gratitied to learn, that the work of th? Lord is prosper- ing within our Sy nodical bounds. The T)rethren severally indicate, that they are zealously and successfully, prosecuting the work of the Master. Notwithstanding the financial pressure of the country, a new, coiuniodiousand elegant house of worship, in bro. Ivini- ball's charge, is approximating to completion and will most probably be ready for dedication by the expiration of two months. This brother reports two classes of catechumens numbering in all seventy persons ; he also reports favorably of Sabbatli schools. Ero. Julian has been favored withanespecial work of grace during the past year, resulting in the hopeful conversion of one hundred or more, and quite a number added. His sal- ary has been increased from four to six hundred dollars. His people manifest a commendable zeal in behalf of a more lib- eral education of their children; indications generally are favorable, and this brother has much reason to thank God and take courage. Brother Groseclose also, we learn incidentally, has met with unusual encouragement in the Alamance charge, and we can but express our regret that he did not deem it advi- sable to extend his labors among that people, as we believe that he might soon have very materially promoted the inter- ests of the charge. Brother Cone speaks in flattering terms of the prospect in his pastorate, especially in the bounds of Union congregation. The brethren generally, are tavored with manifest interest in hearing the Word, a growing liberality as to their support, and an increasing interest in regard to Sabbath schools. All told things indicate success. Resolved^ That each Pastor be hereafter re<|uired to read his report in open Synod, on the State of Ileligion, and hand the same over to the chairman <:>f the Committee, on the State of Ileligion. Respectfullv sul)mitted, S. SCHEPcEP, A. D. L. MOSEPw. 24 EEPORT OX THE EE-AREANGEMEXT OF CONFE- EEXTIAL DISTEICTS. The Coinmittee appointed to re-arrange the Conferential Districts, proposed the following which was adopted : 1st. That the Wilmington, Guilford, Alamance, Davidson and Forsytlie Pastorates, constitute the Eastern Conference. 2nd. That Salisbury, Gold Hill, Organ Church, Bethel, Luther's Chapel and Davie ; the Central Conterence. 3d. That St. John's, Concord, Charlotte, St. Enoch, Mount Carmel, Iredell and Xewton ; the Western Conference. 4th. That the Ministers serving and residing within the districts as above arranged be requested to meet at an early day. EespectfuUy submitted, L. A. BHvLE. S. SCHEEEE. A. D. L. MOSEE. P. A. SIFFOED. Besolved^ That bro. Ketchie be requested to visit the Ca- tawba charge with a view of supplying them with preach- ing. Resolved^ That Organ and St. Peter's Churches, constitute a Pastorate. Besolved^ That o.ir thanks are due, and are hereby tender- ed to the citizens of Salisbury, for their generous hospitality to the members of this Synod, and also to the pastors ot the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches, for the use of their pulpits during this Convention. y\iQ above resolutions adopted. Eev. Barrier was granted leave of absence. On motion the following resolutions were adopted : Bcsolved, That this Synod feel entirely satislied with the Ecangeliccd Lutheran^ and the course pursued by its Editor, and Editor of the General Synod. Resolved^ That its circulation in all our congregations will greatly promote intelligence and piety, and it is earnestly re- commended to the favorable notice of the membership, in connecuon with the X. C. Synod. Resolved^ That each Minister feel himself under moral ob- ligation to bring this paper to the public notice of his congre- gations, and use all ])ossible effort to have the paper taken by every family in his charge. The place for the next annual meeting of Synod, was by ballot determined in favor of Lau's Church Guilford county, X. C. Resolved^ That when this Synod adjourn it stands adjourn- ed to meet at Lau's Church Guiltord county N. C, on Thurs- day betbre the 1st Sabbath in May, ISGS. ^litsolvcd. That one tliuusaud copies of the minutes of Syn- od l)e printed. Business was now suspended until 2 (.»'chjck, V. M. Closed with the JJenediction. AFTERNOON SESSION. Synod resumed its business with prayer by bro. Crim. Your Committee on assessment in behalf of Delegates to General