Hffl C6e jUorarp Of t|)C canitoetsitp of J!3ort& Carolina Collection of jRottf) Caroliniana (gnUotDfB bj> 3otjn &prunt liill of tbr Class of 1889 U58o FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form No. A-368, Rev. 8/95 V. I- P t. 16 UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • BUREAU OF THE CENSUS NORTH CAROLINA and SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTIES AND STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/unitedstatescensunit UNITED STATES CENSUS of AGRICULTURE : 1950 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CHARLES SAWYER, Secretary BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ROY V. PEEL, Director **§&•« » til » COUNTIES AND STATE ECONOMIC AREAS NORTH CAROLINA and SOUTH CAROLINA Prepared under the supervision of Ray Hurley, Chief Agriculture Division VOLUME I PART 16 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1952 FARMS • FARM CHARACTERISTICS • LIVESTOCK and PRODUCTS • CROPS • FRUITS • VALUES BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ROY V. PEEL, Director A. Ross Eckler, Deputy Director Howard C. Grieves, Assistant Director Conrad Taeuber, Assistant Director Morris H. Hansen, Assistant Director for Statistical Standards Robert Y. Phillips, Assistant Director for Operations Calvert L. Dedrick, Coordinator, International Statistics Frank R. Wilson, Information Assistant to the Director Agriculture Division — Ray Hurley, Chief Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief Farm Economics and Financial Statistics — Hilton E. Robison, Chief Farm Prices and Values Statistics — Alvin T. M. Lee, Chief Farm Products Statistics — Harold C. Phillips, Chief Irrigation Statistics — Halbert E. Selby, Chief Drainage Statistics — Burkett S. Clayton, Chief Statistical Sampling — Floyd W. Berger, Chief Operations — Orvin L. Wilhite, Chief Administrative Service Division — Walter L. Kehres, Chief Budget Officer — Charles H. Alexander Business Division — Harvey Kailin, Acting Chief Decennial Tabulating Office— John J. Lennon, Chief Field Division — Lowell T. Galt, Chief Foreign Trade Division — J. Edward Ely, Chief Geography Division — Clarence E. Batschelet, Chief Governments Division — Allen D. Manvel, Chief Industry Division — Maxwell R. Conklin, Chief Machine Tabulation Division — C. F. Van Aken, Chief Personnel Division — Helen D. Almon, Chief Population and Housing Division — Howard G. Brunsman, Chief SUGGESTED IDENTIFICATION U. S. Bureau of the Census. Economic Areas, Part 15. U. S. Census of Agriculture: 1950. Vol. I, Counties and State U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1952. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. or any of the Field Offices of the Department of Commetce, Price $3.00 C£>3o PREFACE Volume I, Counties and State Economic Areas, is one of the four principal reports pre- senting the results of the 1950 Census of Agriculture and related programs of the Seventeenth Decennial Census. This volume, in 34 parts, presents the compilation of the information given by farm operators to Census enumerators in 1950. The 1950 Census of Agriculture was taken in conformity with the Act of Congress providing for the fifteenth and subsequent decennial censuses, approved June 18, 1929, as amended. The collection of the data was carried out by Census enumerators under the direction of supervisors appointed by the Director of the Census and working under the direction of Lowell T. Gait, Chief, Field Division. The planning of the census and the compilation of the statistics were supervised by Ray Hurley, Chief, Agriculture Division, and Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief. They were assisted by Hilton E. Robison, Alvin T. M. Lee, Harold C. Phillips, Floyd W. Berger, Lois Hutchison, Gladys L. Eagle, Orville M. Slye, Henry A. Tucker, and Orvin L. Wilhite. The mechanical tabulation, by electrical ma- chines, was made under the supervision of C. F. Van Akeii. The maps were prepared under the supervision of Clarence E. Batschelet, Geographer. Acknowledgment is made of the technical assistance and the loan of technical personnel by the United States Department of Agriculture in the planning, the enumeration, and the compilation of the 1950 Census of Agriculture. " July 1952 in UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1950 REPORTS Volume I. — Counties and State Economic Areas. — Statistics for counties include number of farms, acreage, value, and farm operators; farms by size, by color and tenure of operator; facilities and equipment, farm labor, and farm expenditures; livestock and livestock products; specified crops harvested; farms and farm characteristics for commercial farms; farms classified by value of farm products sold, by type of farm, and by economic class; and value of products sold by source. Data for State economic areas include farms and farm characteristics by size of farm, by tenure of oper- ator, by type of farm, and by economic class. Volume I will be published in 34 parts as follows: Part State or States Part State or States 1 New England States: South Atlantic — Continued Maine. 15 Virginia and West Virginia. New Hampshire. 16 North Carolina and South Carolina. Vermont. 17 Georgia. Massachusetts. 18 Florida. Rhode Island. East South Central : Connecticut. 19 Kentucky. 2 Middle Atlantic States: 20 Tennessee. New York. 21 Alabama. New Jersey. 22 Mississippi. Pennsylvania. West South Central: East North Central: 23 Arkansas. 3 Ohio. 24 Louisiana. 4 Indiana. 25 Oklahoma. 5 Illinois. 26 Texas. 6 Michigan. Mountain: 7 Wisconsin. 27 Montana. West North Central: 28 Idaho. 8 Minnesota. 29 Wvoming and Colorado. 9 Iowa. 30 New Mexico and Arizona. 10 Missouri. 31 Utah and Nevada. 11 North Dakota and South Dakota. Pacific: 12 Nebraska. 32 Washington and Oregon. 13 Kansas. 33 California. South Atlantic: 34 Territories and possessions. 14 Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia. Volume II. — General Report. — Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1950. Sum- mary data and analyses of the data for States, for Geographic Divisions, and for the United States by sub- jects as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below: Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, Years on Farm, Work VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, off Farm. Forest Products. III Farm Facilities, Roads, Trading Cen- IX Value of Farm Products. ter, Farm Equipment. X Size of Farm. IV Farm Labor and Farm Expenditures. XI Color, Race, and Tenure of Farm V Farm Mortgages, Farm Taxes, Cash Operator. Rent. XII Economic Class of Farm. VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XIII Type of Farm. Volume III. — Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. — State reports with data for counties and drainage basins and a summary for the United States, including number of enterprises, irrigation works and equipment, source of water, new capital investment since 1940, cost of irrigation water, number of farms and acreage irrigated, and quantity of water used for irrigation purposes. The State reports will be issued as separate parts of Volume III as follows: Part State Part State 1 Arizona. 10 Nebraska. 2 Arkansas and Oklahoma. 11 Nevada. 3 California. 12 New Mexico. 4 Colorado. 13 North Dakota and South Dakota. 5 Florida. 14 Oregon. 6 Idaho. 15 Texas. 7 Kansas. 16 Utah. 8 Louisiana. 17 Washington. 9 Montana. 18 Wyoming. Volume IV. — Drainage of Agricultural Lands. — State reports with statistics for counties and a summary for the United States. One part only. Data on land in drainage enterprises, number and types of enter- prises, cost of drainage, indebtedness, assessments, and drainage works. IV NORTH CAROLINA AND SOUTH CAROLINA CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page History of the census of agriculture IX Legal basis for the 1950 Census of Agriculture IX The enumeration IX Questionnaires used for the 1950 Census of Agricul ture IX SAMPLING Description of the sample for the 1950 Census IX Description of the sample for the 1945 Census X Adjustment of the sample , X Reliability of estimates based on the sample X Method of estimation X LARGE FARMS Criteria X PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS State tables XI County tables XI State economic area tables XI Minor civil division tables XI State economic areas XI Comparability of data for various censuses XI DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS GENERAL FARM INFORMATION The census date XI A farm XII Enumeration of land located in more than one county XII Farm operators XII Farms reporting or operators reporting XII Land owned, rented, and managed XII Land owned XII Land rented from others XII Land rented to others XIII Land area XIII Land in farms XIII Value of land and buildings XIII Age of operators XIV Residence of farm operator XIV Years on present farm (year began operation of present farm) XIV Off- farm work and other income XIV Specified facilities XIV Specified equipment on farms XIV Classification of farms by class of work power XIV DEFINITIONS AND E X P L A N A T I ON S-Continued GENERAL FARM INFORMATION— Continued Pnge Farm labor XIV Specified farm expenditures XV Farm mortgages XV Farm taxes XV Cash rent XV IRRIGATION Irrigated farms XVI Land in farms irrigated XVI Irrigated land in farms according to uae XVI LIVESTOCK Milk cows; cows milked; milk production XVI Sows and gi Its farrowing XVI Sheep end lambs and wool XVI Goats and mohair XVI Bees and honey XVI Value of livestock on farms XVI Livestock products. XVII CROPS Crops harvested XVII Corn XVII Annual legumes XVII Hay crops XVII Clover seed, alfalfa, grass, and other field seed crops XVII Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes XVII Berries and other small fruits XVII Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes XVII Nursery and greenhouse products XVIII Value of crops harvested XVIII CLASSIFICATION OF FARMS Farms by size XVIII Farms by tenure of operator XVIII Farms by color or race of operator XIX Farms by economic class XIX Farms by type XIX Value of farm products sold XX Poultry sales XX Differences in data presented by counties and by State economic areas XX Item Chapter A— STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table— 1.— Farms, acreage, and value: Censuses of 1920 to 1950 2.— Farms by size: Censuses of 1920 to 1950 3. — Farms by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1920 to 1950 4. — Cash rent paid for farm land and buildings: Censuses of 1930 to 1950 5. — Farm operators by color, residence, off-farm work; age, and years on present farm: Censuses of 1920 to 1950 6. —Date of enumeration: Censuses of 1950 and 1945 7. — Specified facilities and equipment, trading center, and roads: Censuses of 1920 to 1950 8. — Motortrucks, tractors, and automobiles on farms, classified by year of model: Censuses of 1950, 1945, and 1940 9. — Farm labor and specified farm expenditures: Censuses of 1920 to 1950 10.— Farm taxes: Censuses of 1930 to 1950 11. —Livestock and livestock products: Censuses of 1920 to 1950 12.— Specified crops harvested: Censuses of 1920 to 1950 13. — Farms, farm characteristics, and farm products for specified large farms: Census of 1950 14.— Farms and land in farms, by color and tenure of farm operator: Census of 1950 15. — Farms and farm characteristics, by color and tenure of operator: Census of 1950 ■' 16* — Farms classified by size of farm, by type of farm, and by economic class; value of products sold by source, livestock, and specified crops, by color and tenure of operator: Census of 1950 17. — Cash rent paid for farm land and buildings: Census of 1950 18.— Farm taxes: Census of 1950 19. — Hired farm labor and wage rates by size of farm: Census of 1950 20. — Hired farm labor and wage rates by color and tenure of operator: Census of 1950 21. — Hired farm labor and wage rates by type of farm: Census of 1950 22- — Hired farm labor and wage rates by economic class: Census of 1950 23- —Farm wage rates: Census of 1950 24- —Perquisites furnished hired farm workers by size of farm: Census of 1950 25. —Perquisites furnished hired farm workers by color and tenure of operator: Census of 1950 26. — Perquisites furnished hired farm workers by type of farm: Census of 1950 27. — Perquisites furnished hired farm workers by economic class: Census of 1950 28. — Sampling reliability of estimated number of farms and farms reporting: Census of 1950 29. — Sampling reliability of estimated item totals for county, economic area, and State for specified numbers of farms reporting, by levels: Census of 1950 30. — Indicated level of sampling reliability of estimated county, economic area, and State totals, for specified items: Census of 1950- . Page 3 357 3 357 4 358 4 358 5 359 5 359 6 360 7 361 7 361 8 362 9 363 12 366 20 374 21 375 22 376 30 384 34 388 35 389 36 300 3B 392 41 395 13 397 .5 399 46 400 47 401 50 404 51 405 51 405 51 405 52 406 (V) CONTENTS— Continued A\ Chapter B-STATIST1CS FOR COUNTIES Mep of the State showing counties, county seats, and principal cities , County Table — ! , — Farms, acreage, value, and farm operators: Censuses of 1950 and 1945 2. — Farms by size and by color and tenure of operator: Censuses of 1950 and 1945 2a. — Farms by color and tenure of operator: Census of 1950 3. — Faci lities and equipment, farm labor, and farm expenditures: Censuses of 1950 and 1945 4. —Livestock and livestock products: Censuses of 1950 and 1945 , 5.— Specified crops harvested: Censuses of 1950 and 1945 6.— Farms and farm characteristics for commercial farms and other farms: Census of 1950 7. — Farms classified by total value of farm products sold, by type of farm, and by economic class; and value of products sold by source: Censuses of 1950 and 1945 .- Chapter C-STATIST1CS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Map of the State showing State economic areas t Economic Area Table — 1, — Farms, farm operators, and farm woodland: Census of 1950 2. — Farm labor: Census of 1950 3. — Farms reporting specified number of livestock on hand and butchered: Census of 1950 4.— Farms reporting specified acres and quantities sold for principal crops: Census of 1950 5. — Farms and farm characteristics, by size of farm: Census of 1950 f. — Farms and farm characteristics, by tenure of operator: Census of 1950 7. — Farms and farm characteristics, by type of farm: Census of 1950 J 8.— Farms and farm characteristics, by economic class: Census of 1950 9, — Farms classified by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class; value of products sold by source, livestock and specified crops, by si ze of farm: Census of 1950 10. — Farms classified by size of farm, by type of farm, and by economic class; value of products sold by source, livestock and specified crops, by tenure of operator: Census of 1950 11, — Farms classified by size of farm, by tenure of operator, and by economic class; value of products sold by source, livestock and specified crops, by type of farm: Census of 1950 12. — Farms classified by size of farm, by tenure of operator, and by type of farm; value of products sold by source, livestock and specified crops, by economic class: Census of 1950 Pi«c Pat* 59 409 60 410 68 414 75 416 79 420 86 424 101 432 148 456 174 470 176 471 178 472 182 474 186 476 lli 496 242 516 270 536 298 556 312 566 326 576 APPENDIX The 1950 Census of Agriculture Questionnaire. Index to tables (VI) Page 598 603 INTRODUCTION (VII) INTRODUCTION History of the census of agriculture. — The first National census of agriculture was taken in connection with the Sixth Decennial Census of Population in 1840. Since 1840, a census of agriculture has been taken in conjunction with the census of population in each decennial enumeration. Congress first provided for a mid-decennial agriculture census to be taken in 1915, but because of World War I this census was not taken. Congress again provided for a mid- decennial agriculture census to be taken as of January 1, 1925. Since 1920, there has been a Federal census of agriculture every fifth year. Legal basis for the 1950 Census of Agriculture. — Authorization for the 1950 Census of Agriculture was made in the act of Congress, approved June 18, 1929, providing for the fifteenth and subsequent decennial censuses. This act also provided for a census of agriculture in 1935 and every 10 years thereafter. The enumeration. — About 2 weeks prior to the census date of April 1, 1950, agriculture questionnaires were distributed to box holders in rural areas and to box holders in other areas not having city-type mail delivery in all States except North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and in 65 of the 75 counties in Arkansas. The agriculture questionnaires distributed were accompanied by a letter asking farm operators to examine the questionnaire and answer as many of the questions as possible prior to the visit of the Census enumerator. This method of enumeration was designed to help the enumerator and the farmer and to obtain more accurate information than in former censuses. Enumerators were required to visit each farm to pick up, complete, or fill the agriculture questionnaire and to obtain the required information on population and housing. This proce- dure enabled farm operators to become familiar with the kinds of information required for the census and also enabled them to check their records prior to the visit of the Census enumerator and to compile any data needed for answering the inquiries on the ques- tionnaire. Even if the farm operator had filled out the agriculture questionnaire, the Census enumerator was instructed to examine the entries to determine that all required entries had been properly made. Plans for the 1950 Census included four provisions designed to insure completeness of coverage of the census of agriculture. First, the questionnaire used for the census of population contained two possible inquiries for every family enumerated. One of these questions was: "Is this house on a farm?" In case the answer was "No," the second was: "Is this house on a place of three or more acres?" If the answer to either of these inquiries was "Yes," the Census enumerator was instructed to obtain an agriculture ques- tionnaire from the person in charge of the place. This procedure was used in order to insure the enumeration of places, not locally considered as farms, with sufficient agricultural production to qualify as farms according to Census criteria. While this method resulted in the securing of a considerable number of questionnaires which did not meet the criteria, it did insure the inclusion of many places that might not have been enumerated otherwise. Second, as in several former censuses, enumerators in rural areas were instructed to indicate on their maps the location of every dwelling place and farm. This procedure was intended to help the supervisor to ascertain if his enumerators had visited all parts of the enumeration districts assigned them. Third, prior to the census, lists of the very large farms were prepared from the records of the 1945 Census of Agriculture and were reviewed in 1949 by members of the field staff of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture (sworn in as special agents of the Bureau of the Census) for tha purpose of making corrections, deletions, and additions as neces- sary. These lists were given to the Census supervisors who were required to check them to see that each of the farms was enumer- ated. The questionnaires obtained were also checked with the lists of large farms during the processing in the Washington office. (See Large Farms, p. x.) Fourth, in most of the South, a special supplementary question- naire (Landlord-Tenant Operations Questionnaire) aided in the enumeration of cropper and other tenant farms comprising parts of larger land holdings, plantations, etc. This questionnaire was required when two or more agriculture questionnaires were needed for a land holding. Enumerators were to list the names of the landlord and each cropper and other tenant and to give, for each listing, the information called for on the questionnaire. Questionnaires used for the 1950 Census of Agriculture. — The number of inquiries in the 1950 Census of Agriculture varied from State to State. A total of 41 different versions of the question- naire was used for taking the census. The questionnaires con- tained from 184 to 229 inquiries. Most of the differences in the number of inquiries related to crops. By using State question- naires, it was possible to reduce the number of inquiries carried on the questionnaire for a particular State by eliminating questions, mainly for crops, which were not applicable in that State. For example, rice is an important crop in only a few States; by the use of State questionnaires, it was possible to omit the inquiry on rice from the questionnaires for all States except those in which rice is an important crop. Also, the use of a State questionnaire made it possible to have separate questions for all the important crops grown in a particular State, and to obtain reports of production in the unit of measure commonly used in that State. This variation in the number of inquiries by States (regionalization) was used in several previous censuses. It was used to a greater extent in the 1950 Census. SAMPLING Sampling was used for the 1950 Census of Agriculture in two ways. First, the data on farm facilities and equipment, farm labor, farm expenditures, distance to trading center, value of farm land and buildings, taxes, mortgage debt, etc. (Questions 306 through 332 of the questionnaire; see facsimile in the appendix), were enumerated for only a SAMPLE of farms. Second, the use of a sample made possible the tabulation of a greater volume of data than would have been possible if reports for all farms had been included. In fact, most of the data shown in this report by State economic areas are estimates prepared on the basis of the tabulation of data for the sample of farms. These tabulations are based on the same sample of farms as was used in the enumeration. Description of the sample for the 1950 Census. — The sample used for the 1950 Census of Agriculture consisted of all large farms and one-fifth of all remaining farms. Farms to be included in the sample were selected during the enumeration. The Census enumerator was given a procedure for selecting the farms to be included in the sample and he was instructed not to modify this procedure in any case. He was instructed to include in the sample and to obtain the additional informa- tion (answers to Questions 306 through 332) for any farm if the questionnaire on which it was to be enumerated had a designated serial number. All agriculture questionnaires given INTRODUCTION to Census enumerators, as well as those distributed through the mail, carried a serial number. These serial numbers ranged from 1 through 5. The designated serial number of the ques- tionnaire for which the sample information was to be obtained was determined by comparing the serial number of the agri- culture questionnaire with the serial number assigned ir Wash- ington to the enumeration district. Crew leaders were instructed to see that the additional infor- mation required for farms in the sample was obtained for all farms on the large farm list. During the processing operations in Washington any farm not already in the sample that met the criteria for a large farm was added to the sample and if the neces- sary information for items to be obtained only for farms in the sample had not been secured, the required data were obtained by mail. Description of the sample for the 1945 Census. — The sample of farms used in 1945 was only about ore-third as large as that used in 1950 and was selected by a different method. In 1945, each county was divided into cross sections of small areas averaging 2.5 square miles in size and containing about 5 farms each. A sample of 1 out of every 18 of these small areas or sample segments was selected and all farms having their headquarters within the selected areas were designated as sample farms, and were enumerated on questionnaires containing the supplementary questions in addition to the questions asked of nonsample farms. In 1945, as in 1950, the sampling plan provided for the inclusion of approximately 60,000 large farms regardless of their location. Adjustment of the sample. — An adjustment in the sample was made for the purpose of (.1) improving the reliability of the esti- mates from the sample by a process essentially equivalent to strat- ifying the farms in the sample by size and economic class of farm and (2) reducing biases introduced because Census enumerators did not follow perfectly the method outlined for selecting the farms in the sample. Census enumerators did not always correctly follow the sampling procedure for selecting farms to be included in the sample. In general, enumerators had a tendency to include the larger and better farms in the sample. Analyses indicated that more reliable estimates would be obtained if the farms in the, sample were in effect stratified by size and by economic, class befcre the estimates were prepared on the basis of the sample. In order to adjust the sample for each economic area, counts were obtained of all farms and of sample farms by size and eco- nomic class groups. The corresponding counts for the sample were then compared with the number to be expected for the sample (the total count for all farms divided by 5) and an adjust- ment was made so that the sample count equaled its expected value. Adjustments were made in the sample by eliminating farms when too many were included for a specified class in an economic area or by duplicating farms when too few were included. The farms eliminated or duplicated for a class were selected at random from counties over- or under-represented in the class. The gross adjust- ments involved were relatively small in most areas, averaging 3 percent eliminated and 2 percent duplicated for all areas in the United States. This adjustment procedure achieved most of the reduction in the sampling errors of the estimates for State economic areas that could have been realized by a more complicated method of estimation by which separate totals would be tabulated by size and economic class groups, estimates prepared group by group on the basis of the. actual sampling ratio in the group, and the group estimates combined to provide the estimates for the econom- ic area. This adjustment procedure also tended to reduce the effects of possible biases introduced by failure of some enumer- ators to follow strictly the rules for selecting the sample farms. Reliability of estimates based on the sample. — The figures based on the tabulation of data for only a sample of farms are subject to sampling errors. When data based on only a sample of farms are shown in the same table with enumerated data for all farms, the data based on a sample are shown in italics. Approximate measures of the sampling reliability cf estimates are given in State Tables 28, 29, and 30 for farms reporting and for item totals. These measures indicate the general level of sampling relia- bility of the estimates, but do not include adequate allowances for sources of error other than sampling variation, as for example, errors in original data furnished by farmers. Sources of error other than sampling may be relatively more important than sampling variation, especially for totals for a State. In general, the measures of sampling reliability presented are conservative, in that they tend to overestimate the variations in the sample estimates, because: (1) maximum figures intended to serve for all State economic areas were used and (2) the predicted limits of error do not take into consideration that complete data were tabulated for all large farms. Consequently, there is a tend- ency to overestimate the variations in the sample especially for groups for which the totals for large farms represent a high per- centage of the item totals. Data for large farms for a number of items are given in State Table 13. The data in this table indicate for each item the proportion of the State total represented by large farms. The estimated sampling reliability for number of farms and farms reporting specified items is given in State Table 28. Data in State Tables 29 and 30 are given to assist in determining the gen- eral level of sampling reliability of estimated totals. In State Table 30 a list of the items is given and the level of sampling re- liability as shown in State Table 29 is indicated. By referring to State Table 29 in the column for the level of sampling reliability designated in State Table 30, the sampling error according to the number of farms reporting may be obtained. State Tables 28 and 29 show percentage limits, such that the chances are about 2 in 3 that the difference between the estimates based on the sample and the figures that would have been obtained from a tab- ulation for all farms would be less than the limit specified. How- ever, the chances are 99 in 100 that the difference would be less than two and one-half times the percentage limit given in the table. The data in State Tables 28 and 29 indicate that when the num- ber of farms reporting. specified items is small, the item totals are subject to relatively large sampling errors. Nevertheless, the com- plete detail for every classification for each item is presented to insure maximum usefulness for obtaining estimates for any combinations of Hems that may be desired. Percentage figures and averages derived from the tables will generally have greater reliability than the estimated totals: also significant patterns of relationship may sometimes be observed even though the individ- ual data are subject to relatively large sampling errors. Method of estimation. — All data shown in this report which are based on a sample of farms have been expanded to represent fig- ures for all farms. These expanded figures were obtained by multiplying by five the totals tabulated from the sample for all except the large farms, and .adding totals for large farms. LARGE FARMS Plans for the 1950 Census of Agriculture included special pro- visions to insure the enumeration of all large farm operating units. For Census purposes, any farm that met any of five criteria was considered a large farm. The criteria are shown ir the following table: Criteria Western States. 1 Other States. Land in farms 5,000 acres or more 1,000 acres or more Total cropland (crop- land harvested 4- crop- land pastured + crop- laud not harvested or pastured) 1,000 acres or more 750 acres or more i Ariz., Calif., Colo., Idaho, Kans., Mont., Ncbr., Nev., N. Mei., N. Dak., Okla." Orog., S. Dak., Tex., Utah, Wash., and Wyo. INTRODUCTION XI Cattle of all ages 500 or more 200 or morn Sheep of all ages 1,000 or more 500 or more Value of farm products gold or W be sold $70,000 or moro $70,000 or more In Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Louisiana, and in specified counties in Kentucky, Maryland, .Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Florida, Arkansas, and Texas, the criteria applied to the totals for the entire landlord-tenant opera- tion, plantation, or other type of large farm holding. If the land- lord-tenant operation qualified as a large farm, the home farm portion of the landlord-tenant operation was considered a large farm even though the home farm operating unit did not itself meet the criteria for a large farm. PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS This report presents data from the 1950 Census of Agriculture with comparable data from previous censuses, beginning with 1920. Data are presented for the State, for each county, and for State economic areas. For each of these areas, the tables present some information which is not shown in the tables for either of the other areas. State tables. — The State tables present data for those items for which historical figures are available for censuses prior to 1945. They present data for some items which are not shown in the county or State economic area tables; for example, taxes and cash rent. They also show some items from the 1950 Census that are carried in the county or State economic area tables for which there is additional information (other than historical), for example, wage rates. County tables. — County tables contain some data for most of the items on the 1950 Questionnaire. However, they do not eon- tain all the available information; for example, the data for farms by size of farm and by tenure of operator are given, in part, in the county tables but in greater detail in the State economic area tables. Most data by economic class of farm and by type of farm are not given in the county tables, .but they are given in the State tables and in the State economic area tables. For most items the available comparable data from the 1945 Census are also shown in these county tables. State economic area tables. — These tables present frequency distributions of farms reporting specified items, such as operators by age, corn by acres harvested, cattle and calves by number on hand, etc. They also present detailed data on farms and farm characteristics by several classifications, namely, ' size of farm, tenure of farm operator, economic class of farm, and type of farm. Farm counts are also shown for classifications within classifications, for example, size of farm by tenure of operator, size of farm by economic class of farm, and size of farm by type of farm, etc. Minor civil division tables. — Data for most of the items included in the 1950 Census were tabulated by minor civil divisions. These are not included in any published reports. Information for these small geographic areas may be obtained by paying the cost of checking the data and preparing statistical tables. State economic areas. — State economic areas represent group- ings of counties within a State. The counties comprising a State economic area have similar agricultural, demographic, climatic, physiographic, and cultural characteristics. Basically, State economic areas have been established for the purpose of presenting statistics not only for the 1950 Census of Agriculture but also for the Censuses of Population and Housing. In order to establish areas for all 3 of these censuses, the 48 States have been subdivided into 501 State economic areas. (For a description of State economic areas, see the Special Report of the 1950 Census entitled "State Economic Areas: A Description of the Procedure Used in Making a Functional Grouping of the Counties in the United States.") For the purpose of presenting agricultural statistics, most metropolitan areas have been combined with adjacent eco- nomic areas when the number of farms and agricultural production of the metropolitan area are of .small importance, On the hand, in a few cases, because of significant differences in the characteristics of the agriculture within the State economic areas, some State economic areas have been subdivided iii order to pre- sent statistics for tin- I 950 Census of Agriculture. Outside the metropolitan areas, the .state economic areas in general an th mum as Stair type-of -farming areas. For the United Stati il is planned to show detailed statistics for approximately 3ti2 State economic areas. A map showing the Sum economic area.-, ho which this report relates is shown at the beginning of Chapter C of this report, The use of State economic areas as a unit for the presentation of statistics has made possible many tabulations, by size of farm, tenure of farm operator, economic class of farm, am. 1 type of farm, that would not have been possible by counties because of the cost of tabulation, amount of clerical work required, cost of publica- tion, and reliability of the data. Since the counties comprising each State economic area have similar characteristics, data for a State economic area may be used for describing, with reasonable accuracy, the characteristics of the agriculture in each county making up the area. Comparability of data for various censuses. — Comparability of the data may be affected by such factors as the month in which the enumeration was made, the definition of a farm, the wording of the questions, etc. When the comparability is affected to an appreciable extent, mention is made of the differences under the specific item. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Definitions and explanations are presented only for those items for which the table descriptions are considered inadequate. The descriptive terms and explanations refer principally to the 1950 Census of Agriculture, although, in general, they are also applicable to earlier censuses. The definitions consist primarily of a resume' of the questionnaire wording, occasionally supplemented by the more essential parts of instructions giver to the enumerators. For the exact phrasing of the inquiries and of the instructions included on the questionnaire, reference should be made to the facsimile of the 1950 Agriculture Questionnaire shown in the appendix. An analysis of the inquiries included on the questionnaires and of the data obtained is shown in Volume II, General Report, Statis- tics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1950. The general report presents statistics for States by subject matter. General Farm Information The census date. — The 1950 Census of Agriculture was taken as of April 1, 1950. Inventory items relate to approximately that date. Data on acreage and quantity of crops harvested are for the crop year of 1949. Data on sales of crops relate to crops pro- duced in the crop year of 1949; data on sales of livestock relate to the calendar year of 1949; data on sales of livestock products relate to the production in the calendar year of 1949. Although the section heading on the questionnaire specified April 1 for all inventory items, the individual inquiries did not refer to any date. Therefore, the replies may represent the date the question- naires were filled. The questionnaires were generally filled within a few days following April 1. The act providing for the census requires that no enumerator be assigned a larger area than he can enumerate completely in 30 days from the census date. This provision was made for the purpose of ensuring promptness in the completion of the enumeration. However, because of weather, roads, or other conditions, a longer period may have been required for the enumeration in some cases. The average date of enumer- ation of the 1950 Census for each county is given in County Table 4, and the percentage of farms enumerated by various dates for the State is given in State Table 6. The date on which the enumer- XII INTRODUCTION ator obtained the information required for the census of agricul- ture may affect the statistics because of changes that occurred between the census date and the actual date of enumeration. A farm. — For the 1950 Census of Agriculture, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the value of agricultural products in 1949, exclusive of home gardens, amounted to $150 or more. The agricultural products could have been either for home use or for sale. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the value of sales- of agricultural products in 1949 amounted to $150 or more. Places operated in 1949 for which the value of agricultural products in 1949 was less than these minima because of crop failure or other unusual situation, and places operated in 1950 for the first time were counted as farms if normally they could be expected to produce these mini- mum quantities of farm products. All the land under the control of one person or partnership was included as one farm. Control may have been through ownership, or through lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. The Census enumerator was not given the definition of a farm. He was instructed to obtain an agriculture questionnaire for every pleca that the operator considered a farm, for every place of 3 or more acres, whether or not it was considered a farm, and for certain specialized operations regardless of the size of the place. The speciab'zed operations include greenhouses and nurser- ies, places having 100 or more poultry, or on which 300 or more dozen eggs were produced in 1949, and places with 3 or more hives of bees. Thus, agriculture questionnaires were filled for more places than those that qualified as farms. The determination as to which reports were to be included in the tabulations as representing farms was made during the processing of the questionnaires in Washington. This procedure was followed in order that uniform criteria could be applied. For the 1945 and earlier censuses of agriculture, the definition of a farm was somewhat more inclusive. Census enumerators were provided with the definition of a farm and were instructed to fill reports only for those places which met the criteria. From 1925 to 1945, farms for Census purposes included places of 3 or more acres on which there were agricultural operations, and places of less than 3 acres with agricultural products for home use or for sale with a value of $250 or more. For places of 3 or more acres, no minimum quantity of agricultural production was required for purposes of enumeration; for places of under 3 acres all the agricultural products valued at $250 or more may have been for home use and not for sale. The only reports excluded from the tabulations were those taken in error and a few with very limited agricultural production such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a very small flock of chickens, or the like. In 1945, reports for 3 acres or more with limited agricultural operations were retained if there were 3 or more acres of cropland and pasture, or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to $150 or more when there was less than 3 acres of cropland and pasture. The definition of a farm in the 1920 Census was similar to that used from 1925 to 1940 but was somewhat more inclusive. In that year, farms of less than 3 acres with products valued at less than $250 were to be included, provided they required the continuous services of at least one person. Because of changes in price levels, the $250 limit for value of products for farms under 3 acres resulted in the inclusion of varying numbers of farms at the several censuses. The change in the definition of a farm resulted in a decrease in the number of farms, largely in those of 3 or more acres in size. Places of 3 or more acres with a value of agricultural products of less than $150 were not counted as farms in the 1950 Census. In some cases, these places would have been counted as farms if the criteria used in 1950 had been the same as those used in previous censuses. The change in definition had no appreciable effect on the data for livestock or crops as the total agricultural production for such places would usually account for less than 1 percent of the total for a count}- or State. An appraisal of the effects on the statistics of the change in the definition of a farm is included in Volume II, General Report, Statistics by States, United States Census of Agriculture. Enumeration of land located in more than one county. — Land in an individual farm may be located in two or more counties. In such cases the entire farm was enumerated in only one county. If the farm operator lived on the farm, the farm was enumerated in the county in which the farm operator lived. If the farm operator did not live on the farm, the figures for the-farm have been included in the county in which the farm headquarters was located. If there was any question as to the location of the headquarters of the farm, the farm and all the data for it have been included in the county in which most of the land was located. Farm operators. — A "farm operator" is a person who operates a farm either performing the labor himself or directly supervising it. He may be an owner, a hired manager, or a tenant, renter, or share cropper. If he rents land to others or has land cropped for him by others, he is listed as the operator of only that land which he retains. In the case of a partnership, one member was included as the operator. The number of farm operators is considered the same as the number of farms. Farms reporting or operators reporting. — Figures for farms reporting or operators reporting, based on a tabulation of all farms, represent the number of farms, or farm operators, for which the specified item was reported. For example, if there were 1,922 farms in a county and only 1,465 had chickens on hand over 4 months old, the number of farms reporting chickens would be 1,465. The difference in the total number of farms, and the number of farms reporting an item, represents the number of farms not hav- ing that item, provided the inquiry was answered completely for all farms. For some of the items, such as the age of operator, for which reports should have been obtained for all farms, figures are given for the number not reporting. These farms, or operators, not reporting indicate the extent of the incompleteness of the reports for the item. Figures for farms reporting or operators reporting, based on a tabulation for only a sample of farms, represent the total estimated from the sample, not the actual number of farms reporting or oper- ators reporting. In a few cases, the estimated total may exceed the actual number of farms or farm operators in the county or State. Land owned, rented, and managed. — The land to be included in each farm was determined b}' asking the number of acres owned, the acres rented from or worked on shares for others, and the acres rented to or worked on shares by others. The acres in the farm were obtained by adding the acres owned and acres rented from or worked on shares by others, and subtracting the acres rented to or worked on shares by others. In case of a managed farm the person in charge was asked the total acreage managed for his employer. From this total managed acreage was subtracted any of the acre- age which was rented to or cropped by others. For 1950, the figures for land owned, land rented from others, and land managed by farm operators include land rented to others by farm operators. In earlier censuses, the enumerator was instructed to include all land rented from others and to exclude all land rented to others. He recorded only that portion of the acreage owned and the acreage rented from others which was retained by the farm operator. Thus, the land included in each farm was essentially the same as that included in the 1950 Census. Land owned. — Land owned includes all land which the operator or his wife, or both, hold under title, purchase contract, homestead law, or as one of the heirs, or as a trustee of an undivided estate. Land rented from others. — Land rented from others includes INTRODUCTION XIII land worked on shares for others, and land used rent free, as well as all land rented or leased under other arrangements. Grazing land used under government permit was not included. Land rented to others. — -Many farm operators rent land to others. For the most part, this land rented to others represents agricultural lands but it also includes tracts rented for residential or other purposes. When land is leased, rented, or cropped on shares, the tenant or cropper is considered the farm operator even though his landlord may exercise supervision over his operations. The landlord is considered as operating only that portion of the land not assigned to tenants or croppers. Land area. — The approximate laud area reported for 1950 for States and counties is, in general, the same as that reported for the 1945 and 1940 Censuses. Changes since 1940 represent changes in boundary, actual changes in land area due to the construction of reservoirs, etc. The figures for 1940 represent a complete re-meas- urement of the United States and therefore may be at variance with the figures shown for earlier censuses. Land in farms. — The acreage designated "land in farms" includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation and some land not used for pasture or grazing. All woodland and wasteland owned by farm operators, or included in tracts rented from others, is included as land in farms unless such land was held for other than agricultural purposes, or unless the acreage of such land held by a farm operator was unusually large. If the total acreage of land owned, rented, or managed by a farm operator was 1,000 or more (5,000 or more in the Western States) and less than 10 percent of the total was used for crops, or for pasture or grazing, or was rented to others, any woodland not grazed and any wasteland, in excess of the acreage used for agricultural purposes, were excluded from the farm area. Except for open range and grazing lands used under government permit, all grazing land was to be included as land in farms. Land used rent free was to be included with land rented from others. Grazing lands operated by grazing associations were to be returned in the name of the manager in charge. All land in Indian reservations used for growing crops, or grazing livestock, was to be included. Land in Indian reservations not reported by individual Indians or not rented to non-Indians was to be reported in the name of the cooperative group using the land. Thus, in some instances the entire reservation was reported as one farm. Land in farms according to use. — Land in farms was classified according to how it was used in 1949. These classes of land are mutually exclusive, i. e., each acre of land was included only once even though it may have had more than one use in 1949. The classes are as follows: Cropland harvested. — This includes land from which crops were harvested; land from which hay (including wild hay) was cut; and land in small fruits, orchards, vineyards, nurseries, and greenhouses. Land from which two or more crops were reported as harvested was to be counted only once. The reported figure was checked for each farm by adding the acreages of the individual crops reported and subtracting the acres of land from which two crops were harvested. Cropland used only for pasture. — In the 1950 Census the enumerator's instructions stated that rotation pasture and all other cropland that was used only for pasture were to be included under this item. No further definition of cropland pastured was given the farm operator or Census enumerator. Permanent open pasture may therefore have been included under this item or under "Other pasture" depending on whether the enumerator or farm operator considered it as cropland or other land. The figures for 1945 and earlier censuses are not entirely comparable with those for 1950. In 1945, the figures include only cropland used solely for pasture in 1944 that had been plowed within the preceding seven years. The figures for this item for the Censuses of 1940, 1935, and 1925 are more nearly comparable with those for the Census of 1950, as they include land pastured which could have boon plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating. Cropland not harvested and not pastured. — This item includes idle cropland, land in BOil-imprOvemenl crops only, land on which all crops failed, land seeded to crops for harvest after 1949, and cultivated summer fallow. In the Western States, cropland not harvested and not pastured has been subdivided to show cultivated summer fallow separately. Cultivated summer fallow.— Cultivated summer fallow in- cludes cropland which was plowed and cultivated but left unseeded for several months to control weeds and conserve moisture. No land from which crops were harvested during 1949 was to be included under this item. Other cropland.— This includes idle cropland, land in soil- improvement crops only, land on which all crops failed, and land seeded to crops for harvest after 1949. Woodland pastured. — This includes all woodland that was used for pasture or grazing in 1949. No definition of woodland was given in 1950 to either farm operators or Census enumerators except an instruction to enumerators not to include brush pas- ture as woodland. Some of the changes from one census to another may merely represent differences in interpretation of the meaning of woodland. Woodland not pastured. — This includes all woodland which was not used for pasture or grazing in 1949. Unusually large tracts of timber land reported as woodland not pastured were excluded from the tabulations of land in farms when it was evident that such land was held primarily for nonagricultural purposes. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). — This in- cludes rough and brush land pastured and any other land pastured which the respondent did not consider as either wood- land or cropland. For the 1945 Census this item is more inclu- sive than for 1950 because all nonwoodland pasture not plowed within the preceding 7 years was included. For the 1940 Census and earlier years the figures are more nearly comparable with those for 1950, except that the item may be somewhat less Inclusive as land which could have been plowed and used for crops without additional clearing, draining, or irrigating was classified as plowable pasture (shown as cropland used only for pasture in the tables'). Other land (house lots, wasteland, etc.) — This item includes all house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, and wasteland. It includes all land which does not belong under any of the other land-use classes. In addition to the complete classification of land in farms according to use, the tables also present data for three broader or summary classifications. Figures are shown for the following summary classifications: Cropland, total. — This includes cropland harvested, cropland used only for pasture, and cropland not harvested and not pastured. Pasture, total. — This includes cropland used only for pasture, woodland pastured, and other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). Woodland, total. — This includes woodland pastured and woodland not pastured. Value of land and Buildings. — The value to be reported was the approximate amount for which the land and the buildings on it would sell. This item was obtained for only a sample of the farms; however, the value was not reported for all the farms comprising the sample. Only the average value per farm and the average per acre for the farms reporting are given. The proportion of the farms and the proportion of the land in farms for which values were reported, provide an indication of the incompleteness of the reporting of this item. These proportions were obtained by dividing the estimate of farms and of land in farms, for which values would have been reported in a complete enumeration, by the total count of farms and land in farms, respectively, as obtained in the tabulation of all farms. Percentages of approximately 100 percent indicate that the value of land and buildings was reported for all or nearly all the farms which were included in the. sample. In case the proportion of farms or the proportion of land in farms is less than 100 percent, reference should be made to the statement XIV INTRODUCTION of reliability of the sample estimate to determine whether this devi- ation is the result of the sampling procedure or of underreporting. Age of operator. — Farm operators were classified by age into six age groups. The average age of farm operators was calculated by dividing the total of the ages of all farm operators reporting age by the number of farm operators reporting. Residence of farm operator. — Farm operators were classified by residence on the basis of whether or not they lived on the farm operated. Some of those not living on the farm operated lived on other farms When a farm operator rented land from others, or worked land on shares for others, and was permitted the use of a dwelling as part of the rental arrangement, the enumerator's instructions were to consider the dwelling a part of the farm oper- ated. The dwelling assigned might be on a tract other than that assigned for crops. Since some farm operators live on their farms only a portion of the year, comparability of the figures for various censuses may be influenced to some extent by the date of the enumeration. In a few cases the enumerator failed to indicate the residence of the farm operator. Differences in the figures for total farms and those for operators by residence represent under- enumeration of this item. Years on present farm (year began operation of present farm) . — The data on years on present farm and year began operation of present farm were secured on the basis of the inquiry, "When did you begin to operate this place? " The (Month) (Year) time of year that farmers move is shown by a breakdown of the data for those farm operators who began to operate their present farms within a year of the census date by the month they began to operate their farms. The tabulation of years on present farm at each census is based on the calendar year the operator began operating his farm. Because of differences in the date for various censuses the figures are not entirely comparable from one census to another. Off-farm work and other income. — Many farm operators receive a part of their income from sources other than their farms. The 1950 Agriculture Questionnaire included several inquiries relating to work off the farm and nonfarm income. These inquiries called for work off the farm by the farm operator; work off the farm by other members of the operator's family; and income from other sources, such as sale of products from land rented out, cash rent, boarders, old age assistance, pensions, veterans' allowances, unem- ployment compensation, interest, and help from other members of the operator's family. Another inquiry asked whether the income from off-farm work and other sources was greater than the total value of all agricultural products sold from the farm in 1949. Off- farm work includes work at nonfarm jobs, businesses, or profes- sions, whether performed on the farm premises or elsewhere; also work on someone else's farm for pay or wages. Exchange work was not to be included. The purposes of these four inquiries were (1) to obtain infor- mation in regard to the extent that farm operators performed off- farm work and their dependence on other income, and (2) to pro- vide a basis for the classification of farms by economic class (See Farms by economic class, p. xix). The intent of the inquiry in regard to whi her or not a member of the family had a nonfarm job, and ii" inquiry regarding income of the farm operator from nonfarm source' was to obtain more accurate replies to the inquiry regarding the relationship of the income from off-farm work and other sources to the total value of all agricultural products sold. Specified facilities. — The 1950 Agriculture Questionnaire con- tained inquiries regarding telephones, electricity, electric water pumps, electric hot water heaters, home freezers, and electric washing machines. These inquiries were asked for only a sample of the farms. In 1950 the inquiries for electric facilities read, "Do you have ?" followed by each of the specified electric facilities and equipment. The electric water pump was to include any on the place whether used for the home, for irrigation, for watering livestock, or for other purposes. Specified equipment on farms. — In the 1950 Census the infor- mation on farm equipment was obtained for oniy a sample of farms. Wheel tractors were to include home-made tractors but were not to include implements with built-in power units such as self-pro- pelled combines, powered buck rakes, etc. In reporting motor- trucks and automobiles, "pick-ups" and truck-trailer combinations were to be reported as trucks. School buses were not to be re- ported, and jeeps and station wagons were to be included as motortrucks or automobiles, depending on whether they were used for hauling or as passenger vehicles. For farms with motortrucks, tractors, and automobiles, data were also secured on the year of model of the newest motortruck, tractor, and automobile, respectively. For tractors, the figures for year of newest model are limited to wheel tractors (tractors other than garden or crawler). The inquiry for wheel tractors called for reporting "HM" for home-made tractors in lieu of the year of model of the newest wheel tractor. The count of home-made tractors on farms represents the minimum number of home-made tractors since a home-made tractor representing a second, third, etc., tractor on the farm would not be included. For farms with two or more motortrucks, wheel tractors, and automobiles, respectively, it is not possible to classify the second, third, etc., motortruck, tractor, or automobile since the inquiry was limited to the year of model of the newest unit. For 1950 and 1940, no estimate of the year of model of the new- est motortruck, tractor, and automobile was made if this item was not reported; for 1945, the farms not reporting the year of newest model were distributed in accordance with the year of model for vehicles for which the year of model was reported. For 1940, the figures on year of newest model for tractors are for all types of tractors. Classification of farms by class of work power. — Farms have been grouped by class of work power on the basis of whether horses, mules, or tractors were reported. This classification does not present an entirely accurate picture of the work power used on all farms. For some farms, all the work power may be furnished by the landlord and for some farms all the work power may be hired. Thus, farms hiring all of the work power from others and those having it furnished are shown as having no work power. Farm labor. — The farm labor inquiries for 1950 called for the number of persons doing farm work or chores on the place during the calendar week preceding the enumeration. Inasmuch as the enumeration occurred over a period of several weeks, the calendar week preceding the enumeration is not the same for all farms. (Farms classified by period of enumeration are shown in State Table 6. The average date of enumeration is shown by counties in County Table 4.) Farm work was to include any work, chores, or planning neces- sary to the operation of the farm or ranch business. Housework and contract construction work were not to be included. Separate figures were obtained for operators working, unpaid members of the operator's family working, and hired persons work- ing. Operators were considered as working if they worked 1 or more hours, unpaid members of the operator's family if they worked 15 or more hours, and hired persons if they worked any- time during the week preceding the enumeration. The inquiries and the instructions did not contain any specifications regarding the age of the persons to be reported. The data shown for 1945, 1940, and 1935 on numbers of workers on farms are not fully comparable, primarily because of differences in the period to which such data relate. For the 1945 and 1935 Censuses, the numbers of farm workers are for the first week in January. The data for 1940 relate to the last week in March. In 1945, 1940, and 1935 only persons working the equivalent of two INTRODUCTION xv or more days during the specified weak were to be included. In 1945 and 1940, only workers 14 yearn old and over were to be included. In 1935, as in 1950, there was no age limit. In 1940 and in 1935, no instructions were issued to include farm chores as farm labor. , Regular and seasonal workers. — Hired persons working on the farm during the week preceding the enumeration were classed as "regular" workers if the period of expected employment was 150 days or more during the year, and as "seasonal" workers if the period of expected employment was less than 150 days. If the period of expected employment was not reported, the period of employment was estimated after taking into account such items as the method of payment, wage rates, perquisites, expenditures for labor in 1949, and the type and other characteristics of the farm. Hired workers by basis of payment. — Hired persons working on the farm the week preceding the enumeration were also classified according to the basis of payment. The questionnaire called for the numbers of hired workers paid on a monthly basis, on a weekly basis, on a daily basis, on an hourly basis, and on a piecework basis. Figures for hired workers for whom the basis of payment was not reported are shown separately. Wage rates and hours worked. — The rate of pay and the hours that workers were expected to work to earn this pay w ere asked for each class of worker except those working on a piecework basis. The average hours worked and the average wage rates represent per worker averages obtained for farms reporting both wage rates and hours worked. Perquisites furnished hired workers. — Farm operators were asked to report what items other than cash wages were received by the workers for each basis of payment by indicating one or more of the following: (1) house, (2) board and room, (3) other, and (4) none. If a farm had 2 or more hired workers with the same basis of cash payment, no provision was made for reporting separately those receiving different perquisites. House furnished. — Farms reporting workers furnished "house" include those which also report "board and room" or "other" in addition to reporting "house" furnished. Board and room furnished. — Farms reporting workers fur- nished "board and room" include those reporting "board and room" and those reporting "board and room" and "other." They do not include farms reporting "board and room" and "house." "Other" furnished. — Farms reporting workers furnished "other" than board and room or house include only those report- ing "other." Those reporting "board and room" or "house" are not included. No perquisites furnished. — Farms reporting workers fur- nished no perquisites include only those farms with a report of "none." This count does not include farms furnishing perqui- sites to some workers in a particular class and no perquisites to others; nor does it include farms for which the inquiry was not answered. Specified farm expenditures. — Data on farm expenditures were obtained only for selected items. For tenant-operated farms the expenditures were to include those made by the landlord as well as those made by the tenant. However, in landlord-tenant areas (where the Landlord-Tenant Operations Questionnaire was used) all the specified expenditures made by the landlord were some- times reported on the agriculture questionnaire filled for the home farm, i. e., the land retained by the landlord and not reported on the questionnaires filled for the tenants. In such instances no attempt was made to prorate the expenditures. Therefore, in the presentation of data by various classifications of farms, the expend- itures shown for a particular group of farms may not always be related to the agricultural operations shown for those farms. Expenditures for machine hire were to include any labor included in the cost of such machine hire. Machine hire refers to custom machine work such as tractor hire, threshing, combining, silo filling, baling, ginning, plowing, and spraying. If part of the farm product was given as pay for machine hire, the value of I lie products i raded for I Ids service was to be included in the amount of expendi- tures reported. The cost of truoking, freight, and express was not to be included. In reporting the amount spent for hired labor only cash payments were to be included. Expenditures for housework and contract construction work were not. to be Included. Expenditures for feed were to include the expenditures for pasture, salt,, condiments, concentrates, and mineral supplements, as well as for grain, hay, and millfeeds. ExperidH ores for grinding and mixing feeds were also to be included. Expenditures made by a tenant to his landlord for feed grown on the land rented by the tenant were not to be included. Expenditures for purchase of livestock and poultry were to include amounts spent for purchase of baby chicks, poults, chickens, turkeys, domestic rabbits, fur-bearing animals kept, in captivity, and bees, as well as the amount spent for horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep, oxen, and goats. Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil were to include only those used for the farm business. Petroleum products used for pleasure, or used exclusively in the farm home for heating, cooking, and lighting, were not to be included. Expenditures for seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees were to include only the cash outlay. Expenditures for tractor repairs and for other farm machinery repairs were to include the amount spent for repairing (both labor and parts) and the amount spent for repair parts and other replace- ment parts. Expenditures for tires, tubes, plowshares, black- smithing, and the like were to be included. Expenditures for motortruck and automobile repairs were not to be included. Farm mortgages. — Data on farm mortgages are presented in Volume II, General Report. This information is not included in this report. Farm taxes. — The 1950 Questionnaire contained two inquiries on farm taxes as follows: "What was the total amount of property taxes paid (or payable) in 1949 on all property owned by you? $ □ None required. < Dollars ° n] ^ (Include only taxes on real estate and personal property. Do not include taxes for drainage districts.) (a) Of this total, what was the amount of taxes on the land and buildings? $ fZ] Not shown separately on tax bill." (DolIars on] ^ This information was obtained only for owners who were operating farms. Cash rent. — The information on cash rent relates to tenants and to those part owners who reported that they paid cash as rent for the portion of their farm rented and reported no other rental arrangement. The information was tabulated only when both value of land and buildings and the amount of cash rent were reported. Irrigation Irrigated land is that to which water is applied by artificial means for agricultural purposes. Data for total acreage irrigated and for acreage irrigated by sprinklers are shown for all States. In sprinkler irrigation the water is sprayed from stationary or revolving sprinklers or pipes either overhead or on the surface of the ground. Additional data on irrigation were obtained for Arizona, Arkan- sas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Okla- homa, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Statistics on the irrigation works which supplied irrigation water were collected in the Census of Irrigation and are published in Volume III, Irrigation of Agricultural Lands. This volume also XVI INTRODUCTION contains some additional data on irrigation which were collected in the 1950 Census of Agriculture. Irrigated farms. — Irrigated farms are farms reporting any land irrigated in 1949. Data on land in irrigated farms, and land in irrigated farms according to use include the entire acreage of land in these farms, whether irrigated or not. Land in farms irrigated. — Land in farms irrigated relates only to that part of the land in irrigated farms to which water was ap- plied in 1949. That part of the land which was irrigated by sprin- klers is shown separately. Irrigated land in farms according to use. — The classification of irrigated land in farms according to use in 1949 accounts for all the irrigated land in farms, i. e., the sum of several uses equals the total irrigated acreage. The subclasses of irrigated pasture are not entirely comparable with the subclasses of all pasture in farms. Irrigated cropland harvested represents that part of the crop- land harvested to which water was applied in 1949. Statistics for individual crops which were wholly irrigated in the 20 Western States are shown in County Table 5a. If only a part of the acre- age in a given crop on a particular farm was irrigated, the informa- tion for such acreage is not included in that table. In most of the States, the acreage in these partly irrigated crops represents only a small proportion of the total acreage of irrigated crops. Irrigated pasture is that portion of the total land pastured to which water was applied in 1949. Irrigated wild grass pasture is irrigated pasture consisting pre- dominantly of original stands of grasses native to the locality or re-established stands of such grasses. Much of the irrigated wild grass pasture is included in other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). Irrigated tame grass pasture is irrigated pasture consisting pre- dominantly of grasses not native or wild in the locality and of alfalfa and clovers. Much of the irrigated tame grass pasture was classed by farm operators as cropland used only for pasture. Livestock The questionnaire used for the 1950 Census of Agriculture pro- vided for an inventory of all the important kinds of animals and poultry on farms and ranches. Except for sheep and goats and the unit of measure for milk sold, the inquiries on livestock were uniform for all States. The questionnaire called for the number of the various kinds of animals and poultry on the farm as of April 1, 1950. Enumerators and farmers were instructed to report live- stock belonging to the farms and ranches but grazing in national forests, grazing districts, or on open range. Livestock were to be enumerated on the farm or ranch on which they were located on April 1, regardless of ownership. However, it is known that to some degree the number of livestock or poultry reported on a farm or ranch depends upon the date the questionnaire is filled rather than the number on the farm or ranch at the date specified by the questionnaire. This characteristic in the reporting of livestock and poultry numbers has no significant influence on county and State totals unless the enumeration extends over a considerable period of time. In order to assist the user in appraising the data on livestock numbers the average date of enumeration for each county is given in County Table 4. The last seven censuses of agriculture beginning with 1920 have been taken either as of April 1 or January 1. The censuses taken in the years ending in "0" have been taken as of April 1, except the 1920 Census which was taken as of January 1, while the censuses taken in the years ending in "5" have been taken as of January 1. An enumeration made in April results in inventory totals that differ considerably from the totals of an enumeration made in January. In most areas a large number of animals are born be- tween January and April. On the other hand, a considerable num- ber of older animals are sold or die during the 3-month period, January to April. Then too, in the range States, sheep and cattle are moved, with the change in season and grazing condition, from one locality and county to another for grazing. This movement may affect the comparability of data for counties and in some cases for States. Comparability of the data on the number of live- stock and poultry has also been affected by changes in age grouping and questionnaire inquiries from census to census. State Table 11 presents a description of thf different age, sex, and other groups of livestock and poultry for each census from 1920 to 1950. Milk cows ; cows milked ; milk production. — Data on number of milk cows, number of cows milked, and milk production relate to the day preceding the enumeration. Questionnaires in 26 States, chiefly Western and Midwestern, provided 3 alternative units of measure for enumerators and re- spondents for reporting whole milk sales, as follows: (1) pounds of milk, (2) pounds of butterfat, and (3) gallons of milk. In the other States, sales of milk on the basis of butterfat were considered rela- tively unimportant and the unit of measure, pounds of butterfat, was omitted from the questionnaire. However, in each State, the reports on whole milk sold have been converted into a common unit of measure for publication. Pounds of butterfat have been con- verted into gallons or pounds of whole milk on the basis of the average butterfat content of whole milk as shown by data furnished by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Sows and gilts farrowing. — The 1950 Questionnaire carried two inquiries on sows for spring farrowing, as follows: (1) "How many sows and gilts have farrowed since December 1, last year?" and (2) "How many sows and gilts are expected to farrow between now and June 1, this year?" In the county and State economic area tables the replies to the two questions were combined, showing a total for sows for spring farrowing. In the State tables, the replies to each of the two questions, as well as a combined figure, are shown. Sheep and lambs and wool. — In Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming separate questions were asked in the 1950 Census to determine the number of (a) yearling ewes and (6) older ewes. In other States, only total numbers of ewes born before October 1, 1949, were obtained. The enumeration of sheep in the range States continues to present special problems, necessitating a high degree of coopera- tion between enumerators and the owners and operators of tran- sient bands. In some counties, transfers to spring ranges occur- ring before the enumeration may produce considerably different totals from those that would have been obtained if the census had been taken as of January 1. On the 1950 Questionnaire, the questions on number of sheep shorn and wool production in 1949 were separated from the questions on sheep on hand in order to obtain more consideration for cases where sheep were shorn in 1949 but none were on hand on the census date. In Texas and Cali- fornia, the question relating to pounds of wool shorn in 1949 specif- ically called for both spring and fall shearings. The wool value obtained was an enumerated value of all the wool shorn in 1949, whether or not sold at the date of enumeration. Goats and mohair. — In Arizona, California, Missouri, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, and Utah special questions were provided on goats and mohair. These questions called for the number of all goats, Angora goats, and other goats separately, the number of goats clipped in 1949, pounds of mohair clipped, and value of the goats and goat milk sold, and mohair clipped in 1949. In all other States, the number of farms reporting goats on hand or goats kept the previous year was obtained and the value of goats and goat milk sold and mohair clipped was reported in combination with the value of rabbits, fur animals, and pelts sold in 1949. B'ses and honey. — The 1950 Census called for the number of hives owned by the farm operator in 1949, pounds of honey produced in 1949 by these bees, and the value of the 1949 crop of honey and wax sold or to be sold, and bees sold. No restric- tions were placed on the location of the bees owned in 1949. Value of livestock on farms. — The values for 1950 shown in State Table 11 and County Table 4 were secured by multiplying the number of each class of livestock or poultry on hand for a INTRODUCTION XVII county, by the county-unit price. These county-unit prices were obtained cooperatively by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and the Bureau of the Census. The data were obtained from farmers and dealers. The average prices were computed for groups of counties comprising a price- reporting district and the same average price was used for com- puting the value of livestock and poultry for each county com- prising a given price-reporting district. Livestock products. — The inquiries regarding livestock produc- tion relate to the calendar year 1949, and those for sales of live- stock products relate to the production in 1949. Crops Crops harvested. — The agriculture questionnaire was so organ- ized that it was possible to list the acreage and quantity harvested for every crop that was grown on the farm. In order to facilitate the enumeration, the inquiries regarding crops were varied by States or by groups of States. If a separate question was not carried for a particular crop, that crop could always be reported under one of several "all other" questions. The use of a different questionnaire for each State or group of States made it possible to list many of the important crops for the State and also to use the unit of measure that was commonly used in the State. The acreage given for the several crops represents the area har- vested for the crop year 1949 except that the acreage for land in fruit orchards, vineyards, and planted nut trees represents the land in bear- ing and nonbearing trees and vines on the census date. The acreage harvested for the various crops is often considerably less than the acreage planted. The acreage harvested represents the area har- vested in a particular manner, which may have been different from that intended at the time of the planting of the crop. For example, soybeans may have been planted for beans but may have been actually cut for ha}'. The figures for quantity harvested represent the amount actually harvested during the 1949 crop year, except for citrus fruits. In Florida, Louisiana, and Texas the quantity of citrus fruit harvested relates to the 1949-50 har- vest from the bloom of 1949. In California and Arizona, the pro- duction relates to the 1948-49 harvest from the bloom of 1948. The unit of measure used for reporting the quantity harvested for some crops has varied not only from State to State but from census to census. In the State and county tables the figures on quantity harvested for each crop are shown in the unit of measure appearing on the 1950 Questionnaire. This often required that the figures for earlier years be converted into different units from those published for those years. Conversions have been made by using the weights in current use. Corn. — Inquiries regarding corn acreage and quantity harvested were uniform for all States except California. However, as in former censuses, some farmers in certain sections had a tendency to report the quantity of corn harvested in terms of baskets of ear corn, barrels, or some unit other than bushels of corn on a shelled basis. Such reports, when detected, were corrected to the equiv- alent bushels of 70 pounds of ear corn or 56 pounds of shelled corn. It was not possible to make the corrections in all cases; therefore, in counties* where the quantity harvested is sometimes reported in barrels, it is possible that the quantity harvested for grain may be somewhat understated and in counties where the quantity har- vested is often reported in baskets of ear corn, the quantity har- vested may be overstated. Annual legumes. — Acreage and quantity harvested for the most important uses of soybeans, cowpeas, and peanuts, as well as the total acreage grown for all purposes, were obtained in the 1950 Census in States where these crops are grown extensively. The total acreage grown for all purposes includes some acreage not harvested as the acreage plowed under for green manure was included. Also, in certain States separate figures were obtained for the acres grown alone and the acres grown with other crops. A separate inquiry regarding the acreage and quantity of cowpeas harvested for green peas was made in North Carolina, South Carolina, Ceorgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. In these States cowpeas harvested for green peas are shown with cowpeas harvested for other purposes. In other States, the acres and value of sales of cowpeas harvested for green peas are shown with vegetables harvested for sale. Hay crops. — The questionnaire contained an inquiry regarding the total acres of land from which hay was cut in 1949. Sorghum, soybean, cowpea, and peanut hays were excluded from this total as separate questions were provided in those States where these hays are important. Alfalfa hay totals include any cuttings which were dehydrated. The tonnage of hay for dehydration (as well as that for other hays) is given on a dry-weight basis. Enumerators and farmers were instructed to report the total quantity harvested from all cuttings, but to report only once the acres of land from which more than one cutting was made. The questionnaire contained instructions to report mixed hay under the kind of hay that made up the largest part of the mixture. The kinds of hay to be reported under "Other hay" varied from State to State, and can be determined by referring to the copy of the questionnaire included in the appendix. In some cases the sum of the acres of individual hays does not equal the total acres of land from which hay was cut. There are two explanations for these differences. In processing the ques- tionnaires, no correction was made if the difference between the detail and the total acres was minor. Another factor which may account for an excess of the detail over the total is that more than one kind of hay might have been cut from the same acreage. Clover seed, alfalfa, grass, and other field seed crops. — The 1950 Questionnaire contained separate inquiries for a number of the field seed crops and provided a question on "other seeds" to obtain information for minor field seed crops in a given State. Irish potatoes and sweetpotatoes. — The 1950 Census inquiry for both Irish and sweet potatoes called for acres harvested, quantity harvested, and the value of the amount sold. Notes on the ques- tionnaire and instructions to enumerators, however, specified that it was not necessary to report the area harvested if less than 15 bushels (or 10 bags in specified States) of Irish potatoes or 15 bushels (or 1,000 pounds in specified States) of sweetpotatoes were harvested. This method of reporting was used in order to facilitate the enumeration of potatoes grown in a small plot for home use. Because the acreage was not reported for farms for which the quantity harvested was less than 15 bushels, the acreage harvested, as reported for the 1950 Census, is not entirely compar- able with the acreage reported for prior censuses, especially in counties or States where the production of potatoes is largely for home use. Berries and other small fruits. — The questionnaire called for acreage and quantity harvested in 1949 for sale. Nonbearing areas were not to be included-. Separate inquiries were carried on the questionnaire for such berries as strawberries, blackberries and dewberries (tame), and raspberries (tame) in States where pro- duction of these crops was important commercially. Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. — The following question was used for all States for enumerating the land occupied by fruit and nut crops : How much land is in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees?_. Q] Less than Y, acre (Report tenths of an acre, such as %» ljio, etc. or Do not include berrv acreage or nurseries.) Acres : 10 This question differs from those used in 1945 and 1940 as the enumerator and respondent were given an opportunity to check the block for "Less than }i acre" when there -was only a small 991354 0-52-2 (Prt. 12) INTRODUCTION XVIII number of fruit and nut trees on the farm. This method was used to facilitate the enumeration through eliminating the problem of assigning fractions of an acre for small home orchards. In previous censuses, enumerators frequently did not report the acres for such orchards even though the questionnaire called for this information. Because of the differences in methods of enumer- ating the acres in small orchards, the figures on acreage of land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, and vineyards for 1950 are not fully comparable with those reported for prior censuses. The questions calling for the number of trees or vines not of bearing age, of bearing age, and the amount harvested in 1949 for the most important fruit crops in each State followed imme- diately after the inquiry on land in bearing and nonbearing fruit trees, etc. In California, in addition, the questionnaire called for the acres in each individual fruit and nut crop. The number of trees to be reported in the census relates to the census date, while the quantity harvested is for the crop year 1949, with the exception of citrus crops. In Florida, Texas, and Louisiana figures for citrus fruits harvested relate to the harvest in 1949-50 from the bloom of 1949. In California and Arizona, the figures for quantities of citrus fruits harvested relate to the harvest in 1948-49 from the bloom of 1948. The unit of measure in which the quantity of fruits, grapes^ and nuts harvested was to be reported varied from State to State as the most commonly used unit of measure was used in each State. The tables in this report show production in the unit of measure appearing on the questionnaire. Nursery and greenhouse products.— The agriculture question- naire included three inquiries on horticultural-specialty crops. One of these called for acres and value of sales in 1949 of nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.). Another asked for acres grown in the open, square feet under glass, and value of sales of flowers and flowering plants grown for sale. The third called for acres grown in the open, square feet under glass, and value of sales of vegetables under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms grown for sale. A special census of farms reporting the sale of horticultural- specialty crops valued at $1,000 or more was made and the results of this census are issued as a special report. Value of crops harvested.— The values of specified crops har- vested shown in State Table 12 and County Table 5 were obtained by multiplying the quantity harvested for each crop by county- unit prices. Therefore, this value includes the value of crops consumed on the farm and crops used for seed on the farm where produced as well as the value of that part of the crop which was sold. The county-unit prices were obtained cooperatively by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, and the Bureau of the Census. These average prices were obtained on a sample basis from farmers and dealers. The average prices were computed for groups of counties representing price- reporting districts and the same average prices were used for computing the value for every county included in a given price- reporting district. In the case of vegetables harvested for sale and nursery and greenhouse products, average prices were not obtained because of the difficulty of securing a satisfactory common unit of production. When totals were obtained for the value of all crops harvested, the value of the sales of vegetables, and nursery and greenhouse products was used in the absence of the value of the quantity harvested. The value figures given for each crop in County Table 5 represent the value of the entire crop. The value of sales for each crop or group of crops is also given in the same fable. Sales figures are always identified by the word "sales" in the stub and therefore can be differentiated from the calculated values. The figures on the value of sales were obtained for each farm and the totals given in the tables represent the addition of the figures reported for the individual farms. In case of feed and similar crops it would be expected that the value of the quantities sold would be considerably less than the value of the quantity harvested. On the other hand, in the case of cash crops, such as tobacco, cotton, sugar beets, etc., it is to be expected that the figures on the value of crops sold and the value of the crops harvested will be in close agreement. Since the calculated values were obtained for price-reporting districts (groups of counties) there may be variations in the average calculated price and the average sales price for a given product in a given county because of local conditions. The value of specified crops for 1944 shown in State Table 12 and County Table 5 includes the value of vegetables grown for home use/ The figures for 1949 do not include the value of vegetables for home use as this value was not called for on the 1950 Questionnaire. Classification of Farms Farms by size.— Farms were classified by size according to the total land area of each farm. The same classification was used for all States. In analyzing size-of-farm statistics, consideration should be given to the definition of a farm for Census purposes. Census farms are essentially operating units— not ownership tracts. If a landlord has croppers or other tenants, the land assigned each cropper or tenant is a separate farm even though the landlord may operate the entire holding essentially as one farm in respect to supervision, equipment, rotation practices, purchase of supplies, or sale of products. & Farms by tenure of operator.— In the 1950 Census farm oper- ators are classified according to the tenure under which they hold their land on the basis of the total land owned, total land rented from others, and total land managed for others. In 1945 and ear- lier, full owners, part owners, and tenants were classified on the basis of the land retained. Under this earlier classification a part owner who sublets to others all the land he rents from others would have been classed a full owner; a part owner who rents to others all the land he owns would have been classed a tenant. Full owners 'own land but do not rent land from others. Part owners own land and rent land from others. Managers operate farms for others and are paid a wage or salary for their services. Persons acting merely as caretakers or hired as laborers are not classified as managers. If a farm operator managed land for others and also operated land on his own account, the land operated on his own account was consid- ered as one farm and the land managed for others as a second farm In the 1950 Census, if a farm operator managed land for two or more employers all the land managed was considered one farm. Tenants rent from others or work on shares for others all the land they operate. In 1950 tenants are further classified on the basis of their rental arrangement as follows: Cash tenants pay cash as rent, such as $10 an acre or $1,000 for the use of the farm. Share-cash tenants pay a part of the rent in cash and a part as a share of the crops or of the livestock or livestock products. Share tenants pay a share of either the crops or livestock or livestock products, or a share of both. Crop- share tenants pay only a share of the crops, livestock-share tenants pay a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may or may not also pay a share ot the crops. Croppers are crop-share tenants whose landlords furnish all the work power. The landlords either furnish all the work ani- mals or furnish tractor power in lieu of work animals. Croppers visually work under the close supervision of the landowners or their agents and the land assigned them is often merely a part >f a larger enterprise operated as a single unit. The information on work power furnished was tabulated only for the Southern States and seven counties in Missouri. There- fore, data for croppers are shown only for the Southern States and'seven counties in Missouri. INTRODUCTION XIX Other tenants. — Other tenants include those who pay a fixed quantity of any product; those who pay taxes, keep up the land and buildings, 01 keep the landlord in exohange for the use of the land; those who have the use of the land rem free; and others who could not be included in one of the oilier specified subclasses. Unspecified tenants. — Unspecified tenants include those tenants whose rental agreement was not reported. For earlier censuses the definition for each subclass of ten- ants is nominally similar to the corresponding subclass, or sub- classes, for 1950. However, in 1945 the enumerator was asked to determine the subclass of tenants, while in 1950, 1940, and earlier censuses the classification was made during the process- ing of the questionnaires in Washington on the basis of the answer to the inquiries on the questionnaires. The procedure for 1945 may have affected the comparability of the data, particularly those for cash tenants and share-cash tenants. Farms by color or race of operator. — Farm operators are classified by color as "white" and "nonwhite." Nonwhite includes Negroes, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and all other nonwhite races. In the State tables, the nonwhite operators are further classified as "Negro" and "all other nonwhite" operators. Farms by economic class. — A classification of farms by economic class was made for the purpose of segregating groups of farms that are somewhat alike in their characteristics. This classification was made in order to present an accurate description of the farms in each class and in order to provide basic data for an analysis of the organization of United States agriculture. Only the farms in the sample (one-fifth of the farms plus all large farms) were classi- fied by economic class. The totals given in the tables represent estimates for all farms based on tabulations of the data for the farms included in the sample. The classification of farms by economic class was made on the basis of three factors; namely, total value of all farm products sold, number of days the farm operator worked off the farm, and the relationship of the income received from nonfarm sources by the operator and members of his family to the value of all farm prod- ucts sold. Institutions, experimental farms, grazing associations, and other community projects were classified as abnormal, regardless of any of the above-mentioned factors. In making the classification of farms by economic class, farms have been grouped into two major groups, namely, commercial farms and other farms. In general, all farms with a value of sales of farm products amounting to $1,200 or more were classified as commercial. Farms with a value of sales of $250 to $1,199 were classified as commercial only if the farm operator worked off the farm less than 100 days and the income of the farm operator and members of his family received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of all farm products sold. Farms with a value of sales of all farm products of less than $250, as well as county, State, private institutional, and experimental farms, were classified as "other." Commercial farms have been divided into six groups on the basis of the total value of farm products sold, as follows: Class: Value of farm products sold I $25,000 or more II 10,000 to $24,999 III 5,000 to 9,999 IV 2,500 to 4,999 V 1,200 to 2,499 VI *250 to 1,199 •Provided the farm operator worked off the farm less than 100 days and provided the income the farm operator and members of his family received from nonfarm sources was less than the value of all farm products sold. Other farms have been grouped into three classes as follows: Part-time farms. — Farms with a value of sales of farm products of $250 to $1,199 were classified as part time provided the farm operator reported (1) 100 or more days of work off the farm in 1949, or (2) the nonfarm income received by him and members of his family was greater than the value of farm products sold Residential farms. Residential farms include all farms lit abnormal farms with a total value of sales of farm prod- ucts of less than $250. Some of these represent farms on whicl the operator worked off the farm more than 100 days in 1949. Some represent farms on which the income from nonfarm sources was greater than the value of sales of agricultural products. Others represent subsistence and marginal farms of various kinds. Some farms are included here which, under normal con- ditions, would have qualified as commercial farms. Abnormal farms. — Insofar as it was possible to identify them, abnormal farms include public and private institutional farms, community enterprises, experiment station farms, grazing associ- ations, etc. Farms by type. — The classification of farms by type was made on the basis of the relationship of the value of sales from a partic- ular source or sources to the total value of all farm products sold from the farm. In some cases the type of farm was determined on the basis of the sale of an individual farm product, such as cotton, or on the basis of closely related products, such as dairy products. In other cases, the type was determined on the basis of sales of a broader group of products such as corn, sorghum, all small grains, field peas, field beans, cowpeas, and soybeans. Part- time, residential, and abnormal farms were not classified by type. Only commercial farms were classified by type. In order to be classified as a particular type, sales or anticipated sales of a product or a group of products had to represent 50 percent or more of the total value of products of the farm. Only the farms in the sample (one-fifth of the farms plus all large farms) were classified by type. The types of farms for which data are shown, together with the product or group of products that had to represent 50 percent or more of the total sales in order for the farm to be so classified, are as follows: Type Product or group of products amount- ing to 50 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. Cotton Cotton. Cash grain Corn, sorghum, small grains, field peas, field beans, cowpeas, and soybeans. Other field crop Peanuts, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, tobacco, sugarcane, sugar beets for sugar, and other miscellaneous crops. Vegetable Vegetables. Fruit and nut Berries and other small fruits, and tree fruits and nuts. Dairy Milk and other dairy products. The criterion of 50 percent of the total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm for which the value of sales of dairy products represented less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm if: (1) Milk and other dairy products accounted for3 percent or more of the total value of products, and (2) Milk cows represented 50 percent or more of all cows, and (3) Sales of dairy products, to- gether with the sales of cattle, amounted to 50 percent or more of the total sales. Chickens, eggs, turkeys, and other poultry products. Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool, mohair, goat milk, and products from animals slaughtered on the farm, provided the farm did not already classify as a dairy farm. Poultry _ Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. XX INTRODUCTION Type Product or group of products amount- ing to 50 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold — Con. General Farms were classified as general when the value of products from one source or group of sources did not represent as much as 50 percent of the total of the value of all farm products sold. Separate figures are given for three types of general farms: (a) Primarily crop, (b) primarily live- stock, and (c) crop and livestock. Primarily crop farms represent farms for which the sale of one of the follow- ing crops or groups of crops — vege- tables, fruits and nuts, cotton, cash grains, or other field crops — did not amount to 50 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold, but for which the value of sales for all these groups of crops represented 70 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. Primarily live- stock farms are those which could not be classified as dairy farms, poultry farms, or livestock farms other than dairy and poultry, but on which the sale of livestock and' poultry and livestock and poultry products amounted to 70 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. General crop and livestock farms are those which could not be classified as either crop farms or livestock farms, but on which the sale of all crops amounted to at least 30 percent but less than 70 per- cent of the value of all farm products sold. Miscellaneous and un- This group represents farms that were classified farms. not classified by type. It includes part-time, residential, and abnormal farms. It also includes miscellaneous types of commercial farms if 50 percent or more of the total value of products was accounted for by sale of horti- cultural products, or sale of horses, or sale of fur animals, or sale of forest products, or sale of bees and honey. Because of changes in the method of classifying farms by type, comparative data by type of farm for earlier censuses are not shown in this report. Value of farm products sold. — The value of farm products sold, as obtained in the 1950 Census of Agriculture, represents the approximate total of the gross cash income of the farms of a particular county or State. Gross sales by farmers, however, are greater than the gross income to agriculture because of the inclu- sion of inter-farm sales. Feed crops, feeder cattle, and breeding stock purchased by farmers contribute most to this duplication in gross sales. Enumerators and farmers were instructed to include as sold any part of a crop that was yet to be sold. Trades, such as trading eggs at the store, were considered the same as cash sales. Products such as fruit, vegetables, and eggs purchased for immediate resale were not included because this was not considered as farm produc- tion. Likewise, immediate resale of cattle was considered as dealer operations, whereas resale of fattened feeder cattle was considered as farm production and the sales were included, even though these cattle may have been reported as sold by the farmer who sold them as feeders. For many farms the sales enumerated do not represent their total gross cash income because certain sales were excluded and there was no provision for enumerating unusual sources of income. For example, sales of baby chicks, Government payments such as those for soil conservation, and income received by the farm operator for off-farm work, for custom work, and from land rents and other investments are not included. In general, the value of the sales of livestock, livestock products, nursery and greenhouse products, and forest products is for the calendar year 1949. On the other hand, the value of the various crops sold is for the crop year immediately preceding the census. The value of the sales of each farm product was usually obtained in connection with the enumeration of the production of that particular product. In some cases, related farm products were grouped for the purpose of obtaining the value of products sold; for example, small grains and straw sold were all included as a group. Enumerators and farmers were instructed to report gross sales without deduction of expenses of any kind. However, it was impossible to obtain full adherence to this rule. The degree to which this instruction was followed varied from area to area depending primarily upon the type of farm products grown. For farm products which did not vary greatly in price it was possible during the course of processing the questionnaires for tabulation to make adjustments in those cases where there was obvious mis- interpretation of the instructions. In examining the sales figures reported for individual farms, an entry was questioned if the indi- cated average price received was less than 50 percent or more than 200 percent of the State average price. Any report for an indi- vidual farm with entries outside these limits was referred for examination and changed if necessary. In general, changes on these questionnaires were not made unless a study of the question- naires for nearby farms indicated that there was obvious error in reporting. It was not possible to correct all errors in enumeration, such as failure to include all products yet to be sold, omissions of some sales shared by the landlord or partner and reporting of net receipts instead of gross. While this tendency understates the total value of all farm products sold for a county or State, it does not seriously affect the use of the statistics as a measure of the relative importance of the different producing groups. Poultry sales. — In the 1950 Census of Agriculture there was included on the questionnaire an instruction to exclude sales of baby chicks from the item of sales of poultry and poultry products. Receipts from the sale of baby chicks by hatcheries and farms were included in the 1945 Census of Agriculture. For this reason there will be an apparent large decrease in sales of poultry and poultry products in some counties which can be attributed almost entirely to change in procedure. Hatchery operations are concen- trated in relatively few counties. However, this change in pro- cedure should be considered in appraising the data on poultry sales. In important commercial broiler areas the poultry sales enumerated may be understated because of the difficulty of finding all operators who were engaged in broiler production in 1949. Those who had discontinued operations may have left the com- munity. Contract operations also presented a problem in the enumeration; for example, a farm operator may have fed broilers for a percentage of the profits. Since he did not own the poultry, he may not have reported the sales. Differences in data presented by counties and by State economic areas. — In many cases, data presented by State economic areas have been estimated on the basis of tabulations for a sample of the farms while most of the data presented by counties have been obtained by the tabulation of data for all farms in the count}'. However, data on farm facilities and equipment, farm labor, farm expenditures, and value of land and buildings have been estimated for each county on the basis of the tabulation of the figures for only a sample of the farms in each county. The same sample of farms was used also for the tabulation of data for these items by State economic areas or for the State. In some cases, the totals presented for these items by counties will differ from the totals presented in tables giving data by State economic areas or for the State since, as a matter of economy, adjustments were not made in the tabulations when the difference was not great enough to affect the usefulness of the data. NORTH CAROLINA Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (D NORTH CAROLINA State Tabic 1.— FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 [Date in italics are based on raporta for only a sample of farms. See text] (for definitions and explanationa, aee text) FARMS , ACIU' Alip . ANU VAI HI Farm number. . Approximate land area (aee text) acres.. Proportion in farms percent.. land owned by farm operators 1 farms reporting. . ii i .■ ■ Land rented from others by farm operators' furms reporting. . acres. . Land managed by farm operators 1 farms reporting. . acres. . Land In farma ■"••• • Aversge si re of farm acres. . Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Land In farms according to use: 2 Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farma reporting. . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres ■ farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 acres and over farms reporting.. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting.. 500 to 999 acres farms reporting. . 1.000 acres and over farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture* farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres.. Woodl and pastured f »™ s reporting. . acres. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) 4 farms reporting.. acres. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland, total 4 farms reporting.. acres. . Land pastured, total farms reporting. . acres. . Woodland, total : farma reporting.. acres. . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres. . (ell Mis of 1950 (April I) •mi. Jli 31,422,080 i.l". - 177,501 I ' i .hi 6,623,946 516 4611.3111 19,317,937 67.0 6. 490 98.65 266,953 5,782,407 75,413 110,427 54,000 39,058 13,857 2,625 773 690 68 15 83,130 732,664 1,183,321 89,345 1,422,819 176,162 8,273,353 79.800 1,057,154 237,349 866,216 277,730 7,698,395 169,899 3,212,637 200,176 9,696.172 96 2.083 I .'I llii ,, t 1945 1 i I... ■ ' * 287,412 31,450,880 164,285 11.520,437 142,412 6.B02.922 550 294.573 18. 1.17, 935 64.8 3,490 53.87 280,735 6,126,001 73,876 85,115 58,749 45,041 14,743 2,543 668 598 62 57.775 525,691 949,598 78,259 1,092,886 194,059 8,106,200 91,957 1,099,454 243,974 718,102 285,178 7,601,290 161,587 2,718,031 209,562 9,199,086 19 229 Cenaus of 1940 (April 1) 278,276 , 150,880 151,235 111,111,1,733 145,260 ■ ,... ;, - i 565 315,676 18.B45.338 67.7 2,647 39.09 271,291 6,125,386 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 103,214 1,230,171 1,066,718 C) C) C) C) C) C) (") (") 276,963 8,422,275 (*) C) 206 , 366 9.093,377 37 246 Cenaus of 1935 (January I) 111(1. '/„7 31,193,600 63.9 158.111 11. 261, 83b 171,875 8,321,799 i, 'Hi 352,672 19,931 107 66.2 2,069 31.24 294,404 5,965,547 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 90,517 946,260 1,331,904 98,'792 1,574,303 196,859 8,520,440 42,128 494,053 253,553 1,103,800 C) 8,243,711 C) 3,014,616 C) 10,094.743 C) C) Celiaua of 1930 (April 1) 279,708 II , i 'i 1,600 57.9 141,445 10,452.643 163,295 7,347,214 648 255,24(. 18,055,103 64.5 3,018 ■16.75 269,925 5,809,741 CI C) (•) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) 71,815 887,9% 1,202.460 85,036 1,423,912 175,696 6,902,522 38,820 533,415 204,229 1,295,097 C) 7,900.157 (,•) 2,845.283 C) 8,326.434 C) C) Cenaua of 1925 (January 1 1 283,48? ii , l" 1,600 9 1S4.805 12,097,798 150,449 6,263,703 423 ! 18,593.670 65.6 3,267 49.80 C) 5.574,921 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 66.237 881,893 1,282,012 76,690 1,386,759 165,563 7,069.724 34, 591 548,394 C) 1,849,967 C) 7,738,826 C) 2,817,046 C) 8,456,483 C) C) Cenaua of 1920 (January 1) !l i.l 151,376 C) 1 ii,, 'mil C) 926 386,449 20.021,736 74.2 3,990 53.76 C) 5,850.997 CI (•) C) C) C) ("1 C) (•) (•) C) (•) C) C) (•) (•) (•) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) (•) (•) 10,299,547 (') C) • Not available. "Available data not comparable. Data for 1945 and earlier do not include land rented to others by farm operators. 2 In the preceding calendar year. Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was excluded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of com har- vested for grain. *Total cropland, cropland used only for pasture, and other pasture not strictly comparable for the various census years because of differences in definition of cropland used only for pasture. See text. State Table 2.— FARMS BY SIZE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 Site group Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Cenaus of 1920 (January 1) Al 1 farms number. Under 10 acres number. Under 3 acres number. 3 to 9 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 10 to 19 acres number. 20 to 29 acres number. 20 to 49 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number. 50 to 99 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 174 acres number. 100 to 179 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 175 to 259 acres number. 180 to 259 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 Bcres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1.000 acres and over number. 288.508 28,437 2,582 25,855 84,994 (•) (■) (•) 55,913 67,111 36 , 572 30,539 C) 33,796 27,903 10,893 287,412 27 , 340 3,187 24,153 81,082 C) C) C) 56.036 70,520 39,332 .31,188 C) 35,546 24,658 10,888 C) 9,176 6,089 3,087 5,813 1,522 377 278,276 24,912 1,033 23,879 73,532 38.011 35,521 88,806 53,285 71,733 39,335 32,398 36,593 37.637 25, 801 11,836 10,725 9.6B1 6,507 3,174 5,675 1,447 374 300,967 29,194 974 28,220 82,147 43,336 38,811 94,4.38 55.627 75,637 41,024 34,613 39,292 40,434 27,906 12,528 11,377 10,235 6,764 .3,471 5,836 1,441 416 279,708 18,417 430 17,987 C) 39,476 C) 97,502 C) 72,673 C) C) 35,682 C) C) CI 9,604 C) C) C) 4,930 1,121 303 283.482 21 . 21 715 313 402 44 C) 332 93 C) 817 68 129 C) 37 C) 611 C) C) 10 643 C) 5 1 525 141 363 269,763 13.669 388 13,281 •) 37,667 C) C> C) 41,082 C) C) C) 11 C) C) CI 6,646 1,629 480 ■Not liable STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 3.— FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) Al 1 operators number. . Ful 1 owners Part owners Managers Al I tenants Proportion of tenancy. . .number. . . number. . . number. . . number. . percent. Cash tenants Share- cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. . number, .number. . number. . number. . number. All white operators number Fu] 1 owners. Part owners. Managers. . . . All tenants. Proportion of tenancy. . . number. . .number. . . number. . . number. .percent. Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. . number. . number. . number, .number. . number. Al 1 nonwhite operators number. Full owners. Part owners. Managers. . . . AJ 1 tenants. Proportion of tenancy. . . number. . ..number. . . . number. . . . number. . .percent . . Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. .number. , . number. . .number. . .number. . 288, 508 142,085 35,422 516 110,485 38.3 4,341 1,462 38,805 57,457 8,420 215,956 127 105 26 888 495 61 468 28.5 3 083 861 24 671 26 939 5 914 14 980 8 534 21 49 017 67.6 1 258 601 14 134 30 518 2 506 287,412 144, 450 19,835 550 122, 577 42.6 7,822 949 40,481 62,687 10,638 213, 139 128,693 15,751 532 68,163 32.0 5,521 669 26,232 28,577 7, 164 74,273 15,757 4,084 18 54,414 73.3 2,301 280 14, 249 34, 110 3,474 278,276 132,451 21,784 565 123,476 44.4 10,720 1, 113 41,337 60,300 10 , 006 218,008 118,514 17, 476 536 81,482 37.4 8,339 784 31,338 33, 497 7,524 60,268 13,937 4, 308 29 41,994 69.7 2,381 329 9,999 26,803 2,482 300.967 128, 394 29,717 69e 142, 158 47.2 C) C) C) 66,393 (") 231,594 114,051 23,687 683 93,173 40.2 C) C) C) 36,392 CM 69,373 14, 343 6,030 15 48,985 70.6 C) C) C) 30,001 (") 279,708 115,765 25,680 648 137,615 49.2 9,237 C) C) 69,091 (") 202,835 102,567 19,167 625 80,476 39.7 C) C) 34,286 (") 283,482 132,610 22.195 423 128,254 45.2 7,520 C) C) 52,419 (••) 202,516 117,285 15,439 403 69,389 34.3 C) C) 21,940 C) 13.19B 15,325 6,513 6,756 23 20 57, 139 58,865 74.3 72.7 2,545 •) 2,632 C) 34,805 •) C) 30,479 C) 269,763 131,847 19,529 928 117,459 43.5 '9, 425 468 58,819 39,939 13,617 832 63,542 32.8 '6,212 304 35,990 16.575 4,461 76,290 16,365 5,912 96 53,917 70.7 >3,213 164 22,829 23, 364 4,347 •Not available. ••Available data not comparable. 'For 1920, standing renters (renters paying a fixed quantity of products) were included with other and unspecified tenants. State Table 4.— CASH RENT PAID FOR FARM LAND AND BUILDINGS: CENSUSES OF 1930 TO 1950 [Data in its lies are base d on reports for only a sample of farm. See text] A] 1 farms All part owners A! 1 tenants Tenants related to 1 andlord (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1950 1940' 1950 1940' 1950 1940 1 1930' 1050 1930' All land rented from, others by farm Operators ' farms report ing. . acres. . acres. . Land rented on cash basis only with amount acres. . 145,907 6,623,946 C) C) 6,705 377,845 56.4 6,303 205,354 32.6 4.683 83.11 254 4.50 5.41 145,260 7,665,929 C) C) 12,884 732,964 56.9 12,244 279,063 22.8 1,947 34.22 ion 1.89 5.53 35,422 1,283,135 C) C) 4.299 207,513 48.3 4.127 158,242 38.3 3,985 82.55 225 4.67 5.65 21,784 680,006 C) C) 2,88 3 115,185 40.0 2,866 107,794 37.6 1, 297 32.45 79 1.97 6.07 110,485 5,340,811 4,341 298,016 2.406 170 , 332 70. S 2, 176 47, 112 21.7 5,932 S3. 79 304 4.30 5.13 123,476 6,985,923 10,720 664,408 10,001 617,779 61.8 9,376 171.269 18.3 2, 134 34. 54 116 1.88 5.44 137,615 6,727,577 9,237 581,394 9,196 579,460 63.0 C) C) C) C) C) 160 2. 54 C) 15,7.11 C) 894 C) 461 37,140 80.6 431 12.054 28.0 7.659 95.07 378 4.69 4.93 20,997 C) 2,113 C) 2,109 115.806 54.9 acres. . C) C) C) Value of rented land and average per acre, dollars.. average per acre, dollars., average per *100 value, dollars.. C) C) 141 2.56 C) •Not available. 'For 1940 and 1930 the figures for land rented from others exclude land subrented to others. 2 For part owners, the figures for cropland harvested represent not only the cropland rented from others but also cropland owned; for 1950, for operators renting land toothers, the figures for cropland harvested represent only the portion retained. NORTH CAROLINA 5 State Tabic 5.— FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, RESIDENCE, OFF-FARM WORK, AGE, AND YEARS ON PRESENT FARM CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 [Data in italic! are baaed on reporta for only a sample of farma. See textj (For definitions and explanations, aee text) Cenaua of 1950 (April 1) Cenaua of 1945 (January 1) Cenaua of 1940 (April II Cenaua of 1935 (January 1) Cenaua 1930 (April Cenaua of 1925 (January I) Cenaua of 1920 (January 1) FARM OPERATORS Operator* by color: White negro Qr.her nonwhlte . number. . number. . number. Residence: Residing on farm operated Not residing on farm operated Operators not reporting residence. .operators reporting, .operators reporting. number. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total 1 to 49 days 50 to 99 days 100 days or more 100 to 199 days 200 days and over Operators not working off their farm. Operators not reporting Operators by age: Under 25 years 25 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 to 64 years 65 years and over Average age Operators not reporting age. .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting. number. number. .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting. years. .number of operators. Operators by years on present farm: 4 years 3 months or lees 5 years or less .operators reporting, .operators reporting. 3 months or less. 1 year or less. . . .operators reporting, -operators reporting. Operation of form began on census date or 1 ater. . .operators reporting.. Between 3 months and 1 year 3 months. Between 1 and 2 years Between 1 year 3 months and 4 years 3 months. Between 2 and 5 years Between 2 years and 4 years 3 months Between 1 year 3 months and 2 years 3 months. Between 2 and 3 years Between 2 years 3 months and 3 years 3 months. Between 3 and 4 years Between 3 years 3 months and 4 years 3 months. Between 4 and 5 years Between 4 years 3 months and 9 years 3 months. Between 5 and 10 years Between 5 and 11 years Over 9 years 3 months Over 10 years Over 11 years Between 9 years 3 months and 14 years 3 months. Between 10 and 15 years Between 11 and 15 years Over 14 years 3 months. Over 15 years Average number of years on present fa Operators not reporting .operators reporting, operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting. .operators reporting, -operators reporting. .operators reporting. .operators reporting. .operators reporting, -operators reporting, .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting. .years, number. 215,956 69,029 3,523 268,365 9,431 10,712 17,101 23,353 13.771 51. IS! f 4 , 5J7 45.446 183,045 8,311 1 J , 55) 47 ,V75 65,445 56,311 45.311 35.815 46.8 25.185 108.885 C) 22.82! 31.881 28.414 C) 57,650 C) C) 20 . 237 C) 19,662 C) 17,751 C) 44.173 CI C) 115,113 C) C) 33,221 C) C) 82.772 C) 12 18,622 213,139 74,273 267,561 16,164 3,687 55,212 9,928 7,184 38,100 10,770 27,330 232,200 10,930 52,297 69,801 65,733 50.125 35, 377 46.6 3,149 C) 127.457 C) 55,956 C) 18,670 52,831 C) 17,457 C) 14,358 C) 21,016 C) 45,255 C) C) 105,920 C) C) 29,410 C) CI 76,510 12 8,780 218,0011 57,428 2,840 247,556 12,906 17,814 69 , 068 17,251 11,401 40,416 15,891 24,525 174,671 34,537 14.346 51 , 587 58,111 60,318 47,000 31,246 46.1 15,668 00.883 ) 3 , 200 ) 5,799 ) 51,884 ') ) 0,592 ) 3,741 ) 2,493 ) ) 1,712 ) ) 27,343 ) ) 74,369 C) 12 33,188 231 594 69 C) 373 C) C) 74 23 15 34 15 19 223 3 247 591 714 942 407 535 165 555 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 142 737 C) 64 262 (•) 23 465 C) 55 C) 010 (•) (•) 15,458 C) 18,526 CI 44,632 C) C) 109,678 C) C) 32,302 C) C) 77,376 (••) 3,920 202 74, C) C> C) 78 33 16 28 14, 13, 201 21, 51 63, 64, 42 26, C) 10, 202,516 80,966 53,764 193,473 74,849 1,441 C) CI C) C) CI (•> C) C) C) C) C) 17,944 55,729 66.B67 58.748 40,147 26,746 I 3,582 118,100 •) 23,311 ') 95.681 ) I ) C) 14,456 •Not available. State Table 6.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Census of 1950 Census date — April 1 Approximate average date of enumeration Percent of farms enumerated during — April 14 and earlier April IS "to 28 April 29 to May 12 May 13 to June 2 June 3 and 1 ater. . Less than 0.5 percent. North Carolina Census of 1945 Census date — January 1 North Carolina Apr. 15-Apr. 2B 46 38 12 4 Approximate average date of enumeration Percent of enumeration districts enumerated during- January 1 to 15 January 16 to 31 February 1 to 15 February 16 to 28 March 1 to 31 April 1 to 30 May 1 to 31 June 1 and 1 ater Mar. 16-Mar. 31 14 10 26 19 12 11 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 7 -SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT, TRADING CENTER. AND ROADS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and expl anations, 'see text) Telephone. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT farms reporting. . farms . farms , farms . farms , farms Electricity From a power 1 ine From b home plant Electric water pump Electric washing machine Both running water and electricity in dwelling farms Power-driven washing machine farms Milking mach ine f arms Grain combines arms reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number. , farms reporting. tortrucks number. Age of newest model: ,, , c farms reporting. Under 5 years _ farms reporting. 5 to 9 years K , n , farms reporting. 10 years and over r Average age of newest model Not reporting Motortruck with no automobile f8r " s "P"""* years. number of farms. Tractors. 1 tractor 2 tractors 3 or more tractors. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden.. Age of newest model: Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 yecrs and over Average age of newest model. Not reporting .number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. years. . numbe r of farms. Garden tractors. . Crawler tractors. , number, .number. , , .,, farms reporting. Automobi les number. Age of newest model : Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Average age of newest model. Not reporting . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. years. .number of farms. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mules *■*»■ reporting.. TRADING CENTER AND ROAD Distance to trading center over dirt or unimproved roads: 0.0 to 0.2 mile farms "porting. 0.3 to 0.9 mile iarma reporting. 1.0 to 4,9 miles {ams re P ort1 "*- farms reporting. number of farms. 5.0 miles and over Distance not reported. Kind of road on which farm is located: u , . farms reporting. Hard surface „ i u ii l„i, farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale _. • . . farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved Kind of road not reported .number of farms. Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) 23,342 219,422 218,897 525 7J.055 132,416 C) C) 3,575 J2.7J2 1.9,25? 55 , 396 60.410 29.29J 7 ,314 (7,221 7 1 ,567 29,890 62,686 73.497 5 53, 547 s 5.633 s l,569 68,723 33,494 9.698 9.832 6 6.301 2,585 2,189 140,069 159,201 50,152 23,067 63.724 82.969 63,7.60 79.558 46.541 16.145 Census of 1940 (April 1) 107 982 107, C) C) 637 C) 39 445 39 836 604 4 586 4 934 30 489 32 924 5 244 17 ,070 8 C) .721 14,246 28,482 31,189 26,380 1,724 378 29.S7S 10 385 10 378 5 689 (*) 558 1 190 143 666 152 109 20 ,690 79 .062 4.5 C) ,668 89.873 76.983 91.641 25,172 3,809 77 ,868 7 161, 036 31 , 438 7 34,553 105,021 '61,212 17,510 7 7,825 56,636 7 22,786 88,640 C) 35,598 C) 149,601 C) 14,634 C) 12,111 71,196 67,627 3,569 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 19,279 20,621 Census of 1935 (January 1) 11,983 12,756 C) C) C) C) 6 4, 525 «1, 462 H 822 9 1 174 (*) 118 074 127 476 41 239 44 715 30 057 (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) 38.964 19,230 203,120 16,962 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 10,698 C) 5.558 C) 2,619 C) 5 C) 404 C) C) C) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) <•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) 19,852 '15,006 3 8.774 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 17,613 18,558 C) C) C) C) C) C) 11,034 11,426 C) C) C) <•> C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 125,196 132,876 CI C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) 22,501 60,560 175,439 21,208 IS: TOO'™ referred to electricity ,n ■£.«,-. dwelling;- and the 1920 ,n q u,ry referred to ga, 'Farms with electricity and with electric distribution line within 1/4 mile. 'Farms reporting expenditures for electric light and power purchased. 'FZs not reporting year of newest model were distributed in the same proportions as those for which ^Figures for 1950 are for tractors other than garden tractors. ^Tractors of all kinds. 'Distance to nearest all-weather road. . or electricity in "operator's dwelling, ear of model was reported. Census of 1920 (January 1) C) C) C) C) C) CI CI C) CI C) o C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) 7,595 7.909 C) C) C) C) •J •] •1 • ' C c (•> (•> C) C) C) 11,302 12,240 250,580 9,360 33,029 '7,816 C) C) <•) C) (•) <•! C) C) (•] 2 551 2 671 c c (• (• (• (• 2 184 2 ,277 (• ) (• > (• ) C) C) C) C> C) C) 41 839 44 207 C) (M C) (•) C) (•) C) C) C) C) NORTH CAROLINA State Table 8.— MOTORTRUCKS, TRACTORS, AND AUTOMOBILES ON FARMS, CLASSIFIED BY YEAR OF MODEL: CENSUSES OF 1950, 1945, AND 1940 [Data in italics ore baaed on reporta for only a aample of farma. S«a toxlT Year of model (For definitions and explanations, see text) Motortrucks Census of 1950 Census of 1945 Census of 1940 Tractora Census of 1950 Census of 1945 Cenaua of 1940 Cenaua of 1950 Cenaua of 1945 Census of 1940 Total on firms number Classified by year of model number 1950 number 1949 numbe r 1948 number 194? number, 1946 number, 1945 numbe r 1944 number. 1943 , number. 1942 number. 1941 number. 1936 to 1940 number. 1931 to 1935 number. 1930 and earlier number. Mot classified by year of model. number. First units (on farms not reporting model ) number. Second, third, etc. units on all farms 2 number. Home-made tractors number. Crawler tractors 5 number. Garden tractors ^ number. 60,410 53, 819 2.909 9,777 6,490 4,627 5,491 803 180 91 2,007 4, 133 12,870 3,150 1,201 6,581 7,567 5,014 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 33,752 31,035 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 71 to; 76 1.524 3,269 17,070 6,411 7,310 2,717 (') 2,717 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 10,621 IB.P75 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 10,698 5,558 2,619 1,746 404 1,342 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 73,407 53,024 4,928 12. 167 7,887 4,684 3,828 2,511 1,621 1,013 2,471 2,082 6,703 1,144 1,985 20,473 5,793 9,398 508 2,189 2,585 31,626 26,452 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 278 2,621 1.513 2,791 1,182 10,378 1,661 4,028 5,174 1,541 1,190 558 12,756 10,809 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 4,525 1,462 4,822 1,947 1,174 773 (•) («) (') 159,301 136.943 6.948 16.786 9,294 9,183 7,941 311 330 115 5. 571 16,768 47,890 11,601 4,233 22,258 3,126 19,132 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 154,511 145,420 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 4.1 87 89 4,750 15,721 79,062 32,803 12,865 9,091 (') 9.091 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 127,476 116.011 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 41,239 14,715 30,057 11,445 2.063 9,402 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx Farms not reporting year of newest model were distributed in tbe same proportions as those for which year of model was reported. 2 The census inquiry was for "year of newest model" only. 'The ce,nsus inquiry for 1950 and 1945 called for reporting "home-made" tractors in lieu of year of newest mode). *Not reported separately in 1940. ^Crawler and garden tractors were not classified by year of model in the 1950 and 1945 censuses. State Table 9.— FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 LDota in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) FARM LABOR Farm workers for specified week: 1 Family and/or hired workers 2 farms reporting persons Average per farm reporting persons Family workers, including operators farms reporting persons. Operators persons Unpaid members of operator's foml ly farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Workers hired by month persons Workers hired by dsy or week persons Workers hired by hour or on piece-work bssis persons No report as to basis of payment persons Farms reporting by number of hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers forms reporting 10 or more workers farms reporting Farms by kind of workers during specified week: No workers reported farms Family workers and hired workers farms Operator and hired workers ' farms Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms Members of operator's family and hired workers farms Family workers only. . . - farms Operator only farms Operator and members of his fBmily farms Members of operator's family only farms Hired workers only farms SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES 3 Hi red labor 4 farms reporting dol I ars $1 to S99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting $2, 500 and over forms reporting Feed for livestock and poultry ,,. farms reporting dol 1 ars Livestock and poultry purchased forms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and tree6 purchased farms reporting do] 1 ars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil forms reporting. dol lars 219,439 433,658 1.8 236 , 225 379,885 221.148 100,371 158,737 27,459 53,773 6,738 26,088 19,266 1,681 17,159 5,248 3,262 1,403 387 49.034 24.245 14,939 8,117 1,189 211.980 170.915 77.177 13.888 3,214 148,013 48,183,324 54, 528 32,698 39,089 12,826 6,592 2,280 181,905 43.398.566 139,793 19,422,546 159,117 10,532,831 121,521 25,339.209 251,954 395,909 1.6 250,783 3B1.183 244, 402 99,754 136,781 8,923 14,726 C) C) C) C) 6,409 1,421 690 332 71 35,458 7,752 4,513 2,955 284 243,031 146,516 90,418 6,097 1,171 152,173 41.458.143 62,227 34, 697 35,393 12.502 5,517 1,837 175,542 15,581,228 101,477 13.024.506 119,719 5,205.024 C) C) 237,382 473,933 2.0 227,627 415,489 C) 34,222 58,444 21,364 32,779 4.301 C) C) C) C) C) 40,894 24.467 C) C) C) 203,160 C) C) C) 9,755 95,346 14,835,885 C) C) C) C) C) C) 108,898 7,781,903 (•) C) C) C) 82,330 3,778,842 293,456 637,899 2.2 287,638 578,578 C) C) C) 39,163 59,321 C) C) (*> C) 29,480 5,664 2,684 1,186 149 7_l511. 33,345 C) C) C) 254, 293 C) C) C) 5,818 88,837 11,673,938 C) C) C) C) C) C) 121,859 11, 115,763 (•> (•') f) C> C) C) 69,551 8,096,123 C) C) C) C) C) C) 107,359 8.674,786 (•> C) C) C) C) C) 78,394 10,818,456 C) C) C) C) C) C) 128,964 12.291.850 C) C) C) C) C) C) •Not available. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935, first week of January; Census of 1940, last week of Morch. See text for differences in definition of farm workers. Expenditures during the preceding calendar year. 4 Cash payments for form labor; housework not included. For 1950, 1945, and 1940., the data do not include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor included in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished was included. STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 10.— FARM TAXES: CENSUSES OF 1930 TO 1950 italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text. Farm tax data were obtained only from owner-operatorsj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Al I owner-operators number Land owned acres Owner-operators reporting real-estate taxes number Land owned acres Average per farm acres Value of owned land and buildings average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars Total property taxes average per operator, dollars Beal-estate taxes average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars Personal -property taxes .operators reporting average per operator reporting, dollars average per operator 2 , dollars Owner-operators nor renting land to others. . numbe Owner- operators reporting real-estate taxes number Land owned acres Average per farm acres Value of owned land and buildings average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars Total property taxes average per operator, dollars Real-estate taxes average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars Personal -property taxes operators reporting average per operator reporting, dollars average per operator 2 , dollars Owner-operators renting land to others 1 number Owner- operators reporting real -estate taxes number Land owned acres Average per farm acres Value of owned land and bui 1 dings average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars Total property taxes average per operator, dollars Real-estate taxes average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars Personal -property taxes operators reporting average per operator reporting, dollars average per operator', dollars 177,507 14,921,350 66,531 5.404,512 81.2 7,399 91.08 38 47 (•) (•) 51 IX. 495 48.596 1.839.934 58.4 5.591 95.67 38 29 0.J0 0.5? C) C) 9 52,261 17,935 2, 564, 578 t43.0 12, 297 86.00 62 44 (•) (•) SI 154,235 10,863,733 137,398 9,775,337 71.1 2,750 38.66 32 27 0.38 0.98 90,583 7 5 93,822 86,065 5,363,169 62.3 2,365 37.95 22 0.35 0.93 56,317 6 4 60,413 51,333 4,412,168 86.0 3,396 39.51 36 .41 1 .05 34, 266 9 6 142,085 12.536,279 52, 782 4,499, 608 85.2 7.667 89.93 49 39 0.45 0.50 C) C) 11 99,047 37.940 2,325,683 61.3 5.804 94.69 38 29 0.48 0.51 C) C) 9 43,663 14,842 2, 173, 925 146.5 12,428 84.85 0.42 0.50 C) 132,451 9,803,644 117,979 8,808,502 74.7 2.867 38.41 28 0.37 0.98 77,215 7 5 78,989 72,483 4,751,499 65.6 2,460 37.53 23 34 92 , )28 6 4 53,462 45, 496 4,057,003 89.2 3,516 39.43 43 37 0.41 1.04 30,287 9 6 115,765 9,408,707 103,664 8,476,933 81.8 3,631 44.41 61 49 0.60 1.36 C) C) CI 71,194 5,296.796 74.4 3, 181 42.76 39 0.53 1.23 C) C) C) 32, 470 3,180,137 97.9 4,618 47.15 90 71 0.73 1.55 C) C) 35.422 ,385,071 13,749 904,904 65.8 6.370 96.79 54 (•) (•) 56 27.448 10,656 514,251 48.3 4.832 100. 13 0.57 0.57 C) C) 9 8,598 3,093 390.653 126.3 11,670 92.40 85 63 0.50 0.54 C) C) 21.784 1,060,089 19,419 966,835 49.8 2,038 40.94 21 .43 1 .05 3. 368 6 4 14,833 13,582 611,670 45.0 1,856 41.21 23 19 0.42 1.01 9,389 6 4 5,837 355,165 60.8 2,463 40.48 33 27 0.45 1.11 3,979 8 6 •Not available. 'For 1940 and 1930. figures for land owned and taxes do not include land rented operators renting land to others. Based on a]] operators reporting both total and real-estate taxes. to others. Also, owner-operators not reporting as to land rented toothers are included with owner- NORTH CAROLINA State Table 11— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 Item nd explanations, text) Age, sex, and other groups enumerated in the 19 SO Census with approximate ly comparable groups in the Censuses of 1920 to 1945 (For definitions a Census of 1950 Census of 1945 Census of 1940 Census of 1931 Census of 1930 Census of 1925 " Census of 1920 < April 11 (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Horses and/or mules.. farms reporting. . AH ages. O Over 3 months old. Al 1 agea. All ages. All sgea. <•) Horses and colts, inc luding . farms reporting. . All ages. All ages. Over 3 months old. All ages. f) (•) Al 1 ages. number. . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. All ages AH agea. Ditto Mules Hnd mule colts. farms reporting. . All ages. All ages. Over 3 months old. All ages. (•) '*) All ages. number. . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto All ages. All ages. Ditto. farms reporting. . All ages. All ages. Over 3 months old. All age.. All ages. Ditto. C) Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Cows and heifers milked farms reporting. . C) Ml Iked during all or Milked during any Ml 1 ked during all or Milked during all or Milked during all or C) any part of 1944. part of 1939. any part of 1934. any part of 1929. any part of 1924. number. . (*) Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. (•) farms reporting. . number. . Rorn before Jan.l, excluding heifers that have calved. Ditto. C) (") (") Born in 1929 and 1928 (*) (M Steers and bul Is. . farms reporting. . number. . Born before Jan. 1. Ditto. (*) f) (••) (••) C) Born in 1929 oi earlier. (") farms reporting. . Born since Jan. 1. (•) O CM Born since Jan.l. O (•) number. . Ditto. (•) O (") Ditto. (*) O farms reporting. . All ages. All ages. Over 4 months old. All ages. Al 1 ages. All ages. All ages. number. . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. 4 months old and over farms reporting. . 4 months old and over. C) Over 4 months old. C) (*) (*) (*•) number. . Ditto. C) Ditto. (•) Born before Jan.l. 1930. O CM Less than 4 months old farms reporting. . Less than 4 months old. C) (•) (•) Pigs born since Jan.l, 1930. (") (••) number. . Ditto. C) C) CI Ditto. (**) (••) Sows and gilts for sp ring farms reporting. . Farrowing between On farms on Census On farms on Census On farms on Census On farms on Census C) On farms on Census Dec. 1, 1949, and date — farrowing date — Far rowing date — Farrowing date — Farrowing date — For breeding June 1. 19S0. between Dec. 1. between Dec. 1, between Jan. 1 , between Jan. 1, purposes, 6 months 1944, and June 1. 1939, and June 1, and June 1. 1935. and June 1, 1930. old and over. 1945. 1940. number. . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. On farms on Census date-For breeding purposes 6 months old and over. Ditto. Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . All ages. All ages. Over f\ months old. All ages. All ages. All ages. All ages. number. . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. farms reporting. . Ail ewes and ewe All ewes and ewe All ewes over f- 1 year old and f*l (*) 1 year old and lambs born before lambs (excluding months old. over. over Oct. 1, 1049. 1944 fall lambs) kept for breeding ewes. number. . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Born before Oct.l, 1979. 1 year olci and over. Ditto. Rams and wethers.. farms reporting. . Born before Oct. 1, 1949. C) C) C) (*) C) C) number. . Ditto. C) Over 6 months old. C) Born before Oct.l, 1929 1 year old and over. 1 year old and over. farms reporting.. Born since Oct. 1 , 1949. (•) C) C) C) C> Under 1 year of age. number. . Ditto. C) C) C) Born since Oct.l, 1929. Under 1 year of age- Ditto. Chickens farms reporting.. 4 months old and over. Over 4 months old. Over 4 months old. Over 3 months old. Over 3 months old. Age not specified. Age not specified. number. . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. farms reporting. . 4 months old and over. (•) Over 4 months old. Over 3 months) old. C) C) Age not specified. number. . Ditf.o. C) Ditto. Ditto. C) C) Ditto. farms reporting. . On Census date or All ages on Census Over 4 months old All ages on Census All ages on Census Al 1 ages on Census All ages on Census kept in 1949 date. on Census date. date. date. date. date. number. . C) Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Rabbits . farms reporting. . Domestic rabbits on 'Census date or kept in 1949 <*) C) C) C) C) C) . farms reporting. . Fur animals in captivity on Census date or kept in 1949. f) Silver fox and mink females over 3 months old on Census date. (') C) C) C) Bees .farms reporting.. Owned in 1949. {•) On farms and on nonfarm land. C) Owned by farm operators. C) Hives of bees. number of hives. . Ditto. (*) Ditto. C) Ditto. C) Ditto. * Not available. •• Available data not comparable. 10 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 11.— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) Total value of specified classes of livestock dollars. Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting. number va] ue. . dot 1 ars Mules and mule colts farms reporting number value. . dol 1 ars Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting, number value. . dol 1 ars Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number value. . do] lars Milk cows farms reporting number Cows and heifers milked during any part of preceding year farms reporting number Heifers born before January 1 farms reporting number Steers and bul 1 s born before January 1 farms reporting number Calves born since January 1 farms reporting number Dairy products sold farms reporting dollars Whole milk sold farms reporting gal Ions dol lars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dol I ars Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting dol 1 ars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of cows Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number, value. . do] lars. 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Less than 4 months old farms reporting. number. Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting. number. Farrowing since December 1 of preceding year number. To farrow be fore June 1 o f census year number. Sheep and wool : Sheep and 1 ambs farms reporting number value. . dol 1 ars Sheep and lambs born before October 1 of preceding year farms reporting number Ewes farms reporting number Bams and wethers farms reporting number Lambs bom since October 1 of preceding year farms reporting number Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting. number shorn Wool shorn pounds value. . dol 1 ars 146,286.671 188,633 60,712 89,167 8,445,035 143,235 262,966 42.305,911 1 69, 644 607,575 65.955,868 161,756 391,592 50,032,717 153,908 . 332,967 C) C) 55.914 148,193 22,435 61.107 47.936 96,643 35,635 26,227,191 21,371 56,763,924 24,729,334 4,477 1,084,727 556,404 13,326 941,453 142,117 260,355 534,112 203,407 1,231,121 19,460,526 163,161 626,568 95, 981 604, 553 71,063 146.299 95,583 50,716 2.318 49,839 808,237 2,217 28,775 2,156 25,843 1,362 2,932 1.901 21,064 1,821 24,705 130,416 58,511 C) 58,799 92,036 11,540,950 157.879 280.308 64,886,670 194,002 721,177 38,174.073 185,434 426,579 28,962,357 (') C) 183,312 346, 922 (•) (•) (•) C) C) (•) 46, 958 20,005,528 22,651 49,480,064 •18,111,290 4,729 1,081,118 '506,971 2 23,558 '1,387,267 C) <•) C) 193,743 1,068,598 16.282,651 C) C) C) C) 71,830 126,494 C) C) 2,633 41,373 374,493 C) C) 2,204 30,278 C) C) C) C) 2,031 C) 166,056 77,052 203,476 48, 534 75,270 8,696.186 171,939 299,198 52,110,125 186,766 540,015 18,887,073 180,926 356,175 15,025.857 179,816 333,101 180.072 309,594 C) C) C) C) <•) C) 46,300 9,534,410 11,521 26,149,569 '8,075,667 6,871 1,776,160 '376,099 2 33,375 '1,082,644 C) C) C) 191 70S, 5,747, 191 708 C) C) 61, 112, C) C) 3,987 45,950 224,874 3,987 45,950 3,345 36,870 C) 9,080 C) C) 3,204 39,794 197,268 49,971 74,440,638 205.117 48,505 66,716 6,882,416 174,217 295,388 41,290,384 210, 684 14,435 202 404 11,319, C) C) 194,: 352/ (") (") CM (") (••) (") C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 198, 947, 6,535, C) C) C) C) 68, 108, C) C) 5,770 77,044 288.915 C) C) 5.409 59,447 C) C) C) (•)• 5,376 69,687 327,881 81,970 213.035 C) 86,716 6.979,339 C) 294, 308 33,946,759 161,432 532,631 24,045,922 C) 279,522 17,777,142 150,333 265,808 152.609 268,373 ( •) 120,465 C) 67,025 43,564 65,619 56,436 10,081.813 9,776 19,791.845 6,544,737 C) C) 1,069,482 2 46.205 2 2, 467, 594 128,727 212,324 348,045 174.911 838,994 7,325,446 C) 519.714 52,861 319,280 41,129 68, 988 C) C) 6,268 146,285 1,022,860 C) 84,398 C) 77,588 C) 6,810 C) 61 , 887 4,784 72,469 345. 149 133,972 222.740 C) 130,963 10.728,073 C) 279,767 32,206,208 C) 538,780 16.500.837 C) 337,284 12,970,228 143,581 252,387 177,007 296,805 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 11.221,900 (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 172,154 871,787 9.626,762 C) (") C) (••) C) 119,664 C) C) 5,308 66, S57 462.776 C) C) C) 48,632 C) 5,752 C) 12,173 C) 60,929 282,889 102,800 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Tabic 11.— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued 11 Item (For definition* and explanation*, see tent) Census of 19S0 (A|.nl II Census of 1945 ( January 1) Census of 1940 (April U Census of 1935 (January I ) Census of 1930 (April II Census of 1925 (Jsnusry I) Census of 1920 (Jsnuary 1) Poultry and poultry products: Poultry and/or poultry products sold Chickens, 4 montlis old and over, on hand Chickens sold Chicken eggs sold Turkeys on hand and/or raised Turkeys. 4 months old and over, on hand Turkeys raised Ducks raised Geese raised Guineas raised Pigeons raised Pheasants raised Quail raised Turkeys, ducks, and geese, and their eggs sold.. Animals sold alive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive Cattle, hogs, or sheep sold alive Cattle and/or calves sold alive Cattle sold alive, excluding calves Calves sold alive Hogs and pigs sold alive Sheep and lambs sold stive Horses and mules sold alive Farm slaughter: Any cattle butchered Cattle and/or calves butchered Cattle butchered, excluding calves Calves butchered Hogs and pigs butchered Meat, lard, hides, and other products sold from animals butchered Goats, rabbits, and fur animals: Goats and kids (on hand or kept preceding year) Domestic rabbits (on hand or kept preceding year) Fur animals in captivity (on hand or kept preceding year) Sale of goats and kids, goat milk, and mohair: and of rabbits and fur animals and their pelts Bees and honey: Bees owned preceding year Honey produced Honey, wax, and bees sold i , mi .1 i N' valu rms valui arma anna arms arms reporting. dol lars. reporting. number. :. . do) I era. reporting. number. dol lars. I ,■[>- r I in,', dozens. dol lars. reporting. reporting. number. :. . dol lars. reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, dol lars. arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting number do] 1 ors arms reporting number do] 1 ars arms reporting number dollars arms reporting number dol] ars s reporting number do] ] ars arms reporting number do] lars rms reporting, arms reporting. number, arms reporting. number, arms reporting. number, arms reporting. number. arms reporting, dollars. arms reporting. number. lue. . dol lars. arms reporting. arms reporting. s reporting. dol lars. arms reporting, umber of hives. arms reporting, pounds, arms reporting, dol lars. 104,779 :■«. 900,17'; 237,162 9,002,189 9,222,773 '.1,721 17.220, 0SB 14,384,060 83,940 27,571.690 12,209,987 S, 993 4,301 21,225 88, 321 4,787 387,415 5,953 32, 477 1,969 13,461 1,759 15, 988 7 18 13 3,223 2,314,138 123,378 121.433 75,881 224,360 15,938.024 30,414 81,345 10,244,698 61,644 143,015 5,693,326 70, 496 749,814 17,521.087 1,593 19,078 333,879 6,73-2 10,660 1,002,291 219,287 12.662 16,474 2,415 3,100 10,542 13,374 217,970 627,995 12,925 8(58,076 C) C) 3,247 290 484 44,702 23,457 105,188 11,871 801,599 2,576 137,629 117,677 25,071,274 244,628 10,792, 127 12.908,867 (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 5,068 220,914 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 67,598 233,838 10,689,768 C) C) C) C) C) C) 45,272 562,851 11,441,684 1,649 20,413 189,811 C) <•) C) C) C) 25,043 5,830 12,970 6,948 12,073 229,248 809,080 C) C) 7,187 27,456 80,163 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 126, 71 r . 7,866,964 215, 122 7.316.434 4.144.457 98,036 6,441,428 3.540,123 Ci C) C) 9,664 9,084 43,523 82,666 7,173 169,663 3,116 26,055 994 9,517 3,809 39,030 66 6 7 C) C) C) 70,775 43,018 132.360 3.187,493 22.645 70. 960 2.502,139 27,452 61,400 685,354 37,277 444,584 4,676,698 1,949 23,655 131,290 C) C) C) 3 219,B38 7.0B0 17,787 2,284 6,541 5,270 11,246 219,407 857,000 C) C) 3,385 16,448 32,353 C) C (• 26 8,80' 4,75 C C C C C C 5,624 26,743 40,115 (•) (•) {•) C) 21,330 C) 93,507 C) 13,123 C) 1,217,411 C) C) C) C) (•) (•) 241,475 6, 184, ',')', 5,160,291 122,003 5,028,410 1.398,88! 147,485 20,106.567 6,323,191 Cl (•) C) C) 11,453 205,300 7,366 48,797 7,243 51,233 '•) ') •) ') ') •) 16.566 1,506 7,881 2,580 8,685 170,930 644.142 C) C) 3,503 18,104 56.531 8,145 84,101 3,184 15,959 42,241 (•) C) (•) C) 26,013 C) 124.218 C) 16,119 C) 292,633 C) C) C) C) C) (•) (•] 247.062 7.393,16] 6,686.643 98.763 3,150,0)1 2. 146, 19', 147,658 11.068,388 4,514,406 Cl 2), 312 '",,770 > 33), 070 C) C) C) (•) Cl C) C) C) (•) C) (•) (•) C) C) (•) C) (") Cl C) C) (•) C) (•) (•> C) C) (•> C) C) C) (•) C) (•) 17,372 35,492 C) C) (•) (•) 2 0B, 602 934,320 C) C) 4,073 23,912 72,027 (•) 32 044 163 956 17 257 1,341 002 C) •Not available. •"Available data not comparable. Published values for these years were computed on the basis of average prices. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated valu ucts sold. 2 Butter sold. Cattle, calves, hogs and pigs, and/or sheep and lambs. of all dairy prod- 12 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: 1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Al 1 farms numbe Crop! and harvested farms reporting. acres. Total value of specified crops harvested dollars. Value of all crops sold f see text) dolla Corn: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres value 3 . . dollars Harvested for grain farms reporting acres. bushels. Cut for silage farms reporting. acres- tons. . green weight. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder. . farms reporting. acres. Value of corn and other corn products sold farms reporting. dollars. Corn sold bushels Sorghums: Sorghum for all purposes except sirup farms reporting acres. value 5 , .dollar; Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting. acres, bushels. Cut for silage farms reporting. acres, tons.. green weight. Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting acres. tons cut- Value of sorghum sold farms reporting. dollars. Small grains: Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting. acres. bushels. value. . dollars quantity sold. .farms reporting bushels. Wheat threshed or combined farms reporting acres. bushels. value. . dol lars quantity sold. . farms reporting. bushels Oats threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels. value. . dol lars. quantity sold. . farms reporting. bushels. Oats cut for feeding un threshed farms reporting. acres. value. . dollars. Barley threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels. value. . dollars. quantity sold. . farms reporting, bushels Rye threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels. value. .dollars. quantity sold.. farms reporting. bushels. Other grain threshed or combined farms reporting acres. bushels. value, . dollars. quantity sold.. farms reporting, bushels. Value of small grains and grain straw sold farms reporting. dollars. See footnotes at end of table. Census of Census of Census of Census of Census of Census of Census of 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) 288,508 287,412 278,276 300,967 279,708 283,482 269,7 ;■• 266,953 280,735 271,291 294.404 269,925 C) (•) 5,782,407 6,126,001 6, 125,386 5,965.547 5,809.741 5,57 4.921 2 5.850,9 602,317,563 631,960,474 241,538,779 (••) (••) (••) (") 455,712,714 418,464,602 171,028,891 C) 179. 104,236 C) C) !•■ 237,480 253,897 254,028 27 5, 396 248. 309 254,431 (■) 2,107,871 2,27 5,760 2,458,076 2,429.049 1,985,111 2,009,048 C) 80,692,819 78.259,671 34,948,916 C) C) CI C) !•• 233,722 251,832 252, 589 273,978 241,622 247,244 253,0 2,029. 449 2,233.927 2,407,802 2,398,119 1.892,416 1.930.678 2,311,4 58,054,020 51,038, 110 50,797,461 41,60 5,690 35,608.833 30,547.920 40,998,3 ■• 2,347 C) 1, 454 C) 1,152 616 C) 19.897 C) 15,082 C) 11,839 8.563 C) 177, 556 C) 118,450 C) 73,792 47.551 C) ■■ 11,424 C) 10,441 C) C) C) '60,4 58, 525 (•) 35,192 C) 80,856 69. 807 4 493. 6 33,316 C) C) C) C) (•) C) 6,924,006 C) C) C) C) (•) C) 5,876,920 C) C) C) C) C) 1,617,0 3,513 6,832 6,406 C) 4,849 C) <•> 13,887 13,978 9,931 27,957 8,748 7,867 21,3 493,236 449, 297 20 4,947 602,541 201,718 C) 253,6 1.403 81 110 197 100 C) CM 9,253 709 255 315 181 22 229, 139 18,235 4,405 4,221 2,839 113 5 107 C) 107 C) C) C) C) 654 C) 461 C) (•) C) (•) 4,424 C) 3,436 C) C) C) C) 2,046 5,954 6,218 (") (") (") 4.6 3,980 11,266 9,215 (") (") (") 21.3 5,634 18,004 17,437 CM (") ("•) 12.6 437 C) C) C) C) C) (•) 90,911 C) C) (•> C) C) C) 4,091 4,128 2,137 1,001 1,212 C) 3 31,566 31, 555 13,733 5,173 5,042 C) 1,8 774,950 700,697 260.323 73,652 82,039 C) 19,8 805,950 914,217 169, 102 66,287 84,502 C) 31.7 536 C) (•) C) C) C) C) 92.844 (•) C) C) C) (•) C) 39,428 64.470 57,695 76,477 49.070 47,810 89,3 328,737 468, 571 387,382 495,806 352,634 336.793 620,6 4,581,881 7,717,861 4,968,759 4,887,381 3,623,003 3,688.190 4.744,5 9, 116,699 12,720,809 4.556.020 5, 180,624 5,017,966 6.329,057 11,861.3 13,970 C) C) C) C) (•) C) 1,828,766 C) C) C) C) C) C) 29,998 25,278 23, 550 16,268 11,602 13,112 34,6 233,715 180,239 127,674 74,769 49,831 60,009 125,8 6,821,344 4,973,452 3,038,823 1,363,693 949,082 932,766 1,671.3 5,329,311 4,919,084 1,400,826 886. 400 709,619 781.953 1,838.4 5,443 C) C) (•) C) O C) 1.249,216 C) C) (•) (•) C) 78.2 38, 359 58,257 30,815 50,077 36,044 43,841 (•) 99, 167 196,343 97,831 150,345 109, 553 140,374 C) 3,369,788 5,647,617 1,253,959 C) C) C) (•) 4.853 6,666 2,591 2,455 4,647 1.009 1 29,10 3 42, 111 12,951 10,355 18.490 4.339 4 761,876 1,130,022 286.336 185.005 328.746 76, 191 3.5 872, 538 1,623,924 208. 334 151.704 419,072 90,794 6,4 .. 677 C) C) C) (•) C) CI 111,731 C) C) C) (•) C) 3,022 7,323 11.093 19,931 13,674 13,811 19,6 12,978 31,829 45.438 75,881 53,519 51,879 67,8 148,816 368, 161 410,930 546,458 422.296 390,817 390,1 297,121 671,458 383, 134 530,064 576,268 607,037 819,2 • ■ 654 C) C) C) C) C) C) , . 38,747 C) C) C) C) (•) C) 273 954 16,897 28,726 50 C) 3,576 53.884 42, 193 C) 20 36 825 701 C) C) 5,369 70,047 7 4,188 C) (•) 6.716 88,967 106, 107 C) C) 5,7 67.2 112,1 C) C) 4, 175 C) C) C) (•) C) <•) &•• 17,430 (•) C) C) C) (•) C) 4,912,523 C) C) CI (•) (•) !•) NORTH CAROLINA State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: 1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950- -Continued 13 Census of Census of Censua of Census of Censua of Census o 1 Census of Item 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (For definitions and explanations, see text) (April 11 (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Annua] legumes: 56.353 C) 87,026 63, 140 35,638 C) O acres grown ulone. . . 320,495 250,225 311,242 219,757 128,771 C) C) acres grown with other crops... 93,736 211,994 440,067 211,884 248,035 C) C) 16,424 13,953 19,346 22, 620 C) C) 9,721 acres grown alone... 187,519 C) 106,289 C) C) C) \ 47,041 acres grown with other crops... 21,897 C) 81,746 C) C) C) bushels. . . 2,990,624 1,631.666 1,650,314 1,171, 513 1,047,201 C) 498,048 value. . dollars. . . 5,824,743 3,456, 169 1,489,624 1,382,385 1,568,366 C) 1,743,194 27 , 360 53,922 85,469 103,668 44,216 C) 30,376 acres grown alone. . . 85,423 ) 229,330 475,676 585,132 269,010 169, 172 121,962 acres grown with other crops... 8,570 / tons. . . 95,530 241,702 416,369 447. 549 203,331 C) 99,243 value. . dol lars. . . 2,839,656 6,963,472 5,319,701 8,503,431 3,865, 522 C) 3,17 5.776 Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting... 15,493 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres grown alone... 28,647 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres grown with other crops... 48,434 C) C) C) C) C) C) vslue. .dollars. . . 1,678,952 C) C) C) C) C) C) 6, 136 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres grown alone. . . 18.906 C) (•) C) C) C) C) acres grown with other crops... 14,835 C) C) C) C) C) C) 16,040 C) 68,272 76,029 12,970 C) C) acres grown alone... 34,044 91,284 138,698 185,844 31,015 C) C) acres grown with other crops... 34,064 99,124 314,860 204,674 21,886 C) C) 4,013 9,221 24,255 29,450 C) C) C) acres grown alone. . . 5,180 C) 37,857 (•) C) (•) (*) acres grown with other crops... 5,391 C) 70,469 C) C) C) C) bushels. . . 37,279 105,798 356,893 322,725 96,510 C) C) value. . dollars. . . 161,703 431,183 523,870 506,678 231,112 C) C) 1,838 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres grown alone. . . 1,989 C) C) (•) (•) {*) (•) acres grown with other crops... 844 C) C) C) C) C) C) bushels in shells... 33.239 C) C) C) C) C) C) value. .dollars. . . 99,717 C) C) C) C) C) C) 5,918 (») («) (») < 8 > ( 8 ) < 8 > ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) acres grown alone. . . 13,256 <■> ( B ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) acres grown with other crops... 9,274 (") <") (') ( B ) tons. . . 18.828 (») (») (") C) ( a ) ( B ) value. .dollars. . . 547,841 < a > C) (") ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( B ) Cowpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting... 1,369 (•) (•) C) (•) C) C) acres grown alone. . . 1,680 (•) (•) (•) (") (*) (*) acres grown with other crops... 4,520 (•) (•) C) (•) C) C) value. . dollars. . . 110,320 (•) (•) C) (•) C) C) 5,285 (•) (•) C) (•) C) C) acres grown alone. . . 11,939 (•) (•) C) (•) C) C) acres grown with other crops... 14.035 (•) (•) C) (•) C) C) 29,714 (•) 35,670 34,898 35, 563 C) (•) acres grown alone. . . 231,053 290,428 253,791 248,673 225,153 C) C) acres grown with other crops... 622 2,884 3,781 6,749 41,059 C) C) Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting... 26,163 30,350 28,045 29,921 C) (") 21,002 acres grown alone. . . 218,271 \ 272,326 / 229,453 C) C) (••) ) 125,766 acres grown with other crops... 43 \ 126 C) C) (") 1 pounds, 1950, 1945, 1940; bushels, other years. . . 229,600,343 328,055,863 273,734,912 11,985,097 9,991,739 (••) 5,854,689 value. .dollars. . . 25, 102,787 28,976,484 9.679,198 10,546,885 6,975,968 ( ,'s? 13,465,793 ( 8 I < 8 ) ( 8 ) < 8 > Peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage .... farms reporting... 18,831 25,706 $ ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) acres grown alone. . . 148,365 C) ( B ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) < 8 ) acres grown with other crops... 302 C) ( 8 ) ( B ) tons. . . 88,956 113,937 (») ( 8 ) ( 8 ) value, .dollars. . . 1, 533,146 2,203,304 < 8 > ( 8 ) (") ( 8 ) ( 8 ) 7 57 C) C) C) 1,550 1 075 829 acres grown alone... 1,384 (*) C) C) 2,454 ) « 620 3,153 acres grown with other crops... 1,357 C) C) C) 5,203 1 bushels. . . 7,755 C) C) C) 12,880 C) C) value. . dollars. . . 16,280 C) C) C) 20,320 C) C) Value of soybeans, cowpeas, peanuts, and velvetbeans 32,548 C) C) C) C) (*) (•) dollars. . . 29,083,919 C) C) C) C) C) C) Hay crops, excluding soybean, cowpea, peanut, and sorghum hay. See text: 130,121 866,432 C) 736, 109 504,747 C) 396,370 (•) 275,399 (•) 314 305 (•) acres . . 350,459 11.666 1,827 1,754 1,666 1,234 1 116 949 acres. . . 47,569 8,315 7,480 6,997 5,535 4 522 3,240 tons. . . 106,239 16,279 13,450 14,098 11,162 C) 5,769 value. . dollars. . . 3,737,515 513,403 247,77 3 301,697 238,575 C) 219,222 19,897 15, 568 12,509 9,568 C) C) C) acres. . . 108, 592 79,104 59,919 48,67 2 90, 147 118 381 131,704 tons. . . 124,750 95,526 58,734 43,544 92,474 C) 133,390 value. .dollars... 3,668,566 2,794,092 864,337 818,627 1,731,565 C) 4,298,969 88, 530 75,902 51,298 (••) (••) CM (") acres. . . 532,779 515,426 293,729 (") (") (") (") tons. . . 559,535 535,435 328,729 (") (") (••) (") value. .dollars. . . 16,802,530 15,965,433 4,817,094 <") (") (") (") Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grain cut 30,163 10,048 18,574 16,960 18,441 8 354 18, 482 acres. . . 98,837 37,648 59,622 54, 342 53,163 26 WO 59,395 tons. . . 98,400 40,126 62,906 48, 908 61,709 C) 52,714 value. .dollars. . . 2,542,959 919,173 822,617 811,873 1,156,558 C) 1,581,420 20,110 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres. . . 86,498 95,616 83,997 286,359 126, 554 165 002 156, 120 tons. . . 89,824 98,902 90,643 268,351 132,065 C) 158,182 value. .dollars. . . 2,598,924 2,194,151 1,050,214 4,699,797 2,045,643 C) 4, 177,031 75 C) ,0 35 (") (••) (••) (") acres. . . 2,009 C) >°663 (") (") (") (") tons.. green weight... 5,948 C) I0 2,743 (••) (••) C) (") value. .dollars. . . 47,584 C) 10 14, 352 (") (") C) (**) 6,812 (•) C) C) C) C) (•) tons. . . 45,219 C) C) C) C) C) 17,179 dollars. . . 1,026,657 C) C) C) C) C) 509,728 Receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges.. . farms reporting... 2,764 C) (•) C) C) C) ( ■) dollars. . . 146,148 C) C) C) C) (*) (') See footnotes at end of table. 991354 0-52-3 14 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: 1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Cell su s of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Lespedeza seed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops: Alfalfa seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. .dollars Bed clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. .dollars Lespedeza seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Sweetclover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Redtop seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value, .dollars Sudan grass seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Alsike clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Common andperennial (English) ryegrass seed harvested. .. farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Vetch seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. .dollars Austrian winter peas, including Dixie Wonder. harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Crimson clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. .dollars Meadow fescue seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Millet seed harvested farms reporting. acres pounds value. .dollars Other clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Bur-clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars White clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Ladino clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Rluegrass seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds. . green basis value. . do] lars Orchard grass seed harvested ■ farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars All other field seed crops harvested acres value. .dollars Value of lespedeza seed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops sold farms reporting dollars Other field crops: Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting acres bushels value. . dol lars Sweetpota toes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting acres bushels value. . dol lars Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales value, .dollars Tobacco harvested. arms reporting acres pounds value. -dollars 7 14 1,065 511 382 3,082 250,113 100,042 14,429 140,929 36,069,386 3,149,849 26 173 22,385 3,358 7 129 10,950 4,380 3 5 1,100 66 1 2 30 9 20 189 122,757 18,414 7 306 39, 500 5,925 1 4 3,000 300 71 401 50, 410 7,561 25 134 23,895 4.779 1 4 1,700 136 26 152 10,126 4,050 1 3 600 240 3 8 760 760 19 121 8,215 12,323 1 31 700 280 47 133 14,342 4,160 392 6,595 13,534 2,660,167 120,964 "43,773 6,267,813 8,905,906 99,435 "40. 318 4,796,797 10, 140,647 105,312 846,039 472,389 74,336,081 150,764 604,909 661,981,561 319,156,019 C) C) C) C) 168 947 69, 120 27,648 3,730 1,526 0,538 6,506 148,982 78,934 6,901,489 10,637,566 j 137,917 69,314 7,463,834 14, 538,416 | 106,513 714,177 686,841 85,494,064 I 150,170 | 648, 196 1 677,116,970 291,972,324 I 23 110 12,720 2,544 11 584 "3,007 1 '389, 400 "50.811 13,394 101,901 17,650,260 782,451 216 1,180 217,320 13,040 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (*) C) (-) (') C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 144,170 81,182 8, 109,284 5,552,788 145,353 71,338 8, 149,360 5,461,591 103,248 710,228 458,146 26,279,120 144, 670 774, 598 715,616,397 109,358,911 148.486 93,546 10,744,688 6,554,260 193,408 95,473 9.905,828 7,627,488 139,737 969,710 640,799 *40,088,385 122,552 482, 492 398,349,137 6 40 6,660 1,665 12 2,409 12 13,040 2 3. 299,700 12 567,878 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 3 4 1,680 69 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (") C) C) 132,771 61,507 6,072,709 6,992,206 130,585 60,352 6,716,596 6,223,560 151,664 1,640,398 764,328 72,193,330 117,222 685,074 454,222.610 82,296.099 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (••) C) C) 67,375 44,304 4,492,928 5,208,693 89,78 51,063 4. 455,480 5,37 3,085 175,7 37 1,733,244 855,028 "94,816,392 94,274 407,228 237,436,496 53,149,278 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued 15 (For definitions and explanations, aee text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Ce nails of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (Janusry 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Cenaua of 1920 (January 1) l7 45, 151 "30,624 1,397.980 C) 516 71 23,795 1,432 3 4 C) Other field crops— Continued Sugarcane or sorghum harvested for sirup farms reporting acres gal Ions value. .dollars Broomcorn harvested farms reporting acres lb. of brush value. . dol lars Popcorn harvested farms reporting acres 100 lb. ear corn value. . doll c is Root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than corn, sorghums, and annual legumes ..farms reporting acres Other dry field and seed beans harvested for beans. .. farms reporting acres bushels value. . dollars Dry field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting acres bushels value. .dol lars Chufas harvested farms reporting acres bushels value. . dollars Ginseng harvested farms feporting acres pounds value. .dollars Kudzu harvested farms reporting acres tons value. . dollars All other field crops harvested acres value. . dollars Value of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. Value of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use 20 Vegetables harvested for sale Globe artichokes Asparagus Green beans (snap, string, or wax). Green lima beans Beets ( table) Broccol i Cabbage Cantaloups and muskmelons Carrots Cauli flower Celery Col lards Sweet corn Cucumbers Eggplant Endive Horseradish Kale Lettuce and romaine Okra Dry onions Green onions and shallots English peas rms reporting, value. . dollars rms reporting acres sold. .dollars srms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acrei arms reporting acres rms reporting acres rms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres s reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acre; arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres s reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres s reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres s reporting acres arms reporting acres s reporting 2,010 1,193 78,706 150,929 2 3 350 53 131 283 3,538 24,766 67 940 2 33 202 809 2 12 82 328 1 6 75 338 1 1 2,000 4,000 1 5 8 100 584, 509,273 440,681,288 241,158 C) 20,672 70,015 7,565,081 3 17 96 26 7,922 15,624 2,313 1, 533 13 5 292 73 686 4,325 8,728 2,397 4,588 32 126 3 2 5 3 349 535 4,287 7,164 7,118 8,379 100 92 2 2 40 79 415 1,274 426 264 155 96 150 113 1,137 577 25 61 385 1,683 575,471,148 400,796,118 263,354 30,295,354 31,805 76,086 8,304,304 C) C) C) C) 13, 183 17,130 C) C) C) C) C) C) 6,652 8,661 C) C) C) (') C) C) Ci C) C) C) 5,641 6,672 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) 3,612 1,970 ,5 16,064 l5 8,270 s 542, 151 S 37 4.B87 58 766 244,765 19,581 89 53 531 1,934 1, 536 .,518 '»513 la l,039 7,345 24, 189 '"43 "101 482 1,205 7 15 670 1,842 C) C) C) 140 15 66 10 3 1,236 C) 62,433 215,991,310 163,451,078 247,127 14,773,625 22,444 65,764 3,650,399 3 7 49 24 7,764 12,535 2,854 3,293 554 277 30 155 4,057 7,057 3,173 6, 128 268 200 3 95 120 2,984 5,089 3,479 4,721 35 36 1 3 ) 211 125 409 1,025 261 19 4 87 5 442 30 11 2,532 3,698 19 1,350 3,562 12,730 30,552 ) ) ) ) ) C) 250,291 9,631,010 C) 95,684 C) C) C) C) C) 14,483 22,009 C) C) C) C) C) C) 7,852 8,518 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 6,317 9,619 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) '^M.OOO 1 5 S . 97 3 ls 467,2S5 1 ''456, 932 78 17 6,634 318 89 47 490 1,790 82 262 1.065 "2,445 16,110 77,852 300 "720 2,088 6,491 16 23 286 1, 118 5 1 150 1,200 C) C) C) C) C) (") (") C) 216.690 11,899,887 26,024 43,901 3,952,401 108 71 10,795 9,796 642 613 122 126 21 35 7,014 3,467 2,310 1,987 44 89 2 2 55 20 75 58 5,526 5,498 3,453 3,499 20 16 1 1 9 10 796 940 108 55 2,852 469 95 27 3,451 3,848 C) ,6 7,072 2,427 4,422 1,825 2,277 12,334 64,137 20,619 49, 513 2 58,829 1,035,316 21 31 578 2.312 O C) C) C) C) (") (••) C) (•) 225, 566 (•) 15,848,541 (•) 14,164 (•) 14,706 (•) (•) 1,718,054 C) (•) (•) C) 7 (•) 47 (•) "2,883 (•) 22 1,500 (•) (22) (•) < 22 ) (•) 38 (•) 10 (•) C) 4,437 4,230 3,132 1,181 3,820 2,061 4,252 2,130 C) 6 C) 3 C) 3 C) 58 C) C) 9 C) C) 4,070 C) 835 3,644 908 C) 1,040 C) (•) 652 (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 8 C) 4 467 283 1,167 258 C) 24 (•) 4 1,149 1,827 508 302 (•) 3 C) ,23, C) 77 4 C) 439 See footnotes at end of table. 16 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: 1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes)— Continued Vegetables harvested for sale 2 ' — Continued Hot peppers farms reporting acres Sweet peppers and pimlentos farms reporting acres Pumpkins farms reporting acres Spinach farms reporting acres Squash farms reporting acres Tomatoes farms reporting acres Turnips farms reporting acres Watermelons farms reporting acres Brussels sprouts farms reporting acres Water cress farms reporting acres Kohl rabi farms reporting acres Mustard greens farms reporting acres Parsley farms reporting acres Parsnips farms reporting acres Phubarb farms reporting acres ftitabagas farms reporting acres Radishes farms reporting acres Chicory farms reporting acres Turnip greens farms reporting acres Other vegetables acres Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: 25 Strawberries farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Blackberries and dewberries (tame) farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Raspberries ( tame) farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Tame blueberries farms reporting I acres quarts value. . doll ars Cranberries farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Boysenberries, loganberries, and youngberries farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Currants farms repotting acres quarts value. . dollars Other berries and small fruits acres value. . dollars Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting. acres. Apples farms reporting. Wees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushel s. value. .dollars. Peaches farms reporting. . trees of all ages. .number. trees not Of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. . quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushel s. value. .do liars. See footnotes at end of table. 12 9 2,910 3,767 4 4 30 76 1,660 1,339 3, 18 2,046 32. 426 3,84. 10,665 158 288 (23) (23, 19 13 31 644 3 53 68 338 137 2,941 2,810 2,833,775 902,989 471 434 489,591 114,878 22 11,106 3,222 39 568 334, 533 86,978 250 50 1 613 184 16 5 7 360 27 119,996 * 59, 790 99, 109 2, 152,457 31,951 501,249 80,800 1,651,208 33,409 1,321,717 2,618,924 61,751 1,850,475 24,064 511,672 43,150 1,338,80 3 10,672 718,464 1,947,240 7.532 3,823 4,175 2,493 3,581,292 1,151,290 664 760 762,877 151,381 467 107 54,87 3 13,827 55, 563 83.082 133,418 2,730,369 3,525.359 6,268,558 98,818 3, 19 5,050 2.444,018 6,156,698 ,23, ,263 4 222 148 383 600 3,814 3,412 247 290 5,117 12,059 (23) 14 181 16 11 1,600 8,266 5,991 10,268, 100 1,026,806 1,010 1,252 2,083,248 177.886 777 162 124,053 19,271 "6 "118 26 116, 323 "16.177 C) 5,110 849 ,23) 386 50 55,804 92,703 135,209 3. 123, 587 39, 339 691,369 120.322 2,432,218 93, 518 3,39 5,343 2.035,071 104,748 3,610,385 32,180 1,249,051 87,439 2,361,334 59,479 1,401. 168 1,664,722 6,655 5,420 4,533 20,240 29,878 10,731 9,418 12,845,971 1.284,597 61,192 91,820 139,068 3,455,881 C) 648,928 C) 2,806.953 C) 2,598.124 2,234,387 102,931 3, 123,488 C) 695,425 C) 2,428,063 C) 2,115,893 2. 115,893 2, 734 24 699 3 1 367 201 61 82 6,099 1,887 200 128 5,985 8,918 (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) 3 4 CI (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) 12,200 9,187 16,460,037 1,599,487 3,280 1,701 1,930,986 179,695 719 122 74,700 10, 520 "110 26 17 1 1 128 17 C) C) C) C) 2 401 48 27 1, 133 119,664 136.764 4,056, 503 C) 940.388 C) 3,116, 115 C) 2„465. 115 2,682,983 111.980 3,309,655 (") 634.733 2,674,922 <■>' 1.32J.603 1,695,204 2,818 | 1,770 ! 8,2731 1,918 I 4,737 6,779 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) (") C) C) 157,710 4,856,082 C) 1,162,694 C) 3, 693, 388 C) 5,749,676 6.084,569 132.862 4, 116,566 C) C) C) C) C) 2.302,833 2.955,997 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued 17 (For definitions and expl anationa, see text) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes — Continued Pears forms reporting. trees of oil ages. . numlnrr. trees not of hearing age.. farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . forms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. Cherries farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age.,fnrms reporting. number. trees of bearing nge.. farms reporting. number, quanti ty harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. .dollars. Plums and primes farms reporting. trees of all ages. -number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. numbe trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quanti ty harvested. . farms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. Apricots farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. Figs farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age., farms reporting. numDei . trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. . value. .dollars. Grapes farms reporting, vines of all ages. .number. vines not of bearing age.. farms reporting. number vines of bearing age. . farms reporting.. number quantity harvested. . farms reporting. . pounds. value. . dollars. Jujubes farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting.. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. , pounds. value. . dollars. Nectarines farms reporting. , trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. , bushels. . value. .dollars. Japanese persimmons farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quanti ty harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Pomegranates farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. , trees not of bearing age.. farms reporting.. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. Quinces farms reporting. . trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. . trees of bearing age., farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. See footnotes at end of table. Census of Cen.ua of Cen.ua of Cenaua of Cenaua of Cenaua of Cenaua of 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) 42,933 55,0 57 61,820 56,925 58,30 5 74,896 C) 120,386 163,683 197.431 196,978 221,566 287,863 348,829 12,354 C) 12,826 C) C) 22,715 32,600 (•) 37,804 30,829 44,655 129, 104 32, 480 C) 52,056 C) C) 50,420 87,786 C) 159,627 166, 149 176,911 219,725 7,592 C) 32,441 CI C) C) 41, 196 247,944 256,785 288, 545 195,862 111,548 81,950 441,150 229, 437 245,263 230,271 211,945 32,683 45,635 49, 130 52,944 44,101 CI 142,400 227,867 269,318 319,208 257,667 C) 9,810 C) 1 5, 07 3 C) C) 13,761 35.203 C) 80, 114 94,840 76,551 71,880 24, 338 C) 38,062 C) C) 32,794 107,197 C) 189,204 224, 368 181, 116 158, 187 4,429 (•) 20,288 C) C) C) 317,479 2,886,656 2,010,081 4, 551,904 3,719,968 2,092,888 40,878 259,803 124,613 162, 568 224,484 (•) 112,119 17,383 21, 110 25,450 25,519 29,28 4 38.032 C) 54,786 77,418 101, 170 110,764 127.842 156,212 146,397 5,430 C) 6,028 C) C) 8,245 14,610 C) 21,886 20, 170 26, 121 35,820 12,491 C) 20,617 C) C) 25, 526 40,176 C) 79,284 90,594 101,721 110.577 2,109 C) 10,687 C) C) (•) 9,754 44,222 55,112 60,232 48,619 37,415 14,631 88,444 44,096 78,302 58,339 72,965 595 C) 440 (•) 181 C) 1,155 C) 898 C) 356 241 371 (•) 214 C) (•) 26 728 C) 500 (•) 199 89 236 C) 231 C) C) 35 427 C) 398 C) 157 152 35 (•) 73 C) C) (•) 411 C) 313 C) 63 101 1,133 C) 406 C) 109 182 16,956 (•) 15,839 C) 12,954 C) 42,436 C) 42,285 C) 32, 590 10,455 4,348 C) 3,086 (•) C) 1,722 11,844 C) 9,616 C) 7,845 3,763 13,142 C) 13,085 C) (•> 3,008 30, 592 C) 32, 669 C) 24,745 6,692 6,911 C) 9,809 C) C) (•) 500,977 C) 762,497 C) 392,768 33.017 50,098 C) 48,535 C) 25,428 3,966 58,809 75,313 69, 347 76,692 65,819 86,797 C) 534,410 548,465 529, 185 555,624 472,305 57 5,969 658,316 13,607 C) 12,939 C) (•) 16,877 137,724 (•) 131,958 80,796 88,879 114,582 47,842 C) 59,771 C) C) 60,244 396,686 C) 397,227 474, 828 383,426 543,734 22,645 C) 46.988 C) (•) (•) 3,071,519 10,391,977 10.B37.960 14,650,957 7,435,832 10,679, 108 241,635 1 1 1 1 785,385 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 390,517 C) C) CI C) C) (•) 483,482 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 289, 479 C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) 854, 333 (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) 25 85 13 50 13 35 3 157 565 5 15 1 1 4 14 2 11 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 11 17 9 14 2 3 2 6 7 28 40 12 15 16 25 11 228 9 2 2 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) CI C) (•) C) (•) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) 5 8 5 8 C) 240 10 (•) (•) 9 20 4 10 5 C) C) C) C) (•) C) (•) (•) C) 2 10 (•) 2 C) (•) 1 50 [•'i 2 4 (•) C) (•) C) 150 (•> 4 (•) (•) 64 226 C) 118 (•) 121 556 (•) 348 (•) 22 69 <•) C) (•) 51 200 (•) 84 (•) 43 o 17 2 (•) C) C) 70 o 356 (•) 264 1 •) 4 o 73 C) C) (•) 31 o 144 (•) 44 (•) 68 o 175 C) 79 (•) 18 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: 1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes — Continued Kumquats farms reporting. . trees of all ages, .number. . trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. . number.. ' trees of bearing age. . farms reporting.. number. . quantity harvested. . farms reporting.. pounds. . value. . dollars. . All other tree fruits value. . dollars. . Improved and seedling pecans farms reporting.. trees of all ages. .number. . trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. . number. . trees of bearing age.. farms reporting.. number. . quantity harvested. . farms reporting.. pounds. . value. .dollars. . Improved pecans ( budded, grafted, or top-worked) .... farms reporting. . trees of all ages. .number. . trees not of bearing age.. farms reporting.. number. . trees of bearing age. . farms reporting.. number. . quantity harvested. . farms reporting.. pounds. . value. . dollars. . Wild or seedling pecans farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. . trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting.. pounds. value. . dol lars. Walnuts (English or Persian) farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age., farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Filberts and hazelnuts farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quanti ty harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Almonds farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Chestnuts farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Black walnuts farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dol lars. All other nuts value. .dollars. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested dollars. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold farms reporting. dol lars. See footnotes at end of table. Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) C) 149,826 C) 34, 680 C) 115,146 C) 1,637,580 399,7 54 23,622 137,062 8,206 31,498 17, 337 10 5,564 10, 536 1,497,223 370,770 3,439 12,764 1,031 3,182 2,550 9,582 1,370 140,357 28,984 324 1,066 88 210 254 856 104 2,586 515 6 35 2 25 4 10 3 6 1 1 1 15 3 139 1,223 91 931 56 292 13 297 3,714 25,354 59 3 4,652 3,268 20.702 1,113 65,707 2,626 6, 508,924 8,422 3,732,060 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 29,901 173,694 C) C) C) C) C) 1,996,617 622,561 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (*) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 26,765 165,043 11,047 48,922 18, 525 116,121 13,910 1,379,283 203, 562 22,883 144,675 C) 43, 526 C) 101,149 C) 1,169,958 177,838 4.911 20, 368 (') 5,396 C) 14,972 C) 209.325 25,724 428 1,053 131 369 315 684 230 21, 178 3,176 (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) C) (•) C) (•) (•) C) (*) (•) (•) <•) C) (•) (•) C) 35 (•) (•) (•) C) C) C) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) C) C) C) C) C) 549 15,939 097 5,985,973 22 187 22,616 7,413 609 2,804,711 (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (*) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (*) (•) (*) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) <•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (••) 18,063 140,132 C) 84,984 C) 55, 148 C) 407,627 113,062 C) (*) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) (•) (•) 120 304 c: 118 186 c: 2,766 834 4 9 4 9 100 1 c c c <• c c c 6 68 7 61 C 920 74 c <• c c c c <• c (••) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (••) 15,930 103.814 C) 61,972 C) 41,842 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (') C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) O C) C) C) C) C) C) O (••) C) C) C) (") C) 54,697 6,465 37,227 3,704 17,470 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (*) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (") (*•) C) C) NORTH CAROLINA State Tabic 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued 19 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) On aus of 1940 (April 1) Cenaua of 1935 (January 1) Cenaua of 1930 (April 1) Cenaua of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) 660,222 Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulba : Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seerU and plants, flowers, and bulbs sold. . dol lurs Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc. ). farms reporting acres sold.. dollars Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale: Urown under glass farms reporting square feet Grown in open farms reporting acres Sold forms reporting dollars Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetables seeds, vegetable plants, butbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting square feet Grown in open farms reporting acres Sold farms reporting. dol lars Forest products: All forest products sold dollars Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting. cords (4 , x4'x8'). Fence posts cut farms reporting. number Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting thousands of bd. ft Pulp wood cut farms reporting cords Piling and poles cut farms reporting number Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles sold farms reporting dollars Standing timber sold farms reporting dollars Value of other forest products sold (gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, etc. ) farms reporting dollars. 3 734 1 285 411 704 1 246 362 187 1 209 1 806 394 291 479 2 178 835 77 102,139 114 389 182 309,088 9,874,357 127. 507 1,523,953 22,615 2,758,495 12.281 95,77 5 4.319 103,291 1,303 302,871 7,584 2,471,327 9,418 7,265,807 713 137,22: C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 4,461,082 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 143 1,433 365,245 "127 "896, 5B0 C) C) C) "350,925 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•> "1,345 C) 2 421 . 302 CI ,299,641 2,379,521 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) <*) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) (•) (•) (•) !■•! «p,794 "408 !8 S14,776 M 172 CI C) C) "444,018 5,532.358 187,519 2,638,271 7,752 794,817 12,696 485, 520 4,445 104,083 1,811 147,529 C) C) C) C) C) CI C) CI C) (•) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) (•) C) 184,995 2, 534,991 C) CI C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) 334 62 989 977 "94 "453.691 C) C) "325 245 * Not available. 'Available data not comparable, see text. 1 Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. Total acres of crops for which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was excluded being largely duplicated in acres harvested for grain. Calculated value of corn harvested for grain, corn cut for silage, and corn hogged or grazed or cut for green or dry fodder. *Corn cut for forage. Calculated value of sorghums for grain, silage, hay or dry forage, and sorghums hogged off or grazed. The 1944 and 1939 figures do not include acres plowed under for green manure. For 1944, soybeans and cowpeas harvested for hay. Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches in 1924. For figures on annual legumes saved for hay, including cowpeas and peanut vines, see soybeans cut for hay. For censuses prior to 1950, obtained by adding the individual hay crops, exclusive of sorghums and annual legumes. Silage crops other than corn and sorghums. 1 Clover seed except sweetclover. Clover seed. For 1949, does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. Value of lint cotton only. 5 Sorghum and sugarcane sirup reported separately. All data combined. For 1940, farms reporting sorghums for sirup, 15,967 and farms reporting sugarcane 0, farms reporting sorghums for sirup, 13,278 and farms reporting sugarcane for sirup, 812. Sorghums for sirup. 'Farms reporting and acres are for sorghums for sirup. 5 Excludes reports for farms reporting acres grown for all purposes with no production. Acres harvested for beans or peas not available. Includes acres grown alone and acres grown with other crops for all purposes. Acres harvested for beans or peas not available. Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes, except for 1920 Census which included potatoes for home use only. Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes. 2 Green lima beans included with green beans. Reported in small fractions. Hot peppers included with sweet peppers and pimientos. For censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for home use or for sale. Blueberries. For 1950, does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries; flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs. Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants, and vegetables) and propagated mushrooms. 1 Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass, and flowers grown in the open. Total square feet under glass. Flower ana vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. 20 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.— FARMS, FARM CHARACTERISTICS, AND FARM PRODUCTS FOR SPECIFIED LARGE FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Percent of State >taJ Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves - farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have «) ved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Whole milk sold farms reporting. gal Ions do 1 1 a r s . Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of batter fat. dol lars. Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, »- i cheese sold farms reporting. do 1 1 ars . Hogs: Hogs ard pigs. farms reporting. number. Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting. number. Sheep and wool : Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. Sheep and lambs born before Oct. 1, 1949. . farms reporting. number. Ewes farms reporting. numbe Sheep and Jambs shorn farms reporting. number shorn. Wool shorn pounds. Poultry and poultry products: Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. ... farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting number. dol lars. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens dol lars. Animals sold al ive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting dollars. Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting, number, dollars. Calves sold alive farms reporting. number, dollars. Hops and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number, dollars. Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting. number, dol lars Horses and mules sold alive farms reporting. number. dollars. Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushe Is. Corn sold bushels Oats threshed or combined farms reporting. acres. bushels quantity sold. . farms reporting. bushels. Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing. . farms reporting. acres, pounds Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres. Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting. acres. bushels. sold. . doll ars. Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres . bales sold. .dollars Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres, pounds, sold. , dollars. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting. acres. Farms, acreage, and value: Farms number. . I and in farms acres. . Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Land in farms according to use, 1919: Cropland harvested farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres Farms by size: Under 30 acres number.. 30 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. . 1 , 000 acres and over number. , Farms by tenure of operator: Ful 1 owners Part owners Managers A)] tenants Pick-up hay balers. Hired labor. number. . number. . number.. number. . Specified facilities and equipment: Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number . . Motortrucks farms reporting.. number. . Tractors farms reporting.. number. . Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Specified farm expenditures: Machine hire farms reporting. . dol I ars. . farms reporting., dollars. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting., dollars. , Livestock and poultry purchased.. farms reporting., dollars. . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. .. farms reporting.. dollars. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil... farms reporting. dol 1 ars. Tractor repairs ....farms reporting. dollars. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dollars. Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other, than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Dairy farms '■ number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poul try number. General farms number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number. Class I (value of products sold, S25.000 or m0 re) '■ ■ • ■ number. Class II (value of products sold, $10, 000- f 24, 999) number. Classes IJI-VT (value of products sold, ?250-*9,999) number. Other farms number. Value of products sold, by source: All farm products sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold .dol lars Vegetables sold dol ] ars Fruits and nuts sold dol lars Horticul tural special ties sold do) I ars iJairy products sol d. . do I I ars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dol I ars Forest products sold dollars 938 1,310,954 78,855 54.90 809 169,626 524 46,912 452 129,883 326 50,729 15 1,073 n 48 40 249 590 550 191 154 43 432 567 138 157 233 251 696 1,460 731 2,222 594 5,388 418 336,135 763 5,189,274 615 1,605,046 523 889,671 707 881,782 796 1,328,384 695 537,835 667 409,097 22 67 22 156 161 233 779 135 182 462 159 14,884,338 5,114,004 916,265 705,158 1,161,561 2,842,087 932,897 2,363,411 848,955 0.3 6.8 0.3 2.9 0.6 6.4 0.5 9.1 0.4 4.8 15.6 51.5 (') (*) 0.6 13.4 98.7 0.4 0.5 29.8 3.4 4.3 7.2 8.1 4.1 4.3 1.3 2.4 1.2 3.0 2.2 9.9 0.3 2.7 0.5 10.8 0.3 3.9 0.4 4.6 0.4 8.3 0.7 5.2 1.8 10.0 0.8 7.5 0.2 0.6 3.0 1.3 0.4 2.5 1.3 0.2 0.4 33.3 6.9 0.2 0.2 2.7 1.2 12.1 IB. 9 31.1 10.8 3.2 6.6 8.6 668 36,991 646 18,371 535 8,942 136 5,182,316 2,772,503 22 110.146 5B.529 23 11,055 613 30,688 !-■ 422 4,049 :•- 63 4,640 60 3,409 t. - 57 3,141 ?•■ 41 i. . 1,484 7,936 601 74, 594 168 465,152 387 , 199 !■• 267 440,602 s. . 200,895 645 >. . 2,327,623 477 352 6,786 1,169,199 337 r. . 5,583 310,316 {■ ■ 456 r. . 25, 349 793,694 ?•• 40 1,116 18,587 80 r. . 427 35,827 !•■ 638 45,638 !•■ 611 i. . 40,573 1,378,181 .. 417,363 [•• 289 .. 15,752 467,146 !■• 116 144,932 !■• 137 5,235 4,773,547 !•■ 527 35,173 • • 261 . . 3,118 563,263 743,760 •• 260 12,313 7,115 1,027,538 ■ ■ 233 2,132 2,194,334 99 5,793 405 5,460 '0.05 percent or less. NORTH CAROLINA 21 State Table 14.— FARMS, AND LAND IN FARMS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF FARM OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 (For definition! and rxplanatio Total ill farms Tenure of operator lull owners Shnre- caah Crop- ahore Croppers Other and unspeci - fled ALL FARM OPERATORS Farms number Land owned by farm operators acres Land rented from others by fumi operators acres Land managed by farm operators arres Land rented to others by farm operators, .farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Averuge size of farm acres Land in farms according to use, 1949: Cropland harvested forms reporting acres Cropland used only for pasture acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres Woodland pastured acres Woodland not pastured acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) .. acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) acres Cropland, total acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Tenants related to landlord number Tenants reporting landlord living on a farm number ALL WHITE OPERATORS Ferns number Land owned by farm operators. .' acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres Land managed by farm operators acres Land rented to others by farm operators, .farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres Cropland used only for pasture acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres Woodland pastured acres Woodland not pastured acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) .. acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) ■ acres Cropland, total acres Land pastured, total acres Woodland, total acres ALL NONWHITE OPERATORS Farms number Land owned by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres Land managed hy farm operators . acres Land rented to others by farm operators. . farms reporting acres Land i n farms ac res Average size of farm acres Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres Cropland used only for pasture acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres Woodland pastured acres Woodland not pastured acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) . .acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) acres Cropland, total acres Land pastured, total acres Woodland, total acres • Not available. 288.508 14,921, 350 fi,623,946 468,381 53,358 2,695,740 19,317,937 67.0 266,953 5,782,407 732,664 1,183,324 1,422,819 8,273,353 1,057,154 866,216 7.698,395 169.899 3,212,637 9,696,172 96 2,083 15,731 58,580 215,956 13,850,758 4,447,258 458,911 49,152 2,565,848 16,191,079 75.0 196,208 4,269,730 681.480 1,026,474 1,312,960 7,171,B55 997,792 730,788 5,977,684 2,992,232 8,484,815 72,552 1,070,592 2,176,688 9.470 4,206 129.892 3,126,858 43.1 70,745 1,512,677 51,184 156,850 109,859 1,101,498 59,362 135,428 1.720,711 220,405 1,211.357 142,085 12,536,279 xxxxxxxxxx (•) 42,321 1 ,992,220 10,544,059 74.2 123.662 2, 196,044- 481.918 714,667 934,818 4,985,408 733,747 497,457 3,392,629 105.045 2,150,483 5,920,226 48 1,174 127.105 11,741,290 xxxxxxx 39,602 1,917,259 9,824,031 77.3 109,815 1,977,736 464,820 667,655 896,384 4,643,825 713,347 460,264 3,110,211 2,074,551 5,540,209 14,980 794,989 txxxxxxxx (•) 2,719 74,961 720,028 48.1 13.847 218,308 17,098 47,012 38,434 341,583 20,400 37,193 282,418 75,932 380,017 35,422 2,385,071 1,283,135 (') 7,768 519,866 3,148,340 88.9 34,649 1,048.497 114,714 179,268 221,754 1,306,147 149,110 128,850 1,342,479 23,998 485,578 1.527,901 35 765 26,888 2,109,468 1,060,145 C) 6,776 471,394 2,698,219 100.4 26,208 859,532 106,861 154,672 205,158 1,122,108 140,738 109,150 1,121,065 452,757 1,327,266 8,534 275,603 222,990 C) 992 48.472 450,121 52.7 8,441 188,965 7,853 24,596 16,596 184,039 8,372 19,700 221,414 32,821 200,635 516 C) C) 468,381 211 83,022 385,359 746.8 477 74,863 21.841 16,908 22,577 206,691 22,782 19,697 113,612 419 67,200 229,268 6 96 495 C) (•) 458,911 204 82,799 376,112 759.8 457 72,350 20,384 16,220 22.418 202.619 22.653 19,468 108.954 65,455 225,037 C) C) 9,4 9,247 440.3 20 2,513 1,457 688 159 4,072 129 229 4,658 1,745 4,231 110,485 5,340,811 C) 3,058 100,632 5,240,179 17. 1 108,165 2,463,003 114,191 272,481 243.670 1,775,107 151,515 220,212 2,849,675 40,437 509,376 2,018,777 7 48 15,731 58,580 61,468 xxxxxxxxx 3,387,113 C) 2,570 94,396 3,292.717 53.6 59,728 1,360,112 89.415 187,927 189,000 1,203,303 121,054 141,906 1.637,454 399,169 1,392,303 xxxxxxxxx 1,953,698 C) 1,947.462 39.7 48,437 1,102,891 24,776 84,554 54,670 571,804 30,461 78.306 1,212.221 109,907 626,474 1,311 298,016 C) 388 19,032 278,984 64.3 3,895 81,915 7.807 18,285 16,375 133,540 9,449 11,583 108,037 C) 33,631 149,915 C) C) 894 1,483 3,083 229,972 C) 350 18,292 211,680 68.7 2,710 57,511 6,596 14,494 14,271 101,904 7,861 9,043 78,601 28,728 116,175 68,044 C) 67,304 53.5 1,185 24,434 1,211 3,791 2,104 31,636 1,588 2,540 29,436 4,903 33,740 1,462 8d, 110 C) 69 2,691 85,419 58. I 1,440 42,409 1,365 3,990 4,460 27,827 2,128 3,240 47.764 C) 7.953 32,287 C) C) 261 665 861 xxxxxxxx 59,397 C) 62 2,474 56,923 66.1 843 24,477 1,187 3,087 3,964 19.734 1,871 2,603 28.751 7,022 23,698 601 xxxxxxxx 28,713 C) 7 217 28,496 47.4 597 17,932 178 903 496 8,093 257 637 19,013 931 8,589 38,091 2,204,309 C) 1.292 34,320 2,169,981 57.0 37,619 949,575 45.463 125.403 104.727 789.964 62,655 92 , 194 1,120,441 C) 212,845 894,691 C) C) 5,905 13,049 24,171 xxxxxxxxx 1,499,123 C) 1,114 31,880 1,167,235 60.7 23,824 593,021 36.131 89,311 82,421 549.488 51,338 65,525 718.463 169,890 631,909 13,920 xxxxxxxxx 705,186 C) 178 2,440 702,746 50.5 13,795 356,554 9,332 36,092 22,306 240,476 11,317 26,669 401 . 978 42,955 262,782 714 xxxxxxxxx 66,515 CI 51 2,029 64,486 90.3 698 22,711 2.476 3,822 5,265 25,041 2,865 2,306 29,009 57,157 xxxxxxxxx 2,151,048 C) 770 22,598 2.128,450 37.0 56,809 1,203,404 39,462 86,277 71,438 592,600 47,358 87,911 1,329,143 (•) 10.606 30,306 cf 158,258 664,038 el (•) 154 317 o 7,253 35,326 500 xxxxxxxx 51,751 (•) 43 1,992 49,759 99.5 484 16,986 2,190 2,847 4,429 18,668 2,479 2,160 22,023 9,098 23,097 xxxxxxxxx 14,764 C) 14,727 68.8 214 S.725 286 975 836 6,373 386 146 6.986 1.508 7.209 26,939 xxxxxxxxx 1,126,934 C) 570 20,610 1,106,324 41.1 26.530 556,520 27.832 50,297 48,337 345,692 32,68.3 44,963 634, £49 108,852 394,029 30,518 xxxxxxxxx 1,024,114 C) 200 1,980 1,022,126 33.5 30,279 646,884 11,630 35,980 23,101 246,908 14,675 42,948 694.494 49.406 270,009 8,420 ■xxxxxxxx 532,013 C) 480 19,954 512,859 61.0 7.704 162,959 17.610 34.704 41.405 206,135 27,060 22,970 215.201 C) 86,083 247,540 CI C) I ,264 2,740 5.914 xxxxxxxxx 419,936 C! 431 19,140 400,796 67.8 5,337 111,597 15,479 27,891 35,578 167,817 24,822 17,612 154,967 75,879 203,395 2,506 xxxxxxxxx 112.877 C) 57 814 112.063 44.7 2,367 51.362 2.139 6.813 5,827 38.318 2,238 5,366 60,314 10,204 44,145 22 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) White operators Totaf all farms of white operators Tenure of operator 1 FARMS. A C R F A G E , AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators '. farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for winch value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres. farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms report ing 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting SO to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture ..farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Other Income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: L'nder 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years .operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPFCI FIED FACI1 ITIES Telephone farms reporting.. Electricity farms reporting. . From a power line farms reporting. . Average of last monthly electric bill dollars.. From a home plant farms reporting.. Electric 'water pump farms reporting. . Electric hot-water heater farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting. . Electric washing machine.... farms reporting.. Electric chick brooder farms reporting.. Electric power -feed grinder farms reporting. . 217,131 154,959 13,911,709 88,906 4,517,230 551 500, 577 51,363 2,554,723 16,374,793 7 5.4 7,125 97.32 86 83 197,529 4,339,869 62,494 56,466 36,475 27,446 11,188 2,628 832 71,966 707,780 84,664 1,033,793 78,365 1,287,940 144,379 7,248,271 71,825 1,016,760 186,459 740,380 208,135 6,081,442 147,171 3,012,480 165,396 8,536,211 201,301 7,435 68,434 79,344 26,236 53,108 131, 409 7,591 34,400 48,647 43,135 35,688 28,668 47.5 72,935 20,716 33,370 96,356 14 22,440 179,7% 179,406 4.46 390 68,902 26,632 1 5, 340 124,569 20, 342 2,077 61,552 61,552 7,511,508 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (•) (•) 20,903 003,722 507,786 105.7 8,649 83.77 87 85 59,693 1,581,848 10,441 18,955 13,403 11,094 4,561 954 285 27,902 329,920 26,318 349,328 29,173 550, 376 50,864 2,970,373 24,870 462,669 57,116 263,272 60,644 2,261,096 51,215 1,342,% 5 56,924 3,520,749 57,941 1,614 6,648 13,770 7,966 5,804 46,550 686 6,155 11,916 13,398 13,656 10,881 51.6 10,107 1,456 8,879 38,874 19 6,801 53,898 53,764 5.02 134 25,835 10,081 6,145 39,524 7,524 893 20,489 20,489 1,776,828 20,489 915,872 C) C) 5,994 370,511 2,322,189 113.3 10,617 96.45 84 81 20,379 803,692 2,173 5,107 4,458 4,130 3,067 1,118 326 8,676 91,795 8,848 126,679 9,034 167,785 16,160 932, 086 7,290 112,203 18,823 87 , 949 20,433 1,022,166 15,672 371,783 17,927 1,099,871 19,204 770 2,102 5,720 3,892 1,828 14,455 421 3,178 6,110 4,877 3,104 1,243 45.2 5,659 966 3,606 10,260 14 2,690 18,368 18,332 5.71 36 9,240 3, 803 2, 198 14,031 3,131 309 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 a sample of farms. See text. J 23 White operator** — Continued Tenure of operator 1 — Continued Farms not classl fled Tenants by tenure All Caah Shore-cash Crop-share Llveatock-shnr< Croppers Other and unapeci fled 51,433 1,562 730 21,106 418 23,988 3,629 83,218 ] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 72,918 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 4,623,373 '! 51,433 1,562 730 21,106 418 2 3,988 3,629 16,984 ■1 2,964,095 163,873 43,260 1,358,908 44,300 1,039,349 314,405 637,263 5 C) C) C) C) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) 112 117,863 t 7 2,224 237 60 1,096 37 507 287 22,028 8 7 9,592 19,003 1,755 26,145 1,201 18,590 12,898 1,045,982 9 2,884,503 144,870 41,505 1,332,763 43,099 1,020,759 301,507 4,332,517 10 56.1 92.7 56.9 63.1 103. 1 42.6 83.1 52.1 11 6,747 8,634 6,814 7,072 11,146 6,192 7,188 5,049 12 122.31 94.82 125.33 114.05 18.19 144.73 91.79 101.00 13 86 87 82 87 88 86 80 85 14 85 86 79 86 80 87 76 81 15 51,297 1,547 730 21,076 417 23,958 3,569 65,748 16 1,265,862 48,418 19,940 558,712 14,486 525,454 98,852 622,544 17 6,096 200 70 1,745 40 3,635 406 43,757 18 17,843 506 245 6,785 110 8,945 1,252 14,546 19 13 , 996 340 190 6,335 105 6,196 830 4,608 20 9,898 270 150 4,581 91 4,086 720 2,270 21 2,989 183 65 1,391 60 992 298 474 22 376 24 10 198 6 86 52 75 23 99 24 41 5 18 11 18 24 12,212 509 230 5,229 | 140 4,984 1,120 22,931 25 77,408 4,834 915 30,510 1,680 25,525 13,944 185,724 26 14,062 524 245 6,938 143 4,992 1,220 35,251 27 140,469 4,847 1,850 72,704 2,165 42,734 16,169 404,639 28 11,429 429 205 5,593 187 3,865 1,150 28,485 29 150,703 10, 582 2,240 74,110 4,121 37,485 22,165 396,179 30 23,611 988 405 11,246 243 8,741 1,988 53,394 31 1,035,977 67,258 13,175 492,924 17,085 324,737 120,798 2,143,481 32 8,743 328 120 4,307 122 2,993 873 30,768 33 96,367 4,385 1,580 45,697 2,160 25,377 17,168 326,636 34 37,878 1,264 565 16,556 338 16,276 2,879 72,229 35 117,717 4,546 1,805 58,106 1,402 39,447 12,411 253,314 36 51,353 1,557 730 21,091 418 23,968 3,589 75,269 37 1,483,739 58,099 22,705 661,926 18,331 593,713 128,965 1,212,907 38 23,293 882 390 10,785 293 8,905 2,038 56,636 39 324,478 19,801 4,735 150,317 7,961 88, 387 53,277 908,539 40 26,415 1,075 430 12.576 303 9,762 2,269 63,731 41 1,186,680 77,840 15, 415 567,034 21,206 362,222 142,963 2,539,660 42 47,613 1,345 67 5 19,571 398 22,436 3,188 76, 168 43 1,729 152 30 755 15 632 145 3,273 44 3,817 252 65 1,305 20 1,910 26 5 55,834 45 9,666 418 130 3,715 86 4,556 761 50,126 46 6,707 240 80 2,700 65 3,071 551 7,646 47 2,959 178 50 1,015 21 1,485 210 42,480 48 39,944 1,094 570 16,706 332 18,646 2,596 30,110 49 4,617 60 75 1,441 40 2,731 270 1,866 50 13,906 356 180 5,715 126 6,722 807 11,085 51 13,331 361 235 5,756 125 5,972 882 17,172 52 8,123 289 85 3,373 82 3,717 '577 16,625 53 4,187 188 60 1,926 20 1,686 307 14,677 54 1,752 102 35 735 20 635 225 14,784 55 39.3 43.4 39.2 40.0 38.9 38.0 41.4 50.0 56 32,784 834 445 12,828 272 16,465 1,940 24,209 57 11,945 255 155 4,446 70 6,409 610 6,302 SB 7,627 282 95 3,405 80 3,225 540 13,182 59 7,425 351 125 3,473 56 2,643 777 39,636 60 5 7 6 6 5 4 7 15 61 1,991 192 35 710 36 820 198 10,741 62 42,445 1,304 600 17,670 342 19,652 2,877 64,676 63 42,384 1,303 600 17,645 342 19,622 2,872 64,518 64 3.46 4.83 3.80 3.31 4.24 3.37 4.34 4.21 65 61 8,014 1 417 25 3,033 30 3,446 5 911 158 25,506 66 135 72 67 1,931 146 40 562 37 859 287 10,636 68 2,215 126 30 915 26 921 197 4,657 69 26,586 912 43 5 11,344 221 11,731 1.943 44, 163 70 4,136 175 65 1,476 37 2,057 326 5,422 71 296 10 20 140 5 90 31 539 72 24 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY COLOR [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) White operators Total all farms of white operators Tenure of operator 1 Al 1 farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Mi Iking machines. Grain combines. . . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Silos Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobiles Year of newest model Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale. Dirt or unimproved FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Fami ly and /or hi red workers Family workers, including operator. Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more. Hired workers Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more).... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers., farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Family workers only Operators only Unpaid members of operator's family only Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures. Machine hire and/or hired labor Machine hi re Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinr- ry repairs farms reporting. farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting persons. . farms reporting. , persons. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting dollars farms reporting dol lars farms reporting dol lars farms reporting dollars farms reporting dollars farms reporting dollars farms reporting dollars farms reporting dol lars farms reporting dol lars farms reporting dol lars 3,415 11,719 12,182 1,747 1,781 4,797 4,855 3,169 49,684 54,391 48,408 27,134 6,394 14,880 56,942 66,910 55,105 53,881 62,466 48,477 30,856 8,997 8,624 2,403 2,485 1,807 1,959 113,928 131,075 111,398 45,555 17,586 48,262 60,049 46,320 53,726 42,268 14,674 67,719 31,493 106,901 176,705 316,414 173,762 266,981 162,555 7 0,292 104,426 24,516 49,433 13,348 24,827 13,606 24,606 10,910 21,573 152,189 90,022 10,178 2,943 190,363 144,444 53,042,296 103,122 10,367,265 112,620 42,675,031 145,570 40,563,030 111,914 17,741,331 125,504 9,218,066 97,933 22, 403,836 79,202 9,909,645 36,188 5,076,148 66,834 4, 833, 497 1,697 4,844 5,017 608 623 1,841 1,869 1,638 18,770 20,658 18,345 11,058 2,344 4,943 22,607 26,661 22,182 21,680 25,143 19,721 12,713 3,774 3,234 640 666 787 852 35,319 41,129 34, 555 16,714 5,241 12,600 6,791 12,669 19,485 18,737 3,870 18,749 8,594 31,683 53,934 104,845 52,734 84,446 49,164 23,561 35,282 9,930 20,399 5,573 10,359 5,449 10,040 4,481 8,730 44,004 23,986 3,086 1,200 58,111 48,537 21,344,510 35,426 4,192,790 39,731 17,151,720 46, 093 19,946,372 37,563 8,729,171 42,136 3,841,476 36,674 9,389,921 32,370 4,252,602 15,011 2,112,029 27,742 2,140,573 20, 489 913 3,264 3,416 620 637 1,111 1,118 741 7,940 8,95 5 7,744 4,696 1,080 1,968 10,416 12,975 10,309 10,159 12,491 9,343 5,901 2,026 1,416 175 196 254 288 12,657 15,033 12,394 6,120 1,839 4,435 1,562 3,325 5,186 8,612 1,804 6,934 2,056 10,776 19,061 42,503 18,752 31,345 17,964 8, 335 13,381 4,814 1 1 , 1 58 3,190 6,566 2,294 4,592 2,520 4,505 14,247 7,648 637 309 19,707 17,577 11, 105,935 12,781 1.923,561 15.121 9,182,374 15,760 7,735,641 13,446 3,191,186 15,488 1,955,948 14,931 5,085,979 13,152 2,507,266 7,777 1,419,089 11,206 1,088,177 Sot available. Data are given by tenure of operntor for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued 25 ■ sample of farms. Se e text] White operators — Continued Tenure of operator 1 —Continued Farms not Tenants classified by tenure All Cash Share-cash Crop-share Livestock -share Croppers Other and unapeci fled 51,433 1,562 730 21,106 418 23,988 3,629 83,218 1 377 1,831 45 88 90 812 20 27 150 718 72 151 332 1,577 2 35 3 1,883 104 35 832 37 723 152 1,629 4 337 24 15 151 10 117 20 142 5 338 24 15 151 10 118 20 143 6 1,098 61 5 310 16 618 88 598 7 1,108 61 5 310 16 628 88 608 8 292 40 5 51 15 101 80 364 9 7,944 411 140 3,304 72 3,322 695 14,699 10 8,28* 469 140 3,350 83 3,476 768 15,925 11 7,698 391 135 3,209 67 3,222 674 14,304 12 4,043 214 85 1,619 47 1,714 364 7,116 13 1,053 57 25 405 15 466 85 1,878 14 2,602 120 25 1,185 5 1,042 225 5,310 15 11,531 577 240 5,090 182 4,432 1,010 12,024 16 13,031 738 290 5,479 213 5,151 1,160 13,370 17 11,411 572 230 5,035 177 4,387 1,010 10,839 18 11,166 557 225 4,955 162 4,277 990 10.523 19 12,515 698 265 5,304 198 4,940 1,110 11,511 20 9,991 493 210 4,534 142 3,751 861 9,109 21 6.758 323 145 3,172 107 2,490 521 5,278 22 1,645 80 45 700 25 645 150 1,482 21 1,588 90 20 662 10 616 190 2,349 24 201 216 285 15 15 20 15 20 5 75 75 95 71 81 125 25 25 25 1,374 1,394 433 25 26 15 27 300 25 5 100 15 130 25 465 28 26,725 954 390 11,421 232 11,981 1,747 38,895 29 29,615 1,078 420 12,365 267 13,519 1,966 44,400 30 26,096 946 380 11,115 232 11,720 1,703 38,037 31 8,040 365 135 3,003 87 3,857 593 14,455 32 4,371 140 70 1,935 45 1,911 270 6,121 31 13,690 441 175 6,177 100 5,952 845 17,461 3-1 13,174 172 75 2,265 26 9,820 816 38,492 IS 8,782 351 140 4,675 75 2,971 570 21,534 36 17,852 462 27 5 9,076 135 6,765 1,139 11,168 37 8,097 441 210 3,690 152 2,825 779 6,522 3fl 3,434 136 30 1,400 30 1,607 231 5,502 39 15,818 532 250 6,247 152 7,505 1,132 25,988 40 3,695 102 30 1,660 45 1,516 342 17,121 41 29,262 886 405 12,363 210 13,596 1,802 35,027 42 46,537 1,365 680 19,315 387 21,627 3,163 56,775 43 81,368 2,875 1,285 34,711 802 35,861 5,834 84.632 44 46,229 1,324 680 19,180 385 21,522 3,138 55,682 45 73, 358 2,132 1,090 31,562 665 32,894 5,015 77,350 46 44,633 1,279 645 18,489 375 20,857 2,988 50,429 47 18,035 493 270 8,093 165 7,732 1,282 20,304 48 28,725 853 445 13,073 290 12,037 2,027 26,921 49 4,743 313 115 2,037 87 1,760 431 4,686 50 8,010 743 195 3,149 137 2,967 819 7,282 51 2,619 227 45 1,192 52 830 27 3 1,646 52 3,669 442 85 1,518 72 1,134 418 2,465 53 2,474 157 80 961 45 1,017 214 3,278 54 4,341 301 110 1.631 65 1,833 401 4,817 55 2,269 156 35 1,076 42 743 217 1,408 56 4,435 272 115 1,902 85 1,655 406 3,593 57 41,794 1,052 565 17,278 300 19,867 2,732 52,089 58 25,402 655 320 9,906 170 12,765 1,586 32,954 59 1,480 40 40 625 10 630 135 4,975 60 308 45,533 41 1,462 135 19,281 2 408 105 20,533 25 3,154 1,093 66,615 61 695 62 39,563 1,300 585 17,120 333 17,612 2,613 38,385 63 12,264,325 782,230 208,405 4,959,850 147,280 5,175,859 990,701 5,814,846 64 26,426 925 455 12,303 236 10,707 1,800 28,274 65 2,122,166 88,865 48,920 963,450 20,360 822,415 178,156 2,012,224 66 34,912 1,130 530 14,810 303 15,942 2,197 22 , 498 67 10,142,159 693,365 159,485 3,996,400 126,920 4,353,444 812,545 3,802,622 68 31,710 1,105 495 13,771 317 13,866 2,156 51,715 69 4,970, 109 439,812 99, 385 1,853,375 54,805 1,743,281 779,451 6,852,418 70 27,420 969 445 11,785 232 12,224 1.765 33,213 71 2,726,978 166,130 54,380 1,040,638 139,045 947,475 379,310 2,639,188 72 28,265 1,066 465 12,480 277 12,070 1,907 39,286 73 1,555,199 132,180 51,655 607,327 21,423 598,749 143,865 1,571,179 74 27,932 1,040 450 11,911 282 12,417 1,832 18,035 75 5,033,16 5 300,079 110,670 1,984,575 65,200 2,184,280 388,361 2,435,285 76 19,675 795 400 9,486 272 7,216 1,506 13,678 77 1,695,559 150,832 40,085 643,350 28,065 666,452 166,775 1,144,536 78 6,999 363 160 3,030 107 2,650 689 6,100 79 802,959 79,727 21,815 278,530 11,795 321,847 89,245 557,351 80 17,110 643 355 8,264 237 6,350 1,261 10,487 81 892,600 71,105 18,270 364,820 16.270 344,605 77,530 587,185 82 26 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY L Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonwhite operators Total all farms of nonwhite operators Tenure of operator 1 Part owners FARMS. A C R F A C E , AND VALUE Farms. .number. Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. acres. Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting. acres. Land managed by farm operators farms reporting. acres. Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting. acres. Land in farms acres. Average size of farm acres. Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars. average per acre, dollars. Proportion of farms reporting value percent. Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres. farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland).... farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. irtO days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm. I operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to M years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years . Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACI1 ITIES Telephone Electric From Ave From a Electric Electric Home free Electric Electric Electric ty powe r line rage of last monthly electric bill. home plant water pump hot -water heater washing machine. . . chick brooder power-feed grinder farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting ..dollars farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting 71,342 23,797 1,079,168 56,288 2,096,802 13 6,095 4,234 130,804 3,051,261 42.8 4,524 106.03 85 85 69,565 1,493,077 12,945 24,235 16,986 12,168 3,008 197 26 11,853 48,627 18,972 155,926 11,577 107,143 32,247 1,048,503 7,861 59,634 52,101 138,351 7 0,457 1,697,630 23,543 215,404 35,402 1,155,646 67,186 1,976 9,427 17,765 10,890 6.875 51,636 3.960 13,575 16,798 13,176 9,623 7,227 44.7 35,950 12,165 11,603 19,637 9 902 39,626 39,491 2.68 135 2,153 642 842 7,847 1,357 115 8,726 8,726 575, 101 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (•) (•) 1,426 42,991 532,110 61.0 4,840 79.07 90 90 8,680 180,515 1,575 3,360 2.085 1,230 340 35 5 2,796 12, 535 3,660 28,350 2,775 27.835 7.061 240,237 1,735 15,630 7,706 27,008 8,716 221,400 5,126 56,000 7,681 268,072 a 491 105 345 i 495 i ,205 290 7 ,076 110 605 ] ,390 1 ,690 2 ,265 1 ,975 54.0 1 ,540 220 1 ,455 5 ,291 18 lso 5,056 5,046 3.16 10 471 141 246 1,435 190 15 C) C) 7,051 7,051 250,732 7,051 192,717 904 35,990 407,459 57.8 5,142 91.17 87 85 7,051 177,903 795 2,630 1,710 1.327 517 66 6 1,900 7,786 2,509 19,903 1,816 16,038 5,076 159,425 921 8,389 6,035 18,015 7,051 205,592 3,350 32,213 5,486 175,463 6,790 156 387 1.760 1,420 340 5,206 30 640 1,717 1,816 1,353 845 49.5 2,085 275 1,417 3,279 13 86 4,123 4,098 3.07 25 271 75 161 1,086 206 20 See footnotes at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continue J a sample of farms. See text] 27 Nonwhite operators — Continued Tenure of operator 1 — Continued rartna not classified Tenants by tenure All Cash Share-cash Crop-share Livestock-share Croppers Other and unapeci fled 43,977 876 545 12,410 225 27,916 2,005 11,576 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8,020 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 253,335 1 43,977 876 545 12,410 225 27,916 2,005 5,260 4 1,800,335 57,590 I • 1 21,105 ( * ) 633,755 15,430 f • \ 973,560 98,895 103,750 5 6 7 (* ) I 1 (•) (•) (•) I > ( * ) (* ) C) 1,130 432 36 890 165 2,765 5 60 201 3,146 25 300 1,471 A 7,161 44,515 9 1,793,174 56,700 21,105 630,990 15,370 970,414 98,595 313,700 10 40. e 64.7 38.7 50.8 68.3 34.8 49.2 27.1 11 4,918 4,375 4,875 5,357 6,146 4,784 4,110 2,414 12 121.06 62.09 125.23 104.07 90.77 139.45 86.69 89.51 13 84 85 81 84 69 84 74 85 14 83 93 81 85 68 83 71 85 15 43, 922 876 545 12,390 225 27,891 1,995 9,900 16 1,042,634 19,873 16,060 333,810 6,295 619,121 47,475 89,095 17 4,155 120 15 810 20 2,950 240 6,420 18 15,635 305 110 3,510 65 10,950 695 2,610 19 12,566 231 205 3,775 50 7,760 545 625 20 9,365 175 165 3,320 65 5,240 400 190 21 2,100 45 45 940 20 945 105 50 22 91 10 5,441 5 30 5 1,765 5 41 5 3,126 10 5 23 24 195 30 45 280 1,716 25 20,580 780 65 6,980 385 10,985 1,385 7,726 26 8,416 341 90 2,975 60 4,440 S10 4,386 27 72,153 2,908 525 30,190 1,450 31,065 6,015 35,420 28 5,231 220 55 1,910 50 2,701 295 1,755 29 47,720 2,310 425 18,430 805 22,145 3,605 15,550 30 14,032 551 195 5.325 115 7,031 815 6,071 31 509,274 27,774 3,420 208.805 « 5,390 229,850 34,035 137,814 32 3,825 60 25 1,430 50 2,030 2 30 1,375 33 26,395 1,395 80 9,675 465 13,135 1,645 9,195 34 29,512 686 325 8,890 175 18,036 1,400 8,841 35 74,418 1,660 530 23,100 580 44,113 4,435 18,900 36 43,937 876 545 12,395 225 27,901 1,995 10,741 37 1,135,367 23,561 16,650 370,980 8,130 661,171 54,875 132,241 38 11,346 370 95 3,980 95 6,186 620 3,716 39 94,695 4,485 570 35,085 1,655 46,265 6,635 32,471 40 15,442 601 215 5,725 120 7,881 900 6,786 41 556,994 30,084 3,845 227,235 6,195 251,995 37,640 153,364 42 41,272 786 535 11,575 220 26,491 1,665 10,621 43 1,160 45 10 40b 5 625 70 555 44 1,490 7,640 25 210 25 85 300 1,920 1,090 5,070 50 325 7,205 6,870 45 30 46 6,345 195 80 1,725 25 4,065 255 1,920 47 1,295 15 5 195 5 1,005 70 4,950 4B 34,941 621 460 10,120 195 22,065 1,480 4,401 49 3,395 25 45 680 2,495 150 425 50 10,515 140 110 2,670 60 7,175 360 1,815 51 11,595 215 130 3,365 40 7,395 450 2,096 52 7,350 150 90 2,195 50 4,525 340 2,320 53 4,255 155 95 1,450 40 2,330 185 1,750 54 2,251 111 50 805 10 1,090 185 2,155 55 40.9 46.9 45.1 42.7 44.0 39.6 43.5 49.3 56 28,040 395 305 7,510 135 18,695 1,000 4,285 57 10,120 85 35 2,405 40 7,175 380 1,550 58 6,901 141 90 2,155 45 4,105 365 1,830 59 6,300 280 130 1,980 30 3,540 340 4,756 60 5 9 8 6 5 5 6 13 61 405 25,120 65 6,635 5 125 305 16,795 30 900 251 5,321 62 330 335 63 25,040 325 335 6,620 125 66,760 875 5,301 64 2.46 2.76 2.80 2.60 3.10 2.40 2.38 2.95 65 80 875 5 20 15 17 5 35 60S 25 60 20 531 66 10 5 67 200 315 10 10 5 15 45 75 130 185 10 15 226 120 68 15 69 3,800 65 45 1,100 35 2,385 170 1,526 70 810 15 10 195 5 540 45 151 71 55 15 50 15 72 28 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY COLOR [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonwnite operators Total all farms of nonwnite operators Tenure of operator 1 Part owners Al 1 farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Hi Iking machines. Grain combines. . . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Silos Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobi les Year of newest model Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 1 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface , Gravel , shel 1 , or shal e Dirt or unimproved. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Fami ly and/or hi red workers Fame ly workers, including operator , Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more. Hired workers Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more)... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers.. Family workers 'only Operators only Unpaid members of operator's family only. Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Speci f i?d farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repai rs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs arms reporting arms reporting number arms reporting number arms reporting number arms reporting arms reporting number arms reporting arms reporting arms arms reporting reporting arms reporting number arms reporting arms report ing number arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting number arms reporting number arms reporting number arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting rms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting persons arms reporting persons . . . .persons arms reporting persons arms reporting persons arms reporting persons arms reporting persons arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting arms reporting dollars arms reporting dol I ars arms reporting dol lars is reporting dollars arm:, reporting dol lars arms reporting dollars arms reporting dollars arms reporting dol lars arms reporting dol lars arms reporting dol lars 160 1,028 1,070 156 156 931 941 75 5,712 6,019 5,421 2,160 920 2,341 5,744 6,587 5,649 5,444 6,257 4,547 2,638 701 1,208 100 100 230 230 26,141 28,126 25,540 4,597 5,481 15,462 22,920 16,940 25,738 4,27 3 1,471 20,921 4,105 42,700 62,734 117,244 62,463 112,904 58,593 30,079 54,311 2,943 4,340 1,398 1,767 1,641 2,573 1,302 2,672 59,791 30,893 3,710 271 59,825 46,555 7,730,063 32,856 2,222,770 35,393 5,507,293 36, 335 2,835,536 27,879 1,681,215 33,813 1,314.765 23,588 2,935,373 17,705 957,687 3,527 356,377 16,568 601,310 8,726 45 105 105 10 10 65 65 10 1.171 1,241 1,141 426 210 505 1,011 1,076 1,001 971 1,026 876 450 141 285 10 10 40 40 3,690 3,975 3,615 955 940 1,720 555 3,130 4,030 971 40 2,245 485 5,711 7,736 14,921 7,661 14,086 6,866 495 7,166 3,246 765 75 8,021 6,586 1,097,630 4,885 309,355 4,861 788,275 5,391 659,395 3,921 300,100 5,411 235,985 3,431 428,638 3,246 171,745 671 59,310 2,980 112,435 15 123 125 11 11 51 51 i 1,075 1,112 1,040 379 200 461 800 887 795 765 852 684 377 12 5 182 5 5 30 30 3,038 3,273 2,988 571 796 1,621 580 2,285 3,386 730 70 1,940 365 4,446 6,554 13,849 6,504 13,009 6,074 3,633 6,935 566 840 301 390 275 450 291 516 5,988 2,605 400 50 6,655 5,645 1,069,153 4,224 295,996 4,389 773,157 4,686 436,875 3, 3P6 250, 9J5 4,505 215,562 2,769 JJ4.270 2,755 165,710 574 66,942 2,574 98.768 Not available. Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only NORTH CAROLINA AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued 29 a sample of farms. Se e text] Nonwhite operators — Continued Tenure of operator 1 — Continue d Kama not Tenanta claasl fled by tenure All Cash Share-cash Crop- share Livestock-share Croppers Other and unspeci fled 43, 977 876 545 12,410 225 27,916 2,005 11,576 1 75 5 20 40 10 25 2 755 5 105 5 605 35 45 3 795 115 115 775 5 115 25 25 100 5 625 70 70 625 45 20 20 30 45 20 20 40 4 5 6 10 5 5 7 780 10 5 100 5 630 30 45 e 55 2,580 5 5 50 1,575 5 885 9 95 25 795 85 10 2,755 100 25 BOO 5 1,735 90 910 n 2,370 90 25 775 5 1,395 80 870 12 1,140 25 10 260 5 795 45 215 13 340 890 3,431 10 55 60 130 385 740 195 405 2,461 5 30 125 170 485 501 14 15 25 15 20 16 4,081 65 25 760 25 3,046 160 542 17 3,371 50 25 725 20 2,436 115 481 18 3,241 50 25 690 15 2,346 115 466 19 3,871 55 25 710 20 2,911 150 507 20 2,631 40 25 625 15 1,841 85 356 21 1,600 15 10 385 15 1,125 50 211 22 385 646. 65 65 145 145 16,041 10 15 10 10 5 10 75 165 15 15 35 35 4,925 280 436 30 30 105 105 9,951 15 20 10 10 50 95 20 20 15 IS 3,371 23 24 25 26 5 5 65 27 20 300 200 600 29 17.271 310 200 5,155 75 10,881 650 3,606 30 15,641 290 200 4,825 65 9,676 585 3,296 31 2,470 25 35 655 20 1,630 105 601 32 3,010 75 45 945 15 1,785 145 735 33 10,161 190 120 3,225 30 6,261 335 1,960 34 16,610 90 45 1,510 35 14,275 6 55 5,170 35 7,325 235 125 3,410 35 3,105 415 4,200 36 16,611 491 350 6,750 135 8,075 810 1,705 37 2,261 55 25 660 20 1,421 80 310 38 1,170 13,690 5 225 80 3.445 1,040 9,150 45 635 191 3,046 39 185 50 40 2,290 55 30 620 5 1,450 130 965 41 25,757 581 320 7,820 150 15,792 1,095 6,780 42 39.847 781 510 11,435 170 25,236 1,715 8,586 43 75.429 1,591 1,220 23,320 435 45,588 3,275 12,999 44 39,781 776 510 11,420 170 25,195 1,710 8,511 45 73,361 1,506 1,180 22,515 425 44,525 3,210 12,437 46 38,011 751 485 10,820 160 24,190 1,605 7,636 47 19,055 370 320 6,135 105 11,270 855 3,261 48 35,350 755 695 11,695 265 20,335 1,605 4,801 49 1,461 75 30 565 10 721 60 341 SO 2, 068 85 40 805 10 1,063 65 562 51 691 25 10 240 10 381 25 81 52 818 30 10 280 10 458 30 129 53 805 1,250 50 55 20 30 335 525 365 605 35 35 281 433 54 55 656 25 10 230 10 356 25 60 56 1,39b 70 30 550 10 680 55 266 57 38.386 706 480 10,870 160 24,515 1,655 8,245 58 19,941 346 170 4,970 55 13,570 830 5.100 59 1,725 25 20 585 10 980 105 820 60 66 5 15 41 22,571 5 1,535 75 8.756 61 62 36,387 831 520 10,745 185 29, 507 721 460 8,625 140 18.366 1,195 4,811 63 5,142,175 107,945 72,400 1,350,795 16,995 3,238,680 355,360 388,405 64 20,221 626 360 6,310 125 11,915 885 3,525 65 1,47 2,094 40,979 24,325 432, 935 4,725 896,395 72.735 145,125 66 23,292 491 345 6,495 80 15,056 825 2,846 67 3,670,081 66,966 48,075 917,860 12 , 270 2,342,285 282,625 243,280 68 20,127 481 330 6,600 115 11,741 860 6,131 69 1,281,606 28,131 17,965 449,670 10.430 706,280 69,130 457,660 70 17,152 336 295 5,360 110 10,406 645 3,420 71 966,775 16, 305 20,410 333,225 4,070 556,900 35,86 5 163,345 72 18,701 500 255 5,835 70 11,251 790 5,190 73 734,408 13,165 8,900 227,685 3,325 457,563 23.770 127.460 74 15,856 240 205 4,420 105 10,391 495 1,526 75 1,977,765 24,885 23,190 464,725 17,850 1, 389,410 57,705 127,000 76 10,077 296 17 5 3,725 55 5,396 430 1,621 77 540,827 9,297 6,160 141,345 8,885 352,155 22,985 71,755 78 2,001 75 25 390 20 1.371 120 276 79 190,170 2,610 3,260 35,780 4,600 134,675 9,245 32,455 80 9,517 281 160 3,560 45 5,086 385 1,496 81 350,657 6,687 2,900 105,565 4,285 217,480 13,740 39,300 82 OTISM O- 52 30 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE CENSUS [lata are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanatio White operators Total all farms of white operators Tenure of operator Fans by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number . 140 to 179 acres . number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f rui t-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit- and- nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V - number. Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: Ail farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollsrs Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average Bales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heiiers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows. farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. ChickenB 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in (919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs so(d farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested In 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harveated bushels sold Cotton harveated farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounda harvested sold. .dollars Land from which hay waa cut farms reporting acres 21,550 54,866 40, 161 29,084 25,210 19.529 9,630 5,543 3,191 5,949 1,834 584 102 2 11 88 1 5 5 6 10 3, 2 13 41 46 29 83 407,838 309,981 296,558 6,028 3,852 3,541 88, 281 26,899 27,773 33,608 9,574 194 2 142 265 141 •655 135 359 129 305 150 969 181 7,637 67 214 57 657 55 16, 157 72 28,297 172 1,555 169 1,486 43,736 4,636 58 457 262 37.490 100 411 457,401 220,757 107 779 1,542 7,421 11,398 10,550 10,533 8,191 4,170 2,395 1,473 2,7 58 e37 284 39,428 1,249 4,717 33,462 682 503 3,566 4, 135 4,676 6,426 2,024 784 3,618 2,136 61,552 181 1,156 4,671 15,256 21.761 18,527 158,330,160 104,893,305 97, 39 2,600 2,679,271 2,317,449 2,503,985 47,017,849 12,755,028 17,836,179 16,426,642 6,419,006 61,552 2,572 50.891 100,371 46,602 303,060 45, 300 158,709 43,412 131,618 47,911 378 , 330 55,168 3,254,885 25,954 107,839 21,6eS 283.649 21,507 10,984,442 27,976 16,752,928 54,670 524,571 53,685 496,828 15, 144,882 1,250,447 17,852 143, 266 04,557 12,034,958 36,910 135,838 150,851,775 72,142,079 40,251 332,19 2 345 3,177 3,466 2,965 3,091 2.945 1,435 1,017 460 1,166 316 106 14,664 764 1.654 12,246 257 108 1,194 737 822 2,464 1,039 156 1,269 243 20.489 113 731 2.566 6,481 6,719 3,879 69,965,516 49,708.439 47.214,066 1,442,104 623,169 429, 100 18,893,946 7,738.554 4,893,685 6,261.707 1,363,131 20.489 3,415 17,123 36,084 15,299 109,371 14,787 59,504 14,218 51.156 16,814 166,529 18,335 1,081,189 8,440 35, 259 8,630 140.236 6.838 2,485,340 8,961 5,461,338 19.161 260,917 18,8.10 243,636 7,375,118 1, 142,740 7,327 75,674 45.372 6,508, 422 12.966 57.816 62,459.750 29,855.971 12,955 139.272 Data are given by type of farm and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 31 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK, AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: OF 1950 only a sample of farms. See text} White operator*— Continued Tenure of operator — Continued Tenants Karma not classified All Cash Share-cash Crop- share Li veatock-ahare Croppers Other and unapeci fled by tenure 3,265 70 30 705 15 2,270 17 5 16,383 1 19,155 405 240 6,545 115 10,775 1,075 ;s, U2 2 10,615 220 17 5 4,705 25 4,8 35 655 14,682 3 6,310 230 100 3,095 75 2,425 385 9,248 4 4,492 226 9(1 2,160 60 1,481 47 5 7,089 5 3,620 165 .10 1,900 45 1, 150 320 4,743 6 1,650 55 20 860 35 475 205 2,355 7 935 60 20 495 15 255 90 1,186 8 500 660 45 45 5 10 250 300 115 165 85 125 7 37 1,249 9 15 10 203 28 48,426 680 5, 328 42,418 197 50 365 336 S38 33 8 1,241 36 207 998 31 85 6 19,995 341 2,260 17,394 85 S 90 115 151 17 1 327 1 10 316 5 35 7 23, 130 221 2,195 20,714 55 30 110 65 161 33 6 3,063 76 591 2, 396 16 15 105 106 128 360 74 11 12 670 5 65 600 5 13 14 15 16 17 18 35 45 67 5 5 5 20 19 20 26 21 1,364 813 40 511 157 51,433 107 37 5 65 36 1,562 40 25 620 405 10 205 45 21,106 35 15 396 230 15 151 41 23,988 166 101 10 55 30 3.629 22 23 24 15 20 5 418 25 83,218 26 730 27 20 464 2 33 1 160 5 12 2 187 10 62 28 10 29 5,668 172 100 2,139 66 2,915 276 30 20, 109 448 270 8,521 100 9,734 1,036 31 18 1 087 566 280 7,500 165 8,210 1,366 32 7,085 341 70 2,785 70 2,940 879 33 83,218 20, 166, 179 34 152,461,992 4,654,289 2,224,660 61,167,025 1,569,448 73,306,315 9,540.255 35 142,208,620 3,659,092 2,015,540 57,671,790 1, 134,895 70,075,343 7,651,960 10,349,126 36 140,618,573 3,417,057 1,963,330 57,129,600 1,125,695 69,521,423 7,461,468 9,451,927 37 1,100,347 135,270 50,710 508,780 9,075 331,885 64,627 563,763 38 253,950 7,015 1.500 33, 410 125 86,035 125,865 247,766 39 235,750 9,560,882 99,750 896 , 197 136,000 3,039,032 85,670 8,817,133 40 202,620 3,240,125 397,853 1,765,055 41 2,134,825 347,825 41,460 429,385 208,825 476,560 630.770 1.562.247 42 2,388,026 173,534 67,285 889, 120 13,308 655,607 589,172 2.469,028 43 5,038,031 374,838 93,875 1,921,620 175,720 1,906,865 565,113 4,785,858 44 692, 490 99,000 6,500 255,110 36,700 191,940 103,240 999,920 45 51,433 1,562 7 30 21, 106 418 23,988 3,629 60,675 46 2,694 2,980 3,047 2,898 3,755 3,056 2,629 332 47 34,825 1,254 625 17,441 362 12,561 2,582 39,224 48 67,492 2,551 1,115 31,687 710 26,364 5,065 59,798 49 23,826 857 400 11,353 268 8,825 2,123 55,205 SO 69,927 4,446 1,420 28,511 2,196 22,074 11,280 151,393 51 22,725 807 385 10,888 263 8,339 2,043 52,315 52 42,512 2,440 e45 17,813 1,169 14,044 6,201 87,350 53 21,603 796 355 10,432 251 7,848 1,921 50. 185 54 37,816 2,376 690 16,146 1,014 12,206 5,384 77, 347 55 39,122 1,090 565 16,851 378 17,497 2,741 45,976 56 261,022 11,528 4, 340 101,770 4,306 120,921 18,157 152,450 57 41,697 1,247 580 17,881 353 18.631 3,005 65,716 58 1,316,339 47,398 19,845 551,942 12, 252 563,472 121.430 1,951,099 59 9,628 423 140 4,746 132 3,1*7 1.000 23,258 60 21,868 1,715 265 8,467 528 7,316 3,577 42,379 61 15,218 549 275 6,670 203 6,436 1,085 11,258 62 139,867 9,666 3,240 54,655 4,276 56,463 11,567 85,079 63 9,949 315 215 4,426 96 4,166 731 17,377 64 1,618,390 .93,355 56,590 681,460 4,345 329,530 453,110 942,029 65 12, 126 482 185 5,483 122 4,818 1,036 23,650 66 2,236,368 144,145 36,320 837,745 16,480 728,345 473, 333 3,664,659 67 48.280 1,406 70S 20,231 410 22, 197 3,331 50,362 68 516,601 15,633 8,495 224, 570 5,820 226,311 35,772 237,560 69 47,745 1,386 700 20,001 410 21,947 3,301 49,162 70 502,574 14,968 8,170 219,408 5,130 220,351 34. 547 229,773 71 14,497,035 449,390 227,780 6,083,490 165,200 6,606, 150 965,025 6.238,123 72 1,765,116 50,938 44, 360 B67.725 21,805 688,320 91.96B 392,500 73 24,396 741 320 11,103 150 10,444 1,638 8.390 74 193,203 7,442 3,225 91.148 1,365 74,793 15,230 39,985 75 108,378 3,959 1,700 47,728 700 46,384 7,907 21,691 76 15,521,791 58 3,646 241, 130 6,853,160 98,930 6,609,515 1,135,410 2,997,495 77 42,662 999 600 17,519 347 20,717 2,480 8,171 78 205,953 4,421 2,770 85,330 1,572 101,154 10,706 10,944 79 232,666,952 4,802,915 3,046,930 94,616,340 1,717,105 116,847,297 11,636,365 9,848,375 80 114,045,831 2,398,405 1,444,470 46,025,090 817,415 57,782,836 5.577,615 3,961,450 61 22,396 812 360 11,926 200 7,138 1,960 31,605 82 126,378 6, 102 1,810 60,108 1,820 40,375 16, 163 164.450 83 32 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE CENSUS [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonwhite operators Total all farms of nonwhi te operators Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. . 10 to 29 acres number. . 30 to 49 acres number. . 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number. . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres , number. . 180 to 219 acres number. . 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres A number.. 500 to 999 acres number.. 1 , 000 acres and over number. . Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number.. Cash -grain number. . Cotton number. . Other fie Id- crop number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fruit -and -nut farms number. . Dal ry farms number. . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number.. General farms number . . Primarily crop number. . Primarily livestock number.. Crop and livestock number. . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number. . Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 19119 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dol lars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950; Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 19119: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested In 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dollars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. .dollars Land from which hey waa cut farms reporting ucrea 6,705 29,875 15,845 7,860 4,890 3.300 1,305 700 360 396 100 57, 157 411 9,727 47,019 210 55 85 165 150 1,768 1,482 10 276 11,752 59,766 30 160 3,792 20 , 096 23,017 12,671 11,576 149,482,715 144,465,088 142,955,868 1,280,580 228,635 5 4,251,690 411, 100 1,077,796 2,762,794 765,937 68,481 2,18 3 46,951 88,410 29,044 55,493 27,254 37,482 25, 127 33, 369 54,040 281,408 56,324 1,257,525 9,201 12,764 14,690 97,626 6,987 677,431 12,054 916,470 64,86 3 556,970 64,023 545,025 14,318,325 1,251,915 47.122 391,394 210,471 29,991,941 48,847 191,140 201, 353,222 95,788,638 22,938 103,050 350 2,250 2,105 1,445 1,185 740 295 180 75 85 16 7,785 80 1,190 6,515 65 25 40 115 65 505 385 5 115 126 8,726 5 20 145 1,481 3,520 3, S55 14,981.612 13,463,055 13,090,105 264,860 108,090 1, 161,447 157,545 413,996 589.906 357, 110 8,726 1,717 8,131 14,409 5,201 12,287 5,021 7,838 4,596 6,944 7,411 44,655 7,771 216,520 1,786 2,573 2,466 20,200 1,406 361,636 2,216 272, 155 8,315 66,040 8,175 63,845 1. 522, 140 53,265 5,700 38,230 18,415 2,567,925 6,840 21,232 20,222,265 9.F5.920 4,435 20,060 275 2,245 1,695 1.015 800 535 225 100 95 51 12 3 6,464 66 1. 101 5,297 45 30 20 20 35 412 341 71 25 7,051 5 25 316 1,774 2,796 2,135 15,063,776 14.096, 96e 13,758,568 259,6 25 78,775 779.888 118,000 161,660 500 , 2 28 186,920 7,051 2,136 6,401 12,185 4,124 9,315 3,849 5,922 3,593 5,367 6,175 40,385 6,385 170,225 1,559 2,545 2,274 17,311 996 115,655 1,952 145,410 6,835 66,545 6,770 64,845 1,520,250 136,025 4,655 38,120 19,467 2,763,671 5,404 20,362 19,150,684 8,774,293 3,229 14,331 Late are given by type of farm and by economic claas lor commercial farms NORTH CAROLINA 33 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK, AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: OF 1950 -Continued only a sample of farms. See textj Nonwhite operaLora— Continued Tenure of opera tor — Continued Tenants Farma not claBaified All Caah Share-cash Crop-share Livestock-share Croppers Other and unapeel lied by tenure 2,380 50 10 385 15 1,800 120 3,700 1 20,820 235 215 4,510 45 15,010 805 4, 560 2 10,480 195 200 3,220 65 6,310 490 1,565 3 4,585 165 75 1,860 45 2,245 195 815 4 2,375 80 25 955 10 1,145 160 525 5 1,805 70 15 795 10 790 125 220 6 705 370 20 35 335 165 15 10 300 125 35 30 80 50 7 5 8 155 245 55 2 42,901 260 7,435 35,206 100 15 80 90 IS 50 115 25 1 27,361 170 4,025 23, 166 40 10 30 5 35 15 11 9 10 10 10 1 815 11 12 530 12,080 75 2,455 9,550 40 215 1,900 15 570 1,315 20 205 610 135 395 45 170 15 16 17 18 25 30 45 851 10 15 15 245 5 10 10 30 460 19 5 20 ?1 51 15 5 75 11 756 51 15 210 5 415 60 73 5 90 25 43, 977 5 40 5 27,916 74 35 5 12, 410 15 5 2,005 ?S 10 876 11,576 If. 545 225 27 20 110 5 15 760 15 80 2,415 ?B 5 15 5 25 5 95 ?9 20 30 16,836 185 165 4,350 55 11,586 495 31 16,701 336 275 5,080 95 10 , 100 815 y> 335 85 2,200 45 3,720 595 33 11,576 3,167,775 34 116,153,952 1,580,057 1,278,605 30,875,315 602,560 77,664,470 4,152,945 35 114,105,210 1,512,165 1,250,355 30,228,095 568,210 76,480,905 4,065,480 2,700,235 36 113,406,650 1,495,515 1,245,665 29,955,705 567,57 5 76,113,010 4,029, 180 2,600,925 37 679, 120 16,485 4,010 265,410 625 357,240 35, 350 76,975 38 19, 440 165 680 6,980 10 10,655 950 22, 330 5 383,320 39 40 1,911,055 43, 8 30 28,250 629,070 34, 350 1,098,885 76,670 41 98,790 393, 155 2,005 7,400 29,725 110,085 23,485 5.B60 29,550 245, 335 14,025 19,800 32,265 108,885 4'.' 4,675 43 1,419,110 39, 155 18,845 489,260 5,005 824,000 42,845 242, 170 44 137,687 43,977 24,062 876 18,150 12,410 84,680 27,916 10,795 2,005 84,220 8,715 45 545 225 46 2,641 1,804 2,346 2,488 2,678 2,782 2,071 363 47 26,197 781 500 10,820 190 12,601 1,305 6,215 48 53,007 1,562 1,180 20,730 395 26,625 2,515 8,795 49 15, 107 421 275 5,945 120 7,551 795 4,606 50 25, 454 685 405 9,985 485 12,384 1,510 8, 386 51 14,092 401 245 5,545 110 7,041 750 4,286 52 17,985 466 280 6,995 405 8,849 990 5,701 53 12,901 356 195 5,105 105 6,410 730 4,0 31 54 16,006 416 215 6,195 395 7,860 925 5,021 55 32,852 666 485 10, 150 170 20,006 1,375 7,596 56 169,773 4,071 2, 44S 53,005 845 10 3,937 5,470 26, 522 i>l 33,202 731 49 5 10,195 185 20, 126 1,470 8,960 58 693,080 16,080 10,620 230,080 5,940 401,050 29,310 177,425 i9 4,475 185 80 1,780 25 2,160 245 1,370 60 5,740 215 eo 2,285 70 2,760 330 1,825 61 8,380 250 140 2,805 25 4.865 295 1,565 62 51,555 1,595 670 17,585 120 29,765 1,820 8,185 63 3,460 60 75 1,195 25 1,940 165 1,125 64 140,790 1,090 2,270 69, 145 2,145 59,180 6,960 59, 350 65 5.866 201 100 2,040 30 3,240 255 2,015 6b 370,965 7,495 9,910 111,730 9,790 215,525 16,515 127,690 67 41,606 835 535 12,025 220 26, 106 1,885 8,095 68 385,280 6,200 4,975 121,210 2,225 234,095 16,575 38,285 69 41, 186 825 535 11,900 220 25,851 1,855 7,880 70 37B , 360 6,070 4,975 119,415 2,135 229,610 16,155 37,140 71 10,409,5-0 160,415 115,165 2,983,335 63,855 6,703,280 383,520 834,870 72 976,190 2,270 5,730 260,275 3,600 672,790 31,525 57,290 73 32,731 731 505 9,875 160 19,950 1,510 4,035 74 295,655 5,710 7,010 104,620 1,575 161,855 14,885 19,385 75 164, 107 3,132 2,910 51,660 875 97,430 8,100 8,480 76 23,518,770 464,285 406,005 7,304,795 124,550 14,073,935 1, 145,200 1, 141,275 77 33,807 546 445 9,220 170 22,116 1,310 2.795 78 145. 137 1,581 1,408 38,210 727 98,222 4,989 4,400 7!l 158,953,408 1,559,663 1,539,025 40,210,415 774, 360 109,846,315 5,023,630 3,016,865 80 76,674,850 706,780 720,525 19,208,580 341, 210 53,291,975 2,405,780 1,158,575 81 12,762 366 355 5,815 120 5,381 725 2,505 82 58,789 1,595 1.150 25, 525 810 26,674 3,035 9,795 83 34 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.— CASH RENT PAID FOR FARM LAND AND BUILDINGS: CENSUS OF 1950 Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms operated by part owners All part owners Commercial farms Other farms Farms operated by tenants All tenants Commercial farms with operator — land- lord Not related to 1 and- lord 1 Other farms with operator- land- lord Not re] a ted to land- lord 1 Land rented from others by farm operators. . farms reporting. . acres. . Land rented on cash basis only farms reporting.. acres. . Land rented on cash basis only with both the value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent reported farms reporting. . acres. . Average per farm acres. . Cropland harvested* farms reporting. . acres. . Average per farm reporting acres. . Value of rented land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Percentage distribution of farms by value of rented land and buildings: Under $1,000. . .- percent SI , 000 tc $1 , 999 percent $2,000 to $2,999 percent S3. 000 to $4,999 percent $5 , 000 to $9 , 999 percent $10,000 to $14,999 percent $1 5, 000 to $24, 999 percent $25,000 to $49,999 percent $50,000 and over percent Cash rent paid average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars 59,329 6,612,942 C) C) 6,705 377,845 6,303 205,354 4,683 83.11 26.3 16.0 12.1 15.6 17.5 6.1 3.4 2.3 0.6 254 4. 50 5.41 36,046 ,321,190 C) CI 4,299 207,513 4,127 158,242 3,985 82.55 33.6 16.2 12.4 11.6 15.6 4.8 3.5 1.9 0.4 225 4.67 5.65 27,540 1.108,589 C) C) 3,474 181,624 3,409 147,209 4,359 83.38 8,506 212,601 C) C) 825 25,889 718 11,033 2,407 76.70 30.7 46.1 16.8 14.1 13.1 9.7 11.0 14.1 16.2 13.0 5.6 1.2 3.9 1.8 2.3 0. 1 0.5 248 130 4.74 4.16 5.68 5.4? 23,283 5,291,752 4,355 308.780 2,406 170,332 2,176 47,112 5,932 83.79 13.3 15.6 11.4 22.9 21.0 8.3 3.4 3.2 1.0 304 4.30 5.13 C) C) C) C) 326 31,045 326 10,864 9,084 95.39 7.7 9.2 7.7 27.6 18.4 15-3 1.5 10.7 1.8 445 4.68 4.90 C) CI 915 88,332 905 28,288 7,831 81.12 8.7 12.0 11.5 6.1 3.4 2.0 422 4.38 5.39 C) C) 135 6,095 105 1,190 4,217 93.40 7.4 29.6 18.5 22.2 11.1 3.7 3.7 3.7 214 4.74 5.07 C) C) C) 1,030 44,860 840 6,770 3,471 79.69 19.9 18.9 11.7 26.2 16.5 4.9 1.5 0.5 166 3.81 4.78 • Not aval 1 able. Includes farms not reporting as to relation of operator to landlord. For part owners, the figures for cropland harvested represent not only the cropland rented from others but also cropland owned; for operators renting land to others. the figures for cropland harvested represent only the portion retained. NORTH CAROLINA 35 State Table 18.— FARM TAXES: CENSUS OF 1950 [Data lire based on reports for only a sample of farms. See test. farm tax data were obtained only from owner-operators | Item na and explanations, see text) A 1 1 owners. . number Land owned total , acres Average per farm acres Cropland harvested 1 ,, farms reporting acres Average per farm reporting acres Owners reporting value of land and buildings and both total property taxes and real-estate taxes number Land owned total , acres Average per farm seres Cropland harvested 1 fsrms reporting acres Average per farm reporting acres Value of owned land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Percentage distribution of farms by value of owned land and buildings: Under $1,000 percent $1,000 to $1,999 percent $2,000 to $2,999 percent $3,000 to $4,999 percent $5,000 to $9,999 percent $10,000 to $14.999 percent $1 5. 000 to $24, 999 percent $25,000 to $49.999 percent $50,000 and over percent Total property taxes average per farm, dollars Real-estste tsxes average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars Personal -property taxes average per farm, dollars 2 Owners reporting value of owned land and total property tax with no separate report of real-estate taxes number Land owned total, acres Average per farm acres Cropland harvested 1 farms reporting acres Average per farm reporting acres Value of owned land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Percentage distribution of farms by value of owned land and buildings: Under $1,000 , percent $1 , 000 to $1 , 999 percent $2,000 to $2,999 percent $3,000 to $4,999 percent $5,000 to $9.999 percent $10, 000 to $14, 999 percent $15,000 to $24.999 percent $25. 000 to $49 . 999 percent $50,000 end over percent Total property taxes average per farm, dollars Owners reporting no property tax required number Land owned total , acres Average per farm acres Cropland harvested 1 farms reporting acres Average per farm reporting acres Value of owned land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Percentage distribution of farms by value of owned land and buildings: Under $1,000 percent $ 1 . 000 to $1 , 999 percen t $2,000 to $2,999 percent $3,000 to $4.999 percent $5,000 to $9,999 percent $10, 000 to $14,999 percent $15, 000 to $24. 999 percent $25,000 to $49,999 /.percent $50,000 and over percent Owners not reporting value of owned land and/or property taxes number Land owned total, acres Average per farm acres Cropland harvested 1 farms reporting acres Average per farm reporting acres 178,756 14.994.B07 83,9 159,636 3,310,335 20.7 66 , 53 1 5. 101,512 81.2 60.364 1.274.955 21.1 7,399 91.08 5.4 11.0 11.9 20.9 28.2 11.1 6.9 3.2 1.1 49 38 0.47 0.51 11 77.098 6,419,350 83.3 69,300 1,437,749 20.7 7,547 90.65 5.8 10.4 11.9 21.3 27.8 10.7 7.4 3.5 1.3 51 955 36,370 38.1 765 9,720 12.7 2,856 75.00 22.0 26.2 14.1 22.0 13.1 0.5 1.6 0.5 34,172 ,134,575 91.7 29.207 587,911 20.1 142,710 12,573,128 88.1 124.340 2,226,700 17.9 52,782 ,499,608 85.2 46,842 869,738 18.6 7,667 89.93 4.4 10.1 11.6 21.0 29.1 12.1 7.2 3.3 1.2 49 39 0.45 0.50 11 61,675 5,303,306 86.0 54,150 948,954 17.5 7,727 89.86 4.8 9.5 11.8 21.4 28.9 11.2 7.7 3.6 1.2 51 675 30,505 45.2 540 4,600 8.5 3,142 69.53 17.8 25.2 17.0 23.0 14.1 0.7 1.5 0.7 27.578 2,739.709 99.3 22,808 403.408 17.7 Operating all the land owned 99,047 ') ) ) ') ) 37,910 ,325,683 61.3 34.613 582.429 16.8 5,804 94.69 5.8 12.3 13.7 23.9 44, 342 ,724,338 61.4 40,350 634,945 15.7 5,862 95.41 6.1 11.5 14.0 24.0 28.3 9.0 4.8 1.9 0.5 39 635 28,865 45.5 500 4,255 8.5 3,111 68.44 18.9 25.2 18.1 22.0 12.6 0.8 1.6 0.8 Ranting 43,663 •) •) •) •) •) 14,842 .173.925 146.5 12.229 287,309 23.5 12.428 84.85 1.0 4.4 6.4 13.8 30.1 19.0 14.1 8.0 3.1 77 62 0.42 0.50 15 17.333 ,578,968 148.8 13,800 314,009 22.8 12,499 84.00 1.4 4.3 6.2 14.8 30.4 16.7 15.1 8.0 3.1 80 40 1,640 41.0 40 345 8.6 3,638 88.72 25.0 37.5 37.5 C) C) C) C) C) 36,046 2,421,679 67.2 35,296 1,083,635 30.7 13,749 904,904 65.8 13,522 405.217 30.0 6.370 96.79 9.3 14.5 13.0 20.4 24.9 8.6 5.7 2.8 0.8 47 36 0.54 0.56 12 15.423 1,116,044 72.4 15,150 488,795 32.3 6,828 94.37 9,8 13.9 12.6 20.7 23.4 8.8 6.3. 2.9 1.5 51 280 5,865 20.9 225 5,120 22.8 2.167 103.44 32.1 28.6 7.1 19.6 10.7 6,594 394,866 59.9 6,399 184.503 28.8 Operating all the land owned 27.448 C) C) C) <•) C) 10.656 514,251 48.3 10.556 288,380 27.3 4.832 100.13 11.5 17.0 14.9 22.2 23.6 6.0 3.2 1.2 0.5 37 28 0.57 0.57 9 11,816 592,242 50.1 11,686 340,361 29.1 4,987 99.49 11.9 16.6 14.4 22.7 22.5 6.3 3.8 1.3 0.5 38 250 3,890 15.6 195 3,805 19.5 1,977 127.04 36.0 28.0 8.0 16.0 10.0 2!6 4,726 C) <•) C) C) C) Unit nig land to others 8,598 ) ) ) 3,093 390,653 126.3 2,966 116,837 39.4 11,670 92.40 1.6 6.1 6.3 14.4 29.5 85 63 0.50 0.54 22 3,607 523,802 145.2 3,464 148.434 42.9 12.862 88.57 3.0 5.3 6.8 14.3 26.4 17.0 14.4 8.2 4.5 96 30 1,975 65.8 30 1,315 43.8 3,750 56.96 33.3 5o!6 16.7 ■ Not available. 1 For owners renting land to others, the figures for cropland harvested represent only the portion retained; tor part owners, the figures for cropland harvested represent not only the cropland owned but also any cropland rented from others. 2 Average based on farms reporting both total property taxes snd resl-estate taxes. 36 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures on number of workers and wage rales are for hired persons working the week preceding Lhe enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres Hired workers farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 10 hired workers or more farms reporting Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting, 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days )-... farms reporting persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting Roth regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting 125 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting $130 to $169 per month farms reporting $170 to $214 per month farms reporting $215 and over per month farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting Under $5 per week farms reporting $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting $25 to $29 per week farms reporting $30 to $39 per week farms reporting $40 to $49 per week farms reporting $50 and over per week farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting. $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting $8.00 and over per day farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting No report of wage rate number of farms Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting No report as to basis of payment number of farms Expenditures for hired labor in 1919 farms reporting dollars $1 to $99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting Farms with expenditures for hrred labor but no hired workera reported farms reporting SI to $99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting 27,459 53,773 17,159 5,248 3,262 1.403 387 14,746 26,594 10,284 2,396 1,265 572 229 15, 247 27, 179 9,678 3,122 1,717 624 106 12,212 2,534 12,713 4,806 683 467 517 1,321 417 179 158 69 26 969 3,388 176 254 483 828 509 386 243 57 27 425 10,065 146 2,298 3,910 1,754 722 161 52 115 907 8,609 111 1,679 2,486 2,595 291 141 628 65 306 307 1,293 881 148,013 48, 182,324 54,528 32,698 39 , 089 12,826 6,592 2,280 123,658 51,198 29,573 32, 336 7,948 2,330 273 897 1,404 685 110 61 30 11 322 594 225 50 21 20 6 610 S10 490 65 45 10 287 35 575 100 '25 5 10 40 5 146 5 10 20 25 25 25 6 5 211 10 25 61 40 5 15 20 35 37 5 10 45 60 75 10 5 55 15 55 45 50 20 6,853 1.040.B6S 4,530 1,125 830 220 115 33 6,246 4,290 1,035 740 135 45 1 2 722 5,' 514 2,726 560 345 91 1.251 1,621 1.066 115 40 30 2,641 3,893 1.885 47 5 225 56 1,081 170 2.471 420 85 60 50 80 20 10 260 25 25 25 70 40 15 25 5 30 1,391 25 280 546 235 110 30 5 30 130 1,251 10 225 360 340 60 35 91 5 65 60 265 190 40,340 6 823, .30 5 17,185 10,755 10, 130 1,745 161 64 37.348 16,165 10, 190 9,080 1,420 261 32 4,195 6,135 3.085 695 310 105 1,870 2,255 1,610 185 70 5 2.500 3.880 1,695 510 225 70 1,695 17 5 2,325 700 205 45 90 170 40 5 15 385 40 50 90 100 10 10 10 5 70 1.385 40 270 605 230 95 15 5 15 110 1, 47 S 20 250 450 44S 40 15 95 5 65 90 185 150 30,357 .405.205 11,320 7,040 8.760 2,542 610 85 26,677 10,685 6,480 7,460 1,732 295 25 3.401 5,297 2.410 626 250 100 15 1.671 2,097 1,410 171 75 15 1,905 3,200 1,270 385 160 75 15 1,496 175 1.730 570 90 75 85 140 35 5 5 5 310 30 15 55 80 45 40 20 5 20 1,225 15 305 485 185 100 15 10 110 1,016 10 215 275 305 35 5 71 65 35 225 140 20,177 4,799,285 7.280 4,525 5,876 1,740 671 17,216 6,865 4,000 4,865 1.155 321 10 NORTH CAROLINA 37 State Table 19.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persona working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are bused on reports for only a sample of farm text] Item (For definitions and explanatio Sue of farm — Continued 100-139 acres HO- 179 acres 180-219 acres 290-259 acres 260-499 acres 1.000 acres and over Hired workers farms reporting. . parsons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 to 4 hi red workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more)....-. farms reporting. . persons, . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 lured workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers..... farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 d*ys) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or oiore farms rep trting. . Begutar hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers. faros reporting. . Paid an a monthly basis farms reporting. . Under S25 per month farms reporting. . $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting.. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting.. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting.. $110 to $1?9 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting.. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 and over per month farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. . Under $5 per week farms reporting.. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. . $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. , $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. . $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. . $50 and over per week farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting.. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting., $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting.. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. $7 . 00 to $7 . 99 per day farms reporting. . $8. 00 and over per day farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting., $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting., $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting.. No report of wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. No report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in 1949 farms reporting. dol lars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1 , 000 to $2, 499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. 3,414 5,920 2,190 670 422 116 If, 2,002 2,8 33 1,530 290 161 15 6 1,733 3,087 1,040 400 222 61 10 1,681 321 620 75 55 95 170 45 30 5 5 5 135 507 25 50 76 140 60 65 35 1 55 1,217 15 225 541 190 121 5 5 5 110 1,005 5 190 295 360 30 5 70 15 20 15 140 95 13,501 4,681,295 4,205 2,685 3,762 1,716 962 171 10,352 3,810 2,315 2,826 1,001 370 30 ,775 ,160 425 315 9.0 15 1,275 1,970 875 240 135 20 5 970 1,805 555 185 190 35 5 1.035 240 360 45 35 40 125 35 15 20 280 10 25 25 65 70 20 10 5 5 45 700 5 170 290 95 60 15 640 5 145 175 180 30 20 60 5 5 15 95 60 6,745 2,912,945 1,915 1,185 1,830 990 690 135 4.R75 1,775 1,015 1,340 520 200 25 1,579 3,584 776 431 236 11.3 23 1,021 1,899 556 317 111 20 17 835 1,685 495 200 87 48 5 744 277 278 21 35 20 86 60 5 5 6 222 15 5 35 75 35 20 11 1 5 20 180 232 115 47 5 130 125 127 11 10 30 70 45 4,166 ,395,474 1,027 746 1,110 580 539 164 2,713 911 640 790 210 146 16 959 2,132 480 240 157 60 22 668 1,309 390 160 71 35 12 377 823 200 80 66 26 5 582 86 191 20 10 5 75 15 10 10 1 45 148 355 5 135 90 75 20 5 5 20 296 10 51 110 100 5 21 5 2,340 1,735,275 480 385 551 361 410 153 ,446 425 310 405 201 95 10 1,710 4,099 840 356 303 178 33 ,348 481 311 183 462 25 35 21 110 59 46 30 20 10 106 430 5 35 30 82 76 77 64 5 5 51 991 15 190 406 213 41 15 15 10 86 710 25 152 220 201 5 16 76 5 5 5 46 30 4,451 5,566,041 655 575 1,0 34 768 802 617 430 657 362 173 32 951 ,224 246 197 208 211 89 793 2,796 284 169 142 144 54 375 1,428 130 78 82 69 16 576 217 156 257 6 16 78 62 29 26 16 2 22 209 1 2 15 53 30 49 24 10 408 1 146 98 77 24 11 5 5 41 269 10 48 85 54 23 17 27 14 5 1,484 3,423,074 120 140 234 265 354 371 572 108 109 172 103 49 31 38 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Crop- share I.ive- stock- share Other and Hired workers farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 10 hired workers or more. . . . farms reporting Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farm3 reporting 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers... farms reporting Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting Under $25 per month .farms reporting $25 to $34 per month farms reporting $35 to $49 per month farms reporting $50 to $84 per month farms reporting $85 to $109 per month farms reporting $110 to $129 per month farms reporting $130 to $169 per month farms reporting $170 to $214 per month farms reporting $215 and over per month farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms Paid on a weekly basts farms reporting Under $5 per week farms reporting $5 to $7 per week farms reporting $8 to $11 per week farms reporting $12 to $19 per week farms reporting $20 to $24 per week farms reporting $25 to $29 per week farms reporting $30 to $39 per week farms reporting $40 to $49 per week farms reporting $50 and over per week farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms Paid on a daily basis farms reporting Under $2.00 per day farms reporting $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting $8. 00 and over per day farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting Under $0. 25 per hour farms reporting $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting $0.35 to $0.44 per hour .farms reporting $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting $0.55 to $0.64 per hour ....farms reporting $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting No report of wage rate number of farms Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting No report as to basis of payment number of farms Expenditures for hired labor in 19119 farms reporting dol lars $1 to $99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms reporting $1,000* to $2,499 farms, reporting $2, 500 and over farms reporting Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting $1 to $99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting 27,459 53,773 17,159 5,248 3,262 1,403 387 14.746 26,594 10,284 2,396 1,265 57 2 229 15,247 27,179 9,678 3,122 1,717 624 106 12,212 12,713 4,806 683 467 517 1,321 417 179 158 69 26 969 3, 388 176 251 483 828 509 386 243 57 27 425 10,065 146 2,298 3,910 1,754 722 161 52 115 907 8,609 111 1,679 2,486 2,595 291 141 628 65 306 307 1,293 881 148.013 1,182,324 54,528 32,698 39,089 12,826 6,592 2,280 123,658 51.198 29,573 32, 336 7,948 2,330 273 10,500 21,234 6,290 2,101 1,392 578 139 5,893 10,754 4,019 1,041 528 219 5.729 10 , 480 3,503 1,252 663 279 32 4,771 4,607 1,825 216 117 196 562 219 92 59 35 6 323 1,243 35 8 5 174 263 20 5 160 100 20 26 17 5 3,915 56 856 1,497 690 292 68 32 35 389 3,451 25 724 1,006 1,138 94 71 168 40 101 81 448 315 44, 592 17,939,995 14,152 9,259 12,166 5,128 2,890 997 34,870 13,186 8,092 9,510 2,936 1,026 120 5,380 11,998 2,976 1,128 751 407 118 3,491 6,956 2,133 734 375 171 73 2,569 5,042 1,504 536 353 146 30 2,811 977 120 100 85 303 81 37 36 7 825 36 52 102 215 135 106 73 11 2,271 25 550 969 379 204 10 5 5 124 1,457 20 344 466 407 31 12 106 15 20 36 178 121 19,510 .955,531 5,273 4,150 5,329 2,377 1,714 667 14,367 4,872 3,740 3,995 1,320 386 54 348 2,619 58 62 38 102 325 1,80 3 81 52 39 105 111 816 20 18 24 21 28 23 132 4 17 31 5 31 14 15 15 140 1 6 37 21 18 33 16 1 7 104 6,204 10,078 4,273 1,023 653 226 29 3,310 4,487 2,654 402 197 50 7 3,279 5,591 2,113 621 391 141 13 2,925 2,894 1,351 311 190 190 291 51 16 5 5 5 287 620 55 50 126 182 65 36 388 828 241 75 35 26 11 252 472 177 40 10 20 5 207 356 140 45 10 11 1 145 235 85 40 15 5 2.602 3,954 1,876 405 2.36 80 5 1,432 1,798 1,211 141 75 5 100 140 70 20 10 96 2,434 30 60 2 1,007 432 no 25 1,296 2,156 816 225 165 55 5 1,306 676 161 90 85 170 25 5 220 30 10 45 45 40 10 15 213 1,400 26 400 605 272 37 961 5 195 415 186 70 15 16 121 6 40 35 10 15 75 565 15 12 5 260 125 10 10 363 2,428,656 16 11 9 26 71 227 25 25 316 250 58,204 13,812,240 18,073 15,396 18,577 4,451 1,444 263 52,651 17,472 14,501 16,612 3.234 747 85 1.621 760,331 516 320 447 192 102 44 1,268 461 285 377 107 30 8 875 207,560 245 230 295 80 20 5 760 240 205 250 55 10 15 10 140 115 21.305 4,914.260 6,386 5,520 6,970 1,806 571 52 18,968 6,181 5,125 6,140 1,241 261 21 97 147 70 16 5 6 2,481 4,030 1.695 386 296 98 6 1.211 1.592 966 155 72 18 1,382 2,438 876 240 19 70 6 1,099 443 125 75 55 76 6 5 253 15 30 65 82 10 20 31 1,040 25 262 431 180 20 5 10 107 531 5 185 230 100 6 383 139. 190 145 100 60 45 22 11 311 135 90 50 25 11 140 110 30.998 6,69b, /2S ^,(90 8.545 9,870 2,097 597 99 28,782 9.510 8,160 9,005 1,681 380 46 306 101 66 11 298 448 210 55 30 1 2 249 436 156 71 16 5 1 140 15 5 40 25 15 20 177 5 21 25 3,022 1,095, 170 991 681 935 231 132 52 2,562 945 636 790 125 56 10 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 39 State Table 20.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage ratea are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only u sample of farma. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all fa rms of white »per a tors Tenure of operator' Fu 1 1 owners Managers Shi re- cast] Crop- share Live- stock- ahare Croppers Other and < Jassi - fied by tenure Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hi red workers farms reporting. . 5 to hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting. . persons, . 1 hired worker forms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers... farms reporting.. 5 to hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. , 1 hired worker farms reporting., 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting, . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers .farms reporting,. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Under $25 per month farms reporting. . 125 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month. farms reporting.. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting.. $215 and over per month... farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate - number of farms.. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. . Under $5 per week farms reporting.. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week. farms reporting. $50 and over pf.r week farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting. $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting. $8.00 and over per day farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate .number of farms. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour .....farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0. 54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. No report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in 1949 farms reporting. dol lars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. SI to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1 , 000 to $2 , 499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. 24,516 49,433 14,994 4,793 3.006 1,341 382 13,348 24,827 9, 139 2,206 1,218 556 229 13,606 2 4,606 8,533 2,857 1,526 589 101 10,910 11, 168 4,250 528 412 457 1,201 402 169 152 69 26 834 3,173 161 224 428 783 499 371 238 57 27 385 8,774 106 1.933 3.349 1,604 677 156 47 115 787 8.117 106 1,529 2,331 2,489 280 141 608 65 286 282 1,033 736 112,620 12,675,031 38,586 22,758 31,258 11,530 6,250 2,238 90,748 35,841 20,188 25,360 6,958 2,154 247 9,930 20 , 399 5,865 2,021 1,342 563 139 5,573 10,359 3,744 1,011 518 214 86 5,449 10.040 3,303 1,212 633 269 32 4,481 4,357 1,695 181 107 181 532 219 87 54 35 6 293 1, 188 35 75 164 243 205 160 95 20 26 165 3,665 41 791 1,387 665 282 68 27 35 369 3,396 25 709 991 1.128 94 74 158 40 101 76 403 270 39,731 17,151,720 11,951 7,979 11,081 4,913 2,825 982 30,514 11,080 6,902 8,625 2.791 1,001 115 4,814 1 1 , 1 58 2,571 1,023 706 396 118 3,190 6,566 1,903 674 365 170 78 2,294 4,592 1,319 481 328 136 30 2,520 867 95 90 70 278 76 37 36 7 770 31 47 97 20 5 125 101 73 11 2,000 15 465 848 354 189 10 5 5 109 1,372 20 299 456 387 31 12 106 15 20 26 148 106 15,121 , 182,374 3,448 2,925 4,318 2,142 1,622 666 10,484 3,137 2,605 3,174 1,145 370 53 343 2,584 58 62 38 97 88 320 1,768 HI 52 39 100 111 816 20 18 24 21 28 23 132 4 17 31 5 31 14 15 15 140 4,743 8,010 3,158 828 527 206 24 2,619 3,669 2,074 307 181 50 7 2,474 4,341 1,533 521 286 126 2,269 2,124 1,061 216 155 160 236 41 11 5 5 5 313 743 176 65 35 26 11 227 442 157 35 10 20 157 301 95 40 10 11 1 115 195 60 40 10 5 2,037 3.149 1 , 456 320 186 70 5 1,192 1,518 1,006 106 75 5 110 55 20 5 961 1,631 616 180 115 45 5 1,076 586 141 85 80 150 15 227| 525 45 35 91 167 65 31 81 1,809 20 427 742 337 90 25 15 153 1,179 21 335 520 232 31 358 2,396,156 16 11 9 26 74 222 15 20 161 170 3 4,912 10,142,159 8,282 8,356 13,097 3,650 1,284 243 30,575 7,951 7,796 11,557 2,534 622 65 175 25 5 25 45 731 5 140 320 146 55 15 11 106 6 35 30 10 15 50 470 10 115 215 105 5 1.130 693,365 250 225 337 177 97 44 842 225 190 287 102 30 530 159.485 85 140 210 75 15 5 445 85 125 180 50 5 10 10 65 80 14,810 3.996,400 3,571 3,500 5,550 1,601 536 52 12,938 3,446 3.260 4,890 1,086 235 21 87 1.17 60 16 1,760 2,967 1,155 291 225 830 1,134 651 10 5 56 18 1,017 1,833 621 190 140 65 1 743 283 55 60 40 41 6 5 213 10 20 55 67 10 20 720 15 172 276 iso 15 5 77 445 5 145 200 90 5 303 126,920 100 80 50 45 17 11 236 95 70 40 25 6 70 65 15,942 4,353.444 3,675 3,925 6,215 1,546 492 89 14,322 3,530 3,700 5,550 1,211 295 36 431 819 251 96 66 11 7 273 41B 190 50 30 1 214 401 121 71 16 5 1 217 56 158 125 15 15 152 5 16 25 2,197 812.545 601 486 735 206 127 42 1.792 570 451 610 110 51 22,498 3,802.622 14,889 3.487 2,753 799 445 125 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 40 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of nonwhite operators Tenure of operator' Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share Live- stock- share Croppers Other and unspeci fled Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Under $25 per month farms reporting. . $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 and over per month farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. . Under $5 per week farms reporting. . $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. . $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. . $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. . £25 to $29 per week farms reporting. . $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. . $50 and over per week farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting.. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting.. $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting.. $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting.. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting.. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting.. $7.00 to $7,99 per day farms reporting.. *8.00 and over per day farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting.. $0. 25 to $0. 34 per hour farms reporting. . $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting.. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting.. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting.. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting.. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting.. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting.. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting.. No report of wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. Mo report as to basis of payment number of farms.. Expenditures for hired labor in |9l|9 farms reporting. . dot lars. . $1 to $99 farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting. . $200 to. $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 and over farms reporting.. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting.. $1 to $99 farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 and over farms reporting.. 2,943 4,340 2, 165 455 256 62 5 1.398 1,767 1,145 190 47 16 1,641 2,573 1.145 265 191 35 5 1.302 556 155 55 60 120 15 10 6 215 15 30 55 45 10 15 5 40 1,291 40 365 561 150 45 5 5 120 49 2 5 150 155 106 11 20 25 260 145 35,393 ,507,293 15,942 9,940 7,831 1,296 342 42 32.910 15,357 9,385 6,976 990 176 26 570 835 425 80 50 15 320 395 275 30 10 5 280 440 200 40 30 10 130 35 10 15 30 250 15 65 110 25 10 5 45 45 4,861 788,275 2,201 1,280 1,085 215 65 15 4. 356 2,106 1,190 885 H5 25 5 566 840 405 105 45 11 301 390 230 60 10 1 275 450 185 55 25 10 110 25 10 15 25 5 271 10 85 121 25 15 10 30 15 4,389 773,157 1,825 1,225 1.011 235 92 1 3,883 1,735 1,135 621 175 16 1 1,461 2,068 1,115 195 126 20 5 691 818 580 95 16 5 565 805 420 85 50 10 240 280 205 35 805 1,250 580 100 105 15 5 656 290 95 35 30 55 10 5 335 525 230 45 50 10 625 10 17 5 265 95 20 60 221 5 65 85 40 6 5 32 , 500 10 5 155 80 23,292 ,670,081 9,791 7,040 5,480 801 160 20 22,076 9.521 6.705 5,055 650 125 20 191 66,966 266 95 110 15 5 426 236 230 10 10 230 345 48,075 160 90 85 5 5 75 35 6,495 917.860 2,815 2,020 1.420 205 35 721 1.063 540 95 71 10 5 381 458 315 50 16 365 605 255 50 50 5 5 160 70 15 15 35 320 10 90 155 30 5 80 12,270 45 20 10 315 155 80 70 5 6,030 2,735 1,865 1,250 155 25 70 45 15,056 2.342,285 6.115 4,620 3,655 551 105 10 14,460 5,980 4,460 3,455 470 85 10 825 282.625 390 195 200 25 5 in 1 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA State Table 21.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 41 [Figures on number of workers nnd wage rates are for hired persona working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired workers farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more . farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more). 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 to 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 hired workers or more. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). 1 hired worker 2 hired workers 3 to 4 hired workers 5 to 9 hired workers 10 hired workers or more. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. Both regular and seasonal hired workers Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers. Paid on a monthly basis Under $25 per month $25 to $34 per month $35 to $49 per month $50 to $84 per month $85 to $109 per month $110 to $129 per month $130 to $169 per month $170 to $214 per month $215 and over per month No report of hours worked and wage rate. Paid on a weekly basis Under $5 per week $5 to $7 per week $8 to $11 per week $12 to $19 per week $20 to $24 per week $25 to $29 per week $30 to $39 per week $40 to $49 per week $50 and over per week No report of hours worked and wage rate. Paid on a daily basis Under $2.00 per day $2.00 to $2.99 per day $3.00 to $3.99 per day $4. 00 to $4. 99 per day $5.00 to $5.99 per day $6.00 to $6.99 per day $7.00 to $7.99 per day $8. 00 and over per day No report of hours worked and wage rate. Paid on an hourly basis Under $0.25 per hour $0.25 to $0.34 per hour. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour. $1.00 and over per hour. arms reporting, persons. