THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIVIL WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. ^^^c^ Lieutenant Somers and (ho liebt-l Picket?. Ta^re 70. ^Wi' THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OB, THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. g^ ^torjj of titj? ^xtU i«b«Ui«ftt. BY OLIYEK OPTIC, ACTHOR OF "RICH AND HUMBLE," "IN SCHOOL AND OUT," "THE BOAT CLUB, "ALL ABOARD," "NOW OR NEVER," " TRY AGAIN," "POOB AND PROUD," ' "LITTLE BT LITTLE," "THE RIVERDALB STORT BOOKS," "THE SOLDIER BOY," "THE SAILOS BOY," ETO. BOSTON: LEE AND SHEPARD, SUCCESSORS TO PHILLIPS, SAHP30X, & CO. 1865. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by WILLIAM T. ADAMS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Mossachosetts. ELECTEOTTPED BT C. J. PETERS & SON, TO WILLIAM U. MOULTON, ESQ., Cbxs gook IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED T HIS FRIEND WILLIAM T. ADAMS. 602677 THE ARJIY AND NAVY STORIES. IN SIX VOLUMES. BY OLIVER OPTIC. I. THE SOXiOIJEH BOY; Or, Tom Sonxers in. the -A-rmy. II. THE ©^ILOR- BOY 5 Or, Jack Sorxiers in. the N'avy. III. TBCE YOrnVO 3L,IETJTEIVA]N'T ; Or, The -A^dventures of an -A^rmy- Offi.oer. A SEQUEL TO "THE SOLDIER BOY." IV. THE YAJVKIEE 3i:iI>r>Y 5 Or, The Jkdventures of a ISTaval Offi.oer. A SEQUEL TO "THE SAILOR BOY." (In Preparation.) V. FIGHTI]VO JOE; Or, The Fortixnes of a Staff- Offl.cer. A SEQUEL TO "THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT." . (In Preparation.) VI. BH^YE OEI> S^lLiT; Or, Ijife on the Qiaarter-IDeok:. A SEQUEL TO "THE YANKEE MIDDY." (In Preparation.) P R E r A C E. This A'olume is a sequel to " The Soldier Bot ; " and, though the leading character is the same in both books, there is no neces- sary connection between them, each forming an independent story. The material for the work, so far as its historical relations are con- cerned, has been derived from authentic sources ; not from books and papers only, but from intelligent and reliable persons who par- ticipated in the stirring scenes of which they gave testimony. The author especially acknowledges his indebtedness to Captain "WiLLiAii V. MuNROE, late of the Eleventh Massachusetts Regi- ment, for details of the Peninsular Campaign ; and to Captain Hexrt N. Blake, author of " Three Years in the Army of THE Potomac," for valuable information relative to the movements of Greneral Hooker's Division. Like " The Soldier Boy," this book is a narrative of personal adventure, rather than a connected historical account of the opera- tions before Richmond ; though, so far as positions and movements of the army are introduced, they are based upon reliable informa- tion. If any of the incidents of the story seem strange and improb- able, the writer respectfully suggests, that, since the passage of the Union officers through the tunnel under Libby Prison ; since the de- struction of the " Albemarle " by Lieutenant Cushing and his party ; and since the experience of scores of Union prisoners escaped from 6 PREFACE. rebel campa and dungeons, recorded and nnrecorded, has become known, — since these things have occxxrred, — nothing connected with the Great Rebellion ought to be deemed strange or improbable. The flattering success which has attended " The Soldier Boy " and "The Sailor Boy," and the author's personal interest in the Somers Family, have induced him to announce two additional volumes of " The Army and Navy Stories." With these ex- planations, he submits the third volume of the series to the consid- eration of his readers, young and old : hoping it will merit the same kindness that has been bestowed upon the preceding volumes. WILLLVM T. ADAJSIS. Dorchester, April 30, 1865. CONTENTS. CHAPTEE PAGB I. Captain de Bantan and Othkes 11 II. The Senator's Daughter 21 III. A Friend at Court 31 IV. The Fire of Temptation 42 V. On the Skirmish Line 53 VI. The Kebel Sharpshooters 63 VII. An Expedition in Front 73 VIII. An Order from Headquarters 84 IX. Lieutenant Somers changes his Na^ie and Charac- ter 96 X. Allan Garland and Friends 107 XI. The Virginia Maiden 120 XII. The Dignified Young Rebel 132 XIII. An Unexpected Arrival 144 XIV. The Rebel Division-General 157 XV. The Sharpshooter in the Woods 170 XVI. Return to the Camp 182 XVII. Glendale and Malvern Hills 194 XVIII. Lieutenant Somers has a new Sensation 206 XIX. Over the River 219 8 CONTENTS. CHJIPTXR PAOK XX. Captain de Banyax finds an Old Friend 231 XXI. The Third Tennessee 243 XXII. The Rebel. Farm-House 254 XXin. The Man in the Chimney 266 XXIY. A Broken Bargain 277 XXV. Somers is compelled to back out 290 XXVI, A Night in Petersburg 302 XXVII. A Friend indeed .• 314 XXVIII. Dr. Scoville's Patient 327 XXIX. De Bantan at Work 341 XXX. Another Commission 354 XXXI. Washington, Boston, and Pinchbbook 367 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT. THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; THE ADVENTURES OE AN ARMY OEEICER. CHAPTER I. CAPTAIN DE BANYAN AND OTHERS. BEG- your pardon, sir ; but I see, by the num- ber on your cap, that we belong to the same regiment," said an officer with two bars on his shoulder-straps, as he halted in the aisle of the railroad-car, near where Lieutenant Thomas Somers was seated. " May I be permitted to inquire whom I have the honor of addressing ? " " Lieutenant Somers, of the th Massachusetts," replied the young gentleman addressed, as he politely touched his cap in return for the salutation of the other. " Ah ! is it possible? I am rejoiced to meet you. I have heard of you before. Allow me to add in the most delicate manner, that you are a good fellow, a first-rate soldier, and as brave an officer as ever sported a pair of 11 12 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; OR, shoulder-straps. Permit ftie to offer you my hand ; and allow me to add, that it is a hand which was never sul- lied by a dishonorable act." " I am happy to make your acquaintance," replied Lieutenant Somers, as he accepted the offered hand. "Won't you take a seat, Captain ?" " Captain de Banyan, at your service," continued the officer, as he seated himself by the side of the young lieu- tenant, who was completely bewildered by the elegant and courtly speech of his new-found friend. K Lieutenant Somers needs any further introduction to the reader, we may briefly add, that he was a native of Pinchbrook, a town near Boston, in the State of Massa- chusetts. He was now entering his eighteenth year, and had enlisted in the great army of the Union as a private, with an earnest and patriotic desire to serve his imper- illed country in her death-grapple with treason and trai- tors. He had won his warrant as a sergeant by bravery and address, and had subsequently been commissioned as a second lieutenant for good conduct on the bloody field of Williamsburg, where he had been wounded. The in- jury he had received, and the exhaustion consequent upon hard marching and the excitement of a terrible battle, had procured for him a furlough of thirty days. He had spent this brief period at home ; and now, invigorated by rest and the care of loving friends, he was returning to the army to participate in that stupendous campaign 'dl THE ADVEXrURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. V6 which culminated in the seven-days' battles before Rich- mond. Inspired by the hope of honorable distinction, still more by the patriotic desire to serve the noblest cause for -which the soldier ever drew a sword, he was hastening to the post of danger and duty. As the train hurried him by smiling fields, and through cities and villages whose prosperity was mysteriously interlinked with the hallowed mission which called him from the bosom of home and friends, his thoughts were those which would naturally animate the soul of a young patriot, as he jour- neyed to the battle-fields of a nation's ruin or salvation. He thought of the bloody scenes before him, of the bless- ed home behind him. Only the day before, he had made his parting visit to Lilian Ashford, who knit his " fighting socks," as he had called them since the eventful day when he had found her letter and her picture in them. Of course, he could not help thinking of her ; and, as he had a thin stratum of sentiment in his composition, it is more than probable that the beautiful young lady monopolized more than her fair share of his thoughts ; but I am sure it was not at all to the detriment of the affection he owed his mother and the other dear ones, who were shrined in the sanc- tuary of his heart. Lieutenant Somers was an exceedingly good-looking young man, which, as it was no fault of his own, we do 14 THE YOU NO LIEUTENANT ; OR, not object to mention. He was clothed in his new uni- form, which was very creditable to the taste and skill of his tailor. On his upper lip, an incipient mustache had developed itself; and, though it presented nothing re- markable, it gave brilliant promise of soon becoming all that its ambitious owner could possibly desire, especially as he was a reasonable person, and had no taste for mon- strosities. He had paid proper attention to this ornamen- tal appendage, which is so indispensable to the making- up of a soldier ; and the result, if not entirely satisfactory, was at least hopeful. The subject of our remarks wore his sash and belt, and carried his sword in his hand, for the reason that he had no other convenient way of transporting them. Our natural pride, as his biographer, leads us to repeat that he was a fine-looking young man ; and we will venture to say, that the young lady who occupied the seat on the opposite side of the car was of the same opinion. Of course, she did not stare at him : but she had two or three times cast a furtive glance at the young officer ; though the operation had been so weU managed, that he was entirely unconscious of the fact. Inasmuch as this same young lady was herself quite pretty, it is not supposable that she had entirely escaped the observation of our gallant young son of Mars. We are compelled to say he had glanced in that direction tAvo or three times, to keep within the limits of a modest THE ADVENTURES OF AN AliMT OFFICER. 15 calculation ; but it is our duty to add that he was not captivated, and that there is not the least danger of our story degenerating into a love-tale. Lieutenant Somers thought she was nearly as pretty as Lilian Ashford ; and this, we solemnly declare, was the entire length and breadth of the sentiment he expended upon the young lady, who was certainly worthy of a deeper homage. She was in charge of an elderly, dignified gentleman, who had occupied the seat by her side until half an hour before the appearance of Captain de Banyan ; but, being unfortunately addicted to the small vice of smoking, he had gone forward to the proper car to indulge his pro- pensity. Lieutenant Somers had studied the faces of all the passengers near him, and had arrived at the conclu- sion that the lady's protector was a gentleman of conse- quence. He might be her father or her uncle ; but he was a member of Congress, the governor of a State, or some high official, perhaps a major-general in " mufti." At any rate, our hero was interested in the pair, and had carried his speculations concerning them as far as theory can go \\dthout a few facts to substantiate it, when his reflections were disturbed by Captain de Banyan. " Lieutenant Somers, I'm proud to know you, as I had occasion to remark before. I have heard of you. You distinguished yourself in the battle of Williamsburg," said Captain de Banyan. "You speak very handsomely of me, — much better than I deserve, sir." 16 THE TOUXG LIEUTENANT ; OR, " Not a particle, my boy. If there is a man in the army that can appreciate valor, that man is Captain de Banyan. You are modest. Lieutenant Somers, — of course you are modest ; all brave men are modest, — and I forgive your blushes. I've seen service, my boy. Though not yet thirty-five, I served in the Crimea, in the Forty-seventh Royal Infantry ; and was at the battles of Solferino, Magenta, Palestro, and others too numerous to mention." " Indeed ! " exclaimed Lieutenant Somers, filled with admiration by the magnificent record of the captain. " Then you are not an American ? " *' Oh, yes, I am ! I happened to be in England when the Russian war commenced. So, being fond of a stir- ring life, I entered as a private in the Forty-seventh. If the war had continued six months longer, I should have come out a brigadier-general, though. Promotion is not so rapid in the British army as in our own. I was at the storming of the Redan : I was one of the first to mount the breach. Just as I had raised my musket " — " I thought you were an officer, — a colonel at least,'* interposed Lieutenant Somers. " My sword, I should have said. Just as I had raised my sword to cut do^^^l a Russian who threatened to bay- onet me, a cannon-ball struck the but of my gun " — " Your gun?" " The handle of my sword, I should have said, and snapped it off like a pipe-stem." THE ADVf:NTURES OF AN ^IBMY OFFICER. 17 " But didn't it snap your hand oif too ? " asked the lieutenant, rather bewildered by the captain's statements. " Not at all : that is the most wonderful part of the story. It didn't even graze the skin." " That was very remarkable," added Lieutenant Somers, who could not see, for the life of him, how a can- non-ball could hit the handle of the sword without in- juring the hand which grasped it. " It was very remarkable, indeed ; but I was reminded of the circumstance by the remembrance that you were hit in the head by a bullet, which did not kill you. I shouldn't have mentioned the affair if I hadn't called to mind my own experience : for like yourself, Somers, I am a modest man ; in fact, every brave man is necessa- rily a modest man." " Were you ever wounded, Captain de Banyan? " " Bless you, half a dozen times. At Magenta, the same bullet passed twice through my body." " The same bullet ? " " Yes, sir, — the same bullet. I'll tell you how it hap- pened. I was in the heavy artillery there. The bullet of the Russian " — " The Russian ! AMiy, I thought the battle of Ma- genta was fought between the Austrians and the French." " You are right, my boy. The bullet of the Austrian, I should have raid, passed through my left lung, struck the cannon behind me, bounded back, and, hitting me 2 18 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, again, passed through my right King. AVhen it came out, it hit my musket, and dropped upon the ground. I picked it up, and have it at home now." " AVhew ! " added Lieutenant Somers in a low whis- per. "It's quite warm to-day," lie continued, trying to turn off the remark. *' Very warm, indeed." " But didn't you fall after the ball had passed through both your lungs ? '* " Not at all. I walked five miles to the hospital. On my way, I met the Emperor Xapoleon, who got off his horse, and thanked me for the valor I had displayed, and conferred on me the medal of the Legion of Honor. I keep the medal in the same bag with the bullet." " Then you have actually shaken hands with the Em- peror of France?" cried the amazed lieutenant. " Yes ; and King Victor Emmanuel called to see me in the hospital, where I was confined for five weeks. At Solferino, both their majesties shook hands with me, and thanked me again for my services. Being a modest man, I shouldn't w^ant to say out loud that I saved the day for the French and Sardinians at Solferino. At any rate, their majesties did the handsome thing by me on that day." " I thought you were in the hospital five weeks after Magenta.'* " So I was ; and well do I remember the little delica- THE ADVENTURES OF AX ARMY OFFICER. 19 cies sent me by the King of Italy while I lay there on my back. Ah ! that Victor Emmanuel is a noble fellow. At Solferino, he " — ^* But how could you have been at Solferino, if you were in the hospital live weeks ? " " I did not die of my wounds, it is scarcely necessary for me to remark. I got well." " But the battle of Solferino was fought on the 20th of June, and" that of Magenta on the 4th of June. There were only twenty days between the battles.'* " You are right, Somers. I have made some mistake in the dates. I never was good at remembering them. When I was in college, the professors used to laugh at me for forgetting the date of the Christian era. By the way, do you smoke, Somers? Let's go into the. smok- ing-car, and have a cigar." " I thank you : I never smoke.*' ''Ah! you are worse than a hot potato. But lam dying for a smoke ; and, if you will excuse me, I will go forward. I will see you again before we get to New York." Captain de Banyan, apparently entirely satisfied with himself, rose from his seat, and sauntered gracefully forward to the door of the car ; through which he dis- appeared, leaving Lieutenant Somers busy in a vain endeavor to crowd five weeks in between the 4th and the 20th of June. The captain was certainly a pleasant 20 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; OR, and voluble person, and Somers had enjoyed the inter- view ; though he could not repress a rising curiosity to see the bullet which had passed twice through the body of the valiant soldier, and the medal of the Legion of Honor conferred upon him by his imperial majesty the Emperor of France. Some painful doubts in regard to the truth of Captain de Banyan's remarkable experience were beginning to intrude themselves into his mind ; and it is quite proba- ble that he would have been hurled into an unhappy state of scepticism, if the train in which he was riding had not been suddenly hurled down an embankment some twenty feet in height, where the cars were piled up in shapeless wrecks, and human beings, full of life and hope a moment before, w^ere suddenly ushered into eternity, or maimed and maniiled for life. THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 21 CHAPTER II. THE senator's DArGHTER. /^■^ SCENE terrible beyond tlie power of descriptiou 71 was presented to the gaze of Lieutenant Somers ^^^V" when he recovered his scattered senses. The — car had been literally -vNTenched to pieces, and the passengers were partially buried beneath the frag- ments. Our traveller was stunned by the shock, and made giddy by the wild vaulting of the car as it leaped down the embankments to destruction. He was bruised and lacerated ; but he was not seriously injured. He did not make the mistake which many persons do under such trying circumstances, of believing that they are killed ; or, if their senses belie this impression, that they shall die within a brief period. Lieutenant Somers was endowed with a remarkable degree of self-possession, and never gave up any thing as long as there was any chance of holding on. He saw a great many stars not authenticated in any respectable catalogue of celestial luminaries. His thoughts, and even his vitality, seemed to be suspended for an instant ; % 22 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; Oli, but the thoughts came back, and the stream of life still flowed on, notwithstanding the rude assault which had been made upon his corporal frame. Finding that he was not killed, he struggled out from beneath the wreck which had overwhelmed him. His first consideration, after he had assured himself that he was comparatively uninjured, was for those who were his fellow-passengers on this race to ruin and death ; and perhaps it is not strange that the fair young lady who had occupied the opposite seat in the car came to his mind. Men and women were disengaging themselves from the shapeless rubbish. Some wept, some groaned, and some were motionless and silent. He did not see the fair stranger among those who were struggling back to consciousness. A portion of the top of the car lay near him, which he raised up. It rested heavily upon the form of a maiden, which he at once recognized by the dress to be that of the gentle stranger. The sight roused all his energies, and he felt that strength which had fired his muscles when he trod the field of bat- tle. With desperate eagerness, he raised the heavy frag- ment which was crowding out the young life of the tender form, and bore it aw^ay, so that she was released from its cruel pressure. She, poor girl ! felt it not ; for her eyes were closed, and her marble cheek was stained with blood. The young officer, tenderly interested in her fate, bent over THE ADVENTUIiES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 23 her, aud raised the inanimate form. He bore it in his arms to a green spot, away from the scattered fragments of the train, and laid it gently down upon the bosom of mother earth. By all the means within his power, he endeavored to convince himself that death had not yet in- vaded the lovely temple of her being. But still she was silent and motionless. There was not a sign by which he could determine the momentous question. He was unwilling to believe that the beautiful stranger was dead. It seemed too hard and cruel that one so young and fair should be thus rudely hurried out of ex- istence, without a mother or even a father near to receive her last gaze of earth, and listen to the soft sigh with which she breathed forth her last throb of existence. He had a telescopic drinking-cup in his pocket, with which he hastened to a brook that flowed through the valley. Filling it with water, he returned to his charge. He sprinkled her face, and rubbed her temples, and exerted himself to the best of his knowledge and ability to awaken some signs of life. The task seemed hopeless ; and he was about to aban- don it in despair, to render assistance to those who needed it more than the fair, silent form before him, when an almost imperceptible sigh gladdened his heart, and caused him to renew his exertions. Procuring another cup of water, he persistently sprinkled the fair face and chafed the temples of his charge. "With his handkerchief he 24 THE YOUNG LIE V TENANT ; OR, washed away the blood-stains, and ascertained that she was only slightly cut just above the ear. Cheered by the success which had rewarded his efforts, he continued to bathe and cliafe till the gentle stranger opened her eyes. In a few moments more she recovered her consciousness, and cast a bewildered glance around her. ""WTiere is my father?" said she; and, as she spoke, the fearful nature of the catastrophe dawned upon her mind, and she partially rose from her recumbent posture. Lieutenant Somers could not tell where her father was, and his first thought was that he must be beneath the wreck of the shattered cars. For the first time, he looked about him to measure with his eye the extent of the calamity. At that moment he discovered the engine, with the forward part of the train backing do\\Ti the rail- road. Only the two rear cars had been precipitated over the embankment ; the accident having been caused by the breaking of an axle on the last car but one. The shackle connecting this with the next one had given way, and the broken car had darted off the bank, carrying the rear one with it, while the rest of the train dashed on to its des- tination. Of course the calamity was immediately discovered ; but a considerable time elapsed — . as time was measured by those who were suffering and dying beneath the dehris of the train — before the engine could be stopped, and THE ADVEXTUIiES OF AX J^^fY OFFICER. 