Synod, would submit the following : Brought forward, 888 00 3It. Carmel Church, e3 00 Bethany Church, fiOO St. Peter's Church, 3 00 Lau's Church, 6 00 Bostain's Church, 5 00 liichland Church, 3 00 Charlotte Church, 8 00 Coble's Church, 2 00 JSt. John's Church, 12 00 Fi'eoden's Church, 7 00 Bethel Church, 4 00 St. Paul's Church, 4 00 Salem Church, 5 00 St. Michael's Church, 3 00 Bethel Eowan Church, 5 00 St. Paul's Church, 2 00 Concord Church, 12 00 St. Enoch's Church, 5 00 Trinity Church, 5 00 Salisbury Church, 5 00 Union Church, 8 00 St. Stephen's Church, 4 00 Luther's Church, 2 00 St. ]Matthew's Churdh, 4 00 Luther's Chapel, 6 00 St. Paul's Church, 4 00 Sandy Creek Church, 7 00 Pilgrim's Church, 2 00 Beck's Church, 3 00 Organ Church, 12 00 ^88.00 ei53.00 Ivcspectfully submitted. G. D. BERNHEIM > S. ROTHROCK, P. A. 8IFF0RD, Synod now suspended business with a view ot organizing the Synodical Missionary Society. Business resumed. On motion the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved^ That we as a Synod do order the resolutions of last Synod 1S6G, on page 21 to be printed on the cover of our Minutes every year, and make it a regular order of busi- ness to be inquired into at each meeting of Synod, until we are satistied that its recommendations have been generally introduced in all our Churches. Resolved^ That the office of the Emngelical Luther aii\\2^v^ the preference in the publication of the Minutes of Synod. Rtsolvrd^ That the Minutes of the Missionary Society be appended to the minutes of Synod. 26 The Minutes were read and confirmed. Resolved. ^ Tliat we now adjourn to meet at tlie time and place specified. Closed with singincr, and prayer bv the President. "Wm. A. JULIAX, Becordinrj Secretary. MINUTES OF THE MIMSTERIUM FIKST SESSION. Friday 5 o'cl<.)ck, T. M. Opened with prayer by l)ro. Kimball. ' The Sermons and Journals of Revs. Barrier, Brown and Fesperman, were on motion referred to the following commit- tees. On Sermon and Journal of bro. Barrier — Rev. J. Grim. On Sermon and Journal of l)r<). Brown — Reverend D. L Dreher. On Sermon and Journal of bro. Fesperman — Rev. L. A. Bikle. Revs. Barrier and Brown, were called for, and invited to seats with a view to their examination. Mr. W. R. Ketchie was proposed as an applicant for Licen- sure, he was also invited to a seat. Revs. Rothrock, Artz and Bikle, were appointed a com- mittee to examine the aoplicants. After-a short interview with the applicants, the Ministe- rium adjourned, subject to the call of the President. Closed with prayer by bro. Bikle. SECOND SESSION. Saturday 5 o'clock, P. M. Opened with prayer by bro. Dreher. Minutes of previous session read and confirmed. Bro. Scherer was permitted to withdraw. After spending some time with the oandidates in an exam- ination of the Bible, Church history, and the doctrines and usuages of the Lutheran Church, the examination closed. REPORT ON SERMON AND JOURNAL OF BRO. BARRIER. Your Committee to whom was referred the Sermon and Journal of bro. Barrier, would submit the following: 28 Tliey having examined his sermon, find it well arranged. Composition good, gramatically written, Scriptural quota- tions judicious, and the subject and matter appropriately applied. Tlie Journal shows that he has been industrious in preach- ing the word, and in Pastoral visits. Eespectfullv submitted, J. CEIM. KEPOET OX SEEMOX AXD JOUEXAL OF BEO. BEOWX. Committee on sermon of bro. Brown report, That an ex- amination of this sermon, shows our young bro. to be devoted to the work of God. The divisions, subdivisions and subject matter, exhibit reflection and care in preperation. We kind- ly recommend our young bro. to diligence, and careful study, and trust he may be useful in the vineyard of the Lord. Eespectfully submitted, D. I. DEEHEE. EEPOET OX^ SEEMOX AX^D JOUEXAL OF BEO. FESPEEMAX. The Committee to whom was refered the sermons and skeletons of bro. J. H. Fesperman, report the following : In regard to these productions of bro. F., we observe that the tliemes discussed by him have been naturally deduced from the texts selected The arrangement of tlie divisions and subdivisions, are generally correct. The ideas are ex- pressed in plain but appropriate, and sometimes forcible lan- guage. It affords us pleasure to state ; that from the num- ber of sermons preached by bro. F. during the past year, he has been actively engaged in promoting the cause of the Eedeemer, and that he is a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. Eespectfully submitted, L. A. BIKLE. The examination of bro. Barrier, sustained by ballot, and on motion it was Eesolved, That he receive a full license for one year. AVith regard to bros. Brown and Ketchie, the '^ following resolution was adopted : Eesolved, That bros. Brown and Ketchie, be received as Tiieological students, by this Ministerium. 