J< 1 1 .- *\ " f % i™;.- ■( \^f ..^..,H-^ifmm c nr of t|)e Knitjerjitp of J13ortt) Carolina Collection of iRortl) Catolmiana C{)t0 book tDa0 ptt0tntt\} fitf A.6.P^v^drc.vgS C^7l.^^ 5[E'S SCHOOL, HE CITY OF RALEIGH. L AND IN DUSTRIALS 1 and women. Church. i to see the classes in the morning ternoon. day at 8:30 A. M. and 5:15 P. M. . HUNTER, Principal. Type-Writers, &c. STftTlflNER! School Stationery, Pencil Tablets, Pens, Inks, Lead Pencils, &c. Fancy Stationery, Note Papers and Envelopes. Engraving a Specialty. Wrapping Papers, Paper Bags, Flour Sacks, Twines, &c. 131 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. ■%Ar. C3r. s:Bi=».A.mtj The Mechanics and Investors Union Offer a safe and i>rotitable plan of iiivestnu'iit for Monthly Inves- tors and for Prepaid Stock. The Taxes are paid by the Union. B. S. Jernian, Treasnrer, holds Real Estate Mortgaujes and Col- lateral Notes, covering the entii-e Assets of the Company, for the protection and benetit of tiie stockholders, Rud for no other purpose. Instalment Stock sold for Of) cents ])er share per month, and Prepaid Stock of ifiliX) maturity value sold for $75, upon which amount an annual cash dividend of six per cent, will be paid. Every possible aid given to members by Loans on Stock, Reduc- tion and Extension of Shares, Sale or Redemption of Stock. This Company does not make money by the misfortunes of its members. Loans made on short notice, on lil)eral and equitable terms. Home Office: 22 Pullen GEORG£ ALL This book must noi THE STAUNTON LI be taken from thi Library building. DAVID A. KAYSER, President. GEO. P. McNeill,: J. J. HAYES, General Al The Staunton Life Insurance Co teen years and has paid to polic delayed a payment, has never resis law-suit. Writes a Coupon Policy c insured is paid hnmediatcJy after de- of the Policy. It writes women at same ratesj 8175,000 was sold in Raleigh alone.\ In case of total disability from aa be paid. See our Policy before taking insu J.J. H Office o\ THIS ITEM ON THESE MAY NOTBECOPIE) J-SERVICE COPIED II RALEIGH MARBLE WORKS, COOPER BROS., Prop'rs, MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS, STATUARY, VASES, IRON FENCES, &c., RALEIGH, N. C. PERFECT WORK AND PROMPT DELIVERY, SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO THE OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, 216 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, 'Phone 87. RALEIGH, N. C WATSON'S PICTURE AND ART STORE IS HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR PICTURE-FRAMES, WINDOW-SHADES, WALL PAPERS AND ARTIST MATERIALS. KRED. A. WATSON, 112 Fayetteville Street, - - Raleigli, X. C. ROBERT T. GRAY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, No. 16 W. Martin Street, - Raleigh, N. C. REFERS TO BANKS AND BUSINESS MEN OF THE CITY. Ill J. J. T„„M.. COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK, President. RALEIGH, N. C. Alf. A. Thompson, i Q^^g^ Capital, - - $100,000.00 Vice-President. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, 20,000.00 B. S. Jerm.w, Cashier, i Established September 30, 1891. H. W. Jackson, Ass't Cashier. Burglar and Fire-Proof Vault. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., OF NEWARK, N. J. AMZI DODD, President. Assets: Market Values, 5."i"<,i^»"i'.»,Ki7.0(; Liabilities; .N'. J., N. Y. and Mass.standunl .•5i54, 187,724.54. .'Surplus: Sl.0Sl,472 Ti'J. POLICIES ABSOLUTELY NON-FORFEITABLE AFTER SECOND YEAR. In case of lapse the policy is continued in force as long as its value will pay for; or, if preferred, a Cash or I'aid up Hohcy value is allowed. After the second year Policies are inconteslible, AND ALL RESTRICTIONS as to residence, travel and occupation are removed. Cash loans are granted where valid assignments of the Policies can be made as collateral security. Losses paid immediately upon completion and approval of proofs. JOHN C, DREWRY, State Apilt For North and South Carolina, RALEIGH, N. C. PARK ^^^ ■* "^ BROWN & CRAWFORD, HOTEL, ""' " t^aleigh, H- C. R EMEiVlBER That I am in the Tailoring Business, and would like to have a share of your work. I am making SUITS from $20 to $40, PANTS from $4 to $12. Also any kind of alterations on Men's Clothing. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing done in the best style on short notice. Good work or no pay. W. A. TAYLOR, Merchant Tailor, No. 10 W. Martin St.. RALEIGH, N. C. IV "Wr. H. HUGHES, DEALER IN CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, TABLE CUTLERY, SILVER-PLATED WARE, REFRIGERATORS, TEA TRAYS, OIL STOVES, ICE-CREAM FREEZERS, GATE CITY FILTERS, AND A GENERAL LINE OF HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, 127 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. The Raleigh Branch Southern Building and Loan Asso'n, of Knoxville, Tenn. 1=1 xj iivr IT? OVER 200 OF RALEIGH'S CITIZENS ARE. ONLY 2 CENTS A DAY TEN CENTS A DAY. Carries One Share, Worth at Maturity l Saved, Carries Five Shares, Worth $100. $500. NO BETTER INVESTMENT TO BE HAD. IS» IT S-A-DPIE? ThGP EOPLE'S OPULAR USHING ROGRESSIVE HOTOGRAPHER. ALWAYS— "Not how cheap, but how good" and up-to-date. Children's Pictures a Specialty. RALEIGH, N. C JBWBI.BR A.ND SILVBHSMITM, 109 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. A fine line of the best make of Watclies. Can suit in any kind of Ring, from a Plain Band to a Solitaire Diamond. Repairing carefully and promptly executed. All goods guaranteed as represented. Inspector of watches for Seaboard Air Line R R. S. A. ASHE & SON, Pire Insiiranco ALgents^ Cor. Fayetteville and Martin Streets, DO YOU NEED ANY FURNITURE? IF SO, WRITE OR CALL ON ROYALL Sc BORDEN, OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS COMPLETE AND OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. SEISriD FOI^ C-A.T^^3L.OG!-XJE. RALEIGH, N. C. OliO-A-KTIZBID -A.I'IIIL, 1893. J. A. MILLS, President and Uanager. J. A. JONES, Secretary and Treasurer. MILLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Manufacturers and Dealers in Kiln-Dried and Dressed Flooring, Ceiling:, Laths, Weatherboard- ini;, and all kinds of Farm and Loi; >Vai?ons, Carts, etc. Ail Work Fully Warranted. Correspondence Solicited. LOWEST PRICES ON APPLICATION. Stevens Sz Son, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES & COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Salisbury and Martin Streets, RALEIGH, N. C VI RALEIGH, N. C. AGIRL'S SCHOOL OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. 5 5 til Year Begins September 24t]i. ScJiool Buildings Admirably Equipped with Laboratory, Libra- ries and Fine Gymnasium, SUPERIOR ADVANTAGEFi IN ART AND MUSIC. Special Attention Paid to Thorough Instruction on the Violin. CERXIKICAXE ADNIITS TO VASSAR. ANTICEPHALALGINE, THE WONDERFUL HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA CURE. 25 and 50 Cents a Bottle. FOR SALE BY AL_I_ DRUGGISTS. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J'.^^S. X. J- <3 XX l\r S <=> INT , JOISlES & POWElili, DEALERS IN Grain, Bran, Hay, Wood, Coal and Ice. DENTIST.^ 132V2 FAYETTEVILLE ST. VII IMPORTER OF FINE WOOLENS. Fashionable IVIerehant Tailor, 234 Fayetteville Street, Try Walters' New Mktiicd OF Garment Cutting. John R. Ferkai,l. Joshua B. Hill. J. R. FERRALL & CO., GROCERS, 222 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C. W. N. JONKS, Attorney at Law, RALEIGH, N. C, PRACTICES IN ALL THE COURTS. Refers to any of the Banks or Business Men of the City. The National Bank of Raleigh, Corner Fayetteyille auil Harptt Streets, RALEIGH, N. C. Ample facilities for business, with Capital and Sur- plus larger than any Bank in N, C. except one at Charlotte. YIII THE ALLEN AND CRAM MACHINE CO., IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, RALEIGH, N. C, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds Steam Engines and Machinery. All kinds of Iron and Brass Castings made, Saw-Mills, Lumber Trucks, &c. Special attention given to Steam and Gas Fitting. Correspondence solicited. CARRENTER & REKBLKS, JlRCHITBCTS, NORFOLK. - - VIRGINIA. THOS. IVl. ASHE, ASSOCJATJB A^ROHITnOT, RALEIGH, N C. Plans and Specifications for buildings of every description. Correspond- ence solicited. Office over MacRae's Branch Pharmacy. J. H. GILL, Kotmder and iVlachLlnist, Cor. McDowell and Davie Sts., RALEIOH, N. C Columns for Buildings, Caps and Bases, Sash-Weights, COTTON PLANTERS, PLOWS and Plow Castings, FIRE-DOGS and all kinds of Castings. DIRECTORY OF THE CITY OF RALEIGH, N. C, 189e-'07, CONTAINING THE NAMES OF ALL THE RESIDENTS, TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE CITY. ALSO GIVING THE STATE, COUNTY AND CITY GOVERNMENTS, AND AN AMOUNT OF VALUABLE INFORMATION CON- CERNING CORPORATIONS, SOCIETIES, Etc. Compiled by Charles A. Sepaf4K. purlishkd by The Raleigh Stationkrv Company. FI^IOE, S2.00. INTRODUCTORY, In the publication of the Directory for 1896-'97, we offer no apology, firmly believing that a careful and unbiased examination must and will convince our subscribers that the work will speak for itself. In obtaining correct information in regard to Raleigh, we have spared neither labor nor expense, and have made a house- to-house canvass in gathering information ; and though the labor has been both tedious and expensive, it has been greatly facilitated by the courtesy of our citizens, whose generous support and co- operation have enabled us to present so full and complete a publi- cation. In presenting to you this, our first efibrt at Directory-making, we desire to express out* thanks for the assistance and information so cheerfully given, and at the same time claim a just appreciation of our own efibrts to place before the public and into the hands of every merchant and professional man in Raleigh a Directory worthy of the Capital City of the grand old Commonwealth of North Carolina. RALEIGH STATIONERY COMPANY. August 1, 1896. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Allen & Cram Machine Co., . Agricultural & Mechanical College, Andrews, A. B. Jr. Ashe, S. A. & Son . Ayer, Dr. J. M. Baptist Book Store, Batchelor, Jos. B. . Bauer, A. G. . . Betts Bros, Blake, T. W. . Blake, Jos. Manager, Briggs, Thomas H. & Sons Brown, Jno. W. Broiighton, J. M. & Co Bullock, Chas. F. . Burwell, J. B. Cameron & Batchelor, Capital Printing Co., Carroll, Dr. N. G. Carroll, J. D. Carpenter & Peebles, Clark, M. S. . Commercial & Farmers Bank, Cooper Bros., Crawford, Dr. J. H. Douglass, W. C. Drewry, Jno. C. Dughi, A. Eberhardt & Baker, Fasnach, Ed. Faust, E. G. . Ferrall, J. R. & Co. Folsom, Finger & Co., Fleming, Dr. J. Martin Gill, J. H. . Gray, R. T. . Hay, T. T. & Bro. Hermann, F. Hicks & Rogers, Hinsdale, Jno. W. House, S. V. . Hughes, W. H. Hunter, Carey J. Johnson, Jas. I. Johnson, T. B. Jolly, B. R. . Jones, W. N. Jones & Powell, Kenny, Jno. B. King, W. H. & Co. Linnell Steam Laundry, outside back cover. Lewis, Julius Hardware Co. . MacRae, Jno. Y., inside back cover, Macy, W. R PAGE VIII 158 55 V 58 61 64 65 68 IV 70 112 A 81 112 A 264 B . 87 192 B 89 91 90 VIII 46 III II 101 111 IFI 45 VIII 46 73 VII 281 VI VIII II 145 147 149 153 163 IV 166 VI 173 192 B VII VI 45 185 193 197 Massey, A. P 201 McDonald, C. C 203 Meciianics & Investors Union, . i Mills Manufacturing Co., . . v Montague, B. F 45 National Bank of Raleigh, . . vii N. C. Book Co., . . . .364 N. C. Building and Supply Co., . 219 N. C. Car Co 220 N. C. Home Insurance Co., . . 218 Oak City Steam Laundry, . . ii Occoneecliee Farm, outside back cover. Otev, W. G 222 Park Hotel, iii Peace In,stitute, . . .322 Pearson, Clias., outside back cover. Pescud, Thos Physioc, J. E. Pre.-^s Visitor, .... Raleigh Savings Bank, . Raleigh Stationery Co., second page cover. Roberts, H. H. Royal & Borden, Seaboard Air-Line R. R Shaw University, . Sim{)son, Wm. Southern Building & Loan Asso'n, Southern Railway Co., outside front. Southern Railway Co., . . 192 A Spence Plumbing Co., outside back cover. Stedman, J. P., top inside back cover. St. Augustine Scliool, second page cover and . St. Mary's School, Staunton Life Ins. Co., Stein metz, H. Stevens & Son, Stevenson, T. S. Sun Life Assurance Co., Taylor, W. A. Temple, A. H. Thomas, Maxwell & Co, University Publishing Co., Upchurcli, B. W. . Uzzell, E. M. Walters, Geo. N. . Watson, F. A. Weikel, C. . Wharton, C. P. Whitelaw, John Woollcott & Son, . Woollcott, Fred. . Wynne & Birdsong, Yarborougli House, 231 233 362 240 . 247 V and 363 264 A . 364 . 46 IV 112 B VI I 269 V 270 264 B III 277 284 291 112 A 293 VII n 301 IV 112 A 315 316 192 B 283 CITY OF RALEIGH The beautiful " City of Oaks," capital of the Coinuiou wealth of North Carolina, was laid out from a piece of land purchased from Colonel Joel Lane, by commissioners appointed by the General Assembly for that purpose, on the 4th day of April, 1792. It is situate upon the rise that begins to mark the lower from the upper portion of the State, upon easy undulations, only three hundred feet above the sea, surrounded by lands in high state of cultivation, with a most equable climate, and withal presents as numy attrac- tions for all that constitutes a desirable home as any city upon the Atlantic slope. While lacking in some of the advantages alike of the sea-coast and the mountain, it possesses many not common to either. No disease has ever ap])eared here in its most virulent form, and its rate of mortality is far below the average. Together with Aiken, S. C, Raleigh was recommended by a commission of army surgeons as a proper and suitable point for the establishment of a Govern- ment sanitarium. The population of Ilaleigh has always been one of remarkable culture, chivalrous but conservative and law-abiding; and though the centre of all political excitement, and enjoying the utmost free- dom of discussion and expression of opinion, it is its proud boast that it has never had a riot. ''A beautiful and appropriate monu- ment erected by the new to one of the most illustrious political martyrs of the old world, and by North Carolina to the author of the lirst attempt at colonization within her borders," Raleigh has always maintained an enviable reputation as the home of brave action and refined culture. From a village of some four or five thousand in 1865, Raleigh has steadily grown into a respectable city of about eighteen thou- sand, including the population upon its outskirts not strictly within its sharply-defined limits. Its city government is of the best, order strictly but mildly enforced; it has an efiicient system of street 8 railway ; a tliorough and satisfactory water supply ; a well-equipped lire department; is beautifully lighted by electricity; has its main thoroughfares paved; has a well-conducted telephone system; is adorned with a number of magnificent public buildings and private residences; its population is employed by manj' and varied indus- tries; has churches of all the leading denominations; its public and private school facilities are most excellent; its debt is small and its credit is high. In a word, we have a city of which we speak with pride and to which we cordially invite the industrious and honest home-seeker. Raleigh Police Census, 1896. In the census recently taken by this department, the enumera- tors received and conscientiously followed instructions, putting the name of no one on their books wiio lived outside the corporate limits. This showed a population of 13,081. When we recall the fact that the corporate limits have not been extended since 1850, that a large number of our citizens who are essentially of the city have built up homes just outside, that the increase by reason of establishment of factories and manufacturing plants is all on the outside, amounting in round numbers to not less than 4,500, we can reasonably claim a population incident to and being a part of our city of not less than 17,500, showing a gratifying increase since the census taken in 1890. The following shows the result by wards and sex : First Ward, .... ■ Second Ward, .... Third Ward, .... Fourth Ward, .... BY SEX. First Ward, Second Ward, Third Ward, Fourth Ward, Total, . . . , Excess of whites over colored, Excess of females over males. WHITE. COLORED, 2,255 749 1,996 705 1,776 2,238 1,092 2,160 7,119 5,962 MALE. FEMALE. 1,401 1 ,602 1,233 1,468 1,920 2,204 1,494 1,758 6,048 7,033 13,081 1,157 985 CITY HALL. Fronting on Fayettevillc street, running Ijack to Wilmington street. W. M. Russ, Mayor; Ham. F. Smith, City Clerk; W. B. Hutchings, Tax Col- lector; J. N. Holding, City Attorney; Chas. I). Hkartt, Chief of Police. 11 Street Directory. The State Capitol is the meeting-point for the streets which divide the city on the North, Sontli, East and West. Fajetteville and Halifax streets separate the city East and West, Fayetteville street running South and Halifiix street running North. The other streets running North and South are in the following order: East Side. West Side. Wilmington, Salisbury, Blount, McDowell and Manly, Person, Dawson, Bloodworth, Harrington, East, West, Swain and Hayw ood. Saunders. Newbern avenue and Hillsboro' street separate the city North and South. From the Capitol, Newbern avenue runs East and Hillsboro' street runs AVest. The other streets running East and West are as follows : North Side, Edenton, Jones, Lane, North and Oak wood ave. Johnson and Polk, Peace, Firwood ave. South Side. Morgan, Hargett, Martin, Davie, Cabarrus, Lenoir, South, Smithlield and Cannon. The buildings are numbered on the Philadelphia plan, 100 to a block, beginning at the State Capitol. 12 THE STATE CAPITOL, Union Square. GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Executive Department. Elias Carr, Edgecombe county, Governor ; salary $3,000, and fur- nished house, fuel and lights. R. A. Donghton, Alleghany county, Lieutenant-Governor and President of Senate. S. F. Telfair, Beaufort county, Private Secretary to the Gov- ernor ; salary $1,200. Charles M. Cooke, Franklin county. Secretary of State; salary $2,000, and $1,000 extra for clerical assistance. Pobert M. Furman, Buncombe county, Auditor; salary $1,500, and $1,000 extra for clerical assistance. William H. Worth, Lenoir county. Treasurer; salary $3,000. John C. Scarborough, Johnston couTity, Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction.; salary $1,500, and $500 per annum for traveling expenses. Frank I. Osborne, Mecklenburg county, Attorney-General ; salary $2,000, and $600 for clerical assistance. Francis H. Cameron, Wake county, Adjutant-General; salary $600. J. C. Ellington, Johnston county. State Librarian ; salary $1,000, Charles L. Hinton, Wake county, Executive Clerk; salary $600. W. P. Batchelor, AYake county, Chief Clerk to Secretary of State; salary $1,000. 13 F. S. SauTiders, Oranjre county, Clerk. T. P. Jcrman, Jr., Warren county, Chief Clerk to Auditor; salary $1,000. J. J. Dunn, Wake county. Pension Clerk Auditor's Department. J. W. Denmark, Wake county, Cliief Clerk to Treasurer ; salary $1,500. Stephen L. Crowder, Guilford county. Teller of the Treasury Department; salary ^750. W. II. iMartin, Wake county, Clerk for Charitable and Penal Institutions; salary $1,000. C. M. Roberts, Vance county. Superintendent of Public Build- ings and Grounds ; salary $850. J. C. S. Lumsden, State Standard Keeper; salary $100. governor's coumcil. The Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor aiid Superintendent of Public Instruction. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Treasu- rer, Auditor, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Attorney- General constitute the State Board of Education. BOARD OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. The Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer and Attorney- General. BOARD OF INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. The Governor (chairman ex officio)^ Hon. Ed. Chambers Smith and Hon. H. E. Norris. 14 PUBLIC WORKS AND INSTITUTIONS IN N. C. North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Located at Raleigh, in a building especially arranged for the purpose, immediately north of Capitol Square. State Board of Agrjcultuee. — Colonel W. F. Green, cliair- man. Fourth District ; J. B. Coffield, First District ; Dr. W. R. Capehart, Second District ; H. E. King, Third District ; J. H. Gil- mer, Fifth District ; D. A. Tompkins, Sixth District ; Dr. J. R. McLelland, Seventh District; H. E. Fries, Eighth District; E. A. Aiken, Ninth District. State at Large. — W. S. Primrose, R. W. Wharton, IS. B. Broughton, J. L. Nelson, Frank Wood. And Ex Officio. — Dr. Cyrus Thompson, President State Farm- ers' Alliance. Executive Committee. — Colonel W. F. Green, Dr. W R. Cape- hart, Colonel R. W. Wharton, J. L. Nelson. Finance Committee. — J. B. Coffield, J. H. Gilmer, E. A. Aiken. Officers. — S. L. Patterson, Commissioner, salary $1,800; T. K. Bruner, Secretary, salary $1,500 ; H. B. Battle, Ph. D., Chemist and Director of the Experiment Station, salary $2,500 from the Hatch Fund. North Carolina Agricultural Society. Officers. — Bennehan Cameron, President, Stagville; John Nichols, Secretary and Treasurer, Raleigh. Vice-Presidents (Permanent). — Hon. Kemp. P. Battle, Orange; R. H. Battle, Wake. The salaries of the officers of the State Fair are not fixed. Fairs are held in October of each year. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, including the Fertilizer Control Station and State Weather Ser- vice, Raleigh, N. C. The officers of the Station are: H. B. Battle, Ph. D., Director and State Chemist; F. E. Emery, B. S., Agriculturist; Gerald McCarthy, B. Sc, Botanist and Entomologist ; W. F. Massey, C. E., Horticulturist; C. F. von Hermann, U. S. Weather Bureau, Meteorologist; F. P. Williamson, D. Y. S., Consulting Veterina- rian ; B. W. Kilgore, M. S., Assistant Chemist; F. B. Carpenter, B. S., Assistant Chemist; W. M. Allen, Assistant Chemist; C. B. 17 "Williams, B. S., Assistant Chemist; Roscoe Nnnn, U. S. Weather Bureau, Assistant Meteorologist; Alexander lihodes, Assistant Horticulturist; F. E. Hege, Poultry Manager; A. F. Bowen, Sec- retary. Otiices and Laboratories in Agricultural Building, Raleigh. Farn), Stable, Plant Houses and Dairy adjoin State P^'air Grounds. Visitt)rs cordially welcomed. Corresjiondence on all agricultural subjects invited. The Station prints many valuable and timely publicatioTis. which are tree to those applying for them. North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Faculty and Officers. — Alexander Q. Holladay, President and Professor of History: W. F. ]\[asscy, C. E., Professor of Horticul- ture, Arboriculture and Botany; W. A. "Withers, A. M., Professor of Pure and Agricultural (-hemistry, and Secretary; D. H. Hill, A. M., Professor of English; B. Irby, M. S., Professor of Agri- culture; W. C. Biddick, A. B., C. E., Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering; N. R. Craighill, M. E., Professor of Me- chanics; Richard Henderson, Lieutenant U. S. N., Professor of Military Tactics and Physics; R. E. L. Yates, A. M., Adjunct Professor of ]\Lithematics; F. E. Emery, B. S., Assistant Professor of Agriculture; Charles M. Pritchett, B. S., Instructor in Mechan- ics; Charles B. Park, Superintendent of Shops; B. S. Skinner, Assistant in Farm Practice and Farm Superintendent; F. P. "Wil- liamson, D. "V. S., Instructor in Veterinary Science; S. E. Asbury, B. S., Instructor in Chemistry; L. T. Yarborough, B. E., Assistant in Shops; Charles Pearson, B. E., Assistant in Shops; B. F. Wal- ton, B. S., Dairyman ; C. D. Francks, B. E., Tutor of the Sub- Freshman Class; Mrs. Sue C. Carroll, Matron; J. R. Rogers, M. D., Physician. Bureau of Labor Statistics. B. R. Lacy, of Wake county, Commissioner, salary $1,500; W. E. Faison, "VVake county. Clerk, salary pM)(). North Carolina Board of Railroad Commissioners Commissioners. — J. AV. Wilson, Burke county (chairman), term expires April, 1899; E. C. Beddingtield, Wake county, term ex- pires April, 1S97; S. Otho Wilson, Wake county, term expires April, 1901 — salary 82,000 each ; Henry C. Brown, Surry county, regular clerk, salary ^1,200. Regular sessions of the court are held at Raleigh ; special ses- sions are also held at other places, under such regulations as made by the Commission. Office of the Commissioners is located in the Agricultural buildinof. 18 North Carolina Geological Survey. Prof. J. A. Holmes, State Geologist; H. B. C. Nitze, Assistant Geologist, in charge of iron and gold investigations; J. V. Lewis, Assistant Geologist, in charge of corundum and building-stone in- vestigations ; AV. W. Ashe, Forester. Other assistants are em- ployed for special investigation of mineral products and M'ater powers at irregular intervals, and still other investigations are be- ing carried on by geologists and topographers of the United States Geological Survey. The general office of the Survey is in the Agricultural building, Raleigh. State Museum. In the Agricultural building, Raleigh, embracing geology, mine- ralogy, forestry, agriculture, fishes and mammalia, and is under the control of the Board of Agriculture — J. A. Holmes and T. K. Bruner Directors, H. H. Brimley Curator. There are no fixed sala- ries and no fixed terms of office. North Carolina Institution for the Blind. The North Carolina Institution for the Blind is located at Raleigh. Officers. — F. R. Place, Principal, salary $1,800 — term expires 1896; Dr. Hubert Hay wood, Physician, salary $500 — term expires 1897; W. H. Rand, Steward, salary $750— term expires 1897; W. H. Worth, Treasurer ex officio. Board of Trustees. — B. F. Montague, President, term expires 1897; C. F. Meserve, term expires 1901; Hugh Morson, term ex- pires 1899; J. R. Williams, term expires 1899; Dr. H. C. Herring, term expires 1899; Ivan M. Proctor, term expires 1901; James A. Briggs, term expires 1897. North Carolina Insane Asylum. Situated in the vicinity of Raleigh, and will accommodate 300 patients. Officers. — W. H. Worth, Treasurer ex officio; W. T. Smith, Esq., Keeper of Records, salary $100. Resident Officers. — Dr. George L. Kirby, Superintendent, salary $2,800 ; term six years from June 1,1894. J. A. Faison, First Assistant Physician, salary $1,200; term two years from March 1, 189.5. Dr. R. S. McGeachey, Second Assistant Physi- cian, salary $1,200; term two years from March 1, 1895. W. R. Crawford, Jr., Steward, salary $1,200 ; term one year from March 19 1, 1895. Mrs. M. A. Whitaker, Matron, salary |000; term one year from March 1, 1805. Board of Directors. — Major Jolin B. Broadfbot, Cumberland county, President; J. W. Bellamy, New Hanover county; B. F. Boy kin. New Hanov(>r county; J. D. Bigir;', Martin county; G. M." Curtis, Halifax county; K. S. Cotton, Escj., Pitt county ; Dr. R. H. Si)eiglit, Edgecombe county; John 11. Smitli, Wayne county ; J. AV. Sanders, Carteret county. The Executive Committee receive $-t per da for one day, and mileage to and from their homes. Officers North CaroHna State Penitentiary. A. Leazar, General Manager, salary $2,500; John M. Fleming, "Warden, salary $900; Wm. Ledbetter, Deputy Warden, salary $750; J. W. McGee, Physician, sahary $500; J. J. Bernard, Clerk, salary $900. Directors. — A. B. Young, Concord, President; Dr. I. E. Green, Weldon; T. J. Armstrong^ Rocky Point; D. N. Bennett, Nor- wood; S. C. Rankin, Fayetteville; B. W. Ballard, Franklinton; R. L. Rvburn, Cleveland county; W. H. Smith, Wayne county; W. A. Warden, Snow Hill; W. J. White, Warrenton; R. H. Ricks, Rocky Mount; T. S. Dale, Davidson county. Salaries $4 per diem and live cents per mile There are four farms cultivated by the convicts, under State authority, viz.: Halifax farm and Northampton farm, near and below AVeldon ; the Caledonia farm, near Tillery, Halifax county; the Castle Hayne farm, near Wilmington. Supreme Court. William T. Faireloth, of AVayne, Chief Justice; Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke county; Walter Clark, of Wake county; David M. Furches, of Iredell county; and Walter A. Montgomery, of Wake county, Associate Justices. Salary $2,500 each. Thos. S. Kenan, Clerk, salary 300 and fees. Robert T. Gray, Reporter, salary $750. Robert H. Bradley, Marshal and Librarian, salary $1,(>00. J. L. Seawell, Otiice Clerk. The Court meets in Raleigh on the first Alonday in February and the last Monday in September of each year. Spring Term. — 1st Judicial District, February 3d; 2d District, February 10th; ,3d District, February 17th; -ith District, Feb- ary 21th: 5th District, March 2d; 6th District, March 9th; 7th District, March 16th; bth District, March 23d; 9th District, March 30th; 10th District, April 6th; 11th District, April 13th; 12th District, April 20th. 20 Fall Term. — 1st District, September 28th ; 2d District, October 5th; 3ci District, October 12th; Ith District, October 19th; 5th District, October 26th ; 6th District, November 2d ; 7th District, November 9th; 8th District, November 16th; 9th District, No- vember 23d; 10th District, November 3oth ; 11th District, De- cember 7th; 12th District, December 14th. Applicants for license to practice law are examined on Monday (the first day of each term). United States Courts. United States Circuit Court — Eastern District of North Caro- lina — Held at Raleigh on the fourth Monday in May and first Monday in December, and at Wilmington the first Monday after the fourth Monday in April and October. Charles H. Simonton, Circuit Judge; residence Charleston, S. C; salary |6,()00. Augustus S. Seymour, District Judge; rcsideiice Newbern, N. C. : salary $5,()(J0. "^ Charles B. Aycock, United States Attorney; oflice Raleigh, N. C. ; residence Goldsboro'. Solomon C. Weill, Assistant United States Attorney; residence Wilmington, N. C. Owen J. Carroll, United States Marshal; office Raleigh, N. C. N. J. Riddick, Clerk Circuit Court, Raleigh and Wilmington; residence Raleigh; otfices at Raleigli and Wilmington. Vitruvius Royster, Deputy Clerk, Raleigh, N, C. AV. H. Shaw,'Deputy Clerk, Wilmington, N. C. North Carolina Facts and Statistics. Number of counties, 96. State area, 52,286 square miles. Extreme length is 503i miles. Extreme breadth is 187j miles. Number of electoral votes, 11. Length of coast line is 314 miles. Land surface, 1:8,666 square miles. Water surface, 3,620 square miles. Area Dismal Swamp, 150,000 acres. Number of miles of railroad, 3,579. Lidian population (census 1890), 1,571. Inland steamboat navigation, 900 miles. .'if-' il The N. C. SUPREME COURT BUILDING, cor. Etltnton and Salisbury sts. Also containiiijr the State Library and Bureau of Labor Statistics. 23 Total population (census 1890), 1,617,1>47. Average mean annual rainfall, 52 inches. AVhite population (census ISOO), 1,049,191. Colored population (census 1890), 567,170. Total water-power, 3,500,000 horse-power. AVestern boundary— longitude 81°, 42', 20". Average winter temperature, 43° Fahrenheit. The highest point is Mitchell's Peak, 6,888 feet. Average area of counties is 507 square miles. Number of varieties of minerals discovered, 180. Average summer temperature, 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Average elevation of State above sea level is 640 feet. Average mean annual temperature, 59° Fahrenheit. Area of largest county (Brunswick) is 950 square miles. Number of towns with a population of over 2,000, 23. Area of smallest county (New Hanover) is 80 square miles. Highest towns — Boone, 3,250 feet; Highlands, 4,0oo feet. Legal rate of interest six per cent. ; usurj^ forfeits interest. Deaths by cousumption, 1.05 per 1,000 of State population. Limit to State and County taxes, 663 cents. Limit to poll-tax, $2. Highest point of Smoky Mountain range is Clingman's Dome, 6,660 feet. Mean annual summer temperature of Raleigh, 76 degrees; Flor- ence, Italy, 75 degrees. Mean annual temperature at Raleigh, 60 degrees; Florence, Italy, 59 degrees. State, Congressional and Presidental elections, Tuesday after first Monday in November. Mean annual winter temperature of Raleigh, 44 degrees; Flor- ence, Italy, 44 degrees. The highest point of Blue Ridge mountains in the State is Grandfather Mountain, 5,897 feet. The average date of first killing frost is October 10th, and the last killing frost in spring is in April. The largest drainage area of the State is that of the Cape Fear river, aggregating over 8,000 square miles. Asheville is 2,250, feet above sea level. Mean annual temi)era- ture, 54.20°— summer, 71.70°; winter, 38.02°. Mean annual rainfall at Raleigh, 48 inches; Florence, Italy, 27 inches. Altitude above sea level of Raleigh, 365 feet. 24 Position of Raleigh — State capital — is latitude 35 degrees, 47 minutes; longitude, 7S degrees, 38 minutes, 5 seconds. The death penalty is only inflicted for murder, arson, burglary and rape. The General Assembly have power to abolish it in all cases if deemed advisable. Married women retain all their real and personal property, ex- empt from the debts of their husbands. Liens of mechanics and laborers, for their work, are required. Legislature, biennial in odd-numbered years, meeting "Wednes- day after the first Monday in January. Limit of session 60 days. Terms of Senators and Representatives two years each. Pay, $4: per day. Homesteads are allowed to the amount of $1,000 value, and personal property to the amount of $500. The homestead is not only exempt during the life of owner, but after death during the minority of any of his children, and also during the w^idowhood of his wife. Wake County Government. Sheriff, M W Page Deputy Sheriffs Raleigh Township, C M Walters, R H Brooks and J T Rowland Clerk of Superior Court, Dan H Young Deputy Clerk Superior Court, A W Moye Register of Deeds, J J Rogers Deputy Register of Deeds, J Q Williams Treasurer, H H Knight Deputy Treasurer, R H Rigsbee Surveyor, Pittman Stell Coroner, Dr R B Ellis Superintendent of Health, Dr P E Hines Examiner of Teachers, J P Goodwin Superintendent of Poor, W G Allen Supervisor of Roads, W C McMackin Constable of Raleigh Township, John R Upchurch Janitor of Court-House, A B Booker County Commissioners, W C Stronach (chairman, Raleigh), R H Jones, W H Hood, J D Allen and W H H Jones Offices in Wake county court-house bldg, Fayetteville st, opp Yar- borough House City Government. Mayor, W M Russ Clerk, Ham F Smith Tax Collector, W B Hutchings WAKE COUNTY COURT-HOUSE, Fayetteville st., bet. Martin and Davie, containing the oflkcs of the County and County Court-Room. M. W. Page, Sheriff. D. H. Young, Clerk of Superior Court. J. J. Rogers, Register of Deeds. H. H. Knight, Treasurer. R. B. Ellis, M. D., Coroner. Pittman Stell, Surveyor. 27 Chief of Police, C D Heartt Treasurer, Josepli G P>ro\vn Coniiuissioiier Siiikinij:; Fuiui, P> S Jeniiaii Auditor, AV W WilUon City Attorney, J N IloUliuir Street Coimnissiotier, W Z Blake Chief of Fire Department, L A Mahler Superintendent of Health, Dr James McKee Health Inspector and Clerk to Board of Healtli, T P Sale City Physicians, Drs G A Renn and J W McGee Jr Keeper of ]\[arket, J T Nottiiii^liam Janitor Citv Bnildiiiir, J H i\[arshall Keeper of Clock, T W Blake Sexton City Cemetery, S A Jones Sexton Mt flope Cemetery (col), Sampson Anderson (col) ALDERMEN. First AVard— Chas E Johnson, J Pt Ferrall, II M Ivey Second Ward — J C Drewry, J D Busliall, Frank Stronach Tiiird Ward— F AV Hunnicntt, L N AVhite, C W Hoover (col) F^'ourth AVard— Jno A Mills, James Baker (col), B J Ilobinson (col) The Board of Aldermen, in regular session, meets in City Hall the first Friday night in each month COMMITTEES. Finance — Bushall chairman, Johnson, Ivey Street — Drewry chairman, Ferrall, Bushall Police — Ferrall chairman, Jolmson, Drewry Light — Bushall chairman, Mills, Hoover Market — Johnson chairman, Hunnicut, AVhite Building — Mills chairman, Hunnicut, Baker Scliools — Ivey chairman. Mills, Baker Park — Ferrall chairman, Drewry, Bushall AA'ater — Ivey chairman, Ferrall, Johnson Sewer — Drewry chairman, Ferrall, Bushall Fire — Johnson chairman, Ferrall, Baker Cemetery — Mills chairman, Hunnicut, Baker BOARD OF CHARITIES. Mayor AV M Russ chairman, Aldermen Drewry, Ivey, White and Baker BOARD OF HEALTH. James McKee, M D, President ; W M Russ Mayor, J R Ferrall Al- derman, C D Heartt Chief of Police, J C Drewry Alderman, J N Holding City Attorney, T P Sale Clerk 28 RALEIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Mayor W M Russ chairman, Needham B Broughton, T H Briggs, Dr R H Lewis, R O Burton, Alt' A Tliompson, G Rosenthall secretary CITY POLICE. Alderson, T B Andrews, Melvin Beasley, J W Belvin, F A Gates, J A Hardie, P C Conrad, R J Creighton, Chas Ellison, L S Haynes, A H Jones, G M Mullen, J H Thompson, Mart Upc'hurch, G C Woodall, W A POLICE TURNKEYS. Johnson, Marion CITY LAMP-LIGHTER. Weatherspoon, W H Raleigh Water Supply. The Raleigh Water-Works was constructed by the National Water- Works Construction Company, of Dayton, Ohio, in 1887, Mr. M. M. Moore, C. E., engineer in charge. The supply is taken from AValnut creek, two miles from the city. Water is pumped through the filters into the reservoir; from reservoir pumped to tower, on west Morgan street, holding 101,51H gallons. When installed there were two com{)ound duplex steam-pumping engines, of one million gallons each, and two compound power pumps, of one million gal- lons each, connecting with turbine wheels. Power was obtained from the pond, covering al)out ♦JO acres. An order of (^ourt com- pelled the abatement of the pond in 181)5. The Raleigh Water Company, with the indomitable ])ush that has characterized all of their actions, accepted the situation and at once made arrange- ments to give the citizens of Ralcigii the same ample fire protec- tion. This necessitated the purchase of a new pump and boiler. At great expense they purchased from Henry R. Worthington the first triple expansion compound-condenser engine ever shipped to this State, with a daily capacity of two million gallons, with the two Smith-Vaile one million gallons each. This gives to our citizens a pumping capacity of four million gallons per day. 29 At tills time a new 100-Iiorse-power boiler was purchased, of the latest type. There are 125 public tire-hydrants and twent3--five private iire hydrants, making 150, which i^ives ample fire protec- tion. Domestic pressure is from fifty to seventy-five pounds, according to the location ; fire pressure, from seventy-five to I'M) pounds. The pipe is 11. D. Wood & Comi)any''s, guaranteed to stand 300 pounds to the square inch; hydrants, Mathew's; valves, Eddy. The Pump-House, Engineer's house, otfice and Superintendent's house are connected with the fire-alarm system. Every citizen of the city is justly proud of the efficient service rendered, which is fully shown by the fact that no controversy has ever taken place between the city and the Raleigh Water Com- pany. The officers of the Company are Julius Lewis, President; A. A. Thompson, Yice-President ; F. H. Briggs, Treasurer; A. M. McPheeters, Jr., Superintendent and Secretary; J. E. Underwood, Engineer. Raleigh Fire- Alarm Telegraph System. For a number of years Raleigh has been equipped with the fire- alarm telegraph, but the Gamewell Fire-Alarm Telegraph Com- pany, of New York, have just completed the instalment of a storage-battery system, together with a switchboard, for the regula- tion of the same in the new fire department building. This storage battery is made by the well known Storage Battery Company, of Philadelphia, for the special purpose of telegraph. Raleigh is the first city in America to put in a new complete storage-batter}' system in connection with the fire-alarm depart- ment. It is in keeping with the progress and advancement in her fire department that this should be the case. The system has just been completed by the inventors, and it is known to be far in ad- vance of the old system employed. The new system alone saves 80 per cent, in the cost of maintaining batteries for the fire-alarm system, and in three years it is calculated that it will ])ay for itself. It is a matter of pride to every citizen that we have such an excellent fire department, and with the addition of the new storage- battery system the department is more fully ecpiipped to fight the flames. 30 All the fire-alarm wires that radiate over the city lead directly to to the new building on Morgan street, where the battery system is located. The switchboard is made of slate, and is arranged with a lamp rheostat, an automatic cut-out, a polarized relay or switch, an am- meter and voltmeter, and a switch for the changing from one set of batteries to the other with just one move. It is stated that on a fire-alarm circuit or line the batteries dupli- cate, so that while one set is being charged the others are dis- charging on to the lines. The object of the lamp rheostat is to govern the rate of dis- charging the batteries. The automatic cut-out is used in case the charging current stops at any time. The switch falls and prevents a back charge of the batteries, and when the power returns the switch is again drawn up into its place and the batteries again charged. The polarized switch is used in case the poles of the charging currents are reversed ; in this case it would ring a bell and so notify the operator of the change of poles. The ammeter and voltmeter are cut in by the use of plug, and in this way we are enabled to read at what rate and at what voltage we are discharg- ing or charging, as the case may be. If w^e should insert a plug in discharging the circuit and find we are discharging too rapidly, we could, by the moving of a switch, throw in more resistance into the line and thereby reduce the cur- rent until it reaches the proper rate of discharge. In case the discharge is not high enough, the operation is reversed. Number and Location of Fire-Alarm Boxes. Box No. 12 — S W corner Polk and East streets " 13— -S E corner Johnson and Halifax streets " 14 — S W corner North and Person streets " 15 — N W corner Edenton and East streets " 16 — N W corner Polk and Blount streets " 21 — N E corner Morgan and Blount streets " 23— N W corner ^Yilmington and Martin streets " 2-i — N E corner Davie and Bloodworth streets " 25 — S W corner Wilmington and South streets " 26 — N E corner Hargett and Swain streets " 27 — S W corner Blount and Cabarrus streets " 212 — N E (iorner Fayetteville and Hargett streets " 214— N E corner Hargett and Bloodworth streets The UNITED STATES BUILDING, cor. Fayettevlllc and Martin streets. containing the Post-Office, the Internal Revenue Department of 4th N. C. District, and the U. S. Marshal's office; also the U. S. District Court-Room. Chas. M. Busbee, p. M. F. M. Simmons, Collector. 0. J. Carroll, U. S. Marshal. 33 Box No. 31 — S W corner Davie and Dawson streets " 32— S ^Y corner Hillsboro' and West streets '' 34 — S E corner Lenoir and ^[cDowell streets " S.") — N E corner Hargett and Dawson streets " 36 — N E corner South and Harrington streets " 37— N W corner We>t and Ilargett streets '' 4 — Moviran street, between Salisbury and McDowell. Box in Water Tower. Key at Capital Hose House " 41 — Dawson street (w side), bet Jones and Lane streets '' 42 — N W corner Halifax and Edenton streets 43 — N E corner Jones and Saunders streets " 47 — North street, west of Salisbury, near car shed " 321 — N W corner Railroad and Fayetteville streets " 45— Raleigh Cotton Mills " 52 — Insane Asylum TO GIVE AN ALARM. Break the glass front to key-box, unlock the fire-box, pull lever down once, and let go. You cannot release the key from the lock If the small bell in the box is ringing, do not pull the hook, as this indicates that an alarm has already been sent in from another box. Key to all boxes will be in lock Be particular to remain at the box until some officer of the fire department or some piece of apparatus arrives Always send in the alarm from the box nearest the fire SIGNALS. One blow — Test of Line. Any policeman or other ofiicer of the city, on hearing this signal, is instructed to report it at once to the Superintendent of Fire Alarm Two blows, repeated two (2) times — Call for Direct Pressure Two blows, repeated three (3) times — Call for Increased Pressure Three blows — Fire Under Control Four blows — Direct Pressure on Ten blows — Call for Police Raleigh Fire Department Capital Hose, w Morgan st, W A Linehan, Foreman ; F Wooll- cott. Assistant Foreman ; William Allcott, Secretary Walter R Womble Hook and Ladder Co, w Morgan st, W W Parish, Foreman ; Jos S Correll, Secretary Rescue Hose and Fire-Engine Co, Fayetteville st, R E Lumsden, Foreman ; W A Faucett, Secretary Victor Hose Co (col), cor Davie and Salisbury sts, T B Burgess, Foreman; John Taylor, Secretary 34 Military. Governor's Guard, Armory Briggs bldg, Fred Woollcott, Cap- tain ; J F Jordan, First Lieutenant; A J Crawford, Second Lieu- tenant Public Buildings. Agricultural and Mechanical College, West Raleigh City Hall and Market, Fayetteville Colored Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, cor South and Blood- worth County Court-House, Fayetteville County Jail, rear of county court-house Executive Mansion (Governor's residence), Burke Square, n Blount N C Insane Asylum, South-west Raleigh N C State Penitentiary, on Southern R R, o s w N C Institution for the Blind, cor Jones and Dawson N C Agricultural Building, cor Edenton and Halifax N C Experimental Buildings, Hillsboro' rd, o s w N C Exposition and Agricultural Society Buildings, Hillsboro', o s w State Capitol (Executive Building), Union Square, centre of city State Arsenal, Union Square Soldier*' Home Buildings, Newbern ave, o s e Supreme Court Building, cor Edenton and Salisbury U S Court-House and Post- Office, Fayetteville Public Monuments. Confederate Soldiers* Monument, Union Square Washington's Monument, Union Square Public School Buildings. (in charge of RALEIGH SCHOOL COMMITTEE.) Centennial Graded School, foot of Fayetteville Garfield Graded School (col), s Swain Murphy Graded School, cor Person and Polk Washington Graded School, w South Schools and Academies. Raleigh is well equipped in schools, and her citizens point with pride to the advantages here ofiPered. Under the careful and efii- 35 cient manaijement of Professor L D Howell, Superintendent of the Raleigh graded schools, the public-school system in Raleigh com- pares very favorably with aiiy city in the South. The private schools are a source of gratification to the citizens of Raleigh. The following is a list of the schools and their location: WHITE. Centennial Graded School, Fayetteville, Prof L D Howell supt, ^[iss Mabel Hale prin Murphy Graded School, cor n Person and Polk, Prof L D Howell supt, Miss Eliza Pool prin Institution for the Blind, square bet Jones, Lane, Dawson and McDowell, F R Place prin Peace Institute, Peace, Prof James Dinwiddle pres and prin Raleigh Male Academy, 120 n Bloodworth, Morson & Denson prins St Mary's School, 7S4 Hillsboro', Rev Bennett Smedes, A M, prin and rector The N C College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Hillsboro"' rd, Alex Q Holladay pres COLORED. Estey Seminary, 128 e South, Charles F Meserve, A M, pres Garfield Graded School, Swain, Charles N Hunter (col) principal Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, corner e Lenoir and s Bloodworth, F R Place principal, Prof A W Pegues (col) supervisor Leonard Medical School, 750 s "Wilmington, Charles F Meserve, A M, president, Dr James McKee dean ; consulting physicians — Drs A W Knox, AY I Royster, K P Battle, R H Lewis, H B Battle and A W Goodwin Shaw Fniversity, IIS e South, Charles F Meserve, A M, president St Augustine Normal School and Collegiate Institute, Oakwood avenue. Rev A B Hunter principal Washington Graded School, w South, H S Christmas (col) principal Raleigh Public School Teachers. CENTENNIAL GRADED SCHOOL WHITE. Bailey, Miss Cornelia Patterson, Mrs P C Bellamy, Miss Lizzie Redford, Miss Minnie Fleming, Miss Belle Riddle, Miss Loula Hale, Miss Mabel (Principal) Royster, Miss Edith Lawrence, Miss Kate Terrell, Mrs M B Mills, Miss Mary P Williams, Mrs Sarah 36 MURPHY GRADED SCHOOL — WHITE. Barbee, Mrs J M Bates, Miss Grace Devereux, Miss Laura M Hicks, Miss Lillie Marsh, Miss Mary Pool, Miss Eliza( Principal) Sherwood, Mrs Frank Strong, Miss Carrie Williamson, Mrs C M Womble, Miss Ada WASHINGTON GRADED SCHOOL COLORED. Branch, Mrs John H Hamlin, Annie Cardwell, Mary Hunter, L M Christmas, H S (Principal) King, Ella M Hackney, Ella B Lane, P M Mitchell, Ida GARFIELD GRADED SCHOOL COLORED. Biirwell, M T Garj'^, Florence Hunter, C N (Principal) Love, M A Nichols, Tena Kogers, N D Thornton, Emma All under the supervision of Professor Logan D Howell, Superintendent of Raleigh Public Schools THE UNION STATION, cor. Dawson and Martin streets. 37 Raleigh Church Directory. Raleigh is a})niulantly supplied in churches, and has gained for herself the name of the City of Churches. Below is the list : white:. Brooklyn Methodist, n w city limit, Rev R H Whitaker pastor Central M E Churcli, cor Morgan and Person sts, Rev D H Tuttle pastor Christ Episcopal Church, cor Wilmington st and Newbern ave, Rev Dr M M Mashall rector Christian Church, cor Hillsboro' and Dawson sts, Rev J L Foster pastor Church of the Good Shepherd, Hillsboro' st, Rev Dr I McK Pit- tinger rector Church'of the Sacred Heart, cor Hillsboro' and McDowell sts, Rev Father J M Prendergast Edenton-Street Methodist Episcopal Church, cor Edenton and Daw- son sts. Rev Dr W C Norman pastor Epworth Chapel (Methodist), cor Halifax and Franklin sts. Rev R H Whitaker pastor First Baptist Church, cor Edenton and Salisbury sts, Rev Dr J W Carter pastor Presbyterian Church, cor Salisl)ury and Morgan sts, Rev Eugene Daniel pastor Jewish Synagogue, Fayetteville st McDoweil-Street Mission (Presbyterian), under care of Presbyte- terian Church Primitive Baptist Ciiurch, cor Morgan and Dawson sts; no regular pastor Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle, cor Hargett and Person sts, Rev Dr A M Simms pastor St Mary's Episcopal Ciiapel, at St Mary's School, Rev Bennett Smedes, A M, rector Swain-Street Baptist Mission, Rev A L Betts in charge St Saviour Episcopal Church, cor Johnson and West sts, Rev Isaac A Can field rector Third Baptist Church, cor P^ayetteville and South sts; no regular pastor; Jno T Pullen supt West-End Baptist Church, Hillsboro' st. Rev A L Betts pastor COLORED. Christian Church, Manly st. Rev A A Bright pastor Cox Memorial ]\[ E Ciiurch, cor Newbern ave and East sts, Rev L A Humphries pastor 38 IggMeeit-r frt?^ef>^ THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, cor. Hillsboro' and Dawson streets. Rev. J as. L. FOSTER, Pastor. Pasor's Study at the Clmrcli. Services: Sunday Morning and Evening; Sundav-school 9:30 A. M.; Wednesday night. Prayer-Meeting. 39 Davie-Street Presbyterian Church, cor Davie and Person sts, Rev A G Davis pastor Ea^t ]\[artin P)ai)tist Church, Kev A R Price pastor First P>a])tlst Ciiurch, n Salisbury st, Rev J J AVorlds pastor First Congre_2;ational Church, cor South and Manly sts. Rev A W Curtis, 1) D, ])astor Second Baptist Church, cor Cabarrus and Blount sts, Rev Freeman Howell pastor St Augustine Episco])al Church, cor Dawson and Lane sts, Rev A B Hunter pastor St PauFs M E Church, cor Harrington and Edenton sts, Rev R H W Leak pastor Tlie Dawson-Street Bajitist Church, s Dawson st. Deacon William Atwater in charge The Zion Methodist Church, Rev H P A\^alker i)astor RALEIGH BAPTIST TABERNACLE, cor. Hargett and Person sts., Rkv. a. M. SIMMS, D. D., P.\stor. Services, Sunday Morning and Evening; Sunday-school 9:30 \. M. 40 The North Carolina Soldiers' Home. NEWBEKN AVENUE, OUTSIDE EAST. Colonel A B Andrews president, William C Stronach business manager, Capt J H Fuller superintendent Abbott, Elias Adams, Meredith Aldridi^e, W R Bag^Yell, J B Baird, Thomas Banks, Harrison Benoish, J J Bennett, J E Benton, Edward Bo wen, Richard Brown, A J Brown, Peter A Brown, Wm J Browning, L R Buck, T W Buis, W A Capps, H H Carter, Owen Chistenall, James Collins, David Cushing, J F Dancy, William Easom, John M Foy, Marcus M Francis, Samuel Gathings, S H Gay, Solomon Goodwin, Geo T Goodwin, I M Gooch, W L Haithcock, Jesse Hamilton, Wesley Hancock, J R Harris, W T Harris, Jesse Harris, J T INMATES. Hart, Jehu Hill, A D Home, Jesse Houch, Solomon Joiner, Robt W Justice, J W Lancaster, G W Landis, C E Lee, Henry Lippard, Marcus Mahoney, J R Noland, Patrick Olive, Anderson Parker, W H Parker, WB Parker, W Howell Peebles, W F Pool, J M Puryear, J R Pugh, David Robbins, Starkie Sprinkle, John Stancil, E S Stevens, Festus Street, W D Strickland, Lemuel Sutton, J D Thain, A Thomas, Ether Thompson, William Waddell, E M Walker, ^Y A Walker, Carter Watkins, David Watson, Isaac Williams, James Whitaker, W S -41 Cemeteries. WHIT?:. City Cemetery, e of East st bet e Hargett st and Newbern ave, S A Jones keeper Catholic Cemetery, Tarboro' road, outside east Confederate Cemetery, adjoining Oakwood Hebrew Cemetery, in Oakwood National Cemetery, Rock Qnarry road, W J Elgie superintendent Oakwood Cemetery, Oakwood avenue, A B Forrest superintendent COLORED. Mt Hope Cemetery, Fayetteville road, outside south, Sampson An- derson (col) sexton SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. Masonic. whitp:. Grand Lodge A F tt AM: Francis M Move G M, W H Sum- merell Dep G M, AValter E Moore Sr G W, P, S Royster Jr G AV, William Simpson G Treas, J C Drewry G Sec. Meets in Raleigh on the second Tuesday in January of each year, in Masonic Hall Hiram Lodge No 40: ^Y AY AVillson W M, Augustus Bradley S ^Y, AV N Snelling J AV, T AV Blake Treas, E B Thomas Sec. Meets third Monday night of each month, in Masonic Hall AYm G Hill Lodse No 218: B R Lacv AV M. AV E Faison S AA^ R B DeA^ault J AA\ J A Briggs Treas, Z P Smith Sec. Meets second and fourth Monday nights of each month, in Masonic Hall Raleisrh Chapter No 10: John C Drewry H P, Chas Kleuppelberg K, Z P Smith S, T AV Blake Treas, John Nichols Sec. Meets first Tuesday after third Monday night of each month, in Masonic Hall Enoch Council No 5: John Nichols G M, M Bowes H T, Chas Kleuppelberg P C AA\ AA^illiam Simpson ME, BR Lacy Rec. Meets at close of Chapter meeting 42 Raleigh Commandery, Knights Templar, No 4: Z P Smith Em Com, W E Faison Generalissimo, R B DeYault Capt-Gen, B R Lacy Prelate, M Bjwes S W, W R Blake J W, William Simpson Treas. Meets first Thursday in each month, in Masonic Hall Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Grand Lodge I O O F : W T Dortch G M, J P Sawyer Dep G M, R AV Murray G W, B H Woodell G Sec, R J Jones G Treas, C F Lumsden and W C Douglass Grand Representatives. Meets annually at diflferent places in the State Manteo Lodije No 8 : J J Harris N G, A E Glenn Y G, George L Tonnoflski R S, C H Peine F S, T W Blake Treas. Meets every Tuesday evening in Odd Fellows' Hall Seaton Gales Lodge No 64: A M Powell N G, H J Young Y G, Phil Thiem R S, Phil J Thiem F S, William Woollcott^Treas. Meets every Thursday night in Odd Fellows' Hall Capital Lodge No 147: Z P Smith N G, W AV Willson Y G, J J Bernard R S, ^Y C Lindsey F S, K P Merritt Treas. Meets every Tuesday night in hall over J Lewis Hardware Co McKee Encampment No 15 : T W Adams C P, ^Y R Blake S W, T W Blake H P, George L Tonnoifski Scribe, W C McMackin R S, C H Peine Treas. Meets second and fourth Friday nights of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall Litchford Encampment No 26: A F Bowen C P, J M Lindsey S AV, L A Kuester H P, J S Keith Scribe, AY P Betts F S, Philip Thiem Treas. Meets every Monday night in Odd Fellows' Hall Ruth Lodge No 4, Daughters of Rebecca: Miss Nannie Edwards N G, J S Keith R S, Aliss Barbara Adams Treas, Aliss Nellie Weddon F S. Meets first and third Friday nights in each month in I O O F Hall, Pullen bldg Knights of Pythias. Piialanx Lodge No 34: A AI AlcPheeters Jr C C, AY E Ashley Y C, C R Lee Prelate, Z P Smith AI at A, I T Jones M of F, F P Haywood Jr AI of E, J J Bernard K of R and S, William Ledbetter Al of AV. Meets every Thursday night in hall over J Lewis Hardware Co Centre Lodge No 3 : J H Raby C C, R C Rivers A^ C, P H Denton Prelate, AV T Alaynard AI at A, C H Peine AI of AY, T P Sale M of F, J L Foster M of E, AV AV AVillson K of R and S. Meets every Alondav night in Castle Hall Sir AValter Raleigh Division No 3, rniforra Rank K of P: AY W AVillson Sir Knight Capt, A Al AlcPheeters Sir Knight First 43 Lieut, W G Separk Sir Knight Second Lieut, C B Hart Sir Kiiiiilit Recorder, John Ward Sir Kiiiii;ht Treas. Meets second Wednesday niii'lit in each month in Castle Hall Knights of Honor. Oak City Lodge No 410: A M Powell Dictator, R H Bradley Reporter, C C McDonald Fin Rep, J iV Jones Treas Knights and Ladies of Honor. Carolina Lodge: B F Faison Protector, L C Bagwell Vice-Pro, Rev L Branson Sec, AV N Snelling Treas Fallen Lodo-e: Mrs E S Cheek Protector, A J Jackson Vice-Pro, A M Hanli' Fin Sec, L W Smith Rec Sec, John U Smith Treas. Meets first and Third Thursday nights in each month in Pullen bldg American Legion of Honor. Raleiirh Council No 1118: J A Jones Commander, J S Keith Sec, H Heller Collector, A M Powell Treas Royal Arcanum. Grand Council: E L Harris Regent, A M Scales Vice-Regent, Dr J Howell AVray Sec, A M Powell Treas Raleigh Council Ko 551 : W C McMackin Regent, T W Blake Vice-Regent, W A Faucett Orator, W H Dodd Sec, J C Mar- com Collector, J G Brown Treas. Meets second and fourth Monda}' nights in each month in Pullen bldg Junior Order United American Mechanics. Raleiirh Council No 1 : Z P Smith Councilor, W W Andrews Warden, T P Sale Fin Sec, M R Haynes Rec Sec, W L Davis Treas. Meets every AVednesday night in Pullen bldg Fraternal Mystic Circle. Raleiffh Ruling No 324: E C Smith Worthy Ruler, M Rosenthal W Rec, D T Johnson W Collector, H Heller AV Treas. Meets in Pullen bldg Improved Order of Heptasophs. Raleigh Order No 390: AV N Snelling Archon, Dr G A Renn Provost, AA^ E Foster Secretary, Dr J AV McGee Jr Financial 44 Secretary, Frank P Haywood Treasurer, Henry Matthews In- spector, L H Woodall Prelate, W T Maynard Warden. Meets in Pullen building Order of Railway Conductors. Raleigh Division No 264 : H M Fancette Chief Conductor, F F Brown Assistant C C, G M Lasater Sr C, J F Weaver Jr C, W W Newman Secretary and Treasurer. Meets first and fourth Sundays in each month in Pullen building Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. H Beckham Chief Engineer, D K AYright 1st Engineer, AY H Fetner 2d Engineer, B R Lacy 1st Assistant Engineer, W A Faison 2d Assistant Engineer, C R Hunnicutt 3d Assistant Engineer, T S Stove Guide, T B Terrell Chaplain Typographical Union. Raleigh Union No 51: John Cheek President, C F Cooke Vice- President, E C Owens Secretary, C D Christophers Treasurer, Simeon Smith Sergeant-at-Arms. Meets every month in Pul- IcTi building Carpenters' Union. Raleigh Union : M F Ruth President, J AV Hunt Recording Sec- retary, J L Cross Financial Secretary, AA^ L Riddle Treasurer. Meets in Pullen building Raleigh and Gaston R. R. Workingmen's Relief Associa- tion. J S Bland President, AA^ D Jordan Vice-President, W H Cole Re- cording Secretary, E R Pace Financial Secretary, J S Riddle Treasurer Confederate Veterans' Camp. Junius Daniel Camp No 515 : Dr P E Hines Commander, W H Hughes 1st Lieut Commander, J T AA'^atts 2d Lieut Com- mander, J C Birdsong Adjutant Ancient Order United Workingmen. Murphy Lodge No 3: AV AV Parish M AY, J R Norman Foreman, J H Crawford Overseer, L W Smith Recorder, T J Bashford 45 A. UUuHL (iONPEGrpiONS jomixxj ixixxjj »»1 » it CUxu uxxi^ ixxi.tx WD Vuiil,.i.., ' in,in ' Uimil,.i.llii:irin i ni: l ai;i,i; i .i.-\i_> Foreign and Domestic FRUITS. "I feast on Dughi's de- licious Fruits and Creams aud Ices." PKOPKIKTOK 01-" JuNALUSKA Wine Co. Cakes for Parties and Weddings Ma'ree, dressmaker Adkins Mrs Susan, wid, dressmaker, res 625 e Harejett Akins Rev Sandy,* Methodist minister, res 506 w South Akins Nancy,* wife Rev Sandy, house work Akins Etta J,* d Rev Sandy, washerwoman Akins Benj,* son Rev Sandy, res same, farm hand Akins Janies,* son Rev Sandy, res same, lab. Akins Estelle,* d Rev Sandy, res same, house work Akins Gornie,* d Rev Sandy, res same, house work Akins Julia,* d Rev Sandy, res same, house work Akins Mack,* son Rev Sandy, res same, student Albri£::ht Miss Sallie, hkpr for Mrs Addie Woods, res same Alder^man J T, conductor S A L R R, bds 204 Halifax Alderson T B, city policeman, res 212 n Harrington Alderson Mrs Agnes Y, wife T B Alderson Eddie H, son T B, res same, elk J McKimmon & Co Alderson Miss Mamie, d T B, res same, stenographer and type- writer at telephone office Aldridge W R, inmate Soldier's Home AUcott Wayne, book and machinery agt, office in Academy of Music bldg, res cor Polk and East Allcott Mrs Ernestine T, wife Wayne Alexander Millie,* washerwoman, res 116 n West Alford W H, carp, res 213 n West A 1 ford Mrs Helen, wife W H Alford Miss Bertha, d W H, res same, student Alford Alonzo, son W H, res sanie, student Alford James H, pri'r at Edwards & Broughton, r 113 n Salisbury Alford Mrs Susan Y, wife James H Alford Xick,* lal), res rear e Davie Alford Mary,* wife Nick, restaurant cook Alford Julia,* d Nick, res same, cook for J W McGee Jr Alford Leroy, foreman of type-setting machines News and Obser- ver office, bds 125 e South Allen Jacob S, builder and contractor, res 515 n Person Allen Mrs Mattie O, wife Jacob S Allen Thos Camden, son Jacob S, student Allen Miss Nella Ada, d Jacob S, student Allen Jos W, loco eng SAL R R, res 118 n Dawson Allen Mrs Emma W, wife Jos W Allen Wm M, son Jos W, res same, elk J C S l^umsden Allen Claude, son Jos W, r same, wks Julius Lewis Hardware Co Allen Archie, son Jos W, res same, student Allen Miss Jessie L, d Jos W, res same, student Allen Leroy, son Jos W, res same, student Al 52 Al Allen Miss Hallie H, d Jos W, res same, student Allen Paul D, elk S A L frt depot, res 213 n Saunders Allen Mrs Mary, wife Paul D Allen Mrs Ira N, wid, res 30i n Dawson Allen Oscar, son Mrs Ira N, res same, elk J G Ball & Co Allen Fred, son Mrs Ira N, res same, student Allen Miss Ira E, d Mrs Ira N, res same, student Allen G M, office msjr The Allen & Cram Co, res 116 s West Allen Mrs Helen, wife G M Allen Miss Helen P, d G M, res same, student Allen George, sec of Mechanics and Investors Union, office Pullen bid, bds cor Newbern ave and Person Allen Mrs Leah, wife Geo Allen Alex,* whitewasher, res Martin, o s e Allen Lucinda,* wife Alex, washerwoman Allen Bud,* son Alex, res same, whitewasher Allen David,* son Alex, res same, student Allen Charles,* son Alex, res same, student Allen Mary,* d Alex, res same, student Allen Mrs"^M J, wid, res with Rev Alvin Betts Allen D H, elk for Myatt & Hunter, res 306 Newbern ave Allen Mrs Virginia F, wife D H Allen Miss Maria, d D H, res same, student Allen Miss Jvatie, d D H, res same, student Allen D H Jr, son D H, res same Allen & Bovden, real estate, office Pnllen bldg Allen Thos W, eng S A L Pv Pt, res 203 n Saunders Allen Mrs Bettie A, wife Thos W Allen Miss Maggie, d Thos W, res same, student Allen J E, brick mason and plasterer, res 300 n Saunders Allen Mrs B J, wife J E Allen Marvin M, son J E, res same, student Allen Edward, son J E, res same, student Allen David R, son J E, res same Allen Bettie,* cook for W J Ellington, res 118 n Dawson Allen Bettie,* cook for G A Strickland, res 3 Stronach ave Allen Norman,* carp, res Smithfield al Allen Catherine,* wife Norman, washerwoman Allen Minerva,* d Norman, res same, w^asherwoman Allen William, lab, res 536 e Davie Allen Roxie,* cook, res old Fair Ground, o s e Allen Susie,* sister of Roxie, res same, nurse Allen Frank, bkkpr for A B Stronach, bds 321 e Lane Allen James, lab, res 228 s Bloodworth Allen Mrs Annie, wife Jas Allen Allen Anthony,* cook at Park Hotel, res 720 s McDowell Allen Louisa,* wife Anthony Allen Lettie,* d Anthony, res same, student Al 53 Al Allen Magorie,* d Anthonv, res same, student Allen Wesley,* lab, res Piiuh Allen J A,* slioeniaker, res 2<>7 w South Allen Belle," wife J A, washerwoman Allen Mrs L F, seamstress, res 114 w South Allen Wm H, son Mrs L F, res same, painter Allen Miss Mary A, d Mrs L F, res same, stiuient Allen Anna,* washerwoman, res rear 50S s Wust Allen Isick,* lab, res 213 s IIarrini!:ton Allen Chas S, frt a9 w Lenoir Alston Lizzie,* wife Jordan, washerwoman Al 54. An Alston Jennie,* d Jordan, res same, washerwoman Alston Richard,* son Jordan, res same, student Alston Emma,* d Jordan, res same, student Alston Gid,* ofRce boy at Dr D E Everett, res 19 McKee Alston Virginia,* grocer, 7(30 Fayette ville, res 19 McKee Alston Chaney,* mother of Virginia Alston, res same Alston Robert,* wks ice factory, res 516 s McDowell Alston Alice,* wife Robert, honse work Alston George,* porter at Supreme Court bldg, res 14 Railroad Alston Julia,* wife George, housework Alston Henry,* son Geo, res same, porter at Agricultural bldg Alston William,* son Geo, res same, lab Alston Rachel,* d Geo, res same, housework Alston Susan,* d Geo, res same, student Alston J L,* grocer, cor McDowell and South, res same Alston Eliza,* cook, res 409 w Martin Alston John,* carp, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w Alston Jane,* wife John Alston Lizzie,* seamstress, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w Alston Moses,* son John, res same, lab Alston Gertrude,* d John, res same, nurse Alston Janet,* d John, res same Alston Rosa Belle,* d John, res same Alston Eustice,* son John, res same Amis M N, lawyer, office Central Hotel, res same Anderson Chas H & Co, grocers, 8 and 10 e Hargett Anderson C H (C H Anderson ^fe Co), grocei, res 114 s Person Anderson Mrs Luta E, wife C H Anderson Miss Lucile, d C H, res same Anderson Jas H, elk Lyon Racket store, res 222 s Blount Anderson Mrs Melissa, wife Jas H Anderson Paul N, son Jas H, res same Anderson Virgil,* carp, res e Martin, o s e Anderson Bessie,* wife Virgil Anderson Turner,* teacher, res e Martin, o s e Anderson Laura,* wife Turner, washerwoman Anderson Rosa L,* d Turner, res same, student Anderson Mrs M E, wid, res 516 e Jones Anderson R F, elk So Express Co, bds 108 Fayetteville Anderson Chas K, Broom dept Blind Institution, res same Anderson Ellen;* dressmaker, res 744 s Wilmington Anderson Martha,* washerwoman, res 211 w Lenoir Anderson J A, photographer, bds 515 s Harrington Anderson Fannie E,* house work, res 709 Manly Andrews Col A B, first vice-president Southern Railway Co, office Yarborough House bldg, res 407 n Blount Andrews Mrs Julia M, M-ife A B Andrews Wm J, son A B, res same, mechanical engineer An 55 Ar ANDREWS A B Jr, son A B, ret; same, lawyer, office np-stairs ;!