Actvbrw. Jr T&e J>ii>hop 191 Z- CKaoKirt> ( Wbt library of tfje iniber£itp of J5ortf) Carolina From the Library of UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00032731679 This book must not be taken from the Library building. Form No. 471 ADDRESS OF THE BISHOP. Brethren of the Clergy and Laity: Eleven years ago we met for our eighty-fifth Annual Con- vention in St. Philip's Church, Durham ; we are now met in St. Philip's Church, Durham, for our ninety-sixth Annual Convention. But how changed is the outward aspect of St. Philip's ! The small framed building, which the few, who can remember it thirty-one years ago, regarded as a great achievement for our little band, has given place to this beau- tiful stone structure; and even this is hardly adequate to the needs of the growing congregation. This change indicates a wonderful increase in numbers and in material resources, and a corresponding increase in the power and opportunity of extended service. I am happy in the belief that this congre- gation is not wholly unresponsive to their increasing responsi- bilities, but that rector and people are endeavoring to bear their share in the work of extending God's Kingdom, both at home and abroad. May we all recognize the duty and the privilege of employing our growing strength and resources in developing the influence and work of the Church of God, whose interests we are now met to consider and to provide for. It is my first duty to inform the Convention of the recent death of two of the oldest of our clergy, who have not of late years attended our meetings, on account of bodily infirmity, and both of whom resided out of the State, though they re- tained their canonical connection with this Diocese, the Rev. James B. Avirett and the Rev. James H. Williams. Mr. Avirett died at the residence of his son in Cumberland, Maryland, February 16th last, and Mr. Williams, whose resi- dence, since leaving the Diocese, had been in the State of Vir- ginia, died in St. Augustine, Florida, where he had gone to spend the winter, on the 6th of March. They were both men who lived a good deal in the past, and who could not fully adapt themselves to the tremendous changes which had come after they had reached years of ma- turity. They had both spent the early years of their ministry in Virginia, though Mr. Avirett was a native of North Caro- lina, and they came to the work of this Diocese in their old age. But they were deeply attached to the Church, and they were earnest and devoted laborers, even in their old age. Mr. Williams built the churches at Mayodan, Stoneville, and Mocksville, and was also helpful in building that at Elkin. They worked faithfully in their holy calling, amid many sor- rows and trials, but we have every reason to feel assured that they had peace and light at the last. He is faithful who hath promised. My sendees during the year have been as follows : May 10. Henderson, Church of the Holy Innocents, special visitation : Preached, confirmed thirteen persons. 14. The Fourth Sunday after Easter, visitations. 11 a. m. Speed, St. Mary's Church: Confirmed three persons, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 2 p. m. Preached to a large congregation in the country four miles from Speed. 3:30 p. m. Lawrence, Grace Memorial Chapel: Said Even- ing Prayer, preached, and confirmed six persons. 17. The Ninety-fifth Annual Convention of the Diocese met in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Rocky Mount, 10 a.m. 11 a. m. Opening service: I consecrated the enlarged and remodeled church building, preached, and adminis- tered the Holy Communion. I presided at the several business sessions of the Convention. 8:15 p. m. Offici- ated at the evening service. 18. Presided at the business sessions, and officiated at the evening service. 19. 7:30 a. m. Administered the Holy Communion. Presided during the business sessions, and gave the Blessing when the Convention adjourned sine die at 4 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Made an address in a public hall at the chil- dren's "Mystery Play." 8:15 p. m. In the church confirmed one person. 21. The Fifth Sunday after Easter, Raleigh, 11 a. m., St. Mary's Chapel: Participated in the "Commencement Sunday" service. 8 p. m. Church of the Good Shepherd: Confirmed two persons. 24. Presided at the annual meeting of the Trustees of St. Mary's School. 25. Ascension Day, Raleigh. 7:30 a. m. St. Mary's Chapel: Administered the Holy Communion. Attended the Com- mencement of St. Mary's School. 12:30 p. m. Officiated at the closing service and made an address. 26. Charlotte: Attended a meeting of the Managers of the Thompson Orphanage. 3 28. Sunday after the Ascension. 11 a. m. Smithfield: Conse- crated St. Paul's Church, preached, confirmed two per- sons, and administered the Holy Communion. 5 p. m. Raleigh, St. Augustine's Chapel: Officiated at the "Commencement Sunday" service. 30. Presided at the annual meeting of the Trustees of St. Augus- tine's School. 31. Attended the annual Commencement of St. Augustine's School. June 5. Raleigh, St. Mary's Chapel: Officiated at the opening serv- ice of St. Mary's Conference, and made an address. 6. 7:30 a. m. In same place: Administered the Holy Com- munion. 7. Louisburg, St. Paul's Church: Officiated at a marriage. 9. Officiated at the closing service of St. Mary's Conference and made an address. 11. Trinity Sunday, Raleigh, Church of the Good Shepherd: Baptized an infant. 19. Salisbury: Conference with Archdeacon Osborne and others upon Church work in Rowan and neighboring counties. 20. Confirmed in private sick man and his sister, of St. Luke's Church, Salisbury. 23. Raleigh: Conference with Standing Committee upon ques- tion of discipline. 25. The Second Sunday after Trinity, Raleigh, Church of the Good Shepherd: Took the morning and evening services in the absence of the rector. 27. Conference with Standing Committee; also meeting of Executive Committee of St. Augustine's School. July 2. The Third Sunday after Trinity. Hillsboro, St. Matthew's Church: Preached, and administered the Holy Com- munion. 3. 11 a. m. Raleigh: Meeting of Executive Committee of St. Mary's School. 8:15 p. m. Greensboro, Holy Trinity Church, special visita- tion: Confirmed thirteen persons, and made an address. 13. Raleigh: Meeting of Executive Committee of St. Mary's School. 14. 9 a. m. Conference with Wardens of Calvary Church, Wadesboro. 