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 Form No. A-369 
KU-KLUX KLflN No, 40. 
 By Thomas J. Jerome. 
 Edwards & Broughton, Printers and Binders. 
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1895, 
 In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, 
 at Washington. 
 Ku-Kluxisra is dead, and I have no desire to re-open 
 the wounds inflicted by its bloody hands. I would to 
 God that the very recollection of the existence of such 
 an organization could be lost, and that all record of its 
 deeds could be effaced. 
 " Secret political societies are dangerous to the lib- 
 erties of a free people, and should not be tolerated."— 
 Constitution of North Carolina (1875). 
 But while the hand of Ku-Kluxism is stained with 
 blood, yet, considering the sufferings the South endured 
 during the brief existence of that organization, it is the 
 purest and whitest hand ever raised by an outraged 
 people to repel the assaults of their oppressors. Under 
 the reconstruction laws of Congress the people of the 
 South were required to overthrow tbeir own State gov- 
 ernments; to repudiate, not only their State debts, 
 but their own private contracts, as well ; to ratify the 
 taking from them by force, and without remuneration, 
 almost their entire property, and to adopt Constitutions 
 for their government which stripped them of the right 
 dearest to every citizen— the right to vote and hold of- 
 fice, while the' ignorant black man was clothed with 
 all the rights and immunities of citizenship. Is it any 
 f^ wonder, then, that the people took refuge in Ku-Klux 
 \^ Klans, that they might strike against the ruin and deso- 
 •^ lation, peculation and violence that threatened to de- 
 ^ strov them? When Federal bayonets were used to 
 •to -^ 
4 Preface. 
 enforce the intolerable exactions of the government in 
 the way of taxes, and the arm of the negro militia to 
 sustain black demons in their violation of the sanctity 
 of homes and the chastity of women — is it any wonder 
 that men rushed into secret societies for the defense of 
 their wives, their mothers, their sisters and their homes ? 
 Long before a Ku-Klux was ever heard of in the 
 South, armed mobs of negroes and low-down scalawags 
 and carpet-baggers were marching through our towns 
 and country, insulting citizens and spreading terror 
 among all classes. Carpet-bag judges so interpreted 
 the law that scalawag juries found it an easy task to 
 acquit these demons when charged with crime ; but if, 
 perchance, a conviction could be had, a Republican 
 Governor stood ready to pardon the offender for his 
 vote. The result was that all good men were alarmed 
 for the safety of their property and families, and they 
 very naturally looked for some measures of protection. 
 But the cloud that overshadowed the South has van- 
 ished, and the sunlight of peace and prosperity now 
 lights up every pathway. Hope has returned, and the 
 statue of liberty has thrown its torch into every corner. 
 Life, liberty and property are as safe in the South to- 
 day as anywhere on the globe, and while the acquisi- 
 tion of power by the better element may not fully par- 
 don the method of obtaining it, yet justice will declare 
 that the use of this power by the better classes in 
 building up the country clearly vindicates their right 
 to it. 
 Nearly all the scenes described in this book are 
 founded on well authenticated historical facts. The 
 pictures here given have been gathered from the his- 
Preface. 5 
 tories of the Southern States, and a truthfulness of 
 portraiture is the only merit claimed for the work. 
 Born in October, 1859, I was too young to take any 
 part in the operations of the Ku-Klux, or to know much 
 of their actions, except what I have learned from his- 
 tory. So far as I know, no relation of mine ever be- 
 longed to the Klan, though my father was deprived, 
 for some time, of his right to vote by the Federal au- 
 thorities — an indignity his son will never forget. 
 The Author. 
 Albemarle, N. C, 1895. 
 Violence Threatened ., ,— 9 
 Another Carpet-bagger Invited 19 
 A Discovery 28 
 How a Ku-Klux Mandate was Executed 46 
 A Viper Enters 57 
 Partisan Justice 72 
 Love or Gold ? 94 
 Two Villains Meet 105 
 A Ku-Klux Outrage 123 
 The Two Villains Meet Again 130 
 Chapter xi. 
 Insurrection 142 
 The Klan Meets 165 
 A Conflict of Authority 172 
 The Death Chamber '. 192 
8 Contents. 
 Still Weaving Bloody Woof 199 
 A Heroine Appears 212 
 The Judiciary Exhausted 223 
 A New Scheme 227 
 Pro Bono Publico 237 
 A Last Effort 243 
 Rescued 250 
 The Election 255 
 "KlanNo. 40!" 
 "A white man's government!" 
 "Death to scallawags, carpet-baggers and niggers!" 
 Such were the exclamations of a tall and athletic 
 young man, as he entered the almost impenetrable 
 woods at the foot of Glen Echo. 
 He was a Ku-Klux, and the first exclamation given 
 above [simply announced the number of the den to 
 which he belonged ; the second, the annual password, 
 and the third, the universal motto of the Klan respect- 
 ing political matters. 
 The hills around Glen Echo were covered with tall 
 and stately oaks and poplars, and a dense undergrowth 
 of laurel, and under this shadowy foliage the young 
 man secreted himself. He was reclining quietly on a 
 bed of leaves, when the pensive tranquility of the even- 
 ing was disturbed by the sound of horses' feet on the 
 road crossing at the foot of the glen. Raising himself 
 on his elbow, he peered through the laurel to discover 
 who the intruders were. 
 The first glimpse of the riders brought the young 
 man to his feet, with a flush of indignation on his cheek 
 and a scowl of dissatisfaction on his brow. Shaking 
 his clenched fist at the male intruder, for the eques- 
10 Ku-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 trians were in fact a young man and young lady taking 
 an evening ride, he muttered between his teeth : 
 " You miserable South-hating carpet-bagger ! How 
 dare you come in here and try to usurp my place in 
 the affection of that girl, whom you know I love ; that 
 her father despises you, and that I hate you ? I swear 
 by all the energies of my soul I will yet win her, and 
 save her the offense of marrying a radical carpet-bag- 
 ger if, in order to do so, I shall have to dip my finger 
 in your heart's blood, and write K. K. K, on the lid of 
 your coffin ! " 
 This ominous threat was not heard by either of the 
 riders. On the contrary, they stopped their horses within 
 a few feet of the young man in the thicket, and the gen- 
 tleman on horseback plucked a sprig of laurel and 
 handed it to the young lady, who placed the stem in her 
 bosom, and then, plucking a tiny twig containing only 
 two leaves, she leaned forward in her saddle and pinned 
 the leaves to the lappel of the young man's coat. 
 During this time the young man in the laurel bushes 
 was compelled, much to his discomfiture, to listen to 
 the following conversation : 
 " I have been thinking, Minnie," said the young man 
 on horseback, addressing the young lady in tones which 
 indicated the deepest passion, "that the condition to 
 our union which you impose makes it utterly impossi- 
 ble for us to ever consummate our wishes in marriage. 
 You know your father's aversion for a carpet-bagger, 
 and you know he refuses to recognize me by any other 
 name, or to see in me anything but the infamy and 
 disgrace which such an appellation implies ; and I fear 
 that your promise to marry me only on condition that 
Yio^£nce Threatened. 
 I first obtain your father's consent, is to pla^e an insur- 
 mountable barriOT betwixt us, and one thay will remain 
 there forever." 
 ut despairing tones o/ the speaker 
 g lady to sigh deeply, but still she 
 The earnest 
 caused the yo 
 answered firm 
 "You must 
 convinced, Judge Farwell, from my 
 promise to nikrry you at all, thougli the promise be 
 coupled witty the condition of whitfh you complain, 
 that I cherisp for you an affection phich makes our 
 marriage necessary to my own happiness as well as, I 
 hope, to yours ; but I should have to consider myself 
 very remiss in filial duty to take ppon myself such a 
 fearful responsibilit}^ without the consent of my father." 
 " Excuse me for pleading with you," answered Judge 
 Farwell, " and now, if you will allow me to retaliate, I 
 will promise you never to mention this part of our sub- 
 ject again, on one condition : that is, if you will answer 
 me one question, the answer to which I am anxious to 
 " I suppose I might allow you to ask your question," 
 said the young lady. 
 "But you might consider it a silly one." 
 "Then I would advise you not to ask it. I have 
 never known you to do a silly thing, and I would be 
 sorry to have you detract from your reputation in that 
 " But jealousy demands it, and I must ask it even at 
 the risk of being considered foolish. I want to know 
 if you love John Latham?" 
 " There was no necessity for such a question, and I am 
 surprised at it," answered the young lady. " Indeed, 
12 Ku-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 I am tempted to refuse an answer, not simply because 
 I think it a silly question, but because I consider it a 
 reflection upon my honesty. It seems to me you give 
 me little credit for sincerity if you think I would prom- 
 ise to marry you while loving another." 
 " Oh, I did not mean to question your sincerity in 
 the least, I assure you," answered the judge, "but you 
 know jealousy is the torment of every newly-accepted 
 lover, and knowing how popular you have been in the 
 town, and how assiduous Mr. Latham has been in his 
 attentions to you, I could not keep the monster out of 
 my heart." 
 " Then if you really consider yourself entitled to an 
 answer, I will give it," answered the young lady : " Mr. 
 Latham and I have been reared children together, and 
 I have always esteemed him a very true friend, but I 
 have never thought of him as a lover, and I do not 
 know that he has ever wished me to so regard him. 
 He has my sincerest friendship and utmost confidence ; 
 nothing more," 
 "That was very kindly spoken," answ^ered the judge, 
 "and with (this assurance I will banish the monster 
 from my breast, and trusting you as implicitly as I 
 would have you trust me, I will content myself with 
 the hope that the rancor of party spirit w^ill soon sub- 
 side in our community, and that the inveterate malig- 
 nity engendered by the late war, and intensified by our 
 late political struggles, will soon be displaced by a 
 broad charity that will enable men to disagree in poli- 
 tics, as in other things, without hating each other ; and 
 that our marriage may then take place, not only with 
 the consent, but with the benediction, of your father." 
Violence Threatened. 13 
 Just at this moment another young man turned a 
 bend in the road, about a hundred yards distant, which 
 brought this conversation abruptly to a close. As the 
 second young man walked leisurely down the road the 
 riders went to meet him at a brisk trot, as if they had 
 only stopped a moment to get a switch with which to 
 urge their horses home more rapidly. 
 This second young man doffed his hat familiarly to 
 the riders as they passed him in the road. Keaching 
 the glen he turned into the laurel thicket, but was 
 halted at the first step with the command : 
 '' Halt ! who comes there ? " 
 " A ghoul," answered the young man who had just 
 come up, and " a member of Den No. 40." 
 "Advance with the password," answered the voice 
 in the bushes. 
 The young man went forward to meet and exchange 
 the secret password of the den with his friend, John 
 Before proceeding further with this narrative it is 
 necessary that the persons who have so far appeared 
 should be introduced to the reader. 
 The young man whom we first found in the laurel 
 bushes was John Latham. He was a handsome fellow, 
 and possessed a magnificent physique. His father had 
 been killed in the war, and his widowed mother, 
 her efforts to rear her son and provide the means 
 of his education, had well-nigh spent all that was left 
 her after the ravages of Sherman's army in his noto- 
 rious " march to the sea." Youjig Latham was desper- 
 ately in love with the young lady whom he heard 
 speak of her plighted faith to her companion of the 
14 Kv^Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 evenina:, but from some cause he had deferred men- 
 tioning his love to her. 
 The young man on horseback was Judge Richard Far- 
 well, who had lately come South from the State of Mass- 
 achusetts. He was at first greeted bv the inhabitants 
 of Westville by the opprobrious epithet of " carpet- 
 bagger," but by his gentlemanly deportment and manly 
 courage he had, by this time, so far won the confidence 
 and respect of the citizens of the town that very few 
 now applied to him that reproachful title. Indeed, so 
 acceptable to the people had he become that when the 
 resident judge of the judicial district died, he was 
 appointed judge of the district. This was done be- 
 cause no other lawyer in the district could accept the 
 office on account of the " iron-clad oath " which the 
 Federal statute required to be administered to all per- 
 sons inducted into office. This oath required all offi- 
 cers to swear that they had never given aid or encour- 
 agement to the enemies of the United States govern- 
 ment, nor accepted office under any government hostile 
 to the United States; and very few persons in the 
 South could take it. Judge Farwell was a man of 
 conspicuous ability and broad culture, but his legal 
 knowledge was quite limited, behaving obtained license 
 to practice law only a few weeks before his appointment 
 as judge, under a statute then in force, which allowed 
 any person to become an attorney by simply paying a 
 tax fee of twenty dollars. He had never attended a 
 law school or prepared himself in any way for the 
 duties of his chosen profession ; but he possessed an 
 astute and logical mind, and by close application to 
 the study of the law during leisure hours, he so far 
Violence Threatened. 15 
 mastered the rudiments of his profession as to sustain 
 himself with tolerable credit on the bench, though he 
 sometimes made ludicrous mistakes, as might be ex- 
 pected. He was tall and handsome, and as gallant and 
 courageous as any Southern cavalier. 
 The young lady was Miss Minnie Wyland, and no 
 fairer flower of womanhood ever grew on Southern 
 soil. She would be called a blonde, had blue eyes, 
 rosy cheeks, pearly teeth and was tall and graceful. 
 She was the daughter of Major James Wyland, who 
 fought on the side of the Confederacy throughout the 
 four long years of the war, and who came out of the 
 war and still remained, an "unreconstructed rebel." 
 He was very tenacious of his own opinions, and intol- 
 erant of the opinions of others, and hated capet-bag- 
 gers and scallawags w^orse than a Christian hates the 
 devil. He was a lawyer, and so fond of controversy 
 that if you happened to agree with him, even in com- 
 mon conversation, he would immediately take an oppo- 
 site view of the subject, simply for the sake of argu- 
 The other young man, who announced himself as a 
 "ghoul of Den JSTo. 40," was Albert Seaton. He was 
 a young man of noble family, polished education, chiv- 
 alrous disposition, and was as generous and unselfish 
 as any man that ever lived. He had joined the Ku- 
 Klux from a sense of duty. 
 The reader, no doubt, has already surmised that the 
 meeting of Albert Seaton and John Latham was not 
 by mere accident, and this conjecture is entirely correct. 
 Almost immediately after the exchange of the pass- 
 word of the den between Latham and Seaton, other 
16 Ku-Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 members of the Klan began to assemble at the foot of 
 the glen, and each one, as he approached and entered 
 the laurel thicket, was halted and required to give the 
 password of the evening. These passwords were changed 
 at every meeting of the Klan, in order to exclude from 
 participation in the proceedings of their meetings any 
 person who was not at the time actually co operating 
 with the Klan. 
 The place selected for the meetings of the Klan 
 seemed to have been specially prepared by the hand of 
 nature for such a purpose. Glen Echo, in fact, ap- 
 peared to be nothing less than a great natural amphi- 
 theatre lying between two mountains, with only one 
 possible way of entrance or exit. For some distance 
 from the mouth of the glen the passage between the 
 cliffs was narrow and difficult, and through this the 
 ghouls marched in single file until they reached the 
 broader surface, some distance back, where their secret 
 meetings were held. 
 Albert Seaton was Cyclop, or master, of the den. A 
 local den had no other officers. 
 As it was one of the rules of the Klan that no word 
 should be spoken after entering the glen, or cave, ex- 
 cept on matters pertaining to business, the Klan pro- 
 ceeded at once to the discharge of the business be- 
 fore it. 
 "I will hear a report from the committee to investi- 
 gate the conduct of Peter Tinklepaugh," said the Cy- 
 clop, adjusting his cap, which was over two feet high 
 and on which was painted a rattlesnake, coiled and 
 ready to spring. 
Violence Threatened. IT 
 Peter Tinklepaugh was a genuine carpet-bagger from 
 the State of Connecticut. He had been tempted to 
 come South by the same philanthropic motive that 
 prompted so many others to come from that home of 
 virtue, viz., a willingness to take charge of some lucra- 
 tive office in the gift of the newly-enfranchised negro ; 
 but poor Peter had been disappointed as an office- 
 seeker, and had found congenial employment as a 
 school-teacher for the colored children in the vicinity 
 of Kenneth Grove. It was reported of Tinklepaugh 
 that he not only taught the negroes social equality 
 with the whites, but that he had actually set them an 
 example, that fixed at once his status in the social 
 circle, by taking unto himself a wife from among the 
 sable daughters of Ham. It was this charge that the 
 committee had been appointed to investigate. The 
 committee, however, owing to the distance to Kenneth 
 Grove had not completed their investigations, so the 
 matter was continued until next meeting. 
 "Any charges to be preferred against any one?" 
 again demanded the Cyclop. 
 Here Sam Washburn handed up the following: 
 "Richard Farwell, judge. Charges — 
 " 1. Appointing a negro as an officer of court, to-wit : 
 the appointment of Dick Madison as court crier. 
 " 2. Causing negroes to be empanelled as jurors. 
 " 3. Refusing to allow challenges to jurors on account 
 of color," 
 Sam "Washburn was an active and influential member 
 of the Klan, and had the honor of being one of the ten 
 genii of the empire. 
18 Kif^Klux Klcm No. J(,0. 
 Although the charge against judge Farwell was made 
 by Sam Washburn, it will not require any supernatural 
 power of discernment to reach the conclusion that the 
 real author was a young man whose heart was wrung 
 with jealousy, and who had that very evening sworn 
 vengeance against his rival. It was a rule of the Klan 
 that all charges against any person should be presented 
 in writing in a disguised hand, and that a paper con- 
 taining a charge should never be presented by the per- 
 son complaining, so that the majority should never 
 know who the real complainant was. 
 A committee consisting of Sam Washburn, John Lat- 
 ham and Henry Worthel was appointed by the Cyclop 
 to investigate the charge made against judge Farwell, 
 and the committee instructed to report at next meeting. 
Another Carpet-hagger Inmted. 19 
 When Judge Farwell separated from Minnie Wyland, 
 on reaching home after the eventful ride mentioned 
 in the last chapter, he was in such a state of ecstatic 
 bliss that he actually imagined himself in love with 
 everything that surrounded him. The town of West- 
 ville never before seemed half so lovely, nor its broad 
 streets, lined on each side with stately elms, half so 
 enchanting. In the exuberance of his joy, he forgot and 
 forgave the animosities engendered by recent political 
 struggles, while the soft, sweet words of Minnie Wy- 
 land drowned even the voice of unjust criticism, which 
 had lately cried out against him with such partisan 
 It was in this state of mind that the judge entered 
 his room at the Midland Hotel, where he found an old 
 servant, Ben Wyland, a former slave of Major James 
 Wyland, just kindling a fire, for though it was in the 
 month of May, and the flowers were in bloom, a little 
 fire after nightfall was not uncomfortable. 
 "Hello, Uncle Ben," said the judge, "it seems you 
 are a little late in preparing my fire this evening." 
 "Well, jedge," said Uncle Ben, "I knowed yo' wus 
 gone out ridin' wid Miss Minnie agin, an' I didn't 'spect 
 yo' home till night driv yo' in, so I thought I'd have the 
 fire jes' started like when yo' got here." 
 "Yery well, Uncle Ben," answered the judge, "I 
 have no complaint to make of your tardiness ; but how 
20 Ka-Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 came you to know I had gone out riding with Miss 
 Minnie, and what induced you to believe that I would 
 remain out bevond mv usual hour?" 
 " Nevermind," answered Uncle Ben, " I'se gittin' old, 
 now, and I'se waited on too many young men in love 
 not to be able to jedge by de praprations an' oder ebi- 
 dences whar dey gwine when I see 'em start out in de 
 direcshun ob her house, an' as fur stayin' out late, why, 
 ob co'se any man would stay out wid sich a gal as Miss 
 Minnie as long as he could." 
 " Then you are well acquainted with her, are you, 
 Uncle Ben?" 
 " Laws' sake, jedge, ob co'se I is, when I wurked 
 dar all my life till dis year. I'se knowed her.eber 
 sense she wus a baby, an' a nice gal she is, too." 
 " I presume you will not find any one to disagree 
 with you in your estimation of her — at least not here," 
 answered the judge. " But did you really belong to 
 Major Wyland in slavery time, Uncle Ben ? " 
 " Yes, sah, jedge, an' a mighty good massa he wus, 
 too, do' dey do say he's mighty 'posed to de cullud 
 man bein' erlowed to vote wid de white folks now. 
 Dey say he berlongs to de chuck-a-lucks." 
 *' Ku-Klux, I guess you mean. Uncle Ben." 
 " Yes, sar, I means de chuck-a-lucks what whips de 
 cullud folks fer votin' an' jining de leags. Dey whip- 
 ped Uncle Mose Patterson jes befor' las' 'lection an' 
 skeered him so he dun lef de country befo' de 'lection 
 come on." 
 " Yes, I have heard of the numerous lawless outrages 
 committed by these bands of assassins in this country," 
Another Carpet-hagyer Invited. 21 
 answered the judge. " But why have they never mo- 
 lested you, Uncle Ben? Do you not exercise your 
 blood-bought privileges as a citizen enough to cast a 
 vote for the party that gave you your freedom ? " 
 " No, sah. I neber votes now, jedge. I voted once, 
 an' voted de 'Publicin ticket, but ole massa say it dun 
 me no good ; dat de 'Publicin party dun fooled me 
 erbout de forty acres an' de mule, an' I tole him I'd 
 quit votin' till I got de promise." 
 " You mean by the promise, the forty acres and the 
 mule, uncle Ben ? " 
 "Yes, sah, dat's it. De 'Publicin party told de cul- 
 lud men to vote de 'Publicin ticket an' ebery one would 
 git forty acres ob land an' a mule, an' ole massa tells 
 me dat foolin' me once wus ernough." 
 "Very well," answered the judge, a little vexed at 
 finding any colored man who failed to follow the be- 
 hests of the Republican party, " we will discuss these 
 matters some other time, and I think I can show you 
 it is still your duty to help perpetuate the power of the 
 party that broke the shackles of slavery from your 
 ankles. I wish to write a letter now, so you will please 
 bring my writing materials from the table in the corner 
 of the room there, and place them on the table before 
 the fire." 
 Uncle Ben obeyed this command with the alacrity of 
 an old-time servant, and having placed the writing 
 materials on the table, as requested, he bowed respect- 
 fully to the judge, as he closed the door behind him, 
 and then picked up his hat, which he had deposited on 
 the floor just outside the door of the room in the true 
22 Kv^Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 style of an cmte helium servant, and wended his way 
 to the kitchen. 
 As soon as he had gone, judge Farwell seized his pen 
 and wrote the following letter to Donald Weston, his 
 old school-mate and friend back in Massachusetts : 
 " My Dear Weston : You will remember that when 
 I bid you good-bye to come South, I promised you if the 
 Ku-Klux did not hang me as an example to all other 
 carpet-baggers ' in like cases offending,' I would write 
 you my impressions of the country, and would also 
 advise you whether you could afford to risk your own 
 precious carcass among the people of the 'Invisible 
 Empire.' I am happy to inform you that in most re- 
 spects my highest expectations have been fully realized, 
 and though I am often pained at the recital of tales of 
 vindictive lawlessness on the part of the numerous Ku- 
 Klux-Klans in the country, I find that a vast majority 
 of the people are as law-abiding and as cultured, intel- 
 ligent and industrious as the people of Massachusetts. 
 I say my highest expectations have been realized ; in- 
 deed, they have been exceeded. I have been appointed 
 judge of the Superior Courts of this judicial district, 
 and when you come down here (and you must come) 
 you will have to address me as ' Judge Farwell ', instead 
 of by the old school-boy name of ' Dick.' It happened 
 in this way : You will remember that the United States 
 Congress passed a law requiring all officers to take and 
 subscribe to an oath to the effect that they had never 
 given aid or encouragement to the enemies of the 
 United States, or held office under any government 
Another Carpet-hagger Invited. 23 
 hostile to the United States. Well, I had just obtained 
 license to practice law in this State, under a State stat- 
 ute authorizing any person to practice law who would 
 pay a tax fee of twenty dollars, when the judge of this 
 judicial district died, and it so happened that no other 
 lawyer in the district could take the oath of office re- 
 quired by the act of Congress, and so I received the 
 appointment of judge without ever having read Black- 
 stone or Kent. This district is filled with lawyers of 
 eminent ability, some of them are really brilliant, but 
 all of them are very kind to me, and treat me with the 
 greatest courtesy. 
 "Now, what I wish to impress upon your mind most 
 particularly in this letter, is that you may strike the 
 same good fortune by coming to this county and com- 
 ing at once. The State solicitor (prosecuting attorney) 
 of this judicial district is very old and feeble, and he 
 promises to resign in favor of any young man who will 
 accept the position and who belongs to the Republican 
 party, and by coming at once you can get the posi- 
 tion. No native young man can take the place because 
 all who have the requisite education belong to the op- 
 posing party. All you have to do is to come before me at 
 the beginning of next term of the Superior Court, with 
 a certificate of good moral character and the clerk's 
 receipt for the tax fee of twenty dollars, and I will 
 grant your license. Bring your certificate of good 
 moral character with you, and Gome at once. 
 "Now, a few words as to the social and political con- 
 ditions of this country : Although several years have 
 elapsed since the cessation at Appomatox of actual hos- 
24 Ku-Klux Klan No. IfO. 
 tilities, the political sea is by no means serene ; but the 
 surges of the great commotion still continue to agitate 
 the waters, notwithstanding the tempest has subsided. 
 The political caldron boils with fury, and the fuel that 
 feeds the flames is composed of the animosities of the 
 old slavery contest. Numerous secret political socie- 
 ties exist, and the political intrigues are concocted with 
 Satanic ingenuity, and are executed, when necessary, 
 by the hands of assassins, and this, too, with impunity. 
 The most formidable of these secret political organi- 
 zations is, as you have no doubt already learned, the 
 Ku-Klux-Klan, a secret, oath-bound, organization, whose 
 chief object is the suppression of the negro as a fac- 
 tor in politics. These 'Klans' are w^ell organized, and 
 fully equipped for any devilment that may be sug- 
 gested. Their local lodges are usually denominated 
 dens^ while the members of these dens or Klans are 
 called gouls.^ and the presiding officers, or masters, are 
 called Cyclops. A county is &. province., and is governed 
 by a grand giant and four goblins. A congressional 
 district is a dominion., governed by a grand Titan and 
 six furies; a State is a 7'ealm, governed by a grand dragon 
 and eight hydras, and the whole country is an empire, 
 governed by a grand wizard and ten genii. Their ban- 
 ner is triangular, on which is painted a black dragon on 
 a yellow field with a red border. Their dress consists 
 of a long, loose gown of any color selected by each 
 particular Klan, and a covering for the head descending 
 to the breast. This head-dress is usually decorated in 
 some startling and fantastic manner, and the wearer is 
 an object of terror to all beholders, especially to the 
Another Carpet-bagger Invited. 25 
 superstitious colored man. The top of this head-dress 
 is cone-shaped, being supported by small wires, and 
 often reaches two feet above the head of the wearer, 
 "The numerous murders, whippings, burnings and 
 other depredations committed by these marauding 
 bands, have created a reign of terror in this country, 
 but I have instructed the grand juries in all the coun- 
 ties in my judicial district to investigate these mat- 
 ters, and to return indictments against all offenders, 
 and I am hopeful that a few convictions of some of 
 the leading spirits, followed by a condign punishment, 
 will restore peace and harmony, and insure the public 
 "Now, my dear Weston, I have presented the dark- 
 est side of the picture to you, simply because I have 
 written mainly of the political situation here ; but I have 
 a brighter side of the picture to show you when I see you, 
 and I assure you in conclusion that when you come you 
 will find much to love and admire in these Southern peo- 
 ple, notwithstanding their bitter partisan prejudices, 
 social caste and sectional hatred. This country is now 
 taking on a new life, and there are many opportunities 
 here for political preferment and honor, and for the 
 accumulation of wealth. You will be called a ' carpet- 
 bagger,' of course, but do not let that reproachful epi- 
 thet deter you from coming. The ultra-partisans of 
 the Bourbon Democracy call all persons from the North, 
 who come to make their homes in the South, ' carpet- 
 baggers;' but the term is more generally applied to 
 those who become seekers of the oflBce, while all native 
 white persons who aflBliate with the Republican party 
26 Ku-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 are called ' scallawags.' Against this latter class vin- 
 dictive prejudice vents its direst spleen, and Democratic 
 orators exhaust their powers of invective. They are 
 excommunicated from the church, ostracised from 
 society, and whipped and scourged by the Ku-Klux. 
 Nevertheless, you will find a number of intelligent white 
 men who are still loyal to the cause of the Union, and 
 who can take the ' test oath ' without any scruples of 
 " Trusting that I may be favored with a speedy reply, 
 or, what is better still, that you will answer in person, 
 I remain, 
 " Very truly your friend, 
 "Richard Farwell." 
 Whoever heard of a young man just entering upon 
 the threshold of manhood refusing to accept a respect- 
 able and lucrative office ? Certainly no such charge 
 was ever preferred against the reputation of any one 
 of the horde of carpet-baggers who invaded the South 
 just after the late war, as the Goths and Huns once 
 invaded Europe, and who corrupted and debauched 
 the public morals, bankrupted our governments, and 
 destroyed public credit. And so it was with our new 
 acquaintance, Donald Weston, as the following letter 
 in answer to the above will show : 
 "My Dear Judge : — You see I recognize the dignity 
 of your new position at once by discarding the old 
 familiar name of "Dick," and addressing you by the 
 title of your office. You cannot imagine how surprised 
Another Carpet-hagger Invited. 27 
 I was when I read that you had obtained license to 
 practice law without the usual requisite preparation, 
 and that you had been appointed judge without ever 
 having had a client ; but my astonishment reached its 
 climax when I read further on that almost a similar 
 position was within my own grasp and on similar terms. 
 Of course I will come, and of course I will accept the 
 office tendered ; and when once I am installed in office, 
 all I want is a volume of precedents from which to 
 draw indictments against the members of those infa- 
 mous Ku-Klux Klans for their lawless depredations. 
 Trust me to be with you as soon as I can make the 
 necessary arrangements for my departure from home. 
 "Mother and my two sisters send their kindest per- 
 sonal regards. 
 "Yours, "Donald Weston." 
28 KiJt^Klux Klan No. W. 
 In the first chapter it was stated that Albert Seaton 
 had joined the Ku-Klux from a sense of duty, but the 
 reader was not informed how that sense of duty arose 
 and how it impelled him to become a member of the 
 Let us take a cursory glance at his history and a 
 brief survey of his surroundings, at the period covered 
 by this story, and we shall see. 
 He was born in 1847, and consequently was just a 
 little too young to be conscripted into the service of 
 the Confederate army before the surrender at Appo- 
 mattox ; but he was old enough to remember and appre- 
 ciate Sherman's famous " march to the sea," and the 
 raids and depredations of the victorious I^orthern army 
 on its homeward march after the close of the great 
 In 1870 he still lived with his mother and sister at 
 Cherrycroft, the old Seaton homestead; but every 
 glance at the premises, in their dilapidated condition, 
 recalled the devastation committed by Sherman's vic- 
 torious army when that famous Federal commander 
 descended upon the eastern portion of Georgia and the 
 Carolinas, and with the hand of Hyder Ali made deso- 
 late the fairest country on earth, burned all the barns 
 and gin-houses, pillaged the stores, confiscated all the 
 horses and mules, scared all the women and children 
A Discovery. 29 
 into hysterical fits, and left them destitute of the sim- 
 plest means of subsistence. "Well he remembered the 
 night when Gen. Sherman took quarters for himself 
 and statT in Cherrycroft. He had stood, with his trem- 
 bling mother and little sister, on the broad piazza in the 
 presence of the dreaded General, and had heard the 
 command given to apply the torch to every building 
 on the premises, save the dwelling in which they were 
 quartered. And well he remembered, too, that while 
 the flames from more than a dozen barns and gin- 
 houses in the community were observed soaring higher 
 toward heaven than the spirits of some of those who 
 applied the torches will ever reach, the same famous 
 General taunted them with the remark : " It does me 
 good to see these flames lighting up the elements at 
 night; it shows that my men are at work."* 
 This was young Seaton's first introduction to the 
 Republican party. 
 But there was another scene that made a more indeli- 
 ble impression on the mind of the young man, and 
 that had a more potent influence in shaping the course 
 and destiny of his life. His father, Col. Albert Sea- 
 ton, Sr., fought throughout the four weary years of the 
 vrar, and surrendered only with his beloved commander 
 under the famous apple-tree. With a heart heavy with 
 disappointment, humiliated and discouraged, ragged, 
 dirt}^, bleeding and hungry, he turned his face once 
 more toward home. Visions of that beautiful home, 
 surrounded by a magnificent grove and substantial 
 out-houses, flitted across his mind, as step by step, he 
 * Historical. 
30 Ku-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 wended his way thitherward with bleeding feet. In 
 his imagination, he saw his beautiful wife and the two 
 children, coming down the lane to meet him and greet 
 him with kisses of affection. His wife and children 
 did meet him and greet him with kisses and tears of 
 joy, but the roses of beauty had faded from the cheeks 
 of his wife; her eyes, like her cheeks, were sunken and 
 hollow, and her voice, so long accustomed to utter the 
 plaints of misfortune and disappointment, was tremu- 
 lous and weak, while his children, the descendants of a 
 noble and once opulent family, were actually famish- 
 ing for bread. 
 Col. Seaton reached home a few weeks in advance of 
 the advent in his vicinity of the victorious Federal sol- 
 diery, who, on their homeward march, pillaged, plun- 
 dered, confiscated, squandered and stole everything 
 that the iron-heel of war had not destroyed. With that 
 indomitable courage and energy so characteristic of the 
 Southern hero, he set about at once to repair his wasted 
 fortunes. He had just finished planting a belated crop, 
 himself and son both taking a hand at the plow, when 
 another Federal officer with his command reached the 
 neighborhood and camped for the night on the planta- 
 tion. Soon after nightfall a band of stragglers set out 
 for a raid in the neighborhood, but soon returned with 
 the news that they had found the dead body of a T^orth- 
 ern soldier in the fence-corner down at the foot of the 
 lane leading up to the house of Col. Seaton. Death to 
 these men was a familiar thing, but the sight of a dead 
 body on the field of battle was quite a different thing 
 from the sight of a dead soldier by the road-side after 
A Discovery. 31 
 the cessation of hostilities, and demand was made for 
 an investigation as to the cause of death. The skull 
 of the dead man was crushed in, as if by a blow inflicted 
 with some dull, heavy instrument, and there could be 
 no doubt of the fact that the poor fellow had met his 
 death by violence. 
 Accordingly, a court-martial was ordered, and all the 
 negroes of the neighborhood were subpoenaed as wit- 
 nesses. A few whites were also examined, but it was 
 thought unnecessary to subpoena those who would not 
 voluntarily appear and testify, and all who failed to 
 so appear were forthwith accused of the murder. After 
 a most patient investigation, no clue as to who the mur- 
 derer was could be discovered (the negro who killed 
 the Yankee with a pine knot in a quarrel over a bottle 
 of liquor having testified that he knew nothing about 
 it), but the blood of a Northern soldier had been spilled, 
 and his surviving brethren, whose thirst for the blood 
 of the men in tattered gray had not been satiated dur- 
 ing the war, now clamored for the life of some South- 
 ern man in expiation of the crime. 
 Then it was that the Federal commander adopted a 
 novel plan for avenging the death of the dead com- 
 rade, a plan hitherto unknown in the annals of war, and 
 for which Grotius gives us no precedent. It was ordered 
 that slips of white paper, representing in number all the 
 white men in the coummunity for five miles around, 
 should be placed in a hat; that a cross mark should be 
 made on one of the slips, and that, after shuffling them 
 carefully, each man in the community within the pre- 
 scribed limits should draw a paper from the hat, and that 
32 Kvr-Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 the man who drew the paper having the cross mark on 
 it should be immediately condemned to be shot. 
 Col. Seaton took his position in the line that marched 
 toward the fated hat, with an uneasy presentiment that 
 he was to be the victim. His wife and children stood 
 a few steps to one side, but not so far off but that he 
 could see the palid countenance and trembling lips of 
 his dear wife, as she watched, with bated breath, each 
 man as he placed his hand in the hat and drew forth a 
 blank paper, every blank drawn lessening the chances 
 of escape for her husband. At last Col. Seaton's turn 
 came ; he placed his hand in the hat and drew forth a 
 paper, and his presentiment was verified. With one 
 wild leap he cleared the line of Federal soldierv, and 
 the next moment he was bounding through the woods 
 on a race for life. The order to follow and capture 
 him was quickly given, and a score of blue coats, some 
 mounted and some afoot, joined in the pursuit. The 
 moon was shining brightly, and the flying form of the 
 condemned man could be plainly seen as he crossed a 
 small clearing before reaching the heavy woods. A 
 volley of shot followed him, and as the report of the 
 guns died on the night air, Mrs. Seaton swooned, and 
 was conveyed by her terrified son into the house. She 
 wrote to the Federal commander after he had gone, 
 asking to be informed of the fate of her husband, at 
 at least to know his burial place, but he deigned her no 
 And such was young Albert's second introduction to 
 the Republican party. 
 Nor had his experience with that party inspired him 
A Discovej'y. 33 
 with confidence in its teachings and principles, or re- 
 spect for its votaries. The first time he ever attempted 
 to exercise his right to vote after attaining his major- 
 ity, he found a miserable, one-eyed carpet-bagger from 
 Maine, and two negroes, sitting as judges of election, 
 and a motley crew, composed of carpet-baggers, scal- 
 awags, and negroes around the polls. A large num- 
 ber of the intelligent and respectable portion of the 
 community, he was informed, were not permitted to 
 vote, over thirty thousand in the State being deprived 
 of their elective franchise under the "iron-clad oath," 
 required by the act of Congress of February 20, 18^7, 
 which gave the colored men the ballot, but disfran- 
 chised, in many instances, their late masters. The 
 ballot-boxes, at the close of the day, were taken in charge 
 by the one-eyed carpet-bagger from Maine, who after- 
 wards transmitted them to the Military Governor ap- 
 pointed by President Johnson to take charge of the 
 Provincial State government, who counted the ballots 
 and certified the returns, according to his own sweet 
 will, to the authorities at the State capital. This and 
 and other disgraceful scenes caused young Seaton to 
 look with the apprehension of a statesman upon the 
 continued encroachments of the dominant party upon 
 what was left of Southern autonomy. He saw around 
 him thousands of illiterate and inexperienced colored 
 voters, led by unprincipled and designing adventurers, 
 who concocted and carried into effect the most flagrant 
 and disgusting*schemes of pecuniary plunder that ever 
 human ingenuity invented, or venal avarice carried 
 into execution. He knew also that these colored voters 
34 Ku-Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 had been organized into a great secret society, the ob- 
 ject of which was to perpetuate the reign of the Re- 
 publican party, and that they had been instructed and 
 taught to believe that their late masters were their 
 inveterate enemies; that the white man only waited for 
 the power to place the manacles of slavery around their 
 feet again, and that it was proper and right that they 
 should " spoil the Egyptians " by pillaging, plundering, 
 burning and murdering, if necessary, to enhance the 
 interests of the party. In such a state of affairs it was 
 but natural that a young, hot-blooded youth, stung to 
 desperation by the remembrance of the indignities 
 heaped upon his father's family, the wanton destruc- 
 tion of their property, and of the inhuman murder of 
 his father, should join the Ku-Klux, the object of which 
 was to counteract the measures of the Union League 
 and protect society, 
 Begging pardon for the digression which was nec- 
 essary, in order to explain Albert Seaton's connection 
 with the Klan, I will now conduct the reader again to 
 Glen Cove, but this time by a more circuitous route. 
 The forenoon of the day appointed for the next meet- 
 ing of the Klan was rainy and gloomy, and John Latham 
 sat in his room and looked out upon the muddy streets 
 of Westville, with an uneasy foreboding that the rain 
 might interfere and prevent the meeting; but about 
 noon the clouds broke and drifted away, the sun shone 
 out, and everything gave promise of a serene and 
 beautiful evening. It was a splendid day for squirrel 
 hunting, and there were plenty of them in the high 
 hills around Glen Echo, and the idea occurred to John 
A Discovery. 35 
 that he would get Sam "Washburn and Henry Worthel, 
 and they would repair to the hills to spend the after- 
 noon in that delightful sport and recreation. Of course, 
 no one will be so uncharitable as to charge that a young 
 man, who simply takes his gun and calls his dog to go 
 hunting, in company with a couple of friends, could 
 have any sinister motive in view, or wicked purpose to 
 serve, and, therefore, no importance should be attached 
 to the fact that just before starting out to find his two 
 friends he placed a small bundle of papers in his shot- 
 pouch, and gave a malicious chuckle. Henry Worthel 
 was clerk at the Midland Hotel where Judge Farwell 
 boarded, but the judge was then at the court-house, 
 hearing an important application for a writ of habeas 
 corpus, filed by a man who had been imprisoned on a 
 charge of killing a negro preacher, and so our friend, 
 Latham, did not have to encounter the glance of his 
 successful rival on going to the hotel. He found Henry 
 Worthel at his desk in the hotel oSice, ready to accept 
 the cash at the rate of two dollars per da}'' from every 
 departing guest, in exchange for the meagre fare served 
 by uncle Ben and a dusky maiden by the name of 
 " Look here, Henry," said John as he sauntered into 
 the hotel office with an air that might have indicated 
 to a stranger that he was the proprietor of the place, 
 "how would you like to beg off this afternoon and go 
 squirrel hunting on the hills around Glen Echo? The 
 rain this morning and the succeeding sunshine have 
 made it a most auspicious time for such sport." 
 " I quite agree with you," answered Henry, " that it 
 is a splendid time for that purpose, but will we not vio- 
36 Ku-Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 late one of the rules of the Klan by allowing ourselves 
 to be seen lurking in the neighborhood of the glen be- 
 fore night?" 
 "O, pshaw !" answered John, looking carefully around 
 to see that no one overheard this conversation ; " what 
 member of the Klan would be idiotic enough to accuse 
 us of lurking in the vicinity of the den when we hunt 
 with guns and dogs and make noise enough to wake 
 the dead? It may be that we shall find some member 
 of the Union League lurking around, though, and if so, 
 we can take him off instead of a squirrel, and so serve 
 the country better," 
 " Xo, we will not be likely to find any of them out 
 this evening," said Henry. " They had their meeting- 
 last night at the Cross Roads school-house, so Sam 
 Washburn informs me, and as their meeting lasted 
 nearly all night, I think very few of them have energy 
 enough to stir out much to-day." 
 "An all-night meeting would indicate the transaction 
 of important business," said John, " and we must ascer- 
 tain what it was. I presume that carpet-bagger judge 
 was there, directing them in their devilty." 
 "I do not know who were present, or what they 
 did," said Henry. " You know our spy never discloses 
 professional secrets, except in open meeting of the 
 "'And that reminds me of the fact that he is to make 
 one of our hunting party," answered John ; " so get 
 ready and we will be off, and will stop in after him." 
 The person here designated as "the spy" was Sam- 
 uel Washburn, who has been partially introduced to 
 the reader already. It may seem strange to speak of 
A Discovery. 37 
 the existence of professional spies so many years after 
 the beligerent armies had been disbanded, but the pri- 
 vate citizen may learn many useful lessons from the 
 manoeuvres of an army, and many military tac- 
 tics may be adopted and used to advantage by the 
 civilians. The-Ku-Klux Klan was organized for the 
 purpose of countervailing the wicked measures of the 
 Union League, and as the League in the vicinity of 
 Westville had resolved upon a regular system of dep- 
 redations, by burning and otherwise destroying the 
 property of the white respectable people of the com- 
 munity, it became necessary, in order to circumvent 
 such wicked designs, to ascertain every proposed move- 
 ment of the enemy in advance, and hence " Klan Xo, 
 40 " had resorted to the military expedient of employ- 
 ing spies, who were required to work their way into 
 the League, and to report all plans and intended move- 
 ments to the Klan. Through this system of espionage 
 the Klan was enabled to avert many direful calamities, 
 threatened to be visited by the League upon the peo- 
 ple of the community in retaliation for outrages alleged 
 to have been committed by the Ku-Klux. 