<>:> Fayetteville Andrews John II, ?on A B, res same, student Andrews Graham H, son A B, res same, student Andrews Miss Jane H, d A B, res same Andrews Phil H, chief elk U S post-office, res 128 n Wilmington Andrews Mrs Margaret, wife Phil H Andrews Miss Mary H, d P II, res same Andrews Miss Lut-y C, d P H, res same Andrews Miss Belle A, d P H, res same Andrews R M, blacksmith, shop s McDowell, res 210 e Davie Andrews Mrs Mary, wife R M Andrews "\V E, son PI M, res same, blacksmith Andrews Miss Emma L, d R M, res same Andrews Miss Maggie L, d R M, res same Andrews Zeb V, son R M, res same, boiler maker Andrews Mel v in, city policeman, res 410 w Ilargett Andrews Mrs Collie V, wife Melvin Andrews Floyd, son Melvin, res same Andrews Joseph," porter for M Rosenthal, res 420 s Swain Andrews Silvia,* washerwoman, res 420 s Swain Andrews George,* lab, res 420 s Swain Andrews Walter,* brother Jos, res same, student Andrews Ella,* sister Jos, res same, student Andrews Greek O, editor of Press- Visitor, bds Yarboro' House Andrews Mrs Harriet, companion to Mrs V B Swepson, res same Andrews Mrs Viser C, wid, res with John Kelly Andrews W H, eng U S bldg, res 120 w Lane Andrews Mrs Elizabeth, wife W H Andrews D H, son W H, res same, printer Anticephalalgine Factory, 301 Fayetteville, Jas I Johnson, pro- prietor Applewhite Henry,* lab, res Manly Applewhite Mary,* wife Henry, house work Applewhite Lou,* cook, res 719 s McDowell Arendell F B, bus mgr of News and Observer, r 425 n Bloodworth A. B. ANDREWS, Jr., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 303 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Does a general Law business. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. Special attention paid to collections. Local Counsel for South- ern Railway Company. Prompt attention given all corre.?pondence. Ar 56 As Arendell Mrs Bessie E, .wife F B Arendell Holmes, son F B, res same, student Arendell Mrs P A, wid mother F B, res same Arendell B J, flagman SAL, bds 425 n Bloodworth Argo & Snow, attorneys-at-law, office law bldg, 833 Fayetteville Argo Thos M (Argo & Snow), lawyer, 12 n Person Argo Mrs Ernest, wife Thos M Arnold T A, carp, res 520 n West Arnold Mrs Nannie, wife T A Arnold Alley, son T A, res same, student Arnold Mrs Dora L, wid Jas E, res 21 1 Smithfield Arnold Miss Florence B, d Jas E, res same, student Arnold Miss Carrie, d Jas E, res same, student Arnold Hubert D, son Jas E, res same, student Arnold Mrs M J, wid, res 304 n Dawson Armistead David,* gas maker, res 718 s Dawson Armistead Minta,* wife David, sick nurse Arrington T G, elk Yarboro" House, res same Arrington Mrs P D B, bds Branson House Arrington Bryan, son Mrs P D B, res same, elk Arrington Miss Hattie, d Mrs P D B, res same Arrington Nancy,"' laundress, res 525 e Cabarrus Arrington John,* son Nancy, res same, lab Arrington Minnie,* cook for Mrs A E Macy, res on lot Arrington Lillie,* house work, res 326 s East Arrington Erasmus,* lab, res 234 e South Arrington Rachel,* wife Erasmus, wks col Deaf & Dumb Asylum Arrington Erasmus,* son Erasmus, res same, student Arrington Catherine,* d Erasmus, res same, student Arrington Jno M,* son Erasmus, res same Arthur Chas D, fish dealer city market, bds Exchange Hotel ASHE S A & SON, ins agts, ofiice 240 Fayetteville, up-stairs Ashe S A, lawyer and ins ast, res 628 Hillsboro' Ashe Mrs Thos H, wid, res 628 Hillsboro' Ashe Miss Sarah W, rjis with S A Ashe Ashe W W, son S A, res same, forester N C Geological Survey Ashe S A Jr, son S A, res same, cotton-mill bus Ashe Thos M, son S A, res same, architect and ins agt, office cor Martin and Fayetteville, up-stairs Ashe Miss Elizabeth E, d S A, res same Ashe Miss Mary P, d S A, res same, student Ashe Miss Josephine, d S A, res same, student Ashe Jno G, son S A, res same, student Ashe Miss Hannah W, d S A, res same, student Ashe Geo B, son S A, res same Ashe John,* lab, res rear 516 s Salisbury Ashe Malvina,* cook, res rear 516 s Salisbury Ashley Wm E, supt N C Car Co, res Fir wood ave As 57 Au Ashley Mrs Mary E, wife W E Ashley Miss IMahel E, d W E, res same Ashley Miss Alma A, d W E, res same Ashley Louis II, son W E, res same, student Ashley William, son W E, res same, student Askew Mrs tl J, wid, res with J N Hold i no;, 52S s Salishury Atkins John, cotton-mill opr, res 517 s Bloodworth Atkins Miss Lovie, sister of John, res same, student Atkinson J C, earp, res 22S e Cabarrus Atkinson Mrs Ellen, wife J C Atkinson Chas J, son J C, res same, o;uard penitentiary Atkinson Miss Cora, d J C, res same Atkinson Henry A, son J C, res same, huckster Atkinson Miss Alma E, d J C, res same, student Atwater Charles,* lab, res 500 e Cabarrus Atwater Eliza,* wife Chas, washerwoman Atwater Hattie,* d Chas, res same, cook Atwater Lula,* d Chas, res same, nurse Atwater Gertrude,* d Chas, res same, nurse Atwater Ella,* d Chas, res same, student Atwater Cabe,* son Chas, res same, lab Atwater Clarence,* son Chas, res same, lab Atwater William,^'' porter at Stronack & Sons, res old Fair Ground, o s e Atwater Emma,* wife AVm Atwater William Jr,* son Wm, res same, student Atwater Alex,* son Wm, res same, student Atwood A G, eng S A L R R, res n Saunders Atwood Mrs Ida, wife A G Austin Wm H, farmer, res 211 Bledsoe ave Austin Sarah A, wife Wm II Austin Robert E, son Wm H, res same, wks Caraleii,Hi mill Austin Jos F, son Wm H, res same, wks Caraleigh njill Austin C T, son Wm H, res same Austin Jno L, son Wm H, res same Austin Elizabeth,* laundress, res 550 e (Cabarrus Austin AValter,"' son Elizabeth, res same, tobacco worker Austin Jose]ih,* son Elizabeth, res same, student Austin Harry," son Elizabeth, res same, lab Austin Mariah," servant at Mrs R C Badger's, res 209 w Morgan Austin Chaney,* cook for Jas A Briggs, res on lot Austin Silvia,* cook for W M Russ, res 525 e Edenton Austin Emma,* cook for Mrs W II Pace, res on lot Austin Geneva,* cook for Mrs R W Smith, res same Austin John,* farm hand, res '^'22 e Martin Austin Maggie,* wife John, washerwoman Austin Rattle,* d Emma Jones, res san)e, student Austin Bessie,* d Emma Jones, res same, nurse Mrs Stanback Au 58 Ba Austin Haywood,* lineman Telephone Co, res 206 w South Austin Mary,* wife Haywood, cook Austin W E, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Austin Lottie,* washerwoman, res 409 w Martin Austin Granville D, horse-trainer, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Austin Mrs J Etta, wife G D Austin Miss Ruth L, d G D, res same Austin Roy O, son G D, res same Austin A Carter, son G D, res same Austin Wiley C, son G D, res same Avera David S, planter, res Newbern ave, o s e Avera Mrs Charlotte A, wife David S Avera Wm S, son David S, res same AVERA A C, Asst Justice of Siipreme Court, bds 611 Fayette- ville Avery Susan,* washerwoman, res 118 w Cabarrus Avery Jane,* house servant, res 525 s McDowell Avery Charles,* son Jane, res same, student Avery Joseph,* son Jane, res same, student Avery Effie,* d Jane, res same, student Aydlett Charles, carp SAL, res 709 n Salisbury, o s n Aydlett Mrs Carrie, w^ife of Charles Ayer Mrs V C, wid, res cor Hargett and s Salisbury Ayer H AV, editor Weekly Caucasian, r cor Salisbury and Hargett ATER Dr J M, surgeon dentist, 208 Fayetteville, res cor s Salis- bury and Hargett BADGER Thomas, ex-mayor, res 218 Halifax Badger Mrs Eleanor H, wife Thomas Badger Thomas Jr, son Thomas, res same Badger Miss Catherine, d Thomas, res same Badger Miss Janet, d Thomas, res same Badger George, son Thomas, res same, student Badger Mrs Tl C, wid, res 103 s McDowell Bagley Mi-s W H, wid, res 125 e South DBNlTISir, 208 Fayetteville Sti^eet, I^ALEIGH, n. (©. Ba 59 Ba Baglej Mrs Etliel, d Mrs W H Baglev David, son ^Irs W J I P.aglej Worth, son :\Irs W II, in US Navy Baglev Wni Henry, son Mrs W H, student Bagley Miss Belle, d Mrs W H, in IT S employ Bagley ^Irs Minnie, wid, res with Mrs R C Badger Bagwell L C, traveling salesman, res 7(>1 s Blount Bagwell Mrs Adilia W, wife L C, dressmaker Bagwell Miss Marv, d L C, r same, stock elk W H & R S Tucker it Co Bagwell Miss Minnie, d L C, res same, student Bagwell Eugene, son L C, res same, student Bagwell Charles, son L C, res same, student Bagwell Garland, son L C, res same, student Bagwell George, son L C, res same, student Bagwell J B, inmate Soldiers' Home Bailey Frank L, saloon and grocer, 233 s Wilmington, res 303 e Hargett Bailey Mrs Mollie, wife F L Bailey Miss Lillie, d F L, res same, student Bailey Joseph, son F L, res same, student Bailey Mrs Martha, mother of F L, res same Bailey Mrs Julia A, wid, res 213 n Dawson Bailey Miss Cornelia, d Mrs Julia A, r same, teacher Cen Graded School Bailey Oscar L, son Mrs Julia A, res same, printer Bailey Mrs C T, wid, res 513 n Blount Bailey C Tom, son Mrs C T, res same, trav salesman Bailey J W, son Mrs C T, res same, editor of Biblical Recorder Bailey Pete, son Mrs C T, res same Bailey W E, bookbinder, bds 305 s Person Bailey A L, elk, res 113 s Blount Bailey Mrs Bettie, wife A L Bain Mrs Adelaide V, wid, res 414 Hillsboro' Bain AVm H, son Mrs Adelaide V, res same, accountant Bain Mrs Margaret C, wife Wm H Bain Ernest B, son Mrs Adelaide V, res same, accountant Bain Miss Adelaide V, d ]\Irs Adelaide V, res same Bain Miss Julia G, res with Mrs E F Partin Bain Joe,* waiter for Mrs Emma Myatt, res on lot Baird Thomas, inmate Soldiers' Home Baker Need ham, wks S A L, res 536 w Peace Baker Mrs Addie, wife Needham Baker Nathan T, son Needham, res same, wks Ral cot mill Baker Walter, son Needham, res same, wks Ral cot mill Baker Miss Hattie, d Needham, res same, wks Ral cot mill Baker Mrs Lucy A, wid, res Fayetteville below Railroad Baker Atlas, son Mrs Lucy A, res same, lab Ba 60 Ba Baker James,* hostler for Dr Harvey Upchurch, r 719 s McDowell Baker Rhina,* wife James, house work Baker Chas C, traveling salesman, res 529 s Salisbury Baker Mrs Lois C, wife^C C Baker Aubrey L, son C C, res same, student Baker James,* wood dealer, res 736 Fayetteville Baker Jennie,* wife James Baker A L, pres Va Cotton Mills, otfiee 126 Fayetteville, res Hali- fax st and Firwood ave Baker B W (Eberhardt & Baker), coal and wood, res Halifax st and Firwood ave Baker Peter,* driver for J R Ferrall lV: Co, res 115 w Lenoir Baker Hollie,* wife Beter, washerwoman Baker Hattie,* d Peter, res same, student Baker J T,* teacher, res 223 Cannon Baker Lizzie,* wife J T Baker L A, weaver Caraleigh mill, res 420 Cannon Baker Mrs L V, wife L A Paker James & Co, grocers, 301 w South Baker Nancy,* servant, res 748 s Person Baker Fannie,* d Nancy, res same, cook Baker Nellie,* d Nancy, res same, cook Baker Ella,* d Nancy, res same, washerwoman Baker Macon, son Mrs Mollie Lowery. res same, student Baker Joseph, son Mrs Mollie Lowery, res same, student Baker Miss Dora, res with L B Phillips Baker John, lab, res S02 s Wilmington Baker Mrs Susan, wife John, washerwoman Baker Miss Jane G, res with Mrs Samuel Ruffin Baker J H, mechanic SAL, bds 122 w Jones Baker Temple,* washerwoman, res Martin, o s e Baker Sylvester,* son Tempie, res same, lab Baker Cora,* washerwoman, res 212 Blount-st al Baker Dr Wm, physician, res 813 s Blount Baker Mrs Mary, wife Dr Wm Baker Hester,* house work, res 330 s East Baker Cora,* cook, res old fair ground, o s e Baker Mary,* teacher, bds 16 Matthew's lane Ball Jos R, salesman for Barbee & Co, res 312 s Person Ball Mrs Lida R, wife Jos R Ball Miss Jessie B, d Jos R, res same, student Ball Dallas B, son Jos R. res same, student Ball Miss Mildred M, d Jos R, res same, student BALL JESSE G, grocer and smoking tobacco mfr, 7 e Hargett, res 117 n Blood worth Ball Mrs Luvenia, wife Jesse G Ball Miss Helen, d Jesse G, res same, student Ball Richard, son Jesse G, res same, student Ba 61 Ba Ball C O, merchant, res 215 e Morj2:an Ball Mrs Annie, wife C O Ball Jno G, ini;-r Je?se G BalTs tobacco factory, res -Jl.") e Morgan Ball Mrs Laura, wife John G Ball Georsre F, merchant, res 20-1 Smithfield Ball Mrs Nellie, wife Geo F Ball Miss Gracie, d Geo F, res same, student Ball Miss Bessie O, d Geo F, res same, student Ball W T, elk J G Ball, bds Central Hotel Baldwin James,* lab, res 017 Manly Ballard David, bds 549 n Person Banks Harrison, inmate Soldiers' Home Banks Jno R, collector for Thomas & Maxwell, bds at Mansion House Banks Mrs Dora, wife Jno R Banks Mrs M E, boarding-house, 508 Fayetteville Banks Miss Stella H, d Mrs M E, saleslady for C A Sherwood tt Co Banks T G, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Banks Wilson,* driver for Wm Grimes, res 816 s Blount Banks Mary,* wife Wilson Banks Mattie,* d Wilson, res same, student Banks William," son Wilson, res same, student BAPTIST SUPPLY STORE, 113 Fayetteville Jlarbee J M (Barbee ^fc Pope), confectioner, res 317 s Dawson Barbee Mrs Jennie M, wife J M, teacher Barbee Robt J, son J M, res same Barbee *k Pope, candy mfrs, 105 Fayetteville Barbee Miss Virginia, dressmaker, res 212 n Harrington Barbee tt Co, cot brokers, 305 s AVilmington Barbee E B (Barbee n Dawson Beckham Mrs M E, wife J H Beckham C H, locomotive eng S A L R R, res 239 n Dawson Beckham Mrs E A, wife C H ADOLPH G. BAUER, Architect and Superintendent, HoLLEMAX Building, - RALEIGH, N. C. PLANS, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS, WORKING DRAWINGS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS FURNISHED FOR DVILDINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Be 66 Be Beckham John,* carp, res 521 s McDowell Beck with B C, lawyer, office over Commercial and Farmers bank, bds 118 n Wilmington Beckwith Mrs lola, wife B C Becton Harriet,* laundress, res Manly Beddingfield E C, R E. Commissioner, office Agr bldg Beebe Miss Dee, teacher in Peace Institute, res same Beebe Sam,* brick mason, res 125 e Cabarrus Beemer J W, carp, res 311 n Dawson Beemer Mrs S A, wife J W Beine Chas H & Co, auction and commission house, IDS and 110 e Hargett Beine C H (C H Beine & Co), merchant, res cor Swain and e Hargett Beine M'rs Maud A, wife C H Beine Miss Maggie, d C H, res same, student Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be 1 Hilliard, lock and gunsmith, res 703 n Bloodworth, o s n 1 Mrs Nannie, wife Hilliard 1 Henry, son Hilliard, res same 1 Miss Nannie, d Hilliard, res same, student 1 W B, merchant, bds 411 n Saunders 1 Alonzo,* brakeman S A L R R, bds 320 w North 1 Fannie,* house servant, res 814 Manly 1 Charles, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same 1 Haywood, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same 1 Lewis C,* lab, res 310 Manly 1 Mary,* wife L C, cook 1 Eliza,* d L C, res same, house servant lamy Mrs Joe, wid, res 3^9 Hillsboro' lamy Miss Lizzie, d Mrs Joe, res same, teacher in Centennial Graded School vin C H, Pres National Bank of Ral, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w vin Mrs Lizzie L, wife C H vin Miss Katie B, d C H, res same vin Miss Bessie, d C H, res same vin Miss Nannie, d C H, res same, student vin Mrs Lacy, wid, res e Martin vin Mrs Connie, mother of Mrs Geo P Young, res same vin Thos J, carp, r 635 e Hargett vin Mrs Sallie, wife Thos J vin Miss Nora, d T J, res same, student vin F A, city policeman, res 221 s Swain vin Mrs Lillie V, wife F A vin Arthur P, son F A, res same, student vin AVm H, son F A, res same, student vin Peyton C, son F A, res same, student vin Norman McKee, son F A, res same, student vin Orrin W, salesman, res 418 s Person Be 67 Be Belvin Mrs Jackie H, wife Orriii W Belvin Chas H, son Orrin W, res same, plumber Belvin Miss Myrtle I, d Orrin W, res same, student Bembry Lewis,* portei- A£:;ricultural bldijj, res 130 w Lenoir Bembry Martha,* wife Lewis, house work Bembry Cam,* drayman, res Hargett, o s e Bembry Ida,* wife Cam, washerwoman Bembrj' Wilson,* gardener and wood-cutter, res Hargett, o s e Bembry Annie,* wife Wilson, washerwoman Beinery Wm,* lab, res 717 s McDowell Bemery Julia G,* wife Wm, laundress Bemery Pauline,* d Wm, res same, nurse Bemery Mary L,* d Wm, res same, nurse Bemery Susan O,* d Wm, res same, student Bemery Willie B,* d Wm, res same, student Bemery Novella,* d Wm, res same, student Bemery Jennie V,* d Wm, res same, student Bennett Mary, seamstress, res 525 s Dawson Bennett J E, inmate Soldiers' Home Benoish J J, inmate Soldiers' Home Benton Edward, inmate Soldiers' Home Benton Gertrude,* cook, res rear 420 s Salisbury Bernard Jos J, bkkpr N C Penitentiary, res 413 Hillsboro' Bernard Mrs Ella M, wife Jos J Bernard Miss Katherine, d Jos J, res same Berwanger S vfe D. clothiers, 219 Fayetteville Berwanger Sam (Berwanger Bros), merchant, r 211 n Wilmington Berwanger Mrs P, wife Sam Berwanger Dave (Berwanger Bros), mercht, bds 211 n Wilmington BessoTi Madanie E, millinery, notions, etc, Fayetteville, res West Edenton, bet Dawson and McDowell Besson Miss Caroline, d Madame E, res same, milliner Besson Miss Mamie, d Madame E, res same, milliner Besson Miss Jennette, d Madame E, res same, milliner Besson Miss Lucy, d Madame E, res sauje, milliner Bethel Priscilla,* washerwoman, res 512 w Morgan Bethel Mary,* d Priscilla, res same, nurse Bethel John,* son Priscilla, res same, laborer Bethel William,* son Priscilla, res same, laborer Betts C J, printer, res 400 w Lane Betts Mrs Sallie, wife C J Betts Miss Mamie, d C J, res same Betts Miss Annie, d C J, res same, student Betts Ovey, son C J,, res same, elk for W A P)etts cV: Co Betts Leland, son C J, res same, student Betts Raymond, son C J, res same, student Betts Rev Alvin, Baptist minister, res cor s Person and Morgan Betts Mrs Lucy J, wife Rev Alviii Be 68 Bi Betts W F (Betts Bros), merchant, res cor Person and Morgan Betts Everett A, son Rev Alvin, res same, druggist Betts Mrs Marv L, wid, dressmaker, Firvvood ave, o s n Betts Miss Bettie H, step-d Mrs Mar}^ L, res same Betts Miss Janet, d Mrs Mary L, res same, student Betts Willie N, son Mrs Mary L, res same, mail-boy Ral cot mills Betts Chas H, bkkpr for Allen & Cram, res 215 s Bloodworth Betts Mrs Boxie, wife Chas H, Betts Miss Vivian G, d Chas H, res same, student Betts D S, copyist, res 115 w Cabarrus Betts Mrs Maria, wife D S Betts Rev A L, Baptist city missionary, bds 514 s Harrington BETTS BROS, grocers, 1^ e Hargett"' Betts Anderson, mechanic, res 516 s West Betts Mrs Elizabeth, wife A Betts W A, grocer, res 516 s West Betts Mrs Annie L, wife W A Betts Nancy H,"" seamstress, res 222 w Lenuir Betts Wiley P, elk at E F Wyatt tt Son, res n Saunders Betts Mrs Rosa, wife Wiley P Betts Oscar L, bkkpr Ral oil mill, i)ds J R Barkley Betts Mrs Addie R, wife J R Betts Mrs Sallie, wid J M, res 213 n Harrington Betts W A iSc Co, grocers, li e Hargett Bevers Chas W, wks for city, res 605 e Hargett Bevers Mrs Eliza, wife Chas W Bevers AVm R, son Chas W, res same, bkkpr Royall & Borden Bevers Chas L, son Chas W, res same, asst pressman News and Observer Bevers Miss Lillian M, d Chas AV, res same, student Bevers Miss Katie A, d Chas W, res same, student Bevers J C, chief attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Biggs Henry,* janitor for News and Observer office, res 107 e Cabarrus Biggs Ann,* wife Henry, washerwoman Biggs Hattie,* d Henry, res same, washerwoman Staple and Fancy Groceries^ Country Produce, Etc., Nos. 12 ami 14 Hargett Street, . - KALEIGH, N. i\ Bi ()i) Bl Biij^ojs Qneen,* d Hem*}', res same, washerwoman Biggs Maud,'*' d Honrv, res same, washerwoinaii F>iggs Richard,* son Henry, res same, lab l^>ilyeu Henry, grape vineyard, res xVvent Ferry rd, o s w r>ilyeu Miss Sadie, sister of H, res same i)irdsall Aaron S,"^' lab, res Wonible lane Birdsall Mary,* wife A S, washerwoman Birdsall Alex,* son A S, res same, lab l>irdsall Nancy,* d A S, res same, cook Birdsall Samuel, "^^ son A S, r same, lab Birdsall David,* lab, res old fair ground, o s e r^.irdsall efulia,'^' wife David, house work P>irdsall Daisy, "^^ student, res Cotton lane, o s e Birdsall Turner,* student, res Cotton lane, o s e liirdsong James C, printer, res 806 e Hargett Birdsong i\[rs O C, wife J as C Birdsong Ed G (Wynne ct Birdsong), druggist, rooms 4-1:5 Halifax Birdsong j\[iles B, son Jas C, res same, elk for J D Turner Ijirdsong Miss Mamie, d Jas C, res same, stenographer and type- writer Birdsong Jno H, son Jas C, res same, student Birdsong Ludlow, son Jas C, res same, student Birdsong Miss Heber, d Jas C, res same, student Bishop R T, mechanic, res 221 n Salisbury Bishop j\Irs Yirginia, wife R T Bishop W R. son R T, eng SAL, bds 221 n Salisbury I>ishop Mrs Margaret, wife W R Bishop Walter T, son R T, trav salesman Bishop E B, son R T, res same Bishop Miss Ella, d R T, res same Bishoj) ]\[is3 Laura, d R T, res same Bishop Mrs Polly A, wid, res 517 s Blood worth Bishop Hilliard, lab, res o s e Bissett R O, bkkpr, res 312 e Jones Bissett Miss Laura, wks Caraleigh mill, bds 514 s Harrington Bivins J A, builder and contractor, res 317 w Morgan Bivins Mrs Sarah E, wife J A Bivins Miss Lillie, d J A, res same, student Bivins Oder, son J A, res same, student Bivins Edgar, son J A, res same, student Bivins Grover, son J A, res same, student Bivins Claude, son J A, res same, student Bivins Hubert, son J A, res same, student Bizzell J A, Asst Professor of Chemistry A & M College, bds A J Ellis Blackledge Miss Addie, seamstress, bds 311 w Morgan Blackman Phillis.* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Blackman Janie,* d Phillis, res same, cook Bl 70 ' Bl Blackraan Yiola,* d Phillis, res same, nurse Blackman Ethel,* d Phillis. res same, nurse Blackman Charles,* son Phillis, res same, servant Blackman Edward,* musician, res 13 w Worth Blackman Mamie,* d Ed, res same, student Blackman Frank,* brick-mason, res 110 w Cabarrus Blacknall Randolph,* drayman, res s e Davie Blacknall Julia,* wife Randolph, washerwoman Blacknall Dr George W, U S Internal Revenue Service, res 130 Hillsboro' Blacknall Mrs M T, wife Dr G W Blacknall Louis,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Blacknall Belle,* wife Louis, washerwoman Blacknall AVilliam, train dispatcher S A L R R, bds 101 n McDowell Blacknall Julia,* washerwoman, res 217 w South Blacknall Carrie,* cook, res 715 s Dawson Blacknall Maggie,* d Carrie, res same, student Blacknall Flora,* house servant, res 522 s McDowell Blacknall Geo,* son Flora, res same, student Blacknall Mollie,* cook, res 522 s McDowell Blair I C, teacher at N C Institution for the Blind, res 123 n Saunders Blair Mrs D N, wife I C Blake Wm R, machinist and eng, res 330 e Harerett Blake Mrs Susan T, wife Wm R Blake Miss Birdie, d Wm R, res same Blake Albert, elk Wm Rogers, res 211 n West Blake Mrs Cora, wife Albert Blake Tilden, son Albert, res same, wks Ral cot mill Blake Edward, son Albert, res same, wks Ral cot mill Blake Miss Beulah, d Albert, res same, student BLAKE'S LIVERY STABLES, cor s Blount and e Martin, Jos Blake, mgr Blake John, carp, res 30 Hunter Blake Gilly, wife John Blake Alfred, son John, wks Caraleigh mill, res 30 Hunter BLJLS Livery and Sale Stablest INTO- 120 ]VI^rtiix Stroet, X1..A.XJX3XG-ZZ, INT. O. Carriages furnished with reliable and polite drivers. Genile Teams night or day meet all trains. A good line of Light Livery. Drummers' and Picnic Wagons on reasonable terms. JOS. BLAKE, Manager. Bl . 71 Bl Blake Julius, son John, res same, wks Mills mfg co Blake Miss Rebecca, d John, res same, student Blake Rev E B,'^ Baptist minister, res 524 s Dawson Blake Nancy,* wife Rev E B Blake Ardelia,* servant at Rex PIosi)ital, res o2-t s Dawson Blake W Z, street commissioner, res 414 s Salisbury Blake Joseph, livery stable, res 231 w Morgan Blake Mrs L C, wife Joseph Blake H D, traveling salesman, bds 231 w Morgan Blake Mrs Fannie, wife H D Blake Miss Julia Miller, d H D, res same, student Blake Mrs M L, stain ping, res 328 s McDowell BLAEE T W. jeweler and watchmaker, lU'J Fayetteville, res 328 s McDowell" Blake N A, res 328 s McDowell BLAEE D C, carp, res 413 w Lane Blake Mrs Lucy, wife D C Blake Miss Blanche A, res with Mrs H Mahler Blake Robert,* teacher, res 10 e Worth Blake Ella,* wife Robert Blalock Mrs Tabitha, wid, boarding-house, 224 e Martin Blalock Miss Delia F, d Mrs Tabitha, res same, dressmaker Blalock Miss Alice, d ]\Irs Tabitha, res same Blalock Chas C, son Mrs Tabitha, res same, carp Blalock Hugh H, son Mrs Tabitha, res same, elk Blalock Miss Mattie, d Mrs Tabitha, res same, student Blalock Miss Rena, d Mrs Tabitha, res same, student Blalock Susan,* house work, res Rock Quarry rd Blalock Mary,* d Susan, res same, servant Blalock Franklin,* son Susan, res same, farm hand Blalock Annie,* cook, res Tarboro' rd Blalock Oscar,* son Susan, res same, farm hand Blalock Alma,* washerwoman, res 812 s Wilmington Blalock Lovie,* washerwonuin, res 533 s Harrington Blalock ]\rack, wks Lisane Asylum, res Cannon Blalock ^trs Emma, wife Mack, ironer at Insane Asylum Blalock W H, miller, res 738 Fayetteville Blalock Mrs Bessie E, wife W H Bland J S, carp, res 509 n West Bland Mrs Isaljella, wife J S Bland Miss Enolia, gen delivery elk at p o, res 509 n West Bland Miss Isabella, d J S, res same, student Bledsoe Rosa,* washerwoman, res s Swaiii Bledsoe Eliza,* washerwoman, res 562 e Cabarrus Bledsoe Chas,* son Eliza, res same, errand boy Bledsoe N H, guard at workhouse, res e Hargett, o s e Bledsoe Mrs G F, wife N H Bledsoe Miss Mona M, d N H, res same, student Bl 72 Bo Bledsoe Owen H, son N H, res same, student Bledsoe Moses A, lawyer, res cor South and Salisbury Bledsoe Mrs D M, wife Moses A Bledsoe Miss Minnie, d Moses A, res same Bledsoe Miss Annie, d Moses A, res same Bledsoe Moses A Jr, grocer, 401 Fayetteville, res cor South and Salisbury Blount H L, eng Pilot cot mill, res n Blount, o s n Blount Mrs Mary, M'ife H L Blount Miss Katie, d H L, res same, student Blount Fortune,* lab, res 225 s Bloodworth Blount Lucy,* servant, res 554 e Martin Blount William,* lab, res Martin, o s e Blount Claude,* lab, res Martin, o s e Blount Henry,* servant for Sam Woods, res same Blount Mrs Matilda, wid, res 524 n West Blount N B,* lab, res 22 w Worth Blount M A V,* wife N B, iiouse servant Blount Emma,* washerwoman, res 126 w South Blount Sadie,* d Emma, res same, cook Blount Geo H,* son Emma, res same, house servant Bobbitt Dr Wm H, physician and surgeon, office 222 w Hargett, res same Bobbitt Mrs Laura, wife Dr Wm H Bobbitt Benjamin, son Di Wm H, res same Bobbitt Miss Laura Miller, d Dr Wm H, res same Bobbitt Rev Dr J B, minister and farmer, res 129 s Dawson Bobbitt Mrs Hattie M, wife Dr J B Bobbitt A M, son Dr J B, res same, medical student Bobbitt J Hal, druggist, 233 Fayetteville, res 123 s Dawson Bobbitt Mrs May, wife of J Hal Bobl)itt L B, son J Hal, res same Bobbitt Mary D, d J Hal, res same, Bobbitt Miss Susie May, d J Hal, res same Bobbitt J Hal Jr, son J Hal Sr, res same Bobbitt Chas T, fireman SAL, bds 508 Halifax Bol)bitt Clayton,* driver for Pool S: Moring, res 312 w South Bobbitt Maria,* wife Clayton, washerwoman Bobbitt Henry,* lab, res 303 w Lenoir Bobbitt Clara,* wife Henry, washerwoman Bobbitt Pobt E,* son Henry, res same, driver Bobbitt Estelle,* d Henry, res same, nurse Bobbitt Rosa,* d Henry, res same, washerwoman Bobbitt John,* son Henry, res same, student Bobbitt Dexter,* lab, res rear 405 s Dawson Bobbitt Martha,* cook, res 408 w Jones Bobbitt Stephen,* porter Jas McKimmon & Co, res 729 s Blount Bobbitt Maria,* wife Stephen, seamstress Bo 73 Ho Bobbitt Victoria,* d Stephen, res same, student ])0£:an Walter,* brakeman S A L, res 437 n Salisbnrv Bogasse Sam, foreman at News and Observer, res 315 e Martin Bogasse Mrs Rosa, wife Sam Bogasse Miss Bettie, d Sam, res same Bogasse Sam Jr, son Sam, res same Booker P A, night-watchman, res 417 s Dawson Booker Mrs ]\[attie V, wife P A Booker Miss Floy L, d P A, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Booker Ardenna P, son P A, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Booker Robt L, son P A, res same, student Booker Miss Maggie O, d P A, res same, student Booker Leroy G, son P A, res same Bookram Susie A K,'" seamstress, res 615 s McDowell Bookram Ellen A,* d Susie, res same, student Bookram Jas M,* son Susie, res same, student Boler Mrs Harriet, wid, res 523 s Person Bolton S M, carp, res 505 n Wilmington Bolton Mrs Blanche, wife S M Bolton E, machinist, bds 112 Halifax Bolyn ]\lrs Chira, wid, dressmaker, res lOS w Jones Boljn William H, harness maker E F Wyatt iV: Co, r IDS w Jones Bolyn Fred, son Mrs Clara, res same, student Bonner Wm E, lineman for Ral Gas Co, res 421 s Dawson Bonner Mrs Florence M, wife W E Bonner Peter,* whitewasher, res 820 Manly Bonner Mrs Elizabeth, wid, res 418 s Dawson Bonner ]\[iss Yiru-iiiia E, d Mrs Eliz;abeth, res stime BON TON SHAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING SALOON, Park Hotel l)asement Boone Wesley S, mechanic, res 217 s East Boone Mrs Mary A, wife W S, dressmaker Boone Miss Laura, bkkpr for RutHn Roles, res same Boone Martha, maid fur JNIis W N H Smith, res on lot Bost Jacob,* baker app, res 603 s McDowell Bon Ton PAKK h(>ti:l b\si:mi:xt, W. Martin Street, RALEIGH, N. C. Up-to-date service by white barbers who are skilled workmen and use the sharjiest tools. Hot and Cold Baths. E. G. FAUST, Prop'r. Bo 74 Bo Bonshall J D, gen agt ^tna Life Ins Co, llSj Fayetteville, res 401 e Jones Boiishali Mrs Mattie H, wife J D Bonshall John H, son J D, res same, student Bowden Julia,* cook for Walter Harding, res 620 Elm Bowen Richard, inmate Soldiers' Home Bowen Dr M D,* pliA'sician, office and res Shaw Institute Bowen Amy,* wife Dr M D, house work Bowen Thos A, w^agon maker and repairer, 132 e Morgan, res cor Oakwood ave and Elm Bowen A F, son T A, res same, sec of the N C Agricultural and Experiment Station Bowen Miss Iphia G, d T A, res same Bowen Wm F, son T A, res same, student Bowen Harry M, son T A, res same, student Bowen Andrew H, son T A, res same, student Bowen Miss Annie L, d T A, res same, student Bowen Richmond G, son T A, res same, student Bowers Miss Annie, seamstress, res 408 s Blount Bowes M, supt Ral gas wks, res 223 e Lenoir Bowes Mrs L A, wife M Boyd Miss Lacy, dressmaker, res 121 n AVilmington Boyd Ellen,'" washerwoman, res 550 e Cabarrus Boyd Sandy,* lab, res 2001 Yearby lane Boykins Harry,* wood-cutter, res 817 s Wilmington Boykins Julia,* wife Harry, washerwoman Boylan Adelaide,* second-hand clothes dealer, r rear 304 n Person Boylan Yirginia,* nurse, res 516 e Martin Boylan Ailsey,* washerwoman, rear 616 e Cabarrus Boylan Fannie,* d Ailsey, res same, cook Boylan Wm M Sr, planter, res Boylan ave Boylan Mrs Mary K, wife Wm MSr Boylan Wm M Jr (W H & R S Tucker c*c Co), merchant, res Boy- lan ave Boylan Wm J, son Wm M Jr, res same, student Boylan Miss Josephine E, d Wm M Jr, res same, student Boylan AVheeler,* lab, res 729 s Blount Boylan Rosa,* wife Wlieeler, cook for Dr W A Lodge Boylan Elizabeth,* d Wheeler, res same Boylan Lula,* d Wheeler, res same, student Boylan Isabelle," d Wheeler, res same, student Boylan Miss Adelaide, res witli Mrs E McSnow, 30 Boylan ave Boylan James (W H ct; R S Tucker), merchant, res Boylan ave Boylan Mrs Margaret T, wife James Boylan Miss Florence T, d James, res same Boylan Miss Mary K, d James, res same, student Boylan Miss Margaret J, d James, res same, student Bo 75 Br Boylaii Win M, son James, res siinie, student Boylan Miss Katherine, d James, res same, student Boy Ian llufus T, son James, res same Braan Joseph," crrocer, e Hargett, o s e, res same Braan Caroline,'^ wife Jos, restaurant, 116 e Hargett Braan Catherine," d Jos, res same, servant Braan Jesse,* son Jos, res same, lab Braan Isaac,* son Jos, res same, lab Braan Joseph,* hackman, res Blake stable Braan Jack,* lab, res 127 n Harrington Bradford Sarah,* washerwoman, res 820 s Wilmington Bradford Sarah,* d Sarah, res same, washerwoman Bradley Kobt H, librarian Supreme Court, res 809 e Morgan Bradley Mrs Cynthia, wife R H Bradley Fred, son II H, res same Bradley Miss Laura, d R H, res same Bradley Miss Lillie, d R H, res same Brady Miss Katie, hkpr for Mrs Geo J Williams, res same Brady Emery, tlagman Southern R R, bds 4<»7 Fayetteville Bragassa J no A, baker and confectioner, shop and res 306 s Salis- bury Bragassa Mrs F E, wife J A Bragassa Jos B, son J A, res same Bragassa L H, son J A, res same, student Bragassa Aldert S, son J A, res same, student Bragassa Miss Bessie A, d J A, res same, student Bragassa Miss Katie, d J A, res same, student Bragassa Wm N, son J A, res same, student Bragg Mrs Eliza, wid, res with mother, Mrs Mary Pierce Bragg Wm H, bkkpr, res 620 vv Jones Branch Frank,* blacksmith, cor Harrington and South, res 611 s Harrington Branch Columbia,* wife Frank, washerwoman Branch James,* son Frank, res same, waiter at Rex Hospital Branch Guilford,* driver, res 324 w South Branch Mary,* wife Guilford, nurse Brancii Silas,* lab. res 518 s Dawson Branch Georgia,* wife Silas, cook Branch Jno H,* lawyer and teacher, res 719 s Saunders Branch Bettie E,* wife Jno PI Branch James, weaver Caraleigh mill, res 722 Fayetteville Branch Gilbert,* lab, res 303i w South Brancli Roney,* wife Gilbert, washerwoman Branch Florida,* d Gilbert, res same, student Branch Hubert,* sonGill)ert, res same, student Branch Adeline,* washerwoman, res 503 Cannon Branch Quint,* musician, res 503 Cannon Branch Ernest,* lab, res 503 Cannon Br 76 Br Branch Bessie,* student, 503 Cannon Branch D M, grocer, 401 w South, res same Branch Mrs Josephine, wife D M Branch Miss Claudie, d D M, res same, student Branch Miss Minnie, d D M, res same, student Branch Miss Maud, d D M, res same, student Branch Haywood, farmer, res 416 w South Branch Mrs Mollie, wife Haywood Branch Miss Mamie, d Haywood, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Branch Miss Hattie, d Haywood, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Branch Leon, son Haywood, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Branch James, son Haywood, res same, student Branch Miss Ora, d Haywood, res same, student Branch Martha,* cook, res 549 e Martin Branch Margaret,* washerwoman, res 549 e Martin Branch Theodore,* son Martha, res same, lab Branch James,* son Martha, res same, lab Branch Nannie,* d Martha, res same, chambermaid Brancii Hattie,* d Martha, res same, nurse Branch Martha,* d Martha, res same, student Branch Annie,* washerwoman, res 436 s Blount Branch Jennie,* d Annie, res same, washerwoman Branch George,* son Annie, res same, laborer Branch Hubert,* son Jennie, res same, student Branch Mrs L O'B, wid, res 305 Hillsboro' Brancli Dennis,* student, res 30S w South Branch Mack N, carp, bds 407 Fayetteville Brannan Mrs Penn}^, wid, tailoress, res 305 s Bloodworth Branson Rev Levi, minister and publisher of K C Almanac, res Branson House, 103* Fayetteville Branson Mrs Edith C, wife Rev Levi Branson Miss Daisy C, d Rev Levi, res same Brasel Wright,* well-digger, res 106 n East Brasel Jane,* sick-nurse, res 106 n East Brasel Nancy,* d Wright, res same, washerwonian Brasel Ada,* d Wright, res same, seamstress Brasel Lillie,* d Wright, res same, washerwoman Bray Mary,* cook for H C Brown, res on lot Bretsch C'has M, bakery, 103 Fayetteville, bds 109* Fayetteville Bretsch Albert, son Chas M, res same, student Bretsch Charlie, son Chas M, res same, student Brewster Miss Helen, student, res 321 s Person Brewster E J, elk, res 321 s Person Brewer S W (J J Thomas & Co), cot broker, res 604 n Blount Brewer Mrs Bessie, wife S W Brewer Talcott, son S W, res same, student Brewer Miss Lula, d S W, res same, student Brewer William, carp, bds 324 w Lane Br 77 Br Bricklioiiiio Thomas, nephew ot' J A Eiiortoii, ros saino Brickie Eddie," t(.)l)ace(» worker, res 115 e Oal)arrus I>rickle Henrv,''^ student, res 115 e Cabarrus Briekle Catlierine," washerwoman, res 115 e Cabarrus Brickie William H,* ii:ardener, res Cotton lane, o s e l^rickle Lucetta.* wife Wm PI, cook J J Johnson Bridgetbrd Ben T,-^ drayman, res 905 Manly Bridii'eford Phillis," wife B T, house work Bridi;eford Lizzie,''" d B T, res same, dressmaker ]>ridi::eford Elnora,'" d B T, res same, student l^tridii'eford Vernon." son 11 T, res same, studeiit I'ridijers Samuel, nii^ht-watchman at Blind Institution, res 528 n East Bridgers Mrs Narcissa, wife Sam Bridgers Miss Eugenia, d Sam, res same, dressmaker l'>ridgers Miss Nannie, d Sam, res same Bridgers J no E, son Sam, res same, wks N C Trouser Co Bridgers Miss Nellie, d Sam, res same Bridgers Miss Ella, d Sam, r same, bkkpr for Singer Ma(;hine Co Bridge I'S Miss EfHe, d Sam, res same Bridgers Arthur, son Sam, res same, student Bridgers Edgar, son Sam, res same, student Bridgers J A, ])lasterer, res 112 n East Bridgers Mrs Mar\', wife J A Bridgers Ernest, son J A, res same, student Bridgers Thomas, son J A, res same, student Bridgers Charles, son J A, res same, plumber app Bridgers Bichard,* city hand, res rear 405 s Dawson Bridgers Wm J, sewing machine agt, res TOf'i n Person Bridgers ]\rrs Katie O, wife Wm J Bridjjjers Bros, merchant tailors, 216A Fayetteville Bridgers Cherry," laundress Peace Institute, res Cotton lane, o s e Bridgers Andrew,* wks Allen & Cram, res old Fair Ground, o s e Bridgers Sarah," wife Andrew, washerwoman Bridurrono;h? Cliaplin, wk;^ Hal cotton mill, hds R T Winston l>uiToiiu-hs William, conductor SAL K Iv, bds 105A Fayettcville Burroughs James M, car inspector SAL, bds 508 Halifax Burroughs Luther,* lab, res oil s Dawson Burroughs Ellen,* wife Luther, washerwoman l-Jurroughs George,* son Luther, res same, student r>urt Thomas,* lab, res Cannon IJurt Mary,* wife Thos, house work Burt Edie,* d Thos, res same, cook Burt Lillie,* d Thos, res same, cook Burt Lee,* son Thos, res same, farm hand Burt Jane,* cook for Mrs C H Smith, res on lot Burt James G, grocer, 1(5 s Bloodworth, res same l)urt Mrs Zipporah, wife Jas G Burton Robt O, lawyer, office Pullen bldg, res cor Peace and n Person Burton Mrs Virginia, wife Bobt O Purton Miss Mary, d Robt O, res same, student Burton Miss Lizzie, d Robt O, res same, student Burton Charles, son Robt O, res same Burton William,* lab, res 710 s McDowell Purton lola,* nurse, res 710 s McDowell Purwell J B, Teachers' Ao-encv, res with B R Lacv BURWELL TEACHERS' AGENCY AND EDUCATIONAL BUREAU, 1<; w Martin Burwell Michael,* carp, res 510 n Bloodworth Burwell Panthia,* honsekeeper for M Burwell, res same Burwell Mary,* teacher in Garfield Graded School, res 510 n Bloodworth Burwell Willie,* student, res with M Burwell Busbee F H, lawver, office 217 Fayetteville, res 204 n Person Busbee Mrs Sally H, wife F H Busbee Miss Annie T, d F H, res same Busbee Richard S, son F H, res same, student Busbee Miss Eliza T, d F H, res same, student Busbee Philip H, son F H, res same, student Teachers^Ag^ency Educational Bureau, JNO. B. BURWELL, formerly Principal Peace Institute, Manager. Supplies Schools, Colleges and Families with Teachers without cliarge. Secures positions for Teachers at uioilerate cost. Deals in School Furniture and Sup- plies of all kinds, also Church Furniture. Sells and Rents School Prop- erty. Have on tile large nuuiher of tir^t-class Teachers in all hranches. Correspondence solicited, and all hu'iine^s entrusted to Agency promptly atlt-nded to. Address JNO. B. BUKWELL, Corner Martin and Salisbury Sts., Rai-EIGH, N. C. Bu 88 Ca Bnsbee Chas M, lawyer and postmaster, res n w cor Salisbury and Hargett Busbee Sirs Florence C, wife Chas M Busbee Perrin, son Chas M, res same, lawyer Busbee Jaques, son Chas M, res same, registry elk iiost-office Busbee Miss Louisa T, d Chas M, res same Busbee Miss Sophia D, d Chas M, res same Busbee Miss Isabel le B, d Chas M, res same, student Busbee Miss Christiana, d Chas M, res same Busbee Mrs Lizzie, dressmaker, 226 w Hargett Busbee Miss May, student, res 603 Hillsboro' Busbee Mamie,* student, res with Jane Jones Busbee Johnston, res with Mrs C H Jordan, 565 e Hargett Busbee Miss Sophia P, student, res with Mrs C H Jordan, 565 e Hargett Busbee Johnston T, Train Dispatcher, S A L R R, bds Charles M Bnsbee Busbee Frank M, carp, bds 522 n Person Bush Mrs F L, wid, res cor Blount and Polk Bush Thos F, elk at C E Johnson & Co, res cor Blount and Polk Bush Miss C F, d Mrs F L, res same Bush Miss G L, d Mrs F L, res same Bush S D, son Mrs F L, res same, student Butler Henry, bkkpr at AVeekly Caucasian, rooms at H W Ayer's Butler Henry C, supt Caraleigh cotton mill, res 503 e Jones Butler Mrs Lucy J, wife H C Butler Miss Edith M, d H C, res same, student Butler Mrs Athia, hk])r for J J Hayes, res same Butler Miss Estelle, d Mrs Athia, res same Butner Hattie, seamstress, res 535 e Lenoir Bynum Robert,* fireman SAL, res 21 Hayti Bynum Bettie,* wife Robert, laundress Bynum Alvis, elk at Julius Lewis Hardware Co, bds 508 Fayette- ville Bynum Annie,* cook, res 321 s Blood worth Bynum Raymond D, printer, res 13 s East Bynum Mrs Emma A, wife Raymond D Byrd Adora,* house-servant, res w Lenoir /^AIN Ida,* hkpr, 116 w South ^ Calvert John, cot buyer, res 504 n Blount Calvert John Jr, son John, res same, student Cameron 6c Batchelor, gen ins and real estate agents, 238 Fayette- ville Cameron Francis H (Cameron & Batchelor), gen ins agt, res 504 e Jones Cameron Mrs Eugenia L, wife F H Ca 89 Ca Cameron Duncan H, son F H, res same, tiro ins agt Cameron ^liss Fannie H, d F PI, res same, student Cameron ^liss Le Grand, d F H, res same, student Cameron Miss Natalie, d F H, res same, student Cameron Miss Euiijenia, d F H, res same, student Campbell Mrs Laura E, wid, res 119 \v Martin Cannady Daniel," grocer, res 317 Cannon C^annady Bettie," wife Daniel, washerwoman Cannady Burke,'"' son Daniel, res same, lab Cannady Estiier,* d Daniel, res same, nurse Cannady Belle,* nurse for C C McDonald, res on lot Canady Minerva.* cook, res 323 w South Canfield Rev T A, pastor St Saviour Episcopal church, res 113 s McDowell Capeliart L B,* teacher at Shaw University, res 310 e Davie Capehart Maffiiie,* wife L B CAPITAL PRINTING CO, Academy of Music bldg ('ap])s Willian), lab, res !'.♦ Ilayti Capps Mrs Elizabeth, wife Wm Cap])s Miss Eader L, d Wm, res same Capps Harold, son Wm, res same Capps ]\[iss Bertha, d AVm, res same Cap])s H Fl, inmate Soldiers' Home Card C O, wks on air-brakes S A L R R, res 527 Hicks' lane Card Mrs Ellen, wife C O Card well Mary,* d Charles Card well, school-teacher, res 510 s Wilmington Cardwell Chas,*' butler for Mrs V B Swepson and sexton First Ba])tist church, res 421 s Blount Cardwell Joanna,* wife Chas, dressmaker Cargille Jno A, wks Peter Stumpf bottling wks, bds 215 s Person Carleton Miss Kate, teacher at St Mary's, res same Carmingie Citie,* washerwoman, res north end Dawson Carmingie Annie,* d Citie, res same, student Carmingie Cassie,* d Citie, res same, servant at Mrs Dr i'cn-y Carmingie Henry,* son Citie, res same, wks for Jno White Barnes Bros., Established 1892. Smith, Faison & Co., Established IS'Jo. Capitel Priniioi Company, (Incoipor'(ll89\ Capital Slock $10,000.) Raleigh, N. C, Correspf)ndence solicited. Mail orders will receive' prompt and careful attention. Ifill io your Jot) Printii CAPITAL PRINTING COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. Ca 90 Ca Carmingie James,* son Citie, res same, driver for Dr G A Kenn Carnley William,* wks Park Hotel, room 421 s Blount CARPENTER & PEEBLES, architects, cor Martin and Fay- etteville, np-stairs Carpenter J C S, ins agt, office Pullen bldo^, bds Park Hotel Caipenter Mrs Pattie, wife J C S Carpenter Miss Katherine, d J C S, res same, student CARR Hon ELIAS, Governor of the State of N C, res Execu- tive Mansion, Burke Square Carr Mrs Eleanor, wife Gov Elias Carr Miss Annie B, d Gov Elias, res same Carr Miss Eleanor, d Gov Elias, i-es same Carr Dr J B, druggist N C Insane Asylum, res same CARROLL JAS D, saloon and groceries, 225 s Wilmington, res 513 s Bloodworth Carroll Mrs Ella T, wife Jas D Carroll Robt G, elk for J D Carroll, bds 513 s Bloodworth Carroll John, carp, res 223 w Jones Carroll Mrs Emma, wife John Carroll James, carp, res 207 n Harrington Carroll Mrs Bettie, wife James Carroll Miss Ella, d James, res same Carroll William, son James, res same, carp Carroll George, son James, res same, wks Poyster's candy factory Carroll Miss Mattie, d James, res same Carroll Robert, son James, res same, student Carroll James R, son James, res same, student Carroll O J, U S Marshal Eastern District of ]S^ C, office in p o bldg, res 513 Fayetteville Carroll Mrs Mary A, wife O J CARROLL Dr N G, surgeon dentist, office cor Fayetteville and Hargett, up-stairs, bds at O J Carroll Carroll J C, son O J, res same, chief elk to U S Marshal Carroll Miss Jessie, d O J, res same Carroll Miss Pattie, d O J, res same Carroll Herbert, son O J, res same, student Merchandise Broker and General Commission fflercliant. STAPLE PDnPrDICC WHOLESALE AND FANCY UnUuLrilLO. AND RETAIL. CHOICEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. 225 S. Wilmington Street, - - RALEIGH, N. C. •x'x:xjs:f>zzoiVE: i&&. Ca 91 Ca Carroll Mrs Sue, matron A and M Collej!:e, res same Carter Clem AV, trav salesman, bds Exc-hange Hotel Carter Mrs Irene, wife Clem W Carter Mary Helen, d Clem W, res same Carter AV E, irrocev and oyster dealer, 120 Fayetteville, res same Carter Mrs Kate (\ wife AV E CARTER Rev Dr J W, pastor First Baptist church, res 104 w Eden ton Carter Mrs Elizabeth J, wife Rev Dr J W Carter AVm J, son liev Dr J AV, res same, wks Ral Electric Co Carter Miss Martha E, d Rev Dr J AV, res same Carter Miss Mary G, d Rev Dr J AA^, res same Carter Miss Mary (deaf mute), cook for T H Tillinghast, res same Carter Mrs Salina, hkpr for Mrs Emma Myatt, res same Carter Owen, inmate Soldiers' Home Carter Edward H, tailor, res 311 n East Carter Mrs Sallie A, mother of E H, res same Carver Mrs Nellie, wid, saleslady at AV H 6c R S Tucker c^- Co, res 31 S Newbern ave Carver Henry, son Mrs Nellie, res same student Carver Lewis C,* contractor and builder, res Fayetteville near Centennial Graded School Carver Cora M,"^ wife Lewis C Carver Cora A,* d Lewis C, res same, student Carver Lewis D,* son Lewis C, res same, student Carver Mrs E A, wid, res Newbern ave, o s e Carver Miss Nellie, d Mrs E A, res same, student Carver James, son Mrs E A, res same, student Cary Alex, cotton broker, bds US n AA'ilmington Caspar! Miss V, teacher in Peace Institute, res same Castlebury F D, grocer, 508 Hillsboro', res same Caswell Joanna,* nurse for AV T McGee, res same Cater Ben, grocer, e Hargett, o s e, res same Cates J A, city policeman, res 17 McKee Cates Mrs Laura L, wife J A Cates J E, son J A, res same, student Dr. Norwood G. Carroll, Raleigh, N. C. Office: Over W. H. Kino & Co.'s Drug Store. Ca 92 Ch Gates Miss lola, d J A, res same, student Gates Miss Ida, d J A, res same, student Gates James, salesman, bds 323 s Person Gaudle W H T, grocer, e Martin, res same Gaudle Mrs Loretta A, wife W H T Caudle Archie H, son W H T, res same Gaudle Miss Lydia A, d AV H T, res same Gaudle Miss Lucy A, d VV H T, res same, student Gaudle Miss Minnie L, d W H T. res same, student Gaudle Miss Bessie E, d W H T, res same, student Gaudle Henry E, saloon kpr for Sam T Smith, res 502 w Morgan Gaudle Mrs Alice, wife Henry E Gaudle AVm H (Gaudle & Ruth), grocer, bds 502 w Morgan Gaudle Mrs Mollie, wife Wm H " Gaudle & Ruth, grocers, 501 Hillsboro' Gaulk Miss Elizabeth, wks dress dept ^Y H & R S Tucker & Go, bds Park Hotel Gawthorne Mrs A W, wks dress dept W H & R S Tucker & Go, bds Park Hotel Gawthorne Miss Eula Y, wks dress dept W H & R S Tucker & Go, bds Park Hotel Gawthorne Gharles, carp, rooms cor e Davie and Haywood Gaynon Mary E,* w^asherwoman, res Newbern ave Gaynon Thomas,* son Mary E, res same, lab Ghamberlain J R, pros Garaleigh phosphate wks, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Ghamberlain Mrs Hope S, wife J R Ghamberlain- A L, see and treas Garaleigh phosphate wks, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Ghamberlain Mrs Nellie, wife A L Ghamblee Lillie,* washerwoman, res e Davie Ghamblee Miss Eleanor, g-d Jno "Whitley, res same Ghamblee Gornelia,* washerwoman, res 832 s Wilmington Ghamblee Gharles,* son Gornelia, res same, hotel servant Ghamblee Britt,* son Gornelia, res same, servant Ghamblee Abe,* son Gornelia, res same, porter J E Duke Ghamblee Kitty,* d Gornelia, res same, house-servant Ghamblee Viney,* d Gornelia, res same, student Ghamblee Millie,* d Gornelia, res same Ghamblee Maud,* d Gornelia, res same Ghamblee Peter,* carp, res Gotton lane, o s e Ghamblee Hettie,* wife Peter, laundress at Peace Institute Ghamblee Miley,* son Peter, res same, student Ghamblee Elbert,* son Peter, res same, porter for L D Womble Ghamblee Melvin,* son Peter, res same, porter for David Taylor Ghamblee Ernest,* son Peter, res same, farm hand Ghamblee Gharles,* wks Park Hotel, res 9 Stronach ave Ghamblee Hattie,* wife Ghas Ch 93 Ch Chainblee Kitty,* cook, res T2r> Fayetteville Cluunpion Miss Mary, res with Mrs Bettie Worlds Champion Emma,* cook for Mrs J M Heck, r rear 205 e Hargett Champion William, wks Caraleigh mill, res 414 w South Champion Mrs Mary, wife Wm Champion ^liss Liila, d Wm, res same, wks Caraleigh nnU Champion AVilliam Jr, son Wm, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Chapman Rosetta,* washerwoman, res 31<» Manly Chapman Mrs S, wid, res with Mrs Wm Moncure Chapman James, blacksmith SAL, res 60i* n Salisbury Chavasse Thos H, conductor S A L R R, bds Yarboro' House Chavasse Mrs Lixzie, wife Thos H Chavasse Miss Mary, d Thos H, res same Chavis Nora,* laundress, res 712 s Saunders Chavis Francis,* washerwoman, res 316 s Harrington Chavis George,'" lab, res 317 e Lenoir Chavis Julia,* wife George Chavis Wm E," son George, res same, lab Chavis Lenora,* d George, res same, student Chavis Mark,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Chavis Dicey,* wife Mark, chambermaid at Yarboro' House Chavis Emma,* d Mark, res same, farm hand Chavis Ed,* hackman, res Martin, o s e Chavis Mary,* wife Ed, M-asherwoman Chavis Mamie,* d Ed, res same, student Chavis Lucy,* house work, res 556 e Martin Chavis Cora,* washerwoman, res 523 e Davie Chavis Stella,* d Cora, res same, student Chavis Melissa,* cook, res 523 e Davie Chavis Dan,* hackman, res 548 e Cabarrus Chavis Fannie,* wife Dan, washerwoman Chavis Melvin,* son Dan, res same, student Chavis Nora,* d Dan, res same, student Chavis Walter,* son Dan, res same, student Chavis Dora,* cook for Wm S Primrose, res on lot Chavis Kate,* cook, res Hood's al Chavis Mary,* servant, res o s e Chavis Eliza,* laundress, Y'arboro' House, res 430 s Blount Chavis Chas,* son Eliza, res same, wks city market Chavis Lula,* d Eliza, res same, wks Miss Sarah King Chavis AVm B,* junk shop, 132 s Wilmington, res o s e Chavis Alfonzo,"- watchman for Potter Johnson ave Council Julia,* wife Abram, laundress Council Marcellus,* drayman, res Catling's lane Council Mary,* wife Marcellus, washerwoman Covington Jno M, elk in store-room SAL, res 21 H Halifax Covington Mrs G M, wife Jno M Cowan Martha,* house-servant, res s West Cowan Henry M, accountant, rooms over 127 Fayetteville Cowand A J, cot buyer, bds Armistead Jones Cowman Miss Rosa B, teacher in St Mary's school, res same Cowper Pulaski, fire ins adjuster, res 514 Fayetteville Cowper Mrs Mary B, wife P Cowper Miss Meggie I, d P, res same Cowper Miss Mary P, d P, res same Cowper B G, gen ins agt, 240 Fayetteville, up-stairs, r 218 n East Cowper Mrs Minnie H, wife B G Cowper Miss Mary, d B G, res same, student Cowper B G Jr, son B G, res same, student Cox Sophia,* cook A E Glenn, res 804 s Wilmington Cox Daniel,* son Sophia, wks cot compress, res same Crabtree Otho, printer, res 221 n West Crabtree Mrs Mollie, wife Otho Crabtree Sidney, son Otho, res same, carp Crabtree Miss Esther, d Otho, res same, wks Ral cot mill Ck 101 Cr Crabtroe Miss Floreiieo, d Otho, res same, wks Ral cot mill Crabtree Miss Mary, d Otbo, res same, wks Ral cot mill Crabtree Thomas, son Otho, res same wks Ral cot mill Crabtree Richard, bookbinder, res 3'23 e ^lartin Crabtree Mrs Susan, wife Richard, dressmaker Crabtree Mollie, cook, res 213 e Cabarrus Crabtree Mrs Amy, wid, seamstress, res 205 ii Salisbury Crabtree AValrer, son Mrs Amy, res same, stenographer and type- writer tor Ral water company Crabtree Miss Lizzie, d Mrs Amy, res same Crabtree Crossley, spinner Ral cot mill, res Firwood ave, o s n Crabtree Thomas, spinner Ral cot mill, res Firwood ave, o s n Crabtree Gilbert, son Crossley, res same, student Crabtree Miss Alma, student, bds 321 e Lane Craighill Nathaniel R, ])rot' mechanical engineering at A and M College, res Maiden lane, o s w Craighill Mrs Blanche M, wife Prof N R Cram W C (Allen 6c Cram), machinist, bds Park Hotel Crawford A' J, elk for W R Crawford A: Son, res 116 s McDowell Crawford Mrs Bessie, wife A J Crawford AV R Jr, steward N C Insane Asylum, res same Crawford R E. co-mgr Park Hotel, res same Crawford W R 6c Son, liutchers, 230 Fayetteville CRAWFORD Dr J H, surgeon dentist, otKce 116 Fayetteville, res same Crawford Mrs M B, wife Dr .1 H Crawford Jno W, watchmaker and jeweler with B R Jolly, rooms 116 Fayetteville Crawford D H, butcher, res 220 w Lane Crawford Mrs N A, wife D H Crawford Miss Hattie, d D H, res same, wks Ral cot mill Crawford Miss Violet, d D H, res same, wks Ral cot mill Crawford Miss Mamie, d D H, res san.e Crawford Miss Hazel, d D H, res same, student Crawford Miss Metta, d D H, res same, student Crawford Miss Mattie, d D H, res same, student J. H. CRA\VFORD, Qentist. Office and Residence: 116 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. p. O. BCX ]2'<. Cr 102 Cr Crawford W R (W R Crawford & Son), batcher, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Crawford Chas E (W R & Son), butcher, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Crawford Miss Lovie V, d W R, res same Crawford Miss Lula A, d W R, res same Crawford Miss May Hines, d AV R, res same Craven Delia,* sick nurse, res 829 Fayetteville Craven Emma,* servant, res 402 w North Creech J W, cll< J G Adams, bds 122 n Harrington Creech Jno D, elk for S A L R R, res 518 n Person Creech Mrs Mamie, wife Jno D Creech Alex, son Jno D, res same, student Creech Miss Mamie, d Jno D, res same, student Creech Jno A, son Jno D, res same, student Creech Mrs A, wid, res 615 s Salisbury Creech Joseph A, lawyer, res 615 s Salisbury Creech Miss Flora E, d Mrs A, res same Creel J R, lock and gunsmith, bds 514 s Harrington Creel Mrs Ava M, wife J R Creel Mrs Lydia, wid, res with Ed Vaughan Creighton Jos, driver City Fire Dept, res 328 s Salisbury Creighton Mrs Elizabeth, wife Jos Creighton Martie, son Jos, res same, student Creighton John, son Jos, res same, student Creighton Charles, city policeman, res 510 Polk Creighton Mrs Bettie L, wife Chas Crenshaw Prince,'^ gardener, res 829 s Wilmington Crenshaw Elizabeth,* wife Prince Crew Miss A, teacher in Peace Institute, res same Crews W J, mgr Postal Telegraph and Cable Co, r 14 Boylan ave Crews Mrs Kate L, wife W J Crews Miss Juliet S, d W J, res same Crocker Mrs Maggie, wid, res cor Davie and East Crocker Nathaniel, tel messenger, bds 311 s Dawson Crocker H H, dry goods, &c, 9 e Hargett, res 304 e Hargett Crocker Mrs Nellie, wife H H Crone Wm H, loco eng S A L R R, res 214 n Harrington Crone Mrs Sarah E, wife Wm H Crone Richard T, son AVm H, res same Crone Moses V, son Wm H, res same Crone Miss Menville, d Wm H, res same, student Crone Edwin, son Wm H, res same Crone Miss Alice, d Wm H, res same Crone Miss Lillie, d Wm H, res same Crosby Mrs Georgia, wid, dressmaker, res 308 s Blood worth Cross John, carp, res Fayetteville below R R Cross Mrs Caroline, wife John Cross Miss Amanda, d Jno, res same, student Cr 103 Cr Cross Miss Maggie, d Jno, res same, student Cross Jno Jr, son Jno, res same, student Cross James, '^^ lab, res s e Davie, o s e Cross Henry C, elk Fred Woollcott, res 545 e Martin Cross Mrs Caroline, wife Ilenrv, seanistress Cross Mattie,* cook tor ^\ W Wynne, res 022 Elm Cross Mrs Sallie, wid, res 224 s Bloodworth Cross Hardy,* carp, res 112 e Cabarrus Cross Anna,* wife Hardy, washerwoman Cross Emma,* d Hardy, res same, M-asherwoman Cross Sarah,* d Hardy, res same, in charge linen room "I'arboro' House Cross it Lenehan, clothiers and halterdashers, 210 Fayetteville Crossan Isaiah,* carp, res 102 Smithfield Crossan Kosetta,** wife Isaiah, cook for N Deboy Crossan Henderson, carp, res 214 e Cabarrus Crosson Philip,* j)ainter, res 403 Haywood Crosson George,* son Philip, res same, lab Crosson Phili]> Jr,* son Philip, res same, student Crosson Caroline,* cook, res 205 w South Crosson Florence E,* d Caroline, res same, chambermaid Crosson Mary,* washerwoman, res 525 e Edenton Crosson Emily,* d Mary, res same, cook Central Hotel Crosson Olivia,* d Mary, res same, nurse Crosson James,* son Mary, res same, student Crosson Edward,* son Mary, res same, student Crow Miss Elizabeth S, teacher kindergarten dept Blind Institu- tion, res same Crow C C, life ins ugt, res 129 n Person Crow Mrs Maria, wife C C Crow Miss Elizabeth, d C C, res same, teacher Crow Miss May, d C C, res same Crow Miss Marguerite, d C C, res same Crow Clinton C Jr, son C C, res same, student (y'row John, son C C, res same, student (Jrow William, son C C, res same, student Crow Miss Susan, d C C, res same Crow Ed B. elk in Farmers & Commercial Bank, res 2i>4 Halifax Crow Miss Anna B, sister Ed B, res same Crowder & Rand, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 301 s AVilmington Crowder Robert,* carp, res 721 s Dawson Crowder Harriet,* wife Robt, house work Crowder Maggie,* d Robt, res same, student Crowder Edna,* washerwoman, res 225 e Lane Crowder Rachel,* washerwoman, res 4<)1 s Dawson Crowder Ella,* cook, res 401 s Dawson Crowder Mary,* nurse, res 401 s Dawson Cr 104 Da Crowder Rev W J W, city missionary and colporter, res 115 s Harrington Crowder Stephen L, teller Treasury dept, bds Branson House Crowder Rena,* nurse, Mrs E C Smith, res on lot Crowder Thos B (Crowder tt" Rand), merchant, res 523 Fayette- ville Crowdei Mrs Maggie, wife Thos B Crudup Byrd,* driver for J G Ball, res 112 n Swain Crudup Delia,"" wife Byrd, washerwoman Crudup Mattie,* d Byrd, res same, student Crudup Jordan,* sewing machine and organ repairer, room 519 s Wilmington Crudup Condery,* section hand Southern R R, res 35 Hunter Crump Avie,* washerwoman, res 408 w Jones Crump Charity,* washerwoman, res 408 w Jones Crump Lucinda,* cook, res 710 Manly Crump Lucinda Jr, student, res 710 Manly Crutchfield R B, cottin-gin maker, res 516 n West Crutchlield Mrs Kate, wife R B, dressmaker Crutchfield Miss Efiie, d R B, student Crutchfield W H, mechanic, bds 404 Fayetteville Cully Mrs E A, wid, res 613 e Hargett " Cummings M C, tailor, bds 3:^6 J!^ewbern ave Cummings Miss Katie, d M C, res same, student Cunningham Herd, life ins a^t. bds Park Place Cunningham Mrs Janie, wife Herd Cunningham Lucy,* washerwoman, res 531 s Dawson Cunningham James, tel opr, bds 507 s West Curtis David,* servant for Thos T Hay, res on lot Curtis Rev Dr A W, minister of Congregational church and gene- ral missionary of Congregational churches, res 225 e Lenoir Curtis Mrs Jennie L, wife Rev Dr A W, writer Curtis Miss Minnie May, d Rev Dr A W, res same, artist Curtis Lucinda,* laundress for Dr T D Hogg, res on lot Curtis Hasty,* washerwoman, res 117 w North Curtis Annie,* cook for T T Hay, res 117 w North Cushing J F, inmate Soldiers' Home Cuthbert E B A: Co, brokers, 305 s Wilmington Cuthrell James, machinist, bds 10 e Nortli Cutts William, lineman Ral Telephone Co DANCY Mrs Julia, seamstress, res Smith Dancy Katie, d Mrs Julia, res same, student Dancy William, inmate Soldiers' Home Dancy William, butcher, res e Carbarrus DANIEL Rev Dr EUGENE, pastor Presbyterian church, res cor Harriett and Dawson Da 1 05 Da Daniel Mrs S T, wife Rev Eugene Daniel Miss Marv, d Ilev Eugene, res same, student Daniel ^liss Henrietta ]\I, d Rev Eugene, res same, student Daniel Jno W, son Rev Eugene, res same, student Daniel !Miss Roberta ]\I, d Rev Eugene, res same, student Daniel Miss IShannie W, d Rev Eugene, res same, student Daniels .losephus, editor News and Observer, bds 125 e South Daniels ]\Irs Addie, wife Josephus Daniels Mrs M A, wid, dressmaker, res 625 e Hargett Daniels Walter^ son Mrs M A, res same, elk Daniels Susie, d Mrs M A, res same, student Dann David,* lab, res e Hargett, o s e Dann Roxana,* wife David, washerwoman Dann AVillie,* son David, res same, porter Dr V E Turner Dann David,* res same, student Dann Early,* brakeman S A L R R, res e Hargett, o s e Dann Nannie,* wife Early, washerwoman Darnell c'c Thomas (A J Thomas, Lucy Darnell), pianos, organs and musical instruments. 