8:30 p. m. Ansonville, All Souls' Church, visitation: Said Evening Prayer and preached. 16. The Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Union County, St. Tim- othy's Church, visitation: Confirmed one person, made an address, preached, and administered the Holy Com- munion. 17. Charlotte: Had a conference with Archdeacons Delany and Osborne, and a number of prominent men of Charlotte in the interests of St. Michael's Industrial School. 18. Salisbury, St. Peter's Chapel, visitation: Preached. 19. Rowan County, St. Matthew's Church, visitation: Con- firmed eleven persons and made an address; four of the persons confirmed being from St. Jude's Chapel. 20. Cleveland, Christ Church, visitation: Confirmed one person, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 21. Mecklenburg County, St. Mark's Church, visitation: Preached. 22. Spent the day visiting members of St. Mark's congregation. 23. The Sixth Sunday after Trinity. In the same church: Confirmed four persons, made an address, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 25. Chapel Hill: Officiated at a marriage. Aug. 18. Tarboro: Confirmed a sick woman in private. The evening of the same day made a special visitation to Calvary Church, confirmed eighteen persons, and made an address. 20. The Tenth Sunday after Trinity. Made a visitation to the State Penitentiary farm, where Mr. LeBlanc, a faithful catechist, had been working for a year under the direc- tion of Archdeacon .Hughes. Mr. Hughes baptized by im- mersion four white and one colored convict. We had a service in the large dining room of the convict quarters, where I preached and confirmed twenty white and eight negro convicts. The evening of the same day I preached in Trinity Church, Scotland Neck, and after the service had a conference with the Vestry. 24. St. Bartholomew's Day. Pittsboro, St. Bartholomew's Church: Administered the Holy Communion. The same day, in St. James's Church, Pittsboro, I presided in the annual meeting of our Colored Convocation, made an address, and officiated at the morning and evening services. 25. Continued in attendance upon the meeting of the Convoca- tion. 27. The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Rowan County, Old St. Andrew's Church: Preached and administered the Holy Communion. In the evening visited St. Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill, Salisbury: Preached, confirmed twelve persons, and made an address. 29. Mayodan, special visitation: Confirmed a sick man and his wife in private. In the evening in the Church of the Messiah I confirmed nine persons and made an address. 30. Leaksville, Church of the Epiphany, visitation: Preached, confirmed seven people. 31. In the same church: Confirmed two persons. The same evening visited St. Luke's Chapel, Spray: Preached and confirmed three persons. Sept. 3. The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Raleigh, Church of the Good Shepherd: In the absence of the rector, officiated morning and evening, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 10. The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. In the same church: Administered the Holy Communion at the early service; officiated also at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m., and confirmed one person. 11. Charlotte: Presided at a meeting in the interest of St. Michael's Industrial School. 17. The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. Visitations. 11 a. m. Orange County, St. Mary's Church: Preached, confirmed four persons, and a sick man in private. The same evening, in St. Matthew's Church, preached and confirmed eight persons. 26. St Matthew's Day. Raleigh: Opening of Pall Term of St. Mary's School. 7:30 a. m. St. Mary's Chapel: Admin- istered the Holy Communion. 9 a. m. In the same place: Officiated at the opening service and made an address. 28. In St. Augustine's School Chapel: Officiated at the opening service and made an address. Oct. 1. The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Visitations. 11 a. m. Person County, Cuningham Chapel: Preached and ad- ministered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. Milton, Christ Church: Preached. 2. Reidsville, St. Thomas's Church, visitation: Preached. 3. In same place: Confirmed sick woman in private. Salisbury, St. Luke's Church: Annual meeting of the Con- vocation of Charlotte. 4 p. m. Attended meeting of Executive Committee. 7:30 p. m. Officiated at opening service. 4. Officiated at the morning and evening services, adminis- tered the Holy Communion, and presided in the business sessions. 7. Kernersville: Preached in mission hall and confirmed two persons, 8. The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Visitations. 11a.m. 2 6 Winston, St. Paul's Church: Confirmed eight persons, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. Spray, St. Luke's Chapel: Preached, confirmed twenty-four persons, and made an address. 10. Raleigh, Christ Church: Annual meeting of the Convoca- tion of Raleigh; officiated at Evening Prayer. 11. Presided in the business sessions during the day and offici- ated at the evening service. 12. In the same church: Administered the Holy Communion at the early service; presided in the business sessions during the day, and conducted the closing service in the evening; also attended a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee. 15. The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Visitations. 11 a. m. Assisted by a number of the clergy, I consecrated the Church of the Good Shepherd, Ridgeway; preached and administered the Holy Communion. 3 p. m. Warren County, St. Luke's Chapel, for negroes: Preached and confirmed four persons. 16. At the opening of the new City Hall and Auditorium in Raleigh, at the request of the Committee of Arrange- ments, I offered a prayer. 19. Had a conference with the Vestry of St. Timothy's Church, Wilson. 22. The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Visitation. Little- ton, St. Alban's Church: Preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 29. The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Visitation. Weldon, Grace Church: Vacant. Said Evening Prayer and preached. Nov. 1. All Saints 1 Day. Had a conference with members of the Vestry and of the congregation of Holy Trinity Church, Greensboro. 2. Elkin, Galloway Memorial Chapel, visitation: Said Evening Prayer and preached. 3. Mount Airy, Trinity Church, visitation: Preached. 