25 backed to the scene of the accident. Lieutenant Somers had seen the lady*s father go forward, and had heard him say he was going to the smoking-car : he was therefore sati:?t]ed that he was safe. " He will be here presently," he replied to the anxious question of the fair stranger. "Perhaps he Avas — oh, dear ! Perhaps he was" — " Oh, no ! he wasn't. The smoking-car was not thrown oti' the track," interposed the young officer, promptly re- moving from her mind the terrible fear which took pos- session of her first conscious moments. "Are you much hurt?" "I don't know; I don't think I am: but one of my arms feels very numb.'* " Let me examine it," continued our traveller, tenderly raising the injured member. He was not deeply skilled in surgery ; but he knew enough of the mysteries of anatomy to discover that the arm was broken between the elbow and the shoulder. " I am afraid your arm is broken," said he cautiously, as though he feared the announcement would cause her to faint again. " I am glad it is no worse," said she with a languid smile, and without exhibiting the least indication of fem- inine weakness. " It might have been worse, certainly. Can I do any thing more for you ? " added Lieutenant Somers, glancing 26 THE YOUXG LTEUTENANT; OH, at the 'v\Tcck of the cars, ^ilh a feeling that his duty then was a less pleasing one than that of attending to the wants of the beautiful stranger ; for there were still men and women lying helpless and unserved in the midst of the ruins. The train stopped upon the road ; and the passengers, though appalled by the sight, rushed down the bank to render willing assistance to the sufferers. Among them was the father of the young lady, who leaped frantically down the steep, and passed from one to another of the forms which the survivors had taken from the Avreck. " There is your father," said Lieutenant Somers as he recognized him among the excited passengers. " I will go and tell him where you are." " Do, if you please," replied the lady faintly. He ran to the distracted parent, and seized him by the arm as he dashed from one place to another in search of the gentle maiden whose life was part of his own. " Your daughter is out here, sir," said Lieutenant Somers, pointing to the spot where he had borne her. " My daughter ! " gasped the agonized father. "Where, where ? " " In this direction, sir." " Is she — O Heaven, spare me ! " groaned he. " She is hurt, but I think not very badly. Her left arm is broken, and her head is slightly cut." " O God, I thank thee ! " gasped the father, as he THE ADVEXTURES OF AX ARMY OFFICER. 2t ■walked witli the lieutenant to the place where the young lady was sitting on the grass. " I think you need not be alarmed about her," added our officer, anxious to console the suflfering parent. " My poor Emmie ! " exclaimed the anxious father Avheu they reached the spot, while he knelt down upon the grass by her side, the tears coursing in torrents down his pale cheek. " Don't be alarmed, father," replied she, putting her uninjured arm around his neck and kissing him, while their tears mingled. "I am not much hurt, father." Lieutenant Somers had a heart as well as a strong and willing arm, and he could not restrain his own tears as he witnessed the touching scene. The meeting seemed to be so sacred to him, that he could not stand an idle gazer upon the expression of that hallowed affection as it flowed from the warm hearts of the father and daughter. " As I can be of no further service here, I will go and do what I can for those who need my help. If you want any assistance, I shall be close at hand," said he, as he walked away to the busy scene of woe which surrounded the wreck. The wounded, the maimed, and the dead w^ere rapidly taken from the pile of ruins, and placed in the cars on the road ; and there was no longer any thing for the young officer to do. He returned to the grassy couch of her whom he could not but regard as peculiarly his patient. 28 THE YOUXG LIEV TENANT ; OR, The father liad recovered his self-possession, and satisfied himself that Emmie was not more seriously injured than her deliverer had declared. " My young friend, while I thank God that my daugh- ter is still alive, I am very grateful to you for the care you have bestowed upon her," said the father, as ho grasped the young officer's hand. '' You may well thank him, Mr. Guilford," said one of two gentlemen who had followed the young officer to the spot; "for the first thing I saw, when I came out from under the ruins, was this young man lifting half the top of the car off your daughter." " I beg your pardon, sir ; but I think we should convey the young lady up to the cars ; for I see they are about ready to start," said Lieutenant Somers, blushing up to the eyes. " I thank you, young man," added Mr. Guilford with deep feeling. " I must see you again, and know niore about you. Emmie has told me how kind you have been to her ; and you may be sure I shall never forget it while I live. Plow do you feel now, Emmie ? " " My arm begins to pain me a little," she answered languidly. " We must put you into the car, and in a short time we shall be able to do something for you." " I will cany her up to the train, sir," said the young officer. THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 29 " I thank you, sir," said Emmie with a smile ; •' but I thiuk I can walk." " AVcll," said the gentleman who had spoken before, " I saw him cany you from the wreck to this place ; and I am bound to say, I never saw a mother handle her baby more tenderly." " I am very grateful to him for what he has done for me," added Emmie with a slight blush; "and, if I needed his services, I certainly should accept his kind offer." She took the arm of her father, and walked very well till she came to the steep bank, whose ascent required more strength than she then possessed. Her fiither and Lieutenant Somers then made a " hand-chair," and bore her up to the car, in which she was as comfortably dis- posed as the circumstances would permit. The train started with its melancholy freight of wounded, dead, and dying. " I see, sir, you are an officer in the army," said Mr. Guilford as the train moved off; "but I have not yet learned your name." " Thomas Somers, sir," replied our young officer. " I must trouble you to write it down for me, with your residence when at home, and your regiment in the field." Lieutenant Somers complied with this request ; and, m return, the gentleman gave him his address. 30 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, " I shall never forget you, Lieutenant Somers," said Mr. Guilford when he had carefully deposited the paper in his memorandum-book. " I have it in my power to be of service to you ; and, if you ever want a friend, I shall consider it a favor if you will come to me, or write to me." " Thank you, sir : I am very much obliged to you. But I hope you won't consider yourself under any obliga- tions to me for w^hat I have done. I couldn't have helped doing it if I had tried." " Lieutenant Somers, you are in luck," said the gentle- man who had complimented him before. " That is Sen- ator Guilford, of' ; and he will make a brigadier- general of you before you are a year older." THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 31 CHAPTER III. A FRIEND AT COURT. flEUTENANT SOMERS sat down in one corner of the car, near the seats occupied by Miss Guil- ford and her father. He was just beginning to be conscious of the fact that he had done a " big thing ;" not because he had helped one of God's suffering creatures, but because she happened to be a senator's daughter. But he still had the happy reflection, that what he had done had been prompted by motives of humanity, not by the love of applause, or for the pur- pose of winning the favor of a great man who could dispense the "loaves and fishes" when he should need them. He was rather sensitive. He was a young man of eighteen, and he had not yet become familiar with the grossness and selfishness of this calculating world. He was rather offended at the patronage Avhich the senator had proposed to bestow upon him, and he even regretted that he had so readily given him his address. Lieutenant Somers regarded himself as emphatically a 32 TUE YOUNG LIEU TENANT; OR, fighting officer ; and the idea of working his way up to distinction by the favor of a member of Congress was re- pulsive to him. He really wished the Hon. Mr. Guilford had only thanked him for what he had done, and not said a word about having it in his power to be of service to him. While he was meditating upon the events w^hich had transpired, and the senator's patronizing offer, he saw Captain de Banyan enter the forward door of the cars, through which the gentleman who had taken so much pains to compliment the young officer had disappeared a short time before. The distinguished captain walked through the car directly to the seat of the lieutenant, who had not even yet ceased to blush under the praises which had been bestowed upon him. " Somers, your hand," said he, extending his oysm. " I have heard all about it, and am proud that our regiment has furnished so brave and devoted a man. Oh, don't blush, my dear fellow ! You are a modest man. I sym- pathize with you ; for I am a modest man myself. I didn't get over blushing for three weeks after his impe- rial majesty, the Emperor of France, complimented me for some little thing I did at the battle of Palestro." " I thought that was at Magenta," added Somers. "So it was. The fact is, I have been in a gi'eat many battles, and I get them mixed up a little sometimes. But you are in luck, Somers," continued the captain in a THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 33 lower toue, as lie seated himself by the side of his fellow- officer. "Why so?" " They say she is the daughter of a senator." "What of that?" " AVTiat of that ! Why, my dear fellow, you are as innocent as a schoolgirl. Don't you see he can get you on some general's staif, and have you promoted every time there is a skirmish ? " " I don't want to be promoted unless I earn it." " Of coiu-se you don't ; but every officer that earns it won't get it. By the way, Somers, can't you introduce me to the old gentleman ? " " I never saw him before in my life." " No matter for that. I'll warrant you, he'll be glad to make all your friends his friends." " But I don't feel enough acquainted with him to in- troduce a gentleman whom I never saw in my life till two hours ago." " You are right, my dear fellow ; excuse me," replied Captain de Banyan, looking very much disappointed. " I dare say, if I should show him the autograph of the Emperor of France, he would be very glad to know me." " No doubt of it. At any rate, I recommend you to make the trial." " Yes ; but the mischief of it is, I have left all those papers at home/' 34 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; OH, " That's unfortunate," added Lieutenant Somers, who had some serious doubts in regard to the existence of those papers. '' So it is. If I had been lucky enough to have made the acquaintance of that young lady, as you have, I would not let my aspirations stop short of the stars of a major-general." '' You need not as it is, if you do your duty." " Ah ! my dear fellow, you are as sentimental as a girl of sixteen. I am a modest man ; but, in my estimation, there are ten thousand men in the army as good as I am. They can't all be major-generals, can they?" " Certainly not." "Then, if you live a few months longer, you will find out how good a thing it is to have a friend at court. You are a modest young man ; but I suppose you think there isn't another man in the army who is quite your equal, and that your merit and your bravery will make a briga- dier of you in less than a year. It's a good thing to think so ; but " — " I don't think so. That Avould be modesty with a vengeance." " I was a sentimental boy like you once, and I was just as certain that I shoidd be made a field-marshal, and have the command of 'the French army in the Crimea " — " I thought you were in the English army in the Cri- THE ADVENTURES OF AN AliMY OFFICER. 35 mea," iuterposed the young lieutenant, eager to change the subject. " Certainly, in the English army ; that's what I said," continued the gallant captain, entirely unmoved by the interruption. " I was just as sure of having the com- mand of the British army in the Crimea as you are of becoming a brigadier by the time we get into Richmond. But I have no friends at court as you have now." " I never thought of such a thing as being a brigadier," protested Somers. " I never even expected to become a second lieutenant." " It isn't much to be a brigadier. I served with ' Old Rosey ' in West Virginia for a time. We had a capta-in there who didn't know any more about military than a swine does about Lord Chesterfield's table eti- quette. He went into action with a cane in his hand, hawbucking his company about just as a farmer does a yoke of cattle. That fellow is a brigadier-general now ; and there's hope for you and me, if we can only have a friend at court." " I am higher now than I ever expected to be, and I wouldn't give a straw for fifty friends at court." " That's because you are sentimental ; but you'll get over that." " Lieutenant Somers," said Senator Guilford, who had risen from his seat, and approached that occupied by the two officers, "I shall leave the train at the next stopping- 36 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, place, in order to procure proper medical attendance for my daughter. I desire again to express my thanks to you for the signal service you have rendered to my daughter." Our hero blushed again, and stammered out some deprecatory remark. " When you are in "Washington, you must call and see me. You must promise this for Emmie's sake, if not for mine," added the senator. " I should be very happy to call," replied the young officer. " My friend Lieutenant Somers is as bashful as a maiden of sweet sixteen," interposed Captain de Ban- yan. "I beg your pardon, Mr. Guilford: though your name and fame are familiar to me, I have not the honor of your personal acquaintance ; but, under the circum- stances, I shall make it part of my duty to see that my friend does not neglect your reasonable request." " Thank you, sir," replied the senator. " Captain de Banyan, at your service," added the modest officer Avho had served in Italy and the Crimea. " Thank you, Captain de Banyan. I see you are in the same regiment with Lieutenant Somers." "Yes, sir, I have that honor ; and I assure you there is not a nobler and braver young officer in the Army of the Potomac. He reminds me very much of a splendid fel- low I served with in the Crimea." "Ah ! were you in the Crimea?" THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 37 " I was, sir ; and he looks very much like Captain de Waite, whom I saw made a major on the field of Ma- genta, for the most daring bravery, by the Emperor of France." '' You have seen service, captain," added the senator. " A little, sir." '' You must speak with my daughter, lieutenant, be- fore we part," continued Mr. Guilford. " Her gratitude has no limit." Lieutenant Somers was astounded by the effrontery of his military companion, who had claimed to be his friend, and forced himself upon the acquaintance of the powerful man on the strength of that intimacy ; had even brought to his notice the fact — if it was a fact — that he had been at Magenta and in the Crimea. The simple-minded young man had seen no such diplomacy in Pinchbrook, or in the course of his travels in Maryland and Virginia ; and he was fearful that the audacious fellow would dare to address the daughter as he had the father. " Be seated," said the senator, as he pointed to the seat in front of Miss Emmie. She was pale, and appeared to be suffering from the pain of her broken arm ; but she bestowed a sweet smile upon him as he took the proffered seat. "Lieutenant Somers, after what I have heard from Mr. Ilolman," — that was the gentleman who had spoken so handsomely of him, — " I feel sure that I owe my life to you." 38 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; OR, "I think not, Miss Guilford," replied the lieutenant, very much embarrassed. "I only pulled you out from the ruins ; I couldn't have helped doing it if I had tried : and I hope you won't feel under any obligations to me/' "But I do feel under very great obligations to you, and I assure you I am happy to owe my life to so brave and gallant a soldier." Somers felt just as though he was reading an excit- ing chapter in a sensation novel ; though he could not help thinking of Lilian Ashford, and thus spoiling all the romance of the affair. He made no reply to Miss Em- mie's pretty speech ; it was utterly impossible for him to do so : and therein he differed from all the heroes of the novels. " I want to hear from you some time, and even to see you again. You must promise to call and see me when we get to Washington." " I may not be able to leave my regiment at that time." " Oh ! my father will get you a furlough any time you want one." Lieutenant Somers thought he should like to see him- self asking a furlough to enable him to visit a young lady in "Washington, even if she was a senator's daughter ; but he promised to call at INIr. Guilford's whenever he hap- pened to be at the capital, which was entirely satisfactory to the young lady. Though Emmie was by this time THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 39 suffering severely, she managed to say several pleasant things ; and among them she hinted that her father could make a brigadier as easily as a tinker could make a tin kettle. The train arrived at the stopping-place ; and Mr. Guil- ford, with the assistance of Lieutenant Somers, placed his daughter in a carriage. Captain de Banyan was very anxious to assist in the operation ; but the sufferer de- clined. They parted with a renewed promise on the part of the young officer to visit her in Washington, whenever his duty called him to that city. The cars arrived in New York two hours behind time, — too late to connect with the train for Philadelphia. Captain de Banyan pro- posed, as they were obliged to remain in the city over night, that they should stop at the " Fifth Avenue," declaring it was the best hotel in New York. Somers objected ; hoping that he should thus escape the society of the captain, who appeared to be altogether too "fast" for his time. De Banyan was accommodating ; and, when the lieuten- ant mentioned a small hotel, down town, he readily agreed to the proposition, and Somers found it useless to attempt to get rid of him. The captain, for some reason or other, appeared to have taken a decided liking to our officer. Perhaps he hoped to share with him the powerful patron- age of Senator Guilford. After supper. Captain de Banyan proposed that they 40 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; Oli, should go out and see the "elephant;" but Somers, having no taste for the study of this description of natural history, positively declined to see the metaphori- cal monster. " We must go somewhere," persisted the captain, taking up a newspaper. " Here's a ' Lecture on the Battle of Bull Run, by Lieutenant-Colonel Staggerback, who par- ticipated in that memorable action,"* he continued, read- ing from the paper. " I was in that battle myself: I don't object to that," replied Somers. ^ " Good ! Then we'll go." They walked up Broadway till they came to one of those gaudy saloons where rum and ruin are tricked out in the gayest of colors. " "We are early for the lecture, Somers. Let's go in here, and see what there is to be seen." " No, I thank you : I don't care about going into any of these dens of vice and sin." *' ' Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As, to be hated, nee^s but to be seen,' " repeated the captain with dramatic force. *• ♦ But seen too oft '"— " You needn't see it but once. Don't you want to see the lions of the metropolis ? " THE ADVENTURES OF AN AliMT OFFICER. 