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, persons, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. rms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, s reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. umber of farms. reporting, reporting, eporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, number of farms, arms arms arms arms arms arms rms arms arms repo arms repo rms repo arms repo arms repo s repo s repo arms repo arms repo number of rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. farms. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. rms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. No report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in 1919 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 J farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2, 500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no h i red workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. ■ $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 ..farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. Total all farms 27.159 S3, 773 17,159 5,218 3,262 1 , 403 387 14,716 26,591 If), 281 2,396 1,265 572 229 15,247 27,179 9,678 3,122 1,717 6 24 106 12,212 2,534 12,713 4,806 6B3 467 517 1.321 417 179 158 69 26 969 3,388 176 2 54 483 828 509 386 243 57 27 425 10,065 146 2,298 3,910 1,754 722 161 52 115 907 8,609 111 1,679 2,486 2,595 291 141 628 65 306 307 881 148,013 48,182,324 54.528 32,698 39,089 12,826 6,592 2,280 123,658 51,198 29,573 32,336 7,948 2,330 273 Type of farm Caah-nrain 608 1,384 330 136 84 19 9 109 833 253 86 33 31 6 267 551 146 74 31 11 5 341 68 199 39 152 78 22 6 6 2 201 10 1,773 1,194,549 636 276 355 210 224 72 ,197 595 216 238 76 63 9 1,121 2 , 888 87 3 252 207 66 23 7.37 1,466 495 89 104 36 13 843 1,422 553 167 97 22 4 578 159 684 160 5 16 26 35 23 11 2 122 10 10 20 52 22 2 1 727 20 307 216 80 36 80 8,494 2,287,099 3,971 1,870 1,687 521 345 100 7,301 3,771 1,685 1,380 317 133 15 Oilier field-crop 13,105 23,296 8,653 2,285 1,421 638 108 7,128 10,636 5,449 1,024 445 145 65 6,948 12,660 4,324 1,341 856 381 46 6,157 971 5,977 2,594 601 315 309 758 76 10 17 10 498 1,207 90 111 250 371 110 72 11 11 5 176 5,185 55 1,104 2,295 877 350 60 15 20 409 3,397 40 869 1,2 92 870 41 21 93 25 75 71 677 455 92,098 25,603,610 26,0 55 23,048 29,863 8,960 3,519 653 79,875 21,898 21,547 25,654 6,107 1,500 169 Ve B et.ble 212 833 112 50 30 15 5 131 556 76 20 25 5 5 103 277 62 30 S 5 1 109 22 81 27 ' "5 119 5 6 51 42 5 737 644, 432 295 125 165 95 30 27 536 280 100 105 50 Fruic- and-nut 515 1,000.944 90 65 90 91 66 113 42 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working Che week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Type of farm — Continued Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General — primarily crop General — primarily livestock General — crop and livestock Miscellaneous and unclassified Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers . farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. . $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 and over per month farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $P to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms re porting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 and over per week farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Under $2.00 per day.... farms reporting. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting. $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting. T5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting. $8.00 and over per day ■ farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. <0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. No report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in 1919 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. MOO to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to 1999 farms reporting. $1,000 to «2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over f»™s reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 forms reporting. $500 to $999 f»™s reporting. $1,000 to $2.409 farms retorting. $2,500 and over f»™s reporting. 1,851 4,689 921 426 275 157 72 1,413 3,552 7 58 299 181 118 57 716 1,137 464 163 77 9 3 1,135 278 621 15 30 25 113 114 81 84 21 9 129 603 5 16 51 101 90 117 121 16 10 76 435 15 87 158 60 37 11 5 10 52 91 125 160 16 5 42 25 3,609 4,597,205 1,020 475 675 433 543 463 1,898 910 335 385 151 106 11 590 1,052 379 112 73 20 6 318 504 218 62 29 336 548 239 42 45 10 2 54 64 272 98 131 5 11 5 26 40 25 9 5 149 5 7 55 20 40 2 37 32 110 15 11 36 5 10 16 20 2.332 B28.343 1,045 428 467 191 119 82 985 346 350 82 44 1 1.472 3,501 7 54 359 209 106 44 952 1,969 591 189 82 68 22 748 ,532 409 209 70 56 4 724 228 282 6 15 22 104 48 10 14 17 3 43 243 5 10 20 69 58 18 22 3 5 33 545 6 144 188 97 34 10 10 56 519 6 112 159 158 23 22 28 5 6 30 4,019 2,383,200 1,310 729 853 475 461 191 2,615 1, 155 577 540 219 108 16 1,138 3,108 544 286 166 91 51 697 1,634 361 173 94 45 24 605 1,474 303 167 86 31 18 533 In I 132 5 6 15 25 30 7 4 6 1 33 117 5 10 20 14 27 23 5 1 12 565 5 189 146 110 32 10 5 68 347 5 93 88 125 16 20 3,518 2,426,007 1,092 635 820 422 366 183 2,477 1,006 535 623 200 108 5 152 262 95 32 22 1 2 96 132 80 12 1 2 1 93 130 67 15 11 566 !, 150 270 125 80 41 41 9 410 255 100 60 20 5 1,096 2.267 619 221 192 51 13 588 1,115 351 137 64 32 4 635 1,152 393 138 76 20 6 461 127 508 137 133 6 10 25 32 17 5 9 1 516 5 101 208 104 46 5 6 351 10 71 109 104 5 5 22 5 10 10 30 3,681 1. 482,227 1,343 847 748 382 224 137 2.686 1,273 681 522 158 46 6 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 22.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 43 [Figures on number of workers and wagf rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enu mrrution , Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definiti xplanations, Hired workers furms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers , farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more fnrms reporting. Regular workers ( to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons, 1 hired worker , . . . farms reporting, 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting, 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting, 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers , farms reporting. 3 to 4 lured workers farms reporting. 5 to hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hi red workers farms reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms "reporting. $P5 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 and over per month farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate. . number of farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to S7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $2 q per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 and over per week farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a dai ly basis farms reporting. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting. $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting. $8.00 and over per day farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate.. number of farms. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0. 34 per hour farms reporting. $0. 35 to $0. 44 per hour farms reporting. $0. 45 to $0. 54 per hour farms reporting. $0. 55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to J0.P4 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. No report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in 1949 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499. farms reporting. $500 to $999 far is reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2, 500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting $1 to $99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms reporting $1, 000 to $2, 499 farms reporting $2, 500 and over farms reporting Total nil furms 27,459 53, 77:1 17,159 5, 248 3,262 1,403 387 14,746 26,594 10,284 2,396 1,265 572 229 15,247 27,179 9,678 3,122 1,717 624 106 12,212 2,534 12,713 4,806 683 467 517 1,321 417 17 9 158 69 26 969 3,388 176 2 54 48 3 828 509 386 243 57 27 425 10,065 146 2, 298 3,910 1,754 722 161 52 115 907 8,609 111 1,679 2,486 2,595 291 141 628 65 306 307 148 013 182 324 54 528 32 698 39 0B9 12 826 6 592 2 280 123 658 51 198 29 573 32 336 7 948 2 330 273 Kconomic class Commercial farms 22,432 45,929 13,597 4,314 2,834 1,313 374 13,019 24,000 8,887 2,229 1,139 545 219 11,688 21,929 7,140 2,427 1,431 587 103 10,744 2,275 9,413 4,285 647 407 475 1,173 382 150 131 61 26 833 2,828 126 188 408 697 426 320 206 57 27 373 8,724 111 2,050 3,503 1,513 608 105 37 60 737 6,396 71 1,481 2,104 1,839 169 86 298 55 151 112 686 122,669 44,136,422 37, 514 28,816 36,081 11,982 6,122 2,154 101,937 35,545 26,344 30 , 1 25 7,497 2,161 265 293 3,128 12 34 59 73 115 231 2,691 23 30 6t 74 90 99 737 27 12 29 11 20 191 87 12 343 4.18 2,076 15 17 12 31 268 7,151 448 377 420 402 131 1.557 5,133 436 4fW 380 265 76 640 2,018 260 17 5 114 60 31 1, 13B 419 221 449 5 10 29 91 81 50 62 17 18 86 201 197 141 47 15 6 537 11 56 206 175 15 15 43 10 6 33 26 2,324 6,383,622 120 88 274 294 565 983 630 110 52 176 116 106 70' 44 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 22.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class — Continued Commercial farms — Continued Residential Abnormal Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to hired workers farms reporting. . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonsl hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting.. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Under 125 per month farms reporting. . $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. . $B5 to «10 Q per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month * ■ farms reporting. . $130 to «169 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 and over per month farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. . Under $5 per week farms reporting. . $5 to $7 per week ■ farms reporting. . $8 to $11 per week farms reporting.. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting.. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. . $25 to $29 per week tama reporting. . $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $40 per week farms reporting. . $50 and over per week farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting.. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting.. $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting.. $4. 00 to $4. 99 per day fa ™s reporting. . $5.00 to $5.99 per day f a™s reporting.. $o.00 to $6.09 per day farms reporting. $7.00 to $7.90 per day farms reporting.. $8.00 and over per day farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under SO. 25 per hour f»™ s reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0 35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0. 45 to $0. 54 per hour farms reporting. $0 55 to $0.64 per hour fa ™s reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour f""™> reporting. $0.75 to JO. 84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Ho report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in 1949 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $00 farms reporting. $100 to $100 farms reporting. $200 to «199 fa"™ reporting. $500 to $000 farms reporting. $1 000 to $2, 499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported 'arms reporting. $1 to $90 farms reporting. $100 to $100 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $909 f arms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2, 500 and over farms reporting. 8. 199 13.9.32 5.361 1,553 918 320 47 4,638 6,342 3,625 726 216 51 20 1,223 7,590 2.584 822 577 217 23 3,976 662 3,561 1,729 335 180 212 493 116 16 12 11 354 823 41 75 125 250 76 89 27 5 15 120 3,355 40 777 1,408 595 185 27 10 10 303 2,076 25 475 791 583 52 15 69 205 46, 600 14,047,592 9, 529 11,292 17,770 5,592 2, 199 218 38,9 21 8,991 10,411 11,989 3,636 832 29 5.315 8,188 3.731 969 462 159 21 2,394 3,226 1,990 265 87 39 13 3,295 5,262 2.184 714 286 105 6 2,050 344 2,951 7B4 140 81 75 216 72 32 5 5 489 25 31 117 135 52 32 1 6 5 85 1,970 45 413 851 255 184 30 10 20 132 1,736 20 117 529 155 36 28 96 15 85 55 293 215 12,007 ,952.151 15,911 11.843 11,039 2,312 791 108 37,265 15,173 10,822 9,430 1,525 301 11 2,142 3,511 1,460 405 192 78 7 771 1.106 609 93 15 26 1 1,527 2,405 1,075 276 122 53 1 615 159 1,368 194 31 15 31 51 6 5 195 20 21 16 37 41 20 10 21 147 287 168 55 10 5 20 95 203 225 244 35 130 17.562 2,653,649 10,433 3,711 2,375 70 3 282 58 15.748 9,922 3.361 1,898 420 120 21 2,377 3,712 1,606 485 219 37 861 1,198 698 93 68 5 1.676 2,511 1,131 361 173 11 701 163 1,513 215 15 30 22 92 10 10 1 5 289 25 30 15 70 55 36 11 647 15 126 198 126 40 25 10 25 82 1,024 15 78 200 401 50 40 130 110 11.539 1,719,301 7.207 2,133 1,509 405 236 10 1,678 6,637 1.786 992 191 71 1 2,600 3,710 1,951 144 164 37 4 823 1.010 699 69 17 7 1 1,871 2,700 1,402 334 107 26 2 729 94 1.777 238 21 30 20 51 25 5 10 264 25 36 30 61 26 30 26 693 20 122 208 115 74 31 5 30 1,181 25 120 182 348 71 15 200 10 115 95 202 85 13.747 1.759,194 9.797 1,748 1.488 438 229 47 12,025 9,006 1,443 1.214 260 98 5 NORTH CAROLINA State Table 23.— FARM WAGE RATES: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are baaed on reports for only 45 mple of farms See textj (For definiti Item and explanations, see text) One or more hired workers for a specified basis of payment By type of perquisites furnished only Board and room only Other only Hoard and Only 1 hired worker for a specified basis of payment By type of perquisites furnished House only Hoard and Other only House and other 1 Hoard and room and other Not re- port- ing Basis of payment and wage rates: Paid on a monthly basis.. farms reporting.. persons. . average hours worked per month. . average wage per person per month, dollars.. Under $25 per month. .. farms reporting.. $25 to $34 per month. . farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month. . farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month. . farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per menth farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month . farms reporting. . $215 per month and over farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rates farms. . persons. . Paid on a weekly basis. .. farms reporting.. persons. . average hours worked per week. . average wage per person per week, dollars.. Under $5 per week farms reporting. . $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. . $8 to $11 per week. ... farms reporting.. $12 to $19 per week. . . farms reporting. . $20 to $24 per week. . . farms reporting. . $25 to $29 per week... farms reporting.. $30 to $39 per week. . . farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week. . . farms reporting. . $50 per week and over farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate farms. . persons. . Paid on a daily basis. ... farms reporting.. persons. . average hours worked per day. . average wage per person per day, dollars.. Under $2.00 per day. .. farms reporting.. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. . $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting. . $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting. . $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. . $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. . $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting. . $8.00 per day and over farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate farms. . persons. . Paid on an hourly basis. .farms reporting.. persons. . average wage per person per hour, dollars. . Under $0.25 per hour. . farms reporting.. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. . $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. . $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. . $0.55 to $0.64 per hour . - farms reporting. . $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. . $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. . $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. . $1.00 per -hour and over farms reporting. . No report of wage rate farms. . persons. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. . persons. . Ho report as to basis of payment. .. farms. . persons. . * Not available. ' Includes farms reporting "house and board 991354 O - 52 - 5 4,806 6,738 203 74 683 467 517 1,321 417 179 158 69 26 969 1,100 3,388 6.013 48 20 176 254 483 828 509 386 243 57 425 566 10,065 20,075 9.3 3.17 146 2,298 3,910 1,754 722 161 52 115 907 1,742 8,609 16,975 0.46 111 1,679 2,486 2,595 291 141 628 65 306 307 383 1,293 2,291 307 C) C) C) 31 30 36 68 55 11 14 1 41 C) 564 C) C) C) 10 11 21 134 132 95 56 28 C) 3,871 C) C) C) 35 735 1,523 815 382 68 36 50 227 C) 3,830 C) C) 55 628 1,031 1,262 137 82 319 30 166 120 C) 373 C) C) C) 1,048 C) C) C) 30 66 69 199 91 31 6 120 C) 759 C) C) C) 21 31 37 196 172 126 100 11 C) 1,779 C) C) C) 1 528 235 37 15 150 C) 854 C) C) 21 249 291 218 27 2 31 5 5 5 72 C) C) C) 1,780 C) (•) C) 315 220 291 540 49 21 13 5 5 321 C) 954 C) C) C) 90 141 268 256 27 50 106 C) 1,357 C) C) C) 75 358 470 198 104 10 6 10 126 C) 553 C> C) 5 116 211 146 15 20 C) 325 C) C) C) 353 C) C) C) 86 15 6 90 135 C) 154 C) C) C) 15 15 40 26 16 10 10 1 C) 601 C) C) C) 5 103 262 135 46 20 5 5 20 C) 427 C) C) 91 135 136 20 10 C) 72 C) C) 702 C) C) C) 91 106 75 73 50 26 10 12 110 C) 521 C) C) C) 10 25 82 136 102 72 42 7 C) 684 C) C) C) 15 252 272 73 21 10 5 5 31 C) 340 C) C) 5 124 124 52 3 16 45 C) 280 C) C) C) 125 10 C) C) C) 25 15 20 11 1 C) C) C) 20 C) C) 61 C) C) 336 C) C) C) 5 30 101 21 6 152 C) 354 C) C) C) 5 16 15 69 59 33 122 C) 1,733 C) C) C) 15 302 565 293 132 38 353 C) 2,585 C) C) 25 471 684 771 89 36 207 20 130 152 C) 345 C) C) C) 3,947 3,947 196 52 643 411 466 1,105 2,342 2,342 46 15 145 223 403 588 282 219 337 337 5,908 5,908 9.0 3.21 141 1,248 2,313 1,061 426 76 25 70 548 548 5,112 5,112 0.49 60 937 1,333 1,638 171 52 404 30 221 266 266 1,012 1,012 C) C) 249 249 C) C) 31 25 36 56 6 1 36 36 357 357 C) C) 10 6 20 101 76 55 47 47 2,284 2,284 (•> C) 30 415 926 448 234 40 15 25 151 151 2,365 2,365 C) 25 361 572 818 85 36 217 15 126 110 110 287 287 C) C) 712 712 C) C) 25 60 62 257 120 40 93 93 437 437 C) C) 10 26 26 124 88 71 43 5 44 44 750 750 C) C) 193 380 105 10 61 61 354 354 C) 15 91 115 121 5 C) C) 1,644 1,644 C) C) 305 215 255 489 43 15 306 306 826 826 C) C) 70 140 236 203 20 40 101 101 (•) (•) 280 327 142 65 5 90 90 421 421 C) 5 90 161 105 10 5 25 5 300 300 C) C) 312 312 (•) (•) 81 10 115 115 135 135 C) C) 15 15 35 25 15 5 20 20 428 428 C) C) 5 72 105 31 15 10 10 295 295 C) 61 61 C) C) 494 494 CI (•) 81 81 67 107 41 16 78 78 304 304 C) C) 10 20 61 30 30 325 325 C) C) 15 90 140 45 5 10 15 15 136 136 C) C) C) 265 265 C) C) 115 20 10 25 90 90 70 70 C) C) 25 10 IS 10 10 25 25 C) C) (") C) 271 271 C) C) 5 30 86 6 6 130 130 213 213 C) C) 5 6 10 41 34 15 11 5 85 85 1,107 1,107 C) C) 15 183 360 211 81 6 221 221 1,541 1,541 C) 15 260 360 484 50 6 130 10 90 136 136 224 224 C) C) and room," and "house, board and room, and other. 46 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 24.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired workers farms 1 hired worker only farms 2 or more hi red workers farms Regular workers farms Seasonal workers farms reporting persons reporting reporting reporting persons reporting persons Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting House only farms reporting Board and room only farms reporting Other only farms reporting House and other ' farms reporting Board and room and other farms reporting No report. aid on a weekly basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other ' farms Board and room and other farms . . . . f a rms reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting No report. Paid on a daily basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other ' farms Board and room and other farms .... farms reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting No report farms • Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting House only farms reporting Board and room only farms reporting Other only farms reporting House and other ' farms reporting Board and room and other farms reporting No report. Paid on a piece-work basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other ' farms Board and room and other farms No report No report as to basis of payment. .... farms reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting .... farms .... farms Total all farms 27.459 53,773 17,159 10,300 14,746 26.594 15,247 27,179 4,806 307 1.048 1,780 353 702 280 336 3.388 564 759 954 154 521 82 354 10,065 3,871 1,779 1,357 601 684 40 1.733 8.609 3.830 854 553 427 340 20 2.585 1,293 373 72 325 72 45 61 345 881 Under 10 acres 897 1,404 685 212 322 594 610 810 5 146 25 211 75 375 170 5 5 25 10 5 155 50 10-29 acres 50 25 225 30 45 35 10 260 90 25 75 10 30 10 20 ,391 675 80 201 85 45 10 295 ,251 661 10 50 15 5 430 265 85 15 50 15 5 10 85 190 30-49 acres 4,195 6,135 3,085 1,110 1,870 2,255 2,500 3.880 700 35 105 315 50 65 80 35 60 185 40 20 10 35 1,385 635 155 260 75 30 5 225 1,475 755 80 470 185 60 10 60 10 5 20 20 150 50-69 acres 3,401 5.297 2.410 991 1,671 2,097 1,905 3,200 570 15 70 300 55 60 30 40 310 70 45 85 35 25 25 25 1,225 550 170 175 75 45 5 520 55 65 60 30 5 281 225 50 5 80 5 15 10 60 140 70-99 acres 3,584 5,531 2.438 1.146 1.814 2,306 2,060 3.225 722 30 136 270 75 96 35 80 '360 35 70 110 15 60 10 60 1.376 535 240 161 95 80 5 260 1,011 410 96 100 45 40 100-139 acres 320 160 65 5 45 5 5 35 140 3,414 5,920 2,190 1,224 2,002 2,833 1,733 3,087 620 30 115 215 75 105 35 45 507 60 126 175 15 86 5 40 1,217 405 226 185 96 120 185 1.005 420 130 70 70 50 265 140 10 10 50 15 10 10 35 95 140-179 acres 2.005 3,775 1,160 845 1,275 1.970 970 1.805 360 20 85 150 5 40 25 35 280 45 85 55 5 50 5 35 700 210 155 130 40 50 5 110 640 275 80 30 35 40 180-219 acres 1,579 3.584 776 803 1,021 1,899 835 1,685 278 31 105 71 20 30 5 16 222 35 55 65 5 46 5 11 639 171 180 82 60 55 5 136 70 50 25 20 5 132 70 25 5 10 5 5 20 45 220-259 acres 959 2,132 480 479 668 1,309 377 823 191 6 80 55 15 20 10 10 355 100 75 30 25 60 65 296 101 85 15 260-499 acres 2,363 6,447 924 1,439 1.710 4,099 1,075 2,348 462 30 163 HI 5 107 25 21 430 49 132 97 5 86 10 51 991 347 301 76 25 100 5 137 710 241 142 40 35 61 191 46 500-999 acres 951 4,224 246 705 793 2.796 375 1,428 257 18 105 40 18 209 44 68 35 I 32 1 111 144 23 3 64 63 269 107 63 15 6 33 45 14 12 5 1 Includes farms reporting "house and board and room," and "house, board and room, and other." NORTH CAROLINA 47 State Table 25.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR : CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures are for hired persons working ihe week preceding the enumerution. Data are bused on reports for only u siimple of farms. See text I (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share, cash Crop, share Croppers Other and speci- fied Furms not classi* fled hy tenure Hired workers farms 1 hired worker only farms 2 or more hired workers farms Regular workers far Seasonal workers far Paid on a monthly basis furms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms reporting. persona. reporting. reporting. report ing. persons, reporting. persons. reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report. Paid on a weekly basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 3 farms Board and room and other farms .... farms, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report. Paid on a daily basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other on 1 y fa rms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms .... farms . reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report. Paid on an hourly basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms .... farms, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report. Paid on a piece-work basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms .... farms. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . No report +lo report as to basis of payment. . farms. . farms. 27,455 53,773 17,159 10,300 14,746 26,594 15,247 27,179 4,806 307 1,048 1,780 353 702 280 336 3,388 564 759 954 154 521 82 354 10,065 3,871 1,779 1.357 601 684 40 1,733 8.609 3,830 854 553 427 340 20 2,585 1,293 373 72 325 72 45 61 345 881 10, 500 21,234 6,290 4,210 5,803 10,754 5.729 10,480 1.825 146 503 589 111 27 4 65 137 1,243 239 349 270 191 10 128 3,915 1,469 765 532 230 214 10 695 3,451 1,405 456 236 166 171 15 1,002 448 134 35 115 21 10 15 118 315 5, 380 11,998 2,976 2,404 3,491 6,956 2,569 5,042 977 218 329 90 156 65 71 B25 95 212 236 36 154 26 66 2,271 701 541 267 138 275 20 329 1,457 627 187 80 71 68 424 178 32 11 45 5 5 11 69 121 348 2,619 58 290 325 1,803 111 816 132 7 69 1 1 51 8 104 36 33 5 1 19 6,204 10,078 4,273 1,931 • 3,310 4,487 3,279 5.591 1,351 56 138 725 01 151 125 65 620 68 240 40 81 30 85 2,434 1,071 309 426 170 93 10 355 1,400 642 91 100 442 316 56 5 140 15 10 35 388 828 241 147 252 47 2 207 356 10 5 5 181 60 30 31 10 20 30 121 45 11 10 145 235 85 60 55 95 100 140 2,602 3,9 51 1,876 726 1, 432 1,798 1,296 2,156 676 10 50 385 51 75 70 35 220 35 25 80 15 25 15 25 961 405 105 200 75 46 10 120 565 290 35 25 35 15 165 140 10 5 10 30 115 2,481 4,030 1,695 786 1,211 1,592 1,382 2,438 443 25 47 235 20 56 40 20 253 21 26 no 20 31 10 500 123 155 170 531 231 30 55 45 5 165 140 30 60 5 25 20 110 491 884 306 185 298 448 249 436 10 30 65 15 10 10 71 10 11 20 20 177 81 36 30 10 5 15 87 31 15 31 21 6 5 5 5,027 7,844 3,562 1,465 1.727 2,594 3,559 5,250 521 50 120 136 60 70 25 20 61 10 67 1,341 594 131 127 62 83 344 2,213 1,128 100 136 95 52 5 150 21 25 31 20 100 195 1 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms Includes farms reporting "house and board and room, " and ' only. house, board and room, and other." 48 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 25.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY COLOR AND CENSUS OF 1950— Continued TENURE OF OPERATOR: [Figures are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of white operators Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share Live- stock- share Croppers Other and speci- fied H i red workers farms 1 hired worker only farms 2 or more hired workers farms Regular workers farms Seasonal workers farms Paid on a monthly basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms reporting, persons. reporting. reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms reporting. reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report , farms. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms reporting. reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report farms. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: Njne farms reporting. House only farms reporting. Board and room only. farms reporting. Other only farms reporting. House and other 2 farms reporting. Board and room and other farms reporting. No report farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms Perquisites furnished: None fa rms House on 1 y fa rms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other' farms Board and room and other farms No report No report as to basis of payment. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. . farms. 24 516 49 433 14 994 9 522 13 348 24 827 13 606 24 606 4, 250 291 1,018 1,455 687 205 306 3,173 529 749 849 144 506 67 329 8,774 3,276 1,723 1,102 521 634 30 1,488 8,117 3,573 8 49 493 402 325 20 2,455 1,033 313 72 195 72 35 31 315 736 9,930 20,399 5,865 4,065 5,57 3 10,359 5,449 10,040 1,695 136 503 524 81 264 55 214 349 250 51 186 10 128 3,665 1,369 760 472 200 194 10 660 3,396 1,380 456 231 166 171 15 977 403 124 35 80 21 10 15 118 270 4,814 11,158 2,571 2,243 3,190 6,566 2,294 4,592 867 43 208 274 85 156 40 61 770 90 202 211 31 154 21 61 2,000 611 505 227 113 250 15 279 1,372 587 187 70 56 68 404 148 32 11 30 6 64 106 343 2,584 58 285 ^20 1,768 111 816 132 7 69 1 1 51 3 140 27 48 15 2 34 6 4,743 8,010 3,158 1,585 2,619 3,669 2,474 4,341 1,061 128 530 61 146 85 55 525 71 68 185 t 40 76 20 65 1,809 751 299 286 145 93 5 230 1,179 521 91 65 85 30 387 161 31 5 60 15 5 10 35 170 313 743 176 137 227 442 157 301 5 141 35 30 26 10 20 20 106 40 11 5 115 195 60 55 45 85 80 110 2,037 3,149 1,456 581 1,192 1,518 961 1,6 31 586 10 45 335 36 75 55 30 175 30 25 50 15 25 10 20 7 31 300 105 130 65 46 5 80 470 240 35 5 30 15 145 65 10 30 10 87 137 60 27 52 72 45 65 1,760 2,967 1,155 605 830 1,134 1,017 1,833 283 330 113 95 100 445 180 30 45 145 70 15 25 5 10 15 65 431 819 251 180 273 418 214 401 25 10 42 30 120 50 10 15 51 10 20 15 10 213 66 21 10 26 11 85 20 20 5 26 5 10 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 2 Includes farms reporting "house and board and room." and "house, board and room, and other." NORTH CAROLINA 49 State Table 25.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures are for hired persons working lite week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of nonwhite operators Tenure of operator' Full owners Part owners Managers Share - cash Crop- shsre Li ve- atock- ahare Croppers Other and speo - fied Farms not c lossi - fied by tenure H 1 red workers farms 1 hired worker only farms 2 or more hired workers farms Regular workers farms Seasonal workers farms reporting. persons. reporting. reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons . Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting.. House and other 2 farms reporting,. Board and room and other farms reporting.. No report farms. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting. , House and other 3 farms reporting.. Board and room and other farms reporting.. No report farms. . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other. farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report farms. . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 , . farms Board and room and other farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None fa rms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other farms Board and room and other farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No rfeport Ho report as to basis of payment. , farms. 2 943 4 340 2 165 778 1 398 1 767 J 641 2 573 16 10 325 65 15 75 30 215 35 10 105 10 15 15 25 1,291 595 56 255 80 50 10 245 492 257 5 60 25 15 130 260 60 130 10 30 '0 145 570 835 425 145 320 395 280 440 130 10 100 5 60 566 840 405 161 301 390 275 450 25 10 55 5 10 5 5 5 271 10 36 40 25 25 5 50 85 40 10 15 1, 461 2,068 1,115 346 691 sin 80 5 1,250 290 10 195 30 5 40 10 95 5 55 5 10 20 625 320 10 140 25 5 125 221 121 35 10 55 155 25 80 565 805 420 145 240 280 335 525 5 5 230 105 721 1,063 540 181 381 458 365 605 5 115 10 5 20 5 40 10 320 170 10 60 1 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms Includes farms reporting "house and board and room, " and ' only. house, board and room and other. 50 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 26.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker only farms reporting.. 2 or more hired workers farms reporting.. Kegular workers farms reporting.. persons. . Seasonal workers farms reporting.. persons. . Paid on a monthly basis faros reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . house only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting.. House and other 1 farms reporting.. Board and room and other farms reporting.. No report farms. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished; None farms reporting. . House only tarms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting.. House and other' farms reporting.. Board and room and otiier farms reporting.. No report. .fa Total all farms Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting.. House and other 1 farms reporting.. Board and room and other larms reporting.. No report. fa rms . . Paid on an hourly basis ..farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None larms report ing . . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting., House and other 1 farms reporting.. Board and room and other farms reporting.. No report farms , . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting.. house only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting.. House and other farms reporting.. Board and room and other farms reporting.. No report Ho report as to basis of payment. . (arms . t a rnis 27,459 53,773 17,159 10,300 14,746 26,594 15,247 27,179 4,806 307 1,048 1,780 353 702 280 336 3,388 564 759 954 154 521 82 354 10,065 3,871 1,779 1.357 601 684 40 1,733 8,609 3,830 854 553 427 340 20 2,585 1,293 373 72 325 72 45 61 345 881 Type of farm Cash- grain 608 1,384 330 278 409 833 267 551 7 305 111 52 35 10 49 48 201 43 47 15 10 23 63 16 1 '5 1.421 2.888 87 3 543 737 1,466 843 1.422 160 5 46 75 5 28 1 122 5 28 50 10 14 15 727 271 138 112 31 47 5 123 309 153 27 26 15 26 62 57 21 5 5 Other field- crop 13,105 23,296 8,653 4,452 7,128 10,636 6,948 12,660 2,594 77 322 1.267 242 289 225 172 1.207 131 195 457 60 184 55 125 5,185 2,056 897 848 368 238 30 748 3,397 1,560 309 240 181 101 10 996 677 151 21 280 30 15 50 130 455 Vege- table 212 833 112 100 131 556 103 277 15 119 Fruit- and- 238 823 175 496 111 327 Uairy 1,851 4.689 921 930 1,413 3.552 716 1,137 621 59 261 80 10 167 10 34 603 72 212 127 10 129 6 47 435 109 64 61 15 49 5 132 474 160 53 15 45 41 160 42 16 5 S 5 1 10 25 Poultry 590 1.052 379 211 318 504 336 548 11 131 36 47 15 10 11 12 149 80 30 5 1 5 28 256 99 6 15 20 1 115 16 Live- stock other than dairy and poul try 1.472 3.501 754 718 952 1,969 748 1,532 282 21 121 59 5 65 11 243 54 68 42 38 545 182 121 51 21 60 110 519 170 101 41 20 47 140 45 11 5 Gen- era 1 — pri- marily crop 1,138 3.108 544 594 697 1,634 605 1.474 132 15 20 35 25 25 5 7 117 31 32 12 11 17 1 13 565 174 127 62 30 106 149 73 Gen- eral— pri- marily live- stock 152 262 95 57 96 132 93 130 Gen- eral- crop and live- stock Includes farms reporting "house and board and room," and "house, board and room, and other. NORTH CAROLINA 51 State Table 27.— PERQUISI1 ES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures are for hired peraon working the work preceding the enumeration. Data are baaed on report a for only a sample of farms. See tni (For definitions and explanations, aec text) Total all farms Economic clasa Cotimercinl larms Claas 1 Clasa II Class III Clasa IV (las. V Claaa VI I'esi- denl I al Hired workers farms 1 hired worker only 2 or more hired workers. Regular workers Seasonal workers. Paid on a monthly basis Perquisites furnished: None House only Hoard and room only Other only. House and other' Board and room and other. . . No report Pa i d on a week 1 y bas Is Perquisites furnished: None House only Roard and room only Other only House and other' Board and room and other... No report Paid on a daily basis Perquisites furnished: None House only Board and room only. Other only House and other' Board and room and other... No report Paid on an hourly basis Perquisites furnished: None House only Board and room only... Other only House and other' Board and room and other... No report Paid on a piece-work basis Perquisites furnished: None House only Board and room only Other only House and other' Board and room and other... No report Ho report as to basis of payment. reporting persons reporting reporting reporting persons reporting persons arms reporting arms arms arms l[-M- arms arms arms arms rms arms arms arms arms rnis arms arms arms arms arms arms arms reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting .... farms reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting .... farms reporting report ing reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting arms reporting [ rns rms arms rms arms arms arms arms arms a i n a reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting .... farms reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting .... forms farms 27,459 53,773 17,159 10.300 14,7.16 26,594 15,247 27,179 4,806 307 1,048 1,780 353 702 280 336 3,388 564 759 954 154 521 82 354 10,065 3,871 1,779 1,357 601 684 40 1,733 8,609 3,830 854 553 427 340 20 2,585 1,293 373 72 325 72 45 61 345 881 22,432 45,929 13,597 8,835 13,019 24,000 11,688 21,929 4.285 257 928 1,644 293 632 255 276 2,828 437 677 761 134 460 72 287 8,72 4 3.277 1,648 1,230 539 601 40 1,389 6,396 2,702 754 417 332 288 15 1, 946 223 51 300 41 25 61 245 686 293 3,428 12 281 281 2,691 99 737 95 4 36 11 1 35 1,778 7,151 448 1,330 1,557 5,133 640 2,018 449 35 189 52 1 127 15 30 469 80 163 63 8 94 6 55 656 164 202 53 51 92 94 537 172 114 30 15 66 140 33 4,675 9.419 2,585 2,090 3,375 5,502 1,904 3,917 1.034 51 223 372 101 151 75 61 708 94 152 170 25 148 50 69 1,858 611 509 189 105 163 10 271 1,177 468 206 50 62 45 346 164 31 7 60 10 15 20 21 80 8,199 13,932 5,361 2,838 4.638 6,342 4,223 7,590 1.729 95 300 801 100 212 115 106 823 107 141 302 45 119 15 94 3,355 1.286 596 528 201 180 20 544 2,076 951 238 135 115 87 5 545 340 40 30 125 20 5 25 95 205 5,345 8,488 3,731 1,614 2.394 3,226 3,295 5,262 784 42 153 338 80 75 25 71 489 83 84 178 45 62 1 36 1,970 881 220 297 150 84 10 328 1,736 755 108 152 80 60 5 576 293 91 5 95 5 5 15 77 245 2,142 3,511 1,460 662 774 1 ,106 1,527 2,405 194 30 27 70 10 32 25 30 808 322 93 160 31 60 142 797 334 81 45 60 20 257 106 36 130 2,377 3,712 1,606 771 864 1,198 1,676 2,514 245 16 61 46 45 47 10 20 289 67 41 91 10 45 10 25 647 275 84 60 30 42 156 1,024 541 36 86 50 31 280 140 40 110 2,600 3,740 1,951 649 823 1.040 1,871 2,700 238 26 47 80 15 15 15 40 264 60 41 101 10 16 "36 693 319 47 67 31 41 586 57 50 45 21 5 417 202 85 6 25 21 10 50 392 5 45 40 356 12 36 38 12 10 ' Includes farms reporting "house and board and room," and "house, board and room, and other. State Table 28.— SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED NUM- BER OF FARMS AND FARMS REPORTING: CENSUS OF 1950 If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting is — 25 50 100 250 500 1.000... 2.500... 3.000... 10,000.. 25.000.. 50.000.. 100.000. 250,000. Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated number would differ from the results of a complete tabu- lation by less than' — Percent 40 20 20 13 9.0 6.5 4.0 2.9 2.0 1.3 .90 .65 .40 'In the case of items for which the estimated number of farms or far aiore than 50 percent of all farms in the obtained by multiplying the percent difference gi factor as follows: •Tien the number of farms or . farms report ing const itutes (percent ) — 50 75 90 95 reporting con- lverse, more precise limits may be en in the table by an approximate Multiply given litait by — 0.75 .50 .30 .20 State Table 29 — SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED ITEM TOTALS FOR COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE FOR SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING, BY LEVELS: CENSUS OF 1950 Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated item total If the estimated total would the l differ f tem for a rom the 1 1 farms results of a comp >y less than' — lete tabu lation of porting is — level Level Level Level Level Level Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Percent Percenf Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 25 44 49 57 63 75 85 98 50 31 35 40 45 53 60 70 100 22 25 29 32 38 43 49 250 14 16 18 20 24 27 31 500 10 11 13 14 17 19 22 1,000 7.0 8.0 9.0 in 12 14 16 2,500 4.4 4.9 5.7 6.3 7.5 8.5 9.8 5.000 3.1 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.3 6.0 7.0 10,000 2.2 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.8 4.3 4.9 25.000 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.1 50.000 1.0 1. 1 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.2 100,000 70 .80 .90 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 250.000 . 14 .49 .57 .63 .75 .85 .98 'In the case of items uNere large farm reports constitute a significant proportion of the item total more precise limits may be obtained by reducing the percent difference given in the table by the proportion of the item total reported on large farms. See State Table 13 for large farm totals. 52 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 30.— INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, (For definitions and explanations, see text) Level of sampling reliability (refer to corresponding numbered columns in State Table 29) Size groups Tenure groups Fconomic-class groups > E ■* Type-of- farm groups FARMS, AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS Land owned or managed by farm operators acres Land rented from others and/or to others by farm operators acres Land in farms; average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings per farm, per acre. .... dollars Cropland; total, harvested, pastured, other acres Woodland; total, pastured, not pastured acres ToLal pasture, other pasture, other land acres Irrigated land in farms acres Land irrigated by sprinklers acres Age of farm operator, year began operation of present farm, average years Average distance to trading center; average distance over dirt or unimproved roads miles SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Average of last monthly electric bill dollars prain combines, corn pickers, pick-up hay balers. ... number Upright or pit or trench silos number Motortrucks number Tractors; total, wheel, garden crawler number Automobiles number FARM LAROR Family and/or hired workers persons Hired workers or regular workers persons Seasonal workers persons Paid on monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, piecework, or no report as to basis of payment persons Average hours worked per month, week, day hours Average wage per month, week, day, hour dollars SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Machine hire and/or hired labor dollars Feed for livestock or poultry dollars Livestock and poultry purchased dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars Farm machinery repai rs dol lars VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE All farm products sold, average sales per farm reporting dollars All crops sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Forest products sold dol lars LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Horses and/ or mules. . number Cattle and calves , number Cows, including heifers that have calved number Mi Ik cows number Hogs and pigs number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand , number Chickens sold number Chicken eggs sold dozens Cattle and calves sold number Hogs and pigs sold number SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Corn for al 1 purposes acres Corn harvested for grain acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested acres bales harvested value of sales Tobacco harvested acres pounds harvested value of sales land from which hay was cut acres 2 2 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 The State — Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of chickens on hand 800- 1.599 1,600- 3,199 Chickens on hand number. Chickens sold number. Eggs sold dozens. The State — Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of milk cows 1 or 2 3 or 4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30-49 Cows mi Iked yesterday number All dairy products sold .....dollars Whole milk sold. gallons dol I nrs Cream sold pounds of butterfat dollars For reliability of county estimates use the level indicated for the econoi which the county is located. NORTH CAROLINA ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS: CENSUS OF 1950 ' 53 Level of samp >i>, reliability (refer to corre pc e nding nuiiibr red columns in State Table 29) Economi arena 1 and A Size groups Tenure groups Lconoimr class greupa Type-of-farm groups ai o- Q ON o o -o o e3 ■o 5 C U O Ul 1 t g Qa a. c u ~ o. < a a. o (J in -o nj c a > q 1 a -o q u Classes \1\\ and I\ and miscel- laneous and un- classified type v a S> ■ V 3 Cotton, other field-crop, cash-grain, and genei il — primarily cash >, 3 O TS Livestock general — primarily livestock and crop and 1 l vestock 1 1 1 1 3 3 X x 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 S 3 3 3 3 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 1 2 2 2 3 I 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 2 7 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 S 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 << 10 X X X X X X « * X » X X » X X » 11 2 1 2 1 2 I 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 i 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 12 13 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 15 16 17 IB 19 20 x X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X 21 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 22 * X X * X X X X X X X X X X " X 23 5 3 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 3 4 5 1 5 24 6 6. 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 25 6 6. 6. 6 6. fi 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 5 S 6 26 5 3 5 5 6 5 5 6. 5 4 4 4 3 3 4 1 4 27 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 28 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 "' 3 3 29 6 6 6 5 5 6. 5 4 2 1 1 1 5 3 3 4 4 30 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 4 31 3 3 3 1 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 32 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 33 6 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 34 6 7 6 5 5 6 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 35 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 4 36 6 1 6 1 6 1 S 1 5 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 37 38 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 39 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 40 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 2 4 41 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 S 42 4 4 4 3 3 5 4 3 2 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 3 43 6 6 6 5 5 7 6 5 4 4 5 5 3 4 5 5 5 44 6 6. 6 5 5 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 3 4 5 5 5 45 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 S 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 46 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 47 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 48 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 49 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 50 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 51 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 S2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 53 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 I 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 o 2 2 54 55 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 56 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 57 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 SR Ec momic Areas 1 ant A- Level of sampling reliability for specif i ed items by number of chickens on hand To al Under 5 25-49 50-99 100-199 200-399 400-799 eoo -1,599 1,600-3.199 3. 200 or more 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 59 A 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 60 6- 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 61 Economic Areas 1 anr A — Level of sampling reliabil ty for spec ified items by number of milk :ows Total 1 or 2 3 or 4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30-49 50 and over 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 62 5. 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 63 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 64 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 65 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 66 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 67 54 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 30. INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Level of sampling reliability (refer to correspond ng n mbered :olunuis in State Table 29) (2 Economic Areas 2; 3, B, and Ci 6 and E; 7 ; f ; 10; and 11 Size groups Tenure groups Econ omic- class groups Type-of-farm groups V c u o o- o o> o o -a o C-l -o ej c u * u bo — d * a. Q. at e < a. a. g Q. C o D) TJ ffl C O > e a > 5 e s 1 C Q, — j 3 >- U -D « a "O E -H "TJ 3 - COM si! C c -a -o i o 9 00 u Cotton, other field-crop, cash-grain, and general — primarily cash a a. -o c a £ -O E S & U -M O O C -J n u d 4) c * ■ « eo— ■ -J ss Q. w O > O — FARMS, ANU FARM CHARACTERISTICS 1 2 4 2 1 2 4 4 X X 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 Land rented from others and/or to others by 9 2 2 2 1 4 4 8 3 7 3 3 4 3 5 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 Value of land and buildings per farm, per arre dollars.. 2 4 3 2 1 5 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 3 3 4 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 b 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 3 6 4 4 4 5 b 5 3 6 6 5 b 4 6 6 6 4 5 7 3 2 9 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 8 Irrigated land in farms acres.. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 10 Age of farm operator, year began operation of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 Average distance to trading center; average X x * X x X X X X X X X X X x X SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 9 1 2 13 Grain combines, corn pickers, pick-up hay balers. ... number. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X IS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FARM LARCR 18 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 19 Hired workers or regular 1 I 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 20 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 21 Paid on monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, piecework, or no report as to basis of 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 22 Average hours worked per month, week, day hours.. X X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X 23 Average wage per month, week, day, hour dollars.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES I X X X X X X X X X X X x x X X X 24 5 4 5 b 4 7 5 4 5 5 4 6 6 6 5 4 4 25 5 3 4 4 5 6 4 5 6 3 6 4 2 3 b 4 4 26 5 3 4 5 b . 7 3 5 6 3 6 4 3 3 6 4 6 27 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars.. 5 3 4 4 5 6 4 4 5 4 5 4 3 3 5 4 4 28 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars.. 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 5 4 29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD, EY SOURCE 30 All farm products sold, average sales per farm 4 5 3 2 2 5 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 5 4 3 4 31 4 4 4 3 3 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 32 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 2 5 4 4 4 33 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 34 All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. 5 5 5 b 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 3 35 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 36 5 5 b b 4 6 5 4 4 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 37 LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS 4 3 3 4 4 b 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 38 1 4 3 1 6. 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 4 1 6 5 1 4 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 5 5 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 4 3 1 2 2 1 4 4 39 40 41 4 4? 9 3 3 43 5 5 6 4 4 6 4 3 2 6 4 b 2 3 5 6 4 44 6 5 . 6 4 3 7 5 3 2 2 4 5 3 4 4 4 J 4b 6 6 6 b b 6 6 5 3 b 6 4 3 3 5 4 6 46 3 2 4 4 3 3 5 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 3 1 47 SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 48 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 o 9 49 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 9 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 50 bushels harvested. . bl bushels sold. 3 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 9 2 3 3 2 3 52 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 53 bales harvested. . 2 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? 54 value of sales. . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? 2 2 2 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 56 pounds harvested. . 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 57 value of sales. . 1 1 1 1 9 2 2 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 >. 4 2 :' 2 l 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 I tern Economic Areas 2; 3, 8, and C 6 and E; 7 ; 3; 10; ind 11-Level of sampl "8 relial llity f or sp ecified items by nu mber of chickens on hand Total Under 25 25-49 30 -99 10 3-199 200-399 400-7 )9 800- 1.599 1,600- 3,199 3,200 or more 59 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 7 61 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Item Fconomic Area i 2; 3, I , and C, 6 and E; 7;8i 10; and 11- -Level of sampl ing re liability for speel flee items by number of milk cow; Total 1 o r 2 3 or 4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30-49 SO and over 6? 3 1 I 1 1 1 63 4 3 3 3 11 64 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 9 2 j 2 2 65 doll era 66 4 2 2 1 2 2 ; 2 67 dnl lars. . 4 2 2 2 2 j i For reliability of county estimates use the level indicated for the economic area which the county is located. ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE TOTALS FOR SPECIFIED ITEMS: CENSUS OF 1950 '—Continued bb Level of sampling reliability (refer to corresponding numbered columns in State Table 29) I Economic Areas 4u; 4b; 5 and D; and 9 Si ze groups Tenure groups Economic-claas groups Type-of-farm groups o a -o c 3 o o -o s n if e o u a. i c in C «J v a. o < a. a. 2 u a 3 > -a s > > -o a a Classes VIII and IX and miscel- laneous and un- classified type T3 3 s ? T3 J5 S -a < > Cotton, other field-crop, cash-grain, and general — primarily cash 3 o. ■o <3 Livestock general — primarily livestock and crop and livestock 1 6 2 I 1 3 2 X X 2 2 2 5 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 ■ 4 3 4 2 4 5 2 2 2 2 3 6. 4 3 4 4 5 6 4 i 4 4 5 6 3 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 9 10 2 X X X X X X X X X X * X X X X * 11 2 1 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 i 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 12 13 1 X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IS 16 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 18 19 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 20 1 x X x X X X X „ X X X X X x „ X 21 1 X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X 22 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X 8 * X X 23 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 5 6 5 5 24 6. 6 6 6 6 7 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 25 6 4 6 6 6 6. 6. 3 3 5 6 5 3 4 5 5 4 26 5 4 5 3 2 3 2 5 4 1 4 5 4 4 5 3 3 27 5 4 5 3 2 3 2 5 4 3 4 5 4 4 5 3 3 28 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 29 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 30 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 31 3 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 32 4 3 3 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 4 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 34 6. 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 6. 6 6 6 4 3 3 4 4 35 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 6 5 5 5 6 3 4 6 4 4 36 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 38 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 5 2 3 4 3 4 3 5 3 3 39 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 5 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 3 4 40 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 5 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 3 4 41 4 2 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 42 4 4 3 2 2 5 4 3 2 3 5 3 2 4 4 3 3 43 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 3 5 5 4 2 5 5 6 4 44 5 5 5 5 5 n 5 4 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 6 6 45 3 2 2 3 3 5 3 4 2 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 46 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 47 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 48 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 49 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 50 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 51 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 52 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 S3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 54 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 55 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 56 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 S7 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 58 Leon on) 1 c A reas 4a; 4 j; 5 and D; and 9 — Level of sampling relia )ility for specified items by number of ch ckens on hand. To al Under 25 25-49 50-99 100-199 200-399 400-799 ' BOO 1,599 1,600-3.199 3,2( or more 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 59 (i 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 60 S 6 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 61 Ec ono mc Areas a; 4b; 5 at d D; and 9 — Level of sampling eliability for specified items by number c f milk cows Total 1 or 2 3 or 4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30-49 50 an d over 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 62 6 6 3 3 3 3 ■ 3 3 63 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 64 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 65 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 66 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 6- Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (57) > -o c o .£ Z ° 81 i 2 O £ z § I o i I K° *»S § V L/ » S ®| lis § / 5 I 'I ®1 I" 1 /t®l X . / | IV ™ 1 3' ?* * ®S J B^'g |2 IBs P'< 5' (|®T tu §\ 8®| 3 s l _J_ < CO U 1- < z O o 1 ® ® 1 fo CO ?! _ CO J eg CO 1 1 60 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1. -FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [1950 data for items shown in italics are based Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Alleghany Avery Beaufort Rert FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Approximate land area ■ acres Proportion in farms percent Land owned by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres Land managed by farm operators acres Land rented to others by farm operators (see text) acres Land in farms acres Average sire of farm acres Value of land and buildings, .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1950... 288, 508 1945. . . 287,412 1950. . . 31 422,080 1950... 61.5 1950. . . 14 921,350 1950... 6 623,946 1950... 468,381 1950... 2 695,740 1950... 19 317,937 1945... 18 617,932 1950... 67.0 1945... 64.8 1950... 6,490 1945... 3,490 1950... 93. 65 1945... 53.87 1950. . . 85 Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Other land {house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporti ng acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operutori. reporting With other Income of family exceeding value of agricultural produ'.ts sold operators reporting Working off their farm, total operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949. . 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944'. 1949.. 1944'. 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944 1 - 1949. . 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1949.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1949.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 266,953 380,735 5,782,407 6,126,001 75,413 73,876 80,427 85,115 54,000 58,749 39,858 45,041 13,857 14,743 2,625 2,543 773 668 83,130 57,775 732, 664 525,691 103,212 1,183,324 949,598 89,345 78, 259 1,422,819 1,092,886 176,162 194,059 8,273,353 8,106,200 79,800 91,957 1,057,154 1,099,454 337,349 243, 974 866,216 718,102 377,730 285, 178 7,698,395 7,601,290 169,899 161,587 3,312,637 3,718,031 200,176 309, 562 9,696,172 9,199,086 96 19 2,083 1,883 268,365 267,561 9,431 16,164 ''7,676 59, 868 38, 100 2,946 2,720 181,698 58,44 7 2,971 219,746 216, 720 74.6 79. 7 7, 115 3,878 94.73 48.87 83 34 2,488 3,623 56,013 66,465 779 621 638 722 478 462 358 544 194 230 36 35 13, 986 11,517 1,819 38,105 17,174 1,074 1,066 16,106 16,079 3,053 1,980 78, 60S 83, 159 1,354 1,095 14,398 12,934 3,670 3,637 13,630 9,392 2,790 2,698 98,104 95,156 2,054 1,895 44,390 40,530 2,282 2,140 94,714 99,338 3,766 3,591 ,383 743 989 599 1,904 1,945 163, 200 79.0 119,192 15,173 220 5,575 129,010 137,390 67.8 70.6 4,661 3,079 64.22 29.43 1,767 1,916 29,960 38,386 721 598 496 515 287 406 193 288 59 13 1 1 650 1,035 4,925 7,462 1,226 14,236 12,360 815 1,022 8,320 9,850 1,546 1,675 56,659 56,239 916 787 7,717 6,243 1,807 1,902 7,193 6,850 1,878 1,942 49,121 58,208 1,469 1,618 20,962 23,555 1,655 1,739 64,979 66,089 1,808 1,877 60 66 820 909 556 594 389 1,627 1,602 147,200 86.8 114,797 15,396 816 127,813 128, 783 78. 6 80.4 6,513 3,301 87.44 39.82 94 1,473 1,448 23,187 31,334 655 698 451 393 179 171 138 134 43 45 687 81 16,139 4,981 134 1,490 539 512 91 9,441 2,409 967 1,391 19, 720 32,929 1,393 1,446 54,655 71,311 1,119 1,334 4,191 5,290 1,521 1,460 39,806 26,844 1,549 1,484 80,325 78,701 1,313 1,323 29,161 25,338 1,533 1,557 78 70* 7 172 487 111 2,753 2,436 341,120 73,. 2 183, 745 82,264 13,195 249,845 245,697 90.8 100.9 5,241 2,513 51.04 24.91 74 2,556 2,391 81, 196 82,870 326 274 755 550 599 567 537 637 340 258 75 75 24 30 566 257 8,755 3,471 904 16, 633 14,501 725 821 18,479 15,539 1,403 1,441 109,457 113,145 501 773 7,471 70 10 2,001 2,379 7,854 5,701 2,682 2,431 106,584 100,843 1,186 1,120 34,705 29,480 1,547 1,500 127, 936 128, 684 2,385 2,284 111 136 751 917 563 512 261 3,886 3,955 232,443 20,618 1,015 249,408 246,913 64.3 62.4 5,756 3,278 94.77 52.50 94 89 3,552 3,758 36,737 42,543 2,144 2,061 945 1,103 300 369 130 165 30 36 1,510 2,360 31,459 42,887 346 4,341 2,304 1,841 766 28,906 10,984 2, 101 3,093 48,098 65,558 3,935 2,871 90,040 74,980 3,333 2,975 9,827 7,657 3,697 3,852 72,537 87, 734 3,699 3,723 150,405 128,851 3,282 3,374 77,004 76,542 3, 673 3,646 160 300 1,849 1,984 1,493 1,786 2,173 158,080 55.8 80,446 8,123 1,000 88,257 107,216 49.4 49.3 4,933 1,974 82.16 40.00 94 114 1,661 3,167 17,400 26,788 1,072 1,064 374 828 112 174 67 79 21 15 5 5 2 680 697 8,606 8,334 298 2,162 1,450 818 1,474 11,240 38,118 912 608 27,972 11,964 94C 665 16,320 16,966 1,668 2,143 4,557 3,696 1,730 ■2,172 38, 168 36,472 1,628 2,091 36,166 63,318 1,366 1,754 39,213 50,082 3,324 3,443 531,840 48.3 215,400 63, 126 7,348 256,796 236, 555 77.3 68.7 7,271 3,313 89.63 46.77 86 90 3,095 3,399 99,173 99,633 630 643 941 1,112 665 709 487 574 223 250 98 69 51 42 1,049 332 5,803 2,681 880 14,286 3,878 489 374 14,829 8,580 1,957 1,921 108,072 111,833 196 355 3, 447 3,920 2,488 2,188 11,187 6,030 3,168 3,422 119,261 106, 192 1,418 915 24,079 15, 181 2,096 1,970 122, 901 120,413 11 958 953 582 570 : , I'V 3,003 634 1,139 499 516 282 Data for 1944 not strictly comparable with those for 1949. See text. NORTH CAROLINA 61 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 on reports for only a sample of forma. See text] •linden Brunswick Buncombe nurke Csbarrui Cnldwel 1 Camden Carteret Co a we 1 1 Catawlm Clinthnm Cherokee Chowan Qny Cleveland 3,673 2, 168 4,266 2,071 1,956 2,483 463 614 3,051 3, L43 2,977 1,940 798 1,012 5,811 I 3,480 1,799 5,710 2,026 1,986 2,407 575 1,085 2,689 3,040 3,801 2,007 1,048 1,048 5,443 2 563, 560 558,720 413,440 323, 840 230,400 304, 640 162,960 340,480 278,400 259,840 452,480 290,560 115,200 136, 320 298,240 3 51.3 * 28.4 54.6 40.1 74. 1 48. 1 42.1 16.7 87.7 74.8 66. 1 43.3 67. 6 38.0 91.7 4 246,250 149,114 184, 636 100, 354 135,996 132,551 47,426 51,239 171,175 163,086 260,081 116,520 56,962 47,504 214,506 S 70,187 15,916 31, 185 26,197 46,453 18,133 24, 197 9,066 129, 721 46,840 55,814 12, 519 25,621 6,428 129,811 6 7,709 35,461 4,287 10,460 16,457 6,505 7,285 3,867 3,248 14,878 1,300 5,349 290 7,476 105 3, 395 5,698 62,558 3,486 18,991 3,067 19,711 450 3,665 2,583 7,381 5,284 75,976 7 2,065 8 288,685 158,857 225,773 129,969 170,819 146,635 64, 437 57,015 244,036 194, 431 299,251 125,824 77,885 51,867 273,625 9 238,760 142, 490 258,003 123, 631 190, 709 164,849 54,712 60,928 218, 239 206, 384 395, 577 133, 665 76,236 52, 702 273,031 10 78.6 73.3 52.9 62.8 87. 3 59.1 139.2 92.9 80.0 61.9 100.5 64.9 97.6 51.3 47. 1 11 68. 6 79.2 45.2 61.0 96.0 68.5 95.2 56.2 81.2 67.9 105.5 66.6 73.7 50.3 50.2 12 4,684 4,100 7,905 5,266 8,006 5,925 10,088 6,538 4,744 6,343 4,720 2,793 9,143 3,622 6,355 13 2,455 1,886 4,259 2,471 4, 146 2,951 4,390 2,730 3,010 3,140 2,732 1,906 3,949 1,970 4,080 14 58.69 52.26 160.33 90.96 85.98 102.38 85.31 76. 82 62.03 101. 10 47.98 42.94 106. 70 62.05 138.92 IS 35.78 23.81 94.27 40.50 43.18 43.08 46.13 48.61 37.09 46.25 25.89 28.62 54.28 39. 16 81.34 16 90 86 91 85 78 85 83 88 87 84 83 95 86 66 76 17 92 93 85 78 83 83 70 80 83 84 81 96 76 75 76 18 3,419 2,057 3,688 1,792 1,726 2,036 396 551. 2,892 2,851 2,632 1,780 755 949 5,487 19 3,461 1,780 5., 314 2,014 1,884 2,371 574 1,037 2,603 3,021 2,745 1,966 1,005 997 5,339 20 67,814 30,016 34, 118 24, 625 54,896 22, 549 31, 215 11,368 51,088 64, 399 51, 774 16,367 31, 708 9,088 139, 179 21 68,893 26, 492 47,675 30, 641 66,436 37, 105 32, 141 16, 159 50,330 79, 535 62,823 19,846 31,691 11, 139 137,426 22 779 838 2,655 995 435 1,269 52 170 820 1,026 807 1,231 98 601 830 23 770 677 3,899 967 425 1,140 46 488 623 732 667 1,267 187 577 695 24 1,214 766 665 418 391 444 40 168 1,081 694 885 384 174 243 1,669 25 1,227 718 893 525 329 643 77 266 949 715 802 463 264 259 1,453 26 794 279 213 189 275 176 31 100" 613 451 469 100 136 77 1,314 27 ■845 240 287 288 320 276 95 149 553 597 569 142 209 96 1,412 28 511 125 99 139 328 99 84 79 299 407 328 42 152 22 1,219 29 494 107 148 164 390 301 155 82 383 610 505 60 183 52 1,359 30 112 39 45 43 233 41 98 25 70 210 117 18 135 6 395 31 109 26 70 60 307 90 132 43 37 297 173 30 111 12 382 32 6 14 8 11 8 12 6 9 58 94 7 16 59 49 8 7 8 8 53 61 22 26 4 3 43 40 54 34 33 1 34 3 2 987 2 1 525 3 5 1,340 2 1 ' 430 17 19 519 32 20 63 1 2 180 1 10 9 852 4 3 1,264 1 1 483 17 11 212 6 4 1,559 35 5 699 36 1,586 408 37 325 76 991 733 322 932 11 82 807 1,386 439 287 53 202 727 38 5,525 2,371 15,824 3,548 8,186 5,014 386 1,475 14, 272 7,425 15,183 3,520 1,566 4,071 11,801 39 2,029 1,457 14,630 5,125 3,760 7,048 110 508 6,883 10,535 5,444 2,161 276 1,890 5,970 40 1,028 894 1,591 1,032 1,188 1,033 77 247 1,925 1,667 1,825 629 137 370 1,367 41 10,313 6,446 16,098 9,285 20,628 10,216 1,227 2,593 29,251 20,704 28, 123 5,637 2,340 3,736 13,193 42 4,822 4,847 18, 217 5,252 21,380 7,057 108 3,258 20, 989 16,712 17, 791 7,453 377 3,207 17, 366 43 849 440 2,173 809 742 939 54 133 1,052 1,200 1, 298 900 216 234 2,067 44 603 54 2,000 615 958 1,083 20 126 750 950 1,011 787 149 259 1,965 45 24, 359 11,746 48,282 10,330 10,359 15,326 3,126 14,801 13, 792 16, 156 23, 160 16, 001 3,999 5,205 34,820 46 14,634 8,729 51,179 7,086 12,072 15,937 1,547 9,730 8,698 10, 793 14, 613 13, 499 2,266 4,666 33,600 47 2,469 1,626 1,884 1,534 1,332 1,794 389 392 2,136 2,070 2,374 1,513 493 720 2,435 48 2,359 1,509 2,356 1,380 1,540 1,884 443 630 1,958 2,426 2,483 1,637 588 687 2,512 49 165,082 101,379 57,436 66,198 51,427 76,821 24,719 22,571 108, 192 60, 433 162,167 72,168 35, 325 23,058 55, 843 50 140,326 95, 274 58, 868 64, 209 61, 474 83,721 18, 514 27,643 105, 251 65, 306 176,627 75, 233 39,991 23,687 57,560 51 351 107 2,348 l,04f 1,042 1,023 91 81 597 1,393 742 990 56 477 1,391 52 222 67 3,030 696 1,306 951 41 128 1,046 1,043 1,046 1,213 42 574 2,260 53 6,456 2,211 44,644 8,941 13, 785 8,542 1,010 1,179 6,930 13,164 9,146 8,595 1,238 5,006 13,066 54 2, 474 1,515 54,828 6,684 15,375 8,092 956 1,290 10,814 9,239 12,505 11, 361 831 6,498 16,476 55 3,218 1,655 3,411 1,965 1,822 2,334 425 531 2,903 2,894 2,708 1,563 528 892 4,290 56 2,710 1,657 4,621 1,657 1,930 3,264 318 924 2,469 2,924 2,661 1,888 332 514 4,795 57 9,136 4,688 9,371 7,043 11,538 8,167 2,754 3,028 30,511 12,140 9,698 3,636 1,709 2,703 15, 723 58 5,582 4,176 12,616 4,634 10, 213 5,889 1,336 2,340 15,274 14, 264 5,774 4,112 804 1,625 15,633 59 3,527 2,106 4,021' 1,946 1,867 2,259 409 576 2,995 3,018 2,858 1,884 772 979 5,625 60 3,471 1,799 5,540 2,024 1,970 2,401 575 1,063 .2,679 3,040 2,780 2,006 1,012 1,025 5,411 61 83, 652 38, 833 66,040 37,458 83, 710 37,779 32,828 15, 436 94,611 92,528 95, 080 25,424 35,614 16, 895 164, 173 62 75, 744 32,796 80,512 41,018 91, 576 51,210 32, 359 19,925 78,202 106, 782 86,058 39,460 32,344 16,336 160, 762 63 1,627 844 3,611 1,508 1,457 1,845 182 294 1,966 2,212 2,134 1,621 361 859 3,017 64 991 1B6 4,331 1,433 1,534 1,928 70 281 1,709 2,438 1,825 1,647 190 811 3,223 65 36, 340 16, 328 108, 750 22,819 32,330 28,882 4,533 17,455 34,994 36, 745 47, 489 38,116 6,803 14,282 49,687 66 19, 137 11,701 120, 627 18,895 31, 207 31,077 2,613 11, 538 26,395 30,567 32, 562 27,021 3,373 13,054 45,046 67 2,657 1,711 3,175 1,735 1,504 3,080 306 435 2,261 2,425 2,525 1,681 531 797 3,131 68 2,505 1,523 3,473 1,521 1,632 2,085 454 653 1,996 2,523 2,520 1,728 603 762 3,194 69 189, 441 113, 125 105, 718 76,528 61, 786 92,147 27,845 37,372 121, 984 76, 589 185, 327 68, 169 39, 324 27,263 80, 663 70 154, 960 104,003 110,047 71,295 73, 546 99, 658 20,061 37,373 113,949 76,099 191, 340 88,732 42,257 28, 353 80,160 71 1 1 13 23 1 13 2 1 12 1 12 1 3 1 42 5 3 42 3 3 1 1 72 73 1 . 43 155 74 16 6 75 1 1 2 43 2 115 76 77 3,413 1,994 4, 114 2,006 1,623 2,388 439 555 2,879 2,983 3,831 1,654 744 962 5,036 78 2,998 1,680 5,494 1,933 1,892 2,315 447 956 3,465 2,871 3,654 1,931 914 954 4,870 79 170 82 81 47 60 64 27 31 107 94 81 29 40 28 159 80 412 90 132 95 78 85 123 126 139 151 126 63 121 65 183 81 766 613 1,965 1,430 1,034 1,749 140 159 407 1,555 1,186 1,071 148 555 1,275 82 1,408 963 2,211 1,391 940 1,599 177 231 510 1,681 1,319 960 331 485 1,607 83 780 94 2,729 957 758 1,345 16 217 135 1,215 228 688 277 341 1,083 84 665 525 1,836 1,004 739 1,354 101 150 368 1,310 856 654 163 296 898 85 483 44 2,543 688 587 1,211 5 163 49 1,035 158 540 179 245 498 86 991354 0-52-6 62 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table L— FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM L1950 data for items shown in italics are based (For definitions and explanations, see text) Duplin FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms. - number Approximate land area acres Proportion in farms percent Land owned by fann operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres Land managed by farm operators acres Land rented to others by farm operators ( see text) acres Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and building*. .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported ; percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting rms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres -. 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture. Cropland not harvested and not pastured forms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural produ'.ta sold operators reporting Working off their farm, total operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950.. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. . 7950. 1945. . 1950.. 1945.. 1950. . 1950. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. I944 1 . 1949.. 1944' . 1949.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944'. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944'. 1949. . 1944'. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1949.. 1950.. 1945. . 1950.. 1945.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 6,322 5,761 600,960 54.2 276,068 97,327 47,486 325, 909 280,149 51.6 48.6 5,356 2,781 109. 13 57.18 84 6,089 5,731 107,550 104,878 1,421 1,246 2,586 2,440 1,336 1,247 604 663 133 132 1,752 1,116 5,937 4,372 1,823 10,554 7,323 1,270 1,116 13,122 7,623 3,950 4,056 172,233 140,390 564 670 3,651 4,283 4,609 5,048 12,862 11,280 6,169 5,755 124,041 116,573 2,800 2,411 22,710 16,278 4,196 4,210 185,355 148,013 5,973 5,449 198 297 870 1,514 766 718 520 2,345 2,266 145,379 50,250 1,304 22,412 174,521 134 , 702 74.4 59.4 5,928 2,824 88.25 47.51 2,191 2,216 49,794 46,690 380 539 768 660 523 506 392 401 113 88 12 707 189 3,861 1,272 709 7,256 3,950 365 264 15,630 5,950 1,288 1,206 88,517 72,554 184 224 2,898 2,091 1,920 1,232 6,565 2,195 2,246 2,249 60,911 51, 912 977 538 22,389 9,313 1,387 1,245 104,14 7 78,504 1 2,170 1,940 122 312 367 591 135 274 112 3,070 3,319 423.040 55.5 190,196 72,822 9,374 234 , 959 230, 721 76.5 69.5 6,402 3,571 82.90 51.38 2,786 3,239 86,293 91,092 438 481 699 857 650 802 621 781 279 253 81 54 18 11 529 241 4,814 1,415 1,004 11,181 5,946 519 491 9,526 5,227 1,868 2,409 107, 716 116,296 345 581 4,974 4,051 2,419 2,970 10,455 6,694 2,892 3,271 102,288 98,453 1,047 1,052 19,314 10,693 2,012 2,468 117,242 121,523 2,859 3,143 109 154 782 715 554 54 6 312 542 679 174 , 720 42.1 58,021 22,310 4,487 11,311 73,507 73,886 135.6 108.8 8,005 4,116 64.29 37.83 428 654 29,188 33,696 87 136 117 75 73 29 26 165 84 1,348 1,559 132 1,751 1,342 112 59 3,502 5,337 381 565 28,214 25,863 78 59 3,307 2,217 485 595 6,197 3,872 463 660 32,287 36,597 264 175 8,157 9,113 412 581 31,716 31,200 1 511 636 22 39 227 532 128 338 248,320 0.7 22 1,619 1,667 45.0 34.0 7,927 2,280 192.29 67.01 125 115 25 45 132 446 35 20 30 1,068 1,153 2 132 31 10 139 57 245 450 18 24 32 ,103 3,400 3,507 350,720 69.7 217,388 37,327 4,011 14,433 244,293 •256,000 71.9 73.0 7,114 4,302 99.67 58.93 91 2,949 3,423 62,677 78,780 1,057 1,036 710 748 471 631 457 665 213 298 37 39 1,106 1,136 10,200 10,350 2,261 33,986 32,937 985 1,204 10,876 12,399 2,639 3,023 95, 958 102,424 1,295 904 16,270 8,878 3,243 3,475 14,326 10,232 3,285 3,493 106,863 122,067 2,327 2,355 37,346 31,627 2,848 3,126 106,834 114,823 2 24 3,155 3,426 104 1,669 1,649 1,191 1,317 1,007 1,508 1,647 168,960 82.4 109,105 35,709 4,840 139, 252 145,240 92.3 88.2 6,285 3,985 69.37 45.19 86 85 1,382 1,617 36,825 45,847 407 453 339 336 222 295 219 282 160 192 26 53 9 6 651 312 8,114 2,931 997 17,633 14,209 805 894 13,837 13,470 1,145 1,300 43,038 50,287 674 858 10,227 11,300 1,376 1,594 9,578 7,196 1,464 1,642 62,572 62,987 1,197 1,275 32,178 27,701 1,282 1,429 56,875 63,757 1,430 1,526 53 110 481 5,908 5,654 526,080 68.5 298, 661 121,578 1,556 61,418 360,377 306,409 61.0 54.2 4,777 2,703 80.07 49.87 5,667 5,569 122,091 117,070 985 859 2,175 2,196 1,363 1,465 874 824 239 207 25 14 1,780 1,131 8,561 6,295 1,923 18,664 12,078 1,174 1,111 18, 110 13,308 3,275 3,063 173,915 149,431 455 202 7,408 1,468 3,909 5,036 11,628 6,759 5,812 5,638 149,316 135,443 2,585 1,929 34,079 21,071 3,553 3,227 192,025 162,739 5,448 5,203 297 366 825 1,784 1,471 191.360 66.1 87,454 46,396 9,184 16,573 126,461 113,044 70.9 76.8 6,812 3,702 107.53 48.17 94 84 1,527 1,433 24 , 269 28,602 613 438 530 465 234 267 104 189 36 62 5 417 81 3,651 731 935 11,430 6,102 624 479 10,256 9,765 1,184 859 66,454 50,042 437 416 3,699 5,341 1,686 1,318 6,702 12,461 1,701 1,462 39,350 35,435 1,099 862 17,606 15,837 1,344 1,036 76,710 59,807 624 1,375 449 537 437 515 326 110 1,698 1,411 52 708 331 568 276 Data for 1944 not strictly comparable with those for 1949. See NORTH CAROLINA OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued on reports for only a sample of forms. See textj 63 Porsyth Franklin Gas ton Gates Graham Granvi 1 Ic Greene fiui 1 Ford Halifax Harnett. Haywood llenderaon Hartford Hoke Hyde 3, 294 4,117 2,428 1,230 !, 338 2,943 4,768 4,474 5, 331 2,704 2,394 1,943 1,733 686 1 3,370 4,140 2,454 1,287 891 3, 147 2,937 4,669 3,806 4,516 2,891 2, 703 1,965 1,950 800 2 271,360 316,160 229, 120 219,520 184,960 347,520 172, 160 416,640 462, 080 387,840 347,320 244, 480 227, 840 264,960 405,7(0 :< 67.3 85.7 68.1 52.9 22. 5 81. 1 84.0 74.7 80.8 75.4 48.0 51.7 61.8 30.3 16.2 4 149, 683 178, 268 115,894 95,167 39, 478 158,198 92,952 ::. ', 1:'" 250,950 214, 163 151,907 104,956 71,662 88,738 5Q.343 5 45, 273 140,351 43, 226 33,771 3,507 137, 700 94,283 92,420 191,767 126,723 28, 667 22,382 87, 782 58, 083 26,335 6 5,163 17,806 125 47,841 10,951 13,983 14, 877 1,329 12,091 46,064 3,901 46,494 9,699 42,131 19, 253 88,439 1,439 50,090 388 8, 171 6,103 7,123 1,183 19,915 12,910 25, 836 7 11,036 a 182,31! 270,903 156,088 116,061 41,656 281,925 144,642 311,091 3-3, 531 292, 255 166,791 kt.,:',i« 140, 714 133,875 65, 623 9 193, 660 267,416 159, 106 106, 598 40, 186 255, 680 133, 649 304,263 325, 857 247, 970 158,113 133,123 120,996 144,213 60,024 10 55.4 65.8 64.3 90.7 54.9 84.5 49.1 65.2 83.5 54.8 39.9 32. e 72.3 77. 2 m. 7 1! 67.4 64. 6 64.8 82.8 45.1 81.2 45.5 65.2 85.6 54.9 54.7 30.0 61.6 74.0 730 12 10,119 5,951 7,490 5,4 36 3,631 6, 108 8,892 8,172 7,270 6,933 9,201 7,845 7, 160 6,069 . 13 6,243 3,012 3,770 3,443 1,8114 MM 4,165 5,563 4,069 4,225 4,171 4,172 3,393 3,739 3,782 14 174.87 93.13 113.27 64.79 65.91 70.79 198. 20 123.91 87.13 135. 29 152.73 136.42 96.25 81.38 71 IS 108.69 46.63 58.15 41.57 41.77 38.91 91.54 85.37 47.32 76.95 76.26 83.45 58.35 30.56 30.41 l£ 82 87 91 79 101 89 84 84 37 77 91 91 30 76 85 17 86 84 93 73 104 90 77 85 87 72 91 99 62 73 74 18 2,867 4,012 2,072 1,181 723 3,247 2,826 4,193 4,317 5,057 2,463 2,143 1,876 1,678 388 19 3, 183 4,061 2,306 1,271 878 3, 103 2,904 4,479 3,701 4,438 2,788 2,596 1,949 1,873 778 20 49,547 78,879 47,847 36,631 5,315 62,700 69,302 81,497 134,433 110, 189 22,345 28,787 50,010 55, 574 30, 244 21 64,707 80,048 56,402 36,940 6,141 66,465 66,440 94,527 122,241 95, 775 26, 351 39, 229 49, 579 56,633 33,531 M 1,223 639 714 161 552 701 222 1,470 562 940 1,694 1,301 146 165 87 23 1,240 721 703 151 668 427 355 1,485 421 705 1,900 1,303 144 168 78 u 788 1,811 518 217 138 1,281 991 1,142 1,054 1,803 535 487 534 398 84 25 762 1,766 518 326 162 1,239 1,030 1,182 843 1,592 569 680 597 428 151 26 452 982 344 292 22 769 810 787 1,073 1,235 157 157 569 444 33 27 472 953 376 297 36 812 787 804 903 1,232 175 299 636 525 143 u 254 462 286 330 8 394 653 550 1,157 831 69 117 473 428 134 29 449 497 422 335 12 514 597 668 1,067 742 107 195 465 535 195 30 118 97 156 162 2 84 145 210 396 209 26 58 123 188 124 31 210 106 240 142 100 128 288 378 153 28 94 98 189 160 55 18 47 17 1 15 5 23 52 33 1 15 8 41 50 33 41 6 13 3 42 7 18 2 10 3 6 41 11 63 23 11 6 8 1 21 8 6 3 23 14 35 21 34 35 9 889 5 1,129 5 741 2 572 1 958 1 762 11 1,444 26 1,000 3 793 1 560 4 438 1 486 5 328 16 94 36 293 37 888 1,001 674 170 189 989 252 1,102 497 543 505 330 139 115 43 3b 7,774 6,484 8,140 2,408 2,621 7,548 2,310 14, 746 8,081 3,827 6,848 5,656 1,762 1,859 864' 39 7,313 7,635 10,262 640 1,402 8,001 1,035 12,329 6,513 2,362 6,620 3,561 582 1,018 760 40 2,055 1,964 1,231 313 204 1,474 346 2,795 1,311 1, 170 391 1,082 603 588 199 41 23,762 17,959 16,900 2,474 1,393 14, 935 2,418 34,970 12, 710 10, 116 2,595 9,858 3,843 7,905 5,306 42 16,741 18,803 18, 551 1,290 2,062 17, 977 2,362 23,582 11,570 8,430 3,373 6,998 3,128 8,539 419 43 1,074 1,204 1,057 532 293 1, 114 404 1,887 974 1,188 1,416 893 611 220 94 44 860 1,168 726 310 349 1,162 296 1,618 570 1,040 1,100 722 378 217 39 45 11,611 16, 345 16,929 8,989 6,898 17,173 3,342 30,748 17,397 12,842 42,521 17,018 6,349 3,217 3,350 46 9,604 13,706 10, 799 8,108 4,930 10,652 1,824 25,019 13, 920 8,853 27,627 13, 695 2,760 3,827 2,219 47 2,329 2,630 1,474 872 533 2,327 1,283 3,166 2,455 3,114 803 1,379 1,104 792 313 4* 2,428 2,560 1,431 910 641 2,862 1,710 3,244 2,397 3,322 1,130 1,533 1,234 932 388 49 66,899 131,455 46,877 60,813 20,889 152,227 59,037 103,087 180,622 129, 248 24,042 45,117 73,224 60,643 20,873 50 72,075 134, 555 39, 646 56, 819 21, 143 133,353 55,309 113,636 159, 476 122, 267 28,789 46,877 60,467 67,262 16, 062 51 1,174 957 729 167 309 1,231 363 2,102 429 640 1,880 1,250 165 84 153 52 950 757 786 176 472 1,562 437 1,568 461 464 2,216 1,796 277 174 229 53 10, 712 8,931 9,145 2,198 3,374 14,811 2,706 23,345 8,761 7,228 58,885 13,484 1,785 1,096 1,951 54 8,916 5,634 10,752 913 3,573 11, 607 1,922 16,490 5,255 2,808 59, 333 18, 445 2,554 2,856 2,358 55 .3,024 3,457 2,164 946 730 2,910 2,221 4,447 3,343 4,267 2,065 2,000 1,516 1,015 530 56 3,145 3,405 2,115 676 666 3,006 2,523 4,177 3,409 4,070 2,374 2,226 999 1,756 661 57 12,208 10,950 10,250 2,548 1,166 12, 531 5,527 22,698 11,527 18, 805 9,055 6,398 3,741 3,381 3,035 58 14,204 7,035 12, 694 1,888 935 7,625 4,757 18,680 6,882 7,475 6,020 6,318 1,926 4,078 4,675 59 3,150 4,055 2,312 1,205 745 3,290 2,850 4,561 4,365 5,123 2,571 2,316 1,894 1,695 625 60 3,299 4,132 2,421 1,281 890 3,142 2,911 4,602 .3, 779 4,504 2,815 2,655 1,958 1,939 782 61 81,083 103, 322 72,887 41, 513 9,329 85,183 74,030 131,213 155, 224 124, 132 32,288 44,301 55,615 65,338 36, 414 62 88,761 106,486 85,215 38, 870 9,605 92,443 69, 837 130,438 140, 324 106,567 36,344 49,788 53,289 66,190 34,710 63 2,054 2,288 1,624 859 630 2,194 1,237 3,318 1,758 2,074 2,368 1,866 934 480 284 64 1,862 2,013 1,594 529 667 2,426 870 2,921 1,179 1,656 2,574 2,112 648 400 275 65 30,097 31,660 34,214 13,595 12,893 39, 532 8,358 68,839 34, 239 23, 897 108, 254 36,158 9,896 6,172 6,165 66 25,833 26,975 31,813 9,661 9,905 30, 260 4,781 53,838 25,688 14,023 93,580 35, 701 5,896 7,701 5, 337 67 2,574 2,816 1,785 976 655 2,454 1,414 3,633 2,641 3,393 1,864 1,756 1,241 831 363 68 2,551 2,672 1,632 999 711 2,915 1,758 3,492 2,445 3,428 1,809 1,792 1,309 932 409 69 78, 510 147,700 63,806 69,802 27,787 169,400 62,379 133, 835 198,019 142,090 66,563 62,135 79,573 63,860 24,223 70 81,679 148,261 50,445 64,927 26,073 144,005 57, 133 138,655 173, 396 131, 120 56, 416 60,572 63, 227 71,089 18,281 71 2 6 1 3 72 73 4 30 6 74 1 5 6 75 3 76 2 30 6 77 2,935 3,929 2, 286 1,149 733 3,234 2,798 4,492 4,220 4,571 2,656 2,305 1,780 1,612 630 78 3,089 3,814 2,234 1,157 841 2,961 2,765 4,315 3,510 4,209 2,714 2,547 1,824 1,742 754 79 129 80 97 69 14 62 53 168 157 153 104 77 92 57 39 80 225 255 172 130 33 164 151 200 263 203 167 130 109 187 42 81 1,409 340 1,346 192 470 247 110 1,955 565 572 1,541 1,262 142 201 314 82 1,478 703 1,355 354 433 451 406 2,024 1,059 1,121 1,478 1,139 420 462 354 83 857 158 894 93 461 166 66 925 467 211 968 1,083 45 155 239 84 1,177 294 1,036 151 293 196 115 1,507 478 573 1,164 897 115 191 160 85 676 65 775 48 395 3'' 12 797 239 100 828 896 12 50 70 86 64 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1.— FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [1950 data for items shown in italics are based Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Jackson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madi FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Approximate land area acres Proportion in farms percent Land owned by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres Land managed by farm operators acres Land rented to others by farm operators (see text) acres Land in farms acres Average si ie of farm acres Value of land and bui ldings. .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms report ing value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres I to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 ac res farms repor ting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting ' acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodl and not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land >n farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Working off their farm, total operators reporting 100 duys or more operators reporting 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1 950. 1950. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949. . 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944'- 1949.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944'. 1949. . I944 1 . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944'. 1949. . 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949. . 1949.. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 4,137 3, 91 a 378,340 66.6 266, 382 92, 004 5,405 36,342 327,449 342,686 79.2 87.5 7,349 3,591 95.56 41.06 90 3,733 3,853 100,925 122,864 1,003 569 900 841 663 791 655 1,001 412 542 85 97 15 12 1,668 1, 942 18, 086 19, 351 2, 595 40,083 30,469 1,994 2,296 32,488 28,282 2,864 3,091 98,923 99,296 1, 609 1,882 ■20,969 '21, 347 3,845 3,604 15,975 21,077 3,998 3,909 159,094 172, 684 3,044 3,303 71,543 68,980 3,325 3,354 131,411 127,578 1 3,910 3,717 162 176 1,540 1,879 316 1,257 322 2,260 2,430 317,440 40.3 114, 652 15,502 1,048 3, 184 128,018 124,875 56.6 51.4 4,067 1,931 67.97 37.58 91 96 2,070 2,354 15, 686 18,581 1,524 1,675 425 527 96 109 18 33 542 309 6,215 3,608 619 5,750 5,321 1,160 1,274 27,891 26,382 1,340 1,490 46,305 43,209 1,311 1,540 18,246 21,177 1,867 1,350 7,925 6,597 2,158 2,390 27,651 '27,510 2,005 2,103 52, 352 51,167 1,902 2,061 74, 196 69,591 8,097 7,774 508,800 82.1 284, 290 215,025 3,327 417,588 400,406 51.6 51.5 6,819 3,722 137. 26 72.26 90 86 7,863 7,754 181,063 169,984 762 790 2,791 3,005 2,466 2,356 1,518 1,399 285 179 ■2, 259 754 9,085 3,444 1,494 30,358 9,710 '2,811 2,021 31,585 21,508 5, 142 5,558 164, 194 174,407 1,000 1,339 6,469 9, 553 6,492 6,524 14, 794 11,800 7,909 7,769 200,526 183, 138 4,477 4,032 47,159 34,505 5,710 5,844 195,779 195,915 1 1,604 1,706 298,880 43.1 105,043 40,567 1,000 17, 737 138,873 120,845 80.3 70.8 5,903 2,877 74.71 40. 61 82 1,523 1,678 41, 144 42, 707 147 230 449 528 460 447 338 340 103 108 24 23 532 198 3,107 1,175 307 3,923 1,898 216 359 4,177 3,609 694 1,007 72,714 67,051 84 295 1,281 2,147 822 1,273 2,528 2,258 1,569 1,686 48,173 45,780 660 674 8,565 6,931 748 1,061 76,891 70,660 1,655 1,713 163, 200 70.4 92, 342 32, 593 114,844 116,774 69.4 68.2 6,636 3,485 94.92 51. 13 1,552 1,670 26,095 31,507 421 393 643 625 325 400 136 197 20 49 3 372 296 2,854 1,319 778 8,618 6,481 590 526 6,008 6, 115 1, 177 1,192 65,003 65,262 414 471 2,620 3,050 1,514 1,660 3,646 3,040 1,608 1,705 37, 567 39, 307 917 976 11,482 10,484 1,259 1,232 71,011 71,377 3,781 3,848 250,240 92.0 161,686 117, 196 16, 949 230,286 194,712 60.9 50.6 8,788 4,215 160. 24 83.30 86 3,649 3,760 93,033 85,618 385 501 1, 214 1,450 1,013 946 774 681 237 163 17 13 1,018 469 4,973 2,832 649 7,013 5,910 711 722 9,007 7,233 1,698 1,785 103, 060 86,209 451 472 4,478 2,233 3,061 2,929 8,722 4,677 3,681 8,805 105,019 94,360 1,619 1,345 18,458 12,298 1,887 1,967 112,067 93,442 2,442 2,503 197, 120 81.0 128,867 53,273 301 22,621 159,720 162,974 65.4 65.1 6,321 3,393 96.28 52.11 82 82 2, 361 2,414 59,076 60,329 484 473 614 631 478 535 444 545 220 206 39 24 745 652 7,202 4,665 938 12,592 14, 257 971 935 12,638 8,569 1,510 1,405 47,807 40,127 1,031 1,299 10,670 12, 345 2,235 2,247 9,735 22,683 2,357 2,487 78,870 79,251 1,691 1,707 30,510 25,579 1,724 1,564 60,445 48,696 1,556 1,962 282,880 38.3 94,934 18,630 5,399 108,155 104,901 69.5 53.9 3,987 1,984 60.94 37.48 84 79 1,399 1,893 14, 434 18,627 847 1,366 353 348 93 151 73 93 394 205 4,646 1,796 695 6,796 4,543 613 642 13,284 11,507 1,102 1,170 55,655 52,666 727 756 7,903 10, 159 1,411 1,529 5,447 5,603 1,442 1,948 25,866 '24,966 1, 165 1,292 35,833 23, 462 1,309 1,376 68,939 64, 173 2,276 2,350 330,880 39.8 116,771 18,929 563 4,550 131, 712 136,228 57.9 58.0 4,395 1,897 74.43 32. 73 87 2,123 2,273 17,986 21, 624 1,471 1,465 489 577 111 146 44 64 7 17 395 241 5,331 2,380 1,031 6,983 6,447 1,198 1,249 35, 351 24,302 1,447 1,570 51,449 53, 623 1,713 1,815 19,216 23,561 2,021 1, 712 5,496 4,401 2,226 2,328 30,300 30, 351 2,024 2,063 49, 798 50,143 1,933 1,932 76, 700 77,935 2,179 '3,267 1,337 1,155 883 7,550 7,419 131 378 614 1,372 349 543 1,515 1,489 52 172 122 1,576 1,619 47 366 343 233 3,573 3,559 719 321 280 41 3,333 2,340 63 151 724 1,461 1,875 39 100 950 917 890 585 1,099 594 739 390 1,007 2,231 2,246 1,468 1,333 1,002 892 737 Data for 1944 not strictly comparable with those for 1949. See NORTH CAROLINA OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 65 Martin Mecklen- burg Mitchell Mont- gomery Moore Mash Hanover North- ampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquo- tank Pender Perquim- ans Person Pitt 2,78? 3,216 1,931 1,216 2,537 5,855 401 3,824 2, 179 2,038 789 785 2,281 96 1 2,845 5,969 1 2,668 2,896 1,944 1, 160 2,302 5,990 716 3,087 2, 145 1,851 735 87? 2,275 1,159 2,839 6,526 2 307, 840 346,880 140,800 312,320 430,080 353, 280 124,160 345, 600 483,840 254,720 218,240 146,560 548, 480 167,040 256,000 419,840 3 68.6 62.6 62. 2 41. 5 54.9 88.2 22.8 85.5 32.0 70.3 32.2 54.8 28.6 60.0 84.8 74.1 4 119, 976 157,550 84,947 108, 999 194,096 200,091 24,516 199,846 131, 219 157,637 65, 194 58,071 132, 678 69,668 148,605 308, 427 5 128,912 75,211 5,500 21,885 45,418 162, 107 ,, 143 170,496 41,362 38,214 9,423 31,305 30,406 44,817 138, 132 167,393 6 2,442 40,188 3,295 18, 893 17 2,831 4,703 5,907 11,360 14,834 7,291 77,891 747 1,036 2,838 77,822 135 17, 998 1,673 18,451 3,969 15,092 3,941 10,011 1,595 71,315 11,249 75, 767 7 4,286 14, 220 S 211, 142 217, 163 87,633 129,680 236,040 311, 598 28,370 295, 358 154, 718 179, 073 70, 331 80,253 157,014 100, 265 217,017 311,302 9 195, 972 236,848 81,613 128,836 214,207 280,412 26,270 220,783 140,637 179, 650 58,418 76,235 130,449 97,666 218,040 320, 433 10 75.8 67.5 45.4 106.6 93.0 53.2 70.7 77.2 71.0 87.9 89.1 102.2 68.8 104. 3 76.3 32.2 11 68.3 81.8 42.0 111. 1 93. 1 46.8 36,7 71.5 65.6 97. 1 79.5 86.9 57.3 84.3 76.8 49. 1 12 9,035 9,947 4,771 5, 344 4,735 8,483 8,811 6,224 4,422 7,317 5,694 12, 219 4,392 7,411 5,123 9,918 13 4,657 5,332 2,214 2,886 2,673 3,475 4,935 3,280 2,484 3,448 2,773 6,282 2,167 3,680 3,266 4,114 14 115.91 150.72 104.01 46.43 63.51 144.09 168.03 80.13 71.53 81.97 70.62 114. 35 68. 66 71.39 68.78 197. 66 15 68.15 65.20 52. 74 25.98 28. 72 74.23 134.51 45.86 37.89 35.53 34.89 72.26 37. 79 43.67 42. 52 83. 7e 16 97 82 87 83 86 82 93 75 91 88 81 88 78 90 82 79 17 99 80 88 89 69 90 69 75 80 90 73 92 73 90 80 76 18 2,734 2,738 1,735 1,144 2,334 5,650 308 3,456 2,045 1,816 686 659 2,182 851 2,749 5,760 19 2,835 2,819 1,924 1, 149 2,245 5,896 704 3,078 2,075 1,743 730 856 2,251 1, 147 2,772 6,435 20 71,635 69,031 15, 170 27, 135 42,865 120,590 7,655 114,183 44,433 39, 741 27,080 43,903 38,149 44, 129 48, 681 142,476 21 70, 871 94, 546 21,852 31, 447 47,909 113,860 10,416 98, 146 39,188 41,116 26,745 45, 351 35,379 46,348 51,303 145,330 22 238 877 1,198 372 808 711 151 305 370 567 155 91 790 109 741 599 23 281 470 1,135 247 454 1, 120 446 244 478 408 127 140 948 150 628 803 24 751 669 366 351 821 2,313 60 614 711 526 183 58 758 148 1,031 1,910 25 871 703 476 353 902 2,353 131 606 781 504 183 122 729 225 1,124 2,367 26 932 445 106 192 380 1,586 41 866 509 30? 128 72 380 107 589 1,686 27 891 547 158 242 541 1,477 53 863 472 378 167 102 330 207 614 1,741 28 632 392 54 126 241 859 31 1,148 350 275 98 128 162 193 308 1,220 29 629 592 119 191 267 808 42 946 278 301 127 169 178 296 331 1,258 30 162 261 10 77 53 151 12 473 96 107 64 159 70 194 77 309 31 144 373 29 87 55 125 21 370 61 135 75 200 53 190 71 238 32 15 58 1 15 23 24 11 34 8 27 40 125 20 75 3 27 33 14 113 5 15 13 11 7 40 4 14 36 99 10 59 4 21 34 4 5 1,043 16 21 938 11 14 410 8 13 676 6 2 1,142 2 4 79 16 9 855 1 1 803 7 3 781 18 15 147 26 24 202 2 3 574 25 20 334 9 7 1,591 35 36 881 895 37 650 395 C82 358 437 592 44 420 481 656 31 76 170 131 621 713 38 3,653 15,261 11, 024 3,077 4,764 6,029 708 6,439 4,252 8,624 818 1,910 3,655 1,627 6,515 6,428 39 2,858 5,581 7,805 3,108 3,098 3,960 894 2,367 3,078 7,386 172 1,372 777 698 4,193 3,179 40 458 1,539 643 662 1,358 1,022 19? 750 598 1,160 280 99 982 182 1,308 694 41 1,851 26,744 7,935 9,131 17,210 7,620 2,923 7,853 6,455 16, 357 3,578 1,546 11,143 2,817 18,991 5,944 42 1,812 20,814 2,640 6,578 9,716 7,556 1,702 2,891 3,944 14,147 1,932 908 3,593 238 18,550 3,318 43 1,022 1, 187 691 352 894 1,274 41 714 402 883 78 164 423 328 1,162 758 44 490 1,275 838 347 826 687 31 431 452 646 54 156 225 154 1, 130 1,030 45 11, 141 21,404 12,534 6,509 17,462 14,281 691 13, 346 8,603 13, 892 2,557 3,560 8,481 7,580 12,197 13, oa:. 46 6,749 16,529 11, 733 4,582 11,853 5,654 941 5,465 7,639 8,798 2,657 5,001 3,540 3,923 10, 243 8,246 47 2,043 1,766 939 863 1,912 3,170 224 1,883 1,340 1,480 558 433 1,545 653 1,983 2, 178 48 1,398 1,823 1,146 958 2,036 3,089 399 1,898 1,636 1,510 566 481 1,781 853 2,277 2,948 49 116,559 56,907 23,650 76,329 141,566 146, 701 14, 090 133, 806 81, 934 83, 204 33,480 22,475 88, 418 40,630 102,784 126,838 50 97,746 54,446 19, 697 76,976 130,805 134,580 9,782 105,241 82, 516 89,472 23,608 20, 129 79,984 44, 411 113,894 148,727 51 289 1,019 793 257 475 577 19 228 165 694 37 160 170 88 1,382 680 52 154 1,576 1,415 214 401 881 40 374 300 984 102 127 899 59 1,429 844 53 2,431 15,563 12, 998 4,951 5,261 5,522 459 6,412 1,354 8,519 297 1,561 2,482 696 13,130 5,489 54 2,333 22,390 13,945 3,044 5 , 170 5,004 690 3,044 1,800 10, 233 827 1,881 3,610 786 9,807 4,269 55 2,303 2,725 1,508 1,012 2, 107 4,444 318 2,868 1,684 1,816 642 585 1,952 832 2,414 3,978 56 2, 188 2,631 1,582 1,103 2,223 4,581 659 2,264 1,519 1,817 654 659 2,028 384 2,619 4,558 57 3,872 12,253 4,322 2,548 6,912 10,855 1,844 13, 319 7,687 8,736 2,521 5,298 4,686 2,786 14, 719 11,045 58 13, 603 20,542 3,941 3,101 5,656 9,798 1,845 3,629 2,472 8,498 2,477 1,593 3,566 1,262 10,050 7,374 59 2,758 3,028 1,858 1,190 2,454 5,700 374 3,575 2, 113 1, 971 722 687 2,236 887 2,781 5,805 60 2,858 2,884 1,940 1,158 2,293 5,981 710 3,084 2,125 1,807 735 859 2,274 1,148 2,825 6,466 61 77, 139 111,036 34,129 39,343 64, 839 134,239 11,286 128,475 55, 140 64, 722 31, 476 47, 359 52, 947 48,573 74, 187 154, 848 62 75,541 120,941 32,297 41, 133 60,723 125, 376 13,012 103,404 46, 210 62,649 28,849 47,631 39, 749 47,284 74,046 151,817 63 1,580 2,080 1,625 725 1,382 2,153 120 1,373 1,076 1,368 214 416 923 523 1,998 2,471 64 981 2,039 1,804 643 1,219 1,751 110 1,047 939 1,396 156 325 1,229 272 2,042 2,304 65 17,225 52,228 36,556 14, 537 27,487 25,832 1,858 26, 197 14,209 31, 035 3,672 7,031 14,618 9,903 31,842 24,999 66 11,940 46,500 33,483 10,734 20,121 14,618 2,525 10, 876 12, 517 26,417 3,656 8,254 7,927 5,407 24,243 15,694 67 2,150 2,152 1,352 931 2,038 3,374 242 2,002 1,410 1,614 571 517 1,662 7 22 2,109 2,498 68 1,524 2,107 1,447 977 2,069 3,160 418 1,951 1,683 1,541 573 600 1,812 867 2,307 3,307 69 127,700 78, 31 1 36,184 82, 838 159,028 160, 982 14, 781 147, 152 90,537 97,096 36,037 26,035 96, 899 48,210 114,981 139, 920 70 104, 495 72,975 1 1 1 1 31,430 81, 558 142, 658 140,234 10, 723 29 6 703 119 25 648 110,706 90,155 98, 270 1 26,265 1 25,130 83, 524 5 218 5 218 48,334 124,137 156, 973 71 72 1 2 73 8 60 74 2 5 75 1 8 1 60 76 77 2,631 3,061 1,822 1,123 2,406 5,594 355 3,048 1,882 1,939 677 694 2,031 748 2,699 5,592 78 2,603 2,709 1,885 1,076 2,150 5,593 699 2,767 1,784 1,780 626 777 1,992 984 2,701 5,891 79 135 99 71 39 90 148 36 183 87 60 67 76 133 39 37 159 80 218 158 58 82 144 323 14 312 315 54 101 98 276 172 95 554 81 282 1,518 1,090 394 950 571 180 314 342 616 262 205 695 177 131 413 82 875 1,684 1,065 536 1,136 975 193 608 615 755 315 293 974 342 282 1,226 83 212 1,044 1,184 507 475 253 367 194 181 432 100 186 336 39 130 206 84 214 1,323 842 347 702 419 173 289 346 567 208 164 445 140 152 393 85 40 738 849 337 272 92 361 102 80 346 41 153 271 28 55 63 86 66 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table L— FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [1950 data for Items shown in italics are based (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Approximate land area acres Proportion in fanns percent Land owned by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators ...acres Land managed by farm operators . acres Land rented to others by farm operators (see text) acres Land in farms acres Average sile of farm - acres Value of land and buildings, .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported .. - percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over. farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Other lend (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Working off their farm, total operators reporting 100 days or more... operators reporting 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945.. 1950. 1945.. 1950. 1950. 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944 1 . 1949.. 1949.. 1944. . 1.949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.- 1949.. 1944 1 • 1949.. 1944'- 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944'. 1949. . 1944'. 1949.. 1944.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1949. . 1950.. 1945. . 1950.. 1945.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1,197 1,153 14 9,760 57.1 70,235 19,706 5,191 9,621 85,511 8S, 838 71.4 77.0 5,493 2,353 71.83 30.54 75 80 1,064 1,115 17,822 21,294 391 299 352 363 188 247 102 169 24 33 6 171 123 1,282 584 6,039 6,279 466 368 5,573 3,883 873 977 42,512 47,063 763 881 7,791 6,663 1,088 1,108 4,492 2,766 1,143 1,153 25,143 28,463 926 972 14,646 11,436 965 1,005 48,085 50,946 1,133 1,066 644 438 352 151 Randolph 3,618 3,601 512,640 64.2 297,346 42,250 1,518 11,871 329,243 349,586 91.0 97.1 5,433 4,476 60.58 46.13 3,141 3,508 64,340 81,579 1,088 922 799 954 582 731 445 613 187 244 33 38 4 6 1,489 1,255 13,238 10,271 2,521 37,098 31,568 1,650 1,377 25,063 19,808 2,996 3,113 161,755 182,525 1,077 1,227 12,968 12,714 3,448 3,475 14 , 781 11,121 3,493 3,576 114,676 123,418 2,680 2,531 51,269 42,793 3,211 3,199 186,818 202,333 3,325 3,383 69 189 1,576 1,893 936 1,252 642 1,657 1,923 305,280 51.3 115,080 49,566 5,660 156,495 159,207 94.4 82.8 5,736 3,393 65.62 40.98 73 1,551 1,850 46,047 48,987 375 641 452 404 294 343 229 279 142 128 39 33 20 22 352 237 4,262 3,548 732 13,500 21,830 382 349 10,586 5,656 891 1,096 70,698 69,865 320 387 6,101 3,846 1,174 1,853 5,301 5,475 1,613 1,921 63,809 74,365 776 832 20,949 13,050 1,012 1,186 81,284 75,521 1,528 1,826 49 8,524 8,602 604,160 74.6 264,573 260, 784 17,734 92,090 451,001 425,945 52.9 49.5 7,309 3,644 138.64 73.60 86 86 8,254 8,580 220,817 220,808 860 798 2,239 2,547 2,434 2,546 2,122 2,1«2 525 486 5! 36 21 1,402 618 6,631 2,936 1,006 7,573 4,097 950 563 12,473 4,600 4,321 6,615 183,662 176,844 570 810 5,347 4,702 6,035 7,756 13,998 11,958 8,329 8,592 235,021 227,841 2,480 1,716 24 , 951 12,238 4,578 6,681 196,135 181,444 8,224 8,361 158 209 659 660 1,563 520 462 421 593 383 133 Rocking- ham 4,402 4,221 366,080 85.4 203,127 14 9,251 16,952 56,683 312,647 285,114 71.0 67.5 5,938 3,677 87.60 54.43 85 82 4,130 4,011 66, 170 69,713 1,454 1,145 1,480 1,531 721 775 382 457 81 90 9 10 3 3 1,448 1,374 11,045 11,028 2,678 29,807 24,055 1,334 1,072 16,384 10,652 3,202 3,078 149,878 140,008 1,761 1,889 15,683 14,526 4,048 3,925 23,680 15,132 4,301 4,196 107,022 104 , 796 3,019 2,864 43,112 36,206 3,392 3,174 166,262 150,660 1 2 1 11 1 4,035 3,851 89 118 1,043 1,271 397 741 3,115 3,474 330, 880 70.8 183,715 64,336 5,057 18, 770 234,338 258, 556 75.2 74.4 7,134 4,385 94.21 58.92 91 91 2,754 3,361 80, C94 101,211 885 1,043 569 655 410 432 459 647 315 428 90 132 26 24 769 985 8,108 9,662 1,904 28,260 28,931 1,219 1,072 18,008 13,689 2,055 2,415 65,892 75,679 1,445 1,308 19,652 16, 639 2,861 3,365 14 , 324 12,745 2,986 3,442 116,462 139,804 2,212 2,391 45,768 39,990 2,361 2,637 83,900 89,368 2,814 3,326 168 136 1,640 1,656 1,265 1,323 1,031 Ruther- ford 3,540 3,803 362,240 62.0 187, 503 62,306 349 25,667 224,493 227,327 63.4 59.8 4,744 2,830 74.03 47.35 82 83 3,240 3,535 66,061 75,737 796 686 1,057 1,078 723 921 503 697 14 7 145 13 1 883 878 7,250 5,661 1,745 19,374 la, 164 1,560 1,500 19,270 15,052 2,340 2,583 90,020 86,671 1,547 1,789 12,851 18, 753 3,061 3,060 9,677 7,289 3,438 3,672 92,675 99,562 2,691 2,891 39,371 39,466 2,812 2,966 109,290 101,723 3,384 3,589 91 1,569 1,619 •1,128 1,046 733 Sampson 7,217 7,059 616,320 71.9 360,248 159, 613 450 76,962 443,349 383,054 61.4 54.3 5,242 2,996 87.11 55.22 90 6,808 7,026 164,994 158,119 1,059 1,067 2,025 2,314 1,844 2,034 1,429 L.312 401 271 43 25 1,436 522 5,422 2, 608 1,634 12,272 6,246 1,141 970 14 , 996 6,796 4,401 5,242 227,539 191,282 900 1,456 6,101 7,666 5,517 6,101 12,025 10,337 6,949 7,045 182,688 166,973 2,826 2,857 26,519 17,070 4,663 5,341 242,535 198,078 6,765 6,386 289 556 874 1,742 594 731 310 1,686 1,787 202,880 68.5 79,565 67,203 27,143 34,878 139,033 121, 925 82.5 68.2 5,470 4,052 74.57 59.39 79 1,607 1,762 64,091 61,268 105 102 289 370 426 519 462 505 242 215 61 36 22 15 157 56 2,508 354 303 6,725 6,374 106 44 10,164 1,447 580 695 50, 920 46,044 58 178 744 3,241 1,053 1,694 3,881 3,197 1,637 1,780 73,324 67,996 261 237 13,416 5,042 621 696 61,084 47,491 1,553 1,663 480 368 237 Data for 1944 not strictly comparable with those for 1949. See text. NORTH CAROLINA OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued 67 on reports fc r only s sample of forms. See t« *t] Stokes Surry Swain Tranayl - vnnia Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Wash- ington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wi laon Yadkin Yancey 3,629 4,306 925 1,092 542 4,960 2,404 6,219 3,162 866 2,639 4,915 5,075 4,303 3,344 2,740 1 3,513 3,711 1,068 1,273 568 4,377 1,875 6,044 2,982 926 2,391 4,946 5,348 4,781 .-,'jlif. 2,870 2 293, 760 343,680 339, 300 343,560 255, 360 411,520 172, 160 554, 240 884,800 215,040 204,800 355,200 489,600 238,720 214,400 199,040 3 79.8 76.7 16.0 20.5. lb. 8 83.8 84.9 71.6 83.7 33.7 79.8 81.9 65.1 86.5 88.9 61.8 4 192,300 217,185 47,035 41,622 33,954 272,093 86,437 288,182 186, 194 57,449 147,896 195, 173 300,897 113,635 169, 673 117,629 S 72,753 69,017 8,288 10, 361 8,924 1 19, 357 90,764 163, 553 94,413 18, 732 8,970 149, 228 26,349 151, 393 44, 931 13, 766 6 824 1,266 40 420 2,631 694 3,771 14,031 1,990 4,749 9,365 10,468 400 1,303 755 60 7 31,384 23,812 955 2,594 5,131 47,256 34,863 69,147 44,337 8,562 2,705 63,981 8,829 58,726 24,733 8,482 8 234,493 263, 656 54, 408 49,809 40,378 344,888 146, 109 396,619 338,370 72,368 163,426 290,887 318,817 206, 605 LOO, MS 122,973 9 241,005 246, 543 47,052 51,901 ■10,638 338,486 149, 034 417,680 217,110 60, 134 163,089 273,819 335,801 203, 394 188,428 123,770 10 64.6 61.2 58.8 45.6 74.5 69.5 60.8 63.8 75.4 83.6 61.9 59.2 63.8 48.0 37.0 44.9 11 68.6 66.4 44. 1 40.8 71.5 74.0 79.5 69.1 72.8 64.9 63.7 55.4 62.8 43.5 63. 1 43.1 12 4,781 5,706 2,642 4,871 5,919 5,550 6,890 7,535 4,854 5,803 6,095 7,367 4,416 10,638 7,530 4,399 13 2,459 3,369 1,775 2,717 3, 121 2,843 5,401 4,059 3,893 3,179 3,299 4.066 2,461 4,303 4,094 3,310 14 78.83 95.06 50.34 122. 55 84.73 79.45 124. 45 123.09 66.34 64.87 101.90 129.12 69.51 238.34 125. 94 103. 99 15 35.85 50.70 40.29 66.64 43.63 38.44 67.95 58.73 39.74 48.96 51.78 73.45 39.19 101.13 64.88 53.57 16 ai 84 87 95 100 82 82 89 83 95 88 79 89 93 80 84 17 76 83 "8 83 94 83 75 85 80 101 85 75 90 86 84 79 18 3,417 4,014 878 936 438 4,671 2,270 5,719 3,000 763 2,383 4,651 4,412 4, 184 3,032 2,520 19 3,358 3,627 1,038 1,319 561 4,521 1,860 5,919 3,909 893 2,516 4,928 5,175 4,733 2,953 2,811 20 49, 582 56,743 5,842 10,558 16, 641 125, 199 39,563 113,685 60,515 27,519 24,876 137,386 46, 375 99,567 49, 455 20,036 21 54,204 57,453 6,310 14,349 15,973 130,013 46,196 135,608 59,869 24,838 29,355 129,616 62,018 102,113 58,360 36, 183 22 1, 151 1,538 725 631 63 680 573 1,309 684 104 1,406 379 2,798 336 1,104 1,803 23 768 1,055 877 741 90 430 218 953 666 132 1,391 450 2,977 490 776 1,831 24 1,492 1,635 112 202 128 1,341 958 2,324 1,199 194 690 1,147 1,005 1,516 1,049 321 25 1,633 1,632 123 268 159 1,187 593 2,046 1,136 263 731 1,433 1,348 1,994 1,073 679 26 528 563 25 40 81 1,182 478 1,276 649 151 183 1,378 341 1,375 494 127 27 662 605 20 103 144 1,223 517 1,587 611 234 331 1,439 504 1,366 573 194 28 204 229 11 42 92 1,016 212 693 355 180 83 1,312 198 866 287 59 29 261 266 12 67 92 1,198 415 1,040 360 180 134 1,359 330 753 383 90 30 41 49 4 13 43 386 40 176 86 98 19 386 64 180 90 10 31 32 60 4 30 58 433 105 348 107 67 27 314 96 135 131 16 32 1 9 5 1 4 1,237 1 1 5 9 3 1 497 22 17 9 1 150 54 55 12 5 1,643 8 10 1 2 480 33 32 9 13 1,749 19 22 8 7 949 25 9 11 7 287 2 37 38 12 5 1,339 4 15 3 5 962 11 15 7 16 1 3 1,079 33 1 34 1 2 1,565 35 1 211 36 1,000 1,344 1,220 37 1,352 1,344 123 623 80 561 1, 167 558 703 160 940 179 1,157 701 1,093 1,169 38 7,742 9,555 2,729 3,225. 2,116 14,476 3,518 16,357 9,876 2,019 29, 535 5,481 7, 158 3,706 7,770 13, 655 39 10, 105 10, 329 1,130 4,789 1,804 4,582 6,087 5,717 7,268 2,087 15, 746 1,124 8,874 1,734 7,483 15,724 40 2,210 2,478 195 348 116 1,803 1,033 2,199 1, 139 227 277 1,001 2,539 721 1,936 616 41 26, 535 22,890 1,703 2,477 1,407 22,898 8,437 22,750 9,941 4,129 3,045 8,853 19, 585 3,535 31,288 5,173 42 23,107 18,051 1,180 4,829 1,207 19,549 6,036 16,623 7,335 1,239 1,362 5,068 17,036 3,329 33,671 5,585 43 1,250 1,547 525 252 77 3,504 834 1,793 880 143 1,033 1,014 3,494 725 1,128 1,068 44 1,259 1,335 568 476 105 1,997 1, 183 1,771 692 83 829 626 2,343 801 593 626 V; 13,950 13, 786 13, 339 4,163 1,361 38,833 10, 586 31,916 23,013 3,056 17,537 12,330 32,690 4,809 10, 935 16,708 46 11,194 11,468 9,605 4,410 1,290 21,491 10,813 21,723 15,091 2,744 12, 163 5,818 27,800 3,345 4,805 9,833 47 2,549 3,030 658 601 361 3,334 1,540 3,687 1,947 509 1,762 2,541 3,920 2,573 3,344 1,375 V> 2,775 3,838 635 603 385 3,614 1,656 4,463 2,337 499 1,859 4,064 4,413 3,151 2,539 1,620 49 102,665 137,608 24,443 21,122 16,804 119,333 69, 732 177,859 130,365 32,759 53,571 112,981 168, 809 84, 899 78,446 38,339 50 117,637 124, 170 17,869 18, 269 18, 557 124,902 69,576 303,838 113,483 37,588 55, 786 121,083 179,693 86,108 76,225 41,534 51 1,770 2,161 417 322 10 2,134 793 1,027 550 94 1,333 648 3,239 436 1,412 1,247 52 1, 340 1,733 607 274 93 3,130 669 2,066 945 56 1,966 1,122 3,062 620 1,419 1,274 53 15,991 19,939 5,650 4,917 33 30,681 6, 105 13,007 5,926 1,032 28,071 4,674 29,914 2,033 11,578 31,164 54 9,235 14, 191 7,576 3,745 607 28,410 3,139 21,881 9,666 527 46,073 4,857 26,971 1,792 11,911 20,586 55 3,032 3,568 583 977 438 4,306 2,081 5,297 2,690 564 2,376 3,705 4,679 3,628 2,831 2,378 56 2,914 3,346 826 699 510 4,466 1,802 5,040 2,441 651 2,058 4,546 5,220 3,713 2,925 2,662 57 18,028 14, 145 1,802 3,347 3,017 13,469 8,178 21,045 8,634 1,854 7,791 9,182 14, 286 8,056 11,134 7,898 58 15,523 10,881 3,382 1,510 1,200 9,539 7,187 13,300 4,399 1,111 4,804 6,254 13,409 6,073 6,973 4,335 59 3,558 4,206 892 1,016 461 4,831 2,305 5,929 3,068 788 2,553 4,765 4,810 4,210 3,227 2,228 60 3,500 3,696 1,054 1,267 566 4,571 1,875 5,995 2,950 907 2,531 4,940 5,308 4,775 2,979 3,852 61 83, 859 89, 188 10, 274 16, 360 20,164 162,573 51,508 152,792 80, 332 33,667 57,456 151,720 73, 118 106,808 78, 513 38,864 62 87,416 85,833 8,630 23,967 18,984 154, 144 58, 319 157,948 74,472 38,164 46, 263 135,808 87,928 106,076 88,514 47, 492 63 2,494 3,209 780 809 210 3,695 1,384 3,245 1,610 433 3,509 3,313 4,218 1,968 2,301 2,279 64 2,628 3,811 889 1,016 228 3,650 1,548 3,681 1,565 351 3,497 1,837 4,452 1,805 2,302 2,294 65 37,683 42, 370 20,618 12,305 3,509 63, 989 20,309 61,380 38,815 6,107 75, 143 22,485 69, 762 10,548 30,283 51,527 66 30,534 35, 988 18, 311 12, 944 3,701 54,483 20,039 49, 321 32,025 5,358 73, 983 11,799 63, 645 6,871 24, 199 46, 143 67 2,704 3,181 815 735 385 3,789 1,651 4,107 3,166 546 2,244 2,813 4,459 2,733 2,514 1,953 68 2,843 3,901 834 934 408 3,801 1,696 4,672 3,384 511 3,338 4,084 4,684 3,318 2,575 1,893 69 116,615 140, 394 36,682 25,285 18, 165 148, 165 80,318 309,775 143, 378 35,815 70, 108 125,311 201,499 89, 708 89,381 55,047 70 128,831 135, 638 27,474 23,679 1 1 19,847 146, 393 80,389 324,551 4 128,573 30,332 67,949 126,900 307,493 89,453 81,030 51, 367 71 72 73 47 74 75 1 1 3 30 76 77 3,405 3,813 909 1,070 485 4,563 3,271 5,839 2,971 791 2,510 4,618 4,676 3,982 3,075 2,604 78 3,196 3,493 1,048 1,158 488 4,321 1,782 5,732 2,763 795 2,428 4,698 5,132 4,506 3,811 2,697 79 102 103 8 18 51 122 113 149 112 48 96 168 113 105 162 90 BO 80 163 20 74 78 206 86 388 200 118 161 171 209 244 159 166 81 437 736 624 704 238 1,512 349 1,052 599 262 1,077 484 3,614 359 736 1,195 82 729 983 470 664 334 3,152 477 1,640 904 264 1,213 871 2,772 774 1,157 1,332 83 116 330 550 722 175 1,056 135 1,265 406 114 696 233 2,354 140 220 1,011 94 307 645 354 575 131 1,328 226 940 450 188 741 357 2,087 288 571 926 P,S 52 190 442 677 70 482 74 1,033 231 45 483 55 1,885 36 143 734 G6 68 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.— FARMS BY SIZE, AND BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explanations, see text) Alleghany Farms by size: All farms number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Land in farms by size of farm: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres... acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 acres and over acres Farms by color of operator: White operators number Nonwhi te operator: Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share -cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop -share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers . number Other and unspecified tenants .. number Other tenants number Unspeci f ] ed tenants number Tenants wllh landlord living on a farm number Land in farms by tenure of operator: Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants ncr£s Cash tenants acres Share-cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Crop -share tenants acres Livestock-share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants. .. acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Total cropland hurvested acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting All tenants. .fan cporting Croppers farm3 reporting acres 950, 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950.. 945. 950.. 945. 950., 945. 950., 945.. 950.. 945. . 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950., 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945., 950. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950., 945., 950.. 945., 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945. 950. , 945.. 950. 945., 950.. 945. 950. 945. 950.. 945.. 950. 950. 950. 945., 950.. 945., 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 288,508 28,437 27,340 2,582 3,187 25,855 24,153 84,994 81,082 55,913 56,036 36,572 39,332 30,539 31,188 22", 903 24,658 10,893 10,888 6,047 6,089 3,408 3,087 6,343 5,813 1,861 1,522 598 377 19,317,937 158, 134 144,777 1,611,956 1,529,767 2,125,693 2,129,563 2,112,041 2,258,306 2,504,960 2,551,780 2,629,717 2,803,284 1,702,209 1,697,053 1,190,187 1,200,091 808, 399 734 , 234 2,157,674 1,968,639 1,229,426 984 , 187 1,087,541 616,251 215,956 213,139 72,552 74,273 142,085 144,4 50 35,422 19,835 516 550 110,485 122,577 38.3 42.6 4,341 7,822 1,462 949 38, 805 40,481 38,091 714 57,457 62, 687 8,420 10, 638 1,640 6,780 58,589 10,544,059 3,146,340 385,359 5,240,179 278,984 85,419 2,234,467 2,169,981 64,486 2,128,450 512,859 5,782,407 123, 662 2,196,044 34,649 1,048,497 4 77 74 , 863 108, 165 2,463,003 56,809 1,203,104 2,946 351 201 30 11 321 190 422 384 347 305 428 412 330 359 185 181 95 110 219,746 1,865 1,178 11,917 11,529 16,248 14,727 20,393 17,806 35,893 34,290 38,133 41,412 28,763 28,061 18,681 21,494 13,754 14,748 23,934 22,842 8,465 4,768 1,700 3,865 2,272 8,033 674 687 1,859 1,668 396 294 6 6 685 752 23.3 27.6 22 29 24 7 219 315 44 7 94 386 129,357 42,322 2,939 15,128 1,371 850 20, 764 20,194 570 14 , 555 7,588 56,013 1,44 9 26,809 390 14,618 6 806 643 13, 780 301 5,711 1,904 174 141 162 137 388 380 395 358 304 337 278 336 1,627 166 169 2 2,753 174 113 1 129,010 978 780 7,299 7,186 15,270 13,934 17,887 19,630 22,905 27,733 22,150 24 , 518 9,859 11,910 8,100 7,531 3,497 2,844 14,211 14 , 260 6,854 6,017 1,047 1,835 1,846 1,399 1,367 307 261 1 1 197 316 10.3 16.2 6 47 127 82 104 40 103 97,433 21,718 220 9,639 252 170 5,203 5,203 1,969 2,045 29,960 1,279 19,566 306 7,261 1 58 181 3,075 164 169 307 290 290 285 209 228 242 229 192 186 127,813 ■ 902 980 5,775 5,347 11,200 10, 905 12,028 13,011 19,879 18,423 21,896 21,176 13,236 10,177 9,654 11,052 5,447 6,369 18, 240 17,125 5,649 7,792 3,907 6,426 1,584 1,561 43 41 1,352 1,321 108 161 4 1 163 119 10.0 7.4 12 77 104 , 820 11,515 816 10,662 1,061 2,335 1,392 943 5,256 2,010 22,187 1,219 18,070 106 1,904 4 163 144 2,050 160 113 937 652 481 489 275 258 254 265 226 239 127 134 70 22 249,845 975 709 17,605 12, 740 18,231 18,508 15,880 14 , 913 21,308 21,973 26,164 26,976 19,958 20,876 13,841 14,047 10, 102 9,021 32,873 35,353 34 , 329 37,580 38,579 33,001 1,444 1,322 1,309 1,114 1,034 946 311 190 10 15 1,398 1,285 50.8 52.8 82 107 403 415 395 8 763 674 144 127,175 52,023 11,266 59,381 5,669 196 22,238 21,989 249 23,727 7,551 81,196 884 28,523 306 16,782 10 2,413 1,356 33,478 74 3 16,356 425 372 16 15 409 357 934 1,032 802 840 593 571 487 461 292 333 135 138 76 70 37 ,786 268 168 ioe 249 2,457 2,238 17,879 19,233 31,023 32,403 34,396 32,882 40,149 37,828 33,596 38,164 21,129 21,783 14 , 952 13,719 8,697 10,029 26,820 27,041 14 , 381 8,567 3,929 3,026 3,838 3,901 48 54 3,190 3,166 357 391 2 2 337 396 8.7 10.0 15 2 165 149 69 206 211,907 23,575 1,015 12,911 2,429 2,239 190 3,934 5,674 36,737 2,928 30, 534 336 3,832 2 126 286 2,245 142 1,003 265 168 642 776 372 473 181 306 135 183 84 180 34 88,257 1,633 1,129 11,652 13,916 14,065 17,250 10,320 17,099 10,889 14,159 9,156 19,059 5,404 3,268 6,073 7,194 2,157 1,970 6,314 4,348 4,720 2,499 5,874 5,325 1,775 2,142 11 31 1,624 2,096 93 50 1 76,244 3,790 1,000 7,223 4,054 20 1,652 1,628 24 437 1,060 17,400 1,506 15,470 85 972 1 180 59 778 3,324 296 410 27 31 269 379 1,080 1,178 581 598 392 383 340 318 236 223 142 114 66 60 14 256,796 1,634 2,308 20,320 21,528 21,874 22,465 23,095 22,135 27,434 25,884 27,465 25,590 22, 132 17,762 13,034 11,997 13,447 11,115 30,731 21,740 19,530 21,894 36,100 32,137 2,474 2,425 850 1,018 1,599 1,441 670 538 6 10 1,049 1,454 31.6 42.2 42 35 10 207 441 199 8 712 837 78 139 11 663 138,857 69,831 7,101 41,007 2,787 1,135 11,303 10,527 776 21,974 3,808 99,172 1,396 41,930 660 28,423 6 1,747 1,033 27,072 708 15,580 ,138 105 120 86 113 790 1,020 697 708 418 437 400 347 312 339 139 148 61 273,536 617 701 16,643 20,535 26,252 26,271 23,991 24,537 33,155 28,138 35,853 38,353 21,731 22,891 17,216 12,012 13,182 11,824 28, 023 32,737 27,162 13,146 29,711 5,432 1,303 1,308 1,835 2,042 832 934 458 102 1,844 2,310 58.8 69.0 114 261 15 4 397 518 390 1,275 1,474 12 31 759 86,215 61,848 1,800 123,673 11,698 1,317 36,471 35,617 854 70,277 3,910 80,251 723 15,051 446 14,249 3 255 1,833 50, 696 1,270 33,800 3,673 341 381 35 28 306 353 1,144 1,149 715 638 404 374 322 279 262 270 155 133 91 76 52 28 116 15 7 288,685 1,887 2,152 22,331 21, 710 26,963 23, 922 23,394 21,339 26,381 22,879 30,471 30,641 24,385 20, 728 18,158 14.S90 12,176 6,690 40,160 34,510 37,675 31,089 24,704 8,110 2,224 1,976 1,449 1,504 1,754 1,774 856 398 1,060 1,306 28.9 37.5 30 23 22 2 682 811 668 14 253 399 622 177,943 55,073 6,955 48,714 It 34 , 328 31,974 2,354 9,400 3,127 67,814 1,530 27,039 840 17,584 1 570 1,048 22,621 252 4,615 NORTH CAROLINA 69 OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 194! Buncombe BurKe Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caawel 1 Catawoa Chatham Cherokee Cliowan Clay Cleve- land Columbus Craven Cumber- land Curri- 1 Ul k Uare 4,266 2,071 1,956 2,483 463 614 3,051 3,143 2,977 1,940 798 1,012 5,811 6,322 2,345 3,070 54 2 36 1 949 336 215 4 54 63 71 330 414 196 236 64 157 508 639 143 195 62 11 2 1,842 331 187 296 27 287 267 214 160 247 131 205 381 403 367 198 84 11 3 58 8 26 19 9 5 37 34 39 11 2 13 35 39 15 16 6 4 251 15 I 63 50 28 24 3 40 25 11 114 16 6 4 5 891 328 189 435 54 66 293 380 157 225 62 14-1 4 73 600 128 180 56 8 6 1,591 331 172 295 27 222 217 214 132 223 128 165 336 392 253 182 78 7 7 1,379 591 371 706 64 179 790 823 516 4 79 195 281 2, 104 2,477 1167 939 96 15 8 1,659 534 325 608 89 343 578 721 353 423 318 254 1,679 2,428 841 873 118 20 9 ?18 357 262 404 61 103 293 338 421 389 136 236 1,329 1,202 4 67 645 76 2 10 793 367 230 435 118 138 310 567 334 375 178 242 1,330 1,204 345 693 99 7 11 400 242 226 317 16 77 323 394 363 254 107 117 778 719 237 380 48 3 12 482 248 248 340 86 95 377 454 376 293 119 118 879 649 195 509 100 5 13 319 207 284 210 60 55 362 363 426 213 82 101 323 505 224 273 64 1 14 337 203 286 250 98 59 330 433 4 70 247 96 97 577 441 173 352 62 3 15 202 156 268 154 62 52 427 291 434 173 75 62 311 321 157 230 56 2 16 230 159 295 200 66 65 362 340 466 218 77 78 350 315 127 290 66 1 17 90 53 115 93 26 29 223 126 244 88 39 26 117 176 81 127 33 1R 117 68 161 89 26 36 176 138 241 90 35 19 126 129 70 169 35 19 66 35 7b 41 18 16 112 69 142 36 23 9 61 95 38 89 31 20 76 41 91 75 20 21 119 76 150 46 23 15 57 66 41 95 27 2 21 38 25 43 40 13 s 62 34 67 18 17 3 31 51 32 58 17 22 45 21 45 £4 12 9 52 37 59 20 19 3 14 38 23 54 18 23 71 53 76 42 28 18 112 61 124 42 38 18 43 116 76 89 47 2 24 88 42 97 66 22 23 105 52 153 36 36 11 41 71 57 81 45 25 29 14 19 17 14 6 14 8 36 9 17 2 5 19 23 33 15 26 33 11 20 19 8 8 13 6 36 9 12 6 2 15 18 14 19 27 5 2 2 5 8 4 1 2 8 3 5 1 2 10 12 7 28 8 1 1 5 3 1 2 3 3 4 1 2 7 1 6 29 225,773 129.96J 170,819 14 6,635 64,437 57,015 244,036 194,421 299,251 125. 824 77,885 51,867 273,625 325,909 174 , 521 234 , 959 73,507 1,619 30 5,250 2,003 1,069 2,546 274 418 2,003 2,294 921 1,303 360 912 3,040 3,846 884 1,107 286 52 31 8,910 1,961 988 1,797 154 1,244 1,439 1,285 814 1,263 696 967 2,154 2,575 1,490 1,093 427 49 32 24,476 10,937 6,967 12,851 1,218 3,227 13,766 15,358 9,310 8,742 3,594 5,303 40,428 46,121 16,392 18,584 1,798 24 6 33 29,244 9,635 6,327 11,023 1,764 6,161 9,986 13,958 6,643 7,588 5,632 4,687 32,617 44,389 15,146 16,926 2,045 337 34 27,434 13,359 10,180 15,222 2,414 3,875 11,336 21,118 16,371 14 , 528 5,284 8,982 50,548 44,984 17,152 24,337 2,817 90 35 29,786 13,944 8,895 16,451 4,476 5,159 11,885 21,868 12,920 13,743 6,630 9,350 51,046 45,054 12,927 26,542 3,811 265 36 23,066 13,975 13,190 18,101 2,650 4,388 18,491 22,878 20,947 14 , 332 6,183 6,793 45,062 41,153 13,733 21,874 2,697 166 37 27,897 14,353 14,566 19,456 4,944 5,304 21,090 26,467 21,544 16,410 6,750 6,757 50,677 37,393 11,302 29,122 5,682 273 38 26,070 17,132 24,053 17,190 4,902 4,487 30,259 29,740 34 , 899 17,083 6,634 8,290 42,414 40,983 18,274 22,333 4,341 72 39 27,492 16,416 24,071 20,279 8,135 4,822 27,165 35,784 38,742 19,881 7,753 8,030 47,008 35,742 14,127 28,e62 4,951 223 40 23,000 17,457 31,333 17,475 7,034 6,031 48, 952 33,198 50,107 19,321 8,558 7,129 35,652 36,253 18,210 26,171 6,484 238 41 26,166 . ,051 33,851 22,720 7,672 7,547 40,257 39,222 53,191 24,660 8,930 8,938 39,921 35,620 14,415 33,898 7,581 120 42 14,033 8,479 18,194 14,670 4,127 4,527 34 , 659 19, 702 38,301 13,559 5,869 3,964 18,357 27,469 12,663 19,723 5,221 43 18,398 10,559 25,348 13,857 3,985 5,711 27,332 21,595 37,617 14,060 5,448 2,988 19,482 20,000 10,808 24,646 5,451 44 12,979 6,768 14,727 8,135 3,646 2,977 22,141 13,667 27,891 7,102 4,575 1,746 11,701 18,771 7,527 17,508 5,911 45 14,932 8,066 17,883 14,843 3,877 4,059 23,345 15,091 29,455 9,152 4,555 2,923 11,173 12,807 8,111 18,901 5,386 400 46 9,181 5,952 10,425 9,469 2,999 1,203 14 , 959 7,998 15,978 4,222 4,049 684 7,392 11,751 7,561 13,838 4,040 47 10,889 5,023 10,767 5,644 2,836 2,126 12,529 8,766 13,993 4,715 4,511 706 3,244 9,079 5,926 12, 731 4,312 48 23,480 17,481 25,484 14 , 700 9,889 6,300 37,894 20,500 41,630 13,870 13,155 6,752 14,432 39,961 25,208 29,776 16,215 755 49 29, 740 14,547 33,493 21,843 7,431 7,770 35,002 16,680 52,527 12,369 12,789 3,737 13,202 25,438 19,002 27,140 15,714 50 18,888 8,940 12,339 10,385 10,063 3,467 8,255 5,318 22,283 5,401 11,328 1,322 3,294 12,408 14 , 552 23,337 10,320 51 21,775 6,484 13,229 10,903 5,570 5,725 8,209 3,206 22,878 5,519 7,629 3,619 1,423 9,727 11,294 9,755 10,952 52 17,916 7,486 2,848 5,890 15,221 16,115 1,321 2,650 20,613 6,361 8,296 1,305 2,209 22,365 16,371 13,377 53 12, 774 4,589 1,291 6,033 3,864 5,300 2,462 5,253 4,305 4,913 1,084 2,325 10,154 1,105 7,574 54 4,237 1,974 1,716 2,433 323 571' 1,714 2,961 2,266 1,932 558 1,005 4,282 4,638 1,505 1,983 442 31 55 5,616 1,921 1,718 2,346 420 986 1,526 2,812 2,141 1,998 695 1,043 3,966 4,145 1,392 2,015 562 49 56 29 97 240 50 140 43 1,337 182 711 8 240 7 1,529 1,684 840 1,087 100 5 57 94 105 268 61 155 99 1,163 228 660 9 353 5 1,477 1,616 874 1,304 117 58 3,441 1,612 1,236 2,109 206 356 1,027 2,140 1,945 1,556 370 74 6 2,172 3,106 913 1,342 301 30 59 4,459 1,534 1,173 1,945 247 714 962 2,112 1,874 1,631 485 707 2,078 3,354 1,016 1,370 450 48 60 410 210 290 206 129 165 337 507 423 180 14 9 163 538 895 413 6 A 8 138 2 61 464 191 260 217 14 14 6 130 229 233 125 92 14 7 253 374 118 406 86 62 15 4 6 1 1 2 5 8 2 2 3 a 2 10 2 63 18 6 4 4 12 2 4 2 3 8 4 3 5 3 64 400 245 424 167 127 91 1,682 488 607 202 276 103 3,093 2,321 1,017 1,110 101 4 65 769 295 549 241 314 213 1,595 695 692 248 463 194 3,108 2,030 1,126 1,540 143 1 66 9.4 11.8 21.7 6.7 27.4 14.8 55.1 15.5 20.4 10.4 34.6 10.2 53.2 36.7 43.4 36.2 18.6 11.1 67 13.5 14.6 27.6 10.0 54.6 19.6 59.3 22.9 24.7 12.4 44.2 18.5 57.1 35.2 49.7 46.4 21.1 2.0 68 71 55 30 30 6 12 25 24 54 39 18 8 62 34 41 57 14 1 69 276 40 81 72 5 30 27 46 53 69 21 25 141 42 54 72 21 70 11 5 7 3 2 13 6 8 3 7 2 13 22 6 48 5 1 71 22 1 10 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 7 72 144 106 183 40 81 18 640 184 221 68 51 44 829 868 164 577 40 73 178 196 235 134 231 41 527 306 211 97 50 57 665 728 141 674 93 1 74 128 105 183 40 79 15 567 182 217 64 41 40 815 861 161 566 39 75 16 1 2 3 73 2 4 4 10 4 14 7 3 11 1 76 80 33 133 29 19 44 921 198 210 24 182 22 1,965 1,268 765 343 23 77 91 50 142 21 42 124 952 308 257 33 344 )6 1,806 1,056 888 692 11 78 94 46 71 65 21 15 83 76 114 68 18 27 224 129 41 85 19 2 79 202 8 91 4 36 18 89 34 170 46 48 95 493 202 42 95 18 80 23 15 13 9 5 3 20 24 24 19 1 2 17 22 15 21 6 1 81 71 31 58 56 16 12 63 52 90 49 17 25 207 107 26 64 13 1 82 163 53 207 50 53 52 1,138 286 327 89 184 52 1,659 1,441 628 591 69 1 83 165,212 89,792 97,974 118,498 23,951 40,255 96,628 117,915 208,549 104,717 39,270 41,124 123,649 207,403 92,905 120,590 31,097 1,550 84 20, 733 11,803 39,176 12,713 27,261 12,262 36,236 44 , 681 46,949 11,005 20,817 6,553 36,468 46,866 42,262 54,473 26,007 30 85 16,124 7,285 3,111 1,300 290 105 2,548 3,486 2,672 450 2,254 3,710 1,180 8,418 4,487 86 23,704 21,089 30,558 14,124 12,935 4,393 108,624 28,339 41,081 9,652 15,544 4,190 109, 798 71,640 38,174 51,478 11,916 39 87 4,008 2,624 1,648 1,728 1,036 642 2,387 1,551 4,100 1,449 1,222 79 2,887 1,118 1,283 4,417 689 25 88 280 182 246 219 458 1,371 1,130 764 70 693 34 7 554 1,019 584 2,524 653 8 89 9,859 11,064 17,333 4,405 9,824 535 60,153 12,562 18,289 4,564 4,071 2,094 36,306 33,524 7,676 28,994 6,397 90 8,100 10,964 17,333 4,405 9,699 465 53,981 12,375 18,024 4,009 2,677 1,892 35.690 32,616 7,543 27,402 6,197 91 1,759 100 125 70 6,172 187 265 555 1,394 202 616 908 133 1,592 200 92 2,497 2,858 5,452 1,875 1,406 2,270 37,865 7,941 8,938 860 8,836 639 59,796 31,289 25,646 11,387 2,105 93 7,060 4,361 5,879 5,897 669 488 6,848 5,155 8,990 2,709 722 1,031 10,255 4,690 2,985 4,156 2,072 6 94 34,118 24 , 625 54,896 22,549 31,215 11,368 51,088 64,399 51, 774 16,267 31, 708 9,088 139,179 107,550 49,794 86,293 29,188 132 95 2,944 1,356 1,035 1,695 147 300 886 1,865 1,635 1,416 337 698 ■ 1,883 2,895 780 1,095 197 21 96 23,600 14,513 26,493 16,310 8,128 5,263 17,292 32,421 30,130 12,060 13,064 6,244 44,590 50,426 16,950 30,668 6,967 95 97 393 208 283 202 128 163 333 505 419 172 145 158 527 889 405 591 134 2 98 4,683 3,657 15,646 3,884 14 , 595 4,347 7,363 19,292 11,791 2,153 9,093 1,796 18,449 16,789 10,273 22,664 13,638 19 99 15 4 5 1 1 2 5 8 2 2 3 8 2 10 2 100 2,155 1,350 1,310 170 223 50 528 1,420 275 93 773 1,449 95 1,379 119 101 336 224 403 138 120 86 1,668 473 576 190 ■ 270 93 3,069 2,305 1,004 1,090 95 2 102 3,680 5,105 11,447 2,185 8,269 1,708 25,905 11,266 9,578 1,961 8,778 1,048 74,691 40,335 22,476 31,582 8,464 18 103 70 32 129 26 18 41 913 192 204 22 177 21 1,955 1,264 760 336 23 104 1 646 662 2.908 4 76 1.031 935 1 12,004 4,389 3,041 228 4,908 265 44,483 19,756 16,963 8,169 1,648 105 70 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.— FARMS BY SIZE, AND BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explanations, see text) Duplin Edgecomoe Forsyth Farms by size: All farms number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres numbe r 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1 , 000 acres and over number Land in farms by size of farm: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 acres and over acres Farms by color of operator: White operators number Non white operators number Farms by tenure of operator: Ful 1 owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop-share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants. . number Other tenants number Unspecified tenants number Tenants with landlord living on a farm number Land in farms by tenure of operator: Ful 1 owners acres Pa rl owners acres Managers acres Al 1 tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share -cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Crop -share tenants acres Livestock -share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants. .. acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Total cropland harvested acrea Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945.. 1950.. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945. . 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950. . 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950. . 1945. . 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950. . 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950. . 1945.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 3,400 327 359 15 8 312 351 815 726 623 589 466 504 437 472 337 401 156 188 84 117 51 244,293 1,888 2,100 15,196 13,543 24 , 121 22,872 27,143 29,186 36,042 38, 590 39,016 45,844 24 , 342 29,051 16,460 23,117 12,044 11,708 26,184 28,089 17,438 9,756 4,419 2,144 3,324 3,395 76 112 2,588 2,537 531 455 5 4 276 511 8.1 14.6 16 53 104 318 99 113 170,037 50,423 4,011 19,822 883 252 10,397 9,695 702 4,415 3,875 62,677 2,162 38,559 521 16,994 5 1,103 261 6,021 95 1,860 1,508 90 138 82 135 299 318 225 241 195 222 219 228 '207 223 93 3 5 139,252 519 800 5,511 5,922 8,879 9,272 11,380 13,015 18, 112 19,088 24,212 26,157 14,460 14 , 952 13,917 13,587 6,595 8,423 21,342 20,412 9,040 7,210 5,285 6,402 1,384 1,472 124 175 1,022 1,020 222 178 5 6 259 443 17.2 132 240 126 40 128 84,253 24,582 4,558 25,859 805 1,409 15,922 13,899 2,023 3,283 4,440 36,825 907 20,828 220 8,089 5 919 250 7,093 63 1,117 5,908 418 387 17 20 401 367 2,269 2,324 1,187 1,106 618 584 520 475 355 338 199 164 106 95 71 56 123 96 33 28 360,377 2,587 2,332 43,106 43,276 44 , 552 41,386 35,702 33,588 42,358 38,440 41,321 38,822 30,954 25,485 20,735 18,637 16,635 13,341 42,268 32,260 23,350 17,512 16,809 1,330 4,055 3,722 1,853 1,932 2,160 2,069 1,131 571 3 5 2,614 3,009 44.2 53.2 50 92 45 55 1,150 1,297 1,119 31 1,235 1,479 134 86 30 104 1,599 200,066 65,211 299 94,801 2,800 1,740 49,056 46,370 2,686 32,776 8,429 122,091 1,960- 40,898 1,120 24,825 2 62 2,585 56,306 1,225 23,741 7 248 126 501 349 247 228 183 196 209 182 14 7 181 93 87 30 48 30 31 126,461 1,466 755 8,851 6,142 9,357 8,737 10,496 11,034 17,631 15,264 16,785 20,536 14,443 13,511 5,991 9,433 7,127 7,319 14 , 809 9,607 5,815 3,671 13,690 7,035 1,284 1,078 500 393 923 780 197 66 9 6 655 619 36.7 42.1 48 84 13 303 290 301 2 237 160 317 60,757 18,562 8,418 38,724 2,874 939 22,709 22,426 283 8,901 3,301 24,269 719 9,214 188 4,534 7 658 613 9,863 222 3,178 3,976 250 305 43 53 207 252 1,451 1,092 1,086 838 418 467 236 308 184 224 83 119 58 11 274,363 1,445 1,519 29,701 21,768 40, 302 31,407 23, 905 27,023 19, 106 25,050 21,147 25,935 13,014 18,455 11,500 11,101 7,246 9,119 32,987 39,400 44,011 32,634 29,999 17,815 1,835 1,724 2,141 1,891 630 653 229 83 30 28 3,087 2,851 77.6 78.9 69 80 201 240 195 6 2,697 2,367 115 164 3 112 1,460 75,900 45,037 22,101 131,325 6,609 443 14,432 13,238 1,194 102,612 7,229 120,485 504 18,666 213 12,577 26 3,799 3,052 85,443 2,679 ... i ,,,.... 3,294 556 611 53 79 505 532 855 802 587 578 419 396 393 407 245 319 109 122 63 63 22 26 30 33 182,513 2,906 2,935 15,735 14,643 23,031 22,649 24,486 23,002 32,581 33,793 28,723 36,813 16,850 18,937 12,331 12,455 5,176 6,189 9,920 11,401 5,943 6,712 4,831 4,031 3,112 3,171 182 199 2,198 2,049 470 441 10 14 616 866 18.7 25.7 23 39 231 371 226 5 266 227 88 229 11 312 113,219 31,768 5,163 32,363 1,483 430 15,889 15,169 720 9,819 4,742 49,547 1,809 26,474 465 11,735 10 1,617 583 9,721 256 3,635 4,117 247 383 26 114 221 269 1,386 1,364 690 673 553 531 447 431 366 340 178 172 91 81 270,903 1,382 1,748 25,248 24 , 528 26,322 25,791 31,897 30,680 36,477 35, 658 41,410 38,827 27,925 26,871 17,870 15,971 9,987 7,767 28,395 32,515 18,437 19,372 5,553 7,688 2,368 2,485 1,749 1,655 1,274 1,364 448 182 2 6 2,393 2,588 58.1 62.5 78 149 7 15 711 748 707 4 1,525 1,534 72 142 11 61 1,480 112,074 42,859 125 115,845 3,411 828 48,899 47,871 1,028 58,153 4,554 78,879 1,190 24,268 445 11,038 2 67 2,375 43,506 1,516 26,401 2,428 351 362 20 38 331 324 667 552 412 401 284 342 267 285 212 265 93 103 53 156,088 1,914 1,802 12,239 10,072 15,989 15,227 16,598 19, 729 22,006 23,356 24 , 620 30,012 14,695 16,091 10,364 12,642 7,226 6,431 15,485 14 , 787 8,138 5,257 6,814 3,700 2,059 2,059 369 395 1,604 1,625 294 134 21.5 28.2 5 138 127 136 2 238 88,394 27,465 8,591 31,633 4,312 97 10,956 10,896 60 10, 672 5,601 47,847 1,287 23,621 290 11,759 8 1,197 487 11,270 213 4,824 1,280 60 63 249 289 240 238 184 160 185 182 159 148 78 116,061 336 343 5,185 5,431 9,070 9,102 10, 732 9,262 15,367 15,064 18,187 16,793 12,165 14 , 018 7,032 9,009 5,669 4,591 16,866 16,167 5,465 2,893 9,987 3,925 790 732 490 555 563 609 242 114 475 561 37.1 43.6 26 48 6 2 209 205 195 14 201 266 60,035 27,910 28,116 1,928 417 13,679 11,769 1,910 9,584 2,508 36,631 470 11,955 240 9,814 759 109 215 5 32 104 163 218 221 151 162 90 101 71 85 56 59 26 20 15 41,656 621 1,020 3,963 3,908 5,583 6,013 5,186 5,642 5,893 6,880 6,355 6,675 4,027 3,104 2,941 2,122 1,667 1,679 4,720 3,143 700 759 833 623 695 83 53 123 7.0 13.8 14 47 3 1 35,571 3,521 2,564 787 708 708 475 528 5,315 593 4,347 82 676 471 14 , 862 200 6,375 292 10 84 3,335 323 69 78 6 245 63 74 7 557 352 500 437 552 463 515 454 503 223 224 140 99 70 42 108 76 17 281,925 1,540 405 12,760 10,697 13,506 19,157 25,197 31,165 38,691 41,988 51,721 56,287 34,534 34,647 27,710 19,541 16,611 9,943 36, 704 25,319 11,551 5,531 11,400 1,000 1,795 1,657 1,540 1,490 1,018 985 284 95 2,029 2,058 60.8 65.4 12 29 5 67 983 713 974 9 922 826 107 423 20 1,127 100, 970 27,593 12,091 141,271 943 366 88,4 72 '•'"-.■ :■ l 41a 43,311 8,159 62,700 950 20,609 279 6,579 4 1,041 2,014 34,471 917 13,444 NORTH CAROLINA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued 71 Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde I rede 1 1 Jackson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madison 4,768 ' 4,474 5,331 2,784 2,394 1,945 1,735 686 4,137 2,260 8,097 1,604 1, 655 15, 781 2,442 1,556 2,276 3,458 1 612 317 537 691 508 69 82 63 405 285 412 69 MB 235 233 243 307 495 2 686 196 331 724 550 61 78 32 164 331 377 145 136 318 333 492 331 508 3 62 25 -14 32 7 8 7 10 38 13 61 4 19 30 17 19 11 60 4 86 4 re 101 35 9 B 19 10 40 11 41 61 4 83 3 122 5 560 292 493 659 501 61 75 53 377 372 351 65 126 215 219 224 296 435 6 600 192 263 633 515 53 7B 27 145 321 337 104 115 357 218 409 323 386 7 1,240 1,186 1,858 765 770 578 625 133 863 647 2,646 597 478 1,430 641 4 in 587 799 fl 1,162 915 1,427 855 848 643 646 194 591 693 3,464 642 478 1,654 634 501 608 927 9 748 1,090 1,144 389 403 449 374 120 643 489 3,396 356 398 804 441 249 480 644 10 738 903 1,097 428 486 489 477 166 602 540 2,045 334 304 746 439 300 181 685 11 599 621 644 356 245 356 1B7 105 554 307 1,227 143 216 461 364 165 338 461 12 564 614 642 336 286 359 211 118 634 337 1,315 161 334 400 400 233 329 497 13 628 450 438 231 182 206 171 90 573 318 789 128 181 343 290 169 231 406 14 602 367 410 228 215 160 184 119 640 343 804 113 321 391 338 149 336 388 15 472 302 340 175 118 175 110 70 476 156 436 87 142 314 334 126 151 301 16 420 334 316 169 146 161 127 79 645 135 409 103 145 199 346 153 169 318 17 174 139 137 76 54 82 53 28 238 65 166 73 81 118 94 65 78 144 in 208 153 137 71 64 85 70 40 359 61 163 63 71 84 88 71 78 134 19 106 84 77 56 35 38 35 19 159 30 84 37 38 43 59 33 34 37 20 130 94 61 54 36 29 57 12 150 39 71 46 43 53 60 31 53 75 21 73 64 39 43 23 19 16 12 64 16 53 18 33 34 33 19 17 37 22 47 42 32 33 16 10 18 13 83 17 48 37 18 39 30 21 17 35 23 93 138 90 73 33 54 48 39 138 36 63 63 43 70 55 53 43 68 24 90 116 61 67 37 41 51 19 136 28 58 57 37 43 46 31 39 57 25 19 67 23 25 15 12 24 17 21 6 31 24 6 16 10 13 10 12 26 14 54 9 20 17 5 25 7 13 6 17 20 13 16 10 9 7 17 27 4 26 4 4 6 7 10 1 ■1 5 5 9 5 14 4 1 2 28 8 18 3 G 2 3 6 1 1 1 4 5 3 5 3 3 1 29 311,091 373,531 292, 255 166,791 126, 318 140, 714 133,876 65,633 337,449 138,018 417,588 128,873 114,844 230,386 159,720 108, 155 131,712 219, 137 30 3,337 1,699 2,965 3,800 2,891 353 487 313 2,186 1,711 2,241 403 839 1,340 1,362 1,500 1,828 2,635 31 3,468 1,222 1,750 3,523 2,999 304 459 172 877 1,854 2,146 679 730 1,710 1,315 3,268 1,852 2,469 32 22, 606 23,688 35,718 13, 643 13, 817 12, 171 12, 495 2,430 16,233 12,130 53, 324 11, 790 8,989 27,798 11,888 7,760 10, 870 14,865 33 20,899 18,513 28,083 14, 692 15, 379 12,900 13,554 3,706 11,253 12, 651 49,018 12,750 8,988 31,222 12,026 8,566 11, 334 17, 159 34 28,791 41,290 43, 503 14, 886 15,281 17, 101 14, 316 4,615 25, 045 18,793 83, 034 13,038 11,531 30,157 17,204 9,496 18,168 24, 594 35 28,148 34, 434 41,977 16,346 18,599 18,286 18, 156 6,384 23,586 20,774 78, 008 11, 983 11, 490 28, 376 16, 760 11, 230 17,980 26, 189 36 34,815 35,716 36,723 14,868 14, 198 14, 766 10,658 6,113 32, 210 17, 741 70, 144 8,354 13, 569 26,513 21, 576 9,369 19, 574 26,688 37 32, 761 34,898 36,882 13,601 16,652 14, 760 12, 095 6,948 36, 707 19, 188 75,167 9,147 13,961 23,238 23,235 12,753 18,983 28,795 311 51, 399 36,606 35,524 IB, 983 14, 956 16,811 14, 261 7,463 47, 427 17,823 64, 668 10, 372 14,834 27,555 23,850 13,866 19,060 33,291 39 49, 794 29,970 33,690 18,593 17,517 14, 789 15, 231 9,677 52,992 19, 637 65,030 9,323 17,908 23, 636 27,342 12, 104 19,439 31,679 40 54, 731 34,643 38,256 19, 984 13,475 20,133 12,650 7,975 55,173 17,615 47,958 9,909 16, 297 24,728 25, 596 14,383 17,250 34,638 41 48,777 37, 157 35, 895 19, 320 16,822 18,325 14,295 9,090 73,701 15,224 46, 183 11, 964 16,480 23,229 28,063 17,040 19,146 35,863 42 37, 120 21,898 21,323 11,875 8,595 12,618 8,528 4,512 37,561 10, 122 35,779 11, 363 12, 788 18, 272 14, 513 10, 176 12,415 22,460 43 32, 179 23,912 19,712 11, 112 10, 078 13,349 11,075 6,332 40,283 9,507 24, 991 9,938 10, 984 13,002 13, 679 11,018 12,084 30,979 44 20,830 16, 765 14,915 10,973 6,898 7,498 6,907 3,750 31, 146 5, 944 16,504 7,292 7,361 8,448 11,641 6,522 6,668 17, 195 45 25, 619 18,685 12, 183 10, 665 7,063 5,655 11,212 2,337 29,599 7,661 13, 978 9,159 8,569 10,352 11,891 6,141 10,359 14,533 46 17, 210 12, 687 9,304 10, 269 5,482 4,637 3,734 2,885 15, 266 3,811 12,604 4,226 5,479 7,935 7,486 4,491 4,075 8,696 47 11,094 9,976 7,576 7,791 3,764 2,360 4,370 3,151 19,699 3,974 11,420 6,437 4,344 9,155 7,209 5,049 4,086 8,260 48 ' TO, 987 48,006 30,351 26, 151 11,084 18,989 17,304 9,800 46, 276 11,808 20,528 21,354 14, 243 23, 700 18, 146 17, 195 14,308 23,083 49 28,871 41,094 30,790 22, 475 12, ia> 14,241 17, 392 6,324 44,649 9, 138 18,933 19, 676 12, 737 14,209 14,929 10,560 12,840 19,295 50 12,338 46, 199 15,162 16, 047 10, 653 7,207 15, 944 11, 359 13, 147 4,019 14,299 14, 894 3,334 10, 633 6,453 8,664 6,596 8,191 51 7,960 37,050 5,515 12,065 11,554 2,937 16, 046 4,878 8,190 4,217 10,944 13, 789 7, 732 10,648 6,476 5,753 4,146 10,588 52 6,927 54, 334 8,511 5,312 8,989 8,431 16,591 4,608 5,779 6,496 6,505 15,988 6,600 23,207 4,733 1,000 2,801 53 14, 693 38,946 3,917 7,930 3,577 3,090 10,338 1,035 1,150 1,050 4,588 6,000 3,961 5,935 3,419 4,099 1,095 54 4,173 1,253 4,162 2,781 2,357 751 *86 501 3,612 2,155 6,812 987 1,394 2,360 2,182 1,525 2,260 3,449 55 4,068 1,083 3,414 2,884 3,650 783 717 508 3,350 2,359 6,550 997 1,303 3, 136 2, 180' 1,923 3,316 3,638 56 595 3,221 1, 169 3 37 1,194 1,049 185 525 105 1,285 617 361 1,431 260 31 16 9 57 601 2,723 1,102 7 53 1,182 1, 233 392 568 71 1,224 709 410 1,712 323 59 34 14 58 2,938 1, 157 1,957 1,593 1,776 383 510 286 2,543 1,867 2,560 538 875 921 1,350 1,360 1,791 3,163 59 2,923 1,087 1,788 2,154 2,001 463 540 281 2,582 1,965 3,698 511 889 970 1,366 1,448 1,787 2,229 60 679 578 558 392 336 225 229 198 711 318 794 127 206 257 345 139 362 396 61 466 261 200 275 381 82 105 164 330 333 200 78 128 15 192 132 212 245 62 14 13 3 1 12 2 8 9 2 4 1 3 7 2 2 1 63 23 17 2 7 26 2 4 3 7 1 4 4 6 2 1 1 64 1,137 2,726 2,813 398 370 1,335 988 202 874 173 4,739 938 571 2,596 745 157 221 899 65 1,257 2,441 2,526 455 295 1,418 1,301 352 999 231 4,872 1,117 692 2,357 943 401 350 1,168 66 23.8 60.9 52.8 14.3 11.3 68.6 56.9 29.4 21.1 7.7 58.5 58.5 34.5 68.7 30.5 10.1 9.7 26.0 67 26.9 64. 1 55.9 15.7 10.9 72.2 66. 7 44.0 25.5 9.5 62. 7 65.5. 40.4 74. 2 37.7 20.2 14.9 33.1 68 65 258 103 20 44 77 24 2 31 16 100 19 48 26 25 33 30 13 69 98 441 66 48 35 71 42 1 32 33 102 77 62 27 27 95 79 37 70 14 28 119 9 7 11 135 3 7 5 75 4 2 23 2 1 8 8 71 7 7 8 54 1 9 43 1 4 10 3 5 2 3 1 9 72 382 453 1,724 137 59 319 437 95 338 55 3,306 198 287 565 253 46 84 387 73 377 279 1,490 116 107 371 517 173 476 65 2,806 261 351 565 427 203 158 533 74 366 441 1,715 135 54 316 427 91 334 53 3,172 195 284 558 351 43 82 380 75 16 12 9 2 5 3 10 4 4 2 34 3 3 7 2 3 2 7 76 591 1,843 681 160 66 881 327 89 366 21 1,130 688 178 1,859 393 25 27 355 77 666 1,530 811 111 36 951 684 111 447 20 1,513 733 262 2,110 461 65 49 440 78 85 144 186 72 94 47 65 14 132 76 328 29 56 123 72 52 72 136 79 109 184 151 126 116 25 49 25 43 109 441 43 12 155 26 35 63 159 80 18 58 14 21 17 2 5 1 13 33 33 4 6 32 7 7 31 31 81 67 86 172 51 77 45 60 13 119 54 195 25 50 91 65 45 41 115 82 693 1,628 1,354 244 117 529 491 115 480 64 2,590 439 307 1,484 495 51 89 568 83 179,252 132,438 141,880 133,963 85, 215 42,503 53, 375 24,203 184, 601 103,072 170, 664 80,020 71, 999 95,777 91,111 83,634 102,689 162, 314 84 56, 187 81,913 37, 313 37, 393 33,039 33,405 28,536 28,683 75,559 12,569 50,273 13,130 15,402 25,528 27,586 11,813 13,732 33, 399 85 7,104 16, 990 1,361 388 6,039 1,185 9,055 5,391 1,048 2,971 853 35 8,430 156 563 169 86 68,548 142, 190 111, 701 15, 147 13,035 74,622 44,019 12,737 61, 898 11, 339 193, 681 34,880 27,408 100,551 40,867 13, 708 14,739 33, 755 87 2,548 18,690 3,397 810 2,092 5,556 3,175 73 2,375 967 4,939 2,114 1,953 1,075 3,087 1,639 1,343 594 88 1,253 1,509 5,320 947 165 756 6,140 64 776 153 3,875 287 156 875 180 70 563 389 89 30,619 32, 678 75, 490 5,416 2,820 30,540 18,791 7,022 34,017 2,371 137,571 9,295 15, 707 28,987 20,214 6,757 5,386 17,393 90 29,412 31,411 75,042 5,196 2,215 20,365 18,406 6,739 33,287 3, 373 136, 144 9,085 15,559 28,687 20,073 5,495 5,831 17, 103 91 1,207 1,267 448 330 605 175 385 393 730 98 1,427 210 148 300 141 1,262 55 290 92 27,507 80, 357 20,007 3,743 3,053 44,588 13,450 3,973 15,551 1,173 36, 464 22, 142 5,531 63,444 14,107 1,486 2,185 8,358 93 6,621 8,956 7,487 4,333 4,895 3,183 3,463 1,605 9, 179 6,665 10,332 1,042 4,071 7,170 4,279 3,756 4,853 7,021 94 81,497 134,433 110, 189 23, 845 28,787 50,010 55, 574 30,344 100,925 15,686 181,083 41, 144 26,095 93,033 59,076 14, 434 17,986 30,207 95 2,426 1,041 1,725 1,738 1,563 325 465 207 2,183 1,703 2, 361 475 789 816 1,205 1,037 1,660 1,963 96 39,717 30,301 37,282 14,976 16, 611 7,130 14,628 6,157 49,392 12, 417 53, 101 13,039 12, 665 20,290 29,522 9,775 13,483 19, 147 97 659 567 540 379 329 222 228 191 702 215 780 •125 202 248 342 134 255 386 98 18,353 21,696 14,016 4,491 7,770 6,380 10, 319 15,063 27,950 2,097 21,031 4,145 3,739 8,270 11,063 3,311 3,573 3,613 99 13 12 3 1 12 2 8 9 2 4 1 3 4 2 2 1 100 1,848 5,578 139 83 1,116 233 1,600 1,431 106 274 39 24 1,540 87 74 18 101 1,095 2,697 2,789 365 339 1,337 977 190 839 151 4,718 922 558 2,581 "32 128 306 843 102 21, 579 76,858 58,752 3,395 3,290 36,267 29,027 9,024 22, 152 1,066 106, 677 23,921 9,677 62, 933 18,405 2,338 1,856 7,429 103 579 1,831 678 145 58 879 324 81 357 19 1,127 677 175 1,852 392 22 37 338 104 11.128 52, 175 11,154 1,268 777 22, 592 7,674 2, 963 7,676 181 21,000 17, 149 2,419 44,029 8,302 458 293 2,715 105 72 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.— FARMS BY SIZE, AND BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explanations, see text) Meek 1 en - burg Mont- gomery New Hanover North- ampton Orange Farms by size: All farms . .number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 4-9 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Land in farms by size of farm: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres. acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1,000 acres and over acres Farms by color of operator: White operators number Nonwhi te operators number Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share -cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop -share tenants number Livestock -share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants. . number Other tenants number Unspecified tenants number Tenants with landlord living on a farm number Land in farms by tenure of operator: Full owners acres Pert owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share- cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Crop- share tenants acres Livestock-share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants. ., acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Total cropland harvested acres Ful 1 owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres Al 1 tenants farms reporting ocres Croppers farms reporting 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. ,787 113 154 22 11 91 143 667 978 562 544 449 370 363 307 284 225 149 121 57 33 37 37 62 211, 142 555 835 13, 393 19,518 21, 352 20,392 25,882 21, 038 31,074 24,946 32,008 25, 705 23, 106 18,815 11,132 6,575 8,698 8,852 21,054 24,0.79 9,892 12, 776 12, 996 12,441 1,554 1,601 1,233 1,267 694 869 207 71 2 3 1,884 1,925 67. 6 67. 1 35 164 154 148 16 1,648 1,613 33 122 892 73, 686 21,339 1,410 114,707 2,484 434 11,960 10,384 1,576 96,533 3,296 71,635 655 15,582 206 6,853 2 188 1,871 49,012 1,640 42, 166 ,216 412 159 35 8 377 151 922 665 464 441 381 442 396 399 263 354 145 171 70. 91 56 56 94 102 22 217, 163 2,329 1,001 16,323 12, 526 17,866 16,993 22, 103 25,720 31, 585 32,877 30, 174 40,245 22,979 26,840 13,767 17,929 13,435 13, 363 32, 297 34,972 13,305 8,235 1,000 6,147 2,465 2,110 751 786 1,953 1,363 294 345 11 18 958 1,170 29.8 J). 4 119 259 5 3 246 315 246 441 512 147 81 33 114 455 118,970 37,639 2,967 57,587 9,917 171 21, 226 21, 226 14,964 11,309 69,031 1,561 30 , 755 286 14,809 11 1, 243 880 22, 224 415 9,397 1,931 360 377 9 2 351 375 666 644 353 410 214 210 139 140 1 87,633 2,034 2,157 12,286 11,446 13,148 15,199 12,173 11,906 11, 159 11,231 10,420 8,358 7, 173 6,620 3,678 3,849 2,840 938 8, 921 6,509 3,801 2,200 1,200 1,928 1,944 3 1,684 1,766 112 53 1 2 134 123 6.9 6.3 10 45 67 79,001 4,216 17 4,399 217 68 2,189 1,667 522 902 1,023 15,170 1,501 12,990 109 1,024 1,216 239 181 162 114 122 149 142 128 162 129,680 522 425 5,552 4,510 6,822 6,099 6,572 7, 194 12,290 11,638 14, 754 18,582 10,493 11,946 10,753 11,835 8, 190 8,875 20,619 22,932 11,047 13,426 22,066 11, 375 1,017 956 199 204 790 653 142 187 5 2 279 318 22.9 27.4 30 46 115 139 53 99 125 1, 156 85,796 23,964 4,489 15,431 2,679 42 5,578 5,458 120 3,073 4,059 27, 135 729 16, 174 142 5,275 5 656 260 5,030 111 1,993 2, 537 227 104 19 7 209 97 631 £12 438 400 290 349 308 297 268 261 121 146 81 80 65 33 29 21 12 236,040 1,225 616 11,939 9,877 16,767 15, 210 16,768 20,081 25, 357 24,434 31, 106 29,498 18,679 22, 465 16,002 15,805 10, 121 11,399 26, 700 22,587 22,894 19,530 38,483 22,725 2,092 1,974 445 428 1,582 1,428 344 218 12 9 599 647 23.6 28. 1 34 63 9 2 260 264 259 1 226 291 71 313 156,757 34,819 11,036 33,428 2,927 578 14,615 14,545 70 8,390 6,918 42,865 1,414 23,759 334 7,985 12 1,497 574 9,624 221 3,411 5,855 390 698 80 258 310 440 2,371 2,437 1,264 1, ioe 725 714 518 470 253 284 126 115 65 46 36 311,598 2,022 2,935 45,712 45,022 47,579 42,022 41,568 40,744 42,297 39,568 29,378 32,486 19,664 18,037 12, 757 9,023 8,656 7,036 22,737 20,139 21,034 13,918 18, 194 10,482 3, 222 3,398 2,633 2,592 1,323 1,578 434 115 12 13 4,086 4,284 69.8 71.5 147 243 20 96 327 318 325 2 3,465 3,103 127 524 22 105 2,412 106, 574 42,535 4,977 157, 512 7,251 908 16, 246 16, 155 91 126,058 7,049 120,590 1, 167 23,406 411 10 , 632 12 821 4,060 85,731 3,457 72, 553 401 103 247 240 133 277 28,370 530 1,439 2,216 4,484 2,085 2,854 1,922 2,731 1,615 1,405 2,800 2,367 945 1,211 1,020 1,204 960 675 2,816 2,507 2,981 3,393 8,480 2,000 330 555 275 595 78 60 3 2 45 59 11.2 8.2 10 32 16 17, 375 7,780 747 2,468 1,349 287 156 131 575 257 7,655 192 4,057 2,601 3 344 36 653 13 378 3,824 250 117 176 116 938 745 964 758 520 510 421 412 325 265 147 108 62 32 18 19 11 295, 359 1, 104 699 19,401 15,713 36,540 28,995 30,349 29,605 34,295 33, 607 37,090 30,316 22,956 17,013 14,427 9,711 10,880 7,435 30,516 20,524 21,500 12, 627 36,300 14,539 1,407 1,089 2,417 1,998 885 745 469 135 2 6 2,468 2,201 64. 5 71.3 146 259 35 8 1,035 752 1,027 8 999 1,046 253 136 119 134 854 94, 726 64, 570 2,399 133,663 7,584 2,853 56,579 55,952 627 51,012 15,635 114, 183 614 16,834 437 17,831 2 445 2,403 79,073 995 31,708 2,179 146 216 11 43 135 173 681 658 462 422 282 271 207 197 171 159 85 67 42 57 23 23 48 52 24 21 154,718 815 1,029 12, 872 12,815 17,420 15,781 16, 117 15,432 16,956 16,001 19,573 17,969 13, 295 10,402 8,118 11, 133 5,382 5,459 16,506 18,688 15, 362 13,742 12,302 2,186 1,791 1,717 388 428 1,083 1,043 329 109 2 1 765 992 35. 1 46.2 31 42 ISO 297 179 405 96,802 24,987 135 32, 794 2,657 96 8,831 8,809 22 19,468 1,742 44,433 964 19,429 321 7,401 91 758 17,512 498 11,300 2,033 ISO 163 80 438 320 229 240 261 231 296 292 262 285 143 141 91 111 41 179,073 996 505 7,921 5,824 8,817 9,411 15, 126 13,496 24,618 24,203 30,463 32, 698 22,483 21,892 18,038 21,771 9,787 9,928 27,039 29,258 11,572 8,418 2,213 2,246 1,468 1,346 570 503 1,260 1,081 246 201 4 2 528 567 25.9 33.6 36 175 186 171 4 271 282 309 117,349 32,637 1,673 27,414 2,459 135 14, 389 14,122 267 8,698 1,733 39,741 1,070 21,175 237 9,072 4 198 505 9,296 264 4,33" 789 74 56 55 222 186 123 153 98 114 81 71 63 59 42 41 25 70,331 418 324 4,414 3,644 4,572 5,643 5,575 6,516 6,735 5,741 7,188 6,636 6,543 6,407 4,924 1,435 3,847 4,097 9,323 6,576 7,167 6,482 9,625 4,515 611 583 178 152 493 513 213 130 1 83 91 10.5 12.4 3 44,507 23,069 2,755 34 123 861 661 1,269 468 27,060 394 13,285 210 11,614 82 1,981 NORTH CAROLINA 73 OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued Pender Perquim- ans Person Pitt Polk Randolph Hichmond Robeson Rock- ingham Rowan Ruther- ford Sampson Scotland Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transyl- vaniu 2,281 961 2,845 5,969 1,197 3,618 1,657 8,524 4,402 3,115 3,540 7,217 1,686 2,595 3,629 4,306 925 1,092 1 247 62 296 412 108 310 178 469 490 427 239 528 78 252 375 532 125 317 2 331 84 190 511 74 233 327 254 463 486 353 427 49 102 187 282 271 436 3 1? 3 75 48 11 21 10 46 31 21 12 28 10 31 27 39 2 34 4 4 1 13 105 3 37 2 22 64 3 144 39 2 14 15 36 37 41 5 230 59 221 364 97 289 168 423 459 406 227 500 68 221 348 4 93 123 283 6 327 83 177 406 71 196 325 232 399 483 209 388 47 88 172 24 7 234 385 7 B19 172 655 2,585 294 616 514 3,154 1,124 765 953 2,393 592 491 831 1,120 253 349 B 7S7 249 632 2,736 194 532 569 2,873 1,060 808 791 2,401 669 268 74 3 918 304 381 9 392 134 358 1,369 237 467 254 2,302 625 445 865 1,638 44C 424 563 712 185 156 10 369 183 383 1,386 24 7 465 303 2,586 582 461 967 1,609 4 66 335 600 657 193 189 11 256 132 379 572 178 500 168 1,110 571 354 4 93 633 182 409 556 673 133 77 12 256 164 445 755 218 519 173 1,349 633 422 638 1,042 234 436 665 572 109 105 13 181 137 334 393 148 557 152 608 557 367 408 716 113 390 587 573 86 60 14 151 172 342 550 166 514 157 733 541 429 46S 682 135 403 569 496 84 60 15 130 105 372 291 118 4 95 136 427 485 307 260 478 86 323 411 360 60 53 16 171 124 421 251 122 604 135 471 480 367 304 468 86 382 411 412 51 57 17 73 81 182 103 41 266 65 171 237 181 127 233 48 147 140 171 39 37 IB 64 54 200 142 46 300 68 161 199 199 115 169 37 14 7 163 182 24 21 19 4) 48 112 83 22 155 44 86 126 93 60 108 28 69 75 71 18 17 20 43 50 89 60 33 166 55 61 112 106 75 90 27 60 84 78 10 9 21 27 30 54 41 11 78 36 50 72 57 43 81 19 29 37 25 7 6 22 22 IB 50 31 17 78 30 29 47 68 24 55 15 35 36 34 3 7 23 79 44 93 78 30 14 7 67 91 96 90 74 153 57 46 42 S3 16 13 24 51 49 75 70 27 163 63 65 83 108 55 92 40 56 43 66 14 11 25 29 10 9 30 14 21 30 47 15 22 17 41 22 10 11 14 2 5 26 17 10 12 27 7 23 27 17 18 17 13 23 25 5 12 12 4 3 27 7 6 1 12 2 6 13 9 4 7 1 7 15 5 1 3 2 2 28 3 2 7 2 4 16 3 3 3 1 4 3 2 1 4 29 157,014 100,265 217,017 311,302 85,511 329,243 156,495 451,001 312,647 234,338 224,493 443,349 139,033 192,019 234,493 263,656 54,408 49,809 30 1,456 325 1,514 2,259 566 1,818 1,069 2,610 2,739 2,326 1,362 3,127 426 1,441 2,224 3,234 650 1,649 31 1,935 522 1,117 2,662 417 1,170 1,971 1,454 2,186 2,692 1,390 2,447 293 562 1,159 1,584 1,208 2,013 32 15,017 3,284 11,286 50,469 5,636 11,628 9,589 64,115 19,717 13,806 18, 748 47,171 12,359 9,469 14 , 330 19,517 4,620 6,138 33 13,803 4,529 11,225 51,346 3,747 9,610 10,279 58,584 19,501 14,648 15,719 46,776 14 , 220 5,177 12,962 15,821 5,558 6,897 31 14,804 5,052 13,558 51,167 8,938 18,324 9,591 86,899 24,180 17,349 33,272 62,061 17,019 16,390 21,984 27,283 7,035 5,804 35 13,794 6,955 14 , 338 52,349 9,454 18,310 11,346 97,724 21,883 17,756 36,818 60,673 17,957 13,311 23,746 25,299 7,309 7,208 36 14,868 7,638 21,458 33,169 10,249 29,125 9,632 63,316 33,340 20,668 28,589 49,122 10,460 23,866 32,428 39,071 7,585 4,418 37 14,336 9,370 24,869 43,963 12,416 30,136 9,965 76,589 36,096 24,635 36,427 59,451 13,352 25,302 37,795 32,958 6,084 6,150 38 14,828 11,260 27,294 31,900 11,574 46,259 12,623 48,863 45,677 30,391 33,320 59,422 9,299 32,314 48,080 46,970 6,972 5,059 39 12,347 13,768 27,752 45,105 13,516 42,737 12,839 58,879 44,141 35,726 37,916 55,519 11,190 33,431 46,444 40,263 6,668 4,938 40 14,875 12,124 42,079 33,488 13,469 57,007 15, 708 48,800 55,358 35,306 30,035 55,491 9,594 37,254 47,417 41,605 6,605 6,003 41 18,976 14,143 46,549 28,649 13,652 69,392 15,179 52,845 53,656 42,325 34,487 53,729 9,891 43,640 46,390 46,822 5,672 6,395 42 11,603 12,851 28,142 16,019 6,428 41,936 10,215 26,312 36,723 28,326 19,937 34,911 7,551 22 , 895 21,832 26,259 5,826 5,836 43 9,933 8,598 30,701 22,072 7,263 46,957 10,738 24,775 31,086 31,136 17,913 26,485 5, .84 7 23,096 25,362 28,405 3,673 3,208 44 7,970 9,390 22,188 16,490 4,221 30, 805 8,654 17,782 24,610 18,241 11,635 21,159 5,554 13,657 14,788 13,846 3,496 3,302 45 8,441 9,758 17,492 11,877 6,500 32,931 10,927 11,*917 21,866 20, 806 14,835 17,819 5,322 11,843 16,489 15,483 1,975 1,742 46 6,382 7,140 12,925 9,740 2,674 18,554 8,633 11,854 17,032 13,271 10,279 19,366 4,529 6,867 8,511 5,913 1,668 1,432 47 5,256 4,210 11,872 7,361 4,128 18,665 6,973 6,878 11,297 16,231 5,608 13,250 3,595 8,258 8,596 8,130 710 1,712 4B 27,374 15,899 30,052 26,634 10,236 49,901 23,712 32,230 31,875 30,185 24,965 52,248 19,137 15,833 14 , 358 17,727 5,351 4,331 49 16,904 16,983 24,593 23,739 8,729 52,595 21,668 21,892 27,516 35,846 18,059 31, 205 14,404 18,261 15,017 21,947 4,508 3,664 50 19,963 6,255 5,380 20,959 8,964 13,233 20,587 32,023 10,830 13, 109 11,330 27,392 14 , 7oe 5,420 7,456 9,654 1,140 3,518 51 10,664 6,380 7,532 17,783 4,216 15,059 17,752 10,898 11,881 10, 908 8,155 14,606 17,463 2,978 7,045 7,715 2,567 1,790 52 7,874 9,047 1,141 19,008 2,556 10,573 26,482 16,197 10,566 11,360 1,021 11,879 28,403 6,613 1,095 12,577 3,470 2,319 53 4,060 2,450 13,527 4,800 12,024 29,570 3,510* 4,005 5,847 1,094 8,391 3,238 2,116 1,230 6,184 54 1,355 684 1,694 3,519 1,094 3,460 1,064 3,224 3,615 2,691 3,213 4,981 670 2,495 3,480 4,171 818 1,089 55 1,314 758 1,648 3,688 1,040 3,418 1,215 3,203 3,444 2,960 3,442 4,672 626 2,124 3,319 3,612 1,008 1,265 56 926 277 4,151 2,450 103 158 593 5,300 787 424 327 2,236 ■ 1,016 100 14 9 135 107 3 57 961 401 1,191 2,838 113 183 708 5,399 777 514 361 2,387 1,161 108 194 99 60 8 59 1,217 364 604 1,293 788 2,721 838 2,062 1,788 2,042 2,319 2,853 347 1,746 1,736 2,475 719 880 59 1,347 464 864 1,445 605 2,484 1,199 2,174 1,982 2,179 2,321 2,923 319 1,413 1,727 2,110 889 1,025 60 617 291 234 303 127 535 266 631 512 4 94 396 1,175 149 464 414 438 87 78 61 193 132 118 117 90 459 79 190 118 489 203 460 75 367 172 196 77 46 62 6 5 16 7 4 8 19 10 7 1 2 16 4 2 4 1 1 63 5 3 2 6 5 7 14 7 3 10 1 4 17 7 2 2 64 441 306 1,802 4,357 275 358 545 5,812 2,092 572 924 3,187 1,174 381 1,477 1,389 118 133 65 730 560 1,855 4,958 453 651 631 6,231 2,118 796 1,278 3,672 1,376 453 1,614 1,398 100 200 66 19.3 31.8 63.3 73.0 23.0 9.9 33.0 68.2 47.5 18.4 26.1 44.2 69.6 14.7 40.7 32.3 12.8 12.2 67 32.1 48.3 65.3 76.0 39.3 18.1 32.8 72.4 50.2 22.9 33.6 52.0 77.0 20.3 45.9 37.7 9.4 15.7 68 56 9 6 63 27 36 47 92 23 49 87 94 45 49 21 25 32 32 69 58 28 4 43 35 50 142 48 68 97 162 91 83 87 5 13 22 84 70 11 5 6 5 2 6 2 355 8 7 6 61 16 7 33 26 1 71 1 2 92 75 7 1 1 1 11 3 1 1 1 1 72 165 153 666 405 108 124 155 3,949 719 210 408 1,700 486 205 541 286 29 21 73 205 286 896 452 192 202 130 3,690 558 260 422 1,730 331 242 725 372 19 26 74 163 14 6 637 386 104 122 152 3,901 714 205 400 1,683 482 201 521 285 28 20 75 2 7 29 19 4 2 3 48 5 5 8 17 4 4 20 1 1 1 76 155 104 1,015 3,757 100 109 210 1,277 1,224 210 312 1,076 572 61 773 915 6 21 77 444 215 806 4,077 125 130 346 2,303 1,294 391 387 1,622 939 112 810 774 7 11 78 54 35 109 127 38 83 131 239 118 96 111 256 55 59 109 137 51 58 79 22 29 57 311 94 268 13 189 198 48 306 218 20 11 73 338 51 79 80 18 10 8 9 3 15 10 22 22 11 21 31 7 8 22 16 14 19 81 36 25 101 118 35 68 121 217 96 85 90 225 48 51 87 121 37 39 82 234 139 1,067 2,139 111 160 25 2 2,700 1,326 248 421 1,880 552 191 841 804 50 39 83 97,669 36,209 69,840 126,816 55,480 243,500 80,039 157,617 132,053 127,315 146,129 236, 720 41,501 117,550 142,516 178,330 41,343 37,367 84 37,935 38, 248 22,900 33,716 9,777 58,085 36,953 45,793 40,557 65,278 27,139 79, 666 25,066 46,452 29,031 23,233 6,529 3,346 85 3,941 1,417 8,515 5,037 1,518 5,513 13,422 12,357 5,057 349 365 19,633 652 798 1,235 40 420 86 17,469 25,808 122,860 142,255 15,217 26,140 33,990 234,169 127,680 36,688 50,876 126,598 52,833 27,365 62,148 60, 858 6,496 8,676 87 3,119 415 195 4,067 1,247 2,090 5,847 5,218 2,105 2,607 4,856 3,783 5,792 4,416 1,472 1,225 2,133 2,143 88 365 408 863 333 103 698 31 11,884 572 448 202 2,603 1,362 523 1,442 1,450 12 89 7,673 15,206 65,104 17,930 7,574 9,837 10, 791 170,679 62,792 18,554 25,123 75,986 22,563 15,819 28,843 14,257 1,271 1,449 90 7,326 13,711 62,369 16,891 6,934 9,635 10,121 168,646 62,355 18,204 24 , 500 75,209 22,274 15,283 27,527 14 , 233 1,091 1,409 91 347 1,495 2,735 1,039 640 202 670 2,033 437 350 623 777 389 536 1,316 24 180 40 92 3,806 7,936 48,157 114,881 3,735 5,171 5,999 36,311 54,379 9,355 12,913 33,528 18,513 3,431 22,899 26,841 89 1,960 93 2,506 1,843 8,541 5,044 2,558 8,344 11,322 10,077 7,832 5,724 7,782 10,698 4,604 3,176 7,492 17,085 3,003 3,113 94 38, 149 44,129 48,681 142,476 17,822 64,340 46,047 220,817 66,170 80,094 66,051 164,994 64,091 65,800 49,582 56, 743 5,842 10,558 95 1,134 271 720 1,112 685 2,278 752 1,846 1,574 1,748 1,959 2,497 287 1,467 1,581 2,232 684 747 96 18,226 9,875 13,846 29,256 10, 190 41,508 18, 305 42,397 23,815 39,321 35,838 56,214 10,691 35, 789 24 , 959 33,334 4,283 7,303 97 611 285 228 293 123 522 263 619 499 484 392 1,161 141 455 405 430 87 70 98 11,709 18, 922 5,369 10, 832 2,380 16,423 11,990 19,592 9,285 25,980 9,404 32,445 9,952 19,573 6,557 6,665 903 1,034 99 6 5 10 7 4 8 18 10 6 1 2 16 4 3 1 100 1,240 262 1,118 601 381 1,785 3,273 917 1,028 87 83 3,623 320 330 130 101 431 295 1,796 4,345 249 337 528 5,771 2,047 516 888 3,148 1,163 358 1,431 1,349 107 118 102 6,974 15,332 29,204 101,270 4,651 6,028 13,967 155,555 32,153 13, 765 20, 722 76,252 39,825 10,118 18,066 16,414 656 3,092 103 153 102 1,013 3,755 95 108 206 1,272 1,205 196 300 1,070 569 58 746 902 4 21 104 2,330 4,998 13,863 85,373 1,762 1,751 4,332 26,667 17,838 4,395 6,620 22,440 15,897 1,497 8,744 10,503 11 359 105 74 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.— FARMS BY SIZE, AND BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Wash- ington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey Farms by size: 1 All farms . . . .number 1950.. 542 4,960 2,404 6,219 3,162 866 2,639 4,915 5,075 4,303 3,344 2,740 2 Under 10 acres number 1950.. 51 269 330 609 307 62 396 217 669 310 452 608 3 1945.. 35 112 97 393 272 68 213 189 660 335 163 650 4 number 1950.. 8 21 66 89 50 3 8 29 41 53 43 90 5 1945. . 1 3 27 88 23 3 5 57 38 33 17 53 6 3 to 9 acres 1950.. 1945.. 43 34 248 109 264 70 520 305 257 349 59 65 388 308 188 132 628 622 158 202 409 166 518 597 7 R 10 to 29 acres 1950.. 142 1, 137 662 1,954 1,034 209 733 1,526 1,228 1,527 877 829 9 1945.. 141 861 270 1,490 963 337 713 1,329 1,270 1,898 743 899 10 30 to 49 acres 1950.. 122 989 378 1,103 506 200 558 1,305 980 1,192 620 533 11 1945.. 131 859 360 1, 241 519 193 565 1,401 1,031 1,384 613 523 12 1950. . 71 785 338 860 382 134 374 730 712 614 483 300 13 1945. . 92 853 338 999 366 115 385 859 768 653 493 335 14 70 to 99 acres 1950. . 1945. . 46 61 '699 781 266 292 645 696 309 273 84 77 272 287 505 540 57e 647 378 344 408 404 230 15 193 16 1950.. 37 592 211 439 290 77 186 299 411 213 358 113 17 1945.. 49 636 274 611 235 66 204 349 473 155 393 145 18 140 to 179 acres 1950. . 1945. . 25 22 218 228 87 116 239 243 110 119 26 28 99 95 133 125 199 199 75 47 107 130 52 19 48 20 180 to 219 acres 1950. . 18 107 50 120 61 34 36 67 116 38 49 27 21 1945.. 15 107 48 138 80 10 44 67 126 16 55 38 22 1950. . 1945. . 5 5 57 56 26 18 70 74 43 34 8 9 26 26 45 40 55 55 16 14 39 38 12 23 17 24 1950. . 1945. . 18 15 86 72 44 50 134 121 68 79 25 13 45 51 66 43 102 106 32 27 41 38 37 25 24 26 500 to 999 acres 1950. . 5 19 11 37 31 10 10 17 22 6 8 4 27 1945.. 1 12 11 28 33 5 4 3 22 7 5 6 28 1950.. 2 2 1 9 21 7 4 5 3 2 2 5 29 Land in farms by size of farm: 1945. . 1 1 10 9 5 4 1 2 1 1 3 30 1950. . 40, 378 344, 888 146, 109 396, 619 238,270 72,368 163,426 290, 887 T : ,: ' . 3] 7 306, 605 1,013 1,355 190, 606 132,973 3,063 3,473 31 acres 1950.. 1945. . 251 219 1,730 680 1,611 458 3,221 1,924 1,586 1,455 318 415 1,682 1,307 1,236 849 3,728 3,526 2,430 1,037 32 33 1950.. 1945.. 2,723 2,631 21,594 17, 197 11,580 5,374 35, 756 27, 727 18,824 17,816 4,112 6,692 14, 188 13, 179 30,894 27, 294 22,717 23,301 30,663 37,166 16,018 14,435 14, 969 34 16(335 35 1950.. 1945.. 4,631 4,874 38,045 33,140 14, 551 13, 857 42,526 47,929 18, 945 19,082 7,642 7,319 31,453 31,602 49, 139 52,772 37, 378 38,640 44,949 52,636 23,843 23,581 20,398 36 19, 574- 37 acres 1950.. 1945. . 3,986 5,166 45,481 49,248 19,295 19, 157 49, 601 56,850 31,766 20, 555 7,738 6,600 31,700 22, 133 42,437 49,606 41,072 44,314 35,079 37,569 27, 978 28,582 17, 339 38 18, 628 39 acres 1950.. t945. . 3,719 4,929 57,046 64,038 21,476 23,983 53,281 57,175 25, 554 22,564 6,914 6,205 22,135 23,407 41,167 43,751 47,379 52, 968 30,562 27, 952 33,351 32, 996 18,559 40 15,5"6 41 100 to 139 acres 1950.. 4,233 68,018 24,430 50,364 33, 174 9,036 21,544 34,614 46, 818 24,346 30,152 12,891 42 1945. . 5,537 72,612 30,794 68,484 26, 541 7,565 23,314 39, 307 53,668 17,903 33, 524 15,860 43 acres 1950.. 1945. . 3,909 3,512 33,951 35, 586 13, 616 17,940 37,750 38,351 17,422 16,803 4,030 4,327 15,633 14, 976 20, 979 19,309 30, 990 30,861 11, 533 7,355 16, 669 30,204 8, 173 44 7,418 45 180 to 219 acres acres 1950.. 1945. . 3,476 2,981 20,995 21,075 9,768 9,431 23,480 27,125 12,150 15,706 4,676 1,864 6,906 8,644 13, 369 13, 393 22, 787 24,943 7,590 3,173 9,698 10,843 5,214 46 7,527 47 220 to 259 acres 1950.. 1945. . 1,174 1,175 13,498 13,311 6,132 4,252 16,677 17,740 10,287 7,957 1,880 2,069 6,202 6,150 10, 783 9,411 13,059 13, 140 3,776 3, 305 9,389 6,619 2,888 48 4,038 49 260 to 499 acres 1950.. 1945. . 6,065 4,769 28, 758 23,398 15, 107 16, 524 45,584 42,090 23, 800 27,907 8,689 4,450 15,158 17, 359 22,935 14,585 34,046 35,144 10,146 9,605 13,176 13, 443 9,040 50 8,219 51 500 to 999 acres 1950. . 1945. . 3,333 750 12,499 8,201 7,236 6,264 23,533 17,852 19, 126 22,890 6,165 3,486 6,717 2,452 10,296 2,040 14, 743 13, 191 4,385 4,361 5,094 2,674 2,392 52 4,733 53 1950. . 1945.. 2,878 4,095 3,273 1,307 1,000 14,844 14,433 35, 636 ' 15,834 11,168 9,102 10, 109 10,666 13,038 1,600 4,100 3,085 2,563 1,014 2,608 1,500 8,047 54 Farms by color of operator: 3,500 55 1950. . 426 4,131 1,156 4,172 1,019 620 2, 636 3,449 4,926 2,907 3, 261 2,717 56 1945. . 441 3,696 1,017 4,034 949 608 2,582 3,241 5,128 3,102 2,895 3,843 57 1950.. 116 829 1,248 2,047 2,143 346 3 1,466 149 1,396 83 23 58 Farms by tenure of operator: 1945.. 127 831 858 2,010 2,033 318 9 1,705 220 1,679 91 38 59 1950. . 332 2,571 659 2,304 1,157 435 2,374 1,386 4,280 836 1,850 2,084 60 1945. . 372 2,152 655 2,530 1,092 403 2,238 1,491 4,339 1,081 1,742 1,942 61 1950.. 110 563 233 677 524 136 204 463 458 196 666 233 62 1945.. 71 332 1M 273 267 60 142 129 473 19 213 390 63 1950.. 1945. . 1950. . 1945.. 2 4 3 5 5 25 28 2 1 6 5 289 458 8 7 6 3 3,061 3,323 1 g 6 - 3 1 825 1,030 1 64 65 number 98 121 1,823 2,088 1,507 1,069 3,213 3,213 1,479 1,622 153 204 376 530 3,265 3,675 422 66 638 67 Proportion of tenancy. . . percent 1950. . 18. 1 36.8 62,7 51.7 46.8 33.4 5.8 62.3 6.6 75.9 24.7 15.4 68 1945. . 21.3 45.6 57.0 53. 2 54.4 49.5 7.9 67.3 9.9 76.9 34.5 22. 3 69 1950.. 8 116 21 150 134 18 6 67 31 45 12 30 70 1945. . 22 597 48 385 270 28 20 71 113 21 100 45 71 1950. . 5 12 , 9 12 13 4 1 17 1 4 31 5 72 73 1945. . 1950.. 1 1 3 415 117 1,289 1 96 80 190 21 874 616 1,339 48 42 453 263 74 1945. . 28 733 467 1,141 330 62 98 1,127 254 633 293 223 75 1950. . 17 861 614 1,329 408 42 38 1,283 95 447 279 185 76 Livestock-share tenants. number 1950.. 4 13 2 10 7 6 4 6 1 6 ■1 5 77 1950.. 56 501 604 1,511 743 197 64 1,573 100 3,689 425 102 7fl 1945. . 55 716 478 1,458 891 341 79 1,474 141 2,632 530 137 79 Other and unspecified tenan s . . number 1950.. 8 320 57 201 174 22 40 115 108 "4 84 95 80 1945. . 16 41 76 228 128 37 7 534 21 399 108 153 81 number 1950.. 1950.. 5 98 222 11 46 37 164 83 91 20 11 29 15 100 16 92 go 10 74 8 82 87 83 Tenants with landlord living 1950.. 58 997 966 1,764 810 157 81 1,640 135 1,481 511 237 Land in farms by tenure of operator: 84 Full owners 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 20,280 13, 592 2,258 4,248 129 260 1,370 1,114 256 191,615 54,610 656 98,007 7,218 942 51,483 50,035 1,448 46, 378 18,222 2,593 76,916 512 673 45, 511 45,436 75 181,004 64,055 13,835 137,725 9,802 853 68, 251 67, 564 687 117,503 48,374 1,335 71,058 11,599 918 24, 764 24,480 264 40,988 13,290 4,677 13,413 1,723 210 2,691 2,602 289 135,970 11,269 9,265 6, 9^ 220 12 2,000 1,847 153 112,350 39,894 10, 131 128,512 3,933 1,231 64,933 63,815 1,108 273,276 37,477 400 18, 664 1,259 98 5, 825 5,795 30 54,056 14,070 1,076 137,403 1,643 99 22, 852 22,300 552 117,004 42,704 733 30,165 400 1, 738 12, 146 12,036 110 103,971 85 8,779 86 60 87 acres 11, 163 88 935 89 156 90 acres 5,487 9] icres 5,077 92 Livestock-share tenants. 410 93 acres 1950.. 1950.. 2,277 212 17,307 21, 157 29, 742 2,478 49,514 9,305 22,851 10, 926 7,517 1,042 2,180 2,510 53,395 5, 140 3,924 7,558 109,473 3,337 12,093 3,788 2,317 94 Other and unspecified tenon 6. . . acres 3,378 Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: 95 Total cropland harvested .... acres 1949. . 16, 641 125, 199 39,563 113, 685 60,515 37,519 34,876 137,386 46,375 99,567 49,455 20,036 96 reporting 1949. . 231 2,333 569 1,905 1,043 343 2,052 1,154 3, 674 743 1,587 1,898 97 acres 1949. . 5,396 59,487 9,992 35, 990 23, 364 11,133 30, 669 30,457 36,090 14,887 24,861 14,585 98 reporting 1949. . 110 555 226 649 510 131 193 449 448 * 187 653 231 99 acres 1949. , 6,976 22,271 5,196 17,421 11,988 •6,339 2,139 15,894 6, 574 4,897 13, 187 2,179 100 reporting 1949. . 2 3 .3 24 S 5 8 6 1 6 3 1 101 acres 1949.. 958 146 197 3,091 385 624 852 4,905 50 275 111 3 102 reporting 1949. . 95 1,780 1,472 3,141 1,445 284 130 3,042 289 3,249 769 390 103 acres 1949.. 3,311 43, 295 24, 178 57, 183 24,778 9,523 1, .7.-6 86, 130 \, 661 79, .608 11,396 3,269 104 reporting 1949. . 55 494 794 1,489 733 197 55 1,570 93 2,684 409 101 105 acres 1949, . 1,774 10,405 11,788 24, 401 11,433 6,278 510 38,712 1,134 65,261 5,330 783 NORTH CAROLINA County Tabic 2a.— FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 75 (For def initions und explanations, see text) Alleghany Avery Farms, 1950. operated by — White operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number A 1 1 tenants number Croppers number Nonwhlte operators number Fu 1 1 owne rs numbe r Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Land in farms. 1950. operated by — White operators acres Ful 1 owners ac res Part owners acres Managers i acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwbite operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Cropland harvested, 1949, in farms operated by— White operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres Nonwhlte operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres 21b, 956 127, 105 26,888 A I i.i.'.", 26,939 14,9110 8,534 49,017 30, MB IS, 191,079 9,824,031 2,698,219 376,112 3,292,717 1,106,324 3, 126,858 720,028 450,121 9,247 1,947,462 1,022,126 196,208 4,269,730 109,815 1,977,736 26,308 859,532 457 72,350 59,720 1,360,112 26, 530 556,520 70, 74b 1,512,677 13,847 218,308 8,441 188, 965 20 2,513 43,437 1,102,891 30,279 646,884 1,637 318 674 222 78 1,855 1,389 291 1 174 60 69 30 16 ■ 1,318 102 374 218 184,876 119,945 38,390 2,939 23,602 4,903 34,870 9,412 3,932 21,526 9,652 1,855 44,731 1,247 23, 978 314 13,242 6 806 288 6,705 92 1,699 633 11,282 202 2,831 76 1,376 355 7,075 209 4,012 23 7 125, 602 96,112 20, 976 220 8,294 1,674 3,408 1,321 742 1,345 295 1,703 28,925 1,252 19,272 290 6,984 1 58 160 2,611 56 778 64 1,035 27 294 16 277 126,462 103, 662 11, 332 816 10, 652 5,256 1,351 1,158 183 10 1,440 21,935 1,193 17,876 100 1,848 4 163 143 2,048 252 26 194 6 56 21 464 1,444 782 in 174 1,309 252 969 389 196, 177 112,919 45, 199 11,266 26,797 7,174 53,668 14,260 6,824 32,584 16,553 1,282 51,404 643 23, 248 218 14,027 10 2,413 411 11, 716 166 3,969 1,274 29, 792 241 5,275 38 2,755 945 21,762 577 12, 387 3,838 3,149 352 2 ' 165 48 '■1", '.> 210,367 23, 404 1,015 12,875 3,934 1, 74" 1,540 171 36 3,507 36, 470 2,889 30,304 331 3,801 2 126 285 2,239 142 1,003 45 267 39 230 5 1,775 1,613 93 1 68 13 11 11 87,969 75,956 3,790 1,000 7,223 437 288 288 1,640 17,314 1,495 15,384 972 2,474 1,291 450 6 ...... 453 850 308 220 322 259 232,432 129,622 62, 339 7,101 33, 370 16,080 24,364 9,235 7,492 7,637 5,886 2,279 86, 125 1,116 38, 965 441 24, 175 6 1,747 716 21,238 449 10, 930 016 13,047 280 2,965 219 4,248 317 5,834 259 4,650 184 3 585 416 1,035 301 274 1 1,239 859 155,971 65,598 40,888 1,720 47,765 26,94] 117,565 20,617 20,960 80 75, 908 43, 736 1,183 31,332 431 9,571 174 5,903 2 227 576 15, 631 412 10, 475 1,822 48,919 292 5,480 272 8,346 1 28 1,257 35, 065 858 23, 325 i.aa 373 3 635 149 1,449 541 483 423 104 231, 126 153,229 36,230 6,955 34,704 6,033 57,559 24,714 18,835 14,010 3,367 2,034 44,444 1,041 20,520 364 8,725 1 570 628 14,629 148 3,009 1,385 23,370 489 6,519 476 8,859 420 7,992 104 1,606 1,563 1,029 291 4 239 110 605 363 Ml! 92 42 135,275 101, 102 23,004 4,287 6,802 2,086 23,582 16,384 5,395 1 , 607. 577 1,464 23,114 941 13,970 289 5,683 4 182 230 3,279 109 1,401 593 6,902 354 3,5 75 147 2,260 92 1,067 42 447 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, 1950, operated by — White operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants .number Croppers number Nonwhi te operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number Al 1 tenants number Croppers .- number Land in farms, 1950, operated by- White operators. ...acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhi te operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers. acres Cropland harvested, 1949, in farms operated by — White operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers ....farms reporting acres All tenants farms report ing acres Croppers. farms reporting acres Nonwhlte operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres 4,23? 3,416 407 15 399 80 1,974 1,536 197 1,716 1,180 254 2,433 2,064 204 323 151 93 571 339 155 1,714 761 742 337 1,337 266 131 225, 157 164, 653 20,686 16, 124 23,694 2,497 616 559 47 3,661 33, 970 2,921 23,403 390 4,658 15 2,155 335 3, 674 70 646 27 148 23 117 3 8 2 127,243 87,054 11,256 7,285 20,848 2,806 2,726 1,938 547 241 52 1,716 24,019 1,299 14, 195 196 3,498 4 1,350 217 4,976 30 622 76 606 57 318 76 159,705 95,412 36,098 3,111 24,364 3,585 11,034 2,562 2,278 6,194 1,867 1,496 50,178 985 25, 567 249 14,743 5 1,310 257 8,558 53 1,610 230 4,710 50 926 34 145, 275 117,255 12,601 1,300 14,039 1,875 1,360 1,243 32 05 2,002 22,416 1,666 16, 195 200 3,075 1 170 135 2,176 26 476 34 133 55,907 21,008 23,917 290 9,972 872 8,450 2,143 3,344 534 260 26,212 103 7,132 92 12,534 683 128 5,003 29 115 14 55,390 39,374 11,797 105 4,114 2,032 1,625 881 465 279 230 512 10, 714 284 5,026 154 4,134 2 50 72 1,504 29 763 39 654 16 237 903 940 584 161,481 75,022 26, 107 2,548 56,924 16,633 82,555 20,806 10,049 51,700 21,232 1,57? 30,281 638 12,893 203 4,956 5 528 731 11,904 332 4,489 1,315 20,807 248 4,399 130 2,407 304 12 172 937 14,001 581 7,515 2,961 2,092 470 8 383 145 182 105,863 115,761 43,405 3,486 23,231 5,686 8,538 2,154 1,276 5,108 2,255 2,671 60,719 1,818 31,802 475 18, 622 8 1,420 370 8,875 141 3,172 180 3,680 47 619 30 670 103 2,391 51 1,217 2,266 1,644 305 711 301 no 292 129 258,881 192,348 38,215 2,672 25, 646 3,816 40,370 16,201 8,734 15,435 5,122 1,967 42,004 1,371 27, 055 301 9,395 2 275 293 5,279 78 1,172 665 9,770 264 3,075 110 2,396 283 4,299 126 1,869 1,932 1,550 179 124,862 103,899 10, 982 450 9,531 860 962 018 23 1,773 16,222 1,410 12,030 172 2,153 2 93 189 1,946 228 7 550 315 101 137 110 70,607 37, 229 10, 319 2,254 12,805 6,957 7,278 2,041 2,498 2,739 1,879 523 27,152 285 12,235 99 7,764 3 773 136 6,380 70 3,163 232 4,556 52 829 134 2,398 107 1,745 i 76 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2a.— FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, 1950, operated by — White operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Nonwhite operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers - number Land in farms, 1950, operated by- White operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhite operators acres Full owners acres Part owners ■ .acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Cropland harvested, 1949, in farms operated by- White operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms report )ng acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres Nonwhite operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres Clay Cumber- land Curri- tuck Duplin 1,005 742 160 103 22 51,622 40, 939 6,493 ,190 639 245 185 60 942 ,033 ^94 ,208 155 ,777 93 1,048 265 7 4,282 2,026 458 8 1,790 1,000 1,529 146 80 1,303 965 222,525 117,273 32,968 3, 710 68,574 31,792 51,100 6,376 3,500 41,224 28,004 3,974 102,403 1,746 41,496 448 16,256 8 1,449 1,772 43,202 994 22,262 1,513 36, 776 137 3,094 79 2,193 4,638 2,525 558 1,555 805 1,684 581 337 766 463 274,679 186,588 34, 228 53, 863 22,187 51,230 20,815 12,638 1,505 665 244 2 594 415 840 248 169 423 350 142, 600 82,018 34,173 1,180 25, 229 15,797 31,921 10,887 8,089 1,297 31,489 961 22, 221 17,777 9,102 4,433 82,364 2,337 43,355 553 11,010 1,543 27,999 802 12,885 1,656 25,186 558 7,071 336 5,779 762 12, 336 462 6,871 12,945 9,849 1,370 34,885 549 14,023 238 6,930 2 95 581 13,837 410 9,618 821 14, 909 231 2,927 167 3,343 423 8,639 350 7,345 1,983 1,066 372 10 535 128 1,087 276 236 575 215 189, 164 108,044 43,269 8,418 29,433 4,718 45, 795 12,546 11,204 442 261 109 22,045 6,669 1,725 60,686 839 26,126 356 17,038 10 1,379 520 16,143 125 2,992 1,061 25, 607 256 4,542 235 5,626 570 15,439 211 5, 177 10 68,367 29, 658 23, 718 4,487 10,504 1,686 5,140 1,439 2,289 1,466 1,421 153 129 3,324 2,553 516 19 241,091 169, 149 48,874 4,011 19,057 4,067 3,202 888 1,549 1,384 959 212 5 206 42 124 63 10 23 132,451 81,435 24, 174 4,558 22,284 1,841 6,801 2,818 408 4,055 1,775 621 3 1,656 686 1,853 385 510 958 549 298, 655 183, 760 47,386 299 67,210 19,824 61,722 16,306 17,825 1,412 419 337 26.3T1 164 6,509 105 12,364 2 119 66 7,389 13 1,267 91 2,807 33 458 29 1,075 10 381 765 348 61,600 2,132 38,319 507 16,557 5 1,103 236 5,621 77 1,640 69 1,077 30 240 25 400 3,575 1,442 1,267 34,608 849 20,001 211 7,853 5 815 202 5,939 41 662 115 2,217 58 827 9 236 27,591 12,952 3,833 89,079 1,585 35,486 613 16,006 2 62 1,633 37,525 679 13,821 1,834 33,012 375 5,412 507 8,819 ,154 22 455 952 18, 781 546 9,920 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, 1950, operated by — Whi te ope rators numbe r Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants : number Croppers number Nonwhite operators number Ful 1 owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Land in farms, 1950, operated by — White operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhi te ope rators .acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppe rs acres Cropland harvested, 19119, in farms operated by- White operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres Nonwhite operators farms reporting acres Full ownera farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppe ra farma reporting acres 2,155 1,775 2 172 6,812 2,426 697 4 3,685 752 1,285 134 97 987 436 122, 246 98, 420 11, 459 1,048 11, 319 1,1 5,772 4,652 1,110 1,054 378 365,713 164, 269 45,043 2,971 153,430 25,313 51,875 6,395 5,229 I'l 1,970 14,992 1,614 11,848 204 1,978 2 106 150 1,060 19 181 100 694 88 569 11 119 40, 251 11,151 6,585 153,459 2,233 50,601 683 1C, 724 4 274 3,665 83,860 750 14, 607 1,278 27,624 128 2,500 97 2,307 1,053 22,817 377 6,393 471 309 617 102 47 1 467 379 104, 757 71,956 11, 114 21,687 12, 272 24, 116 8,064 2,006 853 13, 193 9,870 915 26.791 377 10, 710 460 12,932 302 8,363 608 14,353 98 2,329 47 996 1 39 462 10, 989 375 8,786 1,294 754 149 361 121 182 82 99,027 66,620 12, 583 24 19,800 2,842 15,817 5,379 2,819 11 7,608 2,679 1,206 21,245 675 11,334 146 2,890 2 14 383 7,007 95 1,442 346 4,850 114 1,331 ' 56 839 1 10 2,350 826 217 7 1,300 749 1,431 95 40 1,296 1,110 184,019 90, 727 23,647 8,430 61, 215 30,103 46, 267 5,050 1,881 39,336 32, 341 2,234 60,587 729 18,642 208 7,323 4 1,540 1,293 33,082 749 18,809 1,415 32,446 87 1,648 2,182 1,313 314 2 553 258 260 1, 525 1,243 132 2,260 1,779 258 2 221 27 16 3,449 2,160 393 1 895 351 192 135 148,234 89,732 25,652 156 32,694 9,479 11,486 1,379 1,934 8,173 4,628 2,029 53, 728 1,173 29,183 311 10, 424 2 87 543 14,034 257 5,397 252 5,348 32 339 31 638 175 1,288 189 670 29,851 4,371 so 1, 103 135 977 25,220 2, 905 105,981 81,405 11,487 13,089 1,486 2,174 1,229 326 619 1,272 14,246 1,022 9,703 127 2,237 123 2,306 131, 265 102,340 13,634 562 14, 729 2,185 44? 349 98 218,989 162,301 22,876 169 33, 643 8,246 148 13 23 1,554 542 109 2 901 755 1,233 152 983 893 147,774 64,320 13,847 1,410 68,197 54,743 63,368 9,366 7,492 2,108 17,896 1,649 13,433 251 2,533 2 74 206 1,856 27 292 15 90 11 112 112 3,183 30,154 1,961 19,144 383 3,605 1 18 838 7,387 334 2, 673 9 53 3 3 46,510 41,790 1,520 42,542 513 12, 832 109 4,481 2 188 896 25,041 753 20,283 1,214 29,093 142 2,750 97 2,372 975 23,971 887 21.885 NORTH CAROLINA 77 OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued Edge- combe Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Gran- ville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Hender- |on Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 1,835 3,112 2,368 2,059 790 759 1,795 1,793 4,173 1,233 4,162 2,781 2,357 751 686 501 3,612 1 515 2,119 993 1,499 409 623 760 459 2,718 606 1,708 1,992 1,763 230 367 245 2,393 2 186 438 319 263 133 83 152 120 598 242 436 391 326 86 109 141 381 3 29 10 2 9 3 6 13 13 3 1 12 2 8 « 4 1,103 545 1,032 288 228 53 880 1,208 844 392 2,015 397 264 433 202 115 630 S 891 228 526 88 64 11 236 843 378 224 433 160 61 284 .i 32 220 6 132 24 81 336 122 1 10 120 57 ■) 10 11 1,149 1,068 293 2,334 798 1 1,806 36 999 139 137 686 944 213 1,619 246 597 267 37 146 1? 195,181 176,636 185,316 140,052 90, 581 41,656 192,728 106,217 287, 690 210,245 248,971 166,769 125,190 74,908 92,326 38,151 :;>» ,'•:,;. 13 68,430 111,369 93,532 83,874 52,034 35,571 65,278 43,140 171,916 102,096 130, 904 123,955 84,716 30, 891 49,433 22,981 178,545 14 43,136 30,524 33,515 26,242 22,356 3,521 18,166 11,314 52, 925 55,830 32,086 27,264 21,468 12,748 21,579 23,610 69, 759 15 - ,','.:■, 61,155 16 17 62,334 29,560 58, 144 21,345 16,191 2,564 77,513 49,424 55,960 35,329 84,620 15,142 12,967 30,084 16,239 9,560 41,970 8,649 22,414 5,575 4,500 4 75 16,389 29,812 19,143 15,604 13, 794 3,742 3,000 16,525 5,609 2,144 11,103 18 79,182 5,877 85,587 16,036 89,197 38,425 23,401 163,286 43,284 22 1,128 66,806 41,549 7,472 22,897 19 6,822 6,036 5,800 298 20 21 22 820 320 215 1,170 35, 739 5,097 5,084 53 74 1,682 2,704 2,280 1,727 706 723 1,733 1,680 3,641 1,127 3,908 2,481 2,111 695 644 418 3,232 25 63,946 47,880 46,091 41,020 24,886 5,315 38, 831 42,979 73,047 49,572 87,118 22,833 28,446 19,427 26,285 25,238 91,693 26 394 1,746 918 1,198 328 593 709 360 2,239 504 1,486 1,738 1,544 163 328 172 2,045 27 15,940 26,026 18,941 22,335 9,304 4,347 16,731 9,056 37,853 18,966 33, 754 14 , 976 16,444 4,164 11,782 5,716 4 7,677 28 174 434 316 260 151 82 149 112 580 234 422 378 319 83 108 137 574 29 11,688 11,404 8,132 11,183 7,467 676 4,096 3,172 17,059 11,787 11,570 4,484 7,614 2,756 6,296 12,986 25,209 30 31 37 3,799 1,617 67 1,197 838 77 1,820 139 1,116 233 1,411 1,088 514 1,044 261 227 48 872 1,206 810 377 1,997 364 236 427 200 109 605 33 32,519 8,833 18,951 6,305 8,115 292 17,166 30,674 16,315 13,241 41,655 3,290 3,272 12,254 6,607 6,534 17,396 34 884 218 522 79 64 10 234 842 367 220 433 14 5 55 264 60 29 217 35 25,153 3,149 8,730 2,003 2,400 84 3,698 20,202 7,217 7,237 7,079 1,268 759 7,541 1,647 1,515 5,168 36 2,113 163 1,732 345 4 75 1,514 1,149 56,539 1,667 32,788 6,827 341 29,289 5,006 39 2,726 448 5,327 1,295 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2,347 2,463 733 1,294 9,909 2,446 7 156 3,624 4,023 2,075 2,741 1 20 234 4,756 140 2,508 24,295 63,617 24,013 595 15,051 22,420 264 6,027 2,490 52 1,448 683 9,546 3 18 47,712 486 17,671 2,821 3,975 20,904 3,911 44 , 938 4,075 Mitchell .Mont- gomery Moore Nash New Hanover North- ampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquo- tank Pender Perquim- ans Person Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond 1,928 1,017 2,092 3,222 330 1,407 1,791 1,468 611 603 1,355 684 1,694 3,519 1,094 3,460 1,064 1 1,681 721 1,379 1,100 224 605 935 1,049 405 289 812 260 653 1,146 755 2,623 610 2 112 122 270 339 67 227 252 180 155 148 283 200 163 229 115 495 169 3 1 4 12 11 3 2 2 3 1 6 5 16 7 4 7 4 134 170 431 1,772 36 573 602 236 51 165 254 204 873 2,128 217 338 278 5 32 50 148 1,376 9 197 382 92 27 15 78 55 401 1,696 65 99 61 6 3 199 445 2,633 71 2,417 368 570 178 182 926 277 1,151 2,450 103 158 593 7 3 69 203 223 51 280 148 211 88 80 405 64 151 147 33 98 228 8 50 334 91 71 74 12 40 97 9 1 1 1 in 11 78 119 17 11 77 49 614 2,061 35 10 14 9 1? 87,551 121,092 218,969 216,131 26,207 164,455 135,907 149,157 64,344 70,930 129, 155 87,784 140,482 238,717 81,764 321,324 134,930 13 78,919 83,349 149, 753 97,028 16,367 75,905 89,359 104,981 41,510 25,832 83,851 32,290 57,819 117,966 54,005 239,587 72,294 14 4,216 23,151 32,043 38,087 7,129 46,426 21,664 28,299 20,864 24,642 28,114 33,050 15,631 30,466 9,217 55,235 32,649 lb 17 3,489 11,036 4,517 747 2,399 135 1,503 3,904 3,941 1,417 8,515 5,037 1,518 4,751 16 4,399 11,103 26,157 76,499 1,964 39,725 24,749 14,374 1,970 16,552 13,249 22,444 65,615 81,770 13,525 24,984 25,236 17 902 1,559 6,352 55,154 378 11,536 12,585 3,734 984 1,024 2,712 6,413 19,260 60,268 2,875 4,764 2,141 18 82 8,586 17,051 95,467 2,163 130, 903 18,611 29,916 5,987 9,323 27,859 12,481 76,635 72,585 3,727 7,919 21,565 1" 82 2,447 7,004 9,546 1,008 18,821 7,443 12,368 2,997 3,165 13,816 3,919 12,021 8,850 1,475 3,913 7,745 20 2,776 651 18, 144 3,323 4,338 170 13,040 4,964 1,277 2,205 785 285 512 3,169 65 2,924 876 496 9,821 4 , 220 1,094 1,281 5,198 3,364 1,523 589 VI 1,000 460 81,013 70,904 3,049 57,245 28, 897 1,604 762 " 504 197 245 93,938 39,476 1,125 8,045 6,863 1,667 1,514 950 2,036 1,920 54,593 3,322 860 969 1,733 2,997 987 25 15,161 23,915 37,578 65,265 7,193 40,063 37,577 30,251 24,465 38,086 2 7, 742 37,747 29,940 89,345 16,248 62,339 34 , 609 26 1,499 662 1,231 963 147 366 824 885 309 190 752 198 572 974 659 2,192 545 27 12,981 15,504 22,045 19,587 3,783 i0,677 17,501 18,291 12,289 9,891 14,716 8,434 11,063 26,150 9,806 40,589 15,286 28 109 122 261 317 66 195 244 171 153 148 279 195 158 219 111 483 167 29 1,024 4,951 6,959 8,661 2,510 9,190 5,965 7,517 10,720 15,836 7,174 16,198 3,594 9,083 2,153 15,703 9,975 10 12 1,497 416 11 786 1,758 3 344 29 2 445 560 2 91 597 3 128 218 1 142 157 6 1,240 244 5 262 869 10 1,118 2,119 7 601 192 4 381 318 7 1,426 266 11 595 162 125 50 196 33 1,156 2,865 7,077 36,231 556 19,751 14,020 4,315 1,456 12,217 4,612 13,115 15,021 52,994 3,688 5,666 7,922 34 30 48 147 1,373 8 197 381 86 27 15 76 53 400 1,695 60 98 61 35 311 822 2,362 27,970 291 6,341 8,652 1,404 862 783 1,387 4,024 5,619 40,995 1,122 1,591 1,226 36 2 194 414 2,601 63 2,331 378 539 174 163 901 262 1,145 2,438 95 144 564 37 9 3,220 5,287 55,325 462 74,120 6,856 9,490 2,615 5,817 10,407 6,382 18,741 53,131 1,574 2,001 11,438 3d 2 67 183 204 45 246 140 185 85 63 382 73 148 138 26 66 207 39 9 670 1,714 3,819 274 6,157 1,928 2,864 996 1,473 3,510 1,441 2,783 3,106 384 919 3,019 40 20 324 1 73 1,026 94 1,971 1 11 91 242 8,641 77 1,436 66 1,555 1 70 287 57 1,094 50 2,204 1 48 49 332 4,535 90 2,724 70 1,775 74 1,749 12 227 39 720 96 2,015 1 359 260 106 158 2,302 7 1,843 161 32 187 99 927 2,226 57 19 45 2,165 2,547 49,500 97 59,322 3,492 4,981 525 2,092 2,362 2,217 14,183 48,276 963 362 6,045 63 1,171 74 1,049 2,084 44,583 5 87 798 25,367 117 2,648 178 2,933 17 235 11 659 77 943 49 974 613 8,244 2,060 44,376 35 640 10 160 145 3,106 ' - 991354 O - 52 - 7 78 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2a.— FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Rockingham Sampson Stanly Farms, 1950, operated by — White operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Nonwhi te operators number Full owners number Part owners , number Managers number AH tenants number Croppers number Land in farms, 1950, operated by — White operators acres Ful 1 owne rs acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhi te operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppe rs acres Cropland harvested, 1919, in farms operated by — White operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres Nonwhlte operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres 3,224 1,2515 273 15 1,680 349 5,300 806 358 4 4,132 928 234,554 120,242 27,610 12,308 74,394 11,799 216,447 37, 375 18,183 1,114 159, 775 24,512 3,014 80,823 1,067 25, 684 264 9,724 14 2,937 1,669 42,478 348 7,352 5,240 139,994 779 16,713 355 9,868 4 336 4,102 113,077 924 19,315 3,615 1,623 401 10 1,581 839 787 165 111 511 385 272,030 122,264 34,513 12,357 102,896 39,713 40,617 9,789 6,044 H4, 784 14, 666 3,365 54,999 1,422 21,775 389 7,595 10 917 1,544 24,712 823 12,221 765 11,171 152 2,040 110 1,690 503 7,441 382 5,617 2,691 1,911 438 6 336 77 424 131 236 133 218,010 12 2,494 63, 168 4,784 27,564 5,802 16, 328 4,821 2,110 273 9,124 3,553 2,360 73,220 1,631 37,571 429 24, 964 5 978 295 9,707 70 2,108 394 6,874 117 1,750 55 1,016 1 50 221 4,058 126 2,287 3,213 2,063 340 1 809 252 327 156 56 4,981 2,314 731 2 1,934 525 2,236 539 444 670 248 307 104 1,016 2,495 1,690 454 4 34? 45 100 3,480 1,700 387 2 1,391 710 149 4,171 2,430 420 4 1,317 865 135 107 95 115 60 207,664 137,883 24,057 349 45, 375 10, 425 16,829 8,246 3,082 1,253 551 359,704 211,505 60,700 365 87,134 19,602 83,645 25,215 18, 966 867 468 97,297 35, 188 21,329 19,633 21, 147 4,330 41,736 6,313 3,737 188,372 115,999 45, 986 652 25, 735 2,926 3,647 1,551 466 227, 716 140, 373 27,610 798 58, 935 21,312 6,777 2, 143 1,4a 258, 291 17^,475 22, 352 1,235 58, 229 25,429 5,365 1,855 881 48,514 36,042 5,951 40 6,481 89 5,894 5,301 578 5,501 2,488 2,928 59,651 1,813 33,507 337 8,198 1 87 777 17,859 241 5,091 312 6,400 146 2,331 55 1,206 111 2,863 59 1, 529 39,464 13, 926 4,631 121,432 1,999 48,519 722 23,385 2 83 1,908 49, 445 521 12,343 2,17 7 43,56 2 498 7,695 439 9,060 31,686 14,182 604 31,494 193 7,946 92 7,746 16 3,623 303 12,179 104 2, 915 1,003 32,597 94 2, 745 49 2,206 1, 630 505 2,196 64,471 1,419 35,323 445 19,331 4 320 328 9,497 3, 213 1,587 3,272 47,786 1,545 24,530 378 6,343 1,349 17,013 686 7,988 145 1,796 36 429 27 314 2,629 1,413 3,889 55,249 2,194 32,925 412 6,399 3 330 1,280 15,595 853 9,908 125 1,494 38 409 18 266 773 5,089 591 3,700 76 734 106 655 105 753 93 583 1,240 26,807 549 10,097 860 27,646 465 12, 982 82 1,053 60 819 49 594 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, 1950, operated by — White operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number Al 1 tenants . number Croppers number Nonwhlte operators number Ful 1 owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Land in farms, 1950, operated by — White operators ...acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhlte operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Cropland harvested, 1949, in farms operated by — White operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners. farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers. farms reporting acres Nonwhlte operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres Tyrrell Wash- ington Watauga Wayne 426 261 91 116 71 18 34,579 18, 106 12, 574 400 3,499 1,652 5,799 2,174 1,018 1,858 749 625 342 13,989 178 4,520 91 6,413 1 300 72 2, 756 38 1,282 96 2,652 53 876 19 563 1 658 23 555 17 492 4,131 2,470 51? 3 1,141 227 829 101 46 682 274 305, 272 186, 290 51,836 656 66,490 9,998 39, 616 5,325 3,774 31,517 7,209 3,857 106,965 2,237 57,583 509 20,894 3 146 1, 108 28, 342 224 5,284 814 18,234 96 1,904 672 14,953 270 5, 121 1,156 446 144 4 562 203 1,248 213 89 1 945 601 89,069 36,026 13,360 2,238 37, 445 8,38? 57,040 10,352 4,862 355 41,471 21,355 1,060 20, 650 370 6,911 140 3,660 2 195 548 9,884 202 3,274 1,210 18,913 199 3,081 86 1,536 1 2 924 14,294 592 8,514 4,172 1,943 483 24 1,722 616 2,047 361 194 1 1,491 895 312,874 162, 193 53,700 13, 760 83,221 23,468 83,745 18,811 10, 355 75 54,504 36,046 3,733 79,266 1,575 30,326 461 13,665 33 3,043 1,674 32, 232 606 10, 363 1,986 34,419 330 5,664 188 3,756 1 48 1,467 24, 951 883 14,038 1,019 529 156 3 332 147 2,143 628 368 620 358 100 6 156 93 346 77 36 3, 63f 2,271 304 8 153 64 1,147 596 131, 162 83, 999 23,689 1, 335 22, 139 6,310 107, 108 33,504 24, 685 133 104 63, 766 38, 334 11,937 4,677 8,928 4,472 3,602 2,764 1,353 163,177 135, 721 11,269 9, 265 6,922 2,180 249 249 48,919 16,541 917 25,443 449 13,802 149 4,955 2 385 317 6,301 143 3,594 3,083 35,072 594 9,562 361 7,033 1, 128 18,477 590 8,839 4,485 3, 075 530 22, 231 278 10,261 96 5,581 5 524 151 5,865 93 3,441 233 5,288 133 3,658 104 3,837 2,380 24,845 2,049 30,638 193 3,139 8 853 130 1,226 3,449 1,233 385 5 1,827 747 1,466 154 77 1 1,234 836 236,703 105, 741 35,783 9,613 85, 566 27,559 54, 184 6,609 4, 111 518 42,946 25,736 3,202 99,462 1,011 27,538 373 13,686 5 4,387 1,813 63,861 746 18,593 1,449 37,924 143 3,939 76 2,200 32, 269 824 20,119 4,936 4,164 433 1 338 96 149 116 25 2,907 736 166 6 1,999 1,544 1,396 100 30 313,099 267,726 36,593 400 18,379 3,833 5,718 4,548 885 1,266 1,145 154,150 50,097 12,628 1,076 90,349 67, 701 53,455 3,959 1,442 385 101 4,389 45, 502 3,582 35,512 423 6,318 1 50 383 3,633 90 1,099 123 873 47,054 41,772 3,798 67,739 648 13, 231 157 4,154 5 275 1,988 50, 079 1,543 39,885 1,386 31,828 95 1,656 3,261 1,812 649 3 797 407 83 38 187,795 116, 136 41,653 733 39,373 11,638 2,811 868 1,051 893 455 2,960 48, 770 1,558 34,671 637 12,996 3 111 762 10,992 393 5,135 72 685 29 190 16 191 1,261 29,429 1,141 26,376 NORTH CAROLINA 79 County Table 3.— FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT, FARM LABOR. AND FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 [1950 data baaed on reports for only a sample of farms- See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Alex- ander Alle- ghany Avery Bruns- wick SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone forms reporting Electricity farms reporting From a power 1 ine farms Average of lost monthly electric bill... Electric water pump fnrms Electric hot-water heater ..farms Home freezer farms Electric washing machine farms Electric chick brooder farms Electric power feed grinder Turms Milking machine farms Grain combines farms Corn pickers forms Pick-up hay balers forms Upright silos forms Pit or trench silos farms Motortrucks forms Troctors farm: Wheel tractors other thon garden farms Garden tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Automobi les farms report ing . . dol lars reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting number report ing number reporting number reporting number reporting number reporting number reporting number reporting number reporting number reporting number reporting number Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule. . farms reporting No troctor and 2 or more horses ond/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting TRADING CENTER AND ROAD Distance to trading center visited most frequently: Under 1 mile farms report 1 to 4 miles farms report 5 to 9 miles farms report 10 miles and over farms report Average distance reported mi Distance over dirt or unimproved roads: 0.0 to 0.2 miles farms report 0.3 to 0.9 miles farms report 1.0 to 4.9 miles farms report 5.0 miles and over farms report Average distance reported ..mi Kind of road on which farm is located: Hard surface farms report Gravel , shell, or shale farms report Dirt or unimproved farms report FARM LABOR Meek preceding enumeration: Family and/ or hired workers farms Family workers, including operator farms Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family. .... farms 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. ing 1950 ing 1"50 ing 1950 ing 1950 les 1950 ing 1950 ing 1950 ing 1950 ing 1950 les 1950 ing 1950 ing 1950 ing 1950 Hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. reporting 1950. . . persons 1950. reporting 1950. persons 1950. reporting 1950. persons 1950. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms Machine hire and/or hired labor farms Machine hire farms Hired labor farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Livestock and poultry purchased farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oi 1 farms Tractor repairs farms Other farm machinery repairs farms repor rep repor dol repor dol repor dol ting 1949. ting 1949. ting 1949. lars 1949. ting 1949. lars 1949. ting 1949. lars 1949. ting 1949. lars 1949. reporting 1949. dollars 1949. reporting 1949. dollars 1949. reporting 1949. dollars 1949. reporting 1949. dollars 1949. 23, .147 14,539 219,417 107,962 218,891 4. 13 71,021 27,257 16,154 132,411 21,603 2,168 3,570 12,753 13,252 1,914 1,937 5,729 5,797 2,634 3,615 705 757 55,374 30,489 60,406 32,924 62,666 28,482 73,534 31,189 59,292 68,744 2,517 2,585 2,043 2,205 140,070 143,666 160,067 152,109 83, 986 63,377 78,340 46,667 16,138 19,676 111,337 85,498 62,154 6 77,868 31,438 105,021 17,510 1.5 aa,66i 35,426 149,576 239,417 434,040 236,199 221,122 100,363 158,693 27,450 54 , 225 250,261 191,980 135,976 12,579,079 148,010 48,214,290 181, e87 43,460,211 139,839 19,466,349 159,291 10,564,771 121,503 25,326,329 39,691 5,391,728 83,321 5,426,456 638 402 2,423 1,615 2,417 4.46 1,128 417 213 1,752 251 60 92 332 337 117 122 52 638 362 724 444 1,022 562 1,221 60S 972 1,106 55 55 45 60 1,811 1,812 2,253 2,032 826 513 579 736 292 130 630 861 1,221 9 921 351 1,240 165 1.5 732 260 1,810 2,338 4,109 2,318 2,172 987 1,627 193 310 2,428 1,553 1,272 142,085 873 296,004 1,793 421,827 1,403 171,249 1,708 94,252 1,178 296,136 567 91,521 868 72,469 100 51 1,566 712 1,566 3.15 576 131 26 1,090 35 15 15 451 253 501 269 466 253 477 261 441 452 15 15 10 10 1,075 1,029 1,195 1,088 6B4 451 307 338 124 716 685 355 6 405 190 936 150 1.9 380 40 1,411 1,501 2,307 1,491 1,411 520 790 71 106 1,671 1,181 1,076 79,995 531 41,103 1,141 186,985 691 67,940 1,046 35,380 701 88,920 281 20,990 396 16,040 272 281 1,222 515 1,222 3.34 301 186 75 905 40 16 131 193 446 133 486 148 166 i 6 '. 162 516 348 551 357 687 326 185 866 260 281 5 611 155 4 70 4 75 846 285 1,352 2,453 1,331 1,276 761 1,041 102 136 1,457 912 421 20,320 797 97,385 1,302 283,735 597 187,990 792 42,350 362 24,915 86 13,460 462 9,480 235 120 2,031 976 2,031 4.65 595 226 115 912 308 8 23 253 269 28 30 58 3 456 238 534 262 509 270 683 307 489 662 10 10 11 11 1,316 1,167 1,525 1,224 856 704 697 378 118 155 1,091 899 533 6 812 237 894 187 1.6 967 4 92 1,205 2,234 4,062 2,176 2,093 715 1,198 331 771 2,13i 1,699 1,186 110,888 1,202 414,895 1,080 400,929 918 215,658 1,142 73,114 753 224,751 345 72,246 428 43,375 66 65 ; ,i>: 'j 1,070 2,814 2.SS 251 151 65 2,129 75 60 85 848 417 894 430 132 117 123 5 5 16 19 1,058 680 1,099 705 1,731 1,128 395 1,240 811 1,443 1,777 526 1,065 231 1.1 1,146 1,481 1,225 3,354 5,200 3,308 2,988 1,292 1,723 328 489 3,504 2,089 592 39,770 1,884 335,050 3,029 424,224 1,339 356,092 2,444 106,205 563 39,128 77 6,060 699 17,675 86 31 ,1 m 615 1,483 2.64 160 136 351 1,202 150 10 15 15 15 11 11 11 11 51 507 319 517 337 57 13 58 14 42 42 10 10 6 6 401 521 447 526 886 501 475 1,208 791 135 321 565 815 340 1,401 2,320 1,381 1,271 605 815 141 234 1,718 1,031 711 26,442 771 74,439 1,412 200,828 796 66,488 1,202 30,743 327 41,720 31 1,639 285 10,505 146 95 2,439 577 2,459 4.06 389 129 2S2 1,391 190 12 11 384 436 79 81 732 435 795 464 1,162 422 1,477 534 1,157 1,438 15 15 22 24 1,400 1,379 1,504 1,415 860 654 647 774 369 121 1,103 1,075 940 591 317 1,546 381 2.5 880 110 2,189 2,849 5,181 2,801 2,651 974 1,326 586 1,204 3,034 2,663 1,477 148,869 2,533 1,348,976 2,140 420,778 1,433 171,802 2,000 359,673 1,603 600,763 900 174,166 1,536 139,458 1M 53 1,912 486 1,907 3.92 489 1S3 125 874 232 5 10 71 79 23 23 162 162 1 479 185 508 196 994 348 1,218 386 979 1,197 5 5 16 16 1,731 1,878 1,944 1,943 462 355 1,328 904 89 362 1,506 741 476 5 693 278 1,344 336 2.1 1,042 116 1,866 2,952 6,307 2,909 2,656 1,707 2,864 384 787 3,006 2,879 2,506 257,092 2,433 594,315 2,100 281,264 1,720 162,821 1,479 90,862 1,775 390,243 658 77,459 1,327 87,351 82 <4I 2,382 787 2,361 4.14 534 206 237 1,275 225 7 30 439 181 476 166 647 222 717 227 632 666 30 30 1,580 1,500 1,658 1,543 745 1,309 973 526 120 296 1,509 1,012 777 6 1,154 296 1,308 343 1.8 1,314 76 2,090 3,255 6,193 3,208 3,001 1,590 2,622 354 570 3,389 2,892 1,962 177,255 2,656 599, 793 2,478 320,469 1,860 143,515 2,498 129,727 2,087 322,799 452 59,229 1,036 44,223 41 24 1,326 380 1,321 4.42 409 174 140 727 62 25 12 12 10 10 468 253 490 262 355 177 385 188 320 348 6 627 533 672 541 594 909 304 319 42 293 948 341 519 619 220 960 130 774 15 1,251 1,755 3,240 1,728 1,543 737 1,186 221 509 1,961 1,581 1,016 47,784 1,376 315,277 1,384 150,029 733 96,939 1,446 58,682 1,035 153,923 254 27,516 407 21,434 80 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.— FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT, FARM LABOR, AND [1950 data based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) ■GSliarrus SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. Electricity farms reporting 1950. . 1945.. From a power line farms reporting 1950.. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars 1950.. Electric water pump farms reporting 1950. . Electric hot-water heater farms reporting 1950.. Home freezer farms reporting 1950.. Electric washing machine farms reporting 1950.. Electric chick brooder farms reporting 1950.. Electric power feed grinder farms reporting 1950. . Milking machine farms reporting 1950.. Grain combines farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. . Corn pickers farms reporting 1950. . number 1950. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. . Upright silos farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. . Pit or trench silos farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Motortrucks farms reporting 1950. . 1945. number 1950.. 1945. Tractors farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. . 1945. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Garden tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. . 1945.. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1950. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule. . farms reporting 1950. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1 Q 50. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1950. TRADING CENTER AND ROAD Distance to trading center visited most frequently: Under 1 mile farms reporting 1950. 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1950. 5 to 9 miles farms reporting 1950. 10 miles and over farms reporting 1950. Average distance reported miles 1950. Distance over dirt or unimproved roads: 0.0 to 0.2 miles farms reporting 1950. 0.3 to 0.9 miles farms reporting 1950. 1.0 to 4.9 miles farms reporting 1950. 5.0 miles and over farms reporting 1950. Average distance reported miles 1950. Kind of road on which farm is located: Hard surface farms reporting 1950. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1950. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1950. FARM LABOR Week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1950. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1950. Ihpaid members of operator's family .... farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. Hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1949. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1949. Machine hire farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Hired labor farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Tractor repairs farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. 558 59 a 3,544 2,787 3,534 4.47 963 488 228 2,608 . 285 31 148 42 47 6 204 338 30 30 974 788 1,088 845 354 192 453 210 289 381 40 40 32 32 1,648 2,501 1,957 2,639 1,755 1,412 742 226 131 520 1,691 766 1,192 1,641 455 1,086 90 0.9 1,273 2,031 765 3, 329 5,345 3,273 2,991 1,172 1,557 334 797 3,689 1,983 1,345 69,6.35 1,293 739, 148 3,099 ,177,891 1,783 373, 229 2,578 153, 322 704 156,460 204 34,448 419 38, 577 146 126 1,597 941 1,591 3.80 550 186 70 995 101 31 3 442 274 490 297 321 134 358 153 291 320 20 20 16 18 910 825 1,010 863 813 638 292 175 153 120 613 680 535 535 270 898 135 1.7 412 301 1,175 1,543 2,458 1,538 1,382 651 897 107 179 1,728 1,097 9 £5 59,720 537 128,704 1,332 330, 645 847 85,460 1,207 59,975 483 5fi. 140 313 254 1,514 1,147 1,514 5.50 853 337 207 1,159 211 33 32 333 349 473 249 577 275 824 571 1, 101 653 804 1,022 20 20 54 59 1,224 1,372 1,569 1,580 520 268 319 689 160 437 796 521 454 205 700 469 140 1,155 1,589 3,101 1,568 1,438 760 1,160 239 503 1,649 1,264 1,078 128,415 659 389, 190 1, 119 386, 785 798 132,695 818 48,610 919 274,011 534 93,350 594 53,240 202 148 2,025 1,379 2,025 4.00 789 298 77 1,530 146 25 634 378 688 398 459 251 488 267 374 392 86 86 10 10 1, 179 1,054 1,361 1,110 1,111 693 211 287 181 126 800 851 578 906 410 818 130 1.4 512 556 1,217 1,805 2,664 1,794 1,639 670 840 115 185 2,030 1,230 952 51,080 590 171,522 1,644 489,435 1,046 82,555 1,234 55,630 550 64,042 194 15,490 280 20,220 339 94 339 5.44 143 98 23 190 109 71 183 210 323 263 178 311 5 5 182 298 201 331 139 48 81 133 62 30 155 150 175 16 232 337 678 316 286 115 180 95 212 394 293 214 37,900 212 232,557 301 64, 722 174 15,085 272 68,876 214 101, 702 178 44,958 138 15,363 41 68 519 572 513 4.37 283 96 27 342 208 227 230 250 189 136 208 150 164 182 25 243 442 314 466 101 206 126 133 48 25 231 130 208 316 20 241 554 1,394 537 522 255 335 129 537 544 439 265 26,095 404 337,073 453 144,409 197 14,871 393 96,626 384 89,423 94 19, 102 194 12,427 86 91 2,142 915 2,137 3.89 592 225 177 1,238 210 30 37 121 121 50 15 15 652 264 796 279 740 221 776 222 700 725 25 25 21 26 1,747 1,396 2,102 1,479 849 449 1,023 565 165 232 1,025 611 1,162 833 286 1,075 135 1.5 1,195 205 1,570 2,706 4,533 2,679 2,514 1,117 1,810 134 209 2,633 1,928 1,550 108, 226 1,233 179, 198 2,046 199,816 1,651 119,579 2,101 113,945 1,443 240,019 479 41,300 1,569 66,400 376 240 2,512 1,831 2,497 4.47 1,457 532 206 1,922 225 50 72 262 263 15 15 122 122 67 92 25 25 622 370 696 410 897 470 1,039 498 857 943 55 55 26 41 1,952 1,911 2,255 2,077 1,144 514 615 613 257 170 1,260 827 825 6 690 460 1,450 150 1.6 786 2,372 4,059 2,357 2,237 936 1,391 257 431 2,782 2,062 1,901 196, 383 86; 245,603 1,937 547,494 1,807 243,881 1,542 80,471 977 196,543 582 76,350 89: 62, 198 190 168 2,308 806 2,298 4.26 951 401 171 1,503 111 11 102 243 243 32 623 296 710 318 744 471 835 514 669 758 61 61 16 16 1,409 1,609 1,527 1,710 850 532 847 574 174 115 955 957 794 371 221 1,168 427 2.8 526 276 1,965 2,360 3,884 2,336 2,246 846 1,343 204 295 8,517 1,582 1,205 107,695 947 287,588 2,002 ,909,024 1,572 594,575 1,354 58,750 1,006 154, 123 503 65,630 695 40,734 111 47 1,103 322 1,103 3.65 273 117 86 685 75 16 11 11 280 164 342 172 91 30 101 32 81 371 315 404 326 842 689 322 43 395 792 515 226 831 195 391 150 567 920 490 1,703 2,805 1,693 1,528 828 1,089 108 188 1,647 787 502 14, 905 462 89,630 1,382 277,760 696 120,740 797 27, 945 177 43,815 71 9,730 46 7,690 NORTH CAROLINA 81 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued only a sh Tiple of I arms. See text] Clay Cleve- land Columbus Craven Cumber- land Cu r r i - tUCK Dire David- son Davie Dupli n Durham tdgecombc Korayth Fran k - In, (JUNtOII Gates Graham Gran- ville Greene 40 551 115 115 169 77 25 877 64 137 390 400 835 130 427 109 20 214 68 1 76 388 79 99 161 50 9 552 70 55 160 136 438 88 251 69 9 145 28 2 595 3,978 4,092 1,254 2,147 469 35 3,167 1,324 4,401 1,393 3,405 2,915 3,129 2,034 743 510 2,218 2,656 3 216 2,560 1,158 844 976 249 -28 2,884 987 1,351 690 1,740 2,551 1,165 1,336 391 120 628 1,503 4 595 3,968 4,067 1,249 2,147 469 35 3,167 1,314 4,373 1,395 3,404 2,915 3,119 2,029 743 310 2,218 2,631 5 4.13 4.71 4.00 4.21 4.90 5.66 5.64 4.51 4.31 3.93 5.19 4.04 5.13 3.35 3.13 5.26 3.74 3.98 2.77 6 115 1,585 1,097 529 840 193 15 1,796 639 1,166 625 681 1,785 838 1,007 279 45 537 610 7 116 722 466 130 374 122 10 427 215 381 209 241 629 309 383 147 35 222 118 S 10 193 541 123 225 50 297 58 233 180 191 275 134 110 126 36 142 204 9 335 2,447 2,162 855 1,057 303 20 2,447 1,023 2,022 694 993 2,240 1,730 1,213 386 360 1,193 1,355 10 50 418 525 151 246 53 10 440 152 412 132 345 388 180 221 75 20 101 619 11 10 36 50 20 31 6 22 21 20 6 26 64 26 15 10 17 20 12 30 76 10 47 33 1 96 112 15 20 108 71 5 46 10 13 294 88 115 196 141 312 163 34 31 164 204 83 213 60 47 32 14 295 88 115 220 150 317 168 34 32 178 216 88 213 60 47 35 15 16 10 3 71 26 26 3 36 17 10 15 15 10 2 16 16 10 3 75 26 26 5 3 37 17 10 15 15 10 3 IT 102 90 66 85 11 67 72 39 35 145 99 67 53 30 51 41 II' 102 90 66 85 11 67 72 39 35 157 99 67 53 30 51 41 IS 10 72 5 21 24 3 22 93 14 16 79 57 5 5 ?f 10 36 56 32 111 20 23 99 105 10 21 5 11 10 19 » a 120 847 1,103 534 546 163 10 942 393 867 441 577 815 698 444 207 160 422 456 2.1 66 463 470 289 350 115 13 649 205 4 60 250 312 581 344 291 92 59 141 172 2' 130 979 1,148 540 625 189 10 1,003 414 914 463 630 953 769 500 218 160 439 4 79 2f 69 515 484 311 376 145 13 703 220 489 269 34 9 634 359 333 100 65 151 180 27 65 1,451 1,169 807 756 212 15 1,252 614 1,056 376 739 1,105 501 754 429 25 4 76 580 2f 20 538 321 225 298 152 897 407 401 141 355 657 210 404 262 15 155 149 2' 70 1,703 1,283 920 902 298 15 1,395 706 1,239 437 985 1,279 554 865 572 30 554 625 3( 20 595 327 245 330 185 945 445 425 155 447 712 215 437 286 16 158 1S5 31 55 1,376 1,134 787 740 207 10 1,177 609 1,006 34 6 729 975 491 713 428 20 433 570 !' 60 1,585 1,237 890 880 287 10 1,290 675 1,164 389 959 1,078 543 794 565 20 484 615 33 10 60 11 10 5 11 5 75 15 27 150 40 1 10 27 48 35 20 16 30 16 75 21 11 40 11 31 5 41 10 ,16 53 35 20 17 30 16 75 21 26 41 11 31 5 42 10 37 185 2,982 2,597 1,153 1,405 328 25 2,382 928 2,740 1,004 2,095 2,275 2,122 1,484 575 200 1,977 1,606 3D 117 2,820 2,416 1,061 1,678 404 31 2,806 1,027 2,727 880 1,957 2,397 2,122 1,532 644 169 2,044 1,714 39 190 3,395 2,969 1,250 1,700 395 25 2,751 1,086 2,934 1,248 2,384 2,789 2,354 1,800 657 200 2,390 1,773 4(1 127 2,971 2,467 1,085 1,728 458 31 3,083 1,138 2,791 974 2,086 2,691 2,206 1,726 690 172 2,185 1,750 41 415 2,548 1,380 514 629 190 21 872 390 1,344 568 1,375 962 795 808 262 290 663 903 42 328 566 2,107 504 923 73 4 705 227 1,802 379 277 700 1,088 487 282 342 503 379 4.1 199 1,243 1,638 - 497 775 73 565 299 1,708 476 1,581 526 1,729 399 297 108 1,669 1,084 44 48 851 999 618 553 148 4 961 466 847 284 523 780 413 441 377 19 423 434 4 1 22 603 198 212 190 58 7 297 126 207 77 220 326 92 293 62 57 145 4ft 85 325 265 195 58 156 25 55 100 400 56 158 120 281 105 310 95 187 135 47 510 3,012 2,440 643 771 198 25 1,036 511 2,550 366 1,706 901 1,387 1,386 677 355 1,266 1,331 4t 205 1,508 1,951 483 1,078 50 1,431 536 1,396 869 1,457 1,216 1,216 812 91 150 1,155 921 41 30 700 1,302 943 1,140 119 860 367 1,415 511 497 958 1,078 116 122 150 665 412 SC 3 5 6 9 8 6 1 7 7 7 8 5 7 6 4 4 5 6 5 SI 185 1,107 935 1,273 898 264 25 1,127 397 1,361 659 1,235 1,017 1,151 653 370 375 591 412 5? 70 811 601 512 231 81 5 460 227 536 245 343 570 361 420 86 75 24 7 195 S3 120 2,020 2,596 153 1,246 107 1,095 635 2,639 757 1,055 921 1,341 915 352 130 1,607 1,331 54 55 215 605 10 259 10 135 170 640 40 65 70 206 35 25 286 115 55 1.7 1.4 2.1 0.4 1.6 - 0.7 0.1 1.1 1.8 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.5 1.0 1.2 0.5 2.0 1.8 56 220 1,340 1,712 926 1,383 307 15 1,107 232 2,074 745 1,936 1,260 1,444 789 568 250 1,037 761 57 495 335 80 20 120 45 10 271 296 220 206 126 465 476 285 20 340 160 145 5B 180 3,711 4,082 1,293 1,493 184 25 1,940 961 3,362 826 1,640 1,455 1,912 1,265 577 190 1,967 1,821 59 645 4,652 5,542 2,085 2,516 404 35 2,712 1,304 5,044 1,510 3,635 2,530 3,598 1,934 1,038 670 2,909 2,626 60 1,115 8,135 12,329 4,409 4,904 817 45 5,036 2,222 9,712 2,319 8,504 4,019 5,976 3,230 1,576 675 5,706 4,520 61 645 4,615 5,472 2,060 2,447 384 30 2,687 1,299 4,994 1,475 3,576 2,499 3,536 1,889 1,023 660 2,858 2,596 6? 590 4,255 5,095 1,974 2,262 363 30 2,502 1,194 4,648 1,365 3,461 2,349 3,395 1,669 988 585 2,692 2,512 63 365 1,897 2,872 944 1,166 143 5 1,295 641 2,266 430 1,691 920 1,353 815 302 205 1,237 896 ft 4 465 3,038 5,014 1,604 1,804 184 5 2,140 851 3,550 640 3,006 1,260 2,095 1,155 410 250 2,299 1,471 65 45 442 942 366 458 127 10 222 99 719 165 588 224 372 238 141 35 480 331 66 60 842 2,220 831 838 270 10 394 177 1,514 314 2,037 410 486 406 178 40 715 537 67 725 4,493 5,679 2,070 2,695 474 45 2,953 1,394 5,315 1,470 3,467 2,851 3,528 2,004 1,089 720 2,869 2,739 68 350 3,457 5,249 1,844 2,065 34 9 25 2,027 914 4,698 925 3,217 2,001 3,080 1,354 863 400 2,113 2,476 69 250 2,945 3,272 771 1,362 259 10 1,695 767 2,937 651 2,436 1,681 2,276 1,093 683 170 1,271 1,503 70 10,915 366,895 246,770 99,669 146,350 37,762 360 153 ,.570 91,595 235,235 39,490 271,219 140,315 147,325 145,815 73,328 6,805 117,719 101,340 71 220 1,982 4,904 1,788 1,787 279 25 1,142 539 4,368 690 2,911 1,266 2,580 723 623 290 1,823 2,383 72 23,615 601,175 1,550,841 733,558 671,720 281,471 10,645 337,423 170,205 1,206,735 302,832 1,377,545 426,823 617,147 290,310 157,041 18, 740 537,106 777,187 73 610 2,360 3,739 1,477 1,868 382 35 2,227 1,158 4,026 1,099 2,171 2,328 2,338 1,516 868 590 1,988 2,034 74 287,245 702,040 469,196 257,295 425,218 241,025 17,705 849,005 303,790 669,930 266,044 381,912 666,455 286,005 386,746 300, 165 60,090 574,225 284 , 545 75 420 2,330 3,349 1,088 1,440 271 25 1,622 862 3,181 798 2,129 1,887 2,086 1,043 702 230 1,786 1,893 76 165,910 477,540 298,151 105,276 351,291 34,579 1,290 342,153 119,212 288,915 102,896 278,022 304 , 920 245,340 14 7,305 96,500 32,990 211,500 165,455 77 490 2,607 3,939 1,303 1,652 358 ' 20 1,557 783 3,556 1,069 2,285 1,974 2,392 1,054 649 345 2,046 1,653 7R 17,025 176,764 179, 751 85,897 109,694 106,905 11,585 123,304 42,480 251,865 133, 688 280,577 125,441 147,018 50,507 50,845 6,175 125,123 76,425 79 115 1,833 4,154 1,315 1,305 243 25 1,568 699 3,214 485 2,272 1,359 2,066 774 509 85 1,538 2,474 80 7,860 395,214 865,362 364,728 334,774 119,854 2,015 274 , 094 153,195 630, 087 119,041 699,290 210,463 340,022 151,697 129,395 4,105 201,005 596,340 81 15 1,007 784 512 519 168 5 693 409 744 178 521 604 297 459 343 5 306 378 82 675 151,971 89,557 68, 100 87, 692 55,352 250 57,355 40,147 88,865 23,020 151,332 59,596 36,225 46,400 53,445 250 35,351 56,085 83 160 1,367 2,304 979 894 193 883 469 2,273 379 1,312 869 1,255 509 397 65 1,333 1,139 84 3,260 165,953 123,210 63,757 66, 152 28,593 43,870 35,990 124,357 21,861 164,720 78,486 81,755 38,344 23,345 1,095 83,388 83,775 85 82 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.— FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT, FARM LABOR, AND [1950 data based on reports for I (For definitions and explanations, see text) Haywood Hyde Jackson Johnston SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1950. 1945. Electricity farms reporting 1950. 1945. From a power line .....farms reporting 1950. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars 1950. Electric water pump farms reporting 1950. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting 1950. Home freezer farms reporting 1950. Electric washing machine farms reporting 1950. Electric chick brooder farms reporting 1950. Electric power feed grinder farms reporting 1950. Milking machine farms reporting 1950. Grain combines farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Corn pickers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Upright silos farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Pit or trench silos farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Motortrucks farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Tractors farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Garden tractors larms reporting 1950. number 1950. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1950. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule. . farms reporting 1950. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1950. TRADING CENTER AND ROAD Distance to trading center visited most frequently: Under 1 mile farms reporting 1950. 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1950. 5 to 9 miles farms reporting 1950. 10 miles and over farms reporting 1950. Average distance reported miles 1950. Distance over dirt or unimproved roads: 0.0 to 0.2 miles farms reporting 1950. 0.3 to 0.9 miles farms reporting 1950. 1.0 to 4. 9 miles farms reporting 1950. 5.0 miles and over farms reporting 1950. Average distance reported miles 1950. Kind of road on which farm is located: Hard surface farm:; reporting 1950. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1950. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1950. FARM LAROR Week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1950. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1950. Unpaid members of operator's family .... farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. Hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1949. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1949. Machine hire farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Hired labor farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Tractor repairs farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. 1,121 712 4,181 3,146 4,176 4.66 2,061 790 468 3,048 489 58 127 373 379 67 67 138 138 105 144 1,206 807 1,357 892 1,506 921 1,700 994 1,431 1,584 101 101 13 15 3,325 3, 287 3,955 3,675 1,330 765 1,157 1,209 307 185 1,275 1,758 1,413 1,965 800 1,470 90 0.9 1,961 615 1,975 3,916 6,659 3,865 3,605 1,576 2,287 411 767 4,087 2,962 2,383 230,160 2,022 799,432 2,970 1,140,375 2,423 444,895 3,037 187,018 2,121 383,905 830 101,956 1,347 111,868 252 103 2,781 923 2,776 4.56 563 260 153 706 285 19 27 127 157 47 47 165 172 13 21 811 352 940 390 957 391 1,287 495 922 1,234 33 1,905 1,853 2,299 1,955 1,122 566 1,829 679 278 246 1,652 1,764 646 894 366 1,84 2 463 2.1 1,423 340 2,485 3,854 9,027 3,803 3,626 2,019 3,838 5 30 1,563 3,983 3,532 3,030 426,540 2,398 ,177,408 2,310 324,276 1,733 288,457 2,473 265, 288 1,686 478,112 720 130,725 1,314 167.006 213 65 4,435 1,347 4,430 4.26 1,270 481 583 2,861 366 25 21 137 140 15 15 122 123 789 332 840 350 1,043 350 1,165 370 963 1,065 50 60 40 40 2,759 2,44 2 3,003 2,535 1,187 1,431 1,648 856 209 365 2,370 1,252 1,112 1,381 685 2,026 301 1.5 1,363 590 3,022 4,418 7, 172 4,393 4,143 1,452 2,256 468 773 4,625 4,845 2,926 227, 618 3,250 .,194,275 2,741 436,025 2,508 222,901 3,078 171,301 2,300 490,526 629 93, 110 1,669 75,385 558 158 2,250 1,585 2,250 3.63 696 263 164 1,723 228 35 80 11 233 286 65 80 685 362 720 390 305 106 336 106 275 294 32 37 5 5 1,000 806 1,109 833 1,117 718 636 200 113 116 1,015 571 803 803 410 730 71 1. 1 538 ,121 926 2, 115 3,827 2,094 1,888 1,003 1,438 340 501 2,345 1,360 695 41,040 1,075 298,1: . 1,980 363, 304 1,214 347,032 1,749 115,497 565 69,680 125 9,725 540 23,590 415 205 1,706 1,571 1,701 6.48 846 411 144 1,195 195 38 54 31 16 110 194 941 793 1,021 831 502 267 640 291 422 500 102 102 32 38 976 1,083 1,216 1,144 969 634 290 250 259 100 852 773 651 847 151 652 170 1.5 678 1,096 562 1,686 2,883 1,640 1,469 622 840 251 574 2,023 1,163 729 67, 378 808 .i'n,089 1,765 689,816 1, 219 266, 505 1,418 125,062 687 148,824 281 29,449 252 23, 734 78 45 1,216 315 1,215 3.66 190 37 77 460 116 116 244 94 256 101 605 260 725 275 605 1,024 1,165 1,161 1,199 241 244 845 503 112 106 976 572 126 466 225 847 111 1.4 593 20 993 1,760 3, 275 1,745 1,684 743 1,224 229 367 1,736 1,616 1,354 162,694 1,401 323,864 1,119 141,895 949 123, 152 1, 231 78, 287 1,070 201, 705 380 51,740 756 35,532 39 32 1,068 479 1,068 4.03 257 107 62 372 132 7 5 59 69 241 161 279 180 263 125 366 147 253 355 10 10 680 964 767 1,011 383 440 644 237 31 35 706 732 170 377 250 667 173 1.8 1,418 2,940 1,411 1,256 647 1,217 147 467 1,403 1,233 980 113,060 978 316,359 888 90,956 745 46,760 91? 75,115 662 140,587 150 31,671 566 30, 962 66 12 397 156 387 4.20 87 15 128 143 22 51 96 57 163 93 231 133 163 224 6 298 280 308 310 224 92 204 119 120 315 155 185 130 170 86 1.7 157 65 430 547 977 532 487 146 201 197 289 598 453 330 32, 760 363 126,480 468 99,355 362 35, 610 34 , 980 238 93,955 163 25, 755 188 17, 255 474 415 3,495 2,231 3,480 4. 24 1,795 643 177 2,709 446 71 166 490 496 26 28 163 168 138 179 20 20 750 558 838 600 1,545 1,010 1,806 1,066 1,495 1,740 46 46 20 20 2,672 2,727 3,169 3,004 1,361 499 748 1,034 495 115 1,351 1,226 1,382 971 591 1,920 281 1.6 1,071 281 2,626 3,459 6,041 3,419 3,164 1,441 2,331 309 546 3,712 2,736 2,318 £53,443 1,446 546, 857 2,656 736,031 2,065 291,443 2,095 98,654 1,857 350,877 971 85, 330 1,25) 93, 673 151 87 1,545 525 1,545 3.00 146 110 106 1,028 56 5 453 235 453 251 499 448 955 932 308 50 170 1,214 451 440 6 855 310 467 125 1.2 400 1,139 701 1,924 3,379 1,899 1,684 1,102 1,554 108 141 1,855 794 242 7,960 689 72,595 1,508 152,250 657 67, 210 1,187 31,655 208 19,250 21 5,780 113 4, 275 NORTH CAROLINA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued 83 only a sample of farms. See te ,0 .tones Lee Lenoi r Lincoln McDovrell Macon Madi son Mart in Mecklen- uiirg Mitchell Mont- gomery Moore Nasi. Sew Hanover North- ampton Onalo« Orange Paml LCO Puquo- tank 19 78 148 ini 96 95 239 1,021 45 114 133 271 239 146 67 165 137 138 1 22 123 99 206 81 73 87 120 606 63 73 97 191 237 102 41 43 56 108 2 1,174 1,330 2,906 2, 036 1,093 1,551 2,454 ::, 366 2,342 1,425 897 1,906 4,814 364 2,172 1,628 1,609 594 558 3 397 537 1,248 1,354 603 419 822 "78 1 682 715 270 FO ?. 2,062 429 544 508 950 302 237 4 1,159 1,330 2,901 2,031 1,093 1,331 2,434 2,361 2,341 1,420 897 1,906 4,814 334 2,167 1,628 1.599 594 556 s 4.30 4.33 4.53 4.43 3.59 3.24 2.70 4.20 7.03 8.64 3. 96 4. 11 3.91 6.16 4.02 3.70 5.87 3.02 6. 70 6 338 545 968 980 312 346 236 543 1, 522 140 350 685 1,152 276 396 411 654 213 308 7 168 213 383 330 • 132 166 145 194 736 85 132 300 456 72 213 91 237 95 16(1 e 114 107 275 80 61 71 220 218 311 35 75 144 369 47 120 90 103 33 51 9 600 889 1,386 1,531 758 936 1,519 1,332 1,546 1,060 644 1,269 2,581 208 726 966 1,003 383 353 in 107 102 402 205 117 120 75 326 435 75 68 98 665 20 257 112 200 186 91 li 16 10 38 35 1 15 30 26 50 1 35 25 1 37 10 10 10 IS 11 21 17 80 5 36 60 20 160 15 31 11 6 6 1 56 5 6 13 70 64 112 241 53 26 15 64 242 104 105 241 10 73 12 183 98 147 14 72 66 115 246 53 26 20 65 243 105 107 342 10 77 13 129 100 153 IS 33 54 35 1 5 15 21 11 17 17 5 21 17 147 16 33 54 35 1 5 15 21 11 17 16 5 21 17 148 17 46 57 99 130 10 6 10 201 151 33 28 389 76 25 59 10 11 HI 46 57 100 130 10 6 10 207 151 33 28 235 77 25 59 10 11 L9 2 1 2 75 11 26 80 121 5 6 3 10 5 8 61 11 20 2 2 10 80 12 32 25 161 5 6 4 10 5 3 77 14 21 1 10 5 26 1 5 50 12 10 22 1 255 244 10 546 5 423 28 496 863 1 470 5 616 50 305 331 607 12 1,078 175 382 343 10 554 164 218 21 571 24 85 146 259 298 202 224 459 196 413 157 202 272 429 853 165 115 284 146 137 2', 266 275 616 576 432 527 888 526 737 310 405 655 1,161 818 481 354 635 330 236 26 88 156 282 323 211 231 471 205 490 164 245 309 460 308 185 122 300 166 164 11 490 419 916 835 ■>38 101 148 713 962 35 351 580 1,313 150 831 645 659 193 403 2E 159 137 322 450 66 53 48 305 620 16 199 274 329 180 379 153 262 120 293 29 625 465 1,085 1,010 254 108 148 858 1,135 40 455 614 1,571 191 1,041 680 778 258 561 30 165 140 354 474 66 58 49 341 701 16 229 301 354 158 448 164 298 148 356 1) 485 394 906 815 213 91 118 703 807 85 321 500 1,352 130 811 554 584 193 398 32 610 435 1,073 980 219 92 118 847 950 85 425 528 1,496 170 1,014 579 678 258 536 33 10 10 10 15 25 15 10 6 150 15 20 60 25 80 6 30 60 16 34 10 10 10 15 25 15 10 6 150 15 20 60 25 30 6 80 60 16 35 5 20 2 15 10 1 80 5 30 10 26 50 1 81 81 35 6 36 5 20 2 15 10 1 20 5 35 10 26 50 1 21 81 40 9 n 831 854 2,108 1,361 543 511 662 1,532 2,032 360 450 1,356 2,991 330 1,687 984 1,314 358 426 38 779 1,005 2,240 1,481 612 467 605 1,607 1,952 323 537 1,120 3,122 431 1,508 910 1,805 260 545 39 935 920 2,456 1,447 593 562 960 1,722 2,593 380 544 1,501 3,505 878 1,853 1,066 1,750 396 517 in 803 1,066 2,301 1,584 630 484 626 1,680 2,282 386 614 1,807 3,230 450 1,570 950 1,367 281 V 640 41 340 499 1,329 856 653 946 1, 128 740 989 1,018 357 632 1,229 119 1,123 431 587 234 117 42 269 336 393 330 485 765 1,007 206 565 587 336 825 1,037 183 474 621 315 165 107 43 498 406 1,137 421 183 466 1, 174 1,124 645 356 154 502 2,249 36 1,400 506 481 191 134 It 390 365 667 555 123. 70 103 653 663 31 852 380 1,104 79 585 484 444 134 343 IS 107 49 255 280 112 29 46 64 354 5 117 198 236 54 242 147 811 65 85 if. 50 40 230 260 90 170 551 199 136 490 70 116 631 80 443 186 35 131 45 47 325 598 1,162 1,030 497 745 1,305 1,409 955 965 582 1,307 2,739 85 1,764 622 495 281 370 ■IB 261 612 1,330 685 685 761 595 875 1,190 330 318 812 1,435 819 1,276 676 881 86 210 49 914 310 900 401 231 505 917 255 666 135 122 229 704 105 247 505 609 381 107 SO 13 6 7 5 6 6 7 5 6 3 5 5 5 7 4 7 8 7 5 51 397 276 1,030 630 471 936 991 930 1,705 585 290 585 1,790 389 1,019 511 395 302 286 52 96 191 431 240 160 370 285 340 290 170 102 427 770 50 345 180 255 50 96 53 426 537 1,255 1,185 456 465 761 1,242 666 580 362 1,076 2,191 30 1,416 978 1,004 219 215 54 81 175 276 65 20 20 320 115 50 95 80 198 147 333 235 161 6 5 55 1.6 2.1 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.6 1.8 1.3 0.6 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.2 0.3 1.7 2.0 1.9 0.8 0.8 56 793 497 1,595 690 401 601 505 821 1,471 330 393 541 2,051 359 1,439 470 527 361 407 57 100 125 150 446 895 1,290 180 765 1,035 151 311 135 30 854 160 271 45 15 58 632 888 1,935 1,521 641 655 1,505 1,707 666 455 543 1,548 3,207 35 1,983 1,558 1,172 297 306 59 1,398 1,320 3,212 1,906 1,118 1,876 2,858 2,520 2,387 1,810 801 8,067 5,129 304 3,804 2,020 1,689 604 558 60 2,333 2,292 5,815 3,600 1,778 2,959 4,567 4,836 4,289 1,780 1,332 • 3,448 9,809 895 5,576 3, 436 3,094 1,538 1,333 61 1,370 1,299 3,153 1,891 1,098 1,841 2,828 2,488 2,302 1,185 796 2,045 5,087 288 3,156 1,994 1,659 577 557 62 1,285 1,214 2,982 1,751 958 1,646 8,613 2,412 2,081 1,035 749 1,920 4,867 273 8,930 1,899 1,539 552 532 63 416 553 1,209 946 485 765 1,195 857 932 430 252 983 2,284 75 1,199 791 617 192 202 64 642 855 1,919 1,558 695 1,050 1,655 1,512 1,453 615 349 1,384 3,687 120 1,996 1,191 1,158 279 279 65 187 130 423 171 82 181 186 472 471 105 84 183 620 94 385 213 813 139 158 66 406 223 914 291 125 263 299 912 755 130 234 844 1,255 502 650 346 407 707 522 67 1,221 1,505 3,504 2,121 1,303 1,951 3,064 2,564 2,422 1,395 891 3,171 5,134 400 3,516 1,981 1,634 654 695 68 1,165 1,275 3,101 1,736 698 1,026 1,288 2,444 1,761 620 641 1,790 4,717 265 3,113 1,686 1,149 513 530 69 584 938 1,695 1,525 550 460 523 1,847 1,426 265 483 1,390 3,316 181 8,814 948 907 301 392 70 (6,381 72, 270 117,208 147,910 26,640 18,035 35,830 210,586 174,670 16, 125 48, 417 98,998 332, 568 10,605 419,833 68,415 91, 105 36,975 159,490 71 1,108 1,100 2,951 846 308 786 1,093 8,259 1,061 450 440 1,385 4,327 190 2,170 1,546 739 453 435 72 528,348 266,615 1,184,651 129, 260 30,346 119,441 131, 295 941, 864 486, 176 50, 070 385, 921 375,058 1,423,690 350,703 687,300 443,669 381, 535 420,827 364,171 73 915 1,105 2,481 1,180 1,053 1,631 2,568 1,902 1,656 1,105 505 1.455 3,843 299 2,152 1,531 1,488 526 593 74 184,692 295, 477 417,423 427,730 190, 653 274,094 277, 595 335,433 677,977 99,415 866,800 1.037,313 507, 564 214, 479 279,715 238,412 727,609 189,680 210,069 75 738 1,085 1,938 1,245 688 1,076 1,372 1,605 1,047 590 425 1,053 3,256 155 1,866 1,019 1,176 411 374 76 77,830 123,775 182, 975 219, 170 64, 710 174, 185 352, 655 143, 138 316, 998 85, 570 134,797 337,584 330, 100 130, 135 311, 760 140, 785 172,498 47,700 74,436 77 479 1,190 1,873 920 837 1,516 1,883 1,368 1,438 660 476 1,601 3,311 305 • 1, 955 1,326 1,229 398 550 78 14,033 83,790 119,367 34, 725 24,560 57,379 93,535 111,389 118,083 30,065 50, 0.76 87, 787 253, 313 165, 100 184, 282 72,408 71,334 88, 403 179, 274 79 725 690 2,616 826 303 331 894 1,584 987 70 460 1, 135 3, 199 210 1,134 1,031 739 284 440 80 250,806 125, 798 696, 755 168,990 42, 190 27,496 80,200 433, 319 819, 184 7,020 120,604 163, 640 790,559 70, 703 258, 986 201,192 185,609 124, 153 186, 286 81 238 190 714 570 93 70 75 503 588 25 281 306 659 90 633 290 389 168 358 82 38,905 22,525 81,823 55,255 3,638 5,245 3,260 59, 188 87,756 1,265 48,281 39,015 117,870 20,994 108, 308 29, 258 72,626 40,670 105,300 83 619 630 1,472 625 152 241 953 1,338 481 35 8*8 755 1,912 68 1,379 569 634 297 353 84 70, 355 19,425 116,210 43, 365 7,527 8,859 28, 844 97,856 40,507 1,015 33,778 88,846 151,864 19,385 75, 399 24,880 59, 526 34, 269 70,645 85 84 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.— FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT, FARM LABOR, AND [1950 data based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1950. 1945. Electricity farms reporting 1950. 1945. From a power line farms reporting 1950. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars 1950. Electric water pump farms reporting 1950. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting 1950. Home freezer farms reporting 1950. Electric washing machine farms reporting 1950. Electric chick brooder farms reporting 1950. Electric power feed grinder farms reporting 1950. Milking machine farms reporting 1950. Grain combines farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Corn pickers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Upright silos farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. Pit or trench silos farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Motortrucks farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Tractors farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Garden tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1950. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule.. farms reporting 1950. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1950. TRADING CENTER AND ROAD Distance to trading center visited most frequently: Under 1 mile farms reporting 1950. 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1950. 5 to 9 miles farms reporting 1950. 10 miles and over farms reporting 1950. Average distance reported miles 1950. Distance over dirt or unimproved roads: 0.0 to 0.2 miles farms reporting 1950. 0.3 to 0.9 miles farms reporting 1950. 1.0 to 4.9 miles farms reporting 1950. 5.0 miles and over farms reporting 1950. Average distance reported miles 1950. Kind of road on which farm is located: Hard surface farms reporting 1950. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1950. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1950. FARM LABOR Week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1950. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1950. Unpaid members of operator's family .... farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. Hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1949. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1949. Machine hire farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Hired labor farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel Bnd oil farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Tmctor repairs farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. 94 30 1,377 684 1,377 4.84 457 142 139 619 102 10 16 73 79 1 472 349 568 864 507 333 636 259 487 604 836 888 911 901 527 935 295 373 151 186 1,096 451 374 538 186 765 342 3.0 854 75 , 168 1,797 3,631 1,770 1,640 681 911 287 1,083 1,957 1,582 1,043 66,755 1,312 735, 305 1,489 348,050 982 71, 985 1,482 148,870 787 182,757 338 62, 260 680 40, 390 Perqun 47 17 730 168 715 4.35 219 93 40 453 95 10 142 157 349. 124 382 142 469 261 603 330 469 600 3 567 656 613 717 187 137 177 376 84 90 386 336 464 61 400 1,637 304 779 471 184 387 841 651 533 84, 875 561 375,965 689 162, 089 563 86,060 535 49,930 455 157,565 3.34 50,552 384 39, 739 63 64 1,944 510 1,934 4.08 433 258 116 1,033 145 10 55 73 5 335 203 336 207 519 215 488 508 5 5 36 31 1,438 1,647 1,562 1,715 591 433 1,296 461 155 516 993 1,006 356 115 1,077 186 2.0 678 245 1,666 2,490 3,833 2,483 2,433 757 1,307 72 94 2,381 1,600 1,269 102, 847 1,118 168,646 1,739 159, 640 1,477 91, 260 1,682 70,730 937 118,760 351 23, 075 904 48,943 445 21" 4,205 2,383 4,200 4.38 1,266 410 344 2,030 646 22 41 287 92 162 162 37 43 993 490 1,343 535 1,331 456 1,658 513 1,351 1,576 15 30 56 63 3,309 3,419 3,844 3,520 1,942 653 2,046 1,032 296 556 3,684 1,753 715 5 1,263 781 2,117 287 1.5 2,022 5,370 10,555 5,138 4,873 2,126 3,726 847 1,956 5,413 4,953 2,775 273,931 4,678 2,089,833 3,497 571,370 3,044 286, 152 3,191 227, 430 4,342 1, 114,208 984 136,349 3,356 315, 137 81 33 828 463 823 5.68 313 127 46 553 82 30 31 10 35 5 5 377 242 398 360 307 95 243 98 192 207 15 25 6 11 471 400 555 422 394 380 216 147 60 913 1,578 893 843 337 543 101 193 1,008 673 566 35,380 356 153,015 628 139,515 468 86, 375 653 23,575 383 51,480 163 16,700 227 10, 275 Randolph 342 236 3,031 1,851 3,021 4.38 1,311 530 236 2,085 306 30 147 285 285 42 42 93 97 26 895 560 983 605 1,277 862 1,47 3 907 1,183 1,331 95 95 32 46 2,152 2,407 3,425 2,676 903 695 725 975 320 80 150 365 1,085 296 1,031 417 1,194 8 8 335 695 126 375 420 1, 443 71 470 1.5 2.2 330 806 150 197 628 2,383 2,916 4,756 2,896 2,750 1,252 1,647 164 359 2,997 1,886 1,523 145,565 1,056 360, 295 2,135 ,015,450 1,480 344, 996 1,309 77, 635 1,327 238,997 656 87,645 819 75,300 306 160 1,227 791 1,227 4. 37 477 212 102 585 176 31 10 90 90 376 262 434 318 316 167 380 211 295 354 10 10 11 16 796 ,059 922 ,112 474 507 368 235 495 131 417 196 578 638 10 834 1,344 3,562 1,203 1,122 557 953 236 487 1,284 964 630 74,097 749 357,546 839 135, 700 629 104, 632 878 74,564 513 171,592 240 47, 660 335 34,470 371 153 6,012 1,831 5,996 3.51 958 508 496 1,984 617 64 30 195 200 105 105 16 455 905 480 873 353 1,015 386 813 939 31 26 60 60 3,578 4,239 3,805 4,306 1,617 2,620 3,405 781 101 330 3,791 3,246 883 1,911 1,163 3,068 275 1.3 2,778 230 5,027 7,624 16,976 7,536 7,105 4,665 8,480 726 1,391 7,513 6,522 4,606 335,620 5,642 1,232,526 4,753 499,894 4,365 355,025 L9j 4,768 830, 15-> 564 103,318 3,331 130,126 Rocking- ham 411 165 3,660 3,457 3,650 3.40 1,222 340 112 2,457 203 16 31 218 218 U 11 83 83 1,153 587 1,236 615 1,299 409 1,416 423 1,184 1,264 50 50 97 102 2,548 2,502 3,131 2,644 1,234 814 1,072 1,034 248 85 1,382 1,874 1,019 1,691 460 1,475 181 1.2 1,556 952 1,741 3,879 6,560 3,853 3,683 1,434 2,373 205 504 3,775 2,734 2,203 174,805 1,853 343, 129 3,911 463, 509 2,247 216,835 2,723 135,900 3,115 279,111 716 59, 694 1,457 75,035 903 666 2,567 2,337 2,552 4.94 1,582 552 238 1,931 408 11 153 472 489 46 46 111 111 74 100 5 5 687 451 729 510 1,12a 1,029 1,333 1,128 1,088 1,288 30 30 35 35 3,063 2,560 2,465 2,855 1,004 519 454 784 354 100 1,251 1,133 489 952 430 1,333 91 1.1 1,013 140 1,769 3,473 4,107 2,461 2,381 942 1,404 346 422 2,608 1,858 1,607 308, 375 877 303, 746 1,988 379,708 1,485 377,800 1,546 86,395 1,218 303, 627 793 105,695 786 53, 769 NORTH CAROLINA 85 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Sampson 169 173 5,651 2, 109 5,606 3.97 1,534 562 387 2,522 567 35 1S9 199 10 10 56 56 Scot- land 764 315 808 332 1,479 450 1,604 480 1,463 1,563 21 21 1,852 1,749 2,142 1,139 335 360 2,707 2,036 2,010 1,197 765 3,196 512 1,984 240 4,722 5,994 10,671 5,944 5,564 2,425 4,042 633 1,065 149 109 878 362 878 4.25 206 104 74 242 6 39 45 1 1 1 1 283 158 329 187 259 120 382 162 234 357 15 15 10 Stanly 20 10 3,562 575 3,863 727 3,913 662 3,989 774 466 365 596 185 74 113 967 378 131 520 136 555 1,364 3,050 1,316 1,211 618 1,065 194 774 1,114 769 462 93,393 659 383,756 548 72 , 74 7 44 7 64,480 671 58, 676 379 126,822 163 55,689 291 38,084 90 86 2,150 1,228 2,145 4.91 1,020 273 148 1,723 302 30 25 4 93 509 56 56 51 51 11 16 1 1 487 210 523 228 1,025 670 1,261 712 978 1,200 40 40 21 21 1,550 1,559 1,731 1,632 713 445 385 696 356 110 1,121 783 441 5 537 315 857 100 1.4 802 170 1,387 1,848 3,018 1,828 1,723 736 1,110 112 185 1,938 1,368 1,172 124,877 54 7 133,505 1,246 465,4 90 1,132 145,200 823 68, 900 1,017 217,070 578 64,150 552 50, 746 110 38 3,171 1,405 3,166 3.20 1,055 280 115 2,536 150 25 15 55 55 920 463 955 478 685 221 705 224 660 675 10 10 20 20 1,705 2,009 1,810 2,081 967 705 1,282 591 84 285 1,281 810 1,175 9 715 275 1,561 520 2.4 1,050 350 2,086 3,090 5,350 3,085 2,945 1,440 2,225 130 180 3,181 2,380 1,875 146,185 1,615 174,480 2,610 566,735 2,110 284,030 1,951 96,605 1,651 200,685 345 23,530 1,515 85,895 Surry 53 3,564 1,369 3,559 3.56 1,073 323 89 2,658 145 32 959 543 1,028 577 708 239 745 249 678 705 10 10 25 30 1,899 1,721 2,110 1,778 1,459 804 1,314 600 129 185 1,208 1,365 1,221 887 410 1,846 275 1.7 1,337 571 2,036 3,449 5,866 3,424 3,209 1,411 2,318 139 339 3,574 2,319 1,645 129,985 1,754 359, 610 2,968 597,092 2,225 203,040 2,108 140,925 1,774 260,565 423 34,495 1,733 65,040 1 35 462 245 462 3.41 40 51 77 218 92 223 454 376 75 4 62 205 135 262 375 175 667 ,130 657 577 301 507 32 74 7 182 46 1,140 162 22,890 466 40,150 206 20,995 541 11,155 Trunsyl- nia 55 59 872 480 871 3.48 261 126 41 646 105 11 15 Tyrrell 10 302 168 309 177 62 50 83 53 47 62 10 400 486 415 492 610 34 7 125 451 357 185 6 421 225 227 366 537 215 818 -,316 813 772 346 461 67 1,028 438 255 11,100 273 50,210 782 77,565 661 62,895 407 3.90 35 191 25 142 76 148 76 182 69 239 60 182 239 186 239 207 248 119 119 124 136 211 196 120 8 231 50 146 95 1.9 462 821 447 427 110 125 112 269 522 467 336 57, 706 402 251,811 462 171,812 331 49, 105 151 100 4,337 2,441 4,332 4.25 1,661 611 180 3,037 311 50 65 706 726 45 45 101 101 25 25 20 20 997 379 1,022 403 1,437 726 1,783 779 1,377 1,688 35 35 55 60 2,752 2,708 3,046 2,840 1,314 919 1,329 891 507 221 1,535 1,811 1,236 786 345 1,981 456 2.1 1,146 726 2,891 4,091 7,649 4,046 3,806 2,156 3,411 281 432 4,344 3,649 3,134 346, 655 2,048 335,630 2,513 893,455 2,136 413,705 233 159 1,655 543 1,653 3.98 440 245 100 850 121 36 21 49 49 320 147 327 159 220 210 224 1,295 1,214 1,459 1,520 593 522 1,070 186 75 650 ,201 414 982 230 823 140 1.6 1,005 95 1,222 2,205 3,886 2,188 2,098 865 1,390 307 396 2,095 1,408 816 41,735 1,268 366,022 1,590 287,600 1,275 107,450 1,303 424 5,490 2,762 5,485 5.12 2,238 1,019 564 3,517 776 32 83 183 191 12 12 158 159 15 23 452 2,936 1,599 1,111 1,940 755 2,419 145 1.1 2,081 512 3,404 5,447 10,296 5,361 5,036 2,279 3,769 782 1,491 5,489 4,428 3,046 291,760 3,756 1,684,938 4,052 1,394,106 3,563 070 1,270 596 777 285 1,381 700 854 319 1,277 359 417 195 1,465 461 454 219 1,167 359 1,294 473 95 95 74 3 76 8 3,679 1,140 3,576 1,349 4,216 1,358 3,779 1,405 1,463 924 1,253 661 2,241 1,011 1,023 326 239 40 205 120 1,784 520 1,784 4.10 444 181 153 786 67 6 12 108 117 Wash- ington 181 1,133 979 739 7 748 264 1,320 231 1.6 1,074 221 1,738 2,603 4,868 2,548 2,387 1,161 2,057 256 424 2,552 1,671 1,023 62,718 1,334 307, 706 1,481 179,983 1,069 135,460 29 26 611 91 611 :.. ::>. 163 76 76 273 42 139 61 150 64 271 121 338 136 266 321 5 10 7 7 431 341 460 349 219 215 55 123 137 5 252 136 405 215 5 611 741 ,280 716 681 181 307 135 736 640 457 71,645 530 241,041 505 156,892 343 30,160 Watnuija Wayne W.lkea Wilaon Ya.lkin Yantey 211 153 2,032 1,115 2,027 3.01 263 165 125 1,471 70 621 443 672 475 5 575 586 630 618 1,203 848 507 56 25 4 76 ,241 4 90 376 1,097 280 606 110 1.0 806 1,055 691 1,970 2,970 1,940 1,805 620 870 185 295 2,341 1,350 540 23,955 1,156 134,190 2,016 309, 725 1,101 195,570 2,130 510 18,780 493 77 4,173 1,656 4,163 4.11 1,116 433 271 2,149 618 37 26 231 240 16 16 110 111 746 375 777 367 1,367 446 1,529 480 1,332 1,489 30 30 10 10 2,782 3,053 2,961 3,148 1,274 458 1,850 839 494 4,615 4,155 2,850 202,925 3,820 1,420,265 3,701 657,834 3,365 291,425 3,442 210,627 3,203 781,647 873 121,430 2,053 123,591 160 299 3,728 2,018 3,713 3.52 1,408 385 105 2, Mil 76 10 30 51 1,268 797 1,378 645 643 334 700 352 573 605 45 45 ,728 ,705 2,218 1,593 621 388 255 186 140 1,652 1,305 1,683 1,476 1,396 2,032 7 9 1,529 955 615 615 1,936 2,116 210 661 1.2 2.3 1,926 1,067 5 1,470 2,836 2,301 4,443 4,002 8,141 6,244 4,356 3,972 4,171 3,592 1,632 1,590 2,647 2,205 774 336 1,123 447 4,513 2,631 1,846 103,515 1,551 228,990 3,993 3,146,1150 2,357 883,429 2,492 102,350 1,288 133,348 368 28,885 728 33,255 182 138 3,725 2,344 3,715 3.97 799 158 224 2,149 665 20 10 199 170 10 10 102 102 602 290 629 303 914 256 1,046 275 694 1,026 20 20 2,603 2,674 2,691 2,734 1,891 742 177 501 2,335 921 437 1,281 485 1,720 110 1.1 ,752 175 ,191 3,935 7,547 3,874 3,749 1,712 2,848 593 950 4,089 3,798 2,744 203,223 3,548 1,328,040 3,345 396,914 3,059 182,602 2,811 114,280 2,847 604,805 703 68,080 1,898 123,045 106 67 2,867 1,629 2,867 3.88 1,166 401 121 ■ ,"'■' 155 11 55 176 181 35 46 62 20 20 812 448 871 464 1,112 4 72 1,204 487 1,067 1,148 30 61 58 2,060 562 2,035 2.79 256 146 97 ,474 393 207 408 214 31 15 31 15 26 15 26 15 1,847 643 1,616 363 2,032 678 1,915 373 1,124 1,339 640 724 459 646 914 31 207 315 661 1,106 1,112 891 390 870 382 672 310 1,540 205 1.8 716 261 2,065 2,592 4,162 2,577 2,422 970 1,510 117 230 2,882 2,352 1,970 220,395 1,557 273,884 2,086 545,045 1,841 273,235 1,651 79,785 1,617 295,720 747 64,995 1,052 61,890 1,145 250 522 120 0.9 643 1,261 695 2,080 3,206 2,064 1,914 736 1,007 207 265 2,224 983 371 13,488 758 71,065 1,828 257, 305 939 142,275 1,429 51,040 252 21,010 30 1,325 213 6,503 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 1 of 2). LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK (For definitions and explanations, see text) 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Rl 82 83 84 85 Soecified classes of 1 ivestock. . total value. .dollars 1950... 1945... Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. - . Horses and colts, including ponies 'arms reporting 1950... H 1945... number 1950.. 1945.. value. .dollars 1950.. Mules and mule colts farms reporting 1950.. 1945. . number 1950. . 1945.. value. .dollars 1950. . Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. number 1950. . 1945.. value.. dollars 1950.. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1950.. 1945 1 number 1950 . 1945 1 .. Milk cows fBrms reporting 1950... number 1950. . . Heifers born before Jan. 1 farms reporting 1950... number 1950. .. Steers and bulls born before j Bn l farms reporting 1950... number 1950... Calves born since Jan. 1 farms reporting 1950... number 1950. . . Dairy products sold farms reporting 1949. . . 1944... dollars 1949.. . 1944... Whole milk sold farms reporting 1949. . . 1944-.. gallons 1949.. . 1944. .. dollars 1949.. , Cream sold farms reporting 1949. . . 1944... pounds of butterfat 1949... 1944... dollars 1949.. . Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting 1949... dollars 1949... Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting 1950... number of cows 1950... Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons 1950. . . Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting 1950... pounds 1950. . . Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting 1950. . . 1945. . . number 1950. . . 1945... value.. dollars 1950. .. 4 months old and over farms reporting 1950... number 1950. . . Less than 4 months old farms reporting 1950.. number 1950.. Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting 1950. 1945.. number 1950. . 1945. . Sheep and wool : Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1950. . 1945.. number 1950. . 1945.. value. .dollars 1950. , Sheep and lambs born before Oct 1 1949 farms reporting 1950. number 1950. . Fwes farms reporting 1950. . 1945 ! . number 1950. . 1945*. Rams and wethers farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. . Umbs born since Oct. I, 1949. .farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1949. . 1941-. number shorn 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1 949 . . 1944.. value. .dollars 1949.. Average date of enumeration. 1950. 146,286,671 144, 247, 857 188, 633 60,712 58,799 89,167 92,036 8,445,035 143,235 157,879 262,966 280,308 42,305,911 169, 644 194,002 697,535 721, 177 65,955.868 161,756 186,434 391,592 426,579 153, 90S 332,967 55,914 148,193 22,435 61,107 47,936 96,643 35,635 46,958 26,227, 191 20,005,528 21,371 22,651 56,763,924 49,480,064 24,729,334 4,477 4,729 1,084,727 1,081,118 556, 404 13, 326 941,453 142,117 260,355 104 , 237 375, 799 203, 407 193, 743 1,231,121 1,068,598 19,460, 526 163, 161 626,568 95, 981 604, 553 71,063 71,830 146,299 126,494 2,318 2,633 49, 839 41,373 808, 237 2,217 28,775 2,156 2,204 25, 843 30,278 1,362 2, 932 1,901 21,064 1,821 2,031 24, 703 130,416 166,036 58,511 4/15-4/2H 1,830,436 1,668,001 1,858 843 980 1,321 1,749 147,952 1,268 1,328 2,269 2,541 344,888 2, 186 2,292 11,322 10,628 1,056,443 2,103 2,241 6,316 6,847 2,059 5,888 828 2,861 321 762 662 1,363 683 868 633,841 466,676 300 397 1, 263, 920 1,251,436 575,349 27 2 35,602 400 17,959 423 40,533 909,502 774,841 1,954 4,776 1,620 7,568 1,752 8,014 6,563 152,470 1,413 4,414 920 3,600 349 557 662 852 619 314 9,364 363 24 23 324 252 17 39 18 256 21 21 343 1,713 2,439 771 4/15-4/28 Alleghany 2,060,463 1,050,498 1,121 6 24 679 870 996 83,520 571 780 864 1,239 113,184 1,576 1,726 5,842 6,101 595,908 1,527 1,692 3,4^0 3,725 1,453 3, 170 640 1,476 146 288 377 608 578 778 217,740 161,019 281 352 467,595 47 2,817 191,521 114 98 35, 498 23,366 16,740 213 9,479 1,416 2,700 877 816 768 1,411 1,488 122,'57 82 70 152 127 16, 872 1,531 1,518 17, 936 13, 990 1,734, 252 1,506 1,488 9,570 8,442 1,455 8,441 739 3,427 371 1,745 896 3,194 882 687 681,508 236,099 813 561 1,873,472 927, 230 676,318 60 100 9,320 19,847 4,486 1,363 4,719 1,046 3,494 1,275 1,163 2,889 2,546 52,794 696 1,428 706 1,461 144 167 240 217 1,547 4/15-4/28 905 1,772 1,041 810 3,413 2,036 55,561 753 1, 484 1,714 263 260 375 403 217 241 5,564 3,740 99,128 212 2,948 210 222 2,816 3,313 109 132 200 2,616 205 223 8,871 14, 765 15,417 7,107 1,356,831 1,309,558 463 418 652 635 56,724 1,551 1,579 3,037 3,153 376,588 1,712 1,981 7,844 7,945 1,624 1,917 4,261 4,521 1,546 3.C35 614 1,800 214 442 448 1,341 227 394 148, 186 129,926 122 140 336, 110 300,510 139,681 45 75 5,059 14,750 2,703 Avery 3,159,880 1,698,476 2,072 2,021 1,722 3,108 2,954 270,396 73 87 108 138 11,988 3,621 3,654 27, 177 23,014 3,569 3,603 13, 184 11, 938 3,472 11, 914 1,819 5,919 928 3,868 1,886 4,206 1,790 1,874 502, 774 415, 158 1,768 1,652 1,770,254 1,656,807 499,614 5,802 1,412 2,326 1,169 4,071 1,892 1,786 7,380 6,904 134,711 1,455 4,334 739 3,046 416 429 783 675 5 12 157 138 2,022 385 536 131 2,769 1,495 3,169 6,729 1,573 3,360 2,527 2,333 6,377 4,219 111,667 2,066 4,010 718 2,367 326 326 457 383 6,076 4,655 108,356 211 3,280 210 389 3,019 4,160 116 361 199 3,796 199 288 3,051 15,095 22,677 7,348 4/1-4/14 910,381 649,711 925 851 950 1,281 1,489 111,447 87 96 128 134 14,208 1,577 2,015 6,785 7,951 657,185 1,539 1,980 3,562 4,351 1,466 2,831 491 1,114 232 912 641 1,197 183 389 84,605 61, 379 163 362 202,150 191,424 80,654 11 1,456,592 1,934,469 4,809 75 2,498 1,309 2,054 1,012 3,832 1,176 1,196 2,504 2,055 42,169 850 1,396 508 1,108 178 313 239 363 1,983 1,045 35, 487 45 1,014 902 59 893 56 45 1,100 5, 631 4,958 2,805 1,793,977 2,174,706 2,031 361 409 561 645 59,466 1,816 2,018 3,336 3,885 570,456 1,006 1,357 4,398 5,383 374, 126 900 1,157 2,337 2,930 803 1,385 328 857 180 457 286 747 107 214 125,744 77,829 52 84 284, 390 163,855 130,733 38 16 4,461 3,515 3,330 54 2,681 717 1,083 350 805 3,192 2,336 20,773 20,864 330,075 2,022 9,604 1,239 11,169 1,546 1,616 3,114 3,955 44 31 457 425 6,4 38 262 195 355 27 67 35 195 37 36 181 1,021 1,828 478 2,462 601 586 807 858 01,507 2,266 2,516 4,647 4,965 799, 2P4 873 1,148 2,864 3,173 361,627 810 1,066 1,624 1,690 701 1,130 267 482 130 345 373 513 63 59 11,418 45,412 38 12 26,349 81,549 10, 618 20 7 736 3,195 445 17 355 585 702 1,133 415 1,048 2,680 2,658 39, 168 26,275 548,829 2,587 17,847 1,765 21,321 2,125 2,206 5,561 4,019 13 12 351 358 5,486 13 173 13 9 133 136 7 40 13 178 126 704 1,000 313 1,715,360 1,803,434 546 298 84,040 -2,579 2,627 3,743 3,743 729,889 1,766 I 2,004 5,434 5,963 475,681 1,628 1,757 3,070 3,206 1,543 2,465 504 1,07" 4/13-4/28 4/15-4/' 'Cows and heifers 2 years old and over. 'Ewes and ewe lambs kept for breeding. NORTH CAROLINA 87 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 796, OPi' 854,373 143 98 169 127 18, 150 1,377 1,312 1,837 1,745 358,215 653 537 2,084 1,897 179,248 595 4 65 1,116 1,144 538 928 230 358 130 273 213 337 69 36 32,590 30,173 49 28 70, 155 61,064 32,058 10 4 252 650 155 19 377 431 606 170 440 1 550 1 313 12 667 11 956 182 549 1 425 6 051 823 6 616 893 865 1 609 1 618 3 18 49 209 2,589,789 1,913,682 2,382 1,916 1,898 2,734 2,959 221,454 594 915 823 1,310 88,884 3,663 4,745 22,314 24 , 878 2,059,799 3,493 4,603 11,387 12,580 3,338 10,062 1,484 5,514 631 2,559 1,268 2,854 802 1,515 1,419,395 1,218,034 521 720 2,873,897 2,789.905 1,393,351 35 19 5,324 60,577 3,053 353 22,991 3,093 7,828 2,161 8,409 2,259 2,695 5,657 6,219 92,797 1,467 3,057 1,015 2,600 270 400 4 50 596 279 438 ,028 8 156 8 25 133 361 9 124 7 21 148 1,081 1,819 508 760,632 686,705 1,065 646 678 897 1,090 72,657 4"." 647 637 983 1,591 1,628 4,932 5,360 469,469 1,474 1,557 2,760 3,105 1,473 2,620 532 1,171 227 390 371 611 4 68 534 187,229 190,747 300 259 467,986 404,453 168,060 40 103 6,812 25,486 3,565 254 15,604 1,388 2,231 1,026 3,782 1,370 1,252 4,521 3,976 76,371 999 2,664 512 1,857 162 213 362 489 15 90 222 306 18 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 1,333,832 1,372,334 1,228 584 712 932 1,196 81,084 853 1,128 1,512 2,184 187,488 1,491 1,676 9,536 10,050 876,4 65 1,432 1,630 5,476 6,278 1,387 4,748 595 2,003 263 609 535 1,448 522 647 631,141 479,107 287 297 1,292,591 1,115,097 568,191 76 103 70,112 23,410 37,091 201 25,859 1,305 3,841 776 3,066 1,361 1,424 5,605 6,565 100,038 914 3,094 715 2,511 297 420 568 687 215 1,063 18 42 157 6 14 49 382 ,278 187 4/15-4/28 908, B83 772,312 1,224 927 1,041 1,300 1,621 113,100 289 423 407 613 45,177 • 2,038 2,060 6,117 6,824 602,494 1,934 1,995 3,451 4,105 1,886 3,183 714 1,501 205 421 466 744 575 589 170,481 150,736 349 331 304 , 988 332,524 145,511 58 20 8,661 5,682 4,34 7 325 20,623 1,767 2,768 1,232 4,289 1,584 1,772 4,104 4,603 68,446 1,039 2,217 739 1,887 244 263 423 393 50 69 901 2 25 178 133, 78 4/15-4/28 297,804 44 1,410 303 169 154 245 291 24,745 186 302 259 575 44,548 309 349 1,384 2,148 125,261 298 249 767 656 226 480 126 120 258 2,597 11,292 25 16 3,309 19,875 1,744 10 2 233 497 142 218 267 317 336 4,911 5,456 66,672 293 2,043 220 ' 2,868 224 79 677 397 58 586 860 ,441 34 297 575 240 36 32 312 ,532 ,546 309,587 490,514 447 111 207 142 282 16,052 366 606 542 782 92,682 171 382 1,295 2,362 118,291 162 345 770 1,191 134 274 62 163 180 53 182 21 61 28,606 52,365 43,586 101,089 23,863 8,414 4 72 4,713 115 184 351 577 4,256 5,754 62,825 312 1,703 211 2,553 231 321 531 742 37 471 514 4/1-4/14 595 15 , 1 ': , >:. I 1,24 6,983 2,080 317 331 488 486 54 , 656 1,940 1,683 3,932 3,203 600,704 2,276 2,180 5,772 5,438 586,214 2,171 2,122 3,889 4,089 2,159 3,587 517 1,011 125 218 385 654 297 432 173,641 140,864 151 24 6 406,357 392,395 163,851 49 2 6,765 665 3,704 107 6,086 2,000 3,120 6,207 1,803 6,816 2,469 1,861 6,855 5,145 136,064 1,678 4,200 969 2,655 250 225 356 305 169 1,494 4/15-4/28 243 831 102 4/15-4/28 852 1,059 1,290 1,737 1. "0,000 1,105 1,302 1, 740 2,205 228,988 2,494 2,688 11,783 11,531 1,183,122 2,376 2,644 6,737 6,718 2,315 6,356 959 2,621 387 924 674 1,501 969 1,086 763,405 460, 787 586 531 2,060,442 1,394,929 725,275 222 319 48,717 88,515 20,811 238 17,319 2,278 5,520 1,387 4,138 2,165 2,256 5,998 5,539 114,984 1,426 3,369 935 2,629 248 366 475 513 11 164 1, 914,824 1,949 mil 857 , .""" ,:■■■■«' ,072 , :".< I ,7.": 243 ,898 633 2,281 2,384 11,722 10,349 1,189,447 2,215 2,340 6,894 6,294 2,161 6,006 864 2,709 311 695 633 1,424 688 732 722,920 433,920 232 205 1,489,183 990,266 696,156 66 12 13, 714 5,612 7,463 417 19,301 2,027 4,868 1,695 6,433 2,113 2,116 9,261 9,029 169,720 1,520 4,614 1,109 4,64 7 641 743 1,306 1,343 16 15 268 390 3,745 15 4/15-4/28 151 250 103 11 14 170 875 1,558 351 4/15-4/28 :.■.'.'..:,.. 1,098 728 729 942 1,033 76,302 418 527 387 718 63,396 1,559 1,779 5,309 5,840 497,303 1,517 1,742 2, 919 3,485 1/180 2,681 471 1,198 170 386 428 806 181 337 137,119 93,406 148 234 323,307 235,372 131,650 14 19 8,210 5,078 4,111 47 1,380 2,158 1,115 3,938 1,128 1,119 3,355 2,957 55,305 729 1,840 553 1,515 215 201 382 297 163 115 2,333 240 332 4/1-4/14 562, 146 ■v., I! 546 159 177 213 272 si, na 4?4 583 800 1,158 216 333 1,123 1,881 102, 902 204 337 636 1,247 163 320 Clay 72 188 103 82 196 30 41 2,931 40,156 21 17 5,838 82,010 2,549 7 2 430 110 236 14 9 209 103 290 579 729 17,490 19,439 246,730 565 8,120 429 9,370 4 71 648 2,142 2,146 18 252 363 ,104 140 248 5 16 9 96 11 10 229 1,576 2,059 666 4/15-4/28 :,:',i., 'i7ii 548, }1Q 593 429 110 571 Ml 46,251 188 259 268 367 28,944 883 947 3,304 3,669 311,093 862 871 1,878 2,057 842 1,784 351 894 107 271 425 102 311 90,870 68,081 96 207 229,219 182,800 90,224 2 85 639 10, 744 372 789 1,352 657 2,129 729 688 2,357 2,228 38,297 486 1,237 387 1,120 176 162 319 370 16 247 235 155 1 , ""' 2,257,251 2, 731 111 49 2 897 802 ' ", ' ■ 2,468 2,919 4,877 6,032 601,748 3,847 4,265 13,505 1,237,063 3,733 3,948 7,971 8,423 3,683 7,450 1,110 2,604 363 1,033 823 1,474 1,169 1,638 556,192 485,563 694 658 1,179,351 1,085,279 507,295 255 684 59,392 126,929 28, 901 284 20,296 3,497 6,525 2,361 8,276 3,600 3,027 9,390 8,812 170,200 2,311 5,410 1,501 3,980 342 569 701 758 70 113 214 552 107 4/16-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 2, 482, 9b3 I ." 4, 177 4,692 19f. 466 620 631 .i f > r 4,411 4,261 8,723 6,445 I, ■ , 2,070 2,683 5,429 6,493 1,876 2,510 3,051 3,698 1,736 2,508 694 1,110 285 514 506 754 86 136 67,426 81,561 68 44 156, 780 141,517 66,289 13 15 1,323 1,066 723 19 1,500 1,920 4,695 4,338 33,147 29,439 481,019 4,256 16,145 2,483 17,002 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2,585 61 2,623 62 4 , 159 63 4 , 353 64 103 14 7 1,176 7 69 412 459 206 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 BO 81 82 83 84 85 88 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 1 of 2). LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cumber- land Duplin Edgecombe Specified classes of 1 ivestock, . total value .dollars Horses and mules: Horses and'or mules farms reporting Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting number value, . dol lars Mules and mule colts farms reporting number value . .dollars Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves., farms reporting number value . .dollars Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers born before Jan. 1 farms reporting Steers and bulls born before Jan. 1 farms reporting number Calves born since Jan. 1 farms reporting number Dairy products sold farms reporting dol lars Whole milk sold farms reporting gal Ions dol lars Cream sold. . farms reporting pounds of butterfat dol lars Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting dol lars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of cows Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Butter churned, week preceding enumeration.. farms reporting pounds Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting number value . .dol lars 4 months old and over farms reporting number Less than 4 months old farms reporting number Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting number Sheep and wool : Sheep and lambs farms reporting number value. . dol lars Sheep and lambs born before Oct. 1, 1949 farms reporting number Ewes farms report ing number Hams and wethers farms reporting number Lambs born since Oct 1, 1049 farms reporting number Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting number shorn Wool shorn pounds value, dollars 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 945' 950. 945' 950. 950. 950. 950.. 950. 950. 950. 950. 949. 944. 949. 944. 949. 944. 949. 944. 949. 949. 944.. 949.. 944. 949.. 949. 949.. 950.. 950. 950. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 950. 945' 950. "45 ! »50. 950. 950. 950. 949. 911 049. 949 944. 949. Average dato of enumeration 1,042,B61 1,261,807 1,622 31V 190 439 268 46,534 1,441 . 1,602 2,469 2,710 422, 199 763 955 3,226 3,539 279,601 710 B90 1,732 2,044 650 1, 374 273 616 171 409 233 469 67 186 138, 538 159,479 40 57 273,717 359,611 135,152 4,838 1,052 2,730 19 656 533 923 300 814 1,634 1,587 14,099 14,265 220,367 1,519 6,819 894 7,280 1,054 733 1,924 1,465 1,431,392 1,742,713 2,174 414 367 542 533 59,620 1,961 2,255 3,260 3,772 635,700 1,275 1,691 4,471 4,944 395, 300 1, 187 1,590 2,604 2,949 1,110 2,342 331 834 164 360 337 673 167 328 284,427 185, 132 92 143 509,905 505,636 278,565 30 25 2,919 1,636 1,642 70 4,220 1,012 1,833 710 2,220 2, 126 2,320 16,936 15, 742 252,285 1,887 8,858 1,022 8,078 973 1,309 2,008 2,278 20 118 190 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 368,511 593,995 339 146 183 207 281 20,907 240 415 332 737 57, 104 230 418 1,780 2,610 163,662 228 370 1,072 1,457 185 391 81 175 59 120 105 413 23,436 6,721 18 42 45,208 13, 860 23,001 6 445 152 240 314 431 5,518 6, 106 76,546 393 2,444 203 3,074 233 362 761 1,273 707 702 11,476 383 269 32 46 41 278 45 31 419 2,376 2,168 817 4/15-4/28 11,904 17,410 30 1,010 48 5,432 699 3,000 2 6 1,510 6,200 603 1 160 131 213 1,916 430 3 18 3 1,890,915 1,731,712 2,215 1,448 1,742 2,165 2,868 307,840 951 1, 184 1,461 1,912 191,391 2,514 2,919 11,112 10,512 1,148,381 1,448 2,880 6,753 7,109 2,387 5,845 727 2,462 240 632 577 1,265 740 887 736,727 521,291 433 416 1,422,590 1,356,906 702,563 76 118 19,290 48, 724 9,802 280 24, 362 2, 186 4,665 1,396 5,455 2,424 2, 460 10,031 9, 185 183, 384 1,478 4,964 1,358 5,067 421 646 864 1,084 35 18 401 143 5,581 1,178,853 993,203 1,003 491 575 794 994 76, 224 613 724 955 1,255 125,105 1,231 1,350 8,520 8,466 849,902 1,191 1,325 4,864 5,398 1,099 4,489 568 2,401 177 382 368 873 495 756 646,930 477,331 345 372 1,401,601 1,489,542 634,002 42 29 8,949 10, 845 4,603 136 8,325 1,089 3,801 638 2,400 1,075 1,112 3,423 3,647 66,902 770 2,019 445 1,404 179 195 294 357 12 4/ 15-4/28 159 20 11 161 996 384 183 108 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 2,638,809 2, 956, 600 4,386 730 664 940 905 103,400 3,973 3,636 6,497 6,116 1,266,915 1,792 2,365 5,876 7,797 496, 326 1,674 2,233 3,023 3,926 1,501 2,409 628 1, 112 360 797 545 944 119 102 49,059 32, 136 51 40 96,831 82,308 45,581 38 6 2,416 620 1,436 46 2,042 1,243 1,561 785 2,228 4,217 3,996 44,177 35, 798 6 22, 6 10 3,964 19,791 2,516 24,386 2,945 3,269 6,083 5,690 350 250 1EO 805,393 780,864 1, 175 368 267 557 430 62,384 958 987 1,654 1,662 251,408 1,110 1, 164 4,318 3,961 413,345 1,057 1,031 2,524 2,453 969 2,047 301 895 109 346 232 553 244 225 281, 626 171,955 66 84 542,797 332,897 263,519 8 2 4,083 400 1,956 181 16,151 914 1,745 807 3,614 1, 113 971 4,122 4,044 79, 549 770 2,355 492 1,767 229 126 447 274 54 765 2,522,508 2,641,097 2,365 ie4 166 421 323 42,521 2,333 2,808 7,476 6,664 1,285,872 1,126 6,641 5,334 598, 186 758 1,024 3,666 3,241 647 1,917 243 1,089 167 589 307 1,297 66 105 281,734 152,084 34 38 527,717 413,416 276,514 10 9 5,668 832 2,947 33 2,273 568 1,296 386 1,126 2,960 2,477 33,047 24,226 475, 194 2,753 16, 161 1,615 16,886 1,879 1,604 4,923 3,413 26 32 705 721 11, 339 24 428 21 28 347 422 19 81 19 277 12 25 287 1,767 3,046 774 4/1-4/14 4/15-4/28 4,1-4/14 4/15-4/i Cows and heifers 2 years old and over Ewes and ewe lambs kept for breeding. NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued 89 Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guil ford Halifax Harnett Haywood n. mi. . i.i, Hertford Hoke Hyde lr.-d.-ii 1,869, 825 1,265,831 815,104 282,690 1,965,695 1,336,016 2, 662, 336 2,787,473 2,093,721 2,491,290 1,190,286 1,013,709 748,65'. 466,364 2,766,545 1 1,886,364 1,166,318 922,322 212,921 1,825,039 1,462,043 2,553,328' 2,803,733 2, 136, 129 1,365,458 920,913 , ■' ' ''. ' 945, 682 637,940 2,500,405 2 3,212 1,371 923 453 2,624 1,909 3,099 2,992 3,807 i , s a 1,234 L,S40 1,268 4]r. 2,300 3 409 451 399 369 622 125 1,550 538 502 1,486 913 4 96 204 232 1, 117 4 323 460 374 334 519 81 1,481 478 459 1,333 1,099 421 143 285 1,518 S 569 648 540 449 877 234 2,608 809 649 2,398 1,290 7M 275 4V4 1,001 6 499 736 558 434 728 147 2,617 ■>86 607 2,343 1, 69'.i 610 200 464 v., 646 7 63,72e 56,376 54, 540 36, 369 90, 224 24,804 292,096 81, 709 71, 390 194,238 104,490 7S,85] 30,250 44 , '.'44 L?8,89ti 6 3,050 1,056 665 94 2,390 1,857 1,973 2,770 3,529 207 370 1,321 1,281 268 1,484 9 2,805 1,221 820 112 2,388 1,765 2,167 2,636 3,302 314 591 1,554 1,835 511 8, 163 10 5,572 1,663 1,067 125 5,095 4,202 3,495 7,713 '.,;'.:.' 297 517 2,673 2,205 469 2,453 11 5,022 2,195 1,413 144 •1,483 3,754 3,999 6,489 5,435 446 857 2,779 2,882 949 3,902 12 846,944 206,212 183,524 13,500 774,440 718,542 531,240 1,326,636 1,141,725 32, 076 55,836 459, 756 429,975 30, 199 31 I,".-" 13 2,635 1,628 481 599 2,460 764 3,459 1,884 2,330 2,438 1,855 558 749 4 74 3,210 14 2,933 1,955 586 791 2,682 910 3,667 2,138 2,845 2,566 2,262 674 1,013 611 3,520 15 6,202 8,838 1,493 1,983 8,286 2,127 15,337 8,445 4,990 22,923 9,374 1,429 1,679 2,316 16 6,920 9,448 1,651 2,618 7,943 2,076 16,198 9,722 5,641 21,379 9,562 1,663 2,500 3,064 19,613 17 601,083 827,069 137,058 192,002 808,279 186,257 1,470,147 781,660 452,712 2,082,441 883,505 131,107 149,505 189,001 1,91 • , "Vl 18 2,520 1,525 446 583 2,371 681 3,350 1,761 2,174 2,389 1,780 510 680 453 3,141 19 2,815 1,878 448 766 2,650 857 3,581 1,958 2,689 2,495 2,249 803 933 586 3,459 20 3,783 5,176 859 1,108 5,186 1,179 9,072 4,819 3,060 10,953 5,151 822 989 1,107 11,464 21 4,280 5,953 863 1,456 5,672 1,266 10,372 5,338 3,702 10,150 5,577 1,170 1,414 1,395 11,907 22 2,368 1,501 381 537 2,220 603 3,190 1 , 588 2,067 2,247 1,716 442 611 413 3,059 23 3,250 4,806 607 914 4,421 849 7,940 2,566 2,632 7,327 4,579 635 807 750 10,4 57 24 574 674 113 188 616 201 1,084 526 445 1,124 670 170 189 851 1,559 25 1,153 2,059 278 325 1,720 353 3,528 1,321 822 4,279 2,030 299 353 553 4,656 26 209 229 61 103 147 97 388 245 173 730 307 64 65 135 518 27 387 583 110 268 321 261 966 886 367 3,845 817 92 122 270 1,105 28 607 434 157 178 573 227 849 605 522 1,255 641 130 14 8 185 1,057 29 879 1,020 246 282 1,059 334 1,771 1,419 741 3,846 1,376 216 215 386 2,4U9" 30 252 651 61 77 372 69 1,021 164 200 577 522 61 89 76 1,647 31 244 663 101 112 460 61 1,210 143 299 668 679 58 149 99 1,896 32 52,824 709,344 3,214 15, 052 212,450 11,374 1,236,611 79,277 50, 774 380,685 724,301 17,554 40,560 6,526 1,274,995 33 42,662 542,726 7,415 11,707 142,162 4,642 977,282 64,761 48,477 229,422 364 , 333 23,137 56,860 8,639 793,736 34 93 335 26 62 206 15 458 75 68 433 244 42 39 38 1,184 35 30 349 16 92 147 15 406 44 105 427 323 15 27 34 1,213 36 85,511 1,443,335 5,364 34,961 495,557 27,684 2,202,570 159,189 96,661 868,611 1,376,034 43,192 86,094 12,655 3,330,374 37 66,969 1,280,455 12,609 27,363 420,407 6,560 2,135,744 113,083 110,275 727, 627 907,809 56,823 96,265 13, 552 2,510,781 38 42,036 626,552 2,030 13,881 202,450 9,346 1,173,283 69,628 42,024 366,770 672,393 16,268 37,438 5,231 1,227,110 39 53 36 21 60 48 116 56 26 31 56 9 47 23 137 40 5 81 4 1 1 3 21 12 27 20 23 1 7 5 14 7 41 6,887 56,334 706 5,302 2,157 15,067 5,946 3,927 2, 705 64, 267 322 3,401 1,159 52,255 42 235 38,098 150 .80 600 115 6,708 527 4,073 3,404 5,979 50 405 1,065 43,266 43 3,642 32,089 365 2,846 1,383 8,857 3,573 1,830 1,405 35, 540 200 2,036 737 23, 956 44 133 338 25 26 123 20 584 64 128 222 292 26 26 24 389 45 7,146 50,703 819 1,171 7,154 645 54,471 6,076 6,920 12,510 16,368 1,086 1,086 558 23,929 46 2,123 1,432 325 512 2,075 547 2,988 1,349 1,906 2,057 1,596 364 566 364 2,882 47 2,625 4,065 376 670 3,628< 623 6,307 1,819 2,221 4,374 3,678 464 715 510 8,522 48 4,948 9,158 519 1,190 7,131 1,261 14,484 3,183 4,495 8,506 9,009 786 1,384 524 18,012 49 1,821 1,023 218 311 1,762 418 2,355 1,063 1,530 1,571 1,007 253 423 181 1,728 50 7,021 4,787 624 1,182 7,036 1,244 10,185 3,432 5,250 6,285 4,119 719 1,417 425 5,908 51 3,297 1,400 1,004 423 2,636 2,271 2,909 3,557 3,470 1,597 1,254 1,558 1,340 439 2,733 52 2,768 1,491 998 498 2,327 2,019 2,457 2,858 3,234 1,656 1,369 1,578 1,495 558 2,954 53 12,489 5,137 27, 458 924 9,041 21, 106 10, 406 32,588 20,211 3,893 3,593 21,247 6,274 6,562 8,139 54 8,959 5,483 19,040 964 9,882 15,714 8,768 23,565 14,954 3,816 3,800 17,769 7,622 6,342 9,718 55 247,680 93,863 376,108 15,484 183, 186 327, 276 198,385 486,961 301,439 66,063 58,303 297,043 102, 175 99,759 153, 733 56 2,587 983 977 287 2,019 2,120 1,918 3,201 2,818 1,170 789 1,503 1,182 409 1,722 57 7,636 3,025 11, 726 532 5,820 9,957 5,762 17,607 10, 610 2,324 1,878 9,620 4,096 2,904 4,399 58 1,221 595 795 178 948 1,307 1,378 1,661 1,640 596 639 939 435 300 1,369 59 4,853 2,112 15,732 392 3,221 1 1, 149 4,644 14,981 9,601 1,569 1,715 11,627 2,178 3,653 3,740 60 677 227 862 39 • 441 1,601 452 1,913 1,276 201 213 1,185 422 323 437 61 471 306 645 56 492 1,004 464 1,686 1,139 251 284 800 681 431 590 62 1,123 478 3,574 57 758 2,947 851 4,931 2,164 319 408 3,079 693 873 743 63 733 524 1,979 76 659 1,552 822 3,764 1,822 331 486 1,467 1,029 807 1,065 64 14 5 5 2 25 1 27 12 10 79 9 3 2 61 11 65 14 15 4 14 4 35 20 7 82 11 6 2 97 17 6fi 196 22 169 17 469 2 280 290 39 2,457 160 53 16 800 368 67 428 321 61 222 7,248 24 30 307 4,337 425 4,672 107 439 1,800 35, 615 62 2,317 125 835 16 1,467 297 68 2,992 292 2,741 244 182 11,505 4,903 69 12 5 4 2 24 1 25 12 8 73 9 3 2 60 10 70 91 14 102 7 270 2 169 180 25 1,342 104 30 12 473 201 71 12 5 4 2 23 1 24 11 6 77 9 3 2 59 10 72 12 8 4 11 2 21 14 6 70 10 5 1 87 10 73 68 10 91 6 194 1 138 144 12 1,259 86 21 10 399 159 74 281 164 41 147 20 220 230 81 1,376 47 91 13 1,160 157 75 9 3 4 1 18 1 17 8 6 50 3 3 2 47 7 76 23 4 11 1 76 1 31 36 13 83 18 9 2 74 42 77 11 105 9 13 4 8 4 2 67 5 6 2 10 1 3 22 199 17 11 20 111 16 19 108 675 1,184 300 4/15-4/28 10 110 8 g 6 14 2 5 6 37 221 18 4/15-4/23 68 1,115 69 61 1,420 6,792 6,117 2,888 4A-V/U 7 56 5 7 3 23 3 5 1 4 1 1 45 327 58 74 7 161 8 10 78 79 80 p 81 86 428 1,564 11 56 106 587 880 8 24 70 204 1,138 1,093 438 4/15-4/28 149 776 1,240 280 4/15-4/28 54 303 266 115 4/15-4/28 24 185 540 68 4/15-4/28 25 163 77 588 3,542 6,515 279 1,593 1,877 8: 83 90 84 85 167 4/15-4/28 26 4/1-4/14 212 4/15-4/28 12 4/1-4/14 74 4/15-4/28 1,501 4/1-4/14 925 4/15-4/28 4/1-4/14 86 90 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 1 of 2). LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Specified classes of 1 ivestock. . total value. .dollars Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting Horses and Colts, including ponies farms reporting number value. -dol lars Mutes and mule Colts farms reporting number value , .dollars Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting number value . .dollars Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milx cows farms reporting number Heifers born before Jan. 1 farms reporting number Steers and bulls born before Jan. 1 .' farms reporting number Calves born since Jan. 1 farms reporting number Dairy products sold.. farms reporting dollars Whole milk sold farms reporting gallons dol lars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dollars Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting dol lars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of cows Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting pounds Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting number value. .dollars 4 months old and over farms reporting number Less than 4 months old farms reporting number Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting number 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945.. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945.. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1945 1 ' 1950, 1945 ' 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. Sheep and wool : Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. number 1950. . 194-5.. value. .dollars 1950. . Sheep and lambs born before Oct. 1, 1949 farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. Ewes farms reporting 1950. 194S 2 number 1 950. 1945 ! Rams and wethers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Lambs born since Oct. 1, 1949.. farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1949. 1944. number shorn 1940 Wool shorn pounds 1949. 1944. value. .dollars 1949. Average date of enumeration 1950. 1,005,64? 660,605 1,169 1,077 1,471 1.479 119,151 339 235 279 314 30,132 1,930 2,102 7,602 6,307 715,410 1,672 2,062 4,093 4,157 1,769 3,259 675 1,547 322 633 651 1,129 264 363 38,135 51,773 183 170 65,475 122,094 30, 160 36 55 8,969 16,587 5,068 1,619 2,264 1,257 4,654 1,369 1,269 3,617 3,477 61,537 961 2,175 537 1,442 173 264 292 415 25 42 506 518 7,269 26 294 24 235 333 212 19 37 243 1,020 2,263 446 3,747,609 4,569,386 6,349 461 367 648 572 68,eee 6,089 6,461 10,243 10,666 751,553 3,645 4,566 8,469 10,544 738, 785 3,419 4,041 4,811 5,759 3,224 4,069 872 1,525 357 715 1,014 1,418 390 246 69,143 77,160 161 49 132,109 121,160 56,327 6,124 209 3,257 199 9,559 2,883 3,293 2,440 7,739 6,620 6,010 59,686 46,597 930, 985 6,041 28,684 3,759 31,002 4,147 3,167 283 434 4,000 119 152 17 61 17 103 12 13 107 717 1,167 320 4/1-4/14 767, 133 363,972 132 131 216 202 22,696 1,0"9 1,124 2,202 2,042 :76,542 485 629 1,736 1,967 147,560 451 514 893 1,069 385 636 126 278 259 177 306 15 73 1,102 5,790 10 19 1,634 7,349 622 6 20 559 2,004 329 316 373 215 546 1,217 1,204 13, 130 12,692 194,808 1,160 5,349 806 7,781 951 1,048 1,958 2,137 4/15-4/26 674,439 723,499 1,164 227 232 286 318 27,646 1,026 1,192 1,653 1,824 216,543 1,095 1,332 2,941 3,590 305,178 1,024 1,305 1,825 2,160 996 1,592 294 532 92 146 243 438 267 328 81,651 68,667 147 126 166,650 135,526 72,631 45 16 5,773 5,465 3,222 120 5,798 932 1,342 770 2,652 1,151 1,171 3,835 3,499 74, 741 841 2,246 455 1,589 181 188 291 242 47 334 55 153 4/15-4/26 1,740,414 1,996,932 2,211 274 277 416 437 44,096 2,080 2,436 4,731 4,530 609,001 1,033 1,234 4,355 4,532 371,146 957 1,123 2,285 2,442 646 1,904 259 835 171 526 354 709 86 112 196,084 185,616 49 57 365,696 400,628 165,438 26 11 19,077 1,625 10,654 728 1,424 476 1,318 2,646 2,538 26,523 21,013 409,833 2,466 12,374 1,545 14, 149 1,647 1,745 3,203 2,765 77 67 1,156 109 242 38 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/26 1,275, Ell 1,175,799 1,266 431 529 645 906 56,115 966 1,279 1,677 2,460 207,948 1,975 2,143 9,007 7,918 844,713 1,890 2,071 5,297 5,066 1,874 4,850 733 1,920 279 646 518 1,144 790 1,112 440,206 247,788 451 329 1,099,202 573,356 411,312 232 499 50,649 95,414 20,291 123 8,603 1,830 4,258 1,059 3,066 1,825 1,706 4,921 4,507 89,366 1,220 2,850 796 2,071 231 244 327 333 1,646 330 299 140 523,137 467,702 784 555 559 739 808 59,859 255 383 346 539 37,368 1,195 1,593 3,639 4,304 340,267 1,113 1,540 1,965 2,534 1,051 1,665 406 839 149 315 310 520 284 424 85,070 133,769 156 316 144,227 282,240 72,697 12 7 1,210 442 766 171 11,407 997 1,420 2,672 652 2,503 843 1,094 2,698 2,605 44,468 597 1,479 367 1,219 150 143 296 211 21 115 45 4/1-4/14 1,008,759 700, 758 1,241 1,009 897, 1,379 1,309 111,699 260 383 393 564 42,444 1,905 2,116 7,545 8,474 692,441 1,839 2,077 3,877 4,469 1,779 3,569 753 1,904 242 726 626 1,038 285 473 211,113 89, 723 186 184 447,802 225,947 204,919 7 155 937 22,850 550 136 5,644 1,640 2,695 1,336 5,490 1,424 1,515 4,859 4,857 78,129 1,011 2,468 686 2,391 320 369 497 490 35 601 451 ,702 27 300 274 17 25 26 276 21 30 296 1,293 1,590 561 4/1-4/14 2,060,261 1,334,048 2,323 1,768 1,716 2, 6ei 2,526 217,161 •717 831 1,092 1,235 117,936 3,082 3,189 16,984 16,404 1,550,400 3,026 3,123 7,923 8,038 2,937 6,969 1,280 3,360 783 3,292 1,238 2,409 379 799 160,544 151,759 283 453 358,847 489,980 156,183 16 3 2,239 480 1,089 106 3,272 2,760 4,701 2,184 7,829 2,185 1,905 4,288 3,511 75,228 1,594 2,806 711 1,482 166 156 234 189 786 838 11,365 37 414 37 46 379 671 24 35 37 372 33 32 427 1,864 3,056 797 4/15-4/28 Cows and heifers 2 years old and over. Ewes and ewe lambs kept for breeding. NORTH CAROLINA 91 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued Mecklen- burg 2,041,352 2,029,486 1,831 664 724 1,085 1,236 94,395 1,419 1,830 2,681 3,450 332, 444 2,228 2,431 14,576 15,669 1,345,516 2,109 2,325 8,176 10,372 2,017 7,383 956 3,586 442 1,269 655 1,545 559 932 1,109,839 1,112,761 364 410 2,239,148 2,310,766 1,067,091 24 19 6,661 9,684 3,825 211 38,923 1,867 6,045 1,281 5,655 1,890 1,793 8,077 7,648 153, 134 1,453 5,239 749 2,838 309 408 640 725 233 288 3,119 15 128 182 15 88 14 13 142 736 1,592 308 4/15-4/28 806,999 549,746 793 783 1,160 1,164 93,960 110 145 168 228 18,144 1,635 1,806 6,208 6,394 592,565 1,593 1,754 3,513 3,702 1,535 3,177 473 1,266 181 515 518 914 2S4 340 124,677 115,731 266 314 350,747 387,730 123,037 1,870 1,022 1,309 2,103 1,030 3,152 1,273 1,165 2,588 2,294 45,218 922 1,675 433 913 151 171 263 218 31 25 1,364 498 19, 735 31 812 31 24 697 429 25 115 27 552 29 22 725 3,086 2,188 1.521 4/1-4/14 Montgomery 485,036 554,095 202 222 245 330 21,315 610 728 996 1,248 123,504 836 971 2,567 3,250 238,514 788 914 1,453 1,854 758 1,289 212 539 99 259 161 316 136 296 55,017 81,265 57 113 101,794 127,248 48, 980 28 26 4,052 4,535 2,225 62 739 1,136 622 2,343 767 825 2,746 3,228 48,979 535 1,513 333 1,233 127 152 272 237 65 805 183 225 4/15-4/28 882,579 983,837 485 521 699 744 60,813 1,334 1,473 1,990 2,187 246,760 1,626 1,763 3,788 4,033 369,749 1,539 1,687 2,414 2,767 1,531 2,280 389 707 128 212 309 455 265 206 117,775 95,464 112 73 176,268 176,670 105, 740 26 21 4,634 2,338 2,347 184 9,688 1,442 1,932 1,209 4,247 1,725 1,473 5,287 4,821 94,438 1,199 2,925 785 2,362 299 248 457 558 8 13 ,825 368 ,886 1,724 7 8 1,663 202 6 61 7 101 6 382 1,150 186 4/16-4/28 2,673,723 2,756,915 4,339 351 280 593 399 59,893 4,245 4,178 8,947 7,478 1,538,884 1,907 2,382 5,232 5,361 475,254 1,768 2,268 2,913 3,607 1,632 2,277 431 1,025 179 431 479 863 218 449 105,181 87,260 66 99 207,629 151,285 96,931 23 11 782 1,395 456 141 7,795 1,485 1,922 1,170 4,077 4,362 3,328 27,863 16,736 417,934 3,683 15,197 2,027 12,666 1,763 1,164 3,402 1,832 14 23 237 426 3,789 10 135 10 16 112 289 12 102 11 14 128 618 1,545 294 4/15-4/28 New Hanover 191,762 325,574 59 111 80 188 8,800 181 275 260 400 50,700 121 243 929 1,542 80, 155 109 205 504 1,066 102 4 77 57 241 33 87 29 97 34 131 109,750 387,964 32 118 231,378 586,315 109,490 1 10 104 900 60 87 327 1,033 32 192 266 2,295 2,513 35,307 165 1,305 101 990 86 128 24 9 530 4/15-4/28 North- ampton 1,857,105 2,027,776 496 372 707 362 71,407 2,365 2,532 5,489 5,032 944, 10P 1,402 1,659 4,054 3,978 370,033 1,297 1,532 2,278 2,399 1,108 1,547 324 813 147 325 355 638 167 143 42,342 69,677 89 36 85,100 121,043 37,505 52 18 3,763 1,562 2,037 77 1,037 1,267 762 2,219 2,517 2,281 25,772 20,204 367,369 2,301 12,311 1,359 13,461 1,612 1,364 4,063 2,393 14 a 165 104 2,677 13 100 13 5 89 70 252 295 113 4/1-4/14 1,080,155 1,023,368 1,611 159 163 207 211 22,770 1,527 1,322 2,512 2,192 489, S^n 661 629 2,423 2,173 199,152 611 550 1,179 1,102 536 955 239 4 58 152 350 246 436 44 47 19,130 14 , 124 28 20 28, 202 33,818 17,803 14 8 1,452 415 710 12 617 464 590 1,039 264 618 1,712 1,373 21,642 14,706 303,652 1,616 9,587 1,147 12,055 1,256 1,097 2,825 2,333 31 137 4/15-4/28 Orange 1,358,805 1,199,176 1,241 460 467 676 757 75,712 942 1,120 1,856 2,089 2e2, 112 1,586 1,623 7,712 7,473 747,887 1,524 1,566 4,687 4,963 1,489 4,443 582 1,726 161 436 404 863 493 533 599,431 404,995 168 231 1,253,264 1,132,200 570,384 66 12 10, 033 6,980 5,736 282 23,311 1,371 3,566 1,118 4,715 1,413 1,233 5,807 4,368 111,007 1,085 3,238 596 2,569 310 297 517 422 17 16 251 230 3,896 15 13 134 140 14 24 11 93 12 11 151 1,260 758 494 4/15-4/28 342,397 386,396 460 164 14 C 234 211 24,804 372 487 530 779 90,630 297 405 1,295 1,117 111,971 273 353 707 531 234 364 102 215 57 151 16,127 4,136 38 25 29,714 7,854 14,424 2,298 1,044 1,274 221 286 93 189 418 407 4,417 3,590 67,693 385 2,007 235 2,410 263 169 598 267 22 274 16 36 17 150 115 660 378 256 4/15-4/28 Pasquotank 677,273 866,707 537 306 322 4 74 575 47,674 313 489 435 836 78,260 543 634 3,752 5,136 339, 122 524 604 2,001 2,435 459 1,464 190 636 143 453 273 662 75 116 179,363 219,987 40 65 340,125 386,486 174,385 32 36 7,683 7,866 3,852 32 1,126 176 395 526 621 10,550 10,847 148,146 500 4,836 368 5,714 398 467 1,329 1,420 1,311 1,330 21,390 109 840 107 69 732 872 75 108 72 471 100 59 ai3 4,704 4,937 1,564 4/15-4/28 1,017,398 284 211 365 281 40, 150 1,369 1,460 1,1 Li 1,986 < % 'Mr 745 958 3,111 3,039 279,106 696 902 1,835 1,687 645 1,434 267 566 138 295 195 415 104 111 148,091 118,255 69 82 321,016 287,515 144,845 11 5 3,536 467 1,835 39 558 1,060 316 843 1,621 1,582 14 , 759 13,661 209,195 1,492 6,723 893 8,036 982 705 1,962 1,339 31 124 Porquim- 646,573 997,010 674 ?Pt 303 417 447 42,117 503 719 826 1,434 142,072 430 604 1,654 2,219 151,254 412 506 948 1,370 335 585 105 280 77 128 153 296 56 103 3,612 7,304 26 22 3,630 5,205 2,063 19 14 1,711 2,005 1,001 26 748 268 334 144 439 729 920 17,479 20,372 243,925 670 7,874 545 9,605 516 575 2,014 1,926 80 94 1,056 1,581 17,154 77 85 579 1,215 61 423 61 78 551 3,008 5,527 921 1,400,492 2,148 3*4 346 642 505 71,904 2,030 2,024 4,?60 3,874 648,736 2,110 2,388 5,478 5,438 563,131 2,039 2,304 3,791 4,167 2,021 3,447 402 811 104 197 438 679 226 217 72 , 931 36,215 90 68 147,939 79,111 65,229 40 8 2,568 6,756 1,246 107 6,456 2,996 5,412 1,707 7,399 2,223 1,935 7,051 5,337 137,785 1,519 4,157 916 2,894 236 202 384 267 15 17 265 225 4,120 15 10 151 146 10 112 682 769 320 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 86 2,814,363 3,400,535 3,733 48P 439 926 823 ■■•'. ' ' 3,538 3,741 8,350 7,757 1,427,850 1,409 1,804 5,140 5,461 428,533 1,250 1,636 2,643 3,066 1,076 1,852 425 1,038 218 512 460 947 93 212 120,992 94,005 59 94 249,725 229,946 116,560 38 42 1,691 3,546 1,137 23 943 1,406 629 1,620 4,383 4,481 44,923 39,170 669,415 4,106 20,503 2,637 24,420 2,953 3,252 5,806 5,355 24'7 221 3,616 152 13 137 172 166 930 920 332 92 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 1 of 2). LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK (For definitions and explanations, see text) Specified classes of 1 ivestock. . total value. .dollars Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting number value. .dol lars Mules and mule colts farms reporting number value, .dollars Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting number value. .dollars Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Heifers born before Jan. 1 farms reporting number Steers and bulls born before Jan. 1 farms reporting number Calves born since Jan. 1 farms reporting number Dairy products sold farms reporting dollars Whole milk sold farms reporting gallons dollars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dol lars Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold...,. farms reporting dollars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of cows Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting pounds Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting number 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1950. 1945' 1950. 1945 1 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1945. value. .dollars 1950. 