5. The Ticenty-ftrst Sunday after Trinity. Visitation. Bur- lington, St. Athanasius's Parish: 11 a. m. Consecrated Church of the Holy Comforter, baptized an infant, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. The evening of the same day in the same church: Confirmed nine persons and made an address. 7. Holly Springs, Wake County: In the Masonic Hall I preached and confirmed four persons. 8. Held a meeting of the Committee on Apportionments for General Missions. 9. Salisbury, St. Luke's Church: Officiated with the rector at a marriage. 19. The Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. Visitations. Ire- dell County, St. James's Church: 10 a. m. Made an ad- dress to the Sunday School and taught the Bible class. 11 a. m. Confirmed three persons, preached, and admin- istered the Holy Communion. 7:30 p. m. Statesville, Trinity Church: Preached, and confirmed six persons. 20. Statesville, Holy Cross Mission to negroes: Preached, and confirmed six persons. 21. Cooleemee, Church of the Good Shepherd, visitation: Preached, and confirmed one person. 22. Mocksville, St. Philip's Church, visitation: Preached. 26. The Sunday next before Advent. Officiated at a funeral in Rockingham County. 1912. Jan. 10. Raleigh: Conferred with the Standing Committee, and asked their counsel in a matter of discipline; and en- tered judgment in the case in accordance with their unanimous advice and recommendation. 11. Calling to my assistance the Standing Committee, we had a conference with representatives of the Vestry and of the congregation of the Church of the Holy Trinity, in re- gard to the affairs of that parish. 12. Met the members of the Standing Committee, and agreed upon the terms of a communication to be sent to the Vestry and people of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Greensboro, giving them our counsel in regard to the matters laid before us by them. 21. The Third Sunday after the Epiphany. Weldon, Grace Church, special visitation: The parish being vacant, I officiated morning and evening, preached twice, con- firmed one person, and administered the Holy Com- munion. 22. Kittrell, St. James's Church, visitation: Preached, and confirmed three persons. 28. The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. Durham, St. Philip's Church, visitation: Assisted by divers of the clergy, I consecrated the new parish church, confirmed fourteen persons, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. In the evening visited St. Joseph's Church, West Durham: Confirmed and addressed seven persons. 29. Charlotte: Attended a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Convocation of Charlotte. 30. In the forenoon attended a special meeting of the Board of Managers of the Thompson Orphanage, hut there being no quorum present, we could transact nonbusiness. In the afternoon I held a meeting of the "St. Michael's Industrial School Board"; also had conference with the Rev. Francis M. Osborne in regard to the proposed new church and parish in Charlotte, to be known as the "Wilkes Memorial." 31. High Point, St. Mary's Church: Conferred with members of the congregation, the priest in charge, and Archdeacon Hardin, in regard to this church; in the evening at a visitation service, preached, and confirmed one person. Feb. 4. Septuagesima Sunday. Raleigh, 11 a. m. In Christ Church: Bishop Reese, of Georgia, made an address on the Uni- versity of the South; I administered the Holy Com- munion. 7:30 p. m. In the Church of the Good Shepherd: I intro- duced Bishop Reese, who made an address upon the same subject as in the morning. 6. Tarboro, Calvary Church: Said Evening Prayer; Bishop Reese made an address. 7. Warrenton, Emmanuel Church, visitation: Confirmed seven persons; Bishop Reese made an address. 8. In the temporary Chapel of All Saints' Mission, Warrenton, I made a visitation, confirmed six persons (colored), and made an address. The evening of the same day, in the Church of the Holy Innocents, Henderson, I officiated with Bishop Reese, who made an address. 9. Oxford, St. Cyprian's Chapel for negroes, visitation: Preached, and confirmed one person. 11. Sexagesima Sunday. Oxford, St. Stephen's Church, visita- tion: Officiated morning and evening, administered the Holy Communion, preached twice, and confirmed five persons. 14. Durham, St. Philip's Church: Officiated with Bishop Reese, who made an address. 15. Burlington, Church of the Holy Comforter, visitation: Con- firmed nine persons; Bishop Reese made an address. 16. In the country near Burlington: Confirmed a sick person in private. 8 p. m. Winston, St. Paul's Church, visitation: Confirmed eleven persons; Bishop Reese made an address. 18. Quinquagesima Sunday. Visitations. 11 a. m. Concord, All Saints' Church: Confirmed three persons, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 7:30 p. m. Salisbury, St. Luke's Church: Confirmed six- teen persons; Bishop Reese made an address. 9 19. High Point, St. Mary's Church: Conference with the con- gregation and Archdeacon Hardin. 20. Greensboro, Church of the Redeemer, colored mission, vis- itation: Preached, and confirmed four persons. 21. Ash Wednesday. Greensboro, Church of the Holy Trinity, visitation: Confirmed and addressed eight persons; I gave in a second address my godly counsel and admoni- tion to the congregation touching a matter of very great moment; and administered the Holy Communion. 24. St. Matthias's Day. Wilson, St. Mark's Church, for Negroes, visitation: In this service, besides the priest in charge, Archdeacon Delany assisted me, and the Rev. I. J. Webber- Thompson preached. 25. The First Sunday in Lent. Visitations. Wilson, St. Tim- othy's Church: Confirmed fourteen persons, made an address, and administered the Holy Communion. 7:30 p. m. Smithfield, St. Paul's Church: Preached. Mar. 3. The Second Sunday in Lent. Visitation. 8 p. m. Hender- son, Church of the Holy Innocents: Preached, and con- firmed thirteen persons. 10. The Third Sunday in Lent. Visitation. Tarboro, Calvary Church: Officiated morning and evening, preached twice, administered the Holy Communion, and confirmed eight persons. 12. Enfield, Church of the Advent, visitation: Preached. 13. In the same church, at 10 a. m.: Administered the Holy Communion. 4:30 p. m. Battleboro, St. John's Church, visitation: Preached, confirmed one person. 14. 4:30 p. m. Rocky Mount, Colored Mission, visitation: Preached, confirmed two persons. 