41 " Don't object to the lions ; but, in my opinion, you will find only the donkeys in there." "Let us see, at any rate." *' I will go in for a moment," replied Somers, who did not like to seem over-squeamish. They entered this outer gate of ruin. There was a bar at the end next to the street, while at the other end a band of music was playing the national airs. It looked like a very pleasant place to the young lieutenant, who had never entered one of these saloons before. 4:2 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, CHAPTER IV. THE FIRE OF TEIVrPTATION. ^^^APTAIN DE BANYAN sauntered gracefully /I up the saloon, with Somers at his side. He \^|y appeared to be perfectly at home, and to have all the ease and finish of a thorough man of the world. His movements were calculated to make a sensa- tion ; and, as he passed along, old topers and gay young bloods paused to glance at him. If the captain had been in command of the Army of the Potomac, his elevated position would hardly have justified a more extensive flourish than he made. Lieutenant Somers was duly impressed by the magni- ficence of his companion, though the surroundings of the place created some painful misgivings in his mind. The captain sat down at one of the little tables where the fre- quenters of the saloon who were disposed to prolong the enjoyment of their drams discussed "juleps," " cobblers," and other villanous compounds. Somers could not do less than seat himself at the other side of the table. He was ill at ease, even while he was THE ADVEXTUIiES OF A^ ARMY OFFICER. 43 endcavoriug to seem iiHlilferent. aud at home. I am sorry to say he "vvas haunted by that abominable bugbear which often takes possession of the minds of young men when they find themselves in the presence of those -who are adepts in the arts of vice, — a fear of being thought " green,". " verdant," or being measured by some other adjective used in fast circles to caricature the innocence of a soul imsullied by contact with the vices and follies of the city. He half expected that some of the disso- lute young wretches Avho were drinking, swearing, and pouring the filth of a poisoned mind from their lips, would ask him if " his mother kneiv he w^as out." He tried to maintain his self-possession, and to seem at home where ruin was riotino^ in the souls of young men. If he did not entirely succeed, it Avas all the more to his credit. "What will you take?" demanded Captain de Banyan, after they had sat at the table long enough to examine the prominent features of the saloon. " Take a walk," replied Lieutenant Somers. " No, no ! TVhat ^\\\\ you drink ? " " Nothing, thank you. I've just been to supper, and don't want any thing." " Yes ; but people who come in here, and listen to the music, are expected to patronize the establishment. I'm going to have a brandy smash ; shall I order one for you?" " No, I thank you." 44 TEE YOUXG LIEUTENANT; OS, "But I can't drink alone." " I never drink." " Nonsense ! A lieutenant in our regiment, and not drink ! I see ! You haven't learned yet ; but it Mion't take you long. Your case is exactly my own. I Avas about your age Avlien I went to the Crimea, and didn't know wine from brandy. After the battle of Balaclava, where I did some little thing which excited the admira- tion of the nobs in command, Lord Raglan sent for me, and invited me to take a glass of wine with him. Of course, I could not refuse his lordsliip, especially as he was in the very act of complimenting me for what he was pleased to call my gallant conduct. I drank my first glass of wine then. It was Sicily Madeira, a light, sweet wine ; and, my dear fellow, you shall begin with the same, and we will drink the health of Senator Guilford and liis fair daughter. "Waiter, one brandy-smash and one Sicily Madeira." " Really, Captain de Banyan, you must excuse me," stammered Somers, completely bewildered by the elo- quent and insinuating manners of his brilliant com- panion, who had spoken loud enough to attract the at- tention of a dozen idlers greedy for excitement of any kind, and to whom the latter part of his remarks seemed to be addressed, rather than to the timid young man in front of him. Captain de Banyan appeared to have a point to carry ; THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 45 ■which was iiDthiug less than to overcome the conscien- tious scruples of the young officer. He had spoken loud enough to attract the attention of these miserable tipplers, that Somers might be overawed by their presence, and in- timidated by their sneers, and thus compelled to taste the intoxicating cup. The squad of fast men who had taken positions near the table Avere interested in the scene, and impatient to see the pure soul tumbled from its lofty emi- nence. *' Here's the nectar ! " almost shouted the captain as the waiter placed the drinks upon the table. " Wine for you ; brandy for me. You will be promoted to brandy one of these days, my boy, when your head is stronger and your nerves stiffer. Lieutenant Somers, here's to the health of the patriot statesman. Senator Guilford, and his lovely daughter ; " and the captain pushed aside the straw in the vile compound, and raised the glass to his lips. Somers w^as embarrassed at his position, and be- wildered by the dashing speeches of his companion. A dozen pair of leering eyes Avere fixed upon him ; a dozen mouths were A\Tinkled into sottish smiles, called up by his sufferings at that critical moment. He reached forth his hand, and grasped the slender stem of the wine- glass ; but his arm^trembled more than that of the most hardened toper in the group before him. He had been trembling in the presence of that squad of tyrants, — 46 THE YOUXG LIEUTENANT ; OR, those leer-eyed, grinning debauchees, who seemed to be opening the gate of hell, and bidding him enter. "Tom Somers," said the still small voice Avhich had spoken to him a thousand times before in the perils' and temptations through "svhich he had passed, " you have behaved yourself very well thus far. You have been promoted for bravery on the battle-field ; and now will you cower in the presence of this brilliant brawler, and these weak-minded, cowardly tipplers? ^Miat would your mother say if she could see you now, with your shaking hand fastened to the wine-cup? What would Lilian Ashford say ? Dare you drink the health of Em- mie Guilford in such a place as this ? You should have smote the lips that mentioned her name in such a pres- ence ! " He drew back his hand from the glass. His muscles tightened up, as they had on the bloody field of Williams- burg. Tom Somers was himself again. " Come, Somers, you don't drink," added the captain sarcastically. " No, I thank you ; I never drink," he answered reso- lutely, as he cast a steady glance of pity and contempt at the bloated crew who had been revelling in his embarrass- ment. " You won't refuse now ? " " Most decidedly." " Lieutenant Somers, I took you for a young man of THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 47 pluck. I'm disappoiuted. You will pardon me, my dear fellow ; but I can't help regarding your conduct as rather shabby." " I never drink, as I have said before ; and I do not intend to begin now. If I have been shabby, I hope you will excuse me." " Certainly I will excuse you, when you atone for your folly, and drink with me." The spectators laughed, and evidently thought the cap- tain had made a point. " Then I can never atone for my folly, as you call it," replied Somers, his courage increasing as the trial demanded it. " What would Lord Raglan have said if I had refused to drink his Sicily Madeira ? " " Very likely he would have said just what you said ; but there would have been no more sense in it then than now." " Bully for young 'un ! " said a seedy dandy, whose love of fancy drinks had made a compromise "vvith his love of dress. '' I will leave it to these gentlemen to decide whether I have not spoken reason and good sense." " I will leave you and these gentlemen to settle that question to suit yourselves, and I will bid you good evening," said Somers, rising from his chair. The unpleasant emphasis which he placed upon the 48 ^-H^ YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, Avord " gentlemen " created a decided sensation among the group of idlers ; and, as be stepped from behind the table, he was confronted by a young man with blood- shot eyes and bloated cheeks, but dressed in the ex- treme of fashion. " Sir, you wear the colors of the United-States army," said the juvenile tippler ; " but you can't be permitted to insult a gentleman with impunity." Lieutenant Somers wanted to laugh in the face of this specimen of bar-room chivalry, for he forcibly re- minded him of a belligerent little bantam-rooster that paraded the barnyard of his mother's cottage at Pinch- brook ; but he was prudent enough not to give any further cause of offence. Bestowing one glance at this champion of the tippler's coterie, he turned aside, and attempted to move towards the door. " Stop, sir," continued the young man, who plainly wanted to make a little capital out of a fight, in defence of the dignity of his friends. " You can't go without an apolog}'-, or — or a fight," added the bully, shaking his head significantly, as he placed himself in front of the young lieutenant. "What am I to apologize for?" asked Somers. " You insulted the whole party of us. You intimated that we were no gentlemen." "I haven't spoken to any of you since I came in," protested Somers. " I never had any thing to do with THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 49 you, and I don't know whether you are gentlemen or not." *' You hear that, gentlemen ! " added the bully. " I think I have said all that is necessary to say, and with your leave I will go," said Somers. " Stop, sir ! " snarled the young ruffian, putting his hand on the lieutenant's collar. *' Take your hand off! " said he sternly. The fellow complied. "This thing has gone far enough, sir," said Captain de Banyan, stepping between Somers and his assailant. *' Lieutenant Somers is my friend ; and, if you put the weight of your little finger upon him, I'll annihilate you quicker than I did a certain Austrian field-marshal at the battle of Solferino. Gentlemen, permit me to apolo- gize for my inexperienced friend if he has uttered any indiscreet word." "He must apologize!" blustered the young ruffian. "He says we are no gentlemen. Let him prove it." " You have proved it yourself, you little ape," replied the captain, as he stepped up to the bar, and paid his reckoning, bestowing no more attention upon the ruffled little bully than if he had been a very small puppy ; which perhaps he was not, by a strict construction of terms. " I demand satisfaction ! " roared the flashy little toper. "Apologize, or fight ! " "Neither, my gay and festive lark," said the captain 50 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, with abundant good humor, as he took Somers's arm, and sauntered leisurely towards the door. '' Now, my dear fellow, we will go and hear what Lieutenant-Colonel Staggerback has to say about the battle of Bull Run. I was in that action, and rallied the Fire Zouaves when Colonel Ellsworth was killed." *' Colonel Ellsworth ! He wasn't killed at Bull Run ! " exclaimed Somers, astonished beyond measure at the sin- gular character which his companion was developing. *' You are right : he was killed at Ball's Bluff." " I think not ; but were you at Bull Run? " " Certainly I was. I was on General Fremont's staff." " "Were you, indeed? Whew ! " "What maybe the precise meaning of that whistle? Do you think I was not there ? " "Well, I don't remember to have seen you there?" " Very likely you did not ; but you will call to mind the fact, that things were rather mixed up in that action. But never mind that : we will talk those things over when we get down upon the Peninsula, and have nothing else to think about. Do you really mean to say, my dear fellow, that you never drink at all?" "I do not." " Well, I have heard of a man climbing up to the moon on a greased rainbow ; but I never heard of an officer before that didn't drink." THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 51 " I'm afraid you haven't been very careful in the choice of your companions. I know a great many that never taste liquor under any circumstances.'* *' It may be so ; and I am willing to confess that I have found one. I wouldn't have believed it before if I had read it in the Constitution of the United States. I owe you an apology, then, for letting on in that saloon. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, my dear fellow ; but I thought you were joking." '' I hope you will not repeat the experiment, then ; though I shall consider myself fair game if I ever enter another rum-shop," replied Somers. They proceeded to the place designated for the lecture ; and Captain de Banyan betrayed his interest in that memorable battle, where he had served on the staff of General Fremont, by going to sleep before the eloquent " participant " had got half-way through the exordium. Lieutenant Somers listened attentively until he. was satis- fied that Colonel Staggerback either was not in the battle, or that he had escorted "Bull-Run Russell" off the field. "WTien the lecture was finished, Somers awakened his edified companion, and they returned to the hotel ; though the captain hinted several times on the way that the "elephant" could be seen to better advantage in New York than in any other city in the Union. The young lieutenant had an utter disgust for the elephant, and took 52 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, no hints. Before he retired that night, he thanked God, more earnestly and devoutly than usual, that he had been enabled to pass unscathed through the fires of temptation. He Avas still in condition to look his mother in the face. TUE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 53 CHAPTER V. ON THE SKIRMISH LINE. 'N the morning our travellers resumed their journey, more refreshed and in better condition for service than if they had spent the evening in chasing the " elephant " from one to another of the gilded dens of dissipation with which the metropolis abounds. In spite of his errors and sins, Somers could not help liking his dashing companion. He was a dangerous person ; but his enthusiasm was so captivating, that he could not close his heart against him. But, while he liked the captain, he hated his vices. They stopped in Philadelphia only long enough to dine, and in Baltimore only long enough for supper ; arriv- ing at Washington in the evening. Captain de Banyan again proposed to "go round ;" which, rendered into un- mistakable English, meant to visit the drinking-houses and gambling-saloons of the city, to say nothing of worse places. Lieutenant Somers had gro^^^l wise by experi- ence ; and no amount of persuasion could induce him to leave the hotel. It was horrible to him to think of 54 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, spending even his leisure time in the haunts of dissipation, when his country was bleeding from a thousand wounds ; when his gallant comrades in the Army of the Potomac were enduring peril and hardship in front of the enemy. He had no taste for carousing at any time, and every fibre of his moral nature was firmly set against the vices which lured on his reckless companion. Lieutenant Somers staid at the hotel that evening, listening to the conversation of the officers who had been at the front within a few days. The great battle of Fair Oaks had been fought during his absence, and there was every prospect that the most tremendous operations of the war would soon commence. He listened with the deepest interest to the accounts from the army, and needed none of the stimulus of the bar-room or the gambling-saloon to furnish him with excitement. He was soon to be an actor in the momentous events of the campaign ; and the thought was full of inspiration, and lifted him up from the gross and vulgar tastes of his companion. Before noon the next day, somewhat against the incli- nation of Captain de Banyan, the two officers were on board a steamer bound down the river. After some delays, they arrived at White House, on the Pamunkey River ; and then proceeded by railroad nearly to the camp of the regiment, at Poplar Hill, in the very depths of Wliite-oak Swamp. THE ADVENTURES OF AX AltMT OFFICER. 55 " My blessed boy ! " shouted Sergeant Hapgood when Lieutenant Somers appeared in the camp. The veteran rushed upon him, and, not content to shake his hand, he proceeded to hug him in the most extraor- dinary manner, "I am glad to see you, Hapgood! How have you been since I left?" said Somers. " First-rate ! Bless my withered old carcass, Tom, but I thought I never should see you again. Why, Tom, how handsome you've grown ! Well, you'll be a briga- dier one of these days, and there won't be a better looking officer on the field. Dear me, Tom — Beg pardon : I forgot that you are an officer ; and I mustn't call you Tom any more." " Never mind that, uncle," added Somers, laughing. " It would hardly be good discipline for a sergeant to call an officer by a nickname ; but we will compromise, and you shall call me Tom when we are not on duty, and there is no one within hearing." " Compromise ! Don't never use that word to me. After we fit the battle of Bull Run, I gouged that word out of my dictionary. No, sir ! You are a leftenant now ; and I shall allers call you Leftenant Somers, even if there ain't nobody within ten mile of us." "Just as you please, uncle; but, whatever you call me, we shall be just as good friends as we ever were." " That's so, Leftenant Somers." . 