4 months old and over farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Less than 4 months old farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945 Sheep and wool : Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. value. .dollars 1950. Sheep and lambs born before Oct. 1, 1949 farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Ewes..,,. farms reporting 1950. 1945 2 number 1950. 1945 2 Hams and wethers farms reporting 1950. number 1950 Lambs born since Oct. 1, 1949.. farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1949. 1944. number shorn 1949. Wool shorn pounds 1949 1944. value. .dollars 1 049 Average date of enumeration 1950. 478,983 408,279 760 336 £34 468 335 37,906 46e 621 683 947 73,764 935 1,018 3,221 3,220 301,871 913 991 1,706 1,899 882 1,458 307 729 134 359 250 427 162 £60 66,839 39,509 84 71 143, 836 92,163 61, 323 15 3 1,780 1,425 89 4,691 774 1,180 607 2,248 715 754 1,887 2,000 31,597 507 1,084 303 803 93 106 173 180 91 133 1,322 257 118 Randolph 2,025,450 1,969,536 2,388 1,051 1,167 1,526 1,923 146,496 1,597 1,945 2,442 3,325 319,902 2,897 3,081 11,917 11,883 1,£31,£8£ 2,781 3,018 7,268 7,706 £,714 6,706 911 2,758 £77 567 660 1,324 643 1,098 853,949 608,357 393 546 1,604,386 1,639,484 8£8,896 34 79 7,961 21,305 4,079 £62 20, 974 2,591 5,647 1,935 7,733 £,373 2,457 6,161 8,776 148, £66 1,505 3,951 1,326 4,230 683 680 1,176 31 32 388 221 5,296 26 220 25 19 135 116 25 168 1,096 609 447 4/15-4/00 643, 763 751,701 1,108 27£ £70 366 387 31,842 932 1,018 1,561 1,826 193,564 924 1,283 3,054 3,733 279,836 847 1,228 1,695 2,496 810 1,360 £50 541 104 333 252 485 165 199 57,254 177,025 69 105 103, 791 340,383 43,890 20 2 3,842 900 2,366 102 760 1,152 609 2,342 1,161 1,370 4,712 4,761 87,653 950 2,910 399 1,802 247 264 415 376 31 ,163 114 50 56 3,653, ie9 4,595,007 6,85£ 1,046 630 1,419 834 156,090 6, 393 6,997 11,017 11,506 ,148,315 3,34£ 4,458 7, 77£ 9,133 694,533 3,040 4,125 4,656 6,058 2,717 3,813 688 1,223 359 590 738 1,303 195 284 182, 666 15£,0£0 112 65 450,066 294, 606 177,345 5£ 31 3,676 9,676 £,202 66 2,494 3,187 1,476 4,145 6,688 6,912 41,364 41, 157 632,230 5,954 23,135 3,083 18,229 2,830 3,734 4,518 5,222 56 156 614 51 ,"■15 432 Rockingham 1,924,766 1,773,554 £.889 731 574 1,07" 876 120,624 2,423 2,179 4,427 4,250 672,904 3,161 3,466 8,845 8,556 856,616 3,051 3,348 5,320 6,145 2,979 4,801 875 1,980 236 581 560 964 651 501 258,613 £73,343 £40 £45 480,141 6£4, £94 ££4, £67 15 8 1,558 1,472 1,091 448 33,235 £.768 4,149 2,413 9,973 3, 1££ 3,080 7,628 6,773 159,232 2,306 5,262 841 2,366 £23 188 4£5 319 14£ £02 ;,201 3 87 2 80 371 467 190 2,097,318 2,034,850 911 1,195 1,382 1,987 132,672 1,122 1,575 1,767 2,765 £31,477 2,242 2,791 14, 656 14,920 1,500,659 2,169 2,712 8,739 9,187 2,090 7,487 870 3,037 361 1,004 693 1,876 885 1,626 992, 120 675,955 542 775 2,143,196 1,809, £51 911, £31 171 364 106, 928 106, 726 53,627 238 27,262 1,955 6,239 1,040 4,188 2,062 2,318 7,328 10,672 136,224 1,248 3,796 1,150 3,532 369 595 697 1,001 22 44 222 £65 3,144 13£ 1£4 13 13 £4 65 496 1,010 2£6 4/15-4,26 4/15-4/28 ftither- ford 1,360,668 1,338,563 2,318 764 761 1,040 1,098 84,240 1,683 2,088 £.679 3,340 £89,332 2,699 3,250 8,369 9,048 800, 667 2,584 3,185 4,734 5,834 2,536 4,440 947 1,949 330 655 641 1,031 763 1,019 351,204 244, 378 478 461 702,685 561,306 322, 343 116 156 17,809 29,222 8,213 282 20,648 2,419 4,058 1,775 6,676 2, £80 £,261 5,659 5,342 9£,9£9 1,375 3,068 1,088 £,591 244 228 484 326 50 576 25 144 250 50 Sampson 2,998,579 3,686,291 5,108 706 577 923 801 101,530 4,6'5 4,862 7,780 8,100 1,517,100 2,893 3,602 6,868 9,220 601,881 2,715 3,414 3,916 5,081 £,530 3,346 7£1 1,159 337 65£ 777 1,141 £75 311 56,667 39, £61 80 75 71,253 68,633 44, 737 74 7 7,136 964 3,742 169 8,388 £,££7 £,499 1,611 5,074 5, 167 4,832 40,718 38,546 599,568 4,725 20,644 2,568 20, 074 £.686 2,890 4,951 4,574 170 108 4/1-4/14 4/15-4/28 777, e74 861,795 1,213 128 107 174 142 19,140 1,168 1,180 2,481 2,610 483,795 584 621 1,642 1,894 149,214 500 771 962 1,219 459 625 121 234 63 190 141 236 61 103 28,446 49, 658 36 64 57, 951 80,120 £5,384 14 5 £,436 1,232 1,393 24 421 549 294 847 1,193 1,349 5,736 5,564 89,725 990 3,400 459 2,336 387 524 674 702 1,294,829 1,305,467 4/1-4/14 4/15-4/26 Cows and heifers 2 years old and over. Ewes and ewe lambs kept for breeding. NORTH CAROLINA 93 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued Stokes Surry Swa i ii Trnn -ty I - vnnin Tyrrell Union Viuice Wnkf Wnrren Well- ington Wiitinifjii Wnynr Wilkta Wi | non Yadkin Ynncey 1,606,852 1,862,817 :■' :>,f: f 484,932 424,687 2,724,716 1,150,861 : ,..'.)',', if... 1,758, 173 480,464 1,928,1 i 2, 302, 594 2,055,534 ,'' ' .'"'■' 1,470, 122 1,205,417 1 1,508,959 1,564, 342 233, 173 392,062 44 1, 984 2,601,963 1,162,792 ■'■, -:;::, i: ■ 1,472, 141 665, 755 1,066,775 2,892,477 2,387,134 1,321,669 745,032 2 2,562 3,801 480 497 353 3,132 1,689 4,383 2,236 592 i, 169 3,815 ::, 677 3,317 2,031 1,410 3 788 926 381 413 157 1,114 466 f 10 706 338 1, 39fl 302 1,741 228 374 1,221 4 611 806 353 470 134 1,265 241 587 580 161 1,294 266 1,582 102 816 1,119 5 1,227 1,409 ■149 323 230 1,548 694 1,270 1,037 371 2,235 554 2,220 575 1,838 1,812 |. 942 1,309 474 653 212 1,885 362 994 794 308 2,086 373 2,260 156 1,280 1,664 1 137,424 122, 583 36, 369 42, 363 23,230 134,676 77,728 121,920 116, 144 37,471 196, 185 ■ H, 724 193, 140 r,o, iiM 107,706 146,772 8 1,966 2,013 113 91 234 2,443 1,506 3,992 1,876 462 98 3,053 1,003 : ' . ' ' ' 1,281 241 9 1,954 1,845 162 172 385 2,987 1,612 4,654 1,910 553 76 3,831 1,394 3,933 1,411 296 III 3,457 3,557 132 128 366 3,993 3,026 7,347 3,663 841 161 6,041 1,435 6,621 2,018 366 M 3,432 3,301 191 242 692 5,343 2,973 7,959 3,14 3 1,034 122 6,958 1,943 6,664 2,440 449 12 525,464 394, 827 14,256 13,824 62,952 495,132 459,952 962,457 556,776 144,653 17,871 1,033,011 159, 285 1,132,191 223,998 41,688 1'! 2,969 3,465 740 888 320 4,010 1,617 3,551 2,128 353 2,355 1,977 4,235 949 2,605 2,367 11 3,193 3,331 901 1,079 411 4,107 1,649 4,457 2,399 438 2,361 2,425 4,709 1,339 2,631 2,525 15 6,957 10,655 2,066 3,663 1,679 16,846 4,059 12, 897 8,653 1,343 15,091 6,472 13, 156 2,660 9,466 9,947 16 7,572 9,878 2,656 4,675 1,348 16,537 4,733 13,484 8,155 2,462 12, 944 6,090 16, 432 2,882 8,905 8,768 17 694, 220 1,084,908 194, 202 339,885 156, 976 1,510,621 416,947 1,303,605 833, 145 135, 343 1,425,720 559, 673 1,296,918 229,031 933,221 963,054 18 2,891 3,359 700 835 307 3,882 1,570 3,370 2,022 340 2,324 1, 799 4,123 832 2,322 2,306 19 3,123 3,273 863 999 319 4,039 1,603 4,346 3,213 414 3,308 2,283 4,616 1,199 2,592 2,468 20 4,489 6,441 1,050 1,923 1,023 9,252 2,783 7,491 5,202 798 7,501 3,559 7,508 1,418 5,390 5,734 21 5,320 6,333 1,388 2,358 641 9,421 3,138 8,672 4,861 1,606 6,656 3,520 9,953 1,675 5,753 4,462 ._,., 2,819 3,268 683 845 292 3,659 1,475 3,217 1,945 295 2,197 1,675 4,036 728 2,476 2,246 23 4,082 5,715 1,019 1,529 446 8,184 2,524 6,579 4,105 488 6,386 2,828 6,960 1,135 4,998 4,327 24 820 1,123 231 239 107 1,654 378 802 563 89 1,100 510 1,555 278 1,086 824 25 1,410 2,546 426 733 318 4,257 680 2,859 1,381 177 3,433 1,247 3,258 571 2,568 1,995 26 212 238 113 92 33 452 99 318 219 55 516 234 407 159 282 326 27 334 622 338 407 82 946 165 933 641 123 1,852 634 797 299 504 894 28 528 616 195 243 95 1,224 300 779 603 104 1,094 557 1,030 353 589 799 29 724 1,046 352 600 356 2,391 431 1,624 1,429 346 3,305 1,032 1,593 373 1,004 1,324 30 460 504 55 101 47 884 326 561 202 34 758 311 838 156 963 293 31 944 811 210 238 37 1,053 368 740 330 61 903 316 1,475 190 995 326 32 72,003 243,519 15,501 65,073 3,580 478,895 105, 110 873,898 253, 644 24,033 313,435 192,962 231, 315 94,915 419,446 172, 233 33 118,261 255, 767 26, 608 56,559 11, 121 334, 215 71, 183 547,817 79,492 16,931 194, 330 80,153 284,616 65, 796 312,599 64,235 34 283 271 35 73 10 623 90 238 100 20 703 75 569 83 465 243 IS 421 232 97 178 13 480 104 151 99 33 738 102 709 133 342 241 36 181,996 559,862 31, 366 135, 567 4,739 1,144,830 199,308 1,764,338 548,645 26, 518 887,061 366,463 523, 629 221,879 881,326 388,305 37 375,412 603,899 53,713 137,037 19,076 844, 948 135, 576 1,136,202 167, 726 29,957 744, 903 174, 759 785, 758 177, 185 876,341 200, 559 38 60,788 335,731 14,492 63, 499 1,920 451,426 89, 339 829, 550 246,717 32, 968 309,404 180,306 211,348 88,501 390, 113 170,059 39 40 105 4 3 32 97 5 98 40 15 7 34 35 37 84 18 40 20 27 14 2 7 253 1 9 11 4 9 8 16 12 43 5 41 5,365 13, 122 371 196 905 36,722 7,770 23, 606 4, 146 1,142 711 2,247 7,420 2,747 17, 532 1,435 42 3,499 4,954 2,555 150 225 31,250 300 4,864 6,772 685 1,695 1,006 5,865 985 13, 836 493 43 2,574 6,833 150 103 537 17,912 4, 157 14, 545 2,294 716 313 1,354 3,789 1,633 3,686 699 44 159 178 32 38 28 201 351 303 75 10 68 213 351 104 456 55 45 8,641 10, 965 859 1,471 1,123 9,557 11,714 29,803 4,633 349 2,718 11,302 16, 178 4,781 20,647 1,475 46 2,652 3,194 585 795 254 3,614 1,372 2,952 1,729 273 2,055 1,503 3,745 633 2,371 2,055 47 3,500 5,051 762 1,252 308 6,997 2,122 5,427 3,054 365 4,046 2,184 5,735 872 4,344 3,235 48 6,674 10,697 1,426 2,843 526 14,172 4,271 13, 256 5,965 660 6,780 4,691 10, 447 1,963 8,891 7,873 49 2,164 2,806 456 638 109 2,723 1,216 2,483 1,439 117 1,294 1,092 2,924 446 2,003 1,788 50 8,781 12,446 1,590 2,377 309 8,766 4,454 9,969 5,106 293 3,615 3,484 10,456 1,501 8,106 6,386 51 2,927 3,217 587 730 426 3,722 1,871 4,483 2,504 661 1,639 3,644 3,661 3,313 2,468 1,849 52 2,587 3,533 650 801 440 3,542 1,490 4,183 2,267 639 1,568 3,683 3,452 3,220 2,233 1,529 53 6,147 6,941 1,229 3,143 9,318 15, 483 6,473 30,965 8,463 9,758 3,990 33, 068 8,380 23,421 6,165 3,479 54 5,244 5,322 1,549 2,678 7,332 13, 265 5,421 17,097 7,458 9,148 3,408 27,473 6,638 18,097 4, 726 3,890 55 129,549 128,756 30,529 53, 933 125, 706 278, 611 130,811 399,251 175,971 127,499 70, 345 513, 593 147,460 379,583 110, 667 59,619 56 2,186 3,554 398 601 407 2,756 1,474 3,421 2,084 647 1,333 3,311 3,707 3,037 1,929 1,289 57 4,333 5,133 701 1,836 3,804 8,745 4,142 11,576 5,786 3,607 2,549 15,680 5,346 13, 627 4,164 2,135 58 842 757 240 265 313 1,651 672 1,941 757 461 438 2,076 1,397 1,553 739 684 59 1,814 1,809 538 1,307 5,514 6,737 3,330 9,389 2,677 6,151 1,441 17,388 3,034 10, 794 2,002 1,344 60 111 130 70 147 353 863 336 1,126 561 514 219 2,313 366 1,766 220 190 61 99 113 73 373 379 654 338 995 692 579 210 2,555 438 1,155 170 157 62 174 237 105 307 1,305 1,581 507 2,101 965 1,401 315 4,260 553 2,874 380 373 63 146 170 93 479 900 915 485 1,547 961 1,360 337 3,975 738 1,370 236 184 64 3 2 7 3 124 2 4 1 3 8 9 394 133 3 7 2 8 6 265 1 1 2 2 8 757 4/1-4/14 6 149 2,160 5 81 5 76 3 5 5 68 3 78 331 88 4/15-4/28 32 45 1,251 568 20,081 33 671 32 42 633 488 12 39 580 24 39 669 3,594 2,709 1,437 4/15-4/28 26 18 354 133 4,599 24 191 23 14 149 92 11 42 21 163 18 13 161 900 667 358 4/15-4/28 6 4 77 29 1,188 6 43 6 3 28 25 5 15 4 34 4 1 33 203 50 101 4/15-4/28 17 14 602 330 8,233 16 368 16 8 253 204 10 115 11 234 12 6 265 1,386 913 605 4/15-4/28 5 13 383 366 4,383 4 174 3 9 168 210 2 6 3 109 4 8 94 565 1,629 220 4/15-4/28 34 27 455 350 7,342 23 258 23 19 238 229 15 20 19 197 12 16 328 1,477 2,151 602 4/15-4/28 359 378 8,854 6,406 156,035 355 4, 762 352 363 4,504 4,693 177 258 335 4,092 334 363 4,349 22,532 26, 146 11,192 4/1-4/14 13 6 115 153 1,643 9 67 8 6 55 148 8 12 11 48 5 6 40 230 715 78 4/15-4/28 15 19 127 143 2,300 14 77 13 13 66 108 10 11 7 50 8 a 57 339 777 151 4/15-4/28 5 4 15 86 242 4 14 4 1 12 60 2 2 1 1 1 4 60 410 470 190 4/1-4/14 3 8 80 63 1,420 3 44 3 7 35 50 3 9 3 36 2 4 35 168 300 75 4/15-4/28 52 52 1,100 865 15,909 48 623 47 49 547 643 34 76 43 477 43 48 630 2,944 3,643 1,330 4/15-4/28 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 3 74 75 1 1 3 3 1 76 77 7B 79 80 81 1 ::.::::::: 5 26 82 B3 84 13 4/15-4/28 85 4/15-4/ 2a 86 991354 1 0-52-8 94 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 2 of 2>— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK Item (For definitions and explanations , see text) The State Alamance Alex- ander Alle- ghany Anson Ashe Avery Beau- fort Bertie Bladen Bruns- wick Poultry and poultry products: 1 farms reporting 1949.. 104,779 1,187 810 972 624 2,572 567 1.415 1,257 1,208 837 2 1944. . 117,677 1,399 1,118 1,101 933 3,030 520 1,653 1,577 981 639 3 dollars 19 49.. 26, 908, 175 322,335 246,807 88,839 516,299 173,007 67,495 251,786 75,233 99,631 91,758 4 1944. . 25,071,274 342,300 150,467 108,739. 352,563 244,379 38,196 319,063 151,852 82,611 68,817 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting 19 50.. 237,162 2,444 1,665 1,420 2,094 3,478 1,505 2,650 2,739 3,110 1,771 6 1945. . 244,628 2,444 1,763 1,337 2,161 3,463 1,777 2,671 2,920 2,999 1,412 7 number 1950.. 9,002,189 110,304 59,324 40,791 92,629 93,000 49,579 122,836 88,209 93,641 57,233 8 1945.. 10,792,427 137,907 66,539 44,476 100,519 105, 820 34,533 168,487 119,759 112,089 76,274 9 value. . dol lars 1950.. 9,222,773 118,025 62,290 40,791 90,776 93,000 49,579 125,293 96,148 93,841 57,233 10 farms reporting 1949.. 61,721 665 479 482 411 1,579 405 696 605 734 421 11 number 1949.. 17,220,058 125,606 174 , 082 14,933 62,185 47,040 25,746 111,450 17,897 33,934 28,653 12 dol lars 1949.. 14,384,050 114,551 142 , 082 13,451 58,137 44,941 25,549 111,708 19, 706 36,444 26, 631 13 farms reporting 1949.. 83,940 1,020 664 877 681 2,236 339 1,267 1,099 967 720 14 dozens 1949.. 27,571,690 446,918 242,039 166,916 413,620 269,658 96,451 334,961 135,473 135,295 154,565 IS dol lars 19 49 . . 12,209,987 195,499 102,505 68,399 162,801 106,813 41,118 131,663 52,212 59,276 59,592 16 Turkeys, 4 months old and over, on hand... farms reporting 1950.. 4,301 53 15 61 28 273 12 48 93 33 38 17 number 1950.. 21,225 228 54 306 127 1,246 85 170 249 143 125 IS value. . dol lars 1950.. 88,321 1,094 259 1,102 483 4,466 306 748 1,096 529 462 19 farms reporting 1949.. 4,787 54 16 68 86 252 12 41 87 32 36 20 1944.. 5,068 65 19 155 90 613 4 55 33 20 27 21 number 1949.. 387,415 2,080 405 1,581 49,887 5,273 197 1,291 669 S4S 1,091 22 1944. . 220, 914 3,720 1,364 6,185 25,509 12,854 81 790 265 741 852 23 farms reporting 1949.. 5,953 51 31 21 34 79 28 108 178 62 36 24 number 1949.. 32,477 250 136 113 142 461 167 651 758 320- 276 25 Turkeys, ducks, and geese, and their farms reporting 1949 . . 3,223 26 8 51 72 220 14 37 69 29 22 26 Animals sold al ive: dollars 1949. . 2,314,138 12,285 2,220 6,989 295,361 21,253 828 8,415 3,315 3,911 5,535 27 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules . farms reporting 1949. . 123,378 1,166 874 1,357 1,035 3,092 1,197 1,305 1,566 1,666 950 28 dollars 1949.. 34,795,281 276,959 147,082 644,817 255,259 1,107,397 331,219 449,827 564,967 507,682 255, 555 29 farms reporting 1949.. 75,881 936 742 1,313 736 3,002 1,127 433 411 611 284 30 1944.. 67,598 1,000 784 906 476 2,631 1,619 495 205 374 68 31 number 1949.. 224,360 3,318 1,861 7,510 2,224 11,645 3,451 1,225 650 1,387 566 32 1944.. 233,838 3,681 2,006 5,391 1,592 11,293 5,585 1,634 616 1,548 219 33 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves. farms reporting 1949.. 30,414 403 306 604 255 1,536 362 140 132 275 149 34 number 1949.. 81,345 1,006 633 2,562 736 5,301 1,394 397 324 576 247 35 dollars 1949 . , 10,244,698 110,967 75,106. 363,468 78,148 703,893 164,677 45,645 46,679 70,730 23,820 36 .farms reporting 1949.. 61,644 749 598 1,189 604 2,533 965 356 337 453 192 37 number 1949 . . 143,015 2,312 1,228 4,946 1,488 6,344 2,057 828 526 811 339 38 dollars 1949.. 5,693,326 70,930 40,009 189, 136 70,493 283,049 103,077 45,217 31,078 33,849 14,300 39 .farms reporting 1949.. 70,496 469 236 361 550 551 297 1,119 1,451 1,430 853 40 1944.. 45,272 517 200 345 368 507 229 822 532 795 299 41 number 1949.. 749,814 5,241 1,565 3,294 4,614 4,800 2,357 12,410 18,565 16,669 9,699 42 1944. . 562,851 6,440 1,356 3,490 3,874 3,944 2,048 11,795 6,472 8,617 5,427 43 dollars 1949. . 17,521,087 82,082 22,608 39,252 96,628 59,377 31,354 347,986 478,058 393,110 209,165 44 farms reporting 1949.. 1,593 17 2 198 4 196 56 14 7 1 45 1944.. 1,649 11 5 159 9 260 42 14 6 5 2 46 number 1949. . 19,078 214 46 2,563 56 2,773 981 108 87 2 47 1944.. 20,413 98 28 2,143 43 3,651 991 141 77 36 25 48 dollars 1949 . . 333,879 4,282 997 48,065 889 50,539 17,293 1,999 1,461 35 49 . farms reporting 1949.. 6,732 89 67 46 75 120 87 69 50 67 44 50 number 1949.. 10,660 129 113 63 149 146 127 98 89 92 118 51 Farm slaughter: dollars 1949. . 1,002,291 8,698 8,362 4,896 9,101 10,539 14, 618 8,980 7,691 9,956 8,270 52 farms reporting 1949.. 219,287 2,196 1,575 1,374 1,969 3,290 1,454 2,148 2,594 2,849 1,582 53 farms reporting 1949.. 12,662 203 118 74 114 85 46 92 44 134 58 54 number 1949.. 16,474 368 159 96 143 90 58 117 70 189 74 55 Cattle butchered, excluding calves.. . farms reporting 1949.. 2,415 54 29 58 14 68 20 8 5 21 22 56 1944.. 5,830 79 64 65 39 223 26 34 10 29 19 57 number 1949.. 3,100 76 47 59 22 73 32 12 12 42 29 58 1944.. 12,970 243 111 115 111 244 45 65 76 47 290 59 farms reporting 1949.. 10,542 160 92 18 101 17 26 86 40 112 37 60 1944.. 6,948 130 69 15 97 15 10 17 12 16 6 61 number 1949.. 13,374 292 112 37 121 17 26 105 58 147 45 62 1944. . 12,073 297 80 15 162 16 16 39 27 27 90 63 . farms reporting 1949.. 217,970 2,184 1,539 1,368 1,963 3,285 1,452 2,137 2,588 2,636 1,574 64 1944.. 229,248 2,322 1,648 1,284 2,000 3,270 1,909 2,239 2,796 2,662 1,272 65 number 1949. . 627,995 5,528 2,404 2,459 4,133 5,765 2,416 9,592 14,523 8,309 6,313 66 1944.. 809,080 6,837 3,237 2,602 5,158 6,225 3,524 12,255 20,647 10,169 8,057 67 Meat, lard, hides, and other products farms reporting 1949.. 12,925 247 108 297 51 1,047 87 72 151 84 69 68 Qoats, rabbits, and fur animals: dol lars 1949.. 868,976 19,285 6,310 10,018 3,965 36,637 6,012 10,173 16,822 8,901 5,957 69 Coats and kids (on hand or kept last farms reporting 1950.. 8,555 124 53 52 60 59 13 107 155 119 68 70 Domestic rabbits (on hand or kept last farms reporting 1950.. 3,247 29 13 9 24 85 21 23 25 11 6 71 Fur animals in captivity (on hand or farms reporting 1950.. 290 7 1 3 5 11 1 3 3 3 £ 72 Sale of goats and kids, goat milk, and mohair; and of rabbits, and fur animals . farms reporting 1949.. 484 7 4 5 4 6 3 5 7 3 4 73 Sees and honey: dollars 1949.. 44,702 86 92 345 23 34 130 106 107 49 119 74 . farms reporting 1019.. 23,457 312 431 240 122 817 251 47 35 1M 59 75 number of hives 1919.. 105,188 1,464 1,665 941 644 3,215 1,309 406 171 778 980 76 farms reporting 1919.. 11,871 175 265 126 87 484 185 30 29 45 22 77 pounds 1949.. 801,599 26,454 15,437 5,224 8,471 17,966 £4,653 4,675 2,036 4,245 12,123 78 . farms reporting 1949.. 2,676 31 68 24 19 56 85 IP 7 18 9 79 dol lars 1949.. 137,629 5,409 2,183 689 1,304 1,654 5,659 1,068 229 459 3,050 NORTH CAROLINA 95 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 li- Burke Caharrua Culd- irall Camden Car- teret 1 j|*wr 1 1 Catawuii Chatham Chero- kee Chowan Cloy Cleve- land Co- lumuiii Craven Camber- land Curri- tuck Dare Dsvid- 1,683 874 757 692 309 216 1,146 1,315 1,630 972 367 643 1,706 1,311 64 2 951 311 IB 1,302 1 2,289 838 1,102 915 354 378 687 1,577 1,820 1,061 533 867 2,267 1 , 523 946 1,292 461 3 1,903 2 504 , 992 168,778 330,718 295,411 52,189 60,517 117,145 290,777 2,693,289 190, 126 133,757 402,914 485,213 157,972 99,342 125,798 8,464 543,411 3 334 , 534 114,743 209,413 140,743 71.967 145,083 109,888 315,120 2,891,214 92, 736 14 9,139 111,284 384, * : ISO, 598 73,510 145,452 210,313 2,650 340,240 4 3,545 1,767 1,710 2,066 409 436 2,421 2,570 2,320 1,721 602 889 4,066 3,342 1,794 2,453 445 26 2,967 S 4,903 1,703 1,834 2,055 441 878 2,288 2,734 2,330 1,792 789 935 4,501 4,985 1,879 2,659 591 43 3,213 6 123,272 73,624 88,826 78,459 24,380 19,675 86,876 10; ,o;.7 134,142 97,909 •1 1,...' r 113,179 150,034 146,630 71,236 67,694 33,118 1,912 145,265 7 150,388 74,066 103,563 74 , 100 37,725 39,931 88,402 136,485 139,161 63,152 55,427 43,506 :::",>'.",' 170,749 116,373 '•'■ .'■'•' 2,231 142,549 s 122,039 72,888 87,049 78,459 26,574 20,069 92,957 107, 160 140,849 96, 930 46,646 112,047 147,033 14 6,630 72,661 87,694 36,279 2,064 152,528 9 1,002 535 432 538 131 127 718 644 1,205 626 211 4 74 1,037 935 381 562 173 8 809 10 377,669 73,356 131,887 198,468 10,936 12,837 43,070 84,584 3,076,236 43,060 19,224 78,294 197,349 87,006 40,248 33,392 34,043 2,333 230,049 11 307,128 63, 792 111,043 170,182 11,151 13,592 41,075 77,591 2,273,739 45,461 19,807 82,163 189,671 76,963 37,129 33,377 :■■•, l'.-l 2,642 210,982 12 1,267 694 . 657 675 290 181 692 1,168 1,153 799 338 579 1,355 1,091 740 743 277 17 1,089 13 335,714 255,361 432,553 271,140 94,485 94,434 156,190 479,871 685,905 322,893 204 , 120 561,960 654,442 184,317 112,381 176,913 199,218 13,237 626,303 11 156,041 99,562 191,889 123,849 36,150 42,339 75,442 210,102 330,601 143,742 77,694 320,596 286,656 79,704 46,825 79,628 89,988 5,613 319,046 IS 37 21 45 20 40 10 50 61 52 17 16 4 26 46 39 48 21 86 w 213 62 175 85 128 35 181 294 283 116 102 30 115 162 111 163 122 377 17 788 229 665 306 563 154 669 1,411 1,358 429 44 9 111 437 599 466 603 337 1,810 18 56 18 38 20 40 17 41 53 92 23 41 4 28 43 40 40 28 86 19 35 8 68 17 10 28 44 46 120 6 65 2 80 26 36 36 98 76 20 6,871 118 5,702 284 612 756 289 710 17,154 288 5,924 30 1,553 373 2,675 8,433 962 2,643 21 1,606 167 1,258 899 334 1,177 1,048 1,000 8,858 112 3,698 16 4,422 577 355 755 1,999 2,207 22 119 52 44 58 51 13 54 71 54 39 33 8 47 102 72 61 80 3 69 23 643 242 230 306 602 65 216 326 358 206 294 111 266 658 277 382 1,266 18 294 24 44 12 28 17 72 18 15 38 76 13 54 2 11 25 15 26 50 1 50 25 41,823 5,424 27, 786 1,380 4,868 4,566 628 3,064 88,949 923 38, 256 153 8,686 1,305 15,386 49,648 6,646 7 113,374 26 2,183 822 844 1,017 299 273 920 1,328 1,452 918 516 576 1,847 2,517 893 1,165 310 13 1,348 27 665,849 177,715 253,689 176,098 154,764 140,112 106,168 256,500 361,947 201,612 478,454 103,983 446,175 594,287 271,230 374,248 192,594 2,572 386,420 28 1,895 622 619 605 191 86 722 1,052 1,100 743 113 481 1,380 681 257 452 152 5 995 29 1,597 415 805 687 136 134 612 783 801 669 117 495 1,233 426 123 424 197 855 30 7,718 1,366 2,639 1,847 519 475 1,405 3,042 3,788 2,119 282 1,248 3,508 1,607 720 1,253 688 15 3,581 31 6,708 1,039 3,556 1,752 700 422 1,898 2,593 2,369 2,358 510 1,541 3,873 943 694 1,135 992 2,411 32 827 313 295 392 50 45 218 490 414 301 28 168 567 '269 96 181 47 2 366 33 3,238 535 920 718 137 311 364 1,163 1,005 727 73 329 1,404 733 231 402 166 3 1,203 34 412,316 58, 751 101,396 83,061 20,684 33,625 42,031 136,569 131,134 69,601 9,192 37,750 158,567 78,093 25,183 49,651 18, 700 240 161,434 35 1,492 434 469 594 175 53 616 602 940 602 98 427 1,045 523 211 349 140 4 630 36 4,480 831 1,719 1,129 382 164 1,041 1,679 2,783 1,392 209 919 2,104 874 489 851 522 12 2,378 37 160,715 34 , 989 53,168 44,323 19,343 6,931 33, 008 50,441 87,742 60,403 13,656 37,531 81,103 39,244 18, 967 34,362 29,595 670 81,613 38 580 320 430 380 215 239 324 502 751 386 505 275 726 2,264 770 929 237 7 629 39 547 195 423 364 161 259 196 419 584 236 445 211 765 990 400 635 274 1 571 40 4,380 3,139 4,062 2,781 4,601 3,406 2,324 3,394 8,528 2,965 14,493 1,974 4,888 20,214 8,098 10,805 5,055 56 7,446 41 4,803 1,802 4,535 3,276 4,114 3,816 1,855 3,499 7,722 1,844 13,852 1,694 6,716 10,854 5,310 6,765 6,561 50 7,316 42 74,560 75,019 93,045 40,984 111,117 95,410 27,377 59,568 133,835 45,160 4 52,530 27,532 166,529 466,113 218,263 280,391 139,177 1,539 124 , 540 43 7 1 4 2 31 2 6 1 7 4 10 3 3 2 3 34 2 12 44 18 10 12 2 19 4 6 4 12 5 9 8 10 6 2 12 15 7 45 138 4 34 22 213 22 31 2 71 30 139 9 16 16 4 257 8 122 46 227 48 106 11 249 95 102 11 105 25 103 50 88 52 18 80 107 17 47 2,463 35 595 420 2,203 294 . 482 38 1,024 462 2,337 80 290 240 67 3,978 123 1,939 48 185 81 57 72 12 13 25 104 82 60 10 13 155 58 51 70 16 101 49 227 109 94 94 20 25 29 143 102 71 15 15 371 72 76 88 18 226 50 15, 795 8,921 5,485 7,310 1,417 1,852 3,270 9,864 8,212 5,966 739 1,170 39,696 10,547 6,577 9,777 1,144 16,694 51 2,896 1,595 1,499 1,648 310 363 2,540 2,548 2,372 1,431 557 858 4,091 4,820 1,604 2,173 291 17 2,766 52 259 152 212 144 17 5 74 498 14 7 21 8 18 354 356 122 110 12 1 274 53 295 165 316 158 27 27 90 595 184 39 9 19 393 428 197 165 14 5 549 54 61 27 25 19 3 39 73 40 8 2 41 41 6 11 1 50 55 191 101 44 123 21 65 119 59 57 1 46 202 55 9 35 17 94 56 66 29 30 19 19 47 81 40 12 2 54 56 9 14 1 77 57 457 192 120 156 94 137 181 B78 274 1 62 219 354 40 83 28 400 58 204 125 192 126 17 4 39 433 109 15 8 17 319 318 120 102 11 1 238 59 145 72 142 87 8 42 147 94 52 40 535 48 12 49 9 243 60 229 136 286 139 27 8 43 514 144 27 9 17 339 372 188 151 13 5 4 72 61 637 229 281 129 17 64 172 234 94 45 596 75 47 82 15 511 62 2,842 1,573 1,485 1,829 306 363 2,540 2,520 2,364 1,429 556 857 4,075 4,814 1,594 2,162 269 16 2,752 63 4,127 1,601 1,734 2,068 243 738 2,249 2,603 2,196 1,680 788 912 4,526 4,662 1,602 2,623 346 36 3,102 64 4,530 2,865 3,404 3,201 1,235 2,012 5,958 4,723 5,416 2,412 3,168 1,672 7,868 17,683 6,928 6,928 1,035 64 6,356 65 7,246 4,021 5,765 4,705 1,215 4,486 6,310 5,647 6,094 3,576 5,279 2,039 9,696 21,463 9,054 11,171 1,352 163 9,242 66 148 168 115 191 10 60 109 233 139 32 43 33 138 81 46 98 4 2 294 67 8,952 8,367 10,194 9,374 552 10, 755 5,516 16,289 7,518 2,351 10, 087 1,087 8,098 7,055 3,313 9,416 272 460 28,011 68 60 56 89 32 25 10 35 67 188 7 21 7 121 251 82 119 34 2 115 69 54 13 45 39 6 5 18 32 49 10 6 6 25 21 19 30 9 2 65 70 5 3 1 2 1 4 5 3 3 7 4 1 3 1 3 71 11 3 4 9 4 2 6 16 3 2 6 5 5 5 6 72 3,286 293 55 933 92 450 82 498 50 37 209 211 28 171 78 73 820 414 253 454 17 18 117 450 308 385 16 242 505 155 42 62 11 2 407 74 3,153 1,573 1,003 2,127 150 141 428 1,734 1,032 2,050 67 1,100 2,480 1,601 249 340 25 4 1,442 75 382 272 128 258 13 13 51 270 161 156 12 59 273 58 14 32 4 1 207 76 16,856 14,524 6,514 14 , 829 1,865 1,413 3,087 10,698 6,534 5,472 1,443 3,042 27,063 15,857 1,060 2,271 146 50 8,978 77 46 83 22 59 7 7 8 50 27 18 9 9 52 16 6 9 52 78 1,518 2,382 655 1,725 377 348 144 1,063 819 611 513 310 6,542 5,115 174 418 1,450 79 96 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 2 of 2). -LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK Item (For definitions and explanations , see text) Davie Duplin Durham Edge- combe Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Gran- ville Greene Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting 1949.. 71fl 2,164 583 767 1,265 1,240 1,109 719 347 889 614 2 1944. . 1, 126 2,552 616 565 1,644 945 824 606 379 1,012 548 3 dollars 1949.. 144,963 307,409 330,573 104,017 474,002 170, 505 347,703 135,462 30,441 248,717 35,812 4 1944.. 193, 308 318,989 190,319 59,416 380, 101 126,683 .203,369 239, 240 21,671 157,346 51,318 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . . farms reporting 1950.. 1,344 4,706 1,499 3,265 2,578 3,454 2,033 1,064 649 2,735 3,406 6 1945.. 1,469 4,790 1,310 2,994 2,917 3,378 2,050 947 760 2,808 2, 165 7 number 1950.. 55, 14? 140, 112 72,392 98,680 139,491 99,412 83, 262 55,660 25,259 87,615 75,719 e 1945.. 73,627 207,020 65,550 124, 646 159, 113 124, 095 100,077 57,607 22,306 110,604 91,423 9 value. . dol lars 1950.. 57, 899 140, 112 77,352 107,561 138,555 106,371 81,597 60,867 '■: ■' ' 93, 748 77, 233 10 , farms reporting 1949.. 386 1,470 259 373 840 473 598 393 247 390 377 ii number 1949.. 48,960 57, 333 78, 539 37,439 199,200 108,058 97,416 45, 877 12,003 194,718 12,614 12 dol lars 1949.. 50,699 62, 185 74,715 41,834 187,073 90,255 93,266 47,402 11,598 151,323 14, 140 13 farms reporting 1949.. 630 1,574 503 606 1,044 1,099 973 661 ' 255 728 405 14 dozens 1949.. 220,060 264,063 360,534 112, 175 582,752 169,216 340,819 183, 215 44, 998 199, 782 44,035 15 dol lars 1949.. 91,453 110,401 134, e85 50,574 283, 150 76, 162 168, 357 75,446 16,772 96,302 18,346 16 Turkeys, 4 months old and over, on hand... farms reporting 1950 . . 45 54 37 101 63 44 36 6 7 26 122 17 number 1950.. 303 2, 174 123 417 325 214 111 56 23 98 426 18 value. . dol lars 1950.. 974 8,044 590 1,835 1,080 1,0 27 422 246 85 470 1,874 19 farms reporting 1949. . 50 84 20 94 66 44 48 33 4 31 158 20 1944.. 88 102 14 80 67 26 42 40 3 23 106 21 number 1949.. 692 20,535 368 1,855 686 756 16,882 1,812 26 332 . 1,421 22 1944. . 2,857 14,024 347 1,373 984 416 8,663 1,607 12 339 1,554 23 farms reporting 1949. . 28 50 56 123 63 77 47 39 16 74 5" 24 number 1949.. 146 259 224 510 365 341 232 17 5 87 420 160 25 Turkeys, ducks, and geese, and their farms reporting 1949.. 22 71 10 36 35 20 30 39 3 15 50 26 Animals sold al ive: dol lars 1949. . 2,811 134,823 973 11,609 3,779 4,088 86,076 12,614 71 1,192 3,326 27 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules . farms reporting 1949. . 720 2,953 51B 1,437 1, 160 1,443 868 676 404 1,350 1,260 28 dollars 1949.. 198,802 942,836 179,834 656, 393 291,964 201,785 189, e26 665,670 63,617 235,566 341,735 29 . farms reporting 1949.. 624 767 367 283 930 1,037 655 230 367 1,060 251 30 1944.. 838 950 249 302 907 566 550 181 404 833 144 31 number 1949.. 2,619 1,758 1,152 1,881 2,775 1,768 2,317 474 781 2,468 669 32 1944.. 3,509 2,644 937 1,477 2,781 1,350 2,175 738 1,089 2,046 406 33 Cattle sold aiive, excluding calves. farms reporting 1949.. 267 301 156 119 378 315 347 54 143 264 86 34 number 1949. . 764 732 562 601 872 526 766 96 298 700 312 35 dol lars 1949 . . 10 2, 39 2 75,205 101, 139 74,063 117,624 62,455 93,082 13,316 32,762 94,280 42,230 36 . farms reporting 1949.. 540 585 27 1 234 760 867 486 205 299 938 198 37 number 1949.. 1,855 1,026 590 1,280 1,903 1,262 1,551 376 483 1,768 357 38 dollars 1949.. 39,291 58,601 30,267 69, 184 60, 197 50,453 35,478 22, 476 23,509 67,666 18,271 39 .farms reporting 1949 . . 236 2,777 210 1,358 395 691 357 839 69 535 1,183 40 1944.. 304 1,931 104 571 426 321 261 578 77 277 368 41 number 1949.. 2,368 33,042 3,369 IB, 741 4,731 5,457 2,950 21,013 413 4, 130 10, 121 42 1944. . 3,356 26,329 1,315 9,496 5,238 3,360 3,966 13, 975 537 5,268 4,164 43 dollars 1949. . 38,651 786,537 40,645 503, 787 81,920 82,535 49,477 645, 592 5,751 61,960 270,550 44 .farms reporting 1949 . . 1 2 4 9 3 4 3 6 1 15 45 1944. . 5 4 1 13 8 8 6 10 1 12 2 46 number 1949.. 9 31 33 162 13 30 5 99 8 151 47 1944. . 15 75 5 180 61 156 15 167 1 205 28 48 dollars 1949 . . 175 630 433 3,104 263 365 85 1,348 160 2,316 49 .farms reporting 1949 . . 31 108 39 26 100 45 86 44 27 46 60 50 number 1949.. 54 178 61 62 187 91 133 58 30 80 97 5] Farm slaughter: dollars 1949.. 18,293 21,863 7,350 6, 135 31,960 5,978 11,704 4,038 2,435 9,342 10,684 52 . farms reporting 1949 . . 1,241 4,335 1,377 3,764 2,351 3,428 1,647 965 529 2,700 2,178 53 . farms reporting 1949.. 100 93 76 76 151 130 198 18 9 122 118 54 number 1949.. 156 125 109 111 316 153 330 21 15 156 131 55 Cattle butchered, excluding calves.. .farms reporting 1949.. 21 4 31 11 48 20 24 1 1 47 8 56 1944.. 44 39 33 14 87 72 106 6 16 39 12 57 number 1949.. 25 18 36 13 54 25 28 1 1 56 9 58 1944.. 85 107 55 89 153 1B3 213 114 36 56 13 59 .farms reporting 1949.. 82 89 51 68 119 114 176 IB 8 81 111 60 1944.. 66 29 53 19 91 179 141 16 16 31 31 61 number 1949.. 131 107 73 98 163 128 202 20 14 100 122 62 1944.. 134 41 265 52 11B 251 201 116 33 56 42 63 . farms reporting 1949.. 1,232 4,331 1,264 2,781 3,334 3,422 1,632 964 527 2,696 2, 176 64 1944.. 1,456 4,532 1, 186 2,561 3,756 3,373 1,898 990 666 2,779 2,090 65 numbe r 1949.. 2,507 16,754 3,042 11,928 5, 188 9,366 3,344 4,734 853 6,704 9,992 66 1944.. 3,812 24,425 4,024 15, 125 7,841 10,937 4,680 6,912 1, 107 8,076 11,733 67 Meat, lard, hides, and other products . farms reporting 1049. . 41 1)5 83 42 226 81 135 33 35 104 73 68 Goats, rabbits, and fur animals: dol lars 1949.. 2, 126 12, 222 6,422 11,708 18,392 7, 252 9, 142 2,916 1,818 4,329 9,903 69 Coats and kids (on hand or kept last . farms reporting 1950.. 60 155 83 170 126 67 67 75 4 53 91 70 Domestic rabbits (on hand or kept last year) . farms reporting 1950.. 28 49 30 50 95 43 13 12 6 11 34 71 Fur animals in captivity (on hand or farms reporting 1950. . 4 4 2 7 3 2 1 1 4 72 Sale of goats and kids, goat milk, and mohair, and of rabbits, and fur animals . fa rms report ing 19 19. . 3 8 4 4 13 6 4 6 1 3 73 Bees and honey: dol iars 1949.. 165 339 96 744 3,470 61 130 60 16 74 . farms r eporu ng number of hives 1049.. 1 9 19 . . 108 818 98 582 105 317 16 45 402 1,594 87 253 374 1,099 6 78 177 1, 152 93 34S 29 87 75 76 . farms reporting 1919. . 123 54 59 11 235 58 163 6 61 52 9 77 pounds 1910. , 9,376 10, 151 3,466 364 17, 121 3,340 7, 964 625 2,516 2, 166 873 78 . farms reporting 1949.. 40 24 11 3 63 9 42 4 12 6 5 79 dollars 1949.. 1, 931 ?., 7 34 614 70 2,776 338 1,614 65 420 369 146 NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued 97 Guil- ford Halifax Harnett Lnywnnd Hender- son Hert- ford Hoke Hyde Iredell Jnckson .Johnston Jones Lee Lenoi r Lincoln Mi Dowel 1 '■1 i Madison Martin 1,809 782 1,116 1,397 1,042 664 384 484 1,998 933 ', ' 1 349 990 12 369 1,303 1, 974 1 1,706 617 1,124 1,273 1,153 335 534 644 2,683 1, 126 2,842 364 758 1, 172 916 I ' 2, 310 1,040 2 620,314 61,870 198, 755 170, 792 187,024 40, 909 91,446 63,470 651,784 72,467 371, 1B4 47,420 183, 977 99,410 302,503 156,283 , ■■ 115,446 77,802 3 870,101 51,895 145,653 133,235 201,334 57,572 40, 193 117,582 .-■:',■'■ f. 43, 626 278, 343 68,861 l-i; ,830 10,91 'i 316,311 93,464 103,994 169,876 85, 352 4 3,932 3,768 4,020 2,429 2,039 1,633 1,456 597 3,439 1,990 7,060 1,138 1,403 2,972 1,876 1, 193 2,030 2,372 5 4,006 3,064 3,695 2,373 2,180 1,692 1,684 729 3,375 2,098 5, B47 1,349 1,518 3,047 2,075 1,843 2,099 3,081 2,252 6 134,029 96,249 125,270 81,274 85,805 44,964 I',,-., Mir 40,095 139,624 72,710 246,767 43, 358 ■i. ,88] 102,212 77,156 40,938 75,850 88,757 80,672 7 219, 331 111,266 122,402 76,553 90, 120 61,532 57,095 69,078 168, 186 V,, 1,71 316,554 78,949 50,349 149,411 114,286 46,220 80,013 119,363 119,086 e 164,811 104,911 125,270 80,461 84,947 49,011 36,096 40,897 146,605 71,983 231, 702 44,429 49,194 101 ,256 75,613 40,329 73, 092 87,869 87,932 9 1,013 299 765 806 596 239 206 228 1,113 632 2,180 232 338 670 527 342 ■ 980 678 in 346,218 21,923 107,617 97,676 62, 625 18,042 72,336 8,189 504,581 29,548 118,357 14,116 190,613 35,893 79,017 106,119 37, 572 •', !, "•'" 25, 134 n 312,793 24,211 92,626 81,8«8 57,981 17,711 65, 560 7,403 429,387 29,787 124,712 16, 138 146,981 4' , ,nn 79, 708 96,106 38, 319 33, 949 28,86; 12 1,320 663 727 1,076 847 581 307 464 1,679 684 2,406 272 524 688 800 430 1,052 1,805 1,057 13 590, 669 77,734 168,309 197, 370 270,691 46,370 35,684 155,947 427,324 95,830 522, 846 69, 063 82,908 119,310 305,492 116,213 215,898 234,043 104,333 14 283,748 31,819 74,772 77,949 126,344 18,948 16,433 54,921 197,505 41,616 234,797 31,050 36,261 51,697 129,616 54,328 121,847 80,733 42,347 15 64 79 45 25 51 12 38 9 74 5 122 7 12 57 21 13 20 26 60 In 275 210 188 ■ 107 240 24 128 18 280 38 431 41 48 210 108 46 68 87 169 17 1,320 924 696 396 888 106 474 79 1,344 141 1,896 180 230 924 410 170 252 322 744 IS 91 91 52 30 62 16 36 10 84 9 119 6 11 77 22 21 19 24 71 19 88 110 67 28 20 17 38 9 138 5 92 21 22 65 15 6 13 49 65 20 -4,187 1,246 6,133 1,833 794 507 1,542 152 4,164 192 2,031 122 214 1,460 14,736 904 136 234 1,118 21 3,962 683 932 347 2,685 2,022 733 220 5,255 25 3,142 1,630 294 1,440 3,140 53 128 1,019 835 22 108 145 46 69 87 59 40 35 112 26 126 18 20 58 21 24 43 79 125 23 594 729 302 379 635 234 190 242 498 188 625 65 87 315 81 102 218 410 562 24 41 52 29 29 25 15 12 14 55 6 78 4 11 41 9 22 18 21 31 25 23,773 5,840 31,357 10,975 2,699 4,250 9,453 1,146 24,892 1,064 11,675 240 735 7,205 93, 259 5,549 572 764 6,573 26 1,886 1,677 1,452 1,873 1,012 1,033 489 422 2,167 1,255 4,073 687 515 1,419 966 606 1,444 2,247 1,393 27 600,260 858, 692 342, 760 833,960 282,734 385,926 67,370 197, 771 500,456 266, 984 1,146,691 200,284 86,852 462,834 189, 307 115,614 335,748 622,955 606,968 28 1,541 690 641 1,757 782 283 223 265 1,896 1,135 1,412 161 384 359 728 464 1,243 2,098 270 29 1,237 514 523 1,506 752 87 171 299 2,293 1,175 847 176 386 288 705 534 1,067 2,013 349 30 5,794 2,663 1,329 8,608 3,033 439 338 708 6,724 3,158 2,567 434 772 1,224 2,197 1,013 3,644 6,476 654 31 6,754 3,305 1,156 8,638 2,847 207 429 866 8,807 3,856 1,791 460 923 1,219 2,233 1,155 3,517 8,184 1,300 32 629 210 240 792 371 74 68 71 765 477 503 56 161 137 323 198 476 923 98 33 2,128 1,287 614 3,552 1,018 108 109 206 1,969 1,142 989 143 391 428 758 350 1,324 2,998 288 34 332,658 215,765 75,553 487,568 137,659 11,841 11,249 22,906 246,051 124,961 116,452 15, 528 32,055 46,596 91,685 41,637 137, 192 398, 824 32,126 35 1,256 569 484 1,505 606 247 177 238 1,640 979 1,116 137 294 282 569 351 1,085 1,698 214 36 3,666 1,376 715 5,056 2,015 331 . 229 502 4,755 2,016 1,578 291 471 796 1,439 663 2,320 3,478 366 37 143,058 82,893 28, 524 269,588 73,361 15, 706 7,799 29,929 147,086 94,637 68,566 17,645 15,379 43,812 45,427 27,472 94,390 173, 357 23,169 :in 626 1,348 1,058 397 394 958 321 324 658 345 3,565 656 212 1,323 387 265 677 426 1,346 39 545 417 579 302 359 285 216 322 673 375 1,657 511 185 581 392 201 499 350 649 40 6,929 20,367 8,972 3,097 8,941 13,150 2,243 5,088 5,522 2,436 35,558 7,444 1,864 14,678 2,808 2,199 5,268 2,492 18,673 41 7,317 9,011 6,023 2,245 3,952 5,057 1,814 5,259 6,281 3,175 19,897 6,685 1,399 7,420 2,934 1,588 3,652 2,181 10,301 42 99,567 540,868 226,058 45,865 52, 137 354, 765 42,893 136,436 87,179 35, 567 921,265 162, 970 33,533 362, 927 42,435 40,988 90,377 34,334 547,611 43 14 13 64 3 3 2 49 5 21 9 3 1 1 1 22 28 1 44 13 8 6 53 3 6 2 42 8 34 14 3 4 1 I 4 23 39 6 45 112 135 956 42 11 29 501 90 222 111 22 21 40 9 232 321 7 46 91 115 74 " 828 3 36 5 513 96 280 97 14 37 3 8 28 233 493 93 47 1,988 2,278 18,197 815 78 277 7,300 2,041 3,730 2,034 405 399 700 100 3,767 5,007 60 48 150 44 65 132 95 24 30 12 168 79 211 13 25 52 81 52 78 134 17 49 310 131 84 163 141 31 42 18 239 92 286 46 44 75 113 70 127 151 30 50 22,989 16,888 12, 625 12,742 18,762 3,536 5,153 1,200 18,099 8,089 38,374 4,141 5,480 9,100 9,060 5,417 10,022 11,433 4,002 51 3,337 3,374 3,714 2,093 1,689 1,516 1,331 378 3,223 1,784 6,834 1,087 1,287 2,507 2,013 1,063 1,856 2,741 2, 18B 52 255 94 194 103 199 33 116 11 321 34 414 29 95 103 295 71 82 59 51 53 331 178 232 132 230 44 133 12 443 52 481 37 108 150 330 82 90 67 67 54 88 11 26 26 46 6 19 60 11 38 2 12 10 19 12 31 16 5 55 166 36 57 26 70 13 25 1 173 53 89 40 72 22 151 53 51 49 18 56 118 35 37 36 58 6 22 110 11 46 2 16 18 20 14 33 17 14 57 317 100 88 142 112 40 55 1 234 72 189 101 91 124 260 61 68 65 30 58 177 84 171 80 156 28 99 11 273 23 383 27 84 95 276 59 54 44 47 59 162 116 97 23 194 15 50 4 167 49 78 15 121 25 217 43 63 33 29 60 213 143 195 96 172 38 111 12 333 41 435 35 92 132 310 68 57 50 53 61 303 149 133 40 338 37 ' 72 5 283 58 111 32 134 47 335 50 68 44 35 62 3,301 3,368 3,705 2,083 1,665 1,514 1,324 373 3,194 1,778 6,822 1,085 1,280 2,498 1,996 1,057 1,853 2,734 2,188 63 3,662 2,914 3,723 2,197 2,015 1,631 1,604 216 3,404 1,996 6,673 1,227 1,459 2,593 2,095 1,516 2,048 2,975 1,930 64 7,373 12,418 11,649 3,642 2,778 7,628 3,541 1,217 6,550 3,091 27,264 5,730 3,124 11,895 3,922 1,890 3,375 4,264 15,885 65 9,696 14,421 15,336 4,761 3,751 11,431 5,372 805 8,857 3,825 32,426 8,116 4,341 15,338 4,934 2,777 4,270 5,257 17,468 66 293 64 112 138 94 86 19 11 301 54 377 27 74 69 109 99 171 240 114 67 21,384 13,873 7,898 7,121 3,845 10, 559 1,721 823 18,093 2,603 26,915 4,597 3,690 9,882 6,047 4,434 7,805 6,728 20, 140 68 217 213 136 43 58 127 54 14 122 55 419 42 50 77 50 38 23 25 116 69 113 24 39 29 57 23 15 6 68 10 54 10 9 36 40 7 18 27 30 70 6 2 5 3 1 1 2 3 9 1 11 6 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 71 15 4 8 5 6 6 1 18 2 18 2 3 1 1 4 2 3 72 6,649 1,834 581 4,105 101 99 75 424 3,025 333 13 9 9 20 96 25 32 73 537 35 141 567 430 17 54 25 733 472 236 36 109 48 240 278 536 832 18 74 2,166 99 489 2,576 1,509 85 219 266 3,019 2,169 833 307 327 318 979 1,114 2,811 3,364 131 75 274 19 78 288 139 16 19 19 402 184 157 24 48 28 151 119 182 344 11 76 16, 707 1,046 3,154 12,214 8,050 1,003 821 2,031 21,328 6,292 7,890 4,027 1,693 3,224 5,930 4,538 11, 132 13,672 3,352 77 63 1 10 51 22 10 3 10 89 21 29 9 7 11 25 26 33 37 4 78 2,346 155 539 1,404 1,215 220 11C 432 3,403 588 1,118 937 104 585 638 471 1,741 1,171 560 79 98 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 2 of 2).— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK (For definitions and explanations, see text) Mecklen- burg Mont- gomery New Hanover North- ampton Orange Poultry and poultry products: Poultry and/or poultry products sold. Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand.. Chickens sold. Chicken eggs sold. Turkeys, 4 months old and over, on hand... . farms reporting dollars farms reporting number value. . dol lars . farms reporting number dol lars . farms reporting dozens dol lars . farms reporting number value. . dol lars 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 19 50. 1945. 1950. 1945. 1950. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 19 49. 1949. 1950. 1950. 1950. Turkeys raised farms reporting 1949. 1944. number 1949. 1944. Ducks raised farms reporting 1949. number 1949. Turkeys, ducks, and geese, and their eggs sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Animals sold al ive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive Cattle and/or calves sold alive. Cattle sold alive, excluding calves. Calves sold alive Hogs and pigs sold alive.... . farms reporting dollars . farms reporting number . farms reporting number dol 1 ars . farms reporting number dol lars . farms repor ting Sheep and lambs sold alive. number dol lars . farms reporting Horses and mules sold alive. Farm slaughter: Any cattle or hogs butchered Cattle and/or calves butchered. Cattle butchered, excluding calves. Calves butchered. Hogs and pigs butchered. dollars . farms reporting number dollars . farms reporting . farms reporting numbe r . farms reporting number . farms reporting number . farms reporting number Meat, lard, hides, and other products sold from animals butchered . farms reporting dol lars 1919. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1919. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1919. 1944. 1949. 1949. Goats, rabbits, and fur animals: Coats and kids (on hand or kept last year) farms reporting 1950. Domestic rabbits (on hand or kept last year) farms reporting 1950 Fur animals in captivity (on hand or kept last year) farms reporting 1950, Sale of goats and kids, goat milk, and mohair; and of rabbits, and fur animals and their pelts..., farms reporting 1919. dollars 1949, Bees and honey: Bees owned last year farms reporting |9'9, number of hives 1919 Honey produced farms reporting 1919, pounds 1949 Honey, wux , and bees sold , farms reporting [949 dollars 191 i 984 1,373 316,419 383,429 2,612 2,577 114,087 166,230 111,805 496 112,049 92,542 846 402,807 202,529 51 247 939 3,042 8,382 72 817 40 21,348 1,320 425,514 982 1,114 4,231 4,546 4 72 1,318 155,825 766 2,913 73,471 603 624 6,553 6,280 172,706 9 14 83 105 1,245 129 295 22,267 2,056 229 302 69 138 80 397 166 136 222 276 2,021 2,301 4,175 6,561 96 9,495 357 1,321 218 15,401 47 2,781 457 998 33,813 60,287 1,660 1,792 37,497 46,962 37,122 331 20,134 17,030 282 38, 892 15,966 17 69 255 230 346 1,066 211,405 989 948 2,826 3,151 376 942 102,007 838 1,884 74,256 218 136 1,526 864 19,779 28 20 535 255 9,150 49 71 6,213 59 22 86 49 26 55 49 1,613 1,798 2,784 3,282 76 3,197 2 106 243 1,905 82 2,793 516 579 205,947 75, 733 1,051 1,038 52,369 47,383 51,322 280 141,947 115,680 419 185,996 70,339 30 157 597 3,341 303 16 19,928 394 86,717 265 313 621 768 117 286 29,974 196 335 10,084 200 198 2,023 2,158 43,449 49 15 30 40 3,195 41 12 29 13 46 26 30 28 44 870 956 1,800 2,821 44 159 571 1,776,496 729,931 2,179 1,913 85,014 114,026 83,314 673 1,729,590 1,428,816 722 301,573 112,655 34 163 619 37 24 28,189 5,776 80 370 849 128,010 57 7 396 952 874 237 316 33,977 444 636 21,386 430 239 3,484 2,405 63,076 70 795 74 160 8,776 2,146 136 144 35 68 36 107 104 80 108 123 1,916 1,879 4,069 4,537 110 1,223 289 859 19 625 1,570 1,862 189,246 213,104 4,983 4,475 161,172 179,618 175,677 832 52,853 54,915 1,274 291,045 126,353 164 521 2,292 1,826 1,569 106 419 1,734 422,888 682 4 95 1,518 1,720 213 489 56,334 550 1,029 4 7,144 1,363 586 13,820 5,463 298, 732 5 7 27 89 275 20,186 4,655 133 174 5 28 6 108 130 46 168 61 4,647 4,401 16,302 19,474 151 11,679 57 364 60,931 147,691 265 568 16,732 31,472 16,732 55 12,902 13,839 98,032 46,762 6 84 430 128 89,743 46 63 308 543 23 170 23,511 39 138 5,282 100 97 1,721 2,463 46,325 145 14 , 625 10 12 168 231 541 1,031 1,133 1,126 106,525 119,831 2,672 2,513 92,867 104,155 101,225 543 32,176 33,835 997 166,687 70,728 23 260 645 78 426 1,962 1,451 526,747 607 360 1,374 1,063 14 9 496 59,521 527 878 45,521 1,195 418 14 , 863 5,406 409,709 5 9 68 68 1,045 60 101 10,951 2,443 49 100 8 15 13 44 42 16 87 68 2,438 2,376 10,436 14,357 72 181 25 2 22 169 2,021 6 461 743 520 107,529 78,309 1,752 1,654 63,810 62,425 63,810 460 .22,624 22,907 594 123,251 50,015 30 6,419 4,536 1,177 478,428 256 137 589 550 105 213 21,339 206 376 24,363 1,128 447 15,240 10, 133 427,593 2 6 13 107 ,597 20 35 5 34 27 15 1,596 1,416 9,380 11,232 90 1 1,000 69 425 32 4,194 14 1,016 915 925 493,036 367,312 1,777 1,709 128,751 122,093 137,764 576 108,395 100,064 766 837,313 379,210 29 89 427 1,870 716 52 288 24 13,762 947 219,498 724 769 2,438 2,639 287 675 91,920 614 1,763 51,923 407 343 3,504 4,297 63,716 11 5 97 40 1,875 66 112 10,064 1,520 133 216 39 85 51 201 97 119 165 259 1,499 1,623 3,545 4,663 184 11,056 155 486 84 4,365 404 425 303, 561 115,453 625 530 33, 718 36,880 34,392 231 21,566 25,046 351 122,447 52,349 12 1,561 6,868 21 28 32,145 8,991 18 226,166 312 134,352 129 134 361 372 56 181 29,076 89 180 9,778 254 195 3,101 2,598 92,264 9 1 59 10 754 18 25 2,480 376 25 42 3 33 5 373 281 1,324 1,274 19 130 3 433 NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued 99 Pender Perquim- ans Person Pitt Polk Randolph Rich- mond Robeson Rock- iii|du«m Ro»nn Ruther- ford Sampson Scotland Stanly Stoke. Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrrell 808 606 741 1,646 530 1,773 440 1,708 1,326 1,241 1,339 2, 646 245 1,203 1,156 1,199 317 410 333 1 619 693 769 1,526 623 2,234 383 2,074 1,156 2,027 1,794 2,923 239 1,386 1,890 1,487 427 583 426 .' 117,103 94, 237 74,738 126,477 100,279 1,343,778 108, 774 170,576 200,829 207,470 160, 681 324,377 24,890 425,429 351,863 399,179 28,468 68,45 8 59, 995 3 97,527 110, 654 96,067 169, 280 52,611 1,175,622 93,138 179,919 153,309 314,310 198,502 303,042 29,942 318,533 329, 626 497,4 68 17,100 76, 185 104,907 4 1,804 838 2,213 4,748 1,026 2,968 1,307 7,195 3,699 2,532 2,989 5,854 1,347 2,225 2,483 3, 297 979 950 453 5 1,787 946 2,495 5,080 1,033 3,185 1,639 7,632 3,722 3,178 3,371 5,759 1,536 2,083 3,180 3,290 885 1,064 486 6 54,266 45,446 65,813 161,249 32, 606 165,055 50, 317 220,167 105, 169 87,061 93,719 177,001 33,434 145, 252 111,968 131,407 20, 200 33,435 32, 686 ; 70,631 67,244 88,803 236,762 40,320 172, 0*2 60, 448 260,724 130, 621 152, 108 134,749 263,217 52,755 129,807 152,612 123,738 21,700 39,589 43,393 8 54, 266 49,536 70,420 164,474 32,280 173, 308 49,311 220, 167 112,331 91,414 92,782 177,001 35,434 142,347 119,806 131,407 19,998 33, 101 ".,,.;.! 9 410 287 354 869 336 1,025 279 1,050 725 614 910 1,999 112 749 757 915 243 299 180 in 27, 132 19,754 31,912 44 , 564 41,294 1,233,278 58, 298 52,321 90, 745 44,507 46,186 79,785 7,384 111,209 163, 974 231,209 10,698 32,271 11,039 a 28, 757 19,938 29, 931 48,289 39,892 918,766 57,353 53,594 82,746 42,679 45,212 90, 886 7,950 101,163 151,171 208, 636 10,512 29,04 3 10,213 12 703 561 641 1,294 433 1,504 339 1,279 1,096 1,095 1,297 1,808 193 999 884 743 221 348 308 13 143, 824 176,800 102,454 162,814 124,275 940,287 103,320 228,826 263,503 335,445 264, 467 324, 644 33, 898 783, 975 390,056 369,849 36,958 78,201 140,326 ii 58,882 66,784 43, 980 68, 109 59,797 402, 855 49,559 113, 199 115,811 146,434 114, 746 144,197 15,374 307,963 200,484 189,408 17,510 38,933 46,803 15 10 35 22 176 13 42 32 95 42 58 10 36 42 18 20 13 12 28 10 In 21 117 94. 527 49 187 109 335 137 360 33 116 153 114 81 59 46 180 26 17 78 515 451 2,319 181 898 414 1,240 658 1,728 122 429 566 433 389 212 170 666 114 18 18 46 22 194 . 10 50 35 94 42 72 16 48 50 33 16 11 7 14 13 19 24 38 24 252 3 55 22 66 18 104 12 69 28 23 20 13 1 4 19 20 5,391 855 272 2,330 100 4,521 482 857 471 3,313 123 13,144 293 2,757 102 127 116 141 476 :i 5,805 1,386 317 3,972 33 2,008 3,241 3,043 373 2,057 90 1,770 323 1,378 404 178 20 62 635 22 22 109 61 136 38 62 17 164 83 64 45 80 21 41 19 24 16 23 32 23 113 911 284 650 233 303 97 784 373 274 228 459 86 195 89 153 72 182 223 24 17 84 8 96 8 33 19 35 24 42 11 39 12 17 4 10 5 6 10 ■1'. 29,466 7,535 827 10,079 590 24,157 1,862 3,783 2,272 18, 357 723 89,294 1,566 16,303 210 1,135 446 482 2,979 26 964 630 891 1,948 461 1,647 585 2,627 1,301 1,283 1,334 2,981 351 1,195 1,146 1,325 376 408 398 27 306, 632 459,079 97,130 636, 001 107, 738 334, 668 138,624 534,901 204, 364 424.309 230,576 725, 928 92,847 309, 682 126, 219 267, 926 68, 904 129,515 305,425 ?e 279 260 664 428 340 1,272 362 863 1,075 1,027 1,034 985 138 757 1,034 1,102 307 304 183 29 167 290 544 418 395 1,508 246 497 738 1,449 632 887 46 771 1,124 968 429 359 200 30 803 605 1,103 1,385 1,023 3,922 1,051 1,905 2,323 4,824 2,482 1,713 428 1,919 1,606 2,573 693 1,075 715 31 429 1,033 980 1,705 1,017 4,290 567 1,599 1,919 5,581 1,518 2,237 372 2,122 2,218 2,448 1,095 1,339 797 32 116 60 134 159 166 488 165 307 404 419 484 377 46 391 339 463 117 135 41 33 249 108 193 450 475 1,122 498 519 742 1,545 940 597 172 812 436 1,120 268 464 121 34 30,384 12,383 21,114 54,314 58, 316 142,471 59,311 57,155 96, 065 238,096 111,535 62,515 21,477 97, 180 54, 035 153,302 33,405 60,360 11,500 35 202 248 588 348 245 1,070 269 664 867 841 758 743 105 538 843 814 250 250 168 3ft 554 497 910 935 548 2,800 553 1,386 1,581 3,279 1,542 1,116 256 1,107 1,170 1,453 423 611 594 37 22,226 28,467 33,540 49,235 18, 939 85,538 18,380 58, 697 55,438 84,291 51,552 55, 557 9,275 41,708 45,777 60,682 17,192 25,507 38,561 38 850 594 385 1,805 186 691 339 2,226 327 532 487 2,596 263 768 184 396 132 215 363 39 381 689 240 978 172 665 180 1,042 183 682 380 1,805 72 560 181 309 74 224 336 40 10,666 14,493 3,056 18, 334 1,370 5,732 2,935 17, 236 2,630 5,053 3,338 24,828 2,620 6,708 1,181 2,362 922 2,155 9,593 41 5,705 18, 331 1,668 13, 290 1,296 7,032 2,096 11,577 2,077 7,286 3,901 20,008 1,235 5,519 1,263 2,079 565 1,756 7,869 42 250,112 413,290 38, 214 517,449 24,688 90,655 55,708 406,127 40,197 93,825 55,185 581,673 60,590 160, 786 19,833 43,551 12,577 40,746 245,514 43 1 33 8 4 5 15 1 1 3 7 2 3 2 3 3 3 19 14 44 13 5 6 9 1 8 4 9 4 9 9 2 6 19 45 12 281 52 90 32 95 8 17 45 57 9 20 51 12 105 47 511 M 576 103 55 22 68 50 22 106 93 15 71 102 8 99 267 17 175 3,462 907 1,775 573 1,443 152 327 880 836 150 336 1,034 214 1,730 959 8,310 48 33 20 19 61 49 133 40 85 75 76 112 171 16 81 41 72 38 21 11 19 39 22 27 118 57 213 59 115 116 99 152 236 21 114 56 92 41 34 16 50 3,735 1,477 3,355 13,228 5,222 14,561 5,073 12,595 11,784 7,261 12,154 25,847 1,505 8,974 6,574 10, 177 4,000 1,943 1,540 51 1,675 692 2,313 4,136 908 2,717 1,205 6,892 3,353 2,293 2,685 5,558 1,226 2,113 3,096 3,487 684 833 371 52 72 14 72 249 45 129 83 531 129 349 219 220 51 188 88 108 13 218 1 53 118 17 90 313 52 186 97 650 141 592 244 254 62 235 105 127 16 240 2 54 8 2 30 19 9 30 14 32 46 70 16 14 6 26 47 61 5 21 55 11 3 50 41 63 82 18 67 87 103 59 37 13 58 90 111 39 42 9 56 25 2 31 28 9 40 18 42 52 103 16 17 7 33 53 74 6 27 57 104 111 70 91 84 118 58 115 125 179 73 218 39 157 132 163 64 102 13 58 68 13 43 239 37 105 70 503 85 296 207 206 45 167 45 49 10 199 1 59 1 4 44 68 101 68 41 127 88 258 249 68 14 88 36 39 14 22 10 60 93 15 59 285 43 146 79 608 89 489 228 237 55 202 52 53 10 213 2 61 2 208 63 134 127 93 65 149 108 439 296 225 26 194 51 50 15 27 26 62 1,656 691 2,310 4,128 901 2,697 1,193 6,871 3,343 2,272 2,665 5,552 1,217 2,096 3,089 3,481 684 818 371 63 1,671 832 2,550 4,147 1,004 2,885 1,606 7,440 3,617 2,904 3,232 5,394 1,496 1, 717 3,156 3,261 834 87V 454 64 6,435 3,321 5,721 20,042 1,534 5,496 2,691 22,396 6,528 5,267 4,693 18,888 3,137 3,920 5,715 6,348 1,064 1,681 1,366 65 7,972 5,331 6,795 25,599 1,978 7,445 4,225 30,787 8,062 8,226 6,234 24,617 4,839 5,016 6,681 6,618 1,365 1,633 2,182 66 36 23 54 66 46 156 27 125 206 203 180 170 10 152 367 185 19 11 2 67 4,135 1,901 3,100 5,598 3,499 10,290 1,935 7,912 10, 674 35,743 7,615 11,700 1,361 9,925 17,161 10, 212 1,054 3,321 75 68 50 65 46 184 21 152 39 322 64 162 88 291 61 60 29 43 11 78 14 69 4 12 3 67 9 37 22 47 65 56 58 67 7 18 16 23 7 144 70 2 6 2 1 2 9 2 5 7 2 4 6 5 71 2 1 8 3 7 1 7 3 15 10 8 2 1 5 2 3 2 72 16 25 125 1,006 156 3 75 1,015 2,526 494 101 29 400 146 108 350 1,615 73 58 18 144 47 230 597 133 113 363 390 512 112 22 306 494 604 204 277 14 74 512 149 483 725 1,000 2,006 507 1,965 1,794 1,761 2,232 598 139 1,090 1,999 2,848 934 1,117 130 75 20 12 77 35 78 224 51 60 154 240 204 44 17 142 250 385 60 139 7 76 4,120 2,540 8,955 7,969 3,477 10, 790 3,248 14,194 8,743 17,909 8,731 2,506 2,621 5,790 17,598 42,642 2,758 5,122 2,443 77 7 8 18 12 17 41 12 22 29 74 52 10 6 2B 62 79 11 16 3 78 829 622 1,951 2,222 376 1,286 521 3,955 1,096 3,200 1,127 357 666 387 2,666 7,640 689 824 626 79 100 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 2 of 2).— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued Item Union Vance Wake Warren Wash- Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey (For definitions and explanations . see text) ington Poultry and poultry products: 1 Poultry and'or poultry products sold farms reporting 1949. . 1,976 65e 1,663 600 337 1,370 2,086 2,430 1,351 1,512 1,219 2 1944.. 2, 131 952 1,811 854 4?e 1,758 1,604 2,749 1,633 1,629 991 3 dol lars 1949.. 1, 248,047 55,781 664,969 39, 194 50,833 117, 435 151,669 3,352,443 64, 150 331,400 116,597 4 1944.. 836,040 74, 868 855, 944 54, 124 58,919 145, 666 140, 145 1,656,762 118,421 361,374 66,417 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand.. . farms reporting 1950.. 4,308 1,974 4,978 2,639 696 2,235 4,166 3,ee5 3,751 2,606 2,392 6 1945. . 4, 122 1,730 5,317 2,560 631 2,220 4,437 4,381 4,159 2,654 2,350 7 number 1950.. 303,674 59,225 190,997 66,302 34,920 59, 972 130,916 257, 794 124,050 92, "lfi 58,512 8 1945. . 264, 387 74,836 248, 274 76,223 44,411 65, 573 196,581 393,280 15e, 551 114,740 62,669 9 val ue. . dol 1 ars 1950. . 297,600 63, 37 1 200,54'' 70,943 38,063 59,972 133,534 253,794 126,531 92,718 57,927 10 . farms reporting 1949 . . 1, 166 256 91B 201 114 756 1,324 2,001 799 1,026 746 11 number 1949.. 266,677 15,532 377, 211 8,739 7,601 34,487 50,741 .3, 390, 649 26,729 152, 833 53,246 12 dol lars 1949. . 233,626 16,205 301,766 8,698 6,640 30,238 54,48? '..'•"■ ,'-'"■ 28,773 152,955 47,426 13 farms reporting 1949.. 1,679 570 1,299 521 323 1, 132 1,611 1,369 1,032 1,183 919 14 dozens 1949. . 1,860, 139 84,657 712,354 67,206 101,740 305,326 203,725 1,464,312 127,037 360,294 133, 356 15 dol lars 1949.. 749,227 38,648 345,170 29,326 39,936 84,953 85,876 653,039 53,349 177,871 58,454 16 Turkeys, 4 months old and over, on hand.,. .farms reporting 1950. . 52 45 7e 50 6 41 146 40 92 30 32 17 number 1950. . 915 180 407 169 26 163 549 1-7 324 108 121 18 value. . dol I ars 1950. . 3,477 864 1,954 fill 114 587 2,416 637 1,426 389 448 19 .farms reporting 1949.. 93 34 82 46' 10 31 145 50 104 26 30 20 1944.. 82 15 72 29 15 35 160 34 3' 23 36 21 number 1949.. 49,561 347 3,793 325 644 501 2,564 7, 195 790 139 1,876 22 1944.. 10,586 172 1,634 5P0 539 617 1,964 533 313 408 417 23 farms reporting 1949. . 82 51 126 56 18 81 101 66 184 53 21 24 number 1949. . 429 215 525 259 75 457 507 435 723 221 104 25 Turkeys, ducks, and geese, and their farms reporting 1949.. 68 15 45 27 11 33 94 43 35 18 25 26 Animals sold al i ve: dollars 1949.. 265, 194 928 16,033 970 4,257 2,244 11,505 40,303 2,028 574 10,715 27 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules . farms reporting 1949.. 2,654 317 2,097 1,355 511 1,907 2,241 2,603 1,320 1,475 1,556 28 dol 1 ars 1949.. 619,854 101,661 570, 658 231,884 206,878 582,937 660,860 438,029 265, 219 221,215 302,632 20 Cattle and/or calves sold alive .farms reporting 1949. . 1,889 630 1,360 1, 108 134 1,812 805 3,363 318 1,227 1,438 30 1944. . 1,495 510 1,355 803 159 1,576 661 2,204 221 940 933 31 number 1949. . 5,004 1, 166 3,978 2,790 369 5,941 2,006 4,735 653 2,726 3,587 32 1944.. 4,350 1,092 4,423 2,724 1, 194 6,095 1,812 5,801 495 2,510 2,890 33 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves. .farms reporting 1949.. 653 187 475 318 49 868 322 1,020 122 514 497 34 number 1949.. 1,933 272 1,538 896 175 2,507 757 1,782 226 839 1, 196 35 dollars 1949.. 213, 982 30,419 220,862 9 1, 308 24,079 302, 786 92,345 208,535 32, 146 110,842 141,822 y. .farms reporting 1949.. 1,463 544 1,079 992 111 1,489 635 1,823 248 981 1,223 37 number 1949.. 3,071 894 2,440 1,894 194 3,434 1,249 2,953 425 1,887 2,391 -is dol lars 1949.. 103,895 29,820 97,909 77,053 10,418 157,887 52,714 112,915 16,912 56,081 107,581 39 . farms reporting 1949.. 1,572 332 1, 116 537 476 450 1,949' 734 1, 170 472 310 40 1944.. 1,076 245 709 328 271 341 1, 153 738 494 367 167 41 number 1949.. 11,818 2,555 11, 112 3,792 8,766 3,521 19,309 5,063 9,000 2,828 2,367 42 1944.. 10,203 2,001 8,789 2,647 7,050 2,672 14, 147 6,899 4,657 2,437 1,217 43 dollars 1949.. 273,435 36,710 225, 469 54,791 169,388 43, 127 487, 297 88,533 204,065 47, 247 34,064 44 Sheep and lambs sold alive .farms reporting 1949. . 19 4 10 2 15 321 4 5 1 35 45 1944.. 1 6 8 14 286 5 10 4 1 47 16 number 1949.. 141 31 148 26 127 3,761 41 45 q 384 47 1944.. 10 49 198 202 3,733 IS 82 36 3 560 48 dol lars 1949.. 2,257 545 2,471 705 2,503 69,853 809 704 158 5,669 49 farms reporting 1949. . 250 30 107 34 19 89 177 179 57 69 75 50 number 1949. - 350 35 172 68 29 120 361 230 81 84 160 51 Farm slaughter: dol lars 1949.. 26,285 4,167 23, 947 8,027 2,490 9,284 37,795 17,342 10,096 6,887 13,476 52 farms reporting 1949.. 3,790 1,655 4,678 2,541 593 2, 157 3,827 4, 182 3,450 2,672 2,305 53 farms reporting 1949.. 251 115 300 117 16 95 259 132 153 144 33 54 number 1949.. 310 137 373 226 22 102 314 150 243 168 36 55 Cattle butchered, excluding calves.. farms reporting 1949.. 43 17 72 21 4 56 14 46 26 66 5 56 1944.. 195 43 60 37 15 151 23 156 42 98 39 57 number 1949 . . 51 17 93 27 8 58 14 50 35 73 6 58 1944.. 270 59 286 100 31 205 81 241 76 138 62 59 farms reporting 1949.. 215 100 235 99 14 41 248 90 138 86 28 60 1944.. 189 166 151 47 3 23 39 95 68 26 45 61 number 1949.. 259 120 280 199 14 44 300 100 208 95 30 '.2 1944. . 271 258 287 65 7 36 45 144 95 39 55 S3 farms reporting 1949.. 3,77 2 1,876 4,653 2,528 590 2, 151 3,809 4, 167 3,341 2,664 2,303 64 1944.. 3,965 1,687 4,569 2,443 600 2,073 4, 197 4,470 3,951 2,646 2,415 65 number 1949.. 6,994 4,900 13, 397 6,508 2,934 3,644 15, 646 7, 293 13,053 4,643 3,635 66 1944.. 8,953 6,405 15,804 7,381 4,078 4, 148 30, 110 9,506 17, 952 5,401 4,245 67 Meat, lard, hides, and other products farms reporting 1949.. 118 96 176 51 24 369 216 606 170 334 24"? 68 Goats, rabbits, and fur animals: dol 1 ars 1949.. 8,225 3,683 13,973 4,096 3,263 12,065 13,056 25,641 12, 222 16,243 7,189 69 Goats and kids (on hand or kept last year) farms reporting 1950.. 99 55 176 85 30 31 319 70 157 59 21 70 Domestic rabbits (on hand or kept last farms reporting 1950. . 109 31 73 38 7 50 79 64 103 40 34 71 Fur animals in captivity (on hand or farms reporting 1950.. 7 6 1 1 3 8 6 2 5 4 72 Sale of goats and kids, goat milk, and mohair, end of rabbits and fur animals farms reporting 1949.. 6 3 15 5 1 5 13 fl 6 1 2 73 Bees and honey: dol lars 1949.. 93 75 1,446 330 25 58 323 113 64 5 4 74 forms reporting 1949.. 605 56 202 26 11 480 91 993 52 562 376 75 number of hives 1949 . 2,426 174 594 338 231 2,296 4 16 4,960 175 1,977 1,505 76 farms reporting 1949.. 394 31 111 15 8 208 48 476 35 395 138 77 pound.'; 1949.. 22,405 2,294 6,281 7,2'9 7,270 8,043 3,516 27,696 1,840 25,249 4,971 7FI farms reporting 194".. 58 6 28 3 4 26 21 139 12 110 15 79 dol 1 ars 1949.. 2,873 113 1,092 1,405 1,412 649 600 5,406 308 4, 182 405 NORTH CAROLINA County Table 5 (Part 1 ol 7). SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 101 Item (For definitions «nd explanations, nee text) /Uleghany Avery Total vulue of oil specified crops harvested (see text ) do] 1 urn Value of all crops sold (see text) dollurs Corn: Corn for all purposes farms reporting value. . dol 1 ars Harvested for grain farms reportinR acres bushel s Cut for silage farms reporting acres tons. .green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting acres Value of corn and other corn products sold farms reporting dollars Corn sold bus he Is Sorghums: Sorghum for all purposes except sirup farms reporting value. . dollars Harvested for grain or for seed. . farms reporting acres bushels Cut for silage farms reporting acres tons. .green weight Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay. ... farms reporting acres tons cut Value of sorghum sold farms reporting dol 1 ars Small grains: Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting acres bushels value. .dol lars bushels sold Wheat threshed or combined farms reporting bushels value. .dollars bushels sold Oats threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels value. .dollars bushels sold Oats cut for feeding unthreshed. . farms reporting value. .dollars Barley threshed or combined farms reporting value.. do liars bushels sold . farms reporting acres bushels Bye threshed or combi: value. .dollars bushels sold Other grains threshed or combined, .farms reporting acres bushels value. .dol lars bushels sold Value of small grains and grain straw sold farms reporting dol lars 1141. 1144. 1141. 1144. 1141. 1144. 1141. 1144. 1141. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949.. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949. . 1949. , 1141. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944. 1949., 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949. 1944.. 1949. 1949. 1941. 1944. . 1949. 1944.. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 602, 317, 16.1 631,160,471 455,712,714 418,464,602 237 , 4S0 253, B97 2,107,871 2,275,760 80,692,819 233,722 251,832 2,029,449 2,233,927 58,054,020 51,038,110 2,347 19,897 177,556 11,424 58,525 33,316 924,006 876,920 3,513 6,832 13,887 13,978 493,236 1,403 81 9,253 709 229,139 18,235 107 654 4,424 2,046 3,980 5,634 437 90,911 4,091 31,566 774,950 805,950 92,844 39,428 64, 470 .327,737 468,571 4,581,881 7,717,861 9,116,699 1.828,766 29,998 25,278 233,715 180.239 6,821,344 4,973,452 5,329,311 1,249,216 30,359 58,257 99,167 196,343 3,369,788 4,853 6,666 29,103 42,111 761,876 1,130,022 872,538 111,731 3,022 7,323 12,978 31,829 148,816 368,161 297,121 38,747 273 954 16,897 28,726 4,175 17,430 4,912,523 4,655,912 5,238,812 2,873,883 2,669,256 2,126 2,373 17,582 21,983 757,058 2,063 2, 329 17^035 21,322 535,207 532,299 42 461 4,553 28 86 410 68,111 55,779 3 3 7 4 184 3 51 350 9,636 10,021 1,312 975 1,293 9,166 11,831 134,072 196,825 261,440 50,457 837 679 6,985 4,464 234, 187 121,851 192,033 36,734 188 378 513 1,168 17,186 166 91 888 744 22,561 21,929 24,817 2,549 36 125 113 473 1,011 4,708 2,022 178 2, 197,150 2,717,130 1,137,953 1,220,013 1,471 1,740 8,425 11,456 344,952 1.449 1,717 8,248 11,322 245,071 247,037 36 135 975 11 42 135 19,314 15,497 12 50 22 118 537 1 2 1 3 10 40 15 64 1,495 1,555 762 972 5,580 7,065 82,088 98.154 164,176 23,256 574 358 3,309 1,476 102,534 35, 498 75,875 12.335 184 339 614 987 20,876 82 77 423 415 11,151 10,044 12,824 1,210 96 213 330 786 3,083 7,962 6,012 683 2 3 19 32 456 140.478 255 61.363 1, 103,227 1, 118,957 155,504 198,147 1,219 1,279 5,960 7,447 433,052 1,180 1,279 5,217 7,382 204,445 255,575 161 731 8,926 6 12 43 6,033 4,799 4,486,185 5,044,947 3,021,548 2,449,864 2,281 2,216 22,917 23,098 689,120 2,176 2,210 21,581 22,961 480,80 5 437,748 7 157 1,200 147 1,171 470 93,427 72,865 75 55 514 150 15,295 42 1 363 1 9,123 20 2,406,827 3,290,972 1,072,235 1,287,171 2,839 3,260 10,000 13,846 571,261 2,810 3,255 9,645 13,719 350,282 426,765 113 323 3,871 15 32 114 11,458 9,126 7 45 873 908 47 114 59 521 350 9,625 6,580 19,731 2,551 65 21 268 112 6,424 2,701 5,332 410 98 182 361 760 11,913 18 89 2,314 43 66 17 4 352 2,587 4,784 5,174 216 36 162 2,525 4,292 970 40 7,387 33 151 110 19 4,065 92 913 17, 257 17,947 2,200 580 1,175 7,958 9,210 73,280 132,716 146,560 35,572 611 706 7,072 7,399 166,090 186,978 126,228 41,636 645 823 3,996 5,939 131,868 104 123 1,224 1,280 28,021 31,857 32.224 8,092 13 60 47 347 346 3,570 685 120 1 4 40 68 67 89 239 370 3,753 6,027 7,694 234 34 63 87 271 2,075 6,133 1,722 399 1,240 1,086 4.033 35,838 8 6 19 29 565 665 616 357 112,586 125 104 380 402 5,107 4,848 10,214 501 33 68 1,065 1,810 315 34 2, 116 1,260,933 2,195,473 615,772 563,083 1,226 1,991 3,423 7,550 204, 541 1,221 1,988 3,402 7,543 139,291 305,764 9 21 260 37,713 23,241 20 6 126 18 1,233 296 2.528 460 6 1 10 37 243 806 202 254 273 667 949 22,011 10,382,862 9,932,221 8,314,749 7,215,433 2,828 3,168 42,424 48,553 1,413,537 2,790 3,131 41,353 47,185 1, 148,778 1,117,826 5 114 775 176 957 614 352,797 297,316 11 10 114 54 6,617 10. 1 76 25 1,184 700 1 30 200 2 a 3 1 215 45 1,360 1,414 15 34 187 861 1,362 9,474 24,037 18,474 7,965 162 195 3,182 3,700 93,123 121.533 75,430 62,583 274 629 784 2,080 26,656 1 22 30 174 600 2,970 720 23 12 52 43 804 541 1,608 104 18 38 474 806 25 3 9 21 23 195 229 394 70 76 56,235 1,833,010 10,513,454 8,087,610 8,541,366 2,917 3,201 30,007 27,772 1,247,996 2,903 3,191 29,516 27,600 9 56,584 605,852 102 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Parti of 7 ).- SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cabarrus ! Caldwell f Total value of all specified crops harvested (see text) dollars 1949. 1944. Value of all crops sold {see text) dollars 1949. 1944. Corn: Corn for all purposes farms reporting 1949. 1944. acres 1949. 1944. value. .dollars 1949. Harvested for grain farms reporting 1949. 1944. acres 1949. 1944. bushels 1949. 1944. Cut for silage farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. tons.. green weight 1949. Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. Value of corn and other corn products sold farms reporting 1949. . dollars 1949. Corn sold bushels 1949.. Sorghums: Sorghum for all purposes except sirup farms reporting 1949. . 1944. acres 1949. . 1944.. value. . dollars 1949. . Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting 1949. . 1944. acres 1949.. 1944. . bushels 1949. 1944. Cut for silage farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. . tons.. green weight 1949. Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay.... farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. tons cut 1949. Value of sorghum sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949.. Small grains: Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting 1949. . acres 1949. bushels 1949.. value. .dollars 1949.. bushels sold 1949.. Wheat threshed or combined farms reporting 1949. 1944. acres 1949. 1944. bushels 1949. . 1944. value, .dollars 1949. bushels sold 1949. Oats threshed or combined farms reporting 1949. 1944. acres 1949. 1944. bushels 1949. 1944. value. . dollars 1949. bushels sold 1949. Oats cut for feeding unthreshed. . farms reporting 1949. 1944. acres 1949. 1944. value. .dollars 1949. Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1949. 1944. acres 1949. 1944. bushels 1949. 1944. value.. dollars 1949. bushels sold 1949. Rye threshed or combined farms reporting 1949. 1944. acres 1949. 1944. bushels 1949. 1944. value. . dollars 1949. bushels sold 1949. Other grains threshed or combined farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. bushels 1949. value. .dollars 1949. bushels sold 1949. Value of small grains and grain straw sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. 7,232,379 7,577,286 5,422,770 5,264,451 3,238 3,305 33,478 34,731 947,321 3,204 3,297 32,350 34,496 713.215 677.079 2 113 741 175 1,015 472 56.388 50,530 16 129 1,466 1,525 400 82 157 471 713 5,398 13,251 10,526 2,383 178 134 1,338 7S9 37,679 23,616 33,158 4,098 797 751 1,707 2,326 60,598 4 11 28 80 222 1,485 266 16 11 108 61 1,231 1,075 2,585 40 11,899 3.263,640 2,797.211 2,365,057 1.730,359 1.804 1,673 12,478 12,883 415.081 1,771 1,661 11,713 12,685 306,064 346,389 1 20 125 198 745 65 11,266 8,460 10 2 275 3 14 410 426 35 24 54 160 209 1,958 4,423 3,818 350 144 71 1,184 810 29,005 23,687 25,524 6,148 417 322 975 1,023 34,612 2 4 6 12 60 410 72 24 6,443 2,865,075 4, 690, 348 1,293,738 1.609,132 3,025 4.140 12,761 18 , 968 795,149 2,784 3,959 10,674 17,155 364,131 527 , 308 183 1,553 14,846 185 534 168 19,689 12,525 306 910 450 1,496 17,444 15 2 20 4 377 60 22 46 225 269 384 660 3 108 1.882 1,957 35 189 314 924 1,566 11,621 22.383 23,823 3,921 67 54 268 226 6.410 5,579 5,384 1,080 267 596 847 1,854 27,104 45 109 224 550 5,967 12,802 7,459 32 118 145 477 1,818 6,804 3,509 391 50 9,626 1.158,981 1.609.661 322.598 291,425 1,477 1,821 8,825 11,914 383.448 1,466 1,813 8,676 11,767 242.044 298,451 8 127 1,438 13 22 283 45,027 33,552 10 23 25 62 737 S08 543 863 3,721 5,259 53,666 75,004 110,015 20,993 244 172 1,229 617 28.926 14,042 24,298 5,384 151 451 505 1,547 16.160 53 65 2 T - 232 6,978 4,880 8,722 833 115 342 425 1.272 3,927 13,255 7,579 816 1 5 20 34 252 47,059 2.894,415 2,968,177 1.396,951 895,183 1.459 1,712 14,167 18.872 480.610 1,426 1,697 13,564 18,086 315,370 341,354 34 464 4.174 30 139 195 41,876 28,965 222 73 1,398 203 51,472 191 1,158 24,136 ie 116 876 22 124 208 30 4,804 85 1,280 27,749 28,859 1,779 720 1,024 8,841 13,503 110.236 171,411 220,472 42.718 802 785 10,317 9,410 260.805 195,259 198,212 34,748 123 361 788 2,342 26,004 75 162 498 1,317 11,697 32,260 13,452 621 5 37 8 114 51 1,023 101 1 402 116,215 1,163,204 2.221,698 352,109 455,886 1,691 2,228 8,242 12.756 353.622 1,677 2,213 8,092 12,560 230,350 328 , 040 20 94 945 19 56 201 31,488 24,172 . 10 147 17 232 394 1 1 5 1 14 62 1,259 1,309 30 475 688 3,029 4,658 42,317 62,879 86,750 13,359 287 240 1,401 929 41,162 26,721 34,161 4,884 219 820 613 2,812 20,229 131 68 623 398 16,809 12,310 18,322 1,381 57 187 160 676 1,777 5,973 3,554 494 5 80 136 25 193 35,090 1,851,415 1.947.014 1,463,469 1,489.256 371 551 13,876 14,069 505,239 371 551 13,864 14.012 394,268 356,149 1,520,260 1.881.942 1,282,295 1.315,060 455 698 3.701 5.281 98,142 431 688 3.338 5,088 67,519 76,840 4 12 233 304,726 265,896 5 60 1,634 5 60 1. 385 ' 3 7 12 43 120 784 234 15 17 294 276 7,435 7,359 5,948 4,301 3 25 12 164 432 7 3,105 60 363 12 1,717 1,411 13 19 112 68 1.250 1,208 2,437 28 30 151 267 2.255 ,,185 1,827 100 33 86 81 203 2,754 2 15 17 81 112 1,162 134 12 63 828 2 175 NORTH CAROLINA 103 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberl and Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin 3,739,719 4,387,240 1,588.533 1,641.808 2,289 2.619 14.009 17,689 590,151 2.260 2.554 13,262 16,811 367,264 398.377 64 665 6.283 18 82 389 48,517 38,475 61 140 127 242 4,774 9 26 690 2 8 80 SO 93 147 2 110 96 699 15,885 16,520 1.467 1.344 1,735 14.510 15,475 228,896 258,528 457,792 108,654 1,103 867 8.253 4,743 242,912 122,456 179,755 36,105 442 1,080 1,487 3.756 50,558 239 120 1.492 656 39,013 16,827 44,865 6,041 58 185 183 690 3,016 10,497 5,881 592 1 10 300 510 3,478,610 3,921. 108 1,897,148 1,717.275 2,162 2.439 17,533 24,067 701,867 2,147 2,428 17,252 23,806 498,358 586,981 34 264 2,219 8 17 235 38.476 31,587 67 4 380 5 11.308 59 321 7,429 3 21 61 7 38 8 8 1,145 55 333 7.289 7,581 150 881 1,392 7,187 12,686 78,756 193,686 157,512 20.928 759 795 6,116 5,067 197.104 146,105 145,857 28.854 320 498 990 1.471 33,660 24 62 254 379 6,510 11,000 7,486 2,010 15 29 61 64 678 767 1,322 29 7 38 700 1,190 30 271 65,551 694, 117 1,122,656 64,308 85,746 1,683 1,858 9,819 13,013 393,712 1,676 1,848 9,517 12,963 243,363 298,113 17 236 1,827 15 66 135 21,912 13.325 8 16 13 25 402 1 1 10 2,642,375 3.173.897 1.945,372 2,259,063 695 917 12,376 12,876 524,370 685 904 10,995 12,240 355.423 287,099 5 83 475 171 1,298 100 49,842 38,604 447,558 689,294 40.317 65,578 897 897 4,846 5,883 242,759 894 894 4,832 5,849 161,526 150,925 4 14 139 10,365,474 9,978.726 7,595,541 5,770,501 4,396 4,507 27,858 34.326 1.006,210 4,145 4,485 26,099 33,937 707,828 679,897 35 239 1,717 259 1,520 558 67,555 52.096 284 971 588 1.648 20,171 4 53 9 1,331 123 5 25 150 273 510 766 2 306 32 267 6.492 6,752 314 1,163 2,594 8,192 17,875 135,251 306.789 270.502 47.390 1,044 858 5,887 4,502 177,902 137,446 135,206 25.564 923 1,727 4,512 8,396 148,896 268 545 1,471 2,789 44,081 83,322 50.693 10,875 13 65 22 228 318 2,459 630 16,503,777 15,685,016 13,922,675 11,638,939 5,756 5,610 52,527 51,773 1,710,317 5,706 5,607 51,088 51,404 1,313,436 1,321,489 1 15 180 374 1,424 492 54,300 50.753 3 2 6 3 165 6,979,618 5,558, 349 5,406,456 4, 126,885 2,070 1 , 967 26,701 22,598 885,731 2,041 1,957 25,766 21,862 671,404 371,590 5 58 546 129 877 392 64,766 59,533 1 1 10 1 2,500 6.454,932 8,524,154 4,806,639 5,756,291 2,525 3,029 28,328 36,187 946,697 2,455 3,017 27,352 36,008 699,913 762,728 19 255 2,542 96 721 385 70,163 64,391 7 1 90 3 13,783 2 1,909,720 1,913,673 1,582, 113 1,243,663 377 597 11,709 15,111 496,275 374 596 11.59B 14,956 381,823 346,784 3 32 250 13 79 172 232,452 209.770 2 2 6 2 359 1 5 92 1 1 10 25,024 40, 141 23,348 22,752 15 37 52 184 1,994 12 37 41 184 1,145 7,400 4,152,211 5,866,320 2,126,282 2,341,475 2,493 2,854 14,973 20,922 675,140 2,344 2,851 14,053 20,734 457,935 558,629 23 208 1.917 148 712 207 34,480 27,117 143 1 860 100 25,896 130 828 20.403 2,283,787 2,794,608 1,006,847 1.126,742 1,114 1,363 8,735 11,855 365,452 1,096 l,3 r ,6 8,242 11,390 224,472 302,621 58 453 4.18B 9 40 101 23.366 18.489 35 13,404,257 14,255,954 10,756,256 9,963,225 5,302 5,346 71,129 68,941 1,762,840 5,197 5,326 66,967 67,932 1,270,281 1.544.B39 10 84 760 749 4,078 573 98,553 98,270 4 4 8 21 232 3 6 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3 11 19 20 39 4.670 3,453 9 61 12 110 390 ?1 ?? 73 ?4 3 75 254 16 5 ?7 8,088 33 249 6,291 1 3 15 1 2 1 7 1,908 26 273 7,399 7,695 150 603 790 5,724 8,202 94,905 136,002 189,810 36,686 512 433 5,378 3.946 159,887 113,420 118,316 9,676 98 218 460 815 15,640 114 110 1,163 1.149 35,665 39,441 41,015 3,141 67 168 286 724 3,587 7,649 6.995 696 2 5 80 136 Tfl ?9 in 7 240 5 83 540 31 1 10 100 32 31 34 35 7 12 13 2 30 1 6 40 42 10 39 53 246 301 2,247 3,791 4,606 407 9 2 73 11 1,148 482 964 90 28 30 138 163 4,416 9 12 12 36 14 32 11 14 4,086 519 4,515 119,544 124,326 14,617 1,314 1.84B 9,741 16,011 162,059 290,454 324,118 58,354 1,115 1.169 7,264 6,637 243,932 209,167 180,510 19,394 146 143 451 671 15,334 204 107 1,052 625 31,665 19,088 36,415 4,350 58 127 142 319 1,742 5.205 3,397 311 7 23 675 1,148 34 550 151.929 37 3 6 14 1 2 38 1 60 1 20 300 312 3 8 56 81 650 1,055 1,268 so 21 4 238 87 5,184 1,425 4,147 2,615 13 74 36 282 1,296 1 39 40 1 ISO 12 76 1,721 1,790 41 1 15 150 156 5 22 393 409 38 241 4,800 4,992 25 142 .350 624 1,207 7,563 24,962 14,748 1,074 456 294 2,284 1,574 59,035 53,705 51,951 10,841 1,202 2,175 2,879 5,049 102,204 4 21 9 75 230 1,765 276 7 33 520 541 33 342 7,168 7,455 607 383 784 4,105 5,787 39,861 114,135 77,729 19,301 233 235 2,528 2,666 70,010 84,725 61,609 24,502 450 985 1,610 3,617 57,155 46 151 324 1,315 5,535 32,000 6,642 1,185 49 85 277 714 3,173 9,709 6,663 777 1 7 60 102 159 62,872 4? 43 44 45 46 47 139 167 574 831 5,451 10,953 11,175 128 41 7 129 18 2,884 313 2,423 120 47 36 147 136 4,704 1 3 1 6 20 25 63 363 321 4,323 5,412 8.430 2,814 28 9 341 205 7,278 3,875 5,895 195 145 454 405 1,513 13,770 2 4 7 22 155 320 186 40 6 23 25 90 337 804 681 23 16 5,703 82 211 675 1,494 7,989 27,025 15,579 3,459 50 39 325 230 7,793 6,493 6,858 1,632 251 685 494 1,486 17,537 3 28 19 253 410 5,214 492 48 2 49 50 9 51 5? 75 53 54 55 1 1 2 5 20 50 16 16 1 65 2 180 72 56 57 58 59 60 61 6? 63 2 2 11 72 64 65 66 67 68 69 2 70 71 10 3 48 7? 73 142 74 75 76 17 79 128 639 875 4,849 1,689 365 29 106 139 636 1,335 6,150 2,577 238 1 8 150 255 150 10 1.133 9 45 26 163 2B3 1,796 594 1 4 so 42 500 735 1,045 300 22 47 109 303 2,280 4,134 4,788 100 3 20 165 280 77 78 79 80 81 8? 83 84 3 12 183 311 497 127,400 65 11,885 85 86 87 10 3,731 88 89 836 257,588 18 1,605 1 16 238 84,055 31 9,141 90 91 104 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 1 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: (For definitions and explanations, see text) Edgecombe Forsyth Total value of all specified crops harvested (see text) dollars Value of all crops sold (see text) dollars Corn: Corn for all purposes farms reporting value. . dollars Harvested for grain farms reporting bushels Cut for silage... farms reporting acres tons.. green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder farms reporting acres Value of corn and other corn products sold farms reporting dollars Corn sold bushels Sorghums: Sorghum for all purposes except si rup farms reporting value. . dollars Harvested for grain or for seed. . farms reporting acres bushels Cut for silage farms reporting acres tons.. green weight Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay. ... farms reporting acres tons cut Value of sorghum sold farms reporting dollars Small grains: Drains grown together and threshed as a mixture. farms reporting acres bushels value. . dol lars sold bushels Wheat threshed or combined farms reporting value. . dollars bushels sold Oats threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels value. . dollars bushels sold Oats cut for feeding unthreshed. . farms reporting value. . dol lars Barley threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels value. . dollars bushels sold Bye threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels value. . dol lnrs bushels sold Other grains threshed or combined. . farms reporting acres bushels value. . dol I nrs bushels sold Value of small grains and grain straw sold farms reporting dol lars 194°.. 1044.. 1941.. 1944. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949.. 1949. 1949. 1949, 1949. 1944.. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944., 1949.. 1944., 1949.. 1949., 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949., 1949. 19 49, 1949. 2,640,881 2, 706, 085 1.882,949 1,674,333 1,294 1.336 8,423 9,611 343.294 1.227 1,309 8,053 9,416 244,945 210,770 18 147 1,345 59 223 123 22,596 19.946 16,583,655 15,414,710 13,995,612 12.164,643 3,527 3,169 41.840 39,125 2,063.981 3,371 3,157 41,364 38,776 1.468,832 943,094 12 219 1,836 381 3.257 701 149,275 130,827 14 6 360 1 1 4 27 265 276 75 197 399 1,546 3.249 17,983 49,635 35,067 5,447 81 73 876 622 28,639 21,335 23,484 4,414 203 512 548 1,706 18,358 22 34 148 297 3,264 8,394 3.590 370 6 56 22 187 250 2,336 500 4,582,909 5,869,585 2,785,945 3,217,561 2,261 2.500 13,080 18.089 57 4,156 2,230 2,446 12,526 17,542 400,662 482,996 42 406 3,663 36 148 262 39,721 31,824 4 3 18 23 480 4 I 18 1 390 10 4 33 615 640 95 64 206 574 1.679 9,104 25,825 17,753 4,602 59 100 1,434 1,326 34,109 34,499 27,287 10.955 197 634 1,187 2,376 42.732 4 22 69 490 1.745 12.587 2,007 530 17 66 224 920 2.517 13,214 5,261 50 1 400 715 18,664 19,411 4,405 1,034 1,149 7,192 7,914 135,159 150,994 263,560 50.054 958 706 6,344 4.499 209,545 116,949 171,827 27,986 263 337 1,044 1,100 34.974 213 163 1.086 1.080 31,902 26,971 35,092 3,107 64 141 213 399 3,001 6,126 6,002 1,378 1 4 45 76 11,191,806 10.774,594 9,417,009 7,705,066 3,667 3,585 24.466 26,527 945,652 3,655 3,572 24,211 26.363 730,224 492,889 146 255 193 29,188 24,126 6 13 15 24 149 14 71 1,365 1,420 258 833 1,935 4,476 23,927 67,865 46,658 9,085 120 123 841 791 22.059 21,543 18,088 4,652 509 1.062 1,769 3,185 59.262 30 91 141 552 3.099 12,991 3,409 1,305 7 33 25 172 95 2,504 190 2.807,465 2,563,651 1,410,717 878.769 1,706 1.898 13.152 16,367 484,580 1,668 1,875 12,259 15.873 308,481 285,271 53 684 4,877 43 209 251 39,960 27 , 992 50 131 185 405 14,078 2,660,267 2,829,849 1,633,162 1.913.711 1,140 1,215 20,084 18.265 838.192 1.115 1,205 16,844 17,165 527.063 397.580 11 98 849 448 3,142 161 48.079 39,363 1 "o 138 437,521 645.044 202,010 175,804 661 802 2.622 3.42S 111,418 661 800 2,599 3,406 73,576 90,946 4 13 82 2 10 40 2,259 1,550 70 16,365 35 18,036 487 136,423 56 ,456 11 71 485 35 78 90 1 572 20 217 3.846 4.000 148 674 1,064 7,281 10,332 108,310 166,113 216,620 49,222 574 526 5,672 4,336 185,225 98.025 140,771 27,872 327 699 1,642 3.700 54,186 131 138 940 1,073 25,897 29,187 29,782 2,941 15 50 47 180 446 2,274 883 181 1 8 220 374 70 365 128.356 44 ' ' ' 124 2.639 39 26 125 846 3,532 677 340 16 188 35 443 1,260 1 4 1 19 25 495 29 11 "39 sii 9,075,326 8,601,011 7.899,420 6,522.769 2,972 3,001 24,510 26.371 911.568 2,959 3,000 24,146 25,596 695.294 489.463 12 120 740 105 244 224 32,378 26,756 2 4 4 32 100 15 4 123 35 252 2 8 16 18 40 133 254 257 73 6 26 187 194 330 815 1,911 4,113 21,856 67,347 42.619 5.313 79 58 550 204 10.917 4.934 8,952 4,708 219 507 543 1,157 18,190 17 48 103 136 1.463 2,893 1,609 720 26 72 118 246 1,794 3,652 3,588 942 4 490 3 139 63 15,911 NORTH CAROLINA 105 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Hemic raon Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnaton Jonea Lee Lenoir 8,4011,701 14,439,836 15, 100,400 2,050,786 2,183.1 6,345,162 4,550,652 1,056,395 6,322.399 876,235 24,345,330 4,849,764 3,437,342 13,630.879 1 9,578,525 13,227,443 14,277,540 2,848,424 2.994,144 6.061,215 6,076.292 1,403,688 7,576,744 1,248.997 24.473.568 4,840,163 4,046,994 12,312,686 2 5,760,751 11,394.116 12.776,583 900,412 995,746 5,269,997 3.560,877 652.077 3,209,487 216,064 19,707,620 3,839,060 2,865,088 11,123,903 •> 5,466,207 9.601.248 10,787,257 1.289,117 1,193.056 4,668,746 4.133.410 843,517 3,013,713 199,612 18,200,468 3,563.869 2,853,303 0.608,619 4 3,425 3.966 4,603 2,125 1,831 1,809 1,489 545 2,849 1,010 7,517 1,453 1,388 3,458 5 3,665 3,402 4,155 2,397 2,285 1,872 1,700 751 3,455 2,106 7,451 1,561 1,498 3,489 6 22,778 39,466 38,084 9,853 10,416 16,998 13,761 12,302 20,324 7,359 75,385 24,634 9,410 55,521 7 26,0114 36,282 36,325 11.419 16,642 16,039 19,100 16,268 20,446 9,015 70,403 22.77B 11,175 44,696 e 1,020,644 1,742,287 1,578,031 501.892 510,274 743,781 433,515 384,217 821,652 339,027 2,002,391 774.136 387,543 1,879,815 9 3,322 3,939 4,519 2.074 1,758 1,802 1,489 540 2,811 1.902 7,460 1.444 1,387 3,372 10 3,630 3,381 4,137 2,307 2.264 1,870 1,606 747 3.434 2,008 7,441 1.550 1,497 3,484 11 21 . 544 37,875 36,008 8,621 9,380 16,338 13,625 11.891 19.450 7,275 70.913 24,168 9,387 53.409 12 26,076 35,730 36,024 10,224 15,416 15,984 18.088 15,926 28,856 8,948 69,630 22,417 11,148 44, 448 13 707,300 1,284,322 1,217,453 317,230 277.871 554,323 335,696 293.191 542,455 222,480 2,174,571 600,234 287,783 1.417,981 14 708.744 765,281 841,018 331,841 510,807 356,069 426.748 347,799 686,012 230,838 1,684,447 426.422 279,404 071,818 15 78 874 6,647 95 13 361 2,621 153 1 6 50 213 49 403 4,853 222 85 850 5,722 52 16 39 206 157 2 62 520 17 117 732 5,882 28 8 47 364 13 2 60 240 1,056 I 10 95 103 1 14 100 3 10 203 1,629 289 16 17 18 32 19 360 1,230 1,170 829 186 621 74 411 142 37 4,412 456 9 1.909 20 507 613 400 161 113 385 99 258 484 86 1.069 123 168 1.074 21 72,677 200,403 84, 20S 21,300 17,390 72,970 27,297 118,990 81,975 10,866 163.698 64,182 17,242 , 175,084 22 61,810 171.86] 72,073 17,265 13,096 64,138 19,386 116,642 64,435 7,331 146.300 33,278 15,048 170,644 23 18 58 85 246 11,234 3 5 15 20 174 1,046 11,761 3 17 77 474 1,090 13.547 3 57 375 11 40 10 2 65 185 334 270 508 8,028 1 3 1 7 15 72 1 1 10 183 268 595 . 2 47 10 59 16 127 525 1 17 26 107 50 5.067 13 2 82 4 2,067 80 3 20 120 1 5 5 4 1,414 177 526 220 800 7,514 3 2 7 7 13 192 7 5 45 10 877 6 2 3 5 21 138 74 3 1 12 ?5 ?6 4 7 77 77 78 70 9 30 1 4 35 31 3 69 3? 170 30 127 510 33 75 1.450 34 4 55 520 11 5 5 25 170 211 475 1 37 35 36 37 9 15 24 1 30 2 7 3 1 10 10 2 350 2 5 38 25 39 30 40 41 24 4? 422 2,495 73,380 76,325 6,087 1,702 8 47 461 479 28 148 2,894 3,010 •80 581 1 6 125 130 50 55 6 55 005 1,035 100 10 69 737 766 1 4 60 62 30 248 8,357 8,691 444 1,925 6 17 35 36 16 4 35 135 2.953 3,071 100 514 1 7 84 87 7 31 745 775 150 259 5 12 160 166 8 85 43 44 45 46 47 113 5 400 5 16 48 1,801 310 1,452 119 168 45 713 43 2,589 35 1,698 42 642 117 49 11,745 1,083 3,549 237 416 30 2,856 41 20,651 14 2,277 126 1,608 1,295 50 12,081 2,102 7,000 584 607 123 3,031 149 27,282 146 6.759 393 3,258 725 51 213,888 15,186 42,703 4,513 7,358 620 24,118 . 685 311,346 160 24.562 1,396 15,450 16,152 52 223,301 32,757 128,703 9,718 11,550 2.459 56,494 2,205 452,772 1.470 131,820 6,324 57.115 14,136 53 417,082 20,613 83,271 9,252 15.084 1.209 47,030 1,336 622,692 328 47,896 2,722 30,900 31,496 54 91.161 8,666 13,800 1.073 2.535 120 9,007 500 146,372 20 8,978 467 4.411 4,473 55 1.235 40 315 45 33 5 239 103 1,629 8 212 24 348 79 56 713 46 186 73 35 7 188 157 1.335 11 103 49 254 43 57 7,419 1.538 1,552 183 325 36 2,189 1,525 15,906 24 739 350 1.917 1,081 58 4,003 1,551 884 280 167 38 1,986 1,912 9,066 21 348 473 1,342 556 59 237,532 35,277 41.166 6.025 11.082 720 65.335 43.708 511,918 399 17,735 6,500 50,551 30,271 60 109,278 46,092 26,963 6,170 3.881 652 66,964 57,742 259,527 333 10,410 11,415 47.546 15,377 61 194,776 28,222 36.226 5,061 0.3Q0 576 57,495 35,403 378,819 335 14,365 5,265 37,408 24, 520 62 27,704 12.160 5. 543 681 815 20 20.723 33.563 99.934 6 2.205 2,818 7,701 11,768 63 359 208 1.193 206 32 146 512 12 513 47 1,033 74 209 271 64 506 260 1,816 508 105 305 664 66 752 268 1,746 193 737 375 65 1.178 492 3,223 707 117 219 2.327 25 2.049 103 2,091 218 736 808 66 1,832 847 4,714 1,800 403 588 2,489 349 2.974 834 3,885 710 2,509 1,164 67 30,463 17,712 114,416 22,624 3.744 7,884 82,608 850 60.666 3,296 71.094 7,412 25,024 27,472 68 255 189 1,166 914 31.487 35 42 428 07 5 8.663 63 106 245 534 4,923 7 47 8 195 343 34 25 367 178 8,435 2 4 4 30 60 37 54 192 535 3,086 346 336 3.033 2.659 80.831 4 S 20 23 450 42 160 148 608 3,349 1 4 5 34 100 11 40 58 159 1,250 2 36 18 262 445 69 70 71 7? 73 31,745 30,362 13,084 4,390 4,152 400 14,703 93.376 696 13,957 390 4.440 4,864 74 34,636 4,755 116 323 9,962 3,839 24 26 5,008 400 36 46 429 8 22 128 10,544 1,288 65 214 69 4,783 830 29 86 92,956 16,251 125 312 562 4,019 665 20 29 120 1.438 5 4 34 534 8 14 35 75 76 3 1 35 50 77 2 9 78 346 1,040 175 239 181 202 54 330 379 1,647 28 2 303 740 628 1,323 85 165 66 97 12 96 118 440 79 23 66 80 5.633 12.624 2.485 2,472 2,045 2,110 919 4,189 4,857 20.738 367 20 2,630 8,165 7,553 13,634 817 1,493 402 1.164 93 948 1,414 4.039 81 140 1,105 82 11,266 1.310 1 6 160 5,194 890 4,204 522 2 3 1,774 477 9,374 2,108 1 10 767 150 5,523 1,734 14,728 2,580 6 31 1,577 217 1 1 812 181 25 2.856 9 1 5 83 84 6 25 85 86 272 51 255 125 728 81 7 162 51 88 89 876 36 147 32 62 4 84 74 1,170 16 132 11 82 54 90 226,415 1 21,414 31,282 3,036 12.056 525 41,875 26,041 389,137 594 19,463 3,288 17.642 17,671 91 106 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 1 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Ttera WcDowel ] Macon Madison Martin Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery Moore (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 Total value of all specified crops harvested (see text) dollars 1040.. 4,369,543 642,746 042,315 3,410,005 11,668,271 4,267,888 103,414 1.033,136 3,500,843 2 1044. . 3,856,502 1,050,087 1,370,143 5,212,883 11,177,320 4,418,478 1.682,920 2.046,500 4,405.575 3 Value of all crops sold {see text) dollars 1040. . 2,504,420 186.519 183,406 2,214,801 9,600,382 7,506,883 325,266 1,141,065 7.801,884 4 1044.. Corn: 1,637,688 160,268 213,620 3,017,606 0,163,055 1,684,418 402,638 1,578,320 ?, 055. 315 5 1,000 1,060 1,050 2,767 2,630 7,145 1,41? 000 2,063 6 1044.. 2,101 1,346 2,071 2,913 7,677 2,525 1,799 1,130 2.084 7 acres 1040. . 12,825 6,247 8,721 11,042 ?o,675 16,000 4,797 7,815 14,300 n 1044.. 15,605 0,011 11.437 13,614 25,471 24,547 6,279 9,346 17,014 o value. .dollars I04Q.. 500,074 277,60? 413,660 573,061 1,465,463 513,787 236,036 300.5OO 516,074 10 Harvested for grain farms reporting 1040.. 1,88? 1,060 1,044 2,753 2,621 1,996 1,400 067 2,057 n 1044.. 2,073 1,246 2,063 2,896 2.671 2.499 1,798 1,038 2,084 l? acres 1040.. 12,341 5,067 8,484 10,000 28,434 14.517 4.107 7,502 14,230 la 1044.. 15,372 8,756 11,008 13,471 25,158 23,458 6,250 9,292 16,977 14 bushels 1040. . 338,358 163,076 254,791 377,979 1,007,788 301,826 147,278 202,312 387,148 is 1041.. 348,771 214,037 300,022 405.166 514,502 378,063 205.408 226,406 365,983 ii Cut for silage farms reporting 1040. . 77 15 37 5 1 73 35 16 6 17 acres 1040. . 448 108 101 30 13 733 93 207 94 IB tons.. green weight 1040.. 3,701 1,254 2,146 240 00 6,122 1,080 2,124 521 11 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 10 53 70 62 387 120 S 10 18 20 acres 1040. . 36 172 46 112 1,228 750 7 106 57 71 Value of corn and other corn 710 16? 148 435 370 148 51 132 273 99 dollars 1040. . 36,733 27,807 17,537 41,608 54,977 10,416 5,930 23,568 46,570 23 Corn sold bushels 1040.. Sorghums: 77,176 20,342 11,771 35,554 46,972 15,100 4,486 18,282 37,957 24 Sorghum for all purposes except 1044.. 32 10 65 02 2 3 15 25 170 15 57 207 18 241 8 2 2 26 77 acres 1040. . 1044.. 66 170 14 21 76 08 86 476 335 601 2 13 101 7 55 3 24 28 20 value. .dollars 1040. . Harvested for grain or for 4,687 314 86? 2.795 10,914 65 2,082 1,480 1 1 2 33 3 7 30 31 acres 1040.. 2 10 2 194 101 37 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 bushels 1040.. 18 150 67 3,664 1,764 797 acres 1040.. tons. .green weight 1040.. Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or 6 28 35 155 cut for dry forage or hay. ... farms reporting 1040. . 17 65 54 2 8 3« 24 86 106 2 18 55 6 34 173 96 1 14 41 42 dollars 1040.. Small grains: 1 1 2 1 1 50 35 165 240 55 43 Grains grown together and threshed acres 1040.. bushels 1040.. 1 6 31 1 34 17 44 45 46 47 48 378 10,274 26 342 3 100 33 420 414 7,457 1 32 210 3.448 83 1,837 value.. dollars 1040.. bushels sold 1040. . 10,633 1,020 1,000 356 104 437 7,755 180 627 33 3,586 494 347 1,010 54 514 170 61 250 2 12 40 1944.. 1,30? 220 09 598 33 1,115 32 610 1,098 50 acres 1440. . 10,042 1,336 107 912 25 7,872 40 3,000 4,011 51 1044.. 13,228 1,480 436 2,459 229 1 1 , 909 114 5,376 7,708 57 bushels 1040.. 186,774 19,4«6 2,758 13,027 408 97,578 627 28,768 37,476 53 1944.. 225,207 10,065 5,802 30,528 5,139 180,738 1,379 72,411 114,607 54 value, dollars 1049. . 373,548 30,067 5,654 26,705 071 105,156 1,285 57,536 74.952 55 56 bushels sold 1949.. 80,090 890 7,480 61 566 37 1,758 95 53 , 038 660 117 16 6,941 272 9,205 432 5 57 1944.. 658 41 23 156 714 16 327 420 58 acres 1049. . 6,016 353 115 269 43 8,284 61 2,275 2,511 50 1944.. 3,397 207 108 431 152 8,311 40 2,239 2.419 60 bushels 1040. . 194,678 0.104 3,201 5,058 1,500 215,401 981 47.238 57,624 61 1044.. 94,263 4,297 2,664 0,180 5,625 216,021 684 63,342 50,591 6? value. .dollars 1040. . 147,955 7,723 2,680 5,005 1,272 163,705 824 35,901 43.704 bushels sold 1949. . Oats cut for feeding unthreshed. . farms reporting 1949., 23,098 310 1,721 86 430 35 498 252 400 82 39,435 321 5,812 149 4,306 372 64 293 65 1944.. 583 148 223 578 436 1,084 644 254 786 66 acres 1949.. 1,040 213 04 699 173 2,051 790 626 1,303 67 1044.. 2,007 413 707 1,532 1,130 7,261 1,029 1,323 2,770 68 value. . dollars 1940.. 34,320 6,816 3,008 27,368 6,228 67,683 25,280 20,658 42.999 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1949.. 1044.. 331 182 . 13 13 31 144 1 3 08 171 18 5 22 36 14 59 70 16 acres 1940. . 1944.. 1,698 748 72 96 55 322 3 8 820 1,028 40 7 135 ?13 76 372 77 111 bushels 1949. . 1944. . 52,836 23,182 1,310 1,769 1,207 6,843 30 00 22,333 56.217 777 105 3,856 6,153 1,195 7,078 74 2,203 value. .dollars 1949.. bushels sold 1049. . 60,761 5,254 15 1,638 107 56 1,500 67 46 34 25,683 067 2 071 5 10 4,434 450 10 1,374 470 34 77 40 5 78 1044.. 53 04 96 133 4 35 30 16 48 70 acres 1040.. 23 207 132 01 54 6 46 76 432 80 1044.. 138 512 362 330 62 270 61 40 235 81 bushels 1040. . 312 2,081 1,387 063 506 4? 578 698 s.o^ 8? 1944.. 1,325 5,010 2,924 3.454 814 2,367 722 463 1.853 83 value. .dollars 1949.. 618 5,753 2,677 1,850 1,246 83 1,116 1,382 11.827 bushels sold I04Q. . Other grains threshed or 60 1,160 500 170 300 106 170 4.143 as acres 1040.. bushels 1040. . value. .dollars 1949. . bushels sold 1049.. Value of small groins and grain 1 1 20 34 20 1 1 14 24 1 1 30 51 1 ? 75 128 12 60 1,675 2,848 50 00 505 85 40 50 2 380 12 01 131 01 dollars 1940.. 186,210 18,085 2,804 . 4,303 1,097 134,674 506 21,218 27,067 NORTH CAROLINA 107 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange Paaquotank Perquimann Polk Handolph 5,265 5,090 44,291 39,988 2,012,(504 5,265 5,058 43,531 39,643 1,535.330 848,618 19 131 1,146 150 629 701 83,083 76,295 5 2 22 4 712 1 9 300 13 115 2,450 2,548 182 771 1,154 3.546 15,221 69.868 29,681 5,723 163 132 812 950 26,840 32,223 21.472 7,065 451 1,744 1,762 6,308 63,432 21 93 142 439 5,209 10,225 5,990 676 7 17 45 65 660 864 1,379 1,380,925 1,401,241 1,239,356 1,038,125 248 471 1,947 2,954 88,362 230 434 1,611 2,655 46,939 64,105 5 124 1,425 26 212 16 3,722 2,836 10,478,614 9,340,224 8.590,348 6,644,278 3,167 2,868 30,578 26,669 1,135,654 3,140 2,864 29,800 26,534 854,218 560.433 5 53 497 147 725 286 58,800 47,432 6 3 29 3 940 7 13 27 65 194 1,139 378 14 6 92 269 2,085 10,480 1,835 350 32 177 170 846 6,035 1 2 5 6 50 120 60 2 21 9 155 55 2,852 116 4,984,635 4,054,131 3,796,106 2,862,710 1,938 1,916 26,910 23,243 812,749 1,899 1,831 23,888 21,704 542,505 366,338 17 123 1,462 476 2,899 176 I 27.803 26,575 4 12 330 89 1.281 1,332 59 242 370 1,121 5.491 16,442 10,707 1,240 30 52 310 381 9,830 8,881 7,864 2,169 ISO 624 493 1,548 17,748 14 34 111 122 2,839 2,224 3,265 1,575 12 6 134 32 2,870 231 5,998 5 10 30 53 455 680 887 175 30 12 134 71 2,461 2,450 2,166 125 230 299 557 10,614 2 16 330 6 52 15 202 255 3,843 536 74 18,242 2 425 16 10,581 3 415 3,292,187 3,388.855 2,098,226 1,985,145 1,551 1,556 12,983 14,224 542,205 1,551 1,538 12,299 13,737 350,191 320,028 59 587 5,986 22 97 186 27,829 22,623 4 9 6 28 150 1 1 1 7 20 120 19 137 3,063 3,186 494 730 4,224 6,913 59,443 117,714 115,914 20,382 337 255 2,892 1,768 92,916 56,781 76,191 12,820 287 324 1,166 1,014 39,061 74 85 488 321 11,025 9,716 12,128 1,856 7 33 17 67 175 918 350 16 2,077.759 1.728,757 1,528,255 1.003.318 603 707 9,071 12,753 272.132 586 697 8,667 12,615 204,349 171,609 1 2 12 48 402 141 64,788 58,512 2,902,389 2,540,3R7 2,420,562 1,909,464 630 802 20,643 21,225 093,190 620 795 20,051 20,798 655,008 560,428 11 246 2,468 55 346 386 555,234 412.545 1,197 3 "is 455 2 11 145 151 9 27 94 182 1,095 3.012 2,135 440 76 51 1.812 1,589 34,437 44,350 27,894 17,335 51 186 190 515 6,460 19 550 7 71 1,040 3,859,849 2,909,350 2,919,249 1,932,076 1,978 2,129 lB.Cfl 19,254 569,430 1,827 2,127 15,834 19.04B 376,665 370,262 12 163 1,189 333 '2,081 151 20,862 16,810 2,120,426 3,256,174 1.394,559 1,9B7,012 804 1,086 19,696 21,191 672,943 793 1,059 18,201 19,844 469,674 510,235 7,078,514 6 , 968 , 458 5,973,984 5,464,765 2,484 2,604 1R.3RI 20,199 663,377 2,473 2,585 18,292 19,521 515,173 399,854 1 56 690 718 690 3 32 16 273 223 5,141 435 15 31 239 570 ,059 ,408 ,847 ,025 4 116 13 381 468 231 5.630 195 1.495 230 146,779 122,171 227 17,460 15.190 24,586,350 23,003,613 21,217,909 18,911,279 5,473 5,858 67,775 59,264 2,605,047 5,433 5,631 66,567 56,502 2,029,931 1,028,717 4 64 410 276 1,144 1,790 284,208 263,026 27 111 89 ,279 5 1 101 3 ,546 25 2 2 101 4 81 515 536 54 85 262 486 2,742 9,021 5,347 672 52 48 292 614 5,439 16,178 4,786 1,635 153 484 368 1,218 13,064 2 7 6 60 46 1,245 55 20 375 390 200 5 34 27 300 220 ,931 429 15 11 70 141 1,371 4,145 1,097 256 8 75 16 259 576 1 1 5 25 250 500 5 2 30 32 390 520 819 100 1 2 30 51 6 3 33 24 306 367 640 50 41 144 3,699 3,847 41 572 978 3,744 5.926 57,681 93,657 112,478 11,478 174 60 634 193 20,522 5,913 16.828 1,327 389 428 1,063 962 35,610 57 41 171 133 3,978 2,859 4,376 295 11 6 28 16 260 161 520 5 10 6 1 1,000 53 950 69 333 425 1,397 6,518 27,833 12,710 2,574 117 148 868 1,208 23,184 39,744 18,779 4,066 463 1,797 1,457 5,787 49,538 1 46 7 291 200 7,036 240 6 19 31 87 261 1,476 527 918,273 1,384,450 388,105 593,625 932 1,016 6,857 7,960 273,657 922 1,013 6,76 5 7,911 177,240 161,881 5 43 455 11 49 161 26,772 21,734 26 356 84 626 2,730 4 6 ] -111 195 56 , 640 35 16,679 7 4,740 14 3,438 5 527 136 25,605 33 8,187 4 19 145 151 20 193 306 931 1,256 11,857 19,158 24,307 4,189 134 103 756 359 24,453 9,619 20,541 9,317 178 256 636 743 20,352 15 20 58 182 1,936 4,596 2,420 740 15 43 48 103 365 864 704 144 89 21.459 4,012,731 5,337,986 2,009,343 2,030,109 2,769 3,067 19,395 26 , 999 870,881 2,728 3,055 18,674 26,720 590,127 719,748 58 545 4,801 38 176 335 57,729 44,428 105 12 5 67 27 17,189 95 545 13,528 35 5,589 313 2,551 65,190 67,798 5,838 1,410 2,160 12,154 19,912 157,583 316,163 315,166 52, 744 1,185 1,320 8,286 7,054 261,218 216,682 193,301 25,473 211 307 761 1,279 25,874 53 119 216 473 5,410 12,049 6,222 204 33 102 107 324 1,228 3,543 2,395 76 3 9 135 230 3,309,857 4,257,257 2,486,838 2,910,383 1.406 1,745 13,290 11,983 361. 193 1,374 1,714 12,956 15,898 262,128 311,376 15 100 641 45 234 151 23,987 20,200 7 3 22 17 742 3, 3, 31, 5 9 30 2 406 25 265 2,563 2,666 640 276 444 ,617 ,476 ,475 51,071 62,950 16,177 195 159 2,331 2,072 48,087 49,283 36,546 10,268 389 512 2,107 2,633 69,531 52 72 407 728 7,685 18,848 8,838 3,720 57 56 529 545 4,161 7,831 8,239 873 527 132,065 87 42.410 108 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 1 of 7).- SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Robeson Hockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotl and Stanly Stokes Surry 1 Total value of all specified crops harvested 25.332,763 9,271,814 4,265,860 3,312,982 15,829,141 4, 372, 300 3,201,220 7,733,230 8,824,185 2 1944. . 28,817,146 9,397,429 5.303,473 4,769,320 18,350,330 5,871,863 3,759,491 7,892,540 8.148,190 3 VaJue of all crops sold (see text) dollars 1949 20,921,953 7,235,729 1,916,123 1.607,379 12. 130. 585 3.175.219 1,504.279 6,351,584 7,111.273 4 1944.. Corn: 21,135,304 6,764,192 1,695.894 2.312,985 13,038,369 3,847,829 1,174,035 6.104,931 5,822.790 5 7.801 3,426 2,146 2.899 6,274 1,398 2.046 3.049 3,556 6 1944.. 8,247 3,510 2,788 3,258 6,677 1,558 2,054 3,128 3.321 1 acres 1949.. 87,208 19,685 16,189 21,077 69,138 14, 580 19,443 17,136 21,041 e 1944.. 91,158 23,555 22, 473 26,285 70,740 16,039 23, 237 20,663 24.059 9 value. .doll ars 1949.. 2,693,244 638,943 694,543 746,616 2,100.963 547.367 744,631 603.989 1.101,795 10 7,792 3,370 2,121 2,862 6.237 1,377 2,041 3.030 3,533 11 1944.. 8,141 3,496 2,775 3,241 6,660 1,553 2,051 3,116 3.315 12 acres 1949.. 86,843 19,267 15,142 20,774 67,621 14. 446 19.307 16,975 20.711 13 1944.. 90,846 22,960 22,085 26,063 68.916 15.966 23,134 20,152 23.818 14 bushels 1949. . 2,123,654 477,405 435,641 481,614 1,618,631 426,714 554,875 465,112 721,911 lb 1944. . 1.997,499 505,602 526,119 522,064 1,433,933 331,812 582,662 504,683 635,552 16 6 39 71 26 8 10 14 4 30 17 acres 1949. . 70 198 948 157 68 63 115 14 255 18 tons. -green weight 1949.. 435 1,227 7,082 1.389 525 472 1.134 155 2,907 19 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 74 220 24 99 40 146 49 147 20 acres 1949. . 295 1,449 71 21 75 21 Value of corn and other corn 1,093 475 319 284 946 415 605 116 153 22 dollars 1949. . 174,217 32,907 76,780 36,587 158,709 80,576 118,110 9.475 23, 549 23 Sorghums: 152,698 30,827 55,745 28,533 142,554 65, 476 95,606 7,273 18,391 24 Sorghum for all purposes except 3 72 434 4 1 412 1 2 25 1944. . 2 8 6 1,189 2 2 7 2 2 76 acres 1049. . 7 296 731 44 2 3,246 1 2 27 1944.. 3 17 27 2,467 3 8 26 2 5 ?n value. . dollars 1949. . 187 9,955 23,758 1,245 50 101,966 25 84 29 Harvested for grain or for 1 65 408 1 in 1944.. acres 1949.. 1944- . 1 2 255 2 6 1 5 3,233 21 !l 9 1 1? 12 7 bushels 1949. . 1944.. 30 6,187 35 240 86,081 285 so 34 67 70 3 V 16 2 tons.. green weight 1949.. Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or 86 2 38 cut for dry forage or hay. . . . farms reporting 1949. . acres 1949. . 6 3 1 1 6 25 731 35 13 1 1 10 1 21 875 35 1 1 41 1" 7 1 197 1 914 171 90 46,652 100 Small grains: 43 Grains grown together and threshed 14 230 91 17 14 2 216 15 34 44 acres 1949. . 74 1,235 885 88 57 12 1,394 79 165 45 bushels 1949. . 1.871 38,248 17,444 1,285 7 34 210 31,235 2,298 5,621 46 value. .dollars 1949. . 1,946 39,778 18,142 1,336 763 218 32,484 2,390 5.846 47 48 bushels sold 1949. . 2 954 1,767 50 2.858 650 1,009 1,318 1,424 579 425 255 1,557 626 422 49 1944. . 2,182 1,223 1,877 1,367 1,109 449 1,834 702 304 Ml acres 1949. . 5,298 7,412 19,972 3,474 2,398 1,913 21,058 3,341 2,448 SI 1944. . 7,433 6,836 25,343 7,637 5,527 2,275 23,664 3,846 1,741 -," bushels 1949.. 63,531 136,203 274,835 42,125 23,404 24,318 213,993 61,672 50,758 S3 1944.. 150,032 113,461 435, 187 113,913 126,936 43.139 340, 606 57.630 27,755 54 value, .dollars 1949. . 123,885 265,596 549,670 86,356 45,638 47,420 427,986 120.260 104,054 5 5 bushels sold 1949. . 23,100 39,998 150,517 11,932 11,022 11,596 100,496 9.859 17,260 56 7 54 423 1,250 462 207 278 1, 194 332 273 57 1944.. 448 183 1,235 387 74 259 1,284 152 70 58 5,311 1,500 11,977 2,075 1,147 3,553 9,076 1.151 1,112 59 1944.. 3,985 662 9,012 1,370 305 3,905 8,044 448 398 60 bushels 1949.. 145,308 47.465 336.758 50,236 30,952 101,596 264,325 34,156 36,260 fil 1944.. 132,037 17,904 231,343 29,782 9,107 118,229 217,903 12,071 10,415 <•;• value. . dol 1 ars 1949.. 127,871 38,921 249,201 42,198 27,238 89, 404 200,887 28,008 30,096 63 bushels sold 1949. . 40,343 2,953 41,761 6,178 8,380 32,629 42,772 454 1,490 64 Oats cut for feeding unthreshed. . farms reporting 1949.. 3.114 362 233 687 543 340 98 472 734 65 1944. . 3,288 761 413 1,144 920 350 140 653 886 66 acres 1949. . 9,660 1,002 1.061 2,406 1,064 1,870 434 1,362 2,379 -.7 1944. . 9,988 2,412 2,005 3,737 2,089 2,453 604 1,838 2,778 68 value. .do] lars 1949. . 342,930 33, 567 36,074 76,992 37,772 66,385 14.322 45.627 78,507 69 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1949.. 26 157 283 94 88 14 34 30 11 70 1944. . 145 93 307 137 224 43 110 29 71 acres 1949. . 251 611 1,892 395 372 69 195 88 75 7" 1944. . 1,132 374 2,072 525 972 356 710 74 51 77 bushels 1949. . 4,364 17,677 50.672 8.407 7,573 1.962 6,291 1.716 2.100 74 1944.. 31,097 9,831 59,569 12,186 23,947 9.654 20,837 1,848 1,011 7'. value. .dollars 1949.. 5,237 19,445 58,273 10, 509 9,088 2.354 7,235 1,888 2.289 1,215 1,288 4,793 955 226 416 175 450 77 Rye threshed or combined farms reporting 1949. • 23 160 26 40 17 17 5 62 40 78 1944.. 106 250 89 102 32 65 11 126 77 79 acres 1949. . 120 530 103 137 50 156 12 173 135 80 1944. . 602 780 396 464 156 595 35 340 399 81 bushels 1949. . 1.384 6,013 1,223 971 506 874 190 1,961 1,753 1 8? 1944.. 8,491 7,794 4.744 4,737 2.B41 7,163 361 3,156 3,604 83 value. .dollars 1949. . 2,906 12,026 2,385 1,874 1,063 1,835 376 3,922 3.506 84 bushels sold 1949. . Other grains threshed or 456 838 286 131 165 78 251 393 ] acres 1949. . 15 86 117 88 89 90 78 102 619 10 255 270 2,180 value. .dollars 1949.. bushels sold 1949.. Value of small grains and grain 173 1,052 17 434 459 3,706 187 491 831 206 134 132 915 152 157 1 91 dollars 1949.. 79,815 90,371 345,206 30,857 26,600 51,591 22 4,978 19,921 38,382 ] CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued NORTH CAROLINA 109 Swain Tranayl - vania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkea Wi laon Yadkin Yancey 266. 164 580,528 924,293 7,641.557 6,513.074 16,718,426 6.409.292 1.657,933 1,906,653 16,890,416 2,801,282 18,570,701 5,939,326 1,540,657 1 405, 434 1.021,210 1,318,447 7,726,682 7.632.386 18,061,866 6.474, 104 1,931,121 2,834.822 15.887,688 4,127,390 17, 102,815 7,239,869 2,433,811 2 41,406 180,784 590,951 4,929.616 5,486,099 14.090,613 4,919,754 1,135, 109 924.296 13.559,298 995,748 16,764, 464 4,384,448 771,705 3 41,706 220,839 597,354 3,670,178 5,945,665 13,436,422 4,656,211 1,342,352 1.383,018 11,595,032 1,154,180 13,900,142 4,956,593 966,087 4 840 853 412 4,127 2,037 5.192 2,680 731 1,852 4,446 3,828 4,007 2,411 2,126 5 880 1.046 542 4,175 1,780 5,402 2,621 844 2,083 4,710 4,428 4,522 2,607 2,417 6 3,340 5.959 7.169 36,156 12,198 36,581 15,848 10,926 5,969 69.548 19,501 43,085 13,695 7,355 7 3,507 7,934 7.885 38,619 16,122 42,965 17,560 10.945 7,648 62,483 28,078 39,875 18,809 9,705 8 135, 408 317.884 259.212 1,215,382 480,383 1,739.727 491,011 410.827 352,650 2,508,561 917,580 1,883, 147 635,304 378,196 9 820 853 401 4,088 2,009 4,986 2,658 731 1,834 4,431 3,814 3,892 2,392 2,110 10 ."63 1,044 540 4,173 1,767 5,381 2,610 844 2,080 4,709 4,418 4,519 2,605 2,409 11 3,240 5,634 6.338 35,699 11.990 34,840 15,483 10,602 5,662 68,418 19,359 41.441 13.488 7,264 12 3,439 7,871 7,749 38,329 14,948 42,37 3 17,387 10,911 7,587 62,356 27,956 39.619 18,686 9,663 13 81.581 190.962 171,347 904,616 368,222 1,202,982 367,602 308, 117 212,462 1.953,926 620,275 1,447,590 412,562 243,947 14 85.329 307,377 186.655 839.805 356,693 834,975 291,002 248,693 259.689 1,309,943 703.805 846, 147 499,093 294,054 IS 7 53 748 13 15 259 1,977 17 20 150 1.306 43 1 5 22 89 25 400 4,403 280 3 30 405 93 1 5 75 55 60 257 2,657 16 3 61 542 221 18 84 582 20 38 179 2,093 14 32 76 925 8 127 216 19 47 66 831 307 203 1,341 335, . 319 50 1,069 58 1,644 28 15 20 41 104 20 766 73 488 68 123 44 1,761 402 1,235 243 122 21 3.974 42.582 5.353 98.831 3,602 82,959 6,686 65,082 4,112 342.960 63,279 145,980 36,042 14,260 22 2,453 28.114 4,012 94.183 3,735 67.184 5,640 52,180 2,955 331,749 48, 148 142,939 27,710 10, 370 23 4 126 1 2 341 492 5 13 8 3 31 1 22 20 5 2 2 8 1 4 1 10 76 4 189 130 1 2 31 1 1 1 1 25 10 2,796 862 54,132 199 5 1,191 7 32.534 128 i 11 106 154 447 643 16 62 37 3.724 1 1 1 12 40 420 2 10 120 10 51 31 5 61 124 1 1 3 20 60 600 10 34 27 850 31 6 743 4 1 23 1 460 10 2 13 50 1 1 4 1 14 77 400 472 1 79 1 2 30 10 1 1 2 20 400 15 8 36 36 37 4 4 8 5 16 4 2 2 2 22 34 42 1 8 8 1 1 9 39 40 62 14,209 1 50 4 382 1 12 41 47 4 27 400 416 300 7 17 498 5,282 121,401 126,257 26,794 1.638 2.314 8 26 530 551 45 349 7,318 7,611 2,800 626 1,942 10 72 1,470 1,529 1 3 41 43 41 2 21 3 8 134 139 9 29 684 711 390 256 873 13 55 1.118 1,163 7 21 546 568 390 2,642 82, 576 85,879 8,374 1.042 1.100 3 3 42 44 43 44 45 46 47 214 628 503 934 125' 89 670 847 253 835 45 122 48 5 21 49 67 128 16,042 17,876 1,129 2.796 4,067 10,630 3,018 4,757 9 69 273 238 2,633 4,608 4,827 5,486 1,179 3,260 6,622 6,895 101 421 50 16 118 51 1,067 2,424 193,086 289,653 15,799 49,393 53,542 185,371 47,596 78,673 78 1,294 4,362 3,759 33,658 90,162 79,794 73,131 15,034 68,190 113,305 111,969 1,240 4,585 67 271 1,842 53 2.187 630 3 386,172 92.582 1,748 30,808 4,864 40 107,084 27,564 365 92,812 14,461 126 152 8,942 151 104 65,633 23,525 171 163,578 24,561 192 29.316 4,425 181 232,275 46,157 878 2,542 19 62 54 55 4 7 23 56 1 9 24 1,616 32 239 88 19 181 132 116 140 565 60 57 29 20 32 16,130 155 2,461 933 400 297 2,483 913 903 4,965 182 51 10 66 145 12,797 129 1,804 698 330 553 1,267 495 621 2,902 233 59 570 528 760 464,695 4,663 74,060 27,827 9,875 6,766 89, 588 26,319 32,697 '.66,450 3,834 60 70 705 3,359 345,401 3,008 46,291 17,773 9,546 11,272 37,083 12,711 18,343 83,660 3,320 61 479 444 608 353. 168 3,824 54,804 22,818 7,900 5,616 72,566 21,845 26,485 138, 154 3,221 62 285 5 113,687 427 141 167 16,402 683 4,351 162 5,444 21 16 556 50,042 369 2,705 391 9.491 405 14,838 214 472 304 63 16 15 64 81 7 89 888 384 2,504 422 110 761 842 548 1.717 268 571 65 43 37 10 1,698 498 2,020 417 46 1,309 815 1.235 1,084 690 879 66 221 17 203 3,963 905 8,109 1.104 340 2,514 1,989 2,000 4,378 892 1,896 67 1,376 1,184 360 56,034 16,683 68.680 13; 970 1,656 43, 197 27.710 40,755 36,856 22,770 28, 128 68 4 2 24 7 375 190 469 1 13 6 115 40 1,557 50 22 209 143 1,169 3,300 29,797 3,795 145 3 12 39 109 167 572 3,676 13,238 4,044 105 171 821 1,384 22,375 26,283 25,731 3,883 30 50 62 112 347 741 9,218 17,556 10.140 910 50 31 9 6 10 8 188 129 205 160 198 8 69 47 424 1,010 9,564 1,212 500 39 55 23 15 112 121 2,398 3,733 2,614 125 138 327 20 143 62 533 1,428 11,704 1,714 131 38 37 165 237 5,032 7,085 5,485 285 137 208 15 5 29 7 429 129 536 17 44 95 69 5 70 71 38 7? 73 480 74 75 1 4 76 4 111 13 87 4 29 77 1 31 78 16 220 177 1,029 10 34 15 114 104 257 160 264 15 73 354 471 417 726 585 1,452 721 850 81 190 79 4 139 80 185 2,389 1,970 11,548 88 291 220 1,548 1,291 3,724 1,880 2,683 175 1,280 4,994 6,069 3,896 9,988 5,466 12,852 8,323 8,529 811 1,916 81 30 2,326 82 357 10 3.802 1,003 174 50 4 34 800 1,360 600 440 2,517 750 3.760 40 366 175 9,988 460 58 169 2,543 4,323 151 7,870 2,135 10,932 731 7 9 97 165 16.646 1,862 2 55 94 25 1.565 119 3 3 54 92 83 84 1 3 30 51 8 85 86 87 88 89 1 7 2 1.196 43 220 107 16 54 17 3 252 78 466 19 90 20 3,341 255 294,614 12,012 72.850 35.920 5,881 1,774 84,868 54, 299 15,663 103, 550 746 91 991354 0-52-9 110 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 2 of 7>— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Alleghany Avery Annual legumes: Soybeans groan lor all purposes. . . farms reporting acres grown alone acres groan with other crops Soybeans harvested for beans. . .lams reporting acres grown alone acrea grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Soybeans cut for hay farms reporting acrea grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. . dollars Soybeans plowed under for grpen manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas harvested for dry peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Cowpeas harvested for green peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels in shells value. . dollars Cowpeas cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Cowpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. .dollars Cowpeas plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds value. . dollars Peanut vines or tope aaved for hay or forage. . farms reporting acres grown alone acrea grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Velvetbeans grown for ail purposes farma reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Value of soybeans, cowpeas, peanuts, and velvetbeBns sold. . farms reporting dol 1 ars 1949. 1949. 1944 1 1949. 1944 1 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1°49. 1949. 1940. 1949. 1949. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. 1949.. 1949., 1949.. 1949.. 1949., 1949.. 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1»49.. 1949.. 1940.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944 2 . 1949.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1040.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1940.. 1949. . 56,353 320,495 250,225 93,73* 211,994 16,424 13,953 187, 519 21,897 2,990,624 1,631,666 5,1124,743 27,360 es, 423 P.570 95, 530 2,839,656 15,493 28,647 48,434 1,678.952 6, 136 18,906 14,835 16,040 34,044 91,284 34,064 99, 124 4,013 9,221 5,180 5,391 37,279 105,798 161,703 1,838 1.9B9 844 33, 239 99 , 7 17 5,918 13,256 9,274 18,328 547,841 1,369 1,680 4,520 110,320 5,285 11,939 14,035 29,714 231.053 290,428 622 2,884 26,163 30,350 218,271 272,326 43 229,600,343 328,055,863 25, 102,787 18,831 25,706 148, 365 302 88,956 113,937 1,533,146 757 1,384 1,357 7,755 16,280 32,548 29.08 3,919 401 1,141 .114 IP. 165 98 56 884 17.724 4,7 49 37,929 307 1,146 18 1,743 52,290 52 130 101 5 14 10 16 4 49 228 211 12 1 196 588 16 26 26 775 19 13 23 1 38 19 14 10 17 1 7,940 14,796 953 59 21,913 193 842 105 21 540 49 29 332 5 2,945 869 6,479 141 37 3 13 521 16,151 1 1 3 P9 20 136 105 210 708 19 200 47 59 63 239 567 956 2 59 177 21 27 10 38 1,148 36 105 7 18 4 58 2 7 18 58 4 61 1,522 23,289 244 18 2.059 6 13 6 29 942 1 176 61 286 3 30 85 346 18 37 95 1,139 1.278 2,506 13 34 15 45 1,350 12 40 23 1,545 25 117 47 212 679 1,355 389 1,349 85 270 182 125 750 3,554 3,000 25 26 22 253 759 68 212 91 192 5,568 7 5 20 546 66 254 122 4 9 51 3,790 43.980 606 2 7 6 40 84 10 1,430 29 942 1 250 9 292 1,922 28,675 15,835 367 4,601 1,0 57 789 23,472 95 385,417 137,104 736,146 1,052 3,841 34 4,531 131,399 290 903 230 30,540 37 70 1,621 7 621 56 468 252 4 2 1 35 105 13 370 11 39 6 373 1,242 3,038 311 632 1,026 2,786 1,254 3,821 2,121 1,267 5,566 338 162 1,748 245 26.099 5,849 50,632 96 180 16 151 4.454 816 1,624 683 67,810 123 269 323 20 38 47 16 81 6 11 5 5 40 46 162 15 424 10 15 4 476 4 4 6 2,759 28,874 36,890 2.751 3, 145 28,737 36,865 884,392 3,394,237 88,439 147 385 439 29,360.816 48,087,913 3,229,690 2,358 2,567 23.935 560 1.735 9,520 10.971 8,427 186,507 102 214 1,009 767,050 2,763 3,153.760 Loes not include acres plowed under for green manure. Acres grown alone and grown with other crops. Peported in small fractions. NORTH CAROLINA 111 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Carteret Catawba Clay 904 2,308 1,019 1,553 179 66 18 312 44 4,060 1,80 2 7,917 400 916 85 883 25,607 430 848 957 40,458 169 232 467 434 405 774 1,317 665 65 38 27 164 486 263 2,284 30 36 25 600 1,800 51 91 43 104 3,141 62 46 179 3,794 260 205 906 921 2,825 3,748 22 15 102 83 343 259 1 164,778 201,705 16, 478 627 207 1,854 16 1,421 734 28,420 39 65 33 742 1,558 92 20,002 365 718 , 104 413 813 7 25 45 383 1,170 881 285 475 369 996 32,370 38 96 24 3,456 43 102 20 23 22 162 43 65 4 15 2 1 16 101 70 1 25 75 3 5 1 5 152 3 2 35 546 10 13 5 499 2,233 1.770 31 829 177 144 957 11,520 5,196 26,496 297 825 20 916 29,770 2 16 119 435 11 123 253 564 36 554 59 84 75 21 407 1,174 1,791 21 25 218 654 14 35 8 87 2,636 55 118 7 25 28 24 15 2 45 24 20 26 12,819 9,267 2,436 1 1 79 463 452 146 438 14 46 98 17 1,345 1,116 2,959 51 296 35 370 11, 100 2 4 15 345 22 65 79 162 519 613 79 390 76 188 174 22 1,036 1,838 4,144 18 13 12 202 606 27 72 53 1,537 4 13 7 462 64 247 38 46 31 71 2 1 46 54 22 66 22,212 39,302 3,554 447 1,599 2,444 144 1,127 131 168 709 20 10,703 7,694 24,617 272 604 42 601 19,532 5 7 94 279 78 45 66 481 22 528 17 76 22 1 66 711 290 3 2 11 33 12 10 6 15 450 1 1 3,934 8,576 629 340 14, 136 10,744 882 1,183 327 469 13,892 805 232,863 233,871 451,754 48 144 166 4,897 28 38 1,622 6 72 39 1 4 109 12 78 227 12 30 65 196 78,000 195,500 8,580 16 17 27 2 283 1,201 1,567 336 978 58 65 365 26 4,220 4,399 8,060 95 262 18 345 10,005 112 345 167 12,855 52 229 125 59 159 412 188 299 10 20 1 132 203 594 23 69 17 33 16 24 684 11 25 658 25 93 146 254 1,034 1,507 14 116 147 298 611 389 956 6,613 2 7 55 1S1 18 5 554 25 1,186 45 103 5 139 4, 170 63 152 440 49 24 101 3,010 150 200 18 11 980 38 ,962 45 11,738 320 417,922 28 7,235 5 1,170 273 979 1,257 19 429 101 69 461 6.714 2,170 14,771 169 443 16 557 17,267 1 2 19 73 3 120 248 1,277 29 252 46 112 72 3 467 1,418 1,868 11 11 124 372 30 56 80 2,416 45 109 26 137 63 177 6 7 132 136 58 177 47,764 78,266 7,642 3 21 1 207 762 1,520 67 140 20 31 96 1, 194 880 2,627 163 489 48 586 18, 166 8 20 13 941 30 157 6 157 378 644 60 286 46 109 66 12 414 874 1,656 25 26 8 140 420 45 86 3 4 12 7 434 60 188 30 2,880 3,866 461 92 13,015 406 853 15 1,496 81 400 280 3,744 436 1,240 19 3, 184 220 11,968 18 175 48 139 63 3,144 8 28 77 2 44.794 722 19,805 1,776 86,900 42 10 87 16 5 11 129 30 4,192 885 9 234 27 384 2 2,837 896 62, 186 20 36 103 200 4 308 29 11 39 33 100 24 41 237 42 9 3 49 14 3 17 16 44 230 277 258 194 932 6 182 125 3T5 648 7,877 11,617 648 920 7 838 11 617 9 764 If, A 16 775,824 1 074 058 404 898 4.640 2,774 5,625 47,158 2 690 668 1, 111.070 59 206 298 864 572 1,987 40 128 179 5,818 11 14 2 86 91 37B 58 272 292 12 150 14 35 86 801 582 1,762 28 109 12 120 3,600 3 6 192 476 856 71 454 66 200 97 14 462 2,172 1,848 23 27 267 801 70 189 38 204 5,916 11 19 3 574 33 144 16 66 40 256 12 1 66 247 20 249 13,815 44.222 2,210 1 1 1 10 1,472 13 926 2,725 4,212 2,180 7,063 8.BB2 165 150 282 142 4,489 3,075 8,754 879 1,679 895 2,246 65, 134 1,740 1,946 5, 194 138,561 281 305 832 135 458 596 178 561 784 247 1,356 3.B12 5,665 17,916 131 10 107 873 2,619 988 1.364 1,867 2,612 78.882 322 151 1,574 26,264 770 686 3,274 79 3 2,350 3,994 8 24 657 850 1,983 3,334 8 1,629,297 4,467,177 162,930 344 707 965 778 2,156 15,560 70 80 122 701 1,472 638 168,997 112 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 2 of 7>— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: (For definitions and explanations, see text) Duplin Edgecombe Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops 1949. 1949. 1944 1 1949. 1944 ' Soybeans harvested for beans. . farms reporting 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels alu ■dolla Soybeans cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. .dollars Soybeans plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas harvested for dry peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Cowpeas harvested for green peas fa rms reporti ng acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels in shells value. . dollars Cowpeas cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. .dollars Cowpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. . dol lars Cowpeas plowed under for green manure farms re torting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds value . .dollars Peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. -dollars Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dol lars Value of soybeans, cowpeas, peanuts, and velvetbeans sold. . farms reporting dollars 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 19 49 . . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944 3 . 1949 . . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. 1949. . 1949. 1949. 1949. 1,164 5,945 5.873 355 899 269 225 1,711 90 27,565 8.198 52,649 758 3,127 55 3.006 87, 174 283 718 142 23,670 101 389 68 111 468 2.165 29 234 12 29 41 238 190 1,071 6 5 1 47 141 64 280 17 259 7.382 6 29 32 113 11 118 333 530 56 53 176 166 85,368 169,120 8.537 48 17 116 120 35 2,040 14 32 8 60 126 118 49,605 1,013 8,073 3,440 1,924 3,680 546 376 5.198 961 74.521 41.437 145, 316 381 1,621 252 1,620 46,980 162 685 460 27.907 569 251 223 637 2,625 237 1.889 63 207 95 47 403 2,736 1.894 75 147 18 3,895 11,685 71 1B6 43 189 5,708 14 32 24 1,232 53 177 105 176 639 901 2 1 157 150 549 819 2 420,280 736,844 42,028 67 105 233 146 398 2,920 33 58 50 790 1,659 494 155.183 335 12.922 10.309 308 408 280 320 12.416 169 216,967 149,758 420,916 108 314 310 9,145 22 182 34 6,865 5 10 105 5 14 110 48 630 194 31 267 542 30 47 246 532 262,966 448,150 28,926 15 12 107 64 73 1,088 1 1 277 415.843 11 26 25 7 132 2 15 5 45 1,235 87 4 17 502 55 194 380 42 229 12 37 30 55 332 532 6 60 16 47 101 514 1,590 1,131 33 106 7 110 3,410 3 32 35 1,757 12 26 954 1,656 2.099 37 145 192 5.952 2 4 6 248 15 82 81 150 349 7 134 13 61 19 4 137 50 116 318 1 128 14 71 24 1 172 615 688 1 1 2,298 4.068 3,865 10.848 15.362 257 297 947 1,604 19.425 16,108 37,879 721 1,883 487 1,789 51,881 1,433 996 8,026 152,774 156 242 7 31 616 899 2.490 2,158 3,565 77 116 69 200 679 880 3.191 160 495 1.187 364 1.092 4 5 '5 151 32 966 7.216 12.305 1,155 1 3 1,500 9,681 240 1 1 3 22 2.367 3 920 201 546 120 484 14,617 111 56 537 9,086 238 228 1,301 427 822 2,390 129 690 30 119 38 255 12.882 137,193 1,288 297 795 592 31 399 1.916 7,980 147 271 479 633 1,329 103 22.575 1.005 165 2,151 148 423 8 486 14,580 3 6 68 129 337 59 73 3 43 1 18 442 77 5 4 72 216 87 2.593 877 8.997 6.629 1,347 5,345 429 363 6.478 405 106,485 54.015 206,581 2C8 1.C46 5 1,095 32.302 213 872 641 41,141 111 601 296 78 339 270 83 82 9 13 20 170 273 688 4 4 120 360 23 69 72 2.038 39 11 1.246 34 207 72 2,411 21.258 25,342 2,377 2.354 20.162 25.089 180 18,873.361 1,078 29,004.618 2,076.070 1.475 1,820 12,533 5 1.225 8.557 13.586 145.469 2.449 2,108.901 'Does not include acres plowed under for green manu Reported in small fractions. 3 Acres grown alone and grown with other crops. NORTH CAROLINA 113 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued 1.073 4,605 2,955 202 442 141 56 1,038 15,667 2,093 33.527 881 3.104 57 3,641 109.230 58 127 7 4,764 97 336 138 201 469 868 95 247 33 64 40 25 341 520 1,466 22 26 1 199 597 84 197 4 183 5,453 2 56 69 204 65 5 5 1,070 1,600 128 58 23,406 75 292 785 8 152 14 20 54 3 835 669 1,837 45 160 5 176 5.280 1 1 169 382 245 93 315 89 95 104 45 778 1,057 3.112 29 43 10 583 1,749 32 96 3 99 2,871 48 133 35 86 32 160 86 136 27 154 30, 160 52.518 4.826 5 7 4 7 9 140 41 5.812 570 1,479 1.555 4,693 8,012 159 136 808 192 14,407 11.878 27.950 17 34 34 1,003 450 612 4.299 95.272 23 25 202 15 27 106 3 13 1 10 1 257 32 7 21 3 630 2 3 1,022 9,427 11,350 1,017 1,133 9,425 11,290 10.248.856 14,095.157 1.127,374 685 911 6.124 2.541 3.321 43.197 1.017 1,140.950 28 16 62 41 228 5 39 1 13 24 146 55 23 15 15 38 1,235 10 2 37 21 128 9 36 1 14 24 114 106 714 .651 300 12 35 22 12 171 1,921 641 4,111 635 2,192 8 2,312 69.360 46 132 42 156 4 96 276 2,822 24 105 7 21 12 1 139 101 598 5 4 81 243 43 99 2 89 2,652 30 148 21 2 2 1 16 2.990 560 1,810 2,732 318 3,493 87 134 379 62 5,547 5,482 10,595 292 955 11 BO 5 23.345 128 228 200 9.840 86 248 45 88 239 1.B72 176 887 12 23 28 24 165 185 742 44 132 33 94 18 79 2,252 40 108 134 75 253 1.134 33 227 125 1,079 75.692 870,118 7,569 16 170 36 33 411 561 1 i 53 17,622 398 1,438 2.508 119 584 36 34 175 7 3.082 1,303 6,595 336 1,069 43 1,304 39,120 11 33 45 2.025 41 161 24 113 198 612 22 201 75 B23 322 21 38 239 717 34 51 10 62 12 11 8 15 12 2 11 13 6 13 12 2.218 4,680 266 3 1 4 148 311 34 5,212 787 4,659 2,298 462 1,645 199 108 2.315 43.925 17 . 027 85.214 121 743 53 880 25.960 383 949 175 35.759 144 652 234 254 1,159 352 68 315 54 95 112 28 560 789 2,268 33 42 4 524 1,572 16 33 2 41 1,160 25 46 9 1,414 114 i 926 25 3,579 35,542 36.410 2 19 3,571 3,116 35,505 36,249 36,475,022 40,908.515 4.012,252 2,688 2.870 26.884 1 16.828 19.687 286.076 3,585 3,857.557 3.484 2.203 1.483 471 177 2.562 1.078 43.974 19,819 85.749 881 2.679 223 2.443 70.847 297 604 560 26.962 220 637 342 180 539 1,602 137 1,281 23 70 31 28 269 540 1,264 29 32 18 925 2.775 71 209 20 211 6.372 47 8 1,428 91 220 63 8 9 30 1,453 15.265 145 3 2 22 80 8 652 1.369 292 70.184 Haywood 100 266 445 16 122 85 244 12 388 12.610 5 5 139 12 12 H 424 4 297 801 1.490 40 290 9 10 44 509 476 1.171 264 643 32 901 29.282 5 27 2 896 19 87 6 9 16 471 3 14 3 6 3 9 273 4 850 606 1,815 1,115 1,069 4.088 134 75 692 44 10.989 4,337 21,319 81 239 28 271 7,954 407 731 802 39,054 71 153 195 23 28 50 3 77 30 101 122 3 1 42 1 126 3 5 6 10 3 1.781 18.690 22,534 1,780 1,844 18,636 22,430 22,317,076 26,895,501 2,454.878 1.469 1.491 13,265 6,849 4,613 116,433 1.781 2.411,301 123 1,012 347 162 524 37 42 512 19 8,603 1,573 16,776 57 255 71 339 9,831 19 98 72 4,087 20 147 216 661 2,018 415 3,000 28 247 54 58 327 2,999 1.537 19 17 2 299 897 141 412 293 563 17.003 3 26 3 770 43 152 59 4 14 161 1 27 2 144 1.200 105.858 120 1 22 2 2 51 40 13 21 11 290 609 29 15.494 HyuV 496 14,612 9,909 244 1,949 479 S55 13,729 162 183,461 130.288 350,411 21 235 82 ,280 33 640 3 172 11 25 2 112 1 166 457 326,349 99 603 1,066 38 102 299 4,170 7,467 9,174 44 133 156 4,836 1,207 26 137 252 689 526 88 536 102 169 209 27 1.159 2.605 4.636 39 62 3 853 2,559 43 103 11 122 3.684 6 24 4 728 95 291 43 58 30 21 5 13.102 6.832 2.096 42 8.815 114 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 2 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting 1949.. acres grown alone 1949.. 1944 1 acres grown with other crops 1949.. 1944 1 . Soybeans harvested for beans farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Soybeans cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. . dollars Soybeans plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas harvested for dry peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Cowpeas harvested for green peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels in shel I s value. .dollars Cowpeas cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Cowpeas hogged or grazed,* or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. . dollars Cowpeas plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops PeBnuts grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds value. . dollars Peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage.. farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . doll ars Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Value of soybeans, cowpeas, peanuts, and velvetbeans sold. .farms reporting dol 1 ars 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949. . 1944. . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1944 3 . 1949. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949. . 1949.. 19 44.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 54 81 215 24 49 2 5 3 ' 1 SO 355 69 40 40 21 62 ,015 2 10 3 40 12 176 4,802 15,330 13,281 12,309 20, 585 1,634 1,064 4,782 3,986 82,869 51,460 158, 280 2,792 7,542 549 7,462 216,398 1,566 2,204 6,103 157,665 464 802 1,671 287 458 982 246 77! 57 54 60 36 329 305 1,480 107 114 38 1,303 3,909 31 64 5 48 1.368 36 51 35 1,918 87 169 132 46 120 206 40 61 118 197 619 3.833 3,486 339 1,174 186 1S4 1,738 62 29,3e0 11,942 56.116 316 1,341 70 1,346 39,034 195 610 196 21,240 19 144 11 46 187 1,785 41 293 4 22 4 17 28 501 126 28 130 101 ,878 10 364 45 14 227 609 1,683 9 11 54 78 138 245 96,896 348,940 9,690 32 45 97 " "59 147 1,003 600 94. 164 65,438 319,766 6,544 140 173 376 9 267 362 4,539 7 25 30 55 116 88 36, 101 217 646 629 18 86 765 250 1,683 173 490 12 466 14.446 2 3 27 92 6 167 431 555 32 286 26 86 59 11 241 866 964 6 2 90 270 86 203 57 159 19 902 3,459 4.703 992 1,855 215 192 1.038 138 12.378 10.765 23, 642 382 1,643 76 1,612 46,748 337 647 '576 28,050 62 131 202 195 763 1,655 394 348 9 15 5 68 133 235 598 16 IS 94 282 131 650 52 543 15,476 15 22 39 1,162 39 70 220 90 241 776 6 4 31 139 124 341 91,775 228,301 9,178 31 89 69 3 56 149 952 26 405 850 72 18,602 69 255 241 24 22 113 8 1.489 764 3,276 106 3,180 50 118 388 20 256 17 73 45 4 525 1.226 2,100 32 96 21 45 7 47 1,363 4 4 9 238 10 21 13,140 39,075 2, 102 515 2,550 2.156 82 244 173 163 1,029 10 12,303 11,720 28, 297 287 742 27 811 26,358 109 331 392 85 303 6 29 12 2 89 392 20S 133 264 74 388 12,610 176 739 45 25 36 786 6 24 14 10 14 2 95 261 418 < 2 > 659 6,974 125 57 .651 28 55 9 39 33 156 31 98 27 44 17 18 88 182 387 56 120 201 14 144 60 13 138 IS 103 14 34 143 52 S 6 3 3 1 1 6 25 26 17 5IS 74 133 4 170 357 Does not include acres plowed under for green manure. Reported in small fractions. Acres grown alone and grown with other crops. NORTH CAROLINA 115 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued Mecklen- burg Mitchell Montgomery Moore Na»l, New llimover North- ampton Onslow Orenge I'dml ico Pn»quo- tank Pender Perquimans Person Pin 92 461 617 69 556 6 24 54 1 585 2.561 1,287 43 174 23 242 7,260 5 15 10 600 41 218 35 162 466 1,032 78 838 61 260 83 21 453 2,936 1,812 32 31 8 434 1.302 29 116 1 93 2,697 6 11 10 448 58 2Z5 38 21 24 86 11 20 71 16 81 4 18 4 52 341 212 5 60 9 23 31 181 952 477 41 105 20 25 192 1,507 5,373 4,344 1,639 4, 530 363 274 1,684 86 24, 130 15, 189 46,812 601 2,241 212 2,229 65,756 439 741 298 30,704 316 707 1,043 176 230 1,001 4' 6 1,141 38 53 25 30 237 937 960 42 27 26 418 1,254 21 40 6 29 821 10 4 24 448 101 134 390 664 3,869 4,345 4 ' 26 645 667 3,741 4,273 146 1.235 839 448 211 33 29 246 41 2, BOS 3,037 5,470 78 414 7 413 11,977 35 93 299 7,396 48 482 101 72 686 766 186 86 4 U 7 1 50 220 235 4 4 8 70 210 9 15 9 24 725 12 965 4,072 2,553 2,378 3,402 317 155 1,873 492 31,289 11,360 60,701 264 989 68 966 28. 497 290 680 961 40,037 221 530 857 109 273 537 87 76 30 25 46 2 265 468 1,073 22 22 4 269 807 6 10 2 10 283 25 44 64 2,128 27 151 15 3, 16B 41,499 39,708 7 6 3,159 2,876 41,479 39,654 906 2,613 1,556 2,395 3,355 81 72 466 85 4. 186 3,096 8, 163 268 746 45 512 14,848 520 1,158 2.019 66, 109 103 243 246 157 199 1.754 477 1.396 26 101 34 42 162 1,118 761 3 1 1 7 21 16 27 6 16 483 50 31 243 4,270 65 106 185 652 2,705 3,219 221 1,174 60 58 234 265 1 180, 163 224,663 18,016 606 617 1,641 218 ■1,021 1,330 20,420 26 55 79 ei 170 67 31,483 28 4 1,576 2,373 31 290 44 24 355 409 8,527 3,506 123 386 282 212 7,352 44 98,377 32,867 187,900 169 598 17 649 18, 821 36 257 10 7,860 39 320 52 13 58 737 14 69 2 1 35 532 17,796 14,989 159 2,444 516 502 17, 473 31 304,504 147,799 590,738 33 86 3 93 2,74,4 36 184 97 8,021 12 53 2R 1 1 46 1,084 3,307 1,642 2,000 2,393 94 38 487 105 6,050 2,023 11,798 593 1,717 56 1.956 56,724 469 748 1,224 41,480 159 355 615 242 290 1,281 559 1,012 74 86 44 105 504 936 2,369 30 22 19 563 1,689 22 40 7 29 876 59 51 142 3.416 109 133 286 504 2,496 3,050 38 37 279 253 1,635 2,049 3 1,012,723 1,988,653 101,272 233 no 856 8 345 265 6,900 26 32 34 22 46 282 136,924 599 14, 134 6,406 896 8,041 572 410 13,784 109 246, 478 110,051 47R.167 17 66 14 90 2,655 100 243 722 20,838 8 41 51 5 34 19 2 7 1 4 1 62 264 207 1 19 2,064 9.170 8,670 1,721 7,090 684 815 3, 161 715 46, 143 38,824 68,133 1,065 4,255 212 4,232 122,728 594 1,355 637 50.205 119' 399 157 75 327 1,895 63 629 8 33 8 22 ' 129 1,019 580 6 8 3 207 621 48 184 27 189 5,386 7 12 20 616 10 115 11 1,885 8, 738 15,685 168 1,765 2.767 8.264 14,356 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 35*5 461 7B1 29 191 5 164 4.920 2 29 870 13 90 1,455 545 3,201 140 515 30 475 14, 250 8 127 9 3,945 16 118 2 257 805 1.854 113 765 50 299 141 50 498 4.699 1,992 29 36 5 654 1,962 101 260 38 191 5,539 4 12 336 97 356 20 " 15 25 201 2 15 26 14 192 6.414 1,698 13,726 234 1,093 14 1,455 43,650 6 20 17 1,040 17 108 10 II 1? 4 15 30 99 13 It 15 15 488 123 3,690 5 8 1 310 29 157 16 17 IB 19 20 21 2 3 22 23 74 97 542 681 43 257 48 126 270 14 820 1,688 3.280 10 9 3 123 369 25 175 63 1.827 1 3 84 28 85 26 12 4 455 47 127 105 1 40 9 31 26 39 113 249 1 106 4 23 6 1 23 132 99 3 2 28 84 15 23 18 536 5 17 75 "( 12 27 28 1 8 29 30 3 31 3' 33 94 301 404 6 10 89 267 27 66 65 1,937 2 11 308 8 14 1 17 3 303 1 1,364 10 29 40 2 3 60 180 34 126 35 36 1 1 10 30 37 38 39 40 41 4 6 7 200 3 16 448 2 1 14 4 18 5 4 4 2 17 4 4? 43 44 45 46 2 30 2 868 47 48 63 882 41 660 105 65 475 736 15 5 36 58 294 527 49 476 15 65 2 1 50 51 5? 524 5,012 10,161 13 523 911 4,930 10,059 53 14 93 509 54 55 56 57 56 12 49 2 453 17 12 80 81 495 2 59 60 3 1 61 67 63 6,033 17, 448 965 1 2 1 1 3 20 3 10 18 2,527 2.263 316,045 362 10,164 94,300 1,626 2 13 9 5 91 100 9 25 4 10 21 15 3,404 3,423,616 4, 594, 374 376. 598 228 640 1.370 991 2,350 16,847 184,012 412,320 18.401 31 29 209 1 85 173 1,700 51,625,157 47, 148,316 5,678,767 1,494 2,254 17,391 2,480 5,700 850 570 80,687 510, 398 8,876 6 55 29 21 213 357 5,622,741 13, 110,888 618.502 357 772 3,656 1,791 4,568 30, 447 210 6,893,621 16,044,901 689,362 1,158 2,300 5.411 3. 533 7,407 60,061 3 6 27 57 1,911 747, 578 64 65 298 25 66 67 29 1 68 69 8,632 9,352 146.744 2 1 1 2 3,174 5.570,034 71 211 4 11 73 74 75 76 77 78 12 1,020 722 399.852 42 20,517 34 9,704 241 174,867 511 553. 300 707 1.018,517 2 204 79 no 116 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 2 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: (For defmitio and expla Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanl Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Soybeans harvested for beans ... fa rms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value . . dol lars Soybeans cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value . -dollars Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. .dol lars Soybeans plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas grown for all purposes, .farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas harvested for dry peas farms report ing acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bus he Is value . .dol lars Cowpeas harvested for green peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels in shells va] ue. .do] lars Cowpeas cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. .dol lars Cowpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value . .dol lars Cowpeas plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone 'acres grown with other crops Peanuts grown forall purposes .. farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds value. . dollars Peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons va] ue. .dol lars Velvetbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels va lue. .dol lars Value of soybeans, cowpeas, peanuts, and velvetbeans sold farms reporting dol 1 nrs 1949.. 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944 2 1949. 1949.. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. 1949. 114 423 224 25 52 11 14 21 7 365 543 840 99 356 3 328 10,660 11 10 512 15 35 5 134 287 543 58 73 83 32 542 669 ,385 11 33 62 128 46 149 4,515 26 2,329 164 700 940 49 221 39 55 230 27 3,420 1,906 7,524 99 342 22 364 11,284 9 53 58 125 989 16 337 9 52 5 2 34 606 136 58 174 11 17 8 22 664 3,486 6,698 558 98 577 345 15 19 131 2 1,350 610 2,970 61 299 234 7,020 12 60 42 2,430 18 87 1 449 2,017 3,288 189 2,458 151 651 311 61 1,710 9,602 6,840 79 176 12 2,763 8,289 228 891 23 714 20,706 37 176 60 5,768 94 463 33 35 152 486 33 25 83 105 470 12 102,675 293,723 16,428 28 118 560 31 13,497 923 2,435 1,722 3,169 12,381 108 116 720 310 10,538 4,871 20,549 557 1,311 1,214 2,035 59,015 1 i 1S9 666 15,310 170 235 979 1,925 2,141 5,720 9,486 30,295 65 127 869 2,607 1,411 1,655 4,919 5,378 162,416 60 29 279 4,718 480 204 3,220 307 875 1,132 13 27 254 320 713 1,086 523,057 988,560 52,306 83 218 200 186 552 3,720 61 31 121 2S4 282 77,634 216 632 1,179 20 350 469 749 169 485 16 652 19,560 16 48 4 1,825 26 68 106 280 772 4 173 10 18 26 2 237 238 1,019 11 19 1 263 789 50 103 1 102 3,040 7 13 45 119 9 858 99 428 760 43 414 129 1 1,736 57 207 22 165 5,115 3 14 22 78 20 182 486 610 50 520 70 229 143 27 889 2,567 3,556 23 26 4 351 1,053 33 84 3 109 3,292 3 21. 79 212 16 75 75 179 18 26 75 179 24 195 1 29,533 94,310 4,725 57 4, 899 398 1,671 1,250 109 490 104 60 507 27 6,677 2-, 474 15,357 299 1,022 65 1,266 41,145 12 10 544 38 130 7 312 579 1,392 79 338 176 113 249 24 ',772 980 7,797 51 34 7 629 1,887 72 134 12 192 5,818 20 46 9 1,414 59 116 27 117 70 75 117 63 53 71 39,741 29,768 7,551 96 9,616 2,659 10,027 7,965 5,693 12,759 867 920 4,729 2,354 77,155 70,829 150,452 1,532 3,863 939 3,740 108,460 464 938 1,439 50,554 234 497 961 627 824 2,537 1,252 3,764 147 245 131 287 1,001 2,906 4,705 253 274 120 5,184 15,552 120 254 94 255 7,701 38 26 155 2,898 146 139 596 200 745 935 1 24 166 123 633 657 480,963 518,353 48,096 50 342 1,000 73 141 253 350 735 537 143,818 112 1,476 623 434 697 42 31 819 22 12,477 5,360 24,330 72 528 333 712 20,648 9 53 30 2,074 11 76 49 408 1,728 4,649 1,468 6,486 52 240 49 180 757 4,432 3,558 16 41 39 1,018 3,054 355 1,543 1,064 1,880 56,776 5 34 22 61 185 3 31 358 3 27 31 321 35 , 994 265,499 3,599 869 1,825 46 17,520 Does not include acres plowed under for green manure. Acres grown alone and grown with other crops. Reported in small fractions. NORTH CAROLINA 117 CENSUSES OF 1930 AND 1945- -Continued Stokes Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrrell Union Vence Wake Warren Wash- ington Watauga Wayne Wilkea Wilson Yadkin Yancey 21 60 99 3 40 1 6 3 87 346 475 2 227 22 13 109 91 205 141 12 94 4 9 6 39 144 623 5 152 2 13 18 356 8,113 3,334 289 4,019 306 288 7,442 26 89,960 33,438 174,522 92 259 1 234 6,903 61 277 240 13,696 28 135 22 162 610 370 132 607 21 89 184 668 2,255 3,480 74 143 35 24 211 4 3,367 2,211 7,205 618 1.887 36 2,110 63,300 15 39 10 1,606 39 118 24 67 142 230 28 64 14 7 27 1 124 66 533 3 1 1,783 7,439 8,259 326 1,196 216 37 1,346 122 24,463 2,105 53,819 1.426 5.188 69 5,122 158,782 151 377 86 14,910 140 528 49 246 680 1,947 105 986 50 120 81 6 258 1,104 1,032 54 52 1 841 2,523 85 206 4 188 5,678 9 21 471 2,590 2,556 71 134 59 37 1,241 20 20,627 8,137 44,142 364 1,215 48 1,231 36,930 24 45 3 1,697 22 89 543 8,610 3,229 100 4,711 438 302 7,506 27 116,423 31,808 225,861 99 3B3 20 383 11.298 123 620 61 22,442 11 101 1 2,244 10,095 7,930 6,824 18,726 1,005 944 4,652 4,625 81,509 53,707 155,682 1,432 4,441 550 7,739 224,431 • 236 525 499 23,235 224 477 950 271 667 4,653 596 3,414 38 59 89 56 899 2,516 4,046 32 41 18 447 1,341 96 292 41 268 7,638 21 39 79 2,198 102 206 402 52 171 218 10 33 51 134 183 75,875 176,563 7,588 14 30 76 34 53 578 16 30 45 200 420 620 102,382 603 1.615 3,382 163 817 78 203 292 46 3,516 5,194 8,087 437 979 68 958 31,135 18 42 12 1,536 98 302 37 236 456 1,662 128 385 112 185 133 52 606 1,389 2,666 10 6 7 196 588 24 47 2 29 870 18 36 39 1,554 85 234 28 1.208 3,874 4,760 784 1,402 407 315 1,645 240 25,747 12,680 49,177 720 1,868 214 2,017 58,493 154 1S2 139 7,545 97 179 191 129 169 1,595 358 851 31 109 4 99 621 1,048 2,794 30 23 23 737 2,211 32 90 8 88 2,508 4 1 4 84 61 51 224 58 261 932 94 397 648 12 44 35 53 192 31 30 107 32 6 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 70 2 15 18 3 9 55 19 17 51 3 57 1,710 1 9 1,546 1,196 3,556 65 230 2 288 ",360 1 1 28 117 64 33 166 11 200 6,500 2 8 165 1,214 380 21 60 2,729 1,179 6,004 55 170 5 232 6,960 44 152 54 5,370 34 104 73 280 827 1,297 125 976 107 580 202 31 1,325 6,529 5,300 47 113 2 2,134 6,402 43 128 1 139 4,031 32 95 16 2,884 84 289 75 62 13 4 2,366 3,437 5,442 60 168 12 182 5,915 1 2 10 212 3 11 1 20 24 13 27 878 2 3 5 176 3 3 14 6 2 8 16 1 13 2 65 15 70 2,275 1 2 16 17 110 1 3 32 3 6 256 8 25 1 27 51 58 5 5 9 4 13 64 14 64 5 1 1 72 64 11 35 73 24 24 56 266 1 103 2 21 3 56 148 241 25 51 318 2 146 5 47 3 28 328 123 7 4 208 434 839 102 313 74 201 92 60 587 1,894 2,524 47 44 17 510 1,530 66 180 11 158 4,708 9 13 4 420 34 105 10 109 399 671 5 13 593 102 221 391 14 60 28 84 47 4 191 1,109 840 6 ?5 76 12 54 27 29 17 11 79 1 5 2 1 31 33 33 29 145 14 10 86 25 3 35 37 3R 1 16 48 17 30 2 31 930 39 71 213 7 15 2 20 600 2 3 84 10 26 27 81 34 78 9 80 2,384 5 8 1 238 18 28 17 3 2 40 41 9 18 8 12 4 29 879 2 2 1 1 47 43 19 566 6 17 1 490 8 18 2 57 1 30 48 14 26 1 1 1 3 11 540 4,516 6,506 2 530 732 4,488 6,476 54 144 7 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 150 1,330 24 3 1 16 588 94 320 94 23 16 20 50 51 5? 80 310 791 3 79 157 302 790 272,843 969,479 30,013 47 110 207 111 335 1,887 269 181,649 53 2 6 1 56 57 61 4 5 4 8,908 1,900 1,425 4 11 8 3 23 8 13 15 6,534 5,070 1,045 1 4 2 1 8 20 13 45 3 25 52 112 38,954 19 89 159 331 661 207,143 315,175 24,857 36 51 113 63 105 1,260 5 15 17 135 284 115 58,471 1 48 219 223 625 152,314 547,149 15,231 16 172 64 49 431 833 206 40,845 2 6 2 7 67 312 63 4,052,867 7,932,748 445,815 171 681 1,291 683 2,431 11,611 649 648,472 180 1,020 37 67 2 68 69 70 2 160 6 4 72 151 43 6,617 2 2 10 21 6 2,337 1 194 25 3,934 15 3,198 3 1 20 42 76 77 1 18 17 5,764 79 80 118 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Tart 3 of 7 >— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: I ton {For definitions and explanations, see text) Alleghany Avery Hay crops, excluding cowpea, peanut, and sorghun hay. See text: Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Alfalfa cut for hay (or for dehydrating) farms reporting value. . dollars Oover or timothy cut for hay. . . . farms reporting acres tons value. . dollars Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting value. . dollars Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grain cut for hay farms reporting acres tons value. . doll ars Other hay cut farms reporting tons value. . dol 1 ars Silage made from grass or hay crops farms reporting acres tons. .green weight value. . dol lars Hay sold farms reporting tons dollars Receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privil eges farms reporting dollars 19 49. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1»49. 1944. 19 49. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 19 49. 1=44. 1949. 19 44. 1949. 10 49. 1914. 1949. 19 44. 1949. 10 41. 1949. 1949. 1944. I040. 1914. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 19 49. 19 44. 1940. 1949. 1949. 1949. 19 49. 19 49. 19 49. 1949. 1949. 19 49. 130,121 866,432 11,666 1,827 47,569 8,315 106, 239 16,279 3,737,515 19,897 15, 568 108,592 79, 104 124,750 95,526 3,668,566 88,530 75,902 532,779 515,426 559.535 535,435 16,802,530 30,163 10,048 98,8 37 37,648 98,400 40,126 2,542,959 20,110 86, 498 95,616 89,824 98,902 2,598,924 75 2,990 5,948 47,584 6,812 45.219 1,026,657 2,764 146. 148 1,682 15,927 246 23 1,490 99 2,406 214 85,894 163 60 975 327 1,093 340 34,976 1,563 1,620 12, 569 15.042 14, 459 16,9 18 448,220 244 44 663 154 715 17 5 17,875 142 521 661 521 759 15. 109 1,001 7. 119 222 20 536 42 1,415 93 48, 110 26 15 169 92 215 111 6.020 931 1,049 6,059 6,639 6,616 8,805 19 5, 17 2 112 20 416 77 392 67 9,800 29 69 34 98 35 2,605 1,246 13,816 49 1 176 1 385 2 12,705 944 42 9,044 389 10,142 381 278.90 5 33 5 190 14 223 12 6,690 55 4 315 14 359 22 10 , 770 391 4,017 10,753 1,554 10,639 125, 235 120 7 35 20, 160 15 613 50 189 6,053 42 246 4,544 59 2. 533 1.316 12,118 10 7 64 57 106 106 3.869 18 2 189 9 160 6 4.640 1.221 1,202 10,461 10,0 35 10,571 9,755 295,988 153 21 1, 116 148 918 205 23.868 51 333 245 292 208 8,468 1 15 60 480 106 955 24, 109 5 345 2.661 18.765 114 10 382 26 816 49 26.928 2,029 1,222 13,343 7,099 13,854 6,502 380.985 13 31 33 106 34 108 1,020 199 45 588 158 571 134 17,130 713 4,646 10, 115 4,596 8,198 126,390 1.298 8,532 20 660 727 1,925 5,450 12, 598 6,231 20.095 171,352 10 28 68 9< 77 158 2,310 39 6 113 15 111 17 4,230 566 2,847 79 3,494 58 96.085 679 3,134 2 2 8 3 37 3 1,350 5 4 14 30 22 28 704 525 225 2.493 1,61' 3,037 1,824 95.666 124 5 116 77 374 42 9,350 64 196 99 2 186 1.142 5,580 140 399 1 1 3 10 12 12 444 21 13 15 13 480 17 2 60 3 65 4 1.950 123 1 267 2 277 3 6,925 15 43 12 42 15 1,260 22? 776 12.728 322 13,413 277 1,326 28,568 28 175 4.065 7 597 6 166 3 7,620 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Luplin Edgecombe Hay crops, excluding cowpea, peanut, and sorghum hay. See text: Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Alfalfa cut for hay (or for dehydrating) . farms reporting value. . doll ars Clover or timothy cut for hay. ... farms reporting value. . do] 1 ars Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting tons value. . dollars Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grain cut for hay farms reporting acres tons value. . dol] ars Other hay cut farms reporting acres tons value. . doll ars Silage made from grass or hay crops farms reporting acres tons. . green weight value, .doll ars Hay sold farms reporting tons dol I ars Receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges farms reporting do 1 1 a r s 1919. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1941. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1019. 1914. 1949. 1914. 1949. 19 49. 19 44. 1919. 1914. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 19 44. 19 49. 1944. 1940. 1944. 1949. 19 49. 1949. 1944. 19 40. 1911. 19 49. 1940. 1949. 1949. 19 40. 19 49. 1949. 1040. 1049. 10 40. 524 2,490 182 4 2 8 12 8 11 256 358 49 1,670 276 1.888 397 59 , 17 2 69 34 200 188 172 150 4,300 143 560 528 597 395 17.910 14 43 1.080 6 485 1,195 7,331 13 2 129 28 446 56 16,918 12 8 41 91 30 91 870 982 917 6,006 6,751 6,539 8,432 199,440 249 16 091 67 901 60 22,525 86 261 870 225 981 6, 300 1 20 65 520 108 980 25,415 9 1,631 100 503 27 999 2 6 53 66 65 32 2,080 41 28 172 228 146 254 4, 380 10 87 47 SS0 63 630 1,575 51 214 220 205 235 6, 150 2,218 18,205 219 29 1,066 113 2.729 184 92,786 166 59 880 558 978 271 27.384 1,869 2, 163 12,281 15.730 13,459 20,201 397,040 104 47 485 233 515 372 12,875 811 3,783 5,081 4, 209 6,819 115,748 120 518 13, 165 6 222 1,005 11,764 185 1.319 132 3,858 353 131,172 213 54 1,026 365 2,626 353 7 3,528 743 077 6.745 8,970 7,592 0,020 223.964 125 59 560 308 618 309 15, 450 281 1,168 2,017 1,359 2, 105 37,372 3 49 165 1,480 45 328 0,429 12 1,323 1,834 5,670 7 5 49 15 177 30 6,726 17 34 33 057 027 341 2,720 1,309 3,081 1,405 93,970 449 14 960 48 985 30 24,625 710 1,979 2.472 1,772 2.426 40,616 49 292 10, 540 14 380 975 7,882 34 20 204 136 602 242 21,491 86 52 462 17 3 501 196 16,0.32 926 907 6,330 6.074 7.036 6.000 218.116 175 27 611 130 721 189 18,025 63 423 366 429 306 12,441 1 20 150 1,200 42 369 11, 146 7 433 802 4,419 9 2 134 9 335 16 12. 395 66 59 405 500 457 451 14.624 422 228 1.861 1,631 1,926 1.502 57,780 514 12 1.042 48 1,791 34 44,775 30 137 396 140 380 4,470 2 32 220 1.760 6 75 1,490 3 470 NORTH CAROLINA 119 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Brunswick Buncombe Burke Gab-arms Cald.ell Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus 1,018 1,216 1,218 79 10 5 1,810 1,925 1.P53 869 2 535 7,328 2,714 1 1.130 13,725 6,524 15,058 7,249 27ft 496 14, 173 21,755 14.059 4,251 2 2,861 19,461 10, 117 2 6 620 234 51 112 11 12ft 27 290 42 7 35 252 180 28 41 4 46 4R3 45 3 1 3 1 1 4 30 2,404 755 784 368 625 140 424 100 742 104 148 1,362 4 S 2 1 108 1,016 146 15 247 1 6 29 1,183 1,567 550 1,595 344 965 238 1.690 187 6, 194 2, 152 1.727 336 212 39 416 2,148 286 3 1 7 6 2 8 1,102 7 185,665 855 702 4,419 5,426 5,949 10, 322 184,419 311 55,628 IS 37 320 124 352 150 10,912 681 58,218 90 8 763 51 31,845 80 60 363 343 60, 333 210, 596 58,718 7,526 212 14.76R 153 107,602 45 114 9 10 2 284 94 30 23 R60 48 747 27 224 3 42 11 17 1? 11 700 426 165 599 188 1, 180 195 921 115 216 10 49 n ■ ■ 14 50 26, 187 1,016 369 10,258 914 13 320 69 690 406 217 244 36 580 262 26,551 120 6 15 72" ?92 16 68 1,656 1.728 1,740 309 1 221 1,970 1,407 17 44 1,401 516 1,946 776 4.007 1.208 11.314 1,163 4,720 1,626 198 251 1,699 399 in 233 306 11, 156 16.981 10,967 1,294 1 782 14,761 4,10 3 19 286 1,574 2,849 2,145 3,795 4,049 12.403 11.857 6,102 4.R47 10, 52ft 956 1,341 11,695 1, 249 303 464 11.238 17,740 12, 133 1,539 1 872 13,615 4,635 21 34ft 4ft, 007 2,654 69,712 4,527 131.592 11. 3R4 331,916 1,259 1,425 10,615 1,602 n 145,410 9,090 14,616 34ft. 378 523,330 357,924 50,018 30 28,340 381,220 141. 368 23 111 b79 303 126 218 7 22 325 257 201 49 1 31 593 1,099 24 133 1,360 127 932 188 721 161 120 3 26 46 58 52 912 170 1,021 10 797 c 180 23 107 7ft5 2,997 213 2.7R4 ?5 31R 1 26 565 1.517 3O0 968 1,173 7 41 641 942 13 39 132 45 131 840 576 1,351 37 820 12 183 PI 108 4,204 3,278 R07 2,606 27 264 1 28 687 43,993 403 28,072 1.099 10, 474 860 28,260 25 975 118 1.125 127 21.000 711 33,775 57 20,500 13 5,307 86 3,132 4,127 85,228 552 65, 150 79 6,600 25 30 5R 547 158 360 233 6 24 153 91 126 467 239 84 1,028 31 145 6 2,473 1,919 713 665 1,798 2,533 930 1,248 10 46 97 125 607 257 312 1,063 180 1,631 2,323 1,003 827 302 486 3,266 601 6 33 126 2,836 711 1,620 826 8 101 639 354 823 2,191 1,172 307 2.699 34 7 2,260 731 3,708 1,801 49 127 238 438 200 2,818 2 1,048 557 435 35 3.52B 87,916 3 1,02ft 2,010 22,041 47,241 22.715 240 3.270 18,531 9,735 22,632 67,921 36, 332 8 67 231 8,903 2 19 95 75.572 36 37 3R 39 16,080 10 2 645 13,591 151 5, 390 143 705 15,137 46 1,065 62 664 16, 321 13 567 93 323 8. 98ft 54 1.114 2 6 119 6 16 350 2 120 47 248 6,428 10 644 196 1,458 44, 102 29 1, 442 124 830 15, 498 14 746 53 142 2,529 40 2,845 1,84? 29 139 3,525 25 663 760 84 659 17,016 19 717 40 22 319 7,507 1 235 59 202 4,706 8 962 45 Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 2, 178 1, 165 48 371 2,117 577 2,933 766 2. 455 1,313 828 193 822 122 2,626 1 13, 455 11,785 10 8 1,707 14, 142 2,266 26,955 3,851 10, 168 7,454 4,992 516 5,530 461 31,550 2 71 251 1 13 1ft 2 8 396 9 77 212 101 2 21 2 726 3 15 267 34 1,349 1 24 27 530 2 19 105 2, 183 2 40 2 241 33 661 19 427 3 106 92 3,770 4 1 9 4 5 65 540 266 2,994 2 37 165 956 7 40 515 5,548 22 108 7 440 100 1,647 232 923 22 259 483 8,9 34 6 2 10 3 7 130 19,270 431 109,281 1,314 316 34,121 11 1,460 1,163 118,064 55 3,996 9 16,720 258 58,468 364 32,766 25 1.R42 1. 270 303,756 74 703 110 1 231 44 2 50 897 8 125 227 16 797 314 4 4 1 428 10 132 659 15 297 44 282 97 3 2,360 50 683 100 908 1 62 643 3,889 409 1,532 1 41 175 4,0 26 6 16 15 2 1? 316 641 330 20,512 1,886 117 331 109 9,599 956 243 379 244 11,749 30 2,000 2,616 1,942 83,712 1,832 239 7 31 258 23, 392 2,625 309 1, 124 290 35,968 414 2 52 2 1,508 1,728 3,576 5,206 4,238 161.386 132 1.660 2.797 1.846 86.707 271 4 44 7 1,276 698 1,280 4,490 1,264 125,720 2,282 p. 7 20 15 14 '" 224 3 640 4P3 480 44 16 116 r 1,628 811 18 41 1,695 307 2,582 275 999 166 466 21 410 140 2,713 18 1,469 8,450 101 9,155 1.769 20,299 2.190 6,746 533 1,431 116 4,479 420 21.634 VI 9,335 7,648 10 3 125 1,045 1.193 23,331 2,142 4,312 865 3,008 16 3,312 563 25.738 20 R.552 8,390 8 128 8,953 1,974 22,943 2,764 6,766 541 1,616 195 4,329 513 22, 10P ?l 7, 378 7,451 135 117 6,971 1,434 22, 563 2,617 4.511 892 3,036 112 5,384 899 27,403 22 265,112 234,920 240 4,160 277,543 62,181 711,233 82,920 206, 363 17,582 52,520 5,850 132,034 16. 160 652, 186 23 162 220 36 14 420 85 317 2P7 1, Hi 204 140 131 213 6 318 24 243 62 3 1 85 29 242 82 122 43 180 5 93 5 152 25 3,149 1,120 76 27 1,183 242 1,600 684 3,097 776 612 247 720 37 1,333 26 834 454 4 3 16ft 7ft 1,454 288 336 203 618 35 356 25 610 27 2,503 1,081 91 33 1,146 210 2,018 753 2.148 1,142 688 258 577 17 1,367 28 780 515 4 3 156 66 1,978 303 295 211 638 58 355 27 67 4 29 62,575 28,106 2,275 957 28,650 5,250 50,450 18,825 73,700 33,118 19,952 6,450 14, 425 425 34,175 30 60 193 11 293 84 56 505 27 79 347 228 20 93 1 178 31 156 80 3 23 1,259 37ft 198 1,925 76 211 1,604 982 57 362 7 856 32 264 595 34 1, 163 89 47ft 2, 106 126 198 770 436 18 146 128 1.298 33 124 712 20 1.892 419 185 1,903 86 218 1,924 1,421 52 343 7 87 4 34 253 780 33 1,285 73 450 2,592 120 157 921 417 15 213 138 1, 340 35 3,596 20.648 600 58,652 12,151 5,550 55, 187 3 178 340 2,720 2,580 6, 104 59,644 2 26 91 728 44.051 3 35 121 968 1,560 9,604 210 24,035 4 30 215 1,720 36 37 3E 39 40 27 98 1 42 34 11 248 7 94 95 36 1 61 20 238 41 528 580 6 120 298 62 2,005 29 289 375 140 1 328 102 3,212 42 11.698 15, 498 110 2,009 , 6,633 1,883 44,806 626 8,014 6,740 3,670 18 7,579 1,396 59,394 43 10 431 17 605 13 337 8 803 1 75 36 2,697 14 977 10 1.010 23R 10,385 38 2.861 1 50 18 1,308 21 829 44 45 120 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 3 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item Jackson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madison Martin (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hay crops, excluding cowpea, peanut, and sorghum hay. See text: 1 Land from which hay was cut farms reporting 1949.. 1,202 4,342 424 927 982 1,359 444 1,175 1.B79 164 7 acres 1949.. 5,824 14.397 1,927 5,249 6,042 13,695 2,120 6,551 11,912 398 3 Alfalfa cut for hay (or for 112 10 399 30 786 33 27,903 760 108 5 359 9 464 9 16,936 35 4 46 2 143 3 260 7 8,840 4 3 1 10 3 16 584 9 438 143 1,625 384 3,701 954 135,086 89 69 7 212 20 330 40 11,715 79 137 5 467 12 1,165 17 41,358 496 342 65 1,222 163 2,901 323 102,986 1,024 4 5 fi 7 8 9 in 1944.. acres 1949.. 1944.. tons 1949.. 1944.. value. .dollars 1949.. Clover or timothy cut for hay.... farms reporting 1949.. 1 13 6 8 IB 292 2 3 11 1? 1944.. acres 1949.. 483 3,364 5 114 2 12 1 35 41 580 22 278 347 2,157 1,055 5,008 2 12 10 13 14 1944.. tons 1949. . 2,180 4,126 14 121 7 11 2 42 198 698 115 410 1.394 2,745 5.488 6,229 27 17 5 15 16 1944.. value.. dollars 1949.. 2,960 127,906 16 3,872 8 308 2 1,344 304 20,242 131 12,710 1,504 85,095 6.017 1°3.099 42 544 160 17 164 2,728 381 783 757 1,293 247 245 443 62 in 1944.. 282 1,355 129 712 219 1,263 145 271 415 31 19 acres 1949.. 577 7,885 1,675 3,874 4,466 10,933 936 938 2,357 160 ?o 1944.. 1,036 5,031 652 4,405 1,253 9,487 662 1,153 1,985 112 ?1 tons 1949.. 666 7,220 1,649 3,757 4,757 10,891 964 1,079 2,638 136 2? 1944. . 964 4,793 714 4,022 1,310 8,461 736 1,165 2,180 170 23 value. .dollars 1949.. 21,645 227,430 51.944 110,832 149,846 304,948 31,330 35,068 85,735 4,080 24 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other 121 2,265 51 364 189 138 126 321 236 104 ?s 1944.. 13 1,049 13 93 31 76 32 91 32 1 ?6 acres 1949.. 357 4,997 167 1,156 1,001 566 403 1,050 743 206 27 1944. . 55 2,598 57 265 215 260 97 327 122 2 21? tons 1949. . 382 4,930 139 1,052 730 497 460 1,190 931 196 29 1944.. 49 2,372 47 254 194 274 133 399 117 2 30 value.. dollars 1949.. 11,078 123,250 3,47 5 26,300 18,250 12,922 13,340 34, 510 26,999 4,900 31 290 298 23 28 149 34 93 447 464 11 32 acres 1949.. 1,096 834 76 73 639 207 340 1,991 2,544 21 33 1944.. 1,014 409 36 191 1,203 343 268 1,568 1.646 25 34 tons 1949.. 1,334 898 72 66 584 208 356 2,234 2.996 20 35 1944.. 923 363 26 131 1,010 320 259 1,691 1,714 36 36 value.. dollars 1949.. 41,354 26,940 2,160 1.815 17,520 6,032 11,036 69,254 92.876 600 37 Silage made from grass or acres 1949.. 39 40 value. .dollars 1949.. 41 50 109 5 51 21 75 28 127 96 1 42 tons 1949.. 162 304 11 216 494 420 194 601 333 4 43 dollars 1949.. 3,763 8,556 280 5,501 11 , 504 12,873 4,412 10.303 6,946 80 44 Receipts from sale of pasture and 75 7 6 15 6 9 51 80 120 25 45 dollars 1949.. 2,126 127 268 714 288 543 1,927 2,098 4,446 1.5B1 Item Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly (For definitions and explanations, see text) Kay crops, excluding cowpea, peanut, and sorghum hay. see text: 1 Land from which hav was cut farms reporting 1949.. 392 2,308 501 4.419 2,291 1.932 1,472 3,064 471 1,627 2 acres 1949.. 2,649 17,512 4,372 20,169 17,215 25,455 8.435 10,045 4,638 7.606 3 Alfalfa cut for hay for for 25 241 12 5 458 281 236 97 13 72 1944.. acres 1949.. 2 107 37 1,058 4 37 26 1,296 25 1,561 15 602 6 185 2 97 10 275 5 19 6 1944.. tons 1949.. 19 301 169 2,227 13 97 159 2,952 100 3,622 49 1.340 9 391 13 167 51 605 7 50 8 1944. . value.. dollars 1949.. 61 10,686 398 75,718 31 3,540 196 105,386 228 123,148 93 47,570 13 14,858 21 6,346 141 22,082 9 1,900 10 Clover or timothy cut for hay.... farms reporting 1949.. 7 213 11 30 157 447 61 38 3 61 11 1944.. acres 1949.. 54 34 1,228 29 92 107 557 164 4,296 9 302 4 79 2 270 12 32 n 1944. . tons 1949.. 7 48 332 1,349 25 103 319 715 1,411 4,769 53 421 7 8B 13 342 14 37 15 1944.. value.. dollars 1949.. 3 1,488 351 37,772 322 22 , 880 1,472 133,532 78 13,051 7 2,552 20 9.918 16 725 2,987 1,073 17 314 274 2,125 2,434 358 242 3,277 1,280 1,870 1,668 1,667 2,036 1,127 484 1,469 983 265 54 1.591 1,718 IB 1944. . 19 acres 1949.. 2,038 14,044 3,688 14,112 11,793 17,028 5,724 4,589 2,684 6,722 20 1944.. 1,496 18,871 2,389 7,332 11,355 18,678 2,365 3,424 756 7,032 21 tons 1949. . 2,188 15,372 3,223 15,746 13,029 17 , 162 6,132 4,431 2,630 8.640 22 1944.. 1.507 20,525 2,445 9,361 10,166 21.262 2,719 3,603 796 9,365 23 value.. dollars 1949.. 71,110 453,474 90,244 480,253 403,899 506,279 199,290 135,146 80,215 241.920 24 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other 90 154 98 1,264 569 178 383 1,186 125 51 25 1944.. 32 38 142 623 85 343 76 520 5 29 26 acres 1949.. 372 701 513 3,503 1,745 1,050 1,451 2,845 803 200 27 1944. . 149 204 618 1,598 270 1,481 269 1,103 36 92 28 tons 1949.. 376 750 378 3,357 2,038 1,137 1.447 2.584 552 211 29 1944. . 190 229 559 2,731 263 1,664 362 1,011 35 82 30 value.. dollars 1949.. 10,904 18,750 9,828 83,925 50,°50 28,425 41.963 64.600 13,800 5,486 31 35 182 67 722 512 312 130 931 106 55 32 acres 1949.. 99 796 223 2,552 1,795 1,531 484 2,537 1.060 262 33 1944. . 297 690 199 3,489 1,240 2.58B 497 1.224 123 25B 34 tons 1949.. 111 929 216 2,608 2,105 1,434 749 2,110 911 294 35 1944. . 360 684 154 4,161 1.288 2,821 540 914 64 320 3d value.. dollars 1949. . 3,441 25,548 6,264 73,024 61,045 39,435 23.219 59,080 25,508 8,526 37 Silage made from grass or 3 52 205 1,640 38 acres 1949.. tons.. green weight 1940,, value.. dollars 1949.. 39 40 41 43 239 134 973 24 407 152 1,024 153 1,561 62 400 83 308 41 497 61 294 42 tons 1949.. 932 43 dollars 1949.. 6,610 18,283 9,050 26,074 21,938 31,225 11,779 9,766 13,721 8,678 44 Receipts from sale of pasture and 14 618 16 999 9 1,055 14 985 14 236 38 1,035 7 100 1 10 11 362 45 dollars 1949.. 507 NORTH CAROLINA 121 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued Mecklen- Mitchell Mont Rome ry Moore Nash New North- Onalow Orange Pamlico Pasuuor.ank Pender Pe rquim- Person Pitt burg ampton ons 1,627 1,210 621 1,040 2,642 65 725 418 1.222 195 156 738 117 1,696 1 , 659 1 22,164 7,761 4,629 6,027 15,591 261 2,916 1,457 12.785 810 590 2,561 523 11,680 8,131 2 309 77 67 152 108 1 13 6 123 1 3 3 1 90 8 3 49 2,217 28 12 9 202 214 511 492 2 110 18 605 5 8 9 1 221 65 5 443 5,225 71 33 6 386 536 970 773 2 94 22 1,543 20 13 11 2 485 68 7 70 11 53 7 10 11 145 69 44 R 190,712 13,703 19,564 35,405 28,601 76 3,478 836 55,085 730 481 418 74 17,314 2,482 9 95 653 53 13 171 i 43 11 146 3 6 8 2 86 20 10 27 738 1,022 3,755 292 2 89 66 949 9 21 200 99 999 1 18 3 30 83 201 19 88 11 30 11 17 12 410 868 6.182 3,428 40 284 11 95 260 956 14 66 223 381 1,115 2 32 7 36 241 251 95 91 1", 33 13 17 14 455 25,172 6.402 106, 26R 43 8,236 9 2,7 55 258 30. 592 )6 55 7,136 397 35,680 3 1,024 6 1,152 243 8 , 032 101 2,912 15 4 957 416 493 16 1,292 163 523 822 1,666 10 278 304 1,089 113 122 446 47 1,611 1,185 17 1,618 226 620 650 1,425 8 2B9 94 955 37 65 88 18 1,214 331 18 16,556 838 3,703 4,301 7,105 76 1,334 944 9,693 476 458 1,599 327 10,636 5,015 19 22,366 873 4,543 3,486 6,535 35 1,281 292 8,800 222 262 371 127 8,156 1,264 20 16,152 713 3,594 3,692 7,039 82 1,190 922 10,026 47 4 718 1,900 346 11,631 6,607 21 19,387 1,011 5.443 2,888 6,324 47 1,200 298 7,795 234 309 463 161 6,574 1.479 22 452,256 23,172 100,632 103,376 211,170 2,501 35,700 28,121 310,806 14,931 !1,540 57,950 10,380 J60.S61 208,120 23 259 15 75 266 1,860 11 479 144 124 44 9 249 20 205 748 24 181 1,752 14 31 52 323 57 863 365 7,613 38 1,121 3 387 65 663 3 129 29 24 72 532 4 32 135 558 164 2.839 ?5 32 26 1,274 1,816 36 35 198 367 307 725 1,545 7,277 126 1,173 17 365 185 737 8 150 95 28 169 524 8 32 405 515 608 2,329 77 31 28 1,204 47,216 38 1.015 190 9,542 220 18,850 1,438 181,925 98 29,325 9 9,125 190 18,425 7 3,750 83 700 172 13,100 9 800 413 12,875 599 58.225 ?9 775 30 288 506 40 78 58 44 59 22 168 62 33 151 51 54 87 31 1,531 2,903 187 417 194 140 214 70 881 186 90 411 133 174 277 32 2,065 2,800 60 145 30( 323 34 12 988 50 68 86 22 481 1,143 33 1,227 2,516 148 299 19! 99 177 64 743 161 82 359 104 184 333 34 1,875 2,178 56 117 262 478 19 14 880 42 75 75 14 440 949 35 35,583 77,996 4,292 8,671 5,940 2,772 5,310 1,792 21,547 4,830 2,460 10,052 3,120 5,336 9,990 36 12 136 630 5,040 126 1,194 31,095 16 4,560 1 100 200 1,600 2 22 700 1 3 15 120 90 681 20,474 8 276 1 3 10 80 5 18 327 1 20 37 38 11 40 86 222 5,060 70 3,433 51 435 9,145 7 84 50 379 8,645 13 577 44 822 18,920 6 1,248 11 31 860 2 530 4 50 1,145 2 1,014 10 114 2,792 5 228 42 162 4,120 3 94 68 278 7,941 5 101 18 283 7.285 28 18,181 41 4? 43 45 Stokes Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren We in sh- gton Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey 1,925 2.303 283 410 30 2,974 1.421 3,273 1,684 76 1,755 1,376 2,208 2.605 1,949 1,539 1 11,870 15,284 1,247 2,342 61 16,956 7,893 21,354 13,919 345 10,577 5,694 13,230 9,826 15,606 8,436 2 203 16 360 32 754 61 26.91B 98 27 418 81 517 B5 16,544 1,635 125 17 423 58 872 108 28,776 223 84 1,016 368 1,225 427 33,688 1,979 58 9 152 29 256 70 9,08(1 72 68 242 283 248 342 7,688 88 26 2 66 2 133 2 4,722 294 284 1,643 1,317 2,106 1,702 65,286 49 94 5 193 16 455 24 16,244 446 910 994 2,229 1,021 3,923 32,672 1,131 305 11 2,133 71 4,385 111 149,090 86 103 350 624 395 620 11,060 2,615 71 9 384 48 843 89 30,095 793 578 2,582 1,688 2,668 1,673 85,376 1,385 35 7 92 11 177 27 5,841 1,499 1,049 8,713 5,574 10,067 5,503 276,842 21 28 100 13 296 46 513 106 16,929 343 190 1,546 782 1,776 1,176 48,840 1,311 38 11 111 27 210 59 7,665 13 8 54 28 46 31 1,472 2,016 249 14 863 35 1,700 72 56,100 155 47 665 173 991 271 27,252 1,854 85 12 211 35 315 46 11,182 1,050 1,162 5,023 6,695 4.944 5,943 153,264 296 . 472 86 1,218 227 44,457 71 10 703 57 699 74 20,271 2,778 61 106 3,869 6 1 10 11 2 16 1? 13 1 20 14 15 32 23 640 1,081 16 64 17 1,452 1,636 104 110 9 2,781 1,132 2,849 1,077 12 25 634 1,484 1,290 1,886 193 18 8,203 10,203 345 338 53 14,613 5,137 14,202 9,604 309 54 4,360 6,946 6,752 12,926 1,429 1" 7,222 8,702 435 587 64 14,770 5,426 17 , 957 7,423 114 88 2,423 8,095 4,195 13,141 826 20 8,116 10,941 383 354 73 18 ,913 5,015 14,548 9,449 355 61 4,827 7,281 7,258 13.146 1,211 21 5,951 9,529 464 906 91 19,092 8,350 16,181 6,765 186 74 2,668 9,244 4.642 18,932 699 22 251,596 328,230 12,448 11,505 2,190 529,564 155,465 429,166 292,919 0,650 1,830 152,050 218,430 228,627 394.380 39.35B 23 549 602 54 30 12 236 511 1,318 332 14 48 356 347 1,466 144 50 24 118 108 19 6 2 455 175 361 170 2 22 1 85 77 89 7 25 1,699 2,100 133 79 21 1,085 1,491 4,134 1,109 41 126 877 1,171 4,089 526 159 26 315 409 156 24 3 1,616 403 1,718 431 21 62 1 313 209 241 26 27 1,801 2,470 140 81 33 1,099 1,486 4,007 1,069 46 130 755 1,298 4,188 601 139 28 271 481 148 30 3 1,949 681 1,615 398 21 60 2 349 222 313 32 29 45.025 74,100 4,060 2,349 825 28,574 37,150 100,175 26,725 1,150 3,900 18,875 38,940 104,700 18,030 4,031 30 399 395 90 50 142 56 153 94 1 286 146 755 67 134 343 31 1,304 1,584 1,655 1,086 359 270 258 438 394 935 174 53 553 897 428 246 2 19 1,567 3,885 490 145 3,519 1,054 176 160 448 532 1,693 1,107 3? 141 33 1,248 1,725 418 331 479 170 580 428 2 1,689 428 4,176 162 391 1,495 34 1,509 1,239 296 649 161 1,132 73 795 221 17 3,885 134 1,221 137 713 996 35 36,192 47,438 17 59 472 3,776 56 393 12,117 28 12,958 10,261 22 172 3,768 19 13,891 181 1,591 30,129 16 4,930 15,950 2 95 500 4,000 137 1,978 35, 630 29 12,412 60 46,448 12,840 4 12 43 344 92 248 7.734 12 114,840 4,860 10,752 46,345 127 332 6,575 129 36 37 2 14 430 1 9 12 335 6 18 39 15 49 904 16 135 757 15,882 36 40 51 186 5,271 14 42 547 16,202 9 141 500 9,396 171 190 891 21,311 97 30 213 4,099 4 41 4? 43 2 44 280 864 203 1,281 10 1,844 63 1,025 709 400 6,031 459 2.073 278 562 3,043 45 122 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 4 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Alamance Alexander Al leghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie Bladen 1 Clover seed, lesoedeza, grass, and other field seed crops: Bed clover seed harvested farms reporting 1949... 1944... 382 168 10 12 2 1 2 3 acres 1949. . . 1944... 3,082 947 177 78 10 2 4 5 pounds 1949. .. 1944. . . value. -dollars 1949. . . 1944... 250,113 69,120 100,042 14,429 13,730 14,851 6,060 5.940 421 365 718 200 80 6 636 651 1 8 70 34 7 287 249 205 R 18 11 9 2 5 1 in acres 1949. .. 1944. . . 140,929 131,526 5,696 3.339 1.419 1.146 8,403 7,120 6 23 932 720 118 35 11 3 16 12 l? pounds 1949. . . 36,069,386 939,145 357.967 2,228,573 150 230,136 35.150 13 1944... 28,550,538 88 1 , 092 231,690 1,500 1,218,528 8,050 6,487 216,161 2,500 9,800 14 value. .dollars 1949. . . value. .dollars 1949.. Value of clover seed, lespedeza, grass, and other field seed crops sold. . . farms reporting 1949 . . 3.149,849 2,201 7 3,847 13,534 75,132 15 712 387 28,637 7 330 227 200,572 144 3.253 606 12 11 232 2 23,014 20 576 64 3.866 IS 3 130 1 16 17 16 IB dollars 1949.. . Other field crops: 2,660,167 57,934 19.148 169,230 217 21,534 180 3.207 19 Irish potatoes harvested for 120,964 1,278 1,311 678 665 2,237 1,389 1,100 2,132 1,485 20 1944... 148.982 1,152 1,554 396 1,457 2,700 1,975 1,026 2,176 612 21 acres 1949 1 .. 43,773 37 47 161 51 560 2,054 3,249 126 92 22 1944... 78,934 260 293 346 257 1,698 2,863 4.810 347 165 23 bushels 1949.. . 6,267,813 10,795 11.841 15,592 7,448 80,495 154,968 567,966 26,177 14,532 24 1944... 6,901,489 15,139 19,848 36,340 13,903 167,671 257,008 534,628 28.611 10,404 25 value. .dollars 1949. . . 8,905,906 18,459 18,946 25.727 12,289 132,817 255,697 789,473 36,630 21,071 26 sold. .dollars 1949... 5,837,265 740 887 6,593 863 73,496 139,912 718,415 1,354 2,199 27 Sweetpotatoes harvested for 99,435 997 1,008 136 855 606 89 1,232 2,052 1,745 28 1944. . . 137,917 1.041 1,247 7 1,591 183 15 1.396 2,666 1.574 29 acres 1949 1 .. 40,318 103 67 3 237 1 3 1,299 393 748 30 1944... 69,314 297 274 1 432 26 3 1,298 888 1.005 31 bushels 1949... 4,796,797 15,976 11,974 670 30,820 2,016 729 160,759 65,242 82.290 32 1944... 7,463,834 36,781 26,430 183 46,787 2,067 214 122,767 114,992 81,659 33 value. .dollars 1949. . . 10, 140,647 33,550 24,547 1,374 66,263 4,133 1,494 337,594 143,532 172,809 34 sold, .dollars 1949. .. 4,098,714 5,480 1,178 303 19,341 8 575 145,659 18,573 59,161 IS 1944... 105,312 106,513 64 159 582 870 2,062 1,989 685 796 1.934 1,657 1,708 1,305 36 37 846,039 166 1,991 25,505 3,000 9,148 8.062 IB 1944... bales 1949. .. 1944... value. .dollars 1949.. . sold.. dollars 1949... 714,177 472,389 686,841 74,336,081 67,372,079 150,764 360 132 321 20,724 16.856 1.254 3,161 1,511 2,756 241,760 184,570 687 23,192 15, 545 19,921 2,456,110 2,392,764 143 3,595 1.54S 2,591 241,020 196,502 2.379 6,616 4,675 6,540 738,650 684,242 2.113 5,196 2,875 4,212 445.625 371,511 2,860 V) 40 41 1,398 138 4? 43 281 II 1944... 150,170 1,333 650 224 54 1,475 102 2,586 2,124 2,900 45 acres 1949. . . 604,909 5,636 1,533 173 397 792 84 11,908 7,399 9,282 46 1944... 648,196 5,952 1,578 194 195 986 72 13,154 7,622 9,700 47 pounds 1949. . . 661,981,561 5,316,385 1,658,455 236,318 367,496 1,100,563 130,857 12,310,431 8,291.639 9,566.980 48 1944... 677,116,970 5,614,837 1,738,603 288,562 216,007 1,481,342 111,346 12,609.031 8,973,390 10.006,607 49 value. .dollars 1949. . . 319,156,019 2,498,701 779,474 108,706 169,048 506,259 60,194 6,032.111 4,062,903 4.687.820 50 sold. .dollars 1949... 318,496,320 2,520,405 725,773 99,480 170,441 454,457 57,236 5,917,981 4,110,430 4.421.886 r .l Sugarcane or sorghum harvested acres 1949. . . 23 10 58 15 28 5? 1,193 9 40 10 3 1 11 S3 gallons 1949. . . value. .dollars 1949. . . 360 700 54 150,929 1,184 2,226 1,494 4,600 2.012 312 504 1.120 r , r , sold. .dollars 1949... All other crops harvested, except 68,365 3 1.283 30,394 14,214 546 171 451 819 190 300 2 495 56 10 334 57 value, -dollars 1949. . . sold, -dollars 1949.. . 58 For 1949, does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. Reported in smal 1 fractions . Includes 940 acres of root and grain crops hogged or grazed, other than corn, sorghums, and annual legumes, for which no value was computed. NORTH CAROLINA 123 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Bruns- wick Buncombe Burke Cubarru.i Caldwell Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus ' 1.1,.! 2 11 13 3 2 5 12 2 I 3 15 238 95 5 94 10,628 4,620 4,251 461 9 35 1 10 5 300 2 7 1,193 8,020 600 840 4 720 3 420 197 13 15 2 477 644 3,208 447 63 120 73 8 4 12 40 531 138 6 1 29 503 402 17 1 13 442 2 2 9 102 19 341 5.674 738 81 4 630 5,179 3,043 22 12 Q 1,340 91 190 10 105 80 243 6,567 956 66 1 127 3,546 2,757 64 13 56 2,814 6 18 11 14,292 1,550 90,161 1,503,392 127,363 24, 000 1,200 102,124 1,524,198 643,001 2,665 1,150 1,800 358,803 18,701 39,664 12 19,350 23,430 47,184 1,608,735 192,320 18,700 200 39,876 689,924 599,504 18,601 2,860 14,483 710,766 1,501 4,700 13 1.572 140 8,114 135,305 10,189 2,400 120 8,170 121,936 51,440 240 115 162 32,292 2,057 3,966 14 42 833 16 1,301 11 318 4 232 3 162 50 5,675 46 2,008 446 108,804 10 225 55 5,145 26 777 566 84,577 71 7,250 420 47 , 058 2 182 2 126 14 357 184 23,150 15 5 1,664 15 3,142 16 112 11,048 3 1,860 1 30 17 18 704 1,932 1,327 686 1,443 186 213 1,582 1,357 1,181 1,340 161 680 1,138 1,424 1,045 19 50 3,195 1,365 1,160 1,934 247 416 1,761 1,573 964 1,563 174 789 2,316 2,358 620 20 112 350 213 27 309 2,945 873 152 90 59 388 99 64 48 1,008 351 21 43 1,258 443 203 830 4,174 1,654 433 291 17 3 695 127 239 495 1,900 658 22 12,321 33,592 22,701 6,855 32,323 578,629 148,963 17,589 16,702 12,267 29, 464 10,915 10,423 8,482 78,720 52.B39 23 3,426 90,172 36,948 14,574 57,376 381,583 189,932 23,469 25,185 11,099 38,325 8,569 16,345 22,072 132,808 49,962 24 17,865 52,068 35,187 11,311 53,333 752,218 207,059 30,077 26,723 19,627 45,669 14, 190 16,156 13,995 114,144 73,446 25 4,667 11,546 9,342 1,183 15,838 642,404 228,687 2,002 5,062 3.943 6,135 12,335 1,519 639 85,623 40,673 26 1,402 802 860 604 741 53 293 1,269 1,109 1.129 585 228 402 1,424 3,575 1,038 27 1,047 1,527 1,174 1,150 1,519 69 541 1,508 1,724 1,028 972 211 569 3,274 3.937 757 28 2,011 21 152 57 94 56 1,065 152 788 212 41 271 12 328 6.339 704 29 1,600 216 450 208 576 181 1,753 426 1,651 428 181 239 105 1,241 5.344 773 30 184,802 5,543 23,772 10,967 12,505 3,953 102,962 17,148 100,172 27,904 6,621 29,020 4,272 41,529 570,346 66,950 31 161,912 15,513 51,115 31,855 63,935 13,897 166,114 31,903 229,434 51,162 15,359 31,029 10,026 141,296 558,372 62,049 32 388,084 12,195 52,298 23,579 25,635 8,697 216,220 36,011 205,353 57,203 14, 566 63,844 9,398 89,287 1,197,727 140,595 33 164,088 172 14,581 8,312 3,165 3,867 107,297 1,959 116,125 10,493 600 38,547 494 17,199 840,036 49,729 34 130 158 971 18 145 26 1,553 471 466 4,895 1.025 315 294 35 16 519 186 494 743 8,337 8,154 64 246 646 2,006 139 202 8,619 10,221 1,467 2,615 2,980 3,040 77,130 51,407 4,108 2,940 1,199 870 37 8 38 170 159 272 6,980 38 386 41 6,934 1,075 1,356 48,710 1,420 597 591 39 40 26,350 22,218 1,451 43,792 35,465 1,102,840 1,019,781 5,966 5.543 180 60, 988 56,574 2 6,396 5,828 312 1,109,440 963,269 4 172,000 140,243 887 75 214,248 200,080 151 107 7,696,180 7,104,581 4 220,100 177,792 5,530 93,132 73,351 1,943 41 4? 1,802 2,682 43 1,253 1,802 3 2 175 1 387 2,472 2 865 31 129 55 4 5,316 1,875 44 4,030 1,649 434 4 1,644 12,122 10 3,377 43 671 55 2 21,034 10,671 45 3,838 1,775 1 < z > 520 3 1,774 11,462 2 3,335 22 620 38 6 21,862 10,678 46 4,120,789 2,401,343 453,081 4,000 1,436,782 11,544,819 10,400 3,113,978 57,871 613,051 72,099 2,248 24,463,562 11,087,887 47 3,678,129 2,439,822 1,036 35 567 , 396 4,900 1,489,953 11,112,241 1,650 3,378,837 36,877 665,397 45,525 8,277 23,618,582 9,744,502 48 2,019,187 1,056,591 208,417 1,960 704,023 5,426,065 4,888 1,463,570 25,463 300,395 31,724 1,034 11,987,145 5,433,065 49 2,000,833 1,024,575 194,869 1,800 713,014 5,415,786 5,548 1,454,110 21,585 283,334 25,555 930 12,327,223 5,074,532 50 3 1 19 30 13 21 48 30 1,851 3,417 1,098 42 19 960 1,824 412 41 2,828 2,001 7 9 1,141 2,339 2,700 42 3,507 1,050 45 16 1,143 2,457 563 4 119 17 2 2 123 209 120 2 20 36 38 20 1.011 2,073 433 39 20 1,061 2,175 800 1 182 84 17 8 578 1,098 275 1 49 2 23 2,291 3,895 4,356 6 3 380 722 232 ( 2 ) 21 132 95 5,029 10,309 1,778 4 154 49 31 13 568 909 239 51 5? 53 S4 55 56 57 68 124 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 4 of 7>— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Cumber- land Curri- tuck Dare Davidson Davie Dupl in Durham Edgecombe Forsyth Franklin Clover seed, lespedeza, grass, and other field seed crops: 1 Ped clover seed harvested farms reporting 1949... 1944. . . acres 1949. . 1944... pounds 1949. . . 1944... value. .dollars 1949 1944... acres 1949. .. 1 10 4 52 31 149 52 12 455 71 44,436 6.120 17,774 297 363 2,343 1 3 10 8 2,000 480 800 18 8 116 1 30 2 57 ? 3 9,831 2.000 5.120 3*0 73 57 910 7 3,932 724 511 5,255 800 45 37 1.29 3 2.048 354 257 1.842 12 2 143 28 38 in n 1944... 780 5,112 3,633 6 51 858 1,478 460 pounds 1949. . . 1944... 223,590 241,228 19,600 1,433,221 1,345,799 699,493 1,089,156 43,856 2.000 20,120 10,901 256,190 178,550 433, 284 350,619 54,925 115,500 13 14 value. . dol lars 1949... value. .dollars 1949. .. 24,595 25 1.500 1,960 20 ISO 114,658 51 611 55,959 296 6,642 4,824 1,610 27 293 25.619 20 2.400 34,663 15 996 4.394 2 120 16 17 Value of clover seed, lespedeza, grass, and other field seed crops sold. ... farms reporting 1949... dollars 1949... Other field crops: 63 22,366 '5 1,297 706 97,558 303 51,249 10 4.275 19 3.116 41 22.834 312 30,526 21 5.689 in VI Irish potatoes harvested for 619 219 12 1,435 454 2,037 576 1.211 1.156 1.761 "II 1944... acres 1949 '.. 940 174 253 2, 195 2.532 144 1,102 40 1,809 1.770 478 26 2,089 210 1.884 130 2,416 98 2] 4 ■'" 1944. . . 326 2,909 753 220 2,692 131 622 545 421 23 bushels 1949. . . 21,939 462,954 298 21,170 5.609 187,631 5,616 31,029 18.141 18,710 24 1944... 27,755 269,523 41,210 15.741 152,311 6.563 43,045 33. 565 33,375 25 value. .dollars 1949. . . 31.812 601,840 387 33.872 8,974 272,065 9.603 40,338 31,021 31,994 26 sold. .dollars 1949. . . 18. 350 638.842 208 4,841 1.045 208,585 842 18,446 3,262 5,791 27 Sweetpotatoes harvested for 919 117 13 1,096 323 2,222 476 1,124 d05 1.534 28 1944... 1,182 213 41 2,018 918 2,908 625 2.014 1,682 1.873 29 acres 1949 1 . . 60 3 619 7 801 64 1,069 158 383 113 316 30 1944... 786 1,274 100 2,330 286 1,734 433 675 604 596 31 bushels 1949. . . 67,270 52.034 702 103.576 9,132 104,878 29.058 65,591 18.624 48,279 32 1944... 81,166 117.547 5.475 350,802 35.481 203,089 38,902 73.347 72.489 80.332 33 value. .dollars 1949. . . 141,267 114,475 1,544 212,331 18.721 220. 244 61.022 145,180 39,110 101,386 34 sold. .dollars 1949. . . 60,503 92.179 305 112.151 5.115 62, 157 17,196 87.161 12.428 16.894 35 1944... acres 1949. . . 1944... bales 1949.. . 2,069 2.350 23.722 20,545 8,065 140 234 683 1.036 469 325 459 1.175 1.650 898 688 936 2.627 4,024 2,041 1.321 1,464 8,322 7,711 2,456 55 52 214 136 217 2.821 2.241 22,748 18,104 13.989 42 76 123 170 95 3,124 2,772 17.440 14,029 12.287 ill W in 1944. . . 19.654 937 1,369 3,292 6,863 98 17,505 139 11,575 11 value. .dollars 1949... 1,250,075 74,102 143.680 326.560 380.680 34,069 2,210,262 14.915 1.929.059 sold.. dol lars 1949. .. 1944. .. 1,149,789 1,962 2,064 69,681 127,328 1,095 1,122 264.484 583 687 348.097 4.988 4,938 22,674 958 898 1,993,317 3.208 3,018 14,148 1.615 1,712 1.770.339 3,561 3,614 M 45 acres 1949. .. 6,110 3,402 1,400 19,537 4,320 15.264 5,641 14.988 1944... pounds 1949. . . 7.203 6,003.426 3.798 3,270,302 1,699 1,201,823 20,352 19,256.531 4.18 2 3.709,443 16,729 18,996,206 6,636 5.341.913 15.796 15,895.219 47 48 19*4. .. 7.058.178 3.576.262 1,528,666 20,836,755 3.534,975 18.471,639 6.370.230 16,299.384 19 value. .dollars 1949. . . 2.941.679 1,537.042 564,857 9.435,700 1.743,438 9.308,141 2,510,699 7.470,753 50 sold. .dollars 1949... 2.906,016 1,520.934 531,837 9,207.789 1.737.846 9.562.88) 2.389.949 7.513,029 51 Sugarcane or sorghum harvested 13 10 52 51 acres 1949. .. gallons 1949. .. value. .dollars 1949. . . sold. .dollars 1949.. . All other crops harvested, except 4 208 333 80 1 90 153 7 561 1,150 709 10 585 1,199 807 9 392 627 97 95 171 10 1 45 76 7 7 530 954 623 7 290 522 96 56 62 5 22 51 58 value. .dollars 1949 sold. .dollars 1949. . . 100 727 'For 1949, does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. NORTH CAROLINA 125 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945- Continued Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell Jackson 1 6 1 62 34 1 2 , 21 250 60 60 2,000 7 8 23 27 2,870 3,321 25B 19 1. 395 7 18,660 14,752 961 914 7,663 7.249 1,900,468 1,693,583 152,037 50 1,465 941 240 1 1 50 4 100 282 266 2,029 2,051 564, 238 465,341 50,781 2 135 250 39,147 761 535 399 3,168 2,595 807.100 685,123 64,568 25 1.186 487 8 22 1 1 11 8 173 41 41,095 12,930 3,288 1 14 9 3.662 5 1 9 6 1,900 2,000 190 37 30 1,230 1,546 367.675 431,102 36.768 18 464 31 12 9 578 102 70,320 50,000 7,735 2 20 10 1 1 1 6 300 900 27 1 8 34 34 537 390 114,550 102,860 12,600 55 64 651 845 140,127 261,559 14,013 7,536 300 754 27 6 513 2 32 14,063 803 55 733 461 643 1.134 1,106 2.119 1,991 1,453 1,681 976 1,310 113 1,923 1,467 19 459 549 827 2.718 1.181 2,081 1,426 1,817 1,808 1,802 1,152 760 165 2,666 1,889 20 56 91 138 99 186 178 161 57 382 1,620 93 24 566 72 679 21 110 226 238 744 437 634 342 355 744 1,848 256 158 687 501 1,037 22 8,288 9,762 15,730 13,757 24,324 26, 687 24,431 14,112 36,669 83,218 18,705 7,264 119.227 16,611 61,721 23 6,180 19.653 19,810 49 , 880 2B.602 32,282 19,750 27,351 54,170 154,229 16,869 10,469 83.117 40,628 69,616 24 13.675 12,691 24, 382 23. 524 33.810 45.635 31.760 20,462 56,837 128,988 24,316 10.532 165.726 26,578 95,668 25 2.529 5,632 3.073 2,357 5.305 3.719 3.146 437 10,9 26 76.628 7,376 40 1 13 , 520 2.643 34, 367 26 827 461 284 845 936 1.520 1.808 1,463 625 295 1,192 791 61 1.462 49 3 27 699 600 613 2,300 1.350 1,932 1.532 2,202 949 845 1.168 8 54 94 2.316 1,030 28 228 211 15 211 280 286 315 527 14 113 169 162 27 140 40 29 552 422 125 990 649 790 553 943 141 424 378 349 78 588 213 30 26.530 23,779 3.198 25,777 38.024 40,974 43.396 81,143 4,659 9,301 29. 386 26.562 2,598 22,280 5,717 31 49 , 175 49,956 9.060 89,665 66.446 94,866 53,192 136,568 14.433 42,583 49,259 39,981 7.722 63.745 13,577 32 57,040 52,314 7.036 54.132 79,850 86,045 95,471 170,400 10.250 20,462 64,649 55,780 5,456 45.674 12,577 33 14,074 21,977 42 28,614 23,254 23,875 20.915 48,085 369 9,058 5,642 10,554 1.876 11,760 326 34 1,052 1.051 10.105 7.772 7,870 922 1,002 4,202 3,908 1.981 203 214 708 880 511 1.651 1,552 7.916 6.981 4,009 71 87 197 221 134 3,793 3,136 37,812 27.977 23.315 3,389 2,735 29,164 18.670 13,137 1,481 1.183 7.140 4,470 4,025 1,436 1.501 25. 843 20,410 9.886 246 633 1,075 3,086 337 2.434 3.177 16,815 21,122 13,159 35 36 37 1R 39 6,406 1,243,460 1,102,363 7 3.594 312,998 291,196 94 652 80, 227 62,939 3,023 6,457 625.404 536,394 2,708 236 21,038 17,431 2,594 29.161 3,683,612 3,403,250 2,742 21.683 2.036,235 1,859,336 4.126 4,540 635.950 586,622 1.293 21,382 1,532.330 1,412.253 1,045 2.530 52.572 38,079 1 19,013 2,105,440 1,884,436 611 119 40 1,356 46 41 4? 427 43 3 61 235 2,962 2,777 2,705 2,193 3,703 1,253 44 1.207 818 3 675 70 44 7 320 281 16,630 15,918 10,750 7.491 19.202 1,239 27 4,142 3,573 3 1,517 63 45 8 242 208 16,309 17,436 11,266 7,324 19,149 1,286 28 4.235 3,757 10 1,693 51 46 4,103 266, 398 471,830 15,684,712 19,981,619 10,359.529 8,291,408 21,353,634 1,774,752 23,363 4.485.323 3,985.605 2,000 1,503,406 98,334 47 6,650 232,464 353.055 14,644,886 19,242,783 11,850.312 8,015,480 19.799,702 1,962,019 20,746 4.999,808 4,105,458 8,700 2,023,003 69,172 48 1.887 130.535 207,605 7,371,815 9,790,993 4,868,979 4,062,790 10.463,281 780,891 10,280 2, 197.80B 1. 552.946 980 706,601 43,267 49 1.740 117,487 192,972 7,725,249 9,927,210 4,828,741 3,819,784 10,605,504 784,185 8.667 2,180,546 1.9C9.297 800 600,091 43,428 50 25 22 770 1,578 1,198 1 9 3 20 5 348 98 14 3 273 519 96 7 5 254 457 122 38 29 1.992 3.586 2,869 2 12 11 556 945 725 2 2 100 160 97 19 8 737 1.400 688 2 16 8 703 1.336 467 1 17 8 517 879 525 2 1 35 56 6 34 18 952 1,952 819 25 26 13 829 1.575 130 51 6' 53 54 55 4.000 991354 O- 52 - 10 126 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 4 of 7). ^SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item fFor definitions ana explanations, see text) Johnston Jones Lee Lenior Lincoln HcDo.ell Macon Madison Martin Mecklen- burg Clover seed, lespedeza, grass, and other field seed crops: 1 Ped clover seed harvested farms reporting 1°49. . . 14 1 2 1944... 105 2 acres 1949... 18 4 5 6 7 1944, . . 5 1944 value. .dollars 1949. . . 3,578 420 181 8 Lespedezs seed harvested farms reporting 1949... 23 36 24 17 504 31 1 3 1 215 9 1944... 6 46 23 6 487 38 4 4 1 304 10 acres 1949... 100 447 153 356 3,283 241 4 3 2 1,824 11 1»44... 21 923 123 113 3, 369 215 11 10 30 2,911 12 pounds 1949... 21,168 95,407 36,895 97,262 895,680 55,056 200 645 80 423,971 13 1944... 3,067 141,527 27,910 24,244 712,483 27,119 1,850 2,100 17,400 651,797 14 value.. dollars 1949... 2,117 9,541 2,952 9,726 80,611 4,955 IP 58 P 38,157 IS 16 17 6 4 41 4 4 47 16 340 120 1,152 100 IP 1,712 222 Value of clover seed, lespedeza, grass, and other field seed crops sold. ... farms reporting 1949... dollars 1949... 468 25 IP 1 184 2,214 P, 5P0 3.416 10,607 52, 16R 4,613 761 72 28.466 Other field crops: 19 Irish potatoes harvested for 3.057 475 143 1,684 775 652 1,714 2,132 1,753 430 20 1944. . . 2,703 451 643 1,923 1,106 803 1,937 2, 5P9 513 1,060 21 acres 1949 1 .. 285 149 24 360 50 152 510 396 330 39 22 1944... 710 233 138 590 319 261 862 869 508 300 23 bushels 1049... 66,105 15,400 3,832 41,889 7,429 12,314 44,822 45,118 55,196 5,312 24 1944. . . 42.738 15,888 0. 137 50,055 20,620 24.153 60,563 68,373 36,464 14, 496 75 value.. dollars 1949.. . 91,886 21,406 6,131 58,226 12,258 19,087 69,474 69,933 71,755 8,765 26 sold. .dollars 1949... 63,554 1,819 7,453 15,723 1,234 2,778 18,226 14,915 23,728 1,857 27 Sweetpotatoes harvested for 3,651 4P1 275 1,475 640 309 877 1,064 1,778 571 ?R 1944. . . 3,369 464 670 1,568 1,143 623 1,306 1,571 1,276 1,297 29 acres 1949 '. . 1,808 526 95 917 216 57 38 26 024 126 30 19'44. . . 2,027 483 235 772 755 223 220 188 1.140 550 31 bushels 1949... 269,354 59,605 12, 330 113,517 24,225 6,517 8,779 7,970 123,087 16,042 32 1944... 249,209 37,171 25,003 86,742 74,178 24,304 IP. 714 17,399 142,283 46,822 33 value.. dollars 1949. .. 565,643 125, 170 25,776 238,386 52,084 14, 337 19,314 17,534 270,701 34, 490 34 sold.. dollars 1949... 198,202 59,422 5,671 100,536 17,3 36 2,956 976 13,368 103,423 9,196 35 36 Cotton harvested farms reporting 1949. . . 1944... 190 599 1,137 1,862 1,844 1 1,028 1,514 5,863 284 761 1,361 2 720 1,665 39,519 702 2,887 5,247 18,964 3 4,831 15,631 1944. . . 32,661 1,048 3,345 6,056 14,156 6 2,946 14,942 39 40 bales 1949... 1944. . . value.. dollars 1949. .. 18,090 35,748 2,822,040 424 749 66, 144 1,522 3,348 243, 520 2,583 5,136 402,948 15,923 14. 588 2,515.834 1 6 161 2,961 2,882 467,838 11,902 11,322 1.880,516 41 42 sold. .dollars 1949. . . 2,565,393 59,411 230,203 354,797 2,225,968 146 423. 479 1.750.840 43 7,118 1,392 1,193 3,334 1 25 110 2.P12 2,465 1 1944. . . acres 1949... 7,127 29,714 1,570 7,220 1,251 4,926 3,539 18,200 15 14 49 59 2,956 3,517 2,583 11,182 45 4 1 46 1941. . . pounds 1949. . . 32,079 34,188,554 8,396 7,418,273 5,458 5,252,607 19,6 35 21,566,867 4,000 8 18,654 18 70,066 4, 194 4,914,088 12,673 13,936,367 47 998 1944. . . value.. dollars 1949... 34,861,241 16,752,391 8,310,890 3.6 34,954 5,464,179 2,468,725 21,264,457 10,567,765 8, 135 8.208 29, 116 30,829 5.786,036 2, 162, 199 14,387,591 6,828.820 49 1,840 459 SO sold.. dollars 1949... 16, 527,752 3,594.906 2,558,217 10,358,560 1.920 8,465 29,265 2,113,534 6,938,233 288 51 Sugarcane or sorghum harvested acres 1949... 9 7 3 46 26 49 47 2 22 57 6 4 2 30 13 22 14 2 21 S3 gallons 1949... value.. dollars 1949... sold. .dollars 1949... All other crops harvested, except 701 192 165 1,561 80 3 2,197 1.280 165 740 54 55 56 981 245 ( 2 ) 394 70 231 177 3,200 949 1 1,697 1,049 4,174 1,451 2,432 2,227 47 2R0 28 1,517 676 1 797 value.. dollars 1949. .. sold.. dollars 1949 42 8 8 14 161 14 58 'For 1949, does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. Reported in small fractions. NORTH CAROLINA 127 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1943 Continued Mitchell Montgomery Moore Nash Ne» Hunovcr North- ampton Onalo* Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Perquim- ans Peraon Pitt Polk 2 4 480 169 1 10 1,500 1 1 100 4 37 3,925 1 3 20 20 85 145 21,850 1 2 3 4 5 150 60 11 600 10 40 1,570 17 22 108 99 31,564 27.468 7 8 9 10 11 12 85 12 B 148 101 10 4 9 78 6 1, 194 546 72 276 20 11 1,618 635 131 22 17 3 223,714 107 , 7 17 28,283 81,057 22.993 l,2 c n 341,740 134,831 35,060 1. 180 20,400 117,9 39 14.810 65,825 55,700 40,000 20,137 20 320 154 20,679 9,695 259 4,270 no 11,157 2,828 4 90 10 2,357 7,875 27 942 10 7,742 402 14,937 158 4,339 100 15,509 7,833 7 774 21 ■=,070 3,540 3,729 10 225 6 3,161 7,7 44 6,485 3,156 9 224 If 2,571 1 , 966 19 2,332 14 8 80 7 1,8 32 9 2,936 12 6,892 59 6,461 18 1,511 396 1. 156 2.527 61 1,239 640 1,132 203 297 850 261 1,512 1,331 430 19 1,750 699 1.240 2.976 209 1,447 759 958 255 357 203 96 1,994 2,152 616 20 954 41 62 249 49 112 107 39 2,103 2,766 155 124 67 775 64 21 1,278 152 291 556 176 271 252 194 2,734 3,561 86 114 359 1,657 202 22 R3.772 5,802 14,077 33,924 5,649 17,095 15, 187 9,235 383,887 563,002 21,673 14,482 13,750 126,734 6,155 23 129,879 12, 347 16,584 38,774 14,516 20,588 15. 176 12,815 354,241 464,937 6,124 9, 115 21,171 148,906 12,291 24 129,847 9,573 23, 227 44, 10 1 8,191 22,224 22,021 15,792 533,603 731,903 31,426 18,827 23,512 176,160 9,540 25 56,007 1.716 1,247 1,470 5,968 932 1,629 825 470,627 680,612 17,920 11,332 69 115,656 2,100 26 475 385 1,289 2,273 104 1. 153 739 935 287 48 1, 185 202 1,137 1,825 479 27 266 649 1,206 3, 314 250 1.78C 980 814 328 99 576 142 1,573 2,424 746 28 6 176 296 713 119 195 414 115 1,690 71 705 118 64 1,432 312 29 36 208 456 1,616 276 559 618 240 1.158 95 437 172 305 1,552 773 30 3,030 17,033 39,195 87,538 10,294 28,040 42, 139 18, 562 175,484 7,072 61,334 7,758 11,354 181,314 37,808 31 3,280 27,392 47,623 217,230 38,305 66,437 50,138 28,383 101,362 8,969 36,428 20,688 30,472 165,825 78,768 32 6,666 36,621 84, 269 192,584 21,617 61,688 88,492 38,980 368,516 15,558 12e,801 17,068 23,843 380,759 83,178 3? 177 11,930 17,723 52,278 11,287 9,106 16,572 7,512 228,503 11,454 43,717 8,464 4,750 185,778 33,183 34 306 388 2,260 2,504 1,3=0 2,009 219,620 201,518 331 229 333 341 2,219 1,452 1,109 1,197 175,222 169,048 1,108 1,249 4.323 3,814 25,237 19,669 18,275 19,574 2,887,450 2,634,041 5. 109 5,226 8 2 54 8 24 8 3,720 3,203 40 30 3,137 . 2,703 32, 498 22,986 18,560 27,592 2,932,480 2,735,452 127 79 162 120 789 481 343 356 53, 165 44,067 1,808 1,780 81 151 220 443 174 363 27,318 21,857 938 915 186 384 1,200 2,009 305 1,020 47,580 39,181 308 282 193 345 788 1,377 307 1.189 48,506 47,613 272 163 810 450 376 325 58,280 41,290 1,335 1,116 538 846 2,896 4,862 1,279 4,871 202,082 176, 570 2,584 1,922 11,457 7,596 7,897 6,542 1,231,932 1,138,199 5,266 5,983 527 665 3,734 4,529 1.542 3,694 248,262 214, 149 7 35 36 603 539 2,586 2,623 1 1 44 404 1,008 4,672 23,619 153 447 7,855 4,088 1,231 4,078 11,935 32,096 6 45 436 932 5,700 25,037 117 331 7,642 4, 232 1,227 6 3,577 3 12,304 37,630 46 548,094 565,770 902,903 913,225 4,809,265 5,327,683 29,815,703 27,827,743 139,289 91,514 429,527 318,707 7,758,567 6,878,922 3,978,362 4,107,114 965,946 1,030,887 4,200 3,879,653 3,137,686 12,260,432 12,374,114 38.057.376 39,865,837 5,219 2,746 48 241,161 234,629 15 9 439 834 150 1 14 14 415,335 433,691 2 2 110 226 2,212,262 2,375,752 31 17 1,071 2,196 728 14,609,694 14,396,047 2 4 320 544 260 14 68,252 65,132 1 i 125 200 190 210,468 191,425 3,801,698 3,663.949 1,869,830 1,923,029 6 3 143 257 5 1 10 5 473,314 437,061 1,901,029 1,804, S72 12 4 255 408 32 8 338 400 5,762,403 5,907,044 2 1 150 270 190 18,648,114 18,598,537 4 2 B7 122 2,296 2,666 76 72 5,417 10,292 5,962 49 2 ( 2 ) 74 126 50 11 6 612 1,040 518 51 5? 53 54 55 56 57 58 128 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 4 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Ruther- ford Sampson Scotl and Stanly Stokes Clover seed, lespedeza, grass, and other field seed crops: 1 Ped clover seed harvested farms reporting 1949... 1944 acres 1949. . . 1944. . . pounds 1949. .. 1944 value. .dollars 1949... 10 50 121 46 1,039 283 76,606 16,920 30,642 758 3 4 18 22 1,680 1,800 672 1,594 1 1 4 5 3,796 1,518 601 6 7 e 72 60 113 49 23 22 35 9 1944... 811 32 46 39 970 56 19 2 1.637 12 10 acres 1949. . . 4,854 1.015 855 508 8,082 246 117 259 23,747 116 11 1944. . . 5,609 471 478 263 10,030 304 174 13 24,422 39 12 pounds 1949... 1,085, 165 226.859 191,287 132,703 1,838,741 51,604 36,923 48,858 6,325.952 28,813 13 1944. . . 1,317,636 124, 220 130,837 58, 479 2,215,066 41,810 29,832 2.850 4,606,318 9,206 14 value, -dollars 1949. . . 86,813 20,417 21,042 10,616 147,099 4,644 4,062 5.374 569, 336 2,305 IS value. . dollars 1949... Value of clover seed, lespedeza, grass, and other field seed 50 572 553 26 372 63 5 90 97 143 2,907 767 9 516 44 3 27 19 10 150 16 69 1,640 1,571 3 150 32 17 49 18 dollars 1949... Other field crops: 74,062 16,978 14,461 7,723 130,402 3,916 4, 520 7,021 429,756 2.369 19 Irish potatoes harvested for 1.387 260 4,125 1,963 1,242 838 1.756 381 1,051 1,708 20 1944... 2,221 487 3, 60 1 3,158 1,601 1,799 2,829 518 1.462 3,027 21 acres 1949 2 .. 55 22 315 122 89 152 1,173 27 48 119 22 1944. . . 426 146 1,199 816 470 722 1,480 124 238 635 23 bushels 1949... 13,344 2.498 56,382 19,422 14,418 14,406 160,781 4.499 12,538 19.160 24 1944. . . 35,059 6,925 88,802 39,713 31,270 41,331 95, 114 7,072 20,856 40,005 25 value.. Hollars 1949... 21,350 4,122 81,754 33,212 23,069 22 329 233. 132 6, 524 20, 688 32,764 26 sold, .dollars 1949.. . 720 365 2,463 885 1.952 7602 169,938 224 1,351 162 27 Sweetpotatoes harvested for 985 419 4,350 1, 535 937 1,064 2,122 406 901 1.367 28 1944. . . 1,765 897 5,011 2,788 1,436 2,252 3,361 718 1,358 2,852 29 acres 1949 2 . . 86 190 1,000 184 259 672 1,466 212 54 82 30 1944. . . 329 682 3,091 810 702 1,636 2,090 429 287 562 31 bushels 1949... 15,430 19,443 151,937 25,002 36,723 68,011 175,784 27, 524 14,411 15,434 32 1944. . . 44, 370 62,698 249,412 68,114 94,422 185,606 210,755 38,064 31.594 53,398 33 value. . dollars 1949... 31,632 41,802 319,068 52,504 75,282 149,624 369, 146 57,800 30, 984 32,411 34 sold. .dollars 1949... 6,637 16,965 57,118 7, 178 32,899 55.388 142.530 36, 480 1,408 792 IS 41 916 7,032 1,285 2,274 4,700 1,451 873 1 36 1944... acres 1949. . . 1944... 81 126 166 822 10,714 8,240 7,189 70,509 59, 348 1,652 0,780 10,934 2,619 23,949 19,893 5,129 41*906 35,980 1,485 31,093 25.45B 1,146 4.651 5,898 3 VA 39 bales 1949. . . 1944... value., dollars 1949... sold. .dollars 1949. .. 1944... 82 132 13, 120 10,262 1,078 1,070 3,314 5,820 7,128 919,560 855,805 714 492 2,359 27,373 59,332 4,242,815 3, 562, 342 7,380 7,757 27,237 8,430 10, 045 1, 348,800 1,154,468 19 11 60 9,732 IB, 105 1,566.852 1,322,626 27 15 18 14,531 36,327 2,252,305 2,047,035 5,644 5,887 19,246 14,305 27,937 2,217,275 1,965,879 438 274 1.302 4,306 5,407 680, 348 626,081 2 40 41 314 300 3,146 3,118 13,692 43 44 45 3, '547 3,379 16, 155 46 47 1944. . . pounds 1949. . . 3,478 3.295, 528 2,221 2,276,879 31,778 33,039,587 15,971 15,766,448 28 34,600 13 19,704 20,725 18,787,483 1,076 1,425,369 14,118 13.677,128 48 1944... 3,429,493 1,897,349 35,887,401 16.219,544 31,157 13,571 20,266,133 1,116,767 14,109,799 49 1,548,898 1,047,364 16,189,398 7,410,231 16,262 8,670 9,205,867 698,431 6,428,250 50 sold. .dollars 1949... 1,533,669 1,056,152 16,764,944 7,050,560 15,240 6.747 8,573,205 664,293 6,303,201 51 Sugarcane or sorghum harvested 23 21 38 11 H 164 17 4 30 3 ',: acres 1949... 11 15 12 7 10 170 13 21 12 2 53 gallons 1949... 772 B07 1,050 715 405 11,367 1,350 1,627 956 96 54 value. .dollars 1949. . . 1,583 1,654 1,680 1.287 830 21,597 2,160 2,603 1,960 173 55 sold., dollars 1949... 452 502 598 794 677 12, 894 2. 104 3,008 594 00 56 All other crops harvested, except 2 3 280 70 (') 21 30 20 1.778 759 7 58 value. .dollars 1949. .. sold.. dollars 1949... Reported in small fractions. 2 For 1949, does not include Bcres for farms with less than IS bushels harvested. NORTH CAROLINA 129 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945- -Continued Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne WUkee Wi laon Yadkin Yancey 2 1 9 2 36 150 3,960 60 2,054 2 H 15 10 98 34 7,250 5,220 2,900 356 2 1 7 28 8 3 2 1,100 1, 190 540 180 60 440 36 476 85 72 1 2 II 59 6 4 28 15 8 40 299 3 31 1,836 24,070 5 30 17 345 44 293 3 200 1 6 11 397 59 407 11 46 269 1,981 10 7 10 220 59,053 18 2,440 17,688 7, 131, 166 23 '/,040 110 '57, 609 542 69,716 29 66,755 1 850 111 133,603 395 73,902 59 17,557 1,608 416,749 500 810 17 44.491 4,724 4,750 220 3,084,601 641,805 8,050 723 21,090 4,609 138,307 5,577 14, 400 6,676 380 68 22,550 13,360 70.3B7 5,912 14,094 1,756 469,396 33,340 45 73 14 4 210 3 5 112 1 18 1.000 I 73 1,422 1,927 20 774 44 10« 13, 145 36 3 163 3 22 822 82 45 13 8 240 332 63 q 6 22 2 17 4,630 342 175 2,430 603, 320 604 5,798 14,575 2,360 55 7,070 7,666 1, 167 33,764 44 18 2,085 635 582 164 1.601 1, 516 1,470 1,271 78 1,607 2.521 3,540 2,641 1,844 1,970 19 3,020 801 1.067 272 2,073 1,705 2,241 1.016 53 2,085 2,811 4,684 3.249 2,550 1,977 20 166 251 376 1,494 75 141 126 83 46 1,958 2,979 464 221 80 571 21 700 286 533 2, 135 376 492 510 333 55 3.215 2,272 1.263 681 436 1, 127 22 28, 443 16,916 16, 567 291,023 15,597 20,698 21,775 13.856 6,823 142.805 373, 337 56,501 47.772 18,145 50,064 23 49,404 20,560 55,116 437,882 21,161 36,032 32,101 20,673 4,284 329,712 165,798 91,293 46,952 37,320 86,012 24 46,931 26,220 25,679 378,330 25,735 35,394 34,840 23,694 8,870 235,628 518,938 93,227 66, 403 29,939 77,599 25 2,067 3,574 10,827 359,352 631 1,239 10,388 551 5,950 108,486 414,626 7,910 4,752 1,661 17,225 26 1,520 287 216 62 1, 530 1,037 1, 526 974 10 3 19 1,894 2,233 2,316 1,291 778 27 2,652 520 445 211 2,035 1,451 2,809 1,602 103 96 2,586 3,669 3,404 2,367 410 28 63 48 31 140 162 180 650 182 58 4 804 128 421 48 7 29 472 105 89 420 414 600 1,626 627 77 11 1,118 704 1,264 401 65 30 15,605 4,850 2,413 7,982 25,230 25,476 84, 07 1 22,184 6,395 321 109.877 25,889 68,788 12,619 4,207 31 47,626 7.467 7,669 49,538 47,273 77,079 174,540 59,777 9,425 777 122,882 68,338 144,960 52,206 7,010 32 31,990 10,670 5,309 17,560 54,244 '53, 500 172,346 46,586 14,069 658 230,742 53,072 144,455 25,869 9,255 33 257 1. 182 468 11,332 4.289 6,693 61,350 10,493 4,245 300 80,018 6,292 76,883 1,389 156 34 115 200 450 600 198 476 31,284 25,505 3,630 3,804 33,203 31,084 25,135 ^-22,290^ (3,971, 33) 7 4 13 6 551 1.047 174 1 56 23 17 594 1,129 8 32 '95 795 57 37 2,152 4.412 947 2 70 6 1 1 7 13 6 1 46 94 2 7 8 4 131 236 39 11 4 257 553 430 1 140 68 7 3 116 162 156 53 3,686 7,925 2.413 18 2,282 609 3 1 48 67 22 9 1,033 2,221 1,065 65 10,633 3.360 9 3 114 217 75 1 14 51 5? 53 54 55 1 28 1 4 455 93 56 57 58 130 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 5 of 7>— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (Foi definitions and explanations, see text) The State Al amance Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): 1 Vegetables harvested for 241,158 2,537 1.750 1,159 2,131 3.410 1.533 2,661 2,865 3.214 1,655 2 1944. ■ 263, 354 2,554 1,868 1,409 2,267 3.670 2,135 2,983 3,130 3,159 1,604 3 Vegetables harvested for sale. .. farms reporting 1949.. 20,672 82 70 66 49 1,380 480 79 63 62 170 4 1944.. 31,805 223 153 77 80 1.623 68 3 124 31 51 176 5 acres 1949. . 70,015 153 79 122 117 2,444 1,380 393 66 83 376 6 1944.. 76,086 393 113 181 157 2.681 1.347 171 25 102 439 7 sold., dollars 1949..' 7,565,081 11.417 9,884 24.172 9,229 493, 307 212,398 49, 698 5.051 6,133 36,254 8 1944.. 8. 304, 304 34.111 15,240 26,763 10,924 459,495 166,036 17,812 3,597 9,062 32.500 9 96 1 4 1 1 10 acres 1949. . 26 (>) 2 (') (') 11 Green beans (snap, string, 7,922 36 12 58 14 1.285 319 23 2 10 93 12 1944.. 13,183 62 58 58 31 1,430 209 25 2 11 33 13 acres 1949.. 15,624 9 4 71 9 2,000 551 83 <»> 7 120 14 1944.. 17,130 32 14 126 30 2,157 283 10 3 10 59 IS 2,313 26 1 2 19 19 1 15 2 10 78 16 acres 1949.. 1,533 7 (>) 2 13 15 2 18 (») 4 36 17 4,325 30 3 15 14 236 330 32 5 12 30 IS 1944.. 6.652 24 17 20 12 391 531 31 4 2 2 19 acres 1949.. 8,728 6 (') 43 8 373 809 96 1 2 6 20 1944.. 8,661 10 4 54 15 491 1,039 17 2 10 2 21 Cantaloups and muskmelons. . . . farms reporting 1949. . 2,397 23 1 1 5 3 11 2 11 9 22 acres 1949. . 4.588 18 (') 1 4 5 4 (') 3 3 23 4,287 52 10 5 10 11 12 21 3 11 41 1944.. acres 1949. . 5,641 7,164 62 58 24 15 7 9 6 3 4 14 13 34 3 4 10 29 25 3 ?6 1944.. acres 1949. . acres 1949.. 1944.. acres 1949.. 1944.. Sweet peppers and pimientos. . farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949.. acres 1949. . 6,672 7,118 8,379 415 1,274 1.137 3,612 577 1,970 2,910 3,767 1,660 1,339 3,181 77 18 3 9 1 30 30 8 17 3 (') 20 5 40 18 11 12 (') 2 10 1 3 2 (') 3 5 42 3 2 ( l > 2 (') 6 11 2 12 3 2 6 2 22 2 10 4 6 36 5 1 1 (') 1 1 4 1 10 3 1 (') 1 <»> 1 1 1 10 34 34 18 45 9 11 14 11 9 12 S5 53 1 (') 1 1 (') (') 1 ('» 1 (>) 3 32 23 5 2 4 2 3 3 6 3 7 21 17 43 2 1 27 9 10 9 1 1 2 1 29 77 ?fl •■a '111 11 5,5 M M 31 If, 17 38 39 1 40 1944.. 7,532 65 80 1 25 8 4 25 14 4 9 41 acres 1949. . 2,046 13 39 1 14 2 1 2 (>) 3 15 42 1944.. 3.823 26 52 1 16 1 1 8 5 4 7 ■li acres 1949. . 3.844 10,665 22 12 2 1 1 19 39 21 27 6 9 19 26 57 95 44 45 4,305 13 1 IS 1 2 27 1 16 Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: 16 2,941 19 22 13 7 13 6 7 22 20 17 47 acres 1949. . 2,810 8 3 2 3 (M 2 11 1 11 21 48 quarts 1949.. 2,833,775 3,946 681 904 1,697 231 1,860 6,815 819 8,147 12,814 49 value. . dol lars 1949. . 902,989 1,144 218 262 543 67 539 2,181 254 2.607 4.100 50 Blackberries and dewberries acres 1949.. quarts 1949. . value. .dollars 1949.. 471 434 489,591 114,878 600 90,799 1 (') 75 18 7 (') 242 58 (') 24 17 (') 568 147 13 1 242 58 2 238 1 1 200 48 1 52 17 2,028 6 398 51 57 53 55 value. .dol lars 1949. . 'Reported in small (motions. NORTH CAROLINA 131 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Giswel J Gituwba Chatham Cherokee Chowan (lay Cleve- land ( ., 1 .,!,.!, ,, Craven Cumber- land Curri- tuck Lore Davidaon 3,580 1,916 1,608 2,221 361 359 2,718 2,885 2,533 1,779 521 935 4,436 5,206 1,870 2,316 305 IB 2,945 1 5,354 1,972 1,889 2,360 462 947 2,. 109 2,924 2,656 1,914 975 1,009 4,731 5.528 2,038 3,131 653 48 3,318 2 128 5(1 59 88 22 1"') 42 111 47 15 372 3 57 240 117 364 131 6 176 3 448 167 246 299 24 4 13 37 301 120 22 37 2 45 323 445 162 800 198 1,056 4 328 103 145 120 288 1,320 111 219 68 14 3,220 5 121 314 244 1.089 1,406 16 431 5 573 362 324 332 210 1,748 57 360 77 27 2,107 62 339 594 356 1.884 1.595 2,847 6 46,238 10,208 26,892 8,730 23.570 205,416 6,804 16,869 5,011 1, 196 240,931 506 6,345 24,848 17,357 100.759 126,748 830 42,510 7 83, 129 1 <•> 62,983 36,113 25,079 33,750 236,3,0 1 4,303 41,587 1 7,538 5 1 2,174 1 1 205,311 4,847 30,041 4 3 61,650 33,501 169.022 2 1 176, 507 226,380 2 (') 8 9 10 89 23 26 31 2 53 26 59 44 19 190 5 87 64 40 23 42 5 56 11 230 104 105 101 8 78 19 126 40 13 232 22 87 229 32 74 25 454 12 193 14 18 a 22 132 8 20 7 4 555 2 28 57 20 13 388 1 35 13 195 49 33 38 54 119 7 42 12 12 556 21 28 247 50 33 346 254 14 13 4 15 2 1 24 23 18 46 2 131 24 14 25 39 9 4 49 15 4 2 4 (') 1 29 8 3 8 (') 205 6 3 5 41 6 1 23 16 34 6 7 10 10 94 17 39 43 10 23 1 56 14 31 43 36 5 34 17 91 71 32 49 14 155 12 69 18 7 9 4 36 6 41 76 23 219 18 18 8 9 3 138 517 7 17 6 1 72 (') 10 11 29 26 299 2 11 19 60 20 7 17 77 674 4 32 7 11 20 29 8 5 54 35 116 70 20 1 6 11 12 1 22 26 32 15 214 28 6 9 25 25 4 43 21 (') 8 11 12 1 16 9 15 4 574 6 7 4 46 48 1 38 22 51 10 26 20 12 25 42 63 44 9 112 3 52 12 30 67 37 3 92 23 116 64 69 54 5 48 13 66 12 3 86 75 10 11 85 22 507 24 47 10 35 15 110 16 29 44 12 5 484 2 18 5 22 72 103 4 141 25 104 58 50 29 21 55 14 55 4 1 375 53 13 10 70 46 624 26 11 6 7 4 14 7 15 43 2 29 10 168 86 173 18 4 22 27 2 3 5 (') 10 5 3 6 (') 27 1 186 86 169 17 1 5 28 13 4 2 2 2 5 12 1 2 3 1 3 9 29 2 2 (') (') 2 1 2 (') 1 1 (') 2 4 30 16 3 8 2 1 16 6 11 28 5 1 12 9 12 21 1 1 33 31 29 49 36 20 2 14 9 40 13 2 18 39 9 11 62 11 33*4 32 4 2 12 (M 2 3 3 2 5 1 (') 7 2 4 34 5 (') 16 13 25 13 12 5 4 4 3 10 2 (') 28 21 5 16 25 15 197 34 11 4 4 1 11 7 5 6 2 6 2 4 6 4 13 2 9 35 5 1 5 (') 21 4 1 1 (') 7 (') 1 7 2 12 1 4 36 11 3 5 2 9 8 12 18 1 51 10 4 8 18 5 2 25 37 1 2 1 — SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED; Item (For definitions and explanations, see textl Davie Dupli n Durham Edgecombe Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Gran- ville Greene Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): 1 Vegetables harvested for 1,359 4,369 1 ,581 3,354 2,769 3,677 2,008 088 710 2,716 2,310 2 1944.. 1,528 5,190 1.037 3,231 3,148 3,640 1,559 1,186 860 2,784 2,646 3 Vegetables harvested for sale. ... farms reporting 1949.. 20 1,594 7q 60 140 49 125 46 20 54 62 4 1944. . 122 1,227 705 88 700 27 259 117 50 77 10 5 acres 1949.. 39 5,447 121 116 281 96 271 143 2 58 R7 6 1944.. 110 4,500 257 227 945 36 562 287 8 218 13 7 sold. .dollars 1949.. 2,473 488.603 17,330 14.813 28.478 9,222 21,506 5,866 516 12,660 8,127 8 1944.. 9.365 334.939 30,293 23.377 101,737 5,951 39,720 22,151 1,205 28,695 1.690 9 acres 1949. . 1 1 (M 1 (') 11 Green beans (snap, string, 14 45 84" 403 40 57 23 30 66 433 8 12 78 105 6 11 4 32 6 49 8 8 1? 1944.. 13 acres 1949.. 12 1.809 11 8 23 3 27 3 2 2 4 14 1944.. 15 1,138 20 11 121 4 45 20 5 6 12 15 Green lima beans farms reporting 1949.. 7 96 34 21 19 7 24 5 6 1 16 acres 1949.. 1 102 10 6 4 o 6 1 2 (') 17 18 3 6 59 7 31 24 24 24 37 261 9 48 75 5 2 , 4 36 16 1944.. 19 acres 1940. . 1 27 9 13 11 4 12 1 2 7 20 1944.. 1 15 3 25 44 1 25 (') 1 7 21 Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting 1 940 . 4 14 21 11 37 4 58 3 2 1 22 acres 1949.. 3 14 8 4 23 42 4 (') 2 23 17 650 28 33 75 11 62 4 1 9 12 24 1944.. 24 455 43 30 337 7 90 4 40 25 acres 194°.. 14 1.350 15 28 100 12 50 5 (') 10 26 1944.. 10 1,110 24 25 201 7 83 13 2a 4 1 632 752 16 2 16 a 22 4 40 57 33 5 2 3 33 35 40 47 28 acres 1949. . acres 1949. . 1 3 28 5 1 21 3 1 18 7 6 19 10 1 19 1 3 2 30 31 1 5 32 ' 1944.. 8 38 33 23 268 8 30 6 1 32 33 acres 1949.. (') 27 7 4 6 1 4 (') 1 1 34 1944.. 4 74 9 5 71 3 28 5 (M 7 '15 Sweet peppers and pimientos. .. farms reporting 1949.. acres 1 94°. . 404 509 105 4 (') 23 5 2 10 7 2 19 1 ('> 4 2 20 4 9 2 3 3 37 2 38 acres 1949. . (') 162 3 1 6 1 10 1 (') 1 39 9 47 43 23 86 9 QQ 5 I 3 4 40 1944.. 42 2 60 25 438 12 158 22 36 41 acres 1949. . 1 6 11 Q 31 5 60 2 (') 2 1 42 1944.. 10 12 20 11 103 2 84 2 8 43 in 67 27 24 47 8 51 38 3 3 44 acres 1949.. 5 166 12 18 40 4 37 122 2 2 1 520 31 14 16 5 15 1 (') 3 Berries and other siaal 1 fruits harvested for sale: 46 8 443 16 3 64 1.9 51 1 o 3 7 47 acres 1949. . 1 783 5 1 15 2 9 (M (M 1 1 48 quarts 1949. . 408 899,952 4,153 72 11.43- 870 8,565 40 at 416 327 49 value. .dollars 1949. . 159 287,985 1,204 22 3,315 252 2,741 12 24 121 105 50 Blackberries and dewberries acres 1949.. 1 2 12 1 (') 3 ('1 3 (') 1 51 52 quarts 1949.. value. .dollars 1949.. 2,000 460 1,070 257 40 10 231 58 297 71 4 1 S3 88 7,989 58 (') 5 55 value. . dollars 1949.. Reported in small fractions. NORTH CAROLINA 133 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued Gui 1 ford Mull fax Mnrnrtl Haywood Mender- son Hertford Hoke My.le Iredell lackson Jolin- ■ ton .lonen l.ee l.etioi r Lincoln Mc- Oowe 1 1 Macon Midi «on Merlin 4,116 3,871 4, 147 2,447 1.955 1,639 1,455 567 3.564 2,020 7,215 1,305 1,500 3,190 2 , 1 16 1,329 2,126 2,737 2,480 1 4,252 3.431 4,021 2,632 2, 526 1,863 1,696 746 3,692 2,273 6,885 1,565 1,604 1 , 499 2,362 1,854 2,216 3,241 2,491 2 280 154 148 112 578 Hi 176 24 83 249 197 3] 42 122 103 103 240 79 57 3 716 86 151 226 1,103 18 237 8 207 260 300 46 68 116 397 238 444 683 64 4 544 199 310 171 4,968 28 923 78 156 537 381 100 46 327 304 80 575 75 68 5 1,248 215 431 259 5,196 17 1,456 14 268 539 632 9fl 65 288 768 111 811 779 67 6 57,515 29 , 329 34,477 28,835 485,611 2,107 35,355 5,016 14.813 112,421 37,185 10,441 4,628 35,036 33,192 7,875 96,206 6,678 8.7U 7 120,889 26,899 35,580 33,592 630,000 2,184 74,493 1,171 24,505 87,509 57,857 6,934 10,277 50,791 63,359 14.247 127,473 77,207 7,238 B ' 7 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 9 2 1 (') 3 1 1 (') (') (') (') 1 (') 10 10 5 24 7 10 2 367 1 3 3 25 69 38 18 9 24 21 47 17 3 79 7 11 2% 40 37 181 835 1 18 1 71 134 35 6 19 16 116 80 321 582 8 12 44 15 3 118 3,714 (') 2 6 13 46 21 38 I 32 20 17 298 62 1 13 100 28 39 160 3,253 (') 15 (') 38 134 32 4 5 16 68 13 475 601 7 14 AQ 30 13 3 23 2 10 14 17 29 17 15 21 3 5 8 2 5 15 34 10 9 6 49 (') 6 4 8 12 3 4 14 1 1 7 1 1 16 70 30 14 22 319 1 6 7 13 212 43 20 12 14 28 26 115 3 6 17 160 30 14 37 716 12 4 27 188 32 8 17 11 96 72 143 20 7 18 28 8 23 8 590 (') 2 26 12 463 28 6 2 16 58 7 205 2 3 19 54 11 17 40 952 10 9 12 366 32 15 11 10 61 11 220 7 4 20 103 16 3 1 58 1 18 8 28 6 3 7 22 4 2 21 54 6 4 1 175 (') 16 2 33 1 3 9 31 1 2 22 140 18 21 23 84 4 9 4 17 29 57 11 16 34 28 37 33 5 5 23 249 26 55 27 263 3 19 1 44 8 90 4 4 37 122 26 25 4 5 24 111 21 35 13 228 8 13 12 20 11 84 4 11 49 43 26 24 1 3 25 220 29 127 12 180 2 20 (>) 39 4 140 6 2 75 142 7 26 2 5 26 50 107 96 8 55 5 5 8 9 7 19 17 3 82 8 16 20 2 41 27 9 114 103 1 62 6 11 8 4 1 13 17 (') 86 2 2 18 (') 50 28 18 1 8 12 1 6 2 3 1 2 4 3 1 1 29 14 1 1 4 (') 1 1 (') (') 2 (') (') (') (') 30 52 16 11 3 25 5 7 10 19 14 2 9 2 16 6 2 31 203 25 43 22 240 1 12 3 25 4 36 2 14 11 31 52 8 1 6 32 18 2 10 1 13 4 4 1 21 2 1 6 3 2 3 (') 33 95 8 60 3 84 2 16 2 20 1 48 1 2 8 26 7 2 (') 1 34 23 3 5 3 96 3 1 7 7 2 13 5 4 11 1 35 8 (') 10 (') 134 (') (M 5 3 (') 23 5 (') 3 (') 36 40 8 7 6 43 1 6 l 15 8 3 7 11 5 5 37 16 1 10 1 61 (') 14 (') 4 1 (') 2 4 1 2 38 169 22 13 12 42 6 4 41 17 41 15 10 18 78 36 12 6 2 39 371 34 13 39 514 2 17 1 91 23 38 4 24 13 295 97 56 57 4 40 90 6 11 2 22 3 10 21 3 30 4 3 23 96 12 2 2 ('l 41 159 35 2 7 294 1 7 (') 56 9 28 2 7 14 311 13 16 37 (>) 42 126 16 27 6 152 1 23 5 80 12 11 15 15 10 1 6 43 72 9 60 13 697 1 26 1 105 20 21 22 14 5 (') 7 44 44 5 32 20 88 9 14 22 (') 24 1 ( l ) 45 25 6 13 6 1 45 36 18 11 19 70 4 8 4 S3 9 27 1 11 11 10 15 10 6 13 46 20 4 3 7 59 <>> 7 » 18 2 5 (') 7 3 4 7 2 (') 2 17 10,414 2,299 1,575 3,304 30,342 120 4,517 2,440 7,978 992 3,011 30 2,958 529 2,308 3,225 1.345 210 640 48 3,020 713 504 958 8,799 37 1,445 781 2.553 288 964 10 947 169 739 935 390 61 198 49 2 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 14 19 4 9 2 3 1 5 5 1 4 13 1 1 20 3 50 51 105 820 988 326 732 24,160 196 880 225 1,454 2,410 848 SO 1.070 52 25 189 227 78 ('1 44 176 7 1,625 5,557 47 211 54 349 587 204 1 12 2 373 257 53 54 55 134 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 5 of 7). —SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Mecklen- burg Mitchell Mont- gomery Moore Nash New Hanover North- ampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquo- tank Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): 1 Vegetables harvested for 2,550 1,754 1,037 2,193 5,159 217 2,621 1,827 1,776 541 492 2 1944. . 2,688 1,898 1,079 2,121 5,309 682 2,801 1,856 1.728 681 751 3 Vegetables harvested for sale... farms reporting 1949.. 175 22 108 94 46 126 19 26 102 112 236 4 1944.. 722 401 165 101 751 672 105 51 253 78 219 5 acres 1949. . 574 19 543 326 95 3.045 40 62 116 535 3,172 6 1944. . 1,554 309 199 153 725 3,234 139 84 313 236 2,424 7 sold.. dollars 1949.. 63.948 2,260 31.450 13.809 6,648 494, 336 2.479 4,243 10.933 86.510 555,332 8 1944.. 131,624 46,126 16,527 15,257 78,966 651,988 15,087 8,663 26.986 24,604 357,515 10 acres 1949.. Green beans (snap, strine, (M 84 2(12 ( l ) 14 111 (') 90 32 <>> 17 27 57 641 5 4 (') 10 16 37 93 9 4 34 81 11 17 382 12 1944. . 13 acres 194°. . 48 14 8 16 4 389 1 4 12 26 210 14 1944. . 94 282 26 12 f. 558 2 16 35 10 401 IS acres 1949. . 90 53 43 10 2 7 68 12 87 13 3 19 29 23 23 8 2 10 5 3 5 32 9 19 3 10 84 3 2 221 16 17 4 IS 1944.. 65 40 74 15 36 604 11 35 57 186 19 acres 1949. . 28 3 o 16 5 144 4 1 3 393 2,528 1944.. Cantaloups and muskmelons. ... farms reporting 1949.. 24 42 8 16 31 6 16 9 8 294 15 8 4 12 6 182 1,636 5 21 22 23 5 63 2 9 63 41 22 6 8 54 5 58 24 1944.. 106 23 86 32 83 454 3 5 56 3 45 25 acres 1949. . 108 1 8 20 31 33 3 8 44 3 375 26 1944. . 146 4 28 20 50 161 2 4 35 3 262 ?7 25 1 47 7 77 6 20 8 38 4 28 29 in acres 1949.. acres 1949. . 7 (M 5 10 2 334 65 5 6 2 2 1 84 4 3 (M 1 623 (»> (') 31 27 1 5 65 8 14 5 3 11 1 32 1944.. 62 17 83 18 35 595 4 5 47 2 13 33 acres 1949. . 12 <>> 1 9 2 7 1 (') 2 (») 34 1944.. 36 3 14 4 15 166 1 3 20 5 41 35 36 37 Sweet peppers snd pimientos. . farms reporting 1949. . acres 1949.. 21 6 3 5 1 6 7 3 1 9 35 (M 9 1 68 (•) 6 2 54 (') 3 1 9 1 13 4 1 (') 2 38 39 acres 1949. . 24 140 7 13 10 94 1 17 153 29 1 7 1 8 1 54 (M 1 1 8 1 40 1944.. 330 35 101 41 49 618 4 7 92 3 15 41 acres 1949. . 87 (') 11 24 3 32 1 3 18 (M 11 42 1944.. 213 6 21 14 7 207 2 4 31 4 6 43 55 93 78 37 32 12 21 6 9 4 44 45 acrea 1949.. 36 140 452 3 199 8 28 13 71 1,217 18 (M 33 1 1 21 14 1 3 36 1 Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: 46 39 4 4 15 13 8 4 6 10 6 11 47 acres 1949. . 8 4 (1) 2 2 21 1 1 2 1 2 48 quarts 1949.. 6,344 1.266 120 970 434 12,948 280 832 640 1,350 1,665 49 value. .dollars 1949.. 2,030 367 38 310 135 4,143 87 266 186 432 516 50 Blackberries and dewberries 1 31 2 2 3 51 Bcrea 1949. . <>> 50 <>) 2 O 52 quarts 1949.. 12 51.931 42 1.010 140 53 value. .dollars 1949. . 3 12,983 10 232 32 54 55 I 1 ) (') 15 1 value. . dollars 1949.. 148 26 2,889 20 'Reported in amal I fractions. NORTH CAROLINA 135 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued Pender Perquim- ans Person Pitt Polk Randolph. Rich- mond Robeson Rock- in, -l, in Rowan Ruther- ford Sampson Scot- land Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrell 1,853 779 2,311 4,624 1,049 3,150 1.156 7,334 3,835 2,559 2,785 5.138 1.278 2,236 3,161 3,669 864 1,030 422 1 2,040 1,048 2,671 5,853 1,016 3,453 1,809 8,313 3,896 3,330 3,042 6,518 1,633 1,970 3,178 3,463 1,039 1,034 500 2 665 69 13 649 133 42 104 334 90 100 356 3,021 710 26 10 31 20 30 28 3 637 154 S3 378 175 296 161 333 93 891 586 2,^17 783 123 80 161 77 191 100 4 4,451 326 20 962 355 58 1,033 1.286 90 254 1.311 7,603 4,940 41 27 102 14 1,091 48 5 2,436 636 32 472 300 440 674 1,032 132 1,265 1.317 5,327 4.543 120 74 152 53 504 518 6 464,750 18,951 2,175 96,080 24,068 6,296 63,123 115,188 8.797 36,067 76,564 722,145 279,705 3,102 2,410 11,721 1,611 83,401 3,533 7 254,176 56,912 3,248 50,759 2 25,019 33,340 44,297 100,427 1 1 12,828 106,810 107,373 2 1 524,162 24 2 371,931 12,371 6,988 13,842 4 (') 6,189 47,277 25,105 a 9 10 391 12 8 37 41 20 20 37 58 32 128 456 51 9 14 41 22 23 5 n 422 33 16 22 40 128 44 76 63 303 178 141 6 82 46 60 66 46 67 12 1.000 16 2 7 46 6 17 26 13 19 152 576 13 2 6 10 12 867 8 13 930 83 1 14 11 54 88 56 12 86 112 204 4 17 16 25 14 101 434 14 07 8 6 31 7 66 32 26 26 273 54 6 4 18 5 15 234 7 1 4 1 05 13 4 8 1 127 18 1 1 3 17 16 36 12 11 47 22 a 35 39 20 16 55 229 53 6 7 46 3 3 17 115 9 4 17 14 52 8 36 43 82 63 32 6 41 76 41 28 10 IB 108 25 3 15 26 3 24 62 4 11 27 59 18 2 2 42 1 2 19 50 14 1 14 14 16 5 68 8 30 25 47 7 18 6 66 13 26 37 20 10 20 3 30 11 4 36 135 11 29 112 100 520 3 1 21 21 14 44 (') 6 7 1 54 386 4 34 257 28 1,888 3 (') 4 22 70 30 3 53 87 29 35 28 56 50 ISO 615 54 7 30 2 10 1 23 104 24 8 20 61 53 20 28 41 135 73 360 6 44 17 27 20 10 2 24 512 134 1 25 188 23 37 23 30 02 304 960 28 8 10 10 1 204 7 25 62 162 5 16 106 47 26 28 16 133 101 691 5 18 9 14 6 18 3 26 393 33 14 644 10 12 9 23 10 10 24 1,918 38 4 4 20 15 27 792 33 6 829 10 5 2 57 1 1 13 2,186 46 1 2 2 21 28 50 1 1 3 4 1 1 8 1 6 13 31 3 1 8 1 1 29 520 <>> (M <>> 1 (') (M 11 (') 12 1 4 2 (') 1 (') (') 30 11 2 7 11 6 6 7 23 24 11 33 112 11 4 2 19 2 31 14 9 9 7 4S 44 39 43 101 31 79 2 3 15 24 1 3 32 8 2 2 2 1 1 44 10 7 4 26 39 4 5 1 5 <>) 33 28 2 52 8 19 120 41 8 43 20 104 2 1 3 4 (') 4 34 25 1 1 9 7 3 5 2 3 6 1.954 7 3 1 10 1 35 34 (') (») 1 6 (') 5 1 2 1 2,838 3 (!) (») 1 (') 36 63 4 6 19 14 5 12 26 10 8 33 413 16 4 4 15 l 37 86 4 1 3 1 9 60 1 4 25 364 5 4 1 2 47 693,254 822 1,557 8,332 967 7,157 2,229 3,084 3,405 3,797 205.416 292 2,230 431 1,503 520 1.125 200 48 221,841 255 498 2,416 300 2,290 713 894 1,090 1,101 65,733 93 714 125 436 151 326 62 49 3 3 2 13 2 3 2 3 56 1 5 *4 12 50 36 2 (•) 25 (') 1 1 1 113 5 (») 2 51 53,360 34 180 42,421 55 76 73 103 130,757 1.000 178 51 1.858 52 12,273 8 43 10.605 13 18 18 25 30,074 437 44 12 446 53 324 5 (') 108 5 54 51,802 244 3 19,844 87 55 136 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 5 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Union Vance Wake Warren Wash- ington Watauga Wayne Wi Ikes Wilson Yadkin Yancey Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): 1 Vegetables harvested for 4.167 2,067 5,274 2,487 634 2,319 4.152 4,331 3,824 2,820 2,506 2 1944.. 4,215 1,788 5,687 2,694 833 2,452 4.478 5,062 4,438 2,841 2,693 3 Vegetables harvested for sale. ... farms reporting 1949.. 139 285 253 896 51 943 524 56 68 16 68 4 1944.. 417 17 496 241 48 1,247 384 280 42 66 296 5 acres 1949. . 294 364 762 1,452 161 1,645 1,152 82 87 102 66 6 1944.. 773 35 1.584 408 60 2,411 732 172 53 131 330 7 sold.. dollars 1949.. 30,456 47,655 70.720 249, 127 13,701 290,041 107,122 8,132 7.355 14,915 9,787 8 1944.. 74, 823 6,205 183,701 51,867 6,660 385, 450 71,530 13,330 5,011 21,775 39,632 9 3 1 1 1 2 10 acres 1949.. 2 1 1 (') (') 11 Green beans (snap, string, 87 13 63 5 6 679 229 41 8 12 40 12 1944.. 171 10 123 16 6 852 123 172 10 21 277 13 acres 1949.. 51 5 48 1 19 665 400 32 2 2 36 14 1944. . 132 3 132 2 1 1,248 238 44 2 5 291 IS 107 14 57 6 1 10 25 3 9 6 4 16 acres 1949.. 57 2 41 1 1 9 11 1 4 1 1 17 37 7 38 8 5 563 28 13 7 7 25 18 1944.. 36 6 69 7 7 545 14 103 8 12 27 19 acres 1949.. 10 1 28 4 6 958 24 6 2 2 24 20 1944.. 12 1 66 2 3 996 10 18 1 6 27 ?1 Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting 1949.. 18 5 70 127 4 12 2 acres 1949. . 7 38 2 12 87 86 370 4 4 9 7 40 20 1 31 10 23 3 3 24 1944.. 50 7 69 8 6 9 16 78 8 24 3 25 acres 1949. . 25 9 102 3 16 3 39 25 35 10 1 26 1944. . 38 2 109 2 4 9 18 22 11 20 1 77 34 267 71 799 18 1 295 4 9 1 2 28 acres 1949.. 10 331 58 1.069 26 (>> 298 (') 12 I 1 ) <>) acres 1949.. 1 41 9 3 34 (>) 1 (') 5 (') 4 3 31 2 20 1944.. acres 1949. . 1944.. Sweet peppers and pimientos. .. farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949.. 92 23 70 9 2 2 83 22 72 2 I 1 ) I 1 ) 4 13 17 12 39 72 2 10 2 11 1 6 r 5 1 1 1 ( l > 1 1 (') 1 36 37 38 39 3 (') 9 (') 1 1 39 (') i 1 acres 1949.. (') BO 113 11 61 4 5 2 15 17 6 7 9 40 1944., 193 10 93 12 11 12 15 166 8 32 11 41 acres 1949.. 46 4 46 2 23 (>) 4 9 1 3 3 42 1944.. 79 2 53 1 7 5 5 47 2 15 3 43 23 13 9 6 96 155 5 2 25 64 122 278 4 2 19 20 45 32 (') 148 1 9 26 5 6 3 1 Berries and other small fruits harvested for sate: 46 15 8 44 3 5 2 69 22 8 27 5 47 acres 1949. . 2 1 8 3 1 1 50 4 1 10 2 48 quarts 1949. . 1,618 660 2,108 1,620 230 1,025 38,282 3,645 310 11,795 136 49 value. .dollars 1949. . 518 191 675 470 71 297 12,250 1.057 99 3,421 39 50 Blackberries and dewberries 7 1 332 83 17 4 4,486 1,077 4 11 14,160 3,398 1 (') 56 13 3 1 185 44 15 6 2.185 524 1 3 1 1 120 29 1 51 52 53 54 55 acres 1949. . quarts 1949.. value.. dollars 1949.. <>l 40 10 value, .dol lars 1949 29 100 29 203 108 'Reported in small fractions. NORTH CAROLINA County Table 5 (Part 6 of 7>— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 137 (For definitions and expl anut ions, see text) g tBte Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Avery Beaufort Bertie Bruns- wick Tree fruits, nuts, snd grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearmg fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. acres 1950 '. 1945.. Apples farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. trees of all ages. .number 1950.. 1945.. trees not of bearing age. .number 1950.. trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. quantity harvested. . bushels 1949,. 1944. . I value. .dollars 1949.. Peaches farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 1945.. trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. trees of bearing age. .number 1950.. quantity harvested. . bushels 1949.. 1944.. value. .dollars 1949.. Pears farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. trees of all ages. .number 1950.. 1945.. trees not of bearing age. .number 1950.. trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. quantity harvested. .bushel s 1949.. 1944.. value. .dollars 1949.. Cherries farms reporting 1950.. 1945. . trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 1945.. trees not of bearing age. .number 1950.. trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. quantity harvested. .pounds 1949.. 1944.. value. .dollars 1949.. Plums and prunes farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 1945.. trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. trees of bearing age. .number 1950. . quantity harvested. .bushels 1949.. 1944.. value. .dollars 1949.. Figs farms reporting 1950. . trees of all ages.. number 1950.. trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. quantity harvested, .pounds 1949.. value. .dollars 1949.. Grapes farms reporting 1950.. 1945.. vines of all ages. .number 1950.. 1945. . vines not of bearing age. .number 1950.. vines of bearing age.. number 1950.. quantity harvested. . pounds 1949.. 1944.. value. .dollars 1949.. Pecans (improved and seedling) trees of all ages. .number 1950.. 1945. . quantity harvested. .pounds 1949.. 1944. . Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked) farms reporting 1950.. trees of all ages.. number 1950.. trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. quantity harvested. . pounds 1949.. value. .dollars 1949.. Wild or seedling pecans farms reporting 1950.. trees of all ages.. number 1950.. trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. trees of bearing age. .number 1950.. quantity harvested. .pounds 1949.. value. .dollars 1949.. Other tree fruits and nuts value of quantity harvested. .dollars 1949.. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold farms reporting 1949.. 1944. . dollars 1949.. 1944. . 119,996 55,563 59,790 83,082 99, 109 133,418 2,152,457 2,730,369 501,249 1,651,208 1,321,717 3,525,359 2,618,924 61,751 98,818 1,850,475 3, 195,050 511,672 1,338,803 M8.464 2,444.018 1,947,240 42,933 55,057 120,386 163,683 32,600 87.7B6 41,196 247,944 81,950 32,683 45,635 142,400 227,867 35,203 107,197 317,479 2,886,656 40,878 17,383 21,110 54,786 77,418 14,610 40,176 9,754 44,222 14,631 16,956 42,436 11,844 30,592 500,977 50,098 58,809 75.313 534,410 548,465 137,724 396,686 3,071,519 10,391,977 241,635 149,826 173,694 1,637.580 1,996,617 23,622 137,062 31,498 105,564 1,497,223 370,770 3,439 12,764 3,182 9,582 140,357 28,984 5, 148 8.422 22, 187 3,732,060 7,413,609 1,458 344 351 264 1,237 728 13,494 7,466 3,933 9,561 5,996 7,671 12,292 905 610 10,578 11,577 3,029 7,549 493 8,334 1,356 802 47 3 2,822 1,537 697 2,125 964 2,584 1,928 539 349 2,304 1,684 568 1,716 2.478 16, 869 297 305 174 861 524 201 660 332 300 498 401 1,031 188 843 11,401 1,140 719 394 10,638 4,556 7,811 2,827 28,836 29,370 2,307 1,043 492 6,323 3,168 281 926 309 617 4,358 1,525 38 117 21 96 1,965 590 61 130 3.297 9,209 1,165 1,410 2,523 3,757 1, 118 1,602 124,545 154,661 27,249 97,296 87,798 160,906 171,206 564 1.278 12.822 47,367 3,836 8,986 885 12,621 2,345 365 636 948 1,604 276 672 112 301 235 427 918 1,843 4,612 491 1,352 4,044 34,692 526 156 321 507 981 127 380 68 813 102 107 261 83 178 1,956 196 584 1,027 2,428 4,003 587 1,841 17,581 73,376 1,582 86 263 235 3,128 31 85 57 28 235 70 1 1 1 1,381 733 728 615 1,361 847 36, 598 33, 188 3,106 33,492 7,469 46,286 14,191 350 78 1,836 458 409 1,427 21 93 59 340 64 876 186 104 772 204 133 907 389 4,471 3,154 351 4,120 42,114 38,847 5,475 231 54 641 121 99 542 2 463 3 2 7 526 193 1,315 511 161 1,154 6,651 20,700 532 174 325 107,654 162,695 56 76 4,288 6,710 781 324 406 938 565 949 11,034 11,303 4,054 6,980 1 1 , 240 9,028 24,728 439 927 17,635 66,665 4,822 12,813 4,298 51,778 11,175 292 560 2,220 1,508 1,276 944 1,803 2,640 3,876 147 240 519 974 217 302 250 7,264 28 140 177 426 660 102 324 52 441 78 269 674 166 508 12,036 1,204 400 531 3,153 3,401 301 2,852 21,416 43,142 1,927 3,206 2,395 10,450 14,647 240 3,076 640 2,436 10,320 3,199 27 130 16 114 130 34 46 100 20,122 108,761 2,916 2,797 1,308 2,272 2,897 3,382 66,572 90,802 6,361 60,211 28,998 156,464 55,096 540 541 2,702 2,884 1,015 1,687 56 759 157 631 589 1,346 1,149 279 1,067 223 1,354 424 2,040 2,333 12,766 15,135 1.248 11,518 77.335 312, 340 10,054 279 422 743 1,129 96 647 18 408 27 3 11 ii 60 6 1,540 1,854 4,175 4,833 647 3,528 61,545 164,287 4,924 225 1,925 24 75 7 68 1,925 674 1 150 150 115 529 9,966 32,464 1,216 895 1,025 781 1,195 1,465 46,932 34,892 7,545 39,387 55,794 106,328 106,009 109 30 565 222 204 361 147 47 412 84 31 208 66 70 138 145 252 276 353 179 2,404 1,497 635 1,769 25,798 61.566 3,354 130 113 619 697 135 484 28 430 42 3 10 3 7 48 5 505 308 3,150 1,502 1,059 2,091 75,256 121,850 6,020 9 104 4 9 6 3 104 36 252 228 30,461 49,971 1,064 97 86 93 615 1,057 3,553 5,602 1,337 2,216 1,447 7,655 3,473 468 921 3,507 6,295 1,886 1,621 460 4,404 1,311 364 574 784 1,237 229 555 689 3,788 1,275 24 42 43 113 22 21 86 200 10 122 282 384 834 116 268 44 561 66 177 574 223 351 5,345 534 529 523 1,189 943 390 799 39,043 56,924 3,123 2,859 3,577 43,662 29,507 490 2,438 351 2,087 39,701 8.734 120 421 92 329 3,961 753 128 190 9,066 8,963 1,061 313 131 239 832 1,172 4,984 6,720 995 3,989 4,202 10,434 9,665 755 1,116 5,009 7,139 1,533 3,476 1,736 6,437 4,861 465 481 891 914 189 702 936 1.409 1,872 69 17 167 39 41 126 391 164 82 391 209 60 331 193 41 290 174 393 113 280 6,615 662 538 706 1,389 1,846 331 1,058 47,603 92,222 3,808 2,260 2,183 31,754 53,796 362 1,919 182 1,737 27,538 8,537 100 341 63 278 4,216 1,138 45 73 3,055 4,047 1,492 108 175 864 1,262 4,694 6,681 1,945 2,749 1 , 396 5,070 3,420 810 1,310 5,931 10,932 3,211 2,720 791 6,460 2,373 429 479 860 1,093 357 503 522 2,450 1,044 44 14 78 35 53 25 90 450 10 162 158 376 653 157 219 124 377 186 77 134 59 75 1,878 912 1,070 4,559 3,780 1,310 3,249 61,801 257,829 4,326 3,039 2,798 39, 567 19,840 501 2,660 864 1,796 35,009 8,052 105 379 85 294 4.558 866 134 202 12,398 19,021 124 5 541 796 3,217 5,129 1,162 2,055 1,162 5,386 2,847 319 649 1,846 3,826 1,034 812 219 1,525 657 434 445 2,549 6,366 480 2,069 1,704 3,944 3,408 28 4 52 10 29 23 160 S 18 91 34 311 138 106 205 32 27 48 105 243 93 150 3,422 342 643 574 4,696 1,243 1.912 2,784 49,263 41,466 3,448 2,094 1,812 17.421 14,060 364 1,837 444 1,393 15,807 3,636 85 257 49 208 1,614 307 99 76 7,564 16, 706 For 1950, does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. 138 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 6 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Burke Cald.ell Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nor.be.irmc fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting Apple farms reporting trees of all ages. , number trees not of bearing age.. number trees of bearing age.. number quantity harvested. . bushels value. . dollars farms reporting trees of all ages.. number trees not of bearing age., number trees of bearing age.. number quantity harvested. . bushels val ue. . dol lars 1950.. 1945.. 1950 '. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1950.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1950. . 1945.. 1950.. 1945.. 1950.. 1950.. 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. Pears farms report ing 1950. . . 1945... trees of all ages.. number 1950... 1945... trees not of bearing age. .number 1950... trees of bearing age. .number 1950... quantity harvested. . bushels 1949... 1944... value. .dollars 1949... Cherries farms reporting 1950... 1945... trees of all ages. .number 1950... 1945... trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... trees of bearing age., number 1950... quantity harvested. .pounds 1949... 1944... value. .dollars 1949... Plums and prunes farms reporting 1950... 1945... trees of all ages. .number 1950... 1945... trees not of bearing age. .number 1950... trees of bearing age., number 1950... quantity harvested. . bushels 1949... 1944... value. .dollars 1949... Figs farms reporting 1950.. trees of all ages. .number 1950. trees not of bearing age.. number 1950. trees of bearing age.. number 1950. quantity harvested. .pounds 1949. value.. do] lars 1949. Grapes farms reporting 1950. 1945. vines of all ages.. number 1950. 1945. vines not of bearing age. .number 1950. vines of bearing age.. number 1950. quantity harvested. . pounds 1949. 1944. value. .dol lars 1949. Pecans ( improved and seedling) trees of all ages, .number 1950. 1945. quantity harvested. .pounds 1949. 1944. Improved pecans (budded, grafted, or top-worked) farms reporting 1950. trees of all ages.. number 1950. trees not of bearing age.. number 1950. trees of bearing age.. number 1950. quantity harvested. . pounds 1949. value.. dol lars 1949. Wild or seedl ing pecans farms reporting 1950. trees of all ages. .number 1950. treea not of bearing age.. number 1950. trees of bearing age.. number 1950. quantity harvested. .pounds 1949. value. .dollars 1949. Other tree fruits and nuts value of quantity harvested. .dol lars 1949... Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold farms reporting 1949. . . 1944... dollars 1949... 1944... 2,972 1,157 2,093 1,893 2,805 3,768 78,617 130,776 10, 321 68,296 21,217 148,140 41,373 524 589 3, 115 2,739 1.118 1,997 2 388 705 694 1,704 1,666 348 1,356 31 402 54 1,466 1,915 8,318 10,589 1,203 7.115 1,942 128,111 272 476 424 1,633 1,502 404 1,229 26 598 39 23 91 34 57 51 5 1,865 2,292 21,420 34,581 3,135 18,285 48,783 437,714 3,415 314 23 21 157 60 97 4 157 1 156 1,279 1,000 331 1,169 1,143 1,074 16,531 21,527 3,258 13,273 5,718 21,128 11,150 558 727 7,595 13,025 2,498 5,097 300 5,150 870 430 428 1.194 1,151 286 818 192 531 336 441 569 2,048 4.019 576 1,472 4,354 24,067 610 127 160 405 571 112 293 4 165 6 68 412 27 385 595 60 730 645 10.714 36,433 1,906 8,808 31,632 137,782 2,214 191 77 828 265 61 6B6 25,752 121,477 58 161 62 99 760 228 10 30 14 16 68 15 76 253 3,538 16,072 1.025 553 221 47 4 893 813 10,162 12.474 2.294 7.868 5,440 6,153 11,968 676 758 8,878 18,253 2,190 6,688 765 1,716 1,989 533 518 1,592 1,761 252 1,340 212 504 456 337 459 1,203 2,470 443 760 716 16,335 79 297 470 996 2,384 272 724 81 635 122 373 855 140 715 7,770 777 630 612 5,847 6,693 810 5,037 22,729 79,109 2,046 1,415 1,438 3,086 4,570 2B3 1,339 542 797 2,866 888 28 76 14 62 220 57 26 106 S.454 6,34ft 1,353 1,162 533 1,324 1,169 1,518 27,680 51,508 5,027 22,653 13,222 47.252 25,122 490 837 12,664 30,374 3,061 9,603 106 14.076 297 445 400 1,155 1,073 361 794 110 519 209 454 561 3,445 4,116 675 2,770 3,876 39,682 504 199 198 562 709 143 419 18 284 27 61 135 35 100 878 739 815 9,303 13,543 2,856 6,447 27,639 122,155 2,211 218 228 640 1.623 68 206 86 120 530 186 12 4 8 110 33 178 3 32 169 60 323 240 126 197 128 387 294 74 72 2,285 2,003 638 1,647 475 557 1,330 72 17 152 53 45 107 330 105 660 15 5 53 18 11 42 70 17 42 54 250 38 212 5,309 531 107 40 703 283 87 616 19,080 9.885 1.526 172 2,616 4,264 3,877 49 135 49 86 3,649 1,131 18 37 9 28 615 166 227 262 14 86 164 496 1,235 3,226 588 647 375 3,586 900 123 47 B 756 3,000 423 333 94 1,855 268 135 452 341 1,335 100 241 255 4,367 472 3 10 8 21 3 5 26 66 51 218 23 28 7 89 10 75 299 122 177 4,835 484 116 374 247 2,365 68 179 17,350 113.257 1,388 593 1,546 6,311 14,876 107 518 1:1 397 5,366 1, lftl 71 297 9,193 47,021 20 24 2,597 3,740 30 75 6 69 945 180 139 2,276 29, 398 1,523 606 334 756 1,064 883 12,818 14,917 5,298 7,520 2,709 19, 150 S.S53 968 746 15,449 23,191 8,119 7.330 473 16,463 1,301 676 361 2,166 1,288 943 1,223 261 1,546 522 381 259 999 1,102 472 527 68 19,909 182 119 586 415 187 399 24 864 36 91 159 48 111 1,074 107 361 275 1,521 1.202 563 958 4,656 2 5,844 372 282 101 451 523 80 242 87 155 411 144 16 40 24 16 40 12 12 138 683 14,827 1,412 1.334 447 1,500 1.274 2,096 22,316 49,186 5,231 17,085 7,555 38,606 14,7 32 1,024 1,951 22,057 60, 173 5,022 17,035 1,446 19,250 3,832 758 891 2,776 3,294 622 2,154 739 2,339 1,552 684 1,115 2,623 6,473 569 2,054 4,191 61,776 545 273 140 615 420 112 503 128 318 192 472 1,078 218 860 11,444 1,144 843 954 5,843 6,652 1,253 4,500 20,645 85,505 1.85P 567 294 2,282 1.64B 174 541 223 318 ,209 663 13 26 6 20 73 18 70 295 7,959 40,421 1,283 398 188 402 1,278 1,418 11,849 14,909 4,125 7,724 3,672 18,973 7,160 828 1,107 7,765 12,852 3,122 4,643 520 8,838 1,378 665 936 1.690 2,413 306 1,294 437 5.R08 918 331 475 1,176 2,353 383 703 7 54 21,017 98 211 171 603 992 172 431 69 658 104 412 926 293 633 10,808 1,081 724 793 2,105 1,999 557 1.548 23.424 81,917 2.108 754 567 2.047 4,828 210 697 353 344 ,016 605 27 57 17 40 31 7 39 126 2,260 7,154 1.167 223 303 1B7 1,082 1,601 21,865 36,231 4,637 17.228 9,873 35.288 19.252 151 205 1,027 2,226 457 570 13 197 38 82 149 228 358 73 155 8 27 14 126 301 648 2,796 30B 340 275 3.491 38 00 117 296 826 82 214 68 134 102 7 38 4 34 295 30 328 609 3.107 5.869 455 2,652 22,455 78.105 1.572 13 29 16 13 210 63 2 5 5 261 13 33 14 170 184 866 798 220 646 213 908 490 179 199 1.507 1.569 467 1,040 543 2,040 1,520 108 139 230 232 40 190 68 946 136 4 2 6 7 1 5 1 120 ( 2 ) 11 3 32 7 3 29 16 36 204 3,424 u,494 53 133 31 102 2.227 223 159 127 993 477 49 944 29,241 127,252 2,339 639 408 5,232 8.4O0 132 530 88 442 4,812 1,492 14 109 3 106 420 113 111 4,631 13.610 1 For 1950, does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. '■ Less than 1 dollar. CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued NORTH CAROLINA 139 Cleve- land 1,727 1,010 447 1,173 1,525 3,114 19,158 42,904 3,786 15,372 16,329 25,851 35,924 1,303 3,106 31,291 89,974 9,670 21,621 8,367 18,327 21,754 725 1,287 2,057 3,614 380 1,677 663 1,874 1,425 575 1,579 1,973 6,430 667 1,306 4,670 35,252 514 300 794 759 2,447 189 570 96 647 144 521 1,148 239 909 13,464 1,346 735 1,646 3,347 6,954 547 2,800 24,371 93,136 2,193 1.544 2,183 6,586 6,522 400 1,441 447 994 6,444 1,998 35 103 44 59 142 37 Columbu 1,731 78 437 105 717 1,206 3,476 5,834 1,723 1,753 1,101 6,940 2,697 550 1,283 3,504 10,403 1,810 1,694 504 9,254 1,512 528 676 1,476 1,560 600 876 1,144 3,029 2,288 36 15 192 48 17 5 17 112 85 12 185 136 408 310 145 263 119 262 178 177 357 120 237 5.084 508 1,128 4,418 3,805 1,640 2,778 95,111 258,181 6,658 8,924 7,852 143,645 127,129 868 8,245 2,110 6,135 128,100 29,463 17 5 679 202 477 15,545 2,954 767 770 216,525 448,820 653 120 112 85 376 837 2,655 4,283 1,148 1,507 715 5,648 1,716 396 967 3,169 8,622 1,330 1,839 625 10,905 1,781 256 464 622 998 157 465 685 3,525 28 47 50 100 36 14 12 193 1 120 183 414 711 114 300 104 271 156 96 236 97 139 1,142 114 363 587 1,254 2,102 214 1,040 18,452 63,361 1.476 1.688 2,613 21,059 33,129 307 1,448 310 1,138 18,621 4,097 51 240 42 198 2,438 463 42 153 4,979 12,375 Cumber- 1 and 358 673 513 999 3,913 6,578 1,618 2,295 1,104 7,121 2,705 485 1,096 48,656 67,318 7,441 41,215 57,411 34,877 172,233 264 525 878 1,457 455 423 124 2,819 248 80 56 244 203 99 145 200 2,636 22 78 75 338 338 102 236 8 238 12 62 134 65 69 310 31 424 871 3,268 2,919 1,971 1,297 22,367 201,755 1,566 2,197 2,813 16,175 33,164 328 2,131 558 1,573 15,790 3,632 20 66 18 48 385 73 117 289 216.162 140,346 Curri- tuck 179 33 29 62 101 247 492 1,254 198 294 114 1.847 262 78 20B 593 3,074 382 211 123 1,324 344 60 169 130 440 44 86 50 1,671 100 26 24 62 98 42 20 65" 796 25 11 44 23 21 23 6 14 9 85 371 71 300 6,282 628 113 178 1,872 2,557 1,158 714 5,805 34, 339 464 240 213 1.940 4,385 65 207 55 152 1,850 574 17 33 13 20 90 24 16 34 1,018 3,413 Dare 1 33 475 10 23 1 130 3 7 216 216 9,656 966 11 6 8,037 6,005 7 8,030 160,594 130,695 12,848 207 200 383 490 9 195 8 187 343 106 3 12 5 4 16,905 11,860 1,287 939 181 508 990 1,563 9,130 16,617 2,584 6,546 2,456 15,075 4,789 794 1,509 15,188 25,104 5,327 9,861 811 22,242 2,149 551 757 1,584 2,456 316 1,268 134 2,873 281 452 724 1,780 2,957 476 1,304 840 45,019 109 217 159 628 439 137 491 27 268 40 325 816 161 655 4,381 438 639 819 4,150 4,899 596 3,554 8,020 74,336 722 560 292 1,853 2,170 159 522 209 313 1,703 511 18 38 8 30 150 36 45 380 3,494 27,801 727 924 131 695 652 1,277 6,364 16,476 1,537 4,827 1,262 25,697 2,461 573 1,269 6,039 20, 134 1,913 4,126 95 18,958 252 389 794 1,257 2,775 214 1,043 82 4,677 172 305 783 1,176 3,656 320 856 1,485 50,323 193 140 332 423 1,102 81 342 89 890 134 157 293 74 219 1,103 110 419 821 1,916 4,949 385 1,531 7,112 72,301 640 223 334 670 1,889 69 205 96 109 585 176 10 18 5 13 85 20 209 236 11,414 Uupli 1,366 99 17 3 98 665 2,086 3,847 11,583 1,494 2,353 1,541 15,406 3,775 682 2,394 6,306 19,290 2,437 3,869 1,596 19,463 4,788 301 833 707 1,715 255 452 675 6,788 1,350 43 14 75 23 48 27 176 76 19 98 243 547 726 146 401 346 654 519 67 124 43 81 1,108 111 719 1,662 1,810 2,821 483 1,327 46,680 339,872 3,268 4,087 6,891 62,831 101,671 556 3,510 607 2,903 54,310 12,491 155 577 104 473 8,521 1.619 542 696 284,897 376,180 812 267 322 299 696 739 9,585 10,694 3,624 5,961 3,540 16,652 7,257 467 523 4,588 5,432 2,343 2,245 470 5,2 54 1,292 418 520 1,317 1,721 402 915 297 846 594 Edg«- comhe 3,84 235 299 825 1,173 374 «51 502 10,924 60 211 207 727 727 201 526 74 333 111 132 337 138 199 2,460 246 500 491 3.303 2,199 1,145 2,158 33,565 41,819 2,685 805 316 1,879 2,943 137 753 173 580 1,738 608 18 52 11 41 141 42 38 174 6,449 8,123 817 124 92 107 479 592 3,194 4,418 1,095 2,099 1,477 6,297 3,397 546 763 4,207 7,140 1,385 2,822 1,170 10,296 3,276 277 291 640 855 201 439 588 2,078 1,176 141 191 398 693 200 198 1,061 7,670 127 90 73 305 213 94 211 49 156 74 132 254 67 187 8,290 829 301 380 1,585 974 180 1,405 30,671 54, 164 2,454 1,883 2,299 34,484 64,951 325 1,783 224 1,559 32,953 10,215 37 100 24 76 1,531 413 55 117 6,168 9,588 Forsyth 1,438 662 386 802 1,375 2,046 17,820 30,436 4,492 13,328 6,523 37,480 13, 372 964 1,750 31,382 51,843 4,172 27,210 11,178 56,840 30,740 770 1,265 2,373 4,511 562 1,811 588 4,715 1,176 708 1.234 2,583 5,246 752 1,831 3,538 112,535 425 336 577 905 2,051 265 640 190 1,118 285 239 469 136 333 3,992 399 756 1,314 5,857 10, 42B 1,042 4,815 35,443 123,622 2,835 369 782 1,004 3,323 121 334 114 220 812 284 18 35 23 12 192 58 81 482 28,347 102,365 1,434 354 476 356 1,295 1,413 15,110 20,691 4,553 10,557 11,170 46.0S2 22,898 1,117 1,306 11,922 16,884 5,359 6,563 2,306 23,205 6,342 725 702 2,241 1,991 791 1,450 1,164 4,962 2,328 389 562 1, 144 2,037 528 616 2,391 34,439 287 175 74 532 207 164 368 202 192 303 287 652 254 398 8,203 820 653 696 1,747 1,843 535 1,212 26,666 101,739 2,133 1,747 1,367 9,865 17,466 340 1,656 453 1,203 9,489 3,321 34 91 21 70 376 113 34 96 2,840 6,459 1,069 374 406 749 918 1,159 12,395 17,530 4,112 8,283 4,160 15,179 9,152 754 1,059 19,877 43,157 3,425 16,452 1,070 2,993 2,782 497 543 1,485 1,901 435 1,050 149 515 320 397 567 1,617 3,236 619 998 917 7,202 101 305 432 923 1,535 310 613 59 447 88 400 889 240 649 1 12,251 1,225 655 823 7,227 11,172 1,232 5,995 27,417 70,415 2,468 1,142 833 2,432 2,307 235 1,036 298 738 1,993 618 42 106 26 80 439 114 69 123 8,326 14,547 Galea 568 7 93 26 268 446 1,324 2,371 259 1,065 737 4,609 1,695 243 443 2,652 3,320 899 1,753 364 4,227 1,019 136 197 256 346 59 197 108 1,087 216 7 10 20 17 2 18 108 30 13 28 34 57 49 14 43 34 14 51 52 121 29 92 1,182 118 284 275 1,489 1,415 557 932 15,755 41,219 1,260 418 509 3,806 8,056 108 371 45 326 3,104 962 16 47 13 34 702 190 10 122 764 8,247 Graham 589 224 176 189 584 71B 11,653 15,615 1,342 10,311 3,025 14,436 5,899 24 116 139 851 30 109 2 21 6 22 52 67 113 5 62 44 95 436 517 62 374 144 4,870 20 14 34 57 240 4 53 5 17 s 13 3 10 155 16 226 262 1,278 1,496 170 1,108 10,265 42,518 719 Gran- ville 20 85 558 3,304 1 , 264 1,162 292 839 1,105 1,299 12,339 16,803 3,493 8,846 6,360 22,887 13,038 892 1,141 9,654 21,031 3,894 5,760 1,762 26,979 4,846 714 903 2,176 2,758 734 1,442 640 4,941 1,280 326 446 1,023 1,452 446 577 967 13,455 116 182 193 538 620 162 376 53 244 80 167 353 135 218 3,723 372 463 513 2,498 1,659 351 2,147 20,504 68,156 1,640 566 408 2,280 4.972 144 519 127 392 2,005 702 18 47 15 32 275 82 27 90 4,152 54,228 569 103 63 145 275 537 1,729 3,409 668 1,061 737 4,725 1.769 345 673 3.131 6,470 1,483 1,648 622 7,836 1,773 164 287 386 664 103 283 341 2,642 631 30 24 66 51 37 29 S 200 1 36 17 106 63 22 84 12 40 18 53 83 30 53 996 100 154 2S2 313 624 79 234 7,575 61,419 606 1,134 2.023 20,810 32,700 221 1,019 216 803 17,730 3,901 40 115 23 92 3,080 585 40 99 1,652 9,012 140 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 6 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Hender- Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell Jackson John- Jones son ston Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: 1 land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees... .. farms reporting 1950... 2,656 1.661 1,686 1,966 1.577 599 441 309 2,703 1.482 2,757 273 ? 1945. . . 986 504 370 559 846 7 192 6 2,252 552 87 16 3 acres 1950 '.. 684 405 254 1,974 5,342 38 435 359 799 678 471 24 4 1945. . . 962 340 422 1,587 4,331 8 728 18 2,098 624 152 21 5 1950. . . 2,306 1, 341 1,276 1,923 1,548 422 294 164 2,577 1.411 2.033 129 6 1945... 2,279 1,554 2,100 2,092 1,638 636 565 349 2,768 1,919 2.891 236 7 trees of all ages., number 1950. . . 25,888 11,313 9,755 111.145 258.385 2,282 2.288 1,422 34.222 33,030 17, 106 721 B 1945... 29,173 15,017 16.340 117,468 209,008 3,520 5,556 2,565 45.869 42,668 25,551 1,484 9 trees not of bearing age. .number 1950... 5,904 3,032 4.743 24,778 82,021 533 1,070 468 9,231 9,671 6,033 357 10 trees of bearing age. .number 1950. . . 19,984 8,281 5,012 86,367 176.36.4 1,749 1,218 954 24,991 23, 359 11,073 364 11 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949. . . 6,378 10,857 2,768 85.890 344.415 1,186 721 542 14,436 9,008 7.850 202 12 1944. . . 35,909 26,577 11,808 162,085 254,932 4,750 5.818 1,797 52,765 50,414 23.538 1.276 13 value. .dollars 1949. . . 13,075 24,971 6,782 167,486 671,609 2,728 1,766 1,301 28,150 17,566 18,840 485 14 1950. . . 1,658 1,257 1,152 178 127 373 271 95 2.075 190 1.833 130 15 1945. . . 1,878 1,552 2, 223 232 57 672 590 256 2,579 296 2,730 274 16 trees of all ages.. number 1950... 29.211 13,354 17,' 578 7 31 1,954 2,393 35, 522 1,202 27,471 1.321 29, 159 1,285 17 1945... 47,123 17,766 31,213 1,200 1,697 4,083 59. 177 1,939 48, 037 2.475 40.071 3,511 18 trees not of bearing age.. number L950... 6,812 5,437 6.538 287 722 554 1,851 847 8,358 573 12. 165 499 19 trees of bearing age. .number 19 50... 22,399 7,917 11.040 444 1,232 1.839 33,671 355 19,113 748 16,994 786 20 quantity harvested. .bushels 1949. . . 1,266 4.433 3,554 25 249 329 31.256 58 1,313 36 7,538 122 21 1944... 36,033 21,405 17,411 54 272 5,038 23.594 916 35,989 126 23,604 2,863 22 value. . dollars 1949. . . 3,482 12,412 10,662 72 722 921 93,768 165 3,479 104 21,483 348 23 Pears. . . farms reporting 1950... 1,469 852 606 237 186 241 157 117 1,374 141 855 95 24 1945... 1,615 925 1,073 377 78 306 261 289 1,519 131 1,089 132 25 trees of all ages.. number 1950... 4,768 2,037 1,592 488 509 394 388 267 3,771 403 1,807 246 26 1945... 5,892 2,190 2,632 801 403 583 621 671 4.321 348 2,299 327 27 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 714 558 817 64 153 83 192 69 1,044 108 '715 74 28 trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 4,054 1.479 775 424 356 311 196 198 2,727 295 1,092 172 29 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949... 359 2.123 637 26 165 282 96 302 584 28 977 252 30 1944. . . 7.846 4,857 3,833 69 195 1,526 1,184 1,369 2,402 9 3,593 1,048 31 value. . dol lars 1949. . . 718 4,246 1,274 46 289 564 192 559 1,226 49 1,807 466 32 Cherries. . . farms reporting 1950... 1,100 345 228 738 251 46 43 5 1.207 437 337 13 33 1945. . . 1,236 487 266 1,329 141 33 46 12 1,662 885 398 1 34 trees of all ages.. number 1950... 3,598 768 457 4,100 1,092 73 71 8 4,804 2,173 774 21 35 1945. . . 5,254 1,234 690 6.586 1,732 60 112 25 7,489 4,810 1,085 20 36 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950. . . B27 315 293 536 527 14 51 4 1,652 646 412 10 37 trees of bearing age.. number 1950. . . 2,771 453 164 3.564 565 59 20 4 3,152 1,527 362 11 38 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949. . . 2,240 1,946 511 3.848 2,525 376 31 8 28,061 1.998 1,350 39 1944. . . 105, 199 13.546 3.404 24.250 6,977 258 384 81 128,762 20,001 6,645 40 value. . dollars 1949. . . 269 234 56 539 354 45 3 1 3,648 280 162 41 1950... 663 249 188 237 126 67 77 32 660 139 230 32 42 1945... 774 183 85 440 33 88 86 97 1,244 100 115 .55 43 trees of all ages.. number 1950. . . 2,034 627 406 715 334 138 171 60 2,295 446 739 119 44 1945... 2,788 426 205 1,224 123 280 227 246 4.983 371 390 193 45 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 552 137 204 126 67 24 91 25 640 86 224 20 ir. trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 1,482 490 202 5B9 267 114 80 35 1,655 360 515 99 47 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949. . . 210 354 121 52 26 51 29 6 174 117 389 36 48 1944. . . 1,894 496 129 102 29 118 158 70 3.209 57 364 62 49 value. . dollars 1949... 315 531 182 78 39 76 44 9 261 176 584 54 50 1950... 660 325 260 6 19 133 48 124 541 14 444 31 51 trees of all ages.. number 1950... 1,544 761 522 19 89 243 102 763 1,147 70 731 69 52 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 326 267 208 7 27 46 59 248 315 13 243 23 53 trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 1.218 494 314 12 62 197 43 515 832 57 488 46 54 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949... 13,035 10, 326 7.031 221 3, 199 512 10,427 26,967 200 10.975 445 55 value. .dol lars 1949. . . 1.304 1,033 703 22 320 51 1,043 2,697 20 1,098 44 56 1950... 1,502 755 763 1,026 593 303 276 78 1,400 788 1,202 108 57 1945... 1,496 824 1,241 1,414 348 378 455 204 1,569 1,074 1,490 162 58 vines of all ages.. number 1950. . . 9,494 2,011 2,699 5,515 9,542 452 1.009 232 13,017 4,900 3,017 236 5° 1945... 13.697 1,988 3,524 9,719 5,196 553 1,508 454 9.367 7.481 3,167 274 60 vines not of bearing age., number 1950... 1.534 396 964 702 2,369 75 375 86 7,275 1.230 856 69 61 vines of bearing age.. number 1950... 7,960 1,615 1,735 4,813 7,173 377 634 146 5.742 3,670 2.161 167 62 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949. . . 38,640 41,917 28, 286 34,084 36. 102 19,733 20,540 .7,240 41,728 18,615 51,528 3,455 63 1944... 227,490 82,927 97,026 180,288 39. 130 21,880 105,438 15,924 154, 260 129,931 99,032 19, 529 64 value. . dollars 1949... 3,091 3, 353 1,980 2,386 2,527 1,579 1,438 579 3,756 1,303 4,122 276 65 Pecans (improved and 1950... 1945... 1,140 1,011 1,851 2,013 3,522 5,066 39 1 18 2 565 551 1,668 2,496 9,372 8,542 1.303 1,739 56 7,055 8.242 762 1,222 66 67 quantity harvested. -pounds 1949. . . 3,921 22,7 50 23,014 8,266 15,427 50.220 3,140 475 106, 226 6.5°4 68 1944. . . 7,262 30,066 37,297 4,886 25,076 4,295 12,984 120, 132 16,179 69 Improved pecans (budded, grafted, 1950... 336 438 679 13 7 162 187 135 378 9 1,349 108 70 trees of all ages.. number 1950. . . 1,037 1,722 3.413 37 13 479 1,393 8.569 1,230 55 6,231 671 71 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 355 581 1,233 11 6 79 217 131 480 11 1,528 135 72 trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 682 1.141 2,180 26 7 400 1,176 8,438 750 44 4,703 536 73 quantity harvested. . rounds 1949.. . 3,679 21,614 22,663 7,045 14. 412 27,553 3.075 475 93,959 5,730 74 value. .dollars 1949. . . 1,288 6,700 5,212 2,184 3,315 6,062 922 142 20,671 1.261 75 1950... 41 39 40 1 2 39 18 90 29 1 232 20 76 trees of all ages., number 1950... 10 3 129 109 2 5 86 275 803 73 1 824 91 77 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 14 32 75 3 14 16 9 27 1 211 18 78 trees of bearing age.. number 1950. . . 89 97 34 2 2 72 259 794 46 613 73 79 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949... 242 1,136 351 1,221 1,015 22,667 65 12, 267 864 80 value. . doll ars 1949. . . 73 307 67 330 193 4,307 16 2,331 164 81 Other tree fruits and 1949... 78 63 177 70 21 29 2 17 9 10 00 2 82 Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and 1949. . . 75 82 57 B8 477 17 47 70 86 34 224 11 83 1944... 367 202 183 241 590 30 132 58 338 213 269 58 84 dol lars 1949... 5, 197 8,491 5,589 117,601 359,273 1,215 85.356 8.676 6.437 4.629 20,827 371 85 1944. . . 52,025 15,092 18, 194 255,170 244,099 1,290 59,235 6,099 43,714 14.579 15,972 8,299 For 1950, does not include ocres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA 141 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued u. Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madison Mnrtin Meeklen- Mitchell Mont- gomery Moore Null. Ne» Hanover North- ampton Onalo. Orange Pamlico Pasquo- tank 789 1,039 916 846 1,633 2.045 1,065 1,380 1,196 459 1,097 1,982 103 906 638 1.211 232 306 1 537 126 1,020 328 541 1,619 86 954 908 229 441 463 11 17 169 754 10 9 2 251 174 368 836 736 940 67 480 605 3,963 1,991 396 33 185 S7 332 50 392 3 410 142 1,086 684 68" 1,511 51 913 1,076 3,926 3,824 418 13 28 140 823 20 340 4 660 477 834 813 1,553 2,037 733 1.257 1,196 312 882 1,443 22 762 398 1, 142 128 165 5 7S6 539 1,274 1,421 1,469 2,655 685 1,456 1,135 398 1,019 1,904 237 1,211 684 1,102 178 197 6 5.659 2,507 16, 124 37,443 36,471 56,218 3,363 14,681 45,325 18.708 26.783 12,990 615 5,349 2,294 13, 373 933 1,43) 7 6,832 4.170 25,405 38,294 39, 129 75.544 3,874 16, 458 53,234 9. 511 20,079 20,027 1.170 9,651 4,956 18,082 1,091 728 8 1,841 875 5,010 8,116 8 299 9,204 638 4,442 9,502 2,812 4,129 3,222 580 1,304 1,044 3,358 541 626 9 3,818 1.632 11,114 29, 327 28,172 47.014 2,725 10,-39 35,823 15,896 22,654 9,768 35 4.045 1,250 10,015 392 805 10 3,459 1,314 9.986 26,100 3.628 3,167 1,764 5,053 15.255 5,866 10,550 9,019 21 1.760 788 4,556 176 1.032 11 8,605 5,924 15,542 6 2,554 40.551 110,556 5,756 9,707 102,294 10,165 16,557 37,644 231 17,139 5,926 22,324 1,245 346 12 6,745 3,154 21,969 50.895 7,075 6,176 4,057 11, 117 29,747 12,905 23,210 20,744 51 4,048 1,931 9,340 422 2.374 13 510 562 612 316 2B0 372 721 1,007 68 290 510 1.328 19 754 338 895 76 128 14 760 661 1,241 538 145 275 710 1,322 41 326 746 1,816 243 1,276 670 970 148 147 15 14,829 9,754 11,812 2,769 1,857 1,916 5,141 22,742 427 371.492 104,356 12,764 505 9,937 3,231 9,120 625 2,225 16 23,429 11.596 35.077 7,010 1,502 1,522 5.828 35,799 190 381.571 311,513 19,809 1,972 11,352 9.454 15.018 1,498 1,718 17 2,152 5.299 2,365 1,173 586 549 1,963 7,119 97 103.580 31,924 4,673 420 1.880 1,849 3,299 424 674 18 12,677 4,455 9,447 1,596 1.271 1.367 3,178 15,623 330 267,912 72.432 8,091 85 8,057 1,382 5,821 201 1,551 19 5.949 2,123 1,800 11 4 1 1,526 4,492 226,830 35,112 4,677 105 1,784 485 217 168 342 20 17,502 10, 683 6,753 3,340 148 218 6,634 3,722 61 431,548 192.571 31,008 155 15,378 6,644 10,149 1,338 216 21 15,765 6,051 4,680 32 12 3 4,27 3 11,679 589,758 91,291 13,096 315 4.995 1,455 597 470 958 22 321 267 371 224 19 5 437 501 7 39 305 97 388 703 35 413 258 740 95 152 23 391 386 697 276 148 425 440 868 189 171 463 887 280 562 409 723 126 116 24 830 783 1,085 514 612 993 1,052 2,598 932 285 1.086 1,676 114 759 688 2,004 773 342 25 893 1,933 2,350 824 464 923 968 3,311 498 437 1.284 2,166 1,190 1,073 1,045 2,238 364 267 26 247 155 214 160 87 118 146 833 64 64 417 443 37 178 258 395 129 138 27 583 628 871 354 525 875 906 1,765 868 221 669 1.233 77 581 430 1,609 144 204 28 317 858 210 32 3 14 1,231 436 3 50 236 1,507 149 258 572 177 207 158 29 1,680 5.613 797 668 95 265 2,011 1,515 887 831 2,667 5,517 460 3.248 2,958 2,886 875 364 30 666 1,587 452 56 5 24 2,462 937 5 108 507 3,014 298 516 1,144 354 383 316 31 124 29 328 312 423 786 62 475 411 51 148 459 3 171 27 441 12 24 32 268 J6 743 527 396 1,051 53 674 450 93 164 654 39 185 9 526 3 5 33 311 55 1,281 1,377 2.671 4,114 434 1,734 2.573 379 403 1,093 7 334 44 1,787 21 52 34 890 86 4,295 3,413 3,274 6,133 126 3,873 2,978 302 554 1,948 141 501 14 2,346 3 14 35 180 25 392 466 551 589 348 819 332 78 218 458 5 108 30 627 20 28 36 131 30 889 911 2,120 3,525 86 915 2,241 301 185 635 2 226 14 1.160 1 24 37 230 44 1,508 1,159 310 143 466 1,012 270 72 155 3,342 5 413 1.456 20 38 12,998 413 15. 328 49,496 14,291 54.269 887 11.792 50. 333 2,775 2,602 27.996 175 3.955 23, 240 105 39 30 5 166 162 43 20 56 111 38 8 17 401 1 50 175 2 40 87 52 130 156 116 295 152 390 46 46 124 254 6 95 95 291 40 44 41 98 38 335 142 49 339 62 665 24 32 124 261 72 75 118 205 43 29 42 229 174 469 481 656 1.236 392 1,589 123 1SB 364 605 23 208 564 770 122 177 43 230 14S 1,136 515 440 1,238 160 3,504 95 105 650 649 263 190 492 671 164 10'4 44 90 26 137 108 81 161 66 676 9 42 151 148 10 54 132 189 54 28 45 139 148 332 373 575 1.075 326 913 114 116 213 457 13 154 432 581 68 149 46 47 129 41 99 12 51 174 136 25 76 283 3 132 74 77 35 11 47 235 114 221 404 200 1.006 43 970 68 135 442 533 138 210 203 820 110 48 70 194 62 148 18 76 261 204 38 114 424 4 198 111 116 52 16 49 159 65 264 29 4 9 209 630 2 81 101 392 16 254 118 240 50 119 SO 302 144 570 78 15 45 379 1,809 5 1,260 187 753 70 439 246 533 256 538 51 80 47 139 8 6 16 80 494 656 87 175 4 111 116 149 139 175 52 222 97 431 70 9 29 299 1,315 5 604 1Q0 578 66 328 130 384 117 363 53 7,213 1,945 9,606 610 9,850 14.446 15,770 916 11, 286 3,799 5,506 2,073 3,905 1,166 8,273 54 721 194 961 61 985 1,445 1,577 92 1,129 380 551 207 390 117 827 55 408 371 417 466 1,018 1.086 460 764 569 144 640 901 56 478 385 678 115 152 56 508 421 779 500 B56 1,309 458 856 440 312 905 1,099 317 796 499 675 146 130 57 1,166 1.123 18,991 7,899 5.400 5,756 924 5,655 2,231 409 103,058 2,940 423 938 1.465 2,547 295 555 58 1,365 964 7,982 6,161 4.813 8,473 762 8,175 1,675 2,298 23, 194 4,163 1,775 1,482 1,025 4,596 279 339 59 325 320 2.005 823 1.077 1,023 209 1,604 244 90 25.842 514 36 149 957 547 132 195 60 841 803 16,986 7,076 4,323 4.733 715 4,051 1,987 319 77,216 2,426 387 789 508 2,000 163 360 61 20,830 30,553 67,402 13,904 32,236 16.997 44,177 16,975 3,201 4,559 82,757 58,943 7,596 16,216 36.372 15,720 7,952 11.782 62 117,596 92,093 82, 263 92,524 126,682 170.242 66,473 73,001 46,233 121,395 268,731 125,399 7,696 61,966 89,656 59,617 18,303 4,374 63 1,875 2,444 6,066 973 2,257 1,190 3,534 1,528 224 410 7,448 4,715 532 1,297 2,546 1, 258 636 943 64 1.150 3,568 393 38 136 1,199 2,504 2,073 61 256 1,423 4,199 525 1.260 1,711 517 1,249 3,969 65 1,410 3,631 386 75 4 2,809 1,751 313 1,947 4,944 1,824 1,472 1.899 442 1,103 5.284 66 6,248 65,984 679 22 1,170 120 45.017 6,177 225 286 11,773 47,707 5.866 9,588 20, 310 1.213 13,048 6.874 67 12,362 57,786 778 367 20 36,025 6,453 1,905 16,875 92,134 7.740 36,876 30,994 5,515 12, 025 37,766 68 270 532 114 15 21 22 541 361 13 50 269 780 59 325 296 181 138 125 69 1.064 3,223 362 33 99 1,192 2,369 1,977 36 249 1,300 3,696 437 1.210 1,413 416 1,063 3,862 70 388 728 129 24 4 1,160 325 702 6 79 359 692 133 241 355 136 299 107 71 676 2,495 233 9 95 32 2,044 1.275 30 170 941 3,004 304 969 1,058 280 764 3,755 72 5.768 59,983 619 2 1,070 120 43.539 5,210 125 286 11,093 43,70 3 4.666 9.098 17, 526 1,131 11,862 6,304 73 1,730 13,196 192 1 321 36 13. 497 1,615 38 89 3,439 13, 548 1,073 2,820 4,031 396 2,610 1,954 74 26 66 13 2 4 4 46 33 1 2 26 153 8 28 65 29 28 26 75 86 345 31 5 37 7 135 96 25 7 123 503 88 50 298 101 186 107 76 20 32 21 2 22 4 15 44 5 49 91 9 25 66 36 V 19 77 66 313 10 3 15 3 120 52 25 2 74 412 79 25 232 65 no 88 78 480 6,001 60 20 100 1.478 967 100 680 4,004 1,200 490 2.784 82 1,186 570 79 115 1,140 16 4 22 399 251 22 177 1,081 228 132 S29 25 225 154 80 37 60 3 13 104 5 18 3 20 19 34 2 48 8 9 62 14 81 44 .97 31 32 43 23 79 64 34 76 72 95 37 35 70 31 34 28 82 106 161 79 267 229 296 98 205 438 143 228 543 16 121 85 205 59 23 83 18,551 8.377 17,250 37,679 2.071 2,025 3,326 12,461 16.610 374,672 87,823 9,481 10,500 3,077 2,723 1,127 2,010 3,251 84 37. 312 16,413 15,346 56,076 12,481 20,654 4,364 10,680 59,538 853,009 517,948 39,099 4,660 5,666 4,973 7,724 3,458 8.895 85 991354 O- 52 - 11 142 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 6 of 7>— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item Pender Perquim- Person Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rock- Rowan Ruther- Sampson fFor definitions and explanations, see text ans ingham ford Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: 1 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 1950... 567 398 1,026 1,095 530 1,320 697 1,784 2,101 1,563 1,385 1,922 2 1945... 38 10 1,220 211 337 333 169 219 1,266 2.249 617 1,017 3 acres 1950 >.. 86 23 310 212 1,348 278 3,116 351 577 481 956 158 4 1945... 274 28 1,249 292 1,461 247 4,348 265 1,263 2,247 1,381 612 5 1950... 297 223 957 67 5 436 1,203 445 920 1.996 1,400 1,125 1,173 6 1945... 940 397 1,306 1.382 562 2,237 552 2,273 1,963 2.482 1,679 2,684 7 trees of all ages. .number 1950... 2,117 1,079 11,628 3.481 25.839 14,846 11,309 4,893 30,889 16,572 25,797 6,592 8 1945. . . 5,294 1,623 20,987 7,045 16,301 25,925 10,107 11,043 36,151 30,623 23,493 15,995 9 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 1,146 404 3,614 1,276 9,615 4,512 6,123 1,712 6,275 4,034 14,849 2,676 10 trees of bearing age.. number 1950. .. 971 675 8,014 2,205 16,224 10.334 5,186 3,181 24,614 12,538 10,948 3,916 11 quantity harvested. .bushels 1949... 495 146 4,372 1,680 8,895 3,330 7,340 2,386 8,402 9,544 5,621 1.598 12 1944... 1,922 2,024 14,767 12,777 17,339 29,446 15,119 16,991 53.050 31.042 25,489 19,070 13 value. . dollars 1949. . . 1,213 336 8,963 4,032 17,345 6,494 16,148 5.846 17,224 18,611 10,961 3,915 14 1950... 216 192 872 767 256 851 304 791 1,591 1,079 770 1,115 15 1945... 861 396 1,228 1,620 470 1,862 436 2,828 1.715 2,257 1,559 3,036 16 trees of all ages.. number 1950... 1,514 1,353 11,234 7,050 9P.981 10,468 250,159 10,566 20,136 21,829 70,795 10,793 17 1945... 5,337 2,902 19,196 14,858 97,707 27,214 447,023 22,287 32,269 52,517 110,336 23, 969 18 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 1,103 468 4,483 2,866 10,277 3,099 65,345 5,601 5,369 6,964 10,718 6,688 19 trees of bearing age. .number 1950... 411 885 6,751 4,184 88,704 7,369 184,814 4,965 14,767 14,865 60,077 4,105 20 quantity harvested. .bushels 1949... 70 243 1,031 2,035 16,227 553 168,235 3,788 588 5,512 15,027 1,153 21 1944... 1,032 2,289 9,727 24,217 63,041 17,257 419,240 23,872 35,615 35,018 74, 392 23,146 22 value. . dollars 1949... 210 680 2,835 5,800 47,058 1,465 437,411 11,364 1,617 14,607 43, 578 3,459 23 1950... 121 172 645 406 125 626 253 386 1.167 817 452 483 24 1945... 211 316 672 644 182 1,372 396 960 1,024 1,669 739 1.031 25 trees of all ages. -number 1950... 321 336 1,783 850 456 1,911 899 846 4,061 2,375 1,554 1,114 26 1945... 395 644 2,014 1,420 916 4, 305 1,599 2,034 3,946 5,153 4,441 1,985 27 trees not of bearing age. .number 1950... 144 80 647 275 40 670 286 303 693 456 452 461 28 trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 177 256 1,136 575 416 1,241 613 543 3,368 1,919 1,102 653 29 quantity harvested. .bushels 1949. . . 85 154 345 785 31 334 196 435 417 314 265 340 30 1944... 286 1,814 1,791 4,824 836 5,933 1,878 4,187 6,063 3,633 7,299 4,669 31 value. .dollars 1949... 170 308 690 1,452 54 701 421 870 834 659 464 680 32 1950... 14 11 416 68 106 396 87 53 861 655 346 89 33 1945. . . 15 10 437 111 179 940 200 85 889 1,731 818 104 34 trees of all ages. .number 1950... 30 15 1,051 147 360 1,363 422 73 2,407 2,474 1,407 180 35 1945... 26 15 1,687 266 782 3,890 596 172 3,223 8,978 4,180 194 36 trees not of bearing age. .number 1950... 27 9 419 64 81 522 306 50 529 739 436 103 37 trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 3 6 632 B3 279 841 116 23 1,878 1,735 971 77 38 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949. . . 3 860 460 312 1,373 72 46 951 3,221 1,478 685 39 1944. . . 245 Q 17,095 1,451 7,818 55,209 2.264 2,983 80,993 96,040 36,861 963 40 value. .dollars 1949... < 2 > 103 55 44 178 8 5 114 419 207 75 41 1950... 49 40 159 150 72 264 88 138 599 408 120 141 42 1945... 92 64 206 144 43 780 119 252 422 963 95 144 43 trees of all ages. .number 1950... 140 149 559 380 223 711 262 282 1,677 1,268 850 295 44 1945... 315 373 801 571 124 2,592 379 643 2,031 3,478 307 297 45 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 71 30 189 112 73 263 106 89 411 346 93 122 46 trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 69 119 370 268 150 448 156 193 1,266 922 757 173 47 quantity harvested. .bushels 1949... 13 9 46 292 434 104 15 98 120 93 32 108 48 1944... 60 230 436 517 26 1,493 69 875 1,092 1,901 122 349 49 value. . dollars 1949... 20 14 69 438 651 156 22 147 180 140 48 162 50 1950... 50 85 127 161 103 309 118 150 337 580 179 149 51 trees of all ages.. number 1950... 132 26* 242 273 1,010 676 302 258 801 1,370 444 256 52 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 36 61 72 98 283 143 122 69 221 283 105 83 53 trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 96 205 170 175 727 533 180 189 580 1,087 339 173 54 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949... 910 3,801 365 4,303 5,254 4,027 1,979 4,029 8.158 15.988 3,513 2,503 55 value. . dollars 1949. . . 91 380 36 430 525 403 198 403 816 1,599 351 250 56 1950... 404 223 317 461 229 697 412 766 819 960 513 1,006 57 1945... 708 290 512 850 310 1,436 639 1,704 746 1,891 787 1.799 58 vines of all ages. .number 1950... 5.673 712 1,167 1,035 43.493 3,878 2.515 2,465 4,326 5.227 7,374 2,348 59 1945... 1,614 l.oes 1,703 1,682 43,567 4,973 3,178 3.754 4.950 12,075 11,337 3,609 60 vines not of bearing age. .number 1950... 1,192 62 428 2B4 2,248 566 742 611 946 1.064 2,555 671 61 vines of bearing age.. number 1950... 4.481 650 739 751 41.245 3,312 1,773 1.854 3.380 4.163 4,819 1,677 62 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949... 72,731 68, 187 2,007 38,315 76,740 10,001 36,984 62,778 17,982 29,459 10,366 51,300 63 1944... 43,942 126,767 27,595 77,931 130, 7 82 164,863 114.367 402,834 57,904 186.949 68,883 321.069 64 value. .dollars 1949. . . 5,091 5,455 161 3,065 5,372 900 3,329 4,394 1,439 2,651 726 3,591 65 Pecans (improved and 1950... 1945... 1,327 1,659 956 922 364 829 3,790 5,166 150 83 539 817 1,526 3.658 7,606 8,857 500 396 1,769 2,834 219 78 4.028 7.158 66 67 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949... 15.986 11,648 665 92.259 851 1,436 6,113 201,918 1,355 5.517 237 56,563 68 1944. . . 19.022 17,624 1,818 94,685 1,750 9,299 19,240 165.216 2,163 9,184 445 86,282 69 Improved pecans (budded, grafted, 1950. . . 214 193 91 605 38 157 229 797 185 458 74 859 70 trees of all ages.. number 1950... 1,201 810 352 3,589 145 481 1,388 7,286 478 1,645 176 3,746 71 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 300 106 71 983 28 215 327 973 190 730 86 931 72 trees of bearing age.. number 1950... 901 704 273 2,606 117 266 1,061 6,313 288 915 90 2,815 73 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949... 13,987 9,902 665 88,424 851 1,226 5,819 196,516 1,347 5,157 207 54,615 74 value. . dollars 1949... 3,217 3,070 233 19,453 255 368 1,804 45,199 471 1,547 62 12,561 75 1950... 47 46 6 63 3 17 45 92 14 46 18 90 76 trees of all ages.. number 1950... 126 146 12 201 5 58 138 320 22 124 43 282 77 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950... 20 52 7 97 4 34 44 104 4 48 18 127 78 trees of bearing age. .number 1950... 106 94 5 104 1 24 04 216 18 76 25 155 79 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949. . . 1,999 1,746 3,835 210 294 5,402 8 360 30 1,948 80 value. .dollars 1949... 380 471 729 50 76 1,026 2 86 7 370 81 Other tree fruits and 1949... 4 4 34 16 1 55 6 26 58 120 82 Value of fruits, including berries ■nd other small fruits, and 1949... 407 77 5 93 113 33 76 185 41 74 84 248 83 1944... 268 131 49 269 149 388 303 383 190 486 441 475 84 dollars 1949... 306, 183 5,662 1,834 9.599 45,517 1,045 380,802 25,794 2,608 16,384 24,426 121,345 85 1944. . . 198,538 19,903 1,804 23.240 99,965 26,511 1,157,714 38,404 34,860 60,424 92,976 127,593 For 1950, does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. Less than 1 dollar. NORTH CAROLINA 143 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945- -Continued Scotland Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transyl- vania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Wash- ington WaLouda Wayne Wilkea Wilson Yadkin Yancey 254 1,197 1,765 1.675 468 753 134 1,969 9.19 2,501 1,266 302 1,953 1,636 3,368 1,566 1,784 1,680 1 58 574 1,158 1,106 164 262 27 1,386 894 1.462 222 10 1,719 164 2.210 156 773 377 2 585 278 718 1.009 266 181 24 374 292 1,096 293 357 1,760 596 3,486 248 411 815 3 1,2"»5 470 801 2,139 175 162 27 1,056 908 1,602 239 295 2,099 226 4,446 180 546 856 4 85 1,066 1.706 1,753 464 697 46 1,686 874 1,911 1,121 169 1,90 1 1,049 3,252 966 1,664 1,865 5 277 858 2,252 2,361 762 627 145 2,482 1,161 3,043 1,552 229 2,125 1,436 4,220 1,712 2,095 1,823 6 506 13.190 35,849 41,738 13,347 11,674 324 20,115 10,786 29, 448 11,060 1,172 69,747 6,728 174.242 6,896 24,229 53,601 7 1,566 12,768 47.720 71,780 16,340 10,634 769 31,900 20,204 53,085 16,565 1,193 no R99 0,765 229,634 12,475 31,336 68,729 8 187 3,125 10,421 6,329 3,475 2,077 121 6,324 1,765 6,422 2,824 654 7,204 1,972 25,301 2, 101 4,820 6,036 9 31° 10.065 25,428 33,409 9,872 9,597 203 13,791 9,021 23,026 8,236 518 62,543 4,756 146,941 4,795 19,409 47, 565 10 183 4.561 18,246 32.497 2,737 2,350 43 7,585 3.014 14,631 7,767 143 59, 100 2,998 147. 80S 4,533 27.677 5,192 11 2,713 11,219 50,924 124.035 23,310 la.KSl 1,037 17,553 21.824 71,688 32,174 2,326 144,047 10. 180 332,143 21,676 46,665 101,024 12 448 10,034 37,404 61.744 5,337 4,562 99 16,687 6,179 28,530 15,963 329 112,290 7,195 280,830 10,879 52,966 10,124 13 86 752 1,279 1,112 74 112 30 1,552 695 1,427 1,014 162 249 1,062 1.S3B 957 1,288 218 14 265 747 1,850 1,615 132 43 77 2,251 1,106 2,607 1,479 229 308 1,576 2,117 1,740 1,930 124 15 44,136 9,787 18.604 36,141 66 7 660 1,288 19,238 7,321 19,575 12,575 5,740 1,297 14,496 19,491 11,307 16,954 1.142 16 96, 580 13,706 33,351 97,088 985 107 1,069 36,997 19,397 41,362 15,567 8,154 1.7B7 19,195 37,648 23,440 28,501 758 17 2,417 1,910 6,040 11,729 267 301 41 6.292 2,107 10,199 6,260 1,613 290 3,882 7,357 4,250 7,008 296 16 41, 7 1° 7,677 12,564 24,412 420 379 1,247 12,946 5,214 9,376 6,315 3,927 1,007 10,614 12,134 7,057 9,946 846 19 30,799 1,360 2,250 12,870 11 15 17 915 413 4,352 1,174 2,679 9 3,066 437 4,039 1,439 2 20 86,994 12,030 21,642 68,420 33 11 1,427 7,157 17,714 42,545 18.895 4,973 423 15,875 20,762 27,803 26,651 97 21 92,397 3.588 6,188 36,036 32 44 48 2,379 1,136 11,533 3,228 7,501 25 8,738 1,224 11,511 4,029 6 22 62 516 781 601 28 105 27 857 5B6 1,044 693 109 335 627 907 458 924 351 23 146 438 879 595 55 50 92 912 911 1,544 1,017 143 411 667 911 702 1.150 117 24 144 1,337 2,020 1,728 70 252 62 2,231 1.868 2,725 1,941 219 691 1,606 2,099 896 3,410 805 25 258 1,296 2,488 1,637 125 90 194 2,504 3,627 4.069 3,081 332 810 1,732 2,166 1,376 4,686 347 26 81 447 478 608 15 80 19 784 242 891 465 52 126 496 667 263 366 119 27 63 890 1,542 1,120 55 172 43 1,447 1,626 1,834 1,476 167 565 1,110 1,432 613 3,024 686 28 85 206 696 831 7 8 6 434 400 1,042 800 78 23 656 682 791 915 9 29 1,011 1,245 2.764 1,986 9 5 1,010 1,910 7,153 9,833 7,759 1,739 1,048 4,494 965 3,624 8,592 272 30 no 443 1,792 1,579 12 14 12 933 800 2,188 1,600 156 44 1,214 1,296 1,463 1,738 16 31 17 405 720 627 68 112 3 536 260 630 297 12 1,226 171 1,085 276 786 644 32 17 437 1,100 847 213 101 755 662 930 553 1,598 96 1,462 360 1,171 289 33 35 1,260 2,125 2,439 302 384 6 1,776 728 1,405 723 43 11,743 394 5,395 693 3,592 3,507 34 38 1,791. 3,683 4.362 843 270 3,149 2,780 2,823 1.568 13,000 252 9,246 867 6,467 2.050 35 35 411 469 687 111 160 6 754 196 685 277 37 879 227 1,243 340 788 504 36 849 1.636 1,552 191 204 1,022 532 720 446 6 10.B64 187 4,152 353 2,804 3,003 37 1,094 5.888 6,928 216 85 1,083 469 1,479 533 5 26,180 244 11,481 2,414 6,530 3,614 36 265 20,450 95,996 98,310 1,321 6 11,138 21,102 40,474 42,511 25B.834 2,194 126,097 13,194 103,335 54,298 39 120 707 901 30 12 119 56 192 64 1 3,043 29 1,493 290 849 506 40 11 313 270 HI 55 139 6 567 175 313 219 22 286 215 408 229 276 132 41 14 238 299 129 121 2 13 838 393 243 380 12 499 74 5S7 227 265 6 42 21 990 763 353 382 466 23 2,244 522 1,044 648 63 1,139 806 1,435 586 610 440 43 16 1,046 889 476 414 7 44 3,824 1,610 611 1,167 37 2,200 328 1,965 845 604 13 44 21 294 206 109 37 112 8 836 89 474 141 IB 186 274 293 142 139 57 45 696 557 244 345 354 IS 1,406 433 570 507 45 953 532 1,142 444 471 383 46 436 174 68 10 2 160 159 227 356 3 11 145 312 347 167 5 47 25 1.295 1.027 658 338 30 1,449 1,014 377 1,068 23 1,267 93 999 937 260 14 46 654 261 102 15 3 240 238 340 534 4 16 21B 468 520 250 8 49 16 430 134 33 1 4 25 794 209 560 223 100 13 288 58 255 132 13 SO 31 1,331 242 57 25 15 124 1,880 461 1,428 661 354 41 609 142 463 233 25 51 20 255 70 9 6 22 548 34 518 103 102 3 200 54 173 66 1 S2 11 1,076 172 46 25 9 102 1,332 427 910 558 252 3B 409 88 290 167 24 53 75 15,962 2,709 370 2,285 31,985 3,440 13,653 5,290 4,092 6,374 966 6,144 1,231 54 8 1,596 271 37 228 3,198 344 1,365 529 409 637 99 614 123 55 55 616 757 621 219 321 93 873 433 1,188 509 183 975 852 1,423 676 924 1,197 56 236 586 693 671 444 235 97 1,176 651 1,799 760 190 1,213 899 1,620 976 1,056 535 57 1,599 4.181 3,187 2,324 1,605 3,068 284 5,336 1,267 4,660 1,886 30,482 3,477 3,089 6.579 1.585 4,401 6,223 58 595 2,125 3,221 2,864 3.358 2,254 186 9.554 2,551 18,530 3,484 35,907 5,388 1,990 8.433 2,061 5,223 2,826 59 74 1,007 695 633 407 947 137 1,310 255 1,100 399 23,905 301 736 1,792 384 672 721 60 1.525 3,174 2.492 1,491 1.198 2,121 147 4,026 1,012 3,560 1,487 6,577 3,176 2,353 4,787 1,201 3,729 5.502 61 6,414 11.513 19,469 7,813 7,572 12,479 7,550 23,064 18,870 44,915 23,714 82,523 32,769 48,295 38.797 35,844 35,125 29.574 62 36,819 40,913 56,629 41,156 88,385 9,640 21,430 91,412 52,731 390,210 150,840 54,390 166,344 104,495 130.927 89,415 77,750 136,481 63 449 1.036 1,558 625 530 874 604 2,078 1,510 4,042 1,897 6,602 2.622 3,864 3,104 2,868 2,810 2.070 64 3,313 1,077 128 160 9 27 294 2,656 949 5,981 697 620 88 5,627 207 3,449 330 60 65 3,457 478 43 67 341 1,932 ■1,423 7,690 83B 412 6,754 124 4,558 187 66 43,746 2.275 596 262 320 100 3,995 7,752 4,097 39, 392 2,969 7,917 1 74,490 332 63,130 774 67 36,297 4,555 285 315 2,146 7,919 9,300 107,635 11,617 7,270 67,906 308 73,005 1.210 6e 89 298 41 49 3 2 54 461 153 834 181 136 27 966 61 695 134 25 69 3,205 1,008 113 119 7 22 283 2,460 710 5,663 639 600 88 5,194 180 3,253 294 77 70 292 396 54 34 5 1,459 109 946 201 105 7 990 97 490 110 19 71 2,913 612 59 85 7 22 278 1.001 601 4,717 438 495 81 4,204 83 2,763 1B4 58 72 43,484 2.207 496 247 320 100 3,790 7,276 4,056 37,525 2,917 7,839 1 69,570 307 59,925 689 73 10,001 684 174 86 96 5° 1,175 2,256 1,420 11,256 1,021 2,430 15,305 107 13.184 241 74 17 25 8 7 1 1 5 58 33 84 25 10 119 14 62 15 2 75 108 69 15 41 2 5 11 196 239 318 58 20 433 27 196 36 3 76 55 43 5 13 5 35 9 105 17 13 116 19 38 11 3 77 53 26 10 28 2 11 161 230 213 41 7 317 8 158 25 78 262 68 100 15 205 476 39 1,867 52 78 4,920 25 3,205 85 79 50 18 30 4 55 124 12 448 16 21 935 8 609 26 80 4 115 10 131 3 107 220 21 541 59 31 108 81 8 81 54 47 25 so 9 7 34 69 21 136 30 53 56 217 183 103 SI 32 82 66 156 93 291 153 133 67 180 80 418 263 52 539 187 571 437 280 260 83 53,976 4,363 7,286 26,170 3,657 1.102 1,057 3,267 1,330 31,303 5,215 13,312 45,029 30,013 174,264 9,780 33.407 4,402 84 202,007 22,973 9,669 152,475 8,566 10, 158 4.451 7,092 14,084 74,536 48,224 16,739 96,780 29.469 275,428 25,976 48,444 57,183 85 144 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 7 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations , see text) Hursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs dollars 1949.. 1944. . Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949.. sold.. dollars 1949.. Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1949 - square feet 1949. . Grown in open farms reporting 1949. ■ acres 1949. . Sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1949.. square feet 1919. , Grown in open farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949.. Sold farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Forest products: All forest products sold dollars 1949.. 1944.. Firewood cut farms reporting 1949.. cords (4'x4'x8') 1949.. Fence posts cut farms reporting 1949. number 1949.. Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1949.. thousands of bd. ft. 1949.. Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1949.. cords 1949.. Piling and poles cut farms reporting 1949.. number 1949.. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949., Standing timber sold farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949. . Value of other forest products sold (gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, etc.) farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949. Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs dollars 1949. 1944. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1949. acres 1949- sold. .do] lars 1949. Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1949. square feet 1949. Grown in open farms reporting 1949- acres 1949. Sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooas produced for sale: Grown under glass or In house farms reporting 1949. square feet 1949. Grown in open farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. Sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Forest products: All forest products sold dollars 1949. 1944. Firewood cut farms reporting 1949. cords (4'x4'x8') 1949. Fence posts cut farms reporting 1949. number 1949. Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1949. thousands of bd. ft. 1949. Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1949. cords 1949. Piling and poles cut farms reporting 1949. number 1949. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Standing timber sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Value of other forest products sold (gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, etc.) farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. 'Reported in small fractions. A] leghany 3.734.285 1.950.571 411 1.704 1.246.362 187 1.209.806 394 1.291 479 2.178,835 77 102.139 114 389 182 309.088 9.874.357 4.461.082 127.507 1.523.953 22.615 2,758.495 12.281 95.775 4,319 103.271 1,303 302.871 7.584 2,471.327 9,418 7.265,807 713 137,223 5.933 11.140 3 11 1.100 4 2.847 6 8 6 4.625 1 200 2 1 3 20B 95.332 34.931 1.694 27.606 412 63,341 269 1,208 5 75 5 458 71 13.173 142 80.771 18 1.388 3,145 1.157 1 5,000 2 4 3 3.100 103. 407 36, 335 23 107 103,407 153.735 166,358 3 4 3.900 2 2.050 38 435 37 141.835 92.556 56.385 1,131 9.063 120 12.577 99 1.444 31 1,184 1 300 73 41,825 96 50.202 5 529 27.282 14.921 962 10.223 356 46, 349 49 37 3 11 61 1 425 25 6.276 66 19.941 7 1.065 ( l ) 1 20 158,333 106,369 1.075 10.245 196 24. 330 69 944 2B 1.054 6 205 61 20.336 126 •137.722 2 275 104.553 151.197 2.506 28.131 1.058 114.455 222 1,356 171 1.366 5 421 261 44.103 156. 58.809 19 1.641 41.211 48.956 547 8.909 185 23.016 425 27 259 68 12.711 70 28.475 1 40 1 8.000 164.271 66,697 1.322 13.991 200 23.258 127 806 18 422 11 612 52 14,195 218 147.874 16 2.202 Dupli Durham Edgec 21,054 2.235 14 14.320 5.344 4 2 7 6.154 17,350 8.501 3 12 16,150 2 7.950 2 3 2 1.200 40 200 1 4 4.800 1 300 2 525 2 580 84, 530 12.353 749 9.039 182 24,823 137 1,253 18 857 10 714 66 31.151 97 53, 149 2 230 57.762 37.977 640 4.775 70 9.216 52 265 16 444 1 3 38 t.951 106 49 , 699 3 112 50.775 27.760 76 541 37 4.156 18 154 5.237 50 45,538 10.079 12.610 3 6 1.700 1 360 7 16 7 6.794 1 600 3 1.585 121.226 70.187 1,293 11,901 192 19.195 17 3 1.231 28.600 24.800 10 97 22.900 2 350 2 8 3 6.700 45 38 15.196 103 104,486 10 1.544 27.065 43.712 906 10.116 171 20.523 69 586 15 6.490 44 19.975 4 1.600 10.327 7.060 2. 740 1 60 7 34 6 7.587 141.016 49,540 2,488 29.072 267 30.923 176 985 43 1,493 5 640 67 10.273 182 129.977 7 766 25.721 66.404 6 9 8.700 5 7.100 12 4 16 13.854 4.106 4 2 9 3,167 85.991 46.920 988 15.120 102 6.912 54 781 14 300 6 262 38 27.483 51 68.507 NORTH CAROLINA 145 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Bladen Rrunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caawel 1 Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay C] aval and Columbus 82.666 35.000 3 22 71.666 1 7,640 1 19 1 11.000 134.741 93.634 19 124 41.164 8 103,762 23 18 24 78,477 2 85 2 3 3 15,100 134,889 123,533 993 8 256 121,913 1 12 2 1 3 1.170 2.012 1 3 3 450 103.270 36,030 I9.75R 4 8 4.165 4 18,692 2 1 5 31.815 14.725 564 10 70 14.190 4,000 10, 180 6,550 1 3 8.000 1 240 4 3 4 2,180 4.000 210 1 8 1.000 23.917 49.850 11 23 8.027 4 8.016 2 3 5 16.685 76 1 3 205 97,541 110.231 22.520 1.300 20fl 2 600 200 400 201.150 67,491 9 22 13,000 2 160.300 4 5 187,950 7 . 87 6 98 3 2 176 1 2 1 4 4.000 3 6 1 30 6 7 1 2 1 500 1 360 3 79 3 108.034 1 1 1 600 3 8 3 5.800 8 9 ! 200 10 11 12 1 1 50 59,901 1 12 1 2.200 247.696 1 1 100 88,733 1 1 200 88.762 1 4 I 1,900 113.109 1 36 130.804 167.372 114.991 27 . 643 31.631 39,063 . 67.464 32.562 18 58.003 11.945 78.613 78.32.5 45.120 85,440 4.625 10,743 11.797 68.921 61,522 46.231 17.570 24.366 34.237 61.600 19 1.470 522 1.637 932 836 967 110 162 2.398 1, 166 1,644 1.065 230 564 1.811 2.087 20 10.041 3.422 17.093 8.086 8.323 7,086 738 706 44.471 10,131 18.229 12,873 2.550 5.944 19. 113 16. 184 21 209 76 349 136 232 140 34 14 307 220 326 81 121 29 267 196 22 26,161 10.569 61.499 16,267 28.378 17.619 3,486 2.331 21,077 15,893 83.595 26,450 16.046 4.580 22.081 21.032 23 138 83 235 85 130 96 17 24 155 146 81 109 27 66 131 252 24 2,109 860 2.420 1.602 1.054 1.406 67 477 1,053 1,512 918 872 167 581 97 3 1.247 75 111 2.497 19 1.879 177 222 6.108 5 327 249 141 7.242 4 349 217 101 1.481 5 125 136 36 1.346 3 133 74 4 579 40 11 11 572 4 279 49 62 1.221 7 805 121 367 5.285 1 70 378 8 470 6 2.270 14 54 977 11 524 3 9 28 113 2, 584 12 2.337 165 3 120 10 1 7 19 24 16 30 48.178 72.053 98.699 79.166 10.003 47.296 2.769 7.003 10.300 32.371 30.583 58.039 6,605 12,647 10,635 30.278 31 212 112 77 85 45 98 38 26 44 87 200 82 87 52 86 172 3? 117.006 42.293 32,858 20.083 49.109 83.024 24.574 24.078 28.663 64,697 211.643 29.419 60.159 17.282 77.360 81.117 33 14 7 14 8 7 6 2 2 1 9 20 14 1 6 7 21 34 2.188 645 3.332 4.021 789 484 300 550 100 473 5.470 1,275 700 2.633 757 1.714 35 Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Gu i 1 f ord Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell 79,660 178. 054 3.930 200 29,031 6,087 950 2.535 421.486 134.715 1,768 1.715 21,280 2,900 6,010 1.690 10,880 4.642 1,100 200 400 5. 565 19.983 3.666 33 2 7 28 10.270 12 40.130 14 10 22 66.495 2 2. S60 4 2 S 2.895 93.053 1 2 3.700 2 4 1.220 4 8.602 6 11 7 26.270 2 228 3 7 1.541 58.973 11 245 152.268 18 133.900 26 42 34 248.470 5 21.500 5 1 9 20.748 133,291 2 500 1 560 1 1 1.000 5 16 18.775 1 1.800 2 6 3 2,350 3 2 2,000 1 3,000 2 1 2 2,200 1 18 1 1 1.810 73.437 11 27 6.782 1 17 5 11 21 10 3.960 1 1 1,100 1 1 400 4 8 9.018 8 1 1 , 403 4 2 12 10.410 3 440 1 5 565 176.808 2 435 1 1 2 810 2 436 1 1 2 140 93.422 1 (M 1 30 1 8 1 1 2 2,635 36,612 1 (>) 1 200 199.005 1 2 1 268 165,072 2 (M 2 155 150.278 4 1 4 138 40.198 86,726 34. 342 86.828 19.272 17.700 18 41.747 49.396 40.941 64,944 19.121 70,305 3.343 61,807 46,689 20,744 33.264 40.118 13.869 10,809 9,785 185,841 19 1.557 2.376 1.114 377 407 2,408 976 2,518 1.863 1,536 1.201 1,208 1.105 652 158 2.283 20 19.963 39.674 10.210 3,124 5.733 53.224 7.956 38.762 26,777 16,489 11,533 11.413 11.371 5.847 1.388 22.782 71 178 243 330 169 41 246 217 472 313 137 429 148 362 47 39 529 2? 14.558 28,820 30.159 20,570 6.975 28.797 18.397 50.009 59.447 12,393 69.096 28.527 38. 598 1.677 4.662 35. 427 23 185 153 213 28 37 115 41 374 84 123 172 145 67 43 15 263 24 1,183 927 1.212 294 172 618 133 1.672 446 1.530 1.543 763 423 282 146 2.696 25 1 18 4 202 75 17 1,131 12 1.202 37 5 136 1 30 45 18 447 24 3,440 u 69 1.085 4 838 66 5 143 3 161 21 6 84 2 40 7 1 5 10 870 60 49 3.167 98 34.985 64 23 642 151 5.910 8 680 221 55 1.263 1 12 95 11 600 59 16.047 28 11 990 4 460 18 17 480 3 1.964 97 26 27 1 75 14 28 29 57 30 16.926 15,566 20.439 14,371 14,016 7.701 1.298 20,177 21.752 31.926 51.214 23,705 17.162 11.077 2.622 27.619 31 100 137 61 12^ 32 94 26 124 117 140 49 53 48 11 29 206 37 7 5.305 183.064 36.792 70,169 4.356 85.431 36,216 112.465 138.201 115,402 21.888 15,512 68.403 22.960 16.063 116.041 33 10 3 12 8 4 3 1 9 8 6 7 9 5 3 1 17 34 822 375 1,742 1,288 900 290 98 649 5.119 2,950 336 981 1. 