6 p. m. In the Young Men's Christian Association Build- ing: Made an address in connection with the "Men's Forward Movement." 8 p. m. Church of the Good Shepherd, visitation: Preached, confirmed thirteen persons. 15. Tarboro, 4 p. m. In Calvary Chapel, the rector being ab- sent, I baptized an adult and confirmed two persons. 8 p. m. St. Luke's Church, for Negroes, visitation: Preached, confirmed and addressed eight persons. 16. In Calvary Church, Tarboro: Officiated at a funeral. 17. The Fourth Sunday in Lent. Visitations. 11 a. m. Hali- fax, St. Mark's Church: Preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. Scotland Neck, Trinity Church: Preached, and confirmed five persons. 10 24. The Fifth Sunday in Lent. Visitations. 11 a. m. Louis- burg, St. Paul's Church': Confirmed two persons, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. St. Matthias's Church, for Negroes: Preached, and confirmed five persons. 26. 11 a. m. Gulf, St. Mark's Church, visitation: Preached. 8 p. m. Pittsboro, St. James's Church, for Negroes, visita- tion: Preached, and confirmed two persons. 27. Pittsboro, St. Bartholomew's Church, visitation: Confirmed one person, preached, and administered the Holy Com- munion. 31. Palm Sunday. Raleigh, visitations. 11 a. m. Christ Church: Confirmed sixteen persons, made an address, and administered the Holy Communion. 5 p. m. St. Mary's Chapel: Preached, and confirmed eight pupils of the School. 8 p. m. Church of the Good Shepherd: Preached, and confirmed twelve persons. Apr. 2. Hillsboro, St. Matthew's Church, special visitation: Preached, and confirmed four persons. 3. Raleigh, St. Augustine's School, visitation: Confirmed eight colored pupils of the School. 4. Attended meeting of the Executive Committee of St. Mary's School. 5. Good Friday. Chapel of St. Mary's School: Preached. 7. Easter Day. Raleigh, visitations. 11 a. m. St. Abrose's Church, for Negroes: Confirmed three persons, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. St. Saviour's Chapel: Preached, and confirmed twelve persons. 8. Monday in Easter Week. In the Chapel of St. Mary's School: Administered the Holy Communion. 9. Tuesday in Easter Week. In the Chapel of St. Mary's School: Administered the Holy Communion. 14. The First Sunday after Easter. Visitation. Chapel Hill, Chapel of the Cross: Officiated morning and evening, preached twice, and administered the Holy Communion. 18. Chapel of St. Mary's School, Raleigh: Administered the Holy Communion, and attended a conference of clergy- men of the Convocation of Raleigh. 19. Lexington, Grace Church, visitation: Preached, confirmed one person. 20. Charlotte: Examined a candidate for Orders. 21. The Second Sunday after Easter. Charlotte, visitations. 11 a. m. St. Peter's Church: Ordained a Deacon, ad- ministered the Holy Communion. 11 3:30 p. m. Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Colored mission: Preached, confirmed thirteen colored persons, of whom six. were deaf mutes. 8 p. m. St. Peter's Church: Confirmed forty-one persons. 22. Attended a meeting of the Board of Managers of St. Mich- ael's Industrial School. 23. 10 a. m. Attended a meeting of a Committee of the Mis- sionary Council of the Fourth Department. 3:30 p. m. Assisted by the Bishop of Asheville and other clergymen, I laid the corner stone of the first of the new buildings of the Thompson Orphanage. 8:15 p. m. Church of the Holy Comforter, visitation: Bishop Horner preached; I confirmed eleven persons, of whom four were of St. Peter's Church. 24. 10 a. m. Annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Thompson Orphanage. 11 a. m. Chapel of the Thompson Orphanage, visitation: Preached; confirmed ten pupils of the institution. 4:30 p. m. Assisted by divers of the clergy, I laid the corner stone of the new St. Martin Church, the "Wilkes Memorial," in Charlotte. 25. St. Mark's Day. Monroe, St. Paul's Church, visitation: Preached; confirmed eleven persons. 26. Wadesboro, Calvary Church, visitation: Had a confer- ence with the Vestry; preached, and confirmed eight persons. 28. The Third Sunday after Easter. Visitations. 11 a. m. Rockingham, Church of the Messiah: Confirmed one person, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. Hamlet, in the Presbyterian church: I preached in connection with my visitation to our mission in that place. 30. Officiated in Christ Church, Raleigh, at a funeral. The total number of services in the Diocese for the year is one hundred and fifty-eight. I have administered the Holy Communion forty-three times; preached eighty sermons, delivered twenty-seven addresses, confirmed five hundred and fifty-four persons, consecrated five churches, ordained one deacon, baptized one adult and two in- fants, and officiated at three marriages and three funerals. My labors were somewhat curtailed by the necessity of seeking treatment in a hospital upon two occasions, which took me away from the Diocese for about a month in all, and disabled me from active service for some weeks after my return home; though I am thankful to say that my general health has been excellent during the whole year. 12 My services beyond the limits of the Diocese have been as follows: May 1, 2 and 3. Delivered three lectures before the faculty and students of the General Theological Seminary in New York. May 4. Delivered a lecture before the faculty and students of the Berkeley Divinity School at Middletown, Connecticut. Tbe same day delivered one of the same course of lectures before the Theological School at Cambridge, Massachusetts. May 5 and 6. Lectured each day before the same. June 4, Whitsun Day, I spent in Charleston, South Carolina. At 11 a. m., in the Church of the Holy Communion, I delivered the annual Commencement Sermon before the Porter Military Academy. In the evening, in Grace Church, I delivered a lecture on the Church in the Confederate States. June 12th to 18th I was absent from the Diocese, attending the annual Commencement and meeting of the Trustees of the University of the South at Sewanee. July 9. The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, at Nag's Head, in the Diocese of East Carolina, I officiated twice, preached, and adminis- tered the Holy Communion in private houses, there being no church building. July 30. The Seventh Sunday after Trinity. In the Chapel of the Cross, Valle Crucis, District of Asheville, I administered the Holy Communion at the early service, and preached at the midday service. August 13. The Ninth Sunday after Trinity. I preached in All Faith Church, St. Mary's County, Maryland, Diocese of Washington. October 24th and 27th. Delivered three lectures on the Church in the Confederate States before the Philadelphia Divinity School. October 26th and 27th. Attended a meeting of the House of Bishops in New York. October 28. 