 Sam Washburn was a " hail fellow well met " to 
 everybody, and this description of him, so far as his 
 manners are concerned, is sufficient. He was, withal, 
 a sharp, shrewd politician, as ingenious as the devil 
 in forming his designs, and as bold as a lion in execut- 
 ing them, and his service as a spy for the Ku-Klux 
 gave him an opportinity of displaying his subteltyand 
 bravery in a way that secured for him the admiration, 
 as well as the confidence, of every member of the 
38 Ku-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 He was soon found, and as his jolly disposition made 
 him an enthusiastic sportsman, as well as a successful 
 spy, he readily joined the hunting expedition, but in- 
 sisted that they should go by Cherrycroft for Albert 
 To this proposition Ilenr}^ Worthel readily assented, 
 but John Latham did so rather reluctantly, and placed 
 his hand on the bundle of papers in his shot-pouch with 
 an expression of uneasiness in his countenance, as much 
 as to say that he preferred to have along none but the 
 original hunting party — in short, none but the members 
 of the committee appointed to investigate the charges 
 preferred at the last meeting of the Klan against Judge 
 Farwell ; for the truth is, that John had planned this 
 hunting expedition for the sole purpose of having the 
 committee consider the charges and formulate their 
 report, and the bundle of papers referred to was simply 
 copies from the record of the Superior Court of West 
 County, giving evidence to sustain the charge preferred 
 at the last meeting of the Klan. He knew that Sam felt 
 rather kindly disposed toward the judge, on account of 
 some recent favors, and so wished for more time than 
 they would have on the road between town and Cherry- 
 croft, within which to poison Sam's mind against the 
 judge and induce him to recommend rigorous punish- , 
 ment; but seeing his plans frustrated, in part, he resolved 
 to make the best of his opportunity, and if he could not 
 induce Sam to recommend the punishment which, in 
 his opinion, the magnitude of the offense deserved, he 
 would try and have the report submitted without 
 recommendation as to the punishment to be inflicted, 
A Discovery. 39 
 leaving that to be determined by the ghouls of the 
 Klan. The judge's real offense, so far as John Latham 
 was concerned, was his presumption in falling in love 
 with Minnie Wyland, but such presuraptuousness, in 
 John's estimation, was a crime which deserved the 
 severest penalty. 
 " Well, boys," said John, as soon as they had left be- 
 hind them the last suburban residence and had passed 
 the line of incorporation marked with the words "Town 
 Boundary", on a stone planted by the roadside, " I pre- 
 sume that you have not forgotten 3'our appointment 
 on the committee to investigate the conduct of the im- 
 ported carpet-bagger judge." 
 "No," answered Henry Worthel, "I have not en- 
 tirely forgotten the fact of m}^ appointment on the 
 committee, but I am afraid I shall have to call into re- 
 quisition the ingenuity of our worthy spy to invent for 
 me some excuse for my remissness in failing to make 
 a proper investigation, unless his power of invention 
 shall be exhausted in framing an excuse for himself." 
 " Oh, no," said Sam, " I never bother myself with 
 "Nor I, either," answered John Latham, "and in this 
 particular instance I am under no necessity of doing 
 so, for I have in my possession certified copies of the 
 records of our Superior Court, which will fully sustain 
 the charge made against him by our Klan," 
 It will be noticed that John spoke of the charges as 
 having been made by "our Klan," for he was careful 
 to avoid all suspicion of his personal interest in the 
 matter, and not even Sam Washburn, who presented 
 the written charges, knew who the real author was. 
40 Kv-Klux Klan No. kO. 
 "As for my part," said Henry Worthel, " I have be- 
 come so thoroughly disgusted with his social equality 
 ideas, as exhibited about the hotel where he boards, that 
 I am willing to sign a report sustaining the charges on 
 a simple inspection of the copies of the records. I am 
 tired of hearing a negro wench addressed as "Miss," 
 and of seeing the servants all treated as the social 
 equals of the proprietor and guests of the hotel." 
 " Well," said Sam, " let us see your certified copies 
 of the record, John, and we will sit down here on this 
 log and make out whatever report we can agree upon." 
 They all three sat down on the log pointed out by 
 Sam, and John Latham proceeded to unroll his certi- 
 fied copies of the records, with as much seriousness and 
 dignity as is usually displayed by a negro preacher on 
 opening the Bible for the purpose of taking his text. 
 The first case appearing on the records showed that 
 judge Farwell had sustained a challenge to a juror on 
 the ground that the defendant on trial was a colored 
 man, and that the juror had expressed the opinion that 
 he could not do impartial justice between the State and 
 a colored person on trial, charged with burning the barn 
 of a w^hite person. This challenge was made by an 
 insolent little twenty-dollar lawyer, and the judge sus- 
 tained it on the ground that antipathy between the 
 races was evidence of sufficient personal ill-will to dis- 
 qualify the juror. 
 The next case was one in which the prosecuting at- 
 torney for the State was permitted by the Court to 
 ask each juror on the original panel if he had any feel- 
 ing or prejudice which would prevent the juror from 
A Discovery. 41 
 returning a verdict of guilt}'' against a white man for 
 killing a negro. In this case the solicitor for the State 
 was also permitted by the Court to ask each juror if he 
 did not belong to a secret organization which had im- 
 posed upon him an oath or obligation, beside which an 
 oath administered in a Court of Justice, if in conflict 
 with the oath imposed by such secret order, would be 
 disregarded. This last challenge was considered as a 
 direct thrust at the Ku-Klux, and as an unwarranted 
 interference on the part of the Court with the con- 
 sciences of its members. 
 In the next case the charge was that the judge, after 
 the grand jury had returned a bill in open court with 
 the endorsement " not a true bill," had refused to re- 
 ceive this return ; but had ordered the grand jury to 
 be brought into court and placed in the box occupied 
 by the trial jury, and that he had there publicly ex- 
 amined them himself, and had instructed the grand 
 jury that if they believed the evidence they should re- 
 verse their former decision and return the bill endorsed 
 "a true bill." This was considered an unwarranted 
 interference with the province of the grand jury, and 
 a dangerous and revolutionary subversion of that an- 
 cient sj'^stem of a secret investigation as to the commis- 
 sion of crime. In this case it appeared, by certificate 
 of the Supreme Court, that even a Republican Supreme 
 Court had reversed the decision of the court below, and 
 had held that the action of the judge of the Superior 
 Court in thus examining the witnesses before the grand 
 jury in public was a dangerous departure from the ordi- 
 nary course of procedure in our courts of justice. 
 Although several similar cases were shown by the 
42 Kv^Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 record, only one other was considered by the committee, 
 as those enumerated were declared to be sufficient to 
 sustain the charge. The other case considered, was one 
 in which judge Farwell had directed the sheriff to sum- 
 mon from among the bystanders colored jurors in a 
 civil suit between a white man aud a neo-ro. 
 These records were adjudged sufficient to sustain the 
 allegations contained in the written charge, presented 
 against judge Farwell at the last meeting of the Klan, 
 and a report in accordance therewith was unanimously 
 agreed upon and signed by the committee. 
 After the signing of the report the committee, or 
 rather, the hunting party now, since their duties as a 
 committee had been discharged for the time, were 
 joined by Albert Seaton, whom they found on the road- 
 side before reaching the house, and the four proceeded 
 at once to the hills around Glen Echo. 
 Just before reaching the foot of the narrow gorge 
 where the road crosses it, they were startled by a low, 
 rumbling noise, somewhat resembling the sound of an 
 earthquake, which seemed to be rapidly approaching, 
 and which immediately threw them into a state of the 
 wildest consternation. They gazed at each other for 
 a moment in mute bewilderment, and on their counte- 
 nances were depicted evidences of the wildest despair. 
 The bravest among them (the spy) spoke first. 
 "A cyclone boys, let us fly to the rocks at the head 
 of Glen Echo for shelter ! " 
 The words were scarcely uttered before the spy was 
 dashing up the narrow gorge, with the rapidity of an 
 excited fawn, with the others close at his heels. The 
 winds were howling and groaning as they swept around 
A Discovery. 43 
 the tops of the hills, and the tall oaks and poplars were 
 swaying to and fro like reeds, when the four reached 
 a cave in the side of the hill at the upper extremity of 
 the glen and darted in, like rabbits pursued by hounds. 
 They had barely become ensconced in the cave when a 
 huge rock, or boulder, became disengaged from its fas- 
 tenings near the top of the hill by the uprooting of a 
 tree, and came tumbling down, passing over the mouth 
 of the cave in which the hunters had taken refuse. 
 '•By George," said Sara, "it begins to look a little 
 like the day • of judgment had come, when the wicked 
 are to cry out for the rocks and hills to fall on them 
 and for the mountains to cover them, but as I am not 
 yet ready to begin the cry, I am going to penetrate a 
 little further and see whether the elements of the infer- 
 nal regions have all been turned loose on top of the 
 " "What is that ?" said Albert Seaton as, in attempt- 
 ing to follow Sam, he stepped oh something, which 
 rolled from under his feet and threw him to the 
 ground. "I stepped on something which I am sure 
 was not a stone." 
 "Here it is," said John, who was imraediateW be- 
 hind Albert, " and it is a bottle. What a queer place 
 for a bottle. And there is something in it, too," he said, 
 as he picked it up and held it in a little streak of light 
 that penetrated through a crevice between two large 
 rocks near the mouth of the cave. " I believe it is a 
 paper though," he jocularly remarked, "instead of 
 " Look here, boys," said Sam, turning round to face 
 the others while his countenance, even in the dim lis:ht. 
44 Kv^Klux Klan No. J^-O. 
 showed signs of intense excitement, "things are get- 
 ting serious in here as well as on the outside. Do you 
 see those bones there ? Somebody has died in here, 
 and this is his tomb we are in." 
 Each gazed at the others with an expression of utter 
 bewilderment Before them lay the bones of the un- 
 known dead, while outside the cave a most terrific 
 storm raged and howled. 
 At last it was suggested that they examine the paper 
 in the bottle, and coming back as near the mouth of 
 the cave as prudence and safety would permit, Albert 
 Seaton took the bottle and broke it over a stone, and 
 began to read from the paper. With the first sentence 
 he faltered and failed, and dropping the paper on the 
 ground, he buried his face in his hands in a paroxysm 
 of excitement and grief. The very first few words had 
 revealed to him the terrible truth that the bones that 
 lay before him were his father's skeleton ? 
 There were two papers in the bottle, and the one 
 from which Albert had commenced to read was as fol- 
 lows : 
 " My Dear Wife : I have been shot by the Yankees, 
 and am bleeding to death in this cave, in which I have 
 taken refuge from their brutal attacks. 
 " I have with me a note signed by the board of county 
 commissioners of West County, and I deposit it with 
 this letter in a bottle which I happen to have in my 
 pocket, having carried a sick laborer a drink of brandy 
 in it to-day. The note is for six thousand dollars, and 
 was given for salt furnished the poor people of the 
A Discovery. 45 
 county by me during the war at the request of the 
 county authorities. I want you to collect it as soon as 
 our county becomes able to pay it, and use the money 
 in defraying the expenses of completing the education 
 of our two dear children. Alas, I shall never see the 
 dear children nor you again, and it may be that you 
 will never even hear how I died, but I trust to a kind 
 Providence to direct the step of some kind person to 
 this cave. I am dying, I know, and my strength is 
 gone, and I lay down my pencil with a prayer for all. 
 God bless you all. 
 " Your loving husband, 
 "Albert Seaton, Sr." 
 The storm subsided at last, and Albert returned to 
 break the news to his mother and sister. His three 
 companions hastened back to town with the report of 
 the wonderful discovery, and afterwards assisted other 
 kind hands in preparing for the fleshless remains of 
 the lamented dead a more befitting tomb. 
46 Ku-Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 Mrs. Seaton possessed a nervous, excitable tempera- 
 ment, and had been in feeble health for a year or more, 
 and the shock to her nervous system, occasioned by 
 the startling discovery of the skeleton remains of her 
 late husband, threw her in bed, completely prostrated 
 and helpless. Albert immediately despatched a mes- 
 senger for their family physician. Dr. Taylor Wyland, 
 who was a brother of Major James Wyland, and the 
 doctor assured them that there was no positive danger, 
 but still Albert remained with his mother almost nio-bt 
 and day, and was so assiduous in his attentions to her 
 that it was several days before he saw any of the mem- 
 bers of the Klan or learned anything about the pro- 
 ceedings of the last meeting. At last Mrs. Seaton be- 
 come so far convalescent as to permit him to leave her 
 for a few hours, and after a brief consultation with his 
 mother and sister in regard to the propriety of institu- 
 ting proceedings for the collection of the notes found 
 in the bottle in the cave, it was resolved that Albert 
 should place them in the hands of Major Wyland, the 
 leading lawyer of the county, with instructions to en- 
 force their payment. Accordingly Albert set out for 
 Westville with the notes, but was met on the road by 
 Sam Washburn. 
 " Good morning, Albert," said Sam, in a tone that 
 indicated that he remembered the incident of a few 
How a Kiir-Khix Mandate was Executed. 47 
 days before in the cave, and that he fully sympathized 
 with Albert in his afflictions. " I was just coming out 
 to see you. Knowing that you had been confined to 
 the house for several days, and having heard that your 
 good mother was much better this morning, it occur- 
 red to me that it might do you good to take a jaunt 
 with me across the country on horseback, and see how 
 the orders of the Klan were enforced." 
 "A good ride would greatly benefit me, I have no 
 doubt, Sam," answered Albert, " and I have no doubt, 
 I would enjoy witnessing the execution of a Ku-Klux 
 mandate, provided I could be thoroughly convinced 
 that the sentence was just and there was no blood in 
 it ; but I am sorry to say that a business errand pre- 
 vents a compliance with your request to-day." 
 "As for the justness or severity of the sentence," said 
 Sam, "you need not be alarmed, for I am sure the rigor 
 of the punishment is by no means in proportion to the 
 heinousness of the offense. The charge of miscegena- 
 tion against Peter Tinklepaugh has been sustained by 
 the proof, and the simple judgment of the Klan is that 
 he be whipped with thirty-nine lashes and be ducked in 
 the river, and I am sure you would enjoy the ducking 
 even if you should think the whipping a little tough." 
 " I quite agree with you," said Albert, " that inter- 
 marriage between the races is a sin against society that 
 demands rigorous and speedy correction. I consider 
 it an innovation and a serious onslaught upon our man- 
 ners and society, and the introduction and practice of 
 such an evil by Northern carpet-baggers simply shows, 
 the malignity of the Republican party as well as the 
48 Ku-Klux Klan No. Jt-O. 
 deplorable depravity of those who are so heathenish as 
 to practice such a revolting social sin. It seems that 
 the Republican party is not satisfied with taking pos- 
 session of our government and overthrowing our insti- 
 tutions and destroying our credit, but they seek to ex- 
 tend their reconstruction measures even into our social 
 system, and destroy all social caste." 
 "Well, as for my part," answered Sam, "I am in 
 favor of exterminating all who teach the amalgama- 
 tion of the races, whether carpet-baggers or scalawags, 
 and as our den has seen fit to impose a lighter sentence 
 on the negro-loving pedagogue, I have determined to 
 see that the lash is firmly applied to the back of Tin- 
 klepaugh, and that he receives a sound ducking after- 
 "All right," answered Albert, "go and see that the 
 sentence is well carried out, and each time the lash is 
 applied you may proclaim that ' them's my sentiments.' 
 I am only sorry that I cannot go with you." 
 "But why can't you go?" asked Sam. "We will be 
 back before day in the morning, and unless your busi- 
 ness is of pressing importance you can attend to it 
 " My business is simply to place the notes against the 
 county, found with my father's remains, in the hands 
 of Major Wyland for collection," said Albert. " My 
 mother had abandoned the idea of trying to enforce 
 their payment long ago, thinking that father had given 
 them up to the county authorities, on his return from 
 the war, on account of the impoverished condition of 
 the people at that time ; but our county is now well 
How a Ku-Klux Mandate was Executed. 49 
 able to pay them, and after reading father's instruc- 
 tions Ave have decided to collect the notes." 
 " I did not mean to be so impertinent as to inquire 
 into the nature of your business,'' answered Sam, " but 
 I am glad you have determined to collect the notes, 
 and wish you success in your efforts. But there is no 
 use in your going to town to-day. The notes will have 
 to be presented to the board of county commissioners 
 and demand made of them for their payment before 
 suit can be brought, and as the board does not meet 
 until next Monday, you can take them to Maj. Wyland 
 to-morrow or any day this week just as well as to-day, 
 so come on and lets pay our respects to the noble Peter 
 "All right," said Albert, " I had not thought about 
 the requirement that the notes should be first presented 
 to the county commissioners, and as my business can 
 be as well attended to to-morrow, I will consent to go 
 with you, but I must first return home, and let mother 
 know I will not be back until after night." 
 It took Albert only a few moments to return home, 
 and acquaint his mother with his intention to leave off 
 his visit to Major Wyland for that day, and soon the 
 two young men were galloping on their way to Ken- 
 neth Grove, where they were to meet the members of 
 the Klan of the Wizard Ghouls, who had been ap- 
 pointed by that Klan to execute the sentence against 
 Peter Tinklepaugh, imposed by Klan J!^o. 40. 
 It was a rule among the Ku-Klux that all sentences 
 imposed by any Klan should be executed by the ghouls 
 of some other Klan, remote from the vicinity in which 
50 Kvr-Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 the trouble complained of originated, and hence the 
 sentence against Peter Tinklepaugh, declared by Klan 
 jSTo. 40, was sent to the Klan of the Wizard Ghouls to 
 be executed. The reason the decrees of one Klan were 
 always carried out by another was to prevent suspicion 
 and detection, as the victim was not so likely to iden- 
 tify strangers as neighbors. 
 When night closed in Albert and Sam were only a 
 few miles from the appointed rendezvous, and after 
 assuming their disguises, they pushed on at a rapid pace, 
 and soon found themselves confronted with the most 
 frightful looking apparition they had ever encountered. 
 It was the outside sentinel of the Klan of the Wizard 
 Ghouls, and notwithstanding the fact that they were 
 both thoroughly familiar with Ku-Klux disguises, they 
 had never before beheld anything so hideous and fright- 
 ful. The sentinel wore a long white gown, which was 
 profusely decorated with the most fantastic pictures 
 of hobgoblins and spectres, painted in red and black, 
 while his head dress, which descended to his shoulders 
 and had holes for the eyes, nose and mouth, reached at 
 least three feet above his head, and was covered with 
 red and black stripes, except that on the front a skull 
 and cross-bones were painted. The horse, he rode, was 
 also covered with a sheet similarly ornamented, and 
 had his feet muffled in such a manner that his tread 
 was almost noiseless, 
 Sam and Albert both gave the sign of recognition at 
 ten paces, and then advanced and exchanged the annual 
 pass-word and the grip with the sentinel. They then 
 advanced to where the main body of the Klan were 
How a Ku-Klux Mandate was Executed. 51 
 stationed, ready to receive their orders to move on. 
 After a few moments spent in muffling the feet of the 
 horses rode by Sam and Albert, the sentinels were 
 called in by a low and peculiar whistle from the Cyclop, 
 and the whole body were ordered to proceed to the 
 execution of the decree of Klan No. 40. There were 
 about twenty persons in the crowd, and th6y were all 
 thoroughly disguised, because Peter Tinklepaugh was 
 a shrewd and intelligent scoundrel, and it was consid- 
 ered necessary to adopt every possible precaution to 
 prevent detection. There was no blast of the trumpet 
 or deafening drum-beat to herald their approach, but so 
 silently and noiselessly did they go that their presence 
 was first announced to poor Tinklepaugh by the ap- 
 pearance of two ghouls in their frightful disguises 
 standing in the open door of his house. 
 At sight of the grim spectres the sable wife of the 
 social reconstructionist fainted with fear, but the ad- 
 venturous little pedagogue was not so easily discon- 
 certed. He had ventured to assume the position of 
 teacher in a colored school, fully realizing the odium 
 that attached to such an occupation, and fully cogni- 
 zant of the fact that the country was in a turbulent 
 state, and that race prejudice was the most combusti- 
 ble fuel that fed the flames of passion at that particu- 
 lar period of our history, and having received several 
 Ku-Klux warnings, for the Ku-Klux, like a rattlesnake, 
 never struck a foe without first warning him of tbe im- 
 pending danger, and he was not altogether unprepared 
 for the perilous crisis that he imagined had arrived. 
 Rising with cool composure from a table at which he 
52 Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 had been writing, he deliberately, and with perfect 
 self-possession, placed in a drawer in the side of the 
 table a few sheets of paper on which he had written a 
 horrifying account of some imaginary Ku-Klux out- 
 rages for a Northern newspaper, and on which his 
 dusky consort had just been gazing with all the aston- 
 ishment and imbecility of comprehension manifested 
 by the Indians while observing the wonderful " talking 
 paper" of Captain John Smith, Then taking a large 
 revolver from the same drawer in which he had placed 
 the paper, he demanded to know what the intrusion 
 " O, there is no use in your kicking," answered one 
 of the ghouls as he glanced at the pistol in the hands 
 of the imperturbable little teacher, " you've been noti- 
 fied that we wouldn't tolerate your conduct any longer, 
 and have been advised to leave the community, and 
 now we have determined that you shall leave it." 
 "I do not care a fig for the orders and decrees of a 
 lawless Ku-Klux-Klan," boldly answered the little man, 
 " and I have determined to pursue whatever avocation 
 I may fancy, and to choose as a companion the one 
 whom I find most congenial." 
 At this moment the door opposite the one first en- 
 tered fairly flew off its beings and the room was imme- 
 diately filled with men in disguise. Poor Tinklepaugh 
 fully believed that his hour had come, but he was deter- 
 mined to die game, and taking deliberate aim at the 
 person nearest him, he fired ; but as Henry Clay said, in 
 describing a duel fought by him with John Kandolph, 
 who appeared on the field of honor clad in a long. 
How a Ku~Klux Mandate was Executed. 53 
 loose gown, the ball pierced the middle of the object 
 in front, but the thin, swarthy form of the man within 
 was not there. 
 Before Tinklepaugh could put his finger to the trig- 
 ger again, the pistol was knocked out of his hand, and 
 he was bound and gagged before he could utter another 
 word. A rope was tied around his neck in true hang- 
 man's style, and he was immediately placed on a horse, 
 and the crowd started for the river, it having been 
 hastily decided that they would proceed to duck him 
 first in order to cool off his anger and calm his vicious 
 spirit, and then flog him to warm him up again and 
 produce a reaction. 
 It was not far to the river, but still the time con- 
 sumed on the way gave poor Tinklepaugh, who now 
 fully believed he was to be hung, instead of being al- 
 lowed to be shot while defending his own home, as he 
 at first anticipated, ample opportunity for reflection, 
 and in this short time he saw, as if in a mirror, his 
 whole past life pass before him in review^ He looked 
 back across the years gone by, and saw himself, a lit- 
 tle child again holding to his mother's knees while his 
 father, an esteemed minister of the gospel, read some 
 favorite and comforting passage of scripture, and then 
 expounded it in his simple, forcible way. A little fur- 
 ther on in the picture he saw himself, a young man 
 standing before the hymeneal altar in a Northern vil- 
 lage church, with his lovely bride leaning on his arm, 
 and he heard again the old church organ as it pealed 
 forth the glad wedding march, while he received the 
 congratulations of friends. Then he saw the battle- 
54 Ku-Klux Klmi No. Ifi. 
 fields of the late war, where the courage and valor he 
 displayed won for him the encomiums of Federal com- 
 manders high in authority, and where death, if it had 
 only come to him then, would have found him ready to 
 die a soldier's death and offer himself as a sacrifice on 
 the altar of his country. Again he saw his faithful, but 
 discarded, wife in their little cottage home in the North- 
 ern village within sight of the church in which they 
 were married, and he heard the innocent prattle of his 
 own little blue-eyed boy, as he clung to his mother's 
 knees, just as he himself had done in the first picture. 
 And, lastly, he remembered how all his hopes of politi- 
 cal preferment had been blasted and blighted in their 
 incipiency, and how all his money had been squandered 
 and wasted in unholy speculation, and then he thought 
 of his disgraceful, bigamous marriage with the misera- 
 ble negro wench he had just left, and so thinking they 
 reached the river. 
 At the river brink they all halted, and the gags were 
 taken off Tinklepaugh to prevent drowning him. Hith- 
 erto his fear had been that they were going to hang 
 him, but now he became convinced that he was to be 
 drowned. Certainly it was intended to tie a stone to 
 the rope and throw him in the river. 
 At sight of the rolling waters of the river all his 
 courage deserted him, and the thought of being thrown 
 into the river, with a stone fastened to his neck, trans- 
 formed him into a cringing, fawning coward. But in 
 all his perplexities his wit and cunning never deserted 
 him, and in order to escape he now resorted to a strat- 
How a Ku-Klux Mandate was Executed. 55 
 "Gentlemen," said Tinklepaugh, "don't drown me, 
 please don't. Shoot me if you have determined to kill 
 me, and let my body be buried in the earth instead of 
 in the water, but don't hang me like a felon, or drown 
 me like a cat." 
 " Hang you like a felon, you miserable negro-loving, 
 South-hater you," answered one of the Klan, "you de- 
 serve to be burned like a witch, and to have your ashes 
 thrown in the river as a propitiation to the evil spirit. 
 Or perhaps you would prefer to have your ashes gath- 
 ered into a tin box and given to the black strumpet 
 you call your wife." 
 "And is it solely on account of my marriage that you 
 seek to kill me?" asked Tinklepaugh, looking wildly 
 about him as if the truth as to the real cause of his 
 troubles had just flashed into his mind. "I thought it 
 was my political affiliations that gave offense." 
 "You know better than that," answered the same 
 person who had spoken before; "you know very well 
 that it is on account of your marriage that you are to 
 be punished, and you have been thrice warned of that 
 fact and ordered to leave her." 
 " I do not deny that I have received warning to de- 
 sert my wife," answered Tinklepaugh, " but possibly I 
 did not fully understand the true purport of the order 
 and misinterpreted it. I have all the time understood 
 that my politics was the only thing which caused me 
 to be personally disliked, and have thought that the 
 order to abandon my wife was given simply because 
 you did not want to assign the true reason for seeking 
 to banish me from the community, for I cannot see 
 how any objection could be made to my marriage." 
56 K'ti-Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 " You lie about that," answered the ghoul who had 
 first spoken, giving the rope, which was still fastened 
 to Tinklepaugh's neck, a jerk which nearly threw him 
 off his feet. " You know very well that a white man 
 is not allowed to marrv a negro." 
 "Ah, gentlemen, I see now your mistake," answered 
 Tinklepaugh, with a cunning wink, which could not be 
 discerned in the darkness ; " you take me to be a pure 
 blooded white man, but such is not the case. My father 
 was a free negro before the war, and hence there is a 
 mixture of African blood in my veins which makes it 
 not unlawful, but proper, for me to marry a colored 
 " Can you prove that ? " asked the ghoul. 
 " I will swear it, and can furnish ample proof if given 
 the opportunity." 
 " Then swear it, and you shall be discharged for the 
 present, and may furnish further proof some other 
 A lantern hung to the pummel of one of the saddles 
 was produced, and the following oath was taken and 
 subscribed, after which Tinklepaugh was discharged 
 and the crowd dispersed : 
 " I, Peter Tinklepaugh, do solemnly swear that my 
 father was of mixed blood, having been born a free 
 negro before the emancipation of the late slaves, and 
 that I have all my life associated with the colored peo- ^ 
 pie, and will continue to do so in the future. 
 " Peter Tinklepaugh." 
 Sworn to and subscribed before the Cyclop of the 
 "Wizard Ghouls. 
A Viper inters. 57 
 The excitement, occasioned by the startling discovery 
 of the skeleton remains of Colonel Albert Seaton, had 
 not abated when Donald Weston answered, as request- 
 ed, the invitation of Judge Farwell by making his per- 
 sonal appearance at the Midland Hotel. By recording 
 the first appearance of our quondam friend, Mr. Weston, 
 as having been made at the Midland Hotel, I do not mean 
 to insinuate that Judge Farwell was entirely destitute 
 of the emotions of true friendship, and that he allowed 
 his old school-mate and friend to arrive in the town 
 without showing him the customary courtesy of meet- 
 ing him at the depot. On the contrary, it is but justice 
 tow^ard the judge to chronicle the fact that he met his 
 friend on his arrival at the depot in an open carriage, 
 and received him with every manifestation of the most 
 cordial friendship ; but aside from the fact that a few 
 loungers around the hotel looked up from a game of 
 checkers, that at the time absorbed their attention, and 
 made a few commonplace remarks and trite criticisms 
 upon his personal appearance, as he alighted from the 
 carriage on reaching the hotel, no other notice was 
 taken by the citizens of the town of the arrival in their 
 ' midst of the future prosecuting attorney for the State 
 in that judicial district, and no public demonstration 
 in honor of the embryotic attorney and carpet-bagger 
 statesman was held. 
58 Kv^Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 Of the ancestry of Donald Weston I know nothing, 
 and as this, like all other stories of the kind, purports 
 to be a true history of all the characters represented, 
 I will not draw on my imagination to supply that for 
 which my destitution of personal knowledge is respon- 
 sible. I prefer to acknowledge my ignorance rather 
 than to falsify history. It may be that his genealogy 
 might be traced back to some of the Puritan fathers, 
 who came over in the Mayflower, and who afterwards 
 put into execution that same religious intolerance, 
 which they had sought to escape by their immigration 
 to this land of liberty and religious freedom ; or it may 
 be that he might have claimed kinship with some of 
 the ancient Scottish Chiefs or Lords, whose chief claim 
 to nobility was based on the fact that they had clans- 
 men enough to steal cattle from their neighbors and 
 then whip them into subjection, when they sought to 
 recapture their stolen property. His parents may have 
 been ever so upright and honorable, and may have en- 
 joyed the distinction of belonging to the highest circles 
 in State, church and society ; but still I am constrained 
 to say of them that they perpetrated a great fraud, 
 when they sent their son Donald out in the world and 
 palmed him off on the people as a man. 
 In personal appearance he was not at all prepossess- 
 ing, and any unfavorable opinion of him formed on 
 first acquaintance was not likely to be modified or 
 chano:ed on becomiao' more intimate with him. Still 
 he was not a monster in shape or size. In stature he 
 was rather diminutive, being only about five feet eight 
 inches in height, and weighing only about one hundred 
 and forty pounds ; but he had a very large head, keen 
A Viper Enters. 59 
 piercing black eyes and dark complexion and hair, and 
 judging from his high and expansive forehead and gen- 
 eral intellectual appearance a phrenologist would have 
 been justifiable in rating him far above the point of 
 He was sitting with Judge Farwell on the hotel ve- 
 randa on the second evening after his arrival, when the 
 judge turned to him with the remark : 
 " Look here, old fellow, how would you like to go out 
 riding this evening and meet my aflBanced ?" 
 " Your affianced ! " replied Weston in astonishment ; 
 " you don't mean to say that you have become so much 
 enamored of these Southern girls that you are actually 
 engaged to marry one of them ? " 
 " Oh, yes, I am," answered the judge proudly, " and 
 you will not be so much astonished at my presumption, 
 either, if ever your black orbs encounter her loveliness." 
 " Oh, well, of course, I will go," said Weston, '' espe- 
 cially since she seems to be such a paragon of excel- 
 lence, but would it not be a little more consistent with 
 the rules of etiquette in polite society for you to first 
 take me to her house and introduce me there ? " 
 " Of course, it would," answered the judge, "but un- 
 fortunately for me, I have to meet her clandestinely at 
 present, having been denied entrance to her father's 
 •'Ha, ha!" said Weston, with a sardonic smile, "and 
 how does it comport with the dignity of a judge to be 
 holding clandestine meetings with a young girl, when 
 her father forbids him her society at his house ? " 
 " Don't talk to me about dignity in love affairs," said 
60 Kv^Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 the judge. " Love scorns dignity, as well as locks and 
 keys, when either interferes to thwart its purposes." 
 " Yery well,'' said Weston ; " if you love the girl, I 
 will grant you the privilege, so far as I am concerned, 
 of communicating with her in any way possible, for 
 love not only scorns dignity and locks and keys, as you 
 suggest, but it also sets at defiance the rules of etiquette 
 and propriety ; but still, if I am to be made partictps 
 oriminis in violating such rules, I think I have a right 
 to know why it is that you have been denied her society 
 at her father's house, and your reason for asking me 
 to meet her clandestinely." 
 " I will not deny your right to demand my reason 
 for such an extraordinary proposition," answered the 
 judge, " both on account of my unseemly infraction of 
 the rules of propriety and on account of our former in- 
 timate relations, but in order to explain it will be neces- 
 sary for us to take.a cursor}^ view of the recent history 
 and present condition of this country. But, first, I will 
 briefl}'^ state that my present embarrassment was pre- 
 cipitated by a few of my court decisions, which simply 
 recognized the Constitutional rights and citizenship of 
 the colored race, and were, therefore, unpalatable to 
 the race-hating Ku Klux, among whom is to be num- 
 bered my esteemed prospective father-in-law." 
 " Her father, a Ku-Klux ! " interrupted Weston, show- 
 ing evident signs of indignation ; " then I should respect 
 the orders of a Ku-Klux for once by keeping away 
 from his house and shunning the society of his daugh- 
 ter, not through fear of the lawless monster, but to 
 avoid contamination by association with a Ku-Klux or 
 any of his progeny." 
A Vijyer Miters. 61 
 "You do us all three injustice," said the judge, mani- 
 festing some anger at the hot words of his friend, but 
 restraining a more violent exhibition of wrath, remem- 
 bering the natural prejudice and consequent ignorance 
 of his friend regarding everything that pertained to 
 the South. " Major Wyland is a member of the Klan, 
 it is true, and a violent opponent of the reconstruction 
 measures adopted by the Republican part}^ but he is 
 not the lawless monster your imagination would depict 
 him to be, nor has his daughter inherited infection or 
 become contaminated. With him, as with all other 
 Southerners, politics is the Aaron's rod that swallows 
 up everything else, and as all crimes are considered 
 political in their nature, it follows as a necessary con- 
 comitant that all virtues are likewise political, and 
 hence when a political crime is committed for which 
 there is no punishment prescribed in the penal code, as 
 for instance the exercise of the right of suffrage b}'^ the 
 colored citizen, it is esteemed a virtue to belong to a 
 secret society, which has for its object the disfranchise- 
 ment of the recently enfranchised negro, and which is \ 
 simply a secret Star Chamber court where alleged polit- \ 
 ical offenders are tried and convicted in their absence \ 
 and on ex parte testimony. 
 " But strange as my words may sound to you, the Re- 
 publican party is responsible for a great deal of the 
 lawlessness that exists in the South, and many good 
 men have joined the Ku-Klux, believing it the only ex- 
 pedient by which they can regain their former prestige 
 and restore the autonomy of the State. Take for in- 
 stance the case of Major Wyland. At every election 
62 Kv^Klux Klan No. ItO. 
 he sees his former slaves, inexperienced and illiterate 
 as they are, march up to the polls and there exercise 
 their rights of citizenship by depositing their ballots, 
 while he, on account of the test oath imposed by Con- 
 gress, is deprived of this privilege. And there are 
 thirty thousand others in this State in the same condi- 
 tion. Let Congress pursue a more lenient and conserv- 
 ative course toward the late enemies of the Union ; let 
 the dominant party show a little more of the magna- 
 nimity displayed by Grant when he returned the sword 
 of Lee, and lawless leagues, the last vestige of the re- 
 bellion, will disband at once. Understand me, I am 
 not apologizing for the existence of the Klan nor for 
 Major Wyland's connection with it. In my opinion 
 the existence of any secret political organization in a 
 community is a serious menace to the lives and liber- 
 ties of the people, and that such an institution ought 
 not to be tolerated, and as for Major Wyland I seri- 
 ously apprehend that he was the chief instrument in 
 prevailing upon the Klan to proscribe me, and to send 
 me an insulting and threatening warning in regard to 
 my official conduct." 
 "And have they actually threatened you with the 
 fate of a carpet-bagger, too ? " asked Weston in aston- 
 ishment. " I am beginning to think that you have be- 
 guiled me into this community of cut-throats and mid- 
 night assassins simply for the purpose of having me 
 swing with you." 
 " Oh, no, it is not so bad as that," answered Judge 
 Farwell. " I have not been threatened with death, but 
 have simply been warned that I must not repeat some 
 of my recent rulings and decisions on the bench ; a 
A Viper Enters. 63 
 warning I need not tell you, I shall certainly ignore, 
 and that, too, in a manner calculated to express my ex- 
 treme contempt for the authors of such an insult." 
 " Oh, well, if that is all, I will dismiss all visions of 
 the murderous hobgoblins, or ghouls, I believe you call 
 them, from my mind, and will try and prepare myself 
 to assist you in showing a supreme contempt for their 
 insolent demands as soon as I receive my commission 
 as prosecuting attorney." 
 " You will find sufficient exercise for all the talents 
 you possess if you wish to successfull}^ prosecute your 
 docket, without troubling yourself to precipitate a 
 quarrel with your antagonists, especially when Major 
 Wyland appears for the defendant." 
 "What is his plan of attack?" 
 "Technically speaking, it is the business of the pro- 
 secuting attorney to begin the attack, and generally to 
 continue in the attitude of the aggressor throughout 
 all stages of the proceeding ; but you will find that he 
 will assume the aggressive quite frequently, and woe 
 to the lawyer who opposes him unprepared when he 
 does. He is a learned and astute lawyer, possesses 
 wonderful and almost inexhaustible resources, and is 
 one of the most skillful and adroit controversialists I 
 have ever seen." 
 "Very well," said Weston, with a gesture of impa- 
 tience, beginning to feel a little discomfitted at the 
 thought of meeting such a dexterous opponent on his 
 first appearance in the forum, " your description of the 
 father inclines me to accept your invitation to meet the 
 daughter, so order our horses and let us be going." 
 Judge Far well called to Uncle Ben and ordered two 
64: Kvr-Klux Klan No. Jf.0. 
 good saddle-horses from the livery stables to be sent to 
 the Midland hotel, an order which Uncle Ben obeyed 
 with his usual promptitude. 
 The shadows of the trees along the roadside were 
 beginning to lengthen considerably in the sunshine, 
 when the judge and his friend turned into the well- 
 shaded road leading down by the river bank, and the 
 horse ridden by a young lady in advance of them be- 
 came frightened at the clattering of the hoofs of the 
 horses behind. Minnie Wyland was a skillful and prac- 
 ticed rider, and checking her horse with the reins, she 
 patted his mane with one hand while she looked back 
 to see who was coming. Observing two persons she 
 was just about to conclude that she was destined to be 
 disappointed in not meeting with Judge Farwell, when 
 that gentleman rode forward and asked to be allowed 
 to introduce his friend. By this time they had reached 
 an old mill seat on the river, the mill itself having been 
 burned by the returning Yankee soldiery, in the spring 
 of 1865, and it was hastily agreed that they should 
 alight and spend an hour there, and that the introduc- 
 tion should be given after dismounting. 
 For the first time Minnie's innate modesty, the chief 
 virtue and ornament of Southern girls, conquered her 
 desire to be in the company of her accepted lover, and 
 as she alighted on a large stone which formed a part of 
 the abutments of an old bridge, which had been suffered 
 to fall into decay on account of the depressed financial 
 condition of the county, and the consequent inability 
 of the county authorities to keep it in proper repair, 
 she showed evident signs of embarrassment. She knew 
 that these meetings with Judge Farwell were contrary 
A Viper Miters. 65 
 to the wishes of her father — in fact, without his know- 
 ledge — and, although the meetings were not through 
 any prearrangement, still she was obliged to acknow- 
 ledge the fact that, in their accustomed rides, they 
 expected to meet with each other, for it does not require 
 a written instrument, under hand and seal, to consti- 
 tute a lover's agreement for a tryst, and she secretl}' 
 resolved to discontinue the meetings in the future. Her 
 mother had died in her infancy, leaving her an only 
 child, upon whom her father had ever since lavished a 
 double portion of his affection, and, remembering her 
 father's deep aversion for Judge Farwell, she felt it to 
 be her duty to decline further attentions from him, until 
 time and a better understanding of each other's motives 
 should work a reconciliation between the two. She 
 recognized and deprecated the fact that her father's 
 antipathy for the judge was based solely on political 
 differences, and it was because she had esteemed the 
 objection frivolous that she had hitherto permitted the 
 judge to address her without her father's knowledge ; 
 but she felt now that she ought to respect her father's 
 wishes, however trivial she considered his objections 
 to her lover, and with a hope that can only be born in 
 desperation, and that, too, in the breast of a woman 
 whose heart is stirred with love for a man whom she 
 regards as true and honorable, and who is the object 
 of that hope, she looked forward to the time when 
 political animosities should cease, when the hateful 
 sound of the terms, "carpet-bagger" and "scalawag" 
 should vanish, and when all men should be respected 
 and honored for their intrinsic worth, regardless of 
66 Ku-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 party affiliations or place of birth; and so, vainly hop- 
 ing, she deternnined that this should be the last meeting 
 with the judge, until such time as they could meet with 
 her father's consent. 
 She was in this state of perturbation when Judge 
 Farwell, not knowing her embarrassment, for she had 
 not had opportunity to communicate her thoughts to 
 him, brought forward his friend, and said : 
 "Miss Minnie, allow me to introduce my friend, Mr. 
 Weston; Miss Wyland, Mr. Weston." 
 Weston bowed with the gracefulness of a dancing- 
 master, and Minnie returned the salutation with the 
 stately dignity characteristic of her father's family. 
 She was dressed in a gray riding habit, and although 
 her face was a little flushed with the thoughts that had 
 lately disturbed her mind, she maintained a dignified 
 composure, and looked a perfect picture of health and 
 beauty. To Donald Weston she appeared a perfect 
 paragon. The contour of her face was perfectly lovely, 
 while her figure was equally faultless, in size and pro- 
 " I think I have heard Judge Farwell speak of you," 
 said Minnie, in a voice so musical that Weston stood 
 gazing at her in mute admiration, feeling as if her words 
 were but the sound of the first touch of a musician's 
 fingers on the strings of a lute, as a prelude to a song 
 of enchantment. 
 " Yes, I have often spoken of him to you," said the 
 judge, seeing the hesitation of his friend. " He and I 
 were in college together, and became as intimate as our 
 different natures would allow, though he generally pre- 
 ferred his books to any other society." 
A Viper Enters. 67 
 "And I have always found my books my most con- 
 stant friends," said Weston, recovering his self-posses- 
 sion, "and my experience and observation have taught 
 me that very few of them are tickle, or hurtful in their 
 " I presume, then, from the tenor of your remark," 
 said Minnie, " that you have been made to experience 
 the fickleness of human friendship, and have sought 
 solace and companionship only where the lines are in- 
 dellibly stamped without the power of changing?" 
 " O, I do not mean to acknowledge myself a confirmed 
 misanthrope," answered Weston, a little disconcerted 
 by the construction placed upon his language by Min- 
 nie; in fact, I think a book, being the production of 
 some person's brain, is really a part of the writer, and 
 it would seem like a contradiction to say that I enjoy 
 the society of the creation of a human mind while 
 detesting its author." 
 " I am also fond of my books," answered Minnie, 
 "and I quite agree with you in your estimate of their 
 value ; but I love nature, too, and am fond of the woods, 
 the fields and flowers. Indeed, I like everything ex- 
 cept politics." 
 " Why, I thought that everybod}^ South was a politi- 
 cian, including the women," answered Weston. 
 "No, indeed, the women of the South are not politi- 
 cians," said Minnie ; " but many of us, on the contrary, 
 have good reason to deprecate the zeal with which the 
 other sex follow the behests of party." 
 " It seems to me that all good persons ought to de- 
 plore the rancor of party strife which now exists in 
 the South," said Weston ; " especially when party zeal 
68 Kvr-Klux Klan No. k.0. 
 leads men to the extent of organizing themselves into 
 bands of midnight assassins." 
 " I have never heard of the existence of any bands 
 of assassins in the South," answered Minnie. " It is 
 true, we have the Ku-Klux, who sometimes administer 
 justice in a manner not prescribed in our penal codes, 
 but I have yet to hear of their infliction of punishment 
 where it was not richly deserved." 
 " Then you approve of the existence of the Ku-Klux ?" 
 '• No, not exactly," said Minnie. " I think all such 
 secret organizations are dangerous, and their ver}'' ex- 
 istence is to be deplored, but when our ignorant colored 
 people are organized into leagues, which threaten the 
 overthrow of our government, it seems to me that the 
 only way to combat the evils threatened is by counter 
 "I presume then, when you say that you do not 
 know of any case in which the Ku-Klux have made a 
 mistake, that in your estimation the threat of personal 
 violence against Judge Farwell was justifiable," said 
 " Indeed," answered Minnie, evincing for the first 
 time considerable agitation of mind, " I had not heard 
 of any threat of violence against Judge Farwell." 
 "Yes," said Weston, "I understand from him that 
 the Ku-Klux have warned him that he must not permit 
 colored men to serve as jurors again on pain of being 
 " It is true that I have received a note from the hands 
 of the Ku-Klux," said Judge Farwell, "but I attach 
 but little importance to the fact, and am sure I shall 
 not allow it to influence me in the least in my oflicial 
A Viper Miters. 69 
 " I am very sorry that the members of any Klan 
 should have been so indiscreet, not to say unjust," said 
 Minnie, " and I must speak to father about this matter, 
 for I am sure that his political prejudices would not 
 allow him to go to the extent of approving such con- 
 duct; but I see it is growing late, and think it time for 
 me to return home." 