161 315 15 3.148 35 146 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 7 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbf dollars 1949.. 1944.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949. . sold. . dollars 1949. . Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1949.. square feet 1949. Grown in open farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949. . Sold farms reporting 1949. . dollars 1949.. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1949. . square feet 1949. . Grown in open farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949. . Sold farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Forest products: All forest products sold dollars 1949.. 1944.. Firewood cut farms reporting 1949.. cords (4'x4'x8*) 1949.. Fence posts cut farms reporting 1949. . number 1949. . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1949. . thousands of bd. ft. 1949. , Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1949. . cords 1949.. Piling and poles cut farms reporting 1949.. number 1949,. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles sold farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Standing timber sold farms reporting 1949. . dollars 1949.. Value of other forest products sold (gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, etc.) farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. 3, 317 375 34 10 3, 179 3 I 3 138 101,660 80,321 1,416 14.7(19 280 28,292 182 1,336 351 5,215 3 355 411 76,085 79 24,887 6,240 860 3 3 540 5,000 2 1 3 5,700 179, 587 29,225 3,476 33,687 487 50,813 458 2,355 21 595 19 446 57 37,868 148 138,715 18 3,004 42,697 11,046 503 12.810 70 12,404 10 469 3 460 3 625 10 16, 140 48 26, 507 150 37,525 99,045 29,002 721 8,263 54 6,956 48 627 25 63B 3 1,200 49 26, 444 86 71,609 7 992 7,851 55 51 3 13,680 4 1 4 7,800 55, 522 10,095 1,606 16, 987 258 39.789 108 964 15 709 8 499 32 15, 245 36 36.247 6 4,030 4,852 1,623 2 3 1,220 2 460 5 8 5 3,470 1 36 1 (') 2 162 68,889 21,260 968 8,521 217 17,416 116 1,138 5 76 1 15 44 24, 153 46 42,686 3 2,050 58. 986 1.116 10 12 32,561 1 (') 1 300 2 6 2 26. 125 72,462 27,022 646 5.640 87 10,798 90 805 143 2,039 3 154 171 41.644 52 29,831 ,336 459 11 2 1.336 5 3 4 900 1 2 1 100 82, 077 54.259 1,420 16.685 200 40,408 217 1,617 238 4, 104 2 100 319 60,088 81 18.139 39 3,850 3.505 752 (') 88,022 54.163 1,926 15.379 587 92,064 251 1,753 116 1.919 10 944 179 43,089 78 44,197 11 7 36 5,107 1.159 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, tlower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs dollars 1949., 1944.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. , sold, .dollars 19 49., Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1949. square feet 1949. Grown in open farms reporting 1949. acres 1949.. Sold farms reporting 1949. , dollars 1949., Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1949. square feet 1949. Grown in open farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. Sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Forest products: All forest products sold dollars 1949. 1944. Firewood cut farms reporting 1949. cords (4'x4'x8 l ) 1949. Fence posts cut farms reporting 1949. number 1949. Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1949. thousands of bd. ft. 1949. Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1949. cords 1949. Piling and poles cut farms reporting 1949. number 1949. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles sold farms reporting 1949,, dollars 1949. , Standing timber sold farms reporting 1949,. dollars 1949.. VbIuc of other forest products sold (gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, etc.) farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Reported in small fractions. Randolph Rocking- ham Ruther- ford Sampson Stanly 156,323 239, 185 153 109,260 6 21,726 9 14 10 46,213 6, 289 9,400 5 8 ,019 650 189,722 117,673 1.680 15,157 190 20,031 85 840 7 56 3 265 2,070 1 900 1 200 96,255 54,210 256 2,468 30 5,319 11 49 15 481 46 ,575 179 164,555 21. 10, 24 273 73 87,496 10 3,592 4 486 7 11 ,550 7 ,967 3 3 1,575 5 7 5 3.450 76, 142 29,383 3,460 26,254 277 19,743 163 653 66 1,552 21 627 85 17,296 108 56,851 18 1,995 10,055 815 2 1 315 2 6,900 1 1 2 9,000 700 1 0) 2 740 89, 524 14,682 3,147 62,954 354 30,766 270 1,173 14 224 25.053 103 64.383 68.774 112,291 5 8 4,857 9 89,753 10 4 18 62,257 3 510 3 1 5 1.660 96, 243 75, 162 1,216 11,236 352 35.987 160 1.049 1 46 3 51 60 18,511 84 76,722 7,171 11,977 2 10 4,446 2 8 SS7 12 8,840 a 1 22 2.168 152.027 51.186 1,338 11,215 187 17,504 157 1.860 61 1. 184 4 350 134 42.810. 148 105 . 999 11 3,218 8,770 5,355 2 4 4,675 1,125 1 895 2 1 2 225 6 1 3,000 216,580 33,359 1,623 11,995 126 12,577 158 1,148 29 896 3 154 67 23,173 261 189,243 9 , 164 1 1 1 200 2S.262 4,417 593 6,706 7 1.119 55 1 12 1 75 7 3.725 31 20.730 6 807 32.840 400 1 2 500 2 10. 604 1 (') 4 32,340 115.869 97,074 1,273 8,290 197 20,018 141 1,314 13 523 2 58 60 28.949 62 86. 140 NORTH CAROLINA 147 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued 400 30 I 1 400 32,665 82,621 502 3,246 123 17,162 55 398 36 276 1 24 67 15,822 66 15,637 Mont- gomery 11.034 8, 123 1 12 11,000 106.786 85,750 2«1 3,196 28 3,941 10 172 12 282 1 275 20 16,432 75 88, 553 4 1,801 37.370 450 U 29 31.370 1 10 3 6.000 211.040 28,619 1,267 11.263 102 10.521 40 644 37 1,267 3 266 64 24,072 205 185,682 19 1.286 7,795 673 2 1 ,075 2 3.900 4 4 5.120 1 2 600 221,658 35,508 2.825 46,500 268 29,426 283 1,562 5 122 36 8,683 31 35.045 84 185,412 4 1.201 New Hunover 624,076 246,380 14 41 48, 450 140,09,1 30 293 30 392,276 32,500 10 268 11 183,350 22.260 1,995 13 79 11 902 10 7 402 1 150 7 1,094 29 21,166 North- ampton 1 20 155, 112 35,965 1,357 12,969 323 63,089 55 367 19 912 1 1,200 31 11,128 92 139,959 3 4.025 Orange 2,506 715 3 2.030, 1 288 7 377 123,489 14,999 819 8,216 109 14,418 66 928 46 2,471 3 2,020 65 24,655 142 97,827 1,007 2 99 169, 117 43,S66 1,217 24,049 257 55,295 146 1,371 27 415 9 524 70 12,255 138 156,079 1 800 Pasquo- tank 3,010 2,300 62,042 17,885 183 1.481 38 4.237 62 75 3 100 1 200 51 22.487 44 39. 285 1,800 1 2 1,008 43,298 13,970 132 023 56 5,831 64 786 71,786 21,590 6 ,150 20 53 19 67,286 10 1,051 24, 094 33 18,734 2 470 1 350 117,072 27,588 733 5,577 60 7,255 27 416 50 1,202 6 545 67 17,060 153 100,592 Perqulm ana 59,773 33,695 218 1,622 140 15,268 38 384 5 116 13 5.145 20 11,691 94 46. 7BF 1 600 46,881 33,012 1.804 41.872 498 31,135 122 468 1 3 4,866 50 41,515 1 500 5,050 7.301 1 1 750 2 •Kill 1 1,800 1 5 1 2,500 110,515 20,868 1,656 21,081 550 62,250 178 1,083 9 218 85 20,861 32 18,494 89 91,431 3 590 340 10 3 2 140 1 200 51,063 27,458 706 5,458 85 17,035 64 615 19 461 2 80 60 18,228 60 32,765 Surry Transyl- vania Tyrrell Wash- ington Watauga Wayne 25,200 11,316 5 9 19,200 1 7,500 1 3 2 6,000 1,733 125 20 5 1,733 21,760 6, 175 1 1,600 64 4 20,700 9,515 2,130 1 1 7.000 98,844 41,207 2,840 42,275 248 27,373 236 1,900 5 121 4 216 37 19,096 137 '7.938 9 1.810 40.695 25,653 478 4,888 40 4,002 94 507 182 2,609 3 119 204 36,696 24 3,314 7 685 1 1 1 600 19,489 15,980 462 5,012 114 9,687 44 222 41 1,888 1 1 1 45 24,242 9,725 114 709 14 1,576 10 88 58 13,655 21 5,834 2 7 7 2,309 31 21,568 2 365 7 3 7 1,500 1 5,000 2 (') 3 1,015 107,040 98,298 2,636 20,744 481 54,797 227 1,206 18 501 4 217 57 21,018 109 84,362 10 1.660 10,405 2,300 2 10 9,500 1 1,400 3 <>> 3 875 1 30 104,753 14,425 1.2B9 25,147 204 30,211 186 1,134 23 1,059 7 775 42 17,057 62 87,274 6 422 85,219 84,3e2 10 13 13,750 9 17,013 21 27 24 70,709 4 908 1 5 760 256,932 8e,S57 2,417 40,469 280 32,703 170 2.439 56 1,621 IB 6,125 96 60,448 186 196, 189 14, 188 9,250 1 800 2 2 3 ,272 10,715 4.182 7 20 8,200 2 2 2 2,515 46,015 3,060 1 15 39 , 000 1 2,500 9 3 7,015 1,492 1,410 2 1,440 (') 155.352 46,367 1,544 23,940 141 15,763 83 1,336 78 2,662 11 1.044 42.694 81 111,936 1 4 1 4,916 30,781 8,072 347 2,411 83 11,940 18 179 3 ISO 133,077 48,020 5 12 37,250 6 22,050 4 3 8 92,539 3 1.048 1.445 1,400 2 1 320 2 530 4 2 4 1,120 70.223 114,949 1,415 18,729 518 63,667 159 12 4,179 47 26,602 1, 138 42 246 1 400 130 38,277 106 31,030 5 295 8 722 84,523 23,791 1,693 18,588 405 35,676 238 1,556 21 1,312 72 2,005 58 33,879 65 50,244 2 400 260,394 269,048 2,637 26,399 339 34,571 291 3,346 327 4,457 7 1,182 450 112,083 311 144,557 23 3,754 4 3,288 110.754 17,058 1,780 20, 549 244 22,798 162 830 2 100 29 1,037 17 7,877 33 102,817 1 5 131,411 37,6^3 1,958 24,155 335 29,513 277 2,243 7 826 3 70 84 47,014 136 7e,954 5.443 7,411 1 75 2 15 31 7,041 1 132 2 3 370 63.716 44,552 918 6, ISB 232 30, 184 54 359 29 459 5 73B 66 13,826 107 45.531 10 4.359 148 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL _Data for items shown in italics arc based on Item (For definitions and explanatio Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Alleghany Commercial farms Other farms Coraroe re i a 1 farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number Under 10 acres number Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings. .. .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting acres farms reporting 1 to 9 acres Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated. . number Not residing on farm operated number With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number Working off their farm, total number 100 days or more number By tenure': Ful 1 owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Specified facilities and eouipment, 1950: Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars Corn pickers farms repot ting Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting Automobiles farms reporting Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/ or hired workers farms report ing Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Irish potatoes farms reporting acres bushels Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting dollars Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting acres Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Cattle and calves farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Cattle sold alive number Calves sold alive number Sales of farm products in 1919: All farm products sold farms reporting dol lars Livestock sold alive farms reporting doll ars Dai ry products sold farms reporting dol 1 ars Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting dollars Specified farm expenditures in 1919: Any specified farm expenditures farms report ing Machine hire dollars Hired labor . .dollars Feed for livestock and pool try dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars Gasol ine and other pet r oleum fuel and oil dol lars 193,545 8,289 14.658.467 75.7 7,336 98.23 191,403 5.066.260 25,629 181,676 5.428 14,801 40,082 12,359 69,526 26.941 413 96.665 12,345 149.360 4.13 1,751 49.381 97.784 59,602 17,282 107,719 174,035 171,990 163.031 76,802 126, «6 22.423 46,431 179,114 1,828.038 96,036 690,330 83.328 36,449 5,582,600 165,013 16,602 6.880.227 73.508 42,682 143,270 283,235 110,119 540 , 303 99,898 251,312 149,882 1,050,302 61,325 130,026 162,697 6,838,859 43, 368 16.076,785 58,441 23,645,786 67.828 112,681 193,545 534,161,548 90,235 30,081,302 21,660 24.664.889 72.394 26,177,885 174.881 10,420,051 44,244.638 36 148,583 16,663,626 8,866,287 22,765,944 94,963 20,148 ,659.470 49.1 4.744 100.02 75.550 716.147 49,784 86,689 4.003 f.2,875 57,257 47,509 72,559 8.481 103 13,820 11,002 70,057 4.12 163 11,336 42. 286 29,059 18,146 41.857 65,382 64,209 58.091 23.561 31,727 5.027 7,794 58,366 279,833 34,085 176,102 37,636 7,324 685,213 76,145 4,070 684.854 46,488 17.108 45.363 69.898 59,525 157, 232 54,010 81,655 53,525 180.819 9,738 16.273 74,465 2,163,330 18,353 1,143.273 25,499 3,925,904 13,517 30,334 69.874 22,465,988 33,143 4.713,979 10.975 1,562.302 32,385 2,730.290 75.380 2.159,028 3.969,652 7.311.628 2,602,723 1.698,484 2,560,385 1,492 60 148.148 99.3 8.273 84. 17 1,459 44.830 179 ,416 28 184 418 128 637 299 303 1,213 4.25 61 707 901 297 115 1,025 1,343 1,323 1.237 742 1,297 168 270 1.363 13,479 1, 118 12,703 708 27 7,002 1,343 50 8.542 806 214 1,132 2.437 1,249 8.516 1.204 4, 519 1,154 5,677 243 493 1.289 73,899 425 113,260 589 356,333 787 1.892 1.492 3.924,830 754 216,520 472 607.930 701 271.860 1,283 114, 180 262, 104 316,257 117,789 71,582 257,701 1,454 291 71,598 49.2 5,890 116.39 1,029 11.183 600 1,350 65 MOO 965 861 1 222 97 1 134 335 1,210 4.66 5 280 910 435 145 785 9 95 995 9 35 245 330 25 40 763 4,103 564 3,224 570 10 3,793 1,194 32 2,875 652 137 726 1,189 937 2,806 855 1.369 794 2,337 106 169 1.155 36,405 240 12,346 431 90,585 219 420 1,018 303,073 412 60.439 211 2 5,911 486 50,475 1,14 s 27.905 33.900 105,570 53.460 22,670 38,435 904 20 82,601 91.4 5.913 66.50 890 22.009 140 864 24 77 250 65 591 218 35 701 3.66 1 316 500 100 10 681 741 736 706 320 515 36 820 5,709 640 5,335 682 25 6,402 862 35 5,152 659 1,919 685 1,128 831 4,186 792 2,234 712 1,801 96 163 832 40,705 312 166.832 397 210.142 511 955 904 1.548.461 557 115.594 378 197.715 187 225.947 796 52,820 32,900 142.305 50.320 24,565 76,670 1,000 154 46.409 46.4 3,684 61.58 877 7.951 581 944 36 743 659 529 89 1 102 65 865 2.78 135 575 280 30 730 760 755 705 200 275 35 40 651 2,716 361 1,784 629 22 5,439 35 4,732 506 604 436 606 745 1.656 661 936 563 1,088 48 77 833 18,619 167 7,250 267 31.897 122 273 762 302,455 317 11.488 200 20.025 323 20,860 875 27,175 8,205 44,680 17 , 620 10,815 12,250 757 10 86.351 114.1 8,602 83.07 738 15.738 174 722 25 68 174 56 626 62 4 65 137 597 3.91 111 271 235 406 120 662 656 641 396 591 52 71 67 2 3,804 689 10,013 332 107 10.587 540 45 21.376 700 523 558 1,106 745 13,671 725 6,268 540 2,218 181 272 712 25,437 278 9,809 536 134.367 2,216 3,704 757 1,390.475 732 541.104 593 612.964 565 72,326 737 13,785 77,575 219,345 159,845 33.280 20,230 870 156 41.462 47.7 4,626 95.92 735 6,449 481 811 53 559 533 431 726 46 135 625 2.81 55 245 240 440 165 690 675 635 365 450 50 65 547 2.156 557 3,803 346 54 5,005 619 21 2.796 681 205 319 457 786 4,265 730 2,173 501 1,195 82 103 708 15.354 204 5.124 341 32.549 ' 346 1.244 749 225,634 625 103,713 289 68,544 407 16.513 720 6.535 19.810 64.390 28,145 9.070 4,685 1,914 44 198,238 103.6 6.121 48.86 1.893 70.125 105 1.638 64 163 422 126 540 239 10 1.125 163 1,384 5.08 28 423 925 636 352 875 1,723 1,670 1,602 589 1,031 280 639 1,735 19,011 975 10,103 499 40 5,717 1.515 37 477 280 1,363 2.995 1,252 6,690 1,121 2,459 1,372 5.989 321 651 1.446 71,174 297 53,243 477 369.165 682 1,295 1.914 ,835.839 769 230.708 165 143. 442 583 489,375 1,538 91.493 386,025 345,574 190,928 61,454 212,286 'Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. Sec text. 'Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 eport.i for only a sample of farms. S«e textj 149 Ashe Avery Beau fort Bertie lila den Brunswick Buncombe Bu rke Commercial Other Coirmercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other .Commercial Other fBrms tarn's farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms 1,721 2, 165 527 1,259 2.597 727 2,826 312 2,718 955 1.315 853 1,386 2,880 282 1,789 1 60 365 13 255 109 187 39 66 94 247 70 •>06 112 837 10 326 2 15°. 379 90.029 43.381 44.B76 223,623 33,173 249.382 24, 154 230,110 5B.575 124,231 34.626 133,694 92,079 33,760 96.209 3 92.6 41.6 B2.3 35.6 86. 1 45.6 88.2 77.4 84.7 61.3 94.5 40.6 96.5 32.0 119.7 53.8 4 7.849 4.153 7,011 4,122 8.244 3,762 7.875 5.134 5.180 3.212 4,968 2,659 10.973 6.440 10.235 1.378 S 92.69 97.96 84.80 80.49 91.61 76.54 90.86 67.08 60.44 51.56 50.66 57.95 130.93 196.17 91.73 90.64 6 1,697 1.855 526 1.125 2, 567 528 2,803 202 2,678 741 1.305 752 1,351 2,337 268 1,524 7 21,997 11.740 10.023 7.377 93, 186 5,986 78,468 1,783 61,201 6.613 24,916 5,100 21,590 12,528 7,958 16,667 i) 652 1,492 141 928 285 345 139 129 295 481 269 569 634 2.021 54 941 9 1.644 2,029 503 1,214 2,413 647 2.645 265 2,565 848 1,224 770 1,343 2.771 268 1,738 10 57 103 19 41 130 62 145 22 97 73 42 40 27 54 10 37 11 150 1,699 58 997 192 442 144 183 189 577 118 495 98 1.867 43 1.387 12 559 1.425 213 745 717 422 617 144 843 565 416 547 258 1.953 83 1.20B 13 .22 1.065 54 528 207 309 119 119 228 437 86 439 94 1,742 25 979 14 1.417 1,773 467 1.157 1.054 545 634 198 1,082 672 760 634 1,014 2.427 187 1,425 15 194 163 40 53 582 88 419 39 707 149 329 110 201 209 39 171 16 ] 1 228 1 19 49 6 955 2 1.771 73 3 926 4 222 12 159 3 241 1 55 3 190 17 109 94 134 109 18 26 40 21 65 100 46 113 43 47 35 16 25 183 375 25 )21 19 1,349 1,480 443 1.055 1,998 461 1,694 218 1,831 551 856 470 1,199 2,345 261 1,336 20 2.68 2.48 3.18 2.45 4.12 3.79 3.68 5.74 4.10 4.27 4.08 5.00 5.90 3.74 5.17 3.52 21 55 11 37 10 69 1.032 10 125 23 921 73 6 552 1 285 110 11 236 22 72 95 65 209 65 23 418 610 136 265 1,180 220 1.563 168 1,240 34 362 265 458 1,190 120 790 24 438 710 120 445 690 190 918 124 954 360 489 285 368 905 91 321 25 701 780 225 590 100 10 106 10 51 25 10 5 696 1.335 1 300 26 545 6B0 130 210 1.693 496 1,705 161 1,584 506 736 515 255 510 155 1.020 27 1,574 1,780 471 930 2.399 450 2,729 223 2,578 677 1,180 575 1,189 2,140 272 1,271 28 1,548 1,760 471 910 2,361 440 2,697 212 2,551 657 1.173 555 1,153 2,120 267 1,271 29 1,438 1.550 451 820 2.261 390 2,475 181 2,419 582 1.073 '470 1.096 1,895 246 1.136 30 637 655 185 420 844 130 1.611 76 1,324 266 537 200 472 700 111 540 31 883 840 295 520 1.181 145 2.733 131 2,255 367 908 280 657 900 167 730 32 218 110' 36 105 501 85 347 37 278 76 171 50 204 130 26 81 33 309 1,497 180 69 165 1.114 90 725 62 463 107 444 65 637 160 50 129 34 1.342 430 796 ' 2,433 395 2,759 158 2,606 632 1.214 590 1,211 1,814 240 1,237 35 6,169 3,831 1,706 1,717 39 , 280 3,144 29,226 781 29 , 490 3,988 10,149 2.329 7,365 5,396 2,314 6,511 36 1.441 1.220 474 824 622 57 142 7 1,146 114 433 99 973 1,065 214 804 37 13.115 5.650 5.072 3,460 2,890 244 371 28 4,275 196 1,620 319 9,507 4,218 2,112 4,412 38 1,114 1.123 482 907 1.009 91 1.967 165 1,262 223 519 185 713 1,219 195 1.132 39 430 130 1.022 1.032 3,197 52 121 5 76 16 88 24 174 176 53 163 40 66.275 14,220 91.999 62.969 561,868 6,098 26.408 1.769 12.399 2,133 9,761 2.560 16,160 17,432 6,140 16.561 41 1,572 1,838 484 1,049 2,127 534 2,622 243 2,431 783 1.040 615 1,195 2.385 262 1,654 42 907 473 307 173 70 9 61 2 51 11 115 55 77 51 18 38 43 411.880 81.427 170.066 42.332 48, 223 1.475 4,963 88 5,065 1,068 31.342 4,912 41.421 4,817 3,524 6,684 44 1.433 1,483 323 893 80 2 262 934 127 1.152 340 612 378 1,016 1,956 187 1,092 45 814 494 438 587 74 12 121 10 140 35 104 20 1,146 947 58 273 46 1,291 781 401 524 1,705 326 2.295 167 2.353 512 1.050 416 1,057 1.325 183 882 47 2.143 1,073 710 699 3,319 5/8 5,146 308 3,827 680 1.495 507 1.818 1.739 322 1,212 48 1,672 1,949 495 1,082 846 160 817 • 55 1,412 354 493 160 1,268 2,395 246 1.345 49 19,308 7,869 3.974 2,811 4,052 346 2,668 196 4,626 828 1,723 361 15.598 6,716 1.658 3,274 50 1.634 1,838 435 1.031 672 131 660 41 1,236 307 413 125 1.217 2,121 238 1,235 51 7,846 4,068 1,268 1,563 1,219 166 1.041 79 2,054 411 764 164 6,945 3.117 782 1.838 52 1.250 1.277 386 790 1,865 327 2.487 193 2. 224 609 1.030 520 852 1.407 216 1,154 53 3,873 2.504 1.116 1,388 18,747 2,026 37.255 1,913 19^254 3,536 9,862 2,805 2,517 3,140 841 3.680 54 222 104 122 56 1,344 202 1.980 145 1.354 247 666 227 134 136 55 107 55 330 127 165 74 2,782 332 5,276 285 2,762 383 1,292 317 230 220 93 269 56 1.623 1.855 454 1,051 2.121 529 2.492 247 2,339 771 1,113 658 1,223 2.322 250 1.517 57 52,277 40,723 27.170 22.409 103.431 19,405 79,637 8.572 74,369 19,472 41,006 16,227 66,024 57.248 25,848 47,776 58 814 765 188 217 561 135 546 59 589 145 297 '124 437 5 65 133 402 59 31,832 15,208 19.366 6.380 105,356 6.094 15,833 2,064 29,222 4,712 23,968 4,685 354.382 23,287 54, 159 19.197 60 1.218 1,018 181 158 983 284 986 113 '765 202 514 206 587 680 165 529 61 187.315 82.343 80.676 15.775 285,756 <9,205 120.675 14,798 114.772 20,523 129,170 25,395 251.183 84,531 140.572 114,789 62 4,483 818 1.191 203 379 18 301 23 520 56 208 39 2.723 515 181 354 63 4,155 2.189 1.138 919 759 69 496 30 716 95 289 50 3.244 1,236 336 495 64 1,721 1.984 527 1.010 2,597 565 2.826 243 2,718 766 1.315 645 1,386 2.073 282 1,297 65 2.369.219 636.420 883,075 271.833 9,234,508 163,694 8.851.551 156,721 5.948,447 309.092 2,666,791 202,312 3,544,859 488.268 541,110 429.540 66 1.614 1.478 453 744 1,125 180 1.480 86 1,389 277 712 238 980 1.203 185 637 67 900,219 207.178 258.568 72,651 420.813 29,014 542,306 22,661 458.858 48,824 221,871 33.684 514.689 151,160 55.461 122.254 68 1,067 723 109 74 85 22 50 12 111 27 48 21 401 401 130 338 69 410.044 92,730 72,719 11,886 123.905 1,839 9.631 1,787 47 , 660 2.979 31.198 1,392 1.374.028 45.367 107.530 79,699 70 1.347 1,225 247 320 1,099 316 1,132 125 955 253 586 251 712 971 189 685 71 123,090 49,917 54.702 12,793 227,576 24,210 66,930 8,303 85.794 13,837 77.110 14,648 442. 931 62.061 107,893 60.885 72 1,649 1.855 473 1,245 2,458 576 2,742 264 2,620 769 1,236 725 1.274 2,415 277 1,451 73 27.915 11.855 12.232 14.210 137,609 11.260 239.392 17,700 149,735 27,520 33.949 13,835 35,200 34.435 15.970 43.750 74 232.355 102.695 51.344 23.095 1.300.082 48,894 577.670 16,645 555.843 43,950 285.417 29.860 682.403 56.745 34.985 93.719 75 256.064 168,160 92.828 108.000 393,793 26,985 252.844 28,420 265,095 55.374 100.834 19.195 894.666 283.225 155.840 174.805 76 309.917 46,175 40.588 25.900 162.812 8,990 156,026 6.795 118.152 25.363 85,034 11.905 298.449 74,780 32,960 52,500 77 75.305 30,900 14,703 16,040 346,533 13,140 86,157 4,705 111.550 18.177 44.902 13.780 107,592 45.730 34.310 25.665 78 31.968 7,160 20 . 190 21.530 567,433 33,330 365,997 24.246 293.423 29.376 132,548 21,375 105,535 50,925 21,975 34.165 79 150 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL I.Data for items shown in Italics are based (For definiti and explanations, see text) Commercial Other farms farms Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Commercial Other farms farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number. . . Under 10 acres number... Land in farms acres... Average size of farm acres... Value of land and buildings. ... average per farm, dollars... average per acre, dollars. . . Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting. . . acres. . . farms reporting 1 to 9 acres. . . Farm operators, 1950 — Be siding on farm operated number... Not residing on farm operated number. . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number... Working off thei r farm, total number. . . 100 davs or more number... By tenure: Full owners number. . . Part owners number. . . Managers number. . . Al 1 tenants number. . . Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms reporting. . . Electricity farms report mg. . . Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. . . Corn pickers farms reporting. . . Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting. . . Automobiles farms reporting. . . Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Ward surface farms reporting. . . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . . Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. . . Family workers, including operator farms reporting... Operators working 1 or more hours persons. . . Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. . . persons. . . Hired workers farms reporting. . . persons. . . Crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting... acres. . . Land from which hay was cut. farms reporting. . . acres. . . Irish potatoes farms reporting... acres . . bushels. . . Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting... Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting... dollars... Land In bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting... acres . . Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting... number. . . Cattle and calves farms reporting... number. . . Milk cows farms reporting. . . number... Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . - number. . . Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting... number. . . Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting... number. . . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Chickens sold farms reporting... number. . . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . . dozens. . . Cattle sold alive number... Calves sold alive number... Sales of farm products in 1949: All farm products sold.. farms reporting... dol lars. . . Livestock sold alive farms reporting... dollars. . . Dairy products sold. farms reporting... do 1 1 a rs . . . Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting... do 1 1 a rs . ■ . Specified farm expenditures in 1919: Any spec t tied tarm expendi tures farms report ing. . . Machine hire dollars. . . Hired labor dol lars. . . Feed for 1 ivestock and poultry. dollars, . , Livestock and poul try purchased dol lars. . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dol lars. . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars... 892 32 112,327 125.9 10,469 80.58 870 41.600 63 770 22 171 228 87 422 189 4 277 147 718 6.48 42 558 608 223 75 575 853 837 797 405 685 188 433 792 10,036 675 11,305 355 14 3,687 767 32 ,853 480 109 668 1,546 757 7,280 719 3.646 703 3,572 195 417 807 57,554 122,962 367 355,165 765 1.477 892 ,298,249 513 199,173 333 586.367 413 288.369 863 96,955 350,020 309.210 87,040 27,250 225,851 1,064 183 58,492 55.0 5, S49 98.37 847 13,296 372 852 38 863 712 652 814 101 2 147 166 796 4.60 251 616 246 65 580 736 731 641 355 475 51 70 667 4.131 541 3,753 331 13 3,168 841 27 18,039 545 112 560 898 734 ,256 668 .102 658 2,033 102 151 903 31,272 184 8,925 290 77.388 155 242 816 385,242 331 54,516 189 44,774 344 42, 349 786 31,460 39, 170 77 , 57 5 45,655 21,360 48,960 1, 413 13 50,084 121.3 11,449 86.90 400 9,957 71 395 12 85 123 51 296 78 39 46 359 5.84 36 183 238 96 71 217 384 383 348 215 300 59 114 361 2.960 335 3,173 238 82 9,908 48 5,890 262 210 307 503 377 2,475 363 1.085 325 1,361 103 225 379 38,240 175 186,901 208 210,299 397 551 413 957,633 275 97,423 170 125,019 254 255, 307 384 23,750 133,277 325,640 46, 550 22,705 46,212 2,070 441 96.S51 46.6 4.865 111.33 1,636 12.592 1,198 1.993 52 1,664 1,476 1.303 1,813 128 1 128 156 1,666 3.58 1 196 941 416 485 1,000 1,421 1,411 1,291 455 540 56 71 1.330 5.282 883 4,076 1,205 227 22,415 1,846 40 2,840 1,091 323 917 1,204 1,661 3,642 1,523 2,008 1,259 2,743 141 19B 1,689 40,219 363 11,467 467 60,841 321 578 1.325 179,380 742 78,675 405 44, 562 638 40. 104 1,646 27,330 38,245 163,795 36.005 32,925 17,830 303 6 51,462 169.8 13.425 88.44 204 20,482 7 278 19 27 77 23 101 115 1 47 235 6.11 59 155 139 113 10 142 220 204 194 65 105 84 197 287 12,986 62 233 169 2,012 574, 400 234 10 23,475 09 30 231 389 224 1,146 165 382 232 4,217 172 566 269 18,386 99 9,460 193 79,571 131 310 303 1,646,872 224 141,410 36 2,015 209 43, 478 250 34, 675 225, 382 56, 367 12,450 66,696 93,947 160 57 12,975 81.1 4,824 73.84 102 1.733 45 151 113 100 78 105 14 41 9 104 4.05 6 23 43 62 6 90 117 112 92 50 75 11 15 84 890 17 45 17 33 4,139 127 3 95 79 2 72 115 85 238 61 98 85 694 ■52 111 140 5,994 32 1,476 07 14.014 6 72 140 55.245 75 13,354 10 582 100 8.711 144 3,225 7,175 8,355 2.635 2,180 7,755 423 22 48,612 114.9 8.043 72.12 412 10.272 65 382 22 42 120 53 199 140 2 73 36 344 4.58 149 173 221 20 131 384 367 352 180 245 104 497 356 3.221 84 429 172 834 145,621 240 176 200.349 149 335 536 125 1.052 102 217 279 3.836 102 483 303 15,356 00 11,335 125 83,817 300 135 423 ,488,110 226 131,626 18 28,306 140 53,523 379 15.9S5 330,303 118,820 13.666 93,236 84.153 191 49 8,403 44.0 3.546 108.82 139 1,096 105 173 9 117 111 97 157 16 5 175 3.89 95 iib 170 170 170 75 90 25 40 90 480 21 67 41 39 3,342 119 23 5.067 78 5 112 148 46 243 32 57 72 420 39 48 135 4,319 37 1,502 56 10.617 11 29 149 66.160 47 8.486 3 300 67 6,094 165 10,140 6.770 25. 580 1,205 3.390 5.270 2.633 206 218.407 82.9 4| 671 58.55 2,624 48.809 637 2,490 94 181 328 109 708 311 4 1,610 36 1,771 3.51 10 660 1,491 990 160 1,370 2,450 2,434 2,304 1,052 1.715 113 163 2.458 16,959 1,676 13,133 1,412 142 16,040 2,389 37 6.309 1.306 267 1,875 4,012 2,027 5,181 1,932 3,283 2,223 6,254 235 337 2,115 76,285 626 39.639 610 146,207 342 970 2,633 5,835,757 841 97,439 256 170.412 995 108,517 2,277 90,286 150.073 174.986 106,647 101,475 216,804 'Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. 2 Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1,2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued reports for only ■ sample of farms. See text] 151 Cata wba Chat ham Cher )kee Cho van CI iy Cleve 1 and Columbus Craven Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commcrci al Other Commercial Other farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms lurms farms farma farms farms farma 1.220 1,914 1,765 1.212 287 1,653 647 151 312 700 4,370 1,441 5,263 1,059 1,943 402 1 27 387 61 135 10 226 26 38 29 128 182 326 324 315 75 68 2 119,534 74.887 216,056 83, 195 37,262 88,562 72,237 5.648 22,564 29,303 221,504 52,121 278,062 47,847 1 47 ,667 26,854 '1 97.3 39.1 122.4 68.6 129.8 53.6 lll.fi 37.4 72.3 41.9 50.7 36.2 52.8 45.2 76.0 66.8 4 8.504 4,800 5,489 3,602 6,183 2,256 11,013 2,421 5,262 2,677 6,723 6,094 5,684 3,531 6,396 3,822 5 88.95 119.56 46.34 52.04 49.45 40.61 107.13 100.17 61.47 62.72 132.63 162. 14 109.76 103.77 90.35 75.09 i, 1,215 1,636 1,690 942 278 1,502 635 120 298 651 4,333 1,154 5,236 853 1,932 259 7 46,093 18,306 41,802 9.972 5,087 11,180 30, 424 1,284 4,023 5,065 124,279 14,900 100,328 7,222 47,547 2,247 8 106 920 263 544 99 1, 132 38 60 130 471 308 522 851 570 213 167 9 1,171 1,812 1,708 1.113 246 1,408 610 134 298 664 3,741 1,295 5,047 926 1,830 340 10 32 62 27 54 5 24 31 9 7 21 106 53 137 61 90 32 1 1 162 1,393 314 872 40 1,031 49 99 69 486 374 901 332 538 143 224 12 330 1.351 550 769 83 877 204 117 98 387 831 776 1,020 494 413 178 L3 118 1,192 225 631 24 630 74 89 35 261 278 620 334 384 131 143 14 629 1,511 1,029 916 222 1.334 296 74 234 512 1,246 926 2.372 734 616 297 15 309 S 286 198 3 202 314 2 420 109 187 35 2 28 145 174 129 3 219 20 57 55 108 80 438 7 2,679 100 1 414 773 122 203 369 2 956 44 61 16 17 18 23 2,118 141 235 114 76 36 75 55 5 15 25 374 177 80 35 90 25 19 997 1,515 1.432 876 203 900 480 90 235 360 2,836 1,142 3.482 610 1,034 220 20 5.10 4.04 4.27 4.24 5.45 3.20 5.14 3.49 5.17 3.47 4.65 4.86 4.02 3.83 4.37 3.33 21 15 537 17 529 15 155 45 17 346 5 30 40 15 16 1,120 281 111 5 712 5 85 22 23 320 36 1,053 747 1,205 87 3 536 61 310 310 55 70 115 2, 140 842 2,222 375 1,003 150 24 316 470 291 235 82 485 349 105 100 120 949 391 1,422 290 721 205 25 30 60 176 100 • 125 795 55 5 175 320 235 100 60 20 10 10 26 876 1,280 1,224 741 65 425 197 40 40 140 2,820 891 3,471 611 1,118 175 27 1,092 1,280 1,589 771 273 1,430 555 120 230 415 3,606 1,046 4,822 720 1,820 265 28 1,077 1.280 1.586 750 273 1,420 544 120 230 415 3,585 1,030 4,772 700 1,805 255 29 1,052 1.185 1,536 710 253 1,275 544 115 215 375 3,335 920 4,460 635 1,729 245 30 501 435 676 170 153 675 176 25 125 240 1,587 310 2,532 340 844 100 31 816 575 1,123 220 204 885 226 25 170 295 2,623 415 4,519 495 1,484 120 32 197 60 158 46 33 75 199 5 15 30 346 96 827 115 316 50 33 356 75 233 62 53 135 467 5 15 45 657 185 1,990 230 716 115 34 1,120 1,169 1,460 702 271 1,412 596 99 287 610 3,646 750 5,024 732 1,862 208 35 9,075 4,934 13,237 4,296 2,784 7,035 11,751 625 1,847 2,999 24, 289 3,569 48.600 3,927 25,483 1,218 36 1,003 922 1,344 509 205 664 2 215 320 1,848 480 2,456 258 472 52 37 15,707 6,048 11,540 2,519 1,577 2,674 2 1,432 1,429 16,333 3,128 9,307 810 2,279 211 38 515 842 768 413 200 1,140 149 12 220 460 900 238 1,235 189 941 104 39 54 36 52 7 85 303 97 2 24 40 37 11 958 50 337 14 40 8,198 8,504 9,521 2,746 6,675 22,789 10.718 197 3,865 6,558 6,815 1,667 75,018 3,702 51,044 1.795 41 1.168 1,717 1,578 955 269 1,510 436 85 294 641 3,351 1,085 4,429 777 1,616 254 42 75 36 38 9 6 9 344 28 3 49 8 220 20 100 17 43 44 45 14,453 2,416 4.323 688 782 414 236,277 4,654 506 5,757 588 22,752 2,096 323 15,728 522 1,629 131 567 84S 821 462 209 958 226 35 233 467 1,162 565 1,408 215 232 144 44 81 222 32 1 51 70 375 72 342 95 76 36 46 924 878 1.321 628 226 872 474 72 220 373 2,137 594 4.148 544 1,406 216 47 1.748 1.250 2. 466 984 367 1.162 912 103 349 490 4,473 1,061 6,587 756 2,527 381 48 1,114 1.380 1,470 811 263 1,296 195 21 288 595 2,970 877 1.796 274 655 108 49 8,469 3,314 9,706 2,016 2,196 3,113 1.034 89 1,648 1,656 11,072 2,010 4.847 582 2,915 311 50 1.081 1,234 1,407 754 254 1,226 151 12 276 566 2,863 820 1,522 214 560 90 51 4,573 1,783 4.898 1,108 925 1,756 305 15 878 906 6,300 1,150 2,246 262 1,239 135 52 986 1.179 1,416 697 213 915 495 84 258 471 2,837 763 4,095 600 1,430 204 53 3,558 2,440 7,032 2,229 1,121 2,234 16,768 722 1,135 1,222 7,747 1,643 30,124 3.023 12,831 1,268 54 161 87 493 148 76 139 415 56 84 92 287 55 2,336 249 946 108 55 363 112 1.076 230 163 219 2,049 93 168 151 604 97 3,809 350 1,745 179 56 1.075 1,495 1,565 955 265 1,456 502 100 286 603 3,098 988 4,543 799 1,497 297 57 62,332 39.725 108.061 26.081 40,195 57,714 41,308 3,321 72.181 40,998 123, 569 26,465 126,911 19,719 61.556 9,680 58 339 305 962 243 157 469 195 16 219 255 822 215 802 133 325 56 59 71,203 13,381 2,958.512 117.724 26,369 16,711 18,367 857 63,129 15.165 190,593 6,756 83,681 3,325 37 , 399 2.849 60 602 566 839 314 197 602 300 38 264 315 1,046 309 937 154 619 121 61 390,407 89,464 626,692 59,213 210,087 112,806 198,625 5.495 432,536 129,424 607.450 46,992 169,422 14,895 99,548 12,833 62 930 233 865 140 483 244 70 3 194 135 1,220 184 690 43 220 11 63 1,410 469 2,384 399 735 657 205 4 554 365 1,815 289 829 45 437 52 64 1,229 1.482 1,765 885 287 1,268 647 124 312 540 4,370 1.176 5.263 834 1,943 235 65 2,566,833 447,357 5,548,419 383,767 487,393 197,604 2,569,948 71,333 534,946 137,127 8,665,229 521,691 14,565,581 302,473 5,909,032 94.859 66 717 611 1,033 419 223 695 452 64 232 344 1,504 343 2,281 236 792 101 67 196, 325 60,175 312,230 49,717 127,718 73,894 465,195 13,259 58,137 45,846 407,763 38,412 560.793 33,494 258,021 13,209 68 601 368 513 175 64 117 29 1 68 34 933 236 66 20 63 4 69 717,657 45.748 707.800 15,120 126,469 10,650 2,911 20 83,821 7,049 530.907 25,585 65,357 2,069 138.438 100 70 658 657 1,198 432 210 762 324 43 272 371 1,313 395 1,294 217 712 130 71 240,869 49,908 2,589,247 104,042 128,081 62.045 132,603 3.154 319, 188 83,726 458,233 26,980 148,253 9,719 91,856 7.486 72 1,162 1,620 1,621 896 252 1,395 591 155 260 465 3.341 1,152 4,868 811 1,760 310 73 141, 598 54,785 78,310 29,385 5.330 9.575 101,191 3,000 4,805 6,110 311,550 55,345 228,015 18,755 86,559 13.110 74 224, 513 21,090 275,488 12,100 54,165 35,465 340,821 2,115 16,550 7,065 549,440 51,735 1,445,031 105,810 684.118 49,440 75 443, 229 104.265 1.743,839 165,185 143, 275 134,485 230,078 9.385 222,415 64,830 633,375 68,665 421.691 47.505 217,930 39, 365 76 202, 346 41.535 528,695 65,880 47,700 73,040 88,825 2,250 120,525 45,385 427.895 49,645 280,461 17,690 100,196 5.080 77 59,291 21, 180 48, 315 10,435 9,360 18,585 70,684 2.535 9,155 7,870 135.734 41.030 164.776 14,975 75,527 10.370 78 161, 288 35,255 138,243 15.880 25,100 18.715 123.869 2,350 5,010 2,850 340,909 54,305 785.572 79,790 339,843 24,885 79 152 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6 — FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL LData for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Cuplin Com- mercial farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number . Under 10 acres number. Land in farms acres. Average size of farm acres. Value of land and bui Idmgs. .. .average per farm, dollars, average per acre, dollars. Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting. acres. farms reporting 1 to 9 acres. Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number. Not residing on farm operated number. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number. Working off their farm, total number. 100 days or more number. By tenure: Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number . All tenants number. Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms report ing. Electricity farms report ing. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. Corn pickers farms reporting. Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting. Automobiles farms reporting. Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Hard surface farms report ing. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms report ing. Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms report ing. persons. Hired workers farms report ing. persons. Crops harvested in 19"19: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres. Irish potatoes farms reporting. acres bushels. Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. dollars. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting. acres Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Cattle and calves farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Chickens sold.. farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Cattle sold alive number Calves sold alive number Sales of farm products in 1919: All farm products sold ...farms reporting dol 1 ars Livestock sold alive farms reporting dol 1 ars Dairy products sold farms reporting dollars Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting do 1 1 a r s Specified farm expenditures in I949: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hi re dol lar: Hired labor dollar Feed for I ive stock and pout try rial lar Livestock and poul try purchased riot 1st Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollar Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollar 2,171 22 190,08° 87.5 7,520 81.71 2,148 7P.521 116 2,066 66 20(1 237 148 719 50 5 10 939 124 1,575 4.95 3 67 4 1,019 987 100 1,068 2,020 1,986 1,851 1,010 1,603 362 691 2,009 24,815 1,028 6,636 519 162 20,538 1,674 305 95,056 616 287 1,742 3,157 1,012 3,912 890 2,053 1,644 14,456 811 1,772 1.812 68.707 429 28,271 541 148,258 382 780 2,173 5.479.5P2 961 348, 156 147 282,681 706 145,003 2,054 125, 335 6 32,356 375,918 320.1)56 94,984 312,224 897 173 44. 8^0 50.0 3.553 89.99 638 7,772 322 793 43 582 478 398 623 103 45 572 4,76 77 386 396 20 425 496 461 411 156 201 96 147 516 3,513 167 695 100 12 1,401 642 59 5,703 268 71 432 645 263 559 220 289 482 2,480 162 236 643 18,987 133 5,121 202 28,655 20 71 649 216,012 204 26,092 20 1,746 245 17,650 641 21,015 39,364 49 , 300 22,235 14,710 22,550 350 11 62,912 179.7 10,485 64.05 331 28,383 21 328 15 49 110 33 142 122 2 84 46 323 5.64 '1 197 232 201 30 114 308 288 282 108 139 122 265 313 11,383 476 195 2,169 458,722 195 112 123,757 99 20 268 442 183 1,637 149 341 236 5,053 19 4 694 296 29,081 128 31,448 189 185,771 164 476 350 1,932,564 248 183,377 17 23.234 214 116,826 323 36,602 280,776 230,420 32,582 105.505 118,004 1".' 51 10,595 55.2 2.902 66.09 97 805 66 18 3 7 128 117 95 159 16 31 146 5.71 10 96 106 15 70 96 96 81 35 45 5 5 64 326 12 27 24 26 4,232 110 19 2,991 71 97 47 143 36 50 78 465 39 67 149 6,037 45 2, 595 88 13,447 2 46 140 43,412 62 9,217 5 202 97 8,97 2 151 1, 160 695 10 , 60 5 1,997 1.400 1,850 4 3 291 72.7 10,000 2,000.00 1 4 1 10 10 6.00 2 11 2 1 1 1 1 4 470 3 ,061 4 .441 29,154 921 1 568 4 4,645 10 200 10,295 9,540 520 11.135 1,705 32 8 1,328 41.5 7.668 167.60 24 128 15 25 5.57 5 5 15 52 1 1 12 4 298 6 830 14 18 16 16 8 46 8 12 17 130 10 27 22 1,442 5 272 13 8,816 3 4 20 6,431 11 1,651 1 131 15 3,819 35 160 350 8, 165 770 450 310 1,484 39 148.124 99.8 8,752 90.45 1,453 44, 339 201 1,370 48 199 343 156 959 341 4 180 401 1,376 4.49 20 731 1,007 391 116, 925 1,371 1,361 1,256 770 1,320 156 301 1.332 9,691 1,251 13,023 722 94 12,917 1,362 131 29.424 574 93 1,208 2,235 1,273 8,119 1,223 4,196 1,222 3,611 153 624 1,37 4 86,712 445 200,779 598 447,425 1,043 1.910 1,404 3,510.-89 818 311,847 471 678,067 694 120.398 1.407 116.905 268.9 13 643,127 230,603 58,629 208, 574 1,916 288 96, 169 50.2 5,807 113.59 1,496 18,338 856 1 , 7P5 56 1,470 1.306 1,161 1,629 190 1 96 476 1.791 4.52 6 471 1,375 716 155 1,015 ,326 .246 525 820 66 93 1,161 5,282 967 5,272 713 50 8,253 1,583 45 13,086 713 88 1,00" 1,391 1.241 2,993 1,164 1,649 1,202 6,420 268 240 1,593 58,553 364 29,270 491 178,878 160 468 1,260 433,227 530 74, S"^ 269 58 , 660 60B 123,013 1,546 36.665 68.510 205,878 102,550 64,675 65,520 857 19 103,989 121.3 7,920 66.53 846 30,777 103 823 21 79 213 71 494 168 5 190 29 764 4.76 26 469 513 97 161 591 794 789 719 421 596 89 162 737 6,896 696 9,973 282 29 3.801 797 13 1.101 437 87 687 1,265 766 7,378 70 5 3,851 679 2,391 144 244 798 38,902 247 43.418 417 181.392 692 1.648 857 1.862,291 510 176.805 383 633.813 464 124, 175 8 24 64.830 160.735 246,665 106,687 37,020 133,270 651 71 35.263 54.2 4.181 77.43 536 6.048 304 607 32 402 411 366 528 54 35 560 3.67 140 415 135 135 370 510 510 475 220 255 10 15 377 1,839 309 1,791 172 11 1,808 562 7 1.372 290 44 316 484 465 1,142 394 638 306 1,032 35 50 546 16,240 139 5, 542 213 38,668 72 207 491 166,736 210 21,097 112 13,117 254 20,788 570 26,765 9.470 57,125 12,525 5,460 19.925 5,083 226 308,661 60.7 4.925 81.38 5.051 116,097 621 4,758 220 432 1,034 262 1.664 1.026 2 2.391 96 3,876 3.84 5 967 2,455 1,773 175 2,985 4,520 4,480 4.190 2,043 3,229 651 1,381 4,800 67,382 1,698 5,152 1,899 1,724 182,794 3,879 1,459 470,920 1,197 147 3,934 6,731 1,603 5,328 1,338 2,168 3,821 41,124 2,715 5,673 4,166 125, 447 1,32? 51.969 1.396 245, 417 699 976 5.083 11.978.388 2,716 893,670 107 47.511 1.932 292.OO0 4.606 200, 115 1.139.300 622.710 268. 32S 224,115 577,752 Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. Does not Include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued 153 reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Durham hdgecombe Fors; th franklin Gaaton Gates Graham Granville Commercial Other Commercinl Other Commercial Other Commerci ul Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Others Commercial Other forms farms farms farms farms farms lamia farms farms farms farms farms forms farms farms forms 9 52 032 3,602 374 1.661 1,633 3,669 448 957 1,471 1,003 277 212 547 3,049 286 1 59 226 140 110 116 442 154 93 30 321 14 46 10 99 249 74 2 85,880 40,581 247,386 26,977 126,474 56,039 238,431 32,472 90,910 65,178 97, 111 18,947 17,524 24,132 252,428 29,497 3 90.2 48.8 68.7 72.1 76. 1 34.3 65.0 7 2.5 95.0 44.3 96.8 68.1 82.7 41. 1 82.8 103.1 4 7,346 6,240 7,719 8,664 11,095 9,152 5,659 8,807 9,385 6,327 5,945 3,015 4, 576 3,307 6, 187 4,917 5 85.47 159.38 129.80 113.44 140.42 247 . 79 89.36 126.85 95.46 136.44 63.35 82. 38 46.55 77.62 73.62 41.21 6 936 591 3,576 219 1,627 1,240 3,662 350 940 1, 132 983 19B 211 512 3.035 212 7 20, 161 4, 108 117,502 2,983 38,677 10,870 75,157 3,722 35,325 12,522 34, 575 2,056 2,457 2,858 60,041 2,659 6 169 444 206 124 337 886 430 209 69 645 43 118 107 445 563 138 9 922 776 3,479 306 1,507 1,428 3,555 374 904 1.3P2 914 235 204 529 2,969 265 10 19 33 66 59 54 75 60 20 36 61 45 24 5 9 47 IS 11 120 619 163 148 237 1,172 141 199 150 1, 196 69 123 13 457 123 124 12 179 529 504 169 380 1,098 524 179 333 1,022 212 142 66 367 343 MR 13 82 486 178 152 158 1,019 160 134 128 908 47 104 9 284 10' 91 14 300 623 415 215 844 1,354 966 308 437 1,167 362 201 167 456 R29 1R9 15 139 58 199 30 346 124 395 53 1R1 113 219 23 31 52 266 18 16 6 507 3 148 27 2,961 3 126 8 463 2 153 2 8 5 4 335 5 186 53 14 39 2 1,952 2 77 17 2,308 422 18 114 276 294 106 333 502 79 51 172 255 82 27 20 148 66 19 729 666 3,099 306 1,42a 1,487 2,822 307 778 1,256 618 127 150 360 2,032 186 20 4.75 5.69 3.81 6.21 5.34 4.91 3.42 4.69 5.73 4.74 5.40 4.38 3.83 3.71 4.00 3.72 21 2 230 1 126 36 67 3 66 17 653 342 10 451 50 15 4 IB 306 10 407 5 21 5 10 452 16 22 15 23 519 485 1,864 231 1,103 1,172 1,920 202 603 881 513 62 70 130 1,857 120 24 393 352 1,695 241 548 712 1,308 136 238 551 427 141 90 160 982 55 25 111 95 121 5 175 290 386 90 130 155 15 5 95 245 155 5 26 446 380 1,560 80 850 605 1,762 150 545 720 491 86 35 155 1,807 160 27 885 625 3,384 251 1,393 1, 137 3,346 252 893 1.041 837 201 190 480 2,763 146 28 880 595 3,330 246 1,372 1,127 3,310 226 888 1,001 827 196 190 470 2,717 141 29 835 530 3,230 231 1,312 1,037 3,179 216 803 866 80 2 186 170 415 2,556 136 30 280 150 1,655 36 600 320 1,308 45 465 350 26 2 40 65 140 1,187 50 31 440 200 2,965 41 860 400 2,035 60 745 410 365 45 80 170 2,234 65 32 no 65 542 46 158 66 330 42 133 105 136 5 5 30 465 15 33 234 80 1,950 87 284 126 434 52 286 120 17 3 5 10 30 695 20 34 873 421 3,386 141 1,459 802 3,468 199 847 859 961 179 205 456 2,844 128 35 6,895 1,528 43,656 1,184 9,944 3, 136 23, 573 893 8,736 4, 416 18,866 1,218 1,047 1,575 23,736 774 36 689 286 741 61 1,288 704 2,010 168 639 526 45 3 159 212 1,999 118 37 6,380 1,502 3,941 478 13,976 4,195 12,026 1,429 8,442 3,343 103 5 969 73P 13,013 1,129 38 377 199 1,155 56 705 451 1,623 138 323 410 39 3 68 182 461 1,063 71 39 20 6 204 6 88 42 88 10 26 30 81 10 44 94 91 P 40 3,726 1.B90 30,133 896 11,980 6,161 17,136 1,574 3,987 4,301 8,854 90 R 5,338 10,392 12,952 R0 5 41 881 700 3,123 231 1,474 1,295 3, 355 322 841 1, 167 810 17 R 198 512 2,504 212 42 53 26 54 6 114 26 46 3 66 59 44 2 5 15 48 6 43 14,213 3,117 14, 180 633 25,962 2,516 7,266 1,956 16,403 5,10 3 5,701 165 133 383 5,585 7,075 44 406 406 724 93 768 670 1,264 170 400 669 468 100 174 415 1,149 115 45 214 108 85 7 249 137 401 75 146 260 61 32 7R 98 266 26 46 742 433 2,20 3 162 1,271 688 2,946 266 649 722 768 155 17 R 275 2.466 158 47 1,564 647 7,286 611 2,312 1,036 5,573 568 1,288 1,023 1,394 213 250 324 5,638 334 48 708 402 767 61 1,298 877 2,396 239 764 864 434 47 193 406 2,287 173 49 3,428 890 6,391 250 7,027 2,120 5,589 613 6,725 2,113 1,382 111 1,034 949 7,647 639 50 626 343 613 34 1,230 776 2,169 199 7 34 767 343 3R 175 362 2,071 149 51 1,561 486 1,860 S7 3,641 1,141 2,974 276 3,666 1,140 542 65 414 500 4.192 229 52 698 415 2,795 165 1,283 818 3,021 276 67 3 727 860 144 151 27 2 2,467 169 53 2,593 1,529 31, 326 1,721 4,650 2,165 11, 478 1,011 3,045 2,092 25,943 1,515 428 496 8,341 700 54 145 84 1,792 87 188 67 630 47 137 90 761 101 28 11 418 23 55 309 138 4,714 209 385 135 1,048 75 319 159 3,360 214 44 13 689 69 56 848 651 3,031 234 1,395 1,183 3,128 326 841 1,192 882 202 198 451 2,515 220 57 47,078 25,214 90,374 8,306 97,162 32, 329 89,712 9,700 45,461 37 , 80 1 48,837 7,023 9,306 15,953 74,823 12,792 58 148 111 347 26 555 285 433 40 318 280 338 55 77 170 352 38 59 67,091 11,448 35,728 1,711 180,804 18,396 106,253 1,80 5 84,909 12,507 43,463 2,414 5, 543 6,460 150,663 44,055 60 298 205 547 59 646 398 984 115 496 477 559 102 106 149 642 86 61 213,105 47,429 103,889 8,286 520,117 62,635 155,026 14, 192 262,035 78,784 173,251 9,964 23, 543 21,455 124,515 75, 267 62 505 57 593 R 679 193 477 49 603 163 94 4 18R 110 519 1R1 63 492 98 1,253 27 1,572 331 1, 161 101 1,270 281 353 23 239 244 1,650 IIP 64 952 434 3,602 247 1,661 1,116 3,669 337 957 1,037 1,003 249 212 438 3.049 199 65 2,492,047 146,058 15,079,070 67,937 3,829,672 491,571 9,960,709 88,237 2,392,995 334,482 2,471,929 74,660 225.707 106,9 35 8,504,056 190,555 66 346 17 2 1,351 76 773 387 1,326 117 ' 497 391 78 2 94 148 256 1,261 po 67 157,681 22, 153 637,302 18,991 234,207 57,757 186,117 15,668 145,487 44, 339 656,432 29,238 40,061 23,536 186,418 49.148 68 169 75 61 5 533 243 219 33 392 259 54 7 30 47 342 30 69 270 , 97 1 10,655 281,446 288 598,816 52,721 50, 529 2,295 661,747 47 , 597 3,020 194 9,248 5,804 209,895 2,555 70 338 245 696 71 774 491 1, 113 127 548 561 606 113 122 225 793 96 71 167,282 33,291 98,605 5,412 426,417 47,585 162,306 8,199 297,367 50, 316 129,140 6,322 15,881 14, 560 176,778 71,939 72 855 615 3,151 316 1,490 1,361 3,231 297 783 1,221 903 IP 6 210 510 2,688 181 73 29,070 10,420 249,024 22,195 104,770 35,545 127,900 19,425 95,730 50,085 67,878 5, 450 R10 3,995 111,959 5,760 74 270,767 32,065 1,326,350 51,195 325,868 100,955 588, 322 28,825 256,875 33,435 152,926 4,115 11,250 7,490 476 . 5R 1 58,525 75 184,819 81,225 334,272 47,640 476,250 190,205 270 , 260 15,745 266,076 120,670 274,410 25,755 20,010 40.080 518,860 55, 365 76 84,191 18,705 262,837 15,185 231,060 73,860 234,535 10,805 110,335 36,970 92,840 5,660 21,045 11,945 189,920 21,580 77 118,568 15,120 266,262 14,315 91,046 34, 395 133,873 13, 145 32, 177 18.330 48,990 1.835 2,970 3,205 119,238 5,885 78 91,571 27,470 634,565 64,725 169,648 40,815 316,827 23, 195 128,677 23,020 123.895 5,500 3.2R5 820 191.405 9,600 79 154 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6. FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL [Data for items shown in italics are based on Item ns and explanations, see text) Lorn- nercial farms Other farms Com- merclal ) a rr:. s Other farms Com- merclal farms Other farms Com- merclal farms Other farms Haywood ' CT- merci al farms Other farms Com- nercial farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number. . . Under 10 acres number... Land in farms acres... Average sire of farm acres... Value of land and buildings. .. .average per farm, dollars. . . average per acre, dollars... Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting. . . acres. . . farms reporting 1 to 9 acres. . Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number.. Not residing on farm operated ..number.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number.. Working off their farm, total number. . 100 days or more number.. By tenure: Full owners number.. Part owners number. . Managers number.. All tenants ■ • -number. . Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms reporting. . Electricity farms reporting. . Average of last monthly electric bill dollars.. Corn pickers farms repor ting. . Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting. . Automobiles farms reporting. . Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. . Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. . persons. . Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. . acres. . Irish potatoes farms reporting. . acres '. bushels. . Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting.. Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) ...farms reporting.. do 1 1 a rs . . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting.. acres 2 . Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting. . number. . Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting.. number. . Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting. . number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Chickens sold farms reporting.. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . Cattle sold alive number.. Calves sold alive... number.. Sales of farm products in 1919: All farm products sold farms reporting.. dol lars. . Lives" i ■ 'i alive forms reporting. . dollars. . Dal ry products sold forms reporting. . dol lars. . Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting. . dollars.. Specified farm expenditures in 1949: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting.. Hachine hire dollars. . Hired labor dollars. . Feed for 1 ivestock and poultry. dollars. . Livestock and poultry purchased dol lars. . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars.. 2,757 10 3 122,901 44. 1 8,793 201.02 2,749 68,429 179 2,692 73 379 96 379 12P 1 2,249 81 2.587 2.69 1 551 1,557 725 145 1,770 2,566 2,541 2,455 BO 6 1,471 310 49 5 2,607 39,676 564 2,227 1,086 182 23,652 2,233 61 7,827 541 56 1,828 4,106 736 2,021 579 806 2,202 20, 425 1,563 2,862 2,330 72,845 366 12,421 388 43, 159 311 339 2,757 11,052,668 1,223 333,996 64 11,243 592 34,974 2,667 97,575 762,415 271,230 161,910 71,600 583,780 188 23 21,741 115.6 12,820 143. 59 77 87 3 43 106 14 37 27 19 140 16 5 27 21 42 61 520 13 39 20 4 672 28 7 81 330 28 106 24 43 69 681 38 85 78 2,874 11 193 17 876 1 18 62 18,027 37 7,739 5 131 22 8 38 72 3,765 14.772 13,315 3,545 4,825 14.560 2,625 126 221,483 84.4 9,548 110,53 2,589 66,967 390 2,49 3 84 355 644 231 1, 170 502 10 943 455 2,365 4.52 57 1,025 1,895 1, 165 330 1,060 2,420 2,399 2,249 1, 136 1,727 305 611 2.365 18,274 2,019 21,596 1,357 142 19,318 2,402 195 42,511 1,465 480 1,960 4,202 2,100 11,929 1,974 6,237 1,926 7,453 322 607 2,293 106.657 645 320.509 931 494.244 1.828 2,992 2,625 7,910,939 1,252 508,796 707 1,207,086 1,105 553,426 2,301 180,290 719,707 903, 130 360,680 146,573 327,665 2, 143 486 89,608 41.8 6.490 158.38 1,604 14,530 1,080 1,999 84 1,600 1,380 1,276 1,768 177 4 194 666 1.816 4.84 10 416 1,430 796 285 915 1,496 1,466 1,356 440 560 106 156 1,060 4,504 914 5.359 762 36 7.369 1,794 85 15,004 1, 191 204 1,139 1,901 1,359 3,408 1,216 1,70 3 983 2,953 130 244 1,639 47,372 370 24,709 589 96,425 300 674 1.474 470,967 634 91,464 314 29,525 704 66,888 1,786 49,870 79,725 237.245 84,215 40,445 56.240 3.8 50 125 329.620 85.6 7,385 8 5.90 3,827 126,672 242 3,670 128 179 698 177 794 497 12 2,547 205 2,425 4.36 41 861 1,659 1,225 279 2, 194 3,485 3,434 3,298 1.853 3,575 487 1,471 3,596 35,832 7 10 3,129 1.752 147 22,0 42 3,386 127 23. 512 1,374 345 2.632 7,726 1,669 7,372 1,397 2,284 3,170 28,496 1,782 4,437 3,281 84.095 254 20,566 561 68.585 749 1.191 3,850 12,173,277 1,499 627,240 132 76,467 669 56,067 3,526 406,8 50 1,099.842 284.460 225,275 245,638 444, 178 624 192 43.911 70.4 6.434 98.93 490 7.761 320 550 29 386 361 301 363 81 1 179 47 356 5.0 5 6 76 246 198 61 291 369 369 328 166 263 43 370 3,634 76 722 239 14 2,389 485 27 5,817 287 60 360 796 215 1,073 191 282 387 4,092 131 494 487 12, 154 45 1,357 102 9. 149 538 185 512 401,892 178 231, 452 32 2,810 113 5,803 457 19 , 6O0 77,566 30,807 63, 18 2 10.650 33.934 4,486 246 258,239 57.6 7,297 137.67 4.455 104.897 5 •'8 3.904 95 229 750 268 1, 445 477 2 2. 562 161 3,778 4. 13 15 90 3 2.302 1, 131 440 2.642 3.841 3,821 3,621 1,285 2,020 401 638 4,128 35,740 2, 327 9,679 1,285 52 12,7 29 3,593 142 33,878 1,443 230 3,466 6,026 2,092 4,473 1,860 2,388 3,096 18. 61 7 1.180 2.045 3,460 109,562 663 103.768 614 153,469 58 3 661 4,486 13,309,920 1,335 323,912 178 48,658 953 1KB, 601 3,986 199, 150 1,097,239 381,060 192,045 131,215 436,820 845 291 34,016 40.3 4,991 118. 17 602 5,292 402 667 58 343 371 305 512 81 1 251 52 657 4.97 ""is 457 232 150 380 577 572 522 167 236 67 135 47 5 2,344 128 480 168 5 1,383 554 6 599 243 24 341 478 238 517 207 244 374 1,594 96 119 560 15.708 10 2 3.849 113 14,840 31 54 547 218,266 117 18,848 22 2,116 163 10,154 639 28,468 97.036 54,965 30,856 40,086 53,706 1.063 101 110.745 104.2 13,707 131.90 1,035 14.8 35 469 1,017 39 132 289 113 649 237 1 176 188 825 3.75 210 295 203 401 366 905 894 813 468 648 205 321 963 6,201 626 4.B40 737 208 19,011 983 66 25,116 770 1,263 852 1.601 1,013 17,020 956 4,884 742 2.125 121 216 969 46.959 374 85.488 604 144,268 3,001 3,687 1,063 2.042.248 911 682.746 314 348, 400 60 5 137,701 920 24,335 251, 174 201.804 250,7 52 60,907 61,980 1.721 590 56 r 046 32.6 6,370 194. IB 1,448 8,010 1,225 1.639 65 1,409 1.189 1,051 1,344 155 370 1.425 3.56 70 705 335 720 560 1,210 1,200 1.075 535 790 135 180 1,162 3,652 687 2,614 944 174 17.658 1,464 46 3,719 1.196 711 774 1,094 1,425 5.903 1,291 2.443 855 1.768 80 103 1.160 34,315 432 12. 188 472 53, 10 2 551 1,369 1,436 122,556 962 151,214 263 32, 186 682 33.091 1, 425 16,705 46,980 161.410 96, 280 45, 590 7,700 672 31 66,552 99.0 15,882 143. 59 658 18,267 156 655 14 74 109 44 440 159 194 520 10.54 15 301 301 202 231 212 600 574 533 222 330 165 454 581 5,189 377 3,287 328 1,216 64.009 576 333 426,291 511 3,692 448 767 595 6,172 574 2,993 423 1,620 104 246 602 45,224 244 48,463 357 191.935 759 1,475 672 L086.944 416 205,437 272 60 1,880 412 130.061 627 46.228 S77.954 517,656 210.005 88. 577 128.804 'Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See tex 2 Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA FARMS AND OTHER FARMS. CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 155 Hertf ord Hok e Hyd e Ired ell Jack son Johnston Jon ea Lee Commercial Other Commercial Other Commerci al Other Commerci al Other Commerci a] Other Commerci al Other Commerci al Other Commerci si Other forma farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farma farms 1,801 144 1,479 256 360 326 2,327 1,810 414 1,846 7,436 661 1,423 IP. 1 1, 221 434 1 37 32 26 56 10 S3 66 339 8 277 212 200 29 40 61 EM 2 128,645 12,069 117,758 16, 117 47,478 18, 145 243. 377 84,072 44,284 83,734 382,350 35,230 112, 113 16,760 10, 522 24, 322 3 71.4 83.8 79.6 63.0 131.1 55.7 104.6 46.4 107.0 45. 4 51.4 53.3 78. P 92.6 74. 1 56. 4 7,305 5,255 6,477 3.606 1, 148 3, 146 9.349 4.825 5,577 3,751 6.812 6,929 6. 172 3,835 6,992 5, 587 5 17.71 74.77 80.79 88.29 77. 35 72.11 92.71 103.34 52.30 75.58 135.92 160. 10 76.85 55.58 95.22 93.84 6 1,785 91 1,470 208 34S 243 2,283 1,450 405 1,665 7,401 462 1,413 110 1.203 349 7 40, 162 848 52.550 3,024 24, 547 5,697 82,847 18,078 5,425 10, 261 177,069 4.014 39,508 1,636 23.075 3,020 s 88 58 60 10 5 11 76 227 776 164 1,360 465 317 81 66 184 237 • 9 1,681 91 1,393 219 332 298 2,230 1,680 400 1,771 7.025 525 1.361 154 1, 172 404 hi 80 12 39 18 20 19 59 10 3 13 39 117 14 40 12 33 14 1! 82 60 80 121 52 262 263 1,277 49 1, 284 323 211 67 55 122 262 12 355 65 333 129 148 206 661 1,218 101 1, 136 1, 140 232 178 62 374 272 13 68 47 84 107 30 130 204 1,053 25 858 354 189 77 4P 122 221 M 214 89 355 155 110 176 1, 151 1,392 329 1,538 2,100 460 424 114 552 323 15 201 1 16 1 207 6 22 ? 134 64 548 8 163 x 54 2 164 7 41 3 45 1 116 11 178 20 16 17 18 1, 217 38 911 77 116 86 620 254 29 144 4,584 155 882 56 2 489 1 82 58 20 33 6 51 15 258 216 16 135 271 60 9 10 68 10 19 2IJ 1,141 75 901 167 242 155 2,008 1,487 280 1,265 6,557 446 1,048 126 990 340 3.56 5.44 4.00 4.17 4.7B 3.34 4.55 3.83 2.90 3.02 3.73 4.54 4.38 3.55 4.31 4,40 21 1 560 5 45 7 236 27 22 128 35 26 1,158 352 25 37 1,913 1 76 32 459 1 26 55 220 22 23 24 21 359 189 35 574 106 188 110 1,480 1.192 59 415 4,657 261 725 106 634 548 45 423 82 92 65 525 546 80 320 1.718 115 707 86 347 150 25 20 62 15 50 15 161 120 244 895 100 10 75 25 105 20 26 118 75 876 140 190 240 1,551 1.07 5 66 635 5,442 406 577 55 683 205 27 1,665 95 1,226 19 2 322 225 2, 128 1,331 394 1,530 6,921 391 1,272 126 1,090 230 28 1,660 85 1,219 19 2 322 210 2,098 1,321 394 1,505 6,866 371 1,249 121 1,074 225 29 1, 604 80 1,084 17 2 307 180 1.988 1, 176 369 1,315 6,530 346 1, 179 106 1,009 205 30 728 15 597 50 76 70 946 495 247 855 2,748 106 401 15 453 100 31 1, 204 20 1, 137 80 96 10 5 1,616 715 369 1,185 4,256 149 622 20 725 130 32 201 20 135 12 147 50 223 86 33 75 7 25 41 166 21 115 15 33 347 20 428 39 224 65 431 115 56 85 1. 193 57 360 46 203 20 34 1,735 74 1,345 144 331 214 1,964 885 380 1.530 7,201 316 1,376 77 1, 107 281 35 16, 666 332 12,864 897 9,686 2,616 16,058 4,266 2,028 5,331 73, 597 1,788 23,647 987 8,112 1,298 36 187 6 765 57 95 27 1,816 810 331 871 4, 198 144 317 27 791 136 37 492 24 5,047 483 367 94 25,898 5,652 2,269 3,555 13,811 586 1,781 146 4,563 686 38 1, 245 65 706 97 91 22 1,215 708 322 1, 145 2,903 154 460 15 118 25 39 81 4 22 2 555 11 49 23 309 370 275 10 143 6 21 3 40 17,834 871 6,629 635 117,443 1,784 11.374 5,237 30,770 30,951 64,386 1,719 14,756 644 3,409 423 41 1,553 86 1,268 187 313 254 2.109 1.455 379 1.641 6,759 456 1, 114 111 1.133 367 42 15 1 158 18 18 6 59 24 146 103 180 17 30 1 34 R 1,260 43 1,807 300 32,153 3,202 4,215 801 10.893 3,920 88,513 23,908 35,358 1,827 10,431 10 3,368 44 561 36 38 357 84 196 113 1.551 1,152 279 1,203 2,563 194 226 47 583 206 45 2 417 18 201 158 47 5 324 201 477 435 36 17 7 224 27 46 1,467 73 1, 165 123 256 160 1,621 668 349 998 6,057 292 1,057 85 957 207 47 3, 313 541 1.384 427 111 2,281 199 616 277 3,206 1,048 534 1,216 10,422 469 2,179 239 1,637 304 48 17 668 81 293 181 2.055 1.18 5 397 1,533 3,451 194 444 41 853 242 49 45 I, 377 302 1,716 600 16,302 3,362 3,222 4,380 8,062 407 1,612 124 2, 373 568 50 15 544 67 260 153 1,988 1,081 379 1.390 3,060 164 353 32 788 208 51 610 1,492 25 650 157 521 229 8,645 1.822 1,062 2, 197 3,864 205 588 48 1, 314 278 52 66 1, 194 146 279 160 1,777 956 303 1,066 6,267 353 1,129 88 917 234 680 53 20, 632 615 5,634 640 5,054 1,508 5,875 2.264 1.233 2,384 57,156 2,530 12,413 717 3, 155 54 1, 147 38 387 35 223 100 333 104 75 98 3,976 171 888 63 158 23 55 2,182 1,544 42,891 97 579 114 684 189 577 166 146 146 7,707 286 1,856 102 254 37 56 89 2,073 1,267 31,787 189 4,309 326 26.241 271 13,854 2,055 10 3,567 1,404 36,057 382 27,771 1,608 44,939 6,598 229,715 462 17,052 1,036 40,278 102 3.280 1,068 38,692 337 8,159 57 58 247 12 179 27 139 89 758 355 167 465 2,045 135 208 24 300 58 59 17,867 554 44, 163 107 322 175 27 2,207 71,829 527 5,370 2,819 456, 182 48. 399 17,287 12,261 113,538 5,019 13.444 672 187,470 3, 143 60 261 33,277 46 2.407 277 118,955 187 36.992 1.125 361.617 554 65,707 185 55,662 499 40, 168 2,218 498,847 188 23,999 241 65.634 31 3,429 407 72,183 117 10,725 61 62 I 92 17 187 19 1.640 329 731 411 959 30 137 6 262 39 63 9 183 46 391 111 4,134 621 8S9 1, 157 1.523 55 278 13 409 62 64 1,801 5,754,336 1.000 376,813 55 17,214 633 39,947 91 57,722 33 9,113 6 340 31 962 1,479 3.692,817 433 56,778 75 7.208 195 103,683 56 10,592 14 33,352 360 823,556 282 173,019 52 4,883 302 116,819 140 24,752 24 1.643 2,327 5,239,542 1,535 416,958 1,241 1,211,672 1,476 596,8 33 632 83,498 406 63.323 414 436,249 340 152,885 65 22, 127 1,341 265,723 915 114,099 199 16,008 7,436 21,340,897 3.891 1,106,910 365 67.505 442 162,014 182 39,781 25 1,638 1,423 4,061,436 643 193,478 14 1.094 124 7 4,678 44 6,806 1 8 1,221 3,235,864 422 7 3,087 224 74,375 340 84.709 93 12,865 43 7,276 65 66 67 68 69 70 330 89.756 54 1.610 288 48,039 196 15,431 1,325 582,036 673 69,748 234 44,255 721 28,212 2.196 356,369 218 14,815 309 45.365 40 2,063 520 175,677 139 8, 300 71 72 1,651 159,469 311,954 135.520 121,707 74,867 198,730 85 3, 225 11,910 6,375 1,445 3,420 2,975 1.236 103,891 260, 382 167 1.169 55,977 338 21,995 108,790 260 10.765 17,690 2.200 111,493 511,662 1,512 61,950 35,195 335 1,955 31,050 1,520 6,005 41,545 7,029 350. 140 1,591,716 456 19,230 68,765 1, 125 41,081 508.548 96 5,300 19,800 1,130 59,800 233,085 375 12.470 32, 630 73 74 75 68, 616 22, 340 81,705 17, 650 586,405 149, 626 36,005 116,245 974.802 62. 115 176.202 8,490 268,607 26,870 76 44,83*: 1,125 32. 380 3,230 241,833 49,610 37.795 29,415 385.802 19, 425 70, 525 7.30S 104, 465 19, 310 77 56,850 18, 265 31,265 3,715 76,824 21,830 10.105 21.550 292,470 13, 110 38,628 5,405 69,960 13,830 78 134, 312 6, 275 80,690 13,265 314, 167 36,710 8,065 11, 185 915.929 43,285 237.556 13, 2S0 1 106,543 19,255 79 156 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL .Data for items shown in italics are based on (For defimti Item and expla Com- mercia I farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- lercial farms Other farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950; Farms number Under 10 acres number Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings. .. .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting acres farms reporting 1 to 9 acres Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number Not residing on farm operated number With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number Working off their farm, total number 100 days or more number By tenure: Ful 1 owners number Part owners .' number Managers number All tenants number Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms report ins Electrici ty farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars Corn pickers farms report ing Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting Automobiles farms report ing Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Ward sur face farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms report ing Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms report ing Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms report ing persons H ired workers farms report mg persons Crops harvested in [919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Land from which hay wn cut farms reporting acres Irish potatoes farms reporting acres bushels Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting dollars Land in bearing and nonbearlng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting acres Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Cattle and calves farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Sows and gilts for spring farrowing, .. farms reporting number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Cattle sold alive number Calves sold alive number Sales of farm products in 1949: All farm products sold farms reporting del lars Livestock sold alive farms reporting dol 1 ars Dairy products sold farms reporting dol 1 ars Poultry and poultry products sold farm'* reporting doll I Specified farm expenditures in 1949: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire dollars ft i red labor dot tars Feed lor I i ve:, foc/t and poul try dol lars Livestock and poul try purchased dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollar-. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars 3, 426 153 199,913 58.4 9,034 162.70 3,414 89,504 251 3,287 77 225 593 180 674 231 1 2,517 113 2.652 4.35 52 800 1.939 1,447 1,784 3,023 2,975 2,824 1,139 1.819 390 812 3,304 53,783 903 5,053 1,582 340 39,424 2,955 116 22,924 925 152 2,037 4,609 937 3,887 769 1,709 2,479 24.746 1,559 2,996 2,724 91,437 618 33,309 613 108,351 386 724 3,426 11,800,021 1,325 423.735 76 170,525 897 91.854 3.215 101.573 1.069.551 360,616 171,062 106,592 638,244 355 82 30,373 85.6 6,025 127.69 235 3,529 134 286 21 134 126 100 247 26 3 79 35 254 6.28 2 106 169 148 189 178 158 70 100 33 102 154 1,738 79 989 102 20 2,465 235 6 12,112 114 22 174 538 96 468 77 195 167 1,777 88 207 248 10.775 52 2,586 75 10.959 42 72 205 150,243 94 39,099 10 27.559 °3 7.556 289 15.635 115.100 56.807 11,913 12.775 58.511 1.588 54 124,139 78.2 7,167 97.13 1,575 50,600 121 1.503 43 139 371 107 716 258 1 613 116 1,326 4.48 35 625 846 375 100 1,076 1,411 1,401 1,301 761 1,308 111 171 1,401 10.580 1,030 11,568 558 42 5,849 1.435 89 31.077 562 259 923 1.813 1,365 7,513 1,312 4.030 1,289 3.794 182 261 1,282 60.103 397 73.038 592 270.613 680 1,270 1,588 3.270.511 74.3 168.032 630 422.668 670 281,626 1,431 116,780 100,470 388,915 202,655 25,930 131,070 854 178 35.581 41.7 4.774 94.02 706 8,476 363 820 20 585 546 487 634 87 . 1 132 65 710 4.35 200 515 315 50 445 4° 5 490 450 185 250 60 120 499 2,245 329 2,127 217 8 1,5.80 701 14 2,115 354 109 343 509 610 1,494 562 820 536 1,127 49 66 594 17,053 130 5,979 208 31,879 78 169 702 322,707 223 21,275 160 17,5,38 251 20,957 690 31,130 28.790 38,815 16,515 8,795 37.920 224 3 33,866 151.2 5.923 38.56 215 6.168 52 212 54 22 158 34 32 25 177 4.82 1 87 102 45 81 96 182 172 142 95 155 31 66 202 2.085 145 1,023 no 33 3,004 195 22 3,444 137 539 162 269 201 1,392 189 521 165 953 61 149 199 15.283 109 97.075 1.30 79,237 178 301 224 308. 9S1 168 60,070 89 64,535 152 130,170 107 11.700 14.290 75,925 30,300 8.765 20, 120 1.332 240 74,289 55.8 3,667 72.11 1,084 8,256 795 1,249 34 836 717 1.102 105 41 916 3.36 131 441 356 365 545 936 926 816 390 540 51 59 867 4.162 1.097 5!2 119 9,310 1.134 81 4.431 709 297 622 816 994 2,247 862 1,144 678 1.745 89 147 994 25.655 233 9,044 300 37.006 172 891 221.978 438 55.544 195 20.535 417 26,113 1,106 14,940 16,056 111.728 3*, 110 15.795 21,770 414 7 45,237 109.3 7,096 70.24 408 6,586 133 405 46 137 36 330 47 2 35 16 391 4.31 5 66 111 166 200 95 421 416 386 175 255 61 93 383 2.382 339 3.142 330 166 13,858 108 78.539 316 179 318 493 304 3,776 374 1.533 301 1.845 134 244 384 25.930 230 19.735 276 148.105 943 1,124 414 736,209 374 208,699 122 104,917 319 09,689 451 7.525 88,521 166,194 125,015 27,674 22,101 1,862 300 86.475 46.4 3,534 76.93 1,715 11.400 1.338 1.816 38 1.422 1.196 1,461 215 80 1.160 2.86 "25 400 435 695 560 1,455 1.425 1,260 590 795 120 170 1,576 6.339 836 3.409 1,384 344 30,984 1,732 132 17,667 1.317 557 923 1.279 1.511 3,769 1,405 2.036 1,123 3,014 186 253 1.646 49.920 639 17.837 776 97.793 381 1,196 1,538 247,366 1.C70 127.049 163 16.196 984 61,249 1,500 10.510 30.920 107.900 49.170 29,706 5.395 2.214 212 167,193 75.5 6,344 77.57 2.192 24.792 1.195 2,057 72 110 422 75 1,321 301 1 591 50 1,588 2.65 "112 441 280 890 990 1,977 1,972 1.867 855 1,205 146 234 2.021 8.805 1.454 10.086 1.457 316 34.896 1,819 56 5,049 1,398 704 1,727 2,920 2,068 13,844 1,983 5,403 1.540 3.259 134 192 1.954 1 64,614 698 35.785 1.321 192,150 2,683 2.738 2,214 2.822.456 1,606 544.691 306 148,349 1,414 96,252 2.048 27.275 102,625 221,060 317, 120 72.995 67,020 1.244 283 51.944 41.8 3,791 92.31 1.000 5.415 851 1.114 65 800 608 498 841 95 45 866 2.81 26 421 225 400 515 881 856 746 340 450 40 65 746 2.237 425 1,826 675 80 10,222 918 23 1.629 647 236 596 853 1,014 3.140 954 1,566 645 1.029 32 42 1,011 24.143 282 5,582 484 41,803 315 740 1.060 388.123 641 78.264 73 12,195 560 10,104 1,016 7.955 28,670 56.535 35.235 20.540 13.180 2.607 52 203,002 77.9 9,340 117.23 2,596 70.414 144 2.479 116 179 776 143 578 193 ' ' 1 ! 836 219 2.230 4.22 15 687 1,441 775 175 1,587 2,399 2,367 2,296 837 1,487 457 892 2.518 28.997 155 379 1,671 320 53,410 2.337 57 8.711 986 61 1.806 4.731 646 2,522 551 1.001 2.142 36.069 1.824 5,098 2.228 76, 190 636 23.761 989 98.141 283 356 2.607 10. 121.660 1.323 592,692 36 68.597 1,150 73.676 2.423 198.986 927,099 322^318 139,808 107.859 420.839 135 49.745 70 14.276 4 93 72 4.126 Does not include acres for farms with le Does not include acres for farms reporll ih, in !5 bushels harvested. See text, less than 1/2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA FARMS AND OTHER FARMS-' CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued reports for only a sample of farms. Sec textj 157 Mecklei burff Mite hell Montgomery Moore Ntih New Hanover Northampton Ona low Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other Units Commercial fit rip. i Other farms Commercial farms Other 1 arrn.-i Commercial farma Other 1 Commercial I. ....... Other fai ..,■. Commercial farma Other 1.-140 57 137, 585 95. S 12, 590 132.61 1,100 53.320 130 1,776 355 79,578 44.8 7,878 181.80 1,338 15,703 747 478 22 36,030 75.4 7,684 92.17 471 7,275 178 1,453 338 51,603 35.5 3,864 112.99 1,264 7,895 1,020 552 14 80,965 146.7 7,525 48.15 544 19.478 59 664 84 48,715 73.4 3,309 43.17 600 7,657 313 1.542 67 168,207 10". 1 5,574 67.01 1,508 35,151 280 995 160 67,833 68.2 3,400 55.90 026 7,714 528 5,261 207 272. IK 51.7 8,214 142.45 5,240 116,745 433 59 4 183 39,482 66.5 11,557 158.96 410 3.845 278 174 15 22,314 128.2 11.722 112.04 158 6,702 31 227 88 6.U56 26.7 6,897 380.80 150 953 120 3, .'39 67 258,389 79.8 6,641 81. 12 3,189 111,694 118 585 183 36,969 63.2 3,812 71.49 267 2.489 167. 1,814 66 132.543 73.1 4,628 72.91 1,791 42,083 201 365 80 22,175 60.8 3,208 61.63 254 2,350 169 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 1,371 44 1.610 55 456 11 1,366 60 510 24 613 15 1.475 51 931 39 5,083 10" 511 39 150 19 205 17 2,564 150 484 33 1.562 66 320 21 10 11 212 420 168 1.306 1,264 1,155 39 124 46 1.051 941 796 41 158 49 353 378 298 278 524 223 672 612 479 311 753 242 260 222 177 26 32 22 154 161 151 112 400 109 202 208 180 159 424 180 183 191 166 12 13 14 589 196 8 647 1 , 364 98 3 311 385 47 1,299 65 1 88 280 105 5 162 510 37 117 787 263 10 482 795 81 2 117 917 361 10 3,973 406 73 2 113 92 58 3 21 183 20 24 509 409 2 2,319 376 60 149 805 291 1 717 278 38 1 48 15 16 46 17 18 411 1.002 7.38 497 847 610 1.340 6.75 335 1.185 45 1,030 2.77 10 285 79 482 4.36 21 246 260 35 415 3,50 85 190 95 1,226 4.26 11 395 836 40 680 3.80 130 520 173 4,339 3.75 17 1,143 2,677 98 475 5.31 154 314 104 139 8.13 105 70 135 225 5.16 25 150 84 1,765 3.80 17 7 59 1,410 62 407 4.B6 72 277 32 1,408 3.51 5 580 829 35 220 4.95 50 155 395 2.28 15 75 19 20 21 22 23 24 611 315 351 860 450 315 55 290 120 275 745 335 198 61 273 195 90 270 321 186 953 220 125 595 1,816 120 2,957 235 15 250 154 205 20 20 1,182 209 1,763 257 45 220 380 120 1,358 90 40 200 25 26 27 15 1,237 1,212 1.126 1.150 1.090 370 840 446 355 1,362 70S 4,772 357 144 160 2,918 286 1,745 275 28 365 820 441 355 1,350 695 4,750 337 143 145 2,871 285 1,724 270 29 955 340 695 419 330 1,310 610 4,550 317 143 130 2,690 240 1,659 240 30 197 873 341 600 435 580 130 155 110 160 30 45 320 455 75 85 147 224 84 234 105 125 608 824 98 199 375 460 25 45 2,177 3,607 564 1,128 47 80 56 127 40 70 69 477 35 50 25 25 1.114 1,866 369 632 85 130 16 in 691 1,056 183 311 100 135 30 35 31 32 33 34 1.196 11,378 949 4,631 436 1,824 976 2,473 500 4,872 490 2,943 1,394 11,007 669 3,383 5,050 43,188 215 1,103 127 1,46] 121 4B6 2,991 29,642 176 936 1,731 25,538 207 1,372 35 36 908 16.605 719 5,559 395 3,962 815 3,799 327 2,972 294 1,657 739 4,771 301 1,256 2,442 13,752 200 1,839 35 187 30 74 684 2,790 41 126 391 1, 373 27 84 37 38 264 29 4,024 166 10 1,288 423 455 46,194 1,088 498 37,578 186 30 3,619 210 11 2,183 927 38 9,271 529 24 4,806 2,331 221 31,181 196 28 2.743 35 37 4,667 26 12 982 1,065 104 15,248 174 8 1,847 '559 92 13,206 81 15 1,981 39 40 41 1,199 1.351 438 1,316 481 556 1,372 821 4,730 429 109 138 2,256 365 1,551 276 42 108 50,232 67 13,716 13 1.704 9 556 84 28,509 24 2.941 77 10,782 17 3,027 41 6,229 5 419 83 485,308 43 9,028 17 2717? 300 24 4,093 2 150 43 44 550 227 830 329 867 227 232 657 440 1,753 229 36 67 740 166 522 116 45 253 300 305 3,751 212 1,868 123 335 61 14 19 169 16 52 5 46 981 2.385 1,127 850 358 525 395 351 1,164 534 4,060 279 123 104 2,289 257 1.416 195 47 1.381 602 726 737 504 1.936 753 8,847 693 216 124 5,614 582 2.395 324 48 1, 101 451 1.184 392 444 1,056 570 1,744 163 67 54 1,203 199 583 78 49 11,201 1,049 3,375 968 3.195 429 3,013 1.106 1,671 358 896 400 2,785 1.001 1,003 530 4,765 1,499 467 133 819 60 110 42 3,638 944 416 164 2,163 473 260 65 50 51 5,821 996 5,252 202 421 1.248 69.412 1,562 1.483 1,694 748 541 1,612 668 2,093 184 418 59 1,337 210 849 106 52 894 406 867 389 378 1,1431 582 4,043 319 90 102 2,197 320 1,495 217 53 2.825 1.033 1,555 1,693 1,053 3,696 1,591 26.005 1.858 1.634 66) 23,595 2.177 19,970 1,672 54 107 77 74 76 51 223 76 1,671 92 46 40 1,452 160 1,134 122 55 219 161 102 183 89 345 112 3,201 201 175 74 3.737 326 2,621 204 56 1,364 44,675 443 12,635 1.217 24.862 477 35,685 574 16,684 1,349 62,181 830 22,833 4,538 144,699 445 16,473 11" 11,898 146 4,834 2.241 78,794 431 14,073 1.488 55,752 264 8.058 57 58 266 101,658 481 340,843 1,077 230 1Q9 222 150 130 497 176 744 88 30 25 457 86 399 1 61 1,989 59 10,391 15,210 4,924 134,244 7.703 1,602.396 127,194 49,845 3.008 11,732 1,170 29,792 2,384 20,635 60 365 61,964 97 19,010 185 19,882 218 158,857 201 27.139 473 258.484 249 43,089 1.132 270.635 142 20,410 44 89,422 35 8.610 823 150.979 174 15,708 500 112,546 94 10.705 61 62 241 654 288 229 57 234 82 455 34 155 15 476 20 188 25 63 2 . 490 423 1,046 838 227 108 475 161 961 68 102 36 807 71 353 23 64 1,440 4,128,649 770 358,784 409 1.084,349 542 273,639 1,101 345.740 478 528,105 1,031 204,723 552 1.506,821 498 93.028 1,542 4,808,049 701 233.540 5.261 18.493,202 305 90.638 174 1,460,315 159 62,524 3,239 9,305,838 407 123,483 1,814 4,4-18,754 267 89,967 6S 66 550 66,730 374 136,541 692 1 74,864 230 68,448 164 18,269 580 100,265 269 27,745 1,612 400,495 122 22,393 78 79,820 50 9,923 1,297 49 4.441 154 32 , 306 1.074 451 , 483 103 26,945 67 68 150 25.490 145 100.453 139 24,224 80 51.118 56 3.899 191 112.296 74 5,479 195 101,068 23 4,113 19 108,011 15 1,739 145 41,497 22 845 39 18.667 5 463 69 70 442 42,780 149 20,657 308 13,156 259 187,871 257 18,076 701 1,673,596 329 102,900 li407 177,204 163 12,042 52 55,151 45 5,780 941 97.987 192 8,538 •)24 101,097 119 6,432 71 72 1,087 111,805 424,111 538,922 265,698 88,518 183,004 . L 1.335 375 1,020 486 405 1,451 720 4,664 470 165 235 3,064 452 1,721 260 73 62,865 62,065 3.900 12.225 38,447 9,970 73,228 25,770 273,267 59.301 7.835 2.770 393,458 26,375 59.950 8.465 74 35,435 14,635 317,186 8,735 331.688 43.370 1.310,255 113.435 336,128 14.575 655,085 32.215 421,254 22,415 75 139,055 51,300 28,930 70.485 236.845 29,955 958,243 79,070 445,617 61.947 187,304 27,175 242,405 37,310 214.217 24,195 76 60,870 24.700 128,412 6.385 306,789 20.795 305.620 24.480 125.985. 4,140 197,095 14.685 136.480 4,305 77 23, 565 36,120 16,795 4,265 13.270 2,755 46,691 110,339 3.385 10.265 75.497 142,500 12.230 21,140 217,381 709,741 35.932 80.818 158.860 62.963 6,240 7,740 173,377 242,951 10.905 16,035 60,643 188,922 11.765 12,270 78 79 991354 O - 52 - 12 158 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL [Data for Items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations Orange Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Pasquotank Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Perquimans Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number Under 10 acres number Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm. . . acres Value of land and bui idings. .. .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting acres farms reporting 1 to 9 acres Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number Not residing on farm operated number With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number Working off their farm, total number 100 days or more number By tenure: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number Al 1 tenants number Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars Corn pickers farms reporting Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting Automobiles farms reporting Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Ward surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms report ing Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Irish potatoes farms reporting acres bushels Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting dollars Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting. acres 2 Livestock on farms, April 1, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting. number. Cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting. number. Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Chickens sold. farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Cattle sold alive........ number. Calves sold alive number. Sales of farm products in 1919: All farm products sold. farms reporting. dol lars. Livestock sold alive farms reporting. dollars. Dairy products sold farms reporting. dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold .farms reporting. do 1 1 a r s . Specified farm expenditures in 1919: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting. Machine hire .dollars. Hired labor. dollars. Feed for 1 ives lock and poultry. . . dol lars. Livestock and poultry purchased dollars. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars. 1, 179 56 126,408 107.2 8,172 73.79 1,152 33,089 155 1,138 16 79 198 77 575 180 4 420 55 879 5.91 16 484 784 246 126 697 1,009 984 914 502 803 163 327 1,072 10,487 862 10,450 726 32 6,454 1,057 61 7,796 697 241 832 1,915 1,031 6,439 983 3,733 959 4,327 234 402 1,079 104,178 401 97,499 508 781,893 578 1,565 1,179 3,390,543 682 185,380 345 587,939 593 457,106 1,004 71,046 335,200 597,044 136,273 55,234 164,169 859 124 52,665 61.3 6,262 99.78 664 6,652 412 791 44 537 557 490 685 66 473 13 57,754 122.1 7,084 64.22 459 24,421 39 404 40 57 120 47 254 164 110 730 5.83 5 120 530 281 145 475 680 67 5 615 315 355 50 80 479 2,496 360 2,335 406 7 2,781 719 41 3,137 514 91 409 617 555 1,273 506 710 454 1,480 76 115 698 24, 573 175 10,896 258 55,420 97 198 611 201,344 265 34,118 148 11,492 322 35,930 830 20,060 46, 335 130,565 36,255 16, 100 21,440 87 379 5.72 12 173 248 206 35 187 394 372 372 112 174 119 687 412 7,739 150 696 174 2,054 377,771 326 90 83,201 147 46 330 560 219 ,153 173 297 290 3,703 191 490 371 23,956 1, 152 18,108 219 99,455 172 161 473 1,97 5.8 36 231 122,232 35 15,231 255 290,203 409 32,255 406,927 168,220 43,655 82,923 119,773 316 61 12,577 39.8 3,686 97.67 227 2,659 116 273 27 205 195 161 239 49 50 215 3.41 5 20 110 155 10 110 210 205 180 80 105 20 20 191 1,332 45 114 29 47 6,116 215 22 3,309 85 4 150 204 78 142 61 67 128 714 72 108 2 54 9,762 79 3,458 132 22,902 9 19 266 72,981 81 12,120 12 896 14" 13,358 245 4,720 13,900 21,460 4,045 5,480 4,380 550 11 71,824 130.6 15,128 112.54 528 41,896 23 47 144 43 196 173 2 179 113 443 7.24 147 353 328 327 5 201 443 442 442 162 214 153 512 512 19,610 133 527 281 2,737 559,944 357 229 554,403 223 382 426 772 419 3,381 359 1,297 407 9,406 318 1,189 479 31,066 174 17,140 361 115,139 507 1,084 550 3,07 5,691 433 372,414 64 17 8,502 386 69,325 535 157,380 360,001 194,694 70,661 17 5,204 183,178 235 78 8,429 35.9 4,247 135.57 131 2,007 68 206 18 158 149 121 173 25 25 115 4.48 45 100 80 10 105 115 115 90 40 65 5 10 118 1,033 23 63 16 29 3,058 135 7 929 83 10 111 157 124 371 100 167 119 1,144 80 140 192 7,391 64 2,861 130 17,372 17 223 56,106 116 27,795 11 861 143 10,882 160 2,110 4,170 15,375 3,775 4,070 3,110 1,380 38 116,223 84.2 5,598 71.55 1,371 30.546 245 1,221 87 140 438 77 649 419 6 306 64 951 4.88 1 406 585 509 45 752 1,221 1,195 1,110 446 631 261 1,026 1,290 13,918 585 2,190 586 145 19.530 1,164 502 440,403 377 62 1,099 1,569 542 2,583 482 1,216 1,051 11,681 707 1,542 1.124 37,397 300 23,461 197 119,223 219 513 1,380 3,459,616 724 270,464 86 146,378 565 103,401 1,276 57,585 601,005 307,335 62,665 134,300 171,722 901 209 40.791 45.3 2,430 59.63 811 7,603 545 810 46 555 535 368 568 198 30 426 4.74 81 251 345 30 416 576 57 5 530 235 280 26 57 688 4,160 153 371 264 10 2,143 163 24,347 190 24 504 608 203 528 163 218 570 3,078 27 5 420 680 16,860 110 3,671 206 24,601 30 41 651 154,344 240 36,168 18 1,713 243 13.704 681 0,170 33, 300 40,715 9,320 14,570 11,035 703 14 87,094 123.9 8,666 70.87 681 41,543 34 575 22 47 204 38 716 253 22 569 4.31 77 414 457 353 51 300 664 654 639 246 421 184 387 658 18,492 110 377 227 119 13,907 606 59 17,328 316 10 567 1,082 362 1,522 281 520 589 16,311 434 1,862 641 38,437 236 18,203 461 162,915 100 473 703 1,951,276 542 430,117 51 3,537 484 87,083 665 80,355 260,675 148,559 82,115 45,800 145,285 258 48 13,171 51.1 3,114 76.77 170 2,586 75 173 17 130 138 102 25 151 3.961 55 110 111 10 100 150 150 140 40 50 146 1,204 7 146 34 5 575 10 1,623 107 161 68 132 54 65, 140 ,168 82 152 197 ,009 1, 51 .551 100 13,885 8 24 230 63,644 88 19,062 5 275 121 7,154 176 4,520 5,290 12,530 3,945 4,130 12,280 2,577 223 201,351 78.1 5,218 68.42 2,570 47,355 608 2,485 29 53 185 65 610 211 4 1,752 56 1,782 4.04 5 502 1,331 607 220 1,575 2,312 2,307 2,251 721 1,266 65 80 2,376 17,887 1,623 11,240 1,394 62 12,877 2,131 11 1,560 906 266 2,014 4,588 1,959 5,111 1,878 3,218 2,066 6,611 222 361 2,027 59,955 319 30,139 571 93,665 181 852 2,577 6,204,488 838 91.507 203 71,046 665 60,161 2,228 08, 180 166,225 150,685 86,085 67,310 115,730 'Does not include acres for farms with less tha 3 Does not include acres for farms reporting les 15 bushels than 1/2 a harvested. See text. :re. See text. NORTH CAROLINA 159 FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued reports for only a samp e of farms. See text Put Polk Rundolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other farms farms farms farms farma farma farms farma farms farms farms farma t m n farms farms farms 5,558 411 368 829 1,615 2,003 1,022 635 7,757 767 3.338 1,064 1,250 1.865 1.493 2,047 1 294 118 7 101 49 261 41 137 245 224 229 261 46 381 17 222 2 277,767 33,535 37,878 47,633 193,407 135,836 124,943 31.552 405,445 45,556 257,837 54,810 156,593 77,745 118,825 105, 668 :i 50.0 81.6 102.9 57.5 110.8 67.8 122.3 49.7 52.3 59.4 77.2 51.5 125.3 41.7 79.6 51.6 4 9,985 8,892 6,520 5,064 7,094 4,140 6,506 4,550 7.296 7.467 6,344 4,335 11,515 4,252 5,481 4.213 5 199.56 168.65 57.80 82.60 58.72 63,27 58,38 90.30 142.61 104.62 86.08 97.49 88.69 105.96 68.41 80.21 6 5,533 227 358 706 1,562 1,579 1,016 535 7,707 547 3,315 815 1.224 1,530 1,469 1,771 7 140,010 2,386 9,662 8,160 45,699 18,641 39,251 6,796 215.855 4,962 59,743 6.427 59,856 20,238 41,639 24,412 8 445 154 36 355 221 867 101 274 496 364 851 603 90 795 97 699 9 5,309 283 348 785 1,518 1,807 956 572 7.539 685 3,112 923 1,148 1,666 1.431 1,953 10 122 37 12 28 22 47 28 21 12 5 33 61 28 54 114 32 59 U 265 148 42 597 276 1,300 128 427 342 317 341 702 208 1,432 121 1,446 L2 1,082 144 138 506 557 1,336 269 391 1,252 311 674 597 326 1,328 376 1,243 13 273 120 19 333 181 1,071 98 323 346 247 232 500 122 1,201 80 966 14 1,006 287 191 597 1,062 1,659 391 447 1,553 509 1,026 762 632 1,410 806 1,413 15 270 33 64 63 346 189 197 69 560 71 423 B0 294 200 210 186 16 11 5 7 4 6 2 18 1 7 3 3 4 1 17 4,271 86 106 169 203 155 428 117 5,626 186 1,882 210 321 251 476 448 18 154 91 36 45 182 160 131 175 284 87 305 106 348 555 170 355 19 3,951 254 287 541 1,380 1,651 752 475 5,505 507 2,818 842 1,047 1,520 1,102 1,536 20 4. IS 8.48 7.84 4.67 5.44 3.47 4.20 4.67 3.45 4.27 3.30 3.74 5.80 4.31 3.82 3.67 21 86 5 5 37 5 6 23 1 . 11 31 15 22 1,183 118 117 80 736 456 256 50 776 86 1,082 182 668 440 321 240 23 3,005 204 121 350 1,036 1,116 471 325 3,247 331 2,017 531 793 1,270 516 856 24 1,884 138 110 220 346 460 363 275 2,506 272 1,180 376 388 625 345 495 25 80 25 125 67 130 10 210 20 662 290 70 70 80 190 26 3,329 206 222 406 1,087 1,296 524 310 4,692 335 1,446 295 724 1,045 996 1,301 •a 5,017 253 347 566 1,455 1,461 839 405 7,153 471 3,146 731 1,077 1,395 1,062 1,190 28 4,915 223 347 546 1,445 1,451 812 390 7,080 456 3,132 721 1,071 1,390 1,042 1,160 29 4,665 208 332 511 1,364 1,386 772 350 6,679 426 3,002 681 996 1,285 947 1,045 30 2,081 45 127 210 702 550 122 135 4,495 170 1,253 181 472 470 522 505 31 3,681 45 208 335 907 740 783 170 8,225 255 2,119 254 724 680 858 770 32 750 97 46 55 134 30 166 60 686 40 180 25 211 35 76 90 33 1,695 261 127 65 329 30 347 140 1,321 70 444 60 382 40 106 110 34 5,313 160 338 594 1,468 1,301 961 445 7,433 368 2,929 497 1,057 1,089 1,378 1,521 35 66,636 1,139 3,349 3,508 12,954 6,441 10, 574 2,716 85,145 2,063 17,682 2,003 10,966 5,223 11,973 9,104 36 1,598 61 186 206 1,260 1,048 377 124 4,253 166 1,923 368 1,015 917 825 647 37 7,646 485 1,691 958 12,218 5,294 3,826 546 19,431 738 14,901 2,314 19,440 6,015 5,480 2,955 38 1,293 38 147 283 627 760 198 62 3,880 245 1,537 426 bll 731 399 439 39 760 15 34 30 27 28 15 7 297 18 106 16 49 40 91 61 40 124,852 1,882 2,696 3,459 6,771 6,573 1,932 566 53,477 2,905 15,846 3,576 7,291 7,127 8,307 6,099 41 4,394 230 32 5 724 1,437 1,713 7 41 415 6,775 559 2,992 843 1,010 1,549 1,230 1,555 42 624 25 65 68 29 13 149 45 323 11 66 24 69 31 221 135 43 92,787 3,293 15,933 8,135 5,350 946 39, 584 23,539 113,688 1,500 6,122 2,675 33,732 2,335 59,026 17,538 44 1,016 79 183 347 571 749 428 269 1,561 223 1,523 578 611 952 605 7B0 45 172 40 705 643 142 136 2,947 169 308 43 399 178 263 218 576 360 46 3,544 189 283 477 1.258 1,130 751 357 6,475 377 2,307 582 879 938 1,157 1,161 47 8.685 591 40 5 656 2,309 1,659 1,454 473 11,763 673 4,520 984 1,843 1,306 2,087 1.632 46 1,330 79 329 606 1,429 1,468 644 280 3,088 254 2,509 652 1,066 1,176 1,270 1,429 49 4,93g 213 1,888 1,333 8,727 3,190 2,475 579 7,221 551 7,429 1,416 11,817 2.839 5.251 3,116 SO 1.008 68 309 573 1,362 1,352 578 232 2.509 208 2,382 597 1,011 1,079 1,207 1,329 51 1,748 104 763 695 4,793 1,913 1,055 305 3,555 958 4,030 771 5,837 1,650 2,730 1,710 52 '4, 204 179 269 446 1,228 1.145 798 363 6,251 437 2,558 564 956 1,106 1,076 1,204 53 43,222 1,701 959 928 5.051 3,130 3,566 1,146 39,142 2,222 6,423 1,205 4,472 2,856 3.070 2,589 54 2,847 106 48 45 281 151 194 53 2,688 142 199 24 259 110 141 103 55 5,610 196 94 79 461 219 335 80 4,307 211 379 46 523 174 286 198 56 4,511 237 327 699 1,384 1.584 829 478 6,601 594 2,859 840 1,074 1,478 1,313 1,676 57 152,377 8,872 14,266 18,340 114.441 50,614 36, 380 13,937 201,425 18,742 83,711 21,458 48,141 38,920 50,522 43,197 58 816 53 136 200 655 370 207 72 938 112 570 155 326 288 457 453 59 42,667 1,897 33,797 7,497 1.200,914 32, 364 54,432 3,866 48,058 4,263 81,088 9,657 33,301 11,206 30,591 15,595 60 1,206 88 188 245 501 703 239 100 1,132 147 852 244 560 535 672 625 61 153,819 8.995 91,155 33,120 822,719 117,568 89,576 13,744 215,480 13,337 229,098 34,405 256,781 78.664 184,283 80,184 62 443 7 371 104 901 221 464 34 492 27 635 107 1,374 171 688 252 63 905 30 364 184 2,165 635 464 89 1,328 58 1.391 190 2,818 461 1,064 478 64 5,558 260 368 636 1,615 1,347 1,022 415 7.757 520 3,338 733 1,250 1,345 1,493 1,747 65 22,101.654 118,517 554.398 164,625 4,432,832 312.807 2,709,028 183,232 21,714,992 183,287 7,687,509 314,525 3 , 248 , 409 429,551 1,880,722 630,431 66 1,867 81 201 260 933 714 444 141 2,469 158 1,060 241 772 511 701 633 67 617,608 18,393 78,748 28,990 255,826 78,842 124,072 14,552 511,011 23,890 177,512 26,852 369,736 54,573 167, 104 63, 472 68 83 10 as 77 430 213 131 34 171 24 500 151 612 273 433 330 69 119,222 1,770 61,319 5,520 816,995 36,954 49,611 7,643 180,538 2,128 243,788 14.825 954,497 37,623 321,320 29,864 70 1,545 101 210 320 973 800 312 128 1,525 183 1,022 304 613 628 772 784 71 120,505 5,972 77,714 22,565 1,269,486 76,292 , 98,000 10,774 160,008 10,568 175,278 25,551 163,970 43. 500 111,870 48,811 72 5,103 310 347 661 1.411 1,586 844 440 6,967 546 3,013 762 1,118 1,490 1,137 1,371 73 243.891 30,040 19,900 15.480 110,105 35,460 49,222 24,875 315,865 19,755 147,905 26,900 149,605 SB, 670 61.690 74,220 74 1,974.203 115,630 133,165 18,850 338,890 21,405 327,986 29, 560 1,164,826 67,700 304,354 38,775 278,696 25,050 110,260 34,975 75 522,208 49,162 103,080 36,435 865,040 150,410 92,580 43,120 453,719 46,175 378,309 84,200 242,568 137,140 193.295 106,280 76 260.977 25,175 69,945 16,430 283,721 61,275 89,422 15,210 331,770 23,255 178,275 38,560 228,655 49,145 74,004 42,340 77 201,151 26,269 15,250 8,325 61,235 16 , 400 64,884 9,680 166,626 26,140 113,556 22,344 64,925 21,470 24, 599 38.950 78 1,028,506 85,612 40,790 10,690 205.582 33,415 160,607 10,985 770,997 59,160 243,585 35.526 251.052 52. 57 5 58,074 31,360 79 160 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL [Data for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) Sampson Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- nercial farms Other farms Stanly Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial fanna Other farms Surry Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number Under 10 acres number Land in farms acres Average site of farm acres Value of land and buildings. .. .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting acres farms reporting 1 to 9 acres Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number Not residing on farm operated number With other income of familv exceeding value of agricultural products sold number Working off thei r farm, total number 100 days or more number By tenure: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms report trig Average of last monthly electric bill dollars Corn pickers farms reporting Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting Automobiles farms report ing Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Hard sur face farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms report in, Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acre: Irish potatoes farms reporMng acres bushels Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting dollars Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting.. acres 2 . Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting. . number. . Cattle and calves farms reporting. number . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. . Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting. number. Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in I9U9: Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Cattle sold alive number. Calves sold alive number. Sales of farm products in 1919: Al 1 farm products sold farms reporting. dol lars. Livestock sold alive farms reporting. dollars. Dairy products sold farms reporting. dol lars. Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting. dollars. Specified farm expenditures in 1949: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting. Hachine hire dol lars. Hired labor dol lars. Feed tor 1 ive stock and pool try dol lars. Livestock and poul try purchased dol lars. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars. 5,969 199 380,934 63.8 5,407 »6.78 5,920 157,252 483 5,651 19 5 326 1.143 273 2,032 1,048 2 2.887 121 4,752 3.86 10 1,336 3,028 1,606 190 3,952 5,277 5,247 4,952 2,204 3,731 567 946 5,612 65,273 2,831 9,314 1,559 1,147 157,331 4,327 2,801 691,848 1,605 115 4,546 7,856 2,565 6,143 2,252 2,984 4,524 36,913 2,419 4,558 4, 960 151,260 1,742 72, 358 1, 535 296,465 554 1,035 5,969 13,128.850 2,672 678,936 238 52.052 2,265 304,410 5,596 308,87 3 1.047.010 652.826 278, 564 243,276 572,930 1,248 329 62,415 50.0 4,455 89.10 888 7,742 576 1,114 94 548 599 458 821 127 899 4.57 132 534 378 50 770 717 697 612 221 311 66 119 662 3,865 233 731 197 26 3,450 811 220 30,297 317 43 562 847 328 725 278 362 643 3,805 267 39 3 894 25,741 257 7,427 273 28. 179 43 81 920 337,753 309 46,992 37 4,815 381 19,967 972 35.100 68,265 66. 107 41,708 44,935 49.876 1,397 22 120,627 86.3 5,911 76.08 1,386 60,085 39 1,306 60 127 315 102 212 119 13 1,053 111 700 4.13 6 226 462 376 70 803 1,161 1,134 1,059 563 990 161 710 1,256 13,642 419 4,178 320 24 3,869 1,080 649 268,786 203 566 1.060 2,363 507 1,440 397 541 1,045 5.19B 347 616 1. 137 29,911 89 6,492 157 27,016 163 230 1.397 3,229,462 308 86,970 49 27,078 194 20,806 906 77 , 97 5 335,276 54,372 50,795 52,316 112,389 289 56 18,406 63.7 3.480 64.68 221 4,006 66 247 28 180 165 135 135 30 3 121 38 178 18 113 102 20 156 203 182 152 55 75 33 64 142 938 52 460 61 3 630 61 10,919 51 19 153 292 77 202 62 84 148 538 40 58 210 5,523 23 892 36 6,882 9 26 226 119,229 43 5,877 12 1,368 51 4,084 208 15,418 48,480 18.375 13,685 6,360 14,433 1,177 18 125,284 106.4 6,510 61.24 1,155 48,725 51 1, 126 25 104 301 121 664 298 3 212 23 989 4.71 51 633 689 287 45 710 923 918 421 680 72 115 1,098 13,336 976 5,245 599 31 18 2,715 625 189 902 1,673 1,077 5,631 1,021 2,576 995 5,764 318 637 1,083 103,610 467 89,624 649 666,146 650 850 1.177 ,237,013 741 250.659 371 271,934 733 357.506 98 3 90,332 108.030 381,605 1 17 , 360 56,975 177,905 1,418 234 66.735 47.1 3,782 77.51 1,129 17,075 456 1,284 62 877 945 865 1,082 166 1 169 67 1,161 5.06 5 360 861 515 125 677 925 910 835 315 430 40 70 948 6,107 651 2,361 452 17 4,8 50 572 89 746 1,033 938 2,054 855 1,121 919 3,148 156 251 1,142 41,642 282 21,585 350 119,829 162 257 1,072 417,683 454 59.023 158 16,989 470 67,923 955 34, 545 25,475 83.885 27.840 11.925 39.165 3,084 258 203, 523 66.0 4,756 7 5.88 3,068 46,877 911 2,934 70 172 511 121 1,348 379 1 1,356 60 2,725 3.07 615 1,495 885 305 2,735 2,730 2,615 1,340 2,070 100 150 2,838 16,290 1,747 10,715 1,545 106 17,421 2,771 15 1,960 1,526 625 2,297 4.208 ,632 266 ,506 ,679 ,600 ,473 95 143 2,188 104, 394 692 161,130 793 381.253 398 1,080 3,084 6,935,7 49 1.040 115.388 411 68, 102 1,036 345,448 2,791 129, 120 160.085 538.495 268,605 85,505 185,620 545 117 30,970 56.8 4.947 106. 10 349 2,705 240 47 1* 32 265 218 186 388 35 1 121 50 446 3.93 60 210 165 45 280 355 355 330 100 155 30 30 211 846 178 1,155 163 13 1,739 390 4 459 239 93 265 476 337 691 313 403 327 674 16 31 295 7,574 65 2,844 91 8,803 38 90 318 109,804 106 10,831 49 3.901 120 6,417 390 17,065 13,495 28,240 15.425 11.100 15.065 3.316 272 218,221 65.8 6.034 94.24 3,294 51,723 997 2,959 68 235 473 194 1,666 400 3 1,247 39 2,764 3.53 20 603 1.489 887 506 1,586 2,764 2,739 . 2,569 1,161 1,978 134 324 3.025 18.901 2,022 13,546 1.614 146 23,182 2.871 28 11,301 1,422 847 2,339 4,265 2,737 9,041 2,587 4,764 2.634 5.896 113 217 2,593 113,333 764 224,085 627 352,416 1,038 1,276 3,316 ,955.812 1,119 247.087 424 235,870 999 384,676 2,734 116,090 333. 465 530, 567 169,710 121. 140 239,850 990 260 45,435 45.9 4.665 98.58 720 5,020 541 854 34 501 509 451 809 38 1 142 75 800 3.70 95 410 450 65 450 685 685 640 250 340 5 15 531 2,140 371 1,738 471 20 5,261 798 3 420 453 162 462 701 728 1,614 681 951 583 1,045 17 20 704 18,074 151 7,124 116 17,433 82 177 534 182,940 206 20.B39 80 7,649 200 14,503 840 13,895 26, 145 66,525 33.330 19.485 20.715 92 3 11,627 126.4 3,838 38.09 90 1,230 46 89 6 1 16 50 10 71 71 71 30 45 6 15 89 577 51 347 73 36 2,567 64 99 69 99 81 676 79 252 71 271 19 37 80 4,882 41 5.238 46 17, 562 160 154 92 135,705 76 37.904 18 11,684 51 13,173 76 520 7.850 15,265 11,655 2,675 3.650 'Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. 2 Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued 161 reports for only a samp] e of farms. See text. Transyl rania Tyrre 1 Union Van :e Wak e Warren Washington Watauga Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other Comme rcial Other Commercial Other Commercial Other farms farms farms farms farms farms forms farms farms farms farms forma farma farms farma farms 152 940 292 250 3,384 1,576 2,052 352 4,920 1,299 2,429 733 565 301 1,245 1,394 1 10 307 5 46 62 207 173 157 311 298 120 187 6 56 57 239 2 16, 525 33,284 30,703 9,675 270.851 74,037 131,718 14,391 322,521 74,098 191,586 43,684 55, 565 17,803 99,354 64,072 3 108.7 35.4 105.1 38.7 80.0 47.0 64.2 40.9 65.6 57.0 80.1 59.6 96.6 59. 1 79.8 46.0 l 9,962 4,192 7,979 2,254 6,369 3,813 7,158 5.135 7,833 6,397 5,088 4,012 7, 114 3,364 7,463 4,749 5 93.06 136.23 87.87 69.18 77.87 85.64 122.48 140.56 123. 10 123.01 65.00 72.61 73.62 44. 19 91.69 122.56 6 145 791 277 161 3,347 1,324 2,044 226 4,857 862 2,416 584 551 212 1,225 1,158 7 4,791 5,767 13,822 2,819 106, 587 18,612 37,898 1.665 105, 174 8,511 54,828 5,687 24. 595 2,924 17,411 7,465 8 47 584 14 49 166 514 406 166 651 558 326 358 18 86 485 921 9 144 926 262 223 3,123 1,439 1,956 315 4,680 1,159 2,294 677 528 263 1,201 1,309 10 7 11 28 23 61 61 83 30 92 57 71 41 26 22 25 71 U 36 668 29 209 412 1,100 145 204 331 721 118 481 67 19 5 98 979 12 34 630 84 150 1,071 1,081 328 149 942 698 486 418 97 167 348 865 1') 13 562 27 104 399 929 109 117 338 602 117 333 41 147 71 670 14 106 774 142 190 1,509 1,062 449 210 1,367 937 737 420 230 205 1,080 1,194 15 22 56 82 28 460 103 197 36 569 108 418 106 99 37 109 95 16 1 2 3 3 2 24 1 2 5 1 7 1 17 23 110 66 32 1,412 411 1,403 104 2.960 253 1.272 207 231 58 49 104 18 10 45 46 10 56 95 147 86 807 496 85 120 18 11 116 95 [9 102 770 312 100 2,952 1,385 1,389 266 4,349 1,141 1,399 385 405 206 1,101 931 20 6.02 3.13 4.06 3.36 4.22 4.29 3.B2 4.75 4.85 6.23 3.58 5.98 5.46 4.33 3.10 2.90 21 15 42 1 167 15 35 1,157 10 260 41 7 979 5 238 7 325 34 2 214 52 15 22 15 174 65 23 60 340 136 50 1,837 915 1.084 211 2,871 808 921 219 294 137 260 315 24 31 335 95 35 726 420 815 190 1,564 517 819 255 128 87 366 440 25 77 460 51 45 511 215 85 10 410 102 195 26 5 575 480 2f. 10 205 196 110 2,000 891 1,077 145 2,804 600 1,334 404 401 210 310 381 27 118 700 327 135 2,986 1,105 1,914 291 4,574 873 2,124 479 525 216 1,095 875 28 118 695 312 135 2,956 1,090 1,907 281 4,513 848 2,094 454 >05 211 1,070 870 29 107 665 307 120 2,791 1.015 1,842 256 4,298 7 38 1,993 394 190 191 1,020 785 30 41 305 80 30 1,671 485 800 65 1,963 316 976 185 141 40 375 245 31 61 400 95 30 2,721 690 1.310 80 3,323 446 1,792 265 267 40 540 330 32 27 40 112 206 75 292 15 680 102 209 47 114 21 145 40 33 33 50 269 322 110 383 15 1.291 200 362 62 264 28 255 40 34 126 727 271 141 3,115 1,012 1,905 132 4,567 625 2,254 426 543 188 1,039 813 35 2,272 3,687 5,963 1,206 29,991 6,165 11,706 492 33, 541 3,040 14,276 1,572 9,443 1,483 3,811 2,158 36 91 319 23 7 2,272 702 1,338 83 2,877 396 1,409 275 65 11 1,019 736 37 926 1,416 46 15 13,678 3,278 7,474 419 18,843 2,511 12,172 1,747 321 24 7,623 2,954 38 84 498 150 14 1,220 381 1,333 183 1,239 231 1,049 222 63 15 927 680 39 127 249 1,459 35 63 12 131 10 92 34 73 10 44 2 1,339 619 40 7,350 9,217 286, 266 4,757 12,467 3,130 18,615 2.083 15,726 6,049 12,058 1,798 6,553 270 104,645 38,160 41 141 889 238 184 2,963 1,204 1,797 270 4,321 953 1,994 493 445 189 1, 141 1, 178 42 18 12 18 10 110 29 273 12 222 31 77 4 122 43 8 663 280 43 80,626 2,775 2,686 847 27,108 3,348 46,977 678 55,100 15,620 230,355 18,772 12,344 1,357 239,113 50.928 44 105 648 94 40 1,389 580 794 155 1,856 645 969 297 216 86 1,017 936 45 44 137 15 9 265 109 242 50 911 185 235 58 338 19 1,129 631 46 83 414 231 122 2,389 743 1,505 184 3,728 655 1,814 422 407 185 943 526 47 149 502 409 187 4,437 1,104 3,332 388 7,423 1,194 3,916 784 897 315 1,706 710 48 131 757 220 100 2,899 1,111 1,412 205 2.956 595 1,730 398 272 81 1.20J 1.154 49 1,962 1,701 1,454 225 13,952 2,894 3,618 441 11,264 1,633 7,594 1,059 1,092 251 11,275 3,816 50 12S 720 198 94 2,672 987 1,290 185 2,686 531 1,591 354 228 67 1,142 1,055 51 514 1.015 314 132 6,643 1,541 2,253 271 5,743 836 3,566 539 396 92 4,437 1,949 52 102 618 264 162 2,713 1,009 1,661 210 3,839 643 2,037 467 471 190 8B7 742 53 1.001 2.142 7,834 1,484 12,616 2.866 5,836 636 17,763 3,202 7,221 1,242 8,232 1.526 2,554 1,436 54 41 106 241 112 698 164 304 22 984 142 478 83 382 132 142 77 55 132 175 1,090 215 1,301 280 473 34 1,798 303 868 97 1,159 242 212 103 56 136 814 256 197 2,975 1.233 1,703 271 3,993 985 2,062 577 472 226 1,147 1.088 57 7,830 25,605 22,954 9,732 256, 587 47,087 51,196 8,029 158.626 32,371 54,701 11,601 26,869 8,051 39, 246 20,726 58 62 237 115 65 868 298 217 39 739 179 159 42 89 25 447 309 59 22,888 9,383 8,343 2,693 248,159 18,518 13,931 x,601 356,286 20,925 7,308 1,431 6,820 781 27.676 6,811 60 74 274 192 116 1,298 381 491 79 994 305 406 115 225 98 695 437 61 45,854 32, 347 114,781 25,545 1,771,957 88,182 77,232 7,425 652,069 60,285 59,632 7,574 88,257 13.483 170,793 34,533 62 347 117 110 11 1,700 233 251 21 1,397 141 815 81 139 36 2,091 416 63 321 290 538 56 2,635 436 825 69 2,143 297 1,678 216 175 19 2,411 1,023 64 152 590 292 224 3,384 1,341 2,052 233 4,920 826 2,429 570 565 236 1,245 1,180 65 347,483 120, 419 945,615 42,331 6,811.293 583,708 5,763,546 93,830 16,098,241 375,947 5,375,982 229,897 1,358,282 96,654 1,689.421 341,869 66 107 301 260 138 2,015 639 731 86 1,759 338 1,126 229 400 111 1,098 809 .67 86,081 43,434 275,889 29,536 541,226 78,628 92,292 9,369 486,782 83,876 208,451 23,433 181,901 26,977 469,062 113,875 68 37 64 41 6 719 165 272 54 445 116 170 32 26 8 505 253 69 58.715 6,358 3,268 312 460,497 18, 398 100,802 4,308 814,571 59,327 250,679 2,965 23,484 549 281,633 30,802 70 84 326 208 127 1,486 490 560 98 1,295 368 468 132 235 102 812 558 71 44,635 23,823 48,359 11,636 1,195,435 52,612 50,712 5,069 617,126 47,843 34, 516 4,678 44,747 6,086 97,374 20,061 72 123 905 342 180 3,073 1,271 1,794 301 4,424 1,065 2,028 524 509 227 1,206 1.135 73 5,900 5,200 44,821 12.885 259,330 87,325 35,330 6,405 244, 130 47.630 49.948 12.770 45,550 26.095 17,415 6,540 74 36.78S 13,425 233,861 17,950 295,685 39,945 323.185 42,837 1,516,425 168,513 273,555 34,151 204. 126 36.915 106.260 27,930 75 35,240 42,325 150,462 21,350 806.345 87,110 251,219 36,381 1,219,981 174,125 152,771 27,212 134,182 22.710 211.800 97,925 76 32,275 30,620 42,630 6,475 375,790 37,915 77.465 29,985 427,245 60,825 120,000 15.460 21,400 8,760 153.745 41,825 77 7,975 15,950 95,062 10,975 97,305 19.070 111.095 16,599 227.460 41,530 100,028 19,657 38,606 8,060 55.090 15,715 78 20,131 3,875 64, 426 3.045 290,415 63,435 225,986 33, 109 627,087 79, 145 165,617 14,070 99,259 19,070 25.120 6.695 79 162 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 — Continued [Data for items shown in italics are based on reports lor only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Wayne Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Yancey Commercial farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number Under 10 acres number Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings. ... average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting acres farms reporting 1 to 9 acres Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number Not residing on farm operated ....number With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number Working off their farm, total number 100 days or more number By tenure: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms report ing Electricity farms report ing Average of last monthly electric bill dollars Corn pickers farms report ing Tractors other than garden tractors farms report ing Automobi les farms report ing Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Hard surface farms report ing Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms report ing Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persi Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Land from which hay waa cut farms reporting acres Irish potatoes farms reporting acres bushel s Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) .farms reporting Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes).. farms reporting dollars Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting acres Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Cattle and calves farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold In 1919: Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Cattle sold alive number Calves sold alive number Sales of farm products in 1919: All farm products sold farms reporting dol lars livestock sold alive farms reporting dollars Dairy products sold larms reporting dol lars Poultry and poultry products sold... farms reporting dol lars Specified farm expenditures In 1919: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire dol lars Hired labor dol lars Feed for 1 ivestock and pool try dot lars Livestock and poultry purchased dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars 4,397 94 258,368 58.8 7,416 129.14 4,367 133,041 208 4. 196 135 252 675 192 1,007 425 371 3,736 3.86 15 1,215 2,490 1.714 5 2,576 4, 136 4,069 3,919 1,541 2,726 698 996 4,249 67 , 444 1,316 4,979 2,422 2,900 366,567 3,817 496 103,935 1,468 549 2,993 6,119 1,830 5,622 1,555 2, 565 3,418 29,952 2,202 3,071 3,822 115.871 1/207 45,784 1,4)7 168,035 659 1, 103 4,397 14,430, 396 2, 114 609,931 291 150,1-54 1,896 130,002 4,213 188,795 I L'7B,l/,:o 578,01(1 267 , 300 193.477 719,189 518 123 32,519 62.8 5,557 128.79 284 4, 345 171 422 33 232 196 165 379 37 2 100 122 437 6.09 1 127 292 307 287 2^2 91 121 76 127 197 2,104 60 715 99 79 6,770 335 28 3, 187 168 47 220 476 147 850 120 263 226 3,116 111 289 364 15,045 117 4,957 164 35,690 98 146 23 360 173 12' 50,929 20 42,308 11(1 21,867 402 14,130 142,20 5 78,924 21.125 17, 150 62,458 1,616 104 143.915 89.1 6,020 60.33 1,529 26,176 583 1,535 21 320 538 260 1,305 199 1 111 65 1,402 3.88 5 368 602 356 515 696 1,487 1,472 1,342 720 1,055 186 247 1.374 8,914 1,071 8,319 1, 177 179 22,971 1,419 28 6,880 1,159 2,351 1,148 1,729 1,467 5.Q92 1,426 3, 31! 1,322 3,001 200 340 1,336 195.371 1,076 3,288.026 658 1,367,674 1,007 1.622 1,616 4.800.884 1,086 262,118 403 195, .106 1,206 3,220,478 1.578 52,765 In' , 460 2,762,240 776.744 63,175 95,063 3,459 565 174,902 50.6 3,630 70.51 2,883 20.199 2.215 3,141 92 2,294 2,234 1,827 2,975 259 115 2,326 3.31 5 240 1,126 711 955 1,605 2,515 2,500 2, 250 870 1,150 150 200 2,454 10,587 1,137 4,911 2.363 285 33,530 2,012 28 1,252 2,209 1,135 1,529 1,026 2,758 6,164 2,610 3,616 2,339 4,470 159 213 2,549 58.423 925 102,623 711 96,638 77 5 1,331 2,609 408,356 1,517 165,911 435 35,909 1,214 131,965 2,935 50,750 63, 530 38 1,610 106,68 5 39, 176 38,285 4,012 96 191.097 47.6 10,856 238.01 3.997 98,018 196 3,745 75 219 667 205 638 169 6 3. 197 107 3.488 3.86 10 870 2,494 1,657 155 2,057 3,752 3,702 3,587 1,661 2,782 557 892 3,905 12,600 2,519 9,163 2,517 217 16,389 3.617 68 7,355 1,441 206 3.207 6,904 886 2.450 680 1.061 3, 164 22, 567 1,698 2,767 3,531 115,512 742 24,763 917 116,310 211 107 4,012 17,291,737 1,261 254,054 113 93,911 1.251 77 343 3,870 178.063 I ''n| ..,.r, 173, 121 1*0, 317 106, 370 570,40 5 291 114 15,608 53.3 6.817 247.93 187 1, 649 140 237 30 140 107 83 198 27 75 237 5.47 44 109 05 20 134 183 172 162 51 66 36 58 102 486 86 663 124 110 292 63 210 18 74 140 864 68 107 220 8,538 57 1,966 85 10,727 14 18 195 40,449 59 11,165 13 1,001 100 6,807 210 24, 260 In, 3-1 " 1,700 13,255 7,0(0 31,400 2.360 193 151,559 64.2 8.400 124.70 2.327 44,407 586 2,209 81 167 661 154 1,094 560 3 703 56 2,097 4.00 35 942 1,347 421 221 1,575 2,027 2,012 1,887 855 1,345 102 206 2.032 12.186 1.643 13,865 1,426 65 14.777 2.073 13 14,760 1,298 341 1.671 2,740 1,992 8.129 1,914 4.254 1,907 5, 100 180 332 1,043 75,907 813 111.701 924 332.087 710 1,619 2.360 .268.831 1.175 192.633 791 401.850 1,173 310.113 2.H7 186.920 238 . 220 478, »5 2 17 , 000 66,030 260,285 984 250 39.047 39.7 6,237 130.95 70 5 6,048 518 866 81 569 496 417 756 106 50 770 3.56 145 500 295 60 490 565 665 535 115 165 15 25 379 1,509 306 1,741 418 15 3,368 747 3 155 486 70 360 516 613 1,337 562 744 561 1,066 31 48 663 16.811 213 11,039 269 28,207 120 238 *70 230, wi 300 28.582 172 17,696 339 20, 987 735 33, 17 5 35,656 f,6.600 26,235 13, 7S* 26,43': 961 80 62,677 65.2 5,801 91.41 943 11,445 466 914 28 53 223 34 690 92 20 788 3.17 21 222 243 490 18 5 803 788 758 236 392 91 137 872 3,798 722 5,138 734 301 24,114 903 34 6,477 711 434 735 1,225 913 6.273 887 2,390 763 1,688 119 162 890 28,667 310 44.963 176 103,529 897 1,405 961 1,118,853 712 211,611 152 159,121 576 95,072 8 57 7.923 55 095 177,940 115,200 36,725 14,720 Does not include ucres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. Does not include acres for farms reporting leap than 1/2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA 163 County Table 7.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 [Data for itema ahown in italics are baaed on reporta for only n a«nple of farma. See textj Item (For definitions and explanation*, see text) The State Alaniunce Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick 28e,508 287,412 2,946 2,720 1,904 1,945 1,627 1,602 2,753 2,436 3,866 3,955 1,786 2,173 3,443 3,138 3,350 3,673 3,480 2 1945.. 1,799 FARMS BY TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 25,089 ■11,-124 15,218 16,513 26,464 28,683 52,761 47,378 22,277 9,450 3,251 436 592 212 146 252 263 475 302 192 64 12 238 432 203 193 * 292 177 236 88 33 6 6 121 472 171 201 250 176 103 77 29 10 17 213 290 183 223 472 467 567 173 52 75 48 181 1,137 479 504 652 405 353 99 49 16 11 249 630 223 213 '162 152 81 25 IS 26 7 162 327 148 134 196 311 636 681 393 201 131 69 104 40 63 261 268 749 922 432 156 34 189 343 125 245 411 510 915 700 164 44 7 20 4 FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM 14 15 16 17 Field-crop farms other than vegetable 159,319 3,197 21,359 134,763 1,101 55 5 1,041 556 18 111 427 29 1,574 33 1,484 57 309 110 10 100 2,354 118 15 2,221 2,629 11 15 2,603 2,476 20 10 2,446 1,177 29 309 1,157 18 19 20 21 22 5 5,242 5,392 6,378 116 65 45 61 33 28 383 38 56 65 241 14 442 38 5 122 1 21 45 26 10 94 10 79 Livestock farms other than dairy 228 35 23 24 25 26 12,362 5,549 1,008 5,805 125 25 30 70 132 55 22 55 97 5 46 44 163 101 11 51 556 64 68 424 137 43 21 73 104 67 81 30 53 27 37 51 26 57 27 Miacel laneous and unclassi fied farms. . .number 1°S0. . FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS 97,719 1,494 1,022 880 857 2,189 1,269 794 339 1,009 863 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 193,545 468 2,769 17,101 61,964 69,397 41,846 94,963 28,371 66,460 132 1,492 1 11 139 419 632 290 1,454 426 1,028 904 757 1 16 19 97 198 426 870 277 593 1,914 4 44 90 210 802 764 839 336 503 1,721 1 10 19 145 557 989 2,165 847 1,313 5 527 7 38 31 162 289 1,259 380 879 2,597 7 124 347 928 809 382 727 238 469 2,826 1 33 271 1,234 926 361 312 134 173 5 2,718 1 6 90 837 1,187 597 955 423 531 1 6 11 116 333 438 1,000 330 661 9 40 282 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE 39 40 556,627,536 488,829,142 4,227,903 3, 746, 712 1,850,916 1,672,947 1,616,109 865,605 4,105,048 3,175,084 3,005,639 2,700,400 L 154, 908 1,006,313 9,398,202 8,088,863 9,008,272 8,949,356 6,257,539 5,692,992 1944. . 2,048,672 41 42 All crops sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 455,712,714 418,464,602 2,873,883 2,669,256 1,137,953 1,220,013 155,504 198,147 3,021,548 2,449,864 1,072,235 1,287,171 615,772 563,083 8,394,749 7,295,433 8,087,610 8,549,366 5,422,770 5,264,451 2,365,057 1,730,359 43 Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and 440,681, 28e 400,796,118 2,853,236 2,614,796 1,020,415 1,041,960 127,044 164,674 2,989,052 2,329,022 568,962 795,212 269,506 310,741 8,182,250 7,102,300 8,078,199 8,541,376 5,404,239 5,236,368 44 1944. . 1,646,063 45 46 Vegetables sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 7,565,081 8,304,304 11,417 34,111 9,884 15,240 24, 172 26,763 9,229 10, 924 493,307 459,495 212,398 166,036 49,698 17,812 5,051 3,597 6,133 9,062 36,254 32,500 47 48 1944. . 3,732,060 7,413,609 3,297 9,209 107,654 162,695 4,2Pj 6,710 20, 122 108,761 9,966 32,464 30,461 49,971 9,066 8,963 3,055 4,047 12,398 19,021 7,564 16,796 4? 50 51 52 Horticultural specialties sold. . dollars 1949.. 1944. . All livestock and livestock 1944. . 3,734,285 1,950,571 91,040,465 65,903,458 5,933 11,140 1,258,688 1,042,525 3,145 1,157 925, 167 618,851 103,407 36,335 497,925 394,274 153,735 166,358 839,182 726,733 1,305 346 669,089 362,748 82,666 118 620,407 396,549 1,433,323 652,537 1,828,851 1,262,032 667,397 370,536 369,055 306,368 S3 54 1944. . 26,227,191 20,005,528 633,841 466,676 217,740 161,019 681,508 236,099 148,186 129, 926 502,774 415,158 84,605 61,379 125,744 77,829 11,418 45,412 50,639 40,675 32,590 30,173 55 56 Poultry and poultry products aold dollars 1949. . 1944. . 28,908,175 25,071,274 322,335 342,300 246,807 150,467 88,839 108,739 516,299 352,563 173,007 244,379 67,495 38,196 251, 786 319,063 75, 233 151,852 99,631 82,611 91,758 68,817 57 58 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 35,905,099 20^826,656 302,512 233,549 155,860 85,063 662,976 307,699 260, 682 136,362 1,153,070 602,495 345,825 294,699 461,652 329,841 582,438 165,484 517,127 247,052 264,707 207,378 59 60 1944. . 9,874,357 4,461,082 95,332 34,931 92,556 56,385 27,282 14,921 158,333 106,369 104,553 151,197 41,211 48,956 164,271 66,697 251,573 37,242 167,372 58,003 114,991 11,945 164 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND [Data for items shown in italics are based i (For definitions and explanations, see text) AM farms number 1950. 1945. FARMS BY TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD No sales number 1950 . SI to $249 number 1950. S250 to $399 number 1950. $400 to $599 number 1950. $600 to $999 number 1950. $1,000 to $1.499 number 1950- $1,500 to $2,499 number 1950. $2,500 to $3,999 number 1950. $4,000 to $5,999 number 1950. $6,000 to $9,999 number 1950. $10,000 and over number 1950. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number 1950. Cash- grain number 1950 . . Cotton number 1950. . Other field-crop number 1950. . Vegetable farms number 1950.. Frui t-and-nut farms number 1950 . . Dairy farms number 1950 . . Poultry farms number 1950 . . Livestock farms other than dairy and poul try number 1950 . . General farms number 1950 . . Primarily crop number 1950 . . Primarily livestock number 1950 . . Crop and livestock number 1950 . . 27 Miscellaneous and unclassi tied farm s. . .number 19S0. . FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS 28 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 30 31 32 33 34 Class 77 Class III Class IV Class V Class VI 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 36 37 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD . BY SOURCE 39 40 1949. . 1944.. 41 42 1949.. 1944. . 43 44 Field crops, other Chan vegetables and fruits and 1949.. 1944. . 45 46 1949.. 1944. . ■r 48 1949.. 1944. . 49 SO Horticult'iral specialties sold. . dollars 1949. . 1944. . 51 52 All livestock and livestock . dollars 1949.. 1944. . 53 54 1949.. 1944.. SS 56 Poultry and poultry products sold 1949.. 1944. . 57 58 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy 1949.. 1944. . 59 60 1949.. 1944. . 4, 266 5,710 807 1,413 417 396 503 274 ei7 5 222 6e 1 :■■'■>■ 11 46 79 142 306 802 2 860 660 2 230 4,033, 127 3,683, 123 1,293,738 1,609, 132 1,087,007 1,310,892 46,238 83, 129 25,752 121,477 134,741 93,634 2,604,500 1,995,478 1,419,395 1,218,034 504,992 334,534 680, 113 442,910 134,889 78,513 2,071 2,026 492 947 168 143 203 Cabarrus Caldwell Cair.den Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan 28 1,819 : 1 1,789 339 1,439 11 970,650 760,048 322,598 291,425 185,319 211,377 10,208 62,983 3,538 16,072 123,533 993 541,702 350,296 le7, 229 190, 747 168, 77e 114,743 103, 270 78,325 1,956 1,986 248 317 146 207 339 217 232 131 58 519 50 469 41 164 37 46 164 356 287 1,064 49B 565 2,683,491 1,672,348 1,396,951 895, 163 1, 328, 575 e32, 964 26,892 36, 113 5,454 6,348 36,030 19, 758 1,226,639 932, 045 631, 141 479, 107 330,718 209, 4 15 59,901 45, 13) 2,483 2,407 745 , 104 139 115 100 70 112 39 16 18 56 167 149 2,070 220 1, e49 1, 137,013 943,039 352, 109 455, 886 319,461 383, 222 8,730 25,079 9, 193 47,021 14,725 564 654, 100 401,712 170,461 150, 736 295,411 140, 743 188,206 110,233 130,804 85,440 463 575 237 152 614 1,085 66 133 120 31 10 160 53 107 423 5 14 35 126 169 74 1,702,117 1,554,279 1,695,550 1,648,409 1,463,469 1,282,295 1,489,256 1,315,060 1,433,30 2 1,451,766 23,570 33,750 2,597 3,740 211,005 30 1, 669 2,597 11, 292 52, 169 71,967 156,219 118,4 10 27,643 1,064,423 1,042,772 205,416 236,540 2,276 29, 396 10,180 6,550 240,363 322,606 28,606 52, 365 60,517 145,083 151,230 125, 158 31,631 10,743 3,051 2,689 155 154 94 104 255 479 1,007 566 206 30 2,554 2,538 5 3, 143 3,040 432 79 2 309 334 280 116 73 20 71 731 1,318 512 418 109 309 651 52 557 2,977 2,801 199 61 258 80 169 407 571 1,914 690 1,224 748 64 5 5,932,464 5, 140, 195 5,490,235 4, 785, 393 5,478,748 4,766,053 6,804 4,303 683 14,827 4,000 210 103, :''' ? 343,005 173,641 140,864 117, 145 109,886 112,390 92,253 39,063 11,797 3,014, 190 2, 636, 720 1,586,533 1,641,608 1,539,789 1,500,950 16, 869 41,587 7,959 49,421 23, 9 17 49,850 1,328, 116 925,991 763,405 460,787 290,777 315, 120 273, 934 1". , '-i 97, 54 1 68, 9S] 131 646 104 11 1, 293 1,765 9 75 195 455 576 455 1,212 501 711 5,932, 166 5, 299, 888 1,897, 148 1,717, 275 1,779,643 1,690,063 5,011 7,538 2,260 7, 154 110,234 22,500 3, ™i", 34! 3,521,091 722,920 433,920 2, 693, 289 2,891,214 371, 133 195, 957 847,696 61,522 1,940 2,007 327 385 384 1,067 302 194 266 110 325 61 340 25 399 60 387 17 156 11 107 798 1,048 76 98 151 :■-■- 1,716 63 186 1,653 201 1,452 684, 997 427,741 64,308 85,746 101 162 126 203 172 104 ,368 ,878 ,, 196 !, 174 ,424 ,494 ,300 200 956 764 , 119 ,•106 190, 126 32, 736 204,711 109, 622 98, 733 46. 331 531, 295, 2, 64 1, 28 1 2,849, 152 1,945,372 2,259,083 1,699,610 2,039,762 240, 931 205,311 4,631 13,610 200 400 f?°,445 57 1, 499 2,931 40,156 135, 757 149, 139 ,757 , 204 NORTH CAROLINA BY ECONOMIC CLASS; AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 165 Q ay Cleve- land Columbus Craven Cumber- land Curri- tuck Dure Uaviduon Davie Duuli t. Durham Edgecombe Koraylli Frank ll n Canton Gatea 1,012 5.P11 6,322 2,345 3,070 542 36 3,400 1,508 5,908 1,784 3,976 3,294 4,117 2,428 1,280 1 1,048 5,443 5,761 2,266 3,319 679 49 3,507 1,647 5,654 1,171 3,615 3,370 4,140 2,454 1,287 2 160 265 225 167 248 52 12 656 160 233 398 127 517 111 434 28 3 352 475 457 136 355 91 15 788 24 9 284 269 172 656 207 581 141 4 138 357 121 58 174 28 245 137 194 :.: 47 162 95 222 81 S 80 423 242 56 167 42 255 141 239 96 106 227 60 217 66 6 106 1,000 546 124 384 32 5 334 209 473 125 137 324 236 261 141 7 43 1,001 734 206 355 37 345 165 895 221 107 400 425 203 187 8 74 1,308 1,617 568 658 61 2 402 223 1,959 294 666 490 1,196 246 243 9 29 620 1,480 590 409 65 192 73 1,103 201 1,203 301 1,125 119 230 10 20 217 696 296 171 45 2 104 64 399 86 890 97 506 56 74 II 10 70 154 126 105 40 41 55 101 25 419 87 130 57 58 12 75 50 18 44 49 38 12 28 17 102 33 26 32 11 13 30 3,985 5,126 1,826 1,739 217 907 510 4,493 832 3,298 1,223 3,476 594 634 14 10 36 5 16 47 102 75 44 35 6 8 35 10 220 3,246 57 537 IS 16 40 594 20 5 5,116 1,805 1,388 106 773 368 4,428 826 3,194 5 5 1,188 10 5 18 24 15 10 5 21 26 44 5 145 70 10 16 93 1 142 W 175 67 15 5 36 38 1 114 24 30 39 6 60 24 47 20 21 58 58 41 57 46 14 2 109 31 147 7 124 51 20 22 145 22 20 135 31 18 256 66 153 140 284 19 128 .154 113 142 179 2.1 22 26 5 200 47 59 64 198 5 120 40 89 43 50 24 15 5 26 87 15 79 21 55 25 89 10 89 5 13 56 19 86 14 8 24 129 26 705 1,473 1,079 413 913 206 33 1,967 661 848 861 404 1,665 484 1,497 297 27 312 4,370 5,263 1,943 2,173 350 4 1,484 857 5,083 952 3,602 1,661 3,669 957 1,003 26 29 30 46 35 18 30 38 31 12 22 15 91 21 26 32 11 10 97 413 234 158 61 1 84 70 187 45 713 121 275 91 80 31 49 810 1,917 778 527 89 1 253 122 1,416 267 1,799 364 1,486 136 282 32 92 1,912 2,084 706 840 90 1 574 343 2,465 404 736 736 1,494 354 377 33 161 1,477 799 207 604 61 1 536 310 987 219 252 408 388 344 253 34 700 1,441 1,059 402 897 192 32 1,916 651 825 832 374 1,633 448 1,471 277 35 188 700 377 99 294 49 5 471 242 308 165 75 454 130 451 108 36 512 740 682 303 603 142 27 1,444 404 517 667 298 1,173 318 1,011 169 37 38 39 672,073 9,186,920 14,868,054 6,003,891 5,695,594 1,975,976 35,585 3,944,016 2,029,027 12,212,021 2,638,105 15,147,007 4,321,243 10,048,946 2,727,477 2,546,589 328,031 6,934,059 12,205,366 4,511,323 6,331,471 1,661,820 30,942 3,493,703 1,996,507 10,942,633 2,218,298 12,702,261 4,329,581 8,032,564 1,794,703 2,590,797 to 40,317 7,595,541 13,922,675 5,406,456 4,806,639 1,582,113 23,348 2,126,282 1,006,847 10,756,256 1,882,949 13,995,612 2,785,945 9,417,009 1,410,717 1,633,162 41 65,578 5,770,501 11,638,939 4,126,885 5,756,291 1,243,663 22, 752 2,341,475 1,126,742 9,963,225 1,674,333 12,164,643 3,217,561 7,705,066 878, 769 1,913,711 42 39,389 7,362,326 13,673,427 5,363,066 4,472,368 1,454,307 513 2,070,199 975,538 9,972,339 1,833,449 13,962,918 2,649,460 9,401,017 1,351,854 1,626,532 43 54,716 5,648,908 11,128,371 4,078,774 5,438,422 1,063,543 10,892 2,074,684 1,081,163 9,245,046 1,569,513 12,131,678 2,835,405 7,692,456 818,415 1,883,313 44 506 6,345 24,848 17,357 100,759 126,748 830 42,510 2,473 488,693 17,330 14,813 28,478 9,222 21,506 5,866 li 4,847 30,041 61,650 33,501 169,022 176,507 226,380 9,365 334 , 939 30,293 23,377 101,737 5,951 39, 720 22,151 46 422 25,720 216,525 4,979 216,162 1,018 16,905 3,494 836 284,897 6,449 6,168 28,347 2,840 8,326 764 47 6,015 24,061 448,820 12,375 140,346 3,413 11,860 27,801 11,414 376,180 8,123 9,588 102, 365 6,459 14,547 8,247 46 201,150 7,875 21,054 17,350 40 5,100 10,079 28,600 10,327 25,721 11,713 79,660 3,930 29,031 49 599,194 67,491 1,502,627 98 832,270 2,235 512,905 8,501 831,193 200 343,088 15,207 12, 610 1,696,508 24,800 995,115 7,060 1,314,749 66,404 669,165 178,054 1,442,245 200 432,932 6,087 1,257,787 1,055,340 827,599 51 238, 0e7 1,129,321 501,827 372,085 537,203 390,397 8,190 1,082,041 826,053 929,868 497,045 513,266 1,070,273 278,102 874,993 622,142 52 90,870 556,492 67,426 138,538 284,427 23,436 699 736,727 646,930 49,059 281,626 281,734 651,537 52,824 709,344 3,214 53 68,081 485,563 81,561 159,479 185,132 6,721 3,000 521,291 477,331 32,136 171,955 152,084 490,077 42,662 542,726 7,415 54 402,914 485,213 157,972 99,342 162,653 125,798 8,464 543,411 144 , 963 307,409 200,573 104,017 474,002 170,505 347,703 135,462 55 111,284 394,902 150,558 73,510 145,452 210,315 2,850 340,240 193.30S 318,989 190,319 59,416 380,101 126,683 203,369 239,240 56 105, 410 460,922 606,872 275,025 384,113 193,854 3,044 416,370 203,222 958,281 186,966 669,589 316,706 209, 603 200,740 688,923 57 58,722 248,856 269,708 139,096 206,619 173,361 2,340 220,510 155,414 578,743 134,771 301,766 200,095 108,757 128,898 375,487 58 ! 32,562 88,752 113,109 84,530 57,762 50, 775 30 121,226 27,065 141,016 85,991 96,055 93,053 199,005 58, 973 85,828 59 1 24,366 1 34,237 64,600 12,353 37,977 27,760 70,187 43,712 49,540 46,920 24 , 352 41,747 49,396 40,941 54,944 60 166 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND [Data for items shown in italics are based on Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Graham Granville Greene Gui lford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde 1 2 FARMS BY TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD 1950. . 1945. . 759 891 3,335 3,147 2,945 2,937 4,768 4,669 4,474 3,806 5,331 4,516 2,784 2,891 2,394 2,703 1,945 l,96f 1,735 1,950 666 800 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 109 876 101 101 101 36 ie 11 87 116 80 120 197 350 886 899 414 140 126 38 21 5 41 89 426 1,086 728 329 669 828 246 237 478 503 854 561 218 39 112 242 151 230 372 459 971 1,015 555 278 298 254 227 202 375 560 1,186 1,317 606 264 265 eeo 313 323 278 239 234 129 67 12 460 931 208 194 175 107 82 92 44 21 53 30 34 39 114 148 467 639 267 112 61 111 69 99 215 228 466 259 149 54 24 155 64 80 102 86 75 43 45 10 6 13 1950 . . 46 56 85 89 42 24 60 22 24 2 FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM 14 Field-crop farms other than vegetable 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 174 2,910 2,700 10 2,052 39 5 2,008 3,487 24 629 2,834 4,266 26 564 3,676 416 9 1,665 5 25 1,655 1,395 1 668 726 195 180 5 10 IS 16 17 174 2,910 2,690 418 9 18 19 20 21 22 5 1950.. Livestock farms other than dairy 1950.. 8 25 42 93 64 67 323 78 27 47 23 24 25 26 27 1950.. 1950.. 1950 . . 4 30 10 5 130 24 24 231 200 95 59 10 155 21 10 114 23 36 62 41 49 43 88 41 5 42 326 Miscellaneous and unclassified farms .. .number 1950. . 560 330 198 2,203 634 871 1,736 1,746 160 266 FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 212 3,049 10 35 300 1,153 1,068 463 286 82 203 1 2,757 5 51 607 1,536 475 63 166 24 164 2,625 IB 67 179 689 1,123 549 2,143 646 1,497 3,850 14 74 498 1,350 1,268 646 624 269 354 1 4,486 11 31 514 1,673 1,506 751 845 268 552 5 1,063 1 23 32 176 351 480 1,721 556 1,165 672 19 41 42 114 137 319 1,722 310 1,411 1 1,801 1,479 10 13 99 363 585 409 256 83 172 1 360 2 £7 71 122 138 326 147 179 22 237 801 554 187 144 61 78 5 4 13 42 153 547 162 385 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE 39 40 1949.. 1944. . 332, 642 275,546 8,694,611 7,117,128 11,070,695 8,776,212 8,361,906 7,791,341 12,575,169 10,235,524 13,528,166 11,161,201 2,464,804 2,166,597 2,235,279 2,007,102 5,812,058 4,884,894 3,796,500 4,300,782 940,375 1,114,715 41 42 1949.. 1944. . 202,010 175,804 7,899,420 6,522,769 10, 635, 097 8,615,974 5,760,751 5,466,207 11,394,116 9,601,248 12,776,583 10,787,257 990,412 1,289,117 995,746 1,193,056 5,269,997 4,668,746 3,560,677 4,133,410 652,077 843,517 43 Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and 1949.. 1944. . 200,936 171,295 7,681,658 6,439,846 10,622,783 8,605,272 5,276,553 5,158,578 11,354,528 9,557,542 12,715,237 10,730,583 637,966 998,665 139,982 314,315 5,265,575 4,665,072 3,439,766 3,994,117 638,385 836,214 44 45 46 1949. . 1944. . 516 1,205 12, 660 20,695 8,127 1,690 57,515 120,669 29,329 26,899 34,477 35,580 28,835 33,592 465,611 630,000 2,107 2,184 35,355 74,493 5,016 1,171 47 48 1949. . 1944. . 558 3,304 4,152 54,228 1,652 9,012 5,197 52,025 8,491 15,092 5,589 18, 194 117,601 255, 170 359,273 244,099 1,215 1,290 85,356 59,235 8,676 6,099 49 50 51 Horticultural specialties sold. . dollars 1949.. 950 2,535 421,466 1,768 21,280 6,010 10,880 1,100 400 5,565 201,281 156,563 33 270,598 261,413 All livestock and livestock 1949.. 1944. . 111,360 80,621 701,769 524,054 398,986 156,895 2,467,664 2,263,327 1,015,961 587,587 601,325 353,200 1,400,955 844,216 1,199,335 773,928 455,335 202,279 52 53 54 1949.. 1944.. 15,052 11,707 212,450 142,162 11,374 4,642 1,236,611 977,262 79,277 64,761 50, 774 48,477 380,665 229,422 724,301 364,338 17,554 23,137 40,560 56.660 6,526 8,639 55 Poultry and poultry products 1949.. 1944. . 30,441 21,871 248,717 157,246 35,812 51,318 620,314 870,501 61,870 51,895 198, 755 145,653 170, 792 133,235 187,024 201,334 40, 909 57,572 91,446 40,193 63, 470 117,582 56 57 58 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy 1949. . 1944. . 65,867 47,043 240,602 224,646 351,800 100,935 630,939 415,544 874,834 470,931 351,796 159,070 649,478 461,559 288,010 206,256 396,872 121,570 69,275 59,510 200, 602 135, 192 59 60 1949.. 1944. . 19,272 19,121 93,422 70, 305 36,612 3,343 133,291 61,807 165,072 4 6,689 150,278 20,744 73,437 33,264 40, 198 40,118 66,726 13,869 34,342 10, 809 17,700 9,785 NORTH CAROLINA BY ECONOMIC CLASS; AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued 167 reports for only a sample of farms See text J Iredell JacKson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln Mcli)»ell Macon Madlaon Martin Mecklen- burg Mitchell Mont- gomery Moore Nash 4,137 2,260 8,097 1,604 1,635 3,781 2,442 1,556 2 276 3,438 2 787 3,216 1,931 1,216 2,537 3,833 1 3,918 2,430 7,774 1,706 1,713 3,848 2,503 1,982 2,330 3,642 : , iOm 2,896 1,944 ] , 1 60 2,302 2 334 505 219 57 94 150 152 441 324 184 45 S75 422 166 294 289 3 674 1,053 190 89 222 108 222 709 1,197 469 66 623 761 252 438 192 4 289 189 173 35 76 51 180 92 186 321 33 233 227 104 121 so S 435 154 197 57 66 45 230 92 148 517 64 200 172 73 65 86 6 664 211 315 61 131 83 421 102 172 729 52 401 lj." 140 217 217 7 549 73 592 122 161 228 380 58 79 635 149 276 71 140 259 249 8 634 61 2,301 471 387 914 491 20 111 427 338 390 53 164 394 1,072 9 306 5 2,762 453 332 1,250 197 32 29 104 937 214 29 60 450 2,139 10 136 6 1,046 160 109 668 95 10 17 40 756 73 37 162 1,155 11 52 1 281 93 56 228 49 4 26 305 52 12 36 80 321 12 44 21 6 21 56 25 9 6 40 79 44 37 55 13 1,484 66 7,100 1,344 1,100 3,311 1,212 40 17 1,608 2,437 902 226 284 1,160 4,937 14 131 999 354 5 34 16 54 1,153 5 15 16 17 5 1,328 24 1,066 61 6,902 3,285 10 17 1,808 2,415 5 221 235 1,072 4,805 114 5 5 5 10 5 46 21 5 11 39 118 27 15 10 70 16 31 46 10 36 64 228 ?1 58 104 116 45 11 42 20 46 119 172 39 74 62 32 20 111 22 366 47 151 23 40 34 158 52 88 114 115 152 41 67 48 120 23 118 81 6 30 7 59 6 8 10 88 53 10 34 3 89 24 234 47 64 16 10 26 89 26 72 94 22 89 31 33 30 26 26 1,863 1,914 691 182 444 371 865 1,357 1,921 1,299 186 1,807 1,479 697 1,053 677 27 2,327 414 7,436 1,423 1,221 3,426 1,588 224 414 2,214 2,607 1,440 4 78 552 1,542 5,261 28 6 1 1 9 9 1 7<> 37 21 5 16 49 20 8 6 39 74 35 26 54 30 82 1 546 161 91 508 85 10 8 41 549 78 15 33 138 744 31 412 11 3,543 545 406 1,638 256 32 42 129 1,449 261 26 100 549 2,871 32 990 108 2,686 553 489 1,062 710 51 144 771 436 568 103 219 528 1,216 33 800 294 640 159 214 163 512 131 211 1,267 133 454 334 156 290 375 34 1,810 1,846 661 181 434 355 854 1,332 1,862 1,244 180 1,776 1,453 664 995 594 35 801 286 252 34 118 96 480 182 341 591 69 4 78 270 246 253 113 36 1,008 1 1,558 409 146 1 316 258 1 374 1,150 1,521 653 111 1,298 1,183 418 732 10 481 37 38 5,836,375 701,972 21,502,911 4,136,114 3,320,573 11,950,267 3,602,248 620,929 983,575 3,210,579 10,471,405 4,474,389 732,828 1,599,849 5,041,589 18,583,840 39 5,252,254 538,857 19,150,955 3,789,358 3,157,312 10,150,845 2,369,392 484,647 642,291 3,796,143 9,687,031 3,504,623 883,682 1,891,810 3,895,438 14 , 804 , 654 40 3,209,487 216,064 19,707,620 3,839,069 2,865,088 11,123,903 2,594,429 186,519 183,496 2,214,891 9,600,382 2,506,883 325,266 1,141,965 2,801,884 17,631,722 41 3,013,713 199,612 18,290,468 3,563,869 2,853,303 9,608,619 1,637,688 169,268 213, 620 3,017,696 9,163,955 1,684,418 492,638 1,578,329 2,955,315 14,308,065 42 3,168,254 95,697 19,643,368 3,828,257 2,841,759 11,072,639 2,539,135 81,979 82,883 2,202,683 9,563,238 1,983,760 305,996 724,809 2,662,862 17,607,798 43 2,941,828 97,149 18,215,779 3,547,886 2,768,189 9,541,360 1,557,360 97,829 73,207 2,919,083 9,151,194 1,451,394 386,944 700,670 2,421,660 14,189,327 44 14,813 112,421 37,185 10,441 4,628 35,036 33, 192 7,875 96,206 6,678 8,711 63,948 2,260 31,450 13,609 6,646 45 24,505 87,509 57,857 6,934 10,277 50,791 63,359 14,247 127,473 77,207 7,238 131 , 624 46,126 16,527 15,257 78, 966 46 6,437 4,629 20,827 371 18,551 8,377 17,250 37,679 2,071 2,025 3,326 12,461 16,610 374 , 672 87,823 9,461 47 43,714 14,579 15,972 8,299 37,312 16,413 15,346 56,076 12,481 20,654 4,364 10,680 59,538 853,009 517,948 39,099 48 19,983 3,317 6,240 4,852 11,034 37,370 7,795 49 3,666 375 860 750 37,525 55 1,623 1,116 459 752 1,159 90,720 30 8,123 450 673 SO 2,450,080 384,248 1,615,704 254,348 356,440 770,842 938, 930 361,948 718,002 907,666 774,192 1,864,939 374,897 351,098 2,028,665 730,460 51 2,052,700 258,924 831,262 214,443 275,007 532,131 710,444 288,357 374,412 724,284 504,340 1,786,521 308,423 227,731 911,504 461,081 52 1,274,995 38,135 69,143 1,102 81,651 198,084 440,206 85,070 211,113 160,544 68, 690 1,109,839 124,677 55,017 117,775 105,181 53 793,736 51,773 77,160 5,790 68,667 185, 618 247,788 133,769 89, 723 151,759 72,920 1,112,761 115,731 81,265 95,464 87,260 54 651,784 72,467 371,184 47,428 183,977 99,410 302,583 156,283 160,938 115,446 77,802 316,419 33,813 205,947 1.776,496 189,24 6 55 923,906 43,626 278,545 68,861 142,850 110,968 316,311 93,464 105,994 169,876 85,552 383,429 60,287 75, 733 729,931 213,104 56 523,301 273,646 1,175,377 205, 818 90,812 473,348 196,141 120,595 345,951 631,676 627,700 438,681 216,407 90,134 134 , 394 436,033 57 335,058 163,525 475,557 139,792 63,490 235,545 146,345 61,124 1-78, 695 •402,649 345,868 290,331 132,405 70,733 86, 109 160,717 58 176,808 101,660 179,587 42,697 99,045 55,522 68,889 72,462 82,077 88,022 96,831 102,567 32,665 106,786 211,040 221,656 59 185,841 80,321 29,225 11,046 29,002 10,095 21,260 27,022 54,259 54,163 18,736 33,684 82,621 65,750 28,619 35,508 60 168 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7 —FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND [Data for items shown in italics are based on Item (For definitions and explanatio North- ampton Orange Pasquo- tank Perquim- Al 1 farms number 1950. 1945. . FARMS BY TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD No sales number 1950 . SI to $249 number 1950. $250 to $399 number 1950. $400 to $599 number 1950. $600 to $999 number 1950. $1,000 to $1,499 number 1950. $1,500 to $2,499 number 1950. $2,500 to $3.999 number 1950. $4,000 to $5,999 number 1950. $6,000 to $9,999 number 1950. $10,000 and over number 1950. FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number 1950. Cash- grain number 1950 . Cotton number 1950. Other field-crop number 1950. Vegetable farms number 1950. Fruit-and-nut farms number 1950. Dairy farms number 1950. Poultry farms number 1950. Livestock farms other than dairy and poul try number 1950 . General farms number 1950 . Primarily crop number 1950. Primarily livestock number 1950. Crop and livestock number 1950 . Miscellaneous and unclassi tied farms .. .number 1950. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commerci al farms number 1950 . Class I * number 1950. Class II number 1950 . Class III number 1950. Class IV number 1950. Class V number 1950. Class VI number 1950. Other farms number 1950. Part-time number 1950. Residential number 1950. Abnormal number 1950 . . VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD. BY SOURCE All farm products sold dollars 1949. 1944. All crops sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1949., 1944. . Vegetables sold dollars 1949. 1944. Fruits and nuts sold dollars J949. 1944. Horticultural specialties sold. . dol lars 1949. 1944. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1949. 1944. , Dairy products sold dollars 1949., 1944. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1949., 1944. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars 1949. 1944. Forest products sold dollars 1949. 1944. 401 716 1,522,639 1,695,756 1,239,356 1,038,125 110,444 135,097 494,336 651,988 10,500 4,660 624,076 246,380 261,233 655, 636 109,750 387,964 60,931 147,691 90,542 119,981 22,260 1,995 3,824 3,087 178 287 98 114 285 395 976 894 403 145 2,955 2 375 2,578 175 93 3,239 7 42 309 1, 133 1,175 573 585 120 464 9,429,321 7,008,519 8,590,348 6,644,276 ,584,772 ,623,460 2,479 15,087 3,077 5,666 663,661 328,276 42,342 69,677 106,525 119,831 534, 994 138,768 155, 112 35,965 2, 179 2, 145 146 69 109 171 ■290 686 420 147 42 1,696 1 114 495 874 330 365 121 244 4,538,721 3,210,531 3,796,106 2,862,710 3,789, 140 2,849,074 4,243 8,663 2,723 4,973 619,126 332,822 19,130 14, 124 107,529 78,309 492,467 240,369 123, 489 14,999 2,038 1,851 248 353 214 107 163 157 295 262 131 55 758 32 120 47 21 1,179 1 52 115 333 388 290 659 258 601 3,591,887 2,984,513 2,098,226 1,985,145 2,083,660 1,949,720 10,933 26,986 1, 127 7,724 2,506 715 1,324,544 955,802 599,431 404,995 493,036 367,312 169,117 43,566 789 735 52 125 342 13 19 321 107 150 109 316 105 211 2,048,817 1,209,993 1,538,255 1,003,318 1,438,935 975, 256 86,510 24,604 2,010 3,458 458,520 188, 790 16,127 4, 136 303,561 115,453 138,832 69,301 62, 043 17,885 785 677 243 1B3 230 182 138 109 IIS 3, 131,797 2,674,664 2,420,562 1,909,464 1,856,969 1,540,754 555,333 357, 515 3,251 8,895 3,010 2,300 667,937 751,230 179,363 219,987 80,307 131,314 408, 367 399,929 43,298 13, 970 3,381 2,275 350 467 108 165 '284 253 371 220 84 947 70 285 526 471 901 184 717 3,613,960 2, 322, 545 2,919,249 1,932,076 3,076,530 1,456,972 464, 750 254,976 306, 183 198, 538 71,786 21,590 576,839 362,861 146,091 116,255 ,105 ,537 311,643 147,099 117,872 27,568 961 1, 159 26 133 65 70 84 103 136 179 90 47 373 158 24 191 94 226 94 10 122 363 85 231 205 156 258 97 161 2,014,920 2, 595, 336 1,394,559 1,967,012 1,369,946 1,910,160 18,951 56,912 5,662 19,903 560,588 574,639 3,813 7,304 94,237 110,654 463,539 456,6-1 59,773 33, 695 2,845 2,839 113 81 45 95 •227 403 974 570 246 82 2,522 10 2,512 2,577 10 156 736 1,312 463 368 68 194 6 6,371,060 5,679,939 5,973,984 5,464,765 5,969,825 5,459,713 2,175 3,346 1,834 1,804 250, 195 182, 163 72,931 36,215 -4,736 96,067 102,526 49,860 46,881 33,012 NORTH CAROLINA BY ECONOMIC CLASS; AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued reports for only a sample of farms. See textj 169 1, 19 1,15 158 149 Rnndolph 164 14 15 19 20 34 25 853 829 245 584 719,023 771,188 388, 105 593, 625 318, 180 468, 631 24,068 25,019 45,517 99,965 340 10 279,855 150, 105 66,839 39, 509 100, 279 52,611 112, 737 57,985 51,063 27,458 3,618 3,601 656 927 261 181 311 352 452 200 128 779 50 172 357 158 36 30 92 51 106 304 644 493 2,003 420 1,578 ,745,639 ,148,025 2,009,343 2,030,109 1,845,679 1,731,073 6,296 33,340 1,045 26,511 156,323 239, 185 2,546,574 2,000,243 853, 949 608, 357 1, 345, 778 1,175,622 346,847 216,264 189,722 117,673 1,65' 1,923 220 194 138 138 181 214 297 155 325 477 111 70 20 54 193 426 321 635 221 414 2,892,260 3, 296, 343 2,486,838 2, 910, 383 2, 036, 624 1, 698, 972 63,123 44,297 380,802 1,157,714 6,289 9,400 307, 167 331, 750 57,254 177,025 108, 774 93,138 141, 139 61,587 98,255 54, 210 8,524 8,602 247 261 173 219 561 814 2,210 2,714 955 327 43 Rock- ingham 586 ,805 133 108 36 597 3,399 2,795 923 767 259 508 21,898,279 21,842,081 20,921,953 21, 135, 304 20,760,721 20,996,473 115, 188 100,427 25,794 38,404 900, 184 677, 394 182,666 152,020 170, 576 179,919 546,942 345,455 76, 142 29,383 4,402 4,221 331 322 139 136 403 641 1,335 749 253 83 3, 159 15 3,338 10 177 902 1,659 590 1,064 405 648 8,002,034 7,317,129 7, 235, 729 6,764,192 7,214,269 6,715,689 8,797 12,828 2,608 34,860 10, 055 815 676,781 538, 255 258, 613 273,343 200,829 153, 309 217, 339 111,603 89,524 14, 682 3, 115 3,474 520 768 296 275 428 275 240 151 43 76 553 10 5 212 248 106 20 122 90 180 406 531 1,865 577 1,288 3, 677, 960 3,060,970 1,916,123 1,695,894 1, 794, 898 1,416,369 36,067 106,810 16,384 60,424 68,774 112,291 1,665,5,94 1,289,914 992, 120 675,955 207,470 314, 310 466,004 299,649 96,243 75, 162 Ruther- ford 3,540 3,803 300 890 412 522 642 422 214 81 1,023 63 933 232 111 453 902 2,047 857 1,190 2,511, 153 2,913,430 1,607,379 2, 313, 985 1,499, 21fl 2, 100,659 76, 564 107, 373 24,426 93,976 7,171 11,977 751,747 549,259 351, 204 244,378 160, 681 198, 502 339,862 106,379 152,037 51, 186 SnmpHo 7,217 7,059 338 531 286 271 690 1,168 2,065 1,363 407 104 5,017 34 338 4,655 105 603 463 14 136 319 1,654 3,713 1,379 1,348 389 13,466,603 13,874,637 13,130,585 13,038,369 11, 278, 325 12, 381, 259 722, 145 , 524, 162 121,345 127,593 8,770 5,355 1,119,438 802,909 56,867 39, 261 324,377 303,042 738, 194 460,606 216,530 33,359 I, 686 1,787 63 93 85 76 247 309 426 214 98 1,048 196 13 102 270 621 389 133 152 3,348,691 3,970,985 3,175,219 3,847,839 2,840,413 3,273,891 279, 705 371,931 53,976 203,007 148,210 118,739 28,446 49,858 24,890 29,942 94,874 38,939 25,262 4,417 2,595 ::, 23! 346 556 257 247 336 357 283 118 55 468 102 355 487 256 42 159 •468 496 1.41B 516 902 2, 654,696 3,009,528 1,5.04, 279 1, 174,035 1,463,974 1,138,391 3,102 13,371 4,363 33, 973 32,840 400 1,034,548 738,419 388,923 303, 702 425,429 318, 533 320, 196 216, 184 115,869 97,074 3, t i 3,313 227 157 49 117 262 511 1,304 701 218 64 2,927 5 3,084 19 123 861 1,644 438 545 161 384 7,045,553 6,680,093 6,351,584 6,104,931 6,341,879 6,088,362 3,419 6,988 7,386 9,669 570,314 553,073 73,003 118, 261 351,865 329, 626 146,446 105, 185 123,655 22,089 4,306 3,711 456 324 120 146 345 491 1,243 842 il3 99 27 5 3,079 26 171 983 1,588 547 990 210 780 8,138,752 6, 756, 609 7,111,273 5,822,790 7,048, 182 5,645,157 11,721 13,842 26, 170 152,475 25,200 11, 316 928,635 893,613 243,519 255,767 399, 179 497, 468 285,937 139,377 98,844 41,207 347 75 59 Trinay] - van in 11 862 833 93 740 196, 825 168,684 41,406 41, 706 34,405 26,826 1,611 6,189 3,657 8,566 1,733 125 114,724 101, 325 15,501 26, 608 38,468 17, 100 70, 755 57,617 40,695 25,653 1,092 350 44 7 82 Tyrr-H 940 143 797 467,902 469,060 180, 784 220, 839 74,521 157,229 83,401 47, 277 1,102 10,158 21,760 6,175 267,629 333,341 65,073 56,559 68, 458 76,185 134,098 99,497 19,489 15,980 542 11 18 292 6 8 37 83 104 54 250 109 141 987,946 918,418 590,951 597,354 586,316 567,798 3,533 25, 105 1,057 4,451 4,91*0 4,577 235 1 500 4 370 S 409 6 038 7 862 fl ,032 9 413 10 184 11 86 17. 372, 753 311,339 3,580 11, 121 59,995 104,907 309,178 195, 311 24, 243 9,735 2,313 75 2,238 69 202 114 652 252 30 370 1 600 3 384 1 30 154 529 1 550 1 120 1 576 841 735 7,395,001 5, 268, 636 4,929,616 3,670, 178 4,886,378 3,586, 133 30,456 74, 823 3,267 7,092 9,515 2,130 2,358,345 1,500, 160 478,895 334,215 1, 248, 047 836,040 631,403 57 329,905 5? 107, 040 j 59 98, 298 60 170 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued [Data for items shown in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey 1 2 FARMS BY TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD 1950. . 1945. . 2,404 1,875 6,219 6,044 3, 162 2,982 866 926 2,639 2,591 4,915 4,946 5,075 5,348 4,303 4,781 3,344 2,986 2,740 2,870 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950 . . 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950 . . 1950.. 119 137 39 50 149 253 692 581 282 90 473 487 149 194 306 522 1,233 1,647 717 367 163 206 198 254 390 463 761 493 170 41 65 124 ' 59 74 153 113 108 108 36 18 214 692 278 307 491 322 203 73 29 20 158 203 141 88 144 303 1,159 1,675 705 296 850 1,987 342 249 425 241 299 198 217 151 96 145 31 45 55 104 614 1,447 1,113 565 314 347 130 190 395 491 831 438 139 63 26 13 1950.. 12 124 23 8 10 43 116 86 6 FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM 14 15 16 17 Field-crop farms other than vegetable 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950 . . 1,957 4,389 22 144 4, 223 2,030 23 536 1,471 431 75 10 346 420 4,095 45 64 3,986 386 37 3,933 2 61 3,870 2,034 56 1,978 633 15 21 1,936 420 349 618 18 19 20 ?1 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 21 12 62 154 33 15 10 5 107 24 19 24 61 796 9 9 127 56 41 22 Livestock farms other than dairy 1950. . 1 83 22 32 201 60 23 24 25 26 27 1950.. 1950. . 1950 . . 1950. . 32 11 21 124 54 5 291 262 82 36 322 59 39 161 112 137 23 27 23 9 89 28 106 30 1 70 1,834 Miscellaneous and unclassi tied farms. . .number 61 999 1950.. 381 1,382 756 306 1,423 537 3,542 308 FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950.. 1950. . 1950.. 1950.. 2,052 11 1 192 761 832 255 352 96 254 2 4,920 8 115 635 2,096 1,510 556 1,299 338 960 1 2,429 1 22 109 595 1,030 672 733 364 369 565 1,245 5 5 24 98 362 751 1,394 467 906 1 4,397 6 36 499 2, 177 1,345 334 518 151 361 6 1,616 6 110 253 313 415 519 3,459 622 2,837 4,012 9 79 1,025 2,100 670 129 291 50 241 2,360 1 5 99 541 1,099 615 984 323 656 5 8 43 118 195 201 301 111 189 1 43 61 194 661 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE 39 40 1949.. 1944. . 5,857,376 6,166,662 16,474, 188 15,282,468 5,605,879 4,986,982 1, 454, 936 1, 572, 949 2,031,290 2, 189, 523 14, 662, 569 12,150,095 5,299,240 3, 858, 310 17,332,186 14,282,953 5,508,425 5,810,197 1,436,011 1, 270, 876 41 42 1949. . 1944.. 5,486,099 5,945,665 14,090,613 13,436,422 4,919,754 4,656,211 1, 135, 109 1,342,352 924, 296 1,383,018 13, 559, 298 11,595,032 995,748 1,154,180 16,764,464 13,900,142 4,384,448 4,956,593 966,087 43 Field crops, other thsn vegetables and fruits snd 1949.. 1944. . 5,426,709 5,923,076 13,903,371 13,093,801 4,665,412 4,555,876 1,093,908 1,309,703 578,511 896,606 13,376,148 11,490,973 811,860 864,012 16,614,252 13,821,135 4, 334,681 4,884,974 44 869, 197 45 46 1949.. 1944. . 47,655 6,205 70,720 183, 70 1 249, 127 51,867 13,701 6,660 290,041 385, 450 107,122 71,530 8,132 13,330 7,355 5,011 14,915 21,775 9,781 39, 63S 47 48 1949.. 1944. . 1,330 14, 084 31,303 74,538 5,215 48,224 13,312 16, 739 45,029 96,780 30,013 29,469 174,264 275,428 9,780 25,976 33,407 48,444 4,402 57,18! 49 50 Horticultural specialties sold. . dol lars 1949.. 1944. . 10,405 2,300 85,219 84,382 14, 188 9,250 10,715 4,182 46,015 3,060 1,492 1,410 133,077 48,020 1,445 1,400 7,411 73 244 51 All livestock and livestock 1949,. 1944. . 266,524 206,572 2,126,643 1,757,489 530,773 284,404 289,046 222,525 1,036,771 691,556 1,018,748 531,272 4,043,098 2,435,082 456,968 365,753 992,566 815, 931 600,590 52 260,23? 53 54 1949.. 1944.. 105,110 71, 183 873,898 547,817 253,644 79,492 24,033 16,931 312,435 194,330 192,962 80, 153 231,315 284,616 94,915 65,796 419,446 312,599 172, 23! 64,225 55 Poultry and poultry products 1949.. 1944.. 55,781 74,868 664,969 855,944 39, 194 54,124 50,833 58,919 117,435 145, 666 151,869 140, 145 3, 352,443 1,856,762 84,150 118,421 331,400 361,374 56 66, 41? 57 58 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy 1949.. 1944. . 105,633 60,521 587,776 353,728 237, 935 150, 788 214, 180 146,675 606,901 351,560 673,917 310,974 459,340 293, 704 277,903 181,536 241,720 141,958 311,760 129,593 59 60 1949.. 1944.. 104, 753 14,425 256,932 88,557 153,352 46,367 30,781 8,072 70,223 114, 949 84, 523 23, 791 260,394 269,048 110,754 17,058 131,411 37,673 63,718 44,552 Chapter C STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS (171) ^P\ IgHO** r, .>*, CO) .X ro r* til CD J . > *>.^ - < (A O z a> _l < O u Q£ o < KJ c o I u LU 1— o O z t/5 V 0\ 1 o o =1 < ^ S /\ 0< w < Id I or < z a z 8 s r 8E or 1 o o ^^ — ■ I E~ T 5 ^ JL < < UJ o < ^ o z 1 R Hi 1 a ; > S I___X *^J 1 I ^^- -^ il -i i 8 £ . y ■ I a _ f:--.-i-.-8«.dir 1— Ss » L-»_" ^ .^ (O z/ S r* t^V** < _ ! ^c^^w \ O H- i'ij Q |. z g 2 CO ^ 1 j%w • hi 5 ^V V fl I '$ t ilibi 3 2 Ij < O 1- OL zj o 2 ^ 2 £ 1- z Vr UJ O VI J i ^ IV HI * 991354 0-52-13 (Prt. 12) 174 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 1.— FARMS, FARM OPERATORS, AND FARM WOODLAND: CENSUS OF 1950 [DatB, except for approximate land area, are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 1 and A Areas 3, B, and C FARMS AND ACREAGE Farms numbe r . . Approximate land area acres. . Proportion in farms percent. . Land in farms acres. . FARM OPERATORS Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 days or more operators reporting. . Not working off their farm operators reporting.. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting.. 45 to 54 years operators reporting.. 55 to 64 years operators reporting.. 65 years and over operators reporting.. Average age years.. Operators not reporting age number.. Operators by year began operation of present farm: 1950 and l°4 q operators reporting.. April 194° to date of enumeration operators reporting.. April 1949 operators reporting.. May 1949 operators reporting.. June 1949 operators reporting.. July 1949 operators reporting.. Augus* 1949 operators reporting.. September 1949 operators reporting.. October 1949 operators reporting. . November 1949 operators reporting. . December 1949 operators reporting.. January 1950 operators reporting. . February 1950 operators reporting. . March 1950 operators reporting.. April to date of enumera- tion, 1950 operators reporting.. 1950 with month not reported operators reporting.. 1948 operators reporting.. 1947 operators reporting., 1946 operators reporting. . 1941 to 1945 operators reporting. . 1936 to 1940 operators reporting. . 1935 and earlier operators reporting. Average year of occupancy year. Operators not reporting number. Residence and relationship to landlord: 1 Tenants and part owners with landlord living on a farm operators reporting. Tenants and part owners related to landlord operators reporting. FARM WOODLAND Any woodland farms reporting. . Woodland pastured farms reporting. acres. . Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over forms reporting. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. 288,473 31,422,080 61.8 19,426,054 97,109 37,126 59,983 183,045 11, 551 47,975 65,445 56,311 45,311 35,895 46.8 25,985 51,235 32,881 646 275 270 247 312 500 825 1,814 5,171 18,663 996 805 401 1,956 20,237 19,662 17,751 44,973 33,221 82,772 1938 18,622 77,384 24,586 200,798 89,942 1,395,083 53,451 17,762 13,274 3,625 1,343 381 106 176,626 8,296,774 46,343 33,896 50,651 26,906 12,727 4,940 1,163 37,759 4,262,400 51.2 ie,354 5,538 12,816 18,778 841 5,229 8,008 7,804 6,605 6,631 49.7 2,641 2,266 150 75 55 65 110 140 155 155 210 596 200 120 90 145 2,182 2,478 2,212 6,418 5,302 13,587 1935 1,832 4,222 1,587 29,436 16,886 341,216 8,015 3,855 3,506 998 383 100 29 20,772 659,788 7,936 4,480 5,042 2,061 831 360 62 1,564,160 53.1 7,367 1,461 5,906 5,446 175 1,715 2,869 2,760 2,354 2,434 50.3 791 1,016 675 45 15 30 45 20 45 40 75 90 85 45 50 30 60 650 770 850 2,100 1,745 5,000 1934 967 1,036 355 3,683,840 79.6 2,931,293 12,191 4,118 8,073 28,893 1,546 6,691 9,457 8,490 6,793 5,447 47.3 3,723 4,977 105 50 50 30 55 50 120 326 1,216 2,355 190 115 3,125 2,608 2,336 6,086 5,273 12,583 1937 2,797 12,920 4,082 11,388 31,586 5,691 15,143 74,895 180,442 3,511 9,502 1,081 3,013 840 1,970 193 522 52 120 11 16 9,986 29,248 22,584 1,286,820 2,985 6,571 1,845 5,316 2,696 9,206 1,446 5,219 696 2,269 272 587 12,731 1,797,120 64.1 1,152,034 5,940 1,757 4,183 6,580 180 1,393 2,570 2,733 2,594 2,420 51.5 841 537 15 5 15 21 5 30 60 85 75 141 15 15 20 35 660 661 713 1,977 1,616 5,604 1933 652 1,826 670 10,941 5,201 77,851 2,713 1,288 925 187 75 9 4 10, 114 534,674 2,070 1,725 3,075 2,026 843 322 53 Figures relate to all tenants and pert owners as shown in County Table 2 and State Table 14, and not merely to those classified by tenure in Economic Area Tables 6 and 10. NORTH CAROLINA 175 Economic Area Table 1.- FARMS, FARM OPERATORS, AND FARM WOODLAND. CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data, except for approximate land urea, are baited on reports for only a sample of farm*. See text] I tern (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areaa 5 and U Areas 6 and E FARMS AND ACREAGE Farms number. . Appro* (mate 1 and area acres. . Proportion in farms percent. . Land in farms seres. . FARM OPERATORS Off-farm work: Working off their farm. total operators reporting. . 1 to 90 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting.. Not working off their farm operators reporting.. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. . 45 to 54 years operators reporting.. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. . 65 years and over operators reporting. . Average age years. . Operators not reporting age number.. Operators by year began operation of present farm: 1950 and 194° operators reporting.. April 104 Q to date of enumeration operators reporting. . Apri 1 194° operators reporting. . May 1949 operators reporting.. June 1949 operators reporting.. July 1949 operators reporting. . August 1949 operators reporting. . September 1949 operators reporting, . October 1949 operators reporting.. November 1949 operators reporting., December 1949 operators reporting.. January 1950 ....operators reporting.. February 1950 operators reporting., March 1950 .operators reporting.. April to date of enumera- tion, 1950 operators reporting. . 1950 with month not reported operators reporting.. 1943 operators reporting. 1947 operators reporting. 1946 operators reporting. 1941 to 1945 operators reporting. 1936 to 1940 operators reporting. 1935 and earlier operators reporting. Average year of occupancy year. Operators not reporting number. Residence and relationship to landlord: 1 Tenants and part owners with landlord living on a farm operators reporting. Tenants and part owners related to landlord operators reporting. FARM WOODLAND Any woodland Woodland pastured. Under 10 acres. 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 41 acres. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres. . . 200 to 499 acres. . . 500 acres and over. Woodland not pastured. Under 10 acres. 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 499 acres. 500 acres and ove rms reporting. . arms reporting. . acres. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. arms reporting. . arms reporting. arms reporting, acres. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. .:> ,.',(... 2,336,000 74.8 10, 898 3,772 7,126 U,112 775 3,692 5,908 5,133 4,460 3,533 48.1 2,965 4,140 2,515 90 45 20 45 25 65 60 190 375 1,175 85 180 35 125 2,038 1,857 1,730 4,449 2,536 6,949 1938 2,767 6,560 1,559 35,722 2,831,360 75.8 8,146 4,189 3,957 26,385 1,845 7,111 8,345 6,437 5,074 3,180 44.5 3,730 5,788 25 15 15 16 15 25 95 170 830 4,052 120 90 35 285 2,781 2,712 2,177 5,314 3,651 8,182 1940 2,141 12,632 4,222 18,046 10, 532 159,133 24,140 9,606 126, 727 5,771 2,476 1,712 6,287 1,662 1,125 395 110 64 4 353 140 32 7 15,227 568,954 4,585 22,149 1,000,454 5,635 3,555 4,055 1,902 4,296 6,559 3,384 768 264 78 1,566 589 120 2,503,680 67.7 1,694,131 4,925 3,009 1,916 14,140 960 3,373 4,547 4,103 2,667 2,087 45.5 2,267 2,514 40 10 55 2,012 86 50 1,253 1,358 1,112 3,322 2,383 4,982 1939 1,352 6,511 2,219 13,221 5,691 79,656 4,018 814 529 194 98 22 16 12,117 856,376 2,185 1,856 3,668 2,326 1,276 619 187 2,116,480 63.3 1,763,202 5,876 3,585 2,291 2,190 7,115 7,978 5,809 3,803 1,929 42.2 2,914 9,445 5,862 10 15 105 310 4,947 80 25 30 330 2,773 2,487 2,137 4,591 2,836 5,560 1942 1,909 12,635 3,641 16,359 5,615 62,403 4,456 630 492 135 70 28 15,040 751,495 3,165 3,090 4,905 2,223 1,110 420 127 2,230,400 61.3 1,368,319 5,041 2,503 2,536 13,804 923 3,490 4,420 3,649 3,032 1,881 45.5 1,801 4,117 2,682 35 30 45 35 191 905 1,144 40 45 21 176 1,875 1,515 1,259 3,005 1,928 4,207 1940 1,290 5,979 1,415 11,251 2,917 60,901 1,767 553 360 145 60 20 12 10,594 617,416 2,865 1,945 2,782 1,555 906 376 165 29.8 570,754 2,450 1,225 1,225 3,797 201 635 1,332 1,332 1,138 905 48.8 636 401 20 10 10 300 325 360 358 983 768 2,445 1935 333 1,667 850 4,136 899 23,438 496 176 116 76 19 13 3 3,847 219,884 805 811 1,082 610 353 155 31 28,276 4,726,400 40.7 8,490 4,187 4,303 19,093 1,585 5,218 6,765 5,215 4,060 2,962 45.0 2,451 3,793 35 25 10 35 65 185 432 955 1,621 90 45 55 240 1,779 1,899 1,811 4,330 3,236 8,398 1938 1,600 8,469 2,985 16,512 5,416 120,065 3,619 733 611 240 149 40 24 17,278 1,027,939 4,500 2,910 4,460 2,828 1,562 798 200 1 Figur. elate to b11 tenants and part owners as shown in County Table 2 and State Table 14, and not merely to those classified by tenure in Economic Area Tables 6 and 10. 176 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 2.— FARM LABOR: CENSUS OF 1950 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanatio see text) Areas 1 and A Areas 3, B, and C FARM WORKERS WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Average per farm reporting persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours farms reporting.. 1 to 14 hours farms reporting. . 15 to 34 hours farms reporting. . 35 to 54 hours farms reporting. . 55 hours or more farms reporting. . Operators not working or not reporting number of farms. . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. . persons. . No unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more or not reporting number of farms.. reporting. . persons. . Hired workers farms Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting, persons, reporting, reporting, reporting. 1 worker farms 2 workers farms 3 or 4 workers farms 5 to 9 workers farms reporting. 10 or more workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 worker farms reporting. . 2 workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 workers farms reporting. . 10 or more workers farms reporting. . Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting. . Operator only farms reporting. . Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting.. Hired workers only farms reporting.. Operator and hired workers only farms reporting.. Unpaid members of operator's family and hired workers only farms reporting. . Regular workers and no seasonal workers farms reporting.. Hired workers by basis of payment: Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting persons average hours worked per month average wage per month. . dollars Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting persons average hours worked per week average wage per week. . dollars Paid on a dally basis farms reporting persons average hours worked per day average wage per day.. dollars Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting persons average wage per hour. . dol lars Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting persons No report as to basis of payment number of farms persons Hired workers by type of perquisite furnished: Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting Furnished board and room farms reporting Furnished house farms reporting Furnished other perquisites farms reporting Furnished no perquisites farms reporting Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting Furnished board and room farms reporting Furnished house farms reporting Furnished other perquisites farms reporting Furnished no perquisites farms reporting Paid on a daily basis farms reporting Furnished board and room farms reporting Furnished house farms reporting Furnished other perquisites farms reporting Furnished no perquisites farms reporting EXPENDITURES FOR HIRED LABOR Expenditures for hired labor I9H9. farms reporting dol lars $1 to $99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 and over farms reporting Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 tn $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. 239, 439 433,658 1.8 236,225 379,885 221,148 27,342 37,397 77,424 78,985 67,325 100,371 158,737 188,102 27,459 53,773 14,746 26,594 10,284 2,396 1,265 572 229 15,247 27,179 9,678 3,122 1,717 624 106 24,245 211,980 120,915 13,888 3,214 14,939 1,189 12,212 6,738 203 74 3,388 6,013 48 20 10,065 20,075 9.3 3.17 8,609 16,975 0.46 1,293 2,291 881 1,631 4,806 2,060 1,750 353 307 3,388 1,036 1,280 154 564 10,065 1,397 2,463 601 3,871 148,013 48,182,324 54, 528 32,698 39,089 12,826 6,592 2,280 123,658 51,198 29,573 32,336 7,948 2,330 273 29,648 48,115 1.6 29,248 43,554 26,637 5,968 7,777 8,349 4,543 11,122 12,343 16,917 25,416 2,755 4,561 1,074 2,031 769 141 105 36 23 1,847 2,530 1,378 344 109 16 2,355 26,893 15,585 2,361 400 1,320 250 908 438 769 213 96 203 492 46 22 509 698 8.7 4.47 1,583 2,361 0.50 106 136 95 105 438 70 257 10 54 203 65 55 52 509 47 81 30 206 12,967 2,996,006 8,572 2,011 1,445 450 336 153 10,725 7,872 1,611 913 211 110 9,999 15,551 1.6 9,918 14,504 9,007 3,083 2,261 2,268 1,395 4,091 3,926 5,497 9,172 706 1,047 210 331 lox 36 5 529 716 402 625 9,293 5,592 886 81 400 25 177 58 101 205 107 100 179 ■45 26 1U1 126 8.1 5.48 414 566 0.68 30 45 30 30 58 21 15 100 25 21 42 101 5 15 3,517 599,667 2,520 475 336 93 64 29 2,967 2,325 375 206 41 20 35,300 60,009 1.7 34,961 55,212 32,999 4,134 4,982 11,055 12,828 9,148 13,960 22,213 28,187 2,800 4,797 1,726 2,904 1,275 285 ■ 71 70 25 1,229 1,893 823 256 123 27 2,461 32,500 19,569 1,825 339 1,432 137 1,571 1,192 1,636 206 72 308 662 49 25 626 961 8.7 4.03 645 1,178 0.62 100 110 130 250 1,192 609 367 91 50 308 76 139 15 63 626 188 51 61 216 17,801 4,600,636 9,252 3,667 3,222 946 491 223 15,422 8,846 3,365 2,568 482 135 26 10,103 17,240 1.7 10,024 15,781 9,451 2,163 2,223 2,302 2,763 3,280 4,296 6,330 8,435 778 1,459 465 887 297 95 50 16 7 405 572 301 73 28 1 2 699 9,325 5,358 550 79 370 23 373 220 402 223 112 101 195 47 23 187 319 8.9 4.14 277 432 0.55 27 66 31 45 220 25 151 5 18 101 30 41 5 14 187 40 20 15 74 4,129 1,481,432 2,201 814 613 216 168 117 3,462 2,091 712 491 120 42 6 NORTH CAROLINA 177 Economic Area Tabic 2. FARM LABOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data arc based on report* for only u sample of furms. See it-»t ] Item • (For definitions Hnd explanations, ace text) Areas 5 and I) Areas n and E FARM WORKERS WKEK PRECEDING EN UM EH AT I (IN Family and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Average per farm reporting persons.. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. . persons, . Operators working 1 or more hours farms reporting.. 1 to 14 hours farms reporting. . 15 to 34 hours farms reporting.. 35 to 54 hours farms reporting. . 55 hours or more farms reporting. . Operators not working or not reporting number of farms.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons. . No unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more or not reporting number of farms.. Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 worker farms reporting. . 2 workers farms reporting.. 3 or 4 workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 workers farms reporting. . 10 or more workers farms reporting. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 worker farms reporting. . 2 workers farms reporting. . 3 or 4 workers farms reporting. . 5 to 9 workers farms reporting. . 10 or more workers farms reporting. . Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting.. Operator only farms reporting. . Unpaid members of operator' s fami ly only farms reporting. . Hired workers only farms reporting. . Operator and hired workers only farms reporting.. Unpaid members of operator's family and hired workers only farms reporting. , Regular workers and no seasonal workers farms reporting. . Hired workers by basis of payment: Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. persons. . average hours worked per month. , average wage per month. . dollars. . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. persons. . average hours worked per week. average wage per week. . dollars. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. persons. average hours worked per day. average wage per day. . dol lars. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. persons, average wage per hour. . dol lars. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. No report as to basis of payment number of farms. persons. Hired workers by type of perquisite furnished: Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Furnished board and room farms reporting. Furnished house farms reporting. Furnished other perquisites farms reporting. Furnished no perquisites farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Furnished board and room farms reporting. Furnished house farms reporting. Furnished other perquisites farms reporting. Furnished no perquisites farms reporting. Paid on a dally basis i farms reporting. Furnished board and room farms reporting. Furnished house farms reporting. Furnished other perquisites farms reporting. Furnished no perquisites farms reporting. EXPENDITURES FOR HIRED LABOR Expenditures for hired labor in 1919 farms reporting.. dollars. . $1 to $90 farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. , $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 .farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2, 500 and over farms reporting. . . .i ■ 36,379 1.8 20,014 32, 474 18,490 2,987 3,934 5,471 6,098 7,976 8,825 13,984 17,641 2,201 3,905 1,118 1,856 797 162 106 47 1,324 2,049 910 271 131 1,846 18,168 10,044 1,431 355 1,145 93 877 215 362 223 88 402 712 48 21 874 1,517 9.2 2.83 551 882 0.47 112 148 165 284 6 402 117 168 16 50 874 96 246 51 272 9,086 2,554,696 4,716 1,831 1,518 454 395 172 7,320 4,356 1,501 1,122 218 112 11 30,693 53,802 1.8 30,319 48,090 28,606 1,568 3,288 11,532 12,218 7,116 12,081 19,484 23,641 3,403 5,712 1,875 2,784 1,454 224 137 54 6 1,789 2,928 1,177 349 191 70 3,029 27,290 16,254 1,596 374 1,984 117 1,614 884 1,061 191 59 451 673 49 18 .957 1,529 9.2 3.51 970 1,870 0.43 233 319 85 259 450 266 451 161 157 11 101 957 158 197 87 381 23,072 6,846,437 6,077 5,752 7,745 2,428 868 202 20,025 5,716 5,381 6,738 1,755 381 54 . 19 34,956 2.0 17,339 29,314 1.. ,.'.'..! 832 1,652 5,197 8,770 3,553 7,490 12,863 12,514 2,689 5,642 1,560 3,093 1,082 42 1,323 2,549 846 229 152 87 9 2,439 14,900 8,162 810 250 1,687 78 1,366 355 476 214 65 362 594 51 16 1,672 3,802 9.4 2.80 278 571 0.41 88 99 355 177 95 46 21 362 161 102 25 32 1,672 273 508 101 571 12,895 4,771,109 4,712 2,902 3,192 1,149 701 239 10,404 4,482 2,596 2,467 633 188 38 1.9 27,757 46,094 26,590 971 3,020 11,963 10,616 5,148 11,495 I '. 20,243 4,165 8,743 2,336 4,439 1,579 393 229 2,195 4,30/. 1,235 496 313 131 20 3,696 24,061 13,869 1,022 469 2,393 145 1,970 693 952 198 58 482 806 49 16 2,008 4,579 9.5 2.94 917 1,760 0.43 160 316 135 330 693 287 286 55 24 482 142 191 41 261 585 107 760 24,600 9,601,391 4,606 5,821 9,036 3,199 1,559 379 20,652 4,370 5,525 7,888 2,106 704 59 16,222 ■'. ... 2.1 5,947 29,659 14,866 1,140 1,852 5,828 6,046 4,330 8,626 14,793 10, 570 1,863 4,185 1,106 2,135 674 258 105 51 18 990 2,050 592 190 145 40 23 1,588 14,359 6,381 1,000 275 940 81 873 242 310 164 59 286 565 48 18 779 1,901 9.4 2.93 519 1,186 0.38 139 187 35 36 242 111 69 10 20 286 72 104 5 53 779 82 211 20 292 11,191 3,321,655 3,839 2,922 3,107 758 410 155 9,553 3,672 2,622 2,609 484 159 7 5,192 9,852 1.9 5,067 7,076 4,776 426 769 1,750 1,831 1,603 1,695 2,300 4,684 1,285 2,776 854 1,512 542 158 119 26 9 659 1,264 413 136 76 21 13 1,160 3,907 2,555 265 125 817 26 626 38 53 175 84 148 252 46 21 565 1,029 9.4 3.34 575 1,395 0.45 36 36 5 11 38 21 3 5 2 148 16 94 10 18 565 40 201 46 222 4,254 2,555,865 1,090 717 1,196 621 456 174 3,035 955 632 971 351 113 13 20,110 7,234,529 4,653 5,051 6,947 2,247 899 313 178 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND AND BUTCHERED- CENSUS OF 1950 [Data for chickens are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 1 and A Areas 3 , B, and C Horses and/or mules 1 horse or mule 2 horses and/or mules 3 horses and/or mules 4 horses and/or mules 5 or more horses and/or mules Sows and gilts for spring farrowing 1 2 3 or 4 5 to o 10 or more Farm slaughter: Any cattle, hogs, or sheep butchered.... Calves butchered 1 2 to 4 5 and over Cattle, excluding calves, butchered.. 1 2 to 4 5 and over Hogs and pigs butchered 1 2 to 4 5 and over Meat, lard, hides, and other products sold from animals butchered SI 00 or more Chickens on hand H months old and over.. Chickens sold Eggs sold Under 25 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 25 to ^9 ch i ckens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 50 to 99 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 100 to 199 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 200 to 399 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold WO to 799 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 800 to 1,599 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 1,600 to 3,199 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 3,200 or more chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold rms reporting, number, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, number, rms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. rms arms a rms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms reporting, reporting, number, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, number, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, number, reporting, reporting, reporting. arms arms arms arms reporting. . reporting. , reporting. . number . . reporting. . number. . reporting. . dozens. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . dozens. . reporting. . number. . reporting. number. . reporting. dozens. . reporting. . number, reporting. . number. . reporting. dozens. . reporting. number. . reporting. number, report ing. dozens. . reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. dozens. reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. dozens. reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. , reporting. . dozens. reporting. . number, reporting. . number, reporting. . dozens. reporting. . number, reporting. . number, reporting. dozens. 188,633 352,133 80,682 81,285 15,327 6,715 4,624 71,063 146,299 39,545 16,758 9,683 4,107 970 219,287 10,542 13,374 9,126 1,287 129 2,415 3,100 2,079 293 43 217,970 627,995 53,227 129,870 34,873 12,925 2,076 237,576 8,895,004 62,753 16,835,342 84,902 29,213,712 120,295 1,707,617 18,513 3,488,696 22,330 1,610,075 76,595 2,434,071 20,477 3,009,825 33,213 3,839,458 27,564 1,653,195 11,448 1,698,040 16,777 3,915,977 8,493 1,025,640 6,064 1,109,362 7,392 4,628,916 2,981 738,097 2,397 887,585 2,760 4,704,968 1,085 559,525 963 1,093,652 1,059 4,112,776 431 459,358 406 1,020,615 431 2,832,798 119 259,501 114 338,270 119 2,457,030 13 58,000 13 173,000 13 472,349 20,910 31,658 12,460 7,261 743 266 180 3,317 5,291 2,249 690 276 84 18 29,599 989 1,135 914 69 6 446 519 404 38 29,442 50,265 13,857 15,250 335 3,098 145 32,467 1,101,159 11,246 960,098 14,664 3,324,438 17,808 258,924 4,310 153,455 5,155 370,505 10,637 333,147 4,048 154,863 6,275 764,800 2,624 155,953 1,442 70,465 1,885 484,571 100,730 593 59,835 724 467,322 372 95,240 296 88,295 307 437,465 180 95,565 160 177,885 170 487,475 41 44,100 31 125,800 41 203,175 5 17,500 5 5,000 5 92,750 6,871 9,715 4,466 2,132 171 68 34 1,068 1,874 719 221 84 36 10,263 492 555 449 41 133 159 122 10,165 17,653 4,377 5,638 150 1,172 109 10,496 496,308 3,807 4,236,570 3,756 2,359,450 6,091 83,587 1,420 1,223,140 1,240 162,440 3,110 95,985 1,102 634,490 1,452 184,625 738 43,856 422 152,785 457 132,805 235 27,630 170 92,380 185 108,290 130 32,255 110 64,540 125 297,335 85 48,245 85 280,595 85 328,530 80 84,250 80 280,000 80 556,985 25 67,000 25 111,750 25 318,250 2 13,500 2 111,000 2 105,000 28,156 55,236 9,759 13,604 2,863 1,295 635 3,532 6,218 2,256 760 358 129 29 32,697 1,132 1,516 931 184 17 613 738 543 62 32,583 71,193 8,838 22,423 1,322 2,540 331 33,859 1,385,908 8,711 1,767,575 11,705 5,569,130 17,187 237,939 2,395 224,130 3,051 219,375 10,899 340,888 2,681 237,130 4,497 520,771 3,754 228,430 1,516 95,855 2,218 581,465 1,181 141,300 868 194,445 995 628,540 464 115,191 401 144,665 414 791,910 202 105,365 197 130,655 197 1,141,395 145 157,495 145 182,250 145 1,038,840 26 53,300 26 29.000 26 333,160 1 6,000 1 42,000 1 64,599 8,301 14,034 3,901 3,562 597 145 96 1,800 3,416 1,041 434 236 72 17 9,972 560 921 418 118 24 153 195 129 22 2 9,915 21,575 2,623 6,905 387 674 142 10,923 506,639 3,761 4,044,536 4,840 2,539,027 4,804 69,217 885 1,216,660 1,010 149,960 3,803 120,957 1,266 986,085 1,836 278,225 1,341 82,845 690 488,360 1,024 318,385 611 73,700 466 200,735 571 538,802 218 53,920 167 192,921 208 347,680 105 48,500 90 149,755 95 371,500 36 36,500 31 97,025 36 228,625 5 21,000 5 15,000 5 210,000 NORTH CAROLINA 179 Economic Area Table 3 (Part 1 of 2). FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND AND BUTCHERED: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data for Item (For definitions and explanations, aee tex ickens are baaed on reporta for only a sample of farms. See text] Aretis 5 and D Areas 6 and £ Horses and/or mules 1 horse or mule 2 horses snd/or mules 3 horses and/or mules 4 horaes and/or mules 5 or more horsea and/or mules Sows and gilts for spring farrowing 1 2 3 or 4 5 to o 10 or more Farm slaughter: Any cattle, hogs, or sheep butchered.... Calves butchered 1 2 to 4 5 and over Cattle, excluding calves, butchered.. 1 2 to 4 5 and over Hogs and pigs butchered 1 2 to 4 5 and over Meat, lard, hides, and other products sold from animals butchered $100 or more Chickens on hand 4 months old and over.. Chickens sold Eggs sold Under 25 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 25 to "*9 ch i ckens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 50 to 99 ch i ckens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 100 to 199 chickens on hand Chickens aold Eggs sold . . 200 to 399 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold W0 to 799 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 800 to 1,599 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 1,600 to 3,199 chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs sold 3,200 or more chickens on hand Chickens sold Eggs aold reporting, number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, number, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, number . reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, number, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting. reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. dozens. reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. dozens. reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. dozens. rms reporting. number . rms reporting. number, rms reporting. dozens. rms reporting. number, rms reporting. number, rms reporting. dozens. rms reporting. number, rms reporting. number, rms reporting. dozens. rms reporting. number. rms reporting. number, rms reporting. dozens. rms reporting., number. rms reporting. . number. rms reporting. . dozens. rms reporting. . number, rms reporting. . number, rms reporting. dozens. rms reporting. . number, rms reporting. number, rms reporting. dozens. 15, 196 28,033 6,605 6,601 1,107 499 384 2,724 5,167 1,699 581 298 111 35 19,159 1,497 1,724 1,361 123 13 235 280 204 30 19,025 36,663 7,154 11,465 406 863 116 21,072 932,678 5,689 1,237,952 8,115 4,337,986 9,784 134,710 1,390 136,785 1,710 142,135 7,037 218,145 1,793 80,970 3,134 378,298 2,626 155,565 1,091 81,905 1,698 471,285 901 107,845 648 81,010 795 669,840 451 113,935 339 111,895 431 1,056,915 198 104,225 162 158,025 197 789,548 60 65,250 50 280,765 60 267,850 15 33,000 10 80,000 15 497,750 26,259 47,497 10,691 12,309 2,218 634 407 10,654 19,588 6,474 2,377 1,273 438 92 28,040 1,292 1,566 1,154 129 203 261 170 30 3 27,962 90,196 3,709 18,871 5,382 1,043 234 29,332 942,904 7,142 1,343,492 8,466 2,147,021 15,104 201,435 2,120 246,230 2,076 108,625 9,729 304,319 2,600 351,565 3,496 283,637 3,376 200,785 1,391 122,605 1,852 372,214 781 95,630 584 109,817 650 337,260 241 56,175 201 45,380 221 271.1.75 60 32,000 50 20,375 60 259,050 25 22,250 25 30,750 25 135,740 16 30,310 16 26,700 16 353,180 14,180 33,660 3,940 6,342 1,975 1,072 851 11,128 32,064 4,340 2,676 2,355 1,403 354 14,922 294 437 244 41 42 91 26 12 4 14,897 75,047 1,339 6,336 7,222 610 276 16,469 582,486 3,352 211,695 6,372 1,220,539 7,576 96,402 601 19,740 1,386 59,250 5,373 168,980 1,117 33,907 2,403 174,599 2,680 161,749 1,017 38,850 1,779 340,620 609 72,205 421 77,710 558 239,597 161 40,400 116 25,408 156 160,338 60 28,750 40 11,025 60 135,950 5 5,000 5 2,500 5 55,000 5 9,000 5 2,000 5 55,000 21,087 50,087 5,518 Ml. V,. 2,303 1,539 1,181 13,922 27,415 7,911 3,379 1,814 652 166 23,537 1,019 1,313 880 124 15 93 123 71 22 23,380 98,858 1,919 13,018 8,443 787 175 26,438 832,831 5,349 207,069 7,010 838,882 16,138 283,874 2,300 61,660 2,740 121,460 6,672 249,063 1,409 43,262 2,188 150,950 2,536 151,136 688 19,720 1,120 151,129 963 114,525 685 51,530 764 247,130 124 29,070 108 20,660 123 119,575 2 1,000 1 317 2 8,760 3 4,163 3 2,200 3 32,903 14,333 25,989 6,507 5,943 1,140 387 356 5,158 8,765 3,439 1,049 466 174 30 14,973 923 1,112 795 121 7 117 139 102 15 14,683 42,762 2,890 9,580 2,213 389 77 15,928 492,108 2,981 1,364,764 3,665 769,529 3,153 102,502 770 132,245 760 64,240 5,135 161,118 926 357,200 1,406 113,184 2,005 121,083 676 419,360 919 191,760 496 60,405 343 46,789 391 156,370 104 23,750 89 64,700 99 110,695 30 15,750 30 42,825 30 52,100 5 7,500 5 3,000 5 75,000 3,995 7,374 1,751 1,637 382 132 93 3,088 8,087 1,333 821 530 310 94 3,990 160 206 126 33 1 3,962 16,310 360 2,214 1,388 112 41 5,304 301,519 1,645 181,400 3,190 1,292,958 1,452 20,578 140 7,930 300 28,090 1,768 56,100 360 8,735 1,044 102,411 1,320 80,895 563 20,805 1,083 222,832 525 67,260 374 108,305 499 254,585 213 54,336 152 21,340 208 349,310 15 8,500 10 3,500 15 61,220 6 5,850 6 1,200 6 93,280 5 3,000 5 4,200 5 177,735 20,541 33,299 11,216 7,400 1,215 444 266 12,847 25,043 6,944 3,354 1,811 640 98 20,459 823 1,065 701 114 117 225 77 31 9 20,389 83,609 2,310 10,845 7,234 633 234 22,818 757, 105 5,548 421,915 7,409 1,840,334 10,-765 142,897 1,417 33,356 1,727 79.435 7,973 246,40c 1,970 64,783 3,022 539,708 2,911 170,337 1,225 102,405 1,612 315,831 893 104,390 575 49,801 777 319,650 200 47,825 170 64,430 170 215,205 66 30,250 66 31.750 66 183,845 5 7.000 5 2,000 5 37,500 5 8,000 5 4,850 5 147,500 180 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND AND BUTCHERED: CENSUS OF 1950 Data for cows are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 1 and A Areas 3. B, andC Cattle and calves. 1 2 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 24 25 to 99 100 or more. Cows including heifers that have calved. Hi Ik cows Cows milked yesterday... All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold Cream sold. pound Ho mi Ik cows I or 2 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold 3 or 4 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold pound 5 to 9 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold 10 to 19 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold arms reporting. . number. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . number. . arms reporting. . number. . arms reporting. . number. . arms reporting. . dollars. . arms reporting. . gallons. . dol lars. . arms reporting. . s of butterfat. . dollars. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . number. . arms reporting. dolle^s. arms reporting. . gallons- dollars. arms reporting. s ot butterfat. dollars. arms reporting. number. arms reporting. dollars. arms reporting. gallons . dollars. arms reporting. s ot butterfat. dollars. arms reporting. number. arms reporting. dol lars. arms reporting. gallons • dollars. arms reporting. s oi butterfat. dollars. arms reporting. number. arms reporting. dol lars. arms reporting. gal Ions ■ dollars. arms reporting. la o( butterfat. dollars. 20 to 29 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold to 19 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold 50 cows and over: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold arms reporting. . number. . arms reporting. . dollars. . arms reporting. . gallons , . dollars., arms reporting, s ol butterfat. . dollars. rms reporting. number. rms reporting. . dol lars. rms reporting. gal Ions. dollars. arms reporting. s of butterfat. do 1 lars. arms reporting. number. arms reporting. dol lars. arms reporting. gal Ions . dollars, arms reporting, s of butterfat. dol lars. 169,644 697,535 67,785 70,361 17,575 9,913 3,741 269 162, 716 396,996 154,620 338,839 142, 806 266,316 36,681 27,310,777 22, 101 59,124,446 25,902,803 4,617 919,576 468,529 7,896 119, 167 141,268 21,354 1, 936,283 9,614 3, 105, 868 1,129,491 3,640 446,080 221, 724 13,313 32, 723 6,081 1,583,467 4,376 4,081,944 1,332,160 487 128,609 61,202 6,172 24 , 402 4,214 2,880,142 3,754 7,619,645 2,729,076 163 74,816 38,784 2,628 25,306 2,275 5,687,951 2,225 13,004,034 5,621,164 35 107,725 55,865 768 13,537 697 3,701,935 691 8,125,732 3,689,865 11 8,700 4,020 526 15,539 526 5,288,636 525 10,958,040 5,284,568 6 4,500 3,300 232 13,541 232 6,111,519 229 11,987,499 6,033,840 29 121,846 69,229 32,628 186,211 9,494 13,231 5,197 3,476 1,171 59 31,546 96,441 30,285 83,211 27,950 56, 121 7,609 5,816, 532 6, ,13 11,051, '.07 5,695,163 246 93, 606 51, 424 1,261 20,410 25,142 3,463 373,713 2,493 986,311 315, 788 175 20, 010 11,340 3,955 8,835 1,550 310,460 1,370 1,051,264 294,175 35 4,020 2,080 2,412 7,169 1,428 699,073 1,358 2,031,529 685,048 25 12,305 6,565 770 5,410 590 1,101,685 580 2,540,370 1,101,440 5 1,000 120 258 4,044 223 992,033 223 2,148,908 992,033 96 2,278 96 791,630 96 1,881,409 791,630 49 3,243 49 1,527,263 48 3,341,599 1,495,944 31,319 10,625 33, 686 4,353 4,655 1,058 449 107 3 10,300 19,694 9,973 18, 006 9,397 15,227 2,860 1,220,986 1,740 2,238,146 1,122,991 220 43,340 23,095 327 6,244 9,902 1,935 193,165 995 213,367 125,275 170 24,915 13,375 724 1,941 446 116,970 321 286, 170 100, 505 30 5,125 2,460 302 1,328 222 136,050 207 360,372 125, 440 5 10, 910 6,000 100 1,100 100 223,980 100 523,613 223,980 11 328 11 139,541 11 257,500 139,541 11 603 11 400, 200 11 675,800 400, 200 31,179 107,354 13,769 12,876 2,690 1,307 492 45 30,508 66,317 29,600 59,735 27 , 813 50,465 7,221 4,953,209 ■ 3,300 9,742,082 4,571,063 762 106,965 61, 475 908 23,805 28, 694 4,644 367,211 1,586 471,761 149,833 611 70,010 39,565 2,514 6,626 1,134 257,435 542 475,676 163,220 66 25,490 14,490 869 3,967 629 654,883 519 1,526,048 602,663 15 750 365 397 4,389 366 1,178,230 356 2,483,063 1,172,320 5 1,300 1,000 113 2,181 108 688,330 103 1,443,035 667,610 5 1,300 720 82 2,580 82 848,743 82 1,771,619 844,975 5 4,000 3,000 33 1,848 33 941,652 32 1,548,589 941,652 9,759 45,838 3,974 3,768 1,031 6S2 310 24 9,554 28,936 9,266 25,738 8,780 21,602 2,832 3,533,191 1,526 7,389,993 3,429,891 300 56,230 29,430 268 7,114 8,770 1,555 189,770 505 262,859 123,560 240 27,980 14,935 807 2,096 445 131,875 285 383,810 111,290 35 10,425 5,170 366 1,626 289 257,230 243 636, 575 252, 750 15 3,850 1,825 292 3,172 277 925,340 272 1,924,192 918,340 5 12,725 7,000 1,766 92 504,255 1,137,187 504,255 60 2,385 80 740,055 80 1,466,760 740,055 29 1,787 29 764,456 29 1,526,500 764,456 NORTH CAROLINA I si Economic Area Table 3 (Part 2 of 2).- FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND AND BUTCHERED: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued fUutn for cows nrr based on reports for only a sample of farms. See trxl J (For definitions and explanations, sec lex Cattle and calves. 1 2 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 24.... 25 to 99.... 100 or more. Cows including heifers that have calved. Hi Ik cows Cows milked yesterday... All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold sold. Mo milt. COWS I or 2 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products aui< Whole milk sold.... 3 or 4 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold, "hole milk sold 5 to 9 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold 10 to 19 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold 20 to 29 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold 30 to 19 cows: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold 50 cows and over: Cows milked yesterday. All dairy products sold. Whole milk sold pound anus reporting number arms reporting nrms reporting rma reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting numbe r arms reporting numbe r arms reporting number arms reporting do I lars arms reporting gal Ions dol lars arms reporting s of butterfat dol lars arms reporting arms reporting number rms reporting dollars arms reporting gallons dol lars arms reporting s of butterfat dollars arms reporting number arms reporting dollars arms reporting gal Ions dollars arms reporting s of butterfat dollars arms reporting number arms reporting dollars s reporting gal Ions dollars is reporting s of butterfat dollars arms reporting number arms reporting dollars arms reporting gallons dollars arms reporting s of butterfat dollars arms reporting number arms reporting dollars arms reporting gallons dollars arms reporting s of butterfat dollars arms reporting number arms reporting dollars arms reporting gallons dollars arms reporting s of butterfat dollars arms reporting number arms reporting dollars farms reporting gallons dollars farms reporting pounds of butterfat dollars pound Areas 5 and fl 19,034 81, 783 7,093 8,033 2,209 1,200 477 22 18,b83 49,194 17,980 43,464 16,996 37,047 5,515 4,055,944 3,393 8,984,053 3,830,669 841 177,725 81,625 E03 13,803 16,847 3,051 280,219 1,291 437,513 147, 709 685 108,405 43,920 1,715 4,839 1,020 330,320 805 897,438 296, 900 105 21,385 10, 730 818 4,235 681 471,230 630 1,238,265 452,095 15 4,530 2,260 433 4,619 396 935, 265 396 2,224,893 930,415 1,928 92 550,220 92 ,215,469 542, 170 112 3,677 112 1,159,900 112 2,335,187 1,159,900 18 902 18 314 , 935 17 611,596 293,765 1 36,500 21,170 Areas 6 and V. 10,277 01,020 9,207 7,424 1,017 437 165 27 17,047 29,763 16,102 24, 134 14,541 19,569 2,176 957,644 886 1,805,637 856,694 454 52,909 31,505 945 13,583 15,122 1,655 91,905 581 92,812 30,540 331 28,265 15,890 1,555 175 25,365 70 30,774 11,705 45 6,455 4,465 159 648 98 84, 130 62 159,744 74, 205 11 11,204 5,675 63 685 45 152,140 40 317,985 152, 105 5 75 35 15 225 10 24,880 10 66,877 24,880 17 467 17 111,290 17 235,888 111,290 15 867 884,811 446,824 6,877 25,062 2,952 3,054 465 279 114 13 6,563 13,612 5,685 9,031 4,819 6,139 699 318,389 362 483, 735 293,021 203 17,137 10,021 878 4,403 4,862 536 26,439 231 19,991 9,963 171 13,875 7,606 277 521 50 15,995 40 13,197 9,730 5 1,560 1,235 93 220 28 8,520 22 16,146 7,765 6 117 120 28,414 8,672 18 377 18 245,081 17 377,367 244, 781 1 500 300 25,000 10,000 B,867 32, 627 4,005 3,798 562 330 116 26 8,246 18,837 7,341 12,250 6,488 9,490 993 420 1,779,972 829,377 193 20,875 12, 133 905 6,024 6,501 741 39,504 250 24,327 11,415 166 9,825 6,104 301 583 56 5,445 25 11,812 3,975 10 1,560 775 80 280 37 32, 914 31 67,452 30,805 38 373 28 46,276 28 105,227 46,276 12 273 12 106,752 12 200,407 106,752 16 525 16 254,005 16 557,687 254,005 17 955 17 380,125 17 809,800 375,125 1 9,090 5,000 8,500 22,406 4,606 3,188 421 183 93 7 7,700 13,891 7,175 11,994 6,659 .<,';■" 1,016 1,012,814 488 2,074,247 989,833 229 34,387 18,239 525 6,215 6,786 756 58,527 314 55,626 23,458 179 17,942 10, 159 285 645 106 25, 100 50 29, 514 12,925 25 13,395 6,440 293 27 35,437 22 59,273 31,990 10 1,985 935 17 177 15 36,195 10 60,625 35,895 26 396 26 112,940 26 425,689 112,940 20 485 20 262,600 20 385,663 262,600 21 1,105 21 508,990 21 1,035,489 508,990 Area 1 (J 5 100 5 41,060 5 82,125 41,060 34,211 17,268 287 167,274 3 347,202 167,274 , 9,524 !' ,31 ' 32,858 923 3,835 1,282 4,348 377 789 212 402 87 143 9 7 2,770 8,847 7,707 17,974 2,492 8,132 4,575 14,028 2,160 6,985 3,220 ■•,■■■'■ 449 822 280,452 4 61,230 219 546 552,981 920,814 265,672 426,488 170 243 13,690 50,932 7,830 27,682 278 693 1,863 6,324 2,160 6,953 310 608 19,050 50,830 145 393 22, 365 56,988 10,585 33,880 115 212 3,140 18,013 2,350 10,490 206 409 382 747 45 88 7,400 25,957 15 47 8,435 36,330 6,615 21, 695 25 16 750 1,814 505 997 71 127 196 285 35 20 16,075 9,520 20 15 34,718 26,600 13,045 9,340 15 5,640 11 70 63 394 5 37 7,925 103,466 5 32 18,250 221,163 7,925 95,131 15,375 8,335 37 455 26 141,395 26 283,000 141,395 19,050 9,525 12 498 12 122,007 12 274,728 114,147 10 15,730 7,860 182 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4 (Part 1 of 2>— FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED ACRES AND QUANTITIES SOLD FOR PRINCIPAL CROPS: CENSUS OF 1950 [Data for rn and sorghums are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 1 and A Areas 3, B, and C Corn for al 1 purposes Under 5 acres 5 to 10 acres 11 to 15 acres 16 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Harvested for grain Under 1 1 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Sorghum for all purposes except sirup Under 11 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Harvested for grain Unde r 11 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Wheat threshed or combined Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Wheat sold Under 100 bushels 100 to 499 bushels 500 to 999 bushels 1,000 to 1,999 bushels 2,000 to 4,999 bushels 5,000 bushels and over Peanuts grown alone harvested for picking or threshing Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 ac res 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Cotton harvested Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Does not include farms reporting less than 1 acre. s reporting. . acres . , arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. , arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, acres, arms reporting, s reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, acres, arms reporting, arms reporting. s reporting, s reporting, arms reporting. s reporting, acres, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, bushels, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting 1 acres. arms reporting 1 rms reporting. arms reporting. . rms reporting. . arms reporting.. arms reporting, acres. . arms reporting. arms reporting. . arms reporting. , arms reporting, arms reporting. . 237,658 2,112,603 73,008 106,082 31,430 16,701 8,522 1,566 349 233,751 2,031,303 177,931 46,368 7,776 1,379 295 3,444 14,042 3,177 210 1,372 9,551 1,156 165 43 2 6 39,428 328, 737 29,246 8,247 1,473 382 80 13,970 1,828,766 7,212 6,245 411 82 18 2 25,402 218,271 17,060 7,505 733 89 15 105,312 846,039 76,834 24,268 3,538 536 136 29,205 121,797 19,920 8,022 799 317 115 28,604 113,934 27,600 892 717 1,003 717 195 14,580 140 54 9,485 49,889 5,270 3,388 533 186 99 9,385 49,062 8,579 696 2,620 18,493 2,082 478 52 887 ,658 519 352 785 2,629 761 21 33, 351 219,047 12,209 17,208 2,622 946 305 53 8 32,973 214,047 29,171 3,484 266 47 26 142 25 9,860 66,206 8,052 1,611 152 40 5 3,221 372,114 1,686 1,469 54 9 3 6,127 1,724 67 9,624 71,562 3,461 4,452 978 511 184 26 9,357 67,698 7,760 1,411 159 16 11 369 2,098 326 38 329 1,998 291 33 4,555 37,806 3,258 1,103 164 26 1,358 175,653 630 687 SB 1,831 7,655 1,682 137 10 1 NORTH CAROLINA 183 Economic Area Table 4 (Part 1 of 2). -FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED ACRES AND QUANTITIES SOLD FOR PRINCIPAL CROPS CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data for corn and &org)iuni» arc bnurd on reports for only a anmplr of farm*. See leKtj | 53 54 55 56 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Corn for all purposes Under 5 acres 5 to 10 acres 11 to 15 acres 16 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over , Harvested for grain , Under 1 1 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Sorghum for al 1 purposes except sirup Under 11 acres 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Harvested for grain Unde r 1 1 ac res 11 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Wheat threshed or combined Under 10 acres , 10 to 24 acres , 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Wheat sold Under 100 bushels 100 to 499 bushels 500 to 999 bushels 1,000 to 1,999 bushels 2,000 to 4,999 bushels 5,000 bushels and over Peanuts grown alone harvested for picking or threshing Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over Cotton harvested Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over 1 Does not include farms reporting less than 1 acre. arms reporting . acres . . arms reporting. , arms reporting. , s reporting. . arms reporting. . rms reporting. . arms reporting. , rms reporting. . arms reporting. acres. rms reporting. arms reporting . arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, acres. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, acres . arms reporting. . arms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. . arms reporting. . acres. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting, bushels. arms reporting. arms reporting. rms reporting, arms reporting. . arms reporting. . s reporting. , arms reporting 1 . acres. . rms reporting 1 rms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting, acres. arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting, arras reporting. Ai.-.r. 5 and L) so 472 199 806 6 458 10 132 2 467 909 406 19,798 102, 221 16,131 3,247 1,358 3,609 1,289 67 261 1,451 218 41 6,553 62,692 4,481 1,643 333 79 17 2,885 374,015 1,488 1,298 82 14 3 126 157 126 17,816 208,221 9,244 7,013 1,344 ISO 35 Areis 6 and t. 31 213 265 241 7 182 16 848 4 443 1 836 840 30,773 256,327 23,998 5,960 26 147 3,166 18,852 2,734 348 60 694 89,331 412 244 292 1,102 280 12 23,125 160,250 18,294 4,327 423 69 12 17,617 213,765 3,058 8,478 3,039 1,764 1,141 252 85 17,656 202,264 11,736 4,644 982 223 37 193 35 1 186 ,544 154 16,404 170,498 9,164 6,483 671 13 572 102 701 9 961 3 273 288 38 12 . , l„ 362,906 2,816 12,873 6,571 4,159 2,127 205 59 28,351 351,051 15,593 10,520 2,017 174 47 26 228 15 10 941 7,471 739 153 33 10 330 45,907 218 91 14 4,919 32,773 4,036 817 47 15 19,168 113,608 16,456 2,526 149 29 6 Are. 9 16 748 175 441 3 oto 8,083 2 931 1 753 723 152 16 16 633 172 837 11 143 4 651 687 131 350 26 2,637 21,800 2,278 397 105 44 13 557 68,386 326 188 31 430 1,414 415 13,237 164, 100 6,613 5,058 1,133 173 60 5,240 108, 503 760 1,661 815 719 738 420 107 3,183 104, 994 2,481 1,478 713 420 91 16 213 10 16 185 10 16 ,515 5 1 434 1,720 413 19 1,524 6,642 1,400 112 10 2 ■"'»,' '■" 277,865 4,894 10,044 4,696 3,049 1,539 228 26 24,130 262,606 13,014 7,534 1,375 188 19 12 42 12 459 2,944 374 13 4 83 11,634 47 31 2, 622 10,403 2,449 160 12 1 5,343 25,904 4,812 474 39 15 184 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED ACRES AND QUANTITIES SOLD FOR PRINCIPAL CROPS: CENSUS OF 1950 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 1 and A Areas 3, B, and C Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres Less than 1 acre farms reporting 1.0 to 2.4 farms reporting 2.5 to 4.9 farms reporting 5. to 9. 9 farms reporting 10 acres and over farms reporting Land from which hay was cut farms Under 10 acres farms 10 to 24 acres fa rms 25 to 49 acres fa rms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 acres and over farms Hay sold farms Under 10 tons farms 10 to 39 tons farms r 40 to 99 tons farms 100 tons and over farms r eporting acres eporting eporting eporting eporting eporting eporting tons eporting eporting eporting eporting Irish potatoes farms reporting acres bushels No acres reported farms reporting bushels 0.1 to 0.9 acre farms reporting acres bushels 1 to 1.9 acres farms reporting acres bushels 2 to 2.9 acres farms reporting acres bushels 3 to 9.9 acres farms reporting acres bushels 10 acres and over farms reporting acres bushels Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbeenng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees , Under 0. 5 acre. . . . 0.S to 0.9 acre. . . I to 2. 4 acres. . . . 2. 5 to 9.9 acres.. 10 acres and over. Apples. Tree not of hearing age. Under 25 25 to 99 100 to 499 500 and over Trees of bearing age. Under 25 25 to 99 100 to 499 500 and over Bushels harvested. . . . Under 100 100 to 499 500 to 999 1,000 and over. Peaches Trees not of bearing age. Under 25 25 to 99 100 to 499 500 and over Trees of bearing age. Under 25 25 to 99 100 to 499 500 and over. . . Bushels harvested. Under 100 100 to 499 500 to 999 1,000 and over. farms reporting. . . acres 2 . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . trees. . . farms reporting. . ■ farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . trees. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . bushels. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . trees. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms report ing. . . farms reporting. . . trees. . . farms reporting^ . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . bushels. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . 150,764 604,909 10,992 28,595 67,218 39 , 643 4,316 130, 121 866,432 105,764 19,846 3,424 813 274 6,812 45,219 5,794 848 128 42 120,964 43,773 6,267,813 75,865 573,061 34,770 9,453 924,074 5,801 6,159 454,819 1,923 4,075 373,427 2,033 9,237 1,270,836 572 14,849 2,671,596 119,996 59,790 94,861 7,023 15,050 2,245 817 99,109 31,951 501,249 29,071 2,184 598 98 80,800 1,651,208 68,556 10,331 1,591 322 33,409 1,321,717 32,066 945 154 244 61,751 24,064 511,672 22,391 1,325 244 104 43,150 1,333,803 39,646 2,743 457 304 10,672 718,464 10, 369 164 52 87 11,919 10,323 8,332 3,288 277 22 20,612 130,753 16,616 3,329 551 99 17 1,568 6,280 1,436 122 23,174 11,412 921,936 9, 614 76,641 8,860 2,897 257,887 3,239 3,405 220, 589 882 1,803 122,830 552 2,104 145,259 27 1,203 98,730 25,894 19,073 17,103 2,098 5,444 989 260 25,216 6,501 197,507 5,172 951 324 54 22, 754 764,454 15,759 5,844 990 161 5,989 658,002 5,270 489 82 148 3,677 1,077 7,360 1,042 28 2,793 14,631 2,729 58 6 83 603 82 1 1,589 3,639 176 825 521 64 5,889 36,242 4,854 894 123 16 2 504 2,302 453 46 8,273 1,185 135,680 5,507 41,316 2,444 732 60,664 254 263 15, 395 48 97 8,175 18 29 3,000 8,011 7,709 5,758 546 1,223 308 176 7,495 2,397 68,951 1,996 264 119 18 6,443 311,490 4,880 1,124 317 122 2,602 280, 643 2,326 157 49 70 3,466 1,420 17,925 1,282 125 11 2 2,344 37,416 2,066 230 39 9 157 1,739 149 30,219 134,376 348 4,926 14,554 9,344 1,047 24,406 189,583 18, 405 5,141 685 127 48 1,247 8,622 1,038 179 24 19,605 1,356 221,438 14,967 105, 367 4,385 1,067 99, 168 234 241 11,914 14 29 2,934 5 19 2,055 19,862 6,018 15, 373 1,375 2,889 191 34 17,875 5,754 65, 326 5,326 389 32 7 14,767 195,110 13,095 1,560 104 8 6,783 130,470 6,685 13,586 5,135 68,404 4,728 363 37 7 9,843 151,968 8,937 801 83 22 1,625 34,450 1,602 15 3 974 12 501 152 1 532 1 710 542 33 8,005 66 259 5 897 1 694 311 85 18 474 3 084 396 4 853 339 58 192 3 770 26 393 1 032 249 25 220 41 43 2 109 5 10 500 4 17 1 550 1 20 2 420 5,076 4,741 4,298 224 417 72 65 4,435 1,656 15, 570 1,577 70 3 1 3,466 45,327 3,262 178 23 3 1,217 16,586 1,208 6 3,336 1,300 117,041 1,187 52 27 34 2,383 293,911 2,136 131 35 81 362 228, 809 294 20 15 33 Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. NORTH CAROLINA 185 Economic Area Table 4 (Part 2 of 2). FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED ACRES AND QUANTITIES SOLD FOR PRINCIPAL CROPS: CENSUS OF 1950- Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . . acres. . . Less than 1 acre farms reporting. . , 1.0 to 2.4 farms reporting. . . 2. 5 to 4. 9 farms reporting. . , 5.0 to 9.9 • farms reporting. . , 10 acres and over. farms reporting. . , Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. . , acres, . Under 10 acres farms reporting.., 10 to 24 acres farms reporting. . . 25 to 49 acres forms reporting... SO to 99 acres farms reporting... 100 acres and over... farms reporting.. Hay sold farms reporting. . tons. . Under 10 tons forms reporting. . 10 to 39 tons farms reporting., 40 to 99 tons farms reporting. . 100 tons and over farms reporting, . Irish potatoes farms reporting. . acres 1 , bus tie Is- ■ No acres reported farms reporting.. bushel s. . 0.1 to 0.9 acre farms reporting.. acres. ■ bushels, . 1 to 1.9 acres farms reporting.. acres. , bushels. . 2 to 2.9 acres farms reporting.. acres. . bushels. , 3 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. . acres. . bushels. . 10 acres and over farms reporting. . acres. , bushels . . Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting.. acres 2 . Under 0.5 acre farms reporting.. 0.5 to 0.9 acre farms reporting.. 1 to 2.4 acres farms reporting.. 2.5 to 9.9 acres farms reporting. . 10 acres and over farms reporting. . Apples farms reporting. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting.. trees. . Under 25 farms reporting.. 25 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 to 499 farms reporting.. 500 and over farms reporting. . Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. trees. , Under 25 farms reporting. . 25 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 to 499 farms reporting.. 500 and over farms reporting.. Bushels harvested farms reporting. . bushels. . Under 100 farms reporting.. 100 to 499 farms reporting. . 500 to 999 farms reporting.. 1,000 and over farms reporting.. Peaches farms reporting. . Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. . trees. . Under 25 *«r™ reporting.. 25 to 99 farms reporting. . 100 to 499 farms reporting.. 500 and over farms reporting.. Trees of bearing age farms reporting.. trees. . Under 25 farms reporting^. 25 to 99 farms reporting.. 100 to 499 farms reporting. . 500 and over farms reporting. . Bushels harvested farms reporting.. bushels. . Under 100 farms reporting. . 100 to 499 v farms reporting.. 500 to 999 farms reporting., 1,000 and over farms reporting.. Areas 5 and D 12 633 107 263 9 321 2 584 S30 153 45 775 6 038 601 147 22 5 6 610 535 73 117 5 280 31 660 1 176 325 28 396 126 131 7 341 19 40 2 475 9 39 3 245 9,757 4,785 7,832 574 1,064 198 8,546 2,686 58, 192 2,473 145 54 14 6,779 92,951 6,216 493 55 15 3,349 68,869 3,288 47 8 6 6,693 2,209 54,688 1,985 179 29 16 4,949 237,683 4,196 532 125 96 861 52,196 795 41 16 Arcnr, 6 . nd tl 28,285 119,432 445 4,872 14,348 7,874 746 17,923 88,587 16,126 1,503 211 51 32 543 4,170 474 52 12 5 10,911 1,846 299,171 8,005 78,012 2,377 603 61,498 274 287 29,293 116 240 25, 919 131 554 83,519 8 162 20,930 12,355 2,999 10,466 627 1,130 110 22 9,469 3,730 29,092 3,610 108 12 6,893 65,638 6,543 320 27 3 3,698 49,263 3,631 59 5 3 8,168 3,792 49,361 3,528 207 54 3 5,188 67,070 4,920 224 35 9 2,001 26,026 1,977 9,237 32,800 207 2,487 4,865 1, I L9 2,260 9,058 2,108 119 19 7 7 20 9,386 1,182 185, 586 6,115 48,298 2,992 713 81,332 202 226 20,628 46 100 11, 820 29 119 18,548 2 24 4,960 6,821 1,332 6,083 214 472 37 15 4,920 1,397 8,039 1,366 27 4,028 23,693 3,938 86 2,031 21,008 2,005 4,636 1,549 15,014 1,476 53 18 2 3,545 32,072 3,412 115 10 8 1,562 13,637 1,548 27,721 145,913 124 1,924 12,215 11,900 1,558 10,643 51,969 9,592 877 119 37 18 222 2,197 190 21 13,021 4,980 679,009 6,279 49,481 5,562 1,297 146, 145 522 569 61, 115 269 573 65,494 329 1,528 £11,906 60 •1,013 144,868 8,704 1,781 7,581 439 604 66 14 5,314 1,825 11,209 1,782 39 4,018 26,316 3,916 96 2,162 21, 758 2,144 17 1 5,587 2,140 23,838 2,014 103 20 3 3,959 38,871 3,778 152 24 5 1,834 17,732 1,816 13 12,647 2,382 v.i, ;:■..-■ 11,915 402 46 3,476 235 6,205 1,061 2,394 893 170 127 8,448 1,167 48,067 3,02P 7,437 1,062 767 89 164 11 60 2 20 3 436 32 3,615 411 349 54 67 6 13 2 7,644 2,091 624 13,219 106,659 2,583,099 5,665 251 41,316 2,472 1,873 664 403 200 45,224 22,545 74 125 76 138 5,101 15,484 16 166 33 408 2,732 62,301 12 518 47 2,802 3,786 540,685 4 367 65 9,671 8,500 1,939,612 5,157 6,836 4,449 192 340 79 97 3,139 1,377 14,839 1,332 33 2,074 34,853 1,987 74 8 5 1,002 22,284 2,456 1,284 114,579 1,196 38 18 378,816 1,247 30 17 59 559 326,601 507 15 30 2,187 1,005 1,995 54 105 25 8 1,189 454 2,881 437 15 2 840 4,753 822 401 3,326 397 881 435 4,478 409 17 500 ,655 479 172 1,476 170 21,967 86,735 665 4,565 11,208 3,012 497 8,809 32,199 6,334 414 46 9 6 231 1,225 231 16 9,137 6,769 936,602 5,245 36,430 2,373 724 70,228 659 726 63, 403 337 731 67,022 422 1,926 251,143 101 2,662 448,576 8,272 1,285 7,635 220 426 75 16 4,301 2,005 11,728 1,970 29 2,742 14,076 2,698 41 1,393 7,972 1,389 3,659 1,897 14,540 1,837 52 7 1 2,032 14 , 132 1,965 59 802 ,779 797 L Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. 2 Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. 186 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, TData are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators. . . . farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropl and harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . . farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in. farms farms reporting acres Land i rrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated * operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm operators reporting Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECI FI ED FACI LITI ES Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant farms reporting Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater farms reporting Home freezer fermn reporting Electric waahing machine farms reporting Electri c chi ck brooder. . farms reporting Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting Total all farms 288,473 178,756 14,990,877 145,194 6,614,032 564 506,672 55,597 2,685,527 19,426,054 67.3 6,486 98.71 85 83 267,094 5,832,946 75,439 80,701 53,461 39,614 14,196 2,825 858 83,819 756,407 103,636 1,189,719 89,942 1,395,083 176,626 8,296,774 79,686 1,076,394 238,560 878,731 278,592 7,779,072 170,714 3,227,884 200,798 9,691,857 80 1,543 73 1,435 268,487 9,411 77,861 97,109 37,126 59,983 183,045 11,551 47,975 65,445 56,311 45,311 35,895 46.8 108,885 32,881 44,973 115,993 12 23 , 342 219,422 218,897 4.14 525 71,055 27,274 16,182 132,416 21,699 2,192 Size of farm Under 10 acres 28,255 18,220 289,738 11,896 77,610 15 140 3,757 209,370 158,118 5.6 2,924 501.88 84 20,997 80,238 20,997 3,225 7,280 4,816 12,226 1,980 4,855 5,080 13,845 3,780 10,640 18,669 29,034 23,767 99,744 7,960 22,775 6,795 18,700 5 5 5 5 25,559 1,495 15,962 3,005 12,957 11,107 2,105 4,986 6,022 4,790 3,876 3,936 45.8 12,626 3,965 4,396 8,907 10 3,188 20,213 20,183 4.00 30 6,647 2,938 1,070 11,728 1,520 110 10-29 acres 84,741 40,055 927,099 53,002 944,587 11 217 8,209 260,095 ,611,808 19.0 3,670 189.68 86 87 79,054 1,002,609 27,061 37,563 14,430 14,202 53,393 19,857 92,798 13,675 64,240 31,392 224,132 13,853 65,991 61,060 108,645 82,516 1,148,800 32,269 183,624 38,997 288,372 10 25 10 25 79,005 2,711 24,241 30,869 11,625 19,244 51,492 5,550 19,100 19,888 13,836 10,525 8,090 43.4 41,766 13,896 12,947 24,498 9 4,829 60,190 60,075 3.36 115 13,463 4,667 2,800 30, ',73 4,265 310 30-49 acres 56,006 33,226 1,404,674 29,496 963,715 5 175 8,341 239,493 2,129,071 38.0 5,202 135.18 53,452 1,053,762 11,717 16,385 12,705 12,645 50-69 acres 15,477 77,069 18,931 127,425 17,366 122,184 36,073 523,981 15,611 113,395 47,573 111,255 55,113 1,258,256 34,153 312,648 41,654 646,165 25 150 20 100 52,663 1,523 17,232 7,560 9,672 37,529 1,705 9,485 13,860 11,372 8,301 6,477 46.5 21,830 6,445 8,702 22,207 12 3,131 42,565 42,415 3.61 150 11,310 3,704 2,332 24,583 3,692 270 36,944 25,013 1,559,474 16,736 793,885 21 2,445 7,109 220,235 2,135,569 57.8 6,390 110.08 87 35,287 783,772 6,455 10,751 8,990 6,990 2,101 13,291 82,907 16,220 142,245 15,191 150,840 30,243 747,158 12,892 124,271 33,742 104,376 36,378 1,008,924 27,588 358,018 33,568 897,998 5 20 5 20 34,977 862 11,037 5,060 5,977 25,056 70-99 acres 30,100 22,513 1,967,129 12,209 771,028 10 875 8,093 276,298 2,462,734 81.8 7,513 91.77 85 85 28,768 742,077 4,316 7,200 7,361 7,209 2,682 825 5,420 8,752 7,796 6,535 4,820 48.1 11,880 3,375 6,201 16,697 14 2,385 28,887 28.822 3.89 65 8,961 3.021 2,041 18,237 2,880 275 12,819 98,299 15,005 168,898 14,306 182,852 26,403 1,013,985 11,624 144,374 28,242 112,249 29,634 1,009,274 24,572 425,525 28,733 1,196,837 1 10 1 10 28,181 817 8,533 3,836 4,697 20,840 620 3,712 6,486 6,571 5,603 4,510 49.6 8,215 2,245 4,995 15,167 15 2,477 24,202 24,157 4.31 45 9,236 3,045 1,887 1^,421 2,902 290 100-139 acres 22,829 16,829 2,049,159 9,905 865,575 35 5,315 6,998 298,570 2,621,479 114.8 9,341 81.01 85 85 21,812 677,233 2,480 4,668 5,110 5,897 3,352 305 10,293 108,989 12,573 184,295 11,742 203,071 20,477 1,186,210 9,477 152,330 21,582 109,351 22,348 970,517 19,110 464,390 22,137 1,389,281 5 40 5 40 21,379 637 5,982 2,805 3,177 16,244 360 2,565 4,885 5,322 4,347 3,321 49.8 6,091 1,446 3.460 11,934 16 2,260 18,642 18,587 4.68 55 8,010 3,001 1,849 13,129 2,241 190 140-179 acres 10,935 8,270 1,362,795 4,550 542,620 30 4,755 4,080 199,900 1,710,270 156.4 11,178 70.94 84 85 10,390 372,720 1,040 2,020 2,065 2,930 1,945 390 4,980 65,760 6,080 113,680 5,785 131,765 9,915 856,735 4,635 100,280 10,240 69,330 10,735 552,160 9,225 297,805 10,625 988,500 10,150 290 2,780 1,320 1,460 7,770 140 1,130 2,130 2,345 2,175 1,870 51.2 2,510 670 1,595 6,040 17 1,315 9,030 9,010 5.26 20 4,345 1,980 1,030 6,425 1,270 165 180-219 acres 6,243 4,741 975,685 2,802 400,072 27 10,317 2,340 156,091 ,229,983 197.0 14,426 84 85 5,953 256,612 530 931 1,113 1,581 1,335 463 2,999 45,744 3,400 74,235 3,366 97,959 5,667 626,380 2,625 78,217 5,915 50,836 6,144 376,591 5,293 221,920 6,066 724,339 6 50 6 50 5,789 191 1,652 720 932 4,361 95 625 1,207 1,426 1,325 935 50.8 1.509 300 925 3,368 17 925 5,172 5,161 6.15 11 2,626 1.314 818 3,718 821 166 NORTH CAROLINA 187 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 only a samp e of farms See textj The StBte — Conti med Areas 1 and A Site of farm — Zon. Total all farms Sue of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and over acres acres acres seres acres acres acre a acres acrea acrea acrea and over 6,345 1,934 590 37,759 6,200 10,700 7,155 4,685 3,476 2,300 1,200 725 345 750 176 47 1 5,144 1,499 446 33,572 4,880 9,545 6,690 4,350 3,165 2,095 1,080 610 325 650 145 37 2 1,852,731 1,078,895 814,343 1,961,742 32,585 181,695 257,645 254,240 261,325 244,855 170, 085 118,120 80,750 219,270 85,985 55,187 3 2,432 661 150 7,815 1,740 2,365 1,240 830 621 420 200 190 40 110 47 12 4 572,681 300,020 140,919- 265,217 8,185 26,455 23,400 27,900 32,965 30,350 24,155 29,365 5,945 27,255 18,670 10,572 5 136 59,285 3,488 139 129,138 1,159 114 57 10 25 10 7 6 7 287,221 418 42,895 80 1,000 9,735 8,010 24,070 5,181 420 1,080 880 695 670 460 310 200 125 275 48 18 8 318,360 235,182 156,266 87,934 6,160 11,035 9,010 12,640 10,435 11,430 6,845 6,245 4,430 5,225 1,180 3,299 9 2,166,337 1,272,871 1,086,217 2,181,920 34,690 197,115 272,035 269,500 283,855 263,775 187,395 142,240 82,265 251,035 111,485 86, 530 10 341.4 658.2 1,841.0 57.8 5.6 18.4 38.0 57.5 81.7 114.7 156.2 196.2 238.4 334.7 633.4 1,841.1 11 21,735 39,049 93,766 5,766 3,360 3,620 4,507 5,145 6,986 8,744 12,095 14,065 14, 262 20,374 48,494 113,356 12 64.02 59.04 51.26 100.53 587.64 192.75 118.88 88.21 85.76 76.69 78.09 69.92 59.44 61.72 76.62 58.84 13 82 75 62 90 90 91 90 90 89 92 90 92 87 88 91 70 14 82 76 62 90 92 92 90 92 89 91 89 95 87 87 91 73 IS 5,891 1,697 538 34,213 4,705 9,710 6,695 4,455 3,361 2,225 1,145 695 325 685 166 46 16 379,649 185,379 135,584 330,331 13,295 54,485 57,240 45,725 43,170 34,745 23,265 15,220 6,395 21,540 8,846 6,405 17 501 100 17 22,613 4,705 8,255 4,420 2,425 1,455 680 275 160 70 130 35 3 IB 558 132 13 7,994 1,365 1,910 1,590 1,345 870 405 230 115 130 31 3 19 914 197 20 2,129 90 280 335 395 455 205 135 80 125 25 4 20 1,330 209 52 1,096 85 95 145 180 205 L20 50 190 21 5 21 1,435 358 82 317 10 21 .40 50 50 10 90 35 11 22 871 410 126 46 5 20 11 12 23 282 291 228 16 8 8 24 3,447 997 347 14,173 1,425 3,915 2,665 2,050 1,510 1,070 570 335 155 370 78 30 25 97,083 47,878 38,972 220,196 3,635 23,315 27,395 28, 510 28,685 32,180 18,620 14,320 7,340 23,180 4,730 8,286 26 3,469 1,037 317 9,913 995 2,540 2,080 1,420 1,066 735 405 255 90 240 72 15 27 120,221 59,976 46,470 97,048 2,405 11,805 15,015 15,360 11,830 9,875 6,855 5,405 1,835 7,830 6,700 2,133 28 3,424 930 304 16,886 690 4,175 3,725 ' 2,735 2,050 1,395 785 505 235 475 92 24 29 167,613 84,042 113,142 341, 216 1,540 24,295 39,105 44,730 39,915 40,025 32,590 24, 735 16,350 44,950 18,645 14,336 30 5,801 1,827 544 20,772 1,095 5,110 4,615 3,145 2,680 1,705 875 545 255 560 149 3e 31 1,199,533 791,628 673,476 659,788 2,710 34,900 63,780 67,915 88,295 79,485 62,480 45,030 26,230 94,380 50, 764 43,819 32 2,669 772 213 20,590 1,990 5,100 4,550 2,980 2,265 1,555 750 490 240 520 123 27 33 129,556 61,194 42,771 431,112 5,765 33,695 55,095 55,030 59,825 57,020 36,905 30,950 19, 255 52,685 15,750 9,137 34 5,982 1,736 510 31, 562 4,135 8,725 6,285 4,170 3,175 2,105 1,100 650 325 680 170 42 35 72,677 42,774 35,802 102,229 5,340 14,620 14,405 12,230 12,135 10,445 6,680 6,580 4,860 6,470 6,050 2,4U 36 6,166 1,815 556 36,258 5,380 10,380 6,985 4,620 3,456 2,265 1,180 720 335 720 171 46 37 596,953 293,233 221,026 647, 575 19,335 89,605 99,650 89,595 83,685 76, 800 48,740 34,945 15, 570 52,550 20,276 16,824 38 5,447 1,567 502 32,809 3,595 9,230 6,765 4,535 3,330 2,215 1,180 700 330 720 165 44 39 394, 128 192,428 195,695 992, 524 10,940 81,305 121,595 128,270 128,425 129,225 88,115 70,005 42,945 120, 815 39,125 31,759 40 6,256 1,908 584 29,436 1,735 7,925 6,555 4,460 3,365 2,230 1,160 705 340 740 174 47 41 1,367,151 875,670 786, 618 1,001,004 4,250 59, 195 102,885 112,645 128, 210 119,510 95,070 69,765 42,580 139,330 69,409 58,155 42 5 9 9 1 1 43 200 77 966 150 150 44 5 9 7 1 1 45 200 77 908 150 150 46 5,596 1,588 417 35,923 5,915 10,185 6,850 4,430 3,310 2,240 1,135 685 310 670 159 34 47 410 187 136 1,108 205 285 195 160 86 30 45 20 30 35 7 10 48 1,282 411 123 18,619 4,065 6,115 3,525 1,960 1,220 685 470 200 90 215 61 13 49 1,590 430 160 18,354 4,140 5,965 3,310 1,870 1,280 765 415 230 95 225 42 17 50 657 153 35 5,538 770 1,665 1,165 720 520 280 175 95 45 85 15 3 51 933 277 125 12,816 3,370 4,300 2,145 1,150 760 485 240 135 50 140 27 14 52 4,453 1,312 398 18,778 1,965 4,600 3,730 2,725 2,141 1,495 755 480 245 500 114 28 53 75 441 22 134 4 41 841 5,229 265 1,135 205 1,715 135 1,005 95 45 70 10 5 5 5 1 54 605 360 175 85 50 25 55 15 4 55 1,191 345 98 8,008 1,550 2,575 1,385 895 605 455 205 185 ' 25 100 21 7 56 1,451 391 125 7,804 1,185 2,120 1,595 915 750 555 245 155 85 155 32 12 57 1,380 372 131 6,605 780 1,795 1,140 965 711 495 270 135 95 175 32 12 58 980 334 76 6,631 870 1,535 1,370 920 760 410 330 130 90 165 46 5 59 51.8 51.8 51.9 49.7 46.3 48.2 50.2 51.0 52.7 51.5 54.8 51.7 56.9 54.3 53.7 51.0 60 1,283 359 100 10,620 2,490 3,480 1,770 1,000 745 515 210 180 50 135 36 9 61 270 90 24 2,266 655 710 315 195 145 115 55 15 5 40 15 1 62 934 225 63 6,418 1,130 1,955 1,250 785 625 290 125 95 35 115 6 7 63 3,542 1,074 506 18, 889 2,265 4,785 3,820 2,635 1,946 1,380 805 410 245 450 123 25 64 18 18 19 15 10 13 15 17 17 18 20 18 24 19 22 17 65 1,369 590 261 2,846 715 695 360 260 245 155 130 65 55 105 41 20 56 5,438 1,611 493 27,663 4,610 7,755 5,230 3,330 2,500 1,705 940 540 260 595 155 43 n 5,423 1,611 484 27,582 4,600 7,730 5,210 3,325 2,490 1,700 940 535 260 595 155 42 68 7.83 10.43 20.59 3.45 3.51 3.08 2.89 3.01 3.39 3.56 4.32 4.43 6.76 5.38 16.63 40.64 69 15 3,311 9 384 81 5,365 10 1,030 25 1,540 20 830 5 605 10 415 5 340 5 75 45 180 62 1 18 70 1,059 225 71 1,868 655 263 2,942 560 655 390 275 235 285 165 80 70 140 66 21 72 1,226 416 187 1,909 275 49J 260 195 170 165 105 70 35 90 31 18 73 3,950 1,056 312 19,552 3,240 5,450 3,530 2,295 1,765 1,315 680 405 225 505 114 28 74 976 434 127 1,690 320 390 285 175 150 110 60 55 40 85 15 5 75 196 86 64 358 45 40 35 55 70 35 20 20 10 10 10 8 IB 188 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators. . . . farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings Bverage per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. .. farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land In farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers .' farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less .operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECI FI ED FACILITI ES Telephone farms reporting. Electric] ty farms reporting. From a power line fnrms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollnrs. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-woter heater fnrm& reporting. Home freezer. . farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder.. farms reporting. Electric rower- feed grinder.. farms reporting. 13.098 12,056 74-5,799 2,357 104,650 7 8,566 1,570 28,935 830,080 63.4 4,823 77.48 87 11,203 134,535 6,531 2,606 1,127 692 222 23 2 3,100 27,430 6,730 61,362 5,691 74,895 9,986 422,584 6,943 64,462 12,241 44,762 12,283 223,377 10,212 166,837 11,388 497,479 5 5 5 5 12,342 304 7,589 7,367 1,461 5,906 5,446 175 1,715 2,869 2,760 2,354 2,434 50.3 3,286 675 2,100 6,745 16 694 10,029 10.008 3.61 21 3,655 1,132 339 6,931 475 67 1,885 1,725 11,230 235 1,030 150 1,690 10,570 5.6 3,243 584.12 86 85 1,175 3,090 1,175 295 520 535 1,135 290 620 625 1,600 515 1,145 2,460 1,465 4,745 935 2,285 860 2,220 1,800 25 175 1,495 1,495 3.53 565 225 45 1,095 70 5 3,330 3,060 56,740 615 6,985 2,380 2,245 86,195 410 8,055 1,720 1,610 91,315 320 9,775 1,460 1,350 110,295 295 12,160 1,005 930 105,400 200 12,575 530 465 71,430 120 13,325 260 1,970 61,755 18.5 3,444 185.83 87 87 2,725 16,020 2,305 375 45 285 3,705 90,545 38.0 3,680 97.13 2,180 20,700 1,295 660 190 35 190 2,160 98,930 57.5 4,528 78.20 1,585 19,840 730 570 180 100 5 240 2,430 119,975 82.2 5,562 68.43 1,330 22,410 435 415 270 190 20 155 4,000 113,975 113.4 7,095 62.43 83 83 965 18,365 300 290 170 165 40 105 2,460 82,295 155.3 6,439 42.11 87 85 495 9,660 165 140 680 2,635 1,560 6,730 1,120 5,425 2,360 18,515 1,580 6,195 3,045 6,235 3,125 25,385 2,385 14,255 2,850 23,940 3,125 85 565 3,175 1,335 9,600 1,230 10,490 1,995 32,355 1,315 7,850 2,220 6,375 2,320 33,475 1,975 21,515 2,295 42,845 5 5 5 2,210 50 1,395 380 2,680 1,035 9,780 935 10,470 1,435 41,240 1,100 9,290 1,660 5,630 1,695 32,300 1,520 22,440 1,645 51,710 400 2,365 890 11,180 310 11,585 1,340 56,875 950 9,585 1,410 5,975 1,405 35,955 1,310 23,535 1,450 68,460 325 3,690 590 7,645 580 10,385 950 60,470 640 7,800 955 5,620 985 29,700 915 21,875 985 70,855 165 1,930 340 6,030 285 5,800 505 49,005 340 5,695 515 4,175 515 17,620 480 13,425 515 54,805 1,380 2,270 1,370 140 325 300 1,240 1,945 1,070 475 1,005 945 50 80 10 305 505 380 535 895 530 370 710 435 255 535 420 285 435 385 47.1 47.4 49.3 645 1,010 500 125 220 105 340 580 365 770 1,475 1,340 12 13 16 170 2,595 2,595 3.51 935 310 80 ,695 110 5 90 1,810 1,805 3.10 5 580 120 35 1,285 nO 10 1.630 45 865 235 630 825 15 185 330 435 300 375 52.1 390 75 300 930 17 65 1,250 1,245 3.29 5 410 125 35 800 65 10 1,360 55 660 195 465 770 15 150 265 290 330 315 52.5 295 60 210 835 18 45 1,135 1,130 3.25 5 425 95 30 780 55 20 985 10 370 100 270 605 70 165 190 210 290 55.5 160 30 125 635 21 60 735 730 4.17 5 275 75 45 530 35 5 505 10 115 325 5 55 70 110 110 150 54.9 320 20 15 405 405 3.93 175 35 5 300 40 225 185 35,825 45 8,425 5 980 35 400 44,830 199.2 8,475 42.36 82 83 215 5,005 50 55 60 25 25 90 1,260 145 2,055 130 3,635 205 27,710 135 3,970 210 1,195 220 8,320 190 8,865 225 31,345 80 30 50 140 20 25 45 55 60 56.3 25 135 20 10 150 150 7.60 75 35 15 100 15 NORTH CAROLINA 189 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms See text] AreB 2— Continued Areas 3, B, md C Sire of form — Con. Total all farms Sue of farm 260-49° acres 500-999 acres 1.000 acres and over IMer 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100- 139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 220-259 seres 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1,000 screa a/id over 306 64 13 42,147 5,102 10,466 6,146 5,677 5,384 4,334 2,235 1,072 657 861 182 31 l 261 64 11 25,700 2,637 4,965 4,281 3,916 3,834 2,864 1,410 682 447 v.c 102 16 2 85,315 42,398 14,616 2,156,7B9 7 3,i ..'■ 140,480 194,974 251,215 344,773 338,694 238,200 141,909 120,640 192,439 76,397 23,999 3 70 5 2 21,618 2,820 6,605 2,680 2,486 2,361 2,155 1,090 J70 295 467 83 6 4 22,460 1,245 340 1,157,029 19,235 106,110 82,395 113,340 153,905 199,540 144,050 94,615 58, 880 133,460 40,336 , 5 2 91 5 6 6 10 5 3 15 24 15 6 7 8 100 24 7,586 1 76,237 60 755 157 1,315 1,500 1,407 1,215 1,459 845 865 1,135 332 5,725 431 16,910 84 17 1,351 1,794 452 7,285 2,044 356 458,762 64,515 59,015 39,416 34,985 56,798 59,908 34,030 23,893 23,676 38,126 12,124 12,276 9 100,490 41,599 22,186 2,931,293 27,849 187, 732 <", ■ 331,070 441,880 499,541 349,065 212,631 156,979 293,498 121,519 71,576 10 328.4 650.0 1,706.6 69.5 5.5 17.9 38.7 58.3 82.1 115.3 156.2 198.3 238.9 340.9 667.7 ,', '■<••'■. ' 11 12,473 25,600 52,550 6,635 2,947 3,706 4,965 5,970 7,143 9,330 11,421 14,917 16,902 21,374 51,240 169,980 12 37.76 39.39 41.00 96.77 541.36 206.29 126.44 101.19 87.65 eo.26 71.32 76.00 71.25 63.61 76.32 79.39 13 84 100 46 84 83 84 85 88 84 84 83 84 75 79 83 61 14 84 100 35 83 83 85 86 89 83 85 35 84 75 78 e3 57 15 290 60 13 38,651 3,701 9,500 5,771 5,471 5,148 4,208 2,180 1,036 616 824 169 27 16 8,955 2,907 1,888 686,289 14,811 96,830 81,774 91,945 107,080 101,786 63,770 35,865 . ,■ v 42,478 16,946 7,372 17 55 1 12, 580 3,701 4,430 1,831 1,035 815 455 180 70 20 26 15 2 IS 55 10 1 13,780 4,440 2,670 2,680 1,830 1,237 520 191 115 81 15 1 19 85 45 5 11 2 1 6,908 3,860 630 910 360 1,275 450 1,511 832 1,370 911 600 610 275 310 135 160 185 208 17 17 20 2 21 40 32 5 1,262 31 160 235 245 160 161 232 35 3 22 10 1 1 2 1 209 52 25 30 25 82 10 42 28 5 li 21 24 25 85 36 9 13,484 490 1,975 2,026 2,255 2,237 2,077 1,045 450 336 495 83 15 2,345 4,060 1,490 119,724 1,145 7,115 9,899 13,100 17, 553 21,364 15,160 6,560 7,212 13,475 5,131 2,010 26 165 33 7 24,074 1,010 4,001 3,800 4,010 3,953 3,382 1,770 820 466 712 135 15 27 3,735 833 1,294 296, 840 2,320 19,351 27,705 36,050 47,494 52,408 35,365 18,540 14,635 29,003 8,958 4,511 28 180 33 8 15,143 175 1,640 2,460 2,710 2,716 2,512 1,360 566 351 536 99 18 29 6,155 2,701 2,694 180,442 405 7,290 14,925 22,100 29,457 34,536 24,335 12,565 9,717 16,129 4,525 4,458 30 296 58 12 29,248 7S0 4,481 5,010 5,181 4,919 4,128 2,080 1,036 612 811 182 28 31 68,379 29,683 13,222 1,286,820 2,005 30,367 71,685 125,331 184,082 231,901 169,525 115,460 " ' , ■ ' 159,608 71,205 47,645 32 200 29 9 16,776 380 2,165 2,771 2,871 3,088 2,466 1,315 636 405 551 .110 18 33 5,505 855 1,277 170,981 1,165 7,865 14, 450 19,394 27, 494 28, 750 20,575 10,430 11,345 17,618 8,901 2,994 34 291 64 11 37,382 3,286 8,501 5,761 5,441 5,259 4,228 2,145 1,057 657 836 181 30 35 5,416 560 321 190,197 5,498 18,914 17, 515 23,150 28,720 28,796 20,335 13,211 10,432 15,187 5,853 2,586 36 301 15,035 270 59 13 40,858 ' 4,316 10,151 6,081 5,631 5,359 4,309 2,230 1,066 646 860 180 29 37 7,800 4,672 1,102,853 18,776 123,296 119,378 141,095 172,127 175,558 114,295 60,965 47,479 84,956 31,035 13,893 38 54 13 28,710 970 4,505 4,866 4,901 4,e09 4,018 2,080 956 596 811 169 29 39 14,005 7,616 5,461 471,147 2,715 22,270 39, 274 54, 594 74, 504 84,650 60,070 29,555 28,274 47,222 18,557 9,462 W 306 64 13 31,586 935 5,261 5,395 5,476 5,234 4,298 2,210 1,062 657 846 182 30 41 74,534 32,384 15,916 1,467,262 11 70 11 70 2,410 37,657 86,610 147,431 213,539 266,437 5 40 5 40 193,860 128,025 87,723 175,737 75,730 6 30 6 30 52,103 42 43 44 45 46 285 48 9 39,134 4,496 9,736 5,686 5,377 5,093 4,053 2,085 1,006 606 804 168 24 47 11 6 2 1,300 370 305 175 75 130 125 45 10 10 37 14 4 48 100 16 3 10,037 2,155 2,315 1,475 1,046 991 762 310 176 110 165 27 5 49 105 22 5 12,191 2,465 3,436 1,820 1,316 1,167 907 445 266 126 204 35 i SO 30 10 1 4,118 400 1,050 660 625 501 375 235 125 30 107 7 3 51 75 12 4 8,073 2,065 2,386 1,160 691 666 532 210 141 96 97 28 1 52 181 37 8 28,893 2,421 6,740 4,296 4,251 4,122 3,291 1,720 760 500 642 125 25 r .3 1,546 6,691 545 965 565 2,350 170 960 60 800 90 636 60 475 25 20 5 5 1 54 35 250 120 50 70 11 4 55 30 1 3 9,457 1,056 2,456 1,485 1,391 1,181 955 405 195 135 160 34 4 56 86 1 3 8,490 845 1,820 1,310 1,206 1,095 981 535 261 140 242 47 8 57 50 21 3 6,793 635 1,210 936 1,000 1,091 871 450 260 151 154 27 8 58 70 26 3 5,447 586 1,130 765 765 860 611 365 115 91 133 23 3 59 53.8 65.8 54.2 47.3 43.6 44.1 47.2 48.6 50.3 49.8 51.2 49.7 51.3 51.6 50.0 51.0 Ml 90 10 1 15,408 2,610 5,126 2,095 1,655 1,475 1,171 575 285 140 235 32 9 61 25 50 5 4,977 6,086 940 681 1,816 1,410 655 980 475 916 490 800 266 600 170 285 65 145 50 105 45 141 5 22 62 1 S3 146 49 10 17,856 1,300 3,195 2,730 2,771 2,778 2,347 1,195 586 371 455 110 18 64 1 - 7 1 27 20 13 8 \ 9 13 14 16 16 17 16 19 16 16 17 65 30 26 3 4,485 725 950 565 480 517 543 250 177 35 115 58 20 66 236 54 9 33,734 3,825 8,080 5,056 4,656 4,354 3,573 1,850 907 546 699 161 27 67 236 54 8 33,679 3,820 8,065 5,051 4,641 4,354 3,568 1,845 902 546 699 161 27 68 6.02 7.50 16.54 4.16 4.03 3.61 3.70 3.74 4.10 4.51 4.85 5.46 6.07 7.57 11.21 48.50 69 1 55 5 15 5 15 5 5 5 "0 125 29 6 12,771 1,470 2,320 1,771 1,665 1,739 1,558 915 462 316 424 110 21 71 60 17 5 4,576 620 790 661 480 509 500 355 212 136 230 64 19 72 20 7 2 2,235 175 345 246 310 281 267 160 90 135 148 60 18 73 170 53 a 22,963 2,220 4,960 3,431 3,276 3,138 2,691 1,430 691 446 527 130 23 74 10 6 4 2,790 300 595 290 355 350 336 175 120 95 105 61 8 75 5 2 375 10 50 60 45 25 55 30 35 15 21 18 n 76 99135 4 O - 52 - 14 ! 190 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, TData are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 100-139 acres acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators, , . , farms reporting acres Land managed by fans operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . . farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farm3 reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated. operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm operators reporting Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 2.5 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or leas operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of yeara on present farm yeara SPECI Fl ED FACI L1TI ES Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant farms reporting Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater farma reporting Home f reeier farms reporting Electric washing machine farms reporting Electric chick brooder farmB reporting Electric power- feed grinder farmB reporting 12,731 11,003 994,791 3,501 199,491 28 20,869 2,147 63,117 ,152,034 90.5 5,802 65.34 85 83 11,258 251,077 3,681 2,951 2,012 1,687 722 169 36 4,957 53,441 8,268 127,015 5,201 77,851 10,114 534,674 4,174 53,164 11,847 54,812 12,351 431,533 9,213 184,456 10,^41 612,525 11,862 356 5,378 5,940 1,757 4,183 6,580 180 1,393 2,570 2,733 2,594 2,420 51.5 2,882 537 1,977 7,220 17 1,587 10,727 10,697 4.36 30 5,046 1,705 837 7,702 977 74 1,015 840 11,395 235 1,280 110 6,945 5,730 5.6 3,651 630.67 79 81 665 2,250 665 110 175 340 715 85 195 285 765 150 275 835 1,355 820 3,140 285 645 355 960 930 45 140 815 815 3.93 350 125 20 470 70 2,505 1,910 38,670 855 13,010 1,895 1,740 69,335 410 8,650 1,620 1,450 88,305 330 12,020 1,800 1,695 139,185 375 13,825 1,680 1,455 164,970 530 34,410 280 4,330 47,350 18.9 3,231 172.57 87 2,065 18,450 1,245 690 130 275 5,025 72,960 38.5 3,500 91.05 87 87 1,705 23,200 620 715 255 115 250 6,515 93,810 57.9 4,458 76.71 87 87 1,455 24,090 460 460 360 155 20 340 5,355 147,655 82.0 5,563 67.58 87 1,690 36,800 315 435 540 335 65 290 5,835 193,545 115.2 7,014 59.30 81 83 1,600 44,280 220 370 375 475 145 15 800 720 110,260 255 19,720 10 1,655 210 6,460 125,175 156.5 7,162 45.52 82 83 755 25,240 60 175 140 235 130 15 536 426 82,950 200 28,535 575 1,955 1,225 6,510 515 2,445 1,485 11,595 465 1,625 2,185 4,770 2,410 26,915 1,210 6,025 1,720 14,040 690 3,435 1,130 8,830 690 4,395 1,575 25,095 605 2,935 1,810 5,070 1,885 35,465 1,395 10,765 1,720 29,490 625 4,055 1,130 11,590 695 6,635 1,465 38,210 585 3,445 1,555 5,785 1,570 39,735 1,300 14,135 1,555 44,845 875 6,215 1,415 20,060 900 10,615 1,670 61,290 620 5,540 1,730 7,135 1,800 63,075 1,535 22,370 1,760 71,905 885 8,715 1,295 25,645 1,020 16,405 1,550 81,285 730 9,135 1,605 8,080 1,665 78,640 1,525 34,255 1,655 97,690 420 4,515 595 12,075 455 8,785 760 64,450 350 5,860 765 4,250 800 41,830 710 19,160 795 73,235 2,350 90 1,420 690 1,510 95 290 595 1,220 285 955 40 55 190 360 215 625 220 555 95 420 175 315 47.4 47.9 360 880 90 170 225 405 370 1,085 11 13 295 2,055 2,055 3.61 765 240 130 1,400 165 10 1,820 20 910 295 615 940 20 195 425 380 350 400 51.8 350 50 310 ,145 18 185 1,575 1,565 3.70 10 645 135 60 1,090 120 15 1,485 30 710 220 490 15 145 285 335 375 380 53.5 300 65 205 1,010 19 180 1,370 1,360 3.75 10 565 165 75 985 75 1,670 50 785 300 485 990 10 160 385 370 440 335 52.4 310 35 280 1,155 20 205 1,520 1,520 3.96 805 185 125 1,170 180 1,570 45 615 260 355 1,060 20 175 280 380 370 360 52.6 320 70 230 1,035 20 210 1,465 1,460 4.43 5 715 295 100 1,140 150 230 110 120 565 10 60 110 150 220 190 55.1 125 25 120 510 20 90 690 690 5.05 400 180 95 495 65 105 6,025 105,460 196.8 11,149 56.95 82 82 516 19,675 45 70 91 180 120 10 266 4,755 406 10,180 341 8,105 496 52,490 255 5,970 521 4,285 536 34,610 466 18,830 516 60,595 506 15 190 75 115 346 5 50 75 120 156 95 53.7 116 10 85 305 21 91 456 456 7.17 271 111 85 356 55 10 NORTH CAROLINA 191 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a samp e of faros See text] Area 4n — Continued Area 4b Sue of form — ■ Zon. Total all farms Si te of farm 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1.000 acres and over UvJcr 10 acres 10-29 acrea 30-49 acrea 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acrea 180-219 acrea 220-259 acres 260-499 acrea 500-999 acrea 1.000 acrea and over 111 32 14,957 1,730 3,301 2,355 1,920 1,985 1,735 765 480 180 371 115 20 1 421 85 25 12,148 1,345 2,536 1,985 1,645 1,675 1,375 595 410 165 316 88 13 2 137,820 48,577 111). Iff. 18,655 62,332 85,005 97,380 141,645 155,890 85,740 73,645 33,725 90,357 46,750 18,961 3 165 41 9 5,290 470 1,165 690 605 725 680 385 240 75 195 55 5 4 31,125 3,051 303,026 2,635 16,875 18,555 23,590 37,270 55,205 40,735 29,340 10,755 42,380 23,110 2,576 5 g ■ 7 23 10 7 ■ 6 1,875 4,770 12,569 17,165 3,700 4,534 8,931 7 150 51 21 3,166 255 550 515 380 405 415 195 160 60 176 47 8 8 5,455 6,190 3,652 109,975 11 , 5X0 18,505 12,695 9,325 15,020 10,965 6,725 8,535 2,695 9,310 3,472 1,218 9 165,371 70,102 62,956 1,120,301 9,780 60,702 90,865 111,645 163,895 200,130 119,750 94,450 41,785 127, 127 70,922 29,250 10 347.4 631.5 1,967.4 74.9 5.7 18.4 38.6 58.1 82.6 115.3 156.5 196.8 232.1 342.7 616.7 1,462.5 11 16,017 21,737 93,524 6,563 3,056 3,384 4,339 5,189 6,126 8,131 10,000 15,430 14,860 26,023 49,734 120,204 12 46.61 34.34 41.77 87.47 498.66 179.39 109.76 88.79 74.04 70.62 64.47 77.70 66.33 76.55 82.90 78.88 13 S3 76 66 86 83 86 85 86 89 86 87 83 86 91 77 75 14 82 76 75 86 90 88 87 86 89 86 86 84 83 90 75 78 15 441 89 31 13,525 1,205 2,941 2,115 1,820 1,880 1,680 735 475 170 370 114 20 16 28,790 9,146 7,452 373,495 4,085 26,815 34,705 40,230 54,420 66,480 39,355 27,530 11,735 40,450 20,452 7,238 17 30 5 1 4,045 1,205 1,715 565 245 145 105 20 25 5 10 5 Hi 15 75 1 10 3,001 2,255 1,011 215 790 515 530 605 365 480 215 275 55 85 35 25 30 25 19 1 20 105 10 2 2,326 245 410 720 575 200 125 15 30 5 1 21 116 90 27 25 4 9 1,425 378 30 170 500 10 300 75 215 50 90 30 105 170 15 36 7? 7 23 10 11 14 95 30 53 12 24 255 74 16 4,636 195 690 590 650 925 725 305 205 100 185 54 12 25 8,730 5,680 2,395 45,709 325 2,535 3,935 4,145 7,845 8,065 3,495 3,545 1,925 5,425 3,271 1,198 26 396 86 25 8,479 440 1,520 1,385 1,225 1,290 1,240 545 355 155 256 53 15 27 15,931 5,392 2,952 122,623 1,060 8,400 11,990 14,295 18,055 21,595 13,230 10,370 4,765 11,747 4,502 2,614 28 270 71 23 6,145 150 765 890 885 1,205 1,025 485 295 120 240 73 12 29 9,320 2,509 5,036 88,356 380 3,735 6,125 7,935 15,700 16,320 8,580 8,485 4,645 10,335 4,485 1,631 30 441 106 31 10,254 355 1,551 1,670 1,645 1,735 1,520 725 435 160 325 115 18 31 83,540 41,797 42,342 350,390 910 9,670 20, 860 31,255 48,210 65,055 42,410 33,995 16,030 41,100 30,560 10,335 32 246 47 16 6,492 215 821 1,035 1,055 1,075 1,055 475 305 90 265 87 14 33 10,275 2,742 2,162 79,844 510 3,705 6,560 7,760 10,620 11,785 7,520 5,780 1,705 13,345 5,706 4,848 34 461 96 28 13,969 1,465 2,921 2,190 1,865 1,945 1,705 745 480 175 345 114 19 35 8,785 2,836 617 59,884 2,510 5,842 6,690 6,025 9,045 10, 830 5,160 4,745 980 4,725 1,946 1,386 .36 466 106 32 14,407 1,420 3,181 2,295 1,900 1,975 1,715 765 475 175 371 115 20 37 53,451 20,218 12,799 541,827 5,470 37, 750 50,630 58,670 80,320 96,140 56,080 41,445 18,425 57,622 28,225 11,050 38 426 95 30 10, 865 505 1,741 1,740 1,635 1,855 1,595 685 440 175 360 115 19 39 28,325 10,931 9,593 213,909 1,215 9,975 16,620 19,840 34,165 36,170 19,595 17, 810 8,275 29, 105 13,462 7,677 40 466 111 32 11,780 490 2,041 1,980 1,805 1,910 1,680 740 465 175 360 115 19 41 92,860 44,306 47,378 438, 746 1,290 13,405 26,985 39,190 63,910 81,375 50,990 42,480 20,675 51,435 35,045 11,966 42 43 44 406 93 21 13,744 1,570 3,046 2,175 1,770 1,830 1,610 715 435 135 325 115 18 45 46 47 10 608 95 140 90 80 65 55 20 15 20 26 2 4fl 110 36 12 6,705 1,080 1,840 1,280 830 735 490 235 80 35 71 21 6 49 155 65 90 311 42 5 37 68 13 2 11 19 7,431 1,782 5,649 7,131 1,230 115 1,115 440 2,045 355 1,690 1,146 1,295 290 1,005 995 920 240 680 980 795 270 525 1,155 560 255 305 1,140 305 115 190 445 120 50 70 350 40 25 15 130 101 60 41 235 11 5 6 104 9 2 7 11 50 51 52 53 5 21 90 110 115 90 53.6 6 36 31 1 8 7 8 4 53.4 330 2,113 3,226 2,846 2,731 2,486 49.4 85 345 395 305 250 220 46.1 95 610 791 595 495 465 46.6 35 345 510 420 470 415 49.9 20 280 460 375 325 340 49.5 55 195 330 385 400 390 52.0 5 180 340 355 420 325 52.5 10 55 215 120 145 135 51.1 5 60 90 125 75 90 51.0 10 25 25 50 25 30 48.4 5 15 50 95 96 45 52.2 5 54 3 3 1 9 55 17 20 21 31 56.3 56 57 58 59 60 21 49.9 49.9 75 10 55 316 20 17 6 25 68 16 - 1 2 25 19 4,355 871 2,398 7,222 15 720 150 280 565 10 1,275 300 506 1,245 12 640 115 415 1,145 15 490 70 290 1,060 16 445 85 320 1,105 18 435 75 265 960 18 155 45 140 420 17 70 20 80 315 20 35 70 10 45 231 18 16 4 1 2 13 20 61 67 I 40 85 15 15 78 20 63 64 65 76 421 421 8.11 281 136 85 311 41 20 37 100 100 6.50 73 37 14 73 10 10 17 29 29 13.13 25 15 13 21 6 4 2,156 12,238 12,188 4.69 50 6,707 . 2,337 976 9,444 1,592 195 260 1,310 1,305 4.49 5 715 250 85 985 95 5 431 2,546 2,536 4.13 10 1,231 445 126 1,891 240 15 335 1,980 1,965 4.38 15 995 370 145 1,455 230 20 170 1,555 1,545 3.84 10 750 215 55 1,160 175 5 205 1,645 1,645 4.45 260 1,490 1,485 4.40 5 920 285 155 1,215 245 25 165 665 665 5.54 410 170 90 520 170 20 80 415 415 5.33 265 115 50 345 70 15 45 160 160 5.72 115 40 10 140 45 131 350 345 11.11 5 255 145 50 295 60 35 63 104 104 13.78 83 42 32 89 30 12 11 18 18 20.19 18 15 8 14 7 3 66 67 68 69 70 950 245 170 1,335 . 225 40 71 7 = 73 "4 75 n 192 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, £Data are based on reports for | Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators. . . , farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reportini 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. .. farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropl and, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land l rrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: • Leas than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECIFIED FACI LI TI ES Te ) ephone A Electricity From a power line Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer. . , Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting doll ars farms reporting farms reporting fBrms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting 26,466 16,606 1,326,566 12,721 600,505 58 48,579 5,269 229,111 1,746,539 66.0 6,392 96.15 24,291 627,800 5,182 6,837 5,182 4,669 1,966 353 102 7,473 82,106 9,850 121,593 10,532 159,133 15,227 568,954 9,331 102,099 21,982 84,854 25,595 831,499 17,254 343,338 18,048 728,087 24,212 870 10,898 3,772 7,126 14,112 775 3,692 5,908 5,133 4,460 3,533 48.1 9,765 2,515 4,449 9,485 1? 3,172 20,239 20,207 4.83 32 8,730 3,465 1,131 12,b56 2,280 249 2,276 1,566 24,314 790 5,170 321 16,650 12,834 5.6 4,039 695.79 78 80 1,561 6,372 1,561 190 470 401 1,181 140 300 365 865 235 640 1,676 3,006 1,861 8,023 525 1,410 495 1,165 1,976 110 1,401 170 1,231 665 105 350 440 435 321 350 47.6 1,060 285 395 536 9 361 1,751 1,751 4.89 766 366 95 1,111 140 10 7,535 3,495 84,750 4,545 80,605 5,285 3,205 135,850 2,585 86,140 3,555 2,465 159, 590 1,520 73,935 3,020 2,315 197,660 1,145 73,085 2,331 1,646 197,980 1,100 97,290 890 675 113,345 385 45,135 790 23,730 141,625 18.8 3,351 173.39 77 79 6,855 92,520 1,895 3,685 1,275 895 20,480 201,510 38.1 4,643 121.97 80 5,005 106,310 750 1,485 1,520 1,250 655 25,175 208,350 58.6 5,994 102.37 84 84 3,375 87,590 380 770 965 1,045 215 810 26,650 244,095 80.8 7,238 89.34 82 82 2,895 90,045 285 450 685 1,070 405 700 30,540 264,730 113.6 8,930 76.83 83 85 2,246 84,523 175 276 480 710 575 30 330 17,565 140,915 158.3 12,853 80.52 850 42,855 50 85 120 235 290 70 1,055 4,020 1,750 9,270 1,285 5,965 2,220 14,335 1,295 5,160 5,150 10,355 7,280 105,810 2,795 15,145 2,920 20,300 1,490 8,430 1,750 14,155 2,160 14,440 3,065 35,085 2,055 12,295 4,520 10,795 5,220 128,895 3,775 35,165 3,860 49,525 1,290 8,780 1,715 16,930 1,950 18,515 2,785 52,150 1,740 12,730 3,310 11,655 3,525 113,300 3,120 40,025 3,225 70,665 1,250 11,595 1,495 19,380 1,830 23,385 2,525 73,910 1,455 14,035 2,800 11,745 2,970 121,020 2,665 49,015 2,875 97,295 945 10,620 1,391 20,787 1,570 25,630 2,081 94,295 1,320 17, 160 2,221 11,715 2,301 115,930 2,140 53,410 2,271 119,925 360 6,085 455 10,675 545 13,020 785 51,740 480 10,435 830 6,105 870 59,615 755 29,540 845 64,760 6,765 195 3,260 1,155 2,105 3,715 410 1,395 1,720 1,170 1,030 795 45.0 3,615 1,085 1,230 1,710 740 5,260 5,250 3.70 10 1,605 635 180 2,505 355 20 4,870 170 2,085 810 1,275 2,950 125 745 1,325 995 885 660 47.8 2,045 550 870 1,805 12 470 3,975 3,975 3.86 1,460 495 180 2,425 365 40 3,400 60 1,375 575 800 2,050 35 425 790 760 725 515 49.8 1,155 210 630 1,510 14 340 2,790 2,785 4.49 5 1,195 340 85 1,920 360 50 2,815 105 1,170 455 715 1,760 75 335 675 660 530 455 49.4 790 185 540 1,440 15 400 2,465 2,455 5.37 10 1,260 450 130 1,770 325 55 2,176 70 750 315 435 1,511 15 230 535 541 375 385 50.3 590 130 450 1,081 15 256 1,936 1,936 5.23 790 50 320 125 195 510 5 65 185 150 235 130 52.4 205 30 120 480 19 200 715 715 62.8 970 376 101 1,471 240 20 480 230 85 520 125 10 537 392 80,060 280 38,885 5 925 202 14,201 105,669 196.8 14,030 72.03 83 82 512 25,701 25 35 76 185 150 41 256 4,640 287 6,578 376 12,035 471 42,332 256 8,240 497 6,143 532 36,919 501 24,915 522 54,367 497 35 195 50 145 327 5 70 70 160 111 80 51.2 116 15 115 276 18 110 437 436 7.61 1 292 156 56 302 95 11 NORTH CAROLINA 193 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms See text] Areas 5 and D — Co ntinued Areas 6 end F Sire of farm — Con. Total all farms Size of farm 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1,000 acres and over Uvder 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acres 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1,000 acres and over 441 205 35 35,722 2,740 11,711 7,648 4,931 3,256 2,540 1,110 587 351 639 154 55 1 366 157 24 17,475 1,285 3,611 3,828 2,676 2,181 1,650 635 457 286 514 107 45 2 135,568 91,929 31,460 1,564,530 28,680 95,787 176, 583 173,051 193,260 207,375 144,750 98,436 74,624 ' ,' 84,662 88,717 3 160 79 12 22,701 1,625 9,200 4,860 2,910 1,600 1,330 510 266 125 211 52 12 4 33,505 38,134 9,406 915,837 9,920 169,685 159,525 141,470 103,965 119,565 64,750 34,842 22, 580 53,750 .',."■ 10,495 5 20 10,820 17 13,129 10 21,216 52 24,475 5 60 5 320 5 375 5 625 5 725 5 1,395 17 11,780 5 9,195 6 7 276 100 24 7,753 540 1,146 1,378 1,036 966 1,010 570 302 226 423 109 47 8 29,336 6,614 7,534 359,384 22,910 41,946 46,763 32,014 30,915 38,075 35,285 18,565 13,097 40,927 20,008 18,879 9 150,557 136,578 54,548 2,145,458 15,690 223,586 289,345 282,827 266,685 289,490 174,940 114,713 84,107 212, 823 101,724 89,528 10 341.4 666.2 1,558.5 60.1 5.7 19.1 37.8 57.4 81.9 114.0 157.6 195.4 239.6 333.1 660.5 1,627.8 11 25,048 35,291 90,253 6,357 2,252 3,696 5,682 6,809 8,001 10, 089 11,696 15,497 18,084 21,033 33,807 75,212 12 73.66 52.77 53.81 108.23 375.30 190.42 146.47 119.38 96.72 89.22 72.43 78.83 77.15 64.19 53.36 48.86 13 73 73 60 87 80 88 87 88 86 85 88 84 87 80 79 60 14 72 73 65 85 84 90 89 88 87 84 90 84 85 79 76 57 15 421 192 33 34,027 2,210 11,351 7,405 4,780 3,145 2,440 1,050 552 311 589 144 50 16 35,627 27,384 8,790 733,397 10,215 164,386 160,365 115,905 85,680 77,720 34,760 20,115 15,387 27, 880 12,709 8,275 17 25 30 20 75 11 6 6 17 5,684 12,863 8,658 5,329 2,210 1,920 7,201 2,230 610 2,680 2,445 1,670 365 1,400 1,720 1,140 175 740 1,125 890 170 465 585 815 115 180 215 380 55 85 125 136 15 25 75 101 45 66 117 175 2 21 17 16 2 IB 19 4 6 20 2 21 145 22 4 1,270 155 215 385 140 135 60 141 32 7 22 91 82 9 187 20 20 16 25 40 48 18 23 35 48 18 36 10 5 8 13 24 296 142 24 8,669 110 1,235 2,006 1,616 1,305 1,065 425 300 155 343 82 27 25 10,900 8,596 3,130 56, 522 280 2,990 6,390 6,802 6,570 7,800 3,050 2,510 1,540 10,687 4,549 3,354 26 236 118 22 10,465 305 2,045 2,135 1,930 1,365 1,175 560 290 180 352 94 34 27 7,925 6,120 2,697 91,693 805 7,620 11,205 14,140 12,185 13,240 8,165 4,560 3,480 9,720 4,144 2,429 28 341 116 19 9,606 135 1,375 2,225 1,775 1,415 1,160 550 312 176 361 89 33 29 18,230 12,730 4,498 126,727 390 5,505 13,775 13,990 16,335 19,035 13,580 9,004 6,797 13,727 6,576 8,013 30 401 183 31 22, 149 370 3,945 5,322 4,391 3,051 2,395 990 551 321 609 152 52 31 65,885 72,027 32,235 1,000,454 1,325 26,025 77,030 112,540 130,505 155,195 102,365 72,030 52,462 . 140,588 68,125 62,264 32 201 86 13 5,458 70 860 1,150 1,030 731 620 365 197 140 221 53 21 33 8,225 6,378 1,716 50,573 100 2,850 5,615 6,585 5,635 6,200 6,440 3,177 1,850 4,895 4,228 2,998 34 421 192 30 29,343 1,535 8,315 6,637 4,585 3,106 2,430 1,050 577 316 618 126 48 35 3,765 3,343 1,482 86,092 ' 2,575 14, 210 14,965 12,865 9,775 10,300 6,580 3,317 2,591 5,326 1,393 2,195 36 441 205 34 34,705 2,340 11,511 7,516 4,871 3,200 2,465 1,085 577 326 619 145 50 37 54,452 42,100 14,617 881,612 11,300 174,996 177,960 136,847 104,435 98, 760 45,975 27,185 20,407 48,287 21,402 14,058 38 431 188 29 17,622 300 3,005 4,251 3,341 2,486 1,925 840 492 286 523 127 46 39 37,355 27,704 9,344 233,822 770 11,345 25,780 27,377 28,540 33,035 23,070 14,691 10,187 29,309 15,353 14,365 4(1 441 205 34 24,140 480 4,620 5,937 4,591 3,181 2,500 1,065 582 341 634 154 55 41 84,115 84,757 36,733 1,127,181 1 1,715 31,530 90, 805 126,530 146,840 174,230 115,945 81,034 59,259 154,315 74,701 1 70, 277 42 43 15 15 41 1 1 45 15 15 46 406 163 19' 33,256 2,370 10,900 7,182 4,655 3,106 2,375 1,030 547 331 588 129 43 47 20 31 13 945 155 331 181 116 20 45 10 20 10 31 18 8 48 85 43 8 4,330 770 1,496 645 530 226 240 105 101 76 97 30 14 49 131 75 11 8,146 1,155 2,836 1,496 1,015 531 540 195 106 95 127 32 18 50 55 25 2 4,189 315 1,555 880 595 285 345 105 30 20 45 11 3 51 76 50 9 3,957 840 1,281 616 420 246 195 90 76 75 82 21 15 52 285 102 21 26,385 1,380 8,490 5,942 3,785 2,630 1,945 865 471 256 477 109 35 53 1,845 255 920 290 195 85 60 5 10 5 20 54 30 10 1 7,111 500 3,060 1,475 925 555 380 105 30 35 20 25 1 55 85 38 5 8,345 535 2,856 1,890 1,320 675 505 195 130 60 150 21 8 5h 95 54 8 6,437 330 1,690 1,461 965 735 610 270 90 71 161 42 12 57 131 31 6 5,074 390 1,265 1,110 720 490 485 195 147 90 133 38 11 58 65 30 8 3,180 340 735 682 420 375 200 185 105 50 75 1 12 59 53.5 51.2 55.3 44.5 44.5 41.0 45.1 45.0 47.0 .S- 1 51.5 52.6 52.3 49.9 46.5 56.4 60 65 40 3 16,434 1,365 7,050 3,485 1,995 1,065 815 255 140 85 135 38 6 61 10 40 15 18 5,788 5,314 465 345 2,625 1,515 1,200 1,070 705 85* 340 655 270 435 65 180 35 80 25 55 45 101 10 17 3 6 62 6 63 305 107 20 11, 833 715 2,501 2,702 1,785 1,366 1,140 600 341 201 358 90. 34 64 22 16 22 10 9 7 10 11 13 13 17 17 18 16 14 22 fi5 131 65 13 2,449 240 505 380 215 285 265 140 125 65 151 54 24 66 376 175 33 28,827 1,920 8,821 6,353- 4,160 2,801 2,215 985 512 326 549 139 46 67 371 175 32 28, 751 1,920 8,801 6,323 4,155 2,796 2,200 985 512 326 549 139 45 68 11.48 11.99 20.77 4.17 4.20 3.34 3.81 4.13 4.54 5.15 5.74 6.07 7.54 7.78 7.98 17.74 69 5 1 76 20 30 5 5 15 1 70 315 127 25 8,587 545 1,561 1,713 1,260 1,051 1,010 470 307 226 334 73 37 71 185 91 15 3,400 290 476 562 465 451 405 220 170 80 214 44 23 72 105 49 5 2,669 105 v 501 500 455 261 330 120 100 56 178 41 22 7 3 291 107 18 16,771 820 4,256 3,717 2,705 1,916 1,500 715 386 236 417 74 29 74 110 74 10 2,751 120 505 581 430 381 295 135 100 75 86 37 6 75 15 5 3 194 5 30 15 35 20 20 25 15 5 15 5 4 76 194 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Cata are based on reports for ] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 7 Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators. . . . farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reportin 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . . farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture {not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land i rrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or leSB operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of yearB on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone Electricity.... From a power line Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder !\ Electric power- feed grinder arms reporting arms reporting. rms reporting. doll ers. arms reporting, arms reporting. s reporting, s reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. rms reporting. 20,004 8,675 1,132,592 14,261 864,223 23 30,540 3,581 333,224 1,694,131 84.7 7,332 88.73 87 85 18,898 596,218 1,996 4,557 5,039 4,790 2,091 301 124 5,982 31,931 5,077 49,426 5,691 79,656 12,117 856,376 1,728 27, 528 15,952 52,996 19,295 677,575 9,643 139,115 13,221 936,032 11 22 18,020 881 4,925 3,009 1,916 14,140 960 3,373 4, 547 4,103 2,667 2,087 45.5 7,965 2,514 3,322 7,365 11 1,116 13,093 13,067 4.30 26 3,042 1,288 952 5,522 1,485 108 1,061 536 24,105 606 4,960 246 23,685 5,380 5.1 1,787 346.17 87 755 3,450 755 90 70 175 60 140 180 530 20 30 621 965 785 3,715 110 260 230 670 921 55 476 90 386 500 55 115 226 145 175 220 50.0 445 155 145 361 12 106 641 641 4.47 186 71 30 226 55 5 4,942 1,397 34,935 3,991 80,149 412 15,247 99, 837 20.2 3,155 146.31 86 92 4,741 78,238 675 2,436 1,630 4,450 1,370 52, 530 3,615 133,910 5 175 415 17,110 1' ',■"■'' 38.1 4,851 122.38 86 90 4,330 117,350 210 850 1,240 2,030 2,766 1,191 79,933 1,915 103,710 2,372 1,297 115,296 1,481 105,119 1,822 1,097 125,380 1,195 113,785 850 550 86,670 510 60,630 396 23,736 159,907 57.8 6,990 121.34 2,686 82,472 120 521 820 830 395 527 26,139 194, 276 81.9 8,257 99.27 86 2,252 78,942 110 330 570 742 500 452 28,811 210,354 115.5 9,324 80.83 87 87 1,746 71,896 45 215 405 540 491 50 235 15,255 132,045 155.3 11,795 74.80 88 89 805 37,040 10 85 175 260 225 50 611 1,395 715 2,675 590 1,780 1,395 10,665 182 446 3,197 4,638 4,817 82,308 1,172 3,621 1,705 12,445 5 10 5 10 4,382 255 1,502 895 607 3,180 405 1,215 980 771 500 450 42.0 2,360 815 836 1,356 157 2,827 2,627 3.42 300 120 92 875 180 30 980 2,940 970 4,410 950 4,070 2,270 33,305 305 1,170 3,530 6,260 4,390 124, 700 1,780 8,180 2,535 37,375 5 10 5 10 4,140 145 890 625 265 3,395 245 795 1,140 850 565 385 44.2 2,125 690 670 1,370 2,660 2,650 3.37 10 350 90 130 840 230 885 2,885 825 4,385 951 6,695 2,116 56,682 246 1,352 2,401 5,436 2,726 89,742 1,556 10, 932 2,271 63,377 1,081 3,966 851 6,424 1,015 8,990 2,052 87,865 305 2,055 2,151 6,034 2,307 89,332 1,691 15, 011 2,182 96, 855 3,815 665 6,325 880 12,965 1,642 109,040 210 1,240 1,642 5,073 1,771 82,036 1,316 18,020 1,757 122,005 450 2,425 320 3,225 400 5,685 810 79,245 100 975 790 3,450 830 42,690 625 9,085 830 84,930 2,580 76 701 510 191 1,975 100 390 711 655 1,080 340 565 971 11 100 1,831 1,831 4.06 351 161 121 846 165 10 2,111 85 460 340 120 1,796 60 280 565 601 380 225 47.6 695 225 405 1,136 13 115 1,736 1,726 4.32 10 460 150 115 876 261 1,670 81 390 265 125 1,371 50 265 440 495 251 145 46.2 655 135 290 806 12 106 1,327 1,322 4.14 5 361 125 105 691 125 5 785 15 170 115 55 640 20 135 175 175 125 105 47.2 120 420 15 70 660 660 5.38 270 165 75 400 130 20 485 325 67,005 290 43,590 155 15,470 95,125 196.1 14,856 75.20 92 92 455 24,635 15 50 55 125 155 55 310 1,855 160 2,615 225 6,275 460 55,580 70 1,480 470 2,685 480 29,105 385 9,610 4S0 61,855 420 30 95 60 35 365 5 40 80 135 110 70 51.4 105 25 70 265 16 35 395 395 6.01 185 80 85 245 75 10 NORTH CAROLINA 195 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms See text] Arc a 7 — Continued Area 8 Sue of farm — JOB. Total all forms Si re of fern 260-499 500-999 1.000 acres and over Ihder 10 10-29 30-49 SO- 69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acrea acres acres acrea acrea acres acres seres acres acres seres acrea and over 559 263 94 31,738 1,810 12,131 7,781 3,775 2,691 1,556 730 419 206 402 174 63 1 439 217 76 9,130 630 1,481 1,966 1,420 1,336 926 465 288 141 307 123 47 2 172,306 193,331 140,096 1,126,552 25,565 65,160 102,885 105,325 i i ,,■,•■,', 138,040 103,905 79,210 45,291 135,897 99,607 '.,'5 4.40 3o5 220 195 705 180 15 415 180 105 645 175 20 1,140 41 250 125 125 926 20 135 230 300 250 150 49.7 355 95 215 550 14 105 960 955 4.92 5 400 175 130 510 160 5 485 20 100 25 75 400 15 65 100 85 110 75 49.8 170 30 90 220 15 60 430 430 5.41 170 95 55 240 420 320 73,515 200 25,380 5 2,400 185 18,120 83,175 198.0 16,542 77.94 82 410 24,460 20 50 75 75 110 185 1,880 240 5,505 195 3,605 395 43,400 85 1,980 390 2,345 415 31,845 305 7,465 395 47,005 380 25 105 40 65 295 10 35 145 70 50 60 48.1 130 5 75 180 -0 345 345 6.40 155 65 70 210 55 25 NORTH CAROLINA 197 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area °— Continued Site of farm — Con. 260-499 acres 424 348 139,294 161 35,406 11 4,12. 278 35,091 143,734 339.0 20,262 63.88 81 75 404 33,562 30 26 50 81 111 76 30 198 4,321 230 7,445 176 9,515 378 76,727 106 6,233 394 5,931 419 45,328 334 20,069 398 86,242 35? 32 500-999 acres 217 165 127,350 82 33,559 20 20,498 150 31,188 150,219 692.3 42,666 61.40 70 70 187 24,461 15 6 10 22 40 69 25 83 3,678 131 7,921 67 10, 599 208 97,774 61 4,926 188 860 199 36, 060 143 19,203 216 108,373 1,000 acres and over 182 26 95 27 30 12 65 15 308 175 15 1 30 15 83 43 100 44 75 67 61 27 50.6 51.6 81 52 15 5 60 29 232 120 18 16 127 51 368 170 368 170 7.08 9.50 227 136 127 86 91 37 242 119 56 37 20 18 78 48 90,446 15 14,247 26 58,858 65 21,949 141,602 1,815.4 65,036 37.04 49 74 18,101 3 3 3 9 17 39 39 3,476 47 7,050 24 11,532 72 95,849 21 2,885 60 2,709 36 60 59 16.45 1 55 32 19 43 Total all farms 6,379 4,677 468,019 3,137 168,353 11 18,771 1,440 84,389 570,754 89.5 7,933 88.57 5,636 252,306 1,061 1,310 915 957 753 473 167 1,778 12,003 1,441 23,615 899 23,438 3,847 219,884 788 9,849 29,659 5,851 287,924 2,797 45,290 4,136 '43,322 343 ,846 383 2,450 1,225 1,225 3,797 201 835 1,332 1,332 1,138 905 48.8 1,850 401 983 3,213 15 564 4,664 4,649 4.62 15 1,432 604 412 2,579 442 23 Utder 10 acres 636 451 ,•'<■ 225 1,250 115 4,980 3,200 5.0 2,266 445.92 87 ■-:.-' 375 1,585 375 65 105 55 175 25 45 110 320 45 130 421 840 435 1,865 125 280 130 365 566 45 360 I 370 95 275 251 50 81 70 140 105 130 50.2 226 60 70 300 61 386 386 4.35 105 41 25 196 60 Site of far 10-29 acres 1,625 1,055 24,505 825 14,325 295 8,080 30,750 18.9 3,437 179.23 88 30-49 ■ acres 89 1,420 18,365 460 685 275 230 535 300 2,060 105 440 780 6,800 115 380 1,120 2,170 1,490 20,960 400 1,355 830 7,240 1,520 60 1,085 695 I ,,. ., 540 17. .l..r 190 8,605 41,405 38.2 4,683 118.57 90 50-69 acres > 1,010 23,255 100 340 215 355 755 390 365 835 70 180 305 325 235 295 50.1 500 110 295 725 1,060 1,060 3.13 285 805 265 1,875 95 965 640 11,685 210 835 2,610 1,030 25,935 410 1,980 690 12,650 725 575 380 14,920 155 7,370 ■:i ..-"■ 57.7 5,731 98.52 665 19,515 55 140 190 175 105 70-99 acres 130 50 40 430 50 95 270 390 220 170 685 20 190 245 190 195 150 47.9 385 100 150 525 25 685 685 3.56 270 1,105 180 1,175 155 1,585 510 15,170 120 1,045 620 2,255 685 21,795 420 3,735 555 16,755 665 50 750 620 315 180 9,855 60,365 80.5 9,420 116.27 85 85 715 31,235 40 70 130 195 280 100-139 140-179 ocres acres 330 175 155 365 265 1,340 215 2,535 135 1,705 555 19,885 125 1,370 685 2,295 720 35,110 420 4,415 580 21, 590 690 45 560 460 57,430 240 .'". ' «■ 195 13,000 65,260 116.5 10,740 89.09 87 90 490 29,275 10 30 70 110 185 85 140 50 50 360 65 115 160 135 210 50 48.5 195 35 125 360 15 40 535 530 3.86 5 135 45 40 295 30 10 190 95 95 560 20 70 160 205 135 115 49.9 175 50 105 440 16 85 645 645 4.60 210 1,070 145 2,100 115 2,825 415 26,485 125 1,400 530 2,105 515 32,445 360 5,295 460 29,310 275 240 35,270 155 90 3,780 44,035 160.1 10,888 69.19 91 180-219 i.i. .-, 265 19,980 15 30 225 80 50 400 70 155 95 60 385 10 90 120 125 90 75 47.8 130 20 50 475 475 5.14 110 695 90 1,870 75 1,370 215 15,585 1,260 250 3,275 270 22,545 180 3,325 230 16,955 175 65 45 290 45 10 35 40 200 10 35 60 70 45 20 46.0 70 10 35 170 205 155 24,320 150 18,110 35 1,915 40,515 197.6 16,493 ' . " 200 22,690 5 20 15 20 140 545 50 900 50 1,890 160 12,910 25 395 175 1,185 205 24, 135 120 2,830 175 14,800 190 10 40 25 130 15 35 65 20 35 20 44.0 60 40 240 160 230 160 6.00 7.23 10 120 65 40 55 25 25 140 120 25 40 220-259 acres 130 9! 22,335 70 11,140 25 3,140 30,335 233.3 25, 870 107.97 96 99 125 15,065 25 35 30 30 55 585 30 1,135 40 360 100 12,610 20 295 95 285 130 16,785 90 1,240 105 12,970 110 10 20 120 120 5.64 260-499 acrea 302 252 78, 166 205 32,460 5 2,000 117 10,871 101,755 336.9 24,351 69.86 85 88 291 42,310 10 35 35 116 80 161 1,815 86 3,065 80 3,775 282 48,796 665 282 1,329 291 47, 190 216 6,255 297 52,571 5 200 5 200 Mil, Wl acres 281 21 66 40 26 236 20 71 85 56 25 48.8 172 17 102 287 287 8.23 206 116 76 206 25 33,014 20 3,470 22 4,201 32,283 645.7 37,496 59.21 92 47 12,837 1.000 ocres and over 2 10 35 17 490 16 885 8 820 49 15,159 106 43 1,986 47 14,212 26 1,416 49 15,979 13 3 49.0 17 38 38 10.20 36 29 66, 599 12 6 .' 21 8,592 79,001 2,194.5 71,989 32.67 81 81 33 16,194 22 20 2,913 7,658 31 34,479 10 2,593 32 9,324 33 24,947 30 13,164 35 42, 137 3 143 1 85 9 7 52.5 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 19 33 33 17.83 198 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Size of farm Inder 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres S0-n9 acres FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUF Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings... average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land In farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated , operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working olf their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years ...operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting f>5 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present larni years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone Electricity From a power 1 ine Average of las From a home plant Electric wuter pump. Electric hot-water heater.. Home freezer Electric washing machine... Electric chick brooder Electric power- feed grinder thly electric bi 1 I . arms arms arms aims reporting reporting reporting . . dol lars report' ng reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting 28,276 18,601 1,639,125 14,826 ■483,479 15 20,156 5,920 220,737 1,922,023 68.0 5,071 79.07 86 26,701 545,555 6,319 9,683 5,889 3,593 993 187 37 7,835 42,577 9,164 88, 477 5,416 120,065 17,278 1,027,939 2,249 30,007 21,299 67,403 27,474 676,609 11,958 192,649 18,512 1,148,004 43 938 38 26,010 1,310 5,510 8,490 4,187 4,303 19,093 1,585 5,218 6,785 5,215 4,060 2,962 45.0 10,712 3,793 4,330 11,634 12 1,077 19,091 18,999 4.17 92 5,705 2,021 1,743 10,144 1,893 185 2,565 1,575 22,315 1,255 7,425 360 15,070 14,670 5.7 1,863 309.09 85 89 2,180 9,255 110 210 415 1,040 115 245 505 1,370 610 1,355 1,940 2,310 10, 505 265 1,065 595 1,615 5 5 5 5 2,190 255 1,355 395 960 1,135 225 465 530 345 405 375 45.6 1,170 465 395 835 10 135 1,320 1,310 4.02 10 355 130 85 5b5 110 20 10,025 4,900 95,930 6,975 116,510 905 21,185 191,255 19.1 2,985 155.48 89 89 9,625 132,430 2,410 5,370 1,845 1,430 3,150 2,340 10,895 935 3,500 3,965 30,525 370 1,575 6,375 9,180 9,845 146,475 2,375 8,225 4,390 34,025 5 15 5 15 9,250 485 3,140 1,630 1,510 910 2,415 2,335 1,460 1,115 905 42.0 4,975 1,545 2,960 9 190 5,845 3.31 25 1,105 315 295 ,' 395 30 5,395 3,475 130,630 3,025 86,810 645 16,070 201,370 37.3 4,781 5,305 111,060 710 1,855 1,520 1,220 1,465 4,345 1,870 11,440 1,025 5,400 3,585 58,450 470 2,780 4,235 7,895 5,350 126,845 2,425 12,525 3,810 63,850 15 135 10 85 5,070 205 1,510 870 640 3,770 205 1,020 1,445 1,140 745 440 , 655 800 2,310 12 175 i, '■' 3,810 3.84 30 930 305 275 2,000 360 30 3,140 2,485 149,665 1,210 47,580 775 17,225 180,020 57.3 5,525 94.95 87 68 2,980 67,505 360 1,030 C80 550 160 1,250 4,875 1,195 7,960 815 7,365 2,685 82,665 295 2,370 2,820 7,280 3,060 80,340 1,835 14,610 2,835 90,030 5 20 5 20 2,955 105 780 430 350 2,295 110 470 775 620 515 380 47.1 B90 345 515 1,565 15 165 2,295 2,290 4.22 5 735 225 190 1,365 195 20 NORTH CAROLINA 199 Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2). FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued llul.i '. 53 23,162 2 1,800 187 21,987 151,870 681.0 20,302 29.31 67 68 183 9,016 24 32 18 4 109 2,123 112 3,592 78 7,086 217 120,977 46 1,000 199 8,076 197 14, 731 159 10, 209 222 128,063 1 30 1 30 183 17 29 20 9 171 29 123 28 176 176 5.95 86 75 147,362 11 8,808 7 14,851 65 10,446 160, 575 1,867.2 44,559 25.06 65 62 74 11,599 2 5 4 14 19 18 12 58 2,530 51 5,213 51 36,304 78 95,719 18 3,002 75 6,208 81 19,342 76 41,836 86 132,023 5 673 5 673 16 21 26 7 103 59 32 93 42 1 11 53.0 13 3 10 54 20 26 69 67 10.76 2 57 37 28 45 200 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data arc based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 100-139 acres HO- 179 acres 180-219 acres Al 1 farms number. SPECIFIED EOl' IPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden - . farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers ; farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers , farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Fami ly workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members ofoperator's family only., farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting dol 1 ars Hired labor farms reporting dol lars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Livestock und poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. . farms reporting dol lars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil.. farms reporting dol 1 ars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dollars Tractor repairs farms reporting dol I ars Other form machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars 288,473 2 2 2 1*0 159 136 35 149 239 433 236 379 221 100 158 27 53 24 211 120 13 3 250 190 60,772 135 12,590 148 48,182 181 43,398 139 19,4; 159 10, 532 121 25,339 96 10,867 39 5,432 83 5,434 28,255 55 175 175 20 20 135 140 65 3,040 3,269 2,920 1,328 411 1,181 1,697 1,976 1,262 1,222 1,475 1,062 672 165 225 450 455 46 46 10,979 12,137 10,770 3,700 1,905 5,165 19,673 5,540 1,345 446 1,251 9,727 4,405 12,002 18,987 26,015 18,751 24,611 17,256 5,590 7,355 897 1,404 322 594 610 810 661 18,090 12,745 1,450 236 21,064 10,678 1,302,500 6,820 261,635 6,853 1,040,865 15,513 3,089,285 10,137 887,485 11,017 432,320 4,623 474,115 2,411 134,903 716 57,023 2,056 77, 880 310 1,030 1,055 160 160 790 795 210 10,103 10,555 9,757 4,942 1,195 3,620 8,557 9,644 7,977 7,712 8,629 6,531 4,410 936 1,185 680 690 305 325 34, 710 37,716 33,972 9,612 5,905 18,455 36, 119 25,675 14,390 4,371 4,186 26,607 9,770 43,980 69,282 106,571 68,756 101,057 64,921 25,046 36,136 3,722 5,514 1,251 1,621 2,641 3,893 1,081 285 1,040 1,090 81 81 •581 586 210 8,599 8,947 8,399 4,198 1,166 3,035 9,303 9,858 9,003 8,763 9,208 7,848 5,098 1,250 1,500 355 370 275 280 26,800 29,260 26,244 7,954 4,615 13,675 12,457 13,871 20,375 6,226 3,077 16,919 6,705 29, 980 47, 491 84,609 47,106 78,474 44,031 21,401 34,443 4,195 6,135 1,870 2,255 2,500 3,880 1,695 36,944 320 1,011 1,011 435 435 265 7,177 7,552 7,022 3,656 1,025 2,341 8,292 8,704 8,132 7,922 8,239 7,257 4,676 1,211 1,370 230 230 230 235 19,282 21,434 18,957 6,947 3,150 8,860 5,826 8,115 14,711 6,436 1,856 10, 502 4,640 20,287 31,833 58,369 31,488 53,072 29,503 14,386 23,569 3,401 5,297 1,671 2,097 1,905 3,200 385 1,578 1,593 145 145 563 564 300 7,181 7,513 6,996 3,850 970 2,176 9,558 10,180 9,378 9,148 9,690 8,271 5,322 1,547 1,402 215 225 260 265 16,813 18,927 16,406 6,460 2,715 7,231 3,811 5,000 11,731 7,765 1,793 8,445 3,856 16,376 26, 091 49,278 25,704 43,747 23,979 12,107 19, 768 3,584 5,531 1,814 2,306 2,060 3,225 606 2,233 2,283 291 291 886 901 435 6,622 7,132 6,406 3,564 892 1,950 9,220 10,380 9,090 8,939 9,918 8,113 4,952 1,606 1,555 210 215 231 247 12,990 15,234 12,654 5,398 2,196 5,060 2,279 2,780 8,550 7,552 1,668 6,681 2,770 12,336 20,002 40,842 19,666 34,922 18,385 9,877 16,537 3,414 5,920 2,002 2,833 1,733 3,087 1,681 375 1,315 1,345 265 270 435 435 345 3,770 4,100 3,690 2,120 485 1,085 4,885 5,890 4,830 4,730 5,605 4,315 2,605 895 815 135 140 140 145 6,420 7,710 6,305 3,120 945 2,240 1,075 1,045 3,930 4,215 670 3,225 1,355 5,790 9,495 20,115 9,245 16,340 8,615 4,450 7,725 2,005 3,775 1,275 1,970 970 1,805 3,196 65, 560 41,565 3,705 526 70,3B5 52,120 8,767,637 34,488 1,944,332 40,340 6,823,305 48,379 6,707,048 35,957 2,806,073 40,049 1,350,729 27,599 3,382,752 17,684 922,663 4,272 350,268 15,698 572,395 3,810 43,296 23,265 2,875 385 49,704 39,102 8,530,315 28,607 2,125,110 30,357 6,405,205 36,069 5,908,930 27,778 2,611,092 31,543 1,462,170 23,577 3,459,915 18,243 i ,iv.;,''i ' 5,153 391,079 16,023 633,490 3,056 28,432 15,276 1,850 345 33,403 26,698 6,540,825 20,457 1,741,540 20,177 4,799,285 24,828 5,273,680 19,292 2,297,440 22,437 1,110,294 17,128 2,924,566 14,427 1,094,879 4,972 484,939 12,471 609,940 3,197 22,507 11,647 1,515 387 27,475 22,128 6,564,972 16,829 1,715,570 17,113 4,849,402 20,644 5,258,257 16,466 2,262,102 19,327 1,269,432 15,958 3,168,072 13,937 1,259,193 5,971 556,072 11,941 703,121 3,078 16,588 7,983 1,150 336 20,972 17,257 6,208,253 12,950 1,526,958 13,501 4,681,295 15,610 4,997,025 12,778 2,154,127 14,787 1,195,369 12,967 3,038,103 11,951 1,362,082 6,194 725,386 9,851 636,696 1,755 7,490 3,790 530 250 10,065 8,300 3,810,215 5,995 897,270 6,745 2,912,945 7,670 3,043,910 6,345 1,436,395 7,130 688,555 6,585 1,879,315 6,120 913,870 3,580 463,120 5,260 450,750 375 1,019 1,034 145 150 450 450 276 2,465 2,821 2,408 1,452 306 650 3,269 4,108 3,249 3,194 3,931 2,886 1,679 676 531 35 45 122 132 3,862 4,819 3,782 1,980 586 1,216 481 500 1,993 2,835 434 2,067 665 3,135 5,576 13,337 5,380 9,753 4,995 2,713 4,758 1,579 3,584 1,021 1,899 835 1,685 1,383 3,997 1,821 335 196 5,806 4,846 2,958,379 3,407 562,905 4,166 2,395,474 4,479 1,876,609 3,851 944,993 4,237 597,242 4,153 1,430,964 3,685 738,862 2,429 440,608 3,132 298,254 NORTH CAROLINA 201 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 only ■ sample of firms. See text] The State — Contir tied Are as 1 and A Size of farm — Con. Total all forms Size of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 '.(Itl-W: 1,000 acres acres acres and over acres acres acres acres acres acrea acres acres acrea acres acres and over 6,345 1,934 590 37,759 6,200 10,700 7,155 4,685 3,476 2,300 1,200 725 345 750 176 47 1 423 154 67 676 10 e> 50 80 85 135 75 55 30 65 15 11 2 1,618 684 298 157 a 10 35 15 5 20 5 40 15 7 3 1,709 782 419 167 5 If) 35 15 5 25 5 40 20 7 4 337 151 108 46 5 5 10 10 15 1 5 338 664 157 343 125 46 s 5 10 10 15 1 6 160 108 5 5 25 20 5 5 35 8 7 684 346 174 113 5 30 20 5 5 35 8 e 527 272 124 1,257 35 105 120 105 185 175 150 85 55 165 56 21 9 3,269 1,155 446 8,484 905 2,005 1,400 1,065 895 880 435 295 130 350 89 35 10 4,022 1,706 983 9,013 945 2,090 1,445 1,085 925 945 480 325 155 420 122 76 11 3,177 1,120 415 8,386 900 1,975 1,385 1,065 895 850 430 295 130 340 89 32 12 2,069 775 351 4,408 375 975 695 605 450 475 280 180 85 215 44 29 13 481 141 32 1,101 135 160 165 160 165 155 50 30 20 35 25 1 14 627 204 32 2,877 390 840 525 300 280 220 100 85 25 90 20 2 15 3,999 1,365 472 2,232 115 325 345 275 216 275 210 90 70 205 79 27 16 6,041 2,514 1,605 2,607 120 385 375 280 221 310 255 95 75 280 120 91 17 3,969 1,350 470 2,017 65 265 315 250 191 265 200 90 70 205 74 27 ie 3,904 1,325 467 1,892 60 240 305 235 186 255 185 75 60 195 69 27 19 5,730 2,314 1,489 2,134 60 290 310 235 191 275 220 80 65 240 94 74 20 3,428 1,128 373 1,688 55 195 270 220 170 235 165 65 55 175 63 20 21 2,034 744 265 1,098 15 110 165 165 120 175 130 45 25 90 43 15' 22 750 182 60 243 20 30 35 10 30 25 10 10 20 45 5 3 23 644 202 48 347 20 55 70 45 20 35 25 10 10 40 15 2 24 96 48 19 289 55 65 50 30 25 15 20 10 16 3 25 101 58 21 299 55 70 55 30 25 15 20 10 16 3 26 170 122 69 164 5 25 10 15 5 20 15 15 10 30 5 9 27 210 142 95 174 5 25 10 15 5 20 15 15 10 30 10 14 28 4,196 1,302 426 10,262 1,855 2,810 1,835 1,065 936 665 375 220 115 265 94 27 29 5,564 2,212 1,282 11,299 1,980 2,980 2,015 1,150 1,041 720 450 260 135 345 166 57 30 4,068 1,213 343 10,076 1,815 2,760 1,810 1,050 920 645 375 220 110 255 93 23 31 2,619 832 297 3,292 515 745 520 420 280 255 205 85 55 130 62 20 32 515 165 20 1,522 290 430 260 135 150 100 60 35 30 25 6 1 33 934 216 26 5,262 1,010 1,585 1,030 495 490 290 110 100 25 100 25 2 34 583 267 37 16,151 4,785 5,945 2,535 1,255 730 400 210 105 60 95 26 5 35 365 81 13 11,621 1,105 3,395 2,910 1,850 1,205 645 230 120 50 95 15 1 36 1,398 221 68 7,755 195 1,035 1,365 1,305 1,325 980 550 410 165 355 56 14 37 3,412 1,162 388 1,339 25 115 165 160 120 195 180 80 55 155 64 25 38 587 203 84 893 90 210 180 115 96 80 30 10 15 50 15 2 39 2,227 789 283 9,632 1,930 2,860 1,555 1,005 810 555 285 250 105 175 82 20 40 770 188 44 16,692 2,560 4,780 3,285 2,155 1,545 985 585 270 130 340 43 14 41 3,027 739 158 10,055 1,425 2,685 2,035 1,380 995 695 270 185 105 230 46 4 42 5,572 1,627 479 29,648 4,135 8,225 5,700 3,805 2,925 2,020 1,030 675 280 665 150 38 43 15,863 6,761 4,413 48,115 5,765 12,030 8,870 6,100 5,180 3,885 2,090 1,215 630 1,570 452 328 44 5,304 1,497 405 29,248 4,100 8,140 5,660 3,775 2,875 1,990 1,000 665 265 620 125 33 45 9,416 2,537 603 43,554 5,400 11,495 8,305 5,685 4,705 3,395 1,745 1,025 455 1,130 160 54 46 4,958 ' 1,415 382 26,637 3,690 7,435 5,100 3,470 2,605 1,845 905 610 265 575 108 29 47 2,557 579 120 12,343 1,435 3,150 2,355 1,580 1,435 990 545 285 140 365 47 16 48 4,458 1,122 221 16,917 1,710 4,060 3,205 2,215 2,100 1,550 840 415 190 555 52 25 49 2,363 951 389 2,755 260 405 425 305 320 295 185 140 105 205 78 32 SO 6,447 4,224 3,810 4,561 365 535 565 415 475 490 345 190 175 440 292 274 51 1,710 793 349 1,074 60 80 115 120 110 130 85 55 80 140 73 26 52 4,099 2,796 2,815 2,031 140 115 125 140 145 205 170 70 125 290 262 244 53 1 1,075 375 166 1,847 200 345 315 210 235 190 110 100 35 80 15 12 54 2,348 1,428 995 2,530 225 420 440 275 330 285 175 120 50 150 30 30 55 1,288 576 223 908 60 60 110 95 85 105 75 40 70 125 63 20 56 57 58 59 2,095 821 315 2,355 225 320 385 275 270 265 155 130 90 160 53 27 3,209 676 90 26,893 3,875 7,820 5,275 3,500 2,605 1,725 845 535 175 460 72 6 60 1,506 366 56 15,585 2,555 4,780 3,105 2,015 1,290 835 380 290 100 180 52 3 61 241 268 56 130 6 74 2,361 400 390 35 685 85 480 40 285 30 230 50 125 30 85 30 45 10 25 45 10 25 1 5 s; 15 63 5,826 1,730 533 32,433 5,010 9,085 6,115 4,095 3,076 2,090 1,100 680 315 675 151 41 64 5,043 1,590 507 16,757 2,025 4,470 3,045 2,210 1,676 1,240 780 455 240 460 120 36 65 6,366,834 3,868,617 3,756,687 3,420,149 164,340 361,260 299,480 270,830 282,040 273,805 322,420 152,045 90,705 372,335 410,055 420,834 66 3,314 957 253 8,137 1,200 2,365 1,515 955 720 505 375 155 85 200 46 16 6? 800,793 445,543 206,529 424, 143 38,675 93,115 72,960 44,815 36,075 28, 245 35,235 17,060 6,460 33,030 14,280 4,193 68 4,451 1,484 486 12,967 1,180 3,195 2,390 1,800 1,426 1,065 700 430 210 420 115 36 69 5,566,041 3,423,074 3,550,158 2,996,006 125,665 268,145 226,520 226,015 245,965 245,560 287,185 134,985 84,245 339,305 395,775 416,641 '0 4,595 1,321 380 27,068 4,285 7,510 5,085 3,395 2,565 1,750 925 540 255 610 115 33 71 3,348,580 1,491,621 1,113,816 5,187,992 549,960 971,980 743,520 548,040 451, 490 503,055 311,810 177,800 92, 505 383,350 268,825 185,657 7J 3,770 1,122 325 14,896 2,215 3,990 2,655 1,800 1,415 1,090 640 420 165 395 83 28 73 1,743,855 946,754 644,159 3,018,331 190,730 387, 545 418, 680 387,030 348,580 285,835 256,395 129,835 126,660 275,040 107,560 104,441 74 4,495 1,395 456 21,414 2,835 5,630 4,220 2,785 2,271 1,515 770 500 220 510 125 33 75 1,009,906 528,522 530,967 993,883 74, 850 163,395 147, 120 110,835 121,675 101,385 68,815 44,475 18,420 77,800 36,225 28,888 7ft 4,553 1,454 505 5,895 400 1,080 1,120 690 680 680 380 280 135 320 96 34 77 2,497,616 1,208,865 892,964 753,779 27,610 75,065 123,660 59,025 63,225 73, 810 67,615 42,595 21,390 89,840 65,375 44,569 78 4,386 1,379 495 5,668 180 905. 985 835 825 700 410 225 110 375 85 33 79 1,468,436 798,782 676,098 332,283 5,755 2,964 30,950 31,935 27,315 32,980 25,150 27,135 8,620 49,630 32,635 30,538 80 3,249 1,161 449 1,215 35 165 190 135 110 120 120 70 45 150 52 23 81 837,301 446,652 387,967 128,691 3,015 10,155 10,960 10,480 6,590 12,540 6,820 14,725 3,275 25,795 12,905 11,431 82 3,638 1,115 424 5,081 150 795 875 760 785 625 365 190 110 320 75 31 83 631, 135 352,130 288,131 203, 592 2,740 19,485 19,990 21,455 20,725 20,440 18,330 12,410 5,345 23,835 19,730 19,107 84 202 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [.Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations. Area Z Total Size if farm Under 10 10-29 10-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 160-219 220-259 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres number 13,098 1,885 3,330 2,380 1,720 1,460 1,005 530 225 180 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS 1 . farms reporting. . 108 30 10 5 25 10 10 a . farms reporting. . 289 5 5 20 30 45 70 35 20 25 4 number, . 291 5 5 20 30 45 70 35 20 25 5 . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . 60 60 137 5 5 5 15 5 5 5 5 5 15 10 10 40 10 10 20 10 10 5 6 - 10 f number. . 138 5 15 5 15 40 20 10 5 9 n . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . 5 100 3,232 260 640 530 445 440 325 185 85 n number. . 3,504 295 675 580 445 450 355 215 115 120 12 . farms reporting. . 3,127 260 635 520 430 415 300 185 85 85 13 . farms reporting. . 1,384 105 230 200 200 205 130 90 35 50 1 1 . farms reporting. . 491 40 85 80 65 60 65 30 20 20 IS . farms reporting. . 1,252 115 320 240 165 150 105 65 30 15 16 . farms reporting. . 2,157 85 250 320 285 345 330 155 105 65 17 number. . 2,307 85 255 325 300 350 365 160 110 75 18 Wheel and/or crawler tractors other 55 170 280 280 335 330 155 100 65 19 . farms reporting. . 1,922 55 160 280 270 330 320 150 95 65 20 number. . 2,018 55 160 285 280 335 330 155 100 70 21 . farms reporting. . 1,656 45 140 235 240 305 265 125 90 50 22 ■ farms reporting. . 1,037 30 90 145 175 185 175 50 40 35 23 . farms reporting. . 262 5 10 25 30 60 35 50 25 5 M ■ farms reporting. . 357 10 40 65 35 60 55 25 25 10 r, 26 27 . farms reporting. , number. . . farms reporting. . 191 30 85 40 10 10 10 5 98 10 10 5 25 5 5 5 ?9 . farms reporting. . 5,460 720 1,410 995 675 625 400 240 75 90 10 number. . 6,073 765 1,520 1,135 765 690 460 255 95 100 11 . farms reporting. . 5,365 705 1,410 975 655 615 390 235 75 85 . farms reporting. . .farms reporting. . 1,557 922 205 110 375 270 255 125 195 95 180 90 135 75 60 45 15 30 30 30 11 34 Farms by class of work Dower: . farms reporting. . 2,886 390 765 595 365 345 180 130 30 25 35 .farms reporting.. 5,442 1,405 1,835 865 515 395 210 105 25 25 If, . farms reporting. . 3,856 365 1,055 865 640 400 255 155 45 30 37 No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting. . 1,643 30 190 330 280 320 210 115 50 60 38 . farms reporting. . 1,326 20 95 170 165 230 240 100 80 45 39 . farms reporting. . 831 65 155 150 120 115 90 55 25 20 FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED in 2,772 520 780 485 310 260 190 110 35 35 41 . farms reporting. . 2,848 440 735 535 325 335 210 105 25 45 42 . farms reporting. . 6,770 810 1,585 1,250 1,020 800 570 300 140 90 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 43 . farms reporting, . 9,999 1,270 2,330 1,835 1,380 1,275 830 420 185 160 It persons. . 15,551 1,665 3,330 2,740 2,100 2,120 1,345 785 310 365 45 . farms reporting. . 9,918 1,265 2,305 1,835 1,375 1,265 820 415 175 160 46 persons. . 14,504 1,615 3,210 2,625 2,020 1,945 1,250 760 280 330 47 9,007 1,185 2,065 1,670 1,280 1,120 755 365 140 135 48 I'npaid members of operator's family 3,926 340 870 755 560 545 355 185 100 125 49 persons. . 5,497 430 1,145 955 740 825 495 395 140 195 . farms reporting. . persons. . 706 1,047 45 50 95 120 90 115 65 80 135 175 85 95 25 25 20 30 25 35 51 52 Regular workers (to be employed 210 10 20 15 25 30 35 10 5 15 53 persons. . 331 10 20 20 30 35 40 10 5 25 54 Seasonal workers (to be employed . farms reporting. . 529 35 75 75 40 105 55 15 15 10 55 persons. . 716 40 100 95 50 140 55 15 25 10 56 Regular hired workers and no seasonal . farms reporting, . 177 10 20 15 25 30 30 10 5 15 57 No report as to period of expected . farms reporting. . 58 Farms by kind of workers: persons. . 59 Both family workers and hired workers.. ■■ . farms reporting. . 625 40 70 90 60 125 75 20 10 25 60 . farms reporting. . 9,293 1,225 2,235 1,745 1,315 1,140 745 395 165 135 61 5,592 895 1,365 1,015 785 640 430 225 70 X 67 Unpaid members of operator' s family only. . farms reporting. . 886 75 240 165 95 135 55 50 35 25 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1919 81 5 25 5 10 10 5 10 . farms reporting., .farms reporting.. 11,280 6,872 1,505 720 2,740 1,540 2,105 1,305 1,515 970 1,375 915 900 635 460 285 185 130 155 90 65 66 dollars. . 922,142 32,205 80,000 128,770 80,025 98,300 109,280 55,505 14,310 30,475 67 5,384 322,475 490 15,230 1,235 50,425 1,040 52,485 830 50,540 745 46,600 68 dollars. . 39,660 22,380 6,570 3,450 3,517 599,667 350 16,975 670 29,575 655 76,285 475 29,455 475 52,200 375 69,620 180 33,125 70 7,740 70 dol I ars. . 27,025 71 72 9,188 4,337,068 1,285 508,390 2,335 865,885 1,715 630,280 1,215 638,805 1,075 53,820 680 470,535 380 204,205 130 70,150 dol lars. . 86,420 73 . farms reporting. . 5,644 760 1,350 1,045 700 685 460 265 110 75 74 dollars.. 1,135,224 134,260 207,770 158,615 143,490 168,540 113,750 63,435 24,930 21,360 75 Seeds , bu lbs , plants, and trees purchased . farms report i ng. . 6,846 735 1,600 1,290 975 860 560 325 135 100 76 dollars.. 279,610 16,325 39,665 36,250 34,235 39,640 31,275 13,515 8,445 3,965 77 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and Oil . forms reporti ng. . 3,355 175 545 565 510 550 420 185 90 90 78 dol lars. . 391,840 11,540 35,580 47,600 41,900 67,625 51,525 29,220 16,805 16,875 2,334 171,087 85 3,540 250 10,010 405 19,270 370 12,555 55 80 dollars.. 28,555 31,695 13,475 7,760 8,905 1,098 85,438 40 1,885 85 4,355 185 9,930 115 6,615 195 10,655 185 17,800 45 82 dollars. . 5,795 4,330 6,620 1,807 85,649 50 1,655 190 5,655 305 9,340 310 5,940 355 17,900 235 13,895 40 84 dol lars. . 