88. Simon and Jude's Day. In the Church of the Advocate, Philadelphia, took part in the services at the consecration of the Bishop and the Suffragan Bishop of Pennsylvania, and joined in the Imposition of Hands upon Bishop Rhinelander. November 2, 4 p. m. In the Chapel at Ronda, District of Ashe- ville, I held a short service and delivered a lecture. November 10, 11 and 13. Delivered four lectures on the Church in the Confederate States before the University of the South at Sewanee. November 12. The Ticenty-second Sunday after Trinity. Preached in the University Chapel. November 14, 15 and 16. Attended the Missionary Council of the Fourth Department in St. John's Church, Knoxville, Tennessee. 1912. January 17. In Marietta, Ga., Diocese of Atlanta. In St. James's Church: Officiated with the rector of the church at the marriage of a friend. 13 On the whole I trust that the work of the Diocese is being faithfully and diligently prosecuted by our clergy and peo- ple. During the past year we have lost the following names from our Clergy List. Rev. James B. Avirett, died February 16, 1912. Rev. James H. Williams, died March 6, 1912. By letters dimissory : Rev. John L. Saunders, May 7, 1911, to Arkansas. Rev. Richard W. Hogue, June 17, 1911, to Maryland. Rev. Alfred R. Berkeley, October 4, 1911, to Pennsylvania. Rev. Evan A. Edwards, October 28, 1911, to Kansas. Rev. Robt. E. Campbell, December 7, 1911, to Florida. We have gained by Ordination Rev. Henry Alpheus Willey, ordained Deacon, April 21, 1912. We have gained by transfer Rev. Henry Oswald Nash, July, 1911, from Harrisburg. Rev. Robt. E. Campbell, August 2, 1911, from S. Florida. Rev. Alexander C. D. Noe, September 1, 1911, from Southern Vir- ginia. Rev. John J. Lanier, September 14, 1911, from Alabama. Rev. Homer W. Starr, September 25, 1911, from Chicago. Rev. Richard W. Anderson, October 16, 1911, from West Texas. Rev. Jeptha H. Swann, September 23, 1911, from Texas. Rev. E. Lucien Malone, December 1, .1911, from East Carolina. Rev. Winborn L. Mellichampe, December 21, 1911, from Georgia. Rev. William H. Hardin, January 1, 1912, from Asheville. The total loss is seven ; the total gain is eleven ; a net gain of four. The present number, including the Bishop, is fifty- eight. The Candidates for Orders are : George C. Pollard, Arthur Myron Cochran, Lewis Nathaniel Tay- lor, Josephus McDonald, Israel Harding Hughes, Walter Lee Loflin, Joseph H. Hudson, Sanford Louis Rotter, Henry Clark Smith. The Postulants are : Foster Nugent Cox, Wm. Hoke Ramsaur, John Gregory Mabry, Robert J. Sellers, Joseph A. Edgar LeBlanc, James Reginald Mallett. On the tenth day of January, in accordance with the sen- tence of an Ecclesiastical Court, I suspended for six months from all exercise of his ministerial function, the Rev. Clement 14 G. Bradley, rector of Calvary Church, Wadesboro, thereby dissolving his connection with the parish, ipso "facto. The fields of labor of the Clergy of the Diocese continue as at our last Convention, with the following exceptions : The Rev. Samuel Paxson Watters, after nearly fifteen years faithful service as rector of St. Matthew's Church, Hillsboro\ felt compelled to retire from active service in October, 1911. He retains his canonical connection with the Diocese, but has been spending some months with a kinsman in Spartanburg, S. C. With his excellent wife he commanded the entire respect and affection of his people, and in the ten- der experiences of their leaving the parish which they loved, they had the happiness of seeing at the very last precious fruits of their life and labors. St. Matthew's, Hillsboro', continues without a rector, but the Rev. Chas. J. Ketchum, of the Diocese of Massachusetts, has been serving temporarily with much acceptance. The Missions at Mayodan, Madison, Stoneville, and Knowlhurst, left vacant by the removal of the Rev. Mr. Berkeley, are still unsupplied with a permanent Priest in charge. The Rev. Mr. Willey, ordained Deacon April 21st, is temporarily serving at Mayodan and Madison. The Rev. Cyprian P. Wilcox, who assisted Mr. Berkeley in that work, is studying in the Seminary at Alexandria, pre- paratory to applying for Ordination to the Priesthood. The Rev. Alexander C. D. ]SToe has taken charge of the work at Mount Airy, Germanton, and Walnut Cove. The most important work at Chapel Hill, after the de- parture of the Rev. Richd. W. Hogue, was taken up by the Rev. Horner W. Starr, who relinquished a very desirable parish in the Diocese of Chicago to come to us. I can not too cordially commend Mr. Starr to the support and sympathy of our people. St. Timothy's Church, Wilson, vacant since the departure of Mr. Edwards, enjoyed for some months the ministrations of the Rev. I. J. Webber-Thompson, who agreed to remain with them until after Easter. The vestry have recently called to the rectorship the Rev. Martin X. Ray. The Rev. Robt. E. Campbell, D.D., received during the year from Southern Florida and transferred to the Diocese of Florida, had charge for a few months of Rockingham, Ham- let, and Laurmburg. 15 The Rev. Henry (). Nash, who had been serving Pitts- bore-', Sanford, and Gulf for some months was in July, 1911, transferred to this Diocese, but since the beginning' of 1912, he has resigned that work, and is at present in the Missionary District of Spokane. The Rev. Richd. W. Anderson, received from the Diocese of West Texas, has become rector of Trinity Church, Scot- land Neck ; serving also St. Mark's, Halifax, succeeding the Rev. Mr. Bradley, who left that field the first of June last. The Rev. John J. Lanier, received from Alabama, has be- come rector of Emmanuel Church, Warren ton ; serving also Willi amsboro', and Middleburg. The Rev. Jeptha H. Swann, received from Texas, has suc- ceeded the Rev. R. Percy Eubanks as assistant in the parish of Christ Church, Raleigh. The Rev. Mr. Eubanks has charge of Trinity Church, Statesville, and Grace Church, Lexington. The Rev. E. Lucien Malone, received from East Carolina, has become rector of St. Paul's, Louisburg, and of St. James's, Kittrell. v The Rev. Winborn L. Mellichampe, returning from the Diocese of Georgia, has been put in charge of St. Paul's Church, Monroe, and St. Timothy's, Union County. The Rev. William II. Hardin, received from Asheville, assumed with the beginning of the year 1912, the important duties of Archdeacon of Charlotte. Mr. Hardin resides in Salisbury, occupying the spacious dwelling known as the "Harrison House," in the western section of Salisbury, ad- joining '"St. Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill." This property belongs to the Diocese and by the action of the last Conven- tion was put at the disposal of the Bishop for missionary work. Besides his general supervision of the missionary work throughout the Convocation, Mr. Hardin has special charge of St. Paul's and St. Peter's, Salisbury, and the very important work in Rowan County, including St. Mary's, St. Jude's, St. Matthew's, and St. Mark's chapels. The work at High Point also, having been given up by the Rev. Mr. Tol- son, has been assigned to Archdeacon Hardin. It is my desire and purpose to give Archdeacon Hardin such assistance in this work as may enable him to make this property the centre of missionary activities extending throughout Rowan and into the neighboring counties. It is my hope that we may 16 thus in a measure consolidate and extend the missionary endeavors of the late rector of St. Luke's, Salisbury, and perhaps establish here an appropriate memorial of the mis- sionary zeal and efforts of that faithful Pastor and learned Doctor in the Church, Francis Johnston Murdoch. And in speaking of the new Archdeacon of Charlotte, I must refer at least briefly to him who so long, so zealously, and so unsparingly gave himself to that work, and thus made it possible for his successor to enter so hopefully into the field. I refer, of course, to the Rev. Edwin A. Osborne, late Arch- deacon of Charlotte. It was almost with friendly violence that I had to insist upon his cessation from his arduous labors last summer ; and later in the year I accepted his resig- nation as Archdeacon, hoping that he might be induced to spare himself, and to continue his usefulness, by lessening the weight of his burden. I feel that truth and justice de- mand that I recognize and make this public acknowledgment of what he has been to the Diocese by his unceasing labors, and to his Bishop by his unfailing loyalty, sympathy, and support. For several years now his brethren of the Convoca- tion have been resisting his efforts to resign his important post, and were won at last to consent by the consciousness that its burdens had become too great for his strength. Though nominally retired from active service he is still busily occupied in work for all about him in and near Charlotte ; and especially the Thompson Orphanage is greatly advan- taged by his intelligent zeal and unceasing exertions in its behalf. The Rev. Albert New, an English Clergyman, recom- mended to me by the Lord Bishop of St. Albans, is minister- ing very effectively in Grace Church, Welclon, and has also under his charge the Church of the Advent, Enfield. He has not as yet been transferred to me, but is officiating in those churches under my license. As noted in the preceding enumeration of services, I have during the year consecrated five churches, namely, at Rocky Mount, Smithfield, Ridgeway, Burlington, and Durham. The Church at Ridgeway was built long before the beginning of my Episcopate, and I had supposed until the past year that it had long ago been consecrated. I am not acquainted with the cause of the delay ; but at the desire of the congrega- tion I very gladly performed this service, and they joined 17 with much interest and devotion in the solemn setting apart of the building to its sacred uses. The Church at Pocky Mount is the most admirable exam- ple of the enlargement and remodeling of an existing build- ing which has ever come under my observation, and the build- ing was so entirely renewed and so enlarged that a service of consecration was thought most suitable, if not absolutely necessary. The Church at Smithfield is the improvement and adapta- tion of a structure not heretofore consecrated, and affords a very comfortable and appropriate building for its sacred use. The churches at Durham and at Burlington are beautiful stone buildings, and add greatly to the effectiveness of the work of the Church in these two important and growing com- munities. That in which we are now assembled is the fruit of the faithful labors and generous gifts of the parish of St. Philip's, Durham, and a credit to the zeal and liberality of rector and people. The beautiful stone church at Burlington, consecrated by the name of the "Church of the Holy Comforter," and pre- sented to the parish by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Holt, is the first instance we have had in this Diocese of a large and handsome church, erected by the liberality of a single indi- vidual, as an expression of his sense of duty to God and to the Church, and a contribution to the permanent life and influ- ence of the Church in the community. As such I desire to emphasize it, as an example of the wise and generous use of the wealth which through many channels has of late years been flowing into our State and Diocese. Of a similar charac- ter has been the generous act of a member of this parish of St. Philip's, Durham, in the erection of the beautiful stone chapel of St. Joseph's, to the glory of God and in loving memory of an honored father. These are examples which should excite our grateful admiration, and stir up the hearts of others to like uses of the opportunities afforded by the pos- session of wealth. Great fortunes and ample means, merely hoarded, and passed down to children, often become the means of enervating, debasing, and destroying those dear ones for whose supposed good they were accumulated. Xo rich man should be content to confine his beneficence to his own family. He should endeavor to leave behind him some permanent memorial of his sense of his obligation to God 18 and to his fellow men. Churchmen of North Carolina can find many useful and noble opportunities of employing their zeal and liberality in establishing and providing for the main- tenance of permanent institutions in connection with our parochial and diocesan work. We have not been without earlier examples of