114 Fayetteville Darnell Miss Lucy (Darnell tt Thomas), musical instruments, bds Branson House Davie D G, train-hand SAL, bds 120 Johnson Davie Charlie, train-hand SAL, bds 120 Johnson Davis Robert,* grocer, e Hargett, o s e, res same Davis Annie,* seamstress, res Cotton lane, o s e Davis Grant,* train-hand S A L R R, res 437 Johnson Davis Olivia,* wife Grant Davis Henry Y,* shoemaker, res rear Exchange Hotel Davis Lou,* servant, res rear 110 s McDowell Davis John,* fireman SAL, bds 435 n Salisbury Davis W L, tinner S AL, res 520 n Salisbury Davis Mrs Emily, wife W L Davis Miss Dixie, d W L, res same Davis Miss Hattie, d W L, res same Davis W T, son W L, res same, app tinner SAL Davis Arthur,* fireman SAL, res 437 n Salisbury Davis Edna,* cook, res rear First Baptist church* Davis Mary,* d Edna, res same, student Davis Sam,* grocer, 837 Fayetteville Davis Ellen,* cook for W H Day, res on lot Davis Isaiah,* lab, res 518 w Lane Davis Effie,* wife Isaiah, washerwoman Davis Jno C,* blacksmith, res 409 s Blount Davis Edna,* wife Jno C Davis Rev A G,* pastor of Davie-Street Presbyterian church, res 407 s Person Davis Eva A," wife Rev A G Davis Lillie A,* d Rev A G. res same, student s Miss Eiila R, d R H, res same, student s Julia,* washerwoman, res 113 n Harrington s Miss Carrie, likpr for W F McDowell, res same s Annie,* washerwoman, res 550 e Cabarrus s John,* son Annie, res same, student s Mrs J D, res with father, J W Marconi s Miss Paibj G, d Mrs J D, res same s Mrs Marj A, wid, tailoress, res 412 e Hargett s Miss Annie M, d Mrs Mary A, res same, hook-binder s Henry,* elk for Sam Davis, res 834 s Wilmington s Helen,* laundress, res 752 e Davie, o s e s Alice,* d Helen, res same, cook s Kittie,* washerwoman, res 607 s East s Annie,* washerwoman, res 6ol s East s Ben,* lab, res 529 s East s Peter M, quiller at pilot mill, res s East s Mrs Susie, wife P M s Nellie,* cook for Mrs B E Williams, res 510 e Edenton s Hattie,* washerwoman, res 525 e Edenton s Lonnie,* driver for J G Ball, res e Edenton s Ellen,* wife Lonnie, washerwoman s c^ Dnnston,* barbers, 202^ Fayetteville s Delia,* laundress, res 726 Manly s Rebecca,* d Delia, res same, student s Georgia,* d Delia, res same, student s Harriet,* nurse, rooms 524 s Dawson s Minerva,* cook, res old Fair Ground, o s e s Lewis C,* barber, res 122 w Lenoir s Jennie S,* wife L C, house work s Jonah R* (Davis & Dunston), barber, res 111 w South s Lucy M,* wife J R s Annie C,* d J R, res same, student s Katie T,* d J R, res same, student s Jonah H V,* son J R, res same, student s James McC,* son J R, res same s George,* carp, res 309 w Lenoir s Sarah,* wife Geo, washerwoman s Carrie,* d Geo, res same, student s Lizzie,* cook for J Schwartz, res same s Ann,* washerwoman, res 715 s Dawson s Andrew,* shoemaker, res 545 Newbern ave s Penny,* wife Andrew Day W H (McRae & Day), lawyer, res 120 Halifax Da 107 De Day Mrs M G, wife W H Day Rufus,* painter, res ()01 e Carbarnis Day Hattie,* wite Rufus Day Tiionias,* son Itufus, res same, shoemaker Day Sadie,* nurse, res 208 \v South Day Annie,* waslierwoman, res 111 w Lenoir Day Robert, wks Caraleitj;h mill, res 722 Fayetteville Day Mrs Ida, wife Roht Day David, wks Caraleiu-h mill, res 722 Fayetteville t Day Charles, wks Caralei^h mill, res 722 Fayetteville Dean John A, blacksmith, res Caswell lane Dean Mrs Biddy J, wife Jno A Dean Joseph, son Jno A, res same, wks Caraleigli cot mill Dean Wm T, son Jno A, res same, lab Dean Richard, wks Caraleiirli mill, res 20 McKee Dean Mrs Mary F, wife Richard Dean Miss Marinda, d Richard, res same, weaver Dean Miss Ella, d Richard, res same, spinner Caraleisih mill Dean Arthur, son Richard, res same, wks Caralei^h mill Dean J A, loora-tixer at Caraleigh mill, res 820 Fayetteville Dean Mrs Ardelia, wife J A Dean Dorcey, weaver at Caraleigh mill, bds 82') Fayetteville Debnam Harry,* hackman, res 430 s Blount Debnam Mattie,* wife Harry, house M'ork Debnam David,* son Harry, res same, student Debnam Magnolia,* d Harry, res same, student Debnam John,* driver for Dr A W Goodwin, res same Debnam Jane,* house-servant for Dr A W Goodwin, res same Debnam Cora,* house-servant for T T Hay, res on lot Debnam Nona,* house servant, res 622 Elm Debnam Emma,* farm hand, res old Fair Ground, o s e Del)nam Edward,* farm hand, res old Fair Ground, o s e Debnam Elizabeth,* farm hand, res rear 554- e Hargett Debnam Ada,* farm liand, res rear 554 e Hargett Debnam Allison,* son Ada, res same, farm hand Debnam C F, overseer, r 105 w Jones Debnam Mrs M G, wife C F Debnam Miss L J, d C F, res same, dressmaker Debnam Miss M G, d C F, res same, dressmaker Debnam Julia.* d Francis Jones, res same, student Debnam Junius,* son Francis Jones, res same, student Debnam Etta,* waslierwoman, res o s e Debnam James E,* lab, res 511 s Dawson Debnam W F.* real estate, res 214 w Lenoir Debnam Jas E,* son W F, res same, student Debnam L-ma P,* d W F, res same, student Deboy X tfc Son, grocers, 13 Exchange Place Deboy Nick Jr, saloon, 15 Exchange Place, res 110 s P)l()unt De 108 De Deboy Mrs Mamie, wife Nick Jr Deboy Nick (N Deboy 6z Son) grocer, res 109 J Fayetteville Deboy Mrs Katheriiie, wife N, proprietress of Germania House, i09i Fayetteville Deboy Alfred, son Nick, res same Deboy Miss Allie, d Nick, res same, saleslady Deboy Miss Katie, d Nick, res same, student Deboy Henry, son Nick, res same, traveling salesman De Forest John, pressman at E M Uzzell, res 12 L w Cabarrus De Forest Mrs Daisy M, Vvife John Dement A J, livery stable, res 215 e Davie Dement Mrs Lucretia F, wife A J Dement Robert L, son A J, res same, carriage painter Dement Miss Martha F, d A J, res same, student Dement Miss Lucretia F, d A J, res same, student Dement AVm A, son A J, res same, student Denmark Jas W, chief elk to State Treasurer, res 404 n East Denmark Mrs Juanita, wife J W Denmark Miss Leonita, d J W, res sa^me Denning Mrs Martlia R, dressmaker, res 512 s AVilmington Denning Miss Sinie B, d Mrs Martha R, res same, student Denning Miss Mattie B, d Mrs Martha R, res same, student Dennis C R, elk for Levine & Brown, res 505 n Wilmington Dennis Mrs S M, wife C R Denny Miss Addie, dressmaker, res 313 s Dawson Denson Capt C B(Morson ife Denson), teacher, r 403 Newbern ave Denson Mrs Matilda, wife C B Denson Miss Daisy, d C B, res same Denson Miss Katherine, d C B, res same Denson Miss Mary, d C B, res same Denson Thos C, son C B, res same, elk W H 6z R S Tucker 6c Co Denson Eugene, son C B, res same, medical student Denson C B Jr, son C B, res same, student Denton P H, elk W E Jones, bds Central Hotel Denton Ed V, saloon and cafe, 311 and 313 Fayetteville, res 410 s Person Denton Mi's Gussie, wife Ed V Denton Edwin Y Jr, son Ed Y, res same Denton Mrs J N, wid, res 117 s Bloodworth Denton Miss -Bessie, d Mrs J N, res same, student Denton AVillie, son Mrs J N, res same, student Denton Miss Mabel, d Mrs J N, res same, student Denton Mrs N V, wid, res 327 e Cabarrus Denton Miss Lalla, d Mrs N Y, res same, milliner at Woollcott & Son Denton Miss Maud, d Mrs N Y, res same, saleslady at Woollcott & Son Denton Miss Florence, d Mrs N Y, res same, student De 109 Di Denton Miss Cleo, d Mrs N V, res same, student Denton Burke, son Mrs N V, res same, student Denton A G, elk tor D C Manoruni Denton John," j)orter at Yarl)oro' House, res 207 w J3avie. Denton Marv,'^ wife Joiin, waslierwonian De Vault K"B, ins agt, bds 2(il Halifax Devereux Mrs John, wid, res with Col .Iiio AV Hinsdale, 330 Hillsboro' Devereux Austin,'"' gardener, res 812 s AVilniington Devereux T P, lawyer, office over ConniK-rcial and Farmers I'ank Devereux Miss Laura, teacher in ]\Iur))hy School, bds Park Place Devine Becky, ^' farm hand, res e Davie Devine Mary,* washerwoman, res 320 w South Dewar AV E (Dewar A: Wilder), mercluuit, res 40^5 sSalisbury Dewar Mrs Susan F, wife W E Dewar Edwin S, son W E, res same, student Dewar & Wilder, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 13 e Martin and l-i Exchange Place Dewey Guion, machinist, bds Park Place Dewey Miss Mary, sister to Mrs R D Wildes, res IIS s Dawson Dicks Wm K, bookbinder, res 425 n East Dicks Mrs Bettie, wife W R Dicks Miss Lilla, d AV R, res same Dicks Miss Ellee, d W R, res same, student Dicks Arthur, son W R, res same, student Dickins Gilbert,* carp, res 613 e Cabarrus Dickinson Geo C, pressman Edwards c*t Broughton, bds 7<>1 s Bloodworth D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D ckinson George, printer, room 813 s Blount ckinson Miss Nannie, sister of Mrs Annie W Emery, res san)e ckson Miss Catlierine, seamstress, res 519 s Bloodworth ckson Miss Melissa, sister of ]\[iss Catherine, res same, student ckson Katie,* washerwoman, res 579 e Lenoir ckson Robt L, elk for Berwanger Bros, rooms 327 e Hargett Idy Hattie,* cook for AV H Dodd, res 113 n Harrington lliard James,* hotel waiter, res 27 McKee lliard Bettie,* wife James, house work nkins Thomas, wks for city, res Smithfield nkins Susan, wife Thos nkins Miss Ida, d Thos, res same, student nkins AV D, carp, res f!12 e Hargett nkins Mrs Susan, wife AA^ D nkins Miss Millie G, d W D, res same nkins Wm E, son AV D, res same, printer nkins ^Frs ALirtha J, wid, res 220 s East DINWIDDIE JAMES. Prin of Peace Institute, res same Dinwiddie Mrs Bettie, wife James, Lady Prin of Peace Institute Dinwiddle Miss Nannie C, d James, teacher in Peace Institute, res same Di 110 Do Dinwiddie Miss Susan H, d James, teacher in Peace Institute, res same Dinwiddie Miss Janet W, d James, teacher in Peace Institute, res same Dinwiddie Miss IVlary D, d James, res same, student Dinwiddie Miss Bettie C, d James, res same, student Dinwiddie Miss Maud T, d James, res same, student Dishman Joshua,""^ lab, res 615 e Cabarrus Dishman Margaret,* wife Joshua, washerwoman Dishman Jennie,* d Joshua, res same, student Dishman Florence,* d Joshua, res same, student Dishman Cornelius,* wks cot compress, res 119 Haywood Dishman Mary A,* wife Cornelius, washerwoman Dixon Chas N, mechanic S A L II R, res Franklin, o s n Dixon Mrs Estelle, wife Chas N Dixon Mrs N A, wid, res with son C N Dobbin Robert, shoemaker, res 220 w Davie Dobbin Mrs Mary A, wife Robt Dobbin Miss Emma, d Robt, res same Dobbin Jas C, son Robt, I'es same, bkkpr Dobbin Theo W (W H & R S Tucker & Co), buyer and gen mgr, res Hillsboro' near Capital Dobbin Mrs Mary A, wife T W Dockerv A Y, newspaper man, room 9 Frap's bldg Dodd Wm H, bkkpr for J J Thomas, res 107 n McDowell Dodd Mrs R M, wife Wm H Doolittle Mrs Mary, wid, res 223 w Davie Doolittle Archie, son Mrs Mary, res same, lab Doolittle James O, wks at oil mill, res 130 w Cabarrus Doolittle Mrs Rebecca, v;ife Jas O Donaldson John,* lab, res 318 e Davie Donaldson Thos,* butcher, city market Donehoe Patrick, bkkpr, bds 211 Smithfield Dorham Burton,* porter, res 321 w South Dorham Jennie,* wife Burton, washerwoman Dorkins Mamie,* house work, res 326 s East Dorsett Bros, grocers, cor s Wilmington and e Hargett Dortch Miss Sallie, g-d of Dr Thos D Hogg, res same, student DOUGLASS W C, lawyer, office 301 i Fayetteville, res cor Blood- worth and Polk Douglass Isaac,* iireman SAL, res 602 s McDowell Douglass Alice,* wife Isaac, washerwoman Douglass W C, lawyer, office Commercial and Farmers Bank bldg Dowb W H,* artist and teacher, res 107 n Harrington Dowb Patience,* wife W H Dowd P W, cotton weigher, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Dowd Miss Martha A, d P W, res same, student Dowd Miss Charity, d P W, res same, student Do 111 Dr Dowd "Wvlie P, son P W, res same, student Dowd ]\[ifis Nellie, niece of P W, res same, student Dowd HtMirv A, res Hillsltoro' rd, o s w Dowd Mrs Laura B, wife Henry A Dowd Miss Martha A, d Henry A, teaeiier in Peace Institute, res same Dowd AVilson," wks Hal Gas Co, res rear 305 Hillsboro' Dowd Margaret," wife Wilson Dowd S(juire,"" driver, res 216 w South Dowd Anna,'*^ wife Squire, washerwoman Dowd P)elle," d S(juire, res same, student Dowd Carson,* son Squire, res same, student Dowd Ella,* d Squire, res same, student Dowell Miss Emma J, sister Mrs D G Conn, res lt>6 w Jones Dowell H J, prop Central Hotel, res same Dowell Mrs Mattie, wife H J Dowell AVilliard, son H J, res same student Dowell Paul, son H J, res same, student Dowell Miss Lucy, d H J, res same, student Dowden John,* lab S A L R R, res 534 Halifax Dowden Almeta,* wife John, washerwoman Doyle Fred C, student, res 16 s Salisbury Doyle Miss Annette,* niece of Mrs C F Lodge, res same Drake Caroline,* cook, res 512 e Davie Drake Eaton,* lab, res Caswell lane Drake Eliza,* wife Eaton, washerwoman Dri;ike Hayes,* son Eaton, res same, driver for Dewar c^' Wilder Drake Solomon,* son Eaton, res same, student Drake Samuel,* elk J E Hamlin, res Caswell lane Drake Sallie,* wife Sam, res same, washerw'oman Drake Sam Jr,* son Sam, res same, student Drake Pearl,* d Sam, res same, student Drake William,* son Sam, res same, student Draughan Penny,* washerwoman, res 1 18 e Cabarrus Drew Thomas,* lab, res 302 w South Drew Mary,* wife Thos, washerwoman W. C. Douglass, Attorney at Law, Raleigh, N. C. office : Corner FaycttcvilU and Martin Streets upstairs. Practices in all the Courts of the State. Dr 112 Du Drew Arthur,* son Thos, res same, student Drew Willie,* son Thos, res same, student Drew John A, overseer at Caraleigh mill, res 111 Cabarrus Drew Mrs Nannie H, wife Jno A DREWRY JOHN C, gen agt Mutual Life Ins Co of N J, othce in Holloman bldg, res 517 Oakwood ave Drewry Miss Emma L, d J C, res same, student Driver Ella, washerwoman, res Pugh Driver Mrs Mollie, wid, res Pugh Driver Miss Addie, d Mrs Mollie, res same, student Driver Charles, son Mrs Mollie, res same, wks Pal cot mill Driver James, son Mrs Mollie, res same, student Dry Frank L,* student, res 822 Cannon Dry James,* student, res 322 Cannon Dudley E M, elk for W J Peavis, res same Duffy Miss Nannie, d Mrs Eugene Schilling, student Duffy Mrs Posa, paper- folder, res 224: s Blount Duffy Miss Katie, d Mrs Posa, res same, paper-folder Duffy Joseph, son Mrs Posa, res same, student Duffy Miss Posa, d Mrs Posa, res same, student Duffy Miss Sarah, d Mrs Posa, res same, student Duffy John, son Mrs Posa, res same, wks Pal cot mill DUGHI ANTHONY L, confectioner, ice-cream parlor and oys- ter saloon, 235 Fayetteville, res 524 n Saunders Dughi Mrs Elizabeth, wife A L Dughi Jno J A, son A L, res same, elk for father Dughi Miss Posa, d A L, res same, student Dughi Miss Annie, d A L, res same, student Dughi Toney, son A L, res same, student Dughi Miss Mary, d A L, res same, student Dughi Miss Elizabeth, d A L, res same, student Dughi Leo J, son A L, res same, student Dughi Jos A, son A L, res same Dughi Christian M, son A L, res same Duke Jno A, eng SAL, res 50S Halifax Duke Mrs Delia A, wife Jno A, boarding-house Duke Miss Laura, d Jno A, res same, student Duke Otho, son Jno A, res same, student Duke Fred, son Jno A, res same, student Duke John E, grocer, cor e Davie and East, res 554 e Hargett Duke Mrs Minnie, wife Jno E Duke Miss Lora B, d Jno E, res same, student Duke Miss Bessie, d Jno E, res same, student Duke Jno E Jr, son Jno E, res same, student Duke Willie, son Jno E, res same Duke Nannie,* teacher, res 815 Manly Duke Pebecca,* house-servant, res 815 Manly Duke James B, watchman Mills Mfg Co, res 813 Jenkins 112 A J. iVI. Brougiiton. T. B. Moseley. City ami Country Property Boiitdit and Sold on Commission. Loans Negotiated. InvestmontH I'liiced. la-liaMe Crodit Information l-'iirnislied. Real Estate, Rental and Collecting Agency. J. M. BROUGHTON & CO., Real Estate and Fire Insurance. JOHN -yymxELA'W, ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. STONE CONTRACTOR. ALL WORK GIVEN PERSONAL ATTENTION. YARD : - Corner Martin and McDowell Streets. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS, RALEIGH, N. C, DEALERS IN ^ UKVIMJT AKTEKS KH| General Hardware, Stoves, Paints, m buyj^ks- g Oils, Glass, Lime and Cement, g'cuKsrESTs," ^ IHI 'ldiers' Home Foy James W, trav salesman Franklin June, elk for F D Castlebury, res same Francis Samuel, inmate Soldiers' Home Francis Peter, shoemaker, res Prairie bldg Francis Mrs Virginia, wife Peter Francis Joseph, son Peter, res same, shoemaker Francis Miss Annie, d Peter, res same, dressmaker Francis Miss Jennie, d Peter, res same, seamstress Francis J E, shoemaker, res 220 s East Francis Mrs Fannie C, wife J E Francis Miss Pearl, d J E, res same, student Fraps A W, agt for German Electric Belts, room No, 1 Fraps bldg Fraps Geo S, son A W, student A and M College, room No. 2 Fraps bldg Freidman Sam, salesman, bds 12 e Davie Freeman Mack,* barber, res 405 w South Freeman A Hie,* wife Mack, house work Freeman Lillian M,* d Mack, res same, student Freeman Maria,* cook, r 717 s Dawson Freeman William,* house-servant, res 521 e Davie Freeman Miss Susie B, saleslady at A B Stronach, res 324 s Salis- bury Freeman Jas T,* lab, bds 108 e Hargett Fr 127 Fu Freeman James, saloon, 13 e Hargett, res 13 s East Freeman Mrs Mary A, wife James Freeman Emily,* res 51*) Newbern ave, washerwoman Freeman Solomon,* wks for city, res 108 Smithfield Freeman Sal lie,* wife Solomon, washerwoman Freeman Josephine,* d Solomon, res same Freeman Ada,* d Solomon, res same, student Freeman Solomon Jr,* son Solomon, res same, student Freeman Tnney,* cook for Roht Dobbin, res 512 w Morgan Freeman John,* porter T W I)lake, res 000 s Person Freeman Amanda,* cook for W H Lyon, res 6<)0 s Person Freeman Bertha,* d Amanda, res same, dressmaker Freeman James,* lab, res 505 s Blount Freeman Victoria,* wife James, washerwoman Freeman Alex,* stationary eng for T L Eberhart, res 121 n Har- rington Freeman Norlieet,* janitor Garfield School, res 554: e Martin Freeman Clara, ^ washerwoman, res 414 e Martin Freeman Cornelius,* son Clara, res same, lab Freeman Mort,* son Clara, res same, student Freeman Koden,* drayman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Freeman Mollie,* wife Roden, washerwoman Freeman Thomas, "*" son Roden, res same, lab Freeman Edward,* son Roden, res same, student Freeman Minnie,* d Roden, res same, student Freeman Norman,* hackman, e Martin, o s e Freeman Nellie,* wife Norman, washerwoman Freeman Bessie,* d Norman, res same, student Freeman Jennie,* d Norman, res same, student Freeman Bryant,* son Norman, res same, student Freeman Mack,* lab, res 515 e Edenton Freeman Laura,* wife Mack, washerwoman Freeman George,* son Mack, res same, student Frost Miss Julia, sister of Mrs Len H Royster, res same Frost William A, boiler-maker, bds 108 n Saunders Fryar Miss M V, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Fulcher W A, printer, res 521 s Blood worth Fulcher Mrs Katie, wife W A Fulcher Miss Melissa, sister of W A, res same Fuller Hon Thomas C, Judge U S Court of Land Claims, bds 130 Hillsboro' Fuller William,* driver for Dr J R Rogers, res w Lane near R R Fuller Harriet,* wife Wm, washerwoman Fuller Mack,* hackman, res e Lane Fuller Alice,* wife Mack, cook for Dr K P Battle Jr Fuller Jennie,* house-servant, res 622 Ehn P uller Lucinda,* washerwoman, res 32-t Cannon Fulgham Jas S, elk for W E Jones, bds Richardson House Furlong William, boiler-maker, bds 108 n Saunders Ga 128 Ge GAITHINGS S H, inmate Soldiers' Home Gales Mrs Seaton G, wid, res with Thos T Hay, 705 Hills- boro' Gales Miss Altie, d Mrs Seaton G, res same Gales Lane,* lab, res Nunn, o s s Gales Jane,* wife Lane, washerwoman Galvin Mrs Ann E, wid, res 519 n Person Galvin Jno H, son Mrs Ann E, res same, eng S A L R R Galvin Cicero, son Mrs Ann E, res same, fireman S A L R R Gant Emit,* brick-mason, res Fajetteville below R R Gardner Miss J, lives at F Shepard, cor Edenton and McDowell Gardner W E, elk for J D Carroll, bds 513 s Bloodworth Gardner C C, wks ice factory, res 218 s Harrington Gardner Mrs Mattie, wife C C Gardner Miss A, attendant at Lisane Asylum, res same Gargns James, lab, res 122 e Martin Gargus Mrs Nannie, wnfe James Gargus Janata, son James, res same, student Gargus Miss Nellie, d James, res same Garner Lucy,* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Garner Maggie,* d Lucy, res same, student Garner Ida,* d Lucy, res same, student Garrett Nancy,* farm hand, res 423 Smith Gaston Ben,* servant at Thos N Bryant, res on lot Gary Patsy,* seamstress, res 117 w Lenoir Gary J O,* carp, res w Lenoir, Rex Hospital property Gary Cornelia,* wife J O, house work Gary Florence,* d J O, res same, seamstress Gary Charlie,* son J O, res same Gary Lula,* d J O, res same Gary Hattie,* d J O, res same Gatiing John, cotton buyer, bds 311 w Martin Gatling' Bart M, lawyer,' 3 Pullen bldg, res o s city Gattis William, lives with E S Cheek, 114 n Dawson Gattis W A, merchandise broker, res 316 s Dawson Gattis Mrs Alice V, wife W A Gattis Chas H, son W A, res same, elk for H S Leard Gattis Louis P, son W A, res same, student Gattis J Richard, carp, bds 313 w Lane Gattis J T, flagman Southern R R, res 530 Hillsboro'' Gattis Mrs Bettie, wife J T Gattis Charles, son J T, res same, elk for Betts Bros Gattis H O, grocer Newbern ave, o s e, res same Gay Solomon, inmate Soldiers' Home Gear John,* gardener, res 404 Cannon Gear Emeline,* wife John, washerwoman Gelshenen J L, cot buyer for C E Johnson & Co, res 219 e Morgan Gelshenen Mrs Maggie A, wife J L Ge 129 Gi Gelshenon Miss Marv A, d J L, res same Geniiania Honso, 105)A Fayetteville, Mrs Katlieriiie Deboy propr Gliiseliii Hardinj:;, nephew of P> II Tlanliiii)^, r same, maeliinist app G ' ' G G G G G G G G G G G G bbs Miss Mary L, sister of Mrs F ]\l Simmons, res same hbs Hugh, beemer Caraleigli cot mill, bds 73!) Fayetteville bson Belle,* cook for Alice Patterson, res 805 Jenkins lliam Lillie,* house-servant for Jacob Schwartz, res same lliani Matthew,* student, res 214 w Lenoir lliam Minerva,* chambermaid, res 25 w Worth lliam Miss Lillie, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same 11 David, lab, res Haywood 11 i\[rs Nancj^ wife David 11 Thomas, son David, res same, plninber 11 Burley, son David, res same, lal) 11 Alonzo, son David, res same, lab 11 Junius, son David, res same, student GILL J H, founder and machinist, cor McDowell and Davie, res 325 s McDowell 11 Miss Sallie, seamstress, res 516 Haj'wood 11 Elmo, student, res 516 Haywood 11 Ida,* washerwoman, res 401 s Dawson 11 Solomon,* lab, res 102 w Cabarrus 11 Eliza,* wife Solomon, cook for David Rosenthal 11 Wright,* lab, res 207 w South 11 Nat,* coachman, res I0t> w Morgan 11 Ellen,"' wile Nat, washerwoman 11 George, machinist S A L R R, bds Exchange Hotel 11 Miss Nellie, dry goods, etc, 321 e Martin, res 208 e Morgan 11 Katie,* servant at G W Morris, res same 11 B T, gardener, res 208 e Morgan 11 Miss Otie, d B T, res same 11 Miss Nellie, d B T, res same 11 Lewis, wks city market, res 208 e Morgan 11 Spencer,* driver for J P Wyatt & Bros, res Adams' lane 11 Fannie,* wife Spencer, washerwoman 11 Anderson,* son Spencer, res same, student 11 Ernest,* son Spencer, res same, student 11 Henry,* lal), res 541 e Martin 11 Martha,* wife Henry, res same, washerwoman 11 Carrie,* d Henry, res same, student 11 Arthur,* son Henry, res same, dining-room servant 11 Eugene,* d Henry, res same, student 11 Ernest, elk, rooms 327 e Hargett 11 Katie,* house-servant, res 41S e Martin 11 Sarah,* nurse, res 418 e Martin 11 Henry,* blacksmith, res 321 s Bloodworth I more Austin,* painter, res 309 w South Imore Adelaide,* wife Austin, house work 6 Gi 130 Go Gilmore John,* son Austin, res same, painter Gilmore Minnie M,* d Austin, res same, house work Gilmore Lizzie,* d Austin, res same, laundress Gilyer John,* carp, bds 215 s Wilmington Gilyer Eliza,* cook, wife John Gladville Mrs Candace, wid, res 523 s Person Glass George H, mgr Ral Telephone Exchange, res 527 Hillsboro' Glass Mrs Geo H, res 527 Hillsboro' Glass Riley, son Geo H, res same, student Glen Miss Janet B, teacher in St Mary's School, res same Glenn Frank M, printer, res 313 e Martin Glenn Mrs Jennie, wife Frank M Glenn Miss Mary, d Frank M, res same, student Glenn Alonzo, painter, res n Blount, o s n Glenn Mi's Annette, wife Alonzo Glenn Ray, son Alonzo, res same, student Glenn Miss Audry, d Alonzo, res same, student Glenn Miss Lina, d Alonzo, res same, student Glenn Mrs Bettie, mother of Alonzo, res same Glenn Harlie, son Mrs Bettie, res same, elk Glenn Annie,* nurse, res 802 Manly Glenn Henry,* lab, res 802 Manly Glennan Mrs Fannie, seamstress, res 119 w Morgan Glennan John, son Mrs Fannie, res same Glennan Fred, son Mrs Fannie, res same, wks Oak City Laundry Glover B C, life ins agt, bds 321 e Lane Gooch Alonzo, city hand, res 317 e Martin Gooch Mrs Eliza, wid, res 327 w South Gooch Chas H, son Mrs Eliza, res same, moulder Gooch Miss Ida, d Mrs Eliza, res same, student Gooch Miss Ella, d Mrs Eliza, res with M W Woodard Gooch Mrs Nancy, res with L T Huddleston Gooch Sallie,* cook, res 111 w Lenoir Gooch Mary,* d Sallie, res same, house work Gooch Ernest,* lab, res 111 w Lenoir Gooch Fred,* son Sallie, res same, driver for Stevens & Son Gooch W L, inmate Soldiers' Home Goodwin Dr A W, physician and surgeon, office over Bobbitt's drug store, res 711 Hillsboro' Goodwin -Mrs Lovie C, wife Dr A W Goodwin Loomis McA, son Dr A W, res same, student Goodwin Miss Mildred H, d Dr A W, res same, student Goodwin Mrs D, wid, mother Dr A W, res same Goodwin Miss Ella, sister Dr A W, res same Goodwin Mrs Martha E, wid, grocer, res 220 s East Goodwin Miles, mgr for Royall & Borden, bds cor Newbern ave and Person Goodwin Mrs Luta, wife Miles Go 131 Gr Goodwin Geo T, inmate Soldiers' Home Goodwin I M, inmate Soldiers' Home Goodwin Frances,* laundress, res 320 w South Goodwin Ned,* wood-sawyer, res 320 w South Goodwin Wayland, grocer 534- Cannon, res same Goodvvin A: Dupree, grocers, 534 Cannon Goodwin Charles, motorman Ral Electric Co, bds 209 w Morgan Goodwin Mrs Adeline, seamstress, res 416 w North Godwin J R, blacksmith, res Fayetteville below R R Godwin ]\[rs Cornelia E, wife J B Godwin W H, son J B, res same Godwin Frank, newspaper carrier, bds 203 n West Good Lillie,* washerwoman, res 519 s Dawson Goodloe Daniel R, newspaper correspondent, res with W G Ran- dall, cor n Wilmington and Polk Goeler Miss Lizzie, sister of Mrs A C Lehman, res same Gorham Arthur L,* letter-carrier, res 114 e Lenoir Gorham Annie,* wife A L, seamstress Gorham Edward,* son A L, res same, student Gorham Beulah,* d A L, res same, student Gorham Wesley,* son A L, res same, barber Gorham Louise,* d A L, res same, student Gorham Leah,* d A L, res same, student Gorham Emma,* d A L, res same, student Gorham Bessie,* d A L, res same, student Gorham Addie,* d A L, res same, student Gorman Mrs Mary E, dressmaker, res 226 e Cabarrus Gorman Miss Efiie, d Mrs Mary E, res same, wks Caraleighcot mill Gorman Miss Sadie O, d Mrs Mary E, res same, student Gorman Miss Mav, d Mrs Mary E, res same GORMAN MAXWELL J, proof-reader for Edwards & Brough- ton Printing and Publishing Co and correspondent of north- ern newspapers, res 408 n Person Gorman James, painter, rooms 315 s McDowell Goss Allen,* driver, res 303 s West Goss Viney,* wife Allen, washerwoman Goss Barbara,* d Allen, res same, student Gower Wm A, butcher, res 515 s Harrington Gower Mrs Ella L, wife W A, dressmaker Grady E D, cot mill operator, res 538 w Peace Grady Mrs Mary A, wife E D Grady Miss Bettie F, d E D, res same Grady Jno J, son E D, res same, wks Ral cot mill Grady George, peddler, res 314 s East Grady Mrs Alice, wife George, house work Grady Tiller, lab, res 315 s Blood worth Grady Mrs Mary, wife Tiller Grady Miss Willie, d Tiller, res same, student Gr 132 Gr Gradj Chas, carp SAL shops, res 216 w Lane Gradj Mrs Mittie, wife Chas Grady George, son Chas, res same, collector for G S Tucker & Co Grandy Lottie,* washerwoman, res 556 Newborn ave Grandy Mollie,* d Lottie, res same, cook Grandy Gary,* son Lottie, res same, errand-boy Grandy Nonie," d Lottie, res same, servant Grandy Hattie," d Lottie, res same, cook for Chas Creighton Grandy Willis, notary public, res 116 n Dawson Graham Mack," carp, res Martin, o s e Graham Nancy,* wife Mack, washerwoman- Graham William,* son Mack, res same, driver Graham Mary,* laundress, res 514 Smith Graham Lillie,* d Mary, res same, student Graham George,* lab, res 120 w South Graham Sarah,* wife Geo, seamstress Grant Lucy,* washerwoman, res 435 n Salisbury Grant La Fayette, elk for L T Taylor, res same Granville Cary,* dinner-carrier, res with Geo Montgomery Graves Lena,* waslierwoman, res 407 w Edenton Graves Mollie,* d Lena, res same, washerwoman Graves Josie,* d Lena, res same, washerwoman Gray Eliza,* cook for J P Wyatt, res same Gvay Katie,* washerwoman, res Blount-st al Gray Laura,* cook for Ed H Lee, res 224 e Cabarrus Gray Mrs 1) H, wid, res cor Johnson and n Wilmington GRAY ROBT T, lawyer, office 16 w Martin, res 530 n Blount Gray Mrs Carrie, wife R T Gray Robt L, son R T, res same, newspaper reporter Gray Miss Lillie, d R T, res same, student Gray Miss Carrie, d R T, res same, student Gray Roxanna,* cook, res 302 w South Gray Eva,* d Roxanna, res same, student Greason H B, supt Ral cot mills, res cor Halifax and Franklin, o s n Greason Mrs Catherine, wife H B Greason Miss Annie, sister H B, res same Greason Geo H, brother H B, res same, boss carder Ral cot mill Gregory William,* gardener, res e Edenton Gregory Leanna,* wife Wm, cook for Dr V E Turner Green Monroe,* lab, res Townes' al Green Affie,* cook for Miss Jennie Miller, res Townes' al Green Tom,* lab, res 3 Stronach ave Green Kate,* wife Tom, washerwoman Green Miss Emma, res 308 w Jones Green Miss Martha, res 308 w Jones Green James, elk W B Mann, rooms 308 w Jones Green Susan,* cook, res e Lane Or 138 Gr Green Henry, conductor 8 A L R R, bds 10 e North Green Austin,* biacksniitli, res 5<>8 s East Green Fannie,* wife Austin, laundress Green Thunia,* house work, res 826 s East Green ^lary,* nurse for J)r T E Skinner, res 522 e Martin Green Sylvester,* nurse for E C Smith, res 522 e Martin Green Archie,* hostler, res 547 e Davie Green Emma,* wife Archie Green Lucy,* sen house work, res 547 e Davie Green Emnui,* student, res 547 e Davie Green Ellen,* washerwonum, res 620 Elm Green A H, farmer, res 562 e Lenoir Green Mrs Nannie W, wife A H Green AVm W, son A H, res same, guano insjjector Green Oscar D, son A H, res sau)e, farmer Green Maurice M, son A H, res same Green Miss Mary C, d A H, res same, student Green Miss Nina W, d A H, res same, student Green Miss Daisy, d A H, res same, student Green A H Jr, son A H, res same, student Green Emma,* washerwoman, res 517 s Dawson Green Chas,* lab, res 405 s Dawson Green Furney," blacksmith, res Caswell lane Green Austin,* blacksmith, s McDowell, res 508 s East Green Mira,* house work, res Caswell lane Green Walter,* lab, res Caswell lane Green Abbie,"^ dining-room servant, res 711 s East Green Frederick,* son Al)bie, res same, student Green George,* son Abbie, res same, student Green Logan," night watchman, res 616 s McDowell Green Mattie,* wife Logan, house work Green William,* lab, res 517 Cannon Green Mary,* wife Wm, washerwoman Green Gertrude,* d Wm, res same Green Miss A'ictoria R, res 116 n East Green Miss Sallie J, sister of Miss Victoria R, res same Green Miss Lucy F, sister of Miss Victoria R, res same Green John, brother of Miss Victoria R, res same Green William,* drayman, res 12 w North Green Minna,* wife Wm, washerwoman Grey J S, broker, 120 Fayetteville, bds 108 Fayetteville Grice Jesse, wks Ral cot mill, res 50s n West Grice Mrs Zaley, wife Jesse Grice Richard, son Jesse, res same, wks Ral cot mill Grice Miss Maud, d Jesse, res same, wks Ral cot mill Grice Claude, son Jesse, res same, wks Ral cot mill Grice Wiley, son Jesse, res same, wks Ral cot mill Grice Frank, son Jesse, res same, wks Ral cot mill Gr 134 Gu Griffis Penny,* cook for Dr T D Hogg, res on lot Griffis Paschall, elk for R E Parham, res 307 e Martin Griffis Mrs Mary, wife Paschall Griffis Thomas, brother of Paschall, res same Griffis Elizabeth,* boarding-house, 108 e Hargett Griffith John,* lab, res 114 n West Griffith Belle,* wife John, washerwoman Grimes Mrs Elizabeth, wid, res cor Halifax and Lane Grimes William H, son Mrs Elizabeth, res same, planter Grimes Mrs Btittie, wife Wm H Grimes Miss Nellie, d Mrs Elizabeth, res same Grimes Jno G B, accountant, res 514 Fayetteville Grimes Mrs Helen M, wife J G B Groves Austin,* porter for Jno S Pescud, res Cotton lane, o s e Groves Margaret,* wife Austin, washerwoman Groves Annie,* d Austin, r same, student Groves Belle,* d Austin, res same, student Grissom Mrs L T, wid, res 404 w North Gruendler Mrs E V, dressmaker, 314 s Blount Gruendler Norman, son Mrs E V, res same, printer Gruendler Leonard, son Mrs E Y, res same Gruendler Miss Myrtle, d Mrs E V, res same Guess Philip,* lab, res 516 w South Guess Lucy,* wife Philip, house work Guess Willie,* son Philip, res same, student Guess Joseph,* son Philip, res same, student GuUey Jos P, trav salesman, res 425 s Wilmington Gulley Mrs Repsie,' wife Jos P Gulley Miss Bernice, d Jos P, res same Gulley Miss Garnett, d Jos P, res same Gulley Miss Josephine, d Jos P, res same, student Gulley Miss Repsie, d Jos P, res same, student Gulley Jos P Jr, son Jos P, res same, student Gulley Miss Melta, d Jos P, res same, student Gulley Allen,* lab, res 15 Fowle Gulley Kate,* wife Allen, washerwoman Gulley Clarissa,* washerwoman, res 520 s Dawson Gunter Laura B,* cook for P> S Jerman, res on lot Gunter Berry,* barber, bds 314 n Dawson Gunter Eli,* gardener, res Idlewild Gunter Rose,* wufe Eli, washerwoman Gunter Joe,* son Eli, res same, wks for ^Y R Crawford Gunter James,* son Eli, res same, student Gunter Maffscie,* nurse for Jas A Moselev, res same Gunter George,* r r hand, res 126 learby s lane Gunter Sylvia,* wife Geo, washerwoman Gunter Gertrude,* d Geo, washerwoman Gunter Thos,* son Geo, res same, student Gu 135 Ha Gnnter Candace,* d Geo, res same, student Giinter Nelson,* fireinan S A L, res Vearby's lane Gnnter Ellon,* wife Nelson Guy Sarah,* seamstress, res G09 e Cabarrus HABEL Fred W, salesman for A D Royster & Bro, res 327 w Jones 1 label Mrs Hat tie, wife F W Habel Miss Mary, d F W, res same Habel Mrs J G, wid mother of F W, res same Habel Mrs W A, wid of Henry, res with F W Habel Habel Wm H, son Mrs W A, res same, student Hackney David,* lab, res 916 Manly Hackney Jane,* wife David, washerwoman Hackney Mary J,* d David, res same, cook Hackney Dilly,* d David, res same, washerwoman Hackney Charles,* son David, res same, lab Hackney Cary,* son David, res same, student Hackney William,* son David, res same, lab Hackney Jane,* washerwoman, res 3130 Cannon Hackney 11 H,* letter-carrier, res 730 Fayetteville Hacknev Ella,* wife R H, teacher Hailey Ed T, elk for N Deboy, res 228 s Swain Hailey Mrs Sarah, wife Ed T" Hailey Robert, wks Peter Stumpf Beer AVks, res 224 s Swain Hailey Miss Susan, chamber-maid at Central Hotel, res same Hailey Moses, porter for Jacob Schwartz, res same Haithcock Jesse, inmate Soldiers' Home Hale Miss Mabel, teacher at Centennial Graded School, bds 103 s McDowell Hales Thomas, grocer, Martin, res 7-1:7 Fayetteville Hales Mrs Kate, wife Thomas Hales Miss Julia, d Thomas, res same, student Hales Miss Pattio, d Thomas, res same, student Hales Hartwell, son Thomas, res same, student Hales Williard, son Thomas, res same Hall E T, elk at Berwanger Bros, res 412 Fayetteville Hall Mrs M T, wife E T^ Hall E T Jr, son E T, res same Hall Wm H, salesman, res 412 Fayetteville Hall Sam,* porter at Chas Bretsch's, rooms 405 s Dawson Hall Dicey,* washerwoman, res 760 Fayetteville Hall Thomas,* lab SAL R R, res o s e Hall Virginia,* wife Thos, washerwoman Hall Sherwood,* son Thos, res same, lab Hall Efhe,* d Thos, res same, washerwotnan Hall Caroline,* washerwoman, res 14 Matthews' lane Ha 136 Ha Hall Robert,* son Caroline, res same, wks city market Hall Ben,* son Caroline, res same, wks for CD Arthur Hall Delia,* house-servant, res 24 McKee Hall William,* lab, res 24'McKee Hall Isaac,* lab, res 24 McKee Hall MolHe,* sick-nurse, res 802 s Blount Hall Yirtruvius,* brick-mason, bds 215 Bledsoe ave Hall Lewis,* carp, res 221 Bledsoe ave Hall Sarah,* wife Lewis Hall Eddie,* son Lewis, res same, student Hall James,* son Lewis, res same, student Hall Luke,* driver for Wyatt & Co, res 511 n Salisbury Hall Mollie,* wife Luke, dressmaker Hall Isaac,* carp, res 318 s Blount Hall Bedie,* wife Isaac, washerwoman Hall William,* son Isaac, res same, farm hand Hall Laura,* d Isaac, res same, washerwoman Hall John,* son Isaac, res same, laborer Hall Eddie,* son Isaac, res same, servant Hall Sarah A,* servant, res 8 s Harrington Hall Eddie,* son Sarah A, res same, student Hall Lottie,* washerwoman, res rear 219 s Person Hall Patience,* house-servant, res 417 s East Hall Thomas,* hackman, res 582 e Cabarrus Hall Lena,* wife Thomas, cook Hall Jerry,* son Thomas, res same, student Hall Isaac,* brick-mason, res 210 w South Hall Abbie,* wife Isaac, house work Hall Carrie,* student, res 117 w Lenoir Hall Robert,* lab, res 334 w South Hall Zora,* wife Robt, washerwoman Hall George,* son Robt, res same, hostler Hall Walter,* son Robt, res same, lab Hall John,* student, res 516 s McDowell Hall Isaac,* house-servant, res 410 s McDowell Hall Malinda,* wife Isaac, waslierwoman Hall Eggie,* d Isaac, washerwoman Hamill & Hunnicutt, brick and stone contractors, s Salisbury Hamill H J (Hamill t% Hunnicutt), brick and stone contractor, res 559 e Martin Hamill Mrs M C, wife H J Hamilton William, city hand, res 111 e South Hamilton Frances, wife Wm Hamilton Oscar, son Wm, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Hamilton Miss Sadie, d AVm, res same, student Hamilton D S, boiler inspector, res 225 w Martin Hamilton Mrs Ella J, wife D S Hamilton Wesley, inmate Soldiers' Home Ha 137 Ha Hamilton Robert, drug clerk, bds 320 Newhern ave Hamilton Wesley, lab, res (/aniioii Hamlet James, weaver Caraleigh cot mills, bds 739 Fayetteville Hamlet J T, trav salesmen, res lli> s Blount Hamlet Mrs Annie P, wife J T Hamlet Roland, son J T, res same, student Hamlet Reginald, son J T, res same, student Hamlet Roy, son J T, res same, student Hamlet John, son J T, res same, student Hamlin Jas E 2 w Noi-th Harrison Helen * wife Charles Harrison Mrs Lottie S, matron Blind Institution, res same Harrison ti' Thornton,* painters, 16 s Salisbury Harrison Mrs E M, proprietress Harrison House, 104: e Davie Harrison ^liss Lula E, d Mrs E M, res same Harrison James A, son Mrs E M, res same Hai'rison .lames W, mecOianic, hds 408 n East Hari'ison xVnnie,* washerwoman, res 425 s East Harrison Maria,* nurse for Mrs Chas McKemmon, res on lot Harrison Charles G, student, lives with Tlev Dr I McK Pittenger Harrison Jno L,* upholsterer, res 513 s Person Harrison Elizabeth,* wife Jno L Harrison Jno L Jr,* son Jno L, res satne, upholsterer Harrison Miss Geneva, lives with Mrs II W Smith Harrison Robt,* trucker, res 409 Flillsboro' Harrison Annie,* wife Robt, cook Harrison Hattie B,^ d Robt, res same, student Harrison Wilber,* son Robt, res same, student Harrison Mrs Rebecca, wid, res 53 S e Jones Harrison Miss Ethel, d Mrs Rebecca, res same, cash-girl at W H & R S Tucker ih George,* lab, res 408 w Eden ton gh Amanda,* wife Geo, w^asherwoman gh Lizzie,* d Geo, res same, servant at J M Fleming gh Jane,* d Geo, res same, servant at Exchange Hotel gh Mamie*, d Geo, res same, servant gh John,* son Geo, res same, servant at J W Hinsdale gh Mack,* brakeman S A L R R, res 420 n Wilmington gh Fannie,* wife Mack, washerwoman gh R C, mechanic, res Fayetteville below R R gh Miss Estelle, d R C, res same, student gh Stella,* house-servant, res 126 w South gh Joseph,* city hand, res 513 Haywood gh Rosetta,* wife Jos gh Swepson,* son Jos, res same, student gh Dony,* sou Jos, res same, student gh Thomas,* son Jos, res same, student gh Jos Jr,* son Jos, res same, student ght Mumford D,* hostler for J W Brown, res on lot ggs Austin,* lab, res 722 s Dawson ggs Cena,* sick-nurse, res 722 s Dawson ggs Isabella,* d Austin, res same ggs Sherwood,* son Isabella, res same, student ggs James M,* lab, res 523 Newbern avc ggs Celia,* wife Jas M ggs Charles,* d James M, res same, student ggs Hugh,* d James M, res same, student ggs Marion,* d James M, res same, student ggs Ella,* cook for W T Tucker, res 14 n East ggs Miss Jennie, d Mrs Laura Watkins, res same, student ggs Miss Laura, d Mrs Laura Watkins, res same, student ggs James A, traveling salesman, res 417 n Blount ggs Mrs Pattie, wife Jas A ggs Miss Mattie, d Jas A, res same ggs Miss Jessie, d Jas A, res same, student ggs Miss Emmie, d Jas A, res same, student ggs James A Jr, son Jas A, res same, student ggs Allen, son Jas A, res same, elk for C A Sherwood & Co Hi 151 III ojgs Sherwood, inereliunt, res 417 n P>lount ii;o;s Mrs Lney H, wife Sherwood ler Ben,* huckster, res 530 e Martin ler Lucy,* wife Ben, house work ler Fannie,* d Ben, res same, student ler Vinson,'^ son Ben, res same, student 11 William,* lab SAL, res 413 n Salisbury 11 Lula,* wife William 11 A D, inmate Soldiers' Home 11 George,* porter for Mrs E E Moftitt, res s East 11 Mary,* wife George, house-servant at Mrs E E Moftitt 11 Augustus,* watchman Park Hotel, res 707 s East 11 Maggie,* wife Augustus 11 James,* lab, res 431 Smith 11 Thos,* lab, res 206 w Lenoir 11 Hattie,* wife Thos, washerwoman 11 Mrs R P, wid, res 314 Hillsl)oro' 11 Jos D, farmer, res s Blount, o s s 11 Mrs Isal)elle, wife Jos D 11 Miss Annie, d Jos D, res same 11 J no S, son Jos D, res same, lab 11 Bud, son Jos D, res same, lab 11 Thomas,* lab, res Nunn, o s s 11 Belle,* wife Thos, sick-nurse 11 Jennie,* d Thos, res same, student 11 Lizzie, (i Thos, res same, washerwoman 11 James,* son Thos, res same, porter 11 Joe & Son,* blacksmiths, 126 s Blount 11 Mrs Ella, d Wm H Jones, res 705 s Blount 11 I C (Hill & Harris), saloon keeper, res 314 e Martin 11 Mrs Millie M, wife I 11 Theo H, poet, res St Mary's, o s w 11 Mrs Mary G, wife Theo H 11 Miss Rosa G, d Theo H, res same 11 Miss Tempie B, d Theo H, res same, student 11 Mrs C A, wid, res 225 Pace, o s n 11 Miss Esther, d Mrs C A, res same, weaver Pilot cot mill 11 Miss Delia, d Mrs C A, res same, weaver Pilot cot mill 11 Edgar, son Mrs C A, res same, weaver Pilot cot mill 11 Claude, son Mrs C A, res same, weaver Pilot cot mill 11 Miss Nettie, d Mrs C A, res same, student 11 Clarence, son Mrs C A, res same, student 11 Joshua B (J R Ferrell & Co), merchant, res 128 Newbern ave 11 Mrs Maggie B, wife J B 11 Miss Annie C, d J B, res same 11 Miss Maggie V, d J B, res same 11 Hubert, son J B, res same, student 11 Ida,* washerwoman, res e Davie Hi 152 Hi Hill Henry,* driver, res 311 s Bloodwortli Hill Citie,* wife Henry, cook, Hill Willie,* son Henry, res same, student Hill Joseph,* blacksmith, res 23 Hayti Hill Eliza,* wife Joseph, house work Hill Chas E.,* blacksmith, res 23 Hayti Hill Annie,* wife Chas R, house work Hill Thomas," son Chas R, res same, blacksmith striker Hill Charles,* porter Ral Savings Bank, res 519 s McDowell Hill Corinna,* wife Chas, chambermaid at Peace Institute Hill Thomas,* lab, res 513 s McDowell Hill Ida,* wife Thomas Hill Nettie,* house-servant for Mrs Fannie M Williams, res on lot Hill Annie,* washerwoman, res rear ll-l w Cabarrus Hill Frances,* sister of Annie, res same, cook Hill Minnie,* d Annie, res same, student Hill Cora,* house-servant, res Martin, o s e Hill John,* son Cora, res same, driver for Dr L A Scruggs Hill Aaron,* farmer, res Rock Quarry rd Hill Maria,* sister of Aaron, res same, washerwoman Hill Maggie,* wife Aaron, house-servant for Dr P E Hines Hill Hattie,* d Maria, res same, student Hill Lula,* house-servant, res 115 w Lenoir Hill Mary,* servant for W R Richardson, res same Hill D H, Professor of English A & M College, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Hill Mrs P W, wife D H Hill Miss Pauline, d D H, res same, student Hill D H Jr, son D H, res same Hill Mrs D H, wid, res Maiden Lane, o s w Hill Miss Nannie, d Mrs D H, res same Hilton Peyton,* teacher Shaw University, res 808 s Blount Hilton Martha,* wife Peyton Hilton Philip,* son Peyton, res same, student Hines Isaac,* porter Mrs Lucy B Evans, res same Hines Dr. Peter E, physician and surgeon, res 214 Newbern ave, office same Hines Mrs Francis I, wife Dr Peter E Hines Diana,* cook for Rev A M Simms, res 319 s Bloodworth Hines James,* son Diana, res same, student Hines Robert,* gardener, res Martin, o s e Hines Emily,* wife Robt, laundress Hines Pattie,* d Robt, res same, student Hines Gracie,* washerwoman, res 527 Newbern ave Hines Bettie,* d Gracie, res same, nurse Yarboro' House Hines Nelson,* son Gracie, res same, driver Hines Fannie,* d Gracie, res same, house-girl Hines Alice,* d Gracie, res same, house-girl Hi 153 Hi Hines Thomas,* son Gracie, res same, coaclimaii Hines Laura,* d Graeie, res same, student Hines Emma,* d Gracie, res same, student Hinnant L S, lab, res 120 n Harrington Hinnant Mrs Harriet, wife L S Hinnant J as A, driver for Standard Oil Co, res 120 n Harrington Hinnant Mrs Serina, wife J A Hinnant Charlie, son J A, res same, student Hinnant ^liss Minnie D, d J A, res same Hinnant Miss Alildred, d J A, res same HINSDALE Col J W, lawyer, otiice in Fisher bldg, res 330 Hillsboro' H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H nsdale Mrs Ellen, wife Col J W nsdale Miss IMargaret D, d Col J W, res same nsdale Miss Elizabeth C, d Col J W, res same nsdale Miss Ellen D, d Col J W, res same nsdale Miss Annie D, d Col J W, res same nsdale Sam J, son Col J W, res same, elk S A L R R nsdale Jno W Jr, son Col J AV, res same, elk for father nson Miss Etfie, hkpr William Starling, res same scock Ernest A, life ins agt, res 510 Halifax scock Mrs Catherine, wife Ernest A scock Miss Mary, d Ernest A, res same nton Octavius,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e nton Lucy,* wife Octavius, washerwoman nton Frances,* d Octavius, res same, nurse nton Laura,* d Octavius, res same, student nton Edward,* son Octavius, res same, student nton Caroline,* washerwoman, res Martin, o s e nton Gaston,* marble-rubber, res 20 w AVorth nton Ferribe,* wufe Gaston, washerwoman nton Clarence,* son Gaston, res same, student nton Sterling,* son Gaston, res same, student nton Ben,* son Gaston, res same, student nton Ella,* d Gaston, res same, student nton Luvinia,* d Gaston, res same, student JOHN W. HINSDALE, Attorney at Law, RALEIGH, N. C, Practises in any Court and any jpart of the State. Railroad, Insurance, Corporation and Commercial Law. REFERES'CES : The Governor, the Supreme and the Superior Court Judges ot'Xorth Carolina, and the Banks of Rakish. Hi 154 Hi Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin Hin on William,* wks Caraleigh mill, bds 722 Fayetteville on Albert,* lab, res 217 w Lenoir on Eliza,* wife Albert, washerwoman on Daniel,* son Albert, res same, lab on William,* driver for N C Car Co, res 10 n East on Mary,* wife Wm on Charles,* porter N C Car Co, res 10 n East on Louis,* porter Jnliiis Lewis Hardware Co, res 827 s Wil- mington on Maggie,* wife Louis, servant R H Battle, r 827 s Wilming- ton on Emma,* washerwoman, res m' Peace on Jane,* washerwoman, res Cotton lane, o s e on Charles,* son Jane, res same, student on Hannah,* d Jane, res same, cook for Ivan M Proctor on Kate,* d Jane, res same, cook for Jno M Monie on Arthur,* whitewasher, res 508 e Edenton on Isabella,* wife Arthur, cook on John,* hackman, res rear e Davie, o s e on Jane,* wife John, washerwoman on Frank,* son John, res same, student on Bessie,* d John, res same, student on Annie,* d John, res same, student on Paul,* son John, res same, student on Reuben,* lab, res 752 e Davie on Sarah,* wife Reuben, cook on Luc}',* servant, res 529 s East on Laura,* invalid, res Hargett, o s e on Frank,* blacksmith, res 306 s Bloodworth on A G,* grocer, Yearbj's lane on Abe,* lab SAL, res -123 n Salisbury on Sam,* farm hand, res 551 e Edenton on Bettie,* wife Sam, washerwoman on Mary,* cook for Geo H Glass, res same on Millie,* nurse at B G Cowper, res on lot on Susan,* house-servant at J D Bushall, res same on Chaney,* servant at Mrs M L Little, res on lot on Maggie,* nurse for W R Tucker, res on lot on Mary,* nurse for R O Burton, res on lot on Allen,* lab, res 525 e Davie on Fannie,* wife Allen, washerwoman on Martha,* washerwoman, res 521 e Davie on Major,* lab, res 550 e Martin on Dicey,* wife Major, washerwoman on Roxie,* d Major, res same, student on Cornelia,* d Major, res same, cook on Frances,* washerwoman, res 513 e Davie on Rufus,* son Frances, res same, hostler Hi 155 Hi on Robert,* driver, res 588 e Cabarrns on Lula,* d Robert, res same, lioiise-servant on Daisy,* d Robert, res same, house-servant on Fannie,* d Robert, res same, student on Dempsej,* lab, res 710 e Davie on Happy,* wife Dempsey, washerwoman on Mills,* son Dempsey, res same, lab at p o on Anna,* d Dem])sey, res san)e, student on Nellie,* d Dempsey, res same, student on Mattie,* nurse for Mrs Emma Swindell, res same on Daniel,* lab, res 328 s Bloodworth on Sallie,* wife Daniel, cook on John D,* son Daniel, res same, hackman on Frances,* d Daniel, res same, house-servant on William,* lab, res old Fair Ground, e Ral on Tamer,* wife Wm, washerwoman on A C, elk at Cross Sz Linehan, res 210s Swain on Mrs Bessie, wife A C on Cain,* lab, res Hayti on Fannie,* wife Cain, washerwoman on Mack,* son Cain, res same, lab on Mary,* d Cain, res same, student on Nannie,* cook, res 526 s Dawson on Wiley, tailor, res 615 e Harnett on Miss Sarah, dressmaker, res 615 e Hargett on Charles,* hackman, res e Martin, o s e on Emily,* wife Charles, laundress on Richard,* son Charles, porter for W B Mann on Laura,* d Charles, res same, nurse for W B Mann on Emma,* d Charles, res same, servant on Moses,* lab, e Martin, o s e on Anna,* wife Moses, washerwoman on Frances,* d Moses, res same, house-servant on Lewis,* lab, res e Martin, o s e on Caroline,* cook J T Watts, rooms 229 Blount-st al on Robert,* lab, res 221 s Blount on Hattie,* wife Robert on Frank,* tjardener, res Cotton lane, o s e on Patrick,* lab, res e Hargett, o s e on Mrs Indiana, dressmaker, res Hargett, o s e on Miss Florence, d Mrs Indiana, res same, dressmaker on Henry,* lab at Allen & Cram Machine Co, res o s e on Sarah,* cook, res Idlewild on Albert,* son Henry, res same, wks E R Pace on Charity,* washerwoman, res 112 n West on Sarah,* d Charity, res same, washerwoman on Caswell,* gardener, res 833 Fayetteville on Elizabeth,* wife Caswell Hi 156 Ho Hinton Addie,* d Caswell, res same, seamstress Hinton Benj,* wood-cutter, res rear 130 e Hargett Hinton Lucy,* wife Benj, washerwoman Hinton Minerva,* res rear 124 e Hargett, washerwoman Hinton Miss Emma, seamstress, res 523 s Wilmington Hinton Agnes,* washerwoman, res w Lane near R R Hinton Nannie,* cook for W R Newsom, res near railroad cross- ing at n West Hinton L B,* harness-maker, 106 s Wilmington, res Oberlin, o s w Hinton Hardy,* farm hand, res 617 Elm Hinton Cenia,* wife Hardy, washerwoman Hinton Olivia A,* d Hardy, res same, student Hinton General,* son Hardy, res same, student Hinton Perry,* son Hardy, res same, student Hinton Ida,* d Hardy, res same, student Hobby Green,* blacksmith, res 713 s Dawson Hobby Julia,* wife Green, washerwoman Hockaday Roberta,* cook, 531 Halifax Hockady Lizzie,* servant at Insane Asylum, res 605 e Cabarrus Hockady Bettie,* d Lizzie, res same, cook for Wm Brown Hockady Delia,* d Lizzie, res same, servant Hockady Junius,* son Lizzie, res same, lab Hockady Aaron,* fireman S A L R R, res Idlewild Hockady Alice,* wife Aaron Hockady Irene,* d Aaron, res same, cook Hockady Edward,* son Aaron, res same, lab Hockady William,* driver for Dr W H Bobbitt, res same Hodge Lucy,* washerwoman, res 126 e Hargett Hodge Rachel,* cook for S W Brewer, res on lot Hodge W T, elk for James Freeman, res 548 e Hargett Hodge Mrs Mittie F, wife W T Hodge Miss Nettie, d W T, res same Hodge Albert, son W T, res same, student Hodge Ivan, son W T, res same, student Hodge Kemp,* carp, res 22 Fowle Hodge Sarah,* washerwoman, res 417 w South Hodge Julia,* d Sarah, res same, washerwoman Hodge Henry,* grocer, e Martin, o s e, res same Hodge Lina,* cook, res 113 w Peace Hodge Ruffin,* farm hand, res 596 e Lenoir Hodge Lina,* wife Ruffin Hodge Willie,* son Ruffin, res same, farm hand Hodge Robert,* son Ruffin, res same, farm hand Hodge Naddie,* son Ruffin, res same, farm hand Hodge Eddie,* son Ruffin, res same, farm hand Hodge Lina,* cook for Thos W Allen, 7-es on lot Hodges Miss Bessie, student, bds cor Newbern ave and Person Hodges R W, elk Southern Express Co, res 217 w Martin Ho 157 Ho Hodges Mrs Florence, wife R W Hogan Afrs Ainaiida, wid Roht Ilugan, ]2i) w Lane Hogaii Capt J B, coiiduetor S A L, res Hicks lane Hogan Mrs Kate L, wite Capt J B Hogan Miss Norinaii, d Capt J B, res same, student Hogan Joseph, son Capt J B, res same, student Hogan Eddie, son Capt J B, res same, student Hogan James,* driver for B G Cowpor, res on lot Hoget Charles, elk, res 217 s Bloudworth Hoget Mrs Stella, wife Charles Hogg Dr Thus D, capitalist, res 210 n Wilmington Hogg Miss Sallie, d Dr Thos D, res same Hogg Gabriel,* porter Robt Simpson, druggist, res on lot Hogue Mrs C A, wid, res with Mrs Ella Harris Hogue Wm E, painter, res 322 s Person Hogue Mrs Lucy H, wife Wm E Hogue Geo E, son Wm E, res same, student Hogue Miss Ellen M, d Wm E, res same, student Hogue Chas N, son Wm E, res same, student Hoke Gen R F, pres G C & N R R, res cor Edenton and Dawson Hoke Mrs Lillie Van W, wife Gen R F Hoke Miss Fannie, d Gen R F, res same Holderiield Isaac, guard penitentiar}-, res 811 Jenkins Holderlield Mrs Margaret, wife Isaac Holderiield William, son Isaac, res same, painter Holderlield Ruttin, son Isaac, res same, weaver Caraleigh mill Holderlield Miss Laura, d Isaac, res same Holderlield John, guard penitentiary, res 712 s West Holderlield Mrs Agnes C, wife John Holderlield Miss Nora E, d John, res same, student Holderlield Hubert E, son John, res same, student Holderlield Henry, guard penitentiary, res Cox ave, o s w Holderlield Mrs Annie, wife Henry Holderlield Malia, son Henry, res same, student Holderlield Miss Bessie, d Henry, res same, student Holden Mrs L Y, wid, res 127 w Hargett Holden Miss Lula T, d Mrs L V, res same Holder John W,* lab, res 217 w Korth Holder Penny,* wife John W, washerwoman Holder Mary,* cook for W G Nottingham, res same Holder Miss Lee, seamstress, res 314 e Davie Holder Rufus, wks Pace stable, bds 203 n West Holder Mrs Amanda, wife Rufus Holder George, ])rinter, res 719 s East Holder Henr}',* driver for Thomas & Maxwell, res 408 Smith Holder Mary,* wife Henry, washerwoman Holding J N, lawyer, res 528 s Salisbury HoldiuiT Mrs Mag-o-ie M, wife J N Ho 158 Ho Holding Arthur N, son J N, res same Holding ife Vass, lawyers, 6 w Martin HOLLADAT ALEX Q. pres Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege, res Hillsboro' road, o s w Holladay Mrs V R B, wife Alex Q Holladay Chas B, son A Q, res same, student Holland CD, elk for Royall & Borden, res 110 n Saunders Holland Mrs Lillie G, w'ife C D Holland Gideon,* foreman broom shop at Colored Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, res same Holland Henry,* servant for Dr A W Goodwin, res on lot Holland Hessie,* niece of Sam Stewart, res 806 s Blount Hollinkrake John, spinner Ral cot mill, res Firwood ave, o s n Hollinkrake Mrs Nannie, wife John Hollinkrake Miss Emmie, d John, res same, student Hollingsworth John R, ins agt, bds 125 e South HoUingsworth Mrs Sammie, wife John R Hollingsworth John R Jr, student Hollister Mrs Martlia, wid, res 321: w Morgan Holloday Jane,* washerwoman, res 620 Harp's lane, o s n Holloman Mrs W H, wid, res 309 Hillsboro' Holloman Mrs E C, wid, sister of Mrs C H Anderson, res same Holloman J D, section master, res 405 s Dawson Holloman Mrs Mollie, wife J D Holloman Jane,* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Holloman Clara,* d Jane, res same, washerwoman Holloman Oscar,* son Jane, res same, lab Holloman Richard,*, son Clara, res same, student Holloman Luvenia,* cook for W B Hutching?, res Womble lane Holloman Tom,* lab, res Womble lane Holloman William,* lab, res Womble lane Holloway Creasy,* cook for S A Ashe, res on lot Holloway W H, wagon-maker and rejmirer, 121 e Hargett, res 327 s Person Holloway Mrs Eliza H, wife W H Holloway S Webb, son W H, res same, wks with father THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Begins its next Session September 3, ls*)6. Expenses for one year, INCLUDING BOARD : For County Students, - - $ 87 00 For all other Students, - - 117 00 For Catalogue, apply to ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY, President, Ho 159 Ho Hollowav Cecil H, tAoii W H, residence same, 1)us iiii^r Progressive Farmer Hollowav Miss Carrie M, d AV H, res same, student Holloway W A, carp, res Oi^O Hunter Hollowa}' Sarah J, wife W A Holloway Miss Eliza J, d W A, spooler Caraleigli mill Holloway W D, son W A, res same, carp Holloway James B, son W A, res same Holloway Miss Lidia L, d W A, res same Hollowav Henrv G, son \V A, res same Holloway F I, l)kkpr for N C Cot Oil Co, res IK* s Person Holloway Mrs Lorene, wife F I Holloway Martha,* washerwoman, res Blood worth, o s n Holloway Albert W, mechanic, res 70S n Person Holloway Mrs Mary E, wife Albert W Holloway Miss Ella, d x\lbert W, res same, teacher Holloway Miss Irene, d Albert W, res same Holloway Oscar, son Albert W, res same, wks Linnell Laundry Holloway Miss Sudie, d Albert W, res same, student Holloway Miss Lillie, d Albert W, res same, student Holloway Ella,* washerwoman, res Adanis lane Holman W C, farmer and miller, res 209 e Morgan Holman Mrs Annie, wife W C Holman Miss Lizzie, d W C, res same Holman Robert, son W C, res same Holman Lewis, son W C, res same, student Holman Miss Mamie, d W C, res same, student Holman Miss Bertha, d W C, res same, student Holman George, son W C, res same, student Holman Sidney, son W C, res same, student Holman Dempsey,* hackman, res 423 s Blount Holman Martha," wife Dempsey, cook for O J Carroll Holman Martha,* d Dempsey, res same, cook Joe Weathers Holman Mary," d Dempsey, res same, house-servant Holman Lee,* son Dempsey, res same, student Holman Squire,* waiter at B P Williamson, res 305 w South Holman Ellen,* wife Squire, washerwoman Holman Robert,* drayman, res -tlT Cannon Holman Jane,* laundress, res 417 Cannon Holman Fannie,* d Robert, res same, ironer Holman Sallie J,* d Robert, res same, ironer Holman Nancy,* house work, res 417 Cannon Holman Rosabelle,* washerwoman, res 305 w South Holmes Squire,* farmer, i-es Idlewild Holmes Mary,* wife Squire, cook Holmes Henderson,* lab, res 515 Cannon Holmes Rose,* wife Henderson, washerwoman Holmes Odell,* d Henderson, res same, student Ho 160 Ho Holmes Amy,* washerwoman, res 23 Fowls Holmes Betsy,* washerwoman, res rear 548 e Hargett Holmes J P, wks for S A L R R, res 121 Polk Holmes Mrs Mona, wife J P Holmes W B, son J P, res same, printer Holmes Mrs Ethel, wid, mother of J P, res same Holmes Peter,* porter S A L R P, res 221 w North Holmes Mary,* wife Peter, washerwoman Holmes Willie,* son Peter, res same, student Holmes O C, wks cot mill, res 227 n Dawson Holmes Mrs Margaret, wife O C Holt Sophia,* washerwoman, res 519 s Dawson Holt L Banks, capitalist, res cor n Blount and Polk Holt Mrs M C, wife L B Holt Miss Carrie, d L B, res same, student Holt Miss Cora, d L B, res same, student Holt Miss Louise, d L B, res same, student Holt Miss Mattie, d L B, res same, student Holt Mrs Martha R, mother of Mrs Win R Blake, res same Holt D G, foreman cot oil mill, res 520 s West Holt Mrs Helen S, wif^ D G Holt Alonzo,* head-waiter Yarboro' House, res 716 Manly Holt Johnnie A,* wife Alonzo, house work Holt George W,* son Alonzo, res same, student ' Holt Albert,* son Alonzo, res same, student Holt William,* son Alonzo, res same, student Holtzman R L, machinist at S A L R R Hood Wm H Jr, elk, res 220 s Blount Hood Mrs Florence M, wife Wm H Jr Hood Miss Mildred M, d Wm H Jr, res same Hood Ed H, painter, bds 231 e Lenoir Hood Miss Rosa E, seamstress, bds 231 e Lenoir Hood Miss Ida L, dressmaker, bds 231 e Lenoir Hood Wm H Sr, elk for R E Parham, bds 214 e Martin Hood M A,* servant, res with Rev A G Davis* Hooks Ellen,* washerwoman, res 2J5 w Lenoir Hooks Clara,* chair-bottomer, res 215 w Lenoir Hooks Katie,* washerwoman, res 215 w Lenoir ^^oover Chas W,* saloon, 213 s Wilmington, res 117 e South / Hoover Louisa,* wife Chas W / Hoover Chas T,* son Chas W, res same, student / Hoover Mabel H,* d Chas W, res same, student Hopkins William, wks Ral cot mill, res 524 n West Hopkins Mrs Sarah, wife Wm, wks Ral cot mill Hopkins Miss Marion, d William, res same, wks Ral cot mill Hopkins Dr Allen, medicine dealer, res 122 e Martin Hopkins Robert,* drayman, res rear Catholic church Hopkins Annie,* wife Robert Ho 161 Ho Ilojikhis P\^lix,* son Robert, res same, student Horiil>iU'kle R T, o;rocer, (;or Person and Cabarrus, res 709 s Blount Horn buckle Mrs Stella, wife R T Hornbuc-kle Miss Lillian, d R T, res same Home Jesse, inmate Soldiers' Home Horner Miss Eleanor H, teacher, res 123 w Martin Horton James, fireman SAL, bds 508 Halifax Horton it Lee, grocers, cor Bloodworth and Lane Horton E G (Horton & Lee), merchant, res 321 e Lane Horton Mrs Carrie E, wife E G, boarding-house Horton Jennie,* washerwon)an, res Martin, o s e Horton Annie,* cook for T B Crowder, res 14 Matthews ave Horton Sam,* son Annie, res same, porter Crowder ife Rand Horton Mary,* d Annie, res same, washerwoman Horton Lula,'^ d Mary, res same, student Horton Audry,* d IMary, res same, student Horton Addison,* lab, res 9 Catling's lane Horton Dicey,* wife Addison Horton Lula," washerwoman, res 58 Hunter Horton John W, yard master SAL, res 223 n Salisbury Horton Miss Emmie, d J W, res same Horton Miss Annie, d J W, res same, student Horton Miss Mamie, d J W, res same, student Horton John W Jr, son J W, res same, machinist Horton Rufus,* milker for B G Cowper, res on lot Horton George, drayman, res Bledsoe avo Horton Emma,* wife George, washerwoman Horton Thomas,* son George, lab Horton Henry, blacksmith SAL, res 239 n Dawson Horton Furney,* driver Julius Lewis Hardware Co, res Nunn, o s n Horton Susan,* wife Furney, washerwoman Horton" Miriam,* d Furney, res same, student Horton Ivan,* son Furney, res same, student Horton Mrs Sallie J, seamstress, res 719 s Blount Horton Rufus H, eng S A L R R, bds 703 n Salisbury, o s n Horton W T, eng S A L R R, res 703 n Salisbury, o s n Horton Mrs Mary A, wife W T Horton Miss Julia, artist, res s Wilmington Horto!! Miss Ina, stenographer and typewriter, res s WiliTiington Horton Parthenia,* washerwoman, res rear Catholic church Horton Marie,* d Parthenia, res same, laundress Horton Henry,* son Bettie Mitchell, res same, student Horton Wm A, carp, res 117 e Hargett Horton Mrs Delia, wife Wm A, seamstress Horton Hubert, son-Wm A, res same, student Horton Miss Mabel, d Wm A, res same, student Horton Rufus, elk J R Ferrall & Co, res 511 w Morgan Horton Mrs Lula, wife Rufus 9 Ho 162 Ho Horton Hubert, son Rafus, res same Horton Miss Annie, d Rufus, res same Horton Robert L, elk Cross & Lenehan, bds 327 s Person Horton Mrs Clyde H, wife Robert L Horton P S,* blacksmith, 32 L s Blount, res 310 e Cabarrus Horton Mamie,* wife P S Horton Ella,* d P S, res same, student Horton Augustus,* son P S, res same, student Horton Wm H, carp, res 526 n East Horton Mrs Maria L, wife W H Horton Mrs Rebecca, wid, res with W E Hogue Horton Walter A, eng S A L R R, res n Blount, o s n Horton Mrs Etta T, wife Walter A Horton Edvvard M, son Walter A, res same, student Horton James D, son Walter A, res same, student Horton Hironimus R, carp, res 507 n East Horton Mrs Augusta, wife H R Horton Miss Ella, d H R, res same, dressmaker Horton Miss Sarah, d H R, res same, saleslady at Woollcott & Son Horton Addison, son H R, res same, student Horton Miss Flora, d H R, res same, student Horton Reuben,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Horton Mary,* wife Reuben, res same, washerwoman Horton Telfair, elk for Whiting Bros, res s Wilmington House Mrs Caroline, seamstress, res 757 s Blount House Miss Effie, d Mrs Caroline, res same, wks Caraleigh mill House Miss Myrtle, d Mrs Caroline, res same, wks Caraleigh mill House Miss Lolla, d-Mrs Caroline, res same, student House John T, carp, res 54:7 e Hargett House Mrs Annie F, wife John T House Miss Lucy E, d John T, res same, dressmaker House F T, son John T, res same, wagon-maker House Miss Eugenia, d John T, res same House John W", son John T, res same, office-boy Wynne, EUing ton & Co House Knelm, son John T, res same, grocery elk House' Woodford, son John T, res same, student House Joseph, son John T, res same, student House Miss Estelle, d John T, res same, student House Ida,, seamstress, res 521 s Dawson HOUSE S V, painter, office s Salisbury, res 427 Halifax House Mrs Margaret, wife S V House Miss Annie M, d S V, res same House S Y Jr, son S Y, res same, painter House Mrs Drusilla, wife S Y Jr Houch Solomon, inmate Soldiers' Home Howard Miss Lovie, tailoress, bds 117 e Hargett Howard Scott, student, bds 117 e Hargett Ho 163 Hu Howard Walter, cigarinaker, hds 117 e Hargett Howard Mary,* cook, res 717 s Dawson Howard Mary,* washerwomati, res rear 517 s Dawson Howell John, painter, res A vent Ferry rd, o s w Howell Mrs Annie, wife John Howell Mrs Bedie, wid, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w Howell Miss Mattie M, d Mrs Bedie, res same Howell Miss Ponnie L, d Mrs Bedie, res same Howell Miss Golia B, d Mrs Bedie, res same Howell Frank H, son Mrs Bedie, res same Howell Miss Jessie C, d Mrs Bedie, res same Howell A A, conductor Ral Elec r r, res Cox ave Howell Mrs Nannie H, wife A A Howell W A, supt Pullen Park, res at park Howell Mrs Ida, wife W A Howell Miss Myrtle M, d W A, res same Howell Jesse,* fireman SAL, res -137 n Salisbury Howell Rev Freeman Ji* pastor Blount-Street Baptist church Howell Mary E,* wife Rev F R Howell Prof Logan D, supt Raleigh Graded Schools, bds 404 Hillsboro' Howell Jack,* shoemaker, e Hargett, res Martin, o s e Howell Fannie,* wife Jack, washerwoman Howell Martha,* washerwoman, res 590 e Cabarrus Hubbard Diania,* cook T Marge, res 552 e Cabarrus Huddleston L T, gardener at capitol, res 113 w Cabarrus Huddleston Mrs Maggie, wife L T Huddleston William, son L T, res same, moulder app Huddleston Miss Hattie, d L T, res same, student Hudgepeth Mrs I A, wid, res cor Swain and e Hargett Hudgins W C, agt for Peter Stumpf beer, bds 117 e Davie Hudgins A C, revenue service, bds 104 e Davie Hudson Miss Martha, yeast dealer, res 743 s Blount Hudson Mrs Susie A, wid, boarding-house, res 823 s Wilmington Hudson Miss Mary H, sister Mrs Susie A, res same Hudson W L, nephew Mrs Susie A, res same, hostler R E Parham CONTRACTOR FOR All kinds of HouseJ^alnting and Sign Work. Plastered Walls Painted in Oil Colors or Plastooo. Tin Roofs Painted with best Iron Paint, warranted water-proof and not to scale off. All work done at short notice and in first-class style. Shop and Oflace : S. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, N. C. Hu 164 Hu Huggins H R, printer Barnes Bros, res 17 s East Hnggins Mrs Lina, wife H R Huggins Wm M, son H R, res same, app printer Hnggins Miss Lessie M, d H R, res same, student Huggins Allen,"' lab, res 517 Newbern ave Huggins Nancy,* wife Allen, house-servant Hughes Emily,* nurse for Dr A W Knox, res on lot Hughes Nannie,* cook for W T Stain back, res on lot Hughes H I,* barber, Exchange Place, res 521 e Cabarrus Hughes Sallie A,* wife H I, seamstress Hughes Silla,* washerwoman, res Caswell lane HUGHES W H, crockery, glassware, &c, 127 Fayetteville, res 221 w Martin Hughes Mrs Lizzie H, wife W H Hughes C M, son W H, res same, elk for father Hughes Miss Ruth E, d W H, res same, student Hughes Wm H Jr (Young & Hughes), plumber, res 221 w Martin Hughes David,* lab, res 413 w South Hughes Chaney,* wife David, washerwoman Hughes Ellen,* washerwoman, res 112 e Morgan Hughes Olive,* washerwoman, res 310 w South Hughes Ella,* cook, res 310 w South Hughes Lizzie,* cook, res 310 w South Hughes Hejirietta,* nurse, res 310 w South Hughes Amanda,* cook, res 31 w South Hughes John D,* lab, res 310 w South Hughes James,* drayman, res e Lenoir, o s e Hughes Gracie,* wife James Hughes Edward,* son James, res same, student Hughes Junius, son James, res same, student Hughes Henry,* son James, res same, student Hughes Mar}',* d James, res same, student Hulin A D, carp, res 315 s Harrington Hulin Mrs Elizabeth E, wife A D " Hulin Miss Nellie R, d A D, res same Hulin Miss Lucy C, d A D, res same Hulin Miss Sallie E, d A D, res same, student Hulin Thos D, son A D, res same, student Hundley, Frank P, carp, room 10 Frap's bldg Hunnicutt- J D, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same. Hunnicutt C B, eng S A L R R, bds 10 e North Hunnicutt J H, brick-mason, res 530 s Bloodworth Hunnicutt F H, brick-mason, res 557 e Martin Hunnicutt Mrs Lula Y, wife F H Hunnicutt Fab J, son F H, res same, student Hunnicutt Wm G, brick-njason, res Haywood Hunnicutt Mrs Essie, wife W G Hunnicutt Emmitt, son W G, res same, student Hu 165 Hu rinniiicutt Miss Mabel, d W G, res same, student Huiinicutt George E, son W G, res same, student Ilnnnic'utt D O, carj), res 412 e Morii;an lluiuiic'utt Miss Metta, d D O, les same Hunnicutt Miss Martiia, res witii Mrs Lacy Belvin Ilunnicutt Fab W (Ilamill it Plunnieutt), contractor, res 280 s Swain Ilunnicutt Mrs Annie, wife F W Hunnicutt Miss Lohren, d F W, res same Hunt J W, carp, res 218 s Harrington Hunt Mrs Dollie l\ wife J W Hunt J W Jr, son J W, res same, moulder Hunt Miss Lottie I, d J W, res same, student Hunt Miss Daisy M, d J W, res same, student Hunt Harry G, son J W, res same, student Hunt Sam,* wks oil mill, res rear Catholic chur(;li Hunt Jane,* M'ife Sam Hunt Wm J,* son Sam, res same, student Hunt Gertrude," d Sam, res same, student Hunt Gracie,* nurse, bds 215 s Wilmington Hunt, Mrs Lucetta, wid, res 402 w Morgan Hunter Effie,* student, res 302 w South Hunter Rosa,* cook, res on lot cor Hillsboro' and Salisbury Hunter Mrs Mattie, wid, res 565 e Hargett Hunter Miss Zula, d Mrs Mattie, res same, saleslady at A B Stronach Hunter Joseph, son Mrs Mattie, res same, errand-boy Whiting Bros Hunter Geo E (Latta & Hunter), grocer, res 124 Hillsboro' Hunter Mrs N, wife Geo E Hunter Geo T, son Geo E, res same Hunter Henry,* whitewasher, res 12 Kildee lane Hunter Kittie,* wife Henry, washerwoman Hunter Susan,* washerwoman, res 735 e Davie, o s e Hunter Bennett,* son Susan, res same, lab Hunter Robert,* harness maker, res 28 Hunter Hunter Mary,* wife Robert, washerwoman Hunter S J, carp, res 600 n Salisbury Hunter Mary H,* student, res with Lee Rowland Hunter Henry,* house-servant, res 561 e Edenton Hunter J W,''frt dept Southern R R, bds 305 Hillsboro' Hunter Mrs Corinna, wife J W Hunter Violet,* washerwoman, res Hargett, o s e Hunter Chas N,* teacher at Garfield Graded School, res Cotton lane, o s e Hunter Eliza,* wife Chas N, dressmaker Hunter Emma,* d Chas N, res same, student Hunter Eva,* d Chas N, res same, student Hu 166 Hu Hunter Lena, d Chas N, res same, student Hunter Chas,* son Chas N, res same, student Hunter Joseph,* shoemaker, 130 e Hargett, res 305 e Martin Hunter Maria,* wife Joseph, seamstress Hunter Kittie,* d Jos, res same, student Hunter Ida,* d Jos, res same, student Hunter B W, mgr McKimmon drug store, rooms over 133 Fay- etteville Hunter Mattie,* nurse for M G Jones, res same Hunter Harriet,* washerwoman, res 121 e Cabarrus Hunter William,* son Harriet, res same, tobacco worker Hunter Wiley A,* waiter Park Hotel, room 409 s Blount Hunter Wiley,* lab, res 316 e Cabarrus Hunter Lucile,* wife Wiley, teacher Hunter Lucy A,* washerwoman, res 421 s Swain Hunter, Job,* shoemaker, res 305 s East Hunter Maria,* wife Job, res same, seamstress Hunter Kittie,* d Job, res same, seamstress Hunter Ida,* d Job, res same, seamstress Hunter Henry,* coachman, res 522 e Martin Hunter Alice,* wife Henry, washerwoman Hunter Allie,* d Henry, res same, student Hunter Lee,* son Henry, res same, student Hunter Eliza,* d Henry, res same, student Hunter Susan,* cook, res Watson HUNTER GARY J, gen agt Union Central Life Ins Co, office Commercial and Farmers Bank bldg, res 400 n Person Hunter Mrs E A, wife C J Hunter Mary E,* washerwoman, res 325 s Bloodworth Hunter Hattie,* d Mary E, res same, servant Hunter Lena,* d Mary E, res same, house-servant Hunter Mattie A,* d Mary E, res same, house-servant Hunter Charles,* city pump director, res 423 s McDowell Hunter Sarah,* wife Charles, washerwoman Hunter Lncy,* d Charles, res same, washerwoman Hunter Robert,* son Lucy, res same, student Our Old vs. other Go's New. The Union Central Life Insurance Co. is tlie largest financial institution in next to the richest State in the U. S., and for many years has written the most liberal Policy contracts of any Company, giving the longest possible extension clause, largest possible paid-up value, am) have kept the full legal value (as per the highest standard of valuation of any State) at the command ol the insured in cash on his Policy, which he may still keep in force at the smallest possible cost. PERFECT POLICY. FIRST EVER ISSUED LIKE IT. GARY J. HUNTER, Siip't Ya. and N. C, Raleigh, N. C. Hu 167 Iv Hunter Harriet,* d Lucy, res same, student Hunter Osborn,* carp, res 208 \v Cal)arrus Hunter Nancy,* wife Osborn, cook Humphries Rev L A,-'" Methodist minister, res e Edenton Humphries Fannie,* M'ite Ilev L A Hurst Katie,* cook tor ]\Irs R E Hervey, res on lot Hutchinrrs Miss Narcissa, teacher, res 110 n Person Hutchings Miss Julia, teacher, res 110 n Person Hutchings C D, elk for C A Sherwood & Co, res 3 s Wilmington Hutchings Mrs F A, wife C D Hutchings Miss Julia, d C D, res same, student HUTCHINGS WM B, city tax collector, otRce City Hall, res U'l Elm Hutchings Mrs A R, wife Wm B Hutchings Henry,* servant John S White, res on lot Hutchings Maria,* washerwoman, res w Jones, near r r crossing Hutchings Frances,*^^d Maria, res same, washerwoman Hutchings George,* son Maria, res same, wks Jones & Powell Hutchings Marshall,* son Maria, res same, laborer Hutchings I D, car inspector S A L R R, res 313 w Lane Hutchings Mrs Fannie F, wife I D Hutchings Louis, son I D, res same Hutchings James, son I D, res same IDEX George E, tinner Julius Lewis Hardware Co, r 9 s East Iden Mrs Eleanor, wife Geo E Iden Miss Susie, d Geo E, res same, student Irby B, prof of agriculture at A & M Col, res Maiden lane, o s w Irby Mrs Jessie, wife B Irby R E, elk Julius Lewis Hardware Co, res Maiden lane, o s w Irby Mrs H F, mother of Prof B Irby, res same Irby Miss Franc, niece of Prof B Irby, res same, student Iredell Nancy,* cook, res 221 w Cabarrus Iredell Fannie,* cook, res 221 w Cabarrus Iredell Mollie,* laundress, res 221 w Cabarrus Iredell Nannie,* chambermaid, res 221 w Cabarrus Iredell Joseph,* porter N C Book Co, res 221 w Cabarrus Ingraham Pluebe,* washerwoman, res 112 e Lenoir Irvin Mary C,* seamstress, res 122 w Lenoir Irvin Sophia,* cook, res 123 e Cabarrus Ivey H M, store-keeper SAL, res 521 Halifax Ivey Mrs Bettie, wife H M Ivey Alley, fireman SAL, res 521 Halifax Ivey Dora,* wasiierwoman, res w Lane, near R R Ivey Hannah,* d Dora, res same, student Ivey Henry,* clothes-cleaner, res 207 w Morgan JA 168 JE JACKSON Andrew J, carp Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, res 606 n Saunders Jackson Mrs Lena, wife A J Jackson Lawrence, son A J, res same, wks flal cot mill Jackson Miss Pattie M, d A J, res same, student Jackson Claude, son A J, res same, student Jackson Andrew J Jr, son A J, res same, student Jackson Miss Ethelyn, d A J, res same, student Jackson Herbert W, asst cashier Commercial and Farmers Bank, res 611 Fayetteville Jackson Mrs Annie P, wife H W Jackson Geo H, hostler, res 533 e Martin Jackson Mrs Sarah, wife Geo H Jackson Miss Laura B, d Geo H, res same Jackson Andrew,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Jackson Chaney,* wife Andrew, washerwoman Jackson Andrew Jr,* son Andrew, lab Jackson Willie,* son Andrew, res same, lab Jackson Semon,* son Andrew, res same, student Jackson Mary,* washerwoman, res 62 s Harrington Jackson Minnie,* d Mary, res same, student Jackson John L,* son Mary, res same, student Jackson Adam,* fireman Mills Mfg Co, res 827 Jenkins Jackson Ida,* wife Adam Jackson Ada,* d Adam, res same, student Jackson Claudius, student, lives with J J Hayes Jackson Miss Hattie,, student, lives with J J Hayes Jackson Charlotte,* washerwoman, rear 609 Hillsboro' Jackson Chas,* painter, res 401 s Dawson Jackson Martha,* wife Chas, washerwoman Jackson Mrs C S, wid, res 527 s Salisbury Jackson Wm,* cook at Insane Asylum, res 523 Cannon Jackson Annie,* wife Wm, washerwoman Jackson H J,* shoemaker, res 804 Manly Jackson Jane,* house-servant, res 312 Cannon Jackson Bettie,* cook, res 312 Cannon Jackson A M, lab, res Cox ave, o s w Jackson Mrs Etta, wife A M Jackson Oris, son A M, res same, student Jader M, gen merchandise, 202 w Cabarrus, res same Jader Joe, elk for M Jader, res same Jader Miss Silvia, sister of M Jader, res same Jeffreys Sonnie,* butler, res 113 n Swain Jeffreys Rebecca,* wife Sonnie. washerwoman Jeffreys Charles,* son Sonnie, res same, house-servant Jeffreys Jane,* d Sonnie, res same, washerwoman Jeffreys Ruth,* d Sonnie, res same, washerwoman Je 160 Je Jeftreys j\liiinio,* d Sojinie, res same, stiulcnt Jeffreys Fannie,* d Sonnie, res same, student Jeffreys Livin^jston,* son Sonnie, res same, student Jeftreys Laura,* cook, res Bledsoe ave Jeftreys Sallie,* cook, res Bledsoe ave Jeffreys Josephine,* d Laura, res same, washerwoman Jeftreys Annie, d Laura, res same, washerwoman Jeffreys Flora,* d Laura, res same, nurse JeftVeys ^[ao:gie,* d Laura, res same, student Jeftreys Fred,* son Laura, res same, student Jeftreys Laura,* cook at Listitution for the Blind, res 107 n Har- rington Jeftreys Lena,* d Laura, res same, student Jeftreys Hattie,* d Laura, res same, student Jeftreys Hubert,* son Laura, res same, student Jeftreys Frank,* son Laura, res same, student Jeftreys Medora,* student, res 425 Haywood JeftVeys Mattie,* sister of Medora, res same, student Jeftreys Clarence A,* brother of Medora, res same, student JeftVeys Fred J,* brother of Medora, res same, student Jeftreys P J,* grocer, 209 w South, res 207 w South Jeffreys Burline,* wife P J, house work Jeffreys AVilliam,* son P J, res same, lab Jeffreys Claudie,* son P J, res same, lab Jeftreys Rebecca,* cook, res 207 w South Jeftrej's Sylvester,* drayman, res 110 w Lenoir Jeftreys Sarah S,* wife Sylvester, w^asherwoman Jeftreys Otho T,* son Sylvester, res same, student Jeftreys Laura,* washerwoman, res e Hargett, o s e Jeffreys Alex,* son Laura, res same, lab JeftVeys Ada,* nurse for Mrs H F Smith, res on lot Jeffreys Matilda,* washerwoman, res 740 s Wilmington JeftVeys George,* lab, res 529 e Cabarrus Jeffreys Lavina,* wife George, washerwoman Jeffreys Lucy,* cook for C E) Holland, res same Jeffreys Mary,* washerwoman, res Smithfteld alley JeftVeys Medora,* student, res 822 s Blount JeftVeys Sallie,* washerwoman, res 207 e South JeftVeys Classic,* washerwoman, res 207 e South Jefferson Bettie,* washerwoman, res 314 w Lenoir Jefferson Annie,* d Bettie, res same, student Jenkins J W, associate editor ISews and Observer, bds 404 Fay- etteville Jenkins Oscar,* carp, res 215 s Harrington Jenkins Louisa,* wife Oscar, washerwoman Jenkins Nannie,* d Oscar, res same, washerwoman Jenkins Amanda,* d Oscar, res same, nurse Jenkins Sarah,* d Oscar, res same, student JE 170 Jo Jenkins Fred,* d Oscar, res same, student Jenkins Mamie,* d Oscar, res same, student Jenkins Bessie,* d Oscar, res same, student Jenkins Lucv,* wks Colored Deaf and Dumb Asylum, res 602 s Person Jenkins John,* son Lucy, res same, student Jenkins Henry,* son Lucy, res same, student Jenkins Basil,* son Lucy, res same, wks cot yard Jenkins Mrs Sallie, dressmaker, res 217 s East Jenkins Henry,* lab, res 760 Fayetteville •Jenkins Sarah,* washerwoman, res 738 s Person Jenkins Rosa,* farm hand, res 738 s Person Jenkins Virginia,* d Sarah, res same, student Jenkins Miss Salina, seamstress, res 307 w Morgan Jenkins Miss Mar}', hkpr for W H Fetner, res same Jerman B S, cashier of Commercial and Farmers Bank, res 102 e North Jerman Mrs Isabella M, wife B S Jerman Wm B, son B S, res same Jewett Chas W, sec and asst treas Shaw University, res same Jewett Mrs Jennie, wife Chas W Johns Nicholas, lish dealer, res 327 e Martin Johns Mrs Mary, wife Nicholas Johns Joseph,* lab, res 229 Blount-st al Johns Susan,* wife Joseph, washerwoman Johns Samuel,* porter for Wm McClure, res 229 Blount al Johns Becky,* cook for E G Horton, res on lot Johns Jos,* lab, res rear 521 s Dawson Johnson Chas E, cot broker, 303 s Wilmington Johnson Chas E (C E Johnson & Co), cot broker, office 303 s Wil- mington, res 120 Hillsboro' Johnson Mrs M E, wife Chas E Johnson Miss Mary W, d Chas E, res same Johnson Chas E Jr, son Chas E, res same Johnson Miss Fannie H, d Chas E, res same Johnson Mrs F L, mother Chas E, res same Johnson D T, agt, grocer and commission merchant, 16 e Hargett, res 513 Hillsboro' Johnson Mrs Anna, wife D T Johnson Miss Gertrude, d D T, res same, teacher Johnson Clarence, son D T, res same, elk N C Home Ins office Johnson Harvey, son D T, res same, student Jolinson Miss Emma, d D T, res same, student Johnson Miss Hattie, d D T, res same, student Johnson Benj, son D T, res same, student Johnson Thomas, son D T, res same, student JOHNSON J R, mgr for N C of The Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada, office 238 Fayetteville, res cor Cabarrus and Salisbury Jo ]n Jo Johnson Mrs Jennie, wife J R Johnson Harold C, son J II, res same Johnson Eric F, son J 11, res same Jolinson Miss Flossie M, d J II, res same Johnson Wm P, son J R, res same Johnson Andrew, cot mill opr, res n Boylan ave Johnson Mrs Susan, wife Andrew Johnson Miss Julia, d x\ndrew, res same, cot mill o])r Johnson Miss Sallie, d Andrew, res same, cot mill opr Johnson Miss Henrietta, d Andrew, res same, cot mill opr Johnson Andrew Jr, son Andrew, res same, (;ot mill opr Johnson Jos J, merchant, e Hargett, o s e. res cor Newbern ave and Blount Johnson Mrs P S, wife Jos J Johnson Miss Ella B, d Jos J, res same Johnson Chas C, supt Ral Elec Co, res cor Newbern ave and Blount Johnson ^Frs ^[aude E, wife Chas C JOHNSON JAMES I, wholesale and retail druggist and mfr of anticephalalgine, cor P'ayetteville and e Martin, res 226 Hills- boro' Johnson Mrs Rebecca, wife James I Johnson Iredell, son James I, res same, student Johnson Miss Elizabetii, d James I, res same Johnson Lenox, son James I, res same Johnson Rufus L (Nixon tV: Johnson), board and sale stable, res 421 s Wilmington Johnson Mrs Jane E, wife Rufus L Johnson James B, son R L, res same, student Johnson Tapley O, son R L, res same, student Johnson Thomas, lab, res 536 e Cabarrus Johnson Mrs Stella wife Thos Johnson Miss Mattie, d Thos, res same, dressmaker Johnson Miss Jennie, d Thos, res same, wks at Rojster candy fac- tory Johnson William, carp, res in Prairie bldg Johnson Joseph, son William, res same, carp Johnson John, son Willian:, res same, student Johnson Martha,* restaurant, 22H s Wilmington Johnson Marion, turnkey at city station-house, res 219 Smithlield Johnson Mrs Reliecca, wife Marion Johnson Tessie McGee, d Marion, res same Johnson Miss Margaret, seamstress, res 229 s Blood worth Johnson Mrs Susan, wid, seamstress, res 505 s Swain Johnson Wiley,* train porter for Park Hotel, res same Johnson Brasil,* lab, res 76<» Fayetteville Johnson Lizzie," washerwoman, res 714 s McDowell Johnson Miss Frances A, seamstress, res 327 s Bloodworth Johnson Jane,* washerwoman, res 534 Halifax Jo 172 Jo Johnson Henrietta,* washerwoman, res 722 s Dawson Johnson Alice,* washerwoman, res 212 Bloiint-st alley Johnson Kissie,* w^asherwoman, res 503 Cannon Johnson & Johnson, wood and coal dealers and com mercliants, 109 Fayetteville Johnson Miss Mattie, dressmaker, bds 231 e Lenoir Johnson John, stone-mason, res Idlewild ave Johnson Mrs Angeline, \vife John Johnson Miss Mary E, d John, res same, seamstress Johnson (reorge,* lab, res Pugh Johnson John,* son Geo, res same, lab Johnson Alex,* son Geo, 7'es same, lab Johnson Sallie,* d Geo, res same, student Johnson Maggie,* d Geo, res same, student Johnson Mary,* d Geo, res same, nurse Johnson W A,* tobacco worker, res 760 Fayetteville Johnson Annie,* wife W A, washerwoman Johnson Eulice,* son W A, res same, tobacco worker Johnson Burlina,* cook, res 51-± w South Johnson Geneva,* nurse, res 51-4 w South Johnson Julia,* house-servant, res 514 w South Johnson Rachel,* washerwoman, res 311 w South Johnson Hannah,* d Rachel, res same, house-servant Johnson Sarah,* d Rachel, res same, house-servant Johnson Lnvinia,* washerwoman, res 302 w South Johnson Frank, lab, res 223 w Davie Johnson Mrs Minnie, wife Frank Johnson J S (Johnson. & Johnson), coal and wood dealer, res 108 n McDowell Johnson Mrs M B, wife J S Johnson Felix,* coachman for Mrs V B Swepson,res same Johnson Henrietta,* wife Felix, servant of Mrs V B Swepson Johnson John, lab, res 15 Hayti Johnson Mrs Gertrude, wife John Johnson Mrs Cora, seamstress, res 212 s Harrington Johnson James,* wks at Park Hotel, res 312 Cannon Johnson Rosa,* wife James, house work Johnson Ferribee,* house-servant, res 12 McKee Johnson Rev Cajsar,* Baptist minister, res 540 e Edenton Johnson Lucy,* washerwoman, res 579 e Lenoir Johnson Jennie,* d Lucy, res same, cook for A P Bryan Johnson Luther,* son Lucy, res same, laborer Johnson A R D (Johnson & Johnson), commission broker, wood and coal dealer, res 513 Hillsboro' Johnson James O, elk for J J Johnson, res e Hargett, o s e Johnson Mrs Lula, wife James O Johnson James,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Johnson Rosa,* wife James, washerwoman Jo 173 Jo Johnson Laura,* washerwoman, r 221 w North Johnson Miss Ervy, operator Telephone Exchange, bds 527 Hills- ]>oro' JOHNSON THOS B, phutoi;rai)her, sallerj over 115 Fayette- ville, res 223 e Davie Johnson ^Irs Jane, wife Thos B Jolinson Miss Jennie, teacher in Peace Institute, res same Johnson Miss Janie, wks Royster candy factory, bds 21«) w Lane Johnson Ed, house painter, res -ilO w North Johnson Mrs Eh'zabetli, wid, niotlier Ed, res same Johnson Miss Alice, d Mrs Elizabeth, res same Johnson John, son Mrs E]izal)eth, res same, painter Johnson David, merchant, bds 317 w ]\Ioro;an Johnson Mrs Ida, wife David Johnson O fl, grocer, 331 Hillsboro', bds 527 Hillsboro' Johnson Patsy,* laundress, res s Saunders Johnson Handy,* son Patsy, res same, laborer Johnson jNIary," d Patsy, res same, M'asherwoman Johnson Ransom,* porter at Stronach & Sons, res 121 w Lenoir Johnson Susan,* wife Ransom, house work Johnson Frank,* carp, res 521 s Wilmington Johnson Martha A,* wife Frank, sick-nurse Johnson Hattie,* d Frank, res same, school teacher Johnson Lizzie,* d Frank, res same Johnson Sallie,* sick-nurse, res same, 519 s Wilmington Johnson Jacob,* landscape gardener, res 510 s East Johnson Mary,* wife Jacob, laundress Johnson Richard,* son Jacob, res same, porter for L J Walker Johnson Courtland,* son Jacob, res same, student Johnson Josephine, nurse for Mrs C A Riddle, res same Johnson W S, wks ice factory, bds 218 s Harrington Johnson Henry C, machinist, res 408 n Bloodworth Johnson Mrs Joanna, wife H C Johnson E A,* lawyer, res 519 s West Johnson Lena A,* wife E A, teacher Johnson Columbus,* father of E A, res same T. B. JOHNSON, 11312 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. All styles of Photograph.'- made and work guaranteed. A trial will convince the most sceptical. Lowest prices consistent to good workmansliip. Jo 174 Jo Johnson Frederick,* brother of E A, res same, student Johnson John, stone-cutter, res 529 s Harrington Johnson Mrs Rachel, wife John Johnson Sarah," cook for John Johnson, res same Johnson W B, tailor, res 409 s Person Johnson Miss Manie, d W B, res same, student Johnson Sam, wks Farina roller mills, bds 109 s Blount Johnson Albert, mechanic, res 329 Hillsboro' Johnson Mrs Elizabeth, wife Albert Jolly Mrs Bettie, seamstress, res Fayetteville, below R R Jolly Miss Lila A, d Mrs Bettie Jollv William, quiller at Caraleigh mill, res Fayetteville, below "^E R Jolly Mrs Hattie, wife Wm, weaver at Caraleigh mill JOLLY B R, jeweler and silversmith, 128 Fayetteville, res 116 s McDowell Jolly Frank M, son B R, res same, wks with father Jolly Miss Lucy E, d B R, res same Jolly Mrs Nancy, wid, res 116 s McDowell Jolly Miss Bettie, d Mrs Nancy, res same, dressmaker Jones A A, butcher, res Cox ave, o s w Jones Mrs Martha, wife A A Jones Alonzo, son A A, res same, painter Jones Wm O, son A A, res same Jones Charles, son A A, res same, student Jones Mrs M C, wid, res with J M Barbee Jones Samuel, butcher, cor s Harrington and Hillsboro', res same Jones R H, spinner Ral cot mill, res 130 Firwood ave, o s n Jones Mrs L V, wife R H Jones Miss Bessie, d R H, res same, spinner Ral cot mill Jones Miss Laura, d R H, res same, student Jones Lonnie, wks Raleigh cot mill, bds 211 e South Jones Miss Ella, seamstress, res 175 Hunter Jones Miss Lurie, seamstress, bds 122 e Martin Jones Alfred, oil merchant, res 411 Elm Jones Mrs Lizzie C, wife Alfred Jones Miss Nannie R, d Alfred, res same, student Jones Miss Fannie C, d Alfred, res same, student Jones Miss Mildred McKee, d Alfred, res same, student Jones Miss Margaret R, d Alfred, res same, student Jones Mrs Winnie, wid, res 519 s Bloodworth Jones Wiley A, son Mrs Winnie, res same, printer Jones Alonzo, elk J J Harris, res 226 s Bloodworth Jones Mrs Lucy, wife Alonzo, seamstress Jones Robert, lab, res 226 e Bloodworth Jones Miss Adna, sister Mrs Ed V Denton, res same Jones Mrs Annie, wid, seamstress, res 121 s West Jones John, beemer Caraleigh cot mill, bds 739 Fayetteville Jo 175 Jo Jones G M, city policeman, res 405 n West Jones ]Mrs Lnla, wife G M Jones Miss Mari»;aret, d G j\[, res same, student Jones Miss Annie, il G M, res same, student Jones Miss Jessie, d G M, res same, student Jones L H, iruard at penitentiary, res 213 Tucker Jones Mrs Susan, wife L H Jones Chas H, son L IJ, res same, printer Jones Lewis A, son L H, res same, wks Ral cot mill Jones C C, restaurant, over 210 s Wilmington Jones AVm H, grocer, 705 s Blount, res same Jones Mrs Elizabeth, wife Wm II Jones Patrick, son Wm H, res same, wks Ral cot mill Jones Miss Cornelia, d Wm H, res same, saleslady Jones Mrs Jessie, wid, res 518 w North Jones Albert, son Mrs Jessie, res same, machinist Jones Herald, son Mrs Jessie, res same, student Jones Charlie, son Mrs Jessie, res same, student Jones Wm J, blacksmith SAL shops, res 205 n Salisbury Jones Mrs Maggie, wife Wm J Jones Miss Lillie, d Wm J, res same, student Jones Armistead, lawyer, office Commercial and Farmers Bank bldg, res Rillsboro' near Dawson Jones Mrs Nannie B, wife Armistead Jones Miss Nannie B, d Armistead, res same Jones Miss Mary A, d Armistead, res same Jones Wm B, son Armistead, res same, student Jones Robert H, ins agt, res 305 Hillsboro' Jones Mrs Sue B, wife R H Jones J AViley, revenue officer, bds 314 Hillsboro' Jones Cullen, mechanic, bds 11 s Wilmington Jones Matt G, eng Ral Elec Co, res 122 Dawson Jones ]\[rs Julia, wife Matt G Jones W H, salesman, bds 407 Fa)'etteville Jones Mrs Etta, wid. seamstress, 110 s McDowell Jones L, motorman Ral Elec Co, bds 209 w Morgan Jones T A, section hand, bds 314 n McDowell Jones Melissa,* washerwoman, res Womble lane Jones Elijah,* son Melissa, res same, porter G S Tucker & Co Jones Archie,* son Melissa, res same, student Jones Eliza,* d Melissa, res same, nurse Jones Essie,* d Melissa, res same, student Jones James,* fireman S A L R R, res 223 w North Jones Mollie,* wife James, washerwoman Jones Emma D,* d James, res same, student Jones S W,* carp, res 31 Hayti Jones Annie M,* wife S W, house work Jones Wayman,* son S W, res same, brick-mason app Jo 176 Jo Jones Furman,* son S W, res same, driver for Dr J W McGee Jones Wade H,* son S W, res same, house-servant Jones Ballard,* son S W, res same, student Jones Ernest,* son S W, res same, student Jones Wiley,* lab, res Manlj-st alley Jones Maggie,* d Wilej', res same, cook Jones Harriet,* d Wiley, res same, nurse Jones Fenny,* washerwoman, res •i05 Cannon Jones Victoria,* d Penn}', res same, student Jones Edgar,* son Penny, res same, student Jones Octavia,* cook, res 819 Manly Jones John,* lab, res 819 Manly Jones Harriet,* house-servant, res 813 Manly Jones E G,* baker, 603 s McDowell, res same Jones Martha,* wife E G Jones Alice,* cook, res 109 w Lenoir Jones George,* son Alice, res same, student Jones Isabella,* cook for H Crossan, res same Jones Hubert,* son Isabella, res same, student Jones Sylvia,* cook, res Pugh Jones Arthur,* lab, res Oak wood ave Jones Lnla,* wife Arthur Jones Richard,* lab, res 224 e Cabarrus Jones Alice,* wife Richard, washerwoman Jones Chas E,* son Richard, res same, student Jones Walter,* son Richard, res same, student Jones Mary,* washerwoman, res Manly Jones Isham,* lab, res Manly Jones Willis,* lab, res Forsythe alley Jones Rufus,* carver Yarboro' House, res 750 s Person Jones Ailsey,* wife Rufus Jones Robert,* porter Farmers and Commercial Bank, res 750 s Person Jones Fannie,* d Rufus, res same, cook Ed Adams Jones Judson,* son Rufus, res same, laborer Jones Maggie,* d Rufus, res same, student Jones Buck,* son Rufus, res same, porter Dr J A Sexton Jones Wayland,* son Rufus, res same, student Jones James,* son Rufus, res same, student Jones Sidney,* farmer, res 835 Fayetteville Jones Sarah,* wife Sidney, washerwoman Jones Mary,* nurse, res 835 Fayetteville Jones Maggie,* d Sidney, res same, student Jones Sidney,* lab, res 739 & Biount Jones Louisa,* wife Sidney, cook for W L Sunderford Jones Lewis,* son Sidney, res same, porter for M A Bledsoe Jr Jones Gertrude,* d Sidney, res same, student Jones Everlina,* cook for Mrs H Mahler, res 739 s Blount Birthplace of ANDREW JOHNSON, 17th President of the United States, Raleigh, N. C. Jo 177 Jo Jones Caroline,* cook, res Bledsoe ave Jones Minor,* carp, res Bledsoe ave Jones Carrie,* d Caroline, res same, studeiU Jones Ernest,* works Sontliern R R, bds 35 Hunter Jones Sallie,* house-servant, res 85 Hunter Jones Rev ]\[illiard,* Baptist minister, res 745 s Blount Jones Dora,* wife Rev Milliard Jones Sam," lal)orer, res with John CKelly Jones Malsey,* servant, res 106 Smithfield Jones Wm,* servant tor F E Hege, res same Jones Lucy A,* washerwoman, res w Lane near R R Jones Norfleet,* house-servant for Mrs Elizabeth McSnow, res on lot Jones Andrew,* lab, res 529 s Wilmin<^ton Jones Sarah,* wife Andrew, cook Elvin Fleming Jones Lewis,* coachman, res 529 s Wilmington Jones Valley,* cook, res near r r crossing at n West Jones Mary,* cook, res near r r crossing at n West JONES W N, lawyer, office 16 w Martin, res 522 P'ayetteville Jones Mrs Sallie B] wife W N Jones Miss Annie B, d W N, res same, student Jones Mrs L J, wid, res with son W N Jones Jones D W, shoemaker, res 219 s West Jones Miss Mary J, dressmaker, res 219 s West Jones Miss Jennie, dressmaker, res 219 s West Jones Justin S, tel opr, bds 404 Fayetteville Jones Mrs Mattie, wife Justin S Jones William,* whitewasher, res Rock Quarry rd Jones Laura,* wife Wni, washerwoman Jones Ben M,* son Wm, res same Jones James T,* son Wm, res satne Jones Madison,* fireman S A L R R, res 314 n Dawson Jones Adalaide,* wife Madison, washerwoman Jones Hilliard,* son Madison, res same, lab Jones Wm,* whitewasher, res Rock Quarry rd Jones Laura,* wife Wm, washerwoman Jones Ben M* Jones Cornelia,* washerwoman, res 517 s McDowell Jones Gertie,* d Cornelia, res same, student Jones Jane,* washerwoman, res 408 Smith Jones Millie,* d Jane, res same, house-servant Jones Carrie,* d Jane, res same, student Jones W F,* shoemaker, res 7<>9 Manly Jones Fannie E,* wife W F, house work Jones Willis,* porter for Pool 6z Moring, res 531 e Edenton Jones Florence,* wife AVillis, washerwoman Jones Frank,* lab, res 515 e Edenton Jones Lizzie,* wife Frank, washerwoman lo Jo 178 Jo Jones Miss Emina, weaver Caraleigh mill, bds at Mrs Bettie Jolly Jones Lewis,* shoemaker, res 712 s McDowell Jones R- K, wks Caraleigh mill, res 418 w South Jones Mrs C A, wife R K, house work Jones Oscar, son R K, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Jones Miss Dora, d R K, res same, student Jones Daniel,* lab, res 529 e Eden ton Jones Matilda,* wife Daniel, cook Jones Rev W A,* Baptist minister, res 308 w South Jones Adelaide,* wife Rev W A, house work Jones George,* lab, rooms 405 s Dawson Jones Jane, laundress, res 50o Smith Jones James,* lab, res 739 s Blount Jones Harriet,* washerwoman and scourer, res lOS Newbern ave Jonfes S M ct Bros, shoemakers, 1-40 s Wilmington Jones Narcissa,* laundress, res 503 Cannon Jones Fannie,* d Narcissa, res same, student Jones Frank,* lab, res 405 w South Jones Julia,* wife Frank, cook Jones Lula,* washerwoman, res 401 s Dawson Jones Emily,* wid, washerwoman, res 410 w Edenton Jones Ella,* washerwoman, res 317 s Blood worth Jones Alonzo,* son Ella, res same, lab Jones Sam,* son Ella, res same, lab Jones Harry,* lab, res 225 s Bloodworth Jones Harry Jr,* son Harry, res same, student Jones Matilda,* cook for W G Martin, res on lot Jones Minerva,* cook for W R Tucker, res 512 e Edenton Jones Nellie E,* house-servant, res 718 s Dawson Jones Annie,* cook, res 556 e Edenton Jones Mary,* house-servant, res 12 w Worth Jones Louisa,* cook for Mrs Jas McKimmon, res on lot Jones Miss Maggie, dressmaker, res 427 s Wilmington Jones Pattie S,* student, res with Wm Pool Jones Mary,* sister of Pattie S, res same, student Jones Rev Milliard,* Baptist minister, res 526 s Dawson Jones Dora,* wife Rev Milliard, house work Jones William,* hackman, res 728 Manly Jones Becky,* wife Wm, house work Jones Willie,* son Wm, res same, student Jones Daniel, lab, res 312 w Lenoir Jones Rosa, wife Daniel, washerwoman Jones Washington, lab, res 720 s Dawson Jones Jane,* wife Washington, house-servant Jones Albert,* brick-mason, res 720 s Dawson Jones Blanche,* wife Albert, house work Jones Sallie,* d Albert, res same, student Jones John, upholster, res 542 e Martin Jo 1 79 Jo Jones Annie, wife John Jones Arthur, son John, res same, student Jones Seth, sexton city cemetery, res -tOS e Morgan Jones ]\Irs Delia, wife Seth Jones Wesley, son Seth, res same, elk Ed Scarboro Jones Miss Pattie, d Seth, res same Jones Miss Florence, d Seth, res same, student Jones Sherman,* wks phosphate mill, res Caswell lane Jones Mary,* wife Sherman, cook Mrs Nixon Jones AY A, printer, res 519 s Blood worth Jones Narcissa,* cook W T Ultey, res same Jones Chaney,* washerwoman, res Hargett, o s e Jones ]V[iss Annie T, teacher in kindergarten dept Deaf and Dumb Asylum Jones Daniel,* lab, res 2 Johnson ave Jones Matilda,* wife Daniel, washerwoman Jones Catherine,* milker for W C Upchurch, res 32-t e Edenton Jones Manuel,* lab, res 2-i: McKee Jones Sarah,* wife Manuel, washerwoman Jones Archie,* wks in city market, res 429 s Person Jones Sherman,* shoemaker, res 508 Newborn ave Jones Emma,* wife Sherman Jones Robert,* butler Major W W Vass, res 533 Newbern ave- Jones Mittie,* wife Pobt, washerwoman Jones J W, elk, bds 326 Newbern ave Jones Susan,* cook, res 303? w South Jones Heleiij* washerwoman, res rear e Cabarrus Jones Jas JNI^^J^pemaker, 545 Newbern ave, res 543 Newbern ave Jones Henrietta»cook Peter Watkins, res same Jones ]\[rs CornelMfcsid, seamstress, res 109 Grimes alley Jones Frank,* wks^t C Car Co, res 523 Newbern ave JONES & POWEI^ com merchants, wood and coal dealers, 107 Fayetteville Jones Jesse A (Jones c^ Powell), com merchant, wood, coal and ice dealer, res 509 Hillsboro' Jones Mrs Mollie, wife Jesse A Jones Miss Annie, d Jesse A, res same, student Jones Willie, son Jesse A, res same, student Jones Corydon, son Jesse A, res same, student Jones Garland, sec and treas Ral oil mills, res 531 Hillsboro' Jones Mrs Florence H, wife Garland Jones Irwin T, son Garland, res same, bkkpr Citizens Nat Bank Jones Chas D, son Garland, res same, collector Nat Bank of Ral Jones Miss Florence H, d Garland, res same Jones Miss Fannie A, d Garland, res same, student Jones Garland Jr, son Garland, res same, student Jones Lawrence T, son Garland, res same, student Jones W E, dry goods, notions, millinery, Arc, 206 Fayetteville, res 540 n Blount Jo 180 Jo Jones Mrs Helen, wife W E Jones Miss Hattie H, d W E, res same, student Jones Miss Mary L, d W E, res same Jones John, elk Ciias Anderson, bds Exchantre Hotel Jones T R, beer and soda bottler, res 422 s Dawson Jones Mrs Minnie E, wife T R Jones Miss Bessie M, d T R, res same, student Jones Miss Mabel A, d T R, res same, student Jones Harry E, son T R, res same, student Jones Miss Maud E, d T R, res same, student Jones T A, shoe mtV, res 215 w Jones Jones Mrs E 0, wife T A Jones Thomas A, flagman SAL R R, res 215 w Jones Jones Miss Emma V, d T A, res same, student Jones Andrew J, bkkpr, res 628 w Jones Jones Mrs Mollie, wife A J Jones Miss Pearl, d A J, res same, student Jones Jesse, son A J, res same, student Jones Miss Emma, d A J, res same, student Jones Robert, son A J, res same, student Jones Carter, son A J, res same, student Jones R P, millwright, res 525 s Harrington Jones Mrs Annie L, wife R P Jones Fernando, son R P, res same, student Jones Floyd, son R P, res same, student Jones Miss Pearl E, d R P, res same, student Jones Haywood, wks Ral cot mill, res 211 e South Jones Mrs Texanna, wife Haywood Jones Mrs Mason, wid, res with Haywood Jones Miss Judie, d Mrs Mason, res same, wks cot mill Jones John H, stationary eng for N C Car Co, bds 703 n Salis- bury, o s n Jones Turner,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Jones Fannie,* wife Turner, laundress Jones Esther,* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Jones Ellen,* d Esther, res same, nurse Jones J W, elk, bds 326 Newborn ave Jones A L,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Jones Susie,* wife A L Jones Dr A O, res 118 n Person Jones Mrs Lizzie, wife Dr A O Jones Sam,* driver for Stronach & Sons, res 541 e Martin Jones Delia,* wife Sam Jones Annie,* d Sara, res same, house work Jones Lizzie,* d Sam, res same, house work Jones Hattie,* d Sam, res same, student Jones Lewis,* shoemaker, 317 w Cabarrus •Jones Lem, basket maker, res 527 Cannon Jo 181 Jo Jones Mrs Emily, wife Lem Jones Emma,* nurse at C W Newcomb's, res on lot Jones Henrietta,* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, use Jones Ann,* farm hand, res old Fair 9 Manly Jones Miss Emma, lives with Mrs E S Cheek, 114 n Dawson Jones Frances, washerwoman, res 32 Hunter Jones riev Alex,* Ba])tist minister, res 32 Hunter Jones Rev Isaac,* Baptist minister, res 32 Hunter Jones Logan,* wks Yarhoro' House, res 9 Stronach ave Jones Frank,* porter J Y McRae, res 9 Stronach ave Jones George,* porter at Potter & Scott, res 563 e Cabarrus Jones Janie,* wife Geo, washerwoman Jones Hettie,* cook for Chas Creighton, res same Jones William H, stone-cutter, res 105 s Blood worth Jones Mrs Mary, wife William H Jordan John C, blacksmith, shop cor s Blount and Morgan, bds 109 s Blount Jordan Mrs Salina, wife John C Jordan A E, bkkpr for Tliomas & Maxwell, res 314 e Morgan Jordan Mrs Emma, wife A E Jordan Armond, son A E, res same, student Jordan Mrs C H, wid, res 565 e Hargett Jordan James F, moulder, res 565 Hargett Jordan Mrs Annie M, wife James F Jordan Jacob,* lab, res 226 s East Jordan Laura E,* wife Jacob Jordan Lula M,* d Jacob, res same-, teacher Jordan Junius,* son Jacob, res same, janitor Jordan Martha,* d Jacob, res same, student Jordan Lovie G,* d Jacob, res same, student Jordan Jacob Jr,* son Jacob, res same, student Jordan Stephen,* lab, res e Hargett Jordan Kate,* wife Stephen, washerwoman Jordan Delia,* washerwoman, res e Hargett, o s e Jordan Walter,* son Delia, res same, lab Jordan Willie,* son Delia, res same, lab Jordan John,* lab, res e Hargett, o s e Jordan Bettie,* washerwoman, res 553 e Edenton Jordan Charles,* farm hand, res 553 e Edenton Jordan Albert,* son Bettie, res same, lab Jordan Noah,* lab, res 514 w Morgan Jordan Pattie,* wife Noah, washerwoman Jo 182 Ke Jordan Lee,* son Noah, res same, lab Jordan Harriet,* d Noah, res same, nurse Jordan Miss G, student, lives v/ith H B Hardy, IIS Halifax Jordan William, shoemaker, res Johnson Jordan Mrs Elizabeth, wife AVilliam Jordan Rosa,* cook for Jos G Brown, res 328 w Edenton Jordan Nettie,* cook for T B Yancey, res on lot Jordan Miss Clara, sister of Mrs Elizabeth Betts, res same Jordan Riley,* lab, res 622 Elm Jordan Martha,* wife Riley, house work Jordan Marj^,* washerwoman, res 426 s Swain Jordan Mrs J B, wid, res 122 w Jones Jordan Miss Stella E, d Mrs J B, res same Jordan W D, grocer, 106 w North, res same Jordan Mrs Etta, wife W D Joseph Wm H,* shoemaker, res 11: s Harrington Joyner Martha,* washerwoman, res 6 Matthews' lane Joyner Meddicus,* son Martha, res same, brick-mason Joyner Eucus,* son Martha, res same, lab Joyner Emma,* cook for Rev Curtis, res 6 Matthews' lane Joyner Miss Annie, wks Caraleigh mill, bds 417 s Dawson Joyner Marie,* housekeeper for Geo Renshaw, res same Joyner Robert W, inmate Soldiers' Home Joyner Alice,* cook, res 22 w Worth Justice Walter, weaver Caraleigh mill, bds 744 Fayettevilie Justice J W, inmate Soldiers' Home Justice Elizabeth,* cook for W A Lamb, res on lot KAPLAN Isaac, peddler, res 414 s Blount Kaplan Mrs Annie, wife Isaac Karrar Miss Emma, stamping and embroidering, 115 Fayettevilie, bds w Edenton near Edenton-st church Kayler Chas H, supt Caraleigh phosphate mill, res 408 e Hargett Kayler Mrs Elizabeth C Kayler Chas C, son Chas H, res same Keely Chas, wks S A L R R, bds 209 w Morgan Kehoe R H, machinist, res Firwood ave Keith Mrs Frances, wid, res 130 Firwood ave, o s n Keith Miss Roberta, d Mrs Frances, res same, spinner Ral cot mill Keith John S, plasterer, res n Blood worth Keith Mrs Emma L, mother J S, res same Kelly Miss Ada C, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Kelly Stephen, wks Caraleigh mill, res 409 Cannon Kelly Mrs Loan, wife Stephen, wks Caraleigh mill Kelly Charlotte,* house work, res 406 Cannon Kelly Chas,* son Charlotte, res same Kelly John, driver for A V Emery, res over store Ke 183 Ki Kelly Mrs Susan, wife John Kelly Junius,* huckster, res 725 s East Kelly Annie,* wife Junius Kelly Wesley, cot mill operator, res Prairie bldg Kelly Winslow, cot mill operator, res Prairie bldg; Kelly Mrs Hawkins, wife Winslow Kelly Miss Viola, d Winslow, res same Kelly Paul, son Winslow, res same Kenan Thos S, elk Supreme Court of N C, office Supreme Court bldg, res 201 n Wilmington Kenan Mrs S D, wife Thos S Kenan Miss 1\I L, d Thos, res same KENDRICK W B, gen agt University Pub Co, N Y, res 435 Halitax Kendriek Mrs M N, wife W B Kendrick Gerald O'K, son W B, res same, student Kendriek Hugh O'K, son W B, res same, student Kennedy & Jackson,* shoemakers, 802 Manly Kenneth Bros (J E & W R), grocers, cor Jones and Salisbury Kenneth AV R (Kenneth Bros), grocer, res cor Jones and Salisbury Kenneth J E (Kenneth Bros), grocer, res cor Jones and Salisbury KENNY JOHN B, broker, real estate and ins agt, 2 Pullen bldg, res 526 n Wilmington Kenny Mrs M S, wife J B Keuster L A, plumber and gas-litter, res 508 s West Keuster Mrs Ada, wife L A Keuster Miss Sadie, d L A, res same, student Keuster Miss Lula, d L A, res same, student Keuster Miss Lovie. d L A, res same Keuster Mrs L S, wid, res 317 w Jones Keuster A T, son Mrs L S, res same, plumber Keuster Miss Bettie, d Mrs L S, res same Kienzle Charles, candy maker, bds 606 Hunter Killian Elvis,* cupalo tender, res 31 Hayti Killian Geneva,* wife Elvis, house work Kimbrough Miss M S, res 435 Halifax King Rufus, wks Pilot mill, res Avent Ferry road, o s w King Mrs Lillie, wife Rufus King Walter, son Rufus, res same King Miss Mary, d Rufus, res same, wks Pilot cot mill King Miss Nannie, d Rufus, res same King Willie, son Rufus, res same, student King Harr}', son Rufus, res same, student King Rev James,* Episcopal minister, res 15 s Harrington King Polly A,* wjfe Rev James King John, printer, res 713 s Blount King Miss Sallie, sister John, res same King Mrs Clara, seamstress, res 11 w Peace Ki 184 Ki K K K K K K K K K Iv K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K ng Miss Martha, seamstress, res 11 w Peace ng & Hales, grocers, 116 e Martin ng Wesley W, grocer, 321 n Saunders, res 326 n Saunders ng Mrs Ann, wife Wesley W ng Ed H, son Wesley W, res same, salesman ng Mrs Mary A, sister Wesley W, res same ng Andrew J, traveling salesman, res 102 e Hargett ng Mrs Ida E, wife A J . ng Miss Estelle E, d A J, res same, student ng Miss Maggie A, d A J, res same, student ng Wm S, son A J, res same, moulder ng John C, blacksmith, res 215 s West ng Mrs Mary T, wife J C ng Miss Lovie, d J C ng Miss Myrtle, d J C, res same, student ng Rufus W, son J C, res same, merchant ng Mrs Lizzie C, wid, res 213 w Martin ng Miss Minnie T, d Mrs L C, res same, student ng Mrs Anna, wid, res 416 s Salisbury ng Rev C H,* Methodist minister, res 116 w South ng Ella M,* wife Rev C H ng O G, druggist, cor Wilmington and Hargett, res 613 e Har- gett ng Mrs A E, wife O G ng Miss Mary A, sister of Mrs Jos Creighton, res same ng Robert O, traveling salesman, res s Blount ng Mrs Sarah J, wife R O ng Edgar, elk Jesse G Ball, res 311 s Bloodworth ng Mrs Lucy, wife Edgar ng Delmar, son Edgar, res same, wks Ral cot mill ng Miss Maggie, d Edgar, res same, student ng Miss Bertha, d Edgar, res same, student ng Emily,* washerwoman, room 214 e Cabarrus ng C C, carp S A L R R, res 2 Franklin, o s n ng John, son C C, res same ng Richard, watchman cot yard, res 227 n Dawson ng Mrs N M, wife Richard ng Miss J^annie, d Richard, res same, student ng David, son Richard, res same, student ng Joseph, wks N C penitentiary, res 121 s West ng Miss Nora, sister Jos, res same ng Mrs L M, wid, boarding-house, res 404 Hillsboro' ng Miss Nannie, d Mrs L M, res same, saleslady N C Book Co ng Miss Ellen, d Mrs L M, res same ng Miss Laura, d Mrs L M, res same ng Missouri,* cook, res 124 w Lenoir ng Mary,* d Missouri, res same, student ng Jessie, d Missouri, res same, student Ki 185 Ki King Devereux,* d Missouri, res same, student King Margaret,* d Missouri, res same, student King David H, collector frt dept S A L R R, room over Robert Simpson's drug store King AVm F, painter, res Fir wood ave King Airs Emma J, wife W F Kiiiii: Miss Janet L, d W F, res same King D M, trav eng S A L, res 22-i n McDowell King ]Mrs Nelia, wtt'e D M King Clias R, mechanic, res 550 e Jones King Mrs Sallie, wife Chas R King Robt, loom-tixer Caraleigh mill, bds with P M Davis King Mrs Sallie, wife Robert King Mrs C IJ, wid, res 223 w Jones King "Wm E, son Mrs C H, res same, elk for W E Carter Kiiiii; Herbert A, son Mrs C H, res same KING W H & CO, druggists, cor Fayetteville and e Hargett King W H (W H King ife Co), druggist, room over store King Eveline,'^ cook for C B Park, rooms 510 n Bloodworth King ife Pool, grocers, e Hargett, o s e King Miss Sallie, dressmaker, res 323 Pace King Phil,* porter for Roger Nott, res 553 e Martin King Charles, merchant, res 614 e Davie King Mrs Annie, wife Charles King William, son Chas, res at Blind Institution King Miss Minnie, d Chas, res same King Miss Ida, d Chas, res same King Miss Mattie, d Chas, res same King Oscar, son Chas, res same, student King Cody, son Chas, res same, student King Miss Lenora, d Chas, res sanie, student King Theodore, son Chas, res same, student King Mrs Charlotte, wid, res 218 e Lenoir King Robert, son Mrs Charlotte, res same, wks Caraleigh mill King Paschall K, son Mrs Charlotte, res same, wks Caraleigh mill King Leonidas K, son Mrs Charlotte, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Corner Fayetteville and Hargett Sts Ki 186 Ko King Miss Octavia, d Mrs Charlotte, res same King Miss Dora, d Mrs Charlotte, res same, student King James C, plumber, res 210 s BloodM'orth King Mrs Laura R, wife Jas C King James E, son Jas C, res same, ins agt King Ernest L, son Jas C, res same, baggage master SAL King Roy, farmer, res 222 e Lenoir King Miss Juanetta, d Roy, res same Kirby Dr Geo L, supt N C Insane Asylum, res same Kirby Miss L M, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Kirby Miss E G, stenographer Insane Asylum, res same Kirkland W D, lab S A L shops, res 228 w North Kirk land Mrs F E, wife W D Kirkland A M, son W D, res same, wks in boiler shop SAL Kirkland Miss E S, d W D, res same, student Kirkland W D Jr, student, res 228 w North Kirkland Miss M J, d W D, res same, student Kirkland J S, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Kirkland Augusta,* cook Ed Vaughan, res same Kirkpatrick Miss A B, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Kittrell Henry,* upholsterer, res 130 w Lenoir Kittrell Lizzie,* wife Henry, house work Kleighbacker B W, steward Central Hotel, res same Kleighbacker Mrs Katie, wife B W Kleighbacker Norman, son B W, res same Klueppelberg Chas, pattern mkr S A L R R, res 220 n Harrington Klueppelberg Mrs Mary, wife Chas Klueppelberg Miss Bertha, d Chas, res same Klueppelberg Henry, son Chas, res same, machinist apprentice Klueppelberg Miss Lottie, d Chas, res same, student Klueppelberg Howell, son Chas, res same, student Klouse D B, y)ainter, res 229 w Cabarrus Klouse Mrs Olie, wife D B Klouse Miss lola, d D B, res same, student Knight Mark,* lab, res 714 s Dawson Knight Mary,* wife Mark, washerwoman Knight Hugh, flagman S A L, bds W C Eatman Knight Mattie,* seamstress, res Adams lane Knight Miss Emma, lives with Mrs Rosa K Smith Knox Dr A W, physician and surgeon, office over James McKim- mon's drugstore, res 516 n Blount Knox Mrs Eliza, wife Dr A W Knox Miss Eliza, d Dr A W, res same Knuckles Geo,* porter for E Fasnach, res rear 11 e Lane Koehler H R, watchmaker at H Mahler's sons, bds cor McDowell and Hargett Koonce Mrs B A, wid, res 204 e Lenoir Koonce Chas F, son Mrs B A, res same, printer Ko 187 La Koonce Miss Addie O, d Mrs B A, res same, seamstress Koonce John S, son Mrs B A, res same, elk at Thomas & Maxwell Koonee Kiehard, iiii^ht watchman, res 314 Hillsboro' Koonce Mrs Sarah F, wife Richard Koonce Chas G, son Richard, res same, printer Koonce Miss Lillie E. d Richard, res same, student Kreth Fernando, cigarmaker, res 212 Smithiield Kreth Mrs Fostine, wife Fernando Kreth Alex, cleaner and scourer, res 122 s McDowell Kreth Mrs E, wife Alex Kreth Mrs Joseph, wid, res 116 w Edenton Kreth Miss Fruletta, d Mrs Joseph, res same, artist Kuhnie George, cot buyer, bds cor Newbern ave and Person Kvle Jane E, washerwoman, res Womble lane LACY Benj R, Commissioner of Labor Statistics and cashier of the Mechanics Dime Savings Bank, res 539 n Blount Lacy Mrs M B, wife B R Lacy Miss Mary, d B R, res same, student Lacy Miss L-ene, d B R, res same, student Lacy B R Jr, son B R, res same, student Lacy Miss Frances, d B R, res same, student Lacy Robert,* teacher, res rear 104 Hillsboro' Lacy Jane,* wife Robert Lamb Wm A, carp, res 323 Peace Lamb Mrs Sallie, wid, res 328 e Martin Lambeth Chas AV, bkkpr, res 308 e Jones Lambeth Miss Cora, d Chas W, res same Lambeth Miss Lillie, d Chas W, res same, student Lambeth Sam F, son Chas W, res same, collector for Royall & Borden Lambeth W M, son Chas W, res same, elk in IT S p o Lambeth Ernest W, son Chas W, res same, elk for J B Kenny Lambeth Charles S, bkkpr, res 121 n Bloodworth Lambeth Mrs Jennie, wife (^has S Lambert John,* train liand Southern R R, res 325 \v Edenton Lambert Cora,* wife John Lampkin F M, elk for Whiting Bros, res 313 e Lane Lampkin Mrs Carrie, wife F M Lampkin Miss Marion, d F M, res same, student Lancaster Mrs M M, wid, res 217 n Harrington Lancaster Miss Bettie G, d Mrs M M, res same Lancaster Miss Lula, d Mrs M M, res same Lancaster F S, son Mrs M M, res same, painter Lancaster L W, son Mrs M M, res same, elk T H Briggs & Sons Lancaster Mrs Jennie, wife L W Lancaster Wm H, liveryman, res 548 e Jones La 188 La Lancaster Mrs Alice, wife Win H Lancaster Miss Claudia, d W H, res same, student Lancaster Robert, son W H, res same, student Lancaster Earle, son W H, res same, student Lancaster Robert E, painter, res n Boylan ave Lancaster Mrs Lucy, wife Robert E Lancaster G W, inmate Soldiers' Home Landis C E, inmate Soldiers' Home Landis Mrs Annie H, vvid, boarding-house. Park Place n Blnunt Landis Thomas, son Mrs Annie H, res same Landis Gertrude, d Mrs Annie H, res same Lane York,* lab, res 22 Railroad Lane Lou,* wife York, cook Lane Harriet,* servant Rev Dr I McK Pittenger, res same Lane David,* lab, res 729 Manly Lane Julia J,* wife David, house work Lane Cora,* cook, res 553 e Edenton Lane Catherine,* washerwoman, res 737 e Davie Lane Benj,* son Catherine, res same, lab Lane Pattie,* d Catherine, res same, house work Lane Hattie,* d Catherine, res same, student Lane Allen,* city hand, res 412 Smitii Lane Fletchie,* wife Allen Lane Edward G,* lab, res 612 e Cabarrus Lane David P * (Leary & Lane), lawyer, res e Davie Lane Adriana,* wife D P Lane Wm H,* son D P, res same, student Lane Adeline,* cook, res basement 554 e Harjxett Lane Susie,* nurse for Dan Hicks, res on lot Lane Mary,* house-servant, res e Davie Lane Kate,* invalid, res Martin, o s e Lane Sarah,* d Kate, res same, washerwoman Lang Chester, cigarmaker, res 228 e South Lang Mrs Ludia, wife Chester Lang Mrs Winnie, wid, res 228 e South Langston Capt P T, conductor S A L R R, I)ds 115 Johnson Langston Mrs Nellie C, wife Capt P T Langston David, merchant, bds at Rev Dr J B Bobbitt Lanier Ed,* lab, les Cannon Lanier Hai-riet,* wife Ed, washerwoman Lanier Miss Fannie, seatnstress, res 208 e Lenoir Lanier Thos, painter, bds 554 e Davie Lanier J H, carp, bds 559 Newl)ern ave Lanier Mrs Fannie, wife J H Lanier Walter, son J H, res same Larsen E, yard hand S A L R R, res 529 n Salisbury Larsen Mrs A, wife E Larsen A, son E, res same, student La 189 Le Larseii Win, son E, res same, student Larsen Fred, son E, res same, student Larsen Sophia, d E, res same, student Larsen Li Hie, d E, res same, student Lashley Y P, carp, res 121 s West Lashley Mrs Sarali H, wife Y P Lashley Miss Mina, d Y P, res same, student Lassater G M, conductor S A L R R, res 408 w Morgan Lassater Mrs Annie, wife G M Lassater Miss Lena, d G M, res same, student Lassiter Euo;ene, wks city fire dept, 122 e Davie Lassiter Mrs Mae:i;ie, wife Eujjene Lassiter Teemer,* lab, res 812 Manly Lassiter Frances,* wife Teemer, washerwoman Lassiter Isaac,* lab, res Green Level Lassiter Martha,* wife Isaac, washerwoman Lassiter Dock,* wood worker, res -1 Stronach ave Lassiter Eh'za,* wife Dock, washerwoman Lassiter Hattie,* cook, res e South Latta C G (Latta S: Wrijjht), cot broker, res 216 n Person Latta ]\Irs Mary, wife C G Latta Miss Mary, d C G, res same Latta Miss Lena, d C G, res same, student Latta Miss Maud, d C G, res same, student Latta Albert, son C G, res same, student Latta Chas G Jr, son C G, res same Latta & Wright, cot brokers, 317 s Wilmington Lawrence Janies E, eng S A L R R, res 711 n Salisbury, o s n Lawrence Mrs Mary E, wife James E Lawrence Miss Lelia A, d James E, res same, teacher Lawrence Miss Lillie P, d James E, res same Lawrence Miss Kate, d James E, res same, teacher in Central Graded School Lawrence Miss Birdie, d James E, res same, student Lawrence Dora,* washerwoman, res 126 e Hargett Lawrence Miss Virgie, hkpr for Mrs Jno A Simpson, res same Laws Frank,* driver for T H Briggs & Sons, res s East Laws Bettie,* wife Frank, washerwoman Laws Nannie,* d Frank, res same, student Laws Burt,* son Frank, res same, student Laws Alfonzo,* student, res 413 w Martin Laws Nancy,* washerwoman, res 225 e South Lawton Miss Ella, res 549 e Martin Leach Cora,* washerwoman, res 215 Bledsoe ave Leach Maria,* cotton chopper, res Adams lane Leach Williau),* lab S A L R R, res 539 Newbern ave Leach Emma,* wife William, washerwoman Leach M T, cotton buyer, bds 128 n Blount Le 190 Le Leach G E, cotton broker, bds Yarboro' House Leach Silvia A,* washerwoman, res w Davie Leach Deinpsej,* son Silvia A, res same, student Leach Ola,* d Silvia A, res same, student Leach R B, life ins agt, res 121 s McDowell Leach Miss C S, sister R B, res same Leach Miss N, sister R B, res same Leak Rev R H W,* pastor A M E church, res 316 e Davie Leak Mary M,* wife Rev R H W Leak Gertrude E,* d Rev R H W, res same, student Leak Maggie W,* d Rev R H W, res same, student Leak Robert C,* son Rev R H W, res same, student Leak Julia H,* d Rev R H W, res same, student Leak R H W Jr,* son Rev R H W, res same, student Leak James G,* son Rev R H W, res same, student Leak Frank,* brakeman SAL, res 437 n Salisbury Leard H S, soliciting agent for S A L R R, office Yarboro' House bldg, res 123 n McDowell Leard Mrs Nellie, wife H S Leard Allen D, son H S, res same Leard, Miss Margaret, d H S, res same Leard Mrs Maggie, mother H S, res same Leary & Lane,* lawyers, office cor e Davie and s Wilmington Ledbetter William, deputy warden N C penitentiary, res same Lee Battle,* lab, res 12 Hayti Lee Ellen,* wife Battle, washerwoman Lee Bud,* son Battle, res same, errand-boy Lee Nathan,* son Battle, res same, errand-boy Lee Dock,* crossing watchman S A L R R, res 325 w Edenton Lee Delia,* washerwoman, res 715 s West Lee Lucy, d Delia, res same, house work Lee John,* son Delia, res same, errand-boy Lee C R, elk S A L R R, res 105J Fayetteville Lee Mrs Nannie T, wife C R, boarding-house Lee Miss Mary M, d C R, res same, student Lee Edwin R, son R, res same, student Lee Miss Nannie D, d C R, res same Lee Mike,* lab, res 529 s Wilmington Lee Betsy,* wife Mike, cook for C C Crow Lee Hackney,* lab, res 108 n West Lee Esteila,* wife Hackney, washerwoman Lee Claude C, carp, wks N C Car Co, res 526 n Salisbury Lee Mrs Eleanor, wife C C Lee Paul, son C C, res same, student Lee Elijah,* fireman S A L R R, res Fleming's lane Lee Rosa,* wife Elijah, washerwoman Lee Dock,* fireman S A L R R, res Fleming's lane Lee Lonnie,* son Elijah, res same, student Le 191 Le Lee Blanche, seamstress, res Hood's alley Lee John,* city hand, res 205 Cannon Lee Ella,* d John, res same, cook Lee Narcissa,* d John, res same, student Lee Van,* son John, res same, student Lee Stewart,* son John, res same student Lee Ed H, cot buyer, othce 307 s Wilmington, res 220 Hillsboro* Lee Mrs Annie, wife Ed H Lee Mrs Mary, mother Ed II, res same Lee Miss Lizzie, d Mrs Mary, res same Lee Coy, wks Caralei^h mill, res 218 e Lenoir Lee Mrs Delia, wife Coy Lee John,* driv^er for T R Jones, res 714 s Dawson Lee Geo,* lab, res 714 s Dawson Lee Henry, inmate Soldiers' Home Lee Mary,* cook for Mrs E B Haywood, res e Edenton Lee Miley,* washerwoman, res 428 Smith Lee Tempie,* cook, res old Eair Ground, o s e Lee Augustus,* farm hand, res old Fair Ground, o s e Lee Paul, farmer, res 804 e Jones Lee ]\Irs Ellen, wife Paul Lee Miss Margaret, d Paul, res same, student Lee E H (Horton & Lee), merchant, bds 321 e Lane Lee Robert E, printer, res 321 e Cabarrus Lee Mrs Annie M, wife Robert E Lee Robert E Jr, son Robert E, res same Lee John,* hostler, res 715 s West Leggett Minerva,* cook for Geo D Meares, res on lot Leggett Miss A L, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Lehman A C, elk Southern R R frt office, res It) n Saunders Lehman Mrs L D, wife A C Lehman Miss Emily, d A C, res same, student Lehman Robert, son A C, res same, student Lehman Miss Eva, d A C, res same, student J^eonard Aaron,* city hand, res 715 s East Leonard Tempie,* wife Aaron, cook Leonard Medical School, 750 s Wilmington, under management of Shaw University Levine 6z Brown, clothing and shoes, 208-216-220 s Wilmington. Levine Dave (Levine & Brown), merchant, bds 12 e Davie Levy Robert H, painter, res 755 s Blount Levy Mrs Bettie, wife R H Levy Miss Etta, d R H, res same Levy AVillie H, son R H, res same, student Levy Lewis L, son R H, res same student Levy Miss Lucy, d Robt, lives with Mrs C R Harris Levy Emmett E, son Mrs Fannie Harris, res same, trav salesman Lewellyn Mrs Ida, wid, wks book bindery, res 527 s Person Le 192 Le Lewellyn Edward, son Mrs Ida, res same, printer's app Lewellyn Eno;ene, son Mrs Ida, res same, student Lewis Maj A M, lawyer, res 520 n Wilmington Lewis Mrs Sarah M, wife A M Lewis Mrs R G, wid, lives with Maj A M Lewis Lewis Robert G, son Mrs R G, res same LEWIS JULIUS HARDWARE CO, 224 Fayetteville, whole sale and retail dealers in hardware, &c Lewis Julius, capitalist, res cor Hillsboro' and Saunders Lewis Mrs Abagail B, wife Julius Lewis Mrs Sarah W, wid, res 520 n Person Lewis Miss Ethel C, d Mrs Sarah W, res same, student Lewis James J, printer, res 113 w Morgan Lewis Mrs Amanda V, wife James, dressmaker Lewis Alfred, carp, res 113 w Morgan Lewis Arilla,* washerwoman, res 562 e Cabarrus Lewis Wilson,* son Arilla, res same, student Lewis "Hilliard,* son Arilla, res same, student Lewis Anderson,* farm hand, res old Fair Ground, o s e Lewns Rosa A,* wife Anderson, washerwoman Lewis Susie,* d Anderson, res same, farm hand Lewis Mary,* d Anderson, res same, farm hand Lewis Ruffin,* son Anderson, res same, farm hand Lewis Stamps,* son Anderson, res same, student Lewis Penny,* d Anderson, res same, student Lewis Fannie,* washerwoman, res 319 Cannon Lewis Florence,* house-servant, res 319 Cannon Lewis John,* lab, res 319 Cannon Lewis Hattie,* cook for C P Wharton, res Cotton lane, o s e Lewis Mattie,* cook, res Cotton lane, o s e Lewis David,* student, res Cotton lane, o s e Lewis James H,* shoemaker, res 14 s Harrington Lewis Mrs Rosa, wid, res 524 n West Lewis Sarah,* student, res w Peace Lewis Thomas,* student, res w Peace Lewis & Battle, eye, ear and throat specialists, office 217 n Wil- mington Lewis Dr R H, eye, ear and tJiroat specialist, r 227 n Wilmington Lewis Mrs M E, mother Dr R H, res same Lewis Jane,* cook, res 310 w Lenoir Lewis Jaines,* lab, res 310 w Lenoir Lewis Addison,* lab, res Smith Lewis Hattie,* cook for C P Wharton, res on lot Lewis Charles W, brick-mason, lids 326 n Saunders Lewis Dora,* servant at James Maglum, res rear 10 e North Lewter A S, railroader, res 110 w Martin Lewter Mrs Carrie H, wife A S Lewter Miss Lillian, d A S, res same 192 A Southern Railway, The Greatest Southern System, Penetrating ^..^^^^^ the States of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Vir- ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee. Operating_^,^^^^^ the famous WASHINGTON AND SOUTHWEST- ERN LIMITED, composed of Pullman Drawing- Room Sleeping Cars, elegant Day Coaches and Southern Railway Dining-Cars, between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, New Or- leans, Asheville and Hot Springs (N.C.), Savannah, Jacksonville and Tampa. Also United States Fast Mail between the commercial centres of the East and all points in the South, South-east and South-west. Selected by the Government for the prompt expedition of the mails. For time-tables, showing complete train service, tickets, baggage checks, etc., apply to your nearest Agent. W. H. GREEN, J. M. GULP, W. A. TURK, Gen'l Siip't. Traflic M^r. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. General Offices: Washington, D. C. Li 194 Lo Xitchford Jas O, teller of Raleigh Savings Bank, bds 404 Fayette- ville Little Mrs C M, dressmaker, res 127 n Dawson Little Miss Addie B, d Mrs C M, res same, seamstress Little Robert S, son Mrs C M, res same, tinner apprentice Little Miss Fannie, d Mrs C M, res same Little Miss Lucy, d Mrs C M, res same, student Little Mrs M L, wid, res 11 n Blount Little Henry M, son Mrs M L, res same, elk Southern R R frt office Little Albert H, son Mrs M L, res same, machinist app Little Wm P, son Mrs M L, res same, mgr Everhart's ice factory Little Burke H, son Mrs M L, res same, student Little Thos, pressman, bds 305 s Person Littlepage J W, board and sale stable, cor e Martin and s Blount Littlejohn Henrietta,* cook, res 407 s Dawson Littlejohn Doctor,* lab, res 407 s Dawson Littlejohn Jno,* driver for Oak City Laundry, res old Fair Ground, o s e Littlejohn Emma,* wife John, washerwoman Littlejohn Mary E,* d John, res same, student Littlejohn Bessie,* d John, res same, student Littlejohn Susan* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Lippard Marcus, inmate Soldiers' Home Livingston Lydia, seamstress, res 585 e Cabarrus Lockhart Amanda,* washerwoman, res 415 s Blount Lockhart John A,* son Amanda, res same, student Locklear Henry,* lab, res w South Locklear Lottie,* wife Henry, washerwoman Locklear James,* son Henry, res same, lab Locklear Ella,* d Henry, res same, house-servant Locklear Mary,* d Henry, res same, house-servant Locklear Sarah,* d Henry, res same, house-servant Locklear Frank,* son Henry, res same, lab Locklear Caswell,* barber, res 420 s Salisbury Locklear Jennie,* washerwoman, res 525 e Lenoir Locklear Benton,* son Jennie, res same, blacksmith Locklear Hosten,* son Jennie, res same, blacksmith striker Locklear Charles,* baker, res 503 Cannon Locklear Ella,* wife Charles, washerwoman Locklear Frank,* lab, res 308 w Cabarrus Lockre William Sr, stone-mason, res cor Jones and Dawson Lockre Mrs Bettie, wife William Lockre William Jr, boiler-maker S A L R R, res cor Jones and Dawson Lockre Charles, son William Sr, res same, student Lockre Alexander, son William Sr, res same, student Lodge W A, druggist, res 16 s Salisbury Lodge Mrs C F, wife W A, dressmaker Lo 195 Ll Logan William,* tobacco worker, res Cotton lane, o s e Logan Emma,* tobacco worker, res Cotton lane, o s e Logan Daisy,* tobacco worker, res Cotton lane, o s e Logan Annie,* cook for i\Irs Lucy Ferrell, res Cotton lane, o s e Loman J W, yardmaster Southern R R, res 416 s Dawson Loman Mrs Lizzie L, wife J W Long Mrs M M, mother Mrs Mary E Heileg, res n Salisbury, os n Long Abe, huckster, res 725 s East Long William,* shoemaker, res 420 Smith Loni>' Mary,* wife AVilliam, washerwoman Long Ella,* cook, res 205 w Lenoir Lougee Mrs L O, wid, res 324 s Person Lougee E M, clerk for Hicks tfe Rogers, res 324 s Person Lougee Omer, student, res 324 s Person Lougee Louis, student, res 324 s Person Love Hannah,* washerwoman, res 710 s West Love Pattie M,* d Hannah, res same, teacher Love Mary A,* d Hannah, res same, teacher Love George P,* son Hannah, res same, lab Love Hattie B,* d Hannah, res same, student Love Marion,* son Hannah, res same, student Love Ada L,* d Hannah, res same, student Love Hannah,* d Hannah, res same, student Love Thomas L, tobacco buyer, res 413 Newbern ave Love Mrs N S, wid, res 413 Newbern ave Love Fred W, son Mrs N S, res same, student Love Miss Annie, d Mrs N S, res same, student Love's Cupid, smoking-tobacco factory, 118 e Hargett, Jesse G Ball propr Love E H, hide and fur dealer, 118 e Hargett, res 515 Oakwood ave Love Mrs Martha H, wife E H Love Alonzo R, son E H, res same, ministerial student Love Miss Florence 'N, d E H, res same Love Miss Emma C, d E H, res same Love Miss Alice L, d E H, res same Love John,* son Cora Gotten, res same, student Love Thomas,* son Cora Gotten, res same, student Love Eddie,* son Cora Cotten, res same, student Lovejoy Hettie,* farm hand, res old Fair Ground, o s e Lowery J A, mechanic, res Oakdale ave, o s n Lowery Mrs E A, wife J A Lowery Clarence, son J A, res same Lowery Henry C, merchant, res 230 e Martin Lowery Mrs Mollie, wife Henry C Lowe Mrs M V, wid, res 530 Cannon Lowe Denie, son Mrs M V, res same, student Lowe Merriel, son Mrs M V, res same, student Lloyd Wm L, loco engineer, res 520 s Harrington Ll 196 Ly Lloyd Mrs Nannie E, wife Wm L Lloyd Wm W, son Win L, res same Loyd Joseph, wks Pilot cot mill, res Oakdale ave, o s n Loyd Mrs Flora, wife Joseph Loyd A J, weaver Pilot cot mill, res Pace, o s n Loyd Mrs Fannie, wife A J Loyd Koden,* gardener, res Hargett, o s e Ludden & Bates, Southern Music House (Ral branch), 332 Fay- etteville. Miller & Uzzle mgrs Lumsden J C S, hardware merchant, 226 Fayetteville, res 413 Hillsboro' Lumsden Mrs M J, wife J C S Lumsden Frank H, tinner and coppersmith, res 326 w Jones Lumsden Mrs Martha L, wife Frank H Lumsden Thomas, son F H, res same, flagman SAL Lumsden Miss Mary Lucile, d F H, res same Lumsden Chas F, tinner and iron worker, shop 108 s Wilmington, res 216 n Harrington Lumsden Mrs Mattie, wife Chas F Lumsden John, son Chas F, res same, taxidermist Lumsden Miss Lida E, d Chas F, res same Lumsden Chas, son Chas F, res same, student Lumsden R E, mailing elk at Union Depot, res 312 w Martin Lumsden Mrs Minnie F, wife Robt E Lumsden Robt E, son R E, res same, student Lumsden Miss Minnie R, d R E, res same, student Lumsden Clarence H, son R E, res same, student Lumsden Lonnie H, tinner, res 215 n Salisbury Lumsden Mrs Lucy, wife L H Lumley Mrs T J, wid, res 546 e Jones Lumley Miss Ida, d Mrs T J, res same, dressmaker Lumley Samuel, son Mrs T J, res same, candy-maker Lumley Mrs Olie, res with Mrs T J Lumley Geo W, pressman at E M Uzzell, res 416 e Edenton Lumley Mrs Rosa B, wife Geo W, dressmaker Lumley Sam W, candy-maker, res 418 s Person Lumley Mrs Carrie O, wife Sam W Lunsford Mary,* cook for B F Park, res on lot Lunsford Frances,* servant, res 234 w Lenoir Lyons James, machinist SAL, res 415 n Wilmington Lyons Mrs Mary A, wife James Lyons Herman, son James, res same, fireman S A L R R Lyons Lawrence D, son James, res same, app boiler making Lyons Miss Christine, d James, res same, student Lyons Fred J, son James, res same, student Lyons Emmett H, son James, res same, student Lyons Edward P, son James, res same, student Lyon Miss Caroline, dressmaker, res 319 e Morgan Ly 197 Ma Lyon Miss Janie, sister of Miss Caroline, res same, dressmaker Lyon W H, dry goods, notions, &c, 16 Martin, res 103 s Blood- worth Lyon Mrs Mary E, wife W H Lyon Winfield H, son W H, res same, student Lyon Mary E, d W H, res same, student Lyon Racket Store, dry goods, notions, &c, 16 e Martin, W H Lyon proprietor Lyon Thomas,* carp N C Car Co, res 215 w North Lyon Mack,* laborer, res 516 Newborn ave Lyon Mary,* wife Mack, store-keeper Lyon John,* son Mack, res^ame, student MABRY Mrs W T, wid, res 219 e Hargett Mabry Miss Susie E, d Mrs W T, res same, saleslady Mabry Wm A, son Mrs W T, res same, drug elk Mabry Miss Etta L, d Mrs W T, res same Mabry Frank K, son Mrs W T, res same, ice dealer Mabry Geo AV, son Mrs W T, res same, student Mack Albert A, musical director in St Mary's School, res same Macklin Sylvia,* servant, res o s e MAG RA£ JOHN Y, druggist, cor s Wilmington and e Martin and cor e Martin and Fayetteville, res 327 e Hargett Macy Mrji A E, wid, res 313 w Morgan MACY WM R, son Mrs A E, res same, painter, office s Salisbury Maglum James, master mechanic S A L R R shops, r 214 Halifax Maglum Mrs Annie, wife James Maglum Dan, son James, res same, machinist Maglum Cornelius, son James, res same, student Maglum Miss Rose, d James, res same, student Maglum Bernard, son James, res same, student Mahler F Louis, bkkpr at National Bank of Raleigh, r 533 n Blount Mahler Mrs Henrietta R, wife F L Mahler Miss Margaret L, d F L, res same Mahler Fred W, son F L, res same, student W. R. MACY, S. Sailsbiij St., 5\i'^*''^5)'S''^W"'^''' Jiear Cor. Hargett Street. Mail Orders promptly attended to. Your patronage solicited. Ma 198 Ma Mahler's Sons H, jewelers, opticians and silversmiths, 228 Fayette- ville Mahler L A (H Mahler's Sons), jeweler and chief of lire depart- ment, rooms 228 Fayetteville Mahler Mrs H, wid, res 430 Fayetteville Mahler Fred (H Mahler's Sons), jeweler and optician, r 430 Fay- etteville Mahony J R, inmate Soldiers' Home Mallaby Miss Margie, dressmaker, res 615 e Hargett Mallett Silas P,* farmer, res Tarboro' rd, o s e Mallett Charlotte,* wife Silas Mallett Charlie,* son S P, res same Mallett Wm,* son S P, res same Malone John H,* brick-mason and plasterer, res 12 Stronach ave Malone Mattie,* wife John H, washerwoman Malone Maggie,* farm hand, res old Fair Ground, o s e Mangham Miss, res with J C Drewry Mangum D C, saloon, 303 s Blonnt, res Holloman rd Mangum Mrs Sallie, wife D C Mangum Miss Nelia, d D C, res same Mangum Miss Rosa, d D C, res same Mangum Miss Gertrude, d D C, res sanje Mangum Albert, livery stable, res 313 s Blount Mangum Mrs Sarah, wife Albert, dressmaker Mangum John, son Albert, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Mangum Miss Dessie, d Albert, res same, student Mangum Jno W, lineman for Fire Dept, res 305 e Martin Mangum Mrs Lola, wife Jno W, Mangum Engelhard, son Jno W, res same Mangum William H, farmer, res 529 s Bloodworth Mangum Mrs Sallie, wife Wm H Mangum Miss Kate, d Wm H, res same Mangum Tim, son Wm H, res same, driver Mangum Burleigh, son Wm H, res same, driver Mangum Jno C, hostler, res 122 w Cabarrus Mangum Mrs Gertrude, wife Jno C Mangum Wm £, son Jno C, res same, driver Mangum Palmetto, son Jno C, res same, student Mangum Mack,* driver for Stronach & Sons, res 508 e Eden ton Mangum Mary,* washerwoman, res Idlewild Manly Plioebe,* washerwoman, res 301 s East Manly Wm E,* son Phoebe, res same, wks for F A Watson Manly James,* son Phoebe, res same, lab Manly Mary,* d Phoebe, res same, washerwoman Manly Bessie,* d Phoebe, res same, washerwoman Manly Sidney,* city hand, res 409 Hillsboro' Manly Maria,* wife Sidney, washerwoman Manly Geo P,* son Sidney, res same, student Ma 199 Ma Manly Rosa B,* d Sidne}', res paitie, student Manly Dolly,* house-servant, res 705 s Dawson Mann W B, srocer, 5 e Ilarirett, res 558 e llargett Mann ^frs Phoebe, wife W 15 Manor W E, ins ai>t, bds Purk Hotel Manor Mrs W E, wife W E Manor Miss Marjorie, d W E, res same, student Manor Miss Shirlie, d W E, res same, student Marable Miss Daisy, teacher in Peace Institute, res same Marcom James C, justice of the peace, office Central Hotel bldg, res 211 n Harrington Marcom Miss Agnes, sister James C, res same Marcom J W, printer, res 416 e Hargett Marcom Mrs Sallie L, wife J W Marcom Charles B, son J W, res same, moulder Marcom Milton L, son J W, res same, boiler-maker Marcom Bud, motorman Ral Electric Co, bds 200 w Morgan Marcom ]\Irs Lncy, wife Bud Marcom A F, carp, res 555 e Davie Marcom Mrs Fannie, wife A F Marcom Miss Myrtle, d A F, res same, student Marks Edward T, marble-cutter, shop w Martin, res 517 s Person Marks James R, lab, res 517 s Person Marks Mrs Henrietta W, wid, res 517 s Person Marks "William, wks for S A L R R, res 227 n Dawson Marks Mrs Ella, wife William Marks Eddie, son William, res same, student Marrow Henry,* restaurant cook, res 757 e Davie, o s e Marrow Saluda,* wife Henry, washerwoman Marrow James,* son Henry, res same, lab Marrow Lolla,* d Henry, res same, student Marsh G W, huckster city market, res 225 w Edenton Marsh Mary V, d G W, res same, teacher Central Graded School Marsh Miss Hattie A, d G W, res same, saleslady W H ifc R S Tucker Marsh Miss Annie AV, d G AV, res same Marsh George, son G W, res same, mgr Johnson ;ton McCullers Delia, seamstress, res 828 s Wilmington McCulloch E F, elk in rev dept, res 5-1:0 e Hargett McCulloch Mrs Viola H, wife E F McCulloch Edgar, son E F, res same, student McDade W A, farmer, res 402 w Morgan McDade Mrs Rosa, wife W A McDade Miss Blanche, d W A, res same McDade Arthur, son W A, res same McDade Ormond, son W A, res same McDade Inez, d W A, res same McDaniel Rosa,* teacher of music in colored D D it B Institute, res same McDonald GHARLES C, mgr and sec of Ral branch of the Southern Building and Loan Association of Knoxville, Tenn, office 107 Favetteville, res 4:;:>7 Halifax McDonald Mrs Lula T, wife C C McDonald Miss Lula S, d C C, res same, student McDonald John S, son C C, res same, student McDonald Eugene G, son C C, res same, student McDonald Charles C Jr, son C C, res same, student McDowell W F, blacksmith, res 412 n East McDowell Mrs Hattie, wife W F McDowell Miss Maud, d W F, res same McDowell J, traveling salesman, bds Park Place McFadden Miss Fannie, student, res with John A Collier McFarland Reuben,* wks on telephone line, r rear 527 Hillsboro' McFarland Senia,* wife Reuben McGeachy Dr R S, second asst physician N C Insane Asylum, res same McGee Dr J W Sr, physician and surgeon, office and res cor Eden- ton and Dawson McGee Mrs S E, wife Dr J W McGee Miss Emma, d Dr J W, res same McGee Miss Ella, d Dr J W, res same McGee Dr J W Jr, physician and surgeon, office 127 res 120 w Martin McGee Miss Florrie B, wife Dr J W Jr McGee Miss Susie X, d Dr J W Jr, res same McGee James W, son James AV, res same McGee Wm T, collector for Ral Gas Co, res 227 Hillsboro' McGee Mrs Louise, wife W T McGee Miss L C, d W T, res same, student McG 204 McK McGhee Geo B, tobacco broker, bds 103 e Edenton McGhee Mrs Eliza S, wife Geo B McGhee Miss Annie L, d Geo B, res same McGhee Miss Mary P, d Geo B, res same McC^owan P W, printer, rooms 328 s McDowell McGuider Miss Esther, cashier for A B Stronach, rooms at Mrs M A Hardie, 126J Fayetteville Mcintosh J W, grocer, 122 e Martin, bds s Person Mclntyre Lewis,* painter, res 724 Manly Mclntyre Lena,* wife Lewis, cook Mclntyre Susan,* cook, res 724 Manly Mclntyre William,* lab, res 724 Manly Mclntyre Nancy,* nurse C J Hunter, res Townes al Mclntyre Bessie,* d Nancy, res same, student Mclntyre Willie,* son Nancy, res same, student Mclntyre Laura,* d Nancy, res same McKee Dr James, physician and surgeon, res 128 n Blount McKee Mrs Mildred, wife Dr James McKee Wm fl, son Dr James, res same, elk Southern frt oflBce McKee John S, son Dr James, res same, student McKee James B, son Dr James, res same, student McKee Edwin B, son Dr James, res same, student McKee Lewis M, son Dr James, res same, student McKee Philip, son Dr James, res same, student McKee Miss Priscilla, aunt of Mrs Eliza Battle, res same McKimmon Charles, mgr of A B Stronach's dry goods store, res Park Place, n Blount McKimmon Mrs Jennie, wife Chas McKimmon Mrs James, wid, res 512 n Blount McKimmon James, son Mrs James, res same, student McKimmon Miss Mary, d Mrs James, res same, student McKimmon Miss Lelia M, d Mrs James, res same, student McKimmon Miss Kate, teacher in St Mary's School, res same McKimmon Jas & Co, druggists, 133 Fayetteville McKinzie J E,* lab, res 117 n Swain McKinzie Hattie,* wife J E, washerwoman McKoy Lewis,* drayman, res s Saunders McKoy Ida,* wife Lewis, washerwoman McKoy Lewis,* son Lewis, res same, farm hand McKoy Larry,* lab, res AVhitaker ave McKoy Bettie,* wife Larry, washerwoman McKoy Willie,* son Larry, res same, student McKoy Jesse,* son Larry, res same, student McKoy Penny,* d Larry, res same, student McKoy Neill,* shoemaker, res Whitaker ave McKoy Florida,* wife Neill, house work McKoy Mabel,* d Neill, res same, student McKoy Lean a,* d Neill, res same, student McK 205 McP McKoy Jerry,* lab, res 818 Manly McKoy Fannie,* wife Jerry, washerwoman McKoy Caetta,* d Jerry, res same IMcKoy Clarence,* son Jerry, res same McKoy Wm,* shoemaker and Christian minister, res Smith McKoy Dicey,* wife Wm McKoy Wm Jr,* son Wm, res same, porter at Hornbuckle McKoy Lucy,* washerwoman, res 511 e Davie McKnight Nellie,* washerwoman, res Blount-st al McLean Stella,* cook for Jesse E Adams, res same McLeod Clara,* house-servant, res 207 w South McLean Ellen,* farm hand, res 1207 s East McLean Bessie,* d Ellen, res same, student McLean James D, painter SAL, res 602 n Salisbury McLean Mrs Emma, wife Jas D McLean Lucy,* cook for Nick Deboy, res 812 s Wilmington McLean Sam,* lab, res 917 Manly McLean Lucy,* washerwoman, res Green Level McLean Florence,* washerwoman, res 12-18 Davie McLeod Annie,* cook, res 716 Fayetteville McLeod Priscilla,* cook at Peace Institute, res 421 s Swain McLeod Willie,* son Priscilla, res same, lab McLester Miss Maggie, matron at Rex Hospital, res same McMackin W C, road supervisor, res 122 s Harrington McMackin Mrs A E, wife W C McMackin Miss Nannie, d W C, res same McNair Hugh,* porter for A B Andrews, res 525 e Lenoir McNair Ary,* wife Hugh McNair Maggie,* cook for Dr P E Hines, room 106 e Cabarrus McNair Mary J,* house-girl, res 120 w Peace McNair Susan,* cook for J C Neimyer, res same McNeill James,* lab, res rear 501 Hillsboro' McNeill Jane,* wife James, washerwoman McNeill Thomas,* son James, res same, porter for D T Johnson McNeill Charles,* son James, res same, lab McNeill James Jr,* son James, res same, lab McNeill Annie,* d James, res same, nurse McNeill Henrietta,* washerwoman, res Cotton lane, o s e McNeill Clarence,* farm hand, res Cotton lane, o s e McNeill Parker,* wks brick-yard, res Cotton lane, o s e McNeill Lucy,* nurse, res Cotton lane, o s e McNeill Alice,* cook D S Avera, res Cotton lane, o s e McNeill Alex,* wks wagon factory, res 58 Hunter McPheeters A ]\[, stock and bond broker, res ll-l s Dawson McPheeters Mrs Fannie L, wife A M McPheeters A M Jr, sec and supt Ral Water Co, res 114 s Dawson McPheeters Miss Fannie L, d A M, res same McPheeters Sam B, son A M, res same, student McP 206 Me McPheeters Wm L, son A M, res same, student McPheeters Miss Sudie D, d A M, res same, student McPheeters Miss Marguerite L, d A M, res same, student McRae & Day, lawyers, office 217 Fayetteville McRae James C (MePae & Day), lawyer, bds 120 Halifax McPar}^ J N, business mgr Press-Visitor, res 309 w Davie McRary Vernon, son J N, res same, bkkpr for Press-Visitor McRary Willie, son J N, res same, student McRary Miss Annie, d J N, res same, student McRary John, son J N, res same, student McSwain Kinny,* porter MacRae drug store, res rear 228 e Cabarrus McSwain Maggie,'"' wife Kinny McSwain Lawrence,* son Kinny, res same, wks for Jno W Brown McSwain Martin,* son Kinny, res same, wks city market McSwain Andrew,* son Kinny, res same, nurse McSwain Dickinson,* son Kinny, res same, milker McSwain Nannie,* d Kinny, res same, cook McSwain Agnes,* d Kinny, res same, student McSwain Berta,* d Kinny, res same, student McSwain J H,* dairyman, res 615 s McDowell McSwain Ora A,* wife J H, house work McSwain Rody,* blacksmith, res 125 e Cabarrus McSwain Lula,* washerwoman, res 80 Fowle McSwain Phcebe,* cook, res 121 n Harrington McVea Miss Emilie W, teacher in St Mary's School, res same Mechanics Dime Savings Bank, 117 Fayetteville, Chas E Johnson pres, B R Lacy cashier Meacham Miss Bessie, nurse at Rex Hospital, res same Meacham Ann V,* cook for Major W W, res on lot Meadows Mrs Willie, wid, dressmaker, res 506 e Hargett Meadows Rufus A, son Mrs Willie, res same, student Meadows Miss Willie, d Mrs Willie, res same, seamstress Meadow^s W J C,* waiter Yarboro' House, room 320 e Davie Meares Geo D, music teacher and mgr Academy of Music, res 627 w Jones Meares Mrs Minnie, wife Geo D Measles Hannah,* washerwoman, res 224 s Bloodworth Mebane Miss Mattie, res with L Banks, Holt Mebane Thos,* lab, res 738 s Person Mebane Helen,* wife Thos. washerwoman Mebane Jerry,* fireman SAL, res Yearby's lane Mebane Alice,* wife Jerry, washerwoman Medlin Wm A, sexton at Tabernacle church, res 301 s Bloodworth Medlin Mrs S J, wife Wm A Medlin D H, son Wm A, res same, printer Medlin J C, son Wm A, res same, printer Medlin Thos A, son Wm A, res same, student Medlin Miss Martha, seamstress, res 301 s Bloodworth Me 207 Mi Medlin L F, grocer, 328 e Martin, res same T^[edlin W S, elk for L F Medlin, res same "NIedlin Wm T, son W S, res same, student ^[edlin John 11, bookbinder, res 114 vv Martin ^ledlin Mrs Carrie, wife .rolin H ^[edlin Miss Minnie M, d John H, res same, student ^[edlin John P, bookbinder, res 318 s Person Medlin Mrs Lula B, wife John P ]\[edlin Thomas, citj' overseer, res 530 e Davie ^fedlin ^Irs Lizzie, wife Thos Medlin George, city hand, res ♦)(»0 e Cabarrus Medlin David H, soliciting agt, res cor Bloodworth and Martin Medlin Lizzie, seamstress, res 521 s Dawson Medlin ]\[rs Eunice, janitress SAL reading-room, 1(»1> Grimes' al Merritt J Mai, conductor S A L R R, bds 10 e North Merritt Kemp W, bkkpr for Crowder & Rand, res 2t> s Swain Merritt Mrs Roxie M, wife Kemp W Merritt Sarah," nurse for Wm H Grimes, res on lot Merritt Hector," lab, res Rock Quarry rd Merritt Alice," wife Hector, washerwoman Merritt Robei-t," son Hector, res same, lab Merritt Jerry,"^ son Hector, res same, lab Merritt Bettie,* d Hector, res same, nurse Merritt Addie," d Hector, res same, nurse Merritt Elsie,"-'^ laundress at Rex Hospital, res 307 w Lenoir Merritt George,"" lab, res 307 w Lenoir Merritt Bunny," son Elsie, res same, student Merritt Wm H,* lab, res 311 w Lenoir Merritt Maggie,* cook, res Bloodworth, o s n Merritt Frances,* cook, res 219 s East Merritt Jane,* washerwoman, res 519 e Davie Merritt F L, associate editor News and Observer, bds Park Hotel Merritt Sarah,* nurse, res 32 Railroad Merritt James,* hostler, res 720 Fayetteville Merritt Bettie,* servant for Wm H Grimes, res on lot Merrimon Mrs A S, wid, res 526 n Wilmington Merrimon ]\[iss Maud L, d Mrs A S, res saine MESERVE CHAS F, Pres Shaw University, res cor South and Wilmington Meserve Mrs Abbie, wife Chas F Meserve Miss Alice, d Chas F, res same Messick Miss Clara, wks dress dept W H ife R S Tucker 6z Co, bds Park Hotel !Mial Jos,* lab, res e Hargett, o s e Mial Harriet,* wife Jos Mial Norman,* son Jos, res same, wks at city market Mial ]\Eadison,* son Jos, res same, wks B N ^litciiell ^lial Oscar,* ^n Jos, res same, student Ml 208 Mi Mial Scott,* lab, res Idlewild Mial Ckthanda,* wife Scott, washerwoman Mial Louise,* cook for Mrs W T Mabry, res 321 s Blood worth Mials Lem,* eng Jones & Powell, res 2 Stronach ave Middleton Robert, blacksmith, bds 324 w Lane Millery Robert,* gardener, res Cotton lane, o s e Millery Charity,* wife Robert, washerwoman Miller W H, bookbinder, res 511 s Bloodworth Miller Mrs Emma, wife W H Miller Miss Beulah, d W H, res same, cash-girl at W H tk R S Tucker & Co Miller H F, son W H, res same, student Miller Miss Mary L, d W H, res same, student Miller Miss Sallie, d W H, res same, student Miller Henry, traveling salesman, bds cor Newbern ave and Person Miller Mrs Lorraine, wife Henry Miller Miss Jennie, boarding-house, cor Newbern ave and Person Miller Miss Louie, d Henry, res same, student Miller Sam A, mailing elk News and Observer, bds 628 Hillsboro' Miller Robert,* lab, res Martin, o s e Miller Ellen,* wife Robert, washerwoman Miller Lula,* d Robert, res same, washerwoman Miller Tempie,* cook, res 225 s Bloodworth Miller Lou,* cook for Dr J M Ayer, res 125 n West Miller Jesse,* brick-mason, bds 108 e Hargett Miller Amanda,* restaurant, res 408 s Blount Miller Mary,* d Amanda, res same, cook restaurant Miller Mrs L C, res n Person Miller Miss Mary C, d Mrs L C, res same Miller Henry W, private sec to Col A B Andrews, res n Person Miller Nancy,* cook for I C Blair, res same Millican Jennie,* nurse for H D Blake, res same Millican Judy,* washerwoman, res 429 s Person Millican Jennie,* d Judy, res same, nurse Millican Robert,* barber, rooms rear 124 e Hargett Millinden Miss Bertha, res with B S Liles MILLS MFG COMPANY, wagons, building material, &(-, Fay- etteville st R R crossing Mills John A, wagon mfg, &c, res 413 w Hargett , Mills Mrs J I, wife John A Mills Maple, son John A, res same, student Mills Hartrick, son John A, res same, student Mills Miss Myrtle, d John A, res same Mills Mrs Bettie, wid, d Mrs Lucy B Evans, res same Mills Miss Mary, d Mrs Bettie, res same Mills L, assistant yard master S A L R R, bds 104 n McDowell Mills Ben, mechanic S A L R R, bds 104 n McDowell Mills J B,* huckster, 718 s Saunders, res same Ml 209 Mi lis Sarah, wife J B, house work lis J D, M'eaver Pilot cot mill, bds 225 Pace, o s n lis ]V[rs Jennie, wife J D, weaver Pilot cot mill lis Fenner, peddler, res 412 s Swain lis ^[rs Dora, wife Fenner lis Nula,-" house-servant for ^Nlrs Annie M Parker, res on lot ner Miss AFinnie, niece Mrs L T Grissom, res same ner John," porter J J Thomas, res 230 e South ner Millie," wife John, washerwoman ner Wm A,'"'" mechanic, res 202 w Lenoir nger Mrs Celia, wid, res 227 n Dawson nger ]\[iss Lillie, d ^[rs Celia, res same, student nger Miss Pearl, d Mrs Celia, res same nter Cain," whitewasher, res 213 s Harrington nter Julia, "^ wife Cain, washerwoman nter George,"'^ son Cain, res same, student nter Simon,* son Cain, res same, student tchell Hilliard L, carp, 304 n Dawson tchell .Mrs Ella, wife Hilliard L tchell Miss Irene, d Hilliard L, res same, student tchell John E, carp, res 321 w Jones tchell Mrs Hannah, wife John E tchell Benj H, harness and saddle dealer, res 202 w Lane, shop 331 s Wilmington tchell Mrs Mary S, wife B H tchell Fred £, son B H, res same, student tchell Miss E, d B H, res same, student tchell Wm," brick-mason, res 315 e Davie tchell Altona F," wife Wm tchell James O," son Wm, res same, brick-mason tchell Elenora C," d Wm, res same, student tchell Annie B," d Wm, res same, student tchell Maywood,"^ d Wm, res same, student tchell Hilliard, dairyman, bds 224 w Lane tchell Susan," hkpr for Cas Pollard, res on lot tchell A C, revenue dept, bds cor McDowell and Hargett tchell Bettie," washerwoman, res 212 e Cabarrus tchell Isabella,* washerwoman, res 223 e Cabarrus tchell ]Mrs Lethia, mother of Mrs W N Harris, res same tchell Abe, machinist, res 604 e Davie tchell Mrs Belle, wife Abe tchell ^[iss Carrie, d Abe, res same tchell John W, citv hand, res 610 e Davie tchell Mrs Martha^ wife John W tchell John W Jr, son J W, res same tchell J H, blacksmith, res 53S e Martin tchell Mrs Caroline, wife J H tchell Walter J, son J H, res same, machinist 12 Ml 210 Mi Mitchell William,* lab, res old Fair Grounds, o s e Mitchell Cornelia,* wife William, washerwoman Mitchell Charles, machinist, res 553 e Martin Mitchell Mrs J Gertrude, wife Charles Mitchell Miss Hazel E, d Charles, res same, student Mitchell Lucy J,* matron in colored D D & B Inst, res same Mitchell Georg-e W, printer, res 410 e Edenton Mitchell Mrs Esther, wife George W Mitchell Mrs Mary, mother George W, res same, dressmaker Mitchell Miss Mamie, d Mrs Mar}', res same, dressmaker Mitchell Miss Daisy, d Mrs Mary, res same, student Mitchell Rufus, son Mrs Mary, res same, student Mitchell Clarence, son Mrs Mary, res same, student Mitchell Grant,* lab, res 423 e Lenoir Mitchell Anna,* wife Grant, washerwoman Mitchell Arrington,* lab, res Manly Mitchell Dilsey,* wife Arrington, washerwoman Mitchell J D,* fireman Southern R it, res 816 Manly Mitchell Georgia,* wife J D, house work Mitchell Mattie E,* d J D, res same, student Mitchell Allen T,* grocer, cor Worth and Manly, res 331 Cannon Mitchell Sarah A,* wife A T Mitchell Walter,* lab, res 823 Manly Mitchell Chas,* son Walter, res same, student Mitchell Emmanuel,* son Walter, res same, student Mitchell Maggie,* d Walter, res same, student Mitchell Walter Jr,* son Walter, res same, student Mitchell Walter,* lab, res 212 w South Mitchell William,* lab, res 212 w South Mitchell James,* carp, res 212 w South Mitchell Amanda,* wife James, house work Mitchell Miss Aiaia B, student, res with D S Hamilton Mitchell Miss Josephine Y, student, res with D S Hamilton Mitchell Thomas, res 407 n West Mitchell Mrs Fannie, wife Thos Mitchell Wm S,* business mgr for the Gazette, res 214 Cannon Mitchell Ida M,* wife W S, teacher Mitchell Sal lie N,* d W S, res same, student Mitchell Wm A,* son W S, res same, student ^ Mitchell P B,* son W S, res same Mitchell "Fannie,* washerwoman, res 332 w South Mitchell Chaney,* washerwoman, res 332 w South Mitchell William,* wks for Jno C Drewry, res e Jones, Idlewild Mitchell Emma,* wife Wm, washerwoman Mitchener Lucy,* cook for W H Worth, res 318 w South Mitchener Fannie,* d Lucy, res same, nurse Mitchener Virinda,* d Lucy, res same, nurse at T B Crowder's Mitchener Willie,* son Lucy, res same, lab Ml 211 Mo Mitchener AValter,* son Lacy, res same, musician Mitchener Thomas,* lab, res 611 s McDowell Mitchener Patsy," wife Thos, washerwoman Mitchener Eliza, ■■' d Thos, res same, cook Mitchener Green, ■•' son Thos, res same, porter at J Hal Bobbitt's Mitchener IMinnie," d Thos, res same, student Mottitt Jos, wks S A L R R, res 213 w North Moffitt Mrs Lou, wife Jos ^[offitt John, son Jos, res same, student Mottitt James, son Jos, res same, student ]\[otlitt Miss Ma e Martin Moore Mrs Fronie E, wife Neill H Moore W, shoemaker, shop basement Jones & Powell Moore Lizzie, house work, bds 317 s East Moore Indiana,* cook for R H Battle, res 618 Elm Mo 213 Mo Moore Blanche, seamstress, res 535 e Lenoir Moore Ben M, real estate, res 810 s Dawson Moore Catherine,-^ cook, res 710 s IMcDowell Moore Miss A T, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Mordecai Samuel F (Battle Sz Mordecai), lawyer, r 303 n Boundary Mordecai Mrs Bettie, wife S F Mordecai A[iss Bessie, d S F, res same Mordecai Geo W, son S F, res same, student Mordecai Henry L, son S F, res same, student Mordecai Edward W, son S F, res same, student Mordecai Alfred, son S F, res same, student Mordecai Miss Ellen, d S F, res same, student Mordecai Mrs Martha, wid, res n Person, o s n Mordecai Miss Pattie, res n Person, o s n Mordecai Lucy,''" washerwoman, res e Davie, o s e Mordecai Rosa," d Lucy, res same, nurse Mordecai Peggie," cook for Mrs Kate Perry, r 306 s Blood worth Mordecai Lizzie,* cook for W S Boone, res on lot Morgan Mrs Bettie, wife Robert, res 747 Fayetteville Morgan Miss Ella, d Mrs Bettie, res same, weaver Caraleigh mill Morgan Miss Eva, d Mrs Bettie, res same, weaver Caraleigh mill Morgan Miss Marcey, d Mrs Bettie, res same, student Morgan Ernest, son Mrs Bettie, res same, student Morgan Miss P, teacher in Peace Institute, I'es same Morgan J O, elk W B Mann, bds 111 s Blood worth Morgan Goings,* umbrella mender, res e Raleigh Morgan Alphens,"^^ farm hand, res e Hargett, o s e Morgan Love," wife Alpheus, cook for E P Maynard Morgan Elizabeth," d Alpheus, res same, servant Morgan Mary," washerwoman, res rear ■407 s Dawson Morgan Ellen," washerwoman, res 510 e Edenton Morgan Matilda," cook for W L Nowell, res same Morgan Robert,* painter, res 513 Newborn ave Morgan Louise,* wife Robt, washerwoman Morgan Len,* driver for C W Young, res e Jones, Idlewild Morgan Lina," wife Len, washerwoman Moring F O (Pool & Moring), merchant and sec of Caraleigh cot mill, res 127 n Blount Moring Mrs P A, wife F O Moring ^[iss Maggie, d F O, res same, student Moring Miss Daisy, d F O, res same, student Moring Miss Helen, d F O, res same, student Moring Alfred, father of F O, res same Moring !M J J,- barl)er Prairie bldg, res same Moring Martin J,* barber, res 6 s Harrington Moring Alice," wife Martin J Morris John T, upholsterer and furniture repairer, cor e Morgan and s Wilmington, res same Mo 214 Mo Morris Mrs Rosa, wife Jno T Morris Mark C, section hand SAL II R, res 406 w Lane Morris Mrs Delia, wife Mark C Morris Miss Lillian, d Mark C, res same, student Morris Miss Liila, d Mark 0, res same, student Morris A, clothing and shoes, 223 s Wilmington, res 40S s Person Morris Mrs Fannie, wife A Morris Jacob, son A, res same, student Morris Louis, son A, res same, student Morris Sandy, ^ lab, res 25 McKee Morris Adelaide,* wife Sandy, washerwoman Morris Rena,* house-servant, res 25 McKee Morris Jos, moulder, res 745 Fayetteville Morris Mrs Hattie, wife Jos Morris Gideon W, cabinet maker, res 212 e Lenoir Morris Mrs Hattie E, wife G W, seamstress Morris Mrs M L, wid, mother of Wm A Faison, res same Morris Miss Luvenia E, hkpr for Mrs W O Scott, res same Morris Florence, seamstress, res 515 s McDowell Morris Sidney M, blacksmith, bds 538 w Peace Morris Miss Minnie, res 523 s Wilmington Morris Mrs Solicitor, seamstress, res 100 Grimes' al Morson Hugh, prin (Morson & Denson) Ral Male Academy, res 317 e Jones Morson Mrs Sailie, wife Hugh Morson Miss Harriet, d Hugh, res same Morson Hugh A, son Hugh, res same, student Morson Wm F, son Hugh, res same, student Morson John, son Hugh, res same, student Morson Miss Sailie L, sister Hugh, res same Morton Mittie,* cook, res 212 w Cabarrus Moseley N S, prop Moseley dining-hall, 130 Fayetteville, res same Moseley Frank W, son N S, res same, elk for father Moseley Jos B, son N S, res same, bkkpr Ral Electric Co Moseley Nathan, son IST S, res same Moseley Miss Louise, d N S, res same Moseley J as A, traveling salesman, res 114 s Salisbury Moseley Mrs A C, wife Jas A Moseley Geo G, elk W H & R S Tucker & Co, bds 105i Fayette- ville Moseley Dolly,* servant for Dr A O Jones, res same Moseley Thos B (J M Broughton & Co), ins and real estate agt, bds 528 e Jones Moseley Wesley,* elk, res 30l Cannon Moseley jSTancy,* wife Wesley, house work Moseley Nannie,* student, res 301 Cannon Moser Mike A, carp, bds 513 Polk Moses Amy,* wks for Chas I Proctor, res 110 n Harrington Mo 215 Mu Moss Emeline,* washerwoman, res Adams lane Moss Thomas,* son Emeline, res same, tohacco worker Moss William,* son Emeline, res same, tobacco worker ]\[oss' ^[aijgie,''' d Emeline, res same, tohacco worker Moss Frankie,-'" d Emeline, res same, nnrse Moss Eldridge, city hand, res 52-1: e Lenoir Moss Cassanda, wife Eklridge Moss j\[iss Lillie F, d Eldrid<2;e, res same, student ^loss Miss Bedie A, d Eldridge, res same Mott Miss Mary A, seamstress, res 217 s East Moye J M,* lab, res 40',) w South Moje ]\[ollie,* wife J ]\l, house work Moye Exie,* d J M, res same, student Moye Hattie,* d J M, res same, student Moye Louise,* d J M, res same, student Muckle William,* train hand S A L R 11, res w Lane, near cross- ing at n West !^[uckle Virginia,* wife Wm, washerwoman Muckle John,* train hand S A L R R, res Fleming's lane Muckle Martha,* wife John, washerwoman Mullenix ]M S, shoemaker, res 311 e Martin Mullin Mrs Clara, wid, res 11 McKee Mullin Ernest, wks Caraleigh mill, res 11 McKee Mullin Miss Lula, student, res 11 McKee Mullin Oily, wks Caraleigh mill, res 816 P'ayetteville Mullin Mrs Nora, wife OfFy, wks Caraleigh mill Mullin Junius H, policeman, res rear s East Mullin Miss Mollie M, sister Junius H, res same Muir Sandy, ins agt, bds 40-1: Fayetteville Munson J B, Southern R R Division frt and passenger agt, office rear Citizens National Bank Murdock Robert,* lab, res 712 s McDowell Murphy Mrs Emma, boarding-house, 508 w Morgan Murphy Miss Lizzie, d Mrs Emma, res same, teacher Murphy John, son Mrs Emma, res same, wks for Jones & Powell Mur])hy Willie J, son Mrs Emma, res same, student Murphy Alonzo, son Mrs Emma, res same, student Murphy Archie,* lab, res 516 e Davie Mur|)hy Moses,* porter, res 516 e Davie Murray Mrs Delia D, wid, res w Davie Murray Miss Bessie L, d Mrs D D, res same, student Murray Mrs E S, wid, res 313 w Hargett Murray T H, ticket agt SAL, res 313 w Hargett Murray Miss Nellie, d Mrs E S, res same Murray Jesse O, carp, res 507 Newborn ave ]\[urray ^[rs Martha A, wife Jesse O Murray Henry, son Jesse O, res same, driver Murray Jesse E, son Jesse O, res same, driver Mu 216 Ne Murray Robert B, son Jesse O, res same, elk Miss Julia Woodward Murray Miss Lucy E, d Jesse O, res same, student Murray Guy, son Jesse O, res same, student Murray Ida," cook for Mrs C H King, res 113 n Harrington Murray Otis,* driver for Woollcott & Son, bds 223 w North Murray Mrs D D, seamstress, res w Davie Murrell Miss J C, bds 250 Peace Myatt W A (Myatt & Hunter), merchant, res 121 n Blount Myatt Mrs C S, wife W A Myatt Miss Nellie, d W A, res same Myatt Miss Lula, d W A, res same, student Myatt Wm, son W A, res same, student Myatt Garland, son W A. res same, student Myatt Edwin, son W A, res same, student Myatt Ernest, son W A, res same, student Myatt & Hunter, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 17 e Martin and 18 Exchange Place Myatt Annie,* d Eliza Reid, res same, student Myatt Mrs Ann, wid, lives with Edward Teasley Myatt Mrs Emma, wid, boarding-house, 109 s Blount Myatt Alice,* house-servant, res 718 s Dawson Myatt Ferrebe,* washerwoman, res 323 w South Myers Luther A, ins agt, bds 305 Hillsboro' Myers Geo,* wks State Library, res 435 n Salisbury Myers Sallie,* wife Geo NASH Louise,* house-servant of Dr Thos D Hogg, res on lot Neal L C, grocer, cor "West and r r crossing, res 301 n West Neal Mrs K M, wife L C Neal Miss MoUie, d L C, res same, wks Hal cot mill Neal Miss Lelia, d L C, res same, wks Ral cot mill Neal Miss Caddie, d L C, res same, wks Ral cot mill Neal Frances,* housekeeper for Reuben Cole, res same Neathery Edward, bookbinder, bds 112 Halifax Neathery Mrs J B, wid, res 220 s Dawson Neimyer J C, eng SAL, res 118 Firwood ave, o s n Neimyer Mrs Sallie, wife J C Neirayer J E, son J C, res same, drug elk for Wynne & Birdsong Neimyer Miss Annie, d J C, res same, student Nellis Miss Mamie, seamstress, res 226 e Cabarrus Nelson Charles,* lab, res Martin, o s e Nelson Louise,* wife Chas Nelson Jackie,* mother of Chas, res same, sick-nurse Nelson Catherine,* washerwoman, res 602 s Person Newcomb Chas W, bkkpr for Pool & Moring, res 513 Halifax Newcomb Mrs Annie B, wife C W Newcomb Miss Alice B, d C W, res same Ne 21 7 Ni Newcomb Miss Lula, saleslady at Fred A Watson's, r with brother,. C W Xewcomb Newell Miss Annie, dressinaktM-, res 547 e Martin Newell Scott,* lab, res 413 n West Newell Pattie,* wife Scott, wasiierwoinan Newell Sallie,'^ d Scott, res same, cook for C B Barbee Newell Lewis,'' son Scott, res same, lab Newell Brittian,* son Scott, res same, wks for Wm J Saunders Newell Charlotte,'^ hoiise-servaiit for F H Briggs, res on lot Newkirk Miss M L, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Newman Wm W, elk J 11 Ferrall & Co, res 515 w Morgan Newman ]\[iss Mamie, d W W, res same, student Newman ]\Iiss Lelia, d W W, res same Newman ^Irs Annie, wid, hkpr Harrison House, res same Newman Miss Mabel, d Mrs Annie, res same, student Newsom J D, elk for C H Beine & Co, res 302 w Jones Newsom Mrs Sarah A, wife J D Newsom Miss Laura D, d J D, res same, teacher Newsom Chas F, son J D, res same, printer Newsom W R, elk W E Jones, res 525 Halifax st Newsom Mrs Maggie, wife W R Xewsom Julia,* washerwoman, res -ll-l s Swain Newton Geo, wks for city, res 402 rear Smithfield Newton Mrs Li Hie, wife Geo Newton Miss Cora, d Geo, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Newton Willie, son Geo, res same, student Newton Geo Jr, son Geo, res same, student Newton Miss Sallie, d Geo. res same, student Newton John, invalid, res 310 s Salisbury Newton Mrs Marv, wife John, seamstress Nesbitt R H, with Franklin Pub Co, N Y, res 435 Halifax Novels William,* lab, res 804 s Wilmington Nevels Florence,* wife William, washerwoman Nichols John, justice of peace and sec N C Agricultural Society,. office w Martin opp U S p o, rooms ]2XK^r.^VIVXZEIX> X868. Affords Indemnity for Loss ly Fire. Home Office : Kaleigb, N. C. Agencies throughout the State. W. S. PRIMROSE, President. CHAS. ROOT, Secretary and Treasurer. E. CHAMBERS SMITH, Vice-President. P. COWPER, Adjuster. R. B. De VAULT, Special Agent. No 219 No Noble Hazel,* son Ferry, res same, student Noland Patrick, iiiiiiato Soldiers' Home NORMAN Rev Dr W C, pastor Edenton-st Methodist church, res '2'2S w Edciitoii Norman Mrs Sallie C, wife Rev Dr W C Norman Rev Moses W D, teacher in Shaw University, res same Norman Jos R, carp, res 536 e Jones Norman Airs Rebecca, wife Jos R Norris Sam B, mgr for W E Jones, dry oroods, ifec, res 10;> ti McDowell Norris ^[rs Minnie F, wife Sam B Norris Wm H, son Sam B, res same, student Norris Delmer M, son Sam B, res same Norris M T & Bro, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 230 s Wilmington Norris M T (M T Norris & Bro), merchant, res 421 n Blount Norris Mrs C A, wife M T Norris Miss Mary E, d M T, res same, student Norris Miss Ethel ]\I, d M T, res same, student Norris ^Miss Willa, d M T, res same, student Norris Miss Ruby, d M T, res same, student Norris W C (M T Norris & Bro), bds 421 n Blount Norris C F, wks oil mill, res 514 s Harrington Norris Mrs Caroline, wife C F Norris C B, son C F, res same, quiller Caraleigh mill Norris Miss Ealia L, d C F, res same, weaver Caraleigh mill Norris James R, son C F, res same, cloth inspector Norris Miss Nella C, d C F, res same, weaver Caraleigh mill Norris Miss Irene H, d C F, res same, student Norris Lonnie R, son C F, res same, student NORTH CAROLINA HOME INS CO. 220 Fayetteville NORTH CAROLINA BLDG & SUPPLY CO, n AVest, builders and contractors North Carolina Phosphate Co, oftice 331 Fayetteville, C M Haw- kins pres, B S Jerman sec & treas NORTH CAROLINA CAR CO, Franklin, l)uilders and cc»nt'rs w. I. HICKS, Pres. C. H. BECKWITH, Vlce-Pres. W. 1. ELLINGTON, Treas. M SUD'l, NORTH CAROLINA Building and Supply Company, C0NTRAGT0RS2EIBUILDERS. No 220 No NORTH CAROLINA BOOK CO, 129 Fayetteville, E G Harrell mgr North-Side Drug Store (Wynne J S & Birdsong E G proprietors), 445 Halifax Northam E R, elk A B Stronach, bds 329 Hillsboro' Norwood Geo T, bookbinder, res 415 Elm Norwood Mrs Annie R Norwood's Cigar Factory, 214 s Wilinington, J M Norwood propr Norwood J M, cigar mfg, res 3<;>9 s Person Norwood Mrs Lnla C, wife J M Norwood Mrs D C, mother of J M, res same Norwood William, cigar maker, room 214 s Wilmington Norwood Burton,'^ lab, res 512 e Edenton Norwood Mary," wife Bnrton, washerwoman Norwood Nora," d Bnrton, res same, cook for T K Bruner Norwood Grizzie," washerwoman, res 506 Haywood Norwood Ben," lab, res 304 s Harrington Norwood Janie," wife Ben, washerwoman Norwood Lizzie," d Ben, res same, nurse Norwood Minnie," d Ben, res same, student Norwood Ella,* d Ben, res same, student Norwood Mary,'^ washerwoman, res Forsythe al Norwood Lucy,"" d Mary, res same, washerwoman Nott Roger, rooms 331 Fayetteville Nottingham J T, keeper of market, res 220 n Salisbury Nottingham Mrs E C, wife J T Nottingham Miss Alma L, d J T, res same Nottingham Miss Gracie B, d J T, res same Nottingham Geo S, son J T, res same, drng elk J Y MacRae Nottingham Miss Emily, d J T, res same, student Nottingham Wm G, wks S A L R R, res 218 n Harrington Nottingham Mrs MoUie, wife Wm G Nottingham Wm T, son Wm G, res same Nowell Alvin, boarding-house, 209 w Morgan Nowell W L, eng SAL, res 112 Firwood ave, o s n Nowell Mrs E G, wife W L The North Carolina Car Company, Manufacturers of Railroad Machinery and Mill Castings, Log Cars, &c., j^:r:e :pr,ei=»-a.r,eid to Repair Locomotives, Stationary Engines, and do general Machine Work. No 221 . Ol Nowell Ralph G, son W L, res same, wks SAL Nowell E B, son W L, wks Ral cot mill Nowell Miss Nannie, d W L, res same Nowell R M, elk for Woollcott ife Son, bds :^21 e Lane Nowell Patrick,* fireman Ral Electric Co, res !^!>5 e Lane Nowell Lucy,* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Nowell Alice,* cook, res w Lenoir, Rex Hospital property Nowell Chas,* son Alice, res same, student Nunn Roscoe, asst meteorologist U S Weather Bureau, res lis w Edenton Nunn Mrs Hattie D, wife Roscoe Nunn Daniel,* lab, res rear 508 s West Nunn Caroline,* wife Daniel, house work Nunn RufRn,* son Daniel, res same, farm hand Nunn Wm,* lab, res 510 e Davie Nunn Laura,* wife Wm, house work Nunn Rev Henry,* Methodist minister, res Nunn Nunn Harriet,* wife Rev Henry, nurse Nunn Lula,* d Rev Henry, res same r ^AK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, 216 Fayetteville, Page ^-^ ife Marshall proprietors Oaklev Annie,* washerwoman, res 212 w South Oakley Marshall,* lab, res 212 w South Oatney AVm,* crossing watchman S A L R R, res near cor West and Lane Oatney Annie,* wife Wm, washerwoman O'Bryant Lizzie,* nurse for Dr Hubert Haywood, res on lot O'Connell Douglas, blacksmith, res 212 s East O'Connell Mrs Ida M, wife Douglas Ogl>urn Isabella,* washerwoman, res Smithfield alley Ogburn Louisa,* washerwoman, res Smithfield alley Oghurn Ned,* hackman, res Smithfield alley O'Kelly Delphia,* house work, res A vent Ferry rd, o s \v O'Kelly Fannie,* d Delphia, res same O'Kelly Nannie,* d Delphia, res same O'Kelly John,* hackman, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w O'Kelly Anna,* wife John O'Kelly John,* student, i-es 1:21 s Blount O'Kelly Roger,* student, res 421 s Blount O'Kelly Wm,* student, res 421 s Blount O'Kelly Charles,* student, res 421 s Blount O'Kelly Isaac,* livery stable, e Martin O'Kelly John,* hackman, res o s w O'Kelly Roger,* hackman, res o s e Olds Fred A, newspaper correspondent, res Park Hotel Olds Mrs K A, wife Fred A Ol 222 Ok Olds Fred C, son Fred A, elk C E Johnson & Co, res Park Hotel Oldham M L, elk for H H Crocker, res 205 e Hargett Oldhain Mrs Maggie, wife M L Oldham Miss Bessie, d M L, res same, student Olive Mrs Jennie, dressmaker, res 309 s Blount Olive Henry, son Mrs Jennie, res same, restaurant Olive Anderson, inmate Soldiers' Home Olive W C, tel opr, hds 317 w Jones Olive Mrs Lovie, wife W C Olmstead Alton E, carp, res 216 e Lenoir Olmstead Mrs Sarah F, wife A E, dressmaker Olmstead Kobt T, son A E, res same, tinner Olmstead Miss Dora R, d A E, res same student Olmstead Jno W, son A E, res same, student Olmstead Harvey B, son A E, res same, student Olmstead Thos C, machinist, res fi02 e Davie Olmstead Miss Eula M, d Thos C, res same Olmstead Miss Ida B, d Thos C, res same O'Neill William, bkkpr, res Smith O'Neill Mrs Bettie, wife Wm O'Neill Miss Ordrey, d Wm, res same, student O'Neill J R, elk revenue office, res 215 w Cabarrus O'Neill Miss Annie M, d John R O'Neill David,"'"' lab, res rear 515 s Harrington O'Neill Eliza,* wife David, cook O'Neill Alice,* cook for W H Hollo way, res Martin, o s e O'Neill Maggie,* d Alice, res same, teacher of music O'Neill Cameron,* lab, res rear 548 e Hargett O'Neill Frances,* wife Cameron, washerwoman O'Neill Armada,* d Cameron, res same, nurse O'Neill Floyd,* son Cameron, res same, student O'Neill Roxanna,* cook, res 720 Fayetteville O'Neill Pleasant,* cook, res old Fair Ground, o s e O'Neill Mrs M E, seamstress, res 415 s Person O'Quinn Jesse, florist at H Steinmetz, bds 109 s Blount Ormand Miss Elnora, niece of W W Newman, res same Shaviijg and Ijair-Dressing Salooij^ 315 Fayetteville Street, RALEiaHj N. 0. Polite and Prompt Service. Hot and Cold Baths. Os 223 Pa Osborii XiiiK'j,* washerwoman, res s Harrington OTEY W G,* barber, sliop Yarboro' House bldg, res 12r» w Ca- barrus Otey Henry, ^' barber, res 511 s McDowell Otey Josephine,* wife Henry Otey Cloe,* house-servant, res 418 s McDowell Outlaw Mary A,* seamstress, res 715 s ]\[cDowell Outlaw Eliza,* d Mary A, res same, student Outlaw Mary A,* house-servant, bds Oil s Harrington Outlaw Julia,* cook, res 51() s East Outlaw David,* son Julia, res same Overhy W H, grocer, 201 Smithfield, res same Overby Mrs Eliza, wife ^Y H Overby Alex,* fireman SAL, res 2001 Yearby's lane Overby Lucy,* wife Alex, washerwo-man Overby Elgie,* greaser SAL, res Yearby's lane Overby Annie,* wife Elgie Overby Jane,* cook at Park Place, res same Overby Lewis,* train hand S A L R R, res 543 n Wilmington Overby Matilda,* wife Lewis, washerwoman Overton W H, sec Young Men's Christian Association, bds New- bern ave and Person Owen E C, printer, res 517 s Person Owen Mrs Mattie D, wife E C Owen Miss Hazel E, d E C, res same, student Owen Miss Susie V, d E C, res same, student Owens Miss Lucy, d Mrs F A Hutchings, res same, student Owens Mary,* nurse for Robert L Burkhead PACE Elias R, grocer, 702 n Person, res 704 n Person, o s n Pace Mrs W H, wid, res cor Blount and Polk Pace Miss Mattie, d Mrs W H, res same, student Pace Willie, son Mrs W H, res same, student Pace J M, sales stable, buggy and wagon dealer. 111 e Martin Pace Elias Jr, guard at penitentiary, res 721 Pace Pace R A, grocer, 713 n Person, res 711 n Person Pace Mrs Annie, wife R A Pace Miss Ellen, d R A, res same, student Pace E R, machinist S A L R R, res Franklin, o s n Pace Mrs Lula, wife E R Pace Mrs Isabella, mother E R, res same Pace Sallie,* washerwoman, res Adams lane Pace Bunny,* porter for J E Duke, res 724 e Davie Pace Ada,* washerwoman, res 22 Fowle Pace Nat,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e PAGE & MARSHALL, proprietors Oak City Laundry, 210 Fay- etteville Pa 224 Pa Page Kobert L, lanndrjinan, bds 404 Fayetteville Page Mrs S E, wid, res 620 w Jones Page Miss Louise, d Mrs S E, res same Page Miss Mary A, d Mrs S E, res same, teacher Page Miss Lucy, d Mrs S E, res same, student Page Dock" gardener, res 533 s Harrington Page Maria,* wife Dock, washerwoman Page Alva,* cook for S G Ryan, res on lot Page Henry H,* carp, res 405 Haywood Page Mary J,* wife Henry H, house work Page Malpheas,* hackman, res n Bloodworth, o s n Page Candace,* wife Malpheas, cook for Elias Pace Page Hattie,* restaurant, 221 s Wilmington, res same PAGE M W, sheriff Wake co, res Morrisville, N C Pair Gracie,* washerwoman, res 112 e Cabarrus Pair Lizzie,* washerwoman, res 406 Smith Palmer Amanda,* washerwoman, res 505 s Blount Palmer Wm H,* son Amanda, res same, porter for Miss M Reese Palmer Luvenia,* d Amanda, res same, house-servant for F O Moring Palmer James,* son Amanda, res same, lab Palmer Lillie,* d Amanda, res same, student Palmer Frank,* fireman S A L R R, res 205 w North Palmer Hannah,* wife Frank Palmer Hattie D,* d Frank, res same Palmer W H,* hotel waiter, res 517 s Dawson Pardon Mary,* cook for Jas H Ennis, res same Parham Hugh, salesman, bds Newbern ave and Person Parham James T, carp, res 102 n Saunders Parham Mrs Valia, wife Jas T Parham Miss Pattie C, d Jas T, res same Parham Miss Lydia B, d Jas T, res same Parham Jas L, son Jas T, res same, printer Parham Miss Evie S, d Jas T, res same Parham Robert E, saloon, board, sale and livery stable, IT Ex- change Place, 325 and 329 s Wilmington, res 214 e Martin Parham Mrs Rosa, wife R E Parham Miss Sal lie, d R E, res same, student Parham Miss Bessie, d R E, res same, student Parham Miss Katie, d R E, res same, student Parham Willie, son R E, res same, student Parham Robert E Jr, son R E, res same, student Parham James, son R E, res same Parham A W, piano and organ agt, res 223 s West Parham Mrs Mary A, wife A W Parham Irwin, son A W, res same, student Parham Allen,* lab, res 104 w Cabarrus Parham Catherine,* wife Allen, washerwoman Pa 225 Pa Parham Henrietta,* cook, res 104 w Cabarrus Parham Eliza,* mother of Allen, res same Parham Anise,* cook for R O Burton, res on lot Parham Etta,* chamber-maid at Park Place, res same Parham Hugh, salesman, bds cor Newborn ave and Person Park Charles B, instructor in mechanics at A & M College, res 314 Polk Park Mrs Effie L, wife C B Park Peyton H, son C B, res same Park Miss Frances, d C B, res same Park Ben] F (N C Bldg and Supply Co), yard and shop mgr, res 207 n" West Park Mrs Fannie C, wife Benj F Park John Alsey, son Benj F, res same Parker & Terrell, merchandise brokers, 312 s Wilmington Parker M A (M A Parker vfe Co), cot buyer, res 304 Oak wood ave Parker Mrs Martha J, wife M A Parker Eugene L, son M A, res same, student Parker Linus M, son M A, res same, student Parker Clyde E, son M A, res same, student Parker Miss Ethel G, d M A, res same, student Parker Miss Nelia C, matron Blind Institution, res same Parker Mrs Maggie, wid, res 114 w Martin Parker Milliard, son Mrs Maggie Parker Thos, wks Pal cot mill, res 446 Halifax Parker Mrs Lear, wife Thos Parker Claude S, elk at W E Jones, res cor McDowell and Martin Parker Mrs Sallie L, wife C S Parker C L, son C S, res same, student Parker Miss Mary O, d C S, res same, student Parker Miss Violet M, d C S, res same, student Parker Miss Lula E, d C S, res same, student Parker J W, grocer, 329 w Martin, res same Parker Mrs Mollie, wife J W Parker Harvey, son J W, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Parker Brantley, son J W, res same, weaver Caraleigh mill Parker Miss Arcey, d J W, res same, student Parker AV H, inmate Soldiers' Home Parker W B, inmate Soldiers' Home Parker W Howell, inmate Soldiers' Home Parker Mrs C N, wid, boarding-house, 117 Fayetteville (up-stairs) Parker Miss Minnie B, d Mrs C N, res same, student Parker Miss Lillie, d Mrs C N, res same, student Parker Scott, son Mrs C N, res sanie, student Parker Miss Ann, res with W A Linehan Parker Mrs Annie M, wid, res 117 e Edenton Parker Bartholomew Moore, son Mrs Annie M, res same, student 13 Pa 226 Pa Parker F W, drug elk for Jas I Johnson, rooms over store 301 Fayetteville Parker Anthony,* drayman, res 26 Paih'oad Parker Cornelia," wife Anthony, house work Parker Lillie,'^ cook, res 588 e Cabarrus Parker Hardy,* lab, res 564 Newbern ave Parker Emily,* wife Hardy Parker Keuben,* farm hand, res 834 s Wilmington Parker Eliza,* wife Reuben, washerwoman Parker Ann,* w^asherwoman, res Manly Parker Abram,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Parkinson J L, stenographer and typewriter, bds Harrison House Parish Mrs Margaret L, wid, res 547 e Jones Parish Sam M, son Mrs M L, res same, teacher of music Parish Iowa S, painter, res 547 e Jones Parish Mrs Minnie T, wife Iowa S Parish Walter W, painter, res 542 e Jones Parish Mrs Allie, wife W W Parish Willie, son W W, res same, student Parish Edward, son W W, res same, student Parish Lonnie, son W W, res same, student Parish Thomas, son W W, res same, student Parish John, painter, res 316 w Edenton Parish Mrs Sarah, wife John Parish Miss Mollie, d John, res same Parish Ephraim,* grocer, res 224 Newborn ave Parish Ira,* cook, res rear 224 Newbern ave Parish Edith,* washerwoman, res 421 s Salisbury Parish Eva,* d Edith, res same, student Parish Lula,* d Edith, res same, nurse Parrish Baxter, mechanic SAL, res 109 Johnson Parrish Mrs Sophia, wife Baxter Parrott G E, salesman, bds 554 e Hargett Parsons Wm R, gen merchandise, Prairie bldg, res same Parsons Mrs Mattie M, wife Wm R Parsons Miss Annie, d W R, res same, student Parsons Leroy, son Wm R, res same, student Partin Mrs E F, wid, res cor w Jones and St Mary's Partin Miss Julia B, d Mrs E F, res same, saleslady at Miss M Reese's Partin Thos A, elk at A B Stronach's, r cor w Jones and St Mary's Partin Mrs Annie G, wife Thos A Partin Donald B, son Mrs E F, res same, machinist Partin Leander H, elk, res Oak wood ave Partin Mrs Gertrude E, wife L H Partin G W, asst sec Y M C A, res cor Oakwood ave and East Partin Mrs Luenza, wife G W Pa 227 Pe Partin Miss Lena W, d G W, res same, stenograplier at Agricul- tural Dept Partin Noah,'^ lab, res Tarboro' rd, o s e Partin Isabella,* cook for C G Latta, res on lot Patterson S L, Commissioner of Agriculture, bds Yarboro' House Patterson Mrs Martha, wid, teacher in Centennial Graded School, bds 540 n Person Patterson Henry S, son Mrs Martha, res same, student Patterson Samuel, carp, res 8(>3 Jenkins Patterson Mrs Alice, wife Samuel Patterson Miss Fannie, d Samuel, res same, student Patterson Willie, son Samuel, res same, student Patterson Miss Emma, d Samuel, res same, student Patterson James, son Samuel, res same, student Patterson Henry C,* huckster, res 17 w Worth Patterson Lucy A," wife H C, house work Patterson Esau,* fireman at ice factory, res 208 w South Patterson Henrietta," wife Esau, washerwoman Patterson Willimetta,* d Esau, res same, student Patterson James T,* train hand, res 116 \v Peace Patterson Indiana,* wife James T, washerwoman Patterson Annie,* d James T, res same, washerwoman Patterson Amanda,* restaurant, res 311 w Cabarrus Patterson Sam,* lab, res 311 w Cabarrus Patterson John,* lab, res 807 Cannon Patterson Sarah,* wife John, house work Patterson Annie,* washerwoman, res 7-43 Manly Patterson W H,* merchant, res 744 s Wilmington Patterson Alice A,* wife W H Patterson James R,* son AV H, res same, student Patterson AVillie H,* son W H, res same, student Patterson Martin L,* son AV H, res same, student Paschall Frank P,* butler for R H Battle, res 746 s Wilmington Paschall Cora,* wife F P, washerwoman Paschall Frank,* son F P, res same, student Paschall Hattie,* d F P, res same, student Passmore Chas B, elk C A Sherwood & Co, bds 108 w Edenton Patrick Isaac,* lab, res 820 Smithfield al Patrick Charlotte,* wife Isaac, washerwoman Patrick Eunice,* d Isaac, res same, washerwoman Patrick Nathaniel,* son Isaac, res same, laborer Pauli Hubert, student, res 119 w Martin Payne Jas H,* shoemaker, res 407 Hillsboro' Peace Annie,* cook for Mrs C Durham, res same Pearce T C, quiller at Caraleigh mill, res 711 s West Pearce Mrs Lula, wife T C Pearce Jeft', moulder, res 214 w Cabarrus Pearce Mrs Emma, wife Jeff Pe 228 Pe Pearce Miss Lillie, d Jeif, res same, student Pearce J B, elk W H & R S Tucker & Co, res 119 Hillsboro' Pearce Mrs O M, wife J B Pearce Miss I O, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Pearce Nancy,* nurse for T M Ar^o, res on lot Pearce Sarah,* cook for J C Moore, res on lot PEARSON CHARLES, architect, office in Pullen bldg, bds 520 n Person Pearson D O, saloon elk, bds 4»>T Fayetteville Peatross J M, painter, res Oberlin, o s w Peddy T N, wks cot oil mill, res 317 s Harrington Peddy Mrs Lucetta, wife T N Peddy Miss Effie, d T N, res same, saleslady at Woollcott & Son Peddy Lester, son T N, res same, drug elk Peddy Miss Annie, d T N, res same, student Peddy John A, mechanic, res 205 e Hargett Peddy Miss Hattie, saleslady Lyon Racket Store, res 205 e Hargett Peddy D M, printer, res 205 e Hargett Peebles W F, inmate Soldiers' Home Peebles Lawrence W,* drayman, res 320 s Blount Peebles Lucy L,* wife L W, washerwoman Peel P A, carp, res -409 n Salisbury Peel Mrs T X, wife P A Peele & Maynard, lawyers, office over 239 s Wilmington Peele W J (Peele & Maynard), lawyer, bds 329 Hillsboro' Pegram L B, traveling salesman, res 622 w Jones Pegram Mrs Ella, wife L B Pegram Louis, son L B, res same, student Pegram Frank,* porter at A V Emery, res rear 405 s Dawson Peuram John,* lab, res 225 e Lane Pegues Prof A W,* supervisor of the colored D D & B Inst, res same Pegues Ella C,* wife Prof AW, teacher in oral department of the colored D D & B Inst Pegues Adaline,* mother of Prof A W, res same Pell Mrs Annie P, wid, seamstress, res 326 w Jones Pell Harden, son Mrs Annie P, "res same, student Pemberton John, nephew R T Gray, res same, student Pence Thomas, butcher, res 222 e Morgan Pence Mrs Annie E, wife Thomas Pence Thomas J, son Thomas, res same, city editor Press- Visitor Pennington Wm, collector for Thomas & Maxwell, r 209 Tucker Pennington Mrs Belle, wife Wm Pennington S P, blacksmith, res 209 w Davie Pennington Mrs Octelia, wife S P Pennington Manney, elk for W A Upchurch, res 209 w Davie Penny W S, elk for D T Johnson, res same Penny Orvid, elk M T Norris & Bro, bds 222 e Martin Pe 229 Pe Penny Ransom S, elk for J M Monie, bds 105 Freeman Penny Sarah J," cook, res 422 s Swain Penny Lucinda,'^ cook, res 422 s Swain Penny Mary M/' cook, res 422 s Swain Penny Georgiana,'^ cook, res 422 s Swain Penny Lavina,"^' nurse, res 422 s Swain Penny David, ^ lab, res 211 Cannon Penny Joseph,* city hand, res 211 Cannon Penny Charles,* lab, res 211 Cannon Penny Alex,* porter for Dewar c'c Wilder, res 211 Cannon Penny Robt,* lab, res 531 e Edenton Penny Ann,* wife Robt, washerwoman Penny Simon,* lab, res 422 s Swain Penny Louise,* wife Simon Penny Ada,* washer and ironer, res 529 s Wilmington Penny William, lab, rooms 1<»9 w Lenoir Penny Winnie,* cook, rooms 738 s Person Penny Bettie,* cook, res 423 n Salisbury Perdue Mrs Sophia, wid, res Pace, o s n Perdue Samuel, son Mrs Sophia, res same, invalid Perdue Miss Bettie, housekeeper for W W Newman, res same Perkins Emily,* washerwoman, res Blount-st al Perkins T A, machinist S A L R R Perkinson Mrs E J, wid, res 111 s Bloodworth Perkinson ALiss Evie, d Mrs E J, res same, saleslady for W E Jones Perkinson B J, son Mrs E J, res same, app machinist Perkinson Wm,* porter M T Norris & Bro, res 821 Smithfield al Perkinson Mary,* wife Wm Perkinson Louisa,* d Wm, res same, student Perkinson Sarah,* g-d Wm, res same, student Perkinson Docie,* washerwoman, res 425 Smith Perkinson Cora,* d Docie, res same, laundress Perkinson Isaac,* son Docie, res same, lab Perry Mrs Mary D, wid, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Perry Henry J, son Mrs Mary D, elk for A J Ellis Perry Miss Mattie R, d Mrs Mary D, res same, cashier at C A Sherwood & Co Perry Henry, supt Raleigh Ice & Refrigerating Co, res cor Har- gett and West Perry Delia N, wife Henry Perry Miss Zelma, d Henry, res same Perry W B, butcher, res 11!> Polk Perry Mrs S A, wife W B Perry M C, street hand, res 227 n Dawson Perry Mrs Winnie, wife M C Perry Columbus H, carp, res 223 8 Person Perry Mrs Kate, wife C H Perry Con, son C H, res same, plasterer Pe 230 Pe Perry Hubert, son C H, res same, student Perry Mrs B L, wid, res with J A Duncan Perry John, son Mrs B L, res san.e, student Perry Miss Etta, d Mrs B L, res same, student Perry Thomas,* driver for D T Jolinson, res near Soldiers' Home, o s e Perry Lucinda,* wife Thos, washerwoman Perry Thomas,* student, res same Perry Millie,* d Thomas, res same, student Perry Maggie D,* d Thomas, res same, student Perry Emma,* d Thomas, res same, student Perry Judy,* cook, res 28 Hayti Perry Norfleet,* lab, res 28 Hayti Perry Hixie,* house-servant, res 28 Hayti Perry Chas H,* butcher, res 402 e Davie Perry Nannie,* wife Chas H Perry Charles,* son C H, res same, student Perry Mabel,* d C H, res same, student Perry Ezekiel,* son C H, res same, student Perry Gertrude,* d C H, res same, student Perry Christina,* d C H, res same, student Perry Goldie,* d C H, res same Perry Narcissa,* dressmaker, res -!■()!