7,680 3,430 2,285 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 NORTH CAROLINA Continued 203 only a aamp le of farina See textj Area 2 — Continued Areas 3, B, aw C Sice of farm — Con. Total all Siie of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 2f,0-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and over acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres and over 306 64 13 42,147 5,102 10,466 6,146 5,677 5,384 4,334 2,235 1,072 657 861 182 31 1 10 1 2 676 15 45 60 80 75 101 100 45 40 66 39 10 2 5 23 6 1,833 65 115 135 150 243 326 245 155 130 191 62 16 3 5 23 8 1,883 65 120 135 150 248 331 255 155 130 201 73 20 4 11 11 5 4 4 2 265 265 768 10 10 50 15 15 65 10 10 75 10 10 50 30 30 57 41 41 115 60 60 65 10 10 80 30 30 50 30 30 92 11 11 53 8 8 16 5 S 15 7 15 5 3 774 50 65 75 50 57 115 65 80 50 97 54 16 8 25 161 5 8 495 9,227 15 616 20 1,430 20 1,226 70 1,291 40 1,353 50 1,239 70 755 35 462 45 251 65 462 50 114 15 28 9 53 10 174 63 17 10,120 661 1,505 1,276 1,456 1,393 1,325 805 523 289 584 226 77 11 156 48 8 8,914 576 1,375 1,196 1,246 1,323 1,199 735 446 241 441 109 27 12 111 22 6 4,474 255 705 521 595 668 597 385 256 136 259 76 21 13 15 10 1 1,055 65 115 170 180 115 157 75 55 30 75 15 3 14 30 16 1 3,385 256 555 505 471 540 445 275 135 75 107 18 3 15 155 54 8 10,423 485 1,425 1,216 1,451 1,578 1,592 1,005 571 406 537 130 27 16 180 76 26 11,592 515 1,580 1,281 1,506 1,658 1,702 1,125 702 456 743 241 83 17 155 54 8 10,018 385 1,295 1,161 1,431 1,543 1,552 990 571 401 532 130 27 ia 140 49 8 9,728 375 1,250 1,131 1,386 1,453 1,517 980 561 386 532 130 27 19 165 61 22 10,568 390 1,355 1,166 1,401 1,513 1,612 1,065 641 435 707 215 68 20 120 34 7 8,958 320 1,100 1,031 1,291 1,338 1,437 935 535 371 460 116 24 21 85 22 5 5,515 195 655 621 850 881 852 565 325 231 237 86 17 22 15 1 1 1,512 50 155 135 176 231 275 190 115 65 97 20 3 23 20 11 1 1,931 75 290 275 265 226 310 180 95 75 126 10 4 24 1 541 110 155 65 45 45 50 30 5 5 21 6 4 25 1 566 115 160 70 45 45 50 35 10 5 21 6 4 26 15 15 1 409 10 55 40 60 95 40 20 41 16 10 12 10 27 15 15 3 458 10 65 45 60 100 40 25 51 16 15 20 11 28 175 48 7 24,175 2,490 5,216 3,386 3,466 3,313 2,853 1,455 772 471 577 155 21 ■„, 215 59 14 28,591 2,915 5,911 3,793 3,892 3,815 3,582 1,805 1,046 631 791 317 93 30 165 48 7 23,820 2,461 5,165 3,326 3,421 3,268 2,828 1,425 750 466 547 142 21 31 75 27 5 8,344 826 1,550 1,071 1,056 1,193 1,062 585 380 211 301 90 19 32 35 55 56 15 6 5 2 3,972 11, 504 11,563 405 1,230 3,407 870 2,745 4,661 565 1,690 1,365 580 1,785 775 480 1,595 695 516 1,250 357 220 150 100 70 16 33 34 620 150 220 76 155 51 176 7 36 17 2 2 1 35 40 5 1 7,520 875 2,530 1,620 1,170 715 420 105 45 10 20 10 36 55 130 3 4 12,641 8,218 335 160 1,850 695 1,945 876 2,281 1,241 2,396 1,412 1,965 1,421 975 915 380 531 190 361 297 477 25 109 2 20 37 47 38 25 7 4 2,205 325 730 340 210 166 171 90 40 45 60 21 7 39 36 7 4 13,799 2,080 3,600 1,971 1,691 1,567 1,338 600 392 191 284 67 18 10 65 25 3 4,661 515 1,155 810 615 610 420 245 105 85 75 21 5 41 170 31 4 21,591 2,080 5,135 3,150 3,141 2,966 2,405 1,290 500 370 463 88 3 i' 251 54 9 35,300 3,700 8,370 5,166 4,982 4,619 3,878 2,050 977 586 782 165 25 13 596 137 58 60,009 5,070 12,445 8,314 8,253 8,094 7,338 4,070 2,194 1,277 2,053 666 235 14 246 48 9 34,961 3,665 8,330 5,141 4,957 4,543 3,857 2,000 956 581 757 152 22 IS 386 73 10 55,212 4,775 11,980 7,939 7,846 7,466 6,712 3,640 1,861 1,151 1,544 270 28 l' 236 48 8 32,999 3,500 7,875 4,811 4,707 4,278 3,601 1,915 896 541 712 141 22 47 75 15 1 13,960 915 2,680 2,001 2,056 2,047 1,936 965 525 335 433 64 3 48 150 25 2 22,213 1,275 4,105 3,128 3,139 3,188 3,111 1,725 965 610 832 129 6 19 86 28 7 2,800 110 290 300 301 463 442 290 201 86 215 80 22 50 210 64 48 4,797 295 465 375 407 628 626 430 333 126 509 396 207 51 36 2 7 1,726 70 125 145 156 278 276 170 155 66 189 75 21 52 88 2 46 2,904 195 180 175 202 323 328 215 255 96 408 331 196 53 76 27 1 1,229 60 180 165 145 205 191 130 56 20 52 20 5 54 122 62 2 1,893 100 285 200 205 305 298 215 78 30 101 65 11 55 10 1 6 1,571 50 110 135 156 258 251 160 145 66 163 60 17 56 57 81 22 7 2,461 75 250 275 276 387 421 240 180 81 190 67 19 58 59 165 26 2 32,500 3,590 8,080 4,866 4,681 4,156 3,436 1,760 776 500 567 85 3 SO 115 21 1 19,569 2,695 5,465 2,970 2,740 2,311 1,671 915 341 210 216 32 3 61 10 5 266 1 1,825 339 36,049 160 35 3,561 445 40 8,306 305 25 5,456 245 25 5,137 240 76 4,894 235 21 4,018 70 50 2,075 40 21 996 35 5 621 40 25 785 10 13 171 62 6 64 3 29 63 10 M 216 57 9 25,419 1,706 5,196 3,886 3,992 3,764 3,113 1,665 776 501 643 149 28 SS 181,510 36,375 74,887 6,287,168 361,230 689,550 561,070 614,190 734,750 779,207 483,630 345,646 236,225 691,646 472,353 317,671 ss 155 36 3 19,487 1,140 3,680 3,036 3,266 2,953 2,488 1,325 616 415 471 89 8 67 19,295 14,950 890 1,686,532 54,195 214,160 200,985 247,945 267,235 237,138 169,145 100,385 66,935 104,048 18,851 5,510 Afl 151 47 9 17,801 1,151 3,411 2,696 2,606 2,674 2,313 1,255 646 391 502 129 27 h0 162,215 21,425 73,997 4,600,636 307,035 475,390 360,085 366,245 467,515 542,069 314,485 245,261 169,290 587, 598 453,502 312,161 T| 216 49 8 27,551 2,730 6,250 4,246 3,947 3,711 3,053 1,575 786 466 623 143 21 71 170,280 88,985 49,313 6,615,897 665,490 975,920 643,415 782,680 821,365 732,765 510,615 319,100 248,350 505,980 259,792 150,425 72 160 27 7 22,281 2,105 4,755 3,306 3,246 3,158 2,562 1,440 680 396 511 106 16 73 77,120 11,160 10,794 2,702,982 177,940 364,880 265,020 329,640 339,052 350,687 230,920 148,940 110,211 258,875 66,893 59,924 74 216 43 7 24,824 1,946 5,101 3,761 3,801 3,572 3,028 1,550 755 501 642 144 23 75 45,925 7,025 3,345 1,501,695 127,060 189,460 152,235 164, 839 214,590 231,125 126,010 67,635 56,455 91,385 61,875 19,026 76 161 54 10 18,232 1,110 3,055 2,511 2,862 2,869 2,458 1,395 715 481 619 130 27 77 42,140 16,928 14,102 3,049,819 143,450 347,380 294,425 390,131 450,145 424,979 306, 595 178,280 131,920 225,061 112,753 44,700 7ft 140 44 10 15,885 600 2,136 2,311 2,511 2,703 2,427 1,395 596 451 604 125 26 79 16,635 12,315 6,372 1,505,705 47,145 127,635 121,640 136,674 216,966 218,781 194,720 94,437 77,445 173, 870 63,238 33,154 80 90 39 9 6,066 230 570 706 766 952 1,001 685 340 276 436 83 21 81 9,095 3,375 4,983 643,984 20,655 44,975 44,175 49,469 70,365 90,671 71,480 62,710 36,675 106,295 30,695 15,819 92 85 34 8 14,305 535 1,906 2,031 2,295 2,498 2,162 1,300 526 386 528 114 24 83 7,540 8,940 1,389 861,721 26,490 82,660 77,465 87,205 146,601 128,110 123,240 31,727 40,770 67,575 32,543 17,335 B4 204 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, ] CData are based on reports for J Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 10-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100- H9 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine. Grain combines. . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Silos Motortrucks Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors arms rms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden ' Wheel tractors other than garden. Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobi les Year of newest model Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules FAB MS BY KIND OF BOAD ON WHIC Bard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved FABM LABOB, WEEK PBECEDING EN Family and/or hired workers Family workers, including operator Operators working 1 or more hours... Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more Bired workers. Begular workers (to be employed 1 50 days or more ) Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days) Begular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers No report as to period of expected employment Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Fami ly workers only Operators only Unpaid members of operator ' s family only. Hi red worke rs on 1 y SPECIFIED FARM EXPFNDITUBES Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and, or hired labor. Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Fnrm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs arms arms reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number. reporting. . arms reporting. , number. . arms reporting. . rms reporting. . rms reporting. , rms reporting. . rms reporting. , number. . arms reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . arms reporting. . reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . rms reporting. rms reporting. rms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. H LOCATED arms reporting. rms reporting. rms reporting. MEBATION arms reporting. persons, arms reporting. persons. persons. arms reporting. persons, arms reporting. persons. arms reporting, persons. arms reporting, persons. rms reporting. arms reporting, persons. arms reporting. arms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting. s reporting. I N 19 49 report repor dol arms repor dol arms repor do arms repor dol s repor dol arms repor dol arms repor dol arms repor dol arms repor dol ting I ars ting 1 ars ting lars ting I ars ting lars ting lars ting lars ting lars ting lars ting lars 12,73' 488 1,107 1,118 147 147 349 354 230 3,184 3,515 3,062 1,634 385 1,043 4,238 4,853 4,018 3,958 4,469 3,458 1,869 732 857 266 266 104 113 7,321 8,333 7,082 2,555 1,142 3,385 3,362 2,495 2,636 3,202 1,036 3,064 1,166 7,792 10,103 17,240 10,024 15,781 9,451 4,296 6,330 778 1,459 465 887 405 572 699 9,325 5,358 550 79 10,757 7,055 2,028,274 5,678 546,842 4,129 1,481,432 8,032 4,344,069 5,966 1,535,733 5,484 352,245 5,065 941,013 4,108 528,734 2,547 299,0t,8 3,139 229,666 145 150 130 55 10 65 90 100 80 65 75 50 35 15 10 10 15 15 495 545 480 155 90 235 660 220 45 25 65 290 105 525 650 865 645 845 605 205 240 20 20 10 10 10 10 15 630 430 40 5 740 330 31,265 265 7,570 170 23,695 620 268,780 420 59,235 295 4,380 140 7,545 60 2,145 20 905 45 1,240 2,505 375 400 355 155 45 155 400 420 330 330 350 260 145 25 90 70 70 1,380 1,530 1,330 410 210 710 1,150 720 235 175 225 700 205 1,405 1,740 2,590 1,730 2,555 1,645 590 910 25 35 15 1,715 1,135 85 10 1,970 1,070 99,000 825 40,115 525 58,885 1,550 429,555 1,075 100,715 865 43,505 585 48,400 440 26,870 195 13,640 330 13,230 30 160 160 10 350 385 335 175 35 125 430 440 410 405 405 360 175 75 110 25 25 10 10 1,045 1,180 1,025 265 170 590 525 470 470 320 110 445 135 1,190 1,540 2,470 1,530 2,415 1,445 680 970 45 15 15 5 360 375 350 185 20 145 435 450 415 405 415 345 180 70 95 25 25 10 10 905 1,025 845 340 125 380 355 425 405 315 120 385 135 1,020 1,320 2,010 1,310 1,935 1,260 480 675 55 75 485 535 465 245 90 130 685 710 650 640 665 535 295 95 145 35 35 10 10 1,030 1,155 995 365 160 470 250 325 540 540 145 425 200 ,110 1,520 2,370 1,515 2,250 1,410 610 840 95 120 95 220 220 40 40 80 85 55 535 565 530 300 55 175 850 960 830 825 910 750 425 170 155 25 25 15 25 970 1,105 950 335 165 400 165 205 460 710 140 330 170 ,120 1,405 2,680 1,390 2,470 1,305 720 1,165 120 210 85 135 70 115 115 25 25 35 35 30 260 265 250 150 25 75 395 465 375 360 415 320 130 125 65 35 35 15 15 510 580 500 195 55 250 100 60 245 315 150 60 565 660 1,260 655 1,150 625 360 525 90 110 35 1,495 835 85 10 1,580 995 112,720 805 53,655 485 59,065 1,120 477,300 785 147,115 675 22,040 630 60,990 415 17,670 195 8,185 300 9,485 45 1,265 800 50 10 1,380 985 133,050 820 61,060 470 71,990 1,020 439,835 715 170,390 745 25,915 555 71,115 480 42,800 255 2ft, 345 365 16,455 90 1,425 850 100 5 1,590 1,045 169,610 865 74,925 685 94,685 1,190 512,710 925 172,265 910 36,970 845 118,520 685 55,010 375 30,780 525 24,230 105 1,285 625 75 15 1,480 1,110 283,175 950 111,885 660 171,290 1,040 646,140 870 242,090 845 44,395 880 160,205 720 89,620 475 49,530 565 40,090 85 570 250 30 5 720 525 188,275 400 49,850 350 138,425 525 539,280 420 138,135 380 25,825 445 94,755 385 55,655 295 31,285 300 24,370 70 80 80 20 20 30 30 30 221 241 216 111 25 80 320 360 315 315 350 305 165 75 65 10 10 356 436 336 126 55 155 60 10 146 275 45 116 60 355 486 1,011 481 821 431 280 390 81 190 61 125 76 405 165 50 5 506 371 262,495 315 43,750 266 218,745 385 331,200 295 154,050 271 66,475 336 84,845 326 39,270 231 23,245 260 16,025 NORTH CAROLINA 205 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued only a sample of farms See text_ Ares 4a — Continued Area 4b Sise of farm — Con. Total all farms Size of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and over acres ocrea acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres arid over 476 111 32 14,957 1,730 3,301 2,355 1,920 1,985 1,735 765 480 180 371 115 20 1 86 20 7 448 5 20 25 25 50 63 60 55 25 80 32 6 2 165 62 20 2,050 20 60 105 135 355 460 260 210 90 250 89 16 3 170 67 21 2,106 20 60 105 135 360 460 270 215 95 255 105 26 4 30 10 7 180 10 30 30 20 15 10 25 36 4 5 30 1C 7 192 10 30 30 20 20 10 25 41 6 6 71 71 61 16 16 15 12 12 9 535 540 388 5 5 5 45 45 5 5 5 15 80 80 30 90 90 60 45 45 30 80 80 50 20 20 30 105 110 90 48 48 58 12 12 10 7 8 5 9 225 62 25 3,019 100 341 315 330 485 525 290 195 95 230 99 14 10 265 110 64 3,363 105 356 335 350 535 580 300 215 110 285 156 36 11 210 61 24 2,921 100 340 305 310 480 490 270 190 95 230 99 12 12 110 41 16 1,307 40 100 120 125 240 225 130 100 45 120 54 8 13 30 20 5 448 15 50 45 55 70 60 55 20 5 65 5 3 14 70 3*1 3 27 1,166 5,422 45 165 190 470 140 705 130 630 170 990 205 980 85 515 70 370 45 150 45 330 40 100 1 17 15 79 16 487 131 96 6,540 165 510 770 655 1,060 1,135 675 460 205 595 251 59 17 321 79 27 5,277 90 430 700 625 980 970 515 370 150 330 100 17 18 321 79 27 5,222 85 425 680 625 970 965 510 370 150 325 100 17 19 447 125 88 6,193 85 455 735 635 1,040 1,095 665 450 200 545 234 54 20 281 57 24 4,560 65 320 610 575 870 835 440 325 145 290 72 13 21 175 45 18 2,389 45 170 315 325 480 385 225 160 75 170 32 7 22 40 66 2 4 1,093 1,078 10 10 35 115 140 155 135 115 215 175 210 240 95 120 100 65 40 30 75 45 35 5 3 3 23 12 24 25 25 15 1 1 5 181 181 146 75 75 5 50 50 5 5 5 30 15 15 5 10 10 10 15 15 25 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 30 1 1 4 25 26 4 12 27 15 5 8 166 5 5 30 5 10 25 5 10 5 45 17 4 28 351 78 25 9,461 915 1,871 1,530 1,230 1,310 1,140 590 350 120 290 95 20 29 416 80 85 11,189 965 2,091 1,715 1,420 1,525 1,385 725 450 175 445 216 77 30 346 77 22 9,235 900 1,855 1,505 1,200 1,285 1,085 565 340 110 280 94 16 31 180 31 17 2,972 270 555 435 375 360 320 210 170 45 175 44 13 32 65 11 1 1,331 160 220 220 180 220 130 80 45 15 20 40 1 33 101 35 4 4,932 470 1,080 850 645 705 635 275 125 50 85 10 2 34 60 25 2 4,703 1,200 1,846 695 365 290 185 45 25 20 21 10 1 35 30 45 5 2 2,245 2,587 310 55 700 285 520 435 340 585 170 535 150 420 40 165 5 80 5 5 5 36 3 20 2 37 286 79 21 3,803 50 180 390 475 735 750 430 300 115 285 79 14 38 55 96 6 15 1,619 4,141 115 550 290 925 315 725 155 395 255 500 230 455 85 220 70 115 35 70 45 130 21 47 3 9 39 31 10 70 8 3 821 65 145 100 125 125 110 60 30 15 30 15 1 41 275 66 11 9,093 920 1,990 1,435 1,290 1,270 1,100 450 300 85 201 46 6 42 416 83 27 11,740 1,005 2,386 1,815 1,590 1,725 1,505 675 425 140 345 113 16 43 1,002 240 211 20,326 1,415 3,588 2,715 2,470 2,895 2,835 1,500 870 305 1,090 523 120 44 411 83 23 11,633 995 2,371 1,800 1,580 1,720 1,485 675 400 140 345 108 14 IS 726 184 34 18,239 1,370 3,502 2,625 2,310 2,750 2,595 1,265 655 230 635 279 23 46 386 78 20 10,843 910 2,246 1,670 1,445 1,595 1,385 635 385 130 325 103 14 47 205 51 5 4,815 320 911 655 590 785 730 350 155 65 190 61 3 48 340 106 14 7,396 460 1,256 955 865 1,155 1,210 630 270 100 310 176 9 49 141 28 22 1,163 35 61 75 130 95 190 150 125 45 175 68 14 SO 276 56 177 2,087 45 86 90 160 145 240 235 215 75 455 244 97 51 86 17 20 646 5 21 20 35 40 110 80 90 35 135 62 13 55 196 19 127 1,200 10 31 25 40 45 120 100 140 40 360 206 83 53 60 17 12 600 30 40 55 95 60 90 90 40 20 65 11 4 54 80 37 50 887 35 55 65 120 100 120 135 75 35 95 38 14 55 81 11 10 563 5 21 20 35 35 100 60 85 25 110 57 10 56 57 58 59 136 28 18 1,056 25 46 60 120 90 170 150 100 45 175 63 12 275 55 5 10,577 970 2,325 1,740 1,460 1,630 1,315 525 300 95 170 45 2 60 135 20 3 6,170 660 1,425 1,095 910 895 645 240 175 45 60 20 61 20 5 416 5 735 107 12,689 75 10 1,185 125 15 2,591 125 15 1,985 120 10 1,690 120 5 1,815 100 20 1,600 30 15 25 435 10 10 5 5 115 63 63 M 4 29 2 18 90 735 155 365 321 80 27 9,288 550 1,681 1,445 1,32(J 1,375 1,335 595 365 150 345 109 18 65 315,485 45,530 243,034 2,530,294 43,285 122,901 160,055 175,010 227,455 318,265 231,075 196, 140 82,610 559,460 325,841 88,197 66 216 54 13 8,076 475 1,461 1,310 1,235 1,180 1,135 515 300 120 255 82 8 67 51,772 12,028 8,782 911,393 15,595 66,634 99,500 105,060 127,590 153,340 95,790 74, 505 23,470 84,575 55,965 9,369 68 271 70 26 4,391 170 546 535 560 660 755 365 275 125 295 89 16 69 263,713 33,502 234,252 1,618,901 27,690 56,267 60,555 69,950 99,865 164,925 135,285 121,635 59,140 474,885 269,876 78,828 ^0 311 66 20 8,946 925 1,921 1,400 1,150 1,275 1,075 435 300 105 245 99 16 71 323,819 65,380 143,910 2,515,508 307,095 351,825 265,095 259,345 367,770 259,240 160,565 103,930 26,640 251,920 123,060 39,023 72 261 52 18 7,259 570 1,406 1,130 990 1,105 920 400 285 100 255 84 14 73 172,445 44,317 78,986 1,091,019 73,625 90,793 88,640 73,915 115,335 153,115 123,170 62,600 13,990 176,730 63,320 55,786 74 246 75 21 6,824 580 1,221 1,015 905 1,025 875 435 290 85 280 99 14 75 44,210 10, 124 12,861 383,030 9,765 24,494 41,500 54,320 51,255 50,495 31,880 26,880 5,910 50,745 25,245 10,541 76 346 75 27 5,988 200 591 710 800 1,085 1,125 525 365 150 315 105 17 77 151,261 23,544 40,273 1,342,928 16,525 39,147 74,500 109,620 189,565 260,270 137,515 122,630 52,150 185,765 120,013 35,228 78 311 70 25 5,264 140 371 660 700 970 1,035 505 320 125 320 100 18 79 114,339 28,012 28,773 737,351 8,975 12,965 ;6,465 44,335 109,420 135,715 76,670 59,020 26,930 123,440 79,310 24,106 BO 256 69 25 3,458 60 140 365 340 605 735 410 295 115 285 90 18 81 65,030 13,637 17,076 424,875 3,995 6,615 18,085 25,395 53,520 84,990 47,380 35,395 14,770 75,930 45,315 13,485 82 231 53 20 4,075 100 286 465 525 785 780 375 275 100 290 79 15 63 49,309 14,375 11,697 312,476 4,980 6,350 18,380 18,940 55,900 50,725 29,290 23,625 12,160 47,510 33,995 10,621 84 9913 54 O - 52 - 15 206 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Tabic 5 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on "eports for Item (For definitions and explanations, Areas 5 and D Total Size of farm see text) all Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 1 36,466 2,276 7,535 5,285 3,555 3,020 3,331 890 537 356 SPECIFIED EOF IPMENT ON FARMS 2 562 5 50 40 40 95 95 40 75 50 3 2,061 10 130 205 225 300 400 230 121 116 4 number. . 2,104 10 130 205 225 300 410 230 136 116 5 144 146 662 10 20 5 35 30 10 5 5 6 number. . 10 70 20 45 5 80 35 105 30 65 10 45 7 35 8 number. . 663 70 '35 45 80 105 65 45 66 9 441 5 35 25 35 40 65 25 51 45 1(1 5,084 5,597 196 215 785 830 840 675 685 69 5 746 340 181 329 196 238 11 number. . 875 710 821 400 12 4,860 186 735 805 659 640 706 340 181 191 11 2,529 71 345 400 325 320 376 175 136 126 14 804 40 145 150 125 100 90 50 15 30 15 1,527 75 345 255 200 220 240 115 40 35 is 6,756 156 675 1,070 1,005 1,060 1,110 445 281 236 17 number. . 8,064 170 1,025 1,130 1,050 1,150 1,320 530 395 311 18 Wheel and/or crawler tractors other -.farms reporting.. 6,451 76 765 1,020 990 1,035 1, 105 445 376 376 216 211 19 6,320 71 735 995 965 1,015 1,090 445 20 number. . 7,442 84 840 1,050 1,000 1,080 1,300 560 374 395 21 5,610 66 580 885 905 905 950 425 256 190 22 3,299 46 390 615 460 575 535 245 131 85 23 1,214 20 100 125 225 195 330 95 65 60 24 1,097 90 145 220 135 185 85 70 45 25 375 80 130 55 25 35 5 15 5 10 26 number. . 395 80 130 55 25 40 5 15 5 10 27 207 6 45 25 25 30 15 5 16 6 28 number. . 227 6 55 25 25 30 15 5 16 6 29 13, 770 1,106 3,245 2,660 2,000 1,865 1,355 520 317 256 30 number. . 15,875 1,197 3,650 2,945 2,345 2,140 1,525 620 373 316 31 13, 207 1,096 3,020 3,550 1,955 1,795 1,290 515 317 246 32 4,173 391 760 660 590 530 435 275 116 120 33 34 2,112 6,922 175 530 520 1,740 385 1,505 300 1,065 315 950 215 640 ' 80 160 45 156 35 91 Farms by class of work cower: 35 8,695 1,685 4,045 1,460 620 465 216 125 20 10 36 4,976 370 1,830 1,285 600 445 380 60 50 30 37 No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mule s. . farms reporting. . 6,039 65 785 1,470 1,330 1,050 725 360 186 90 38 4,323 25 305 555 655 780 820 335 201 185 39 2,433 131 570 515 350 280 390 110 80 41 FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED fi 7,563 S85 2,180 1,310 935 840 611 250 196 106 41 3, 173 270 820 540 435 395 440 80 40 65 42 14, 194 941 4,090 3,140 2,055 1,585 1,170 500 251 180 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENl'MERATI ON 43 20,369 1,346 5,580 4,135 2,915 2,490 1,896 705 421 381 M persons. . 36,379 1,810 8,590 6,875 5,280 4,745 3,870 1,535 1,061 669 IS 20,014 1,315 5,500 4,060 2,890 2,450 1,876 675 406 371 46 persons. . 32,474 1,725 8,200 6,490 4,965 4,385 3,417 1,175 816 501 47 Operators working 1 or more hours.... 18,490 1,150 5,130 3,710 2,660 2,300 1,786 60O 376 251 48 Unpaid members of operator's family 8,825 13,984 465 575 2,120 3,070 1,760 2,780 1, 375 2,305 1,170 1,985 1,006 1,631 335 575 230 440 135 350 49 persons. . SO SI 2,201 3,905 71 85 300 390 310 385 210 315 330 460 391 453 180 360 141 245 91 168 persons, . 52 Regular workers (to be employed 1, 118 31 115 90 70 165 141 120 91 56 53 persons. . 1,856 40 125 110 105 205 180 180 147 98 54 Seasonal workers (to be employed 1,324 45 195 225 150 200 171 90 76 45 55 persons. . 2,049 45 265 275 210 255 273 180 ge- 70 56 Regular hired workers and no seasonal 877 26 105 85 60 130 130 90 es 46 57 No report as to period of expected 58 Farms by kind of workers: 59 Both family workers and hired workers... 1,846 40 220 235 185 390 271 150 126 81 60 61 18, 168 10,044 1,275 820 5,280 3,220 3,835 2,140 2,705 1,415 3,160 1,105 1,605 715 525 350 280 100 190 105 62 Unpaid members of operator's family onl y. . farms reporting. . 1,431 165 370 335 320 135 75 55 30 15 63 ...farms reporting.. 355 31 80 75 25 40 20 30 15 10 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1919 64 21,039 1,546 5,300 4,290 3,040 2,590 2,056 740 487 346 65 16,036 781 3,830 3,310 2,400 2,190 1,701 575 407 286 : 66 doll ars. . 4,019,819 63, 785 433,485 504,465 431,770 523, 890 485,710 308,185 198, 135 235,455 67 13,287 650 3,150 2,735 2,155 1,870 1,365 450 333 221 68 dollars.. 1,465,123 22,730 256,650 262, 295 210,085 331,110 168,025 100,330 55,840 49,030 69 9,086 291 1,930 1,820 1,195 1,345 1,071 435 323 231 70 dol I ars, . 2,554,696 41,055 176,835 242, 170 211,685 391,780 317,685 207,855 143,295 186,425 71 12,416 1,086 2,955 2,505 1,745 1,480 1,220 440 341 225 72 dol lars. . 3,927,967 113,110 403, 900 718,900 4 33,490 653,975 501,935 380,795 158, 750 189,615 73 10,463 696 2,400 3,155 1,535 1,403 1,080 350 286 165 74 dol lars. . 1,993,095 36,995 212,510 286,795 353,995 368,290 307,730 131,560 80,355 166,940 I 75 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. . farms reporting.. 11,349 661 2,430 2,255 1,645 1,630 1,291 475 316 346 76 dol I ars. . 650,692 23,185 61,150 107,800 61,840 69,605 106,379 47,970 38, 170 47,860 77 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and o I.. farms reporting.. 7,920 256 1,080 1,335 1,335 1,280 1,131 515 321 336 78 dol I ars. . 1,654,540 20,550 109,600 148, 555 183, 995 204,160 356,409 160,350 119,695 120,950 79 7,085 106 905 1,200 1,190 1,145 1,041 460 281 336 80 iln I I .irs . . 987, 876 9,883 88, 390 102,970 134,025 117,345 118,534 75,250 64,865 66,510 81 4,528 51 465 590 675 725 771 375 231 186 ! 82 dol I urs. . 576,902 6,988 46,550 47,220 65,015 61,625 83,663 46,150 48,630 45, 630 ! 83 84 5,044 410,974 66 630 895 845 795 696 345 196 186 : dollars.. 2,895 41,840 ' 55, 750 69,010 55,730 34,861 29,100 16,345 20,880 NORTH CAROLINA 207 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued only a sample of farina. See text] Areas 5 and D — Continued \reas 6 and E Sue of farm — Jon, Total all Sice af farm 260-499 S00-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260 199 500-999 1,000 acrea acres acres and over acres acres acres acres acrea acres acres acrea acres acrea acres and over 441 205 35 33,722 2,740 11,711 7,648 4,931 3,256 2,340 1,110 587 351 639 154 33 1 40 26 6 157 20 10 10 20 35 5 20 5 26 1 5 2 216 85 23 1,002 15 80 90 65 85 210 110 92 30 131 49 25 •i 831 91 30 1,040 15 85 90 65 80 220 115 92 50 136 ::, 37 < 20 15 4 92 5 15 10 5 10 eg 3 10 2 5 ', 20 73 15 62 6 1-1 93 573 10 5 85 15 31 10 65 5 76 10 90 25 45 3 5 10 36 2 41 6 19 n 50 7 75 63 14 576 10 85 31 65 77 90 45 50 3 56 41 21 f. 53 53 7 30 10 5 6 g 6 9 281 133 26 5,435 190 985 912 770 761 655 370 206 161 303 103 39 10 361 172 51 5, 933 210 1,015 929 775 832 700 400 246 166 398 155 83 11 271 132 23 5,339 185 960 897 755 746 645 353 201 161 298 98 38 l? 160 87 18 3,095 100 545 512 325 461 430 175 126 101 193 96 31 13 46 10 3 753 15 125 110 165 95 65 60 25 25 60 2 6 14 65 35 2 1,491 70 290 275 265 190 150 120 50 35 43 1 15 345 152 31 7,097 130 1,070 1,381 1,085 971 1,035 440 302 206 322 113 40 16 605 258 70 7,978 165 1,190 1,403 1,180 996 1, 135 535 373 261 432 200 108 17 345 147 31 6,946 105 1,040 1,356 1,065 951 1,020 435 297 201 322 115 39 IB 340 147 30 6,771 105 1,010 1,316 1,040 946 990 420 287 196 317 105 39 19 570 223 66 7,301 140 1,100 1,333 1,130 971 1,065 495 348 241 412 171 95 20 310 119 19 6,189 105 930 1,246 975 851 915 385 242 160 262 88 30 21 155 58 14 4,574 65 740 976 755 640 610 265 166 113 160 61 21 22 75 21 3 949 20 125 130 130 126 185 65 46 35 60 20 7 23 60 40 2 666 20 65 140 90 85 120 55 30 10 42 7 2 24 5 10 232 25 55 30 25 20 35 20 10 5 5 1 1 25 10 20 242 25 55 30 25 20 35 20 15 10 5 1 1 26 15 15 4 223 35 40 25 5 35 20 10 10 10 27 6 V 25 15 4 235 35 40 25 5 35 20 10 10 15 28 12 28 296 125 25 19,019 1,030 5,310 4,183 2,900 1,976 1,635 710 411 266 442 118 38 29 472 206 86 21,027 1,100 5,565 4,465 3,175 2,197 1,870 655 601 343 552 204 100 30 291 112 20 18,612 1,005 5,235 4,112 2,865 1,891 1,580 705 410 251 432 97 29 31 200 81 15 6,885 355 1,280 1,367 1,135 846 740 390 250 156 277 63 26 12 30 11 1 3,373 195 995 730 495 293 345 125 75 25 80 12 1 33 61 20 4 8,354 455 2,960 2,015 1,235 750 495 190 85 70 75 22 2 34 30 18 1 7,763 1,795 3,856 966 496 195 225 75 35 40 65 12 3 35 20 6 8,533 630 4,150 1,806 960 485 250 105 45 35 55 8 4 36 46 29 3 12,329 185 2,635 3,495 2,390 1,605 1,030 490 205 70 197 19 6 37 295 141 26 5,541 30 605 1,005 890 826 890 430 267 186 287 93 32 is 50 11 5 1,556 1D0 465 376 195 145 145 10 35 20 35 22 8 39 155 81 14 10,276 800 3,410 2,173 1,295 860 785 355 190 130 198 58 22 40 60 25 3 2,274 195 670 450 315 296 135 85 40 25 55 6 2 41 201 68 13 21,539 1,495 7,140 4,720 3,116 1,990 1,505 615 317 190 350 82 19 42 386 184 30 30, 693 1,835 10,115 6,630 4,415 2,871 2,315 950 517 315 549 135 46 43 1,000 708 236 53,802 2,360 15,035 11,765 8, 1B5 5,451 4,700 1,970 1,202 825 1,469 548 292 44 371 173 27 30, 319 1,800 10,060 6,570 4,370 2,836 2,285 925 487 305 516 120 43 45 609 243 48 48,090 2,260 14,270 10,830 7,485 4,926 3,985 1,585 895 600 964 212 78 V 336 167 24 28,606 1,675 9,610 6,205 4,085 2,666 2,140 875 457 245 486 119 41 47 171 46 12 12, 081 415 3,275 2,900 1,970 1,350 1,050 405 226 195 236 40 19 IS 273 76 24 19,484 385 4,660 4,625 3,400 2,260 1,845 710 438 355 476 93 37 49 136 117 24 3,403 85 620 650 480 380 430 185 157 110 198 72 36 50 391 465 188 5,712 100 765 935 700 525 715 385 307 225 505 336 214 51 101 117 21 1,875 10 230 365 255 200 305 125 92 80 122 60 31 52 211 336 119 2,784 15 240 410 305 230 420 195 161 160 292 183 173 S3 85 30 12 1,789 75 400 315 240 200 180 85 86 35 116 38 19 54 180 129 69 2,928 85 525 525 395 295 295 190 146 65 213 153 41 55 51 87 12 1,614 10 220 335 240 180 250 100 71 75 82 34 17 56 57 121 106 21 3,029 50 565 590 435 345 400 160 127 100 167 57 33 58 59 250 67 6 27,290 1,750 9,495 5,980 3,935 2,491 1,885 765 360 205 351 63 10 60 130 41 3 16,254 1,355 6,375 3,245 2,150 1,271 990 435 170 45 170 42 6 61 30 1 1,596 125 435 350 260 145 125 50 30 55 20 1 62 15 11 3 374 35 55 60 45 35 30 25 30 10 31 15 3 63 421 189 34 31,647 1,955 9,980 6,987 4,535 3,076 2,425 1,045 546 331 574 145 48 64 341 182 33 26,740 1,140 8,125 6,155 3,970 2,781 2,185 915 491 291 504 136 47 65 333,625 382, 434 129,880 8,361,471 156,295 1,591,985 1,529,905 1,121,670 913,655 993,150 395,195 312,645 296,420 495,845 330, 595 224,111 66 225 114 20 19,144 665 5,455 4,725 2,980 2,060 1,635 630 361 195 349 67 22 67 53,455 37,295 18, 278 1,515,034 29,940 283,960 305,945 242,790 178,455 200,965 68,500 57,360 48,365 60,250 29,258 9,246 68 276 161 29 23,072 855 7,115 5,205 3,505 2,376 1,905 795 416 271 454 131 44 69 280,170 345, 139 111,602 6,846,437 126,355 1,308,025 1,223,960 878,880 735,200 792,185 326, 695 255,285 248, 055 435,595 301,337 214,865 70 290 114 15 22,361 1,180 6,585 5,167 3,370 2,286 1,785 785 406 246 409 91 31 71 240,380 172,877 60,240 4,346,446 152,025 805,005 666,675 473, 145 531,945 589,985 280,460 132,130 118,105 377,715 132,564 66, 692 72 240 132 19 19, 298 1,035 5,740 4,346 2,860 1,981 1,540 680 381 231 368 105 31 73 158,380 167,323 32,232 1,941,045 76,640 404,440 369,082 200,420 182,100 262, 955 104,510 86,891 38,195 80,270 100,874 34, 668 74 260 122 28 22, 169 1,120 6,335 4,986 3,270 2,331 1,900 850 451 261 473 127 45 75 40,645 30,202 15,886 1,384,591 52,280 252,950 253,985 173,405 169,480 147, 205 76, 125 65,635 40,805 80,690 43,547 28,464 76 351 156 34 18,012 545 4,935 4,130 2,785 2,046 1,630 680 421 251 424 119 46 77 165,820 119,647 44,729 3,424,335 51,300 588,460 633, 235 472,945 428,225 413,735 225,880 139,070 114, 447 193,580 95,189 68,249 78 330 158 33 13,521 220 3,060 3,051 2,185 1,691 1,465 655 381 206 429 131 47 79 110, 510 73,473 26, 131 1,125,495 11,175 128, 925 143, 770 123,050 134, 705 164,700 98,675 66,700 40,165 113,115 62,466 38,049 80 285 142 32 4,093 55 530 646 580 546 655 290 231 146 278 95 41 81 61,775 46,419 17,247 543,994 4,650 51,035 57,405 46,620 52,510 93,545 61,485 41,035 26,445 60,535 34,151 24,578 82 250 116 24 12,000 190 2,810 2,781 1,910 1,486 1,240 590 325 166 346 113 41 81 48,735 27,054 8,884 581,501 6,525 77,890 86,365 76,430 82,195 71,155 47,190 25,665 13,720 52,580 28,315 13,471 84 208 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, | [Data arc based on reports for I Item (For definitions and explanations Total all farms Site of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres SO- 69 acres 70-99 acres 100-119 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres Al 1 farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting.. Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. . number. . Silos farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . tinder 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting.. Tractors farms reporting. . number. . "heel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting.. number. . Automobi les farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model. farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting.. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting. . Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting.. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, W E E h PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Fami ly workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only., farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 191" Spec! f led farm expend i turns farms reporting. Machine hire and. or hired labor farms reporting. doll ars. Machine hire ....farms reporting. dol lars. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Feed for livestock und poultry farms reporting. dol lars. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting. dollars. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. . farms reporting. dollars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. .farms reporting. dol 1 ars. Furm machinery repairs farms reporting. dol lars. Tractor repairs farms reporting. dollars. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dollars. 78 742 81 a 228 230 865 879 49 3,275 3,597 3,191 2,063 313 815 5,645 7,173 5,614 5, 559 7,033 4,954 2,916 987 1,051 56 62 75 78 9,817 11, 109 9,570 3,985 1,749 3,836 4,457 2,472 7,430 4,588 1,057 7,019 1,221 10,859 17,589 34,956 17,339 29, 314 16,451 7,490 12,863 2,689 5,642 1,560 3,093 1,323 2,549 2,439 14,900 8,162 18,24 7 16,418 6,564,393 13,787 1,813,284 12,895 4,771,109 12,240 2, 233, 137 9,963 1, 238, 530 10, 745 954,288 9,000 2,302,913 8,775 1,218,312 4,091 646,343 7,558 571,967 111 156 101 101 146 371 426 351 116 65 170 210 80 41 635 845 620 820 545 210 275 10 610 400 75 15 806 440 41,200 315 14,735 260 26, 465 496 89,580 305 18,510 310 6,065 141 13,065 145 5,125 45 2,390 120 2,735 15 60 65 20 20 140 140 406 437 376 196 40 140 531 623 531 526 61B 426 255 1,847 1,932 1,781 471 385 925 2,001 1,095 1,315 305 226 1,611 310 2,810 4,291 6,323 4,265 5,985 4,090 1,340 1,895 256 338 95 110 166 228 230 4,035 2,730 165 26 4,337 3,602 748,593 3,166 240,285 2,782 508,308 2,492 217,823 1,975 108,815 2,121 84,510 1,562 177,668 1,381 67,125 381 27,230 1,220 39,895 80 15 15 110 110 425 430 405 225 30 150 775 825 765 750 795 665 385 105 175 15 15 15 15 1,880 2,065 1,825 480 365 980 1,035 450 2,190 540 235 1,460 245 2,580 3,970 7,610 3,945 7,065 3,775 1,875 3, 290 375 545 155 190 240 355 5 441 471 436 246 40 150 711 753 706 706 748 651 356 130 165 5 80 80 25 25 110 110 5 455 470 450 275 65 110 1,001 1,137 1,001 986 1,122 906 581 165 160 76 81 5 5 126 126 346 226 45 75 816 941 811 811 926 736 395 156 185 280 280 280 225 20 35 455 555 455 445 540 390 225 1,521 1,667 1,506 611 315 580 290 320 1,445 595 116 951 265 1,445 2,536 5,161 2,496 4,686 2,381 1,230 2,305 315 475 190 230 135 245 15 15 1,491 1,656 1,455 665 280 510 216 205 950 876 125 1,320 2,146 4,618 2,115 3,955 1,990 1,040 1,965 226 253 255 410 1,011 1,139 1,011 466 163 380 86 100 820 715 101 647 130 1,662 3,468 1,622 2,957 1,522 850 1,435 351 511 205 250 156 261 15 15 470 550 460 310 40 110 305 395 60 305 50 440 785 1,645 775 1,325 730 340 595 200 320 155 195 65 125 350 3,595 1,835 170 25 4,045 3,640 846,715 3,225 363, 000 2,745 483,715 2,465 257, 180 2,090 126,525 2,240 132,650 1,595 219,833 1,520 90,700 445 33,780 1,350 56,920 275 2,221 1,101 95 40 2,631 2,476 727,200 2,131 274, 615 1,946 452,585 1,761 313,990 1,461 105,010 1,626 99,425 1,326 247, 725 1,331 124,895 516 57,625 1,121 67,270 435 1,680 785 105 31 2,247 2,110 707, 135 1,840 246,900 1,710 460,235 1,696 275, 300 1,377 146,945 1,466 101,800 1,416 296,117 1,376 122,730 656 58,155 1,191 64,575 311 1,311 586 100 40 1,727 1,647 629,920 1,397 196,835 1,391 433,085 1,297 267,330 1,081 90,180 1,122 96,595 1,062 255,405 1,107 125,705 581 71,310 952 54,395 190 585 290 35 810 745 4o7,380 600 123,795 620 313,585 665 186,075 545 114,895 575 69,490 590 200,475 545 96,255 360 59, 770 460 36,485 195 225 190 115 10 65 330 455 330 330 455 295 160 85 335 395 325 215 45 65 15 25 115 310 20 ISO 35 840 455 1,240 445 800 43S 210 365 140 440 80 205 95 235 130 315 140 10 475 440 362,615 325 50,025 390 312,590 380 164,760 340 53,615 335 35,730 355 155,555 380 97,840 285 53, 195 330 44,645 NORTH CAROLINA 209 f SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued ,y a « ample of farms. See text} Area 7 — Contin lied Area fl Sit ; of farm — Con. Total all forms Size af farm 60-499 acrea 500-999 acres 1,000 acres and over Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 seres 100-139 acrea 140-179 acrea 180-219 acrea 220-259 acres 260-499 acrea 500-999 acres 1,000 acres and over 359 . 263 94 31, 738 1,610 12,131 7,781 3,775 2,691 1, 556 730 410 306 402 174 63 1 15 91 3 44 130 1,226 10 35 20 333 15 185 15 115 10 110 20 95 15 41 15 78 5 66 5 41 2 75 85 40 3 106 86 73 1,269 33 340 190 115 110 105 85 41 40 78 68 62 l 35 19 24 221 5 70 21 10 5 15 15 3 10 26 23 14 S 35 19 26 229 5 70 21 10 5 15 20 5 10 27 23 16 ft 80 32 22 667 40 225 175 95 90 110 30 30 10 46 30 16 7 90 32 26 907 45 230 175 95 90 115 30 20 10 46 31 20 1! 15 7 12 96 5 20 10 15 5 5 5 10 9 12 9 277 134 65 5,021 180 1,216 991 620 636 426 265 1B3 85 246 119 54 1'. 334 178 129 5,534 225 1,307 1,022 640 641 464 325 209 95 296 177 133 11 872 129 61 4,803 130 1,126 961 610 616 420 255 182 65 231 117 50 12 207 94 58 2,984 95 666 533 360 401 265 165 122 50 186 91 48 13 45 7 1 571 15 155 101 65 70 55 20 35 10 25 19 1 14 20 28 2 1,248 40 305 325 185 145 1O0 70 25 35 30 7 1 15 407 193 80 7,148 185 1,506 1,411 1,065 1,046 641 425 213 150 300 127 59 16 672 391 335 8,488 215 1,806 1,519 1,135 1,126 750 550 265 180 417 276 247 17 407 193 79 7,083 175 1,486 1,391 1,080 1,036 641 425 213 150 300 127 59 in 407 186 79 6,933 175 1,431 1,366 1,055 1,006 636 435 208 150 295 127 59 n 667 375 316 8,233 205 1,716 1,469 1,100 1,081 740 550 260 180 412 276 244 20 345 174 65 6,077 150 1,145 1, 181 955 930 590 390 176 140 259 111 50 21 205 118 50 4,307 120 845 846 665 625 430 295 96 75 187 84 39 22 110 22 8 951 10 165 180 160 170 90 45 40 30 47 8 6 23 30 34 7 819 20 135 155 130 135 70 50 40 35 35 19 5 24 5 6 5 80 10 25 30 5 15 5 2S 5 6 6 85 10 25 25 5 lb 5. 26 10 10 10 164 170 65 65 5,291 25 25 30 5 5 5 1 3 27 28 29 13 25 4,576 30 30 5 5 5 2 362 189 70 17,393 715 2,490 1,846 1,061 540 284 140 296 106 48 487 257 190 19,828 850 5,787 5,012 2,710 2,081 1,358 705 335 195 433 259 203 30 371 185 55 17,108 695 5,221 4,496 2,465 1,821 1,040 535 282 140 391 93 39 11 280 145 51 6,936 375 1,506 1,366 1,100 881 635 365 176 95 246 86 35 12 35 22 2 2,828 110 865 815 4 35 355 150 45 26 10 15 1 1 V) 56 18 2 7,344 210 2,770 2,315 930 585 265 115 80 35 30 6 3 34 36 37 6 8,679 1,220 5,130 1,395 420 185 120 45 40 15 66 41 2 35 15 6 1 3,860 255 2,320 750 320 110 70 15 15 5 36 101 27 7 12,051 150 3,175 4,225 1,950 1,350 725 245 151 36 36 6 2 37 362 171 68 5,323 45 896 1,010 855 891 535 360 190 135 253 108 45 18 45 22 12 1,825 140 610 401 230 155 106 65 23 15 47 19 14 39 277 112 48 12,043 710 4,611 2,890 1,500 861 600 275 172 80 213 90 41 10 5 13 8 701 35 285 180 95 55 10 15 5 15 6 41 255 98 26 17,165 905 6,605 4,335 2,025 1,600 831 375 206 96 148 30 9 42 502 225 72 28,226 1,365 10, 785 7,090 3,450 2,435 1,401 630 378 161 340 140 51 43 1,636 827 693 54,837 1,910 16,375 14,140 7,420 5,475 3,231 1,635 1,048 608 1,402 1,033 560 41 477 209 60 27,757 1,335 10,695 7,010 3,395 2,390 1,336 600 358 155 319 123 41 45 823 302 91 46,094 1,770 15,445 12,940 6,390 4,425 2,436 1,045 644 270 515 167 47 4^ 427 195 56 26,590 1,270 10,380 6,735 3,220 3,265 1,231 580 333 135 333 118 40 47 206 56 IB 11,495 310 3,480 3,555 1,715 1,160 630 250 171 70 133 26 5 48 396 107 35 19,504 500 5,065 6,205 3,170 2,160 1,205 465 311 135 333 49 7 49 232 152 57 4,165 100 675 825 635 590 425 250 172 106 229 116 42 SO 813 525 602 8,743 140 930 1,200 1,030 1,050 795 590 404 338 887 866 513 51 172 133 54 2,336 45 210 450 335 345 255 190 101 80 178 108 39 52 578 392 426 4,439 55 270 530 430 500 390 330 171 230 549 593 391 53 85 51 15 2,195 55 475 395 330 305 225 115 101 36 88 54 16 54 235 133 177 4,304 86 660 670 600 550 405 260 233 108 338 273 123 55 147 101 42 1,970 45 200 430 305 385 200 135 71 70 141 62 26 56 57 207 136 45 3,696 70 585 745 580 545 360 230 152 100 308 99 32 58 59 270 73 15 24,061 1,265 10,110 6,265 2,815 1,845 976 380 206 55 111 24 9 60 140 46 9 13,869 980 6,856 2,990 1,280 875 461 200 110 30 60 20 8 61 40 10 1,022 60 305 250 160 110 90 15 15 5 11 1 62 25 16 12 469 30 90 80 55 45 65 30 20 6 21 17 10 63 538 231 85 28,943 1,440 10,746 7,311 3,575 3,576 1,481 655 399 186 362 152 60 64 508 224 81 26,396 990 9,666 6,736 3,380 2,461 1,411 640 379 171 362 143 57 65 '36, 898 465,506 579,761 11,111,726 163, 225 2,273,328 2,235,130 1,463,515 1,312,792 865, 081 531,550 329, 323 239,955 663, 644 579,963 434, 221 66 361 144 48 17,295 565 5,571 4,576 2,540 1,841 1,015 485 217 115 248 87 35 67 16,158 82,067 62,089 1,510,335 25, 170 308,283 322,730 220, 170 192,425 104,505 99, 510 46,130 17,210 57,115 85,800 31,287 68 472 222 77 24,600 860 8,956 6,271 3,180 2,336 1,331 595 364 161 347 142 57 69 118,740 383,439 517,672 9,601,391 138,055 1,965,045 1,912,400 1,243,345 1,120,367 780,576 432,040 283,193 322,745 606,529 494,162 402,934 70 455 199 64 21,064 855 6,906 5,476 2,950 2,146 1,340 555 314 140 319 117 46 71 93,910 101,826 73, 923 3,217,867 87,625 576,340 581,785 473,790 374,617 367,335 158,625 142,709 61,890 168, 690 87, 96:' 114,498 72 351 175 53 18, 675 725 5,981 4,951 2,715 1,875 1,130 485 283 135 364 101 40 73 37, 318 94,286 105, 296 1,719,366 28,635 354,335 365,655 243,395 182, 310 145,775 71,190 59,325 46,355 80,065 62,908 59,518 74 422 188 75 18,548 745 5,796 4,786 2,555 2,006 1,181 515 318 160 394 136 54 75 13,837 82, 762 71,374 1,281,139 47,940 185,015 272,225 132, 135 152,727 100,305 72,530 54,397 29,545 101,887 70,245 62,188 76 438 199 81 20,945 670 7,141 5,356 2,810 2,131 1,231 565 333 175 331 144 58 77 41,248 177,113 175,497 5,291,879 88,190 1,105,627 991,150 725, 270 640,965 456,305 269,750 187,068 116,220 393,077 188, 824 130,433 78 457 204 79 13, 279 340 3,321 3,331 2,095 1,651 1,016 540 304 165 317 139 60 79 57,960 126, 350 140, 997 1,713,933 20,940 221,921 222,085 192,170 184,465 171,570 114,650 76, 713 45,465 181,045 162,747 IX, 162 BO 372 19? 73 4,829 75 856 876 715 726 466 355 189 135 251 128 57 u 82,660 73,794 82,366 724,166 5,540 81,851 75,735 74,785 83, 065 65,360 52,740 34,046 27,530 84,186 84,605 54,743 82 387 167 65 12, 129 315 3,026 3,096 1,895 1,481 941 485 269 140 397 129 55 83 75,300 52,556 58,631 989, 747 15,400 140,070 146, 350 117,385 101,400 106, 210 61,910 42,667 17,935 96,859 78,142 65,419 84 210 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2).- -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS [Data are based on reports fo; Area 9 Item Total Size if farm (For definitions and explanations all Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-119 140-179 180-219 220-259 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres number 19,196 1,235 6,470 4,431 2,430 1,505 1,206 520 420 260 SPECIFIED EQt'IPMENT ON FARMS 2 89 10 5 10 10 10 20 3 739 5 55 65 50 50 111 10 75 70 1 number. . 803 5 60 80 50 50 121 10 75 75 s number. . 57 57 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 335 5 35 25 35 10 35 15 40 35 8 number. . 341 5 35 30 35 10 35 15 40 35 63 2,939 66 595 530 430 275 290 5 135 ID 85 10 160 11 number. . 3,227 70 600 545 450 290 320 140 175 90 L2 2,844 66 575 520 430 265 280 135 145 75 13 1,554 25 290 240 235 165 145 70 95 50 14 433 11 80 80 45 25 65 25 15 20 15 857 30 205 2O0 150 75 70 40 35 5 L6 3,046 25 435 430 385 360 416 170 230 120 17 number. . 3,614 25 475 470 405 395 457 200 265 150 18 Wheel and/or crawler tractors other 2,951 15 415 405 365 355 411 170 230 120 I" 2,834 15 390 385 345 340 405 160 225 115 Z0 number. . 3,359 15 430 420 365 355 445 185 260 145 : 21 2,409 15 330 325 305 280 360 135 195 SO 22 1,764 10 255 225 240 190 285 105 130 5P 23 406 5 55 60 25 65 60 10 45 20 24 239 20 40 40 25 15 20 20 ic number. . 111 116 10 10 20 20 25 25 20 20 15 20 5 5 5 5 26 11 133 25 25 20 20 6 10 5 5 "H number. . 139 25 25 20 20 7 10 5 5 ?'l 8,390 401 2,295 1,905 1,065 800 635 315 295 160 SO number. . 9,357 435 2,450 2,005 1,165 870 750 355 335 185 31 8,190 396 2,230 1,850 1,065 800 615 310 285 160 V 3,126 161 570 640 360 360 290 125 155 "S 33 1,522 70 445 380 210 120 110 80 30 34 Farms by class of work oower: 3,542 165 1,215 830 495 320 215 105 100 40 35 4,155 755 1,960 701 250 145 115 SO 30 40 36 5,673 405 2,860 1,245 505 345 145 70 35 75 37 No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting. . 6,322 50 1,215 2,055 1,290 655 530 200 125 3R 2,375 5 290 310 295 300 321 135 220 115 39 671 20 145 120 90 60 95 35 10 5 FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED 40 6,318 406 2,115 1,540 750 390 355 210 155 70 41 853 35 270 175 120 80 55 40 20 13 42 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENI MERATION 10, 876 685 3,785 2,480 1,435 935 670 245 230 140 1 43 16,222 790 5,550 3,835 2,085 1,330 1,050 450 360 190 44 persons. . 33,844 1,090 9,820 8,085 4,670 2,780 2,430 1,010 1,050 530 45 15,947 775 5,515 3,805 2,065 1,295 1,020 430 340 180 46 persons. . 29,659 1,030 9,350 7,680 4,240 2,490 2,105 785 685 360 47 Operators working 1 or more hours.... 14,866 715 5,200 3,530 1,930 1,200 930 390 290 170 48 Unpaid members of operator's family 8,626 225 2,750 2,345 1,285 720 580 210 195 95 49 persons. . 14,793 315 4,150 4,150 2,310 1,290 1,175 395 395 190 50 1,863 40 295 290 240 180 185 95 135 7C 51 persons. . 4,185 60 470 405 430 290 325 225 365 170 57 Regular workers (to be employed 1,106 35 125 150 140 95 105 60 95 « 53 persons. , 2,135 55 160 190 195 140 160 135 170 t-: 54 Seasonal workers (to be employed 990 5 205 145 115 105 95 40 90 X 55 persons. . 2,050 5 310 215 235 150 165 90 195 lie 56 Regular hired workers and no seasona 873 35 90 145 125 75 90 55 45 it 57 No report as to period of expected 58 Farms by kind of workers: persons. . 59 Roth family workers and hired workers... 1,588 25 260 260 220 145 155 75 115 « 60 14,359 750 5,255 3,545 1,845 1,150 865 355 225 12 61 6,381 525 2,605 1,300 695 465 365 175 70 S 6? Unpaid members of operator ' s family on] y. .' farms reporting. . 1,000 60 295 260 125 85 85 35 40 1 1 63 275 15 35 30 20 35 30 20 20 IC SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1919 64 5,205 3,870 2,145 1,320 1,045 490 380 ie: 65 13,334 510 4,210 3,230 1,780 1,140 945 415 355 VK 66 dol 1 ars. . 4,179,743 50,790 666,230 597,965 428,410 372,595 342,860 169,995 209,465 132,8* 67 9,410 300 2,885 2,250 1,345 645 700 325 245 IK 68 dollars.. 858,088 12,130 159,635 148,290 101,935 83,890 82,765 40,720 39,845 26,01( 11,191 3,321,655 385 38,660 3,485 506,595 2,640 449,675 1,495 326,475 965 288,705 845 260,095 355 129,275 15! 70 dollars.. 169,620 106,87t 71 10,341 530 3,010 2,415 1,475 895 725 370 315 14' 72 dol lars. . 2,260,508 64,835 457,020 325,210 276,155 332,825 171,710 130,010 73,205 103,00! 73 8,670 370 2,485 2,090 1,195 835 615 305 260 ir 74 dollars.. 1,249,222 .'..', i..'. 227,940 158,990 115,310 205,675 68,965 72,220 58,800 38,80: 75 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchas d. . farms reporting. . 9,942 495 2,820 2,240 1,390 945 805 325 285 15< 76 dollars.. 597,966 23,420 76,685 87,235 64,135 51,350 62,485 31,185 29,465 21,291 77 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and o 1.. farms reporting.. 8,748 230 2,355 1,985 1,230 880 755 320 310 11 78 dollars.. 1,758,182 21,450 250, 470 261, 510 193,395 182,030 172,215 76,685 116,770 65,57: 79 6,917 175 1,800 1,530 995 685 610 230 285 13 80 dol lars. . 672,830 5,170 47,740 68,675 60,310 51,410 61,090 29,460 62,425 42,*X 1,933 346,030 30 1,910 210 13,410 200 21,170 230 23,430 190 21,485 295 34,910 9: 82 dollars.. 15,015 32,120 29,00 6,194 326, 800 160 3,260 1,695 34,330 1,445 47,505 900 36,880 595 29,925 475 26,180 190 14,445 11: 84 dollars.. 30,305 13,37. NORTH CAROLINA { SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued 211 y ■ samp e of farms See tent] Arei 9— Contini ad Arm 10 Site of form — Con. Total all farms Size of farm 60-499 acres 500-999 acres 1,000 acres and over Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acres 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1,000 acres and over 424 217 78 6,379 636 1,625 1,085 725 750 560 275 205 130 302 50 36 1 5 15 4 18 5 5 5 3 2 134 76 38 937 30 30 35 115 200 115 105 70 176 36 25 3 140 91 46 1,036 30 60 35 120 200 115 105 "' 201 57 43 4 11 2 9 385 5 20 95 40 25 105 19 21 S 11 2 9 394 5 20 95 40 55 25 105 20 29 6 37 42 21 124 15 10 10 15 25 5 5 S 16 10 8 7 37 42 . 126 15 10 10 15 25 5 5 5 16 10 10 8 15 194 21 118 12 61 30 10 5 5 ] 9 1,433 46 155 175 165 150 210 105 100 60 202 37 .'• 10 267 163 117 1,578 47 150 190 170 160 215 110 100 65 227 78 ,., 11 193 109 51 1,417 46 155 170 165 150 205 105 95 60 202 36 28 12 118 80 -1 822 31 75 65 90 100 105 60 55 40 147 30 24 13 45 16 6 216 5 30 40 15 20 40 25 5 10 1 14 30 13 4 379 10 50 65 60 30 60 20 1? 15 45 5 4 15 264 152 59 • 2,319 30 155 220 230 440 425 195 165 105 281 42 31 16 384 234 154 3,139 30 155 265 245 470 500 250 255 155 517 141 156 17 259 147 59 2,294 15 155 220 225 440 425 190 165 105 281 42 31 IB 249 147 58 2,294 15 155 220 225 440 425 190 165 105 261 42 31 19 359 228 152 3,040 13 155 265 235 470 480 245 250 155 507 125 138 20 218 125 41 2,013 15 130 180 210 400 395 160 140 85 236 40 22 21 153 90 31 1,093 5 65 80 125 210 220 75 90 30 136 40 17 22 35 22 4 408 5 20 55 40 65 65 50 25 25 55 3 23 30 5 13 6 6 6 512 53 53 g 45 45 45 125 110 35 25 30 45 2 24 25 26 15 15 10 10 15 15 5 5 5 5 1 1 2 2 5 15 20 317 2 2 53 41 46 2,842 126 510 400 375 420 5 5 335 5 5 105 5 5 261 15 15 28 11 16 27 27 28 149 185 70 29 416 235 156 3,152 144 510 410 420 445 360 210 120 75 321 70 67 30 311 133 35 2,763 121 500 395 375 400 315 185 105 65 256 24 22 31 216 102 32 1,171 41 125 75 170 180 160 100 70 30 176 23 21 32 55 15 2 481 40 105 75 50 85 70 20 10 10 15 1 33 40 16 1 1,111 40 270 245 155 135 85 65 25 25 65 1 34 40 33 10 6 3 1,643 1,101 496 80 650 615 220 200 115 110 75 40 50 5 10 30 10 5 15 5 1 1 1 35 25 10 36 95 22 10 1,316 30 205 445 270 195 80 40 25 5 11 6 4 37 214 122 48 1,640 60 145 170 320 300 170 135 65 216 34 25 38 50 30 11 679 ' 30 95 75 60 120 125 25 30 40 65 8 6 39 196 96 35 2,075 195 485 310 225 260 185 120 75 60 130 14 16 40 20 21 2 357 40 80 95 10 30 45 15 10 15 15 2 41 172 78 21 3,663 366 975 655 455 430 295 135 115 50 147 26 14 42 347 172 63 5,192 406 1,280 875 570 660 475 260 185 115 296 37 33 43 982 736 611 9,852 510 1,845 1,325 965 1,215 1,115 590 560 305 962 166 294 44 307 167 48 5,067 401 1,270 870 550 645 460 245 180 110 280 27 29 45 525 333 76 7,076 486 1,705 1,130 765 885 735 340 330 190 435 36 39 46 302 161 48 4,776 341 1,185 825 520 605 450 230 175 110 280 26 29 (7 117 89 15 1,695 135 380 245 180 230 200 75 85 55 95 9 6 48 223 172 28 2,300 145 520 305 245 280 285 110 155 80 155 10 10 19 182 97 54 1,285 21 80 120 135 165 180 135 100 75 216 30 28 50 457 453 535 2,776 24 140 195 200 330 380 250 230 115 527 130 255 si 132 81 48 854 11 20 45 70 100 105 105 85 60 196 29 28 S? 275 262 333 1,512 14 20 55 100 140 135 170 130 65 401 98 184 53 91 43 26 659 10 65 90 75 100 90 60 45 25 71 13 15 54 182 191 202 1,264 10 120 140 100 190 245 80 100 50 126 32 71 ss 91 54 28 626 11 15 30 60 65 90 75 55 50 145 17 13 56 57 142 92 39 1,160 16 70 115 115 150 165 120 95 70 200 20 24 58 59 165 75 9 3,907 385 1,200 755 435 495 295 125 85 40 80 7 5 60 105 23 3 2,555 255 850 530 285 305 150 85 35 10 45 1 4 6] 5 40 5 5 265 125 60 5 80 10 45 5 25 20 25 15 10 15 15 15 5 5 5 16 10 4 62 15 63 368 186 67 5,762 501 1,435 1,000 685 690 500 270 185 120 297 45 34 64 348 166 65 4,770 231 1,125 855 580 650 445 245 175 115 277 39 33 65 61,822 352,721 394,010 3,030,712 36,420 223,955 233,930 203,040 385,635 322,925 208, 115 170,690 140,770 590,894 164,885 349,453 66 256 117 32 3,013 95 570 545 435 505 315 155 105 80 167 24 17 67 72,720 60,085 30,063 474,847 2,365 31,545 51,390 44,540 107,430 94,190 23, 590 16,960 36,960 36,880 16,452 12,545 68 313 156 62 4,254 181 950 730 510 590 430 235 165 115 277 38 33 69 89,102 292,636 363,947 2,555,865 34,055 192,410 182,540 158,500 278,205 228,735 184, 525 153,730 103,810 554,014 148, 433 336,908 70 272 153 36 4.381 356 1,025 675 545 570 435 240 155 90 232 32 26 71 42,720 93,014 90,799 1,225,466 144,455 107,585 126,070 169,615 122,120 117,465 90,230 58,585 21,215 166,380 36,750 64,996 72 252 122 26 2,965 186 615 445 345 400 325 210 125 75 196 19 24 73 83,025 172,695 18,452 381,907 27,000 26,910 40,840 36,580 32,670 37,310 40,175 34,330 8,465 47,772 8,838 41,017 74 278 152 57 4,049 230 865 660 525 570 385 220 170 115 251 27 31 75 60,957 45,096 44,663 832,330 16,285 40,785 55,135 58, 530 127,995 89,085 61,795 72,730 38,815 138,035 38,490 94,650 76 313 165 65 3,135 106 450 460 350 520 405 205 170 115 276 45 33 77 01,230 119,444 97,408 1,172,048 7,645 56,195 66,640 68, 995 148,360 158,040 88,945 101,350 61,050 249,395 75,400 90,033 78 268 145 59 3,216 65 470 535 385 490 420 225 175 95 282 42 32 79 01,512 66,773 75,835 725,913 1,740 40,382 36,134 35,010 87,122 82,502 53,910 72,265 34,895 145,370 49,683 -\ , ■ : no 203 131 54 1,894 25 120 155 195 330 340 175 140 90 251 42 31 81 62,972 42,099 48,449 433,886 570 7,332 13,934 19, 580 40,557 53,582 34,905 50,865 24,955 101,115 35,772 50,719 62 217 101 51 2,650 45 425 455 330 365 315 200 150 70 242 22 31 83 3S.54C 24,674 27,386 292,027 1,170 33,050 22,200 15,430 46,565 28,920 19,005 21,400 9,940 44,255 13,911 36,181 84 212 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, 3Y SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continue. [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms- See textj (For definitions Item nd explanations, see text) Total all farms Sue of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres All farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting.. number. . Silos farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting.. Tractors farms report. ng. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. . Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. . No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. . Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting.. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working I or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons. . Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) r «™» reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting. persons . Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only f°™s reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only... farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPFCIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1940 Specified farm expenditures fsrms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dol lars. Machine hire farms reporting. dol lars. Hired labor farms . eport mg. dol lars . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dol lars. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting. dol lars. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased forms reporting. dol lars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dol lars. Farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dol lars. Tractor repairs farms reporting. dollars. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dol Inrs . 28,276 145 599 623 78 78 385 385 65 5,043 5,429 4,965 3,040 744 1,181 6,203 7,142 6,098 5,892 6,733 5,452 3,633 941 878 128 129 280 280 12,159 13,368 11,915 5,156 2,113 4,646 6,356 8,908 6,809 4,863 1,340 9,938 831 16,004 24,358 48,747 23,998 39,888 22,432 10,819 17,456 3,651 8,859 1,776 3,422 2,357 5,437 2,565 3,291 20,707 11,376 1,407 360 25,171 21,914 8,296,468 13,280 1,061,939 20,110 7,234,529 18,317 3,18S,6«U 13,713 1,416,092 17,123 1,321,362 15,226 3,255,933 10,855 1,147,813 3,963 579,126 9,420 568,687 240 245 225 115 55 55 120 230 100 100 205 95 55 20 20 20 20 5 5 755 815 745 290 195 260 1,605 715 125 20 100 890 95 1,385 1,850 2,710 1,835 2,515 1,G70 615 845 85 195 75 160 70 1,765 1,175 165 15 1,905 1,255 158,460 660 23,300 1,000 135,160 1,165 137,940 750 35,570 1,065 30,765 650 65,245 295 13,310 50 4,520 280 8,790 10,025 45 100 100 15 15 115 115 20 1,170 1,190 1,150 660 165 325 1,115 1,220 1,095 1,060 1,160 975 690 135 150 25 25 35 35 3,525 3,790 3,465 1.185 590 1,690 3,040 4,405 1,465 650 465 3,330 315 5,775 8,630 14,600 8,575 13,360 8,060 3,500 5,300 620 1,240 200 335 475 905 565 8,010 4,760 475 55 8,690 7,405 1,477,350 4,125 199,525 6,785 1,277,825 5,840 542,210 4,185 319,420 5,265 189,115 4,220 549,140 2,645 121, OoO 555 43,120 2,385 77,940 55 5 5 55 55 5 905 935 900 510 160 230 1,000 1,055 980 930 975 860 550 185 125 25 25 55 55 2,405 2,520 2,375 820 525 1,030 695 1,750 1,950 740 260 2,055 155 3,010 4,900 9,700 4,880 8,430 4,555 2,275 3,875 690 1,270 300 405 455 865 670 4,210 2,205 305 20 4,960 4,500 1,320,110 2,845 191,875 4,185 1,128 ,335 3,780 473,500 2,780 185,135 3,415 153,995 3,190 537,815 2,300 134,240 600 50,500 2,025 83,740 25 50 50 5 5 25 25 5 585 625 575 365 90 120 715 745 700 665 695 585 380 80 125 15 15 35 35 1,590 1,700 1,555 595 230 730 370 875 1,180 620 95 1,060 45 1,905 2,785 5,755 2,725 4,745 2,545 1,365 2,200 530 1,010 255 295 330 715 470 2,255 1,100 170 60 2,975 2,635 902,115 1,765 137,985 2,435 764,130 2,255 464,790 1,730 238,265 2,215 130,680 1,975 360,450 1.350 157,120 450 79,580 1,215 77,540 NORTH CAROLINA 213 :onomic Area Tabic 5 (Part 2 of 2). FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. Sec text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areu 1 1 — Coni inueil Sire of farm — Continued 100- 139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acres 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1.000 acres and over All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Ml Iking maclnne farms Grain combines farms Corn pickers i^. farms Pick-up Kay balers farms Silos farms Motortrucks farms Year of newest model - farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Tractors farms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms Wheel tractors other than garden i farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years snd over farms Garden tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Automobiles farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms Tractor and horses and/or mules farms Tractor and no horses or mules farms FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms Gravel, shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved farms FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms Family workers, including operator farms Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number. reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . .persons. Hired workers farms Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days) farms Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms No report as to period of expected employment farms Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms Fami ly workers only farms Operators only farms Unpaid members of operator's family only farms Hired workers only farms SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 ipeci fied farm expenditures farms Machine hire and/or hired labor farms Machine hire farms Hired labor farms Feed for livestoek and poultry farms Livestock and poultry purchased farms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms Farm machinery repairs farms Tractor repairs farms Other farm machinery repairs , farms reporting. persons, reporting. persons. reporting, persons. eporting. persons. reporting, persons. reporting. . reporting. , reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dol lars 5 445 465 435 290 40 105 750 805 730 700 740 645 465 105 75 20 20 45 45 930 1,080 905 525 155 225 150 255 605 655 95 630 60 985 1,565 3,945 1,525 2,865 1,435 830 1,430 420 1,080 250 470 235 610 380 1,145 510 75 40 1,650 1,490 784,875 950 109,405 1,360 675,470 1,310 369,530 1,115 195,745 1,280 134,640 1,190 355,125 1,085 129,200 570 67,485 865 61,715 40 40 5 5 35 35 5 350 380 350 215 50 85 475 540 475 460 510 445 295 70 30 30 510 600 505 300 95 110 70 145 340 450 25 345 15 605 2,025 850 1,525 765 430 760 220 500 120 215 130 285 190 660 345 60 30 965 915 478,890 530 68,425 860 410,465 775 191,240 605 99,790 710 63,415 780 221,530 610 80,000 320 40,295 505 39,705 35 35 5 182 218 182 131 31 20 292 373 292 287 363 262 181 45 36 10 10 342 373 337 222 40 75 40 100 120 246 46 191 25 296 512 1,576 487 941 467 251 474 111 320 86 315 142 345 155 20 25 532 502 404,870 331 54,475 487 350,395 427 144,300 386 51,322 411 87,205 457 166,301 357 70,432 207 40,322 311 30,110 110 L3J 110 10 15 15 150 165 145 145 160 145 100 30 15 5 5 175 210 175 115 25 35 60 40 35 120 30 120 .145 210 550 195 365 180 105 185 70 185 35 50 55 135 55 140 60 10 15 240 215 165,525 130 11,730 200 153,795 190 84,450 175 23,965 165 18,665 210 58,615 170 30,430 95 13,670 140 16,760 141 46 146 46 30 1 30 1 36 4 36 4 15 336 94 411 106 333 93 243 60 30 11 60 22 512 142 729 193 512 142 502 142 699 187 472 129 281 65 96 28 95 36 10 1 10 1 20 5 20 5 544 117 671 143 523 115 363 78 70 16 90 21 107 42 55 10 140 29 452 115 60 27 337 104 20 5 415 80 693 169 2,101 675 653 162 1,124 278 608 151 341 75 516 127 348 85 977 397 223 36 451 112 206 56 526 285 308 345 150 30 40 759 718 963,670 411 109,495 673 854, 175 613 403,436 517 96,815 623 163,790 659 360,199 553 181,010 392 101,913 443 79,097 191 185 302,360 97 18,512 134 283.848 143 60,585 116 26,580 155 77,686 166 94,635 136 41,780 98 23,885 112 17,895 5 37 4/ 7 7 10 10 5 63 132 61 51 2 8 66 180 66 65 172 58 31 17 10 2 3 5 5 65 154 54 43 7 4 3 10 60 6 41 1 28 69 775 56 75 51 17 24 51 700 41 494 29 206 13 2 13 78 73 500,628 31 14,277 70 486,351 64 54,340 49 43,045 68 139,061 73 107,743 73 65,081 65 47,071 59 18,010 214 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2). -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTI [Data are based on repor (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS. ACREAGE, AND V A L L E 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 S6 57 56 59 60 61 62 63 Farms Land owned by farm operators number. . farms reporting. . acres. . Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres. . Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres. . , . - acres. . Land in I arms Average sue of farm • j'??" 5 " Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent. . Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested f "ms reporting. . acres. . 1 to 9 acres farms "porting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres £arms reporting.. 30 to 4° acres farms reporting.. SO to 99 acres farms reporting.. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 acres and over * a ™s reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. acres. , Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. acres. Woodland pastured Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres. farm3 reporting. acres. Cropland, total Land pastured, total. Irrigated land in farms. Average age- Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) fa ™ s reporting. . acres. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, t 1 farms reporting. . farms reporting. . acres. . farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland, total f »™ s reporting. . acres. . farms reporting. . acres . . Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting.. acres. . FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting.. 1 to 90 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting.. Not working off their farm operators reporting.. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting.. 45 to 54 years operators reporting.. 55 to 64 years operators reporting.. 65 years and over operators reporting.. . years. Total all farms Tenure of operator- Full owners Operators by >ears on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting.. 1 year or less operators reporting.. 5 to 9 years operators reporting.. 10 year, or more operators reporting.. Average number of years on present farm years.. S P F C I F I E D F A C I L I T I F. S Telephone [" ms report. ng. . Electricity »'»'» reporting.. from a power line >"ms repor .ng.. Average of lust monthly electric bill dollars.. From a home plant 'arms rcpol Electric water pump &'»■ reporting. H.-clne hot- water heater farms reporting. Home frcccr '■"" '"' v Electric washing machine '«"" reporting. Electric chick brooder f»rm. reporting. I |„, , , „ power- feed grinder farm.- rC| |, 288,473 178,756 14,990,877 145,194 6,614,032 55,597 2,685,527 19,426,054 67.3 6,486 98.71 85 83 267,094 5,832,946 75,439 80,701 53,461 39,614 14,196 2,825 858 83,819 756,407 103,636 1,189,719 89,942 1,395,083 176,626 8,296,774 79,686 1,076,394 238,560 878,731 278,592 7,779,072 170,714 3,227,884 200,798 9,691,857 80 1,543 73 1,435 268,487 9,411 77,861 97,109 37,126 59,983 183,045 11,551 47,975 65,445 56,311 45,311 35,895 46.8 Part owners 70,278 70,278 8,086,609 xxxxxxjoa xxxxxxxxx 22,329 1,046,713 7,039,696 100.2 8,164 83.40 68,373 1,762,363 12,016 22,315 15,488 12,374 4,901 989 290 30,698 342,455 29,978 377,678 31,948 578,211 57,925 3,210,610 26,605 478,299 64,822 290,280 69,360 2,482,496 56,341 1,398,965 64,605 3,788,821 41 Managers 923 35 818 108,885 32,881 44,973 115,993 12 23,342 219,422 218,897 4.14 525 71,055 27,274 16,182 132,416 21,699 2,192 66,432 1,719 6,993 15,265 -9,171 6,094 53,62 796 6,760 13,306 15,088 15,921 12,856 51.9 11,647 1,676 10,334 44,165 19 6,961 58,954 58,810 4.86 144 26,306 10,222 6,391 40,959 7,714 908 27,540 27,540 2,027,560 27,540 1,108,589 6,898 406,501 2,729,648 99.1 9,177 95.64 85 82 27,430 981,595 2,968 7,737 6,168 5,457 3,584 1,184 332 10,576 99,5ei 11,357 146,582 10,850 183,823 21,236 1,091,511 8,211 120,592 24,858 105,964 27,484 1,227,758 19,022 403,996 23,413 1,275,334 15 530 15 530 451 (») (.1 (*) («) 215 55,063 332,416 737.5 71,683 109.87 73 65 25,994 926 7,480 5,312 2,168 19,661 451 3,818 7,827 6,693 4.457 2,088 46.3 7,744 1,241 5,023 13,539 13 2,776 22,491 22,430 5.23 61 9,511 3,878 2,359 15,117 3,33' 329 Share- cash 424 68,853 27 15 10 60 98 105 109 245 22,933 186 12,778 244 22,897 357 168,107 159 18,910 420 18,138 448 104,564 360 64,740 406 191,004 8 40 7 37 95,410 xxxxxxyocct XXJOCXXEGOC 95,410 4,764,430 2,656 86,753 4,677,677 49.0 5,918 121.84 85 84 95,219 2,308,496 10,251 33,478 26,562 19,263 5,089 467 109 17,653 97,988 22,478 212,622 16,660 198,423 37,643 1,545,251 12,568 122,762 67,390 192,135 95,290 2,619,106 34,639 419,173 41,857 1,743,674 16 50 16 50 387 49 25 37 362 88,885 2,889 5,307 17,306 13,052 4,254 74,885 1 8,012 76 24,421 11R 24,926 112 15,473 fi4 8,442 9 4,003 4.1 40.0 172 10 217 415 414 L8.27 1 312 181 125 265 129 40 60,824 22.065 14,528 13,725 5 2,396 67,565 67,424 3.09 141 8,889 2,131 2,530 30,386 4,946 361 imooaaacx 2,438 221,463 273 19,893 201,570 82.7 7,128 85.08 87 2,423 68,291 320 811 571 445 228 24 24 704 5,614 865 7,755 649 12,892 1,539 95,032 388 5,780 1,950 6,206 2,433 81,660 1,252 24,286 1,676 107,924 2,131 197 628 435 193 l."15 85 496 576 439 343 213 44.7 ,229 340 423 631 8 192 1,634 1,628 4.40 6 43" 156 131 977 190 10 Crop- share 33,516 nrrmrmq ICXJOOGOGOGCX 1,275 64,365 60 1,755 62,610 49.1 5,994 125.29 82 79 1,275 36,000 85 355 395 315 110 15 Livesto J shar Ynrmnl rmnjl 260 980 335 2,375 260 2,665 600 16,595 145 1,660 890 2,335 1,275 39,355 485 5,305 645 19,260 33,516 1,992,663 1,261 28,910 1,963,753 58.6 6,453 110.86 33,466 892,522 2,555 10,295 10,110 7,901 2,331 228 46 6,994 37,490 9,913 102,894 7,503 92,540 16,571 701,729 5,737 55,372 25,446 81,206 33,486 1,032,906 14,765 185,402 18,301 794,269 1,210 40 215 160 55 1,030 120 290 365 175 155 85 41.8 750 190 185 255 35 935 935 3.40 145 45 45 480 75 20 31,146 1,160 5,635 4,425 1,210 26,826 2,121 8,385 9,121 5,568 3,376 1,540 41.0 20,338 6,851 5,560 5,453 775 24,305 24,265 3.12 40 3,208 607 990 12, 1,671 155 •Not aval Leble 'Data arc given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. I TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS NORTH CAROLINA OF 1950 215 ly aiimple of farms. See text} The Stale — Continued enure of operator 1 — Con. Tenants — Con. unspeci- fied 5,634 XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx 5,634 413,300 312 13,198 400,102 71.0 6,150 90.59 76 74 5,564 146,327 646 1,947 1,375 1,120 403 62 11 1,400 15,329 1,730 22,184 1,445 25,770 2,803 154,833 1,103 18,813 4,279 16,846 5,584 183,840 2,658 59,912 3,169 180,603 4,853 215 1,086 806 280 4,076 420 1,167 1,332 917 492 410 42.1 2,940 990 905 1,117 7 228 3,777 3,747 3.89 30 971 297 212 2,113 371 31 94,794 80,938 4,876,708 22,244 741,013 23,499 1,090,497 4,646,217 49.0 4,727 100.20 85 82 75,648 711,639 50,177 17,156 5,233 2,460 524 80 18 24,647 193,450 39,637 440,059 30,240 411,729 59,465 2,281,295 32,143 335,831 81,070 272,214 86,010 1,345,148 60,352 941,010 70,517 2,693,024 86,789 3,828 56,996 9,566 47,430 34,511 2,291 12,900 19,268 18,945 16,427 16,939 49.9 28,494 7,852 15,012 44,392 14 10,992 69,997 69,819 4.12 178 26,037 10,862 4,777 45,689 5,573 554 Total all farms 37,759 33,572 1,961,742 7,815 265,217 5,181 87,934 2,181,920 57.8 5,766 100.53 90 90 34,213 330,331 22,613 7,994 2,129 1,096 317 48 16 14,173 220,196 9,913 97,048 16,886 341,216 20,772 659,788 20,590 431,112 31,562 102,229 36,258 647,575 32,809 992,524 29,436 1,001,004 1 150 1 150 35,923 1,108 18,619 18,354 5,538 12,816 18,778 841 5,229 8,008 7,804 6,605 6,631 49.7 10,620 2,266 6,418 18,889 15 2,846 27,663 27,582 3.45 81 5,365 2,942 1,909 19,552 1,690 358 Full owners 9,547 9,547 945,398 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1,927 40,973 904,425 94.7 8,494 90.29 91 91 9,347 140,687 3,603 3,552 1,226 729 212 4,601 109, 190 2,369 34,275 5,274 143,882 6,086 225,481 6,259 214,524 6,526 ' 36,386 9,477 284, 152 9,252 467,596 8,596 369,363 9,137 229 2,305 1,551 754 7,087 90 906 1,686 2,011 2,128 2,069 53.0 1,633 185 1,459 6,036 19 839 7,815 7,799 3.83 16 1,686 1,058 676 5,730 618 169 Arena 1 and A Part owners 1,824 1,824 98,431 1,824 45,530 210 4,400 139,561 76.5 8,148 108.59 86 85 1,804 29,929 700 675 246 130 37 7 9 666 13,578 473 5,733 995 25,641 951 26,259 1,145 32,781 1,588 5,640 1,809 49,240 1,668 72,000 1,554 51,900 1 150 1,708 71 563 481 82 1,216 50 266 550 374 278 186 46.2 Tenure of operator 1 606 95 346 772 12 116 1,404 1,399 4.24 5 240 161 104 992 106 21 50 (») (») (») (.) 10 320 35,700 714.0 104,968 148.23 98 97 50 5,355 10 10 11 18 1 24 5,190 12 705 24 2,373 25 16.597 23 3,000 50 2,480 50 11,250 40 10,563 40 18,970 29 50 50 36.72 1,525 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 1,525 94,098 16 52 94,046 61.7 6,264 105.18 94 90 1,505 20,722 785 436 150 100 32 1 1 581 11,445 298 3,000 507 17,160 507 22,063 566 16,407 973 3,249 1,520 35,167 1,037 45,012 763 39,223 397 346 51 1,068 125 436 355 243 116 80 39.6 1,053 320 186 191 5 50 946 948 2.72 125 60 65 536 Tensnta 48 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 48 7,130 Share- cash xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 5 200 7,130 148.5 5,774 36.69 43 1,774 30 1 1 15 175 16 70 10 75 21 3,686 20 1,200 41 150 48 2,019 25 1,450 15 50.9 26 26 4.11 200 40.0 2,000 50.00 100 100 5 20 5 Crop- share Livestock share 625 50 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx • ?."j 50 36,605 3,875 26 5 3,761 15 40 5 8 6 16 5 10 5 32 10 10 5 7 36,605 56.6 5,273 93.97 95 91 610 7,850 295 195 80 35 5 250 5,085 115 1,000 220 7,925 195 9,010 225 4,485 385 1,250 620 13,935 435 17,495 315 16,935 12,100 156.13 100 50 785 15 20 5 10 Croppers 420 150 90 75 4 15 375 375 2.32 20 395 15 110 35 1,260 20 175 35 1,050 45 100 50 1,290 45 2,705 45 1,435 555 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 555 21,730 5 25 21,705 39.1 5,259 131.96 92 94 555 6,355 330 145 40 35 5 Other and unapeci . fled Not class) - fled 560 50 60 15 110 25 100 25 10 490 25 50 5 180 20 125 15 130 5 45 5 25 39.7 35.5 45 45 3.22 40 10 5 10 25 90 30 20 10 5 165 2,400 70 660 125 2,265 150 4,850 155 4,365 295 810 555 9,415 330 9,030 200 7,115 530 10 175 150 25 370 50 180 145 55 35 20 37.8 425 100 60 40 25 345 345 2.92 "40 25 25 185 242 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 242 24,558 11 27 24,531 101.4 10,036 109.83 93 84 242 3,938 110 76 25 20 11 106 3,350 77 1,125 112 5,630 116 4,332 126 5,272 202 884 242 8,413 197 14,252 172 9,962 227 10 66 56 10 151 20 46 55 46 25 20 42.1 132 50 25 60 10 157 157 35 15 15 111 20 5 24,813 22,201 917,913 4,4^.6 125,589 3,018 42,169 1,008,188 40.6 4,281 106.57 90 89 13 21,507 133,636 17,515 3,331 507 127 25 1 1 8,301 80,793 6,761 53,335 10,086 152,160 13,203 369,388 12,597 164,400 20,425 54,474 23,402 267,766 20,812 397,353 18,483 521,548 23,618 719 15,088 3,160 11,928 9,369 575 3,611 5,401 5,166 4,082 4,291 49.3 7,306 1,656 4,412 11,879 14 1,812 17,446 17,386 3.14 60 3,281 1,641 1,057 12,265 880 141 14 15 16 17 It 19 M 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 216 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS I [Data are based on reports foil (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALLE 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Farms numoer. Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. acres . Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting. acres. Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting. acres. Land in farms Average size of farm Val acres.. acres . . f°land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent. . Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. 1 to 9 acres £a ™» reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 acres and over farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. Cropland not harvested Woodland pastured acres. . nd not pastured farms reporting.. acres. , farms reporting. . acres. , Woodland not pastured fa™s reporting. acres. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. acres. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc _ ) farms reporting. Cropland, total farms reporting. acres. total fan reporting. acres. farms reporting. acres. farms farms reporting. acres. reporting. acres. Land pastured Woodland, tota Irrigated land Land irrigated by sprinklers f Area 2 SFFCIFIED FACILITIES Telephone • Electricity From a power line ■ Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder • Electric power- feed grinder arms reporting s reporting s reporting . . . . dol lars arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arma reporting rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting.. Not working off their farm operators reporting.. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting., 35 to 44 yeBrs operators reporting., 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or leas operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners 13,098 12,056 745,799 2,357 104, 650 1,570 28,935 830,080 63.4 4,823 77.48 e7 86 11,203 134,535 6,531 2,606 1,127 692 222 23 2 3,100 27,480 6,730 61,362 5,691 74, 895 9,986 422,584 6,943 64,462 12,241 44,762 12,283 223,377 10, 212 166,837 11,388 497,479 5 5 5 5 12,342 304 7,367 1,461 5,906 5,446 175 1,715 2,869 2,760 2,354 2,434 50.3 3,286 675 2,100 6,745 16 694 10,029 10,008 3.61 21 3,655 1,132 339 6,931 475 67 Part owners 2,647 2,647 288,638 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 454 9,254 279,384 105.5 7,080 67.82 92 91 2,507 49,493 795 775 457 332 126 21 1 901 11,797 1,466 14,983 1,454 24,229 2,161 142,518 1,704 24,247 2,541 12,117 2,582 76,273 2,391 60,273 2,447 166,747 2,530 47 698 345 353 1,879 15 290 417 573 533 624 53.1 395 1,591 20 171 2,318 2,313 4.12 5 1,162 283 107 1,781 142 30 557 557 31,233 557 11,235 35 640 41, 828 75.1 5,655 83.05 77 70 557 13,094 Managers 170 160 201 2,290 292 3,252 341 3,946 471 15,056 317 2,620 532 1,570 557 18,636 482 8,856 532 19,002 536 15 207 161 60 161 136 90 65 48.4 130 20 70 322 15 15 477 477 4.43 352 37 (») («) 00 oo 255 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 255 27,055 27,055 106.1 8,137 73.77 84 255 7,180 35 45 65 90 20 XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXjOUC 5 500 45 450 135 2,000 115 2,335 180 11,380 155 2,740 220 970 255 9,630 195 5,525 205 13,715 70 60 10 165 5 70 50 35 50 10 44.1 120 45 35 55 160 160 5.09 500 100.0 3,500 35.00 100 100 5 65 Share- cash xxxxrjoocxa 5 200 5 15 5 65 5 200 5 220 Crop- share 140 13,260 13,260 94.7 7,401 71.68 86 140 3,880 15 20 50 50 Livestock- I share xxy>:>.xjc*xi 20 110 85 1,185 60 1,155 100 5,690 85 815 125 425 140 5,175 110 2,080 120 6,845 130 10 50 15 20 30 10 45.2 70 25 10 35 9 85 85 2.31 •Not available. , 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 217 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a aampl g of farms. See text] At en 2 — Continued Areas 3, 13, and C Tenure of operator' — Con. Not classi- fied Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Sot classi- fied Tenanta — Con. Full owners Part owners Managera Tenun. Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cah Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share Croppers Other and unspeci- fied 55 9,639 42,147 11,362 4,255 . 66 14,661 V. > 145 5,500 150 7,855 851 11,803 1 XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx 8,852 25,700 11,362 4,255 (") xxxxxxxxxx XXXXJC X xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 10,083 2 XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx 425,928 2,156,789 1,211,588 296,640 (*) xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 648,561 3 55 55 1,545 21,618 xxxxxxxxx 4,255 (») 14,661 160 145 5,500 150 7,855 851 2,702 4 4,150 9,145 66,360 1,157,029 XXXXXXXXX 141,431 («) 924,708 18,665 7,420 467,910 12,635 338,740 79,338 90,890 5 1,081 10, 262 4,135 1,226 25 836 25 10 520 25 180 76 4,040 6 19,041 458,762 168,208 62,490 10,988 16, 700 125 30 10,890 285 2,555 2,815 200,376 7 4,150 9,145 481,813 2,931,293 1,043,380 375,581 37,911 908,008 18,540 7,390 457,020 12,350 336,185 76, 523 566,413 8 75.5 166.3 50.0 69.5 91.8 88.3 574.4 61.9 115.9 51.0 83.1 82.3 42.8 89.9 48.0 9 8,072 10,679 4,035 6,635 7,942 8,937 66, 859 5,083 11,737 4,539 6,328 6,090 3,951 6,251 6,103 10 99.93 66.84 83.38 S 77 88.72 i' 139.58 82.82 111.29 92.05 75.44 76.13 91.64 81.98 128.87 11 82 82 o 84 86 92 85 87 66 85 93 86 75 63 12 88 79 84 83 84 82 77 84 80 63 86 91 86 64 32 13 55 1,045 55 2,190 7,884 64, 768 38,651 686,289 11,125 244,354 4,245 111,474 58 5,758 14, 616 248, 293 155 4,760 145 2,240 5,500 105,995 150 2,875 7,840 115,810 826 16,613 8,607 76,410 H IS 20 5,606 12,580 2,148 695 6 3,815 20 45 950 30 2,605 165 5,916 10 10 1,616 13,780 4,118 1,465 10 6,330 65 60 2,330 75 3,420 380 1,857 17 15 445 6,908 2,628 960 2,810 30 35 1,400 30 1,170 145 510 10 30 190 3,860 1,553 676 5 1,350 25 5 670 5 555 90 276 19 15 25 1,262 552 372 21 286 10 150 10 80 36 31 1 209 121 48 10 20 10 10 10 21 1 52 5 29 6 5 5 7 11 25 340 1,953 12,943 13,484 119,724 4,995 50,139 1,702 16,085 32 1,766 3,645 27,465 60 840 50 210 1,630 12,430 50 445 1,550 10,555 305 2,985 3,110 24,269 23 25 25 4,837 24,074 7,722 2,717 37 6,790 95 70 3,265 75 2,860 425 6,808 25 390 425 41,127 296,840 96,589 35,194 1,406 81,760 875 815 42,055 1,730 30,585 5,700 81,891 26 25 30 3,781 15,143 5,886 1,877 43 3,896 40 40 1,915 50 1,495 356 3,441 27 235 945 44,385 180,442 70, 720 18,002 2,180 49,593 645 400 26,685 605 15,910 5,348 39,947 28 25 50 7,174 29,248 10,069 3,510 64 7,996 105 95 3,800 100 3,370 526 7,609 29 2,130 3,340 253,630 1,286,820 449, 507 148,533 22,016 401,004 9,870 2,975 217,675 5,660 129,510 35,314 265,760 30 25 40 4,767 16,776 6,266 2,227 39 4,306 45 25 2,040 35 1,820 341 3,938 31 235 1,490 34,855 170,981 67,424 22,717 2,697 43,963 510 235 23,325 320 13,885 5,688 34,180 32 35 55 8,948 37,382 10,898 4,075 65 11, 566 135 120 4,745 130 5,765 671 10,778 33 115 415 30,105 190,197 64,647 23,576 2,088 55,930 1,040 515 28,855 715 19,930 4,875 43,956 34 55 55 8,889 40,858 11,246 4,255 64 14,626 155 145 5,500 150 7,845 831 10,667 35 1,435 2,955 118,838 1,102,853 391,082 162, 753 8,930 357,518 6,475 3,265 160, 480 5,050 156,950 25,298 182, 570 .16 30 50 7,144 28,710 10,152 3,410 59 7,821 95 85 3,680 90 3,300 571 7,268 37 470 2,775 92, 183 471,147 188,283 56,804 6,643 121,021 1,995 845 62,440 1,370 40,350 14,021 98,396 38 30 50 8,204 31,586 10,694 3,710 65 8,556 115 100 4,040 105 3,610 586 8,561 39 2,365 4,285 298,015 1,467,262 11 70 11 70 520,227 6 65 6 65 166, 535 24,196 5 5 5 5 450, 597 10,515 3,375 244,360 6,265 145,420 40,662 305,707 40 42 43 45 45 9,051 39,134 10,700 4,019 61 13,736 140 135 5,175 145 7,390 751 10,618 45 5 5 20 5 5 5 222 7,017 6,392 1,300 10,037 12,191 178 1,218 2,198 126 447 1,018 4 8 3 485 735 2,035 20 35 40 205 225 675 5 240 440 1,105 15 30 145 507 7,629 6,937 46 5 35 35 48 25 10 115 805 300 6,585 110 35 641 691 6,246 4,477 41 50 51 555 12,281 20 120 15 110 175 4,710 30 40 3,052 28,893 8,902 3,171 62 5 155 1,546 100 46 1,160 10 15 275 10 780 70 240 52 53 54 15 40 1,340 1,530 2,120 1,960 196 160 1,311 2,413 10 25 2,241 9,457 2,033 1,212 19 3,780 60 30 10 5 2,016 8,490 2,469 1,090 21 2,500 35 10 1,005 40 1,250 160 2,410 55 25 10 15 10 570 295 10 10 625 275 65 40 2,022 2,433 56 S7 1,735 5,447 2,054 320 640 36.0 47.7 49.8 47.3 52.4 46.4 44.3 40.3 46.4 41.3 41.8 40.6 39.0 41.2 51.2 58 35 15 2,615 15,408 1,767 1,162 15 9,071 40 85 3,010 95 5,405 436 3,393 i" 10 10 565 4,977 300 200 1 3,325 15 35 925 25 2,195 130 1,151 60 10 15 1,600 6,086 1,528 680 11 2,080 35 10 970 30 915 120 1,787 61 5 10 4,777 17,856 7,251 2,253 38 2,510 75 30 1,195 20 975 215 5,804 6! 4 7 15 13 19 14 12 6 11 6 7 5 5 7 15 63 1,247 9,723 40 63 '351 10,491 30 115 5 125 135 3,875 10 95 125 5,670 46 611 2,378 9,752 40 35 7,074 33,734 3,705 65 40 35 7,058 33,679 9,708 3,695 63 10,476 115 125 3,875 95 5,655 611 9,737 66 4.23 11.22 3.36 4.16 4.66 4.90 10.38 2.91 7.97 4.06 3.02 3.17 2.54 4.32 4.65 67 15 5 5 25 20 5 16 2,226 757 216 55 12,771 4,576 2,235 15 4,706 1,635 854 10 1,749 636 337 15 1,500 366 251 30 20 5 25 5 5 625 145 120 15 625 110 70 15 4,770 1,912 765 46 27 28 195 86 46 h0 7(1 5 71 30 30 4,713 22,963 7,483 2,901 46 5,941 75 90 2,505 50 2,795 426 6,592 72 10 281 32 2,790 375 1,032 150 392 62 24 10 400 76 5 5 10 190 45 170 20 30 1 942 77 ' 74 1 218 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Fa rms Land owned by farm operators farms Land rented from others by farm operators farms Land rented to others by farm operators farms Land in farms Average size of farm Value of land and buildings average per farm average per acre Proportion of farms reporting value Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported . . .number reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres . . . .acres . . . . acres , dollars dol lars percent .percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 ac res fa rms 50 to 99 acres fa rms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 acres and over fa rms Cropl and used onl y for pasture fa rms Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, e tc . ) fa rms Cropland, total farms Land pastured, total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land in farms farms Land irrigated by sprinklers farms FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators Not residing on farm operated operators With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators 1 to 99 days operators 100 days or more operators Not working off their farm operators Operators by age: Lnder 25 years operators 25 to 34 years.. operators 35 to 44 years operators 45 to 54 years.. operators 55 to 64 years operators 65 years and over... operators Average age Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years ■ operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. reporting acres reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, . reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. . . . . years. SPFCIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. . From a power line farms reporting. Average of lust monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farma reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater.... farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. I I'Miic powei-feed grinder farms reporting. 12,731 11,003 994,791 3,501 199,491 2,147 63,117 ,152,034 90.5 5,802 65.34 85 83 11,258 251,077 3,681 2,951 2,012 1,687 722 169 36 4,957 53,441 8,268 127,015 5,201 77,851 10,114 534,674 4,174 53,164 11,847 54,812 12,351 431,533 9,213 184,456 10,941 612,525 11,862 356 5,940 1,757 4,183 6,580 180 1,393 2,570 2,733 2,594 2,420 51.5 2,882 537 1,977 7,220 17 1,587 10,727 10,697 4.36 30 5,046 1,705 837 7,702 977 74 3,880 3,880 498,978 xxxxxyjoct KXJOOQCXXX 799 26,568 472,410 121.8 7,430 62.43 89 87 3,702 106,776 566 1,006 861 872 312 68 17 1,948 25,629 2,654 44,582 2,001 33,929 3,474 216,891 1,596 23,538 3,726 21,065 3,820 176,987 3,358 83,096 3,725 250,820 3,667 71 1,067 632 435 2,787 30 291 590 804 976 999 54.9 477 2,718 22 586 3,472 3,467 4.70 5 1,990 669 308 2,571 415 3' 1,251 1,251 118,868 1,251 57,611 179 6,373 170,106 136.0 8,746 60.50 76 81 1,251 51,540 95 210 260 335 267 76 8 638 8,801 755 13,825 715 11,134 1,036 65,016 523 11,992 1,211 7,798 1,251 74,166 1,046 31,927 1,136 76,150 1,182 28 154 1,110 1,110 5.36 639 247 113 910 170 15 (») (») (*) (») 8 1,691 18,073 669.4 30,979 57.83 89 71 27 2,827 5 1,125 5 5 5 246 17 2,268 18 2,323 26 8,428 18 1,418 27 563 27 5,341 26 3,987 27 10,751 385 6 245 140 6 851 21 10 126 11 366 3 287 2 246 5 105 1 48.0 43.5 200 8 25 1 215 10 761 9 10 27 27 11.81 1,115 27,870 185 410 265 155 80 15 5 285 4,935 535 8,595 385 5,135 545 36,280 250 3,865 920 4,360 1,125 41,400 570 13,935 620 41,415 1,065 40 295 190 105 810 35 195 280 240 140 90 45.3 640 180 225 200 55 825 825 3.63 220 60 40 505 25 5 15 loaooaaoaat xxxxnccsxx 15 2,130 70 1,950 10 30 15 15 30 1,115 45 640 35 470 55 4,565 25 285 175 70 3,705 55 1,870 60 5,035 5 25 10 10 10 5 42.4 30 5 15 25 9 10 60 60 6.93 2,130 142.0 5,000 50.00 33 23 15 290 10 105 10 150 5 50 15 1,465 15 70 15 545 10 155 15 1,515 xyjcccxxyjaac 5 10 10 4.28 390 35,825 25 305 35,520 91.1 5,103 58.33 83 390 11,185 50 105 95 85 45 10 135 1,665 205 3,855 185 2,545 225 12,390 315 2,350 390 16,705 240 5,740 255 14,935 365 20 125 85 40 260 15 75 100 85 65 20 44.7 180 45 105 85 15 285 285 3.19 70 10 25 205 10 •Not available. 'Pata are given by tenure of operator for co only. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: only a aample of farms. See textj NORTH CAROLINA CENSUS OF 1950— Continued 219 Are* 4a — Continued Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Tenants — Con, Croppers Other and unspeci- fied Not classi- fied Total all farms Tenure of operato Full owners Part owners Managers Crop- share Livestock share Croppc Other and unspeci - fied 445 XXX3QQCXXXX 445 16,260 5 40 16,220 36.4 2,724 89.79 83 69 440 7,545 110 190 95 45 185 xxxxxxxxxx 185 22,620 20 1,460 21,160 114.4 3,915 44.37 73 56 180 5,600 15 75 60 15 10 70 590 160 1,380 80 920 100 4,740 65 310 350 735 445 9,515 130 1,820 125 5,660 425 15 35 325 10 75 115 90 45 35 44.9 310 115 70 330 330 2.78 5 30 1,325 100 2,205 60 685 130 9,165 60 1,295 155 885 185 9,130 115 3,305 145 9,850 170 5 6,448 5,872 376,945 1,125 48,875 1,096 26,520 400,405 62.1 4,405 71.84 85 84 5,163 62,064 2,830 1,325 626 320 56 5 1 2,081 13,830 4,307 57,745 2,082 25,330 5,033 208,059 1,787 12,351 5,963 21,026 6,128 133,639 4,213 51,511 5,433 233,389 5,927 216 4,522 145 10 35 4,187 25 690 10 3,497 140 2,111 5 105 20 770 50 1,331 45 1,400 15 1,227 25 1,225 47.3 51.1 95 1,525 10 300 30 1,050 40 3,532 7 17 15 782 125 5,293 125 5,268 5.09 3.99 25 40 2,177 20 718 5 367 85 3,697 5 355 5 16 14,957 12,148 910,085 5,290 303,026 3,166 109,975 ,120,301 74.9 6,563 87.47 86 13,525 373,495 4,045 3,001 2,255 2,326 1,425 378 95 4,636 45,709 8,479 122,623 6,145 88,356 10,254 350,390 6,492 79,844 13,969 59,884 14,407 541,827 10,865 213,909 11,780 438,746 13,744 608 6,705 7,431 1,782 5,649 7,131 330 2,113 3,226 2,846 2,731 2,486 49.4 4,355 871 2,398 7,222 15 2,156 12,238 12,188 4.69 50 6,707 2,337 976 9,444 1,592 195 3,342 130,450 300 571 745 970 585 126 45 1,541 20,016 1,963 32,430 1,900 31,279 2,877 123,319 1,987 26,953 3,376 17,328 3,422 182,896 3,141 78,248 3,202 154,598 3,222 120 787 442 345 2,615 60 225 547 570 852 931 54.9 555 85 416 2,310 22 532 3,075 3,070 5.44 5 1,990 698 271 2,463 537 40 1,639 1,639 140,485 1,639 96,951 338 9,187 228,249 139.3 12,107 85.95 84 85 1,634 92,928 65 185 275 420 445 215 29 687 7,675 1,089 22,236 913 15,085 1,349 64,273 944 15,887 1,589 10,165 1,634 122,839 1,424 38,647 1,474 79,358 1,523 . 46 470 350 120 1,129 15 222 455 385 296 125 46.9 326 35 335 308 1,494 1,489 5.92 5 954 349 196 1,254 318 51 («) (») (») 15,106 719.3 82,692 118.08 95 93 21 4,874 10 2 9 19 2,285 13 665 19 912 19 1,367 20 3,982 20 1,021 21 7,824 21 7,179 20 2,279 1,760 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 1,760 138,640 55 860 137,780 78.3 5,490 74.45 85 80 1,750 59,145 185 395 395 470 260 35 10 390 3,245 780 12,590 580 9,630 870 39,655 580 7,645 1,425 5,870 1,750 74,980 980 20,520 985 49,285 12 20 20 32.60 10 1,640 60 505 400 105 ,200 100 315 435 345 255 150 980 200 310 340 6 65 1,170 1,160 2.89 10 210 75 25 715 85 15 70 "xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 70 6,420 6,420 91.7 8,060 90.48 86 83 70 2,370 10 5 20 20 15 20 100 40 790 25 235 60 2,100 40 365 65 460 70 3,260 55 700 65 2,335 65 2.40 20 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 20 2,650 2,650 132.5 15,867 106.97 75 84 20 955 xxxxxxxxx 15 585 20 895 20 120 20 ,050 20 900 725 29,740 45 100 160 250 150 10 10 190 1,495 385 6,530 320 5,390 500 22,470 285 3,555 640 3,145 725 37,765 525 10,440 550 27,860 5 52.3 15 15 2.35 685 30 160 125 35 535 25 105 170 135 130 85 46.9 345 65 130 195 35 480 480 2.62 75 15 5 320 30 5 710 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 710 36,700 20 420 36,280 51.1 3,910 80.08 710 19,135 105 235 155 125 70 20 235 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 235 20,280 10 175 20,105 85.6 5,107 70.57 74 63 225 6,945 25 55 55 65 20 105 930 225 3,245 155 2,155 195 7,590 160 1,785 535 1,440 710 23,310 255 4,870 240 9,745 665 25 260 210 50 445 60 160 170 170 65 35 41.4 465 115 115 95 25 450 445 2.72 5 65 30 10 235 35 70 715 120 1,935 80 1,850 100 6,910 75 1,045 165 705 225 9,595 125 3,610 115 8,760 205 5 40 30 10 175 15 40 65 25 40 25 44.8 110 10 45 45 7 5 160 155 4.51 5 60 20 10 110 20 8,070 7,042 346,927 1,891 07,435 1,792 59,030 357,391 44.3 4,577 101.40 86 6,778 86,098 3,495 1,850 840 466 125 1,999 12,438 4,634 54.702 2,733 31,450 5,139 121,776 2,961 25,377 7,559 25,500 7,580 153,288 5,299 69,315 6,099 153,226 ,339 381 5,668 590 5,078 2,177 155 1,350 1,781 1,545 1,317 1,280 48.6 2,487 550 1,335 3,662 14 1,239 6,479 6,449 4.32 30 3,543 1,207 482 5,008 651 82 220 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).~FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share FARMS, A C H F. A G E . AND V A L l_ E Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land m farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres '. farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture fnot cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots , roads , wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres, FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm. operators reporting, Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or mor» operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms report i n i r - Electric washing machine farms report ing. F.lectrlc chick brooder farms reporting. Elect r i< power 'feed grinder '".trms reporting. 26,466 16,606 1,336,566 12, 721 600,505 5,269 229,111 1,746,539 66.0 6,392 96.15 80 24,291 627,800 5,182 6,837 5,182 4,669 1,966 353 102 7,473 82, 106. 9,850 121, 593 10,532 159, 133 15,227 568,954 9,331 102, 099 21,982 84,854 25, 595 831,499 17,254 343,338 18,048 728,087 24, 212 870 9,518 7,126 14, 112 775 3,692 5,908 5,133 4,460 3,533 48.1 9,765 2,515 4,449 9,485 12 3 172 20 239 ao 207 4. 83 730 a 465 I 131 12 656 6,011 6,011 666,060 XXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx 1,950 84,249 581,811 96.8 8,280 86.32 83 205,589 456 1,276 1,450 1,662 842 157 47 2,613 35,422 2,476 30,886 3,496 56,758 4,653 189,057 3,037 38, 654 5,602 25,445 5,951 271,897 5,319 130,834 5,391 245,815 222 866 1,664 830 834 4, 140 60 520 1, 100 1,079 1,542 1,184 52.9 1,036 ISO 849 3,591 19 5,117 5, 107 5.73 10 2,916 1,1-15 419 3,756 •"■ 2,046 2,048 169, 605 2,048 101,609 629 28, 938 242,276 118.3 11,524 94.17 2,038 99,074 95 295 405 590 495 122 36 959 13,655 848 11,769 1,161 23,115 1,501 72,446 902 12,935 1,876 9,282 2,048 124, 498 1,710 49 , 705 1,772 95,561 (*) (*) (*) 30 4,664 33,703 660.8 51,789 84.75 45 51 8,544 ,050 6 674 25 4,265 49 1,579 51 10,268 49 7,822 50 17,591 7,467 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 7,467 '378, 257 14 6 3,602 374,655 50. 2 4,717 93.36 72 7,437 199,498 470 2,331 2,195 1,870 526 35 10 1,172 9,115 1,562 16,685 1,860 24,400 2,562 95,133 1,560 14, 370 5,067 15, 454 7,452 225,298 3,072 47,885 3,107 119,533 643 365 278 1,354 518 334 391 8 930 15 14 8 ": 5 37 L, 798 45 1,793 ■1!) 7. 12 28.42 1,066 42 471 26 190 6 i. 37 388 14 27 ,442 160 1,815 1,435 380 4,796 390 1,250 2,045 1,290 721 401 42.8 4,090 1,165 1,335 255 4,722 4,721 ". 83 1 646 180 60 2,035 285 20 256 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 256 20,820 25 20, 795 SL 2 5,520 66.67 84 256 6,910 25 60 40 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 40 1,980 60 71 830 131 1,400 125 i, 725 121 7,227 95 815 256 9,140 181 4,370 171 9,952 326 5 35 141 25 75 65 35 21 47.3 136 25 70 26 6 10 181 180 1,980 49.5 4,941 95.82 40 2,545 XXXXXXXXXX! XXXXXXXXXXX 2,545 151,735 55 1,170 150,565 59.2 5,213 88.23 74 74 2,535 75,270 110 540 820 810 245 10 30 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 30 1,185 15 50 20 240 15 75 40 65 40 ,330 5 20 5 5 5 44.4 20 5 10 10 525 2,975 740 6,865 955 11,055 1,240 41,390 800 6,885 2,010 6,125 2,540 85,110 1,460 20, 915 1,475 52,445 2,260 60 705 550 155 1,610 100 390 755 520 270 110 43.5 1,415 350 470 335 85 1,755 1 , 755 2.90 213 30 100 5 •Not nvmlabl-. 'Data are Riven by tenure of operator for .il fumis only. NORTH CAROLINA }Y TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued inly a sample of farms. See text] 221 Areaa 5 and D— Co ntinued Areas 6 and l\ Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Not classi • fled Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Not classi- fied Tenant a — Con. Full Part .Will' 1 Managers Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share, cash Crop- share I.iveatock- share ( Toppers Other and unapeel - fled 3,675 721 10,889 35, 722 '.', 195 3,973 41 16,905 503 8,756 90 6, 295 1,041 5,608' 1 IXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 8,547 17,475 9,195 3,973 C) XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxyxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 4,307 2 UtXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx 490,901 1,564,530 954,868 227,176 C) XXXXXXXXX* xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx XXX'XXXXX xxxxxxxxx 382, 486 3 3,875 721 3,206 22,701 xxxxxxxxx 3,973 C) 16,905 503 220 8,766 90 6,295 1,041 1,823 4 143, 550 58,987 120, 639 915,837 xxxxxxxxx 125,079 (♦> 741,390 39, 223 10, 100 413,000 7,760 214,410 ■, 5 30 56 2,514 7,753 3,4 32 1,161 5 394 38 5 235 5 70 41 2,761 6 875 1,532 107,658 359,384 149,338 53,331 1,008 13, 289 5,729 05 5,395 30 .. 1,190 140,418 7 142, 675 57,455 514 , 094 2, 145, 41 805,530 296,924 30,597 728,101 33,496 10,015 406,405 7,730 " ', '" • 36,705 294,306 e 36.8 79.7 47.2 60. 1 87.6 74.7 502.4 43.] 66.6 45.5 46.' 83. S 34.0 54.5 52.5 9 4,118 5,941 5,261 6,337 7,752 7,650 63,221 5,393 6,125 6,056 6,292 10,082 3,842 6,171 5,561 10 109. 11 77.70 110. 11 108. 23 91.88 105.20 132. 67 126.64 87.15 161.17 138.34 115. 11 112.94 116. '2 108.49 11 71 66 B3 87 68 88 60 8? 86 75 88 91 86 85 82 1! 73 63 84 65 85 86 76 86 91 63 86 96 86 83 80 13 3,865 711 8,875 34,027 8,997 3,953 36 16,880 503 330 8,751 90 6,265 1,031 4,161 14 94, 440 20,848 115,095 733,397 219, 184 110, 150 3,537 361, 775 11,095 5,870 203,769 2,750 113,660 24,631 38, 701 15 295 40 4,161 5,684 991 311 5 1,665 100 5 510 5 955 90 2,712 16 1,505 206 2,935 12, 863 3,221 1,300 7,225 180 75 3,380 30 3,14 6 425 1,117 17 1,045 230 1, 1?2 8,658 2,569 1,107 5 4,766 111 75 2,855 35 1,435 275 191 L« 830 145 531 5,329 1,671 843 5 2,710 100 35 1,705 15 655 180 100 19 175 70 101 1,270 453 326 6 451 5 10 275 15 95 51 34 20 5 30 15 187 74 55 9 43 7 26 10 6 21 10 36 18 11 6 1 22 380 181 2,697 8,669 3,475 1,355 18 2,802 130 45 1,556 25 850 196 1,019 23 2,285 2,935 22,664 56, 522 23, 778 10,062 3,554 12,003 665 100 5,645 130 4,550 893 7,135 24 425 241 4,956 10,465 3,344 1,261 13 3,989 147 35 3,151 15 1,410 331 1,858 25 3,845 4,445 61,579 91,693 34,552 10,237 753 28,355 1,306 345 16,124 205 8,825 1,550 17,796 26 480 270 3,979 9,606 3,784 1,369 19 3,133 142 70 1,941 40 705 225 1,311 27 5,715 4,620 52,353 126,727 57,139 20,568 1, 198 27,755 2,660 355 15,720 9B5 6,635 1,480 20, 067 2B 780 396 6,467 22, 149 7,836 3,153 30 7,524 317 135 4,431 50 2,030 571 3,606 29 26,490 19,661 197,234 1,000,454 419,869 129, 399 10, 900 354, 946 16,409 3,690 141, 106 3,295 65,765 25,481 185, 340 30 445 195 3,607 5,458 2,085 672 8 1,876 51 25 1,105 30 520 145 817 31 4,365 2,165 31,875 50,573 21,638 5,662 160 13, 905 620 150 7, 610 180 4,680 665 9,206 32 2,195 576 9,388 29,343 8,495 3,538 40 12,815 388 170 6,876 80 4,475 836 4,455 33 5,535 2,781 33,094 86,092. 29,370 10,846 445 29, 362 701 405 15,431 185 9,635 3,005 16,069 34 3,870 716 10,093 34,705 9,068 3, 966 41 16,890 503 320 8,756 90 6,290 1,031 4,738 35 100,570 26,228 199,538 881,612 277,514 130,449 7,894 402, 133 13,086 6,315 225,538 3,085 127,035 27,074 63,622 36 940 441 7,104 17,622 6,534 2,433 26 6,214 227 110 3, 656 65 1,720 436 2,416 37 12,365 9,720 107, 092 233,822 102, 555 36, 392 4,912 53, 663 3,985 505 28,975 1,295 15,865 3,038 36,400 36 955 466 7,728 24,140 8,434 3,388 36 8,300 343 140 4,911 65 2,215 626 3,982 39 32, 205 24, 281 249,587 1,127, 181 1 477,008 149,967 1 12,098 283,701 19,089 3,145 156,826 4,280 72,400 26,961 205., 407 40 II 42 43 44 45 15 15 1 1 15 15 3,305 581 10,183 33,256 8,795 3,611 35 15, 645 423 205 8,116 85 5,930 886 4,970 75 20 414 945 166 71 6 44 5 30 5 315 5 155 35 357 46 300 50 175 7,854 6,763 4,330 8, 146 547 1,625 229 918 760 2, 745 30 100 5 45 315 1, 270 5 370 1, 165 35 165 2,794 2,853 545 47 825 5 48 69C 135 1, 135 4, 189 983 656 2,005 85 45 990 770 115 49 135 40 5,628 3,95? 642 262 5 740 15 380 395 50 2,306 50 2,565 430 3,784 26,385 7,389 2,990 35 13, 555 378 160 7,201 90 4,920 806 2,416 51 280 10 305 1, 845 135 60 1,495 35 15 585 ■760 80 155 52 53 750 75 1,610 7,111 1,116 605 20 4,590 90 40 2,435 40 1,745 340 780 1,020 160 2,227 8,345 1,885 1,191 6. 4,291 110 80 2,275 25 1,525 376 973 54 505 190 3, 197 6,437 2,047 923 8 2,412 76 .50 1,316 15 860 125 1,047 55 355 195 56 70 1,858 1,776 5,074 3,180 1,940 1, 262 635 237 1,521 691 86 41 30 15 835 335 10 455 215 115 85 978 989 56 57 1 46.9 49.0 44.5 49.8 45.4 38.3 39.5 44.3 43.8 40.0 40.6 37.9 41.9 49.9 56 2,230 280 4,056 16,434 1,664 1,260 13 11,586 380 150 6,005 55 4,510 586 1,891 59 705 80 1,170 5,788 342 275 6 4,505 85 45 2,200 10 1,970 195 660 60 625 150 1,866 5,314 1,580 799 7 2,373 77 15 1,230 30 755 165 656 61 370 170 8 4,028 IE 11,833 10 5,513 17 1,752 12 16 10 1,997 5 116 7 35 6 1,031 5 655 4 160 6 2,565 14 >^ 4 63 125 30 1,674 2,449 872 342 22 356 45 10 155 120 26 857 64 2,295 451 8,557 26,827 8,045 3,377 36 13, 304 3?3 170 7,321 60 4,525 736 4,165 65 2,295 451 8,541 28,751 8,025 3,352 36 13, 174 372 170 7,316 80 4,510 726 4,164 66 2.55 3.64 4. 72 4. 17 5.08 5.01 17.24 3.04 3.89 2.91 3.11 3. 12 2.79 3.44 5.16 67 16 76 20 25 30 5 1,006 15 535 10 170 I 68 69 240 135 4,030 8,587 3,642 1,310 31 1,816 80 15 10 1,788 95 35 1,64; 3,400 1,"467 623 29 370 45 160 5 125 35 911 70 35 15 456 2,669 1, 171 365 13 655 35 15 405 5 160 35 465 71 785 235 5, 495 16,771 5,513 2,137 14 6,733 337 115 4,lf5 45 1,810 410 2,375 72 lie 10 45 5 9oe 100 2,751 194 1,074 66 436 41 7 1 816 60 35 5 15 5 450 30 230 10 85 419 26 73 5 74 991354 0-52-16 222 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2). FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for i| {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operato Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting ■acres Land irrigated by sprinklers , farms reporting acres FARM OPFRATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off -farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting.. ] to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting. . Not working off their farm operators reporting.. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting., 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting.. 45 to 54 years operators reporting.. 55 to 64 years operators reporting.. 65 years and over operators reporting.. Average age years.. Operators by year3 on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting.. 1 year or less operators reporting.. 5 to 9 years operators reporting., 10 years or more operotors reporting.. Average number of years on present farm years.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of lost monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant. farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home free/.er farms report i ng. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power- Iced grinder farms reporting. 20,004 8,675 1,132,592 14,261 864,223 3,581 333,224 1,694,131 84.7 7,332 88.73 87 18,898 596,218 1,996 4,557 5,039 4,790 2,091 301 124 5,982 31,931 5,077 49,426 5,691 79,656 12,117 856,376 1,728 27,528 15,952 52,996 19,295 677,575 9,643 139,115 13,221 936,032 11 22 18,020 881 2,495 4,925 3,009 1,916 14,140 960 3,373 4,547 4,103 2,667 2,087 45.5 7,965 2,514 3,322 7,365 11 1,116 13,093 13,067 4.30 26 3,042 1,288 952 5,522 1,485 108 4,0e9 4,089 676,658 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1,395 145,017 531,641 130.0 9,799 76.32 91 90 3,888 130,093 386 1,043 979 953 410 70 47 163 161 2 13 1,372 14,449 1,986 35,974 3,577 310, 633 518 14,513 3,774 12,818 4,002 157,703 3,088 63,648 3,864 346,607 3,771 168 849 583 266 3,173 10 289 704 1,003 909 767 53.0 591 96 663 2,710 19 367 3,182 5.27 1, 2,595 2,595 228,351 2,595 180,995 766 72,511 336,835 129.8 10,245 87.80 2,578 119,002 115 466 560 649 586 161 41 1,139 6,498 813 8,571 1,065 16,572 2,088 173,862 286 2,751 2,317 9,579 2,579 134,071 1,751 25,821 2,204 190,434 2,376 142 511 173 ,879 20 324 699 722 389 222 47.3 659 125 470 1,398 14 210 1,887 1 . 887 5.22 629 291 212 978 330 («) («) (») (») 8 2,955 16,415 1,492.3 170,072 124.59 45 42 520 6 371 6 746 11 11,184 1 450 a 3 11 3,832 10 1,716 11 11,930 1 2 10,515 10,505 320, 20B 395 2,505 3,300 3,127 1,087 62 29 2,043 8,094 2,131 13,450 2,075 21, 279 4,685 237, 286 698 5,646 7,654 22,428 10,510 341,752 3,723 35,019 5,265 258,565 10 20 10 20 9,537 398 1,941 1,625 316 7,994 830 2,416 2,698 1,864 861 576 40.8 . • 1,957 1,855 1,981 274 6,249 6, 229 3.32 20 623 173 ."3; 35 492 13,324 30 170 150 90 46 5 1 122 559 170 1,075 126 1,499 337 20,109 31 868 382 1,100 492 14,958 232 2,926 357 21,608 95 lODOOODOOQC xjoaoacxxxx 95 6,535 10 595 5,940 62.5 5,071 80.04 89 91 95 4,100 101 100 91 115 71 46.3 206 45 75 181 10 16 23 . I . v 20 90 35 120 30 205 50 1,200 5 5 220 95 4,310 40 300 55 1,405 55 55 3.34 2,469 178,628 61 2,570 176,058 71.3 7,245 95.96 81 85 2,469 86,047 70 355 755 876 386 17 10 513 1,905 521 4,240 557 7,675 1,194 69,731 191 1,435 1,864 5,025 2,469 92,192 958 11,015 1,334 77,406 2,139 135 345 280 65 1,924 165 450 661 427 246 195 43.0 1,117 311 480 592 65 ' . :' 1,273 3.36 15 121 36 40 .1:' 91 15 •Not nvoilnhle. 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial fnrms only. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: only a sample of farms. See text] CENSUS NORTH CAROLINA OF 1950 Continued 223 Ar ea 7 — Continued Area i Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Not classi- fied Total all fa rms Tenure of o peralor' Not classi- fied Tenant s — Con. Full owners Port owners Manogers T«in»l. I Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share- eaah Crop- li.i I r Li vcatock- aliare Croppers ' ii ll- 1 1 unspeci - tied i 6,868 J XXXXXXXXXX ] XXXXXXXXXX 6,868 363,179 71 1,935 361,244 52.6 , 5,944 1 114. 19 89 88 f 6,863 196,057 265 1,780 '. 2,270 1,961 545 30 12 1,242 4,260 1,265 i 7.310 ■ 1,262 10,910 2,833 125,536 421 3,003 !: 4,922 14, 168 . 6, 863 207,627 ' 2,252 18,173 3,218 136,446 10 20 10 20 . 6,392 201 310 1,405 1,175 230 5,178 590 1,740 1,771 1,227 490 255 39.4 4,196 1,511 1,180 1,057 5 178 4,383 4,378 3.19 5 402 107 156 1,433 275 20 .511 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 511 40,530 21 1,515 39,015 76.4 5,917 66.73 71 82 506 17,480 30 160 105 135 70 2,794 1,911 227,583 1,151 43,054 1,192 100,958 180,849 64.7 4,361 75.27 81 73 1,916 23,974 1,100 543 200 61 6 5 1 631 3,658 755 12,585 559 5,085 1,756 123,411 225 4,168 2,198 7,968 2,193 40,217 1,071 12,911 1,877 128,496 31,738 9,130 1,126,552 24,368 1,009,400 5,763 480,953 1,763,202 55.6 . 167.65 83 79 30,469 777,048 2,978 10,122 8,879 6,613 1,635 150 92 8,192 37,738 5,096 43,066 5,815 62,403 15,040 751,495 3,373 27,861 24,077 63,591 30, 873 857, 852 13,217 128,002 16,359 813, 898 5,070 5,070 625,038 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2,288 151,942 473,096 93.3 11,711 129.30 84 82 4,968 137,257 471 1,662 1,388 1,027 355 38 27 2,480 13,641 1,255 11,139 1,772 26,863 4,422 259,986 1,055 9,522 4,612 14,688 5,023 162,037 3,726 50,026 4,684 286, 849 4,791 140 275 842 507 335 4,085 50 512 1,171 1,195 1,022 693 49.6 984 135 669 3,062 17 577 4,459 4,454 5.66 5 2,331 882 655 3,036 1,032 77 1,908 1,908 180,523 1,908 106,935 932 91,085 196,373 102.9 14,171 141.61 83 80 1,891 66, 828 136 505 485 448 245 40 32 857 5,659 518 6,741 701 8,880 1,504 96,605 356 3,509 1,762 8,151 1,898 79,228 1,345 18,048 1,605 105,485 1,769 70 119 473 342 131 1,401 40 313 473 474 307 103 45.2 537 130 343 934 13 298 1,667 1,666 6.17 1 831 298 244 1,185 429 27 8') («) («) (») («) 65 . 56,572 635.6 58,155 113.23 61 49 77 14,131 .'1 ,941 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx L,94: ' ..■' 600 26,450 845,768 38.5 . 198.83 85 86 21,940 542,100 1,205 7,675 6,930 5,075 1,000 48 7 4,098 11,365 2,719 16,184 2,693 14,965 7,306 224,273 1,642 7,460 15,521 29,421 21,941 569,649 6,875 33,790 8,121 239,238 21,155 420 980 3,530 2,545 985 18,040 1,995 6,072 5,956 3,666 1,906 655 39.2 14,644 5,336 3,320 3,011 5 580 17,645 17,625 3.22 20 2,380 500 672 7,322 2,054 65 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 346 30,943 96 5,209 25,734 74.4 9,698 129.50 87 87 346 9,711 35 135 75 60 30 5 6 146 635 85 290 85 460 261 13,658 30 195 306 785 346 10,636 211 1,290 271 14,118 301 45 35 100 60 40 231 10 90 86 55 35 25 42.8 195 65 50 81 7 41 276 276 4.71 126 16 21 210 60 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 9j 4,1 15 435 4,225 44.5 7,405 L63.28 89 91 95 2,075 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx , 188,755 175 . 183, 675 52.1 8.755 168.81 87 ,5; 102,195 115 905 1,100 1,085 300 20 955 2,510 700 4,805 640 5,540 1,675 60,265 395 2,175 2,675 6,185 3,525 109,510 1,615 10,225 1,870 65,805 3,360 95 175 545 425 120 2,910 245 960 1,005 545 410 100 40.1 2,040 685 620 675 6 125 2,915 2.900 3.59 15 590 125 155 1,685 420 5 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2,800 2 736 , 93.8 8,281 . 73 5 21 554 5 5 17, 377 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 17,377 616,245 12,675 603,570 34.7 7,434 213.11 17,377 995 6,400 5,585 3,735 640 21 1 2,812 7,480 1,826 9,450 1,857 8,280 5,047 139,180 1,176 4,685 12,002 21,320 17,377 430,105 4,787 20,445 5,647 147,460 16,867 240 750 2,780 1,980 800 14,372 1,665 4,841 4,690 2,965 1,426 495 39.0 12,002 4,421 2,545 2,135 5 382 13,882 13,877 3.08 5 1,512 322 455 5,106 1,502 55 71 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 576 28,815 41 2,315 26,500 46.0 7,57' . 84 84 57i 14,390 55 185 140 165 30 1 1,878 1. . 70.1 8,321 146.92 . 1,166 275 76 53 16 2 693 2,903 563 7,370 593 6,826 1,74C 140,969 314 6,615 2,104 9,978 1,922 27,005 1,197 16,344 1,870 147,795 2,163 162 1,134 1,015 180 835 1,287 105 206 359 448 559 478 52.1 635 260 253 1,360 17 534 2,032 2,027 6.17 5 993 495 281 1,055 404 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 45 30 20 n 10 19 19 24 64 4,170 41 1,632 56 4,869 68 29,662 6 755 78 1,353 89 19,933 74 9,794 79 34,531 73 11 5 16 11 5 73 10 19 1 6 101 1,125 120 535 70 655 226 17,240 35 190 346 1,790 511 19,140 176 1,970 246 17,895 20 55 20 105 40 295 65 1,505 15 30 75 160 95 2,235 55 380 65 1,800 85 10 5 15 5 10 70 20 40 25 5 165 685 86 1,129 70 290 251 8,835 20 245 451 926 576 16,204 200 1,220 261 9,125 520 30 15 90 75 15 435 55 140 150 90 30 35 39.4 330 140 85 115 6 31 476 476 4.06 2 405 1 100 7 830 6 130 12 45 22 959 7 230 7 930 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 401 25 5 75 60 15 361 40 95 96 85 35 45 42.9 230 60 90 101 9 10 231 231 5.14 50 10 6 90 10 2,326 172 1,526 1,451 290 1,161 1,084 100 342 445 509 507 522 50.8 871 334 332 1,272 15 260 1,766 1,766 4.91 560 270 101 696 175 7 29,951 803 2,513 5,876 3,585 2,291 24,886 2,190 7,115 7,978 5,809 3,803 1,929 42.2 16,842 5,862 4,591 8,396 8 2,027 25,884 25,853 4.08 31 6,592 2,199 1,877 12,643 3,960 188 47 22 51 12 19 26 9 1 S3 54 6 5 55 S6 57 44.0 42 1 29 9 38 81 81 7.42 30.9 60 15 15 5 51.4 17 10 5 58 59 60 61 3 1 11 11 3.30 63 64 85 85 5.54 25 10 65 66 67 57 24 25 45 41 7 6 1 1 5 1 121 26 40 231 61 69 70 71 85 10 . 5 72 73 74 224 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share FARMS. ACREAGE, AND V A L I E n umbel rams Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land ren'.ed from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting, acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average pej - acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 Co 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture {not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. . Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting.. Not working off their farm operators reporting.. Operators by age : Under 25 years , operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting.. 45 to 54 years operators reporting.. 55 to 64 years operators reporting.. 65 years and over operators reporting.. Average age years. . Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting.. 1 year or less operators reporting.. 5 to 9 years operators reporting.. 10 years or more operators reporting.. Average number of years on present farm years.. SPFCIF1ED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-wutcr heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder forms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder forms reporting. 19,196 9, 113 964,287 12, 329 542,822 3,545 229,006 ,, 368, 319 71.3 6,441 97.63 83 18,222 524,895 2,769 4,997 4,468 4,002 1,540 347 99 3,540 26, 980 5,079 66,961 2,917 60,901 10, 594 617,416 1,784 38,914 13,818 42, 252 18,643 618,836 6,414 116,795 11,251 678,317 18, 187 543 5 041 2 503 2 538 13 804 923 3 490 4 420 3 649 3 032 1 081 45.5 8 766 2 682 3 005 6 '. :■; 1,169 13,233 13,217 3.98 16 3,423 1,605 1,102 5,509 1,364 176 4,167 4,167 547, 558 XXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx 1,530 88, 674 458,884 110.1 8,067 79.17 ' 4,090 126,276 531 1,282 867 855 396 135 24 1,365 12,954 1,450 20, 447 1,216 27, 869 3,530 239, 590 703 17,073 3; 585 14,675 4,116 159,677 2,426 57,096 3,742 267,459 433 385 3,345 71 388 761 890 1,015 703 51.6 816 96 657 2,368 18 355 3, 336 3,330 4.99 6 1,421 648 434 1,822 550 91 1,930 1,930 164,031 1,930 73,948 504 35,907 202,072 104. 7 8,749 93.80 84 1,925 81,492 126 510 405 465 282 HI 26 585 4,922 773 10, 602 402 6,996 1,504' 91,627 274 3,200 1,656 3,233 1,930 97,016 957 15,118 1,570 98, 623 189 1,509 1,509 C) (*) (*) (*i 57 15,028 62, 657 895. 1 59,239 86.02 59 45 70 14,804 27 1,579 4,131 53 36, 579 60 1,319 70 20,076 33 6,262 55 40,710 9,175 xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX X 9,175 423,552 166 7,799 415, 753 45. 3 5,744 .26. 95 85 84 9, 160 267, 549 440 2,400 2,876 2,540 816 72 16 915 3,520 1,356 12, 309 637 12,795 2,914 i05,019 432' 3,197 5,604' 11, 364 9,160 283,378 1,692 19,512 3, 125 117,814 462 14 343 6 139 8 ,442 54 25 170 7 539 17 490 18 381 12 166 1 48. 1 46.4 597 32 46 8 417 9 811 25 12 9 212 490 1,677 1,336 341 7,413 701 2,340 2,511 1,530 907 350 40.4 6,014 2,122 1,440 1,291 220 5,748 5,738 2.95 10 457 145 240 1,507 365 25 202 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 202 27,628 31 3,469 24,159 119.6 9,197 83. 16 85 78 202 8,721 15 50 35 50 40 6 6 50 370 50 810 35 2,830 137 10, 393 156 490 202 9,901 90 3,745 142 13, 223 465 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 465 19,040 5 185 IS, 855 40.5 5,319 128.67 8-. 175 22 21 146 126 30 25 131 126 4.25 5 50 30 25 70 25 5,390 XX xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXX 5,390 247,985 70 1,430 246,555 45.7 6,085 133. 34 I 465 14, 195 15 65 185 150 45 45 75 80 350 15 225 135 3,595 10 30 245 385 465 14,620 65 330 135 3,820 5 405 120 85 65 90 35 43.8 270 35 85 95 310 310 3. 16 5,375 162,735 145 1,235 1,785 1,645 515 45 5 595 1,755 820 6,580 340 3,390 2,000 63,225 265 1,435 3,490 7,435 5,375 171,070 1,055 6,580 2,100 66, 615 5,200 125 900 755 145 4,490 345 1,410 1,570 860 515 220 40.5 3,490 1,185 923 705 5 100 3,565 3,565 2.89 200 40 130 925 200 •Not available. Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 225 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. Set text] Area 9 — Continue"! Area 10 Tenure of operator ' —Con . Tenants — Con. Croppers Not c lossi- fled Total oil farms Tenurr of operator 1 Full fart owners Share- caah Crop- share Llveatock- ntiare Croppe unapeci fled Not classi- fied 2,452 xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX 2,452 81,321 30 895 80,426 32.8 4,416 136.48 2,452 58,94e 215 905 681 505 141 5 XXXXXXXX xxxxxxxx 125 390 261 2,529 116 3,895 371 12,491 61 289 1,884' 2,452 61,867 266 4', 574 427 16,386 2,382 40 526 401 125 1,861 261 620 616 455 200 75 39.2 , 717 717 300 350 5 70 1,297 1,297 2.73 112 571 39,678 1,695 37,983 5,692 75.94 571 ,740 50 140 165 150 95 455 135 1,955 116 2,245 231 14,105 51 688 416 795 571 20,150 196 3,388 265 16,350 100 170 85 66 20 41.8 371 150 3,854 3,016 252,698 1,224 45,322 1,288 81,598 228, 953 59.4 4,395 80.99 79 72 2,977 34, 774 1,671 805 315 136 33 16 1 648 4,005 1,469 19,910 654 9,110 2,593 144,601 367 4,892 2,913 11,661 3,366 58,689 1,306 18,007 2,759 153,711 3,466 175 2,050 385 1,665 1,550 126 585 592 721 717 661 49.9 1,307 410 482 1,640 14 15 391 390 2,579 385 2,579 3.14 4.35 65 958 15 555 30 215 160 1,315 65 176 5 31 6,379 4,677 468,019 3,137 168,353 1,440 84,389 570,754 89.5 7,933 68.57 88 88 5,636 252,306 1,061 1,310 915 957 753 473 167 1,778 12,003 1,441 23,615 899 23,438 3,847 219,884 788 9,849 5,088 29,659 5,851 287,924 2,797 45, 290 4,136 243,322 8 343 5,846 383 2 450 1 225 1 225 3 797 201 835 ] ,332 1 ,332 1 ,138 905 48.8 1 ,850 401 983 3 ,213 564 4,664 4,649 4.62 15 1,432 604 412 2,579 442 23 1,831 1,831 227, 573 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 537 33,273 194,300 106.1 8,264 78.93 90 88 1,704 72,809 201 445 340 356 717 4,387 416 8,945 392 6,130 1,470 87,193 296 5,688 1,629 9,148 1,729 86,141 1,112 16,205 1,575 93,323 1,703 83 429 276 153 1,376 15 169 381 364 390 365 251 1,242 1,250 1,8! 'I 133,565 1,250 64,084 170 14,769 182,880 146.3 12,952 88.48 1,250 225 150 210 246 274 90 452 3,212 298 4,455 279 12,208 886 58,129 183 1,648 1,099 7,131 1,250 103,764 697 17,068 979 70,337 6 285 6 285 455 364 91 790 116 384 357 219 62 192 701 (*l CI (*) 2 620 19, 151 1,650.1 60,000 36.42 100 11 ,879 11 5,928 1,40' XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 1,401 87,945 30 955 86,990 62.1 8,133 1.28. 47 87 1,391 60,586 100 365 315 285 190 110 26 310 1,310 1,865 321 18,102 116 462 811 2,005 1,396 64,526 441 3,637 336 19,967 155 195 3 1,522 1,069 11 1,517 1,069 11 4.88 5. 56 16.10 529 402 6 208 209 2 146 144 9 866 586. 9 180 110 1 420 285 135 946 136 335 305 220 135 811 250 230 275 6 65 966 961 3.91 5 181 26 50 566 6,010 70.7 8,327 107.30 88 3,480 5 35 5 15 15 XXXXXXXXXX 20 3,850 10 225 3,625 181.2 18,067 83.26 75 90 20 1,860 10 175 3,740 25 270 401 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 401 40,605 15 685 39,920 99,6 12,559 128.24 86 401 29,846 20 1,415 740 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 740 29,270 1,415 70.8 11,867 137.98 29,270 39.6 6,067 147.41 87 740 20,410 135 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 45 6,7W 50.0 4,786 92.04 93 20 1,895 5 695 15 1,630 85 95 80 21 60 385 250 121 6,882 61 147 271 815 401 31,826 131 782 126 7,132 220 230 145 50 5 475 865 5 5 500 205 705 150 645 35 395 130 ,210 390 800 740 21,760 250 1,205 135 6,605 346 40 15 5.18 25 306 301 5.01 5 46 11 230 155 180 190 110 490 160 120 100 480 480 3.24 96 130 4,125 115 40 200 10 610 25 1,530 130 4,440 10 20 42.0 80 3.22 1,886 1,596 106,881 486 16,324 701 34,772 ■ ', 4:53 46.9 3,705 82.16 1,280 18,935 705 275 110 105 70 15 290 1,345 435 7,285 155 2,175 1,166 52, 468 191 1,615 1,539 4,610 1,465 27,565 536 5,135 1,236 54,643 260 25 1,705 136 , 144 300 844 677 35 215 256 390 392 433 53. 3 475 85 305 991 16 146 1,096 1,091 3.88 5 314 159 63 552 66 226 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 — Continued LData are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, AC BE AT, f AND VALI'E Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over . farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting ' acres Woodland nor pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) * farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms ■ farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres. FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold - operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm operators reporting Operators by age: Inder 25 years operators reporting 25 Lo 34 years.... operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting ^, to 64 yrars operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 lo 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm - years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Tel ephone l ""' s reporting Electricity fflrm;; reporting From a power line fo ™ s reporting Averarc of last monthly electric hill - ■ : '' From a home plant f "™ s reporting Electric water pump '•*"■■ r ''' " Flectnc hot-water heater f »™ s reporting Home freezer f «™« reporting Elcctri c washing machine f a ™s reporting Electric chick brooder ' '"■" reporting Electric power-feed grinder t»™» reporting Total all farms 28,276 18,601 1,639,125 14,826 483.479 5,920 220,737 1,922,023 68.0 5,071 79.07 86 82 26,701 5*5,555 6,319 9,683 5,889 3,593 993 187 37 7,835 42,577 9,164 88,477 5,416 12,065 17,278 1,027,939 2,249 30,007 21,299 67,403 27,474 676,609 11,958 192,649 18,512 1,148,004 43 938 38 26,010 1,310 8,490 4,187 4,303 19,093 1,585 5,218 6,785 5,215 4,060 2,962 45.0 10,712 3,793 4,330 11,634 12 1,077 19,091 18,999 4.17 92 5,705 2,021 1,743 10,144 1,693 185 Tenure of operator Full owners 9,012 9,012 1,021,579 xxxxxjDocccxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 2,901 108,319 913,260 101.3 6,231 63.56 87 85 8,813 199,395 1,568 3,364 1,978 1,394 411 85 13 3,899 22,341 3,489 34,401 2,787 63,439 7,770 546,566 1,099 14,525 8,058 32,593 8,924 256,137 5,842 100, 305 8,251 610,005 29 798 24 748 8,534 203 1,983 1,336 647 6,348 160 1,022 2.031 1.340 1,205 49.4 1,428 206 1,390 S.""3 18 379 6,890 6,844 .. 984 947 4,162 877 89 Part owners 4,310 4,310 238,652 4,310 103,181 748 24,870 316,963 73.5 5,873 86.72 85 78 4,304 109,987 480 1,731 1,155 611 232 74 21 1,335 7,144 1,520 13,967 1,032 21,676 3,283 150,306 382 4,890 3,615 8,993 4,305 131,098 2,099 33,710 3,489 171,982 7 4,093 167 1,182 801 381 3,088 150 705 1,280 907 607 326 44.8 1,372 210 765 2,007 13 155 2,994 2,984 4.53 10 932 285 249 l ,l 361 40 Managers 14 8,680 (») (») xxyocaxxxxxxx (») 8,680 («) 343,388 5 128 1,025 3,298 17,731 340,090 1,266.5 39.2 163,875 4,391 119.37 116.15 79 89 12 2,153 2 7 1 2 9 824 9 311 7 598 13 12,298 9 1,195 12 352 13 3,288 11 2,617 13 12,896 1 30 1 30 7 12 11 18.11 1 11 7 8 4 6 6 _ 8,665 193,570. 971 3,361 2,475 1,491 341 26 1,367 5,041 1,892 15,064 724 11,511 2,233 1 0.11C 387 3,102 4,814 11,692 8,665 213,675 2,019 19,654 2,474 111,621 6 30 7,949 471 1,876 1,345 531 6,617 1,040 2,666 2,220 1,128 520 315 37.5 5,976 2,660 1,240 953 5 115 5,437 5,407 3.06 30 686 151 230 2,376 331 20 *Not ava i ti ble 'Data ar< given by tenure of opera' or for NORTH CAROLINA 227 Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, 13 Y TENURE OF OPERATOR: 1950 Continued CENSUS OF [Data arc based on reports for only a sample of fan Sec text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 1 1— Continued Tenure of operator — Continued Tenant*— Continued Share - cash Crop- slurs Livestock- share Croppe in, ,|.- 1 i tied AND VALI'E Land owned by form operators farms reporting ocres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reportinp acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting; acres Land in farms acres Average slate of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to P acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reportinp 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 1 Q 9 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres farms reporting i'oodland not pastured. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting Other land (house lots etc. ) . farms reporting Cropland, total. farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres V.'oodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres .FARM OP F n AT 011 = Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reportinp. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reportinp. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 vears operators reporting. 55 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more ■ operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm • years. SPEC IFI FD FAC I L ITI ES Telephone f'™ 5 reporting. Electricity fa ™ s reporting. farms reporting. dollars. From a power line. Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant f> rms reportinp. Electric water pump fa™ 5 reporting. Electric hot-water heater far, » s reporting. Home freezer fa ™ s reporting. Electric washing machine fa™ 5 reporting. Electric chick brooder ! "" "porting. Electric powers-feed grinder farms reporting. 155 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 155 5,800 5 200 5,600 36.1 6,560 172.33 94 99 155 3,205 15 65 45 30 3,050 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 3,050 146,765 80 920 1-15,845 47.8 5,020 106.93 91 90 3,045 74,010 245 1,065 960 605 160 10 40 200 50 290 30 305 65 1,155 25 205 105 240 155 3,695 60 710 75 1,460 150 5 30 25 5 125 20 45 35 20 10 15 39.3 95 40 30 25 5 130 130 3.15 15 86 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 86 7,665 7,665 89.1 6,973 99.03 70 55 2,402 5 25 30 16 10 4,677 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 4,677 147,354 26 1,656 145,698 31.2 3,872 133.59 88 82 4,667 97,995 615 1,940 1,235 725 136 16 565 1,530 845 8,060 360 5,210 1,090 51,895 205 1,975 2,050 3,165 3,045 83,600 900 8,715 1,205 57,105 2,810 165 630 480 150 2,345 275 915 850 455 200 130 38.6 2,040 865 465 420 5 20 2,055 2,055 3.09 215 30 65 1,000 110 15 30 330 41 465 31 896 61 3,310 6 65 66 197 3,197 51 1,291 61 4,206 5 37.8 60 25 5 21 5 511 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 511 24,659 6 429 24,230 47.4 4,196 82.87 83 89 511 11,827 51 190 155 90 25 586 2,365 755 4,935 231 2,315 741 30,095 140 805 2,111 7,188 4,667 105,295 831 5,485 841 32,410 30 4,306 221 1,020 700 320 3,565 665 1,466 1,155 545 270 115 36.4 3,375 1,565 635 356 4 55 2,750 2,730 3.01 20 380 110 135 1,025 170 5 106 406 130 980 46 1,512 181 8,820 10 50 341 635 511 13,213 126 1,968 196 10,332 436 45 130 95 35 366 65 170 105 56 20 25 37.0 310 145 20 325 315 3.23 10 50 5 175 10 6,260 5,279 378,894 1,83' 36,910 2,138 83,225 333,979 53.4 3,421 73.68 83 72 4,907 40,450 3,300 1,227 281 95 2 1 1 1,225 7.227 2,254 24,734 866 22,841 3,979 218,659 372 6,295 4,800 13,773 5,567 72,411 1,987 36,363 4,285 241,500 5,423 467 3,448 705 2,743 2,527 235 825 1,250 1,096 1,087 1,116 49.3 1,933 711 934 2,892 15 421 3,758 3,753 4.39 5 1,397 594 309 1,926 318 30 ■Dat by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 228 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, QData are based on reports for only I {For definiti Item and explanations, see text) All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. . number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles. farms reporting.. number. Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years '. .....farms reporting.. 10 years and over. farms reporting. , Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules..... ......farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules.. farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting.. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons. . Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more). .farms reporting., persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . No report as to period of expected employment, farms reporting.. persons. . Farms by kind of workers: Both familv workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting.. Operators only farms reporting. . Unpaid members of operator ' s family onl y. ... farms reporting.. Hi red workers only farms reporting. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or lured labor... farms reporting dol lars Machine hire farms reporting dol lars Hired labor... farms reporting dollars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars Tractor repairs farms reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars The State Total all farms 3,575 12,742 13,252 1.903 1,937 5,728 5,796 3,244 55,396 60,410 53,829 29,294 7,314 17,221 62,686 73,497 60,754 59,325 68,723 53,024 33,494 9,698 9,832 2,503 2,585 2,037 2,189 140,069 159,201 136,943 50,152 23,067 63,724 82,969 63,260 79,558 46,541 16,145 88, 640 35,598 149,601 239,439 433,658 236,225 379, 885 221,148 100,371 158,737 27,459 53,773 14,746 26,594 15,247 27,179 24,245 211,980 120,915 13,888 3,214- 250,188 190,999 60,772,359 135,978 12,590,035 148,013 48,182,324 181,905 43,398,566 139,793 19,422,546 159,317 10,532,831 121,521 25,339,209 96,907 10,867,332 39,715 5,432,525 83,402 5,434,807 Tenure of operator Full owne rs 70,27f 1,742 4,949 5,122 618 633 1,906 1,934 1,648 19,941 21,899 19,486 11,484 2,554 ■ 5,448 23,618 27,737 23,183 22,651 26,169 20,597 13,163 3,915 3,519 650 676 827 892 39,009 45,104 38,170 17,669 6,181 14,320 7,346 15,799 23,515 19, 708 3,910 20,994 9,079 37,394 61,670 119,766 60,395 98,532 56,030 27,686 42,502 10,500 21,234 5,893 10,754 5,729 10,480 9,225 51,170 27,232 3,851 1,275 66,132 55,123 22,442,140 40,311 4,502,145 44,592 17,939,995 51, 484 20,605,767 41,484 9,029,271 47, 547 4,077,461 40,105 9,818,559 35,616 4,424,347 15,682 2,171,339 30,722 ..',.."■', .>'!■"■ Part owners 928 3,387 3,541 631 648 1,362 1,169 746 9,015 10,067 8,784 5,075 1,280 2,429 11,216 13,862 11,104 10,924 13,343 10, 027 6,278 2,151 1,598 180 201 284 318 15,695 18,306 15,382 6,691 2,635 6,056 2,142 5,610 8,572 9,342 1,874 8,874 2,421 15,222 25,615 56,352 25,256 44,354 24,038 11,968 20,316 5,380 11 . 998 3,491 6,956 2,569 5,042 Managers 2,811 5,021 20,235 10,253 1,037 359 26,362 23,222 12,175,088 17,005 2,219,557 19,510 9,955,531 20,446 8,172,516 16,832 3,442,181 19,993 2,171,510 17,700 5,470,249 15,907 2,672,976 8,351 1,486,031 13,782 1,186,945 96 203 237 40 40 149 152 134 332 568 317 221 39 57 365 874 365 354 807 313 206 70 333 899 316 226 14 35 10 41 301 230 27 159 409 3,112 371 493 371 122 348 2,619 325 1,803 111 816 310 61 33 403 388 2,545,380 216 116,724 363 2,428,656 292 1,058,490 272 454, 808 335 295,614 367 477,186 333 317,332 306 192,220 288 125,112 452 2,581 2,678 452 453 1,873 1,888 347 10,524 11,041 10,068 5,183 1,393 3,492 14, 962 17, 112 14,782 14,407 16,386 12,622 8,358 2,030 2,234 266 281 430 445 42, 766 46,886 41,742 10,510 7,381 23,851 29,784 16,107 34,557 10,358 4,604 29,508 5,985 55,019 86, 384 156,797 86,010 146,719 82,644 37,090 64,075 6,204 10,078 3,310 4,487 3,279 5, 591 5,830 80,180 45,343 3,205 374 81, 920 69,070 17,406,500 46,647 3,594,260 58,204 13, 812, 240 51,837 6,251,715 44,572 3,693,753 ;i.,"66 2,289,607 43,788 7,010,930 29, 752 2,236,386 9,000 993,129 26,627 1,243,257 2,438 50 88 104 24 24 71 71 40 506 569 481 239 67 175 637 803 622 607 753 533 338 90 105 25 25 20 25 1,254 1,388 1,236 390 215 631 262 586 953 496 141 757 157 1,467 2,146 4,466 2,100 3,638 2,030 863 1,608 388 828 252 472 207 356 342 1,758 1,001 2,293 2,021 890,175 1,551 129,844 1,621 760,331 1,586 467,943 1,305 182,435 1,566 145,345 1,280 324,964 1,091 160, 129 438 82,337 924 Share- cash 40 40 15 15 10 10 5 165 165 160 95 25 40 265 315 255 250 290 235 155 50 30 15 20 5 5 590 620 580 170 115 295 120 265 625 235 30 435 60 725 Crop- share 1,190 2,505 1,190 2,270 1,130 590 1,140 145 235 55 95 100 140 145 1,045 490 60 1,215 1,045 280,805 815 73,245 875 207,560 825 117,350 740 74,790 720 60, 555 655 133,860 575 46,245 185 25,075 515 21,170 110 917 947 176 176 410 410 51 4,099 4,150 3,984 1,879 535 1,570 5,830 6,239 5,760 5,645 6,014 5,159 3,557 775 327 90 90 130 135 16,346 17, 520 15,940 3,658 2,880 9,402 3,775 8,085 15,826 4,350 1,480 9,692 2,280 20,183 30, 750 58,031 30,600 54,077 29,309 14,228 24,768 2,602 3,954 1,432 1,798 1,296 2,156 1,306 2,452 28,148 14,876 1,210 150 30,026 25,745 6,310,645 18,613 1,396,385 21,305 4,914,260 20,371 2,303,045 17,145 1,373,863 18,315 835,012 16,331 2,449,300 13,211 784,695 3,420 314,310 11,824 470,385 'Data arc given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 • sample of farms. Sec text] 229 The State — Continued Tenure of operator —Con. Tenants— Con. Croppers unspeci- fied Not classi- fied Areas 1 and A Total all htas Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Slnirc- caah Crop- ahare l.i veatock- sliare Croppers Other an unapeci fled Not i Litsj tied 190 1,323 1,348 187 188 1,243 1,258 151 4,897 5,211 4,617 2,509 661 1,447 6,893 8,197 6,823 6,623 7,851 5,592 3,615 925 1,052 101 111 230 235 21,932 24,400 21,396 5,487 3,696 12,213 24,095 6,076 14,840 4,246 2,647 16,655 2,966 29,387 46,863 81,449 46,717 77,419 45,047 19,002 32 372 2^481 4,030 1,211 1,592 1,382 2,438 1,099 2,335 44,382 26,335 1,610 146 43,104 35,978 8,414,539 22,622 1,718,810 30,998 6,695,729 25,607 2,449,561 22,630 1,504,375 23,321 1,056,312 22,808 3,573,690 12,612 1,018,607 4,021 456,522 11, 436 562,085 82 181 197 40 40 118 US 80 780 858 754 409 90 255 1,135 1,320 1,125 1,105 1,260 946 571 165 210 35 35 25 25 2,347 2,616 2,293 698 415 1,180 1,471 985 2,043 859 276 1,767 472 2,897 4,878 9,109 4,848 8,225 4,593 2,137 3,632 491 884 298 448 249 436 461 4,387 2,416 240 30 4,689 3,808 1,346,061 2,685 250,891 3,022 1,095,170 3,016 848, 581 2,410 415,175 2,697 167,635 2,327 446,066 1,936 189,760 809 98, 490 1,646 91,270 357 1,622 1,674 162 163 638 653 369 15,584 16,835 15,174 7,331 2,048 5,795 12,525 13,912 11,320 10,989 12,018 9,465 5,489 1,532 2,444 1,394 1,414 448 480 42,266 48,006 41,333 15,056 6,856 19,421 43,662 25,734 12,873 6,832 5,693 29,034 18,086 41,807 65,361 97.631 6^,193 89, 787 58,065 23,565 31,722 5,027 7,844 1,727 2,594 3,559 5,250 3,859 60,334 38,054 5,795 1,168 75,371 43, 196 6,203,251 31,799 2,157,349 25,344 4,045,902 57,846 7,310,078 36,633 2,802,533 44,476 1,698,639 19,561 2,562,285 15,299 1,216,291 6,376 589,806 11,983 626,485 37,759 676 157 167 46 46 108 113 1,257 8,484 9,013 8,386 4,408 1,101 2,877 2,232 2,607 2,017 1,892 2,134 1,688 1,098 243 347 289 299 164 174 10,262 11,299 10,076 3,292 1,522 5,262 16,151 11,621 7,755 1,339 893 9,632 16,692 10,055 29,648 48,115 29,248 43,554 26,637 12,343 16,917 2,755 4,561 1,074 2,031 1,847 2,530 2,355 26,893 15,585 2,361 400 32,433 16,757 3,420,149 8,137 424,143 12,967 2,996,006 27,068 5,187,992 14,896 3,018,331 21, 414 993,883 5,895 753,779 5,668 332,283 1,215 128,691 5,081 203,592 9,547 445 79 84 25 25 54 59 787 3,101 3,305 3,059 1,718 450 891 1,067 1,181 1,007 972 1,044 894 639 108 147 76 76 55 61 2,528 2,860 2,494 1,036 367 1,091 1,821 3,066 3,593 781 286 2,352 4,460 2,416 8,258 14,498 8,121 12,702 7,627 3,571 5,075 1,119 1,796 571 909 635 887 982 7,139 4,042 380 137 8,924 5,602 1,491,537 2.447 167, 00C 4,877 1,324,537 7,540 2,299,322 . 4,731 1,733,645 6,649 462,676 2,721 377, 817 3,006 178,241 588 60,997 2,780 117,244 93 13 18 10 10 11 11 145 638 696 628 333 80 215 221 282 221 206 250 194 134 15 45 12 12 17 20 461 515 456 150 40 266 291 640 672 141 455 726 567 1,694 3,279 1,688 2,760 1,596 750 1,164 198 519 82 312 129 207 192 1,496 825 81 6 1,679 1,019 612,307 466 39,063 844 573,244 1,348 620,182 857 314,632 1,284 103,575 573 114, 513 574 49,815 151 21,755 498 28,060 5 33 107 33 33 93 27 17 43 350 32 47 32 10 15 38 303 38 286 6 17 50 10 10 6 6 1 1 85 351 391 346 156 45 145 123 138 123 103 108 81 51 20 10 5 5 25 25 317 368 30C 70 55 175 611 320 471 77 245 663 566 1,348 2,078 1,343 1,889 1,278 451 611 117 189 50 75 82 114 45 39 416,000 26 16,300 39 399,700 40 290,653 34 105,914 27 30,^37 33 46,389 23 21,718 23 10,244 23 11,474 112 1,231 1,225 563 141,600 191 20,690 488 120,910 917 185, 430 551 158,610 600 44,395 324 26, 455 282 12,240 67 4,685 257 7,555 43 27 30,075 27 30,075 30 2,975 10 850 18 5,850 2 2,700 11 3,175 1 900 11 2,275 5 300 115 115 115 45 100 120 95 20 10 65 160 170 280 5 10 85 320 195 545 795 545 770 520 200 250 15 25 5 10 10 15 50 no 50 80 50 15 30 25 30 15 530 335 25 30 145 145 145 75 85 70 55 60 45 25 15 5 5 5 20 20 110 120 105 15 30 60 360 75 50 35 35 90 215 235 490 700 490 630 475 120 155 45 70 20 25 35 45 45 445 330 15 470 215 17,670 95 4,000 170 13,670 330 44,145 200 27,425 215 9,980 85 3,605 13.0 3,700 15 2,075 105 1,625 50 35 6,000 20 800 30 5,200 35 14,625 35 18.725 40 7,125 25 2,900 20 350 5 150 15 200 450 215 41,355 30 14,240 195 27,115 335 67,025 225 87,930 220 14,255 160 11,965 95 4,260 40 1,285 85 2,975 65 105 60 30 10 20 21 21 21 21 21 10 61 82 55 25 10 20 60 50 111 21 40 96 106 232 422 227 363 207 106 156 27 59 10 *5 22 34 22 205 105 20 207 71 46,500 16 1,650 66 44,850 182 56,360 81 23,680 107 7,185 52 5,285 46 755 6 275 41 24,ei3 26 26 207 4,356 4, 545 4,315 2,168 526 1,621 738 899 633 578 639 492 257 100 135 190 200 60 60 6,913 7,511 6,788 2,013 1,060 3,715 13,422 7,595 3,008 317 471 6,547 10, 831 0,501 18,305 27,910 18,064 26,156 16,104 7,561 10,052 1,283 1,754 333 449 995 1,305 1,042 17,022 9,912 1,835 241 480 20, 9, 758, 5, 181, 6, 577, 705 12 353 2. 186 1 7°i 31 1. 39. 230 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, QData are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- eash Crop- share All farms number SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting Grain combines farms reporting number Corn pickers farms reporting number Pick-up hay balers... farms reporting number Silos farms reporting Motortrucks farms reporting number Year of newest model farms reporting Under 5 years farms reporting 5 to 9 years farms reporting 10 years and over farms reporting Tractors farms reporting number Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting number Year of newest model farms reporting Under 5 years farms reporting 5 to 9 years farms reporting 10 years and over farms reporting Garden tractors farms reporting number Crawler tractors farms reporting number Automobi les farms report ing number Year of newest model farms reporting Under 5 years farms reporting 5 to 9 years farms reporting 10 years and over farms reporting Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule.... farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules.. farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting Gravel , shell , or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting persons Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more.. farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more). .farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting No report as to period of expected employment. . farms reporting persons Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting Family workers only farms reporting Operators only farms reporting Unpaid members of operator ' s family only. ... farms reporting Hired workers only farms reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or lured labor farms reporting dol lars Machine hire farms reporting dol lars Hired labor farms reporting dollars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dollars Gasoline end other petroleum fuel and oil fBrms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars Tractor repairs farms reporting dol lara Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars -1- 13,098 108 289 291 60 60 137 138 100 3,232 3,504 3,127 1,384 491 1,252 2,157 2,307 1,987 1,922 2,018 1,656 1,037 262 357 191 191 91 98 5,460 6,073 5,365 1,557 922 2,886 5,442 3,856 1,643 1,326 831 2,772 2,848 6,770 9,999 15,551 9,918 14,504 9,007 3,926 5,497 706 1,047 210 331 529 716 625 9,293 5,592 886 81 11,280 6,872 922,142 5,384 322,475 3,517 599,667 9,188 ,337,068 5,644 ,135,224 6,846 279,610 3,355 391,840 2,334 171,087 1,098 85,438 1,807 85,649 2,647 56 134 134 32 32 61 61 47 1,128 1,240 1,098 527 190 381 797 882 767 742 801 657 430 116 111 41 41 35 40 1,175 1,326 1,135 399 210 526 596 701 553 595 202 528 632 1,374 2,389 4,271 2,348 3,794 2,157 1,141 1,637 277 477 91 158 203 319 236 2,112 1,111 186 41 2,550 1,847 419,607 1,433 120,130 1,132 299,477 2,144 3,022,865 1,690 760,969 1,763 124,720 1,315 197,090 954 88,655 458 42,485 788 46,170 1 15 15 10 191 201 176 91 30 55 217 217 212 207 207 186 90 46 50 5 5 5 5 312 357 302 91 31 180 75 170 '95 170 47 135 61 346 512 1,043 512 997 467 255 530 41 471 226 40 532 402 69,150 310 26,965 207 42,185 422 295,390 312 97,535 406 25,415 322 58,335 292 23,420 162 10,505 246 12,915 5 105 105 105 5 10 90 50 25 105 45 30 35 20 180 215 330 215 305 205 80 100 15 25 10 20 15 200 120 10 205 155 53 385 125 14 035 110 39 350 135 138 070 75 30 550 130 5 675 100 12 865 100 11 955 50 4 950 75 7 005 20 10 105 125 190 125 190 115 60 75 125 65 10 115 85 10,080 70 7,020 45 3,0(« 85 65,300 45 25,380 80 3,525 50 5,895 55 4,305 20 700 45 605 1, 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 231 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of farms. See text] Ar ea 2 — Continued Areas 3, B, and C Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Not classi- fied Total all furms Tenure of o aerator ' Not Tenants — Con. Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci - fled Full owners Part owners Managers All Cash Slia re- cast! Crop- ahare Ll veatock- share Croppera Other and Unspeci- fied classi- fied 55 55 9,63" 42,147 11,362 4,255 66 14,661 160 145 5,500 150 7,855 851 11,803 1 5 15 12 676 280 188 15 106 20 5 15 5 5 5 25 125 125 15 15 75 75 15 880 50 180 180 25 25 125 125 40 780 11 25 25 87 214 230 21 21 104 104 46 2,226 10 10 10 10 5 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 17 17 61 265 265 768 88 88 279 103 103 157 3 3 18 50 50 210 5 5 10 141 15 10 28 1,873 495 9,227 187 3,461 145 1,609 32 50 85 1,881 20 40 5 25 15 5 10 2,023 10,120 3,854 1,773 85 1,968 70 25 895 15 820 143 2,440 11 5 10 1.818 8,914 3,340 1,584 44 1,811 40 20 865 15 735 136 2,135 1? 5 10 746 4,474 1,823 857 37 781 5 5 340 15 355 61 976 11 266 806 1,068 1,055 3,385 10,423 398 1,119 4,036 205 522 1,789 5 2 59 195 835 2,380 20 15 50 10 5 20 80 445 1,030 70 310 1,030 15 60 190 252 907 2,159 14 IS 16 25 25 60 25 25 1,133 11,592 4,518 2,045 97 2,595 75 20 1,060 65 1,165 210 2,337 17 25 25 933 10,018 3,976 1,759 59 2,335 50 20 1,005 60 1,015 185 1,889 in 20 25 903 9,728 3,891 1,719 54 2,245 45 20 955 50 990 185 1,819 \'i 20 25 940 10,568 4,250 1,935 87 2,410 60 20 980 55 1,100 195 1,886 n 15 25 748 8,958 3,623 1,631 47 2,035 35 20 910 45 870 155 1,622 ?i 10 10 487 5,515 2,300 1,060 40 1,220 25 20 570 30 485 90 895 •'■' 5 10 80 1,512 615 325 g 335 5 125 10 175 20 231 21 24 15 26 2? 28 aq 5 181 1,931 708 246 1 480 5 215 5 210 45 496 145 541 119 40 60 25 20 15 322 5 5 25 145 4o 48 3,868 566 409 458 24, 175 124 132 144 7,142 45 55 65 2,779 65 110 120 7,336 10 15 105 25 50 55 3,060 25 40 40 3,610 15 332 103 119 6,862 9 10 56 10 10 70 20 70 421 25 20 4,285 28.591 8,602 3,350 102 8,438 160 80 3,455 70 4,175 498 8,099 in 25 20 3,823 23,820 7,031 2,723 54 7,246 105 65 3,025 70 3,560 421 6,766 ii 5 1,062 8,344 2,807 1,112 38 1,686 35 10 700 25 805 111 2,701 32 33 34 20 15 2,090 11,504 3,052 1,161 16 4,310 50 40 1,800' 20 2,190 210 2,965 15 5 4,721 11,563 878 415 1 5,276 5 10 715 5 4,285 256 4,993 35 5 2,960 7,520 2,055 630 5 2,040 35 25 1,070 25 790 95 2,790 16 10 25 890 12,641 4,393 1,42! 1 4,965 70 90 2,685 60 1,750 310 1,861 17 5 20 516 8,218 3,634 1,598 46 1,740 45 20 935 45 555 140 1,200 38 20 10 5 5 552 2,074 2,205 13,799 402 3,499 191 1,389 13 28 640 4,500 5 60 95 1,585 15 65 475 2,480 50 285 959 4,383 25 40 10 2,135 4,661 1,271 537 2 1,346 10 20 480 20 720 96 1,505 40 30 4,870 21,591 6,079 2.222 34 7,985 90 80 3,175 65 4,225 350 5,271 42 45 40 6,883 35,300 9,981 4,000 64 13,116 145 120 5,055 130 6,945 721 8,139 43 65 70 9,907 60,009 18,408 7,824 337 22,261 385 205 8,870 220 11,180 1,401 11,179 44 45 40 6,843 34,961 9,846 3,945 62 13,081 145 120 5,040 130 6,925 721 8,027 45 60 50 9,408 55,212 16,530 6,C11 93 21,306 260 200 8,350 215 10,985 1,296 10,472 46 45 40 6,178 32,999 9,104 3,845 62 12,556 145 110 4,805 130 6,705 661 7,432 47 15 5 2,450 13,960 4,699 1,733 16 5,180 55 45 2,185 55 2,505 335 2,332 48 15 10 3,230 22,213 7,426 2,966 31 8,750 115 90 3,545 85 4,280 635 3,040 49 5 10 373 2,800 1,106 547 41 661 30 5 390 5 175 56 445 50 5 20 499 4,797 1,878 1,013 244 955 125 5 520 5 195 105 707 51 10 78 1,726 618 392 41 471 20 295 5 110 41 204 57 20 122 2,904 1,024 703 228 660 105 370 5 120 60 289 51 5 306 1,229 546 206 6 210 20 5 105 65 15 261 54 5 377 67 1,893 1,571 854 560 310 341 16 35 295 451 20 10 5 150 285 75 110 45 41 418 184 10 5 56 57 58 59 5 10 333 2,461 971 492 39 626 30 5 375 5 155 56 333 40 30 6,510 32,500 8,875 3,453 23 12,455 115 115 4,665 125 6,770 665 7,694 60 25 25 4,135 19,569 4,622 1,941 8 7,530 70 70 2,630 70 4,330 360 5,468 61 45 40 650 40 7,993 1,825 339 36,049 670 135 10,672 90 55 4,090 490 35 11,766 10 135 215 15 4,790 210 20 5,850 55 575 112 9,455 62 2 66 160 145 686 64 35 35 4,468 25,419 8,715 3,465 58 7,981 120 85 3,550 95 3,615 516 5,200 65 6,240 37,065 380,000 6,287,168 2,450,053 1,297,053 355,532 1,383,665 191,435 10,935 607,225 11,685 449,790 112,595 800,865 66 20 35 3,516 19,487 6,977 2,755 29 5,580 95 70 2,665 80 2,275 395 4,146 67 540 6,475 161,345 1,686,532 755,405 294,495 7,290 359,435 5,865 2,895 166,115 6,800 144,605 33,155 269,907 m 30 35 2,068 17,801 6,364 2,600 48 5,806 75 45 2,580 60 2,700 346 2,983 69 5,700 30,590 218,655 4,600,636 1,694,648 1,002,558 348,242 1,024,230 185,570 8,040 441,110 4,885 305,185 79,440 530,958 70 20 25 6,487 27,551 8,478 3,284 50 8,180 140 90 3,430 135 3,890 495 7,559 71 1,680 70,090 880,743 6,615,897 2,837,905 1,342,477 96,174 1,223,435 86,330 7,960 424,855 9,225 405,390 289,675 1,115,906 72 15 15 3,567 22,281 6,985 2,822 52 6,845 110 75 2,750 85 3,460 365 5,577 73 1,630 3,540 246,170 2,702,982 1,102,600 480,845 46,975 622,875 42,220 3,320 229,170 4,925 238,875 104,365 449,687 74 20 25 4,547 24,824 7,980 3,174 63 7,520 95 95 3,410 105 3,410 405 6,087 75 565 1,535 123.800 1,501,695 581,776 288,781 74,715 322,630 4,595 2,285 158,680 5,245 123,775 28,050 233,793 76 25 25 1,618 18,232 6,719 2,874 60 5,361 100 65 2,515 110 2,215 356 3,218 77 1,370 5,600 123,550 3,049,819 1,262,455 661,573 69,971 704,725 16,710 9,940 323,640 9,785 289,485 55,165 351,095 78 10 35 988 15,885 6,326 2,540 49 4,476 65 40 2,265 90 1,685 331 2,494 79 800 6,850 47,057 1,505,705 620,842 339,275 28,986 349,175 31,275 1,050 153,790 4,710 129,255 29,095 167,427 80 5 25 428 6,066 2,499 1,168 41 1,395 30 10 640 25 570 120 963 81 750 2,500 27,498 643,984 262,581 166,986 13,878 135,270 17,125 300 45,315 2,225 60,425 9,880 65,269 82 5 25 698 14,305 5,788 2,305 43 4,111 50 40 2,105 80 1,540 296 2,058 83 50 4,350 19,559 861,721 358,261 172,289 15,108 213,905 14,150 750 108,475 2,485 68,830 19,215 102,158 SI 232 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are baaed on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 4a Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Manage Sha re - cash Crop- share All farms number SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms Grain combines farms Corn pickers farms Pick-up hay balers farms Silos 1 farms Motortrucks farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Tractors farms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms Wheel tractors other than garden farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Garden tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Automobiles. .farm reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Year of newest mode 1 farms Under 5 years..; farms 5 to 3 years farms 10 years and over farms Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms Tractor and horses and/or mules farms Tractor and no horses or mules farms FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shel 1 , or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. . Operators working 1 or more houis persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 1 5 hours or more farms reporting. . persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more)., farms reporting. persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . No report as to period of expected employment. . farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and lured workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family onl y. ... farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures ferms reporting Machine hire anH.'or hired labor farms reporting do] lors Machine hire forms reporting dol lars Hired labor farms reporting dol lors Feed for livestock and poultry farms leporting dol lars Livestock Bnd poultry pui chased forms reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dol lars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars Tractor repair* farms reporting dol lars Other form machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars 12,731 488 1,107 1,118 147 147 349 354 230 3,184 3,515 3,062 1,634 385 1,043 4,238 4,853 4,018 3,958 4,469 3,458 1,869 732 857 266 266 104 118 7,321 8,333 7,082 2.555 1,142 3,385 3,362 2,495 2,636 3,202 1,036 3,064 1,166 7,792 10,103 17,240 10,024 15,781 9,451 4,296 6,330 778 1,459 465 405 572 9,325 5,358 550 79 10,757 7,055 2,028,274 5,678 546,842 4,129 1,481,432 8,032 4,344,069 5,966 1,535,733 5,484 352,245 5,065 941,013 4,108 528,734 2,547 299,068 3,139 229,666 265 488 489 60 60 154 159 114 1,262 1,405 1,226 752 117 357 1,654 1,969 1,604 1,584 1,841 1,376 791 346 239 34 48 2,434 2,819 2,347 908 362 1,077 567 625 1,034 1,406 248 843 349 2,530 3,479 6.290 3,457 5,554 3,264 1,621 2,290 382 736 245 495 184 241 360 3,097 1,640 175 22 3,642 2,831 1,084,617 2,311 250,765 1,776 833,852 2,849 2,286,414 2,328 846 ,-413 2,047 134,050 2,071 450,697 1,744 269, 864 1,7 08 158,938 1,404 110,926 140 278 87 87 70 490 542 479 273 100 106 786 919 761 761 879 679 388 155 136 30 30 10 10 780 886 768 328 145 295 60 130 275 684 102 257 81 872 1,209 2,517 1,199 2,164 1,104 660 1,060 188 353 112 197 103 156 178 1,021 466 90 10 1,206 970 454, 749 750 114,927 729 339,822 907 879,105 817 291,590 850 82,896 905 258,622 726 140,130 581 75,145 559 64,985 22 116 21 21 21 21 21 119,013 11 4,090 21 114,923 13 136,022 13 37,940 15 11,119 21 13,109 16 9,245 16 4,490 14 4,755 35 110 110 20 20 45 45 25 200 205 185 90 30 65 320 375 320 320 365 275 135 40 100 5 455 525 430 95 60 275 440 310 255 245 75 205 140 690 950 1,805 950 1,730 910 440 820 35 75 35 55 35 915 500 40 570 111 ; 430 425 38,815 445 72,615 595 433,975 470 111,175 485 23,825 415 67, 580 350 27,300 165 16,025 260 11,275 55 120 55 100 55 20 45 10 20 10 15 60 30 11,310 25 2,835 25 8,475 45 100,150 45 9,700 50 5,210 4C 9,125 45 5,055 20 2,630 30 2,425 95 95 85 30 5 50 145 150 145 145 150 130 40 30 60 165 185 150 25 20 105 45 65 135 120 25 45 45 295 360 700 360 695 350 185 345 5 5 5 5 5 355 170 10 5 335 5 265 2.SO0 34,335 5 220 300 16,800 5 185 2,500 17,535 5 240 2,000 213,795 5 195 1,500 64,660 5 200 600 8,940 5 190 1,500 28,555 5 180 475 10,300 5 80 375 5,205 5 130 100 5,095 'Data arc given by tenure of operator for ercial fa only BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS a sample of farms. See text] NORTH CAROLINA OF 1950 -Continued 233 Area 4a — Conti Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Tenants — Con. unspeci- fied ciassi- 30 10 50 65 55 90 50 65 50 65 55 85 35 60 20 30 15 20 145 85 165 100 135 85 20 35 25 5 90 45 345 40 10 30 40 50 20 55 30 10 80 60 55 5 260 90 370 135 590 270 370 135 565 235 75 115 10 35 10 20 10 15 10 125 55 15 125 75 19,365 70 7,340 55 12,025 80 34,535 50 4,665 65 4,340 60 11,650 60 5,815 30 4,285 45 1,530 6,448 37 217 217 26 26 56 56 8 1,222 1,347 1,162 516 136 510 1,452 1,533 1,307 1,267 1,328 1,107 537 190 380 150 150 55 55 3,632 4,062 3,517 1,215 575 1,727 2,295 1,630 1,071 852 600 1,741 595 3,692 4,443 6,512 4,397 6,312 4,152 1,575 2,160 152 200 52 75 100 125 106 4,291 2,751 245 46 2,663 258,465 2,181 138,245 1,158 120,220 3,668 608,553 2,338 248,615 2,087 100,355 1,653 145,005 1,272 82,195 677 44,470 902 37,725 Area 4b Total nil farms 448 2,050 2,106 180 192 535 540 388 3,019 3,363 2,921 1,307 448 1,166 5,422 6,540 5,277 5,222 6,193 4,560 2,389 1,093 1,078 181 181 146 166 9,461 11,189 9,235 2,972 1,331 4,932 4,703 2,245 2,587 3,803 1,619 4,141 821 9,093 11, 740 20,326 11,633 18,239 10, 843 4,815 7,396 1,163 2,087 646 1,200 600 887 1,056 10,577 6,170 735 107 12,689 9,288 2,530,294 8,076 911,393 4,391 1,618,901 8,946 2,515,508 7,259 1,091,019 6,824 383,030 5,988 1,342,928 5,264 737,351 3,458 424, 875 4,075 312,476 Tenure of operator ' Full owners 192 823 849 78 85 224 229 1S4 1,093 1,246 1,056 539 127 390 1,869 2,284 1,849 1,829 2,192 1,666 884 436 346 25 2^ 67 67 2,287 2,760 2,212 732 340 1,140 387 370 841 1,475 394 909 201 2,192 2,974 5,507 2,913 4,741 2,733 1,329 2,008 453 766 287 481 206 285 392 2,521 1,325 160 61 3,221 2,720 1,001,543 2,309 343,426 1,614 658, 117 2,268 1,135,170 1,993 437,459 1,748 151,395 2,045 542,881 1,826 284,128 1,230 160, 880 1,454 123,248 Part owners 178 674 700 61 66 203 203 158 668 767 638 292 121 225 1,164 1,560 1,164 1,154 1,484 1,049 543 301 205 5 5 51 71 1,179 1,509 1,149 412 171 566 90 100 285 894 270 498 95 996 1,529 3,364 1,518 2,666 1,488 701 1,178 348 233 413 156 285 337 1,181 640 30 11 1,594 1,369 689,725 1,123 228, 800 933 460,925 1,124 675, 130 1,073 320,305 1,093 89,985 1,264 446,486 ' 1,229 258,430 959 158, 185 1,029 100, 245 Managers Tenants 20 178 20 20 20 20 158 19 131 3 27 21 21 267,951 8 1,417 21 266, 534 11 32,187 20 25,400 20 7,650 21 27,236 21 12,310 21 8,400 14 3,910 1,760 175 175 15 15 45 45 30 200 205 180 75 30 75 520 655 520 520 650 400 145 110 145 5 835 960 810 140 50 620 675 110 455 375 145 320 85 1,240 1,550 2,910 1,550 2,815 1,480 715 1,335 70 95 40 60 1,480 805 70 1,490 1,060 183,685 925 96,340 490 87,345 840 120,530 755 94,070 780 36.235 615 113,660 690 80,310 385 39,095 595 41,215 Shnre- Crop- ahare 5 85 85 10 10 25 25 5 70 70 70 15 15 40 280 315 280 280 315 215 85 60 70 I lvestock share 385 455 375 70 30 275 65 300 200 65 55 6,760 55 4,755 20 2,005 55 13,800 50 2,405 40 1,020 45 6,490 45 2,470 25 1,590 35 20 15 4,150 10 1,150 5 3,000 10 2,600 5 4,000 655 1,375 655 1,325 620 335 705 30 50 15 30 15 20 30 625 295 35 5 1,500 10 4,500 10 2,000 10 2,500 645 480 91,330 435 51,375 205 39,955 355 44,215 260 24,475 315 13,945 300 55,620 355 40,380 190 15,805 315 24,575 Croppers 30 15 20 115 145 115 115 140 60 30 20 30 5 295 345 265 35 15 235 505 10 80 75 40 150 25 495 635 1,085 635 1,060 ul5 270 445 20 25 10 15 unspeci- fied 20 615 365 20 570 370 50,510 300 26,095 185 24,415 305 33,440 305 24,345 305 13,190 175 26,255 190 16,695 90 8,800 165 7,895 105 110 100 30 5 65 80 20 65 50 20 45 15 150 175 285 175 270 165 80 105 15 15 15 15 15 160 90 10 190 140 30,935 125 12,965 75 17,970 115 26,475 135 38,845 120 90 23,795 90 16,265 70 10,900 70 5,365 Not ciassi - fled 8,070 42 358 359 20 20 52 52 7 1,038 1,102 1,028 383 170 475 1,848 1,977 1,723 1,698 1,605 1,426 801 2<.5 380 146 146 26 26 5,144 5,866 5,049 1,674 770 2,605 3,551 1,665 1,006 1,038 810 2,402 440 4,657 5,667 8,367 5,632 7,997 5,122 2,070 2,875 272 370 67 115 205 235 237 5,395 3,400 475 35 6,363 4, IIP 387, 39u 3,711 241,410 1,333 145,960 4,703 552, 491 3,418 213,785 3,183 97,765 2,043 212,665 1,498 102,173 863 53,315 983 43,856 234 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, Data are based or, reports for onl> Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years. . . '. farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more). .farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment, farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only. ... farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or lured labor farms reporting dol lars Machine hire farms reporting dol lars Hired lebor farms reporting dol lars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars Seeda , bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting do] lars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oi 1 ..... farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars Tractor repairs farms reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars 562 2,06'. 8,10-. 14 4 146 66 = 663 441 5,084 5,597 4,860 2,529 804 1,527 6,756 8,064 6,451 6,320 7,442 5,610 3,299 1,214 1,097 375 395 207 227 13,770 15,875 13, 207 4,173 2, 112 6,922 8,695 4,976 6,039 4,323 2,433 7,563 3,173 14,194 20,369 36,379 20,014 32,474 18, 490 8,825 13,984 2,201 3,905 1,118 1,856 1,324 2,049 1,846 18, 168 10,044 1,431 355 21,039 16,036 4,019,819 13,287 1,465,123 9,086 2,554,696 12,416 3,927,967 10,463 1,993,095 11,349 650,692 7,920 1,654,540 7,085 987,876 4,528 576,902 5,044 410,974 6,011 267 872 888 65 65 282 282 229 1,763 1,943 1,706 963 252 491 2,614 3,086 2,539 2,474 2,879 2,258 1,255 541 462 95 100 97 107 3,581 4,260 3,458 1,326 530 1,602 1,769 1,857 757 666 3,386 4,985 9,629 4,857 8,203 4,520 2,437 3,683 792 1,426 445 706 448 720 664 4,193 2,032 306 128 5,421 4,531 1, 494, 706 3,757 483,481 2,938 1,011,225 3,189 1,996,340 3,055 953,494 3,199 250,765 3,014 640,549 2,748 377,596 1,771 209,393 1,923 168,203 158 553 562 53 55 169 170 115 927 1,067 892 497 175 220 1,142 1,478 1,122 1,112 1,422 1,009 607 242 160 25 40 16 16 1,232 1,509 1,185 498 201 486 120 215 571 850 292 597 262 1,093 1,808 4,217 1,792 3,286 1,690 915 1,596 433 931 288 599 210 332 417 ,375 630 75 16 1,908 1,578 913,628 1,284 228,493 1,203 685,135 1,197 778,611 1,207 369,026 1,308 128,698 1,328 479,488 1,183 249,727 903 165,486 910 84,241 102 41 20 21 45 164 45 267 45 46 46 286,575 41 30,634 45 255,941 41 73, 241 37 113,675 40 16, 199 41 45,818 45 31,173 85 296 311 10 10 100 100 40 605 640 560 290 90 180 996 1,197 976 966 1,147 800 540 115 145 35 35 15 15 2,982 3,177 2,742 406 355 1,981 3,350 965 2,156 596 400 ,715 615 ,401 6,427 11,399 6,407 11,049 5,982 2,857 5,067 270 350 90 110 200 240 250 6,157 3,390 415 20 5,362 4,221 629,400 3,421 325, 670 2,356 303,730 2,460 427,390 2,256 281,055 2,422 85,305 1,376 219,370 1,296 166,602 721 86,942 965 79,660 47 35 15 10 10 15 15 5 5 116 121 116 5 25 146 231 507 221 447 206 121 241 40 181 80 IS 236 225 35,785 180 14,765 145 21,020 125 67,420 111 11,935 156 5, 730 86 16,735 81 5,212 41 3,337 70 1,875 110 125 20 10 255 255 230 110 20 100 450 495 440 440 485 390 270 50 1,205 1,255 1,125 120 160 845 485 495 1,115 315 135 550 300 ,570 2,225 4,090 2,215 3,940 2,100 1,065 1,840 120 150 20 30 100 120 35 7,685 2,805 25 4,880 20 2,300 10 1,315 10 375 20 2,225 10 1,750 5 1,000 5 750 110 2,105 1,075 115 10 2,100 1,785 225, 865 1,505 124,505 950 101,360 1,015 106,675 880 73,575 930 23, 625 525 68,515 605 44, 110 300 19,505 460 24,605 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial far only. NORTH CAROLINA y TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued Bampir of farms. See text] 235 Areas 5 and D — Continued Areas 6 and K snure of ope rator'— Con. Not classi- fied Total all farms Tenure of of erator ' Not cl nisi- fled IV - — Con. Full Port Managers Tenants Other and Share- cash Other and >oppers unspeci- fied owners owners All Cash Crop- share l.i vestock- share Croppers unspeci - fled 3,875 721 10,889 35,722 9,195 3,973 41 16,905 503 220 8,756 90 6,295 1,041 5,608 1 TO 136 135 10 15 45 45 35 306 306 10 10 80 80 157 1,002 1,040 92 93 573 576 63 413 423 38 39 209 37 5 25 5 10 3 6 27 2 271 281 21 21 88 13 230 10 140 80 75 3 19 240 10 140 90 77 4 2 2 12 23 25 206 10 20 20 75 5 110 5 6 6 6 58 5 10 6 50 50 30 30 7 211 86 12 206 10 75 5 110 6 59 8 15 215 10 85 41 1,749 30 5,455 10 12 1 5 5 2 9 2,030 1,035 28 1,623 86 30 881 5 520 101 739 10 230 100 1,894 5,933 2,238 1,111 37 1,683 86 30 891 5 565 106 864 11 200 85 1,664 5,339 1,985 1,015 28 1,583 86 30 866 5 900 96 728 12 95 60 759 3,095 1,230 594 12 797 40 5 406 5 295 46 462 13 45 10 285 753 264 141 1 276 6 5 155 105 5 71 14 60 15 620 1,491 491 280 15 510 40 20 305 100 45 195 IS 365 105 1,958 7,097 2,875 1,296 29 2,162 105 50 1,211 30 575 191 735 16 493 130 2,194 7,978 3,288 1,452 66 2,312 110 50 1,261 30 665 196 860 17 365 105 1,768 6,946 2,825 1,280 29 2,137 105 50 1,196 30 565 191 675 18 365 100 1,722 6,771 2,770 1,240 29 2,092 105 50 1,161 25 540 191 640 19 480 120 1,892 7,501 3,116 1,384 50 2,227 110 50 1,221 25 630 191 724 20 280 80 1,508 6,189 2,540 1,160 29 1,911 95 45 1,111 25 470 165 549 21 205 35 877 4,574 1,872 790 19 1,510 80 35 890 20 365 120 383 22 30 25 295 949 400 239 5 220 10 5 130 5 60 20 85 23 45 20 330 666 268 131 5 181 5 5 91 55 25 81 24 5 5 5 5 5 301 220 220 72 82 5,930 232 242 223 235 19,019 75 85 78 87 5,845 21 21 47 47 2,481 5 5 11 11 23 40 40 45 45 7,969 252 90 25 25 15 15 4,686 10 10 25 25 2,480 5 5 91 91 42 45 2,701 25 26 27 5 5 5 5 45 5 28 1,330 416 29 1,425 336 6,765 21,027 6,602 2,735 78 8,426 263 90 4,896 65 2,665 447 3,186 30 1,200 271 5,780 18,612 5,753 2,448 22 7,758 247 90 4,526 45 2,435 415 2,631 11 225 56 1,918 6,885 2,896 993 16 1,697 102 35 925 20 520 95 1,283 ■•■2 110 50 1,026 3,373 1,000 460 1,425 30 10 870 5 450 60 488 33 865 165 2,836 8,354 1,857 995 6 4,636 115 46 2,731 20 1,465 260 860 34 2,625 195 4,508 7,763 600 256 5 4,315 65 35 795 15 3,155 250 2,587 35 315 105 2,885 8,533 2,151 920 4,045 170 40 2,530 15 1,050 240 1,417 36 570 316 1,538 12,329 3,569 1,501 7 6,383 163 95 4,220 30 1,515 360 869 37 160 80 975 5,541 2,427 1,146 19 1,462 75 45 871 30 305 136 487 38 205 25 180 983 3,578 1,556 10,276 448 2,663 150 1,151 10 22 700 4,657 30 116 5 50 340 2,366 270 1,805 55 305 248 1,783 39 900 15 w 380 2,265 110 365 1,425 5,299 2,274 21,539 595 5,634 221 2,469 1,010 25 20 490 435 40 446 41 19 10,512 342 145 5,635 60 3,715 615 2,905 42 3,310 601 7,104 30,693 8,066 3,703 35 15, 370 463 220 8,066 75 5,685 861 3,519 43 5,640 1,052 10,867 53,802 14,761 7,851 157 25,774 880 390 13,886 145 9,015 1,458 5,259 44 3,310 601 6,913 30,319 7,939 3,653 30 ■ 15, 305 453 220 6,021 75 5,675 661 3,392 r> 5,580 972 9,870 48,090 12,672 6,361 40 24,403 789 345 13,058 135 8,660 1,418 4,614 if, 3,050 566 6,253 28,606 7,358 3,427 30 14, 774 438 210 7,695 75 5,520 836 3,017 47 1,415 236 2,606 12,081 3,345 1,785 10 5,602 166 85 3,236 15 1,990 310 1,139 48 2,530 406 3,617 19,484 5,314 2,934 10 9,629 351 135 5,363 60 3,140 580 1,597 49 50 50 662 3,403 1,284 706 30 1,003 71 35 606 10 250 31 380 ',n 60 80 997 5,712 2,089 1,490 117 1,371 91 45 828 10 355 42 645 5) 25 25 25 35 257 312 441 1,875 2,784 1,789 706 1,032 678 471 777 325 30 110 2 497 573 532 41 41 30 5 5 30 341 397 261 90 105 170 20 25 11 171 292 252 52 35 53 25 10 54 25 55 685 2,928 1,057 713 7 798 50 40 431 10 250 17 353 55 25 15 221 1,614 606 361 28 471 41 5 325 8u 20 128 56 57 50 50 471 3,029 1,157 656 25 938 61 35 561 10 240 31 253 58 59 3,260 551 6,442 27,290 6,782 2,997 5 14,367 392 1B5 7,460 65 5,435 830 3,139 60 1,860 335 3,992 16,254 3,798 1,470 8,912 232 100 10 4,475 290 45 8,106 50 3,526 155 10 5,085 530 25 2,074 360 127 4,321 61 62 61 64 255 2,430 30 541 635 191 8,302 1,596 374 31,647 550 127 8,674 191 50 3,601 495 65 14,820 15 10 468 5 31 215 75 871 1,765 396 5,560 26,740 7,811 3,465 31 12,645 388 200 7,181 75 4,045 756 2,768 6 265,810 93,455 695,510 8,361,471 2, 954, 498 1,622,962 153,138 2, 957, 845 91,150 55,990 1,858,810 26,470 759,045 166,380 673,023 66 1,375 326 4,784 19,144 5,915 2,550 7 8,596 262 140 5,230 55 2,360 551 2,074 67 142,765 40, 030 396,845 1,515,034 590,351 248,026 420 501,144 14, 104 9,670 308,160 4,845 136,350 28,015 175,093 68 1,005 231 2,544 23,072 6,849 3,064 31 11,125 348 170 6,411 60 3,530 606 1,983 69 123,045 53, 425 298,665 6,846,437 2,364, 147 1,374,936 152,718 2,456,701 77,046 46,320 1,550,650 21,625 622,695 138,365 497,935 70 1,030 260 5,529 22,361 6,573 3,063 17 9,774 342 155 5,711 50 2,925 591 2,934 71 169,580 77,415 652,385 4,346,446 1,773,958 1,012,646 156, 687 977,516 52, 221 45,930 548,000 4,180 258, 380 68,205 425,639 72 1,000 250 3,908 19,298 5,816 2,493 14 8,514 272 140 4,956 35 2,635 476 2,461 73 135, 245 46, 235 275,845 1,941,045 749,914 351,202 33,540 610,000 23,550 17,940 357, 200 16,560 148,205 46,545 196,389 74 1,055 266 4,360 22, 169 6,800 3,061 31 9,369 347 155 5,286 35 2,995 551 2,908 75 35,255 19,420 169,725 1,384,591 528, 741 222,995 11,840 434,757 41, 190 9,245 227, 967 1,875 133,600 20,880 186,256 76 575 160 2,161 18,012 5,847 2,505 31 7,954 272 120 4,581 55 2,450 476 1,675 77 98,140 32,805 269, 315 3,424,335 1,363,827 677,621 22, 670 1,077,735 47,125 22,930 596,585 9,830 323,750 77,515 262,482 78 420 170 1,813 13, 521 4,782 2,131 21 5,325 226 105 3,376 45 1,260 311 1,262 79 ! 85, 830 28,690 162, 778 1, 125,495 474, 345 264, 245 9,925 255,927 12,957 8,990 138,625 1,885 77,165 16, 105 121,053 80 280 85 1,098 4,093 1,691 850 20 1,113 61 30 606 10 305 101 419 81 t 45, 170 17,170 96,233 543,994 238,335 137, 286 5,305 99, 115 4,155 2,525 50,670 760 34,485 6,530 63,953 82 305 120 1,203 12,000 4, 150 1,935 16 4,839 208 100 3,085 40 1,145 261 1,060 85 1 40,660 11,520 66,545 581,501 236. 010 126,959 4,620 156,812 8,802 6,466 88, 155 1,135 42,680 9,575 57,100 ?l 236 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, i_DatB are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share Al 1 farms number . . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting.. number. . Corn pickers farms re porting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting.. number. . Silos farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting.. Tractors farms reporting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. . Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms report ing . . 5 to 9 years. farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting.. number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model: farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting.. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. . No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules.. farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. . Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting.. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gra /ej , shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 'days or more). . farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment. . farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unnaid members of operator' s family only. ... farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hi re and/or hi red labor farms reporting dol lars Machine hire farms reporting dol lars Hired labor farms reporting dol I ars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Lives ock and poultry purchased fat. as reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dol lars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil . . . . . farns reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars Tractor repaira farn.3 reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dollars 78 742 812 228 230 865 879 49 3,275 3,597 3,191 2,063 313 815 5,645 7,173 5,614 5,559 7,033 4,954 2,916 987 1,051 56 62 75 78 9,817 11.109 9,570 3,985 1,749 3,836 4,457 2,472 7,430 4,588 1,057 7,019 1,221 10,859 17,589 34,956 17,339 29,314 16,451 7,490 12,863 2,689 5,642 1,560 3,093 1,323 2,549 2,439 14,900 8,162 810 250 18,247 16,418 6,584,393 13,787 1,813,284 12,895 4,771,109 12,240 2,233,137 9,963 1,238,530 10,745 954,288 9,000 2,302,913 8,775 1,218,312 4,091 646,345 7,558 571,967 32 215 236 75 77 193 196 25 1,064 1,202 1,051 713 81 257 1,807 2,373 1,802 1,777 2.316 1,633 968 338 327 19 24 31 33 2,568 3,003 2,529 1,400 436 693 241 622 1,419 1,642 165 1,474 234 2,255 3,766 8,157 3,644 5,787 3,390 1,599 2,397 982 2,370 555 1,266 525 1,104 860 2,784 ^,480 220 122 3,975 3,632 2,247,023 3,050 476,164 3,029 1,770,859 3,193 980,201 2,645 575,874 2,724 341,122 2,498 866,893 2,C83 500,981 1,438 267,399 2,336 333,582 2,595 231 250 77 77 155 160 13 836 932 821 564 100 157 1,253 1,712 1,252 1,247 1,695 1,143 665 252 226 10 10 1,500 1,733 1,470 757 236 477 117 270 955 1,085 168 967 160 ,373 2,413 5,973 2,383 4,491 2,281 1,146 2,210 694 1,482 488 997 275 485 664 1,719 782 75 30 2,558 2,457 1,427,909 2,015 325,939 2,045 1,101,970 1,996 552,750 1,610 228,569 1,738 230,584 1,565 558,230 1,789 325,553 1,048 188,893 1,498 136,660 10 123 10 12 10 2 10 111 112,920 4 8,520 11 104,400 10 13,233 9 23,842 9 13,053 11 35,100 11 16,221 11 8,011 11 8,210 20 239 255 47 47 438 438 5 1,017 1,071 967 5b0 101 306 2,124 2,458 2,104 2,084 2,412 1,817 1,111 315 391 26 26 20 20 4,560 5,024 4,428 1,316 886 2,226 2,980 860 4,551 1,554 570 3,459 686 5,924 9,619 18,147 9,553 16,718 9,193 4,217 7,525 841 1,429 451 653 412 776 775 8,778 4,786 350 66 9,555 8,919 2,478,010 7,605 885,066 6,859 1,592,944 5,439 491,546 4,669 300,193 5,127 310,729 4,300 713,820 3,600 294,922 1,303 144,772 3,149 150,150 20 107 138 102 102 133 87 52 15 20 5 5 217 238 212 77 40 60 285 145 35 307 432 872 431 786 416 220 370 36 35 396 186 15 467 452 123,235 406 37,110 307 86,125 272 34,775 217 15,190 247 13,055 177 45,975 202 29,745 72 13,450 177 16,295 95 205 95 190 95 50 95 5 15 5 15 287 297 272 142 25 105 633 684 633 628 679 562 326 115 121 1,154 1,230 1,128 267 210 651 235 295 1,306 473 160 791 195 1,387 2.258 4,t>29 2,233 4,233 2,118 1,062 2,115 266 396 156 191 125 205 95 85 30,525 80 12,565 75 17,960 85 10,145 70 2,980 70 4,315 70 13,820 55 4,820 25 3,530 40 1,290 241 1,992 975 115 25 2,284 2,113 575,915 1,827 250,375 1,548 325.540 1,409 131,240 1,243 80,438 1,178 69,580 914 152,860 1,119 80,015 358 39,705 963 40,310 1 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: a sample of farms. See text] NORTH CAROLINA CENSUS OF 1950 Continued 237 Area 7 — Continued Tenure of operator 1 — Coi Tenants — Con. nspeci fied 20 121 126 16 16 342 342 5 593 631 563 327 70 166 1,213 1,421 1,198 1,183 1,385 1,012 617 170 225 21 21 15 15 2,903 3,254 2,802 876 561 1,365 2,540 415 2,700 848 365 2,287 421 3,870 6,318 11,402 6,288 10,578 6,093 2,630 4,485 458 824 213 303 251 521 428 5,860 3,390 185 30 6,193 5,793 1,435,864 4,901 531,715 4,573 904,149 3,378 269,861 2,908 150,080 3,336 199,514 2,908 440,525 1,983 153,352 737 76,387 1,763 76,965 Not classi- fied 5 101 125 101 101 125 96 71 5 20 166 177 166 56 50 60 145 65 200 81 20 186 30 245 436 811 406 225 405 51 78 36 63 15 15 41 395 170 30 10 446 411 272,331 331 47,041 301 225,290 245 32,525 191 32,290 246 21,065 181 42,010 186 16,420 86 8,040 161 8,380 25 25 74 80 2 347 373 342 217 30 95 450 594 445 440 575 352 167 79 106 5 5 13 14 1,181 1,327 1,136 506 190 440 1,119 720 505 296 154 1,114 141 1,303 1,781 2,556 1,749 2,306 1,577 527 729 162 250 56 107 162 130 1,619 1,114 165 32 2,148 1,399 318,513 1,113 117,595 951 200,936 1,602 195,407 1,030 110,052 1,147 58,800 626 128,870 692 80,635 291 37,270 564 43,365 Total all farms 130 1,226 1,269 221 229 887 907 96 5,021 5,534 4,803 2,984 571 1,248 7,148 8,488 7,083 6,933 8,233 6,077 4,307 951 819 80 85 164 170 17,393 19,828 17, 108 6,936 2,8?8 7,344 8,679 3,860 12,051- 5,323 1,825 12,043 701 17,165 28,226 54,837 27,757 46,094 26,590 11,495 19,504 4,165 8,743 2,336 4,439 2,195 4,304 1,970 3,696 24,061 13,869 1,022 469 28,943 26,396 11,111,726 17,295 1,510,335 24,600 9,601,391 21,064 3,217,867 18,675 1,719,366 18,548 1,281,139 20,945 5,291,879 13,279 1,713,933 4,829 724,186 12,129 989,747 Full owners 32 283 298 34 34 200 202 26 1,410 1,563 1,376 919 172 285 1,996 2,353 1,986 1,946 2,292 1,749 1,226 314 209 10 10 51 51 3,541 4,052 3,466 2,074 517 875 266 740 2,068 1,694 302 1,979 95 2,805 4,518 9,858 4,346 6,760 3,964 1,800 2,796 1,350 3,098 811 1,750 669 1,348 1,178 3,168 1,806 322 172 4,938 4,736 3,087,152 3,545 418,599 4,481 2,668,553 4,290 1,022,149 3,742 547,851 3,942 398,040 4,057 1,476,558 3,532 577,027 1.394 223,568 3,232 353,459 Part owners 27 165 169 42 48 86 87 13 599 687 584 402 41 141 875 1,062 870 865 1,047 769 590 102 77 10 10 5 5 1,389 1,721 1,366 811 205 350 117 200 716 752 123 797 46 992 1,808 4,455 1,728 2,917 1,653 744 1,264 640 1,538 399 867 332 671 560 1,168 612 55 80 1,858 1,772 1,401,646 1,295 167,420 1,706 1,234,226 1,616 499,122 1,519 265,259 1,504 199,539 1,588 747,234 1,338 285,954 633 136,847 1,259 149,107 7 68 134 68 68 131 65 30 23 12 2 3 60 135 58 51 89 79 5 10 76 515 36 191 84 83 331,484 51 17,505 83 313,979 67 121,509 47 12,748 69 34,374 77 95,994 78 88,403 78 51,426 67 36,977 Ares 8 Tenure of operator ' Tenants 41 659 670 132 133 503 513 36 2,430 2,578 2,285 1,295 285 705 3,550 4,045 3^515 3,415 3,890 2,923 2,073 455 395 45 50 100 105 11,035 12,112 10,868 3,177 1,925 5,766 7,081 2,675 8,635 2,410 1,140 8,109 535 12,210 20,210 37,278 20,104 34,490 19,509 8,606 14,981 1,734 2,788 899 1,176 927 1,612 1,628 18,476 10, 505 550 106 19,991 18,291 5,530,789 11,257 737,464 17,066 4,793,325 13,395 1,241,802 12,003 773,030 11,564 529,260 13,985 2,568,309 7,240 565,285 2,255 235,495 6,579 329,790 Sliare- 20 121 139 121 121 139 110 231 253 230 110 35 85 70 140 101 20 135 5 195 316 652 306 472 291 101 181 85 180 60 105 35 75 75 231 145 10 10 326 306 180,354 231 17,334 286 163,020 261 42,932 225 30,005 275 30,695 246 92,979 196 38,425 86 19,565 165 18,860 Crop- share 3,525 Li veatock- share 110 80 110 85 80 22,800 65 5,795 75 17,005 65 9,250 55 10,645 65 2,715 80 15,520 50 4,300 15 2,750 50 1,550 550 550 530 290 65 175 970 1,040 960 950 1,015 870 705 105 60 15 15 10 10 2,055 2,195 2,015 700 325 990 380 470 1,705 590 380 1,370 100 1,925 3,290 6,205 3,260 5,535 3,185 1,350 2,350 500 670 245 265 265 405 470 2,790 1,600 70 30 3,385 3,230 1,225,585 2,125 141,985 3,050 1,083,600 2,690 312,720 2,425 205,340 2,345 123,785 2,585 549,445 1,800 124,940 595 56,540 1,510 68,400 Croppers 22 17 6,085 15 970 17 5,115 11 2,825 11 3,525 11 1,050 11 4,060 11 1,150 1 300 11 850 17,377 25 527 527 91 92 416 426 36 1,682 1,827 1,567 882 200 485 2,287 2,657 2,267 2,192 2,552 1,802 1,207 295 300 20 25 75 80 8,362 9,238 8,242 2,201 1,500 4,541 6,475 2,085 6,530 1,582 705 6,292 415 9,770 15,947 29,130 15,887 27,442 15,402 6,890 12,040 1,042 1,688 522 691 unspeci • fied 576 997 982 14,905 8,430 455 60 15,617 14,157 3,841,885 8,511 533,740 13,157 3,308,145 10,022 824,360 8,956 480,060 8,532 355,115 10,702 1,808,560 4,917 355,025 1,417 131,470 4,622 223,555 991354 O- 52 - 17 116 117 106 66 15 25 151 187 146 131 162 120 70 30 20 10 10 15 15 316 350 315 150 40 125 180 40 205 126 25 251 15 270 561 1,131 556 225 350 106 245 51 135 101 455 275 15 5 556 501 254,080 310 37,640 481 216,440 346 49,715 331 43,455 336 15,900 361 97,745 266 41,445 141 24,870 221 16,575 16 90 99 9 10 76 82 12 511 607 469 328 51 110 659 894 644 639 873 571 388 57 126 15 15 6 6 1,368 1,808 1,350 823 181 346 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 31 1,200 S 249 I M 626 37 403 38 256 39 1,105 25 1,132 1,602 2,642 1,500 1,838 1,385 340 453 365 804 161 322 231 4S2 263 1,237 934 95 102 2,072 1,514 760,655 1,147 169,347 1,264 591,308 1,696 333,285 1,364 120,478 1,469 119,926 1,238 403,784 1,091 197,264 469 76,850 992 120,414 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 238 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, . Data are baaed on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanati Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share All farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers farms reporting.. number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting.. number. . Silos farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting., 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting. . Tractors farms reporting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. , number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules.. farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting.. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more)., farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment, farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator' s family only. ... farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting dol lars Machine hire farms reporting dol lars Hired labor farms reporting dol lars Feed for livestock and poultry forms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dol lars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lara Tractor repairs farms reporting dollars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars 19,196 39 739 803 57 57 335 341 63 2,939 3,227 2,844 1,554 433 857 3,046 3,614 2,951 2,834 3,359 2,409 1,764 406 239 111 116 133 139 8,390 9,357 8,190 3,126 1,522 3,542 4,155 5,673 6,322 2,375 671 6,318 853 10,876 16,222 33,844 15,947 29,659 14,866 8,626 14, 793 1,863 4,185 1,106 2,135 990 2,050 1,588 14,359 6,381 1,000 275 16,171 13,334 4,179,743 9,410 858,088 11,191 3,321,655 10,341 2,260,508 8,670 1,249,222 9,942 597,966 8,748 1,758,182 6,917 672,830 1,933 346,030 6,194 326,800 45 272 277 25 25 78 78 23 973 1,059 944 553 125 266 1,154 1,351 1,144 1,093 1,252 901 693 138 70 26 26 67 73 2,269 2,581 2,202 1,206 370 626 442 1,266 1,305 954 200 1,408 231 2,340 3,530 7,296 3,400 6,021 3,109 1,779 2,912 654 1,275 363 618 372 657 524 2,876 1,318 255 130 3,828 3,277 1,352,273 2,371 252,307 2,812 1,099,966 2,750 1,130,194 2,270 487,239 2,835 224,057 2,548 622,331 1,975 241,461 751 131,674 1,713 109,787 21 167 185 11 11 102 102 27 565 640 533 335 76 122 621 759 621 606 744 544 402 15 15 1,051 1,227 1,040 470 225 345 116 575 618 519 102 733 80 1,010 1,761 4,184 1,731 3,293 1,626 965 1,667 360 891 252 574 164 317 330 ,401 590 85 30 1,802 1,637 824,937 1,223 153,491 1,461 671,446 1,269 393,275 1,073 258,630 1,378 121,977 1,217 385,815 1,062 184,455 504 98,418 908 86,037 50 113 50 44 107 41 32 152 42 35 60 655 56 87 56 9 31 47 568 41 276 59 59 233,480 32 26,648 47 206,832 29 42,089 33 17,413 44 27,157 53 69,133 51 45,177 45 34.930 39 10,247 9,175 10 190 220 16 16 115 120 5 818 854 802 386 136 280 768 914 748 708 849 606 431 100 75 20 25 40 40 3,242 3,427 3,185 695 620 1,870 1,951 2,641 3,815 631 137 2,802 325 5,537 3,399 17,842 8,384 16,396 7,954 4,032 8,942 536 946 330 470 276 476 521 7,863 3,151 410 15 7,760 6,564 1,368,600 4,476 309,640 5,679 1,058,960 4,537 436,570 3,991 388,835 4,053 137,390 3,993 546,360 3,117 142,675 412 55,120 2,952 87,555 121 131 120 40 25 55 26 60 75 31 10 81 15 106 157 353 157 277 152 70 125 36 76 36 121 61 5 187 167 99,250 146 24,130 157 75,120 110 39,360 105 35,465 137 15,430 127 49,130 92 21,590 42 13,615 82 7,975 175 175 175 40 40 95 30 110 275 50 180 10 260 430 1,050 430 980 400 280 580 40 70 20 40 40 390 125 30 485 495 480 230 95 155 400 450 390 365 415 315 230 40 45 10 10 25 25 2,070 2,190 2,045 410 420 1,215 440 1,880 2,670 360 40 1,650 145 3,335 5,050 10,985 5,050 10,445 4,805 3,100 5,640 305 540 170 220 160 320 305 4,745 1,795 230 455 400 66,805 320 17,785 335 49,020 265 20,875 270 24,735 205 6,380 180 28,370 185 5,405 35 3,310 165 2,095 4,700 4,055 787,305 2,825 181,595 3,495 605,710 2,970 203,725 2,520 167,690 2,470 74,035 2,585 315,625 2,110 81,970 215 24,455 2,010 57,515 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 239 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued a sample of farms. See texl Area 9 — Conti lued Area 10 Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Not Total Tenure of operator 1 Not Tenants — Con. Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci - fled fled farms Full owners Part owners Managers All Cash Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- ahare Croppers Other and unspeci ■ Cl SSBl- fled 2,452 571 3,854 6,379 1,831 1,250 11 1,401 85 20 401 20 740 135 1,886 1 5 20 25 10 80 85 1 1 24 25 1 18 937 1,036 385 394 124 126 30 6 283 333 68 73 39 40 8 10 398 429 196 200 36 36 8 2 9 17 4 4 4 5 3 10 10 10 10 5 5 111 116 76 76 10 10 6 40 40 20 20 25 25 5 5 71 76 16 16 5 5 5 65 75 5 5 25 30 176 181 101 101 40 40 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 5 196 56 542 1,433 461 474 11 296 25 10 96 10 110 201 56 588 1,578 490 560 19 307 40 10 97 15 110 35 202 186 55 526 1,417 461 467 11 291 35 10 91 10 110 35 IJ 10 251 822 300 265 9 156 25 5 71 10 40 5 92 p, 26 196 5 40 71 90 185 453 216 379 2,319 85 76 850 71 131 739 30 105 456 5 15 55 150 10 20 30 30 65 M l c . 1', 2 11 10 30 20 211 20 15 251 76 477 3,139 1,123 1,105 50 564 40 35 274 15 160 40 17 191 71 388 2,294 840 734 11 456 30 20 211 15 150 30 in 176 71 383 2,294 840 734 11 456 30 20 211 15 150 30 19 231 76 407 3,040 1,080 1,075 44 554 40 35 264 15 160 40 ?n 156 50 317 2,013 764 656 4 391 30 20 186 10 115 30 198 "i 116 25 15 30 15 5 206 75 36 1,093 408 512 458 111 195 355 180 2 2 176 105 15 15 10 10 71 50 65 5 5 5 5 176 60 25 30 20 102 10 86 22 23 24 5 5 10 53 53 21 21 21 22 965 16 16 13 14 663 1 1 2 5 ' 9 5 5 5 5 581 2b lb 660 196 1,781 2,842 35 20 15 275 60 695 206 1,970 3,152 1,074 756 30 634 35 25 194 20 295 630 195 1,721 2,763 962 648 8 551 35 20 166 15 255 60 130 95 405 65 40 90 720 300 701 1,171 481 1,111 476 176 310 318 100 230 3 5 191 80 5 5 20 96 10 60 60 30 60 35 160 310 85 195 90 10 20 30 50 30 25 20 183 120 291 972 405 246 32 33 3.1 35 36 37 10 5 1,355 396 505 100 175 225 1,640 1,186 575 1,643 1,101 1,316 156 346 479 80 185 246 435 165 15 20 5 10 130 50 234 1,640 664 561 9 261 10 20 111 66 21 219 679 186 178 2 195 5 10 60 240 10 30 118 39 701 180 1,347 2,075 599 456 2 470 30 5 155 325 1,446 30 310 215 1,961 357 3,663 125 1,023 56 714 5 4 60 801 50 15 40 201 20 435 111 1,121 41 42 10 90 2,172 510 2,472 5,192 1,588 1,184 11 1,241 85 20 361 20 640 43 4,104 1,095 3,867 9,852 3,083 2,829 111 2,196 200 55 686 40 1,065 150 2,162 505 2,376 5,067 1,550 1,158 10 1,216 75 20 346 20 640 115 990 3,362 7,076 2,204 1,716 12 1,701 100 30 491 25 925 130 1,443 470 2,121 4,776 1,470 1,127 10 1,191 75 20 346 20 620 110 978 47 1,127 290 941 1,695 578 401 1 360 15 5 105 5 210 20 48 49 50 1,932 520 1,241 2,300 734 589 2 510 25 10 145 5 305 80 60 266 1,285 414 444 11 255 3C 15 105 5 95 120 105 505 2,776 879 1,113 99 495 100 25 195 15 140 20 190 60 35 120 854 269 353 11 170 25 10 80 5 45 5 52 53 90 45 197 1,512 442 688 67 260 55 15 120 5 45 20 55 30 30 50 40 60 20 157 308 109 659 1,264 626 234 437 180 176 425 268 4 32 7 125 235 130 20 45 10 10 10 5 35 75 70 5 10 55 95 40 120 135 41 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 5 70 55 170 1,160 376 418 10 230 20 15 90 5 95 2,092 450 2,206 3,907 1,174 55 5 256 191 15 10 545 370 20 110 90 5 1,007 697 140 35 990 170 1,311 2,555 707 450 105 35 250 265 70 30 10 5 96 125 38 26 1 1,872 456 2,722 5,762 1,714 1,240 6 1,291 85 20 361 20 680 125 371 1,797 4,770 1,528 1,165 6 1,176 80 20 331 20 610 65 66 90,310 400,453 3,030,712 1,041,234 1,152,993 87,836 610, 160 45,375 41,045 226,135 9,025 206,385 82,195 240 1,308 3,013 1,034 718 3 661 45 10 211 15 325 55 18,135 116,002 474,847 161,974 160,808 2,100 108,400 2,380 13,815 62,330 1,400 26,290 41,565 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 331 1,192 4,254 1,383 1,090 6 1,101 75 20 306 20 585 95 72,175 284,451 2,555,865 879,260 992,185 85,736 501,760 42,995 27,230 163,805 7,625 180,095 80,010 271 1,756 4,381 1,439 1,022 5 801 55 15 246 20 385 80 79,390 258,380 1,225,466 600,111 362,573 45,597 108,575 12,650 1,350 22,100 2,500 51,645 18,330 266 1,303 2,965 989 71/4 4 616 50 15 201 15 300 54,860 97,105 381,907 161,344 136,155 19,011 37,465 6,440 320 8,550 780 19,005 2,370 270 1,632 4,049 1,291 1,038 6 811 55 20 266 20 385 9,030 87,385 832,330 273,810 356,425 14,715 151,450 14,400 28,850 47,710 1,900 39,910 18,680 35,930 255 937 3,135 1,064 885 6 826 70 20 241 15 415 65 354 97,345 37,935 134,543 1,172,048 370,461 485,071 23,571 230,280 21,755 12,995 97,120 3,500 75,365 19,545 78 180 712 3,216 1,175 930 6 716 55 20 246 20 325 59,062 725,913 226,121 312,073 29,099 117,930 5,600 8,385 52,395 3,375 42,550 5,625 40,690 80 221 1,894 654 660 6 391 40 20 181 15 110 7,325 4,165 25,888 433,886 118,807 208,846 19,363 64,495 3,945 6,960 36,275 1,375 12,190 3,750 87 175 582 2,650 995 769 6 581 30 20 186 20 280 45 5,605 33,174 292,027 107,314 103,227 9,736 53,435 1,655 1,425 16,120 2,000 30,360 1,875 18,315 M 240 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers Al 1 farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking ma chine farms Oram comhi nes farms Corn pi ckers farms Pick-up hay balers farms Silos farms Motortrucks farms Year of newest model farms I'nder 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Tractors farms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms Wheel tractors other than garden farms Year of newest model farms I'nder 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Garden tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Automobi lcs . farms Year of newest model farms I'nder 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms Tractor and horses and/or mules farms Tractor and no horses or mules farms FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms Gravel , shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved farms FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms Family workers, including operator farms reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . number. , reporting. , reporting, reporting. . reporting. . reporting. number. . reporting. . reporting. . number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number. . reporting. number. . reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. Operators working 1 or more hours I npaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more., farms Hi red workers farms Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) forms Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms Regular hired workers and no seasonal lured workers farms No report as to period of expected employment farms Farms by kind of workers: Roth family workers and hired workers farms Fami ly workers onl y farms Operators only farms Unpaid members of operator's family only fnrms Hired workers only .farms SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 19 1') reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . .persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting, reporting. persons. Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor. . fain . fan Machine hi re fBrms Hired 1 boot farms Feed for 1 1 ve stock and poul try farms Livestock and poultry purchased farms Seeds, bulbs, pi an ta, and trees purchased farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms Farm machinery repni ra. I arms Tractor repairs. farms Other farm machinery rep airs farms reporting, report] ng. reporting. reporting, reporting. dol I or s. reporting. dol I ars. reporting. dol 1 ars. reporting. dollars, reporting. dol I ars. reporting. dol I ars. reporting. dollars, reporting. dollars, reporting. dol I ars. reporting. dol 1 ars. 145 599 623 7e 78 385 385 65 5,043 5,429 4,965 3,040 744 1,181 6,203 7,142 6,098 5,892 6,733 5,452 3,633 941 878 128 129 280 280 12,159 13,368 11,915 5,156 2,113 4,646 6,356 8,908 6,809 4,863 1,340 9,938 831 16, 004 24,358 48,747 23,998 39, 888 22,432 10,819 17, 456 3,651 8,859 1,776 3,422 2,357 5,437 1,294 3,291 20,707 11,376 1,407 360 25,171 21,914 8,296,468 13,280 1,061,939 20,110 7,234,529 18,317 3,186,641 13,713 1,416,092 17,123 1,321,362 15,226 3,255,933 10,855 1,147,813 3,963 579,126 9,420 568,687 59 I 318 325 30 30 133 133 8 2,195 2,354 2,184 1,447 293 444 2,899 3,329 2,844 2,733 3,106 2,536 1,647 452 437 63 64 159 159 4,674 5,165 4,581 2,409 701 1,471 675 2,946 2,492 2,579 320 3,091 220 5,360 8,136 18,008 7,974 13,564 7,334 3,787 6,230 1,68V 4,444 932 1,873 1,029 2,571 658 1,525 6,449 3,351 557 1*2 8,573 7,893 3,817,897 5,162 482,543 7,337 3,335,354 6,771 1,521,13-8 5,240 672,469 6,569 606,309 6,206 1,641,000 4,865 585,086 2,100 ."" ,. 8. 4,159 288,804 4,310 35 109 125 15 15 53 53 30 983 1,091 967 572 140 I 255 1 1,113 1,271 1,108 1,073 I 1,221 1,007 654 208 145 10 10 40 40 1,868 2,008 1,827 751 371 705 405 1,575 1,217 942 171 1,439 96 2,568 3,994 8,816 3,949 6,892 3,734 1,913 3,158 781 1,924 390 798 478 1,126 303 736 3,213 1,621 195 45 4,094 3,803 1,708,029 2,516 231,130 3,608 1,476,899 3,198 761,255 2,335 328,433 3,159 320,640 2,674 597,261 2,113 239,899 732 117,679 1,866 122,220 11 214 10 208 10 98 13 13 181,451 4 1,800 11 179,651 9 51,098 9 18,350 11 54,555 13 26,195 12 25,075 10 17,325 12 7,750 30 126 126 20 20 170 170 10 1,063 1,099 1,023 577 170 276 1,488 1,764 1,473 1,428 i 1,704 1,318 936 195 187 20 20 60 60 3,349 3,690 3,319 1,032 665 1,622 2,620 2,151 2,421 962 526 2,991 300 4,973 7,939 14,777 7,902 13,417 7,612 3,450 5,805 667 1,360 267 375 465 985 202 630 7,272 4,137 285 37 7,575 6,925 1,957,931 3,383 197,561 6,679 1,760,370 4,764 466,876 3,827 285,895 4,105 207,956 4,539 729,771 2,560 212,065 743 107,165 2,264 104,900 'Data arc given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 241 iconomic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 — Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj [ten (For definitions and explanations, see text) Al 1 farms * number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARM? Milking machine. Grain combines. . Corn pickers Pick-up bay balers alios Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under '■ years. 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 1 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobi les Year of newest model Under S years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules... FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCAT Hard surface Gravel , shell , or shale Dirt or unimproved FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING EN1MERATI Family and/or hi red workers Family workers, including operator. Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more. Hired workers Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more).... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days). Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers- • No report as to period of expected employment Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Family workers only Operators only Unpaid members of operator's family only. Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Speci fied farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor. Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline arid other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs arms ii nn-i arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms reporting. . reporting. , number. , reporting. , number. , reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. , number. . reporting, reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. , number. . reporting. , reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , reporting. , number. . reporting. . number. , reporting. . number. . reporting. , reporting. . reporting. , reporting. , reporting, reporting, reporting, report! ng. reporting. arms arms arms N arms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . . persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons. reporting. persons, reporting, reporting. persons. arms arms arms arms arms reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. arms arms reporting reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol 1 ars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dol lars Area 11 — Continued Tenure of operator — Continued Tenant n — Continued 155 285 155 225 150 60 75 35 60 10 10 30 50 5 35 120 145 120 38,070 95 6,465 120 31,605 110 1-4,640 95 8,035 95 5,790 90 25,060 95 6,570 30 2,325 80 4,245 Crop-shore 360 365 360 195 55 110 460 470 460 450 450 430 345 20 20 1,230 1,285 1,230 325 295 610 355 995 1,240 350 110 970 110 1,835 2,760 5,620 2,750 5,045 2,650 1,345 2,395 260 575 100 160 200 415 60 250 2,500 1,270 95 10 2,735 2,455 650,390 1,405 82,125 2,360 568,265 1,890 185,675 1,470 109,960 1,620 73,240 1,760 251,835 990 49,965 220 17,060 910 32,905 Livestock ■ share 162 70 145 60 45 85 11 17 Cropper* 15 95 95 15 15 140 140 10 536 557 506 280 105 121 817 1,078 812 787 1,038 712 475 115 122 10 10 30 30 1,737 1,998 1,722 595 310 817 2,125 840 895 441 376 1,620 155 2,631 4,306 7,473 4,290 6,930 4,115 1,700 2,815 256 543 111 158 160 385 96 10 240 60 4,050 20 2,480 10 175 1 16 81 3,977 71 3,687 20,725 1,032,450 41 1,505 845 85,300 71 3,572 19,880 947,150 56 2,236 7,230 199,135 46 1,891 2,435 146,465 36 1,972 2,148 105,188 41 2,287 9,690 389,930 41 1,152 4,240 133,740 16 377 1,925 77,705 31 991 2,315 56,035 Other arid unapeci fi ed 61 71 61 41 5 15 115 135 115 115 135 100 85 5 10 200 225 190 65 30 95 110 135 151 200 25 276 481 886 476 806 476 230 330 70 80 20 20 50 60 20 65 411 211 446 421 140,850 231 16,260 400 124,590 326 45,866 215 14,325 241 13,470 246 37,016 211 12,925 80 6,125 186 6,800 Not r I Oh-.i fied 15 39 39 11 11 22 22 10 790 850 780 433 141 206 692 717 662 647 662 581 389 85 107 35 35 20 20 2,257 2,469 2,17e 958 375 845 2,654 2,236 678 369 323 2,412 215 3,095 4,278 6,932 4,167 6,009 3,746 1,669 2,263 506 923 177 278 384 645 122 395 3,772 2,266 370 111 4,916 3,280 631,160 2,215 143,905 2,475 482,255 3,575 386,274 2,302 110,945 3,279 131,902 1,794 261,706 1,305 85,688 378 40,675 1,119 45,013 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farina only. 242 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fa rms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators.. farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres... farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting.. acres . . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . acres . . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres . . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland, total farms reporting.. acres . . Land pastured, total farms reporting. . acres . . Woodland, total farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres . . Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting.. acres. . FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. . Not working off their farm operators reporting.. Operators by age: Under 25 years -operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years .operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. , Electricity farms reporting. . From a power line. . farms reporting. . Average of last monthly electric bill dollars.. From a home plant larms reporting. . Electric water pump farms reporting. . Electric hot-water heater farms reporting.. Home freezer farms reporting. . Electric washing machine, . farms reporting. . Electric chick brooder far.ns reporling. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting.. 288,473 178, 756 14,990,877 145,194 6,614,032 564 506,672 55,597 2,685,527 19,426,054 67.3 6,486 98.71 85 83 267,094 5,832,946 75,439 80,701 53,461 39,614 14,196 2,825 858 83,819 756,407 103,636 1,189,719 89,942 1,395,083 176,626 8,296,774 79,686 1,076,394 238,560 878,731 278,592 7,779,072 170,714 3,227,884 , 200,798 9,691,857 80 1,543 73 1,435 268,487 9,411 97,109 37,126 59,983 183,045 11,551 47,975 65,445 56,311 45,311 35,895 46.8 108,885 32,881 44,973 115,993 12 23,342 219,422 218,897 4.14 525 71,055 27,274 16,182 132,416 21,699 2,192 Type of farm Cash- grain 3,141 2,159 398,186 1,770 179, 521 42 44,557 766 69,125 553,139 176.1 12,114 75.04 82 75 3,141 216,449 85 466 507 652 818 458 155 999 17, 794 1,121 36,123 961 29,831 2,066 212,808 869 15,621 2,537 24,513 3,141 270,366 1,851 63,246 2,285 242,639 1 3 21,441 8,662 797,693 15,518 743,502 16 16,232 2,611 156,468 1,400,959 65.3 5,667 85.77 79 21,441 653,641 1,676 5,971 5,511 5,575 2,291 335 82 4,745 34,784 6,609 82,136 6,341 87,952 10,784 429,310 5,386 57,918 16,416 55,218 21,441 770,561 10,644 180,654 12,347 517, 262 2,769 273 785 549 236 2,216 121 460 621 503 530 445 47.8 1,013 276 464 1,426 14 535 2,513 2,508 5.21 5 1,150 464 355 1,678 324 43 Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut 19,478 575 135,227 57, 520 4,633,063 95,167 4,158,451 83 64,306 18,047 676,670 8,179,150 60.5 6,509 109.17 87 86 135,227 3,139,104 17,410 49,513 36,429 24,609 6,459 654 153 38,119 213,136 43,272 409,581 35,511 421,437 79,530 3,388,081 25,677 257,856 107,867 349,955 135,227 3,761,821 69,626 892,429 86.462 3,809,518 23 425 22 370 127,967 ',494 5,089 3,721 1,368 15,022 851 3,078 4,788 4,091 3,463 2,369 46.9 9,088 2,482 3,564 6,497 10 1,129 14,111 14,066 3.49 45 3,511 1,209 541 6,851 1,042 73 7,964 25,434 18,256 7,178 107,069 7,832 27,811 34,250 25,953 17,648 9,743 43.4 63,357 20,972 21,145 43,431 10 5,015 103,612 103,370 3.59 242 24,401 7,027 6,617 57,128 9,402 661 1,348 1,049 76,114 599 22,771 2 2,115 206 8,106 92,894 68.9 5,951 92.87 1,348 30,178 415 501 185 170 55 10 12 427 5,775 394 3,888 472 8,312 665 32,367 536 8,440 1.072 3,934 1,348 39,841 934 22,527 916 40,679 12 495 445 1,216 97 318 222 96 995 45 255 301 229 226 181 46.7 435 90 256 596 13 131 972 967 3.76 5 271 88 63 585 732 666 104,390 188 10,597 16 13,726 304 13,838 114,875 156.9 13,174 91.30 86 79 732 30,446 165 145 165 106 103 24 24 178 1,946 315 7,505 244 6,906 . 550 60,093 359 5,517 631 2,462 732 39,897 528 14,369 615 66,999 1 160 Poultry 160 662 54 194 96 98 511 5 77 149 149 207 78 50.1 133 15 116 447 19 149 583 583 6.39 322 160 73 438 64 2 5,312 4,820 703,278 1,604 138,211 102 74,596 1,495 68,662 847,423 159.5 16,871 107.51 87 85 4,978 235,387 655 1,025 841 1,045 917 350 145 3,063 95,885 1,986 37,808 3,165 85,019 3,748 249,676 3,349 107,550 4,925 36,098 5,176 369,080 5,127 288,454 4,755 334,695 5 5,055 118 1,190 585 605 3,992 40 568 1,122 1,064 1,134 974 51.5 835 116 839 3,350 19 1,456 4,998 4,993 10.94 5 3,439 2,549 890 4,039 1,129 306 5,391 5,007 428,283 1,123 47,523 18 9,788 1,422 60,458 425,136 78.9 7,078 93.74 85 81 4,585 85,847 1,694 1,307 745 571 243 23 2 2,006 17,205 2,429 32,423 2,339 31,500 4,114 212,144 2,284 25,582 5,065 20,435 4,942 135,475 4,157 74,287 4,555 243,644 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 5,140 85 1,669 690 979 3,600 60 694 995 1,059 1,121 1,109 51.5 1,057 106 747 3,279 19 813 4,839 4,833 6.52 6 3,206 1,174 548 3,739 1,230 90 6,262 5,598 1,105,630 1,440 145,709 81 74,439 2,896 246,855 1,078,923 172.3 13,464 81.29 83 5,527 166,308 1,252 1,545 856 1,058 598 171 47 3,123 88,140 1,911 39,791 3,355 137,055 4,373 471,092 2,933 136,466 5,612 40,071 5,937 294,239 5,525 361,661 5,492 608,147 General — primarily crop 5,658 310 1,443 793 650 4,574 71 485 986 1,214 1,536 1,374 53.9 1,123 264 832 3,858 20 1,177 5,380 5,373 5.79 7 2,735 1,371 1,017 3,656 887 212 1,86! 70t 421 2,75" 55: 81 NORTH CAROLINA 243 )Y TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 sample .of farms. «0 The State — Continued Arena 1 and A Type of farm — Con. General — crop and 1 i vestock Miscel laneous and unclassi fled Total nil farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field, crop Ve B e- table fruit and nut [)a i ry Poultry I.i veatock other than dairy and poultry Senanl- priman ly crop Genrral — priman ly livestock General — crop and 1 i veatock Miscel- laneous and fled 5,702 5,073 703,865 1,941 125,203 28 22,617 1,653 89,092 762,593 133.7 9,785 73.76 90 89 5,702 206,789 540 1,340 1,235 1,470 842 230 45 2,766 44,600 2,267 36,639 3,327 72,938 4,451 305,140 2,917 65,885 5,367 30,602 5,702 288,028 5,179 . 183,423 5,246 378,078 5,414 131 1,559 1,140 419 4,062 70 538 1,134 1,323 1,180 1,087 51.5 1,094 147 697 3,651 19 736 5,141 5,126 5.09 15 2,658 981 511 3,907 934 75 97,543 83,468 5,344, 554 22, 694 789,020 150 143,842 24, 530 1,184,661 5,092,755 52.2 4,888 97.21 85 82 78,049 760, 108 51,142 17,807 5,585 2,686 679 115 35 25,768 206,310 40,943 464,779 31,482 454,079 61,673 2,568,431 33,059 353,098 83,505 285,950 88, 577 1,431,197 62,387 1,013,487 72,882 3,022,510 30 248 30 243 89,190 4,012 57,876 9,978 47,898 36,303 2,301 13,156 19,719 19,478 17,016 17,645 50.0 29,059 7,978 15,374 46,062 15 11,500 72,087 71,898 4.15 189 26,994 11,353 5,026 46,975 5,851 592 37,759 33,572 1,961,742 7,815 265,217 57 42,895 5,181 67,934 2,181,920 57.8 5,766 100.53 90 90 34,213 330,331 22,613 7,994 2,129 1,096 317 48 16 14,173 220,196 9,913 97,048 16,886 341,216 20,772 659,788 20,590 431,112 31,562 102,229 36,258 647,575 32,809 992,524 29,436 1,001,004 150 1 150 35,923 1,108 18,354 5,538 12,816 18,77e 841 5,229 8,008 7,804 6,605 6,631 49.7 10,620 2,266 6,418 18, 889 15 2,846 27,663 27,582 3.45 81 5,365 2,942 1,909 19,552 1,690 358 75 60 4,695 20 340 5,035 67.1 5,400 81.44 87 75 1,585 10 30 15 15 5 35 285 25 200 25 600 45 1,985 30 280 60 100 75 2,070 60 1,165 55 2,585 10 10 10 5 15 10 46.4 15 55 55 2.72 5,105 4,180 278, 570 1,820 47,765 714 627 34,569 234 12,206 735 11,520 314,815 61.7 5,492 89.07 92 5,105 56,295 2,675 1,760 460 190 20 75 705 46,070 64.5 6,161 95.79 94 714 12,093 235 326 221 181 15,860 65 2,775 5 1,430 75 1,935 18,130 82.0 11,734 152.35 86 81 221 6,010 45 50 55 40 30 2,435 40,200 1,440 15,610 2,560 51,275 2,955 76,895 2,720 58,930 4,260 15,610 5,105 112, 105 4,585 150,405 4,165 128,170 3 270 4,815 198 2,473 311 5,990 357 11,595 416 7,305 588 1,799 714 19,381 632 18,110 533 17,585 1 36 360 56 800 100 2,400 135 6,' 140 1,920 186 560 221 7,170 186 4,680 175 8,480 4,860 155 1,120 970 150 3,915 140 700 1,030 1,030 930 830 49.4 1,595 300 760 2,430 14 140 3,850 3,830 2.35 20 430 140 195 2,510 115 20 668 41 197 147 50 507 45 145 170 123 101 70 44.4 233 25 146 320 12 42 538 538 2.95 215 6 5 30 40 50 55 16 48.7 60 10 40 116 14 30 161 161 4.21 117 37 25 5 135 10 1,556 1,443 155,656 248 23,905 23 24,002 266 6,015 197,548 127.0 16,734 133.97 91 89 1,516 36,155 375 575 260 175 91 31 9 799 28, 555 295 6,018 845 24, 755 880 48,277 1,161 46,602 1,375 7,186 1,546 70,728 1,536 99,912 1,376 73,032 1,503 41 404 200 204 1,126 10 186 332 298 317 335 51.9 308 60 271 920 17 284 1,431 1,431 529 605 212 1,147 191 89 572 522 36,055 105 2,255 5 35 80 670 37,675 65.9 8,094 117.00 85 89 547 5,689 331 140 65 10 226 2,540 175 3,185 245 3,380 372 16,640 306 4,695 517 1,546 552 11,414 487 10,615 477 20,020 537 15 185 100 85 372 5 101 101 115 90 140 50,6 156 30 95 305 16 81 467 467 6.10 191 107 52 346 111 10 2,226 2,043 . ■■ . ■ . 364 22, 272 7 8,158 588 13,725 312,577 140.4 11,668 84.90 89 87 2,086 39,934 616 776 297 289 103 4 1 944 35,723 452 9,187 1,401 57, 539 1,204 64,683 1,60£ 93,87." 1,945 11,638 2,171 84,844 2,146 187,135 1,941 122,222 2,122 49 577 351 226 1,549 31 166 364 475 562 483 53.9 372 85 313 1,444 20 301 1,814 1,813 4.28 1 430 240 260 1,328 188 63 297 246 21,305 97 7,665 5 2,350 36 491 30,829 103.8 8,325 81.91 96 297 6,903 70 125 45 35 15 6 1 141 2,570 60 600 170 4,740 182 8,906 186 6,270 257 840 297 10,073 271 13,580 267 13,646 150 291 6 81 65 16 211 5 45 90 47 40 55 48.0 95 25 21 247 247 291 281 23,859 40 790 41 1,074 23,575 81.0 7,595 91.27 93 96 291 4,219 100 131 30 30 141 3,290 55 565 115 2,270 196 5,614 190 6,665 256 952 291 8,074 286 12,225 261 7,884 25 200 30 231 231 3.98 70 156 50 5 1,327 1,277 118,928 270 9,865 186 4,155 124,638 93.9 8,208 85.75 94 1,327 21,111 350 590 265 120 600 17,335 225 2,900 737 20,846 842 24, 595 942 32,292 1,222 5,559 1,327 41,346 1,302 70,473 1,217 45,441 1,287 30 411 350 61 901 15 140 335 305 236 216 49.7 275 40 190 807 17 55 1,107 1,107 2.71 176 51 71 881 55 10 25,375 22,712 976,373 4,552 135,379 12 6,920 3,099 47,644 3,071,028 42.2 4,335 103.86 90 22,034 140,337 17,806 3,491 557 132 41 6 1 8,546 84,523 6,932 55, 510 10,377 167,421 13,604 394, 518 12,893 172,280 20,896 56,439 23,959 280,370 21,318 424, 224 18,969 561,939 24,094 750 17,460 15,258 3,260 11,998 9,736 575 3,681 5,496 5,286 4,209 4,401 49.4 7,446 1,686 4,497 12,181 14 1,847 17,762 17,702 3.16 60 3,316 1,676 1,077 12,491 905 143 244 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms reporting Average of iBst monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant larms reporting Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Electric washing machine, farms reporting Electric chick brooder farms reporting Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting 13,098 12,056 745,799 2,357 104,650 7 8,566 1,570 28,935 830,080 63.4 4,823 77.48 87 11,203 134,535 6,531 2,606 1,127 692 222 23 2 3,100 27,430 6,730 61,362 5,691 74,895 9,986 422,584 6,943 64,462 12,241 44,762 12,283 223,377 10,212 166,837 11,388 497,479 5 5 5 12,342 304 7,589 7,367 1,461 5,906 5,446 175 1,715 2,869 2,760 2,354 2,434 50.3 3,286 675 2,100 6,745 16 694 10,029 10,008 3.61 21 3,655 1,132 339 6,931 475 67 151 131 20,305 55 2,885 26 1,195 21,995 145.7 9,648 67.68 77 151 5,894 46 1,000 71 918 71 1,570 121 10,013 101 1,945 141 655 151 7,812 131 4,515 146 11,583 136 10 40 30 10 106 25 15 15 25 31 51.4 10 126 126 3.61 130 115 11,445 30 510 900 • 800 65,845 320 8,600 126 121 16,630 20 1,660 266 236 26,000 80 6,360 996 981 69,088 115 4,455 5 25 11,930 91.8 5,584 59.33 92 95 130 3,195 5 65 30 20 10 135 2,565 71, 880 79.9 5,624 69.73 93 94 900 17,010 170 370 225 125 10 105 10.5 10 100 5 5 25 490 17,800 141.3 10,435 76.47 87 84 126 3,675 15 20 50 25 16 25 410 31,950 120.1 10,351 82.36 89 93 241 6,921 45 75 25 60 31 5 131 1,744 71,799 72.1 6,190 85.14 90 91 911 12,353 460 265 90 65 31 65 880 80 1,050 80 1,120 105 4,675 85 620 120 390 130 5,125 115 2,620 115 5,795 340 2,365 600 5,885 510 5,250 795 32,235 500 4,540 860 4,595 900 25,260 810 12,155 855 37,485 5 5 5 5 860 25 5 5 10 100 11 80 46 385 61 725 121 11,290 116 880 125 765 126 4,140 116 1,685 121 12,015 101 1,835 110 1,450 181 3,730 186 11,439 186 4,170 246 2,405 261 10,206 246 9,735 246 15,169 1,655 480 4,045 536 7,850 756 37,596 616 5,540 956 2,760 951 18,053 851 15,045 881 45,446 10 10 20 30 45 58.5 5 110 110 2.71 220 165 55 670 10 130 210 215 120 155 49.0 200 40 145 450 16 15 765 765 25 320 30 10 550 15 121 5 256 5 40 •30 10 216 10 '58^5 20 30 40 11 51.9 31 5 20 75 18 5 110 110 3.24 20 50 60 60 56 53.9 35 181 20 45 255 255 9.48 376 125 251 600 10 160 210 191 195 200 50.3 195 10 140 561 19 45 891 891 4.37 165 105 35 225 30 5 536 135 40 716 86 15 293 268 37,260 55 5,590 71 1,865 40,985 139.9 7,050 52.16 80 78 273 6,565 85 60 50 42 31 5 92 3,387 151 2,360 152 3,811 227 17,780 162 5,867 288 1,215 283 12,312 248 13,065 263 21,591 263 15 40 25 15 248 20 25 76 62 75 55.9 55 30 20 198 22 45 243 243 4.17 133 15 5 NORTH CAROLINA 245 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued a sample of farms. See text"] Ares 2— Continued Type of farm— Con. General — priman ly livestock 75 10,805 15 610 General — crop and livestock 5 25 11,390 142.-4 10,888 71.57 2,175 5 20 25 25 5 30 1,045 45 635 40 730 70 5,130 60 1,395 75 280 80 3,855 80 3,170 75 5,860 20 60 60 7.11 Miscel ■ laneous and unc lassi fled 231 211 24,775 71 5,395 30 280 29,890 129.4 8,121 63.61 84 83 231 6,594 25 35 80 75 15 75 885 136 1,335 145 2,590 196 14,666 181 2,710 226 1,110 231 8,814 226 6,185 216 17,256 80 220 5 10 20 25 81 20 70 5 11 55 145 10 10 36 20 60 25 55 5 50 54.8 56.1 30 5 30 65 141 24 22 191 186 3.95 5 106 36 11 146 21 5 9,814 9,027 456,238 1,560 66,565 7 8,566 1,097 20,026 511,343 52.1 4,097 80.87 87 84 8,049 67,198 5,701 1,651 467 190 37 1 2 2,009 13,503 4,935 42,512 3,874 46,448 7,324 274,970 4,875 36,450 9,108 30,262 9,059 123,213 7,293 96,401 8,374 321,418 9,214 229 6,444 930 5,514 3,170 155 1,325 2,258 2,052 1,712 1,791 49.9 2,660 570 1,620 4,877 18 504 7,207 7,191 3.36 16 2,268 763 222 4,800 287 37 Total nil farms 42,147 25,700 2,156,789 21,618 1,157,029 91 76,237 10,262 458,762 2,931,293 69.5 6,635 96.77 84 83 38,651 686,289 12,580 13,780 6,908 3,860 1,262 209 52 13,484 119,724 24,074 296,840 15,143 180,442 29,248 1,286,820 16,776 170,981 37,382 190.197 40,858 1,102,853 28,710 471,147 31,586 1,467,262 11 70 11 70 39,134 1,300 10,037 12,191 4,118 8,073 28,893 1,546 6,691 9,457 8,490 6,793 5,447 47.3 15,408 4,977 6,086 17,856 13 4,485 33,734 33,679 4.16 55 12,771 4,576 2,235 22,963 2,790 375 Cash- grain 272 211 40,978 126 11,060 1 3,000 107 4,695 50,343 185.1 16,267 94.50 77 72 272 13,687 20 35 45 65 80 20 7 126 3,555 157 5,900 132 2,195 192 20,771 46 55 35 51 25 46.9 51 20 40 141 19 51 222 222 6.59 132 62 57 187 25 15 Areas 3, B, and C 50 25 1,190 35 665 10 195 1,660 33.2 1,662 67.09 90 67 50 605 25 20 15 85 15 135 5 35 20 615 101 10 1,690 65 227 45 2,545 120 272 50 23,142 825 202 20 7,440 185 222 20 22,966 650 232 50 20 25 5 56 10 36 10 20 171 40 5 10 10 5 15 52.1 Other field, crop 26,875 12,601 1,048,991 17,842 979,561 9 14,622 4,815 165,916 1,877,258 69.9 5,898 85.55 85 84 26,875 494,976 6,083 11,271 5,806 2,933 708 73 1 6,752 62,738 15,233 175,095 9,884 107,521 18,892 819,373 10,893 98,325 23,293 119,230 26,875 732,809 18,458 268,584 20,023 926,894 25,330 658 4,426 3,033 1,393 21,891 1,271 5,071 6,415 5,403 4,026 2,226 44.8 Vege- table 11,511 3,730 3,851 9,762 11 1,200 20,853 20,818 3.33 35 5,754 1,506 899 13,939 1,088 150 30 410 25 270 25 230 50 1,235 30 690 55 225 60 1,680 45 1,330 55 1,465 10 10 10 20 56.7 10 45 45 5.98 Type of farm Frui t- und nut 60 16 50 16 4,025 3,330 35 1,620 20 1 1,585 79 4,060 3,251 67.7 203.2 6,352 19,536 105.22 96.15 67 100 59 100 60 16 1,000 618 15 10 250 10 615 10 180 6 1,353 10 170 16 65 16 1,483 15 600 11 1,533 11 38.1 798 694 113,213 319 20, 306 14 8,890 324 14,518 127,891 160.3 19,407 114.51 85 90 727 37,718 50 90 145 197 180 42 23 436 12,299 388 8,495 466 9,430 637 39,929 Poultry 548 13 ,178 762 6 ,842 758 58 ,512 753 34 907 707 49 359 757 15 180 75 105 603 15 50 235 186 123 117 50.2 101 555 19 227 763 763 11.63 628 486 165 645 188 56 687 641 59,586 150 7,385 6 5,715 267 15,959 56,727 82.6 10,425 141.75 82 73 555 10,065 195 190 70 75 25 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 245 2,865 400 5,595 29o 3,130 527 27,802 341 3,800 676 3,470 615 18,525 541 9,795 577 30,932 175 50 125 487 5 90 120 111 175 136 52.1 75 5 110 447 21 191 652 652 8.54 517 207 112 537 285 10 404 334 73,032 82 21,167 19 12,310 185 24,241 82,268 203.6 19,199 108.46 78 68 358 13,119 70 85 51 72 57 20 3 200 6,390 219 4,409 218 6,859 349 38,317 275 9,168 399 4,006 388 23,918 384 22,417 359 45,176 366 17 Generul — pr imari ly crop 109 62 47 285 41 53 89 84 106 54.0 74 25 60 240 21 119 363 363 8.19 267 122 93 248 59 217 181 31,468 80 7,500 1 1,240 82 5,465 34,743 160.1 12,583 79.60 82 81 217 10,225 15 20 50 60 55 12 5 106 850 161 3,345 116 1,605 182 15,401 116 1,525 207 1,792 217 14,420 187 3,980 192 17,006 36 25 11 176 20 35 45 60 45 54.4 40 10 41 126 19 162 162 5.06 Genera 1 — priman ly livestock 145 135 20,065 40 2,230 65 4,695 17,600 121.4 9,895 87.80 79 145 5,570 30 25 30 25 30 General — crop and livestock 75 1,795 105 1,520 90 1,365 105 5,060 85 1,580 135 710 145 8,885 135 4,740 135 6,425 25 120 10 10 20 45 55 60.1 15 105 27 35 120 120 5.96 87 90 281 26 25 86 21 15 70 131 95 325 22 30 95 10 5 5 421 366 55,549 135 7,835 5 2,500 171 7,550 58,334 138.6 10,455 72.22 93 97 421 15,466 30 85 100 106 70 30 Miscel - laneous and ■nclaasi fied 206 2,325 291 4.690 256 4,735 366 23,114 260 4,235 411 3,769 421 22,481 396 11,295 391 27,849 5 40 5 40 391 15 100 60 40 311 10 15 50 85 110 131 57.2 55 10 20 331 23 105 406 406 5.66 12,202 10,446 705,362 2,774 97,700 36 27,960 4,215 213,864 617,158 50.6 6,354 126.81 83 8,955 83,240 6,042 1,934 596 312 52 11 8 3,288 26,162 7,070 86,771 3,645 43,157 7,922 293,850 4,107 36,555 11,156 47,423 11,041 196,173 7,574 105,874 8,894 337,007 1 25 1 25 10,955 558 7,715 7,054 732 6,322 4,758 240 1,338 2,464 2,496 2,093 2,571 51.4 3,450 1,167 1,833 6,073 35 2,506 10,107 10,037 4.68 20 4,980 2,031 793 6,806 993 98 246 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS [Data are based on reports for onl\ I (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of fa Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value..... percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres. farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers ..farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated ope i u tors reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold- operators reporting Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm operators reporting Operators by age: Under 25 years ..operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms report ing Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms report ing Average of last monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant lurms reporting Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Electric washing machine farms reporting F.lcctric chick brooder farms report ing Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting 12,731 11,003 994,791 3,501 199,491 28 20, 869 2,147 63,117 .,152,034 90.5 5,802 65.34 85 83 11,258 251,077 3,681 2,951 2,012 1,687 722 169 36 4,957 53,441 8,268 127,015 5,201 77,851 10, 114 534, 674 4,174 53,164 11,847 54,812 12,351 431,533 9,213 184,456 10,941 612,525 11,862 356 5,940 1,757 4,183 6,580 180 1,393 2,570 2,733 2,594 2,420 51.5 2,882 537 1,977 7,220 17 1,587 10, 727 10,697 4.36 30 5,046 1,705 837 7,702 977 74 247 192 26,265 110 12,300 47 1,667 36,898 149.4 7,720 55.82 85 79 247 10,395 5 46 60 65 60 6 5 112 1,625 166 4,050 101 1,960 207 13,773 56 650 227 4,445 247 16,070 197 4,235 217 15,733 221 15 56 40 16 190 5 15 25 51 50 90 56.2 35 126 20 31 186 186 4.04 81 ... 31 141 10 286 130 12, 590 200 13,115 1 1,000 10 170 26, 535 92.8 3,988 45.39 89 84 286 7,466 40 105 80 30 26 5 2,761 2,056 177,485 1,210 63,940 331 7,269 234,156 84.8 5,537 65.07 85 85 2,761 64,138 395 920 720 545 175 6 1,800 360.0 10,000 27.78 100 100 5 1,140 38 37 14,589 13 2,017 1 2,500 33 2,048 17,058 448.9 28,187 64.98 84 81 38 5,217 5 5 90 615 166 2,730 80 1,255 166 12,015 90 1,915 246 539 286 10, 811 175 3,785 181 13,270 1,060 7,340 1,715 22,640 1,225 14,070 2,166 100,910 996 11,488 2,565 13,570 2,761 94,118 2,041 32,893 2,301 114, 980 5 610 50 5 1,140 5 610 5 7 15 305 33 777 10 229 28 8,818 16 1,652 27 60 38 6,299 28 2,186 28 9,047 602 551 100, 785 200 18,720 11 3,385 101 3,491 119,399 198.3 14,336 76.41 85 80 577 34,856 25 55 60 190 160 75 12 416 13,395 371 9,098 425 9,940 507 36,975 312 11,030 587 4,105 592 57,349 597 34,365 582 46,915 1,192 1,087 95,350 310 14,780 261 5,734 104,396 87.6 4,254 52.95 82 75 1,077 22,589 291 330 205 190 51 10 561 4,445 722 9,786 561 8,200 1,032 48,936 422 5,510 1,147 4,930 1,162 36,820 942 18,155 1,102 57,136 261 5 65 60 5 211 10 15 35 55 95 56 53.8 110 10 50 111 13 10 221 221 2.68 2,645 36 661 430 231 2,075 35 300 600 590 570 411 50.4 750 190 425 1,446 16 265 2,316 2,316 3.27 557 25 5 1.00 18 33 33 9.92 10 85 111 160 111 100 50.4 86 10 106 400 19 147 592 592 11.33 1,157 10 401 225 176 786 15 121 265 251 250 230 51.6 215 5 170 757 19 111 1,047 1,047 4.63 45 15 10 110 25 901 180 70 1,635 155 10 517 382 132 477 135 41 672 177 105 812 161 5 290 280 55,396 60 2,880 79 6,915 51,361 177.1 12,708 69.65 273 9,033 35 50 70 80 30 7 1 169 6,583 179 3,879 179 6,130 215 21,305 122 3,470 249 961 285 19,495 260 16,183 275 27,435 267 18 103 65 38 182 15 33 61 80 76 57.5 32 1 40 198 24 260 260 . 145 66 33 198 16 1 NORTH CAROLINA 247 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a aample of farms. See text"] Area 4a— Continued Type of furm — Con. crop and livestock Mlscel- laneous and unclassi fled Total all farms Type of farm Cash. Krain Other field- crop Vege- table P rin I and Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Ceneral- pnmarily crop Ganera 1 - prima ri ly Ganei <> 1 crop and M, .. . I laneous and inclassi fled 349 323 53,344 141 8,670 6 5,075 79 3,501 63,588 182.2 10,264 56.50 91 91 349 16,149 5 40 45 155 75 28 1 217 2,377 224 6,600 224 3,955 289 29,344 179 2,508 344 2,655 349 25,126 339 8,840 324 33,299 125 105 20 224 83 80 53.1 41 5 45 248 21 67 339 334 4.55 5 239 51 31 289 6,676 6,084 422,894 1,170 51,700 7 6,502 1,174 30,117 450,979 67.6 4,624 69.04 85 84 5,360 66,861 2,875 1,380 682 342 68 11 2 2,179 15,471 4,478 61,980 2,202 29,289 5,254 241,727 1,850 13,696 6,180 21,955 6,341 144,312 4,384 58,456 5,661 271,016 6,132 223 4,601 4,305 755 3,550 2,216 105 800 1,373 1,441 1,269 1,286 51.2 1,547 305 1,086 3,682 17 805 5,475 5,450 4.00 25 2,261 743 403 3,791 366 16 14,957 12,148 910,085 5,290 303,026 23 17,165 3,166 109,975 1,120,301 74.9 6,563 87.47 86 86 13,525 373,495 4,045 3,001 2,255 2,326 1,425 378 95 4,636 45,709 8,479 122,623 6,145 88,356 10,254 350,390 6,492 79,844 13,969 59,884 14,407 541,827 10,865 213,909 11,780 438,746 6,705 7,431 1,782 5,649 7,131 330 2,113 3,226 2,846 2,731 2,486 49.4 4,355 871 2,398 7,222 15 2,156 12,238 12,188 4.69 50 6,707 2,337 976 9,444 1,592 195 421 336 44,304 195 20,805 10 3,700 95 2,740 66,069 156.9 13,075 82.22 85 421 26,788 5 50 60 105 130 61 10 126 2,532 226 8,025 190 3,465 316 19,291 211 3,527 ' 396 2,441 421 37,345 311 9,524 351 22,756 366 40 101 66 35 295 105 25 40 241 18 121 376 376 5.45 231 86 2,946 1,660 143,295 1,810 116,675 1 1,101 365 12,970 248,101 84.2 6,108 72.13 86 86 2,946 99,655 285 585 700 845 460 60 11 855 7,620 1,586 26,460 1,216 18,332 1,991 69,673 1,306 14,350 2,656 12,011 2,946 133,735 2,106 40,302 2,231 88,005 410 255 18,185 270 11,340 15 795 5 20 10 395 45 1,115 28,410 69.3 4,580 66.73 93 410 9,405 45 145 130 5 90 725 48.3 8,500 140.50 67 83 15 240 395 39.5 9,130 231.14 100 100 10 280 165 950 255 2,600 195 2,260 270 10,945 155 1,175 370 1,075 410 12,955 300 4,385 300 13,205 10 50 15 80 5 20 15 295 10 10 15 370 10 100 15 315 10 30 10 20 10 300 10 50 10 45 866 799 106,572 332 28,308 7 5,000 256 10,410 129,470 149.5 13,824 92.84 93 93 831 50,018 55 100 150 190 200 100 36 474 8,815 479 7,660 563 11,692 651 32,442 560 13,508 825 5,335 851 66,493 831 34,015 776 44,134 352 341 25,157 100 2,800 1 1,805 110 4,820 24,942 70.9 7,809 108.95 287 ,182 65 66 30 106 955 176 2,780 141 1,905 271 7,340 192 2,348 332 1,432 317 11,917 287 5,208 287 9,245 223 206 28,388 40 6,240 2 3,500 66 3,360 34,768 155.9 18,371 127.96 77 198 8,941 30 30 30 60 25 7 16 92 1,655 111 1,975 141 3,500 162 11,067 146 6,030 223 1,600 218 12,571 213 11,185 182 14, 567 600 530 311 27,338 110 105 16,990 30 1,530 793 718 93,29} 291 19,110 164 5,560 89,875 149.8 10,023 72.91 84 78 600 35,452 15 55 100 175 155 91 9 272 2,840 388 7,302 289 5,823 510 29,991 378 4,369 565 4,098 600 45,594 529 13,032 550 35,814 20 430 18,090 164.5 9,968 .' 100 100 110 6,335 60 770 70 845 80 1,295 105 6,050 75 1,490 110 1,305 110 7,950 110 3,555 105 7,345 2,781 90 595 211 2,070 355 650 641 545 425 49.0 1,065 205 520 1,196 12 180 2,186 2,181 3.36 5 766 186 101 1,480 176 20 400 5 15 32C 20 85 115 110 35 40 43.5 130 10 15 360 355 2.80 5 135 25 10 300 156 100 10 58.7 10 10 10 1.71 10 10 3.00 76 182 140 232 175 52.7 121 10 126 549 21 273 826 821 9.97 5 691 390 127 681 232 32 307 25 95 45 50 257 5 30 67 60 80 80 53.3 45 15 57 240 21 66 302 302 9.57 202 6 60 40 20 153 31 25 81 55 58.0 37 1 30 136 41 182 182 4.38 540 20 157 110 47 423 30 81 135 75 127 96 48.9 125 15 85 334 18 544 544 4.34 20 35 20 58.8 10 5 15 75 23 15 105 105 5.46 242 70 11 257 110 5 117 36 26 137 45 349 99 63 483 77 15 202 6,288 106,117 133.8 10,767 79.01 85 87 793 38,946 15 70 160 260 245 32 11 417 6,484 463 8,101 502 7,474 698 34,205 442 7,140 778 3,767 793 53,531 738 21,098 753 41,679 733 25 177 121 8,211 7,173 1,906 68,860 2 2,059 1,838 62,192 373,339 45.5 4,619 99.44 6,904 89,253 3,525 1,875 870 496 135 1 2 2,054 13,018 4,710 56,795 2,823 32,590 5,255 129,046 3,012 25,847 7,694 26,790 7,716 159,066 5,420 71,455 6,220 161,636 7,465 391 5,894 5,754 605 5,149 2,232 155 1,350 1,821 1,575 1,342 1,320 48.8 2,532 565 1,350 3,743 14 1,244 6,595 6,565 4.32 30 3,604 1,233 487 5,099 661 82 248 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Type of far Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land {house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, -total farms reporting acres Land pastured , total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land In farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing On farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on oresent farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present form years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone forms reporting Electricity forms reporting From a power line farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant I arms report l rig Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Electric washing machine farms reporting Electric chick brooder .farms reporting Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting 26,466 16,606 1,326,566 12,721 600,505 58 48,579 5,269 229,111 1,746,539 66.0 6,392 96.15 80 24,291 627,800 5,182 6,837 5,182 4,669 1,966 353 102 7,473 82,106 9,850 121,593 10,532 159,133 15,227 568,954 9,331 102,099 21,982 84,854 25,595 831,499 17,254 343,338 18,048 728,087 24,212 870 9,518 10,898 3,772 7,126 14,112 775 3,692 5,908 5,133 4,460 3,533 48.1 9,765 2,515 4,449 9,485 12 3,172 20,239 20,207 4.83 32 8,730 3,465 1,131 12,656 2,280 249 399 273 37,270 201 26,295 1 4,078 . 84 5,970 61,673 154.6 11,271 74.61 74 73 399 24,319 10 75 65 80 100 55 14 127 2,735 153 3,695 136 2,325 274 23,061 131 3,235 318 2,303 399 30,749 257 8,295 304 25,386 321 68 161 95 10 25 110 52 125 50 158 13 329 329 5.25 157 63 40 232 55 5 11,335 4,468 365,826 8,070 356,685 7 3,878 1,414 53,261 673,128 59.4 5,762 94.24 76 78 11,335 336,052 685 3,165 3,230 3,000 1,096 124 35 2,786 19,277 3,255 34,126 4,079 53,527 5,468 166,752 3,406 33,015 8,703 30,379 11,335 389,455 6,467 105,819 6,584 220,279 10,130 234 1,001 2,818 1,955 863 7,539 410 1,575 2,832 2,112 1,715 1,030 46.2 4,745 1,180 2,006 3,035 10 636 7,861 7,846 3.52 15 2,101 727 277 4,229 580 41 127 85 10,005 61 3,102 1 1,300 37 1,897 12,510 98.5 6,990 81.93 87 75 127 3,897 20 31 30 35 5 95 90 8,045 30 1,400 30 30 1,500 5 15 25 1,695 7,750 81.6 5,906 63.20 84 96 95 2,380 25 20 10 35 5 110 1,405 46.8 10,200 268.42 83 68 30 650 5 10 10 5 32 198 57 760 36 446 97 6,488 61 380 107 341 127 4,855 82 1,024 97 6,934 40 270 40 200 55 510 60 3,780 30 160 90 450 95 2,850 85 940 80 4,290 5 125 10 185 20 235 20 130 30 775 25 315 25 420 770 693 101,239 252 19,508 17 11,027 268 10,845 120,929 157.1 16,858 108.90 78 77 720 42,283 50 85 125 185 191 45 39 489 14,820 213 2,875 484 16,957 595 28,539 433 11,210 705 4,245 745 59,978 740 42,987 700 45,496 525 475 36,660 125 3,775 145 5,325 35,110 66.9 7,687 117.34 89 87 475 11,885 75 130 135 90 45 245 2,370 145 1,910 245 3,075 375 12,450 205 1,740 475 1,680 500 16,165 405 7,185 415 15,525 112 10 25 10 15 101 729 6 186 105 81 559 30 20 16 31 10 46.7 56 5 30 25 11 122 122 3.32 20 20 25 10 10 45.7 15 5 10 60 16 5 70 70 6.43 10 25 25 5.04 105 137 136 177 130 50.8 105 15 116 498 21 274 720 720 12.30 490 15 205 90 115 300 20 80 95 110 110 85 49.1 55 330 18 100 495 495 7.64 574 338 111 563 197 375 140 40 365 160 10 414 344 72,148 142 9,710 15 9,250 172 11,979 79,129 191.1 15,420 87.17 71 66 373 18,100 31 85 30 115 71 33 8 204 9,222 168 3,255 219 11,505 292 26,536 189 7,358 382 3,153 399 30,577 364 28,085 344 38,041 351 37 102 30 72 282 10 15 110 46 91 100 53.2 121 35 42 186 17 83 358 358 8.24 282 142 58 261 68 10 NORTH CAROLINA 249 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued ■ sample ol farms. Se e text"] Areas 5 and D-Co ntinued Areas 6 and E Type of farm— Con. Total all farms Type of farm General — primari ly livestock General- crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and unclassi - fled •Cash- grain Cotton Other field- crop Vege- table Frmt- und- nut Dairy Poul try Livestock other than dairy and poultry General — primur i ly crop General — primari ly livestock General — crop and livestock Miacel- 1 .'in and unclassi - fled 106 906 11,095 35,722 156 1,984 25,298 135 40 127 316 432 974 36 327 5,897 1 96 775 8,728 17,475 75 763 10,265 65 35 116 276 365 632 36 286 4,561 ? 10,030 95,935 516,826 1,564,530 28,064 68,284 749,446 6,185 7,400 24,515 28,600 90,115 82,919 3,842 46,649 428,511 3 26 2,955 320 24,120 3,246 126,979 22,701 915,837 97 11,240 1,502 60,709 18,202 723,965 85 1,795 10 2,380 57 3,945 60 4,775 126 17,170 577 31,950 112 5,395 1,873 52,513 6 2,065 7 10,212 52 24,475 5 2,500 1 1,900 1 2,000 6 3,340 5 725 16 8,255 1 1,165 1 1,400 16 3,190 6 45 276 2,548 7,753 76 303 3,352 40 20 89 126 325 269 26 192 2,935 B 1,115 12,411 109,949 359,384 6,936 13,834 111,419 1,265 1,275 5,619 5,825 35,746 14,711 565 10,882 151,307 9 11,870 109,709 544,068 2,145,458 34,868 117,059 1,363,992 6,715 8,505 26,181 28,275 79,794 101,323 3,277 42,562 332,907 in 112.0 121.1 49.0 60.1 223.5 59.0 53.9 49.7 212.6 206.1 89.5 184.7 104.0 91.0 130.2 56.5 II 9,102 6,671 5,369 6,357 18,324 4,691 6,132 4,081 24,408 23,861 9,146 16,742 7,925 7,210 9,585 5,802 1? 80.22 67.19 109.34 108.23 76.68 85.24 116.24 92.76 114.79 86.25 117.04 90.64 73.17 90.35 83.63 105.08 IS 86 90 83 87 81 81 88 89 100 72 84 84 87 69 90 81 14 87 96 83 85 86 75 87 79 100 96 73 84 90 61 79 79 15 106 906 9,061 34,027 156 1,984 25,298 135 40 92 196 376 974 36 327 4,413 16 3,727 35,145 118,756 733,397 10,140 47,481 557,476 2,235 2,675 4,883 4,855 11,286 35,448 845 12,295 43,778 17 20 25 4,221 5,684 5 265 2,325 45 85 87 20 5 40 2,807 18 5 155 3,011 12,863 45 815 10.361 45 10 10 40 85 225 15 45 1,167 19 35 210 1,152 8,658 21 390 7,480 25 5 36 25 47 281 5 90 253 •>n 25 321 548 5,329 22 357 4,256 20 15 25 20 98 285 10 91 130 21 20 150 45 107 22 1,270 187 41 11 121 36 818 57 5 11 8 20 5 47 11 122 33 46 11 44 9 1 23 1 56 446 2,746 36 8,669 11 59 1 6,207 30 5 15 2 91 1 106 1 202 8 342 4 145 3 1,128 323 21 25 730 4,795 23,804 56,522 1,120 1,823 28,512 85 60 4,728 1,035 5,814 3,155 255 2,100 7,825 26 31 425 5,071 10,465 54 482 7,186 40 25 23 121 119 311 10 101 1,993 27 375 5,380 64,479 91,693 1,582 4,098 54,753 200 1,020 255 2,637 2,480 3,707 50 900 20,011 28 85 651 4,087 9,606 64 367 6,835 30 10 72 111 212 303 16 176 1,410 29 1,270 9,220 54,233 126,727 1,362 5,637 72,866 280 300 3,845 2,045 7,220 5,585 95 5,335 22,157 30 91 745 6,648 22,149 106 1,064 15,442 45 30 82 221 349 694 31 265 3,820 31 4,963 42,870 215,993 1,000,454 18,249 52,549 566,626 3,650 4,125 9,952 15,393 48,197 48,100 1,852 20,168 211,593 32 65 541 3,871 5,458 38 186 3,834 25 15 33 80 95 190 10 90 862 33 465 7,515 32,886 50,573 2,033 1,229 28,070 80 140 1,774 960 2,906 2,878 30 755 9,718 34 101 876 9,572 29,343 111 1,564 20,873 so 25 127 301 376 842 36 296 4,712 35 340 4,784 33,917 86,092 382 4,242 55,689 185 185 744 1,350 1,891 2,450 140 1,009 17,825 36 106 906 10,289 34,705 156 1,984 25,298 135 40 117 251 392 974 36 327 4,995 37 4,832 45,320 207,039 881,612 12,842 53,402 640,741 2,520 3,755 9,866 8,527 19,580 42,310 1,160 15,295 71,614 38 106 866 7,234 17,622 96 669 12,620 65 30 112 211 352 592 31 251 2,593 39 2,465 21,530 110,923 233,822 4,515 8,689 129,448 445 500 10,347 4,040 15,940 11,618 390 8,190 39,700 40 101 866 7,909 24,140 111 1,124 16,778 65 30 117 241 386 754 36 292 4,206 41 6,233 52,090 270,226 1,127,181 1 15 1 15 19,611 58,186 639,492 3,930 4,425 13,797 17,438 55,417 53,685 1,947 25,503 1 15 1 15 233,750 42 43 44 45 46 101 876 10,358 33,256 131 1,739 23,906 110 40 122 306 385 931 26 313 5,247 47 5 25 36 20 105 281 435 7,915 6,836 945 4,330 8,146 15 95 67 400 495 1,216 4,341 10 5 35 10 5 6 37 5 45 65 27 58 79 33 78 205 1 20 62 264 2,825 2,902 40 15 30 166 1,155 4,189 15 335 3,035 35 5 10 10 10 137 32 565 6 115 5,681 3,957 65 1,306 27 55 69 68 30 2,337 V 70 610 3,902 26,385 121 1,419 20,356 95 35 90 246 338 744 31 254 2,656 53 20 25 15 15 20 110 155 216 195 305 1,610 2,252 2,249 1,909 1,845 7,111 8,345 6,437 5,074 115 270 391 323 340 1,515 5,610 6,431 4,590 3,254 40 45 25 15 31 27 28 10 50 71 44 110 40 180 242 180 142 5 35 60 66 58 160 815 1,013 1,102 1,039 -,l 35 21 20 17 56 25 80 45 5 15 5 10 6 58 21 155 1,824 3,180 37 255 1,488 5 10 15 60 62 87 15 81 1,065 59 48.5 50.4 49.2 44.5 49.6 47.4 42.6 42.1 54.9 49.1 50.8 51.4 44.8 60.8 52.5 50.1 60 30 185 4,106 16,434 66 881 12,866 55 20 101 102 315 56 1,972 hi 5 15 111 1,180 1,897 5,788 5,314 50 20 351 231 4,526 3,977 25 40 5 37 16 40 30 47 95 181 25 45 665 681 6? 10 5 63 71 565 4,147 11,833 60 682 7,182 35 25 59 150 246 435 26 215 2,718 64 20 19 13 10 14 10 9 9 22 17 15 17 14 32 21 18 Si 20 135 1,721 2,449 44 61 979 10 15 50 105 113 37 16 79 940 66 106 861 8,698 28,827 131 1,243 21,018 100 35 112 301 400 722 36 312 4,417 m 106 861 8,682 28,751 131 1,223 20,968 100 35 112 301 400 717 36 312 4,416 68 14.73 6.78 4.74 16 4.17 76 6.13 3.41 20 3.74 50 3.22 21.19 16.17 9.62 6.63 4.66 5 5.72 5.35 5.21 1 69 -n 86 586 4,092 8,587 80 243 5,221 20 30 92 231 295 235 21 200 1,919 71 26 205 1,679 3,400 42 92 1,672 5 25 77 140 170 88 6 78 1,005 72 15 70 468 2,669 20 58 1,723 5 10 29 80 118 62 16 59 489 73 101 706 5,569 16,771 99 357 12,527 45 30 99 220 260 394 16 205 2,519 74 26 160 916 2,751 16 60 1,816 10 22 116 75 65 11 90 470 75 5 20 100 194 110 11 10 11 20 6 26 250 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations. Total all farms Type of far Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fa rms Land owned by farm operators farms Land rented from others by farm operators farms Land managed by farm operators . farms Land rented to others by farm operators farms Land in farms Average size of farm Value of land and buildings average per farn average per acre Proportion of farms reporting value Proportion oT land in farms for which value was reported Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms 1 to 9 acres farms 10 Co 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 acres and over farms Cropland used only for pasture farms Cropland not harvested and not pas tured. ... farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms Other land (house lots , roads , wasteland, etc. ) farms Cropland, total farms Land pastured, total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land in farms farms Land irrigated by sprinklers farms FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators Not residing on farm operated operators With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total... 1 to 99 days 100 days or more Not working off their farm . . . number reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres . . . .acres .... acres 1, dollars :, dollars . .percent reporting acres reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting. reporting. . . operators . . operators . . .operators operators Operators by age: Under 25 years operators 25 to 34 years operators 35 to 44 years operators 45 to 54 years operators 55 to 64 years operators n5 years and over... operators Average age Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting, 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. reporting . reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting . . . . years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting om u power line farms report i ng Average of Inst monthly electric bill dollars nm a home plant farms reporting ric water pump farms reporting nc hot-water heater farms reporting freezer , farms reporting nc washing machine, farms reporting ric chick brooder farms reporting r ic power- feed grinder farms reporting Elect Kr Fr Elect Elect 1 (nme Elect Elect Elect 20,004 8,675 1, 132, 592 14,261 864,223 23 30,540 3,581 333,224 1,694,131 84.7 7,332 88.73 87 85 18,898 596,218 1,996 4,557 5,039 4,790 2,091 301 124 5,982 31,931 5,077 49,426 5,691 79,656 12, 117 856,376 1,728 27,528 15,952 52,996 19,295 677,575 9,643 139,115 13,221 936,032 11 22 18,020 881 4,925 3,009 1,916 14,140 960 3,373 4,547 4,103 2,667 2,087 45.5 7,965 2,514 3,322 7,365 11 1,116 13,093 13,067 4.30 26 3,042 1,288 952 5,522 1,485 108 279 173 40,390 201 24,256 1 2,442 79 10, 672 56,416 202.2 11, 505 67.92 279 21,371 56 77 63 7 83 1,051 46 1,736 71 5,410 154 24,634 18 134 196 2,080 379 24, 158 126 6,595 174 30,044 259 14 7 212 20 43.2 129 13 24 224 224 5.65 76 39 29 13u 31 1,164 419 61,710 970 56,720 104 39,749 78,681 67.6 5,402 69.99 78 89 1,164 29,715 150 380 215 311 101 6 1 204 1,235 304 3,603 218 2,775 634 37,147 114 2,334 894 1,872 1,164 34,553 384 6,344 684 39,922 1,042 36 226 175 51 862 60 175 1A5 287 175 156 47.9 475 150 210 358 10 27 483 478 4.41 47 13,599 4,347 428,694 10,999 640,862 5 6,133 1,271 78,056 997,633 73.4 7,114 97.48 13 428. 3 4 3 3 24 3 39 7 449 1,054 8,635 10, 726 32,375 13,599 467,860 6,412 63,249 8,639 488,763 10 20 10 20 12,487 560 2,619 2,111 506 10,429 755 2,568 3,427 2,762 1,534 1,077 43.6 6,109 1,915 2,382 4,281 10 466 8,799 8,784 3.75 15 1,454 439 500 3,566 796 72 10 10 180 180 18.0 7,000 388.89 100 100 10 170 10 10 10 170 10 70.0 10 10 2:10 5 5 540 37 37 11,943 16 2,823 118 108 11,671 21 345 95 445 89.0 5 375 5 55 5 20 5 375 22 4,009 10, 762 290.9 40,146 115.50 59 71 32 2,258 53 2,960 9,056 76.7 8,712 109.92 96 99 67 1,065 25 16 20 6 5 5 2 27 820 20 75 27 1,100 27 6,184 11 130 37 195 32 3,153 37 2,050 37 7,284 43 197 3 90 32 225 63 6,934 290 98 255 78 1,352 68 712 68 7,159 5 52.3 27 37 37 18.27 15 25 15 38 58.5 15 5 15 83 23 25 118 117 6.78 1 82 27 25 90 41 5 601 536 127,584 203 23,805 3 6,535 394 43,554 114,370 190.3 12,361 64.14 455 19,541 71 73 87 105 97 13 9 427 4,654 146 2,806 295 7,221 484 76,980 67 886 549 2,282 549 27,001 521 12,761 550 84,201 482 43 116 75 40 125 122 132 114 52.8 402 21 110 539 539 5.90 322 192 153 340 124 15 NORTH CAROLINA 251 BY TYPE OF FARM. CENSUS OF 1950 Continued ample of farms. See text"] Area 7 — Continued Type of farm — Con. General - crop and livestock Miacel - I . and unclassi (ted Total all farms l\|- nl I. ii Other field Vege- table Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General — primari ly crop Genera 1 — primari ly 1 i vr I I,. I. General - crop and 1 1 veatock Miacel- Laneoui hi i ,i . i fled 25 25 ,360 10 100 15 1,090 1,370 54.6 3,325 57.08 20 430 5 15 60 10 70 20 85 25 670 25 55 25 560 20 145 25 755 25 25 5.79 550 434 83,631 266 24,375 1 1,260 170 16,090 93,176 169.4 12,556 79.84 90 84 550 25,958 10 105 115 161 121 24 14 291 2,595 121 1,589 288 7,564 430 48,588 117 4,605 514 2,277 550 30,142 • 444 14,764 475 56,152 184 137 47 366 5 51 145 175 102 40 48.2 10 85 352 16 71 482 482 6.80 236 111 56 328 161 2 2,915 2,102 263,888 1,167 51,549 12 11,170 1,273 114,822 211,785 72.7 4,652 73.32 82 71 2,016 26,326 1,150 568 200 71 18 5 4 683 3,953 792 13,030 616 6,365 1,867 148,844 244 4,658 2,307 8,609 2,303 43,309 1,146 14,976 1,993 155,209 2,427 182 1,494 320 1,174 1,157 100 348 465 520 534 573 51.2 891 344 333 1,371 16 287 1,871 1,866 4.93 5 608 297 113 738 198 8 31,738 9,130 1,126,552 24,638 1,009,400 112 108,203 5,763 480,953 1,763,202 55.6 8,872 167.65 83 79 30,469 777,048 2,978 10,122 8,879 6,613 1,635 150 92 8,192 37,738 5,096 43,066 5,815 62,403 15,040 751,495 3,373 27,861 24,077 63,591 30,873 857,852 13,217 128,002 16,359 813,898 29,951 803 5,876 3,585 2,291 24, 886 2,190 7,115 7,978 5,809 3,803 1,929 42.2 16,842 5,862 4,591 8,396 2,027 25,884 25,853 4.08 31 6,592 2,199 1,877 12,643 3,960 188 134 77 23,753 SI 8,370 6 3,819 73 10,332 25,610 191.1 15,264 85.54 69 64 134 7,760 10 45 35 16 12 4 12 39 345 29 275 29 835 94 15,601 30 375 77 419 134 8,380 61 1,555 94 16,436 5 2 121 21 21 22 16 22 48.6 97 5.89 371 112 28,159 296 17,151 2 2,189 86 10,619 36,880 99.4 9,660 107.25 79 371 11,427 61 156 60 60 10 10 14 87 959 101 1,733 63 1,895 180 19,528 37 467 285 871 371 14,119 138 3,321 195 21,423 27,178 5,865 514,616 22,872 903,269 38 23,792 2,907 155,311 1,286,366 47.3 8,430 179.64 27,178 697, 249 1,565 9,326 8,436 6,277 1,445 92 37 6,753 21,941 4,167 27,789 4,584 38,950 12,122 439,948 2,731 14,460 20,541 46,029 27,178 746,979 10,927 75,351 13,227 478, 898 35 15 755 25 1,180 10 635 1,300 37.1 4,383 103.14 86 98 35 385 20 5 10 10 100 10 765 30 10 35 405 15 130 15 865 70 50 20 285 25 82 77 75 41 38 43.5 213 95 35 92 29 290 290 3.95 59 31 15 114 27 5 26,125 534 4,582 3,207 1,375 22,109 2,030 6,641 7,324 5,004 2,910 1,178 40.9 15,587 5,400 4,114 6,234 1,118 22,289 22,263 3.70 26 4,846 1,274 1,321 10,717 3,194 144 5 35 35 4.56 10 63 41 13,173 34 3,686 12 4,222 36 4,798 16, 283 258.5 27,085 112.60 86 45 2,604 5 10 5 7 11 46 2,848 12 209 28 1,100 32 7,753 29 1,380 51 389 .62 5,661 58 5,328 42 8,853 67 62 13,691 11 605 62 6,429 7,867 117.4 6,372 63.94 67 57 56 614 26 25 5 32 148 6 60 10 45 52 6,841 5 5 154 57 822 32 198 52 436 373 102,755 124 14,991 11 18,114 370 51.371 84,489 193.8 23,101 126.82 76 71 358 11,224 55 125 72 46 42 16 2 238 4,179 68 2,170 228 5,608 359 56,185 97 2,374 349 2,749 400 17,573 336 12,161 381 61,793 363 116 .■■:,. 284 18,563 7 9,611 73 11,156 45,239 124.6 14, 802 131.32 83 75 363 15,972 5 60 130 99 46 13 10 106 1,107 59 1,147 91 1,763 187 22,935 59 1,054 282 1,261 363 18,226 183 3,924 193 24,698 6 5 765 1 1,250 5 145 1,870 311.7 4,200 33.87 83 33 130 1 61 1 680 5 500 6 40 6 650 6 810 6 1,180 20 30 62.6 35 57 57 19.68 386 35 70 38 32 351 10 56 52 87 98 75 51.4 58 242 18 136 414 414 8.27 344 17 50 45 5 313 41 26 44.3 161 55 59 118 9 21 287 287 4.18 278 159 108 261 105 15 71 45 26 133 158 126 35,721 69 5,995 6 2,614 122 14,364 29,966 189.7 21,186 94.65 67 79 158 6,644 5 21 3 4 91 1,890 36 1,213 106 3,411 117 15,626 25 521 143 661 158 9,747 128 5,822 142 19,037 31 20 11 122 11 16 55 38 11 51.8 39 148 148 8.22 2,927 2,338 364,943 842 35,590 29 42,592 2,019 215,793 227,332 77.7 9,353 141.69 67 1,765 22,710 1,226 310 91 73 48 7 10 784 4,181 612 8,399 665 8,016 1,882 165,813 355 7,205 2,266 11,008 2,109 35,290 1,333 19,402 2,012 173,829 90 59 23 109 60 1 2,338 174 1,172 1,051 205 846 1,438 105 232 396 468 611 534 52.3 667 265 268 1,465 21 585 2,194 2,189 6.23 5 1,084 537 321 1,149 463 12 252 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS. ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms report ing acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land In farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres ; farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agriculture 1 products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. t to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators report i ng 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on oresent farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting Ml veara or more operators report! ng Average number of years on present farm years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephofte farms reporting Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms report ing Average of lasl monthly electric bill.. dollars From a home plant tarms reporting Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater..... farms reporting Home freezer , farms reporting I I :i i i in washing machine farms repnrtiuK Electric chick brooder farms reporting Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting 19,196 9,113 964,287 12,329 542,822 87 90,216 3,545 229,006 1,368,319 71.3 6,441 97.63 83 77 18,222 524,895 2,769 4,997 4,468 4,002 1,540 347 99 3,540 26,980 5,079 66,961 2,917 60,901 10,594 617,416 1,784 28,914 13,818 42,252 18,642 618,836 6,414 116,795 11,251 678,317 18 , 187 543 5,041 2,503 2,538 13,804 923 3,490 4,420 3,649 3,032 1,881 45.5 8,766 2,682 3,005 6,135 10 1,169 13,233 13,217 3.98 16 3,423 1,605 1,102 5,509 1,364 176 104 39,978 90 9,769 11 16,641 74 13,471 52,917 316.9 12,691 69.17 71 167 11,466 5 35 40 17 38 24 8 48 1,062 51 2,223 32 6,489 109 30,248 25 687 123 742 167 14,751 78 8,238 117 36,737 15 41 43 22 19 18 42.8 70 26 31 50 121 121 4.92 3,035 870 101,664 2,515 119,372 4 6,164 299 25,360 201,840 66.5 5,512 87.09 82 78 3,035 115,325 125 650 756 922 467 94 21 310 2,230 565 8,001 223 3,311 1,096 64,441 147 3,918 1,808 4,564 3,035 125,606 550 9,509 1,148 67,752 10,677 4,009 327,587 7,904 310,932 27 14,297 1,324 50,812 602,004 56.4 6,488 116.98 85 84 10,677 286,891 737 3,291 3,136 2,682 750 69 12 2,031 8,485 2,392 23,247 1,546 23,088 5,661 229,589 978 13,158 7,742 17,546 10,677 318,623 3,607 44.731 6,011 252,677 480 45 1,900 1 1,315 6 1,261 2,434 52.9 4,118 78.90 46 1,684 5 10 65 25,586 25 1,040 9 8,796 50 4,781 30, ^41 414.1 23,442 68.70 10 20 6 20 5 75 16 175 22 460 46 1,724 10 95 21 250 15 5 20 13 11 24 464 43 2,513 28 2,287 58 16,748 12 100 55 102 74 11.404 36 2,851 68 19.035 111 102 27,869 36 8,490 4 4,741 56 5,156 35,944 323.8 25 , 188 101.81 95 73 106 12,389 30 15 5 20 17 19 86 4,825 33 926 31 255 81 15,286 48 1,187 104 1,076 106 18,140 101 6,267 86 15,541 299 272 25,005 81 3,923 1 1,508 72 4,377 26,059 87.2 6,237 80.46 91 81 239 4,810 91 60 60 10 15 2 1 52 255 146 1,460 102 1,035 259 17,050 72 474 284 975 259 6,525 173 1,764 264 18,085 2,876 94 654 501 153 2,381 151 581 618 548 497 299 45.5 1,534 466 452 843 181 1,627 1,627 3.51 220 121 58 368 138 7 10,316 196 2,005 1,452 553 8,632 611 2,151 2,8o5 2,039 1,439 718 43.4 5,462 1 , 696 1,846 2,818 307 7,734 7,718 3.50 16 1,490 561 568 2,991 782 55 108 3 91 20 71 192 10 5 45.4 11 27 6 21 5 46.8 20 16 20 32 20 50. 60 110 110 20.23 15 66 61 76 50 52.5 63 10 45 175 19 32 262 262 5.32 162 67 37 192 40 15 162 141 46,531 31 7,215 6 4,205 117 13,632 44,319 273.6 21,187 86.64 156 6,761 50 16 5 30 32 21 2 94 3,086 41 2,233 53 5,035 121 23,342 36 1,938 145 1,924 157 12,080 126 10,059 141 28,377 150 12 21 6 15 1J4 5 13 33 55 31 56.1 30 5 31 64 15 48 135 135 7.21 NORTH CAROLINA 253 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued ■ sample of farms. See text] Area 9 — Continued Type of farm — Con, General — priman lv livestock General — crop and livestock Mi seel - laneous and unclnssi ficd Total all farms Type of farm Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit and- Poultry Li veatock other than dairy and poultry General — pr lmar l ly crop General — priman ly livestock General — crop and Miscel- laneous and ■nclMfti fled 40 40 9,305 10 1,450 20 1,175 9,580 239.5 10,967 44.79 40 1,130 5 10 10 5 10 25 300 15 145 25 1,425 40 5,610 15 785 35 185 40 1,575 40 2,510 40 7,035 10 10 10 57.5 15 40 40 5.96 35 5 5 20 20 135 124 25,219 42 3,260 1 2,444 64 5,222 25,701 190.4 14,810 87.69 79 70 135 7,488 10 25 20 30 27 21 2 54 1,145 83 1,330 66 1,755 130 12,194 31 985 118 804 135 9,963 109 3,885 135 13,949 129 5 5 105 5 15 60 22 31 53.7 15 109 20 11 108 108 6.10 63 28 17 63 26 6 3,989 3,144 285,729 1,234 46,437 19 17,443 1,357 91,007 258,602 64.8 4,521 76.90 79 72 3,086 37,672 1,711 840 316 151 44 22 2 710 4,300 1,542 21,225 712 11,705 2,718 166,437 382 5,252 3,033 12,011 3,485 63,197 1,404 21,257 2,889 178,142 3,581 185 2,385 2,101 405 1,696 1,634 126 590 622 749 762 672 50.0 1,332 415 507 1,725 14 418 2,679 2,679 4.42 1,012 592 246 1,394 186 41 6,379 4,677 468,019 3,137 168,353 11 18,771 1,440 84,389 570,754 89.5 7,933 88.57 5,636 252,306 1,061 1,310 915 957 753 473 167 1,778 12,003 1,441 23,615 899 23,438 3,847 219,884 788 9,849 5,088 29,659 5,851 287,924 2,797 45,290 4,136 243,322 8 343 6 285 5,846 383 2,450 1,225 1,225 3,797 201 835 1,332 1,332 1,138 905 48.8 1,850 401 983 3,213 15 564 4,664 4,649 4.62 15 1,432 604 412 2,579 442 23 722 469 77,237 509 50,111 7 8,377 77 8,890 126,835 175.7 11,353 66.74 92 722 78,146 35 50 126 240 191 80 182 2,295 111 7.175 83 2,440 396 27,534 118 1,055 574 8,190 722 87,616 295 5,790 436 29,974 669 48 209 147 62 502 26 111 174 137 153 45 45.6 261 45 91 339 12 91 575 570 5.20 5 223 72 69 323 78 50 40 840 35 720 1,560 31.2 4,353 144.04 90 87 50 1,050 10 15 10 15 25 340 5 5 40 115 50 1,100 5 5 25 340 5 10 10 20 60.0 25 25 2- 30 2,681 1,716 151,591 1,636 66,444 20 10 460 15 555 356 13,982 204,053 76.1 8,604 111.84 87 2,681 95,034 295 810 625 560 216 133 42 948 3,574 703 6,343 466 9,517 1,605 81,917 216 2,063 2,016 5,605 2,681 104,951 1,309 15,154 1,726 91,434 7 340 6 285 2,469 152 797 561 236 1,839 135 420 722 571 319 217 44.7 890 225 456 1,210 13 142 2,091 2,091 4.36 1,015 50.8 9,625 189.66 100 100 20 845 5 115 5 25 15 30 20 960 5 25 516 182 206 1,187 143 10 18 16 4,167 5 325 2 6,404 10 750 10,146 563.7 31,882 56.56 100 100 13 1,747 116 106 7,810 15 270 25 2,605 5,475 47.2 4,603 93.13 83 87 55 1,470 5 20 10 10 10 11 480 1 72 1,695 2,406 18 3,146 13 2,299 18 3,486 8 2,295 35 215 10 15 15 135 60 2,180 30 120 111 1,340 75 1,700 70 470 65 2,315 202 171 29,955 70 3,460 1 2,231 102 10,380 25,266 125.1 7,417 68.12 92 167 7,063 10 65 25 35 20 10 2 81 2,075 55 740 31 310 141 13,242 46 865 186 971 172 9,878 132 3,250 141 13,552 377 282 49,984 258 24,799 30 30 3,115 5 105 59 6,155 68,628 182.0 16,510 90.76 93 93 377 35,847 5 20 45 50 120 98 39 121 1,055 71 1,140 68 5,530 221 20,352 113 1,330 322 3,374 377 38,042 241 7,915 257 25,882 10 665 2,555 85.2 8,000 93.93 100 100 25 1,355 15 100 5 10 25 980 10 15 30 95 25 1,455 20 125 25 990 189 158 23,146 88 4,835 1 1,759 57 4,350 25,390 134.3 8,619 62.13 92 95 189 9,7.:4 10 30 35 45 51 15 3 73 719 35 385 53 2,316 133 10,141 36 215 164 1,850 189 10,868 134 3,250 U9 12,457 7 13 13 21.25 13 11 101 96 6.88 5 50 21 10 56 45 5 26 20 35 71 30 52.6 47 11 15 130 20 40 162 162 5.54 342 30 117 90 26 95 82 97 37 49.8 85 10 45 216 17 73 320 320 5.50 184 5 32 22 10 157 10 15 59.8 5 5 10 30 46 41 51 54.8 25 32 5 30 30 4.32 149 72 25 234 46 31 123 20 38 174 174 1,974 1,679 119,714 501 16,729 744 36,612 99,831 50.6 3,860 80.13 85 81 1,337 19,985 726 295 115 111 75 15 312 1,490 445 7,580 171 2,580 1,234 61,503 202 1,750 1,612 4,943 1,527 29,055 568 5,820 1,304 64,083 1,773 136 1,179 325 854 730 35 220 266 405 402 460 53.4 485 90 320 1,049 17 157 1,158 1,153 3.90 5 33" 159 63 603 76 991354 0-52-18 254 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued i [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text.] (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number. Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. acres. operators farms reporting. acres. ged by farm operators farms reporting. acres . Land rented from others by fan Land i Land rented to others by farm operators .fa reporting. . acres. . Land in farms acres.. Average size of farm acres. . Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars,. Proportion of farms reporting value percent, Proportion of land in farms for which was reported alu . percen and in farms accord inn. to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres, . I to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. .10 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting., 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 acres and over farms reporting.. Cropland used only for pasture fa ™s reporting., acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. . acres . DbodUnd pastured f "™ s reporting. acres- Woodland not pastured ' arms reporting. Other past woodland) ire fnot cropland and not eporting. , acres. , Other land (house wasteland, etc. ). . farms reporting. acres. •- 1 — J . „,„ I farms reporting. Cropland , total r acres. Land pastured, total farms reporting. acres. u; ,, , . . i farms reporting. V'ood Kind, total ... * r acres. . „ j i j • r„__, farms reporting. Irri cated land in larms r acres. Land irrigated by sprinklers Iarms rep0r ^' F A n M nPF.RATfinS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated. operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their fen 1 to 99 days 100 days or more. . Not working off their Operators by age: L'nder 25 years 25 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 5S to 64 years fi.5 years and over.... Average age , total operators reporting. operators reporting. operators reporting. f arm operators reporting. . operators reporting. . operators reporting. .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting. . operators reporting. years. Operators by years on present farm Lesa than 5 years I year or less 5 to 9 years 10 years or more Average number of yea pre c n t farm. . operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting, years. ill. SPEC 11 I ED FACILITIES T I I farmL reporting, Telephone farms report ing. Kl«trxeity ;: farms reporting, From a power line ■■ dollar! Average of last monthly electric b ,n From a home p J an t . . Electric water pump.... report..,*, Electric hot-.oler heater ........htm. reporting. Home Irecicr.. ■ r reporting, E ectne washing machine f reporting Electric cluck brooder... , Electric power- feed grinder . farms reporting. , farms report ing. NORTH CAROLINA 255 Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).-FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued fDato arc based on reporta for only n sample of farms. See text] (For definitions und rxp lunations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE acres acres Land owned by farm operators f armj reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by furm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting ■ f acres Land in farms , Average size of farm. Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting vuliie percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres f arms reporting, 20 to 2V' 40 3,495 55 165 70 15 5 246 196 140,355 161 17,260 126 123,095 216 224,415 151 45,024 206 17,945 146 32,360 116 16,715 71 6.970 91 9,745 91 855 415 45 5 976 640 108,115 470 30,720 385 77,395 976 2,929,835 950 707,275 625 37,215 451 61,963 291 19,480 141 11,070 231 8,410 12 12 1 1 6 6 16 88 115 88 42 15 31 73 91 68 68 85 48 38 5 5 6 6 117 142 107 32 20 55 90 40 90 57 16 90 61 126 238 405 228 328 183 85 145 27 17 211 136 40 10 253 177 60,462 126 13,505 137 46,957 193 82,070 132 37,315 178 14,775 118 23,587 83 15,485 47 6,310 48 9,175 NORTH CAROLINA 259 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sump e of farms See tex 1 Area 2 — Continued Areaa 3, D, and C Type of farm — Con. Total all Type of farm General — General — Miscella- Other Vege- Fruit- l.iveatock General — General — General — Miscella- primnri ly crop and table Dairy primnri ly primari ly crop and 1 lvestock livestock fied crop poultry crop 1 i veatock ll veatock fied 80 231 9,814 42,147 272 50 26,875 60 16 798 687 404 217 145 421 12,202 1 10 5 5 5 46 46 13 94 96 676 1,833 1,883 10 102 107 120 946 951 5 5 5 5 5 400 221 229 10 67 67 7 62 03 20 30 30 6 100 105 98 228 244 2 3 67 77 5 5 5 40 5 5 22 22 61 62 28 1,950 265 265 768 774 495 9,227 21 21 42 42 6 117 110 110 337 337 75 5,449 20 45 45 135 136 271 397 15 15 21 21 30 276 18 16 42 42 35 203 10 10 10 10 10 60 20 20 45 50 15 246 26 26 115 115 48 2,341 S 6 7 8 Q 21 21 5 97 11 110 10 in 40 110 2,110 10,120 142 10 5,754 25 49 493 296 242 145 60 267 2,617 ii 40 100 1,895 8,914 117 10 5,303 20 11 372 261 187 92 60 241 2,240 i? 15 50 773 4,474 82 5 2,614 10 6 245 156 124 57 30 101 1,044 IS 15 281 1,055 5 661 5 37 15 10 15 10 40 257 14 2,028 6,337 is 30 116 1,104 10,423 167 10 11 612 317 213 117 70 265 2,304 30 116 1,174 11,592 225 6,769 15 27 807 333 337 161 80 310 2,528 17 30 30 30 111 106 106 969 934 971 10,018 9,728 10,568 167 167 225 6,237 6,042 6,398 10 10 15 11 11 21 612 602 765 307 307 318 208 203 282 112 112 140 70 65 75 260 255 290 2,024 1,954 2,039 18 19 30 100 774 8,958 157 5,620 10 6 549 296 177 107 55 235 1,746 20 70 507 5,515 92 3,641 5 5 313 176 112 32 35 130 974 aj 5 10 86 1,512 30 917 5 1 130 70 38 25 5 40 251 21 5 20 181 1,931 35 1,062 106 50 27 50 15 65 521 24 5 145 541 140 6 15 27 10 10 333 ?S 5 145 566 140 6 15 32 10 15 348 ?6 35 5 5 96 56 58 3,915 409 458 24,175 192 20 226 231 14,887 25 6 6 6 24 36 620 18 23 257 6 11 122 5 5 110 5 5 301 119 141 7,148 487 29 50 96 4,332 28,591 223 35 17,233 25 11 949 621 370 143 145 387 8,449 30 35 96 3,865 23,820 192 20 14,691 20 6 609 476 237 122 110 291 7,046 31 15 15 1,078 8,344 102 10 4,474 10 6 323 216 96 66 65 126 2,850 32 10 10 5 41 40 5 671 2,116 4,772 3,972 11,504 11,563 20 70 55 5 5 10 2,505 7,712 6,106 5 5 10 96 190 51 90 170 160 45 96 36 16 40 35 10 35 15 ?5 1 5 1,145 3,051 5,075 5 35 15 35 3,035 7,520 10 20 4,405 25 40 95 20 20 ■s 2,830 36 30 75 903 12,641 40 20 10,027 15 95 115 135 45 60 96 1,993 17 20 80 536 8,218 122 5,440 5 11 487 245 177 97 65 255 1,314 10 36 568 2,205 45 897 5 125 72 36 20 5 10 990 20 55 2,106 13,799 51 25 6,144 15 10 300 275 162 61 50 146 4,560 40 15 41 2,176 4,661 45 2,766 15 1 86 75 46 36 25 40 1,526 41 40 125 4,961 21,591 151 25 14,667 25 5 391 321 179 100 70 215 5,442 42 80 201 7,032 35,300 212 45 24,048 50 16 748 616 358 172 130 416 8,489 43 145 477 10,163 60,009 351 60 42,025 100 65 2,148 1,136 675 378 210 842 12,019 44 80 201 6,986 34,961 202 45 23,943 50 16 725 611 321 172 120 401 8,355 45 115 436 9,632 55,212 296 60 39,864 75 16 1,371 996 423 298 180 693 10,940 46 80 191 6,295 32,999 197 40 22,716 50 16 710 571 296 157 120 376 7,750 47 30 95 2,526 13,960 61 20 10,256 20 413 310 96 96 40 211 2,437 48 35 20 30 15 15 10 15 10 245 36 41 6 6 30 35 6 3,337 381 531 86 147 307 384 74 22,213 2,800 4,797 1,726 2,904 1,229 1,893 1,571 99 31 55 16 25 15 30 16 20 17,148 1,567 2,161 971 1,228 621 933 946 25 10 25 5 20 5 5 5 661 298 777 227 648 107 129 191 425 75 140 35 45 60 95 15 127 126 252 96 156 43 94 83 141 26 80 16 70 10 10 16 60 20 30 15 20 10 10 10 317 81 149 50 100 36 49 45 3,190 555 1,079 284 541 322 538 233 49 11 49 11 49 50 51 S? 51 54 55 11 56 57 20 60 36 165 335 6,651 2,461 32,500 21 181 1,462 22,481 10 40 11 5 275 450 70 541 89 232 26 146 10 110 66 335 421 7,934 58 45 60 35 90 4,200 19,569 130 25 12,863 25 5 165 261 177 60 70 160 5,628 1 61 10 676 1,825 5 5 1,135 10 40 15 15 15 585 62 80 231 46 8,157 339 36,049 10 237 105 23,310 55 16 23 788 5 667 37 369 10 140 15 421 134 9,824 61 40 182 64 55 176 4,536 25,419 177 20 17,549 30 16 688 501 292 142 105 381 5,518 1 65 19,830 24,375 409,045 6,287,168 78,905 2,875 3,231,584 18,870 91,774 957,993 139,812 231,165 135,375 49,015 167,475 1,182,325 66 35 135 3,561 19,487 146 15 13,250 30 10 539 386 230 112 85 305 4,379 ! 67 6,055 10,890 164,420 1,686,532 21,605 1,025 1,078,595 1,620 1,750 126,643 36,793 45,699 15,040 14,215 48,320 295,227 68 45 116 2,116 17,801 137 15 12,713 25 16 593 376 232 87 80 306 3,221 69 13,775 13,485 244,625 4,600,636 57,300 1,850 2,152,989 17,250 90,024 831,350 103,019 185,466 120,335 34,800 119,155 887.098 70 75 201 6,610 27,551 131 40 17,167 40 15 751 617 314 136 120 381 7,839 1 71 35,560 57,430 908,163 6,615,897 25,625 3,000 2,035,159 3,470 4,250 1,307,719 1,581,600 112,254 23,835 166,290 167,940 L, 184, 755 72 55 141 3,643 22,281 110 30 14,215 30 10 556 607 289 122 115 356 5,841 73 3,335 23,820 255,360 2,702,982 32,765 2,130 1,144,038 1,875 5,300 399,907 243,271 225,801 19,930 58,035 86,970 482,960 ' 74 60 180 4,655 24,824 151 30 16,212 45 10 646 466 281 147 115 331 6,390 75 5,040 9,675 148,575 1,501,695 18,310 1,335 824,246 9,470 1,325 153,146 29,565 49,096 12.850 7,920 20,990 373,442 76 50 121 1,682 18,232 202 15 12,628 20 16 127 673 427 239 95 351 3,439 77 7,375 22,600 132,390 3,049,819 94,880 2,565 1,923,151 5,265 8,020 276,047 90,931 67,156 43,815 27,735 88,945 421,269 76 60 121 1,021 15,885 166 10 11,293 20 16 632 346 219 122 95 311 2.655 79 2,755 12,255 51,122 1,505,705 35,955 200 870,234 3,675 7,295 170,214 50,045 56,668 47,915 18,895 43,795 200,814 80 30 1,245 55 71 5,755 110 441 28,173 725 6,066 643,984 14,305 151 19,915 131 3,739 339,976 10,431 10 3,020 15 11 3,800 11 497 94,194 572 181 21,100 276 126 23,109 198 77 25,870 96 55 11,730 85 201 24,730 266 1,018 76,540 2,214 81 82 10 83 1,510 6,500 22,949 861,721 16,040 200 530,258 655 3,495 76,020 28,945 33,559 22,045 7,165 19,065 124,274 84 260 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Al 1 farms number . . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting. . number, . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. . number. . Si los farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over..... farms reporting.. Tractors farms reporting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. number, . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting. . Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . . farms reporting. . Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. . FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family ■ working 15 hours or more farms reporting. . persons. . Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days! farms reporting . persons. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . No report as to period of expected employment, .farms reporting. . persons. . Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farma reporting. . Unpaid members of operator's family only. . farms reporting. . Hired .orkers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENPITUBES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting nd/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Iarm3 reporting. dollars. fori Machine hire Machine hi Hired labo Feed for livestock and poultry farm! Livestock and poultry purchased farm- Seeds, bulbs, plants, m,d tries purchased. .. farm! Gasoline and other petroleum fuel und oil. .farm: Furm machinery reps reporting. . dollars.. I i-| i I i n; dol lurs. reporting. dol lars. i ■ [,, ■ dollars. reporting. dol lars . s furms reporting. dol lars. Tractor repairs (arms reporting. dol lars. Other form machinery repairs farms reporting. dol lars. Total all farms 488 1,107 1,118 147 147 349 354 230 3,184 3,515 3,062 1,634 385 1,043 4,238 4,853 4,018 3,958 4,469 3,458 1,869 732 857 266 266 104 118 7,321 8,333 7,082 2,555 1,142 3,385 3,362 2,495 2,636 3,202 1,036 3,064 1,166 7,792 10,103 17,240 10,024 15,781 9,451 4,296 6/330 778 1,459 465 887 Cash- grain 405 572 699 9,325 5,358 550 10,757 7,055 2,028,274 5,678 546,842 4,129 1,481,432 8,032 4,344,069 5,966 1,535,733 5,484 352,245 5,065 941,013 4,108 526,734 2,547 299,068 3.139 229,666 10 151 167 151 151 162 126 66 15 45 5 5 151 172 141 66 20 55 10 20 66 131 20 35 35 166 211 312 210 295 205 60 90 11 17 10 200 150 21] 136 ." .' '" 95 7,235 96 12,345 101 I'..'.'" 66 6,870 115 4,030 146 20,455 136 11,040 96 5,780 91 5,260 Other field- crop 100 100 100 10 15 75 45 35 141 55 10 85 50 176 261 441 261 436 241 125 195 5 5 25b 131 20 2,761 15 181 181 20 20 56 56 5 776 816 766 445 80 241 986 1,077 961 946 1,012 806 480 205 121 35 35 20 30 1,556 1,741 1,491 430 255 806 540 440 795 900 86 461 245 1,850 2.496 .,683 2,496 4,496 2,341 1,335 2,155 121 187 60 75 76 112 121 2,375 1,130 150 Type of farm Vege- table 270 2,441 17C 1,961 22,160 336. 500 155 1,550 '. 123,175 85 1,381 13,080 213,325 190 L,i 75 29,395 308,365 130 1,290 9,830 6,66! L25 1,560 4,480 90 1,421 10,230 225,375 70 l.lbO 4,950 93,150 35 610 2,905 52,330 55 940 2,045 40,820 Fruit- and-nut Dairy .. . 40,006 5 33 121 33 34 32 1 2 18 87 17 62 6 25 33 33 165,381 25 9,190 33 156,191 8 4,475 ! .' ', 23 . ■ 33 10,986 28 30,738 28 17,026 17 13,712 Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry 381 221 226 16 16 132 132 187 352 406 347 217 70 60 472 669 467 467 644 427 272 85 70 5 5 16 20 447 517 437 217 65 155 45 40 45 407 65 176 61 345 547 1,430 537 972 507 280 465 217 458 172 332 72 126 207 330 125 25 10 577 502 651,163 400 402 .' . ■' 512 809,987 412 ,1 ' 361 66,339 487 217,039 432 160,135 377 84,730 372 75,405 21 190 190 20 20 31 36 6 285 305 265 155 30 80 456 502 431 431 467 386 180 125 81 35 35 General — primarily crop 696 801 691 275 145 271 266 210 260 341 115 212 65 1,081 1,692 1,076 1,611 1,016 455 595 71 81 66 1,010 585 60 5 1,142 747 124,415 41,172 417 83,243 1,067 2,229,409 1,017 , ■>, 1,1" 567 23,275 516 94,051 421 53,849 276 32,445 306 21,404 290 6 13 13 3 3 27 27 11 119 127 13.9 63 26 30 130 174 120 120 162 104 48 26 30 10 10 2 2 164 202 154 73 11 70 30 45 85 98 32 107 32 150 270 467 254 370 243 92 127 55 97 40 69 39 215 140 10 16 254 179 7*,960 153 23,385 109 51,575 203 75,910 163 136,497 143 , 144 31,470 128 18,957 103 11,972 78 6,985 91 97 91 40 10 41 123 140 123 123 139 107 50 40 17 1 1 146 186 140 • 76 6 176 331 1"6 276 16i 90 110 26 55 26 150 70' 10 198 157 49,772 131 131 33,690 120 19,250' 5,9 NORTH CAROLINA BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued 261 only a sample of farms. See text") Area 4«— Continued Type of farm— Con. General — ?riman ly ivestock 76 117 76 101 76 25 25 76 61 11,685 45 4,120 41 7,565 61 27,005 51 14,970 46 3,215 51 7,765 46 10,380 36 5,970 41 4,410 General — crop and livestock Miscella- neous and unclassi- fied 11 83 83 21 21 7 7 11 154 181 143 76 26 41 239 302 234 229 277 204 113 35 56 15 15 10 10 218 255 213 102 31 15 25 70 184 55 85 30 224 334 742 334 653 314 192 339 56 89 36 49 30 40 56 278 116 20 339 309 104,605 263 32,395 194 72,210 284 170,700 258 66,621 209 19,630 279 71,742 209 31,965 164 18,390 154 13,575 48 230 230 26 26 62 62 9 1,283 1,428 1,218 561 137 520 1,517 1,605 1,367 1,327 1,394 1,146 564 195 387 155 155 56 56 3,754 4,212 3,627 1,279 575 1,773 2,371 1,665 1,123 911 606 1,780 626 3,840 4,613 6,884 4,566 6,532 4,305 1,641 2,227 187 352 76 193 123 159 140 4,426 2,846 250 47 5,211 2,795 427,553 2,295 151,933 1,235 275,620 3,811 653, 783 2,451 302, 900 2,208 124,540 1,741 174,000 1,345 96,715 719 54,070 970 42,645 Total all farms 448 2,050 2,106 180 192 535 540 388 3,019 3,363 2,921 1,307 448 1,166 5,422 6,540 5,277 5,222 6,193 4,560 2,389 1,093 1,078 181 181 146 166 9,461 11,189 9,235 2,972 1,331 4,932 4,703 2,245 2,587 3,803 1,619 4,141 821 9,093 11,740 20,326 11,633 18,239 10, 843 4,815 7,396 1,163 2,087 646 1,200 600 887 1,056 10,577 6,170 735 107 12,689 9,288 2,530,294 8,076 911,393 4,391 1,618,901 8,946 2,515,508 7,259 1,091,019 6,824 383,030 5,988 1,342,928 5,264 737,351 3,458 424,875 4,075 312,476 191 191 31 31 25 25 5 165 185 160 90 15 55 296 387 291 291 372 261 136 85 40 5 5 10 10 286 442 286 116 50 120 40 35 50 165 131 156 35 210 371 727 371 606 356 150 250 36 121 31 96 36 335 190 15 391 316 255,410 245 41,580 196 213,830 240 24,505 230 34,350 226 19,275 331 102,045 286 54,475 206 21,290 240 33,185 15 306 307 10 10 91 91 25 546 617 501 205 85 211 1,071 1,272 1,071 1,061 1,232 896 410 260 226 5 5 35 35 1,581 1,828 1,506 301 195 1,010 715 245 915 906 165 516 165 2,095 2,591 4,716 2,576 4,366 2,466 1,120 1,900 196 350 Other field- crop 121 173 101 177 181 2,395 1,325 110 15 2,611 2,076 473,310 1,870 222,720 1,021 250, 590 1,446 221,015 1,351 151,895 1,306 59,895 1,206 229, 800 1,296 130,690 726 71,250 1,066 59,440 70 70 65 40 5 20 150 155 150 145 150 120 70 25 25 5 5 250 280 245 70 35 140 85 75 100 120 30 155 25 225 375 645 370 620 345 160 275 20 25 15 355 200 25 5 380 300 40,325 240 19,345 185 20,980 245 40,605 200 19, 760 235 8,745 230 37,465 210 14,310 105 7,865 165 6,445 Vege- table 15 15 2,075 15 1,700 10 375 5 500 5 125 10 350 5 1,000 5 500 5 375 5 125 Fruit- and-nut 10 10 4,210 10 460 10 3,750 5 1,500 5 425 5 145 10 1,800 10 870 10 495 10 375 Area 4b Type of farm Dai ry 315 366 384 47 52 176 176 241 401 496 386 240 51 95 691 990 686 676 927 620 313 166 141 15 15 43 48 641 848 636 270 115 251 45 35 95 515 176 238 60 543 796 1,941 786 1,363 731 392 632 266 578 215 445 81 133 256 530 265 45 10 846 756 678,512 594 125, 128 591 553,384 721 596, 204 575 265,571 580 79,526 691 301,656 646 195,223 561 128,175 526 67,048 5 11 11 11 91 96 90 40 5 45 151 186 146 146 181 131 75 31 25 5 242 287 236 85 25 126 45 101 50 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 100 15 221 297 549 287 448 272 126 176 57 101 37 54 26 47 240 130 15 322 217 93,790 172 22,593 127 71,197 302 730,125 282 133,093 167 11,459 162 43,347 132 17,380 106 9,680 102 7,700 223 2 2 26 98 128 87 26 1 60 78 95 78 78 95 72 21 15 36 118 124 112 17 35 60 65 126 192 290 187 227 162 56 65 36 63 36 63 31 156 110 25 5 183 153 119,490 121 49,375 72 70, 115 137 39,675 107 24,805 107 10, 575 98 20,370 83 8,565 63 6,410 56 2,155 General — priman ly crop 10 288 315 36 43 61 66 16 252 296 252 126 76 50 433 603 433 428 562 396 181 125 90 41 410 519 402 177 55 170 21 30 116 292 141 General — priman ly livestock 513 1,080 513 916 503 256 413 92 164 71 120 92 421 205 10 554 468 185,752 367 76,902 302 108,850 353 70,750 342 41,290 323 20,935 438 166,646 424 95,676 339 56,165 353 39,511 100 125 100 40 95 255 95 225 85 70 140 20 30 15 20 10 10 110 100 38,620 90 15,380 70 23,240 100 51,400 110 25,145 90 9,090 80 37,960 95 23,060 60 10,610 95 12,450 (ieneraj — crop and livestock 31 313 317 21 21 77 77 47 283 298 277 132 25 120 553 683 553 553 683 492 312 90 90 583 738 557 196 36 325 45 45 150 483 70 Miscella- neous and unclassi- fied 241 35 491 717 1,514 701 1,291 691 360 600 132 223 72 143 116 585 280 5 16 793 648 220, 340 545 81,890 413 138,450 613 173,833 558 174,025 526 61,560 633 177,774 518 83,234 378 50,830 418 32,404 8,211 47 378 379 20 20 67 67 12 1,073 1,137 1,063 393 180 490 1,904 2,049 1,774 1,749 1,871 1,477 826 266 385 151 151 27 27 5,230 5,978 5,135 1,700 775 2,660 3,591 1,680 1,036 1,089 815 2,428 440 4,757 5,773 8,574 5,732 8,147 5,217 2,120 2,930 303 427 215 270 262 5,470 3,440 475 41 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 6,474 4,229 418,460 3,807 254,320 1,394 164,140 4,779 565,396 3,494 220,535 3,249 101,475 2,104 223,065 1,559 113,368 899 61,730 1,039 51,638 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 262 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine. Cram combines. . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 1 years. ..... 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobiles Year of newest model Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse .or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. farms reporting, number. farms reporting. number. farms reporting, number. farms reporting. farms reporting, number farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting farms farms reporting reporting. number farms farms reporting, reporting. number farms reporting. farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting. farms reporting number farms reporting. number farms reporting number farms reporting farms reporting. farms reporting farms reporting . farms reporting farms reporting . farms reporting , farms reporting . farms reporting FARMS BY KIND OF n .0AD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUWERAT Family and/or hired workers Family workers, including operator. Operators working 1 or more hours... Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more ION . farms reporting. persons. . farms reporting. persons. persons. Hired workers. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers No report as to period of expected employment. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Fami ly workers only Operators only Unpaid members of operator's family only. . Hired workers only . farms reporting. persons. . farms reporting. persons. .farms reporting, persons. . farms reporting. persons. farms reporting. .farms reporting. persons. farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Speci f led farm expenditures Machine hire and/or lured labor. Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. . . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil... Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs . farms . farms . forms . farms . farms . farms . farms furms farms farms farms reporting reporting dol Lars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars 2,061 118 736 2,104 122 747 144 11 21 in, 11 21 662 46 183 663 46 183 441 1 45 5,084 143 1,664 5,597 160 1,773 4,860 138 1,581 2,529 67 835 804 26 255 1,527 45 491 6,756 199 2,525 8,064 266 2,918 6,451 194 2,475 6,320 189 2,420 7,442 246 2,788 5,610 173 2,120 3,299 108 1,310 1,214 40 430 1,097 25 380 375 10 60 395 10 70 207 10 60 227 10 60 13,770 193 5,277 15,875 221 5,856 13,207 193 4,935 4,173 87 1,109 2,112 20 720 6,922 86 3,106 8,695 100 3,650 4,976 40 1,570 6,039 60 3,590 4,323 118 1,764 2,433 81* 761 7,563 137 2,688 3,173 25 1,287 14,194 197 6,646 20,369 36,379 20,014 32,474 18,490 8,825 13,984 2,201 3,905 1,118 1,856 1,324 2,049 1,846 18, 168 10,044 1,431 355 21,039 16,036 4,019,819 13,287 1,465,123 9,086 2,554,696 12,416 3,927,967 10,463 1,993,095 11,349 650,692 7,920 1,654,540 7,085 987,876 4,528 576,902 5,044 410,974 57 236 116 10 299 259 114,095 152 38,465 208 75,630 116 23,880 131 28,865 173 16,935 234 91,725 189 78,080 169 55,925 114 22,155 293 9,597 615 17,304 293 9,507 528 16, 218 273 8,857 150 4,299 255 7,361 57 677 87 1,086 42 281 62 441 20 444 25 645 587 8,920 4,845 625 90 8,930 7,215 1,505,063 5,948 616,818 4,240 888,245 4,160 538,969 3,964 467,556 4,433 179,224 3,155 580,787 2,969 381,201 1,694 194,827 2,243 186,374 62 45 67 55 61 45 21 30 10 5 30 10 25 10 30 20 36 45 31 20 5 35 15 15 5 76 60 127 285 122 225 122 52 103 16 60 16 37 70 190 70 155 70 45 85 25 35 20 20 320 10 244 85 250 85 26 25 26 25 174 10 175 10 254 10 379 150 526 160 374 150 223 95 66 25 85 30 529 245 741 270 524 245 524 235 715 260 478 215 246 110 127 75 105 30 5 5 16 10 21 10 530 355 739 405 513 350 222 175 80 65 211 110 65 140 50 75 126 65 379 135 150 110 293 155 ■95 25 311 320 690 1,833 655 1,066 609 307 457 345 767 235 512 173 255 11 111 65 127 102 40,395 82 8,200 67 32,195 35 5,610 60 5,405 72 3,855 81 19,130 56 13,085 36 6,010 30 7,075 70 60 17,480 40 2,180 40 15,300 40 2,670 20 745 65 6,720 50 12,675 50 2,600 25 1,400 35 1,200 30 20 7,050 15 1,050 10 6,000 20 1,740 20 985 5 50 25 3,445 25 3,265 25 2,815 15 450 310 345 155 30 35 720 635 737,931 474 136,658 500 601,273 609 861,065 510 428,410 475 83,993 560 219,421 555 133,505 444 86, 595 410 46,910 455 970 445 835 410 290 425 70 135 35 70 40 65 60 385 125 35 10 485 380 137,220 310 33,080 250 104, 140 440 1,221,560 430 316,995 290 15,020 310 75,780 230 28,755 165 16,685 160 12,070 414 15 114 126 10 10 43 43 28 231 253 206 140 26 40 252 382 232 222 331 189 114 40 35 30 30 16 21 222 354 205 135 10 60 56 30 76 217 35 194 35 167 342 766 330 518 304 142 214 111 248 77 119 99 231 116 20 12 349 294 236,735 228 54,645 248 182,090 256 75,612 191 201,958 242 43,854 247 111,269 228 51,147 192 34,029 152 17,118 NORTH CAROLINA 263 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950-Continued only a sample of farms. See text") Areas 5 and D— Continued Type of farm— Con. General — primarily livestock General- crop and 91 104 91 31 5 91 178 91 161 90 41 71 11 17 101 86 27,984 70 8,550 61 19,434 96 87,955 86 27,382 86 4,390 66 12,404 66 9,945 51 5,655 51 4,290 50 225 230 25 25 65 65 55 300 320 290 145 60 85 501 626 491 486 591 451 306 95 50 15 25 10 10 605 745 590 215 120 255 10 135 260 331 170 180 125 591 841 1,798 841 1,613 801 501 812 95 185 70 100 40 85 95 746 290 35 876 766 199,990 641 76,185 465 123,805 676 353,275 696 183.970 636 33,415 561 129,055 501 54,135 336 35,160 346 18,975 Miscella- neous and unclassi- fied 41 318 318 10 10 81 81 41 1,814 1,964 1,729 797 296 636 2,021 2,262 1,811 1,765 1,939 1,545 892 301 352 240 240 73 83 6,022 6,873 5,867 1,964 1,031 2,872 4,559 2,936 1,579 1,012 1,009 3,655 1,441 5,402 7,244 11,178 7,053 10,099 6,382 2,681 3,717 696 1,079 275 369 459 710 505 6,548 4,047 646 191 8,463 5,681 806,973 4,876 405,108 2,614 401,865 5,595 659,545 3,959 280,374 4,473 231,333 2,242 291,393 1,882 177,987 1,147 103,731 1,245 74,256 Total all farms 157 1,002 1,040 92 93 573 576 30 5,455 5,933 5,339 3,095 753 1,491 7,097 7,978 6,946 6,771 7,501 6,189 4,574 949 666 232 242 223 235 19,019 21,027 18,612 6,885 3,373 8,354 7,763 8,533 12,329 5,541 1,556 10,276 2,274 21,539 30,693 53, 802 30,319 48,090 28,606 12,081 19,484 3,403 5,712 1,875 2,784 1,789 2,928 3,029 27,290 16,254 1,596 374 31,647 26,740 8,361,471 19,144 1,515,034 23,072 6,846,437 22,361 4,346,446 19,298 1,941,045 22,169 1,384,591 18,012 3,424,335 13,521 1,125,495 4,093 543,994 12,000 581,501 Cash- grain 66 84 66 60 1 5 75 113 75 70 103 53 31 17 5 10 10 81 102 69 44 10 15 25 40 16 55 20 130 258 115 157 110 27 47 53 101 27 48 28 53 146 116 126,789 84 16,315 111 110,474 104 15,552 96 14,841 100 14,517 106 49,630 81 32,205 66 12,995 63 19,210 Areas 6 and E 1,984 Type of farm Other field- crop 207 216 207 97 35 75 238 260 238 228 250 217 147 55 15 10 10 737 799 677 182 130 365 555 575 616 178 60 505 190 1,208 1,738 2,870 1,728 2,680 1,628 636 1,052 137 190 77 109 66 81 127 1,601 1,010 90 10 1,609 1,249 318,486 922 63,301 923 255,185 862 82,680 632 42,515 959 45,564 648 122,777 584 48,585 163 26,975 524 21,610 45 569 581 45 45 357 357 5 3,545 3,668 3,480 1,859 566 1,055 5,041 5,442 4,971 4,861 5,212 4,519 3,418 651 450 100 110 120 120 13,887 14,890 13,671 4,451 2,540 6,680 4,255 6,045 9,957 4,010 1,031 7,044 1,525 15,790 23,010 40,442 22,874 37,153 21,783 9,427 15,370 2,218 3,289 1,211 1,456 1,124 1,833 2,082 20,792 12,121 1,010 136 23,041 20,426 5,726,970 14,486 1,012,325 18,180 4,714,645 16,486 2,054,047 14,336 1,074,530 16, 205 888,301 13,870 2,397,098 10,175 665,690 2,709 294,435 9,165 371,255 Vege- table 135 200 130 180 125 35 55 20 20 15 15 5 5 15 115 85 5 5 125 105 38,285 65 8,290 100 29,995 65 8,175 65 3,970 85 5,060 55 7,000 20 955 10 300 15 655 Fruit- and-nul 40 130 35 55 30 40 35 113,650 10 750 35 112,900 35 9,885 20 700 40 10,895 35 11,425 30 9,480 25 7,165 20 2,315 Dai ry 70 31 33 3 3 30 30 9 87 107 87 62 2 81 109 80 50 5 25 25 10 25 66 1 112 356 112 156 107 46 49 62 200 57 176 13 24 117 102 226,749 72 10,120 92 216,629 107 344,932 95 128,936 87 28,363 92 53,411 92 32,133 72 21,930 77 10,203 Livestock other than dairy and pnul try 225 290 220 135 25 60 75 60 65 66 50 125 25 146 231 391 226 281 211 50 70 51 110 46 100 5 10 46 180 140 15 5 291 211 134,180 140 24,295 191 109,885 261 769,975 261 196,185 196 18,840 206 73,450 136 24,800 71 18,060 105 6,740 432 36 51 37 51 5 5 5 5 16 24 17 24 1 1 141 188 167 223 141 178 81 157 15 21 45 116 254 149 330 106 243 101 238 124 300 75 228 55 157 15 18 5 53 20 11 20 11 5 17 5 19 327 420 318 237 35 10 55 113 198 168 6 225 363 736 348 435 336 85 99 106 301 60 158 143 40 91 257 191 11 15 414 372 302,737 268 44,713 317 258,024 371 260,596 318 115.651 339 39,199 333 124,751 279 46,314 179 26,075 226 20,239 General — primari ly crop 93 105 15 15 18 18 5 268 353 248 179 23 46 283 360 283 278 345 221 166 45 10 5 5 10 10 482 651 466 229 60 177 105 195 391 221 62 233 30 677 General — unman ly li veatock 904 2,106 888 1,699 813 458 886 177 407 112 216 92 191 161 727 311 70 16 914 814 411,529 594 79,399 689 332,130 659 128,071 576 81,122 758 81,669 538 165,044 484 82,987 217 39,575 413 43,412 Genera] — crop and ll veatock 31 26 4,841 25 1,680 16 3,161 31 14,647 26 4,260 31 1,613 16 4,405 16 2,828 6 2,298 11 530 40 43 11 12 25 26 6 110 126 110 69 11 30 146 192 146 146 188 135 90 35 10 220 269 208 123 35 50 16 45 120 135 11 15 212 289 640 269 420 259 116 161 109 220 49 90 85 130 180 115 10 20 324 294 190,633 251 45,825 269 144,808 284 200,603 263 57,360 258 35,739 259 92,522 234 43,165 103 20,635 219 22,530 Miscella- neoua and unclassi fied 5,897 27 77 80 6 6 65 66 2 792 926 781 505 76 200 821 960 761 726 819 633 445 97 91 96 96 42 45 2,873 3,381 2,797 1,378 508 911 2,662 1,463 951 561 260 1,892 448 3,048 3,715 5,588 3,568 4,833 3,183 1,171 1,650 439 755 190 328 294 427 292 3,276 2,186 370 147 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4,595 2,990 766,622 2,227 208,021 2,149 558,601 3,096 457,283 2,610 220,975 3,111 214.831 1,854 322,822 1,390 136,353 472 73,551 1,162 62,802 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 31 e: 83 6.1 264 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 2 of 2>-FARMS AND. FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanatio .number. . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Al 1 farms SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine '»""» "porting. Cram combines f »™ s reporting. number. Corn pickers £a ™ s "porting. number. farms reporting. number. farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting Pick-up hay balers. Silos. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years 1B ™ S reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors fa ™ s "porting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. . Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . number. - Crawler tractors f*™ s reporting. . number. . , ., l;i.„ farms reporting.. Automobiles r , ° number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years •"&!!!! rcportlng ' 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . . farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface fa™" 3 reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. _hale farms reporting. e j_ _ farms reporting. Gravel, shell , Dirt or ummpr' FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers *»™* reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting persons Operators working 1 or more hours • persons Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more fa Hired workers farms reporting. . persons . . reporting. . persons. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) *«■■ reporting.. persons. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers J a ™ B reporting. ■ No report as to period of expected employment, farms reporting. . persons. . Fanti3 by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only *«""■ reporting.. Operators only fafms reporting.. Unpaid members of operator's family only. . farms reporting. . Hired workers only farms reporting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 10 4 9 Specified farm expenditures farms reportin ( Mach.nc hire and/or hired labor farms reportin Macfa Machine hire Hired labor. dol lars. . farms reporting. dol lars. . farms reporting. dol lars. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Livestock and poultry purchased farms report. ng. dol lars. Seeds, bulbs, plants Gasoline and other pctrnle> nd trees purchased. .. farms reporting.. dol lars. . fuel nnd oi I . . . forms reporting., dol lars. . Farm machinery repairs farms report, ng. dol lars. Tractor repo forms reporting. dollars. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dol lnrs . Total all farms 78 742 812 228 230 865 879 49 3,275 3,597 3,191 2,063 313 815 5,6-45 7,173 5,614 5,559 7,033 4,954 2,916 987 1,051 56 62 75 78 9,817 11,109 9,570 3,985 1,749 3,836 4,457 2,472 7,430 4,588 1,057 7,019 1,221 10,859 17,589 34,956 17,339 29,314 16,451 7,490 12,863 2,689 5,642 1,560 3,093 Type of farm Cash- grain 1,323 2,549 1,366 2,439 14,900 8,162 810 250 18,247 16,418 6,504,393 13,787 1,813,284 12,895 4,771,109 12,240 2,233,137 9,963 1,238,530 10,745 954,288 9,000 2,302,913 8,775 1,218,312 4,091 646,345 7,558 571,967 101 107 35 35 7 7 93 97 91 81 5 5 167 245 167 167 242 144 73 40 31 2 2 1 1 169 172 167 75 35 57 45 15 52 100 67 133 6 127 261 509 251 325 250 53 75 74 184 42 84 39 100 64 187 152 232 192 172,386 125 32,650 162 139,736 157 29,158 151 17,442 141 34,389 177 99,345 177 48,872 142 30,596 133 18,276 26 26 11 11 21 21 5 78 87 73 52 5 16 138 179 138 138 174 111 56 30 25 5 5 Other field- crop Vege- table 414 431 408 102 95 211 290 266 470 87 51 331 76 691 1,054 2,277 1,043 2,078 993 595 1,085 93 199 38 104 82 961 386 50 11 1,059 949 348,285 853 94,710 498 253,575 552 38,650 365 27,665 512 33,680 198 45,235 353 36,094 92 10,780 327 25,314 13,599 45 340 357 43 43 640 646 6 1,946 2,063 1,881 1,083 226 572 3,703 4,381 3,683 3,643 4,315 3,267 2,039 594 634 26 26 40 40 6,669 7,478 6,486 2,441 1,268 2,777 2,807 1,220 5,869 3,020 683 4,518 878 7,697 12,524 24,990 12,391 21,822 11,836 5,679 9,986 1,676 3,168 983 1,752 771 1,416 1,543 10,848 5,698 515 133 12,708 11,978 4,062,032 10,152 1,246,837 9,667 2,813,195 8,098 934,684 6,801 483,539 7,419 568,806 6,641 ,390,202 6,210 648,110 2,587 332,574 5,446 315,536 Fruit- and-nut Dairy 10 10 100 10 100 10 30 10 380 Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry 22 2 3 2 3 6 7 17 37 52 37 17 15 5 32 55 32 32 53 27 12 10 5 1 1 1 1 17 24 16 16 32 203 31 56 21 20 35 22 147 17 107 15 40 37 37 128,175 31 10,655 37 117,520 37 96,280 27 11,235 27 23,850 37 37,180 27 26,715 27 21,940 17 4,775 601 103 168 97 124 92 26 32 28 44 17 18 118 83 30,661 62 7,353 68 23,308 113 136,335 117 55,677 68 4,995 48 14,949 58 10,537 38 5,447 43 5,090 General — primarily crop 64 65 60 60 44 44 8 276 335 270 233 11 26 398 628 392 387 604 349 186 71 92 11 17 6 7 415 505 412 276 31 105 55 86 62 361 37 299 48 216 521 1,089 498 672 462 140 210 183 417 121 212 89 205 160 338 226 35 23 580 485 416,354 351 90,974 448 325,380 538 363,391 444 295,032 408 79,533 434 185,235 418 126,050 338 72,798 316 53,252 6 64 81 21 22 55 55 9 220 283 219 178 41 ! 