29 Eesolved, That they pursue a course of instructions under ministers of the Synod, selected by the President, and that the President be authorized to grant them power t^ preach the Gospel, and bury the dead. The case of bro. Fespernian laid over tur future action. Adjourned subject to the call of the President. Closed with prayer, by Eev. Kimball. THIRD SESSIOX. Monday, o'clock, M. Opened with prayer by bro. Scherer. AVith re.ii'ard to bro. Fesperman, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That bro. J. H. Fesperman, be received as a Theological student, and placed under the instruction of Prof. L. A. Bikle. Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to investigate the character of bro. Fesperman. Cojn-mittee—Uevs. Bikle, Drelier, Rothrock and Kimball. Minutes read and confirmed. Closed with the Benediction. Wm. A. JCLIAX, Recording Sicrttary, cr, MI>:UTES OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY, The Synodical Missionary Society, met and re-organized by electing the following officers : Hey. S. Scherp:r, jP resident. Eev. W. Kimball, Recordhuf Secretary. Rev. D. I. Dreiier, Corresponding Secretary. Mr. Ransom Wixecoff, Treasurer. Jlcmbers. Mcwhers. Brought forward, $T 50 Eev. S. Scherer, 50 Miss M. F. Walton, 50 Rev. J. Crim, ^100 Mrs. E. 0. Linton, 50 Eev. D. I. Dreher, 50 Mrs. L. Walton, 50 Eev. W. KimbaU, 50 Mrs. M. Smithdeal, 50 Eev. X. Aldrieh, 1 00 Mr. L. W. Walton, 50 Mrs. H. J. Scherer, 50 Mr. A. Miller, 50 Eev. A. D. L. Moser, 50 ]Mr. John Sloop, 50 Eev. Wm. A. Julian, 50 I\Ir. M. L. Sloop, 50 Mr. E. Winecoff, 50 Eev.^L. A. Bikle, 50 Eev. \V. E. Ketchie, 50 Mrs. L. A. Bikle, 50 Eev. E. L. Brown, 50 Eev. W. Artz, 50 Eev. D. M. Barrier, . 50 Eev. G. D. Bernheim, 50 Mrs. Bemheim, 50 Eev. W. H. Cone, 50 Eev. Prof. Eichilberger, 50 s \± p^i\ $7 50 Resolved, That the officers with Rev. X. Aldrieh, added constitute the Executive Committee of this Society. Resolved, That the ministers be requested to take up col- lections in their Churches during the year, and report at the next meeting of this Society. Resolved, That we hold'^our next meeting on Saturday afternoon of our next Synodical meeting. Resolved, That we now^ adjourn to meet at the time above stated. WHITSON KIMBALL, Recording Secretary. SEND TOUR DAUGHTERS TO Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus county, N. C. place can always 1,0 hired ' ^ «>"veyance fo the tion IS imparted. *v in.i. cvcrj ieqiiisite intonna- OFFICEES OF SYNOD. Bev. N. Aldkich, Charlotte, N. C, Prcmdent. Eet. W. a. Julian, Shaws Mills, N. C. Recording Secretary. lijEv. Gf. D. Beenheim, Mt. Pleasant, N. C, Correnpo-nding Sdct'y Dk. p. a. Sefi'IRD, China Grove, N. C., Treasurer. STANDINa EESOLUTIONS. I. Rcsohedy That we recommend to the Church Councils the propriety of adopting the plan of collecting the pastors' salary by assessment. II. Ilesolved, That in accordance with our Church discipline, chap. 6, section 3, the Church Councils he instructed to require every member of the Church, to contribute to the support of the gospel, except such as in their judgment are too poo-r to do so. III. Resolved^ That no mini&ter in our connection shall be al- lowed to take charge of vacant congregations until they shall have satisfactorily met their obligations with their former pastor. TV. Resolved, That eacli charge shall have an annual settlement with its pastor, and that each pastor be required to present to Synod annually, a written statement of the amount promised for his support, and the amount received by subscriptions and dona- tions from each Church. V. Resolved, That the Church Councils be required to send to Synod by their Delegates, a written report s<-ating the manner in which their pastor discharges his obligations to his charge. VI. Resolved, That these reports from pastors and Councils be read in Synod by the Secretary.