56 THE TO UNO LIEUTENANT; OR, " Precisely, Sergeant Hapgood." "Now, what's the news in Pinchbrook ? " asked the veteran. But, before Somers had a chance to tell the news from home, he was welcomed to the camp, and cheered, by officers and men ; and his account of what had trans- pired in Pinchbrook during his thirty-days' furlough was eagerly listened to by a large and attentive audience. He received in return a full history of the regiment during his absence. Though the narrative of sundry exciting events, such as forrays upon pig-sties, poultry-yards, and kitchen- gardens, was highly amusing, there was a tale of sadness to tell, — of deaths by disease and on the battle-field. Many cheerful hearts, that were beating with life and hope a few weeks before, were now silent in the grave, — the soldier's mausoleum in a strange land. But soldiers have no time to weep over a dead past ; they must live in the hope of a glorious future : and when they had dropped a tear to the memory of the noble and the true who had fallen on the field or died in the hospital, victims of the pestilential airs of the swamp, they laughed as merrily as £ver, careless of Death's poised arrows which were always aimed at them. Captain de Banyan took his place in the regiment, where Somers found that he was prodigiously popular, even after a few hours' acquaintance with his new com- mand ; but who he was, where he came from, and how THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 57 he had procured his commission, was a mystery to offi- cers and men. lie told tremendous stories about the Crimea and the Italian war ; and now, for the first time, intimated that he was the only survivor of the company which led the advance at the storming of Chepultepec, in the Mexican war. However much the officers enjoyed his stories, it is not probable that all of them believed what they heard. Lieutenant Somers was perfectly familiar with the company and battalion drill ; and, having quick percep- tion and abundant self-possession, lie was competent at once to perform his duties as an officer. He had no vices to be criticised by the men, who respected him not only for his bravery on the battle-field, but for his good moral character ; for even the vicious respect the virtues which they practically contemn. Being neither arbitrary nor tyrannical, he was cheerfully obeyed ; and his company never appeared better than when, by the temporary absence of his superior, it was under his command. He was, however, allowed but a short time to become acquainted with the routine of the new duty before he was summoned to participate in those tremendous events which have passed into history as at once the most bril- liant and disastrous operations of the war ; brilliant in that our gallant army was almost invariably victorious, disastrous in that they were the forerunners of the ulti- mate failure of a hopeful campaign. The victory at 58 THE YOUXG LIEUTENANT; OR, Fair Oaks had raised the hopes of that brave, thinking army. The picket-lines were within a few miles of Richmond, and the soldiers were burning with enthusiasm to be led against the enemy in front of them. They were ready to lay dowTi their lives on the altar of their bleeding country, if the survivors could grasp the boon of peace within the buttressed walls of the rebel capital, — peace that would hurl to the ground the defiant traitors, and insure the safety and perpetuity of free institutions. The notes of victory, those thinking soldiers believed, would reverberate through the coming ages, and point an epoch from which America would date her grandest and most sublime triumphs. But not then was the great Rebellion to be overthro-wni : for not yet had the leaven of Liberty leavened the whole lump ; not yet had the purposes of a mysterioys Provi- dence been accomplished ; and the brave men who sighed for victory and peace in the swamps of the Chickahom- iny were doomed to years of blood and toil, of victory and defeat, as they marched on, alike through both, to the consummation of a nation's glorious triumph, not over paltry armies of arrogant traitors, but over the incarnation of Evil, over Heaven-defying institutions, whose downfall established forever principles as eternal as God himself. Lieutenant Somers was filled with the spirit of the THE ADVEXTUBES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 59 army. He felt that the salvation of his country de- pended upon the valor of that army ; and, impressed with the magnitude of the interests at stake, he was resolved to do his whole duty. With cheerful alacrity he obeyed the summons which brought Grover's brigade into line of battle on the morning of the eventful 25th of XFune. What was to be accomplished was not for him to know ; but forward moved the line through the swamp, through the woods, through the pools of stagnant waters up to the hips of the soldiers. Impres.s^d by the responsibility of his position, Lieu- tenant Somers encouraged the weak as they struggled through the mire on their trying march, and with fit words stimulated the enthusiasm of all. After a march of about a mile, a heavy skirmish-line was thrown out, which soon confronted that of the rebels. " Now, Somers, my dear fellow, the concert is about to open," said Captain de Banyan. " By the way, my boy, this reminds me of Magenta, where " — " Oh, confound Magenta ! " exclaimed Somers. " Why, my dear fellow, you are as petulant as a belle that has lost her beau." " Yqu don't propose to tell us a story about Magenta at such a time as this, do you?" " Well, I confess I have a weakness in that direction. Magenta was a great battle. But I'm afraid you are a little nervous," laughed the captain. 60 THE YOUXG LIEUTENANT ; OR, "Nervous? Do you thiuk I'm a coward?" demanded Somers. "' I know you are not ; but you might be a little ner- vous for all that." At that instant, the sharp crack of a single rifle was heard, and Somers Qbserved a slight jerk in the brim of tlie captain's felt hat. " Bravo ! " exclaimed Captain de Banyan as he took off his hat, and pointed to a hole through which the rifle- ball had sped its way. '* I'll bet a month's pay that fellow couldn't do that again without making a hole through my head. But that's a singular coincidence. That's precisely the place where the first bullet went through my hat at Solferiuo. At Magenta — ah ! I see him," added the captain, as he took a musket from the hands of one of his men. " I'll bet another month's pay- that reb has fired his last shot." As he.'jpoke, he raised the gun to his shoulder, and fired up into one of the trees. A crashing of boughs, a rattling of leaves, followed ; and a heavy body was heard to strike the ground. " You owe me a month's pay, Somers," continued Captain de Banyan, as he handed the musket b^ick to the soldier. " I think not," replied the lieutenant, trying to be as .cool as his companion. " I never bet." "Just so. I forgot that you were an exceedingly, proper young man." YUE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 61 The skirmish-line, which had paused a moment for an observation to be taken, now moved forward again. The rebel skirmishers were discovered, and the order was given to fire at will. The enemy's sharpshooters were posted in the trees, and they began to pour in a galling fire upon a portion of the line. , '* Steady, my men ! " said Somers, when the firing com- menced. " Gunpowder's expensive : don't waste it." " Not a single grain of it, Leftenant Somers," added Sergeant Hapgood. ^' There, uncle! — up in that tree!" said Somers, pointing to a grayback, who was loading his rifle, about twenty feet from the ground. " I see him ! " replied the sergeant as he levelled his piece, and fired. The rebel was wounded, but he did not come down ; and the captain of the company ordered his men to move forward. From the thunder of the artillery and the rattle of musketry, it was evident that heavy Avork was in prog- ress on the right and left. " Forward, men ! " said Somers, repeating the order of Captain Benson. The men were scattered along an irregular line, and firing into the bushes, which partially concealed the rebel skirmishers. Somers's platoon advanced a little more rapidly than the rest of the line, being favored with a few rods of dry ground. He had urged them forward for 62 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, the purpose of dislodging three sharpshooters perched in a large tree. - " Come down, rebs ! " shouted Somers, as he reached the foot of the tree, and told half a dozen of his men to point their guns toAvards them. '' AVhat d'yer say, iTank?" demanded one of them. "Will you come down head first, or feet first? Take your choice quick ! " replied the lieutenant. " As you seem to be in arnest, we'll come down the nateral way." They did come down without a more pressing invita- tion, and were disarmed, ready to be sent to the rear. # THE ADVENTURES OF AN AllMY OFFICE Ji. 63 CHAPTER VI. THE REBEL SHARPSHOOTERS. .lEUTENANT SOMERS, I don't tllink I can stand it much longer," said Phineas Deane, a private, who had joined the regiment a few- days before the battle, as he saluted his officer. "Can't stand what?" "The fact on't is, lieutenant, I'm sick. I haven't felt well for two or three days. I come out here to fight for my country, and I want to do some good. I might help take them prisoners back, if you say so." " Sick, are you? What's the matter?" " I've got a bad pain in the bowels," replied Phineas, as he placed himself on the right side of a tree, and glanced uneasily in the direction of the rebel skirmish line. "Pm subject to sich turns, but alius git over 'em if I have a chance to lay down for a few hours." "Oh, well, you can lie down here !" added Somers, who understood the case pretty well. "What! down here in the mud and water? Wal, % 64 THE TOUXG LIEUTENANT ; OR, that would be rather steep for a sick man," said Phineas, with a ghastly smile, as he glanced again towards the enemy. *' I will get some medicine for you. — Here, uncle, let me have one of your powders," continued the lieutenant, addressing old Hapgood. " Sartin : they've done me heaps of good, and I'm sure they're just the thing for that man." Somers took one of the powders, and opened the paper. " Now, my man, open your mouth, and let me give you this medicine," he added. "What kind of medicine is it?" " It'll make you kinder sick to the stomach ; but it'll cure you in less'n half an hour." " Well, lieutenant, I don't know as I want to take any medicine," answered poor Phineas, who was not prepared for this active treatment ; though he would have taken it quick enough if he could be sent to the rear. I guess I don't keer about takin' on it." " You needn't, if you don't want to get well." " I only want to go back to camp, and lay down for a spell." *' We can't spare you just yet, Phineas ; but, if you don't stir yourself, you will lie down here somewhere, and never get up again," added Somers, as a shower of bullets passed over their heads. "Forward, boys 1" THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. G5 The captain detailed a couple of men to conduct the prisoners to the rear, and the company pressed forward. The rebel sharpshooters were dislodged from the trees ; a few prisoners were captured : but the heavy fighting and the heavy losses fell upon other portions of the line. The rebels had been forced back, and the movement seemed to be a success. Half the regiment moved out of the woods, while the rest remained under the trees ; when a halt was ordered. Somers found himself near an old house, behind which a number of rebel sharpshooters had concealed themselves for the purpose of picking off the Union soldiers. The firing in the immediate vicinity had diminished, though the din of battle resounded on both sides. The boys were rather nervous, as men are when standing idle under fire ; but it was the nervousness of restrained enthusiasm, not of fear, unless it was in the case of in- valid Phineas, and a very few others whose physical health had not been completely established. "Well, Somers, my dear boy, how do you get on?" asked Captain de Banyan, as he sauntered leisurely up to the lieutenant, whose command stood next to his own. " First-rate ; only I should like to have something a little more active than standing here." "It takes considerable experience to enable a man to stand still under fire. When I was at the battle of Alma, I learned that lesson to a charm. We stood up for forty- 66 THE YOUXG LIEUTENANT; OR, two hours under a fierce fire of grape and canister, to say nothing of musketry." " Forty-two hours ! " excUiimed Somers. " I should think you would all have been killed off before that time." " In our regiment, only one man was killed ; and he got asleep, and walked in his dreams over towards the enemy's line." " Captain, you can tell a bigger story than any other man in the army," said Somers, laughing. " That's because I have seen more of the world. When you have been about as much as I have, you will know more about it." '^ No doubt of it." '' I should be very liappy to be more actively employed just now ; but I am very well contented where I am." The position they occupied enabled the two officers to see some sharp fighting along the line. Through an opening at the right, they saw a rebel regiment, wearing white jackets, or else stripped to their shirts, march at double-quick, in splendid order, with arms at " right shoulder shift," to the scene of action. It was probably some volunteer body from Richmond, whom the ladies of the rebel capital had just dismissed, with sweet benedic- tions, to sweep the " foul Yankees " from the face of the earth. They were certainly a splendid body of men ; and the ladies might well be proud of them. They went into % THE ADVEXTUUES OF .iN ARMY OFFICER. 67 the field iu good style, ^vith the blessings of the fair still lingering fondly in their ears. But one volley from the veterans of the Army of the Potomac was enough for them, and they gave way, running off the field iu wild disorder, threading their way in terror through the bushes, every man for himself. It is not likely that they were welcomed back from the gory field by the frothy feminine rebels of Richmond. ^' That's just the way the Russians ran at Talestro ! " exclaimed Captain de Banyan, as he watched the exciting scene. *' The Russians at Palestro ! " added Somers. " I think you have got things a little mixed, captain." Before this ditficult question could be settled. Captain de Banyan was ordered to take a sufficient force, and drive out the rebels who were s-kulking behind the old house. " Somers, you shall go witli me," said he, when he had received his orders from the colonel. " We'll do a big thing, if there is any chance." '' I am ready for any thing, big or little, captain," re- plied Somers heartily. " A\'hat shall I do ? " ^' March your men over by that little knoll, and come round on the other side of the house ; I will move up in another direction, and we will bag the whole squad. But mind you, Somers, the enemy are round that way : don't let them gobble you up or lay you out." 68 THE YOUXG LIEUTENANT; OR, " I will do the best I can, captain." '' Angels could no more." The lieutenant advanced, with the men detailed for the purpose, towards the hillock. By taking a circuitous route, he avoided the observation of the rebels behind the house, and reached the other side of the knoll, where, behind the friendly shelter of a clump of bushes, he was enabled to survey the ground. Not more than a quarter of a mile distant, he discovered the rebel breastworks. It was about the same distance to the house. Between the knoll and the house there was a small patch of wheat, which, by some chance, had escaped the havoc of foraging parties. Though the grain was not full-grown, it would afford concealment to his men. In order to reach it, he must expose his men to a volley from the rifle-pits, or from any body of rebels which might be posted in the vicinity. He could not afford to lose a single man, and he was preplexed to determine how he should overcome the distance between the wheat- field and the knoll. It seemed to him very singular that he had not already been fired upon ; and he concluded that it was because his party had been mistaken for rebels, or because some of their troops were between him and the Union lines. Whether the enemy had been deceived or not, he was fully determined to afford them no further information in regard to his politics, if any of them had seen him. Ha I THE ADVENTURES OF AX ARMY OFFICEIl. 69 thereibro ordered his meu to take oil' their coats, Avhich some of them had done belbre they started oa the expe- dition. The bhie trousers could uot be so easily disposed of; but as some of the boys had straw hats, some felt, and some caps, it would have been liard to determine what they were at the distance of a quarter of a mile, especially as some of the Confederates wore the plun- dered clothing of the Union army After instructing his force in regard to their future conduct, he marched them boldly into the open space. To assist the deception, he directed one of his men to halt occasionally, and point his musket in the direction of the Union pickets. Not a shot was fired at them ; and, when the young lieutenant reached the Avheat-field, he' foncied that he was clever enough for any brigadier in the rebel army. It was desirable that the rebel sharpshooters at the house should not be alarmed ; and, when his men reached the grain, Somers ordered them to get down upon their hand^s and knees, and creep cautiously towards the point to be assailed. The lieutenant, like a good officer, led the way himself, and had advanced about half the dis- tance to be accomplished, when he heard a rustling noise in the grain before him. It was an ominous sound, and he paused to take an observation. He could not see any thing without standing up ; and, as he was within twenty rods" of the house, it was necessary to avoid exposing himself. I 70 THE YOUXa LIEUTEXAXT; OR, From whatever source tlie sounds j)rocecMlcd, it was just as safe to advance as it was to retreat ; and lie decided to go forward. AVitli the utmost caution, he con- tinued to creep along througli the wheat ; but he was careful to assure himself that his men's muskets and his own revolver were in condition for instant use. After he had gone a few rods farther, the sounds were more apparent ; and, with no little consternation, he heard voices, rich Avith an unmistakable Southern accent. " I tell you, more of our fellers is coming through the grain. You mought hear 'em, cf you weren't deafcr'n a dead nigger." "I heerd 'em. You kin bet yer life they're some of our pickets. Howsomever, I'm gwine to see." " Hush, my men ! don't speak a word I " whispered the young lieutenant. " Lie flat on the ground." The rebels were nearer than he had supposed ; for, as he turned from his men, he discovered a wiry grayback, with the che\Ton of a sergeant on his arms, trying to stare him out of countenance. T!ie fellow did not look Avholesome ; and Somers was in doubt Avhether to blow his brains out, or let things take their natural course. " ^Yho mought you be?" demanded the grayback, ex- hibiting more of curiosity than of fear in his dirty face. " One of the people," replied Somers, disposed to avoid a direct issue. "Who are you?" " I'm one of the people too," grinned the rebel. « THE ADVEXTUnEf^ OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 71 '^1 see you arc ; Jiud 1 suppose you belong to tl:e army, don't you?" " Bet yer life I do." " Of course you won't object to telling me which army you belong to, as there may be some difference of opinion between us." '' 'Taint no use to ask a officer dressed in blue, and lookin' as spruce as you be, whar he kim from. I say, Yank, what are your uns doin' in hyar ? " " Only taking a look." " You're as civil as a Mobile dancin'-master ; and I axes yer, very perlite, to surrender." " How many men have you got, reb?" demanded the lieutenant, as he put his hand on his revolver. " See hyar, Yank : play fair. Your uns allers cheat playiu' poker. Don't tech yer shooter yet," replied the grayback coolly, as he thrust the muzzle of his gun in the lieutenant's face. " Two kin play at that game, and your wife or mine will be a lone widder quicker'u a coon kin wink at the moon. I've got seven men," he added. " I have twenty-three," said Somers. " Then yer kin whip us if yer be Yanks ; for three of your uns can jest lick one of our uns." "That's good logic. Will you surrender, or fight?" demanded Somers. " Let me count yer men. I surrender," he continued, 72 THE YOUXG LIEUTEXAXT ; OB, after he had stood up, and coiuitcd the Uuiou soldiers. " Here's my shooter : fair play, even with Yanks." Leaving a guard of eight men with liis prisoners when they were disarmed, Somers hastened forward to com- plete his mission. THE ADVKNTUliES OF AN ARMY OF 11 (Eli. CHAPTER VII. AN EXPEDITION IN FRONT. C 'HE affair in the wheat-field had been conducted very quietly, and apparently had not attracted the attention of any of the rebels in the vicinity. During the brief parley, the thunder of the battle had sounded on the right and left of the parties. The enemy were in force in their works, and it was believed that there were squads of pickets in every place of con- cealment which the ground afforded. Somers was very much surprised to find that he was not molested, and made all possible haste to carry out the programme with which he had been intrusted by Captain de Banyan. Followed by the balance of his men, he crept carefully towards the house till he had reached the end of the grain-field. He could see about a dozen rebels skulking behind the building, all of them so intent upon getting a shot at the Union soldiers, that they paid no attention to the events transpiring in the rear of them ; probably deeming it impossible for an enemy to approach in that direction. 