 Judge Farwell assisted Minnie to remount, and soon 
 the two were retracing their steps home. Weston re- 
 turned by an opposite direction, declaring that he was 
 not satisfied with the extent of his ride among such 
 picturesque scenery. He was now in the midst of the 
 most magnificent natural scenery in the State, the swift 
 and lucid mountain stream being on one side and the 
 craggy and gigantic peaks of the mountains on the 
 other, but all the beauty of the natural surroundings 
 was eclipsed by visions of the transcendent beauty of 
 the face and form of Minnie Wyland. It might as well 
 he said of him now that he was not at all sentimental ; 
 on the contrary he was cool, calculating and practical 
 in everything, at least such had hitherto been his dis- 
 position ; but now as he rode along in solitude the 
 image of Minnie Wyland stood constantly before him, 
 and he found himself inquiring whether he really was 
 fool enough to fall in love with a girl at first sight, and 
 repeating the words of an old song : 
 " Tell me not that there is need 
 Of time for love to grow; 
 The hand that strikes to kill indeed 
 Despatches at a blow." 
TO Kvr-Klux Klan No. k-O. 
 He reached the hotel in advance of Judge Farwell, 
 having gone down the river until he struck a road 
 which led into the town by an opposite direction to 
 that taken by the judge and Minnie. As he sat b}'- a 
 window of his room, looking out upon the quiet town 
 as the last glimmering rays of sunshine faded from 
 the house-tops, every scene of the evening recurred to 
 him as if in a dream. Again he stood by the old mill 
 dam and gazed out upon the Avaters as they poured 
 over the rocks and half rotten timbers that once ar- 
 rested the waters in their peaceful flow and compelled 
 them to do service in turning the wheels of the mill, 
 and the sounds of the thousand ripples but reminded 
 him of the musical voice that had so enchanted him 
 during the evening. Again he rode among towering- 
 peaks or passed under the branches of the huge oaks 
 that grow on the banks of the river, and even the grand- 
 eur of the mountains suggested the surpassing beauty 
 by which he had become so enraptured. His heart 
 novp" responded to the words of the poet : 
 " There is nothing gladsome round me, 
 Nothing beautiful to see, 
 Since thy beauty's spell has bound me 
 But is eloquent of thee." 
 It is true, he felt a little worried over some of the 
 sentiments expressed by Minnie during the conversa- 
 tion with her, especially her quasi approval of the ex- 
 istence of the Ku-Klux organization ; but he very char- 
 itably attributed this to the influence and teachings of 
 her father, and so absolved her from all blame. He 
 had observed, too, her change of countenance when in- 
 formed of the indignity offered Judge Farwell by the 
A Vipe?' inters. 71 
 Klan, and he inferred from her evident disapproval of 
 their action in that instance that she was not accus- 
 tomed to consider their plans as embracing any but the 
 lower order of society as then constituted in the Union 
 Leagues ; though, had not her language indicated that 
 such was her idea of the Klan, he might have ascribed 
 her displeasure to the fact that she was in love with 
 the object of their attack in that particular instance. 
 Having finally decided that he was in fact fool 
 enough, as he expressed it, to fall in love with a girl 
 at first sight, he was now more perplexed than ever. 
 Should he inform Judge Farwell of his passion, and 
 notify him in a manly way that in future he might 
 consider him a friendly rival? That would be the 
 more manly and dignified way, no doubt; but how 
 would Judge Farwell accept and act upon such infor- 
 mation? This was the main question that bothered 
 Weston, for he was purely mercenary in all his actions, 
 and consulted his own interests to the exclusion of the 
 welfare of all others. Would a disclosure of his secret 
 result in their complete estrangement? If so, then it 
 must not be revealed, because all his hopes of political 
 advancement depended upon the influence and good 
 will of the judge, and the honor of jumping at one 
 bound into such a lucrative and honorable office as the 
 solicitorship of a whole judicial district was not to be 
 despised or needlessly lost. It did not take him long to 
 decide the matter, for selfishness was the predominant 
 part of his nature, and he was anxious to become one 
 of the leaders of the party in that section. So he de- 
 cided to sacrifice his manhood and self-respect to serve 
 his personal interests. 
72 Ku-Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 Parcelling out offices among those politically quali- 
 fied to receive them (which meant that the applicant 
 must belong to the Kepublican party) was an important 
 part of the policy of reconstruction, as practiced in the 
 South, and it made but little difference whether the 
 recipient w^as a carpet-bagger or a scalawag. All that 
 was necessary was to find a vacancy, and it was imme- 
 diately filled by the most available candidate, and if no 
 vacancy could be discovered by the greedy eye of the 
 demagogue, and the applicant was likely to prove a 
 valuable acquisition to the party, an office was gen- 
 erally created for his special benefit. However, in the 
 case of our good friend, Donald Weston, Esq., the 
 newly-fledged " twenty dollar attorney," no such usur- 
 pation of power was necessary, for as soon as his fealty 
 to the party had been properly vouched for by Judge 
 Farwell, Col. Worthen Smith, solicitor for the judicial 
 district, resigned in his favor, and he was immediately 
 appointed to the vacant place by the governor. 
 Immediately upon receiving his commission Weston 
 set about preparing indictments against the Ku-Klux 
 with the vigor usually displayed by a novice in any pro- 
 fession. His predecessor, he reasoned, was old and 
 decrepit, and his mental as well as physical faculties 
 had been so much impaired by age and infirmity, that 
 he was incapable of grappling with the situation, and 
 thus he was afforded an opportunity of proving to the 
 world that the governor had made no mistake in giving 
Partisan Justice. 73 
 him the coveted appointment. He would be known as 
 a vigorous and fearless prosecutor, and one whom the 
 Ku-Klux could not intimidate. 
 He soon discovered, however, that he was not to sail 
 always upon a smooth sea, where everything was serene 
 and lovely, and no opposing obstacle was to be encoun- 
 tered. He found that he was destined to be buffeted 
 and retarded in his voyage to the haven of fame by 
 many waves of perplexity and doubt he had not antici- 
 pated ; and his embarrassment was none the less painful 
 because the diflBculties that beset him were of simple 
 solution. For instance, he spent the whole of the first 
 day of his official life in trying to ascertain the proper 
 title to an indictment against an offending colored 
 brother, who had been so ungrateful, not to say indis- 
 creet, as to declare his intention of voting the Demo- 
 cratic ticket at the approaching election, and who had, 
 therefore, been presented by the grand jury for some 
 of his misdeeds, committed before his defection from 
 the Republican party. He found in the Supreme Court 
 Reports such precedents as the following : " State v. 
 Jim, a person of color," " State v. Sam, a free negro," 
 " State V. Tom, a former slave," and he was in a great 
 quandary to know whether to use some such discriptio 
 personcB, or to discard all terms suggestive of the " pre- 
 vious condition of servitude" of the defendant, and 
 indict him simply by his name. To a lawyer of expe- 
 rience, such matters would have given no trouble ; but 
 it must be remembered that Weston had entered the 
 profession without the requisite preparation, and he 
 found many little things to puzzle him which might, and 
 ought to, have been avoided by proper training. 
74 Ku-Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 But the reader need not become alarmed, for fear of 
 being invited into the criminal court, and there com- 
 pelled to listen to the trial of an indictment against 
 some bloody-handed Ku-Klux, charged with a political 
 murder. To require one to sit all day in such a court 
 room, crowded almost to suffocation, as our criminal 
 courts generally are, and to be jostled and elbowed by 
 impudent negroes, and to be compelled to inhale the 
 offensive odors that arise from their bodies, is a punish- 
 ment that ought not to be inflicted, if it can be possibly 
 avoided, and I have no disposition to do so in the pres- 
 ent instance. No doubt it would be interesting to know 
 how the newly appointed Solicitor succeeded in his first 
 court, and I would be pleased to give the details of 
 some of his first trials, and tell how Maj.Wyland secured 
 an acquittal for a defendant, whom Weston had indicted 
 as the principal felon, when the evidence showed that 
 he was only an accessory before the fact, and was not 
 present at the commission of the offense; or how another, 
 indicted for perjury, was acquitted because the solici- 
 tor rested his case upon the evidence of a single uncor- 
 roborated witness, while the law requires the testimony 
 of two witnesses in order to sustain a conviction for 
 that offense — and many other scenes and incidents that 
 occurred during the first few days of his official life, 
 it would be interesting to know ; provided the reader 
 could be placed in a comfortable position to see and 
 hear, during the progress of the trial. But, for fear of 
 offending some sensitive nature, I will proceed to the 
 investigation of a civil case, in which the litigants, 
 especially on one side, are more respectable. 
Partisan Justice. 75 
 The board of commissioners of West county was com- 
 posed of two negroes and one " imported statesman " 
 from New Jersey, and they promptly refused payment 
 of the notes given to Colonel Albert Seaton by the 
 county, which were found in the cave in Glen Echo, and 
 Major Wyland as promptly instituted suit, asking for 
 judgment against the county and for a manda'nius 
 against the board of commissioners to compel them to 
 levy the necessary taxes to liquidate the debt. The 
 case came on for trial at the May term, 1870, of the 
 Superior Court for West county, and a large concourse 
 of people assembled in the court-house to hear the trial, 
 nearly all of them being sympathizers with the cause of 
 the plaintiff. 
 The court-house in Westville was a model stone struc- 
 ture, situated in the centre of a large square and sur- 
 rounded by magnificent oaks. The ground was cov- 
 ered with a beautiful coat of grass, and under each tree 
 was one or more seats, or benches, for the accommoda- 
 tion of suitors and witnesses, who generally remained 
 outside until the case in which thev were interested 
 was reached, when they would be called at the window 
 by the court crier. The crier at this time was Dick 
 Madison, a negro preacher, who officiated in the court- 
 house during the week, and dispensed " de word ob de 
 Lawd" to an admiring and gullible congregation on 
 Sunday, and whose stentorian tones could be heard for 
 miles around. 
 Promptly at ten o'clock on the morning of the 20th 
 of May, 1870, Judge Farwell took his seaton the bench 
 of the Superior Court for West county, and directed 
76 Kv^Klux Klan Wo. Ifi. 
 the crier to open court in the usual form, which that 
 sable son of Ham proceeded to do as follows: "Oh, 
 yes! oh, yes ! dis honible co't is now open an' reddy fur 
 bizness ; Gawd save de State an' dis honible co't ! " 
 Those who had failed to notice the ringing of the 
 court-house bell were aroused by the stentorian voice 
 of the crier, and came rushing into the court-room at 
 such a rate that the house was soon densely packed. 
 The first case appearing on the docket for trial was 
 entitled : "Albert Seaton, Jr., administrator of Albert 
 Seaton, Sr , -y. The Commissioners of West County — 
 Action for debt." Major Wyland appeared for the 
 plaintiff, and Donald Weston, Esq., who, by reason of 
 the prominence given him by his official position and 
 by reason of the supposition that he " had the ear of 
 the judge," had become the chief oracle of the party in 
 that section, was employed by the defendant commis- 
 sioners to represent the interests of the county. 
 The complaint was read by Major Wyland, which 
 alleged in substance that the county was indebted to 
 the plaintiff's intestate in the sum of six thousand dol- 
 lars, which money had been loaned the county to pro- 
 cure salt for the starving families of Confederate sol- 
 diers, and other destitute persons during the late war ; 
 that the money was duly applied as designed ; that the 
 debt thus created was secured by the notes sued on, 
 which had been duly signed and delivered by the chair- 
 man of the board of county commissioners as required 
 by law, and that no part of the said notes had ever 
 been paid. 
 Weston responded by reading an elaborate demurrer 
Partisan Justice. 77 
 (all pleadings filed by amateur lawyers are elaborate), 
 the substance of which was that the defendants demur- 
 red, because: 
 1. The court had no jurisdiction of the subject-mat- 
 ter of the action. 
 2. The complaint did not state facts sufficient to con- 
 stitute a cause of action, since it appeared from the 
 complaint that the contract sued on was based on an 
 illegal consideration, the money for which the notes 
 were given having been used to aid the rebellion. 
 Having, under the rules, the right to open and con- 
 clude the argument on the demurrer, Weston addressed 
 the court as follows : 
 '"''May it please your Honor : The question presented 
 for the determination of the court by the complaint 
 and demurrer filed in this case, it seems to me, may be 
 summarized in one leading proposition: Was the debt 
 sued on contracted, directly or indirectly, in aid or 
 support of the rebellion ? If so, then the contract is 
 void, as coming within the inhibition of the ordinance 
 of the Convention and the State Constitution. I would 
 call your Honor's attention, first, to the fact that the 
 people of this State, in Convention assembled, solemnly 
 ordained that all debts incurred by the State in aid of 
 the late rebellion, directly or indirectly, are void, and 
 no General Assembly of this State shall have power to 
 assume or provide for the payment of the same or any 
 portion thereof, nor to assume or provide for the pay- 
 ment of any portion of the debts incurred, directly or 
 indirectly, by the late so-called Confederate States. I 
 will read to you further from the Constitution : 
78 Ku-Klux Elan No. J^O. 
 "'No county, city, town, or other municipal corpo- 
 ration, shall assume or pay, nor shall any tax be levied 
 or collected for, the payment of any debt, or the inter- 
 est upon any debt, contracted directly or indirectly in 
 aid or support of the rebellion.' 
 " Here, may it please vour Honor, the people of this 
 State, as in all other Southern States, have solemnly 
 declared, through their highest law-making power, that 
 no debt contracted in aid or support of the rebellion 
 shall be recognized as valid, and this declaration of the 
 will of the people is obligatory upon the courts. So, 
 now, recurring to the proposition I at lirst announced : 
 Was furnishing salt to the people during the war a meas- 
 ure calculated and intended to aid the rebellion? As 
 counsel for the defendants, it becomes my duty, in argu 
 ing the demurrer, to maintain the affirmative of this 
 issue; and, in doing so, I wish to inquire, first, what 
 relation the county of West sustained towards therig-ht- 
 ful government of the State at the time this contract 
 was made ? It is a fact, of which this court is bound to 
 take judicial notice, that at the date of this contract, 
 the persons exercising the power of the State, and the 
 persons exercising the power of West county, had dis- 
 avowed their allegiance to the government of the United 
 States and to the rightful State government, and had 
 assumed an attitude of open hostility to the rightful 
 State government and to the United States government. 
 There was rebellion in the State, and the spirit of rebel- 
 lion reigned supreme. It follows, therefore, that this 
 court, which simply exercises the functions and powers 
 of the rightful State government after regaining its 
Partisan Justice. 79 
 supremacy, cannot treat the acts and contracts of per- 
 sons so unlawfully exercising the powers of the State 
 and county authority as valid, unless the court is satis- 
 fied that the acts were innocent, and such as the lawful 
 government would have done. In this case the plaintiff 
 is asking the court to compel the present county com- 
 missioners, who are in the rightful exercise of the power 
 of the county, to perform a contract made by a set of men 
 who were wrongfully pretending to act as commissioners 
 and exercise the power of the county in 1862. Any act 
 which would not have been done except for the existence 
 of the rebellion, and which was calculated to counteract 
 the measures adopted by the government of the United 
 States for its suppression, and to enable the people in in- 
 surrection to protract the unholy struggle, was in aid of 
 the rebellion. Furnishing salt for the use of the women 
 and children at home, was clearly calculated to counter- 
 act the blockade and other measures resorted to by the 
 United States to suppress the rebellion ; because the 
 rebels in arms were thereby relieved of the duty of 
 laying down their arms, and returning to the support of 
 those for whose subsistence they were responsible, and 
 were enabled thereby to protract the struggle ; and the 
 plea that the women and children were in a state of 
 actual starvation, and that the motive in contracting 
 the debt was to do an act of charity and humanity, and 
 mitigate the rigors of war, is but a simple confession of 
 the illegality of the contract ; because the laws of war 
 are paramount to motives of charity and humanity, and 
 starving the women and children was a legitimate 
 means, adopted by the rightful government, to compel 
 the rebel authorities to surrender." 
80 Ku-Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 Maj. "Wyland listened to the above argument, espe- 
 cially to the closing sentences, with real anguish of heart, 
 but every exhibition of feeling or passion was suppressed 
 with the iron will of a Stoic, On the street, he probably 
 would have resented the avowal of the monstrous propo- 
 sition that starving innocent women and children was a 
 legitimate means of terminating a war ; but in the court- 
 house he was nothing but a lawyer — cool, careful, and 
 deliberate — and every passion, or thought, that was 
 calculated to becloud his mental vision, or detract, in 
 any way, from his reasoning powers, was banished at 
 once. He knew that the legal attainments of his antag 
 onist were very limited, and that he was inexperienced, 
 and he had observed, also, that Weston had cited no 
 authorities to sustain the position he had assumed ; but 
 still he recognized the strong native ability of his oppo- 
 nent, and realized the fact that, with the evident preju- 
 dice of the presiding judge against him, he had a fight 
 on his hands that required skillful argument, supported 
 by an abundant array of authorities and precedents. 
 As he arose to address the court, in reply, he glanced 
 at Weston, and made toward him a peculiar gesture, 
 indicative of displeasure, which he habitually did when 
 aroused to indignation ; but that eminent worthy sim- 
 ply assumed a more defiant attitude, and looked more 
 than ever like a cabbage, all head and no body, while 
 a smile of anticipated triumph played over his features. 
 Maj. Wyland said : 
 " May it please your Honor : I have listened to the 
 argument of the counsel for the defendant in this case 
Partisan Justice. 81 
 with that degree of interest and attention which a legal 
 argument alwaj^s elicits from me, especially when I know 
 it to be my duty to oppose the application of the prin- 
 ciples of law sought to be enforced ; but I must confess 
 that the avowal of such a monstrous proposition of law 
 as that feeding the non-combatant, starving and help- 
 less women and children, in a time of war, is aiding the 
 rebellion in such a sense as to make void a contract for 
 food furnished them, is a declaration of a doctrine that 
 is unwarranted by authority, and one that the moral 
 sentiment of mankind can never approve, nor the courts 
 enforce, without contravening all the traditions and his- 
 tory of free government, and crushing the very genius 
 of liberty itself. The complaint in this case states that 
 the contract was made in a time of great scarcity ; that 
 the destitution of the people was such that they could 
 not procure salt, and that they had, in many instances, 
 been reduced to the necessity of digging up the dirt 
 under their meat houses and boiling it, to extract the 
 salt which the earth had absorbed. The legal effect of 
 a demurrer is to admit the truth of all the facts stated 
 in the complaint; so, then, the motive, as appears 
 by the facts admitted, was not war, but simply to sup- 
 ply the urgent wants of our nature. 
 " But I am aware, your Honor, that the moral aspect 
 of this case is not to be allowed to dictate the opinion 
 of the court, and I, therefore, plant myself squarely on 
 the law, and insist that, by a strict construction of the 
 principle of law involved, the plaintiff is entitled to 
 " A preliminary question is : What was the relation 
82 Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 between the State and the United States when this con- 
 tract was made? 
 " In Thorington v. Smith, 8 Wall., 1, it is settled that it 
 was a de facto government, and that its civil adminis- 
 tration was lawful, and it was the duty of the citizens 
 to observe the laws of a peaceful character. ■ 
 " In U. S. V. Rice, 4 Wheat., 246, and in O. S. v. How- 
 a/rd, 2 Gall., 485, and in WhecU. Int. Nat. Law, 337, 345 
 and 346, it is held that the conquest and military occu- 
 pation of part of our territory by the public enemy makes 
 it foreign territory, and subject to the laws arising out 
 of that relation. 
 " In the Sarah Starr. Bl. Prize cases, 69, it is settled 
 that, for all purposes of the war, it was a war with a for- 
 eign power, and involved all the consequences of interna- 
 tional wars. 
 "In the cases of the Union Ins. Co. v. U.S., 6 Wall, 
 759, and Armstrong'' s Foundry, 6 Wall., 766, it is decided 
 that the laws of capture and jprize apply to the acts of 
 confiscation of rebel property — otherwise, the law of 
 " And in Shanks v. Dupont, 3 Pet., 260, it is held that 
 the relation between the body politic and its members 
 continues the same, notwithstanding a change of govern- 
 " I. From these authorities are deduced clearly these 
 conclusions : 
 " 1. That we had a civil government in this State com- 
 petent to enact all civil laws not belligerent to the United 
 " 2. And that the law of nations governed the conduct 
 of the war between the State and the United States. 
Partisan Justice. 83 
 " 3. The}^ establish this further principle, if our case 
 required it — that the law of nations, which is part of 
 the common law, is as obligatory upon a nation dealing 
 with its own subjects as with foreign nations. 
 " II. The second proposition, and main one, is, that 
 this contract is not forbidden by the law of nations, or 
 the law which governs a nation at war with its own 
 subjects, in a state of rebellion of the magnitude and 
 acknowledged character of this. 
 " The uniform decisions of the courts of all nations for 
 many ages, and the writings of eminent jurists, have 
 settled what acts and things constitute that ' aid to a 
 war', which is forbidden, so as to become the subject of 
 judicial cognizance. If two nations go to war, it is the 
 duty of all others to stand off, and furnish no aid to 
 either. If, however, the subjects of another govern- 
 ment do furnish supplies calculated and intended to aid 
 one party in the prosecution of the war, these supplies 
 are called '- contraband, of war ^ ^nd become the subject 
 of capture and prize. 
 "The term contraband, then, embraces, and was in- 
 tended to embrace, every act or thing which is in ' aid 
 of a war or rebellion, in a legal sense. 
 " What, then, is contraband of war f 
 "All merchandise is divided into three classes : 
 " 1. Articles manufactured and primarily and exclu- 
 sively used for military purposes in time of war. 
 " 2. Articles which may be, and are, used for purposes 
 of war or peace, according to circumstances. 
 " 3. Articles exclusively used for peaceful purposes. 
 " Provisions belong to the second class, and is our 
84 Kvr-Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 As to these, the rule is that they are contraband only 
 when actually destined to the military or naval use of 
 the belligerents. Wheaton Int. Nat. Law, pp. 376-381 ; 
 1 Kent Coin., pp. 134-41 ; The Peterhoff, 5 Wall., 58. 
 " From these cases and the text-books is clearly de- 
 rived this proposition — that salt is never contraband or 
 in aid of war unless actually destined to the military 
 use of the belligerents, as to a besieged place, or the 
 army. In our case the facts are that the salt was sent 
 to and used only by the women and children at home. 
 " Take the case of Leak v. Commissioners of Hichmond 
 County, 64 N. C, 132 : Grant intercepts provisions go- 
 ing intoYicksburg, a heseiged town. They are clearly 
 contraband. But if Vicksburg had not been beseiged, 
 and no hostile army there, it is equally clear they would 
 not be contraband, 
 " It is established, then, that the purchase of salt for 
 the people of the county was an act lawful and innocent 
 in itself ; and he who affirms the contrarj" must show 
 it. We do not rest our case here, as we might, but as- 
 sume the affirmative of establishing our innocence in 
 " The Acts of Assembly are divisible into two classes : 
 1. Those in aid, of the war, which are void. 2. Those 
 of civil administration, which are valid, as settled in 
 Thorington v. Smith. ISTote the facts in detail. 
 " 1. It is ' an act for the supply of salt' and confined 
 to that one purpose of distribution among the home 
 people, without any reference to a military purpose. 
 " 2. Ko act touching military supplies was passed in 
 reference to it. 
PartisrjM Justice. 85 
 " 3. The legislature observed the distinction between 
 acts of a military and civil nature, and the captions so 
 designate them generally, or the body of the act does. 
 So much for the legislature. Now as to the count}^ : 
 " 1. The county is not sovereign, and has only limited 
 delegated powers. Being a mere subordinate agent, 
 the agent may be innocent, although the principal is 
 guilty. Here all the facts establish the unwarlike and 
 innocent purpose of the county. 
 " 2. The loan was made twelve months after the act, 
 under the pressure of necessity, 'great scarcity, and the 
 people were in great need of salt ', the case states. The 
 motive, then, was not war ; but to supply the urgent 
 wants of our nature. 
 " 3. The most scrupulous provision was made to se- 
 cure an equal and uniform distribution among all, black 
 and white, at home, thus rebutting all hostile purpose. 
 " 4. The county passed ' no act of secession ', no ' series 
 of war measures ', but was a subordinate fraction of the 
 State, and bound, willing or not, to obey ; and without 
 power to resist the State. 
 " But the county might he guilty and the plaintiff not. 
 " 1. His act was involuntary; the county went to him 
 to borrow. 
 " 2. The county agent merely stated to him that he 
 wanted the salt for the people of the county — a non- 
 military purpose. 
 " 4. No guilty knowledge of an unlawful purpose on 
 his part is shown. He was not bound to know a void 
 act of the legislature, and no actual notice is proved. 
 " 5. Finally the claim is audited, and allowed by the 
 county court, in 1867. 
86 Kvr~Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 " Then, why should not this debt be paid ? If a famine 
 had occurred in time of peace (and history is full of 
 instances) a civil government which folded its hands, 
 stood aloof and said to the sufferers, ' perish !' would 
 have been looked upon by all mankind with horror and 
 detestation. Is the duty less sacred, because the famine 
 is in consequence of war and rebellion, and the govern- 
 ment is de facto and not dejuref 
 " The distinction, as I have already said, is one that 
 the moral sentiment of mankind can never apj^rove, 
 and is unwarranted by authority. The doctrine of what 
 is ' aid to rebellion ' may be carried to such an extent 
 that our courts will become a means of oppression, in- 
 stead of a place to which the injured may resort for 
 the enforcement of his rights. Such an error, I am sure, 
 this court would wish to avoid." 
 When Major Wyland closed his argument, the audi- 
 ence, nearly all of whom had sympathized with the 
 cause of the plaintiff from the beginning, gave evident 
 signs of approval, and a subdued whisper pervaded the 
 whole court-room. "Weston arose to reply, but Judge 
 Farwell, who well knew the inability of his friend to 
 combat the legal points presented by Maj. Wyland, 
 motioned for silence and said : 
 " I think it altogether unnecessary to protract the ar- 
 gument in this case further. It is conceded in the author, 
 ities cited by the counsel for the plaintiff that, in case of 
 a blockade, an attempt to introduce salt or other provis- 
 ions violates the law of nations, and the articles are law- 
 ful prizes, for the reason that by the blockade it is pro- 
Partisan Justice. 87 
 claimed to the world that starvation is resorted to as one 
 of the means of compelling peace, and, this being recog- 
 nized by the law of nations as one of the means that a 
 belligerent may resort to, any one venturing to run the 
 blockade does so at his peril. Now, it is a historical fact, 
 of which the court may take judicial notice, that the late 
 war was conducted on a scale of magnificent proportions. 
 The whole South was in a state of seige at the time the 
 contract sued on was made — a blockade and military pos- 
 session of ports on the east and south ! arms on the 
 north and west ! It is, therefore, the opinion of this 
 court that the manufacture and distribution of salt by 
 the wrongful authorities in possession of the State gov- 
 ernment, and the wrongful county authorities, was in 
 contravention of the avowed polic}'^ of the government 
 of the United States, and in aid of the rebellion, as tend- 
 ing to protract the struggle ; and that money loaned to 
 the county in order to procure salt for the use of soldiers' 
 families, and other destitute persons, cannot be recov- 
 ered. Judgment will therefore be entered for the de- 
 fendant commissioners, and against the plaintiff."* 
 On the announcement of the decision of the court, 
 Albert Seaton sat for a moment, stupefied with astonish- 
 ment, and then buried his face in his hands in a paroxysm 
 of despair. How could he inform his invalid mother of 
 the disastrous termination of the suit ? Only a few days 
 before, he had induced her to sign with him a mortgage 
 on the old homestead, to enable him to purchase the out- 
 * The author pleads guilty to the charge of plagiarism in this chapter, 
 having quoted largely from the opinion in State v. Commissioners, 64 N. C. 
 Rep., 516, and from the brief filed by the counsel for plaintiflF in that case. 
88 Ku-Klux Klan No. Jf-O. 
 of the Westmlle Conservative., and he had just entered 
 upon his editorial duties with a high hope of being 
 able to liquidate the mortgage at once with the pro- 
 ceeds of the suit, but now all his hopes had been dashed 
 to the ground with one blow, and the dear old home- 
 stead would be obliged to be sold. 
 Albert was sitting in this posture when Major Wyland 
 approached, and touching him gently on the shoulder, 
 said, "Arise, my boy, and let us us go home. We have 
 no further business here. When our courts of justice 
 are prostituted to the service of partisan hatred, and 
 our judges view everything through the green goggles 
 of prejudice, our rights are no longer protected, and 
 it is useless to seek an enforcement of them in court." 
 The irate old lawyer spoke with much feeling, and 
 exhibited, for the first time during the day, evidences 
 of the strong and rankling passions that were tearing 
 his breast. 
 As Albert turned to take the arm of his counsel and 
 leave the court-room, he cast an appealing look at Judge 
 Farwell, but that dignitary met his glance with averted 
 face, and directed his sable assistant, the crier, to ad- 
 journ court for the day. 
 Major Wyland and Albert went directly from the 
 court-house to the home of Major Wyland, where they 
 found Minnie and Albert's sister, Bessie, waiting to 
 learn the result of the suit. The Wyland residence 
 was a magnificent stone structure, situated on a com- 
 manding eminence in the suburbs of the town, and 
 was surrounded by large and beautiful magnolias and 
 other evergreens. The place exhibited no signs of 
Partismi Justice. 89 
 dilapidation and ruin, the usual painful remembrances 
 of the vanished fortunes of Southern aristocracy ; for 
 as late as the year 1870, many of our blue-blooded aris- 
 tocrats were still gnawing the bones of an ante-lellmn 
 wealth that dissolved before the sunlight of emancipa- 
 tion But everything about the premises showed evi- 
 dences of a luxuriant prosperity. 
 As Albert entered the large folding-door of the man- 
 sion, his sister met him, eager to hear the news ; but his 
 haggard appearance told the story at once. "Oh, my 
 brother," she sobbed, " I see it is useless to ask you the 
 termination of the case ; the pallor of disappointment 
 is on your face." 
 The agitation of his sister nerved him to make a brave 
 reply, for a true man always becomes stronger at the 
 sight of helplessness around him. " Never mind, my 
 sister," said Albert, " the case is not hopelessly lost yet, 
 for we have the right of appeal to the Supreme Court, 
 and it may be that the appellate court will interpret the 
 law differently, and the right may yet prevail." 
 " I am sorry to say that I do not feel very confident 
 of success before the Supreme Court," interposed Maj. 
 Wyland; "fori have observed with extreme regret 
 the partisan bias manifested by that court recently, 
 and they have already decided, adversely to the claim- 
 ants, questions of a similar character to that presented 
 by the case to-day. Indeed, the active participation 
 of the members of that court in political affairs has 
 attracted the attention of members of the bar through- 
 out the State; and so deep have they descended into 
 the depths of partisan mire that the lawyers who prac- 
90 Kv^Klux Klan No. k.0. 
 tice before the court, or at least a large number of them, 
 have felt it to be their imperative duty, in order to pre- 
 serve the dignity of that tribunal, to publish a solemn 
 protest against their participation in political struggles." 
 " Yes," answered Albert, " and I believe those same 
 lawyers have been punished for their alleged imperti- 
 nence by being attached for contempt and deprived of 
 the privilege of appearing before the court until they 
 purge themselves of the contempt." 
 "And they may wait for an answer to their rule to 
 show cause why I should not be attached for contempt 
 until the devil summons them to answer for their own 
 real sins," answered the old lawyer defiantly. " I signed 
 the protest, because I deprecated the action of our Su- 
 preme Court judges in entering the campaign, and I 
 would suffer my tongue to rot in the palate of my 
 mouth before I would utter one word of excuse for my 
 action, and I would let my right arm become palsied 
 by inaction before I would sign any answer disavowing 
 my contempt." 
 " But tell me, father," said Minnie, " why Judge Far- 
 well decided against you to-day. I thought you were 
 confident of success this morning." 
 "Because he is a miserable time-server and dema- 
 gogue, instead of an impartial judge," answered the 
 major roughly. 
 " But surely he could not decide the matter arbitrarily 
 and without any authority or reason to support his 
 opinion," said Bessie, as she took her seat on the sofa 
 beside Minnie and placed her arm tenderly around her 
 waist. She knew that Minnie loved the judge, and she 
 saw how the harsh words of Maj. Wyland had wounded 
Partisan Justice. 91 
 her heart, and she hastened to sustain and comfort her 
 with a woman's sympathy. 
 " I know of no authority in law, reason, or humanity 
 to sustain, or even justify, his decision," answered the 
 " Father," said Minnie in a voice almost choked with 
 emotion, " I cannot believe that Judge Farwell would 
 do any one the injustice to arbitrarily refuse to grant 
 relief in a case of that kind. He surely could have no 
 motive for doing Albert an injury." 
 " Motive," answered her father indignantly ; " there 
 was motive enongh to my mind. His object was to 
 pander to the prejudices of radical reconstructionists, 
 and in order to do so he was willing to prostitute our 
 courts of justice to serve base party purposes, while 
 other scapegrace carpet-baggers and scalawags rob and 
 impoverish the State and try to make us bear our hu- 
 miliation without murmuring." 
 " Oh, papa, don't speak so harshly," said Minnie, as 
 she laid her head on Bessie's shoulder and sobbed audi- 
 bly and bitterly. " Be charitable enough, at least to- 
 ward me, to assign some reason for his action." 
 " Then I will give you the only reason assigned by 
 himself for his decision while on the bench," said the 
 major. " He based his opinion on the principle that 
 the whole South during the war was in a state of seige, 
 and that even articles of provision furnished the be- 
 seiged became contraband of war, and on that principle 
 he decided that money loaned for the purpose of pro- 
 curing salt for starving women and children at home 
 could not be recovered in court. And I tell you, Min- 
92 KvrrKlux Klan No. 40. 
 nie, and I say it emphatically and authoritatively, that 
 any man who entertains such an opinion as that is not 
 worthy of the hand of any Southern girl, who loves 
 her country and cherishes its history and traditions." 
 At this Minnie commenced crying, and Albert and 
 Bessie, seeing how embarrassing the situation was be- 
 coming, bade their friends good evening, and returned 
 home to go through the same scene of weeping with 
 their invalid mother. 
 Tears are women's weapons, and are the most elo- 
 quent and persuasive arguments that can be produced. 
 At the sight of his daughter lying prostrate and in tears 
 on the sofa, the stern father relented, at least to such 
 an extent that he folded her in his arms, and, stroking 
 her fevered forehead gently with his hand, said : "My 
 daughter, I did not wish to wound your heart unneces- 
 sarily. You may think me stern and inflexible when 
 I ought to be more indulgent, but I want to re-assure 
 you that my harshest treatment is from a father's love 
 and consideration for your future happiness. I have 
 an inveterate hatred for the man you have chosen to be 
 your future husband, and his decision to-day shows him 
 to be so utterly destitute of all human sympathy that I 
 regard him as more of a monster than ever. I think 
 his judgment in that case to-day a disgrace to the judi- 
 ciary of our State. But let us not talk more of this 
 matter now. I am satisfied that future events will vin- 
 dicate my course, and convince you that it would be 
 supreme folly to entrust your happiness to the keeping 
 of on(3 who disregards the ties of common humanity 
 and justice. 
Partisan Justice. 93 
 " Now retire to your room, my darling, and dry your 
 tears, and don't think your father cruel. Ever since 
 the day you were born, I have loved you as my only 
 offspring, and ever since the death of your dear mother, 
 1 have bestowed upon you the undivided affections 
 of my heart. Listen to me, my sweet child," and the 
 father patted his daughter on her cheeks and wiped 
 away her tears with his handkerchief as he spoke: 
 " There is no wish of your heart but that shall be grati- 
 fied, if I can only be convinced that to grant it will not 
 endanger your future welfare ; and I promise you now 
 that if future events shall convince me that I have mis- 
 judged him whom you love, I will make every repara- 
 tion in my power, and not a single desire of yours shall 
 ever be thwarted by any intervention on mv part. Go 
 to bed, darling, and you shall yet be happy. Good 
 The old lawyer kissed his daughter affectionately, as 
 he bade her good night, and Minnie retired to her room. 
 The father repaired to his study, and again he was only 
 a lawyer, utterly destitute of all sympathy or affection, 
 and totally oblivious of everything unconnected with 
 the legal question that for hours absorbed his attention. 
94: Ku-Klux Klan No. W. 
 On the morning after the trial of the famous salt case. 
 Donald Weston sat in his room at the Midland hotel, 
 wrapped in profound meditation. He was in a quan- 
 dary, and this was it: He was desperately in love with 
 Minnie Wyland, but at the same time he was terribly 
 infatuated with the schemes of public plunder inaugu- 
 rated by the solons of the "grip-sack party," and he 
 was constantly beset by the alluring temptation to stuff 
 his grip-sack with gold and the fraudulent tax bonds, 
 which the political cormorants at the State Capital had 
 caused to be issued ; but he knew he could not win 
 both, and that if he ever expected to possess Minnie 
 Wyland as a wife, he would have to sever his connec- 
 tion with the Kepublican party, and give up all hope 
 of further political preferment and of accumulating 
 riches by the nefarious schemes practiced around him. 
 To seek to win the hand of Minnie would make him 
 guilty of treason and ingratitude toward his friend and 
 benefactor, whom he knew to be her affianced ; to enter 
 into the saturnalia of public plunder and financial de- 
 bauchery, then being carried on about him, would make 
 him guilty of treason and theft as against the State, for 
 he was well aware of the fraudulent character of the 
 bonds issued. His conscience was flexible enough to 
 permit him to do either, without being harassed with 
 any compunction ; and so, his conscience being easy, he 
Ixyoe or Gold. 95 
 simply sat and weighed in his mind the two passions 
 of love and greed, and waited to see which would con- 
 quer in the struggle. And yet he was not altogether 
 like a ship, plunged in turbulent waters without a rud- 
 der. The astuteness of his powerful mind, which never 
 deserted him, was stronger than any malady that ran- 
 kled in his heart ; and reason, untrammelled by con- 
 science and influenced solely by selfish motives, became 
 the rudder to guide his course through the agitated 
 Minnie Wyland, he reasoned, was an only child, and 
 her father was already immensely rich, having wisely 
 invested all his accumulations before the war in real 
 estate, instead of following the popular method of invest- 
 ing in human chattels ; and, besides, he had a large and 
 lucrative practice as an attorney, and a conjugal part- 
 nership with the daughter and only heir and a business 
 partnership with the old man, could not be considered 
 a very hazardous and foolish venture. Besides, he was 
 not altogether certain that the carnival of crime and 
 political corruption, practiced by the dominant party, 
 would go alwa3^s unpunished ; or that the Republican 
 party would remain always in power, though he was 
 fully cognizant of the fact that a gigantic conspiracy 
 had been concocted, by the Governor and his unscrupu- 
 lous coadjutors in this State and at Washington City, 
 to perpetuate the reign of that party by the aid of 
 Federal bayonets and the State militia. 
 He had frequently visited Minnie at her home since 
 his first meeting with her at the ruins of the old mill 
 on the river, having become the principal means of 
96 Kv^Klux Klan No. Jf.0. 
 communication between her and her banished lover ; and 
 he had so often hinted his unbounded admiration for 
 her that he felt sure the declaration of love, which he 
 finally decided to make that evening and so settle the 
 question whether in the future he should continue to 
 be a faithless friend or political miscreant, would not 
 so startle her that he would be unable to obtain, at 
 least, a respectful hearing. The crafty little dema- 
 gogue had so far pursued a very conservative course 
 in all matters relating to the public for the sole pur- 
 pose of ingratiating himself into the good graces of 
 Minnie and her father, and in order to quietly supplant 
 Judge Farwell in the affections of his betrothed ; but 
 he knew that the sentiments, expressed by him on the 
 trial the preceding day, would have a tendency to in- 
 jure him in the estimation of the "Bourbon element," 
 as the faction to which Major Wyland belonged was 
 called, and it was this reflection that caused him to 
 resolve to act so precipitately in declaring his love. 
 If he should be successful in his suit, he would resign 
 his office as prosecuting attorney for that district and 
 repudiate the Republican party forever; if he should 
 be discarded, he would be ready to plunge at once into 
 the wildest excesses of extravagance — thievery and 
 scoundrelism that then reveled in the State — and swim 
 with the tide. He felt that Major Wyland was too 
 much of a lawyer himself not to reserve for him the 
 charitable thought that the sentiments he expressed 
 on the trial of the salt case might not have emanated 
 from the heart, but were possibly the feigned senti- 
 ments of a lawyer, resorted to for the purpose of gain- 
Lo'oe or Oold. 97 
 ing his case, and he hoped to be able to satisfy Minnie 
 with the same explanation. 
 Having resolved to turn patriot and repudiate the 
 party of corruption and thievery, on condition that 
 Minnie should accept him as a lover and discard Judge 
 Farwell (the condition was quite apposite since patriot- 
 ism, as Dr. Johnson observes, is the last refuge of a 
 scoundrel), he proceeded, as soon as evening approached, 
 to wend his way toward the object of his passion, 
 determined to make one desperate eflfort to win her 
 hand, though he knew that in so doing he was flinging 
 away forever the friendship and respect of the friend of 
 his youth and benefactor of his manhood years on the 
 bare risk of success. 
 He found Minnie sitting on a rustic seat, under a 
 large elm in one corner of the yard, looking more dis- 
 consolate than he had ever seen her. She held a book in 
 her hand and pretended to be reading, but her swollen 
 eyes and troubled appearance in general showed 
 too plainly that her thoughts were not on the book. 
 Weston had observed the haggard expression on her 
 countenance before she discovered his presence, and 
 shrewdly divined the cause, and when she looked up 
 and he saw on her face an expression of relief, his heart 
 bounded with a hope it had never before known. It 
 showed that she was glad to see him, at least. 
 " Good evening. Miss Minnie," he said, bowing po- 
 litely ; " I am very glad to find you out in the open air 
 this beautiful evening. I hope your mind is as tranquil 
 and your heart as light as the gentle zephyrs around 
98 Kii^Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 " Good evening, Mr. Weston," answered Minnie, ris- 
 ing and bowing with her accustomed grace; "I am 
 sorry to say that I do not enjoy, this evening, that happy 
 state of mind and heart your kindness would wish for 
 me ; but it may be that you will be able to tranquilize 
 ray mind and make my heart beat in consonance with 
 the peaceful scenery around me. Pray be seated." 
 " I am sure, it would afford me much pleasure to be 
 able to assist you in securing all the happiness that the 
 most favored existence can afford," said Weston, taking 
 a seat beside her. He wanted to say, further, that the 
 object of his visit was to offer her just such a state of 
 ecstatic bliss, but he feared to be too precipitate. 
 " I am satisfied from the favors you have formerly 
 shown me," answered Minnie, " that you would do all 
 in your power to add to my happiness. You know that 
 at the suggestion of Judge Farw^ell, I have given you 
 my confidence, and in many instances I have treated 
 you as a confidential friend and adviser, and it is in re- 
 gard to him that I wish to speak with you this even- 
 "And what is it you want to know about him ? " 
 "Oh, I want to know all about the trial yesterday," 
 answered Minnie, speaking earnestly, " Papa says it is 
 a disgrace to the whole judiciary of the State." 
 " I cannot agree with your father, that other judges 
 are to be held responsible for one man's mistakes," he 
 answered ; " but I must confess that, in my estimation, 
 the decision is one that will not add anv lustre to Judge 
 Farwell's fame as a judge." 
 " Then you really think he did wrong ? " asked Min- 
Love or Gold. 99 
 nie, vainly trying to suppress a tear that scalded her 
 eyelid. " Ought we not to be charitable enough to say 
 that it was probably a mistake, and not a wilful per- 
 version of justice ? " 
 ^ I would very gladly give him credit for simply mak- 
 ing a mistake," Weston answered ; " but my knowledge 
 of the true facts compels the admission that, in my 
 opinion, he was simply carrying out the policy dictated 
 by the governor, which is to humiliate all those who 
 adhere to the Conservative or Democratic party, and 
 to drive them, by whatever means, into the Republcan 
 "And what are the facts which justify such an opin- 
 ion?" asked Minnie, still clinging to her affianced and 
 vainly trying to defend his actions against the artful 
 wiles of the wretch b}^ her side. 
 " Why, simply that we discussed the case together 
 before the trial came on," answered Weston; "and I 
 know his sentiments and true judgment on the ques- 
 tions involved. He intimated to me that such would 
 be his decision when the action was first instituted, 
 and before I tiled my demurrer. I protested against 
 filing such a demurrer for a long time ; but my clients, 
 the county commissioners, were aware of his opinion, 
 and I was forced to succumb in deference to their 
 wishes, or give up the case after having been retained 
 by the payment of a fee. Besides, I was inexperienced 
 myself, and had great respect for, and confidence in, 
 Judge Farwell's judgment until I heard the masterful 
 argument of your father." 
 The villian knew all this was a lie, but he had set 
100 Kvr-Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 out with the purpose of doing all the lying necessary 
 to accomplish his object, and he knew that Minnie's 
 confidence in the judge would be very much shaken 
 by such statements from one whom she trusted as his 
 friend as well as hers. 
 Minnie sighed deeply, and for a few moments neither 
 spoke. The one was weighing in her mind all the 
 charges she had heard in regard to Judge Farwell, 
 against the many excellent qualities she knew he pos- 
 sessed ; while the other was considering, cautiously, to 
 what extend he should attempt to poison her mind 
 against the judge before declaring his own love. At 
 last Weston broke the silence. 