300 I 476 l 300 295 468 285 154 85 46 1 7 7 379 509 379 229 45 105 256 259 41 266 32 378 661 1,855 639 1,095 601 275 49* 221 760 131 443 123 317 19i IM 21! 2. 57: 5*: 657,37: 941 98,861 5L 558,50. St 122, 8» 46 68,47 4? 67,74 37 211,61 36 124,58 25 70,14 X 54,39 NORTH CAROLINA 265 BY TYPE OF FARM- CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of forms. See text"] Area 7 — Continued Type of farm— Con. General- crop and livestock 25 20 3,025 15 1,600 15 1,425 25 8,375 20 815 25 4,980 20 4,550 15 2,825 15 1,475 10 1,350 Miscella- neous and unclassi- fied 77 89 30 30 16 16 2 229 248 229 153 21 55 324 434 324 324 432 297 159 66 72 2 381 424 375 245 50 40 186 321 3 217 30 287 524 1,070 519 675 508 130 167 203 395 138 245 91 150 198 321 245 5 5 550 535 373,880 454 84,971 465 288,909 533 292,010 473 160,745 460 61,190 384 145,576 410 102,357 274 56,584 350 45,773 5 62 78 26 26 75 82 2 374 409 369 244 30 95 515 696 510 505 666 417 206 85 126 10 10 19 20 1,266 1,454 1,221 550 205 466 1,140 735 525 350 165 1,173 141 1,365 1,874 ■ 2,745 1,835 2,417 1,658 552 759 189 328 73 128 123 200 150 1,685 1,160 170 39 2,257 1,488 392,124 1,192 142,566 1,020 249,558 1,676 209,416 1,094 117,873 1,205 74,742 685 169,028 741 92,171 319 43,960 612 48,211 Area fl Total all farms 31,738 130 1,226 1,269 221 229 887 907 96 5,021 5,534 4,803 2,984 571 1,248 7,148 8,488 7,083 6,933 8,233 6,077 4,307 951 819 80 85 164 170 17,393 19,828 17,108 6,936 2,828 7,344 8,679 3,860 12,051 5,323 1,825 12,043 701 17,165 28,226 54,837 27,757 46,094 26,590 11,495 19,504 4,165 8,743 2,336 4,439 2,195 4,304 1,970 3,696 24,061 13,869 1,022 469 28,943 26,396 11,111,726 17,295 1,510,335 24,600 9,601,391 21,064 3,217,867 18,675 1,719,366 18,548 1,281,139 20,945 5,291,879 13,279 1,713,933 4,829 724,186 12,129 989,747 Type of farm Cash- grain 1 80 123 74 63 10 1 31 10 25 54 14 116 309 104 154 93 49 155 112 95 110,265 51 7,165 95 103,100 62 21,540 56 11,470 79 12,666 92 92,247 82 30,541 61 19,351 77 11,190 17 17 1 75 85 70 44 5 21 80 114 80 75 109 67 62 5 5 5 174 192 165 74 26 65 150 60 81 60 20 194 15 135 313 866 312 493 287 131 206 72 373 57 227 33 146 71 241 135 20 1 331 306 247,283 233 28,342 270 218,941 235 30,767 151 19,760 189 31,136 190 66,852 165 52,153 64 14,150 149 38,003 Other field- crop 27,178 56 906 921 165 165 670 681 37 3,879 4,160 3,716 2,226 460 1,030 5,705 6,480 5,660 5,525 6,270 4,793 3,458 743 592 60 65 140 l',5 14,883 16,515 14,653 5,378 2,510 6,765 7,130 3,450 10,893 4,298 1,407 10,069 640 15,252 25,070 47,593 24,803 42,076 23,827 10,656 18,249 3,198 5,517 1,726 2,625 1,693 2,892 1,505 2,931 21,872 12,315 881 267 25,218 23,363 8,630,121 14,994 1,113,310 21,983 7,516,811 18,034 2,078,280 16,208 1,256,697 15,818 831,039 18,523 4,116,827 11,123 1,069,553 3,717 439,017 10,163 630,536 Vege- table 25 15 4,085 10 620 10 3,465 20 3,275 10 2,900 15 1,150 20 7,470 10 1,360 10 375 10 985 Frui t- and-nut Dairy 243 53 109 53 26 56 41 134 41 114 10 20 63 58 199,901 36 13,155 58 186,746 58 326,269 45 39,427 41 25,870 57 47,369 43 25,702 33 15,783 41 9,919 Poultry 62 57 21,067 47 3,885 52 17,182 57 45,901 57 12,418 52 5,046 42 17,625 42 7,415 27 3,890 31 3,525 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 436 1 87 93 24 24 40 40 17 234 273 219 162 26 31 269 381 264 264 368 247 156 66 25 5 5 7 8 337 464 320 263 26 31 46 25 96 220 49 223 5 174 354 1,125 315 375 305 62 70 172 750 136 531 219 106 133 182 142 10 39 416 386 448,110 285 81,967 341 366,143 393 201,723 332 135,177 357 95,609 359 274,512 339 156,871 219 75,410 302 81,461 General — primari ly crop 363 62 68 61 29 7 25 73 114 73 73 114 61 46 188 210 187 67 40 80 20 190 48 25 187 16 153 318 838 316 553 306 127 247 91 285 60 162 50 123 89 227 137 General — primari ly livestock 323 292 238,335 243 36,082 237 202,253 220 37,711 183 35,713 253 35,544 158 82,774 128 53,826 68 33,596 118 20,230 General — crop and livestock 6 5 6,750 5 750 5 6,000 6 9,929 6 5,232 6 1,050 6 2,672 600 6 500 10 17 30 3 9 19 24 3 77 95 77 62 5 10 92 144 92 92 144 92 46 21 25 122 192 122 86 15 21 1 15 50 87 5 Mi si . N.i neoun and unclassi- fied 152 580 140 205 140 60 65 87 375 57 192 38 183 148 148 208,777 118 26,302 143 182,475 132 85,772 127 47,559 132 27,535 143 105,052 128 60,357 73 26,935 128 33,422 2,927 16 110 114 11 13 97 98 13 593 713 566 385 56 125 756 1,028 741 736 1,007 667 448 62 157 15 15 6 6 1,490 1,974 919 191 361 1,225 255 691 483 273 1,190 25 1,207 377 500 432 1,107 213 53 473 53 263 634 314 1,322 994 105 118 2,239 1,671 997,032 1,273 198,757 1,406 798,275 1,847 376,700 1,500 153,013 1,606 214,494 1,355 478,479 1,213 255,055 551 95,079 1,104 159,976 1,471 | 31 32 33 34 1,754 43 3,108 44 1,636 IS 2,001 16 1,501 47 266 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FaRM CHARACTERISTICS. [Data are based on reports foi ' Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) All farms number.. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Mi Iking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting.. number. . Silos - farms reporting. . Mo'tortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Tractors farms reporting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. . Wneel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting.. number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years ■ farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. .. farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules. farms reporting. . Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. . FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel , shell , or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons. . Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. . persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . No report as to period of expected employment, .farms reporting. . persons. . Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting.. Family workers only farms reporting. . Operators only farms reporting. . Unpaid members of operator's family only. . farms reporting.. Hired workers only farms reporting. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1H9 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Machine hire... farms reporting. dollars. Hired labor. farms reporting. dol lars. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dol lars. Total all farms l.i vestock Seeds, bulbs, plant Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil nd poultry purchased .....farms reporting. dol lurs. and trees purchased. . . farms reporting. dol lars . forms reporting. dol lars. Farm machinery repairs forms reporting. dol lors. Tractor repairs farms reporting. dol lars. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dol lars. 89 739 803 57 57 335 341 63 2,939 3,227 2,844 1,554 433 857 3,046 3,614 2,951 2,834 3,359 2,409 1,764 406 239 111 116 133 139 8,390 9,357 8,190 3,126 1,522 3,542 4,155 5,673 6,322 2,375 671 6,318 853 10,876 16,222 33,844 15,947 29,659 14, 866 8,626 14,793 1,863 4,185 1,106 2,135 990 2,050 1,588 14,359 6,381 1,000 275 16,171 13,334 4,179,743 9,410 858,088 11,191 3,321,655 10,341 2,260,508 8,670 1,249,222 9,942 597,966 8,746 1,758,182 6,917 672,830 1,933 346,030 6,194 326,800 Type of farm Cash- grain 53 67 51 33 7 11 73 107 73 72 106 64 52 1 3,035 Other field- crop 1 1 70 100 66 41 10 15 47 15 32 44 29 146 370 129 163 129 30 34 40 207 35 110 23 106 78 131 110 92,210 47 14, 730 104 77,480 91 39,245 96 48,270 94 26,619 86 57,669 84 42,593 63 26,798 76 15,795 111 132 3 3 45 50 354 379 347 172 40 135 368 465 368 352 447 301 220 41 40 1 1 16 17 1,057 1,156 1,017 262 195 560 705 810 1,152 287 81 1,052 116 1,702 2,636 5,496 2,608 4,836 2,438 1,403 2,398 226 660 158 407 123 253 198 2, ',10 1,075 155 28 2,324 1,788 537,930 1,298 138,347 1,382 399,583 1,153 98,793 679 78,340 1,303 84,653 814 171,742 658 95,774 216 56,697 767 39,077 5 285 295 21 21 137 137 1 1,450 1,507 1,413 806 172 435 1,466 1,613 1,451 1,386 1,518 1,213 905 200 108 20 25 70 70 4,613 4,978 4,570 1,659 905 2,006 1,602 3,357 4,252 1,269 197 3,320 446 6,358 9,719 20,893 9,614 19,172 9,074 5,634 10,098 959 1,721 Vege- table 538 775 498 946 854 8,760 3,525 490 105 9,641 8,481 1,982,436 5,924 409,159 7,575 1,573,277 6,309 590,043 5,522 476,539 5,950 254,490 5,965 970,873 4,524 260,069 941 100,530 4,202 159,539 Fruit- and-nut 36 26 10,465 25 2,215 16 8,250 25 1,325 30 2,590 21 2,410 16 4,675 1,200 6 6 2 59 100 57 34 12 11 64 106 64 64 106 50 23 15 12 64 155 59 48 11 Dairy 67 297 66 99 61 26 38 51 198 44 141 73 73 341,159 37 21,165 73 319,994 52 8,125 43 7,630 47 17,761 67 81,963 67 48,615 62 33,170 49 15,445 64 35 41 5 5 44 44 51 56 95 50 30 15 5 76 156 71 71 146 59 43 16 Poultry Livestock other then dairy and poultry 5 5 5 5 85 126 76 56 5 110 436 98 176 75 260 65 199 110 95 253,791 62 28,880 90 224,911 105 202,837 88 135,230 83 22,152 90 64,533 79 53,380 73 38,655 58 14,725 93 110 86 71 10 5 113 119 U3 98 103 91 71 162 16 173 193 165 75 25 65 50 105 31 67 46 82 20 190 222 443 222 378 197 141 181 32 65 32 190 60 25 273 158 67,310 130 11,230 68 56,080 233 827,665 226 245,365 132 6,255 167 35,765 62 11,705 52 7,345 47 4,360 s 1 77 93 71 38 16 17 82 109 62 77 99 64 38 10 16 General — primarily crop 5 10 94 123 78 58 137 322 130 175 125 31 50 52 147 24 43 39 104 45 85 ! 65 1 5 7 162 * 152 : 91,790 255,5 119 ! 23,810 48,< 117 t 67,980 206,1 124 . 57,135 58,« 93 69,090 28,1 131 23,870 31,: 117 .' 57,380 101/ 87 ; 23,666 45,' 52 11,451 26, 87 12,215 19,' NORTH CAROLINA 267 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued J only a sample of farms. See text") Area 10 Type of farm Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poul try 96 150 96 141 91 40 50 6 9 202 General — primari I y crop 52 54 52 21 15 16 77 135 77 77 123 55 35 5 15 6 106 111 101 31 30 40 139 139 89 89 General — primari ly li veatock 134 142 134 73 35 26 255 404 255 255 394 219 108 80 31 6 6 3 4 230 291 220 120 35 65 20 5 25 26 80 91 47 209 30 46 HI 183 25 20 66 152 162 355 304 1,055 157 350 182 544 157 340 25 127 25 204 57 165 122 511 37 115 72 203 36 83 50 308 52 105 90 160 190 105 10 111 197 376 81 157 356 20,305 102, 550 444,620 60 95 282 5,190 10,275 120, 185 56 142 326 15,115 92,275 324,435 111 187 314 243,345 87,290 97,745 101 132 257 35,700 29,230 43,995 70 142 345 4,120 16,995 143,894 71 87 281 8,660 34,995 148,389 50 112 290 3,160 18,885 113,716 25 72 245 1,940 12,950 85,543 40 92 220 1,220 5,935 28,173 General — crop and li veatock 30 20 7,050 10 200 20 6,850 30 10,335 25 1,510 15 2,080 15 6,375 25 3,220 15 2,020 15 1,200 49 56 13 13 22 22 3 49 56 49 28 6 15 94 123 89 34 30 10 5 5 7 7 89 106 83 38 Miscella- neous and unclassi- fied 179 390 178 271 178 72 93 34 119 23 62 18 57 33 145 85 189 164 111,260 112 25,285 154 85,975 174 79,890 119 16,790 154 35,155 114 47,260 134 31,430 74 19,015 114 12,415 71 76 16 16 5 5 5 202 218 198 97 30 71 294 329 284 284 319 228 107 25 96 10 10 675 709 645 194 125 326 992 420 268 171 123 591 111 1,146 1,231 1,762 1,191 1,521 1,031 375 490 182 242 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 67 52 82 53 130 160 142 1,049 729 145 40 1,579 64 942 65 172,610 66 638 67 44,185 68 696 69 128,425 70 1,172 71 120, 850 72 680 73 30,074 74 955 75 54,462 76 397 77 74,133 78 421 70 44,872 sr: 199 ai 24,844 B? 321 83 20,028 Si 268 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued ^Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farmr 64 6S 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 7B 79 BO 81 82 83 84 Al 1 farms number. . SPECIFIED EOUIPMENT OK FARMS Milking machine farms reporting.. Grain combines farms reporting.. number. . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting.. number. . Silos farms reporting.. Motortrucks f"nns reporting.. number. ■ Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting. . Tractors '. farms reporting.. number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting.. Garden tractors farms reporting.. number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under S years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting.. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. . Tractor and horses and 'or mules farms reporting. . Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. . FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface f arms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved f arms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farTns reporting.. persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting., persons. , Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working IS hoars or more. .farms reporting.. persons. . Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons . , Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators onl y " farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only £arma reporting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures - fa-™ 5 reporting.. Machine hire and/or hired labor '. farms reporting.. dollars. . Machine hire t » ms reporting.. dol lars. . Hi red 1 abor f "™» reporting. . dol lars. . Feed for livestock and poultry f" ms reporting.. dol lars. . Livestock and poultry purchased fo>™ reporting.. dollars.. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting.. dol lars. . fuel and oil farms reporting.. dollars.. farms reporting. . dol lars. . farms reporting.. dol lars. . Gasoline and other petrole Farm machinery repairs.... Tractor repairs Other fa™ machinery repairs >■"!» reporting.. dol lars. Cash-grain 28,276 145 599 623 78 78 385 385 65 5,043 5,429 4,965 3,040 744 1,181 6,203 7,142 6,098 5,892 6,733 5,452 3,633 941 878 128 129 280 280 12,159 13,368 11,915 5,156 2,113 4,646 6,356 8,908 6,809 4,863 1,340 9,938 831 16,004 24,358 48,747 23,998 39,888 22,432 10,819 17,456 3,651 8,859 1,776 3,422 2,357 5,437 1,294 3,291 20,707 11,376 1,407 360 25,171 21,914 8,296,468 13,280 1,061,939 20,110 7,234,529 18,317 3,186,641 13,713 1,416,092 17,123 1,321,362 15,226 3,255,933 10,855 1,147,813 3,963 579,126 9,420 568,687 Type of farm 97 ;70 87 132 82 30 50 22 38 2 3 20 35 82 77 21,000 41 3,840 72 17,160 57 5,950 57 4,065 52 3,651 47 19,980 37 4,605 27 2,925 22 1,680 Other field-crop 70 120 70 115 70 30 45 5 5 40 15 2,700 5 250 10 2,450 25 2,225 20 235 30 875 5 1,000 5 25 Vegetable 70 315 329 37 37 303 303 15 3,331 3,444 3,290 2,064 455 771 4,445 5,011 4,410 4,230 4,735 3,943 2,674 637 632 51 51 225 225 8,710 9,450 8,581 3,538 1,591 3,452 3,416 6,206 5,549 3,678 767 6,476 510 11,822 17,996 36,150 17,841 30,678 16,794 8,293 13,884 2,460 5,472 1,153 1,884 1,597 3,588 863 2,305 15,536 8,332 946 155 18,064 16,663 5,626,197 9,318 717,711 15,851 4,908,486 12,944 1,614,213 9,854 816,585 12,103 695,325 11,793 2,361,808 8,199 701,356 2,753 328,765 7,258 372,591 108 163 98 58 15 25 73 140 68 68 129 63 23 15 25 10 10 1 1 68 92 58 32 16 10 10 60 60 53 20 118 70 183 861 178 283 178 65 105 68 578 58 418 26 160 42 63 115 80 178 168 372,172 106 10,515 148 361,657 96 10,780 82 ..,900 158 138,430 118 74,162 88 38,622 53 26,300 58 12,322 Fruit - and-nut 57 78 57 41 5 U 47 66 47 42 25 1 6 12 12 92 102 Br, X 15 1( X 6! > y. K 16 46 5 2C 1 i 1C ( ] ] 1( 1^ 161, a v 11,51 1' 149,6V I 19,* i 6,6' 28,5 11,8 4,1 1 7,6 I NORTH CAROLINA 269 Iconomic Area Tabic 7 (Part 2 of 1).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text J Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) A] 1 farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine. Grain combines. . Corn pickers Pick-up bay balers. Silos Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under S years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. TrBctors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garde Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years S to 9 years. ..... 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobi les Yea r o f newes t mode 1 Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCAT Hard surface Gravel , shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATIO Family and'or hired workers Family workers, including operator. Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working IS hours or more. Hi red workers Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more).... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). Regular hired workers and no seasonal hirer! workers.. No report as to period of expected employment Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and lured workers Family workers only Operators only I npaid members of operator's family only. Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and or hired labor. Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs rma arms arms arms rms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reportl rig. reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number. . reporting, reportl ng. reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . .persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting, reporting. persons. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. arms arms reporting, reportl ng. dollars, reporting. dollars, reporting. dol lars. reporting. dollars, reporting. dollars, reporting. dol lars. reporting. dol lars. reporting. dol lars. arms reporting. dol lars. arms reporting. dol lars. arms arms Area 11— Conti Dal ry 16 16 26 42 64 42 22 5 15 77 115 77 77 115 77 35 27 15 78 252 67 112 62 30 50 28 140 27 123 11 17 17 83 73 184,012 25 43,715 68 140,297 82 177,795 51 17,795 67 10,948 78 35,264 63 28,509 63 17,034 32 11,475 Poultry 96 116 91 56 10 25 41 25 25 25 35 131 314 126 171 111 50 60 31 143 26 37 26 106 5 26 100 55 15 5 146 106 96,655 66 5,860 91 90,795 146 309,820 140 80,065 85 5,335 116 32,235 90 21,065 55 12,800 60 8,265 Type of farm — Continued Livestock other than dairy and poul try 579 24 24 7 249 294 243 153 43 47 303 382 298 287 355 260 161 77 22 6 6 21 21 321 378 311 193 53 65 40 60 176 232 71 260 20 274 485 1,019 466 639 435 153 204 148 380 96 173 81 207 67 129 337 227 30 19 562 514 357,999 328 56,808 458 301,191 503 354,291 435 267,509 438 67,872 475 190,276 374 97,322 236 44,313 304 53,009 General - pr imar i I y crop 181 201 180 114 30 36 192 242 177 177 227 160 119 25 16 15 15 190 208 182 87 15 21 60 145 177 15 161 31 203 391 1,089 381 769 365 228 404 145 320 108 181 48 139 97 135 246 85 11 10 398 353 322,093 233 27,490 313 294,603 301 75,141 276 43,426 338 92,883 273 104,885 258 52,475 153 29,935 221 22,540 General — pr lmarl ly 1 i veatock 37 32 27,680 21 3,630 27 24,050 36 64,130 36 10,430 32 6,650 32 14,910 32 5,925 22 4,350 27 1,575 General — crop and I i veatock 1 1 1 100 108 100 64 15 21 131 158 131 131 158 125 89 9 27 160 172 153 96 16 41 85 100 126 5 152 5 158 296 686 286 469 280 134 189 89 217 43 80 65 137 24 79 207 102 5 10 316 316 170,380 222 15,535 301 154,845 301 122,987 243 37,649 270 37,380 261 64,137 201 41,442 101 15,080 159 26,362 Miacell a- neoua and unc I asm - fled 6,468 15 59 59 11 11 28 28 10 896 988 881 481 156 244 806 869 771 756 806 678 445 109 124 41 42 21 21 2,372 2,634 2,292 1,020 381 891 2,697 2,267 698 446 360 2,500 220 3,179 4,432 7,543 4,315 6,249 3,884 1,741 2,365 581 1,294 240 474 417 820 164 464 3,851- 2,310 380 117 5,098 3,445 954,220 2,305 165,060 2,629 789,160 3,710 429,879 2,429 125,223 3,434 255,338 1,931 328,709 1,431 144,637 463 93,469 1,203 51,168 991354 O- 52 - 19 270 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class 1 Class II Class III Class IV FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres LanH rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value..... percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported. . .percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres SO to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture Cropland not harvested and not pastured Woodland pastured Woodland not pastured Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.)... Cropland, total Land pastured, total Woodland, total Irrigated land in farms , Land irrigated by sprinklers arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of Family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over , operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less thari 5 years operators reporting.. 1 year or less operators reporting., 5 to 9 years operators reporting. . 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECII I El) FACI I. ITIES Telephone Electricity From a powe r 1 i ne Average of last monthly electric bill From a home p 1 an t Electric water pump Electric hot- water heater Home freezer Electric washing mn chine Electric chick brooder Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms report ing farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting 288, 473 178,756 14,990,877 145,195 6,614,032 564 506,672 55,597 2,685,527 19,426,054 67.3 6,486 98.71 85 83 267, 094 5,832,946 75, 439 80, 701 53,461 39,614 14,196 2,825 858 83,819 756,407 103,636 1,189,719 89,942 1,395,083 176, 626 8,296,774 79,686 1,076,394 238,560 878,731 278,592 7,779,072 170,714 3,227,884 200,798 9,691,857 80 1,543 73 1,435 268,487 9,411 77, 861 97,109 37,126 59,983 183,045 11,551 47,975 65,445 56,311 45,311 35,895 46.8 108,885 32,881 44,973 115,993 12 23,342 219,422 218, 897 4.14 525 71,055 27,274 16,182 132,416 21,699 2,192 193,679 97,818 10,114,169 122,950 5,873,019 451 387,679 32,098 1,595,030 14,779,837 76.3 7,337 98.25 86 84 191,446 5,121,307 25,262 63,545 48,228 37,154 13,672 2,745 840 59,172 562,957 63,999 749,660 59,702 983,354 117,161 6,015,479 47,543 740,563 157,490 606,517 192,582 6,433,924 110,362 2,286,874 130,281 6,998,833 1,543 73 1,435 181,698 5,583 14,822 40,113 27,560 12,553 148,534 9,260 35,075 46,177 37,366 28,884 18,956 45.3 80,391 25,029 29,961 71,60] 11 12,350 149,425 149,078 4.15 347 45,018 16,412 11,405 86,727 16,126 1,638 405 304 208,503 148 33,524 61 78,676 119 30,201 290,502 717.3 72,369 99.15 80 81 360 93,575 26 3 22 31 51 63 164 183 19,224 135 16,272 146 15,133 279 121,708 115 14,860 359 9,730 381 129,071 284 49,217 310 136, 841 11 893 10 838 346 48 62 17 45 319 1 39 77 87 103 36 50.1 70 3 39 267 18 207 358 357 31.09 1 312 261 110 261 100 43 2.642 1,932 672,874 1,330 234,191 136 112, 813 911 139,126 880,752 333.4 31,067 102.42 86 78 2,569 275,960 151 161 142 399 . 676 661 379 1,394 51,365 924 30,058 1,157 72,049 2,026 370,009 1,007 56,629 2,428 24,682 2,621 357,383 2,125 180,043 2,305 442,058 12 222 12 222 2,346 207 578 252 326 2,002 30 356 645 739 396 188 46.7 605 122 414 1,444 16 1,096 2,491 2,484 14.06 7 1,881 1,192 734 1,900 760 176 16,814 7,698 1,318,501 11,885 929, 757 118 87,362 3,821 235,296 2,100,324 124.9 13,761 114.00 86 83 16,679 795,265 328 1,216 3,486 6,475 4,049 913 212 6,950 72,044 5,301 77,792 5,837 125,075 11,053 879,684 4,162 82,627 14,705 67,837 16,742 945,101 11,050 279,746 12,138 1,004,759 25 85 25 85 16,054 382 1,064 3,211 2,076 1,135 13,415 336 2,327 4,935 4,462 2,377 951 45.4 6,638 1,877 3,014 6,445 11 1,866 15,094 15,073 5.69 21 6,700 3,050 1,957 10, 569 2,871 227 62,019 24,992 2,764,203 45,200 2,245,505 82 59,596 9,372 438,931 4,630,373 74.7 7,938 108.10 87 85 61,707 1,814,654 1,953 17,239 20.-197 16, 286 5,156 824 52 19,096 135,693 18,529 201,807 17,921 263,641 36,609 1,855,206 12,815 174, 529 50,899 184,843 61,871 2,152,154 34,007 573,863 39,941 2,118,847 21 285 16 235 59,049 1,379 11,728 8,035 3,693 48,912 2,602 12,491 17,614 12,613 7,871 3,431 43.3 28,337 8,946 10,358 20,119 10 3,486 51,443 51,347 4.11 96 15,304 5,380 4,108 30,424 6,040 525 69,617 34,796 3,003,444 44,308 1,757,763 33 35,695 10,035 411,841 4,385,061 63.0 5,619 90.18 86 85 69,073 1,486,302 9,465 28,654 17,394 10,439 2,869 222 30 19,388 163,953 23,773 255,559 20,752 311,033 41,393 1,739,655 16,635 231,251 55,316 197,308 69,365 1,905,814 37,792 706,237 45,745 2,050,688 11 58 10 55 65,353 2,030 9,299 17,009 9,655 7,354 51,078 4,340 14,268 15,917 12,427 10,049 6,084 44.1 30,773 9,975 10,186 24,543 11 3,581 51,969 51,803 3.59 166 13,922 4,394 2,987 28,944 4,514 452 NORTH CAROLINA 271 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 a sample of f inns. See textj • The State — Con tin ueil Areas 1 ami A Economic class — 1 on. Total all farms Economic class Other farms Commercial farms Other farma Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Class I Class 11 Class III Class IV CI SB. V Clm VI Part-time Ileal den - till Abnormal 28,226 66,437 131 37,759 12,946 38 171 361 1,170 3,621 7,585 6,274 18,532 7 1 22,649 1,530,199 58,270 3,332,646 12,813 19 13,863 30 33,572 1,961,742 7,815 2 3 1,043,829 3,349 15,089 17 35,605 38 58,784 76 171,259 245 329,904 967 433,188 2,006 328,369 1,305 589,544 3,161 333,030 405,448 19 2,535 87 265,217 57 139,628 50 5,086 12 5,449 16 11,360 15 15,550 1 48,368 6 53,815 42,155 83,434 5 6 7 7,904 39,329 71,760 42,895 36,020 19,192 4,815 6,205 1,008 4,800 6,875 7 5,852 250, 784 1,620,349 17,627 831,901 2,945,522 20 7,812 80,346 5,181 87,934 2,181,920 2,163 45,745 1,173,732 1 1 39,366 31 994 44,875 128 4,912 71,437 357 12,844 174,973 669 13,073 369,999 977 13,921 473,082 982 14,738 355,786 2,036 27,451 645, 527 8 9 10 6,875 57.4 44.3 613.3 57.8 90.7 1,035.9 262.4 197.9 149.5 102.2 62.4 56.7 34.8 982.1 11 5,446 4,319 69,266 5,766 8,578 148, 623 40,414 20,881 16,153 9,412 4,978 5,628 3,795 101, 540 1? 96.56 102.14 110.38 100. 53 95.43 140.55 174.92 105.12 110.07 92.63 80.07 101.63 108.74 244.67 I'i 87 84 58 90 91 95 92 93 91 90 91 90 9C 71 II 86 80 59 90 90 97 81 93 89 90 91 88 90 30 15 26,471 49,085 92 34,213 12,706 38 166 351 1,140 3,586 7,425 5,974 15, 526 7 16 362,647 331,064 17,928 330,331 196,693 8,204 8,154 11,779 28,675 61,681 78,200 52,302 80,489 847 IT 11,898 8,671 3,564 1,847 450 38,269 8,475 1,659 608 52 10 10 10 5 22 22, 613 7,994 2,129 1,096 317 5,098 4,663 1,622 969 292 35 20 21 25 43 47 70 70 91 62 175 351 241 275 97 875 1,541 715 391 63 3,966 2,681 575 187 16 3,960 1,565 342 97 10 13,555 1,766 165 30 10 19 11 5 22 41 22 17 48 47 13 21 11 1 1 1 23 18 42 16 14,173 15 5,872 14 13 1 91 178 507 1,736 3,347 2,278 6,021 1 2 74 8,351 16,254 25 75,220 115,219 3,011 220,196 139,403 4,835 6,040 7,030 16,290 47, 863 57,345 29,613 50,630 550 ::>, 11,618 127,342 10,179 27,952 309,003 20; 017 67 3,714 44 9,913 97,048 16,886 3,152 43,713 6,800 12 972 13 54 1,929 90 97 1,778 214 261 3,914 689 932 13,755 2,066 1,796 21,365 3,728 1,521 13,700 3,011 5,240 39,635 7,070 ■- 78 5 29 142,826 266,232 2,671 341,216 189,056 2,875 4,596 12,511 29,154 68,810 71,110 48,090 103,620 450 30 18,089 41,281 95 20,772 7,569 24 103 190 704 2,139 4,409 3,494 9,707 2 31 690,959 1,547,603 42,733 659, 788 290,400 16,968 12,166 16,640 41,974 74,242 128,410 124,032 242, 548 2,808 32 10,651 21,431 61 20, 590 7,993 26 92 254 849 2,255 4,517 3,682 8,910 5 33 133,286 196,579 5,966 431,112 266,712 4,697 10,632 18,115 47,925 90,221 95,122 71,220 91,970 1,210 34 24,381 56, 563 126 31, 562 11,137 36 165 331 1,060 3,246 6,299 5,433 14,985 7 '« 88,069 179,822 4,323 102,229 47,755 815 1,358 3,584 7,041 13,427 21, 530 16,829 36,635 1,010 36 27,368 58,519 123 36,258 12,856 38 171 361 1,165 3,601 7,520 6,119 17,276 7 37 565,209 755,286 24,653 647,575 379,809 14,011 16,123 20,587 48,879 123,299 156,910 95,615 170, 754 1,397 m 19,007 41,236 109 32,809 11, 997 35 156 340 1,115 3,406 6,945 5,574 15,231 7 39 351,332 578,030 11,648 992,524 595,171 12,407 21,268 37,656 93,369 206,894 223,577 148,923 246,220 2,210 40 21,400 49,006 111 29,436 10,953 35 136 306 1,070 3,146 6,260 5,004 13,472 7 41 833,785 1,813,835 45,404 1,001,004 1 150 1 150 479,456 1 150 1 150 19,843 1 150 1 150 16,762 29,151 71,128 143,052 199,520 172,122 346,168 3,258 42 43 44 l'. 46 26,225 60,452 112 35,923 12,305 33 159 324 1,124 3,480 7,185 5,942 17,670 6 47 1,296 2,525 7 1,108 389 4 11 17 36 76 245 252 466 1 4 ft 23,450 39,563 26 18,619 1,260 39 83 356 782 5,409 11,945 5 -,'• 19,063 2,941 16,122 8,943 37,907 6,625 31,282 25,490 26 18,354 5,538 12,816 18,778 3,266 2,378 888 9,409 5 1 4 33 43 5 38 122 88 25 63 263 332 115 217 818 1,056 490 566 2,505 1,742 1,742 3,972 790 3,182 2,227 11,116 2,370 8,746 7,135 V 26 78 5,668 7 53 931 1,355 5 841 266 36 45 185 180 390 5 54 4,975 7,902 23 5,229 1,618 6 20 20 130 476 966 1,165 2,445 1 SS 6,033 5,789 4,804 3,599 47.2 13,203 13,140 11,607 13,329 51.0 32 16 16 11 45.4 8,008 7,804 6,605 6,631 49.7 2,607 2,638 2,523 2,340 50.5 7 9 13 1 48.5 42 43 30 30 49.7 75 133 57 46 50.8 230 276 251 191 50.1 831 801 687 481 49.0 1,422 1,376 1,485 1,591 51.2 1,316 1,256 1,076 841 47.6 4,085 3,910 3,006 3,450 49.9 57 23.7 60 9,641 18,808 45 10,620 3,314 9 42 100 231 876 2,056 1,990 5,310 6 61 2,385 5,435 32 2,266 610 10 20 45 155 380 305 1,350 1 62 4,540 10,450 22 6,418 2,006 6 31 52 186 576 1,155 1,086 3,325 1 63 12,703 13 31,657 15 32 10 18,889 15 7,010 16 22 11 91 14 194 16 727 18 16 16 14 14 4 65 3,264 7,657 71 2,846 1,034 34 81 106 207 311 295 506 1,300 6 66 22,327 47,565 105 27,663 10,217 36 166 345 1,049 3,106 5,515 5,063 12,376 7 67 22,267 47,449 103 27,582 10,196 36 165 345 1,049 3,096 5,505 5,043 12,336 7 68 4.27 4.04 10.70 3.45 3.97 68.33 17.11 9.88 6.82 3.41 2.47 3.13 3.15 1.85 69 60 8,610 116 17,350 2 77 81 5,365 21 2,084 1 98 10 651 10 727 20 1,035 40 2,245 70 30 171 407 1 71 3,449 7,359 54 2,942 1,301 30 101 201 367 341 261 495 1,140 6 72 1,646 3,095 36 1,909 852 11 76 86 127 290 262 396 655 6 73 15,280 30,328 75 19,552 7,287 22 157 293 858 2,419 3,538 3,793 8,465 7 74 2,326 3,226 21 1,690 810 10 42 71 197 290 200 345 530 5 75 245 286 23 358 217 9 16 11 76 65 40 55 85 1 76 272 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2). FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, , [Data are based on reports {or only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV FARMS, ACREAGE, AM) VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average si te of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported. . .percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres." 30 to 49 acres SO to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture Cropland not harvested and not pastured Woodland pastured Woodland not pastured Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland).... Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.).. Cropland, total Land pastured, total Woodland, total Irrigated land in farms Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years.... operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over. operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting.. 1 year or less operators reporting.. 5 to 9 years. operators reporting. . 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone Electricity from a power line Average of last monthly electric bill From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder Electric power-feed grinder. ,rms repo irms repo ,rms repo do ,rms repo trms repo irms repo trms repo irms repo irms repo trms repo rting. rting. rting. liars, rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. 13,098 12,056 745,799 2,357 104,650 7 8,566 1.570 28.935 830,080 63.4 4,823 77,48 87 86 11,203 134,535 6,531 2,606 1,127 692 222 23 2 3,100 27,480 6,730 61,362 5,691 74,895 9,986 422,584 6,943 64,462 12,241 44,762 12,283 223,377 10.212 166,837 11,388 497,479 12,342 304 7,367 1,461 5,906 5,446 175 1,715 2,869 2,760 2,354 2,434 50.3 3,286 675 2,100 6,745 16 694 10,029 10,008 3.61 21 3,655 1,132 339 6,931 475 67 3,459 3,204 319,871 812 38,290 489 9,894 348,267 100.7 6,955 69.73 3,319 69,767 925 990 682 502 197 22 1 1,147 14,537 1,893 20,235 1,910 30,510 2,812 168,954 2,176 29,607 3,293 14,657 3,394 104,539 3,068 74,654 3,184 199,464 5 5 5 5 3,291 82 975 566 409 2,394 20 420 628 744 673 699 51.8 671 110 500 1,968 18 3,693 1 24 3,669 305.4 41,367 135.30 100 100 12 ,418 5 150 11 255 12 915 11 885 12 46 12 1,568 11 1,140 12 1,170 196 5 2,955 12 2,950 12 4.23 60.47 5 1,429 11 375 10 123 2,218 6 194 1 35 5 131 126 15,610 20 660 10 280 15,990 122.1 11,092 90.87 100 100 116 2,703 40 30 21 10 10 5 45 215 90 505 66 1,390 96 9,472 71 1,275 131 430 126 3,423 101 2,880 116 10,862 15 116 116 6.44 266 256 24,465 35 3,765 570 545 65,048 122 5,655 60 1,010 27,220 102.3 9,080 91.73 88 85 246 4,421 100 80 21 30 15 95 955 96 1,500 166 4,365 201 11,425 186 3,095 256 1,459 251 6,876 251 8,415 246 15,790 76 30 46 185 35 75 55 61 30 48.7 40 146 16 15 255 255 4.80 175 50 5 195 10 5 2,990 67,713 118.8 7.453 63.71 90 89 530 12,444 150 115 90 136 38 1 172 2,400 325 3,137 328 5,470 453 34,615 374 6,305 550 3,342 555 17,981 500 14,175 530 40,085 568 1 178 66 112 372 5 60 142 141 106 10 85 360 19 31 519 519 5.54 314 118 52 449 52 10 995 950 95,920 235 6,390 126 1,815 100,495 101.0 7,067 70.95 92 90 960 21,591 235 260 230 151 83 1 390 6,862 537 5,493 549 7,940 820 47,627 569 7,537 944 3,445 975 33,946 880 22,339 915 55,567 5 5 5 5 385 170 215 595 135 205 221 161 208 51.0 196 35 160 569 18 55 898 893 3.96 5 463 92 36 702 55 5 NORTH CAROLINA 273 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 - Continued a sample of arms. See te xtj Area 2 — Continued Areas 3, B, and C Economic class — on. Total all farms Economic class Other farms Commercial farms Other furms Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Class I Clsss II Class III Class IV Class V Claaa VI Part-time tlesiden. tial Abnormal 1,715 7,902 22 42,147 30,344 48 264 1,855 8,740 13,770 5,667 3,368 8,407 28 1 1,550 7,297 5 25,700 15,617 32 198 1,148 4,267 6,580 3,392 2,762 7,315 6 2 102,185 323,633 110 2,156,789 1,508,228 10,968 46,563 198,337 457,907 517,387 277,066 176,093 467,963 4,505 3 405 1,130 10 21,618 18,916 23 131 1,042 5,769 8,965 2,986 1,060 1,632 10 4 20,115 45,910 335 1,157,029 1,066,139 2,080 21,176 105,713 386,761 441,320 109,089 35,465 54,495 930 S 7 8,566 91 76,237 10,262 458,762 2,931,293 66 48,899 6,222 258,386 2,364,880 6 8,796 7 2,907 18,937 11 6,060 93 5,744 68,055 22 11,835 601 31,343 284,542 17 8,105 1,954 72,919 779,854 10 14,103 2,150 84,202 888,608 1 5,008 878 40,402 176,164 7 4,970 3,161 157,585 369,843 17 17,360 1 2,389 20,406 6 190 2,070 120,230 891 16,971 352,572 1,417 61,271 324,884 1 9,011 10 70.1 44.6 409.6 69.5 77.9 394.5 257.8 153.4 89.2 64.5 57.3 52.3 44.0 728.8 11 5,987 3,575 29,000 6,635 6,837 53,298 28,574 13,566 7,777 5,622 4,579 6,463 5,635 124,867 12 85.72 82.35 123.40 96.77 89.23 128.17 119.33 90.13 89.12 87.52 84.60 127.82 129.64 124.83 13 89 86 27 84 85 83 37 87 85 »5 83 87 81 64 14 89 84 16 83 83 88 81 86 84 85 78 84 84 88 15 1,610 6,262 12 38,651 30,044 27 254 1,840 8,685 13,708 5,530 3,073 5,517 17 16 22,090 41,153 1,525 686,289 609,879 5,951 21,913 70,913 217,227 223,907 69,968 35,473 37,560 3,377 17 715 500 245 125 25 4,891 1,111 195 65 12 , 580 13,780 6,908 3,860 1,262 209 6,664 11,923 6,398 3,584 1,231 199 1 25 45 250 520 640 327 51 466 3,161 2,806 1,714 484 47 3,531 6,546 2,457 906 225 43 2,596 1,966 610 268 90 1,680 896 270 196 26 5 4,236 961 235 80 5 5 5 19 20 21 22 5 56 95 56 10 2 5 1 5 1 52 45 14 17 7 7 7 74 440 1,511 2 13,484 10,374 8 139 875 3,105 4,442 1,805 991 2,117 2 ?S 3,285 9,015 643 119,724 95,455 1,005 7,512 14,828 27,262 30,255 14,593 9,385 U,669 215 ->(, 940 3,882 15 24,074 17,266 11 114 1,165 5,083 7,605 3,288 1,930 4,862 16 •7 8,975 32,027 125 296,840 214,949 1,549 3,127 19,440 64,856 87,063 38,914 20,235 60,031 1,625 ?fi 810 11,535 2,961 32,825 10 25 15,143 180,442 11,702 140,495 15 1,205 124 2,840 980 20,052 3,574 41,697 5,120 55,390 1,889 19,311 1,107 14,650 2,334 25,297 1,375 5,787 12 29,248 21,639 20 229 1,570 6,548 9,410 3,862 2,202 5,384 23 '■-1 56,840 190,427 6,363 1,286,820 1,021,060 6,410 25,218 124,394 336,168 385,179 143,691 70,957 181,665 13,138 T> 1,115 3,642 10 16,776 12,838 20 168 976 4,179 5,408 2,087 1,283 2,634 21 11 10,335 24,440 80 170,981 136,801 1,489 5,035 20,489 45,735 47,608 16,445 11,864 21,111 1,205 '.4 1,615 7,311 22 37,382 26,604 46 264 1,790 7,879 11,865 4,760 3,083 7,667 28 15 7,170 22,685 250 190,197 146,241 1,328 2,410 14,426 46,909 59,206 21,962 13,600 29,510 846 If, 1,690 7,177 22 40,858 30,191 28 264 1,845 8,710 13,738 5,606 3,248 7,392 27 17 34,350 82,195 2,293 1,102,853 920,283 8,505 32,552 105,181 309,345 341,225 123,475 65,093 112,260 5,217 IB 1,470 5,662 12 28,710 21,442 25 244 1,610 6,573 9,400 3,590 2,223 5,023 22 39 25,155 66,280 748 471 , 147 372,751 3,699 15,387 55,369 114,694 133,253 50,349 35,899 61,077 1,42C 411 1,525 6,662 17 31,586 23,025 26 244 1,645 6,868 10,125 4,117 2,493 6,045 23 41 68,375 223,252 6,388 1,467,262 11 70 1,161,555 11 70 7,615 1 25 28,058 5 5 144,446 377,865 5 40 440,569 163,002 85,607 206,962 13,138 42 11 11 1 5 5 4 5 70 70 25 5 40 1,625 7,405 21 39,134 28,516 43 239 1,777 8,402 12,894 5,161 3,078 7,517 23 47 60 1,415 162 5,597 1,300 10,037 793 2,408 3 1 15 22 32 152 147 553 441 1,680 155 145 2,742 357 4,887 5 5 1,265 5,122 5 12,191 5,254 6 70 373 1,410 2,724 671 2,228 4,703 6 5tt 155 1,110 740 4,382 4,118 8,073 3,427 1,827 35 35 206 167 918 492 1,597 1,127 671 151 2,077 540 4,163 5 6 6 5') 445 2,590 17 28,893 24,416 36 194 1,470 7,150 10,641 4,925 1,125 3,340 12 53 30 275 125 1,015 1,546 6,691 1,306 5,380 5 36 26 156 145 1,357 750 2,945 380 875 IOC 505 140 800 54 5 11 c 55 365 1,875 1 9,457 7,044 4 61 491 2,421 3,186 881 765 1,643 ; 5fi 345 1,670 1 8,490 6,080 6 95 522 2,112 2,474 871 717 1,681 12 -•r 350 265 48.9 1,326 1,470 50.0 5 6,793 5,447 47.3 4,771 3,014 45.8 15 6 51.1 20 21 46.4 327 156 48.1 1,337 606 45.8 2,046 1,092 44.0 1,026 1,133 49.2 516 475 47.9 1,506 1,958 52.5 58 W 45.5 42.3 60 400 2,205 10 15,408 12,015 3 61 489 3,286 6,161 2,015 1,095 2,287 11 61 95 460 10 4,977 3,826 1 5 100 1,075 1,920 725 350 796 5 62 250 925 1,350 3,846 6,086 17,856 4,299 12,052 30 163 300 999 1,392 3,510 1,822 4,897 755 2,446 600 1,528 1,187 4,265 61 6 37 11 64 16 15 6 13 12 23 17 15 12 11 14 13 16 10 65 125 371 2 4,485 2,107 18 123 305 577 796 288 666 1,699 13 66 1,405 5,657 12 33,734 23,982 45 259 1,705 7,404 10,698 3,871 2,948 6,786 18 67 1,405 5,642 11 33,679 23,942 45 259 1,705 7,399 10,668 3,866 2,943 6,776 18 68 4.07 3.18 8.37 4.16 3.95 39.63 15.75 6.53 4.12 3.38 3.14 4.76 4.61 7.00 69 15 1,631 525 1 55 12,771 4,576 40 8,001 2,664 5 2,661 889 30 3,043 838 5 1,066 263 5 1,382 542 10 3,370 1,362 595 230 29 44 209 148 993 482 18 8 2 72 50 165 1 2,235 1,470 7 84 215 533 465 166 231 527 7 73 975 3,732 6 22,963 16,371 42 228 1,387 5,370 7,156 2,188 2,097 4,477 18 74 95 185 1 2,790 1,848 18 96 299 667 567 201 360 576 6 75 15 16 1 375 298 5 31 28 103 81 50 30 1 7 76 274 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2). FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class I Class II Class III Class IV FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fa . numbei rms Land owned by farm ope ra tors farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average si le of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported. .. percent Land in farms according to use: Cropl and harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres SO to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting, farms reporting, farms reporting. farms reporting. acres. farms reporting. acres. farms reporting. acres, farms reporting. acres. farms reporting. acres. farms reporting. acres. farms reporting. acres. farms reporting. acres, farms reporting. acres. farms reporting. acres, farms reporting. acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured Woodland pastured Woodland not pastured Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.).... Cropland, total Land pastured, total Woodland, total Irrigated land in farms Land irrigated by sprinklers FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated ..operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agri cul tural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reportini 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting, 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years, SPECI F I ED FACI I. ITIES Telephone Electricity From a powe r 1 i ne Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Ilome freezer Electric washing mach ine Electric chick brooder Electric power- feed grinder furms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. furms reporting. farms report ing. farms reporti ng. farms reporting. farms reporting, 12,731 11,003 994,791 3,501 199,491 28 20, 869 2,147 63,117 1,152,034 90.5 5,802 65.34 85 83 11,258 251,077 3,681 2,951 2,012 1,687 722 169 36 4,957 53,441 8,268 127,015 5,201 77,851 10,114 534,674 4,174 53,164 11,847 54,812 12,351 431,533 9,213 184,456 10,941 612,525 11,862 356 5,378 5,940 1,757 4,183 6,580 180 1,393 2,570 2,733 2,594 2,420 51.5 2,882 537 1,977 7,220 17 1,587 10,727 10,697 4.36 30 5,046 1,705 837 7,702 977 74 6,283 5,131 617,846 2,376 150,616 27 19,764 1,051 36, 597 751,629 119.6 7,233 61.85 85 83 6,095 189,013 851 1,626 1,386 1,367 666 164 35 2,876 39,611 3,961 69,270 3,119 52,521 5,081 326,615 2,387 40,813 5,884 33,786 6,223 297,894 5,000 132,945 5,508 379,136 31 30 26,367 1,730 7 2,178 26,193 844.9 54,489 67.10 31 5,148 5 6 5 2 5 8 22 2,416 14 1,214 10 616 30 15,415 3 1,030 26 354 31 8,778 25 4,062 31 16,031 184 168 44,058 81 8,398 6 2,042 51 3,288 51,210 278.3 18,534 67.74 80 79 184 14,740 6 30 15 52 35 28 18 109 3,704 108 3,091 98 4,095 159 20,526 69 4,020 167 1,034 184 21,535 158 11,819 179 24,621 489 412 75,241 197 18,414 7 5,220 113 2,593 96,282 196.9 14,336 70.91 73 75 464 27,326 20 30 80 130 126 70 8 289 6,998 279 6,970 368 6,999 434 37,207 237 6,265 489 4,517 479 41, 294 434 20,262 459 44,206 1,226 994 129,383 552 3^,060 7 6,222 268 8,366 164,299 134.0 7,985 61.51 84 82 1,194 38,795 110 310 235 335 172 31 1 559 7,743 747 13,558 603 12,901 980 73,967 448 8,923 1,164 8,412 1,216 60,096 956 29,567 1,071 86, 868 5,935 140 1,753 1,067 686 4,469 75 623 1,239 1,333 1,367 1,195 51.9 1,357 237 927 3,688 18 805 5,434 5,429 4.71 5 2,869 987 470 4,005 622 58 160 24 59 20 39 125 11 3 7 7 2 45.3 31 31 20.39 12 1 41 126 69 178 178 15.62 467 11 91 35 56 393 50 49.4 91 16 60 308 1,157 33 395 236 159 816 5 135 342 248 218 162 49.1 195 675 16 178 99 62 151 53 11 92 164 463 1,105 463 1,100 8.45 5.01 5 373 622 216 258 83 102 382 872 96 106 30 2,370 1,900 187, 855 885 52,815 5 3,550 315 9,505 234,715 99.0 5,940 60.73 86 85 2,285 60, 265 325 635 565 535 205 20 1,030 10,980 1,485 23,005 1,220 17,660 1,950 99,580 945 11,720 2,195 11,505 2,335 94,250 1,885 40,360 2,075 117,240 2,255 25 775 345 430 1,575 25 260 475 470 565 425 51.6 560 105 300 1,395 18 300 2,035 2,035 3.90 1,010 270 110 1,540 255 5 NORTH CAROLINA 275 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of farms. See textj Area 4a— Continued Economic class — Con. 1,811 1,571 119,910 495 20,865 250 7,245 133,530 73.7 5,293 72.97 85 83 1,656 27,675 565 525 335 185 46 701 5,515 1,161 15,810 726 10,605 1,446 63,475 555 3,565 1,711 6,885 1,756 49,000 1,301 19,685 1,551 74,080 1,665 51 1,251 210 1,041 555 35 200 435 400 376 250 49.6 450 45 275 1,041 16 205 1,576 1,571 4.39 5 701 241 140 1,200 155 5 Residen- tial 4,626 4,2% 256,370 625 26,760 846 19,275 263,855 57.0 4,042 71.44 85 84 3,506 33,834 2,265 800 291 135 10 5 1,375 8,290 3,136 41,225 1,350 14, 565 3,576 143,461 1,226 8,545 4,241 13,935 4,361 83,349 2,906 31,400 3,871 158,026 4,251 165 2,926 480 2,446 1,555 70 565 890 1,000 851 975 51.6 1,065 245 775 2,491 17 576 3,706 3,686 3.81 20 1,471 471 226 2,486 200 10 11 665 5 1,250 1,105 3,020 274.5 10,000 52.22 91 63 1 5 25 10 710 6 160 11 1,123 6 241 11 206 11 1,290 6 426 11 1,283 Total oil farms 14,957 12,148 910,085 5,290 303,026 23 17,165 3,166 109,975 ,120,301 74.9 6,563 87.47 13,525 373,495 4,045 3,001 2,255 2,326 1,425 378 95 4,636 45,709 8,479 122,623 6,145 88,356 10,254 350,390 6,492 79,844 13,969 59,884 14,407 541,827 10, 865 213,909 11,780 438, 746 13,744 608 7,431 1,782 5,649 7,131 330 2,113 3,226 2,846 2,731 2,486 49.4 4,355 871 2,398 7,222 15 2,156 12,238 12,188 4.69 50 6,707 2,337 976 9,444 1,592 195 Economic class Coamercial farms 6,887 5,106 563,158 3,399 235,591 21 15,106 1,374 50,945 762,910 110.8 8,889 80.78 86 85 6,747 287,397 550 1,151 1,415- 1,860 1,300 378 93 2,637 33,221 3,845 67,921 3,412 56,906 5,115 228,614 3,531 54,467 6,410 34,384 6,827 388,539 5,566 144, 594 5,681 285,520 6,405 227 1,763 1,192 571 4,954 175 763 1,445 1,301 1,414 1,206 50.4 1,868 321 1,063 3,560 16 917 5,759 5,739 5.12 20 3,164 1,130 494 4,436 941 113 9,304 8 998 2 2,200 2 523 11,979 665.5 79,894 126.03 94 90 18 5,082 12 10 795 10 1,146 9 462 18 2,327 12 1,668 17 499 18 7,023 18 2,925 18 2,789 3 5 51.1 155 126 35,569 81 16,008 19 12,906 54 2,722 61,761 398.5 47,400 125.13 91 86 19,793 5 10 5 5 25 50 40 84 3,779 62 3,313 92 3,829 128 17,201 128 10,497 154 3,349 150 26,885 150 18,105 144 21,030 139 11 6 117 21 100 153 153 24.57 138 92 39 121 58 31 297 252 54,047 150 22,340 111 4,605 71,782 241.7 18,333 78.55 92 88 28,623 5 5 15 45 85 102 25 142 3,292 192 4,705 170 3,960 257 23,104 221 5,312 292 2,786 287 36,620 282 12,564 267 27,064 25 75 50 82 35 50.1 50 10 55 162 16 81 282 277 10.55 5 237 166 41 241 96 10 1,106 891 133,095 600 52,135 246 10,543 174,687 157.9 12,663 77.26 89 1,096 72,080 20 40 110 270 470 185 1 510 8,000 635 15,560 620 11,575 856 49,652 625 11, 565 1,031 6,255 1,096 95,640 935 31,140 956 61,227 1,036 35 261 155 106 805 20 90 335 280 181 115 48.4 210 50 205 626 16 211 1.056 1,051 6.01 5 746 321 126 916 235 25 2,636 1,891 179,478 1,355 84,030 491 18,322 245,186 93.0 7,042 78.16 86 83 2,591 97,154 135 375 570 920 545 31 15 1,041 10,650 1,446 23,147 1,316 20,555 1,981 68,310 1,315 14,850 2,441 10,520 2,626 130,951 2,146 46,055 2,166 88,865 2,461 70 860 435 425 1,766 85 365 630 480 525 356 48.0 820 105 475 1,240 14 275 2,230 2,220 3.83 10 1,165 310 170 1,760 340 45 2,675 1,930 151,665 1,205 60,080 470 14,230 197,515 73.8 5,104 70.82 85 83 2,620 64,665 385 720 715 615 175 10 850 6,705 1,500 20,050 1,205 16,525 1,875 68,020 1,230 10,575 2,475 10,975 2,650 91,420 2,035 33,805 2,130 84, 545 540 540 65 265 370 450 600 675 53.6 765 155 320 1,400 18 240 2,020 2,020 3.39 860 230 110 1,380 205 Part-time H">°>l>- tial 3,071 2,536 154,345 1,060 45,800 546 17,080 183,065 59.6 5,285 87.23 87 2,950 55,400 755 1,045 635 395 120 951 6,165 1,796 22,680 1,241 14, 530 2,201 59,265 1,405 13,390 2,926 11,635 3,021 84,245 2,326 34,085 2,506 73,795 2,816 120 2,591 2,266 280 1,986 775 55 525 660 655 520 410 48.0 855 165 530 1,496 14 2,526 2,511 4.24 15 1,366 431 185 2,071 330 45 4,997 4,506 192,582 831 21,635 1,246 41,950 172,267 34.5 4,119 117.79 85 86 3,826 29,541 2,740 805 205 71 1,046 6,031 2,837 32,002 1,491 16,720 2,936 62,321 1,556 11,987 4,631 13,665 4,557 67,574 2,971 34,738 3,591 79,041 4,521 261 3,242 3,402 310 3,092 1,400 100 825 1,120 890 796 870 49.1 1,631 385 805 2,166 14 3,951 3,936 4.3^ 15 2,176 775 295 2,935 320 35 2 2,059 2,059 1.029.5 31,175 30.28 100 100 2 2 292 200 2 190 2 200 2 1,469 2 492 2 390 276 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, J [Data are based on reports for only I Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Far mbei rms Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings ...average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land m farms for which value was reported. .. percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres • 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres SO to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture Cropland not harvested and not pastured Woodland pastured Woodland not pastured Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)..... Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.)... Cropland, total Land pastured, total Woodland, total Irrigated land in farms Land irrigated by sprinklers arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres s reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated. . . . : operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting., 1 year or less operators reporting.. 5 to 9 years operators reporting., 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone fa Electricity fa From a power line fa Average of last monthly electric bill From a home pi ant , Ja Electric water pump. fa Electric hot- water heater fa Home freezer fa Electric washing machine fa Electric chick brooder.... fa Electric power- feed grinder fa rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting . .dollars rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting. 26,466 16,606 1,326,566 12,721 600,505 58 48,579 5,269 229,111 1,746,539 66.0 6,392 96.15 80 24,291 627,800 5,182 6,837 5,182 4,669 1,966 353 102 7,473 82,106 9,850 121,593 10,532 159,133 15,227 568,954 9,331 102,099 21,982 84,854 25,595 831,499 17,254 343,338 18,048 728,087 24,212 870 9,518 10,898 3,772 7,126 14,112 775 3,692 5,908 5,133 4,460 3,533 48.1 9,765 2,515 4,449 9,485 12 3,172 20,239 20,207 4.83 32 8,730 3,465 1,131 12,656 2,280 249 15,577 8,059 835,665 9,515 479,866 51 38,367 2,755 121,453 1,232,445 79.1 7,236 89.96 78 79 15,416 512,705 1,021 3,902 4,050 4,138 1,865 338 102 4,776 59,242 4,894 60,014 6,553 106,780 8,760 371,720 5,524 70,224 12,594 51,760 15,502 631,961 10,150 236,246 10,320 478,500 14,029 456 4,135 2,637 1,498 10,328 . 470 2,082 3,681 2,936 2,602 1,757 47.4 5,709 1,345 2,583 5,457 12 1,498 11,682 11,666 4.90 16 4,700 1,822 675 7,161 1,374 149 47 41 11,250 13 2,576 1 1,405 19 2,147 i:,084 278.4 32,125 78.93 55 81 42 5,605 5 1 5 5 10 10 6 9 1,007 24 276 12 1,252 21 4,671 6 60 36 213 47 6,888 14 2,319 21 5,923 12 6 21 1 51.1 23 36 36 26.69 272 234 55,593 96 20,881 23 18,023 98 6,360 88, 137 324.0 36,458 112.56 83 83 262 31,788 10 25 10 25 61 87 44 174 8,505 83 2,425 178 11,608 185 24,056 133 7,550 232 2.205 272 42,718 266 27,663 252 35,664 250 22 53 10 43 213 41 41 79 57 22 48.9 36 167 18 150 266 266 20.33 234 190 99 205 108 17 648 516 109,806 303 22,907 12 6,878 250 15,915 123,676 190.9 15,535 83.31 85 83 638 49,746 20 30 35 151 270 94 38 350 6,872 192 4,665 365 11,047 482 41,459 298 6,915 581 2,972 643 61,283 542 24,834 563 52,506 2,335 1,303 172,635 1,501 111,930 2 2,852 560 31,547 255,870 109.6 10,084 91.36 80 80 2,320 113,536 25 110 345 980 751 97 12 973 13,653 699 11,850 1,193 20,561 1,479 72,211 949 13,100 2,024 10,959 2,325 139,039 1,719 47,314 1,725 92,772 606 30 223 106 117 404 40 187 171 112 74 49.2 111 20 113 381 18 199 625 625 10.03 2,128 62 686 400 286 1,499 35 265 665 568 376 90 45.9 846 170 366 303 1,975 1,975 5.82 490 28c 53 467 144 5 1,093 493 181 1,429 416 51 6,376 2,911 267,963 4,175 196,805 2 2,740 868 30,581 436,927 68.5 6,017 87.21 79 6,353 192,531 126 1,275 2,185 2,131 611 25 1,877 15,855 1,861 21,345 2,528 36,281 3,457 127,713 2,282 24,228 5,068 18,974 6,368 229,731 4,123 76,364 4,003 163,994 5,893 145 1,245 2,076 1,031 1,045 4,027 225 995 1,651 1,271 975 496 45.5 2,555 560 1,222 1,996 11 496 4,913 4,903 4.18 10 1,753 561 190 3,062 431 45 NORTH CAROLINA BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued 277 sample of farm.v See textj Areus 5 and D — Continued Economic class — Con. 4,417 3,112 211,555 1,800 63,105 907 39,011 235,649 53.4 5,397 99.90 85 4,262 75,420 1,005 1,805 921 446 1,231 9,930 1,806 19,320 1,877 26,685 2,622 75,729 1,777 15,025 3,792 13,540 4,337 104,670 3,117 51,640 3,197 102,414 4,226 146 2,952 575 2,371 1,455 170 895 951 836 750 510 46.2 1,835 460 715 1,586 12 560 3,641 3,631 4.43 10 1,551 486 156 2,381 436 60 6,461 5,435 279,346 1,401 57,514 1 4,591 1,606 68,497 272,954 42.2 5,164 119.16 82 84 4,607 38,772 3,156 1,130 211 85 20 5 1,461 12,659 3,144 41,929 2,096 25,393 3,839 117,911 2,025 16,830 5,590 19,460 5,750 93,360 3,976 54,882 ■ 4,525 143,304 5,952 267 3,811 560 3,251 2,343 135 715 1,270 1,361 1,103 1,266 51.0 2,221 710 1,145 2,442 13 1,113 4,910 4,904 4.95 6 2,474 1,157 295 3,109 470 40 5 20 6 5,621 1 150 5,491 499.2 6 903 5 275 3,594 5 20 6 94 6 1,508 11 570 6 3,869 Areas 6 and E Total all farma 6 5 46.9 35,722 17,475 1,564,530 22,701 915,837 52 24,475 7,753 359,384 2,145,458 60.1 6,357 108.23 87 85 34,027 733,397 5,684 12,863 8,658 5,329 1,270 187 36 8,669 56,522 10,465 91,693 9,606 126,727 22,149 1,000,454 5,458 50,573 29,343 86,092 34,705 881,612 17,622 233,822 24,140 1,127,181 1 15 1 15 33,256 945 Economic class Commercial farms 4,330 8,146 4,189 3,957 26,385 1,845 7,111 8,345 6,437 5,074 3,180 44.5 16,434 5,788 5,314 11,833 10 2,449 28,827 28,751 4.17 76 8,587 3,400 2,669 16,771 2,751 194 30,114 13,168 1,182,044 20,878 866,469 41 21,605 4,992 218,966 1,851,152 61.5 6,492 108.19 88 85 29,866 694,696 2,972 11,746 8,467 5,229 1,236 181 35 7,650 49,397 8,607 73,897 8,295 106,660 18,543 815,114 4,641 41,365 24,888 70,023 29,967 817,990 15,207 197,422 20,158 921,774 1 15 1 15 28,286 688 1,536 5,293 3,644 1,649 23,969 1,690 6,331 7,373 5,390 4,096 2,191 43.5 14,543 5,128 4,658 9,278 9 1,592 24,662 24,587 4.00 75 6,799 2,489 2,204 14,396 2,332 168 25 19 8,160 6 235 6 3,340 8 683 11,052 442.1 38,618 147.10 68 40 19 ,650 5 Claas II Class III Class IV 537 12 1,760 14 4,256 1 75 25 874 24 4,087 15 3,735 20 6,016 13 25 25 22.71 237 153 57,484 133 17,147 8 7,400 96 11,958 70,073 295.7 29,979 100.08 77 78 237 18,101 15 20 25 65 51 49 12 107 5,153 90 2,328 97 7,175 155 30,485 88 4,964 214 1,867 237 25,582 177 17,292 182 37,660 1 15 1 15 216 10 51 21 30 185 20 65 76 45 11 48.1 107 15 103 219 219 15.11 137 98 69 170 76 20 2,358 1,111 156,891 1,661 123,745 16 8,600 612 33,872 255,364 108.3 12,328 120.30 87 82 2,337 91,655 15 275 685 851 443 53 15 874 6,630 789 9,502 973 16,560 1,742 117,313 499 5,617 2,177 8,087 2,352 107,787 1,579 28,807 1,908 133,873 2,292 25 422 275 147 1,925 340 682 594 307 105 44.6 963 267 445 867 10 219 2,151 2,141 5.41 10 1,080 495 386 1,857 342 35 11,367 4.401 398,930 8,429 374,132 5 375 1,596 64,228 709,209 62.4 7,095 115,70 88 87 11,327 297,587 300 3,681 3,992 2,723 563 64 4 3,264 16,522 3,177 24,603 3,438 39,227 7,132 289,953 1,957 13,996 9,637 27,321 11,342 338,712 5,417 69,745 7,767 329,180 10,774 176 1,855 1,297 558 9,212 485 2,550 3,226 2,178 1,295 514 42.4 5,765 1,925 1,861 3,200 10 536 10,224 10,199 4.01 25 2,926 873 948 6,616 941 65 11,498 4.882 355.644 8,006 276,044 5 725 1,631 61,447 570,966 49.7 5,175 103,77 88 89 11,427 220, 213 1,251 5,650 3,032 1,343 137 14 2,496 14,586 3,149 24,927 2,681 28,665 6,762 248,692 1,527 11.736 9,226 22,147 11,458 259,726 5,126 54,987 7,262 277,357 10,806 272 2,282 1,375 907 8,981 845 2,615 2,643 1,847 1,579 848 42.7 5,841 2,225 1,683 3,330 498 8,970 8,940 3.46 30 1,939 710 555 4,495 743 41 4,629 2,602 204,935 2,643 75,166 1 1,165 1,049 46,778 234,488 50.7 4,097 84.09 85 82 4,519 65,490 ,386 2,120 732 247 32 1 1 900 4,606 1,395 12,000 1,094 13,273 2,738 124,415 569 4,977 3,609 9,727 4,554 82,096 1,893 22,856 3,019 137,688 4,174 205 676 676 280 805 756 690 863 707 47.5 1,911 690 626 1,752 12 223 3,073 3,063 3.60 10 697 300 239 1,245 222 5 1,817 1,282 114,278 782 23,638 5 60 607 35,345 102,631 56.5 5,827 110.48 88 82 1,697 21,230 832 632 131 65 32 5 [lesiden. tial 383 3,458 575 5,095 420 7,022 1,126 57,955 328 2,863 1,430 5,008 1,737 29,783 790 13,343 1,251 64,977 1,710 72 1,245 120 1,125 562 3,785 3,025 ,'• '•..:• • 1,041 25,730 2,154 105,073 188,865 49.9 5.415 106.96 79 2,458 16,661 1,880 485 60 30 2 635 3,167 1,283 12,701 885 12,370 2,480 127,385 488 6,095 3,019 10,486 2,995 32,529 1,619 21,632 2,725 139,755 3,259 185 1,608 425 1,183 1,853 70 85 380 400 361 611 383 663 251 727 216 773 45.8 52.0 800 1,091 290 370 245 411 726 1,828 12 16 243 608 1,331 2,828 1,331 2,828 5.38 5.06 556 1,226 319 591 174 290 765 192 1,604 227 2,810 468.3 26,000 208.00 83 22 6 810 1 1 51 6 675 250 6 575 6 1,310 6 1,425 6 675 6 5 4.10 1 6 1 1 6 278 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2). -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 7 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV FARMS, ACREAGE, AM) VALUE I ;i n . number Land owned by farm ope ra tors farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings av, rage per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported. ., percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres SO to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture Cropland not harvested and not pastured Woodland pastured Woodland not pastured Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)... Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.). Cropland, total Land pastured, total Woodland, total Irrigated land in farms Land irrigated by sprinklers SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone ■ Electricity From a power line Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home pi ant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder Electric power-feed grinder arms report arms report arms report ....doll arms report arms report arms report arms report arms report arms report arms report ing. ing. ing. ars. ing. ing. arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting rms reporting arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres rms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres s reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 ye8rs operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less.. operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more .operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. 20,004 8,675 1,132,592 14,261 864, 223 23 30,540 3,581 333,224 1,694,131 84.7 7,332 88.73 87 85 18,898 596,218 1,996 4,557 5,039 4,790 2,091 301 124 5,982 31,931 5,077 49,426 5,691 79,656 12,117 856,376 1,728 27,528 15,952 52,996 19,295 677,575 9,643 139.115 13,221 936,032 11 22 11 22 18,020 881 4,925 3,009 1,916 14, 140 960 3,373 4,547 4,103 2,667 2,087 45.5 7,965 2,514 3,322 7,365 11 1,116 13,093 13,067 4.30 26 3,042 1,288 952 5,522 1,485 108 17,210 6,684 905,009 13,110 821,169 11 19,370 2,389 232,266 1,513,282 87.9 7,778 90.09 16,982 572,244 896 4,014 4,839 4,729 2,085 296 123 5,351 28,273 4,322 36, 841 5,132 74,571 10,361 732,965 1,503 23,360 13,754 45,028 17,102 637,358 8,572 126,204 11,344 807, 536 11 22 11 22 15,694 709 3,474 2,719 755 13,056 860 3,031 4,102 3,594 2,160 1,565 44.7 7,094 2,180 2,990 6,093 11 856 11,327 11,301 4.21 26 2,482 1,018 851 4,826 1,310 101 24 16 35,978 9 3,720 13 6,272 37.226 1,551.1 155,071 106.53 79 74 24 9,983 5 19 18 1,228 10 1,045 13 2,030 24 21,307 8 1,189 23 444 24 12,256 24 4,447 24 23,337 14 22 22 15.62 275 171 133,826 167 55,112 6 8,830 119 55,984 141,784 515.6 31,869 74.47 93 77 265 40,437 10 5 15 20 46 89 80 169 3,298 85 4,022 114 9,493 214 74,931 74 6,484 241 3,119 270 47, 757 213 19,275 235 84,424 208 40 37 12 25 228 22 63 75 28 39 49.2 66 28 53 140 16 248 248 8.92 2,117 863 161, 553 1,714 176,222 1 1,995 401 33,783 305,987 144.5 13,603 96.75 86 85 2,116 119,184 10 26 260 758 924 119 19 964 6,211 561 5,793 693 13,264 1,426 149,568 260 5,586 1,841 6,381 2,116 131,188 1,337 25, 061 1,547 162,832 5 10 5 10 2,000 61 407 311 96 1,664 45 338 648 510 251 139 44.9 ;vi 256 452 712 10 1,758 1,758 5.17 143 70 53 158 524 251 177 1,003 354 15 6,790 2,116 264,904 5,574 352,659 1 1,005 742 58,803 559,765 82.4 8,016 98.19 89 89 6,779 230,544 60 965 2,131 2,664 901 58 2,177 8,869 1,660 10,733 2,274 32,069 4,114 '58,920 585 3,516 5,613 15,114 6,784 250,146 3,536 44,454 4,525 290,989 5 10 5 10 6,333 244 1,354 1,096 258 5,235 315 1,327 1,859 1,503 801 372 43.1 3,058 876 1,154 2,256 10 340 4,913 4,903 3.94 10 1,038 375 323 2,215 496 30 5,339 2,124 190,970 4,010 171,856 644 39,655 323,171 60.5 4,973 82.84 88 67 5,277 130,359 210 1,752 2,016 1,101 173 20 5 1,370 5,813 1,406 10,631 1,423 11,120 3,083 147,907 396 3,425 4,099 13,916 5,319 146,803 2,378 20,358 3,358 159,027 4,821 213 1,243 870 373 3,651 365 951 1,170 1,078 660 463 44.1 2,221 715 885 1,862 10 164 3,053 3,037 3.61 16 505 188 191 1,017 266 25 NORTH CAROLINA 279 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of farms*' See textj Area 7— Continued Area 8 Economic class — Con. Total all farms Economic elasa Other farms Co Tmercial farms Other farms Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Class 1 Class If Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Par t- time residen- tial Abnormal 1,080 1,701 13 31,738 29,008 47 391 5,272 15,161 6,523 1,614 615 2,102 13 1 625 46,800 621 22, 760 1,365 176,790 530 20,294 1 3,993 9,130 1,126,552 24,638 1,009,400 112 6,978 805,561 23,849 979,153 89 31 20,501 18 4,671 6 165 59,728 253 48,839 31 1,050 142,617 4,613 284,417 17 3,060 288,906 12,949 473,872 35 1,868 169,588 5,058 140,976 804 124,219 958 26,378 430 57,102 257 5,622 1,722 263, 889 532 24,625 10 2 3 l s 12 13 11,170 6 108,203 5,763 73,336 3,885 6,250 19 30,675 147 16,730 752 19,681 1,515 858 594 300 28,368 1,577 6,499 1 7 240 946 17,917 80,348 2,693 480,953 286,241 6,576 26,375 51,397 87,715 59,636 54,542 32,781 161,621 310 51,643 116,736 12,470 1,763,202 1,571,809 24,846 112,867 392,367 694, 746 250,928 96,055 29,943 155,261 6,189 47.8 68.6 959.2 55.6 54.2 528.6 288.7 74.4 45.8 38.5 59.5 48.7 73.9 476.1 3,634 3,852 117, 583 8,872 8,913 56,323 32,612 14,114 7,844 5,709 7,810 7,749 8,381 48,508 79.27 65.29 129.09 167.65 169.31 93.77 130.72 195.16 174.14 149.31 132.76 175.21 137.51 164.34 n 89 76 92 83 85 72 78 87 85 84 80 90 60 46 u 85 66 88 79 83 82 67 85 84 83 79 82 50 29 15 1,013 891 12 30,469 28,876 36 385 5,270 15,146 6,508 1,531 514 1,067 12 16 13,234 6,295 4,445 777,048 760,316 8,658 41,467 203,456 372,719 112,567 21,449 6,044 7,739 2,949 17 420 382 150 56 5 680 156 50 5 2,978 10, 122 8,879 6,613 1,635 150 92 8,192 1,812 9,847 8,803 6,560 1,619 145 90 7,499 5 5 11 1 1 13 28 5 15 75 165 73 52 201 295 5,355 5,765 3,251 442 33 5 3,775 980 3,581 1,406 456 83 2 1,144 527 641 262 81 20 315 115 55 21 3 5 236 851 160 21 32 3 446 IP. 5 270 1,350 2,686 908 36 20 1,905 20 21 22 1 5 1 6 10 2 11 446 281 344 25 1,384 2,109 165 37,738 34, 835 1,092 5,485 8,444 13,133 4,239 2,442 912 1,930 61 26 312 438 5 5,096 4,533 8 102 953 2,364 872 234 131 430 2 27 4,188 8,217 180 43,066 35,696 925 3,451 7,977 15,587 5,544 2,212 750 6,250 370 28 221 336 2 5,815 5,222 23 164 1,159 2,538 1,070 268 152 439 2 » 1,665 3,020 400 62,403 55,577 342 9,277 10,491 20,911 11,512 3,044 1,356 5,070 400 30 640 1,108 8 15,040 13,300 26 282 2,737 6,605 2,803 847 325 1,402 13 •31 28,522 90,514 4,375 751,495 610,526 12,354 48,636 144,908 238,890 104,094 61,644 19,039 120,302 1,628 32 97 122 6 3,373 3,059 6 88 778 1,502 524 161 81 231 2 33 1,127 784 516 2,525 27,861 21,246 1,076 1,938 5,179 7,551 3,682 1,820 300 5,905 410 34 1,401 13 24,077 21,973 39 346 4,369 11,655 4,471 lj093 475 1,616 13 35 1,523 6,065 380 63,591 53,613 399 2,613 11,912 25,955 9,290 3,444 1,542 8,065 371 36 1,044 1,137 12 30,873 28,951 46 386 5,272 15,156 6,518 1,573 559 1,350 13 37 18,806 16,621 4,790 857,852 830, 847 10,675 50,403 219,877 401,439 122,350 26,103 7,706 15,919 3,380 3d 458 600 13 13,217 12,020 36 288 2,886 6,065 2,107 638 333 851 13 31 4,176 5,645 3,090 128,002 111,658 2,510 16,700 24,114 41,595 19,433 7,306 2,566 12,905 871 •tli 680 1,189 8 16,359 14,489 31 315 3,047 7,170 3,033 893 365 1,492 13 41 30,187 93,534 4,775 813,898 666,103 12,696 57,913 155,399 259,801 115,606 64,688 20,395 125,372 2,028 42 43 44 942 1,372 12 29,951 27, 788 36 344 5,100 14,621 6,236 1,451 575 1,575 13 45 ■It 47 98 804 74 717 803 2,513 641 1,379 10 1 29 26 61 145 250 725 195 482 96 30 450 132 663 48 41 5 1 729 125 717 165 5 5,876 3,585 4,861 3,405 6 6 73 41 851 651 2,449 1,771 1,322 776 160 160 421 65 594 115 51 604 552 5 2..291 1,456 32 200 678 546 356 479 57 331 746 7 24,886 23,599 39 307 4,374 12,396 5,101 1,382 194 1,086 7 53 60 190 212 40 151 228 2,190 7,115 7,978 2,085 6,909 7,619 5 39 96 115 847 1,642 980 3,867 4,464 810 1,871 1,196 175 285 215 45 65 107 60 141 250 54 1 5 55 6 2 56 271 176 111 45.9 236 331 406 54.3 2 5,809 3,803 1,929 42.2 5,361 3,244 1,451 41.4 106 79 17 47.0 1,412 685 183 44.0 2,616 1,535 545 40.5 966 690 458 40.0 261 241 237 45.3 156 117 70 48.1 292 437 408 53.6 "i7 14 11 57.8 5 58 5 56.8 59 54.3 60 456 155 414 176 1 1 16,842 5,862 16,207 5,602 112 31 2,779 881 8,633 2,875 3,927 1,530 756 265 195 75 440 185 6? 155 172 5 4,591 4,338 7 68 872 2,505 690 196 66 182 5 63 424 843 5 8,396 7,036 37 160 1,422 3,306 1,606 505 339 1,019 2 64 12 17 26 8 7 23 14 8 7 7 11 16 17 8 65 88 160 12 2,027 1,493 18 127 344 591 239 174 127 395 12 66 700 1,054 12 25,884 23,852 34 359 4,734 12,568 4,983 1,174 505 1,514 13 67 700 1,054 12 25,853 23,826 34 354 4,728 12,558 4,983 1,169 505 1,509 13 f.n 4.68 4.85 30.83 4.08 3.89 20.13 9.80 4.47 3.58 3.49 4.60 7.40 5.73 13.24 69 209 339 12 31 6,592 26 5,599 5 205 6 1,387 10 2,619 5 399 5 708 26 963 274 11 71 94 170 6 2,199 1,704 17 88 380 700 333 186 142 347 6 72 28 67 6 1,877 1,596 4 83 436 741 212 120 88 188 5 73 302 388 6 12,643 11,588 6 235 2,908 5,989 1,875 575 284 764 7 74 60 115 3,960 3,556 7 109 122 280 2 75 5 2 188 176 2 6 32 65 66 5 5 5 2 76 280 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only J Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI FARMS. ACREAGE, AM) VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported. . .percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland jjed only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ).... farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm operators reporting Operators by age: Under 2S years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting, 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years SPECIME1) FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump Iarm3 reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 19,196 9,113 964,287 12,329 542,822 87 90,216 3,545 229,006 1,368,319 71.3 6,441 97.63 83 77 18,222 524,895 2,769 4,997 4,468 4,002 1,540 347 99 3,540 26,980 5,079 66,961 2,917 60,901 10,594 617,416 1,784 28,914 13,818 42,252 18,642 618,836 6,414 116,795 11,251 678,317 18,187 543 3,419 5,041 2,503 2,538 13,804 923 3,490 4,420 3,649 3,032 1,881 45.5 8,766 2,682 3,005 6,135 10 1,169 13,233 13,217 3.98 16 3,423 1,605 1,102 5,509 1,364 176 15,342 6,097 711.589 11,105 497,500 70 77,685 2,257 147,408 1,139,366 74.3 6,923 100.72 84 78 15,245 490,121 1,098 4,192 4,153 3,866 1,507 331 98 2,892 22,975 3,610 47,051 2,263 51,791 8,001 472,815 1,417 24,022 10,905 30,591 15,276 560,147 5,108 98,788 8,492 524,606 14,721 368 2,991 2,118 873 12,254 797 2,905 3,828 2,928 2,315 1,220 44.5 7,459 2,272 2,523 4,495 9 778 10,654 10,638 3.90 16 2,465 1,050 887 4,194 1,188 145 45 22 21,591 11 5,615 18 15,408 16 3,251 39,363 874.7 78,423 88.26 71 72 45 15,873 32 26 2,081 18 2,582 8 1,497 34 15,515 14 1,125 32 690 45 20,536 27 4,703 34 17,012 19 37 37 23.27 130 95 52,628 64 7,682 10 17,692 69 12,052 65,950 507.3 25,193 75.12 88 58 130 16,719 15 5 20 37 29 24 76 3,815 35 2,610 34 456 115 40,947 13 385 120 1,018 130 23,144 88 4,656 115 41,403 123 5 27 18 9 101 32 31 32 22 2 43.3 51 120 120 110 65 40 91 38 13 1,147 493 110,379 854 68,847 22 26,899 281 28,633 177,492 154.7 14,953 104.38 80 74 1,141 73,916 26 60 80 445 339 164 27 321 3,255 362 6,472 224 5,935 706 83,004 U2 2,820 922 2,090 1,142 83,643 512 12,010 736 88,939 5,274 1.741 186,502 4,146 207,428 10 10,486 701 32,099 372,317 70.6 7,809 117.43 86 81 5,254 175,326 120 1,020 1,646 1,732 623 107 6 1,076 5,689 1,142 12,963 850 22,355 2,859 138,339 520 6,845 3,940 10,800 5,259 193,978 1,937 34,889 3,004 160,694 5,786 2,233 217,661 4,194 155,133 3 4,037 725 41.193 335,638 58.0 5,298 92.69 84 83 5,761 151,952 421 1,846 1,696 1,357 409 23 9 948 5,647 1,355 15.084 784 15,058 2.825 128,842 553 7,555 4,008 11,500 5,771 172,683 1,785 28,260 3,061 143,900 1,101 36 200 129 71 946 20 98 378 382 143 43 45.7 447 97 241 403 10 133 1,009 1,009 5.06 376 160 157 546 128 29 5,067 122 997 721 276 4,277 186 1,055 1,517 996 731 329 43.8 2,699 838 941 1,409 9 247 4,155 4,149 3.64 6 803 316 333 1,681 475 40 5,554 131 1,290 780 510 4,491 380 1,265 1,385 995 805 423 43.2 2,967 940 901 1,581 201 3,758 3,748 3.63 10 850 326 255 1,369 435 26 __ NORTH CAROLINA BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of farms. See textj 281 Area 9 — Continued Residen- tial Total all farms Economic claaa Commercial farms Total Class 1 Class II Class III Class IV Class V Claaa VI Residen- tial 1,279 383 69,854 576 20,995 1 2,836 334 19,107 74,588 58.3 4,483 74.25 80 83 1,214 19,536 396 450 230 101 31 212 1,720 493 5,759 217 2,645 794 40,326 116 1,057 898 3,545 1,239 27,015 397 5,422 849 42,971 1,173 86 837 125 712 427 66 245 241 255 226 135 45.9 590 160 136 468 92 849 849 4.43 319 188 71 452 2,559 2,133 182,834 648 24, 327 944 61,021 146,140 57.1 4,258 87.13 79 67 1,747 14,357 1,265 355 85 35 2 430 2,000 965 13,822 432 6,380 1,783 98,020 246 3,810 1,999 7,751 2,111 30,179 893 12,190 1,894 104,400 2,277 89 1,302 1,213 260 953 1,107 60 335 346 466 491 521 52.0 712 245 341 1,166 16 283 1,714 1,714 4.32 623 351 143 858 91 20 16 9,695 10 1,470 8,225 514.1 22,855 44.73 62 62 16 881 10 5 1 6 285 11 329 5 85 16 6,255 5 25 16 365 16 1,495 16 395 16 6,340 16 16 16 3.08 6,379 4,677 468,019 3,137 168,353 11 18,771 1,440 84,389 570,754 89.5 7,933 88.57 88 5,636 252,306 1,061 1,310 915 957 753 473 167 1,778 12,003 1,441 23,615 899 23,438 3,847 219,884 788 9,849 5,088 29,659 5,851 287,924 2,797 45.290 4,136 243,322 8 343 6 285 5,846 383 2,450 1,225 1,225 3,797 201 835 1,332 1,332 1,138 905 48.8 1,850 401 983 3,213 15 564 4,664 4,649 4.62 15 1,432 604 412 2,579 442 23 4,493 3,081 361,138 2,651 152,029 11 18,771 739 49,617 482,321 107.3 9,661 89.67 88 89 4,356 233,371 356 1,035 805 852 683 458 167 1,488 10,658 1,006 16,330 744 21,263 2,681 167,416 597 8,234 3,549 25,049 4,386 260,359 2,261 40,155 2,900 188,679 8 343 6 285 4,141 247 1.306 925 381 3,120 166 620 1,076 942 746 472 46.9 1,?75 316 678 2,222 14 418 3,568 3,558 4.85 10 1,118 445 349 2,027 376 23 33 28 23,994 23 6,930 4 10,394 12 2,417 38,901 1,178.8 69,034 57.40 94 96 32 16,961 31 13 2,091 9 5,273 16 1,975 28 8,837 5 471 32 3,293 32 24,325 24 4,537 30 10,812 2 140 1 85 1 1 3 14 9 1 51.6 21 32 32 16.67 270 214 81,256 176 22.289 1 2,265 64 8,124 97,686 361.8 29,543 87.19 91 85 269 42,960 25 36 124 74 98 1,992 40 1,467 53 6,943 219 38,944 54 2,498 233 2,882 269 46,419 162 11,433 225 45,887 5 200 5 200 228 32 5 23 83 86 24 18 46.0 57 10 46 151 15 107 247 247 11.38 592 407 66,125 417 34,770 5 2,000 96 8,684 94,211 159.1 14,065 89.70 92 91 592 50,616 5 15 70 140 177 138 47 259 1,436 127 1,330 143 4,710 381 30,910 122 980 501 4,229 592 53,382 392 7,126 427 35,620 551 36 173 101 72 414 15 91 215 102 82 32 44.0 180 45 110 281 13 532 532 5.94 205 125 201 39 255 102 78 406 63 1,411 866 96,333 910 50,020 226 13,727 132,626 94.0 9,824 ".02.93 85 86 1,406 67,471 26 290 330 360 225 160 15 556 2,940 390 3,880 230 4,210 771 47,319 165 1,750 1,116 5,056 1,406 74,291 761 8,900 836 51,529 1,342 911 57,275 765 27,995 1 4,112 166 7,765 81,617 60.8 5,601 90.69 88 89 1,302 39,533 185 435 250 192 205 35 845 655 36,155 360 10,025 646 536 36,213 230 10,975 175 8,900 37,280 44.1 3,784 84.26 91 93 755 15,830 140 290 150 135 40 151 8,805 38,383 59.4 4,988 80.29 89 93 555 13,680 185 110 447 1,734 290 2,720 187 1,800 822 27,456 121 955 997 7,419 1,317 43,987 617 4,489 882 29,256 1 3 115 465 150 1,660 115 1,625 460 13,950 130 1,580 670 2,170 770 17,955 305 3,670 500 15,575 105 485 145 3,015 60 505 421 17,738 86 910 556 2,050 575 17,180 216 1,900 436 18,243 360 265 95 1,031 45 260 335 305 225 95 44.9 260 616 13 100 1,150 1,150 4.41 350 125 65 730 135 20 1,242 75 510 305 205 812 85 185 295 265 231 151 46.5 480 145 145 657 14 66 1,072 1,062 3.46 10 197 41 86 497 76 785 20 210 210 15 60 145 170 175 175 52.9 180 35 110 495 16 35 535 535 3.67 25 30 175 55 586 50 461 130 331 180 15 85 135 155 120 96 49.2 200 30 115 301 10 56 401 396 3.85 5 100 35 15 225 30 1,239 1,059 67,668 256 5,349 549 25,167 47,850 38.6 2,979 88.59 84 73 725 5,255 520 165 30 10 185 860 290 4,270 95 1,670 744 32,536 105 705 982 2,554 890 10,385 320 3,235 799 34,206 1,118 86 683 170 513 496 20 130 121 235 272 336 55.5 275 55 190 689 18 89 694 694 3.89 213 123 47 326 36 1 1 3,000 1 800 2,200 2,200.0 22,000 10.00 100 100 1 2,194 1 65.0 1 1 1 5.00 282 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Comnercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms. . number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting. acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 acres and over farms Cropland used only for pasture farms Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture {not cropland and not woodland) farms Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms Cropland, total farms Land pastured, total farms Woodland, total farms Irrigated land in farms farms Land irrigated by sprinklers farms FARM OPERATORS reporting acres reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. I year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPFCIFIED FACILITIES Tc lcphone. . . Electricity. From a po farms line farms f last monthly electric bill From a home plant ■ farms Electric water pump farms Electric hot- water heater farms Home freeier '"™s Electric washing machine farms Electric chick brooder farms Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting reporting reporting ..dollars reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting 28,276 18,601 1,639,125 14,826 483,479 15 20,156 5,920 220,737 1,922,023 68.0 5,071 79.07 86 82 26,701 545,555 6,319 9,683 5,889 3,593 993 187 37 7,835 42,577 9,164 88,477 5,416 120,065 17,278 1,027,939 2,249 30,007 21,299 67,403 27,474 676,609 11,958 192,649 18,512 1,148,004 43 938 38 26,010 1,310 8,490 4,187 4,303 19,093 1,585 5,218 6,785 5,215 4,060 2,962 45.0 10,712 3,793 4,330 11,634 12 1,077 19,091 18,999 4.17 92 5,705 2,021 1,743 10,144 1,893 185 22,016 13,322 1,260,231 12,990 446,569 14 18,756 3,782 137,512 1,588,044 72.1 5,517 80.05 87 83 21,794 505,105 3,019 8,456 5,608 3,498 991 186 36 6,610 35,350 6,910 63,743 4,550 97,224 13,299 809,280 1,877 23,712 16,499 53,630 21,907 604,198 9,971 156,286 14,227 906,504 43 938 38 20,587 843 1,785 5,042 3,482 1,560 16,566 1,350 4,393 5,535 4,119 2,973 1,846 43.8 8,779 3,082 3,396 8,742 12 656 15,333 15,246 4.12 87 4,308 1,427 1,434 8,218 1,575 155 37 33 21,608 14 1,339 3 4,161 14 1,222 25,886 699.6 48,310 104.43 78 52 36 9,042 13 11 27 774 7 603 4 864 28 12,733 3 1,095 35 775 36 10,419 30 2,733 28 13,597 7 578 7 578 3 51.2 18 30 29 21.14 1 29 25 13 27 7 2 162 147 54,954 90 10,550 5 2,105 79 5,245 62,364 385.0 35,798 90.52 80 82 161 17,185 21 72 50 17 101 1,867 61 1,790 47 10,347 141 27,427 29 1,351 161 2,397 162 20,842 122 13,565 162 37,774 149 8 31 13 18 131 15 115 16 64 160 159 14.93 1 138 76 51 92 41 10 NORTH CAROLINA 283 Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres l.and rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over forms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)..* farms reporting. acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting. acre: FARM OPF.RATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting I to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm operators reporting Operators by age: 1'nder 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECIFIF.D FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant farms reporting Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater farms reporting llome freezer farms reporting Electric washing machine farms reporting Electric chick brooder farms reporting Electric power-feed grinder • forms reporting Area 11— Continued Economic class— Continued Commercial farms — Continued 6,869 3,749 399,299 4,403 178,303 4 9,862 1,150 43,150 544,314 79.2 6,579 84.39 89 87 6,830 188,250 206 1,841 2,506 1,846 390 40 1 2,422 13,192 2,046 21,166 1,584 23,511 4,108 273,198 662 7,318 5,230 17,679 6,857 222,608 3,493 44,021 4,419 296,709 11 235 6 185 6,533 193 1,451 995 456 5,301 345 1,395 2,078 1,390 815 326 42.5 2,758 952 1,208 2,546 11 179 5,325 5,295 4.19 30 1,725 545 577 3,299 622 40 9,359 5,332 433,799 5,693 156,031 1 1,628 1,392 44,647 546,811 58.4 4,268 77.71 87 82 9,315 174,549 1,191 4,758 2,272 956 130 7 1 2,467 9,469 2,835 22,845 1,808 36,242 5,341 280,013 738 7,734 6,756 15,959 9,339 206,863 3,939 53,445 5,719 316,255 5 50 5 50 8,716 387 2,486 1,481 1,005 6,733 725 2,205 2,250 1,559 1,125 683 42.2 4,169 1,540 1,327 3,417 11 180 6,253 6,218 3.63 35 1,383 384 427 3,052 493 47 4,177 3,201 190,315 1,967 43,089 731 24,699 208,705 50.0 3,248 66.73 86 83 4,050 52,449 1,587' 1,750 525 162 25 1 895 3,955 1,473 9,679 725 11,079 2,754 116,157 246 3,960 3,161 11,426 4,111 66,083 1,502 18,994 2,912 127,236 3,860 192 836 836 3,216 255 485 742 772 820 768 49.4 1,310 425 572 2,070 15 81 2,330 2,310 3.42 20 394 136 126 864 161 30 Other farms Part-time Residential 2,133 1,748 113,485 810 21,535 467 16,283 118,737 55.7 3,909 75.84 88 81 1,953 20,563 1,070 646 170 65 2 542 3,368 808 7,815 337 3,538 1,443 77,081 126 1,630 1,678 4,742 2,043 31,746 802 8,536 1,543 80,619 1,887 186 1,436 215 1,221 687 105 445 485 360 326 220 44.8 775 255 367 916 12 130 1,382 1,382 4.51 522 246 112 741 121 10 4,126 3,530 263,819 1,026 15,375 1 1,400 1,671 66,942 213,652 57.8 3,119 72.42 81 67 2,953 19,408 2,230 581 111 30 683 3,859 1,445 16,894 528 19,302 2,535 140,513 246 4,665 3,121 9,011 3,523 40,161 1,184 27,826 2,741 159,815 3,535 281 2,063 2,012 490 1,522 1,839 130 380 764 736 761 896 51.7 1,157 456 567 1,976 16 291 2,375 2,370 4.31 5 874 347 197 1,184 196 20 1 1 1,590 1,590 1,159.0 90,000 56.60 100 100 1 479 1 25 1 1 1 20 504 1 1 1,066 1 1 73.2 284 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explorations, aee text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Claaa I Class II Class III Class IV All farms number SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting Grain combines farms reporting number Corn pickers '. farms reporting number Pick-up hay balers farms reporting number. Siloa farma reporting Motortrucks farms reporting number Year of newest model farms reporting Under 5 years farms reporting 5 to 9 years farms reporting 10 years and over farms reporting Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. ... farms reporting Wheel trBctors other than garden farms reporting number. Year of neweat model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting 5 to 9 years farms reporting 10 years and over farms operating. Garden tractors farms reporting number Crawler tractors farms reporting number Automobiles farms reporting number. Year of newest model farms reporting Under 5 years farms reporting, 5 to 9 years farms reporting 10 years and over farms reporting Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses , or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/ or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface..: farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION r :.rni ly and/ or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working IS hours or more , farma reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Ffegular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) fsrms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . . . farms reporting persons Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers .... farma reporting No report as to period of expected employment ... farms reporting persons r anas by kind of workers: Both family workers end hired workers farms reporting Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farma reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 10 4 9 Speci fied farm expenditurea furma reporting. Machine hire and/ or hired labor farms reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting, dol lars Hired labor farei3 reporting dollara Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollara Livestock and pnultry purchased farms reporting. dol lara Seeda. bulbs, planta, and trees purchased farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dollara Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lara Tractor repairs furma reporting dol lara Other farm machinery repaira farma reporting dol lara 288,473 3,575 12,742 13,252 1,903 1,937 5,728 5,796 3,244 55,396 60,410 53,829 29,294 7,314 17,221 62,686 73,497 60,754 59,325 68,723 53,024 33,494 9,698 9,832 2,503 2,585 2,037 2,189 140,069 159,201 136,943 50,152 23,067 63,724 82,969 63,260 79, 558 46,541 16,145 88,640 35,598 149,601 239,439 433,658 236,225 379,885 221,148 100,371 158, 737 27,459 53,773 14,746 26,594 15,247 27,2~9 12,212 24,245 211,980 120,915 13,888 3,214 250,188 190 , 999 60,771 . : ' 135,978 12,590,035 1.48,013 48,182,324 18: , : \yj 43,398,566 139,793 19,422,546 159,317 10,532,831 121 , 521 25,339,209 96,907 10,867,332 39,715 5,432,525 83,402 5,434,807 193,679 3,218 11,120 11,578 1,741 1,774 5,090 5,143 2,875 39,812 43, 575 38,655 21,963 5,266 11,426 50,161 59,585 49,434 48,336 56,705 43,559 28,005 8,166 7,388 1.109 1,171 1,589 1,709 97, 803 111,195 95, 610 35,096 16,211 44,303 39,307 37,526 66,685 39,709 10,452 59,606 17,512 107, 794 174,078 336,027 172,032 290,098 163,083 76,806 127,015 22,432 45,929 13,019 24, 000 11,688 21,929 10,744 20,386 151,646 82, 861 8,093 2,046 174, 817 147, 8(13 54,569,108 104,179 10,432,686 122,669 44,136,422 124,059 36,088,488 103,160 16,620,013 114,841 8,834,192 101,960 22. '776, 924 61,608 9,651,041 33,339 4,842,719 71,419 127 153 209 65 72 111 119 143 315 808 294 252 19 23 314 972 309 304 895 265 195 52 18 18 19 43 58 312 753 277 235 18 24 171 17 169 349 3,906 313 478 306 114 172 293 3,428 281 2,691 99 737 194 257 56 31 375 353 4,291,320 175 109,244 343 4,182,076 298 2,741,491 232 855,658 291 641,886 355 699,311 315 506, 157 275 281,996 277 224,361 2,642 595 900 993 323 339 506 513 559 1,760 2,490 1,717 1,289 219 209 2,066 3,721 2,051 2,046 3,568 1,787 1,144 370 273 53 53 95 100 2,026 3,218 1,945 1,517 186 242 178 101 297 1,675 391 ' , 1 37 .66 1,062 2,506 11, 493 2,334 4,342 2,234 1,129 2,108 1,778 7,151 1,557 5,133 640 2,018 1,138 16,814 764 2,122 2,243 401 401 1,123 1,140 618 5,393 6,076 5,256 3,452 699 1,105 8,198 10,311 8,117 7,947 9,865 7,207 4,862 1,416 929 156 172 252 274 11, 265 13.754 11,044 5,977 1,693 3,374 1,743 633 6,240 7,046 1,152 6,103 1,125 8,879 15,945 41,935 15,685 32,516 14,844 9,033 17,672 4,675 9,419 3,375 5,502 1,904 3,917 2,771 1,025 3,606 3,705 543 553 1,758 1,768 794 12,690 13,478 12,348 7,369 1,595 3,384 18,106 20,826 17,836 17,439 19,868 15,823 10,521 2,842 2,460 352 377 544 581 35,575 39,747 34,916 13,383 6,462 15,071 10,834 7,641 25,438 14,673 3,433 20,235 4,061 35,139 57,635 115,723 56,933 101, 791 54,348 27,258 47,443 8,199 13,932 4,638 6,342 4,223 7,590 3,976 1,606 728 239 75 172 2,558 2,397 7,087,269 1,519 703,647 2,324 6,383,622 2,088 6.109,S92 1,888 2,325,617 1,989 1,019,904 2,318 , «..'.". ■' 2,065 1,213,214 1,791 747,660 1,725 465,554 4,415 11,270 4,137 635 260 16,084 15,008 10,682,793 10,824 1,765,764 13,833 8,917,029 12,722 7,503,141 11,692 3,298,838 11,799 1,460,574 13,103 , . ! 10,380 ' .■>.■<■. >"•• 5,978 1,031,172 8,975 895,822 7,547 49,436 25,195 2,336 652 52,510 17,716,943 36.960 3,669,351 16,1 14,047,592 42,494 37,467 4,971,883 39,272 2,690,842 39,847 8,424,039 29,793 3,109,386 12,138 1,493,456 26,392 1,615,930 69,617 571 3,096 3,169 339 339 1,239 1,250 575 12,925 13,583 12,543 6,674 1,760 4,109 15,090 16,655 14,909 14,564 15,889 13,075 8,202 2,453 2,420 284 304 427 462 33,199 36,910 32,454 10,165 5,612 16,677 15,540 15,873 23,114 11,455 3,635 20, 754 6,002 39,730 62,300 107,618 61,698 99,130 58,402 26,221 40,728 5,345 8,488 2,394 3,226 3,295 5,262 2,050 4,743 56,955 32,498 3,079 602 61,968 51,998 10,863,224 36,656 2,910,770 42,007 7,952,454 42,731 7,005,499 35,142 3,652,768 40,138 2,049,701 33,435 5.2S8.401 26,874 2,044,636 9,271 905,299 23, 520 1,139,337 NORTH CAROLINA asr, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 ■ sample of 1 arms. See te xtj The State — Continued Are as 1 and A Economic class — Con. Total all farms Economic class Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Residen- tial Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Class I Class 11 Class 111 Class IV Class V Class VI Part-time Abnormal 28,226 66,437 131 37,759 12,946 38 171 361 1,170 3,621 7,585 6,274 16,532 7 1 151 181 25 676 605 22 88 135 230 95 35 35 35 1 2 1,003 595 24 157 117 8 23 21 10 50 5 15 25 3 1,014 72 72 301 613 84 85 299 47 6 6 38 167 46 46 108 127 46 46 82 13 23 10 10 11 21 11 11 12 10 10 10 21 50 15 15 20 10 5 15 5 25 15 4 6 5 6 13 7 301 311 41 113 87 13 11 17 21 20 5 5 15 6 8 193 153 23 1,257 1,050 33 107 146 333 321 110 106 95 6 9 6,136 9,391 57 8,484 4,128 35 115 230 614 1,422 1,712 1,563 2,766 7 10 6,656 10,037 142 9,013 4,468 109 150 275 685 1,482 1,767 1,633 2,896 16 11 6,010 9,109 55 8,386 4,071 34 109 225 604 1,397 1,702 1,548 2,761 6 12 3,027 4,271 33 4,408 2,240 34 83 175 399 822 727 862 1,300 6 13 848 2,135 5,481 1,185 3,653 6,987 15 7 57 1,101 2,877 2,232 575 1,256 1,444 10 16 107 25 25 180 50 155 343 220 355 398 270 705 380 146 540 297 380 1,081 485 14 15 36 6 16 6,085 7,636 191 2,607 1,708 119 186 225 359 424 395 302 580 17 17 5,221 6,042 57 2,017 1,384 36 107 170 333 388 350 267 360 6 18 5,116 5,816 57 1,892 1,314 36 107 150 318 373 330 247 325 6 19 5,586 6,263 169 2,134 1,495 100 167 175 334 379 340 247 380 12 ■;> 4,458 4,955 52 1,688 1,196 29 90 144 291 342 300 227 260 5 21 2,711 2,756 22 1,098 841 24 58 108 195 241 215 142 115 71 694 813 25 243 143 5 12 16 40 35 35 40 55 5 23 1,053 331 1,386 1,060 5 347 212 20 20 56 66 50 45 90 24 3 289 99 3 11 25 10 20 30 35 155 25 331 1,080 3 299 99 3 11 25 10 20 30 35 165 26 157 278 13 164 104 11 8 25 15 20 25 20 35 5 27 168 293 19 174 114 16 8 25 15 25 25 20 35 5 28 14,608 27, 595 63 10,262 3,344 35 133 163 468 1,048 1,497 2,078 4,835 5 29 16, 504 31,335 167 11,299 3,788 85 204 210 553 1,164 1,572 2,256 5,245 10 30 14,344 26,928 61 10,076 3,288 32 127 162 458 1,027 1,482 2,038 4,745 5 11 5,240 9,770 46 3,292 1.279 27 100 126 292 442 292 633 1,375 5 32 2,311 6,793 9,202 4,545 12,613 34,421 1,522 5,262 16,151 462 1,547 2,729 5 11 16 15 16 20 40 50 116 185 165 420 556 215 975 1,931 315 1,090 2,465 745 2,625 10,956 33 15 39 34 2 1 3S 8,181 5,362 3,408 17,548 7,481 3,376 5 30 48 11,621 7,755 1,339 4,026 4,747 1,022 15 34 67 26 115 150 195 447 283 910 1,757 278 2,880 2,394 215 2,130 1,382 121 5,465 1,626 190 V 37 29 6 38 2,073 8,846 3,611 20,122 9 893 9,632 422 3,085 7 27 40 30 60 120 165 176 295 39 66 84 151 408 873 1,542 1,806 4,735 6 40 4,716 13,499 22,533 13,359 28,278 42,740 11 30 88 16,692 10,055 29,648 5,861 3,554 11,343 7 2 37 75 6 149 516 1,623 3,491 2,706 8,125 41 35 225 975 2,311 1,546 4,955 42 165 338 1,074 3,289 6,440 5,198 13,101 6 43 36,014 61,090 527 48,115 20,205 492 586 1,017 2,376 5,879 9,855 8,468 19,401 41 44 22,072 42,038 83 29,248 11,184 30 139 317 1,039 3,249 6,410 5,127 12,931 6 45 32,302 57,350 135 43,554 17,398 46 241 653 1,805 5,185 9,468 7,609 18, 541 6 46 20,171 37, 811 83 26,637 10,533 28 137 307 964 3,037 6,060 4,602 11,496 6 47 8,767 14,776 22 12,343 4,782 6,865 15 69 216 566 1,492 2,424 2,216 5,345 48 12,131 19,539 52 16,917 18 104 346 841 2,148 3,408 3,007 7,045 49 2,377 2,600 50 2,755 1,472 36 115 162 354 458 347 577 700 6 50 3,712 3,740 392 4,561 2,807 446 345 364 571 694 387 659 860 35 = 1 864 823 40 1,074 741 36 108 127 204 171 95 152 175 6 52 1,198 1,040 356 2,031 1,582 430 267 294 284 212 95 204 210 35 53 1,676 1,871 12 1,847 852 6 41 50 186 312 257 455 540 54 2,514 2,700 36 2,530 1,225 16 78 70 287 482 292 655 650 55 701 729 38 908 620 30 74 112 168 146 90 122 160 6 56 57 58 1,916 1,898 45 2,355 1,313 29 89 141 319 418 317 506 530 6 59 20,156 40,140 38 26,893 15,585 2,361 400 9,871 5,673 526 159 1 50 25 26 176 51 5 21 720 340 35 35 2,831 6,093 4,621 12,401 60 12.034 25,997 23 1 1,460 3,796 2,611 7,301 1,360 170 61 1,765 461 4,030 702 7 181 40 305 30 475 71 62 5 63 24,977 50,315 79 32,433 11,873 38 166 346 1,109 3,421 6,793 5,713 14,841 6 64 17,625 25,508 63 16,757 7,223 38 154 320 939 2,365 3,407 3,358 6,170 6 65 ?, 712,308 2,919,886 571,057 3,420,149 2,661,444 792,113 407,408 365,580 403,090 393,295 299,958 337,495 386,260 34,950 66 12,909 18,863 27 8,137 3,130 16 93 167 472 1,046 1,336 1,591 3,415 1 67 993,007 1,160,692 3,650 424, 143 243,053 13,393 16,577 27,285 56,995 68,870 59,933 68,625 112,415 50 68 11,539 13,747 58 12,967 6,248 38 154 305 909 2,090 2,752 2,778 3,935 6 69 1,719,301 1,759,194 567,407 2,996,006 2,418,391 778, 720 390,831 338,295 346,095 324,425 240,025 268, 870 273,845 34,900 70 18,816 38,958 72 27,068 9,845 35 161 308 999 2,965 5,377 4,916 12,301 6 71 2,998,980 4,010,489 300,609 5,187,992 3,395,587 494, 584 481,174 499,494 680,135 666,790 573,410 634,240 1,135,765 22,400 72 13,758 22, 811 64 14,896 6,173 27 150 282 794 2,108 2,812 2,926 5,796 1 73 1,363,750 1,345,246 93,537 3,018,331 2,312,801 112,656 347,340 315,000 493,465 678,600 365,740 339,215 365,940 375 74 16,085 28,331 60 21,414 8,560 37 139 285 899 2,593 4,607 3,962 8,886 6 75 753,090 914,960 30,589 993, 883 640, 883 47,811 40,430 77,667 106, 710 172,860 195,405 154,235 198,265 500 76 8,844 10,654 63 5,895 3,651 37 135 '275 654 1,263 1,287 967 1,271 6 77 1,140,612 1,338,282 83,391 753,779 567,174 107,408 65,538 64,532 110, 545 128,366 90,785 66,180 118,625 1,800 78 7,269 7,974 56 5,668 3,885 37 105 219 633 1,339 1,552 951 826 6 79 541,487 616,575 58,229 332,233 262,014 55,182 40,789 27,310 45,688 56,280 36,765 24,089 44,780 1,400 80 3,187 3,149 40 1,215 829 35 87 93 242 207 165 140 240 6 HI 275,616 284,982 29.208 128,691 97,681 19,474 21,552 11,855 15,880 20,610 8,310 4,920 24,890 1,200 82 5,664 6,273 46 5,081 3,558 37 83 194 578 1,219 1,447 861 661 1 R3 265,871 331, 593 29,021 203,592 164,333 35,708 19,237 15,455 29,808 35,670 28,455 19,169 19,890 200 991354 O - 52 ■ 286 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Mi Iking machine farm Grain combines fi Corn pickers farms Pick-up hay balers farms Silos farms Motortrucks farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Tractors farms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. ... farms Wheel tractors other than garden _ farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Garden tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Automobi 1 es fa rms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses , or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horaes or mules farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface.. .' ■- farms reporting. Gravel, ahell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Fami ly and/or hired workera farms Family workers, including operator farms Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms Hired workers farms Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) .... f ama Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers .... farms No report as to period of expected employment. .. farms reporting. . persons, reporting. persons. . . persons. reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting, reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Family workers only Operstors only Unpaid members of operator's family only. Hired workers only .farms reporting.. . farma reporting. . . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 194 farma fa rma Specified farm expenditurea Machine hire and/or hired labor Machine hire Hired labor Feed for liveatock and poultry Liveatock and poultry purchaaed Seeds, bulba, planta, and trees purchaaed. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repaira Other farm machinery repaira . farms . farms . farms . farms . farms . farms . farma . farma . farms reportiog. reporting. dollara reporting dollara reporting dol lars reporting dol lara reporting dollara reporting dollara reporting dollars reporting dol lara reporting dol laia reporting dol lars 108 289 291 60 60 137 138 100 3,232 3,504 3,127 1,384 491 1,252 2,157 2,307 1,987 1,922 2,018 1,656 1,037 262 357 191 191 91 98 5,460 6,073 5,365 1,557 922 2,886 5,442 3,856 1,643 1,326 831 2,772 2,848 6,770 9,999 15,551 9,918 14, 504 9,007 3,926 5,497 706 1,047 210 331 529 716 177 625 9,293 5,592 886 81 11,280 6,872 922,142 5,384 322,475 3,517 599,667 9,188 4,337,068 5,644 1,135,224 6,846 279,610 3,355 391,840 2,334 171,087 1,098 85,438 1,807 85,649 3,459 96 206 206 43 43 76 76 72 1,359 1,481 1,309 638 225 446 1,089 1,174 1,054 1,019 1,078 908 550 182 176 46 46 45 50 1,592 1,788 1,542 495 251 796 721 896 753 810 279 698 713 ,900 3,116 5,644 3,075 5,096 2,829 1,476 2,267 333 548 132 209 223 339 110 292 2,783 1,457 236 41 3,287 2,404 542,142 1,868 161, 130 1,449 381,012 2,701 3,456,325 2,077 889,054 2,299 155,810 1,737 268,290 1,346 124,030 670 57,940 1,109 95,200 5 1,200 6 22,500 7 5,928 6 1,865 6 800 6 1,065 5 5 81 103 76 41 20 15 40 60 40 40 50 35 35 126 297 216 121 131 106 81,760 50 3,470 96 78,290 126 966,165 120 203,110 81 10,600 96 27,520 41 14,990 31 7,955 41 7,035 5 5 10 150 160 150 95 25 30 85 100 80 70 85 65 45 10 10 5 5 10 10 120 130 115 55 20 40 60 80 41 65 20 60 105 95 255 490 255 420 240 115 180 45 70 15 20 30 50 15 16 16 10 10 20 277 287 267 146 40 81 234 245 229 229 240 208 121 32 55 5 5 309 364 304 127 110 135 91 191 43 111 147 301 530 1,152 524 1.080 493 306 587 52 72 22 27 40 45 12 45 210 120 10 265 205 61,235 160 19,325 135 41,910 265 901,185 245 230,670 185 13,930 150 32,840 110 11,245 50 4,750 90 6,495 46 478 187 31 6 560 388 92,845 335 37,170 218 55,675 509 823,010 464 229,435 388 35,050 345 67,140 290 28,545 160 1, . •>.;,! 248 11,605 35 72 72 12 12 31 31 17 354 391 354 194 50 110 394 423 384 369 382 329 184 75 70 21 21 15 20 516 576 506 186 65 255 190 206 205 293 101 180 176 588 1,536 878 1,413 788 425 625 73 123 17 17 63 815 430 90 10 949 744 L24,S07 553 47,935 489 76,872 784 461,630 613 163,699 664 33,405 559 73,657 464 39,070 248 16,425 384 22,645 NORTH CAROLINA 287 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued ■ sample of farms. See text] Area 2 — Continued Areas 3, B, and C Economic class- Con. Economic C i J". '. Other farms Total all Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal farms Total Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Clasa VI Part-time residen- tial Abnormal 1,715 7,902 22 42,147 30,344 48 264 1,855 8,740 13,770 5,667 3,368 8,407 28 1 10 2 676 589 11 123 160 203 86 6 25 55 7 2 55 26 2 1,833 1,619 13 74 251 579 490 212 121 86 7 3 55 26 4 1,883 1,653 16 74 257 604 490 212 121 96 13 4 5 6 5 5 40 10 10 20 2 2 1 265 265 768 244 244 664 3 3 13 18 18 63 52 52 100 96 96 225 60 60 197 15 15 66 10 10 57 11 11 40 7 7 40 20 2 774 670 14 63 100 225 202 66 57 40 7 8 20 565 6 1,306 2 2 495 9,227 449 7,001 14 31 88 179 123 704 117 2,338 82 2,804 25 945 20 763 20 1,450 6 13 46 9 10 11 12 13 615 1,401 7 10,120 7,680 81 263 800 2,514 2,926 1,096 838 1,556 550 1,266 2 8,914 6,779 30 179 674 2,282 2,724 890 727 1,395 13 255 490 1 4,474 3,498 25 124 439 1,193 1,295 422 331 638 7 100 166 1,055 803 2,478 15 40 85 150 261 828 361 1,068 81 387 195 610 1 3,385 5 101 295 146 611 5 1 14 IS 16 17 u 19 20 21 22 410 656 2 10,423 8,264 21 239 1,059 2,825 3,054 1,066 848 1,298 13 445 672 16 11,592 9,255 68 338 1,249 3,102 3,291 1,207 884 1,418 35 390 380 541 2 10,018 8,129 21 239 1,049 2,765 3,009 1,046 773 1,103 13 521 2 9,728 7,909 21 234 1,034 2,680 2,909 1,031 753 1,053 13 405 522 13 10,568 8,682 59 331 1,186 2,889 3,085 1,132 763 1,093 30 315 431 2 8,958 7,336 18 207 979 2,523 2,674 935 682 928 12 235 250 2 5,515 4,620 17 117 630 1,624 1,709 523 392 496 7 35 45 1,512 1,281 1 40 208 447 435 150 115 111 5 .". 45 25 136 120 1,931 541 1,435 219 50 141 31 36 27 452 76 81 112 530 55 60 136 262 55 55 20 175 90 90 26 321 2 24 25 120 566 234 2 230 2 25 15 30 1 409 306 5 6 240 75 2 2 26 2^ 28 29 30 3] 15 30 3 458 339 7 7 27 132 146 20 31 85 3 910 2,957 1 24,175 17,313 34 228 1,365 5,671 7,373 2,642 2,167 4,678 5,498 17 1,020 3,257 8 28,591 20,492 114 383 1,863 6,707 8,515 2,910 2,547 54 910 2,912 1 23, 820 17,054 32 223 1,324 5,606 7,273 2,596 2,141 4,608 17 295 766 1 8,344 5,643 22 163 723 1,983 2,063 689 796 1,893 12 32 140 475 531 1,615 3,972 11,504 2,872 8,539 5 5 40 20 200 401 1,006 2,617 1,315 3,895 306 1,601 380 965 720 1,995 33 5 34 515 4,186 20 11,563 6,570 2 10 150 1,352 3,415 1,641 1,070 3,918 5 35 495 295 2,465 595 7,520 12,641 4,730 10, 780 40 606 645 3,918 2,560 4,741 1,485 1,475 935 515 1,855 1,336 25 15 10 36 37 235 280 1 8,218 7,018 20 194 972 2,530 2,488 814 571 618 11 38 39 175 376 1 2,205 1,246 1 45 87 295 566 252 277 680 2 425 1,647 2 13,799 9,416 23 132 582 2,813 4,176 1,690 1,221 3,146 16 40 265 1,845 5 4,661 3,156 2 50 216 971 1,362 555 460 1,040 5 41 910 3,950 10 21,591 16,320 15 80 966 4,604 7,560 3,095 1,601 3,670 42 1,430 5,441 12 35,300 27,161 40 254 1,755 8,012 12,314 4,786 2,697 5,419 23 43 44 2,285 7,565 57 60,009 48,830 370 1,061 4,434 16,080 19,887 6,998 3,989 7,096 94 1,415 5,416 12 34,961 26,934 34 232 1,715 7,966 12,252 4,735 2,667 5,342 18 45 2,070 7,321 17 55,212 44,740 60 492 3,620 14,815 19,110 6,643 3,728 6,721 23 46 1,290 4,876 12 32,999 25,567 34 232 1,625 7,560 11,657 4,459 2,497 4,917 18 47 575 1,870 5 13,960 11,628 21 155 1,002 4,071 4,836 1,543 911 1,416 5 48 780 155 2,445 5 22,213 19,173 26 260 1,995 7,255 7,453 2,184 1,231 1,804 5 49 216 2 2,800 2,355 35 154 513 868 587 198 176 253 16 50 215 45 244 40 4,797 4,090 310 569 814 1,265 777 355 261 375 71 51 31 2 1,726 1,522 35 124 388 571 321 83 76 122 6 52 50 32 40 2,904 2,615 294 434 552 823 377 135 96 142 51 53 115 165 191 1,229 968 6 65 157 323 282 135 105 146 10 54 212 1,893 1,475 16 135 262 442 400 220 165 233 20 55 40 25 2 1,571 1,387 29 89 356 545 305 63 71 107 6 56 57 58 59 60 140 191 2 2,461 2,128 29 132 473 822 525 147 146 176 11 7 1,275 5,225 10 32, 500 24,806 5 100 1,242 7,144 11,727 4,588 2,521 5,166 740 3,390 5 19,569 14,101 20 461 3,436 365 46 7,102 545 62 3,082 270 51 1,656 165 30 3,810 410 77 2 120 15 530 25 1,825 339 1,250 227 70 40 61 6 22 5 62 63 1,585 6,401 7 36,049 26,594 43 259 1,780 7,890 11,820 4,802 3,007 6,430 18 64 1,090 3,371 7 25,419 20,219 43 244 1,553 6,414 8,748 3,217 2,047 3,140 l; 65 129,115 850 69,175 645 59,940 185,231 65,654 6,287,168 5,486,303 531,102 719,058 770,180 1,740,495 1,317,469 407,999 314, 530 371,908 114,427 66 2,660 6 19,487 15,341 8 147 1,264 4,861 6,519 2,542 1,601 2,540 155,672 5 470 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 91,495 675 1,686,532 1,416,625 4,100 69,025 197,050 510,790 480,329 155,331 113,765 1,416 7 17,801 14,818 43 229 1,283 4,963 6,268 2,032 1,357 1,613 13 93, 736 64,979 4,600,636 4,069,678 527,002 650,033 573,130 1,229,705 837,140 252,668 200, 765 216,236 113,957 1,230 5,251 6 27,551 19,992 29 218 1,439 5,893 8,812 3,601 2,317 5,224 18 260,930 920 95,715 970 41,170 600 51,815 390 19,770 180 573,068 46,745 6,615,897 5,499,991 491,156 806,798 1,295,443 1,367,530 1,121,093 417,971 406,825 653,505 55,576 2,641 6 22,281 16,704 24 182 1,303 5,348 7,121 2,726 1,896 3,663 18 147,440 3,015 2,702,982 2,253,295 100,385 213,692 422,540 771,372 531,915 213,391 180,505 234,937 34,245 3,571 6 24,824 18, 737 26 207 1,384 5,825 8,265 3,030 2,196 3,873 18 75 16 80,055 2,575 1,501,695 1,267,902 40,344 126,457 183,368 391, 510 394, 293 131,930 103,050 120,979 9,764 1,016 2 18,232 15,014 36 239 1,384 5,038 6,295 2,022 1,322 1,883 13 n re 61,685 10,050 3,049,819 2,698,724 53,490 171,449 395,884 971,965 799,586 306,350 140,695 185,281 25,119 596 2 15,885 13,391 32 203 1,280 4,542 5,424 1,910 1,077 1,409 8 19,975 '9 22,195 246 13,418 406 8,777 5,092 1,505,705 6,066 643,984 14,305 861,721 1,338,278 32,429 96,920 190,921 461,545 411,007 145,456 59,756 87,696 )0 9,680 290 10,090 4,400 2 692 5,103 578,715 12,247 759,563 21 12,659 31 19,770 183 60,185 173 36,735 754 86,181 1,164 104,740 1,805" 210,115 4,180 251,430 1,722 150,264 4,949 260, 743 618 59, 311 1,750 1 86,145 455 24,665 892 35,091 501 32,629 1,158 55,067 7 7,975 ii 12 13 14 288 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, J [Data are bated on report! for only I Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class TV All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. Grsin combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos fsrms reporting. Motortrucks fsrms reporting. number. Yesr of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . . . farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting Garden tractors farms reporting number. Crswler tractors farms reporting number Automobl les farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting 10 years and over farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses , or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/ or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/ or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Fami ly and/ or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operstors working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's fsmily working IS hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hi red workers farms report ing. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) fsrms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) .... farms reporting. persons Regulsr hired workers and no seasonal hired workers .... farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment ... farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting, SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 19.49 Speci fied farm expend! tures farms reporting. Machine hire snd/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting, dol lars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol la rs Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dollars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lors Tractor repairs farms reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dollara 488 1,107 1,118 147 147 349 354 230 3,184 3,515 3,062 1,634 385 1,043 4,238 4,853 4,018 3,958 4,469 3,458 1,869 732 857 266 266 104 118 7,321 8,333 7,082 2,555 1,142 3,385 3,362 2,495 2,636 3,202 1,036 3,064 1,166 7,792 10,103 17,240 10,024 15,781 9,451 4,296 6,330 778 1,459 465 887 405 572 373 699 9,325 5,358 550 79 10,757 7,055 2,028,274 5,678 546,842 4,129 1,481,432 8,032 4,344,069 5,966 1,535,733 5,484 352,245 5,065 941,013 4,108 528,734 2,547 299,068 3,139 229,666 6,283 451 890 901 121 121 293 298 222 1,962 2,168 1,900 1,118 249 533 2,786 3,320 2,711 2,691 3,141 2,351 1,332 542 477 116 116 49 63 3,689 4,271 3,565 1,340 567 1,658 1,067 865 1,565 2,350 436 1,323 571 4,100 5,660 10,728 5,627 9,469 5,299 2,721 4,170 626 1,259 413 812 305 447 321 593 5,034 2,607 305 33 5,749 4,392 1,769,809 3,497 408,597 2,971 1,361,212 4,364 3,735,516 3,628 1,287,118 3,397 251,890 3,412 796,008 2,836 446,539 1,870 254,598 2,237 191,941 1,226 30 265 29 45 28 16 17 25 220 25 181 7 39 18 31 31 338,477 21 12,002 31 326,475 27 269,896 25 96,243 25 15,519 31 47,110 25 48,315 25 26,086 21 22,229 89 66 66 11 11 49 49 58 122 143 122 16 162 239 152 152 217 136 79 36 21 10 10 12 12 141 187 139 99 5 35 2 5 15 121 41 45 26 103 177 606 177 296 171 92 125 121 310 95 227 58 83 63 121 56 15 5 145 135 173 200 183 200 20 4 20 4 91 73 91 78 86 50 287 468 350 497 276 442 200 264 46 51 30 127 359 609 475 711 354 594 349 594 464 691 292 524 151 295 90 121 51 108 6 20 6 20 323 728 414 820 316 718 161 300 55 176 100 242 40 225 25 75 65 317 318 501 41 108 130 289 57 61 281 834 468 1,163 1,147 2,196 463 1,151 883 1,942 433 1,090 260 507 450 852 153 171 264 254 112 105 167 136 57 83 97 118 96 88 179 153 416,520 113 55,420 143 361,100 151 697,205 145 192,915 127 54,320 168 106,889 153 75,287 148 46,815 97 28,472 148 315 125 20 5 454 378 312,177 282 65,330 343 246,847 416 854,470 370 354,155 323 38,289 384 139,289 334 108,045 289 57,465 287 50,580 159 992 556 50 12 1,164 979 318,500 775 103,670 743 214,830 970 946,785 872 365,068 771 52,187 748 191,065 638 87,765 427 48,120 511 39,645 50 295 295 70 70 45 45 10 700 740 675 385 80 210 995 1,105 990 980 1,055 860 500 210 150 25 25 15 25 1,420 1,625 1,370 515 200 655 410 370 595 865 130 485 225 1,535 2,120 3,825 2,110 3,695 1,960 1,155 1,735 105 130 50 60 65 70 40 95 2,015 910 150 10 2,205 1,750 266,040 1,390 116,140 1,200 149,900 1,645 700,845 1,410 203,875 1,365 61,440 1,300 216,020 1,070 84,140 660 50,400 830 33,740 17,275 NORTH CAROLINA 289 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued • a amp If of farms. See textj Area 4a — Contin led Area 4b Economic class — Con. Total Economic class Other farms all farms Commercial farms Other farms 1 Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Class I Class 11 Class III Class IV Cluas V Class VI Purt- time Residen- tial Abnormal 1,811 4,626 11 14,957 6,887 18 155 297 1,106 2,636 2,675 3,071 4,997 2 1 16 20 1 448 406 11 80 110 130 55 20 25 15 2 2 Ml 75 1 2,050 1,692 17 98 197 545 580 255 266 90 2 3 Ml 75 1 2,106 1,747 24 106 212 570 580 255 266 90 3 4 10 10 15 15 15 40 1 1 1 180 192 535 160 172 483 2 2 12 22 29 71 41 41 85 40 45 125 35 35 160 20 20 30 15 15 30 5 5 20 2 7 15 40 1 540 488 12 71 90 125 160 30 30 20 2 8 1 6 1 388 381 12 84 105 95 65 20 5 2 9 420 801 1 3,019 1,981 13 127 141 565 650 485 496 540 2 10 480 861 6 3,363 2,261 38 187 181 625 710 520 512 580 10 11 415 746 1 2,921 1,893 12 125 131 540 620 465 486 540 2 12 190 325 1 1,307 924 11 88 65 325 270 165 201 180 2 13 45 180 556 91 330 890 448 1,166 5,422 278 691 3,574 1 6 31 119 16 50 262 85 130 890 115 235 1,421 55 245 865 105 180 986 65 295 860 14 IS 6 17 2 16 592 930 11 6,540 4,563 55 291 421 1,280 1,581 935 1,087 880 10 17 516 785 6 5,277 3,554 17 119 262 880 1,416 860 961 760 2 18 506 755 6 5,222 3,524 17 119 257 880 1,411 840 951 745 2 19 527 790 11 6,193 4,388 52 274 401 1,215 1,561 885 1,037 760 8 20 456 645 6 4,560 3,134 16 116 217 770 1,280 735 800 625 1 21 216 320 1 2,389 1,588 9 87 117 415 635 325 460 340 1 22 75 165 40 40 25 25 1,136 110 215 110 110 30 30 2,486 5 1,093 1,078 181 181 146 166 9,461 848 698 35 35 120 140 4,317 1 6 3 3 18 17 12 17 17 135 65 35 5 5 10 15 212 220 135 15 15 35 50 846 345 300 5 5 15 15 1,751 200 210 10 10 40 40 1,355 120 220 40 40 10 10 2,101 125 160 105 105 15 15 3,041 n ?4 1 1 1 1 2 ?S 10 29 1,271 2,781 10 11,189 5,323 45 263 293 1,071 2,106 1,545 2,424 3,408 34 .10 1,106 2,401 10 9,235 4,186 17 131 207 806 1,700 1,325 2,046 3,001 2 31 420 790 5 2,972 1,298 10 90 102 396 460 240 691 981 2 3? 140 546 505 375 375 386 435 1,176 1,785 1,255 696 465 1,331 4,932 4,703 2,245 2,587 3,803 561 2,327 1,152 580 1,581 2,765 1 6 1 30 11 30 5 1 108 25 80 15 5 15 205 100 310 66 15 135 640 270 970 495 180 540 1,161 135 950 545 375 890 635 305 1,050 900 565 620 661 465 1,555 2,651 1,100 386 375 5 5 1 16 2 3B 170 425 5 1,619 809 1 11 57 250 260 230 325 485 19 535 1,205 1 4,141 1,739 4 63 96 296 640 640 870 1,530 2 40 150 445 821 9,093 381 4,436 11 73 30 170 85 700 140 1,735 115 1,745 185 1,835 255 2,822 10 13 4? 1,391 3,046 6 11,740 6,073 18 153 267 1,070 2,370 2,195 2,510 3,155 2 43 2,176 4,317 19 20,326 11,959 159 727 803 2,680 4,195 3,395 3,880 4,465 22 44 1,376 3,015 6 11,633 6,001 17 152 267 1,040 2,340 2,185 2,495 3,135 2 45 2,106 4,200 6 18,239 10,242 45 270 602 2,195 3,860 3,270 3,680 4,315 2 46 1,286 2,860 6 10,843 5,721 17 152 247 1,020 2,220 2,065 2,315 2,805 2 47 555 820 60 1,020 1,340 91 4,815 7,396 1,163 2,745 4,521 891 13 28 13 61 118 132 161 355 121 645 1,175 295 1,055 1,640 255 810 1,205 75 985 1,365 165 1,085 1,510 105 48 49 1 2 50 70 117 13 2,087 1,717 114 457 201 485 335 125 200 150 20 51 15 36 1 646 579 12 126 96 205 115 25 40 25 2 52 20 42 13 1,200 1,085 76 403 151 285 140 30 65 30 20 53 45 50 15 55 75 36 600 887 563 395 632 496 7 38 6 23 54 109 35 50 86 115 200 180 155 195 100 60 95 15 125 135 40 80 120 25 54 55 1 2 56 57 45 60 1 1,056 819 12 131 121 265 225 65 150 85 2 bit 59 3,050 2,000 300 61' 786 90 1,960 155 5 6,170 735 2,770 260 10 50 10 250 20 1,135 110 1,325 120 1,400 175 61 6? 15 1,601 31 3,401 107 12,689 72 6,326 1 18 1 155 30 1,070 30 2,456 10 2,340 15 2,706 20 3,655 61 6 287 2 64 1,046 1,616 1 9,288 5,170 18 145 267 965 2,015 1,760 2,091 2,025 2 65 125,660 110,485 22,320 2,530,294 2,142,904 131,398 634,366 194,465 551,860 437,615 193,200 253,570 112,480 21,340 66 875 74,025 546 1,306 64,220 611 8,076 911,393 4,391 4,365 669,983 3,058 10 9,622 18 94 78,231 139 201 66,525 236 755 171,835 755 1,775 225,040 1,130 1,530 118,730 780 1,911 156,630 786 1,800 84,780 545 67 68 1 2 69 51,635 46,265 22,320 1,618,901 1,472,921 121,776 556,135 127,940 380,025 212,575 74,470 96,940 27,700 21,340 70 1,221 2,446 1 8,946 4,243 18 145 210 775 1,650 1,445 1,936 2,765 2 71 328,660 251,630 28,263 2,515,508 1,963,017 127,664 670,168 189,835 389,690 406,285 179,375 292,895 250,580 9,016 72 921 1,416 1 7,259 3,841 17 133 196 735 1,495 1,265 1,646 1,770 2 73 173,300 73,815 1,500 1,091,019 877,234 80,669 201,780 130,590 196,570 167,485 100,140 131,785 78,730 3,270 74 745 1,341 1 6,824 3,641 12 112 202 800 1,450 1,065 1,561 1,620 2 7 b 52,475 46,630 1,250 383,030 285,265 9,595 36,660 35,495 66,085 75,050 62,380 53,540 41,700 2,525 76 746 901 6 5,988 3,945 18 139 252 890 1,586 1,060 1,106 935 2 77 73,650 68,335 3,020 1,342,928 1,130,263 37,623 132,645 140,715 348,755 325,835 144,690 125,765 82,400 4,500 78 540 726 6 5,264 3,766 13 120 247 855 1,421 1,110 951 545 2 79 40,380 40,615 1,200 737,351 635,178 26,493 94,555 91,540 179,370 163,225 79,995 68,335 31,495 2,343 80 310 361 6 3,458 2,595 12 120 222 705 966 570 561 300 2 81 21,880 22,440 150 424,875 366,560 14,625 59,690 53,360 100,990 91,065 46,830 39,450 17,065 1,800 82 415 481 6 4,075 3,092 13 108 206 740 1,160 865 626 355 2 83 18,500 18,175 1,050 312,476 268,618 11,868 34,865 38,180 78,380 72,160 33,165 28,885 14,430 543 84 290 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, ; [Data are baaed on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Economic class Commercial fa Class I Class II Class III Class IV All farms SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms Grain combines farms Corn pickers fsrms Pick-up hay balers farms Silos farms Motortrucks farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Tractors farms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. ... farms Wheel tractors other than garden farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Garden tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Automobiles farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number. . reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses , or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horaes and/or mules farms reportin Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reportinj Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Grsvel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. FARM LAROR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms Fami ly workers, including operator farms Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator'a family working IS hours or more farms Hired workers farms Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) .... farms Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired, workers .... farms No report as to period of expected employment. .. farms reporting persons reporting persons . . persons reporting persons reporting persons reporting persons reporting persons reporting reporting persons Faraia by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workera Family workers only Operetora only Unpaid members of operator's family only. Hired workera only . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 194 farms farms Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor Mach i ne hi re Hired labor •. Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchaaed Seeds, bulbe, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm isachine-y repairs Tractor repairs Other ft.rm orachinery repaira . farms . farms .farms . farms . fsrms . farms . farms . farms . farms reporting reporting dollar: reporting dollar reporting dol lata reporting dollars repo.- ting dollars reporting dollara repcrring do i tars reporMng. do ' .ars repor ' ing do ars '!•' mg do I ars 562 2,061 2,10.4 144 146 662 663 441 5,084 5,597 4,860 2,529 804 1,527 6,756 8,064 6,451 6,320 7,442 5,610 3,299 1,214 1,097 375 395 207 227 13,770 15,875 13,207 4,173 2,112 6,922 8,695 4,976 6,039 4,323 2,433 7,563 3,173 14, 194 20,369 36,379 20,014 32,474 18,490 8,825 13,984 2,201 3,905 1,118 1,856 1,324 2,049 877 1,846 18,160 10,044 1,431 21,039 16,036 4,019,819 13.287 1,465,123 9,U8u 2,554,696 12,416 3,92' ,967 10,463 1,993, 195 11,349 650,692 . ■■. ■ ■' 987,676 ...■ 8 576,902 5,044 527 1,755 1,798 134 136 582 583 400 3,335 3,703 3,196 1,770 519 907 4,798 5,870 4,683 4,598 5,550 4,108 2,422 919 767 155 175 135 145 7,840 9,110 7,427 2,255 1,086 4,086 4,187 2,091 4,501 3,348 1,45C 3,985 1,748 8,895 13,265 25,512 13,101 22,604 12,237 6,219 10,367 1,539 2,908 861 1,544 883 1,364 656 11,726 6,052 796 12, 737 10,476 3,324,309 8,503 1,068,278 6,542 2,256,031 6,887 3,275,582 6,555 1,717,2-0 6,9u9 480,967 5,759 1,385,225 5,272 625,098 3,430 ■• • ■ I • 3 429 37 205 37 14 24 27 146 17 90 22 56 5 47 37 163,040 28 7,028 32 156,012 31 231,832 20 ,( 41 40,745 42 31,771 32 .X\36V 26 11.961 8,406 117 126 135 27 29 102 102 122 196 309 195 154 26 15 235 401 230 230 390 187 75 66 46 5 5 6 6 198 422 191 145 11 35 20 5 12 179 56 131 10 114 251 1,063 239 436 223 129 213 196 627 165 476 67 151 129 184 55 15 15 12 267 247 705,"48 178 87,237 242 • 674,819 187 . 247 I9,5i < 237 130,868 2,7 . ■ ': : ..-. 45, 16"? 131 297 303 20 20 85 86 93 360 420 358 201 62 95 495 720 485 485 674 446 283 98 65 20 25 16 21 545 729 538 312 61 11 81 394 101 221 40 354 619 1,844 608 1,305 578 413 727 223 539 162 343 109 196 114 121 489 505 41 41 141 141 101 660 715 619 408 91 120 1,175 1,449 1,150 1,140 1,382 1,023 613 215 195 40 45 22 22 1,475 1,651 1,353 537 195 621 460 105 595 814 361 702 315 1,158 2,134 4,729 2,099 4,152 1,949 1,182 2,203 339 577 204 265 188 312 151 212 396 66 30 11 628 563 475,391 416 108,348 473 367,043 444 ■ :\..| i. 439 429 71,145 532 203,486 460 91.889 390 . ■ , ,,r 346 I 304 1,795 725 130 35 2,060 1,610 661,215 1,409 237,255 1,349 423,960 1,317 721,485 1,332 381,100 1,345 96,975 1,350 351,265 1,195 259,105 865 142,440 859 116,665 6,378 125 601 611 40 40 190 190 65 1,297 1,342 1,237 626 215 396 1,853 2,103 1,813 1,768 1,993 1,567 947 325 295 45 55 55 55 3,352 3,731 3,191 815 485 1,891 1,770 680 2,075 1,258 595 1,497 730 3,791 5,518 10,334 5,458 9,700 5,068 2,748 4,632 467 634 211 256 281 378 186 407 5,051 2,480 360 60 5,283 4,403 819,340 3,602 396,240 2,702 423,100 2,862 574,435 2,582 295,185 2,972 119,630 2,238 397,660 2,007 187,007 1,262 109,970 1,457 77,037 NORTH CAROLINA 291 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of farms. See text] Areas 5 and U— Continued Areas 6 ond R Economic class — Con. 25 220 220 50 50 35 1,001 1,076 971 451 160 360 1,050 1,195 1,020 1,000 1,115 880 560 175 145 40 40 35 40 2,575 2,840 2,500 770 440 1,290 1,290 1,185 892 590 460 1,270 490 2,497 3,376 5,571 3,301 5,021 3,031 1,385 1,990 375 550 155 195 240 355 135 Residen- tial 6,461 10 86 86 10 10 30 30 6 743 813 688 308 125 255 908 999 748 722 777 622 317 120 185 180 180 37 42 3,349 3,919 3,274 1,142 586 1,546 3,212 1,700 641 385 523 2,307 935 2,797 3,728 5,296 3,612 4,849 3,222 1,221 1,627 287 447 102 117 201 330 86 300 171 3,001 3,441 1,741 2,251 245 390 75 116 3,802 4,499 3,016 2,544 400,485 295,025 2,556 2,228 223,275 173,570 1,566 978 177,210 121,455 2,462 3,067 340,985 311,400 2,011 1,897 158,620 117,225 2,207 2,173 95,605 74,120 1,272 888 181,930 86, 885 1,120 693 100,405 62,373 695 403 54,985 41,248 740 463 45,420 21,125 Total all farms 1 500 157 1,002 1,040 92 93 573 576 30 5,455 5,933 5,339 3,095 753 1,491 7,097 7,978 6,946 6,771 7,501 6,189 4,574 949 666 232 242 223 235 19,019 21,027 18,612 6,885 3,373 8,354 7,763 8,533 12,329 5,541 1,556 10,276 2,274 21,539 30,693 53,802 30,319 48,090 28,606 12,081 19,484 3,403 5,712 1,875 2,784 1,789 2,928 1,614 3,029 27,290 16,254 1,596 374 31,647 26,740 8,361,471 19,144 1,515,034 23,072 6,846,437 22,361 4,346,446 19,298 1,941,045 22,169 1,384,591 18,012 3,424,335 13,521 1,125,495 4,093 543,994 12,000 581,501 Economic class Commercial farms 30,114 130 927 963 86 87 515 517 28 4,716 5,069 4,611 2,633 682 1,296 6,362 7,118 6,271 6,131 6,777 5,640 4,191 864 585 141 151 181 190 lo,318 17,841 15,981 5,602 2,885 7,494 5,176 7,116 11,460 5,054 1,308 8,493 1,826 18,634 27,174 48,543 26,927 43,476 25,589 10,942 17,887 3,023 5,067 1,704 2,492 1,537 2,575 1,486 2,776 24,151 14,180 1,236 247 27,326 23,972 7,688,443 17,070 1,339,941 21,089 6,348,502 19,427 3,920,807 16, 837 1,744,656 19,251 1,198,333 16,337 3,141,853 12,259 1,004,442 3,674 480,041 10,940 524, 401 15 101 15 20 20 132,684 7 2,195 20 130,489 19 251,907 9 35,515 9 4,855 20 23,230 19 7,945 18 4,600 8 3,345 19 45 54 13 14 26 26 13 125 204 120 108 12 133 214 133 133 199 106 103 3 13 15 167 243 158 128 15 15 20 20 64 114 93 10 112 204 829 183 330 173 89 157 134 499 104 368 49 131 85 113 70 20 10 21 222 207 536,003 114 42, 115 197 493,888 128 486,788 141 109,624 186 55,791 182 131,833 152 70,278 102 44,290 141 25,988 2,358 25 200 212 17 17 107 107 6 761 831 751 451 115 185 1,061 1,256 1,051 1,031 1,191 954 711 167 76 20 25 35 40 1,689 1,979 1,658 930 210 518 125 115 1,057 949 112 743 140 1,430 2,224 5,212 2,204 4,223 2,068 1,140 2,155 528 989 372 604 210 385 318 508 1,696 745 110 20 2,286 2,125 1,447,956 1,556 213,510 1,973 1,234,446 1,791 764,172 1,652 371,406 1,801 167,040 1,786 578,552 1,486 220,038 716 130,873 1,234 89,165 35 356 358 40 40 213 213 1 1,848 1,917 1,828 1,121 276 431 2,787 3,106 2,742 2,677 2,963 2,474 1,898 380 196 60 65 76 78 6,912 7,473 6,790 2,315 1,395 3,080 1,461 1,875 5,244 2,242 545 3,234 650 7,064 10,534 19,772 10,443 17,677 9,947 4,560 7,730 1,330 2,095 769 913 660 1,184 670 1,239 9,204 5,103 440 91 10,649 9,733 3,134,469 7,097 574,686 8,743 2,559,783 8,001 1,265,197 6,981 632,353 7,563 493,403 7,163 1,311,609 5,108 373,362 1,527 162,435 4,543 210,927 40 251 261 15 15 129 129 5 1,519 1,632 1,459 712 232 515 1,885 1,983 1,864 1,829 1,911 1,698 1,209 263 226 36 36 36 36 5,604 6,069 5,516 1,691 920 2,905 2,275 3,255 4,083 1,373 512 3,290 720 7,030 10,295 16,693 10,220 15,687 9,740 3,935 5,947 747 1,006 352 417 425 589 322 672 9,548 5,856 465 75 10,331 8,940 1,928,322 6,286 372,860 7,829 1,555,462 7,098 910,188 6,158 474,243 7,135 369,106 5,563 863,264 4,266 262,304 1,044 106,738 3,888 155,566 443 457 433 232 46 155 477 526 462 447 491 396 269 46 81 20 20 15 15 1,932 2,043 1,846 525 345 976 1,295 1,845 1,012 367 110 1,124 306 2,982 3,902 5,936 3,862 5,544 3,646 1,218 1,898 270 392 93 112 192 280 78 230 3,632 2,455 211 40 3,818 2,947 509,009 2,010 134, 575 2,327 374,434 2,390 242,555 1,896 121, 515 2,567 108,138 1,623 233,365 1,228 70,515 267 31,105 1,126 39,410 10 43 44 1 1 26 26 1 309 376 309 169 40 100 289 364 274 264 311 219 141 27 51 36 36 16 17 949 1,111 944 463 176 305 665 585 278 212 590 180 989 1,395 2,325 1,334 1,948 1,204 511 744 209 377 103 153 147 224 62 148 1,186 711 120 61 1,540 1,110 274,035 789 66,285 890 207,750 1,079 155,070 908 103,080 1,U44 59,595 670 116,065 495 56,955 172 31,925 415 25,030 Residen- tial 429 482 418 292 31 95 440 477 395 370 397 324 241 58 25 55 55 25 25 1,752 2,075 1,687 820 312 555 1,922 832 591 269 171 1,193 267 1,916 2,118 2,866 2,052 2,659 1,807 627 852 165 207 62 78 105 129 60 99 1,953 1,363 240 66 2,775 1,652 291,610 1,280 108, 568 1,087 183,042 1,849 204,069 1,547 88,059 1,858 122,913 999 154,017 761 60,738 241 29,668 644 31,070 6 43 68 " 6 7 6 1 1 6 61 6 61 107,383 5 240 6 107,143 6 66,500 6 5,250 6 3,750 6 12,400 6 3,360 6 2,360 1 1,000 292 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [.Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Al 1 farms number . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms Grain combines farms Corn pickers farms Pick-up hay balers farms Silos farms Motortrucks farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Tractors farms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. ... farms Wheel tractors other than garden farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Garden tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Automobiles farms Year of newes t model farms Under S years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Far« by class of work power: No tractor, horses , or mules farms No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms No tractor and 2 or more horses and/ or mules farms Tractor and horses and/or mules farms Tractor and no horses or mules farms FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCA Hard surface.. : farms Gravel, shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved farms FARM LAROR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms Family workers, including operator farms Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working IS hours or more farms Hi red workers farms Regular workers (to be employed 150 deys or more) farms Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) .... farms Regular hired workers and no seasonally red workers .... farms No report aa to period of expected employment. .. farms reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. reporting. . number. . reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. . reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. TED reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . . persons. reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons . reporting, reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers snd lured workers Family workers only Operators only Unpaid members of operator's family only. Hired workers only . farms reporting. , . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting, . . farms reporting. . SPECIFIED FARM EXP EN I) I T'i R F. j IN 194 farms farms Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor Machine hire Hi red labor Feed for livestock and poultry Liveatock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, planta, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs . farms . farms , farms . (arms . farms . farms . farms . farms . farma reportlDg reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting, du liars reporting doilara report ntg dollars reporting dollar reporting dollars reporting dol Lara reporting dollars 78 740 312 228 230 865 879 49 3,275 3,597 3,191 2,063 313 815 5,645 7,173 5,614 5,559 7,033 4,954 2,916 987 1,051 56 62 75 78 9,817 11,109 9,570 3,985 1,749 3,836 4,457 2,472 7,430 4,588 1,057 7,019 1,221 10,859 17,589 34,956 17,339 29,314 16,451 7,490 12,863 2,689 5,642 1,560 3,093 1.323 2,549 1,366 2,439 14,900 8,162 810 250 18,247 16,418 6,584,3^3 13,787 1,813,284 12,895 4,771,109 12,240 2,233,137 9,963 1,238,530 10,745 954,288 9,000 2,302,913 8,775 1,218,312 4,091 646,345 7,558 571,967 17,210 73 693 751 203 205 791 799 47 2,928 3,224 2,849 1,846 283 720 5,195 6,579 5,169 5,119 6,458 4,602 2,749 908 945 51 57 62 64 8,636 9,782 8,434 3,479 1,559 3,396 3,338 1,752 6,925 4,292 903 5,905 1,080 9,556 15,803 32,400 15,590 27,008 14,874 6,963 12,134 2,527 5,392 1,504 3,005 1,216 2,387 1,311 6,790 2,309 13.281 7,04S 645 218 lo,099 15,019 6,265,862 12,674 1,695,689 11,944 4,570,173 10,638 2,037,730 8,933 1,128, 4^8 9,598 805,488 8,374 2,174,043 8,033 1,137,677 3,800 609,075 6,994 528,602 23 399 19 21 18 2 3 22 378 22 263 9 115 13 24 24 352,493 17 15,352 24 337,141 22 60,070 17 32,022 20 25,417 24 71,531 24 49,084 22 29,432 22 19,652 67 92 49 50 65 72 14 178 245 177 150 16 11 239 521 239 239 506 215 119 54 42 11 11 3 4 196 299 191 170 16 5 10 6 20 216 23 132 17 122 268 1,504 245 513 225 111 288 191 991 168 848 42 143 149 i ( E 77 27 15 23 270 270 946,005 178 115,912 264 830,093 216 213,529 1_99 223,524 221 11.1.. '">'• 254 276,922 254 185,741 209 102,919 1 82,822 15 35 203 254 220 254 59 76 59 76 226 313 226 313 8 15 617 1,199 677 1,269 607 1,168 426 720 76 121 105 327 1,148 2,282 1,520 2,680 1,147 2,267 1,147 2,232 1,515 2,624 1,025 2,043 611 1,257 201 409 213 382 2 16 3 16 1 40 2 40 1,335 3,696 1,618 4,123 1,308 3,612 796 1,468 230 667 282 1,477 190 1,263 25 265 754 2,980 1,026 1,886 122 396 805 2,274 136 425 1,053 3,853 2,036 6,415 5,286 13,115 2,006 6,336 3,957 11,497 1,892 6,126 1,049 2,941 2,065 5,371 687 964 1,329 1,618 529 554 843 737 230 467 481 881 457 497 657 1,349 517 90 30 2,019 1,968 1,502,781 1,612 367,844 1,787 1,134,937 1,575 557,154 1,371 263,382 1,428 205,428 1,464 536,385 1,374 291,809 878 163,667 1,137 128,142 835 5,451 2,302 185 79 6,459 6,106 2,071,536 5,138 674,423 5,155 1,397,113 4,427 702,672 3,825 364,450 4,059 325,340 3,8-1 856,098 3,401 387,975 1.681 204,544 2,991 10 107 107 5 5 151 151 674 707 649 384 50 215 1,108 1,265 1,103 1,093 1,235 951 569 182 200 15 20 10 10 2,382 2,594 2,310 719 480 1,111 1,195 695 2,341 865 243 1,769 331 3,053 4,797 8,636 4,736 7,810 4,465 2,073 3,345 510 826 193 269 343 557 167 449 4,287 2,326 260 61 4,928 4,547 925,905 3,959 371,088 3,347 554,817 2,951 356,513 2,479 176,127 2,691 168,220 2,068 316,304 2,052 156,969 697 79,446 1 , 746 77,523 NORTH CAROLINA 293 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued ■ sample of forms. S*e text] Ar eo 7 — Continu ed Area 8 Econ omic class — Con. Total Economic claaa Other forms all farms Commercial farma Other farms Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Claaa I Class II Class HI Claaa IV Claaa V Claaa VI Part-time Residen- lial Abnormal 1,080 1,701 13 31,738 29,008 47 391 5,272 15,161 6,523 1,614 615 2,102 13 1 5 17 130 1,226 114 1,136 14 8 23 117 17 276 40 506 15 176 5 53 5 9 5 79 6 2 30 2 1 17 35 9 1,269 1,170 12 123 284 522 176 53 9 82 8 4 10 10 20 15 15 47 221 229 887 212 219 811 10 11 11 38 39 46 56 56 232 81 86 353 25 25 134 2 2 35 7 8 42 2 2 2 5 7 32 7 20 52 8 907 825 13 46 238 358 135 35 32 47 3 R 2 96 84 10 22 17 30 5 10 2 9 144 196 7 5,021 4,510 30 209 1,059 2,127 802 283 160 344 7 10 155 206 12 5,534 4,927 65 282 1,150 2,290 843 297 208 380 19 11 139 196 7 4,803 4,314 23 203 1,013 2,026 781 268 160 322 7 17 94 116 7 2,984 2,656 23 140 656 1,199 491 147 104 222 2 n 10 20 571 520 37 115 252 70 46 16 30 35 199 60 244 1,248 7,148 1,138 6,489 26 265 242 1,770 575 3,059 220 992 75 377 40 205 70 446 7 26 8 lfi 267 283 44 8,488 7,594 66 468 2,099 3,435 1,121 405 244 625 25 17 199 239 7 7,083 6,439 26 265 1,765 3,029 977 377 195 441 8 1R 199 234 7 6,933 6,294 26 265 1,725 2,949 967 362 195 436 8 19 267 267 41 8,233 7,360 66 467 2,042 3,305 1,096 384 234 615 24 20 169 177 6 6,077 5.506 22 229 1,512 2,578 830 335 184 379 8 21 97 69 1 4,307 3,919 13 179 1,085 1,830 602 210 117 268 3 22 16 58 5 951 894 8 12 266 413 110 85 31 21 5 23 56 50 5 5 11 11 664 819 80 85 164 170 17,393 693 65 70 158 164 16,025 1 38 161 10 10 41 47 3,492 335 40 45 85 85 8,436 118 15 15 10 10 2,978 40 36 10 10 90 5 5 5 5 945 2 3 7 1 1 297 21 21 792 1 1 8 510 30 415 29 562 737 28 19,828 18,020 36 476 4,052 9,221 3,289 946 519 1,281 8 30 504 626 6 17,108 15,758 23 276 3,434 8,334 2,915 776 404 939 7 31 214 286 6 6,936 6,113 23 205 1,503 2,992 955 435 264 557 2 32 95 195 95 245 2,828 7,344 2,647 6,998 31 40 605 1,326 1,455 3,887 450 1,510 106 235 45 95 136 246 5 14 306 325 250 812 395 250 1 8,679 3,860 12,051 7,479 3,615 11,425 5 21 5 100 810 160 2,532 3,877 1,810 6,415 2,255 1,365 1,911 511 275 451 220 95 95 980 150 526 M 5 16 5 31 131 158 7 5,323 4,920 18 227 1,473 2,338 599 265 136 260 7 38 68 423 86 684 1,825 12,043 1,569 10,938 8 14 38 205 297 2,100 721 5,509 393 2,438 112 672 69 287 186 805 1 13 7 40 70 542 71 756 701 17,165 676 16,033 11 135 145 2,797 385 8,575 120 3,704 15 805 25 826 5 17 306 47 855 919 7 28,226 26,624 36 364 5,013 14,073 5,812 1,326 500 1,089 13 43 1,287 1,230 39 54,837 52,195 284 1,889 12,511 26,038 9,140 2.333 834 1,710 98 44 843 899 7 27,757 26,257 27 350 4,956 13,902 5,746 1,276 454 1,033 13 45 1,183 1,116 7 46,094 44,256 48 704 10,517 23,014 8,131 1,842 561 1,263 14 46 788 782 7 26,590 25,205 27 320 4,716 13,437 5,520 1,185 439 933 13 47 270 395 78 257 334 82 11,495 19,504 4,165 11,155 19,051 3,800 6 21 25 161 384 227 2,916 5,801 1,076 5,812 9,577 1,694 1,823 2,611 544 437 657 234 97 122 132 242 330 225 1 1 8 4R 44 2 SO 104 114 32 8,743 7,939 236 1,185 1,994 3,024 1,009 491 273 447 84 SI 22 32 2 2,336 2,175 25 216 735 839 243 117 62 91 8 52 22 34 32 4,439 4,117 226 897 1,093 1,260 424 217 113 141 68 S3 57 82 21 50 80 32 2,195 4,304 1,970 1,964 3,822 1,836 1 10 24 64 288 163 457 901 619 964 1,764 730 341 585 203 137 274 97 85 160 47 144 306 81 2 16 6 14 51 2 5ft 5? 66 62 2 3,696 3,433 16 213 1,019 1,523 478 184 86 169 8 So 777 837 5 24,061 22,824 11 137 3,937 12,379 5,268 1,092 368 R64 5 60 512 597 5 13,869 12,935 6 41 1,472 7,063 3,602 751 286 643 5 61 55 12 955 110 20 1,186 1,022 469 28,943 927 367 26,871 15 14 356 185 57 5,057 445 171 14,135 206 66 5,908 76 50 1,378 10 46 550 85 56 1,514 9 37 7 8 64 730 662 7 26,396 24,882 27 334 4,802 13,199 5,337 1,183 429 1,077 8 65 108,360 145,725 64,446 11,111,726 10,351,071 280,270 999,448 2,867,995 4,308,140 1,400,130 495,088 189,452 485,018 86,185 66 633 475 5 17,295 16,148 14 217 3,238 8,555 3,263 861 293 854 67 53,590 63,290 715 1,510,335 1,340,988 8,184 52,008 329,927 632,281 219,240 99,348 31,310 138,037 AR 490 459 2 24,600 23,336 27 333 4,572 12,474 4,922 1,008 374 882 8 69 54,770 82,435 63,731 9,601,391 9,010,083 272,086 947,440 2,538,068 3.675,859 1,180,890 395,740 158,142 346,981 86,185 70 714 881 7 21,0i,4 19,358 28 272 3,947 10,277 3,901 943 450 1,238 8 71 97,600 89,645 8,162 3,217,867 2,884,582 223,215 196,889 641,028 1,197,483 428,333 197,634 103,875 184,333 45,077 72 473 551 6 18,675 17,311 17 248 3,753 9,156 3,341 796 354 1,003 7 73 33,270 34,310 42,472 1,719,366 1,598,888 25,830 101,029 362,706 733,409 274,831 101,083 36,935 81,000 2,543 74 564 581 2 18,548 17,079 15 248 3,462 8,922 3,560 872 385 1,077 7 7 5 19,950 36,700 2,150 1,281,139 1,161,213 30,665 117,027 266,979 476,615 184,929 84,998 37,370 78,456 4,100 76 280 339 7 20,945 19,707 31 325 4,265 10,545 3,773 768 355 875 8 11 35,826 77,735 15,309 5,291,879 4,888,095 56,132 340,571 1,294,092 2,170,532 726,728 300,040 123,176 275,355 5,253 78 344 342 6 13,279 12,188 27 - 289 2,686 6,205 2,288 693 295 788 8 IV 24,660 39,325 16,650 1,713,933 1,516,669 44,702 197,318 393,952 576,376 192,530 111,791 56,352 134,893 6,019 80 119 171 1 4,829 4,360 22 229 1,221 2,069 562 257 165 296 8 81 12,120 18,150 7,000 724,186 647,336 17,125 104,687 164,160 246,881 68,644 45,839 29,176 44,786 2,888 h: 289 269 6 12,129 11,137 26 253 2,454 5,675 2,092 637 250 734 8 R3 12,540 21,175 9,650 989,747 869,333 27,577 92,631 229,792 329,495 123,886 65,952 27,176 90,107 3,131 Hi 294 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS [Data arc based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 9 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Total Class I Class II Class III Claas IV Claaa V Class VI 1 19,196 15,342 45 130 1,147 5,274 5,786 2,960 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS 2 reporting. . 89 79 14 25 5 25 5 5 i reporting. . 739 659 21 78 175 145 179 61 4 number. . 803 718 25 92 189 150 201 61 5 reporting. . 2 2 21 21 54 59 6 6 7 farms reporting. . number. . 45 16 16 8 341 316 17 45 101 78 9 reporting. . reporting. . 63 2,939 62 2,397 17 34 16 95 13 304 16 733 10 906 325 11 number. . 3,227 2,639 75 156 377 757 932 342 12 reporting. . 2,844 2,318 30 85 297 721 886 299 13 reporting. . 1,554 1,303 19 67 186 473 420 138 1 14 reporting. . 433 343 11 16 53 77 146 40 IS reporting. . reporting. . 857 320 820 121 272 16 3,046 2,593 39 115 477 870 17 number. . 3,614 3,137 99 222 609 964 939 304 IB Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . . farms reporting. . 2,951 2,563 39 115 472 860 805 272 19 Wheel tractors other than garden . farms reporting. . 2,834 2,451 39 115 452 819 775 251 20 number. . 3,359 2,952 98 217 584 898 873 282 21 reporting. . 2,409 2,092 33 93 436 690 637 203 22 . farms reporting. . 1,764 1,558 27 65 327 508 484 147 23 reporting. . 406 331 6 25 82 92 106 20 24 25 reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . 36 1 111 116 133 46 51 128 5 5 20 15 20 46 26 26 35 27 1 5 a 2B number. . 139 134 1 5 20 46 40 22 ] 29 reporting. . 8,390 6,609 38 94 751 2,506 2,340 880 3D number. . 9,357 7,387 91 134 948 2,748 2,547 919 31 reporting. . 8,190 6,469 29 88 733 2,493 2,268 858 32 reporting. . 3,126 2,406 24 62 416 943 748 213 1 33 reporting. . 1,522 1,222 5 6 101 475 450 185 1 34 Fares by class of work power: reporting. . 460 I 715 1 1,285 688 1 35 36 37 farms reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . 1,985 1,960 6,322 5,747 1 15 548 2,535 38 reporting. . 2,375 2,141 27 100 415 774 630 195 1 39 reporting. . 671 452 12 15 62 96 190 77 1 FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED 40 reporting. . 6,318 4,971 29 50 427 1,673 1,864 928 1 41 853 638 16 26 216 270 110 1 42 reporting. . 10,876 8,915 13 58 638 3,125 3,355 1,726 1 FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 43 reporting. . 16,222 13,750 38 126 1,043 4,854 5,218 2,471 1 44 persons. . 33,844 29,977 318 718 3,380 10,908 10,369 4,284 1 45 reporting. . 15,947 13,571 35 106 1,016 4,822 5,146 2,446 1 46 persons. . 29,659 26,297 42 215 2,523 9,974 9,504 4,039 1 47 14,866 12,745 35 96 936 4,466 4,871 2,341 1 4fl Unpaid memberB of operator's family working reporting. . 8,626 7,685 7 57 733 2,905 2,831 1,152 1 M persons. . 14,793 13,552 7 119 1,587 5,508 4,633 1,698 1 50 reporting, . 1,863 1,597 27 86 292 533 530 129 51 persons. . 4,185 3,680 276 503 857 934 865 245 1 73 1 52 rfegular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) reporting. . 1,106 986 26 73 228 323 263 53 persons. . 2,135 1,938 216 264 470 495 380 113 1 54 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . . farms reporting. . 990 833 10 54 118 268 320 3 55 persons . . 2.050 1,742 60 239 387 439 485 132 1 56 Regular hired workers and no seasonal ri 1 red workers . . . farms reporting. . 873 764 17 32 174 265 210 66 1 No report as to period of expected employment.. reporting. . persons. . 58 Farms by kind of workers: 59 reporting. . 1,588 1,418 24 66 265 501 458 104 1 60 reporting. . 14,359 12,153 11 40 751 4,321 4,688 2,342 1 61 reporting. . 6,381 5,070 11 10 120 1,642 2,055 1,232 1 reporting. . reporting. . 63 275 179 3 20 27 32 72 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 54 .farms reporting. . 16,171 13,449 40 128 1,044 4,882 4,988 2,367 1 55 reporting. . 13,334 11,537 40 113 964 4,391 4,223 1,806 1 55 dollars. . 4,179,743 3,779,290 317,233 310,908 782,482 1,218,420 873,347 276,900 1 1.1 reporting. . 9,410 8,102 18 68 720 3,106 2,940 1,250 1 fin dollars. . 858,088 742,086 11,310 33,178 135,706 259,600 206,092 96,200 1 69 reporting. . dol lars. . 11,191 3,321,655 9,999 3,037,204 35 305,923 103 277,730 894 646,776 3,911 958,820 3,660 667,255 1,396 1 180,700 1 70 71 reporting. . 10,341 8,585 24 115 797 3,352 2,977 1,320 1 72 dol la ra. . 2,260,508 2,002,128 130,499 299,236 522,488 539,970 386,085 123,890 1 73 reporting. . 8,670 7,367 22 87 718 3,077 2,519 944 1 74 dol lars. . 1,249,222 1,152,117 103,250 126,755 270,134 295,740 262,578 93,660 1 75 reporting. . 9,942 8,310 33 94 774 3,068 2,926 1,415 1 76 dollars. . 597,966 510,581 21,521 31,884 84,565 173,207 135,205 64,199 1 77 reporting. . 8,748 7,811 39 108 873 3,236 2,703 852 1 78 dol lars. . 1,758,182 1,623,639 57,389 125, 134 322,985 549,828 439,518 126,785 1 79 reporting. . 6,917 6,205 33 93 696 2,489 2,057 837 1 80 dol lars. . 672,830 613,768 49,591 61,091 131,551 189,801 136,314 45,420 1 81 reporting. . 1,933 1,712 32 87 354 587 486 166 1 82 dol lars. . 346,030 320,142 37,221 40,459 72,825 83,580 62,097 23,960 1 83 reporting. . 6,194 5,612 19 80 595 2,286 1,870 762 I 84 dollara. . 326,800 293,626 12,370 20,632 58,726 106,221 74,217 21,460 I NORTH CAROLINA 295 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued ■ sample of forms. See text] Area 9— Continued Economic class — Con. Residen- tial Total oil farms Economic clous Commerciol form.t Other farms Residen- tial 269 287 259 104 55 100 199 217 189 189 207 149 99 25 25 10 10 624 726 619 243 110 266 405 420 255 113 474 70 675 989 1,579 954 1,355 854 371 501 118 224 58 88 71 136 47 83 871 521 100 35 1,024 749 153,621 517 44,392 544 109,229 653 137,965 502 48,285 664 53,515 424 57,850 294 20,070 103 9,190 224 10,880 2,559 262 287 257 142 30 85 248 250 193 188 190 163 102 50 11 55 55 5 5 1,152 1,239 1,097 472 190 435 1,235 761 315 115 133 857 145 1,286 1,472 2,207 1,411 1,956 1,256 560 700 142 251 56 79 86 172 56 81 1,330 790 150 61 1,682 1,037 204,630 786 70,110 637 134,520 1,087 101,580 786 48,265 957 33,395 502 73,453 407 37,702 117 16,013 347 21,689 42,202 5 1,500 11 40,702 16 18,835 15 555 11 475 11 3,240 11 1,290 1 685 6,379 18 937 1,036 385 394 124 126 30 1,433 1,578 1,417 822 216 379 2,319 3,139 2,294 2,294 3,040 2,013 1,093 408 512 53 53 41 46 2,842 3,152 2,763 1,171 481 1,111 1,643 1,101 1,316 1,640 679 2,075 357 3,663 5,192 9,852 5,067 7,076 4,776 1,695 2,300 1,285 2,776 854 1,512 659 1,264 626 1,160 3,907 2,555 265 125 5,762 4,770 3,030,712 3,013 474,847 4,254 2,555,865 4,381 1,225,466 2,965 381,907 4,049 832,330 3,135 1,172,048 3,216 725,913 1,894 433,886 2,650 292,027 4,493 18 866 960 369 378 119 121 25 1,242 1,376 1,230 730 186 314 2,056 2,842 2,041 2,041 2,753 1,815 991 398 426 43 43 41 46 2,218 2,494 2,169 988 361 820 671 696 1,070 1,495 561 1,527 246 2,542 4,024 8,219 3,934 5,633 3,798 1,340 1,835 1,124 2,586 803 1,457 539 1,129 585 1,034 2,900 1,858 125 90 4,251 3,875 2,892,223 2,416 433,282 3,580 2,458,941 3,267 1,116,856 2,323 353,975 3,146 796,400 2,781 1,109,383 2,827 685,223 1,711 411,511 2,351 273,712 31 152 31 31 141 26 24 2 32 348 29 48 28 13 20 31 300 31 222 10 78 21 33 33 446,882 15 16,878 33 430,004 28 135,390 27 57,616 32 132,106 33 110,331 31 99,344 31 63,466 30 35,878 145 160 110 114 6 6 14 197 230 196 155 15 26 261 520 261 261 490 243 136 76 31 16 16 13 14 215 288 212 182 5 25 188 73 121 15 129 262 1,099 241 374 241 85 133 220 725 205 437 94 288 126 199 42 26 206 232 92 92 31 31 246 273 241 145 41 55 447 645 442 442 623 386 246 95 45 10 10 12 12 392 478 384 264 40 50 20 75 330 117 259 20 292 562 1,445 546 893 546 227 347 301 552 255 366 109 186 192 5 290 295 110 110 45 45 5 410 420 410 205 75 130 751 897 746 746 877 645 330 110 205 10 10 10 10 790 835 770 295 170 305 215 125 320 551 200 466 90 780 1,276 2,466 1,251 1,806 1,196 415 610 370 660 230 305 185 355 185 140 170 36 36 15 15 267 287 262 155 35 72 421 438 421 421 437 380 185 100 95 1 1 40 20 30 145 190 140 140 185 135 70 512 540 496 146 110 240 215 315 391 301 120 391 55 846 1,192 1,926 1,172 1,627 1,142 385 485 162 299 72 112 111 187 51 280 280 280 75 35 170 190 230 280 95 50 280 65 475 700 935 695 885 645 215 240 40 50 10 15 30 35 285 261 115 263 262 797,848 191 118,535 262 679,313 196 187,262 141 50,157 236 256,339 263 243,436 256 159,420 236 116,007 231 43,413 562 557 576,170 399 101,824 552 474,346 455 180,240 373 64,940 490 171,283 517 252,724 482 144,517 397 66,429 422 58,088 345 906 571 55 25 1,361 1,291 674,761 790 96,900 1,251 577,861 1,046 300,915 801 90,617 1,071 141,622 1,006 321,513 986 155,472 656 100,264 771 55,208 142 1,030 695 20 20 1,242 1,122 325,857 661 72,000 1,017 253,857 962 232,759 661 70,500 847 75,925 707 149,599 742 108,715 291 36,735 642 71,980 35 660 450 50 5 790 610 70,705 360 27,145 465 43,560 580 80,290 320 20,145 470 19,125 255 31,780 330 17,755 100 8,610 255 9,145 1,239 45 50 15 15 5 5 5 100 100 100 45 20 35 130 160 130 130 160 95 55 246 251 241 55 40 146 236 135 145 75 175 40 410 460 700 445 590 385 160 205 90 110 40 40 60 70 30 75 370 245 50 15 591 421 68,170 296 19,135 320 49,035 441 53,595 260 17,895 385 16,790 191 43,355 205 26,125 110 15,185 150 10,940 91 102 87 47 10 30 133 137 123 123 127 103 47 5 51 10 10 377 405 352 127 80 145 735 270 101 70 63 372 71 711 707 932 687 852 592 195 260 71 80 11 15 60 65 11 51 636 451 90 20 919 473 70,169 301 22,430 353 47,739 672 54,995 381 10,025 518 19,140 163 19,310 184 14,565 73 7,190 149 7,375 150 1 20 1 12 296 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text3 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms All farms number.. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Ml Iking machine. Grain combines. . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Silos Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. Wheel tractors other thaa garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tr ctors. Automobi les. Year of newest model Unde r 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCAT Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale- Dirt or unimproved FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATIO Family and/or hired workers Family workers, including operator. Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more. Hired workers Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more).... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days). Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers.. No report as to period of expected employment Farm* by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Family workers only Operators only Unpaid members of operator's family only. Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditurea Machine hire and/or hired labor. Machine hire Hi red 1 abor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repai rs Tractor repai rs Other farm machinery repairs arms rms arms rms arms rms rms arms arms arms rms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms ;i rm y arms arms rms rms reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number. . reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number - reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. . reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number. reporting. . reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. arms rms arms N arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . .persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting, reporting. persons. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. arms arms reporting reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting do) lars 28,276 145 599 623 78 78 385 385 65 5,043 5,429 4,965 3,040 744 1,181 6,203 7,142 6,098 5,892 6,733 5,452 3,633 941 878 128 129 280 280 12,159 13,368 11,915 5,156 2,113 4,646 6,356 8,908 6,809 4,863 1,340 9,938 831 16,004 24,358 48,747 23,998 39,888 22,432 10,819 17,456 3,651 8,859 1,776 3,422 2,357 5,437 1,294 3,291 20,707 11,376 1,407 360 25,171 21,914 8,296,468 13,280 1,061,939 20,110 7,234,529 18,317 3,186,641 13,713 1,416,092 17,123 1,321,362 15,226 3,255,933 10,855 1,147,813 3,963 579,126 9,420 568,687 22,016 130 560 584 67 67 363 363 55 4,253 4,579 4,185 2,607 603 975 5,511 6,425 5,436 5,245 6,071 4,871 3,244 e56 771 93 94 260 260 9,902 10,899 9,737 4,198 1,738 3,801 3,702 6,672 6,131 4,494 1,017 7,526 616 12,909 20,080 41, 815 19,831 33,879 18,686 9,150 15,193 3,145 7,936 1,599 3,144 1,973 4,792 1,172 2,896 16,935 9,110 1,037 249 20,255 18,634 7,665,308 11,065 913,034 17,635 6,752,274 14,742 2,800.367 11,411 1,305,147 13,844 1,189,460 13,432 2,994,227 9,550 1,062,125 3,585 538,451 8,301 523,674 12 31 109 26 25 1 30 115 30 30 112 36 891 34 42 34 31 849 31 569 13 280 18 37 36 710,428 16 7,980 36 702,448 30 219,228 27 129,860 35 250,808 37 97,368 36 71,040 25 44,547 33 26,493 18 56 63 10 10 17 17 16 136 218 130 99 20 11 151 261 151 151 260 130 91 29 10 1 1 136 223 123 117 1 5 126 25 76 5 79 156 1,114 144 255 143 40 112 151 859 137 446 68 413 83 139 5 5 162 162 532,197 76 31,939 162 500,258 124 229,859 113 103,438 151 100,022 162 141,448 162 85,957 142 58,120 123 27, 837 NORTH CAROLINA 297 Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are baaed on reporta for only a aample of farma. See textj Item (For definitiona and explanationa, aee text) Area 1]— Continued Economic claaa — Continued Commercial farma — Continued All farma number. SPECIFIED EOUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. numbe i . Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Si los farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors 1 farms reporting. . number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 yeara farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting.. rams by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. . No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mulea farms reporting. . Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting.. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting.. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers _ fsrms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working IS hours or more.. fsrms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. . Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting. persons. Fans* by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workera only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator' s family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting. dollars* Machine hire farms reporting. dollars. Hired labor farms reporting. dollars. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dollars. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting. dollars. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting. dol lar.s Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dollars. Farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dol lars. Tractor repairs farms reporting. dollars. Other farm machinery repaira farms reporting. dol lars. 6,869 35 1S8 193 27 27 161 161 11 1,451 1,502 1,441 916 216 309 2,281 2,598 2,241 2,175 2,450 2,049 1,435 363 251 45 45 103 103 3,738 4,181 3,672 1,735 727 1,210 922 1,225 2,441 1,923 358 2,460 200 3,920 6,500 14,211 6,410 11, 834 6,100 3,348 5,734 1,229 2,377 612 814 744 1,563 485 9,359 50 155 156 5 5 113 113 5 1,530 1,591 1,499 920 186 393 1,749 1,982 1,739 1,669 1,882 1,527 937 267 323 20 20 3,923 4,154 3,882 1,425 702 1,755 1,743 3,352 2,515 1,344 405 3,151 250 5,558 8,487 15,198 8,391 13,408 7,934 3,463 5,474 907 1,790 386 562 599 1,228 308 571 577 556 234 141 181 445 477 435 415 442 390 218 71 101 10 10 25 25 1,204 1,234 1,179 318 196 665 910 2,010 812 330 115 1,294 100 2,567 3,536 6,035 3,520 5,420 3,219 1,491 2,201 253 615 77 159 207 456 46 5 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 346 376 346 221 50 75 312 328 307 302 313 282 197 30 55 5 5 10 10 897 977 891 396 125 370 625 936 260 177 135 770 80 1,157 1,732 2,920 1,661 2,451 1,480 731 971 242 469 96 152 171 317 71 1,139 811 5,271 7,580 2,520 4,447 260 437 90 96 6,582 8,437 6,295 7,804 2,541,612 2,051,097 3,667 4,662 313,746 334,936 6,129 7,353 2,227,866 1,716,161 4,928 6,124 959,675 760, 543 4,082 4,655 418,304 353,730 4,561 5,670 332,138 259,638 5,001 5,380 1,173,724 851,864 3,451 3,744 364,382 247,075 1,394 1,126 161,267 112,905 3,010 3,283 203,115 134,170 237 3,283 1,863 295 16 3,681 3,031 503,593 1 835 91,343 2,675 412,250 2,461 201,836 1,544 81,945 2,391 101,469 1,631 227,096 1,151 69,494 284 27,665 1,006 41,829 171 ,490 825 160 71 1,903 1,538 357,815 997 72,800 1,243 285,015 1,397 186,340 941 45,145 1,402 65,795 911 124,305 607 44,590 177 22,440 512 22,150 10 18 1 18 1 5 1 5 1 17 17 443 1 473 1 433 1 211 1 91 131 379 1 385 4 354 1 344 1 345 4 298 1 191 1 55 52 30 30 10 10 1,359 1 1,490 2 1,286 1 561 1 250 475 2,029 191 1 1,641 1 135 1,938 2,545 1 4,005 7 2,505 1 3,557 1 2,265 1 263 1 448 6 80 1 120 6 50 1 223 2,282 1,441 210 40 3,012 1,741 261,345 1,218 76,105 1,231 185,240 2,177 199,919 1,360 65,500 1,876 62,607 882 J5,201 697 40.198 200 17,485 606 22,713 1 12,000 1 15 1 300 1 3,500 298 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; [Data are based on reports for The State Item Total Size of farm (For definitions and explanations, see text) all farms Under 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 10 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres Farms by tenure of operator: ' 1 70,278 27,540 451 95,410 2,438 1,275 34,159 33,516 643 51,904 5,634 1,892 620 15 5,645 120 40 1,120 1,090 30 4,070 295 9,671 5,422 1 39,975 640 455 11,215 11,055 160 25,785 1,880 13,503 5,161 11,995 3,980 11 10,895 395 175 5,075 4,955 120 11,718 3,891 10 6,867 306 115 3,185 3,115 70 8,931 3,480 30 5,425 235 55 2,750 2,695 55 4,465 1,660 20 2,355 75 20 1,245 1,195 50 2,575 1,117 10 1,305 95 25 685 660 25 1,548 555 21 655 60 5 330 330 2 3 4 21,095 415 375 8,015 7,925 90 5 6 7 ft 9 10 11,145 1,145 4,670 580 2,626 635 1,940 445 775 240 380 120 165 95 11 12 94,794 20,083 29,672 16,247 10,063 7,614 4,963 2,435 1,236 772 Farms by type: ' 13 Field-crop farms other than vegetable 159,809 3,141 21,441 135,227 1,348 732 5,312 6,775 20 745 6,010 115 25 120 ' 51,051 370 6,606 44,075 370 115 345 35,137 400 4,890 29,847 300 145 670 22,536 265 3,070 19,201 180 60 575 17,243 470 2,220 14,553 160 105 811 12,914 400 2,026 10,438 115 70 931 5,810 375 725 4,710 25 40 495 3,055 235 385 2,435 15 40 406 1,727 135 251 1,341 20 30 260 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 5,391 6,262 631 195 996 686 870 632 670 695 830 860 600 895 360 620 170 448 90 220 21 Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. . 22 12,076 5,382 992 70 25 5 1,235 670 105 1,730 840 150 1,845 765 130 2,045 685 160 1,990 755 215 890 350 70 721 316 45 366 201 25 23 24 25 5,702 40 460 740 950 1,000 1,020 470 360 140 26 97,543 20,324 29,943 16,522 10,383 8,046 5,314 2,695 1,388 838 Farms by economic class: 1 27 193,679 8,172 55,069 39,759 26,881 22,436 17,866 8,500 5,007 2,779 2B 405 2,642 42 55 17 105 10 120 15 125 12 220 16 310 25 250 28 230 6 230 29 30 16,814 62,019 90 680 1,420 17,085 3,445 14,091 2,640 9,266 2,525 7,453 2,356 5,966 1,325 2,975 901 1,631 561 911 31 32 69,617 3,245 23,171 13,922 9,320 7,805 6,055 2,470 1,406 710 33 42,182 4,060 13,271 8,171 5,515 4,471 3,163 1,455 811 361 34 94,794 20,083 29,672 16,247 10,063 7,614 4,963 2,435 1,236 772 Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: 35 All crops sold dollars.. 557,320,866 15,023,610 124,664,031 108,377,078 74,547,543 66,055,536 56,101,611 >9, 957, 845 19,582,889 12,264,077 36 454,446,635 11,037,900 115,072,546 97,809,230 64,054,828 53,068,951 42,745,700 20,686,940 13,280,800 8,402,516 37 Field crops, other than vegetables 439,514,686 9,888,090 112,854,185 95,810,295 62,863,598 51,347,171 41,565,170 20,202,295 12,647,790 7,829,496 38 7,309,380 191,580 1,088,160 1,221,740 841,065 910,615 730,105 241,320 263,360 216,950 59 4,080,808 39,580 402,385 446,780 218,620 484,790 298,450 194,915 96,525 239,570 40 Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. 3,541,761 918,650 727,816 330,415 131,545 326,375 151,975 48,410 273,125 116,500 41 Al 1 livestock and livestock products sold. ...dollars.. 92,533,426 3,896,040 9,219,345 9,777,738 9,451,920 11,413,955 11,595,596 8,167,475 5,664,339 3,494,781 42 Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dol lars. . 27,310,777 291,970 933,290 1,471,500 1,885,535 2,465,555 3,780,643 2,629,430 2,557,525 1,511,230 43 28,851,063 2,768,230 4,531,300 3,894,700 3,424,180 4,406,975 3,570,419 2,457,520 944,278 596,861 44 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, so Id... do liars.. 36,371,586 835,840 3,754,755 4,411,538 4,142,205 4,541,425 4,244,534 3,080,475 2,162,536 1,386,690 45 10,340,805 89,670 372,140 790,110 1,040,795 1,572,630 1,760,315 1,103,430 637,750 366,780 46 Number of farms reporting sales of any 263,069 20,992 76,609 52,494 34,758 28,462 21,672 10,375 5,964 3,359 47 2,119 716 1,627 2,065 2,145 2,321 2,539 2,888 3,284 3,651 Livestock on April 1, 1950: 48 189,359 7,331 44,436 40,472 29,262 24,496 18,882 9,190 5,328 2,854 49 number. . 354,362 9,306 64,357 69,667 53,400 47,996 39,821 21,375 13,491 7,718 50 170,323 710,776 12,356 20,937 38,336 75,229 32,308 80,150 24,797 77,936 21,971 88,489 17,359 91,635 8,560 60,375 5,002 43,435 2,672 51 number. . 27,493 52 Cows, including heifers 162,716 11,486 35,961 30,813 23,792 21,301 16,803 8,310 4,882 2,597 53 number. . 396,996 14,142 48,376 49,278 45,624 49,128 50,517 30,755 23,520 13,658 54 154,820 10,991 33,966 29,091 22,927 20,601 16,098 7,900 4,581 2,462 55 number. . 338,839 13,202 44,433 45,274 42 ,004 44,707 44,912 25,630 19,945 11,463 56 All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . 204,183 13,960 55,921 41,452 28,513 23,377 18,042 8,675 4,976 2,681 57 1,251,028 39,600 232,100 226,107 170,054 155,655 137,854 79,475 46,799 31,361 58 Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. 237,576 19,376 65,591 47,983 32,507 26,508 20,239 9,600 5,565 3,021 59 number. . 8,895,004 671,545 1,771,725 1,553,650 1,227,570 1,226,885 956,698 508,590 295,470 177,580 60 61 62 63 64 Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. 76,754 227,274 4,755 7,240 14, 521 24,091 L3,602 26,252 11,060 24,820 10,421 27,751 8,969 27,602 4,590 19 , 530 2,814 15,126 1,496 8,727 number . 71,691 755,494 2,760 14,886 14,226 10,467 9,612 7,841 4,030 2,447 1,470 16,025 101,545 112,616 99,648 102,017 94,325 55,525 37,014 25,865 62,753 4,996 14,161 11,900 9,090 8,310 6,210 3,010 1,781 1,021 65 number. . 16,835,342 2,058,345 3,177,205 2,415,430 2,114,975 2,363,835 1,937,675 1,362,835 420,727 270,035 66 Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens, . 84,902 5,845 18,090 15,921 12,476 11,609 9,036 4,450 2,626 1,486 67 29,213,712 2,111,915 3,860,295 3,838,950 3,698,440 4,986,295 3,581,263 2,626,170 1,245,575 836,715 68 69 Specified crops harvested in 1949: 237,658 2,112,603 13,230 69,993 49,536 32,851 26,709 20,238 9,485 5,474 3,008 33,665 421,508 418,739 293,999 265,579 225,148 123,010 82,785 51,207 70 233,751 12,870 68,778 48,861 32,426 26.369 19,968 9,275 5,359 2,933 71 acres. , 2,031,303 32,855 410,268 408,164 286,099 256,989 217,218 116,415 78,015 47,662 72 bushels harvested. . 58,055,216 938,975 11,526,700 11,416,495 8,002,905 7,361,265 6,202,635 3,330,755 2,221,660 1,428 ,'490 73 bushel s sold. . 5,888,098 60,945 938 , 390 924,970 631,885 665,135 630,455 367,530 342,935 215.720 74 105,210 849,057 3,340 10,655 33,642 196,645 25,275 202,130 14,950 129,710 10,982 97,462 8,051 84,412 3,270 36,710 1,980 22,140 1,041 15,998 75 76 bnles harvested. . 473,445 6,625 113,354 111,835 70,010 53,788 47,193 20.555 12,060 8,461 77 sold. . dol 1 nrs. . 67,482,563 918,700 16,123,5.0 15,826,025 9,995,160 7,719,700 6,710,350 3,009.545 1,697,655 1.204.19S 78 149,688 7,860 47,896 32,147 20,681 16,242 11,603 5,405 2,995 1,562 8,998 79 603,126 17,394 168,543 130,386 87,583 71,117 55,189 27,223 15,809 80 pounds horvestcd. . sold. . dol lars. . 658,754,324 18,209,825 184,595,160 145,370,150 97,037,810 77,521,725 58,742,106 28,831,175 17,039,255 9,859,140 81 316,545,978 8,575,980 89,677,430 70,787,935 46,308,740 36,847,885 28,084,849 13,789,560 7,881,790 4,650,480 82 acres. . 130,427 2,946 25,877 26,860 21,511 19,043 14,795 7,395 4,195 2,269 63 882,763 | 6,012 83,626 115,465 114,835 127,660 129,467 75,605 55,047 29,831 Dota are given by tenure of operator, by type of form, and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 299 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 only a sample of farms. See text] The State — Continued Areas ] and A Size of farm — Con. 260-499 500-999 1, 000 acres acres acres and ovi Total all farms Si re of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acrea 260-499 acrea 500-999 1,000 acrea acrea and over 2,843 1,217 116 905 45 10 415 390 25 280 155 1,264 2,711 273 385 2,053 35 70 452 123 662 799 396 60 343 1,493 5,081 82 556 1,105 1,497 1,135 706 1,264 27,813,109 16,754,923 15,042,468 684,360 897,345 130, 750 9,952,666 4,744,354 1,450,622 3,757,690 1,105,520 6,044 4,602 5,175 16,012 5,065 76,110 4,945 37,838 4,593 28,275 4,826 73,113 5,344 325,461 3,137 24,007 2,742 60,819 1,751 413,010 2,535 1,450,663 5,264 110,928 5,094 101,148 3,067,222 507,085 1,885 30,437 16,652 2,377,881 2,575 15,644 16,182,554 7,452,643 4,096 77,538 853 328 124 258 43 284 109 93 30 117 100 17 60 38 371 679 147 108 424 8 14 196 40 261 264 110 21 133 472 1,563 59 295 354 375 310 170 371 12,842,326 6,548,277 5,533,754 476, 864 313,659 224,000 5,441,055 2,802,529 453,978 2,184,548 852,994 1,794 7,158 1,464 7,359 1,454 38,093 1,395 18,710 1,259 11,721 1,361 34,304 1,462 126,987 1,048 12,017 907 29,945 405 213,283 644 671,784 1,425 48,746 1,394 43,735 1,473,930 279,789 622 13,068 7,285 1,102,215 565 3,617 3,764,194 1,769,656 1,070 39,559 171 51 30 90 5 18 51 11 88 121 69 6 46 125 516 93 146 92 89 68 28 10,091,211 4,984,024 3,930,374 443,261 448,189 162,200 4,458,516 2,237,166 352,000 1,869,350 648,671 546 18,482 469 3,860 443 30,894 431 15,450 351 7,223 399 24,606 380 52,843 341 10,111 303 20,150 118 87,937 184 305,647 445 37,289 424 32,735 1,084,184 323,259 172 9,690 5,627 797,577 157 1,623 1,601,230 719,030 370 28,118 9,547 1,824 50 1,525 48 5 675 625 50 555 242 24,813 75 5,105 714 221 1,556 572 2,226 1,915 297 291 1,327 25,375 12,946 38 171 361 1,170 3,621 7,585 24,813 26,062, 9,741, 7,079, 1,726 622, 313, 15,186, 5,816, 2,441, 6,928,399 1,133,505 20,715 31,599 32,438 187,921 31,546 96,441 30,285 83,211 22,988 59,096 32,467 1,101,159 20,764 73,745 5,959 44,355 11,246 960,098 14,664 3,324,438 29,205 121,797 28,604 113,934 3,818,500 212,395 11,445 9,939 14,147,305 6,065,271 20,084 126,666 280 70 1,405 515 1,910 380 1,610 280 1,480 220 1,155 155 475 5 105 105 185 30 5,505 435 5 240 220 20 190 40 8,305 1,325 10 155 5 5 85 80 5 45 15 4,710 1,060 10 115 5 166 11 415 30 20 35 50 45 5 35 25 2,680 860 25 30 50 1,610 665 10 35 25 10 35 35 885 20 15 5 20 15 460 205 15 40 35 5 10 10 240 5 110 15 250 430 55 10 30 70 40 25 10 15 ,535 1,315 140 40 150 165 245 270 55 40 175 8,365 2,395 1,050 215 40 270 105 280 395 60 75 260 4,790 2,445 835 100 25 245 75 245 355 40 55 260 2,780 2,005 15 15 100 560 5,505 1,322,775 606,390 459,140 71,805 15,905 59, 540 698,030 97,885 345,485 254,660 18,355 4,440 298 1,325 1,510 4,525 7,955 4,280 5,345 4,050 4,970 3,070 5,625 4,825 150,010 2,195 3,380 580 2,130 1,490 218,485 1,550 339, 590 3,520 7,470 3,450 7,325 236,150 18,615 1,020 687 992,520 409,750 1,150 2,280 20 20 75 460 1,820 8,305 3,771,655 1,926,805 1,483,220 257,670 71,905 114,010 1,780,135 321,760 681,820 776,555 64,715 8,650 436 4,545 5,655 8,840 22,795 8,540 13,475 8,145 12,620 6,205 12,915 9,010 259, 660 5,0B5 9,760 1,225 7,940 3,105 387,475 3,520 706,880 7,965 25,430 7,810 24,735 799,735 48,460 30 160 540 1,715 4,710 3,670,015 1,709,700 1,293,750 320,050 90,800 5,100 1,800,390 458,830 421,660 919,900 159,925 6,435 570 4,440 6,055 6,385 24,425 6,250 13,765 6,045 12,635 4,350 10,850 6,315 204,745 4,165 10,885 1,145 8,385 2,190 135,030 2,895 621,545 5,910 22,985 5,840 22,435 244,155 44,015 10 25 120 570 1,280 2,680 2,916,690 1,320,980 1,018,230 217,215 51,330 34,205 1,450,105 412, 525 260,850 776,730 145,605 3,315 4,965 4,260 22,395 4,160 11,885 4,020 10,810 3,130 8,325 4,185 139,790 2,840 8,500 875 6,820 1,515 71,205 2,150 427,240 3,945 16,710 3,890 16,285 533,545 23,500 655 105 35 265 65 360 265 50 40 175 1,716 10 55 190 670 940 1,610 30 250 50 300 295 30 55 210 940 2,960 2,252 3,128,680 1,308,375 4,860 15, 535 2,305 1,816 2,596,935 1,117,375 4,215 18,990 3,324,750 1,375,885 952,780 275,650 53,705 93,750 1,743,165 641,110 204,640 897,415 205,700 3,236 1,027 2,650 4,320 3,220 23,485 3,165 11,810 3,065 10,595 2,385 6,800 3,131 110,215 2,340 9,560 730 5,485 1,210 57,790 1,781 342,765 3,095 15,010 3,035 14,190 499,600 29,585 20 60 145 550 640 885 2,752,925 896,900 674,915 143,445 78,365 175 1,711,005 795,890 125,405 739, 710 145,020 2,185 1,260 1,820 3,170 2,140 22,390 2,130 11,525 2,050 9,895 1,565 4,920 2,160 79,265 1,685 8,275 485 4,870 815 47,245 1,225 299, 705 1,980 11,035 1,920 10,075 352,780 12,040 190 10 25 100 10 225 140 10 15 115 485 30 30 150 270 255 460 200 40 10 30 285 60 45 5 5 35 125 2,113,195 526,650 376,625 70, 505 78,470 1,050 1,517,820 644,535 134,025 739,260 68,725 1,105 1,912 960 2,020 1,135 18,000 1,125 7,790 1,085 5,985 890 3,400 1,065 55,410 825 6,770 325 2,670 345 12,650 585 212,080 1,050 7,095 1,010 6,365 211,185 14,385 15 40 60 175 195 240 ,234,740 273,355 228,740 36,940 7,675 55 110 655,890 186,065 151,165 14,825 20,075 888,065 436,200 47,220 404,645 73,320 1,816 610 1,250 700 11,020 695 5,390 675 4,370 520 1,875 690 28,605 545 3,635 205 1,590 235 8,265 345 83,250 650 4,655 630 4,120 136,845 5,725 417,835 167,175 25,235 225,425 51,990 335 1,958 270 565 315 5,660 305 2,410 295 1,805 210 860 285 10, 870 275 2,115 115 1,170 80 4,020 185 50,865 285 1,950 275 1,585 59,775 1,510 95 5 210 65 25 5 35 285 500 10 35 50 145 155 105 250 2,079,300 473,335 325,830 71,055 70,450 6,000 1,493,650 735,040 66,150 692,460 112,315 710 2,929 605 1,390 720 18,960 710 8,250 685 5,900 650 2,545 640 34,645 635 7,000 215 2,450 225 11,000 355 119,865 625 5,570 575 4,275 157,370 8,310 15 60 126 13 6 21 25 46 15 50 1,223,668 316,718 92,928 145,750 78,040 996,434 128,896 21,994 101,322 5,580 865,900 563,360 63,525 239,015 41,050 171 7,156 135 541 154 5,539 143 2,470 131 2,060 89 687 129 25,075 134 1,914 47 622 25 6,120 56 109, 4«0 142 2,382 137 1,757 54,800 1,500 820, 753 542,222 15,907 262,624 46,785 46 21,662 40 158 44 5,297 43 2,326 39 1,566 24 294 32 2,869 40 1,951 12 223 11 813 17 11,173 38 1,505 32 787 32,560 4,750 1,665 1,448 2,041,055 879,375 3,050 17,650 1,430 1,329 1,898,330 827,020 2,535 17,445 850 920 1,305,590 575,470 1,715 15,585 465 504 752,285 312,850 935 11,665 265 313 447,455 198,795 595 7,660 160 206 307,910 132,545 265 3,070 270 368 537,520 240,970 605 10,295 84 119,075 54,248 117 2,944 L2 19,950 8,498 42 3,547 300 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; ClJata are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share -cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspeci fled tenants number. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frult-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Dal ry farms number. Poul try farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. CI ass II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold ....dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dol lars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. .. dol lars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested. farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dol lars Land from which hay was cut farms reporting BCres Total all farms 2,647 557 140 140 1,181 151 130 900 10 126 266 996 293 412 101 80 231 9,814 3,459 12 131 266 570 995 1,485 9,639 10,362,899 2,751,311 2,224,641 48,565 352,830 125,275 7,021,428 1,220,986 4,635,174 1,165,268 590,160 10,301 1,006 6,625 9,557 10,770 35,493 10,300 19,694 9,973 16,006 6,865 23,432 10,496 496,308 4,852 11,022 1,670 16,880 3,807 4,236,570 3,756 2,359,450 9,485 49,889 9,365 49,062 1,436,339 134,795 760 2,365 1,730 221,665 1,541 3,268 3,315,045 1,411,615 5,919 36,488 Under 10 acres 5 1,725 115 20 1,725 25 20 50 50 1,725 689,810 48,285 43,915 3,210 410 750 639,645 22,860 545,640 71,145 1,880 1,245 554 415 430 1,315 1,835 1,235 1,320 1,205 1,285 1,160 2,065 1,335 41,065 570 820 150 890 430 578, 345 330 167,230 700 1,605 675 1,565 42,500 3,910 63,830 24,625 280 530 10-29 acres 320 110 150 10 230 25 105 135 170 2,645 1,641,660 289, 435 259,925 7,935 20,825 750 1,319,175 107,320 1,048,670 163, 185 33,050 2,320 708 1,340 1,550 2,600 5,260 2,395 3,240 2,310 2,975 1,995 4,025 2,425 88,090 915 1,440 325 3,360 840 1,023,690 680 373,620 2,215 7,530 2,175 7,375 195,140 10,600 115 265 200 28,330 285 435 439,420 190,970 1,095 3,665 30-49 acres 430 135 5 1,795 245 20 30 40 175 30 35 10 145 315 1,795 1,330,550 401,725 347,755 6,150 43,320 2,500 892, 995 72,490 688, 100 132, 405 35,830 1,915 695 1,365 1,755 2,060 4,600 1,985 3,000 1,915 2,845 1,710 3,975 2,005 69,430 890 1,470 305 2,500 695 704,800 715 254,500 1,905 8,305 1,690 8,250 231,060 13,695 165 435 340 43,990 275 532 536,940 236,175 1,200 5,650 50-69 70-99 acres acres 235 20 125 25 80 30 185 205 1,220 1,421,120 461,020 450, 140 7,850 3,030 897,455 107, 955 676,835 112,665 62,645 1,435 990 1,065 1,455 1,485 4,115 1,425 2,355 1,400 2,190 1,205 2,600 1,475 62,420 650 1,105 265 1,020 525 633,610 545 299,960 1,455 7,395 1,450 7,365 206, 700 16,735 160 530 325 39, 685 305 739 732,030 315,65'i 940 5,285 440 110 10 655 225 25 10 190 145 55 100 25 15 60 680 50 85 190 275 885 1,373,850 490,000 449,195 6,955 32,750 1,100 804, oe5 83, 320 570, 680 150,085 79, 765 1,300 1,057 950 1,465 1,245 4,650 1,220 2,310 1,205 2,205 1,060 2,975 1,250 102, 795 635 1,400 260 2,675 490 396,975 575 501,155 1,250 7,950 1,250 7,640 254,995 25, 510 130 400 315 40,015 310 683 720,450 300,925 860 5,630 100-139 acres 335 65 5 10 565 125 15 35 65 110 215 565 1,235,135 339,860 302,455 7,795 29,435 175 604,555 195, 210 461,890 147,455 90, 720 695 1,380 705 1,150 910 4,980 890 2,520 840 2,325 735 2,425 875 48,225 475 1,365 215 2,065 330 409,800 430 244,685 860 5,895 655 5,810 174,560 17,110 65 295 245 30,815 145 392 404,330 164,570 645 5,395 140-179 acres 165 40 5 10 300 50 30 50 10 5 35 315 15 35 50 115 300 601,815 137,880 131,885 995 5,000 397,860 71,400 253,585 72,875 66,075 480 1,254 370 580 475 2,430 470 1,295 460 1,250 400 1,580 470 23,320 300 875 125 1,290 200 269, 120 200 76,660 450 3,465 445 3,405 101,665 6,985 30 115 65 8,750 75 178 175,360 75,625 340 2,595 180-219 acres 115 5 50 35 110 420,315 90,450 73, 090 400 16,960 287, 330 190,890 58,835 37,605 42, 535 210 2,003 175 295 210 1,560 210 860 200 815 180 645 200 8,665 105 415 70 545 90 32,290 60 62,420 200 1,625 200 1,570 56,675 11,640 55 6,010 40 114 110,000 42,875 165 1,435 1 Data are given by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 301 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area 2 — Continued 500-999 1,000 acres acres and over Areas 3 , H, and C Total all farms Si te of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30 --19 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acrea 220-259 acres 260-499 acres. 500-999 acres 1.000 ocrea and over 841,570 895, 180 83, 120 400 91,660 120,000 511,540 246,80? 133,585 130,950 35, 050 266 3,164 225 410 255 3,155 255 1,430 230 1,040 225 1,255 260 28,370 160 1,195 80 790 120 34,960 110 174,960 245 2,955 240 2,800 83,075 16,455 15 145 95 12,500 15 49 67,685 28,875 205 3,045 273,435 20,915 20,840 7b 167,520 10, 865 131,435 25,220 84,000 62 4,394 179 48 775 48 369 42 185 43 962 43 962 25,405 2,000 31,500 15,620 38 721 168,364 24,496 19,081 3,700 1,715 124,618 46,471 21,819 56,328 19,250 12 553 10 140 9 955 6 6,255 5 36,220 12 577 12 495 18,064 1,550 11,362 3,255 66 14,661 160 145 5,650 5,500 150 7,855 851 11,803 27, 197 272 16 798 687 404 783 217 145 421 30,344 48 264 1,855 8,740 13,770 5,667 11,803 78,970,734 65,224,698 64,067,964 238, 790 178, 583 739, 361 12,242,473 4,953,209 4,098,187 3, 191,077 1,503,563 38,028 2,077 28,379 55,304 31,479 108,869 30,508 66,317 29, 600 59,735 30,523 93,873 33,859 1,385,908 12,237 31,812 5,322 43,815 8,711 1,767,575 11, 705 5,569,130 33,351 219,047 32, 973 214,047 6, 324, 985 359,040 1,740 6,180 4,935 678,325 30,037 134,113 30,765,931 61,287,050 24, 743 195, 270 256 155 1,810 320 305 15 2,005 5 165 ,120 905 :,876 4,000,125 3, 283, 705 3,050,200 13,230 525 219, 750 692,975 58,665 524,935 109, 375 23,445 3,841 1,041 1,370 1,950 2,260 3,575 2,090 2,530 2,060 2,430 2,615 5,830 3,025 117,860 650 1,000 355 2,255 780 380,425 950 463,115 2,050 5,635 2,010 5,525 153, 620 4,945 130 270 215 28,680 2,470 6,789 6,445,215 3,003,785 380 820 1,240 770 1 5,000 30 40 1,325 1,290 35 3,370 235 3,455 20 6,640 10 7,011 1 10 135 1,675 3,755 1,435 3,455 14, 921,241 13,908,091 13,652,350 33,215 9,000 213, 526 967,680 120,475 563,610 293,595 45,470 9,126 1,635 5,075 7,855 6,630 11,210 6,340 8,145 6,100 7,685 6,990 16, 135 7,790 212,405 2,005 3,305 825 4,575 1,670 323,530 1,940 669,050 8,100 38,490 8,010 38, 185 1,098,450 59,815 485 1,690 1,495 213,665 7,330 29,163 38,160,465 13,275,395 4,170 16,240 1,991 655 1,685 15 5 650 640 10 945 70 1,815 85 95 35 50 5 15 30 1,820 155 1,076 2,180 915 1,815 9,647,765 8,604,150 8,533,225 36,110 19,315 15,500 984,275 234, 170 473,440 276,665 59,340 5,626 1,715 4,441 7,391 4,716 10,429 4,596 7,069 4,441 6,634 4,506 11,562 5,071 184,160 1,715 2,800 705 5,280 1,260 224,745 1,716 593, 800 5,166 27,814 5,101 27,519 819,460 48,040 340 1,085 765 97,265 4,541 18,179 17,758,335 8,241,445 3,960 20,420 2,160 700 1 1,640 15 35 810 785 25 680 100 1,176 ,131 20 4,501 15 185 1,356 2,130 815 1,176 10,565,820 9,264,750 9,202,470 42,265 3,005 17,010 1,188,850 380, 305 488, 625 319,920 112,220 5,377 1,965 4,692 8,360 4,757 12,756 4,597 8,074 4,512 7,674 4,422 11,994 4,971 192,800 1,850 3,555 706 4,238 1,305 194, 195 1,766 694,315 5,046 30,319 5,011 29,969 902, 970 33,345 260 835 730 105,405 4,466 19,424 18, 896, 445 8,863,195 4,266 26,525 ,162 680 1,445 35 40 755 725 30 470 146 1,097 3,811 5 91 130 15 40 1,167 4,287 15 260 1,506 1,845 . 661 1,097 11,249,244 9,646,354 9,510,369 26,090 9,745 100,150 1,343,860 391,590 625, 140 327,130 259,030 5,056 2,224 4,523 9,067 4,649 14,297 4,544 8,868 4,459 8,293 4,338 13,165 4,675 213,850 1,896 3,966 781 5,487 1,350 191,450 1,942 937,760 4,712 33,894 4,652 33,504 1,001,375 52, 370 225 910 665 93, 740 4,166 19,643 19,405,235 9,129,540 4,208 32, 095 1,616 635 10 1,405 15 10 775 765 10 505 100 666 ,107 10 35 95 726 3,668 35 335 1,421 1,440 437 666 10,586,501 8,767,605 8,694,255 45,450 5,225 22,675 1,523,261 654, 188 421,989 447,084 295,635 4,179 2,533 3,806 8,329 3,858 15,929 3,787 9,501 3,662 8,716 3,505 12,390 3,902 172,913 1,764 4,507 715 6,605 1,005 165,700 1,541 563,513 3,891 31,025 3,856 30,650 894,310 46,060 145 790 575 78,790 3,422 17,729 17,423,076 8,304,444 3,578 32,744 890 395 155 380 15 266 60 5! 10 485 480 20 285 760 625 225 320 6,149,825 4,596,810 4,587,905 7,960 945 1,237,995 567, 740 339,670 330,585 315,020 2,175 2,828 1,995 4,860 2,040 11,235 2,020 6,260 1,945 5,460 1,900 8,355 1,995 114,225 1,010 3,295 460 4,975 545 97,295 625 603, 535 1,985 19,440 1,965 18,825 537,775 26,500 45 170 105 12,610 1,685 9,799 9,386,525 4,377,040 1,830 20,275 220 210 10 120 25 142 720 15 130 130 706 5 65 10 5 50 152 40 155 340 260 130 142 3,527,030 2,618,815 2,598,115 16,665 1,035 3,000 835,830 455,360 170,005 210,465 72,385 1,021 3,454 956 2,662 976 7,015 961 4,046 911 3,666 871 4,522 935 55,655 500 2,670 275 3,200 305 40,640 400 277,365 905 9,370 895 9,090 253,315 19, 725 60 225 195 28,300 830 5,216 5,358,755 2,405,525 881 12,490 20 111 416 30 5 15 116 2,158,166 1,554,835 1,549,125 3,450 2,260 576, 706 303, 945 147,776 124 , 985 26,625 611 3,532 561 1,571 576 4,596 561 2,416 546 2,161 510 1,975 570 47,650 255 1,365 145 1,375 186 40,005 266 235,765 561 6,461 551 5,886 195, 745 12,965 10 2,750 431 2,865 3,067,650 1,435,785 546 8,195 317 142 15 270 145 135 10 90 25 117 607 30 51 138 25 60 116 176 180 234 170 192 3,562,894 2,226,455 2,118,625 7,530 100, 300 1,183,979 633, 805 194, 169 355,985 152,460 820 4,345 794 2,620 627 9,776 822 5,180 782 3,773 705 5,553 764 49, 538 451 3,009 266 3,564 252 57,120 305 249,966 772 11,311 762 10,803 314,845 34,010 40 170 150 17,120 583 4,425 4,031,760 1,850,981 768 15,415 1,725,312 601,052 456,594 708 143, 750 1,006,972 695, 975 66,478 245,519 117,288 164 10,520 144 466 166 5,369 166 2,895 159 2,269 137 1,404 147 14,852 117 1,434 1,488 46 6,620 140 3,634 139 2,878 105,530 4,865 778 734,150 338,315 141 6,263 876,811 152,076 114,731 6,625 26,520 4,000 700,090 456,991 93,330 149,769 24,645 30 29,227 24 906 45,850 11 109, 394 23 1,654 21 1,213 47,590 16,400 103 98,300 41,600 25 3,788 991354 O- 52 - 21 302 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; fljata are based on reports for I tern (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 70-99 acres acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers numbe r. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farms not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: l Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frult-and-nut number. Cash- grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit- an d-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other tlian dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold do liars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold . . . -dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dolla rs Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy andpoultry, sold. ..dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on Apri 1 I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for at 1 purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres boles harvested sold. . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dollars Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres 3,eao 1,251 27 1,125 70 15 410 390 20 445 185 6,443 3,294 247 286 2,761 5 38 602 1,192 290 634 209 76 349 6,676 184 489 1,226 2,370 1,983 6,448 18,364,479 8,101,202 7,286,950 142, 424 409,408 262,420 9,479,334 3,533,191 4,380,980 1,565,163 783,943 10,731 1,711 8,333 14,281 9,900 49,349 9,554 28, 936 9,266 25,738 8,724 35,045 10 , 923 506,639 4,486 15,357 2,640 20,387 3,761 4,044,536 4,840 2,539,027 9,624 71,562 9,357 67,898 2,056,940 178,715 1,780 6,662 4,863 645, 705 3,912 12, 183 11,711,870 5,432,660 8,149 69,474 275 120 530 135 410 10 5 85 110 100 5 840 175 5 579,085 149,050 140, 570 8,345 135 421,385 13,595 384,235 23,555 8,650 665 871 290 345 570 800 530 595 505 555 485 960 755 43,650 155 195 70 365 245 186,425 260 313,230 410 1,025 395 985 27,375 1,485 70 175 140 19,355 130 317 260, 170 118,790 145 295 270 40 1,700 610 5 80 525 485 20 45 420 5 10 1,710 5 30 185 20 45 30 5 10 155 370 270 1,700 1,720,245 1,185,150 1,172,885 3,900 7,615 750 521,010 56,850 395, 510 68,550 14,085 1,900 905 1,130 1,460 1,640 2,890 1,555 2,060 1,500 1,930 1,540 3,730 2,040 64,145 530 805 275 1,650 515 431,300 670 213,495 1,600 7,210 1,560 7,005 202,400 17,060 355 1,410 1,105 147,595 765 2,246 !, 115,550 978,425 990 3,295 10 35 125 285 325 1,115 1,647,110 886,065 870,570 7,050 3,195 5,250 710,110 112, 595 472,835 124,660 50,935 1,550 1,063 1,260 1,920 1,460 3,385 1,415 2,190 1,375 2,095 1,270 3,665 1,645 49,915 635 1,205 330 2,495 485 539, 190 635 121,570 1,465 7,995 1,420 7,815 224,805 6,590 300 1,075 740 95,115 620 1,688 1,564,235 706,600 1,225 6,355 155 40 45 830 135 340 290 815 1,759,605 925,630 916,350 5,100 4,010 170 778,050 129,810 495, 135 153,105 55,925 1,400 1,257 1,145 1,715 1,295 3,945 1,260 2,305 1,250 2,220 1,205 3,805 1,435 55,065 525 1,350 295 3,190 563 570,590 640 213,140 1,293 7,200 1,270 7,050 208,920 10,810 230 675 495 68,365 505 1,552 1,549,375 740,115 1,165 6,605 760 205 670 245 7c-; 145 165 15 535 55 30 450 205 35 15 155 55 825 20 190 425 370 770 2,254,735 1,070,020 1,005,300 14,720 50,000 1,083,155 238, 640 637, 370 207,145 101,560 1,585 1,423 1,405 2,450 1,520 5,745 1,470 3,315 1,425 3,115 1,290 5,080 1,595 77,115 665 1,855 355 3,680 630 518,545 750 449,035 1,490 10,385 1,465 10,200 315, 510 26,743 2«0 805 550 70,735 650 1,642 1,707,945 763, 755 1,390 9,575 5 115 210 70 110 100 110 25 B0 30 120 255 390 290 600 3,116,370 1,450,410 1,339,035 20,150 90,225 1,000 1,544,355 535,465 754,810 254,080 123,605 1,525 2,045 1,375 2,590 1,495 8,225 1,450 4,550 1,420 4,085 1,295 6,890 1,500 90,666 790 2,340 555 6,310 600 660,695 795 458,990 1,495 12,865 1,460 12,415 379,570 28,313 245 800 615 79,965 2,181 2,139,885 1,012,025 1,395 13,675 105 195 135 260 1,937,395 625, 935 613,340 600 11,795 1,246,900 475,650 589,050 182, 200 64, 560 760 2,549 620 1,255 745 5,225 720 3,260 700 3,015 605 3,745 735 47,495 410 1,825 265 3,100 330 617,120 420 665 6,765 P46 6,460 195, 955 14,855 90 350 260 32,985 245 924 934,385 455,320 690 7,595 216 70 15 160 65 50 65 20 25 15 85 33 30 29 20 35 10 186 61 376 206 1 1 15 10 70 30 60 55 115 55 95 55 160 55 1,377,355 866, 783 509,090 393, 270 349,550 281,230 4,275 7,000 265 5,050 155,000 100,000 820,115 44-.S40 477,350 233,820 242,295 140,570 100,470 73,450 48,160 27,575 496 251 2,777 3,461 431 206 932 418 446 220 4,553 2,400 436 210 2,673 1,265 410 200 2,345 1,135 390 210 2,165 1.4S0 470 255 30,340 12,440 280 130 1,335 600 165 103 2,245 1,993 140 110 173, 520 152,200 265 140 258, 706 62,980 465 231 5,220 2,710 440 216 4,705 2,380 149,550 77,735 15,115 4,850 60 53 300 243 210 163 30,025 25,910 140 81 476 326 495, 710 328,600 201,490 178,800 440 286 6,055 3,010 Data are given by tenure of operator, by type of fan nd by economic class for commcrcinl farms only. NORTH CAROLINA :io:i VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued inly a sample of farms. See textj Area 4a— Continued Site of fann — Con. 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and over Total all farms Under 10-29 acres acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 140-179 acres acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acres 260-499 acrea 500-999 acrea 1,000 arrea and over 286 105 5 115 IS 15 31 25 60 10 5 45 140 371 11 30 80 eo 105 65 105 410,785 58,500 57,500 193,465 147,530 466 4,179 361 859 401 7,575 401 4,330 376 3,790 336 2,388 385 26,830 291 2,306 175 2,100 111 157,180 190 160,300 401 6,503 381 5,501 175,375 27,965 110 565 415 53,960 155 528 511,315 227,190 381 8,082 406,215 128,165 123,515 1,000 3,400 250 223,940 148, 100 20,205 55, 635 54,110 101 4,022 2,082 84 1,173 84 880 77 764 89 5,590 631 25 19, 935 2,755 77,455 20,875 77 61,500 40,800 748, 184 251,632 63,830 11,584 176,218 409,394 257,316 23,250 128,828 87,158 32 23,381 2,524 23 1,220 21 573 21 1,063 19 3,389 626 5 17,836 25 729 23 607 22,290 2,050 23,200 9,350 3,467 1,639 21 1,760 70 20 725 725 710 235 8,070 3,777 421 2,946 410 15 lb 866" 352 223 1,503 600 110 793 8,211 6,887 18 155 297 1,106 2,636 2,675 8,070 17,678,525 9,592,901 9,473,190 72,975 40,661 6,075 7,610,024 3,798,391 2,124,075 1,687,558 475,600 13, 076 1,352 8,635 15,240 11,492 63,736 11,052 36,830 10,769 32, 673 10, 216 35,689 12,470 563,359 5,361 17,362 2,905 26,967 3,522 853, 276 5,710 2,974,418 11,017 86,781 10,911 83,840 2, 280 , 720 316,458 7,259 47,864 39,906 5,605,043 580 1,427 1,406,410 568,095 9,350 105, 644 281 135 415 150 885 690 280 705 ;"■!. I'.lfj 160 120 5 135 10 145 143 10 30 5 115 115 5 165 165 630 30 525 75 25 135 1,535 549,980 167,565 164,195 1,095 1,450 825 378, 370 22, 560 319, 180 36,630 4,045 1,125 489 415 525 860 1,625 805 1,080 775 1,005 . 905 1,940 1,195 38,275 275 345 120 900 310 331,995 335 116,965 655 1,525 645 1,515 41,145 1,080 395 1,410 995 132,635 20 49 47,500 19,205 235 495 25 60 25 5 30 2,445 866 1 335 460 2,435 1,632,965 1,075,390 1,063,465 3,835 5,390 2,700 542,135 103,215 324,480 114,440 15,440 2,651 616 1,165 1,555 2,125 4,470 1,975 2,830 1,900 2,670 1,865 4,275 2,540 81,355 831 1,191 340 2,140 566 173,060 915 316, 510 2,010 8,785 1,990 8,705 215,625 84,000 1,400 7,160 5,835 847,955 85 164 154, 650 59,985 1,261 5,195 1,530 450 60 10 100 285 440 1,530 1,674,835 1,120,465 1,104,275 5,500 10,690 534,420 207,305 207,915 119,200 19,950 2,075 807 1,345 1,995 1,805 4,995 1,740 3,075 1,715 2,965 1,610 4,210 2,030 69,275 710 1,165 330 1,930 550 93,890 860 268,960 1,755 9,985 1,750 9,950 274,790 23,830 1,160 6,180 6,100 767,365 110 238 267,460 101, 265 1,445 9,040 40 40 800 490 95 70 20 500 490 25 15 190 35 185 110 975 30 325 185 30 170 835 170 45 365 185 215 520 70 445 460 940 1,668,645 1,110,875 1,099,405 5,325 4,770 1,375 500,310 160,140 190,005 150, 165 57,460 1,795 930 1,400 2,880 1,665 5,510 1,600 3,505 1,570 3,295 1,425 4,705 1,680 84,635 690 1,525 435 3,285 480 38,940 800 329,245 1,620 10,880 1,595 10,685 277,080 25,440 1,065 6,175 5,050 719,360 110 325 252,000 105,420 1,540 10,370 145 575 485 800 2,520,975 1,337,145 1,301,820 28,815 6,510 225 525 430 500 2,591,800 1,479,475 1,471,125 5,860 2,490 1,079,260 454,460 398,795 226,005 104,570 1,900 1,327 1,440 2,530 1,790 9,185 1,750 5,485 1,710 5,070 1,520 5,215 1,810 104,245 845 2,385 505 3,780 595 91,140 990 723,280 1,690 13,595 1,675 13,380 367,125 46,160 1,100 6,765 5,520 760,925 105 267 292,300 125,725 1,625 15,495 1,027,340 552,515 237,490 237,335 84,985 1,635 1,585 1,320 8,500 1,490 9,065 1,460 5,255 1,410 4,915 1,310 4,825 1,530 76,645 845 2,440 440 5,870 445 58,605 835 370,880 1,555 15,005 1,545 14,695 386,865 51, 785 975 7,645 6,125 887,825 50 115 121,500 53,750 1,505 18, 485 160 225 145 190 1,710,700 824,105 881,505 1,350 1,075 175 849,420 470,860 847,810 131,350 37,175 750 8,281 635 1,875 680 5,870 655 3,800 640 8,865 620 3,120 680 42, 720 395 1,720 845 8,685 195 81,450 380 496, 295 665 7,725 660 7,675 223,885 38,680 480 3,485 8,795 411,930 45 100 111,500 42,280 665 10, 170 10 145 55 155 105 105 1,201,830 663,995 660,250 1,650 1,095 1,000 497, 180 324,510 66,420 106, 190 40,715 465 2,585 385 965 435 5,095 425 2,880 420 2,485 415 8,885 480 84,965 885 1,400 190 8,180 155 11,610 260 126, 105 460 5,895 455 5,580 137,275 28,185 300 2,435 8,135 308,740 35 98 84,500 31,500 435 10,325 130 70 506,740 298,245 297,455 750 40 2,057,835 989,000 987,925 1,000 75 1,092,277 355,086 336,777 16,195 2,114 179,495 88,890 26,855 63,750 29,000 175 2,896 125 305 160 2,045 160 1,000 160 960 150 885 155 7,710 650 85 1,245 60 9,475 75 41,800 155 2,155 155 2,130 53,225 3,415 130 1,665 1,325 179,660 10 24 25,000 10,500 160 3,090 ,038,300 790,365 49,945 197,990 30,535 370 5,547 305 920 350 8,420 350 4,705 340 4,185 290 8,835 310 17,960 260 8,225 145 1,270 115 11,440 180 88,175 340 6,885 330 6,015 191,650 39,120 250 3,690 3,025 446,205 IB 15,000 7,500 355 13,035 706,391 471,626 40,294 194,471 30,800 115 9,498 84 889 115 5,148 115 8,637 114 1,513 93 1,568 105 12,003 114 1,559 61 i,oe9 43 8,540 73 75,380 94 3,053 93 2,638 87,150 27,830 56 545 464 68,460 5 35 35,000 11,085 104 7,518 469,943 171,555 164,993 1,600 4,968 877,463 158,545 14,886 110,038 20,925 20 23,497 17 2,308 805 13 438 16 757 872 85,565 7,533 709 537 73, 983 304 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Tabic 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; 'ata are based on reports for Areas 5 and D Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number. . Part owners numbe r. . Managers number. . AH tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share -cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number.. Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number. . Cash- grain number. . Cotton number. . Other field crop number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fruit-and-nut farms number.. Dairy farms number. . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy arid poultry number. . General farms number. . Primarily crop number. . Primarily livestock number. . Crop and livestock number. . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number. . Class II number.. CI ass III numbe r . . Class IV . .number. . Class V number. . CI ass VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. Al 1 livestock and livestock products sold .... dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dol lars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold... do liars.. Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over .... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . dol lars . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dol lars. Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acrea. 6,011 2,048 51 7,467 256 40 2,575 2,545 30 3,875 721 10,889 11, 861 399 11,335 127 95 30 770 525 414 1,676 664 106 906 11,095 15,577 47 272 648 2,335 6,378 5,897 10,889 35,829,379 24, 721, 566 23,737,631 236,020 86, 475 661,440 10,474,609 4,055,944 3,610,416 2,808,249 633,204 23, 986 1,494 15,338 28,176 19,303 88,221 18,583 49,194 17,980 43,464 17,381 62,155 21,072 932,678 7,884 25,746 5,034 42,865 5,689 1,237,952 8,115 4,337,986 20,472 159,806 19,795 152,221 3,784,210 396,050 17,896 213,963 139,551 20,370,790 171 476 478,563 213,174 12, 895 114,837 110 5 655 230 1,230 320 1,075 310 1,165 360 806 370 330 145 225 20 1,851 325 10 5 ,866 425 5 15 40 365 1,851 671,015 494, 200 330,070 2,425 405 161,300 176,445 42,025 79, 935 54,485 370 1,625 413 460 540 1,091 1,917 996 1,172 951 1,077 1,055 2,330 1,565 49,755 345 495 225 890 440 25,690 500 118,540 795 1,855 760 1,760 46,175 3,075 735 3,070 2,090 304,910 10 40 30,000 16,000 206 482 15 630 625 5 2,175 185 3,565 3,665 75 3,570 20 35 10 30 80 55 75 30 10 35 3,585 3,970 5 5 15 200 1,660 2,085 3,565 6,181,010 5,462,420 5,110,520 45,100 26,290 280,510 693,345 115,635 320,410 257,300 25,245 6,660 928 2,920 3,980 4,410 8,040 4,205 5,445 4,000 5,055 4,385 11,675 5,415 144,000 1,370 2,255 950 6,145 1,160 97,190 1,565 357,175 5,555 27, 170 5,330 26,010 639,935 61,385 5,300 49,545 33,135 4,894,280 25 56 54,890 20,615 1,980 7,960 1,670 25 10 710 695 15 780 145 2,065 2,715 50 2,640 25 5 5 100 130 20 215 90 5 120 2,095 3,220 5 30 60 410 1,485 1,230 2,065 6,330,005 4,965,370 4,855,050 25,955 13,360 71,005 1,311,170 251,115 741,130 318,925 53,465 4,890 1,294 3,310 5,275 4,090 10,025 3,935 6,550 3,820 6,200 3,540 10,425 4,315 192,635 1,450 3,145 870 4,960 1,135 273,695 1,535 866,295 4,465 29,365 4,325 28,200 673,750 46,135 3,935 48,285 31,200 4,530,185 25 46 45,860 16,515 2,725 13,765 30 440 430 10 300 110 1,290 1,750 40 1,685 25 5 10 85 75 35 270 105 15 150 1,325 2,265 10 70 380 965 840 1,290 4,590,270 3,446,335 3,406,470 26,195 13,670 550 40 10 270 270 570 45 5 290 290 195 10 1,082,710 344,210 417,335 321,165 61,225 3,345 1,372 2,585 4,460 3,070 10,380 2,980 6,260 2,905 5,760 2,640 7,800 3,030 139,340 1,185 3,455 745 7,205 835 180,620 1,300 574,530 3,045 23,145 2,970 22,600 562, 890 43,645 2,650 31,665 20,510 3,018,985 10 3 3,300 1,180 2,290 15,295 155 75 945 1,365 45 1,300 20 20 5 130 80 55 400 125 35 240 965 2,075 5 15 100 410 915 630 945 4,989,555 3,140,940 3,047,590 55,810 12,165 25,375 1,781,960 490,055 856,715 435,190 66,655 2,860 1,745 2,275 4,300 2,510 12,330 2,430 6,515 2,425 6,280 2,155 8,590 2,605 162,470 1,200 3,240 820 8,335 840 405,920 1,230 1,028,100 2,550 22,930 2,495 22,400 546,430 42,380 2,165 27,690 17,515 2,569,065 25 65 76,800 43,980 2,135 18,070 145 85 585 1,090 35 1,050 5 15 55 45 220 410 70 335 5 5 135 50 85 335 130 25 180 621 1,746 1 20 135 420 750 420 585 4,487,035 2,901,615 2,740,435 33,690 4,540 122,950 1,482,730 574,205 552,285 356,240 102,690 2,211 2,029 1,825 3,700 2,015 12,610 1,980 6,970 1,940 6,210 1,795 8,450 2,015 116,585 1,060 3,550 730 6,200 610 161,810 905 540,525 2,065 21,180 2,015 20,550 506,310 66,265 1,640 23,370 15,090 2,143,530 20 43 40,700 17,990 1,645 17,825 60 40 25 125 65 60 225 670 15 20 80 190 210 155 220 2,429,055 1,592,965 1,581,135 10,165 1,365 300 799,140 291,705 327,335 180,100 36,950 855 2,841 655 1,530 710 6,270 690 3,135 675 2,685 605 2,850 735 41,025 380 1,790 180 1,235 215 19,685 390 463,185 710 9,225 670 8,370 194,150 29,440 630 11,995 8,260 1,257,200 20 28 25,000 10,680 655 8.340 196 90 5 95 10 15 20 151 185 30 145 10 5 60 20 10 96 46 5 45 161 386 5 20 45 116 140 60 151 1,350,252 687,955 665,785 20,500 1,670 600,397 376,280 95,860 128,257 61,900 522 2,587 437 1,098 482 4,983 462 2,757 432 2,405 417 2,333 487 28,005 266 1,124 161 1,877 170 19,225 245 130,210 461 6,603 446 5,888 157,415 19,995 330 4,230 2,765 379,010 10 114 131,500 58,695 431 6,568 1 Date arc given by te of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 305 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sampl : of farms. See texO Areas 5 and D — Continued Areas 6 and K Site of farm — Con. Total all farms Si ze o farm 1 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1.000 acres acres acres and over 10 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres and over 196 86 12 9,195 275 1,475 2,171 1,630 1,360 990 445 246 176 332 63 32 1 95 47 11 3,973 80 955 945 620 500 405 205 106 55 81 15 6 2 15 50 16 26 9 1 41 5 5 5 17 3 16,905 955 7,555 3,715 2,180 1,045 850 265 130 65 115 25 4 5 1 503 220 45 5 150 80 95 70 90 40 55 10 40 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 3 5 6 15 15 5 5 8,846 8,756 90 6,295 1,041 5,608 240 235 5 615 50 1,430 3,455 3,430 25 3,470 400 1,726 2,295 2,290 5 1,370 1,340 30 645 640 5 500 490 10 165 165 80 75 5 40 40 45 45 10 5 1 1 7 B 9 10 20 85 15 6 30 1,025 230 817 555 125 496 240 95 346 220 85 295 65 25 190 35 5 105 25 45 20 106 34 8 10 11 2 55 12 155 48 13 27,438 1,130 9,620 6,395 4,060 2,565 1,960 745 320 206 356 64 17 13 20 20 4 156 40 10 15 10 10 10 5 10 21 21 4 14 135 22 8 1,984 115 690 450 240 165 160 70 25 31 30 6 2 15 6 1 25,298 135 1,015 20 8,890 60 5,935 20 3,805 10 2,390 5 1,790 5 665 5 290 165 5 305 5 37 11 16 17 45 5 41 4 40 127 316 5 60 5 10 35 5 5 30 5 30 35 5 15 20 10 5 5 10 22 15 1 18 30 45 19 45 25 20 75 25 4 432 15 40 51 55 45 50 40 32 10 65 21 8 21 55 50 9 1,337 25 195 280 250 180 130 65 75 45 55 27 10 22 35 10 7 974 10 165 215 185 115 90 45 45 35 45 17 7 23 5 15 1 1 36 327 15 5 25 10 55 10 55 5 60 5 25 1 9 3 24 40 40 20 10 10 25 106 41 5 5,897 1,485 1,751 852 516 386 325 230 120 65 111 42 14 26 356 175 33 30,114 1,310 9,985 6,831 4,435 2,910 2,245 920 482 296 533 120 47 27 1 51 5 11 25 237 5 10 15 5 15 10 5 25 5 40 6 25 25 4 12 28 40 30 25 29 61 44 8 2,358 10 270 415 395 385 385 190 96 80 95 29 8 30 110 35 4 11,367 140 3,210 2,885 2,095 1,230 1,040 285 140 126 165 40 11 31 85 26 2 11,498 580 4,650 2,676 1,460 950 560 270 131 45 156 11 9 32 60 18 3 4,629 565 1,840 850 470 335 230 145 70 20 86 15 3 33 85 30 2 5,608 1,430 1,726 817 496 346 295 190 105 55 106 34 8 34 1,812,162 1,353,186 435,898 84,489,901 2,144,750 2:, 588, 635 18,622,803 13,250,575 9,327,195 7,962,865 3,330,325 2,182,438 1,394,600 2,258,655 846,816 580,244 35 780, 564 503,075 213,926 76,133,254 1,871,905' 21,753,260 17,643,630 12,296,290 8,277,415 6,896,225 2,790,765 1,451,630 1,164,350 1,407,810 365,267 214,707 36 776,629 491,620 208,226 74,369,394 1,665,850 21,444,190 17, 192, 850 12,080, 750 8,119,650 6,805,310 2,739,765 1,418,170 1,067,795 1,283,555 349,977 201,532 37 3,325 4,705 500 1,136,945 29,440 287,095 282,305 177,030 141,300 77,505 45,760 26, 780 29,830 23,930 4,220 11,750 38 610 6,750 5,200 267,640 1,115 19,425 18,475 8,160 16,465 13,410 4,890 6,555 66,725 100,325 11,070 1,025 39 359,275 175,500 2,550 150,000 30,350 350 125 400 40 945,703 769, 846 178,778 6,872,595 261,695 788, 680 820,583 750, 290 842,645 799,045 437,825 588, 708 163,855 799,355 326,424 293,490 41 508,030 465,190 107,309 957,644 8,115 26,280 29,925 31,260 78,985 148,855 14,965 67,025 20,150 392,346 1,780 137,958 42 122,495 54,322 15,994 2,251,512 198,175 311,230 230,860 230,025 352,670 312,940 230, 755 128,135 40,060 177,910 1,934 36,818 43 315,178 250,334 55,475 3,663,439 55,405 451,170 559,798 489,005 410,990 337,250 192,105 393,548 103, 645 229,099 322, 710 118,714 44 85,895 80,265 43,194 1,484,052 11,150 46,695 158,590 203,995 207,135 267,595 101, 735 142, ISO 66,395 51,490 155,125 72,047 45 441 198 33 34,015 2,165 11,256 7,406 4,760 3,165 2,480 1,055 572 346 609 152 49 46 4,109 6,834 13,209 2,492 991 2,007 2,515 2,784 2,947 3,211 3,157 3,815 4,811 3,709 5,571 11,842 47 361 176 29 26,403 845 7,390 6,306 4,240 2,916 2,170 1,025 517 291 539 120 44 48 1,193 1,043 222 47,771 1,070 10,515 10,726 7,795 5,926 4,735 2,400 1,326 792 1,605 566 315 49 401 186 28 18,059 610 4,475 3,956 2,970 2,116 1,800 765 467 241 487 128 44 50 8,133 6,721 1,517 50,895 890 7,145 6,987 6,410 5,194 6,170 2,750 2,649 1,232 4,928 3,832 2,708 51 386 186 28 17,047 535 4,150 3,721 2,835 2,021 1,740 725 462 231 462 121 44 52 3,911 2,877 777 29,763 630 4,865 4,486 3,850 3,208 3,575 1,555 1,269 642 2,580 1,793 1,310 53 356 161 25 16,102 525 3,900 3,455 2,720 1,976 1,660 675 417 226 417 96 35 54 2,776 1,997 419 24,134 615 4,410 4,030 3,555 2,997 3,230 1,285. 854 542 1,875 238 503 55 371 144 24 26,796 1,340 8,330 6,021 4,055 2,671 2,125 865 451 271 508 124 35 56 3,631 1,721 345 166,634 5,070 36,470 35,485 26,435 20,057 15,970 7,905 4,533 3,016 5,438 4,590 1,665 57 406 167 22 29,332 1,790 8,970 6,612 4,360 2,881 2,250 950 521 296 547 115 40 SB 23,755 16,605 3,473 942,904 62,585 223,365 185,930 137, 290 111,680 102,135 38,460 24,330 18,020 31, 420 4,243 3,446 59 265 159 19 7,062 185 1,545 1,461 1,210 845 750 360 232 121 232 90 31 60 2,360 2,156 486 15,669 220 2,015 2,010 1,765 1,535 1,400 745 2,327 417 1,081 1,467 687 61 156 81 11 9,811 270 2,240 2,271 1,640 1,225 975 460 235 150 238 83 24 62 1,951 2,271 271 93,906 1,520 14,695 17, 596 14,960 12,320 10,640 5,385 4,115 2,190 4,702 4,275 1,508 63 106 62 11 7,142 350 1,750 1,600 1,150 845 690 250 185 135 165 12 10 64 14,675 9,145 1,987 1,348,492 166,825 146,885 121, 285 111,215 193,220 221,365 197,505 99,465 11,395 76,255 462 2,615 65 181 109 15 8,466 440 1,960 1,850 1,450 1,005 840 310 235 135 185 38 18 66 103,225 97,483 9,363 2,147,021 134,785 387, 715 280,775 278,470 359,640 244,610 94,710 91,650 52,115 199,965 2,486 20,100 67 346 155 30 31,213 1,340 10,551 7,125 4,550 3,035 2,215 960 502 296 512 94 33 68 6,830 5,522 1,591 265,241 3,540 63,716 62,675 42,670 32,455 25,665 11,095 6,613 4,306 8,514 2,326 1,666 69 331 155 28 30,773 1,290 10,371 7,055 4,505 2,995 2,190 950 492 296 502 94 33 70 6,525 4,807 1,356 256,327 3,445 61,691 60,630 41,350 31,350 24,660 10, 755 6,303 4,216 8,259 2,316 1,352 71 178,500 140,785 33,795 7,552,220 102,310 1,818,665 1,783,135 1,199,715 925,420 727,230 309,075 180,235 136,400 243,610 89,070 37, 355 72 31,185 33,200 12,900 453,160 6,775 99,640 103,355 80,335 51,725 43,670 15,170 8,780 20, 550 15,700 5,000 2,460 73 216 90 20 22,723 745 7,955 5,460 3,400 2,105 1,590 630 265 186 315 52 20 74 5,872 2,765 1,341 158,175 .2,340 40,915 38,350 25,235 17,375 15,125 7,450 3,010 3,163 3,735 9e3 494 75 3,616 1,733 1,012 78,035 1,305 21,855 18,435 12,215 8,440 7,445 3,155 1,405 1,476 1,640 446 218 76 519,030 245,865 126, 805 11,065,145 182,615 3,075,835 2,631,760 1,746,880 1,199,195 1,043,775 442,970 199, 520 212,255 229,105 68,585 32,650 77 10 10 6 28,104 1,235 9,565 6,555 4,195 2,695 1,995 785 380 230 385 63 21 78 22 28 31 118,955 3,034 35,424 27,399 19,110 12,714 10,578 4,340 '2,158 1,529 2,052 431 186 79 18,500 23,100 28,913 26,825,588 3,203,220 37,173,245 29,401,840 20,868,425 13,779,215 11,267,490 4,608,400 2,205,595 1,682,475 2,029,300 433, 712 172,671 80 7,995 6,335 13,189 61,269,192 L, 469, 090 18P87, 820 3/4,196,750 30,042,655 6,703,085 5,510,910 2,204,090 1,099,610 776,285 890,350 212,575 75,972 81 376 162 29 17,933 225 4,190 4,410 3,215 2,240 1,660 815 387 215 412 123 41 82 9,700 9,125 2,371 88,140 480 11,060 14,895 13,675 11,525 11,800 6,440 3,815 1,785 6,134 3,325 3,206 83 306 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. Part owne rs numbe r. Managers. . number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farms not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. CI ass VI numbe r. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars Ail livestock and livestock products sold .... dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold. .. dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. ..dollars Forest products sold dolla Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves Bold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested tn 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain. ...... farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dollurs TobBcco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . cki 1 1 nrs Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Total all farms 4,089 2,595 11 10,515 492 95 2,549 2,469 80 6,868 511 2,794 15,042 279 1,164 13,599 10 5 37 118 601 1,276 701 25 550 2,915 17,210 24 275 '2,117 6,790 5,339 2,665 2,794 56,149,661 49,044,193 48,593,051 324, 816 97,791 28,535 6,057,736 318,389 802,324 4,937,023 1,047,732 19,403 2,894 14,490 35,322 6,991 25,046 6,563 13,612 5,685 9,031 15,587 232,500 16,469 582,486 2,999 7,925 8,811 143,393 3,352 211,695 6,372 1,220,539 17, 817 213,765 17,656 202,284 6,557,013 632,377 13,511 103,279 58,591 8,628,970 9,181 32,996 37,122,674 17,822,473 2,193 8,586 Under 10 acres 100 35 225 5 180 15 701 65 205 30 80 250 701 494,620 358,340 355,965 2,250 125 118,040 580 54, 745 62,715 18,240 850 582 331 586 160 430 145 225 140 185 460 3,280 735 31,315 75 225 190 2,190 160 11,300 255 123,520 410 1,065 385 995 25,025 1,475 340 865 500 68,965 145 358 383,430 181,950 5 15 in -29 acres 495 311 3,250 100 15 595 575 20 2,380 160 886 3,740 35 370 3,335 10 25 81 185 120 5 60 901 4,056 60 1,160 1,721 1,115 886 8,544,485 8,051,740 7,968,070 24,600 59,070 473,670 10,770 84,340 378,560 19,075 4,820 1,773 2,715 4,840 1,106 2,134 1,016 1,256 896 1,073 3,511 26,205 3,776 97,325 395 560 1,461 13,215 520 18,225 1,200 152,215 4,361 26,058 4,296 25,328 798,090 73,650 3,266 15,736 9,156 1,336,650 2,236 6,196 7,132,990 3,427,740 266 576 30-49 acres 575 485 2,965 105 35 650 645 5 2,030 145 425 3,815 35 320 3,460 30 155 70 5 4,025 20 320 1,790 1,430 465 425 11,675,940 11,032,520 10,965,655 62,865 4,000 599,180 7.255 93,180 498, 745 44,240 4,390 2,660 3,180 6,725 1,330 2,550 1,220 1,475 1,060 "1,280 3,565 34,945 3,675 105,515 465 615 1,715 17,255 555 18,140 1,215 154,045 4,230 38,860 4,215 37,920 1,199,365 110, 730 3,385 24,890 14,435 2,135,635 2,255 7,472 8,327,070 4,005,370 415 975 50-69 acres 690 330 ,555 160 15 415 410 5 915 50 191 2,290 30 125 2,135 10 55 200 105 5 90 206 2,575 20 380 1,070 780 325 191 8,248,473 7,420,463 7,388,513 19,580 12,370 719,455 100,805 107,895 510, 755 108,555 2,746 3,004 2,360 5,650 950 2,220 895 1,365 775 1,150 2,291 29,430 2,486 88,860 36C 555 1,321 16,835 500 24,470 985 199,710 2,605 28,580 2,595 27,610 834, 845 57,175 2,005 15,905 8,990 1,299,040 1,395 5,228 5,937,115 2,881,090 360 905 70-99 acres 761 386 1,035 35 15 405 385 20 530 50 190 1,827 30 85 1,712 100-139 acres 536 445 710 30 10 195 185 10 455 20 131 1,461 40 95 1,326 20 90 1 220 115 10 95 210 2,182 5 385 1,022 550 220 190 7,663,360 6,687,765 6,612,005 64,090 11, 690 e09,150 13,045 120,575 675,530 166,425 2,332 3,286 2,031 4,911 1,151 2,808 1,121 1,657 976 1,387 2,022 32,050 2,082 87,190 535 945 1,391 20,780 555 31,235 991 184,100 2,207 28,515 2,187 26,615 846,660 60,205 1,627 13,492 7,458 1,176 4,474 4,994,400 2,446,625 360 1,145 5 65 140 85 55 151 1,691 30 361 755 425 120 131 6,556,650 5,606,265 5,562,360 41,690 2,235 733,125 6,930 113,310 612, 885 217,240 1,776 3,692 1,635 4,095 815 2,055 750 1,145 615 845 1,566 33,235 1,566 62,220 370 640 1,091 16,885 390 15,000 645 110,635 1,706 25,855 1,696 24,320 806,015 58,570 1,300 12,195 6,580 988,275 911 3,590 3,978,725 1,915,440 300 1,060 140-179 acres 295 200 295 10 90 75 15 180 15 60 605 35 20 550 180-219 acres 170 120 1« 15 340 15 20 305 15 185 445 95 50 60 3,246,415 2,568,835 2,525,765 14,810 2,725 25,535 542,710 4,185 115,040 423,485 134,870 820 3,959 730 1,815 425 1,510 415 800 350 535 735 16,850 735 35,580 220 690 505 11,740 275 390 98,700 785 15,200 780 13,860 431,855 54,230 505 4,355 2,510 370,365 415 1,890 2,152,240 1,011,105 155 470 20 110 200 105 15 35 2,073,050 L,70a, Sl( 1,672,795 27,275 2,440 330,385 1,580 43,460 285, 345 40,155 475 4,364 450 1,345 310 1,265 295 660 260 530 450 11,815 410 25, 140 160 320 320 8,215 145 9,810 200 81,830 440 9,745 435 9,005 284,515 25,240 350 2,645 1,560 228,245 230 1,189 1,288,365 608,200 95 360 Data are given by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 307 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued sample of farma. See textj Area 7 — Continued Area 8 Sice of fa™ — Con. Tolal • 11 farms Si re o F farm 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1, 000 acres and over Under 10 acrea 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acrea 70-99 acrea 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acrea 220-259 acrea 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1,000 acrea and over 122 38 5,070 130 810 1,206 865 800 495 260 177 85 148 68 it 1 126 49 28 1,908 55 241 445 340 310 250 65 40 25 97 26 2 41 7 9 89 21,941 850 10,495 5,770 5 2,350 5 1,350 10 620 250 125 5 50 25 65 29 14 10 2 3 115 4 11 1 346 95 15 95 35 75 35 45 15 35 5 30 25 5 10 5 5 6 S 6 35 10 4 3,547 80 1,140 1,015 585 350 210 85 30 20 25 7 7 30 10 4 3,525 75 1,135 1,005 585 350 210 85 30 20 25 5 8 r . 22 5 5 10 2 9 65 15 3 17,377 720 9,000 4,495 1,645 900 360 120 85 20 30 2 10 15 5 1 576 35 225 150 60 60 20 15 5 5 1 11 61 47 12 2,730 775 585 360 215 226 181 155 77 41 67 37 11 12 328 127 34 27,683 955 11,321 7,240 3,415 2,330 1,235 480 275 130 207 74 21 13 26 35 12 18 97 11 1 22 134 371 27, 178 10 35 910 35 151 11,135 10 70 7,160 20 10 2,300 15 30 1,190 5 5 470 5 5 265 10 10 5 192 9 27 38 5 3 13 U 30 3,385 IS 120 16 15 2 2 15 35 10 5 10 20 10 5 10 70 5 5 10 26 5 5 5 45 5 10 10 35 11 31 15 5 41 4 1 34 3 1 4 17 18 63 67 436 19 1 35 5 50 10 55 25 20 70 21 ao 47 24 527 125 115 65 55 55 20 10 5 46 16 15 22 40 22 14 363 6 110 95 45 30 30 5 5 5 20 16 7 1 23 11 40 66 25 53 10 17 158 2,927 810 15 590 20 380 20 235 25 251 20 206 15 165 10 92 26 88 7 19 25 46 45 26 498 216 82 29,008 1,035 11,546 7,421 3,560 2,465 1,375 575 342 165 335 137 52 27 5 55 46 12 34 47 391 5 10 5 10 5 25 10 20 5 60 1 15 6 66 3 47 7 18 28 29 75 25 20 145 65 16 5,272 650 1,825 1,080 765 470 200 135 30 80 27 10 30 142 57 9 15,161 155 6,730 4,105 1,880 1,210 550 235 105 60 101 21 9 31 90 22 6 6,523 525 3,585 1,200 475 325 195 70 45 40 42 16 5 32 61 19 5 1,614 340 566 261 95 90 95 45 41 15 40 23 3 33 61 47 12 2,730 775 585 360 215 226 181 155 77 41 67 37 11 34 2,804,965 1,781,257 1,474,791 110,026,214 1,963,405 34,678,580 30,260,360 15,319,990 11,214,030 6,596,790 2,857,165 1,811,264 884,800 2,326,940 1,098,167 1,014, 723 35 2,086,426 1,387,340 859,004 104,274,421 1,883,580 34,046,735 29,493,465 14,557,455 10,521,135 5,946,490 2,441,875 1,539,995 722, 735 1,684,611 776,234 660, 111 36 2,065,346 1,370,830 854,222 103,698,703 1,634,290 33,965,675 29,408,035 14,505,850 10/494,160 5,929,600 2,428,720 1,535,535 703,695 1,676,711 773,665 642,767 37 19,540 16,280 3,941 272,187 9,285 71,895 78,325 41,005 24,240 10,290 8,560 3,255 6,500 4,450 2,565 11,817 Vt 1,540 230 841 52,921 250,610 2,270 237,735 9,165 7,105 10,225 375 2,735 6,600 4,595 1,205 40 12,500 3,450 4 5,527 39 40 652,294 348,667 482,190 4,825,182 79,825 610,120 697,480 692,440 535,635 506,140 285,800 242,594 152,815 479,644 236,442 306,247 41 143,425 1,065 21,129 868,995 6,875 12,530 42,030 145, 590 9,695 165,1-90 5,170 109,095 125 199,033 38,438 135,224 42 38,965 8,550 7,179 623,904 27,125 141,135 103,450 99,855 74,115 59,065 30, 530 25,843 5,245 23,924 7,420 26,197 43 469,904 339,052 453, 882 3,332,263 45,825 456,455 552,000 446,995 451,825 281, 885 250,100 107,656 147,445 256,687 190,584 144,826 41 66,245 45,250 133,597 926,611 21,725 69,415 70,095 157,260 144,160 129,490 28,675 9,250 162,685 85,491 48,365 45 548 225 81 30, 567 1,555 11,946 7,661 3,645 2,575 1,440 635 382 185 346 141 56 46 5,119 7,917 18,207 3,600 1,263 2,903 3,950 4,203 4,355 4,581 4,499 4,742 4,783 6,725 7,788 18,120 47 478 204 76 21,234 450 6,391 5,985 3,125 2,351 1,330 620 356 176 289 114 47 48 2,059 1,362 809 50,245 670 11,407 12,995 7,110 5,947 3,645 2,250 1,320 697 1,749 1,301 1,154 It 341 163 60 9,032 175 2,065 2,191 1,380 1,350 740 405 231 125 233 92 45 50 3,621 1,907 3,521 30,171 385 3,320 4,429 3,285 3,855 2,610 1,675 1,505 1,330 2,529 2,210 3,038 51 331 147 58 8,246 165 1,795 2,006 1,260 1,280 675 375 221 125 213 88 43 52 1,576 1,014 1,949 16,637 240 2,020 2,713 1,880 2,090 1,515 815 895 545 1,358 1,273 1,293 S3 291 136 36 7,341 14G 1,580 1,760 1,150 1,150 640 350 191 105 183 60 32 54 1,011 417 233 12,250 210 1,730 2,340 1,600 1,555 1,315 600 725 185 993 370 627 55 427 195 70 24,025 845 8,605 6,330 3,165 2,246 1,290 585 322 160 314 117 46 56 15,547 10,506 8,792 211,054 4,040 52,335 49,950 29,310 25,673 15,170 9,925 4,891 3,670 7,465 4,148 4,477 57 462 199 58 26,438 1,155 9,475 6,920 3,455 2,406 1,370 665 381 155 309 110 37 58 24,110 9,637 3,844 832,831 35,450 244,135 194,915 124, 760 89,610 59,165 31,405 17, 980 6,935 15,055 6,416 7,005 59 190 96 43 3,144 50 525 726 530 490 250 160 101 75 131 70 36 60 1,185 532 1,408 8,274 85 685 1,072 1,000 970 750 425 560 490 905 676 656 61 352 156 64 10,289 230 2,760 2,645 1,485 1,290 755 425 191 140 228 99 41 62 11,743 8,408 7,222 99,106 1,540 17,655 18, 745 12,855 14,750 8,095 6,605 3,017 2,805 6,926 3,337 2,776 63 130 40 17 5,349 185 1,620 1,385 815 570 355 165 91 40 85 27 11 64 7,160 2,318 1,457 207,069 8,055 53,920 43,300 33,190 18,805 16,730 9,965 10,332 1,765 4,595 1,253 5,159 65 251 68 27 7,010 310 2,180 1,685 1,040 745 425' 225 146 65 131 44 14 66 56,880 15,493 12,431 838,882 40,345 203,405 120,055 141,910 82,855 84,365 37,215 32,065 7,350 31,440 11,430 46,447 67 488 214 71 28,810 810 11,536 7,495 3,575 2,495 1,350 590 346 165 290 112 46 68 13,422 10,100 8,595 362,906 2,585 96,114 97,300 54,205 41,305 24,465 12,005 7,564 5,285 9,560 5,409 7,109 69 483 213 71 28,351 790 11,346 7,375 3,525 2,455 1,340 585 341 165 275 110 44 70 12,507 9,619 7,575 351,051 2,550 93,049 95,070 52,775 39,920 23,935 11,735 7,379 4,995 8,100 4,896 6,647 71 440,280 356,473 298,595 10,875,139 82,030 2,904,530 2,861,390 1,635,050 1,219,210 728,300 403,725 207,680 153,195 272,287 176,137 231,605 72 53,695 35,249 76,408 1,232,865 11,455 311, 745 299,065 187,390 125,080 101,365 42,180 19,280 12,385 54,390 43,970 24,560 73 346 138 49 19,281 345 7,696 5,410 2,500 1,695 825 310 180 75 136 90 19 74 5,075 2,983 2,488 113,904 890 34,349 33, 570 16,045 11,900 6,610 2,445 1,765 790 2,150 2,195 1,195 75 2,695 1,863 1,534 68,017 605 21, 593 19,900 9,155 6,695 3,985 1,350 930 305 1,354 1,374 771 76 399,620 291,259 221,016 9,678,645 78,205 3,016,625 2,839,420 1,306,050 979,780 566, 775 191,755 127,965 43,030 186, 780 227, 619 114,641 77 177 69 22 27,763 945 11,250 7,255 3,480 2,365 1,260 485 300 115 217 66 25 78 1,100 458 184 145,573 2,436 48,359 40,400 20,839 15,186 8,312 3,533 2,262 1,032 2,114 479 621 79 1,141,240 611,660 172,229 79,162,134 2,990,380 59,238,380 50,081,940 26,155,345 18,667,605 10,183,085 4,294,025 2,624,040 1,225,275 2,505,765 538,346 657,948 80 550,201 279,222 73,730 88,053,687 1,479,695 29,507,720 25,079,185 12,475,255 8,995,675 4,894,275 2,070,150 1,226,860 557,890 1,201,865 263,979 301,138 81 102 29 31 10,579 50 2,410 3,065 1,855 1,520 721 395 176 76 208 61 42 82 818 338 1,644 49,042 120 7,170 10,840 7,380 7,045 4,020 2,980 1,354 620 2,923 1,132 3,458 39 30£ STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; LData are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by tenure of operator: [ Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share -cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farms not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number. Cash- grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit- an d-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily live stock number. Crop and livestock numbc r. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold . . . .dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold. .. dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. . . doll ars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. Al ] cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for al 1 purposes farms reporting acres forn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Total all farms Cotton harvested. Tobncco harvested. Land from which hay was cut. . . farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. .dollars . . farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dol lars . . farms reporting acres 4,167 1,930 70 9,175 202 465 5,485 5,390 95 2,452 571 3,654 13, 879 167 3,035 10,677 46 74 111 299 162 636 461 40 135 3,989 15,342 45 130 1,147 5, 274 5,786 2,960 3,854 43,016,060 36,371,989 36,713,826 565, 573 1,050,840 41,750 4,158,796 1,042,814 1,746,443 1,369,539 485,275 18,072 2,380 14,370 25, 802 8,403 23,606 7,700 13,891 7,176 11, 994 14,395 81,146 15, 926 492, 108 2,681 6,314 4,559 36,287 2,981 1,364,764 3,665 769,529 16,748 175,441 16,633 172,837 4,284,299 397,433 13,315 164,152 65,591 6,987,484 12,772 46,218 52,559,278 26,163,879 8,593 50,717 255 5 15 85 85 830 410 20 135 255 825 560,000 486,030 470, 655 10,050 1,076 4,250 73, 970 5,225 47,620 21,125 960 583 460 535 300 445 270 315 260 300 625 1,980 690 26,345 80 105 130 525 150 32,505 205 53,675 700 1,985 695 1,980 50,135 2,130 335 1,155 520 66,425 455 805 859,285 394,095 105 195 W-29 acres 760 420 4,020 50 175 2,155 2,140 15 1,415 225 1,270 5,015 25 1,120 3,870 15 10 ,285 10 70 1,495 2,245 1,375 1,270 10,806,070 10,264,390 10,127,860 102, 500 11,530 22,500 526, 745 36, 200 346,425 144,120 14,935 6,175 1,750 4,365 5,825 1,890 2,690 1,685 2,065 1,545 1,735 4,675 17,065 5,100 115,670 460 725 1,070 5,260 700 338,745 815 86,760 5,735 39,455 5,695 39,405 981,210 81,106 4,890 38,090 16,075 2,202,560 4,420 13, 703 15,723,250 7,741,390 2,180 6,995 30-49 acres 885 416 2,575 45 185 1,620 1,590 30 585 140 555 3,641 35 835 2,771 25 125 100 10 15 560 240 1,490 1,491 655 555 ,868,230 , 428, 835 ,221,290 124,080 68,465 15,000 410,065 10,275 202,810 196,980 29,330 4,261 2,316 3,610 6,265 2,055 3,305 1,845 2,045 1,630 1,835 3,535 18,330 3,865 102,475 595 770 1,080 6,930 665 203,370 785 69,960 4,065 41,810 4,040 41,695 1,00*, 300 96,965 3,495 41,350 17,365 2,360,970 3,161 11,318 12,950,035 6,609,480 2,230 8,605 50-69 acres 660 280 ,150 5 55 870 835 1,910 5 425 1,480 5 100 80 5 15 350 210 900 730 240 340 6,237,810 5,827,850 5,668,180 138, 820 20,850 376,255 24,465 214,460 137, 330 33, 705 2,325 2,683 2,090 3,950 1,245 2,395 1,160 1,610 1,120 1,525 1,970 11,710 2,130 67,715 395 510 715 4,670 445 211,000 520 71,340 2,250 27,715 2,245 27,510 668, 160 72,100 1,660 28, 695 11,000 1,499,290 1,805 7,020 8,198,000 3,984,105 1,335 6,100 70-99 acres 560 215 15 280 270 ,040 15 195 630 20 280 15 160 485 430 150 265 3,981,175 3,366,190 3,250,635 39,875 75,660 558,430 9,645 419,325 129, 460 56, 555 1,400 2,844 1,300 2,555 870 1,815 810 1,050 795 985 1,195 7,730 1,355 56,645 280 350 445 4,405 385 424,230 405 125,460 1,345 16,315 1,345 16,170 378,805 23,860 940 14,235 5,165 709,030 1,080 4,420 4,938,640 2,426,655 5,105 100-139 acres 401 210 10 365 25 10 275 275 20 220 831 20 140 665 75 5 10 240 5 150 375 365 3,305,840 2,804,955 2,758,920 40,600 5,435 376,005 102, 145 143,860 130,000 124,880 1,151 2,872 996 2,087 756 1,991 686 1,231 656 1,061 1,001 7,489 1,036 44,040 285 665 400 3,600 260 84,395 435 122,010 1,076 14,708 1,066 14,413 357, 200 21,785 741 14,107 5,313 720,640 790 3,592 3,820,305 1,894,700 691 4,623 140-179 acres 205 65 5 140 5 20 105 70 275 175 120 60 105 1,559,700 1,345,070 1,323,400 20,740 930 184,000 29,235 67,320 87,445 30,630 480 3,249 405 850 340 1,375 330 750 295 500 395 3,345 430 22,565 110 320 185 2,180 105 26,610 95 67,645 450 6,105 440 5,920 143,110 6,115 320 4,570 1,485 207,215 315 1,386 1,663,610 1,052,100 300 2,090 180-219 acres 270 15 145 85 35 70 1,358,665 1,159,820 1,115,375 22,835 21,610 156,845 35, 155 19,280 102,410 42,000 400 3,397 380 1,010 270 1,075 270 600 260 555 355 3,655 365 18,070 120 385 180 2,800 70 3,645 125 29, 720 370 7,205 370 6,995 172,360 13,690 235 6,030 2,250 306,300 280 1,289 1,472,585 696,745 260 2,650 Data Bre given by tenure of operator, by type of fnrm, Bnd by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 309 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued nly a sample of forms. See textj Are a 9 — Continued Area 10 Site of farm — Zon. Total all farms Si ze o farm 260-499 500-999 1. 000 acres Under 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1.000 acres acres acres and over 10 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acrea acres acres acres and over 19? 80 34 1,831 71 305 310 240 350 250 95 45 50 76 ::L'- 16 1 76 49 9 1,250 10 195 125 190 175 125 115 100 35 150 20 10 2 14 25 11 5 6 1 55 10 31 10 4 2 1,401 85 90 5 500 : 183,090 152,100 17,100 13,890 1,315 55 3,790 45 100 45 825 45 535 45 535 45 120 45 1,505 30 365 218,390 164, 505 2,560 51,325 27,500 160 3,559 150 440 125 1,150 125 705 125 690 100 320 110 3,025 80 640 30 140 25 825 55 3,615 140 1,145 140 965 31,625 350 10 30 15 3,125 145 648 630,085 304,240 140 1,265 11,985 1,060 2,465 8,460 500 150 1,805 130 295 125 425 125 205 125 195 140 360 125 3,820 40 110 15 85 25 850 55 3,950 150 1,130 150 1,130 26,650 680 10 35 20 3,300 145 610 591,805 252,550 95 800 4(1 41 42 43 44 45 55 1,885 20 35 45 225 45 160 45 160 40 155 45 580 15 15 20 535 10 3,070 35 250 35 250 7,800 620 10 55 30 3,250 40 84 94, 750 39,610 35 285 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ss 59 60 61 5 18,000 25 4,010 55 490 55 450 11,500 1,535 5 15 10 1,500 10 40 41,500 14, 750 45 1,065 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 19 238 233,100 117,100 43 3,211 78 79 80 81 82 83 316 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Share- cash Crop-share Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 1R0 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number Cash-grain number Cot ton numbe r Other field-crop number Vegetable farms ., .number Fruit-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. .. .number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock - number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number Class I number Class II number Class III number Class IV number Class V number Class VI number Other farms number Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dol lars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold .....dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold. . .dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Mmfcer of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows, including heifers that have calved. . .farms reporting number Milk cows .farms reporting number All hogs and pigs.. ..farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harveated farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dol lars Tobacco harvested forms reporting ocrea pounds harvested sold. . dol lars Land from which hay was cut forms reporting acres 1,015 2,505 1,895 1,620 1,800 1,680 800 536 261 476 111 32 3,294 247 286 2,761 5 38 602 1,192 290 634 209 76 349 6,676 184 489 1,226 2,370 1,983 6,448 18,364,479 8,101,202 7,286,950 142,424 409,408 262, 420 9,479,334 3,533,191 4,380,980 1, 565, 163 783,943 10, 731 1,711 8,333 14,281 9,900 49,349 9,554 28, 936 9,266 25,738 8,724 35,045 10,923 506,639 4,486 15, 357 2,640 28,387 3,761 4,044, 536 4,840 2,539,027 9,624 71,562 9,357 67,898 2,056,940 178,715 1,780 6,662 4,863 645,705 3,912 12, 183 11,711,870 5,432,660 8,149 69,474 80 275 530 595 760 670 350 216 116 226 1,773 137 85 1,551 5 24 391 862 230 398 136 60 202 177 24 97 285 667 1,480 1,327 9,907,323 3,989,192 3,431,142 107,222 250,078 200,750 5,396,263 1,746,206 2, 790, 144 859,911 521,868 3,880 2,553 3,065 5,671 3,393 23, 793 3,316 13,497 3,220 11,617 2,933 12,976 3,534 248, 250 1,863 6,36b 1,053 12,749 1,695 2,467,826 2,031 1,703,837 3,320 27,004 3,214 25, 537 815,875 61,760 643 2,068 1,526 203,265 1,875 5,706 5,676,675 2,674,495 3,111 30, 310 120 135 110 205 245 145 70 70 105 605 55 45 505 160 205 50 183 47 15 121 35 127 327 420 300 4,242,921 1,762,374 1, 540, 709 11,025 154,640 56, 000 2,365,987 1,067,645 971,375 326, 967 114,560 1,251 3,392 1,069 2,130 1,163 9,661 1,148 5,568 1,143 5,384 1,088 6,598 1,183 77,474 /02 3,376 504 6,658 560 982, 225 615 427, 935 1,230 14,713 1,205 13,583 430, 795 46,020 226 1,015 765 98, 740 661 2,503 2,454,145 1,157,665 1,094 14 , 536 366,357 27,069 23, 319 500 3,000 250 326, 188 288,559 608 37,021 13,100 27 13,569 601 20 611 10 830 20 429 7 187 16 312 10 210 7,040 500 1 4 2 300 1,500 1,000 75 410 115 100 65 165 35 90 155 705 40 105 10 225 465 355 2,339,465 1,634,850 1,628,530 6,300 26 921 314 , 8B0 297,970 65, 565 26,200 1,125 2,080 610 1,165 705 3,435 665 2,210 645 2,130 780 2,785 875 22,695 340 845 190 1,670 205 380,175 260 58,345 1,020 9,195 99b 8,800 243,045 30,445 380 2,170 1,670 227,020 800 2,915 2,764,265 1,263,920 615 6,055 212,350 49,695 47,670 2,025 159,255 122,375 26,975 9,905 3,400 70 3,034 50 90 55 740 50 490 50 490 40 135 50 995 35 240 65 770 60 720 20,700 6,045 20 113 75,500 33,000 45 595 12, 735 11, 360 1,375 1,375 30 10 135 10 60 10 10 255 500 5 1,750 15 140 15 140 4,250 2,700 15,500 4,400 310 30 160 105 778, 550 542, 685 541,840 825 20 231.865 36, 730 162,186 30,950 4,000 390 1,996 320 560 260 820 260 520 260 520 275 1,085 305 8,710 145 210 85 755 95 215, 945 110 30,015 375 3,505 370 3,465 90,410 11,495 125 725 565 76,190 260 835 648,670 382,275 275 2,180 1 Data arc given by type of form and by economic class for commercial farma only. NORTH CAROLINA .",17 PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area 4a — Continued Tenure of operator— On. Tenanta— Con. Croppers 60 355 25 110 180 130 911,910 615,575 812,625 2,950 96,335 7,305 81,520 445 2,049 70 135 195 335 185 265 175 245 300 890 330 7,045 90 120 30 135 45 110,610 65 3,650 390 2,910 380 2,855 84,770 6,805 140 900 730 100,320 385 1,584 1,463,480 687,935 150 995 130 10 364,400 182,500 182,000 500 163,100 124,610 24, 740 13,750 18,500 165 1,970 135 305 145 1,010 140 570 130 555 140 525 160 5,075 65 235 50 420 30 18,955 55 21,460 155 1,575 150 1,375 34,915 3,400 70 375 245 32,655 100 323 322,700 138,125 115 1,805 Farm a not claaai- fied by tenure 840 ,700 ,115 815 770 600 260 160 55 105 25 1,508,413 687,717 663,250 17,377 1,670 5,420 712,481 115,899 320,883 275,699 108,215 4,448 339 3,553 5,280 4,618 11, 185 4,403 6,860 4,236 5,996 3,913 11,856 5,317 157, 520 1,561 2,342 886 7,123 1,301 214,310 1,931 348, 070 4,038 20,338 3,933 19,768 560,185 39, 990 530 1,405 900 116,380 575 1,056 615,285 335,580 33,036 17,652 Total all farms 1,730 3,301 2,355 1,920 1,965 1,735 765 460 160 371 115 20 3,777 421 2,946 410 15 10 866 352 223 1,503 600 110 793 8,211 6,887 18 155 297 1,106 2,636 2,675 8,070 17,678,525 9,592,901 9,473,190 72,975 40,661 6,075 7,610,024 3,798,391 2,124,075 1,687,558 475,600 13,076 1,352 8,635 15,240 11,492 63,736 11,052 36,830 10, 769 32,673 10,216 35,689 12,470 563, 359 5,361 17, 362 2,905 26,967 3,522 853,276 5,710 2,974,418 11,017 86,781 10,911 63,840 2, 280, 720 316,456 7,259 47,864 39,906 5,605,043 560 1,406,410 566,095 9,350 105,644 Tenure of operator Pull owners 65 281 415 575 690 705 255 190 90 145 47 1,491 216 1,135 140 10 10 527 251 181 871 289 80 502 126 3,467 8 55 147 506 1,281 1,470 7,100,038 3,114,577 3,070,572 14,910 23,845 5,250 3,685,726 1,811,855 1,101,170 772,701 299,735 3,467 2,048 2,686 5,041 3,163 26,212 3,118 14,939 3,047 13,070 2,739 12,243 3,078 196,477 1,809 7,810 963 10,400 1,154 579,446 1,842 1,285,455 3,030 27,283 3,014 26,419 801, 685 105, 728 2,092 12,886 11,614 1,594,055 210 547 522,300 210,170 2,967 39,497 Part owners 10 135 150 225 260 255 185 160 60 145 30 760 120 525 115 272 90 25 482 241 25 216 71 105 385 610 460 4,896,046 2,401,805 2,383,515 16,675 1,615 2,416,766 1,312,850 717,431 386,485 79,475 1,639 2,988 1,279 2,695 1,494 16,557 1,464 9,348 1,434 8,178 1,378 6,228 1,484 125,736 1,004 4,601 552 7,307 592 192,955 922 1,157,610 1,519 17,836 1,489 16,285 469,665 85,395 1,099 10,273 8,630 1,241,170 150 365 376,250 153, 250 1,449 27,279 Munagers 454,447 190,163 189, 988 175 264,264 181,423 11,731 21 21,640 1,567 21 375 361 17 353 3 1,970 3 15,480 715 22,140 5,900 12 145 143 24,758 120 450 260 180 215 275 135 60 15 30 20 ,515 75 ,285 155 215 745 745 2,917,565 2,378,610 2,375,915 2,445 250 506,415 311,720 62,570 132,125 32,540 1,760 1,658 940 1,915 1,315 5,970 1,275 3,630 1,230 3,390 1,305 4,195 1,450 46,170 640 1,660 345 2,525 345 20,000 605 115,775 1,500 14, 860 1,490 14, 735 372,105 75, 215 1,550 14,795 12, 330 1,767,795 155 399 420,000 177,575 1,065 13,720 76,680 62,495 62, 370 50 14,145 2,715 7,910 3,520 40 70 1,095 110 55 205 55 125 125 65 ,900 25 ,355 70 900 70 900 18,850 3,000 450 345 51,750 55 490 Share- cash 78,655 28,020 47,635 37,400 1,805 8,430 3,000 330 15 220 15 220 20 80 20 805 10 75 20 490 20 490 16, 375 4,000 120 105 14,445 Crop-shore 30 70 95 95 115 165 600 40 505 55 20 115 290 300 1,217,325 1,035,450 1,034,325 1,050 75 171,625 84,145 25,600 61,880 10,250 725 1,679 565 1,205 615 2,570 600 1,530 575 1,420 605 2,075 625 21,650 300 640 195 1,515 170 6,415 295 48,290 660 6,805 655 6,805 168,735 43,310 640 6,110 5,030 749, 300 55 139 146, 500 62,360 570 6,680 Livestock shure ' i ..|.|i. , 60 315 115 660 30 550 60 10 85 320 290 1,157,715 1,004,195 1,003,925 270 141, 770 83, 655 17,665 40,450 11,750 710 1,631 165 330 455 1,920 435 1,135 415 1,015 490 1,465 560 16,645 215 530 80 630 110 5,515 170 32,160 550 5,000 545 4,940 125,370 22,345 625 6,420 5,405 ^74,340 60 203 212,500 90,705 270 3, 940 Other and unspeci- fied 175 20 10 110 105 387,190 248,450 247, 275 1,075 100 131,240 103,805 9,590 17,845 7,500 235 1,648 135 250 170 945 170 620 170 610 145 430 160 4,170 90 350 45 185 25 6,205 90 15,415 200 1,665 200 1,600 42,775 2,560 215 1,695 1,445 197,960 20 57 61,000 24,490 150 2,330 Fsrms not claasi- fied by tenure 1,535 2,435 1,530 940 800 500 190 70 15 41 12 2,308,429 1,507,746 1,453,200 38, 770 14,951 825 736,833 180,543 231, 173 325,117 63,650 6,189 373 3,709 5,487 5,499 13,410 5,174 8,038 5,039 7,469 4,774 12,358 6,439 191,826 1,867 2,910 1,028 6,382 1,428 58,905 2,338 400,098 4,948 25,e66 4,898 25,686 615,125 44,220 2,506 9,625 6,989 957,265 65 116 87,860 27,100 3,848 22,834 991354 0-52-22 318 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF QData are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop-share Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1 , 000 acres and over number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number Cash-grain number Cotton number Other field-crop number Vegetable farms number Fruit-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. .. .number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number Class I number Class II number Class III number Class IV number Class V number Class VI number Other farms number Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold. .. dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows, including heifers that have calved. . -farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1 949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dol lars Land from which hay was cut (arms reporting acres 2,276 7,535 5,285 3,555 3,020 2,331 890 537 356 441 205 35 11,861 399 11,335 127 95 30 770 525 <1< 1,676 664 106 906 11,095 15,577 47 272 648 2,335 6,378 5,897 10,889 35,829.379 24,721,566 23,737,631 236,020 86,475 661,440 10,474,609 4,055,944 3,610,416 2,808,249 633,204 23,986 1,494 15,338 28,176 19,303 88,221 18,583 49,194 17,980 43,464 17,381 62,155 21,072 932,678 7,884 25,746 5,034 42,865 5,689 1,237,952 6,115 4,337,986 20, 472 159,806 19,795 152,221 3,784,210 396,050 17,896 213,963 139,551 20,370,790 171 476 478,563 213,174 12,895 114,837 110 655 1,230 1,075 1,165 806 330 196 150 196 86 12 3,520 197 3,258 65 65 25 501 400 257 1,077 417 80 580 166 6,011 33 153 333 832 2,201 2,459 13,696,220 7,637,905 6,824,900 118,465 58,465 636,075 5,713,896 2,135,255 2,220,986 1,357,655 344,419 6,011 2,279 4,537 9,146 5,301 36,755 5,201 19,400 5,096 17,268 4,600 21,508 5,251 365,700 2,727 12,257 1,675 17,211 1,874 927,435 2,752 2,328,745 5,126 46,794 4,915 44,180 1,132,765 133,145 4,671 54,210 36,663 5,353,261 71 103 94,760 45,070 4.433 44,456 230 320 310 360 370 145 90 1,306 76 1,210 20 25 5 192 75 87 343 132 16 195 15 81 183 471 710 595 5,977,012 3,443,675 3,399,035 32,540 12,100 2,419,214 1,245,250 635,918 538,046 114, 123 2,048 2,918 1,636 3,663 1,882 17,600 1,847 9,572 1,777 8,013 1,682 9,978 1,806 141,425 985 4,858 741 9,835 590 157,215 879 927,128 1,8-78 21,904 1,822 19,937 528,610 64,195 1,640 2' .118 18,202 2,59",026 37 164 183, 8o0 78,920 1,622 23,805 574,422 172,226 156,226 14,000 2,000 393,734 196,559 18,007 179,168 8,462 51 11,263 50 260 49 2,382 39 1,277 38 969 41 1,160 47 3,898 35 1,273 36 954 20 3,137 24 26,248 43 1,282 43 1,178 IS, . t 7,250 17 1,312 746 101,628 3 20 22,753 HI. 1> 46 310 3,085 1,670 880 550 570 195 95 35 50 26 1 7,026 125 6,860 41 60 50 55 246 111 10 125 7,467 5 15 120 1,030 3,465 2,832 12,260,585 11,150,845 11,101,010 44,355 5,480 1,041,840 278,500 433,770 329,570 67,900 7,467 1,642 3,717 6,910 4,887 12,823 4,757 8,167 4,541 7,461 4,976 14,037 5,381 163,855 1,800 3,590 1,120 6,110 1,035 65,795 1,525 582,225 6,622 52.278 6,422 50,i 53 1,185,805 132,295 ".232 104,994 70,268 10,383,745 60 189 . 10 "8,545 2, "01 19,290 180 5 5 110 101 416,280 293,795 271,155 22,600 122,485 40,200 59,085 23,200 256 1,626 201 368 211 736 206 496 196 486 200 975 221 11,310 105 250 55 310 55 5,190 95 82,165 231 1,885 216 1,790 39,225 1.535 2?1 2.328 1,567 241,500 65 625 695 430 270 290 85 50 15 15 5 2,385 30 2,355 20 15 20 100 60 2,545 5 35 395 1,205 905 77,5^0 75,080 4,150,065 3,850,430 3,837,705 10,100 2,625 2,490 1,660 305 40 1,939 25 45 30 50 30 50 30 50 25 60 30 620 10 10 35 10 265 10 250 35 300 35 300 8,225 500 40 40 520 "2.-30 181 1,435 85 135 288,135 84,930 91,425 111,780 11,500 2,545 1,631 1,925 3,500 1,990 5,215 1,950 3,390 1,355 3,085 1,895 5.510 2,040 60,440 770 1,240 430 2,480 425 31,695 635 142,400 2.380 21,105 2.320 20,555 478,370 56,685 2,480 35."45 24.125 3,51 ', -i 5 15 25 13,300 6,015 1,295 8,145 Data are given by type of farm and by economic claas for comnercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 319 PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Areas 5 and D— Continued Arms 6 and R Tenure of operator— Con. Tenanta — Con. Croppers 300 155 3,775 75 3,675 25 510 1,845 1,460 6,341,215 6,022,950 6,012,835 8,165 1,950 308,015 33,955 181,210 92,850 10,250 3,875 1,636 1,045 1,965 2,125 4,170 2,050 2,955 1,955 2,690 2,335 5,430 2,515 61,585 670 1,235 465 1,835 425 19,020 600 144,140 3,310 23,320 3,210 22,575 540,455 68,795 3,805 57,270 38,595 5,699,360 40 130 117,390 49,280 800 6,730 unspeci- fied 20 185 145 110 75 85 45 20 10 20 616 20 585 11 10 25 75 270 341 1,231,830 876,640 873,310 3,290 40 309,040 114,655 99,970 94,415 46,150 721 1,709 501 992 506 2,537 501 1,211 485 1,085 501 2,017 555 29,085 240 810 150 1,430 110 9,275 175 209,070 636 5,423 611 5,188 113,330 4,780 656 8,641 5,256 771,390 5 34 46,500 23,250 385 2,655 Farms not classi- fied by tenure 1,351 3,565 2,065 1,290 945 585 220 151 100 85 30 2 3,321,140 2,316,915 2,256,460 26,660 8,430 25,365 905,925 200,380 301,735 403,810 98,300 8,409 395 5,398 8,197 7,184 18,661 6,739 10,778 6,528 9,753 6,082 15,472 8,587 257,800 2,337 3,768 1,462 8,755 2,170 84,370 2,935 473,640 6,803 37,548 6,593 36,273 843,370 59, 165 4,336 27,329 13,672 1,935,130 4,093 24,545 Total all farms 2,740 11,711 7,648 4,931 3,256 2,540 1,110 587 351 639 154 55 27,438 156 1,984 25,298 135 40 127 316 432 1,337 974 36 327 5,897 30,114 25 237 2,358 11,367 11,498 4,629 5,608 84,489,901 76,133,254 74,369,394 1,136,945 267,640 359,275 6,872,595 957,644 2,251,512 3,663,439 1,484,052 34,015 2,492 26,403 47,771 18,059 50,895 17,047 29,763 16,102 24,134 26,796 166,634 29,332 942,904 7,062 15,669 9,811 93,906 7,142 1,348,492 8,466 2,147,021 31.213 265,241 30,773 256,327 7,552,220 453,160 22,723 158,175 78,035 11,065,145 28,104 118,955 126^25,588 61,269,192 17,933 88,140 Tenure of operstor Full owners 273 1,475 2,171 1,630 1,360 990 445 246 176 332 63 32 7,630 54 481 7,095 50 30 64 251 290 646 396 36 214 234 9,195 13 96 681 2,933 3,487 1,985 23,992,001 19,917,091 19,078,521 345,605 168,115 324,850 3,091,310 215,583 1,374,868 1,500,859 983,600 9,195 2,639 8,147 15,450 6,105 20,575 5,864 11,755 5,550 8,701 7,540 59,409 8,257 355,880 2,524 5,717 3,315 37,533 2,733 951,102 3,055 1,134,220 8,460 78,590 8,350 75,08% 2,255,085 89,725 5,702 37,715 17,553 2,460,452 7,783 30,812 33,095,353 15,890,115 5,945 33,127 Part owners 955 945 620 500 405 205 106 3,473 21 282 3,170 15 5 52 25 75 308 236 72 20 3,973 6 57 430 1,468 1,395 617 11,907,460 10,161,638 9,937,268 205,170 19,200 1,542,892 351,646 418,930 772,316 202,930 3,973 2,997 3,567 6,938 2,673 9,871 2,543 5,605 2,408 4,883 3,361 25,443 3,606 148,492 1,072 3,693 1,578 17,588 1,101 99,770 1,313 572,675 3,770 37,722 3,760 36,357 1,051,745 66,230 2,820 23,145 11,350 1,622,773 3,535 15,924 16,659,752 7,891,727 2,451 14,353 Managers 517,591 74,270 29,500 435,971 239,975 7,124 188,872 7,350 26 66 30 2,222 30 759 20 500 30 2,469 30 2,385 33 933 24 3,151 6 1,575 12 13,855 14 230 9 210 7,125 1,500 3 177 86 13,370 24 36,800 18,960 31 1,256 955 7,555 3,715 2,180 1,045 850 265 130 65 115 25 5 16,328 76 1,220 15,032 70 5 5 35 51 381 341 16,905 76 1,231 6,961 6,611 2,026 46,528,543 44,963,530 44,376,865 518,780 66,635 1,250 1,360,006 77,135 344,015 938,856 205,007 16,905 2,752 11,890 20, 611 7,005 12,391 6,560 8,301 6,209 7,408 12,829 64,689 13,275 314,165 2,663 4,011 4,067 29,115 2,500 255,985 2,876 267,085 15,954 133,878 15,769 130,566 3,838,180 273,365 12,753 91,468 46,406 6,609,785 15,924 70,705 75,869,643 37,005,525 8,080 31,463 45 150 95 90 55 40 5 5 462 10 45 407 5 503 1 30 161 196 115 1,256,342 1,147,710 1,119,645 26,365 450 1,250 61,920 7,600 49,440 •46,712 503 2,498 408 700 288 665 268 351 263 351 388 2,154 403 10,425 127 200 126 1,570 60 1,280 96 6,830 438 3,455 438 3,350 88,225 2,915 318 2,163 1,111 161,820 448 1,772 ,744,738 924,905 298 1,415 Share- caah 20 195 564,340 503,300 496,515 6,785 61,040 740 43,605 16,695 220 2,565 180 305 115 250 110 120 100 110 170 1,210 170 4,4i0 30 35 80 620 85 47,310 220 2,390 220 2,340 57,125 6,300 175 1,475 575 80.270 190 810 817,490 396,605 120 380 Crop-share 235 3,430 2,290 1,340 640 490 165 75 40 45 5 8,505 35 570 7,900 40 175 160 8,756 30 811 4,000 3,035 26,019,071 25,196,470 24,955,755 228,835 11,880 767,391 17,030 199,840 550,521 55,210 8,756 2,972 7,621 13,102 3,911 6,329 3,691 4,412 3,555 4,100 7,046 39,170 7,461 183,105 1,555 2,025 2,626 17,940 1,545 150,470 1,705 155,890 8,481 76,788 8,336 74,451 2,220,915 164,930 6,755 51,095 24,265 3,451,735 8,376 39,270 42,841,150 21,067,320 5,226 18,788 Llveatock- shsre 341,765 290,840 290,830 15,925 655 4,150 11,120 35,000 90 3,797 150 40 190 40 90 40 65 75 690 30 45 30 440 15 1,635 20 6,000 85 885 85 825 24,860 250 70 515 290 39,265 85 490 555,625 249,730 60 360 Croppers 615 3,470 1,025 555 240 220 65 35 25 45 6,090 30 475 5,585 25 25 140 125 6,295 30 280 2,345 2,820 820 15,735,665 15,351,040 15,133,565 213,380 4,095 336,790 49,495 47,060 240,235 47,835 6,295 2,500 2,8''0 5,050 2,195 3,985 2,035 2,755 1,865 2,290 4,410 17,410 4,335 91,065 760 1,505 920 6,260 595 18,280 795 59,480 5,735 41,395 5,700 40,830 1,205,040 81,620 4,670 29,740 17,275 2,479,335 5,900 24,704 25,974,415 12,443,660 1,800 8,120 unspeci- fied 50 400 230 125 95 85 25 5 971 1 110 860 5 5 10 75 340 435 181 2,611,360 2,474,170 2,380,555 43,415 50,200 116,940 1,615 44,480 70,845 20,250 1,041 2,509 736 1,304 456 972 416 573 386 492 740 4,055 826 22,345 161 201 285 2,285 200 37,020 215 36 ,435 995 8,965 990 8,770 242,015 17,350 765 6,480 2,890 397,360 925 3,659 3,936,225 1,923,305 576 2,400 Fsrma not claaai- tied »y tenure 1,430 1,726 817 496 346 295 190 105 55 106 34 8 1,544,306 1,016,725 931,970 67,390 13,f90 3,675 442,416 73,305 106,575 262,536 85,165 3,901 396 2,773 4,706 2,246 5,836 2,050 3,343 1,915 2,642 3,036 14,624 4,164 121,982 770 1,315 827 6,519 802 40,060 1,210 159,186 3,015 14,821 2,885 14,106 400,085 22,340 1,445 5,670 2,640 358,765 855 1,490 ,164,040 462,865 1,426 ",941 320 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop-share Livestock- share Farms by s ize of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number . 500 to 999 acres number . 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton. number. Other field-crop number. . Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. ... number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI number. . Other farms number . . Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold. . .dollars . . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars.. Forest products sold dollars.. rvjmber of farms reporting sales of any farm products numbe r . Average sales per farm re porting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved. . .farms reporting. number . . Milk cows farms reporting. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in I9U,9: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels hurvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested forms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . dollars. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dollars. Land from which hay was cut forms reporting, acres. 1,061 4,942 4,450 2,766 2,372 1,822 850 485 340 559 263 94 15,042 279 1,164 13,599 10 5 37 118 601 1,276 701 25 550 2,915 17,210 24 275 2,117 6,790 5,339 2,665 2,794 56,149,661 49,044,193 48,593,051 324,816 97,791 28,535 6,057,736 318,389 802, 324 4,937,023 1,047,732 19,403 2,894 14,490 35,322 6,991 25,046 6,563 13,612 5,685 9,031 15,587 232,500 16,469 582,486 7,925 8,811 143,393 3,352 211,695 6,372 1,220,339 17,817 213, 765 17,656 202, 284 6,557,013 632,377 13,511 103,279 58,591 8,628,970 9,181 32,996 37,122,674 17,822,473 2,193 8,586 100 495 575 690 761 536 295 170 50 257 122 38 194 2,595 21 97 395 590 292 15 283 105 4,089 8 102 402 1,215 1,334 1,028 35 311 485 330 386 445 200 120 12,336,777 9,079,295 8,847,957 175,692 27,111 28, 535 2,554,118 167,919 437,838 1,948,361 703,364 3,683 9,138 2,097 10,364 1,990 5,259 1,677 3,258 3,496 77,664 3,746 189,712 1,022 3,252 2,572 52, 924 1,195 127,327 2,043 629,468 3,703 52,619 3,658 48,460 1,622,344 128, 389 2,445 17,695 9,886 1,446,013 1,851 6,615 7,198,665 3,476,502 632 2,565 225 1,752 141 348 187 10 151 6 69 461 901 790 366 9,353,986 7,783,445 7,693,700 87,320 2,425 188, 236 119,343 1,401,774 131,521 152,414 1,117,839 168, 767 2,595 3,605 2,310 6,171 1,404 5,376 1,318 2,853 1,190 2,193 2,319 48,864 2,334 99,570 716 1,694 1,568 33,294 505 29,835 1,045 248,875 2,510 44,717 2,490 41,325 1,309,995 158,890 1,929 17,911 9,844 1,478,335 1,117 4,328 4,476,357 2,086,612 458 1,919 57,537 280 56,318 11,356 147 8 950 ,207 10 864 167 9 802 4 173 6 2,016 11 1,340 10 1,150 53,400 19,900 32 36,890 16,708 225 3,250 2,965 1,555 1,035 710 295 160 155 115 41 10,097 105 745 9,24 7 62 336 221 115 10 10, 515 6 98 1,253 4,673 3,215 1,270 33,042,349 31,321,569 31,262,864 48,620 10, 085 1,584,220 10,875 164,286 1,409,059 136, 560 10, 515 3,142 6,965 17,060 2,726 5,898 2,566 3,502 2,193 2,673 8,095 89,977 8,234 223,957 962 1,620 3,898 46,298 1,277 44,010 2,496 251,070 10,045 103,393 10,025 10C, 723 3,275,455 310, 168 8,187 64, 163 37,309 5,494,750 5,994 21,647 25,150,782 12,158,331 932 2,995 100 105 160 445 5 101 210 135 1,221,339 1,075,695 1,064,875 10,695 125 120, 684 5,444 115,240 24,960 492 2,482 437 1,007 217 456 192 245 171 216 382 5,450 411 12,155 101 140 237 3,585 55 1,060 161 9,930 477 4,010 472 3,905 124,065 3,710 416 3,077 1,656 238,530 255 732 772,615 354,615 86 25 575 645 410 385 185 75 80 2,344 35 180 2,129 100 55 2,469 20 278 1,046 850 275 388,510 354,895 7,650,449 7,194,790 7,176,600 11,100 7,090 33,615 945 32,670 95 4,090 90 415 50 125 45 75 40 55 90 950 85 3,455 30 55 1,215 20 325 35 1,515 1,360 39,175 2,740 90 845 585 85,176 50 174 176, 180 88,615 25 55 433, 259 1,335 50,350 381,574 22,400 2,469 3,099 2,074 4,904 916 1,817 866 1,191 706 846 2,004 22,315 2,034 62,227 310 530 1,063 12,700 326 12,995 697 95,925 2,414 27,682 2,404 26,892 789,280 82, 785 2,203 19,063 10, 863 1,607,625 833 3,043 3,338,660 1,606,165 380 1,090 1 Data are given by type of form and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 321 PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area 7 — Continued Area B Tenure of operator— Con. Farma not classi- fied by tenure Total all farms Tenure of operator Farma not C 1 SB81- fied by tenure Tenants- Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share- cash Crop-share Livestock- share Croppers Other and unspeci- fied . 180 2,380 2,030 915 530 455 180 50 65 65 15 3 6,658 55 390 6,213 5 15 185 135 50 5 6,866 6 51 845 3,301 1,970 695 21,941,276 21,014,259 20,985,514 25,875 2,870 837,817 7,775 99,562 730,480 89,200 6,668 3,195 3,963 9,941 1,362 2,957 1,287 1,676 1,131 1,371 5,173 55, 452 5,388 135,210 455 805 2,357 24,061 626 28,470 1,488 130,915 6,508 62,896 6,508 61,726 2,097,025 191,495 4,992 37,053 21,796 3,209,295 4,596 16,776 19,870,587 9,626,191 345 1,245 15 160 145 50 50 20 15 15 20 15 5 1 490 10 110 370 5 16 11 5 701 886 425 191 190 131 60 35 55 61 47 12 1,810 12,131 7,781 3,775 2,691 1,556 730 419 206 402 174 63 27,663 134 371 27, 178 35 130 810 1,206 665 800 495 260 177 85 148 68 26 4,388 47 73 4,268 10 17 56 301 160 73 5 83 138 5,070 18 107 647 2,177 1,465 656 17,299,488 15,165,676 14,839,526 56,060 19,480 250, 610 1,536,216 310,789 334,918 1,090,509 597,596 5,070 3,413 4,502 11,399 2,363 10,744 2,174 5,669 1,886 3,606 4,127 49,472 4,620 198,360 1,063 3,440 3,377 38, 103 1,348 76,595 1,710 303,510 4,721 61,974 4,635 58,879 1,868,534 152, 575 2,561 14,725 6,704 1,248,530 4,423 21,471 26,610,737 12,741,333 2,605 13,423 55 241 445 340 310 250 65 40 25 97 26 14 1,666 30 39 1,597 5 34 6 73 87 44 850 10,495 5,770 2,350 1,350 620 250 125 50 65 14 2 21,563 51 257 21,275 20 10 5 52 266 240 15 95 76 45 35 :» 25 10 5 5 6 316 11 305 10 75 1,135 1,005 585 350 210 85 30 20 25 5 3,470 10 30 3,430 5 10 40 35 5 3,525 40 710 1,875 800 100 13,577,350 13,151,040 13,113,125 36,905 1,010 407,670 6,315 63, 530 338,635 18,640 3,525 3,652 2,765 5,535 1,330 2,980 1,310 1,705 1,140 1,420 3,005 25,636 3,130 94,415 395 760 1,425 11,285 800 23, 610 1,030 75, 160 3,460 53,430 3,430 52, 245 1,481,405 223,465 3,345 14,680 7,665 1,088,370 3,475 19,345 23,606,380 11,404,970 1,545 5,015 5 10 730 9,000 4,495 1,645 900 360 130 85 20 30 35 225 150 60 60 20 15 775 585 360 315 226 161 155 77 41 67 37 11 35 35 15 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 5 10 5 5 25 29 10 46 6 3 38 5 5 1 2 21 1 95 10 85 2 17,130 35 195 16,900 5 5 5 36 306 190 16 17,377 10 136 3,330 9,731 3,570 600 65,888,045 64,799,580 64,676,460 111,730 11, 390 1,063,160 40,700 162, 180 859,280 26,305 17,377 3,792 10,197 23,463 3,287 6,126 2,962 3,803 2,607 3,230 13,117 92, 105 14,032 363,825 911 1,300 4,622 33,630 2,120 64,855 3,645 196,695 16,643 193,430 16,573 188,030 5,842,825 642, 175 13,431 70,470 43,343 6,139,225 16,915 89,557 110,911,045 55,317,305 4,507 17,690 551 5 11 535 5 5 10 5 5 5 576 6 90 270 155 55 2,000,384 1,916,754 1,913,279 2,750 735 83,630 2,155 10,035 70,450 1,000 576 3,473 371 955 161 556 151 346 136 301 455 3,990 496 15,750 50 225 155 1,600 75 2,920 135 14,870 536 7,053 536 6,967 211,995 33,135 341 1,854 1,156 165,895 530 2,744 3,362,065 1,625,820 215 820 IS 20 17 If) 12 63 67 436 527 363 6 158 2,927 29,006 47 391 5,272 15,161 6,523 1,614 2,730 110,026,214 104,274,421 103,698,703 272,187 52,921 250, 610 4,825,162 868,995 623, 904 3,332,283 926,611 30,567 3,600 21,234 50,245 9,032 30,171 8,346 16,637 7,341 12,250 24,025 211,054 26,438 632, 831 3,144 8,374 10, 289 99, 106 5,349 207,069 7,010 836,882 28, 810 362,906 28,351 351,051 10,875,139 1,232,865 19,281 113,904 68,017 9,678,645 27, 763 15,573 179, 162, 134 88,053,687 10, 579 49,042 19 10 10 10 346 11 50 160 75 50 1,195,455 1,088,920 1,084,415 4,255 350 103,035 120 5,850 97,065 3,500 346 3,455 311 713 136 375 121 177 111 132 271 3,690 321 10,818 55 180 145 3,210 40 1,025 95 6,385 336 3,770 336 3,750 144, 245 7,500 216 1,436 941 152,936 310 1,378 1,775,310 855, 920 195 680 1 11 14 7 1 6 6 99 6 31 17 35 22 23 24 95 43 48 1,908 13 58 403 863 403 148 7,933,819 6,800,678 6,757,888 35,050 7,740 907,696 328,902 66,091 512,703 225,445 1,908 4,158 1,666 4,726 1,030 4,761 960 2,587 898 2,051 1,588 19,895 1,750 68, 130 429 1,319 976 13,636 551 18,347 631 103, 699 1,771 39,663 1,749 38,516 876,610 124,480 1,062 8,049 4.51S 648, 358 1,693 9,615 11,289,955 5,46^,196 916 5,683 26 5 21, 941 10 195 4,205 12,066 4,655 810 83,036,729 81,303,544 81,134,204 155,640 13,700 1,682,740 49,465 244,140 1,389,135 50,445 21,941 3,785 13, 720 29,819 4,951 10,161 4,491 6,020 4,035 5,043 16,935 136,121 18,076 487,943 1,422 2,530 6,389 49,168 3,055 93,745 3,931 299, 885 21,304 258,627 20,984 252, 067 7,708,570 897,515 15, 373 88,835 53,334 7,579,911 21,336 113,534 140,289,730 69,403,210 6,532 24,785 2,794 22 2 2,730 76 511 6 50 155 160 150 1,394,935 1,314,815 1,313,865 950 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 25 25 40 5 305,255 291,710 291,385 5 15 2,794 1,228,313 740,541 669,417 13, 184 57,940 460, 087 7,794 46,847 405, 446 27,685 2,193 560 1,521 2,806 756 2,458 681 1,613 621 889 1,668 14,768 2,145 68, 383 293 1,192 764 10, 075 371 10,350 782 89, 110 1,548 11,696 1,473 10,626 295,819 15,030 945 3,270 1,390 185,440 215 374 259,980 84, :ao 167 906 1, 008, 603 630,333 639,933 70,240 55,540 55,540 2,730 747,575 374,190 337, 153 35,437 11,601 354,360 76,244 65,620 313,496 19,025 1,559 480 1,274 3,333 633 2,143 566 1,096 490 852 1,320 12,927 1,926 72,643 169 453 590 6,123 384 16,383 715 106,250 940 6,813 910 6,474 230,690 21,030 251 792 422 53,480 360 453 413,050 190,140 515 4,136 400 344, 170 303, 595 13,135 127,440 34, 100 89 11,333 70 979 55 2,362 55 1,265 32 699 65 2,639 66 5,755 42 532 57 2,077 11 2,000 23 24,538 74 5,630 73 5,115 200,745 37,295 44 1,503 1,044 146,366 52 500 559,662 250,608 22 1,115 325 13,545 175 3,490 9,880 80,120 1,765 4,125 74,230 13,700 75 13,635 1,000 22 3,193 16 44 12 59 13 39 11 14 17 151 22 805 1 40 7 153 5 45 1 50 20 110 30 110 2,350 511 2,730 346 698 161 398 156 260 125 145 376 4,390 356 8,640 51 60 141 2,732 35 700 95 9,285 471 5,980 471 5,650 174,010 13,313 4o6 3,790 2,155 317,875 220 728 770,330 362, 145 96 375 95 3,313 60 110 35 65 35 50 30 45 60 550 75 2,330 10 25 35 290 15 1,290 25 4,535 90 1,035 90 975 35,750 1,250 35 240 170 25, 360 65 438 557,430 263, 995 50 310 46 47 4« 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 SB 51 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 75 15 155 60 6,125 21 72 77,500 36,200 10 70 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 63 322 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF LData are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Share- cash Crop-share Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres .....number 140 to 179 acres number 1R0 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1.000 acres and over number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number Cash-grain number Cot ton numbe r Other field-crop number Vegetable farms number Fruit-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. .. .number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number Class I number Class II number Class III number Class IV number Class V number Class VI number Other farms number Value of farm products sold in 1 9*4-9 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold, .. dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April 1, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows, including heifers that have calved. . .farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes..... farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting, acres bales harvested sold. . dol 1 ars Tobacco harvested. fnrms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dol 1 ars Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres 1,235 6,470 4,431 2,430 1,505 1,206 520 420 260 424 217 78 13,879 167 3,035 10,677 46 74 111 299 162 636 461 40 135 3,989 15,342 45 130 1,147 5,274 5,786 2,960 3,854 43,016,060 38,371,989 36,713,826 565,573 1,050,840 41,750 4,158,796 1,042,814 1,746,443 1,369,539 485,275 18,072 2,380 14,370 25,802 8,403 23,606 7,700 13,891 7,175 11,994 14,395 81,146 15,928 492,108 2, 81 6,314 4,559 38,287 2,981 1,364.764 3,665 769 , 529 16,748 175,441 16,633 172,837 4,284,299 397,433 13,315 164,152 65,591 8,987,484 12,772 46,218 5?. 059,278 2f, 163,879 8,593 50,717 90 760 885 660 560 401 205 170 125 3,328 66 516 2,746 40 71 217 125 263 141 30 92 123 4,167 16 56 271 1,118 1,589 1,117 10,866,792 8,357,585 7,696,307 106,833 517,945 36,500 2,187,390 381,662 1,218,157 587,571 321,817 4,167 2,608 3,525 6,540 2,420 8,973 2,264 4,838 2,125 4,230 3,255 24,253 3,671 159,293 '->13 2,693 1,388 15,378 1,025 971,306 1,217 429,834 3,766 42,052 3,736 41,282 1,021,318 71,450 2,707 30,645 11,472 1,590,411 3,154 10,488 11,796,333 5,715,514 2,292 > ■; . 69 65 420 416 280 215 210 65 90 35 76 49 1,655 38 354 1,263 10 25 31 55 16 133 91 10 32 39 222 623 644 396 255 4,020 2,575 1,150 465 365 140 90 25 55 31 8,854 52 2,161 6,641 35 5 26 15 235 225 9,175 5 25 632 3,523 3,550 1,440 5,837,142 4,934,053 4,625,987 103,580 204,486 1,063,461 872,153 544,633 10,440 317,080 24,158.769 23,421,179 23,101,889 313,735 5,555 838,231 317,586 233,466 287,179 64,858 1,930 3,024 1,712 3,421 1,186 4,617 1,080 2,589 1,029 2,467 1,607 11,504 1,750 62,064 463 1,354 664 7,204 424 179,318 590 106,960 1,796 22,638 1,781 21,811 582,558 49,035 1,398 18,558 7,849 1,081,671 1,516 6,050 6, 27.., 285 3,158,951 1 , 196 10,288 181,743 112,786 6,855 62,102 9,565 70 15,192 51 294 45 1,106 45 765 30 281 51 712 53 3,529 26 378 22 520 15 1,400 17 10,870 45 2,454 45 2,382 ilV'l:- 19,980 42 2,158 795 115,402 40 598 i.. 2,045 326,359 48 2,360 687,360 176,215 197,015 314,130 50,230 9,175 2,633 ",087 12,445 3,242 5,737 2,951 3,776 2,676 3,251 7,313 36,030 7,501 178 , 107 837 1,213 1,953 12,006 971 1"3,115 990 90,970 8,784 94,841 8,759 94,196 2,302,275 233,138 8,092 105,558 42,988 5,367,455 7,417 28,122 33,009,985 16,630,325 4,123 18,605 177 6 71 LOO 518,202 435,317 429,882 5,135 300 77.385 1,650 45 , 390 30,345 5,500 202 2,565 166 304 85 325 80 95 75 90 120 840 140 4,045 25 75 75 1,040 35 44,595 35 4,790 177 1,786 53,340 2,723 151 3,408 1,336 181,790 126 386 432,575 211,570 91 15 175 185 55 15 10 125 325 20 160 225 60 1,163,920 1,127,855 1,123,980 3,875 36,065 1,950 14,830 465 2,503 435 830 230 335 205 225 150 160 415 2,175 425 11,325 75 75 115 665 70 6,655 70 18,405 445 4,305 445 4,305 104,400 5,980 425 6,675 2,565 357,610 405 1,388 1,615,395 757,405 295 1,015 85 2,140 1,590 835 270 275 95 55 15 25 5 5,270 25 980 4,265 15 5,390 15 430 2,355 1,925 665 14,748,700 14,472,910 14,316,320 155,415 1,175 231,165 5,365 42,685 183,115 44,625 5,390 2,736 4,910 8,520 2,105 3,075 1,900 2,105 1,780 1,930 4.455 23,410 4,660 115,475 465 605 1,255 7.250 575 29.255 610 34,570 5,225 59,880 5,220 59,670 1,433,305 138,160 4,910 60,460 23,610 3,178,795 4,645 18,330 21,853,265 10,814,285 2,980 12,9"0 1 (lata ure given by type of farm and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 323 PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area Q — Continued Tenure of operator— Con. Tenants— Con. Croppers unspeci- fied Farms not classi- fied by tenure Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Mansgers Share- cash Crop-shore Livestock- shore Croppe unspeci- fied Farms not classi- fied by tenure 140 1,415 585 160 80 35 20 5 5 10 225 140 60 50 20 20 15 5 20 6 825 1,270 555 340 265 220 105 70 70 85 43 2,362 21 835 1,506 20 130 380 125 717 1,065 545 5 31 190 235 110 5,862,747 5,769,407 5,634,112 133,220 2,075 1,367,130 1,283,450 1,265,355 16,090 2,005 93,340 3,045 45,250 45,045 2,452 2,391 1,031 1,836 491 731 455 495 385 395 1,782 6,809 1,726 32,872 161 216 362 2,142 165 43,830 185 12,880 2,297 20, 555 2,282 20,475 506,910 62,075 2,066 27,435 12,342 1,708,900 1,681 5,935 6,911,215 3,766,250 451 1,885 83,575 5,500 45,460 32,615 105 571 2,394 450 770 281 676 266 486 246 311 471 2,361 460 11,535 101 227 131 789 121 47,780 85 16,325 545 6,255 540 6,160 144,275 23,100 445 6,245 2,520 353,255 470 1,690 1,735,515 855,020 251 1,180 3,854 1,089,896 787,019 745,010 30,985 5,774 5,250 264,072 54,565 90,950 118,557 38,805 2,730 399 1,995 3,102 1,510 3,173 1,360 1,923 1,315 1,765 2,169 8,647 2,953 89,115 442 676 532 3,179 546 39,625 851 130,895 2,357 13,456 2,312 13,166 297,430 23,830 1,076 7,233 2,487 332,545 645 960 814,630 332,730 934 4,695 636 1,625 1,085 725 750 560 275 205 130 302 50 36 3,453 722 50 2,681 20 18 116 202 596 377 30 189 1,974 4,493 33 270 592 1,411 1,342 845 1,886 18,009,860 15,078,634 14,201,658 741,538 33,138 102,300 2,608,355 280,452 712,025 1,615,878 322,871 6,060 2,972 4,057 7,660 2,911 13,853 2,770 7,707 2,492 4,575 4,190 57,487 5,304 301,519 1,602 4,759 2,742 46,546 1,645 181,400 3,190 1,292,958 5,240 108,503 5,183 104,994 2,970,194 1,182,895 1,526 7,290 3,470 469,315 2,366 12,029 12,506,070 5,904,938 1,188 4,504 71 305 310 240 350 250 95 45 50 76 23 16 1,266 206 15 1,045 5 11 101 131 244 119 25 100 73 1,831 93 170 501 576 485 6,001,326 4,701,793 4,463,165 164,803 18,525 55,300 1,105,489 52,108 469,934 583,447 194,044 1,831 3,278 1,489 2,700 1,060 4,492 995 2,467 912 1,514 1,380 20,544 1,641 132,723 563 1,392 1,023 17,815 650 128,700 1,085 831,432 1,638 30,968 1,627 30,050 840,004 306,415 449 2,160 1,136 144,670 908 4.326 4,574,385 2,146,428 459 1,907 10 195 125 190 175 125 115 100 35 150 20 10 959 263 25 671 5 40 226 163 5 58 10 ,250 22 121 237 365 335 170 6,325,209 5,438,629 5,063,516 369,190 4,923 1,000 790,013 53,740 111,363 624,910 96,567 1,250 5,060 992 1,978 702 4,488 682 2,407 586 1,225 973 19,700 1,117 67,346 436 1,561 713 18,047 414 21,825 727 213,945 1,220 40,020 1,220 38,912 1,180,000 492,200 397 2,525 1,169 172,105 493 2,746 2,744,990 1,308,160 305 1,175 346,803 95,052 57,552 37,500 250,251 167,274 241 82,736 1,500 11 31,528 366 5 594 689 1 20 11 1,535 10 1,407 31,200 11,800 90 500 340 115 105 90 35 50 35 40 1,221 246 10 965 10 10 30 125 95 1,401 1 55 180 545 430 190 4,816,250 4,529,400 4,327,965 190,695 2,240 8,500 282,650 3,370 62,735 216,745 4,000 1,401 3,438 771 1,656 526 1,640 506 945 446 685 996 9,910 1,101 45,995 286 582 551 6,205 240 17,495 501 104,510 1,336 26,510 1,326 25,755 751,500 345,310 345 1,470 790 107,975 825 4,729 5,007,935 2,376,805 260 815 224,785 203,615 186,990 8,125 8,500 21,170 8,315 12,855 85 2,645 30 105 25 40 25 35 40 390 20 50 20 255 10 3,575 20 8,225 70 1,770 70 1,705 41,300 20,480 10 30 20 2,300 50 292 285,000 127, 570 10 40 65 335 ■", 45 40 30 10 311 146 5 160 5 710 65 115 30 5 135 30 55 125 125 65 10 100 335 225 156,995 151,910 140,750 10,860 300 1,580,750 1,473,755 1,323,355 149,960 440 95,780 83,540 83,540 2,439,085 2,338,925 2,317,925 20,500 500 318,855 277,655 275,405 1,250 1,000 5,085 1,540 3,545 20 7,850 20 25 15 55 15 45 15 25 5 10 15 590 10 30 10 3,300 20 750 20 745 27,305 22,455 104,745 2,185 18,885 83,675 2,250 401 3,942 241 471 236 835 231 450 186 310 296 2,965 351 17,355 151 322 201 2,390 95 4,140 226 40,520 401 12,950 401 12,870 381,495 236,785 120 470 185 26,500 130 687 663,720 311,275 100 280 12,240 75 12,165 20 *>' 15 35 15 60 10 40 10 40 20 545 10 800 20 20 415 15 440 15 415 12,900 5,000 5 15 10 1,440 10 53 29,300 99,410 235 19,895 79,280 750 740 3,296 370 925 185 430 180 240 175 220 535 5,055 535 20,270 65 70 255 2,460 115 6,725 185 33,105 705 8,875 695 8,350 246,900 55,170 180 730 515 69,725 565 3,313 3,641,965 1,737,410 110 380 40,200 950 14,025 25,225 1,000 135 2,362 75 120 45 155 45 130 35 55 100 945 135 5,555 35 90 55 685 15 2,980 60 19,360 125 1,725 125 1,670 41,600 5,420 30 225 60 8,010 70 384 354,750 171,250 30 465 625 310 180 120 95 30 10 10 31 520,272 313,760 289,460 16,850 7,450 179,752 3,960 67,752 108,040 26,760 1,567 332 796 1,297 • 12 1,669 576 951 540 785 836 I , '39 1,438 55,075 306 516 451 3,790 340 13,360 872 142,571 1,035 9,470 1,000 8,870 167,490 27,170 335 1,135 375 44, 5' 5 140 228 178, "60 73,545 155 345 324 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definiti Item ns and explanations, see text) Total all Tenure of operator Full owners Ma n age r Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 100 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number Cash -grain number Cotton number Other field-crop number Vegetable farms number Frui t-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number General farms number Prima ri ly crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number Class I number Class II number Class III number Class IV number Class V number Class VI number Other farms - number Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dol lars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold ....dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April 1, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acre bales harvested sold. . dollars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dol lars Land from which hay was cut furms reporting acres 2,565 10,025 5,395 3,140 2,401 1,760 1,030 552 285 814 223 19,824 118 90 19,616 203 172 98 151 579 781 418 47 316 6,468 22,016 37 162 1,412 6,869 9,359 4,177 6,260 58,361,117 51.410,787 48,068,361 1, 803, 315 888,221 650, 890 5,996,041 464,230 1,424, 101 4,107,710 954, 289 26,602 2,194 20,580 33, 405 9,545 33,616 8,847 17,974 8,152 14,028 20,493 192,917 22,818 757,105 3,682 9,289 11,749 130,987 5,548 421,915 7,409 1,840,334 24, 676 277,865 24, 130 262,808 6,114,657 391,915 5,419 25,203 8,756 1,131,276 21,816 65,929 08,753,456 42,353,744 8,801 33,395 280 1,650- 1,850 1,485 1,190 970 550 305 155 388 130 59 7,651 33 35 7,583 82 121 67 121 435 362 146 37 179 173 9,012 20 67 588 2,462 3,665 2,210 22,802,632 18,823,792 17, 143, 360 913,676 53 3,976 232, 780 3, 309, 901 225,703 906,400 2,177,798 668,939 9,012 2,530 8,017 13,673 4,203 16, 953 3,990 8,718 3,694 6,819 7,243 83, 732 7,899 335,481 1,841 4,916 4,975 65, 597 2,471 273,343 3,326 1,179,671 8,310 94,680 8,110 88,4 59 2,169,687 70,455 1,602 7,097 2,448 318,141 7,822 29,448 31,116,646 15,007,036 3,946 15,564 115 1,420 970 515 450 320 185 121 30 160 17 3,808 25 25 3,758 65 45 25 15 102 228 127 5 96 22 4,310 13 80 272 1,287 1,667 991 11,247,932 9,800,779 9,020,505 346,429 186,845 247,000 1,286,918 152,880 243,879 890, 159 160,235 4,310 2,610 3,734 5,912 1,884 7,367 1,724 3,856 1,633 3,006 3,518 39,355 3,757 126,430 790 2,350 2,123 28,277 989 69,210 1,354 244,535 4,093 52,112 3,988 48,213 1,076,900 78, 885 1,131 5,210 1,807 238,800 3,878 16,450 16,587,655 7,619,683 1,760 6,839 402,602 264,358 28,403 180, 000 24,705 31,250 128,794 68,927 12,615 47,252 9,450 14 28,757 12 46 10 944 10 624 10 421 368 8 52 6 ,530 11 389 10 222 10, 700 150 19 20,000 8,600 10 455 615 4,680 1,825 620 371 230 150 60 25 75 25 30 8,273 41 190 145 5 40 8,680 1 10 551 3,116 4,026 976 22,198,150 21,312,927 20,784,142 294,040 98, 745 136,000 852,243 2,275 164,245 685,723 32,980 8,680 2,557 5,534 9,171 1,893 4,085 1,728 2,376 1,571 2,057 6,228 48,876 6,394 168,682 561 823 3,193 25, 909 1,136 44,940 1,317 239, 928 8,297 108,217 8,237 104,942 2,383,910 214,715 2,240 11,485 4,105 530, 960 8,368 37,078 38,939,445 18,858,805 2,212 7,361 ' Data are given by type of farm and by cr nic Cla for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 325 Economic Area Table 10.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are bused on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explnnali Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number. SO to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 1B0 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number. Cash -grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Frui t-and-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Pou 1 try fa rms • numbe r . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Prima rl ly livestock number. Crop and livestock lumber. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class:' Commercial farms number. Class I number . Class II number. Class III number. Class IV ' number. LI ass V numbe r . Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horti cultural specialties sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and. poultry, sold dollars. Forest products sold dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . dollars. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dollars. Land from which hey was cut farms reporting. acres. Data are given by type of farm and by economic class for commercial farms only. Area 11 — Continued Tenure of operator— font inued Tenants — font inued Share- cash 422,485 599,930 367,025 32,225 680 Crop-sha 22,555 3,625 18, 930 155 2,726 150 235 60 160 55 105 55 100 145 1,385 120 3,835 40 95 800 30 900 35 6,190 155 1,670 155 1,610 38,575 3,600 30 195 60 7,735 155 708 710,770 339,500 80 230 135 1,380 735 320 200 115 65 25 20 40 15 2,940 15 10 2,915 20 3,050 ,100 ,405 320 7, 935, 355 7,605,305 7,487,780 102, 900 14,625 321,675 1,360 45,975 274,340 8,375 3,050 2,602 2,585 4,260 845 1,545 775 910 705 825 2,325 17,725 2,340 64,380 300 430 1,330 10, 525 460 16, 055 560 66,305 2,960 40,675 2,940 39,515 840,855 78, 185 955 5,665 1,695 232,855 2,955 13,472 14,115,010 6,747,525 1,150 3,335 238, 583 213,430 208, 180 5,125 125 25,153 230 1,418 435 2,845 885 230 121 65 40 20 5 20 10 1 ,-■">' 40 15 ,481 10 20 100 250 1,751 2,185 86 136 36 177 36 95 30 40 81 ,100 28 61 748 21 500 21 2,320 85 1,185 85 990 24,600 625 20 85 30 4,755 81 402 413,590 196,015 11,956,942 11,552,052 11,275,722 120,465 19, 865 136,000 387,965 215 65,260 322,490 16, 926 4,67' 2,557 2,176 3,695 791 1,669 721 984 650 820 3,191 24,887 3,311 81,290 180 275 1,465 11,590 505 23,690 570 84,735 4,411 56, 135 4,381 54,610 1,308,030 115,615 1,000 4,565 1,975 240,530 4,526 19,835 20,971,045 10,269,620 796 3,184 Other and unspeci- fied 20 255 130 25 30 15 20 5 J'-" 5 470 5 35 170 230 1,284,602 1,204,525 1,133,570 13,445 57,510 75,097 40, 1"7 34,920 4,980 511 2,514 366 594 111 364 91 192 86 187 351 2,389 396 12,250 35 35 196 1,590 85 2,070 96 77,378 490 6,375 485 6,215 130, 170 14, 190 180 785 265 34,210 475 1,989 2,089,705 1,015,830 120 385 Farm a not c] ussi ficd by tenure 1,555 2,275 750 520 390 240 145 66 75 186 6,260 1,709,801 1,208,931 1,091,951 69,170 43,950 3,860 418,185 14,446 96,962 306,778 82,685 4,586 373 3,283 4,603 1,555 4,267 1,395 2,400 1,244 1,725 3,495 20, 727 4,759 123,891 481 832 1,450 11,152 946 31,892 1,405 164,190 3,965 22,467 3,785 20,972 471,460 27,710 446 1,411 396 43,375 1,746 2,934 2,0B9,710 859, 620 873 3,176 326 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of far Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and- Dalry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number.. 30 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number. . 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: ] Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share -cash tenants number. . Share tenants. number. . Crop -share tenants number.. Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V , number. Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold . . . . dol lars. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold. .. dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. . dollars. Forest products sold dollars. riumber of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves... farms reporting numbe r. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs. farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested Corn for all purposes. 949: farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested. . . farms reporting. . acres. . bales harvested. sold. . do liars . . . forms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dol 1 urs Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres. 28,255 84,741 56,006 36,944 30,100 22,829 10,935 6,243 3,551 6,345 1 , 934 590 70,278 27,540 451 95,410 2,438 1,275 34,159 33,516 643 51,904 5,634 94,794 193,679 405 2,642 16,814 62,019 69,617 42,182 94,794 557,320,866 454,446,635 439,514,686 7,309,380 4,080,808 3,541,761 92,533,426 27,310,777 28,851,063 36,371,586 10,340,805 263,069 2,119 189,359 354,362 170,323 710,776 162,716 396,996 154,820 338,839 204,183 1.251,028 237,576 8,895,004 76,754 227,274 71,691 755,494 62,753 16,835,342 84,902 29,213,712 237,658 2,112,603 233,751 2,031,303 58,055,216 5,888,098 105,210 849,057 473,445 67,482,563 149,688 603,126 658,754,324 316,545,978 130,427 882,763 20 370 400 265 470 400 375 235 135 273 1,329 830 42 940 36 5 417 416 1 391 91 745 6,606 4,890 3,070 2,220 2,026 725 385 251 385 108 30 5,907 2,755 16 12,763 412 200 4,770 4,715 55 6,220 1,161 6,010 44,075 29,847 19,201 14,553 10,488 4,710 2,435 1,341 2,053 424 90 39,977 17,543 83 77,624 1,608 995 27,430 26,944 486 43,880 3,711 115 370 300 180 160 115 25 15 20 35 747 302 2 297 31 5 130 125 5 95 36 115 145 60 105 70 40 40 30 70 528 138 16 50 120 345 670 575 811 931 495 406 260 452 196 51 3,606 1,214 102 390 35 5 125 100 25 120 105 631 996 870 670 830 600 360 170 90 123 40 11 4,250 757 18 366 45 5 130 130 75 111 195 686 632 695 860 395 620 448 220 662 261 4,741 857 81 583 67 5 192 166 26 191 128 3,141 8 58 224 510 682 1,659 21,441 22 95 507 2,776 8,431 9,610 135,227 73 877 12,761 51,704 50,777 19,035 1,348 6 30 20 155 316 821 732 17 58 87 129 196 245 5,312 133 598 854 1,256 1,158 1,313 5,391 48 388 871 1,230 1,428 1,376 6,262 25 110 296 868 1,654 3,309 6,417,967 5,587,767 5,550,907 21,365 8,820 6,675 772,586 54,070 131,257 587,259 57,614 3,141 2,043 2,001 4,598 2,152 12,976 2,076 6,476 1,908 3,814 2,089 19,097 2,495 110,503 1,048 3,065 1,049 14,945 748 33,905 1,167 233,840 2,811 69,018 2,786 67,620 1,998,919 1,080,840 691 4,742 2,304 334,797 149 456 432,735 197,247 1,715 23,204 35,540,214 383,845,059 33,115,839 365,897,002 32,768,836 318,508 27,735 760 2,211,526 526,122 528,574 1,156,830 212,849 21,441 1,658 14,103 27, 576 13,574 40,816 13,132 24,475 12,570 21,885 15,700 58,204 17,034 496,602 4,874 9,175 3,829 24,581 3,054 160,060 5,001 798,962 19,279 165,724 18,794 161,158 3,831,451 357,242 21,441 304,594 194,429 28,356,113 2,266 5,440 4,863,994 1,986,123 10,192 77,408 363,174,014 2,078,559 473,479 170,950 15,855,833 1,123,972 3,175,215 11,556,646 2,092,224 135,227 2,839 101,953 195,654 66,596 171,782 63,413 101,590 59,778 89,791 107,018 720,805 113,369 3,404,845 25,602 44,365 39,355 350,187 25,018 1,196,868 34,022 4,537,328 129,111 1,280,753 127,994 1,245,380 35,762,319 2,791,585 61,925 403,914 202,899 28,524,464 128,032 561,662 520,641,370 300,728,761 62,335 318,125 2,853,465 2,630,680 422,990 2.146,620 8,445 52,625 196,725 30,180 30,245 136,300 26,060 1,348 2,117 981 1,599 908 3,662 878 1,822 847 1,617 840 3,306 1,038 30,785 521 1,224 301 2,560 275 8,710 380 48,180 1,076 6,775 1,041 6,480 186,180 16,725 190 1,540 620 77,795 180 261 114,535 734 4,046 3,337,817 3,127,129 248,333 47,920 2,330,876 144,583 18,027 34,484 92,072 66,105 ''32 4,560 483 964 495 2,457 479 1,097 458 837 464 2,372 605 22,900 234 625 152 1,408 172 11,425 255 48,665 549 3,818 544 3,763 97,100 2,145 77 1,04" 432 64,215 105 312 285,200 130,125 326 2,033 27,880,667 2,640,597 2,477,702 129,680 28,895 4,320 24,855,842 21,347,257 330,822 2,677,763 384,228 5,312 5,249 4,022 8,593 5,266 130,913 5,261 31,402 5,251 79,366 3,643 19,561 4,725 275,686 4,626 43,916 1.318 13,997 1,828 220,218 2,698 l. ' ' '. '.'. 4,479 55,374 4,118 40,192 1,453,745 53,690 814 6,306 4,476 600,593 886 1.90" 2,197,506 946,941 4,434 10. ,i'i" 21,489,065 1,652,275 1,546,582 75,910 28,008 1,775 19,591,343 352,613 18,488,259 750,966 244,947 5,391 3,986 3,343 5,531 4,328 18,613 4,208 9,522 4,069 8,514 3,815 18,848 4,848 1,356,205 2,320 5.562 1,605 16,198 4,871 13,284,790 4,072 13,596, 3,976 28,440 3,885 27,578 925,455 39,435 581 3.150 2,056 288,170 682 1,733 1,730,970 755,135 3,141 21,760 12,018,978 1,981,463 1,834,741 103,892 42,155 675 9,773,952 453,738 445,445 8,869,769 263,563 6,262 1,919 4,980 13,302 5,450 85,671 5,220 35,137 4,771 17,495 5,199 102,874 5,513 257,601 4,856 ii , 549 4,136 123,562 2,151 116,124 3,131 771,888 4,734 58,548 4,532 52,082 1.740,299 57,825 596 3,801 1,783 245,177 1,025 1,703 1,733,305 742,457 3.751 52,339 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 327 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, UY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 only a sample of farms. See textj The State— Cont inued Areus ] and A Type of farm — Con. General — primarily livestock General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied Total all farms Type of fan Cash- grnin Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and- nut Dairy Poul try Li vcstock other than dairy and poui try (irne ral — unman ly crop General — priman ly livestock General — crop and livestock Ml ace 1 - laneoua and un- classi- fied 5 105 150 130 160 215 70 •45 25 60 21 789 156 2 45 40 460 740 950 1,000 1,020 470 360 140 343 133 46 3,733 1,340 28 601 65 15 260 240 20 191 70 20,324 29,943 16,522 10,383 8,046 5,314 2,695 1,388 838 1,493 472 125 2,262 268 37 182 46 992 1 22 42 147 270 510 5,702 4 65 353 1,221 2,106 1,953 1,897,771 379,496 348,981 20,065 10,450 1,487,425 407,335 521,487 558,103 30,850 L2, 864, 891 6,465,619 5,890,941 393,795 109,893 70,990 5,807,348 1,149,880 1,618,718 3,038,750 591,924 992 1,913 811 1,722 957 9,699 952 4,957 927 3,975 852 7,711 962 110,305 822 3,672 595 8,731 723 150,585 885 756,378 895 8,760 884 8,135 269,930 15,255 171 756 506 71,760 166 220 218,870 84,370 816 10,680 5,702 2,256 5,008 11,355 5,203 44,789 5,128 22,734 4,950 18,287 5,024 60,225 5,445 411,419 4,010 16,273 3,284 59,940 3,091 527,014 4,190 2,433,497 5,464 63,505 5,392 59,189 1,897,935 262,915 2,231 16,400 10,225 1,356,808 1,991 4,312 4,307,634 1,852,828 4,286 47,602 55 50 5 46 35 94,794 2,749 53 151 293 501 764 987 94,794 32,604,587 17,262,419 13,041,148 696,443 293,237 3,231,591 9,918,193 1,679,096 2,710,472 5,528,625 5,423,975 72,139 •452 47,337 73,182 61,597 168,996 58,351 97,644 55,903 85,880 55,187 190,874 76,823 2,207,126 25,685 46,998 13,541 100,915 19,208 1,033,116 26,718 4,029,354 60,257 291,022 58,800 281,418 7,500,423 477,315 12,758 61,575 31,195 4,283,172 11,455 16,744 14,215,879 5,728,261 35,470 186,540 6,200 10,700 7,155 4,685 3,476 2,300 1,200 725 345 750 176 47 9,547 1,824 50 1,525 48 5 675 625 50 555 242 24,813 12,946 38 171 361 1,170 3,621 7,585 24,813 26,062,037 9,741,679 7,079,317 1,726,232 622,300 313,830 15,186,853 5,816,532 2,441,922 6,928,399 1,133,505 32,228 20,715 31,599 32,438 187,921 31,546 96,441 30,285 83,211 22,988 59,096 32,467 1,101,159 20,764 73,745 5,959 44,355 11,246 960,098 14,664 3,324,438 29,205 121,797 28,604 113,934 3,818,500 212,395 11,445 9,939 14,147,305 6,065,271 20,084 126,666 55,335 38,240 33,865 4,375 16,120 3,380 2,180 10,560 975 75 738 60 90 75 360 65 145 65 125 60 350 60 1,995 25 60 20 260 20 1,550 10 2,000 70 910 65 900 30,800 18,875 3,295 1,420 65 360 430 1,315 1,050 835 655 370 190 90 75 75 20 55 140 215 100 105 65 10 5 3,285 895 480 147 925 10 5 445 435 10 350 115 151 30 5 35 30 150 270 245 265 250 100 85 35 95 20 11 1,285 158 23 90 5 70 165 105 75 65 50 10 15 462 60 5 45 10 40 245 280 245 360 300 225 200 60 210 43 18 ,855 188 7 176 5 195 51 251 30 15 175 260 260 175 210 115 30 35 35 1,057 220 5,535 8,365 4,790 2,780 1,716 940 485 285 125 285 60 11 9 12 471 40 5 46 16 714 3 5 10 120 1,290 3,680 95 170 441 ,556 27 94 165 340 345 585 26 15 115 190 226 2,226 5 26 69 263 716 1,147 297 1 5 11 10 90 180 1,327 65 190 116 560 651 4,820,645 3,892,665 3,808,695 78,550 4,420 1,000 882,570 96,505 137,230 648,835 45,410 5,105 944 3,835 6,180 4,760 25,000 4,700 12,200 4,525 11,020 3,585 7,920 4,600 129,805 3,250 7,960 710 4,390 1,545 45,350 2,570 277,680 4,700 20,180 4,670 19,795 715,840 47,230 ,109,644 953,059 116,864 828,910 7,285 546,915 505,420 8,155 26,575 470,690 142,350 24,370 19,250 98,730 14,235 714 1,554 477 724 632 2,916 612 1,376 596 1,261 452 1,252 576 16,690 436 1,104 126 1,050 205 5,725 265 31,515 573 2,772 563 2,652 88,120 850 32,785 3,710 5,485 23,590 8,710 221 2,475 136 225 180 755 180 330 180 330 150 325 180 6,830 85 260 40 285 75 2,160 75 8,930 175 880 175 880 23,940 1,250 5,990,693 354,823 281,758 68,745 2,800 1,520 5,564,000 4,669,109 119,459 775,432 71,870 1,556 3,850 1,170 2,133 1,546 33,991 1,546 20,617 1,541 19,989 969 3,358 1,416 55,795 1,486 12,876 297 2,530 548 22,530 864 214,167 1,416 11,199 1,268 7,226 302,390 3,265 1,373,929 46,320 38,415 6,865 1,040 1,321,309 23,160 1,212,588 85,561 6,300 572 2,402 331 485 487 2,702 472 1,262 456 1,107 391 1,476 550 164,705 291 750 176 1,365 481 586,015 501 1,258,860 502 2,484 492 2,324 84,575 650 3,817,271 503,822 414,155 65,937 23,430 300 3,256,699 361,610 140,981 2,754,108 56,750 2,226 1,715 1,790 3,660 2,201 39,529 2,149 15,799 2,021 10,024 1,626 9,030 2,060 84,420 2,166 20,969 892 12,813 918 41,913 1,254 248,021 1,862 11,378 1,814 10,196 409,100 16,920 4,945 5,549 8,299,580 3,612,765 3,480 21,405 95 53 70,510 29,735 441 2,326 10 9 10,000 2,600 85 370 458 372 571,435 249,573 1,311 17,637 95 47 71,975 29,320 377 2,209 675 547 777,050 329,628 1,688 20,551 542,201 384,455 209,965 160,815 13,175 500 119,071 5,520 15,500 98,051 38,675 297 1,826 242 408 297 2,165 297 1,068 297 678 215 755 286 9,610 226 851 80 655 121 3,635 160 19,985 272 2,023 272 2,013 79,200 26,320 365,480 65,630 42,020 16,470 7,140 291,895 61,565 93,730 136,600 7,955 291 1,256 236 368 291 2,685 291 1,397 286 1,151 216 949 291 25,195 281 1,378 135 1,250 195 19,335 281 149,625 275 1,365 270 1,215 46,685 275 1,694,771 727,210 533.250 175,985 17,725 250 869,736 184,675 106,234 578,827 97,825 1,327 1,277 1,122 1,932 1,302 13,371 1,302 6,115 1,267 5,301 1,112 3,648 1,287 51,525 1,242 5,866 457 4,133 662 32,135 932 178,780 1,292 6,427 1,272 6,107 232,575 22,515 24,813 562 1 10 56 35 115 345 24,813 5,745,153 2,270,035 1,592,175 293,005 74,595 310,260 2,690,318 382,928 589,285 1,718,105 784,800 19,844 290 11,316 15,394 20,667 64,447 19,932 36,132 19,051 32,225 14,212 30,033 21,161 554,589 11,276 21,671 3,026 15,624 6,476 199, "50 7,752 934,875 18,068 62,179 17,743 60,626 1,805,275 74,245 190 130 204,030 83,655 222 2,175 106 65 81,995 33,295 251 2,010 881 704 974,900 423,720 1,072 9,315 3,980 2,461 3,082,535 1,269,560 11,092 48,308 328 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE [Data are based on reports for , (For definitions and explanations, Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and- nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number.. 30 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number. . 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number.. 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop- share tenants. . : number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number. . Class II number.. Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . CI ass VI numbe r . . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold ... .dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dol lars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold, . dollars. . Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April 1, 1950: Horses and mules farms repor ting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting,. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting. , number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bales hurvested. . sold. . dollars. . Tobacco harvested farms reporting, , acres. , pounds harvested. . sold. . dol lars. . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting.. acres. . 1,885 3,330 2,380 1,720 1,460 1,005 530 225 180 306 64 2,647 557 140 140 55 9,639 3,459 12 131 266 570 995 1,485 9,639 10,362,899 2,751,311 2,224,641 48,565 352,830 125,275 7,021,428 1,220,986 4,635,174 1,165,268 590,160 10,301 1,006 6,825 9,557 10,770 35,493 10,300 19,694 9,973 18,006 8,865 23,432 10,496 496,308 4,852 11,022 1,870 16,880 3,807 4, 236, 570 3,756 2,359,450 9,485 49,889 9,385 49,062 1,436,339 134,795 760 2,385 1,730 221,865 '1,541 3,288 3,315,045 1,411,815 5,919 36,488 31 120 123,110 92,678 89,058 620 3,000 23,657 2,400 6,215 15,042 6,775 151 815 181 116 434 111 199 111 191 116 521 141 6,785 71 131 30 255 71 2,580 51 7,780 136 1,717 136 1,717 57,770 28,675 10 15 10 1,410 10 20 7,500 3,500 121 1,275 10 120 190 190 190 90 35 35 15 20 115 230 175 125 145 85 50 15 20 25 11 100 15 580 220 106 15 186 50 266 10 20 110 10 105 390 395 51 125 97,620 80,235 1,360,795 1,196,600 1,181,405 10,070 5,125 3,650 3,260 260 3,000 340, 945 312,195 11,835 3,700 296,660 964,392 32,338 17,225 10,060 3,485 3,680 160 130 751 105 190 125 470 120 285 115 270 105 255 125 3,715 30 40 40 135 40 465 65 8,140 130 1,060 130 1,060 26,275 1,040 130 710 535 70,420 10 8 9,380 3,085 110 895 139,030 46,990 23,240 68,800 25,165 900 1,512 750 1,190 840 2,905 825 1,770 825 1,665 750 1,580 860 22,220 400 825 115 425 200 10,905 280 32,250 850 5,510 850 5,500 169,625 8,135 165 415 310 39,485 845 2,240 2,382,820 1,058,670 645 4,015 390 390 10 365 5 10 5 375 40 10 40 700 200 25,840 6,245 8,110 11,485 2,910 126 2,706 131 121 491 111 226 106 196 111 293 111 3,005 75 115 5 15 30 3,300 50 8,865 116 585 116 585 15,125 150 24,500 10,500 923,714 800,495 33,614 89,605 8,340 266 3,626 186 267 261 4,025 261 2,554 261 2,524 211 785 261 9,946 211 1,638 66 423 126 19,310 131 40, 195 226 1,753 226 1,445 51,695 910 15 45 45 6,000 25 40 47,560 15,425 191 3,287 881 100 238 30 996 1 110 225 315 255 90 293 5 21 32 235 4,543,745 123,930 116,620 6,635 500 175 4,358,295 36,790 4,175,620 145,885 61,520 996 4,562 626 876 916 3,474 901 1,762 865 1,670 815 2,735 761 236,285 481 1,169 305 2,605 966 4,005,755 506 1,808,600 776 4,552 771 4,512 155,600. 