> s Bloodworth Perry Sarali,* seamstress, res 401* s Bloodworth Perry Alexander,* son Narcissa, res same Perry Leander,* son Narcissa, res same Perry Rev Geo W,* Baptist minister, res 812 s Blount Perry Chloe,* wife Rev Geo W, house work Perry Burt,* lab, res 527 e Lenoir Perry Delia,* wife Burt, cook Perry Henry,* musician, res Watson Perry Lula,* wife Henry, house work Perry Sophronia,* house-servant, res 417 s Swain Perry Luke,* son Sophronia, res same, farm hand Perry Joe,* driver for Dr A W Knox, res rear 309 Hillsboro' Perry Ella,* wife Joe, cook for Mrs W H Holloman Perry Rachel,* nurse for R T Gray, res 120 e Cabarrus Perry Hannah,* d Rachel, res same, servant Perry Alex,* son Rachel, res same, wks city market Perry Robert,* son Rachel, res same, lab Perry Mooney,* son Rachel, res same, lab Perry Julia,* cook, res 210 w Lenoir Perry Charles,* driver, res old Fair Ground, o s e Perry Cora,* wife Charles, washerwoman Perry Maria,* cook, res 714 Fayetteville Perry Charles,* son Maria, res same, butler Perry Ella,* d Maria, res same, cook Perry Mary,* d Maria, res same, cook Pe 231 Pe Perry Mary W,* house-girl Jas Baker, res s McDowell Perry Winnie," washerwoman, res 121 w Davie Perry Ephraini, farmer, res 12(» Johnson Perry j\lrs L W, wife Ephniim, boarding house Perry Luvenia,* cook for D H Crawford, res same Perry Richard,* servant, res 403 Smithfield Perry Lee H, huckster, res oBT Newbei-n avc Perry Mrs Olia C, wife Lee H Perry Miss Julia, d Lee H, res same Perry Thomas,^ bell-boy Park Hotel, rooms 522 e Martin Perry Ilev Joseph," Baptist minister, res 517 e Davie Perry Annie," wife Joseph, house work Perry Elijah," blacksmith, i-es I^ledsoe ave Perry Eliza,* nurse, res 321: w Edenton Perry Burton C, lab, res e Lenoir Perry Mrs Ann, wid, res 12H w Lane Perry Theo, weaver Caraleigh cot mill, l)ds 739 Fayetteville Person Henry,* waiter at Park Hotel res Watson Person Dora,* wife Henry, house work Person Silva,* cook, res e Davie, o s e Pescud John S, druggist, 118 Fayetteville, res 540 n Person Pescud Mrs Isabella W, wife John S Pescud Miss Jane H, d John S, res same Pescud Miss Mary W, d John S, res same, student Pescud Miss Belle W, d John S, res same, student Pescud Miss Annie L, d John S, res same, student Pescud John S Jr, son John S, res same, student Pescud Ed F, mgr N C Book Co, res 107 n Saunders J^escud Thomas, grocer, 214 Fayetteville, res 107 n Saunders Pescud Miss Marj- T, sister of E F Pescud, res same Pescud J T, elk for A B Stronach, res 107 n Saunders PESCUD THOMAS, wholesale and retail grocer, 214 Fayette- ville, res n Saunders Peterson A J, machinist SAL, res 421 n Salisbury Peterson Mrs Addie, wife A J Peterson Louis, son A J, res same, student ^he pamily Qrocer, 214 Fayetteville Street, - - RALEIGH, N. C. Everything in the Grocery Line that a Family needs. Pe 232 Pi Peterson Miss Snsie, d A J, res same, student Pettiford Elizabeth,* servant, res Rock Quarry rd Pettiford Eliza,* d Elizabeth, res same, house-servant Petti^rew William,* painter, res 125 e Cabarrus Petty Rev Jerry,* Christian minister, res 18 Hayti Petty Annie,* wife Rev Jerry, washerwoman Petty Julia,* d Rev Jerry, res same, washerwoman Petty Priscilla,* d Rev Jerry, res same, student Petty John,* son Rev Jerry, res same, student Petty Robt,* lab, res Cannon Petty Mattie,* wife Robt, w^asherwoman Phifer David,* brick-mason, res 525 e Lenoir Phifer Louise,* wife David Phillips & Co, grocers, 329 s Wilmington Phillips L B (Phillips & Co), merchant, res 310 s Person Phillips W A, elk for Phillips & Co, res 310 s Person Phillips F P, son L B, elk for Frank Stronach, res same Phillips Jarvis, son L B, res same, wks Linnell laundry Phillips Miss Carrie, d L B, res same, milliner Phillips Miss Roberta, d L B, res same, student Phillips Miss Rosa, d L B, res same, student Phillips Miss Veva, d L B, res same, student Phillips J W, elk for Robt E Paiham, res cor Martin and Swain Phillips Mrs Jimmie, wife J W Phillips Fletcher, elk for M T Norris & Bro, res 502 s Salisbury Phillips Mrs Eula H, wife Fletcher Phillips Mrs Salina, housekeeper for Wra C Upchurch, res same Phillips Frank,* cook at Soldiers' Home, res Kildee lane Phillips Maggie B,* wife Frank, washerwoman Phillips Mary E,* d Frank, res same, chamber-maid Dr V E Tur- ner Phillips Maggie F,* d Frank, res same, chamber-maid F H Came- ron Phillips Janet E,* d Frank, res same, washerwoman Phillips Delia A,* d Frank, res same, student Phillips Annie B,* d Frank, res same, student Phillips Frank R,* son Frank, res same, porter for Dr V E Turner Phillips Ned,* nurse hospital Soldiers' Home, res 17 s Swain Phillips Chloe,* wife Ned Phillips Mary,* teacher parochial school of Episcopal church, res 17 s Swain Phoebus Miss A E W, res with Prof W F Massey PHYSIOC J E, merchant tailor, 131J Fayetteville Physioc Mrs Laura V, wife J E Physioc Louis V, son J E, res same, elk at Experimental station Physioc Fenix T, son J E, res same, student Physioc Miss Jessie P, d J E, res same Pickett Miss Nannie, res with W A Howell Pi 233 Pi Pierce Mrs D F, wid, res 306 n Person Pierce Miss Ada, d IVIrs D F, res same, student Pierce Ernest, son Mrs D F, res same, student Pierce Miss Kate, d Mrs D F, res same, student Pierce Miss Polly INI, wks Edwards it Broughton bookbindcry, rooms 422 s Wilmingtoti Pierce Mrs ^[atilda, wid, hk])r for T C Olmstead ierce Thomas, son Mrs ^latilda, res same ierce Miss Minnie, d ]\Irs IMatiida, res same Pierce Brittain,* huckster, res ^A6 e Cabarrus Pierce Louise A,* wife Brittain, house work ierce Mariam,* d Brittain, res same, student ierce Alice,'"'" cook for 11 H Brooks, res Hargett, o s e ierce Mrs Mary, wid, res with J S Keith ierce Sarah," washerwoman, res Hargett, o s e Pike John W, keeper of arsenal, res 311 w Davie Pike Mrs Etta, wife John W Pike B N, son John AV, res same, wks for Jones & Powell Pike J R, son John W, res same, wks for Jones & Powell Pike Peter,* gardener, res 215 s Harrington Pike Barney, wks for Gas Co, res 315 s McDowell Pike Mrs Charlotte L D, wife Barney Piper John, tailor, bds 117 Favetteville PITTINGER Rev Dr I McK, rector Good Shepherd church, res I2'.t Hills])oro' Pittinger Mrs L W G, wife Rev Dr I McK Pittinger Miss Louise, d Rev Dr I McK, res same, student Pittinger Paul, son Rev Dr I McK, res same, student Pittman J C, printer, res 543 e Hargett Pitt man Mrs Mary C, wife J C Pittman Miss Mary D, d J C, trained nurse Rex Hospital Pittman Miss Gracie W, d J C, res same Pittman AVm J, son J C, res same, elk for John C Drewry Pittman Joseph, son J C, res same, student Pitts Sharp,* wks Oak City Laundry, res 825 Manly Pitts Nannie," wife Sharp, washerwoman J. E. PHYSIOC, 'Merchant Tailor, LEADER T, O T T T /^~~\ 1\ T "'»'^-^'^''*'' Tailoring np I 1 /-\ ^v I I ( ) \ \J at reasonable prices. Will Save yon 10 to 15 Dol lars oo a Siiil '^^^^ITIVJ;^' ^^''"' Pi 234 Po Pitts Pattie,* d Sharp, res same, student Pitts Lovie,* d Sharp, res same, student Pitts Tempie," cook for Geo C Upehurch, res 554 e Edenton Pitts Mary,* d Tempie, res same, washerwoman Pitts Lula,* d Tempie, res same, washerwoman Pitts Arlina,* d Tempie, res same, house-serv^ant Pitts Henry,* wks Oak City Laundry, res Bledsoe ave Pitts Blanche,* wife Henry Pleasant B S, wks Pullen Park, res 119 Johnson Pleasant Mrs Annie, wife B S Pleasant B B, son B S, res same, wks Ral cot mill Pleasant Miss Hattie, d B S, res same, wks Ral cot mill Pleasant Wm A, son B S, res same, student Pleasant Miss Maud, d B S, res same, student Pleasant Thad H, eng S A L R R, res 217 n Dawson Pleasant Mrs Penny, wife Thad H Pleasant Miss Adelaide, d Thad H, res same Pleasant Miss Evalina, d Thad H, res same Plummer William,* ])orter for J R Ferrall ct Co, res 612 s McDowell Plummer William,* lab, res 120 w South Plummer Silvia,* wife Wm, house work Plummer Harriet,* washerwoman, res w Lane, near R R Plummer Frank,* farm hand, res 423 e Lenoir Plummer Mary,* washerwoman, res 423 e Lenoir Plummer Kemp,* lab, res 114 e Morgan Plummer Peter,* carp, res 114 e Morgan Plummer Fannie,* wife Peter, washerwoman Plummer Ben,* lab, res 517 e Lenoir Plummer Laura,* wife Ben, washerwoman Plummer Rachel,* d Ben, res same, servant Plummer Mabel, d Ben, res same, servant Poe H, cashier Southern Express Co, res 107 s McDowell Poe Mrs Bessie, wife H Poe John,* train hand SAL, res 116 w Peace Poe Ida,* wife John, washerwoman Pogue Jos E, tobacco mfr, factory 315 s Wilmington, res IS e Ca- barrus Pogue Mrs Henrietta, wife Jos E Pogue Jos E Jr, son Jos E, res same, student Pointer Lizzie,* washerwoman, res 514 s Dawson Pointer Merriman,* driver for Chas Bretsch, res 514 s Dawson Pointer Lucinda, seamstress, res 514 s Dawson Polk Dan K,* porter for Col A B Andrews, res 716 s McDowell Polk Matilda,* wife Dan K, house work Polk Mary,* d Dan K, res same, student Polk Ethel,* d Dan K, res same, student Polk Bessie,* d Dan K, res same, student Po 235 Po Polk Mrs L L, wid, res 565 n Person Polk Miss Carrie, d Mrs L L, res same, art student Polk Nellie," seamstress, res 41S e Martin Polk Hannah,* d Nellie, res same, cuok Poindexter Peter,* chief cook Park Hotel, res same Pollard Caswell, farmer, res Smithfield Pool & Morinji:, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 237 s Wilmin2;ton Pool S C (Pool & Moriiig), merchant, res 323 Hillsboro' Pool Mrs Jennie, wife S C Pool Miss Janet, d S C, res same, student Pool Harry, son S C, res same student Pool Pool Miss Martha L, d S C, res same Pool Miss Christine, d S C, res same Pool R C, driver for City Fire Dept, res 119 w Morgan Pool Mrs Eva, wife R C Pool Bud, driver for City P'ire Dept, res 111) w Morgan Pool Miss Bessie, d R C, res same, student Pool ]\[iss Mildred, d R C, res same, student Pool Robert, son R C, res same, student Pool Epenetus N, grocer, e Davie, res 506 e Hargett Pool Mrs Lillie, wife E N Pool Miss Clyde, d E N, res same, student Pool Miss Eva, sister of E N, res same Pool Burborn, wks at penitentiary, res 121 w Morgan Pool Mrs Ellen, wife Burborn Pool Miss Ellen, d Burborn, res same, wks Ral cot mills Pool John, son Burborn, res same, lab Pool Selly, son Burborn, res same Pool Miss E A, prin Murphy Graded School, bds 116 n Dawson Pool J H, elk, res 313 s Harrington Pool Mrs Ada F, wife J H Pool Alonzo, res 313 s Harrington Pool Lonnie, son Alonzo, res same, gateman at Union depot Pool M B (King & Pool), merchant, rooms at store Pool J M, inmate Soldiers' Home Pool Eliza,* washerwoman, res e Davie, o s e Pool CiBsar,* son Eliza, res same, driver for N W West Pool Australia,* son Eliza, res same, hotel waiter Pool Ransom, shoemaker, res 430 s East Pool Mrs Elizabeth, wife Ransom Pool Wm,* lab, res 553 e Edenton Pool Bertan A,* washerwoman, res 553 e Edenton Pool Willie,* son Wm, res same, student Pool Mary,* d Wm, res same, student Pool Susan,* washerwoman, res rear 217 w South Pool Harry,* son Susan, res same, student Pool Wm,* gardener, res Townes alley Po 236 Po Pool Caroline,* wife Wm, washerwoman Pool Patsy,* washerwoman, res Martin, o s e Pool Jack,* carp, res Martin, o s e Pool Anna,* wife Jack, groceries Pool Violet,* cook, res 580 e Cabarrus Pool Bettie,* d Violet, res same, student Pool Pena,* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Pool Fannie,* cook James Freeman, res same Pool Mrs J F, wid, res 119 Hillsboro' Pope J A (Barbee & Pope), candy mfg, res n Saunders Pope Mrs Alice, wife J A Pope Arthur, son J A, res same, student Pope Miss Blanche, d J A, res same, student Pope Miss Bessie, d J A, res same, student Pope Mrs Martha, wid, dressmaker, res 513 n Salisbury Pope Levy,* porter for W II King & Co, res rear 401: Hillsboro' Pope Hannah,* wife Levy Pope Burton,* son Levy, res same, student Pope Bertha,* d Levy, res same, student Pope William,* carp, res 312 Cannon Pope Holland,* wife Wm, washerwoman Pope Herbert,* son AVm, res same, student Pope Anthony,* lab, res 407 w South Pope Lizzie,* wife Anthony, cook Pope Jane,* d Anthony, res same, cook Pope Benj,* lab, res 119 n Harrington Pope Leanna,* cook, res 512 e Davie Pope Richard,* lab, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w Pope Kate,* wife Richard, house work Porter Edward, spinner Pal cot mill, res 510 n West Porter Mrs Effie, wife Edward Porter Miss Maggie, d Edward, res same, wks Pal cot mill Porter John H, bkkpr, rer Oberlin Postal Telegraph and Cable Co, 11 e Martin, W J Crews mgr Poster Patsy,* washerwoman, res 121 n Harrington Poster Charles,* lab, res 127 n Harrington Poster Fannie,* wife Chas, washerwoman Poster Mary,* d Chas, res same, cook for Dr F J Haywood Poster Millie,* d Chas, res same, cook for Geo D Meares Poster Ella,* d Chas, res same, washerwoman Poster Jennie,* d Chas, res same, servant Poster Susie,* d Chas, res same, servant Poster Annie,* washerwoman, res 8 s Harrington Potter cVj Scott, saloon and livery stable, 114 e Martin Potter J E (Potter & Scott), saloon keeper, res 600 s Salisbury Potter Mrs Annie, wife J E Porter Mrs Sarah, wid mother J E, res same Potter Zach, carp, bds 402 v/ Morgan Po 237 Pk Potter James,* lab, res 212 w South Potter Sarah,* wife James, washerwoman Potter E C, agt Norfolk and Southern R R, bds Dr R B Ellis Potter Mrs Lula B, wife E C Potts Miss Charity, house work, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w Potts R L, agt Southern frt depot Powell A M (Jones it Powell), merchant, res 502 Ilillsboro' Powell Mrs Jennie, wife A M Powell Thomas, son A M, res same, wks Crystal Ice Factory Powell ^Liss Lena, d A M, res same Powell ^[iss Bessie, d A M, res same, student Powell Miss Jennie, d A M, res same, student Powell Miss Ethel, d A M, res same, student Powell James, son A M, res same, student Powell George,* blacksmith for T A Bowen, res n Swain Powell Annie E,* wife Geo, washerwoman Powell William,* son Geo, res same, lab Powell Mary,* d Geo, res same, house-servant for C M Busbee Powell Dennis,* son Geo, res same, student Powell Robert,* son Geo, res same, student Powell Geo Jr,* son Geo, res same, student Powell Clara,* house-servant, res 712 s Saunders Powell Simon,* lab, res 231 Freeman, o s 3 Powell Helen,* wife Simon, washerwoman Powell James,* son Simon, res same, lab Powell Elnora,* d Simon, res same, student Powell Turner,* son Simon, res same, student Powell Spencer,* driver for Southern Express Co, res 320 w North Powell Annie,* wife Spencer Powell Lula,* d Spencer, res same, student Powell Arthur,* son Spencer, res same, servant for Mrs L B Evans Powell Sherman,* son Spencer, res same, student Powell Junius,* son Spencer, res same, student Powell Spencer Jr,* student, res 320 w North Powell Charles,* lab, res 534 e Davie Powell Elvira,* wife Chas, washerwoman Powell Diana,* d Chas, res same, washerwoman Powell Sam,* son Chas, res same, lab Powell Frella, res n Salisbui-y Powell Telfair, flagman SAL, res n Salisbury Powell Hattie,* house-servant, res Martin, o s e Powell Roanna,* washerwoman, S02 s Blount Powell Mary,* d Roanna, res same, student Powell Mattie,* d Roanna, res same, student Powell Arthur,* carp, res 51 s w Lane Powell Thos,* porter at Cross & Linehan's, res 108 Xewbern ave Powell Ann,* cook for L B Pegram, res on lot J 'rather Annie,* washerwoman, res Caswell lane Pr 238 Pr Prather Edgar,* son Annie, res same, porter at L H Adams' Prather Frank,* son Annie, res same, porter at Moses Bledsoe's Prather Joseph,* son Annie, res same, student Prather David,* son Annie, res same, student Prather Jennie,* d Annie, res same, student Pratt David,* lab, res 310 w South Pratt Emma,* washerwoman, res rear 405 s Dawson Pratt Bettie,* d Emma, res same, washerwoman Pratt Lillie,* d Emma, res same, washerwoman Pratt Robert,* house-servant for Chas E Johnson, room 106 e Ca- barrus Prayer Tony,* lab, res 540 e Edenton Prayer Penny,* wife Tony, washerwoman Prayer Julia,* sister of Tony, res same, student Prendergast Pev Father J M, pastor Church of the Sacred Heart, res 204 Hillsboro' Price Thomas,* driver for Park Hotel, res 118 e Cabarrus Price Silvia,* wife Thos, washerwoman Price Henry,* son Thos, res same, student Price Janie,* d Thos, res same student Price W E,* butcher, res 715 Manly Price Ella,* wife W E, house work Price Alonzo,* teacher, res 108 n West Price Elia,* wife Alonzo Price Osborn,* city hand, res 617 e Lenoir Price Sallie,* wife Osborn, washerwoman Price Henry,* lab, res 545 e Edenton Price Isabella,* wife Henry, washerwoman Price Thos J, machinist, res 306 n Person Price Sion D, machinist, res 306 n Person Price Willis,* waiter at restaurant, res Martin, o s e Price Martha,* wife Willis, servant Price Lou,* cook, res e Davie, o s e Price Harmon,* son Lou, res same, lab Price Sue,* washerwoman, res rear 517 s Dawson Price Anna,* washerwoman, res Adams lane Priddy Edgar, elk for W E Jones, bds 540 n Blount Prince Sandy, city hand, res Fayetteville Prince Mrs Sarah, wife Sandy Prince Miss Pearl, d Sandy, res same Prince Miss Myrtle, d Sandy, res same PRIMROSE WM S, pres N C Home Ins Co, res 621 w Jones Primrose Mrs Ella P, wife Wm S Primrose Henry, son Wm S, res same, student Primrose Miss Jessie, d Wm S, res same, student Primrose Miss Helen, d Wm S, res same, student Primrose R Owen, son Wm S, res same, student Primrose Hugh W, son Wm S, res same, student Pr 239 Pu Primrose Will S, son Win S, res same Primrose Miss Eliza, d Mrs F A Olds, res same Pritchurd J H ct Co,^^ irrocers, 212 e Cabarrus Pritc-hard John," lab, res Nuini, o s s Pritchard Martha,* washerwoman, res Nunn, o s s Privett Mason," cook, res 521 e Lenoir Privett Edward,* lab, res 521 e Lenoir Privett Emma,* d Mason, res same, nurse Privett Mart,* son Mason, res same, hostler Privett Cherry,* washerwoman, res 228 w South Privett Joseph,* son Cherry, res same, lab Proctor Ivan M, planter, res Newbern ave, o s e Proctor Mrs Lucy B, wife Ivan M Proctor Robert M, son Ivan M, res same, student Proctor Miss Jennie M, d Ivan M, res same, student Proctor Chas I,* grocer, res 110 n Harrington Proctor Lillie A,* wife Chas I Pngb David, inmate Soldiers' Home Pullen Jno T, cashier Ral Savings Bank, rooms over Y M C A Pullen Miss Sallie, housekeeper for Sam Bogasse, res same Pullen Sion, carp, res A vent Ferry rd, o s w Pullen Mrs Sophronia, wife Sion Pullen Miss Ion a, d Sion, res same Pullen Miss Sadie, d Sion, student Pulley Rufus H, carp, res Haywood Pulley Mrs Fannie, wife Rufus H Pulley ]\[elton, son Rufus H, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Pulley Mrs Charlotte, seamstress, res 400 Haywood Pulley Miss Carsie, d Mrs Charlotte, res same Pulley Caroline,* washerwoman, res rear 205 e Hargett Pulley J C, carp, res e Davie, o s e Pulley Mrs Annie, wife J C, dressmaker Purnell Thos R, lawyer, office in Mahlen bldg, res 422 n Person Purnell Mrs Adelia, wife T R Purnell Miss Lula V, d T R, res same Purnell Miss Elizabeth, d T R, res same Purnell Miss Annie B, d T R, res same, student Purnell Miss Adelia, d T R, res same, student Purnell Thos R Jr, son T R, res same, student Purnell James McKee, son T R, res same Puryear James, tobacconist, res with J W Cheek Puryear Miss Addie, d James, res same Puryear J R, inmate Soldiers' Home Putney Wesley, printer, res 2(>5 Smithlield Putney ^Irs Bettie, wife Wesley Putney Miss Ella, d' Wesley, res same Putney Willie, son Wesley, res same, student Putney Edward, son Wesley, res same, student Pu 240 Ra Putney Miss Einiria, d Wesley, res same, student Putney Richard, janitor Centennial Graded School, res rear of the school Putney Miss Sabry, d Richard, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Putney Miss Sallie, d Richard, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Putney Miss Virginia, d Richard, wks Caraleigh mill Putney Mrs Martha, wid, res 612 e Davie Putney Miss Gertrude, d Mrs Martha, res same, seamstress Putney Miss Laura, d Mrs Martha, res same, seamstress T) ABr James, elk for J M Monie ^^ Raines John, wood worker, bds 416 s Person Raines Mrs Rebecca, wife John Raleigh Gas Company, office cor McDowell and Cabarrus, B P Williamson pres, W T McGee sec and treas Raleigh Crystal Ice Factory, 120 s West, Jones & Powell proprie- tors RALEIGH STATIONERY COMPANY, mfg stationers, station ery, blank books, office and sciiool supplies, 3(;»9 Fayetteville, W G Separk mgr Raleigh Telephone Exchange, llOJ Fayetteville, Geo H Glass mgr RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK, cor Fayetteville and Hargett^ Raleigh Cotton Mills, near SAL shops, C G Latta pres^ C E Johnson vice-pres, J S Wynne sec and treas, H B Greason supt, manufactures cot yarns Raleigh Male Academy, cor Jones and Bloodworth, ^Lorson vfe Denson principals Raleigh Paper Company, mills at Falls Neuse, office 6 w Martin, J N Holding sec, treas and mgr Ramie John,* fireman S A L R R, res Fleming's lane Ramie Celia,* wife John, washerwoman Ramie George,* son John, res same, grocer Ramie Joseph,* son John, res same, student Ramsey Miss Mary, sister of Mrs C A Separk, res same W. C. Stronach, Pres. G. Rosenthal, Vice-Pres. Jno. T Pullen, Cashier. J. O. Litchford, Teller. Raleigh Savings Bank. CAPITAL, $15,000. SURPLUS, $1 1 ,000. Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. Ra 241 Ra Ramsey J L, editor Progressive Farmer, rooms over Robt Simp- son's drug store Ramsey Mrs Martha J, wid, res 110 w Martin Ramsey ^[iss Etta S, d ^[rs Martha J, res same Ramsey Annie,* washerwoman, res lo" n Harrington Rand X j\I (Crowder Sc Rand), mercliant, res r»10 Fayetteville Rand Mrs Salina E, wife N M Rand Pliilip B, son N M, res same Rand Julian A, son N M, res same Rand AVm H, steward Institution for the l>lind, res at Institution Rand Mrs S F, wife Wm H Rand Isabella,'' washerwoman, res 117 e Cabarrus Rand ^[aggie,* sister Isabella, res same, washerwoman Rand AYilliam,* drayman, res 304 s East Rand Maria,* wife Wm, res same, washerwoman Rand Anna,* d Wm, res same, cook Rand Lena,* d Wm, res same, student Rand Briny, "^' washerwoman, res -1:12 e Martin Rand Robert, elk Julius Lewis Hardware Co, bds 508 Fayetteville Rand Clara,* house work, res 570 e Cabarrus Rand Esther,* washerwoman, res 708 s McDowell Rand Susie,* d Esther, res same, nurse Randall W G, portrait painter, res cor n Wilmington and Polk Randall Mrs Annie J, wife W G Randall L Y, machinist, bds 311 Hillsboro' RANEY R B, gen agt for N C of the Penn Mutual Life Ins Co, office Yarboro' House bldg, bds Yarboro' House Ransom Robert L,* farm hand, res 615 s McDowell Ransom Ida L,* student, res 214 Cannon Ransom Ellen,* seamstress, res 102 w Cabarrus Rattler Marzella,* washerwoman, 533 Cannon RAY J W & CO, furniture dealers and repairers, 117 e Martin Ray Austin,* lab, res near r r crossing, n West Ray Laura,* wife Austin, washerwoman Ray & Wallace, restaurant, up-stairs 30i> s Wilmington Ray William,* drayman, res 426 s Person Ray Hattie,* wife Wm, dining-room servant Ray Victoria,* d Wm, res same, student Ray Sarah,* mother Wm, res same Ray Louise,* seamstress, res 223 e Cabarrus Ray Mrs A V, wid, boarding-house, lis Wilmington Ray Miss Maud, d Mrs A F, res same, saleslady at A B Stronach Ray Miss Hattie, d Mrs A F, res same, milliner Ray John W (J W Ray & Co), furniture dealer, res 524 n East Ray Mrs Ida, wife J W Ray Mary,* washerwoman, res 516 e Davie Ray Ralph,* son Mary, res same, dining-room servant R F Hoke Ray Paul,* son Mary, res same, porter for N Deboy Ra 242 Re Ray Myrtle," d Mary, res same, student Ray Emma,* d Mary, res same, student Ray Mrs Sallie, grocer, cor e Davie and Haywood, res same Ray Martha,* cook, res 211 w Davie Ray Rosa,* d Martlia, res same, student Ray Estelle,* d Martha, res same, student Ray M T, patent medicine, res 744: Fayetteville Ray Mrs Nora J, wife M T Ray Miss Minnie B, d M T, res same, student Ray Hubert S, son M T, res same, student Raynor Stephen,* carp, res 417 n West Raynor Louise,* wife Stephen Raynor Mary,* d Stephen, res same, servant Raynor Liliie,* d Stephen, res same, servant Raynor Annie,* d Stephen, res same, servant Raynor Rufus,* son Stephen, res same, student Raynor Norman,* son Stephen, res same, student Raynor Jennie,* servant, res 318 s Bh:)odworth Raynor Samuel,* gardener, res lUS s Harrington Raynor Louise V,* wife Sam Razor China,* servant, res 506 Haywood Reading-Room Seaboard Air-Line R R, Grimes' al, Mrs Eunice Medlin janiti'ess Reaves Walter T, teacher at colored Institution for the Blind, res at white institution Reavis W J, grocer, Hillsboro' rd, res same Reavis Mrs M A, wife W J Reavis Miss Mildred M, d W J, res same Reavis Miss Lelia, d W J, res same Reavis Catherine,* house-servant, res 411 Haywood Reavis Dora,* d Catlieritie, res same, house work Reavis Lula,* d Catherine, res same, cook Reavis Carrie,* d Catherine, res same, house work Reavis George,* son Catherine, res same, student Redford John H, conductor S A L R R, res 410 w Morgan Red ford Mrs Mary F, wife John H Redford Miss Lydia L, d John H, res same, student Redford Miss Y B, seamstress, res 502 s Salisbury Redford Miss Minnie L, teacher in Centennial Graded School, res 502 s Salisbury Redford Miss Mattie N, student, res 502 s Salisbury Reed Annie,* washerwoman, res 715 s East Reed Virginia,* cook, res 715 s East Reid David,* barber app, res 118 w Cabarrus Reid Eliza,* cook, res 234 e South Reid Emmitt,* son Eliza, res same, lab Reid Charlotte,* missionary, res 228 Blount-st al Reid Hilliard,* lab, res 228 Blount-st al Re 243 Ri Reese Miss M, millinery and fancy goods, 209 Fayetteville Reese Mrs Elizabeth, wid, res '2(t0 Fayetteville Reese Miss Josephine D, saleslady for ]\[iss M Reese, res 209 Fay- etteville Reese Miss Sallie N, milliner for Miss M Reese, r 209 Fayetteville Reese Miss Janie, saleslady for Miss ^[ Reese, res 209 Fayetteville Reese Miss ]\[attie, d Mrs Elizabeth, res same Reeves Mrs Elizabeth, wid, seamstress, res 821 s Blount Reeves Miss Etta, d ^Irs Elizabeth, res same, dressmaker Reeves Tempie,* mother Caroline Whitaker, res same Reeves W H,* lab, res 517 Haywood Reeves Mrs Hannah, wid, o;rocer, 32;^ e Martin, res same Reeves Lizzie,* cook H J Heileff, res same Rensch Mile Emma, teacher of French and German in St MaryV School, res same Renfrow Berry, grocer, cor Cabarrus and s McDowell Ren fro w Mrs Christian, wife Berry Renfrow Lula B, d Berry, res same Renfrow Miss Mary I, d Berry, res same, student Renfrow Miss Fannie E, d Berry, res same, student Renn Dr Geo A, office Park x\ venue Pharmacy, bdscor McDowell and Hargett Renshaw George,* blacksmith, res 507 e Davie Renshaw Lydia," wife George, washerwoman Renshaw James,* brakeman SAL, res 507 e Davie Renshaw Captain,* son George, res same, blacksmith app Renshaw John,* lab, res w Lenoir Renshaw George,* blacksmith, res 114 n Harrington Rhea Miss Mary A, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Rhodes Thomas,* student, res 522 e Martin Rhodes George,* brother of Thomas, res same, student Rhodes Jack,* asst furnace tender N C Car Co's foundry, res o s e Rhodes Ella,* wife Jack, washerwoman Rhodes AVm H, son Jack, res same, student Rhodes Benj,* sexton Christ church, res •422 n West Rhodes J H,* pressman Edwards & Broughton, res cor Cannon and Dawson Rhodes Mary A,* wife J H, house work Rhodes Sarah J,* d J H, res same, washerwoman Rhodes Reuben,* lab, res lis w South Rhodes Florence,* wife Reuben Rhodes Wesley,* lab, res 301 Cannon Rhodes Mattie,* wife Wesley, house work Rhodes Charity,* washerwoman, res 125 n West Richardson W R, tel opr, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w Richardson Mrs AC, wife W R Richardson Miss Mattie S, d W R, res same Richardson Wm H, son W R, res same Ri 244 Ri ichardson Mrs Ellen, mother W R, res same ichardsoi) W R Jr, son W E, res same ichardson Jane,* washerwoman, res 31 McKee ichardson Jnlia,* washerwoman, res w Peace ichardson Henry,* crossing flagman S A L R R, res 420 n Wil- mington ichardson Carrie,* wife Henry, servant ichardson Sandy,* wks frt depot SAL, res 217 w North ichardson T N, cot weigher, res cor McDowell and Hargett ichardson Mrs W A, wife T N, boarding-house ichardson Miss Catherine L, d T N, res same ichardson James, son T N, res same, student ichardson Miss Ada, d T N", res same, student ichardson London,* driver, res s West ichardson Anna,* wife London, house work ichardson S M, propr Richardson House, 120 e Hargett ichardson Mrs Ada E, wife S M ichardson Miss Myrtle A, d S M, res same, student ichardson Willie M, son S M, res same, student ichardson Miss Fannie K, d S M, res same, student ichardson James,* restaurant, 2i>7i s Wilmington, res same iciiardson Leah,* wife James ichardson Eugene, elk for Myatt & Hunter, bds 222 e Martin iciiardson Mary,* cook for Mrs F A Hutchings, res on lot ichardson Thad, elk for J A Spence, bds 100 s Blount ichardson Mrs Hattie, wid, res with O M Marshburn ichardson Annie,* washerwoman, res s Swaiii ichardson Miss Emma, seamstress, res 230 s East ichardson Wm,* lab, res 213 s East ichardson Cora,* wife Wm, washerwoman ichardson Elizabeth,* cook, res 213 s East ichardson Nancy A,* d Elizabeth, res same, cook ichardson Florence,* d Elizabeth, res same, servant ichburg J W, wks for Southern R R, res Johnson ichburg Mrs Amelia, wife J W, dressmaker ichburg Miss Laura, d J W, res same, dressmaker icks Hugh, bds cor McDowell and Hargett icks David,* barber, res 523 e Lenoir icks Mary,* wife David, washerwoman icks Louisa,* d David, res same, student icks Silphia,* washerwoman, res 611 e Davie icks Lillie,* d Silphia, res same, cook icks Charles,* wks Jones & Powell's wood and coal yard, res 434 s Blount Ricks Corinna,* wife Charles, washerwoman Ricks Harry,* son Charles, res same, wks C P Wharton Ricks Daisy,* d Charles, res same, student Ricks Emmett,* son Charles, res same, student Ri 245 Ri Ricks Matilda/^ d Charles, res same, student Ricks Charles,* diniiiii; room servant, res 40S Cannon Ricks Henrietta,* wife Charles, house work Ricks Rufus S,* driver for Thos Pescud, res 411> s Swain Ricks ^Laniie E,* wife R S, house work Ricks Frank,* brick-mason, res 114 n Harrington Ricks Annie,* house-girl for Mrs Anna Rosenthal, r Rledsoe ave Riddick W C, Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering A tV: M College, res Ilillsboro' rd, o s w Riddick Mrs Lillian D, wife W C Riddick Violet,* washerwoman, res Hayti Riddick Bessie,* d Violet, res same, nurse Riddick N J, elk U S Circuit and District Court, office U S bldg, res 15 w Cabarrus Riddick Charles,* lab, res 115 e Cabarrus Riddick Lucy,* wife Charles, washerwoman Riddick Weldon,* farmer, res 751 e Davie, o s e Riddick Charity,* wife Weldon, washerwoman Riddick Ernest,* son Weldon," res same, student Riddick Gethro,* son Weldon, res same, student Riddick Violet,* washerwoman, res 804 s Wilmington Riddle C A, foreman house bldg N C Car Co, res 210 n Harring- ton Riddle Mrs Annie M, wife C A Riddle Geo B, son C A, res same, student Riddle R H, son C A, res same, student Riddle W L, son C A, res same, student Riddle Lawrence E, son C A, res same, student Riddle Capt J L, conductor S A L R R, res 301 n Harrington Riddle Mrs R M, wife J L Riddle Mrs C H, wid, mother J L, res same Riddle W L, carp, res 404 w North Riddle Ernest, son W L, res same Riddle John S, carp, res 215 n West Riddle Mrs Annie, wife John S Riddle Arthur, son John S, res same, student Riddle Hubert, son John S, res same, student Riddle Miss Mabel, d John S, res same, student Riddle Herman, son John S, res same, student Riddle Mrs Martha T, wid, res 115 n McDowell Riddle Sara M, son Mrs Martha T, res same, elk for Robert Simp- son Riddle Miss Lula, d Mrs Martha T, res same, teacher Centennial Graded School Ridley John,* lab, res Cotton lane, o s e Ridley Lina,* wife' John, washerwoman Ridley Ernest,* son John, res same, student Ridley Ordney,* d John, res same, student Ri 246 Ro Riggan Jos D, toy and confectionery store, 132 Fayetteville, r 217 e Hargett Riggan Mrs Amelia, wife Jos D Riggan James M, ins agt, res 719 s Blount Riggan Miss Mamie A, wife Jas M Riggan Roy D, son Jas M, res same, student Riggan Miss Fannie M, d Jas M, res same, student Riggan Jas M Jr, son Jas M, res same Riggan Mrs Roberta, wid, res cor Hargett and West Riggan Jack, son Mrs Roberta, res same, machinist Riggan Miss Anna, d Mrs Roberta, res same, student Riggan Wade H, moulder, res 412 e Hargett Riggan Mrs Juliet A, wife Wade H Riggan Miss Miriam, d W H, res same Riggan Miss Esther R, d W H, res same Riggsbee L G, carp, res Cox ave, o s w Riggsbee Mrs Mary E, wife L G Riggsbee W M, carp, res Cox ave, o s w Riggsbee Mrs Katie V, wife W M Riggsbee Mrs Charlotte, lives with W W Fowler Rivers R C, printer, res cor Oakwood ave and Bloodworth Rivers Mrs Hattie N, wife R C Rivers Miss Octavia, d R C, res same, student Roak Julia,* washerwoman, res 514 s Dawson Roak Mack,"^^ lab, res 514 s Dawson Robards W W, teller Citizens Nat Bank, bds 407 n Blount Roan James, mgr Crystal ice factory, res 122 s West Roan Mrs Mary V, wife James Roan John, son James, res same, student Roan Miss Mary, d James, res same, student Roan Miss Isadore, d James, res same, student Roan Michael, son James, res same, student Roan Lucy,* washerwoman, res 545 e Eden ton Roan Susan,* d Lucy, res same, student Roan Sophia,* mother Lucy, res same Roan Henry,* lab, res 545 e Eden ton Roan Henry,* lab, res 108 e Hargett Roan Octavia,* wife Henry Robbins W W, machinist S A L R R, res 119 w Edenton Robbins Mrs Sal lie G, wife W W Robbins Miss Pearl, d W W, res same, student Robbins Miss Janet B, d W W, res same, student Robbins Miss Harriet, d W W, res same, student Robbins Miss Marie, d W W, res same, student Robbins Miss Eliza, d W W, res same, student Robbins Mrs G C, d James Maglum, res same Robbins Miss Mamie E, sister Mrs W H Holloman, res same, 309 Hillsboro' Ro 247 Ro Robbins Will H, iiijrr for Mrs W II Holloman, res 309 Hillsboro' Robbins Mrs Susie,' wife Will H Robbins J H, farmer, res 314 Newbern ave Robbins Mrs Minnie E, wife J H Robbins Miss Sadie, d J H, res same Robbins Starkie, inmate Soldiers' Home Roberts Edward B, elk in revenue office, res 511> Oakwood ave Roberts Mrs Martha S, wife E B Roberts Miss Bessie, d E B, res same, student Roberts Miss Ebie, d E B, res same, student Roberts Miss Ivey, d E B, res same, student Roberts Miss Emma S, d E B, res same Roberts Frances,* washerwoman, res 817 s Wilmington Roberts liev N F,* teacher Shaw Institute, res Oberlin ROBERTS HARRY H, justice of the peace and notary |)ul)lic, office Frap's bids:, res 422 s Wilmington Roberts Mrs Mary F. wife Harry H, dressmaker Robests Miss Mary E, d H H, res same, student Roberts Harry R, son H H, res same, student Roberts Eugene H, son H H, res same, student Roberts ]\[iss Blanche L, d H H, res same Roberts Mrs Mary D, wid, res 218 s Swain Roberts Mrs Lucy, seamstress, res 324 w Morgan Robertson Riley," brakeman S A L R R, res 543 n Wilmington Robertson Ellen,* wife Riley, washerwoman Robertson Henry,* gardener, res 618 Elm Robertson Celia,* wife Henry, cook for W E Jones Robertson Ella,* d Henry, res same, servant Robertson W F, machinist, bds 112 Halifax Robertson Wm, machinist, bds 112 Halifax Robertson J A J, janitor U S building, res 323 s Person Robertson Mrs V J, wife J A J Robertson Miss S E, d J A J, res same, teacher Robertson Luther, son J A J, res same, wks at E M Uzzell Robertson Robert A, son J A J, res same, cash-boy at A B Stronach Justice of the feace and jSIotary Public, No. 3 Fraps Building. RALElGH. N. C. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL BUSINESS. Copying, Book-keeping, Letter- Writing. Stating of Accounts. Particular attention given to Stating Accounis of Administrators and Guardians ; taking Inventories for Assignees and Making Returns; Searching Old Kecords ; Writing Memorials and Reporting Pui)lic Meetings. OFFICE HOURS: FROM 7 A. M. TO 9 P. M . Ro 248 Ro Robertson Paul J, son J A J, res same, student Robinson John, eng SAL, res 214 n McDowell Robinson Mrs Kate, wife John Robinson Miss Mabel, d John, res same, student Robinson Miss Bessie, d John, res same, student Robinson B J,* grocer, 314 w Cabarrus, res same Robinson Laura D,* wife B J Robinson George,* brakeman Southern R R, res 1221 w Lenoir Robinson Creasy,* wife George, washerwoman Robinson Curry," son George, res same, lab Robinson Cora,* d George, res same, ironer Robinson Arthur, son George, res same, student Robinson Janie,* house-servant, res 221 w Lenoir Robinson Frank,* lab, res 917 Manly Robinson Arry,* washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e Robinson Joe,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e Robinson Nannie, wife Joe, washerwoman Robinson Mary, d Joe, res same, student Robinson Richard,* son Joe, res same, student Robinson Ora,* d Joe, res same, nurse Robinson Rebecca,* hkpr for Rev James King, 15 s Harrington Robinson Susie,* house-servant at Executive Mansion, res same Robinson Lucy,* washerwoman, res Adams lane Robinson Delia,* cook for James R Watson, res same Rochelle L S, restaurant and lodging-house, 235 s Wilmington Rochelle Virginia,* house work, res 12 w Worth Rochelle Green,* drayman, res Idlewild Rochelle Sallie,* wife Green, washerwoman Rochelle Emma,* d Green, res same, student Rochelle Mary,* washerwoman, res Blount st al Rogers M F, carp, res Prairie bldg Rogers Mrs Cornelia, wife M F Rogers Frank L, son M F, res same, lab Rogers Wm M, son M F, res same, lab Rogers I H, asst steward N C penitentiary, res 603 Hillsboro' Rogers Mrs D E, wife I H Rogers W A, merchant, bds 603 Hillsboro' Rogers Flora,* dining-room servant Harrison House, res 415 s • Blount Rogers Isa"ac W, deputy U S marshal, res 228 e Martin Rogers Mrs Lenorah, wife Isaac W Rogers Miss Ruthendale, d I W, res same Rogers Miss Lula, d I W, res same, student Rogers Paul H, son I W, res same, elk Rogers Miss Daisy, d I W, res same, student Rogers Miss Pattie L, d I W, res same, student Rogers Miss Jessie L, d I W, res same Rogers J Rowan, farmer, res 117 Boylan ave Ro 249 Ro Rogers ^[rs Annie S, wife J Rowan Rojijers Miss M A, d J II, res same, student Rogers J R Jr, son J R, res same, student Rogers Miss Narcissa, d J R, res same, student Rogers Sion, son J R, res same, student Rogers B W, elk in otttce Win jNFoncure, supt S A L R R, l^ds 113 w Ed en ton Rogers W M, traveling agt for News and Observer, res 531 Halifax Rogers Mrs Lydia, wife "W ]\L Rogers Miss Emmie, d W M, res same, student Rogers Miss Bessie, d W M, res same, student Rogers Bettie,* washerwoman, res e Raleigh Rogers Junius,* son Bettie, res same, student Rogers Goldie," d Bettie, res same, student Rogers Wm H, grocer and commission merchant, I'l Exchange Place, res 404 Oak wood ave Rogers Mrs Kate, wife W H Rogers Gaston, son W H, res same, student Rogers Miss Catherine W, d W H, res same, student Rogers Mehalia,* servant at Mrs R S Tucker, res on lot Rogers ]\[rs Mary, wid, mother of Mrs Cornelia Taylor, res same Rogers B C (Hicks rin of St Mary's School, Hillsboro', res same Smedes Mrs Henrietta, wife Dr Bennett Smedes Miss Mary S, d Rev Bennett, res same Smedes Miss Helen L, d Rev Bennett, res same Smethurst W A, supt cotton-oil mill, res 510 s Salisbury Smethurst Mrs M F, wife W A Smethurst W S, son W A, res same, student Smethurst Frank A, son W A, res same Smith Jno O, eng S A L R R, res n Saunders Smith Mrs A J, wife Jno O Smith Stanley G, son Jno O, res same, student SMITH HAM F, city elk, office in City Hall, res 513 n Blood- worth Smith Mrs Nannie W, wife Ham F Smith Miss Emily M, d Ham F, res same, student Smith Mrs Orrin, wid, res 408 n Person Smith M M, son Mrs Orrin, res same, prop Law-Book Exchange Smith Ben F, son Mrs Orrin, res same, wks Ral Gas Co Smith Miss Carrie E, d Mrs Orrin, res same, wks Telephone Ex Smith Miss Corrina L, d Mrs Orrin, res same, wks Law-Book Ex Smith Miss Nellie M, d ]\[rs Orrin, res same, student Smith William, adjuster SAL R R, res 127 Halitax Smith Mrs J M, wife William Smith Wm Conway, son William, res same, a])p SAL Smith Miss Roberta, d William, res same Smith J H, life ins agt, res 313 Oakwood ave Sm 262 Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm Sm th Mrs Alma, wife J H th Wm E, son J H, res same, student th Emma,* sick-nurse, res 528 e Davie th William,* son Emma, res same, lab th Sallie,* d Emma, res same, cook th Sylvester,* son Emma, res same, wks at Dairy th Charles,* son Emma, res same, farm hand th Rader,* son Emma, res same, farm hand th Tiny,* d Emma, res same, musician th Virginia,* d Emma, res same, student th Gaston,* son Emma, res same, student th Mary,* cook for A H Green, res 418 s Swain th Miss Bedie, dressmaker, res 410 w Jones th Miss Lizzie, sister to Miss Bedie, res same th Thos B, watchman, res 410 w Jones th Mrs Florence C, grocer, e Davie, res same th Foster, d Mrs Florence, res same th Harry, son Mrs Florence, res same th W H, asst train dispatcher S A L E. B, bds Bev Alvin Betts th George, shoemaker, cor s Wilmington and e Cabarrus, res East th Martha,* washerwoman, res Fowle th Howard,* son Martha, res same, lab th Connie,* son Martha, res same, lab th W B, mechanic, bds 404 Fayetteville th John U, saloon. Exchange Blace, res 107 w Jones th Mrs Bosa K, wife John U th Alex,* wks for Dr T D Hogg, res e Lane th Battle,* wife Alex, washerwoman th Joseph,* lab, res 523 Smith th W D, fish dealer, res 752 Fayetteville th Mrs Hattie, wife W D, dressmaker th Miss Mary, d W D, res same, student th W D Jr, son W D, res same, student th D B, son W D, res same th Katie,* house-servant, res 720 Fayetteville th Bichard, wks News and Observer, res 743 s Blount th Wm D, paper carrier, res 743 s Blount th Walter, printer, bds 11 s Wilmington th Bobert,* wks for C H Beine, res 516 e Davie th Sabina,* wife Bobert, house work th Alonzo,* driver for Dr A O, res on lot th Miss Jennie, seamstress, cor e Davie and Swain th Miss Sunnie, seamstress, cor e Davie and Swain th James H, farmer, res 301 s Blood worth th Mrs Lydia A, wife James H th Mary,* cook, res 321 s Blood worth Sm 263 Sm Smith Deiiipsey,* lab, res Rock Quarry rd Smith ^lary E,* wife Dempsey, washerwoman Smith Matilda,* d Dempsey, res same, student Smith John,* farmer, res e Harc>zi..A.'x>x:z3 lees. Life Assurance in force Dec. 31, 1895, . . . $34,754,840 00 Net Assets, besides uncalled capital, .... 5,365,770 53 Income for the year, 1,528,056 09 Surplus to policy-holders 535,944 23 OUR NEW PLAN. The Sun Life, of Canada, now offers the best thing you can get in Assurance, and we shall be glad to call and explain. The Unconditional^ Automatically- Non-Forfeiting^ Self-Pre- rniumrPayiny Policy now issued bj this Company. Send for particulars at once. J. R. JOHNSTON, Manager, 238 Fayetteville Street, - - Raleigh, N. C. CHA5. R BULLOCK, Hest Reference. Hargett Street, RALEIGH, N. C. Sm 265 Sm 1 Pluebe,* washerwoman, res rear 210 e Cabarrus 1 Mamie,* d Pluebe, res same, student 1 Charlie,* son Phoebe, res same, student 1 Pattie,* washerwoman, res 507 s Blount 1 Sophia,* cook for J E Pogue, res 507 s Blount 1 Miss Emie, teacher in Peace Institute, res same 1 Sallie,* servant for W H Weathers])oon, res on lot 1 Penina,* cook for F L ]\[ahler, res 10 n East 1 C M, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same 1 Annie,* house-servant, res 2 Johnson ave 1 Pompey,* lab, res s West 1 Harriet,* house-servant, res s West 1 Dr 11 A, res 112 e Davie 1 ]\[rs Rebecca, wife Dr R A 1 William, son Dr R A, res same 1 Miss Mary, d Dr R A, res same, saleslady for W H tfe R S Tucker 1 Miss Sallie E, d Dr R A, res same, saleslady for W H & R S Tucker 1 Miss Mildred, d Dr R A, res same, teacher 1 Maggie,* washerwoman, res 412 e Martin I Catherine,* d Maggie, res same, student 1 William,* son Maggie, res same, student 1 Sarah,* d Maggie, res same, student 1 Pleasant,* washerwoman, res 210 w Cabarrus 1 Minerva,* d Pleasant, res same, student 1 Edsvard,* son Pleasant, res same, student 1 George,* fireman S A L R R, res 323 w Korth 1 Annie,* wife Geo, washerwoman h Sam,* son Geo, res same, student h George,* shoemaker, res 613 s East 1 Sarah,* wife George, washerwoman 1 Sarah,* d Geo, res same, servant at Peace Institute 1 Sonnie,* lab, res 611 s East 1 Emma,* wife Sonnie, servant Colored Institution 1 Maud,* d Sonnie, res same, student 1 Minnie,* d Sonnie, res same, student 1 Jennie,* d Sonnie, res same, student 1 Peter W,* eng at Colored D D & Blind Institution, res 713 ; East 1 Jane,* wife Peter W h Albert,* son P W, res same, student 1 Ida,* d P W, res same, student 1 Mary,* d P W, res same, student h Jerry,* lab, res 518 s Dawson 1 Mrs Amelia, wid, dressmaker, res 754 e Davie, o s e 1 Henry W, son Mrs Amelia, res same, wks Caralsigh mill 1 Miss Lula I, d Mrs Amelia, res same i6 Sm 266 Sn Smith Miss Annie F, d Mrs Amelia, res same, student Smith W W, o;en fire ins agt, otfice'217 Fajetteville, res 3 e North Smith Mrs Enla S, wife W' AV Smith W N H, son W W, res same, student Sniith Louis M, son W W, res same, student Smith Gordon, son W W, res same, student Smith Ed Chambers, lawyer, olfiee Pullen bldg, res 434 Halifax Smith Mrs Annie B, wife Ed Chambers Smith Mrs W N H, wid, mother Ed Chanibers, res same Smith Mrs Selina, wid, res 305 s Person Smith S M, son Mrs Selina, res same, collector for J M Brouo;hton &Co Smith Miss Eva, d Mrs Selina, res same, retoucher at Johnson's gallery Smith Miss Lillie, d Mrs Selina, res same, student Smith Miss Evie, niece Mrs Maggie W Adams, res same Smith Annie P,* cripple, res 804 s Wilmington Smith Lena,* cook for W E Foster, res same Smith Hamden S,* teacher, res 429 s Person Smith Alice,'"' house-servant, res 305 w South Smith Henry,* grocer, 317 w Ca1)arrus Smith Ann,* washerwoman, res Hood's al Snead Miss Gracie, student, res with Len H Royster Sneed Haywood,* hackman, res 616 Harp's lane, o s n Sneed Emma,* wife Haywood, washerwoman Snellings Hattie,* washerwoman, res Blonnt-st al Snelling W N, wholesale and retail grocer and commission mer- chant, 300 s Wihnington, res 226 e Moroi;an Snelling Mrs L S, wife W N Snipes Miss Etta, bkkpr for Mrs J N Denton, res 117 s Bloodworth Snipes Nash,* lab, res 207 w Lenoir Snipes Amanda,* wife Nash, washerwoman Snipes Henry,* hackman, res 23 w Worth Snipes Hannah,* wife Henry, washerwoman Snipes Dorcas,* cook, res 114 w Cabarrus Snipes Jane,* washerwoman, res 25 w Worth Snow Mrs Elizabeth McC, wid Geo H, res 30 Boylan ave Snow Wm B, son Mrs Elizabeth McC, res same, lawyer Snow Geo H, son Mrs Elizabeth McC, res same, ins agt Snow Miss Adelaide B, d Mrs Elizabeth McC, res same, student Snow Wm,* barber, res rear 416 s Person Snow Lou,* wife Wm Snow Hattie,* d Wm, res same, servant Snow Bettie,* d Wm, res same Snow John,* r r brakeman, res 405 s Dawson Snow Florence,* washerwoman, res 222 w Lenoir Snugs Charles, carp, res 127 w Jones Snugs Mrs Lizzie, wife Chas Sn 267 Sp Snugs Miss Fannie, d Chas, res same Solomon Sydney, driver City Fire Dept, res 116 \v Morgan Solomon Mrs Caroline, wife Sydney, seamstress Solomon William, son Sydney, res same, city hand Solomon George, son Sydney, res same, lab Solomon Miss Lillie, d Sydney, res same Solomon Mrs Lizzie, wid, res 110 w Morgan Solomon Miss Annie, d Mrs Lizzie, res same Solomon Henry, wks fur city, res 215 s Blount Solomon Mrs Annie, wife Henry Sorrell Mrs L W, wid, res 230 w Cal)arrus Sorrell F M, accountant, res 28(> w Cabarrus Sorrell D B, elk at C H Beine & Co, res 280 w Cabarrus Sorrell T E, elk at A Morris, res 230 w Cabarrus Sorrell Henry,* driver Cit}^ Fire Dept, res IDS w Davie Sorrell Laura," wife Henry, wasiierwoman Southerland T K, traveling salesman, bds Park Place Southerlaiid Mrs Bessie, wife T R SOUTHERN RAILWAY DIVISION FREIGHT OFFICE, 7 e Martin, J B Munson agt Southern Express Company, A P Bryan agt, lOS Fayetteville Southern Law-Book Exchange, M M Smith prop, Y M C A bldg Sowers C F, laundryman, bds 508 Fayetteville Sowers Mrs M B, wife C F Spears Eugene F, elk for E H Love, res 312 s Blood worth Spears Mrs Annie O, wife Eugene F Spears Miss Arrie M, d E F, res saine, student Spears Lee D, carp, res 557 Newbern ave Spears Mrs A R, wife Lee D Spears Miss Burley, d Lee D, res same, dressmaker Spears Miss Metta, d Lee D, res same, student Spears Robert, son Lee D, res same, student Spears Miss Bettie, d Lee D, res same, student Spears Miss Nannie, d Lee D, res same, student Spears Miss Helen, d Lee D, res same, student Spell John,* lab, res 522 s Dawson Spell Lethia,* wife John, washerwoman Spence N A, merchant, res 423 s Wilmington Spence Xeill A, bicvcle re])airer, res 423 s Wilmington SPENCE PLUMBING CO, 105 w Martin, Spence & Kenster proprietors Spence G M, plumber, res 528 e Hargett Spence Mrs Maggie B, d G M Spence Miss Linda B, d G M, res same Spence Mrs A X, gen merchandise, 126 e Martin, res 311 s Dawson Spence J A, tngr for Mrs A N Spence, res 311 s Dawson Spence Garland L, son J A, res same Spencer E N, elk for W E Jones, bds 105^ Fayetteville Sp 268 St Spencer Lizzie,* house-servant, res 405 w South Spencer Theo,* brick-mason, res 409 Cannon Spencer Lillie,* wife Theo, house work Spencer Maria,* house work, res 409 Cannon Spencer Haywood,* brick-mason, res 409 Cannon Spencer Sarah,* house-servant, res 330 Cannon Spencer Mollie,* washerwoman, res 551 e Martin Spencer Thos,* son Mollie, res same, student Spencer Vance,* brakeman S A L R R, res 209 w North Spencer Mary,* wife Vance, washerwoman Spencer Lizzie,* washerwoman, res 534 e Davie Spikes W B, carp, res 122 s Blonnt Spikes Mrs S J, wife W B Spikes Charles R, candy-maker, res cor e South and Blount Spikes Mrs Elizabeth, wife Charles R Spikes Florence,* servant, res 525 s Blount Spikes Sarah,* cook, res 26 Fowle Spikes Frank,* driver for Allen & Cram, res 15 Fowle Spikes Tamer,* wife Frank, Vv-asherwonian Spikes Janet,* d Frank, res same, house-servant Spikes George H,* son Frank, res same, student Spikes Frank Jr,* son Frank, res same, student SPILLMAN Rev B W, Baptist Sunday-School Missionary, res 312 Newbern ave Sprinkle John, inmate Soldiers' Home Spruill C P, bkkpr for Thos H Biggs, bds 120 e Hargett Staley Cicero H, carp, bds 313 w Lane Stamps Mrs E R, wid, res 321 Oakwood ave Stamps Miss Miriam, d Mrs E R, res same, student Stamps Miss Elise, d Mrs E R, res same, student Stamps Edward R, son Mrs E R, res same, student Standi E S, inmate Soldiers' Home Stainback W T, elk for W H & R S Tucker & Co, r 504 n Blount Stainback Mrs Annie J, wife W T Stainback Miss Claire, d W T, res same, student Stainback Thos, son W T, res same, student Stainback Frank, son AV T, res same, student Stanford Ned,* carp, res rear 515 s Harrington Stanford Mittie,* wife Ned Stanford Ed,* son Ned, res same, errand-boy Stanley Warren,* lab, res 324 e Edenton Stanley Hester,* wife Warren, washerwoman Stanley Mollie,* d Warren, res same, cook for C M Walters Stanley Alice,* d Warren, res same, cook for W W Parish Stanley Jeff,* driver for Myatt & Hunter, res ]4 n East Stanley Mary A,* wife Jetf, sec of Order of Grand Fountain Stanley Maria,* washerwoman, res 114 n Harrington Stanley Mamie G,* student, res 14 n East St 269 St Stark John,* lab, res 402 s Blount Stark Annie,* wife John, restaurant cook Stark Rebecca,* d John, res same, wks at Laundry Stark Emma,* d John, res same, wks in restaurant Stark William,* son John, res same, hackman Stark John,* wks for N W West, res 402 s Blount Starling William, soap agt, res 416 e Morgan Starling ^[rs Ellen, M'ife Wm Starling Arthur, son Wm, res same, student Starling Miss Ida, d Wm, res same, student Starling Miss Ruth, d Wm, res same, student Stanton Henry, carp, bds 211 w Morgan Steel Henry, printer Edwards & Broughton, bds 411 e Morgan Steine Charles, shoemaker, res 503 Kewbern ave Steine Miss Dixie, d Clias, res same, dressmaker Steine Miss Nellie, d Chas, res same, dressmaker Steine Miss Bertha, d Chas, res same, student STEINMETZ /FLORAL HALL NURSERY, n end Halifax, Henry Steinmetz propr Steinmetz Henry, Horist, res Halifax, o n Steinmetz ]\[rs Emma L, wife Henry Steinmetz Miss Emily, d Henrj-, res same, student Steinmetz ]\[iss Matilda, d Henry, res same, student Steptoe Solomon,* drayman, res 13 McKee Steptoe Luvenia,* wife Solomon, laundress Street W D, inmate Soldiers' Home Stephenson W R, cotton weigher, office cotton platform, res Swift creek Stevens W C, baggage master SAL, bds W S Utley Stevens Martha, house work, res 742 s Person Stevens Mrs H M, wid, bds 204 Halifax Stevens Festus, inmate Soldiers' Home Stevens Melton, grocer Academy Music bldg, bds 407 Fayetteville STEVENS & SON, grocers, cor s Salisbury and Martin' Stevens Effie,"' nurse G W Brinkley, res same iRos^s^ tarnations $• $■ i- m- @- @- «■ ^' i" ^' and other choice Cut Flowers. Floral Designs', Bouquets, Palms, Ferns and and other Decorative Pot Hants. F^^aEttk ^^•■''^"^**> Geraniums and all kinds of out-door Beddinij Plants. *' Tuberose Bulbs, Majinolias, Evergreens, etc. Best varieties of trans- planted Tomato Plants, Cabbage and Egg Plants. "Phone 113. North Halifax Street, near I'cace Institute. St 270 St Stevenson Thos S, plumber, steam and gas fitter, 15 w Hargett, res 316 e Jones Stevenson Mrs E L, wife Thos S Stevenson Wm A, son Thos S, res same, student Stevenson Kev E G, Missionary Baptist minister, res 528 n Person Stevenson Mrs Rena F, wife Rev E G Stevenson Edward, son Rev E G, res same Stevenson Major, son Rev E G, res same, wks Ral cot mill Stevenson Lonnie, son Rev E G, res same, wks Ral cot mill Stevenson Ernest, son Rev E G, res same Stevenson Miss Julia, hkpr for Mrs Nancy Edwards, res same Stewart F M, grocer, 816 Fayetteville, res same Stewart Mrs Laura, wife F M Stewart John, son F M, res same, weaver Caraleigh mill Stewart Leonard,* city hand, res 14 Fugh Stewart Mary,* wife Leonard, washerwoman Stewart Cornelia,* d Leonard, res same, cook Stewart Victoria,* d Leonard, res same, nurse Stewart Irene,* d Leonard, res same, student Stewart Georgiana,* d Leonard, res same, student Stewart Jesse,* stone-cutter, res 214 w Lenoir Stewart Miss Susan, rooms 116 s West Stewart J M, wks Ral cot mill, res 526 n West Stewart Mrs Lena, wife J M Stewart Emma,* washerwoman, res Caswell lane Stewart Neill C, wks cot compress, res o s e Stewart Mary,* cook for H B Hard}', res same Stewart Sam,* carp, res 806 s Blount Stewart Lizzie,* wife Sam, nurse Stewart Royal,* son Sam, res same, porter for Dr N G Carroll Stewart Roxana,* d Sam, res same, student Stewart Sam,* carp, res Smith Stewart Lucinda,* wife Sam Stewart Chaney,* pedler, res rear 405 s Dawson Stewart Dan B,* lab, res 209 w North THOS. S. STEVENSON, PLUMBER, STEAM and GAS-FITTER, PUMPS, HYDRAULIC RAMS, RANGES, GAS FIXTURES, LEAD, IRON AND EARTHEN PIPES. HARGETT ST., 3 doors W. Raleigh Nat. Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. JOBBING BROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. St 271 St Stewart C C,* wks cot yard, res 209 w Nortli Stewart Henrietta,* wife C C, washerwoman Stewart Victoria, washerwoman, res Dock! Stewart Sallie," washerwoman, res s Harrini^ton Stith Mrs D B, wid, res 124 w ^Morgan Stith Miss Maggie, d Mrs J) I>, res same, saleslady for Alfred AVil- liams cV: Co St Luke's Home of the King's Daughters, 22«) e Davie, in charge of the King's Daugiiters, Miss Maggie Brockwell housekeeper Stokes A P, carp, res 825 Fayetteville Stokes Mrs Dora, wife A P Stokes Chas E, car inspector S A L R R, r near north end Dawson Stokes Mrs Peggie A, wife Chas E Stone Mrs G A, wid, res n Blount, o s n Stone Cecil G, son Mrs G A, res same, trav salesman Stone Miss Esther E, d Mrs G A, res same Stone Miss Lillian E, d Mrs G A, res same Stone Virgil P, son Mrs G A, res same, bicycle repairer Stone Carl V B, son Mrs G A, res same, student Stone Miss Pearl G, d Mrs G A, res same, student Stone Emmett P, conductor S A L R R, res 522 n Person Stone Mrs Ida J, wife E P Stone L-edell J, son E P, res same, student Stone Miss Anna B L, d E P, res same, student Stone Mrs Mary J, wid, res 115 Johnson Stone Thos S, son Mrs Mary J, res same, locomotive eng SAL Stone Moses A, son Mrs Mary J, res same, elk A B Stronach Stone Miss Daisy, d Mrs Mary J, res same Stone Vicey," washerwoman, res 222 e Cabarrus Stone Jennie," waiter in restaurant, res 221 s Wilmington Stone William,* lab, res Newbern ave, o s e Stone Jensy,"' wife William, washerwoman Stone Annie,* cook tor W W Robbins, res 116 n West Stone Edward,* brakeman S A L R R, bds 320 w North • Stonebanks C H, merchant, res 217 Linden ave Stonebanks Mrs Ida, wife C H Stott Nathan T, carp, res 510 s Bloodworth Stott Mrs Ann, wife N T Stott Miss Hawkins, d N T, res same, dressmaker Stott Miss Ida M, d N T, res same, hkpr Stott Miss Effie A, d N T, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Stott Miss Maggie L, d N T, res same, wks Caraleigh mill Stout Jerry,* lab frt depot S A L R R, res -137 Johnson Stout Corrina,* wife. Jerry, washerwoman Stout Flora,* d Jerry, res same, student Stout Lina,* d Jerry, res same, student Stout Emma,* d Jerry, res same, student Stout Robert,* porter for O H Johnson, res -i'-'n Johnson St 272 St Stout Lydia,* d Jerry, res same, nurse for G W Brinkley Straiighan F M, wks State capitol, res 129 e Hargett Straughan Mrs Elizabeth, wife F M Straughan Miss Zula, d F M, res same Stranghan Jos, son F M, res same Straughan T B, eng, res Brooklyn, o s w Straughan Wiley A, moulder, res Brooklyn, o s w Stranghan Miss Lnla C, seamstress, res 223 n Harrington Straughan T E, printer, res Brooklyn, o s e Stranghan John, wks State capitol, res 118 s Blount Stranghan Victoria, wife John Strickland Henry, spinner Ral (;ot mill, res IT w Peace Strickland Mrs Fannie, wife Henry Strickland Wm, son Henry, res same, spinner Strickland Charlie, son Henry, res same, wks Ral cot mill Strickland Taylor, son Henry, res same, wks Ral cot mill Strickland Eddie, son Henry, res same, stndent Strickland Fannie, d Henry, res same, student Strickland Hynes S," grocer, 815 Fayetteville, res 12 McKee Strickland Martha,* wife H S, house work Strickland Mamie,'" cook for Phil Andrews, res 519 Haywood Strickland Matilda,* laundress, res 519 Haywood Strickland Darcus,* cook, res 519 Haywood Strickland Fannie,* nurse, res 519 Haywood Strickland Andrew,* bootblack, res 519 Haywood Strickland Mrs Hexie T, dressmaker, res 303 w Cabarrus Strickland Grover C, son Mrs H T, res same, student Strickland August L, son Mrs H T, res same Strickland Geo L, student, res with Barney Pike Strickland N B, carp, res 315 s McDowell Strickland Mrs Samantha C, wife N B Strickland G A, nndertaker, 128 s Wilmington, res 321 w Jones Strickland Mrs Lnla, wife G A Strickland Lemnel, inmate Soldiers' Hon:e Strickland Miss Annie, house-girl Mrs E F Wyatt, res same Strickland Dennis,* porter at Raleigh Stationery Co, r 219 s East Strickland Mary,* cook, res 219 s East Strickland Nellie,* d Lucy Toney, res same Strickland William,* lab, res 533 e Cabarrus Strickland" Hattie,* wife Wm, washerwoman Strickland Henry,* son Wm, res same, lab Stronach A B, dry goods, notions, &c, 215 Fayetteville, res 411 n Blood worth Stronach Mrs M A, wife A B Stronach Miss Kate McK, d A B, res same Stronach Miss Ethel J, d A B, res same, student Stronach Van Dalen, son A B, res same, elk for A B Stronach Stronach Miss Janet, d A B, res same, student St 273 Su Stronach Donaldson, son A B, res same, student Stronacli Miss Ellen, d A B, res same, student Stronach Wm M, son A B, res same, student Stronach Miss jMary L, d A B, res same Stronach's Horse, Harness and Carriaoje Emporium, 31i>, 321 and 323 s Wilmin4 s Dawson Strother Mrs C A, wife E S Stroud Lizzie,* cook, res 520 s Dawson Stroud Henrietta," washerwoman, res 121 w Lenoir Stunkel Mrs Isabella, wid, res 6<>3 n Saunders Stunkel Miss Bertha, d Mrs Isabella, res same Stunkel Miss ]\Iaria, d Mrs Isabella, res same, stenographer and typewriter Stunkel Miss Emma, d Mrs Isabella, res same, saleslady at Roys- ter's candy store Stunkel Richard, son Mrs Isabella, res same Stutts John B, weaver Caraleigh cot mill, bds with Jno A Deans Sugg Miss Emma, house-girl for J x\ Lowery, res same Suggs Miss Lizzie, seamstress, res Smithfield Summerlin Jesse J, tobacconist, res 323 s Person Summerlin Mrs Ellen, wife J J Summerlin Miss Yivian L, d J J, res same, student Summerville ]\Ielissa,* washerwoman, res 228 w Lenoir Summerville John,* son Melissa, res same student Su 274 Ta Sumner Mrs Annie, housekeeper, 313 s Dawson Sutton J M, printer, res cor Salisbury and North Sutton Miss Lillie, sister of J M, res same Sutton W A, cigar-maker, res 119 Johnson" Sutton Mrs Amanda, wife W A Sutton Fred, son W A, res same, cabinet-maker Sutton Arthur, son W A, res same, wks Ral cot mill Sutton Miss Mildred, d W A, res same, student Sutto)i Miss Nannie, d W A, res same, student Sutton Miss Mary L, d AV A, res same, student Sutton Alfred," driver for Dr- James McKee, res Brookside Park Sutton Maggie,* wife Alfred, washerwoman Sutton Julia,* d Alfred, res same Sutton Maggie,"" d Alfred, res same Sutton J D, inmate Soldiers' Home Swain D Shelly, letter-carrier, res 322 Oakwuod ave Swain Mrs D S, res 322 Oak wood ave Swain Mrs Josie, wid, res 322 Oak wood ave Sweeny Patrick, gardener, res 406 Cannon Sweeny Mrs Bettie, wife Patrick Swepson Mrs Y B, wid, res 104 Hillsboro' Swindell J L, wks at A & M College, res Hillsboro' rd Swindell Mrs Annie L, wife J L Swindell J L Jr, son J L, res same, student Swindell Wm R, son J L, res same, student Swindell Miss Fannie H, d J L, res same, student Swindell Miss Parnie, d J L, res same, student Swindell Mrs Emma, wid, res 305 Newbern ave Swindell Charles, salesman, res 305 Newbern ave Syme Mrs Anna S, wid, res cor Person and North Syme Andrew, son Mrs Anna S, res same, elk S x\ L frt office Syme Geo F, son Mrs Anna S, res same, student Syme William A, son Mrs Anna S, res same, student Syme John C, invalid, res with Mrs M E Anderson Syme Mrs Mildred C, res with Mrs M E Anderson Syme Maria,* cook for Dr H B Battle, res on lot T^ANT Frank B, elk for J J Thomas & Co, res -tl2 e Hargett -^ Tant Miss Alice G, sister F B, res same, bookbinder Tant Miss Hattie V, sister Frank B, res same Tarpley W G, eng, res 30-t n Person Tarpley Mrs Lizzie, wife W G Tate Robert,* janitor Shaw University, res -103 Sinithiield Tate Annie,* wife Robert Tate Acey,* cook for N G Wliitfield, res Hargett, o s e Tate Annie,* washerwoman, res 118 w Cabarrus Tate Jesse,* fish dealer, res 118 w Cabarrus Ta 275 Ta Tate James,* cook at Park Hotel, res 118 w Cabarrus Tate Miss Bettie, house work, res 130 w Cabarrus Tate Mrs Eliza, wid, res 214 w Cabarrus Tate Walter, sou Mrs Eliza, res same, wks Caraleii!;li mill Tate Delia," washerwouiau, res lis w Davie Tate Ceburu," i::;ardeuer, res lis w Davie TAYLOR W A, uierchaut tailor, 10 w Marti u, res 116 Polk Taylor Jvose,* servaut for M Bowes, res on lot Taylor Charles,* carp, res IIS u Dawson Taylor Lina," wife Chas, washerwoman Taylor Mary," d Clias, res same, washerwoman Taylor Cora,* d Chas, res same, washerwoman Taylor Susan,* laundress, res 612 e Cabarrus Taylor Carrie M,* d Susan, res same, servant Taylor Jennie H,* d Susan, res same student Taylor Susie A,* d Susan, res same, student Taylor Reuben,* lab, res 710 s Saunders Taylor Priscilla,* wife Reuben, house work Taylor Daisy,* d Reuben, res same, student Taylor Miss Emma, res with T B Womack Taylor Ed L, mechanic, res n Salisbury Taylor Mrs Dannie, wife Ed L Taylor Miss Edna L, d Ed L, res same Taylor Mrs R W, wid, res 55S Newbern ave Taylor Miss Lula, d Mrs R W, res same, saleslady for AV H cfe R S Tucker & Co Taylor Angus, merchant tailor, res 11(5 Polk Taylor Mrs Cornelia, wife Angus Taylor AV A, merchant tailor, res 116 Polk TAYLOR WM T, tailor and grocer, Haywood, res e Hargett Taylor Mrs Lanie, wife Wm T Taylor Charles, son Wm T, res same, tailor app Taylor Miss Mary, sister of Wm T, res same Taylor John R, father of Wm T, res same, tailor Taylor L D, merchant, 219 s Wilmington, res 813 s East Taylor Mrs Rebecca J, wife L D Taylor Miss Minnie L, d L D, res same, student Taylor D L, son L D, res same, student Taylor Jno W,* shoemaker, res 609 e Cabarrus Taylor Jennie,* wife J W, washerwoman Taylor Ella Al,* d J W, res same, servant Taylor Annie,* d J W, res same, student Taylor Mary D,* d J W, res same, student Taylor Lucy,* d J W, res same, student Taylor Frank M,* son J W, res same Taylor Lewis,* driver for Ferrall Sz Co, res 610 s McDowell Taylor Willie,* son Lewis, res same, student Taylor Lula,* d Lewis, res same, student Ta 276 Ta Taylor Thomas,* son Lewis, res same, student Taylor Gabriel,* wood-cutter, res 742 s Person Taylor Susan,* washerwoman, res Hayti Taylor Archie,* son Susan, res same, lab Taylor Robert,* lab, res 816 Manly Taylor Mary,* wife Kobt, washerwoman Taylor Jennie,* d Robt, res same, student Taylor Gertrude,* d Robt, res same, student Taylor Alice,* washerwoman, res 315 e Lenoir Taylor John,* son Alice, res same, farm hand Taylor Alfred,* son Alice, res same, farm hand Taylor Mary A,* cook, res 124 s Davie Taylor Lydia,* washerwoman, res 712 s McDowell Taylor Fred A,* son Lydia, res same, student Taylor Wm A,* son Lydia, res same, student Taylor John,* lab, res s e Davie Taylor Mary,* g-d Isaac Clements, res same, student Taylor Isaac,* g-s Isaac Clements, res same, student Taylor Harmon,* painter, res 424 s Blount Taylor Rena,* wife Harmon, washerwoman Taylor Alice,* d Harmon, res same, cook Taylor Mary,* d Harmon, res same, washerwoman Taylor Sidney,* fireman S A L R R, res 117 w North Taylor Mary,* wife Sidney, washerwoman Taylor Susie,* d Sidney, res same, student Taylor Tliomas,* barber, 136 s Wilmington, res same Taylor Ella,* wife Thomas, eating-house, 134 s Wilmington Taylor Maggie,* cook for W W Smith, res on lot Taylor