this same generous spirit on a smaller scale. The late Judge Wm. P. Bynum, my old parishioner, at my suggestion, built, and presented to the Church St. Mary's Chapel, near the State Normal College, Greensboro, as with like generosity he had before given to the Rev. Mr. Osborne the money for the erection of the Chapel of the Thompson Orphanage ; and he also made liberal bequests both to his parish and the Diocese in his will. It is to be hoped that the liberal gifts of these generous souls may encourage and direct others in the use of the means which God's good providence has enabled them to acquire. The mention of the Thompson Orphanage reminds me of my recent act in laying the corner-stone of the first of the new buildings in a general scheme of buildings to replace the old and less suitable structures heretofore occupied. This corner- stone was laid April 23d, 1912, at the request of the Federa- tion of Guilds, which has undertaken the erection of the building. The next day at the annual meeting of the Board of Managers order was taken for the erection of another of the proposed buildings. The proceeds of the legacy of the late Mr. Steadman, of Fayetteville, were appropriated for this purpose, and the building will be specially devoted to perpetuating his memory. It is hoped that others may be led to emulate the noble act of this good man, and that the whole scheme of improvements may at no distant day be completed. There is another matter of importance, connected with the institutional life of the church in Charlotte, which I must bring to your attention, and in regard to which I should like to ask the approval of the Convention upon action which I have ventured to take. The late Rev. Primus P. Alston developed, in connection with his parish school, an excellent industrial school for col- ored boys and girls, which has for a number of years been doing most admirable work, and giving the only practical and industrial training for colored youth to be had in that community. For the accommodation of this school lie erected a large and excellent two-story brick building, cost- 19 ing some six or eight thousand dollars, entirely free from debt or encumbrance of any kind, and paid for by funds raised wholly by Mr. Alston's personal exertions and solici- tations. There are six or seven teachers working in this school, the larger part of whose support was, during his life- time, also raised by him. His sudden and unexpected death in October, 1910, left indeed this noble monument to com- memorate his faithful labors, but it brought me face to face with the very difficult problem of providing for the continu- ance of the work. I could not think of abandoning it, and yet I hardly knew how to provide for its maintenance. I will not trouble the Convention with the details of the ar- rangements by which up to the present time the school has been kept open, and its admirable work sustained without material diminution. But one very radical measure I must lay before you, and ask your action upon it, that I may either proceed upon the course laid down, or else recall my action, and try some other expedient. Knowing the high personal esteem in which the founder and late principal of the school had been held by the people of Charlotte in general, and the confidence which they felt, in the excellence of his work, I determined to make an effort to place the school, in a manner, under the patronage of the people of Charlotte generally, and while retaining my con- nection with it as the official head of administration for its general interests and government,' to call to my assistance able and influential citizens of Charlotte, interested in its welfare, and willing to cooperate in its support, without re- gard to their religious associations. I could not wait for action by this Convention, for the crisis demanded immedi- ate decision. I therefore assumed the responsibility of call- ing together a number of the best and most representative of the progressive business men of Charlotte, some our own Churchmen, others not. I laid before them the situation, stat- ing that the school was the property of the Diocese of Xorth Carolina, the title held by the Trustees of the Diocese, but that the work it had been doing for twenty years or more was, as they well knew, for the benefit of the entire com- munity, and that in no way had there been any religious test, discrimination, or requirement, though religious teach- ing was part of the regular work of the school. They knew the work it had been doing, and I asked them if they would 20 be willing to act with me as a Board of Managers for the general direction and maintenance of the school in the in- terests of both the white and the colored people of the com- munity. They responded most sympathetically to my ap- peal, and declared that, knowing the work which the school had done, they recognized it as a valuable and much needed institution, and would gladly cooperate with me in an en- deavor to perpetuate and to extend its usefulness. There- upon I proceeded to organize the "Board of Managers of St. Michael's Industrial School 1 ' ; and we have been pro- viding as best we could for it, and have so far kept it up. I will have a statement laid before the Convention, with the names of members of the Board above mentioned ; and I ask the Convention to consider whether it can not endorse my action, and assent to the carrying on of the school under the arrangement I have made, until such time as it may see proper to take other action in regard to the use of this prop- erty, which is vested in the Trustees of the Diocese, and of which the ultimate power of control is in this Convention, subject to the trusts upon which it is held. There are many other subjects of practical interest and importance upon which I would like to speak to you, and some in regard to which perhaps it is specially my duty to do so. But I must not too far impose upon your patience. I will therefore omit all but one other subject, and upon that I enter with strong reluctance, because I feel so deeply upon it that I am unable to make such a presentation of it as it deserves and as I desire. That subject is St. Mary's School, Baleigii. • This is by far 'the most important institution of the Church in our Diocese and in our State. Next after the University of the South at Sewanee it is the most important church insti- tution in the South. It may not