 " I assure you. Miss Minnie, that it grieves me, as 
 much as you, to have my faith shaken in the man whom 
 I have respected and admired since my early youth. It 
 has pained me very much lately to observe his tendency 
 toward the extreme partisan measures inflicted upon 
 the people by the demagogues and unprincipled adven- 
 turers now in power in this State. I have often admon- 
 ished him of this evil inclination, and have frequently 
 warned him that his membership in the Union League 
 would prove to be the rock upon which his political 
 fortunes would be wrecked." 
 "Oh, do not tell me he belongs to the detestable 
 Union League," said Minnie, shuddering at the thought. 
 " Yes, I feel it my duty to inform you of these facts," 
 answered the serpent, " because I would not wish to 
 appear as responsible for any deception as to his true 
 character that might be practiced upon you. I have 
 several times sought the opportunity of making this 
Love or Gold. 101 
 disclosure, but have been deterred from doing so by a 
 friendly consideration for your own feelings." 
 "I appreciate your kindness," she answered. "You 
 were very considerate to think of my happiness at all." 
 "I assure you I have thought of nothing else lately," 
 said the wily serpent. " Indeed, if my mind should 
 follow the inclination of my heart, my only thought 
 would be that your happiness was inseparably con- 
 nected with my own." 
 " I do not think I comprehend your meaning," she 
 Weston saw that the supreme moment of his life had 
 arrived, and he nerved himself for the ordeal. 
 " I mean simply," he answered, and his voice trem- 
 bled with real emotion, " that I love you, myself, and 
 my highest ambition is to have you reciprocate that 
 Minnie cast her eyes upon the ground, and restlessly 
 turned the leaves of her book. 
 "I am surprised at you, Mr. Weston," she answered 
 at last. "I had not thought of such a thing." 
 "Indeed, I know you have not," he answered; "but 
 still, I have been burning to tell you of my love for sev- 
 eral days. I have governed my passion with the hero- 
 ism of a Stoic, and have bided the time, which I knew 
 would come, when the true character of your accepted 
 lover would be disclosed to you, and you would be 
 ready to hear my own story, without accusing mS of 
 faithlessness toward Judge Farwell, and without the 
 necessity, on my part, of appearing as his rival." 
 " I have not yet discarded Judge Farwell," answered 
102 Kyr-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 Minnie, decidedly, " though I must confess that the 
 events of yesterday, and the facts you have related to 
 me this evening, have rudely shaken my plighted faith. 
 Still, the vows of love are not to be ruthlessly broken." 
 " Nor the offerings of love to be ruthlessly trampled 
 upon," answered Weston, while the burning passion of 
 his soul beamed eloquently through his piercing black 
 " Oh, do not speak to me of this matter now," she 
 said ; "my heart is already broken." 
 " Then it ought to be the more accessible," he an- 
 " You are mistaken," she answered ; " the rent heart 
 only asks for time to heal." 
 "Is not love the only balm for a wounded heart?" 
 " Yes, I believe it is." 
 " Then accept my love, and do not torture me longer. 
 Oh, Minnie," he said, rising and looking her full in the 
 face, while his tremulous voice and passionate eyes 
 told beyond dispute the genuineness and depth of his 
 love, " I love you with all the ardor of my burning 
 soul ! I throw my life and future happiness at your 
 feet ! Do not despise me ! Love me ! Be my wife, and 
 I will rob heaven itself of its sweetest comforts to make 
 you happy ! " 
 " Mr. Weston," answered Minnie, after a few moments 
 spent in deep reflection, " I think a man pays a woman 
 the highest compliment possible when he offers her his 
 love and asks her to be his wife. I am sure I appreci- 
 ate the comphment yoM have paid me, but ." 
 " Please do not tell me you appreciate it only as a 
 compliment," interrupted Weston eagerly. " Love onh^ 
Lo'oe or Gold. 103 
 is the return for love. All else is emptiness to the heart 
 that offers love. Do not dismiss me in that way. Only 
 tell me you will consider the matter. It may be that I 
 have been too precipitate. Give me but a ray of hope, 
 and Cupid himself shall lend it effulgence." 
 "I am sorry, Mr. Weston," and the girl spoke calmly 
 now, " but my love is forever pledged to another. It 
 may be that I have been deceived in him, and that he 
 is not the honorable and upright gentleman I have 
 esteemed him to be. If so, then my heart is sealed 
 against the love of all men forever, I cannot love 
 " Then you reject my suit, and spurn the offer of my 
 "Do not say 'reject' and 'spurn,'" said Minnie; 
 "those are harsh words, and I did not apply them. 
 Say, rather, that my heart is another's until time shall 
 reveal his true character, at least, and that I cannot love 
 another even though I should cease to love him." 
 "And I do not even have your permission to renew 
 my plea, but must regard your decision to-day as final 'V 
 "Yes, as final," but the girl spoke kindly, and there 
 was the sound of compassion in her voice. 
 "Then I leave you ; but remember, proud girl, that I 
 shall re(^rn to you again," and the wily, creeping, cring- 
 ing, fawning, wiry serpent began to hiss at the object 
 of his passion. "And if I do return, it will be as the 
 villain of villains, and your circumstances will then be 
 such that you may be ready to accept the proffered 
 hand of the villain and be free ! " 
 " Mr. Weston," said Minnie, rising and trembling vio- 
 lently with fear, " your language appalls and frightens 
104 Kv^Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 me. I cannot imagine how I have so incurred your dis- 
 pleasure, and am sure I meant you no injury. I do not 
 see why our friendship should be changed into the 
 deadly enmity you threaten me with, simply because 
 I tell you I cannot love you." 
 " Friendship ! " echoed the enraged little man in a 
 fury of passion. "And I will yet change that friend- 
 ship into love, or I will make the very remembrance of 
 it a canker in your brain that will drive you to distrac- 
 tion ! " 
 Minnie now became seriously alarmed, and retreated 
 hastily toward the house, leaving the baffled and re- 
 jected little demon alone in the yard. 
 As soon as Weston recovered from the blindness of 
 his fury, he walked back to his hotel, and entering his 
 room he unlocked his trunk and unfolded his commis- 
 sion as solicitor for the judicial district. 
 "This," said he, holding it proudly and defiantly 
 above his head, " is the emblem of my authority and 
 the weapon of my power. By this weapon I will smite 
 to the ground every barrier that impedes me in my 
 career toward fame and wealth, (?r," and he clenched 
 his fists and fairly hissed the words, " that opposes my 
 marriage with Minnie WylandP'' 
Two Villains Meet. 105 
 It was on a beautiful afternoon in June, 1870, and not 
 many days after tiie events recorded in the last chap- 
 ter, when Donald Weston alighted from a carriage in 
 front of a log school-house. In this unpretentious lit- 
 tle building Peter Tinklepaugh, the mixed-blooded little 
 pedagogue, with whom we formed an acquaintance in 
 a former chapter, 
 " reared the hickory sprout, 
 And taught the little black urchins how to shout." 
 On the announcement of Weston's appearance at 
 the door, Tinklepaugh went forward to meet him with 
 a bland smile, and his little villainous heart was filled 
 with as much genuine joy as that little receptacle of 
 so many wicked designs could possibly hold. He gave 
 the hand of his visitor a cordial grasp, and invited him 
 in the house, with many assurances of his pleasure at 
 meeting him, and of his appreciation of the honor of 
 receiving a visit from so distinguished a personage. 
 " I am very glad to make your acquaintance, Mr. 
 Tinklepaugh," said Weston, as he advanced to the 
 proffered seat on one of the rude benches next to the 
 log wall, which had been speedily vacated in his honor. 
 " I hope you will make yourself as comfortable as 
 our meagre accommodations will allow, while we finish 
 the few remaining exercises of the evening," said Mr. 
106 Kv^Klux Klan No. J(0. 
 "Do not let me interrupt your work," answered 
 Weston, " and I assure you I will be quite comfortable 
 here by this window. I have no doubt, too, that I 
 will enjoy listening to the exercises of your pupils, 
 and witnessing the advancement made by them since 
 their emancipation." 
 " I am sorry to say that we are so seldom honored 
 by the appearance of a visitor at this institution that 
 we have made very little preparation for the entertain- 
 ment of others," answered Peter. " However, we will 
 do the best we can, and I hope our faults will be over- 
 looked out of charity." 
 " I assure you I fully appreciate the many difficulties 
 you have to encounter," answered Weston, " and I de- 
 sire, also, to be allowed to pay you the high compliment 
 of attesting the appreciation of your friends of the 
 fact that you possess bravery enough to defy popular 
 prejudice and pursue your present occupation." 
 " No one has felt more keenly than I the extent and 
 bitterness of that prejudice," answered Tinklepaugh. 
 " I have been scourged and whipped, threatened with 
 death, and actually shot at by the murderous Ku-Klux, 
 until I feel that my life is in danger." 
 " I wonder that you have the courage to pursue your 
 avocation in the face of such danger," said Weston. 
 "Ought a father to refuse bread to his children? 
 Ought a patriot to remain idle, simply because his path 
 is beset by dangers, when he sees so much illiteracy 
 around him, and that, too, among those lately raised 
 to the rights of citizenship and the dignity of sover- 
 eigns? We have taken the shackles of slavery from 
Two Villains Meet. 107 
 their feet, and in so doing we were shot at and pierced 
 and butchered, and many of our brave brothers slaua^h- 
 tered on the field of battle ; and shall we now refuse 
 to lift the manacles of a deadlier slavery from their 
 minds, simply because we have to face anew the same 
 dangers?" And the little pedagogue's eyes fairly 
 beamed with patriotic ardor. 
 " I must confess that to do so would look like we had 
 turned cowards after bravely winning only one-half 
 the battle," answered Weston. " To desert the negro 
 now and leave him to the mercy of the rebellious, 
 liberty-hating and slavery-loving Bourbons, who have 
 such an insane desire to keep him in ignorance, and 
 consequent semi-slavery, that their most inveterate 
 hatred is directed against those who seek to enlighten 
 him, is to rob the poor negro of the real fruit of our 
 victory in battle, and leave him with only the empty 
 "That is the true sentiment, and fitly expressed," 
 said Tinklepaugh. 
 " I have often wondered at the indifference mani- 
 fested by our people up North in respect to the situa- 
 tion down South," said Weston, after a pause. . " The 
 North gave the negro his freedom, and afterwards 
 clothed him with the emblematic weapon of a freeman, 
 the ballot ; and it does seem to me, that if the old pro- 
 slavery element continues much longer to deprive him 
 of his right to exercise his privilege as a citizen, and 
 continues to kill and whip those who seek to instruct 
 him how to perform the duties of citizenship, the gen- 
 eral government ought to interfere and protect him in 
108 Kv^Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 his rights — and his instructors, too — by direct govern- 
 mental aid." 
 " I agree with you exactly in that," answered Tin- 
 klepaugh, "and I desire to speak with you further on 
 that subject, and privately ; but let my students now 
 give you a few readings and recitations, and I will 
 then dismiss the school for the day." 
 " I will be delighted to hear them," answered Weston, 
 wishing to cultivate as strong a friendship with the 
 little teacher as possible, and well knowing that a man- 
 ifestation of sympathy with him in his work was the 
 most effective way of reaching him. 
 The school consisted of about forty dusky students, 
 and was made up of nearly all ages. The little ragged 
 and dirty urchin was there, with his little primer with 
 big flaming letters ; the athletic youth and kinky-headed 
 maiden, with their spelling-books and first readers ; 
 the middle-aged man and matron, who sometimes ex- 
 changed for the purpose of reciting the well-thumbed 
 and dirty little primer with their own offspring ; and 
 even the gray-haired son of slavery was there, w^ho 
 had wasted his strength, both mental and physical, 
 before .being accorded the privilege of atttending 
 school — all of them exceedingly anxious to "git an 
 eddication, an' be like de white folks." 
 They were all more or less embarrassed by the unex- 
 pected appearance and presence of their visitor, for 
 few white people had ever had the temerity to visit 
 that school ; but their pieces were generally well deliv- 
 ered, and all acquitted themselves creditably, every- 
 thing considered. A few of them read difficult selec- 
Two Villains Meet. 109 
 tions very intelligently, and the delivery of some of 
 the recitations evinced a considerable degree of talent 
 in the reciter, though negroes always recite and de- 
 claim well if properly trained. Their voices are more 
 musical than those of the Caucasian, and their intona- 
 tion better, provided there be equal culture and prep- 
 aration. One of the recitations, by a full-chested and 
 deep-voiced young man of about twenty-five, was 
 especially well rendered, and it is here reproduced in 
 full, though with regret that it is impossible to repro- 
 duce on paper the perfect intonation of voice and ad- 
 mirable change from an expression of levity, in the 
 opening verses, to one of deep-sorrow, toward the close, 
 followed by an expression of hope, as set forth in the 
 last two verses. The Negro is a natural imitator and 
 miraicker, and the young man gave both voice and 
 limbs full sway as he recited : 
 De happiest niggers on de farm 
 Was brudder Sam and I; 
 We never thought to do no harm, 
 We nebber wouldn't try. 
 We had to work so hard all day, 
 Ob which we was not fond; 
 But den, at twelve, we'd hab our play 
 A swimmin' in de pond. 
 At night, before we went to res', 
 My brudder Sam would sing. 
 An' I would pat, while Bob and Jess 
 Went round and round de ring. 
110 Kv^Klux Kl(m No. Jfi. 
 We danced de double-shuffle den; 
 We made de welkin ring; 
 We made de kitchen trimble when 
 We cut de " pijen-wing." 
 Ole massa, he'd step in de do', 
 Or in de winder thrust 
 His silbry head to see de show, 
 An' laff till he'd almos' bust. 
 Ole missus, she was funny, too. 
 An' laflfed wid ole Mars John; 
 An' often, when de play was through, 
 Would ax another song. 
 But dat good time hab done and fled, 
 'Twill nebber come no more; 
 For brudder Sam is done gone dead — 
 Is gone to de oder shore. 
 My brudder Sam was black as tar, 
 His eyes was big an' white; 
 He went wid massa to de war — 
 He axed him if he might. 
 An' I remember well de hour 
 Dat come for us to part; 
 His partin' words fell like a shower 
 Ob snow upon my heart. 
 " Oh, brudder Sam, 1 lub you so- 
 'Tis thus I would begin; 
 But massa said I couldn't go, 
 And den I cried agin. 
 We all did cry, an' cry, an' cry; 
 'Tis sad to part, you know; 
 I thought ole missus sure would die, 
 To see ole massa go. 
Two Villains Meet. Ill 
 " But we'll come back," ole massa said, 
 " We'll come agin, some day," 
 An' den he left U8, an' he led 
 My brudder Sam away. 
 I watched 'em passin' down de lane, 
 "Where many times we played; 
 Dey nebber passed dat way again — 
 On de battle-field dey stayed. 
 One day dere came a letter back. 
 Which missus quickly read; 
 She said de thing had gone to rack. 
 An' brudder Sam was dead! 
 At las' de cruel war broke up, 
 Dey hushed de battle roar; 
 But still dere's bitter in my cup. 
 For brudder Sam's no more. 
 O'er field an" hill, an' on de shore. 
 In sadness, still, I roam; 
 But brudder Sam I see no more- 
 He nebber does come home. 
 His grave is on de Georgia plain. 
 Oh, miles an' miles from here; 
 Dere falls de gentle summer rain. 
 An' flowers am bloomin' near. 
 Some day de Lord will say to me, 
 " Come up, come up, to home; 
 Come up, an' all my glories see, 
 No more on earth you roam." 
 Oh, den I'll rise, on snowy wing. 
 Up to de distant sky, 
 An' dere will join once more an' sing. 
 My brudder Sam an' I. 
112 Kv^Klux Klan 'No. Ifi. 
 At the conclusion of this recitation, Tinklepaugh tap- 
 ped the school-bell, and the little black brats scrambled 
 and tumbled over each other in their efforts to get out, 
 just like white brats. As soon as the last little kinky- 
 head was out of sight, as they all went galloping, 
 pell-mell, and screaming down the road, Weston turned 
 to Tinklepaugh and said : 
 " I have sought this interview with you, Mr. Tinkle- 
 paugh, because I have been informed, by those who are 
 supposed to know, that you are a man to be relied on 
 when any service is to be performed for the benefit of 
 the party ; and I wish to confer with you in regard to 
 the advisability of taking certain steps to insure a ma- 
 jority for our party at the approaching election. You 
 are aware that the election comes off on the first Thurs- 
 day in August, and, so far, very little effort has been 
 made to put into operation all the election machinery 
 at our disposal." 
 " I am very glad to hear you talk that way," an- 
 swered Tinklepaugh. " Indeed, I have been very much 
 mortified at the indifference and inactivit}'' displayed 
 by the leaders of our party so far. The powerful meas- 
 ures resorted to by the Ku-Klux Democrats to defeat 
 us at the polls, in August, makes the situation somewhat 
 "And yet we can beat them easily, if we will only 
 use all the means in our power properly," said Weston. 
 " Certainly we can," answered Tinklepaugh ; " but 
 how can we do anything so long as our Governor listens 
 more to the voice of members of the Inter-States Land 
 and Improvement Company than to the wail of Ku- 
Two Villains Meet. 113 
 Klux victims ? He has been importuned time and again 
 to declare this county in a state of insurrection, and to 
 call out the militia, under the wise provisions of the 
 Ku-Klux bill ; but members of the various land and im- 
 provement companies protest against such action, sim- 
 ply because they say it would prevent the influx of 
 capital into the State for the Governor to declare offi- 
 cially that insurrection existed in the State. He must 
 be interested in some of the companies himself." 
 " Perhaps a few more outrages would open his eyes," 
 suggested Weston. 
 "But they don't occur," ansAvered Tinklepaugh sor- 
 " "Why can't we make them occur ? What has become 
 of the loyal Union League ?" 
 " Oh, that organization belongs to the negroes, you 
 know, and they are all natural cowards. The League 
 at this place started out manfully to burn all the barns 
 and granaries belonging to the Ku-Klux, in order to 
 make the Klan retaliate by whipping and killing Re- 
 publicans ; but at the first crack of a pisfol in the hands 
 of a disguised Ku-Klux, they all faltered and hid, al- 
 though they were acting, as they said, under the orders 
 of the Governor himself, though I never believed that." 
 "My own election comes off at the general election 
 in August," said Weston ; " and unless I can have the 
 aid of the presence of the military at the polls, I fear 
 I shall be defeated. The negro is afraid to vote under 
 the eyes of a Ku-Klux, and unless they have something 
 to sustain them, they will refuse to vote." 
 "And even with the aid of troops at the polls we are 
 not going to have a walk-over," answered Tinklepaugh. 
114 Ku-Klux Klan No. W- 
 " I have carefully considered the situation, and I tell 
 you the odds are against us." 
 "I would rather die than to be defeated," said Wes- 
 ton, " and my opponent is not a man to be despised as 
 an antagonist, but one rather to be dreaded." 
 " Colonel William Goldston is your opponent, I be- 
 lieve," said Tinklepaugh. 
 " Yes, and he is a shrewd debater, and is thoroughly 
 conversant with the political history of the State, while 
 my own knowledge in that particular is extremely mea- 
 gre," answered Weston. 
 " Oh, well, never mind him," answered Tinklepaugh. 
 " We'll treat him again as we did when he was elected 
 to the Legislature in 1868." 
 "And how was that ?" asked Weston. 
 " Why," he answered, " have you never heard about 
 that? The Democrats bull-dozed enough voters to elect 
 him to the Legislature in 1868, but when he got there 
 he was compelled to stand aside, and was not permit- 
 ted to take the oath of office." 
 "And how," asked Weston, "could they prevent him 
 from taking the oath of office if he presented his certi- 
 ficate of election?" 
 " Oh, that was simple enough," answered Tinkle- 
 paugh. " You see he was sheriff of West county be- 
 fore the war, and under the provisions of the " Iron- 
 Clad Oath," as the Democrats term it, no person who 
 held office before the war, and afterwards engaged in 
 the rebellion, is eligible to office now ; and so, when he 
 presented himself for installation into office, he was 
 not permitted to be sworn in as a member of the Leg- 
 islature. And twelve others were treated in the same 
Two Villains Meet. 115 
 " I never heard of that before," said Weston. " In 
 fact, I never before had any idea of the practical ope- 
 ration of that provision of the oath required by the 
 act of Congress." 
 " You see we have evervthine; in our own hands, if we 
 will only use the means within our reach to perpetuate 
 our power," answered Tinklepaugh. 
 " Yes, but with the indomitable and fearless Ku-Klux 
 to fight, and a weak-kneed Governor sitting at the 
 helm to direct our own war-ship, it appears to me that 
 the enemy has the advantage of us after all," said 
 " But we must use our power," answered Tinklepaugh, 
 with emphasis, "and I tell you there is but one way 
 to prevent our defeat at the polls in August," 
 "And what is that?" asked Weston. 
 " For the Governor to order out the militia, and let 
 them arrest and detain in prison, until after the elec- 
 tion, enough Democrats to ensure a victory for us," 
 answered Tinklepaugh. 
 "But how shall the Governor be induced to act?" 
 " Stir up such a scene of carnage and bloodshed that 
 it will be his duty to do so, under the Ku-Klux act." 
 "But how can that be done? The negroes refuse 
 to act, and shall we shed blood with our own hands?" 
 " Incite the members of the Union League to do it. 
 It is not necessary for us to imbue our own hands in 
 "But how?" 
 " By bribery. Money will buy a negro's soul." 
 " But where is the money to come from ? " 
 " Out of the pockets of the slain." 
116 Kv^Klux Klcm No. W- 
 For a few moments both villains sat and meditated 
 in silence. At last "Weston spoke : 
 '•And how would old Jasper Fontell do to begin 
 with ? He sold a gold mine to an English syndicate, a 
 few weeks ago, and, besides, he has a stack of railroad 
 " He is the very man," answered Tinklepaugh. ^' His 
 coffers are tilled with gold and bonds, and we can empty 
 his money-chests at the same time we drain his heart 
 of its blood, and while we paint the bloody picture for 
 the Governor with his gore, we can buy power with 
 his gold." 
 " And influence with his bonds," said Weston. '' I 
 tell you there is nothing like having a pile of railroad 
 bonds to give one influence in the State. With his 
 bonds in our pockets, we may make ourselves stock- 
 holders and directors in some of the new railroads." 
 " Pshaw ! " answered Tinklepaugh, " these railroads 
 will never be built. It was never intended that they 
 should be; but, then, the bonds are good, anyway, be- 
 cause they pledge the faith of the State, and ample 
 provision will be made for their payment and redemp- 
 tion. But how shall we proceed to procure those bonds ? 
 What precautions are necessary, in order that it may 
 appear that ho was certainly murdered by the Ku-Klux 
 on account of his political opinions?" 
 " That is the point," answered Weston. " It must 
 certainly appear to be a political murder, and there 
 must be sufficient evidence to implicate the Ku-Klux. 
 I would never consent to the killing of any man, unless 
 satisfied that his death would serve the interests of the 
Two Villains Meet. 117 
 " Nor I, either," answered Tinklepaugh. " Fealty to 
 the party, and a sincere desire to promote its interests, 
 are the only motives that could prompt me to consent 
 to his death, and it may be that we will serve the party 
 in more ways than one by putting old Fontell out of 
 the way. I am told that he is already weakening in 
 his support of the party, and if we can kill a Demo- 
 crat, and make it appear that the Ku-Klux have killed 
 a Republican, we will deprive the Democrats of one 
 vote, at least, and then if the Governor will act in the 
 matter, as he ought, we ma}^ be able to get many more 
 of them out of the way before the election, without 
 the spilling of more blood." 
 " If he has severed his connection with the party, 
 then it will do no good to kill him," said Weston. " I 
 deplore the necessity of resorting to such extreme 
 measures, anyway." 
 " Oh, you may quiet all fears on that score," answered 
 Tinklepaugh. " I have no idea he has ever told anyone 
 that he was going to desert the party, and the Ku-Klux 
 still regard him as a very obnoxious Eepublican." 
 " But wh}', then, do you say that he is weakening in 
 his support of the party ? " asked Weston. 
 " Oh, simply because I went to him, as chairman of 
 the Republican Executive Committee of this county, a 
 few days ago, and asked him for money to bribe the 
 members of the Union League and spur them up to 
 more active service, and he refused to contribute any- 
 thing, and you know when a Republican becomes so 
 lukewarm as to refuse to donate for the benefit of the 
 party, he is no longer to be implicitly trusted." 
 " Especially one who has his safe full of State bonds 
118 Kv^Klux Klan No. kO. 
 that were almost given to him for the sake of his inj9.u- 
 ence," answered Weston. 
 "Yes," answered Tinklepaugh, "and those bonds 
 were given him with the expectation of receiving a 
 large contribution from him to the campaign fund, and 
 I reminded him of that fact the other day, but it seemed 
 to do no good." 
 " Well," said Weston, " it seems to me that a man 
 who has received the pecuniary favors bestowed by the 
 party, and then refuses to aid us in time of need, ought 
 to be gotten rid of, somehow, and I am more than ever 
 satisfied that his early demise is a political necessity." 
 "Then I understand it is a settled fact that he must 
 go," said Tinklepaugh, 
 " Yes," answered Weston. 
 " Then leave the details of the plot to me." 
 " Because," answered Tinklepaugh, " in the first place, 
 it is impossible to make all the preliminary arrange- 
 ments without first seeing the captain of the Union 
 League, and finding out just how many will participate 
 in the deed ; and, besides, the woods are full of armed 
 Ivu-Klux, who are ever on the alert, and if we should be 
 detected and captured it would never do for you to be 
 "And why not let me be caught as well as you ? " 
 asked Weston. 
 " Because you are the Solicitor for this judicial dis- 
 trict," answered Tinklepaugh. 
 "And what has my official position to do with a mid- 
 night assassination, to which I would be, at least, an 
 accessory before the fact % " 
Two Villains Meet. 119 
 " Oh, a great deal," answered Tinklepaugh. " In the 
 first place, if I should be arrested, you could use your 
 official influence to have me released on straw bail, and 
 I could then make my escape; but if you should be 
 caught well, we will not discuss that matter, since 
 you will not be allowed to go." 
 " I see your point," answered Weston, admiring the 
 ingenuity of his co-conspirator, " and I am willing to 
 trust you to execute the scheme in every particular. 
 But where shall we meet after the work is accom- 
 '' To divide the spoils, you mean ?" asked Tinklepaugh. 
 " In your room at your hotel." 
 " But why not let me come to you ? You seem to 
 take all the work upon yourself." 
 " I tell you it will never do for you to be at all active 
 in the matter," answered Tinklepaugh emphatically. 
 " If our scheme succeeds and the Governor declares this 
 county in a state of insurrection, there will be mutiny 
 sure enough, and a reign of terror in the community, 
 and every movement of yours will be watched on ac- 
 count of your official position." 
 "Yery well," answered Weston; "I see lean rely 
 on your judgment. But when shall the work be done, 
 and when shall the meeting take place?" 
 "The work shall be done immediately, and the meet- 
 ing will take place on the night afterwards," answered 
 "At the Midland hotel ? " 
 "At the Midland hotel in Westville. I know the 
 place," answered Tinklepaugh. 
120 Ku-Klux Klan No. JfO. 
 "Can you obtain real Ku-Klux disguises for our 
 men ? ". asked Weston. 
 '*We have them already prepared," answered Tin- 
 klepaugh, " and have used them on a number of occa- 
 "And the Ku-Klux have been saddled with the crimes 
 committed," said Weston. "May you succeed in this 
 instance as well." 
 " Trust me to carry the plot to a successful execu- 
 tion," answered Tinklepaugh, " and reserve all your 
 power and ingenuity for what might happen hereafter." 
 " Good ; I can trust you," answered Weston, rising 
 from his seat on the steps of the rude hut to take his 
 "Wait one moment," said Tinklepaugh, seeing Wes- 
 ton about to bid him good-bye. "There is another 
 matter, I wish to speak to you about, and one that con- 
 cerns, us both if we wish to see our schemes succeed." 
 "And what is that?" asked Weston, curious to know 
 what further the sagacious little pedagogue had to 
 " Why, we will need a newspaper," answered Tinkle- 
 "And what do we want with a newspaper, I should 
 like to know?" said Weston. "Do you expect to kill 
 old Fontell with vituperation and abuse published in a 
 newspaper ? I had anticipated that you would resort 
 to more violent measures." 
 "And so we will, in his case," answered Tinklepaugh ; 
 " but that is only the beginning of the execution of our 
 scheme, you know, and if we wish to carry it out to 
Two Villains Meet. 121 
 the fullest extent, we must inflame the public mind 
 with stories of Ku-Klux outrages until it will make the 
 blood curdle in one's veins to hear them, and there is 
 no other means so effectual to stir up the public mind 
 to mutiny and rage as a newspaper published on the 
 scene of disturbance, and edited by some one who is 
 capable of depicting the horrors of sedition in the 
 blackest colors." 
 " The newspaper, then, is to work upon the minds 
 of the Governor and the leaders of the party," said 
 " Yes," answered Tinklepaugh, " that is the scheme." 
 " And a capital scheme it is, too," answered Weston ; 
 " a capital one, indeed. I am surprised that we had 
 not thought of that before. But who can we get to 
 edit such a paper ? " 
 " The first question is, where can we get the money 
 to purchase the outfit?" answered Tinklepaugh. 
 " Oh, we can find the money very easily," said Wes- 
 ton. " I will furnish the money myself, if no one else 
 can be found willing to advance it, simply for the bene- 
 fit I hope it will be to me in the election." 
 " Then, if you furnish the money, you will be sole 
 owner of the paper, and might nominate the editor 
 yourself," answered Tinklepaugh. 
 " Then I nominate you," said Weston. " Will you 
 accept ? " 
 " Let me see," said Tinklepaugh, pretending to hesi- 
 tate and reflect a moment ; " Yes ; my school will be 
 out tomorrow, and I will accept the position at once." 
 "Yery well," answered Weston, "I will have posters 
 to announce the appearance of the paper on next 
122 Kv^Klux Klan No. UO. 
 Wednesday aiorning. But what shall we name the 
 " Oh, anything you suggest," answered Tinklepaugh. 
 " Then we will call it the Westville RepvMican^'' said 
 " I presume you wish it to be a rival of the Westville 
 Conservative^ edited by Albert Seaton," said Tinkle- 
 " Yes, and a terror to all such Ku-Klux politicians," 
 answered Weston. "But what night shall I expect 
 you to attend to old man Fontell?" 
 " On next Saturday night," answered Tinklepaugh, 
 " and I will have a full account of the affair in the first 
 edition of the Westville Republicanr 
 "And a true account," laughed Weston, as he entered 
 his carriage and bade Tinklepaugh good-bye a second 
 " Yes, a true account, as we Avould wish the Governor 
 to see it," laughed Tinklepaugh in reply, as the wheels 
 of the carriage commenced to rattle on the road to- 
 ward Westville. 
 " By Jove ! I am glad I met him," said Tinklepaugh 
 to himself, as the top of the carriage disappeared in 
 the distance. " I have been wanting some person of 
 his ilk to co-operate with me for some time, and he 
 seems to be the very character I have been looking for. 
 And when I get to be editor of that paper, every arti- 
 cle shall be written with a pen dipped in gall, and the 
 hand that guides the pen shall be propelled by malig- 
 nity, hate, rancor and malice, until the very streets of 
 Westville shall be red with the blood of those who 
 have sneered and scoffed at me on account of ray pres- 
 ent occupation. 
A Klu-Klux Outrage. 123 
 Mr. Jasper Fontell, commonly known in the commu- 
 nity as " Old Stingy Jap," lived in a very large and 
 commodious, but somewhat dilapidated, house about a 
 mile from Westville. He had succeeded in worrying 
 his wife to death, by his penurious habits, many years 
 before the events recorded in this book occurred, and 
 had placed her away in the little family burying ground 
 back of the garden, with a decaying piece of rude plank 
 at the head of her grave, on which he carved (with his 
 own hand to avoid having any expense attached to the 
 funeral) the simple letters " M. F.", which those who 
 knew her before her decease interpreted to mean "Mary 
 Fontell "; but, except for the humble grave and the two 
 simple letters on the rough board at the head of it, 
 there was nothing in or about the house to indicate 
 that such a person had ever lived there. They never 
 had any children, and "Stingy Jap" now lived all alone 
 with no one to quarrel at, save a big bull-dog by the 
 name of " Towser." 
 No opprobrious sobriquet was ever more appropri- 
 ately and deservedly bestowed on any human being 
 than that of " Stingy Jap ", as applied to old Jasper 
 Fontell, as Towser himself testified a thousand times — 
 indeed, at every meal-time ; and Towser had been the 
 old man's solitary companion ever since " M. F." per- 
 ished in body, mind and soul, and found relief in the 
124 Kvr-Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 lowly grave in rear of the garden, where she was placed 
 by her surviving consort with no more manifestation 
 of love or sympathy than she had enjoyed during her 
 long and miserable connubial existence. Old Fontell 
 was, in fact, a miser in every sense of that term, save in 
 one particular : a real miser generally converts every- 
 thing around him into money, and hoards it in secret 
 niches in the wall of the house, or buries it in the ground ; 
 whereas, "Stingy Jap" invested his earning in stocks, 
 bonds and real estate, and in all his bargains he ex- 
 hibited a shrewdness that showed him to be a financier 
 of no mean ability. And yet, he loved to sit and count 
 his money just like every other miser, and often after 
 selling a valuable piece of property, for his rule was al- 
 ways to sell at the first advance in the price, he would 
 sit and rattle his gold-bag at Towser, and Towser would 
 growl at him in reply, and accuse him of being too 
 stingy to give his dog bread enough to eat. He shut 
 himself out from all society, and paid little attention 
 to the affairs of church or State, consequently he re- 
 ceived no visitors, and had no communication with any 
 person except on matters of business. It might be ex- 
 pected that such a character would have few friends 
 and sympathizers, and 
 "Alas, for the rarity 
 Of human charity 
 Under the sun, 
 it must be recorded of him that his friends were, in- 
 deed, few. And yet he had one friend, a near neigh- 
 bor, who sometimes paid the old man a visit, notwith- 
A Ku-Klux Outrage. 125 
 standing his repulsive demeanor toward his visitors 
 and evident dislike for them. 
 This good neighbor, Mr. Garrett Dixon, was enjoy- 
 ing the pleasant shade on his front piazza, and inhaling 
 the fragrant odors that came from the profusion of 
 flowers in the yard, on the morning of the second Sun- 
 day in June, 1870, when his wife came out and handed 
 him a little basket filled with pretty red June apples. 
 " I thought you would enjoy a few of them this morn- 
 ing," she said. " They are so early and nice, too. No- 
 body in the neighborhood has any like them." 
 " Thank you," said Mr. Dixon, politely, for a man 
 never ceases to be polite to his wife as long as he loves 
 her; "they are very nice, indeed. Have one, too." 
 " No," said his wife, " I have just eaten a few in the 
 orchard while gathering them, and I don't care for any 
 " But 1 don't like to enjoy such luxuries by myself," 
 said Mr. Dixon, good naturedly. " It seems to me, I 
 ought to divide with somebody." 
 " I'll tell you whom you can divide with," said his 
 wife, " and it will be an act of real charity, too." 
 " Old Stingy Jap." 
 " True, I had not thought of him," said Mr. Dixon. 
 "And it will be an act of charity to divide with him, as 
 you suggest, for I doubt if there is an apple or a peach 
 on his plantation, though he is well able to afford Mal- 
 aga grapes as a luxury, if he was not too stingy." 
 " Well, we are not responsible for his penuriousness, 
 and it seems that he can't help it himself," answered 
 Mrs. Dixon. 
126 Kv^Klux KloM No. J^O. 
 "That is true," said Mr. Dixon, "and I hope I can 
 give him the apples with as much real pleasure as it 
 would afford me to give a piece of bread to a starving 
 beggar. He is certainh^ poor in one respect, notwith- 
 standing his gold, and his bonds, and his lands: he cer- 
 tainly suffers the poverty of human sympathy, which 
 is the worst form of poverty after all, and if it be said 
 that he shuns and repulses those around him, it must 
 be admitted in reply that the world has neglected and 
 repulsed him, too." 
 " I will call a servant to take them over for you," 
 said Mrs. Dixon. 
 "N'o," answered Mr. Dixon, "it is not very far, and 
 the sun is not up enough to be hot yet, and so I prefer 
 to take them myself." 
 Mr. Dixon took the basket on his arm, and proceeded 
 over to his neighbor's house by a little path that led 
 through the woods, which was shady and pleasant. 
 The path led up to a little yard gate, on the back side 
 of the house, and Mr. Dixon entered this quietly, for 
 fear of arousing Towser, and walked around the house 
 to the front door. But he did not knock— he started 
 to, but his arm was arrested at the sight of a most 
 hideous picture on the door, and he stood for a few 
 moments transfixed to the spot, trembling with fright 
 and astonishment. On the door was a picture of a 
 skull and cross-bones, a coffin and a scythe blade, and 
 under these figures, evidently written in human blood, 
 were the portentous letters, "K. K K. " 
 Kecovering his self-possession, after a few moments, 
 Mr. Dixon turned to leave, when his eyes encountered 
A Kti-Klux Outrage. 127 
 a sight more appalling still. Suspended to a limb of 
 a tree in the yard, was the lifeless form of old Jasper 
 Fontell ! The body was cold and rigid ; his eye-balls 
 had bursted from their sockets ; one hand was partly 
 uplifted, as if in supplication, and everything around 
 gave evidence of the most violent contortions in death. 
 The knot in the rope had been clumsily tied, and had 
 slipped around to one side of his neck, pressing his 
 head forward and toward the opposite side ; his mouth 
 was wide open, and his black, swollen tongue was rest- 
 ing on his shoulder. He presented a frightful specta- 
 cle, indeed, and Mr. Dixon did not linger long to see 
 it. Towser was still there, sitting a few paces off, and 
 looking up into the face of his dead master with an 
 expression of genuine pity ; but the voice of the poor 
 dog was dumb as to the identity of the perpetrators of 
 the horrible deed, and he could only express his sym- 
 pathy and affection for the deceased by a low and piti- 
 ful whine. Mr. Dixon tried for a few moments to coax 
 Towser home with him, for the purpose of feeding the 
 poor brute, but no amount of persuasion could induce 
 him to desert the form of his lifeless master. 
 Hurrying home, Mr. Dixon informed his wife of the 
 horrible discovery, and then hastily left to summon his 
 neighbors and acquaint them with the facts. A mes- 
 senger was immediately dispatched to Westville for 
 the county coroner, and very soon that important func- 
 tionary appeared and summoned a jury to inquire into 
 the cause of the death. The jury having been sworn 
 and empannelled, in proper form of law, the next thing 
 necessary was to secure witnesses, and quite a number 
128 Kw-Klux Elan No. k-O. 
 were sworn and examined, without eliciting anytliing 
 of importance. The coroner was about to adjourn the 
 inquest with the usual verdict of a coroner's jury — 
 " that the deceased came to his death by violence at 
 the hands of some person or persons unknown " — when 
 some one suggested that it would be proper to send for 
 the district Solicitor, and have the benefit of his advice 
 and assistance in the investigation. It was unanim- 
 ously agreed that this was the proper thing to do, under 
 the circumstances, and so another messenger was hastily 
 despatched for Donald Weston, Esq., the district Solici- 
 The person making this suggestion might have ex- 
 plained to the crowd that he had been directed by Mr. 
 Weston to demand his attendance and official assistance 
 at the proper time, but that information belonged ex- 
 clusively to the elect, the inner circle, and the vulgar, 
 common mind had no business knowing such things. 
 Weston soon appeared, clothed in his official power 
 and dignity, and surveyed the premises with a well- 
 feigned shudder of horror. " I see, gentlemen," said that 
 dignitary, averting his eyes from the ghastly form of the 
 dead man swinging in the air before him, and pointing to 
 the ominous representation on the door, " that there is 
 some evidence that the unfortunate deceased met his 
 death by violence committed by a secret, lawless or- 
 ganization. We all know the meaning and origin of 
 those menacing warnings on the door yonder, and we 
 all know, too, the dangers incurred by witnesses who 
 possess the bravery to testify against the perpetrators 
 of such deeds, and I therefore advise and direct that 
 this inquest be held in secret." 
A Ku-Klux Outrage. 129 
 The coroner at once concurred in this view of the 
 case, and approved the direction given by the Solicitor 
 to hold a secret inquest. Accordingly, the jury, all of 
 whom had been selected ' with care from those who 
 were known to be ardent Republicans, were directed 
 to retire to an old woodshed in one corner of the yard, 
 and no ore was thereafter allowed to approach within 
 hearing distance, except the witnesses as they were 
 What was said and done by this secret, partisan in- 
 quisition after their retirement, can only be guessed at 
 from what transpired after their adjournment, and 
 these things will be fully detailed in subsequent chap- 
130 Kv^Klux Klan No. W. 
 " Fo' de Lawd, Mr. Tinkerpy," said Uncle Ben as he 
 conducted the future editor of the Westville Republi- 
 com up stairs to Weston's room, at the Midland hotel, on 
 Sunday evening, "I had no idee ob seein' you in town 
 to-night. Glad to see ye, do'. 'Deed, I'se alius glad to 
 see enny white man, what teaches de cullud folks an 
 edicashun like de white folks," 
 " Much obliged to you for your kind appreciation of 
 my work, in trying to improve the condition of your 
 race," answered Tinklepaugh ; " and I am happy to be 
 able to inform 3'^ou that I am henceforth to serve your 
 slavery-cursed and oppressed people in an enlarged 
 " What yer mean, Mr. Tinkerpy," said Uncle Ben, 
 half comprehending Tinklepaugh's meaning, " sho' yer 
 aint er gwine ter quit yer school % " 
 " Yes, Uncle Ben," answered Tinklepaugh, " I have 
 abandoned that avocation for the present." 
 " De Lawd hab mercy on de po' niggers ! " exclaimed 
 Uncle Ben. "An' ye's done gone an' 'zerted us too, Mr. 
 Tinkerpy. Fo' God, it seems de niggers hab no fren's 
 no mo', an' dey gwine ter be 'lowed ter die in dere 
 ig'nance, jes' like in slabery times." 
 "Why, Uncle Ben," answered Tinklepaugh, "you 
 must have misunderstood me, when I told you I was 
 now prepared to serve ^you more efficiently than ever 
The Tioo Villains Meet Again. 131 
 before. I am going to be the editor of a newspaper that 
 is to be devoted exclusively to the amelioration of the 
 condition of your race, both politically and socially." 
 "A newspaper," exclaimed Uncle Ben, " an' what's 
 ter become ob de school ? " 
 " Oh, I do not know what will become of it, for the 
 present," answered Tinklepaugh. " My time expired, 
 and I was offered a position in an enlarged sphere of 
 usefulness, both to the colored race and to the Kepub- 
 lican party, and I felt it to be my duty to accept. At 
 present there is no newspaper in this section of the 
 State that devotes even a column to the interests of the 
 colored people, and I think they ought to have some 
 such medium of communication with the world." 
 " But what good will de paper do when de po' nigger 
 kaint read it ? " asked Uncle Ben deprecatingly. 
 " "Well, Uncle Ben," answered Tinklepaugh, some- 
 what stunned at the point so suddenly suggested, " it 
 does seem that your people ought to be prepared to 
 read and enjoy what is written and published for your 
 special benefit ; but, then, you have other interests that 
 ought to be dearer to you than a knowledge of books. 
 The preservation of your liberties and rights as citizens 
 is a matter of more importance to you just now than 
 the acquisition of knowledge, and I propose that my 
 paper shall be an exponent of your higher interests." 
 " Den, is de Democrat party gwine ter take de nigger's 
 freedom erway from him, sho' nuff ? " asked Uncle Ben. 
 " They will, if they ever once acquire the power," 
 answered Tinklepaugh. " I tell you the political as- 
 cendency of that party would mean the destruction of 
 the liberties of your people." 
132 Ku-Klux Klam, No. W- 
 " Dat's what be jedge an' Mister "Weston bof tells 
 me," said Uncle Ben, " an' I begins to belebe it, too, do' 
 I did say I'd nebber vote de 'Publican ticket no mo', 
 unless dey gib us de forty acres an' de mule, like dey 
 promised us 'fo de las' 'lection." 
 " Well, Uncle Ben, you must not be in too great a 
 hurry," answered Tinklepaugh. " You must remember 
 it takes time to accomplish great undertakings." 
 " It's bin three years," answered Uncle Ben, whose 
 heart was set on the acquisition of the promised bounty, 
 " an' I haint seed a single nigger wid de forty acres an' 
 de mule, an' it 'pears ter me dey hab had time er plenty 
 ter make er beginnin'." 
 " Well, we have had so many other important things 
 to attend to that we have hardly had time to consider 
 that matter," said Tinklepaugh. " But the party has 
 done what was best for your interests, you may be as- 
 sured. What good would it do you to own the forty 
 acres and the mule, when the bare possession of them 
 would make you the object of Ku-Klux enmity, and 
 might possibly result in your becoming their victim? 