74 THE YOUXn LIEUTEXJNT ; OB, The lieiitenaut Iwul but fifteen men left to execute liis part of tlie sclicme, and there seemed to be double tliat uumber of graybacks lurking iu and about the house. Every thing depended upon his effecting the requisite junction with the force of the captain. As his superior had but a short distance to march, it was probable that he was already in position to support him ; and he decided to make the attack without permitting any delay to rob him of the cliances of success. " Now, double-quick, forward ! " shouted Somers, as he rose from the ground, and led the way to a position where he could intercept the retreat of the rebels. Agreeably to the instructions previously given, his men stretched out inro an extended line, and commenced firing at will upon the luckless graybacks who were in sight. It did not take them long to find out that they were assailed by a fire in the rear. " Surrender ! " shouted Captain de Banyan, who at this moment appeared a.t the head of his men. The rebels were not disposed to accept this polite invi- tation, but began to fall back from the house in good order. They discharged their pieces at the force in front, and then started at a run to effect their escape in the opposite direction. They forgot for the moment that they had been fired upon from the rear, or else thought that the fire had been directed by some of their own people at the Yankees who had so suddenly attacked in front. Tiin ADVEXTVUES OF AX ARMY OFFICER. 75 *' Surrender ! " shouted Lieutenant Somers, as the re- treating rebels approached his line. They hahed at this unexpected summons. The officer in command oi" them took a hasty survey of the situation, and then ordered his troops to cut their way through the thin line between them and the rebel field-works. The commander of the rebel pickets was a gallant fellow ; and, drawing his sword, he rushed towards the spot where the lieutenant was stationed. Discharging his pistol with the left hand at Somers, he dashed forward like d restive horse. Both parties had discharged their guns, and there was no time to reload them. Some of the rebels had bayonets, and some had not ; and, with the fury of their brave leader, they attempted to break their way through the line. A sharp but very irregular conflict ensued, the rebels club- bing their muskets or grappling with the Union soldiers, each according to his individual taste. As they were two of the Federals, they would certainly have won the field if Captain de Banyan had not promptly come to the rescue. The excited rebel officer manifested a most persistent desire to revenge his misfortunes upon Lieutenant Somers. After he had fired his pistol twice, and one of the balls had passed through his opponent's cap, the latter, by a sudden dash, knocked the weapon from his hand with his sword. He then attempted to use his own sword, and, if 76 THE YOUXn LIEUTENAXT; OR, Soracrs had not been a "master of I'cucc," Voiild prob- ably have run him through the body. Some liai-d blows were struck with these weapons, and the age of chivalry, Avhen men fought hand to hand Avith trusty blades, seemed to be revived. But the sword of the rebel officer was not so trusty as it ought to have been. It was not a regulation sword ; and, while its o\\Tier was flourishing it most valiantly, the blade flew away from the handle. " Now surrender ! " said Somers, out of breath with the violence of his exertions, as he drew from his belt the pistol which, being so hard pressed, he had not been able to use before. " Never, sir ! I don't surrender ! I was sent here to fight, and not to surrender," replied the officer, as proudly as though he had been in command of a beleaguered for- tress, instead of a squad of two or three dozen men. Somers had him at his mercy, and it seemed but little better than murder to shoot him in his defenceless state. That was a bad mistake on his part ; for the rebel officer at once proceeded to prove that he was no effemi- nate character, who depended upon a sword, pistol, or other w^eapon, to fight his battles with, but could, if occasion required, defend himself with his naked arm. He sprang upon Somers with the ferocity of a tiger. The latter fired ; but the sudden movement of the former im- paired his aim, and the ball whistled harmlessly over the THE AnVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 77 licad of the rebel. Tlie desperate officer attempted to gain possession of the pistol ; but Somers, now thoroughly- aroused to a sense of his own danger, sprang at the throat of his antagonist, and, by the fierceness of the dash, bore him to the earth. His victim struggled to escape ; and, being a stronger man than the other, would certainly have succeeded, if Somers had not picked up his pistol, which lay on the spot where they fell, and struck a blow with the but of it on the temple of the rebel. This effectually quieted him ; but the lieutenant's little force were falling back before the furious assaults of the gray- backs. lie had only time to get up before the rebels were upon him. At this interesting and critical moment. Captain de Banyan came up with his large force ; and the enemy, finding themselves pressed in front and rear, gave up in despair. They were disarmed ; and, those from the wheat- field being brought forward, the whole squad were marched in the direction of the Union line. About one-half of Somers's men were wounded, though some but slightly. These were sent back. The rebel officer lay insensible upon the ground ; but Somers, sati:^- fied that he was only stunned, desired to carry him off, not only as a trophy of his prowess, but because such a desperate fellow would be less dangerous in a prison- camp than in the lines of the rebels. He directed two of his men to bear the insensible form to tlie house. 78 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, Avliitlicr they were followed by the remainder of the force. " Somers, my dear fellow, give me your hand," said Captain de Banyan, as soon as tlie pressing business of tlie moment had been disposed of. " You have covered yourself with glory." " Pooh ! " replied Somers, trying to look indifferent. " I have only done my duty, and obeyed my orders." " That's very true ; but, if you had been weak in tlie knees, you couldn't very well have obeyed orders. Somers, you have done a big thing ; and, in my judg- ment, you ought to be promoted." '' Promoted for that ? " " In the battle of Magenta" — " Oh, confound the battle of Magenta ! " exclaimed Somers, interrupting him : " I will give you a handsome present if you will never say Magenta to me again." " Don't be petulant, my dear boy ! You have got a sweet temper naturally, and I hope you won't spoil it." " I am afraid you will spoil it for me." " I was only saying pleasant things to you, and you fly off and roll yourself up in your dignity like a little hedge- hog. By the way, Somers, don't you suppose that Sena- tor Guilford Avill hear of this aflTair?" " I hope not." '• Xor that little lady we left all used up with a broken THE ADVEXTURES OF AX AliMV OFFICE li. 79 '^ I don't care whether she does or not." " Or that other little ladv who knits socks for soldiers that don't rim away in battle?" Somers blushed like a maiden, and his experienced companion saw that he had touched the tender spot in his heart. Very likely the captain would have said some- thing more on this interesting subject, if the conversation had not been interrupted by their arrival at the old house. Here tliey were met by a messenger from the colonel, ordering the detachment to hasten back ; for orders had come for the brigade to retire to their old position. The wounded and the prisoners were conducted safely back to tlie line in the woods, where our party were warmly congratulated upon their decided success. The Ijrigade fell back, but were immediately ordered forward agaiu, and held the advance position which had been so gallantly won. It was not a very comfortable place ; for the soldiers stood over shoes in the water. Late in the evening, our regiment was relieved by another, and ordered back to the breastworks in the rear. It had lost but few men, though torrents of loyal blood had flowed on that eventful day. The action of that day was the initial conflict of the Seven-days' Battles. General McClellan actually com- menced his long-deferred operations against the city of liichmond. But the favorable moment had passed by, 80 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; Oli, and even then tlie battalions of the rebels were gathering in readiness to be hurled upon our devoted army. While the regiment, whose fortunes have been more intimately connected with our story, was retiring from the pestiferous swamp, the commanding general received information of the approach of Stonewall Jackson. These proved to be sad tidings ; for the anticipated triymphal march into the rebel capital was changed into a bloody but glorious retreat. The battles wdiich were to be fought for a victo- rious advance were made to cover a disastrous defeat, — disastrous to the campaign, though not to the arm}'. Fatigued, hungry, and chilled by the night damps of the swamp, the regiment threaded its way through the intricacies of the woods towards the breastworks in the rear. It was a dark and gloomy hour, though the pres- tige of victory dwelt in the souls of the gallant soldiers. The officers were not familiar with the ground ; and with difficulty they found their w^ay back to the old line. " Well, Somers, how do you feel?" asked Captain de Banyan W'hen the regiment was dismissed. " I'm all worn out. I haven't got toughened to this kind of work yet," replied Somers. " Don't give it up yet, my boy. We shall be in Rich- mond in less than a week, and then we wuU take rooms at the Spottswood House, and have a good time." " Do you believe we shall ever get into Richmond, captain ? " THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 81 *' Certainly 1 do. Every tliiug is working to my entire satisfaction. You feel a little blue, my boy ; but it is only because you are tired. You will feel better in the morning." '' I am tired, but I am not blue. I am ready to do my duty, in victory or defeat. There has been an awful roar of guns all day, and no one can tell what the result of a battle will be." ' ' ' An awful roar of guns ' ! Ton my word, I like that," laughed the captain. " Why, at Magenta " — '* Magenta again ! " sneered Somers, w^ho was heartily sick of that Avord. '' Yes, at Magenta ! If you could only have heard the guns there ! Why, there were seven thousand two hun- dred and forty-six pieces rattling away like mad on our side alone ; * and I believe the Russians " — " Russians at Magenta again ! I don't believe you were at the battle of Magenta any more than I was ! " exclaimed Somers desperately. '' Do you mean to tell me that I lie? "asked the cap- tain gravely. " Go on with your story," said the lieutenant, fearing that he had said too much. " Answer my question, if you please. You gave me the lie; did you not?" '• No : I didn't use that word." " You said you didn't believe I was at the battle of Magenta." c 82 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, " To be perfectly candid with you, I don't believe it ; but I am tired, and waut my supper," answered Somers, wishing to escape the issue which he had provoked. " Fair play, my boy. You charged me with lying, — indirectly, — but not the less offensively on that account. Don't dodge the question." " I haven't dodged it. I gave you my candid opinion that you were not present at Magenta ; and I don't think there is an oliicer in the regiment Avho believes you were there." "Isn't the word of an officer and a gentleman to be accepted ? " " Certainly, if he keep within the bounds of reason ; but when you talk about the Russians at Magenta, and over seven thousand cannons in a single ai-my, we know that you are either ' drawing the long-bow,' or laboring under some strange delusion. Supper is ready." " We can eat and talk too." And they did. '' May I be allowed to ask. Lieutenant Somers, if you deem my statement inconsistent with reason?" "To be sure I do. We have six guns to a battery : seventy-two hundred guns would make twelve hundred batteries. We have about one hundred and fifty men to a battery, which would make one hundred and eighty thousand men in the artillery arm alone ; which is posi- tively ridiculous. You said Russians " — " Of course, that was a slip of the tongue, I meant THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 83 l*riissiaQS," added the captain, entirely overwhelmed by the lieutenant's arithmetic, as well as by the laughter of Captain Benson and Lieutenant Muuroe, who belonged to the mess. '"Worse yet," said Somers. "They were Austrians. Now, captain, you are a brave man, and a splendid fel- low ; but I think it is a great pity you should tell such abominably great stories." " I accept the apology," laughed Captain de Banyan. " We will call it square, and turn in ; for I think that we shall have hot work to-morrow." 84 THE YOUyG LIEUTENANTi OR, CHAPTER vm. AN ORDER FROM HEADQUARTERS. (^X^|(^V^ A . IIILE Captain de Banyan and Lieutenant Somers were asleep, the commanding gen- eral received intelligence of a movement on our right by the famous Stonewall Jackson. The position -which had been gained by the advance at Oak Grove was abandoned, and the troops returned to their old line. The next day was heard the roar of the guns at Mechanicsville ; and on that succeeding Avas fought the battle of Gaines's Mills, — the only defeat in the field sustained by the Union army during that bat- tle-week. General McClellan then decided to change his base of operations ; which, rendered into plain English, meant that he had been flanked, and was obliged to make the best move be could to save his army and material. The troops fought all day, and ran all night, till they reached the James River, where they were protected by the all-powerful gunboats. In the battles of Savage's Station, Glendale, and Malvern Hills, they were victo- THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 85 rioiis, auJ fought as no troops had ever fouirht before. As a retreat, it was successful ; but it was the sad and inglorious end of the Peninsular campaign. The whole brigade to which Lieutenant Somers be- longed went on picket every third day. While the tre- mendous operations to w^hich we have briefly alluded were taking place on the right, the soldiers on the left v/ere leading their ordinary military life. But they were thinking men ; and, while they were firm in their devotion to the good cause, they were disturbed by doubts and fears. They knew not, as they listened to the booming guns, whether they were in the midst of victory or defeat. Occasionally, they were shelled behind their breast- works ; apparently for the purpose, on the part of the rebels, of keeping our forces from interfering with the work on the right. The brigade went on picket, and here the troops were face to face with the enemy. Lieutenant Somers, by th.e illness of the captain and the absence of the first lieu- tenant, was in command of his company. But there was no chance to do any thing to distinguish himself, except that steady and patient attention to duty which is the constant opportunity of every good officer. " AYell, captain, w^as there any thing like this at Ma- genta?" asked Somers, as he met de Banyan. " This is tame, Somers. Magenta was a lively scene." 86 TIIE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; OR, " I fimcj it will not remain tame much longer. We shall either be in Richmond as victors or prl. oners -within a few days." "Don't croak, Somers. Jt will all come out right in the end." " I have no doubt of that ; but I feel just as though some big thing was going to happen." " So do I ; and I felt so just before the battle of Sol- ferino. By the way, on the night before that battle, I captured a whole brigade with my single company, while I was out on picket-duty." " Indeed ! " laughed Somers. " I'll tell you how it was." " Don't take that trouble, captain ; for I shall not believe you if you do." " Do you mean to doubt my word, even before I utter it?" demanded the captain, apparently much hurt by the insinuation. " Captain de Banyan, I wish I could persuade you to speak the truth at all times." " Come, Somers, that's rather a grave charge ; and, if it came from any other man than yourself, I should chal- lenge him on the spot," added the captain, throwing back his head, and looking dignified enough to be the com- mander-in-chief. " You may challenge me if you please ; but let us be serious for a moment." THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 87 '' I am serious, and have ])ecn all the time." "' You are a first-rate fellow, captain : I like you almost as well as I do my own brother." '' You are a sensible young man, Somers," replied De Banyan, slightly relaxing the rigid muscles of his face. " You are a brave man, and as brilliant as you are brave. I have only one fault to find with you." ''What's that?" " You will draw the long-bow." " la other words, I will lie. Somers, you hurt my feelings. I took a fancy to you the first time I ever saw you, and it pains me to hear you talk in that manner. Do you think that I, an officer and a gentleman, would stoop to the vice of lying?" "• You certainly do not expect any one to believe those Avretched big stories you tell ? " " Certainly I do," replied the captain with dignity. " But they contradict themselves." " Perhaps you don't believe there ever was such an event as the battle of Magenta." " Come, come, my friend : just slide off that high horse." " Lieutenant Somers, my word has been doubted ; my good faith maligned ; my character for truth and veracity questioned." " Yes, I know all that very well ; but answer me one question, captain. Seriously and solemnly, were you at the battle of Magenta?" 88 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; Oli, "I decline to answer one Avho doubts my veracity. If I answered you in the afTirmutivc, you would nc)t believe me." " I don't think I should ; but, if you should answer me in the negative, I should have full faith in your reply." " I cannot answer on those terms. Somers, I am offended. I don't know but that I am in duty bound to challenge you. Just after the battle of Magenta, I felt compelled to challenge a young olficer who cast an im- putation upon my Avord. 