be generally known by our own people even, but it is one of the most important church institutions in our whole country. It is our largest church boarding school for girls in the United States, and on the whole I believe it is the best. It is important for what it has been, and for w T hat it has done, for the characters it has formed, for the noble and ennobling lives which have gone out from it to bless the Church and the community. It is 21 important for what it is, and for what it is doing, in con- tinning that supply of cultivated, refined, devoted, godly young women, who every year go out from it, to enrich our home life, and sometimes to pass on the light to other lands. It is important in the mere material value of the property and appliances there accumulated for carrying on that high- est and noblest of all work — the nurture and training of God's children in truth and holiness. And St. Mary's School is prepared for extending and in- creasing its work as never before it has been. Moreover, it is now doing its work in every way admirably and success- fully ; and it is doing what very, very few institutions of higher learning ever do, it is supporting itself. The annual income is adequate to the annual expenditure of the school. But we have loaded it down with a debt. We are requiring it to pay nearly three thousand dollars a year interest on a debt incurred to put it in proper condition to do its work ; and we also require it to pay several thousand dollars more in free board and tuition, as the interest on money given to found scholarships, which money has been invested in the property and equipment of the school. These expenses are no proper part of the expenses of a school. If we should today give St. Mary's School its equipment just as it stands, and provide it also with an endowment yielding the annual cost of its free scholarships, it would show a profit of three, four, or five thousand dollars on its year's work. This is simply the financial situation of our noble school. It is doing its work admirably, successfully, profitably ; but we have weighed it down with a burden which it should not have to bear. There is first then this debt of forty-five thousand dollars, forty thousand dollars of bonded debt and five thousand of floating debt incurred for permanent improvements and necessary equipment, but carried upon the books as a debt of the school. There is also the annual expense of several thousand dollars in free scholarships, the interest upon money invested in the property and buildings of the school. The burden of this indebtedness lies on the school, and it lies upon the hearts of many friends of the school. It cer- tainly lies heavy upon the heart of your Bishop. Can we not lift it from our school ? As long as it lies there it is not only a burden but a menace. I can not rest while it con- 22 tinues to threaten the present welfare and th,e future exist- ence of what we have so worked for, and hoped for, and prayed for. If God should spare my life until the 15th day of October, 1913, just about eighteen months from this time, I shall have completed twenty years since my consecration as your Bishop. The greatest work done in this Diocese within my day has been the establishment of St. Mary's School as an institution of the Church. I should like to celebrate the twentieth an- niversary of my consecration by seeing the debt on St. Mary's School fully paid, or provided for, and one hundred thousand dollars raised as the beginning of an endowment. With the help of the Diocese, and with the sympathetic cooperation of this Convention, I should like to devote my- self and my endeavors for the next eighteen months pri- marily to this work. I believe it can be done. Will this Convention join me in an earnest endeavor to do it? In God's good providence I may be spared some years longer, or I may not. But when a man has been twenty years a Bishop he must know that his days of efficiency can not be greatly extended. I face this condition. By God's help I would like to do the best thing I can for His Church in the Diocese, where, by His permission, I have been called to serve. This is my mind and my humble, but I trust earn- est, purpose. Would that I might have the grace and the power to fulfill it. Jos. Blouxt Cheshire. 23 THE BISHOP'S ACCOUNT. Diocesan Funds in His Hands May 1, 1911, to May 1, 1912. receipts. Collections from Congregations From the Woman's Auxiliary: Mrs. Blair $221.27 Mrs. King , 17.50 Mrs. Spruill 10.00 Mrs. Gibble 4.00 Miss Benson, for Colored Missions.... Miss Annie L. Devereux 5.00 Col. A. B. Andrews 50.00 Mr. Lawrence S. Holt 50.00 Mr. Wm. E. Holt 150.00 Mr. L. L. Little 50.00 Mr. Wm. A. Smith 25.00 Mr. Wm. L. London 25.00 Mr. J. C. Buxton 25.00 Mr. Jno. S. Henderson 20.00 Mr. J. Harper Erwin 10.00 Mr. Wm. A. Erwin 25.00 Mr. Thos. H. Battle 10.00 Mr. Edward K. Powe 10.00 Mr. James S. Manning 5.00 Mr. Chas. A. Hunt 25.00 Mr. Jno. Q. Gant 25.00 DISBURSEMENTS. Education Fund: J. Reginald Mallett $100.00 Walter L. Loflin 35.00 Church Building, etc.: Church at High Point $25.00 St. Titus's Church, Durham 35.00 Church of the Redeemer, Greensboro 100.00 St. Ambrose's Church, Raleigh 25.00 Dr. $606.90 Cr. 252.77 100.00 510.00 $1,469.67 $135.00 185.00 $320.00 24 Diocesan Missions — White: Rev. Frederick Thompson, traveling expenses $20.00 Rev. Richard W. Hogue's salary 25.00 Rev. R. Percy Eubanks 50.00 Rev. Oliver J. Whildin, Deaf Mute Missions 50.00 Rev. Richard W. Anderson, removing from Texas 100.00 Rev. W. L. Mellichampe, traveling ex- penses 2.80 Rev. Henry O. Nash, for horse, etc. . . 10.00 Rev. Edwin A. Osborne, traveling ex- penses 3.95 Rev. Wm. J. Gordon, traveling ex- penses 10.00 Rev. Frederick H. Horsfield 25.00 On account traveling expenses of Sec- retary of Woman's Auxiliary 20.00 Miss Rose Farley, for Mission School 5.00 Diocesan Missions — Colored: To Colored Convocation $109.56 Rev. James K. Satterwhite 40.00 Rev. Robt. J. Johnson 100.00 Rev. James E. King 80.00 Dr. $1*469.67 Colored Mission and Industrial Schools: St. Luke's School, Warren County... $15.00 St. Michael's Industrial School, Charlotte 25.00 Pittsboro Mission School 100.00 Greensboro and Durham Schools.... 100.00 Balance paid on general account for Colored Missions f By balance Deficit May 1, 1911 Balance as above Deficit May 1, 1912 Cr. $320.00 321.75 329.56 240.00 250.00 $1,469.67 $1,461.31 8.36 $1,469.67 $150.94 8.36 $142.58