Mary,* washerwoman, res 222 e Cabarrus Taylor Rena,* washerwoman, res 424 s Blount Taylor Mary,* d Rena, res same, washerwoman Taylor Alice,* d Rena, res same, cook for C F Cook Taylor Wm H,* fish dealer, res 511 s Blount Taylor Kate,* wife Wm H Taylor Mary A,* d Wm H, res same, washerwoman Taylor Washington,* drayman, res 232 e South Taylor Angeline,* wife Wash, cook colored Deaf and Dumb Asy- lum Taylor Geo W,* son Wash, res same, elk James H Young Taylor Jacob,* drayman, res e Davie, o s e Taylor Emily,* wife Jacob, house work Taylor Lucy,* d Jacob, res same, house work Taylor Maggie,* d Jacob, res same, student Taylor Ransom,* lab, res 712 s McDowell Taylor Frances,* wife Ransom, washerwoman Taylor Addie,* d Ransom, res same, student Taylor Jessie,* d Ransom, res same, student Taylor Jerry,* wks for city, res 562 Newbern ave Ta 277 Te Taylor Jane,* wife Jerrv, washerwoman Taylor Roxanna,* d Jerry, res same, washerwoman Taylor Chiyton,* son Jerry, res same, shoemaker Taylor Martha,""'" d Jerry, student Taylor Mrs Eliza, wid, res witli Mrs C F Lodge, 16 s Salisbury Taylor Catherine,"'" cook for ^[rs E C Jones, res same Taylor James F, res with Ciiarlos M Busbee Taylor Miss L N, lives with Charles M Busbee Taylor Bettie,'" washerwoman, res 428 n Salisbury Taylor Ruffin,'" porter for J P Wyatt & Co, bds Spencer Gill Taylor Amanda," washerwoman, res 563 e Cabarrus Taylor Miss Annie, seamstress, res 534 e Cabarrus Teachey J M, railroading, res 325 w Morgan Teaehey Mrs Carrie, wife J M Teachey Miss Alma, d J M, res same, student Teachey J M Jr, son J M, res same, student Teachey J W, son J M, res same, student Teasley Edward, cabinet-maker, res 119 s Dawson Teasley Mrs Vi{;toria, wife Edward, dressmaker Teasley E E, elk, bds 326 Newbern ave Tedder J L, machinist S A L R R, bds Exchange Hotel Telfair Florence,* nurse, res Manly Telfair Sam F, private sec to Gov of N C, bds 103 s McDowell Telfair Mrs Mildred, wife Sam F TEMPLE A H, gen mgr Glasgow Mantel and Tile Co, 122 Fay- etteville, bds 109 s Blount Temple Isham, cripple, res Fayetteville rd, o s s Temple Leonard, son Isham, res same, wks Caraleigh cot mill Temple Miss Alva, d Isham, res same, wks Caraleigh cot mill Temple John, son Isham, res same, farm hand Temple Miss Annie, d Isham, res same, hkpr Temple Richard,"^'" lab, res Martin, o s e Temple Catherine,* washerwoman, res -406 w Edenton Terrell S M, elk for Thos Pescud, res 314 e Hargett Terrell Miss Linnie, d S M, res same, student Terrell Miss Eldo, sister S M, res same A. n. TEMPLE. A. E. TEMPLE. GLASGOW MANTEL AND GRATE CO., MANTFAITIRERS OF SLATE, IRON and WOOD MANTELS and GRATES; ALSO DEALERS IN Americau M Imported Tiles for Floors, Vestilinles, Hearths and Waiuscoti!i£. FIRE-PLACE HEATERS A SPECIALTY. GLASGOW, VA. Branch House: Kaleigli, N. C. Te 278 Th Terrell John R (Parker & Terrell), cot buyer, res 209 s Person Terrell Miss Ida, sister John II, res same Terrell Thos B, eng SAL, res 18 w Peace Terrell Mrs Fannie L, wife T B Terrell Thos F, son T B, res same, bkkpr Terrell Miss Lizzie, d T B, res same, teacher Terrell Miss Katie F. d T B, res same Terrell Miss Fannie T, d T B, res same Terrell Geo B, elk Agricultural dept, bds 207 n West Terrell Mrs Fannie B, wife Geo B Terrell Logan D, bds 207 n West Terrell Mrs Mamie, wid, res 321 s Person Terrell Miss Marjory, d Mrs Mamie, res same, student Terrell Miss Marie, d Mrs Mamie, res same, student Terrell Peter,'" gardener, res 825 Manly Terrell Edmund," lab, res 806 Manly Terrell Annie,* wife Edmund, washerwoman Terrell Ora,* d Edmund, res same, washerwoman Terrell Ralph,* lab, res 33-1: Cannon Terrell Bettie,* wife Ralph, washerwoman Terrell Millie,* d Ralph, res same, student Terrell James,* son Ralph, res same, student Terrell Jessie,* d Ralph, res same, student Terrell Nellie, d Ralph, res same, student Terrell Ada,* washerwoman, res 401 s Dawson Terrell Annie,* washerwoman, res 728 e Davie, o s e Terrell Eugene,* porter for J J Johnson, res 728 e Davie, o s e Terrell W H,* blacksmith, res 612 s McDowell Terrell Mary,* wife W II, house work Terrell Lucy,* d W H, res same, student Terrell Otis,* son W H, res same, student Terrell Nancy,* w^asherwoman, res 726 Cannon Terrell Wm D, wks Linnell laundry, res 125 e Hargett Terry Mrs Julia A, wife Wm D Terry Ashton, son Wm D, res same, studeni Terry Miss Pearl, d Wm D, res same, student Terry Turner, ins agt, res 413 s Blount Terry Miss Kate M, sister Turner, res same, tailoress Thacker Mrs Ann, saleslady W H & R S Tucker & Co, bds Yar- boro' "House Thackston J W, gen mgr for the American Book Co, res cor Hali- fax and Franklin Thackston Mrs A B, wife J W Thackston Henry E, son J W, res same, student Thackston James B, son J W, res same, student Thackston Miss Roberta C, d J W, res same, student Thackston John,* wks Caraleigh mill, res 825 Jenkins Thackston Louise,* wife John Th 279 Th Thain A, inmate Soldiers' Home Tharrini>;ton P>enj,''" jiorter Hicks cV Roijers, res ll(t e Lenoir ThMrrini:;t(.)n Lucv,"' wife I'>enj, dresstnaker THE ALLEN & CRAM 'MACHINE CO, machinists and founders. (I M AlU-n, Mrs Helen Allen and W C Ci-am prn])S The A M E Church,"- cor Kdenton and n Harrington, liev 11 H W Leak pastor The Allen ct Boyden Real Estate xVgency, PuUen bldo- The Ba])tist Tabernacle, cor e Hargett and s Person, Rev Dv A M Simms pastor Tiie Biblical Recorder (weekly), organ of Baptist denomination, Edwards 6z Broughton owners, el W Bailey editor, 17 w Har- gett The Brooklin M E Church, northwest city limits. Rev R H Wliita- ker pastor The Board of Missions and Baptist Book Store of the N C Baptist State Convention, Rev John E White cor sec. Rev B W Spill- man Sunday-school missionary, 113 Fayetteville The Blount-Street Baptist Church,* cor s Blount and Cabarrus, Rev Freeman Howell pastor The Baltimore Immediate Benefit Association, 832 Fayetteville, S H Beam supt The Capital Hose Company, w Morgan, AV A Lineham foreman, Wm Allcott sec The Central M E Church, cor Morgan and Person, Rev D H Tuttle pastor The County Board of Health, Dr P E Hines pres The Caraleigh Cotton Mill, South Raleigh, J J Thomas pres, Dr D E Everett vice-pres, F O Moriiig sec and treas, H C Butler supt The Caraleigh Phosphate and Fertilizer Company, South Raleigh, J R Chamberlain pres, A Home vice-pres, A L Chamberlain sec and treas, C H Kayler, supt The City Hall, offices of the city, Fayetteville through to Wil- mington The Citizens National Bank, 230 Fayetteville, Jos G Brown pres, Henry E Litchford cashier, W W Robards teller The City Shaving Saloon, 211 s Wilmington, Brittian Pierce pro- prietor The Central Hotel, cor s Wilmington and e Hargett, H J Dowell proprietor THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK, cor e Martin and south Wilmington, J J Thomas pres, B S Jerman cashier, H W Jackson asst casliier and teller, capital stock $1<»(),00loodworth. Prof A W Pegues supervisor THE N C BUILDING AND SUPPLY CO, builders and con tractors, shops n AVest, W J Hicks pres, W J Ellington sec and treas The N C Phospliate Co, wks at Castle Hayne, N C, office cor Fay- etteville and e Davie, C M Hawkins pres, B S Jcrman sec and treas The N C Cotton-Oil and Fertilizer Co, mill cor Davie and Harring- ton, office 11 w Hargett, R F Monroe pres, Garland Jones sec and treas The N C Insane Asylum", near city limits, Dr Geo L Kirby supt, Wm R Crawford Jr steward, Mrs M A Whitaker matron The N C Penitentiary, near city limits, A Leazar mgr, Dr J W McGee Sr ])hysician, Jos J Bernard elk THE N C CAR CO, P'ranklin near r r, mfrs of iron castings and bulding material, R F Hoke pres, Jno Ward sec and treas, W E Ashley supt The North State Trouser Co, mfrs, 21tU Fayetteville, Winston ife Barbee props THE NATIONAL BANK OF RALEIGH, cor w Hargett and Fayetteville, C II lielvin ])res, C E Johnson vice-pres, F H The following is our Line : Gold Plating, Brass Finishing, Silver Plating, Burnishing. Nickel Plating, Lacquering, Copper Plating, Oxidizing. All kinds of old work done over as good as new. Specialty of Re-plating Table- ware, Bicycle work, Surgical Instruments, etc. We guarantee the best work that can be done. Send us vour orders. Write us. FOLSOM, FINGER & CO., Electro-Platers and Manufacturers of Highest-Orade Slher-Plated Ware, 1 7 Th 282 Th Briggs cashie^', Julian Timljorlake teller, Charles D Jones col- lector The New York Bazaar, dry goods, millinery, etc, 211 Fayetteville, I Rosenthal prop The News and Observer (newspaper), office -ilS Fayetteville, Jose- phns Daniels editor, W E Christian, J Wilbur Jenkins and F L Merritt asst editors, H B Hardy and W M Rogers trav agts The News and Observer Publishing Co, 413 Fayetteville, Josephus Daniels pres, F B Arendell bus nigr, W P Whitaker cashier and bkkpr The Outlook (newspaper). Rev R H W Leak* editor, office 16 s Salisbury THE PARK HOTEL, w Martin, Brown & Crawford props THE PEACE INSTITUTE (Presbyterian School), Prof James Dinwiddle pres and prin The Postal Telegraph and Cable Co, 11 e Martin, W J Crews mgr The Pilot Cotton Mill, North Raleigh, James N & W H William- son owners The Progressive Farmer (weekly newspaper), office Ral Savings Bank bldg, John L Ramsey editor The Primitive Baptist Church, cor Morgan and Dawson The Presbyterian Mission Room, cor North and McDowell THE PRESS- VISITOR (afternoon daily), published by Press- Visitor Publishing Co, office 334 Fayetteville, Greek O An- drews editor, T J Pence city editor The Peter Stumpf Brewing Co, bottlers, &c, 204 e Martin, W C Hudgins agt The Raleigh Plate Ice Factory, s West, Jones & Powell props The Raleigh Board of Health, Dr James McKee pres The Raleigh R-e and Refrigerating Co, w Ha-rgett The Raleigh Gas Co, office 331 Fayetteville, B P Williamson pres The Raleigh Cotton Mill, near Ral and Gaston R R shop, C G Latta pi'es, C E Johnson vice-pres, J S Wynne sec and treas, H B Greason supt THE RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK, cor Fayetteville and e Har- gett, W C Stronach pres, J no T Pullen cashier, Jas O Litch- ford teller The Raleigh Coffin Co, coffins and caskets, 128 s Wilmington, G A Strickland mgr The Raleigh Water Co, office at water tower, 115 w Morgan, Julius Lewis pres, A A Thompson vice-pres, A M McPheeters Jr sec and Supt, F H Briggs treas The Rescue Hose and Fire-Engine Co, Fayetteville, R E Lums- den foreman, W A Faucette sec THE RALEIGH STATIONERY CO, 309 Fayetteville, mfg stationers, blank books, typewriters and supplies, W G Separk msT Th 283 Th The Raleiiih ^Fale AcadeiTiy, Morson it Densoii princ-ipals The Raleigh Electric Co, cor w Jones and n West, All" A Thomp- son pres, Ciias C Johnson sec and snpt, F 11 Brijjgs treas The Rex nos])ital, 17 w South, ^liss Matririe McLester matron THE SHAW UNIVERSITY, cor s Wiimino-ton and e South, Ciias F Meserve, A M, pres, J Greenwood Snelling of New York treas, W Jewett asst treas and sec The St Paul A M E Church, n Harrington, Rev R II W Leak pastor THE ST MARY'S SCHOOL, Rev Dr Bennett Sniedes rector and prin The Supreme Court of North Carolina, in Su])reme Court bldg, cor w Edenton and n Salisbury, Wm T Faircloth chief-justice, AjC Avery, Walter Clark, D M Furches and W A Mont- gomery associate justices, Thomas S Kenan elk The Seaboard Air- Line Ticket Otiice, in Yarborough House bldg, H S Leard soliciting frt and passenger agt The Southern Railway Office, Yarborough House bldg The Yarborough House Saloon, Levy Walker proprietor The Standard Oil Companv, n Harrington, J A Hinnant a^'-t THE STAUNTON LIFE INSURANCE CO, of Staunton, Va, office over .')0l Fayetteville, J J Hayes State agt The Singer Sewing Machine Office, 1L5 Fayetteville, R L Green mgr The LT S Internal Revenue Service, offices in IT S bldg, F M Sim- mons collector The U S Circuit and District Court Room, U S bldg, A S Seymour district judge The U S Post-Office, cor Fayetteville and e Martin, Chas M Bus- bee P M The U S Marshal's Office, V S bldg, O J Carrt>ll marshal of Eastern District of N C The Victor Hose Company," Salisbury and Davie, T B Burgess foreman, John Taylor sec The AVashington Graded School," H S Christmas prin The Walter li Womble Hook-and-Ladder Co, w Morgan, WW Parish foreman The Western Union Tel Co, ;52s Fayetteville, J A Egerton mgr THE YARBOROUGH HOUSE, 319 Fayetteville, L T Brown proprietor The Young Men's Christian Association, cor Fayetteville and Mor- gan, W H Overton sec The Zion Methodist Church,-'' e Cabarrus, Rev H P Walker'-' pastor Thiera Phil, accountjint and bkkpr, res 311 w Jones Thiem Mrs Annie, wife Phil Thiem Miss Gertie, d Phil, les same Thiem Edgar, son Phil, res same, elk Woollcott & Son Thiem LeRoy, son Phil, res same, tel opr Th 284 Th Thiem John, son Phil, res same, student Thiem James, son Phil, res same, student Thiem Miss Erma, d Phil, res same Thiem Phil Jr, elk for M Rosenthal, res 311 \v Jones Thomas Capt J J, cot broker, res cor Jones and McDowell Thomas Mrs Lula, wife J J Thomas Miss Evie B, d J J, res same Thomas James, son J J, res same, student THOMAS & MAXWELL, furniture dealers, !♦ and 12 e Martin and 10 Exchange Place Thomas Archie,* wks for Pal Gas Co, res cor West and Edenton Thomas Lovie,* teacher, res cor n West and w Edenton Thomas lola, seamstress, res 213 e Cabarrus Thomas Howard, bkkpr, res with sister, Mrs B T McAden Thomas Judson," wks Latta & Hunter, res e Jones, Idlewild Thomas Eliza,"'* wife Judson, washerwoman Thomas Eenie,* son Judson, res same, student Thomas Geo,* wks Ed Price, city market, res 513 Newbern ave Thomas Burke,* butcher, wks W R Crawford & Son, r 513 New- bern ave Thomas Mary,* wife Burke, nurse James A Briggs Thomas Percy, brother of Mrs John A Duke, res same, student Thomas Lena,* washerwoman, res 116 w South Thomas Fannie,* house ser.vant, res 909 Manly Thomas Beulah,* d Fannie, res same, student Thomas Geo,* son Fannie, res same, student Thomas Wiley,* lab, res 909 Manly ^ Thomas Sarah,* house-servant, res Whitaker ave Thomas Wm, wks at Caraleigh mill, res 711 s West Thomas Mrs Bettie, wife Wm, wks Caraleigh mill Thomas Alice,* washerwoman, res 318 s Harrington Thomas Louisa,* washerwoman, res 318 s Harrington Thomas Robert,* son Alice, res same, student Thomas A J (Darnell ife Thomas), music dealer, res 318 s Dawson Thomas Mrs Jessie, wife A J Thomas Miss Louisa J, d A J, res same, student A. S. THOMAS. T. R. MAXWELL. S. A. CAMPBELL. Nos. 9 and 12 Martin Street, THOMAS, MAXWELL & CO., FOR ALL KINDS OF Furniture and House- Fitting Supplies. The largest stock and the greatest variety at I he lowest prices on easy terms. Stoves, Carpets, Mattings, Trunks, Clocks, Rugs, Lamps, Shades, etc., and eveiyihing kept in a tirst-class Furniture Store. Th 285 Th Thomas Shelburn, son A J, res same, student Thomas S A, carp, res I'Jo s Saunders Thomas Mrs Louisa B, wife S A Thomas ]\[iss Vela, d S A, res same, student Thomas P'rank L, son S A, res same, student Thomas ^[iss Repsie R, d 8 A, res same, student Thomas Etlier, inmate Soldiers' Home Thomas Alice,* chambermaid, res 726 Manly Thomas Ellas,"'' cook at Insane Asylum, res 521 Cannon Thomas Martha,* wife Elias, house work Thomas ^ramie,'-' d Elias, res same, student Thomas Mattie," d Elias, res same, student Thomas Annie,'"' d Elias, res same, student Thomas Lizzie,"^ cook for C B Denson, res e Edenton Thomas E B, bkkpr, res 102 w Lane Thomas jNIrs X R, wife B Thomas Chas R, printer Edwards A: Broughton, bds 420 s Wil- mington Thomason ^Yilliam, driver for Royall tt Borden, bds 117 e Davie Thomason James,* fireman S A L R R, bds 205 w North Thomason Willie, elk for Royall tfe Borden, bds 110 n Saunders Thomason Miss Annie, seamstress, res 545 e Martin Thomason Miss Martha, seamstress, res 545 e Martin Thomason Mrs Mary, wid, res 545 e ^Martin Thompson R T, painter and moulder, res 554 e Davie Thompson Mrs Winnie, wife R T Thompson Frank L, son R T, res same, painter Thompson John, son R T, res same, student Thompson R T Jr, son R T, res same, student Thompson Silvia,''^ washerw^oman, res 520 e Martin Thompson Ella," d Silvia, res same, washerwoman Thompson Fred,* son Silvia, res same, shoemaker Thompson Alf A, cot broker, res 317 Newbern ave Thompson Mrs Laura C, wife Alf A Thompson Alfred M, son Alf A, res same, student Thompson Robert, son Alf A, res same, student Thompson Hugh A, son Alf A, res same, student Thompson ]\[iss Mary C, d Alf A, res same Thompson William,'"'' brick-mason, res bet Davie and Hargett, o s e Thompson l^enny,"^ wife Win, laundress Thompson Lillie,'-' d Wm, res same, student Thompson Mrs Annie, seamstress, res 3ir» Cannon Thompson Miss Bessie, d Mrs Annie, res same, student Thompson Rev Z B,* Missionary Baptist minister, res 71«> Fayette- ville Thompson Dora C,"'- wife Rev Z B, house work Thompson ]\lonroe, farmer, res Fayette vi lie, below R R Thompson Mrs Nora, wife Monroe Th 286 Th Thompson Miss Columbia, d Monroe, res same, spinner Thompson Miss Julia, d Monroe, res same, spinner Thompson Willis, son Monroe, res same, student Thompson Walter, son Monroe, res same, student Thompson Mrs Susan, seamstress, res cor Davie and East Thompson Miss Pattie, d Mrs Susan, res same Thompson Miss Belle, seamstress, bds 520 s Harrington Thompson Altred."'" wood-sawyer, res 836 s AVilmington Thompson Rachel,'"' wife Altred, washerwoman Thompson John,'" son x^lfred, res same, lab Thompson Gertrude,'"^ d Alfred, res same, servant Thompson William, inmate Soldiers' Home Thompson Ella,'" washerwoman, res 525 e Edenton Thompson Moses,"" shoemaker, s W^ilmington, res e Hargett, o s e Thompson Marv,'" wife Moses, washerwoman Thompson Manuel,'" son Moses, res same, shoemaker Thompson Joanna,'" d Moses, res same, student Thompson Mary E,'" d Moses, res same, student Thompson Anna,'" d Moses, res same, student Thompson William," son Moses, res same, student Thompson Geo W, cashier Commercial and Farmers Bank, res 110 w Martin Thompson Mrs Kosa, wife Geo AV Thompson Steadman, son Geo W, res same Thompson Miss Katherine, d Geo W, res same Thompson Cornelius, machinist, res 410 w North Thompson Miss Roena, sister Cornelius, res same Thompson Jno W, trav salesman, res 424 Halifax Thompson Mrs Sallie, wife Jno AV Thompson Miss Daisy, d Jno W, res same Thompson Miss Lillian, d Jno W, res same Thompson Herbert, son Jno W, res same, stenographer and type- writer Thompson John, son Jno W, res same, elk for Eberhart e Cabarrus Turner Mary,* servant, res 224 Blount-st al Tu 290 Un Turner Amanda,"" chambermaid for Dr Hubert Haywood, res 551 e Eden ton Turner Chas,* waiter at Park Hotel, res 551 e Eden ton Turner Maggie," nurse for Dr Hubert Haj^wood, r 551 e Edenton Turner Edom,'^ adopted son Robert Hunter, res same Turner Mrs R E, wid, res with W W Wynne Turner Wm,* city hand, res 16 Fowle Turner Henrietta,"'^ wife Wm, house work Turner Hattie," d Wm, res same Turner Adeline,* cook, res 528 Haywood Turner Jennie," cook, res 528 Haywood Turner Bud,* son Adeline, res same, lab Turner Pattie,* servant for C E Johnson, res on lot Turner Lizzie,"' servant for C E Johnson, res on lot Turner AV C, ins agt, bds 217 s West Turner Phoebe," carpet seamstress for W H & R S Tucker, res Cotton lane, o s e Turner Manuel,* lab, res 411 e Martin Turner Miss Carrie, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Turner Miss Mamie, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Turner Phoebe,* house-servant, res 418 e Martin Turner James,* hackman, res 418 e Martin Turner Eliza,* washerwoman, res e Davie TUTTLE Rev D H, pastor Central Methodist church, res 221 e Morgan Tuttle Mrs Ella, wife D H Tuttle Miss Emeth, d Rev D H, res same, student Tuttle Miss Cary, d Rev D H, res same Tuttle Herndon W, son Rev D H, res same Twitty Frank,* butler at Park Hotel, res 117 w Lenoir Twitty Placide,* wife Frank, house work Twitty Fannie,* nurse for Clu Lee, res 112 e Morgan Tyler Helen,* cook for Jno A Bashford, res Idlewild Tyler John,* son Helen, res same Tyson W M, carp, res e Martin Tyson Mrs Virginia, wife W M Tyson Mrs Margaret, wid, res with Paul Lee UELTSCHI Jacob, 2d asst boss Ral cot mill, r 715 n Salisbury Ueltschi Mrs Lillie, wife Jacob Underwood Jas E, eng at water-works, res 522 s Salisbury Underwood Mrs Sallie, wife J E Underwood Miss Placide H, d J E, res same, student Underwood Miss Mary C, d J E, res same, student Underwood Miss Myrtle A, d J E, res same, student United States Court-House and Post-Office, cor Fayetteville and Martin, F M Simmons custodian, Chas M Busbee P M Up 291 Up Upcluircli ]\rrs E M, wid, res 210 s McDowell Upchmvli Dolmar D, son Mrs E M, res same, bkkpr at Ral Nat'l Bank rpc'hurch ]\Iiss Belle W, d Mrs E M, res same Ui)fhurch AV (t, son Mrs E INf, res same, elk for W C Stronach & Son Upchureh Miss Eulali G, d Mrs E M, res same, student Upelmrch Miss Sadie K, d Mrs E M, res same, student Upchureh Dr Harvey C, physician and surgeon, office and res 211) s McDowell Upchureh Mrs Annie S, wife Dr H C Upchureh AV G, cot mill opr, res 532 n West rjK'hurch Mrs Annie, wife W G Upchureh Miss Candace, d W G, res same, wks Ral cot mill ["pchurch Miss Nelia, d W G, res same, wks Ral cot mill Upchureh John, son W G, res same, wks Ral cot mill Tpchurch Ernest, son W G, res same, student Tpchurch Miss Retha, d W G, res same, student I'pchurch jMiss Neva, d W G, res same, student Upchureh Miss Nellie, d AV G, res same, student Upchureh Virginia," washerwoman, res -iOT w Edenton Upchureh Lillie," d Virginia, res same, washerwoman Upchureh Frank,-'' son Virginia, res same, lab Upchureh Mattie,"'' d Virginia, res same, servant Upchureh Lovie," d Virginia, res same, servant rpchurch James, saloon elk, res 219 Smithfield Upchureh Mrs Bettie, wife James Upchurcli Sallie," cook for John W Brown, res e Hargett, o s e rpchurch Beulah,'" d Sallie, res same, student I pchurch Charlie,'^ son Sallie, res same, student rpchurch Minnie," d Sallie, res same, student Upchureh W D Jr, saloon, 215 s Wilmington, res 57 s Wilmington I'pchurch Vernon S, elk, res 1<)7 s Wilmington Upchureh John R, constable, res 319 e Cabarrus UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, 43. 45, 47 East 10th Street. NEW YORK. L- Holmes' Readers, Maury's \ Geographies, Sanford's Arithmetics, Fuiger's Civil Government, HanselUs (Chambers') Histories of U. S. Write to W. B. KENDRICK, Gen'l Agent, Raleigh. N. C. Up 292 Up Upchnrch Mrs Emma N, wife John II Upchureh Miss Hallie E, d John R, res same, dressmaker Upchnrcli Miss Nannie J, d John R, res same, student Upchureh Ira G, son John R, res same, student Upchureh Ada G, d John R, res same, student Upchureh Alfred, wheelwright, res 320 e Hargett Upchureh Mrs Ann E, wife Alfred Upchureh Miss Placide, d Alfred, res same, student Upchureh Mrs F J, wid, res 214 e Davie Upchureh Robt G, son Mrs F J, res same, elk Royster candy fac- tory Upchureh Homer F, son Mrs F J, conductor Ral Elec Pvy Co Upchureh Miss B N, d Mrs F J, res same, seamstress Upchureh Mrs C W, dressmaker, res 31-i e Hargett Upchureh C W, sewing machine agt, res 31-1 e Hargett Upchureh Herman, pressman Edwards t% Broughton, res 4lM e Hargett Upchureh Mrs Kate R, wife Herman Upchureh Mrs A D, wid, res 717 n Person Upchureh Walter, son Mrs A D, res same, farmer Upchureh Julius, son Mrs A D, res same, spinner Ral cot mill Upchureh Charles, son Mrs A D, res same, spinner Ral cot mill Upchureh Nathan, tinner app, res 717 n Blount Upchureh Mrs Annie, wife Nathan Upchureh Mary," washerwoman, res 406 w Jones Upchureh Myra J,* d Mary, res same, washerwoman Upchureh Ella M," d Mary, res same, servant Upchureh B W, grocer, 15 e Hargett, res 228 e ]\[artin Upchureh Mrs Mamie I, wife B W TTpchurch A P, cotton buyer for Ed H Lee, res 223 e Hargett Upchureh Mrs Sarah M, wife A P Upchureh Oris K, son A P, res same, elk for Sherwood <^ Co Upchureh Miss Luta, d A P, res same, saleslady for Woollcott & Son Upchureh Miss Iva, d A P, res same, student Upchureh Miss Allie, d A P, res same, student Upchureh Walter, son A P, res same, student Upchureh Wm W, elk SAL, res 413 Oakwood ave Upchureh Mrs Annie, wife W W Upchureh "Ed B, son W W, res same, moulder Upchureh Miss Minnie A, d W" W, res same Upchureh Alfred H, son W W, messenger Postal Tel Co Upchureh Miss Gertrude M, d W W, res same, student Upchureh James N, son W W, res same, student Upchureh W D, real estate, res 504 s Bloodworth Upchureh Mrs Emily H, wife W D Upchureh Mingo," wks at ice factory, res rear 4r»5 s Dawson Upchureh Jennie," wife Mingo, washerwoman Up 293 Ut ['pehuivh Willie,* son Miiiojo, res same, student rpt'huivh Geo C, city policeman, res 218 s Swain Ipehurch Mrs Vir<:;inia B, wife Geo C rpperman Lizzie,"^ washerwoman, res 814 Manly l'|)perman William, "■•' son Lizzie, res same, student rppei'inan Hilda," laundress, res 3U8 w Lenoir Ippi-rman Julius," son Hilda, res same, student Tpperman Marcellus,'^ carp, res 32l> w South Tpperman Annie £,'••" wife M, house work Ipperman Sallie A,"'" d M, res same, teacher rpiHM-man Lewis M,* son M, res same, carp app r[)p(-'rman xVnnie R,* d M, res same, student Ipperman Arthur J,"'' son M, res same, student rpperman Charity,* washerwoman, res 00'.> s Harrington I pperman Albert,* son Charity, res same, dish-washer Ipperman xMary,* d Charity, res same, cook I pperman Nancy,* d Charity, res same, cook r pperman William,* carp, r 330 w South r|>]ierman Jane,* wife Wm, washerwoman Utlev W S, carp, res n Saunders rtleV Mrs Ella, wife W S Utley Miss Minnie, d W S, res same Utley Walter, son W S, res same, wks Ral cot mill I'tley Eugene, son W S, res same, messenger boy W U Tel Office L'tley Miss Nannie, d W S, res same, student Vtley J C, eng, res 320 e Cabarrus T'tley Mrs Delia, wife J C Utley Miss Clara, d J C, res same, dressmaker Ltley Clarence, son J C, res same, app blacksmith Utley Miss Mar}- McK, d J C, res same, student L'tley W M, deputy sheriff, res 113 n Person Utley Mrs M A, wife W M T'tley Clarence B, son W M, res same, student I tley Miss Mattie, d AV M, res same, student Utley Philemon, son W M, res same, student Utley W T, elk F A Watson, res 409 e Morgan E. M. UZZELL. Cor. Wilmington and Martin Sts., FIRST-CLASS WORK AT BOTTOM PRICES. Ut 294 Va Utley Florence, wife W T Utley Miss Fannie, sister AV T, res same Utzman H M, grocer, 127 n Dawson, res same Utzman Mrs M A, wife R M TJZZELL E M, printer and binder, cor s Wilmington and Martin, res '512 e Jones Uzzell Mrs Isabella, wife E M ITzzell Miss Helen M, d E M, res same Uzzell Miss Nola C, d E M, res same, student Uzzell Miss Jessie S, d E M, res same, student Uzzell Miss Edwina H, d E M, res same Uzzle W C, printer, res 230 n Saunders Uzzle Mrs S I, wife W C Uzzle W S, pianos and organs, res 217 s West Uzzle Mrs Belle, wife W S Uzzle Russell T, son W S, res same, student Uzzle Miss Agnes E, d W S, res same, student Uzzle Miss Virginia H, d W S, res same, student Uzzle Carter C, son W S, res same, student Uzzle Peyton R, mgr Wyatt & Co, res IS Johnson Uzzle Mrs Alley, wife P R, dressmaker Uzzle Harry, son P R, res same, moulder Uzzle Archie B, son P R, res same, elk W H & R S Tucker & Co Uzzle M P, son P R, res same, elk Charles W Young Uzzle J E, huckster city market, bds 12 e Davie VALENTINE Sam,* brakeman S A L R R, res 112 n AVest Valentine Minnie,''^ wife Sam, washerwoman Valentine D O, elk Central Hotel, res same Van Horn Wm P, elk Frank Stronach, res 413 e Morgan Van Horn Mrs Bettie E, wife Wm P Vaughan Mrs Pal, dressmaker, res 227 e Davie Vaughan Mrs R O, res 227 e Davie Vaughan Miss Maud, saleslady at Woollcott & Son, r 227 e Davie Vaughan Miss Mary, saleslady, res 227 e Davie Vaughan Robt L, son Mrs R O, res same, student Vaughan Edward, lab, res 19 Hayti Vaughan Mrs Mary, wife Ed Vaughan "William," farmer, res 422 s McDowell Vaughan Ed, eng SAL, res Firwood ave, o s n Vaughan Mrs Frankie, wife Ed Vaughan Miss Etta, d Ed, res same, student Vaughan George, son Ed, res same, student Vass Maj W W, sec R & G R R, office SAL bldg, r 3 e Edenton Vass Wm W Jr, son Maj W AV, res same, lawyer Vass Miss Eleanor N, d Maj W AV, res same Vass Miss Lilla AI, d Maj W AV, res same Va 295 Wa Vass AVilliiun," lab, res 5'24 Yearby's lane Vass jMartiia,"' wife AVilliain A^ass William Jr,* son William Sr, res same, student Yass Thomas,* son William, res same, student Vass Marv," cook tor J K Barklev, res rear 12S n Wilmington Venable Airs Delia, wid, mother of ,^[rs T K Southerland, r same Vestal Aliss Ida, res witli J II Kobl)iiis Vick Miss Sallie, neice of Mrs J II I>arkley, res same, student Vincent Kev A B,* Baptist minister, res 018 s West Vincent Cora P,* wife Rev A B Vines Alex,* lab, res 100 w Lenoir Vines Courtney,* wife Alex, house work Vines Plummer,* son Alex, res same, student Vines Mary,* laundress, res 216 w Cabarrus Von Ilerrman C F, U S Weather Bureau, meteorologist, office Agricultural bldg, bds IIS n Wilmington Von Herrman Mrs Evelina, wife C F Voss John, carp, res 316 Cannon WADDELL J AV, grocer, S12 Fayetteville, res 22 McKoe Waddell Mrs Aithimitha, wife J W, dressmaker AVaddell J N, guard at penitentiary, res 748 P'ayettevilie AVaddell Airs Pink, wife J N Waddell Graham, son J N, res same, student AVaddell E AL, inmate Soldiers' Home AVaddell Alfred, wks Edwards A: Broughton, res 531 e Alartin Waddell Alack, lab, res 531 e Alartin Wade Pho?be,* washerwoman, res S s Harrington AVade Eliza,* nurse, res 116 w Lenoir AVadford Aliss Alelissa, seamstress, res 307 w Alorgan Wadford A O, guard at penitentiary, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w AVadford Airs Arnetta, wife A O AVadford Aliss Geneva, niece A O, res same AVahmann J H, elk at Baleigh Stationery Co, res 324 s Salisbury AVahmann Airs Dorah, wife J H AVaitt Airs H V, wid, res 128 w Hargett AA^aitt D S, son Airs Hattie V, res same, student AVaitt Paul, son Airs Hattie V, res same, elk for A Williams Sz Co AVaitt Aliss Daisy B, d Airs Hattie V, res same, teacher AVaitt Aliss Ethel, d Airs Hattie V, res same, student AVaitt Jos K, son Airs Hattie V, res same AVaitt Robert C, son Airs Hattie V, res same AVait S D, gen agt Connecticut Alutual Life Ins Co, office and res 4oO Fayetteville, bds Park Hotel AValber Airs Alary A, seamstress, res 327 s Bloodworth AValker AA^m H, elk in rev office, res 14 w Cabarrus AValker Airs Kate D, wife Wm H Wa 296 Wa Walker Alfonzo L, son Wm H, res same, student Walker N L, son AVni H, res same, student Walker Miss Emily H, d Wm H, res same, student AValker Miss Kate D, d Wm H, res same, student Walker S W, wks Supreme Court bldg, res 215 s Person Walker Mrs S J, wife S W AValker Miss Annie B, d S W, res same, milliner Walker Miss Emma G, d S AY, res same AValker Miss Beulali B, d S W, res same, student Walker John AV, mgr N C Trouser Co, res 320 e Hargett AValker Mrs Maggie M, wife John AV AValker John AV, son John AV, res same, student AValker Miss Margarite, d John W, res same, student Walker C A, barber, shop 112 e Hargett, res 225 e Cabarrus AValker Sarah, wife C A Walker Rev H P,* Methodist minister, res 123 Haywood AValker Sarah J,* wife Pev H P, house work Walker Nena L,* d Pev H P, res same, student Walker AV A, inmate Soldiers' Home Walker Carter, inmate Soldiers' Home AValker Grizzle,* house-servant, res 561 e Edenton AValker Lewis," form hand, res 802 Alanly Walker Posa,* wife Lewis, washerwoman Walker Ida,* washerwoman, res 100 w Edenton AValker W D, machinist, bds 311 Hillsboro AValker Jane,* cook for Mrs AV H Bagley, res 410 s Blount Walker Levy J, propr A'arborough House Saloon, room Frap's bldg Walker John,-' brick-mason, res e Jones, Idlewild Walker Henrietta,* wife John, cook and dining-room servant Walker Jane,* cook for Thos H Briggs, res same Walker Pauline,* washerwoman, res 521 s McDowell AValker Mary,* washerwoman, res 521 s McDowell Walker Thomas,* lab, res 122 w South Walker Linnie,* wife Thos, house-servant Walker Willie,* son Thos, res same, student Walker Mabel,* d Thos, res same, student Walker Jack,* w^ell-digger, res 517 s Dawson Wall Frank,* train hand Southern P R, res 120 w Peace Wall Hester,* washerwoman, res e Edenton Wallace Wm W, grocer, 715 s Blount, res e South Wallace Augusta, wife Wm W, restaurant Wallace Wm,* grocer, basement of 130 s Blount Wallin Charles, eng at Institution for the Blind, res 316 w Jones Wallin Mrs Emma, M'ife Charles Wallin Alfred, son Chas, res same, student Wallin Willie, son Chas, res same, student WALTERS GEO N, merchant tailor, 231 Fayetteville, res 319 JSTewbern ave Wa 297 Wa Walters :\Irs ^NI K, wife Geo N Walters Miss Vera N, d G N, res same, student AValters Miss Edna E, d G N, res same, student Walters Chas ]\[, deputy slierift', res ♦JIS w Jones AValters ]\Irs Columbia *A[, wife Chas M AValters Archie D, son Chas A[, res same, elk for L D Woiultle Walters Fred M, son Chas M, res same, elk for W H iV \l S Tucker A: Co Walters Thos L, son Chas M, res same, app at Allen A: Cram AV^alters John C, son Chas M, res same, student AValters B N, son Chas M, res same, student AValters Arthur E, son Chas A[, res same, student Walters Lucinda," cook, res Hayti Walters Amos," farm hand, res 207 s East Walters Eftie,* wife Amos, cook Walton James H, cdk for J E Walton, res w Edenton, rear First Baptist church AValton Mrs Cora B, wife James H AValton AVm,''' lab, res e Davie, o s e Walton J E, saloon, '2'Sr> s AVilmington, res 310 s Dawson AValton Mrs Ella O, wife J E AVard AVm,* corker for Ral Water Co, res 400 w Martin AVard Annie M," wife AVm, washerwoman AVard Lena," d Wm, res same, washerwoman AVard Bessie," d AVm, res same, house work AVard Charles," son Wm, res same, errand-boy AVard tloseph," son Wm, res same, student AVard Eliza,* nurse, res rear 405 s Dawson AVard AFary," cook for L C Emmett, res on lot AVard Aliss Rose V, teacher in St Mary's School, res same AVard Mrs Ann, wid, res 517 Halifax AVard P'rank T (Julius Lewis Hardware Co), hardware, re> 517 Halifax AVard John, sec and treas N C Car Co, res 517 Halifax AVard ^Nliss J E, d Airs Ann, res same A\'ard Aliss M A, d Mrs Ann, res same AVardrope Polly,* student, res 211 w South Warren Henry, motorman, res Coxe ave, o s w Warren Mrs Annie, wife Henry AVarren Miss Nellie G, d Henry, res same, student AVarren Miss Lillian E, d Henry, res same, student AVarren Robert A, son Henry, res same AVarren Miss Bertie L, d Henry, res same AVarren Aliss Lina B,.d Henry, res same Warren H A, carp, res til5 e Davie AVarren Mrs Nannie, wife H A, house work AVarren Lawrence, salesman, res 615 e Davie AVarren Nathaniel, carp, res Smithfield i8 Wa 298 Wa AVarren Mrs Nancy, wid, res 516 Haywood Warren Maria,* washerwoman, res 732 Fajetteville Wairen John," lab, res 732 Fayetteville "Warren Cliarles," lab, res 732 Fayetteville Warren Matilda,* student, res 732 Fayetteville AVarren James M, bookbinder, res 738 e Davie, o s e Warren Mrs Mary, wife James M AVarren Miss Minnie L, d Jas M, res same, student AA'^arren Harry L, son Jas M, res same, student AVarren Miss Nellie, d Jas M, res same, student AA^arren Miss Jennie E, d Jas M, res same Warren Mrs M E, w^id, mother Mrs Blanche Bolton, res same, 505 n Wilmington AVashington George,* hostler for J B Batchelor, res 524 s Dawson AVashington Argo,* son Geo, res same, student Washington Arthur,* son Geo, res same, student AVashington Oscar,* son Geo, res same, student AVashington Bessie,* d Geo, res same, student AVashington Henry,* wood-cutter and gardener, r Cotton lane, o s e AVashington Addie,* wife Henry, washerwoman AVashington John,* driver, res w Lenoir AVashington Polly,* cook, res w Lenoir AVashington Luvenia,* laundress for Dr James McKee, res on lot AVashington Ella,* cook, res 574 e Cabarrus AVashington Hattie,* washerwoman, res Cotton lane, o s e AVashington Millie,* cook for C W Bevers, res Cotton lane, o s e AVashington Dola,* d Hattie, res same, student AVashington Kittie,* washerwoman, res e Hargett, o s e AVashington Boyd,* driver for F A Watson, res e Hargett, o s e Washington Bertha,* cook for Jno liobinson, res e Hargett, o s e AVashington Harriet,* laundress, res 30 Railroad AVashington Lizzie,* cook, res 613 e Cabarrus AVashington Duncan,* son Lizzie, res same, lab AVashington Harriet,* nurse for Mrs Sam B Norris, res same AVaters Mrs George, wid, res 501 n East AVatkins AVilliam, painter SAL shops, res 210 w North A\'atkins Mrs Bettie, wife AVm ^\■atkins Norman, son AVm, res same, student AVatkins Miss Mattie D, d Wm, res same, student AVatkins-Mrs S H, mother of Mrs A F Upchurch, res same AVatkins Jesse, blacksmith, res 312 St Marj^'s, o s w AVatkins Mrs Bettie, wife Jesse AVatkins Frank, son Jesse, res same, student AVatkins Charlie, son Jesse, res same, student AVatkins John, son Jesse, res same, student AVatkins Miss Matilda, hkpr Henry S AVilton, res same AVatkins Miss Mary, sister Miss Matilda, res same AVatkins John AV, tel opr, res 416 s AVilmington Wa 299 Wa AV: W: AVii tkins Mrs Laura, wife John AV tkins ]\lajor,* lab, res SOT Jci)kins tkins Sarah,* washerwoman, res 807 Jenkins tkins Peter, core-maker N C Car Co fonndr\', res \\~> w Lane tkins ]\Irs Annie, wife Peter tkins James, son Peter, res same, app N C Car Co funndry tkins David, inmate Soldiers' Home tkins Jackson,* brick moulder, res Pui^h tkins Luvinia,* wife Jackson, washerwoman tkins Sarah, washerwoman, res 911 Manly \Vatkins AValter, son Sarah, res same WATSON FRED A, picture and art store, 112 Fajettevillc, res 414 n Person AVatson Mrs C E, M'ife F A Watson Lea, son F A, res same, student AVatson Miss Edna, d F A, res same, student AVatson Charles, son F A, res same, student Watson Miss Lotta, d F A, res same, student AVatson Emniett, son F A, res same AVatson Mrs A L, wid, res 418 n Saunders AVatson A L, son Mrs A L, res same, machinist AVatson J R, son Mrs A L, res same, student Watson AV M, son Mrs A L, res same, student AVatson AV C, son Mrs A L, res same, student AVatson T I, son Mrs A L, res same, student AVatson T D, deputy V S marshal, res 310 Newbern ave AV^atson Jos F, son T D, res same, elk Julius Lewis Hardware C<» AVatson Miss Ellen, d T D, res same AVatson Afiss Blanche, d T D, res same AVatson Miss Meta, d T D, res same, student AV^atson James R, ens; S A L, res 119 Firwood ave, o s n AVatson Mrs Lizzie O, wife Jas R AVatson James B, son Jas R, res same, student AVatson A S, son Jas R, res same, machinist SAL AVatson J H, son Jas R, res same, student AVatson AL'ss L C, d Jas R, res same, student AVatson J L, son Jas R, res same, student AVatson Henry L, elk in Baptist Supply Store, res 534 e Jones AVatson Mrs Annie, wife H L AVatson AValter L, son H L, res same, lawyer, office Fisher bldii AVatson Mrs Janet, wid, res 111 n Wilmington AVatson Miss Susie, d Mrs Janet, res same AVatson Miss Daisy, d Mrs Janet, res same, music student AVatson Robert,* driver for A B Stronach, res 102 n East AVatson Minnie,* wife Robt, washerwoman AVatson Isaac, inmate Soldiers' Home AVatson Mrs Lillie, wid, res 50,") s Swain AVatson J AV B, fanner, res 562 e Lenoir Wa 300 We AYatson William,* brakeman S A L R R, res Fleming's lane Watson ]VIiiliard,"" stationary eng, res 517 s West Watson John," son Milliard, res same, farm hand Watson Mary,* d Milliard, res same, cook Watson Florence, d Milliard, res same, cook W^atson Joseph," son Milliard, res same, produce pedler Watson Bettie,* housekeeper for Milliard, res same AVatson Henry,* lab, res 507 s Dawson Watson Mary,* wife Henry, washerwoman Watson Mary A,* d Henry, res same, cook at Yarboro' Huuse W^atson Effie,* d Henry, res same, house work Watson Lustre,* d Henry, res same Watson C P, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same Watson Buck,* lab, rooms 407 s Dawson W^atts J T, accountant, res 113 Wilmington Watts Mrs A E, wife J T, milliner Watts Miss Margaret, d J T, res same, milliner AVatts Roderick, son J T, res same, wks Experimental station AVatts Maurice,* barber, 116 Fayetteville, res 509 s Person AVatts R E,* wife Alan rice W^atts Mattie,* d Maurice, res same, student AVatts Katie D,* d Alaurice, res same, student AN'atts Evie A^,* d Alaurice, res same, student AVatts Mary,* washerwoman, res Pngli AVeathers Jos H, bkkpr, Ed H Lee, res 14 s Blood worth AVeathers- Mrs Ida, wife Jos H AVeathers Fab H, bkkpr for C E Johnson & Co, res o'2-2 e Hari2;ett AVeathers Mrs Ava D, wife Fab H Weathers Miss Laura D, d Fab H, res same AVeathei's H Carlisle, son Fab H, res same Weathers J W, butcher, res 216 n Bloodworth AVeathers Mrs Delaney H, wife J W AVeathers L C, son J W, res same, paper-hanger and decorator Weathers Wni C, son J W, res same, quiller at Caraleigh mill Weathers AV D, carp, res 110 s AVest AVeathers Mrs Mary, wife AV D AVeathers Vernon, son AV D, res same, student AVeathers AViller, son AV D, res same, student AVeathers K R, father of Mrs E C Jones, res same AVeathers Mrs Mary A, wid, res 324 s Blount AVeathers Miss Minnie E, d Mrs Mary A, res same AVeathers Aliss Rosa L, d Mrs Mary A, res same AVeathers Leon H, stenographer and typewriter, res 324 s Blount AVeathers Henry,* wks Insane Asylum, res 503 Smith AVeathers Emma,* wife Henry, cook AVeathers Prince,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e AVeathers Stella,* wife Prince, washerwoman AVeathers Anna,* d Prince, res same, cook We 301 We "Weatliers Farilla,* d Prince, res same, cook Weathers lola," cook, res old Fair CTround, o s e AVeathers Myrtle,* d Prince, res same, invalid Weathers Helen, "^ washerwoman, res ?>'24 w Edenton AVeathers Alex," wks for W C McALackiii, res 324 vv Edenton AVeathers Walter, wks Caraleii2;h mill, hds 74-4 Fayetteville AVeatherspoon Mrs Caroline, wid, res 7'23 s East AVeatherspoon AV H, mgr citv lamjvlightiiii:; dc])artment, res 723 s East AA^'eatherspoon Jackson,"'' lab, res 523 w South AVeatherspoon Snsan,'^' wife Jackson, washerwoman AVeatherspoon Minnie,* d Jackson, res same, washerwoman AVeatherspoon Annie,"" d Jackson, res same, student AVeatherspoon Thos Jr,'" wks AV R P>lake, res 53t> Newbern ave AVeatherspoon Thos,* restaurant cook, res 53i) Newbern ave AVeaVcM- Robert E, conductor Southern R R, res Oo,") Ilillsboro' AVeaver ^Irs Eliza N, wite Robert E A\"eaver Mary,"- nurse for Mrs Clem Carter, res same AVeaver Joseph,"- porter Capital' Club, res 224 Newbern ave AVeaver Annie,"" wife Joseph AVebb Lizzie," cook, res 710 s McDowell Webb Miss Sarah, res with Rev J B Cheshire AVebb Sam J,* brick-mason, res Oberlin, o s w Webster John, carp, res 315 s Bloodworth AVebster Mrs Bettie, wife John Weddon ct Francis, shoemakers, over 205 Fayetteville AVeddon J P, boot and shoemaker, res 212 n Harrington \\'eddon Miss Rebecca C, res 212 n Harrington AVeddon Miss Nellie, res 212 n Harrington, stenographer and type- writer WEIKEL C, tailor, shop up-stairs, 124 Fayetteville, res same A\'eir AVm J, stone contractor, res 513 n Bloodworth Weir Mrs Margaret, wife AV J AVeir Miss ^^ay, d AV J, res same AVeir Miss Hattie, d W J, res same, student AVeir Claude H, son AV J, res same, traveling salesman a WEIKEL, Artistic Tailoring, 124 Fayetteville St. (Ur-STAIltS.) Always on hand, a fine selection of Imported Woolens and latest styles. We 302 \Vh Weir Harry H, son AV J, res same, traveling salesman Weir Fred B, gs AV J, res same, student AA'^eir Miss Margaret A, g-d of AV J, res same, student AA^elsh Mrs J AV, wid, mother of Mrs F II Briggs, res same West Miss Mabel, house work, bds 317 s East West Miss Gracie, house work, bds 817 s East AA^est ISick AA'' (Julius Lewis Hardware Co), hardware merchant, res 625 Hilisboro' West Mrs Bessie, wife N AV West Miss Kate, d N A\'^, res same West Miss Maggie, d N AV, res same AA^st John, son N AV, res same, elk Southern R R office AA^est Thomas, son N AV, res same, cot buj-er for C E Johnson cV: Co West Miss Lucy, d N W, res same West Aliss Ellen, d N W, res same, student West Miss Julia, d Nick AV, res same AVest Nick AV Jr, son Nick AV, res same, student West Julius, son Nick W, res same, student West Raleigh Post-Office, B S Skinner P M West AVilliam, elk for M T N orris ^fc Bro, bds at Mrs M E Banks Wharton Thos AV, grocer, 806 s Wilmington, res same Wharton IMrs Hibernia, wife Thos AV Wharton Thos W Jr, student, les 806 s AVilmington Wharton Miss Elizabeth, d Thos W Sr, res same, student Wharton Miss Ellen E, d Thos W Sr, res same, student AVharton Hugh D, son Thos W Sr, res same, student WHARTON" C P, photographer, 119 Fayetteville, res 31S Oak- wood ave AVharton Mrs Eva L, wife C P WHITAKER Rev R H, pastor Brooklyn M E church and Raleigh missions Whitaker Mrs Fannie P, wife Rev R H Whitaker Miss Sallie C, d Rev R H, res same, student Whitaker AVesley, justice of the peace, office 119 e Martin, r 512 e Hargett Whitaker Miss Neva E, d Wesley, res same Whitaker James,* carp, res 517 Haywood Whitaker Caroline,* wife James Whitaker "Walter B,* son James, res same, student AVhitaker Jas W,* son James, res same, student Whitaker Violet,* servant, res Blount-st al Whitaker Ben,* lab, res rear Colored Baptist church Whitaker Bettie,* wife Ben, washerwoman Whitaker Alice,*nurse for Thos Cook, res same Whitaker W S, inmate Soldiers' Home Whitaker William,* eng at Agricultural bldg, res 16 w Worth Whitaker Mary,* wife AVm, house work \\h 303 \Vh taker Addie L," d Wm, res same, house work taker Deliio," son Win, res same, student taker Eleanor, ''■ d Wm, res same, student taker Esther, •■■ d Wm, res same, student taker Rufus,* farmer, res 6S5 Cannon taker Gracie,* wife Rufus, house work taker E 8, tel opr, hds 507 s West taker Harriet, ■•■ cook, res oil w Cal)arrus taker W P, bkkj^r for Xewf, *k Observer Co, res 411 w Har- o-ett taker ]\lrs Mamie, wife W P taker W P Jr, son W P, res same taker Mrs ]\r E, matron N C Insane Asylum, res same taker Bert," lab, res 515 Cannon taker Alice,* washerwoman, res Cannon te Rev I A, Methodist minister, proprietor Branson House, 101^ and 103^ Fayetteville te ]\rrs Johnnie L, wife Rev I A te Lee L, son Rev I A, res same, student te Miss Lucy X, d Rev I A, res same, student te Ernest E, son Rev I A, res same, student te Julian E, son Rev I A, res same, student te Herbert, son Rev I A, res same, student te Luther N, saloon, 231 s Wilmington, res 214 s Blount te Mrs Blanche E, wife Luther N te Wm C, son Luther N, res same te Miss Bessie H, d Luther N, res same, student te George L, son Luther X, res same, student te John S, huckster, res 117 s West te ^Irs Corrie, wife John S te Miss Mamie, d John S, res same te Lewis AV, son John S, res same te Thomas," lab S A L, res 318 s Blood worth te Penny,* wife Thos, washerwoman te Eddie," son Thos, res same, driver ]\l Rosenthal te Mrs Laura, wid, res 3<»1 w ]\Iorgan te Wm W, son Mrs Laura, ap]> at moulding te G H, son Mrs Laura, res same, app machinist te A Wray. son Mrs Laura, res same, student te Nancy,* cook for A C Lehman, res same te Jno B,* wks cotton compress, res 823 Jenkins te Matilda D,* wife Jno B, cook Branson House te Walter J,* lab, res 823 Jenkins te Bertiia,* wife Walter J te Mrs Mary E,'wid, res 302 w Jones te Chas W, son Mrs Mary E, res same, l)kkpr fur Wyatt A: Co te Edward L, son Mrs Mary E, r same, elk frt depot S A L R R te W A, teacher of music Blind Institution, res same Wh 304 Wh te Luvenia,"" house work, res Caswell lane te Maggie, "" house work, res Caswell lane te Bettie,"" washerwoman, res Fleming's lane te Miss Mary, sister Mrs Lncy B Evans, res same te H D, tel opr News and Observer, res 527 s Salisbury te Mrs Elizabeth C, wife H D te Miss S T, attendant at Insane Asylum, res same te Jane,'"'" washerwoman, res rear 407 s Dawson te Lizzie," cook, res 717 s McDowell tehead Miss Minnie M, g-d Mrs J M Betts, res same tehead Miss Jennie, g-d Mrs J M Betts, res same, student tehead James, g-s Mrs J M Betts, res same, app boiler-maker tehead Miss Katie, student, res with Wiley P Betts tehead Mary,''^ cook for T E, Pnrnell, res on lot tehead W W, cotton broker, bds 118 n Wilmington tehead Mrs Bessie, wife W W tehead John J, elk frt oihce SAL, res 507 Halifax tehead Mrs Annie C, wife Jno J tehead John J Jr, son John J, res same, student WHITELAW JOHN, stone- work contractor, res 201 w Martin Wh Wh VAHi Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh AVh Wh Wh AVh Wh W^i AVh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh AVh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh telaw Mrs Esther V, wife John telaw Miss Octavia L, d John, res same, saleslady at W H vfe R S Tucker & Co telaw Miss Janet K, d John, res same, saleslady at J' Hal Bobbitt telaw Miss Bettie A, d John, res same, student telaw Miss Mary A, d John, res same, student tfield Geo,* carp, res 586 e Cabarrus tfield Sallie,'"' wife Geo, washerwoman theld Georgiana,"' d Geo, res same, cook tfield Mary," d Geo, res same, house-servant tfield Kate," d Geo, res same, student tfield N G, elk for T H Briggs ite Sons, res 108 w Edenton tfield Mrs L S, wife N G tfield Miss Lena, d N G, res same, student tfield Alonzo,* servant for O J' Carroll, res same tfield Maria," washei-woman, res rear 523 s Person ting Bros, clothing, gent's furnishing goods, 10 e Martin ting S W (Whiting Bros), merchant, res Saunders ting Mrs Florence, wife S W ting Geither, son S W, res same, student ting Miss Carrie, d S W, res same, student ting C G (Whiting Bros), merchant, bds n Saunders ting Moses," lab, res 20 Fowle ting Sallie,''" wife Moses, washerwoman tley John, elk for Pool & Moring, res 122 Newbern ave tley Mrs Pattie, wife John tley Miss Leolia C, d John, res same Wh 305 \Vi AVhitlej Miss Annie, d .lolm, res same Whitley Miss Pattie, d John, res same Whitley Amanda," cook for ]\[rs J M Betts, res on lot AVhitted James,* porter L N White, res 112 e Cabarrus Whitted Sarah," washerwoman, res 112 e Cabarrus Whitted Chas S, conductor S A L K R, bds 10 e North Whitted Arthur,"' waiter Park Hotel, room -l(ii> s Blount Whittington ^fiss Alice, hkpr for Dan Hicks, res same Wicker iiobt 1), j)rinter, res ■'>'2-\ e Cabarrus Wicker .Mrs Alice, wife Uobt D Wicker ^[iss Carrie, d Robt D, res same, student Wicker Robt D Jr, son Robt, res same, student Wicker Mrs Emma J, wid, hkpr for J R Upehurch, res same Wicker ]\[iss Annie, washerwoman, res s Bloodworth Wicker Miss Ella, wks Caraleigh mill, res s Bloodworth Wicker E J, printer, res o2l-> e Cabarrus Wiii;gins Jeif D, carp, res 407 n West Wiggins ]\[rs Annie, wife Jefi" D AViggins Thos, son Jeff D, res same, student Wiggins Geo, son Jetf D, res same, student Wiggins ACiss Lnla, d Jefi D, res same, student Wiggins John, carp, res e Hargett, o s e Wiggins Mrs Isabella, wife John, dressmaker Wiggins Lonnie, son John, res same, student Wiggins J\Irs Mary L, mother Mrs Dannie Taylor, res same Wiggins Eliza," grocer, 581 e Cabarrus, res same Wiggins Mary," mother Eliza, res same Wiggins Margaret,"' d Mary, res same Wiggins iMary,""' seamstress, res 581 e Cabarrus Wiggins Annie,'" laundress, res 425 s Swain Wiggins >\da,"" house work, res 425 s Swain Wiggins Ella,'" nurse for Afrs C W Young, res on lot Wiggins Judge," farm hand, bds 581 e Cabarrus Wilder Harr}','- lab, res o s e Wilder Hunter,'- lab, res o s e Wilder Haywood,'" wks for Dr G W Blacknall, res same Wilder Jane,'"' washerwoman, res old Fair Ground, o s e AVilder Henry,'- sou Jane, res same, lab Wilder Ella,'"' d Jane, res same, nurse Wilder Laurine,"'-' d Jane, res same, nurse Wilder Amanda,'^' d Jane, res same, nurse Wilder Shade, "^ son Jane, res same, lab Wilder Manson,* lab, res East Raleigh Wilder Nancy,'" wife Manson Wilder Harry,'" son Manson, res same, lal) Wilder Manson Jr,'- son Manson, res same, lab Wilder Hunter,* son Manson, res same, lab Wilder Adelaide,'" d ^fanson, res same, servant 19 \Vi 306 Wi Wilder Hasty,* cook for J G Ball, res 2 Stronach ave Wilder Amiie,"" sister Hasty, cook for H H Roberts Wilder Hattie,* washerwoman, res 007 s McDowell Wilder Chaney," nurse, res 607 s McDowell Wilder Carrie,* d Chaney, res same, nurse "Wilder Annie,* d Chane}-, res same, cook Wilder Maj^gie,* d Chaney, res same, cook Wilder Romulus,* son Chaney, res same, student Wilder William,* blacksmith, res 613 e Davie AVilder Lucinda,* wife Wm, washerwomati A\'ilder Amanda,* house servant fur Dr T E Skinner, res Hargett, o s e AVilder Lynn (Dewar & Wilder), grocer, 13 e Martin "WILDES CHAS D, stenographer, typewriter and notary public, otti(.'e with Ernest Haywood, rooms 2 and 3 Bagley bldg, res 118 s Dawson AVildes Mrs R D, wid. res 118 s Dawson Wilker Miss Harriet, art teacher, res 605 Halifax AVilkins Mrs Mary, wid, res cor Cabarrus and Harrington AVilkins Miss Ida J, d Mrs Mary, res same, weaver AVilkins Miss Mary R, d Mrs Mary, res same, weaver AVilkins Wm H, son Mrs Mary, res same, weaver Caraleigh mill Wilkins Miss Bessie, d Mrs Mary, res same, student AVilkins Miss Eleanora, d Mrs Mary, res same, student AV^ilkins Helen,* washerwoman, res 728 Fayetteville AVilkinson Thos B, elk for AV H & R S Tucker, res 528 e Jones AVilkinson Mrs Katie, wife Thos B AVill Jno D, cot mill opr, res 717 n Person AVill Mrs Mary D, wife Jno D AVilliams Henry, conductor S A L R R, bds 10 e North AVilliams Julia,* servant, res Adams lane AVilliams A & Co, books and stationery, 121 Fayetteville AVilliams John T, druggist, res s Blount AVilliams Mrs Lula, wife John T AVilliams IVIrs Caroline, wid, res with F L Bailey Williams Mrs John G, wid, res with Mrs E R Stamps AVilliams Mattie,* cook for A B Stronach, res on lot AVilliams Hilliard,* lab, res old Fair Ground, o s e AVilliams Lydia,* wife Hilliard, res same, washerwoman AVilliams -Mary,* washerwoman, res Hood's al AVilliams Berta,* d Mary, res same, servant AVilliams Mrs B L, mother of Mrs AV J Ellington, res same AVilliams Augustus,* stationary eng, res 6 Stronach ave AVilliams Edith,* wife Augustus AVilliams Henry,* son Augustus, res same, student AV^illiams Thomas,* son Augustus, res same, student Williams Claude, harness-maker, res 308 s Bloodworth AVilliams Lillie,* servant for B R Lacy, res on lot Wi 307 \Vi Hams Wni,""^ })arter for John Y MacRac, res 414 s Swain Hams Cherry,"^ wife Wm, washerwoman Hams Ilichard li,-'' son Wm, res same, student Hams Major," wks Nixon & Johnson, res Townes al Hams Pho'be,"" wife Major Hams Miss Louise, hkj>r Mrs G S Barham, res same Hams Peyton, carp, res 427 HaHfax H"ams Fannie,* washerwoman, res 55)') e Martin liams Margaret W,* seamstress, res 711 s East Hams Rachel," cook for Mrs L V Holden, res 805 Jenkins Hams LiHie,* d Racliel, res same, servant Hams l-anra," cook at restaurant, res 112 e ^rorgiui Hams ]\lrs Anna, miHiner for AV E Jones, res 224 w Hargett Hams Tom,'^ train liand SAL, bds 485 n SaHsbury H'ams Henrv,* house-servant for Mrs Emma Swindell, res Idle- wild liams Mary,"'' wife Henry liams Miss M Y, attendant at Lisane Asylum, res same liams W R, attendant at Lisane Asylum, res same liams Polly," cook, rooms at NelHe Wyche's liams Edna," cook, rooms at JSTellie Wyche's liams Timothy," lab, res 310 Manly liams EHza,* cook, res 824 Cannon liams Fannie,* d Eliza, res same, washerwoman liams Alice," d Eliza, res same, student liams Thomas, ■"■ d Eliza, res same, student liams Joseph,"' son EHza, res same, student Hams Brown," lab, res 403 Cannon liams Clara,* wife Brown, washerwoman liams Willis,''"' son Brown, res same, driver for Express Co liams Maria,'" d Brown, res same, house work Hams Victoria,'" d Brown, res same, student liams Julia,'" d Brown, res same, student Hams Matilda,'"" house servant, res 407 w Martin liams Luke,'" carp, res 218 w Lenoir liams Lethia,'" wife Luke, washerwoman liams Beulah,"' d Lnke, res same, house-servant liams Annie," nurse tor J Schwartz, res same liams Narcissa,* cook, res 52o s Dawson Hams ■] R, retired druggist, res 4(>4 Fayetteville liams Geo H, res 404 P'ayetteville liams Mrs Fannie M, wife Geo H, boaiding-huuse liams Miss Laura W liams Geo H, son Geo H, res same, wks Caraleigh ujill liams Robt I, druggist, bds 404 Fayetteville liams Caroline,'"' washerwoman, res lot) w Lenoir liams Judy,'" d Caroline, res same, house-servant liains John,'" son Caroline, res same, farm hand Wi 308 Wi ^Y AV AVi AVi A\' AVi AV AVi AVi AVi AV AVi AVi A\' AVi AVi AV AVi AVi ^V A^^ AVi AVi AVi AV AVi Wi AVi AVi AVi AVi Wi AVi AVi AVi AVi AVi AV AV AV AVi AV AV AV AVi AVi ciins London,* gardener, res 109 w Lenoir anis Mary I," washerwoman, res 760 Fayetteville ams Ella F,'--' student, res 760 Fayetteville anis Miss Mary, res with John AV Brown ams Peter," lab, res 724 s Dawson ams Andney," wife Feter, chambermaid ams Edward,* hackman, res 724 s Dawson ams Garfield,"" son Peter, res same, student ams Lewis,"" son Peter, res same, student ams Chas,"" lab, res 724 s Dawson ams Jennie, "'■■ washerwoman, res 207 Cannon ams Ada,'"' d Jennie, res same, washerwoman ams Ilosa,"" d Jennie, res same, house work ams Dock,'" lab, res Cannon ams ]\[artha,"" wife Dock, house work ams Alice,''' d Dock, washerwoman ams Beattice,* d Dock, res same, house-servant ams Agnes,* washerwoman, res 513 w South ams AA'illie,'" d Agnes, res same, student ams Mary,* d Agnes, res same, student ams Posa,* washerwoman, res 710 s Dawson ams Bud,* d Rosa, res same, student ams Lillie,* cook, res 710 s Dawson ams Mary,* d Lillie, res same, student ams C B, student, bds Dr T D Martin ams Alex,* lab, res Avent Ferry rd, o s w ams Hannah,* wife Alex, house work ams Mary,* d Alex, res same ams James,* son iVlex, res same ams Merritt,* cook, res 7(»7 s Dawson ams Katie,* wife Merritt, laundress ams Lizzie.* laundress, res 712 s Saunders ams Pev Henry,* Congregational minister, r 134 w Cabarrus ams Mary,* wife Rev Henry ams Miss Annie, dressmaker, res 3(»i> w Davie ams Miss Columbia, dressmaker, res 3(i9 w Davie ams Alfred (A AVilliams A: Coj, bookseller, rooms 412 Fay- etteville ams Mary,* laundress, res 201 Cannon ams' Mark,'"' brick-mason, res 201 Cannon ams Lovie A,* d Mary, res same, house work ams Ed L,* son Mary, res same, student ams AVillie F,* son Mary, res same, student ams AVm,* invalid, res rear 217 w South ams Lizzie,* wife AVm, cook ams Junius,* brakenian, res s Saunders ams Louisa,* wife Junius, house work ams David H, carp, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w \Vi 309 Wi lliams Mrs Sallie W, wife D H, teaclier at Blind Institution llianis Iluhert E, son D H, student lliams Miss Eula V, d D H, res same, student lliams David E, son D H, res same, student lliams Mrs B E, vvid, res 580 e Jones lliams Miss Mary L, d Mrs !> E, res same lliams Walker A, son Mrs ]> E, res same, elk lliams Ewan C, son IMrs P) E, res same lliams Miss Emma B, d ^[rs B E, res same lliams Lewis B, mechanic, res 224: w North lliams Mrs Mattie E, wife Lewis B lliams Alonzo, tinner S A L R R, res 224 w North lliams Robert, son Alonzo, res same, wks Ral cot mill lliams James, son Alonzo, res same, wks Ral cot mill lliams Mack,-" lab S A L R R, res 221 w North lliams Rosa," wife Mack lliams Ann," d Mack, res same, washerwoman lliams Henr}^ S,* son Mack, res same, lab lliams Roger T," son Mack, res same, lab lliams Andrew J," son Mack, res saine, lab lliams Robert M," son Mack, res same, student lliams Adeline,"- d Mack, res same, student lliams Laura J," d Mack, res same, student lliams John E, drug elk, bds 124 n Wilmington lliams Laura," house-servant Rev Dr M M ^Marshall, res rear 12S n Wilmington lliams Theo," cook for A Dughi, res 122 e Cabarrus lliams Mamie,*'- wife Theo, cook for J A Egerton lliams Sarena,-" washerwoman, res 122 e Cabarrus lliams Lula,-^'- d Sarena, res same, student lliams Henrv,-"- son Sarena, res same, student lliams John L, stationary engineer, res .'")22 n West lliams Mrs ^[artiia, wife John L lliams Thomas, son John L, res same lliams Miss May, d John L, res same, student lliams Miss Agnes, d John L, res same, student lliams Pat T, painter, res 110 s McDowell lliams Mrs Susan C, wife Pat T, dressmaker lliams Miss May, d Pat T, res same, dressmaker lliams Wade, son Pat T, res same, printer at Caucasian office lliams Charles, son Pat T, res same, ])ainter Hiatus Alice," cook, res 720 Eayetteville lliams Jerry,-" lab, res 22o Blount-st al lliams Penny,-" wife Jerry, washerwoman lliams Jerry Jr,* son Jerry, res same, lab lliams George," son Jerrj', res same, farm hand lliams Mary L,"*' d Jerry, res same, student lliams Lula,-"- d Jerry, res same, student ains Jennie," wife Rev W M ams Cleophas M, son Re%' W M, res same, student anjs Archie G," son Rev W M, res same, student ams Bertie A,* d Rev W M, res same, student ams Lizzie O," house-servant for Chas Root, res on lot ams Dora," cook for J C S Lumsden, res 3 Stronach ave ams AV A, wks in round-house S A L R R, res 32-1: w Lane ams Mrs Carcilla, wife W A, seamstress ams Miss Ellen, d AV A, res same, seamstress ams Miss Emma, d AV A, res same, seamstress ams Miss Roxie, d AV A, res same ams Lazarus, son AV A, res same ams Donnie, son AV A, res same ams AVilliam, son W A, res same ams Eddie, son AV A, res same ams Jno L, carp, res 324 w Lane ams Jno R. liao;man S A L R R, res 324 w Lane ams Mrs Ella T, wid, res with father, W T AVomble ams James, son Mrs Ella, res same ams Robert,* wks E B Barbee, res 316 s Bloodworth ams Mary,* wife Robert, washerwoman ams Mao^gie,* d Robert, res same, student ams Rodney," wks N C Car Co, res 121 Smithfield ams Sal lie," wife Rodney, servant at C M Busbee ams John,* wks for city, res 121 Smithfield ams Sarah J,* d Rodney, res same, student ams Henry,* lab, res 748 s Person ams Laura,* wife Henry, washerwoman ams Martha,* cook for I Rosenthal, res 106 e Cabarrus ams Pattie,* washerwoman, res Smithfield al ams Lillie,* d Pattie, res same, student ams Blondie,* d Pattie, res same, student ams Sudie,* student, res Cotton lane, o s e ams "AViley,* carp, res 750 e Davi^ ams Annie,* wife Wiley ams Henderson,* son VViley, res same, carp ams John L,* son Wiley, res same, carp ams Mary' J,* d Wiley, res same, seamstress ams Adolphus,* son AViley, res same, carp ams Josephine,* d Wiley, res same, house work ams AVra H,* son Wiley, res same, lab ams Hajwood,* son Wiley, res same, student Wi 311 Wi Williams. Eli/a, "■•' d Wilev, res same, stiident AN'illiaiiit; Lonie B," d Wiley, res same, student AVilliams Henry M," driver for J W Barber tt Son, res ■l;;^ Smith AVMllianis Bettie,'""' wife II j\[, laundress Williams Emma,""' d H M, res same, eook for W II Lancaster ^Villiams Bettie,"'" d H M, res same, student A\ illiams Jas H,"'' son II M, res same, lab AVilliams Thomas,'"'" car|K;t-laver, res 810 s Blount A\ illiams Ilodgie,''" wife Thomas AN'illiams Marceletta,* d Thos, res same, student Williams Geo J, g'cn merchandise, 401 s P)lount, res -".'il s Blood- worth Williaii.s Mrs Nellie I), wife Geo J A\ illiams ]\Liss Georgiana, d Geo J, res same AVilliams J li, painter, res 110 s McDowell Williams Mrs Sallie, wife J li Williams Squire," shoemaker, res 509 Haywood Williams Cora,"" wife Squire, washerwoman Williams Charles," son Squire, res same, porter at Caucasian office ^Villiams Nelson," gardener, res 419 Haywood ^Villiams Charles," lab, res 411 Haywood Williams Emma,"" wife Chas, house work AVilliams Dock,"" servant at Institution for the Blind, r .")lt) Smith Williams Helen,"" wife Dock, laundress AV^illiams Edward,""" lab, res 516 Smith AV'illiams Penny,"''" cook, res 428 Smith Williams ]\Iittie,"" d Penny, res same, cook AV illiams iM'nest,""' son Penny, res same, lal) Williams Eaton,"" carp, res 424 Smith AVilliams Mary,"" wife Eaton, washerwoman AV^illiams Ida,"* d Eaton, res same, servant Williams Emma,"'"' d Eaton, res same, student AVilliams Eaton Jr,* son Eaton, res same, student A\ illiams Ililliard,* car)), res lo2 n East AVilliams Mary,""" wife Hilliard, house work AVilliams Wesley,"" son Ililliard, res same, lab AVilliams George,"" lab, res 579 e Lenoir AVilliams Haywood,"" wood-cutter, res 16 Matthews' lane AVilliams Angelina," wife Haywood, cook for A AV Shaffer AVilliams Willie,"" d Haywood, res same, servant for AV LI Hughes AVilliams James, inmate Soldiers' Home AVilliams Geo W,"- carp, res 515 s Wilmington AVilliams Bettie E,""" wife Geo AV, boarding-house Williams Rosa," d Geo AV, res same, student AVilliams ]\linnie L,"" d Geo AV, res same AVilliams Mark,* driver for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, res Hargett, o s e AVilliams Stella," wife Mark, washerwoman Wi 312 Wi AVilliams Sallie,'"^ d Mark, res same, washerwoman AV^illiams Geo,""" son Mark, res same, student AVilliams Mary,'" d Mark, res same, student AVilliams Celia,"" house-servant, res 5lS e Alartin AVilliamson B P, farmer, res 122 w Hargett AVilliamson Airs Ella S, wife B B AVilliamson Dr F P, son B P, res same, veterinary surgeon AVilliamson Alial, son B P, res same, student Williamson Herbert L, son B P, res same, student AA^illiamson Miss Rosalind, d B P, res same, student AVilliamson Mrs Charlotte M, wid, res with mother. Airs S H Montgomery AVilliamson Miss Alary, bds Airs M A Eatman AA^illiamson & Lea, props Farmers Warehouse, cor s Blood worth and e Davie AVilliamson Alelissa,'- washerwoman, res o21 w Edenton AVilliamson Alinnie,""" d Alelissa, res same, student AVilliamson Jane,"" nurse, res old Fair Ground, o s e AVilliamson Ella,""" d Jane, res same, cook Willard AV H, banker and mfr, res fi^S Hillsboro' Willis Wm AV, brick-mason, res 514 s Person Willis Mrs Nannie, wife Wm W Willis Aliss Claudia O, d W W, res same, student Willis Miss Bertha AI, d W AV, res same, student AVillis Edgar H, son W W, res same, student Willis Miss Essie A, d W W, res same, student AVillis Alfred, shoemaker, res 22-1 s Blount Willis Airs Susan P, M'ife Alfred, dressmaker AVillis Aliss Effie A, d Alfred, res same Willis Aliss Hazel K, d Alfred, res same, student AVilloughby W J, carp, res 219 n West AVilloughby Airs Harriet, wife AV J AVjlson Thomas F, conductor SAL R'R, res ;>12 Oakwood ave Wilson M-i's Blanche, wife Thomas F Wilson Lillie, seamstress, res 517 e Alartin Wilson Annie,""" servant of Rev J B Cheshire, res on lot Wilson Airs Janet, wid, mother of Airs W A Montgomery, r same Wilson W H, plumber, 219 s Wilmington, res 215 w Cabai-rus Wilson Airs AI E, wife W H Wilson John H, son W H AVilson Young V,"^' lab, res 335 w South Wilson Mary E,* wife Young V, house work AV^ilson Indiana L C,* house-servant, res 210 w Cabarrus Wilson Alary,"" cook, res 336 w South W^ilson Edward,"" son Mary, res same, lab Wilson Emeline,* cook, res old Fair Ground, o s e Wilson Eliza, ^ d Emeline, res same, Avasherwoman Wilson Quilly,"" washerwoman, res <><'2 s Person Wi 313 Wo Willson Joel V, machinist, res 534 ii West Willsoi( Mrs Mary L, wife Joel V Willson Win W, city auditor and hkkpr tor John C Drewry, res 314 \v Jones Willson Mrs Alice W, wife Win W Willson Miss Lizzie V, d Win \V, res same, student Willson Geo P, son Wm W, res same, student Willson Miss Alice, d Wm W, res same, student Wilton Henry S, car-trimmer, res 611 s Wilmington Wimbush William,* grocer, cor Bloodworth and Edenton, res 521 Newborn ave Wimbush Charity A," wife AVilliam Wimbush Esther,* d William, res same, student Wimbush Peter,* carp, res 10 McKee Wimbush Olivia,* wife Peter, house work AVinder Mrs J C, wid, res 5<)4 n Person Winder John H, railroading, res with Mrs R S Tucker Winder Mrs Florence T, wife John H Winslow Mary,* cook for Mrs C T Bailey, res on lot Winslow J W,* restaurant cook Winston John,* brakeman SAL, res 525 e Edenton Winston ]\[aggie,* wife John, washerwoman Winston R T, elk Thomas & Maxwell, res Johnson Winston i\[rs Carrie, wife R T Winters Harriet,* washerwoman, res 229 s East Winters Frances.