fropoSfcA So?Frau^, Amey\Ameni /v.w. r _Y l ~ * \ of t£e mitozvuhv of jQorti) Carolina From the Library of % THE PROPOSED SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT. The Platform and Resolutions OF THE People's Party. The Suffrage Amendment, The Suffrage Amendment submitted by the Legislature of 1899, is as follows ; Section 1. That Article VI of the Constitution of North Carolina be, and the same is hereby abrogated, and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the following Article'of said Constitution: ARTICLE VI. SUFFRAGE AND ELIGIBILITY TO OFFICE — QUALIFICATIONS OF AN ELECTOR. Section 1. Every male person born in the United States, and every male person who has been naturalized, twenty- one years of age and possessing the qualifications set out in this Article shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people in the State, except as herein otherwise provided. Sec. 2. He shall have resided in the State of North Carolina for two years, in the county six months, and in the precinct, ward or other election district in which he offers to vote four months next preceding the election : Provided, that removal from one precinct, ward or other election district to another in the same county, shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to vote in a precinct, ward or other election district from which he has removed until four months after such removal. No per- son who has been convicted, or who has confessed his guilt in open court upon indictment of any crime, the punishment of which now is, or may hereafter be, imprisonment in the State prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be first restored to citizenship in the manner prescribed by law. v