'SYe fought, and he fell. His brother challenged mc then, and I had to put a bullet through his head. The family were Corsicans, I believe ; and one after another challenged me, till they got down to fifth cousins ; and I laid out fifteen of them, — I tliink it was fifteen : I don't remember the exact numbei*, but I could tell by referring to my diary. You are so precise and particular, tliat I want to give you the facts just as they are." " Y"ou haven't the diary with you, I suppose?" " Of course not : I couldn't carry a volume like that around with me. I only mention this circumstance to show you the sad results which sometimes follow in the wake of a duel." "But I'm not a Corsican ; and I don't think you need fear any such results in my case, if you should conclude to challenge me," answered Somers with abundant good nature. THE ADVEXTVUES OF AX AUMY OFFICER. -89 " Now, seriously and solemnly, Somers, this doubtin;]^ a comrade's word is a vicious habit. It shows that you have no confidence in what I say." " That is precisely the truth ; but I think you arc re- sponsible for the fact, not I. If you would only tell the truth" — '' Tell the truth ! My dear felloAv, you keep makin^^ the matter worse, instead of better." '' So do you ; for, instead of abandoning your bad liabit, you tell me an absurd story about killing fifteen men i:i a series of duels ! " "I told you I couldn't fix the exact number. You are too critical by half." " I am not particular about the number ; for I don't be- lieve you killed even a single person in a duel. You are too good a fellow to do any 'thing of the sort." '' Somers, I have been laboring to keep my temper ; but I am afraid you will make me mad, if you keep ou. I think we had better suspend this conversation before it leads to any unhappy residts ; " and the captain rose from the ground, and glanced in the direction of the enemy's pickets. ''The most unhappy result I could conceive of would be your continuing this bad practice of telling big stories," replied Somers, standing up by the side of his companion. " No more : you add insult to injury, Somers." 90 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, "Really, captain, you injure yourself by tlii-; liabit, and " — Captain de Banyan, at this point of the conversation, suddenly turned round, and sprang upon the lieutenant, bearing hina to the ground before the latter could even make a movement in self-defence. Together they rolled upon the earth, at the foot of the tree whose sheltering branches had protected them from the intense heat of the sun. Somers, as the reader already knoAvs, was bold and belligerent before an attack ; and, on the impulse of the moment, he proceeded to repel the sharp assault of his companion. " If you fight a duel in tliat way, I am ready to take part in it," said he, his face red with anger. ''Let go of me ! " "With pleasure, my dear boy," replied De Banyan, edging away from him. "What do you mean by pitching into me in that way ?" demanded Somers angrily. " I have been trying this half hour to teach you a use- ful lesson ; but you don't know Avho your best friends are." "I think I do. Some of them tell the truth some- times." " Somers ! " said the captain sternly. "Captain de Banyan !" replied the lieutenant firmly. " Do you see that hole in the tree ? " continued Captain de Banyan, pointing to a fresh bullet-mark. THE ADVENTUIiEF! OF f.V Jli.^fY OFFTCEIi. 91 '' I do." *' I only pulled you down to keep thtit rillc-ball IVoin going through your head. I saw a rebel picket through the trees, ready to fire at us. The ball struck the tree be- fore we struck the ground." "Forgive me, captain. I did not understand the move- ment," replied Somers, extending his hand. " T\"ith all my heart," replied the captain, taking the proftered hand. "We don't always know who our best friends are." " Perhaps not ; but I know that you are one of my best friends. You have just given mc another reason for wishing you did not" — Somers hesitated, not thinking it exactly fair to reproach his companion for his vile habit, after he had rendered him such a signal service. " Lie," added De Banyan, finishing the sentence. "Perhaps it isn't exactly lying: you don't mean to deceive any one. At the worst, they are only Avhite lies. Now, captain, don't you think you exaggerate some- times ? " " "Well, perhaps I do : my memory is rather poor. I don't carry my diary with me." " Don't you think it would be better if you could con- fine yourself to the exact truth?" added Somers, who really felt a deep interest in his associate. " I think it very likely it would ; but things get a little mixed up in my mind. My memory is poor on details. 92 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; Oli, Just after the battle of Magenta, ^vliilc I was lying wounded on the ground, one of the emperor's staff rode up to me, and asked how many cannon my regiment had captured. To save my life, I couldn't tell whether it was two hundred or three hundred. My memory is very treacherous on details." " I believe you are hopeless, captain," laughed Som- ers. "Hopeless?" " Why, you have told the biggest story that has passed your lips to-day." "What, about the cannon?" "Two hundred or three hundred! Wliy, your regi- ment captured all the guns the Austrians had ! " " Didn't I tell you I couldn't remember whether it was two hundred or three hundred ? You are the most critical young man I ever met in the whole course of my life ! " " But two hundred would be an abominable exa"r;2:era- tion. Perhaps you meant muskets ? " " No : cannon." " But, my dear captain, just consider for one moment. Of course the batteries were supported ? " "To be sure they were." " Six guns to a battery would have made fifty batte- ries ; and " — " Oh, confound your statistics ! " exclaimed the captain impatiently. THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 93 " But Statistics enable ns to see the truth. Nov/, cap- taiu, at the battle of Bunker Hill, I saw a man " — '' You?" demanded Captain de Banyan. " I said so." '' AVere you at the battle of Bunker Hill?" " Didu't you see me there ? " " Come, come, Somers : you shouldn't trifle with the truth. I was not at the battle you speak of." ''But I was" — " You ! You were not born till sixty years after the battle of Bunker Hill." " But I was — only illustrating your case." " Here comes an orderly with something from head- quarters," said Captain de Banyan, apparently as much rejoiced to change the conversation as the reader will be to have it changed. The orderly proceeded to the position occupied by the field and staff officers of the regiment ; and, a few mo- ments later, came an order for Lieutenant Somers, with twenty of his men, selected for special duty, to report at the division headquarters. " You are in luck, Somers ; you will have a glorious opportunity to distinguish yourself," said Captain de Banyan, whose second lieutenant was ordered to the command of Somers's company. '^ I don't know what it means," replied our lieu- tenant. 94 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, "Don't you, indeed ? " added the captain with a smile. ''Don't you know wliat special duty means? On the night before the battle of Solferino " — " Excuse me, Captain de Banyan ; but I am ordered to report forthwith," interrupted Somers, who had no desire to hear another " whopper." The young lieutenant marched olF, with his little force, to report as he had been directed. He knew his men Avell enougli to enable him to make a good selection ; and he was confident that they would stand by him to the last. "Do you know Senator Guilford?" demanded the general, after Somers had passed through all the forms of reporting. " I do, general," replied the lieutenant, with a fearful blush, and with a wish in his heart that the distinguished senator had minded his OAvn business. " He speaks well of you, Lieutenant Somers," added the general. " I am very much obliged to him for his kindness ; but I never saw him but once in my life." " He asks a favor for you." " I am very much obliged to him ; but I don't ask any for myself, and I hope you will not grant it. If any favors are bestowed upon me, I prefer to earn tlicui myself." " Good ! " exclaimed the general. "But I assure you THE ADVENTURES OF AN AHMY OFFICER. 95 and Senator Guilford that no man in this division of the army will get a position he does not deserve. I assure you, Lieutenant Somcrs, I should have tlirowu tlie sena- tor's letter among the waste paper, if I had not known you before. I remember you at Williamsburg ; and you did a pretty thing in the wheat-field yesterday. You are just the man I want.'* *' Thank you, sir : I should be very glad to prove that your good opinion is well founded." Apart from others, and in a low tone, the general gave his orders to Lieutenant Somers to undertake a very dilRcult and dangerous scouting expedition. " Before sundown you will be a prisoner in Richmond, or a first lieutenant," added the general as Somers with- drew. 96 TILE YOUNG LIEUTESA^T i OR CHAPTER IX. LIEUTENANT SOMERS CHANGES HIS NAME AND CHARACTER. (V^rVIKE the major-generals in the army, Lieutenant ^1 Somers had strong aspirations in the direction / ■^'' of an independent command. Like those dis- tinguished -worthies, no doubt, he felt competent to perform bigger things than he had yet been called to achieve in the ordinary routine of duty. He had the blood of heroes in his veins ; and, in spite of all he could do to keep his thoughts withhi the limits of modesty, he found them soaring to the regions of the improbable and fanciful. His imagination led him a wild race, and pictured him in the act of performing marvellous deeds of valor and skill. Fancy is a blind and reckless leader ; and it gave our hero oftentimes a command -which his reason would not have permitted him to accept. "What boys, and even -what men, think when stimulated by ambition, would be too ridiculous to put upon paper. If their thoughts could be disclosed to the impertinent eye of the Avorld, the propri- etors would blushingly disown and disclaim them. THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 97 Still, almost every live man and boy gives the reins to his fancy ; and in the Army of the Potomac, Ave will venture to say, there were a hundred thousand privates and oHicers Avho permitted themselves to dream that they were brigadiers and major-generals ; that they did big things, and received the grateful homage of the ■world. At any rate. Lieutenant Somers did, modest as he was, even Avhile he felt that he was utterly incom- petent to perform the duties incumbent on the two stars or the one star. Experience had given him some confidence in his own powers ; and there w^as something delightful in the idea of having an independent command. It was a partial, a very partial, realization of the wanderings of his vivid fancy. He felt able to do something which Lilian Ash- ford would take pleasure in reading in the newspapers ; perhaps something which would prove his fitness for a brigadier's star at some remote period. Now, w^e have made all this explanation to show how Somers had pre- pared himself to accomplish some great thing. The mission with which he had been intrusted w'as an im- portant one ; and the safety of the whole left wing of the army might depend upon its faithful performance. He Avas wrought up to the highest pitch of patriotic inspiration by the charge which had been laid upon him ; and he Avas determined to bring back the information re- quired of him, even if he had to fly through the air to 98 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, obtain it. It was of no use to suggest impossibilities to a young man in such a frame of mind : he did not know the meaning of the word. To impress liim with the im- portance of the duty intrusted to him, the general of division had given him a faint outline of the intended movements of the army. If the enemy massed his forces in this direction, it was of vital necessity that the general should know it. Thus prepared and thus inspired, Lieutenant Somers marched his little force to the point from which he pro- posed to operate. On his right hand there Avas a dense wood, on the border of which extended one of the numerous cross-roads that checker the country. On his left was another piece of woods, terminating in a point, about a quarter of a mile from the road, and in the centre of a valley. On the hill beyond Avas the intrenched line of the rebels. In front of it, at the foot of the slope, was a line of rifle-pits, which were occupied by the rebel pickets. The hill and the woods concealed the oper- ations of the enemy ; and no signal station was high enough to obtain the necessary information. The woods on both sides of the open space were picketed by the rebels ; and the rifle-pits in front were an effectual check to the advance of a small force, while a large one could not be sent up without bringing on a general en- gagement, which had been prohibited by the command- ing general. THE AnVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 99 Lieutenant Somers surveyed the ground, and came to the conclusion that his chance of spending the night in Libby Prison was better than his chance of being made a first lieutenant. The rifle-pits had a chilling effect upon the fine dreams in which his fancy had indulged. He was not a grub, and could not burrow through the earth to the rebel lines ; he had no wings, and could not fly over them. The obstacles which are so easily overcome in one's dreams appear mouutain-liigh in real life. He looked troubled and anxious ; but, having put his hand to the plough, he was determined not to turn back. The best Avay to conquer a difficulty is to charge upon it ; and this Somers decided to do, even though he had no well-defined plan for the accomplishment of his pur- pose. Avoiding the observation of the rebels in the rifle- pits, he moved round, and reached the point of woods on the left of the road. "Excuse me, Lieutenant Somers," said Sergeant Hap- good with a military salute : " 'tain't none o' my business ; but I'd like to know where you are goin' to." " Through this Avoods," replied Somers doggedly. " You used to be a good boy, when you was a boy ; and I hope you've said your prayers," replied old Hap- good, appalled at the prospect before his young friend. " Don't you croak, uncle," added Somers. " The rebels' pickets are up here, not twenty rods dis- tant. Do you calculate to go through them, or over them?" 100 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, "Either, — just as I can; but I am going through, somehow or other." " It can't be done ! Thunderation ! you'll bring down the whole rebel army upon us ! You don't think of going over there with only twenty men ! " " I do, uncle. I'm going over on that hill yonder, and I'm coming back again before night." Hapgood tapped his forehead significantly with his finger to indicate that the young lieutenant Inid lost his senses. "I Avas ordered td do it, and I am going to do it, uncle. You can set your mind at rest on that point." " It can't be did ! " said the old man positively. " I don't keer who told you to do it : it can't be did with less'n twenty thousand men. You will sacrifice yourself and all the rest of us." *' You may return to the camp, if you wish." "^Tom Somers, — Lieutenant Somers," said the old man, much hurt by the words of the young oiHcer, *'you know I'm not afraid of any thing ; and I didn't expect you'd say that to me." " Excuse me, uncle : I didn't mean it. Now, hear mc a moment." In a low tone. Lieutenant Somers told the sergeant the nature of his mission, and what depended upon its prompt and successful execution. " He ought to have sent a division to do such a job," THE ADl-EXTURES OF A2f ARMY OFFICER. 101 mattered the old man, taking off his cap, and scratching his bald head. " Ilowsomever, I'm ready to follow you wherever you choose to go." " Forward, then," replied Somers ; and they advanced cautiously through the woods till they came to a kind of bog-hole, beyond which they discovered the rebel pickets. . The party lay down on the groimd, and crawled on the edge of the bog, till tl>ey obtained a fair view of the rebels. "Xow, uncle, the time has come, and my plan is formed," said Somers in a whisper. "When they d>s- cover you, retreat with the men as fast as you can. Fire on the rebels ; but don't pay any attention to me." " Where are you going?" demanded the old man. » When you retire, I am going to roll into that grass. They will follow you ; and, as soon as they have passed me, I shall move forward." « I won't do any thing of the sort. Thunderation ! you are "oin' to run right into the arms of the rebels." "Obey my orders ! That's all you have to do. I can take care of myself." " Excuse me, Tom — Lieutenant Somers." " I know all about it, uncle. You do what I tell you, and you shall have all the particulars to-night, when I return." " Return ! You wiU be in Libby, if you are not shot, by dark." 102 THE YOUXG LIEUTENANT ; OR, " If I am, leave that to me," replied Somers, as he rolled over ioto the long grass of the bog, and entirely concealed himself from the view of his own men. " Now fire one or two shots into the rebel picket, and then retire." Hapgood reluctantly obeyed the order ; though he felt as though he was signing the death-warrant of his young friend by doing so. The bullets began to fly ; but the sergeant took care to keep his men out of sight as they retreated. The enemy followed ; for they always chase a retiring foe, and run from an advancing one. They reached the bog in which Somers was concealed, where one of the three fell before a ball which the lieutenant was sure had been directed by the practised eye of the veteran sergeant. The other two swore at the calamity, and vowed vengeance on the Yankee who had done the deed. Hapgood continued to retire, and led his foe to the very verge of the woods. In the mean time, the lieuten- ant emerged from his hiding-place. The iii'st object that attracted his attention was the ghastly face of the dead rebel. The sight of him was not pleasant, but it was suggestive ; and, without the loss of a moment, he dragged the body into the grass, and hastily removed the uniform from it. It was a loathsome task ; but the necessity of the moment seemed to justify the act. Taking off his own uniform, he put on that of the dead rebel, THE ADVENTURES OF AN AEMY OFFICER. 103 who was fortimately about his own size. Rolling up his own clothing in as small a bundle as. possible, he con- cealed it in the bog, at some distance from the place where the picket had fallen. Dragging the corpse to a quagmire, he sunk it beneath the muddy waters, and it passed from his view. After taking the precaution to straighten up the long grass, which might have betrayed Lis movements, he advanced towards the rebel lines. Lieutenant Somers felt that he was now actually em- barked in his perilous venture. He was within the enemy's line, and in disguise. If discovered, he would be liable to the penalty of being a spy. But, inasmuch as he did not intend to be discovered, he did not think it necessary to expend his nervous energy in a discus- sion of this question. Success was a duty to him ; and he spent no time in considering the dark side of the picture. He was excited, and he knew that he was excited. He knew that coolness and impudence were the essential elements of success in such an adventure ; and, when he had followed the woods nearly to the top of the hill, he sat down to recover his self-possession, and compose his nerves to their natural quietude. It was not a very easy matter. He had already arranged his plan of future operations, and he diligently set about the business of making his appearance correspond with his circum- stances. 