 Don't you know they whip and kill every colored man (^ 
 who, even by his own labor and economy, acquire a/^ ' 
 little property ? " 
 " Well, I'se heered dat dey do," answered Uncle Ben, 
 still clinging to the idea that the negroes had been 
 cheated, " but if dey would gib me de forty acres an' 
 de mule, I'd resk de chuck-a-lucks." 
 But Uncle Ben's discussion of his favorite theme was 
 suddenly terminated by the appearance of Weston, and, 
 picking up his hat, he reluctantly left the room, mut- 
The Two Villains Meet Again. 133 
 tering to himself as he descended the stairway that " de 
 'Pubhcan part}^ done fooled us once er bout de forty 
 acres an' de mule." 
 " You must excuse my want of punctuality in keep- 
 ing my appointment," said Weston to Tinklepaugh, as 
 he cordially grasped the hand of the ex-teacher. " I 
 was somewhat belated by the prolonged investigation 
 before the coroner's inquest, and reached home only a 
 few moments ago." 
 " I have been very comfortable here since my arrival," 
 answered Tinklepaugh, "and have been somewhat en- 
 tertained, as well as amused, by the conversation of 
 your servant. He seems to be very mucli aggrieved 
 because he has never received the forty acres and the 
 mule we promised them. Really, I am afraid he will 
 desert the part}^ on that account." 
 "Yes," answered Weston, "that old Ku-Klux chief- 
 tain. Major Wyland, has filled his head with that 
 notion, and his mind is only capable of holding one 
 idea at a time." 
 " Perhaps a little discipline would do him good," 
 suggested Tinklepaugh. 
 "From whom?" 
 " From the Union League. Have you not heard of 
 our latest order?" 
 "No," answered Weston; "what is it?" 
 " Why, to whip every negro who does not promise 
 to vote the Republican ticket at the approaching elec- 
 tion," answered Tinklepaugh. " It is said the order 
 emanates from the Governor, who is recognized as the 
 head of the League in this State." 
134 Kv^Klux Klan No. Jf.0. 
 " But how is the negro to know that he is not being 
 whipped by the Ku-Klux because of his affiliation with 
 the Republican party, instead of by the League, on 
 account of his desertion of the party?" 
 " Oh, we inform him of the cause of his punishment 
 at the time it is inflicted," answered Tinklepaugh, 
 " But generally it is not necessary to resort to violence 
 at all, for his promise is easily exacted upon the slight- 
 est demonstration of force." 
 "Yes, the negro will promise anything," answered 
 AVeston, "but the trouble is that in case you bribe 
 him, he refuses to remain bribed, and may be purchased 
 by the next man who meets him ; and if you exact a 
 promise from him by violence, or a threat of violence, he 
 forgets it as soon as the force is removed, and the next 
 man who lifts a whip over his head can make him 
 break his contract by promising to do the very oppo- 
 " Well, it does seem that he is naturally a perverse 
 being, anyway," said Tinklepaugh, "and it is only a 
 question of who gets him last. But a discussion of 
 the negro problem is not our business to-night. We 
 have more practical matters to attend to. Lock your 
 room door." 
 While Weston was complying with this precaution- 
 ary injunction, Tinklepaugh unlocked a medium sized 
 valise which he had brought with him, and emptied its 
 contents on the table before him. 
 " And now for a division of the spoils," said Tinkle- 
 paugh, with a wicked grin, as Weston took a seat on 
 the opposite side of the table. " Here is our legacy 
 under the will of 'Old Stingy Jap.' " 
TTie Two Villains Meet Again. 135 
 " It is not by virtue of his will^ I dare say," answered 
 "Weston. " Not, indeed, unless his mind underwent a 
 considerable change in articulo mortis, and you induced 
 him to bequeath the legacy through undue influence." 
 " Well," answered Tinklepaugh, with a wicked leer, 
 " I must confess, that those who ministered to his wants 
 in his last moments would be compelled to testify that 
 his ' ruling passion was strong in dea.th ' ; but still he 
 left his property behind him, and, as he left no children 
 to inherit it, we took it as a gift causa mortis^ 
 " And a princely bequest it is, too," said Weston. 
 "Yes, and as a token of our appreciation of the princely 
 gift, we swung him up in regal style," answered Tin- 
 " I thought it was rather a bungling job, as I viewed 
 it," answered Weston. " The knot in the rope had 
 slipped around to one side of his neck, which turned 
 his head so that he seemed to be trying to look back 
 at something behind him." 
 " Oh, that was his greedy eyes trying to follow us, 
 I reckon, as we made off with the booty," answered 
 " Well, it would seem that his voracious eyes did try 
 to follow you," answered Weston. " They had actually 
 crawled out of their sockets in pursuit of you." 
 " Well, for fear he should really come back and claim 
 the plunder, let's divide it and appropriate it to our 
 own use while we possess it," answered Tinklepaugh. 
 " Good ! " answered Weston ; " reach me those bonds, 
 and let me count them." 
 The bonds were counted and found to foot up forty 
 thousand dollars. 
136 Kvr-Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 " Forty thousand ! " ejaculated Weston. " A royal 
 gift, indeed. How shall we divide them?" 
 " Equally, of course," answered Tinklepaugh. " One 
 suggested and planned, and the other executed. An 
 equal division is equitable." 
 " That is twenty thousand each," said "Weston, eye- 
 ing the bonds with the cupidity of a Jew. " And how 
 much is there of the gold ? " 
 " Count it," answered Tinklepaugh. 
 " Ten thousand," said Weston after he had arranged 
 it, in stacks of one hundred dollars each, on the table. 
 " Yes," answered Tinklepaugh ; " there were a few 
 hundred dollars over, but I had to divide that among 
 the band of black mercenaries, who relieved old Fontell 
 while I hunted up the skids." 
 "You were very liberal with them," suggested Wes- 
 ton. " I wonder that they would consent to receive so 
 small a share out of so large a pile." 
 "As to the amount," answered Tinklepaugh, "they 
 had no idea of that, for I kept the whole thing care- 
 fully concealed, and left them under the impression 
 that I had made an equal division with them. And as 
 for my liberality, my only fear is that I have been too 
 "And why so?" 
 " Why," answered Tinklepaugh, " you know it would 
 never do for a negro to have a large sum of money 
 about him. The fool couldn't keep it, if it represented 
 his soul's salvation, and to spend it would create sus- 
 " I admire your shrewdness," answered Weston, " as 
The Two Villains Meet Again. 137 
 well as your disposition to take care of number one." 
 "And number two,^'' suggested Tinklepaugh, pointing 
 to Weston. 
 " Yes, and ' number two,' answered Weston. " I sup- 
 pose I am ' number two' in this game, and your division 
 with me has been made with the magnanimity of a 
 " I was indebted to you, though, for the suggestion of 
 Old Stingy Jap's name. I had long desired to stir up 
 the public mind with some blood-curdling spectacle, 
 but I had never thought of filling my empty pockets at 
 the same time. Why, if it had not been for the hint 
 received from you, I might have swooped down upon 
 some beggar Republican, and got nothing for my pains. 
 Nobody like a lawyer for killing two birds with one 
 " Well, we will not discuss our relative merits in the 
 transaction," said Weston ; " for business of more im- 
 portance demands our attention. We have accom- 
 plished only half our object, you know." 
 " Yes, and this money must be devoted to the fur- 
 therance of our schemes and the benefit of the party," 
 answered Tinklepaugh. 
 "And the bonds for our own pleasure and individual 
 promotion," said Weston, as he imitated his crafty 
 friend by carefully placing the bonds in the bottom of 
 a little box (which Tinklepaugh had taken the pre- 
 caution to provide) and piled the gold on top of them. 
 " Why, your heart seems to be as much set on the 
 bonds as Uncle Ben's is on the forty acres and the 
 mule !" laughed Tinklepaugh. 
138 Kv^Klux Klom No. IfO. 
 "With this difference," answered Weston, with an 
 avaricious smile : "that I have acquired, in a reasonable 
 measure, the object of my desire, while Uncle Ben will 
 never realize any portion of his." 
 "Poor credulous darkies !" said Tinklepaugh, feigning 
 a sympathy he never really felt ; " they can be gulled 
 into doing almost anything ; and, yet, I fear that a good 
 many of them are beginning to lose faith in the prom- 
 ises of 1868, like Uncle Ben, and that we will have to 
 invent some new scheme to preserve the full strength 
 of that race for our party in the coming election." 
 "Keep telling them that the Democrats will reduce 
 them to slavery again, if they obtain control of the gov- 
 ernment," answered Weston, " The negro is naturally 
 timid, and the idea is to play upon his fears. I tell you 
 if we will only play that racket properly, there is not 
 one of them that will ever vote the Democratic ticket, 
 so long as a living one of them can show the marks of 
 the lash on his back. It beats the cry of the forty 
 acres and the mule all to pieces." 
 "That is the idea I have been insisting upon for 
 some time," answered Tinklepaugh, " and I shall adopt 
 that policy in the Westville Bepublicany 
 " No, I doubt the wisdom of proclaiming any such 
 absurdity in public print," answered Weston. " Every 
 body who has intelligence enough to read a newspaper 
 knows that slavery is dead, and will have sense enough 
 to see that the issue is kept alive solely for partisan 
 purposes, and I think it would be bad policy to charge, 
 publicly, that tbne Democrats would reduce the negro to 
 slavery if raised to political power. Let that he done 
The Two Villams Meet Agaim,. 139 
 secretly, in Union Leagues and at their churches and 
 "Ah, I see your ideas are correct, and that I shall 
 need your counsel in shaping the policy of the paper," 
 answered Tinklepaugh. " But what about the mechan- 
 ical part of the work and the press and fixtures ? Have 
 these things been provided ?" 
 " Everything is in readiness, as I promised you it 
 should be," answered Weston. " I ordered a press and 
 outfit immediately after leaving 3'^ou, the other day, and 
 received a letter yesterday evening, saying they would 
 surely reach here to-morrow morning, and two compe- 
 tent printers have already arrived from "Washington." 
 " Then I must proceed at once with the preparation 
 of the subject-matter of the first issue," said Tinkle- 
 " Yes," answered Weston, " but, first, we must pre- 
 pare and send off a telegram to Northern daily jour- 
 nals, giving an account of the latest and most horrible 
 Ku-Klux outrage." 
 "Another good idea !" said Tinklepaugh. "Let those 
 great metropolitan journals horrify the public mind 
 with daily accounts of the frightful scene, and the 
 Westville Republican, next Wednesday, will confirm 
 the story by giving all the ghastly details." 
 So the two villains concocted and telegraphed the 
 following frightful story, which appeared next morn- 
 ing in all the great newspapers of the day, in this form : 
140 Kv^Klux Klan No. k-O. 
 " Murder Most Foul ! 
 "^ Reign of Terror in the South! 
 "Last night at midnight there was committed, in West 
 county, one of the most horrible murders ever known 
 in the annals of crime. A band of over five hundred 
 murderous Ku-Klux, disguised and armed to the teeth, 
 rode boldly through the streets of the town of West- 
 ville, just as the town clock was striking the hour of 
 twelve, and proceeded to the home of Mr. Jasper Fon- 
 tell, an aged and respectable citizen of the county, who 
 lived only one mile from town, and there they hung, 
 to a limb of a tree in the yard, this aged and venerable 
 citizen until he was dead. Mr. Fontell was a wealthy 
 and influential citizen, and lived alone in a magnificent 
 mansion, near the public road leading out from the 
 town of Westville, his beloved wife having died several 
 years ago, leaving no children. He was quiet and un- 
 obtrusive in his habits, and charitable almost to a fault ; 
 indeed, his home was a veritable alms-house, from which 
 the needy and oppressed were never turned away com- 
 fortless. His sympathies, notwithstanding his great 
 wealth and high social position, were ever with the 
 lowly and humble ; and, indeed, the whole record of 
 his life leaves no other conjecture as to the cause of 
 his death but that he had incurred the enmity of the 
 Ku-Klux, because he persisted in voting the Kepublican 
 ticket. Heretofore, the victims of Ku-Klux outrages 
 have been the weak, the ignorant and the helpless ; 
 but, in this instance, they have selected as their victim 
 a man who was conspicuous for his possession and ex- 
The Two Villains Meet Again. 141 
 ercise of all the virtues that contribute to make true 
 manhood, and his violent death shows only too plainly 
 the inveterate malignity of the Ku-Klux toward all 
 those, of whatever caste, who vote the Eepublican 
 ticket. Mr. Fontell was certainly murdered for his 
 political opinions. No other cause is assigned for the 
 dastardly deed ; no one has attempted to assign any 
 other. The Ku-Klux, themselves, boast of their crime, 
 and swear vengeance against all Kepublicans, white 
 and black. 
 " How long, O Lord ! how long, shall organized law- 
 lessness stalk through the land unmolested and unop- 
 posed ? How many more victims must be offered up, 
 as martyrs to the cause of liberty and good govern- 
 ment, before the ear of this great Republic will listen 
 to the wail of distress? How much longer will the 
 Governor of that great State sit idle in the executive 
 chair and see the good citizens of his State, whom he 
 has sworn to protect, butchered like dogs, and hung 
 like felons, while the perpetrators of such deeds escape 
 unpunished, and defy his authority? 
 " There is in the South, to-day, especially in certain 
 districts, a reign of terror unequalled by anything con- 
 nected with the French Revolution. Citizens are arm- 
 ing themselves, but they are powerless to cope with the 
 members of a secret organization, who take good men 
 out of their beds and hang them in front of their own 
 doors, simply because they are suspected of being in 
 sympathy with the Republican party ; and still the gov- 
 ernment looks complacently on, and not a finger is 
 lifted to stay the hand of violence. How long shall 
 these things continue ? " 
142 Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 The " Battle of Bullets " ceased with the downfall of 
 the Southern Confederacy in 1865 ; the " Battle of Bal- 
 lots " began with the political ascendency of the negro, 
 when he first exercised his right of suffrage, in 1867. 
 Only two short years elapsed, from the time the mana- 
 cles of slavery were finally shaken from the negro's an- 
 kles, until he stood before the world the proud possessor 
 of all the dignity and insignia of rank enjoyed by sover- 
 eign citizens under the grandest republican government 
 the world ever knew — until he stood, side by side, with 
 his late master, his equal in every respect under the 
 law. No such political metamorphosis of an enslaved 
 race had ever occurred before in the history of the 
 world ; and statesmen, who remembered the lessons of 
 history, beginning with the lesson taught by the com- 
 pulsory sojourn of the Israelites in the wilderness for 
 forty years, in order to prepare them for the duties of 
 citizenship, looked on with horror and prophesied dis- 
 aster. The radical reconstructionists of the ISTorth 
 declared it to be the duty of the general government 
 to protect the emancipated slaves — either by direct gov- 
 ernmental interference, or, by enabling them to protect 
 themselves, by giving them the means of local self- 
 government; and with this plea, they attempted to jus- 
 tify their haste in clothing the negro with the ballot ; 
 while, on the other hand, those who knew the negro 
Insurrection. 143 
 best, and feared his incapacity for self-government, 
 became alarmed at the situation, and declared that 
 Congress had made a mistake — that it ought to have 
 waited until the negro should demonstrate his fitness 
 for citizenship. It must be remembered, too, that the 
 same act of Congress which gave the negro the ballot, 
 deprived, by its unjust and iniquitous provisions, many 
 thousands of white citizens of their elective franchise. 
 The prophecy of Southern statesmen was soon veri- 
 fied — negro voters became nothing more than tools 
 in the hands of unprincipled politicians, who used 
 them for their own self-aggrandisement. It has been 
 said that a ballot falls — 
 "As snow-flakes fall upon the sod ; 
 But executes a freeman's will 
 As lightning does the will of God." 
 But ballots deposited by negro voters simply executed 
 the will of the political satraps and adventurers, who 
 directed them how to vote, and the voters themselves, 
 in many instances, never even knew for whom or what 
 they voted. A swarm of unprincipled carpet-baggers 
 and scalawags took possession of Southern State gov- 
 ernments, and the storm-swept and blood-drenched 
 South became a platform of unbridled speculation and 
 a pasture land for unprincipled greed, and the halls of 
 the Legislatures dens of thieves. With one hand, they 
 pointed to the black pictures and horrifying recitals of 
 the wrongs and outrages, alleged to have been commit- 
 ted by the Ku-Klux, and, with the other, they reached 
 deep down into the treasuries of the different States 
144 Kv^Klux Klan No. J4.O. 
 and took out and squandered hundreds of thousands 
 of dollars of the people's money. Honest men wrung 
 their hands in anguish, and cried out in despair : 
 "A Roman sworder and banditte slaves 
 Murdered sweet TuUy ; Brutus' bastard hand 
 Stabbed Julius Cfesar ; savage islanders 
 Pompey the Great ; and Suffolk dies by pirates." 
 Ku-Kluxism became a distaff and wheel upon which 
 resident demagogues of the carpet-bagger stripe spun 
 an endless thread of falsehood, and the warp and woof 
 thus furnished were woven into a cloth by Northern 
 newspapers that was used to cover and hide many of 
 the political sins of reconstruction. 
 Of all those who turned the wheel and spun the 
 threads of misrepresentation, which were woven into a 
 web of lies by these Northern outrage looms, none 
 worked more assiduously or effectively than the two 
 murderers of "Old Stingy Jap." The story of that crime 
 as telegraphed by these two little villains, and embel- 
 lished by the imagination of the weavers at the afore- 
 said looms, sent a thrill of terror throughout the coun- 
 tr}^, and so startled the Governor that he instantly pro- 
 claimed West county to be in a state of insurrection. 
 Martial law was established in the county, and a com- 
 pany of mixed troops, under the immediate command 
 of Captain Crawford Tellef son, was stationed at West- 
 Captain Tellefson was a tall, gawky, clownish, lout- 
 ish scoundrel, against whom the Almighty had warned 
 the people by creating him cross-eyed, and as his name 
Insurrection. 145 
 was a little difficult to pronounce by the io^norant troops 
 under his command, these motley ragamuffins had dub- 
 bed him " Cross-eyed Telf ," a name which soon become 
 a terror to every good citizen in West county. 
 Cross-eyed Telf soon formed an intimate acquaintance 
 with Weston and Tinklepaugh, whom he regarded as 
 the oracles of all wisdom, and these little scoundrels, 
 finding a congenial spirit in Cross-eyed Telf, cultivated 
 him for all he was worth, and made him the instru- 
 ment by whicii many of their most wicked schemes 
 were accomplished. 
 He established his quarters in the court-house, and 
 converted all the offices in that temple of justice into 
 barracks for his mercenaries, and the main court-room 
 into a prison for his victims. The room usually occu- 
 pied b}'^ the grand jury was reserved for a wine-room, in 
 which was kept, not wine in fact, but the meanest kind 
 of that distilled hell-broth, commonly known in the 
 western counties as "moonshine," which meant (this 
 explanation is for the benefit of the unsophisticated) 
 whiskey that had escaped the vigilance of those revenue 
 officers, properly designated as Deputy Marshals ; but 
 known, in mountain nomenclature, as " bung-smellers." 
 The first dutj'' Cross-eyed Telf felt it incumbent upon 
 him to perform, was to ferret out and have punished, 
 the murderers of Old Stingy Jap, who had been pro- 
 claimed to the world as a martyr to the cause of liberty, 
 and had been cononized as a political saint; and in 
 this, as in all other things, he received the assistance 
 and counsel of the district Solicitor, whose official duty 
 it was to prosecute all offenders. 
 " This is a case, Captain Tellefson, that, so far, has 
146 Kio-Klux Klcm No. W. 
 baffled my skill, both as a detective and as a lawyer," 
 said Weston, a few mornings after the arrival of the 
 troops, to Cross-eyed Telf, who had come to consult one 
 of the oracles. "Immediately upon receiving the first 
 news of the terrible tragedy, I hastened to the scene of 
 the murder, and took the precaution to hold a secret 
 inquest before the coroner ; but no facts were developed, 
 except that the crime was committed by armed Ku- 
 Klux in disguise." 
 "And who were the witnesses that testified to even 
 these few isolated facts?" asked Cross-eyed Telf, look- 
 ing abstractedly out of the window of Weston's office, as 
 he (Weston) thought, but in reality directly at Weston. 
 " Oh, there were quite a number of them," answered 
 Weston, " and even those who were ardent Democrats 
 admitted that the men wore genuine Ku-Klux dis- 
 guises. IS^one of the witnesses actually saw the mur- 
 der committed, for they were afraid to follow the band 
 of assassins, but they saw them on the road to and 
 from the house of Mr. Fontell." 
 " And did none of them observe any peculiarities of 
 size or form, by which some of the murderers could be 
 identified ? " asked Crossed-eyed Telf. 
 " None of them," answered Weston. 
 " Then, it seems to me, that the clue is a very slight 
 one," said Cross-eyed Telf." 
 " Yery slight, indeed," answered Weston. " We have 
 only the two segregate facts that the crime was com- 
 mitted by the Ku-Klux, and that there is a den of them 
 in the community known as Klan No. 40." 
 "And do you not know the members of that den?" 
 asked Cross-eyed Telf, again looking straight at Wes- 
Insurrection. 147 
 ton ; but, as that worthy thought, directly out of the 
 " Yes, and that is another item I had forgotten," 
 answered Weston. 
 " Aha ! and an important one, too," answered Cross- 
 eyed Telf, with a malicious wink, which Weston failed 
 to observe, thinking he was still looking out of the 
 window. " We have, then, three important facts estab- 
 lished : First, that the crime was committed by the Ku- 
 Klux ; second, there is a den of these cut-throats in the 
 community ; and third, the names of the members of 
 this den are known. It seems to me there is sufficient 
 evidence to justify arrests." 
 " But whom shall we arrest ? " asked Weston. " There 
 are more than a hundred members of the den, I am 
 told, and the highest number on the raid at Fontell's, 
 as testified to by the witnesses, was placed at forty, 
 and we have no evidence to implicate any particular 
 ones as constituting the forty." 
 " Oh, we are not in your civil courts just now," an- 
 swered Cross-eyed Telf, "In your civil courts, you 
 must have an investigation before a grand jury, and 
 the charge in the presentment must be there sustained 
 by proof, and then follows, I believe, a bill of indict- 
 ment, and upon that a capias issues for the arrest of the 
 offender ; but martial law is not encumbered and ham- 
 pered by so much red tape. But your civil courts have 
 played out, now, and my orders constitute the law in 
 this county." 
 " What, then, do you propose to do ? " asked Weston. 
 " Why, I propose to arrest some of the most timid 
148 Ku-Klux Klan No. ^0. 
 of the members of the Klan, and extort a confession 
 from them," answered Cross-eyed Telf. 
 " A good idea," said "Weston. " You see I am rather 
 green in military tactics. The idea of wrenching a 
 confession out of them by torture, had not occurred 
 to me." 
 " Give me the names of some of the members," said 
 Cross-eyed Telf, " and I will attend to them to-night." 
 Weston took out of his pocket a list of the members 
 of the Klan, which had been secured by Tinklepaugh, 
 and handed it to Cross-eyed Telf. The truth is, that he 
 and Tinklepaugh had alread\^ planned to have these 
 arrests made, in case the county should be placed under 
 military authority ; and Tinklepaugh had already sug- 
 gested the plan to Cross-eyed Telf, but Weston pre- 
 tended to have learned it from Tellefson. The list 
 included, among others, the names of Major Wyland, 
 Albert Seaton, Samuel Washburn, John Latham and 
 Henry Worthel, whom the reader already knows. 
 No sooner had the curtains of night spread them- 
 selves over the horror-stricken town, admonishing those 
 who were weary with the toils and excitements of the 
 day that it was time to retire to rest, than a squad of 
 five mercenaries were detailed by Cross-eyed Telf to go 
 to the house of John Latham, and arrest him and bring 
 him before that military satrap. The heavy tread of 
 Dick Madison, the big negro preacher and crier in 
 Judge Farwell's court, aroused every inmate of the 
 house, by the time he had crossed the front piazza and 
 reached the door, and it is needless to add that Mrs. 
 Latham was very much frightened by the appearance 
Insurrection. 149 
 of so many persons, as the noise they made indicated, 
 at such an unseasonable hour. 
 " Who is there ? " asked John Latham, in answer to 
 the knock with the ponderous fist of the burly preacher, 
 "Some sojers, wid a message from Capting Telf," 
 answered the stentorian voice of the negro preacher. 
 •' And what do you want ? " 
 "We want yo' to come an' go wid us to see de Cap- 
 ting," answered Dick. 
 " And what business has he sending for folks at this 
 unusual hour ? " asked John. " Why couldn't he at- 
 tend to such matters in the day time ? " 
 " I dunno dat," answered Dick. " He jes' said fer 
 us to fetch ye along, an' I guess yer better come wid 
 " Surely, you do not mean to arrest me and take me, 
 whether I choose to go or not," said John, beginning 
 to think seriously of the situation. 
 " Dem's de words he said," answered Dick, " to arrest 
 ye, and fetch ye anyhow." 
 At this announcement a scream proceeded from 
 Mrs. Latham's room, and John rushed back to her 
 room door to reassure and comfort his mother. 
 "No, no, you must not go; they will kill you," 
 moaned Mrs. Latham, clinging to her only child, and 
 clad only in her night attire. " A fearful presentiment 
 of evil has taken possession of me, already. Please 
 don't leave me, my dear, darling boy." 
 " But, mother, they will burst down the door and 
 take me, anyway," said John, kissing his frightened 
 mother affectionately, " and it will be better for me to 
 go voluntarily." 
150 Ku-Klux Klan No. JfO. 
 " Oh, no. my child, you must not go.'' sobbed the 
 poor mother. "' They will kill you, I know they will. 
 "We must barricade the door and not let them in." 
 "But. mother, we can't barricade the door," an- 
 swered John despairingly. " Don't you hear their mas- 
 sive forms against the door already ?" 
 " Yes, but I will place against it all the affections of 
 a mother's heart for her only child," answered Mrs. 
 Latham, still clinging to the neck of her son. " Surely, 
 God will not let them take mv onlv child and kill him !" 
 " Look here, old woman." came the gruff voice of a 
 white man from the outside; "we've stood out here 
 and listened to that foolishness long enough. Open this 
 here door, or we'll bust it down, and take you along, 
 too, and hang you with your darling boy , as a female 
 Ku-Klux. I guess the boy inherited some of his mean- 
 ness from you, anyway, and it would be nothin' but 
 right to swing you up with him." 
 At this Mrs. Latham fainted, and after placing her 
 gently on a sofa in the room and partially restoring her 
 to consciousness. John opened the door to prevent the 
 outlaws on the outside from tearing it off the hino-es. 
 "Gentlemen, you see the condition I am in," said 
 John, as four white men, headed by Dick Madison, came 
 rushing into the room. '* My mother has fainted, and I 
 have not yet been able to fully restore her to conscious- 
 "Well, what have we got to do with that matter?" 
 asked the same grim-visaged white monster who had 
 spoken before. " We didn't want the old woman, in 
Insurrection. 151 
 particular ; and, besides, we are not physicians, and if 
 the old hag wants to faint why, let her to do it." 
 " Don't call my mother a hag ! " said John, striking 
 the defamer a blow between the eyes, which sent him 
 whirling across the room. 
 " D — n you ! I'll pay you for that," growled the 
 shaggy-whiskered soldier, as he picked himself up and 
 hurried back to where John was bending over his poor 
 mother. "Bind him, boys, and let's take him to the 
 Captain and tell him the d — d Ku-Klux struck one of 
 his men. Old Cross-eyed Telf will fix him, I'll war- 
 " Surely, Dick," said John, appealing to the only one 
 in the crowd whom he recognized, "you are not going 
 to force me to leave my mother in that condition," 
 and he pointed as he spoke to the prostrate form on 
 the sofa. 
 " I'se got nothin' ter do wid it," answered Dick. " I 
 simply obeys my orders, dat's all." 
 " But you can prevail on them to wait with me until 
 mother recovers," answered John. 
 "No, he can't," said the shaggy-bearded rascal, whom 
 John had just knocked down, as he proceeded to tie a 
 rope around John's neck. 
 " Cross-eyed Telf told us to tie you, if you proved 
 obstreperous, and I reckon he meant for us to prepare 
 you for hangin', for that's what we'll do with you — at 
 least if I have my way about it." 
 Just as they were leading John out of the room-door, 
 with the rope fastened about his neck, Mrs. Latham 
 recovered consciousness, and seeing her poor boy led 
152 Kn^Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 away by a rope, she uttered another wild scream and 
 fainted again. This time the neighbors were aroused 
 by the noise, and came hurrying in, to find Mrs. Latham 
 lying in a swoon upon the floor, to which she had tum- 
 bled off the sofa, and no one else about the house. Ee- 
 storatives were hastily sent for and applied, and she 
 soon regained her senses enough to moan bitterly, " Oh, 
 my poor boy, my poor darling boy ! They have killed 
 him ! They have murdered him ! They have hung 
 him to a tree !" 
 This was all the neighbors could induce her to say 
 during the whole of the remainder of the night, as she 
 lay tossing on the bed in a delirium of suffering it was 
 painful to see. They could only guess from this that 
 something terrible had happened to John, but what it 
 was, or where he had gone, they tried in vain to learn. 
 "Aha ! I see they had to tie you to induce you to 
 come with them," said Cross-eyed Telf, as the five sol- 
 diers appeared, leading John Latham by the rope 
 around his neck. 
 " Yes," answered Husky Diggs, " and the d — d Ku- 
 Klux showed fight. He actually struck me. See here!" 
 and Husky Diggs pointed his Captain to the knot be- 
 tween his e^'es. 
 Husky Diggs was a short, stout, low-browed, shaggy- 
 whiskered scoundrel, and as he was a fair specimen of 
 the ragamuifin mercenaries whom the Governor hired 
 and placed under the command of the notorious bandit, 
 Cross-eyed Telf, to maltreat the good citizens of West 
 county and help carry the election of 1870, I will not 
 attempt to describe any more of them, but will let this 
Insurrection. 153 
 summary description of Husky Diggs suffice for the 
 whole crew. He was called " Husky Diggs " because his 
 voice was low and husky, but what his real given name 
 was, I have never taken the trouble to inquire. He 
 was as profane, vulgar, dirty, lousy and dishonest as the 
 average member of the motley company commanded 
 by Cross-eyed Telf, and that is saying a great deal to 
 those who lived in West county and remember the 
 stirring times of 1870. 
 "And the young Ku-Klux rascal resisted by force, 
 did he?" said Cross-eyed Telf, surveying the handsome 
 young fellow critically, though John Latham, like Wes- 
 ton, thought all the time he was lookiug in another 
 direction. " I guess we will be able to teach you a lit- 
 tle better manners than that before you reach home 
 " I am ready to return at once," answered John, 
 boldly. " I left my mother critically ill and I wish to 
 be allowed to return to her assistance." 
 " Oh, don't be in too great a hurry," answered Cross- 
 eyed Telf. "As I have just said, we wish to teach you 
 a little good manners, and will be obliged to detain 
 you awhile for that purpose." 
 " I suppose I can, at least, be informed of the cause 
 of my arrest ?" said John, looking straight at the man, 
 who, it seemed, never returned the look. 
 "Oh, certainly," answered Cross-eyed Telf. "You 
 are arrested for the murder of Mr. Jasper Fontell !" 
 John's face blanched, but only for a moment. 
 " I know nothing about the death of Mr. Fontell," 
 he answered, " and you have undoubtedly arrested the 
154 Kv^Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 wrong man, and with thts assurance I hope you will 
 release me, and let me return to my mother." 
 " Oh, just hold on a minute," answered Cross-eyed 
 Telf. " Perhaps we can prove a little more against 
 you than you anticipate ; don't be in too great a hurry, 
 I tell you again." 
 " Then, I have to say that any evidence connecting 
 me with that unfortunate affair is false," said John, 
 looking boldly at the awkward being before him. 
 "And even if we should admit that," answered Cross- 
 eyed Telf, what can you say as to the guilt of others?" 
 " I have no information as to the perpetrators of 
 that horrible crime," answered John. 
 " Perhaps you know, but refuse to tell," said Cross - 
 eyed Telf. 
 " I tell you, positively, I know nothing in the world 
 about the murder," answered John. 
 "Do vou not belong to Ku-Klux-Klan JS'o. 40?" 
 asked Cross-eyed Telf. 
 For the first time John faltered and hesitated. 
 " Oh, we have the proof positive against you on that 
 score," said Cross-eyed Telf, "and there is no use in 
 trying to deny your connection with the Klan." 
 " Then, there can be no necessity for making me con- 
 fess it," answered John. 
 " You might show, by answering it in the affirma- 
 tive, that you were willing to confess the truth," an- 
 swered Cross-eyed Telf. " I see you try to prevaricate, 
 and I suppose we would better stop that foolishness at 
 once. I tell you, I have sent for you for the purpose 
 of finding out the murderers of Mr. Jasper Fontell^ 
 and you had just as well out with it at once." 
Insurrection. 155 
 " I repeat that I know nothing about the matter," 
 said John. 
 " You lie about that," answered Cross-eyed Telf. 
 " you know all about it, and I want you to understand, 
 now, that I am going to make you disclose the facts 
 before I turn you loose. I will try you by court-mar- 
 tial and hang you for the murder yourself, or make 
 you tell." 
 " And if you should convict me, it would be on per- 
 jured testimony, ' answered John, " for I tell you I have 
 no idea who committed the crime, and have nothing 
 to confess as against myself, and no testimony to give 
 against others." 
 " I just now told you that was a lie !" answered Cross- 
 eyed Telf, emphatically, " and I don't want to hear it 
 any more." 
 "Husky Diggs," said Cross-eyed Telf, after a few 
 moments' reflection, " adjust the rope a little tighter 
 around this young man's neck, and you and the others 
 who brought him here, follow me to the woods and we 
 will make him disgorge or pay the penalty himself." 
 Then again this proud and handsome young man was 
 led, like a dog, through the streets of his native town, 
 and none dared to interfere and lift a hand to release 
 him, for fear of the military mob in charge of him. It 
 is true, at this late hour the streets were completely 
 deserted, for a panic of fear had settled on the inhabi- 
 tants, and everybody retired behind barred doors as 
 soon as night set in. On ordinary occasions, a sin- 
 gle cry of distress from him would have brought the 
 whole town to his rescue ; but now it was useless, and 
156 Kvr-Khix Klam, No. J^O. 
 in fact dangerous to make an alarm, for all were power- 
 less to help. 
 Arrived at the woods, the rope was thrown over a 
 limb of a tree and John was asked if he was then 
 ready to tell about the murder of Fontell. 
 " I tell you, again, I have nothing to disclose," an- 
 swered John. 
 " Swing him up ! " ordered Cross-eyed Telf, and Hus- 
 key Diggs, assisted by the reverend Dick Madison and 
 the others, drew him slowly up to about three feet 
 above the ground. 
 The fearful contortions of his face and limbs, as he 
 struggled and strangled there in the air, as seen even 
 by the gentle light of the stars, were enough to have 
 softened the heart of a demon, but his inhuman tor- 
 turers looked on as complacently as if they were doing 
 him an act of real kindness. 
 Cross-eyed Telf struck a match and looked at the 
 young man's face carefully for a moment, and then, as 
 he saw his face growing purple, the order was given to 
 let him down. Restoratives had been prepared and 
 were applied freely ; and, yet, it was fully five minutes 
 before the young man showed signs of returning life, 
 and fully a quarter of an hour before he attempted to 
 "Now tell us who killed old Fontell," demanded Cross- 
 eyed Telf, as soon as the young man could utter a word. 
 " Don't know," he gasped feebly, grabbing his lac- 
 erated throat as he spoke. 
 " You lie, you d — n Ku-Klux !" growled Cross-eyed 
 Telf in reply. " I tell you, I am going to have this 
Insurrection. 157 
 thing out of you or leave your body swinging to this 
 limb to-night." 
 " Don't kill me," he gasped again ; " I don't know." 
 " Swing him up again !" ordered Cross-eyed Telf, and 
 Husky Diggs again pulled him on his feet. 
 " Now, are you ready to tell us ?" was again demanded 
 before suspending him from the ground. 
 "I have nothing to tell," answered John, and again 
 Husky Diggs pulled the rope. 
 Poor John was too much exhausted to make any ef- 
 fort to extricate himself this time, and he hung for a 
 few moments limp and motionless. 
 Cross-eved Telf struck another match and looked at 
 his face. 
 " Down, you blundering idiots !" he shouted ; " I be- 
 lieve he is dead !" 
 The rope was quickly unfastened from about his neck, 
 and he was stretched at full length upon the ground. 
 The restoratives were again applied, and he was rubbed 
 vigorously, but all in vain. His eyes rolled back and 
 became set in their sockets; his lips murmured the 
 name, that to the last moment of his life thrilled his 
 heart, " Minnie," and then his under jaw dropped, and 
 he was dead ! 
 For a few minutes the murderers stood gazing at the 
 lifeless form before them in mute astonishment. They 
 had not intended to kill him, and were horror-struck 
 at their blunder. At last the heartless Husky Diggs 
 broke the silence. 
 " My God ! it seemed that the young Ku-Klux died 
 mighty easy." 
 " Yes, you d — n scoundrel," answered Cross-eyed 
158 Ku-Klux Klan No. UO. 
 Telf ; " you had that rope tied too tight, and I believe you 
 did it on purpose, because he struck you when arrested." 
 " Oh, no, I didn't. Captain," answered Husky Diggs' 
 beginning to quake with guilty fear ; " I simply tight- 
 ened it when you told me to, before leaving town." 
 The Captain remembered that this was so, and so 
 said nothing in reply. 
 " Gentlemen," said Dick Madison, after a long pause, 
 "it 'pears ter me we're in a fix. What er we gwine ter 
 do wid him, now ?" 
 " Why, bury him, of course, you black idiot !" said 
 Husky Diggs. " You don't suppose we are going to 
 publish our blunder in the newspapers, do you ?" 
 " jSTo, I didn't 'spose dat," answered Dick ; " but I 
 tell you it's er mighty risky bizness we're in, if his 
 mudder ever comes to, an' 'members who it was dat 
 took him away." 
 " You are right about that, Dick," said Cross-eyed 
 Telf, " and I propose to return to town and get counsel 
 on this matter before doing anything about it." 
 Accordingly they all hastened back into Westville, 
 Husky Diggs and the others returning to their barracks 
 as if nothing unusual had happened, while Cross-eyed 
 Telf proceeded immediately to Weston's room at the 
 " Hello, this is a timely visit," said Weston, as he 
 opened his room-door in answer to the announcement 
 of the name of Captain Tellefson on the outside. 
 " What in the world can be the matter ?" 
 " Matter enough," answered Cross-eyed Telf, as he 
 pushed his way into the room. " We've killed the young 
 " Who r 
Insurrection. 159 
 " John Latham." 
 "And how?" 
 " Why," answered Cross-eyed Telf, " we undertook 
 to torture him, by hanging, and to make him give us 
 the names of the murderers of Mr, Fontell, and we let 
 him hang too long and killed him. I half believe, 
 though, that Husky Diggs made the rope too tight on 
 "Any reason for believing so?" asked Weston. 
 " Yes, they said Latham struck him when first ar- 
 ""Very likely, then," answered Weston; "but what 
 are you going to do with the dead man ?" 
 " That is exactly what I have come to ask you," an- 
 swered Cross-eyed Telf. " We left him lying on the 
 ground under the tree, where we hung him, for the 
 " Very good," answered Weston, " and is that in the 
 woods ?" 
 " Yes," answered Cross-eyed Telf, " about forty yards 
 from the road." 
 "And did anybody else know you had him out?" 
 asked Weston. 
 " His mother, and perhaps others, know that he was 
 taken to my quarters at the court-house," answered 
 Cross-eyed Telf ; " but I hardly think anyone knows 
 about our taking him to the woods or torturing him." 
 Weston turned the light in his lamp a little higher, 
 as if he hoped to brighten his mental as well as physi- 
 cal vision and answered, after a few moments' reflec- 
 tion : " That is all right. Now let me tell you what 
 to do : Go back and hide the body until to-morrow 
160 Kv^Klux Klan No. W- 
 night, and then hang it to a limb near enough to the road 
 for him to be discovered next day. In the meantime, 
 to-morrow, tell only a few reliable men that young 
 Latham peached on the Ku-Klux, and told you who 
 the murderers of Old Fontell were. N'ext day, when his 
 body is discovered hanging to a tree, it will be an easy 
 matter to say that he was hanged by the Ku-Klux for 
 disclosing their secrets and giving away the slayers of 
 " That is a capital idea," answered Cross-eyed Telf, 
 " and worthy of a lawyer. But how shall we account 
 for his absence during the day, to-morrow?" 
 " Oh, that is easy enough, too," answered Weston. 
 " Tell these same reliable persons, that certain mem- 
 bers of Klan No. 40 secretly followed young Latham 
 when he was first arrested, and overheard the conversa- 
 tion in which he gave the names of Fontell's murderers, 
 and that, on discovering the eavesdroppers, he hid him- 
 self in the woods during the next day, fearing the vio- 
 lence that finally overtook him, and that the Ku-Klux 
 found him next night (to-morrow night now) and hung 
 him for peaching on them. Mind, you must let it be 
 known to-morrow that he is in hiding in the woods, 
 and you might have one of your own reliables to see 
 him during the da}'^ and converse with him in the woods. 
 This will help substantiate the theory that he was 
 killed by the Ku-Klux a night later." 
 Crossed-eved Telf was so delighted with Weston's 
 shrewd solution of the difl&culty that his eyes, which 
 had never been properly set in his head, fairly danced 
 with glee, and he left the room with many protesta- 
 tions of his admiration for his adviser and appreciation 
Insurrection. 161 
 of his kindness. It was now much past midnight, and 
 Crossed-ej^ed Telf hurriedly commissioned Husky Diggs 
 and the others who had participated in the murder of 
 Latham, to go back and conceal the body carefully 
 until next night. 
 " Aha ! " muttered Weston to himself, as he extin- 
 guished the light in his room and retired again to bed, 
 " the caldron begins to boil more violently than I ex- 
 pected ; but trust me to keep it stirred. I must see 
 Tinklepaugh in the morning." 
 All next day Mrs. Latham lay deliriously tossing to 
 and fro on her bed, and muttering the name of her 
 boy. Her language was so incoherent that the neigh- 
 bors and friends who had gathered in to minister to 
 her wants were still unable to form any definite idea 
 as to the fate of the young man ; and, consequently, on 
 the following day when his body was found suspended 
 to a limb in the woods, and it was reported that the 
 Ku-Klux had killed him for giving away their secrets, 
 these same friends very rationally concluded that Mrs. 
 Latham's unintelligible mutterings referred to the 
 seizure of the young man by the Ku-Klux. The human 
 mind takes great delight in solving the mysterious, and 
 if only a slight clue is furnished as a starting point, 
 every person you meet adds what, in his opinion, is a 
 ray of light, if not a complete solution of the whole 
 problem. Hence it was that Mrs. Latham's friends 
 took great delight in confirming the report that John 
 Latham was hanged by the Ku-Klux ; and the report 
 was soon current, and it was generally believed, that 
 Mrs. Latham herself had said that the Ku-Klux took 
 him off. 
162 Ku-Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 Such a state of excitement was never before known 
 in the whole community, nor, indeed, in the State. The 
 whole structure of society was heaved to its deepest 
 depths, and fear seized the stoutest hearts. John 
 Latham's death following so closely that of Jasper 
 Fontell, and being, according to current rumor, so 
 intimately connected with it, sent a thrill of terror into 
 the heart of every man, woman and child in the com- 
 munity, and made them quake with fear. 
 This atrocious crime furnished the material out of 
 which the two little villains spun another lengthy thread 
 of falsehood, which was immediately sent to the afore- 
 said Northern looms, and by them woven into a black 
 cloth of misrepresentation. And members of both 
 branches of Congress, and others still higher in the 
 councils of the nation, made themselves garments of 
 this cloth, and wore them in the discharge of their 
 official duties. Judges of courts made their official 
 robes out of it, and flaunted them in the faces of liti- 
 gants. Yerily, truth was crushed to earth. 
 The following is an account of the death of John 
 Latham, as it appeared in the Westville Republican^ 
 edited by the noble Peter Tinklepaugh : 
 "Anarchy Reigns Supreme in West County! 
 " The State Militia Powerless to Protect Citizens ! 
 "Early yesterday morning the lifeless body of Mr. 
 John Latham was found swinging to a limb of a tree 
Insurrection. 163 
 near the public road leading into the town of Westville 
 from Kenneth Grove. The murder of Mr. Latham is 
 evidently a sequel to the hanging of Mr. Jasper Fontell, 
 that occurred only a few days ago, the excitement over 
 which had not subsided when the community was 
 again startled by the report of this last Ku-Klux out- 
 "It was generally believed, indeed, it was not doubted, 
 that the Ku-Klux were responsible for the untimely 
 death of Mr. Fontell, and it now appears that the mur- 
 der of Mr. Latham forms another link in the chain of 
 evidence connecting that lawless organization with the 
 former outrage. We have it on reliable authority that 
 Mr. Latham had become so conscience-stricken over the 
 murder of Mr. Fontell by the Klan to which he, Latham, 
 belonged that he turned informer, and that he was mur- 
 dered by the Klan for disclosing its secrets. Mr. 