8,775 5 10 5 825 134 115,510 45,350 636 4,011 305,275 33,745 27,495 6,200 50 256,730 11,560 22,415 222,755 14,800 293 1,042 187 394 273 2,666 263 986 262 580 258 1,994 238 7,902 238 1,315 177 4,550 125 10,880 135 22,000 228 1,926 213 1,906 ■ '. < 4,735 10 35 10 1,125 11 18 9,830 4,620 208 2,575 Data are given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial fan only. NORTH CAROLINA 329 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TY PE OF FARM : CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only h sample of farms. See textj Area 2 — Continued Areas 3, B, and C. Type of farm — Con. General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit - end- Uairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy an d poultry General — primari ly General — primarily livestock General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous urid un- elassi - fled 92,465 16,435 14,985 325 1,125 75,735 16,165 21,410 38,160 295 1,156 130 80 825 400 70 255 65 275 35 135 60 11,515 65 29,370 760 20,500 2,500 5 10 5 500 12,500 4,000 160 51 5 31 65 130 318,425 158,950 152,990 1,810 4,150 138,750 48,335 39,760 50,655 20,725 231 1,378 190 340 221 1,655 221 734 221 724 211 918 196 11, 160 166 517 81 755 131 24, 795 161 46,530 231 1,795 231 1,765 63,325 14,380 45 160 120 15,725 70 154 191,695 69,910 211 1.890 1,725 2,865 1,825 1,235 880 585 315 115 85 151 26 160 15 175 1 55 105 9,639 2,048,621 617,320 444,520 15,005 32,695 125,100 1,046,421 237,091 296,080 513,250 384, 880 7,017 292 4,474 5,748 7,731 18,334 7,326 10,651 7,061 9,809 6,132 13,904 7,632 187, 765 3,064 4,926 985 7,514 2,022 145,820 2,261 347,720 6,616 29,499 6,536 29,170 787,659 59,470 345 835 595 73,725 405 536 450,750 174,985 3,586 16.855 5,102 10,466 6,146 5,677 5,384 4,334 2,235 1,072 657 861 182 31 11,362 4,255 66 14,661 160 145 5,650 5,500 150 7,855 851 11,803 30,344 48 264 1,855 8,740 13,770 5,667 11,803 78,970,734 65,224,698 64,067,964 238,790 178,583 739,361 12,242,473 4,953,209 4,098,187 3,191,077 1,503,563 38,028 2,077 28,379 55,304 31,479 108,869 30,508 66,317 29,600 59,735 30,523 93,873 33,859 1,385,908 12,237 31,812 5,322 43, 815 8,711 1,767,575 11,705 5,569,130 33,351 219,047 32,973 214,047 6,324,985 359,040 1,740 6,180 4,935 678,325 30,037 134,113 30,765,931 61,287,050 24,743 195,270 5 30 25 20 35 35 30 15 30 30 16 1 145 66 1 60 1 10 21 60 180 384,946 333,285 332, 785 500 48,836 4,190 8,705 35,941 2,825 272 1,415 172 409 212 1,373 207 604 197 429 177 792 187 6,380 102 352 60 670 50 2,410 75 12,830 222 3,320 217 3,210 114,500 62,490 10 1,000 30 129 134,150 62,975 207 3,060 2,005 6,640 4,021 4,131 3,811 3,107 1,525 705 386 477 62 5 9,024 3,577 9 14, 265 125 140 5,520 5,380 140 7,710 770 35 20 85 105 91 151 95 75 45 50 38 465 229 14 90 10 140 95 70 130 55 50 15 30 15 6 1 531 110 20 30 35 45 40 60 45 40 25 40 18 6 303 31 19 136 45 1 105 30 26, 875 6 75 1,374 7,986 13,051 4,383 798 IS 107 165 265 126 117 687 10 30 150 155 146 196 15 40 34 29 286 10 41 101 65 84,450 53,400,102 76, 565 5,385 150 1,785 3,450 2,500 50 1,689 40 70 40 90 40 55 40 55 35 170 50 1,045 10 75 15 400 25 3,165 46 246 5,115 250 50 225 170 25,300 20 110 102,000 49,500 25 50,309,820 50,188,665 92,830 18,125 10,200 2,611,667 552,963 884,619 1,174,085 478,615 26,875 2,359 19,872 39,375 21,043 51,901 20,518 33,701 19,938 31,057 21,733 61,259 22,113 677,079 7,605 12,428 3,383 23,145 5,042 379,175 6,725 1,211,688 25,031 166, 470 24,906 165,550 4,777,435 207,865 1,350 5,105 4,180 580, 765 26, 835 125,984 124,071,091 58,564,404 17,487 121,262 97,015 91,185 14,695 63,990 175,918 158,094 12,450 12,500 5,830 1,125 1,440 3,265 145,644 8,985 60 1,617 55 110 55 85 55 70 30 65 50 1,785 25 40 10 20 20 890 25 1,220 40 235 40 235 6,225 750 2,500 6,485 8,839 16 10,995 22 5 185 5 10 15 665 5 5,000 15 130 15 130 6,250 12,800 6,160 50 305 5 20 19,000 11,000 16 265 5,138,469 481,204 477,044 3,175 485 500 4,573,117 3,848,297 236,480 488,340 84,148 798 6,439 622 1,447 797 21,288 792 13,104 792 13,006 547 2,768 663 61,680 710 6,944 212 2,650 298 58,450 411 422,930 646 9,353 594 6,678 256,760 8,540 10 15 15 1,500 211 734 709,995 313,970 703 20,940 2,616,215 298,205 294,915 2,150 1,140 779,660 129,988 127,752 1,850 386 434, 146 305,413 290,880 11,400 3,133 394,130 70,290 69,025 1,250 15 2,295,045 35,118 2,183,895 76,032 22,965 455 930 557 2,600 547 1,340 517 1,095 422 1,563 637 273,270 277 786 101 830 652 1,049,945 622 2,813,970 450 2,800 440 2,760 104,495 3,100 15 25 25 3,000 185 566 592,125 263,655 445 3,760 634,362 13,483 59,802 561,077 15,310 404 1,930 332 909 382 6,900 372 3,030 355 1,107 319 2,869 339 19,655 368 4,136 218 3,541 115 14,225 185 101,883 286 3,001 276 2,611 88,655 1,515 218 207,400 84,220 327 6,271 55,108 14,450 24,333 73,625 217 2,001 162 470 167 952 167 444 152 424 161 764 167 6,680 120 240 65 320 60 1,885 90 30,605 160 1,600 155 1,590 52,670 13,535 25 125 90 11,790 135 387 333,020 149,300 177 2,777 320, 590 110,110 107,300 103,180 3,250 145 2,718- 125 355 140 1,600 140 810 135 685 125 1,005 135 14,535 105 515 85 1,325 95 39,280 105 114,600 120 1,465 120 1,395 45,950 3,555 10 15 10 1,250 30 77 62,000 22,700 125 2,360 281 85 5 50 5 5 25 20 5 15 2,922 3,516 1,820 1,196 1,167 726 405 152 116 138 35 9 316 47 11 25 10 30 96 135 16C 921,601 442,211 407, 221 23,150 5,600 6,240 426,680 97,495 171,840 157,345 52,710 421 2,189 406 863 396 3,052 391 1,656 386 1,501 366 3,573 416 43,795 316 1,228 180 3,030 296 62,325 351 239,255 401 3,930 386 3,762 125,130 16,100 40 120 85 10,975 246 756 616,460 280, 596 376 5,484 11,803 399 13 21 66 92 87 120 11,803 4,544,082 2,528,438 1,775,967 38,495 4,055 709,921 1,256,868 275,828 423,496 557,544 758,776 8,083 562 6,137 10,374 7,685 18, 818 7,274 11,478 7,028 10,296 6,608 19,045 9,087 279,339 2,603 5,096 992 8,147 2,068 158,590 3,086 611,984 5,934 26,497 5,778 25,880 741,800 41,340 235 535 350 42,745 2,285 5,119 3,905,890 1,478,570 4,805 28,701 330 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number. . 30 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number.. 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners. number.. Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share -cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number. . Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV number. . CI ass V numbe r . . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold . . . . dol lars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. .. dollars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. . dollars. . Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. , All cattle and calve3 farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs ~. farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold al ive. ..... farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. , Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres. . balea harvested. . sold. .dollars. . Tobacco harvested forms reporting.. acres. . pounds harvested.. sold. . dol 1 urs . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting.. acres. . 1,015 2,505 1,895 1,620 1,800 1,680 800 536 261 476 111 32 3,880 1,251 27 1,125 70 15 410 390 20 445 185 6,446 6,283 31 184 4e9 1,226 2,370 1,983 6,448 18,364,479 8,101,202 7,286,950 142,424 409,408 262,420 9,479,334 3,533,191 4,380,980 1,565,163 783,943 10, 731 1,711 8,333 14,281 9,900 49,349 9,554 28,936 9,266 25, 736 8,724 35,045 10, 923 506,639 4,486 15,357 2,640 26,387 3,761 4,044,536 4,640 2,539,027 9,624 71,562 9,357 67,696 2,056,940 178, 715 1,760 6,662 4,663 645, 705 3,912 12,183 11,711,870 5,432,660 8,149 69,474 137 55 40 191 253,446 202,425 36,021 960 10,010 25,031 15,000 247 1,026 217 414 222 871 212 406 207 334 162 761 211 9,230 82 165 3,260 75 15,695 236 4,200 236 4,200 122,700 55, 205 55 165 105 13,660 24 12,000 3,500 191 1,745 1 155 60 525 420 440 450 450 155 1,551 505 705 25 10 225 215 10 355 90 30 20 60 115 100 65 50 90 391 160 11 40 10 75 145 185 155 195 210 110 65 20 31 882 205 230 50 105 10 75 206 105 536 1,350 770 90 155 150 115 75 61 175 310 375 265 6 5 32 80 166 283, 410 236,350' 235,550 800 35,560 2,670 20,255 12,635 11,500 231 452 241 651 221 371 216 361 231 843 276 8,675 91 141 30 315 45 22,670 70 6,315 246 2,210 236 2,175 51,310 1,645 286 1,959 1,537 212,010 35 170 37,750 10,840 176 1,550 5,395,603 4,923,668 4,893,103 27,900 935 1,750 433,635 129,490 131,790 74,750 74,750 16,750 58,000 452,864 425,615 36,747 3,250 385,618 3,725,167 242,260 236,760 5,500 4,214,100 307,205 295, 620 11, 145 440 494,220 34, 990 34,665 325 17 355 36,280 2,761 1,954 2,135 3,795 2,200 6,630 2,145 4,050 2,075 3,695 2,210 7,415 2,385 74,935 955 1,785 575 3,750 575 65,660 930 170, 110 2,566 19,498 2,516 19,038 575,355 30,915 465 1,365 1,030 132,625 2,735 9,373 9,440,205 4,460,385 2,130 15,660 5 14,950 125 5 125 2,500 2,500 45 6,750 9,201 1,050 5,033 3,118 18,048 11,917 66 13 181 23 1,600 5 3,000 2,650 385 10,950 500 211 106 15,900 7 22 19,000 8,500 15 175 3,407,582 3,039,862 95,615 272,105 75,325 602 6,188 492 1,039 592 16,866 592 10,823 592 10,473 431 2,970 535 33,130 507 5,479 171 1,691 175 52,575 270 134,650 517 7,160 456 4,920 174,150 4,290 55 205 185 24,475 71 250 279,330 113,650 562 14,520 3,845,925 99,700 3,566,015 180,210 60,970 1,192 3,535 811 1,344 987 4,051 962 2,170 957 2,050 892 4,756 1,111 159,695 566 1,376 401 5,097 1,112 3,599,485 640 1,514,905 992 7,967 982 7,865 246,720 7,080 120 255 190 21,790 170 470 439,680 195,510 806 5,477 434, 105 13,945 22, 865 397,295 25,125 290 1,704 228 469 265 4,264 255 1,687 233 652 213 2,829 262 12,580 245 2,436 178 5,398 80 5,585 141 33,900 226 1,675 226 1,820 60,225 1,500 20 60 45 4,530 14,050 5,250 236 4,130 1 Data arc given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial forms only. ' NORTH CAROLINA 331 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text]] Area 4a -Continued Type of farm — Con. General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetabl< Fruit- and- nut Dairy foul try Li veatock other than airy an d poul try General — primarily crop (jeneral — primari ly livestock General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- cjassi - fied 67,020 16, 875 67,895 16,550 22.65S 88,687 250 76 1,145 124 76 539 76 237 76 213 66 362 76 ,615 195 46 466 55 9,230 66 34,215 71 795 71 775 26,800 2,925 5 13 12,375 2,750 45 15 4 202 121 6 20 10 840 1,710 1,125 830 825 935 280 186 61 140 3? 177 35 130 110 740,976 327,296 314,404 5,377 7,515 71 755 578, 605 95,225 156,892 126,488 35,075 349 2,123 279 616 339 2,715 339 1,523 334 1,225 288 2,145 349 31,237 224 1,050 193 2,836 216 59,305 292 229,255 349 4,021 349 3,939 141, 355 21,440 130 405 340 41,920 131 354 290, 740 124,875 339 4,851 2,307,162 1,042,212 758,015 21,827 1,950 260,420 788, 380 124,264 335,887 328,229 476,570 4,676 493 3,699 5,567 4,783 11,867 4,563 7,181 4,397 6,308 4,061 12,252 5,512 162,860 1,654 2,559 932 7,706 1,362 220,516 2,036 371,080 4,196 21,468 4,080 20,843 587,685 42, 190 546 1,445 922 119,865 622 1,221 950,500 405,760 3,447 18,645 1,730 3,301 2,355 1,920 1,986 1,735 765 460 180 37 J 115 3,467 1,639 21 1,760 70 20 725 725 710 235 8,070 6,887 18 155 297 1,106 2,636 2,675 8,070 17,678,525 9,592,901 9,473,190 72, 975 40,661 6,075 7,610,024 3,798,391 2,124,075 1,687,558 475,600 13,076 1,352 8,635 15,240 11,492 63,736 11,052 36,830 10,769 32,673 10,216 35, 689 12,470 563,359 5,361 17,362 2,905 26, 967 3,522 853, 276 5,710 2,974,418 11,017 86,781 10,911 83,840 2, 280, 720 316,458 7,259 47,864 39,906 5,605,043 580 1,427 1,406,410 568,095 9,350 105,644 216 120 10 75 5 115 525 450 490 410 490 210 115 55 1,135 525 5 505 505 140 115 100 70 160 170 95 75 15 80 527 272 7 75 125 125 45 289 241 50 110 170 215 50 85 20 50 10 3 502 216 1,550 2,445 1,530 975 835 520 193 80 20 41 17 3 126 5 550 175 11 65 95 220 30 355 1,205 1,350 80 210 120 145 160 260 185 110 105 65 135 25 121 221 230 155 345 255 821,341 716,346 714,921 1,250 175 103, 60C 26, 665 20,615 56,320 1,395 421 1,951 250 470 330 2,640 320 1,270 315 600 320 1,675 355 13, 910 175 470 130 1,250 110 5,050 185 41,120 366 4,850 361 4,815 156, 105 82,620 105 465 370 56,075 5 2,500 1,375 346 5,442 4,496,077 3,963,250 3,952,895 6,095 4,260 695, 085 604,405 603, 005 1,200 200 11,065 9,865 2,365 7,500 11,420 10, 260 945 250 9,065 494,047 183,830 99,462 210, 755 38, 780 2,946 1,526 4,231 2,401 10, 145 2,351 5,625 2,256 4,945 2,291 7,820 2,511 85,215 1,006 2,190 596 4,420 536 23,640 1,111 191, 790 2,606 23,295 2,566 22,980 575, 705 58,430 2,946 27,640 23,640 3,452,940 70 112 121,000 42,555 2,101 23,330 81,730 35,980 21,920 23, 830 8,950 410 1,695 295 470 370 1,280 355 790 355 775 335 665 315 9,690 215 370 55 490 110 15,235 155 20,215 360 2,185 360 2,185 65,985 4,635 260 1,020 735 101,050 330 864 946,300 404,415 305 2,060 1,200 900 300 ,160 95 125 15 738 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 500 5 400 5 1,000 10 350 10 90 10 90 2,500 3,972,616 663, 946 665,346 6,560 1,040 1,000 3,284,285 2,815,373 179,882 289,030 24, 385 866 4,587 645 1,372 866 18,562 866 11,818 861 11,686 663 3,135 806 53,446 721 5,405 230 2,065 303 34,171 453 285,675 746 9,206 730 7,483 235,295 14,710 373 2,721 2,253 317,733 25 64 '67,500 22,275 601 22,264 1,508,725 90,590 89,830 675 85 393, 232 71,947 69,872 1,000 1,075 1,243,301 1,012,116 1,004,711 5,900 1,505 256,675 54,370 54,220 150 1,656,964 846,615 634,685 3,775 8,155 1,414,825 73,700 1,279,445 61,680 3,310 352 4,286 196 307 306 1,391 296 820 285 780 241 873 323 107,960 142 369 85 1,030 307 641,610 316 1,481,345 251 1,830 246 1,760 63,700 5,230 60 200 165 24,265 26 25,000 10,000 217 1,694 318,580 11,760 11,620 295, 160 2,705 223 1,763 157 293 213 3,491 1,468 192 523 187 1,046 196 6,620 203 1,854 126 2,466 65 3,140 105 18,845 166 1,566 166 1,552 45,965 655 45 205 150 20,250 173 3,850 197,860 46,340 45,854 105,666 33,325 600 2,072 438 860 484 3,104 469 1,499 453 1,241 507 2,615 549 24,802 289 817 167 3,957 162 7,860 300 97,035 590 7,318 590 7,217 206, 335 62,433 417 2,564 2,221 312,530 50 172 94,250 34,875 565 8,230 192,305 66,105 71,010 53,190 10,000 110 2,333 90 ieo no 1,640 110 765 110 570 100 500 105 15,945 100 465 75 22,835 100 130, 120 100 1,190 100 1,190 46,650 1,075 50 145 120 15,860 110 2,530 737,574 335,090 157,394 245,090 74, 775 793 2,092 676 1,361 788 7,313 778 4,292 778 3,557 672 4,382 747 46,030 553 2,297 372 3,550 366 39,645 597 297,650 763 6,465 753 7,962 241, 180 40,950 457 2,884 3,123 328,110 30 68 62,000 25,500 783 12,390 25 8,070 >, 610, 024 L, 549, 191 1,490,395 38,770 15,126 4,900 782,858 201,433 235,848 345,577 277,975 6,330 412 3,805 5,676 5,604 14, 105 5,279 8,403 5,144 7,759 4,685 12,933 6,540 196,281 1,947 3,105 1,064 6,842 1,453 59,650 2,363 409, 623 5,054 26, 756 5,004 26, 576 638,930 45,720 2,546 10,020 7,129 976,230 65 116 87,860 27, 100 3,929 23,574 332 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetablt Fruit - and- nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poul try Farms by 3ize of farm: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number.. 30 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres numbe r. . 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres numbe r. . 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share -cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop -share tenants number.. Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number. . Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold ... .dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. .. dollars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold, .dollars. . Forest products sold dollars.. fsumber of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting.. number. . All cattle and calves.... farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for groin farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested. . bushels sold. . Cotton harveatcd farms reporting. . acres. . bales harvested. . sold. .dollars. . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres. . pounds harvested. . sold. . dol 1 ars. . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting.. acres. . 2,276 7,535 5,285 3,555 3,020 2,331 890 537 356 441 205 35 6,011 2,048 51 7,467 256 40 2,575 2,545 30 3,875 721 10,889 15,577 47 272 648 2,335 6,378 5,897 10,889 35,829,379 24,721,566 23,737,631 236,020 86,475 661,440 10,474,609 4,055,944 3,610,416 2,808,249 633,204 23,986 1,494 15,338 28,176 19,303 88,221 18,583 49,194 17,980 43,464 17,381 62,155 21,072 932,678 7,884 25,746 5,034 42,865 5,689 1,237,952 8,115 4,337,986 20,472 159,806 19,795 152,221 3,784,210 396,050 17,896 213,963 139,551 20,370,790 171 476 478,563 213,174 12,895 114,837 197 76 325 3,570 2,640 1,685 1,300 1,050 335 145 120 135 22 3,258 1,210 7 6,860 180 40 2,380 2,355 25 3,675 585 15 67 90 226 11,335 18 48 263 1,475 4,981 4,550 609,337 556,927 556,227 500 200 52,285 12,270 11,575 28,440 125 399 1,527 218 558 308 1,649 303 928 287 599 227 688 272 9,485 101 350 50 230 86 2,645 116 20,115 287 3,548 282 3,518 92,745 35,020 121 934 668 98,615 297 5,385 19,244,783 17,815,778 17,753,933 46,415 15,305 125 1,312,481 321,510 355,950 635,021 116,524 11,335 1,698 6,924 13,319 8,312 24,229 8.102 14,978 7,841 •13,615 8,036 24,271 8,835 281,320 3,003 5,613 1,993 11,065 1,807 93,145 2,839 526,327 10,259 84,197 9,904 81,042 1,905,460 189,060 11,335 169,395 114,502 16,808,443 55 116 82,400 34,215 5,547 40,280 266,331 249,203 247,978 1,175 50 16,972 6,735 3,910 6,327 156 127 2,097 221 107 397 107 235 106 199 107 374 111 3,193 41 65 36 227 20 800 40 7,080 117 982 107 932 22,200 750 71 1,001 501 72,355 56 264 298,107 138,575 76 755 15 30 100 85 130 135 60 60 65 45 501 192 17 60 10 45 80 130 75 80 50 40 20 400 75 10 55 20 35 55 85 25 10 15 75 25 4 257 87 15 55 10 770 2 131 146 151 200 140 525 10 55 90 130 .3 L1C 414 5 11 45 55 111 187 122,590 112,445 24,020 88,425 47,960 45,015 4,515 40,500 9,445 3,285 1,180 4,980 700 95 1,290 85 160 160 75 125 75 240 70 2,015 30 35 40 305 10 400 20 1,770 70 585 70 585 15,110 1,250 15 85 70 9,900 2,945 215 2,100 30 1,599 15 25 10 30 10 15 10 10 10 20 25 1,270 1,500 5 250 20 80 20 80 2,640 10 110 30 4,225 65 400 3,"' ■ , V 366,124 354,774 10,575 725 50 3,568,679 3,038.615 109,167 420,897 41,225 555 1.31" 755 19,829 755 11,984 755 11 , 570 554 3,482 650 6,569 198 1,974 243 20,402 373 200,790 625 9,227 553 6,648 218,240 19,225 263 1,948 1,417 1-1.423 5 3 2,000 1,000 625 19,910 2,687,880 311,810 304,530 2,000 5,280 1,069,648 191,720 188,200 2,355 1,165 2,352,010 58,355 2,227,490 66,165 24,060 525 5,120 275 440 455 2.310 450 1.125 450 1,025 360 1,445 480 174,765 250 560 150 1,235 420 905,745 460 2,040,015 360 2,905 350 2,820 90,185 6,085 260 1.920 1,325 189,125 5 8 13,500 4,995 335 2,160 856.104 23.460 15,131 817,513 21,824 414 2,584 323 1,115 379 8,032 344 2,702 291 1,107 349 7,235 317 14,565 339 5,253 270 11,503 51 2,095 108 30,238 293 3,905 288 3,739 105,720 30 145 1,510 760 104,2-0 301 5,262 1 Data arc given by tenure of operator and by economic class lor commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 333 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Areas S and P — Continued Areas 6 and K Type of farm — Con. General — crop and I lvestock and un- classi- fied Total all farms Type of farm Cash- Rrain Other field- crop Vi-iietabli Fruit- and- Li vestock ithcr flian dairy and poul try liener.l- priman ly crop General — pnmari ly livestock crop and ll vestock Ml. eel- laneous and un- classi • fled 35 120 150 240 160 60 45 15 15 40 1 580 195 6 125 20 1,866 3,585 2,095 1,325 965 621 225 161 100 106 41 5 5 35 230 381 255 331,206 79,370 1,000 500 1,920/145 951,370 917,-935 25,675 7,760 250,336 86,155 119,476 -106 3,125 106 1,106 106 653 106 548 106 653 106 18,845 91 422 50 720 91 18,185 -101 162,850 91 840 91 -790 26,-950 2,325 61 411 291 42,750 96 ,315 906,190 250,834 393,096 262,260 62,485 906 2,119 726 1,373 906 7,759 901 3,756 871 3,341 821 5,387 846 92,750 656 2,035 506 4,692 526 91,730 711 731,986 831 8,720 831 8,-575 263,965 42,585 696 5,162 3,483 512,610 10 7 4,740 1,730 10 10 10,889 11 6 13 30 70 76 10,889 4,230,528 2,998,732 2,301,092 28,335 8,490 660,815 932,011 207,380 307,461 417,170 299,785 8,615 491 5,527 8,460 7,293 19,012 6,843 10,984 6,626 9,935 6,181 15,822 8,716 262,070 2,384 3,854 1,503 8,916 2,203 85,735 3,004 485,825 6,«8 38,659 6,723 37,354 872,795 63,140 4,408 27,806 13,885 1,966,790 800 200 811 4,178 ,641 | 25,198 2,740 11,711 7,648 4,931 3,256 2,540 1,110 587 351 639 154 55 9,195 3,973 41 16,905 503 220 8,846 8,756 90 6,295 1,041 5,608 30,114 25 237 2,358 11,367 11,498 4,629 5,608 84,489,901 76,133,254 74,369,394 1,136,945 267,640 359,275 6,872,595 957,644 2,251,512 3,663,439 1,484,052 34,015 2,492 26,403 47,771 18,059 50,895 17,047 29,763 16,102 24,134 26,796 166,634 29,332 942,904 7,062 15,669 9,811 93,906 7,142 1,348,492 8,466 2,147,021 31,213 265,241 30,773 256,327 7,552,220 453,160 22,723 158,175 78,035 11,065,145 28,104 118,955 126,825,588 61,269,192 17,933 88,140 115 690 450 240 165 160 70 25 31 30 6 2 481 282 1 1,220 45 20 570 570 475 110 1,015 8,890 5,935 3,805 2,390 1,790 665 290 165 305 37 11 7,095 3,170 1 15,032 407 195 7,985 7,900 85 5,585 860 251 25 5 35 40 51 55 45 50 40 32 10 65 21 8 290 75 16 51 15 10 165 215 185 115 90 45 45 35 45 17 7 396 236 1 341 21 15 25 55 55 60 40 20 25 10 10 9 3 214 72 1,485 1,751 852 516 386 325 230 120 65 111 42 14 234 20 160 160 125 35 1,984 25,298 5 56 252 546 1,125 107 2,036 10,399 10,196 2,560 35 65 40 65 105 432 5 12 17 48 120 230 358 332 201 35 92 90 101 10 5 5 10 5 5,608 28 27 98 65 65 5,608 253,038 214,363 213,363 1,000 2,998,529 2,878,802 2,837,992 40,075 735 33,690 310 4,470 28,910 4,985 156 1,622 111 325 69 385 69 126 89 867 116 4,936 33 233 48 580 51 1,600 42 4,950 154 2,192 154 2,022 66,670 23,200 26 699 276 39,250 10 22 19,500 8,550 105 2,053 98,287 2,115 14,125 82,047 21,440 1,984 1,511 1,369 2,444 898 1,917 863 1,296 818 1,101 1,373 6,420 1,524 32,162 373 475 356 2,269 205 8,615 301 17,250 1,763 13,699 1,693 13,194 340,475 17,650 1,984 24,428 13,717 2,006,675 827 2,152 1,899,389 765,543 823 3,286 71,000,416 58,139,707 57,257,552 692,725 37,930 151,500 2,489,054 106,110 548,520 1,834,424 371,655 25,298 2,807 20,012 35,601 13,006 26,511 12,336 16,644 11,674 14,931 20,221 117,690 21,229 599,060 4,838 7,087 7,153 57,855 5,037 204,035 5,683 761,765 24,156 209,655 23,981 203,512 6,015,470 313,175 17,785 112,666 54,739 7,694,357 25,083 111,156 119,813.810 58,374,815 13,969 58,984 169,050 155,805 64,045 91,510 250 165,590 159,415 5,800 1,500 152,115 982,005 104,307 97,307 6,500 500 13,245 750 3,960 6,175 625 5,550 135 1,252 105 175 55 110 55 80 50 60 100 480 115 3,425 10 15 25 365 5 750 10 6,500 110 745 105 720 16,135 2,575 85 435 115 14,310 40 125 99,750 38,325 70 280 40 10,890 35 65 20 20 40 20 40 30 350 25 640 10 25 15 190 5 125 5 1,250 25 295 25 295 7,150 5 50 25 3,750 825,463 724,994 18,547 81,922 52,235 •127 7,732 101 261 127 4,256 127 2,542 127 2,465 64 303 94 6,582 101 1,138 19 247 36 2,225 52 30,105 61 592 61 533 20,300 1,500 29 112 107 14,148 24 113 112,356 49,659 86 2,560 1,571,405 183,430 169,950 9,280 4,100 100 1,371,475 15,790 1,321,145 34,540 16,500 316 4,973 191 359 196 953 171 401 166 281 181 990 285 79,335 105 240 101 1,095 290 1,007,710 235 869,195 186 1,610 151 1,405 52,225 875 66 495 226 32,565 50 188 203,450 90,310 126 1,170 1,089,168 151,271 140,306 10,205 760 890,597 6,283 36,789 847,525 47,300 432 2,521 366 897 351 4,587 336 2,042 302 616 423 11,902 371 17,815 239 3,382 403 13,246 147 8,290 189 61,809 303 4,674 293 4,262 151,640 2,700 95 720 180 25,600 76 210 155,500 83,700 237 2,991 2,693,404 2,202,759 1,991,309 180,070 30,980 400 229,643 15,575 36,427 177,641 261,002 974 2,765 80" 1,744 652 2,828 606 1,433 576 1,173 777 6,440 837 33,0"7 323 739 490 5,307 276 12,190 373 54,080 936 10,767 926 10,492 285,740 57,425 884 10,492 5,051 738,-15 865 2,558 2,376,131 995,-52 668 4,317 51,500 7,450 6,925 50 475 937,926 531,297 472,652 32,940 25,705 42,225 3,760 12,440 26,025 1,825 36 1,431 31 75 36 160 36 110 36 68 36 605 36 3,565 16 31 31 510 30 2,455 35 17,555 36 400 36 365 10,075 250 20 65 30 3,-90 21 120 370,319 4,997 137,074 228,248 36,310 327 2,868 300 680 242 2,144 232 1,116 211 372 311 4,604 325 31,490 180 825 265 4,815 206 58,482 237 144,526 305 4,296 305 3,961 143,755 7,150 213 1,~48 694 102,745 183 615 650,412 270,898 222 2,817 2,577,870 1,404,648 1,112,193 71,090 14,090 207,275 502,422 76,960 117,390 308,072 670,800 4,190 615 2,975 5.145 2,402 6,434 2,196 3,674 2,053 2,901 3,191 15,983 4,375 130,817 834 1,479 905 7,427 854 42,015 1.304 178,036 3,178 16,316 3,043 15,566 442,585 26,660 1,531 6,265 2,875 388,740 946 1,816 1,465,290 591,-140 1,591 9,442 991354 0-52-23 334 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE I'j'-a are based on reports for (For definiti Item and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Frnit- and- Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number.. 30 to 49 acres numbe r. . SO to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number.. 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . it a re -cash tenants number. . Snare tenants number. . Crop- share tenants number.. Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers * number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number.. Class I number. . Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV numbe r. . Class V number. . CI ass VI numbe r.. Othe r fa rms numbe r . . Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. Ail livestock and livestock products sold .... dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. . .dol lars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. . dollars. . Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting.. number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. Chickens sold farms reporting. . number, . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens, . Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bales harvested. . sold. . dol 1 ars. . Tobacco harvested.. fnrms reporting.. acres. . pounds harvested. . sold. . dol lnrs. . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting., acres. 1,061 4,942 4,450 2,766 2,372 1,622 850 485 340 559 263 94 4,089 2,595 11 10,515 492 95 2,549 2,469 80 6,868 511 2,794 17,210 24 275 2,117 6,790 5,339 2,665 2,794 56,149,661 49,044,193 48,593,051 324,816 97,791 28,535 6,057,736 318,389 802,324 4,937,023 1,047,732 19,403 2,894 14,490 35,322 6,991 25,046 6,563 13,612 5,685 9,031 15,587 232,500 16,469 582,486 2,999 7,925 8,811 143,393 3,352 211,695 6,372 1,220,539 17,817 213, 765 17,656 202,284 6,557,013 632,377 13,511 103,279 58,591 8,628,970 9,181 32,996 37,122,674 17,822,473 2,913 8,586 774,249 673,526 668,056 1,850 620 3,000 89,813 315 18,391 71,107 10,910 279 2,775 167 471 122 477 116 279 95 184 162 3,405 254 13,944 87 148 119 2,395 67 2,135 122 43,415 269 8,897 269 8,592 284,049 121,815 109 665 303 44,055 13 61 82,450 41,257 58 319 65 370 320 125 85 95 20 20 10 194 225 745 55 190 180 10 390 110 205 3,335 3,460 2,135 1,712 1,326 550 305 185 267 97 22 2,595 1,752 5 9,247 385 90 2,189 2,129 60 6,213 370 81 30 55 90 65 65 20 30 70 35 15 395 141 3 62 12 5 25 20 11 56 211 325 560 13,599 3 174 1,703 5,883 4,346 1,490 73 140 153 227 2,176,753 2,094,164 2,081,154 12,885 125 43,946,671 41,281,733 41,128,858 140,695 12,180 8,500 8,500 2,500 6,000 7,500 7,500 354,638 39,369 38,054 1,000 315 308,399 49,925 38,165 11,625 135 1,558,609 369,248 364,223 725 4,300 73,669 50 5,885 67,734 8,920 1,164 1,870 823 1,797 409 783 368 451 328 366 862 4,168 872 19,220 168 181 1,787 60 2,140 165 6,955 1,052 7,792 1,042 7,522 195,305 5,059 1,164 12,154 8,418 ,264,933 170 332 337,925 135,570 195 535 2,372,208 24,560 240.204 2,107,444 292,730 13,599 3,232 10,109 23,851 4,394 10,234 4,129 5,884 3,530 4,619 11,005 143,647 11,216 333,771 1,673 2,571 5,975 69,541 2,011 67,368 3,974 371,888 13,128 143,708 13,087 138,523 4,528,990 334,745 10,084 76, 129 41,823 6,132,498 8,448 30,910 35,102,881 16,988,379 1,479 4,176 10 850 5 1,500 10 70 10 40 1,200 311,679 269,150 4,363 38,166 3,590 37 9,585 27 139 32 1,260 32 755 32 715 27 361 32 2,450 298 16 245 11 1,650 21 7,245 875 41,790 257,597 2,865 218,007 36,725 877 118 2,614 68 128 53 132 53 71 47 65 73 1,933 118 36,930 21 34 61 1,020 97 74,765 113 269,494 51 487 457 ,375 12 235 123 17,184 1 6,000 2,250 30 85 45 6,325 1,144,376 3,296 55.178 1,085,902 44,985 601 2,593 509 1,602 392 4,552 381 1,876 324 914 554 28,228 552 32,324 312 2,088 589 27,323 240 11,795 395 101,428 434 12,025 404 10,245 350,970 14,275 132 496 231 31,348 23 102 78,095 24,354 80 903 '[lata are given by tenure of operator and by economic claas lor commercial terms only. NORTH CAROLINA 335 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of forms. See textj Area 7 — Continued Type of farm — Con. General — primarily livestock General- crop and livestock 20,995 4,245 3,995 250 16, 750 1,060 4,985 25 840 20 50 20 60 20 35 20 30 20 590 25 ,515 20 35 1,435 25 9,085 20 240 20 175 7,000 400 5 1,000 90 95 55 45 40 10 40 25 10 283 151 1 115 10 Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied 706 901 440 206 210 151 75 35 55 66 53 17 105 6 22 103 209 151 65 2,087,789 1,095,835 1,057,948 36,827 1,060 918,432 5,739 178,077 734,616 73,522 550 3,796 547 2,184 333 2,328 323 1,275 307 634 504 19,403 525 44,544 226 854 524 19,793 268 30,270 409 268,005 548 11,761 543 10,308 324,220 48,035 361 1,997 1,148 174,255 55 196 209,405 96,687 60 419 5 2,794 121 2 1,780,889 880,167 780,793 13,184 60,655 25,535 499,400 8,294 52,081 439,025 401,322 2,314 770 1,610 3,100 800 2,727 725 1,783 656 934 1,727 16, 248 2,233 72,068 320 1,259 823 10,926 402 11,795 829 100,065 1,617 12,860 1,542 11,644 325,619 15, 580 984 3,568 1,544 209,697 236 435 317,980 120,065 173 950 Total all farms 1,810 12,131 7,781 3,775 2,691 1,556 730 419 206 402 174 63 5,070 1,908 89 21,941 346 95 3,547 3,525 22 17,377 576 2,730 29,008 47 391 5,272 15,161 6,523 1,614 2,730 110,026,214 104,274,421 103,698,703 272,187 52,921 250,610 4,825,182 868,995 623,904 3,332,283 926,611 30,567 3,600 21,234 50,245 9,032 30,171 8,246 16,637 7,341 12,250 24,025 211,054 26,438 832,831 3,144 8,274 10,289 99, 106 5,349 207,069 7,010 838,882 28,810 362,906 28,351 351,051 10,875,139 1,232,865 19,281 113,904 68,017 9,678,645 27,763 145,573 79,162,134 88,053,687 10,579 49,042 Type of farm 11 101 291,558 275,346 274,696 325 325 16,212 705 15,507 134 2,176 89 365 63 288 63 134 61 104 68 771 26 46 38 355 10 325 119 2,835 119 2,800 105,975 72,050 16 100 71 11,215 11 41 50,050 20,000 48 531 35 151 70 30 10 30 5 27 3 73 39 2 257 11 10 30 30 Other field- crop 910 11,135 7,160 3,385 2,300 1,190 470 265 120 192 38 13 4,266 1,597 38 21,275 305 85 3,450 3,430 20 16,900 535 Vegetable 16 12 40 76 227 704,322 662,256 659,691 2,565 42,066 125 5,685 36,256 371 1,898 201 689 82 501 81 161 61 95 212 2,229 287 7,490 109 82 1,134 41 1,520 51 8,700 296 3,396 291 3,355 103,875 19,720 371 4,062 2,705 428,334 109 379 354,445 128,001 114 843 27,178 25 281 5,130 14, 803 6,149 790 103,663,582 100,859,832 100,635,665 194,955 29,212 2,591,240 49,449 431,374 2,110,417 212, 510 27,178 3,814 18,641 40,993 7,513 17,153 6,837 9,752 6,158 7,815 21,310 173,239 23,023 691,405 2,412 3,948 8,694 71,917 4,534 156,935 5,765 568,679 26,468 332,701 26,067 322,335 9,884,885 1,071,320 18,156 104, 351 61,910 8,753,308 26,840 142,558 176J.86, 586 86,842,062 Fruit- and- nut 29,120 24,325 4,700 19,375 250 3,795 220 9,388 37,261 3,575 1,000 35 832 30 55 10 30 10 10 10 10 20 100 35 1,190 15 100 10 140 10 150 10 40 10 30 1,000 250 886, 764 116,515 116,515 Poultry Li vestock other than dairy and poultry 76,213 10,287 8,594 1,250 443 768,499 698,568 '3,109 66,822 1,750 63 14,076 40 215 63 2,991 63 2,095 63 2,074 52 954 54 2,210 47 1,068 36 759 12 2,365 12 1,640 40 1,006 40 701 17,825 ■8 86 44 6,560 28 184 232,590 99,440 23 547 63,426 75 59,438 3,913 2,500 67 1,138 52 141 12 12 18 12 18 57 519 10 10 27 154 62 12,680 67 67, 870 41 275 40 205 5,945 301 72 11 52 10 4 25 75 59 273 5 10 14,630 7,435 11 28 707,457 139,226 131,257 5,005 2,589 375 561,495 7,679 19,971 533,845 6,736 436 1,623 341 1,956 274 3,792 248 1,858 183 493 417 10,989 372 19,150 243 1,558 407 10, 708 104 4,860 156 29,830 299 5,808 292 5,619 209,264 6,450 41 222 154 22,354 45 145 151,670 70,080 175 2,271 General — primuri ly crop 190 5 General — primari ly livestock General — crop and 363 1 14 27 148 118 55 1,266,167 1,136,739 1,116,349 18,775 1,615 117,483 430 4,247 112,806 11,945 363 3,488 258 900 158 1,131 152 538 131 177 300 3,835 304 7,831 81 466 177 3,053 62 1,380 78 3,470 352 5,130 352 4,990 166, 770 21,700 345 3,694 2,356 349, 566 315 1,208 1,174,736 456,776 114 1,053 20, 589 3,966 16, 623 1,900 6,433 6 3,432 137 1 30 1 20 6 247 1 1,400 6 6 180 6 3,500 1 7,753 Ml ace 1 - laneous and un- claasi - fled 6 130 85 6,000 6 155 509,960 267, 705 259,465 4,500 3,740 203,020 34,500 16,410 152,110 39,235 158 3,228 152 802 117 1,142 112 589 81 399 157 3,311 151 9,540 379 152 3,511 82 5,092 72 22, 510 140 2,606 135 2,481 75,780 12,695 68 382 245 36,658 104 404 363,757 152,988 810 590 380 235 251 81 6 138 48 6 276 1,007 532 70,650 306 644 633,670 276,905 599 5,553 5 2,730 197 7 44 31 40 40 35 2,730 1,870,482 778,224 487,805 25,437 14, 747 250,235 441,323 76,269 76,312 288,742 650,935 1,756 1,065 1,429 4,121 734 2,981 667 1,452 580 1,045 1,426 14,860 2,070 80,228 228 684 655 7,235 426 18,272 783 127,450 65 1,039 8,979 999 8,450 297,820 28,680 336 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of fan Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and- nut Poultry Livestock other than airy and poultry Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number.. 30 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number. . 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number. . 500 to 999 acres number.. 1.000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants. number. . Share -cash tenants number. . Share tenants number.. Crop- share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number.. Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . Class VI number.. Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold .... dol la rs. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. .. dollars. , Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. .dollars. Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April 1, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows. farms reporting. number, reporting, number, reporting, number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes furms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Al 1 hogs and pigs farms Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms Cotton harvested. . . farms reporting. acres. bules harvested. sold. . dol I urs. . . furms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dol lars. Land from which hoy was cut farms reporting. acres. Tobacco harvested. 1,235 6,470 4,431 2,430 1,505 1,206 520 420 260 424 217 78 4,167 1,930 70 9,175 202 465 5,485 5,390 95 2,452 571 3,854 15,342 45 130 1,147 5,274 5,786 2,960 3,854 43,016,060 38,371,989 36,713,826 565,573 1,050,840 41,750 4,158,796 1,042,814 1,746,443 1,369,539 485,275 18,072 2,380 14,370 25,802 8,403 23,606 7,700 13,891 7,175 11,994 14,395 81,146 15,928 492,108 2,681 6,314 4,559 38,287 2,981 1,364,764 3,665 769,529 16,748 175,441 16,633 172,837 4,284,299 397,433 13,315 164,152 65,591 8,987,484 12,772 4ft, 218 52,559,278 26,163,879 8,593 50,717 326,010 289,375 285,685 1.570 2,120 35,615 125 5,000 30,490 1,020 167 1,952 312 85 627 85 314 73 104 93 719 121 3,620 17 161 35 373 11 1,670 21 6,600 138 3,453 138 3,226 127,475 42,600 63 734 187 24,96'' 25 63 42,290 19,370 80 1,969 55 1,120 835 425 195 146 70 55 20 75 25 14 516 354 4 2,161 71 125 1,000 980 20 835 130 325 3,870 2,771 1,480 830 665 275 200 95 110 47 2,746 1,263 27 6,641 100 325 4,330 4,265 65 1,506 380 217 55 125 16 6 15 5 3,035 3 9 85 423 1,193 1,322 10,677 5 27 850 4,481 4,129 1,185 111 14 31 6 25 10 25 299 2 15 71 75 60 76 162 6 5,341,840 5,209,904 4,994,301 208,363 6,740 29,793,928 28,895,373 28,713,523 148,235 33,615 158,555 156,715 78,140 78,575 1,111,862 1,082,076 118,831 7,420 955,825 1,122,237 143,315 1,386,900 49,338 45,538 3,350 450 322,050 57,428 52,598 2,750 2,080 118,911 5,602 19,192 94,117 13,025 3,035 1,760 2,249 4,249 1,031 1,965 951 1,213 860 1,037 2,460 11,448 2,449 54,000 265 439 491 3,006 260 6,220 334 26,880 2,751 28,544 2,736 28,299 603,091 62,563 3,035 63,231 28,825 4,032,728 950 1,979 1,849,205 783,814 1,081 6,569 760,760 35,735 167,929 577,096 117,795 10,677 2,790 8,878 15,441 4,730 9,135 4,354 5,504 4,017 4,906 8,560 47,299 9,205 261,792 1,373 2,067 2,799 20,168 1,532 73,349 1,813 207,209 10,301 112,072 10,286 111,952 2,824,108 220,390 8,455 79,097 29,016 3,892,869 10,541 41,292 47,951,178 24,179,555 5,752 26,421 1,840 65 1,775 46 3,447 21 116 36 640 40 390 35 340 9,925 745 330 39,450 20 60 74,000 37,640 31 370 25,923 1,947 5,281 18,695 3,863 57 224 45 176 39 72 45 426 55 2,085 12 52 18 380 12 550 28 9,355 56 587 56 547 13 , 520 225 40 o41 261 39,655 33 122 128,700 58,950 968,572 887,990 13,956 66,626 10,350 111 10,110 104 209 111 3,902 111 2,585 111 2,560 83 819 82 4,945 1,058 31 668 41 2,515 57 21,575 105 2,926 95 1,946 62,085 38 888 271 39,534 27 115 148,0.!0 9,119 1,299,762 4,645 1,272,132 22,985 37,800 299 4,638 203 276 234 470 224 308 209 2"8 228 978 267 35,065 112 138 98 697 268 1,117,920 172 236,120 217 1,730 212 1,675 49,560 5,140 10 110 40 5,400 22 66 43,500 15,625 132 833 251,693 2,150 4,676 244,867 12,929 162 1,988 127 443 121 1,798 111 815 94 282 136 4,209 134 6,856 115 991 135 5.091 26 1,000 62 7,865 85 1,634 70 1,392 34,245 1,920 2b 204 131 20.400 11 32 52,500 20,900 55 1 . 362 Data arc given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 337 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM : CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area 9— Continued Type of farm — Con. General — primal! ly 63,660 9,755 9,260 120 375 50,905 6,630 21,190 23,085 3,000 40 1,592 35 105 35 330 35 145 35 135 40 435 40 3,960 25 120 40 580 40 15,080 40 14,165 40 380 40 370 10,300 crop and livestock 25 3,590 30 395 494,647 252,978 244,518 6,100 2,360 232,304 27,684 118,705 85,915 9,365 135 3,664 124 283 135 843 115 413 115 383 114 1,744 120 8,691 66 305 93 1,480 76 97,570 83 61,795 134 2,648 129 2,353 65,090 4,450 2,795 615 87,215 76 240 239,790 105,230 90 1,155 Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied 830 1,285 560 350 280 240 115 80 80 110 50 9 36 51 31 3,854 1,448,285 902,523 820,454 32,935 7,384 41,750 299,332 66,179 92,240 140,913 246,430 2,865 506 2,095 3,316 1,610 3,596 1,455 2,109 1,409 1,937 2,268 9,541 3,068 93,577 506 802 593 3,874 562 39,955 877 133,345 2,450 14,346 2,405 14,036 323,305 24,410 1,096 7,423 2,562 342,945 676 1,098 931,230 390,910 983 5,238 Total all farms 636 1,625 1,085 725 750 560 275 205 130 302 50 36 1,831 1,250 11 1,401 85 20 421 401 20 740 135 1,886 4,493 33 270 592 1,411 1,342 845 1,886 18,009,860 15,078,634 14,201,658 741,538 33,138 102,300 2,608,355 280,452 712,025 1,615,878 322,871 6,060 2,972 4,057 7,660 2,911 13,853 2,770 7,707 2,492 4,575 4,190 57,487 5,304 301,519 1,602 4,759 2,742 46,546 1,645 181,400 3,190 1,292,958 5,240 108,503 5,183 104,994 2,970,194 1,182,895 1,526 7,290 3,470 469,315 2,366 12,029 12,506,070 5,904,938 1.188 4,504 Type ol l.irm Cash- gruin 40 105 50 145 95 75 85 30 65 22 10 206 263 7 246 5 146 146 722 3 27 111 175 216 190 2,403,187 2,086,426 2,071,146 9,375 • 2,605 3,300 304,087 3,170 40,937 259,980 12,674 722 3,329 479 921 489 3,243 474 1,754 382 765 544 8,026 636 34,651 314 929 413 7,835 187 9,735 423 74,660 717 31,196 717 31,020 802,555 514,490 181 950 304 44,550 10 39 32,000 14,050 175 915 36,800 29,810 29,750 60 6,990 10 2,105 50 736 20 45 20 25 20 25 35 310 45 2,355 20 180 35 935 25 2,660 50 470 50 470 7,250 100 50 220 120 17,140 5 20 20,000 9,000 10 15 Other field- crop 110 815 485 355 345 225 90 70 65 106 1,045 671 965 60 5 175 160 15 640 85 2,681 22 137 352 990 880 300 10, 641, 346 9,904,561 9,718,546 172,880 7,635 5,500 653,298 9,865 138,606 504,827 83,487 2,681 3,969 1,896 3,599 999 3,115 919 1,637 842 1,104 1,994 23,441 2,239 103,862 402 835 1,099 15,862 628 30,915 1,118 269,699 2,571 40,289 2,551 38,496 1,212,454 274,250 703 3,565 1,960 267,325 2,143 11,397 12,017,625 5,696,968 569 1,912 Veget able 113,380 112,640 38,015 74,625 740 90 650 20 ,669 10 10 10 10 15 65 20 595 5 5 5 30 5 250 20 245 20 245 7,250 4,800 Fruil- and- 285,120 47,430 24,395 23,035 234,690 202,777 830 31,083 3,000 18 15,340 38 18 949 591 18 525 6 166 12 695 13 345 1 160 5 150 10 1,155 13 685 11 635 17,500 500 Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poult ry 101 5 116 1 5 10 15 45 40 383 , 100 47,460 330,140 2,170 309,180 18,790 5,500 116 3,303 60 100 55 225 50 125 45 60 65 685 111 37,390 40 80 50 560 91 102,730 110 505,095 50 655 50 650 19,375 1,000 10 40 35 4,675 5 22 24,000 11,000 10 131 40 202 1 405,007 80,402 79,672 730 317,205 980 31,015 285,210 7,400 202 2,005 152 373 177 1,635 177 940 171 328 187 5,980 180 15,845 122 885 192 6,905 75 4,115 155 70,725 157 3,720 157 3,445 78,325 2,750 25 90 25 2,535 5 16 8,500 3,750 51 General — primari ly crop 119 163 377 2 82 83 115 40 55 2,373,455 2,031,522 1,607,119 422,028 2,375 269,013 8,785 43,623 216,605 72,920 377 6,296 326 714 281 1,586 281 948 244 490 257 6,767 347 23,334 206 623 246 5,723 140 7,570 253 74, 198 377 16,203 377 16,083 534,090 330,985 137 850 486 63,570 38 198 170,560 78,475 122 45C General — primari ly livestock 49,180 13,930 13,405 500 25 34,875 3,665 10,820 20,390 375 30 1,639 30 50 30 205 30 115 25 100 30 760 25 4,995 30 70 30 750 20 2,060 25 24,700 25 675 25 650 9,120 5 25 5 770 General — crop and livestock lu ) 58 1 30 5 189 2 1 26 40 65 55 620,823 346,498 251,770 19,685 10,543 64,500 259,495 44,605 58,320 156,570 14,830 189 3,285 173 340 184 1,099 179 565 159 337 174 4,037 178 19,182 144 446 183 4,265 97 9,025 152 106,880 184 4,461 184 3,996 100,765 26,700 75 315 135 20,535 10 84 40,625 12,300 Ml seel - laneoua and un- classi- fied 480 635 335 185 125 100 40 10 10 41 5 1,886 6 5 11 16 50 1,886 698,462 377,955 322,105 19,350 7,500 29,000 197,822 4,425 76,499 116,898 122,685 1,655 422 859 1,415 648 1,736 612 997 576 831 883 7,250 1,511 58,615 326 541 503 4,276 367 14,165 914 162,936 1,076 9,904 1,041 9,304 181,510 27,320 340 1,235 400 48,215 150 253 192,760 79,395 160 360 338 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of fa Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenan ts numbe r . Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop-share tenancs number. Livestock -share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farms not classified by tenure number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 19119 by source: All farm products sold dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horticultural specialties sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars. Forest products sold dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules 'arms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows i«»s reporting. number. All hogs Bnd pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 19119: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres. pounds harvested sold. . dol tars Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial farma only 2,565 10,025 5,395 3,140 2,401 1,760 1,030 552 285 814 223 9,012 4,310 14 8,680 201 155 3,136 3,050 86 4,677 511 6,260 22,016 37 ' 162 1,412 6,869 9,359 4,177 6,260 58,361,117 51,410,787 48,068,361 1,803,315 888,221 650,890 5,996,041 464, 230 1,424,101 4,107,710 954,289 26,602 2,194 20, 580 33,405 9,545 33,616 8,847 17,974 8,152 14,028 20,493 192,917 22,818 757,105 3,682 9,289 11,749 130,987 5,548 421,915 7,409 1,840,334 24,676 277,865 24,130 262,808 6,114,657 391,915 5,419 25,203 8,756 1,131,276 21,816 85 , 929 88,753,456 42,353,744 8,801 33,395 122,410 108,830 108,730 12,650 265 2,454 9,931 930 118 1,037 51 82 56 84 51 58 46 53 71 522 68 3,690 15 20 41 262 25 945 31 3,845 97 1,900 92 1,600 37,575 23,800 15 50 47,000 21,250 22 150 75,630 68, 725 66,770 750 570 635 6,905 645 6,260 90 640 45 55 15 20 15 15 15 15 60 270 60 1,405 30 195 10 310 15 780 815 17,590 1,725 90 570 260 37,190 15 62 50,500 895 7,335 '4,270 2,325 1,760 1,245 720 370 170 416 90 20 7,583 3,758 2 8,273 186 140 2,996 2,915 81 4,481 470 19,616 12 66 1,186 6,305 8,736 3,311 48,860,555 45,639,415 44,797,019 517,344 324,052 1,000 2,803,669 29,590 445,873 2,328,206 417,471 19,616 2,491 15,433 24,938 6,634 17,521 6,188 9,423 5,733 8,005 15,208 136,256 16,073 497,833 2,438 4,424 8,761 82,417 3,784 146,941 4,969 639,065 18,843 227,503 18,613 217,562 4,969,972 278,175 4,431 19,200 6,695 - . . . ■ 19,231 SO, 075 64,101,187 40,387,760 7,055 24,214 203 3 15 5 25 956,146 928,131 60,636 826, 710 660 40,125 17,890 650 2,750 14,490 10,125 203 4,710 173 296 50 155 40 70 35 55 107 878 111 3,360 5 5 60 615 15 380 30 5,075 183 1,518 168 1,458 37,665 3,550 30 215 40 4,375 10 9 9,125 2,500 62 300 NORTH CAROLINA 339 Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM. CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data Are based on reports for only a sample of fan See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 11— Continued Type of farm — Cant inued Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poul try General — primarily crop General — primari ly li vestock General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- clasai - fled Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. . 10 to 29 acres number. . 30 to 49 acres number. . SO to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number. . 100 to 139 acres number. . 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number. . 220 to 259 acres number. . 260 to 499 acres number. . 500 to 999 acres number. . 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners '■ number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other snd unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . CI ass I number . . Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars. . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollsrs. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry pioducts sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars. . Forest products sold dollars. . Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dol lars. . Livestock on April I. 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting.. number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Mi Ik cows farms reporting. . number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. ■ number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. . Chickens sold t'rua reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested. Tobacco harvested. . . farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . dollars. . . farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dollars. Land from which hay was . farms reporting. . acres. . 482,538 48,966 21,181 4,590 21,945 1,250 425,562 352,027 15,800 57,735 8,010 98 4,924 63 156 98 2,994 98 1,934 98 1,777 36 460 e2 5,202 83 1,098 41 585 30 3,875 45 28,695 57 1,247 57 1,102 55,715 750 11 51 16 2,036 25 20,700 10,580 121 15 146 127 120 168 266 27 72 147 122 50 818,454 133,775 98,670 20,935 12,670 1,500 682,034 250 663,304 18,480 2,645 151 5,420 75 145 70 280 70 120 60 85 90 895 135 41,095 25 50 50 510 125 180,430 130 731,185 100 1,145 100 1,145 35,700 1,500 ,077,381 217,676 204,546 7,540 5,590 1,624,296 1,379,422 1,028,882 262,940 87, 600 164,871 33,680 33,135 300 245 196 187,600 81,935 852,006 2,512 25,002 824, 492 7,699 579 1,861 468 1,171 422 4,425 376 1,914 343 869 530 16,563 492 19, 667 266 1,682 549 20,016 205 8,226 246 45,344 395 7,016 333 5,295 138,105 4,375 259 97 12, 765 119 391 279,210 115,955 189,184 3,255 40,204 145,725 55,690 418 3,886 382 824 207 987 187 474 177 410 346 4,737 366 19,661 115 266 276 4,699 125 20, 890 147 38,900 397 7,521 371 6,766 179,175 41,595 258 2,975 985 144, 528 337 1,212 1,064,410 447,991 181 1,289 127,291 32,170 30,035 65,086 3,900 102 27 412 27 240 27 200 22 160 47 1,720 36 5,675 41 62,340 36 500 30 365 11,900 1,950 15 2,250 20 53 50,000 21,625 179 96 1,575 2,295 770 550 406 265 165 72 75 216 58 21 173 22 2 11 5 6 6,260 13 23 93 102 85 958,964 517,654 444,103 57,971 15,580 366,243 20, 701 84, 916 260, 626 75,067 316 3,035 311 579 240 1,368 235 700 220 513 294 7,073 305 19,475 149 471 278 7,080 145 16,640 193 106,325 286 4,375 274 3,960 120,795 5,915 66 432 237 26,070 195 730 663,110 288,394 148 530 208 4 3 37 64 65 35 6,260 2,743,029 1,912,974 1,155,634 99,010 51,950 606,380 481,038 18,045 107,893 355,100 349,017 4,794 572 3,411 4,866 1,640 4,939 1,479 2,800 1,322 1,900 3,613 23,003 4,918 128,917 543 1,022 1,560 12,426 1,013 36,853 1,437 166,415 4,091 23,539 3,906 21,969 495,440 28,560 451 1,436 401 43,550 1,783 3,041 2,196,614 913,171 927 3,516 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial farms only. 340 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Fu 1 1 owne rs numbe r . Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farm not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number.. Cash-grain number. . Cotton number. . Other field-crop number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fruit-and-nut farms number. . Dairy farms number. . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. . General farms number. . Prima ri ly crop number. . Primarily livestock number. . Crop and livestock number. . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold .dollars. . Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, told. -dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold... dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dol lars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars.. Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting.. number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number . . Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting. . number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested. . bushels sold. . Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bales harvested. . sol d. . dol lars. . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . Hcres. . pounds harvested. . sold, .dollars. . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. . acres. . 1 Data arc given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial 28,255 84,741 56,006 36,944 30, 100 22, 829 10,935 6,243 3,551 6,345 1,934 590 70,278 27,540 451 95,410 2,438 1,276 34, 159 33,516 643 51, 904 5,634 94, 794 159,809 3, 141 21,441 135,227 1,348 732 5,312 5,391 6,262 12,076 5,382 992 5,702 97,543 557,320,866 454,446,635 439,514,686 7,309,380 4,080,808 3,541,761 92,533,426 27,310,777 28,851,063 36,371,566 10,340,805 263,069 2,119 189, 359 354,362 170,323 710, 776 162,716 396, 996 154,820 338,839 204, 183 251,028 237,576 895,004 8, 76, 754 227, 274 71,691 755,494 62,753 16,835,342 84,902 29,213,712 237, 658 2,112,603 233,751 2,031,303 58,055,216 5,888,098 105,210 849,057 473,445 67,482,563 149,686 603,126 656,754,324 316,545,978 130,427 882,763 8,172 55,069 39,759 26,881 22, 486 17,866 8,500 5, 007 2,779 5,081 1,563 516 70, 2;a 27,540 451 95,410 2,438 1,275 34,159 33,516 643 51, 904 5,634 159,809 3,141 21,441 135,227 1,348 732 5,312 5,391 6,262 12,076 5,382 992 5,702 2,749 533,986,912 441,397,274 427,461,834 6,668,642 3,810,712 3,456,066 83,332,973 25,716,265 26,273,150 31,343,558 9,256,665 193,679 2,757 143, 920 285, 769 110, 512 550,997 106,115 303, 945 100, 604 256.471 150,611 1,072,056 162,900 6,766,460 52,126 183, 070 58,868 662,230 44,251 15,833,963 59,237 25,421,363 179,201 1,836,758 176,709 1,764,390 50,9e2,223 5,438,306 92, 785 789,687 443, 274 63,343,79." 138,722 567,782 645,869,084 311,425,953 96,317 706,518 186 lie 61 40 2 105 120 125 220 310 250 230 230 556 295 146 1,176 756 136 574 33 15 192 175 17 267 67 90 1,420 3,445 2,640 2,525 2,356 1,325 901 561 1,105 354 92 4,616 2,882 118 8,998 192 115 2,990 2,899 91 5,330 371 680 17,0e5 14,091 9,266 7,453 5,966 2,975 1,631 911 1,497 375 16,737 8,255 82 36,945 633 435 13,026 12,871 155 21,320 1,531 3,245 23,171 13,922 9,320 7,805 6,055 2,470 1,406 710 1,135 310 25,281 9,515 33 34,788 902 555 12,840 12,580 260 18,310 2,181 16,401,876 7,908,526 4,081,110 859,333 895, 377 2,072,706 8,220,327 4,946,747 1,892,714 1,380,866 273,023 405 40, 496 318 1,749 297 23, 912 290 13,760 257 11,263 242 12, 542 251 70, 956 228 9,669 156 12, 137 95 929,086 122 1,324,661 286 22, 723 268 16,682 634,914 227,900 177 9,472 6,054 894,217 131 2,012 2,088,971 963,607 229 15,591 1,030 58 95 877 30 58 598 388 110 277 190 22 65 151 37,037,738 18,922,499 16,667,855 965,315 762,779 506,550 16,602,351 7,435,027 5,681,765 3,485,559 1,612,868 2,642 14,019 2,073 8,030 1,996 62,126 1,962 34, 131 1,859 26,499 1,852 46,4231 2,067 376,349 1,449 22,479 1,293 45,384 952 4,234,456 1,051 3,726,061 2,313 77,190 2,178 66, 270 2,469,932 618,436 1,072 28,269 17,133 2,533,066 1,174 12,260 15,545,556 7,621,031 1,631 65,661 13,492 224 507 12, 761 20 87 854 871 296 901 506 42 353 293 108, 723, 122 68,618,957 66,631,275 844,445 698,262 444,975 17,950,350 5,315,266 6,729,0e7 5,905,997 2,153,815 16,814 6,466 13,919 36,687 10, 155 77,651 9,786 42,111 9,253 35,969 14,204 178,621 15,116 1,059,271 5,336 28,586 7,761 125,512 4,788 4,436,806 5,665 5,94 6,229 16,075 282, 665 15,834 268,884 6,694,199 1,256,628 9,214 106,657 64,693 9,359,643 13,532 102,668 127,673,079 65,593,736 9,056 92,917 54,990 510 2,776 51,704 155 129 1,256 1,280 868 2,840 1,472 147 1,221 501 214,430,685 191,202,907 188,518,794 1,656,142 722,451 305, 520 20,619,723 4,544,895 6,255,350 9,819,478 2,608,055 62,019 3,457 47,752 100,298 32,716 144,592 31,212 80,951 29,456 67, 135 51, 051 414,457 53,751 2,185,347 14, 621 46,029 22, 172 246,021 14,469 3,645,071 18, 168 6,581,614 59,743 681,237 59,024 656,207 19,324,311 1,813,594 33,678 281,602 160, 753 23,022,275 52,743 2C0.131 £96,769,235 146,634,889 30,684 209,570 59,890 662 8,431 50,777 316 196 1,158 1,426 1,654 4,211 1,835 270 2,106 764 126,943,002 110,970,624 108,856,932 1,494,862 534, 015 84,795 14,069,144 2,552,513 4,123,113 7,393,518 1,903,234 69,617 1,823 50,442 89,806 39,072 152,057 37,525 82,628 35,555 70,206 53,487 292, 635 57, 175 2,006,293 17,421 48,068 18,371 161,284 14,475 1,947,163 20,010 5,376,230 64,445 535, 195 63,653 518,289 13,822,732 1,031,030 32,305 257,315 143,601 20,497,954 51, 764 174, 184 172,724,387 78,037,496 34,318 212,240 lurms only. NORTH CAROLINA 841 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 only a sample of farms. See text] The State — Continued Economic class — Con. Part- time 3,575 8,366 5,500 3,581 2,991 1,940 905 481 265 507 103 12 Residen- tial 16,503 21,291 10,742 6,472 4,623 3,008 1,520 740 502 742 249 45 28,226 17,235,214 11,141,625 10,474,231 437,645 172, 939 56, 610 5,411,139 856,844 1,580,128 2,974,167 . 682, 450 28, 226 611 16,951 26,775 19,347 70, 152 18,394 37, 996 17,719 32, 924 18,465 76,648 23,405 845,690 I 10, 797 24,054 6,710 57,034 7,735 657,635 10,139 2,235,076 21,267 122,810 20,792 119,497 3,240,774 324,855 8,698 48,776 26,260 3,681,365 8,645 13,546 11,761,635 4,741,215 13,597 82,118 66,437 4,630,938 1,561,773 1,327,608 125,140 79,960 29,065 2,696,400 349,606 825,158 1,521,636 372,765 41,072 113 28,405 41,520 40,486 85,215 36,129 52, 524 36,419 48,120 35, 001 93, 763 51, 182 1,249,240 13,767 16,269 6,050 29,221 10,711 275,912 15, 470 1,323,181 37,110 147,145 36, 17C 142,800 3,638,990 107,035 3,720 10,515 3,865 450,995 2,315 1,772 1,066,605 372,140 20,449 87,359 Areas ] and A Total all farms 131 ,467,802 345,963 251,013 77,753 17,197 ,092,914 388,062 172,687 532, 225 28, 925 92 15,954 63 298 78 4,412 76 2,531 78 1,324 106 8,541 89 33,594 67,832 56 234,092 80 5,890 60 4,616 193,229 17,900 79 46 6,410 6 26 17,000 6,670 64 6,200 10,700 7,155 4,685 3,476 2,300 1,200 725 345 750 176 47 9,547 1,824 50 1,525 48 5 675 625 50 555 242 24,613 5,180 75 5,105 714 221 1,556 572 2,226 1,915 297 291 1,327 25, 375 26,062,037 9,741,679 7,079,317 1,726,232 622,300 313,830 15,186,853 5,816,532 2,441,922 6,928,399 1,133,505 32,228 809 20', 715 31, 599 32,436 187,921 31,546 96,441 30,285 83,211 22,988 59,096 32,467 1,101,159 20,764 73,745 5,959 44,355 11,246 960,098 14,664 3,324,438 29,205 121,797 28,604 113,934 3,818,500 212,395 Economic class Commercial farms 11,445 9,939 14,147,305 6,065,271 20,084 126,666 695 2,395 2,445 2,005 1,866 1,415 740 485 235 500 126 39 9,547 1,824 50 1,525 48 5 675 625 50 555 242 ,160 75 5,105 714 221 1,556 572 2,226 1,915 297 291 1,327 562 21,319,569 7,824,469 5,542,182 1,443,257 549,620 289,410 12,648,045 5,436,829 1,862,467 5, 328, 749 647,055 12,94 6 1,647 9,795 16,916 12,222 126, 147 12,060 61, 515 11,675 52,012 9,101 29,978 11, 763 561,380 9,854 53,052 3,028 29,276 4,985 766, 743 7,146 2,445,883 11,572 61, 753 11,296 55, 393 2,074,025 140,375 7,585 7,559 11,177,210 4,842,036 9,322 81,203 1, 950, 907 332,894 27,779 229,095 76, 020 1,582,433 1,354,619 2,679 225,135 35,580 38 51,340 34 6,020 413 26 3,560 34 2,258 17 425 8 350 26 1,294 23 513 13, 610 600 2 ,135 29 2,952 117 IB 16 20 60 30 40 10 50 21 5 270 60 15 75 160 120 190 145 150 60 80 145 25 924 135 10 5 15 165 15 10 2,344,591 427,166 82,223 91,300 • 62,145 191,500 1,914,523 1,096,100 394,808 423,615 2,900 171 13,711 116 397 146 8,341 145 4,195 144 3,588 93 445 131 43,290 141 3,365 144 2,305 109 1,358 64,060 700 79,710 36,843 131 3,703 56 2,353,928 442,818 212,808 80, 595 76,075 73, 340 1,733,505 1,037,770 197,665 498,070 177, 605 361 6,521 291 783 341 10, 278 326 5,225 316 4,689 242 1,246 319 34,485 310 5,092 66 1,365 130 99,875 181 201,360 300 3,357 258 2,007 100,590 12,225 100 460 540 570 670 550 270 175 2,648 566 6 401 195 185 171 217 351,945 159,396 299 5,187 120 95 50 340 115 263 152 10 26 116 35 3,931,821 1,117,204 670,214 280, 325 166,365 300 2,635,712 975,940 442,170 1,217,602 178,905 1,170 3,361 925 1,951 1,100 23,055 1,095 11, 136 1,048 6,341 785 3,856 1,063 87, 170 1,025 10,649 392 5,915 496 164,150 672 578, 985 1,054 7,460 983 5,966 266,110 25, 980 560 1,820 1,715 1,260 940 640 255 195 55 103 5,579 1,030 Part- time 755 1,765 1,445 835 620 380 175 100 50 115 30 976 30 5 435 410 25 360 146 554 752 ,257,555 576,485 949 13,166 1,305 15 1,290 170 65 345 190 716 715 90 65 560 115 5,903,221 2,737,621 2,235,899 374,262 114,690 12,770 2,929,705 626, 728 504,697 1,796,280 235,895 3,621 1,630 2,945 5,333 3,531 41,861 3,495 16, 507 3,369 15, 050 2,705 9,770 3,351 174,195 3,051 17,675 1,037 10,177 1,496 167, 583 2,199 721,391 3,298 18,609 3,223 17,439 677,525 56,010 2,270 3,906 4,474,365 1,992,485 2,820 26,844 3,680 441 85 585 226 1,147 1,021 180 190 651 345 4,835,101 2,766,764 2,313,259 387,660 54,325 11,500 1,852,167 345,672 340,448 1,166,047 216, 170 7,585 637 5,469 8,353 7,070 36,572 6,965 19,064 6,745 17,211 5,254 14,248 6,893 218, 680 5,293 14,013 1,491 10, 782 2,787 104, 045 3,998 604,390 6,750 28,726 6,700 28,106 952, 130 44,860 Residen- tial 4,750 6,540 ■' . : •■' 1,845 990 505 285 140 60 130 20 4,540 3,637 5,011,500 2,075,945 5,094 29,351 6,274 3,347,470 1,578,380 1,281,915 229,430 48,125 16,910 1,609,255 274,670 336,830 997,755 159,835 6,274 534 3,633 5,257 5,588 26, 939 5,488 14,042 5,302 12,170 4,192 10,063 5,632 196,372 4,408 11,429 1,271 8,349 2,341 109,050 2,791 522, 185 4,971 19,303 4,866 18,818 662, 600 50,285 2,508,145 1,059,415 3,684 19,738 18, 532 1,338,166 319,010 250, 900 43,545 19,055 5,510 894,886 91,606 221,150 581,930 124,290 13,001 103 7,281 9,397 14,621 34,266 13,991 20, 692 13,301 18, 967 9,690 19,015 15,046 342,347 6,496 9,152 1,660 6,730 3,915 83,755 4,720 354, 170 12,656 40, 676 12,436 39,701 1,080,875 21,735 1,200 468 454,950 160,950 ",071 25,265 56,812 19,620 4,320 10,000 5,500 34,667 13,227 1,475 19,965 2,325 7,000 2,870 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 31 35 36 37 38 3<> 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 61 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 90 31 82 83 84 85 B6 87 342 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS tconomic Area Table 12.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres numbe r . 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farm not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f ruit-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms. number . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horticultural specialties sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars. Forest products sold dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs Bnd pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over ...farms reporting. number. Livestock and I ivestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting, number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting, dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres. bushels harvested, bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres. bales harvested, ■old, . dollars. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sol d. . dollars. Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. Total all farms 1,835 3,330 2,380 1,720 1,460 1,005 530 225 180 306 64 13 2,647 557 140 140 55 55 9,639 1,181 151 130 900 10 126 266 996 293 412 101 80 231 9,814 10,362,899 2,751,311 2,224,641 48,565 352,830 125,275 7,021,428 1,220,986 4,635,174 1,165,268 590,160 10,301 1,006 6,825 9,557 10,770 35,493 10,300 19,694 9,973 18,006 8,865 23,432 10,496 496,308 4,852 11,022 1,870 16,880 3,807 4,236,570 3,756 2,359,450 9,485 49,889 9,385 49,062 ,436,339 134,795 760 2,385 1,730 221,865 1,541 3,288 3,315,045 1,411,815 5,919 36,488 Economic class Commercial farms 160 485 585 500 605 4*0 230 115 105 176 49 2,647 557 255 5 140 140 1,181 151 130 900 10 126 266 996 293 412 101 80 231 175 8,709,418 2,265,516 1,783,651 34, 590 324,600 122,675 6,007,507 985,335 4,346,564 675,608 436,395 3,459 2,518 2,459 3,971 3,188 17,882 3,123 9,339 3,051 8,396 2,842 9,797 3,020 312,473 1,870 6,251 918 9,555 1,841 4,092,280 1,545 2,022,665 3,013 21,428 2,993 20,930 676,880 76,775 420 1,555 1,140 148,640 1,141 2,753 2,864,545 1,236,950 2,436 20,203 605,410 120,120 120 120,000 485,290 362,500 98,000 24,790 12 50,451 11 16 11 979 11 642 10 640 10 85 11 6,710 11 429 10 150 Class II Class III Class IV 10 10 5 1 111 15 10 110 1,862,580 132,130 20,405 1,000 110,725 1,643,490 198,880 1,365,855 78,755 86,960 131 14,218 76 142 131 1,374 131 655 131 563 91 419 91 62,515 580 41 514 125 1,399,865 60 455,195 96 683 96 683 27,200 2,750 4,000 1,000 91 1,084 25 45 25 35 50 35 15 5 10 15 5 1 231 25 10 15 225 5 1 1,677,400 168,535 82,800 200 85,535 1,463,075 96,890 1,286,470 79,715 45,790 266 6,306 186 292 246 1,763 246 953 236 933 216 808 200 76,365 181 855 76 615 240 1,129,660 100 653,800 211 1,3-5 211 1,345 54,550 2,190 35 112 135,510 58,275 175 1,600 20 105 90 60 85 65 35 20 35 40 12 3 448 97 10 65 315 21 47 1 15 31 1,814,791 447,415 414,805 16,410 16,025 175 1,308,751 118,995 1,007,525 182,231 58,625 570 3,184 417 671 530 3,653 520 1,849 500 1,632 480 2,255 498 62,550 308 1,456 154 2,803 388 992,330 242 436,390 495 3,5-2 480 3,462 119,795 6,460 45 150 115 13,450 191 614 697,655 333,100 434 4,281 50 135- 145 185 190 110 50 50 10 45 21 760 190 441 31 20 390 46 51 255 32 115 35 15 65 55 1,-23,397 881,981 790,746 4,770 86,465 •'18,251 130,430 449,904 137,917 123,165 995 1,732 704 1,160 915 4,826 910 2,545 874 2,123 825 2,515 880 57,523 529 1,301 257 2,043 487 364, "15 442 280,045 865 6,251 865 6,108 208,810 26,795 140 625 470 62,535 480 1,279 1,393,250 596,715 710 5,807 1 Lata are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 343 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of far See text] Area 2 — Continued Areas 3, B, and C Economic class — Con. Part- time Residen- tial Total all farms Economic claaa Commercial farms Claas II Clsss III Clas. IV Claaa V Class VI Part- time Residen- tial 135 390 275 290 230 205 85 30 40 35 1,715 968,280 373,955 346,075 6,435 19,695 1,750 488,680 94,160 162,370 232,150 105,645 1,715 1,025 1,505 1,435 5,470 1,365 2,795 1,300 2,550 1,185 3,590 1,420 51,610 860 1,920 455 3,595 560 93,900 620 154,415 1,400 7,880 1,385 7,805 244,870 37,700 200 590 445 55,535 310 475 415,430 163,560 995 6,525 1,590 2,445 1,520 925 625 360 215 75 35 95 15 2 7,902 538,495 92,660 80, 110 4,040 7,660 850 401,715 95,000 103,400 203,315 44,120 5,115 105 3,340 4,070 6,135 11,735 5,800 7,335 5,610 6,865 4,821 9,142 6,050 124,875 2,105 2,715 490 2,850 1,400 43,590 1,585 144,770 5,065 20,160 5,000 19,975 499,470 18,320 140 240 145 17,690 90 60 35,070 11,305 2,476 9,085 22 146, 706 19,180 14, 805 3,500 875 123,526 46,491 22,840 54,195 4,000 12 12,226 12 406 12 225 12 195 17 903 7,350 17 136 7 37,600 421 7 352 15,119 2,000 12 675 5,102 10,466 6,146 5,677 5,384 4,334 2,235 1,072 657 861 182 31 11,362 4,255 66 14,661 160 145 5,650 5,500 150 7,855 851 11,803 27,197 272 50 26,875 60 16 798 687 404 783 217 145 421 12,202 78,970,734 65,224,698 64,067,964 238, 790 178,583 739,361 12,242,473 4,953,209 4,098,187 3,191,077 1,503,563 38,028 2,077 28,379 55,304 31,479 108,869 30,508 66,317 29,600 59,735 30,523 93,873 33,859 1,385,908 12,237 31,812 5,322 43,815 8,711 1,767,575 11,705 5,569,130 33,351 219,047 32,973 214,047 6,324,985 359,040 1,740 6,180 4,935 678,325 30,037 134,113 130,765,931 61,287,050 24,743 195,270 2,226 7,011 4,331 4,501 4,287 3,668 1,915 930 546 744 160 25 11,362 4,255 66 14,661 160 145 5,650 5,500 150 7,855 851 27,197 272 50 26,875 60 16 798 687 404 783 217 145 421 399 76,010,874 63,531,886 62,431,107 200,825 174,853 725,101 11,068,860 4,701,186 3,696,836 2,670,838 1,410,128 30,344 2,505 22,528 45,780 24,079 91,277 23,514 55,549 22,846 50,052 24,154 75,772 25,071 1,119,233 9,747 27,076 4,372 36,053 6,724 1,613,095 8,806 4,998,131 27,648 194,182 27,420 189,748 5,632,580 319,775 1,525 5,710 4,625 639,725 27,832 129,295 127,143,601 59,931,025 20,192 169,003 5 10 5 15 15 35 20 40 25 60 32 2 122 76 11 55 135 155 185 260 335 285 155 116 176 37 6 791 357 22 685 25 10 305 305 300 45 165 1,675 1,076 1,356 1,506 1,421 760 340 180 234 22 5 2,954 1,313 17 4,456 40 35 1,795 1,760 35 2,380 206 1,120 3,755 2,180 2,130 1,845 1,440 625 260 170 192 4,795 1,785 10 7,180 65 65 2,645 2,560 85 3,975 430 5 107 30 15 10 1,795,057 538,020 74,665 26,194 437,161 1,247,240 741,547 310,190 195,503 9,797 48 37,397 45 132 38 2,805 38 1,528 38 1,471 23 493 29 10,070 26 1,003 16 434 18 303,750 14 115,345 25 1,264 24 853 32,280 2,000 10 15 15 73,000 30,000 25 3,332 3,759,014 1,430,200 1,252,890 580 101,230 75,500 2,189,314 1,410,505 453,245 325,564 139,500 264 14,239 209 660 254 9,753 249 5,339 249 4,725 199 2,197 224 47,690 199 3,234 128 2,733 110 185,710 136 697,380 233 5,074 213 3,719 157,305 9,745 20 15 2,000 145 1,743 2,170,675 1,137,670 238 10,678 1,384 10 1,374 5 165 150 40 45 10 5 30 66 11,598,299 8,454,730 8,321,280 30,200 2,250 101,000 2,700,238 1,030,033 1,217,300 452,905 443,331 1,855 6,252 1,618 4,288 1,740 13,082 1,705 7,824 1,664 6,604 1,617 8,564 1,666 226,125 937 4,885 437 5,647 672 500,750 784 1,823,955 1,749 19,823 1,709 18,876 637,590 40,145 110 615 630 83,450 1,614 13,730 15,703,730 7,924,715 1,540 19,815 8,017 21 10 7,986 10 5 265 155 34 162 41 25 96 92 29,542,052 26,340,448 26,145,557 78,180 23,061 93,650 2,756,229 1,051,378 944,136 760,713 4451375 8)740 3/380 7,093 15,721 7,627 29,284 7,492 17,751 7,262 16,201 7,492 25,852 7,778 361,429 3,373 8,651 1,453 11,578 2,172 335,515 2,806 1,275,496 8,337 68,000 8,296 67,249 2,060,555 128,270 470 2,090 1,675 257,395 8,312 49,405 50,961,255 25,207,126 6,568 57,546 13,111 60 13,051 5 5 126 146 29 261 101 25 135 87 24,957,800 23,092,416 23,004,153 57,835 18,753 11,675 1,581,564 367,665 581,013 632,886 283,820 13,770 1,812 9,789 18,159 10,489 25,946 10,229 16,797 9,972 15,271 10,854 28,381 11,058 348,211 3,662 6,185 1,607 10,783 2,636 205,435 3,493 832,695 .12,686 76,086 12,625 75,551 2,113,200 91,445 695 2,330 1,840 241,725 13,306 52,736 49,523,890 22,266,155 8,692 57,101 905 1,435 915 815 661 437 225 130 50 82 12 670 915 570 355 366 250 135 46 25 35 2,206 2,535 1,245 821 731 411 180 96 86 77 16 3 2,681 711 2,275 30 35 880 850 30 1,175 155 4,603 180 40 4,383 40 117 196 286 305 65 80 160 120 4,358,652 3,676,072 3,632,562 34,030 3,365 6,115 594,275 100,058 190,950 303,267 88,305 5,667 769 3,774 6,820 3,931 10,407 3,801 6,310 3,661 5,780 3,969 10,285 4,316 125,708 1,550 3,118 731 4,878 1,116 81,935 1,573 253,260 4,618 23,935 4,553 23,500 631,650 48,170 235 640 450 53,355 4,453 11,601 8,711,051 3,365,359 3,129 20,531 3,368 2,178,065 1,509,565 1,475,160 19,950 1,955 12, 500 596,040 104,275 218,515 273,250 72,460 3,368 647 2,021 3,272 2,328 6,905 2,203 3,907 2,143 3,497 2,068 7,219 2,646 98,765 1,130 2,535 532 4,598 840 76,990 1,046 325,240 2,195 10,800 2,155 10,670 301,095 28,030 110 285 195 25,395 1,930 4,388 3,423,020 1,294,410 1,758 11,441 8,407 459,880 127,920 116,825 8,190 1,145 1,760 310,985 50,420 107,275 153,290 20,975 4,299 107 3,809 6,204 5,054 9,758 4,773 6,273 4,593 5,863 4,278 10,161 6,124 159,845 1,348 1,758 406 2,033 1,135 32,740 1,841 166,560 3,491 13,518 3,381 13,213 374,010 6,335 105 185 115 13,205 275 430 199,310 61,615 2,781 13,905 28 321,915 55,327 44,872 9,825 630 266,588 97,328 75,561 93,699 21 48 18 929 18 588 18 303 23 721 18 8,065 12 443 12 1,131 12 44,750 12 79,199 17 547 17 411 17,300 4,900 12 921 344 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE LData are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV Farms by s ize of farm: Under 10 acres number, 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number , SO to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number, 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 990 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number. Part owners number Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share -cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farm not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f ruit-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop." number Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number Hairy farms number. Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Prima n ly crop number Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: Ml farm products sold dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horticultural specialties sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars. Forest products sold..... dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on Apri 1 I , 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting, number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. 41 1 hogs and pigs farms reporting number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive , farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting. number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold f-otton harv Tobacco harv sted. Land from which hay wo . . farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dol lars . . farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dol 1 urs cut farms reporting acres 1,015 2,505 1,895 1,620 1,800 1,680 800 536 261 476 111 32 3,880 1,251 27 1,125 70 15 410 390 20 445 185 6,448 3,294 247 286 2,761 5 38 602 1,192 290 634 209 76 349 6,676 18,364,479 8,101,202 7,286,950 142,424 409,408 262,420 9,479,334 3,533,191 4,380,980 1,565,163 783,943 10,731 1,711 6,333 14,281 9,900 49,349 9,554 28,936 9,266 25,738 8,724 35,045 10,923 506,639 4,486 15,357 2,640 28,387 3,761 4,044,536 4,840 2,539,027 9,624 71,562 9,357 67, 898 2,056,940 178, 715 1,780 i ,662 645,705 , 12,183 11. "11, 87(1 ,432,61 175 805 780 805 1,030 1,080 540 376 206 371 86 29 3,880 1,251 27 1,125 70 15 410 390 20 445 185 3,294 247 286 •2,761 5 38 602 1,192 290 634 209 76 349 228 16,856,066 7,413,485 6,623,700 125,047 407,738 257,000 8,766,853 3,417,292 4,060,097 1,289,464 675, 728 6,283 2,683 4,780 9,001 5,282 38,164 5,151 22,076 5,028 19,742 4,811 23,189 5,606 349,119 2,925 13,015 1,754 21,264 2,460 3,830,226 2,909 2,190,957 5,586 51,224 5,424 4«,130 1,496,755 138,725 1,250 5,257 529,325 3,337 11,127 17, ' 51,822 1,293,485 388,287 48,819 2, 250 137,218 200,000 866,335 535,492 244,483 86,360 38,863 31 41,725 30 108 26 2,424 26 1,594 24 1,185 IS 843 23 21,570 24 805 8 209 6 105,000 12 211,150 655 17 343 10,450 1,200 3 166 73 11,000 53 46,600 , 28 10 10 35 40 20 120 45 70 30 80 27 2 285 127 7 70 5 15 155 125 135 190 255 105 667 327 225 10 65 370 285 340 425 390 195 115 55 105 25 5 110 20 1,480 420 5 465 25 10 190 180 10 ISO 60 5 105 552 11 5 536 1,465 40 75 1,350 155 175 5 18 2 6 150 310 32 134 42 2,528,117 435,306 145,658 58,650 176,000 55,000 1,958,289 1,048,685 752,242 157,362 134, 520 184 13,740 141 342 156 6,022 156 3,435 156 3,138 86 1,070 131 21,470 130 1,855 50 1,113 97 803,221 92 . 166 2,721 150 1,856 62,600 15 60 9,e60 166 97, . 3,411,826 955,519 900,819 13,550 40,900 250 2,342,632 994, 160 1,099,625 248,847 113,675 489 6,977 408 929 473 8,071 468 4,889 463 4,634 401 2,794 457 47,845 341 2,634 182 3,371 290 1,111,365 261 476,795 423 . 403 6,405 .i I 26,230 60 260 31,725 200 1,268,540 . 8,112 92 42 4,187,821 2,160,756 2,108,324 21,892 30,540 1,866,340 543,740 1,045,537 269,063 160,725 1,226 3,416 893 1,831 1,029 7,991 1,008 4,463 992 3,S76 978 5,270 1,087 70,059 637 3,055 359 5,556 547 1,118,725 574 400,182 1,098 9,581 1,048 8,976 304,465 23,310 130. 822 613 86,235 737 3,42-> 5 115 375 SO 250 85 35 130 80 4,087,985 2,606,260 2,559,455 25,415 20,390 1,000 1,324,535 236,890 728,965 358,680 157,190 2,370 1,725 1,830 3,130 2,005 8,825 1,950 4,835 1,910 4,235 1,900 7,515 2,125 120,595 1,065 3,355 670 6,380 915 556,500 1,095 644,230 2,135 18,000 2,105 17,780 544,495 47, 565 505 2,245 1,805 238,790 1,535 4,769 4,549,655 . i: 1,800 14,725 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 345 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See textj Area 4a — Continued Economic class — Con. Part- time Total all farms Economic claaa Commercial farms Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Other farms Part- time Residen- tial 335 220 290 200 1,126,010 587,150 578,975 6,880 1,125 170 475, 875 64,085 243,915 167,875 62,985 1,811 622 1,136 1,829 1,411 4,886 1,361 2,805 1,321 2,260 1,216 5,345 1,560 65,285 695 1,285 480 4,565 640 188,975 760 223,935 1,266 7,840 1,236 7,760 232,165 30,685 345 1,100 725 97,090 505 972 753,775 312,315 1,146 7,195 670 340 -■80 5«5 480 395 170 100 20 55 20 4,626 323,695 92,090 83,630 2,665 545 5,250 186,375 24,595 67,910 93,870 45,230 2,636 123 2,416 3,443 3,206 6,148 3,041 3,986 2,916 3,676 2,691 6,357 3,751 90,685 865 1,020 405 2,320 660 22,935 1,170 111,135 2,771 12,388 2,696 11,938 324,820 9,305 185 305 175 19,290 70 84 61,510 23,265 2,156 10,180 58,708 8,477 645 7,832 50,231 27,219 9,058 13,954 1 58,708 1 151 1 69 1 60 6 154 6 1,550 1 37 1 238 1 2,400 1 13,000 110 1 70 3,200 1,730 3,301 2,355 1,920 1,985 1,735 765 480 180 371 115 20 3,467 1,639 21 1,760 70 20 725 725 710 235 8,070 3,777 421 2,946 410 15 10 866 352 223 1,503 600 110 793 8,211 17,678.525 9,592,901 9,473,190 72,975 40,661 6,075 7,610,024 3,798,391 2,124,075 1,687,558 475,600 13,076 1,352 8,635 15,240 11,492 63,736 11,052 36, 830 10,769 32,673 10,216 35,689 12,470 563,359 5,361 17,362 2,905 26,967 3,522 853,276 5,710 2,974,418 11,017 86, 781 10,911 83,840 2,280,720 316,458 7,259 47,864 39,906 5,605,043 580 1,427 1,406,410 568,095 9,350 105,644 195 866 825 980 1,185 1,235 575 410 165 330 103 18 3,467 1,639 21 1,760 70 20 725 725 710 235 3,777 421 2,946 410 15 10 866 352 223 1,503 600 110 793 141 15,370,096 8,085,155 8,019,990 34,205 25,710 5,250 6,873,191 3,617,848 1,892,902 1,362,441 411,750 6,887 2,232 4,926 9,753 5,993 50,326 5,878 28,792 5,730 25,204 5,442 23,331 6,031 371,533 3,474 14,452 1,877 20, 585 2,094 794,371 3,372 2,574,320 6,069 60,915 6,013 58,154 1,665,595 272, 238 4,753 38,039 32,917 4,647,778 515 1,311 1,318,550 540,995 5,502 82,810 834,875 101,561 101,561 723,504 432,448 234, 886 56,170 9,810 18 46,382 16 54 17 1,752 17 1,073 17 1,073 14 105 17 2,426 13 696 1 30 17 1,006 16 453 11,300 3,350 14 570 418 52,613 18 2,019 30 50 30 35 20 85 25 2 147 105 20 45 80 70 145 225 160 155 50 130 25 506 385 25 335 285 .',.'.'.. 575 525 225 105 65 135 480 440 460 425 430 145 105 30 210 720 660 520 485 270 130 35 5 30 1,325 1,715 870 420 315 230 60 35 10 11 1,281 610 1,470 460 115 115 5 290 290 5 300 300 320 110 290 105 2 1 2,362,046 471,590 467,665 175 3,750 145 25 1 70 25 10 35 15 2,082,156 754,196 746,471 7,000 725 1,874,531 892,435 692,486 289,610 15,925 155 15,239 114 402 139 7,533 139 4,351 137 3,354 112 1,425 127 63,855 119 2,282 71 1,845 85 418, 775 88 684,675 134 3,501 124 2,633 86,865 7,233 64 924 844 135,185 5 35 35,000 11,025 140 9,359 1,219,485 888,265 168,165 163,055 108,475 297 7,011 225 580 291 7,164 291 4,128 286 4,037 221 1,871 246 26,425 236 2,194 125 1,555 120 79,600 160 161,910 251 4,565 241 4,200 152,240 36,755 170 3,040 2,590 369,865 10 37 36,000 13,075 282 10,162 520 85 355 180 70 10 306 121 30 155 20 3,786,688 2,395,183 2,390,718 2,795 670 1,000 1,293,105 701,580 340, 835 250,690 98,400 1,106 3,424 790 1,735 995 12,035 980 6,905 960 5,780 920 5,545 990 81,910 735 3,375 350 3,875 425 81,290 625 571,820 1,026 12,900 1,026 12,365 374,065 88,275 800 9,635 8,435 1,255,730 130 484 445,500 203,115 971 19,600 1,510 95 1,205 210 5 5 260 110 65 601 221 35 345 4,436,816 3,024,130 2,992,975 16,635 14,345 175 1,258,891 542,815 323,000 393,076 153,795 2,636 1,683 1,881 3,597 2,361 14,097 2,331 7,820 2,275 6,780 2,140 8,315 2,341 114,167 1,331 3,910 780 7,520 735 86,000 1,260 602,110 2,281 20,493 2,261 20,188 561,135 78,715 1,975 15, 515 13,425 1,947,755 245 553 630,500 252,180 2,101 24,890 1,690 220 1,350 120 10 5 185 105 135 520 230 35 255 25 1,867,515 338,495 ,320,600 7,600 6,220 4,075 503, 675 160,305 133,530 209,840 25,345 2,675 698 1,900 3,385 2,190 7,745 2,120 4,510 2,055 4,180 2,035 6,070 2,310 82, 750 1,040 1,995 550 5,760 725 38,47C 1,230 245,815 2,360 18,450 2,345 18,315 479,990 57,910 1,730 8,355 7,205 886,630 125 202 171,550 61,600 1,990 16,780 3,071 1,824,940 1,285,560 1,259,240 19,275 7,045 503,855 124,315 163,360 216,180 35,525 3,071 594 1,846 2,997 2,366 7,111 2,266 4,091 2,216 3,801 2,101 ■ 6,437 2,586 100,615 1,055 1,825 645 4,735 716 40,780 1,206 281,025 2,295 14, 835 2,280 14,760 356,000 31,370 1,870 8,490 6,230 868,880 60 112 86,900 26,350 2,025 14,435 4,997 369,571 171,873 163,593 2,875 4,580 825 169,373 28,165 56,290 84,918 28,325 3,116 119 1,861 2,473 3,131 6,057 2,906 3,796 2,821 3,576 2,671 5,712 3,851 88,720 830 1,025 381 1,416 710 16, 755 1,130 98,390 2,651 10,823 2,616 10,748 252,625 9,850 635 1,325 750 87,465 960 750 1,821 113.918 50,313 30,367 16, 620 3,326 63,605 28,063 11,523 2 56,959 2 242 2 151 2 92 2 209 2 2,491 60 2 231 2 1,370 2 20,683 2 208 2 178 6,500 3,000 1 10 9 920 2 401 346 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Tabic 12.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5 and D Total all farms Economic class Commercial fa Class II Class III Class IV Class V Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Fu 1 1 owne rs numbe r Part owners number Managers number Ml tenants number Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop-share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Farm not classified by tenure number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number Cash-grain number Cotton number Other field-crop number Vegetable farms number Fruit-and-nut farms r number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number General farms number Primari ly crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: Ml farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dol lars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting number reporting number reporting number farms reporting number farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms All cattle and calves farms Cows including heifers that have calved farms Milk cows Ml hogs and pigs Chicken eggs sold farms reporting number reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales horvested sold. . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dol lars Land from which hay was cut forms reporting acres 2,876 7,535 5,285 3,555 3,020 2,331 890 537 356 441 205 35 6,011 2,048 51 7,467 256 40 2,575 2,545 30 3,875 721 10,889 11,861 399 11,335 127 95 30 770 525 414 1,676 664 106 906 11,095 35,829,379 24, 721, 566 23,737,631 236,020 86,475 661,440 10,474,609 4,055,944 3,610,416 2, 808, 249 633, 204 23,986 1,494 15,338 28, 176 19,303 88, 221 18,583 49,194 17, 980 43,464 17,381 62, 155 21,072 932,678 7,884 25, 746 5,034 42,865 5,689 1,237,952 8,115 4,337,986 20, 472 159,806 19,795 152,221 3, 784, 210 396,050 17,896 213, 963 139.551 20,370,790 171 476 478,563 213,174 12,895 114,837 425 3,970 3,220 2,265 2,075 1,746 670 386 256 356 175 33 6,011 2,048 51 7,467 256 40 2,575 2,545 30 3,875 721 11,861 399 11,335 127 95 30 770 525 414 1,676 664 106 906 206 32, 508, 239 22,404,651 21,481,171 209, 360 78,045 636,075 9,568,684 3,855,564 3,308,681 2,404,439 534,904 15,577 2,087 9,940 19,979 12,119 69, 560 11,844 38,416 11,452 33,711 11,299 46, 683 12,485 674,878 5,547 21, 978 3,572 34, 110 3,519 1,153,582 5,180 3,864,346 13, 669 122,258 13, 202 115,948 2,935,840 336,885 13,560 186,634 125,879 18,435,660 171 476 478,563 213,174 1,283,918 877,847 385,897 491,950 404,831 76,415 292,371 36,045 1,240 20 616 316 20 269 21 965 20 846 20,090 7,200 40 2,829 2,376 353,985 15 60 70 100 135 80 45 30 333 183 12 120 5 15 200 410 380 410 420 190 116 45 110 35 832 471 1,030 40 400 395 510 75 40 1,660 1,485 965 915 750 210 140 100 85 26 2 2,201 710 2 3,465 110 25 1,215 1,205 10 1,645 270 4,116,466 1,025,088 946, 728 5,000 3,360 70,000 3,011,610 1,589,750 1,004,597 417,263 79,768 272 15,134 196 809 240 10,987 240 6,150 240 5,545 179 1,554 213 31,780 217 4,452 80 1,422 103 594, 110 126 422,663 202 4,734 176 3,689 119,950 16,975 131 7,424 5,136 726,664 14 120 144,756 63,919 146 90 45 71 26 4,322,252 2,102,240 2,030,370 14,250 2,620 55,000 2,100,407 906, 780 696,646 496,981 119,605 648 6,670 486 1,367 611 10,245 606 5,412 598 4,743 499 4,898 588 96,860 438 4,604 230 3,852 283 168,500 360 982,830 591 10, 187 366 9,141 272,885 62,020 445 13,002 10, 502 1,530,651 21 81 83,800 35,945 8,802 90,292 151 133 55 396 146 20 230 30 7,729,701 5,770,373 5,672,508 58,050 24,815 15,000 1,843,292 657,615 673,851 511,626 116,036 2,335 3,310 1,514 3,501 1,929 15,053 1,894 7,930 1,863 6,738 1,774 9,492 1,943 162,498 1,004 4,387 767 10, 531 722 132,432 1,016 1,066,160 2,043 23,191 1,963 21,941 598,835 82, 195 2,020 42,145 32,085 4,707,615 31 62 50,257 30,930 1,670 19,601 4,981 50 30 15 2O0 130 111 701 280 40 381 70 10,957,150 9,154,045 9, 036, 530 82,650 34,440 42S 1,629,355 497,894 485,871 645,590 173,750 6,378 1,718 4,013 7,609 5,113 20,786 5,003 11,840 4,837 10,327 4,828 18, 102 5,233 241,060 2,237 5,461 1,497 12,242 1,392 136,810 2,023 845,908 5,768 47,036 5,583 45,226 1,115,345 103,160 5,892 79,775 54,677 8,065,365 75 158 152,650 65,975 o,617 28,026 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 347 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Areas 5 and II — Continued Areas 6 and [■' Economic class — Con. Part- time Residen- tial Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class V Part- time Residen- tial 330 1,415 990 690 470 245 100 85 40 2,792,415 2,088,160 2,057,275 14,675 3,855 12,355 630, 885 148,095 195,975 286,815 73,370 4,417 632 2,667 4,395 3,307 10,272 3,122 5,704 3,051 5,224 2,881 8,175 3,671 131,075 1,347 2,453 911 6,418 1,145 55,495 1,565 321,870 3,551 22, 705 3,451 21,985 540,370 47,440 3,290 23,315 12, 580 1,798,530 1,516 2,150 1,075 600 475 340 120 66 60 6,461 469,350 219,315 191,495 11,985 2,825 13,010 235, 105 38,885 90,410 105,810 14,930 3,981 118 2,726 3,792 3,867 8,054 3,607 4,934 3,467 4,389 3,191 6,977 4,906 121, 600 980 1,215 541 2,177 1,020 24,875 1,365 131,770 3,246 14,598 3,136 14, 193 306, 100 11, 725 1,045 3,960 1,075 134,110 59,375 9,440 7,690 39, 935 13,400 15,350 11, 185 10,000 10 335 10 140 10 140 10 320 10 ,125 100 10 160 5 4,000 5 20,000 245 6 54 17 2,490 2,242 14,223 1,846 9,947 5 375 2,740 11,711 7,648 4,931 3,256 2,540 1,110 587 351 639 154 55 9,195 3,973 41 16,905 503 220 8,846 8,756 90 6,295 1,041 5,608 27,438 156 1,984 25,298 135 40 127 316 432 1, 337 974 36 327 5,897 84,489,901 76,133,254 74,369,394 1,136,945 267,640 359,275 6,872,595 957,644 2,251,512 3,663,439 1,484,052 34,015 2,492 26,403 47, 771 18,059 50,895 17,047 29, 763 16, 102 24,134 26, 796 166,634 29,332 942,904 7,062 15,669 9,811 93,906 7,142 1,348,492 8,466 2,147,021 31,213 265,241 30, 773 256,327 7,552,220 453,160 22,723 158,175 78,035 11,065,145 28,104 118, 955 126,825,588 61,269,192 17,933 88,140 1,310 9,985 6,831 4,435 2,910 2,245 920 482 296 533 120 47 9,195 3,973 41 16,905 503 220 8,846 8,756 90 6,295 1,041 27,438 156 1,984 25,298 135 40 127 316 432 1,337 974 36 327 289 82, 945, 595 75,116,529 73,437,424 1,069,555 253,950 355, 600 6,430,179 884,339 2,144,937 3,400,903 1,398,887 30,114 2,763 23,630 43,065 15,813 45,059 14,997 26,420 14, 187 21,492 23,760 152,010 .25, 168 820, 922 6,292 14,354 8,984 87,387 6,340 1,308,432 7,256 1,987,835 28, 198 250,420 27,886 242,221 7,152,135 430,820 21,278 152,505 75,395 10,706,380 27,249 117,465 125, 661, 548 60,806,327 964,657 247,883 96, 338 1,045 500 150,000 709, 574 332,231 165,901 211,442 7,200 25 38, 586 15 38 20 1,345 20 590 15 575 19 442 16,507 80, 199 160,075 13 418 13 378 18,900 1,500 16 235 91 13,050 21 161 114,067 45, 908 18 413 10 270 415 395 385 385 190 96 80 95 29 8 681 430 16 1,231 30 15 831 811 20 280 75 140 3,210 2,885 2,095 1,230 1,040 285 140 126 165 40 11 2,933 1,468 5 6,961 161 90 4,025 4,000 25 2,345 340 580 4,650 2,676 1,460 950 560 270 131 45 156 11 9 3,487 1,395 5 6,611 196 95 3,065 3,035 30 2,820 435 113 1 5 107 2,102 10 56 2,036 3,166,886 1,783,304 1,595,284 2,000 76,020 110,000 1,059,482 210, 783 479,402 369,297 324,100 237 13, 362 198 658 166 5,035 165 2,757 157 1,273 172 3,899 161 28,821 93 ,724 111 ,284 406, 240 187 3,685 182 3,481 123, 590 9,960 112 2,558 1,372 201,683 164 1,902 2,236,356 1, 260, 704 175 4,921 10 30 65 17 107 71 14,947,008 13,263,534 13,068,949 67,835 97,400 29,350 1,358,484 102, 120 654, 766 601,598 324,990 2,358 6,453 2,121 4,997 1,723 6,541 1,663 3,476 1,601 2,843 1,993 20,486 2,159 121,867 804 2,204 1,028 15, 578 686 438,145 668 566,660 2,281 29,485 2,271 28, 218 957,380 79,085 1,577 18,023 9,837 9,977 1.4 2,234 17,931 21,602,418 11,275,272 1,720 11,573 10, 676 25 252 10, 399 15 35 455 358 38,708,045 36,349,023 35,778,983 464,415 39,875 45, 750 1,874,082 171,390 452,099 1,250,593 484, 940 11,367 3,405 9,361 17,900 6,516 15, 702 6,186 9,533 5,803 8,121 9,470 61, 798 9,879 313,585 2,637 4,344 3,968 37,724 2,689 228,912 2,926 526,780 11,005 107,956 10,940 104,651 3,216,935 198,655 8,331 64,348 33,287 4,759,225 11,087 54, 525 60,872,599 30,202,613 6,813 32,452 10,765 23 546 10, 196 25 10 16 65 120 432 332 10 90 65 21,529,771 20,264,940 19,832,745 383,310 28,885 20,000 1,094,099 50,355 286,685 757,059 170, 732 11,498 1,872 8,711 14,576 5,450 11,926 5,135 7,431 4,868 6,339 8,924 50,350 9,372 254,583 2,033 3,442 2,967 23,040 2,065 151, 790 2,548 332,225 10,713 83, 002 10, 578 80, 569 2,180,280 102,095 8,282 50, 736 23,798 3,337,940 10, 913 36,948 36,028,728 16,074,470 5,928 22,781 565 1,840 850 470 335 230 145 70 20 86 1,985 617 1 2,026 115 20 890 880 10 820 181 3,782 97 1,125 2,560 95 10 20 105 230 322 201 3,629,228 3,207,845 3,065,125 130,950 11,270 500 334,458 17,460 106,084 210, 914 86,925 4,629 784 3,224 4,896 1,938 4,510 1,828 2,633 1,743 2,341 3,182 15, 035 3,579 101,236 711 1,084 903 6,417 817 34,725 1,033 155,845 3,999 25,874 3,904 24, 924 653,050 39,525 2,960 16,605 7,010 974,505 2,830 5,998 4,807,380 1,947,360 1,853 8,059 335 641 280 175 100 100 60 50 20 36 ,163,429 881,765 826,835 45,460 7,345 2,125 233,929 15,115 52,493 166,321 47,735 1,075 1,808 835 2,898 784 1,527 729 i,032 1,150 6,517 1,345 42,062 398 776 458 4,067 341 25, 545 383 67,971 1,327 7,231 1,282 6,981 196,205 16,046 920 4,370 2,115 296,700 730 1,380 ,107,320 447,325 617 3,550 1,095 1,085 537 321 246 190 130 55 35 70 16 253, 532 114,935 95,885 11,430 6,070 1,550 106,667 8,190 42,432 58,045 29, 930 2,078 122 1,692 2,881 1,405 2,717 1,260 1,693 1,180 1,487 1,880 7,382 2,813 77,470 366 441 368 1,923 455 11,815 821 72, 715 1,687 7,340 1,602 6,925 191,575 6,295 525 1,300 525 62,065 125 110 56, 720 15,540 808 4,266 127,345 20,025 9,250 10,500 275 99,820 50,000 11,650 38,170 7,500 6 221 6 123 6 123 2,450 2,700 6 18,500 200 12,305 1 125 348 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE j [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV Class V Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number . 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres ....number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farm not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f rui t-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dol lars. . Vegetables sold ..dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Hairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars.. Forest products sold dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules forms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested In 1949: Corn for ail purposes farmB reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . dol 1 nrs. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres, pounds harvested. sold. . dollars. Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. 1,061 4,942 4,450 2,766 2,372 1,822 850 485 340 559 263 94 4,'089 2,595 11 10,515 492 95 2,549 2,469 511 2,794 15,042 279 1,164 13,599 10 5 37 118 601 1,276 701 25 550 2,915 56,149,661 49,044,193 48,593,051 324,816 97,791 28,535 6,057,736 318,389 802,324 4,937,023 1,047,732 19,403 2,894 14,490 35,322 6,991 25,046 6,563 13,612 5,685 9,031 15,587 232 , 500 16,469 582,486 2,999 7,925 8,811 143,393 3,352 211,695 6,372 1,220,539 17,817 213,765 17,656 202,284 6,557,013 632,377 13,511 103,279 58,591 8. "28,970 9,181 32,996 37,122,674 17,822,473 360 4,056 4,025 2,575 2,182 1,691 790 450 285 498 216 82 4,089 2,595 11 10,515 492 95 2,549 2,469 80 6,868 511 2,193 8,586 15,042 279 1,164 13,599 10 5 37 118 601 1,276 701 25 550 121 54,921,348 48,303,652 47,923,634 311,632 39,851 28,535 5,597,649 310,595 755,477 4,531,577 1,020,047 17,210 3,191 12,969 32,516 6,235 22,588 5,882 11,999 5,064 8,142 13,919 217,732 14,324 514,103 2,706 6,733 8,047 133,318 2,981 201,345 5,590 1,131,429 16,269 202,069 16,183 191,658 6,261,194 617, 347 12,566 100,009 57,201 8,443,530 8,966 32.622 36,862,694 1".' 38.153 2,026 991,491 657,856 657,666 252,659 103,015 855 148,789 80,976 24 41,312 21 259 17 1,784 17 802 9 172 22 3,514 20 1,055 15 404 235 9 1,440 23 2,744 23 2,414 111,270 38,000 23 2,188 1,41- 220,724 10 232 276,976 124,986 102 69 6 98 6 5 30 20 10 51 6 60 320 380 385 361 185 110 -90 145 65 16 402 461 1 1,253 40 15 303 278 25 845 50 30 1,160 1,790 1,070 1,022 755 44.5 200 110 142 57 9 1,215 901 1 4,673 101 60 1.056 1,046 10 3,301 155 80 1,721 1,430 780 550 425 95 105 35 90 22 6 1,334 • 790 3,215 210 15 870 850 20 1,970 150 192 7 1,792 33 56 1,703 211 5,883 4, "28 57 325 4,346 5 10 73 221 118 5 30 140 415 206 22 12 4,013,031 3,183,756 3,108,089 75,022 645 651,881 118,075 60,954 472,852 177,394 275 14,593 242 1,417 173 2,305 161 1,259 137 632 233 13,537 230 11,729 122 1,046 208 10,817 68 53,308 79 34,293 254 12,809 249 11,999 473,660 83,858 229 5,814 3,448 529,527 150 1,410 ,1 l ,i 5 858,926 26 775 103 16 13,710,476 11,932,454 11,802,219 97,830 6,870 25,535 1,539,132 41,830 199,707 1,297,595 238,890 2,117 6,476 1,805 5,711 978 5,319 933 2,349 813 1,623 1,823 45,940 1,855 93,156 522 1,722 1,390 34,789 501 29,602 789 241,657 2,077 42,218 2,077 38,987 1,429,699 169,760 1,665 20,329 12,388 1,856,942 1,468 7,806 9,984,735 4,933,534 293 1,404 209 26 24,054,556 21,795,567 21,698,296 81,075 13,196 3,000 1,966,809 29,970 284,574 1,652,265 292,180 6,790 3,543 5,131 13,282 2,459 7,232 2,329 4,199 2,042 2,996 5,685 92,406 5.771 210,173 1,002 1,945 3,420 51,254 1,401 72,840 2,331 467,110 6,653 82,351 6,622 78,771 2,546,765 213,244 4,844 38,316 22,668 3,344,713 4,487 16,469 18,807,917 9,189,597 737 2,204 5 5 17 153 391 230 10 151 40 10,102,653 9,006,599 8,948,724 41,530 16,345 907,252 11,015 140,402 "55,835 188,802 5,339 1,892 3,901 8,379 1,780 4,115 1,670 2,308 1,403 1,827 4,257 46,957 4,310 133,445 787 1,244 2,205 25,874 716 32,175 1,543 251,834 5,018 45,667 4,993 43,892 1,274,185 ' 83,480 4,104 25,692 13,683 1,9-3,114 2,346 5,-53 5,463,165 2,383,330 714 2,107 Data arc given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 349 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See textj Area 7 — Continued Economic class — Con. Economic class Part- time Other farms Residen- tial Total all farms Commerciul far Class 1 Class II Class III Class IV Class V Clsaa VI Part- time Residen tial 195 400 210 96 55 50 25 1,080 806,790 614,455 547,565 9,125 57,765 172 . 135 5,580 25,765 140,790 20,200 1,080 747 706 1,203 312 759 282 427 262 337 773 6,849 860 32,275 160 400 427 5,545 125 4,165 310 51,455 871 5,751 846 5,431 139.509 13,575 600 2,370 1,025 145,430 200 346 256,605 83,720 61 141 506 486 210 95 135 81 35 30 35 36 43 148,777 66,580 65,605 900 75 74.712 930 20.532 53 , 250 7,485 1,101 135 803 1,549 442 1,018 397 601 357 528 883 5,310 1,279 35,758 131 167 326 2,143 245 6,135 471 36,655 666 3,580 616 3,330 81,585 955 340 885 345 37,010 15 28 3,375 600 100 355 272,746 59,506 56,247 3,159 100 213.240 1,284 550 211,406 12 22,729 12 54 2 681 2 585 2 24 12 2,609 6 350 2 625 11 2,387 1 50 1 1,000 11 2,365 11 1,865 74,725 500 5 15 20 3,000 1,810 12,131 7,781 3,775 2,691 1,556 730 419 206 402 174 63 5,070 1,908 89 21,941 346 95 3,547 3,525 22 17,377 576 2,730 27,683 134 371 27,178 35 63 67 436 527 363 6 158 2,927 110,026,214 104,274,421 103,698,703 272.187 52,921 250,610 4.825.182 868.995 623,904 3.332.283 926,611 30,567 3,600 21,234 50.245 9,032 30,171 8,246 16,637 7,341 12,250 24,025 211,054 26,438 832,831 3,144 8,274 10,289 99,106 5,349 207,069 7,010 838,882 28,810 362 . 906 28.351 351.051 10.875,139 1,232.865 19.281 113,904 68.017 9,678,645 27,763 145,573 179,162,134 88,053,687 10,579 49,042 1,035 11.546 7,421 3,560 2,465 1,375 575 342 165 335 137 52 5,070 1,908 89 21,941 346 95 3,547 3,525 22 17,377 •576 27,683 134 371 27,178 35 63 67 436 527 363 6 158 197 109,278,639 103,900,231 103,361,551 246,750 41,320 250.610 4.470,822 792,751 558,284 3,119,787 907,586 29,008 3,767 19,960 46,923 8,399 28,028 7,680 15,541 6,851 11,398 22,705 198,127 24,512 760,188 2,975 7,821 9,699 92,983 4,965 190.687 6,295 730,632 27,870 356,093 27,441 344,577 10,654,449 1,211,835 19,030 113,112 67,595 9,625,165 27,503 145,120 178,750,084 87,863,547 10,064 44,906 1,314,925 843,528 624,433 219,095 447,597 381,950 2,625 63,022 23,800 47 27, 977 34 439 31 1,470 30 917 23 820 39 722 26 1,780 19 504 22 858 3 2,115 36 4,302 36 4,277 130,730 19,200 33 1,111 684 96,614 36 828 884,738 416,087 21 502 10 10 25 20 75 60 25 15 20 66 47 18 107 58 31 195 11 42 40 2 136 650 1,825 1,080 765 ' 470 200 135 30 80 27 10 647 403 17 4,205 50 25 710 710 3,330 90 155 6,730 4,105 1,880 1,210 550 235 105 60 101 21 9 2,177 883 35 12.066 160 25 1,880 1,875 5 9,731 270 525 3.585 1,200 475 325 195 70 45 40 42 16 1,465 403 340 566 261 95 90 95 45 41 15 40 23 3 656 148 190 85 30 60 15 15 20 5 595 395 275 185 166 166 135 52 36 4,655 75 40 815 800 15 3,570 155 810 50 5 100 100 600 55 2,102 16 281 12 ,130 40 14,803 76 6,149 5 ,118 101 227 790 30 189 148 10 10 59 163 118 5,072,415 4,190,579 4,179,516 10,205 858 24 31 34,120,212 32,724,397 32,659,678 57, 175 7,544 565,175 222,030 19,784 323,361 316,661 391 12,973 332 2,020 213 3,752 207 1,814 167 1.016 302 8,857 314 17,480 105 1,459 254 7,275 62 4,369 90 32,247 362 14,908 351 13,658 463.617 90,670 292 6.026 3,747 578,546 336 4,495 6,035,623 2,925.261 177 2,774 1,140,650 68,093 163,739 908,818 255.165 5,272 6,472 4,165 11,589 1,972 5,960 1,811 3,255 1,665 2,565 4,604 53,860 4,834 175,736 753 1,485 2,411 27,683 918 53,593 1,214 199,415 5.211 93,589 5.124 91,393 2,948,760 420,755 3,839 29.731 18,515 2,664,152 5,209 42,108 55,518,196 28,259,981 2,250 11,753 54,790,964 52,920,495 52,769,330 119,370 19,295 12,500 1,647,789 98,439 225,970 1,323,380 222,680 15,161 3.614 10,563 22,754 4,275 11,093 3,899 6,556 3,491 4,684 12.225 95,414 13,057 386,000 1,377 2,903 4,985 41,712 2,582 84,040 3,313 317,280 14,905 174,990 14,720 170,440 5,249,125 510,315 10,577 57,544 34.323 4,867,100 14,989 74,893 92,000,992 45,384,433 5,439 20,506 45 40 12,802,399 12,294,587 12,228,257 39,170 9,410 17,750 443,717 15,994 97,149 330,574 64,095 6,523 1,963 3,875 7.410 1,458 4,155 1,323 2,133 1,146 1,625 4,454 28,613 5,051 136,302 523 1,021 1,507 10,111 1,096 29,480 1,273 119,535 6,130 57,610 6,005 54,395 1,548,087 137,790 3,647 16.052 8,795 1,203,860 6,218 21,130 22.874,560 10,364,895 1,728 6,557 273 100 55 5 40 35 1,177,724 926,645 900,337 20,830 4.213 1,265 225,894 6,245 44,017 170,632 25,185 1,614 730 991 2,711 450 1,598 410 866 359 688 1,081 10,661 1,230 42,890 198 449 520 5,344 304 17,090 398 60,980 1.226 10,694 1,205 10.414 314,130 33,105 642 2,648 1,531 214,893 715 1,666 1,435,975 512,890 449 2,814 432,129 280,450 270,660 6,925 2.865 120,990 47,430 41.240 2,195 3,995 144.879 1.529 24,810 118,540 6,800 £15 703 326 712 234 599 207 268 181 237 384 4,998 485 20,015 111 164 267 3,345 141 7,710 211 35.870 337 2,525 327 2,462 78,990 14,015 166 •562 322 41,515 235 411 386,440 178,405 167 1,125 65.835 2,390 22.740 40.705 7.725 932 130 936 2.558 391 854 351 482 301 402 923 5,616 1,428 49,060 51 51 311 1,644 235 5,960 496 39,470 591 3,072 571 2,992 91.870 7.015 85 230 100 11,965 25 42 25,610 11,735 341 2.32" 194,456 46,310 25,252 16.317 4,741 143.646 72,325 18. CO 53.251 4.500 12 16.205 12 52 8 690 8 346 8 213 13 2,313 13 3,568 7 238 12 1,134 8 2,712 8 32,910 12 1,216 12 1.020 49,830 991354 0-52-24 350 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE [Data are based on reports for (For definitions xplanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class III Class IV Class V Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 9° acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. . 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. . 220 to 259 ac res numbe r . 260 to 499 acres number. , 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number. . Part owners number. Managers number. . All tenants number. Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock- share tenants number. Croppers number.. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farm not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number. Cash-gram number. Cotton number. Other fie Id -crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Da i ry fa rms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms. . number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and 1 Ivestock number . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars. . Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars.. Forest products sold dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold al ive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested. Tobacco harvested. . , farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . dol lnrs. . . forms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dollars. Land from which hoy was cut farms reporting. acres. 1,235 6,470 4,431 2,430 1,505 1,206 520 420 260 424 217 78 4,167 1,930 70 9,175 202 465 5,485 5,390 95 2,452 571 3,854 13,879 167 3,035 10,677 46 74 111 299 162 636 461 40 135 3,989 43,016,060 38,371,989 36,713,826 565,573 1,050,840 41,750 4,158,796 1,042,814 1,746,443 1,369,539 485,275 18,072 2,380 14,370 25,802 8,403 23,606 7,700 13,e91 7,175 11,994 14,395 81,146 15,928 492,108 2,681 6,314 4,559 38,287 2,981 1,364,764 3,665 769,529 16,748 175,441 16,633 172,837 4,284,299 397,433 13,315 164,152 65,591 8,987,484 12,772 46,218 52,559,278 26,163,879 8,593 50,717 410 5,200 3,876 2,090 1,240 986 415 350 190 339 174 72 4,167 1,930 70 9,175 202 465 5,485 5,390 95 2,452 571 13,879 167 3,035 10,677 46 74 111 299 162 636 461 40 135 135 41,926,164 37,584,970 35,968,816 534,588 1,045,066 36,500 3,894,724 988,249 1,655,493 1,250,982 446,470 15,342 2,733 12,375 22,700 6,893 20, 433 6,340 11,968 5,860 10,229 12,226 72,499 12,975 402,993 2,239 5,638 4,027 35,108 2,435 1,325,139 2,814 638,634 14,391 161,985 14,321 159,671 3,986,869 373,603 12,239 156,919 63,104 8,654,939 12,127 45,258 51,744,648 25,831,149 1,710,355 1,045,875 399,265 3,770 642,840 7,659 46,022 642,447 403,074 205,077 34,296 22,033 45 38,008 28 313 34 1,575 29 1,040 27 937 20 441 23 1,995 24 383 11 290 9 4,910 12 7,950 28 2,002 28 1,287 48,380 450 28 1,975 856 127, 769 22 455 479,405 228,464 28 1,634 70 240 210 160 150 55 70 45 86 42 19 271 222 22 632 11 20 445 430 15 125 20 1,495 1,490 900 485 375 175 145 50 80 47 12 1,118 623 10 3,523 66 160 2,390 2,355 35 717 190 135 2,245 1,491 730 430 365 120 85 60 85 30 10 1,589 644 3 3,550 65 225 1,960 1,925 35 1,065 235 948 13 85 850 4,929 25 423 4,481 1,727,877 905,510 715,086 47,823 142,601 7,849,031 6,803,900 6,534,750 97,895 171,255 761,054 416,080 200,854 144,120 61,313 130 13,291 115 330 104 2,462 103 1,489 96 1,305 88 1,486 97 8,440 870 51 2,951 60 227,383 42 17,520 127 4,106 127 3,831 126, 550 46,665 84 3,434 1,643 228,107 81 529 701,610 323,885 89 3,189 956,087 41,435 645,610 269,042 89,044 1,147 6,843 1,009 2,590 709 3,161 703 1,426 659 1,195 958 9,531 1,022 50,305 301 1,070 522 6,025 294 630,550 300 177,957 1,069 21,273 1,069 21,056 567, 765 914 20,769 8,747 1,220,256 982 6,894 8,551,445 4,645,520 766 8,381 16 25 75 20 173 137 10 26 36 17,626,651 16,626,985 16,407,675 129,370 61,440 28,500 864,066 92,208 359,982 411,876 135,600 5,274 3,342 4,480 8,686 2,565 6,001 2,349 3,650 2,258 3,318 4,452 28, 866 4,591 143,940 831 1,438 1,594 13,379 889 309,63b 982 186, 280 5,102 62,841 5,077 62,546 1,591,231 151,235 4,349 54,650 22,795 3,103,862 4,817 20,988 25,382,048 12,831,850 2,971 15,869 5,350 28 1,193 4,129 26 5 10 60 51 233 181 15 37 51 10,743,378 10,139,779 9,916,849 201,660 15,270 6,000 488,519 23,717 164,828 299,974 115,080 5,786 1,857 4,575 7,567 2,434 5,102 2,209 3,039 1,918 2,370 4,510 22,903 4,875 132,018 719 1,436 1,320 9,312 816 113,990 1,030 142, 137 5,486 52,531 5,466 51,859 1,218,178 80,020 4,592 54,644 21,661 2,970,805 4,820 13,892 14,475,730 6,707,840 1,773 12,821 ' Data are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. NORTH CAROLINA 351 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK. AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See textj Area 9 — Continued Area 10 Economic class — Con. Part- time Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Clasis II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part- Residen- time tial 145 520 195 115 105 95 30 15 15 35 349,350 670,129 640,695 21,475 2,959 5,000 143,666 11,545 59,020 73,101 35,555 1,279 664 788 1,200 513 1,242 468 672 448 589 772 3,449 977 32,100 191 354 271 1,890 261 28,045 351 81, 810 981 6,843 961 6,713 150,980 16,500 686 5,823 2,067 284,705 535 872 749,565 307,155 407 2,060 750 360 220 160 125 75 50 55 50 30 170,355 103, 595 91,020 9,510 2,815 250 63,510 4,295 25,380 33,835 3,250 1,440 118 1,191 1,851 986 1,746 881 1,141 856 1,066 1,386 4,712 1,961 55,480 250 290 255 990 275 9,080 490 40,085 1,360 6,475 1,335 6,375 144,100 7,330 390 1,410 420 47,840 110 88 65,065 25,575 516 2,195 70*191 13,295 13,295 56.B96 38,725 6,550 11,621 11 6,381 16 51 11 185 11 110 11 110 11 486 15 1,535 1 32 6 299 10 2,500 10 9,000 16 138 16 78 2,350 636 1,625 1,085 725 750 560 275 205 130 302 50 36 1,831 1,250 11 1,401 85 20 421 401 20 740 135 1,886 3,453 722 50 2,681 20 18 116 . 202 596 377 30 189 1,974 18,009,860 15,078,634 14,201,658 741,538 33,138 102,300 2,608,355 280,452 712,025 1,615,878 322,871 6,060 2,972 4,057 7,660 2,911 13,853 2,770 7,707 2,492 4,575 4,190 57,487 5,304 301,519 1,602 4,759 2,742 46,546 1,645 181,400 3,190 1,292,958 5,240 108,503 5,183 104,994 2,970,194 1,182,895 1,526 7,290 3,470 469,315 2,366 12,029 12,506,070 5,904,938 1,188 171 1,000 775 545 630 465 245 195 120 271 43 33 1,831 1,250 11 1,401 85 20 421 401 20 740 135 3,453 722 50 2,681 20 18 116 202 596 377 30 189 17,489,588 14,764,874 13,912,198 724,688 25,688 102,300 2,428,603 276,492 644,273 1,507,838 296,111 4,493 3,893 3,261 6,363 2,299 12,184 2,194 6,756 1,952 3,790 3,354 50, 748 3,866 246,444 1,296 4,243 2,291 42,756 1,305 168,040 2,318 1,150,387 4,205 99,033 4,183 96,124 2,802,704 1,155,725 1,191 6,155 3,095 424, 750 2,226 11,801 12,327,310 5,831,393 1,033 4,159 1,749,468 1,295,835 1,127,001 131,334 37, 500 449,856 167,274 88,776 193,806 3,777 33 53,014 31 82 20 1,844 20 1,032 16 400 28 3,323 22 3,280 19 800 27 4,370 15 77,465 17 24, 649 32 6,551 31 6,351 216.644 146,900 7 120 68 8,510 5,600 2,400 5 20 35 15 30 20 100 22 13 93 121 30 65 35 95 80 95 60 40 76 7 4 170 237 5 180 15 5 60 55 5 100 15 305 210 200 235 185 40 90 55 65 10 1 501 365 380 250 210 205 105 80 15 5 10 70 285 240 95 75 60 15 90 180 125 100 60 50 15 375 445 185 80 60 45 15 10 10 11 1 2 545 15 5 140 125 15 335 50 576 335 1 430 45 485 170 190 10 125 125 225 35 1,239 164 27 463 111 1,165 175 ,101 216 5 137 5 352 5 535 190 45 300 5 109 83 3,817,726 3,308,511 2,993,071 308,025 4,115 3,300 412,820 65,868 101,649 245,303 96,395 270 14,140 197 431 161 2,090 161 1,306 145 436 177 6,583 214 18,765 111 783 170 5,693 47 6,665 109 216,328 259 17,330 258 16, 897 606,345 323,535 87 1,175 579 80,605 66 779 946,300 456,835 87 610 3,859,393 3,390,948 3,152,056 183,484 9,908 45, 500 418, 176 8,990 115,677 293,509 50, 269 592 6,519 425 898 341 2,031 336 1,097 300 708 456 8,962 547 40,979 190 613 361 8,183 201 16,990 361 225,525 577 19,778 577 19,315 603,440 285,265 152 1,090 573 86,850 299 2,440 2,748,280 1,356,763 148 685 5 15 50 165 115 10 40 11 5,018,245 4,329,635 4,246,340 71,010 1,285 11,000 603,290 23, 850 142,465 436,975 85,320 1,411 3,557 996 2,053 750 3,130 695 1,600 630 955 1,126 16, 806 1,231 80,840 430 1,050 771 12,651 416 26,235 706 282,200 1,390 30,170 1,370 29,130 775,570 254,425 405 1,965 1,080 144,125 870 5.069 5,455,550 2,607,775 315 1,040 45 70 105 40 16 2,460,081 2,029,810 1,997,095 23,800 7,415 1,500 388,391 3,595 137,066 247, 730 41,880 1,342 1,833 1,007 1,859 582 1,914 562 1,056 491 721 992 10,924 1,097 65,405 291 592 592 8,414 391 28,205 660 269,535 1,217 17,569 1,217 16,966 435,735 117,460 300 1.025 435 64,785 755 2,964 2,794,055 1,235,825 275 965 130 55 20 584,675 410,135 396,635 7,035 2,965 3,500 156,070 6,915 58,640 90,515 18,470 845 692 605 1,040 445 1,175 420 665 370 570 575 4,150 755 37,175 255 405 370 3,445 235 12,480 465 132,150 730 7,635 730 7,465 164,970 28,140 240 780 310 39, 875 235 542 377, 525 171,795 200 495 397,140 262,660 247,165 14,600 895 1,239 123,132 51,100 42,295 2,250 6,555 119,060 2,260 41,560 75,240 15,420 646 615 355 640 296 982 286 561 260 435 356 3,959 526 25,425 176 356 221 2,420 170 7,665 341 87,105 465 6,705 450 6,295 109,380 24,235 180 750 240 31,965 110 176 147,760 63,790 90 60,692 1,700 26,192 32,800 11,340 921 134 441 657 316 687 290 390 280 350 480 2,780 911 29, 600 130 160 230 1,370 170 5,695 531 55,466 570 2,765 550 2,575 58,110 2,935 155 385 135 12,600 30 52 31,000 9,755 65 1 5,: 352 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number SO to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop -share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Farms not classified by tenure number Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nu t number Cash-grain number Cotton number Other field -crop number Vegetable farms number Fruit-and-nut farms number Cairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number General farms number Primari ly crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and 1 ivestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: 411 farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold. dollars Vegetables sold do liars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poul try, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April 1, 1950: Morses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves... farms reporting number Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1 9M>9: Cattle and calves sold alive .farms report: Hogs and pigs sold alive farms report numl Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes forms reporting aci Corn harvested for grain Inrms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dol I nrs Tobneco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sol d. . dol Lars Land from which hay was cut. farmB reporting acres 2,565 10,025 5,395 3,140 2,401 1,760 1,030 552 285 814 223 86 9,012 4,310 14 8,680 201 155 3,136 3,050 86 4,677 511 6,260 19,624 118 90 19,616 203 172 98 151 579 781 418 47 316 6,468 58,361,117 51,410, 787 46,068,361 1,803,315 866,221 650,690 5,996,041 464,230 1,424,101 4,107,710 954,289 26,602 2,194 20,580 33, 405 9,545 33, 616 8,847 17,974 8,152 14,028 20,493 192,917 22, 816 757, 105 3,682 9,289 11,749 130,987 5,548 421,915 7,409 1,840,334 24, 676 277,865 24,130 262, 808 6,114,657 391,915 5,419 25, 203 6,756 1,131,276 21,816 85, 929 66,753,456 42,353,744 6,801 33,395 1,010 7,750 4,645 2,620 2,011 1,520 885 486 210 628 174 77 9,012 4,310 14 8,680 201 155 3,136 3,050 86 4,677 511 19,824 118 90 19,616 203 172 98 151 579 781 418 47 316 206 56,651,316 50,201,856 46,976,410 1,734,145 844,271 647,030 5,577,856 449,785 1,327,139 3,800,932 871,604 22,016 2,573 17,297 28,802 7,990 29, 349 7,452 15, 574 6,908 12,303 16, 998 172, 190 16, 059 633, 214 3,201 8,457 10, 299 119,835 4,602 390, 023 6,004 1,686,144 20,711 255,398 20,345 241,836 5,643,197 364,205 4,973 23, 792 8,360 1,067,901 20, 070 62,995 66,663,746 41,494, 124 1,907,328 1,458,820 537,566 491,839 12, 415 417,000 408, 561 56, 182 246, 871 105, 506 39,947 37 51,549 28 112 29 1,298 26 833 25 568 16 1,777 17 3,230 20 13 1 715 11 3 550 12 .." 130 900 19, 330 7,500 263 56 6,152 194 206,450 93,56! 13 435 2,266,989 1,629,355 1,161,240 385, 535 81,330 1,250 560, 182 165,836 155,889 236, 457 77,452 162 13,994 137 422 115 2,472 105 1,381 100 944 120 4,953 134 20,514 70 629 104 6,125 52 15, 525 65 199,455 149 5,329 143 4,466 148,190 21,895 53 814 279 40,889 118 1,030 1,322,140 653,343 113 1,55' 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial fan aly. NORTH CAROLINA 353 Economic Area Tabic 12. FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM, VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC; CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are boned on reports for only a sample of farms. See text/] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area I 1 — Cont tnued Economic class— Continued Commercial farms — Continued Part-time Residential Farms by size of fana: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number. . 30 to 49 acres number. . SO to 69 acres. number. . 70 to 99 acres number. . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number. . 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number. . 500 to 999 acres number.. 1,000 acres and over number. . Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Ful 1 owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Casb tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number.. Share tenants number.. Crop -share tenants number. . Livestock -share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tensnts number.. Farms not classi fied by tenure number. . Farms by type: l Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number.. Cash-grain number. . Cotton number. . Other field-crop number. . Vegetable farms number. . Frui t-and-nut farms i number. . Dai ry farms number. . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number.. General farms number. . Primarily crop number. . Primarily livestock number.. Crop and livestock number.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold. . . dollars. . All crops sold dollars. . Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dol lars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars. . Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dol lars. . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poul try , sold dollars. Forest products sold... dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. , Milk cows farms reporting. . number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting., number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. . number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting., oozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. . bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . dol lars. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dollars. Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres. 70 1,930 1,670 1,000 74 b 530 395 180 65 205 2,462 1,287 ,116 30 1,110 1,100 1,751 170 443 3,875 1,955 1,030 725 640 260 180 45 130 53 21 3,665 1,667 1 4,026 86 75 1,450 1,405 45 2,185 230 6,327 17 5 6,305 25 37 25 25 120 246 147 6 93 64 23, 239, 350 20, 949, 823 20,216,044 313, 250 325,884 94, 645 1,960,258 74,590 333, 204 1,552,464 329,269 6,869 3,369 5,589 10,213 2,941 10,363 2,765 5,379 2,609 4,491 5,664 66,897 5,863 225, 193 1,262 2,776 3,959 49,043 1,742 98, 966 1,975 472,931 6,635 98, 225 6,499 92, 708 2,218,860 131,230 1,701 9,937 3,677 482,825 6,538 33,443 37,291,577 18,316,600 2,906 11,855 8,757 16 5 8,736 45 35 20 25 168 244 122 20 102 65 17,238,351 15,738,456 15,313,504 243,845 167,607 13,500 1,304,865 45,415 223, 533 1,035,917 195,030 9,359 1,842 7,211 11,027 2,954 5,482 2,708 4,317 2,472 1,538 /,098 ! i,290 7,482 228, 789 1,193 2,446 3,932 35,388 1,728 74,480 2,444 334,585 8,848 92,341 8,732 88, 316 1,945,757 106,495 2,173 8,676 2,962 371,280 8,821 31,096 30,363,839 14,061,641 3,160 9,616 485 1,830 760 400 300 135 110 30 25 65 32 2,210 991 976 75 10 335 320 15 485 3,471 85 75 3,311 110 75 20 55 266 145 50 10 85 35 3,208,157 2,799,716 2,628,981 105,245 59,855 5,635 365,511 8,862 83,925 272,724 42, 930 4,177 768 3,152 4,365 1,221 2,698 1,146 1,587 1,050 1,367 2,924 20, 612 3,340 86, 365 333 589 1,358 10,715 616 19,326 1,021 145,678 3,713 2e, 440 3,617 27,505 546,450 35,570 761 2,304 700 88, 780 3,280 7,012 5,591,260 2,316,200 1,106 2,930 360 870 330 155 150 80 1,009,396 942,671 43, 615 19,310 3,800 292,880 11,215 55, 515 226,150 46,920 2,133 633 1,373 1,957 622 2,089 562 1,107 506 792 1,387 10,047 1,697 50,091 266 557 772 7,507 455 19,315 555 82,195 1,608 10,392 1,553 9,817 228,610 14,975 331 1,121 316 35,620 1,375 2,518 1,926,675 804, 770 405 1,505 1, u: 1,405 420 365 240 160 100 31 •'■ 111 34 314, 975 155,265 105,010 25, 555 24,640 60 124,545 3,230 41,447 79,868 35,165 2,452 128 1,909 2,645 932 2,173 832 1,201 737 931 2,107 10, 619 3,062 " , -. 215 275 677 3,625 491 12,577 850 71,995 2,356 11,750 2,231 10,830 233,850 5,235 115 ■ 290 370 406 53 035 01 050 468 1 671 45,630 44,270 760 600 325 1 325 9,000 7,500 :■'-,-■' 3,800 Data are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only SOUTH CAROLINA Chapter A STATISTICS FOR THE STATE (355) SOUTH CAROLINA State Tabic 1.— FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 rP»t» in italics .re baaed on report, for only a .ample of f.rm.. See text] 357 Item (For definition, and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGF, AND VAI.IIF Approximate land area (see text). Proportion in farms .acres percent Land owned by farm operators' f arms reporting Land rented from others by farm operators 1 farms reporting Land managed by farm operators' f a rms reporting acres . . acres . . acres Land in farms Average size of farm Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Land in farms according to use: ' Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres f ar „, s reporting IU to I. acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres f arms reporting 30 to 49 acres f arma r e por t, n g 50 to 99 .cres f arn , s reporting 100 to 199 acres f arms reporting 200 acres and over f arma reporting 200 to 499 acres f arBls reporting 500 to 999 acres f arms reporting 1,000 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture* farms reporting r. . acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres Hoodl and pastured farms reporting Woodland not pastured fa„,. reporting acres odland) farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting Cropland, total* f a acres arms reporting Land pastured, total f an „ s reporti „g acres Woodl and, total f arms repoPt ing acres . farms reporting acres Irrigated land in fart Census of 1950 (April 1) 139,364 19,395,200 61.2 75,777 9,040,160 79,681 3,819,576 401 645,251 11,878,793 85.2 ■).6JS 69.04 129, 967 3,95 9,822 24,593 36,564 28,881 23,906 11,544 3,016 1,463 1,198 717 48 26,802 494,385 931.783 35,429 1,207,072 68,777 4,354,782 25,183 489,181 103,018 441,768 135,453 5,385,990 61,197 2,190,638 80,243 5, 561,854 84 6,408 Census of 1945 (January 1) 147,745 19,580,160 56.3 67,243 6,603,930 87,515 3,916.197 473 501,496 11,021,623 74.6 2,982 39.98 144,116 4,149,321 26,237 38,605 34.603 28,705 12,012 2,737 1,217 1,037 156 24 12,118 237, 718 799,850 31,366 985,431 71,616 3,828,130 32,730 628,543 116,345 392,630 146,627 5,186,889 59,163 1,851,692 ol,117 4,813,561 5 62 Cen.ua of 1940 (April 1) 137,558 19,580, 160 57.4 5 9,867 5,831,396 86 , 408 4,7 50,600 507 656,701 11,238,697 81.7 2,461 30.12 135,629 4,321,962 (•) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) (•) C) 35,884 604,350 603,521 C) C) C) C) C) C) (") (••) 137,321 5,529,833 C) C) 85,579 4, 862,9 C9 14 411 Cenau. of 1935 (January 1 ) 165,504 19,516,800 63.2 61,942 5,471,107 113,541 6,291,175 636 567,676 12,329,958 74.5 1,725 23.16 162,291 4,177,861 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) 26,638 356,922 1,108,388 48,624 1,355.653 89, 326 4,335,220 24, 296 408.291 141,238 587,623 C) 5,643,171 C) 2,120,866 CI 5,690,873 C) C) Census of 1930 (April II 157,931 19,516,800 53.3 54,470 4,921,371 111,723 5,034,708 693 437,034 10,393,113 65.8 2,401 36.48 150,851 4,136,809 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) 22,607 350,839 900,189 38,665 1,051,851 70.896 2,850,684 21,447 390, 307 115,938 712,434 C) 5,387,837 C) 1,792,997 C) 3,902,535 C) C) ( . n „■. i, f 1925 (January 1) 172,767 19,516,800 54.5 59,969 5,810,586 119,998 4,535,110 368 293,204 10,6 38,900 61.6 2,649 43.01 C) 4,311,136 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) 21,667 310, 566 724,820 33,613 1,008,359 59,391 2,562,006 16,243 318,506 C) 1,403,507 C) 5,346,522 C) 1,637,431 C) 3,570,365 C) C) Cenau. of 1920 (January 1) Not available. Available data not comparable. Data for 1945 and earlier do not include land rented to others by farm operators. In the preceding calendar year. Total acreage of crops for which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was vested for grain. Total cropland, cropl and used only for pasture, and other pasture not strictly comparable for the various census years because of differences in defin lor pasture. See text. 192,693 19,516,800 63.7 67,724 CI 131,866 C) 738 424,522 12,426,675 64. 5 4,222 65.46 C) 3 5, 396,980 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) <•> C) 5,302,575 C) luded as most of this acreage was probably duplicated in the acreage of corn har- tion of cropland used only State Table 2.— FARMS BY SIZE: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 All farms number. Jnder 10 acres number. Under 3 acres number. 3 to 9 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 10 to 19 acres number. 20 to 29 acres number. 10 to 49 acres number. 10 to 49 BCres number. >0 to 99 acres number. 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 00 to 174 acres number. .00 to 179 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 75 to 259 acres number. 80 to 259 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 60 to 499 acres number 00 to 999 acres number. .000 acres and over number. •Not available. Census of 1950 (April 1) 139,364 12,582 856 11.726 45.023 C) C) C) 25,794 28,150 15,611 12,539 C) 15,183 9,929 5,254 C ) 5,051 3,171 1,880 4,558 2,025 99B Census of 1945 (January 1) 147,745 16,102 1,975 14,127 46, 177 C) C) C) 27.907 30,100 17,496 12,604 C) 16,068 10,831 5,237 C) 5,021 3,264 1,757 3,998 1,624 748 Census of 1940 (April 1) 137,558 10, 507 88 10,419 39,775 19,463 20,312 45,977 25,665 32,047 18,150 13,897 17,301 17,846 12,120 5,726 5,944 5,399 3,433 1,966 4,235 1,438 646 Census of 1935 (January 1) 165,504 17,673 401 17,272 48,099 23,874 24,225 53,245 29,020 37,134 21,013 16,121 20,164 20,765 14,081 6,684 6,690 6,089 3,985 2,104 4,568 1,549 607 Census of 1930 (April 1) 157,931 11,912 297 11,615 C) 24.004 (•) 63,297 C) 33,318 C) C) 15,448 C) C) [•) 4,919 C) C) C) 3,408 1,167 458 Census of 1925 (January 1) 172,767 13,707 28 13,679 C) 32,728 C) 69,777 C) 30,996 C) C) 15.446 C) C) C) 4,946 (•) C) C) 3,477 1,203 487 Census of 1920 (January 1) 10,778 299 10,479 C) (•) 1 C) C) (•) 18,166 C) C) C) 3,752 1,343 584 358 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 3-FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) AH operators. . number. Ful 1 owners Part owners Managers All tenants Proportion of tenancy. . .number. . . .number. . ..number.. . . number. . . percent. . Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. All white operators. Ful 1 owners. Part owners. Managers. . . . Al 1 tenants. . number. . .number. . .number. . . number. . . number. . .number. . .number., .number. . . .number. . Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Proportion of tenancy. . .number. . .percent. Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. All nonwhite operators. Full owners. Part owners. . number. . . number. . . number. . .number. . . number. . .number. . number. , . number, mber. Managers , number. Al 1 tenants 139,364 59,282 16 , 495 401 63,186 45.3 8.30B 1,190 18,724 29,478 5,4B6 78,022 45 , 442 9,338 385 22,857 2°. 3 3,494 4R3 7,628 8,713 2,539 61,342 147,745 59,757 7,486 473 80.029 54.2 15,857 682 18,878 38,116 6,496 78,609 Census of 1940 (April 1) Proportion of tenancy. . percent. Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Share tenants Croppers Other and unspecified tenants. .number. , . number, .number, .number. . number. 13 B40 7 157 16 40 329 65.7 4 814 707 11 096 20 ,765 2 ,947 45 336 3 944 455 28 874 16.7 6 104 340 9 026 10 722 2 ,682 Census of 1935 (January 1) 69,136 14,421 3,542 18 51,155 74.0 9,753 342 9,852 27,394 3,814 137,558 50,643 9,224 507 77,184 56.1 15,928 914 15,496 33,474 11,372 76,251 37,498 5,285 478 32,990 13.3 6.824 479 9,452 11,413 4,822 61,307 13,145 3,939 29 44,194 72.1 9,104 435 6,044 22,061 6,550 Census of 1930 (April 1) 165,504 51,327 10,615 636 102,926 62.2 C) C) C) 46,238 (") 88,967 37,652 5,896 617 44,802 50.4 C) (•) C) 16,001 ('•) 76,537 13,675 4,719 19 58,124 75.9 C) C) C) 30,237 (") Census of 1925 (January 1) 157,931 45,515 8,955 693 102,768 65.1 18,270 C) C) 48,939 (") 80,506 33,578 4,900 622 41,406 51.4 6,511 C) C) 17,893 (") 77,425 11,937 4,055 71 61,362 79.3 11,759 (•) (•> 31,046 (") Census of 1920 (January 1) 172,767 52,401 7,568 368 112.430 65.1 16,401 C) C) 46,361 (") 82,186 37,925 3,676 334 40,251 49.0 5,012 C) C) 13,993 CI 90,581 14,476 3,892 34 72,179 79.7 11,389 C) C) 32,368 C) 192,693 60,089 7,635 738 124,231 I 64.5 j '15.769 521 38,423 i 43,789 I 25,729 I 83.683 I 41,811 I 3,15 ] 555 J 38,163 I 45.6 I '4, 742 1 167 I 14.900 I 10,954 I 7.4001 109,010 1 18.27S I 4,48] I 183 1 86,061 1 79.(1 '11,021 I 35' 23,52; j 32,831 18,32' 'Not available. •Available data not comparable. „,,.„ „f nroducts) were included with other and unspecified tenants. 'For 1920, standing renters (renters paying a fixed quantity of products) were State Table 4.-CASH RENT PAID FOR FARM LAND AND BUILDINGS: CENSUSES OF 1930 TO 1950 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See_text]_ __^______ (For definitions and explanations, see text) Al 1 farms All land rented from others by farm operators 1 Land rented on cash basis only. . farms reporting. . acres. . . farms reporting. . acres. . Land rented on cash basis only with amount of cash rent reported *«■>■ reporting. acres. Average per farm. Cropland harvested 2 . acres. . farms reporting, acres. acres. Average per farm reporting Value of rented land and buildings .' average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Cash rent paid average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollar!.. overage per S100 value, dollars.. 79,681 3,819,576 C) C) 12,602 777,470 61.3 11,999 502,719 41.9 3,352 54.68 179 2.91 5.33 All part owners 86,408 4,750,600 C) C) 20,416 1,116,481 54.7 20,084 654,431 32.6 1,417 25.91 87 1.60 6.17 16,495 954,001 C) C) 6.605 38 1,805 58.1 6,433 344,382 53.5 3,211 55.60 765 2.85 5.12 All tenants 9,224 449,631 C) C) 4,951 223,731 45.2 4,928 246,884 50.1 1,046 23.15 65 1 . 14 6.23 63,186 2,865,575 8,308 546,718 5,997 388.665 64. S 5,566 158,3.17 28.4 J, 485 51.78 193 2.98 5.54 77,184 4,300,969 15,928 932,588 15, 165 B92.750 57.7 15,156 407,547 26.9 1.536 26,60 95 1.64 6.16 102.768 4.728,114 18.270 864,040 18,219 861,726 47.3 C) C) C) C) CI 104 2.21 C) Tenants related to landlord 7,712 (•) 1,057 C) 638 57.797 90.6 623 76,387 47.4 5,875 64.85 253 2.79 4.31 11.471 2. S(hl C) 2,48 151,76 61. 1 C) C) C) 1.1 \\ CI (•) J l.« (•> the Ciguraa for cropland harvested represent only the portion retained. SOUTH CAROLINA 359 State Table 5.— FARM OPERATORS BY COLOR, RESIDENCE, OFF-FARM WORK, AGE, AND YEARS ON PRESENT FARM CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 [Data in italics are based on reporta for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (Jtnusry 1) FARM OPERATORS Operators by color: White Negro Other nonwhl te. . . .number. . number. . number. Residence: Residing on fsnn operated Not residing on fsnn operated Operators not reporting residence. Off-firm work: Working off their farm, total 1 to 49 days 50 to 99 days 100 days or more 100 to 199 days 200 dsys and over | Operators not working off their farm. | Operators not reporting .operators reporting, .operators reporting. number. .operators reporting, -operators reporting, •operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting number. number. . Operators by age: Under 25 years 25 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 to 64 years 65 years and over Average age Operators not reporting age. ^Operators by years on present farm: .operators reporting .operators reporting .operators reporting .operators reporting .operators reporting -operators reporting years .number of operators 4 years 3 months or less. 5 years or Jess. 3 months or less. 1 year or less. , . Operation of farm began on census date or later, ths Between 3 months and 1 year 3 Between 1 and 2 years Between 1 year 3 months and 4 years 3 months Between 2 and 5 years Between 2 years and 4 years 3 months Between 1 year 3 months and 2 years 3 months. Between 2 and 3 years Between 2 years 3 months and 3 years 3 months. Between 3 and 4 years Between 3 years 3 months and 4 years 3 months. Between 4 and 5 years Between 4 years 3 months and 9 years 3 months. Between 5 and 10 years Between 5 and 11 years Over 9 years 3 months Over 10 years Over 11 years Between 9 years 3 months and 14 years 3 months. Between 10 and 15 years Between 11 and 15 years Over 14 years 3 months. Over 15 years Average number of years on present farm. Operators not reporting -operators reporting, -operators reporting.. .operators reporting, .operators reporting.. .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operstors reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting. -operators reporting, .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting. -operators reporting, .operators reporting, -operators reporting. -operators reporting, .operators reporting, .operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting, -operators reporting. .operators reporting, .operators reporting. . . years, -number. 78,022 61,255 87 130,131 5,603 3,630 SI, 517 11,045 7 ,704 32,768 7,691 25,077 84,474 3,204 5,758 23,802 31,536 27,599 21,804 16,916 46.5 11,780 56,499 C) 10,057 15,911 75,527 C) 30.927 •) *) 11,138 •) 10,744 •) 9,039 •) 23,656 •) ') 51,629 •) •) 16,399 •) ) 35,230 C) 11 7,411 7B.609 69,136 136,520 9,424 1,801 32,527 5,884 5,511 21,132 6,342 14.790 115,218 6,708 24,039 35,178 35.827 26,467 17,869 46.6 1.657 C) 72,591 C) 29,746 10,462 C) 9,904 C) 32,941 C) C) 10,744 C) 8,508 C) 13,689 C) 24, 189 C) C) 47,725 C) C) 15,299 C) C) 32,426 11 3,240 76,251 61,204 103 123,533 6,650 7,375 32,065 8,077 5,821 18,167 7,216 10,951 97,686 7,807 7,831 23, 596 28.671 31,530 23,342 15,268 46.1 7,320 57,379 ■) 12,730 14,748 •) 29,901 11,328 10,471 •1 24,821 •) •) 48,123 •) •) 14,800 •) •) 33,323 C) 10 7,235 C) C) C) 55,965 25,863 10,326 19,776 9,041 10,735 106,573 2,966 C) C) ("I (*) C) C) C) C) C) 86,520 C) 40,169 C) C) 13,354 C) 32,997 C) C) 11,819 C) 9,267 C) 11,911 C) 24, 209 C) C) 51,365 C) C) 15,960 C) C) 35,405 (•) 3,410 80,506 77,331 94 C) C) C) 49.484 21,224 10.560 17,700 9,484 8,216 108,447 14,253 27,688 37,849 36,418 23,864 13,046 C) 4,813 83,200 27,720 32,038 C) 21,545 CI C) 29,617 C) C) CI (•> C) (•) 22,063 C) C) 47,570 CI C) 16,694 C) C) 30,876 C) C) 5,098 82, 186 90.581 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) (•) (•) (•) C) <•) C) (•) C) C) 45,753 C) C) 16,093 C) 37,011 C) (•) 13,419 C> 14, 170 C) (•) 27,876 C) C) 40,310 C) C) 10,233 C) 30,077 C) 5,724 83,683 109,005 5 (•) C) C) (•) C) (•) C) (•) C) C) C) 18,301 42.529 49,642 42,120 23,394 14,659 2,048 105,772 9,326 •Not available. State Table 6.— DATE OF ENUMERATION: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Census of 19S0 Census date — April 1 pproxtmate- average date of enumeration ercent of farms enumerated during — April 14 and earlier April IS to 28 April 29 to May. 12 May 13 to June 2 June 3 and 1 ater '0.5 percent or less. South Carolina Census of 1945 Census date — January 1 Approximate average date of enumeration... Percent of enumeration districts enumerated during January 1 to 15 January 16 to 31 February 1 to 15 February 16 to 28.' March 1 to 31 April 1 to 30 May 1 to 31 June 1 and 1 ater South Carolina Apr. 15-Apr. 28 48 36 12 4 Mar. 16-Mar. 31 1 19 17 7 22 IS 11 360 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 7.— SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT, TRADING CENTER, AND ROADS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting. . Electricity farms reporting.. From a power line farms reporting.. From a home plant farms reporting.. Electric water pump farms reporting.. Electric washing machine farms reporting. . Both running water and electrieity in dwelling farms reporting.. Power-driven washing machine farms reporting. . Milking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting.. number. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Age of newest model: Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Average age of newest model years.. Not reporting number of farms.. Motortruck with no automobile farms reporting. . Tractors farms reporting. . number. . 1 tractor farms reporting. . 2 tractors farms reporting. . 3 or more tractors farms reporting. . Wheel tractors other than garden number. . Age of newest model: Under 5 yeBrs farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Average age of newest model years. . Not reporting number of farms.. Garden tractors number. . Crawler tractors number. Automobi les farms reporting. number. Age of newest model: Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Average age of newest model years. Not reporting number of farms. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting TRADING CENTER AND ROAD Distance to trading center over dirt or unimproved roads: 0.0 to 0.2 mile farms reporting. 0.3 to 0.9 mile fa™ a reporting. 1.0 to 4.9 miles farms reporting. 5.0 miles and over farms reporting. Distance not reported number of farms. Kind of road on which farm is located: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Kind of road not reported number of farms. Census of 1950 (April 1) 11 ,896 Census of 1945 (January 1) 95,060 52,101 94.842 '52,047 218 C) 33,865 C) 36.424 C) («) 18,531 C) 6,845 I .355 484 6,290 1,732 6.765 2.022 25.440 13,296 29.714 15,348 12.212 2.491 3.317 8.173 9.060 2.819 8 C) 831 C) 11,276 4,392 23,454 10. 3156 30 , 282 12,447 5 18. 547 8,894 5 2,840 1,115 5 1,227 357 28.004 12,427 3,791 3,316 1,158 1 .120 69.963 81.449 20.891 10.550 36,579 10 1,943 40,466 37 ,607 37 ,668 16.S11 6 , 943 42.41S 15,391 J9.469 7,384 24,536 7J.9J2 6 , 384 Census of 1940 (April 1) 3 933 4 686 1 397 («> 378 708 73 515 77 576 8 165 37 027 26 196 (') (') 44 526 49 787 42 ,811 8 ,969 1 688 '83,215 '16,015 '33,228 '3,146 '12.U1 I C) C) (•) C) 4,267 Census of 1935 (January 1) 28 764 27 568 1 196 C) C) C) C) C) C) 8.242 4,175 1,877 1,161 5 179 4,285 4,791 C) C) C) C) *2,302 6 528 "1 ,073 6 382 C) C) 58,807 63,653 19,098 21,723 17,209 7 772 C) C) C) CI C) C) C) C) C) CI 22,802 2.808 105,736 6,212 C) C) C) (•) C) C) (•) C) C) (•) (•) (•) C) C) C) CI C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (■) C) (•) C) C) C) C) (•) (•> C) (•) (') <•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•> C) (•) CI (•) (•) "'The 193o'.nq.u,ry referred to electricity in -farmer's dwelling:" and the 1920 .nqulry referred to gas or electricity in "oper.to 'Farms with electricity and with electric distribution line within 1/4 mile. 'Farms reporting expenditures for electric light and power purchased. „„ r ,„j 'Farms not report, ng year of ne.e.t model were distributed in the same proportion, as those for wh.ch year of model was reported. *■ Figures for 1950 arc for tractors other than garden tractors. 6 Tractors of all kinds. 'Distance to nearest all-weather road. Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) 6,357 '6. 067 '3 039 C) C) C) (•) (•) 6 575 6 9«6 C) C) C) C) C) C) 3 229 3 462 C) C) (*) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) 59,029 61.754 C) C) C> (•) C> C) C) C) CI CI (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) 7 171 31 096 112 353 7 311 111 ng. (•)• CI C) C) (•> C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) <•) C) 2 658 2 906 C) C) C) Census of 1920 (January 1) I (•) C) (•> C) (•> (•) C) (•> (■> (•) C) C) C) CI C) C) (•) (•) C) (•) (•) (•) C) C) 1 S59 4 316 lot 285 2 607 SOUTH CAROLINA 361 State Tabic 8.— MOTORTRUCKS, TRACTORS, AND AUTOMOBILES ON FARMS, CLASSIFIED BY YEAR OF MODEL: CENSUSES OF 1950, 1945, AND 1940 [Data in italics are baaed on reports for only a sample of farma. See textj Year o f model (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of Cenaua of Cenaua of 1950 1945 1910 * HI.MI i,< 1950 Census of 1940 Census of 1950 Census of 1945 Census of 1940 Total on farwa number Classified by year of model number 1950 number 1949 number 1948 number 1947 number 194B number. 1945 number 1944 number 1943 -. . . number. 1942 number. 1941 number. 1936 to 1940 number. 1931 to 1935 number. 1930 and earlier: number. Not classified by yeer of model number. First units (on farms not reporting model) number. Second, third, etc. units on all farms 2 ...number. Home-made tractors number. Crawler tractors s number. Garden tractors ' number. 29,714 24,609 I. 144 4.034 2,007 1,749 2,378 338 177 37 974 1,811 6,247 1.858 955 5,105 831 4,274 XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxx 8,212 13,483 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 47 105 2 580 1,757 S.17J 1,862 957 1,901 ( l ) 1,901 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 4,175 1,877 1,161 1,029 179 850 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx .10 . 282 19,534 1,361 4, 169 3,403 1.879 1.615 928 775 342 975 771 2,501 321 494 10,748 2,327 6,078 65 1.120 1,158 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 76 1.156 390 972 1,339 4,686 563 834 2,913 (M 1.631 196 708 378 3,903 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 2,302 528 1,073 ( 4 ) (') (<) 888 382 506 81,449 68.020 2,933 6.946 3.894 3,800 3,318 174 197 80 2,393 7 .706 25,372 7,888 3,319 13,429 1,943 11, 486 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 75.489 71,388 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 68 69 2,109 5,919 37,027 18,466 7 ,730 4,101 (') 4,101 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 19,098 21,728 17,209 5,618 772 4,846 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx Farms not reporting year of- newest model were distributed i 'The census inquiry was for "year of newest model" only. The census inquiry for 1950 and 1945 called for reporting ' * Not reported separately in 1940. Crawler and garden tractors were not classified by year of n the same proportions as those for which year of model was reported. home-made" tractors in lieu of year of newest model, model in the 1950 and 1945 censuses. State Table 9.— FARM LABOR AND SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 [Data in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) FARM LABOR Farei workers for specified week:' Family and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Average per farm reporting persons. . Family workers, including operators farms reporting.. persons. . Operators persons. . Unpaid members of operator's faml ]y farms reporting. . persons. . Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Workers hired by month persons.. Workers hired by day or week persons.. Workers hired by hour or on piece-work basis persons.. No report as to basis of payment persons.. Fanas reporting by number of hired workers: 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hi red workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. S to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 or more workers farms reporting. . rams by kind of workers during specified week: No workers reported farms. . Family workers and hired workers farms.. Operator and hired workers farms.. Operator, members of his family, and hired workers farms.. Members of operator's family and hired workers farms.. Family workers onl y. . . , farms. . Operator only farms.. Operator and members of his family farms.. Members of operator' s family only farms. . Hired workers only farms. . SPECIFIFD FARM EXPENDITURES' ired labor* , farms reporting. . dol I ars. . $1 to $99 farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting.. $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting.. $2,500 and over ...farms reporting.. for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dol 1 ars. . ivestock and poultry purchased farms reporting.. dol I ars. . eeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting.. dollars.. soline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting.. do] ] ars. . •Not available. Census of 1950, week preceding enumeration; Censuses of 1945 and 1935 See text for differences in definition of farm workers. Expenditures during the preceding calendar year. Cash payments for farm labor; housework not included. For 1950, 1945 eluded in cost of machine hire. For 1920, the value of board furnished 117 ,284 243 . 295 2.1 114.916 198,027 106.502 54.349 91,525 16,411 45,268 2,890 33,265 8,082 1.031 8.522 3.337 2,448 1,474 630 21,911 14,043 9.031 4.242 770 100,873 51,5.76 41,693 7.644 2.368 62,745 27 ,648.200 27 , 465 12.630 12,747 4,675 J, 120 2,108 65,041 '7,187 .023 48,238 9. 119,605 68,921 5,652,930 48,261 11.564.411 134.938 221,749 1.6 133,735 207,395 131,042 54,520 76,353 7,145 14,354 C) C) C) C) 4,374 1,379 816 471 105 12.807 5,942 3,804 1.916 222 127,793 75,411 49.911 2,471 1,203 64, 22,167, 29, 13 12 1 49 8,900 33 4.822 51 2.691 C) C) 124,901 298.537 2.4 116,500 227,984 C) C) C) 27,552 70,553 20,802 41,438 8,313 C) C) C) C) C) 12,657 19,151 C) C) C) 9i C) C) C) 51,288 11,552,491 C) C) C) C) C) C) 23,226 2,249,742 C) C) C) C) 36,022 1,967,535 160,995 386,239 2.4 155.666 333.099 C) ( r ) C) 25.767 53.140 C) C) C) C) 15.500 5,145 3,013 1,700 409 4,509 20,438 C) C) C) i: o (•) (•) 35, 228 5,329 49,180 9.002,864 C) 39,531 8,158,892 C) C) C) C) C) C) 40,134 3,573,494 C) 26,741 2.321.975 C) C) C) C) C) C) 62,095 13.687,695 C) C) C) C) C) C) 60,088 5,903.625 C) C) C) C) C) first week of January; Census of 1940. last week of March. and 1940, the data do not include expenditures for contract construction work, machine hire, and labor as included. 362 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 10.— FARM TAXES: CENSUSES OF 1930 TO 1950 fData in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text. Farm tax data were obtained only from owner-operatorsj (For definitions and explanations, see text) All owner-operators number Land owned. . acres Owner-operators reporting real-estate taxes number Land owned acres Average per farm acres Value of owned land and buildings average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars Total property taxes average per operator, dollars Real-estate taxes average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars Personal-property taxes operators reporting average per operator reporting, dollars average per operator 2 , dollars Owner-operators not rent i ng I and to others number Owner- opera tors reporting real-estate taxes number Land owned acres Average per farm acres Value of owned land and buildings average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars Total property taxes average per operator, dollars Real-estate taxes average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars Personal -property taxes operators reporting average per operator reporting, dollars average per operator', dollars Owner-operators renting land to others 1 number Owner-operators reporting real-estate taxes number Land owned acres Average per farm acres Value of owned land and buildings average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars Total property taxes average per operator, dollars Real-estate taxes average per operator, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars Personal -property taxes operators reporting average per operator reporting, dollars average per operator 2 , dollars 75.777 9.040,160 30,726 3.596,468 119.0 8.038 67.56 50 40 0.34 0.50 C) C) 70 53,261 21,493 1,647 ,801 76.7 5.443 71.00 33 27 0.35 0.49 C) C) 23,298 8.733 1,943,667 223.1 14,425 64.65 0.33 0.52 C) C) 59.867 5,831,396 53,861 5,308,052 98.6 3,176 32.22 40 33 0.33 1.03 45,250 9 36,725 33,862 2,754,971 81.4 2,576 31.66 31 25 0.30 0.96 28,501 7 6 23,142 19.999 2,553,081 127.7 4,191 32.83 46 0.36 1.10 16 ,749 12 10 59,282 7,227,785 23,496 2,813,574 119.7 8.204 68.51 50 41 0.34 0.49 C) C) 41,248 16,665 1.363.674 81.8 5.803 70.92 34 28 0.34 0.49 C) C) 18,430 6,831 1.449, 900 212.3 14,062 66.25 87 71 0.33 0.50 C) C) 50,643 5,169,542 45,578 4,693,859 103.0 3.290 31.94 41 33 0.32 1.01 38.100 9 7 30,317 28,005 2, 404, 498 85.9 2.687 31.29 31 25 0.29 0.94 23,428 7 6 20,326 17,573 2,289,361 130.3 4.250 32.63 46 1.35 .08 14 672 12 10 45.515 4,475,132 40,835 3,940,327 96.5 3,549 36.78 55 44 0.46 1.25 CI C) C) 26,362 2,269,208 86.1 2,846 33.06 41 33 0.38 1.16 C) C) C) 14.473 1,671,119 115.5 4,830 41.83 80 65 0.56 1.34 C) C) 16,495 1,812,375 6.730 782,894 116.3 7.458 64.11 0.35 0.54 C) C) 4.828 4.127 58.8 4,200 71.37 28 21 0.36 0.51 C) C) 4,868 1.902 498,767 262.2 IS, 728 59.98 89 34 56 9.224 661.854 8.283 614.193 74.2 2.548 34.37 29 0.40 1.16 7,150 i 9 8 6,408 5. 857 350,473 59.8 2,045 34.18 29 22 0.37 1.09 5,073 8 7 i 2,816 2.426 263,720 108.7 3,763 34.(1 58 47 0.43 1.24 2,077 13 11 •Not available. 'For 1940 and 1930, figures for land owned and taxes do not include land rented operators renting land to others. Based on all operators reporting both total and real-estate taxes. to others. Also, owner-operators not reporting as to land rented toothers are included with owner- J SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 11— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 363 Item f For definitions and explanations, see text) Hones and/or mules. .. farms reporting. Norses and colts, including ponies farms reporting. number. Mules and mule col ts. . farms reporting, number. Cattle and calves farms reporting. Cows farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. Cows and heifers milked farms reporting. number. Heifers farms reporting. number. . Steers and bulls. .. farms reporting., number. Calves farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number. . Less than 4 months old farms reporting. . number. . Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting. . Sheep and lambs farms reporting. number. f Ewes. . . , farms reporting. number. Rams and wethers. .. farms reporting. number. Lambs farms reporting. number. [thickens farms reporting. . number. . ' urkeys farms reporting. . number. . ioats and kids farms reporting. . number. . .tabbits farms reporting. . I t'ux animals farms reporting. . few farms reporting. . number of hives. . " Not available, • '•Available data not comparable. Age, aex, and other groupa enumerated in the 19S0 Cenaua with approximately comparable groupa in the Cenauaes of 1920 to 194% Census of 1950 ( April 1) All ages, Ditto. All ages. Ditto. All ages. Ditto. Cows, including hei fers that have calved. Ditto. Milk cows, including dry milk cows and milk heifers that have calved. Ditto. months old. Ditto. C) Over 6 months old. C) (*) Over 4 months old. Ditto. Over 4 months old. Ditto. Over 4 months old on Census date. Ditto. C) Silver fox and mink females over 3 months old on Census date. On farms and on nonfarm land. Ditto. All ugcft. All ages. Ditto. All ages. Ditto All ages. Ditto. Cows and hei fers 2 years old and over. Ditto. Mi Iked during all or any part of 1934. Ditto. (") CM CM Cenaua of 1930 (April I) All ages. Ditto. C) C) (•) (M On farms on Census date — Farrowing between Jan. 1, and June 1, 1935. Ditto. All ages. Ditto. 1 year old and over C) C) {•) C) Over 3 months old. Ditto. Over 3 months, old. Ditto. All ages on Census date. Ditto. All age* Al 1 agrs All ugeH. All ages. Ditto. Cows nnd hei fers born before 1928. Cows and hei fers horn before 192B kept mainly for milk production. Ditto. Cenaua of 1925 (January 1) All ageb, C) AH nge& C) C) C) On farms on Census date — Farrowing between Jan. 1, and June 1, 1930- Di t to . All ages. Di t to . Born before Oct.l, 1979. C) Born before Oct. 1 , 1929 (•) Born since Oct. 1 , 1929. Over 3 months old. Ditto. f) C) All ages on Census date. Ditto. All age* All nge.i Cows and heifers 2 years old and over, Dairv cows and heifers 2 years old and over. Ditto. Milked during all or any part of 1929. Ditto. (M M n Iked during all or iny part of 1924. tto. C) Born in 1929 and 1928 C) Born in 1929 oi (*) earl ler. Born since Jan . 1. Ditto. All ages. Ditto. All ages. Ditto. C) Born before Jan. 1, 1930. (*) C) Pigs born since Jan.l, 1930. Ditto. (") CM (•) Owned by farm operators. Ditto. On farms on Census date-For breeding purposes fi months old and over. All ages. Ditto. 1 year old and over. (M 1 year old and over. (M Under 1 year of age. Age not specified. Ditto. (M (M All ages on Census date. Ditto. Cenaua of 1920 (January 1) C) All agf-a. Ditto All ngea. Ditto. Al 1 ngea . Di t to . Cows and hei fera 2 years old and over. Dairy cows and hei fera 2 years old and over. Ditto. (M (M •) •) All ages Ditto. ( ") ( ( (•) (•) (•) On farms on Census date — For breeding purposes, 6 months old and over. Ditto. All ages. Ditto. 1 year old and (M 1 year old and over. Under 1 year of age. Ditto. Age not specified. Ditto. Age not specified. Ditto. Al 1 agea on Census date. Ditto. Hives of bees. Ditto. 364 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 11.— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued I tern (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1 ) Census 1930 (April Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) -I Total value of specified classes of livestock dollars.. Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting. . Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting.. number. . value. . dol J ars. . Mules and mule colts farms reporting. . number. . value. . dol 1 ars. . Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting. number value. . dol 1 ars Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number value. . dol lars Milk cows farms reporting number Cows and heifers milked during any part of preceding year farms teporting number Heifers born before January I farms reporting number Steers and bulls born before January 1 farms reporting number Calves born since January 1 farms reporting number Dairy products sold farms reporting dol lars Whole milk sold farms reporting gallons dol lars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dol lars Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting dol 1 ars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting. number of cows Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. - value. . dol 1 ars. . 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Less than 4 months old farms reporting. . number. . Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting.. number. . Farrowing since December 1 of preceding year number. To farrow before June 1 of census year number. . Sheep and wool : Sheep and 1 ambs farms reporting. . number. . value. . doll ars. . I Sheep and lambs born before October 1 of preceding year farms reporting.. number. . fc wes farms reporting. . number. . Hams ana wethers • farms reporting. . number.. Lambs born since October 1 of preceding year farms reporting. . number. . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting.. number shorn. . Wool shorn pounds. . 72,268.009 71,104,293 91,428 17,807 23,821 2,429,650 81,363 146,522 24,979,653 78,318 369,560 33,000,503 73,710 205, 053 25,747,116 67,750 141,367 C) (*) 25,436 74,112 12,576 36,010 21,469 54,385 17,610 11,441,889 5,303 20,474,771 10,752,355 2,064 431,571 240, 4 Q 2 5,030 449, 042 59,288 104,606 201 660 96 393 5»8 076 843 118 81 133 314 463 44 771 283 613 35 010 69 229 44 711 24 518 296 4 260 38 844 277 2 835 255 2 223 195 612 179 1 .415 125 2 .049 10 ,469 4 .387 CJ 16,363 23,331 2,793,468 95,109 164,508 34,225,955 100,698 389,287 20,188,821 95.361 217,232 14,993,045 C) C) 92,457 153,474 C) (•) C) (•) C) (•) 15, 580 8,416,257 6, 543 17,528,053 '7,650,157 1,185 238,501 '120,814 2 9, 948 '645.286 C) C) C) 108,178 609,036 8,405,336 (•) C) C) C) 44, 325 B1.495 C) C) 366 5.095 31.454 C) C) 233 3.047 C) C) C) C) 196 C) 17,897 7, 163 108,712 15,136 21,050 2.276,000 101,602 179,813 27,965,252 95,571 274.586 8,078,207 91,062 177,202 6,533.986 90,485 159,264 87.730 143,297 C) C) C) C) C) C) 13,767 3,976,757 3,781 10,404,319 '3,428,322 1,255 400,920 '87,723 2 11.218 '460,712 C) C) C) 104,230 438,964 ,797,750 104,230 438,954 C) C) 34, 486 65,676 C) C) 626 7,001 29,802 626 7,001 401 5,243 C) 1.758 CI (•) 357 5,227 26,062 6,331 39,252,260 113,333 17,068 20,420 2,003,827 104,492 182, 645 25,014,565 114,525 385,179 7,330,963 106,657 214,532 5,792,364 (•) C) 99, 146 169, 427 (") (") (") (") (••) (") C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 113, 509, ,699, C) C) C) C) 41. 62, C) C) 828 12,406 39,079 C) C) 713 9.003 C) O C) (*) 716 10,796 48,499 9,215 123, C) 30, 2,184, C) 188,805 19,210,143 90,610 270,171 11,077,922 C) 147,264 8.532,629 83.096 135,283 82.594 131,206 CI 60.203 27,6% 22,751 35,008 21.518 4.218,731 4,835 7,673,489 2.917,150 C) C) 304.693 2 18.806 2 996. 888 68.176 103,345 165,303 96,255 471.104 3,913,110 C) 281,837 30,421 189,267 24.497 40,085 !•) 949 18,841 101.091 C) 12.369 C) 136.364 C) 49,116 4,024,561 C) 199,078 21,814,920 C) 340, 625 8,246,755 C) 206,947 6.397,883 88,019 146,556 107.607 163,233 C) C) C) C) C) C) (•> C) C) 3,214,479 C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) (•) C) 108.094 534,642 1,546.400 C) (") C) (") [•] 72.479 C) C) 724 14.418 56.947 C) C) C) 11.520 11.099 840 5O0 C) 6.472 2.729 555 C) 10,386 11,035 44,819 47,357 15,250 15,660 See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 11.— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950-Continued ::<;:, Item (For definitions and explnnut ions, see text) Poultry and poultry products: Poultry and/or poultry products sold Chickens, -\ months old Chickens sold. . , forms reporting. dollars. ver, on hnnd furms reporting. number. value, .dollars. • farms report ing. number. „ . , do! I sra. Chicken eggs sold fanna report , ng , dozens. t i l . , . do] 1 ars. . Turkeys on hand and/or raised ,. rms reporting. Turkeys, 4 months old and over, on hand farms reporting., number. . •e , value, .do] lors. . Turkeys raised forms reporung . , number. . farms reporting. . _ number. . Ueese raised r tarrns reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . Pigeons raised. farms r( . pQ ™ in £ ' Pheasants raised farms , tl *".' ' ™T ,' ■ : farms reporting. . Turkeys, ducks, and geese, and their eggs sold farms reporting. . dol 1 ars. . nlaals sold alive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting.. Cattle, hogs, or sheep sold alive f arms reporting.. Cattle and/or calves sold alive f arms reporting.. number. . r- i j i • ^ol 'ars. ■ Cattle sold alive, excluding calves f artns reporting.. Ducks raised. Guineas raised. Census of 1950 (April 1) Calves sold alive. dol 1 ars. , farms reporting. . number.. „ i . , - dol Jars. . Hogs and pigs sold ali*e farms rep ortmg. . number. , Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting.'." number.. u 1 1 j i do1 ' ars - ■ Horses and mules sold alive f arms reporting.. number. . dol lars. . slaughter: Any cattle or hogs butchered fanns reporting.. Cattle and/or calves butchered f arms reporting.. Cattle butchered, excluding calves farms reporting.".' Calves butchered farrns rep0 rting! . Hogs and pigs butchered f arms reporting! . ., , number. . treat, lard, hides, and other products sold from animals butchered f arms reporting.. .... . . dol lars. . ats, rabbits, and fur animals: Goats and kids (on hand or kept preceding year) farms reporting.. number. . _ value. .dollars. . Lomestic rabbits (on hand or kept preceding year) farms reporting.. Fur animals in captivity (on hand or kept preceding year) farms reporting.. Sule of goats and kids, goat milk, and mohair; and of rabbits and fur animals and their pelts farms reporting dollars es and honey: Bees owned preceding year f ann5 reporting „ , , number of hives Honey produced farins reporting u , , pounds Honey, wax, and bees sold £ arm5 reporting dollars Not available. 'Available data not comparable ■^Published values for thes HrButter sold. Cattle, calves, hogs and pigs, and/or sheep and lambs 991354 O- 52 - 25 34.133 10,675.321 115, mi 3,550,985 3,749,304 15,865 3,410,630 3,044,116 28,521 7,052,015 3,350,567 4,710 3,693 56,871 227,037 3,696 609, 608 3,093 20,171 759 4,447 1.450 11,385 19 15 5 1,858 4,280,638 51,321 50,551 28.782 109,149 8,346,652 11.315 46,225 5,376,092 22,258 62,924 2,970,560 34,228 378,054 9,101,699 114 1,155 15,151 2,308 4,299 437,846 94,544 6,275 8,377 828 1,190 5,550 7,187 94,018 236.826 2.255 192,159 4,578 C) C) 1,142 164 216 9,740 5,297 25,354 2,671 184.241 652 33.292 Census of 1945 (January 1) 42,266 494,452 128,610 645,597 511,731 C) C) CI C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 3,341 203,491 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) CI C) C) C) C) 21.240 87,736 3,856,629 C) C) C) C) C) <•>■ 20,727 271,930 4,942,654 208 2,471 17,975 C) C) C) C) C) 9,727 2,015 4,333 3,942 5,394 115,405 346.489 C) C) 3.175 14,148 37,528 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) I rliM, ., t 1940 (April 1) 47,081 2,943,589 123,914 3,376,256 1,868,492 33,628 2,443,019 1,331,097 C> (•) (•) 6,016 5,776 31,413 60,249 4.2.34 107.371 1,088 13,030 329 2,168 2,774 25,020 65 3 10 C) (•) (•) 27,823 14.181 54.602 1,163.216 7,714 32,191 968,512 8,364 22,411 194,704 18,434 249,539 2.430,044 179 2,889 11,388 C) C) C) 3 105, 074 2.728 6,147 1,092 2,658 1,749 3,489 104,888 355,194 C) (•) 1,909 10,462 16,728 C) 2 (•) C) 5,572 29,954 4,067 379,175 C) C) Census of 1935 (January 1 I C) (•) 146, 136 3.804,074 2,024,918 C) (•) C) (•) C) C) C) 10,669 47,541 118,853 (•) C) C) C) C) C) CI C) CI (•> (•) C) CI C) C) C) (•> C) C) (•) (•) (•) C) (•) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) (•> C) (•) C) C) (•) C) <•) (•> C) C) (<) 3,475 15,957 20,744 C) (•) C) C) (•) (•) C) C) C) (•) Census of 1930 (April II C) CI 132, Bill 3,057. 137 2.373,504 58.945 2,201,443 1,863,588 74,290 6,744,571 2,104.625 C) C) CI C) 10,430 B0, 235 2,184 14,292 1,901 10,631 C) C) C) C) (•) CI (•) C) C) C) C) CI C) CI C) C) C) (•) C) CI C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) CI (•) 6,131 740 3,598 824 2.533 85,000 243,900 C> (•) 2,581 12,244 27,783 (•) C) C) (•> 8.292 46,448 6,145 613,260 C) C) Census of 1925 (January I) C> 146 901 4 238 254 3 340 CI CI C) C) C) CI C) C) (•) CI C) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) CI C) C) C) CI C) 655 Census of 1920 (January 1) C) C) C) C) C) C) CI (•) CI (•) CI C) C) C) CI C) (•> C) C) C) (•) C) CI C) C) (•) (•) (•) (•) C) C) 3,535 16,395 25,033 (•) (•) C) C) (•) (•) C) (•) C) (•) C) CI I ',9, 590 3,954,365 ''.,11 1 '',1147 37,240 1.113,236 765,621 67,298 3,342,717 1,509,588 CI 16,699 73,340 271,029 C) C) C) C) [•I CI CI CI C) (•) C) C) CI C) C) C) (•> C) CI CI C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) 8.360 18,029 C) C) C) C) 132,709 431,217 C) (•) 4,696 31,774 93,463 C) CI C) 10.376 58.028 5,970 441.684 C) C) eyears were computed on the basis of average prices. For this table, these values have been adjusted to equal the enumerated valu airy products sold. 366 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: 1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Al 1 farms number Cropl and harvested farms reporting acres Total value of specified crops harvested (see text) dollars Value of all crops sold (see text) dollars Corn: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres value . .dollars Harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels Cut for silage farms reporting. acres tons. . green weight Hogged or grazed, or cut for green or dry fodder. . farms reporting acres Value of corn and other corn products sold farms reporting dollars Corn sold bushels. Sorghums: Sorghum for all purposes except sirup farms reporting. acres value . . dollars Harvested for grain or for seed farms reporting acres bushels Cut for silage farms reporting acres tons.. green weight Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting acres, tons cut Value of sorghum sold farms reporting. dollars Small grains: Grains grown together and threshed as a mixture farms reporting acres bushels value. . dol lars quantity sold. . farms reporting bushels wheat threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels value. . dollars quantity sold. . farms reporting bushels Oats threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels value. . dollars quantity sold. .farms reporting bushels Oats cut for feeding unthreshed farms reporting acres value. . dollars Barley threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels value. . dollars quantity sold. . farms reporting bushels Rye threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushel s value. . dol lars quantity sold.. farms reporting bushels Other grain threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels value. . dol 1 ars quantity sold., farms reporting bushels Value of small grains and grain straw sold farms reporting dollars See footnotes at end of table. Census of 19 SO (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) 129,967 3,959,822 247,193,612 168,273,332 115,391 1.350,565 33.042,487 113,071 1.293,348 23,624,155 640 10.771 77,432 4,664 46,446 18,095 3, 144, 349 3,997 18,046 715,524 892 6,056 106,790 330 2,877 17,438 2,859 9.113 7,831 124 33,089 495 4,915 88,248 100,603 32 8,157 18,243 134,727 1,603,107 3,204,914 4,761 652,309 19, 388 282,579 6,964, 541 5,833,504 4,420 1,921,900 41,534 250,591 6.610,937 2,197 15,906 357,271 447.905 459 94,061 630 5,552 51,624 115,931 157 20.978 228 694 10,535 21,070 7 1,607 7,885 3, 133,022 144,116 4.149,321 278,985.072 164,806,777 131.310 1,499,984 36,752,150 129, 500 1,479.551 25,073,555 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 9,173 26,413 980,988 173 668 10.730 C) C) C) 6,177 17,092 22,038 C) C) 420 3,812 67,954 88,345 C) C) 45,632 222,309 3,215,692 5,156.854 C) C) 20,796 313, 372 8,060,196 7,779,456 (•) C) 57,684 381,768 8,651,707 3,578 23,990 554,617 858,253 C) C) 1,638 13,647 141,647 305,692 ) 135.629 4.321,962 116,147,925 76.101,806 130.169 1,761,480 17,004,302 129,416 1,732,356 23.527,406 246 4,897 27,040 3,561 24,227 C) C) 7.417 16,806 312,238 120 489 5,215 187 2,457 14,587 7,170 13,860 18,343 C) C) 509 3.843 67.268 43,724 C) C) 41. Ill 181,982 2,121,624 1,792,883 C) C) 24,402 230,973 5,302,558 2,065,791 C) C) 50,119 288,448 ^,775,878 1,399 7,047 132,500 118,494 C) C) 2,530 17.166 160,440 172,491 C) C) C) 1,166 16,181 13,519 C) C) C) C) 165,504 162,291 4,177,861 CM C) 152,918 1,764,166 C) 152.291 1,750,631 18,114.237 C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) 27,249 511,004 172 323 2,736 C) C) (") (••) C) C) 181 935 13.947 15,202 C) C) 39,540 156,275 1,399,216 1,567,122 C) C) 12.263 93,922 1.706,953 1,211.937 C) C) 59,001 325,802 C) 550 1,823 29,131 24,761 C) C) 2,059 11,477 88.634 117,883 C) C) 3,979 45.888 39.025 C) C) C) C) 150,851 4,136,809 101,486,860 139,470 1.392,388 C> 136,161 1,339,340 19,325,825 287 3,857 19,811 C) 49.191 C) C) C) 4.914 9,901 279,758 187 457 5,985 C) C) C) (") (••) (••) C) C) 571 3,543 64,364 . 62. 436 C) C) 14,063 52, 129 505,206 703,654 C) C) 11,393 94,137 2,229.914 1,666.953 C) C) 53,259 264,047 C) 323 1,285 20,316 29.387 C) C) 1.216 7,072 63,011 110,197 C) C) C) 2,016 31.349 41,727 C) C) C) C) C) 4,311,136 (••) C) 158,280 1,599,397 C) 154,894 1.547,120 18,651,052 72 1,440 7,708 C) C) C) (•) (•) 245 2 518 C) C) C) (") (••) (") C) C) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) 13,079 52,070 525,977 911,448 C) C) 7,351 58,670 1,187,590 1,078.092 C) C) 51,671 286.032 C) 86 508 6,312 8,838 C) C) 1.474 6.438 49,939 100,321 C) 2.772 4.461 63,028 94,548 C) C) C) SOUTH CAROLINA State Tabic 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: ' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued 367 Census of Cenaua of Cenaua of Cenaua of Cenaua of Census of Cenaua of Item 1950 1945 1940 193S 1930 1925 1920 {For definitions and explanations, see text) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (April 1) (January 1) (January 1) Annual legumes: 11,928 C) 12,076 5,550 3,669 (•) C) acres grown alone... 62,792 30,619 39,008 13,074 8,395 C) C) acres grown with other crops... 94,240 67,302 104.892 33,595 22,779 CI C) 1,567 1,221 1.570 1,766 C) C) 218 acres grown alone... 29,774 C) 8,131 C) C) (•) ) 700 acres grown with other crops... 10, 328 C) 6,710 C) (•) C) bushels. . . 460,938 64,393 76,677 24,801 47,326 CI 7,087 value. . dollars. . . 1,323,293 187,093 140,566 46,874 99,289 CI 26.223 4,341 14.4IU 30,943 ) 258,942 52,606 407,124 70,678 554,667 23,512 154,983 (•) 200 073 34, 520 acres grown alone... 168,462 acres grown with other crops... 13, 456 / tons. . . 22,704 172,061 303,302 328,539 106 633 C) 133,021 value. . dollars. . . 755,583 5,713,065 4.118,453 6,242,241 2,219,417 (•) 3,990,630 Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut (or silage farms reporting... 5,204 C) C) C) C) C) acres grown alone. . . 9,961 C) C) C) C) C) acres grown with other crops... 52,908 C) C) C) C) C) value. . dollars. . . 797,043 C) C) (•) CI C) 1,858 C) C) C) C) C) seres grown alone... 8,647 C) C) C) C) C) acres grown with other crops... 17,548 C) C) C) C) C) 37,509 C) 90,894 98,642 35,309 C) <•) acres grown alone. . . 129,534 152,613 373,566 344, 108 56,745 (•) C) acres grown with other crops... 153,370 463,890 888.456 737,847 210.770 (•) C) 12,769 32.149 40,068 68,779 C) C) C) acres grown alone. . . 28,663 C) 57,006 C) C) C) C) acres grown with other crops. . . 49,563 C) 352,897 C) C) (•) C) bushels. . . 242,795 404,379 868,057 1,023,762 397,784 C) C) value. . dollars. . . 1,153,700 1,976,477 1,193,939 1,382,079 910,761 C) C) 1.834 C) C) C) C) (•) C) acres grown alone. . . 2,587 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres grown with other crops... 1,593 C) C) C) C) C) C) bushels in shells. . . 48,415 C) C) C) C) C) C) value. . dollars. . . 121,034 C) C) C) (•) (•) (•) 22,506 ( 8 ) (•) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) < 8 > < 8 > acres grown alone. . . 76,924 («l (») ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( e ) ( B ) acres grown with other crops... 57,453 (") < 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) tons. . . 96,946 (») ( B ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( B ) value. . dollars. . . 3, 120, 124 (») ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) Cowpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for silage fsrms reporting... 3.547 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres grown Blone. . . 6,554 C) C) C) C) (•) C) acres grown with other crops... 19,883 C) C) C) C) (•) C) value. . dollars. . . 478,367 C) C) C) C) C) C) 5,062 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres grown alone... 14,806 C) C) C) C) C) (•) acres grown with other crops... 24,878 C) C) C) C) o C) 5,751 C) 16,022 17,403 10,918 C) C) acres grown alone. . . 22,425 38.063 23.857 16.014 13,362 C) C) acres grown with other crops. . . 598 1,723 4,015 4,313 5,063 C) (•) Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting... 4,847 7,111 11,556 15.839 C) (••) 7,269 acres grown alone... 18,969 } 33,243 ( 14,734 C) C) (••1 \ 7,460 acres grown with other crops... 86 i I 308 C) C) (••) ] pounds, 1950, 1945, and 1940; bushels, other years... 12,233,964 20,991,810 9,024,539 250,397 274,934 (••) 112,578 value. . dollars. . . 1,392,199 1,791,415 403,792 328,020 249,271 (••) 326. 478 Peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting... 1,267 2,918 (•) ( 8 ) (») (■) ( 8 ) acres grown alone. . . 8,316 CI < B > ( 8 ) < 8 > («) ( 8 ) acres grown with other crops... 96 C) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) (') ( 8 ) ( B ) tons. . . 5,015 10, 120 ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) value. . dollars. . . 107,414 201,326 ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( 8 ) ( B ) 2,424 C) C) C) 6,491 5 832 2.982 acres grown alone. . . 6,056 C) C) C) 10,503 \ 59 974 26,893 acres grown with other crops... 14.705 C) C) C) 55,834 J bushels. . . 25,076 C) C) C) 169,380 C) (•) value. . dollars. . . 52,152 C) C) C) 246,097 C) C) Value of soybeans, cowpeas, peanuts, and velvetbeans 5,182 C) C) C) C) C) C) dollars. . . 2,339,820 C) C) C) C) (•) (•) Nay crops, excluding soybean, cowpea, peanut, and sorghum hay. See text: 43,290 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres . . 372,951 227,549 111,500 86,833 53,014 65 885 165, 339 471 139 281 255 386 554 798 acres. . . 2,725 842 1,742 1,548 1.852 2 120 2,621 tons. . . 6,174 1,076 2,354 2,813 3,639 C) 5.896 value. . dollars. . . 232. 179 35, 370 42,335 66,106 88,316 C) 247.632 558 139 188 71 C) C) C) acres. . . 5,573 1,182 902 308 414 2 553 2,811 tons. . . 5,474 1,021 963 308 404 (•) 3.128 value. . dollars. . . 169,788 33.348 14,619 6.160 9,118 C) 115,374 32, 522 17.437 8,837 (") (") (") (") acres. . . 280, 620 177,770 75,339 (") (") (") ("1 tons. . . 273,080 149,744 66,891 (") (••) (••) (") value. . dollars. . . 8,585,843 4,810,066 1,003,365 (") (••) ("I (") Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grain cut 8,643 3,254 3,051 5,445 2,442 2 120 15.316 acres. . . 47,915 18,810 16,938 23,532 10,681 9 651 64,982 tons. . . 42, 190 15,488 15,455 16,208 10,107 C) 49,692 value. . dollars. . . 1, 181,320 391,850 194,401 307,952 197,095 C) 1,590.144 7,426 C) C) C) C) C) C) acres. . . 39.393 28.945 16,579 61,445 40.067 51 561 94.925 tons. . . 32.931 22.057 15,847 42.681 28.982 (•) 83.079 value. .dollars. . . 1,061,679 477,602 173,239 702.870 499,402 (•) 2.47 5.750 11 C) 10 16 (") (••) (") ("I acres. . . 204 C) I0 221 (■•) (") ("1 (••) tons. .green weight... 867 C) l0 989 (") (••) CM (") value. .dollars. . . 6,936 C) 10 5,934 (••) (") C) CM 2, 481 (*) (') (') (') C) C) tons. . . 19*666 C) C) C) C) C) 4.652 dollars. . . 514.914 C) C) (•) C) C) 144.033 Receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privi leges. .. farms reportina. .. 522 C) C) C) C) (•) C) dollars. . . 39.649 C) C) C) C) (•) C) See footnotes at end of table. 36£ STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: ' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued {For definitions and explanations, see text) X Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Cen su s of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of '925 (January 1) Lespedeza seed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops: Alfalfa seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Red clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Lespedeza seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dol lars Sweetclover seed harvested farms reporting. acres pounds value. . dol lars Sudan grass seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dol lars Lupine seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Ryegrass seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dol lars Crimson clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Fescue seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dol lars Other clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Bur-clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Whi te clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Ladino clover seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dollars Orchard grass seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dol lars Winter peas for seed harvested farms reporting acres pounds value. . dol lars All other field seed crops harvested acres value. . dollars Value of lespedeza seed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops sold farms reporting. dollars. Other field crops: Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale. . . . farms reporting acres bushels value, .dollars Sweetpototoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting acres bushel s value. . dol lars Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales value. . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds va luc. . dol I nrs Suirnrcanc or sorphum harvested for sirup farms reporting acres gallons value. .dol lars Sec footnotes at end of table. 1 5 500 17 5 14 95 7.885 3,154 5,384 66.643 15,136.078 1,706,146 2 16 3 300 18 98 3,825 2,067.057 129, 527 25 163 47.951 7,193 264 2,215 306,135 52,045 62 667 95.119 33,291 11 121 15.215 6,086 1 1 200 80 3 85 4,600 3,680 18 138 7,976 11.963 2 30 2,300 506 5 1.600 112 2,523 50.024 5.083 1.542.299 32,178 ,3 9,430 1.326,342 2,566.185 53,012 13 36,530 3.605,521 7.232,085 93.326 1.197,845 543,936 88.651,440 33,876 105,802 125,080.(12(1 61.263,001 5.243 2,642 162.205 235.982 C) C) C) C) 6 21 .460 984 40. 182 .913.867 837.099 C) C) 44.813 26.079 1. .355.626 2.089,676 85.915 63,915 6,272.392 11.256,147 102, 588 1,024,084 845.944 108.732. 102 31.081 106,758 114.258,125 49.411.711 ls 6,lb4 15 2,323 I5 27-t! 301 ls 342.880 2 3 240 48 "167,280 "23.674 2.163 20.619 3,157.674 164,199 23 114 17,820 1.069 17 38,962 22.338 301.868 758, 153 82,841 53,556 937.908 184,125 111,618 176,990 849.982 676.896 29.464 126,815 962,944 250,649 "'27,810 "15.059 "■920,353 "549, 730 29,542 19,347 2.396.380 2.012,959 117,484 68,362 5,057.144 3.590,572 132,784 1.281,826 680.880 "43,392. 482 22.459 71.662 55,900,223 12,074,448 C) C) C) C) 12 93 12 389 12 74,040 12 5. 198 ) 32,422 20,323 2,580.248 3.202.698 78,092 46,776 5.011,099 1.307,912 131,426 1.973,228 835,963 79,841.879 22.519 112,852 83.302.706 12,933,344 u 24,894 "•9.821 u 811.725 16 678,096 8,241 20 . 660 2,398.280 3,710.523 56,659 34.467 2.355.681 2,697.207 155.642 2.023.926 844.224 "94.093.915 19.281 78.459 38,497,602 6,6S5,897 C) "4.6 CI CI SOUTH CAROLINA State Tabic 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued :;<;!> (For defini turns and explanations, see text) Cenaua of 1950 (Apr. I 1) Cenaua of 1945 (January 1) Cenaua of 1940 (April I) Cenaua of 1935 (January 1) Cenaua of 1930 (April I) Census of 1925 (January I) Cenaua of 1920 (January 1) Other field crops— Continued Uroomcorn harvested farms reporting acrea lb. of brush vnlue. . dol 1 nrs Popcorn harvested farms report mg acres 100 lb. ear corn. value.. dollars Root and Rroin crops hogged or grared, other than corn, sorirhuma. and annual legumes farms reporting acres Melons hsrvested for feed farms reporting acres tons value. . dollars Kudzu crowns harvested farms reporting acres thousands of plants value. . dol lurs Drv field and seed peas harvested for peas farms reporting acres bushels value. . dol lars All other field crops harvested acres value. . dol lars lue of specified crops harvested, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. lue of crops sold, except fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and vegetables dollars. 'eqetables for home 'ise and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use 22 Venetables harvested for sale' Globe artichokes Asparagus Green beans (snap, string, or wax). Green 1 ima beans Beets ( table) Broccoli Cabbage Cantalouos and muskmelons. . . , Carrots Col lards Sweet corn Cucumbers Eggplant Esc a role Kale Lettuce and romaine Okra Dry onions Green onions and shallots English peas Ho t peppers Sweet peppers and pimientos Pumpkins Spinach Squash Tomatoes Turnips Watermelons arms reporting alue. . dollars rms reporting acres sold. . dollars arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting. acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acre arms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting. acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres 2 1 1.020 153 22 31 415 2.792 3 2 20 9 198 272 3,264 2 48 207 724 232,631,256 155,438, 142 110,966 C) 15,081 96,227 7,630,218 3 2 93 452 4,840 13,455 2,664 2,994 73 377 17 701 1,089 3, 120 2,786 6,159 19 39 240 555 1.545 3,730 3,453 6.640 29 47 2 33 13 126 148 1.012 807 822 81 301 70 60 632 725 537 1.058 283 197 2 1 30 320 1, 132 1,499 3.079 4.036 319 758 6.784 45.376 149.638,271 132.792 11.283,415 24,068 90,092 8,266,888 (' (' (' C) 9,015 5,596 1.628 3,208 4.097 4.037 2,690 3,007 5,895 5.786 4 1. 177 94 65 39 283 1.011 450 3.187 C) C) (•) 12 25 160 "157 2,093 2 °54 "161 1,102 2,634 C) 208,695 104,418.031 70,672,899 122.575 4.911,005 15,917 72,776 3.358,509 700 6.075 4.97 5 8.812 2,981 4,436 248 248 10 298 989 3.650 2.407 4.924 149 191 90 176 1.117 2.047 2.490 4.780 20 11 (26) 2 5 137 581 393 298 236 250 54 35 2.137 4.228 85 294 220 381 2 149 229 396 536 3,761 6,908 342 435 6.153 21,962 133,076 3.506.051 C) 87.611 8.535 4.044 1 . 539 4.159 1.898 2.956 3.390 5.529 1.391 5.994 •mil 14 35 29 351 .449 35 216 •) •) •) •) 186 2 '960 1,610 4,909 C) (") 126.058 5,445.316 16,688 51,326 4,255,178 875 7,130 6,345 8,106 502 666 99 40 4 25 2,613 3,750 1,839 1.311 21 36 13 7 1,663 1,338 3.339 4.853 17 26 312 533 209 142 877 274 25 9 2.454 3.507 "69 s 121 272 522 89 111 3,975 3.221 220 167 6,612 14,296 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 19 2 985 59 2 3 •) 33.919 136.303 599.245 ,426,944 (••) (•) (•) (") (•) 142.511 (•) 9,832,031 (•) 8,001 (•) 15,975 (•) (•) 1.932, 559 C) (•) (•) C) 99 (•) 1,145 (•) 24 1, 198 (•) 2, 917 (•) ,24) (•) ( 2 «) (•) 15 (•) (•) 3 C) (•) 1.360 C) 1.602 3,628 2,232 1,569 830 1.504 595 C) 3 C) C) 2 C) C) 831 C) 198 773 239 (') 636 (•) 1,324 (•) 2 (•) 1 (•) (•) 291 129 1.249 428 C) 247 C) 84 406 330 313 61 (*) C) 389 (•) 245 (•) (•) C) 15 2 (*) (*) (*) (•) 30 (") 8 1,911 1.138 3.282 534 C) SO C) 86 8.160 3.881 18.462 7.779 See footnotes at end of table. 370 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: ' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Veqetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes)— Continued Veqetables harvested for sale 23 — Continued Garlic Kohl rabi Mustard (greens). Parsley Radishes Rhubarb Rutabagas Salsi fy Turnip greens. . . . arms reporting acres arms reDorting acres arms reporting acres s reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres Other vegetables acres.. Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: 27 Strawberries farms reporting. acres quarts value. . dol lars Blackberries and dewberries (tame) farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Raspberries ( tame) farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Tame blueberries farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Bovsenberries, loganberries, and youngberries farms reporting acres quarts value. . dollars Other berries and small fruits acres value. . dollars Tree fruits, nuts, and Qrapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting. acres Apples farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. Peaches farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. Pears farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. Cherries farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dol lars. Plums and prunes farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushel a. value. .do liars. 1 3 1 3 145 416 1 1 29 1,042 2 3 39 99 1 ') 38 60 703 430 256,916 86.725 79 22 9,296 2,080 2 (26) 192 58 2 31 18,400 4,784 1 (26) (26) 37,726 64,630 19,447 277.963 7.166 88, 503 14.110 189.460 6.473 132,859 324,667 21,633 4.731,178 8.067 760.372 15.327 3,970,806 4.637 1,476.292 4,317,439 12,850 42,527 3.965 11,927 9,458 30,600 3,204 25,345 38,646 4,700 16, 400 2.029 7.470 2.801 8,930 535 12.666 1.900 5.203 27.045 1,987 9,300 3,355 17.745 886 5.973 11,946 1.203 355 365.227 118.018 129 128 88.551 16.394 44 14 9,793 2,398 17.814 56,682 27,200 319,630 •) •) *) •) •) 260,855 560,834 35,203 ,436,656 •) •) •) •) 2,683.887 8.169.775 17.896 66.968 127,668 202,077 6,651 28.983 ') ) ) ') ') 158.975 14,310 5,374 24.174 ') •) •) 10.245 20,490 4 247 1,795 582 674,667 94.453 193 78 72.157 6.495 51 7 3,182 409 '■) ') ') ') ') 6 4.045 589 1 43 15,655 48,927 27.197 364.158 8.962 115,862 22,433 248,296 19,242 363.118 308,970 39,063 3.608.308 12.378 1,387,769 33,420 2.220,539 29, 169 2,043,651 2,177.434 18,497 70,273 4.154 16.306 15,458 53,967 12,972 131,404 102,462 7,112 32,748 2,585 12,698 4.913 20,050 3,618 191,251 13,546 8,063 40.728 2,018 9.499 6.510 31.229 5.149 25,110 20.08b 2.260 1,122 1.101,794 99.161 22,188 34,582 29.290 397,334 C) 125.438 C) 271,896 C) 271.759 309,805 40,635 1.568,520 C) 391.812 C) 1,176.708 C) 1,199,233 959, 386 17,996 69,843 C) 11.748 C) 58,095 C) 109.698 87,758 8.733 47.828 C) 17,816 C) 30,012 C) 734,048 29.403 7,630 33,524 (•) 6.073 C) 27,451 CI 23, 107 34,660 2.642 897 1.044.322 150,332 578 177 102.825 10,312 61 10 3,242 581 C) C) C) C) 7 217 23,784 27,604 33.269 443,620 C) 159.248 C) 284.372 C) 179,992 247,342 42,419 1,435,140 C) 274.134 C) 1,161.006 C) 689,650 947.926 19,119 83,755 C) 18.816 C) 64,939 C) 88,903 107,405 9.014 44.279 C) 16,770 C) 27,509 C) 373.352 29.067 9,113 43.961 C) 10.262 C) 33.699 C) 17.779 23,113 595 428 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 43,624 628,443 C) 258.913 C) 369,530 C) 562,243 774,730 51.504 1.453,161 726,825 1,083,441 24,412 100,747 1.776 0.1 See footnotes at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued 371 (For definitions and expl anations, lee text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 1945 (Jsr.u.ry 1) Census of 1940 (April I) Census of 1935 (January I) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) Tree fruits, nuts, and qrapea— Continued Apricots trees of trees not of bearing age. trees of hearing age Quantity harvested. . farma reporting, al 1 ages. .numher. . farms reporting. numher. . farms reporting. numher. farms reporting, hushels. value. .dollars. Figs. trees of trees not of hearing age trees of hearing age quantity harvested . farms reporting, al 1 ages. . numher. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. numher. . farms reporting. pounds. value. .dollars. vines of vines not of bearing age. vines of bearing age. quantity harvested. . farms reporting, all ages. . numher. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. pounds. value. .dollars. trees of trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. quantity harvested. Oranges. trees of trees not of hearing age trees of hearing age quantity harvested. . farms reporting, all ages. .number. •farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting, field boxes, value. . dol lars. . farms reporting, all ages. .number. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. number. farms reporting, field boxes, value. .dollars. Grapefruit. trees of trees not of hearing age. trees of bearing age. quantity harvested. . farms reporting, all ages. . numher. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. number. farms reporting. field boxes. value. . dollars. trees of trees not of hearing age. trees of hearing age. quantity harvested. . farms reporting, all ages. .number. . .farms reporting. number. . . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. bushels. . value. .dollars. Japanese persimmons. trees of trees not of hearing age. trees of bearing age. quantity harvested. . farms reporting, all ages. .number. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Pomegranates. trees not of bearing age. trees of bearing age. quantity harvested. . . farms reporting, all ages. .number. . farms reporting. number. . farms reporting. number. farms reporting, bushels, value. .dollars. 245 505 159 319 93 186 13 35 99 10.833 28.387 2.621 7.442 8.586 20.945 5.165 370.810 47.842 13.922 249, 526 3.761 62,836 10,653 186,690 5,816 1,363,326 122,146 3 9 22 26 91 10 27 20 64 16 108 270 4 11 2 5 3 6 11 156 6 47 6 109 83 158 21 34 61 124 20 139 333 15,484 143,732 C) C) C) C) C) 1,981.057 153,541 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 117 354 55 222 63 132 39 95 112 10.259 25.392 1.314 5.000 8,742 20, 392 7.474 597,739 44,676 15.618 148.356 3.212 35.498 13,130 112,858 11,323 2,408,914 84.315 C) 25 104 9 50 19 54 11 73 101 2 2 1 1 1 1 12 120 107 6 13 17 21 10 35 7 20 6 15 7 328 9 55 319 18 98 42 221 25 7,728 161 18,587 173.791 C) 26,110 C) 147,681 C) 3.072,095 107,523 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 49 181 C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C> C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 31 53 12.877 32,759 C) 6.325 (•) 26.434 C) 508,925 33,981 17.023 164.324 C) 47.566 C) 116.758 C) 1.622,092 73, 520 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) '(•)' C) C) C) 4 133 288 11 C) C) 26,305 160,593 C) C) '(•')' C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 23,711 3,346 6.818 7,015 16,893 283, 496 34,017 C) 115.361 6,360 27,874 19,060 87.487 2,668,650 266,866 C) C) CM C) C) CI C) C) C) C) C) C) See footnotes at end of table. 372 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED:' CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes— Continued Quinces farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of beanne age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. bushels. value. . dollars. Al] other tree fruits value. .dol lars. Improved and seedling pecans farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. .dollars. Improved pecans ( budded, grafted, or top-worked) .... farms reporting. trees of all ages. .number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Wild or seedling pecans farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Walnuts (English or Persian) farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. .dol lars. Filberts and hazelnuts farms reporting. trees of all ages. -number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age.. farms reporting. number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dol lars. Almonds farms reporting, trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age., farms reporting, number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds. value. . dollars. Chestnuts farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number. trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. number. trees of bearing age. . farms reporting, number. quantity harvested, . farms reporting. pounds, value. . dol I ars. Black walnuts farms reporting. trees of all ages. . number, trees not of bearing age. . farms reporting. trees of bearing age, . farms reporting number. quantity harvested. . farms reporting. pounds, .value. . dol 1 ars. All other nuts value. .doll ars. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts harvested ...dollars. Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and nuts sold farms reporling, dol lars See footnotes at end of table. Census of 19 SO (April IJ Census of 1945 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January 1) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) 18,573 218.617 C) 39,932 C) 178,685 C) 1.878,846 403,831 154 473 195,424 4.715 36,082 11,901 159,342 7,048 1,696,293 373.786 3,100 23,193 774 3,850 2,479 19,343 1.302 182.553 30.045 28 66 15 29 15 37 7 157 31 3 14 3 14 76 439 67 416 10 23 4 234 47 1,225 4, 128 219 894 1.034 3,234 556 63,991 1,919 4,433 3,637,742 18,650 227.027 .935.964 556.512 15.668 207.017 5,104 38,695 12,243 168.322 10,976 2,203,432 300.391 13.040 176.666 C) 33,005 C) 143.661 C) 1.829,864 267,011 3,450 30,351 C) 5,690 C) 24,661 C) 373,568 33, 380 108 232 38 74 73 158 67 C) '(•)' •;;■)■ C) 3 225 2 125 1 100 8.706 6,142,854 8.803 1,771.467 (•) C) C) C) C) (M C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) <•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) (•) C) (•) 3.155,0751 (••) C) C) C) 13 573 218 724 101 860 116 864 515 803 142 C) C) C) C) C) C) 377 C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) <•) C) S3 90 38 52 967 .'11 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 14.703 200.407 C) 111,702 C) 88.705 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) CI C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) <•')'" C) C) C) C) !.! o o o o CI (••) (•) C) SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 12.— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: 1 CENSUSES OF 1920 TO 1950— Continued 373 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Census of 1950 (April 1) Census of 19*5 (January 1) Census of 1940 (April 1) Census of 1935 (January I ) Census of 1930 (April 1) Census of 1925 (January 1) Census of 1920 (January 1) Nursery aid greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, nnd bulbs sold. . dol lars Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc. ) farms reporting acres so Id, .doll a rs Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale: drown under glass farms reporting, square feet Grown in open , farms reporting, acres Sold farms reporting dollars Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting square feet Grown in open . farms reporting acres Sold ., .. farms reporting dol lars orest products: Al 1 forest products sold dollars Firewood and fuelwood cut farms reporting cords (4'x4'x8') Fence posts cut farms reporting numbi Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting thousands of bd. ft Pulpwojod cut farms reporting cords Piling and poles cut farms reporting numbe Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles sold farms reporting. dollars Standing timber sold farms reporting, dollars Value of other forest products sold (gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, etc. ) farms reporting dollars ,567 230 202 714 585 118 106 616 058 232 489 279 868 557 39 48 336 69 58 101 113 555 5,030 246 50 611 573 820 9 023 1.394 320 3 776 41 267 1 565 86 631 291 49 816 2 928 1,367 969 4 193 3,523 792 339 138 485 <•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) 1,881,643 C) CI C) C) C) C) (•) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) 52 432 116, 502 "45 "354,790 C) (•) "112,188 C) C) 3S 123 J5 374 C) "76,615 C) 305 332 "175 "181 062 "101 C) C) (•) C) 11,24 270 (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) (•) 315 106,871 " 13 "204,913 '•) C) I I "140, 178 C) C) 2,157.824 86,720 1,079,973 4,230 498,622 4.342 207, 352 1,052 20,212 406 57,278 C) C) C) C) C) (•) f ) (•) !•> CI C) C) C) ::: C) C) 5,849,318 96 407 C) ,152,059 C) CI C) C) C) ('•) C) (•) C) C) (•) C) C) (•) (•) ci •Not available. •Available data not comparable; see text. 1 Figures for cropland harvested and specified crops relate to the crop years 1949, 1944, 1939, 1934, 1929, 1924, and 1919. Total acres of crops for which figures are available, except that corn cut for forage was excluded being largely duplicated in acres harvested for grain. Calculated value of corn harvested for grain, corn cut for silage, and corn hogged or grazed or cut for green or dry fodder. Corn cut for forage. Calculated value of sorghums for grain, silage, hay or dry forage, and sorghums hogged off or grazed. s The 1^44 and 1939 figures do not include acres plowed under for green manure. For 1944, soybeans and cowpeas harvested for hay. Prior to 1944, annual legumes saved for hay, but excluding vetches in 1924. * For figures on annual legumes saved for hay, including cowpeas and peanut vines, see soybeans for hay. 9 For censuses prior to 1950, obtained by adding the individual hay crops, exclusive of sorghums and annual legumes. Silage crops other than corn and sorghums. Clover seed except sweetclover. Clover seed. For 1949, does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. |*Vb1uc for lint cotton only Sugarcane for sirup. Sorghum and sugarcane siruo reported sep lv. All data combined. For 1940 r 1930, farms reporting sorghums for sirup, 9,173 and farms reporting sugarcane tor sirup, 15,721 Sorghums for sirup. Farms reporting and acres are for sorghums for sirup. ''Utilization of kudzu not available. May have been largely for hay. Production in tons. Excludes reports tor farms reporting acres grown for all purposes with no production. Acres harvested for peas not available Includes acres grown alone and acres grown with other crops for all purposes. Acres harvested for peas not available. Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes, except for 1920 Census which included potatoes for home use only. Excludes Irish and sweet potatoes. Green lima beans included with green beans. ""Hot peppers included with sweet peppers and pimientos. Reported in small fractions. For censuses prior to 1950, small fruits harvested for home use or for sale. ^For 1950, does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. farms reporting sorghums for sirup, 13,964 and farms reporting sugarcane for sirup, 13,846. ^Published as less than 1 ton Less than 1 dol lar. Trees, plants, vines, etc., in nurseries Crops grown under glass (flowers, plants Flowers, plants, and vegetables grown under glass, and flowers grown in the open Total square feet under glass. 3S Flower and vegetable seeds, bulbs, and flowers and plants grown in the open. flower and vegetable seeds; and bulbs, and vegetables) and propagated mushrooms. 374 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 13.— FARMS, FARM CHARACTERISTICS, AND FARM PRODUCTS FOR SPECIFIED LARGE FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 Item I For definitions and explanations, see text) Percent of State total (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, acreage, and value: Farms number. land in farms acres. Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars. average per acre, dollars. Land in farms according to use, 1919: Cropl and harvested farms reporting acres Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Wood! and pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Irrigated I and in farms farms reporting acres Farms by size: Under 30 acres number. 30 to 259 acres number. 260 to 4°-9 acres number. 500 to 99Q acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Specified facilities and equipment: Grain combines farms reporting number Corn pickers farms reporting number Pick-up hay balers farms reporting number Motortrucks farms reporting number Tractors farms reporting number Farm labor, week preceding enumeration: Hired workers farms reporting persons Specified farm expenditures: Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dol lars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol I ars Livestock and poul try purchased farms reporting doll ars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. .. farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil... farms reporting dol 1 ars Tractor repairs farms reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repai rs farms report in] dol 1 ars Farms by type of farm: Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit -and- nut number Ve get able farms number Frui t- and- nut farms number Dai ry farms number Poul t ry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number General farms number VisceJ laneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: Commercial farms number Class I (value of products sold, $25,000 or more) number Class II (value of products sold, S10,000-f24,999) number Classes III-VI (value of products sold. *250-*9.999) number Other farms number Value of products sold, by source: Al I farm products sold dol lars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dol lars Vegetables sold dol I ars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars Dairy products sold dol 1 ars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars [ lve stock and I l ve stock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold do II ars Forest products sold dollars 1,375 2,311,408 78,752 45.43 1,223 375,910 800 125,560 72ft 335, 235 414 111,683 17 5,497 11 27 39 299 999 69P 426 196 55 690 910 97 114 309 325 1,045 2,164 1,124 3,135 966 10 , 168 682 53ft, 60S 1,190 7,10 5,29 5 816 2,754,298 713 1,876,690 1,036 1,109,680 1,216 1,923,211 1,0 47 788,835 912 468,091 369 29 16 65 30 284 286 296 1,171 235 315 621 204 21,371.014 9,298,258 1.421,822 523,304 381,023 2,235,588 2, 2S1,9S6 3,901,000 1,358.063 1.0 1Q.5 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx 0.9 9.5 3.0 25.4 2. 1 27.8 1.6 22.8 20.2 85.8 (') f 1 ) 0.9 14.8 ieo.1 1.2 2.6 48.9 0.1 11.0 13.5 26. 1 30.0 14.3 14.7 4.1 7.3 4.8 10.3 5.9 22.3 1.0 8.4 1.9 25.7 1.3 16.0 1.5 20.4 1.5 19.3 2.5 16.6 6.5 23.7 2.4 17.8 0.5 2.5 2.4 1.1 2.0 9.4 4.6 0.5 1.4 45.2 21.0 0.8 0.4 10.0 6.0 18.6 14.5 24.3 19.5 21.1 21.5 27.0 Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting. . number. . Whole milk sold farms reporting.. gallons-- dol 1 ars. . Cream sold farms reporting. . pounds of butterfat.. dollars.. Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting.. dol lars. . Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting.. number. . Sheep and wool : Sheep and lambs farms reporting. . number. . Sheep and lambs born before Oct. 1. 1949.. farms reporting.. number. . Ewes farms reporting. . number. . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting.. number shorn. , Wool shorn pounds. . Poultry and poultry products: Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. ... farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting. . number. . dol 1 ars. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens., dol lars. . Animals sold al ive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting dollars Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting Cattle sold alive, excluding calves farms reporting number dollars Calves sold alive farms reporting number dollars Hops and pigs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Horses and mules sold alive farms reporting number dollars Specified crops harvested: Corn for all purposes forms reporting acres Harvested for gram farms reporting acres bushels Corn sold bushels Oats threshed or combined farms reporting acres bushels quantity sold. . fcius reporting bushels Cowpeas harvested for dry peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Irish potatoes harvested for home use or for sale farms reporting acres bushel s sold. . dol lars Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres bales sold. . dollars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds sold. .dollars Land in bearing and nonbcaring fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms reporting seres 1,053 1. 63.279 17. 1,009 1. 32,921 16. 770 1. 9.502 6.' 160 3.1 4, lfi*. 431 0. 2.187,564 20. 25 1. 73,253 17.' 41,227 17. 27 0. 6.797 1. 922 , 42.634 7. 637 1. 5.190 7. 929 48 689 42 494 22 465 2,602 863 92, 149 174 486,319 429,906 319 382.031 180,892 1.057 3,878,807 830 604 14,660 1,863,660 561 10, 155 618,480 758 44,216 1,323.620 20 261 3,358 81 515 59,689 990 88,254 954 78,654 1,698,612 360,686 656 55,410 1.334.339 286 488.085 192 5,963 1,823 32,120 741 48,532 209 2,343 39 3,007 707,380 688 81.337 36,940 5,366,605 125 1,118 1.287,345 593,967 580 9,235 SOUTH CAROLINA 375 State Tabic 14.— FARMS, AND LAND IN FARMS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF FARM OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 (For definition Item and explanations ALL FARM OPERATORS Farms number. Land owned by farm operators acres. Land rented from others by farm operators acres. Land managed by farm operators acres. Land rented to others by farm operators, .farms reporting. acres. md in farms acres. Average sue of farm acres. Land In farms according to use, 1949: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres Cropland used only for pasture acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres Woodland pastured acres Woodland not pastured acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) .. acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) acres Cropland, total acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Tenants related to landlord number Tenants reporting landlord living on a farm number ALL WHITE 0PFRAT0RS Farms . mbei Land owned by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres Land managed by farm operators acres Land rented to others by farm operators, .farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm .acres, Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. Cropland used only for pasture acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres. Woodland' pastured acres. Woodland not pastured acres. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland! .. acres. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) acres. Cropland, total acres. Land pastured, totol acres. Woodland, total acres. ALL NONWHITE OPERATORS Farms . lumbe Land owned by farm operators acres Land rented from others by farm operators acres ,and managed by farm operators acres -and rented to others by farm operators. . farms reporting acres .and in farms acres Average size of farm acres Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. Cropland used only for pasture acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured acres. Woodland pastured acres. Woodland not pastured acres. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). .acres. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) acres. Cropland, total acres. Land pastured, total acres. Woodland, total acres. Total all farms 139,364 9,040, 160 3.819,576 645,251 24,998 1,626,194 11,878.793 85.2 129,967 3,959, B22 494, 385 931,783 1,207.07 2 4,354,782 489, 181 441,768 5,385,990 61,197 2, 190,638 5,561,854 84 6,408 7,712 34, 8 37 78,022 8,063,525 2,161,726 628,141 21,971 1,537,027 9,316,365 119.4 69,860 2,531,430 439,203 756,076 1,066,733 3,735,800 431,129 3S5.994 3,726,709 1,937,065 4,802,533 61,342 976,635 1,657,850 17,110 3,027 89,167 2,562,428 41.8 60,107 1,428,392 55, 182 175,707 140,339 618,982 SS.052 95,774 1,659.281 253,573 759,321 Tenure of operator 59,282 7,227,785 xxxxxxxxxx (•) 18,375 1,079,213 6, 14*, 572 103.7 51,743 1,471,677 301,765 539,176 712,968 2,587,383 283,659 252,844 2,312,618 37, 143 1,297,492 3,299,451 53 5,291 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 45,442 6,469,039 (xxxxxxxxx (*) 16,503 1,027,894 5,441,145 119.7 38,635 1,211,611 277,837 475,851 654,861 2,336,514 261,940 222,531 1,965,299 1,194,638 2,991,375 13,840 758,746* xxxxxxxxxx (•) 1,872 51, 319 707,427 51.1 13, 108 260,066 23,928 63,325 57,207 250,869 21,719 30,313 347,319 102,854 308,076 Part owners 16, 495 1,812.375 954,001 C) 4,901 426,971 2,339,405 141.8 16, 122 842,380 111,384 153,282 245,024 835,604 84,129 67,602 1,107,046 9,040 440, 537 1,080,628 21 979 9,338 1,594,486 782,751 C) 4,134 399,060 1,978,177 211.8 9,003 653, 369 100,613 125,989 223,821 736,669 77,879 59,837 879,971 402,313 960, 490 7,157 217,889 171,250 C) 767 27,911 361,228 50.5 7,119 189,011 10,771 27,293 21,203 98.935 6,250 7,765 227,075 38,224 120,138 MunaRrr, 401 C) C) 645,251 192 59,825 585, 426 1,459.9 374 83,842 30,723 44, 196 92,046 258,578 43, 204 32,837 158,761 319 165,973 350,624 6 124 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 385 (•) (•) 628,141 185 58,223 569,918 1,480.3 360 81,980 29,859 42, 479 88,792 253,988 41,289 31,531 154,318 159,940 342,780 17, 110 7 1,602 15, 508 969.3 14 1,862 864 1,717 3,254 4,590 1,915 1,306 4,443 6,033 7,844 Tenant* 63.186 2,865,575 C) 1,530 60,185 2,805,390 44.4 61,728 1,561,923 50,513 195, 129 157,934 673,217 78,189 1,807,565 14,695 286,636 831,151 4 14 7,712 34,837 22,857 xxxxxxxxx 1,378,975 C) 1,149 51,850 1,327.125 58.1 21,862 584,470 30,894 111,757 99,259 408,629 50,021 42,095 727,121 180,174 507,888 40,329 xxxxxxxxx 1,486,600 C) 381 8,335 1,478,265 36.7 39,866 977,453 19,619 83,372 58,675 264, 588 28,168 46,390 1,080,444 106,462 323,263 8.308 546,718 C) 603 24,410 522,308 62.9- 7,823 213,882 12,063 47,377 40,159 17 4,781 17,111 16,935 273,322 C) 69,333 214.940 (•) C) 1,057 2,777 3,494 xxxxxxxxx 320,047 C) 468 21,736 298,311 85.4 3,098 94,988 8.607 30,467 28,679 113, 579 12,374 9,617 134,062 49,660 1 42, 258 4,814 226,671 C) 135 2,674 223,997 46.5 4,725 118,894 3,456 16,910 11,480 61,202 4,737 7.318 139,260 19.673 72,682 Share - caah 1, 190 KXXXXXXX 57.736 (•) 46 1,415 56.321 47.3 1,181 34,561 654 3,165 2,048 13,493 878 1,522 38.380 C) 3,580 15.541 C) C) 96 550 483 XXXXXXXX 28,046 C) 32 1,227 26.B19 55.5 477 13,694 431 1,870 1,232 8,244 587 761 15,995 2,250 9,476 707 XXXXXXXX 29,690 C) 14 188 29,502 41.7 704 20,867 223 1,295 816 5,249 291 761 22,385 1,330 6,065 ■Not available. Crop- share 18,411 EXXXXXXXX 911.788 (•) 326 10,695 901,093 48.9 18.232 512,446 12, 577 61,002 48,567 211,889 25,400 29,212 586,025 C) 86,544 260, 456 (•) (•) 1,600 9,134 7,482 xxxxxxxxx 436,181 C) 243 8,862 427,319 57.1 7.381 205, 323 6,860 32,968 28,354 124,491 15, 113 14,210 245. 151 50,327 152.845 10,929 xxxxxxxxx 475,607 C) 83 1,833 473,774 43.4 10,851 307,123 5,717 28,034 20,213 87,398 10. 287 15.002 340,874 36,217 107,611 Livestock- shure 313 xxxxxxx 19. 107 (•) 3 215 18,892 60.4 307 10,614 1, 139 1,145 1,509 3,415- 594 476 12,898 (•) 3,242 4,924 (•) C) 27 132 146 xxxxxxxxx 11,152 (•) 2 182 10,970 75.1 140 5,477 913 62e 1,225 2,020 398 309 7,018 2,536 3,245 Croppers 167 7,955 C) 1 33 7,922 47.4 167 ,137 226 51? 284 ,395 196 5,880 706 1,679 29,478 xxxxxxxxx 974.458 C) 238 7,490 966,968 32.8 29,105 665,438 13,972 50,958 35, 249 155,757 18,324 27,270 730,368 (•) 67,545 191,006 C) C) 3,950 20, 358 8,713 xxxxxxxxx 364, 168 (•) 156 6,498 357,670 41.1 8,516 203, 0B1 7,405 25,932 18,860 83,374 9,710 9,308 236,418 35,975 102, 234 20,765 xxxxxxxxx XXX 610,290 C) 82 992 609,298 29.3 20, 589 462, 357 6,567 25,026 16,389 72,383 8,614 17,962 493,950 31, 570 88.772 Ol tier and tiDspeci - fled 5,486 KXXXXXXXX 355,768 C) 314 15,960 339,808 61.9 5.0P0 124,982 10, 108 31,482 30,402 113,882 15,882 13,070 166,572 C) 56, 392 144.284 C) C) 982 1,886 2,539 219,381 C) 248 13,345 206,036 81.1 2,250 61', 907 6,678 19,892 20,909 76,921 11,839 7,890 88,477 39,426 97,830 2,947 XXXXXXXX 136,387 C) 66 2,615 133,772 45.4 2,830 63,075 3,430 11,590 9,493 36,961 4.043 5,180 78,095 16,966 46,454 376 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY t Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) White operators Total all farms of whi te operators Tenure of operator' FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE Farms. . , .number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average siie of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value t. . percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported... percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 .to 9 acres. farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land ( house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age • years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years - ..operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACI1ITIES fe I cphone Electricity From a power line Average of last monthly clectri From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric wa siting machine Electric chi ck brooder Electric power- feed grinder farms repo farms repo farms repo do farms repo farms repi farms repo farms repo farms repo farms repi farms repo rting rting ting liars rting rt.ng rting rting rting rting rting 78,325 55,301 8,021,356 32,20 3 2, 164,501 453 664,063 22,052 1,501,749 9,348,171 119.4 7,827 70.62 87 81 70,375 2,556,635 13,913 18,088 14,482 12,378 7,410 2,638 1,466 20.9R8 449, 428 32,428 758,986 27,265 1,067,494 48,964 3,742,438 19,973 416,669 65, 335 356,521 7 5,007 3,765,049 46,604 1,933,591 57,302 4.809,932 72,570 3,606 31,972 32,532 8,137 24,395 43,438 2,508 12,301 17,797 16,062 13,333 9,599 47.3 29,145 8,405 12,507 32,341 12 1 1.261 67.180 b7,002 5.29 178 31,315 13.186 8,545 34,822 11.899 995 19,615 19,615 3.960,142 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (•) (•) 7.892 513,921 3,446,221 ITS. 7 10,696 65.07 87 81 19,049 919,199 1,383 3,991 4,205 4,504 3,228 1.193 545 7,603 195,680 7,954 212,701 8,856 434,782 15,628 1.410,127 5,762 150.134 17.689 123,598 19,372 1 327,580 14,515 780,596 17,790 1,844,909 18 215 919 2 693 4 570 2 124 2 446 14 545 200 1 981 3 820 4 476 4 283 3 157 il.O 3 615 504 3 120 1! 908 18 3, 376 17,547 17,503 6.06 44 o,90O 4] 487 3, 108 9,895 4,031 436 6,750 6,750 1,374,668 6,750 684,189 C) C) 3,173 300,746 1,758,111 260.5 15,116 61.69 86 81 6,678 612,793 176 679 1,013 1, 355 1,858 913 684 2,998 98,654 2,840 107,442 3,137 198.992 5,211 629,436 1,921 61,710 6,163 49,084 6,727 818,889 5,145 359, 356 5,987 828,428 6,177 433 1,123 2,049 968 1.081 4,569 132 1,007 1.806 1.650 1,065 526 46.0 1,651 211 1,207 3,582 14 1.533 6,329 6.313 8.06 16 4,174 1,873 1.344 1,800 1,818 221 .Sec footnotes at end of table. SOUTH CAROLINA COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 a sample of farms. See text] 377 White operators— Continued Tenure of operator 1 —Continued Tenants Crop-share Live stock-share Croppe Other and unspeci fied Farms not claasi fied by tenure 15,119 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IS, 119 (•) 969,088 786 36,743 932,345 61.7 5,162 84.14 14,991 463,497 935 1, ,646 ,269 ,354 ,370 315 102 1,913 20,862 3,905 55,875 2,713 61,550 5,768 275. 116 1.954 26,976 10,018 28,469 15,039 540,234 4,864 109 , 388 6,590 336,666 14,312 481 1,511 3,345 2,435 910 11,429 1,260 3,623 3,884 2,725 1,395 7 34 40.7 10,043 3,660 2,175 2,210 5 719 11,964 11,924 3.40 40 2,251 730 879 4,930 1,399 66 1,533 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,533 224,350 307 16,823 207,527 135.4 7,698 57.99 385 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 385 (•) CI 20,255 20 765 19,490 50.6 5,893 119.45 89 90 87 87 1,497 3B5 77.827 10,285 65 311 180 321 105 402 70 233 20 99 10 66 386 55 6,715 370 626 no 14,697 1,310 446 95 20.080 805 884 160 77,146 5,920 248 45 5,921 235 1,175 300 5,141 565 1,508 385 99,2 39 11,965 744 140 32,716 1,410 1,014 190 97,226 6,725 1,369 370 153 10 218 45 442 80 239 65 203 15 1,066 300 40 30 338 115 418 80 307 60 167 40 87 30 43.1 40.4 819 240 202 65 302 65 352 75 8 6 142 10 1,148 305 1,143 305 5.42 3.09 5 386 50 176 5 141 25 532 140 211 25 10 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx (•) 5,678 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx 5,678 337,647 230 7,485 330, 162 58.1 5,595 97.17 89 88 5,678 173,378 210 1,495 1,832 1,466 570 96 9 678 4,386 1,546 18,518 1,151 18.040 2,468 94,471 899 10,100 4,027 11 , 269 5,678 196,282 2,051 32,526 2,763 112,511 5,422 106 436 1,111 901 210 4,452 360 1,231 1,495 1,090 581 325 42.0 3,712 1,260 882 774 5 216 4,653 4.643 3.16 10 684 177 343 2,019 529 31 126 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXX XX XXX XXX xxxxxxx 126 10,448 (•) CI 10,448 82.9 7,595 82.59 72 121 4,620 31 765 55 1,155 26 990 41 2.535 IS 110 96 273 121 6,540 46 1,865 46 3,525 5 111 101 4.02 10 41 11 6, 116 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C) 6, 116 253,818 74 4, 243 249,575 40.8 3,844 91.95 89 91 6,086 152,572 555 2,295 1,660 1,150 361 55 10 502 4,334 1,143 12,141 683 11,345 1,485 55,488 500 6,830 3,435 6,865 6.111 169,047 1,289 22,509 1,771 66,833 5,856 150 665 1,345 980 365 4,651 745 1,600 1,538 1,028 435 195 38.4 4,464 1,886 7 41 676 4 252 4,706 4,696 3.02 10 750 257 271 1,729 447 20 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 1,281 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx 1,281 122,570 155 7,427 115,143 89.9 6,105 69. IS 81 83 1,224 44,815 105 325 316 236 176 49 17 261 4,292 425 8,054 312 10.290 730 39,556 247 3,780 985 4,356 1,236 57,161 594 18,362 806 49,846 1, 169 62 142 332 220 112 879 80 304 318 220 146 97 42.4 722 217 165 313 7 94 1,041 1,036 4.18 5 340 104 99 454 162 5 36,44 5 28,936 2,686,546 10,334 5 1 1 , 224 57 76,313 10,037 600, 101 2,673,982 73.4 5,511 79.91 87 82 29 48 3, 11 8, 4 3, 106 17 342 12 283 22, 1,198, 10, 133, 31, 126, 33 931 21 523, 26, 1,481, 33,526 1,722 26,615 22,531 2,602 19,929 12,574 905 5,649 8,143 7,137 6,532 5,174 48.3 13,682 3,995 5,924 14.514 12 5,464 30,982 30,909 4.84 73 14,678 5,926 3,103 16,019 4.501 236 378 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY COLOR [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) White operators Total all farms of white operators Tenure of operator 1 Part owners Al 1 farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Mi Iking machines. Grain combines. . . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Silos Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobi les Year of newest model Under 5 years 5 to 9 years. . .~. 1 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface Gravel , she! 1 , or shale Dirt or unimproved FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Fami ly and/or hired workers Family worners, including operator Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more. Hi red workers Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more),... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers. Farms by kind ot workers: Both family workers and hired workers Fami ly workers only Operators only Unpaid members of operator's family only Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor. Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeda, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. ■ number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. farms reporting. . farms reporting. . dollars. . farms reporting. dollars. . farms reporting. . dollars.. farms reporting. . dollars. . farms reporting. . dol lars. farms reporting. . dollars. farms reporting. dol lars. farms reporting. dol lars. farms reporting. dollars. farms reporting. dol lars. 1,245 5,417 5,817 342 350 1,737 1,783 1,100 20,999 24,994 20,364 11,032 2,594 6,7 38 20,709 26,845 19,994 19,451 24,927 17,466 11,246 3,355 2,865 953 983 817 935 47,977 57,889 46,583 18,233 7,019 21,331 19,974 17,892 19,750 14,738 5,971 33,481 4,561 36,796 63,054 136,215 -60,952 95,012 56,449 25,009 38,563 13,814 41,203 9,545 26,492 6,198 14,711 7,616 ..,112 49.240 28,037 3,908 2,102 67,167 53,462 29,707,901 40,417 4,796,153 40,272 24,911,748 42,533 15,832,845 34,770 8,403,920 41,944 4,787,235 35,476 10,37 3,696 28,976 5.359,875 14,230 3,117,279 23,710 2,242,596 503 2, 138 2,251 170 17 3 696 704 420 7,127 8,529 6,857 4,125 824 1,908 ,563 9,852 7,454 7,276 9, 282 6,451 4, 128 1,293 1,030 209 224 310 346 12,725 15,609 12,300 5,950 1,769 4.581 1,873 3,649 6,530 5,935 1,628 7,975 919 9,800 17,140 42,053 16,401 26,300 15,325 7,128 10,975 5,308 15,753 3,955 10,544 2,149 5,209 3,159 4,569 11,832 6,306 829 739 18,190 15,994 11.540,173 12,238 1,837,666 13,293 9,702,507 1 2, 289 6,846,089 10,507 3,486,954 13,017 2,005,786 12,528 4,120.663 10,761 2,138,059 5,718 1,248,024 8,795 890,035 391 1,524 1,703 95 99 493 521 425 3,782 4,934 3,721 2,418 451 852 4,143 6,276 4, 123 4,051 6,063 3,695 2,546 673 476 65 67 122 146 4,824 6,438 4,700 2,557 624 1,519 220 676 1,711 3,344 799 3,009 293 3,210 6,387 23.916 6,139 10,026 5,867 2,455 4,159 3,011 13,890 2,440 9,396 1,208 4,494 1,803 2,763 3,376 1,838 182 6,600 6,253 9,191,414 4,503 1,024,870 5,659 8,166,544 4,678 4,292,886 4,286 2,487,412 5,181 1,393,652 5,531 3,156,753 4,952 1,758,084 3.352 1,080,791 3,952 677,293 •Not available. 'Data are given by tenure of operator for coTnnerci al farma only. SOUTH CAROLINA AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued 379 a sample of farms. Se 5 text] White operators— Continued Tenure of operator l —Continued Karma not ciaaaified Tenants by tenure All Cash Share-cash Crop-share Livestock -she re Croppers Other and unspecified 15, 119 1,533 385 5,678 126 6, 116 1,281 36,445 1 141 517 50 106 25 143 in 6 36 169 20 83 152 1,067 2 III 3 565 122 III 145 6 194 88 1.062 4 32 1j 200 21 21 34 6 6 65 5 5 10 25 24 247 5 6 5 1 85 7 200 34 5 65 1 85 10 249 8 87 2,687 41 447 5 1,015 10 26 11 804 20 300 80 7,098 9 95 10 2,921 514 100 1,070 26 895 319 8,028 11 2,599 432 95 974. 26 774 298 6,900 12 1,234 246 40 432 15 338 163 3,039 13 302 50 10 116 86 40 973 It 1,063 136 45 426 11 350 95 2,888 IS 2,219 388 40 796 11 706 278 6.459 16 2,775 566 50 929 12 865 353 7,050 i: 2, 199 383 40 786 11 70! 278 5,893 18 2,114 378 40 751 6 671 268 5,686 19 2,650 551 50 889 7 825 328 6,109 20 1,849 360 35 670 1 556 227 5,194 21 1,234 246 20 438 364 166 3,148 :•-'}. 313 83 10 102 82 36 1,023 23 30 2 31 5 130 1 110 25 1,023 24 25 30 -90 95 7,431 10 10 5 5 846 5 5 35 35 3,005 5 5 30 35 2,741 5 10 15 15 623 645 6S3 253 288 22,715 25 26 5 5 51 21 28 165 29 8,407 949 175 3,339 52 3,171 721 26,772 -11) 7,263 811 165 2,929 51 2,706 601 22,075 31 1,653 313 45 496 5 604 190 7,921 '12 1,003 142 25 370 1 360 10 5 3,581 33 4,607 356 95 2,063 45 1,742 306 10,573 .34 4,173 156 25 545 30 3,180 237 13.683 35 3.577 406 155 1,675 40 955 346 9,989 36 5,150 583 165 2,662 45 1,275 420 6,314 37 1,465 282 20 570 10 415 168 3,725 38 754 106 20 226 1 '291 110 2,734 39 5,024 587 80 1.788 30 2,062 477 17,270 40 637 40 5 266 10 270 46 2,688 41 8,971 841 285 3,479 71 3,539 756 14,683 42 13,907 .1,370 375 5,392 126 5,531 1,113 25,261 43 27,209 3,331 675 10,815 263 10,065 2,060 40,258 44 13,799 1,338 375 5,356 121 5,506 1,103 24.286 45 23,744 2,120 590 9,989 218 9,134 1,693 34.544 46 13,174 1,278 355 5,061 116 5,311 1,053 21,761 47 6,160 490 150 2,741 71 2,288 420 9,220 41! 10.570 842 235 4,928 102 3,823 640 12,783 49 1,629 375 40 547 25 420 222 3,562 50 3,465 1,211 85 826 45 "931 367 5,714 51 982 284 20 301 10 220 147 1,878 52 1,926 804 20 396 10 446 250 2,719 5.1 811 175 20 282 15 227 92 1,948 54 1,539 407 65 430 35 485 117 2,995 55 B18 200 20 265 10 193 1.30 1,614 5' 1,521 343 40 511 20 395 212 2,587 57 12,278 995 335 4,845 101 5,111 891 21,699 58 6,608 593 200 2,284 35 2,960 536 13,242 59 580 35 20 290 5 195 35 2,317 60 108 13,103 32 1,452 36 5,188 5 116 25 4,936 10 1,041 97 5 28,917 61 370 6? 11,424 1,245 335 4.633 91 4,236 884 19,445 63 3,466,832 926,386 82,775 1,115,539 35,585 966.67 5 339,872 3,202,574 64 8,189 843 230 3,534 65 2,884 633 15,310 65 742,827 140,293 15,550 276,329 15,230 239,105 56,320 1,050.007 M, 8,968 1,075 295 3,662 71 3,181 684 12.030 f- 2,724,005 786,093 67,225 839,210 20,355 727,570 283,552 2.152.567 68 6,730 819 250 2,883 55 2,097 626 18,620 69 1,127,875 343,712 45,180 225,620 43, 250 295,585 174,528 2,604,349 70 5,896 7 31 220 2,563 76 1,798 508 13,873 71 820,883 224,278 22,210 185,640 42, 670 159,835 186.250 1,140,052 72 . 7,168 924 235 2,769 75 2,515 650 16,324 73 415,688 144,940 7,510 97,082 13, 195 102,491 50.470 793,008 M 7,263 865 225 3,047 76 2,416 634 9,823 75 1,313,534 326,134 39,765 447,270 10,265 368,220 121,880 1,325,696 'i, 5,151 730 190 2,231 46 1,476 478 7,808 77 477,330 158,348 11,055 127,400 3,915 124,400 52,212 662,443 78 1,448 327 30 441 16 441 193 3.419 79 243,559 92.837 5.975 53.8B0 1,940 60,655 28,272 341,774 no 4,665 644 180 2,071 40 1,314 416 6,062 01 233,771 65,511 5,080 73,520 1,975 63,745 23,940 320,669 B2 380 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonwhite operators Total all farms of nonwhi te operators Tenure of operato Part owners FARMS. A C R F A C E , AND VALUE Farms , number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value .percent Proportion of land in farms for winch value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to Q acres. farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting ?00 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total.,. farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. Other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 90, days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: I'nder 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years • operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Vetephon Electric From Electric Electric Home fre< Electric Electric Electric »i-y • a powe r line erage of last monthly electric bill, a homi.- plant water pump ■ hot-water heater washing machine.... chick bruodur powr-feed grinder. farms farms farms arms tarms reporting, report ing. report ing. . . dol lars. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. 60,870 21,248 988,649 46,838 ,648,888 13 18,116 3,022 84,856 ,570,797 42.2 2,765 66.15 87 86 59,603 1,412,395 11,005 17,916 14,745 11,304 4,224 400 9 6,417 55,052 13,895 168,913 8,618 140,306 20,217 637,546 4,946 61,514 38,638 95,071 60,393 1,636,360 15,115 256,872 23,559 777,852 57 955 \ 672 13 794 in 9R5 10 612 8 37 3 41 36 3 250 11 501 13 739 11 537 8 471 7 317 tS.4 27 354 7 506 11 149 19 288 10 635 27,880 27 , 840 2. 43 40 1,550 441 630 1,602 77 5 60 6,669 6,669 499,895 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,052 27,501 472,394 70.8 3,746 52.90 89 89 6,639 192, 517 690 1,825 1,575 1,726 751 72 1,613 13,962 2,414 31,820 2,022 36,225 4,789 168,502 1,031 12,426 5,608 16,942 6,659 238,299 3,378 62,613 5,324 204,727 6,487 60 185 990 860 130 5,573 130 630 1,110 1,366 1,620 1,436 52.4 1,295 125 1,230 3,817 17 55 3,453 3,453 2.88 336 111 190 315 150 5 4,354 4,354 168.024 4.354 129,053 569 20,359 276,718 63.6 3,930 62.89 85 84 4,354 149,384 290 1,115 1,085 1,011 720 126 7 712 6,662 1,303 15,782 1,088 11,818 2.559 81,319 456 2,995 3,524 8.758 4,354 171,828 1,714 21,475 2,944 93,137 4,197 112 186 911 760 151 3,367 40 416 1,001 1,200 812 520 49.2 1, 171 165 ,132 14 35 2,233 2.223 2.89 10 187 65 95 181 125 Sep foot.notr.-s at civl of r.ublr. SOUTH CAROLINA COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950-Continued 381 sample of farms. See text] Nonwhite operators — Continued 31,323 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 31,323 1,225,360 302 5,795 1,219,565 38.9 2,895 74.71 87 86 31.283 843,539 1,715 1,660 9,730 7,441 2,547 190 1, 12 ,735 4 ,59f 51 880 2 ,622 44 304 6 ,35? 206 839 1 886 23 260 16 583 37 008 31 313 908 154 4 907 80 299 7 427 251 143 29 968 710 1, 185 6, 941 6, 176 765 23, 782 2,170 7,045 7,885 5,660 3,427 2,135 42.1 17,860 5,170 5,921 6,122 7 360 15,256 15,241 2.18 15 525 110 190 615 340 35 2.985 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2,985 161,510 85 1,040 160,470 53.8 2,444 46.27 89 87 1.985 1.735 80 7 35 925 870 340 35 310 1,540 840 9,490 410 6,390 990 42,795 260 2,515 1,980 5,005 2,985 103,765 770 10,445 1,125 49,185 2,770 90 40 700 665 35 2,250 130 575 670 570 530 350 46.0 1,120 205 630 1,100 10 5 740 740 2.24 40 Tenure of operator 1 — Continued Tenants 675 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 675 31,985 10 30 31,955 47,3 3,922 100.63 90 74 Crop-share Livestock-share Croppers 675 21,510 145 235 205 90 65 250 105 1,190 75 1,365 130 6,505 45 395 395 740 67 5 22,950 140 2,010 165 7.870 655 10 15 105 100 5 565 10 145 145 165 105 55 45.2 310 55 175 160 7 10 315 315 2.53 9,516 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9,516 431,540 120 1,870 429,670 45.2 3,469 76.62 87 87 9,506 287,582 305 2,230 3,070 2,800 1,021 80 710 4,605 1,681 20,825 905 15,580 2,530 77,790 705 8,975 5,431 14,313 9,511 313,012 1,785 29,160 2,865 9 3.370 9,096 240 335 1,670 1,495 175 7.636 455 1,760 2,510 1,975 1,195 775 44.1 5,255 1,330 1,926 1,910 7 50 4,800 4.785 2.26 15 130 35 85 215 120 5 130 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 130 6,485 5 160 6,325 48.7 3,564 71.34 91 130 4,960 5 15 20 75 10 5 10 25 20 375 10 40 25 560 15 235 60 130 130 5,360 20 300 30 600 125 5 15 43.1 16,720 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 16,720 513,650 55 1,005 512,645 30.7 2,618 85.05 87 88 Other and unapcci fled 16,690 398,500 1,250 6,155 5,130 3,165 930 60 635 4,095 1,670 15,335 1,005 12,860 2,270 59 , 680 665 8,105 7,860 14,070 16,715 417,930 1,785 25,060 2,765 72,540 16,110 345 710 4,135 3,630 505 12,305 1,490 4,325 4, 225 2,615 1,465 835 39.8 10,495 3,425 2,870 2,590 6 290 8,795 8,795 2.10 315 70 75 310 170 25 1,297 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,297 80,190 27 1,690 78,500 60.5 2,692 43.29 78 1,297 38,252 75 380 350 326 156 10 162 2,220 282 4,665 217 8,069 407 19.509 196 3,035 857 2,750 1,297 45,137 407 13,324 177 27,578 1,212 20 55 291 246 45 936 210 310 305 132 105 43.7 610 140 275 352 5 556 556 2.58 Karms not classified by tenure ia, r io 10,225 320,730 11,161 294,475 8 10,757 1,097 30,668 595,294 32.1 1,880 60.46 86 83 17, 322 226,033 8,310 5,316 2, 355 1, 125 205 11 2,196 20 , 943 5,576 69, 189 2,882 45,775 6,514 179,772 1,57] 21,350 12,918 32,232 18,062 316, 165 5,112 88,068 7,859 225,547 17,298 790 12,237 10,141 2.815 7.326 8,312 910 3,410 3,741 3,311 2,611 3,225 47.4 7,027 2,045 3,116 7,215 12 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 185 62 6,936 63 6,921 64 2.6.3 65 15 66 501 67 155 68 155 69 491 70 160 71 20 72 991354 0-52-26 382 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 15.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY COLOR [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonwhite operators Total all farms of nonwhite operators Tenure of operator Al 1 farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machines. Grain combines. . . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Silos Motortrucks. Year of newest model. . Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over,. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 1 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobi les Year of newest model Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 1 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface Gravel , she 1 1 , or shale Dirt or unimproved FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Fami ly and/or h r red workers Family workers, including operator Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more. Hired workers Regular workers {to be employed 150 days or more).... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers.. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Fami ly workers only Operators only. Unpaid members of operator's family only Hired workers only. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Form machinery repairs Tractor rcpai rs Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farm* reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting, . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. . farms reporting. . persons. ■ farms reporting. . persons. . iarms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . dollars. . farms reporting. dol lars. . farms reporting. . dollars. . farms reporting. dollars. . farms reporting. dollars. farms reporting. . dollars. farms reporting. dol lars. . farms reporting. dol lars. . farms reporting. dollars. reporting, dol lars. 110 873 948 40 40 422 432 121 4,441 4,720 4,245 1,180 743 2,322 2,745 3,437 2,615 2,475 3,077 2,068 1,181 436 451 145 175 160 185 21,986 23,560 21,437 2,658 3,531 15,248 20,492 19,715 17,918 1,773 972 18,036 1,791 38,146 54,230 107,080 53,964 103,015 50,053 29,340 52,962 2,597 4,065 1,336 1,868 1,421 2,197 1,176 2,331 51,633 23,499 3,736 266 47,188 34,786 4,367,139 25,840 1,630,687 22,473 2,736,45? 22,508 1,354,178 13,468 715,685 26,977 865,695 12,785 1, 190,715 14,366 574,239 1,787 197,119 13,672 377. 120 25 25 10 858 893 843 261 156 426 412 442 407 392 407 337 166 61 110 15 15 20 20 3,036 3,216 2,946 520 551 1,875 495 2,505 3,257 372 40 1,738 175 4,481 6,094 13,246 6,039 12,336 5,403 3,672 6,933 570 910 350 465 265 445 305 515 5,524 2,097 596 55 5,979 4,869 632,915 3, 543 202,580 3,419 430,335 3,122 230,745 1,801 96,420 3,723 127,234 1,913 200,735 2,568 103.970 286 30,200 2,448 73,770 5 106 106 5 5 40 40 5 7 24 787 718 168 145 405 328 377 298 293 337 276 121 90 65 30 35 5 5 1,839 2,044 1,807 302 340 1,165 220 1,475 2,331 297 31 1,152 46 2.971 4,083 10,245 4,057 9,352 3,752 2,790 5,600 483 893 277 436 246 457 237 457 3,600 1,080 280 26 3,904 3,174 574,669 2,379 151, 589 2,332 423.100 2,136 148,235 1.307 98,760 2,588 110,720 1,344 169,065 1,632 81,970 216 28,920 1,597 53,050 •Not avoilnblc. 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued 383 • sample of farms. See text] 50 610 665 25 25 320 330 70 1,661 1,791 1,556 470 235 851 1,610 2,150 1,555 1,450 1.940 1,170 725 235 210 65 80 no 130 11.580 12,495 11,280 1,110 1,715 8,455 12,790 7,445 9,478 850 760 9,741 975 19,107 28,696 56,788 28,641 55,418 27,276 15,096 28,142 875 1,370 475 650 450 720 425 820 27,821 13,160 1,315 55 24,117 19,236 2,665,225 14,505 1,094,485 12,421 1,570,740 9,830 539,180 6.60O 371,130 12,631 455,835 7,731 715,940 7,485 300,875 1,045 114,455 7,090 186,420 15 15 5 5 15 15 10 210 220 200 IS 15 170 70 85 65 60 65 50 15 20 15 10 10 10 10 1,080 1,125 1,070 85 210 775 205 1,210 1,500 60 10 695 35 2,170 2,755 5,875 2,750 5,635 2,605 1,670 3,030 170 240 115 145 70 95 100 165 2,585 1.005 130 5 2,700 2,075 223,730 1,590 79,820 1,380 143,910 1,400 82,340 730 56,050 1,845 60,940 595 41,005 1,205 33,750 45 6,900 1,190 26,850 Nonwhitr operators — Cont inued Tenure of operator 1 — Continued Tenants 330 335 325 10 50 265 45 195 425 10 155 10 500 655 : ,430 650 ,395 615 380 780 25 35 10 15 15 20 10 20 630 250 35 S 640 525 72 ,190 440 25 ,910 345 46 280 360 21 195 220 10 575 390 9 730 205 13 605 245 1 415 10 525 245 3 890 Crop-share 140 140 571 586 531 135 80 316 435 505 430 390 445 310 215 45 50 5 5 40 55 3.845 4,100 3,680 350 655 2,675 1,475 3,240 4,366 335 100 2 , 950 210 5,946 8,760 18,410 8,745 18,110 8,270 5,030 9,840 200 300 90 125 115 175 85 185 8,560 3,635 465 15 7,720 6,260 876,350 4,675 331,730 4,175 544,620 3,695 207,755 2,380 147,490 3,810 142,195 2,695 245,595 2,920 99,795 240 27,720 2,795 72,075 Livestock -share 120 260 120 245 115 65 130 5 15 5 115 55 5 Croppers 16,720 40 420 465 20 20 210 220 60 765 865 735 290 110 335 1,025 1,450 990 940 1,350 755 455 165 135 40 45 50 55 5,875 6,440 5,760 615 745 4,400 10,735 2.355 2,605 395 630 5,575 705 9,685 15,275 28,455 15,245 27,745 14,620 7,255 13, 125 430 710 225 315 225 395 205 400 14,845 7,805 610 30 105 11,975 60 9,585 1,705 1 , 349 , 370 45 7,190 4,550 599.140 50 5,995 7,155 750,230 40 3,935 735 207,485 25 2,990 505 144,210 75 5,930 3,580 222,990 25 4,020 3,820 395,475 60 2,720 1,760 151,130 5 720 555 76,355 60 2,470 1,205 74,775 Other and unspeci fled 1,297 70 75 45 III 20 15 50 75 40 35 50 30 15 5 10 10 20 5 5 380 420 375 40 35 300 300 420 527 35 15 341 10 721 1,131 2,358 1,131 2,288 1,051 696 1,237 45 70 35 50 20 20 25 45 1,086 410 70 977 731 131,880 565 53,335 476 78,545 400 19,670 255 12,300 581 16,400 191 16,440 335 10,025 25 2.400 330 7,625 Farms not claasi fled by tenure 18,519 20 2 60 3 8( 4 10 5 10 6 36 7 36 e 35 9 1,197 10 1,24! 11 1,127 12 281 13 206 14 640 IS 392 16 463 17 352 18 337 19 388 20 282 21 166 22 50 23 66 24 35 25 45 26 25 27 30 28 5,527 29 5,801 30 5,402 31 726 32 925 33 3,751 34 6,986 35 8,290 36 2,851 37 251 38 141 39 5,401 40 595 41 11,587 42 15,352 43 26,787 44 15,222 45 25,902 46 13,617 47 7,780 48 12,285 49 667 50 885 51 232 52 310 53 460 54 575 55 207 56 537 57 14,685 58 7,160 59 1,545 60 130 61 13,183 62 7,503 63 491,596 64 5,412 65 182,001 66 4,297 67 309,595 Sfl 7,416 69 433,910 70 3,760 71 149,375 72 8,031 73 170,839 74 1,793 75 103,623 76 2,677 '7 86,050 78 237 79 22,805 80 2,535 81 63,245 12 384 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE ' CENSUS [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) White operators Total all farms of Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Farns by size of farm: Under 10 acres number . 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number. SO to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f ruit-and-nut number Cash-grain number Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number Frui^-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number Class I number Class II number Class III number Class IV number Class V number Class VI number Other farms • number Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, I9S0: Horses and mules farms reporting number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number Cows, including heiiers that have calved farms reporting number. Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs • - farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. .dollars Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Data are given by type of farm ond by economic class for commercial farms only. 5,969 17,552 13,446 9,929 8,833 7,293 4,371 2,439 1,506 4,019 1,981 987 29,212 923 14,395 13.894 724 646 1.535 1,485 2,716 4,568 2,204 269 2,095 37,439 41,880 520 1,452 3.190 10,040 14,400 12,278 36,445 145,735.912 100,184,637 88.461,072 5,818,758 4.351,839 1.552,968 41,090.817 12,991,048 11,255,234 16,844.535 4,460,458 69,216 2,106 52,380 108.724 48,394 320,898 46,066 172,836 43,200 112,626 52,153 424,752 66,316 2,730,624 20,576 99,481 23,485 330,306 13,268 3,153,114 22,067 7,370,847 60,331 836,877 58,876 786,735 15,582.767 1.707,042 40.586 616,862 270,292 39,599,675 16,384 60,338 73,277,425 34,836,577 29,661 311,379 452 1.841 2,830 2,856 2,881 2.600 1,641 956 593 1.670 879 416 11.611 570 5,719 5,322 383 390 846 1,065 1,784 2,702 1,151 186 1,365 834 19,615 208 545 1,426 4,221 6,754 6,461 57.465,055 36,731,712 30,976,505 2,654,384 1,871.872 1.228.951 18,199,221 4,759,926 5,785,279 7,654.016 2,534,122 19,615 2,930 16,114 37.188 14,198 132,536 13,682 69,992 12,686 39,913 14,853 169,333 17,186 987,699 7,173 45,593 8,466 140.968 4,456 1,696.860 7,356 3,864,139 16,906 290,568 . 16,521 274,402 5.778,973 596,050 12,016 195,403 90,702 13,156,180 6,008 21.776 26.098,001 11,636,063 10,226 119,878 35 525 630 625 775 890 631 545 321 956 507 310 3,834 179 2,235 1.420 179 164 500 271 556 1,139 635 51 453 107 6,750 221 633 901 1,714 1,984 1.297 35,828,978 22,093,419 18,590,229 2,071,068 1,303,810 128,312 12,654,527 5,626,384 2,546,037 4,482,106 1,081.032 6,750 5,308 5,731 17.092 5,239 74,256 5,046 40,103 4,644 26,864 5,346 90,651 5,965 342.792 3.110 24,762 3.597 88.030 1.477 769,725 2,424 1,164,104 6,129 173,082 5,963 153.688 3,201,783 382,172 4,761 145,731 67,657 9,947,651 1,845 7,397 8,967.829 4,275,70! 3,626 69,852 SOUTH CAROLINA OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK, AND SPECIFIED CROPS BY OF 1950 only a sample of farms. See textj :;.xr. COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: 585 5,965 3,495 1,746 1,190 846 521 180 135 302 123 31 13.653 158 6.362 7,133 161 56 140 117 271 689 400 30 259 32 15,119 37 131 752 4,068 5,641 4.490 35,414,654 32,124,630 30,830,085 648,155 491,390 155,000 3,086,674 1,054,706 764,992 1.266.976 203.350 15,129 2,341 10,192 18,855 7,018 26,080 6,627 15,788 6.173 12,028 10,772 61,275 12.842 362.934 2.447 6,428 3,906 34,450 1.782 145,183 2,820 388,670 13.930 168,397 13,760 163,933 3,182,690 445,940 11,807 174,979 73,248 10,799,464 7,616 29,350 36,318,865 18,086,880 4,863 31,926 White operators — Continued 45 280 340 171 140 155 121 40 35 126 67 13 533 512 71 5 55 26 79 194 117 15 62 12 ,533 25 50 111 296 470 581 4,620 ,099 3.304 ,307 2,885 ,057 231 ,855 34 , 305 is: . 00(1 1,284 ,097 624 ,305 291 ,610 36! ,182 31 ,695 1 ,533 3 ,014 1 271 2 605 911 6 283 820 3 883 727 3 010 1 111 11 816 1 287 44 894 343 1 830 596 9 635 232 15 290 348 73 460 1 398 25 576 1 368 24 336 467 415 41 555 1 195 20 883 8 827 1.282 636 501 2 009 2,219 840 1.109 460 549 6 552 190 90 20 30 20 25 5 25 180 130 50 1,061,455 1,020,115 1,015,245 4,795 75 41,340 235 3,750 37,355 385 2,757 340 550 160 445 140 225 130 175 320 2,275 335 9,275 75 160 175 1,250 20 685 75 7,625 370 4,310 370 4,135 83,210 14,165 255 2,765 1,375 188,815 275 1,216 1,499,080 762,890 175 555 Tenure of openttor— Continued Tenants Crop-shore 90 1,950 1,400 930 570 340 185 65 30 90 24 5,345 46 2,358 2,941 20 10 20 30 36 207 101 5 101 10 5.678 5 43 370 1,818 1,981 1,461 14,005,587 13.281,805 13.089,440 123,965 68,400 616,817 154,470 136,592 325,755 106,965 5.678 2,467 4,907 8,809 2,961 7,193 2,846 4,576 2,720 4,120 4,382 22,193 5,077 146.945 965 1,519 1,525 10,965 763 34,905 1,209 137,340 5,446 64,490 5.371 63,385 1,213,035 169,850 4,471 56 , 447 27,280 3,943,916 3,116 13.430 16,888,790 8,477,505 2,449 13,638 Livestock- share 409,610 285,425 282,175 3,250 124,135 94,170 5,050 24,915 50 126 3,251 95 155 61 715 56 480 51 371 96 1,059 126 5,230 31 99 65 750 16 2,200 41 6,325 110 1,420 110 1,320 25.460 4,235 75 1,025 545 98,545 50 243 322,280 157.625 71 580 Croppers 365 3,200 1,335 445 290 230 135 25 40 36 10 5 5,733 55 2,768 2,910 55 31 40 30 61 166 116 5 45 6,116 6 18 190 1.530 2,506 1,866 12,821,215 12,224,343 11,621,458 224,720 378,165 580,652 116,881 180,960 282,811 16.220 6.116 2,096 2,645 5,026 2,200 6,266 2.080 3,820 1,940 2,956 3,905 17,072 4,934 121,719 717 1,578 1,179 7,799 550 80,935 850 90,530 5,481 56,092 5,451 54,987 1,075,260 183,890 4,940 81,828 29,198 4,407.442 3.121 10.890 13.490.865 6,667.790 1,151 6,648 Other mid unapeci lied 85 295 295 165 160 96 45 45 25 40 1.028 10 568 450 15 10 15 26 85 92 41 5 46 10 Karma not classified by tenure 1 ,281 10 46 20- 524 497 2,496 ,688 2.008 ,635 1,936 ,710 59 ,570 10 ,355 2 ,000 439 ,633 64 645 147 ,030 227 ,958 48 420 1 291 1 ,934 934 1 710 725 5 178 685 2 804 605 1 396 958 6 860 1 083 34 871 316 1.242 366 4,051 201 11,168 297 73,390 1,125 16,509 1.090 15.770 318,310 32,245 871 12,031 6,023 878.110 460 1,562 1,898.010 911,610 468 3,953 4 , 897 9,220 6,491 4,702 3,966 2,951 1 , 553 748 446 1,009 365 97 10,804 6,425 5,841 398 159, 26, 3,963, 743, 1.062, 2.157, 415, 27, 20,028 33,535 21,651 68,789 20,430 36,897 19,470 30.742 20.885 92,180 30,032 973,441 7,617 14,657 7,313 53.237 5,479 306.682 9.349 1.532,666 23,082 184,298 22,364 176,622 3,020.640 212.540 11,811 85,438 29.549 4,306.918 862 1,316 1,222,275 505,690 10,708 76.061 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 386 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 16.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE CENSUS [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nonwhite operators Total all farms of nonwh ite operators 6 740 27 120 12 285 5 545 3 880 2 1 495 220 640 365 440 12B 12 39 673 225 25 777 13 1 671 450 15 55 35 319 673 1 307 15 351 18 650 Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers Farias by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 Bcres number 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number 1 , 000 acres and over number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit- and-nut number Cash-grain number Cotton number Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms *.. . . number Frult-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farma by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number Class I number Class If number Class III number CI ass IV number Class V number Class VI number Other farms number Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows, including hellers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs. ... farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested In 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales harvested sold, . dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting Bcres pounds harvested sold. .dol lars Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Data are given by type of farm and by economic class for comm'Tcial farms only. 42,351 48 679 6,597 15,598 19,429 18,519 71,454,239 68.413,542 66,924,217 1,446,175 42 , 900 250 2,652,822 252,535 339,627 2,060.660 387,875 57 , 433 1,244 39.406 64,576 30,229 62,771 27,963 39,705 24,805 33,396 45.429 194,127 49,977 884,465 9,119 12,753 11,843 66,535 3,231 103,980 6.917 360.334 55,489 515,282 54, 583 504,964 8,160,105 989,681 52,022 582,805 266,278 38,647,185 17,691 48,506 54,201,170 26,061,775 14,(55 68,248 335 1.470 1,420 1.015 1.010 650 370 145 105 120 27 2 5,742 15 3,546 2,181 200 10 40 25 100 482 326 5 151 70 6,669 5 36 426 1 , 850 4,352 7,810,189 7,054.774 6,723,744 320,115 10,665 250 561,190 77,245 77,665 406,280 194,225 6,669 1,171 6,134 10,846 4.583 11.628 4,368 7,254 3,918 6.176 5,878 32,994 6,078 153,861 1,591 2,406 2,212 13,930 610 21.390 1.330 96.635 6,452 70,539 6,392 69,581 1.050,175 42,540 6.084 68,878 24,797 3,626,230 2,651 5.620 5, 7. li.. 605 3.552,890 2,664 12,587 115 1,345 1,065 605 485 295 220 85 40 85 12 3,783 45 2,568 1,170 65 10 95 381 286 5 90 20 4.354 11 72 490 1,390 2.391 6,135,980 5,564,655 5,376,795 184,860 3,000 514,895 65,855 89,295 359,745 56.430 4,354 1,409 4.103 7,767 3,078 7.881 2,908 4,650 2,592 3,923 3,793 25,972 4.007 91,806 1.142 1.929 1,446 11,200 456 25,965 881 43,435 4,264 55,111 4,179 53,636 853,765 55,900 4,029 57,169 22,250 3,201.360 1,595 3,890 3,999,940 1,774,790 1,570 7,435 SOUTH CAROLINA 387 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK, AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR. OF 1950— Continued only o sample of farms bee text} Nonwhite operators— Continued Tenure of operator — Continued Tenants All Cash Share-cash Crop-shnre Liveatock-shsre Croppers Other and unnpeel fled by tenure 1,595 40 215 5 990 45 4,995 1 16,180 1,120 285 3,985 30 10,235 525 8,125 1 7,405 810 240 2,690 45 3,335 285 2,395 3 2,915 395 65 1,175 35 1,090 155 1,010 4 1,545 270 40 625 525 05 840 5 980 165 20 395 10 305 85 570 6 400 75 5 230 5 50 35 230 7 255 to 5 75 105 30 155 R 150 30 5 70 25 20 70 9 165 31 2 30,118 165 19,663 10,320 185 5 15 30 10 5 5 50 5 1 9,161 60 5,611 3,490 35 60 20 11 1 1,157 10 857 290 30 70 57 2 2,715 25 2.070 620 50 5 655 125 16,335 70 10,630 5,635 65 13 14 410 245 85 40 5 15 16 17 in 5 10 120 810 695 5 110 •10 31,323 45 170 130 5 35 35 275 240 25 260 250 15 85 60 ?i 20 15 ?? 23 ''4 5 35 5 9,516 10 25 16,720 25 10 1,297 ?5 18.519 76 2,985 675 130 V 78 30 570 5,680 12,357 12,686 10 240 2,065 3,821 3,380 20 260 3,060 7,095 6,285 79 20 210 735 2,020 40 145 260 230 5 30 65 30 5 170 381 741 10 31 37 33 18.519 4,780.607 34 52,692,765 3,336,955 1,363,260 17,654,615 235.200 28,361,990 1,740,745 35 51,587,970 3,150,875 1,329,780 17,294,245 231,745 27,924,645 1,656,680 4,201,187 36 50,774,865 3,029.505 1,312,755 17,100,230 227.370 27,498,505 1,606,500 4,043,857 37 789,180 108.645 15,480 192,290 4,375 418,235 50,155 152,020 38 23,925 12,725 1 , 545 1,725 7,905 25 5,310 39 4(1 1,032,030 179,790 32,230 352,020 3,455 392,670 71,865 520,965 41 79,150 104,395 13,085 22,350 590 2,550 16,230 31,590 39,010 41,540 10,235 6,240 30,285 68,270 4? 125 43 848,485 144,355 29,090 304,200 3,330 312,120 55,390 422,410 14 72,765 31,313 6,290 2,985 1,250 675 8,350 9,516 44,675 16,720 12,200 1,287 58,455 15,092 45 130 -it. 1,683 1,118 2,020 1,855 1,809 1,696 1,353 317 47 17,773 2.770 630 7,941 95 5.355 982 11.392 48 31,186 4,740 1,275 13,892 200 9.355 1,724 14.753 49 13,548 1,955 385 4,811 80 5,615 702 9,015 50 24,819 3,875 715 8,846 150 9,750 1,483 17,895 51 12,617 1,805 360 4,516 75 5,220 641 8,065 52 16,577 2,485 475 5,966 90 6,625 936 11,065 53 11,552 1,540 335 4,031 60 4,990 596 6,740 54 14,407 2,055 415 4,886 65 6,180 806 8,885 55 22,852 2,575 57 5 7,596 80 11,075 951 12,901 V. 90,370 13,555 3,125 31,678 650 37,515 3,847 44,598 57 24,707 2,650 645 8,126 100 12,180 1,006 15.181 58 396,014 48,530 11,010 134,624 1,555 182,225 18,070 242.735 59 3,876 660 120 1,265 30 1,585 216 2,505 60 4,951 830 160 1,575 35 2,030 321 3,300 61 5,336 805 215 1,935 20 2,130 231 2,845 62 28.028 4,915 1,005 9,620 130 10.4-20 1,938 13.040 63 1,270 190 45 505 5 465 60 895 64 33,925 12,040 545 9,645 100 10,660 935 22,700 65 2,745 375 95 940 5 1,225 105 1,960 66 129,510 25,005 2,785 31,475 50 61,790 8,405 90,750 67 29,142 2.930 670 9,091 120 15,115 1,216 15,627 68 292,008 35,585 7,730 99,933 1,680 133,540 13,510 97.353 69 28.732 2.885 670 8.951 120 14.945 1.211 15.227 70 286. 558 34,595 7,655 97,578 1.655 131,665 13,410 94.958 71 4,937,945 485,325 146,620 1,656,595 24,130 2,416,140 209,135 1.313.785 72 805,500 25,445 23,805 280,180 3,540 444,590 27 , 940 85,940 73 30,077 2,930 665 9,165 125 15,980 1,212 11,830 74 381,307 35,755 9,420 1)0,870 2.230 187,145 15.887 75.360 75 195,950 14,230 4,300 62,105 1,225 106,805 7.285 23,250 76 28,523,325 2,052,230 616,240 9,037,950 175,710 15,568,800 1,072,395 3.283,520 77 12,095 885 305 4,025 35 6,490 355 1.350 78 37,439 2,016 1,119 13,239 92 20.073 900 1,548 79 43,170,485 2,000,780 1,367,125 15,838,545 91,500 22.832,930 1,039,605 1,284.140 80 20,239.245 841,160 658.880 7,365,460 42,775 10,871,335 459,635 494,850 81 6,260 870 195 2,715 25 2,085 370 3.857 82 31,830 4,185 885 13,235 120 11,520 1,885 16,071 81 388 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 17.— CASH RENT PAID FOR FARM LAND AND BUILDINGS: CENSUS OF 1950 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms operated by part owners All part Commercial farms Other farms Farms operated by tenants All tenant Commercial farms with operator — land- lord Not related to land- lord 1 Other farms with operator- land- lord Not related to land- lord 1 Land rented from others by farm operators. . farms reporting.. acres. . Land rented on cash basis only farms reporting. . acres. . Land rented on cash basis only with both the value of land and buildings and amount of cash rent reported farms reporting. . acres. . Average per farm acres. . Cropland harvested 2 farms reporting. . acres. . Average per farm reporting acres.. Value of rented land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Percentage distribution of farms by value of rented land and buildings: Under $1,000 percent $1,000 to $1,999 percent $2,000 to $2,999 percent $3,000 to $4.999 percent $5. 000 to J9, 999 percent $10,000 to $14,999 percent $15,000 to $24,999 percent $25,000 to $49,999 percent $50,000 and over percent Cash rent paid average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars 79 051 3 813 C) C) 354 12,602 772,470 11,999 502,719 3,352 54.68 36.8 19.2 14.0 13.4 9.6 3.1 2.1 1.2 0.7 179 2.91 5.33 16,881 977,688 C) 6,605 383,805 6,433 344,382 3,231 55.60 46.8 17.1 9.7 9.1 9.7 3.0 2.6 1.0 0.9 165 2.85 5.12 11 104 81J C) C) 242 4,823 337,815 4,752 315,427 3,732 53.29 40.6 18.0 10.3 10.2 11.7 3.8 3.2 1.1 1.2 193 2.75 5.16 5,777 164,446 C) 1,782 45,990 1,681 28,955 1.872 72.55 63.7 14.8 8.2 5.9 4.5 0.9 1.2 0.6 0.3 -92 3.56 4.90 62,170 ,835,666 8,581 586, 560 5,997 388,665 5,566 158,337 3,485 53.78 25.8 21.4 18.7 18.2 9.4 3.2 1.4 1.4 0.5 C) C) 373 44,757 373 22,562 8,054 67.12 13.4 21.4 15.0 20.1 5.4 10.7 3.2 350 2. 92 4.35 C) C) C) CI 2,819 216,193 2,783 98,735 3,897 50.81 18.8 23.2 18.4 19.3 12.1 4.5 2.0 1.0 232 3.03 5.96 265 13,040 250 3,825 2,809 57.08 22.6 22.6 28.3 20.8 3.8 116 2.35 4.12 C) C) C) C) 2. S40 114,675 2,160 33,215 2,428 53.78 35.6 19.3 18.5 16.3 -.: 1.0 0.6 1.0 135 2.99 5.56 * Not available. 1 Includes farms not reporting as to relation of operator to landlord. 2 For part owners, the figures for cropland harvested represent not only the cropland rerted from others hut also cropland owned; for operators renting land to others, the figures for cropland harvested represent only the portion retained. SOUTH CAROLINA 389 State Table 18.— FARM TAXES: CENSUS OF 1950 [Pnta are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text. Farm tax data were obtained only owner-operatora j (For definitions Item and explnnali All owners number Land owned tota 1 . acres Average per farm acres Cropland harvested 1 farms reporting acres Average per farm reporting acres Owners reporting value of land and buildings and both total property taxes and real-estate taxes number Land owned ..total, acres Average per farm Cropland harvested 1 far . . . acres eporting Average per farm reporting Value of owned land and buildings average per farm, average per acre, Percentage distribution of farms by volue of owned land and buildings: L'nder $1,000 1 1.000 to 11,999 }2 , 000 to 12 , 999 $3,000 to $4.999 dollars dol lars percent percent percent pe rcen t $5,000 to $9,999 percent $10. 000 to $14,999 percent $ IS, 000 to $24,999 percent $25,000 to $49,999 percent $50,000 and over percent Total property taxes average per farm, dollars Heal-estate taxes average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars average per $100 value, dollars Personal -property taxes average per farm, dollars' Owners reporting value of owned land and total property tax with no separate report of real-estate taxes number Land owned total , acres Average per farm acres Cropland harvested 1 farms reporting acres Average per farm reporting. acres Value of owned land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Percentage distribution of farms by value of owned land and buildings: Under $1,000 percent $1,000 to $1,999 percent $2,000 to $2,999 percent $3,000 to $4,999 percent $5,000 to $9,999 percent $10,000 to $14,999 ■ ■ -percent $15,000 to $24,999 percent $25,000 to $49,999 percent $50,000 and over percent Total property taxes.- average per farm, dollars Owners reporting no property tax required number Land owned. . total, acres Average per farm acres Cropland harvested 1 '. farms reporting acres Average per farm reporting acres Value of owned land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Percentage distribution of farms by value of owned land and buildings: Under $1,000 ■ percent $1,000 to $1,999 percent $2,000 to $2,999 percent $3,000 to $4,999 percent $5,000 to $9,999 percent $10, 000 to $14,999 percent $15,000 to $24.999 percent $25,000 to $49,999 percent $50,000 and over percent [Owners not reporting value if owned land and/or property taxes. number Land owned total, acres Average per farm acres Cropland harvested 1 farms reporting acres Average per farm reporting acres Total all owners 76.559 9,009.499 117.7 68,976 2.347,421 34.0 30,226 3,596,460 119.0 27,654 964.608 34.9 8.038 67.56 7.9 12.2 11.9 20.1 24.8 9.7 7.5 4.2 1.7 50 40 0.34 0.50 10 32,381 3.648.751 112.7 29.460 997.861 33.9 7,604 67.48 9.3 12.7 11.9 19.7 24.7 9.7 6.9 3.6 1.5 47 686 25,310 36.9 581 9,298 15.8 2,712 73.50 29.9 25.5 8.7 14.6 18.2 1.6 1.5 13,266 1,738.970 131.1 11.281 375.654 33.3 59.678 ,186.022 120.4 52,437 ,485,169 28.3 23,496 ,813,574 119.7 21,042 609,608 29.0 8,204 68.51 6.0 10.5 11.8 21.3 26.7 10.2 7.9 4.1 1.6 50 41 0.34 0.49 9 25,062 ,869,932 114.5 22.282 616,043 27.6 7.804 68.15 7.0 11.9 11.7 20.6 26.2 10.2 7.3 3.6 1.5 47 421 20,965 49.8 326 4,913 14.7 3.268 65.62 23.8 22.6 9.5 17.8 22.6 1.4 2.4 10,699 1 , 481 , 551 138.5 8,787 254,605 29.0 Operat ing all Che land owned 41.248 ') ') 16.665 1,363,674 81.6 15,292 373,835 24.4 5,803 70.92 7.9 12.5 14.0 24.9 26.2 7.4 4.6 1.7 0.7 34 28 0.34 0.49 6 17,713 1,320,870 74.6 16.089 368,252 22.9 5,520 74.03 9.3 14.8 13.8 23.1 25.3 7.5 4.0 1.8 0.5 32 386 15,920 41.2 301 4,348 14.1 2,886 69.98 25.9 24.6 9.1 19.4 Renting land to ,,i hel i 18,430 ■) •I 6,831 .149.900 212.3 5,750 235.773 41.0 14.062 66.25 1.4 5.4 6.3 87 71 0.33 0.50 17 7.349 1.549,062 210.8 6,193 247,791 40.0 13,306 63.13 1.6 4.9 6.5 14.7 28.4 16.9 15.4 7.9 3.8 82 35 5,045 144.1 25 565 22.6 7,474 51.85 71.4 14.3 16.881 1 ,823,477 108.0 16.539 862 , 252 52.1 6,730 782,894 116.3 6,612 355,000 53.7 7,458 64.11 14.6 18.4 12.3 15.9 18.0 8.0 6.2 4.3 2.2 51 40 0.35 0.54 11 7,319 778,819 106.4 7.178 381.818 53.2 6,922 65.05 17.1 15.4 12.6 16.8 19.5 7.9 5.4 3.7 1.7 49 265 4,345 16.4 255 4.385 17.2 1,829 111.52 39.6 30.2 7.5 9.4 2,567 257,419 100.3 2,494 121,049 48.5 Operating all the land owned 12,013 (•) (•) (•) CI (•) 4,828 284.127 58.8 4,793 181,660 37.9 4,200 71.37 19.3 23.8 14.3 17.3 16.0 4.4 3.1 1.3 0.5 28 21 0.36 0.51 7 5,271 288,817 54.8 5.221 207,803 39.8 4,040 73.74 22.5 19.7 14.9 18.3 16.0 4.0 2.8 1.2 0.5 27 245 3,875 15.8 235 3,755 16.1 1,822 115.18 40.8 30.6 6.1 8.2 12.2 2.0 CJ C) (■*) C) C) Uenting land to othera 1 ,902 498,767 262.2 1.819 173.340 95.3 15,728 59.98 2.6 4.7 7.1 12.5 23.2 17.0 14.3 12.0 6.5 111 89 0.34 0.56 22 2,048 490 , 002 239.3 1,957 174.015 88.9 14,339 59.93 3.2 4.2 6.6 12.8 28.6 17.8 12.0 10.1 4.8 104 20 470 23.5 20 630 31.5 1.913 81.38 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 C) C) (•) C) C) Not available. For owners renting land to others, the figures for cropland harvested represent only the portion retained; for part owners, the figures for cropland harvested represent not only he cropland owned but also any cropland rented from others. Average based on farms reporting both total property taxes and real-estate taxes. 390 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 19.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres Hi red workers farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 10 hired workers or more farms reporting Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 10 hired workers or more farms reporting Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ).... farms reporting persons 1 hired worker farms reporting 2 hired workers farms reporting 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting 10 hired workers or more farms reporting Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting Roth regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting Paid on a monthly basts farms reporting Under $25 per month farms reporting J25 to $ 34 per month farms reporting $35 to $49 per month farms reporting $50 to $84 per month farms reporting $85 to $109 per month farms reporting $110 to $129 per month farms reporting $130 to $169 per month farms reporting $170 to $214 per month farms reporting $215 and over per month farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting Under $5 per week farms reporting $5 to $7 per week farms reporting $8 to $11 per week farms reporting $12 to $19 per week farms reporting $20 to $24 per week farms reporting $25 to $29 per week farms reporting $30 to $39 per week farms reporting $40 to $49 per week farms reporting $50 and over per week farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms Paid on a dai ly basis farms reporting Under $2.00 per day farms reporting $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting $8.00 and over per day farms reporting No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting $0.85 to $0.99 per hour... farms reporting $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting No report of wage rate number of farms Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting No report as to basis of payment number of farms Expenditures for hired labor in 1919 farms reporting dollars $1 to $99 .' farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms report ing $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting $2, 500 and over farms reporting Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting SI to $99 farms reporting $100 to $199 farms reporting $200 to $499 farms reporting $500 to $999 farms reporting $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting $2,500 Bnd over farms reporting 16,411 45.268 8,522 3,337 2,448 1.474 630 10.881 28.360 5,973 2,243 1.325 971 369 7.619 16.908 4,508 1.434 1,051 471 155 8,792 2,089 5,530 1.810 295 225 241 367 131 72 71 51 17 340 3,678 76 471 767 1,181 407 210 137 47 22 360 9,394 733 5.314 2,103 437 134 49 10 35 579 1,918 159 497 468 528 48 36 77 15 69 21 677 303 62,745 27,648,200 27,465 12.630 12,747 4.675 3,120 2,108 48,174 25,473 10,799 9,013 2,010 731 148 491 816 341 80 SO IS 5 226 351 181 15 20 5 5 320 465 250 35 25 10 171 55 265 35 ib ' ib 255 20 125 55 15 5 10 324.435 1,680 5B0 280 65 41 2 2,192 1,680 320 160 25 5 2 1.950 3.025 1,435 291 166 46 12 939 1,302 781 116 15 20 7 1,118 1.723 821 162 105 25 5 832 107 1.011 177 55 10 IS 45 11 353 20 80 90 91 16 5 45 1.098 120 532 250 40 30 6 10 110 272 16 50 55 101 10 5 20 96 50 17,437 2,379,519 10,312 3,981 2,555 392 158 39 16.230 9,801 3,816 2,210 291 97 15 1.955 2.965 1.470 255 165 60 5 1,060 1,355 920 75 35 30 1,020 1.610 710 180 95 35 935 125 895 295 90 35 50 45 10 5 5 370 20 90 75 75 30 5 25 5 45 1,020 105 565 230 35 15 10 :is 15 35 45 90 15 70 40 11,630 1.925,005 5,650 2,570 2,675 545 165 25 9,860 5.340 2.215 1,975 280 45 5 1,522 2,547 1,015 330 116 46 15 917 1,337 640 230 26 21 725 1.210 515 105 70 30 5 797 120 605 151 50 20 30 316 5 55 75 116 35 15 761 101 415 145 45 15 5 230 5 70 50 85 65 51 7.193 1.454.160 3,315 1,535 1.605 535 185 18 5.916 3.030 1,335 1.235 240 75 1 SOUTH CAROLINA 391 State Table 19.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued | l-i^ni' ■ on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding enumeration. are baaed on reports for only a sample of farma. See text") (For definitions and explanations, see text) Sue of farm— Continued 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 1BO-219 acres 270-259 acres 260-499 acres 500-999 acres 1 , 000 acres and over Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers ....farms reporting.. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting., 10 hired workers or more ...farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 hired workers or more farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Roth regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Under $25 per month farms reporting. . $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. , $50 to $84 per month farms reporting.. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 and over per month farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. , Under $5 per week farms reporting. , $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. . $8 to $1 1 per week farms reporting. . $12 to $19 per week farms reporting.. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. . $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. . $50 and over per week farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting. , $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting., $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting.. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting.! $8.00 and over per day farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0. 85 to $0. 99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. No report as to bas i s of payment number of farms . Expenditures for hired labor in 1919 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over... farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no h i red workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. 1,732 3,322 945 450 235 86 16 1,137 1,913 720 270 105 41 1 826 1,409 485 205 101 35 906 231 147 15 65 20 25 381 10 65 105 100 36 20 20 25 1.005 90 580 205 50 25 5 200 15 85 60 25 65 30 5,032 8,459 1,595 1,040 1,320 630 335 112 3,485 1,430 825 845 295 80 10 1,305 2,885 625 335 255 70 20 1.565 520 190 125 45 585 1,320 290 150 100 35 10 720 160 125 10 15 10 45 10 10 5 5 255 5 35 40 95 25 10 775 55 490 160 5 15 5 45 160 5 45 45 40 45 20 3.356 1.450.345 935 610 985 455 275 96 2,171 840 465 615 175 70 6 897 2.290 401 235 161 85 15 657 1,494 316 190 96 45 10 371 796 216 70 70 10 5 526 131 638 2,174 260 101 185 71 21 463 1,089 185 126 100 52 262 1,085 105 31 85 31 10 376 87 2,083 7,275 680 467 485 353 98 1,692 4.983 654 412 355 233 38 790 2,292 351 180 130 75 54 1,293 399 246 10 30 25 61 35 15 561 40 335 96 50 412 15 241 106 30 10 5 55 507 10 46 101 146 81 46 30 6 5 36 1.315 40 831 306 42 15 5 10 66 183 16 76 46 25 10 5 30 10 1.887 1.234,889 430 376 355 345 250 131 1,090 375 315 165 145 70 20 25 10 1,269 944,905 270 225 340 156 186 92 661 235 170 180 31 40 5 10 3,218 4,175,319 435 295 649 644 728 467 1.209 365 195 329 186 106 28 1,275 6,644 175 311 280 3*0 169 1,137 5,111 219 301 237 264 116 453 1.533 178 92 85 80 18 822 315 138 141 1 6 11 59 11 12 9 15 1 16 3 49 196 50 50 18 17 5 27 777 29 401 234 52 6 142 16 31 32 43 1 S 4 46 6 1,601 4.548,432 106 81 244 247 342 581 382 91 60 112 62 28 29 65 77 165 217 238 717 6.280 92 93 156 190 166 57 39 55 59 43 509 208 177 4 4 10 32 24 19 29 15 11 29 275 1 2 22 112 52 34 25 4 2 21 214 166 38 5 28 80 11 20 19 19 2 1 3 4 1 37 1 892 5,650,357 12 21 69 86 205 499 147 11 12 37 30 35 22 392 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Tabic 20.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Full owners Part owners Managers Crop- share Live- stock- share Cropper Other and unspeci- fied Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Hegular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . ? hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hi red workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Pa id on a monthly bas is farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. *130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 and over per month farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of larms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $3y per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 and over per week farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Under $2.00 per day ...farms reporting. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. $.3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting. $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting. *8.00 and over per day farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on an hourly basis.... farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. No report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in I9119 farms reporting. dol lars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farma reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. 16,411 45,268 8,522 3,337 2,448 1,474 630 10,881 28,360 5,973 2,243 1,325 971 369 7,619 16,908 4,508 1,434 1,051 471 155 8,792 5, 530 1,810 295 225 241 367 131 72 71 51 17 340 3,678 76 471 767 1,181 407 210 137 47 22 360 9, 394 733 5, .314 2,103 437 13* 49 10 35 579 1,918 159 497 466 528 48 36 77 15 69 21 677 30.3 62,745 27,618,200 27,465 12,630 12,747 4,675 3, 120 2, 108 4(1,174 25,47 3 10,799 9,013 2,010 731 148 5,878 16.663 2,874 1,263 954 575 212 4,305 11,009 2,359 946 510 367 123 2,414 5,654 1,321 492 368 182 51 3,464 770 103 119 127 134 51 23 33 20 158 1,418 20 163 281 466 159 80 60 33 5 151 3, 257 236 1,836 738 127 50 7 5 17 241 635 42 18 3 179 175 16 14 15 11 217 101 16,712 ,132,842 5,144 3, 147 4,260 1.996 1,358 807 11. 4,712 2,617 2,778 764 290 87 3,494 14,783 1,082 777 771 565 299 2,717 9,832 940 656 548 407 166 1,454 4,951 'sea 329 303 153 81 2,040 334 46 21 49 83 24 22 7 13 799 11 76 139 285 116 83 17 3 11 2.3P2 198 1,397 493 114 21 22 130 297 44 112 79 37 11 5 1 3 5 120 15 7,991 ,589,644 1,976 1,396 1,743 1,006 981 889 4,629 1,831 1, 164 1,012 383 180 29 306 2,388 43 36 66 97 64 292 1,914 55 34 73 75 55 02 474 24 11 23 17 7 156 3 75 61 2,504 4,835 1,579 469 282 131 43 1.457 2,576 995 257 93 97 15 1,261 2,259 827 210 153 57 14 266 es 30 35 46 16 6 13 545 1,451 280 120 52 74 19 399 949 225 75 23 73 3 245 502 160 35 27 15 e 65 120 40 15 747 1,126 515 155 65 11 1 391 521 295 70 25 1 397 605 280 70 36 11 35 489 10 130 100 17 5 136 25 17 5 31 1,556 120 969 295 36 20 322 15 205 67 5 447 40 247 105 5 5 111 158 46 57 25 25 326 , 168 , 807 4 2 29 25 72 194 35 4 72 61 21, 389 4,294,745 10,046 5,316 4,399 985 466 177 19, 19) 9,686 4.951 3,738 619 17 5 1 2,455 930,003 1.215 400 484 161 112 83 1,9.10 1,155 355 333 66 30 640 113, 505 230 210 160 30 10 580 225 200 135 20 25 20 7.837 1,383,830 3,201 2,126 1,940 44' 100 23 7,17 5 3,116 1,981 1,725 302 45 6 5 121 27,510 40 30 36 10 5 850 1,641 546 126 130 30 18 445 761 320 61 35 265 85 578 50 395 87 10 5 10 30 9,176 1,477,800 4,930 2,270 1.481 275 171 49 8,461 4,745 2,135 1,286 190 90 15 1,160 362,097 430 280 298 62 68 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA State Tabic 20.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures on number of workers ..d wage rate, are for „, re d person. , ork , n8 th , „. k pr .„ d , ng ,„. «„„„,„„„,„ p . t . ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ # ^ 393 (for definitions and explanations, see Total all f o rms of white operators Hired workers f ams reporting. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. , 2 hired workers. farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting,. Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting. . persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. . 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting.. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid oh a monthly basis farms reporting.. Under S25 per month farms reporting. . 525 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting.. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting.. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting.. $215 and over per month farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. Under $5 per week farms reporting. . $5 to $7 per week farms reporting.. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. . $12 to $19 per week farms reporting.. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting.. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. . $50 and over per week farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting. . $2.00 to $2.09 per day farms reporting. . $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting.. $4.00 to «4.99 per day farms reporting.. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting.. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting.. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting., $8.00 and over per day farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting.. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting.. $0.35 to $0.44 per hour .farms reporting.. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour farms reporting.. $0.55 to $0,64 per hour farms reporting.. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting.. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting.. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporttng. . $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting.. No report of wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. Ho report as to basis f payment number of farms.. Expenditures for hired labor in '"9 faims reporting. . dollars.. *"1 to $99 farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting.. $2. 500 and over farms reporting. . Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting.. 51 to $99 farms reporting. . 5100 to $199 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 51.000 to 52,499 52,500 and over . larms reporting. , . farms reporting . farms reporting.. 13,8i4 41,203 6,711 2,901 2, 190 1,382 630 9,545 26,492 4,957 2,023 1,262 9 34 369 6,198 14,711 3,513 1,193 901 436 155 7,616 4.269 1,569 210 195 211 331 121 72 61 51 17 300 3,184 66 326 597 1,074 391 210 137 42 21 320 7,782 473 4,363 1,902 382 129 34 5 35 459 1,788 139 442 468 488 48 31 77 15 59 21 557 223 40,272 24,911,748 13,732 7,740 9,670 4,143 2,918 2,069 27,972 12, 455 6,399 6,646 1,708 631 133 farms. See text] Tenure of operator 1 Full owners 5,308 15,753 2,489 1, 163 889 555 212 3,955 10,544 2,074 901 500 357 123 Part owne rs 3, 159 796 690 73 94 122 134 51 23 28 20 2 143 1,318 20 113 266 446 159 80 60 28 5 141 2,912 166 1,646 698 122 50 7 17 206 605 42 158 179 170 16 14 15 11 197 86 1.3, 293 ,702,507 3,178 2,357 3,694 1,914 1,353 797 R, 369 2,071 1,947 2,422 752 290 87 3,011 13,890 807 661 706 538 299 2,440 9,396 765 581 528 400 166 1,208 4,494 433 288 268 138 81 1,803 637 283 26 21 34 82 24 22 7 13 704 11 56 84 270 116 83 17 3 11 53 2,065 128 1,216 457 104 21 17 115 292 44 107 79 37 11 5 1 5,659 ,166,544 776 831 1,328 921 926 877 2,704 701 694 777 333 170 29 Manager 304 2,381 43 36 64 97 64 290 i,907 55 34 71 75 55 82 474 24 11 23 17 7 222 68 74 5 5 2 12 9 8 15 9 5 4 127 156 3 75 61 9 2 6 1 322 2,166,125 2 2 29 25 70 194 1,629 3,465 969 324 1°2 10 1 43 982 1,926 630 182 68 87 15 Bll 1,539 527 125 98 47 14 818 164 196 60 25 25 36 11 6 25 314 50 10 5 96 20 17 5 976 40 584 235 26 20 66 123 31 37 25 25 62 26 8,968 2,724,005 2,876 2,341 2,573 67 5 341 162 375 1,211 155 85 47 69 19 in' 804 1.35 55 18 73 3 175 407 105 25 200 84 91 42 10 10 10 6 5 113 15 25 36 10 11 5 232 10 145 52 5 Crop- sliare 547 ii-.'i, •wo 115 40 II 1 301 396 225 60 IS 1 282 430 210 35 26 11 265 36 atock- ■haro 312 15 17 2 90 5 5 'Dot a are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 12 1 1,075 786,093 310 165 284 126 107 83 720 285 150 198 56 30 1 295 67,225 70 90 105 20 10 255 65 90 85 15 25 15 3,662 839,210 1,046 1,021 1,175 322 80 18 3,18 5 1.016 931 1,005 202 30 1 71 20,355 10 25 26 5 5 420 931 236 81 80 5 18 220 446 140 36 25 I? 7 227 485 120 50 45 6 6 19 3 27 200 60 25 lllhei and 258 5 170 57 5 5 222 367 153 38 25 1 5 147 250 100 31 10 1 5 92 117 77 10 5 i M 17 75 19 5 5 10 15 5 3.181 684 727,570 283,552 1,245 195 910 130 746 237 150 52 91 48 39 22 2,826 508 1,130 175 855 110 65. 192 10 5 31 30 fa rm» riol classi- fied by tenure 3,562 5,714 2,403 717 339 91 12 1,878 2,719 1,433 325 95 15 10 1,948 2,995 1.366 332 189 57 1,614 264 326 46 50 28 67 26 13 3 721 35 107 137 220 69 8 38 5 44 1,673 5 136 77 842 ■•f, 451 11 121 10 36 10 66 716 16 131 171 236 36 10 61 15 35 S 202 100 12,030 2,152,567 6,900 2,209 2,046 608 228 39 9,321 6,150 1,600 1,291 211 63 6 394 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 20.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a samp FOR: le of farms. See text} Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Paid on an hourly basis I'nder J0.25 per hour. .. 10.25 to $0.34 per hour. JO. 35 to $0.44 per hour. $0.45 to $0.54 per hour. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour. $0:65 to $0.74 per hour. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour. $0.85 to $0.9° per hour. $1.00 and over per hour. No report of wage rate.. Total all farms of nonwhi te operators Hired workers f"ms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting.. 2 hired workers farms reporting.. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Seasonal workers {to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . 1 hired worker farms reporting. . 2 hired workers farms reporting. . 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting.. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting.. 10 hired workers or more. ... farms reporting.. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. . Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. . Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. . Under $25 per month farms reporting. . $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. . $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month, farms reporting. . $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 and over per month farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. . Under $5 per week farms reporting. . $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. . S8 to $1 1 per week farms reporting. . $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. . $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. . $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. . $30 to $39 .per week farms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. -■ $50 and over pr r week farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate ■ number of farms.. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. . Under $2.00 per day farms reporting.. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting.. $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting.. $4^00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting.. $5^00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting.. $6 00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. . $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting.. $8.00 and over per day farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . , farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . . number of farms. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. No report as to basis of payment number of farms.. Expenditures for hired labor in igiig farms reporting. . dol lars. . $1 to $99 fa™ 13 reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting, . $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2, 500 and over farms reporting. . Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting.. $1 to $99 ■ farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting. , $200 to $499 far™ reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting.. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2,500 and over farms reporting.. 2,597 4,065 1,811 436 25B 92 1,336 1,868 1,016 220 63 37 1,421 2,197 995 241 150 35 Tenure of operator 1 Full owners 1,261 241 85 30 30 36 10 494 10 145 170 107 16 5 1 40 1,612 260 951 201 55 S 15 S 120 130 20 55 10 120 22,473 ,736,452 13,7 33 4,890 3,077 532 202 39 20,202 13,018 4.400 2,367 302 100 15 570 910 385 100 65 20 350 465 285 45 10 10 265 445 160 55 45 5 305 45 220 80 30 25 5 15 100 "50 15 20 Part owners 345 70 190 40 5 "s 35 30 25 5 20 15 3 419 430 335 1 966 790 566 82 5 10 2 879 1 841 670 356 12 483 893 275 116 65 27 277 436 175 75 20 7 246 457 155 41 35 15 237 40 Maragers 317 70 181 36 10 30 5 2,332 423. 100 1,200 565 415 85 55 12 1.925 1,130 470 265 50 10 875 1,370 610 145 90 30 475 650 365 75 25 10 450 720 300 85 55 10 10 175 "so 70 40 170 240 125 35 5 5 115 145 90 20 5 10 580 80 385 60 10 100 15 55 20 Share- cash Crop- share Live- stock- share 200 300 135 40 25 90 125 70 10 10 115 175 70 35 10 10 35 12,421 1,570,740 7, 170 2,975 1,826 310 125 15 11,646 6,955 2,795 1,591 210 80 15 85 5 110 Croppers Other and unspeci- fied 430 710 310 45 50 25 225 315 180 25 10 10 1,380 143,910 905 235 200 35 5 1.220 870 205 135 10 345 46, 280 160 120 55 10 135 25 75 15 325 160 110 50 5 225 395 145 35 35 10 20 5 20 205 4,175 544,620 2,155 1, 105 765 125 20 5 3,990 2,100 1.050 720 100 15 5 50 ,155 30 S 10 5 320 45 225 30 5 25 5,995 7 50,230 3 685 1,360 735 125 80 10 5,635 3.565 1,280 635 8 5 60 10 Farms not classi- fied by tenure 476 78,545 235 150 61 10 20 131 230 145 41 10 iData are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 21.-HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 [tw .„ ^„ ., , rk . r . . nd ^ r . tM .„ fJr „, r . d „„.„„, ^ thc >eek preeejing eh( bnmMrieion ^ ^ bM(d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ »0 ^ ^ 395 (For definitions and explanations, see text) Ired workers. . farms reporting, persons. reporting. i l. . i persons. I hired worker r . n l; i larms reporting. I hired workers r . n n ► „ ^ l; . , larms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers * mmm . . r 5 to o hired workers *-— „• in k. i i larms report ins. ID hired workers or more i\,™„ . larma reporting. Regular workers {to be employed 150 days or more) farms 1 hired worker <• l._ . - larms reporting. 1 hired workers r ■ n * «,„ A i. . larms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers <■„,.„ „- ■ e »„ Q i , larms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers f Qr „„ . in , ■ . larms reporting. 10 hired .nrkers or more farms ce £ rtin " Seasonal .orkers (to be employed less than 150 days) .... farms reporting. , . - j , persons. 1 hired worker f ,, . • , larms reporting. 2 hired workers f . i „ ... . larms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers r D __ -• c . n , . . tarms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers f»™„ . In . ■ , . larms reporting. 1U hired workers or more r t Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers fa Both regular and seasonal hired workers fa Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers! '.'..'. farm larms reporting. reporting. . reporting. . s reporting. . Paid on a monthly basis <■ ii-j »or ■ larms reporting. . Under $25 per month f „ . •ne » »•).. i larms reporting. . $25 to $34 per month f a ™«. „ !, . • ie . tin larms reporting.. $35 to $49 per month f a ™. — » .. een . t,- , i larms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month (•„,.„, „ ■ m. * iriri , larms reporting. . to $109 per month f „„ _. ° • no > „„„ larms reporting.. $110 to $129 per month r__ „ „ „ „. H nan .. »i^ ft . larms reporting.. $130 to $169 per month f a ™« .. » • tin .. »n% - . " tarms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month f ar . mo -,_!■ h ■ * t ., ,- , , larms reporting.. 1^15 and over per month t ■ K <=i wuMbu. farms reporting.. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms.. Paid on a weekly basis *_„ i, , - c ' , farms reporting. . Under $5 per week f . . B ■ » c fc -~ v , farms reporting. . $5 to $7 per week f arB ,„ ™ » W«,, . larms reporting. . to $11 per week c,™ . ■ *14 ► em i larms reporting.. $12 to $10 per week f„™,,. _ «■)/. , *-u i larms reporting.. $20 to $24 per week f„™ c „..„„ , «ic ► »on . tarms reporting. . Un 5!o P " ""^ fa ™ s reporting.. 140 to $49 per .eek farms „J orti „J. , $50 and over per week farms reportl „ . No report of hours worked and .age rate number of farms. . IP " i ,1r%, da ,l! ybaS ! S fa ™= reporting.. If $2 -°° f " ° ay f»rms report.ng.. !?°° to J2.TO per day farms r J orti „J. . $3.00 to 13.99 per day tarms reporting.. «*•»? t0 «J-M P" J«J farms reporting.. » 5 '™ t0 « 5 ' 9 ' P« d *y farms reporting.. «•"? to « •?» PT ^y farms reporting MOO TJ ■ "" H* y f.rms reporting Jo. UU and over per day f a No report of hours worked and wage rms reporting te number of farms. N T ,„ « r ' y baS " f »™ s "porting. S d oe t0 '.o P ! f h0U f f «™' reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour ,.„,„ re p 01 . tl 4. »»•« to J0.44 per hour farms ^rting. 5„'« """P" t°° r farms reporting. *"•" " »■« P" h°«r farms reporting.. g-fl t0 J 074 P" h ° UI ' farms reporting. '»■" to $0.84 per hour far m 5 reporting.. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms ^rting. . $1.00 and over per hour farnis reporting.. No report of .age rate numb „ of fams |P«id on a piece-work basis farB , s reporting.. Ho report as to basis of payment nw „ber of farms.. Expenditures for hired labor in im far „ s reporting.. *. .«„ dollars. . J " t9 ' farms reporting. . E?a::::::::::::::r.:::::::::::;:;::::::::::::::::a:s££E: $500 to $999. . farms reporting. fi?oo to $2,499 ;.;,.