104 THE YOUNG LIEUTEXANT ; CR, He felt that he was hardly dirt j enough to be a rebel : so he rubbed his face, neck, and hands witli some dark- colored earth, ripped his pants and coat in sundry places, and otherwise disfigured his comely person, till Miss Lilian Ashford would not have known hira, or, if she had known him, would have been ashamed to acknowledge his acquaintance. Having completed this work to his entire satisfaction, he rose, and resumed his march to- wards the rebel line. He had advanced but a few paces before he felt something in the breast-pocket of his coat, which excited his curiosity. It was a diary which the dead soldier had kept from the time he entered the army. Such a work would have been deeply interesting to the lieutenant at any time, but especially at the present, when he was sadly in want of the«*information which would enable him to personate the difficult part he had chosen to perform. Seating himself on the ground again, he was soon absorbed in the contents of the note-book. The owner's name was Owen Raynes ; and from the diary Somers learned tliat he had been a clerk in Richmond when the war broke out ; and that his father resided on the Williamsburg Road, near Seven Pines, -where the battle had been fought. Somers was alarmed at tliis in- formation ; for the young man must be well known in the neighborhood. Of course he could not assujne the name and character of Owen Raynes. THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 105 Though the time Avas precious, he continued to read the diary till he came to au entry which excited iiis deep interest: "Poor Allan Garland was captured to-day by the Yankees ; and I suppose they will torture and starve the poor fellow, as they have the rest of our boys who have fallen into their hands. AVe shall never meet again, lie was a good fellow. He was on a scout." Soniers was deeply concerned about poor Allan Gar- land, who had fallen into the hands of the terrible Yankees, to be tortured and starved ; and he turned back to the beginning of the diary to obtain further particulars in regard to this interesting person. Fortunately for his- tory, and particularly for Lieutenant Somers, Owen Ilaynes had given a tolerably full account of his friend. They had been to school together in Union, Alabama, where Owen had an uncle, and where Allan resided. They were fast friends : and both agreed to enlist as \ol- imteers in the Fourth Alabama, Colonel Bush Jones ; for their schoolmates were mostly in this regiment. When the regiment arrived at Richmond, Owen had not time to visit his father ; for the troops Avere instantly ordered to Manassas, and he enrolled himself without discovering that his friend was not in the ranks. He was too sick to come wdth his comrades ; " wrote letter to Allan " was a frequent entry in the diary, until June 18, 18G2, when this record appears: "Allan joined the regiment to-day ; has been sick about a year ; is very 106 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, well now ; he is a handsome fellow. Sue shall be his wife, if I can bring it about ; they have kept up a correspondence for three years ; she never saw him, but she will like him." " All right ! " exclaimed Somers, as he closed the book, and put it in his pocket. " I am Allan Garland. Don't think I shall marry Sue, though, whoever she may be. I wonder if Lilian Ashford would object. I don't know as she would. Never mind : I am a soldier of the Fourth Alabama, Colonel Jones, just nov/. How are you, Allan Garland?" He walked along towards the rebel lines, feeling in his pockets for further revelations. An old letter from Allan Garland rewarded his search. He spoke tenderly of Sue, who Avas Owen's sister. " Sue wouldn't think I'm very handsome just now,'* said Somers, glancing at his dirty hands, and imagining his dirty face, as he continued to advance. THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFUKIL 107 CHAPTER X. ALLAN GARLAND AND FRIENDS. C"^^ LLAX GARLAXD, nee Somers, advanced coa- i\ fideutly towards the rebel line. As he was lo /^^\/ perform the leading part in the exciting drama about to be acted, he conducted himself with the utmost caution. Every thing depended upon the amount of impudence he could bring to bear upon the case before hira, and the skill Avith which he personated the part he had chosen. He knew of nothinj^, short of falling on the Fourth Alabama, which could disconcert him. Even if he did, there were only a few Avho knew the captured scout ; and his chances were fair, even if the worst should befall him. *' Stand ! " said a rebel sentinel on the breastwork of the line. " AVho goes there ? " '' Friend," replied Somers confidently. " What's your name ? " " Allan Garland. Can you tell nie Avliere the Fourth Alabama is ? " " About four miles from here. Do you belong to the Fourth Alabama ? " 108 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ^ OR, " Well, I did before I ^vas captured : I dou't kuow -where I beloug now." "Where d'ye come from?" "Just got away from the Yankees. They gobbled me up about three weeks ago." " Bully for you ! Come in : you can report to the officer of the day." Somers was entirely willing, and hastened iu the direc- tion indicated by the sentinel ; and was soon ushered into the presence of Major Plainer, brigade-officer of the day. lie was a very pompous little man, and Somers saw his weakness as soon as he spoke. With a most profound bow, he answered the questions of the major, using the utmost deference in his tone and manner. " How dare you present yourself before an officer of the day Avith such a dirty face?" demanded ]Major Platner. " I hope your honor will pardon me ; but I have just escaped from the Yankees, and have not had time to wash my face. If you please, sir, I will go and do it now. I thought I ought to come to you without any delay." " You did right, young man," replied the major with a consequential flourish of the hand. " You were out scouting when you were taken?" " Yes, sir." Major Platner then proceeded to ask a great many THE ADVEXTUIiES OF AX AIIMY OFFKER. 109 questions in ro^ranl to the force and position of llic Yankees ; all of wliieli Somers answered entirely in the interest of the Union party, lie "vvas very careful not to give a particle of information that could be usefid to the rebels ; at the same time avoiding any gross exaggera- tions -which would throw discredit on his story "•You seem to be a very intelligent and patriotic young mau," added the ofTiccr. " I have heard some inquiries for a person of your description to-day." "I have always endeavored to do my duty to my country," answered Somers, trying to blush under the compliment of the patronizing little major ; '' and I kept my eyes wide open -while I was in the Yankee camps." " I see you did. Your information is very definite, and, I doubt not, very reliable." " My only desire has been to serve my country, sir," added Somers very modestly. '' Well, go and wash your face, so that we can see what color you are, and I will report your name to the general, who was inquiring for a useful person like your- self. I trust that you will have discretioQ enough not to mention any thing that has passed between us." "• Certainly not, sir. I judge, from what you have said, that ray poor services may be required for some special service." '' That is the idea which I intended to convey. In a 110 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, word, llie commander of tliis division wants information. Yoii liave just come from the Yankee lines, and you know where to look for the intelligence that will be of the most value to us." " I think I do, sir." " The fact that you have just made your way through the Yankee lines shows that you possess the necessary address." " I thank you for your good opinion ; and I assure you, sir, that I should be very glad to serve my country in any capacity in which she may require my humble labors." " Very well, young man." " A plan occurs to me noAv, by which I could easily enter the Yankee lines." "Indeed! What is that?" " When I ran through the enemy's pickets, they fired upon me, and one of them chased me. I brought him down with my pistol," replied Somers, producing the weapon, which he had taken the precaution to bring with him. " I know just where that Yankee lies now ; I could borrow his uniform, and go in among the enemy without suspicion." " Very well arranged, young man." The major then directed an orderly to attend to the wants of the fugitive, and gave the latter orders to report to him within two hours. Somers washed his face, and partook of some cold bacon and corn bread, which con- THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. Ill Ptitiited the staple of tlie rebel rations. lie then told the orderly that he wanted to look round a little, and find his regiment, if he could ; but Avas informed that the camp regulations did not permit any strolling about the^ camps. He suggested that tlie olFieer of the day would give him a pass, and he returned to the major to beg this favor. It was readily granted ; and the time for him to report was extended to four hours, as his regiment was situated at some distance from the brigade camp, though it belonged to the same division. Thus provided, Somers commenced his tour of obser- vation. Of course, he had no intention of visiting the Fourth Alabama ; for that would have been putting his head into the lion's mouth. "We need only say, that he used his time to the best advantage for the country in whose service he had enlisted. He noted the brigades, regiments, and batteries of artillery, which he saw in his M-alk ; and arranged a little scheme in his mind, by which he could remember the number of each. In the course of his perambulations, he reached the AVilliamsburg Road, and Avas on the point of extending his observations in the direction of the railroad, Avhen he was stopped by a sentinel. He produced his pass, which the rebel soldier could not read ; and he Avas conducted to the sergeant of the guard, Avho Avas listening to a conver- sation between a captain and an old man who appeared to be a farmer. They were bargaining about some 112 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, forage v.liicli tlic captaia wautcd, and wliich tliu i'arnier Avas not disposed to sell. '' What have you there?" demanded tlie officer, as the sentinel brought in tlie doubtful case. ^^ Man with a pass." '' Your pass is good up to the Williamsburg Road, and no farther," said the sergeant "when he had rcjid the document. "I didn't know Aviierc the lines were," replied Somers, returning the pass to liis pocket. "AVhere are you going?" asked the officer, apparently not satisfied with the appearance of the " man Avith a pass." ''Looking for my regiment, sir," replied Somers, giving the military salute ; whicli excess of politeness, however, Avas lost on the matter-of-fact captain. " What regiment ? " "The Fourth Alabama." " The Fourth Alabama ! What are you doing over here, then?" "■ I am a stranger in these parts ; and I don't knov/ Avhere to look. I have just escaped from the Yank^s, and don't kuoAv mucli about this part of the country." " What is your name ? " "Allan Garland, sir." " What ! " exclaimed the old farmer, suddenly be- coming interested in the conversation. THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER 113 " lu my opinion, you are a deserter," added the officer in a crabbed tone. " I advise you to arrest him, sergeant. That pass is good for nothing on this road." " No, captain ; he is not a deserter," interposed the farmer with energy. " I know him well ; and he is as true and patriotic a young man as there is in the Southern Confederacy." Somers looked at the farmer with astonishment. He did not remember to have seen him before ; and he could uot account for the interest he manifested in his case "What do you know of him, Mr. Raynes?" Mr. Raynes ! That explained the matter ; and Somers could uot help shuddering in the presence of the man whose son he had buried in the soft mud of the bog. '' He is my son's friend," replied the farmer. '' Both of them belong to the Fourth Alabama." *' That may be, Mr. Raynes ; but do you suppose a man looking for the Fourth Alabama would be wander- ing about here ? " "He is a stranger in Virginia. He came on from Alabama only a few weeks since, and was captured whTle out on a scouting expedition. I assure you, cap- tain, it is all right: I will vouch for him." " Very well, Mr. Raynes ! If the sergeant is willing to take your word for it, I have nothing further to say. Indeed, it is no business of mine ; but our soldiers are allowed to walk over to the enemy, or back into the 114 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, woods, Avitliout let or liiuderance. It's a disgrace to the service. Major Platner gives this man a pass to go all over the country. Do as you please, sergeant." " I mean to," replied the sergeant in an under-tone ; for he was not pleased at this interference on the part of a commissary of subsistence, who had nothing whatever to do with the affair. "•! am satisfied," he added aloud. "Allan, I am very glad to see you ; and I thank God that you have been enabled to escape from the Yankees. Have you seen Owen since you got back? " Somers trembled at the question ; and, while he did not dare to tell the old man the truth, the thought of telling him a falsehood was utterly repulsive to his nature. It was easy enough to deceive the enemy in war, — his duty called upon him to do this ; but to deceive an old, fond father, in regard to a true and devoted son, seemed terri- ble to him. '' He was out on picket when I came through," he re- plied after some hesitation. " Then you did not meet him. He will be delighted to see you again ; for really the boy is as fond of you as he is of his sister." Somers found himself unable to answer to the warm congratulations of the old man, or to enter into the spirit of the conversation. The staring, death-sealed eyes of Owen Raynes haunted him ; and, when he attempted to reciprocate the friendly sentiments of the doting father, TUE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 115 \\\s lieart seemed to rise up in his throat, aud choke his utterance. The ouly consohitiou he coukl derive from the remembrance of the scene in the woods Avas in the fact that he had not taken the life of Owen Raynes him- self. He wore his clothes, and had his diary and letters in his pocket. , " You are very sad, Allan ! I should think you would he happy to escape from the Yankees. They would have starved you to death in time." '• I think not, sir ! They are not so cruel as that," added Somers, avIio desired to remove such a reproach from the mind of the old man. '' Perhaps they would not willingly starve their prison- ers ; but I don't see how they could avoid it. They say that the people of the North are suffering terribly for the want of food. In New York, the laboring classes have at- tacked the banks and the flour-stores, urged on by hunger. Tiiere Avill be terrible times in the North before many months have gone by. I pity the people there, though it is their own fault. I hope God will be merciful to them, and spare them from some of the consequences of their own folly. I am thankful that you have escaped from them." " I don't think they are quite so badly off as you say," answered Somers, provoked by this view of the condition and resources of the North. " I have talked with a great many Yankee soldiers, and they say that plenty .nl>oiinds in nil the Northern States." 116 THE YOUNG LIEUTEXAXT; OR, " They would tell you so. They are deceived by their officers." " Thcat's the way it is done," added the rebel sergeant, Avho had been listening to the conversation. " But I saw what rations these soldiers have. They live like lords." " That's the very thing Avhich will starve all the people, in the North. Their big armies will eat them out of house and home in a few months, Allan." " I think not, Mr. Raynes." " A gentleman from New York, who got through the lines last week, says the grass is a foot high in some of the streets of New York. The people can't fmd any thing to do, and are cursing their rulers for plunging them into this horrid war." " I think the gentleman from New York lied," re- plied Somers with a smile. " I saw the New-York papers every day while I was in the Yankee lines ; and they are full of advertisements, which look like business. Why, in one paper I saw four columns of ' Wants,' in which people advertised for farm-laborers, house-servants, clerks,' and sailors." " Ah ! Allan, those papers are printed to sell in the Yankee army. I'm sure, I hope they are not so badly off as has been represented. I should not want my worst enemy to suffer what they are called upon to endure. It is all their own fault ; but I hope God will be merciful to them.'* THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 117 " I tliiiik you needu't feel bad about them," added Somers, amused, but iudignaut at the pitii'ul stories which ^vc^c circulated iu the South to keep up the courage of the people. " Let that pass, then. Really, Allan, I am very glad to sec you. You must go to the house with me. Sue will be delighted to meet you. She talks about you a great deal ; and I can insure you a warm welcome.'' " I think I cannot stop to call now ; but I will try to come over iu a few days," replied Somers, embarrassed beyond measure at the idea of faciug Sue and the rest of the family. " Not stop ! " exclaimed Mr. Raynes, holding up his hands with surprise. " Not now, sir : I am in no condition to appear before ladies," he added, extending his arms so as to display his tattered garments to the fullest advantage. "You know a young man is rather particular about his appearance when he is going into the company of ladies, and especi- ally into the presence of some ladies. The fact is, I tore my uniform all to pieces after I passed through the Yankee lines." " Never mind your uniform, my boy. It looks as though it had seen service ; and that is the best recom- mendation a young man can have to the girls in these times. You must go, Allan." " Indeed, sir, I hope you will excuse me for a few days," pleaded Somers. 118 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT , OR, " Come, Allan ! this is not kind of you. Sue has been dying to see you for a year. She was terribly dis- appointed when you did not come up with your regi- ment, and again when she heard you had joined without calling upon us. If it had been Owen, she could not have felt worse when you Avere captured. Now you want to disappoint her again." " You need not mention that you have seen me, Mr. Raynes," suggested Somers. " Not tell her that you have escaped, Avhen she is fret- ting about you every day of her life ! That would be too bad." "You can tell her as much as you please without in- forming her that you have seen me." " I could not tell a lie, Allan. It would choke me," said the old man solemnly. " You must go with me.' " Let me get another uniform, and it would surprise her when I come." " No more words, young man. You must go. It is only a short distance," replied Mr. Eaynes, passing his arm through that of Somers, and walking towards his house. " It will be the happiest day for Sue which she has seen for a year." " Happier for her than it will be for me," thought Somers, who Avas disposed to break away from the old man, and make his escape. By this time, Sue had become an awful bugbear to the THE ADVEXTUUES OF AX AliMY OFFICE n. 119 poor follow. lu these days of photographs, it was more than probable that she had a picture of the original Allan Garland, and the cheat would be discovered the moment lie showed his face. lie was deliberating a plan for breaking away from his persistent friend, when a young lady of eighteen stepped out from the bushes by the roadside, and hailed the old man. 120 TUE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; OR, CHAPTER XI. THE VIRGINIA MAIDEN. ry^|(^y//%. HERE have you beeu, father?" said the young lady in a very sweet and gentle tone, which, however, sounded like the knell of doom to poor Somers. " I have been waiting for you half an hour." But then, perceiving a stranger with her father, she drew back, abashed at her own forwardness. " Come here. Sue," said the old man. " Come here : I want to see you." She advanced timidly from the bushes where she had been partially concealed from the gaze of the passers-by. She was certainly a very pleasant and comely-looking inaiden ; but, if she had been the " Witch of Endor," she could not have been any more disagreeable to Somers. He was as fond of adventure as any young man : and if he could have forgotten that poor Owen Raynes, the son and the brother, w^as at that moment lying in the mud of the swamp ; his manly form no more to gladden the hearts of those who stood before him ; his voice hushed in death, no more to utter the THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 121 accents of aflToction to the devoted father and his lovinjr sister, — if he could have forgotten his relations with the dead Owen, he might even have enjoyed the exciting situation in which he was placed. Sue, with a blushing face and half- averted gaze, stepped out into the road, and stole a few timid glances at the young lieutenant. It Avas quite evident that she did not have a suspicion of the identity of the young soldier before her. Her father appeared to have a vein of romance in his character, and was disposed to torture her for a time with the torments of suspense, before he de- clared to her the astounding truth, that the young soldier was her well-kno^vn but hitherto unseen friend from Alabama, the bosom companion of her brother Owen, and, if every thing worked as the loving conspirators in- tended, the future husband of the affectionate maiden. She did not like to ask who the stranger was ; and she thought it was very provoking of her father not to tell her, when she was so fearfully embarrassed by her position. She continued to blush ; and Somera felt so awkward, that he couldn't help joining her in this inter- esting display of roses on the cheeks. "Don't you know him. Sue?" demanded the farmer, when he had tantalized her as long as the circumstances would warrant. "Why, of course I don't, fjxther ! " stammered the Vir- ginia maiden. 