 Latham, we are informed, was not an actual participant 
 in the hanging of Mr. Fontell ; indeed, it seems he was 
 too upright and conscientious to be guilty of such a 
 horrible crime, but he belonged to the Klan, and was 
 in possession of the fatal secret, and because he was too 
 honest to keep secret the bloody work of the lawless 
 assassins and thereby partake of their guilt, he lost his 
 " The murder of this young man, simply because he 
 was too good to be a murderer himself, makes the na- 
 ture of the crime so shocking that we forbear to offer 
 any comment, not being able to do the subject justice. 
 "Anarchy reigns supreme in this county, and the State 
 troops are utterly powerless to deal with the situation. 
164 Kvr-Klux Klcm No. W- 
 " Citizens are hanged like felons for their political 
 opinions, and those who refuse to protect the murderers 
 share the same fate. Ku-Kluxism is the legitimate 
 off-spring of the rebellion, and is the climax of anarchy. 
 " This last Ku-Klux murder, committed as it was al- 
 most in the very shadow of the court-house in which 
 the State troops are stationed, shows that our State 
 militia is inadequate to deal with the powerful Klan, 
 and that nothing can stay the bloody hand of lawless- 
 ness in our midst except the interference of the general 
 government. It seems to us that if the President longer 
 delays sending Federal troops to this distracted county 
 he ought to be held morally responsible for the bloody 
 work of the Ku-Klux." 
The Klan Meets. 165 
 On the evening succeeding the funeral of John Latham, 
 the Klan had a called meeting for the purpose of con- 
 sidering the charges of murder preferred against the 
 members of the Klan by the spinners and weavers in 
 charge of the outrage looms, and, as these charges in- 
 volved the safety as well as the honor of the members, 
 there was a full attendance. The meeting, however, 
 was an informal one, the investigation of the charges 
 not coming under any head of routine business, so the 
 rigid rules of debate prescribed and adopted by the 
 Klan were suspended, and consequently all the mem- 
 bers participated freely, in the discussion, in conversa- 
 tional style. 
 " Gentlemen," said Major Wyland, who was seated 
 on a rude slab, " we all know that the charge that mem- 
 bers of this Klan committed these two murders is abso- 
 lutely false, but the accusation is seriously made by our 
 enemies, and, as it has been acted upon by those high 
 in authority, as shown by the declaration of the Gov- 
 ernor that this county is in a state of insurrection, I 
 think it is incumbent upon us to repel the charge, and 
 furnish proof of our innocence." 
 " I thought you lawyers had a rule that no one is re- 
 quired to produce evidence of his innocence until he is 
 indicted and there is some evidence of his guilt," said 
 Sam Washburn. 
 "And so we have," answered Major "Wyland ; " but 
 in this case we have not only been already indicted, 
166 K'w-Klux Klan No. Ji.0. 
 but we have actually been convicted, and that, too, 
 without being allowed a day in court." 
 "I had not thought of that," answered Sam, "and, 
 yet, it is only too true for us to feel comfortable over 
 the reflection." 
 " Yes, and if they can go that far without making 
 any investigation as to the truth of the charges, it may 
 be that they will actually indict us in court," said Henry 
 " No, I do not apprehend an)^ trouble of that kind," 
 answered Major Wyland ; "and, yet, for myself, I can 
 say that I would welcome such an indictment, because 
 it would furnish me an opportunity to vindicate my 
 "And, yet, the murderers of Old Stingy Jap cun- 
 ningly devised a scheme that furnishes some suspicious 
 evidence against us," said Albert Seaton. 
 "The wretches were simply after his money," an- 
 swered Sam. 
 " That is very evident," said Major Wyland, " and, 
 yet, as Albert says, their scheme was deeply laid, and 
 the circumstances and surroundings furnish to those 
 who know nothing about the Ku-Klux some strong evi- 
 dence against the Klan." 
 " But everybody knows Old Stingy Jap was not an 
 offensive partisan," answered Sam, " and there could 
 have been no object in killing him, except robbery, and 
 the Ku-Klux is not a band of robbers." 
 " They have been accused of robbery quite frequently, 
 though," said Henry Wortuei. 
 "And every other crime in the catalogue," answered 
The Klan Meets. 167 
 Albert, "and, yet, it is purely a political organization, 
 and the vast majority of the members would scorn 
 such a thought." 
 "However, true that may be," answered Major Wy- 
 land, " we are accused of murder now, and it behooves 
 us to prepare for the worst, for there is no telling what 
 extreme measures may be resorted to by the Republi- 
 cans in order to carry the next election." 
 " I agree with you that it is getting time for us to 
 begin to prepare for our defence, in case of necessity," 
 said Albert, " though it is very evident to any one ac- 
 quainted with the rules of the Klan, that these murders 
 could not have been committed by the Ku-Klux." 
 " Yes," answered Major Wyland, " as has already 
 been suggested, Stingy Jap was not an active partisan, 
 and could not have been obnoxious to the Ku-Klux on 
 that account, and as his only besetting sin was his 
 penuriousness, no Klan would have killed him for that. 
 And there are many other reasons for saying that his 
 murderers were not genuine Ku-Klux, according to the 
 testimony before the coroner's inquest before the retire- 
 ment of the jury, notwithstanding the testimony that 
 they wore genuine Ku-Klux disguises. In the first 
 place, the witnesses testified that the murderers were 
 heard talking on the road to and from the home of 
 Stingy Jap ; but every Ku-Klux knows that only one 
 person is allowed to speak while on a raid, and he must 
 be appointed for that purpose before starting. In the 
 second place, it is a rule of the Ku-Klux never to give 
 any warning sign, such as hideous paintings on the 
 door, when it is intended to inflict the death penalty ; 
168 Kvr-Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 while in this instance nearly all the representations 
 designed as notices were used by the murderers of 
 Fontell. Again, these admonitions are never placed 
 on the door on the same night any punishment is in- 
 flicted, but are put there several nights, and even 
 months, sometimes, beforehand, to warn the ojffender 
 that he must desist from some objectionable practices, 
 while in the case of Stingy Jap, we have the positive 
 evidence of reliable persons who were at the house on 
 the evening preceding the hanging, that no such char- 
 acters were on the door then. Besides, the death pen- 
 alty is not allowed to be inflicted except as a last resort, 
 and then onl}^ after repeated warnings to the offender 
 that he must leave the community, and in this case no 
 previous warnings were given." 
 " Why not let the world know these things," asked 
 Henry Worthel, " and so dispel the cloud of suspicion 
 against us?" 
 "That is impossible," answered Major Wyland. "It 
 would be a violation of our oath never to disclose the 
 secrets and rules of the Klan. The general law of the 
 Empire forbids it." 
 " What shall we do, then ? " asked Henry. 
 "Well, that is for the Klan to say," answered Major 
 Wyland. " We have met here for consultation, and to 
 try and devise some plan by which we may establish 
 our innocence, in case we should be arrested for mur- 
 der. Perhaps our ingenious spy can suggest some line 
 of policy to be pursued." 
 " No," answered Sam, " I have no plan to suggest ; 
 but we all look to you for advice in this matter. You 
The Klan Meets. 169 
 are accustomed to giving counsel, and these matters 
 are beyond my ken." 
 " Well," answered Major Wyland, " I would suggest 
 that we all constitute ourselves detectives, and that we 
 look out for every clue that might lead to the discov- 
 ery of the real murderers of Fontell and John Latham." 
 " But how shall we proceed," asked Albert, " when 
 we have no starting point? Can you not indicate 
 some way in which we might begin our detective 
 work ? " 
 " Well," answered Major Wyland, " in the case of 
 Fontell, robbery was evidently the object of his murder- 
 ers, and I would suggest that we keep a sharp lookout for 
 persons who spend money freely and who have not the 
 means of making it rapidly. In the second place, it 
 is said that he had a large number of State bonds on 
 hand, and I would recommend that some member of 
 our Klan be sent to the ofRce of the Secretary of State, 
 with instructions to examine the records there and 
 take the number and date of the bonds issued to Jasper 
 Fontell. The law requires the State Treasurer to keep, 
 in a book prepared for that purpose, a memorandum of 
 every bond of the State issued by the State, together 
 with the numbers, date of issue, when and where pay- 
 able, at what premium, and to whom the same may 
 have been sold or issued. The Treasurer can then be 
 instructed to note the person who presents the bonds 
 for payment, or for the payment of interest, and in this 
 way we may be able to discover the possessor of the 
 " But perhaps the State Treasurer would not be will- 
 ing to assist in detecting the murderers," suggested 
170 Kv^Klux Klcm No. J^O. 
 Henry ; " especially if they proved to be party favor- 
 " Oh, I hardly think our Treasurer would refuse a 
 request of that kind," answered Major Wyland, " and 
 if he should, we could make his refusal defeat him in 
 the next election, and we would then get a man who 
 would assist us." 
 " But suppose the bonds are transferred to another 
 person ? " said Sam. 
 " Then the law requires the surrender and cancella- 
 tion of the bonds," answered Major Wyland, "and 
 new bonds for the same amount to be issued to the 
 " And in the case of the murder of John Latham, 
 what do you suggest ? " asked Sam, pleased with the 
 ingenuity displayed by the old lawyer. 
 "In that case," answered Major Wyland, " I recom- 
 mend that some member of the Klan, or what would 
 perhaps be better, that some female friend be permit- 
 ted to remain in the room with Mrs. Latham until she 
 recovers, and it may be that even in her delirious rav- 
 ings she may let fall some word that would furnish a 
 clue as to the identity of his murderers." 
 Mrs. Latham had remained completely demented 
 ever since the night John was torn from her side, and 
 as no one else had seen the military ruffians in charge 
 of him, or knew anything about their taking him off, 
 the report circulated by Cross-eyed Telf, to the effect 
 that the Ku-Klux had killed him for betraying the 
 murderers of old Jasper Fontell, had been generally 
 accepted as true. Indeed, some of the strongest Demo- 
 crats in the community were beginning to condemn 
The Klan Meets. 171 
 the existence of the Klan as a band of murderous 
 assassins. They had hitherto winked at the little mis- 
 deeds of the Klan — such as whipping a negro, a car- 
 pet-bagger, or a scalawag for being too active in politi- 
 cal matters ; but that thev should commit murder in 
 carrying out the designs of the Ku-Klux, and then kill 
 one of their own number for exposing their hellish 
 deeds, was just a little more than the public conscience 
 could stand, and so the righteous indignation of the 
 whole country was aroused against the Klan. And 
 the members of the Klan felt very keenly the sting of 
 the stigma thus cast upon them. The Klan was composed 
 of some of the best men in the whole country, who 
 had joined it simply for the purpose of destroying the 
 Union Leagues and overthrowing the reign of the car- 
 pet-baggers by gentler means than the taking of life, 
 and they shuddered at the thought of being charged 
 with murder. 
 Having mutually agreed to assist and defend each 
 other in case of necessity, and to act as detectives in 
 trying to discover the perpetrators of the crimes with 
 which the members were charged, the Klan dispersed 
 and the members returned to their homes, feeling very 
 much mortified at the turn affairs had taken and their 
 inability to ferret out the true facts. 
172 Ku-Klux Klan N'o. J^O. 
 On the morniag of the 20th of July, 1870, Major 
 Wyland was sitting in his elegantly furnished office 
 on Main street in the town of Westville, when a boy 
 rapped at the door, and, being admitted, handed him 
 a large sealed envelope. Judging hastily by the bulk 
 and weight of the package that it contained only some 
 legal documents, which he had sent for the evening 
 before to be brought from the office of the Superior 
 Court Clerk, he was about to lay it unopened on the 
 table before him, to be opened and examined at his 
 leisure, when the messenger accosted him with the 
 remark : 
 " He said to let him know at once whether you could 
 come, and if you couldn't come right now, to come as 
 soon as possible." 
 Hastily tearing open the envelope, he was startled at 
 finding that it contained in fact a legal document, though 
 not the one he had sent for, but one which emanated 
 from a court he thought and hoped had vanished with 
 the last roar of belligerent cannons. A short note 
 enclosed first attracted his attention, the contents of 
 which were as follows : 
 '■'•My Dear Major Wyland : I have been arrested by 
 the military authorities, and am now imprisoned in one 
 of the rooms of the court-house. I send you the copy 
 of the papers served on me, which contains all the 
 information I have received as to the cause of my 
A Conflict of Authority. 173 
 " Please come to me at once, and let me know if any 
 legal process can be sued out to secure my liberation. 
 " Yours very truly, Albert Seaton. 
 " July 20, 1870." 
 "Did you wish to take an answer back?" asked 
 Major Wyland, as he laid the note on the table before 
 proceeding to the examination of the more lengthy 
 "He said to bring a reply, unless you could answer 
 at once in person," answered the intelligent looking 
 boy who had brought the message. 
 " I will answer, in person, immediately after examin- 
 ing the papers," said Major Wyland ; " so you need 
 not wait for a reply." 
 Left alone again. Major Wyland read carefully and 
 critically the following interesting document, which is 
 given as a specimen exhibition of the grinding military 
 despotism practiced upon the people of West county 
 during' the summer of 1870: 
 " Headquarters Department of , 
 ^''Division Embracing West County^ 
 "July 20th, 1870. 
 " General Court Martial, Orders No. 1. 
 "Before a Military Commission convened at Westville, 
 July 20th, 1870, lander authority received from Head- 
 quarters Department , there was arraigned 
 and tried : Albert Seaton, citizen. 
 "For publishing and circulating disloyal and seditious 
 writings within a district under martial law. 
174 Kv^Klux Klom No. UO. 
 " Specification. — In this, that the said Albert Seaton, 
 citizen, of West county. State of , and, editor 
 of a newspaper named and known as the Westmlle 
 Conservative, published at Westville, in said county and 
 State, did publish in said newspaper, and circulate an 
 article in words as follows : 
 " 'As a public journalist we feel constrained to enter 
 our protest against the action of our Governor in de- 
 claring West county to be in a state of insurrection. His 
 establishment of martial law for this county was an un- 
 warranted exercise of the dangerous power vested in 
 him by that unconstitutional and slanderous statute 
 known as the Ku-Klux Act. It is true there have been 
 several trivial outrages committed in the county, and 
 lately we have had perpetrated in our midst two most 
 atrocious murders ; but we assert positively, and we are 
 willing to stake our reputation for veracity on the as- 
 sertion, that these murders were not committed by the 
 Ku-Klux, as alleged, but were committed by private 
 persons for the purpose of robbery, in the one case, and 
 possibly for revenge in the other ; and we confidently 
 believe, and so declare, that time and a thorough in- 
 vestigation of these crimes will prove the truth of our 
 prediction. To have a military despot sitting as the 
 sole arbiter of the rights of our citizens is a humiliation 
 that is hard to bear, and our Governor is inexcusable 
 for thrusting such a state of serfdom upon us,' 
 " The charge is, that said article was calculated and 
 intended to produce hostility to the government, and 
 cause resistance to the constituted authorities. 
 " To which charge and specification the accused, Al- 
 bert Seaton, pleaded as follows : 
A Conflict of Authority. 175 
 " To the specification of the charge, ' guilty ', except 
 so much as alleges that the said article was calculated 
 and intended to produce hostility to the government 
 and cause resistance to the constituted authorities. 
 " To the charge, '•not guilty^ 
 " The court having maturely considered the evidence 
 adduced finds the accused, Albert Seaton, citizen, as 
 follows : 
 " Of the specification to the charge, guilty. 
 " Of the charge, guilty. 
 " The said Albert Seaton is, therefore, sentenced to 
 imprisonment in the jail of West county for thirty days. 
 " By command of Crawford Tellefson, Captain." 
 Major Wyland finished reading this remarkable docu- 
 ment, and then sat for a few moments almost stupefied 
 with astonishment. That a military subordinate, only 
 a Captain, should issue an order for the arrest of a citi- 
 zen and actually try and convict him by a court martial, 
 of which he was the self-constituted head, and sentence 
 him to imprisonment, was an act of despotism that 
 stood without a parallel in the history of any enlight- 
 ened nation of people. Yerily, the last vestige of free- 
 dom had vanished from Southern soil, and the people 
 were reduced to the condition of serfs. He had thought 
 that he had foreseen the evils of the military usurpa- 
 tion, but he was not prepared to hear of such an unau- 
 thorized assumption of power as this. 
 Recovering after a few minutes from the effects of 
 the startling news, he left his office and proceeded to 
176 Ku-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 the court-house, where he was met at the door by 
 Husky Diggs, orderly sergeant for the day, who de- 
 manded to know his business. 
 "I wish to be allowed to see a client who, I under- 
 stand, has been imprisoned in the court-house," he an- 
 swered, casting an indignant look upon the ill-natured 
 visage of the man who confronted him. 
 "Oh, he has no use for a lawyer now," answered 
 Husky i)iggs, " he's already convicted and in prison, 
 and all hell can't git him away from Cross-eyed Telf 
 "At any rate I wish to be allowed to see him," an- 
 swered Major Wyland. 
 " Well, I'll go and ask the Captain about it," said 
 Husk}^ Dig'gs, and he left Major Wyland standing in 
 the door surrounded by a motley crowd of the band of 
 hoodlumns while he went in search of the Captain. 
 Cross-eyed Telf was never hard to find by those who 
 knew his habits, so Huskv Diggs proceeded at once to 
 the " wine-room," where he found the Captain enjoy- 
 ing a glass of " moonshine." He had been drunk all 
 day ; was drunk, in fact, when he issued the order for 
 the arrest of Albert Seaton, and there was no hope of 
 improving his condition much as long as the pop skull 
 " Captain," said Husky Diggs, as he poked his head . 
 in the door, " there is an old sheep-skin thumber out 
 here, who wants to see the young Ku-Klux bird you 
 caged to-day." 
 " Tell him to come in and have a drink with me," 
 answered Cross-eyed Telf, who by this time was unable 
 to rise from the keg on which he was seated. 
A Conflict of Authority. 177 
 " No," answered Husky Diggs, " he insists that he 
 only wants to see the goslin' Ku-Klux, so I'll just swal- 
 ler his share myself," and the low-browed villain 
 drained a full glass. 
 " Then bring 'era both in here," said Cross-eyed Telf. 
 " They will not be allowed to see each other except in 
 my presence, and my presence is here just now." This 
 last observation was true, as has already been explained. 
 Husky Diggs returned and informed Major Wyland 
 of the orders of the Captain, and then unlocked the 
 door of the room in which Albert was incarcerated. 
 '' Come out, you Ku-Klux quill driver," said Husky 
 Diggs to Albert ; " there's an old jawy cross-questioner 
 out here who wants to filch a few dollars out of you, 
 and the Captain wishes to drink your health in the 
 wine-room while he does it. I tell you, young man, 
 there ain't no use in sendin' for a lawyer after old 
 Cross-eyed Telf gits his claws on you." 
 Albert feared the truth of this last remark, and the 
 thought of having to remain in that dusty room sur- 
 rounded by the noise of the tramping, the vulgarity, 
 and the swearing indulged in by the boorish military 
 hirelings about him, made him faint at heart; but, 
 still, at the announcement of Major Wyland's ap- 
 pearance, he arose with alacrity from the rough bench 
 on which he had been reclining, and followed his 
 swarthy conductor to the presence of his counsel. The 
 sight of no person on earth is ever more welcome than 
 the appearance of a lawyer, who comes as the legal ad- 
 viser to a condemned prisoner. The invalid, racked 
 with pain and scorched with fever, as he rolls restlessly 
 from one side of his bed to the other, listens eagerly 
178 Kvr-Klux Klan No. JfO. 
 for the sound of his physician's footsteps, and swallows 
 submissively the bitter potion he administers. But in 
 the case of the sick man it is only his own physical in- 
 firmity that confines him, and he feels so long as any 
 hope of recovery survives that the pain will ere long 
 exhaust itself, and the burning fever subside, even 
 without the assistance of the doctor's medicines; while 
 on the other hand, the imprisoned captive realizes that 
 his environments are all external and beyond his con- 
 trol ; he feels, too, especially an innocent prisoner, that 
 all that is necessary to secure his release is to convince 
 the minds of his persecutors of his innocence by satis- 
 factory argument, or to reach their hearts by persuasive 
 entreaty; but he knows that his own efforts have al- 
 ready proved unavailing, and his heart yearns for the 
 aid of an advocate more eloquent and powerful than 
 himself. The fact is that we are all dependent chil- 
 dren, and remain so as long as we live, and our hearts 
 are ever yearning for the counsel of a wiser voice and 
 the guidance of a stronger hand than our own. Then 
 the sight of prison walls, viewed from the inside, brings 
 with it a pang of humilitation more intolerable than 
 any fever or pain. 
 Husky Diggs conducted Major Wyland and Albert 
 to the wine-room, where they found Cross-eyed Telf 
 still sitting on the keg of blockade, for this military 
 satrap respected not even the revenue laws, but pur- 
 chased his liquor from the blockade-runners because it 
 was cheaper. By this time he was cleverly drunk. 
 " Have a sheat shennlemens," said the thick-tongued 
 scoundrel, looking, as Major Wyland thought, directly 
 at a barrel of brandy on the opposite side of the room. 
A Conflict of Authority. 179 
 "No," answered Major Wyland, looking around and 
 seeing nothing on which he could sit, except a few kegs 
 and barrels of " mountain dew," and not caring to imi- 
 tate the drunken beast before him in any particular; 
 " I have simply called to inquire into the cause of the 
 arrest and detention of this young man." 
 " Court's over," answered Cross-eyed Telf. " Have 
 a drink, shennlemens, Husky Diggs, (hie) pour the 
 shennlemens out a drink." 
 "No, I thank you," answered Major Wyland, as 
 Husky Diggs began to fill the room with the offensive 
 odor of the distilled moonshine ; " I do not care for a 
 drink just now ; but I would like to inquire if this case 
 has been finally disposed of." 
 " Yes," answered the drunken sot on the keg. 
 " Then I would like to inquire further, if you are 
 sober enough to tell me," said Major Wyland, "by 
 what authority you have arrested and imprisoned him." 
 "By my own (hie) s'preme power," answered Cross- 
 eyed Telf indignantly, and he attempted to rise as he 
 spoke in order to emphasi-ze the declaration of his au- 
 thority, but " the ardent " proved stronger than his 
 muscles, and he tumbled over between two kegs and 
 lay there prostrate upon his face, unable to extricate 
 " I see there is no use in spending our time with this 
 maudlin wretch," said Major Wyland, turning and 
 speaking to Albert ; " so I will return to my office and 
 prepare a writ of habeas corpus to test the validity of 
 your imprisonment." 
 "And what's a writ of habis corjpis f " asked Husky 
180 Kk^KIux Klan No. J^O. 
 " It is a writ by which we hope to take the body of 
 your prisoner from you," answered Major Wy land con- 
 "Oh, his corpse," answered the low-browed ruffian. 
 "Why, you can have his carcass any time you'll send 
 a cart around for it. We have plenty of men here who 
 will dress it up for you in regular Ku-Klux style." 
 " Never mind the threats of the base-born varlet," 
 said Major Wyland to Albert, seeing the blanched 
 countenance of the young man. " I will prepare an 
 application for a writ of habeas corpus immediately, 
 and I think I can secure your release." 
 " But suppose Judge Farwell should refuse to grant 
 the writ," said Albert despairingly. 
 " He dare not refuse it," answered Major Wyland. 
 " The law imposes a heavy penalty on a judge for such 
 " But he has already decided against me in one case," 
 said Albert, remembering with a shudder the decision 
 of Judge Farwell in the famous salt case ; " and by that 
 judgment he reduced me to extreme poverty." 
 '• That was in a civil case," ansAvered Major Wyland, 
 trying to console the disconsolate youth, "and the 
 law guards the liberties of citizens more sacredly that 
 the rights of property, though I must confess that the 
 argus-eyed Goddess of Liberty appears to be very re- 
 miss in her duty at present." 
 "Time's up," said Husky Diggs, who understood 
 just enough of this conversation to surmise that the 
 old lawyer was going to make some effort to liberate 
 his prisoner; so he took Albert by the arm and con- 
A Conflict of Authority. 181 
 ducted him back to his cell, while Major Wyland re- 
 turned to his office. After locking Albert in, Husky 
 Diggs returned to his drunken master, and lifting him 
 up and finding him unable to either stand or sit, he laid 
 him prostrate on the floor, and then proceeded to fill 
 himself up with liquor. 
 " I wish to present an application for a writ of habeas 
 corpus,'''' said Major Wyland, as he entered Judge Far- 
 well's office an hour later. 
 " Pray, be seated Major,'"' answered Judge Farwell, 
 as he rose politely and accepted the document. 
 Eesuming his seat, the Judge hastily glanced over 
 the application, which contained a verified copy of all 
 the papers relating to the case by virtue of which 
 Albert Seaton had been arrested and imprisoned. 
 " My God ! " exclaimed Judge Farwell, when he had 
 finished reading the remarkable document; "has it 
 come to this, that a citizen can be arrested and sen- 
 tenced to prison by a contemptible drumhead court 
 martial, the head of which is only a Captain of militia ?" 
 " It seems that such a thing has actually happened," 
 answered Major Wyland complacently. 
 " Well, this is the most revolutionary usurpation of 
 unauthorized power that has ever come under my ob- 
 servation," answered the Judge as he took his pen and 
 signed the writ prayed for. " I will readily grant the 
 writ, and I doubt if that ancient and stable bulwark 
 of our liberties has ever been more providently issued 
 since the memorable scene at Runny-Mede." 
 "It is, indeed, loudly called for in this instance," 
 answered Major Wyland, pleased at the view taken of 
 the matter by Judge Farwell. 
182 Ku^Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 "And how does Albert bear up under the sentence ?" 
 asked the Judge. 
 " He seems very much humiliated and depressed," 
 answered Major Wyland, 
 '" I do not wonder at it," said the Judge. " The in- 
 dignity thus heaped upon him is none the less hard to 
 bear because it is unlawful. I am very much surprised 
 that such a ruffian as Cross-eyed Telf should be placed 
 in charge of a compan}' of troops ; but I think, after 
 this exhibition of his ignorance and cruelty, I will not 
 manifest any astonishment at anything further he may 
 " I am very much surprised myself that the troops 
 should have been ordered here at all," answered Major 
 Wyland. " There was no necessity for declaring this 
 county in a state of insurrection. 
 "I agree with you in that opinion," answered Judge 
 Farwell, " and I say to you seriously, though I have 
 no doubt you will be greatly astonished to learn it, 
 that the illegal means resorted to by the Republican 
 party, in order to secure a victory at the coming elec- 
 tion, has caused me to resolve to sever my connection 
 with that party forever." 
 "Why, I am astonished to hear such a declaration," 
 answered Major Wyland. " To be candid with you, 
 though, since your avowal of a change of heart, you 
 may not think me very complimentary, I thought you 
 were in full sympathy with the party, even in its wild- 
 est excesses." 
 " Your opinion does me great injustice, as applied to 
 my present state of feeling," answered Judge Farwell, 
 " though I must confess that I have been in the past 
A Gonjlict of Authority. 183 
 in full accord with that party in most of its measures. 
 I had been raised a Republican, and had been taught 
 from a child that Democracy meant hostility to the 
 government; in fact, the word in my infantile vocabu- 
 lary was synon3''mous with rebellion and treason. But 
 I have discovered at last, to my sorrow, that the Repub- 
 lican party in the South is not composed of the same 
 material as at the North. Up North that party em- 
 braces the best classes of society, while down here it 
 is composed of the lowest elements. I cannot longer 
 remain in a party that I see is every day plunging the 
 State into bankruptcy, and that seeks to sustain its 
 waning power by the use of the bayonet, and I have 
 determined to announce publicly my withdrawal from 
 such a party." 
 "Judge Farwell," said Major Wyland, his heart 
 swelling with genuine emotion, " I see you have been 
 sadly deceived, and I am glad to know that you repu- 
 diate a party that seeks to reduce our people to a state 
 of serfdom more galling than that of the Russian slave. 
 Now let us attend to this habeas corpus case, and we 
 will discuss this matter more fully at some other time." 
 "I will call my otRce boy," said Judge Farwell, 
 " and have him to deliver the papers to the Sheriff. I 
 have made them returnable at noon to-day." 
 In answer to Judge Farwell's call, an intelligent 
 looking negro lad came into the room and took the 
 papers and set out at once to find the Sheriff of West 
 county. Major Wyland also left at this time, promis- 
 ing to return to the Judge's office promptly at twelve 
 o'clock. It was then eleven, and Judge Farwell spent 
 the next hour pacing his office floor in a deep reverie. 
184 Kv^KUins Klan No. J^O. 
 He had felt for some time that he could not longer 
 aflBliate with a party that was evidently destroying the 
 Commonwealth by pledging its faith to so many ques- 
 tionable schemes of plunder, and yet he was not insen- 
 sible to the serious importance of the step he proposed 
 to take. To turn his back on the party now, after 
 having enjoyed its favors so long, would look like in- 
 gratitude, and yet he could not approve the action of 
 the authorities in seeking to perpetuate their power 
 by placing military despots in charge of the ballot- 
 boxes. He had a sincere reverence for all lawfully 
 constituted authority, but a supreme contempt for all 
 illegal usurpation, and he felt that the action of Cross- 
 eyed Telf in arresting Albert Seaton was an outrage 
 in itself enough to cause any lover of liberty to leave 
 a party responsible for his action. 
 He was aroused from his reverie by the appearance 
 of the Sheriff at the door. 
 " Cross-eyed Telf is drunk, Judge," said the Sheriff, 
 " and Husky Diggs refuses to deliver up his prisoner." 
 " Is Captain Tellefson too drunk to make any return 
 to the writ," asked the Judge. 
 "I presume he is," answered the Sheriff; "at any 
 rate he has directed Husky Diggs not to respect the 
 writ, and to refuse to let Albert go." 
 " Then it is your duty to take him by force," an- 
 swered Judge Farwell, " and you may call in the whole 
 power of the county to assist you. How many men 
 has ' Cross-eyed Telf,' as you call him ? " 
 "About one hundred," answered the Sheriff. 
 " Then go back and have your deputies to assist you 
 in summoning two hundred men, and direct them all 
A Conflict of Authority. 185 
 to appear, armed with whatever instruments of war 
 they may possess, at the court-house within an hour. 
 Then take Albert and bring him before me if, in order 
 to do so, you have to fill the court-house with dead 
 Sheriff Albertson was a brave man, who only wanted 
 to know his duty, and he would discharge it with 
 fidelity and courage. Consequently in less time than 
 that specified by Judge Farwell, he had a force of tw^o 
 hundred young men drawn up in battle array in front 
 of the court-house. By this time Cross-eyed Telf , who 
 had just taken a long nap, had sobered considerably, 
 and seeing the strong opposing force under the com- 
 mand of the Sheriff, he began to realize to some extent 
 the gravity of the situation, and to consider what had 
 best be done. Husky Diggs advised that he send for 
 counsel, and the Captain, remembering how admirably 
 Donald Weston had extricated him from a former 
 dilemma, immediately despatched a messenger for that 
 sage counsellor, while he counted-, as accurately as his 
 befuddled mind would permit, the forces in front. 
 Weston soon appeared, and demanded to know the 
 cause of so much disturbance and the reason for the 
 display of so great a force. 
 " I have come to take a prisoner now in charge of 
 Captain Tellefson, who refuses to deliver him up," said 
 the Sheriff. 
 ''And by what authority do you seek to take him 
 out of the custody of Captain Tellefson ? " demanded 
 the little attorney. 
 " By virtue of a writ of habeas corpus issued by Judge 
 Farwell," answered the Sheriff. 
186 Kv^Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 "But the civil authorities have no right to grant that 
 writ — to take a person imprisoned under the final judg- 
 ment of a court martial," answered Weston. 
 " You can make your points of law before Judge 
 Farwell," answered the Sheriff ; " but, as for my part, 
 I intend to take the prisoner, or die in the attempt." 
 Weston looked at the men before him, and saw that 
 they were well armed : in fact all the munitions of war 
 to be found in the hardware stores of the town had 
 been freely tendered the Sheriff and his posse, and most 
 of the men were not only well equipped, but were 
 eager for the fray, and this desire for battle w^as plainly 
 visible in their stern countenances. The doughty little 
 attorney hesitated. If he should precipitate a fight 
 by counselling resistance to the Sheriff's posse, the 
 responsibility for the result, which it was impossible 
 to forsee, would fall principally upon him ; while, on 
 the other hand, if Tellefson should yield the custody 
 of the prisoner, the strength and influence of the mili- 
 tary authority would be broken, and the power upon 
 which he relied for the promotion of his wicked schemes 
 would vanish. If a few shots could be fired and a little 
 blood flow in the streets, the Korthern outrage looms 
 miofht w^eave out of it a bloody shirt that could be 
 flaunted in the faces of Southern statesmen for all time 
 to come. Again self-interest predominated, as it always 
 does in the breast of a reall}^ wicked man, and again the 
 voice of Sempronius was heard declaring for war, but 
 this time not in the Eoman Senate, trying to incite resist- 
 ance to the subjugator of the people ; but it was the 
 voice of a little unscrupulous demagogue, trying to stir 
 up insurrection in order that he might feast and fatten 
 on carnage like a vulture. 
A Conflict of Authority. 187 
 •' I do not think you can afford to surrender the 
 custody of the prisoner," said Weston, turning to Cross- 
 eyed Telf. " The publication of that article was evi- 
 dently intended to provoke opposition to your author- 
 ity, and the appearance of this unusual array of force 
 to resist your power is but the legitimate fruit of such 
 seditious writing. You cannot surrender him without 
 giving up your commission as Captain at the same 
 This last thrust hit the mark intended, the vanity of 
 the Captain. 
 Excitement sobers a drunken man even quicker than 
 sleep, and by this time Cross-eyed Telf had almost en- 
 tirely recovered his equilibruira. He estimated that 
 the excess in numbers of the sheriff's ^csse was more 
 than counterbalanced by his advantageous position, so 
 he decided to fight, and quickly gave orders that his 
 men should station themselves in the windows and 
 doors of the court-house, seeking the protection of the 
 walls as much as possible, and that they should open 
 fire on the first man who placed his feet on the door- 
 Husky Diggs was placed at the door of the room in 
 which Albert was imprisoned, with instructions to 
 guard the door even at the sacrifice of his life. Having 
 hurriedly completed his preparations for the expected 
 battle, Cross-eved Telf announced to the sheriff his de- 
 termination to fight from a window in the second story 
 of the building. 
 The sheriff's posse was composed mainly of hot- 
 blooded youths from the town, who were eagerly wait- 
 ing for permission from the sheriff to fire, and this 
188 Kv^Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 being now given, Cross-eyed Telf was immediately an- 
 swered by a shot that took off his ear. A volley 
 quickly followed, and this was answered by a heavy 
 discharge from the windows and doors. 
 Sheriff Albertson still possessed that intrepid cour- 
 age and calm judgment that so distinguished him in a 
 graver war than that now on hand, and he soon dis- 
 covered that it was foolish to fight in that exposed 
 place while his enemy had the advantage of the walls 
 of the court-house for a protection. His quick percep- 
 tion took in the situation at a glance. Projecting from 
 the second story in front was a long piazza, or balcony, 
 supported by huge round pillars reaching to the ground, 
 and his men were immediately ordered to take shelter 
 under the piazza. Once under this security there were 
 only two windows facing them, and as these had been 
 imprudently left raised, the sheriff's men poured 
 through them so rapidly that those within were routed 
 and fled through the doors in confusion, without offer- 
 ing any further resistance. Cross-eyed Telf and the 
 men up stairs were now utterly powerless to do any 
 further fighting, and as Albert had been allowed to re- 
 main in the room below, Husky Diggs was easily over- 
 powered, the door torn off its hinges, and the prisoner 
 Cross-eyed Telf, seeing the ridiculous mistake he had 
 made, and realizing the ignominious defeat he had sus- 
 tained, now sent a man down to say to the sheriff that 
 he only yielded to superior forces, and that he still 
 protested against this interference with his authority. 
 Albert was immediately taken before Judge Farwell, 
 and on motion of Major Wyland, who appeared as his 
A Con fid of Authority. 189 
 counsel, was released from custody. After the order 
 for his discharge had been properly signed and attested, 
 Judge Farwell handed Albert a paper and remarked : 
 " I want you to publish this in the next issue of the 
 Westville Conservative. It is a card to the public an- 
 nouncing my repudiation of the Republican party." 
 " I am very much surprised, Judge, but I assure you 
 it does my heart good to hear it," answered Albert. 
 " Yes," answered Judge Farwell, " I have had this 
 departure under advisement for some time, and after 
 mature delibration, I have decided that I cannot afford 
 to affiliate longer with a party that permits such out- 
 rages as your imprisonment to be carried on with im- 
 punity. I have, indeed, been thinking very seriously 
 to day about resigning my office as Judge." 
 "That will not do now," answered Albert. "We 
 may need you again soon, if the tyrannical military 
 company remains here." 
 " I had thought of that," answered the Judge. " If 
 that inhuman wretch called Cross-eyed Telf, continues 
 in command here, there is no telling to what extremity 
 he may go. He seems to be utterly destitute of sym- 
 " I can testify as to the truth of that, myself," an- 
 swered Albert. "And, yet, I do not think he is alone 
 responsible for all the devilment indulged in around 
 here of late." 
 " You think he has an accomplice ?" asked the Judge. 
 " Only in the capacity of an adviser and counsellor," 
 answered Albert. 
 "I am really afraid your surmise is correct," said 
 Judge Farwell reflectively. " I have noticed that Wes- 
190 Kvr-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 ton has shunned me for the last few days, and I am 
 very much afraid that he has joined Tellefson and his 
 coadjutors in trying to carry the approaching election 
 by force." 
 This conversation was cut short by the appearance 
 of a crowd of men walking past the office, carrying a 
 man on a litter. Albert looked out the open door, and 
 recognized the bloody form of Sam Washburn. Turn- 
 ing away with a shudder, he grasped the hand of Judge 
 Farwell cordially, as an eloquent expression of his ap- 
 preciation of the favor shown him that day, and then 
 left the office without speaking a word and followed 
 the track of blood. The ball, they said, had perforated 
 one lung, but the physician entertained hopes of his 
 recovery. It was the most serious injury sustained by 
 any one in the battle at the court-house. Albert fol- 
 lowed for some distance, but began to grow faint at the 
 sight, and turned back and went home to his invalid 
 The following was the story of the engagement at 
 the court-house, as woven by the outrage looms: 
 "WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! 
 " The Ku-Klux Fire on State Troojps ! 
 " On the 20th instant, at Westville, the Ku-Klux with 
 a force one thousand strong appeared in front of the 
 court-house, in which the State troops had been sta- 
 tioned by order of the Governor of that State, who 
 had declared West county to be in a state of insur- 
 rection, and fired upon the troops, wounding Captain 
 Tellefson and killing several of his men. Captain 
 Tellefson had a force only one hundred strong, and 
A Conflict of Authority. 
 the Ku-Klux, it seems, have determined to drive the 
 troops out of the county in order that they may carry 
 on their diabolical work of whipping r.egroes and mur- 
 dering and robbing the wealthy and in:luential. No 
 other cause is assigned for the hellish deed, even by 
 the Ku-Klux themselves, and they openly boast that 
 they will kill every man in the county who refuses to 
 pledge himself to vote the Democratic ticket in the 
 coming election. The Great Rebellion, with all its 
 carnage, was a mercy to what the good people of West 
 county are forced to endure at the hands of the law- 
 defying and bloody-handed Ku-Klux. No person's 
 life is safe, and many good people have abandoned 
 home and everything, and are flying in terror for their 
 lives. It is understood that the Governor will demand 
 that a company of Federal troops be sent to the assis- 
 mce of the State militia." 
192 Kv^Klux Klan No. 4.0. 
 Albert Seaton went home from his prison cell to his 
 mother's death chamber. She had remained in a very 
 critical condition ever since the day the sad funeral 
 obsequies were held over the skeleton corpse of her 
 late husband, and the fresh shock occasioned by the 
 outrageous imprisonment of her son, and the news of 
 the battle to secure his liberation, was more than her 
 nervous system could bear. She had not learned the 
 termination of the combat before Albert's arrival, and 
 was still laboring under the impression that he would 
 be killed by the ruffian usurpers rather than surrende 
 him, when he approached her bedside and gently kissel 
 her hand. 
 " Oh, my dear son," feebly gasped the dying womfl, 
 " I am so glad you have come. I feared I would havto 
 die without ever seeing you again." 
 " Do not talk of dying, mother," said Albert, tem- 
 bling with fear as he gazed upon the feeble fame 
 before him. " They have not hurt me, and I am orry 
 to see you so frightened." 
 " It is more than fright this time," answere Mrs. 
 Seaton. " It is the hand of death upon me, andl have 
 so much to tell you before I die." 
 The dying woman put both hands to her ->rehead 
 and pressed her temples with all the strengt' ber fee- 
 ble arms possessed. She seemed to be stragely agi- 
 tated, and her excitement, instead of ab?ng since 
The Death Chamber. 193 
 Albert's arrival, appeared to become every moment 
 more intensified. 
 " I want all to leave the room," she said at last, 
 " except Albert and Bessie, and Dr. W3'land." 
 This request having been complied with, she asked 
 to be supported in a sitting posture by pillows, and 
 this being done by the kind-hearted physician, brother 
 of the distinguished lawyer, she took Albert and Bessie 
 each by the hand, and, summoning all her strength for 
 the last act in the drama of her life, thus addressed 
 them, speaking to Bessie first : 
 " Bessie, my dear, sweet child, I am going to die 
 and leave you forever, and I want to hear you call me 
 mother once more before I go. You are my child, are 
 you not, Bessie ? " 
 "Yes, mother; you know I am," anwered the weep- 
 ing girl. 
 "And have I always been a good mother to you, 
 " Yes, my dear mother, you have always been ex- 
 tremely good and kind to me." 
 " And do you love me as your mother % " 
 " Yes, mother," answered Bessie, choking with emo- 
 tion so that she could only answer the questions of the 
 dying mother. 
 "And has Albert always been a good brother to 
 you?" still querried the dying woman. 
 " Yes, mother," 
 " And do you love him ? " 
 " Yes, mother, I love him." 
 " And you, Albert, do you love Bessie ? " 
 " Yes, mother, I love her," answered Albert, 
194 Ku-Klux Klrni No. JfO. 
 "Then listen to me, ray children," and the' expiring 
 woman cast her glazy eyes first upon one and then the 
 other as she spoke. " I have a strange and startling 
 story to relate to you. You are not my daughter, 
 Bessie, and Albert is not your brother. Albert is my 
 only child. But to tell you the whole story I must 
 begin with my own infancy. My father and mother 
 both died when I was quite an infant, leaving me a 
 valuable estate. M}^ father left a will in which he 
 appointed Mr, Arthur DeVoy executor and guardian 
 for me, giving him the option of investing my money 
 and of appropriating to his own use all the proceeds 
 of such investments above legal interest, or of simply 
 preserving the property until I became of age without 
 having to account for interest. If he should choose 
 the former mode, he was required to give bond for the 
 forthcoming of my money, and interest, when I should 
 reach my twenty-first birthday ; if he should choose 
 the 'atter method, no bond was required. Mr, DeVoy 
 adopted the former method and wisely invested my 
 money in such a way that when I attained legal age 
 and married Mr, Seaton he was enabled to turn over to 
 me everything that was demanded of him under the 
 will, and to reserve for himself quite a fortune thus 
 accumulated, Mr. DeYoy, at the time of my marriage to 
 Mr. Seaton, was a bachelor, and when Albert was born 
 a year afterwards, he came over to see him, and, be- 
 cause he was the son of his ward, he called Albert his 
 grandson, and soon grew very fond of him, spending 
 most of his time fondling him and buying him presents. 
 Four years later, Mr. DeYoy married Ellen Crawford. 
 They were our nearest neighbors, and Mr. DeYoy con- 
 tinued to fondle and caress my little boy, until about a 
The Death Chamber. 195 
 year after his marriage, when his wife presented him 
 with a daughter. Contrary to the usual custom of 
 husbands, he manifested great joy on discovering that 
 his offspring was a girl, and came over immediately 
 after Albert, who was then five years old, and took 
 him over, as he said, to see his little sweetheart. After- 
 wards Albert visited the house every day, and called 
 the little girl his little sweetheart, much to the delight 
 of her parents. Eight months later Mrs. DeYoy sick- 
 ened and died, but on her death bed she made Albert 
 promise to marry his little sweetheart when she became 
 of age. Mr. DeVoy was overwhelmed with grief at 
 his wife's death, but soon ended his sorrow by follow- 
 ing her to the grave. He was a good man, but very 
 eccentric, as all men are who live a life of celibacy up 
 to the age of fifty, and he also made a will in which 
 he appointed Dr. Wyland, here, his executor and guar- 
 dian for his little girl. In his will, after reciting the 
 fact that all his fortune had been acquired by invest- 
 ments of my money, and expressing his gratitude, he 
 directed that his little daughter should be placed under 
 my care and reared by me as my own daughter ; that I 
 should call her my daughter and teach her to call me 
 mother and Albert her brother, and that she and Albert 
 should never know but that they were brother and 
 sister until the little girl should reach the age of twenty- 
 one. The will further provided that in case Albert 
 and the little girl should marry when they became 
 grown, then all the testator's property was to go to 
 both of them equally, but if either should wilfully 
 refuse to marry the other, then all the property was to 
 go to the one refused. Albert was soon taught to cease 
 calling the little girl sweetheart, and to call her sister. 