* d Harriet, res same, laundress Winters Charles,* son Harriet, res same, lab AVinters Ida,* d Harriet, res same, servant AVissner Miss H J, teacher in Peace Institute, res same AVithers AV A, Prof of Chemistry and sec of A & M College, res n Blount AVithers Mrs Elizabeth AV, wife W A AVomack T B, elk in revenue dept, res 507 n Blount AVomack Mrs Susie, wife T B AA^omack Mrs J A, wid, res with son, T B AVomack AVomack Mary,* farm hand, res rear 404 Fayetteville AVomack Virginia,* d Mary, res same, house-servant AVomack Lizzie,* cook, res 728 Manly AVomble L D, general merchandise, 17 e Hargett, r 210 e Morgan AVomble Mrs Fannie, wife L 1) AV^omble Miss Ada, d L L), res same AVomble Miss Ida, d L D, res same, teacher in Murphy School AVomble Miss Fannie, d L D, res same, student AVomble Albert, son L D, res same, machinist AVomble Louis, son L D, res same, student AVomble Herbert, elk, res 327 e Edenton AVomble Edgar, engraver, res 327 e Edenton AVomble Aliss Carrie, sister of Herbert, res same, saleslady 2o Wo 314 Wo Womble Miss Alice, sister of Herbert, res same Womble Miss Agnes, sister of Herbert, res same Womble Miss Jennie V, sister of Herbert, res same, saleslady Womble Rufus, wks for J E Physioc, res 327 e Edenton Womble W T, accountant and bkkpr, res ()?>Q e Hargett Womble Mrs O E, wife W T Womble Mrs Martlia A, d AV T, res same Womble Walter R, son W T, res same, printer Womble Basil H, son W T, res same, pressman at E M Uzzell's Womble Thomas R, son W T, res same, marble-cntter app Womble John, dairyman Experimental farm, bds 209 w Morgan Womble Mrs Bettie, wife John Womble Miss Lillie, d John, res same, student Womble Miss Bettie, d John, res same, student Womble John, son John Sr, res same, student Womble Thos," wks for Ral Gas Co, res 325 w Edenton Womble Louisa,* wife Thos Womble Spencer,* son Thos, res same, student Womble Cap,* son Thos, res same, driver Womble Thomas, gardener, res 520 s Bloodworth Womble Mrs Burline, wife Thos, seamstress Womble Miss Alice, d Thos, res same, student Womble Frank, artist, res 60S e Hargett Womble Kittie,* dressmaker, room 6 Stronach ave Womble Geo L, machinist, res 314 s Dawson Womble Mrs Ava G, wife Geo L Womble Miss Minnie L, d Geo L, res same Womble Lewis,* porter Southern frt depot, res 221 w Cabarrus Womble Rutliie,* wife Lewis, cook Woodall L H, elk for W N Snelling, res 319 e Hargett Woodall Mrs Cornelia, wife L H Woodall Edwin, son L H, res same Woodall Wm A, city policeman, res 102 n Saunders Woodall Mrs Mildred M, wife Wm A Woodall Mrs Sarah A, wid, res 1L3 s Blount Woodall Miss Mabel N, d Mrs Sarah A, res same, student Woodard M W, saloon, 316 w Cabarrus, res 522 s Harrington Woodard Mrs Elizabeth, wife M W Woodard Miss Lula, d M W, res same, student Woodard Miss Bessie, d M W, res same, student Woodard M W Jr, son M W, res same Woodlief J W, painter, res Cox ave, o s w Woodlief Mrs Zilphia, wife J W AVoodlief Miss Daisy, d J W, res same Woodlief Miss Maud, d J W, res same Woodlief George, son J W, res same Woodlief Miss Lillie, d J W, res same Woodlief Clarence, son J W, res same Wo 315 Wo Woodlief Miss Arma, d J W, res same AVoodniff Coit K, bds witli Mrs R H Jones, 805 Hillsboro' Woodruff Mrs Bettie, wife Coit K Woods Mrs Annie, wid, res 110 e Davie Woods Miss Mary, d Mrs Annie, res same, dressmaker Woods Miss Lula, d JNIrs Annie, res same, student Woods Thomas, son Mrs Annie, res same, student Woods Miss Bertha, d jMrs Annie, res same Woods Wm A, son Mrs Annie, res same, printer Woods Mrs Mary E, wife AVm A AVoods Samuel, salesman, res 407 Fayetteville Woods Mrs Addie, wife Samuel, boarding-house Woods Robert," lab, res 20S w Lenoir Woods Clara,* wife Robert, cook Woods Wm," farm hand, r Hargett, o s e Woods Caroline," wife Wm, washerwoman Woods Bettie,* farm hand, res 583 e Lenoir Woods JNancy,* washerwoman, res 583 e Lenoir Woods Fannie,* farm hand, res 583 e Lenoir Woods Richard,* gardener, res 579 e Lenoir AVoodson Mrs Nellie, lives at Rev Dr J B Bobbitt's AVoodson Fred,* waiter, res 318 w South AA^oodson Martha,* wife Fred, washerwoman AVoodward Miss Imogene, periodical tickets, bds -1:04 Fayetteville AVoodward James L, elk for J D Riggan, res 545 e Jones AA'oodward Mrs Emma J, wife J L A\'oodward Miss Lillian, d J L, res same, student Woodward Aliss Maggie, d J L, res same, student AVoodward James L Jr, son J L, res same, student AVoodward Miss Julia, dry goods, notions, &c, IS e Hargetr. r 310 e Hargett AVoodward Charles AV, elk for Miss Julia AVoodward, res 310 e Hargett Woodward Miss Em, elk for Miss Julia AVoodward, res same AVoodward Miss Mattie, elk for Miss Julia AVoodward, res same AA^oodward Mrs M C, wid, res 220 e Martin ttt:^; iJvnTij you to isspect ova Shoo DepartirtGnt. It is very large and prices are rif/hf. WE KEEP ALL THE NEW STYLES IN MILLINERY. Agents for Butterick Patterns. WOOLLCOTT & SON U E. Martin St., RALEIliH, N. C. Wo 316 Wo Woodward Miss Mabel, d Mrs M C, res same Woodward Miss Carrie, d Mrs M C, res same, student Woodward Miss Valerie, d Mrs M 0, res same Woodward Miss Lotta, d Mrs M 0, res same Woodward, Miss Julia, seamstress, res 307 w Morgan WOOLLCOTT & SON, dry goods, notions, shoes, &c, 14 e Martin Woollcott Walter (Woollcott & Son), merchant, r 316 Newbern ave Woollcott Mrs Lula, wife Walter Woollcott Miss Alice, d Walter, res same Woollcott Philip, son Walter, res same Woollcott Wm (Woollcott & Son), nierchant, res 127 Newbern ave Woollcott Mrs Mary, wife Wra Woollcott Miss Mary, d Wm, res same WOOLLCOTT FRJED. dry goods, notions, shoes, &c, 214 s Wil- mington, res 127 Newbern ave Woollcott Mrs Maud, wife Fred Wooten Jos,^-' lab SAL shops, res 120 w Peace Workman Miss Lillie, wks at Telephone Exchange, res 427 s Wil- mington Workman Fleming, student, res 427 s Wilmington Workman Lalon, student, res 427 s Wilmington Workman Colon, student, res 427 s Wilmington Worlds Mrs Bettie, grocer, 530 s Bloodworth, res same Worlds Rev J J,* Baptist minister, res 702 s West Worlds Louisa J,'^ wife Rev J J Worrell J R, bkkpr S A L R R, res 220 n Saunders Worrell Mrs Nora,- wife J R Worrell Wm I, son J R, res same, machinist app Worrell Miss Ethel, d J R, res same, student Worrell Miss Lena, d J R, res same, student Worrell Miss Bettie, d J R, res same, student Worrell J H, grocer, 324 s East, res same Worth Wm H, State Treasurer, office in Capitol, res 127 n McDowell Worth Mrs Sallie M, wife Wm H Worth Miss E L, d Wm H, res same, student Worth Miss R M, d Wm H, res same, student Worth Miss Annie, d Wm H, res same, student Worth Rev V M,* Methodist minister, res 817 Manly Worth Matilda,* wife Rev Y M, house work Worth James H,* son Rev V M, res same, lab Worth Chas W," son Rev V M, res same, student Worth V M Jr,"" son Rev V M, res same, student Worth Alice,* cook, res 525 s Blount Worth Zilphia,* cook for Mrs E E Moffitt, res 525 & Blount Wortham Lizzie,* washerwoman, res 30 Fowle Wortham Henry,* son Lizzie, res sanie, student Wortham William,* son Lizzie, res same, student Wo 317 Wy Wortham James,* cook restaurant, rooms 108 e Hargett AVortliain Mary,* restaurant, ^^10 w Cabarrus, res same Wortham Merrimon," elk for M W Woodard, res 317 e Davie Wortham Eliza M,* wife Merrimon AVortham John T,* son M, res same, student Wortham Walter W,''^' son M, res same, student Wortham Edna L,* d M, res same, student Wortham Jennie,* nurse, res 32<) w Edenton Wraj J P, elk Cross & Linehan, bds 520 s West AVray James," wks Phosphate mill, bds 74-2 s Person Wri«;ht Jas P, harness-maker, res 11 w South Wright Mrs Carrie L, Avife J P Wright Miss Edna M, d J P, res same AVright Wymdrom, son J P, res same, student AVright AVilliam, son J P, res same, student Wright ]\[iss Jane E, d J P, res same, student AVright Miss Alma E, d J P, res same, student Wright AViley,""' lab, res 311 w Lenoir Wright Matilda,* wife Wiley, washerwoman Wright Fannie,"" washerwoman, res room 2 Railroad al Wright D K, eng S A L R R, bds 10 e North Wright W E, electrician at Insane Asylum, res same AVright C B (Latta & AVright), cotton broker, res 126 e Edenton AVright Mrs Ella M, wife C B AV right Miss Louise B, d C B, res same, student AVright R B,* grocer, 612 s McDowell, res same AVright J J,* lab, res 612 s McDowell AA^right Haywood,* drayman, res 612 s McDowell AVright Delia,* laundress, res 30 Railroad AVright AVilliam A,* servant at Mrs Robt H Jones, res Idlewild AVright Hattie E,* wife AVm A, washerwoman AVright Mrs Frances, wid, seamstress, res Prairie bldg Wyatt Job P & Bros, wholesale grocers and commission mer- chants, 15 e Martin, 16 Exchange Place AVyatt Job P (J P Wyatt & Bros), merchant, res 113 n Dawson Wyatt AVillie, son Job P, res same, student AVyatt Miss Louise, d Job P, res same, student Wyatt Robert, son Job P, res same, student AVyatt Miss Marion, d Job P, res same AVyatt P T (J P AVyatt & Bros), merchant, res 211 e Morgan Wyatt Mrs Rebecca, wife P T AVyatt E F (E F AVyatt & Son), harness and saddles, res 218 n McDowell AA'yatt Mrs E A, wife E F AVyatt E S (AVyatt Bros), grocer, res 218 n McDowell Wyatt E F e^ Son, saddle and harness manufacturers, 109 e Martin AVyatt AV F (E F Wyatt it Son), harness and saddle mfr, res 51 1 e Jones Wy 318 Ya Wyatt Mrs Mary J, wife W F Wyatt Miss Bessie, d W F, res same Wyatt Miss Jessie, d W F, res same, student Wyatt Henry E, son W F, res same, student Wyatt Charles, son W F, res same, student Wyatt & Co, grocers, eor Johnson and Salisbury Wyche Miss M L, head nurse at Rex Hospital, res same AVyche George,* lab, res Whitaker ave Wyche Nellie,* wife Geo, washerwoman Wyche Robert,* son Geo, res same, student Wynne J S, sec and treas of Ral cot mill, res 408 Ehn Wynne Mrs Annie L, wife J S Wynne Miss Lizzie L, d J S, res same, student Wynne Robert W, son J S, res same, student Wynne Wm H, son J S, res same Wynne W W, farmer, res 404 Elm Wynne Mrs Lucy E, wife W W Wynne Miss Alma L, d W W, res same, organist at Edenton-St Methodist church Wynne Mrs Addie, wid, dressmaker, res 411 e Morgan Wynne Miss Clyde, d Mrs Addie, res same, dressmaker Wynne John, son Mrs Addie, res same Wynne Wm A, inventor of tel call bell, res Newbern ave, o s e AA^ynne Mrs Mary, wife Wm A YANCEY Thos B, carriage and buggy dealer, 130 e Morgan, res 250 Peace Yancey Mrs E B, wife Thos B Yancey Thomas B Jr, son Thos B, res same, elk in post-office Yancey Miss Mary, d Thos B, res same, student Yancey Miss Lola, d Thos B, res same, student Yancey John,* driver for F L Bailey, res 421 s Blount Yancey Mintree,* wife John, washerwoman Yancey Peggie,* washerwoman, res rear Catholic church Yancey Susan,* d Peggie, res same Yancey Rosa,* d Peggie, res same, cook Yancey Lucy,* house work, res 523 s Harrington Yancey Millard,* student, res 523 s Harrington Yancey Becky,* nurse, res e Hargett, o s e Yancey Rosa,* cook for Chas Root, res on lot Yancey Leah,* sick-nurse, res 728 Fayetteville Yarboro Lee H, elk, res 105 Freeman, o s e Yarboro Mrs Sue E, wife Lee H Yarboro John,* blacksmith, res 518 s Blount Yarboro Nancy,* wife John, washerwoman Yarboro Ernest,* g-son John, res same, student Yarboro Cooper,* lab, res o s e Ya 319 Yo Yarboro Emily,* cook for Dr R H Lewis, res 15 Stronacli ave Varboro Lucy,* d Emil}', res same, cook Yates Alonzo C, yardmaster SAL, res 128 Firwood ave, o s n Yates Mrs Mary,' wife A C Yates Ilobt V, son A C, res same Yates Thomas, blacksmitli, ]\lorii::an, rear Exchange Hotel Yates Murphy, blacksmith, Morgan, rear Exchange Hotel Yates Charles,* restaurant cook, res 2L5 w Lenoir Yates Mrs Gabriella, wid, res with L G Rogers Yates Robt E L, Adjunct Prof of Mathematics A & M College, res Maiden lane, o s w Yates Mrs Minnie, wife Prof R E L Yearby \Vm, elk Levine 6c Brown, bds 426 s Wilmington Yeargan Chancy,* nurse, res 114 av Cabarrus Yeargan James,* painter, res 413 n Salisbury Yeargan Fred,* carp, res 210 e Cabarrus Yeargan Lizzie B,* d Fred, res same, seamstress Yeargan Eliza,* d Fred, res same, servant Yeargan John,* son Fred, res same, painter Yeargan Fred Jr,* son Fred, res same, bell-boy Yarboro' House Yeargan Thomas,* son Fred, res satne, student Yeargan George,* son Fred, res same, student Yellowby Sam,* lab S A L R R, res 441 n Salisbury Yellowby Jane,* wife Sam Y^ellowby Florence,* d Sam, res same, washerwoman Yellowby Peter,* lab, res 320 w South Yellowby Mary,* washerwoman, res 320 w South Yellowby William,* son Mary, res same, student Yellowby Albert,* cook, res 320 w South York Mrs Lula J, wid, res 211 Tucker York Miss Minnie K, d Mrs Lula J, res same, wks Ral cot mill York Chas W, soti Mrs Lula J, res same, wks Ral cot mill York ^riss Rosa D, d Mrs Lula J, res same, w'ks Ral cot mill York Geo H, son Mrs Lula J, res same, student Younger Chas H, car]), res 707 n Bloodworth, o s n Younger Mrs Lucy E, wife Chas H Young jNIillie,* cook, res old Fair Ground, o s e Young Alberta,* d Millie, res same, house servant Y'oung Hubert,"' son Millie, res same, lab Young Edmund,* farmer, res e Hargett, o s e ^ oung Jane,* wife Edmund, washerwoman ^onng Rose,* d Edmund, res same, nurse Young Esther,* d Edmund, res same, cook Young Charles,* son Edmund, res same, lab Y'oung Sam,* student, res rear 527 Hillsboro' Y'oung Millie,* student, res rear 527 Hillsboro' \oung Willie,* student, res rear 527 Hillsl)oro' Young Lillie,* student, res rear 527 Hillsboro' Yo 320 Yo Young Charles,* barber, res 12 n East Young Florence,* wife Clias, house work Young D F, lineman for W U Tel Co, res 320 s Dawson Young Mrs Lucy, wife D F Young Solomon,* gardener Park Hotel, res 723 s Dawson Young Annie,* wife Solomon, house work Young Sallie B,* d Solomon, res same, student Young Lewis,* lab, res 714 s McDowell Young Sallie,* wife Lewis, house work Young Charles,* barber, s Wilmington Young & Hughes, plumbers, steam and gas fitters, 2 Prairie bldg, Wilmington Young Len,* well-digger, res 719 s Dawson Young Mary,* wife Len, washerwoman Young Mourning,* washerwoman, res 211 Cannon Young Mary,* cook at Harrison House, room 114 e Lenoir Young Effie,* d Mary, res same, student Young Charles,* son Mary, res same, barber Young J A,* elk for A T Mitchell, res same Young Winnie,* cook for Dr H B Battle, res 5 Stronach ave Young Nora,* w^asherwoman, res 5 Stronach ave Young Maggie,* student, res 5 Stronach ave Young Aaron,* shoemaker, res 817 s Wilmington Young Dicey,* wife Aaron, washerwoman Young Lewis,* son Aaron, res same, porter for C J Parker Young Ben,* son Aaron, res same, student Young Hufus,* son Aaron, res same, student Yonng Lucinda,* cook, res 109 w Morgan Young Bettie,* servant, res 109 w Morgan Young Mary,* washerwoman, res 435 n Salisbury Young Maggie,* d Affie Green, res Townes al Young Men's Christian Association, cor Fayetteville and Morgan Young Wm J, prin of Institution for the Blind, res at Listitution Young Miss Nellie, d W J, res same Young Miss Daisy, d W J, res sam3 Young Miss Pattie, sister W J Young, res 206 w Lane Young Wm J Jr (Young & Hughes), plumber, res 206 w Lane Young Miss Laura, sister W J Jr, res same Young Sam M, elk Julius Lewis Hardware Co, res 206 w Lane YOUNG DANIEL H, elk Superior Court and Probate Judge of Wake CO, res 116 w Eden ton Young Mrs Florentina, wife Dan H Young Hubert, son Dan H, res same, student Young Miss Alline, d Dan H, res same, student Young Mrs Lovie G, wid, res 619 w Jones Young J Benj, son Mrs Lovie G, res same, elk at W H & R S Tucker & Co Young Miss Mamie, d Mrs Lovie G, res same / Yo 321 Za Yonng Henry J, bkkpr at Citizens National Bank, res 611J w Jones Yountii; Mrs jNIiiry, wife Henry J Young- Geo P, guard at penitentiary, res 41*» e Person Young Mrs Arthelia, wife Geo P Young Lela, d Geo P, res same, student Young K Amos, son Geo P, res same, student Young M F, boss carder Pilot cot mill, res Oakdale ave, o s n Young Mrs A E, wife M F Young Jas H,'^ editor Gazette, res 220 e Lenoir Young P)ettie,* wife Jas H Young Maud,* d Jas H, res same, student Young Isabella,* w^asherwoman, res Hood's al Young Willie,* son Isabella, res same, student Young Mary,* washerwoman, res Hood's al Young Kate,* washerwoman, res Plood's al Young Emma,* washerwoman, res Hood's al Young Lizzie,* washerwoman, res Hood's al Young Chas W, grocer, lie Hargett, res 515 Polk Young Mrs Maggie C, wife C AY Young Miss Ethel W, d C W, res same, student Young Miss Pauline, d W, res same, student Young Abram,* butcher, res 320 e Davie Young Julia,* wife Abram ZACHARY Henry C, contractor and builder, res 513 Polk Zaehary Mrs Mary, wife H C Zachary AVm A, son H C, res same, conductor SAL Zaehary Miss Zettie H, d H C, res same Zachary Miss Bessie C, d H C, res same, student Zachary Miss Mary U, d H C, res same, student 21 322 Peace Institute, Raleig:h, N. C. A Select School for Girls, Complete in all its Appointments, Thorough in Scholarship. Principal, a M. A. of UniversitA- of Virginia, with able Assistants under him. Three Literar\' Courses, leading to the Degrees of B. L., B. S. and B. A. Art Department is unsurpassed, and is in charge of an experienced Special- ist, witli one Assistant. Music. There are two courses, leading to the Degrees Fellow of Music (F. Mus.) and Bachelor of Music (B. Music). The Music Faculty contains five (5) able and experienced teachers. Health of our location proverbially good, and especial attention is paid to Hygiene and Physical Culture. Terms very moderate for advantages offered. Fare good and plenty of it. For Catalogue and full information, address JAS. DINWIDDIE, Principal. J 1896-97. Agents. Allcott Wayne, book and machinery, office Academy of Music bldg Allen Chas S, S A L freight office Bryan A P, Southern Express Co Bunch T V, baggage at Union passenger station Leard H S, passenger and soliciting for S A L R R, office '^17 Fayetteville Munson J B, Southern R R division, freight and passenger agt, office rear Citizens National Bank Murray T H, S A L ticket ao;;t at Union station RALEIGH STATIONERY CO, Bar-Lock typewriters, :i()0 Fay- etteville Potts R L, Southern R R freight office Almanacs. North Carolina Almanac, Rev Levi Branson pubr Turner's N C Almanac, James H Ennis pubr Architects. BAUER A G, 212 Fayetteville, up-stairs CARPENTER & PEEBLES, cor Fayetteville and Martin, up- stairs Hicks W J, 304 w Eden ton PEARSON CHARLES, Pullen bldg, up-stairs Royster L 11, res n Saunders Art Studios. JOHNSON T B, 113i Fayetteville Randall W G, cor Wilmini;;ton and Polk WHARTON C P, 119^ Fayetteville 324 Artists. Basbee J L, res 104 Hargett Curtis Miss Minnie May, res 225 e Lenoir Hicks Mrs Gertrude, res 513 n Salisbury Johnson T B, 113i Fayetteville Randall W G, cor AVihnington and Polk Wharton C P, 119J Fayetteville . Womble B F, res 608 Hargett Attendants at Insane Hospital. Abernathy, W R Austin, W E Bell, Charles Bell, Haywood Bevers, J C Chief Attendant Banks, T G Broardhurst, R D Bronson, Miss Lillie Gotten, Miss Ag Dupree, T M Eagle, Miss Annie Ferrall, W V Fryar, Miss M V Gardner, Miss A Gilliam, Miss Lillie Harris, J W Hunnicutt, J D Kelly, Miss Ada C Kirby, Miss L M Kirkland, J S Kirkpatrick, Miss A B Leggett, Miss A L Monroe, Miss Janie Moore, Miss A T Newkirk, Miss M L Attorneys at Law. Pearce, Miss I O Rhea, Miss Mary A Shelton, Miss Rosa L Chief Lady At- tendant Smith, C N Turner, Miss Carrie Turner, Miss Mamie Watson, C P Williams, Miss M Y Williams, W B White, Miss S T Amis Moses N, office Central Hotel, res same ANDREWS A B Jr, office 217 Fayetteville, res 407 n Blount Argo & Snow, office 333 Fayetteville Argo T M (Argo & Snow), res 12 n Person Ashe S A, office 240 Fayetteville, up stairs, res 628 Hillsboro' BATCHELOR J B. office 333 Fayetteville, res 213 w Martin Battle & Mordecai, office 240 Fayetteville, upstairs Battle R H (Battle & Mordecai), res 11 e Lane Beckwith B C, office Commercial and Farmers Bank bldg, bds 118 n Wilmington Bledsoe M A Sr, res cor Salisbury and South Branch John H,* res 719 s Saunders Burton R O Jr, office Pullen bldg, res cor Peace and Person Busbee F H, office 217 Fayetteville, res 204 n Person Busbee C M (Shepherd & Busbee), office Pullen bldg, res 104 w Hargett Busbee Perrin, office Pullen bldg, res 104 w Hargett Clarke Walter, Associate Justice Supreme Court, res 440 Halifax 325 Creech Joseph A, res 615 s Salisbury Day W H (McRae & Day), res PioHalitax Devereux TIios P, office Commercial and Farmers Bank bldg DOUGLASS W C, office 30U Fayetteville Flemino- c^- Motlitt, office 12 w Martin Fleming J H (Fleming A: Moffitt), res outside city Fuller Judore T C, U S Court of Land Claims, res 18<) Hillsbon*' Gatling B M, office Pullen bldg Gatlinir John, res ;>11 w Martin GRAY ROBT T, ofjice 16 w ^[artin, res 580 n Blount Harris J C L, office Frap's bldg, res 213 e Hargett HAYWOOD ERNEST, office 301.1 Fayetteville, res 211 New- bcrn av? HINSDALE JNO W, office 217 Fayetteville, res 33 w Martin Holding J X (Holding & Yass), res 528 s Salisbury Johnson E A," res 5r.> s West JONES W N, office 16 w Martin, res 522 Fayetteville Jones Armistead, office Commercial and Farmers Bank bldg, res Hillsboro' near cor Dawson Leary & Lane,''' office cor Wilmington and Davie Leary John S" (Leary & Lane), office Davie and Wilmington Lane D P"" (Learv ct Lane), res Davie, o s e MASSEY A P. office 217 Fayetteville, bds Park Hotel Maynard E P (Peele A: Maynard), res 120 n Person McRae & Dav, office 217 Favetteville McRae James C, bds 120 Halifax Moffitt Elijah (Fleming A: Moffitt), bds cor Hargett and McDowell MONTAGUE B F, office Commercial and Farmers Bank bldg, res 313 2sewbern ave Montgomery W A, Associate Justice Supreme Court, res 529 n Person Mordecai S F (Battle & Mordecai), res 303 n Boundary Peele & Maynard. office 239i s AYilminirton Peele W J (Reelect- Maynard), bds 329 Hillsboro' Purnell T R, office Mahler bldg, res 422 n Person Ryan S G, office Pullen bldg, res -1:21 n Blood worth Shepherd A: Busbee, office Pullen bldg Shepherd James E (Shepherd A: Busbee), bds Yarborough House Smith E Chambers, office Pullen bldg, res 43-1 Halifax Snow W B (Argo & Snow), res Boylan ave Stronach Alexander, office Pullen bldg, res n Boundary Strong A: Strong, office 224^ Fayetteville Strong Geo Y (Strong A: Strong), res 504 n Blount Strong Robt C (Strong & Strong), res 410 n East Yass Wm W Jr (Holding A: Yass), res 3 e Edenton Watson W L, office 217 Fayetteville, res 534 e Jones Whitaker Spier, office Pullen bldg, res o s s 326 Auction Houses. Beine C H & Co, 108-110 e Harnett Stronach Frank, 319 s Wilmington Auctioneers. Stronach Frank, 319 s Wilmington Thomason Edward, bds Central Hotel Tonnoffski Geo L, 108 e Hargett Bakers. Bragassa J A, 306 s Salisbury Bretsch Chas M, 103 Favetteville Jones E G,* 603 s McDowell Banks and Bankers. Citizens National Bank, cor Fayetteville and Martin COMMERCIAL AND FARiVLERS BANK, cor Wilmington and Martin Mechanics Dime Saving Bank, 117 Fayetteville NATIONAL BANK OF RALEIGH, cor Fayetteville and w Hargett RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK, cor Fayetteville and e Hargett Barbers and Hair-Dressers. City Shaving Saloon,* 211 s Wilmington Collins Sarah,* 112 e Hargett Davis & Dnnston, 202i Fayetteville Dunston P B, Central Hotel FAUST E G. Park Hotel Hnghes H I, 8 Exchange Place Locklear Caswell, basement 224 Fayetteville Moring J J,* Prairie building OTEY W G, 215 Fayetteville Taylor Thomas,* 136 s Wilmington Watts Maurice, 216 Fayetteville Beer Dealers — Wholesale. Jones T R, 422 s Dawson Stumpf Peter, 204 e Martin 327 Billiard Saloon. Denton £d V, 311-313 Fayetteville Yarboroiigh Houpo, 317 F'ayetteville Bill-Posters. Fowler Rod, r Fayetteville lielow E. E, Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights. Andrews R M, s Salisbury Bowen T A, 130 w ]\[or4 Ilillsboro' Koonce Richard, 814 Iliilsboro' Mansion House, 309 w ]\Iartin, R L Ileflin pro])r Medlin J H, 114 w Martin Millen Mrs Jennie, cor Newbern ave and Person Moseley's Dining-Hall, 130 Fayetteville, N S Moseley |)r<)])r Mjatt Mrs Emma, 109 s Blount Parker Mrs C N, 117 Fayetteville Ramsey Mrs M J, 119 w^Martin Ray Mrs A B', 11 s Wilmington Richardson House, 120 e Hargett, Mrs S M Richardson |)roi)r Smith Mrs R AV, 213 Hillsboro' Stother W H, cor Davie and Dawson Siligson Ike, 114 s Blount Taylor Ella," 134 s Wilmington Wliite I A, propr Branson House, 101 Fayetteville Willis Mrs S P, 224 s Blount Board of Trades. Raleigh Tobacco Board of Trade, -E L Fleming pres Boot and Shoe Dealers. Heller Bros, 134 Fayetteville Jones AV E, 206 P'avetteville Tucker W H & R S & Co, 123-125 Fayetteville Wliiting Bros, 10 e Martin WOOLLCOTT & SON. 14 e Martin WOOLLCOTT FRED, 214 s Wilmington Boot and Shoemakers. Abrams Charles, res Brooklyn, o s w Barker S S," 13.5 s Wilmington Brown AV D, res 123 w Cabarrus Correll H A, 503 s Blood worth Dobbin Robert, basement 239 Fayetteville Dunston M N,* 304 s Harrington Earp H W, 539 e Martin Evans Turner, 219 s Harrington Francis Peter, Frap's bldg Francis J E, Frap's building Francis Bud, 205 Fayetteville Haywood W C,* 4(>7 Hillsboro' 330 Hunter J B,* 130 e Hargett Jones D A\^ 219 s West Jones W F,* cor McDowell and Morgan Jones J M,* 539 Newbern ave Jones S M & Bro,* 140 s Wilmington Lewis J H,* 14 s Harrington McKoy Neill,* cor Salisbury and Davie Moore N H, e Martin Moore W, basement 107 Fayetteville Mullenix M S, e Martin Smith George,"" cor Wilmington and Cabarrus Taylor Clayton,"- cor Davie and Salisbury Thompson Moses,"'^ 104 s AYilmington Tony N,* 318 s Salisbury W«ddon & Francis, 203? Fayetteville Weddon J P, 205 Fayetteville Bottlers. Jones T R, 422 s Dawson Stunipf Peter, 204 e Martin Bridge Builders. Clifton W V, res 538 n Person Brick-Masons and Plasterers. Blackman J F,"-^ res 110 w Cabarrus BufFaloe W H, res Smithlield Chavis Columbus,"" res w South Cook Edward,* res Oberlin, o s w Dunston Sidney, "■• res Oberlin, o s w Dunston Sylvester Sr," res 520 s McDowell Dunston Sylvester Jr,"-' res 520 s McDowell Fann W E Sr, res 419 Cannon Fann W E Jr, res 419 Cannon Fann Walter, res 419 Cannon Flagg John,;- res Oberlin, o s w Gant Emit,"'- res Fayetteville rd, o s s Graves Willis M,"" res Oberlin, o s w Hall Isaac,'^ res 110 w South Hamill & Hunnicutt, office s Salisbury Hamill H J, res 559 e Martin Harris George,* res 114 w Cabarrus Hayes Wash,"- res Hargett, o s e Hayes Austin,"'^ res 523 Smith Haywood Henry,"'^ res Hargett, o s e 331 Higgs Charles,* res Oberlin, o s w Hiinnicntt F W, res 230 s Swain Himnic'utt W G, res Haywood Hunnicutt F II, res 557 e Martin Jeffreys Nortleet,* res Oherlin, o s w Lewis Charles W, res 320 n Saunders Mattliews W H," res 211 w South Matthews W J,* res w South Matthews Robert,* res 211 w South Mitchell James,* res 315 e Davie Mitchell William,* res 315 e Davie Perry C H, res 223 s Person Phifer D P,* res 525 e Lenoir Savage George, res Smithfield, o s s Spencer T A,* res 409 Cannon Thornton Charles,* res Oberlin, o s w Williams Thomas,* res Oberlin, o s w Williams George,* res Oberlin, o s w Willis W W, res 514 s Person Brokers— Cotton. Barbee & Co, 305 s Wilmington Cuthbert & Co, 305 s Wilmington Johnson C E & Co, 303 s Wilmington Latta & Wright, 317 s AVilmington Lee Ed H, 307 s Wilmincrton Parker M A, 312 s Wihnington Brokers— Merchandise. Duncan John A, 240 Fayetteville, up-stairs Gattis W A, 239 s Wihnington, np-stairs Grey J S, 120 Fayetteville Harris E L, 107 Fayetteville Hay O P, 218 Faye'tteville Johnson & Johnson, 109 Fayetteville Building and Loan Associations. MECHANICS AND INVESTORS UNION BUILDING AND LOAN CO, office in Pullen l)ldg SOUTHERN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION (Kal Branch), office 107 P'ayetteville Butchers. Dancy William, stall 15, market Donaldson Thos,* stall 2, market 332 Crawford W E & Sons, 230 Fayetteville Jones J H, stall 18, market Perrj M M, stall 5, market Perry C H," stall 19, market Sawyer William,* stall 6, market Schwartz J, stall 1, market Young Abram," stall 22, market Cabinet Makers. Brown Ed S, res 311 w Morgan Haynes M II, cor Morgan and Blount Mitchell J E, 128 s Wilmington Morris John T, cor Morgan and Wilmington Teasley Edward, res 119 s Dawson Cafes. Denton's Cafe, 311 Fayetteville DUGHI CAFE, 235 Fayetteville Moseley Cafe, 130 Fayetteville Candy Factories. Barbee & Pope, 105 Fayetteville Bretsch Chas, 103 Fayetteville Royster A D & Bro, 207 Fayetteville Carpenters. Alford W H, res 213 n West Aydlett Chas, res 709 n Salisbury Beale Jesse, res 221- w Lane Buck W A, wks N C Building & Supply Co Bunch Thomas, res 415 n Salisbury Burgess Win,* res o s w Burroughs Mike, wks S A L R R Burwell M,* res 508 n Bloodworth Busbee F M, res 522 n Person Carroll James, res 207 n Harrington Carroll John G, res 223 w Jones Cawthorne J R, res cor Haywood and Davie Collier J R, res 221 s West Collins J W, res 329 Cannon Ellison L S, res 415 n Salisbury Emery L A, res Hargett, o s e Falkner J F, res 9 Catling's lane 833 Ford R J, res w Nortli Ford C T, res w Nortli Ford AVni, res w North Grady C H, res 210 w Lane Goodwin N M, wks S A L R R Hall Lewis,* res 221 Bledsoe ave Harper Jacob J, res 817 Polk Harper Jas H, res 317 Polk Hayes Richard,* res 822 s Blount Horton W A, res 117 e Hargett House J T, res 547 e Hargett Hulin A D, res 815 s Harrington Hunnicntt D O, res 412 e Morgan Hunt J W, res 218 s Harrington Hutchings I D, res 313 w Lane Jackson A J, res 606 n Saunders Jenkins Oscar,* 215 s Harrington Jones A J, res s Blount King C C, res 2 Franklin, o s n Lamb Wni A, res 323 Pace Lee C C, res 526 n Salisbury Lindsey J M, res 110 s West Miller Chris, wks N C Building and Supply Co Mitcliell H L, res 301 n Dawson Neal L C, res n West near R R Norman J R, res 536 e Jones Parker J W, res 321> w Martin Patterson S W, res 803 Jenkins Peele B A, res 409 n Salisbury Perry C H, res 223 s Persori Pool Jack,* res Martin, o s e Potter Zach, res 402 w Morgan Price John, wks S A L R R Pulley R H, res Haywood Riddle W L, res 404 w North Riddle J S, res 215 n West Riddle C A, res 210 n Harrington Ruth H G, res 53(t Hillsboro' Ruth M F, res cor Hillsboro' and West Ruth Geo H, res 517 Hicks lane Ruth J O, res 108 Johnson Ruth S L, res 302 St Mary's Ruth Marvin, res 302 St Mary's Sanders B W,* res 222 Smithiield Smith Edward,* res old Fair Ground, o s e Spiers L D, res 557 New hern ave Stewart Sam T,* res 806 s Blount Strickland N B, res cor Dawson and Davie 334 Upperman Wm,* res 330 w South Upperman M,* res 329 w South Utley W S, res n Saunders "Waring Hubert, res 615 e Davie Weathers W D, res 110 s West Willoughby James, res 219 n West Yeargan Fred," res 210 e Cabarrus Carriage Manufacturers and Dealers. Evans J W, cor Morgan and Blount Pace J M, 111 e Martin Stronach Frank, 319 s Wilmington Yancey T B, 130 e Morgan Cashiers of Banks. Briggs Fab H, cashier of the National Bank of Raleigh Jerman B S, cashier of Commercial and Farmers Bank Lacy B R, cashier of Mechanics Dime Savings Bank Litchford H E, cashier of the Citizens National Bank Pullen John T, cashier of Raleigh Savings Bank Chamber of Commerce. Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jos E Pogue ])i-es China, Glass and Q,ueensware. HUGHES W H, 127 Fayetteville Cigar Manufacturers. • Norwood James M, 214 s Wilmington Clergymen. Atwater AYm,* pastor Dawson-Street Baptist church Betts Alvin," Baptist, res cor Morgan and Person Betts A L, citv Baptist missionary, res 514 s Harrington Bobbitt J B, i) D, Methodist, res 129 s Dawson Branson Levi, D D, Methodist, res Branson House Bright A A, pastor Manly-Street Christian church, res Manly Carter J W, D D, pastor First Baptist church, res 104 w Eden ton Cheshire Rt Rev J B Jr, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of N C, res cor AVilmington and North Cobb Needliam B, I). D, Baj^tist, res 526 Polk 335 Crowder W J W, city missionary and colporter, r 115 s Harring- ton Curtis A W, D D, pastor Congregational church, res 225 e Lenoir Daniel Eugene, D D, pastor First Presbyterian clnircli, res cor Ilargett and Dawson Davis A G,* pastor Davie-Street Presbyterian church Foster James L, pastor Christian churcli, res 318 w Eden ton Hinton L B,^ Methodist, res Oberlin, o s w Howell Freeman," Baptist, pastor Blount-Street church Humphries L A,'"'" pastor Cox Memoi'ial Methodist church, res e Edenton Hunter A B, Episcopal, prin St Augustine Normal School, r same Johnson Cfesar,* Missionary Baptist, res 540 e Edenton Leak R H AV," pastor St Paul A M E church, res 310 e Davie Marshall M M, D D, rector of Christ Episcopal church, r (> New- bern ave Norman W C, D D, pastor Edenton-Street Methodist church, res cor Edenton and Dawsoti Pegues A W,- Baptist, res D D & B Inst Pettinger I McK, D D, rector of the Church of Good Shepherd, Episcopal, res cor Hillsboro' and McDowell Prendergast Rev Father J M, pastor of the Church of Sacred Heart, Catholic, res 20-1: Hillsboro' Price A R,* Baptist, res Martin, o s e Roberts N F, D D,* Baptist, res Oberlin Simms A M, D D, pastor Baptist Tabernacle, res cor Newbern ave and Blood worth Skinner Thomas E, D D, Baptist, r cor Wilmington and Edenton Spillman B W, city Baptist S S missionary, res 312 Newbern ave Smedes Bennett, D D, Episcopal, prin of St Mary's School, res at school Tuttle D H, pastor Central Methodist church, res 221 e Morgan Walker H P," Methodist, res 423 Haywood White I A, Methodist, res Branson House Whitaker R H, D D, pastor City Missions, Methodist, res 501) n Person Worlds J J,* pastor First Baptist church, res 702 s West Clothing Dealers. Berwanger S & D, 219 Fayetteville Cross & Linehan, 210 Fayetteville Whiting Bros, 10 e Martin WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 e Martin Clubs. Capital Club, Henry bldg, opp post-office 336 Coal and Wood Dealers. EBERHARDT & BAKER, office 126 Fayetteville Johnson Sz Johnson, 109 Fajetleville JONES & POWELL, 107 Fayetteville Commission Merchants. Adams L H & Co, 810 s Wilmington Crowder & Rand, 301 s Wilmington Dewar & Wilder, 13 Martin and 14 Exchange Place Johnson D T, agt, 16 e Hargett Mjatt & Hunter, 17 Martin and IS Exchange Place Norris M T & Pro, 239 s VV^ilmington Parker & Terrell, 312 s Wilmington Pool & Moring, 237 s Wilmington Rogers W H, 12 Exchange Place Snelling W N, 309 s Wilmington Thomas J J & Co, 313-315 s^ Wilmington Wjatt J P & Bros, 15 e Martin and 16 Exchange Place Conductors — Railway. Alderman J T, bds 204 Halifax Bo wen John, bds Halifax Brown F F, res 110 s McDowell Burroughs William, bds lOSs Fayetteville Chavasse T H, bds Yarboro' House Clements W P, bds 408 w Morgan Faucette H M, res 223 n Harrington Hogan J B, res Hicks' lane Jones J C, bds Mrs A F Ray Jones D B, bds Mrs A F Ray Lassater G M, res 408 w Morgan Martin T E, bds 10 e North Maxwell Herbert, bds 105g Fayetteville Merritt J Mai, bds 10 e North Stone E P, res 522 n Person Weaver R E, res 605 Hillsboro' Williams Henry, bds 10 e North Wilson T ¥, res 312 Oakwood ave Conductors — Street Railway. Bashford A C, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Howell A A, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Royster F B, res 210 Newbern ave Tucker W W, res Hillsboro' road, o s w Upchurch H F, res 214 e Davie 337 Confectioners. Barbee vfe Pope, 105 Fayetteville Bretsch Charles, 103 Fayetteville DUGHI A, '235 Fayetteville Eioo-an J D, 132 Fayetteville Roy^ster A D & Bro^ 207 Fayetteville Contractors— Stone and Brick. Hainill 6c Hunnicutt, office s Salisbury, rear T H Brings & Sons Linehaii P ^V: Son, office at Cro^s ^t Linehan, Fayetteville N C BUILDING & SUPPLY CO, shoi)s n West AVeir W J, ii Blood worth Whitelaw John, cor McDowell and Martin Contractors and Builders. Briggs John D, 117 n Dawson Gary Lnml)er Co, w Cabarrus MILLS MFG CO, Favetteville near r r crossing N C BUILDING & SUPPLY CO, s West N C CAR CO, Franklin Cotton Buyers. Barbee & Co, 305 s Wilmington Johnson C E & Co, 303 s AVilmington Lalta & Wright, 317 s Wilmington Lee Ed H, 807 s AVilmington Parker M A, 312 s Wilmington Cotton Compress Company. Seaboard Air Line Railroad, at cot platform Cotton Mills. The Caraleigh Cotton Mill, South Raleigh The Pilot Cotton Mill, North Raleigh The Raleigh Cotton Mill, Firwood ave and r r crossing Cotton Weighers. Dowd P W, office Cotton Platform, res Hillsboro' rd Dunn R G, office Cotton Platform, res outside city Richardson T X, office Cotton Platform, res cor McDowell and Hargett Stephenson W R, office Cotton Platform, res outside city 22 338 Dentists. AYER J M, office lOS Fajetteville, iip-stairs CARROLL NORWOOD G, office cor Fayetteville and Hargett, np-stairs CRAWT'ORD J H. office 116 Fayetteville, np-stairs Everett I) E, office 123? Fayetteville, np-stairs FLEMING J M, office 132i Fayetteville, np-stairs Tnrner V E, office lOTj Fayetteville, np-stairs Dining-Hall. Moseley's Dining-Hall, 130 Fayetteville Dressmakers. Bagwell Mrs A W, res 701 s Blonnt Betts Mrs Mary L, res 112 Firwood ave Boone Mrs Mary A, res 217 s East Bolyn Mrs Clara, res 108 w Jones Boyd Miss Lncy, res 121 n Wilmington Bridgers Mrs M J, res 112 n East Brogden Mrs O H, res Johnson Brown Mrs Sallie D, res 121 w Cabarrus Bnsbee Mrs Lizzie, res 226 w Hargett Cheek Mrs Enieline, res 114 n Dawson Cheek Miss Ida, res 114 n Dawson Conn Miss Mary, res 104 w Jones Crabtree Mrs Amy, res 205 n Salisbury Debnam Miss L J, res 105 w Jones Denton Miss Hattie M, res 117 s Bloodworth Eatman Mrs W R, res 113 n Bloodworth Glennan Mrs Fannie, res 119 w Morgan Grnendler Mrs E V, res 314 s Blount Hall Mollie,'" res 511 n Salisbury Hatton Mrs V F, res 600 n Salisbury Hicks Mrs Gertrude, res 513 n Salisbury Jolly Miss Bettie, res 116 s McDowell Jones Mrs Jennie, res 219 s West Jones Mrs Etta, res 110 s McDowell Lewis Mrs Amanda, res 113 w Morgan Little Mrs C M, cor Jones and Davv-son Lodge Mrs C F, res 14 s Salisbury Moore Mrs Drnsilla, res 129 e Hargett Morris Mrs Solicitor, res 109 Grimes' al Pope Mrs Martha, res 513 n Salisbury Saintsing Mrs L A, res 118 Johnson Schilling Mrs Eugene, res 101 Johnson 339 Smith Mrs Hattie, res 752 Fayetteville Steine Miss Dixie, res 508 Ne\vl)erii ave Siio:gs Mrs Helen, res SU8 s Wilininojton Teaslev Mrs Victoria, res 111* s Dawson I^pehiirch Mrs C W, res 314 e Hargett Fzzle Mrs Ailey, res 18 Johnson AVilliams Mrs Carcilla, res 324 w Lane Williams ^Miss Annie, res 309 w Davie "Williams ^liss Columbia, res 309 w Davie AVilliams Mrs Susan, res 110 s McDowell Druggists. Bobbitt J Hal, 233 Fayetteville HICKS & ROGERS," 101 Fayetteville JOHNSON JAMES I. 301 Fayetteville KING W H & CO, 201 Fayetteville Kinu" O G, cor "Wilmington and Hargett MAC RAE JOHN Y, 19 e Martin and 20 Exchange Place MAC RAE J Y (Branch Pharmacy), 240 Fayetteville McKimmon James & Co, 133 Fayetteville Park-Avenue Pharmacy, w Martin Pescud John S, 118 Fayetteville SIMPSON WM, 326 Fayetteville Simpson Pobert, corner Hillsboro' and Salisbury WYNNE & BIRDSONG, Halifax near cor Johnson Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Crocker H H, 9 e Hargett Jones W E, 206 Fayetteville Lyon Racket Store, 16 e Martin Monie J M, 217 s AVilmington Sherwood C A avetteville Summerlin J J, cor Davie and East Taylor L D, 219 s Wilmington Turner J D, cor Halifax and Johnson Upchurch B W, 15 e Hargett Utzman R M, 127 n Dawson Waddell Wm,* 745 s Blount Williams Geo J, cor Blount and Davie Wright J J,- cor Manly and Worth Womble L D, 17 e Hargett Worlds Mrs Bettie, s Bloodworth Wyatt & Co, cor Salisbury and Johnson Young C W, 11 e Hargett Halls. Academy of Music, cor Martin and Salisbury A &M College, West Raleigh Briggs Hall (Briggs Building) Chapel Centennial Graded School Chapel Murphy School Chapel Peace Institute Chapel Blind Institution Commons Hall (State Building) Court- House (County Buildine-) Knights of Honor 345 Knifrhts of Pythias ]\Iasonic (Holloman Buildinoc) Metropolitan, over city market Odd Fellows Senate Hall (State Building) Shaw University Hardware and Cutlery. BRIGGS THOS H & SONS, 2l>hate Co, res E Hargett Kehoe R H, S A L R R, res Fir wood ave Larson A M, S A L R R, res 520 n Salisbury Lyons James, S A L R R, res 415 n AYilminston Maglenn James, master mechanic S A L R R, res Halifax Massey C F, wks Ral cot mill, bds cor Halifax and Franklin Mitchell Abe, wks Allen ife Cram, res 0<»4 c Davie Mitchell Chas, wks Allen tV: Cram, res 553 e Martin Mitchell W G, wks Allen cV: Cram, res 53S e Martin Nottingham AV G, S A L R R, res 218 n Harrington Olmstead T C, res 602 e Davie Pace E R, S A L R R, res Franklin, o s n Park C B, instructor A & M College, res 314 Polk Parish D B, S A L R R, res 109 Johnson Partin Donald, res cor w Jones and St Mary's Perkins T A, wks for S A L R R Price T J, S A L R R, res 306 n Person Price Sion D, S A L R R, res 306 n Person Riggan J R, wks N C Car Co, res cor Hargett & West Robbins W W, S A L R R, res 119 w Edenton Shepherd Frank, foreman S A L R R, res 101 n McDowell Shepherd AV O, foreman X C Car Co, res 531 n Salisbury Smith AYilliam Jr, S A L R R, res 127 Halifax Smethurst W A, res 510 s Salisbury Thompson C H, res 410 w jSorth Watson A L, S A L R R, res 413 n Saunders Watson A S, S A L R R, res 119 Firwood ave Willson J V, S A L R R, res 534 n AVest Womble Geo L, res 314 s Dawson Marble Works. COOPER BROS, yard Fayetteville Marks E T, yard w Alartin 350 Mattress Makers. N C Institution for the Blind, w Jones ROYALL & BORDEN. 21 S s Wilmincrton THOMAS & MAXWELL, 9 e Martin", 10 Exchange Place Mercantile Associations. Raleigh Protective Mercantile Association, W C Stronach pres Merchant Tailors. Brido-ers Bros, 218 Fayetteville HERMAN FRANK, U w Hargett PHYSIOC J E, 131 Fayetteville Taylor W T, e Harsjett, cor Haywood TAYLOR W A, ICTw Martin WALTERS GEO N, 23i Fayetteville WEIKEL C, 124 Fayetteville Millinery and Fancy Goods. Besson Madame E, 111 Fayetteville Joues W E, 206 Fayetteville Lyon Backet Store, 16 e Martin N Y Bazaar, 211 Faj-^tteville Reese M, 209 Fayetteville Woodward Miss Julia, 202 s Wilmington WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 e Martin Motormen — Electric Railway. Brown W D, res 121 w Cabarrus Cooper W E, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Fender W A, bds Branson House Harrison J B, bds w Morgan Jones L, bds Branson House Marcom E D, res 209 w Morgan Warren H W, res Hillsboro' rd, o s w Moulders— Brass. Nottingham J T, res 220 n Salisbury SEP ARK CHAS A, 307 w Jones 351 Moulders- Iron. Emery Ethvard, bds w Cabarrus Gooeh Charles, res 327 w South Hunt J W Jr, 218 s ILirrin.i;toii Jordan -Tames F, res 505 e Harc;ett Kini;- William S, res 402 e Hargett Marcom Charles B, res 410 e Hargett Morris Josepli, res 745 Fajetteville Nottingham J T, res 220 n Salisbury Pearce Jeif, res 214 w Cabarrus Perry Henry, res cor West and Hargett Riggan AV H, res 412 e Hargett Sadler Walter, res 132 m' Cabarrus Saintsinu' Atla^, res 550 Xewbern ave SEPARK CHAS A, 307 w Jones Straughan AN'iley, res Brooklyn, o s w Musical Instruments. Cole J W, 13 w Hargett Darnell ife Thonjas, 114 Fayetteville Ludden & Bates, 332 Fayetteville Poyster A D e% Bro, 207 Fayetteville Newspapers. Biblical Recorder The (weekly), organ of the Baptist denomina- tion, J W Bailey editor, 17 w Hargett Caucasian The (weekly), H W Ayer editor, 334 Fayetteville Christian Sun The (weekly), organ of the Christian denomination, E L Moffit editor, 400 Fayetteville Gazette The,'" James H Young editor, over 301 Fayetteville Lodge Weekly (Fraternal), Z P Smith editor, Academy of Music ' bldg NEWS AND OBSERVER (Democratic daily), Josephus Daniels editor, 415 Fayetteville North Carolinian The (Democratic weekly), Merritt editor, 415 Fayetteville Outlook The," Ft H AY Leake editor, 16 s Salisbury PRESS- VISITOR (Democratic daily), Greek O Andrews editor, 334 Fayetteville Progressive' Farmer Tiie (weekly), organ of the State Farmers' Alliance, J L Ramsey editor, 135 Fayetteville Sun Light (weekly), M T Ray editor 352 Notary Public. Briggs F H, office Raleigh National Bank BROUGHTON J M, office 8 w Martin Crow E B, office Raleigh IS'ational Bank Grandy AVillis S, office 113 Favetteville Harris M F, office cor Halifax and North Haywood F P Jr, office Citizens IS'ational Bank Kenny Jno B, office Fallen bldg Litchford H E, office Citizens National Bank Litchford Jas O, office Raleigh Savings Bank Marcom J C, office Central Hotel Massey A P, office Fisher bldg Miller H W, office Yarboro' House bldg ROBERTS H H, office Frap's bldg Smith "W T, office Fisher bldg Telfair S F, office Capitol bldg Thompson Geo AV, office Commercial and Farmers Bank Upchurch D D, office Raleigh National Bank Waitt S D, office Fayetteville WILDES CHAS D, office over J I Johnson Womble W T, office e Hargett Oil Depots. Standard Oil Co, n Harrington Opticians. FASNACH EDWARD, 110 Fayetteville Mahler's Sons H, 228 Fayetteville Oyster Dealers. Carter W E, 120 Fayetteville DUGHI A, 235 Fayetteville Ives Geo N Sz Co, city market Smith AV D, city market Painters — House and Sign. BULLOCK CHAS F, basement Central Hotel Cooper Walter, res 537 e Martin Farns worth H M, 112 w Jones Glenn A E, res n Blount, o s n Harrison Chas,'^' 16 s Salisbury HOUSE S V, s Salisbury, rear T H Briggs & Sons 353 King AV F, res Firvvood ave, o s n Klouse D B, res 229 w Cabarrns Lancaster F S, res 217 n Harrington LaiK-aster Robt E, res n Eoylan ave MACY W R, s 8alisl)ur.y Parish W W, 114 e Hargett Parish Iowa S, res 547 e Jones Peatross James, res Oberlin, o s w Kogers Alvis, res 701 s Blood worth Taylor H B," res 424 s Blount Thompson R T, res 554 e Davie Thompson Frank L, res 554 e Davie Williams P J, res 110 s McDowell "Williams Jesse R, res 110 s McDowell Williams Chas P, res 110 s McDowell Woodlief J W, res Cox ave, o s w Yeargan Jas,* res 413 n Salisbury Paints, Oils and Glass. BRIGGS THOMAS H & SONS, 220 Fayetteville Lewis Hardware Co Julius, 224 Fayetteville Paper Companies- Raleigh Paper Co, 6 w Martin Paper Hangers. WATSON FRED A, 112 Fayetteville Weathers L C, 113^ Fayetteville Parks. A & M College, West Raleigh Brookside, n e city limits Burke Square, n Blount Moore Square, bet e Hargett and e Martin Nash Square, bet w Hargett and w Martin Pullen Park, AVest Raleigh Union Square, centre of city Pattern Makers. Cooper J W, S A L R R, res Firwuod ave, o s n Haynes M R, cor Blount and Morgan Kleuppelberg Charles, S A L R R, res 220 n Harrington Rogers M F, wks Allen 6c Cram Machine Co, res Prairie bldg 23 354 Physicians and Surgeons. Battle K P Jr {eye, ear, nose and throat), cor Lane and Wilming- ton Bobbitt W H, office and res 222 w Hargett Bowen M D,'"' ol!ice and res Shaw Institute BnfFaloe A J, office and res 312 w Edenton Ellis R B, office and res 218 e Morgan Faison J A, asst at Insane Asjlnm, res same Goodwin A W, res 711 Hillsboro' Haywood F J, office and res 126 Halifax Haywood Hubert, office and res 218 Newbern ave Hines P E, office and res 211: Newbern ave Jones A O, office and res 118 n Person Kirby Geo L, snpt Insane Asylum, res same Knox A W, office 133 Fayetteville, res 516 n Blount Lewis R H (eye, ear, nose and throat), office 217 n Wilmington McGeachy R S, asst Insane Asylun), res same McGee J W Sr, office and res cor Edenton and Dawson McGee J W Jr, office and res cor McDowell and Martin McKee James, office and res cor Blount and Jones Renn Geo A, office Park- A venue Pharmacy Rogers James R, office and res Park Hotel Royster W I, office and res 323 w Morgan Royster Hubert, office and res 323 w Morgan Scruggs L A,* office and res 21 e Worth Sexton J A, office arid res 507 Fayetteville Upchurch Harvey C, office and res 219 s McDowell Photographers. JOHNSON T B. 113i Favetteville WHARTON C P, 111) Fayetteville, upstairs Pianos and Organs. Cole J W, 13 w Hargett Darnell & Thomas, 114 Fayetteville Ludden & Bates, 332 Fayetteville Picture Frames. WATSON FRED A, 112 Fayetteville Plumbers. SPENCE PLUMBING CO, Academy of Music bldg STEVENSON THOS S, 15 w Hargett Young & Hughes, Prairie bldg, s Wilmington 355 Pool Rooms. Denton Ed V, 311-313 Fayettevillo Yarborough House, 317 Fayetteville Printers. Adams T W, res -114 w Jones Alford J H, res 113 n Salisbury Alford L F, res 125 e South Andrews D H, res 120 w Lane Bailey O L, res 213 n Dawson 13etts C J, res 400 w Lane Birdsong J C, res 300 e Hargett Bogasse Samuel, res 315 e Martin Brown C A, res 120 w Lane Brown B B, res IIS s Person Bynum R D, res 13 s East Cheek E S, res 114 n Dawson Collins J B, res 511 n Person Collins Paul, res 511 n Person Crabtree Otho, res 221 n West Faison W E, res 8 s East Faucette T O, res 510 s Salisbury Faucette W A, res 228 n Saunders Fulcher AV A, res 521 s Blood worth Glenn F M, res 313 e Martin Hampton J S, res 109 n Salisbury Holder George, res 710 s East Huggins H R, res 17 s East Jones W A, res 510 s Blood worth Jones C H, res 213 Tucker King J C, res 713 s Blount Koonce C G, res 314 Hillsboro' Koonce C F, res 204 e Lenoir Lee R E, res 321 e Cabarrus Lewis J J, res 113 w Morgan Marcom John AV, res 416 e Hargett McGowan P W, res 328 s McDowell McRary J N, res 300 w Davie Mitchell G W, res 41<) e Edenton Nichols S L, res 408 n Bloodworth Peddy D M, res 205 e Hargett Pittman Jos C, res 543 e Hargett Putney AV A, res 205 Smithfield Rivers R C, res cor Oak wood ave and Bloodworth Royster W B, res 210 Newborn ave 356 Scarborough E F, res 212 e Davie Scott W O, res Smithfield Sinith W O, res 323 s McDowell Smith L AV, res 308 n Dawson Sutton J M, res cor Salisbury and North Straughan T E, res Brooklyn, o s n Turbeville G J, res 403 s Blount Utley W M, res 113 n Person Uzzle W 0, res 23 n Saunders Vaiighan Pal, res 327 e Davie Wicker R D, res 323 e Cabarrus Wicker E J, res 323 e Cabarrus Womble W L, res 636 e Hargett Woods W A, res 119 e Davie Printers— Book and Job. CAPITAL PRINTING CO, Academy of Music bldg Edwards & Broughton, cor Salisbury and Hargett The Christian Sun Co, Fayetteville UZZELL E M, cor Wilmington and Martin Proof-Readers. GORMAN MAXWELL J, res 408 n Person Uzzell E M, res 312 e Jones Railroad Depots and Offices. Seaboard Air Line R R, office Yarboro' House bldg Seaboard Air Line R R, freight office cor Halifax and Lane Southern Railway, office of vice-president, Yarboro' House bldg Southern Railway Division Office, rear Citizens National Bank Southern Railway Freight Office, w Cabarrus Union Depot Passenger Station, cor Martin and Dawson Real Estate and Rental Offices. ALLEN & BOYDEN CO, Pullen bldg BROUGHTON J M & CO, 8 w Martin Wynne, Ellington & Co, 10 w Hargett Restaurants. Brown A,* 113 e Hargett Burns Tony,* 203 s Wilmington Dunston Manda,* 229 s Wilmington Johnson Martha,* 223 s Wilmington 357 Jones C C & Co * 20SJ s Wilmington Page Hattie E,* 223 s Wilmington Ray A: Wallace," 207-i Wilmington Kichardson James," 2t>5A s AVilmington Kochelle L 8, 235 s Wilmington Taylor Ella,* 134 s Wilmington Stenographers and Typewriters. Alderson Miss Mamie, res 212 n Harrington Barnes R E, for R B Raney, res n East Bauer Mrs Rachel, res 13 w Cabarrns Birdsong Miss ]\[amie, res 308 e Hargett Carroll J C, U S marshal's office, res 513 Fayetteville Cobb N T, Southern Railway office, 607 n Person Crabtree Walter, Raleigh Water Co, res 205 n Salisbury Davis Miss Mary, tor R T Gray, res 415 Elm Fort Miss K W, for W H it R^S Tucker iSc Co, res n Boundary Harward Miss Addie, for J D Bushall, res 208 Newbern ave Heartt T B, for Southern Railway, res 128 s Dawson Hinsdale J W Jr, for J W Hinsdale Sr, res 330 Hillsboro' Horton Miss Ina, for J C Drewry, res n Wilmington Lee Miss Lizzie, teacher of stenography, res 220 Hillsboro' Lindsey R L, res 110 s West Massey A P, office 217 Fayetteville Parkinson J L, for Southern Railway, bds Harrison House Partin Miss L W, for Agricultural Dept, res cor East and Oak- wood av2 Rivers Mrs R C, res cor Oak wood ave and Blood worth Rogers B W, for S A L R R, bds 112 w Edenton Seawell J L, for Supreme Court, res cor Hargett and Swain Smith W T, office 217 Fayetteville Smith M M, office Y M C A bldg Snow Geo H, res Boylan ave Stunkel Miss M E, for J M Broughton ik Co, res 603 n Saunders Thompson Herbert, for W R Tucker, res 424 Halifax Weathers L H, for C E Johnson & Co, res 324 s Blount WILDES CHAS D, office 303 Fayetteville (up-stairs), res 118 s DaM'son Saloons. Adams E A, 221 s Wilmington Bailey F L, 233 s Wilmington CARROLL J D. -225 s Wilmington Deboy X Jr, 15 Exchange Place Denton E V, 311-313 Fayetteville Freeman James, 13 e Hargett Hamlin J E tfc Co,* 205 s Wilmington 358 Harris J S, 207 s Wilmington Harris & Hill, 227 s Wilmington Harris J J, 210 s Wilmington Hoover C W,* 213 s Wilmington Johnson J J, e Hargett, o s e Mangum D C, s Blount McClure AVilliam, 232 Fayetteville Parham R £, 17 Exchange Place Potter & Scott, 114 e Martin Smith S T, 9 Exchange Place Smith John U, 11 Exchange Place Upchurch W I) Jr, 215 s Wilmington Walker L J, Yarborough House Walton J E, 235 s Wilmington White L K, 231 s Wilmington Woodard M W, 316 w Cabarrus Sash, Doors and Blinds. N C BUILDING & SUPPLY CO, n West N C CAR CO, Franklin Sewing Machine Companies. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 115 Fayetteville Sign Writers. BULLOCK CHAS F, shop basement Central Hotel MACY W R, shop s Salisbury Slate Roofers. CLARE M S, res 319 e Jones Steam and Gas Fitters. ALLEN & CRAM MACHINE CO, eor Hargett and West Raleigh Gas Co, cor McDowell and Cabarrus SPENCE PLUMBING CO, Academy of Music bldg STEVENSON THOS S, 15 w Hargett Young & Hughes, Prairie bldg, s Wilmington Ticket Agencies. CAMERON & BATCHELOR, 228 Fayetteville 359 Telegraph Companies. Postal Tole2;ra]>h Company, lie Martin Western Tnioii Company, 'S'2>< Fayetteville Telephone Companies. Southern Bell Telephone Company, llOi Fayetteville Theatres and Places of Amusement. Academy of Music, cor Salisbury and Martin Metropolitan Hall, Fayetteville Tin and Sheet Iron Workers Lewis Hardware Co Julius, 224 Fayetteville Lumsden J C S, 226 Fayetteville Lumsden Chas F, 108 s Wilmington Tobacco Buyers — Leaf Flemino- E L, res 516 s Salisbury Johnson C E, res 120 Hillsboro' Lea C W, office Farmers Warehouse Love T L, res 413 Ne\vbern ave McGhee Geo B, res 103 e Eden ton Moore Van B, res 311 w Martin Pogue Jos E, 31.5 s AVilmington Williamson R L, office Farmers Warehouse, res o s e Tobacco Manufacturers — Chewing. Pogue Jos E, 315 s Wilmington Tobacco Manufacturers— Smoking. Ball Jesse G, lis e Hargett Transfer Companies. BLAEE JOSEPH, mgr, cor Martin and Blount CAMERON & BATCHELOR, 228 Fayetteville Martin E M, e ^lurgan Upchurch W A, s Salisbury 360 Traveling Salesmen. Bagwell L C, res 701 s Blonnt Bailey C Tom, res 513 n Blount Baker Charles C, res 529 s Salisbury Barkley J R, res n Person Blake H D, res 231 w Morgan Gulley J P, res 425 s Wilmington Habei F W, res 327 w Jones Hamlet J T, res 119 s Blount Higgs James A, res 417 n Blonnt Kendrick W B, res 435 Halifax King R O, res 713 s Blount King A J, res 402 e Hargett Levy Emmett E, res Smithiield Miller Henry, bds cor Newbern ave and Person Pegrara L B, res 622 w Jones Sanders J A, res 328 w Jones Southerland T R, bds Park Place, n Blount Thaxton J W, res cor Halifax and Franklin Thompson John W, res 424 Halifax Tucker W C, res cor Newbern ave and Person Typewriter Agents. Cobb N T (Remington), Yarborough House bldg' Lewis Hardware Co (Hammond), 124 Fayetteville RALEIGH STATIONERY CO (Bar-Lock), 309 Fayetteville Typewriter Supplies. RALEIGH STATIONERY CO, 309 Fayetteville Undertakers. Brown John W, cor Salisbury and Hargett Strickland G A, 128 s Wilmington Veterinary Surgeons. Williamson Dr Frank P, res 122 w Hargett Wagon Manufacturers. Bowen T A, 130 e Morgan Evans J W, cor Morgan and Blount Hollo way W H, 123 e Hargett MILLS MFG CO, Fayetteville, near R R 361 Warehouses -Tobacco. Farmers Warehouse, v.ov Davie and l)lood worth JoTies Wareliouse, cor I'lount and Davie Watchmakers and Repairers. BLAKE T W, !•»!» Favettevilie Cole J W, la w Ilargett Crawford John "\V, I'iS Favettevilie FASNACH EDWARD, 110 FayetteviUe JOLLY B R, 12S FayetteviUe Mahler H Sons, 228 FayetteviUe Mahler L A, 228 FayetteviUe Koehler H R, with H Mahler's Sons Wines and Liquors— Wholesale. FERRALL JOHN R & CO, 222 FayetteviUe PESCUD THOMAS, 214 FayetteviUe Rosenthal M, 18H FayetteviUe Yeast Dealers. Fleischinann ite Co, 240 FayetteviUe, up-stair?, H i) J3nnch agt 362 THE PRESS-VISITOR Every Day for all the News. >J. A A A A A A A jC. A e^ A A /!. A ^ A .% A /J. A ^ALEII^H'^ LEJ\DIW^_DAILY. ^^ ^>\ /v^ vrS ^^"^ v^ /"l*^ ^."^ '^."^ iiri^ >1^ &T? ^irv JtS ^."^ '^^ f^*iT^ ^-^ ^-i^ ^♦^ &i^ i?*^ "& V V V V V V V V V V '*>• V V V "w* V "I? tr ^ V v Has triple the circulation in the City of any Daily Paper ever Published in Raleigh. Publishes full Associated Press dispatches every day, giving all the news of the world up to the hour of going to press ; also full Market Reports, giving the New York and Liverpool Cotton quotations, New York Stocks, Chicago Grain and Provisions, and daily Commercial and Financial Gossip from all trade centres. The local news of Raleigh is published more fully in THE PRESS- VISITOR than in any other Raleigh paper. The Best Advertising Medium. THE PRESS-VISITOR goes to every family in Raleigh, and is read every day by the entire population of this citv. Your advertisement in THE PRESS-VISITOR is read^by every man, woman and child in Raleigh. CIRCULATION INCREASING DAILY. Subscription Price : $3.00 per year ; 25 cents per month. GREEK O. ANDREWS, EDITOR AND MANAGER. 363 G. C. ROYAI.I.. J. L. BORDEN. ROYALL & BORDEN DEALERS IN TERMS EASY. Furniture, Jjamps, Stoves, Jrunks, Clocks, ''low.* Crockery, Shades, 218 S. Wilmington Street, Stronach Building, FroBt Eutrance throuili Stronacli Store, RALEIGH, n- C. 364 NORTH ^izr"^ 129 Fajetteville St, <^0., RALEIGH, N. C. :E. G. HAMBELL, Manager. WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS. QUR SPECIALTIES Law Books, School Books, Sunday-School Books, Stationery, and all Supplies for the School-Room and Business Office. North Carolina Headquarters for Public School Books. SEIsTID FOU, CA.T-A.LOGHJES. SLJ TT \a/ universitv, X 1 J. V ^l\L RMLEIGM, N. C Established at Raleigh, N. C, December 1, 1865, was a pioneer in the education of colored young men and vonng women Its Young Ladies' Department, for- merly known as Estey fSerainary, was the first of its kind ever established. have grown better with age, and parents (an feel that SHAW is a i-afe place for their sons and daughters. While a iiigli degree of scholarship is main- tained by her students, solid character is insisted upon, and all unwillina; to comply with rules and regulations necessary to this end will not find here a congenial atmosphere. There are Departments of UIV, MEDICINE, PHARMACY, MUSIC, MISSIONARY TRAINING and THEOLOGY. .c Li/r// .c NORMAL SCIENTIFIC and AS WELL AS QQi_i_^Q^ COURSES OF STUDY A corps of thirty-two Professors, Teachers and Employes is in charge of the various Departments. Excellent opportunities for acquiring a solid education at a trifling cost are presented. For Catalogues and other information, address THE PRESI DENT, Shaw University, RALEIGH, N, C. STEDMAN'5 FOR MEAD- ACNE AND NEURALGIA. Trial Size. Regular Size. Large Size. JH0U5AND5HAV£BE^N CURED BY IT. ASK YOUROmQISTrORIT. JOHN P STEDMAN, ManuPe^crurer QL^^^tr^.. OXFORD. AJ . C .r^svr. ^Ili^&W »<»*»Ti >^^^ •■''^>T r^ MacRAE'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACIES, Cor. Wilmington, Martin and Market streets.— Phone 37. ] PAiPirH Branch Pharmacy, Cor. Fayetteville and Martin Sts.— 'Phone 197. J n. c. tf^KV NOT USE THE BtST? ■i. ^■i» l av. :vr. v." \0 -^ jj.-^ , tf*"* ^^ fij^j^ \'*3¥^" '"' ' '"'^■""^■^F=^"-A^ ^c HT IS Piri UP IN PfiJi'S r AtX- ■ AGES AND BRANOEO oaooisrEscHiBj"^ ARCMITFOT AND CiVlL ENGINEER. PLAKS .'*;,'.' SPECIFIC ATiOF'' F;.mf;iilii,b GIv \PPL!r."'TTOf . ' Qu oiv and Prarnpt Service to Transien . 'A "Phone 19::^'; C. F. S^WEFS "' O., <;>f^ r^.^C!:£ • j-U?»iBINC; CO., '^ We ar? d^siit bcre in Tf you -pcdd nay .({imt uf riutiibiniT Gas or Steetra FiitlDg roue, we a re ai your sorvico. Ve have tho tools, stock aiK^ o;Nii.'r?f>nrc tlsa! j>l..C".j.- u, Hcci.:i<3 vo r.' es- tnbHshmontor »he kind in theSlatc. Givei «af>h-Mice and si?eourvroiup:iie3sa;id moderatfi cltarges. All svauner . r .. prir -ttork solicited. vVi'ite f(ir !'■ 'jp . ce. RALEIGH. N, C.