122 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, " Look in his face, and see if you can't tell," persisted Mr. Raynes. " How absurd, father ! " " Absurd, child ? Not at all absurd ! Haven't you his picture in the house? and, if I mistake not, you have looked at it as many as three times a day for the last year." " Now, father, you are too bad ! I haven't done any thing of the sort," protested Sue, pouting and twisting her shoulders as any country girl, who had not been trained in a satinwood seminary, would have done under such trying circumstances. "You don't mean to say that is Allan Garland?" added she, her pretty face lighting up with an expression of intense satisfaction. "But I do, Sue," replied Mr. Raynes with emphasis. " Why, Allan ! I am so glad to see you ! I Avas afraid I should never see you ! " exclaimed Sue, rushing up to the young man, and extending both her hands, which he felt compelled to accept. He was fearful that she would kiss him ; and, though he would have been under obligations to submit to the infliction, he was not sure that the operation would not cause him to faint. Fortunately for him. Sue was reasonable in her behavior ; and he escaped cheaper than he expected, when he beheld the impetuous charge which the maiden made upon him. If he had really been Allan Garland, his reception would have been entirely proper. THE ADVENTURES OF AX ARMY OFFICER 123 and highly creditable to the affectional nature of the Virginia damsel. He was not the young gentleman from Alabama ; and he felt as though he had been flanked on both sides, with no chance to beat off the enemy in front, or to run away in the rear. He Avas only a short dis- tance from a line of rebel sentinels, and he did not consider it prudent to escape by taking to his legs. He did not wear his fighting socks at this time, and felt that it would be no disgrace to run away from such an enemy as that which confronted him. " I am very glad to see you, Allan," repeated Sue, as the AATctched young man did not venture to use his tongue. »' Thank you, thank you, Miss Raynes ! " said he at last, when silence seemed even more dangerous than speech. *'Miss Ra}Tics! Dear me, Allan, how very formal and precise you are ! You called me Sue in your letters." "Did I? Well I didn't know it," replied Somers with a stroke of candor not to be expected under the circumstances- " Certainly you did. I don't think you ever mentioned such a person as Miss Ilaynes." "I am confident I didn't," added he with another touch of candor. " But I will always call you Sue here- after, when I have occasion to speak to you." 124 THE YOU NO LIEUTENANT ; OR, " Thauk you, Allan ! You begin to sound a little like yourself." Somers was very glad to hear it, but wished he had been live miles off, even if it had been in the very jaws of the Fourth Alabama. "You don't look a bit like your photograph," -con- tinued Sue, gazing with admiration at the face of the young man ; for which those who ever saw Lieutenant Somers will cheerfully pardon her. "Do you think so?" " I'm sure you don't." " That's very strange : everybody, who has seen my photograph, says it looks exactly like mc." " I don't think so." " I gave one to a young lady of my acquaintance, who said it was perfect." " Indeed ! Who was she ? " " She is a young lady whom I have met only two or three times." " What is her name? " " Lilian Ashford." " What a pretty name ! " said Sue, endeavoring to be magnanimous ; though it was evident that she was troubled by the honest avowal of the young soldier. "Where does she live?" " She is at the North now," answered Somers, who could not bear to tell a lie when there was no need of such a sacrifice. THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 125 He was becomiug very uneasy under this rigid cate- chising, and hoped she would not ask any more questions about Lilian Ashfbrd. He had mentioned her name with the liopc that it might produce a coldness on her part whicli would aftbrd him some advantage. She did not, however, seem to be annihilated by the prospect of a rival, and was proceeding to interrogate him still further in regard to the lady, with whom he was apparently inti- mate enough to present her his photograph ; when Mr. llaynes reminded her that they were standing in the road, and had better go into the house. " Now, Mr. Raynes, as I have seen Sue, and Sue has seen me, I think I had better hasten to my regiment," suggested Somers. *' Not yet, Allan," replied the old man. " Do you wish to run away, and leave me so soon, you monster?" added Sue. " I tell you, sir, I shall not let you go yet." " But, Sue ! you forget that I have just returned from the Yankees. I was furnished with a pass, to enable me to fmd my regiment." '' You shall find it in good time." " Come to the house, Allan : we will not detain you long," added Mr. Raynes. '' You must and shall come ! " protested Sue, taking him by the arm, and absolutely compelling him to go, or be guilty of the most unpardonable rudeness to the fair Virjnnia damsel. 126 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, " I should be very glad to go with you, Sue, if my duty did not call me elsewhere. I am to be seut off on very important service." " Again ? — so soon ? " " This very day. I may never see you again." " And you would coolly run away and leave me with- out even going into the house ! " " But my duty, Sue ! " " You Avill be in time for your duty." " I may be arrested as a deserter." " Nonsense ! You have a pass in your pocket." "In spite of the pass, if your father had not happened to see me, I should have been arrested, and might have spent a day or two in the guard-house before the case could have been explained." "No more argument, Allan," said the persevering girl. " Here is the house : you shall go in and look at mother, if you don't stop but a minute. Besides, I want to see your photograph while you are present ; for I am sure you don't look any more like the picture than the picture does like you." " Probably not," replied Somers, as the resolute maiden dragged him into the house ; where, without stopping to breathe, she presented him to her mother, with the astounding declaration, that he was Allan Garland." Mrs. Rayues gave him a cordial Virginia welcome ; and, while he was endeavoring^ to make himself as ajn-ee- TUE AUVE^^TURES OF A2f ARMY OFFICER. 127 able as possible to the old lady, Sue rushed up stairs to procure tlic laithless photograph. She returned in a mo- ment with the picture in her hand, and proceeded at once to institute a comparison between the shadow and the substance. " Now, stand up here, sir, and let me see," said she, as she playfully whisked hira round and scrutinized his features. *' I told you it did not look like you ; and I am very sure now that it does not." '' Let me see," added Somers, extending his hand for the picture. '^ Will you promise to give it back to me ? " " Certainly I will ! You don't imagine I would be so mean as to confiscate it." " I should not care much if you did, now that I have found out it does not look any more like you than it does like me," she answered, handing him the photograph. '' Where did you get this picture, Sue ? " " "SVliere did I get it? "Well, that is cool ! Didn't you send it to me yourself? " And Sue began to exhibit some symptoms of amazement. " I am very sure I never sent you this picture," added Somers gravely. "You did not?" " Never." ''Why, Allan Garland!" *' This is not my picture." 128 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, " I shouldn't think it was." Thereupon Mr. RajTies began to laugh in the most immoderate manner ; opening his mouth wide enough to take in a very small load of hay, and shaking his sides in the most extraordinary style. "What are you laughing at, pa?" demanded Sue, blushing up to the eyes, as though she already felt the force of some keenly satirical remark which was strug- gling for expression in the mouth of the farmer. *' To think you have been looking at that picture three times a day for a year, studying, gazing at it ; kissing it, for aught I know ; and then to find out that it is not Allan after all ! " roared the Virginia farmer be- tween the outbreaks of his mirth. " I haven't done any thing but groan since the war began, and it does me good to laugh. I haven't had a jolly time before since the battle of Bull Run, as the Yankees call it." *' You are the most absurd pa in Virginia. I didn't look at it three times a day ; I never studied it ; and I'm sure I never kissed it. Ko Avonder Allan wants to get away, when he finds v/hat an absurd girl you make me out to be. You think I'm a fool, don't you, Allan?" " I do not, by any means. I'm sure, if I had your picture, I shouldn't have been ashamed to look at it three times a day," replied Soraers, gallantly coming to the rescue of the maiden. " But, really, my Virginia patriarch," — he added, using an expression which he THE ADVENTURES OF AN AltMY OFFICER. 129 luid foiiiul ill the correspondence in liis pocket, — "I must tear myself away." '' You seem to be glad enough to go," pouted Sue. " Sorry to go, but compelled by the duty I owe my country to leave you." "When will you come again?" " Of course, that question I cannot answer. I may never see you again. This is a terrible war, and we cannot tell what a day may bring forth," replied Somers solemnly ; and the thought was all the more solemn when he thought of the cold corpse of the son and brother con- cealed in the mire of the swamp. lie had seen the old man laugh as none but a happy man can ; and he could not help feeling what a terrible revulsion a few words from him might cause. He had watched the playful manner of Sue, and had joined in the gay raillery of the moment. A word from him would crush her spirit, and bow that loving mot]ier to the ground. The scene had not been one of his own choosing ; and he would gladly escape the necessity of dissembling before those affectionate hearts. "We are on the eve of a terrible battle," added the old man very gravely. "Hundreds of our poor boys went down yesterday, never to rise again. We tremble when w^e think of you in the field. I may never see my son again ; for the issue of the war may depend on the battles of the next few days." 130 THE rOUXG LIEUTENANT; OU, " Wliat tlo you mean ? " Mr. Raynes seemed to know more tlian he had dared to speak ; and Somers was full of interest. '' The Yankees, who expect to go into Richmond, will be driven do^\^l the Peninsula, where they came up, like flying sheep, within a week. I have lieard a few words, which satisfies me tliat great events are coming." Though it was not supposable that the people in the vicinity of Richmond knew the plans of General Lee, from what he had seen, and from what he had heard from men in power, he had formed a very correct idea of the intended operations of the rebel chief; and he stated his views very clearly to Somers. While he was listening to the old man's theory, Mrs. Raynes liad spread her table, and placed upon it such food as was available for a hasty lunch. She insisted that he should partake ; and, while he enjoyed the welcome refreshment, Mr. Raynes told him everytjiing about the movements of the Confederate army in the vicinity, with full particulars of the battle of the preceding day. "While the scout was thus answer- ing the ends of his mission, he was in no hurry to depart. General McClellan's " change of base " was not sus- pected \>Y the rebels at this time. It was their purpose to flank the Union army on the right and left, and destroy it eifectually. The dispositions had been made for this purpose ; and, as Mr. Raynes Avas a man of influence and THE ADVENTURES OF AN ARMY OFFICER. 131 intelligence, his information ^\■as as reliable as could be deduced from the preliminary movements of the rebel army. He \vas confident of success. The execution of the plan had already been commenced, and the right of the Union line was in the act of falling back. He expatiated upon the perils of the campaign, and the terrible fighting which was to be expected ; and mani- fested the utmost solicitude for the safety of his son, and hardly less for his guest. Somers prolonged his repast, that the old man might leave nothing unsaid that would be important for the Union generals to know. Sue occasionally joined in the conversation ; but she was quite serious now, as she con- templated the perils to which her brother and her friend from Alabama must be subjected. "Do you know where General Jackson is now?" asked Somers. " I don't know exactly where lie is ; but I know what part he has to play in the great drama. The last we heard of him was, that he was watching McDowell, near Fredericksburg. If McDowell keeps quiet, Jackson will rush down on the left flank of the Yankees, and cut off their retreat." " Are you sure?" " I am very sure. I can tell you why." Before he had time to tell him why, a knock at the iloor disturbed the conference ; and a young man, in a tattered rebel uniform, was ushered inlo the room. 132 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, CHAPTER XII. THE DIGNIFIED TOUNG REBEL. flEUTENANT SOMERS, who had been very nervous and uneasy before, was exceedingly an- noyed by the appearance of another actor on the stage. He had become in some slight degree familiarized with the awkwardness of his' situation ; for the fact, that no suspicion had yet been cast upon his identity, was encouraging, and he began to have some confidence in his position, open as it was to an assault from any direction. The advent of the tattered stranger was a new cause for alarm, and he at once became very anxious to beat a retreat. There is no night without some ray of light to gladden it. His first impression was that the visitor belonged to the Fourth Alabama, and would readily recognize him as an impostor ; but he was in a measure relieved to find that none of the family gave the soldier more than a friendly greeting, which proved him to be a stranger to them as well as to himself. Yet he might belong to the Fourth Alabama ; and then it occurred to him that the THE ADVENTUIIES OF AX AliMY OFFICER. 133 iiuiii had come to iuform Mr. Rayncs of the death of his son Avhile on picket duty. In the brief period -which elapsed between the advent of the stranger, and the statement of the object of his visit, fSomers was disturbed by a dozen fearful theories ; all of which seemed to end in a rebel prison at Rich- mond, and even in a rebel gallows, — the fate of the spy. The minutes were fearfully long ; and, before the mo- mentous question of the object of the stranger's visit could be introduced, he decided to make an abrupt retreat. *' AVcll, Mr. Raynes," said he, approaching the old man as he put on his cap, '' I have already run a great risk in stopping here so long ; and, with many thanks to you for your kindness and for your generous hospitality, I must take my departure." " I suppose we cannot keep you any longer, Allan ; but you must promise to call again at the first convenient opportunity." '•' I promise you that I will the first time I can safely do so," responded Somers Avarmly, and with the fullest intention of redeeming his promise. " Good-by, sir !" '' Good-by, my dear boy ! May you be spared in the hour when the strong men bite the dust ! " said Mr. Raynes solemnly, as he gave his hand to Somers. " Good-by, Sue ! " added the young lieutenant, taking the hand of the Virginia damsel. 134 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT ; OH, "Adieu, my brave soldier-boy ! " she replied. " You arc a soldier, I see," said the stranger, as Somers approached him oq his way out of the house. " Yes, sir," answered the latter nervously ; for he would gladly have escaped any communication with the new-comer. "What regiment do you belong to?" persisted the dilapidated soldier. What business was that to him? Why should lie trouble himself about other people's affairs? It sounded like a very impertinent question to the excited lieutenant, and he Avas tempted to inform the busy-body that it was none of his business ; but, as he had already earned a good character for civility with the interesting family in whose presence he still stood, his bump of approbation would not permit him to forfeit their esteem by so incon- siderate a reply. " Good-by, all ! " said he with energy, turning away from the rebel soldier, and moving towards the door. "What regiment did you say you belonged to?" demanded the persistent rebel. " I didn't say," replied Somers, not in the most gentle tones. " Will you oblige me by telling me to what regiment you belong? " added the rebel. " I think I will not," continued Somers, more and more displeased with the persistence of the other. " I THE AD VENT U RES UF JN ARMY OFFICER. 135 came very near being arrested as a deserter just now, though I liave a pass in my pocket ; and I don't care about exposing myself to any further annoyance by my ov.n indiscretion." '*I assure you I am a friend, and I Avould not betray you if I knew you were a deserter," said the stranger in very civil tones. Thus appealed to, and perceiving that he was not gaining in the estimation of Mr. Raynes by his reticence, he decided that he could not make the matter much worse by answering the question. '' To the Fourth Alabama," he replied desperately : " but you must excuse me ; for I am in a tremendous hurry." " The Fourth Alabama ! I thought so," exclaimed the stranger with a pleasant smile, as though the in- formation was particularly agreeable to him. " I belong to the Fourth Alabama myself." *'Do you, indeed?" added Somers with the most in- tense disquiet, wishing all the time that the soldier had been in Alabama, or anywhere but in the house of Mr. Kaynes. " Can you tell me where the regiment is? " " I cannot. I have been looking for it myself for the last two hours. As I can be of no assistance to you, you will excuse me if I leave you." " Not so fast, comrade : I will go with you. I have 136 THE YOUNG LIEUTENANT; OR, some directions whicli I think will enable us to find the regiment ; and, if you please, I will bear you company." Somers did not please ; but he could hardly refuse the offer without exciting the suspicion of the family, which he felt might be fatal to him. It Mould be better to depart with the member of the Fourth Alabama, and part company with him by force or stratagem when they had left the house. " I Avou't keep you waiting but a minute. I called here to see my friends ; but none of them seem to know me. You are Mr. Raynes, I presume?" continued the soldier, addressing the old man. " I am ; but I don't remember to have ever seen you before," replied the farmer. " You never did, sir ; but I will venture to say that my name is well known in this house," added the" soldier with a mysterious smile, which caused Somers to dread some new development that would compromise him. " Ah ! " said Mr. Raynes, ever ready to welcome any one who had the slightest claim upon his hospitality. " I am well acquainted with your son Owen ; I sup- pose I shall not be disputed here, Avhcn I say that he is the best fellow in the world. Don't you know me now ? " demanded the tantalizing rebel,, who appeared to be very anxious to have his identity made out in the natural way, and T\dthout any troublesome explanations. »' Really, I do not," answered Mr. Raynes, much per- prexed by the confident manner of the visitor. THE ADVBl>TVnES OF AS ARilY OIFICJCJ^. U7 .^ThU is Sue, I suppose?" pursued the soldier, ad- vancing to the maiden, and extending his dirty hand ; ."hichrhowever, was not mueh dirtier than that ^vhich .he had so eagerly grasped before. "Don't you know who I am, Sue?" •• 1 do not, sir," she replied rather coldly. .-When I tell you that I belong to the Fourth Ala- bama, don't you know me?" " I do not, sir." "And when I tell you that I am the intimate friend of vour brother Owen?" Allan Garland stood by the door; and, of course, it wvs not he : therefore she could not, by any possibility, conceive who he was; and she said so, in terms as ex- plicit as the occasion required. u I live in Union, Alabama, when I am at home. Don't vou-know me .