196 Ev^Elux Klan No. J^O. 
 That little girl, Bessie, is yourself, and your true name 
 is Bessie DeVoy. If you should change it to Bessie 
 Seaton in fact, you would be carrying out the will of 
 your deceased parents as well as the wishes of ." 
 But the effort had been too great for the dying 
 woman, and she expired without finishing the sentence, 
 still holding the hands of Albert and Bessie. The final 
 esparation of soul and body appeared to take place with- 
 out agony. Her tongue simply lay still in her,mouth, 
 because there was no more breath to vibrate it. The 
 soul simply bade adieu to the cold tenement of clay, and 
 took its flight to the realm beyond the chilly waters of 
 the river of death, there to rejoin the spirit of the mur- 
 dered husband, and to go forth, wing bound to wing, 
 new-born, and explore the great Unknown. 
 Bessie relinquished herself from the grasp of the cold, 
 clammy hand of the dead, and retired ;to her room, 
 where her grief-rent heart poured itself out in bitter 
 tears. Death, the relentless destroyer of all human 
 happiness, had twice made her an orphan, and the 
 knowledge of her bereavements had come to her all at 
 once. Fatherless, motherless, brotherless, sisterless, 
 homeless, comfortless ! She was, indeed, desolate. Im- 
 agitatJon even refused to penetrate the dark future ; 
 heri;iiid was benumbed with sorrow, her tongue para- 
 lizea with woe, her heart ached and throbbed with in- 
 conceivable anguish, and her soul cried : God ! God ! 
 Hush ! O, busy world, and listen for a moment to the 
 moan that comes from the breast of the poor inconso- 
 lable girl ! 
 The lamentation of the orphan girl, though unheard 
 save by the ear of Him who ever listen to the wail of 
 the distressed and takes care of the bereaved, was si- 
The Death Chamber. 19T 
 lently re-echoed in the heart of the other newly-made 
 orphan, as he walked to and fro in the garden. It was 
 now night, and the gentle moon looked down benig- 
 nantly and compassionately into the swollen eyes of 
 the grief-stricken young man, as he walked alone in 
 the mellow moonlight, nursing a burning grief that 
 could not vent itself in tears. Finding no comfort in 
 the o^arden, Albert was about to return to the house 
 when Dr. Wyland approached and took him by the 
 arm. The good physician was like his brother only in 
 personal appearance. Both were naturally kind-hearted, 
 but Major Wyland had trained his mind and heart for 
 heated controversy, and had neglected to cultivate the 
 finer and more benignant qualities, while Dr. Wyland's 
 whole life had been spent in trying to alleviate pain 
 and minister to the wants of the suffering, and his voice 
 was accustomed to uttering words of comfort to the 
 " This is a sad bereavement, Albert," said Dr. Wy- 
 land, as they walked the flower-lined path through the 
 garden ; " but it is one that must come sooner or later 
 to all the living. Our parents must leave us orphans 
 at some stage of our lives if we are permitted to live 
 out our own allotted time." 
 "I know it," answered Albert, brushing away the 
 first scalding tear that had escaped his feverish, swollen 
 eyes ; " but this is a double loss to me." 
 " Yes, your grief is hard to bear, I know," answered 
 the good doctor, " but it is not greater than that of 
 others, and you should endeavor to endure it without 
 murmuring in order to encourage her who is equally 
 " Oh, please don't speak to me of my poor s — ", but 
198 Kvr-Klux Elan No. kO. 
 the last word died unuttered on his tongue, and his sor- 
 row now found a vent in tears. 
 It is well to weep under such circumstances. It is 
 not a hopeful symptom of improvement to see the 
 heart so benumbed with grief that the very fountain 
 of feeling becomes obstructed and stagnant. It is good 
 for the heart that has been wrenched violently asunder 
 to bleed ; but at such a time the sufferer desires noth- 
 ing more than solitude, and the voice of sympathy and 
 compassion brings but little consolation. Great griefs 
 must have time to flow out in tears before the heart can 
 be healed. Dr. Wyland recognized this truth, as he 
 felt the whole frame of the strong young man tremble 
 against his arm, so he turned to leave him alone in his 
 sorrow^ saying : 
 " Your affliction is great, my young friend ; but God, 
 if you will only ask Him, will enable you to look through 
 this dark veil of death to a brighter and a living vision 
 \ beyond. Affliction is God's school in which he teaches 
 ( us the frailty of human things, and those only are im- 
 ( paired by sorrow who fail to catch the true meaning of 
 ( the lesson. Destiny, in mixing the cup of life, has stir- 
 red in it many bitter sorrows, which we must all drink 
 ( if we would taste the sweet also. These tonics are al- 
 ; ways bitter, but they are not intended to be palatable, 
 ^ but healing. Only try to recognize God's hand in your 
 affliction, and you will find that His arm is strong and 
 ' ready to sustain." 
 After this the aged physician returned to the house, 
 I and gave directions for the preparation of the funeral. 
 N^ext day they buried Mrs. Seaton, beside the grave 
 in which, only a few weeks before, had been interred 
 the bones of her murdered husband. 
Still Weaving Bloody Woof. 199 
 "Have you seen it?" 
 "Seen what?" 
 " The card." 
 . "What card?" 
 " Why, Judge Farwell's card, in which he withdraws 
 from the Republican party and declines a re-election." 
 And Tinklepaugh handed Weston a copy of the West- 
 ville Conservative and pointed to the following : 
 "a card to the public. 
 "Eecent political events which have transpired in this 
 State, and which seem to have the approval of the lead- 
 ers of the Republican party, have convinced me that it 
 is the duty of all persons who love peace and harmony, 
 and who desire to see the autonomy of our State pre- 
 served from the destructive rapacity of the greedy poli- 
 tical cormorants who now have charge of the State 
 government, to vote for the overthrow of that party in 
 the coming election, and believing this, I have resolved 
 to vote the Democratic ticket at the next election, and 
 to affiliate with that party in the future. 
 " The policy of the Republican party in this State for 
 the last few years has been to use the government as 
 an instrument of plunder, and in pursuance of this po- 
 licy they have levied taxes that amount practically to 
 confiscation of private property, and that made the 
200 Kii^Klux Klan No. k-O. 
 tax-gatherer a highway robber. Some of the money 
 thus raised by exorbitant taxation, has been squandered 
 in unwise speculation to which the State has been made 
 a party, and vast sums have been used to pay special 
 officers for very questionable services; for instance, the 
 hiring of unprincipled military despots to imprison and 
 shoot down citizens of the State without authority of 
 law or shadow of right. Millions of State bonds have 
 been issued to build railroads that will never have any 
 existence, except on paper, and recently one of the presi- 
 dents of these paper railroad companies had the audac- 
 ity to boast that he had spent over a quarter of a mil- 
 lion of dollars in bribing and corrupting the present 
 Legislature. The people have been plundered until 
 they are growing desperate, and there is real dan- 
 ger to our institutions. History teaches us that the 
 Koman emperors extorted money from their nobles and 
 fed their plunder to the rabble, but the Eepublican 
 party has just simply reversed this order by plunder- 
 ing the many to enrich a favored few. It is said that 
 anarchy and mob violence exist in the South, and that 
 the very existence of the government is threatened by 
 the Ku-Klux. How far these charges are true, it is not 
 for me to say, but I wish to call the attention of those 
 who prefer the accusations to the fact that the people 
 have been driven to desperation by an abuse of power 
 and a system of organized plunder that have, at least, 
 received the sanction of the government. Anarchy, or 
 a defiance of all authority, naturally follows despotism. 
 Tyranny is the father of anarchy, and there is a perpet- 
 ual conflict between the parent and offspring. Both 
 are evils, but so long as they successfully resist each 
Still Weming Bloody Woof. 201 
 other their pernicious tendencies are checked, and the 
 equilibrium of the government is maintained; but once 
 this equilibrium is destroyed, all government vanishes. 
 Russia has her mobs, but it is because the government 
 is despotic. 
 " It is now five years since the clank of hostile sabres 
 ceased, with the return of the victorious Northern sol- 
 diers to their homes, and, yet, the tread of the iron-heel 
 of military despots is heard on our streets to-day. This 
 military force is composed of mercenaries, hired in 
 other States and brought here and equipped at the ex- 
 pense of this State, ostensibly to preserve the peace, but 
 in reality to act as spies among our people and support 
 the tottering fortunes of the Republican party. Sus- 
 tained by such power, our Republican Legislature still 
 continues the march of the State toward bankruptcy 
 by making fraudulent appropriations and issuing bonds 
 almost without limit. All this is done with a reckless 
 disregard of public condemnation and private criticism. 
 Honesty and capability are almost ignored as qualifica- 
 tions for positions of trust and responsibility, while 
 under the reconstruction acts, thousands of competent 
 and intelligent white men are denied any participation 
 in the affairs of government, even the right of suffrage. 
 The people of the State are fast drifting into three 
 classes : office-holders, tax-gatherers and serfs. 
 "Finding myself out of sympathy with the policy and 
 tendencies of the Republican party, I feel constrained 
 to abandon it, and, therefore, I announce my intention 
 to vote the Democratic ticket on election day in Au- 
 gust next. 
 " I have only to say further, that having withdrawn 
202 Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 from the Kepublican party, I will not be a candidate 
 under its auspices for re-election to the offiee of judge 
 of this judicial district. 
 " Richard Farwell." 
 Weston finished reading this card and uttered a 
 groan of disapproval. 
 "What do you think of it?" asked Tinklepaugh. 
 Weston was too much astonished to make an imme- 
 diate reply, so Cross-eyed Telf, who was present, an- 
 " I think the d — n scoundrel has turned traitor," said 
 that hideous looking, one-eared, cross-eyed barbarian ; 
 " but I'll teach the fickle turncoat how to talk. I'll see 
 whether he votes the Democratic ticket at next elec- 
 " But how can you prevent it ? " asked Tinklepaugh. 
 " Why, I'll shackle his heels." 
 " I do not exactly understand you." 
 " Cage him, man ; put him into bilboes." 
 "What for?" 
 " Why, for contempt of court." 
 " But, I must confess, I do not see how you can im- 
 prison him for contempt of court when he says nothing 
 about military courts in his card." 
 " Don't he call me a military despot, a mercenary 
 hireling, and a spy? And don't he say I imprisoned 
 and shot down citizens without authority of law or 
 right ? I'll have the rebellious tyke boxed up in the 
 same room from which he took the young Ku-Klux 
 editor, before the sun sets this evening." 
 " That is right," said Weston, looking up from J udge 
Still Weaving Bloody Woof. 203 
 Farwell's card in the Westville Conservative, from which 
 hitherto he had not been able to take his eyes since 
 Tinklepaugh first handed him the paper. " There is 
 nothing like insisting upon the proper respect for your 
 authority, if you wish to maintain it, and the fact that 
 such a supercilious article emanated from the pen of a 
 Judge makes it all the more noticeable." 
 " That is true," said Tinklepaugh, " and such dispar- 
 agement of Captain Tellefson's authority, coming from 
 such an exalted source, has a tendency to aggravate 
 the feeling of resistance to the established militarv 
 rule now prevalent in the community. The Ku-Klux 
 will want no better Shibboleth, under which to justify 
 the preaching of their pernicious doctrines, than this 
 text furnished by the renegade Judge." 
 "And I hope," said Weston, "that Captain Tellefson 
 will not only imprison him, as he threatens, but hold 
 him personally and criminally responsible for any riot 
 or bloodshed his seditious article incites." 
 " Trust me to handle the renegade demagogue with 
 a bridle and martingale," answered Cross-eyed Telf. 
 *' I'll soon have him under my thumb, and the first time 
 he begins to champ the bit, or undertakes to kick over 
 the traces, I'll turn him over to the tender mercy of 
 Husky Diggs." 
 " And the parson," suggested Tinklepaugh. 
 "Yes, and to the merciful parson," answered Cross- 
 eyed Telf, looking seemingly out of the window, but 
 in reality closely at Tinklepaugh, and wondering 
 whether that little scoundrel knew anything about the 
 death of John Latham. 
 The reverend Dick Madison, though acting under 
204: Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 Cross-eyed Telf as half-servant and half-soldier, had 
 been permitted to circulate considerably among his 
 people on Sundays, in order to " fill his 'pintments," 
 and the mention of his name in such a connection by 
 Tinklepaugh caused Cross-eyed Telf to feel a little 
 apprehensive, lest the long-tongued sermonizer had 
 allowed his tongue to wag a little imprudently. 
 Having satisfied himself that Tinklepaugh knew 
 nothing of the hanging of John Latham, Cross-eyed 
 Telf announced his intention of leaving for the purpose 
 of executing his threat against Judge Farwell, when 
 Weston detained him. 
 " I esteem it a part of my official duty as the State's 
 prosecuting attorney for this judicial district," began 
 the designing little lawyer, "to invoke your aid in 
 trying to punish the murderers of old Mr. Jasper Fon- 
 tell. I have procured sufficient evidence to justify me 
 in instituting a prosecution against several persons for 
 that horrible crime, but the assassins are all members 
 of Klan No. 40, and, since the Sheriff has so plainly 
 evinced his sympathy with the Klan, I feel myself 
 powerless to bring them to justice without the assis- 
 tance of the military power, and I have therefore de- 
 termined to ask you to help me." 
 " Nothing would tickle the blood in my veins quicker 
 than to be able to nab a few dozen of the hell-hounds," 
 answered Cross-eyed Telf, with a wicked leer. " Husky 
 Diggs alone can muzzle a dozen of the cone-headed 
 ghouls, and I'll warrant my force to bag the whole 
 Klan if the order shall be given." 
 "Unless the Sheriff interferes in their behalf," said 
 Tinklepaugh, as a mischievous smile played over his 
 grimy countenance. 
Still Weaving Bloody Woof. 205 
 " D — n the Sheriff," answered Cross-eyed Telf, re- 
 membering how that intrepid officer had outwitted 
 him in the little bout at the court-house. " If ever I 
 jostle against that rake-hell rapscallion again I'll settle 
 the little account I have against him for the loss of my 
 ear, and I intend to keep the wound green until I do 
 meet him, too." 
 " Well, the encounter may take place soon enough 
 to please you, if Weston insists on these prosecutions," 
 said Tinklepaugh. 
 " And why not insist on prosecuting the midnight 
 murderers?" asked Weston. "Do you think I can 
 afford to sit idle and see the laws of the land set at 
 defiance by a band of disguised assassins, and not raise 
 a finger to stay the red hand of blood, simply because 
 an arraignment of the butcherers is likely to cause 
 a riot?" 
 " Oh, no ; I did not mean to say that you should 
 refrain from a prosecution for any reason," answered 
 Tinklepaugh. " I only thought to tease the Captain a 
 And yet Tinklepaugh was tortured with a vague 
 apprehension that an indictment of innocent persons 
 for the murder of Old Stingy Jap might lead to the 
 detection of the guilty slayers. 
 " Well, I must confess that it does kinder stick a pin 
 in my gizzard to tweak me about that little skirmish 
 at the court-house," answered Cross-eyed Telf ; " but 
 I'll bet you next time I meet the Sheriff I'll have my 
 spurs on, and he won't be allowed to snatch a bloodless 
 victory, either." 
 " Well, I am going to furnish you an opportunity to 
206 Ku-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 have another tussle with him,'' said "Weston. " I pro- 
 pose to break up the Ku-Klux organization in this 
 community, at any cost." 
 " Just hand me your black list, then," said Cross 
 eyed Telf, " and I'll pnt an extinguisher upon the last 
 negro-whipping night-rider in the county." 
 Weston handed Cross-eyed Telf a complete list of 
 the names of all the members of Klan No. 40, which 
 included, of course, the names of those with whom 
 the reader is already acquainted. 
 No other writ, or warrant, for the arrest of the 
 alleged offenders was ever issued, but no other was 
 necessary in the estimation of the military satrap into 
 whose hands the " black list " was placed, and as for 
 Weston and Tinklepaugh, they both knew the innocence 
 of the persons thus accused in the drag-net catalogue, 
 but they had commenced to play a desperate game, 
 the final denouement of which demanded the violent 
 handling of their best trump cards, and the exciting of 
 the public mind having proven to be a trump card 
 device so far, they resolved to rely upon it the future. 
 Accordingly, next day a company of troops under 
 the immediate command of Husky Diggs was sent 
 out to make the arrests. 
 " Hello ! old mouthy," said Husky Diggs, as he un- 
 ceremoniously entered the law office of Major Wyland 
 for the purpose of arresting him. " Cross-eyed Telf 
 sends his respects, and says he would like to see you 
 at the court-house." 
 " Tell Captain Tellefson that I transact all business 
 in my office, and if he has no business with me I do 
 not desire an interview," answered the dignified old 
Still Wecwing Bloody Woof. 207 
 " Oh, don't jerk up your head so soon," answered 
 Husky Diggs. " You'll have time enough to curl up 
 your lip after old Cross-eyed Telf gits his foot on your 
 neck, and cause enough too, I'm thinkin' ; so don't go 
 to bitin' your thumb yit." 
 " I do not understand such nonsensical jargon," said 
 Major Wyland, " and as I have already signified my 
 intention of declining the interview with Captain 
 Tellefson at the court-house, you will please vacate the 
 " That's exactly what I'm goin' to do," answered the 
 ruffian. " So jest come along without any further 
 " What do you mean ? " asked Major Wyland, rising 
 and motioning to Husky Diggs to leave the room. 
 "Oh, I mean to vacate the office, as you told me," 
 answered the shaggy-bearded scoundrel, advancing 
 and taking Major Wyland by the arm. " Goin' to jug 
 you, old man." 
 "You scurvey-faced villain," said the irascible old 
 lawyer, shaking the viper from him ; " surely you do 
 not mean to arrest me ? " 
 " That's exactly it," answered Husky Diggs. 
 " And by what right? Where is your warrant for 
 my arrest ? " 
 " Oh, I've got a hahis corpis for you," answered Husky 
 Diggs, with a sinister grin, remembering vaguely the 
 conversation about that writ on the day Albert Seaton 
 was rescued, but not comprehending its meaning. 
 " Leastwise old Cross-eyed Telf said to bring your 
 corpse, if you showed yourself too lively." 
 " I presume I might as well go with you to the trial," 
208 Kii^Klux Klan No. J,,0. 
 said Major Wyland, looking contemptuously around 
 upon the half-dozen ill-visaged ruffians accompanying 
 Husky Diggs. 
 " That's the right way to look at it," answered Husky 
 Diggs. " There is no use in takin' up cudgels against 
 a disadvantage; so jest put a wet blanket over your 
 mouth and prepare to tread the boards." 
 Major Wyland had no idea of any charge against 
 himself, and felt that there must be some mistake in 
 having him arrested, so he walked submissively to the 
 court-house by the side of Husky Diggs, feeling sure 
 of his acquittal, even before a court martial presided 
 over by Cross-eyed Telf. 
 "Make way for the old running-tongued speech- 
 ifyer ! " exclaimed Husky Diggs, as he opened the door 
 of the large court-room upstairs in the courthouse, and 
 proceeded to shove Major Wyland in. " Old Talkative 
 is comin' in to lead the dance of the ghouls." 
 " But where is Captain Tellefson ? And when is my 
 trial to take place ?" asked Major Wyland, as he looked 
 around and saw that the capacious room was already 
 nearly filled with the members of the Klan. 
 " Cross-eyed Telf is down in the wine room samplin' 
 the kegs, I guess," answered Husky Diggs. 
 " But what about my trial ? " again asked Major. " I 
 demand to be informed of the accusation against me, 
 and to have an immediate investigation of the charge, 
 as guaranteed in our State Constitution to all persons 
 " Oh, go to hell with your Constitution and all other 
 sheep-skin books," answered Husky Diggs with a 
 wicked sneer. " Sich things are played out, old prat- 
Still Weming Bloody Woof. 209 
 tie-mouth, and Cross-eyed Telf s hands are not tied by 
 any sich brittle strings." 
 " You impudent, tyrannical devil ! " exclaimed the in- 
 furiated old lawyer, and he attempted to strike Husky 
 Diggs as he spoke, but that cunning demon was on the 
 alert, and evaded the blow, and slamming the door in 
 Major Wyland's face, locked him in. 
 Finding himself actually in prison, the irate old law- 
 yer's cup of wrath boiled over. Judge Farwell was 
 there, a prisoner, too, but his rage had somewhat sub- 
 sided, and he came forward and vainly tried to console 
 the aged captive. 
 "A prisoner, and at my age ! Just think of it ! " ex- 
 claimed the old man. "Here is the temple of justice 
 prostituted into a prison by a hideous-looking, mercen- 
 ary hireling, and innocent citizens incarcerated without 
 indictment and without even being informed of the 
 charge against them ! The Constitution is set at defi- 
 ance, and the laws trampled under foot by a petty 
 tyrant! Liberty is dead, justice dethroned, law abol- 
 ished, and personal security has been swept away by 
 the coarse hand of a maudlin desperado ! And this is 
 ' Reconstruction ' under the auspices of the Republican 
 part}^ ! " 
 Several members of the Klan came forward to speak 
 to him, but he was inconsolable, and sat for a long time 
 on one of the long benches in the court-room with his 
 face buried in his hands. 
 None of the prisoners had been given a trial, nor 
 had they even been informed of the cause of their im- 
 prisonment, and Cross-eyed Telf was by this time too 
 drunk to accord them a trial, even if he had been dis- 
 posed to grant them that Constitutional privilege. 
210 Kv^Klux Kla/n No. JfO. 
 Sam Washburn was the only absent member of the 
 Klan, and he had been spared only because he had not 
 sufficiently^ recovered from the effects of his wound, re- 
 ceived in the battle of a few days before. 
 The following is a sample yard of the bloody woof 
 as woven by the before-mentioned outrage looms : 
 "the members of a whole klan arrested! 
 "On yesterday Captain Crawford Tellefson, com- 
 mander of the troops stationed at Westville, arrested 
 and imprisoned every member of a den of Ku-Klux, 
 known as Klan No. 40, for the murder of Mr. Jasper Fon- 
 tell. Our readers will remember how the story of that 
 horrible crime, which was published in these columns a 
 few days ago, startled the whole civilized world, and 
 caused the Governor of that State to proclaim West 
 county in a state of insurrection, and put the county 
 under martial law. Since that time Hon. Donald Wes- 
 ton, State Solicitor for that judicial district, has been 
 unremitting in his efforts to ascertain who the perpe- 
 trators of the crime were, notwithstanding the fact that 
 his own life was endangered by the investigation, and 
 his labor in this direction has been rewarded at last by 
 the accumulation of evidence amply sufficient to con- 
 vict a whole Klan. Witnesses at first were timid, having 
 been threatened with death, if they told anything, by 
 the bloody-handed Ku-Klux ; but as soon as the author- 
 ity of Captain Tellefson had been firmly asserted and 
 established, a feeling of security pervaded the county, 
Still Weaving Bloody Woof. 211 
 and the witnesses were emboldened to tell the truth 
 regardless of the menaces of the Klan. The evidence 
 discloses a terrible state of lawlessness in that county. 
 It shows that Mr. Fontell's death was agreed upon by 
 the whole Klan, which makes every member guilty as 
 an accessory before the fact, whether he actually parti- 
 cipated in the hanging or not. The Klan includes per- 
 sons in every class of society to be found in the Demo- 
 cratic party, which is fast becoming known in the 
 South as the Ku-Klux party. It is said that one old 
 lawyer, Major James Wyland, remonstrated vehe- 
 mently against being imprisoned, but Captain Tellefson 
 discharged his duty with an indomitable courage that 
 is to be commended. There are other dens of the 
 night-riding ghouls in the community, and an open war 
 between them and the troops is daily expected. It is 
 understood that the Governor has asked for the assist- 
 ance of Federal troops, but if this aid is not furnished 
 by the general government Captain Tellefson will be 
 reinforced by other companies of State troops." 
212 Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi, 
 On the morning succeeding the incarceration of the 
 members of Klan No, 40, a young lady appeared in the 
 office usually occupied by the editor of the Westmlle 
 Cotiservative, and, taking the vacant chair at the desk, 
 sent the errand boy for the foreman. In answer to the 
 call, a coatless young man appeared in the door, with 
 his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his face, hands 
 and arms besmeared with grease and rust from the 
 printing presses. 
 " I have come to take charge of the editorial work 
 here," said the young lady with a business-like air that 
 evinced the stubborn determination of a very resolute 
 The foreman, at first, had manifested some embar- 
 assment on account of his own untidy appearance, but 
 now he was abashed by what he considered the imper- 
 tinent usurpation of an obstinate woman. The young- 
 lady noticed his incertitude, and so attempted to dispel 
 his perplexity by introducing ■ herself and asserting 
 what, in her opinion, constituted her right to assume 
 editorial control of the paper. 
 " I am Bessie DeYoy," she began (she had at once 
 adopted her true name after the death of Mrs. Seaton), 
 " and Albert, the editor, is my broth — ," but the emo- 
 tions excited by the last word stifled further utterance, 
 and all her bold aspirations vanished, leaving her only 
 a helpless, pitiable, grief-stricken girl. 
A Heroine Appears. 213 
 The foreman now became convinced that bis first 
 estimate of her character was incorrect, and that, in- 
 stead of the bold, resolute virago he had at first im- 
 agined her to be, she was evidently a poor demented 
 girl, whose mind had lost its equilibrium on account of 
 the disappointments and buffetings of a cold and heart- 
 less world, and who, hearing of the vacancy in the edi- 
 torial department caused by the imprisonment of the 
 editor, had fancied herself his divinely commissioned 
 successor. Her beautiful face, gentle eyes, and quiet 
 demeanor all negatived the idea of a shrew, and her 
 deportment was inexplicable on any other hypothesis 
 than that of mental aberration. But even this false 
 impression was dispelled immediately on her recovery. 
 She was only a woman, tender-hearted and emotional, 
 and her agitation, under the circumstances, was per- 
 fectly natural, but she soon banished all excitation of 
 feeling, and returned to her original resolution. 
 " You, doubtless, think me strangely agitated," she 
 said, recovering her self-possession, " but you would not 
 be surprised if you knew the circumstances that excite 
 such feelings. It is altogether unnecessary, I hope, for 
 me explain the cause of my embarrassment, and it will 
 be sufficient for me to say that my intimate acquaint- 
 ance with the editor of the Conservative will acquit me 
 of the charge of intrusion, or usurpation, in taking pos- 
 session of the editorial department. If you doubt that 
 I am entitled to this privilege, you may become con- 
 vinced by communicating with the editor. I presume 
 the rigors of his imprisonment do not debar him from 
 all communication with the outside world." 
 "I do not know what arbitrary rules the military 
214 Kv^Klux Klan No. li,0. 
 tyrant has established for the government of his pris- 
 oners," answered the foreman, who by this time was 
 convinced of the sanity of his visitor ; "and, as for my 
 part, it makes but little difference who furnishes the 
 editorial matter, and I think our printers would be still 
 less disturbed by any idea of a change in this depart- 
 ment, provided their weekly salaries are paid with reg- 
 " I will allay all uneasiness on that account by pay- 
 ing them a week's wages in advance," said Bessie. 
 "What is the capacity of your force and printing 
 presses V 
 " Our press has a capacity sufficient for the publica- 
 tion of a daily paper," answered the foreman ; " but 
 our force of type-setters is able to produce only a 
 weekly edition." 
 " Can you obtain the additional help necessary to get 
 out a daily edition ?" 
 "Very easily." 
 " Then ascertain what assistance is required, and pro- 
 cure it at once in order that we may begin the issue of 
 a daily to-morrow morning," 
 "And for what length of time shall I engage the ad- 
 ditional help ?" 
 " Make a contract for only fifteen days at present. 
 This will carry us over the election, and my purpose is 
 to publish a daily for campaign purposes." 
 The foreman looked at the delicate white hands and 
 pretty face before him, and wondered what influence 
 such an innocent creature could have in a campaign in 
 which race prejudice and unbridled party malignity 
 were the chief factors. The malevolence of party strife 
A Heroine Ajppears. 215 
 was never more virulent, and the acrimonious debates 
 heard on the hustings had to be reflected in the news- 
 papers. Indeed, a paper that aspired to the dignity of 
 being called the party organ, would be expected not 
 only to reflect public sentiment, but would be required 
 to take the initiative in all political movements, and to 
 act as a sentinel on the walls. Hence, the shrewd fore- 
 man prophesied disaster to the enterprise in the hands 
 of the unsophisticated girl ; but the same mercenary 
 motives he attributed to the other employees in the of- 
 fice, guided his own actions, and he was ready to em- 
 bark in any undertaking that promised a continuation 
 of his present employment. 
 " How many copies of the daily edition do you desire 
 to have printed?" asked the foreman. 
 " I have not completed by estimate yet," answered 
 Bessie. "I wish to have the paper furnished, gratis, to 
 every person who can read in the county, until election 
 " That will entail a tremendous expense," suggested 
 the foreman, still underrating the sagacity of the new 
 " The work will be accomplished regardless of ex- 
 pense," answered Bessie, in a tone calculated to allay 
 the suspicions of the penurious foreman. 
 " And how shall we secure the names and addresses 
 of our would-be subscribers ? " 
 " Go to the Sheriff," answered the girl, " and secure 
 his assistance. He is well acquainted with the people 
 of the county, and with the aid of his tax-books can 
 give you the name and address of almost every person 
 able to read in the county. He is an ardent Democrat, 
216 Kv^Klux Kim. No. J^O. 
 and will readily assist you. Take the county by town- 
 ships, and make the list as complete as possible. With 
 the help of the Sheriff and your present subscription 
 list to the WeeMy Conservatme, I hope you will be able 
 to obtain a pretty accurate list for the daily. Secure 
 at once the requisite number of employees, and then 
 revise your subscription book. And remember we 
 have no time to lose." 
 Bessie laid a roll of manuscript containing editorial 
 matter on the editor's desk, and then placing a well- 
 fllled purse in the hands of the foreman, left the office. 
 " By Jove ! " exclaimed the foreman, as he gazed out 
 the window upon the queenly form retreating down 
 the street, after feasting his greedy eyes upon the con- 
 tents of the purse; "that woman possesses business 
 qualifications that never fail. At least, she has shrewd- 
 ness enough to adopt a precaution that always secures 
 prompt action in this office. I'll exhibit this purse to the 
 boys down stairs, and every mother's son of them will fall 
 in love with her without even seeing her face ; though, 
 if I was a suitor for her hand, I would prefer that all 
 rivals should have their eyes dazzled by visions of her 
 gold rather than by a sight of her pretty face. In fact, 
 I fear I should be as jealous as old Abraham was over 
 Sarah, and would call her my sister in order to avoid 
 the enmity of rivals. Great God ! " he exclaimed 
 again, after a few moments' reflection over the incident 
 of Abraham and Sarah before Pharoah, " I verily be- 
 lieve that girl is Albert Seaton's sweetheart, and she 
 tried to palm herself off on me as his sister in order to 
 make some show of authority for assuming control of 
 the office. I wouldn't be afraid to hazard this purse as 
A Heroine Appears. 217 
 a wager that's it, and she choked at the word 'brother' 
 because she couldn't tell a story. That explains her 
 strange conduct at first ; at least, I'll keep an open eye 
 on her and find out." 
 " I wish to see Captain Tellefson," said Bessie, ad- 
 dressing Husky Diggs, as she appeared a few moments 
 later at the door of the court-house. 
 "All right, ma'am," he answered with more civility 
 than he had hitherto exhibited towards any visitor. 
 " Jest keep still a minute, till I go an' tell him." 
 " There's a bundle of rufiies an' frills at the door what 
 wants to speak to you," was the polite announcement 
 the unlettered aide-de-camp made to his superior oflBcer, 
 " Is she pretty ? " asked Cross-eyed Telf . 
 " Purty as a pink," answered Husky Diggs ; " an' 
 she's pranked out in her Sunday bib and tucker, too." 
 " Tell her to come in, then." 
 Husky Diggs returned to where Bessie was left stand- 
 " The Capting's all smiles. Miss," he said, " an' says 
 he'll be glad to see you, an' you needn't be too skittish, 
 for you'll never know the squint-eyed loon is lookin' 
 at you." 
 Saying this, Husky Diggs ushered Bessie into the 
 presence of the tyrant, Tellefson, with all the obsequi- 
 ous deference he could command. 
 Cross-eyed Telf was sitting in front of a small table 
 on which lay some writing material, and on the appear- 
 ance of the young lady he arose and bowed politely. 
 The side of his head from which his ear had been shot 
 was turned toward Bessie, and the girl actually shud- 
 dered at his repulsive appearance. 
218 Kv^Klux Klan No. 1^0. 
 " I have called, Captain Tellefson," said Bessie, " to 
 inquire if I may be permitted to send a few copies of 
 the Westmlle Conservative to your prisoners each morn- 
 " Why, certainly," answered Cross-eyed Telf, looking, 
 as Bessie thought, directly at Husky Diggs, and verify- 
 ing that sage's prediction as to the uncertainty of the 
 object of his master's vision. "But I thought the 
 Conservative was only a weekly paper." 
 " It will be issued daily for a few weeks, at least," 
 answered Bessie. 
 "Ahem !" said Cross-eyed Telf. "I had hoped the dirty 
 sheet would be suppressed when we cooped the young 
 Ku-Klux editor ; but it seems that, as fast as we tie the 
 thongs around the claws of one scribbler, another crops 
 up to take his place," 
 " Just as many another deserving enterprise has been 
 fostered by the hand of persecution," answered Bessie 
 " You are quite pert, Miss," answered the lop-eared 
 clown, " but I'll have vou to understand there is no 
 persecution in this case, unless you call shackling the 
 bloody hands of a murderer persecution." 
 "Albert Seaton is not a murderer," answered Bessie 
 hotly, " and any insinuation to that effect is a malicious 
 slander. But I do not desire to discuss that question 
 now, and as I have accomplished the object of my mis- 
 sion, I wish to thank you for your kindness in grant- 
 ing my request, and now I am ready to return." 
 " I would like to know, before you leave, who the new 
 quill-driver is to be," said Cross-eyed Telf. 
 " I expect to edit the paper myself," answered Bessie. 
A Heroine Appears. 219 
 "O, ho ! and there is to be a female hand at the plough," 
 answered Cross-eyed Telf. " Well, old Ben Butler said 
 at New Orleans that ' there is no difference between a 
 he-adder and a she-adder in their venom ;' but I warn 
 you now, Miss, that the first time you begin to sneer 
 at my authority, you will find such a hornet's nest 
 about your ears, you will wish you had never heard of 
 a printing press." 
 " I shall conduct the paper according to my own no- 
 tions of propriety," answered Bessie indignantly, "and 
 in return, I warn you that you are preparing a halter 
 for your own neck when you imprison innocent citizens, 
 and refuse to accord them the Constitutional privilege 
 of a speedy trial." 
 During the time consumed by this dialogue, Bessie 
 had remained standing, having declined to accept a 
 proffered chair, and she now turned and left the room, 
 before Cross-eyed Telf could recover from his amaze- 
 ment at her defiance of his authority sufficiently to an- 
 " Gosh ! the ruffles, you spoke of, were in her temper 
 instead of her skirts,", said Cross-eyed Telfj to Husky 
 Diggs after she had gone. 
 " She is a little cantankerous for sich a dapper gal," 
 answered the witless underling ; "an', then, you can't 
 snap your fingers at a purty gal as easily as you can 
 choke a Ku-Klux." 
 " Don't you put a thorn in your heart, and go into 
 mourning on that account, until you see me deal with 
 her," answered the ill-visaged master. 
 Bessie returned to her office in the Conservative build- 
 ing, where she found everything in a state of bustling 
220 Kv^Klux Elan No. Jf-O. 
 activity. Her instructions to the foreman had been 
 obeyed with promptitude, and every employee in the 
 office, stimulated by the incentive found in the purse of 
 gold exhibited by the foreman, had worked with such 
 unremitting assiduity that the ponderous press was al- 
 ready rolling off the outside pages of the Daily Con- 
 servative. Every attache of the office had been made 
 acquainted with Bessie's alleged engagement to Albert 
 Seaton, which the sagacious foreman had related to 
 them, with many embellishments and improvements on 
 the story of Abraham and Sarah as told in the ttvelfth 
 and twentieth chapters of Genesis, and when she ap- 
 peared in the door of the printing room, to observe how 
 the work was progressing, a wave of excitement swept 
 over the room, and all heads were turned toward the 
 reputed betrothed, like heads of wheat all turn in one 
 direction before a gust of wind. Bessie was altogether 
 unconscious of the real cause of their curiosity, but at- 
 tributed their excitement to their natural desire to see 
 the successor to the imprisoned editor. 
 After satisfying herself that everything was moving 
 on smoothly, and ascertaining that the editorial matter 
 furnished by her early in the morning was amply suf- 
 ficient to fill all available space in the first issue of the 
 paper, she returned to the embrace of her dearest 
 friend, Minnie Wyland, from whom she had separated 
 that morning, after many earnest protestations on Min- 
 nie's part against her assuming the position of editress 
 of a party organ, in a time of such turbulence and par- 
 tisan violence. 
 It had been arranged that she should live with Min- 
 nie, at least until after the election, when everybody 
A Heroine Appears. 221 
 hoped that the fever of political excitement would sub- 
 side and the hand of persecution be sta3^ed, and they 
 mutually endeavored to comfort and assist each other. 
 One of them mourned the banishment of a father and 
 an acknowledged lover, and the other bewailed the 
 absence of well, no relation whatever; but her grief 
 was sincere and pathetic, notwithstanding. 
 l^ext morning the whole country was surprised at 
 th€ appearance of the Daily Conservative, but amaze- 
 ment changed to admiration when the announcement 
 was read that Judge Farwell was the Democratic can- 
 didate for Congress from that district, and Albert Sea- 
 ton the county candidate for the Legislature. The 
 county was electrified, and letters and communications 
 approving the nominations came pouring in, until 
 there was not space for their publication. Every Dem- 
 ocrat in the county rallied to the support of the stand- 
 ard-bearers, and the words " From prison to Congress " 
 and " From prison to Legislature " became the battle- 
 cries of the party. 
 The astonishment was nowhere greater than among 
 the prisoners in the court-house, when Husky Diggs 
 threw a bundle of papers in the door with the remark : 
 " Come an' git yer daily breakf ust, an' the greediest 
 nose gits the most swill. Husky Diggs always feeds 
 his hogs the kind of slop they like to waller in best, 
 an' the little she-editor has b'iled ye some soup that 
 will tickle the nose of any swinish Ku-Klux, Come up, 
 an' git yer swill !" 
 The papers were eagerly seized and their contents 
 devoured with avidity, notwithstanding the heathenish 
 announcement of the ill-bred outlaw. It is impossible 
222 Kv^Elux Elan No. J^O. 
 to describe the sensations produced by the paper. 
 Forty-eight hours of imprisonment had not tamed the 
 spirits of the prisoners, but had increased their desire 
 for a knowledge of what was going on in the outside 
 world, wonderfully, and the article, proclaiming the 
 candidacy of two of the prisoners, so thrilled their 
 hearts that a shout of approval issued from a hundred 
 throats at once and fairly shook the window panes. 
 Major Wyland advanced, his heart filled with emo- 
 tion, and grasped the hand of Judge Farwell and Al- 
 bert, and after congratulating them, assured them of his 
 hope of their election. Every man in the house fol- 
 lowed the example, and a regular scene of hand-shak- 
 ing ensued. 
The Judiciary Exhausted. 223 
 Our late unfortunate civil war has frequently been 
 spoken of as the " time that tried men's souls " ; but, 
 while conceding the fact that it requires great moral, 
 as well as physicalcourage, to discharge efficiently the 
 duties of a soldier, it must still be asserted, speaking 
 with reference to the South, at least, that the real time 
 that " tried men's souls " was the period of twenty 
 years immediately succeeding the surrender at Appo- 
 mattox. The unsettled condition of the country, re- 
 sulting from the overthrow of the Confederate gov- 
 ernment, made the South an inviting field for political 
 adventurers, and the conflict which then ensued between 
 the right and the wrong, though noiseless, was more 
 soul-destroying than the great war ; because men, in 
 their greed for wealth and inordinate desire for politi- 
 cal preferment, forgot all moral obligations and resorted 
 to crime in order to accomplish their aims and reach 
 the goal of their ambition. Many, even among those 
 who had reached the last round in the ladder and stood 
 upon the very pinnacle of fame, prostituted their high 
 offices to serve the basest of partisan purposes. 
 Human nature is a strange thing, and is unsuscepti- 
 ble of correct analization. Religious devotees will 
 commit murder, or any other crime mentioned in the 
 decalogue, if in their wild fanaticism they can be per- 
 suaded to believe that their crimes will further the 
 interests of the church ; and partisan enthusiasts will 
224 Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 do the same thing, in order to insure the success of 
 their party. Why this is so is incapable of explana- 
 tion, and yet history teaches us the truth of such an 
 assertion. The history of the period of reconstruction 
 certainly justifies such a statement, as every person 
 who resided in the South during that eventful time 
 well knows. 
 The enterprising Westville Conservative may relate 
 how the Governor prostituted his powers to serve the 
 base conspiracy to perpetuate the reign of the Repub- 
 lican party, by denying to innocent prisoners their 
 Constitutional rights. The issue of July 25th, 1870, 
 said : 
 " Yesterday a writ of habeas corpus, issued by the 
 Chief Justice of our Supreme Court, was served on 
 Capt. Crawford Tellefson, commanding him to bring 
 the body of Major James Wyland before the Chief 
 Justice, that the cause of his imprisonment might be 
 inquired into ; but the officer who served the writ 
 made return that Captain Tellefson indignantly refused 
 to surrender his prisoner, saying that he was acting 
 under the orders of the Governor in disobeying the 
 mandate, and that he would not give up his prisoner 
 until ordered to do so by the Governor, or compelled 
 to surrender to superior forces. He also intimated 
 that a court-martial had been appointed to try the 
 prisoners now confined in the court-house in Westville, 
 and sneeringly remarked that writs emanating from 
 our civil courts had ' played out.' 
 "On receipt of the Sheriff's return, the Chief Jus- 
 tice wrote to the Governor, inquiring whether Captain 
 Tellefson was acting under the Governor's orders in 
The Judiciary Exhausted. 225 
 disregarding^, the writ, and on being informed that 
 such was the^fact, the Chief Justice refused the order 
 for an attachment against Captain Tellefson — a motion 
 for an attachment having been made by counsel for 
 Major Wyland — and the proceeding was dismissed. 
 " Thus the power of the Judiciary fails because our 
 Governor, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the State 
 militia, and has the whole power of the State at his back, 
 elects to serve the behests of his party by trampling 
 the Constitution under his feet. Innocent persons, 
 men of high moral character and superior intelligence, 
 are charged with the crime of murder, and held in close 
 custody, and are denied the constitutional right of 
 having the cause of their detention inquired into under 
 the most sacred process of our civil courts. 
 "Yerily, these are evil days, and our people are 
 swallowing the very dregs of the cup of misery, but 
 the Conservative would still advise the exercise of pa- 
 tience and endurance. Our affliction is indeed great, 
 but a resort to violence would only aggravate the evil 
 by producing civil war, and God knows our country 
 has already seen enough of blood. 
 '• For the action of our Chief Justice, there is at 
 least a word of excuse ; but for our Governor, none. 
 Suppose the writ of attachment had been granted by 
 our Chief Justice — who could execute it ? The Gov- 
 ernor has declared this county in a state of insurrec- 
 tion; he is the Commander-in-Chief of the State 
 militia ; every able-bodied man in the State belongs to 
 the militia, and he has ordered a part of the militia to 
 make these arrests and disregard the writs of our civil 
 courts. How, then, could the Chief Justice order the 
226 Kiv-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 remaining portion of the militia to violate the orders 
 of their Commander-in-Chief, and engage in conflict 
 with the portion already in the field ? Thus it may 
 be seen, that the whole responsibility for this subver- 
 sion of the liberties and rights of our people, rests on 
 the Governor, and the power of the Judiciary is ex- 
A New Scheme. 227 
 Dr. Wyland was a good man, whose faith in the right 
 never deserted him ; consequently he was not discour- 
 aged by the adverse decision of the Chief Justice, as 
 recorded in the last chapter. 
 "God is not only good, but just," he muttered to 
 himself, as he wended his way toward the courthouse 
 on the morning after the announcement of the Chief 
 Justice's decision, "and the right will yet prevail. 
 Heaven knows these men are not murderers, and a 
 prison is not the proper abode for such spirits as theirs." 
 So saying, he reached the courthouse, and was ac- 
 costed by Husky Diggs. 
 " Hello ! old pill-maker," said that worthy, as the 
 good physician approached the door. " None of the 
 jail-bird Ku-Klux is sick, so you needn't come prowlin' 
 around tryin' to feel their pulses." 
 " I have not come to administer physic, as you im- 
 agine," answered the doctor, " but I simply desire to 
 have an interview with my brother. Major "Wyland." 
 " Have to see Old Cross-eyed Telf about that," an- 
 swered Husky Diggs ; " but I'll go an' ax him." 
 Cross-eyed Telf was found at his usual place beside 
 a whiskey keg, but it was too early in the morning for 
 him to be very drunk. 
 " There's an old leech at the door what wants to talk 
 with the old cross-questioner," announced the bandit. 
 Having received the instruction from his master, 
228 Kv^Klux Klan No. kO. 
 Husky Diggs ushered Dr. Wyland into the presence of 
 the terror of the county. 
 Cross-eyed Telf was sitting beside a keg of his favor- 
 ite brandy, and was too ill-mannered to rise on the 
 approach of his visitor ; and as he seemed to be looking 
 directly out of the window, Dr. Wyland saw at once that 
 he was likely to meet with a very cold reception. The 
 squint-eyed worker of iniquity was more hideous look- 
 ing than ever, for the gangrenous ulcer, that had ap- 
 peared in the place of his lost ear, gave him a most 
 frightful appearance. 
 " I wish to be allowed to speak with my brother, 
 Major Wyland," said the doctor, addressing the repul- 
 sive looking being before him. 
 " And what do you want to see him about % " asked 
 Cross-eyed Telf. 
 " I desire to consult him as to the best method of 
 securing his release from prison," answered the doctor, 
 " Don't you know you have already tried your highest 
 court, and made a flash in the pan ? " asked the Cross- 
 eyed bandit, looking savagely at the keg of brandy, as 
 Dr. Wyland thought, but in reality at the doctor. " I 
 tell you, old man, these bush-whacking Ku-Klux are to 
 be tried by court martial, and no crafty old sheepskin- 
 thumber oan prevent it, so you just as well pocket the 
 affront, and truckle to it at once." 
 "A trial before a court, organized for the express 
 purpose of convicting, would be a farce," anwered the 
 " Not more so than the trial of a Ku-Klux before a 
 Ku-Klux jury," answered Cross-eyed Telf. 
A New Scheme. 229 
 " We have no Ku-Klux juries," answered Dr. Wy land ; 
 "but, rather, with the aid of radical Sheriffs and 
 Judges, our juries are largely composed of scalawags, 
 carpet-baggers and negroes. But I do not care to dis- 
 cuss these matters now. I want to see my brother, 
 and to know if he can devise any means to secure his 
 release from imprisonment." 
 " I have already told you your civil courts were out 
 of date," said Crossed Telf ; " but if you insist on 
 having the agile old limb of the law to whistle jigs to 
 a milestone, I'll send Husky Diggs after him and let 
 you see him bite the dust." 
 The case did look hopeless, indeed ; but Dr. Wyland 
 had witnessed too many triumphs, due to his brother's 
 astuteness and skill as a lawyer, to abandon all hope 
 without giving the old lawyer a chance, and therefore 
 he insisted on seeing him. 
 Husky Diggs soon returned with his prisoner, and, 
 after an affectionate greeting, Dr. Wyland informed 
 his brother of the object of his visit. 
 " And on what ground did the Chief Justice refuse 
 to enforce the writ of habeas corpus by the issue of an 
 attachment ? " asked Major Wyland, on being informed 
 of the previous failure. 
 " Because I told him such writs had played out," 
 interposed Cross-eyed Telf. 
 " I have not seen a copy of his decision," answered 
 Dr. Wyland, " but I understand he based his opinion 
 on the ground that any officer whom he could appoint 
 to execute the writ, must necessarily be a member of 
 the State militia, and as the Governor, acting in the 
 capacity of Commander-in-Chief of the militia, had 
230 Ku-Klux Klan No. Jt.0. 
 already directed Captain Tellefson to disobey the writ, 
 the authority of the Governor must be treated as para- 
 mount to that of the civil courts." 
 "That's it," again interposed Cross-eyed Telf. "I 
 tell you, my sway in these parts is not to be sneezed at 
 by any silk-gowned opinionator, and as long as I rule 
 the roost the d — n Ku-Klux must keep in doors." 
 "Ah, I see the point," said Major Wyland, again leav- 
 ing the boastful remarks of Cross-eyed Telf unnoticed. 
 " The civil process failed, simply for the want of power 
 to execute it." 
 "And is it true, then, that the power of our civil 
 courts is exhausted ?" asked Dr. Wyland. 
 " No," answered the lawyer, " that is never the case, 
 except in time of war, and all we need now is to find a 
 judge who knows his power and has the courage of his 
 "And where can we hope to find such a judge ?" 
 asked the doctor. 
 "Our Federal court judges would not be hampered 
 by any such considerations as seemed to trouble the 
 Chief Justice, and I recommend that you resort next 
 to the judge of our Federal District," answered Major 
 " Useless, I tell you ; it is useless !" again ejaculated 
 Cross-eyed Telf. " The Governor is my seconder, and 
 as long as he backs me, I intend to hold you at the 
 sword's point, though Grant himself should come to 
 the rescue." 
 " I think I shall act on your suggestion at once, my 
 brother," said Dr. Wyland, "and I will now take my 
 leave of you, that no time may be lost." . 
A New Scheme. 231 
 So saying Dr. Wyland departed, and as Husky Diggs 
 conducted Major Wyland back to his quarters upstairs, 
 old Cross-eyed Telf was heard to mutter : 
 " D — n that old needle-minded lawyer, I half believe 
 the pawky old Ku-Klux will clip the wings of our plan 
 " Hello ! What fate is that you are bemoaning as if 
 you had been steeped to the lips in misery !" 
 It was Tinklepaugh who spoke, as he and Weston en- 
 tered the room. . 
 "Oh, I wasn't whining over anything," answered 
 Cross-eyed Telf; "but I just thought to make a wry 
 face at the old Ku-Klux lawyer." 
 " Come, now, no prevarication," said Weston. " That 
 was not a tone of defiance we heard, so just confess 
 that you are a little crestfallen over something." 
 " Oh, I was simply a crop too low, I guess," answered 
 Cross-eyed Telf, "and was beginning to pipe my eye 
 over nothing, so just join me in splicing the main brace 
 with a bowl of grog." 
 Cross-eyed Telf handed a decanter of brandy to 
 " Come, gentlemen," said Weston, " I'll be the priest 
 while we sacrifice at the shrine of Bacchus. Each man 
 shall drain to the bottom the glass I fill for him." 
 So saying, he filled three glasses to the brim. 
 " Good ! I vote you a silk surplice for your clever- 
 ness already," said Tinklepaugh, as he quaffed the 
 contents of his glass. 
 "And I a silk skull-cap," said Cross-eyed Telf. " I 
 see he don't undertake to help a lame dog over a stile 
 with one hand. He said I was ailing, and I see he be- 
 lieves it, so I had just as well confess." 
232 Kvr-Klux Klan No. Jfi. 
 "Pray, what is it that troubles you, then?" asked 
 " Oh, nothing except that old Ku-Klux Wyland has 
 advised his brother to apply to the Federal Court for 
 another writ of habeas corjpus^'' answered Cross-eyed 
 "And what are you going to do, if it is granted ?" 
 asked Tinklepaugh. 
 " Well, I'm only playing second fiddle in this matter, 
 you know, and I reckon the best thing I can do is to 
 hang on to the Governor's sleeve until the bubble 
 " You don't mean to suggest that we cannot depend 
 on your assistance in this emergency, do you ?" said 
 " Depend on me ?" answered Cross-eyed Telf, mani- 
 festing some displeasure at the question. " Didn't I 
 tell you I was going to swing on to the Governor's 
 sleeve as long as he stood at the helm ? I'm no shilly- 
 shally waverer, to play fast and loose with fortune, 
 when the chances for me are all on one side. If the 
 Governor flickers I fail, but as long as he sticks to me, 
 I intend to torment the Ku-Klux until the last bloody 
 night-rider crouches in the dust." 
 " That is a noble sentiment, fittingly declared," said 
 Weston. "If the Governor possessed your pluck, I 
 would entertain no fear of our success." 
 "And do you really apprehend that there is danger 
 of our defeat?" asked Tinklepaugh. 
 " I feel compelled to answer that I do," said Weston. 
 "If a F ederal Judge should order a United States 
 Marshal to execute the writ he would have the whole 
A New Scheme. 233 
 Federal army at his back, and our State troops would 
 be obliged to give way." 
 " But don't you know that the general government 
 is with us in this fight against the Ku-Klux ? " asked 
 " Yes," answered Weston, " but there is the habeas 
 corpus act of 1867, which our Federal Judges dare not 
 ignore, and if a writ is once granted under the statute 
 and placed in the hands of a United States Marshal, it 
 would be enforced if, in order to do so, it should be 
 necessary to call into requisition the whole power of 
 the government." 
 " What do you think of our good Solicitor, now, 
 Captain?" said Tinklepaugh, addressing Cross-eyed 
 Telf. " It seems to me he is the one who is rather 
 despondent, now." 
 " Yes, the thought of a United States Marshal seems 
 to take all the grit out of his craw," answered Cross-eyed 
 Telf. " He seems to be worse down-in-the-mouth than 
 he accused me of being, when he first came in." 
 " Perhaps he needs another drink," suggested Tinkle- 
 " I think I shall officiate at the altar, myself, this 
 time." And Tinklepaugh imitated Weston by filling the 
 glasses to the brim. 
 " I tell you what I would do, if I were a Federal 
 Judge and an application was made to me to release 
 the Ku-Klux prisoners," said Tinklepaugh, as he swal- 
 lowed the fiery brandy. " I should treat them as having 
 forfeited their citizenship when they joined an organi- 
 zation hostile to the government, and would leave them 
 to the mercy of the State authorities." 
234 Ktc-Klux Klan No. UO. 
 " And that would be to hang the last one of them," 
 said Cross-eyed Telf. " But I tell you what would save a 
 lot of hangings, even if we had the power to hang. 
 If we could muzzle the mouth of that little Ku-Klux 
 editress we would nip in the bud a sight of devilment 
 in these parts." 
 " I agree with you in that," said Weston. " Her sug- 
 gestion of candidates for Congress and the Legislature 
 appears to have received a hearty response from the 
 Bourbon Democracy, probably because the men selected 
 were the most obnoxious to all other classes, and if 
 something is not done to check the popular drift they 
 will be successful at the polls." 
 "There he goes, again," said Tinklepaugh, "bemoan- 
 ing our fate, instead up taking up cudgels and combat- 
 ting the opposing forces." 
 "And how can a man fight a ^'^oung woman?" asked 
 Weston. " If the editor was only a man, we could 
 have him horse-whipped and silenced in an hour, but 
 we cannot proceed in that way against a young lady." 
 "We might adopt the Captain's suggestion," said 
 Tinklepaugh ; " we might muzzle her." 
 " And how ? " 
 " Well," answered the wily ex-teacher. " suppose she 
 should conclude to abandon her work for a Avhile, and 
 go to some summer resort for the benefit of her 
 health ? I know of a little hut — near the river, where 
 the murderous ghouls tried to drown me — that would 
 make a splendid watering place." 
 " That is a good idea ; but how can we induce her 
 to go ? " 
 " Oh, leave that matter to Captain Tellefson," an- 
A New Scheme. 235 
 swered Tinklepaiigh. " He is an adept at kidnapping 
 folks successfully, and leaving the memory of the deed 
 only in a crazy brain." 
 Cross-ej'ed Telf was so startled at this last remark, 
 that his eyes, which had never been properly set, fairly 
 danced in their sockets. This was the second time 
 Tinklepaugh had hinted that he possessed dangerous 
 knowledge as to the manner of the untimely death of 
 John Latham, but again Cross-eyed Telf remained 
 silent, wisely thinking that if Tinklepaugh really knew 
 anything, it could do no good to ask any questions. 
 " But would not the young editress be a little lone- 
 some in such a secluded place all alone ? " asked Weston. 
 " How would it do to have Miss Minnie "Wyland accom- 
 pany her ? If, by that means, we could drive her old 
 father crazy, we would rid ourselves of our most dan- 
 gerous enemy." 
 " That's a good idea," said Cross-eyed Telf. " Cage 
 all the Ku-Klux and their offspring, and wipe them off 
 the face of the earth forever." 
 Cross-eyed Telf was now thoroughly convinced that 
 Tinklepaugh, as well as Weston, knew all about the 
 death of John Latham, and the thought made him 
 " I have the plan, now," said Tinklepaugh, after a 
 moment's reflection, aided in his devilment by the 
 burning brandy. " I understand the young editress 
 spends very little time in the office herself, merely 
 sending the editorial matter down each morning. Now, 
 if she could be removed to a place of safety before 
 morning, what is to hinder us from preparing the edi- 
 torial matter ourselves ? But my plan is a little more 
236 Kv^Klux Klcm No. Ifi. 
 extensive than that. Suppose we prepare an editorial, 
 suggesting some plausible reason for withdrawing the 
 candidacy of Judge Farwell and Albert Seaton, and 
 leaving the Democratic party without candidates for 
 these two important offices. You remember they were 
 nominated solelj^ by the Westville Conservative^ and 
 though the nomination has been generally acquiesced 
 in by the party, yet they do not stand on the same 
 footing of the other candidates, and a withdrawal of 
 their names by that paper would throw the party into 
 such a state of confusion that they would be unable to 
 recover until after the election. It is now only a few 
 days until the election, and the fraud could hardly be 
 discovered in time to prevent its evil consequences." 
 " Your plan is an admirable one," said Weston, " and 
 I believe it can be made successful if Captain Tellef son 
 will agree to perform his part." 
 " Well, you have given me rather a ticklish card to 
 play," said Cross-eyed Telf, " but you may always de- 
 pend upon me to do the needful in any political job." 
 "That's right," said Tinklepaugh ; "and now there is 
 only one other thing to do. We must see the Governor, 
 and induce him, if possible, to protest against any in- 
 terference on the part of the general government ; but 
 if the writ should be issued, any way, then we must 
 secure as long a delay as possible. Captain Tellefson 
 must ask for time to prepare his return to the writ, and 
 it may be that we can carry the matter over the elec- 
 With this understanding the t-wo little villains de- 
 parted, leaving the lop-eared, cross-eyed villain to work 
 out his own plan for accomplishing his part of the 
 " political job." 
Pro Bono Publico. 237 
 The diabolical ingenuity displayed by Weston and 
 Tinklepaugh, in inventing the scheme for silencing the 
 Democratic organ as detailed in the last chapter, was 
 only equalled by the alacrity with which Cross-eyed 
 Telf executed the plot. 
 Bessie DeVoy had worked so incessantly, since tak- 
 ing charge of the Westville Conservative.^ that the labor 
 and excitement had already begun to prey upon her 
 health, and Dr. Wyland, her physician and testamen- 
 tary guardian, had recommended frequent exercise on 
 horseback. Consequently, she and Minnie engaged in 
 that delightful recreation every evening, accompanied 
 by Uncle Ben, who had given up all hope of ever pos- 
 sessing " de forty acres an' de mule," and had returned 
 to his old master's to live. The road selected was very 
 quiet and secluded, leading along the river bank, and 
 the young ladies enjoyed the exercise and had no fear 
 of molestation. 
 On the evening after the plan for their abduction 
 had been concocted by the three villains, and its exe- 
 cution determined upon as a political necessity, the two 
 young ladies were riding quietly along the road, when 
 all at once, on turning a sharp curve in the road fol- 
 lowing a bend in the river, they were confronted by a 
 motley band of troops, some white and some colored, 
 led by Husky Diggs. 
 " Hands up !" yelled the grim-visaged ruffian, adopt- 
238 Kvr-Klux Klan No. ^0. 
 ing his usual method of making arrests. " You two 
 bundles of frippery, and the black escort, is my prison- 
 They were all three two badly frightened to make 
 any resistance; besides, any attempt at opposition would 
 have been useless. The reins of each horse were imme- 
 diately seized by a couple of troopers, and the riders 
 were commanded to dismount. 
 " Oh, please do not kill us !" pleaded Bessie, recover- 
 ing her self-possession sufficiently to speak, and recog- 
 nizing Husky Diggs as the man who had admitted her 
 to the interview with Cross-eyed Telf . 
 " Oh, don't git skeered, my butterfly," said Husky 
 Diggs. " We ain't goin' to hurt a hair on yer head, 
 nor a ruffle on yer skirt. Old Cross-eyed Telf jest 
 means to take ye under his pertectin' arm till the storm 
 blows over." 
 " Oh, please let us go," again pleaded the frightened 
 girl, made bolder by the reassuring words of Husky 
 Diggs. " I am sure we have done you no harm, and 
 do not deserve such treatment," 
 " Too late to plead innocent after bein' convicted," 
 answered the heartless bandit in a tone that dispelled 
 all hope. " When petticoats are changed for breeches, 
 the wearer must expect to be served like a man. 
 Female politicianers must eat the bread in soak for 
 their Ku-Klux aiders." 
 These ominous words of the ruffian recalled to the 
 mind of the poor girl all the weight of the terrible re- 
 sponsibility she had assumed in taking charge of the 
 party organ — a thought she had been fighting back 
 vt^ith all her strength. For days her heart had been bur- 
Pro Bono Publico. 239 
 dened with a sense of responsibility she shuddered to 
 contemplate, but her resolution had been fed and 
 strengthened by the novelty and excitement of her po- 
 sition, and her power of endurance had been sustained 
 thereby beyond her natural strength ; but now that her 
 occupation was about to be rudely wrested from her, 
 she realized for the first time the full gravity of her 
 Husky Diggs was never dilatory in the execution of 
 his master's orders, so, catching Bessie by both arms 
 without further parley, he partly assisted and partly 
 dragged her to the ground, and then performed a like 
 service for Minnie. He next turned his attention to 
 Uncle Ben. 
 "Git down, you nigger minion of a Ku-Klux master !" 
 he shouted, in tones that brought to the poor negro's 
 limbs all the suppleness they possessed in his youth, 
 when he danced jigs in his master's kitchen, and caused 
 his feet to strike the ground before his tormentor ceased 
 speaking. "A purty servin'-man you are, to be settin' 
 there in the saddle and the ladies waitin' to be led to 
 their hotel." 
 The horses were now turned loose to go home as 
 they pleased, and Husky Diggs conducted his newly 
 made prisoners to the door of the little hut, designated 
 by Tinklepaugh as a suitable place of safety for them. 
 The building was a rude log structure, situated about a 
 hundred vards from the river, at the foot of a small 
 mountain. It was entirely surrounded by trees and a 
 thick undergrowth of laurel, and the only means of 
 access to it was by a little blind path, which wound 
 among the trees and laurel bushes in such a labyrinth- 
240 Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 ian maze as to bewilder any person not acquainted with 
 its meanderings. 
 On reaching the door, both girls began to cry. The 
 thought that this was to be their prison-house made 
 the little frail hut look as formidable and dreadful, to 
 them, as the great London tower appeared to the politi- 
 cal victims of old England's persecutions in past cen- 
 " Oh, I do not want to go in there," cried Minnie, 
 shuddering and speaking for the first time since their 
 seizure by the bandits. " Please let us go home. What 
 have we done to incur the displeasure of any one? 
 Why are we arrested and detained in this secret place?" 
 " Oh, come, now, Miss," answered Husky Diggs ; 
 "don't fly into a hysterical fit. now .No use to whine 
 over spilt milk, you know, an' as to why you are here — 
 all I know is, Old Cross-eyed Telf said for us to cage 
 ye, an' that's enough. It ain't none of my business to 
 ask questions, an' it won't do you any good to do so, 
 neither ; so jest step in an' make yerselves at home." 
 The girls feared to make any resistance, or to per- 
 mit Uncle Ben to do so, and so they entered the house 
 as directed. Notwithstanding the uninviting outside 
 appearance of the little log hut, inside it was real cozy. 
 The rough inside ceiling had been hastily covered with 
 cheap wall paper ; there was a neat little carpet on the 
 floor, loosely laid, a lounge in one corner by the rude 
 fireplace, a neat looking bed across the back end of 
 the room, two chairs and a table in the middle of the 
 floor, and on the table was a lamp and a basket, over 
 which was thrown a white cloth. 
 Uncle Ben sat in the door without saying a word, 
 and both girls sat on the lounge and cried. 
Pro Bono Publico. 241 
 " Oh, Minnie," said Bessie, clasping* both arms around 
 her neck and hugging her hysterically, " I alone am to 
 blame for this, and, poor girl, you are made to suffer, 
 too, for my foolishness. I ought to have known better 
 than to have undertaken to edit a paper during such 
 exciting times, and I remember you begged me not to 
 assume such a task." 
 " Do not reproach yourself for anything on my ac- 
 count," answered Minnie. " Perhaps you did right in 
 taking Albert's place ; I am sure all will be right if 
 Several ifs proposed themselves to Minnie's mind at 
 the same time — one of them suggesting the contin- 
 gency of their final deliverance unhurt; but that which 
 choked her utterance, was one that was intended to 
 introduce a clause in which the election of Bessie's 
 candidate for Congress should be foretold. Not even 
 the humiliation and peril she was then suffering could 
 expel from her mind and heart the hope that Judge 
 Farwell should be elected, and a reconciliation be 
 effected between him and her father. Perhaps if she 
 could have known that the imprisonment of the two 
 men together had already caused them to clasp hands, 
 in mutual friendship, she could have borne with less 
 pain the thought of her confinement. 
 The sun soon hid itself behind the mountain, and the 
 shades of a fateful evening began to gather and close 
 around the little hut. Husky Diggs came in to light 
 the lamp and announce supper, but the sight of the 
 two weeping girls, lying prostrate on the lounge, clasped 
 in each other's embrace, was enough to silence, for a 
 moment, the tongue of even such a gibberish brute as 
242 Kiir-Klux Klan No. J^O. 
 he, so he silently emptied the rich viands in the basket 
 on the table and retired. 
 Not even Uncle Ben had the courage or appetite to 
 taste the food, so it was left untouched. All night 
 long the two girls sat on the lounge and cried, and 
 Uncle Ben sat in the door and watched and waited and 
 nodded, hardly able to realize the situation, and utterly 
 helpless to protect those under his charge. The troops 
 remained outside the hut, and slept and watched by 
 turns until day. 
A Last Effort. 243 
 Day dawned, at last, around the little hut in which 
 Bessie and Minnie had spent a miserable night. The 
 effulgent rays of the morning sun shot across the floor 
 through the open door and peeped in at the only win- 
 dow in the walls of the little log building, and a whole 
 colony of pretty birds, with sweet, chirping voices, 
 gathered in the trees around and sang merrily the 
 praises of the beautiful summer morning ; but none of 
 these brought comfort to the two sleepless, helpless, 
 disconsolate girls within. Night, with its sombre hues 
 and death-like stillness, is more in consonance with the 
 feelings of newh^^-made prisoners than the open day, 
 with its activity and life, because every evidence of the 
 freedom without, when viewed through a prison win- 
 dow, is but a painful reminder to the captives within 
 of the comforts of which they are deprived ; so, the 
 two girls still clung helplessly to each other, and even 
 the merry chirping of the birds in the trees was a 
 source of annoyance to them, iiotwithstanding this 
 was the only sound they had heard since the evening 
 A negro can sleep in any climate, in any attitude, and 
 under any circumstances. Indeed, it has been asserted, 
 upon apparently good authority, that they have been 
 known to sleep while actuall}" following the plough ; 
 but whether this ancient implement of agriculture was 
 guided with the same degree of skill under such cir- 
244 Kv^Khix Klan No. Ifi. 
 cumstances is not recorded. Uncle Ben was no excep- 
 tion to the rule, and was sitting with his head resting 
 against the door-facing, drinking in the pleasant sun- 
 shine, when he was awakened by some one violently 
 shaking him by the shoulder. 
 "I hain't done nuffin' to be 'prisoned fur; I jes' lef 
 de 'Publican party 'cause dey wouldn't gib mede forty 
 acres an' de mule," said Uncle Ben, rubbing his eyes. 
 The innocent old darkey had gone to sleep, under the 
 impression that all the troubles he and his proteges 
 were now" experiencing were caused by his recent de- 
 fection from the Kepubhcan party, on account of the 
 failure to carry out its pledges to its wards, the re- 
 cently enfranchised negroes. 
 " Xobody cares about your party affiliations now," 
 said Weston, for it was he who interrupted the man's 
 slumbers. " Just announce my presence to the young 
 ladies, and tell Miss Minnie I would like to have an in- 
 terview with her." 
 Uncle Ben was a model servant, having received his 
 training in the days of slavery, and he announced Wes- 
 ton's appearance with the same ceremonious air he 
 would have adopted had he been announcing the pres- 
 ence of the most welcome visitor to the residence of 
 his late master. The young ladies, however, were too 
 much astonished at the approach of a visitor to evince 
 the same politeness; besides, they suspected that the 
 visit of the little Solicitor boded no good to them, so 
 they simply remained silent. But Weston had not ex- 
 pected a very cordial welcome, and so did not wait to 
 be invited in. 
 " Good morning, ladies," he said, taking a chair by 
A Last Effort. 245 
 the table in the middle of the room. "I am sorry to see, 
 from appearances, that you probably have not passed a 
 very comfortable night." 
 " I would presume," answered Minnie, disengaging 
 herself from Bessie's grasp and sitting upright on the 
 lounge, " that whatever suffering we have had to en- 
 dure is a matter of indifference to you, since I doubt 
 not you are in a large measure responsible for it." 
 " You do me great injustice, I assure you," answered 
 Weston. " I have already told you that I feel a deep 
 concern in your welfare, and the purpose of my visit 
 this morning is to reassure you of that fact." 
 " The most positive assurance you could give would 
 be to release us from our present environments," an- 
 swered Minnie. 
 "And that I have come to do," answered Weston, 
 " but on one condition — that you well know." 
 " But what if I should refuse to accept freedom on 
 such terms?" 
 " Then you must take the consequences." 
 "And what consequences are expected to follow ?" 
 " I have only to say that I will not be responsible for 
 " But you will." 
 " Then if you prefer it, I will say that I will not at- 
 tempt to prevent them." 
 "Mr. Weston," said Minnie, nerved to desperation 
 by the very peril of her situation, " I told you once that 
 I could never marry you, and I thought it was agreed 
 then that vour suit was not to be renewed." 
 " On the contrary," answered Weston, " I told you 
 then that if I could not win your hand with the char- 
246 Kvr-Klux Klan No. k-O. 
 acter for honest}^ which I then possessed, I would re- 
 new my suit as the villain of villains, when considera- 
 tions of personal safety would make it to your interest 
 to marry me. That time has now come." 
 Minnie recalled the ominous threat, referred to by 
 the unprincipled little scoundrel, and her whole frame 
 shuddered with fear. But she did not hesitate. 
 " Mr. Weston," she said, with a voice quivering with 
 emotion and fear, " I was taught at first to esteem you 
 as a friend, but I find that your friendship is more 
 deadly than your enmity. By your perfidy in misrep- 
 resenting Judge Farwell, you have forfeited all claim 
 to my friendship, and having lost that, you cannot hope 
 to have me regard you with the holier affection of love. 
 Even the friendship I formerly professed and felt for 
 you has been changed into a loathing hate by your in- 
 sidious treachery and unscrupulous abuse of the power 
 you possessed, and nothing now can ever change my 
 estimate of your character, or induce me to entrust my 
 happiness to your keeping. Death, accompanied with 
 the most horrible agonies your diabolical ingenuity can 
 inflict, would be far preferable to a conjugal union with 
 one whom I view with such horror." 
 '• Hold, rash woman !" shrieked the little demon in an 
 impassioned voice, while his eyes gleamed with satanic 
 fury. " Do not exasperate me and force me to execute 
 my vengeance before the time. Let me keep cool, that 
 the work may be accomplished with a hellish slowness 
 of torture. Let me make the victims of my enmity 
 cringe and cower before me, ere I inflict upon them the 
 excruciating agonies of a two-fold death. To annihi- 
 late my enemies, without having them to bow before me 
A Last Effort. 247 
 in supplication, would be to rob myself of half the pleas- , 
 ure I would feel in their death. So, just keep cool, \ 
 and let your final rejection of my suit, if such must be 
 the outcome, be done deliberately ; but I warn you j 
 now, that if such be your final decision (and I give you ,' 
 one more chance to save yourself and your friends), I 
 will search the very archives of hell for a precedent 
 for your punishment, and employ the craftiness of the / 
 devil himself in inventing new methods of torture. ' 
 Every object of your affection shall rest under the ban 
 of my malevolence, and I will pursue them to the death 
 with scorpions of cruelty. Your love for my rival shall 
 be a fang in your heart, and the very memory of him 
 shall be a canker in your brain and a moth in your 
 heart, that shall eat out every joyful recollection or 
 pleasurable affection, and leave you the most bereft 
 and wretched of human beings !" 
 " Go, then, and exhaust your inventions of cruelty," 
 said Minnie, rising and stamping her delicate foot, while 
 she pointed a well-tapered finger at the little villain 
 before her. " I defy your power, though I know full 
 well 3'^our desperate character. I have already told 
 you I would prefer the most ignominious and horrible 
 death to a union with you, and I tell you, again, I will 
 never marry you as long as heaven furnishes me with 
 the means of self-slaughter. Fire, water, poison, rope, 
 steel, powder and lead, all the instruments of death, 
 shall be exhausted before I will yield to such a calami- 
 tous fate ! " 
 "Yes, a calamitous fate it would be, indeed," an- 
 swered Weston, and the fury of his inordinate passion 
 lit up his black eyes with an insane gleam. " But go, 
248 Kv^Klux Klan No. Ifi. 
 marry the political renegade you call your betrothed, 
 and may all the curses of hell rest upon you ! " 
 With these words Weston departed. He had been 
 foiled in every attempt to secure the hand of the girl 
 he loved so passionately, and with the malison last 
 uttered, he returned to Westville, where he was destined 
 to meet with another disappointment. 
 The habeas corpus cases, as advised by Major Wyland, 
 had been acted upon promptly by the Federal Court, 
 and the Court having found no just cause for the deten- 
 tion of the prisoners confined by Cross-eyed Telf, had 
 ordered that they be discharged immediately. 
 The result was as Weston had foretold. Even the 
 Governor was afraid of precipitating a war by advis- 
 ing resistance to the Federal authorities, so Cross-eyed 
 Telf was compelled to yield the custody of his pris- 
 oners to the United States Marshal, who released them 
 as ordered by the Court. 
 Weston was unaware of all this, however, when he 
 entered his room at the hotel, to find it already occu- 
 pied by Tinklepaugh and Cross-eyed Telf, who had 
 been waiting for him. 
 " Hello ! Lothario," said Tinklepaugh, as Weston 
 entered the room ; " a nice fellow you are to be off 
 playing suitor to a young Ku-Klux pullet, while the 
 old cock-of-the-walk of the whole Klan is being turned 
 loose upon us again." 
 "What do you mean?" asked Weston, unable to 
 realize so many disappointments at once. 
 " Mean ? " answered Cross-eyed Telf, with a wicked 
 leer, as his eyes began to chase each other as if each 
 was ashamed of the other's company. " Why he means 
A Last Effort 249 
 to say that the whole Klan of the ghouls have been 
 uncaged, and our little game up, Just the day before 
 the election, too." 
 "Yes," said Tinklepaugh, " the Federal Judge refused 
 to listen to any appeal, even for a continuance, and the 
 whole Klan has been turned loose on us on the very 
 eve of the election," 
 " Well, if our scheme to defeat Judge Farvvell and 
 Albert Seaton succeeds, we will have accomplished 
 something, at least," said Weston. 
 " 1 fear we are destined to be defeated in that, also," 
 answered Tinklepaugh. " Our little trick has been 
 discovered, and printers are already engaged in pub- 
 lishing a disclosure of the fraud." 
 " Then our whole game is up, indeed," said Weston, 
 and he threw himself across his bed and groaned with 
250 Ku-Klux Klan No. 1^.0. 
 " New goots ! scheap goots ! Hantherchifs, ribbins, 
 fine dresses and jewelry. Come und puy vot I offers." 
 Such were the exclamations of an old, decrepit ped- 
 dler, as he approached the little hut in which Bessie 
 and Minnie were confined, soon after "Weston left. 
 The old man wore a long gray beard which, with 
 his long, flowing white hair, left little of his swarthy 
 face exposed to the gaze of the curious, and, though a 
 little corpulent for one accustomed to the hardships of 
 a peddler's life, he was bowed with age and walked 
 with a complaining limp. He had on a long linen coat, 
 or duster, much the worse for wear, and which, owing 
 to his stooping posture, almost touched the ground as 
 he hobbled along. His pants were made of homespun 
 flax, and though they appeared torn and threadbare in 
 places, they still retained their primitive yellow color, 
 owing doubtless to the fact that they had not been 
 washed often enough to turn white. His shoes, also, 
 were old and yellow for the want of polishing, and 
 were turned up at the toe. 
 He spread his wares out on the ground in front of 
 the door, and continued to invite purchasers to come 
 forward and buy, without success, until Huskey Diggs, 
 remembering the instruction given him not to allow 
 any person to approach the hut, came up and ordered 
 him to leave. 
 " Out from here, you lickpenny landloper ! " shouted 
Rescued. 251 
 Husky Diggs, in a voice that threw the harmless old 
 peddler into a state of terror " Military commissaries 
 is no place for vagrants, so jest bundle up your duds 
 an' git, an' don't bother our ears with no more of your 
 furrin-tongued gibberish." 
 Thus admonished, the hapless old pedestrian repacked 
 his goods with a trembling hand, and, without further 
 parley, was soon hobbling back along the narrow path 
 leading out into the public road. 
 Once in the road, he turned in the direction of West- 
 ville, and notwithstanding his apparent age and feeble- 
 ness, he made such fast progress that he was soon in 
 the midst of the town. 
 " I thought I w^ould find them," he muttered to him- 
 self, as he entered a well furnished room and threw off 
 his disguise. " Old Cross-eyed Telf thinks he is mighty 
 sharp, but I'll pay him yet for this wound in ray 
 It was Sam Washburn, the spy of the Klan. He had 
 recovered from the effects of the wound, he received in 
 the battle at the court-house, sufficiently to resume his 
 work, and his labors had just been rewarded by the 
 discovery of the only prisoners left in the custody of 
 the tyrant. Cross-eyed Telf. 
 His next duty was to inform the friends of the young- 
 ladies of the place of their confinement, and this he did 
 immediately. In an incredibly short time, more than 
 a hundred well-armed young men were galloping to- 
 ward the little log prison by the river, swearing veng- 
 eance against Cross-eved Telf and all the mercenaries 
 under him. Most of them had just been released from 
 prison themselves, and, while the main object of their 
252 Kvr-Klux Klan No. W. 
 haste was to rescue those still imprisoned, they were 
 equally anxious for the opportunity of wreaking their 
 vengeance against their lawless persecutors and retal- 
 iating for some of their acts of needless cruelty. Maj. 
 Wyland, Judge Farwell and Albert were in the crowd, 
 and no horses were fleeter footed than those rode by 
 No concerted plan had been agreed upon for the res- 
 cue of the prisoners, owing to the great hurry and con- 
 fusion, and the first warning given Husky Diggs and 
 his men of the approach of the party of rescuers was 
 furnished by a volley of balls, one of which pierced the 
 breast of the villain named and sent him rolling in 
 agony upon the ground. 
 The next moment Maj. Wyland rushed forward and 
 seized Minnie in his arms. The poor girl had mistaken 
 the cause of the alarm, and, imagining the firing came 
 from Weston and his allies who had returned to exe- 
 cute the threat made that morning by the rejected little 
 Solicitor, she had fainted and fallen prostrate on the 
 "Oh, my darling child !" cried Major Wyland, as he 
 kissed her and pressed her to his breast. " They have 
 murdered you, at last, and have left me alone just as I 
 thought to have you with me again. Oh, my idol, my 
 poor daughter!" 
 Others, seeing Minnie's condition, took charge of 
 her, and placing her again on the floor, soon restored 
 her to consciousness. 
 Bessie, though excited, was less frightened, and stood 
 up to meet her liberators as the ideal little heroine she 
 had been during all these days of peril. Hers was one 
Rescued. , 253 
 of those quiet, strong natures that never quail before 
 any danger, nor succumb to any foe. 
 Albert was proud of her, and as he imprinted a kiss 
 on her flushed cheek, his eyes beamed with genuine de- 
 light; but whether the kiss was an expression of broth- 
 erly affection, or another attempt to imitate old Abra- 
 ham by trying to palm off his sweetheart before the 
 public as his sister, not even the sagacious foreman in 
 the Westmlle Conservative office could have told with 
 certainty. Probably Albert himself could not have 
 told how it was, but his joy was supreme, nevertheless, 
 and so it was with Bessie. 
 After the most cordial greetings and hearty congra- 
 tulations all round, they returned to town, leaving the 
 military hirelings to bury the lifeless body of Husky 
 Diggs, or convey it to their brutal master, as they saw 
 As the crowd rode by the Midland hotel, conveying 
 Bessie and Minnie to the house of their friends, Weston 
 and Tinklepaugh, looked out from the windows of their 
 rooms with a fearful scowl on their faces. There were 
 more than one hundred votes in that crowd, and to- 
 morrow each ballot would fall into the box like clods 
 upon a coffin, sounding the death-knell of all the hopes 
 that had stirred the breasts of the two little scoundrels 
 since the death of Old Stingy Jap. 
 That evening, as Judge Farwell and Minnie stood by 
 a large window in the parlor of Major Wyland's resi- 
 dence, talking over their recent adventures and misfor- 
 tunes, the venerable old lawyer approached them, and 
 taking Judge Farwell by the hand, he placed his other 
 arm around Minnie's neck, and, stooping down, kissed 
 her tenderly and lovingly. 
254 Ku-Klux Klan No. W. 
 " I have been very cruel to you both," he said, as the 
 tears coursed down his cheeks, and he seemed almost 
 choked with emotion; "but I see my error, now, and 
 have repented it, and now come to ask your forgive- 
 ness. You have m}'^ consent to marry now as soon as 
 you please, and shall have my blessing, also. God bless 
 you both and prosper you ! You have been a good girl, 
 Minnie," he continued, kissing away the tears that 
 rolled down her cheeks, " and I honor and commend 
 you for observing my wishes, notwithstanding my con- 
 duct toward you was cruel. I assure you I will never 
 more interfere to deprive you of one moment's happi- 
 ness. Again I sa}^ God bless you both !" and he 
 turned and left them alone in their happiness. 
The Election. 255 
 The morning of election day dawned brightly, and 
 as the first streaks of light shot across the fields, they 
 were followed in every direction by men in eager haste 
 to be first at the polls in the different precincts. The 
 polls opened with the rising sun, the first effulgent rays 
 of which lit up a sea of eager faces at every voting 
 place. All classes were there, represented by all colors, 
 degrees of intelligence, shades of opinion, and all poli- 
 tical organizations. The old "Unioner," commonl}'^ 
 denominated a scalawag, argued with the Democratic 
 neighbor and charged the Democratic party with 
 " bringing on the war;" the imported statesman from 
 the North, commonly called a carpetbagger, elbowed 
 his odoriferous "brother in black" and again deceived 
 him into voting the Republican ticket, with promises of 
 "de forty acres an' a mule;" the Ku-Klux jostled 
 against the Union Leaguer and shoved and pushed for 
 a place at the polls ; and the gray-haired veteran of 
 the Confederacy, representing the most intelligent 
 class of all, but not allowed to vote on account of the 
 inhibition contained in the Iron-Clad Oath, stood and 
 gazed upon the motley throng and wondered whether 
 this really was "the greatest government on earth." 
 Early in the day Judge Farwell went forward and 
 redeemed his promise to vote the Democratic ticket, 
 and many other former Republicans, disgusted with 
 the meanness of their party, marched up and did like- 
256 Kw-Klux Klan No. JfO. 
 wise. The result is easily foretold. The Democratic 
 ticket was overwhelmingly elected throughout the 
 State, and the gigantic system of public plunder, inaug- 
 urated by the Republican party, began to totter and 
 fall. The glorious sunlight of Hope began to pierce 
 through the mists, that had remained so long settled 
 over the quagmires of hate, and soon the clouds rifted 
 and drifted away. 
 Bessie and Minnie remained up that night to hear 
 the election news, each anxious for the success of her 
 particular candidate. There was a full moon, and its 
 rays fell gentl v upon the forms of the two pretty girls 
 as they stood in the broad piazza, watching and wait- 
 ing for Judge Farwell and Albert, who had promised 
 to come down and give them the news as soon as the 
 reports were all in. 
 About twelve o'clock, the two young men entered 
 the gate and started up the graveled walk toward the 
 house ; but Bessie was too anxious to wait for their ap- 
 proach, and rushed forward to meet them, exclaiming : 
 " Oh, it is good news, I know; lean tell from the 
 smile on your faces, even in the moonlight!" 
 " Yes, it is good news," answered Albert, taking her 
 hand in his, while Judge Farwell walked on to the 
 house. " The whole ticket is elected by an overwhelm- 
 ing majority." 
 "And that includes you, of course," she answered, 
 while her eyes beamed with delight. 
 " Yes," said Albert, leading her into the soft shadow 
 of a maD:nificent magnolia, " and I am indebted to vou 
 for even the suggestion of my name as a candidate. I 
 feel now that an honorable career has opened before 
 me, and I will walk in it if " 
Conclusion. 257 
 " If what ? " she asked. 
 " If you will help me," he answered, taking both her 
 hands in his and pressing them to his lips. " Will you 
 help me, Bessie, to make my life honorable and suc- 
 cessful as you have started it % Since you cannot be a 
 sister to me, will you be my wife ? " 
 And she answered softly, " Yes," but only Albert 
 and the magnolia heard, for Judge Farwell and Min- 
 nie were already busy planning their wedding tour, 
 which was to end at Washington, at the beginning of the 
 session during which Judge Farwell was to hold his 
 seat in Congress. 
 Where novelty ends in a novel there the novel itself 
 should end. Both the love stories having been traced 
 to a successful termination, it now only remains to dis- 
 pose of the different characters in a summary way, and 
 the little book will end. 
 Old Major Wyland lived only a few years longer to 
 repent of his former opposition to the marriage of 
 Minnie and Judge Farwell, but he made a complete 
 atonement at last, at least in the eyes of the world, by 
 dying and leaving them a princely estate. 
 Uncle Ben lived on, as the trusted servant of the 
 house, a few years after the death of his late master, 
 and then died, uttering with his last breath the onl-y 
 complaint that his freedom as a citizen had ever known, 
 that " de 'Publican party done fooled de niggers erbout 
 de forty acres an' de mnle." 
 Mrs. Latham recovered her sanity and memory, too, 
258 Ku-Klux Elan No. Jfi. 
 to such a degree that her testimon}^ with the aid of 
 that of Rev. Dick Madison, who turned State's evi- 
 dence to save his own neck, was sufficient to convict 
 Cross-eyed Telf of the murder of her son. 
 Cross-eyed Telf, as has just been intimated, was con- 
 victed of the murder of John Latham, and was sen- 
 tenced to be hung, but the sentence was commuted to 
 imprisonment for life, and he afterwards escaped under 
 the amnesty act. 
 Dick Madison, having turned traitor against Cross- 
 eyed Telf, sustained his new character by betraying Tin- 
 klepaugh for the uyirder of Old Stingy Jap, and Tin- 
 klepaugh was convicted and sentenced to be hung, too, 
 but had his sentence commuted with that of Cross- 
 eyed Telf, and after the passage of the general amnesty 
 act he was pardoned. 
 Weston, though the real instigator of a majority of 
 the crimes committed in the community, and equally 
 guilty as Tinklepaugh, managed always to keep out of 
 court, after being defeated for the Solicitorship, and 
 as Tinklepaugh refused to imitate Dick Madison by 
 turning State's witness against Weston, he was allowed 
 to join the exodus of carpet-baggers that began imme- 
 diately after the election, and return to his native 
 State. The bonds he and Tinklepaugh stole from Old 
 Stingy Jap, after murdering him, were repudiated by 
 the Legislature, of which Albert Seaton became an 
 honored member, and became utterly worthless. He 
 never returned to execute his threats against Minnie 
 and her friends, and she and the Judge still live un- 
 Bessie and Albert still live at the old Seaton home- 
Conclusion. 259 
 stead, and twenty-three years of their happy married 
 life has already vindicated the wisdom of their parents 
 in betrothing them in their infancy by will. 
 After the restoration of peace and harmony the Klan 
 disbanded, but many a citizen of Westville still remem- 
 bers with gratitude the services of Ku-Klux-Klan 
 No. 40. 
 ®4 -« 
 A -6. 