„, reportlnB .. $2,500 and over farnls reporting. : arms with expenditures for hired labor but "".I' 1 "''.! '' 1 ""' 3 reported fams reporting. . J! " *" farms reporting.. m l ° l]ll farms reporting.. *™ " J«9 farms reporting.. $500 to $999 £ar „, s reporting.. g-SS t °«-* 99 farms reporting.. $2,500 and over farms r ep„ r ting. . Total • 11 farms 16,411 45,268 8,522 3,337 2,448 1,474 630 10,881 28,360 5,973 2,243 1,325 971 369 7,619 16,908 4,508 1,434 1,051 471 155 8,792 2,089 5,530 1,810 295 225 241 367 131 72 71 51 17 340 3,678 76 471 767 1,181 407 210 137 47 22 360 "9,394 733 5,314 2,103 437 134 49 10 35 579 1,918 159 497 468 528 48 36 77 15 69 21 rma. See text] _L 303 62,745 27,648,200 27,465 12,630 12,747 4,675 3,120 2,108 48,174 25,473 10,799 9,013 2,010 731 148 C.h-g 320 1,098 123 74 46 ■10 37 207 627 89 44 33 35 6 148 471 55 27 28 23 15 172 35 113 173 1 117 27 11 628 606,424 147 75 163 84 84 75 335 132 60 74 36 23 10 Type of farm 3,967 1 1 , 490 2,017 799 604 354 193 2,832 7,497 1,548 602 292 261 129 1,629 3,993 926 324 239 98 42 2,338 494 1,135 367 50 42 84 65 26 10 11 11 725 5 146 252 203 22 22 8 13 1 53 2,686 247 1,723 429 85 20 7 10 165 250 30 100 57 52 6 65 17,071 ,262,776 8,086 3,265 3,133 1,188 841 558 Other field-crop 2.721 6,003 1,612 583 331 124 71 1,591 3,146 1,098 284 120 51 38 1,399 2,857 810 314 168 91 16 1,322 269 1,130 481 151 96 51 70 10 15 7 453 5 105 94 161 31 11 15 31 1,617 151 835 420 51 25 5 10 120 137 56 61 45 18,826 4,772,613 6,440 5,071 5,251 1.357 560 147 16.270 6,200 4,706 4,275 805 264 20 Vegetable 249 2,489 86 25 35 60 43 193 1.714 65 31 22 61 14 124 775 41 18 16 26 23 125 68 56 10 11 11 2 1 2 5 10 193 15 102 47 1 10 1 571 1,090,375 175 110 115 60 56 55 331 170 85 50 25 302 1,250 56 95 74 53 24 197 834 42 81 23 33 18 153 416 55 30 37 31 149 48 105 33 5 5 5 "6 39 7 10 21 46 30 10 5 150 1 6 76 67 529 1,099,491 80 45 86 95 97 126 242 70 35 65 50 21 1 396 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 21.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Futures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, sec text) Type of farm — Continued Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms report lng. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 lured workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. S to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $P5 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 and over per month farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting. $25 to $29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 and over per week farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate ...number of farms. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Under $2. 00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. $3.00 to $3.99 per day. farms reporting. $4.00 to $4.99 per day .farms reporting. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting. $R.OO and over per day farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0. 25 per hour farms reporting. $0. 25 to $0. 34 per hour farms reporting. $0. 35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. $0. 45 to $0. 54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0,64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basts farms reporting. Ho report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in 1919 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. MOO to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to «2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 fBrms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over.... farms reporting. B65 ,352 225 179 228 187 46 799 2,822 237 164 218 147 33 249 530 121 44 70 14 616 183 116 5 7 22 485 5 5 31 172 107 75 34 10 5 41 345 10 197 80 28 1 6 1,175 ,711,823 130 85 202 166 255 337 335 130 60 81 31 203 51 60 30 7 260 623 138 66 30 21 5 129 257 86 7 22 13 1 222 38 842 ' 800,711 275 170 162 90 71 71 516 130 101 Livestock other than dairy and poul try 1,047 2,899 399 254 228 133 33 831 ,099 363 212 152 78 26 387 800 192 108 62 23 660 171 135 10 6 27 31 5 10 13 1 2 30 286 6 16 53 105 29 24 21 2 General — primarily crop 596 33 347 135 33 12 1 35 107 13 34 30 15 I 10 17 2.000 1,737,649 448 263 464 325 339 161 402 195 252 93 64 19 1,020 4,798 354 195 189 184 98 801 .873 349 148 128 125 51 443 1,925 179 67 103 54 40 577 224 118 16 10 18 35 10 1 6 2 248 5 30 60 87 5 5 15 683 58 390 165 15 11 5 6 33 101 11 45 27 16 10 2,295 '7 , 004 651 395 469 293 248 239 1,333 601 319 245 123 32 13 General — pnmari ly livestock 317 45 5 20 11 3 59 287 25 5 194 SS9.706 56 30 31 27 27 23 112 56 30 5 10 11 General — crop and livestock 886 2,806 322 189 213 124 38 703 1.977 270 181 138 92 22 342 829 154 85 74 24 5 544 159 17 194 5 10 72 53 20 7 2 5 585 36 395 100 23 5 15 1.703 1,572.277 567 265 256 249 195 171 925 53t, 19 SOUTH CAROLINA State Tabic 22.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 397 [Figures on number of workers .nd wage rate, .re for hired per.on. working the ...k preceding the enumeration. Ik,t. .re based on report, for only . .ample of farm.. See ..«] (for definitions and Item planations, .ice text) Hired workers r.™- »•. »;- larms reporting. i k L person., 1 hired worker ,„„,, repor ti„g. 2 hired workers [arIna reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting 5 to 9 hired workers f . rm . reporting 10 hired workers or more Iama reporting Regular workers (to be employed 150 dsys or more) ..farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker f arma reporting. 2 hired workers farr „ a reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to hired workers f arms reporting. 10 hired workers or more r, rms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. . persons. 1 hired worker farm8 reporting. 2 hired workers fartns reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers f ar ms reporting. 5 to hired workers , ar ms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Both regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farnls reporting. Under $25 per month f arrns reporting. $25 to $34 per month f arms reporting. {35 to MO per month f ar „, s reporting. $50 to $84 per month f ar „ s reporting. $85 to 1100 per month farms reporting. $110 to 1120 per month farms reporting. $130 to $160 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 ond over per month f arm s reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week f aras reporting. $5 to $7 per week ■ f arT „ s reporting. $8 to $11 per week f arms reporting. $12 to $19 per week .' f arms reporting.. $20 to $24 per week farms reporting.. $25 to $20 per week f arnls reporting. . $30 to $39 per week f ar ms reporting. . $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. . $50 and over per week f, rms reporting. . No report of hours worked ond wage rate number of farms. . Paid on a daily basis f ar „ s reporting.. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting.. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting.. $3.00 to $3.99 per doy farms reporting.. $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting.. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting.. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting.. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting.. $6". 00 and over per day farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rote number of farms. . Paid on an hourly basis f anas reporting.. Under $0.25 per hour farms reporting. . $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting.. $0. 35 to $0. 44 per hour farms reporting. . $0. 45 to $0. 54 per hour farms reporting. . $0. 55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. . $0. 65 to $0. 74 per hour farms reporting. . $0.75 to $0.»4 per hour farms reporting.. S0.R5 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting.. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting.. No report of wage rate number of farms. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. No report as to basis of payment number of farms.. Expenditures for hired labor in 1949 farms reporting.. dol lars. . $1 to $99 farms reporting. . $100 to $199 f arms reporting. . $200 to $499 , f arma reporting.. $500 to $099 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting.. $2, 500 and over farms reporting. . Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. . $1 to $99 farms reporting. . $100 to $199 farms reporting. . $200 to $499 farms reporting. . $500 to $999 farms reporting. . $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting.. $2, 500 and over farms reporting. . Total all f a rms 16,411 45,260 8,522 3,337 2,448 1,474 630 10,081 28 . 360 5,973 2,243 1.325 971 369 7,619 16,908 4,506 1,434 1,051 471 155 8,792 2,089 5,530 1.810 295 225 241 367 131 72 71 51 17 340 3,678 76 471 767 1,181 407 210 137 47 22 360 9,394 733 5,314 2,103 437 134 49 10 35 579 1.918 159 497 468 528 48 36 77 15 69 21 Economic claaa 62 745 27,648 200 27 465 12 630 12 747 4 675 3 120 2 108 48 174 25 473 10 799 9 013 2 010 731 148 12,182 30.669 5,578 2, 545 2,073 1,368 618 8.771 25.331 4,349 1,893 1,224 946 359 5,211 13,338 2.760 1,042 847 409 153 6,971 1,800 3.411 1,444 239 175 213 275 100 59 68 42 15 258 2,835 31 339 600 931 327 202 99 42 21 243 7,351 557 4,277 1,587 286 93 29 10 24 1.142 138 361 297 257 12 21 16 178 46.418 25,186.038 17.170 9,861 10,431 4,012 2,877 2,067 35.103 16,233 8,734 7,567 1,769 658 142 Commercial farms Class I 457 7,418 17 9 55 156 220 438 6.0C4 14 19 62 157 186 138 1,334 36 32 30 32 319 119 19 89 1 1 1 18 12 14 16 15 7 4 244 5 10 79 20 47 32 20 6 17 230 1 83 80 45 2 1 1 491 6,150,098 10 5 5 7 42 422 1,178 7,839 84 150 334 431 179 1,112 5,495 127 207 325 349 104 443 2.344 152 54 94 84 59 735 377 66 171 6 21 19 42 31 16 12 4 7 13 26 30 203 100 60 19 1 5 15 713 24 398 221 22 11 2 119 18 28 39 18 2 1 12 1,366 4,875,647 21 38 56 95 319 837 104 21 37 27 33 43 23 CI... Ill 1,854 6,106 530 462 484 280 98 1,560 4,113 549 445 337 196 31 631 1,993 229 140 149 02 31 1,223 337 294 260 60 15 47 45 25 6 7 1 1 53 20 111 140 69 38 14 5 5 37 1,170 47 700 267 42 7 1 10 96 143 6 53 49 28 15 3,271 3.829,819 238 375 765 610 795 480 1,489 232 324 517 243 142 31 991354 O- 52 - 27 398 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 22.— HIRED FARM LABOR AND WAGE RATES BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures on number of workers and wage rates are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. ata are based on reports for only a sample of far See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Economic class — Continued Commercial farms — Continued Other farms Residential Abnormal Hired workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days) farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker farms reporting. 2 hired workers farms reporting. 3 to 4 hired workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 hired workers farms reporting. 10 hired workers or more farms reporting. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Roth regular and seasonal hired workers farms reporting. Seasonal hired workers and no regular hired workers farms reporting. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Under $25 per month ■ farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month farms reporting. $35 to $49 per month farms reporting. $50 to $84 per month farms reporting. $R5 to $109 per month farms reporting. $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. $130 to $169 per month farms reporting. $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. $215 and over per month farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate. number of farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Under $5 per week farms reporting. $5 to $7 per week farms reporting. $8 to $11 per week farms reporting. $12 to $19 per week farms reporting. $20 to S24 per week farms reporting. $25 to S29 per week farms reporting. $30 to $39 per week farms reporting. $40 to $49 per week farms reporting. $50 and over per week farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of farms. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Under $2.00 per day farms reporting. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. $3^00 to $3.99 per day fa ™s reporting. $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting. $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting. $8.00 Bnd over per day f«™s reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate number of fa Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. Under $0.25 per hour f" rms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. $0 35 to $0. 44 per hour farms reporting. $0 45 to $0. 54 per hour farms reporting. $0.55 to $0.64 per hour farms reporting. $0.65 to $0.74 per hour f«™ reporting. $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. $1.00 and over per hour farms reporting. No report of wage rate number of farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Ho report as to basis of payment number of farms. Expenditures for hired labor in 1919 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to nW. ■■■■■■ fo ™ s reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1 000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2, 500 and over .. f»™s reporting. "irms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired orkers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 • farms reporting. $100 to tm. '..'.'.'.'... farms reporting. $200 to $499 fa ™ s reporting. $500 to $999 fa™5 reporting. $1 000 to $2.499 farms reporting. $2 500 and over f> ™ s reporting. 3,283 7,610 1,560 843 550 244 86 2,420 4,601 1,338 651 282 129 20 1,323 3,009 646 317 230 109 21 1,960 460 863 411 61 85 45 67 16 11 15 11 100 707 5 117 151 250 62 39 22 6 55 1.904 123 1,125 412 67 31 10 10 6 120 334 38 113 57 95 5 5 1 3,353 6,156 2.052 701 407 164 29 2,103 3,360 1,472 405 136 72 16 1,601 2,796 1.012 306 217 56 10 1,752 351 1,250 326 75 43 65 64 5 11 6 6 607 6 106 193 159 47 18 73 2,072 166 1,203 407 69 27 10 6 104 286 40 82 76 77 5 5 1 12,038 16,797 687.075 3,806.660 2,604 6,462 2,681 4,564 3,849 4,060 1,701 1,150 1.041 432 162 129 8.978 13,735 2.464 6,087 2,416 4,050 2,988 2,972 605 464 252 131 33 31 2,057 3,540 1,335 380 243 93 6 1,138 1,678 849 166 82 41 1,075 1,862 685 217 125 48 982 156 919 187 36 10 36 39 11 1 12 5 379 15 70 105 100 21 12 5 5 46 1.262 196 688 200 41 15 5 174 21 55 51 30 6 10 74 71 12,455 1.836,739 7,835 2,198 1,696 441 248 37 10.676 7.399 1,902 1,063 224 63 5 2,289 3,543 1,535 467 223 64 1.178 1,524 934 182 51 11 1,277 2,019 866 235 128 1.012 166 1,111 191 41 30 21 41 11 11 400 10 61 96 135 37 46 1.181 95 629 294 97 15 5 46 398 11 90 105 111 15 10 26 10 15 5 50 8,959 .253.832 5.185 1,786 1,483 355 146 4 7,057 4.660 1,338 908 87 14 1.919 2,850 1.408 319 145 41 6 911 1.299 689 162 43 13 4 1,131 1.551 882 157 76 14 2 788 123 1.006 167 15 20 7 51 18 3 6 1 46 428 35 70 71 105 42 6 23 5 81 407 220 53 26 20 5 45 377 10 46 66 160 20 5 35 5 30 75 7,347 1.006,503 5,110 982 827 308 92 28 6,008 4,560 727 532 154 29 6 SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 23.— FARM WAGE RATES: CENSUS OF 19 ,o l/.gure. are for hired persons working the week preceding the .»«,«,.». Data .re baaed on report, for only . .ample of :*.)!> (For definitions and explanations, see text) Basis of payment and wage rates: Paid on a monthly basis., farms reporting. persons. average hours worked per month. average wage per person per month, dollars. Under $25 per month. .. farms reporting. $25 to $34 per month. . farms reporting., $35 to $49 per month. . farms reporting. . $50 to $84 per month.. farms reporting., $85 to $109 per month farms reporting. . $110 to $129 per month farms reporting. . $130 to $169 per mon th farms reporting. . $170 to $214 per month farms reporting. . $215 per month and over farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and WBge rates farms. . persons. . Paid on a weekly basis. .. farms reporting.. persons. . average hours worked per week.. average wage per person per week, dollars.. Under $5 per week farms reporting. . $5 to $7 per week farms reporting.. $8 to $11 oer week. ... farms reporting.. $12 to $19 per week... farms reporting.. $20 to $24 per week. .. farms reporting.. $25 to $29 per week. . . farms reporting. . $30 to $39 per week... farms reporting.. $40 to $49 per week. .. farms reporting.. $50 per week and over farms reporting. . No report of hours worked and wage rate farms. . persons. . Paid on a daily basis. ... farms reporting.. persons. . average hours worked per day. . average wage per person per day, dollars.. Under $2.00 per day. .. farms reporting.. $2.00 to $2.99 per day farms reporting. . $3.00 to $3.99 per day farms reporting. . $4.00 to $4.99 per day farms reporting. . $5.00 to $5.99 per day farms reporting. . $6.00 to $6.99 per day farms reporting. . $7.00 to $7.99 per day farms reporting. $8.00 per day and over farms reporting. No report of hours worked and wage rate farms. persons. Paid on an hourly basis. . farms reporting. persons. . average wage per person per hour, dollars.. Under $0.25 per hour. . farms reporting. $0.25 to $0.34 per hour farms reporting. . $0.35 to $0.44 per hour farms reporting. . $0.45 to f.0.54 per hour farms reporting. . $0.55 to $0.64 per hour . . . farms reporting. . $0.65 to $0.74 per hour farms reporting. . $0.75 to $0.84 per hour farms reporting. . $0.85 to $0.99 per hour farms reporting. . $1.00 per-hour and over farms reporting. . No report of wage rate farms . . persons. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. . persons. . No report as to basis of payment. .. farms. . persons. . rma. See text] One or more hired workers for a apecified b.aia of payment I ,810 2,890 197 72 295 225 241 367 131 7 2 71 51 17 340 455 3,678 7.886 48 16 76 471 767 1,181 407 210 137 47 360 650 9,394 25.379 9.1 2.35 733 5.314 2,103 437 134 49 10 35 579 1,533 1.918 5.585 0.35 159 497 468 77 15 69 21 155 677 2.497 303 1,031 • Not available. Ry type of perquisites furnished 134 C) C) C) 11 5 4 6 3 37 C) 634 <•> C) C) 20 45 155 211 32 C) 3.150 (•) C) C) 242 1,590 882 177 68 25 155 C) 857 C) C) 82 198 150 314 15 20 148 C) C) '•' 1 Mouse only 561 C) C) C) 41 68 84 145 61 26 41 15 9 71 C) 991 C) C) C) 90 224 359 122 57 39 25 C) C) 22 83 in 68 11 C) 129 C) C) Board and room only 405 C) C) C) 122 40 61 82 11 64 C) 87 2,159 629 C) C) <•) 108 126 1,419 295 416 135 82 26 28 1 10 1 104 C) 308 37 C) 81 (•) 96 C) (") Other only 145 C) C) C) 70 15 15 15 8 1 5 1 5 2 1 85 C) 22 C) 770 166 C) CI C) C) 25 227 208 10 20 31 174 38 6 57 5 5 27 16 C) 549 C) C) C) 70 322 125 25 1 13 C) C) 16 C) C) C) House and other' 389 C) C) C) 17 66 69 86 43 18 16 21 4 49 C) 663 C) C) C) 6 59 112 238 99 74 27 10 38 (•1 1,285 C) C) 103 835 226 C) 169 C) C) 7 73 48 21 5 10 C) 51 C) C) C) Hoard and room and other 36 C> C) C) 20 10 CI 55 C) C) C) 15 5 10 10 C) 21 C) C) C) 10 C) 10 C) (•> 10 (■) (•) port- ing 140 (•) C) (•) 25 5 13 3 22 2 3 1 66 C) 399 (•) C) C) 25 27 137 54 25 8 5 5 113 C) 1,601 C) C) 74 853 314 72 26 22 10 22 ,.?<> 480 C) C) 48 118 122 227 C) C) C) Only 1 hired worker for a specified basis of payment 1,335 1,335 189 52 269 158 189 251 80 40 39 19 12 278 278 2,191 2,191 45 13 66 374 507 606 216 93 66 13 238 238 4,587 4,587 9.1 2.31 453 2,522 974 194 82 31 5 10 316 316 1,084 1,084 0.44 61 257 232 350 30 31 57 5 51 10 10 460 460 C) C) By type of perquisite, furnished 105 105 C) C) 20 6 21 11 5 2 6 2 32 32 407 407 C) C) 15 45 110 125 43 31 10 1 21 21 1,714 C) 125 903 463 95 41 15 67 67 527 25 115 81 220 10 15 111 111 C) C) House only 364 364 C) C) 36 47 62 92 30 15 47 47 434 434 (") C) Hoard and only 364 364 C) (•) 112 40 60 65 Other only 45 89 141 67 15 17 7 47 47 702 (•) 50 468 117 80 80 631 631 C) C) 25 207 176 111 36 1 31 31 127 (if 6 41 35 70 70 471 C«P C) 121 211 93 16 5 128 128 (•) (•) 60 15 10 15 5 llou.e and other' 21 21 132 132 C) C) 10 20 25 93 93 C) C) 10 10 350 <*?° C> 60 190 70 235 235 C) C) 16 30 51 52 27 36 36 317 317 C) C> 1 27 80 104 48 31 Bo.rd .nd room and other 95 95 C) (•) 5 5 11 11 C) 12 12 396 C) 46 246 56 36 36 (•) C) 20 1 10 10 55 55 (•) (•) 15 5 10 10 10 10 <.y 10 10 10 C) (•) 'Includes farms reporting "house and board and room," and "house, board and room, and other." 30 30 C) (•) 10 10 C) CI Not re- port- 103 103 If) C) 25 5 6 1 52 52 215 215 C) C) 25 17 73 17 IS 68 68 944 <-r C) 41 504 175 31 15 15 5 5 153 153 279 <-r 30 61 55 55 15 16 22 5 15 5 5 111 111 (•) C) 400 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 24.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acres 260-499 acres 500-999 acres Hired workers fan 1 hired worker only farms 2 or more hired workers.. farms Regular workers farms Seasonal workers farms reporting. persons. reporting. reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. House only farms reporting. Board and room only farms reporting. Other only farms reporting. House and other 1 farms reporting. Board and room and other farms reporting. No report. Paid on a weekly basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other ' farms Board and room and other farms .... farms, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report. Paid on a daily basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other ' farms Board and room and other farms No report Paid on an hourly basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other . farms Board and room and other farms No report .... farms . reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. .... farms. reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. Paid on a piece-work basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other farms Board and room and other farms No report No report as to basis of payment. .... farms, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. . farms. . farms. 16,411 45,268 8,522 7,889 10,881 28,360 7.619 16,908 1,810 134 561 405 145 389 36 140 3.678 634 991 770 166 663 55 399 9.394 3,150 2,159 629 549 1,285 21 1,601 1,918 857 308 81 13 169 10 480 677 148 129 96 16 51 10 227 303 491 816 341 150 226 351 320 465 15 255 80 10 15 25 5 120 90 1,950 3,025 1,435 515 939 1,302 1,118 1,723 177 10 20 110 10 17 5 101 36 111 30 15 5 55 1,098 495 100 95 60 67 5 276 272 141 16 15 5 5 5 85 96 26 20 20 1,955 2,965 1,470 485 1,060 1,355 1,020 1,610 295 20 60 115 45 20 10 25 370 80 30 115 20 40 30 55 1.020 480 135 90 75 35 205 215 110 20 10 1,522 2,547 1,015 507 917 1,337 725 1,210 151 45 25 25 35 5 5 316 41 65 110 15 20 10 55 761 315 120 80 50 76 1,801 3,245 1,110 691 1,056 1,580 896 1,665 186 10 41 50 25 35 10 15 326 80 60 100 10 40 120 230 135 20 15 5 10 36 945 370 170 50 50 105 110 10 10 1,732 3,322 945 787 1,137 1,913 826 1,409 147 20 56 15 10 36 5 5 381 80 125 80 25 41 5 25 1,005 395 240 75 60 115 10 110 200 90 60 5 1,305 2,885 625 680 880 1,565 585 1.320 125 15 60 15 10 25 86 120 20 20 15 897 2,290 401 496 657 1,494 371 796 65 638 2,174 260 378 463 1,089 262 1,085 65 2,083 7,275 680 1,403 1,692 4.983 790 2,292 246 25 66 15 5 95 45 60 50 20 45 5 30 775 270 185 55 55 105 105 160 55 20 15 10 236 6 70 75 10 45 5 153 15 57 30 5 36 40 507 78 182 40 15 172 30 561 170 151 45 45 75 75 65 35 15 5 10 412 95 146 25 20 66 5 55 50 10 15 5 20 1.315 284 419 45 75 315 177 183 72 51 1 Includes farms reporting "house and board and room," and "house, board and room, and other. SOUTH CAROLINA State Table 25.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS [Figures are for hired persona working the week preceding the enumeruti 401 OF 1950 (For definitions and explanations, see text) I workers farms reporting. persons. 1 hired worker only farms reporting. 2 or more hired workers farms reporting. Regular workers farms reporting., persons. , Seasonal workers farms reporting., Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting.. House and other 2 farms reporting.. Board and room and other farms reporting.. No report f a rms . . Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only , farms reporting.. House and other 2 farms reporting.. Board and room and other farms reporting.. N° report . farms. . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting.. House and other 2 farms reporting. . Board and room and other farms reporting.. No report farms. . Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only „ farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting.. House and other 2 farms reporting.. Board and room and other farms reporting.. No report farms. . Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting.. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. . House only farms reporting.. Board and room only farms reporting.. Other only farms reporting. . House and other 2 farms reporting.. Board and room and other farms reporting.. No "Port farms . . Ho report as to basis of payment ....farms.. Total all 1 n rms 16,411 45,268 8.522 7.8B9 10,881 28,360 7,619 16,908 1,810 134 561 405 145 389 36 140 3,678 634 991 770 166 663 55 399 9,394 3,150 2,159 629 549 1.285 21 1,601 1,918 857 308 81 13 169 10 480 677 148 129 96 16 51 10 227 303 are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Tenure of operator' Full owners Part owners 5,878 16,663 2,874 3,004 4,305 11,009 2,414 5,654 770 75 263 113 76 169 10 64 1.418 188 444 2'1 67 272 25 151 3.257 987 857 222 169 515 1 506 635 263 117 20 2 86 147 217 37 34 51 66 101 3,494 14,783 1.082 2,412 2,717 9,832 1 , 454 4,951 334 10 137 48 23 92 1 23 799 144 239 124 23 189 10 70 2,382 667 722 84 121 477 311 297 89 74 10 75 120 5 23 15 1 17 306 2,388 43 263 292 1,914 82 474 74 10 33 3 129 13 55 1 2,504 4,835 1.579 925 1,457 2,576 1,261 2,259 266 5 53 110 25 33 20 20 489 105 93 130 15 71 5 70 1.556 592 222 155 95 96 10 386 158 71 17 10 545 ,451 280 265 399 949 245 502 Share - cash 5 178 55 37 30 5 36 15 322 101 68 30 25 22 5 71 21 65 120 40 25 30 35 35 85 Crop- ahure ^Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms Includes farms reporting "house and board and room, " and ' 747 1,126 515 232 391 521 397 605 Live- stock- share 10 40 5 10 10 5 130 25 10 50 5 25 5 10 447 210 46 75 30 26 5 55 45 20 S 5 Croppe 850 1,641 546 304 445 761 452 Other and apeci- fled 10 578 210 56 50 25 37 200 67 267 437 178 89 182 300 112 137 5 IS 7 35 10 ilj 5 5 2 10 25 164 Farms not classi - fled by tenure 4,229 6,599 2,944 1,285 2,110 3,029 2,408 3,570 366 34 75 127 20 75 5 30 843 184 160 244 61 79 15 100 2,043 378 294 161 162 152 10 386 776 415 82 40 10 20 10 199 262 95 44 25 15 5 78 125 only. house, board and room, and other. 402 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 25.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text} Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of white operators Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share Live- stock- share Croppers Other and speci- fied Farms not classi- fied by tenure Hired workers farms 1 hired worker only farms 2 or more hired workers. farms Regular workers farms Seasonal workers farms reporting. persons. reporting. reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. House only farms reporting. Board and room only farms reporting. Other only farms reporting. House and other 3 farms reporting. Board and room and other farms reporting. No report farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. House only farms reporting. Board and room only farms reporting. Other only farms reporting. House and other 2 farms reporting. Board and room and other farms reporting. No report farms . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report farms Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting Perquisites furnished: None farms House on 1 y fa rms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report. .far Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. House only farms reporting Board and room only farms reporting. Other only farms reporting House and other 2 farms reporting. Board and room and other farms reporting No report Ho report as to basis of payment. . farms 13.814 41,203 6.711 7,103 9,545 26,492 6,198 14,711 1.569 129 515 285 100 379 31 130 3,184 503 934 600 141 632 55 319 7,782 2,458 2,044 459 364 1,235 21 1,201 1,788 777 283 71 13 164 10 470 557 108 114 81 11 51 10 182 223 5,308 15,753 2,489 2,819 3,955 10.544 2,149 5,209 690 70 248 93 46 164 10 59 1,318 178 434 216 62 272 25 131 2,912 807 837 197 124 510 1 436 605 253 102 15 147 197 32 34 41 3,011 13.890 807 2,204 2,440 9,396 1,208 4,494 283 10 116 23 18 92 1 129 214 99 13 179 10 60 2,065 520 692 54 76 457 266 292 84 74 10 304 2,381 43 261 290 1,907 82 474 74 10 33 1,629 3,465 969 660 982 1,926 811 1,539 196 5 43 60 25 28 20 40 976 387 177 70 55 81 10 196 123 56 7 10 375 1,211 155 220 284 804 175 407 5 113 20 37 10 5 26 15 232 76 63 20 15 22 5 31 21 547 826 380 167 301 396 282 430 10 30 5 10 10 5 95 10 10 40 5 20 5 5 312 150 41 40 15 26 5 35 25 10 5 420 931 236 184 220 446 227 485 110 31 10 15 22 222 367 153 69 147 250 92 117 10 16 5 15 144 31 37 10 6 60 15 10 5 15 5 1 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms 2 Includes farms reporting "house and board and room," and only. house, board and room, and other. SOUTH CAROLINA 403 State Tabic 25.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY COLOR AND TENURE OF OPERATOR : CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Figures arc for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms of nonwhi tr operators Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- sharc Live- stock- share Croppers Other and s pe c i - fied Farms not classi- fied by tenure I red workers fa 1 hired worker only farms 2 or more hired workers farms Regular workers farms Seasonal workers farms Paid on a monthly basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms reporting. persons. reporting. report ing. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report , farms. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None farms reporting. House only farms reporting. Board and room only farms reporting. Other only farms reporting. House and other 2 farms reporting. Board and room and other farms reporting. No report farms. Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. Perquisites furnished: None , . .farms reporting. House only farms reporting. Board and room only farms reporting. Other only farms reporting. House and other' farms reporting. Board and room and other farms reporting. No report larms. , Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting.. Perquisi tes furnished : None farms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other 2 farms Board and room and other farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report farms. Paid on a piece-work basis farms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only fa rms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other farms Board and room and other farms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report Mo report as to basis of payment. . farms. . farms. 2,597 4,065 1,811 7 86 1,336 1,868 1,421 2,197 241 5 46 120 45 10 5 10 494 131 57 170 25 31 80 1,612 692 115 170 185 50 400 130 10 120 40 15 IS 570 4B3 910 893 38S 275 185 208 350 277 465 436 265 246 445 457 180 20 25 45 5 147 30 30 45 20 875 1.370 610 265 475 650 450 720 5 175 60 10 55 5 15 30 580 205 45 85 40 15 190 35 170 240 125 45 115 145 70 95 200 300 135 65 5 90 125 115 5 175 15 10 5 135 430 710 310 120 225 315 225 395 10 320 100 25 40 10 15 130 15 45 70 25 20 35 50 20 20 10 20 10 5 667 885 541 126 232 310 460 575 25 10 46 11 35 5 5 20 370 160 20 30 55 10 95 60 50 5 5 60 35 20 25 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms Includes farms reporting "house and board and room, " and only. house, board and room, and other. 404 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 26.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text^ Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut Dairy Live- stock other than dairy and poultry Gen- eral- pn- marily crop Gen- eral — pri- marily live- stock Gen- eral — crop and H i red workers farms 1 hired worker only farms 2 or more hired workers farms Regular workers farms Seasonal workers farms Paid on a monthly basis farms Perquisites furnished: None f a r ms liouse only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other farms Board and room and other farms reporting. persons. reporting. reporting. report lng. persons, reporting. persons. reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report. Pa i d on a week I y bas is fa rms Perquisites furnished: None farms House only larms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other farms Board and room and other farms .... farms, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting. No report. Paid on a daily basis farms Perquisites furnished: None fa rms House only farms Boa rd and room on 1 y farms Other only farms House and other' farms Board and room and other larms .... farms . reporting. reporting, report lng. report lng. report lng. reporting, reporting. No report. Paid on an hourly basis ..farms Perquisites furnished: None farms Hou se only fa rms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and other farms Board and room and other farms No report. Paid on a piece-work basis farms Perquisites furnished: None fa rms House only farms Board and room only farms Other only farms House and o t he r ' fa rms Board and room and other farms .... farms. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporli ng, . .... farms . . reporting . . reporting., reporting . . reporting. . reporting. . report i ng, . report ing. . No report No report as to basis of payment. . farms. . farms . 16,411 45,268 8,522 7,889 10,881 28,360 7,619 16,908 1,810 134 561 405 145 389 36 140 3,678 634 991 770 166 663 55 399 9,394 3,150 2,159 629 549 1,285 21 1,601 1,918 857 308 81 13 169 10 480 677 148 129 96 16 51 10 227 303 320 3,967 1,098 123 197 207 627 148 471 5 173 27 47 15 11.4O0 2,017 1,950 2,832 7,497 1,629 3,993 367 16 122 81 36 93 19 725 126 216 156 25 99 5 98 2,686 771 7 37 195 135 394 5 449 250 2,721 6,003 1,612 1,109 1,591 3,146 1,399 2,857 481 41 122 140 60 53 30 35 453 56 76 181 25 69 25 21 1,617 845 212 120 92 68 5 275 137 56 31 5 249 2,489 86 163 193 1,714 124 775 21 302 1,250 56 246 197 834 153 416 865 3,352 225 640 799 2,822 249 530 116 5 41 5 6 42 203 148 260 623 129 257 1,047 2.899 399 648 831 2,099 387 800 135 6 81 1,020 4,798 354 666 801 2,873 443 1,925 118 7 55 21 10 20 17 485 75 17 5 30 5 159 16 193 55 27 5 10 38 58 21 2 6 41 345 38 90 12 16 89 100 92 30 16 1 146 33 31 15 5 286 45 85 53 17 45 5 36 596 144 189 19 51 112 81 107 42 15 6 1 7 5 248 160 248 34 37 101 103 101 42 21 10 317 45 39 59 287 30 30 1 Includes farms reporting "house and board and room," and "house, board and room, and other," SOUTH CAROLINA 405 State Table 27.— PERQUISITES FURNISHED HIRED FARM WORKERS BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 [Figures are for hired persons working the week preceding the enumeration. Dati! are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] I tern (For definitions and explanations, see text) ired workers. 1 hired worker only 2 or more hired workers. Regular workers Seasonal workers Paid on a monthly basis Perquisites furnished: None House only Roard and room only Other only House and other' Board and room and other... No report Paid on a weekly bas is Perquisites furnished: None House only Hoard and room only Other only House and other 1 Board and room and other. . . No repo Paid on a daily basis Perquisites furnished: None House only Board and room only. Other only House and other ' Board and room and other. . No report Paid on an hourly basis Perquisites furnished: House only. Board and room only Other only House and other 1 Board and room and other. . . No report Paid on a piece-work basis Perquisites furnished: None House only Board and room only Other only House and other 1 Board and room and other. . . No report No report as to basis of payment. farms reporting persons arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting persons arms reporting persons arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting farms arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting s reporting s reporting arms reporting farms rms reporting rms reporting arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting arms reporting arms reporting farms arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting arms reporting rms reporting rms reporting arms reporting farms arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting farms farms 16,411 45, 268 8,522 7,889 10,881 28, 360 7,619 16,908 1,810 134 561 405 145 389 36 140 3,678 634 091 770 166 663 55 399 9,394 3,150 2,159 629 549 1,285 21 1,601 1,918 857 308 81 13 169 10 148 129 96 16 51 10 227 303 Economic class Commercial far 12, 182 38,669 5,578 6,604 8,771 25,331 5,211 13,338 1,444 100 486 278 125 314 31 110 2,8 35 450 831 526 105 584 40 299 7,351 2,272 1,865 468 387 1,133 11 1,215 1,142 442 226 41 3 149 281 415 53 85 71 1 46 10 149 178 Class 1 Class II Class III Class IV CI 457 7,418 17 440 438 6,084 138 1,334 31 100 1 12 85 15 230 22 76 6 1 1,178 7,839 84 1,094 1, 112 5,495 443 2, 344 171 64 12 6 60 1 20 459 55 150 34 56 713 108 244 24 26 203 1 107 119 25 34 6 2 7 1,854 6,106 530 1,324 1,560 4,113 631 1,993 260 15 113 42 10 47 5 28 439 68 207 42 12 69 5 36 1,170 251 426 50 36 242 5 160 143 31 56 5 1 26 3,283 7,610 1,560 1,723 2,420 4,601 1,323 3,009 411 51 116 76 51 69 25 23 707 128 160 169 30 125 15 80 1,904 661 492 156 72 270 253 334 99 105 IS 6 15 3,353 6,156 2,052 1,301 2, 103 3,360 1,601 2,796 326 10 94 91 35 64 32 607 108 122 145 35 124 10 63 2,072 782 423 146 152 184 385 286 147 57 20 36 127 15 37 21 2,057 3,540 1,335 722 1, 138 1,678 1,075 1,862 187 6 69 56 22 27 7 379 60 92 135 16 17 10 49 1,262 204 86 100 148 5 271 174 2,289 3,543 1,535 754 1,178 1,524 1,277 2,019 191 10 29 86 5 35 5 21 400 76 73 128 20 37 15 51 1,181 545 182 100 86 87 10 171 398 210 47 20 5 5 5 106 143 60 31 10 5 5 Besi- dential 1,919 2,8 50 1,408 511 911 1,299 1,131 1,551 167 22 45 40 15 38 7 428 106 82 115 41 36 48 857 333 111 61 76 62 214 377 205 35 20 5 15 5 92 119 35 13 15 10 21 206 1 20 21 206 2 IS 2 5 1 1 Includes farms reporting "house and board and room," and "house, board and room, and other." lite Table 28.— SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED NUM- BER OF FARMS AND FARMS REPORTING : CENSUS OF 1950 If the estimated number of farms or farms reporting is — 00... 00... 00... noo.. 000 . . ooo.. ooo. ooo. Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated number would differ from the results of a complete tabu- lation by less than 1 — Percent 40 29 20 13 9.0 6.5 4.0 2.9 2.0 1.3 .90 .65 .40 the case es more t ed by mi as foil. ll'/ien rms repot of items for which the estimated number of farms or farms reporting con- han 50 percent of all farms in the universe, more precise limits may be ltiplying the percent difference given in die table by an approximate the number of fnrms or ting constitutes (percent )- 50 75 90 95 Multiply given limit by — 0.75 .50 .30 .20 State Table 29 — SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED ITEM TOTALS FOR COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, AND STATE FOR SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING BY LEVELS: CENSUS OF 1950 the estimated total number of farms re- porting is — 25 50 100 250 500 l.ooo... 2.500... 5,000.. . 10,000.. 25,000.. 50.000.. 100,000. 250.000. Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimated Item total would differ from the results of a complete tabulation of the item for all farms by less than 1 — 1 Percent 44 31 22 14 10 7.0 4.4 3.1 2.2 1.4 1.0 .70 .14 Percent 49 35 25 16 11 8.0 4.9 3.5 2.5 1.6 1. 1 .80 .49 Level 3 rercent 57 40 jo 18 13 9.0 5.7 4.0 2.9 1.8 1.3 .90 .57 Percent 63 45 32 20 14 10 6.3 4.5 3.2 2.0 1.4 1.0 .63 Level 5 Percent 75 S3 38 24 17 12 7.5 5.3 3.8 2.4 1.7 1.2 .75 Percent 85 60 43 27 19 14 8.5 6.0 1.9 1.4 .85 Level 7 Percent 98 70 49 31 22 16 9.8 7.0 4.9 3.1 2.2 1.6 .96 1 In the case of items where large farm reports constitute a significant proportion of he item total more precise limits may be obtained by reducing the percent difference ;iven in the table by the proportion of Che item total reported on large farms. See •tate Table 13 for large farm totals. 406 STATISTICS FOR THE STATE State Table 30 -INDICATED LEVEL OF SAMPLING RELIABILITY OF ESTIMATED COUNTY, ECONOMIC AREA, Mate lame 30. iinuu- ^^ ^^ TOTALS FQR SPECIFIED ITEM S: CENSUS OF 1950 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS Lend owned or managed by farm operators acres. . Land rented from others and/or to others by farm operators acres. . Land in farms; average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildings per farm, per acre dollars.. Cropland; total, harvested, pastured, other acres.. Woodland; total, pastured, not pastured acres.. Total pasture, other pasture, other land acres.. Irrigated land m farms acres.. Land irrigated by sprinklers acres. . Age of farm operator, year began operation of present farm, average years. . Average distance to trading center; average distance over dirt or unimproved roads miles.. SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Average of last monthly electric bill dollars.. Gram combines, corn pickers, pick-up hay balers number.. Upright or pit or trench silos number.. Motortrucks....' number. . Tractors; total, wheel, garden, crawler number. . Automobiles ■ number.. FARM LABOR Family and/or hired workers persons.. Hired workers or regular workers persons. . Seasonal workers persons. , Paid on monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, piecework, or no report as to basis of payment persons. Average hours worked per month, week, day hours. Average wage per month, week, day, hour dollars. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Machine hire and/or hired labor dollars Feed for livestock or poultry dollars Livestock and poultry purchased dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars Farm machinery repairs °°' lars VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE All farm products sold, average sales per farm reporting dollars. All crops sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Forest products sold dollars. LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Horses and/or mules number. Cattle and calves number. Cows, including heifers that have calved number. Milk cows number. Hogs and pigs • number. Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand number. Chickens sold number Chicken eggs sold dozens Cattle and calves sold number Hogs and pigs sold number SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED Corn for al 1 purposes. acres Corn harvested for gram acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested acres bales harvested value of sales Tobacco harvested acres pounds harvested Level of sampling reliability (refer to corresponding numbered columns in State Table 29) The State Size groups .'I I u e ot sa lea Land from which hay was . acri Tenure groups 6 S O 6£ Economic-class groups a - a - E= IS a — i 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 Type -of- fi .* 1-5 W — i o O O *J a: « -t o u 12 Chickens on hand number. Chickens sold number. Eggs sold dozens. Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of chickens on hand Under 25 chickens Cows milked yesterday number All dairy products sold dollars Whole milk sold gallons dollars Cream sold pounds of butterfat dol lars 25-49 chickens 50 -99 chickens 100-199 chickens 200-399 chickens 400-799 chickens 800-1.599 chickens 1,600-3,199 chickens .200 chickeni or more Level of sampling reliability for specified items by number of milk cows 1 or 2 cows 3 or 4 cows 5-9 cows 10-19 cows' 20-29 cows 30-49 cows 50 cows and over Chapter B STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES (407) a in t s ® e 410 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table L- -FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM [1950 data for items shown in italics are based (For definitions and explanations, see text) Bamberg Barnwell 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture. FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number 1950, . . 1945... Approximate land area acres 1950... Proportion in farms percent 1950... Land owned by farm operators acres 1950. . . Land rented from others by farm operators acres 1950... Land managed by farm operators acres 1950... Land rented to others by farm operators (see text) acres 1950... Land in farms acres 1950... 1945... Average size of farm acres 1950... 1945. . . Value of land and buildings. .average per farm, dollars 1950... 1945.. . average per acre, dollars 1950. . . 1945... Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1950... Proport ion of land in farms for which value was reported percent 1950. . . Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting 1949... 1944... acres 1949... 1944... arms reporting 1949. . . 1944. . . s reporting 1949... 1944... arms reporting 1949. . . 1944. . . arms reporting 1949. . . 1944. . . arms reporting 1949. . . 1944... arms reporting 1949. . . 1944. . . arms reporting 1949... 1944... arms reporting 1949. . . 1944'.. acres 1949. . . 1944'.. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting 1949. . . acres 1949... 1944. . . Woodland pastured farms reporting 1949. . . 1944. .. acres 1949. . . 1944... Woodland not pastured farms reporting 1949. . . 1944. . . acres 1949... 1944... Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting 1949... 1944'.. acres 1949. . . 1944'.. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting 1949... 1944. . . acres 1949.. . 1944. . . Cropland, total farms reporting 1949... 1944'.. acres 1949.. . 1944'.. Land pastured, total farms reporting 1949... 1944... acres 1949.. . 1944... Woodland, total farms reporting 1949... 1944. . . acres 1949... 1944... Irrigated land in farms farms reporting 1949... 1944... acres 1949... 1944... Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting 1949... acres 1949... FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated ...operators reporting 1950... 1945... Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1950... 1945... With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural produ'.ts sold operators reporting 1949... Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1949... 1944. . 100 days or more operators reporting 1949... 1944... 139,364 147,745 19,395,200 61.2 9,040,160 3,819.576 645,251 1,626,194 11,878,793 11,021,623 85.2 74.6 5,648 2.982 69.06 39.98 87 83 129,967 144,116 3,959,822 4,149,321 24,593 26,237 36,564 38,605 28,881 34,603 23,906 28,705 11,544 12,012 3,016 2,737 1,463 1,217 26,802 12,118 494,385 237,718 46,612 931,783 799,850 35,429 31,366 1,207,072 985,431 68,777 71,616 4,354,782 3,828,130 25,183 32,730 489,181 628,543 103,018 116,345 441,768 392,630 135,453 146,627 5,385,990 5,186,889 61,197 59,163 2,190,638 1,851,692 80,243 81,117 5,561,854 4,813,561 84 62 53 1.793 130,131 136,520 5,603 9,424 45,807 51,390 32,527 32,315 21,132 2,040 2,374 324,480 67.1 169,764 60,096 9,500 21,693 217,667 202,722 106.7 85.4 5,018 2,062 50.40 24.15 85 79 1,836 2,267 53,501 64,146 330 327 519 639 405 556 344 494 179 194 48 46 11 11 547 127 13,483 2,047 1,100 27,260 23,372 878 913 28,774 18,590 1.073 1,254 69,698 54,115 721 1,120 16,024 25,349 1.583 1,584 8,927 15,103 1,991 2,350 94,244 89,565 1,284 1,410 58,281 45,986 1,285 1,418 98,472 72,705 3,415 3,847 702,080 60.3 314,373 140,460 17,513 49,189 423,157 361,841 123.9 94.1 4,583 2,477 39.26 26.33 87 82 3,182 3,725 136,762 146,836 524 424 528 690 603 897 763 938 524 581 170 137 70 58 633 183 15,132 6,383 1,630 48,645 31,966 499 103 21,626 7,783 1,887 1,742 181,471 144,200 244 349 7,644 12,775 2,896 3,448 11,877 11,898 3,343 3,844 200,539 185,185 1,034 567 44,402 26,941 2,038 1,761 203,097 151,983 ,140 62 197 819 641 561 457 3,055 3.344 165 484 1,238 1,247 952 866 587 777 1,074 267,520 72.4 121,921 57,550 27,675 13,442 193,704 132,937 249.3 123.8 5,865 2,611 27.56 21.09 75 64 750 1,049 73,271 63,408 43 124 64 106 124 235 213 308 186 174 51 45 69 57 205 132 5,553 4,879 420 23,656 18,611 137 160 8,460 7,525 369 311 75,445 32,361 51 153 1,621 3,343 523 900 5,698 2,810 760 1,074 102,480 86,898 296 380 15,631 15,747 406 391 83,905 39,886 699 992 48 81 224 587 119 382 5,800 6,371 496,000 82.2 313,977 156,324 12,277 75,004 407,574 402, iao 70.3 63.1 6,834 3,491 97.50 55.30 86 86 5.343 6,204 176,978 191,266 832 637 1,230 1,468 1,226 1,727 1,255 1,626 568 586 180 125 52 35 921 771 17,386 9,700 2,195 46,404 42.805 1,772 1,841 34,589 35,629 2,528 2,716 80,138 76,267 1,978 1,944 33,793 29,788 4,566 5,493 18.286 16,725 5,636 6,348 240.768 243,771 3,412 3,918 o5,768 75,117 3,210 3,316 114.727 111,896 1 10 1 10 5,486 5,921 211 295 2,203 2,171 922 1,562 496 1,530 1,527 252,800 82.9 153,742 82,255 5,262 31,693 209,566 166,940 137.0 109.3 4,331 2,462 34.86 22.52 82 74 1,471 1,504 80,209 73,854 87 67 190 158 311 336 412 493 325 336 98 81 7,190 2,602 650 25.080 16,614 236 182 7,675 5,534 866 896 80,265 62,056 94 149 3,394 2,938 1,071 1,333 5,753 3,342 1,509 1,526 112,479 93,070 533 402 18,259 11,074 918 921 87 , 940 67,590 1,374 1,318 98 135 429 203 240 108 1,876 2,417 353,920 73.6 186,327 103,843 11,438 41,190 260,418 239,420 138.8 99.1 3,776 2,532 30.36 25.56 84 76 1.782 2,371 111,906 108,849 90 210 150 319 304 511 528 715 489 448 154 120 67 48 389 154 393 9 3,808 926 37,476 36,212 259 92 7,427 3,835 985 1,109 79,175 74,303 241 155 6,151 4,824 1.338 2,181 8,890 7,589 1,844 2,406 158,775 148,869 639 323 22,971 12 , 467 1,027 1,120 86,602 78.138 1 1,713 2,168 120 228 319 431 176 199 119 1,653 1,300 430,080 39.9 117,696 23,645 33,629 3,270 171,700 125,779 103.9 96.8 4,396 3,265 66.73 33.75 75 1,511 1,256 24.897 23,920 1,005 684 352 396 58 67 29 43 28 28 25 18 14 20 376 66 14,471 5,643 577 16,771 8,714 211 260 41,068 61,451 461 279 47,906 11,046 89 167 4,937 11.034 1,467 851 21,650 3,971 1,581 1,298 56,139 38,277 540 433 60,476 78,128 607 467 88,974 72,497 22 610 " - 2 540 1,575 1,250 32 43 996 872 358 666 246 Data for 1944 not strictly comparable with those for 1949. See SOUTH CAROLINA 411 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Cheater Chesterfield Clarendon Colleton Darlington D, Hon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 1,660 1,505 2,732 2,209 3,750 4,058 2,944 4,121 3,336 1.990 1,965 1,537 6,840 1,585 I 1,898 1,800 2,866 2,450 3,390 3,980 2,815 3,967 3,141 2,046 2,311 2,150 6,075 2,029 2 241,280 604,800 252,160 374,400 507,520 382,720 670,720 348,800 260.480 364,160 307,840 447,360 515,200 520,320 9 81.4 23.0 84.3 66.9 64.4 65.8 61.3 75.8 80.7 46.0 67.9 55.7 74.6 25.3 4 152,930 119,560 148.322 202,263 256,954 163,319 290,578 198,949 136,116 146,997 172,354 197,476 279,437 89,473 ', 71,607 19,197 88,304 68,317 119,140 123,813 63,641 115,473 120,177 38,430 65,981 55,080 180.087 16,567 ' 1,372 6,193 7,230 6,789 9,937 14,421 79,944 7,559 1,971 1,330 2,425 8,602 10,776 34,865 1 29,564 5,810 31,356 26,728 59,248 49,836 23,152 57,601 47,930 19,206 31,730 11,898 85,729 9,444 8 196,345 139,140 212,500 250,641 326,783 251,717 411.011 264,380 210,334 167,551 209,030 249.260 384,571 131,461 9 158,257 108,211 171,427 258.683 295,109 216,303 340,111 260,203 159,409 158,375 222,959 273,126 359,872 112,145 10 118.3 92.5 77.8 113.5 87.1 62.0 139.6 64.2 63.0 84.2 106.4 162.2 56.2 82.9 11 83.4 60.1 59.8 105.6 87.1 54.3 120.8 65.6 50.8 77.4 96.5 127.0 59.2 55.3 12 6,631 8,129 5,382 4,757 4,530 4,312 6,016 5.776 7,037 4,595 5,612 6,264 5,864 5,364 13 3,859 3,419 2,941 2,468 2,915 2,439 2,477 3,285 3,626 2.174 3,688 2,322 3,159 1,968 14 56.01 101.73 72.66 39.59 52.00 72.59 40.59 92.32 115.18 51.83 53.22 38.57 113.92 85.84 15 46.28 56.87 49.18 23.37 33.49 44.88 20.50 50.08 71.45 28.09 38.23 18.28 53.32 35.61 16 86 87 86 80 90 90 87 88 79 84 83 76 85 93 17 86 75 82 85 90 86 93 86 77 89 82 76 78 70 18 1,548 1,339 2,504 2,077 3,504 4,001 2,775 3,964 3,267 1,870 1,860 1,391 6,600 1,464 19 1,862 1,716 2,738 2,379 3,297 3,969 2,775 3,932 3,137 2,010 2,211 2,005 6,052 1,999 20 82,754 27,365 66,518 60,377 123.997 123,956 77,599 127,148 92,548 52,320 59,768 36,414 157,451 22.250 21 83,624 33,092 75,386 73,437 110,904 118,077 78,954 125,335 81,360 52,134 71,724 53,165 141,677 27,874 22 218 861 446 325 391 568 700 424 318 436 259 235 847 726 23 382 1,153 381 265 314 892 533 392 335 523 253 341 893 1,025 24 231 256 702 653 752 983 747 1,153 1,097 488 545 498 2,464 409 25 284 288 641 701 745 836 789 1,111 1,016 502 479 571 2,219 572 26 307 58 586 473 936 987 535 986 919 364 481 335 1,799 183 27 325 63 665 658 960 893 640 1,014 935 420 627 537 1,605 241 28 357 44 534 390 864 955 466 883 634 327 333 205 1,153 101 29 440 60 784 466 831 804 471 908 629 336 547 380 1,016 106 30 264 61 192 172 442 397 242 399 234 200 163 86 274 32 31 272 71 242 199 356 425 269 391 184 174 242 124 263 40 32 99 33 31 46 72 79 61 75 41 42 51 24 39 9 33 93 51 21 65 52 84 50 86 26 41 47 43 42 11 34 72 26 13 18 47 32 24 44 24 13 28 8 24 4 35 66 30 4 25 39 35 23 30 12 14 16 9 14 4 36 320 280 613 711 619 474 898 587 359 364 383 592 903 260 37 96 133 191 144 524 221 257 264 81 170 289 541 378 34 38 8,723 8,558 10,894 22,399 7,064 3,436 16,508 5,853 3,366 4.528 10,859 27,574 6,767 2,551 39 5,204 4,151 2,779 4,590 7,292 1,629 6,832 3,205 764 2,944 5,163 28,215 2,818 908 40 461 540 1,396 826 1,501 672 984 891 408 453 643 358 838 687 41 10,894 8,522 24,873 25,386 27,174 6,814 31,368 14,327 5,184 6,085 14,204 10,144 9,617 8,326 42 6,891 7,476 13,215 25,276 17,047 5,147 24,347 10,386 3,776 7,188 15,858 18,503 9,798 1,811 43 311 208 1,289 900 983 670 926 351 295 608 557 664 1,021 301 ■14 122 199 900 709 367 618 1,035 204 85 464 871 587 821 349 45 14,749 16,191 34,911 43,227 22,857 11,936 98,059 6,645 7,648 32,772 25.613 63,197 19,943 13,355 46 4,434 13,266 22,427 37,392 13,204 10.998 94,464 5,113 1,953 31,146 21,200 49.930 20,132 16,561 ♦7 785 602 1,465 887 2,144 2,151 1,467 1,647 1,264 1,015 795 743 3,346 865 48 578 662 1,194 1.052 1,763 1,947 1,053 1,857 1,095 1,064 1,448 862 3,437 715 49 70,930 45,259 58,191 63.893 126,190 97,187 157,506 99,209 91,343 65,866 84,191 85,482 173,892 72,146 50 45,126 31,985 40,058 65,096 127.692 72,721 100,349 107,018 67,363 58,323 81,388 95,709 173,815 59,382 SI 65 108 648 525 719 249 120 328 175 64 355 256 386 121 52 253 154 1,012 856 673 274 320 349 116 187 738 371 503 60 53 3,696 7,014 7,522 23,290 9,910 2,507 17,342 4,012 2,989 1,671 9,517 18,346 6,122 3,344 54 5,253 4,706 13,045 32,963 12,148 2,953 22,721 2,943 1,145 3,607 16,774 22,328 4,296 3,076 55 1,240 1.028 2,346 1,753 3,033 3,054 2,264 2,650 1,739 1,365 1,444 1.159 3,969 1,288 56 1,818 1,459 2,721 1,888 2,327 2,764 2,522 3,355 1,706 1,470 2,181 1,102 4,579 842 57 4,599 26,230 9,591 12,069 9,591 5,881 12,629 7,186 7,256 4,309 4,878 8,103 10,779 9,489 58 7,725 13.535 4,517 19,929 6,822 4,778 12,444 6,203 3,048 3,033 10,852 5,276 7,336 2,533 59 1,608 1,428 2,690 2,153 3,631 4,014 2,871 4,031 3,301 1,923 1,925 1,478 6,660 1,548 60 1,868 1,771 2,821 2,428 3,372 3,976 2,802 3,960 3,138 2,037 2,300 2,069 6,064 2,010 61 102,371 44,445 102,285 108,162 158,235 134,206 125,475 147,328 101,098 62,933 84,831 74,132 173,835 33,127 62 95,719 44,719 91,380 103,303 135,243 124,853 110,133 138,926 85,900 62,266 92,745 99,883 154,293 30,593 63 489 459 1,693 1,204 1,586 1,086 1,415 1,020 673 808 892 954 1,874 527 64 381 426 1,913 1,238 1,345 918 1,432 716 247 693 1,341 1,198 1.423 417 65 27,168 31,763 53,327 88,916 39,831 17,879 131,909 16,510 14,003 36,971 45,989 109,117 32.832 19,250 66 14,891 22,123 38,251 74,945 32,644 15.580 121,017 11,261 3.862 37.697 43,137 100,473 27,246 20,545 67 864 722 1,871 1,187 2,355 2,348 1,904 1,752 1,335 1,258 966 1,016 3,597 964 68 625 809 1,615 1,287 1,821 2,068 1,764 1,893 1,109 1,253 1,643 1,137 3,547 943 69 85,679 61,450 93,102 107,120 149,047 109,123 255.565 105,854 98,991 98,638 109.804 148,679 193,835 85,501 70 49,560 45,251 62,485 102,488 140,896 83,719 194,813 112,131 69,316 89,469 102,588 145,639 193,947 75,934 71 7 7 3 3 \ 3 1 1 72 1 1 73 168 168 2,915 7 2 g 8 7 74 1 7 75 4 155 7 158 2 415 3 5 1 2 3 6 1 7 76 77 78 1,543 1,436 2,588 2,055 3,453 3,827 2,736 3,888 3,120 1,820 1,873 1,339 6.444 1,534 1,791 1,689 2,677 2,302 2,950 3,692 2,551 3,670 2,917 1,704 2,194 1,988 5.554 1,899 79 95 47 116 123 126 118 163 117 133 121 65 81 192 38 90 102 105 152 111 408 257 250 228 168 332 86 103 368 127 U 593 774 1,044 723 1,068 417 1,205 486 370 883 619 577 518 800 82 638 733 1,254 873 1,220 1,444 1.110 821 614 876 850 715 1,094 749 83 146 837 512 393 356 1,383 734 345 88 715 500 674 276 861 14 365 539 774 471 671 469 769 530 275 623 393 459 541 578 85 99 696 360 285 255 572 1 i 522 210 27 424 227 451 91 7491 86 412 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 1.— FARMS, ACREAGE, VALUE, AND FARM L1950 data for Items shown in italics are based I I tern Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw I^ancaster Laurens Lee Lexington (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALLE 1 1950,.. 1945... 5,756 7,341 1,555 1,995 1,401 1,692 7,218 6.715 1,065 1,085 2,704 2,913 2,452 2,996 3,091 4,168 2,584 2,792 3,194 3,736 2 3 1950. .. 504,960 286,080 359,680 737.280 369,920 503 , 040 322,560 448 . 640 261,760 458.240 4 1950... 62.0 68.2 65.4 c 2.1 27.2 64.2 66.2 69.1 80.0 62.8 5 1950... 245,911 148,049 166,511 318,074 72,191 250,470 163,711 239,761 147,110 261.403 6 1950. .. 104,107 42,099 43,391 120, "74 14,026 94,620 68,776 96.605 91,306 47 , 582 7 8 1950... 8,360 18.642 37,500 13,871 20,338 18,069 3,739 16,829 20.297 600 Land rented to others by farm operators 1950.. . 1950... 1945... 45.077 313,301 339,624 13,753 195,037 187,379 12,007 235,395 194,304 68,491 384.428 320.124 5,923 100,632 99,115 39,944 323,215 316,618 22 , 607 213,619 246,052 42.987 310,208 349,363 49,382 209,331 208.435 21,656 287.929 301,297 9 10 11 1950... 54.4 125.4 168.0 53.3 94.5 119.5 87.1 100.4 81.0 90.1 12 1945. . . 46.3 93.9 114 8 47.7 91 4 108.7 82.1 83.8 74.7 80.6 13 Value of land and buildings. .average per farm, dollars 195(1... 6,428 7,164 8,011 6,522 3,495 4,912 4.328 6,998 5.429 5,176 14 1945... 3,657 3,313 2.335 3,585 1.924 2,492 2.128 3,029 3,529 2,745 15 average per acre, dollars J950. .. 120.51 59.82 43.35 132.59 38.04 41.61 49.75 69.88 74.74 61.95 16 1945... 79.04 35.27 20.34 75.20 21.06 22.92 25.92 36.13 47.28 34.04 17 Proportion of farms reporting value percent 1950. . . 92 92 92 90 89 89 83 84 88 92 18 Proport ion of land in farms for which 1950. .. 90 88 102 84 86 88 83 8-! 79 85 Land in farms according to use: [ 19 Cropland harvested farms reporting 1949. . . 5,078 1,385 1,298 6.912 1,022 2,423 2,225 2,807 2,512 2,831 20 1944. . 6,922 1,908 1,652 6,678 1,054 2,839 2,927 3,996 2,738 3,665 21 acres 1949... 105,734 39,643 63,412 123,237 21,135 87,073 50.9C1 97.318 108.584 85,831 22 1944... 143,584 55,109 63,258 119,680 22,053 86,066 61,982 129,262 110,365 103.987 23 1949.. . 1.593 329 217 1,388 390 351 586 460 171 614 24 1944. . . 1.799 369 384 1,202 430 549 701 572 187 805 25 1949 .. . 1,489 430 290 3,207 311 630 646 766 506 695 26 1944... 1.963 500 375 3,145 301 653 98-1 915 477 784 27 1949. . . 939 258 260 1,574 191 579 469 629 6B5 591 28 1944. . . 1,629 445 351 1,615 154 763 641 1,082 761 778 29 1949. . . 707 219 215 638 67 482 346 541 628 531 30 1944. . . 1,167 368 266 607 97 566 425 9?5 809 805 31 1949... 283 102 195 96 42 275 161 271 372 295 32 1944. . . 319 161 165 97 43 240 141 355 370 405 33 1949. . . 60 29 69 6 13 71 19 82 86 88 34 1944.. . 36 48 64 9 18 40 26 86 82 73 35 200 acres and over farms reporting 1949... 7 18 52 3 8 35 5 58 64 17 36 1944. .. 9 17 47 3 11 28 9 51 52 15 37 Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting 1949. . . 759 353 480 1,532 254 580 801 716 346 945 38 1944 1 .. 690 172 87 598 178 478 293 447 130 396 3» acres 1949.. . 8.313 11,449 13,988 7,567 5,162 16,293 11,600 17,456 3,453 10,388 40 1944 1 .. 7,505 4,197 2,835 2,076 10,419 8,976 3.970 11,218 1,273 7.782 41 Cropland not harvested and 1949... 2,745 728 535 2,285 273 1,172 1,185 1,344 396 1,499 42 acres 1949... 37 , 366 18,510 17,035 13.790 11.024 32,171 22,055 33,123 8,774 25,365 43 1944. . . 33,444 22,993 26,425 7.147 10.162 32,057 18,928 39 , 494 11,672 14,581 44 1949... 2,072 664 442 1.509 337 634 1,022 1,120 189 878 45 1944... 2,380 695 267 1,041 241 768 1,329 1,242 174 546 46 acres 1949.. . 32,561 23,220 41,536 18,225 11,570 36,494 27,015 38,865 6,753 22,142 47 1944... 28.888 19,653 16,310 6,960 21,331 24.774 21.734 42,123 3,410 12,020 48 1949... 3,129 900 653 4.446 396 1,292 1,421 1.492 955 2,312 49 1944. . . 3,700 1,023 527 4,416 362 1,569 2,273 1,850 1,148 2.405 50 acres 1949... 92,373 81.908 82,486 207,662 44,625 127,359 78,741 90,112 73,029 128.830 51 1944... 85,891 60,147 67,288 173,063 21,592 146,694 106.082 77,374 72,478 139,292 52 Other pasture (not cropland 1949... 2,445 566 131 728 51 370 607 912 172 357 53 1944'.. 3,305 841 208 368 171 591 1,732 1,610 324 606 54 acres 1949... 21,204 13,145 5,465 4,508 1,467 13,343 13,084 20,713 3,259 5,421 55 I944 1 -. 25,750 19,083 9,263 2,888 9.515 9,828 22,951 36,228 4,437 9,072 56 Other land (house lots, roads, 1949... 4,754 1,312 1,122 5,849 781 2,191 2,126 2.458 1.417 2,772 57 1944. .. 6,531 1,725 1,278 4,896 857 1,993 2,465 3,536 2,010 3,421 58 acres 1949... 15,750 7,162 11,473 9,439 5,649 10,482 10,140 12,601 5,479 9,952 59 1944... 14,562 6,197 8,925 8,310 4,043 8,223 10,405 13.664 4,800 14,363 60 1949.. . 5,503 1,497 1,360 7,026 1,048 2,609 2,369 3,004 2,541 3,063 61 I944 1 .. 7,169 1,975 1.691 6,711 1.072 2,903 2,962 4,073 2,773 3,733 62 acres 1949. . . 151.413 69,602 94,435 144.594 37,321 135,537 84,639 147,917 120,811 121.584 63 1944'.. 184,533 82,299 92,518 128,903 42,634 127,099 84,880 179.974 123,310 126,350 64 1949... 3,729 1,042 724 2,948 504 1,133 1,572 1,763 589 1,539 65 1944... 4,585 1,247 496 1,650 440 1,321 2,117 2,393 519 1,265 66 acres 1949... 62,078 47,814 60,989 30,300 18,199 66,130 51,699 77,034 13,465 37,951 67 1944... 62,143 42,933 28.408 11,924 41,265 43,578 48,655 89,569 9,120 28,874 68 1949... 3,844 1,094 877 4,757 604 1,547 1,702 1,912 1,042 2,496 69 1944... 4,444 1,204 639 4,541 500 1,699 2,479 2,242 1,186 2,440 70 acres 1949... 124,934 105,128 124,022 225,887 56,195 163,853 105,756 128,977 79,782 150,972 71 1944... 114,779 79,800 83,598 180,023 42 , 923 171,468 127,816 119,497 75,888 151,312 72 acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS 1949... 1944... 1949... 1944... 1949. . . 1949... 3 1 3 2 1 2 43 1 3 73 1 74 77 1,800 4 3 4 36 75 1 75 75 5 76 2 75 77 78 Residing on f arm operated .operators reporting 1950. . . 5,453 1,474 1.238 6,852 962 2,531 2,304 2,910 2,319 3,027 79 1945... 6,956 1.881 1,536 6,282 1.042 2,643 2,589 3,908 2,533 3,421 80 Not residing on farm operated operators reporting 1950... 192 SI 116 145 85 100 75 149 77 96 81 1945... 266 96 151 374 38 207 349 167 204 295 82 With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural produMS sold. . . .operators reporting 1949... 3,500 792 615 846 608 977 1,145 1,306 257 1,670 83 Working off their form, total operators reporting 1949... 3,134 795 652 1,639 520 1,081 1,212 1,286 385 1,561 84 1944... 2,631 763 676 386 611 945 1,238 880 294 1,132 85 1949. . . 2,367 2,013 566 482 435 118 719 182 385 348 718 559 891 895 695 228 1. 161 86 1944... 786 199 '910 SOUTH CAROLINA 413 OPERATORS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued on reports for only a sample of farms'. See textj McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry Cconee 1,080 1.270 257,°20 43.8 75,377 42,674 9,433 14,435 113,04'/ 132,144 104.7 104.1 4,817 2,150 40.43 20.74 944 1,211 25.060 32,507 160 170 276 362 242 338 173 241 62 78 15 17 7 5 329 145 6,578 1,709 476 12,055 11,047 369 325 18,903 8.761 482 903 42,647 58,777 101 660 3,990 14,172 760 1,211 3.726 4,271 1,038 1,268 43,693 46,163 575 862 29,561 24,642 633 968 61,640 67,538 1,018 1,201 50 54 486 514 463 274 186 3,112 2,799 307,200 61.2 142,976 85,808 1,666 42,443 lee, 007 143,001 60.4 51.4 6,448 I 2,724 I 107.06 | 52.94 2,986 2,769 63,238 55,315 490 522 1,155 1,108 760 653 462 398 107 79 10 8 2 1 381 63 2,240 1,122 506 6,148 2,009 425 162 14,925 13,817 1,344 1,271 04,751 57,147 231 227 2,499 11,094 1,936 2,008 4,206 3,487 3,036 2,786 71,626 58,446 816 400 19,664 26,033 1,438 1,315 109,676 70,964 2,980 2,616 04 172 686 187 289 76 2,694 2,989 308,480 72.6 155,393 120,527 4,424 56,433 223,911 188,715 83.1 63.1 6,487 3,666 87.63 58.06 85 75 2.622 2,981 119,677 107,196 169 123 660 855 686 960 636 618 302 202 99 91 70 42 179 52 5,725 1,107 364 6,971 5,521 170 114 8,333 5,492 818 906 72,726 62,016 151 151 5,277 3,359 1,321 1,471 5,202 4,024 2,645 2,984 132,373 113,824 404 280 19,335 9.95B 886 946 81,059 67,508 1 730 333 271 2,602 2,778 401,920 64.8 221,138 63,244 2,217 25,951 260,648 269,703 100.2 97.1 6,027 2,890 55.83 29.77 83 90 2,413 2,705 74,415 82,801 445 415 689 658 520 681 426 618 231 230 75 83 27 20 711 172 14,121 3.194 1,004 18,088 25,470 879 738 26,789 13,571 1,472 1,655 103,346 113,527 053 1,520 15,988 23,456 2,113 2,530 7,001 7,594 2,540 2,776 107,524 111,555 1,515 1,680 56.898 40,221 1,656 1,713 130,135 127,098 2,469 2,610 102 149 1,138 1,315 1,018 840 569 CranRebure PictuiM Hiclilanil Saluda Spartanburp 3,288 3,722 42B.800 57.9 184.311 85,237 9,629 30,868 248,309 253,923 75.5 68.2 3,988 2,442 51.92 35.80 01 92 2,955 3,549 64,598 76,060 735 733 954 1,033 644 996 446 618 142 14H 25 18 9 3 453 399 6,233 3,793 1,811 26,642 24,802 1,561 1,408 29,968 20,237 2,188 2,478 92,968 92,273 1,732 2,080 20,017 26,628 2,924 2,728 7,883 10,130 3,177 3,693 97,473 104,655 2,449 2,870 56,218 50,658 2,559 2,815 22,936 12,510 3,145 3,531 100 144 1,940 1,576 745 1,034 474 5,926 6,903 707,200 77.2 42B.125 190.631 13,177 85,634 546,299 523,883 92.2 75.9 5,891 2,843 62.86 37.46 87 5,668 6,868 254,714 250,883 594 1.536 1,061 1,220 1,125 1,225 1,423 1,494 1,004 998 328 275 133 120 1,176 645 23,342 12,909 1,268 23.289 14,041 996 870 31,884 29.456 2,734 2,952 197,932 194,511 331 433 6,108 8,509 3,320 5,472 9,030 13,574 5,784 6,888 301,345 277,833 1,862 1,580 61,334 50,874 3,020 3,074 229,816 223 , 967 1 10 5,352 6,157 448 679 1,274 1.817 1,292 969 882 3,101 3,084 320,640 61.4 162,443 57,850 1,570 25,056 196,807 209,767 63.5 68.0 5,843 3,048 2,764 3,030 53,888 72,343 779 384 884 889 616 856 376 753 87 131 19 16 3 1 487 228 5.228 3,155 1,874 31,032 20,506 1,070 1,075 16,487 14,550 1,911 2,218 65,397 74,198 1,829 2,104 17,498 17,737 2,781 2,968 7,277 7,278 2,993 3,081 90,148 96,004 2,374 2,543 39,213 35,442 2,254 2,422 81.884 88,748 3 62 2,921 2,924 102 133 1,787 1.551 968 1,226 596 2,444 2,238 478,720 46.1 176,323 49,620 10,315 15,368 220,890 171,493 90.4 76.6 7,083 4,095 80.73 53.45 2,086 2,157 59,820 55,193 617 641 602 589 377 410 253 302 156 151 49 40 32 24 560 238 21,394 7,699 977 18,133 14,386 558 590 26,594 23,156 1,265 1,386 78,802 61,494 337 220 7,144 4,196 1,982 2,065 9,003 5,369 2,322 2,214 99,347 77,278 997 864 55,132 35,051 1,467 1,589 105,396 84,650 1 1 1 2,299 2,145 113 85 1,326 1,233 731 976 598 2,376 2,416 282,880 78.0 184,748 62,751 26,906 220,593 221,520 92.8 01.7 4,840 2,931 51.20 31.97 87 2,176 2,381 65,665 71,672 308 283 647 643 536 632 416 543 197 224 56 38 16 18 508 91 9,080 1,362 975 16,720 16,613 998 705 28,198 18,603 1,375 1,402 80,587 93,827 871 833 15,105 13,815 1,618 2,019 5,238 5,628 2,300 2,413 91,465 89,647 1,341 1,051 52,383 33,780 1,569 1,491 108,785 112,430 2.246 2,247 1.031 1,054 355 513 238 6,796 7,039 531,200 73.5 302,880 145,649 7,352 65,388 390,493 372,304 57.5 52.9 6,886 3,679 119.03 69.56 86 87 6,231 6,877 169,589 19C.581 1,197 1,024 1,824 1,777 1,387 1,735 1,179 1,662 479 552 120 100 45 27 1,073 739 14,975 11,832 2,740 43,988 21.024 2,070 2,610 35,652 42,279 2,992 2,638 79,262 62,906 2,478 1,929 27,749 23,522 5,458 5,724 19,278 20,160 6,578 6,976 228,552 223,437 4,083 4,109 78,376 77,633 3,964 3,939 114,914 105,185 6,352 6,802 283 199 3,417 3,699 1,328 2,292 Sumte 3,314 3,144 425,600 61.9 197,642 B8.381 20,768 43,296 263,495 235,114 79.5 74.8 4,855 3,645 68.14 48.74 86 77 3,182 3,121 131,138 127,997 325 354 704 578 848 857 765 755 384 400 85 113 71 64 549 221 7,675 2,182 736 9,990 8,021 334 246 8,888 8,200 1,365 1,564 91,272 73,682 127 296 6,205 8,439 2,243 2,789 8,327 6,593 3,238 3,140 148,803 138,200 805 617 22,768 18.821 1,487 1,644 100,160 81,882 4 2 49 49 4 40 717 610 443 317 1,709 2,008 329,600 58.6 141,505 53,599 14,558 16,473 103,189 202,860 113.0 161.0 4,563 2,505 40.59 24.80 82 81 1,549 1,860 42,576 51,247 336 344 363 441 339 497 350 414 119 126 31 26 11 12 560 158 14,724 3,967 772 22,311 27,345 771 718 31,275 27,839 889 998 58,777 60,398 439 735 14,084 20,960 1,471 1,678 9,442 11,104 1,663 1,915 79,611 82,559 1,093 1,131 60,083 52,766 1,139 1,169 90,052 88.237 Williams- burg 1.5R2 1,846 84 116 725 793 569 547 332 6,075 5,829 595,840 67.5 336,221 126,464 17,131 77,468 402,348 330,708 66.2 56.7 4,209 2.289 73.45 40.34 5,755 5,815 139,247 136,267 947 1,054 1,934 2,045 1,463 1,411 1,023 913 317 323 52 54 19 15 741 271 6,634 4,543 737 7,530 4,658 1,113 480 38,581 22,478 2,408 2,333 185,660 146,778 542 338 13,924 8,111 3,519 4,182 10,772 7,873 5,840 5,822 153,411 145,468 1,823 923 50,130 35,132 2,702 2.409 224,241 169,256 5,636 5.452 288 314 816 1,293 572 592 337 York 3,574 4,043 438,400 77.4 226,919 123,793 29,812 41,344 339,180 325,721 94.9 80.6 6,059 3,266 65.54 40.54 82 80 3.340 3.787 101,627 108,870 532 541 899 1,094 814 040 651 791 332 315 79 78 33 28 1,129 258 22,928 5,416 1,507 34,220 36,146 1,571 1,308 41,000 31,639 1,789 1,849 98,872 92,416 1,107 1,379 25,405 35,103 2,693 2,936 15,128 16,131 3,510 3.928 158,775 150,432 2,249 2,450 89,333 72,158 2,267 2,220 139,872 124,055 3,211 3,754 '33 237 1,161 1,514 1,386 959 852 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 991354 0-52-28 414 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.- FARMS BY SIZE, AND BY COLOR AND TENURE Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by size: Al 1 farms number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 3 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Land in farms by size of farm: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres. . acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1.000 acres and over acres Farms by color of operator: White operators number Nonwhl te operators number Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number Al 1 tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share -cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop -share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppe rs nutnbe r Other and unspecified tenants. . number Other tenants number Unspeci fied tenants number Tenants with landlord living on a farm number Land in farms by tenure of operator: Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share -cash tenants acres Shore tenants acres Crop -share tenants acres Livestock-share tenants acres Croppers. acres Other and unspecified tenants. .. acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Total cropland harvested acres Fu 1 1 owne rs fa rms repo rt i ng acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers, farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950.. 945. 950. 945.. 950. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950. . 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950. . 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945. . 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950. . 950.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 950.. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 139,364 12,582 16,102 856 1,975 11,726 14,127 45,023 46,177 25,794 27 , 907 15,611 17,496 12,539 12,604 9,929 10.B31 5,254 5,237 3,171 3,264 1,880 1,757 4,558 d,998 2,025 1,624 998 748 11,878,793 71,866 80,934 858,951 887,556 971.543 1,048,783 898,657 998,138 1.032,047 1,032,249 1,142,980 1,227,925 823,332 819,231 626,785 645,546 446,704 418,870 1,586,073 1,376,927 1,382,546 1,083,225 2,037,309 1,402,239 78.022 78,609 61,342 69,136 59,282 59,757 16,495 7,486 401 473 63,186 80,029 45.3 54.2 8,308 15,857 1,190 682 18,724 18,878 18,411 313 29,478 38,116 5,486 6,496 2,282 3,204 34,837 6,148,572 2,339,405 585,426 2,805,390 522,308 56,321 919,985 901,093 18,892 966,968 339,808 3,959,822 51,743 1,471,677 16,122 842,380 374 83,842 61,728 1,561,923 29,105 665,438 2,040 141 241 6 46 135 195 501 649 2B7 309 224 261 250 282 233 235 136 138 77 80 43 45 99 102 37 23 12 9 217,667 813 1,221 9,393 12,216 10,796 11,761 12,858 15,036 20,770 23,416 27,056 27,082 21,295 21,542 15,141 15,749 10.274 10,685 33,367 34.949 23,513 15,616 32,391 13,449 1,326 1,402 714 972 1,049 974 166 49 2 4 823 1,347 40.3 56.7 96 89 6 1 192 329 191 1 423 882 106 46 27 79 465 132,690 29,315 9,500 46,162 5,545 752 13,940 13,887 53 16,825 9,100 53,501 910 25,235 164 8,424 2 1,180 760 18,662 400 8,922 3,415 289 277 15 14 274 263 694 1,036 594 829 399 389 330 347 328 367 201 165 12B 105 91 65 216 149 100 91 45 27 423,157 1,505 1,659 13,525 20,979 22.317 31,334 22,860 22,588 26,946 28,602 37,576 42,112 31,477 26,000 25,430 20,677 21,645 15,436 74,259 51,862 68,412 60,002 77,205 40,590 1,858 1,983 1,557 1,864 1,481 1,511 397 121 14 12 1,523 2,203 44.6 57.3 272 358 12 18 411 410 410 1 673 1,235 155 182 49 106 600 203,586 105,420 15,317 98,834 23,745 1,200 26,343 26.243 100 35,409 12,137 136,762 1,300 49,753 387 34,511 13 2,472 1,482 50,026 665 21,015 777 20 105 4 1 16 104 89 245 176 300 108 126 115 70 77 66 28 33 28 21 11 IS 44 43 32 24 49 26 193,704 161 500 1,766 5,018 6,162 10,597 6,265 7,357 9,356 5,708 10,068 7,346 4,359 5,084 5,613 4,217 2,776 3,576 15,763 14,762 21.731 15,992 109,684 52,780 308 278 469 796 269 319 110 60 4 4 394 691 50.7 64.3 151 516 4 5,800 443 306 26 22 417 284 1,663 2,029 1,192 1,431 791 883 621 693 463 487 223 224 121 119 70 47 146 107 53 34 14 11 407,574 2,699 1,767 32,370 40,634 45,208 54,062 45,465 50,845 50,973 56,612 53,726 55,382 34,870 34,799 23.400 23,533 16,609 11,098 49,433 36,191 32,803 22,328 20,018 14,929 4,296 4,284 1,504 2,087 2,602 2,400 474 128 14 5 2,710 3,e38 46.7 60.2 206 255 20 114 812 54 1.118 112 803 2 9 9 1,503 66 2,384 116 169 55 77 80 61 36 108 108 1.745 66,371 206,189 71,085 67,240 25,965 10,369 30,283 123,776 16,732 11,387 123 1,450 6,247 48,732 6,175 47,852 72 880 437 50,393 6,744 11,814 73,271 176,978 250 2,232 21,918 70,892 109 460 33,423 31,612 4 14 1,120 2,423 387 2,637 16,810 72,051 9 1.484 394 35,476 Bamberg 1,530 55 38 6 1 49 37 259 275 290 349 215 231 154 160 174 150 85 99 61 43 49 44 112 97 58 35 18 6 209,566 297 219 5,273 6,128 10,670 13.197 12.357 13,267 13.038 13.268 19,804 17,195 13,308 15.454 11,914 8,546 11,713 10,567 40,678 35,185 40,997 24,506 29,517 9,408 757 664 773 863 491 526 246 82 2 2 7»1 917 51.7 60.1 115 159 4 2 97 102 96 1 529 608 46 46 14 32 334 82,587 70.315 3,955 52,709 11,143 604 6,128 6.095 33 28.249 6,495 80,209 454 25,421 240 24,983 2 921 775 28,884 525 18,987 1,876 50 171 6 42 44 129 232 489 417 583 268 319 204 203 208 211 146 139 100 82 51 46 119 114 54 41 27 19 206,418 280 807 4,848 9,695 15,000 21,657 15,564 18,286 17,005 16,674 23,591 23,838 22.627 22.080 19,867 16,378 12,054 10,819 42,755 39,513 36,012 27,070 50,815 32,603 836 964 1,040 1.453 582 809 225 49 9 5 1.060 1,554 56.5 64.3 184 295 6 5 214 155 213 1 538 897 118 202 38 80 447 107,152 67,539 10,835 74,892 14,792 585 18.728 18,705 23 23.556 17,231 111,906 515 34,805 222 28.475 9 3,021 1.036 45,605 527 19,146 1,653 487 317 21 466 317 837 697 136 122 39 35 25 18 22 21 12 6 15 171.700 2,846 1,870 16,269 11,121 4,870 4,334 2,181 1,989 1,920 1,459 2.547 2,380 1,894 964 3,013 1,603 1,389 2.108 5,178 7,257 16,509 9,574 113,084 81,120 247 180 1,406 1,120 1,052 722 392 378 10 13 199 187 12.0 14.4 57 148 2 3 1 3 133 39 92 41 54 100,071 30,138 33,114 8,377 4,870 44 41 26 15 18 3,404 24.P97 »30 12.159 381 9.257 10 1.507 190 1,974 3 14 SOUTH CAROLINA 415 OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Cheater Chesterfield Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 1,660 1,505 2,732 2,209 3,750 4,058 2,944 4,121 3,336 1,990 1,965 1,537 6,840 1,585 1 153 514 161 170 238 351 352 265 203 256 124 82 458 390 2 307 818 249 1S5 170 758 261 258 240 320 104 182 495 717 3 7 23 9 15 37 14 12 22 20 12 5 3 20 19 4 25 43 53 27 2 35 12 30 39 32 16 50 60 35 5 146 491 152 155 201 337 340 243 183 244 119 79 438 371 6 282 775 196 128 168 723 249 228 201 288 88 132 435 682 7 404 537 760 697 9.73 1,393 846 1,724 1,553 640 661 398 2,823 533 8 503 565 807 871 1,002 1,177 863 1,549 1,529 666 482 617 2,303 749 9 327 123 545 246 822 1.023 468 814 670 366 309 168 1,425 224 10 403 105 679 264 736 829 433 878 628 342 415 289 1,180 192 11 169 60 412 185 499 442 300 418 315 190 188 128 781 120 12 210 62 445 202 426 417 290 432 255 174 367 181 760 99 13 135 48 318 189 404 295 255 331 202 154 180 133 579 80 14 138 50 278 174 327 297 242 309 171 161 271 174 550 B7 15 143 38 215 217 332 216 239 230 128 128 152 159 355 73 16 102 40 208 228 283 211 229 210 108 131 290 197 377 61 17 66 25 109 130 136 115 121 115 68 55 104 113 150 38 18 51 27 75 155 129 106 142 105 69 55 132 116 133 32 19 58 16 75 94 100 71 84 44 38 44 47 75 82 30 20 34 24 40 118 89 56 100 55 37 47 68 84 82 25 21 30 13 28 47 64 29 59 39 24 28 34 50 46 15 22 19 Q 23 55 60 30 62 34 22 37 40 56 40 16 23 93 63 66 153 105 82 120 91 78 71 93 139 84 42 24 74 45 42 149 98 70 98 84 52 69 91 155 101 30 25 54 54 31 56 44 31 45 35 39 42 52 54 37 22 26 41 41 15 61 48 21 49 36 26 30 38 63 35 7 27 19 14 12 25 33 10 55 15 18 16 21 38 20 18 28 16 14 5 18 22 8 46 17 4 14 13 36 19 14 29 196,345 139,139 212,500 250,641 326,783 251,717 411,011 264,380 210,334 167,551 209,030 249,260 384,571 131,461 30 764 2,820 937 930 1,158 1,863 2,038 1,566 1,174 1.434 695 491 2,807 2,017 31 1,602 4,176 1,193 779 1,055 3,565 1,524 1,534 1,331 1,609 542 827 2,745 3,549 32 8,147 8,537 14.658 13,081 19,748 27,531 15,989 32,840 29,619 11,993 12,845 7,412 54,736 9.242 33 9,413 8,992 15.833 16,517 20,331 24,085 16,378 30,067 29,694 12,450 9,489 12.060 43,741 12,560 34 13,485 5,624 20.389 9,214 30,874 37,957 17,564 30,406 24.716 13,807 11,378 6,238 53, 594 8,496 35 14,907 3,957 26,117 9,851 27,747 30,633 15,931 33,161 23,194 12,929 15,411 10,522 44,887 7,175 36 9,765 3,390 23,909 10,558 28,747 25,525 17,227 24,202 18,236 10,868 10,887 7,419 44,525 6,879 37 12,014 3,583 25,532 11,413 24,075 24,004 16,602 24,924 14,845 10,020 20,303 10,345 43,343 5,581 38 11,200 3,859 26,305 15,600 33,156 24, 106 21,141 27,283 16,625 12,594 14,840 10,979 47 , 490 6,710 39 11,356 4,062 22,644 14,274 26,847 24,407 20,010 25,518 14,062 13,284 21,589 14,136 45,163 7,001 40 16,477 4,325 24,850 24,843 38,036 25,242 27,444 26,381 14,604 15,017 17,435 18,379 40,292 8.240 41 11.628 4,590 23,675 25,921 32,241 24,179 26,260 24,040 12,565 15,175 32,372 22,300 42,574 6,861 42 10,314 3.887 16,900 20,613 21,122 17,915 18,978 18,149 10,706 8,778 16,286 17,776 23,183 5.910 43 7,948 4.377 11,651 24,352 19,927 16,409 22,014 16,524 10,849 8,716 20,522 18,322 21,034 5,001 44 11,455 3,160 14,630 18,452 19,868 14,042 16,535 8,821 7,533 8,564 9,453 14,849 16,285 5,932 45 6,777 4,710 7,828 23,315 17,628 11,034 19,805 10,964 7,322 9,318 13,447 16.755 16,141 4,900 46 9,279 3,132 6,626 10,924 15,207 6,913 14,055 9,335 5,768 6,772 8,041 11,855 11,184 3,594 47 4,570 2.188 5,574 13,063 14,314 7,147 14,658 8,217 5,239 8,937 9,528 13,298 9,606 3,886 48 33,068 23,454 21,922 53,329 35,250 28,928 43,422 31,281 26,780 24,925 33,060 48,769 29,862 14,471 49 26,329 16,655 13,915 52,064 33,116 23,894 34,637 28,791 18,178 23,634 32,455 53,240 34,815 10,346 50 37,418 37,424 21,436 37,094 30,257 21.085 30,221 25,053 26,855 27,356 35,789 37,926 25.713 15,863 51 26,816 28,055 9,676 40,072 33,351 14,704 32,423 24,306 17,550 21,913 25,511 41,953 23,764 5,157 52 34,973 39,527 19,938 36,003 53,360 20,610 186,397 29,063 27,718 25,443 38,321 67,167 34,900 44,107 53 24,897 22,866 7,789 27,062 44, 477 12,242 119,869 32,157 4,580 20,390 21.790 59,368 32,069 40,128 54 643 596 2,060 902 2,650 1,155 1,578 1,881 1,639 924 752 541 3,754 708 55 611 570 2,176 935 2,351 1,021 1,413 1,728 1,474 874 847 725 3,269 854 56 1,017 909 672 1,307 1,100 2.903 1,366 2,240 1,697 1,066 1,213 996 3,086 877 57 1,287 1,230 690 1,515 1,039 2,959 1,402 2,239 1,667 1,172 1,464 1,425 2,806 1,175 58 486 1,040 1,231 930 1,508 968 1,684 1,093 572 955 661 820 2,001 1,033 59 563 1,129 1,314 931 1,417 972 1,503 1,069 639 971 768 966 1,727 1,357 60 321 331 236 188 526 543 57 5 357 168 569 170 122 445 212 61 88 470 43 89 132 249 408 192 18 313 73 87 149 8S 62 2 4 5 8 7 8 20 13 4 2 4 6 10 15 63 2 17 5 10 3 7 25 16 2 3 4 4 16 16 64 851 130 1,260 1,083 1,709 2,539 665 2,658 2,592 464 1,130 589 4.384 325 65 1,245 1B4 1,504 1,420 1,838 2,752 879 2,690 2.482 759 1,466 1.093 4,183 571 66 51.3 8.6 46.1 49.0 45.6 62.6 22.6 64.5 77.7 23.3 57.5 38.3 64.1 20.5 67 65.6 10.2 52.5 58.0 54.2 69.1 31.2 67.8 79.0 37.1 63.4 50.8 68.9 28.1 68 83 80 60 111 159 916 191 176 78 99 109 129 313 53 69 368 140 83 238 oq 1,286 525 323 120 226 364 196 370 186 70 49 6 4 35 117 24 550 13 36 31 702 80 14 902 10 2 162 3 8 106 217 1,640 3 71 1 3 72 195 452 281 589 136 358 168 86 73 181 4 567 168 437 278 183 671 696 176 255 113 1,435 249 74 188 3 446 279 584 547 132 693 897 161 351 164 1,629 85 75 7 466 6 662 2 592 5 800 3 862 4 141 9 1,606 5 1,488 1 152 7 493 4 196 11 2,152 1 129 76 10 77 652 1 528 906 1,121 1,083 147 1,444 1,568 248 825 369 1,691 82 78 58 37 80 95 126 94 184 138 44 41 167 88 173 54 79 44 38 326 108 181 81 24 221 84 107 22 415 470 54 80 50 19 41 28 42 34 82 7 1 17 135 41 37 26 81 8 18 39 67 P4 60 102 131 43 24 32 47 136 28 82 497 49 730 653 933 1,284 280 1,884 1.444 231 719 229 2,642 181 83 79,982 96,544 105,354 151,000 149,141 84,097 • 212,082 115,927 78,078 99,714 118.000 165,028 177,956 71,657 84 79,434 28,940 30,320 42,561 81,616 61,942 86,665 53,875 32,858 43,707 41,275 36,875 42,597 14,709 85 1,148 6,193 5,940 6,469 9,485 11,359 79,646 6,746 1,438 1,330 2,082 8,562 8.949 32,796 86 35,781 7.462 70,886 50,611 86,541 94,319 32,618 87.B32 97,960 22,800 47.673 38,795 155,069 12,299 87 4,827 5.652 5,496 9,740 10.441 41,425 14,039 11,290 9,715 7,474 9,701 9,860 16,819 1.868 88 1,666 11,157 726 30,570 177 14,045 2,386 33,891 3,956 22,283 478 5,409 1,740 26,822 4,503 39,960 428 6,519 148 13,884 1,004 10,920 4,192 66,493 33 4,037 89 16 90 9,808 16 30,100 13,945 33,386 22,144 4,795 26,422 39,805 6,489 13,666 10,078 66.035 3.821 91 1,349 13,273 470 27,519 100 17,864 505 34,909 139 22,052 614 5,162 400 42,671 155 41,403 30 4.082 218 11,905 842 7,645 458 59,242 216 2,942 92 451 93 4,858 1,343 6,575 8,785 4,914 4.603 7,530 5,309 2,379 4,297 12,035 9,366 8,323 3,419 94 82,754 27,365 66,518 60,377 123,997 123.956 77,599 127,148 92,548 52,320 59,768 36,414 157,451 22,250 95 397 890 1,051 821 1,340 926 1,552 971 520 858 578 699 1,803 944 96 22,934 14.218 24,886 26.646 45,335 31.437 39.813 36.894 19,589 23,124 21,182 19,396 43,804 11,535 97 314 326 232 184 513 540 565 348 158 561 162 118 428 204 98 33,682 10,582 9.901 9,179 28,031 27,622 20,736 20.419 8,989 17,927 11,820 5,716 14,167 3,439 99 2 4 5 8 7 6 19 13 4 2 4 4 10 14 100 318 373 679 1,078 2,307 1,870 2,928 3,753 443 267 611 242 2,300 2,523 101 835 119 1,216 1,064 1.644 2,529 . 639 2.632 2.58S 449 1.116 570 4.359 302| 102 25,820 2,192 31,052 23,474 48,324 63,027 14,122 66,082 63,527 11,002 26,155 11.060 97.18U 4,753 , 103 461 7 647 588 774 859 137 1,596 1,485 151 491 194 2,146 123 104 1 1 . 383 184 14,223 11,572 21,741 15.856 3 , 7 07 34,966 31,685 3,038 9,859 3,942 42,028 1,953 | 105 416 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2.— FARMS BY SIZE, AND BY COLOR AND TENURE (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hampton Horry Jasper Farms by size: All fa rms number Under 10 acres number Under 3 acres number 1 to 9 acres number 10 to 29 ac res numbe r 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1 , 000 acres and over number Land in farms by size of farm: All land in farms acres Under 10 acres acres 10 to 29 acres acres 30 to 49 acres acres 50 to 69 acres acres 70 to 99 acres acres 100 to 139 acres acres 140 to 179 acres acres 180 to 219 acres acres 220 to 259 acres acres 260 to 499 acres acres 500 to 999 acres acres 1.000 acres and over acres Farms by color of operator: White operators number Nonwhl te operators number Farms by tenure of operator: Full owners number Part owners number Managers. number All tenants number Proportion of tenancy percent Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop-share tenants number Livestock -share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants .. number Other tenants number Unspecified tenants number Tenants with landlord living on a farm number Land in farms by tenure of operator: Ful 1 owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Cash tenants acres Share -cash tenants acres Share tenants acres Crop-share tenants acres Livestock -share tenants acres Croppers acres Other and unspecified tenants. .. acres Cropland harvested by tenure of operator: Total cropland har*csted acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms report ing acres 950. 950. "45. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950.. 945. 950. 945.. 950.. 945.. 950.. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945.. 950. 945. 950.. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950.. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950, 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 950. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949. 949, 5,756 658 1,045 54 112 604 933 1,905 2,305 1,209 1,648 743 1,044 530 564 337 409 143 141 74 76 52 29 75 62 25 18 5 313,301 3,892 5,152 35,730 44.186 45,844 62,662 42,772 59,149 43,682 45,616 38,711 45,692 22,286 21,931 14,534 | 15,023 12,429 6,848 25,741 21,005 17,957 12,360 9,723 4,669 5,824 1,087 1,517 3,468 3,891 425 243 11 10 1,852 3,197 32.2 43.5 263 495 10 24 621 1,074 609 12 786 1,330 172 274 57 115 916 184,136 34,693 7,140 87,332 11,463 1,023 36,775 34,971 1,804 29,414 8,657 105,734 2,911 40,436 410 14,967 10 717 1,747 40,614 770 17,477 1,555 113 182 7 32 106 150 365 504 209 308 198 231 182 211 162 195 93 101 60 96 41 35 78 92 37 30 17 10 195,037 605 845 6,496 9,823 7,923 11,613 11,280 13,347 15,171 17,728 18,625 22,202 14,692 15,745 11,881 18,883 9,798 8,363 26,493 31,330 26,050 19,480 46,023 18,020 910 1,084 645 911 845 914 90 65 8 17 612 999 39.4 50.1 141 333 2 3 111 112 108 3 280 517 78 34 50 28 269 122,886 17,994 17,337 36,820 12,403 267 7,540 7,467 73 12,528 4,082 39,643 708 10,074 86 4,879 8 3,305 583 12,385 277 5,843 1,401 137 310 9 128 310 383 537 186 211 115 115 105 94 113 128 90 60 61 53 31 31 106 91 35 27 39 35 235,395 709 1,589 7,362 10,040 6,875 7,766 6,594 6,467 8,714 7,640 12,888 14,675 14,086 9,319 12,033 10,427 7,303 7,548 36,610 30,786 23,609 17,072 98,612 70,975 737 703 664 989 622 684 270 117 19 6 490 885 35.0 52.3 294 549 7 3 66 102 59 7 67 155 56 76 18 38 164 122,016 51,596 35,735 26,048 14,642 252 4,365 3,846 519 4,109 2,680 63,412 542 26,809 267 19,549 IB 4,116 4 71 12,938 62 2,016 7,218 604 614 48 73 556 541 2,954 2,593 1,408 1,403 783 869 597 495 403 381 184 139 112 96 43 41 100 65 25 18 5 1 384,428 3,485 3,422 54,825 47,930 53,136 52,865 44,935 49,038 48,476 39,926 45,787 42,639 28,535 21,761 22,109 19,035 10,157 9,824 34,910 21,244 17,085 11,315 20,988 1,125 5,720 5,051 1,498 1,664 3,234 2,896 709 232 7 3,268 3,587 45.3 53.4 81 140 150 9 1,406 1,724 1,847 59 1,3 70 1,315 252 399 53 199 2,113 230,581 38,833 9,736 105,278 3,442 5,985 54,269 52,784 1,485 32,501 9,081 123,237 2,963 52,410 698 13,090 5 I 546 3,246 57,182 1,371 21,787 1.065 216 256 3 11 213 245 407 413 160 143 74 69 45 56 46 45 26 19 21 18 9 7 36 29 5 11 20 19 100,632 1,249 1,417 7,338 7,011 6,010 5,290 4,247 ,937 ,713 ,592 ,289 ,111 ,097 ,001 ,147 ,575 .161 1,664 12,807 10,428 3,161 7,589 46,413 45,500 313 265 752 820 492 494 269 228 8 18 296 345 27.8 31.8 114 261 13 12 14 9 14 7 17 148 46 70 78 175 60,147 12,189 18,653 9,643 4,576 550 564 584 107 3,826 21,135 454 8,037 269 5,296 291 4,994 7 101 2,704 149 309 8 3 141 306 788 654 419 519 299 333 257 268 234 286 158 175 93 102 58 51 142 121 76 63 31 32 323,215 833 1,444 15,418 13,358 15,757 19,291 16,994 18,833 21,049 21,867 26,859 31,846 24,931 27,613 18,348 20,141 13,942 12,172 48,692 40,713 51,089 42,560 69,303 66,780 1,387 1,381 1.317 1,532 1,203 1,217 342 136 9 14 1,150 1,546 42.5 53.1 218 350 10 3 406 209 305 11 403 598 113 386 34 79 581 170,874 71.496 16,893 63,952 16,032 1,018 20.933 20,441 492 15.849 10,120 87,073 969 35,548 331 16,827 8 3,885 1,115 30,813 3»6 9,996 2,452 213 211 15 70 198 141 579 757 384 538 333 448 296 297 250 321 131 138 76 106 45 41 105 05 32 30 8 14 213,619 1,129 873 10,866 14,169 14,569 20,087 18,956 24,961 24,295 24,327 28,530 35,546 20,331 21,367 15.063 21,001 10,651 9.856 37,027 33,697 21,281 19,307 10,921 20,861 1,648 1,882 804 1.114 1,313 1,307 172 83 5 10 962 1,596 39.2 53.3 142 435 3 4 365 252 342 23 322 734 130 171 70 60 428 125,215 29,294 2,544 56,566 11,976 117 21,960 20,744 1,216 11.215 11.298 50,984 1,135 22,647 167 6,905 5 910 928 20,522 319 6,587 3,091 180 413 9 142 171 271 841 1,113 552 685 322 495 340 440 310 420 147 206 112 131 59 56 132 131 77 58 19 20 310,208 1,066 1,698 16,364 22,372 20,825 25,965 18,760 28,452 28,173 36,039 35.833 47,069 23,064 32,370 22,326 25,997 13,888 13,301 46,396 45,016 50.760 38,083 32,753 33,001 1,913 2,419 1,178 1,749 1.431 1,699 256 158 16 17 1,388 2,294 44.9 55.0 121 377 8 3 212 307 206 6 931 1,249 116 358 65 51 803 162,151 59,367 15,861 72,829 10,176 583 13,423 13,173 250 34,741 13,906 97,338 1,187 37,846 251 17,987 15 4,942 1,354 36,563 oio 22,204 2,584 126 157 8 10 118 138 978 918 540 644 304 393 213 231 117 165 83 81 43 51 34 26 82 72 49 40 15 14 209,331 654 790 20,092 19,526 20,411 24.635 17,425 22,780 17,285 18,807 13,564 18,924 13,066 12,595 8.531 9,993 7,972 6,157 29,258 25,410 34,854 27,303 26,219 21,515 894 1,086 1,690 1,706 677 874 255 86 17 17 1,635 1,815 63.3 65.0 141 199 9 1 618 539 614 4 809 920 58 156 1! 46 1.039 74,643 55,228 15.147 64.313 9,225 378 25,518 25,370 148 25,569 3,623 108,584 630 28.417 249 23,740 16 6,320 1,617 50,107 805 21,153 SOUTH CAROLINA OF OPERATOR: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued 417 McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union Wllliama- burg York 1,080 3,112 2,694 2,602 3,288 5,926 3,101 2,444 2,376 6,796 3,314 1,709 6,075 3,574 1 00 301 132 223 216 463 275 356 90 670 251 102 616 229 2 41 338 68 220 364 1,276 113 340 103 611 257 214 736 436 3 9 31 13 23 14 32 34 11 9 46 19 6 55 8 4 4 55 2 44 240 77 9 121 25 95 6 81 27 97 5 81 270 119 200 202 431 241 315 on 624 232 96 561 221 6 37 283 66 176 124 1,199 104 219 78 516 251 133 709 339 7 329 1,426 1,181 680 760 1,683 7 56 780 639 2,249 1,168 403 2,666 1,009 8 226 1,375 1.568 689 652 1,859 624 626 645 2,108 912 464 2,597 1,264 9 207 535 591 372 699 1,156 738 388 392 1,484 738 258 1,087 540 10 209 514 606 423 750 1,225 724 386 386 1,852 696 288 968 586 11 116 262 251 2B7 536 725 453 221 302 867 420 192 495 386 12 2SS 210 235 337 738 669 601 232 304 1,073 489 227 464 393 13 83 204 161 266 414 • 580 375 185 307 652 251 183 374 425 14 116 129 162 284 483 558 434 174 310 601 250 204 308 395 IS 76 144 93 268 306 431 254 195 254 389 160 207 253 349 16 155 75 132 308 405 470 301 189 27 4 375 245 249 295 370 17 43 58 62 145 150 244 104 78 134 184 88 112 166 216 18 93 41 56 167 161 230 125 84 145 162 80 123 139 199 19 28 46 42 98 71 147 43 58 68 87 55 59 101 101 20 49 28 39 99 80 151 69 48 82 98 57 60 86 118 21 19 25 25 51 34 85 26 33 45 45 29 50 49 79 22 28 22 23 47 24 103 35 27 43 42 34 45 49 75 23 45 65 76 143 64 257 57 87 80 124 81 90 154 169 24 66 37 60 135 50 220 43 84 75 87 69 83 120 145 25 35 31 48 54 29 103 17 37 41 35 47 37 81 57 26 26 17 27 54 8 100 14 39 33 26 38 34 50 48 27 9 15 32 IS 9 52 3 26 15 10 26 16 33 14 28 6 13 13 15 7 42 1 9 16 4 17 17 17 14 29 113,049 1SB.007 223,911 260,648 248,309 546,299 196,807 220.890 220,593 390,493 263,495 193,189 402,348 339,180 30 471 1,778 752 1,235 1,238 3,631 1,421 1,747 562 3,773 1,323 542 3,468 1,526 31 225 1,913 424 1,021 1,002 5,845 680 1,378 489 2,987 1,272 809 4,330 1,913 32 6,252 26,087 23,375 12,545 14, 466 32,806 14,554 14,529 11,921 43,131 23,389 7,751 50,573 19,307 33 4,423 25,330 31,372 13,470 12,987 35,120 12,081 12,440 12,674 41,062 18,864 9,477 48,537 23,707 34 7,563 19,968 21,820 13,914 26,521 43,407 28,523 14,585 15,133 56,286 27,756 9,561 40,780 20,534 35 7,676 19,367 22,783 15,841 28 , 596 45,517 27,599 14,216 14,595 70,035 26,181 10,734 35,696 22,136 36 6,671 15,175 14,357 16,650 31,465 41.830 26,102 12,835 17,327 49,779 23,998 11,095 28,358 22,562 37 13,890 11,926 13,398 19,484 41,964 38,140 34,412 13,165 17,455 61,077 27,415 13,010 26,274 22,600 38 6,791 16,669 13,265 22,189 33,689 48,021 30,499 15,415 25,305 53,713 20,774 15,133 30,686 35,270 39 9,394 10,184 13,346 23,513 39,372 46,284 34,942 14,260 25,691 48,853 20,362 16,698 25,263 32,890 40 8,629 16,698 10,761 31,109 35,413 49,450 2 9,2 90 22,383 29,295 44,810 18,305 23,965 29,135 40,212 41 17,286 8,599 15,188 35,093 44,777 53,856 33,603 21,486 31,351 41,998 27,435 28,587 33,960 42,464 42 r 6,910 9,051 9,633 22,994 23,498 38,615 16,288 12,295 20,895 28,614 13,892 17,550 26,134 33,977 43 14,601 6,434 8,836 26,222 25,155 35,847 19,196 13,146 22,781 25,390 12,435 19,210 21,604 31,162 44 5,476 9,111 8,363 19,377 13,920 29,155 8,556 11,546 13,379 17,263 10,797 11,701 20,169 19.90B 45 9,815 5,582 7,785 19,569 15,572 29,802 13,606 9,560 16,270 19,305 11,354 11,932 17.108 23,223 46 4,196 5,907 6,126 11,924 7,949 20,211 6,131 7,967 10,642 10,674 6,990 11,930 11,556 18,794 47 6,768 S.108 5,495 11,139 5,705 24,394 8,401 6,473 10,155 9,998 8,171 10,699 11,664 17,983 48 15,260 22,819 26 , 428 49, 879 22,049 80,142 19,402 29,968 26,804 43,693 28,663 31,629 52,683 58,404 49 21,800 12,408 21,186 47,152 16,418 76,942 14,326 27,878 26,280 29,449 23,731 28,711 40,872 49,495 50 23 , 440 22,176 31,969 36,110 19,903 68,590 12,264 24,859 27,589 24, 437 34,280 26,723 55,512 38,236 51 16,610 12,851 18,229 33.485 4,834 66,289 9,563 24,387 22,032 16,539 26,357 22,579 33,988 32,645 52 21,390 22,568 57,062 22,722 18,198 82,441 3,777 52,761 21,741 14,320 53,328 25,609 53,294 30, 450 53 9,656 24,289 30,673 23,714 17 , 541 65,847 1,358 13,104 21,747 5,611 31,537 30,414 31,412 25,503 54 373 1,385 1,120 1,607 2,948 2,485 2,918 1,221 1,513 5,220 932 962 2,054 1,962 55 404 1,142 1,217 1,662 3,272 2,530 2,801 1,156 1,473 5.21B 780 1,099 1,766 2,060 56 707 1,727 1,574 995 340 3,441 1B3 1,223 863 1,576 2,382 747 4,021 1,612 57 866 1,657 1,772 1,116 450 4,373 283 1,082 943 1,821 2,364 909 4,063 1,983 58 327 719 423 1,315 1,847 1,925 1,933 1,324 1,104 3,378 1,091 933 2,027 1,499 59 350 760 689 1,318 1,750 2,153 1,573 1,303 1,078 3,164 839 929 2,053 1,522 60 92 363 248 258 259 1,187 165 467 275 597 421 106 852 214 61 53 66 51 163 114 522 57 207 136 163 260 47 212 112 62 6 4 2 2 6 7 5 4 5 5 13 13 4 1 6 22 23 31 18 43 13 8 8 7 19 25 63 3 64 655 2,028 2,017 1,024 1,177 2,801 999 647 997 2,798 1,784 657 3,188 1,842 65 863 1,971 2,242 1,293 1,853 4,215 1,453 706 1,199 3,681 2,002 1,024 3,557 2,384 66 60.6 65.2 74.9 39.4 35.8 47.3 32.2 26.5 42.0 41.2 53.8 38.4 52.5 51.5 67 68.0 70.4 75.0 46.5 49.8 61.1 47.1 31.5 49.6 52.3 63.7 51.0 61.0 59.0 68 181 56 68 132 180 370 111 377 135 172 492 75 431 104 69 271 75 86 363 211 1,252 87 507 297 477 921 163 838 309 70 2 103 17 8 7 101 12 8 6 17 39 3 90 7 71 171 995 1 143 5 450 29 686 4 346 48 944 9 665 2 412 72 130 472 68 219 150 988 73 162 756 261 73 699 734 602 53 130 1,383 346 221 982 358 74 130 990 468 143 447 674 342 67 10 934 660 149 964 389 75 5 829 4 1,408 3 460 12 1,462 4 364 1 98 9 ol0 10 1,425 5 486 1 349 24 1,439 23 1,086 76 224 626 77 412 858 1,825 759 856 1,884 738 113 745 1,548 641 480 1,590 1.491 7B 118 45 52 115 80 182 166 96 127 240 102 80 240 233 79 18 109 70 97 82 316 22 23 27 225 85 160 147 224 80 93 15 12 81 29 81 22 52 79 50 39 41 95 92 81 25 30 40 34 51 101 144 44 48 190 63 39 145 141 82 221 1,214 1,073 631 545 1,696 518 304 614 1,395 932 313 2,026 922 83 52,668 84,904 64,617 164,899 144,369 237,207 131,200 130,346 126,618 210,263 121,629 111,638 217,817 165,640 84 20,008 31,821 74,550 47,012 28,053 182,849 12.379 52,239 49,292 53,847 60,975 26,263 76,649 43,795 85 8,374 31,999 1,425 69,857 3,702 81,042 2,217 46,520 5,434 70,453 11,136 115,107 1,150 52,078 9,719 28,586 6,801 119,582 17,587 63,304 13,437 41,851 15,107 92,775 25,426 104,319 86 44,683 87 10,687 3,575 7,731 9,275 12,246 23,442 5.670 17,070 12,624 8,892 21,587 9,992 17,835 10,394 88 79 3,489 1,045 658 662 5,532 340 202 584 858 1,185 149 3,166 175 89 7,424 39,393 26,395 10,097 33, 340 28,758 21,322 3.169 8,799 i 48,060 23,431 9,757 30,800 30,579 90 7,424 39,035 26,086 10,097 33,217 28,118 21,201 3,124 8,437 47 , 509 23,209 9,307 30,040 28.681 91 358 21,535 309 43,041 123 17,851 640 47 , 008 121 15,604 45 2,988 362 15,029 551 47,586 222 13,689 450 15,836 760 32,727 1,898 46,128 92 7,686 16,199 93 6,123 1,865 2,830 10,291 6,354 10,367 9,142 5,157 7,647 14,186 3,412 6,117 8,247 17,043 94 25,060 63,238 119,677 74,415 64,598 254,714 53,888 59,820 65,665 169,589 131.138 42,576 139,247 101,627 95 226 632 372 1,151 1,592 1,744 1,668 1.023 942 2,902 986 797 1,766 1,328 96 7,068 13,079 20,546 35,397 30,844 82,799 29,853 25,496 27,976 73,871 46,705 20,178 47,148 39.650 97 85 347 239 256 247 1,176 157 460 266 586 413 101 824 210 98 3,375 8,673 35,597 15,902 8,453 82,987 4,040 20,013 14,382 24.785 29,318 4,424 24,556 13.295 99 4 764 629 2 380 2,005 6 1,372 2,005 5 1,074 1,001 5 848 1,111 12 3,098 2,736 3 262 936 5 1,546 598 23 2,803 2,720 15 4,922 1,768 10 1,514 641 6" 829 3,159 19 3,667 1,783 100 101 968 102 13,853 41,106 62,162 22,042 24,453 85,830 19,733 12,765 23, 307 68,130 50,193 16,460 66.714 45,015 103 215 823 1,405 618 446 1,426 348 96 501 1,407 485 344 1,435 1,064 104 4,280 13,872 36,720 11,704 9,488 39,402 7,073 Mil 10,920 32,247 11,844 8,870 26,733 24,749 105 418 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 2a- FARMS BY COLOR AND TENURE Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, 1950, operated by- White operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number Al 1 tenants number Croppers number Nonwhite operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number Al 1 tenants number Croppers - number Land in farms, 1950, operated by — White operators acres Full owners ...acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhite operators acres Full owners. acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Cropland harvested, 1919, in farms operated by- White operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting icres Nonwhite operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres The State Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley 78,022 45,442 9,338 385 22,857 8,713 61,342 13,840 7,157 16 40,329 20,765 9,316,365 5,441,145 1,978,177 569,918 1,327,125 357.670 2,562,428 707,427 361,228 15,508 1,478,265 609,298 69,860 2,531,430 38,635 1,211,611 9,003 653,369 360 81,980 21,862 584,470 8,516 203,081 60,107 1,428,392 13,108 260,066 7,119 189,011 14 1,862 39,866 977,453 20,589 462,357 1,326 884 124 2 316 131 714 165 42 507 292 180,734 120,875 26,549 9,500 23,810 6,511 36,933 11,815 2,766 22,352 10,314 1,158 38,331 758 22,081 122 7,371 2 1,180 276 7,699 118 2,760 678 15,170 152 3,154 42 1,053 484 10,963 282 6,162 1,858 1,019 242 12 585 204 1,557 462 155 2 938 469 318,379 168,434 89,088 15,009 45,848 15,119 104,778 35,152 16.332 308 52,986 20,290 1,671 87,045 869 37,906 233 27,371 11 2,281 558 19,487 200 7,177 1,511 49,717 431 11,847 154 7,140 2 191 924 30,539 465 13,838 308 152 87 4 65 1 469 117 23 4,296 2,435 417 14 1,430 584 1,504 167 57 757 340 169 2 246 130 773 151 77 161,683 55,108 68,165 25,965 12,445 150 32,021 11,263 2,920 1,280 919 343,164 195.775 62,553 10,369 74,467 22,858 64,410 10,414 4,687 545 399 159,220 69,746 62.021 3,955 23,498 8,791 50,346 12.841 8.294 17,838 287 284 53,562 134 16,535 86 31,897 4 1,120 60 4,010 1 139 466 19,709 116 5,383 23 1,526 49,309 27,535 3,864 136,989 2,074 66,735 403 29,063 14 2,423 1,373 38,768 570 13,728 1,479 39,989 158 4,157 57 2,549 29,211 19,458 713 52,760 308 20,274 164 21,466 2 921 239 10,099 129 4,805 758 27,449 146 5,147 76 3,517 327 12,800 1,264 33,283 914 21,748 536 18,785 396 14,182 836 421 141 8 266 112 1.040 161 84 1 794 426 180,900 89,527 54.579 10,715 26,079 5,557 79,518 17,625 12,960 120 48,813 17,999 765 63,649 365 27,664 138 20,958 8 2,952 254 12,075 106 3,414 1,017 48,257 150 7,141 84 7,517 1 69 782 33,530 421 15,732 247 162 46 10 29 1 1.406 890 346 660 196 9 115 12 1,950 875 794 170 2 148.448 84,990 24,226 33,114 6,118 4 23,252 15,081 5.912 281 30 164,723 99,776 23,249 33,107 8,591 474 45,248 22,510 18,516 2,259 14 186 14,515 113 6,516 38 5,750 10 1,507 25 742 1 2 1,325 10,382 817 5,643 343 3,507 4,222 483 867 20,676 563 12,340 188 5,451 9 761 107 2,124 12 274 1,887 22,934 821 8,661 792 11,186 165 • 274 1,232 3,087 2 30 12 414 Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, 1950, operated by — White operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Nonwhite operators number Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Croppers number Land in farms, 1950, operated by- White operators acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers . . . . acres All tenants acres Croppers acres Nonwhite operators .acres Full owners acres Part owners acres Managers acres All tenants .acres Croppers acres Cropland harvested, 1949, In farms operated by- White operators farms reporting acres Full owners. . farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting acres Nonwhite operators farms reporting acres Full owners farms reporting acres Part owners farms reporting acres Managers farms reporting acres All tenants farms reporting acres Croppers farms reporting teres Hampton Horry Jaspe Lexington 4,669 3,239 360 11 1,059 316 1,087 229 65 910 700 65 8 137 41 645 145 25 793 47 270,388 175,005 31,034 7,140 57,209 13,936 42,913 9,131 3,659 30,123 15,478 4,024 81,139 2,700 45,944 347 12,867 10 717 967 .21.611 305 6,296 1,054 24.595 211 3,492 63 2,100 475 239 158,062 112,960 16,269 17,337 11,496 3,302 36,975 9,926 1,725 25,324 9,226 754 26,327 569 16,344 62 4,473 8 3,305 115 2,205 40 893 631 13,316 139 2,730 24 406 780 19,003 : 465 1 11,1811 468 10.1RO 237 4,950 737 435 144 18 140 19 664 187 126 1 350 48 207,726 112.335 45,518 34,740 15.133 1,889 27 , 669 9,681 6,078 995 10,915 2,220 672 49,213 380 23.550 141 16,345 17 4,084 134 5,234 17 694 626 14,199 162 3,259 126 3,204 1 32 337 7,704 45 1,322 5,720 2,746 503 7 2,464 845 1,498 488 206 313 201 43 8 61 3 752 291 226 1,387 858 191 9 329 118 1,317 345 151 1,648 1,143 124 5 376 100 804 170 804 534 348,147 217,611 32,598 9,736 88,202 22,663 36,281 12,970 6,235 235 4 79,793 50,748 5,959 18,653 4,483 57 20,839 9,399 6,230 17,076 9,838 5,446 103.810 2,505 47,627 492 10,143 5 546 2,444 45,494 838 14,516 1,466 19,427 458 4,783 206 2,956 5.210 50 282 10,655 172 4,755 43 1,500 8 2,806 59 1,592 3 53 740 10,480 282 3.282 226 3,79o 821 285 248,649 144,090 60,296 16,893 27,370 6,122 74,566 26,784 11,200 36,582 9,727 1.140 52,890 640 26,936 180 12,063 8 3,885 312 10,006 116 3,377 1,283 34, 183 329 8,612 151 4.764 586 222 163,378 112,214 24,687 2,544 23,933 4,721 50,241 13,001 4,607 32,633 6,494 1,450 33,087 973 19,179 120 5,606 5 010 352 7,392 99 2,215 785 17,897 162 3.468 47 1,299 802 1 1 , 688 533 7,271 232 3,402 803 576 0.807 13,130 280 220 6,619 4,372 1,913 1,292 216 15 390 179 1,178 139 40 1 998 752 248,440 149,112 55,379 15,161 28,788 8,319 61,768 13,039 3,988 700 44,041 26,422 1,640 66,499 1,058 34,018 211 16,596 14 4,827 366 11.058 172 4,257 1,158 30,830 129 3.828 40 1,391 1 115 988 25,505 747 17,047 894 467 168 17 242 96 1,690 210 87 2,740 1,987 378 1 374 113 454 122 62 1,393 713 142,664 61,687 49,204 15,147 16,626 4,962 66,667 12,956 6,024 47,687 20,607 835 57,698 423 21,373 162 20,175 16 6,320 234 9,830 95 3,212 1,677 50.886 207 7,044 87 3,565 1,383 40,277 710 17,041 270 146 269,048 200,520 45,980 560 21,988 5,744 18,881 6,096 2,812 0,973 5,320 2,396 74,555 1,661 46,899 370 17,082 1 117 344 9.557 108 3,216 43S 11.276 109 1.967 61 1.817 265 7,492 144 4,266 SOUTH CAROLINA 419 OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Ca lhoun Charleaton Cherokee Cheater Cheater- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorcheater Edgefield Fairfield Florence George- town 643 596 2,060 902 2,650 1.155 1,578 1,881 1,639 924 752 541 3,754 708 1 355 444 1,144 667 1,232 540 1,054 895 465 616 489 434 1.591 450 2 200 102 191 106 403 220 255 221 129 206 122 50 281 84 3 2 4 4 8 7 5 18 13 4 2 3 5 10 14 4 86 46 721 121 1,008 390 251 752 1,021 100 138 52 1.872 160 5 29 6 316 33 439 147 41 438 420 18 45 8 879 62 6 1.017 909 672 1,307 1,100 2,903 1,366 2,240 1,697 1,066 1,213 996 3,086 877 7 131 596 87 263 276 428 630 198 87 339 172 386 410 583 a 121 229 45 1 539 82 123 323 3 2,149 320 2 414 136 39 363 48 1 992 72 1 537 164 128 1 165 9 10 765 84 962 701 1,906 1,571 364 2,512 u 437 4 346 559 361 715 100 1,168 1,060 134 448 188 1,273 67 12 146,235 122,879 179,808 182,341 272,183 133,894 361,015 188,065 159,032 130,921 154,193 166,245 278,345 107,870 13 69,709 86,594 101,463 127,910 134,977 61,615 168.685 104.579 74,029 88,098 103,931 124,151 157,717 57,405 14 68,022 24,095 27,614 36, 548 74,114 43,018 73,340 46,559 31,270 30,590 36,158 30.496 34,960 11,942 15 1.148 6,193 4,781 6,469 9, 485 9.442 77,796 6.746 1,438 1,330 910 6,562 8,949 31,796 16 7,356 5,997 45,950 11.411 53,607 19,819 21,194 30,161 52,295 10,903 13,194 7,036 76,719 6,727 17 1,052 413 14,909 2,413 20,312 5,574 2,045 12,843 15,323 894 1,579 323 27,141 1,561 Ktl 50,110 16,260 32,692 68,300 54,600 117,823 49,996 76,315 51,302 36,630 54,837 81,015 106,226 23, 591 19 10,273 9,950 3,891 23,090 14,164 22,482 23,397 11,348 4,049 11,616 14,069 40,877 20.239 14,252 20 11.412 4,845 2,706 6,013 7,502 18,924 13,325 7,316 1,588 13,117 5,117 6,379 7,637 2,767 21 1,159 24,936 39,197 32,934 1,917 74,500 1,850 11,424 1,172 34, 479 2,000 31,759 1,000 5,572 28,425 1,465 57,651 45,665 11,897 78,350 23 12,221 38 12,610 15,451 14,597 16,478 3,117 29,828 26,080 3,188 10,326 7,322 32,101 1,381 24 556 470 1,854 787 2,431 1,112 1,444 1,742 1,572 820 656 438 3,532 617 25 50,020 20,896 50,604 31,159 93,502 48,129 53,799 71,397 53,516 30,689 31,419 17,169 91,057 14, 387 26 279 328 972 568 1,080 504 949 782 434 529 409 343 1,403 382 27 18,605 10,352 23,423 20,418 39,030 19,397 31,202 31,922 17,705 18,165 16,827 12,073 35,980 7,387 28 194 100 188 102 391 217 247 212 119 201 115 46 266 77 29 27,657 8,455 8,668 7,050 24,073 16,311 14,284 16,137 8,089 9,617 10,255 4,023 10,242 1,690 30 2 4 4 8 7 5 17 13 4 2 3 3 10 13 31 318 373 529 1,078 2,307 1,710 2,423 3,753 443 267 346 185 2,300 2,507 32 81 38 690 109 953 386 231 735 1,015 8B 131 46 1,853 145 33 3,440 1,716 17,984 2,613 28,092 10,711 5,890 19,585 27,279 2,640 3,991 888 42,535 2,603 34 29 3 308 31 417 146 39 433 426 18 45 8 876 58 35 764 150 6,801 710 11,797 3,286 1,127 9,468 9,689 398 1,076 186 17,594 976 36 992 869 650 1,290 1,073 2,889 1,331 2,222 1,695 1,050 1,202 953 3,068 847 37 32,734 6,469 15,914 29,218 30,495 75,827 23,800 55,751 39,032 21,631 28,349 19,245 66,394 7,863 38 118 562 79 253 260 422 603 189 86 329 169 356 400 562 39 4,329 3,866 1,463 6,228 6,305 12,040 8,611 4,972 1,884 4,959 4,355 7,323 7,824 4,148 40 120 226 44 82 122 323 318 136 39 360 47 72 162 127 41 6,025 2,127 1,233 1 2,129 3,958 11,311 1 6,452 2 4,282 900 8,310 1,565 1 1,693 1 3,925 1,549 1 42 43 44 45 150 160 505 265 57 16 754 81 526 955 691 2,143 408 1,897 1,570 361 985 524 2,506 157 22,380 476 13,068 20,861 20,232 52,316 8,232 46,497 36,248 8,362 22,164 10,172 54,645 2,150 46 432 4 339 557 357 713 98 1,163 1,059 133 446 186 1,270 65 47 10,619 34 7,422 10 862 9,944 12, 570 2,560 25,498 21,996 2,640 8,783 3,756 24,434 977 48 McCormick Marlon Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union nilliama- burg York 373 1,385 1,120 1,607 2,948 2,485 2,918 1,221 1,513 5,220 932 962 2,054 1,962 1 237 493 303 1,165 1.76U 1,287 1,889 925 963 3,144 557 737 1,149 1,296 2 55 161 186 218 233 618 158 159 218 494 134 68 276 176 3 6 75 2 729 6 625 5 219 5 950 13 567 4 867 6 131 23 1,559 17 224 13 144 8 621 IB 472 332 5 15 241 329 57 312 265 285 17 106 659 45 51 269 168 6 707 1,727 1,574 995 340 3,441 183 1,223 863 1,576 2,382 747 4,021 1,612 7 90 226 120 150 87 638 44 399 141 234 534 196 878 203 8 37 202 62 40 26 227 569 7 308 57 103 1,239 287 1 1,560 38 576 38 1 1,370 9 in 580 1,299 1,392 805 2,234 132 516 665 513 2,567 n 209 588 1,079 569 148 1,197 79 81 404 766 441 298 1,170 918 12 73,927 130,480 169,882 218,686 231,730 399,123 189,876 175,863 181,212 331,396 165,543 141,020 274,263 254,792 13 44,994 73,013 57,592 153,158 140,005 199,842 129,578 111,758 115,779 201,175 91,491 92,767 176,920 151,697 14 15,299 21,222 70, 288 44,248 26.463 149,672 11,895 40,405 43,305 49,390 43,755 21,778 53,945 40,432 15 8,374 5,260 1,425 34,820 3,702 38,300 2,217 19,063 5,434 59,826 11,136 38,473 1,150 47,253 9,719 13,981 6,801 74,030 17,387 12,910 13,437 13,036 15,107 28,291 21,339 41,324 16 22,126 17 705 9,325 13,200 2,733 12,727 12,034 13,011 783 5,219 24,601 2,616 3,006 7,905 12,244 18 39,122 57,527 54,029 41,962 16,579 147,176 6,931 45,027 39,381 59,097 97,952 52,169 126,065 84,388 19 7,674 11,891 7,025 11,741 4,364 37,365 1,622 18,588 10,839 9,086 30,138 18,871 40,897 13,943 20 4,709 10,599 4,262 2,764 1,590 33,177 76,634 484 11,834 5,987 4,457 17,220 200 50,394 4,485 22,704 3,363 4,087 62,995 21 ?? 26,739 35,037 42,7 42 27, 457 10,625 4,825 14,605 22,555 45, 552 28,813 64,484 23 6,981 12,210 29,841 13,466 5,124 34,974 2,593 2,205 9,810 22,985 11,073 12,830 24,822 33,884 24 271 1,284 1,055 1,433 2,624 2,279 2.585 919 1,328 4,688 821 829 1,792 1,763 25 9,776 31,015 75,640 53,868 57,097 152,032 50,427 36,452 44,934 132,637 63,388 23,442 57,037 62,542 26 149 417 257 1,010 1,512 1,120 1,626 663 806 2,681 466 619 925 1,137 27 5,427 9,414 16,961 32,065 29,368 64,417 29,260 18,584 24,696 69,601 31,442 15,736 30,779 34,699 28 48 146 177 216 221 607 150 154 210 464 128 64 251 172 29 1,970 4,224 32,968 14,879 7,841 61,227 3,941 12,907 12,037 22,019 18,956 3,163 11,396 12,013 30 4 764 70 2 380 719 6 1,372 615 5 1,074 202 5 848 886 12 3,098 540 3 262 806 5 1,546 97 23 2,803 1,500 14 4,722 213 10 1,514 136 6 629 610 18 3.565 436 31 3? 312 33 1,615 16,997 24, 339 5,850 19,040 23,290 16,964 3,415 8,201 38,214 8,268 3,029 14,033 12,265 34 15 241 327 55 298 251 271 16 101 649 44 50 269 162 35 341 5,106 9,738 1.228 6,045 8,803 5,489 487 2,721 15,386 1,684 1,176 5,547 4,280 36 673 1,702 1,567 980 331 3,389 179 1,167 848 1,543 2,361 720 3,963 1,577 37 15,284 32,223 44,037 20,547 7,501 102,682 3,461 23,368 20,731 36,952 67,750 19,134 82,210 39,085 38 77 215 115 141 80 624 42 360 136 221 520 178 841 191 39 1,641 3,665 3,585 3,332 1,476 18,382 593 6,912 3,280 4,270 15,263 4,442 16.369 4,951 40 37 201 62 40 26 569 7 306 56 102 285 37 573 38 41 1.405 4,449 2,629 1,023 612 21,760 99 7,106 2,345 656 2,766 10,362 1 200 1,555 1,261 13,160 1,282 1 102 1,347 42 43 " i30 505 44 559 1,286 1,390 799 225 2,196 501 1,220 2,549 45 12,238 24,109 37,823 16,192 5,413 62.540 2,769 9,350 15,106 29,916 41,925 13,431 S2.681 32.750 46 200 582 1,078 563 148 1,175 77 80 400 758 441 294 1,166 902 47 3,939 8,766 26,982 10.476 3,443 30,599 1,584 1,624 6,199 16,861 10,160 7,694 21,186 20,469 48 420 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.— FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT, FARM LABOR, AND [1950 data based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1950. 1945. Electricity farms reporting 1950. 1945. From a power line farms reporting 1950. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars 1950. Electric water pump farms reporting 1950. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting 1950. Home freezer farms reporting 1950. Electric washing machine farms reporting 1950. Electric chick brooder farms reporting 1950. Electric power feed grinder farms reporting 1950. Milking machine farms reporting 1950. Grain combines farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Corn pickers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Upright silos farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Pit or trench silos farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Motortrucks farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Tractors farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 194S. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Garden tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1950. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule.. farms reporting 1950. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1950. TRADING CENTER AND ROAD Distance to trading center visited most frequently: Under 1 mile farms reporting 1950. 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1950.. 5 to 9 miles farms reporting 1950.. 10 miles and over farms reporting 1950.. Average distance reported miles 1950.. Distance over dirt or unimproved roads: 0.0 to 0.2 miles farms reporting 1950.. 0.3 to 0.9 miles farms reporting 1950.. 1.0 to 4.9 miles farms reporting 1950.. 5.0 miles and over farms reporting 1950.. Average distance reported miles 1950.. Kind of road on which farm is located: Hard surface. farms reporting 1950.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting 1950.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1950.. FARM LABOR Week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1950.. persons 1950. . Family workers, including operator ..... farms reporting 1950. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1950.. Unpaid members of operator's family .... farms reporting 1950. . persons 1950. . Hired workers farms reporting 1950.. persons 1950. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1949.. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1949. . Machine hire farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Hired labor .....farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Seeds, bulbv plants, and trees purchased farms reporting 1949., dollars 1949.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. . . farms reporting 1949. . dollars 1949. . Tractor repairs farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949. . Other farm machinery repairs ...farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. 11,901 6,306 95,025 52,101 94,808 4.43 32,961 13,618 9.170 36,401 12,761 1,044 1,364 6,295 6,760 372 380 2,159 2,205 942 1,343 405 581 25,433 13,296 29,757 15,348 23,449 10,366 30,329 12,447 21,911 28,038 1,099 1.158 982 1,133 69,946 73,515 81,579 77.576 41,668 37,594 36,652 16,483 6,967 6,635 51,902 47,985 29,191 6 42.415 15,391 49,469 7,384 1.4 51,518 6,352 74,972 117,322 243.700 114,964 106,519 54,394 91.675 16.429 45,506 114, 13 88,293 66,284 6,439,219 62,290 27,640,637 65,068 17,199,823 48,269 9,190,300 68,970 5,741,06? 47,991 11,573,364 16,032 3,331,023 37,401 2,622,783 129 121 1,507 740 1,507 4.75 650 270 110 561 224 15 6 157 168 37 37 8 15 12 15 282 131 314 150 408 189 501 221 378 461 10 10 28 30 1,246 1,236 1,491 1,274 687 353 583 293 124 111 818 544 480 6 791 275 693 72 1.0 629 100 ,135 1,694 3.203 1,658 1,528 726 1,216 239 459 1,499 1,117 883 71,755 651 169,348 763 141,430 596 75,250 738 26,210 534 117,017 257 51,514 266 16,670 277 226 2,547 1,246 2,547 4.28 927 297 263 762 271 32 41 174 187 7 7 4 4 48 67 4 4 822 402 998 470 631 327 810 403 590 730 41 41 19 39 1,860 2,312 2,186 2,416 1,080 896 799 297 343 117 1,300 1,100 738 6 841 341 1,311 165 1.5 1,287 49 1.896 2,797 5,220 2,695 2,473 1,023 1,589 462 1.158 2,794 1,948 1,417 131,468 1,272 627.428 1,800 421,846 1,340 223,070 1,466 111.398 1,217 297,372 439 91,968 583 55,994 72 63 343 283 343 6.24 111 105 86 91 76 20 7 79 121 7 7 15 17 8 10 1 1 169 122 230 151 130 114 277 183 130 275 2 2 260 556 285 573 105 285 258 94 35 624 593 337 605 187 890 629 466 389 50,691 256 540.004 239 61,786 151 36,448 496 87,801 233 152,857 121 87,505 274 34, 198 792 431 4,490 3,247 4,485 4.63 1,632 595 321 1,985 573 45 122 604 653 13 13 175 180 72 83 58 91 1,015 401 1,177 447 1,353 585 1,784 671 1,288 1,693 70 75 16 16 3,569 3,901 4,083 4,093 2,079 825 1,513 891 492 49 152 304 1,793 252 2,048 153 1,607 6 7 186 2,941 32 520 211 886 79 185 2.1 0.7 306 2,654 26 1,191 420 1,655 4,773 8,952 4,642 4,287 2.008 3,468 590 1,197 4.610 3,573 3,035 305,007 1,833 654,379 1.761 549,555 1,772 382,831 2,254 142,076 1,814 467,220 943 141,910 1,345 99,180 85 21 916 271 906 5.79 294 175 167 270 84 8 21 76 84 7 7 19 20 20 52 11 16 364 150 424 160 289 101 381 126 289 380 1 1 722 721 843 767 340 419 486 219 66 35 611 666 166 6 501 189 687 46 1.2 421 55 995 1,375 3,170 1,354 1,284 517 938 263 948 1,278 907 786 104,639 497 408,866 663 314,768 430 206,443 1.039 122,340 572 157.192 265 67,553 500 30,768 106 65 1,060 440 1,060 4.31 314 109 70 216 129 18 7 84 95 7 7 409 268 479 303 241 193 354 251 241 353 1 1 789 1.182 855 1,218 483 490 656 200 47 104 887 618 89 451 186 814 63 1.4 500 11 1,170 1 , 635 4,173 1,589 1,488 846 1,532 303 1,153 1,481 1,200 1,024 82,280 764 533,839 606 167,728 398 138,717 1.162 124,977 729 182,942 196 58.075 855 51,051 65 35 478 118 477 8.28 170 106 122 158 54 10 20 IS 19 7 7 7 7 13 21 7 11 213 135 297 190 168 97 274 170 158 242 16 16 13 16 288 271 368 325 512 819 156 109 57 117 924 334 221 7 349 246 542 22 1.1 464 47 1.025 1,435 3,514 1,409 1,284 873 1,299 122 931 1,003 514 313 18,627 324 589,733 655 157,896 254 187,818 687 76,854 211 100,440 115 33,608 177 19.902 SOUTH CAROLINA FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 only a sample of farms. See textj 421 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Cheater field Clarendon Colleton Uarlingtoii Uillo tdgefield Georgetown 103 83 961 642 960 5.02 460 157 166 274 17S 21 15 164 193 40 41 34 34 10 10 11 11 424 214 504 236 410 189 664 261 410 652 10 10 2 2 933 991 1,117 1.053 553 244 438 252 173 76 486 635 370 7 533 328 417 112 1.2 1,381 2.985 1,273 1,168 494 786 441 1,031 1,438 1,198 859 147,761 1,037 672,140 823 279,176 675 291,766 1,067 164,256 611 234,895 308 80,320 648 72,948 243 336 109 142 827 2,031 507 1,334 827 2,031 7.27 4.07 459 751 264 261 167 88 410 791 85 257 20 6 5 46 34 121 35 121 2 6 47 6 47 7 7 7 9 5 32 5 37 378 625 343 326 465 674 423 356 295 563 237 179 492 650 356 201 263 533 429 599 47 15 48 IS 9 31 15 36 542 1,425 620 1.325 651 1,608 724 1.391 371 991 759 407 90 769 161 358 124 207 175 387 352 616 9 680 168 526 83 1.2 750 26 712 1,203 4,351 1,171 1,046 537 798 253 2,507 1,147 650 321 46,120 495 1,158,761 665 206,758 310 142,001 878 436,019 456 239.000 238 90,072 175 60,726 __.. 45 1,160 1,043 456 6 1,064 467 686 25 0.7 1,157 146 1,347 2,250 3,946 2,215 2,008 1,004 1.475 281 463 2,303 1,897 1.608 148,196 1,161 330,172 1,287 437,540 1.024 186,046 1,346 70,072 826 174,152 446 65,662 492 32,315 441 177 1,303 681 1,298 5.15 543 267 60 414 197 10 68 84 89 1 2 27 28 64 78 17 17 324 196 37 5 226 372 187 447 222 350 415 6 6 20 26 1,075 1,047 1.296 1.104 894 373 572 303 67 90 459 817 773 532 141 793 94 1.6 957 188 940 1,738 3,408 1,720 1,629 703 1,154 238 625 1,633 1,133 889 86,537 687 237,415 1,005 298,005 606 91,184 1,060 58,101 763 140,451 330 59,729 579 33,121 92 54 3.0B6 1,442 3,081 3.62 1, 230 174 .177 280 3 6 172 194 5 S 57 58 9 11 6 11 1,134 390 1,302 449 780 242 999 319 755 945 17 19 20 35 1.682 1,391 1,884 1.446 908 1.038 1,027 525 252 190 1,713 1,311 439 5 752 512 1,609 293 1.7 987 180 2,384 3,114 5,477 3,079 2,868 1,247 1,837 268 772 3,249 2,768 2,297 269,653 1,906 791,695 1,740 310,361 1,424 160,318 1.765 137,916 1,353 327,003 499 120,640 1,136 71,719 101 66 1,548 533 1,548 4.94 655 240 154 503 369 30 15 64 75 2 2 28 28 401 171 437 182 366 117 459 137 366 459 1,744 1,335 1,832 1,388 882 1.434 1,376 289 77 106 1,415 1,595 850 7 881 387 1,724 438 2.0 1,132 3,833 8,292 3,812 3.577 2,035 3,417 547 1,298 3,694 3,253 2,662 210.546 2,412 745.534 2,086 215,686 1,188 123,839 2,591 123,540 1,757 309,734 281 57,877 1,914 58,368 187 83 1,651 711 1.650 5.24 714 355 190 657 316 39 27 121 123 7 7 50 50 13 14 533 197 638 227 452 159 538 190 432 504 18 18 10 16 1,260 1,245 1,372 1,329 652 1,246 594 343 109 232 1,218 794 663 6 1,020 216 874 153 1.3 1,205 41 1,611 2,380 4,747 2,330 2,110 1,064 1,712 374 925 2,469 1,593 1..010 75,719 1,282 509,043 1,582 368,638 1,067 196,116 1,351 114,085 650 166,691 302 50,397 605 30,012 407 121 3,358 1,374 3,338 3.92 906 461 301 903 329 31 26 239 275 20 20 164 170 26 26 10 10 692 288 788 377 718 217 988 263 677 924 40 55 6 9 2,170 2,309 2.483 2,379 1,527 697 1,201 480 216 41 1.260 2,269 553 6 850 472 1,906 236 1.7 1,166 118 2,683 3,592 7,190 3,503 3,298 1,491 2,396 413 1,496 3,477 3,077 2,664 412,934 2,411 974,269 1,637 342,769 1,243 153,372 2,063 151.629 2,040 399,325 440 111,700 1,442 110,103 311 115 2,653 1.061 2,653 3.73 478 263 288 647 396 29 30 161 194 113 114 11 13 499 236 585 260 566 160 865 198 556 844 6 6 10 15 1,819 1,716 2,255 1,762 1,068 703 993 415 157 107 1,352 1,403 349 5 696 375 1,716 178 1.6 709 16 2,410 3,094 7,524 3,062 2,961 1,703 3,255 351 1,308 2,922 2,556 1,867 183,703 2,200 642,873 1,771 212,601 1,545 212, 508 1,419 190,843 1,967 454,906 314 74,619 836 59,517 133 30 1,070 437 1,070 5.37 411 206 101 439 112 6 19 23 23 7 7 320 133 360 144 236 81 277 91 226 266 6 6 5 5 910 818 1,042 858 468 674 604 212 32 161 952 577 176 5 501 161 674 155 1.8 570 5 1,271 1,647 3,269 1.580 1,425 850 1,302 254 542 1,563 1,093 685 44,637 848 323,498 1,039 291,161 480 147.181 1,112 77,663 395 89,838 148 22,291 417 22,359 215 126 1,268 625 1,268 3.85 366 163 29 231 113 27 126 135 6 6 20 20 7 12 6 8 343 212 406 249 380 198 468 235 355 438 10 10 15 20 1,163 1,185 1,348 1,256 579 494 501 297 94 156 603 546 585 7 495 231 75S 108 1.6 620 30 1,221 1,569 2,872 1,542 1,416 555 822 184 634 1,416 993 642 85,295 732 391,811 822 137,218 580 82,828 702 56,628 510 181,337 277 64.3S9 419 56,362 62 56 795 542 794 4.65 343 147 43 184 81 20 31 48 50 27 27 8 9 11 21 235 170 330 191 197 108 233 115 191 216 1 1 16 16 677 749 743 797 323 645 374 144 51 247 476 602 9 433 85 396 112 1.4 561 91 730 1,164 2.356 1,137 1,066 538 813 222 477 1,044 616 310 27,979 460 165,421 687 228,786 412 95,626 521 31,270 323 61,592 150 23,826 316 33,803 424 67 4,939 1,763 4,924 3.82 1,387 683 683 1,921 713 31 26 100 105 3 4 78 83 7 7 1 2 1,000 408 1,062 436 740 213 883 251 704 841 32 32 10 10 3,365 3,332 3,809 3,465 2,106 1,720 2,274 580 160 285 2,678 2,585 1,077 6 1,126 492 3,420 652 2.2 2.208 37 4,481 6,179 11,689 6,094 5,744 2,435 4,424 659 1,521 5,782 5,211 3,843 316,095 4,316 1,182,361 2,937 430,679 2,596 226,113 3,650 246,146 3,608 663.233 453 59.476 2,632 131,358 26 63 730 497 7 30 6.04 269 140 151 353 103 11 3 20 22 7 ' 7 14 14 1 3 10 20 353 159 409 196 198 62 232 80 183 195 22 22 14 15 604 633 789 684 476 690 224 159 36 45 506 396 643 427 145 683 277 2.5 1,497 3,375 1,471 1,391 863 1,492 252 492 1,376 804 450 23,846 704 325,319 884 301,363 439 168,210 1,015 36.109 391 102.448 81 129 20.139 179 11,050 422 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 3.— FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT, FARM LABOR, AND £1950 data based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Greenville Hampton Horry Jasper Lee Lexington SPECIFIED FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Telephone farms reporting 1950. 1945. Electricity farms reporting 1950. 1945. From a power line farms reporting 1950. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars 1950. Electric water pump farms reporting 1950. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting 1950. Home freezer farms reporting 1950. Electric washing machine farms reporting 1950. Electric chick brooder farms reporting 1950. Electric power feed grinder farms reporting 1950. Mi Iking machine farms reporting 1950. Grain combines farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Corn pickers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Upright silos farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Pit or trench silos farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Motortrucks farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Tractors farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Garden tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Crawler tractors farms reporting 1950. number 1950. Automobiles farms reporting 1950. 1945. number 1950. 1945. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting 1950. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule.. farms reporting 1950. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting 1950. TRADING CENTER AND ROAD Distance to trading center visited most frequently: Under 1 mile farms reporting 1950. 1 to 4 miles farms reporting 1950. 5 to 9 miles farms reporting 1950. 10 miles and over farms reporting 1950. Average distance reported miles 1950- Distance over dirt or unimproved roads: 0.0 to 0.2 miles farms reporting 1950. 0.3 to 0.9 miles farms reporting 1950. 1.0 to 4.9 miles farms reporting 1950. 5.0 miles and over farms reporting 1950. Average distance reported miles 1950. Kind of road on which farm is located: Hard surface farms reporting 1950. Gravel , shel 1 , or shale farms reporting 1950. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting 1950. FARM LABOR Week preceding enumeration: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. Family workers, including operator farms reporting 1950. Operators working 1 or more hours persons 1950. Unpaid members of operator's family .... farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. Hired workers farms reporting 1950. persons 1950. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures farms reporting 1949. Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting 1949. Machine hire farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Hired labor farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Feed for livestock and poultry. ...... farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting I'M 1 ' dollars 1949. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Tractor repairs farms report ing 1949. dollars 1949. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. 752 255 361 159 4,906 1,255 5.085 1,072 4,901 1,255 4.93 4.64 2,294 556 917 189 364 148 2,421 393 762 229 47 8 85 48 324 147 334 154 131 55 131 55 35 20 50 36 30 6 70 11 1,148 274 925 140 1,286 346 1,004 161 1,203 460 605 206 1,361 565 645 225 1,042 435 1,155 502 125 36 135 46 51 16 71 17 3,569 1,050 4,981 1,096 4.360 1,446 5,278 1,164 1,970 356 1,494 404 1,099 352 7 54 304 439 139 282 1,960 2,024 1,440 7 3,066 395 535 301 0.7 3,674 1,031 911 4,468 7,779 4,401 4,061 2,017 2,834 396 4,542 3,259 2,689 176,029 1,574 575,035 2,404 640,052 2,034 289,830 2,188 201,191 1,470 246,059 598 65,673 734 43 , 064 87 591 540 386 6 749 162 398 15 0.6 891 101 573 1,272 2,436 1,245 1,150 440 709 244 577 1,331 954 771 66,745 579 294.025 850 305,456 627 216,794 643 85,094 484 129,329 263 36,194 3 76 74,730 53 37 775 249 775 5.89 252 160 72 323 77 25 13 53 61 5 5 IS 15 8 9 2 2 367 181 450 210 341 139 458 191 295 406 16 17 33 35 619 731 747 770 303 524 250 258 66 1.320 2,896 1,294 1,223 586 815 336 858 1,318 942 568 59,228 725 627,515 866 133,348 586 143,144 988 135,971 394 194,169 234 82,813 575 62,696 57 74 5,694 2.205 5,674 3.74 1,375 633 1,029 3,335 677 40 22 22 1 1 106 106 1,256 473 1,324 489 929 223 1,035 238 864 959 10 10 61 66 387 850 717 2,937 1,600 2,469 2,219 768 162 192 172 842 1,896 315 2,397 96 2,614 4 8 367 1,260 142 736 635 3,589 67 727 1.4 2.1 420 2,130 5 75 990 4,634 6,414 13,144 6,384 6,023 3,386 5,842 664 1,279 6,627 6,056 3,945 303,990 5,724 1,489,038 4,745 466,965 3,795 298,515 4,789 213,035 5,067 1,120,780 616 84,452 3,446 153,470 82 43 578 162 577 6.54 187 99 123 219 72 8 21 8 10 3 3 11 11 12 13 159 97 183 122 91 60 175 93 91 164 6 11 355 319 455 343 309 540 127 55 34 85 621 204 154 5 226 71 512 100 1.7 252 15 802 853 1,850 846 716 552 872 97 262 404 203 13,194 339 216,542 574 228,679 280 46,651 167 65 1,651 491 1,646 4.05 449 168 110 514 134 11 8 100 105 3 3 42 43 791 47,808 134 61,519 74 35,027 124 26,900 509 315 640 356 335 141 464 181 299 416 26 28 20 20 1,258 1,257 1,454 1,321 721 1,049 602 221 111 57 677 1,094 844 559 274 1,227 232 1.9 693 41 1,862 2,272 4,516 2,220 2,009 1,023 1,838 288 669 2,276 1,563 1,146 92,624 1,002 524,452 1,335 270,794 896 126,954 1,338 104,984 240 159.385 188 54,390 512 31,575 92 94 1,863 1,393 1,853 4.59 512 256 142 822 227 26 12 76 76 394 240 432 262 410 180 473 196 370 422 30 30 16 21 979 1,175 1.068 1,212 853 616 552 291 140 40 677 897 644 7 635 217 767 75 1.2 1,183 35 1.000 1,793 3,310 1.772 1,622 756 1,328 172 360 1,770 1,209 1,042 94,800 668 175,437 1,055 198,356 888 115,086 1,013 49,764 485 111,405 234 35,440 417 28,702 160 309 2,501 2,377 2,491 4.76 992 420 126 882 389 44 19 210 221 2 3 56 57 12 29 2 19 484 353 585 409 573 321 721 389 553 692 21 21 7 8 1,864 2.588 2,163 2.841 1,134 533 852 465 107 95 1,229 1.190 466 6 1,670 281 632 22 0.5 1,590 365 990 2,375 4,611 2,314 2,188 845 1.459 387 964 2,305 1,794 1,489 167,855 1 ,049 453.534 1,330 273,287 1,034 272,319 1,283 97,444 196,325 412 67,082 640 48,940 44 58 1,417 578 1,417 4.11 390 212 172 373 169 6 11 157 166 1 1 36 37 10 10 307 160 391 183 404 178 624 230 399 608 11 16 1,349 1,331 1,572 1,412 827 597 748 275 137 91 713 973 694 7 648 372 1,105 120 1.4 854 101 1,490 2,332 5,538 2.252 2,107 1,109 1,935 316 1,496 2,082 1,886 1,489 217,217 1,281 738,139 876 92,230 645 69,975 949 103,480 640 260,769 339 94,717 622 52,966 SOUTH CAROLINA 423 FARM EXPENDITURES: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Continued only a sample of farms See text^) McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg f'lckena Richland Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union Willi una, - burg York 32 477 200 459 218 70S 351 467 171 962 128 147 90 500 l 24 64 102 289 72 314 84 290 10S 288 90 60 101 288 '.' 519 2.505 1,902 2,006 2,053 3,527 2,708 1,651 1,904 5,637 1,711 1,241 2,739 2,433 1 160 951 554 1,286 1,432 1,480 1,924 795 869 4,315 626 862 1,083 1,339 4 512 2,505 1,897 2,001 2,053 3,521 2,708 1,646 1,904 5.612 1,683 1,241 2,724 2,428 5 3.80 3.98 3.42 4.50 3.41 5.60 4.15 5.34 3.75 4.64 4.77 3.48 4.25 4.53 6 125 516 371 960 560 1,621 883 788 668 2,286 527 403 705 1,040 7 57 244 161 377 116 589 403 322 196 871 273 175 425 380 8 18 267 87 193 93 419 136 233 121 312 114 114 293 214 9 120 841 307 1,001 898 1,248 1,499 595 658 2,412 354 282 942 895 10 27 570 158 389 146 653 414 289 140 730 221 161 436 360 11 1 13 11 5 16 76 26 24 11 97 13 16 45 38 12 1 22 87 35 143 16 109 31 155 15 166 101 260 10 119 17 102 26 71 52 304 13 14 30 94 189 306 121 289 30 94 226 307 123 300 109 177 167 268 140 104 72 312 15 25 22 2 70 16 12 8 8 28 10 13 67 5 5 38 6 6 65 18 18 134 16 17 18 26 22 2 70 16 12 7 47 65 62 6 68 23 44 66 7 47 78 62 6 68 23 44 28 71 68 38 67 134 19 2 15 16 43 5 122 16 23 20 46 16 12 13 83 20 3 25 21 57 12 187 27 49 22 72 21 12 16 108 21 1 2 139 6 7 417 8 9 452 7 8 621 6 6 1,233 26 41 619 15 21 566 16 18 386 42 42 1,742 17 22 280 11 11 738 22 23 24 507 352 740 80 152 234 183 300 597 333 327 181 1,234 165 174 366 376 25 158 511 536 544 687 1,372 741 730 476 2,203 411 343 792 949 26 86 159 272 222 338 680 358 418 217 1,626 190 202 386 445 07 140 383 448 690 341 1,252 460 492 521 1,487 315 230 392 905 28 29 30 31 32 58 82 236 377 15B 533 212 219 309 808 157 106 150 397 155 416 906 846 391 1,669 513 688 682 1,869 578 283 420 1,132 70 87 354 420 179 656 230 271 337 930 220 128 162 462 139 373 421 675 306 1,172 384 416 511 1,337 300 195 312 855 154 401 876 814 338 1,559 426 595 656 1,617 557 225 331 1,053 33 11 11 21 20 20 27 43 50 60 so 55 32 73 73 19 10 10 16 110 110 127 20 20 32 23 23 66 41 41 38 34 35 36 1 15 28 21 1 15 30 21 33 60 32 20 16 142 21 38 66 38 37 384 1,628 1.185 1,729 1,566 2,987 1,802 1.402 1,479 3,737 1,480 766 2,220 1,928 38 439 1,263 1,613 1,766 1,424 3,415 1.733 1.287 1,352 4,142 1,374 886 2,411 1,959 39 425 1,842 1,404 2,154 1,722 3,633 2,034 1,790 1,875 4,306 1,640 925 2,415 2,468 40 466 1,290 1,700 1,889 1,466 3,663 1,815 1,411 1,451 4,400 1,478 943 2.453 2,063 41 365 746 978 877 1,001 1,674 977 773 831 2,386 724 508 1,756 1,270 42 309 920 512 621 959 901 869 815 544 1,420 954 461 2,021 4S6 43 268 1,053 743 413 986 2,118 796 366 495 1,509 1,314 510 1,914 942 44 113 334 325 506 257 909 313 287 411 933 246 182 285 644 45 25 59 136 185 85 324 146 203 95 548 76 48 99 262 46 54 249 128 151 160 249 171 187 77 455 213 76 262 145 47 449 1,298 1,281 980 1,299 2,659 1,443 644 763 3,013 1.062 738 2,072 1,417 48 294 1,031 875 915 1,038 2,232 967 469 1,055 1,937 1,062 564 2,255 1.631 49 230 427 310 514 727 703 467 1,062 427 1,272 813 283 1,521 255 50 7 6 5 6 6 5 5 9 6 6 7 6 7 5 51 332 1,164 894 1,100 891 1,681 1,623 797 597 3,144 714 628 1,036 1,063 52 141 397 378 341 542 780 336 396 347 985 261 177 463 415 53 416 1,277 933 986 1,190 2,218 421 788 1,052 1,286 1,355 527 2,522 1,368 54 50 75 54 66 100 184 65 87 85 25 215 36 613 30 55 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 0.5 1.1 1.3 0.5 1.9 0.9 2.2 i.O 56 318 868 949 931 1,179 2,099 1,926 970 652 3,452 1,064 909 2,113 1,077 57 59 20 52 196 275 132 236 25 21 360 5 213 65 391 58 630 2,065 1,533 1,408 1.699 3,436 812 1,347 1,625 2,745 1,954 519 3.832 1,818 59 874 2,836 2,225 2,224 2.540 5,340 2,230 1,959 2,029 5,230 2.898 1,438 5,493 2,930 60 1,633 7,050 4,585 4,008 4.595 13,706 3,601 4,291 4,107 10,062 6.978 3.060 12,556 5,906 61 844 2,808 2,137 2,176 2,489 5,209 2,195 1,911 2.008 5,102 2,819 1.399 5.435 2,873 62 748 2,675 1,992 1,991 2,174 4,887 2,050 1,754 1,841 4,661 2,598 1,244 5.087 2,673 63 434 1,701 854 963 1,352 2,475 841 883 996 2,226 1,357 741 3,042 1,489 64 716 3,335 1,313 1,393 2,130 4,040 1.201 1,465 1,718 3,629 2,545 1,323 6.245 2,462 65 102 400 372 287 198 1,536 179 346 191 723 546 231 611 332 66 169 1,040 1,280 624 291 4,779 350 1,072 548 1,772 1,835 493 1,224 771 67 944 2,759 2,063 2,180 2,514 5,193 2,488 1,992 2,011 5,515 2,839 1,233 5,165 2,821 68 667 2.546 1,818 1,675 1.784 4,417 1,932 1,095 1,621 4,114 2,418 863 3,707 2,039 69 533 1,956 1,434 1,345 1.500 3,186 1,704 679 1,333 3,325 2,004 644 1,776 1,485 70 23,159 132,260 412,660 128,097 75,813 369,642 93,778 77,493 109,341 309,115 208,641 52,328 94,884 183.090 71 371 2,375 1,213 1,059 878 3,616 812 849 430 2,634 1,727 592 3,237 1,363 72 68,653 680,002 916,726 473,009 151,442 2,300,346 222,640 735,829 342,227 1.391.974 1,303,214 194,879 629,798 529,130 73 658 1,785 734 1,636 1,272 2,945 1,545 1,333 1,254 2,960 1.505 758 2.462 1.701 74 72,855 253,844 187,762 874,893 263,333 1,303,390 374,977 699,314 878,763 808,368 425, 349 148,620 216,033 1,354,251 75 451 1,446 517 1,355 1,100 2,161 1,159 947 1,034 2,469 968 548 1.582 1,203 76 62,249 132,293 238,221 179,660 123.327 626,839 297,467 417,435 245,222 589,455 222.864 71,248 121.909 394,820 77 534 2,136 976 1,204 1,362 3,601 1,434 1,204 1,027 2,600 1,701 722 3.301 1,676 78 21,789 157,473 122,860 75,933 52,468 419,681 73,363 201,571 59,338 188,911 232,174 36,936 183,910 119,437 79 180 1,949 703 874 723 2,228 636 618 856 1,954 889 321 2,412 1,311 80 28,835 328,936 462.693 212,160 81,915 719,787 79,154 183.226 183,448 462 , 044 322,667 72,418 383, 191 267,619 81 103 294 339 550 189 1.077 274 325 370 1,019 300 114 265 620 82 10,609 33,898 132,448 108,067 30,411 238.638 34,356 77,286 75,523 182,322 147,201 19.151 32.887 132,035 83 109 1,645 360 573 505 2,53l| 555 608 565 1,287 1.383 241 2,131 910 84 1 5,010 59,931 62,627 61,049 17 , 05 1 202.ei4| 30.380 42,216 37,410 146,245 100,696 21.123J 86.217 67,821 85 424 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 1 of 2). -LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK (For definitions and explanations, see text) Beaufort Berkeley Specified classes of 1 ivestock. . total value. .dollars Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting number value. .do! lars Mules and mule colts farms reporting number value. .dollars Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting number value. .dollars Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Ml Ik cows farms reporting number Heifers born before Jan. ] farms reporting number Steers and bulls born before Jan. 1 farms reporting number Calves born since Jan. 1 farms reporting number Dairy products sold farms reporting dollars Whole milk sold farms reporting gal Ions dol lars Cream sold farms reporting pounds of butterfat dol lars Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting dollars Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting number of cows Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting pounds Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting number value . .dollars 4 months old and over farms reporting Less than 4 months old farms reporting number Sows aid gilts for spring farrowing .farms reporting number Sheep and wool : Sheep and lambs farms reporting number value. . dol lars Sheep and lambs born before Oct. 1 , 1949 farms report i rig number Ewes farms reporting number Hams and wethers. . farms reporting number Lambs born since Oct, 1, 1949.. farms reporting number Sheep and lambs shorn , . farms reporting number shorn Wool shorn pounds va lue . -dol lars 950. 945. 72,268,009 71,194,293 950. .. 17.807 945... 16.363 950. .. 23,821 945... 23,331 950... 2,429,650 950... 81,363 945... 95,109 950... 146.522 945... 164. 5U8 950. . . 24, 979,653 950.. . 78,318 945... 100,698 950... 369,560 945 .. . 389,287 950. . . 33, 000. 503 950. . . 73, 710 945 >'. . 95,361 950,. . 205, 053 945'.. 217,232 950... 67.750 950.. . 141,367 950. . . 2 5,436 950... 74, 112 950... 12,576 950. .. 36, 010 950. . . 21,469 950... 54,385 949.. . 17,610 944. .. 15,580 949... 11,441,889 944.. . 8,416,257 949 .. . 5,303 944... 6,543 949. . . 20,474,771 944... 17,528.053 949. . . 10,752,355 949... 2,064 944. .. 1,185 949... 431,571 944.. . 238 , 501 949. . . 240,492 949... 5,030 949. . . 449,042 950.. . 59,288 950... 104,606 Average date of enumeration 950.. 950.. 950. 945.. 950.. 945 . 950.. 950.. 950.. 950. 950.. 950.. 945. 950. 945. 950 . 945. 950. 945. 950. 950. 950. 950. 945 2 950. 945 2 950. 950. 950. 950. 949. 944. 949 949. 944. 949. .1950. 39,893 146,515 96,393 108,178 598,076 609,036 7,843,118 81,133 314,463 44,771 283,613 35,010 44,325 69,229 81,495 296 366 4,250 5,095 38,844 277 2,835 255 233 2,223 3,047 195 612 179 1,415 125 196 2,049 10,469 17,897 4,387 4/15-4/28 1,258,829 1,011,983 1,219 274 189 391 279 39,100 1,084 1,333 2,175 2,492 343,650 1,440 1,841 8,576 7,589 748,372 1,399 1,766 4,453 4,314 1,320 2,765 516 1,695 278 87 5 489 1,553 17 5 308 78,962 51,134 50 103 122,346 98,815 65,339 48 32 13,274 4,692 7,005 98 6,618 1,191 1,914 170 8 6 134 145 7 36 7 96 7 5 161 757 1,155 310 4/15-4/28 1.706,150 1,813,675 2,069 33 325 406 410 4U, 600 1.' 909 2,619 3,460 4,518 546,680 1,691 2,223 8,343 8,523 776,230 1,586 2,072 4,801 4,606 1.488 3,032 394 1,539 170 978 357 1,025 226 495 315,164 269,859 120 157 534,623 591,474 297,658 40 9 14,840 2,757 8,311 125 9,195 1,345 2,381 4,858 995 938 4,119 3,146 1,337 2,324 1,571 2,896 3,992 17,049 4,687 19,030 62,521 251,968 1,002 2,038 2,559 9,311 503 1,039 1,433 7,738 183 971 198 1,446 303 2,264 347 2,618 8 3 7 8 266 98 267 164 2,360 828 3 58 3 4 34 34 2 24 3 40 3 2 85 370 190 142 4/15-4/28 535,874 678,301 638 91 68 141 116 16,215 601 845 1, 198 1,568 203,660 428 724 2,255 3,426 207,462 379 655 1,328 1,413 281 566 83 309 65 155 167 463 20 15 38,014 21,128 15 7 68,846 55,235 37,618 5 3 513 610 332 2 64 264 457 110 298 615 836 7,824 7,906 88,592 552 3,519 405 4,305 396 665 1,068 1,521 6 1 33 4 257 6 22 5 1 10 3 3 12 2 11 2 29 4/15-4/28 3, 134.457 2,518,224 3,222 650 541 890 799 74,760 2,845 3.946 5.598 7,513 794,916 3,935 4,833 21, 08.3 18.770 1.882.475 3,754 4,669 11.252 10,498 3,601 8,448 1.361 4,622 697 2,298 1,113 2,911 1,122 1,220 948,905 438,437 426 366 1,635,590 698.676 850.267 150 16 39,402 5,841 25,518 740 73,120 3,396 7,048 2,921 14,389 3,502 4,259 11,085 11,033 197,934 2,610 6,909 1,311 4,176 466 386 831 590 55 66 513 4 30 3 5 22 49 3 8 5 25 3 5 32 165 250 66 4/15-4/28 1,084,558 975,041 1,107 140 108 186 167 21,390 1,049 1.154 2,134 2.286 362,780 817 923 5,367 4.649 496,009 778 892 3,124 2,680 709 2,636 252 1,109 174 374 276 760 67 31 430,993 239,674 44 16 782,330 553,570 429,848 13 464 278 13 867 622 1,921 4,267 283 748 1,059 1,020 13.835 9,305 157,040 973 6,268 697 7,567 747 845 2,002 1,929 48 4/15-4/28 1,056,476 1.243,116 1,363 137 115 201 152 23,115 1,311 1.711 2,850 3,342 484. 500 1,015 1,430 3,645 4,119 336,261 970 1,356 2,032 2,210 952 1,495 277 644 115 441 228 528 47 65 50.001 20,100 30 30 79,743 35,150 49,180 19 831 453 833 1,148 526 1,351 1,429 1,758 13,895 13,941 166,212 1,347 7,294 746 6,601 1,289 2.061 2,156 5 '2« 3 160 1,017,405 647,787 1,101 799 579 1.154 864 132,710 356 201 416 422 70,720 1.027 941 7.789 5,576 706,421 850 794 4,192 2,788 519 1,412 354 1,489 387 962 224 1,146 27 42 223,232 66,749 22 33 373,390 116.121 220.960 7 2 3,012 265 1,781 289 833 1,596 63 139 1,163 906 5.811 9.654 69.084 974 3,106 495 2,705 351 339 643 1,078 2 152 38 1.273 6 117 4 1 100 30 6 17 5 35 4 1 110 434 122 204 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 Cows and heifers 2 years old and over. Ewes and ewe lambs kept for breeding. SOUTH CAROLINA 425 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Cheater Chester- field Clarendon Colleton llur llngton Dillon Dorchester Bdgafield Fairfield r lorrnce George- town Greenville 1,076.976 915,542 1,299,317 1,602,536 1,728,999 1,845,001 1,991,653 1.690,240 1,471,360 1,193,739 1,147,287 1,424, 066 2, 869,351 697,850 2,263,232 1 1,218,473 754,191 1,221,462 1,357,563 1,761,025 1,906,731 1,837,496 1,913,712 1,466.888 1,146,193 1,183,686 1.268,400 2,915,202 842,169 2,383,564 2 983 1,018 1,608 1,227 2,603 3,180 2,180 2,462 2,134 1,444 1,255 1,123 4,720 1,087 3.363 3 220 566 328 223 481 354 666 210 230 365 264 216 293 215 1,076 4 180 568 286 219 341 312 687 286 134 276 211 244 256 238 1,231 S 330 754 469 315 612 407 933 293 306 437 315 273 397 281 1,433 6 474 768 410 477 455 383 983 461 173 326 261 334 341 315 1,694 7 37,950 86,710 39,396 33,075 65,484 46.805 107,295 31,351 32,742 50,255 31,500 2 8, 665 42,179 30,067 120,372 8 947 539 1,436 1,155 2,341 3,074 1,770 2,403 2,074 1,273 1,143 1,019 4,621 953 2,530 9 976 666 1.815 1,719 2,489 2,761 1,790 2,375 2,349 1,316 1,826 1,490 4,160 1,191 3,952 10 2,098 705 2.736 2,470 4,068 5,157 2,559 5,015 4,339 2,135 2,103 1.715 8,242 1,293 4,186 11 2,420 1,077 3,469 2,992 4,350 4,478 2,520 5,194 3,915 2,008 2,740 2.190 7,524 1,531 6,026 12 352,464 119,850 388.512 382.850 809.532 866,376 435,030 997,985 863.461 362,950 332,274 265,825 1,640,158 257,307 594,412 13 779 742 1,885 1,649 1,998 2,244 1,644 1,429 1,029 965 1,274 1,233 3,049 789 3,709 14 990 1,103 2,475 1,887 2,446 2,548 2,025 1,946 1,316 1,242 1,737 1,809 3,643 1,224 5,963 15 5,040 5,904 7,994 12,203 6,829 6,092 11,583 4,184 3,476 5,889 6.922 11,993 7,364 2,925 13,094 16 5,038 4,885 7,410 11,551 7,875 7,306 13,022 5,357 3,586 6,740 8,259 13,823 9,085 3,728 16,219 17 423.455 566,902 714,168 1,062,474 602,866 541,540 1,069,713 370.063 294,509 547.565 651,378 1,031,117 646,230 251,556 1,205,644 18 728 665 1,818 1,586 1,898 2,038 1,545 1,332 930 892 1.228 1,177 2,839 713 3,508 19 901 773 2.428 1,820 2,358 2,417 1,903 1,799 1,204 1,109 1,655 1,771 3,407 1,096 5,767 20 2,381 3,710 4,276 6,861 4,052 3,412 6,768 2,428 1,854 3,410 4,236 6,395 4,328 1,608 7,535 21 2,031 2,432 4,457 6,976 4,105 3,943 8,478 3,083 2,023 3,760 4,603 6,420 4,955 2,190 10,286 22 651 449 1,757 1.484 1,816 1,823 1,065 1,219 871 698 1,160 1.051 2,574 637 3,367 23 1,158 1,010 3,137 5,712 2,695 2,630 2,104 1,819 1,352 2,255 2,862 3,241 3,587 989 6,833 24 267 181 664 756 481 802 550 315 272 358 363 595 773 227 1,109 25 1,030 626 1,894 3,057 1,208 1,306 1,653 773 759 1,200 1,199 2,256 1,306 495 2,854 26 172 141 200 279 196 373 369 184 152 226 174 388 280 137 432 27 853 470 818 645 493 578 954 425 381 511 499 1,341 534 345 971 28 236 227 461 527 398 525 606 317 225 290 297 481 797 232 913 29 776 1,098 1,006 1,640 1,076 796 2,208 558 482 768 988 2,001 1,196 477 1,734 30 36 23 479 506 210 54 62 101 55 37 187 112 120 19 795 31 31 72 406 668 219 96 78 147 219 59 29B 235 242 34 1.905 32 40,183 76,707 198,109 644,850 104,545 34,186 59,411 153,444 50,263 244,585 220,592 182,421 96,567 31,003 835,824 33 20.547 78,757 139,556 437, S84 94,745 25,032 76.047 159,807 52,870 176,793 143,906 129,555 87,252 68,516 518,676 34 23 18 235 474 88 27 38 68 33 32 62 86 41 16 397 35 30 58 167 605 79 37 35 37 86 42 79 141 48 29 675 36 73,292 146,286 325,549 1,325,063 194,200 57,555 111,120 222,187 92,420 511,742 434,638 363,461 182,780 58,277 1,471,713 37 51.895 197,595 251.736 1,323,445 184,372 66,191 130,510 278,027 92,294 467,811 269,338 281.430 180,953 127,266 903,615 38 39,664 76,284 168,307 638,201 95,733 32,731 58,049 148,998 48 , 496 244,068 209,446 177,273 90,707 30,846 768,554 39 11 4 98 3 46 13 27 20 8 5 39 17 58 2 154 40 9 3 27 1 20 7 9 7 2 3 35 23 12 3 47 41 581 563 13,620 479 4,522 451 1,888 4,064 386 423 6,888 3,439 5,507 18 23.903 42 637 120 8.470 50 3,124 882 2,759 1,310 155 471 14,095 3,254 1,944 165 8,397 43 358 326 7,088 327- 2,417 390 1,260 2,299 228 295 4,052 1.880 3,110 12 13,119 44 7 3 230 38 102 20 5 35 19 2 107 18 29 4 415 45 161 97 22,714 6,322 6,395 1,065 102 2,147 1,539 222 7,094 3,268 2,750 145 54.151 46 ■196 306 1,636 1,373 1,645 1,428 879 1,076 733 483 1.046 930 2,269 435 3.143 47 703 518 2.610 4,073 2,202 1,783 1,311 1.465 1,019 1,349 2.078 1,921 2,832 589 5.638 48 1,231 917 5.218 7,491 4,282 2,412 2,040 2,878 1,937 2,503 3,791 3,225 5,148 954 12.855 49 242 78 1,364 952 1,314 572 312 726 443 142 802 725 1,391 166 2,608 50 487 192 6,292 2,901 4,520 1,224 721 1.859 1,199 255 2,981 2,311 3,502 369 11,360 51 1,189 958 1,708 1,496 2,665 3,237 2,237 2,791 2,602 1,437 1,390 1,112 4.735 1,212 3,168 52 1.599 1,203 2,007 1,817 2,749 3,092 2.068 3.060 2,539 1,484 1,594 1,707 4,571 1,434 4,285 53 17,564 7,877 4,366 4,070 11 , 577 26,020 24,771 15.578 16,033 16,055 5,600 3,475 30,494 9,713 8,300 54 17,206 8,882 5.130 5,019 14,885 21,898 18,635 18,119 13,873 15,711 6,362 6,116 28,878 9,785 10,254 55 218,088 98,373 77,099 66,840 156,470 307,040 280,073 200,294 204,370 184,638 84.582 55,980 380,959 113.718 143,154 56 1,124 828 1,184 1,117 2,269 3,014 2,078 2,330 2,300 1.313 1.132 834 4.196 1,131 2,026 57 9,283 4.623 2,643 2,614 7,637 11,641 11,093 8,872 8,888 7,556 3,254 2,123 15,844 4,002 4,714 SB 658 475 667 527 833 1,912 1,331 1,191 1,151 922 557 452 2,266 716 1,479 59 8,281 3,254 1,723 1,456 3,940 14,379 13,678 6,706 7,145 8,499 2,346 1,352 14,650 5,711 3,586 60 731 314 199 172 657 2,034 1,285 848 1,103 864 393 217 2,003 787 371 61 1,496 503 230 340 773 2,020 1,591 1,051 869 1,083 628 521 2,370 1,125 433 62 2,284 852 371 269 1,323 3,709 3. 131 1,477 1,889 1,726 672 342 3,175 1,392 612 63 3,699 1,234 370 499 1,476 3,278 2,935 1,767 1,304 2,201 1,167 712 3,638 2,070 651 64 2 11 1 7 5 9 4 4 5 4 7 2 7 6 7 65 3 9 1 9 2 4 11 5 3 1 6 11 11 8 9 66 3 220 12 306 47 31 35 6 29 38 157 52 72 132 69 67 31 196 34 240 26 27 111 45 30 1 144 193 104 114 99 68 26 1,809 116 2,889 438 276 278 58 276 312 1,373 530 710 1,250 694 69 2 10 1 6 5 8 3 3 5 4 7 2 7 6 7 70 3 155 7 225 31 24 18 5 22 23 81 33 67 97 so 71 2 9 1 5 5 8 3 3 4 4 7 2 6 6 7 72 1 2 8 128 7 137 2 22 3 19 8 16 4 4 1 16 5 66 5 28 4 47 6 67 8 43 73 6 23 74 15 1 134 8 201 5 17 4 16 4 56 2 28 1 IS 4 67 5 141 2 49 5 88 4 50 3 75 1 i 76 1 27 8 65 3 6 111 541 719 266 4/15-4/28 1 1 5 1 88 6 81 3 7 65 382 1,165 150 4/15-4/28 9 3 16 2 2 6 50 76 21 4/15-4/28 5 3 7 3 2 8 41 90 18 4/15-4/28 2 2 17 1 1 1 6 4 7 3 1 17 123 200 50 4/15-4/28 15 7 76 5 5 76 372 502 121 4/1-4/14 5 1 19 2 5 42 375 614 141 4/15-4/28 20 2 5 3 2 40 215 185 100 4/15-4/28 30 3 35 4 5 77 253 348 114 4/15-4/28 7 3 19 3 10 24 125 420 56 4/15-4/28 77 2 15 2 78 79 80 1 7 2 81 10 50 18 52 82 83 15 393 180 84 20 4/1-4/14 17 4/15-4/26 85 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 86 426 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 1 of 2).— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK (For definitions and explanations, see text) Specified classes of I ivestock. . total value. .dollars 1950... 1945... Horses and mules: Horses and/or mules farms reporting 1950... Horses and colts, including ponies farms reporting 1950..- 1945... number 1950. . . 1945... value.. dollars 1950. . . Mules and mule colts farms reporting 1950- - - 1945. - . number 1950. , - 1945... value. .dollars 1950.. . Cattle and dairy products: Cattle and calves farms reporting 1950... 1945... number 1950. . . 1945... value. .dollars 1950... Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting 1950... 1945 1 -. number 1950, . . 1945 1 -. Milk cows farms reporting 1950... number 1950. . . Heifers born before Jan. 1 farms reporting 1950... number 1950. - . Steers and bulls born before Jan. 1 farms reporting 1950. . . number 1950. . , Calves born since Jan. 1 farms reporting 1950... number 1950. .. Dairy products sold.. farms reporting 1949... 1944... dollars 1949.. - 1944. . . Whole milk sold farms reporting 1949... 1944... gallons 1949. . . 1944... dollars 1949. . . Cream sold farms reporting 1949. . . 1944- .- pounds of butterfat 1949... 1944.. . dollars 1949. . . Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold farms reporting 1949. . , dollars 1949. - , Cows milked, day preceding enumeration farms reporting 1950... number of cows 1950. . Milk produced, day preceding enumeration gallons 1950. . Butter churned, week preceding enumeration farms reporting 1950. . pounds 1950. - Hogs: Hogs and pigs farms reporting 1950.. 1945. . . number 1950. . 1945.. value.. dollars 1950. . 4 months old and over farms reporting 1950.. number 1950- - Less than 4 months old farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. . Sows and gilts for spring farrowing farms reporting 1950.. 1945. . number 1950. - 1945. . Sheep and wool : Sheep and lambs farms reporting 1950.. 1945. . number 1950. . 1945.. value. .dollars 1950- Sheep and lambs born before Oct. 1, 1949 farms reporting 1950.. number 1950. . Ewes farms reporting 1950- , 1945 2 . number 1950- , 1945 2 Bams arid wethers farms reporting 1 9S0 . . number 1950. . Lambs born since Oct. 1, 194°.. farms reporting 1950. number 1950. . Sheep and lambs shorn farms reporting 1949.. 1944. . number shorn 1949. . Wool shorn pounds 1 949 1944.. value. .dollars 1949. . Average date of enumeration 1950. . 1,303,529 1.016,169 1,052 318 280 450 406 45,000 879 1.283 1,440 1.997 227,520 1,111 1.513 10,600 8,261 919.808 1,067 1,463 5,348 4,895 975 2,849 422 2,252 253 1,220 408 1,780 200 281 279,084 206.956 88 93 473,567 437,880 255,313 41 41 25,673 21,841 14,364 108 9,407 861 1.955 724 2,938 983 1,190 4.086 4,708 64, 437 754 2,667 372 1,419 196 220 431 407 7 12 70 163 608 5 36 4 8 28 113 5 8 6 34 2 8 20 150 637 60 4/15-4/28 Hampton 877,989 922,450 1,041 229 213 315 289 36,225 914 1,099 1,347 1,837 228,990 782 979 4,434 4,952 389,489 742 872 2,261 1,978 625 1,315 330 908 220 526 267 739 35 31 38 112 16,855 26 12 73,372 35,472 37,030 12 8 765 724 470 5 512 491 791 1,015 160 273 1,096 1,167 15,524 14,052 183,180 1.024 7,853 688 7,671 714 822 1,847 2,006 7 3 97 24 791 7 65 7 2 53 8 5 12 5 32 2 3 44 308 120 149 4/15-4/28 Horry 2,808,634 3,213,032 5,474 564 490 650 581 69,550 5.224 5,408 8,323 7.856 1,656,277 2,066 2,809 5,125 6,609 442,711 1.896 2,645 2,851 3,823 1,681 2,263 625 1,036 310 523 520 715 49 88 28,848 59,120 40 57 52,335 108,537 28.272 11 12 357 680 216 1,379 1,596 2,813 497 1,005 5,228 5,389 35,817 39,681 440,402 4,775 17,643 2,671 18,174 2,750 3,541 4,115 5.799 16 68 136 644 50 7 7 38 84 5 12 4 18 2 4 13 87 320 38 4/15-4/28 Jasper 557,811 581,493 759 357 265 501 354 57,615 476 579 604 745 102,680 635 835 2,996 4,821 279,434 589 720 1,727 2,084 470 911 269 610 161 291 161 368 11 41 50,583 26.555 11 36 82,210 44,161 50,411 1 5 52 1,419 16 1 156 302 465 75 138 794 820 6,752 6,791 75,740 725 2,953 465 3,799 505 652 940 1,233 75 4/15-4/28 1,394.420 1.373.260 1,830 297 269 410 422 43,050 1.668 1.899 2.798 3,210 433,690 1,690 2.038 8,187 8.484 708.487 1,604 1,965 4,362 4,897 1.521 3,081 530 1,895 248 923 408 1,007 7,120 211 205,376 107,276 48 93 341,988 249,234 199,593 28 12 3,725 1,380 1,999 61 3,784 1,372 2,404 1,042 3,315 1,933 2,201 8.951 11,169 143,830 1,705 5.432 639 3,519 469 550 971 1.049 9 158 228 1,622 7 119 7 6 102 150 5 17 3 39 2 5 154 368 940 130 4/15-4/28 1,114,963 1,237.955 1,539 396 525 576 650 60,480 1,273 1,693 2,127 2,714 329,085 1,744 2,411 6,753 7,926 566,671 1,636 2,365 3,478 4,799 1,569 2,837 605 1.556 267 622 519 1,097 211 498 115,960 165.473 111 235 215,925 321,013 106,188 25 29 3,180 11.183 1,791 105 7,981 1,485 2,275 4.397 1,284 4,778 1,622 2,073 5,056 5,754 82,590 1,243 3.203 618 1,853 252 262 452 361 4 9 a 74 77 3 6 3 2 4 54 2 2 2 3 1 2 4 30 395 6 4/15-4/28 1.898,932 1,862,618 1,828 361 500 475 727 39,900 1,651 2.361 3,473 4,636 493,166 1.948 3.269 12.855 13,510 1,140,456 1,857 3,094 6,845 7,282 1,780 4,771 679 2,617 386 1,324 644 2,069 321 632 570,705 375.220 123 208 1,021,500 686,458 548,159 58 145 11,096 17,089 6,290 194 16,256 1,578 3.408 1,340 6,124 1,928 3,032 7,260 10,480 129,481 1,444 4,511 762 2,749 308 483 740 11 15 192 148 1,961 11 138 11 10 126 85 6 12 6 54 6 7 121 495 490 222 4/15-4/28 1,143.442 1,446,211 1,707 129 121 164 168 18,860 1,666 1,939 3.536 3,889 594,046 1,170 1.515 3,427 4,105 316,836 1,101 1,351 2,125 2,055 1,053 1.600 266 570 101 219 229 513 41 98 36.999 13,861 29 35 66,376 40,360 35,912 9 1.425 805 9 282 876 1,149 509 1,381 1,940 2,123 12,518 15,734 156,839 1,719 6.801 882 5,717 828 1,232 1,490 2,033 3 9 7 48 52 1 2 21 1 2 2 5 1 1 26 150 5 60 4/15-4/28 Cows and heifers 2 years old and over. Ewes and ewe lambs kept for breeding. SOUTH CAROLINA 427 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued McCormick Marion Mnrlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Hi clilund Suludn .Spartan- burg Sumter Union ttilliama- burK York 596,110 1,380,446 1,274,226 1,749,045 1,474,601 3,836,639 1,297,514 1,527,536 1,481,369 2,813,957 1,830,230 1.005,234 2,823,460 2,194,224 1 538,235 1,332,733 1,303,283 1,392,423 1,259,218 4,154,061 1,273,063 1,500,040 1,234,284 2,792,245 2,058,581 853.412 2.871,794 1,917,041 2 726 2,239 1,509 1,535 2,219 3,814 2,024 1,547 1 , 506 3,950 2,502 1,180 4,140 2,047 3 201 250 271 287 985 731 704 265 289 924 323 161 357 424 4 157 210 138 277 739 763 543 216 261 1,174 308 148 292 411 5 258 272 369 389 1,404 975 950 369 356 1,267 383 212 430 657 6 205 240 232 381 1,073 1,101 791 300 313 1,874 391 211 388 697 7 25,800 29,104 39,483 38,900 117,936 112,125 79,800 42,435 35,600 106,428 44,045 17,808 46,010 68,985 8 621 2,140 1,389 1,382 1,449 3,634 1,483 1,406 1,390 3,315 2,382 1,091 4,020 1,844 9 973 1,924 1,591 1,718 2,163 4,102 2,044 1,597 1,791 4,468 2,279 1,296 3,987 2,296 10 1,111 3,718 3,132 2,344 2,440 7,899 2.399 2,051 2,426 5,816 4,770 1,972 6,977 4.130 11 1,336 3.153 3,840 2,880 3,469 8,330 3.466 2,369 2,796 7,894 4,594 2,180 6,484 4,737 12 175,538 739,882 623,268 370,352 346,480 1,327,032 340,658 344,568 383,308 825,872 801,360 280,024 1,388,423 640,150 13 765 1,144 910 1.76B 2,511 2,875 2,307 1,530 1,666 4,467 1,989 1,282 3,133 2,551 14 1,010 1,303 1,071 2,114 3,230 3,620 2,728 1,749 1,873 5,912 2,244 1,687 3,945 3,223 IS 3,642 4,002 4,888 11,877 9,172 18,221 7,418 10,064 9,293 16,040 7,179 6,669 9,690 13,722 16 3,386 5,098 3,518 10,342 9,934 19,816 9,081 11,353 8,256 15.768 8,312 6,512 11,694 13,519 17 334,392 345,738 430,152 1,067,486 808,167 1.610,666 667 , 996 876,988 843,558 1,479,702 655,444 586,999 857,537 1,205,665 IH 738 1,068 848 1,700 2,433 2,683 2,223 1,404 1,624 4,175 1,877 1,216 2,894 2,431 19 992 1,147 999 2,056 3,162 3,425 2,655 1,600 1,812 5,784 2,082 1,620 3,716 3,140 20 2,106 2,276 2,821 6,518 4,818 10.126 4,079 5,287 5,292 9,141 4,147 3,563 5,612 7,706 21 2,294 2,163 1.953 5,925 5,792 10.172 5,097 6,406 4,825 10,213 4,813 3,410 6,795 7,928 22 684 945 764 1,644 2,384 2,419 2,180 1,302 1,561 4,102 1.769 1,173 2,335 2,334 23 1,280 1,340 1,366 5,101 4,239 7,657 3,777 3,855 3,690 7,511 2.847 2,335 3,662 5,871 24 247 349 217 769 898 971 779 564 604 1,353 521 409 968 963 25 624 719 725 2,402 2,249 3,694 1,689 1,969 1,764 3,781 1,251 1,376 1,752 2,958 26 109 149 114 380 401 494 275 305 300 499 220 212 520 343 27 332 330 537 1,151 867 1,753 635 1,331 741 1,389 876 545 1,031 1.145 28 223 330 214 636 664 1,012 557 466 534 957 451 380 795 740 29 580 677 805 1,806 1,238 2,648 1,015 1,477 1,496 1,729 905 1,185 1,295 1,913 30 90 50 89 564 517 251 601 190 342 1,074 64 207 60 532 31 152 48 77 735 516 338 871 326 324 1,219 147 383 142 682 32 33,954 44,217 151,630 498,489 317,581 1,040,874 289,378 711,983 135,715 713,466 119,486 167,750 71.693 448 , 1 67 33 25,757 42,882 75,223 294,571 204,691 614,772 207,948 1,138.983 43.858 500,222 135,938 108,420 63,645 435,045 34 25 28 54 270 206 154 301 97 157 506 43 82 27 350 35 24 21 43 365 170 181 367 218 69 565 49 128 34 411 36 47 , 189 68,774 235,337 1,020,985 497,822 2,022,470 485,109 1,183,807 316,626 1,086,653 231,211 293,826 136,502 895,105 37 37,250 98,679 144,749 665,215 366,875 1,607,000 340,400 2,464,400 59,968 917,312 308,673 182,668 105,375 936,827 38 28,911 42,660 144,630 474,929 290,613 1,033,709 249,167 662,958 125,048 628,998 117,221 146,944 69,244 415,560 39 29 13 14 213 140 59 158 50 71 126 12 26 20 57 40 46 1 6 197 25 26 3 37 148 12 3 34 16 19 41 5,496 1,071 5,960 31,223 15,904 5,944 23,560 78,846 7,514 22,689 1,672 6,448 2,768 16.692 42 10,907 10 840 39,193 3,632 3,837 854 9,159 22,263 1,370 510 10,870 1,229 4,298 43 3,033 674 3,544 14.704 8,200 3,670 13,361 43,964 3,697 12,417 1,107 3,522 1,673 9,142 44 43 26 38 120 319 59 315 77 125 741 20 127 22 168 45 2,010 883 3,456 8,856 18,768 3,495 26,850 5,061 6,970 72,051 1,158 17,284 776 23,465 46 626 791 628 1,476 2,224 1,941 2,055 1,084 1,420 3,815 1,509 1,108 1,910 2,154 47 955 960 1,044 3,569 3,556 5,089 3,191 2,758 2,477 6,435 2,132 1,969 2,415 4,608 48 1,439 1,658 1.942 7,406 6,789 10,804 6,309 6,477 4,580 12,918 3,426 3,875 3,498 8,900 49 504 378 385 995 1,921 671 1,762 552 989 3,123 698 997 698 1,758 50 1,717 853 1.016 2,937 8,228 1,583 7,907 1,811 3,322 14,023 1,382 5,062 1,399 7,712 51 740 2,303 1,855 1,925 2,189 4,347 2,005 1,679 1,682 4,026 2,661 1,213 4,310 2,311 52 726 2,126 2,111 2,193 2,756 5,025 2,320 1,771 1,817 4,791 2,729 1,521 4,491 2,731 53 2,086 15,998 9.959 9,699 5,806 51,388 5,377 12,294 7,634 10,756 20,086 3,299 34,275 6,360 54 1,713 13,395 9,877 9,636 6,182 48 , 523 6,012 14,380 6,959 10,978 25,083 4,357 29,047 8,304 55 33,570 198,050 132,327 149,797 103,268 628,689 93,918 155,193 114,988 187,429 246,980 61,985 404,692 105,950 56 614 2,084 1,634 1,583 1,644 4,047 1,427 1,452 1,349 2,705 2,444 958 3,980 1,718 57 1,434 8,064 6,258 5,991 3,582 25,925 3,161 6,832 4,402 6.283 10,297 2,336 14,589 4,235 58 191 1,182 597 •"40 822 2,513 834 827 684 1,689 1,373 359 2,571 803 59 652 7,934 3,701 3,708 2,224 25,463 2,216 5.462 3,232 4,473 9,789 963 19,686 2,125 60 103 1,099 514 553 357 2,753 260 690 443 421 1,321 155 2,127 314 61 179 970 411 571 490 3.944 273 1,109 409 365 2,049 201 2,431 384 62 179 1,757 1,037 1,097 679 6,844 475 1,521 731 869 2,431 287 3,637 544 63 263 1,475 875 914 762 7,858 395 2,242 603 645 4,310 299 4,566 601 64 4 7 8 8 5 14 5 8 10 6 11 6 13 14 65 8 10 6 15 2 25 4 17 10 6 15 5 14 8 66 57 109 266 62 63 122 67 45 177 191 25 145 118 134 67 88 264 142 156 60 120 36 101 215 57 87 98 198 68 68 522 1,026 2,426 538 585 1,072 643 394 1,597 1,872 220 1,408 1,114 1,337 69 4 7 6 8 5 14 5 7 10 7 11 6 13 12 70 42 77 149 51 35 76 33 31 110 128 22 90 85 87 71 4 7 5 7 5 13 5 6 10 6 7 6 13 12 72 5 7 4 11 2 14 4 10 10 2 7 1 10 6 73 36 66 131 31 25 62 29 24 97 105 16 74 64 67 74 50 169 97 86 53 50 34 44 150 27 40 40 110 42 75 4 4 6 8 3 9 4 4 8 7 6 3 9 9 76 6 11 18 20 10 14 4 7 13 23 6 16 21 20 77 3 4 6 6 4 7 3 4 9 5 1 2 7 9 78 15 32 117 11 28 46 34 14 67 63 3 55 33 47 79 3 2 4 3 3 3 1 2 6 4 3 1 3 10 B0 5 7 4 10 1 6 3 7 8 2 6 1 10 4 ei 18 50 124 31 63 23 20 16 90 86 7 48 23 55 82 65 212 865 163 445 225 100 102 455 640 56 200 125 373 83 483 780 595 553 300 256 151 192 955 200 248 175 738 339 84 30 85 370 69 199 91 40 63 179 287 21 80 51 149 85 4/1-4/14 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/1-4/14 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/1-4/14 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/1-4/14 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/15-4/28 4/15/4/28 86 428 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 2 of 2).— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK Item (For definitions and explanations , see text) The State Abbevil le Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Poultry and poultry products: 1 farms reporting 1949.. 34,133 630 910 124 1,979 360 372 291 441 2 1944.. 42,266 703 1,087 314 2,056 316 265 405 409 3 dollars 1949. . 10,675,321 88,975 332,700 14,237 365.038 150,023 66,414 155,966 67,565 4 1944. . 7,494,452 72,517 209,017 34,679 220,883 59,697 34,301 110,300 50,330 5 Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand.. .farms reporting 1950.. 115,879 1,685 2,799 597 4.907 1,200 1,569 1,401 2,323 '■ 1945.. 128,610 2,070 3,136 963 5.560 1,081 1.979 1,079 1,833 - number 1950.. 3,550,985 58,768 83,490 17,594 164,937 33.622 41.371 30,243 50,261 8 1945.. 4,645,597 71,175 105,007 29,717 204,436 42,784 60,553 34.325 45,079 9 value.. dollars 1950.. 3.748,304 61,706 87,664 19,353 173,184 36,984 45,508 33,267 55,287 in .farms reporting 1949.. 15,865 256 412 51 917 103 136 110 203 1] number 1949. . 3,410,639 18,197 295,596 3,635 142,308 6,504 22,748 80,026 30,700 12 dollars 1949.. 3,044,116 19.081 226,098 3,633 128,135 6,785 20,284 70,368 27,172 13 farms reporting 1949.. 28.521 555 739 106 1,726 325 325 176 337 14 dozens 1949.. 7,092,915 122,064 186,481 20,403 306,037 58,155 33,362 58,818 81,407 r. dollars 1949.. 3,350,567 58,422 88,287 9,648 147,675 27,491 14,811 27,090 38,935 16 Turkeys, 4 months old and over, on hand... .farms reporting 1950.. 3,693 61 161 20 109 18 49 241 86. 17 number 1950.. 56,871 280 545 67 3,050 2,071 176 606 305 IB value.. dollars 1950.. 227,937 1,120 2,180 335 10,675 10,355 880 3,030 1,525 10 ."1 .farms reporting 1949.. 1944.. 3,696 3,341 66 92 139 230 32 26 120 137 23 24 44 52 203 236 61 20 21 number 1949.. 609,608 2,151 3,199 362 14,588 18,337 3,930 9,791 499 22 1944. . 203,491 1,008 3,727 4,040 3,872 1,948 2,485 3,212 250 21 .farms reporting 1949.. 3,093 26 53 14 98 28 23 120 113 24 number 1949.. 20,171 84 1,037 66 486 158 96 787 627 J" Turkeys, ducks, and geese, and their farms reporting 1949.. 1,858 28 87 10 66 14 24 90 25 .'•. Animals sold al ive! dollars 1949.. 4,280,638 11,472 18.315 956 89,228 115,747 31,319 58,508 1.458 27 28 Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules farms reporting 1919.. dollars 1949.. 51,321 17,901,348 711 243,315 1,365 447,884 429 234,203 2,053 658.948 785 351.781 818 374,346 440 309,081 1,078 388,512 1Q 30 farms reporting 1949.. 1944.. 28,782 21,240 563 414 684 767 168 176 1,507 816 383 263 331 198 273 124 534 268 '11 number 1949.. 109,149 2,360 2,478 852 7,009 1,605 1,074 2,506 2,031 32 1944.. 87.736 1,878 2,144 944 2,984 1.218 1,387 1.442 1,513 33 34 Cattle sold alive, excluding calves. .farms reporting 1949.. number 1949.. 11,315 46,225 220 925 234 1,182 53 381 651 3,165 109 436 90 445 128 1.058 177 649 35 dollars 1949., 5,376,092 129,196 147.689 42,629 368,789 47,767 56,079 153,138 63,031 36 37 ■farms reporting 1949.. number 1919. . 22,258 62,924 454 1,435 552 1,296 133 471 1,148 3,844 325 1,169 281 629 200 1,448 424 1.382 38 dollars 1949.. 2,970,560 71,063 61,109 30,134 161.219 52.570 27,762 71,041 92,092 39 40 41 42 43 farms reporting 1949.. 1944. . 34,228 20,727 319 270 1,038 727 387 172 916 613 675 341 716 343 258 126 851 402 number 1940. . 378,054 2,129 11,614 5,750 6,017 11,305 10,418 3,431 10,737 1944. . 271,930 2,236 7,043 3,608 3,982 6,727 4.861 6,627 7,114 dollars 1949. . 9,101,699 37,140 224,017 156,926 109,785 247,877 250,530 82,566 229,527 44 45 farms reporting 1949.. 1944. . number 1949. . 1944. . 114 208 1,155 2,471 5 4 67 41 1 6 30 135 2 1 3 3 5 8 20 25 2 3 47 87 3 5 29 49 3 3 46 47 154 145 dollars 1949.. farms reporting 1949.. number 1949. . dollars 1949. . 15,151 2,308 4,299 437,846 881 47 56 5,035 360 76 164 14,709 25 15 46 4,489 223 154 228 18,932 371 26 26 1,965 322 20 45 3,540 48 49 50 51 17 82 3,567 17 169 39,975 Farm slaughter: 52 .farms reporting 1949.. 94,544 1,418 2,196 504 3,818 886 1,304 740 1,443 53 .farms reporting 1949.. 6,275 120 84 10 313 37 26 30 48 54 number 1949 . . 8,377 143 118 11 377 62 60 54 77 55 56 57 58 Cattle butchered, excluding calves. .farms reporting 1949.. 1944.. number 1949. . 1944.. .farms reporting 1949., 828 2,015 1,190 4,333 5,550 10 47 10 63 111 14 118 17 214 74 26 123 36 176 292 3 10 15 33 34 6 10 9 14 24 22 8 13 ! 16 55 43 2 15 2 10 59 23 60 1944. . 3,942 198 75 4 274 23 4 11 4 61 number 1949.. 7,187 133 101 11 341 47 45 40 61 62 1944.. 5.394 224 96 5 360 31 6 19 5 63 .farms reporting 1949.. 94,018 1,409 2,188 503 3,786 882 1,304 733 1,440 64 1944.. 115,405 1,886 2,949 732 5,114 1,118 1,898 629 1,194 65 number 1949.. 236,826 2,643 5,187 1,551 6,765 2,852 3,415 1,462 4,235 66 1944. . 346,489 3,887 8,576 2,472 10,533 4,720 6,023 1,676 4,563 67 Meat, lard, hides, and other products farms reporting 1949.. 2,255 43 26 2 123 20 16 5 34 68 Goats, rabbits, and fur animals: dollars 1949.. 192,159 2,429 1,992 251 4,868 2.941 1,891 403 4,999 69 Coats and kids (on hand or kept last farms reporting 1950.. 4,578 65 123 49 137 33 80 53 98 70 Domestic rabbits (on hand or kept last farms reporting 1950.. 1,142 24 29 70 3 3 4 26 71 Fur animals in captivity (on hand or farms reporting I9S0.. 164 1 2 1 7 1 2 5 72 Sole of goats and kids, goat milk, and mohair, and of rabbits, and fur animals 216 9,740 6 36 4 57 4 48 2 8 1 9 4 31 73 Bees and honey: dollars 1949.. 74 .farms reporting 10)0.. number of hives 10)0. . 5,297 25,354 95 407 115 454 7 15 439 1,954 26 108 30 174 12 81 51 217 75 76 (arms reporting 1040.. pounds 1949. . 2,671 184,241 57 5,653 75 3,159 6 119 249 20,632 19 1,079 17 2,684 1 440 32 1,247 1 77 78 farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. 652 33,292 19 1.074 13 427 86 4,358 6 162 6 670 1 120 3 1 130 J ll 79 SOUTH CAROLINA 429 PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Cheater Cheater- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edge, field Fairfield Florence (VorKetown 395 179 969 497 873 732 875 628 427 505 460 288 385 22S 1 227 351 838 559 901 774 1,016 596 593 562 947 481 1,271 299 2 105,595 64,745 408,456 60,228 347,257 69,142 166,106 106,800 36,551 77,167 54,526 74.770 105,247 310.141 3 66,032 51.962 120,779 62,816 156,105 51,649 191,519 87,143 26,033 86,725 102,050 114,850 95,756 115,018 4 1,356 1,228 2,335 1,750 3,088 3,519 2,411 3,176 2,743 1,634 1.652 1.126 5.448 1,426 5 1,709 1,586 2.541 2,147 2,921 3,404 2,443 3,323 2.755 1,642 2,044 1,956 5,228 1,838 6 41,668 36,998 68,649 49,794 88,607 77,589 89,4"5 84,413 71,290 43,208 43,135 38,767 149,835 39,119 7 63,410 44,746 98,696 69.124 105,592 93.831 98,231 100,038 100,134 57.725 62,275 70,045 184,029 52,807 e 43,751 40.698 72,081 52.284 93,037 81,468 98,444 88,634 74,854 47 , 529 45,292 40,705 157,327 41,075 9 177 88 468 179 459 303 379 314 233 159 140 155 378 90 10 27,901 23,749 29.947 11,676 36,886 11,830 25,490 17,551 8,043 42,975 22,071 12,634 37,989 135,671 11 27,866 24,151 30,359 13,048 40.108 13,718 26,362 20,282 8,633 42,079 17,573 13,241 36,997 136,115 a 348 138 786 435 662 622 754 469 308 450 417 231 737 186 13 121,917 77,678 118,773 75,084 249.590 91,254 308,611 102,419 52,012 77,620 77,019 92,806 147,647 55,973 14 57,508 37,515 59,246 36,390 112,147 44,035 131,886 53.851 25,518 31,507 35,309 45,745 65,136 27,035 15 83 72 22 91 69 117 46 148 76 22 80 84 127 31 16 303 240 2,770 531 335 365 164 530 328 9B 222 311 425 822 17 1,242 1,200 7,945 2,124 1,172 1,496 820 1,855 1,148 490 888 1,244 1,488 2,877 18 74 72 39 81 87 96 46 145 66 23 79 96 138 31 19 50 52 31 73 64 56 44 105 38 17 98 79 44 21 20 3.530 757 42,836 2,380 33,151 2.219 1,286 5,510 709 708 489 3,356 1,053 20,500 21 1,091 654 5.010 1,553 6,819 2,748 622 1,246 380 311 1,075 4,231 617 8,679 22 31 89 43 36 46 113 102 83 71 47 15 12 90 91 23 165 910 172 147 204 541 733 441 388 210 42 68 330 1,101 24 29 20 28 34 59 49 24 37 33 8 32 47 19 14 25 20,221 3.079 318,851 10,790 195,002 11,389 7,858 32,667 2,400 3,581 1,644 15,784 3,114 146,991 26 848 420 1,011 929 1,361 1,644 1,486 999 969 995 814 658 1,931 571 27 708.631 335.044 230,003 241,941 298.367 446,350 812,565 348,903 326,001 528.335 214,186 325,655 419,280 190,007 28 381 213 768 810 845 663 698 387 231 417 572 560 743 235 29 156 169 398 421 367 506 680 234 103 349 435 468 47 5 92 30 1.976 1.853 2,342 3.337 2.176 1,229 4,195 1,339 728 1,885 2,005 3,900 1,423 884 31 1,611 1.235 1,509 1,899 1.709 1,244 4.265 1,043 625 1,919 2,118 3,165 1,306 284 32 127 120 340 298 276 220 230 137 107 141 184 227 253 123 33 1,086 781 1,026 1,199 739 400 1.298 711 357 415 638 1,625 547 578 34 148,050 85.631 119,649 147,380 85,590 39,845 144,035 88,675 43,654 43,290 87,673 150,647 68.443 56.231 35 306 150 564 680 694 515 596 297 155 349 475 479 565 152 36 890 1.072 1.316 2,138 1,437 829 2,897 628 371 1,470 1,367 2,275 876 306 37 66,048 63,096 50,093 56.988 67,491 41,128 176,649 36,536 20,190 76,748 67,171 137.298 43.009 14.819 38 727 304 394 277 786 1.386 1,284 793 860 873 485 267 1.554 472 39 264 178 270 165 414 839 736 519 355 503 347 255 609 102 40 17.050 5,924 3,129 1,649 6,551 14,572 19,590 8,175 8.931 14,298 3,500 1,619 12,183 5.361 41 8,307 4,305 3,528 1.278 5,615 7,150 13,104 7,423 4,374 10,285 4,814 2,322 5,752 2.500 42 468.959 182,278 46.901 23,050 126,921 343 , 092 483,856 216,232 259,361 405,532 54,417 34,333 302.093 115,370 43 2 6 42 148 639 9 2 4 7 56 106 535 26 2 7 3 14 40 102 2 2 3 17 35 14 3 7 28 40 147 47 2 1 9 6 54 23 4 2 55 39 835 27 1 5 13 64 150 26 1 7 10 142 160 24 5 4 40 78 452 14 44 45 2 5 3 16 5 46 47 20 19 30 93 93 48 49 41 19 157 36 147 37 185 97 182 65 26 24 40 35 51 31 50 25.574 3.400 13.267 3.988 18,325 22,250 ■",878 7,460 2,742 2,765 4,090 3,227 5,575 3,135 51 960 527 1,901 1.633 2,919 2,772 1,686 2,910 2,570 1,215 1,418 1,143 4,646 1,010 52 67 47 162 170 73 131 53 158 176 63 66 81 310 63 53 88 67 189 259 154 192 68 205 223 85 86 134 427 97 54 4 8 13 14 8 8 4 12 29 4 8 2 15 12 55 9 14 50 39 20 27 2 13 41 19 13 23 23 29 56 4 8 14 28 33 11 4 18 43 5 12 2 21 28 57 20 56 64 81 64 67 2 26 69 50 19 78 50 128 58 65 39 150 158 68 123 49 149 151 60 59 79 298 52 59 7 19 196 83 44 30 22 17 13 29 32 29 30 9 60 84 59 175 231 121 181 64 187 180 80 74 132 406 69 61 7 44 234 208 57 35 117 32 16 60 34 64 40 17 62 957 512 1,880 1,608 2.911 2.767 1,682 2,904 2,562 1,211 1.413 1.134 4,629 1,005 63 1.425 594 2. 508 1,924 2,972 2,976 2,267 3,210 1,970 1,431 1,894 1,757 4,799 1,168 64 2,631 1.184 3.276 3,093 7,169 8,209 5,444 7,869 8,318 3,699 2,937 2.152 14,014 3.163 65 4,507 2,448 5,104 4.099 9,428 11,461 9,572 11,050 8.679 6,177 5,076 4,110 17,955 4,108 66 8 11 69 36 93 25 36 27 37 6 3 13 41 43 67 461 2,328 3.236 4,062 15,616 4.470 1,237 2,077 2.490 277 2,592 2,886 2,338 6,337 68 119 77 68 41 70 201 48 128 148 51 121 29 203 57 69 10 20 25 9 15 21 11 29 20 10 20 8 20 9 70 2 4 3 4 14 4 2 2 3 1 4 6 71 4 5 7 4 2 12 3 5 5 1 8 1 3 2 72 56 262 207 1.036 8 117 178 980 39 5 159 15 25 27 73 24 25 264 58 171 35 90 37 30 19 20 22 66 33 74 61 85 1,317 346 945 159 353 186 111 35 69 180 318 124 75 14 9 107 35 93 18 48 26 18 10 13 12 33 21 76 865 225 4,615 2,358 5,438 2,511 2,128 2,315 1,212 517 579 1.452 2,227 1,187 77 4 1 18 13 19 7 9 3 5 1 1 4 6 5 78 80 6 524 472 728 500 232 255 180 140 50 345 204 127 79 991354 0-52-29 430 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 4 (Part 2 of 2).— LIVESTOCK AND LIVESTOCK (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hampton Horry Jasper Poultry and poultry products: Poultry and/or poultry products sold farms reporting Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. .. farms reporting number value. . dol lars Chickens sold farms reporting number dol lars Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens dol lars Turkeys, 4 months old and over, on hand. ... farms reporting number value. . dol lars Turkeys raised farms reporting number Ducks raised farms reporting number Turkeys, ducks, and geese, and their eggs sold farms reporting dollars Animals sold al ive: Cattle, hogs, sheep, horses, or mules sold alive farms reporting dol lars Cattle and/or calves sold alive farms reporting number Cattle sold alive, excluding calves. . farms reporting number dol lars Calves sold alive farms reporting number dol lars Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Sheep and lambs sold alive farms reporting number dollars Horses and mules sold alive farms reporting number dollars Farm slaughter: Any cattle or hogs butchered farms reporting Cattle and/or calves butchered farms reporting number Cattle butchered, excluding calves ... farms reporting number Calves butchered farms reporting number Hogs and pigs butchered farms reporting number Meat, lard, hides, and other products sold from animals butchered farms reporting dollars Goats, rabbits, and fur animals: Coats and kids (on band or kept last year) farms reporting Domestic rabbits (on band or kept last year) farms reporting Fur animals in captivity (on hand or kept last year) farms reporting Sale of goats and kids, goat milk, and mohair, and of rabbits and fur animals and their pelts farms reporting dol lars Bees and honey: Bees owned last year ...farms reporting number of hives Honey produced farms reporting pounds Honey, wax, and bees sold farms reporting dollars 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 19 50. 1945. 1950. 19 45. 1950. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 19 49. 1949. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949.. 1944., 1949., 1944.. 1919.. 1949.. 1919., 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1941. 1949 . 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 19 49. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1950. 1950. 1050 1919. 1940, 1019. 19 10. 10 19. 1040. 1949. 1949. 1,745 2,536 371,553 333,198 4,904 6,551 188,206 255,300 197,616 816 101,470 103,789 1,505 456,610 233,265 106 383 1,340 109 113 5,410 2,749 102 618 45 34,499 1,694 372,407 1,194 1,191 3,503 3,182 573 1,369 168,572 845 2,134 74,941 716 633 5,307 5,135 106,075 5 15 41 41 560 145 172 22,259 3,624 314 369 49 203 57 306 267 416 312 490 3,584 5,920 5,876 10,706 128 7,736 162 52 4 5 270 428 2,225 187 11,727 51 1,910 472 604 108,231 122,729 1,317 1,726 43,322 74,224 45,488 203 27,527 28,615 410 144.276 77,255 43 167 668 40 43 540 714 32 187 29 2,361 658 327,880 494 411 2,854 1,923 213 1,491 195,503 373 1,363 57,593 315 229 2.833 2,305 71,101 6 4 44 52 488 27 33 3,195 1,093 111 175 20 49 27 97 92 68 148 92 1,073 1,407 2.242 3,353 47 4,799 386 447 111,965 34,911 1.185 1.456 34.913 37,346 38 , 404 166 68,002 79,208 330 50,771 20,976 39 182 910 38 24 2,481 1,149 54 228 27 11,781 675 428,710 327 349 1.603 1,628 125 850 84.533 247 753 50,983 596 474 11,444 9,633 290,194 1 4 1 90 12 22 30 2,988 933 22 39 5 7 5 14 17 11 34 43 932 1,068 2,982 4,298 35 2,920 96 451 73 8,078 27 1,679 13 269 1.412 2,016 258,784 128,828 6,275 5,897 182,785 253,538 191,924 699 24,012 26,928 1,111 109,717 48,619 121 2,036 7,126 101 54 30,899 605 166 712 45 183,237 2,178 422,910 558 467 1,180 1,099 263 628 62,990 366 552 27,105 1,884 1,056 14,116 11,748 322,094 1 10 10 55 120 55 114 10,601 5,566 420 509 71 213 100 324 353 73 409 86 5.554 5,653 22,956 31,330 103 8,610 178 21 IS 161 966 57 4.055 15 829 142 237 145.444 142,953 903 1.011 17.747 27,687 19,522 54 13,746 11,896 105 11,939 5,723 32 4,564 22,820 30 26 13,786 20,313 22 184 12 127.825 418 210,178 163 182 696 836 75 246 21,167 111 450 22,048 357 167 6,105 3,811 163,873 10 28 3,090 583 851 78,163 93,25r 2,366 2,607 58,188 74,509 61,097 246 12,360 12,934 451 74,950 34,635 146 661 2,644 145 110 3,829 2,396 84 509 71 30,594 1.034 258,044 639 429 2,007 2.127 271 036 105.814 486 971 40,742 616 418 5,018 4,729 100,231 62 104 11.257 1,917 45 60 9 10 14 40 37 12 46 36 1,913 2.390 4,014 6,004 39 2.186 134 679 651 1,183 191,417 119,963 2,089 2.492 68.552 91,973 71,980 325 48,572 50,931 550 139,412 64,891 20 870 42 27 14,352 2,359 30 179 24 75,595 919 189,659 687 509 1,896 1,671 291 814 87,375 516 1,082 41,512 443 305 2,867 2,423 55,692 3 6 4 47 44 50 65 5,036 1,750 115 167 7 69 8 96 111 110 159 164 1,735 2,401 3,323 5,193 44 6,497 79 2.986 13 .17 4 146 713 87 5,961 25 921 795 1,262 219,549 255,604 2.S82 3,706 87,773 146,664 92,162 314 124.089 106,883 680 194.701 100,161 98 516 1,806 98 126 2,383 2.031 81 401 63 12,505 1.066 37 4,364 753 769 3,203 3,363 296 1,215 168.012 596 1.988 95,771 508 516 4,186 5,757 100,814 4 3 40 42 716 75 106 9,051 2,015 156 238 12 83 23 190 145 275 215 382 1,992 3,601 3,665 7,219 69 6,543 105 37 1 76 445 53 2.727 13 429 241 341 44,040 28,150 2,122 2,414 53,001 67,689 55,651 115 10,638 12.383 191 47,218 22,755 61 282 1,156 52 53 1,791 673 38 234 19 8.902 706 237,624 275 167 841 660 93 341 37,867 218 500 25,771 600 310 6.088 4,374 169,039 2 1 31 3 385 22 51 4.562 1.930 116 166 10 3 21 51 107 9 145 67 1,924 2,128 4,865 6,813 12 2,087 24 122 18 1.578 3 210 SOUTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued 431 McCormick Morion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Hichland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union Wi 1 1 lniua- burg York 301 557 409 1,031 1.401 1,403 1,374 676 1,074 2,257 671 491 742 936 1 451 301 174 1,210 1,813 2,125 1,764 679 1.044 2,093 1,032 571 1,268 1,089 2 35,991 53,055 51,144 461,652 136,849 499,604 284,103 303,905 743,704 416,444 331,652 97 , 439 58,759 1.900,398 3 63,930 24.298 37 , 093 280,988 264,945 380,574 279,145 332,030 531,896 394.243 219,285 55, 441 50,933 549,793 4 948 2,582 2,082 2,241 2,909 4,663 2.667 2,124 2,024 5,717 2,909 1,473 5,007 2,973 5 1,165 2,389 2,381 2,538 3,328 5,570 2,827 2,089 2,156 6,429 2,918 1,792 5,072 3,456 6 24,331 62,772 43,192 79.208 92,424 147,534 107,253 88,701 96,775 200.625 76,440 53,429 117,996 111,706 7 36,308 84,523 71,758 100,917 108,940 232.759 130,539 91,570 92,095 252,757 102,010 62,401 135,013 132,622 8 25,548 65,911 45,352 83,168 97,045 154,911 112,616 93,136 101,614 210, 6S6 80.262 56,100 123,896 117.293 9 119 304 206 525 721 526 776 396 549 1,079 268 253 304 450 10 6.607 33,385 15,964 127,445 37,205 57,612 82,066 167,617 691,176 189,377 13,786 29,693 24,554 207,957 11 7.016 30,480 14,425 125,063 37,797 61,097 84,763 148,725 525,189 170,661 15.068 32,856 23,004 176,335 12 260 437 314 913 1,164 1,241 1.173 577 899 1,856 590 428 602 724 13 62. 548 45.443 35,360 301.118 215,487 264,382 381.723 295,780 296,887 435,495 102.406 125,199 64,067 253,165 14 28,070 19,888 16,594 130.368 95,792 118,107 185,715 140,762 138,920 222,012 50,459 63,026 31,378 116,656 15 64 67 93 92 53 113 63 127 48 94 68 59 124 77 16 185 210 348 9,701 320 523 538 3,615 176 571 468 260 511 13,711 17 740 735 1,218 38,804 1,120 2,144 1,883 14,822 704 1,998 1,919 910 1,788 54.844 18 52 63 74 112 59 123 60 124 48 100 58 53 98 146 19 31 32 36 122 25 164 42 127 142 95 60 54 45 75 20 403 598 3,724 30,130 835 45,112 1,557 6,113 9,689 4,099 26,093 544 1,132 216,435 21 1,590 221 3,449 12,864 1,976 6,612 719 6,854 3,246 3,002 6,202 632 1,247 57,511 22 30 148 68 52 62 91 63 86 42 121 94 51 119 46 23 135 619 1,405 298 325 423 900 647 187 603 470 394 531 240 24 31 30 24 60 34 70 31 53 47 50 31 22 41 120 25 90S 2,687 20,125 206.221 3,260 320,400 13,625 14,418 79,595 23,771 266,125 1,557 4,377 1,607,407 26 471 1,097 629 1,138 1,406 2,845 1,179 969 1,185 2,109 1,410 542 1,886 1,270 27 98,274 323,431 307,544 341.231 296,632 1,500,655 242,144 630,815 332,462 518,634 526,416 154.308 523,252 349,248 28 378 337 238 801 1,042 1,386 773 5T5 838 1,498 637 401 918 1.028 29 273 154 125 664 595 1.096 71B 427 563 947 521 339 488 706 30 1,194 1,036 1,384 2,822 2,799 5,933 2,288 4,393 2,776 4,830 2,558 1,667 2,057 3,776 31 840 876 898 2,305 1.860 5,524 1,687 2,884 2,222 2,862 1,487 1,105 1,835 3,143 32 115 148 96 327 420 476 376 253 300 660 199 169 378 409 33 541 446 837 1,116 990 2.254 994 3,079 947 2,183 1,233 641 852 1,379 34 50,467 48,249 92,451 135,906 114,706 250,972 115,593 368,317 101,337 250,002 160,381 74,035 78,641 163,623 35 319 240 178 620 817 1,094 554 431 711 1,082 513 316 633 810 36 653 590 547 1,706 1,809 3,679 1,294 1,314 1,829 2,647 1,325 1,026 1,205 2,397 37 30,118 28.158 29,481 71,781 74.808 155.733 45,072 61,663 86,053 95,899 62,797 50,119 63,473 99,013 38 183 961 500 627 638 2,434 605 644 721 884 1,178 255 1,366 476 39 148 374 201 473 405 1.579 528 341 502 453 619 144 708 295 40 1,066 8,697 6,401 5,503 5,554 41,173 3,837 8,163 5,682 6,669 11,606 1,691 15,156 3,653 41 1,118 4.091 2,680 4,677 3,535 28,006 4,289 5,847 4,137 3,277 8,184 1,245 11,158 3,118 42 15,247 235,461 178,874 127,481 96,925 1,080,173 68,411 193,636 134,158 142,026 297 , 598 26,632 375,717 67,115 43 4 5 2 2 2 2 1 3 7 2 3 4 7 44 2 2 5 7 3 6 2 4 8 3 3 4 8 5 45 29 33 92 28 22 30 20 24 66 36 56 23 54 46 31 65 54 42 27 52 14 26 105 31 22 34 82 12 47 400 17 398 36 1,448 34 275 58 414 103 360 77 150 112 260 53 1,120 61 870 165 852 24 204 25 683 83 18 27 49 23 85 68 65 133 128 188 82 87 341 58 32 40 188 50 2,042 11,165 5,290 5,788 9,779 13,417 12,918 6,939 9,794 29,837 5,640 2,670 5,217 18,814 51 781 2,312 1,943 2,085 2,383 3,642 2,201 1,504 1,825 4,448 2,220 1,265 3,910 2,526 52 15 239 63 228 193 258 154 109 214 312 95 45 201 267 53 22 308 88 318 251 349 177 168 255 397 136 61 271 331 54 3 33 19 47 24 41 15 21 45 28 11 7 27 38 55 4 16 8 81 60 75 58 15 91 119 15 15 15 60 56 8 49 28 59 44 49 19 36 55 43 16 7 36 52 57 4 39 20 109 77 146 67 610 131 302 25 22 51 131 58 13 209 46 183 174 220 141 91 172 288 86 40 178 237 59 23 18 16 144 394 60 291 21 44 439 9 101 13 199 60 14 259 60 259 207 300 158 132 200 354 120 54 235 279 61 25 30 25 198 459 96 334 34 68 521 9 150 24 270 62 777 2,303 1,940 2,078 2,359 3,628 2,184 1.491 1,816 4,407 2,215 1,279 3,897 2,499 63 1,061 2,117 2,386 2,339 3.103 5,032 2,706 1,751 1,866 6,223 2,526 1,756 4,375 3,188 64 1,443 7,618 4,930 5,213 4,172 10.310 3,729 3,288 4,104 7,553 5,795 2,445 12,807 4,961 65 2,318 9,275 7,506 6,512 6,217 17,880 5,451 5,824 5,033 11,715 8,957 3,646 17,087 7,056 66 9 60 27 138 148 54 115 33 53 144 20 31 23 77 67 842 9,482 3,187 9,614 12.028 4,622 5,820 3,223 3,156 6,365 3,330 1,088 2,031 7,115 68 68 114 114 177 54 256 76 87 123 176 159 33 128 78 69 6 13 14 38 23 38 39 66 34 62 13 11 26 29 70 3 2 1 4 10 3 3 6 16 2 1 6 1 71 3 7 3 13 4 7 4 4 5 10 2 2 4 72 22 45 50 549 148 29 625 56 98 1,662 3 4 1,010 73 29 22 24 120 584 72 477 85 114 43B 25 88 39 230 74 133 163 147 556 2,390 539 2,045 721 418 2,134 100 504 142 1,047 75 20 13 16 83 209 48 173 51 70 178 15 34 22 147 76 1,866 595 1.588 9,899 7.685 12,484 5,473 9,508 5,498 9,214 1,085 2,517 1,136 9,578 77 6 4 4 19 36 8 24 8 26 49 3 19 2 49 78 377 115 240 1,062 984 3,610 612 2,645 1,144 1,602 130 467 180 1,712 79 432 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 1 of 7>— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item The State (For definitions and explanations, see text) Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Rarnwel 1 Beaufort Berkeley 1 Total value of all specified crops harvested {see text) dollars 1949.. 247,193,612 2,210,890 5,631,418 2,297,936 8,186,778 2,599,001 4.029,932 2,077,792 2,157,326 2 1944.. 278,985,072 2,867,366 7,468,071 2,690,463 10,790,421 3,302,895 5,845,329 1,618,785 1,849,141 168,273,332 164,806,777 1,184,961 1,396,621 3,442,889 4,305,715 1,514,808 1,489,601 4,669,127 5,597,584 1,197,269 1,964,754 2,677,331 3,834,944 1.545,350 1,055,696 1,003,365 636,000 4 1944. . ' 5 Corn: 115,391 1,538 2,872 720 4,138 1,360 1,651 1,445 2,619 6 1944. . 131,310 1,943 3,344 1,000 5,075 1,412 2,131 1,212 2,092 7 acres 1949. . 1,350,565 12,128 53,427 20,626 33,118 31,895 40,126 9,519 22,861 8 1944.. 1,499,084 15,032 61,181 22,354 39,590 30,282 40,995 9,539 20,240 9 value.. dollars 1949. . 33,042,487 275,202 1,026,782 420,076 908,121 802,978 779,360 267,235 637,486 in 113,071 1,515 2,829 700 3,987 1,347 1,647 1,420 2,599 11 1944.. 129,500 1,940 3,342 096 5,048 1,404 2,120 1,204 2,082 1? acres 1949. . 1.293.34B 11,908 51,772 19,116 31,280 28,837 39,250 8,511 21,484 13 1944.. 1,479,551 14,991 61,043 22,263 39,167 29,356 40,629 9,030 20,012 14 bushels 1949.. 23,624,155 192,993 709,588 284,105 619,636 483,424 556,795 143,627 433,635 15 1944.. 25,073,555 177,490 830,667 278,229 600,154 355,235 541,393 138,363 338,816 16 640 8 23 4 55 15 5 18 9 17 acres 1949. . 10,771 67 441 35 726 693 125 429 155 18 tons.. green weight 1949.. 77,432 702 2,404 275 4,838 5,616 715 3,827 1,317 19 Hogged or grazed, or cut for 4,664 27 97 SO 148 149 51 62 168 20 acres 1949.. 46.446 153 1,214 1,475 1,112 2,365 751 579 1.222 71 Value of corn and other corn 18,095 175 575 123 638 291 506. 33 244 22 dollars 1949.. 3,144,349 16,678 104,530 84,920 82,555 63,903 129,347 9,974 36,834 23 Corn sold bushels 1949.. Sorghums: 2,620,490 12,750 89,009 63,894 67,188 53,422 ;15,151 7,389 33,142 74 Sorghum for all purposes except 3,997 142 28 14 111 17 14 9 14 25 26 1944.. acres 1949.. 9,173 18,046 346 663 353 3 236 122 734 5 35 262. 568 70 27 28 1944. . value. .dollars 1949. . 26,413 715,524 855 15,957 48 28,717 37 13,615 464 21,672 111 906 27,064 14,900 3,336 29 30 31 3? Harvested for grain or for seed, .farms reporting 1949.. 1944. . acres 1949. . 1944. . bushels 1949. . 1944.. acres 1949. . tons.. green weight 1949.. Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or 892 36 5 6 51 2 173 19 2 13 1 36 465 20 6 26 668 106,790 10,730 330 2,877 17,438 56 3,896 368 1 10 60 4 424 90 11 226 1,305 64 7,376 1,400 22 110 366 20 105 150 33 1,256 450 750 2 16 76 34 35 2 72 500 6 148 1,205 16 37 38 cut for dry forage or hay farms reporting 1949.. 2,859 109 14 6 41 11 12 5 10 19 acres 1949.. 9,113 414 91 69 159 114 548 29 28 to 41 tons cut 1949. . 123 78 63 197 147 124 124 3 1 1 6 2 42 dollars 1949.. Small grains: 43 as a mixture farms reporting 1949. . 495 15 9 4 47 3 2 5 2 acres 1949. . 4,915 302 118 42 321 61 27 37 13 bushels 1949. . 88,248 5,287 3,656 400 5,884 307 840 343 210 46 100,603 6.027 4,168 456 6,708 453 958 391 239 47 bushels sold 1949. . 8,157 510 2,500 263 10 4B 1944. . 18,243 574 392 25 2,478 63 75 6 49 45,632 1,263 1,095 171 4,168 372 409 2 15 50 51 acres 1949. . 1944. . 134,727 222,309 3,945 6,121 3,318 5,690 870 1,042 21,619 24,568 1,604 2.424 1,126 2,437 13 47 50 52 53 bushels 1949.. 1944. . 8.072 96 3,215,692 75,272 67,898 12,620 359,271 32,885 29,984 750 847 54 55 56 value. .dollars 1949. . bushels sold 1949. . 16,790 652,309 19.388 13,461 585 17,622 277 5,594 108 2,518 128 127 29 35 57 1944. . 20,796 666 258 87 2,529 122 79 33 18 58 acres 1949.. 282,579 7,288 6,745 7,846 39,663 3,671 3,713 390 739 59 1944. . 313,372 7,599 7,958 10,245 32,843 2,734 3,030 1,255 683 60 bushels 1949.. 6,964,541 175,404 139,500 140,476 1,141,374 63,506 87,736 8,380 16,225 61 1944. . 8,060,196 198,635 170,380 214.161 953,151 58,723 64,697 26,009 15,570 6? 5,833,504 140,323 111,600 156,050 856,030 66,681 92,123 8,799 17,036 63 bushels sold 1949. . 1,921,900 38,321 61,703 94,580 326,922 16.582 42 , 495 6,618 64 41,534 354 1,216 393 644 649 792 146 504 65 1944. . 57,684 874 1,707 584 1,568 731 942 173 700 66 250, 5°1 2,070 9,685 3,038 4,054 7,270 8,617 1,081 1,387 1944. . 381, 76e 5,320 14,425 4,323 0,427 10,612 14,463 1,337 3,202 68 value. .dollars 1949. . 6,610,937 55,890 261,495 69,874 117,566 167,210 198,101 24,863 31,901 69 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1949.. 2,197 89 9 516 8 3 1 70 1944. . 3,578 168 11 2 613 4 7 1 S 71 acres 1949. . 63 10 23,990 906 91 28 3,829 38 58 2 103 73 bushels 1949. . 150 554,617 18,710 997 460 100.022 720 1,170 20 2,035 75 76 77 value. .dollars 1949. . bushels sold 1949.. 1,950 225 94,061 2,011 1,300 28,241 285 650 630 2 84 11 8 32 10 2 1,638 11 220 17 39 35 29 1 2 79 acres 1949. . 101 291 13 13,647 49 2,279 198 756 236 3 54 bushels 1949.. 51,624 141.647 300 555 82 10,701 3,768 1,071 6,942 1,900 36 950 value.. dollars 1949.. 115,931 600 13,036 2,707 9,483 9,685 5,640 724 84 85 bushels sold 1949. . 20,078 2,353 27 5 2,935 3 1,750 1 750 50 9 86 87 m acres 1949. . bushels 1949. . value. .dollars 1949. . 25 15 71 10 631 200 959 56< 21,070 1,262 400 1,918 116 89 buahels sold 1949.. 1,607 100 90 Value of small grains and grain 7,885 192 187 60 1,263 52 78 1 11 91 dollars 1949.. 3,133,022 60,656 93,056 101,367 558, 538 33,570 55,726 11 6,612 CENSUS] • SOUTH CAROLINA 433 iS OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Cheater Chestei - field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 4,344,478 4.021,503 3,882,280 3,011,463 6,718,333 8,929,892 3,111,236 11,335,802 11.154,968 2.37B.696 3,273,768 1,504,468 17,895,570 1,932,082 1 4,511,171 3,006,608 5,469,080 3,825,081 7,119,086 8,307,734 3,409,461 10,672,325 9.898,288 2,7 54,627 4, 161,486 2,131,184 16,375,517 2,248,743 2 2,741,4(10 3,323,179 2,688,207 1,554,327 4,960,823 6, 462, 494 1,350,029 8,522,184 9, 154,018 1. 12S.41 1 2,036,471 833,856 15,047,066 1,316,512 3 2,421,169 2,098,028 3,015,986 1,904.574 4,516,898 5,183,431 1,399,343 7,114,697 6,842, 110 1,309,342 2, 363,593 954. 101 11,655,860 1,334,856 4 1,410 1,217 2,029 1,758 2,989 3,799 2,694 3,440 3,011 1,7 37 1,663 1,231 6,177 1,365 5 1,745 1,532 2, 450 2,088 4,017 3,752 2,646 3,608 2,866 1,863 2,014 1.832 5,608 1,893 6 32,776 B.536 16.291 15,778 34,673 54,957 41,668 37,420 30,094 27,822 19,501 11,299 69,991 11,611 7 33,302 12,880 21,099 "19,288 39,033 52,048 38,528 43,191 28,015 27,792 22,530 16,757 63,039 16,489 8 782, 147 297,038 376,741 448,955 593,044 1,294,792 1,077,944 955,620 928,240 857,093 444, 116 198,635 1.787,994 289,240 9 1,385 1,072 2,010 1,689 2,867 3,791 2,667 3,410 2,994 1,713 1,627 1,226 6,131 1,345 10 1,740 1,518 2,403 2,077 3,016 3,751 2,625 3,598 2,827 1,838 2,012 1,824 5,561 1,887 11 28,558 7,311 15,980 14,736 32,887 54, 237 38,871 36,802 29,738 25,949 19,059 11,206 69,377 11,248 12 32,364 12,120 20,633 19,123 38,891 51,869 37,507 42,939 27,576 27,322 22,461 16,661 62,219 16,250 13 504,759 186,252 277,374 260, 144 435,826 979. 932 734,025 749,334 740,429 57B.066 314,570 151,582 1,427,324 223,471 14 406,832 251,152 366,044 267,338 658,815 758,548 651,276 825,017 5B5.229 460,678 374,741 237,374 1,294,975 294,044 15 7 38 316 146 18 159 1,032 156 11 201 879 27 38 7 26 6.947 54 4 121 400 139 14 176 1,048 256 5 86 770 55 22 368 2,489 111 5 69 625 so 1 7 40 12 1 10 80 80 1 26 180 55 16 17 18 138 48 19 4,180 1,066 110 316 1,665 720 2,621 532 356 1,505 373 86 604 337 20 454 55 677 35 405 1,135 275 497 921 191 293 17 801 187 21 120,90? 20,154 51,477 4,233 42,361 192,640 86.222 91,564 126,996 59,346 49,012 1,672 127,751 22, 296 22 97,045 15,692 44,608 3,440 36 , 409 163,991 64,694 73,652 123,548 46, 502 42,097 1,303 118,185 18,110 23 16 8 14 203 1,111 246 493 22 27 8 2 3 7 7 4 5 8 84 84 108 416 11 3 4 24 25 26 2 137 275 127 511 2,079 849 1,775 84 53 79 51 85 253 21 31 31 330 252 431 332 764 63 29 10 6 7,155 6,399 17,048 69,351 2,363 2,094 2,210 1,930 806 13,894 20,428 1,263 254 2 3 22 8 23 15 3 3 8 2 6 4 1 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ""i 216 25 2,875 510 1 4 40 4 55 63 12 1,243 179 4 46 300 182 402 855 5 1,088 51 14 375 87 108 505 3,119 119 293 272 63 20 3 22 6 247 70 4 52 481 72 178 304 1 200 40 45 555 7 18 10 1 150 1 8 3 9 2 112 58 1,283 400 35 683 2,830 3 85 3 2 35 225 12 99 16 8 a 15 3 300 6 59 1 15 90 3 3 7 86 747 96 206 138 5 31 15 39 40 1 10 41 42 6 5 6 9 19 2 5 2 8 4 5 16 1 43 342 4,750 5,415 42 355 405 19 470 536 265 491 94 830 946 200 175 108 1,935 2,206 50 412 14 100 114 49 980 1,117 17 307 350 67 1,066 1,215 6 45 673 767 344 23 425 484 142 92 764 871 639 1 30 34 23 46 152 6 173 11 1,255 245 48 602 8 1,473 661 1,067 1,028 120 2,231 1,011 97 1,109 766 1,280 79 49 2,795 166 3,335 993 4,699 688 52 8,200 1,247 38 2,057 732 2,768 160 50 3,420 39 8,391 3,391 7,819 3,314 406 9,609 2,712 376 4,082 2,634 3,402 250 51 29,260 1,710 47,829 13,678 37,523 11,897 1,404 79,650 17,923 501 26, 559 8,903 29,826 ,613 52 53,233 632 129.492 50,900 123,376 54,869 5,319 176,901 61,360 6,326 49,178 24,238 61,162 4,350 53 58 , 520 3,557 94,223 27,903 76, 547 23,794 2,920 162,486 36,563 1,042 54,180 18,162 60,845 3,291 54 21,447 15,993 3,729 17,324 2,523 900 40.764 4,316 30 11,097 4,027 9,825 15 55 220 47 446 313 483 134 105 611 294 65 302 189 468 20 56 334 21 365 378 333 237 167 399 170 91 555 141 248 23 57 8,433 626 4,082 5,207 6,613 2,556 2,249 8,830 3,310 895 5,194 2,541 4,922 536 58 9,637 517 2,510 6,965 7.629 5,818 3,706 9,150 2,916 1.462 7,459 2,481 4,289 540 59 211,526 17.792 103, 594 139,469 140,496 63,512 47 , 577 242,648 95.996 17,704 132,316 124,020 123,573 11,286 60 267,712 16.065 62,772 261,313 232,077 133,264 72,293 275,345 90,840 39,783 197,263 53,743 122,320 11,918 61 190,373 18,682 77,696 115,759 130,661 57,161 49,956 225,663 89,276 18,589 105,853 102,937 114,923 10,496 62 104,515 6,300 21,804 31,884 73,029 23,385 16,950 84,257 22,093 2,500 37,829 12,720. 21,195 1,965 63 574 226 586 557 1,028 2,200 850 1,649 1,081 609 810 462 2,631 204 64 779 370 1,316 746 1,192 2,038 1,088 2,039 1,381 834 1.195 972 2,632 298 65 4,042 1,237 3,065 3,990 5,994 10,280 4,990 11,916 7,178 2,569 6.223 2,205 12,090 709 66 7,672 2,07 4 6,933 5,625 6,753 12,071 7,796 14,790 9,756 5,149 9,373 5,525 14,343 1,717 67 97,008 28,451 88,885 107,730 173,826 246,720 114,770 345,564 208,162 59,087 168,021 59,535 350,610 20.561 68 2 8 3 3 76 156 21 37 16 60 1 4 2 10 5 39 8 43 23 67 11 12 3 7 69 6 3 70 11 89 SO 24 528 788 240 450 233 618 5 31 2 72 94 493 87 305 225 571 73 78 12 39 71 22 26 72 200 800 12.989 5,161 5,611 75 11 2,610 1,668 5,790 1,407 120 73 1,655 170 20,133 10,812 13,931 610 1,044 11,692 7,380 233 11,538 1,854 1,102 565 74 300 3,501 3 14 2,500 1 8 2,462 35 55 360 2,415 24 45 76 13 9 5 11 37 100 1 3 15 15 2 6 77 8 6 10 5 78 74 106 5 60 3 87 338 617 22 56 247 852 7 56 460 525 107 126 20 29 79 33 16 104 25 80 681 693 23 878 30 1,105 2,277 5,414 230 933 2,659 9,065 70 569 5,408 6,100 787 1,749 235 440 81 565 96 1,320 314 82 1,702 264 40 68 5,237 1,593 4 73 298 596 120 244 621 6.116 836 3 29 365 730 189 10,816 2,125 1,810 225 3 14 120 240 86 540 83 47 30 383 766 3 81 2,800 5,600 19 77 458 916 20 24 16 17 160 320 4 85 86 87 88 89 144 2 354 77 73 304 101 21 129 48 90 I 144,532 6,255 57,973 41,598 78,584 26,789 19,151 157.963 32,950 2,774 62.710 21,745 40,224 2,105 91 434 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 1 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: I tern Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lee Lexington (For definitions and explanations, see text) 1 Total value of all specified crops harvested 4,655.158 1,640,833 2,469,699 20,581,674 735.839 3.959,231 2,396,454 4.919,217 7.277.699 3,809.910 2 1944.. 8.348,726 2,074,155 2,607,671 19,401.759 889,581 4,583,795 3,142,774 6,658,453 8.245,385 5.866.965 3 2,336,235 762,214 1,326,756 17.329.099 313.538 2.759,943 1.484,109 3,019,360 5.330,463 2,085,087 4 1944.. 4,362.616 863,883 1,175,672 13,929,054 268.122 2,916,777 1,629,713 3,474,088 5,259,115 2,897.681 5 Corn: 4,145 1,185 1,232 6,510 971 2,181 1,930 2,245 2,227 2,547 n 1944.. 5,922 1,570 1,591 6.353 1.022 2,640 2.600 3,549 2.485 3.162 7 acres 1949. . 30.292 10,610 26,550 58,951 13,089 26,124 15,761 20.337 28,780 35,784 R 1944.. 46.991 13,914 29,323 62,428 13,277 31,615 21,005 31,598 32,045 42,471 9 value . .dollars 1949.. 850,110 239,510 663,294 1,706,672 321,939 452,620 364,785 526,518 667,332 830,072 10 4,074 1,161 1.216 6,464 960 2,148 1,909 2,056 2,179 2.545 11 1944. . 5,836 1,551 1,582 6", 331 1,005 2.632 2,593 3,489 2,427 3.159 1? acres 1949. ■ 29.237 10,349 24,069 57,714 12,372 25,347 15,549 18,119 28.412 34.691 13 1944.. 46,201 13,789 27,874 62,160 12,240 31,400 20,879 30,979 31,225 42,209 14 bushels 1949- ■ 576,187 169.588 436,988 1,342,748 219,779 330,755 272,115 331,479 505.123 608.918 IS 1944.. 835,450 164,835 459,752 1,467,876 178,461 465,416 338,873 495,995 626,995 713,925 16 17 18 19 8 12 13 8 28 4 614 68 50 34 100 158 64 533 92 tons.. green weight 1949- ■ Hogged or grazed, or cut for 5,944 357 320 532 595 533 631 3,340 91 41 173 346 44 88 28 192 51 15 20 acres 1949. . 441 193 2,431 1,203 617 619 148 1,685 368 1,001 21 dollars 1949- . 749 102 145 799 95 197 187 386 413 30 11 83,189 17,925 75,811 107,083 58,023 34,491 21,856 42", 193 79,006 123,021 23 70,604 13,036 61,849 94,971 38,903 26,444 18,712 32,979 63,386 101,876 Sorghums:* 74 Sorghum for all purposes except 309 68 10 3 1 30 141 191 5 115 25 26 1944. . acres 1949. . 858 216 3 12 41 773 1,498 2 20 14 403 902 464 267 T 25 95 302 27 1944.. value. . dol lars 1949.. 2,047 1,011 16 75 15.181 27,324 31,527 6,716 189 622 2,532 6,769 54,146 680 ?9 Harvested for grain or for seed.. farms reporting 1949.. 52 14 3 1 3 22 55 1 64 30 31 32 33 34 35 1944.. acres 1949.. 1944. . bushels 1949. . 1944.. 13 12 3 6 184 114 31 15 25 27 2,672 2,245 400 250 200 302 358 507 80 892 8 3 1 1 23 10 36 37 3R acres 1949.. tons.. green weight 1949.. Sorghum or cane hogged or grazed, or 88 174 65 448 1,220 914 cut for dry forage or hay.... farms reporting 1949.. 250 54 8 3 1 26 119 123 4 44 1 19 acres 1949.. 630 176 236 7 10 86 243 482 10 127 40 tons cut 1949. . 652 142 32 9 20 55 177 520 2 60 1 41 42 dollars 1949.. Small grains: 14 1 ,535 70 41 Grains grown together and threshed acres 1949.. bushels 1949. . value. .dollars 1949. . bushels sold 1949. . Wheat threshed or 15 3 3 14 1 8 5 11 42 44 45 165 3,809 4,342 17 265 302 432 8,105 9,240 38 780 889 2 12 14 36 375 428 65 45 920 1,049 135 2,750 3,135 90 179 1 3,202 1 3,650 47 48 1944.. 1,536 230 9 82 190 800 49 3,462 953 33 305 14 579 630 2,172 1,108 1,633 50 51 9,267 1,938 171 272 1944.. 16,913 5,168 279 771 45 2,579 3,212 13,455 5,123 7,915 52 53 1944.. 260,023 59,882 4,393 17,149 579 30,351 42,385 194,649 90,660 97^313 54 55 56 value. .dollars 1949. . bushels sold 1949. . 26,057 55,633 216,426 39,758 50,050 1,271 317 88 288 19 205 376 763 306 771 57 1944.. 1,539 532 140 234 38 192 623 1,198 404 1,186 58 acres 1949. ■ 11,287 5,928 2,847 2,022 755 3,905 4,443 12,754 5,592 7,817 59 1944. . 10,245 8.533 4,341 2,209 698 3,886 5,046 17,764 10,086 12.776 60 bushels 1949. . 302,723 136,349 57,986 56,462 10,345 73,389 108,785 306.453 141,987 149,153 61 1944.. 278,109 161,967 88,877 66,801 15,010 99,686 123,327 410,219 277,822 306,059 62 value. .dollars 1949.. 227,042 109,079 60,885 52,510 10,862 60.913 90,292 229,840 127,788 134,238 fi3 bushels sold 1949. . 60,326 31,490 28,716 9,884 5,800 22.432 39,458 59,140 44,025 30,750 64 Oats cut for feeding unthreshed. .. farms reporting 1949.. 1,239 302 491 1,932 205 851 557 573 1,179 1.203 65 1944.. 2,212 610 751 2,328 335 1,247 940 1,238 1,442 1.436 66 acres 1949. . 6,211 1,655 4,067 5,043 831 6,125 2,943 4,540 10,934 6,370 67 1944 . . 10,179 3,868 6,747 5,770 1.521 7,617 4,832 8,564 14,490 6,508 68 value. .dollars 1949. . 180,119 44.685 93.541 146,247 19,113 165,375 79,467 131,660 262,416 152,880 69 Barley threshed or combined farms reporting 1949.. 252 53 1 5 1 3 3 251 2 21 70 1944.. 303 131 3 17 2 22 33 534 3 94 71 acres 1949. . 1,331 416 75 6 1 8 34 2,701 8 94 72 1944.. 1,839 803 15 50 2 149 339 3,588 22 528 73 bushels 1949. . 26,241 1 1 , 249 4,000 35 3 180 920 63,307 135 2,644 74 1944.. 48,861 18,109 140 1,070 40 2,835 7,394 79,906 440 11,266 75 value. .dollars 1949.. 31,489 15,749 6,000 47 4 225 1,150 75,968 202 3,966 bushels sold 1949. . 1944.. 8,606 29 137 918 2 19 1 7 1 280 7 15 15,524 6 88 200 79 195 77 6 23 37 49 11 7 78 6 79 acres 1949. ■ 1944.. 75 569 5 90 17 412 26 2 242 548 144 129 10 263 202 26 469 1,571 80 32 81 bushels 1949. . 1944.. 867 8,064 48 1,048 115 3,303 271 30 1,730 5,826 825 1,201 125 3,689 2,414 270 3,930 18.248 82 205 m vnluc. . dollars 1949.. bushels sold 1949. . Other grains threshed or combined. . farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949- - bushels 1949. . 1,517 188 2 11 220 96 310 623 3,892 355 1 7 70 1.856 440 219 6,035 1,815 9,825 1,401 84 85 3 56 830 10 14 258 516 44 102 2,148 1 1 6 12 86 87 88 89 bushels sold 1949. . Value of small grains and grain 1,355 90 604 94 40 35 13 75 187 305 123 196 91 dollars 1949- ■ 140,020 45,111 28,954 11.017 6,806 38,150 54,557 155,749 60,471 43,055 1 SOUTH CAROLINA 435 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 194V -Continued McCormick Morion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangebura Pickens Richland .Saluda : |., , i i.i. burg. Sumter llnion Kl U lama- burg lork 958,904 8,953,064 7,820,689 3,649,870 2,600,288 12,790,161 2,043,085 2,817,647 3,702,683 9,188,153 8,395,491 1,897,132 11.800,330 5,512,314 1 1.168,112 7,641,245 10,242,820 3,656,087 3.839,690 14,774,106 3,823,846 2.B36.493 3,660,932 15,368,921 8,070,307 2,381,889 12,986, 135 5,592,363 2 542.577 7,173,864 5,844,929 1,810,910 1,260,213 7,412,660 930, 474 1,646,227 2.176,678 5,580,277 6,012,242 1,009,501 8,507,968 3,266,922 3 550,115 5,411,699 6,811,362 1,527,453 1,661,283 8,165,550 1,795.166 1,160,318 1,609,519 9,019,918 5,222,156 1,076,709 8,903,603 2,720,312 4 852 2,763 2,009 2,092 2,601 5,166 2,505 1,844 1,950 5,132 2,897 1,330 5,444 2,770 5 1,095 2,580 2,607 2,383 3,073 6,214 2,813 1,922 2,110 6,074 2,958 1,689 5,525 3,250 6 7,459 24,591 20,343 22,694 21,517 102,989 21,404 21,445 21,599 42 , 988 38,208 12,9411 65,137 24,848 7 9,950 23,111 23,820 25,789 26,247 104.498 27,072 23,755 23,305 55,423 46,150 16,834 66,538 29,621 8 115,285 776,S8.i 475,038 573,482 408,389 2,711,185 501,650 489,766 540,907 1,060,872 811,710 277,972 1,527,024 593,931 9 834 2,752 1,884 2,057 2,473 5,037 2,466 1,722 1,941 4,988 2,860 1,255 5,406 2,713 10 1,094 2,533 2,604 2,371 3,063 6,161 2.807 1,916 2,110 6,061 2 , 933 1,682 5,522 3,225 11 7.231 24,339 18,582 21,398 20,177 96,275 20,905 19,839 21,361 41,230 37,467 12,106 64,455 24,007 12 9.726 22,778 23,733 25,385 25,919 102,536 26,704 22,821 23,289 55,044 45,739 16,758 66,474 29,263 13 79,665 61°, 302 339,184 366,995 338,893 1,855,381 364,056 322,628 383,456 749,999 606,078 192,769 1,207,719 416,559 14 97,088 544,763 499,787 403,561 393,642 1.614,364 440,712 421,017 414,314 931,877 822,502 205,712 1,404,532 430,676 15 1 1 H 37 18 48 16 20 37 1 8 10 28 16 57 10 111 459 386 1,164 143 331 180 864 25 76 123 471 17 208 125 550 3,696 2,138 9,216 1,251 2,225 1,445 4,649 125 446 920 3,056 18 43 47 143 55 149 363 54 156 10 139 91 86 95 55 19 171 242 1,650 837 954 5,550 356 1,275 58 894 716 766 559 370 20 33 599 434 440 495 1,061 395 230 310 955 488 78 802 144 21 3,703 69,508 58.414 58,300 44,266 237,993 41,335 69,139 36,861 104,443 110,291 11,959 111,071 19,096 22 2,641 64,667 48,932 37,873 36,534 197,228 35,209 51,082 29,985 88,052 88,220 9,078 101,192 15,816 23 98 4 2 248 139 51 174 65 252 449 9 321 15 173 24 452 25 ?6 284 10 12 1,504 556 602 547 390 1,582 1,392 25 686 52 771 784 7,136 24 324 801 55,774 888 12,485 15 34,777 1,090 14,856 177 21.844 193 50,934 3,561 45,185 248 650 1,858 19,936 1,303 32,867 27 28 270 1.438 17 3 91 13 1,600 75 95 4 813 44 16,723 645 16 1 81 20 1,076 400 6 35 5 151 10 3,964 214 30 140 6 1,034 10 19,065 157 64 16 372 60 4,180 358 34 3 111 5 2,034 115 3 40 3 179 10 1,599 143 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 2 83 199 34 21 1,375 4.974 680 402 192 26 118 45 67 1,177 112 1,237 34 575 33 697 107 1,004 378 218 283 1,010 141 4 2 176 141 9 12 178 10 12 ■363 475 312 396 130 425 828 25 549 18 474 39 168 1 350 4 333 9 2,771 353 13 579 51 320 9 1,241 56 2 420 699 14 2,414 852 13 2,850 11 288 6 323 3 459 42 5 2 3 57 18 18 26 9 11 27 5 10 18 43 67 53 103 360 126 234 138 78 53 182 110 241 90 188 44 1,380 2,320 1.035 6,450 3,223 3,580 2,090 1,635 1,196 2,199 2,410 4,977 2,207 3,626 45 1,573 2,645 1,180 7,353 3,674 4,081 2,383 1,864 1,363 2,507 2,747 5,674 2,516 4,134 46 400 43 800 126 50 784 400 610 86 246 80 720 260 603 83 1,843 1,200 323 20 205 825 405 190 189 375 48 383 706 631 1,542 1,277 1,270 1,505 447 1,276 3,295 1,238 651 432 1,063 49 189 426 1,709 5,168 3,672 1,788 3,864 3,105 3,106 13,086 2,680 2,526 792 3,425 50 1,286 1,389 4,570 7,809 5,365 6,048 7,226 2,836 5,545 17,277 4,174 3,390 1.222 6,488 51 2,165 5,702 18,238 57,995 51,960 21,116 46,866 33,711 37,105 157,481 27,723 32,288 9,846 47,485 52 12,259 28,486 95,198 94,312 71,779 92,803 86,348 39,213 59,587 236,198 66,278 43,657 24,251 87,076 53 4,417 11,632 37,206 118,310 102,361 42,232 92 326 67,422 75,694 310,238 55,446 63,607 20.086 96,869 54 23 629 10,640 22,008 21,371 8,329 11,109 24,668 7,190 63,282 13,307 11,342 2.430 14,636 55 87 265 232 978 747 502 493 311 828 1.230 503 236 378 690 56 184 106 357 889 679 1,041 495 277 696 1,174 458 164 126 810 57 1,440 1,564 9,282 13,850 8,509 10,538 3,054 6,143 10,584 10,872 7,304 2,194 2,092 11,754 58 3,416 1,244 11,092 12,824 7,114 15,609 2,785 4,906 9,136 9,019 12,164 1,947 2,198 12,908 59 30,473 54,047 211,639 309,107 211,531 254,664 66,002 153,261 230,622 267,279 180,885 48,141 39,714 310,434 60 77,307 36,531 318,853 276,450 191,513 414.058 58,018 115,846 210,314 226,289 351,538 37,987 54,287 325,294 61 24,378 50,264 196,824 247,286 158.648 229,198 49,502 137,935 184,498 200,459 162,796 36,106 36,934 257,660 62 5,725 9,390 62,243 49,567 43, 556 72,140 12,991 64,106 41,472 70,634 45,428 14,082 2,881 47,927 63 310 1,283 551 668 683 2,772 683 765 877 1,695 1,683 416 1,670 781 64 518 1,409 817 1,231 1,373 2,988 1,401 1,110 1,400 2,607 1,913 858 2,176 1,185 65 1,810 5,389 6,270 4.314 2,895 21,438 2,674 3,962 5,741 8,616 10,980 2,270 5,756 6,067 66 3,183 6,095 8,436 9,261 6,515 28,270 5,47 4 6,825 11,821 13,229 15,149 4,918 10,165 9,645 67 48,870 156,281 181,830 116,478 83,955 514,512 77,546 95,088 155,007 249,864 263,520 65,830 166,924 163,809 68 13 13 3 2 7 48 180 230 95 79 9 41 164 190 11 51 51 100 170 196 54 116 1 15 50 76 69 13 70 34 112 3 11 103 833 1,169 1,563 486 440 77 460 746 788 72 503 231 527 1,168 1,200 239 527 2 199 565 739 71 92 72 360 3,125 35 210 1,250 17,190 25,332 39,371 11,535 11,481 1,765 9,943 11,388 15,709 1,864 13.629 4,423 8,650 28,647 27,233 3,879 10,721 25 4,322 14,013 14,775 73 1,335 74 504 20 1 47 1,688 415 24 35,465 4,493 1 13,842 5,055 11 2,648 13,666 1,300 16 2,796 402 12 6,192 370 9 34,376 7,257 9 4,655 835 7 34 17,516 4,660 6 75 76 47 5 4 77 1 1 2 54 236 7 1 14 65 154 380 41 31 20 102 21 76 96 25 5 76 21 36 13 15 78 41 79 1 5 35 612 2,555 18 10 44 507 1,687 3,134 91 214 214 1,119 225 408 293 224 39 700 62 270 126 161 80 375* 81 20 10 700 6,446 5,876 273 20 572 887 14,412 7,835 897 374 2,350 2,798 2,212 816 4,037 392 500 1,750 866 472 1,414 362 8? 862 83 1 4 8 16 890 106 2 41 408 816 963 4 900 120 65 2 7 30 60 550 75 1 2 45 90 87 84 3 7 80 160 12 310 85 86 87 26 173 88 89 10 53 88 341 198 198 129 222 761 162 90 6,294 13,159 77,301 88,997 87,360 88,533 36,237 106,183 42,906 199,398 75,226 34,861 8,652 79,134 91 • 436 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 2 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Bamberg Beaufort Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Soybeans harvestec for beans. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. -dollars Soybeans cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with othe* - crops value. . dollars Soybeans plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas harvested for dry peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Cowpeas harvested for green peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels in shells value. . dollars Cowpeas cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Cowpeas hogged or grazed, or cut for si lage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. . dollars Cowpeas plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts harvested for picking or threshing farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds value. . dollars Peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Vclvctbeans grown for all purpoaes farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Value of soybeans, cowpeas, peanuts, and velvetbeBns sold farms reporting dol lnrs 1949.. 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1944. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949. . 1944.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1944 2 . 1949.. 1949 . . 1944.. 1949. . 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 11,928 62,792 30,619 94,240 67 , 302 1,567 1,221 29,774 10, 328 460,938 64,393 1,323,293 4,341 14,410 13,456 22,704 755,583 5,204 9,961 52,908 797,043 1,858 8,647 17,548 37 , 509 129,534 152,613 153,370 463,890 12,769 32,149 28,663 49,563 242,795 404,379 1,153,700 1,834 2,587 1,593 48,415 121,034 22,506 76,924 57,453 96,946 ,120,124 3,547 6,554 19,883 478,367 5,062 14,806 24,878 5,751 22,425 38,063 598 1,723 4,847 7,111 18,969 33,243 86 12,233,964 20,991,810 1,392,199 1,267 2,918 8,316 96 5,015 10,120 107,414 2,424 6,056 14,705 25,076 52,152 5,182 ,339,820 23 84 95 46 130 145 23 444 6 37 20 40 1,300 5 9 16 425 22 10 309 799 1,152 178 915 163 224 385 84 1,671 1,959 7,520 31 53 51 528 1,320 81 234 20 196 6,174 7 2,074 32 59 16 54 39 181 5 1 53 158 31 166 16,337 31,908 1,797 3 25 3 244 3,291 1,165 3,415 1,288 113 42 2.224 1,093 29,696 7,946 90,870 60 504 223 659 21,418 55 339 1,234 23,900 43 224 865 1,382 6,751 8,545 10,693 26,521 869 1.379 3,562 7,512 27,002 27,351 121,509 115 198 1,457 3,642 536 2,281 1,237 2,136 67,284 114 290 1,007 23,012 130 503 739 349 3,778 7,353 11 72 324 574 3,616 7,294 10 1,691,014 4,040,977 186,012 174 452 2,021 1 1,287 2,036 26,384 117 272 802 2,079 4,574 555 275,046 37 1,717 521 90 59 19 18 953 10,178 3,324 31,348 5 144 273 9,418 391 90 8,371 11 229 487 7,566 3,000 1,943 11,208 311 535 4,259 1,263 19,203 18,605 90,254 7 119 8 1,046 2,615 274 2,150 619 1,700 56,100 38 434 48 604 53 148 1,430 2.439 7 53 96 252 1,113 2,114 596,775 1,320,898 65,645 47 162 407 29 285 9 282 564 176 127,150 39 238 368 37 253 10 12 51 15 864 323 2,644 22 126 19 126 4,032 6 38 3 23 3 374 1,214 1,831 216 1,695 172 283 448 49 2,923 3,762 14,030 42 45 6 443 1,108 119 337 145 415 12,450 21 63 2 1,856 66 321 14 75 61 145 38 30 70 119 45 155 1 27,747 43,943 3,330 2 3 2 40 4,142 138 986 2,205 1.456 520 18 20 213 80 2,712 729 8,353 6 31 26 49 1.690 101 683 1,040 23,098 28 59 310 618 5,152 1,459 3,006 7,983 195 345 854 695 ,509 ,270 12 18 20 539 1,348 494 3,762 1,569 3,868 127,644 65 348 359 15,298 40 170 363 101 315 1,780 50 266 19 244 74 1,174 3 28,750 713,932 3.162 10 163 48 6 29 356 638 92 147 604 466 932 67 10,386 51 492 1,793 826 3,086 12 2 220 143 1,990 153 6,129 6 85 9 32 1,104 27 121 565 7,747 12 66 109 903 3,969 4,243 15,968 18,023 640 560 1,952 9,293 22,302 12,245 104,819 56 83 106 716 1,790 392 1.197 3.435 3.597 118,701 123 327 1,558 32,074 85 410 1.576 446 4.057 8,380 434 899 3,963 8,324 2,198,115 5,388.363 241,793 225 741 2,282 890 2,793 19,580 75 91 532 1,383 2,766 603 270,570 111 1,829 430 1,796 1,093 28 28 346 233 4,891 1,232 15,064 16 77 51 80 2,760 464 6,336 46 1,308 1.048 953 2,667 2.727 2.765 2,225 573 583 590 541 5,800 5,919 27,260 53 48 4.3 362 905 74 185 72 195 6,435 56 168 167 7,294 316 1,676 1,942 135 135 136 3 13S 89 77 113 2 33,385 34,371 3,672 16 15 20 13 24 286 53 216 586 1,085 2,170 70 13,497 1 Does not include acres plowed under for green mnnu 3 Acres grown alone and grown with other crops. SOUTH CAROLINA 437 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Chester Cheater- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence George- town Green- ville 378 92 56 56 86 192 577 252 206 218 189 20 B20 214 165 1 7,212 719 263 431 1,182 471 1,551 2,564 683 491 3,509 119 812 371 650 ? 698 201 138 489 1,080 120 422 431 642 370 1,593 175 442 121 623 3 9,102 170 58 86 370 1,511 7,680 1,146 2,011 2,836 611 12 5,731 1,414 100 4 2.266 159 9 276 266 926 3,768 1,138 1,978 1,383 456 114 5,345 603 413 5 193 33 6 6 5 17 18 15 27 42 16 4 148 14 3,098 399 41,501 21 54 113 234 1,505 5 8 5 10 135 85 381 96 21 17 00 5 922 366 2,821 111 4 7 8 6,600 3,716 140, 155 9,566 152 19 1 241 54 1 838 411 687 126 65 2,096 576 193 116 3,918 1,042 186 12,514 64 46 664 34 52 9 3,044 1,051 11,817 3,280 11 385,126 79 9,376 29 737 41 2,489 22 33,324 30 5,764 41 12,067 76 35,289 143 1,872 48 160 61 126,993 37 4,244 338 9 13 373 164 178 160 190 87 374 1,182 135 160 303 110 240 133 425 14 295 15 100 330 6 148 1,835 1,189 274 312 61 468 15 16 477 230 223 231 161 149 445 1,176 408 211 16,456 7,935 7,136 7,392 5,313 5,140 15,352 38,808 13,464 7,280 10,725 4,736 39,237 10,296 14,976 17 126 26 6 18 22 128 351 47 64 128 8 6 379 98 18 1ft 122 135 44 136 63 176 895 115 79 296 41 5 396 99 59 19 4,266 115 7 68 351 1,080 5,276 369 754 2,036 68 1 3,015 971 14 20 38,786 3,696 1,092 2,941 6,917 12,315 67,834 8,685 13,224 25,229 1,875 95 55,202 16,951 1,518 21 52 32 6 12 18 26 129 47 94 31 17 3 82 24 26 T> 117 268 22 81 242 82 89 225 405 35 67 4 63 134 86 23 825 40 5 17 14 189 2,189 309 997 559 44 5 647 159 20 24 565 514 257 177 961 2,279 795 1,153 343 687 391 406 1,935 909 460 25 3,223 1,997 557 433 3,235 7,094 2,513 6,658 902 1,655 1,894 1,040 3,982 858 1,224 26 2,416 1,814 550 991 3,246 6,009 5,191 7,493 1,840 1,959 1,898 3,561 3,754 1,906 2,828 27 2,113 564 170 71 4,184 14,887 1,077 3,387 1,735 2,590 647 748 8,121 3,859 275 28 16,681 2,445 1,298 1,016 11,561 27,312 4,771 24,447 8,116 5,160 3,306 3,190 24,614 6,433 4,012 29 212 153 124 100 430 472 206 252 18 63 154 279 226 431 175 30 349 564 112 179 813 1,624 839 1,022 341 291 420 846 920 529 396 31 1,116 189 214 243 478 127 345 344 45 447 458 148 136 320 609 46 63 44 2,570 3,125 111 1,789 79 177 290 473 1,167 1,284 115 33 9,825 1,373 967 1,121 34,399 4,825 1,868 3,331 195 536 2,124 2,570 1,560 3,894 1,780 34 14,973 6,506 1,206 1,577 10,278 17,455 7,977 11,090 3,209 2,927 5,097 6,221 7,685 4,504 4,659 35 43,721 6,453 4,642 5,269 182,315 21,471 8,780 17,654 1,034 2,519 9,558 12,079 8,268 20,638 8,544 36 30 63 22 7 35 10 47 15 9 6 12 10 15 79 45 37 69 48 33 13 38 2 60 32 5 7 15 11 24 13 57 38 21 16 2 1 49 17 30 42 10 13 37 8 12 90 4 39 777 1,742 288 201 2,078 50 514 100 92 115 128 61 264 621 830 40 1,942 4,355 720 502 5,195 125 1,285 250 230 288 320 152 660 1,552 2,075 41 348 136 90 44 516 1,998 415 918 226 508 185 124 1,571 430 190 42 1,462 419 193 119 2,146 6,691 1,451 5,756 781 1,372 961 377 3,471 590 589 43 927 128 57 10 641 6,829 429 1,122 596 1,038 156 68 4,706 1,294 91 44 1,623 758 197 84 1.848 8,000 875 5,369 1,241 1,892 868 304 4,943 1,301 546 45 51,936 25,014 5,910 2,520 60,060 256,000 28,875 174, 492 40,332 62,436 27,342 9,120 160,648 42,282 16,380 46 43 61 14 16 43 186 136 20 25 114 39 47 254 94 23 47 212 94 29 32 89 37 398 94 24 86 159 113 165 64 87 48 259 140 6 6 121 1,926 369 56 226 864 41 119 1,433 599 11 49 9,904 4,756 928 1,015 4,335 29,000 16,852 3,538 3,973 15,022 5,205 5,003 25,563 10,542 2,683 50 64 200 41 14 158 327 70 98 114 86 62 42 126 115 65 51 364 1.247 88 26 484 237 259 432 92 145 312 81 174 55 171 52 297 234 42 10 803 2,990 138 378 824 498 123 80 803 592 54 53 27 148 57 61 13 29 344 10 41 65 73 91 380 37 81 54 36 196 22 63 19 99 729 27 121 69 101 103 1,187 33 47 55 156 359 35 160 219 123 2,003 96 156 255 111 226 1,226 59 220 56 2 10 148 7 4 7 13 55 216 59 1 8 32 6 1 40 9 1 59 1 21 91 9 83 330 7 10 76 31 1 57 13 27 27 60 5 33 59 27 285 33 133 39 53 150 17 33 114 66 181 304 33 176 60 25 33 12 52 8 93 76 16 86 36 71 24 1.045 21 29 61 160 326 35 142 187 93 345 93 94 131 106 197 1,209 46 202 62 2 47,971 4 14,632 4 7,620 1 22,388 3 874,506 3 7,649 20,725 61 11,398 10,242 41,336 30,643 11,550 54,554 15,654 17,324 64 65,455 76,651 11,365 46,141 136,081 61,068 135,539 78,830 125,800 37,170 27,814 50,256 1,209,833 24,609 57,603 65 1,368 5,277 1,229 1,610 838 4,960 3,371 1,270 6,001 1,722 1,906 2,463 96,196 841 2,487 66 4 4 6 28 13 38 1 2 2 2 6 15 109 129 233 17 155 286 3,410 398 601 3 8 7 12 10 26 7 3 8 4 7 7 154 59 116 29 12 21 1 3 2 1 3 22 24 88 35 177 160 109 474 2,344 32 26 8 1 7 2 5 1 108 49 64 17 18 1 2 67 30 68 69 70 5 22 108 50 56 46 16 1,012 55 397 1 2 22 12 15 258 29 49 5 43 108 10 173 22 22 473 17 22 37 22 758 26 34 71 32 7? 73 3 4 91 ISO 74 75 740 181 2 360 140 2,427 37 440 357 329 22 114 157 76 342 718 231 412 824 145 316 664 50 135 284 59 772 1,544 26 226 475 39 140 294 36 694 1,388 19 209 460 118 277 609 18 322 676 327 794 1,667 35 2 4 36 77 78 28 4 79 293,977 14,732 1,788 3,144 17,998 10,745 9,968 27,707 9,571 1,947 88,466 1,671 83,849 3,537 2,675 80 438 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 2 of 7 \— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hampton Horry Annual legumes: Soybeans grown for all purposes. . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Soybeans harvested for beans.. farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. -dollars Soybeans cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Soybeans hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops value. . dollars Soybeans plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crop3 Cowpeas grown for all purposes. .. farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Cowpeas harvested for dry peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels value. . dollars Cowpeas harvested for green peas farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels in shells value. .dollars Cowpeas cut for hay farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. .dollars Cowpeaa hogged or grazed, or cut for silage farms reporting acres grown Blone acres grown with other crops value. . dollars Cowpeas plowed under for green manure farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts grown for all purposes. . . farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops Peanuts harveBted for picking or threshing ferms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops pounds value. .dollarB Peanut vines or tops saved for hay or forage farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops tons value. . dollars Velvctbeans grown for all purposes farms reporting acres grown alone acres grown with other crops bushels vnluc. . dol lurs Value of noybeana , cowpeas, peanuts, and vclvetbeans sold forms reporting dol lorn 1949. . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949. . 1949. . 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944 1 . 1949.. 1944'. 1949.. 1944. . 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949.. 1949. . 1949.. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949. . 1944 2 1949.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949.. 1949.. 1944.. 1949. 1949.. 1949., 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949.. 1949. 1949. 1949.. 1949. 1949. 28 164 63 52 85 3 7 19 209 278 640 6 41 5 70 ,275 22 19 788 12 82 28 217 702 1,192 104 705 110 233 239 57 1,011 2,357 4,550 27 30 13 241 602 81 260 16 219 35 155 18 74 77 148 21 19 74 125 45 126 1 20,763 28,732 2,284 3 21 3 25 2,455 229 3,343 471 3,425 297 51 9 2,604 221 38,227 1,250 117,739 25 154 99 262 9,039 138 443 2,292 30,509 35 142 813 599 3,274 3,432 1,362 1,783 290 501 1,200 185 6,563 10,686 30,846 176 206 37 3,061 7,652 244 1,125 448 1,048 34,584 110 520 477 21,996 55 223 215 280 1,945 3,712 65 536 199 252 1,690 2,960 12 1,216,660 1,903,345 133,833 59 135 316 16 279 931 6, 138 216 462 2,591 755 1,510 227 188,458 2,351 1,848 1,589 10,396 13,087 57 376 81 415 1,271 5,583 3,584 873 927 2,240 2,455 81,015 1,485 723 6,687 117,929 224 117 1,054 2,735 3,216 3, 568 10,778 31,174 481 2,430 91 1,283 2.B50 19,996 15, 105 136 37 139 1,896 4,740 1,932 2,844 4,691 5,227 169,878 408 127 2,217 35,829 485 117 2,448 328 603 1,299 10 15 200 347 346 794 1 202,046 785,423 22,225 128 173 214 8 151 305 3,246 63 55 120 283 594 174 20,947 191 502 776 3,065 1,524 15 71 182 553 1,579 1,699 4,863 7 26 1 25 862 1,066 11,885 97 208 1,445 423 1,233 1,983 848 3,809 177 651 608 337 4,347 5,540 20.431 27 32 213 532 82 216 34 149 4,917 95 223 264 10,295 78 159 181 77 123 374 3 25 56 213 62 233 25,489 66,726 2,804 28 14 616 72 94 521 2,803 5.606 35 17,822 140 1,004 542 565 637 16 14 392 119 3,677 209 10,921 48 239 117 182 5,824 56 197 281 5, 839 20 176 48 1,108 4,648 6,186 3,899 8,232 583 1,137 1,172 2,059 5,857 12,105 27,528 72 85 112 746 1,865 510 2,544 896 2,615 78,450 91 357 382 15.892 105 490 450 78 306 304 24 1 68 62 218 297 11 169,124 134,437 18,604 16 15 77 6 31 129 1,782 187 552 389 1,176 3,027 80 16,946 45 180 379 7 47 5 2 37 253 4 751 14 41 44 1,408 14 82 7 1,480 25 104 775 154 47 4 14 31 307 455 939 9 27 30 63 2,016 9 9 118 1,564 6 3 20 37 359 262 1,167 792 1,916 2,230 371 153 837 2,065 17 3 116 282 425 424 209 208 32 2,306 1,083 3,666 5,255 10,838 5,198 20 32 24 33 14 14 171 445 428 1,112 136 109 441 345 31 90 366 392 10,980 11,760 38 21 77 51 113 10 3,871 1.624 36 34 201 154 5 7 34 102 35 85 69 170 5 10 11 1 33 101 43 113 31 73 50 129 11,067 23,312 12,066 39,487 1,217 2,797 4 8 I 11 4 7 2 8 1 16 44 180 69 3 86 5 83 384 3 845 6 174 2,912 718 51 1,824 45 36 1,393 20,679 1,694 56,867 89 963 10 763 26,324 41 314 35 5,702 18 242 6 479 3,658 4,542 554 18,868 62 847 411 126 1,546 13,247 6,880 14 30 2 176 440 384 2,900 391 2,416 77,312 24 118 16 3,654 30 199 19 180 1,317 906 3 19 176 111 1,315 901 3,542 28 2,446 1,250,504 783,763 150,060 76 44 661 3 429 365 9,224 187 149,252 424 88,920 1 Does not include acres plowed under for green manure. 2 Acres grown alone and grown with other crops. SOUTH CAROLINA 439 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued McCormlck Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union Wi 1 J inniM- burg York 38 294 224 137 171 891 115 172 111 128 23B IB 1,116 82 1 135 354 3,976 760 424 6,499 668 2,133 945 689 2,575 154 740 506 ? 24 107 1,295 357 228 1,714 226 413 69 318 783 117 3,032 280 3 70 14 1,749 400 881 1,967 827 349 206 137 12,009 8,775 135 156 1,130 541 594 129 167 234 1,900 2,491 9,974 2,755 79 169 24 5 3 8 53 47 18 161 13 49 56 25 43 2 36 22 6 2 3 26 15 11 62 10 11 6 25 25 1 13 9 7 6 3 1,410 300 31 2,901 292 1,166 67) 202 713 34 37 119 8 31 284 196 19,532 103 3,171 17 325 1,047 46,007 16 2,502 72 16,230 401 9,893 3 2,662 2 41 10,094 221 1,471 ii 26 S 1,480 10 36 338 6,640 231 87 5,578 269 1,543 113 483 997 1 95 320 II 34 801 55,080 9,703 994 126,519 7,656 44,632 30,273 8,146 27,758 811 4,148 4,396 12 7 156 137 47 149 266 82 64 48 79 66 10 553 28 13 39 159 2,007 200 368 1,152 306 241 191 328 335 34 416 129 11 6 740 244 29 171 1,117 74 233 102 71 145 3,607 13 31 834 2,165 220 605 1,943 441 407 304 367 471 56 2,407 141 16 1,008 27,522 71,445 7,150 19,360 67,034 14,112 14,042 9,880 11,744 16,250 1,792 79,431 4,512 17 3 111 24 44 4 398 2 56 11 10 83 3 520 23 18 45 143 174 192 6 1,388 6 341 37 75 371 15 246 156 19 675 13,935 272 8,990 471 10,688 18 345 7,563 88,916 515 10,294 38 1,400 37 2,151 896 14,087 345 5,361 84,868 66 3,270 2(1 1,125 138 21 24 38 41 28 6 171 14 35 11 19 80 3 115 11 22 45 49 385 68 19 1,058 64 385 46 84 1,156 71 41 102 23 64 306 303 1,442 169 366 224 417 2,282 2,048 45 320 310 1,017 S3 387 56 612 618 1,453 78S 2,350 ?4 284 174 280 25 738 1,803 3,429 948 499 10,686 875 3,070 1,228 1,695 7,400 544 3,457 837 26 1,327 768 4,731 2,680 1,461 8,753 1,303 4,627 1,337 3,988 13,228 589 5,575 999 27 188 8,453 708 826 193 6,462 323 4,508 878 605 7.882 61 13,408 229 28 348 9,473 5,575 2,040 672 40,229 686 12,280 2,903 2,212 29,094 867 35,127 567 29 215 190 28 278 143 415 94 488 140 214 301 104 471 130 30 381 737 81 518 226 1,619 237 1,120 390 315 1,484 163 2,085 210 31 381 43 75 429 195 1,662 148 772 348 386 518 203 189 301 32 97 951 59 535 39 1,108 66 1,898 297 127 1,773 57 2,271 148 33 1,703 1,845 661 2,720 1,041 9,583 776 7,009 2,138 2,229 4,169 908 4,315 1,321 34 2,492 7,530 2,012 5,224 2,059 25,654 2,067 13,754 5,631 3,634 20,676 1,060 18,819 2,410 3b 7,664 9,778 3,503 12,240 4,997 42,644 3,725 31,190 9,621 10,699 18,552 4,358 22,870 6,209 36 21 29 14 28 15 54 19 73 10 48 34 14 9 23 37 30 30 17 27 12 149 52 133 17 77 15 17 20 40 38 1 316 51 132 20 269 33 126 1 133 87 4,933 59 1,293 7 264 8 696 45 284 4 170 6 101 8 543 19 936 40 790 330 672 315 332 12,332 2,340 3,232 660 1,740 710 425 252 1,358 41 66 1,148 300 124 112 1,530 191 579 184 290 1,239 47 1,791 73 42 199 1,550 2,150 313 225 7,608 573 1,815 527 867 6,507 180 2,777 204 43 22 5,346 523 105 130 2,596 192 1,475 322 258 4,269 7,069 45 44 203 5,577 2,130 426 258 7,993 774 1,806 751 899 7,284 180 8,728 219 45 6,394 181,252 69,225 13,419 7,740 255,776 23,220 57,792 23,656 26,970 233,088 5,400 283,660 6,570 46 18 46 14 22 7 176 14 63 20 38 48 5 405 11 47 47 28 92 32 13 470 30 114 36 83 42 18 375 36 48 305 5,234 38 3,219 41 1,522 9 507 1,570 36,395 20 1,160 365 8,598 20 1,334 68 3,393 362 6,467 2,677 49,691 49 1,363 522 1,044 50 38 265 31 66 25 198 39 164 83 107 183 33 226 56 51 81 152 1,095 147 54 797 72 236 300 282 318 126 96 256 52 68 1,800 68 112 14 1,101 45 711 232 144 1,433 1,385 28 53 133 10 8 253 47 179 50 98 44 18 433 110 35 S7 54 96 27 70 165 39 288 49 105 34 60 3,693 127 85 39 65 69 16 141 262 66 1,477 85 116 73 122 1,528 284 177 87 56 56 4 252 10 45 111 152 13 21 96 36 18 72 48 2 389 4 4 1 54 57 i 127 2 46 2 44 90 97 58 7 8 40 18 59 65 7 5 237 46 312 68 95 66 83 206 332 30 44 60 78 15 70 108 29 149 37 74 25 40 3,480 69 62 16 61 67 13 115 260 13 72,226 63 1,408 8 81,444 81 121 72 103 2 16,215 1,507 354 137 47 62 22,387 11,700 80,340 13,087 24,799 43,553 27,214 2,864,455 30,632 28,724 12,221 64 23,395 9,760 72,580 64,206 13,666 1,009,853 45,274 58,138 22,300 31,352 1,580,376 59,492 61,878 14,705 65 2,463 1,287 8,837 7,945 1,570 9,773 2,976 5,226 2,994 1,946 343,735 3,676 3,160 1,344 66 5 3 2 7 4 20 1 4 1 3 161 2 5 2 67 2 11 2 15 32 5 132 53 20 1 1 13 12 1 16 2 157 1,525 10 2 17 16 5 2 68 6 4 69 2 8 26 37 1 6 711 4 11 11 5 2 7 1 3 996 1 2 71 3 236 61 236 32 164 365 796 22 45 2 150 14 20 17 68 800 21,414 10 22 37 129 6 44 77 82 112 73 5 12 17 12 118 2 23 4 4 24 1 109 2 74 9 24 32 74 155 59 1,173 97 565 1,186 31 25 87 169 372 72 248 963 3,058 6,422 215 2 1 2 4 37 38 88 128 269 126 1 6 24 53 65 8 1 85 118 123 258 425 210 529 3,625 7,612 54 11 10 22 19 75 8 76 77 78 9 23 60 23 79 179 2,899 29,465 6,784 2,893 91,576 10,816 38,798 20,348 6,490 344,690 2,707 9,939 2,872 B0 440 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 3 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Hay crops, excludlnq soybean, cowpea, peanut, and sorghum hay. See text: Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Alfalfa cut forhoy(or for dehydrating). . farms reporting value. . dollars Clover or timothy cut for hay. ... farms reporting acres tons value. . dollars LespedezB cut for hay farms reporting tons value. . dollars Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grain cut for hay farms reporting value. . dollars Other hay cut farms reporting acres tons value. . dollars Silage made from grass or hay crops farms reporting acres tons.. green weight value. . dollars Hey sold farms reporting tons dollars Beceipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges farms reporting dol lars 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1549. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 43,290 372,951 471 139 2,725 a 42 6,174 1,076 232,179 558 139 5.573 1,182 5,474 1,021 169.788 32,522 17,437 280,620 177,770 273,080 149,744 8,585,843 8,643 3,254 47,915 18,810 42,190 15,488 1,181,320 7,426 39,393 28,945 32,931 22,057 1,061,679 11 204 867 6,936 2.481 19,666 514,914 522 39,649 388 4,316 134 1.476 54 202,980 261 196 1,575 1,214 1,233 899 34,524 108 627 499 615 481 19,680 48 210 5,318 1,404 232 50 2,283 984 1,923 1,268 60,190 68 11 621 211 372 142 10,416 102 1,330 634 1,380 679 44,160 1 50 150 1,200 24 244 5,872 105 41 8 613 187 498 158 17,181 294 4 287 3 ,036 69 581 405 13,365 5 21 794 2.544 30.594 20 2 163 7 472 9 16,520 31 9 593 48 660 48 20,460 2,428 2,108 27,736 22,561 24,255 17,783 739,778 3)4 462 2,016 2,033 1,973 1,656 55,244 44 338 340 359 302 11,129 73 330 2,640 220 1.587 40,100 42 2,471 179 2,149 1 122 1.473 1 1,230 3 280 1.789 5 4 403 2 16,523 3 615 2.784 805 110 45 1,515 488 1,294 481 44,643 924 67 508 18 358 10 71 2,004 6 579 49 7 872 58 774 42 26,703 34 1 234 50 139 50 3,892 46 386 50 312 30 10,296 1,750 29 8 828 349 1.204 203 41,538 19 2,100 228 776 495 913 203 30,129 12 64 2,015 1 65 46 77 20 2,695 242 32 1,491 594 1.899 716 65.516 213 8 621 38 614 57 17,192 233 670 37 591 53 19 , 503 3 60 1,180 4 594 21 203 5,854 2 50 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Hampton Horry Lexington Hay crops, excluding soybean, cowpea, peanut, and sorghum hay. See text: Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Alfalfa cut for hay (or for dehydrating). . . farms reporting acres tons value. . dollars Clover or timothy cut for hay.... farms reporting acres tons value. .dollars Lespedeza cut for hay farms reporting tons value. . dol lars Oats, wheat, barley, rye, or other small grain cut for hay farms reporting value. .dollars Other hay cut farms reporting acres tons value. . dollars Silage made from grass or hay crops farms reporting acres tons.. green weight value. .dollars Hay sold farms reporting tons dollars Receipts from sale of pasture and grazing privileges farms reporting dol lars 1949.. 1949.. 1949. 1944.. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949.. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1944. 1949. 1944. 1949. 2,179 16,255 32 21 118 80 269 77 9,415 31 14 190 51 162 39 5,022 1,885 1,200 13,501 8,074 12,190 7,131 371,795 350 155 1,802 617 1,515 680 42,420 223 747 364 708 321 21,948 738 11,141 7 2 25 4 81 3 3,208 23 11 299 166 224 103 5,824 619 424 9,346 5,975 8,331 4,534 260,760 83 74 7 59 386 765 353 21,420 119 785 1,141 726 863 23,232 146 1,270 9 2,588 8,919 7 1,189 2 17 690 132 795 20 2 57 2 40 2 1,640 6 654 ,071 4 6 22 57 63 52 ,331 24 19 140 23 2 351 31 299 13 10,316 43 30 230 133 147 84 4,116 79 630 996 534 506 17,622 840 1,239 65 3,491 337 3,549 494 113,568 784 5 2,027 13 2,075 14 58. 100 1,007 3,432 229 2,536 135 83,688 665 34 20 483 464 610 486 21,045 2 49 11 29 9 812 64 171 368 139 223 4,587 3,103 464 288 4,892 2,870 3,940 2,124 122.140 146 14 830 127 557 97 15,596 146 1. 165 1,303 609 698 18,879 1,091 9,632 22 2 74 4 147 3 5,439 5 5 21 27 19 17 551 946 1,069 8,219 8,680 7,594 8,122 235,414 156 170 847 829 793 728 22,204 120 590 1,078 482 957 14,942 1,240 16,559 11 8 83 72 225 76 7,875 29 22 343 248 374 253 11,594 1,163 883 15,047 11,901 14,888 10,230 454,084 176 103 1.118 503 1,101 476 30,828 56 344 719 270 636 8,370 613 5,081 4 16 45 "i.BOO 357 134 2,584 1,675 2,630 1,575 86,790 118 9 1,033 36 687 26 19,236 148 1,412 14 1.132 12 36,790 924 6,151 15 1 58 6 123 12 4,920 10 2 34 13 41 8 1,230 722 312 4,275 1,739 '..oil 1.627 133,452 237 54 1,227 322 915 230 25,620 101 489 43 380 54 12,350 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 1949. 223 1,504 31,642 49 1,800 57 498 11,689 9 340 5 16 483 54 319 ,860 4 410 5 61 1,462 10 1,086 26 157 4,526 25 4,475 660 17,058 51 514 11,296 14 696 20 200 5,275 3 32 43 271 7,613 II 1,327 SOUTH CAROLINA 441 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 194= Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Cheater Cheater- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorcheater Edgefield Fairfield Florence George- town 18S 539 1,095 1,068 1,212 676 791 1.090 1,257 472 353 701 2,269 434 1,563 2,286 9,230 14,887 9,977 3,774 5, 300 11,024 10,087 2,921 2,947 8,487 13,116 2,085 ? 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 1 1 6 1 1 2 3 4 113- 1 25 65 25 2,600 2 2 198 4 6,930 18 21 17 1 28 6,327 22 1 1 10 24 52 8 3 122 2 13 2 365 Q 4 2,640 2 10 14 123 10 44 9,250 23 8 650 11 533 9 4,466 16 475 1 6 3 1 6 7 89 1 149 1 238 1 33 1 19 1 59 4 133 2 68 27 123 11 145 8 1? 50 6 63 88 5 135 3 439 20 35 4 25 2 55 36 141 37 61 26 13 14 276 7 133 5 50 180 75 2,728 5 3,915 2 15,365 40 1,225 4 87 5 4 1,925 44 4,089 8 2,135 910 15 16 9.660 210 4,655 130 70 23 932 929 907 339 463 936 794 343 282 464 1,993 225 17 10 12 1,045 847 342 122 236 49 75 90 178 515 431 14 18 493 304 7,812 12, 170 7,491 2,035 2,936 8,966 6,774 2,036 2.466 5,830 10,643 1,166 19 145 219 9,042 11,259 3,7 59 996 2,062 437 1,02 2 765 1,439 6,562 3,059 247 20 439 410 6,843 12,029 7,213 2,917 3,230 10,072 8,691 2,031 2,564 4,024 11,960 1,194 21 140 292 6,742 10, 182 3,582 803 2, 143 415 1.033 675 1,401 5,026 3,338 306 22 14,487 14,145 208,712 372,899 230,816 96,261 111,435 322,304 278,112 70,070 80,253 124,744 382,720 38,208 23 81 48 2 22 213 339 272 50 115 278 106 9 149 349 151 24 17 265 94 1.043 190 2,023 170 1,932 109 1,071 4 308 173 1,040 5 1,359 7 603 54 59 7 837 5 1,686 484 600 76 43 480 51 21 71 443 282 946 1,995 1,454 708 283 876 1,276 478 45 646 1,902 434 28 135 435 966 576 257 5 778 25 26 367 38 25 79 ?9 12,404 7,896 26,488 55,860 40,712 19,824 7,924 24.528 35.728 13,384 1,260 18,088 53,256 12, 152 30 47 469 82 198 113 117 324 139 408 63 86 218 193 118 31 429 1,657 397 1,023 457 567 2,004 ■ 1,016 1.86! 252 422 1.657 934 433 32 1,816 1,040 222 2.718 62 1,226 334 98 45 430 7 41 1,812 52 157 33 422 1,657 411 853 356 264 1,172 928 1,791 252 441 1,342 7 46 368 34 964 1,274 225 1.964 37 506 301 77 37 202 596 1,390 37 197 35 13,715 54,681 12,741 26,443 11,748 8,580 38, 676 30.624 59,103 8,316 14,112 41,602 24,618 12,144 36 37 38 39 14 5 141 27 77* 46 23 49 192 18 9 17 68 23 40 41 85 16 603 157 357 660 106 728 912 79 31 183 828 93 42 2,842 513 17,323 4,609 9,622 19,022 3,526 19 , 040 28,193 2,491 895 4,805 23,337 2,242 4J 1 44 45 121 714 781 .523 742 1,426 3,841 1,375 125 350 350 263 10 McCormlck Marlon Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union Williams- burg York 458 922 454 1,234 1,497 982 1,156 8 40 964 2,402 731 728 1,635 1,644 4,436 4,992 8,401 12,796 11,780 8,330 6,702 8,606 7,132 20,943 5,763 8,425 7,324 22,834 ? 2 6 64 6 16 9 13 6 29 3 4 1 69 1 13 3 1 20 4 24 8 95 23 109 10 174 77 431 65 139 1,166 136 75 7 34,294 26 7 328 24 276 24 7,176 1,123 6,370 14 3 157 12 92 14 2,852 1,242 4,360 23 6,960 26 1 567 1 329 1 9,870 470 2,970 11 2 61 79 49 54 1,274 894 15,085 27 8 446 68 448 48 13,888 2,093 731 25 43. 142 26 7 310 65 272 68 9 10 11 25 2 96 2 88 3 2,728 903 10 1 66 1 68 1 2,040 486 1 1 4 3 18 100 39 215 115 12 13 5 175 4 3 140 692 31 2,759 627 15 5,250 767 16 17 265 278 1,190 1,424 132 47 37 702 523 367 443 181 674 930 224 499 168 1,434 18 2,776 3,753 6,315 10,526 9,506 5,769 5,116 5,270 6,462 17,188 3,430 6,565 5,226 16,960 19 1,196 312 643 6,503 3,7 57 3,935 2,303 2,982 4,724 8,361 2,621 5.489 1,174 21,204 20 2,805 4,836 7,124 11.087 7,546 6,032 4,899 5,429 5,975 14, 309 4,076 6,600 5,731 16,607 21 948 317 531 5,370 3,012 3,640 1,956 3,042 3,592 6,490 2,301 3,692 1,060 17,228 22 87,796 154,752 227,968 347,023 230,153 199,056 149,420 179,157 187,018 436,424 134,508 201,300 183,392 514,817 23 85 176 136 111 414 185 209 272 32 450 186 170 474 318 24 88 267 7 83 195 79 201 3 36 63 16 21 12 43 25 450 833 1,046 699 1,865 1,794 966 1,506 191 2,573 1,448 1,133 1,541 3,111 26 552 1,407 79 809 1,119 426 1,067 24 152 402 66 90 47 258 361 7 54 867 616 1,587 1,374 1,152 1,320 209 2,232 1,069 1,091 1,421 3,059 352 1,399 43 725 1,505 330 989 27 260 295 32 74 33 208 10,108 21,112 24.276 17,248 44, 436 38,472 32,256 36,960 5,852 62,496 29,932 30,548 39,788 85,652 218 113 12 133 100 69 157 207 81 130 95 80 146 290 31 1,297 357 876 838 323 528 529 1,248 356 672 858 682 608 2,131 32 1.124 2.535 263 787 88 960 202 50 148 666 393 1,265 50 1,333 33 1,218 319 591 644 305 397 563 $69 406 602 682 582 542 1,659 34 811 2,348 219 761 115 534 135 40 120 484 162 868 S3 1,439 3b 38.976 10,527 19,503 20,608 9,455 1 15 100 800 135 12,902 17,453 31,492 12,992 2 5 19 152 45 18,662 2 36 168 1,344 144 22,165 18,042 49 17,886 64 51,429 1 25 100 800 48 J6 37 38 39 25 81 40 28 49 24 56 63 46 41 449 165 1,723 1,042 769 195 282 871 216 852 263 538 193 610 42 13,030 4,680 40,314 27,412 20,868 5,314 7,859 25,898 6,951 21,937 6,974 13,827 6,360 15,989 43 3 2 6 5 32 19 35 12 6 44 5 12 6 21 44 280 85, 767 78 898 834 989 803 385 1,664 2,832 574 917 1,681 45 442 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 4 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Lespedeza seed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops: 1 19 44.. acres 1949.. 1944.. pounds 1949. . 1944. . 5.384 3,080 66,643 40,182 15,136,078 6,913,867 300 202 3,240 2,022 790,128 287,823 79 21 916 183 189,698 41.240 20 4 1,019 430 314,400 81,000 1.337 998 20,878 14,719 5.107,319 2,564,703 13 1 91 8 12,150 3,000 20 10 3 46 47 8,650 5,200 2 3 576 4 5 81,325 6 7 value. . dollars 1949. . Bcres 1949. . pounds 1949. . value. .dollars 1949. . Crimson clover seed harvested. . . . farms reporting 1949. . acres 1949. . 1,706,146 98 3,825 2,067,057 129,527 264 2,215 94,815 1 8 8.000 560 27 207 22,764 12 393 200,402 14,028 1 4 37,728 49 2,136 1,014,996 60,900 1 35 561,805 1.458 4 82 76,800 4,608 9,759 e 370 89,200 5,352 1.038 8 9 10 11 1? 14 2 112 23,700 4,029 2 10 2.400 408 IS 14 pounds 1949. . 306, 135 28 , 308 1,000 IS value, .dollars 1949. . value. . dol lars 1949.. Value of lespedeza seed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops sold farms reporting 1949.. 52,045 3,852 116,714 5,083 4,811 81 3,513 293 170 109 1,7 20 77 2,202 23 702 50 2,849 261 17,266 1,268 16 133 4,895 17 64 2,048 26 17 18 2 7 19 dollars 1949. . Other field crops: 1,542,299 63,908 34,462 103,825 419,931 6,739 19,449 5,310 1.495 20 Irish potatoes harvested for hom"e 32,178 664 482 121 1,063 239 388 159 779 21 1944.. 44,813 1,103 141 76 2.063 764 150 267 377 22 acres 1949 l . 9.430 46 16 20 77 12 15 323 67 23 1944.. 26,079 217 86 159 401 146 79 964 413 24 bushels 1949. . 1,326,342 6,296 2,633 1,535 9,422 2.419 3,130 58,473 9,293 25 1944.. 1,355,626 11,590 3,335 6,867 18,923 14, 346 2.345 48,948 23, 176 26 value. .dollars 1949- . 2,566,185 11,962 5,003 2,993 17,902 4,717 6,104 114,022 18,121 27 sold. .dollars 1949. . 1,756,459 356 324 510 709 127 33 104,029 4.797 28 Sweetpotatoes harvested for home 53,012 860 1,308 356 1,578 387 567 1,078 1.581 29 1944. . 85,915 1,683 1.905 633 3,772 929 690 1,005 1.472 30 acres 1949 * . 36, 530 212 974 233 497 255 507 743 1,023 31 1944.. 63,915 641 1,867 437 1,324 334 7 39 1.053 1.151 32 bushels 1949. . 3,605,521 21,634 98,249 15,260 54.109 18,597 75,239 49,756 89.092 33 1944. . 6,272,392 51,249 135,485 37,778 132,919 33,463 70,625 47,486 89.977 34 vhIuc. .dollars 1949. . 7,232,085 46,297 210,253 29,757 117,417 36,264 146.716 97,024 173,729 35 sold. .dollars 1949. . 3,064,346 3,012 99,461 9,069 33.127 9,464 93.358 36,423 55.190 36 93,326 1,318 2,336 633 3.813 1,193 1.525 566 1.921 37 1944. . 102,588 1,805 3,028 884 4.917 1,220 1.968 432 1.099 38 acres 1949. . 1,197,845 15,599 39,984 20,827 54, 652 21,933 30.874 1,420 11.743 39 1944.. 1,024.084 18,083 36,515 13,727 59,921 16,162 26,839 997 5.650 40 bales 1949.. 543,936 6,734 17,631 5,171 23,043 5.187 9,409 435 4.023 41 1944.. 845,944 11,651 30,493 9.744 45.477 12,662 19,720 543 5.143 42 value. .dollars 1949. . 88,651,440 1.124,578 2,944,377 822.189 3.825,138 824,733 1,496,031 69,165 639, 6S7 43 sold. .dollars 1949. . 79,290,546 1,006,624 2,636,880 767,281 3,419,668 751,235 1,436,677 56,623 560,438 44 33,876 31,081 1 3 5 lb 35 2 412 11! 674 260 45 46 acres 1949. . 1944.. pounds 1949. . 103,802 106.758 125.0B0.028 ( 2 ) < 2 ) 2 18 16 20,899 9 89 49 9 47 48 49 50 2,340 205,909 297,210 value. .dollars 1949.. 61,263,001 53 1,053 10.032 3,905 31,622 4,560 286,890 194 52 Sugarcane or sorghum harvested 5.243 92 130 224 73 153 102 99 53 acres 1949. ■ 2,642 66 51 no 56 60 51 44 61 54 gBllons 1949.. 162,205 2,975 3,859 7,985 3,250 5,239 3,015 1,640 3,569 55 value. . dol 1 ars 1949.. 235,98 2 4,462 5.788 10,780 4.875 7,073 4,070 2,214 4,818 56 sold. .dollars 1949. . 66,952 2,619 1,471 1,610 9 57 1,733 875 341 314 57 All other crops harvested, except 282 . on (') 7 S 58 141 sold.. dollars 1949.. 4,382 365 25 240 240 Korl949, does not include acres tor farms with less Iwi.rirlrd in amnll frnrlii.ni th.Cn 15 bushels harvested. See text. SOUTH CAROLINA 443 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence ( i.-,,! I'r town Green- ville 10 3 17 80 8B 1 2 42 102 6 9 15 6 2 3 6 7 207 123 190 708 1,071 2,922 33 35 1,769 437 111 131 360 67 3,288 3 46 26,900 309 101,232 1,487 284,425 1, 179 592,549 89 7.075 157 4,868 228 338,177 124 129,960 7 36 17,216 72 33,242 89 74,562 1,692 755,295 57 , 200 20,720 5 11,025 87,964 317,305 250,709 52,400 15,400 43,368 22,500 1.215 6,000 12,820 15,500 331, B03 3,228 1 6,864 1 19,936 28,442 71,106 849 584 40,581 1 15,595 2,066 3,324 8,947 2,486 B3.082 10 11 12 13 14 15 80 9 „ 660 700 18.8B0 4,527 5,300 12,580 40,232 31 301 114 7,937 2 50 390 9 135 216 3, 159 10 37 5 15 68 10 20 112 83 185 5 4 76 25 16 12 22 4 IB 4,138 21,198 22,292 27,374 60,250 670 152 33,964 8,839 4,226 2,024 8,047 2,218 19 391 396 693 409 1.530 1.B54 163 1,284 1,033 139 379 99 1,226 651 1.447 20 53 456 815 858 2,065 1,516 707 7 50 646 454 659 931 2,423 125 1,825 21 32 3,962 30 28 51 70 255 31 108 79 82 14 10 2 43 84 22 60 6,485 142 193 370 225 1 , 416 163 201 346 142 162 458 131 547 23 5,952 737,943 5,257 3,654 10,528 12,514 23,258 8,609 15,329 7,644 5,399 1,231 13.473 5,333 14,514 24 4,464 302,886 7,815 10,458 28,9e4 13,828 79,549 8,283 12,758 18,110 5,524 8,692 34,579 5,936 26,690 25 11,309 1,438,989 9,988 6,943 20,003 23,777 45,353 16,357 29,152 14,906 10,258 2,339 25,599 10, 133 27,577 26 3,579 1,260,073 93 970 539 674 38,832 1,662 3,015 9,750 370 112 3,912 1,085 3,165 27 748 468 932 689 1,612 1,319 1,100 1,543 1,220 603 662 471 1,946 963 1,850 28 1,156 1,339 1,331 1,278 2.255 2,622 1,793 2,158 837 1,050 933 1,587 3,155 1,418 3,550 29 902 438 230 220 343 718 1,535 510 471 956 342 267 8B2 550 444 30 1,290 1,789 62B 691 921 1,892 1,696 1,560 424 990 468 667 1,722 1,182 1,744 31 108,065 26,975 22, 228 21,553 43,314 66,724 118,892 59,763 58,230 75,079 26,210 18,972 103,913 38,462 55,654 32 142,479 174,392 71,575 57,973 107,326 144,063 154,622 166,526 44, 562 90', 302 32,597 58,145 221,668 102,081 171,348 33 210,727 52,601 48,235 45,261 86,628 130,112 231,839 119,526 116,460 146,404 56,089 39,841 207,826 76,924 120,769 34 105,929 21,463 4,708 10,926 14,111 35,035 136,317 33,582 38,515 84,072 9,387 5,870 61,997 18,369 28,050 35 1,269 333 2,064 1,632 3,019 3,741 1.6B8 3,371 2,838 1,297 1,545 - 1,051 5,289 462 2,803 36 1,663 197 2,269 1,898 2,847 3,562 1,689 3,164 2,533 1,275 1,834 1,376 4,566 554 4,317 37 25,384 1,092 28,857 19,313 51,062 46, 178 15,784 40,024 35,344 13,393 18,389 9,758 34,646 2,128 31,751 38 23,747 534 25,246 19,305 37,475 31,678 10.597 30,844 24,104 9,670 17,819 10,968 27,024 1,980 36,789 39 14,132 330 15,678 9,664 25, 204 19,749 3,280 22, 186 17,472 3,233 10,967 4,929 15,346 566 11,550 40 19,992 279 22,536 15,569 30.273 25,991 8,430 25,644 24,538 8,009 16,199 7.644 22,434 1.308 29,631 41 2,275,252 52,470 2,602,548 1,594,560 4,057,844 3,179,589 521,520 3,571,946 2,812,992 514,047 1,831,489 813,285 2,470,706 91,126 1,917,300 42 1,970,113 45, 160 2,303,451 1,422,072 3,851,505 2,954,157 466,243 3,221,046 2,430,903 437,973 1,596,548 789,970 2,184,379 70,297 1.603,682 43 3 1 3 861 22 44 4 10 6,466 7,200 3,168 598,748 5,823,839 335,398 417,608 354, 362 291 9,905,978 11,248,087 902,943 21,967,140 2,590,942 216 2,802 83 225 15 1,180 93 432,498 81 3,189,362 487 4,695,327 91 6,431,687 45 409,892 137 120 26 12,114,425 126 1,070.493 36 4.137 61 51 71 52 23 11 82 64 43 140 174 20 10 45 69 16 35 15 40 53 1,497 866 3,950 2,380 2,284 10.7BB 12,765 1,923 1,311 4,731 2,934 478 2,679 812 1.883 54 2,246 1, 169 5.925 4,284 3,198 16,182 17,233 2,692 1,835 6,387 4,401 860 3,751 1.137 2,824 55 447 867 2,236 1,048 452 1,459 5,953 482 623 2,021 136 86 89 704 1,114 56 68 492 505 ( 2 ) 23 1 150 25 47 700 (2) 30 58 444 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 4 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lee Lexington Lespedeza 3eed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops: l Lespedeza seed harvested farms reporting 1949.. 104 14 2 6 95 55 335 25 130 2 3 19 44.. acres 1949. . 1 13 52 232 9 31 1,183 262 2 30 1,428 413 5,306 501 596 4 S 49 2 3 220 477 4,498 198 204 pounds 1949.. 267 , 409 25,830 300 5,305 242,824 100,151 9B 1,131 136,450 185,383 6 7 1944.. value, .dollars 1949.. 102,286 32,089 160 6 37 58,985 24,282 87,113 10,015 831.921 107,924 20,510 16,374 49,002 22,246 3,100 36 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IB acres 1949.. pounds 1949.. value. .dollars 1949. . Crimson clover seed harvested. ... farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949.. pounds 1949.. value. .dollars 1949. . value.. dollars 1949. . Value of lespedeza seed, clover, grass, and other field seed crops sold farms reporting 1949.. 1 5 10 15,000 4,650 1 2 19 1 3 284 20 , 800 3,536 10 417 109 2 9 132 4 11 400 500 15,208 800 1,500 68 85 2,585 136 255 1,288 202 136 49 1,783 5,050 1,281 18 1 5 48 62 298 24 112 19 dollars 1949.. Other field crops: 26,105 28,001 60 2,126 36,522 9,400 84.701 13,124 13,050 20 Irish potatoes harvested for home 304 311 2,254 68 484 540 798 285 910 21 1944.. 588 553 3,222 226 620 1,130 1,124 414 1,392 22 acres 1949 1 . 36 709 2,002 44 33 44 58 11 47 23 1944. . 200 1,842 5,102 390 142 223 240 74 574 24 bushels 1949. . 3,477 75,018 139,885 3,412 2,765 5,149 7,347 2,585 7,646 25 1944. . 7,244 60,781 264,410 15, 326 5. OBI 14,752 12,437 4,221 59,035 26 value.. dollars 1949.. 6,606 146,285 265,782 6,653 5,254 9.7B3 13,959 4,912 14.527 27 sold. .dollars 1949.. 741 114,49 3 157,472 4,377 2B8 478 S87 250 2.243 28 Sweetpotatoes harvested for home 597 538 4,567 468 920 665 1.193 701 1,540 29 1944. . 893 910 5,022 727 2,071 1,660 2,158 1,543 2,561 30 acres 1949 l . 265 620 7,383 363 468 166 380 712 868 31 1944. . 500 923 6,788 748 1,308 672 1,324 2,809 2,716 32 bushels 19 49.. 21,880 49,244 801,669 26,385 37,037 15,271 38.336 66,309 92,115 33 1944. . 30,757 70,461 879,182 56,045 125,166 60,925 102,297 261,212 327,315 34 value, .dollars 19 49. . 46,823 96,026 1,603,338 51,451 77,778 32,069 83,189 129,303 179,624 35 sold, .dollars 1949.. 10,943 37,360 891, 338 31,577 17 , 320 4,209 12,014 55,424 75,870 36 90 3 87 3 1,524 599 2,012 1,537 2,023 2,354 1,457 37 1944. . 1.20B 97 5 1,211 448 2,194 2,07 2 2,952 2,429 1,848 3B acres 1949.. 8,920 13,617 5,759 2,973 29,761 15,473 30,644 48,125 17 , 000 39 1944.. 11,060 9,664 3,211 1,699 25,303 15,993 36,643 39,727 14,437 40 bales 1949. . 4,097 4,245 2,151 1,002 15,029 8,052 16,836 28,348 8,966 41 19 44.. 6,741 6,635 2,964 1,035 18,070 11,223 26 , 450 36,111 12,105 42 value. .dollars 1949. . 684,199 674,955 346,311 159,318 2,479,7B5 1.328,580 2,794,776 4,564,028 1,443,526 43 sold.. dollars 1949.. 615,967 625,518 266,065 132,865 2,329,979 1,289,050 2,593,175 4,113,055 1,318,549 44 1944.. acres 1949.. 2 2 7 3 38 6,310 6,316 25,439 28 16 46 172 35 345 3 9 5 851 690 1,853 45 46 15 47 48 pounds 1949. . 3,891 40,560 31,695,645 51,704 283,281 10,200 6,804 1,912,439 49 50 value. .dollars 1949. . sold. .dollars 1949. . Sugarcane or sorghum harvested 1,751 2,372 47 19,469 20,530 198 15,530,866 15,712,962 114 24,818 21,049 187 127,476 112,972 85 4,590 4,820 85 4,763 6,023 44 937.095 817,914 20 51 52 140 53 acres 1949.. 47 85 33 96 76 73 34 7 50 54 gallons 1949.. 1,371 8,240 4,184 6,620 2,378 2,962 1,37 3 360 4,464 55 value, .dol lars 19 49. . 2,056 11,124 5,858 8,937 4,280 5,332 2,060 540 6.696 56 sold. .dollars 1949.. 569 4,105 2,333 4,070 2,041 1,478 67 3 7 2.O0B 57 All -^ther crops harvested, except (2) 45 2 2 58 59 sold. .dollars 1949.. 600 100 For 1949, does not include acres for farms with leS3 than Reported in small fractions. 15 bushels harvested. See text. SOUTH CAROLINA 445 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union William* burg York 17 5 35 429 205 38 109 75 237 466 19 40 5 165 1 15 1 13 188 76 14 10 3 16 194 182 9 7 1 160 2 128 38 631 3,974 2,152 602 56 5 790 1.6B2 5,501 443 2B8 42 1,875 3 , 313 1 168 2,385 1.106 87 903 232 1,750 1,716 141 90 10 2,264 4 27,17 3 12,700 139,927 954,513 502,087 189,660 121,511 189,296 348,829 1,092,297 65,278 67,520 9,208 444,205 5 50,558 80 17,475 302,082 189,143 25, 0B1 134,848 88,275 157,649 255,868 40,640 14,900 3,100 332,996 6 3,261 1,524 16,791 114,542 1 12 2,400 168 63 362 55,230 22,759 3 32 22,500 1,125 4 30 13,366 22,716 41,859 120,153 7,833 7,427 1,105 44.420 7 10 11 4 35 1 1 5 50 4 19 1 135 B 38 7 72 1 1 5 26 13 4,900 150 55,435 5,700 4,400 2,140 5,600 4,682 8,015 100 2,350 833 26 9,424 20 969 32 748 364 952 796 1,363 17 400 644 3,145 1,226 15 4 31 424 185 38 97 75 202 441 18 33 3 150 18 2,701 1,025 14,284 80,138 35,813 16,799 11,024 24,006 42,780 102,311 8.561 4,637 6,350 45,843 19 271 1,271 353 850 1,102 477 533 646 415 1,656 809 366 1,093 793 20 618 1,321 1.207 1,540 1,851 1,035 1,692 496 988 1,591 811 695 1,240 1,235 21 27 104 25 38 71 23B 38 24 36 74 36 85 54 49 22 111 530 191 19 3 361 574 299 122 212 332 160 139 207 355 23 2,728 14,373 3,353 6,248 10,717 22,079 4,548 5,815 4,342 13,100 7,034 6,353 7,924 6,605 24 4,223 32,272 16,446 11,589 19, 262 28,093 18,560 6,000 15,060 21,274 10,261 7,461 11,771 11,981 25 5.183 27,309 6.371 11.871 20.362 41,950 8,641 11.048 B.250 24,890 13,365 12,071 15,056 12,550 26 227 1,735 131 316 2.378 23.694 492 767 443 1,354 439 2,041 2,573 224 27 504 1.664 550 1,292 1.136 2,276 786 1,197 632 2,392 1,358 743 2.312 1,140 28 863 1,483 1,572 1,939 2,235 3,537 2,361 1,646 1,122 3,147 2,370 1,413 3,999 2,132 29 228 854 25S 296 213 6,053 244 415 245 724 789 378 951 408 30 355 1,185 669 611 811 6,738 926 1,042 434 1,551 2,101 778 2,738 978 31 16,107 91,033 26,357 33.263 20,853 565, 5S1 22,098 48,128 25,406 72.867 112,633 33,250 86,945 36.B14 32 22,595 130,783 72,920 56,116 64,032 622,420 68,222 97,112 44,696 165,127 214,681 83,161 273,092 85,434 33 34,469 182,066 52,714 71,183 45,251 1,102,824 47,953 93,850 54. 369 158,121 219.634 72,152 173,890 77,309 34 2,112 66,102 16,872 7,115 4,554 632,392 12,986 29,246 18.256 38,987 82,723 13,922 35,736 19,853 35 797 2,400 2,432 1,738 1.874 4,971 1,693 1,330 1.679 4,281 2,937 1,05? 4,606 2,547 36 981 2,088 2.568 1.902 2.359 6,020 2,279 1,171 1.761 5,416 2,779 1,282 4. 7 IB 2.830 37 8,086 17,993 66,193 16,119 16.994 93, 442 14.586 13.717 16,540 48,735 58,390 12,820 38,813 33,010 38 8,436 11,120 48,298 15,557 18,616 71,394 17,400 8.894 13,233 55,505 39,569 14,422 30,937 27,292 39 3,204 7,097 33,796 10, 399 6,643 38,883 5,006 6,396 12,049 21,286 27,960 6,014 10,830 19,728 4C 4,437 9,986 59,742 12,126 13,633 62,261 14.685 6.7B0 12, 463 42,238 34,518 9,040 26,734 22,057 41 535,068 1,142,617 5,441,156 1.736,633 1,102,738 6,260,163 830,996 1,029.756 2,012,183 3,533.476 4,501,560 998,324 1,743,630 3,255,120 42 499,815 944,006 4,779,368 1,505,858 969,332 5,459.316 709,956 964, 356 1,797,903 3.118,447 4,003,739 875,511 1,480,126 2,915,665 43 2,628 2,501 1,025 8 4.881 4,875 13, 147 13,936 14,399,690 13.950.435 7.055.848 6,582,528 245 7 6 16 3 15,005 1,460 6,752 6,115 58 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 412 12 9,574 1,636 2,440 5 9,431 1,463 2 2 12,475,739 1,602,841 13,000 12,046 4,800 10,685,330 1,459,240 1 015 2.356,581 1,342,153 1.262,898 45 6.113,112 785,392 1,419 1,202 120 3,360 2,370 108 112,932 229 5,154 66 5,920 54 95 130 10 111 137 85 73 29 8 75 86 102 48 28 42 108 12 94 88 62 53 2,704 2,705 583 3,100 4,540 8,658 2,558 1,016 2,567 5,448 1,457 3,400 6,366 2,338 54 4,056 3,787 816 4,650 6,810 12,987 3,837 1,524 3,850 8,172 2,186 5,100 8,912 4,208 55 792 582 679 1,851 15 1,399 294 2,395 21 372 385 1,663 2B 1,200 1,300 2,199 16 238 123 458 721 3 180 180 2.974 386 584 4,243 2.497 56 57 58 59 991354 O- 52 - 30 446 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 5 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) r The State Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Basberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than 1 r i ah and sweet potatoes) : 1 Vegetables harvested r or home use. . farms reporting 1949- . 110,966 1,581 2,741 547 4,388 1,116 1,226 948 2,375 2 1944. . 132,792 2.053 3,195 977 5,775 1,400 2,048 1,214 2,051 3 Vegetables harvested for sale. ... farms reporting 1949.. 15,081 40 545 465 325 849 1,377 470 167 4 1944. . 24,068 117 1,034 561 645 967 1.450 533 74 5 acres 1949.. 96,227 57 3,482 6,581 760 7,109 14,867 6,366 332 6 1944. . 90,092 119 3,482 4,809 926 6,049 10,822 5,528 300 7 sold. .dollars 1949.. 7,630,218 3,821 149,736 294,897 53,746 286,571 650,344 1,226,510 35,842 8 1944. . 8,266,888 8,761 218,293 235,381 57,480 350,101 918.527 913,965 67,123 acres 1949. . Green beans (snap, string. 93 18 3 6 452 4,840 95 76 18 I 1 ) 131 20 58 81 76 1 120 11 16 89 12 1944. . 9,015 66 161 38 223 44 9 215 51 13 acres 1949. . 13,455 J 32 13 47 81 9 567 186 14 1944.. 15,596 18 107 32 95 47 4 701 132 IS 2,664 11 130 21 98 13 83 152 9 16 acres 1949. . 2,994 5 102 13 31 »24 18 208 3 17 1,089 2 59 4 54 6 80 18 3 18 1944. . 1,828 19 63 1 132 3 2 24 4 19 acres 1949. . 3,120 1 20 (') 16 12 10 243 2 20 1944. . 3,208 4 32 (') 29 (') 1 146 100 21 Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting 1949.. 2.7B6 7 145 44 172 220 703 6 39 22 acres 1949. . 6,159 4 299 81 145 796 2,277 2 33 23 1,545 10 59 11 154 13 17 21 6 24 1944. . 4,097 21 129 20 182 27 7 12 5 25 acres 1949. . 3,730 9 73 17 146 30 15 517 23 26 1944.. 4,037 14 111 22 118 49 7 9 3 27 3,453 2 33 155 25 592 467 82 44 28 acres 1949. . 6,640 (') 15 295 4 1,067 988 676 41 29 30 31 acres 1949. - 3 (l) (') (') 632 3 23 2 44 4 14 17 4 32 1944.. 2,690 10 118 17 120 8 10 50 7 33 acres 1949. . 725 (') 17 (') 17 13 4 17 3 34 1944.. 3,007 8 67 10 40 12 60 61 20 35 36 37 Sweet peppers and pimientos. .. farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949.. n 7 197 1,132 I 1 ) 2 (') 4 57 3 49 6 33 22 3 38 acres 1949. . 1,499 1 32 1 11 6 5 449 3 39 3,079 19 112 13 168 45 83 283 8 40 1944. . 5,895 69 176 22 258 60 14 258 7 41 acres 1949.. 4,036 12 82 24 82 76 31 842 2 2 42 1944.. 5,786 26 115 13 110 106 9 773 43 6,784 14 431 463 211 622 1.228 99 27 44 acres 1949. . 45,376 12 2,677 6,134 210 4,981 11,417 81 33 4S 6,832 6 37 3 47 2 11 2,455 2 Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: 46 ;03 1 15 3 45 2 2 3 47 48 49 50 acres 1949. . quarts 1949. . value.. dollars 1949.. Blackberries and dewberries 430 256,916 86,725 79 1 250 (') (M 1 10,314 668 200 234 70 3 1 51 52 53 acres 1949. . quarts 1949. . value.. dollurs 1949.. 9,296 2,080 1,960 392 75 16 «! 54 55 value. .dollars 1949. . 31 4,889 .! Hep or tod in sum 11 fractions SOUTH CAROLINA 447 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 1,349 1,125 2,152 1,734 3,133 3,331 2,257 3,296 2,910 1,392 1,645 1,094 5,558 1,412 1 1,685 1,638 2,585 2,286 3,029 3,587 2,681 3,633 2,498 1,675 2,149 1,977 5,620 1,886 2 203 533 125 54 80S 13B 324 552 108 215 106 20 928 47 3 106 845 195 125 432 547 512 312 203 230 239 45 1 , 1 37 106 4 960 8,680 226 106 5,497 243 2,090 2,726 190 1,139 294 32 5,527 596 5 1,051 8,229 384 176 1,604 754 1,759 1,775, 423 816 7 49 29 2,482 496 6 63,353 1,544,356 11,762 5,941 223,939 21,540 220,603 222,720 19,488 80,634 25,740 3,427 344,279 78,284 7 60,713 1,376,019 2 •5 20,533 15,391 85,373 1 38,585 137,039 94,035 39,699 46,616 86 , 262 17 2,512 1 300,993 115,444 8 10 11 54 377 20 25 36 58 124 15 4 100 10 8 483 25 75 552 75 47 49 294 108 26 2 140 35 12 723 48 12 99 2,531 6 10 56 66 240 9 1 350 5 14 3,762 206 13 299 2,912 29 28 66 399 362 23 2 296 28 4 1,226 177 14 97 229 10 10 41 15 53 29 4 22 64 6 126 22 IS 170 256 6 5 34 5 54 18 1 27 54 1 172 10 16 6 148 11 14 17 9 12 6 2 4 10 4 28 10 17 8 123 25 20 13 5 21 11 4 10 5 20 15 18 2 2,180 2 3 9 3 16 3 (') 3 4 1 12 52 19 10 2,182 6 5 9 4 13 5 6 3 1 12 5 20 9 46 20 121 7 6 7 2 3 3 4 20 8 '1 32 40 22 274 2 3 21 6 11 2 1 14 6 n 82 118 23 7 24 7 26 16 4 87 10 5 44 18 23 37 77 79 29 12 6 25 15 3 63 6 4 37 18 24 470 545 16 3 31 9 54 19 2 505 10 2 50 24 25 282 139 64 .19 29 4 23 11 8 286 9 1 45 6 26 7 260 7 7 54 137 181 3 20 3 2 370 9 ?7 12 897 1 10 53 516 242 2 26 1 (M 425 51 78 19 168 23 1 (M 8 2 200 3 2 7 1 1 2 I 3 8 5 28 5 57 10 30 14 5 2 5 2 3 31 22 79 17 6 20 16 30 20 3 6 3 7 69 22 32 36 15 1 (') 12 1 1 6 (') 4 6 1 27 2 33 103 101 4 1 18 14 25 18 5 6 (') 2 87 8 34 18 3 4 2 (l) 2 • 7 1 1 1 11 13 8 5 35 36 14 117 5 4 11 3 10 1 4 3 6 2 108 11 37 14 178 1 1 12 1 8 (M 3 3 2 (') 89 53 38 23 35 147 29 30 66 50 74 14 92 6 28 5 44 23 39 241 86 54 76 57 103 26 188 25 40 12 36 36 40 29 381 10 15 169 66 116 5 131 6 19 1 38 18 41 51 487 32 20 75 47 110 15 290 25 32 3 17 28 42 35 76 95 40 615 23 122 195 8 38 24 9 46 20 43 40 345 137 43 4,852 31 669 1,985 37 192 56 7 269 66 44 56 1,163 5 4 34 6 213 407 5 12 10 4 651 46 45 2 (') 165 56 7 2 840 294 8 2 481 159 8 2 873 288 7 1 239 81 3 46 6 1 493 173 10 4 1,053 358 13 95 48,500 16.490 2 180 63 3 1 500 175 5 1 382 126 7 6 2,462 837 9 3 1,865 634 1 60 46 47 48 49 50 51 5? 9 14 1 104 S3 54 55 1 448 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Tart 5 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item (For definitions end explanations, see text) Vegetables for home use and for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes): Vegetables harvested for home use. . farms reporting 1949. 1944. Vegetables harvested for sale. ... farms reporting 1949- 1944. acres 1949- 1944. sold. .dollars 1949. 1944. Asparagus farms reporting 1949- acres 1949. Green beans (snap, string, or wax) farms reporting 1949- 1944. acres 1949- 1944- Green lima beans farms reporting 1949 - acres 1949- Cabbage farms reporting 1949. 1944. acres 1949. 1944- Cantaloups and muskmelons farms reporting 1949- acres 1949. Sweet com farms reporting 1949. 1944. Bcres 1949. 1944. Cucumbers farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. Lettuce and romaine farms reporting 1949. acres 1949. Green peas (English) farms reporting 1949- 1944. acres 1949. 1944. Sweet peppers arid pimentos. . . larms reporting 1949. acres 1949. Squash farms reporting 1949. acres 1949 Tomatoes farms reporting 1949 1944 acres 1949 1944 Viatermelona farms reporting 1949 acres 1949. Other vegetables ...acres 1949 Berries and other small fruits harvested for sale: StrawberrieB farms reporting 1949 acres 1949 quarts 1949 value. . dol lars 1949 Blackberries and dewberries (tame) .. farms reporting 1949 acres 1949 quarts 1949 value. .dollars 1949 Other berries acres 1949 value. .dollars 1949 1 Reported in small fractions. jlampton Horry Jasper 4,643 6,814 240 2,267 932 3,224 79,641 326,674 2 1 130 1,091 223 435 67 40 46 235 31 87 80 65 85 1,316 127 916 20 10 Q 4 21 546 6 193 10 4 49 38 131 849 102 291 102 100 67 26 10,536 3,477 3 1 430 103 1,271 1,818 68 203 120 242 11.210 14,489 2 643 225 1 1 60 12 1,016 1,439 419 411 3,847 3.236 190,224 146,733 110 10 5 275 402 11 11 16 3 10 1 16 6 21 37 20 13 5 10 3 49 1 56 3 2 (l) 4 4 32 40 1 10 14 94 4 1 10 41 2 30 33 9 80 47 12 54 27 111 24 350 26 3,387 13 6 2 2 1,075 376 5,704 6,105 232 576 1,091 1,112 118.176 97, 125 103 484 180 752 29 17 28 10 48 27 19 10 32 14 24 69 51 120 6 203 19 14 10 11 47 56 14 14 31 14 20 7 70 79 102 136 106,416 36,181 450 104 30 4,680 852 1.043 163 280 389 754 29,904 48,351 130 226 156 363 11 10 2 7 4 5 5 7 3 12 64 95 2 4 3 6 ) 6 2 1 2 3 5 22 5 32 36 104 2,093 2,670 260 286 2.739 791 109,547 50, 598 (') (') 27 80 18 48 51 43 21 58 9 19 20 19 16 20 14 8 6 1 2 15 45 6 37 2 19 13 39 85 21 53 239 2,583 12 13 1 398 131 2 1 196 39 1.979 2,698 143 162 1.061 376 52,284 23,910 1 (') 41 74 16 32 32 11 37 51 12 14 47 86 24 26 32 10 6 2 2 (') (') 21 5 52 82 22 33 109 860 11 12 2 895 295 7 1 75 15 2,448 3,529 86 207 168 402 15, 547 31,474 1 (') 42 92 27 36 21 7 11 53 3 13 30 14 30 79 41 61 3 1 (') 2 46 108 33 48 33 24 15 3,068 1,012 4 1 76 18 2,229 2,480 114 127 600 407 26,711 25,528 1 1 14 43 12 45 17 12 14 5 6 1 10 9 13 3 6 1 24 29 1 1 4 10 2 5 4 2 9 4 19 23 11 7 92 483 22 4 2 1,650 561 SOUTH CAROLINA 449 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued McCormick Mil i nil. Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Plckena Richland Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union Wi 1 liama- burg fork 870 2,693 2. 154 2,231 2,751 4,364 2,618 2,080 1,939 5,373 2,980 1,243 4,336 2,936 1 1,153 2.532 2,422 2,564 3,390 5,789 2.910 2,114 2.268 6,404 2,827 1.892 5,382 3.546 2 37 72 149 61 106 1,815 146 131 87 523 94 131 858 117 3 50 138 370 148 212 1.883 500 302 218 1,583 510 282 1,002 249 4 48 100 832 112 156 7,868 437 345 289 1,458 475 221 2,102 212 5 72 198 1,388 88 216 8, 187 762 755 882 3,078 947 387 2.S19 2S5 6 3.282 11,06" 53,970 8.252 15,330 639,166 35,901 24,622 21,125 89,069 41,537 16,314 237,314 20,219 7 6,789 25.211 92,583 8,514 14,033 556,494 56,287 85,730 72,956 295, 448 79,608 27,395 192,050 22,694 8 4 34 3 1 59 7 48 969 11 64 28 4 2 74 1 1 36 2 1 30 1 34 17 7 15 56 46 738 11 26 IS 24 70 31 1,200 171 95 82 278 189 65 857 69 12 6 7 12 18 34 2,485 50 74 22 39 36 15 1,307 22 13 8 17 33 16 19 3. 153 115 78 68 131 171 18 1.898 26 14 21 8 22 17 18 460 35 50 37 61 26 26 166 25 15 13 2 18 10 6 863 20 32 23 19 10 6 364 10 16 7 4 11 23 16 125 27 16 11 52 14 18 6 24 17 22 9 4 35 14 85 49 44 15 137 91 49 115 33 18 2 1 8 4 4 227 14 3 3 34 52 4 2 9 19 5 10 3 6 9 155 26 29 5 36 24 8 20 12 20 7 8 9 42 32 38 36 26 35 460 126 2 16 6 8 8 24 23 138 53 9 12 23 12 2 5 35 13 180 29 57 11 1,055 72 67 102 38 24 6 6 10 28 IS 350 130 18 33 110 8 36 17 42 25 4 2 6 11 5 372 16 60 8 998 26 24 19 32 26 1 42 10 9 3 336 9 10 1 10 IS 13 246 9 27 1 49 22 1 1 530 1 4 1 2 10 2 338 2 28 5 1 15 2 6 1 15 6 46 11 7 4 12 2 (') (') 30 31 1 4 3 11 8 161 11 3 22 9 10 1 15 24 9 596 56 27 18 128 70 50 143 9 32 (') 2 3 2 1 384 4 6 4 3 2 4 33 2 33 2 1 26 4 2 1,329 91 47 11 56 15 8 172 2 34 2 4 3 16 9 6 1 4 1 3 15 7 1 7 3 3 2 4 1 35 36 1 1 1 (') 5 1 3 11 9 163 23 19 q 26 3 11 23 12 37 1 (') 2 2 2 184 16 16 6 11 (') 3 14 2 38 11 27 70 37 55 370 89 32 29 204 28 46 9 71 39 22 28 182 74 28 476 174 78 58 416 113 87 147 119 40 5 24 122 18 20 534 71 14 19 24Q 24 26 4 45 41 9 27 396 17 10 688 81 54 45 265 24 29 35 42 42 3 11 65 38 34 312 58 64 23 260 36 70 16 46 43 3 8 479 21 37 1,023 45 116 70 452 243 73 13 38 44 7 1 44 2 20 232 71 53 20 75 40 12 6 13 45 1 5 8 20 39 20 0) 6 7 <>> (') 100 2,760 1.273 218 14, 559 756 4,584 35 938 433 741 1,594 6 9 2 5 50 SI 52 53 54 ( l ) (') 2 340 78 200 314 75 197 39 700 168 75 15 1.625 390 150 30 40 460 6 S7 15 30 24 34 55 450 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 6 of 7).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item The Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley (For definitions and explanations, see text) State Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: 1 Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and 37,726 852 849 173 2,010 258 226 434 833 2 1945.. 17,814 346 239 17 341 38 15 83 9 3 acres 1950 '. 64,630 499 1,276 370 893 340 431 262 122 4 1945.. 56,682 625 988 313 544 118 136 204 9 5 1945.. 19,447 700 251 25 1,665 47 40 28 166 6 27,200 942 255 83 2,080 37 28 21 275 7 trees of all ages .. number 1950.. 277,963 5,796 1,450 119 17,491 158 161 74 505 8 1945.. 319,630 7,846 1,955 321 19,468 123 126 42 715 9 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 88,503 1,636 649 66 5,930 66 60 53 217 10 trees of bearing age.. number 1950. • 18 9,460 4,160 801 53 11,561 92 101 21 288 11 12 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949.- 1944.. 132,859 2,366 492 16 5,788 81 46 227 260,855 4,062 1,865 226 17.346 159 150 8 259 13 14 15 value. .dollars 1949. . 324,667 21,633 35,203 6,625 715 1,078 1,378 460 593 37 69 222 13,891 1,617 2,271 186 60 105 106 85 96 522 288 512 126 105 1945.. 16 trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 4,731,178 21,808 69.357 10.434 52,040 2,712 2,561 566 1,534 17 1945.. 4,436,656 30,852 49,348 2,785 63.567 2,445 6,295 820 2.386 18 trees not of bearing a^.e.. number 1950.. 760,372 3,484 19,403 3,034 10,858 2,282 2,031 245 783 19 trees of bearing age.. number 1950- - 3,970,806 18,324 49,954 7,400 41,182 430 530 321 751 20 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949- . 1,476,292 4,554 15,951 1,485 10,257 198 250 202 264 21 1944.. 2,683,887 8,453 23,545 625 29,338 1,938 13,493 184 551 22 value. .dollars 1949. • 4,317,439 14,573 51,043 4,084 29,232 544 688 556 726 23 24 12,850 17,896 387 477 322 402 75 148 829 1,016 60 67 53 54 117 91 268 357 1945.. 25 trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 42,527 1,085 1,092 223 2,573 144 154 944 718 26 1945.. 66,968 1,428 1,606 449 3,278 188 154 405 913 27 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 11,927 300 328 49 759 23 38 189 181 28 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 30,600 785 764 174 1,814 121 116 755 537 29 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949.. 25,345 110 1,007 443 375 487 224 1,527 1,041 30 1944.. 127,668 1,453 2,500 1,120 7,029 902 275 1,704 2,105 31 value.. do liars 1949.. 38,646 176 1,611 620 600 682 314 2,138 1.457 32 33 34 4,700 6,651 16,400 249 291 845 39 22 108 7 1 45 552 672 1,891 4 4 1 14 5 32 28 51 1945.. trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 4 10 35 36 1945.. trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 28,983 7,470 1,366 283 64 56 1 21 2,856 743 1 4 80 34 3 7 37 trees of bearing age. .number 1950.. 8,930 562 52 24 1,148 1 10 3 27 38 39 40 41 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949.. 1944. . value. .dollars 1949.. 12,666 318 38 2,220 20 22 2 158,975 1,900 5,203 1,495 48 192 51 6 60 13,078 333 367 10 3 13 746 3 30 12 4 180 42 1945.. 5,374 173 16 13 345 1 6 100 258 43 trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 27,045 796 522 63 1,113 11 167 76 650 44 1945.. 24,174 918 212 50 1,026 3 13 635 1,223 45 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 9,300 209 128 37 340 6 41 47 193 46 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 17,745 587 394 26 773 5 126 29 457 47 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949.. 5,973 87 155 26 142 1 222 10 123 48 1944.. 10,245 190 8 533 5 377 459 49 value. .dollars 1949. . 11,946 174 310 52 284 2 444 20 246 50 51 10,833 28,387 394 972 237 561 57 440 742 1,779 64 164 56 157 135 441 218 497 trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 52 trees not of bearing age.. number 19S0 . - 7,442 231 134- 15 365 38 27 216 152 53 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 20,945 741 427 425 1,414 126 130 225 345 54 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949.. 370,810 8,897 7,876 3,417 25,969 4.229 3.369 6,770 5,962 55 value. .dollars 1949. . 47 . 842 1,246 1,103 478 2,597 592 472 948 835 56 57 13,922 15.484 319 351 181 38 40 58 688 805 57 42 28 5 97 114 413 338 1945.. 58 vines of all ages.. number 1950.. 249,526 1,835 2,411 717 6,165 97 54 256 737 59 1945.. 143,732 1,927 2,249 116 5.668 71 11 522 472 60 vines not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 62,836 324 267 117 2,802 14 12 164 245 61 vines of bearing age.. number 1950.. 186,690 1,511 2,144 600 3,363 83 42 92 492 62 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949.. 1,363,326 6,083 21,916 3,098 13,985 2,370 1,561 2,555 18,558 63 1944. . 1,981,057 13,776 13,635 705 56,504 10.525 70 20,478 9.453 64 value. .dollars 1949- ■ 122,146 547 1,972 248 1,259 190 125 204 1,485 65 Pecans (improved and 218,617 4,709 13,324 4,934 5,508 5,608 7,117 4,723 1,925 66 1945-. 227,027 6,294 11,452 5,114 7,028 2,924 3,163 2,895 1,481 67 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949.. 1,878,846 39,516 62,604 29,010 30,374 33,629 67,239 8,542 11,093 66 1944.. 1,935,964 10,349 69,900 17,615 16,245 51,545 50,957 13,446 12,523 69 Improved pecans (budded, grafted, 15,473 393 440 86 805 159 136 126 246 70 trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 195,424 4,310 11,834 4.717 5,100 4,741 6,148 3,846 1,801 71 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 36,082 876 658 868 1,138 844 1,187 2,017 308 72 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 159,342 3,434 11.176 3,849 3,962 3,897 4,961 \8?9 1.493 73 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949.. 1.696,293 38,920 58,846 28,150 28,911 23,182 42.954 5,157 10,345 74 value . .dollars 1949.. 373,786 8,952 13,535 5,630 8,384 4,636 8,591 1,031 2,069 75 3,100 89 65 13 93 109 43 172 47 76 trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 23,193 399 1,490 217 ■108 867 969 877 124 77 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 3,850 69 83 116 155 68 273 323 31 78 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 19,343 330 1,407 101 253 799 696 55 1 93 79 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949.. 182,553 596 3,758 860 1,463 10,447 24,285 3,385 748 80 value. .dollars 1949. . 30,045 95 601 138 336 1,672 3,886 542 120 81 Other tree fruits and Value of fruits, including berries 2,797 12 36 113 9 81 275 24 82 and other small fruits, and 4,433 8,706 59 59 148 311 31 62 88 250 59 167 56 70 30 52 35 SO 83 1944. . 84 dollars 1949. . 3,637,742 18,910 38,955 7,399 33,257 5,713 13,443 1.858 1.643 85 1944.. 6,142,854 19,398 94,075 4,373 42,853 18,003 66,029 3,293 2,383 For 1950 does not include acres .for forms reporting less tlia SOUTH CAROLINA 451 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Colleton Hurl I OKton DU Ion Dorchester EdRefield Fnirfield Horence Georgetown 469 335 1,311 533 866 1,000 502 7 47 334 392 472 189 1,150 519 1 32 17 1,174 609 85 164 34 167 47 37 221 444 111 21 2 966 364 3,438 867 2,323 298 174 354 248 119 2,549 58 404 204 3 478 107 2,448 1,274 1,963 250 54 316 73 130 1,891 300 295 51 4 73 50 1,003 379 483 281 67 248 142 42 218 127 356 110 5 85 224 1,067 9,915 579 3,972 575 8,320 605 958 266 468 350 1,194 171 716 65 138 340 3,730 473 922 737 1,600 25 388 6 316 7 215 9,968 5,812 12,742 2,607 785 1,537 943 193 3,328 3,230 2,791 67 B 151 138 2,966 1,404 5,183 411 340 695 211 75 1,375 221 725 188 9 165 86 6,949 2,568 3,137 547 128 499 505 63 2,355 701 875 200 10 210 74 3,958 1,371 1,810 548 84 403 438 73 976 228 818 83 11 13 8,414 5,242 9,362 2,255 342 1,731 1,138 119 2,170 2,704 1,905 29 12 472 170 9,499 3,428 4,525 1,233 193 1,008 1,095 168 2,733 570 2,045 208 13 186 63 919 405 414 494 101 256 130 106 325 127 317 169 14 9 262 1,130 640 593 1,324 545 630 235 332 492 574 1,082 67 15 4,449 637 285,346 60,815 152,121 2,560 1,761 3,642 1,076 560 198,299 6,461 3,038 793 16 242 1,274 219,632 82,957 201,984 9,250 3,937 10,406 2,339 2,686 143,760 12,732 7,878 560 17 2,047 423 61,299 16,182 39,292 1,107 365 2,799 511 324 56,495 2,732 2,012 475 18 2,402 214 224,047 44,633 112,829 1,453 1,396 843 565 236 141,804 3,729 1,026 318 19 1,503 39 70,100 13,416 57,030 1,059 65 381 340 238 70,838 444 349 122 20 370 167 158,627 6,404 113,163 6,452 956 4,362 1,853 688 117,937 2,713 3,390 203 21 4,885 107 199,785 42,931 165,387 3,442 179 1,105 986 654 226,682 1,421 1,012 354 22 131 144 538 213 331 144 208 80 93 141 91 360 211 23 6 281 460 37 3 284 658 389 236 107 203 227 311 675 78 24 404 846 1,473 87 2 771 412 1,259 210 214 678 279 1,282 641 25 84 1,390 1,368 3,814 727 1,481 923 754 303 481 2,750 786 2,058 312 26 107 314 269 171 203 108 930 69 61 244 75 240 162 27 297 532 1,204 701 568 304 329 141 153 434 204 1,042 479 28 7 59 120 777 2,026 337 2,637 346 11,345 1,389 5,451 539 2,322 478 1,334 241 510 848 1,801 144 4,092 11 1,263 1,304 4,586 931 417 29 1,372 30 987 9 1,088 13 539 356 623 104 1,806 13 7 55 6 836 43 422 10 1,187 3 230 37 20 35 2,282 20 1,629 11 31 32 18 30 25 515 1,118 149 356 168 2 23 12 19 23 72 2 20 25 80 125 135 6 41 6 24 33 4 34 9 9 43 15 10 2,068 370 748 633 150 206 649 2 15 8 19 3 16 74 62 10 4 16 4 92 28 52 384 36 99 9 27 14 9 15 9 35 3 .1 36 37 30 20 4 3 41 183 159 892 959 46,778 144 266 193 1,967 774 2,640 1,191 396 121 99 468 853 48 75 7 97 215 212 690 32 177 5 74 37 187 80 20 10 68 85 12 13 89 77 264 341 35 38 2,819 725 39 4 19 3 23 12 60 30 2 26 29 95 128 10 34 63 116 241 5 109 19 368" 107 40 23 66 100 267 32 75 141 275 41 110 42 48 43 366 44 25 23 15 57 102 161 74 1,290 677 95 344 149 319 100 226 76 136 193 411 39 61 14 29 102 85 18 58 24 36 14 10 31 64 22 67 22 94 37 18 42 99 3 80 86 178 124 67 136 232 86 6 45 46 47 644 48 30 156 449 68 381 322 99 350 128 222 190 429 975 217 758 200 190 466 128 338 386 357 749 135 614 28 73 209 72 137 36 194 439 140 299 28 76 256 61 195 44 76 150 46 104 74 t 88 209 37 17 2 6 74 268 30 238 248 234 582 166 416 172 55 169 71 98 49 50 51 52 53 6,257 939 103 2,676 375 112 17,144 1,714 512 5.030 7 54 186 11,384 1,708 460 1,259 176 127 5,011 702 307 2,862 401 133 1,801 252 127 4,471 626 60 4,426 664 47 7,910 1,107 503 1,330 186 299 54 55 340 56 143 587 202 413 790 332 271 134 90 68 102 705 76 57 229 369 2,083 1,384 99,535 781 26S 792 436 183 198 233 1,122 792 58 410 2,689 3,200 26, 219 1,216 487 560 959 132 687 318 1,356 276 59 72 109 478 '289 3,' 296 193 102 332 114 42 70 130 299 155 60 157 260 1,605 1,095 96,239 588 163 460 322 141 128 103 823 637 61 3,868 4,930 10,232 4,250 692,566 27 , 408 2,290 B.903 10,669 4,176 928 1,705 40,993 16,036 62 5,840 96,461 15,450 107,080 107, 215 7,235 1 3 , 7 49 35,486 14,845 334 1,846 2, 005 62,405 13,792 63 348 394 921 382 62,331 2,467 ' 183 801 960 84 ' 153 3,689 1,443 64 12,204 6,467 1,773 2,131 4,163 .5,527 2,678 7,142 3,461 2,867 5,938 343 8,223 2,817 65 7,421 6,470 1,432 2,603 3,985 6,734 3,754 4,424 1,634 4,169 5,839 1,304 8,777 1,869 66 124,748 19,765 5,767 22,029 43,961 61,909 17,765 61,482 44, 341 41,571 51,572 1,226 102,876 11,506 67 64, 430 81,905 8,553 15,648 42, 606 76,125 53,622 70,346 25,962 41,955 27,297 5,018 87,059 7,131 68 316 175 403 214 420 552 248 394 152 186 179 67 569 165 69 11,597 4,968 1,692 1,905 3,430 5,130 2,503 5,205 3,214 2,244 5,783 319 7,371 2,706 70 2,340 588 460 321 692 1,486 425 67 5 273 235 1,581 111 1,415 504 71 9,257 4,380 1,232 1,584 2,738 3,644 2,078 4,530 2,941 2,009 4,202 208 5,956 2,202 72 117,258 15,286 5,142 20,325 37,177 58,644 16,730 55,870 41,041 37,247 49,767 1,026 90,937 10.700 73 23,452 3,057 1,491 6,301 8,551 11,729 3,346 12,850 9,439 7,449 11,446 318 20,916 2,461 74 96 37 25 36 94 66 28 93 35 105 29 7 136 29 75 607 1,499 81 226 7 33 397 175 1,937 247 623 155 24 852 111 76 96 84 13 32 17 5 148 12 35 51 81 1 1 155 54 77 511 1,415 68 194 558 249 163 1,902 196 542 154 23 697 57 78 7,490 4,479 625 1,704 6,784 3,265 1,035 5,612 3,300 4,324 1,805 200 11,939 806 79 1,124 717 144 443 1,153 490 166 9 54 561 692 289 52 2,030 137 80 27 62 184 17 38 16 15 71 1 11 21 81 108 31 64 46 97 127 43 65 51 73 83 11 131 47 82 44 131 183 96 223 209 159 167 43 97 101 72 227 32 83 24,713 4,693 210,410 31,788 227,922 8,485 2,203 6.967 18,913 6,116 187,066 776 16,967 2,425 84 20,015 16,556 306,436 24,843 342,821 10,914 15,612 16,412 5,199 5,629 389,380 3,448 16,584 2,979 85 452 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 6 of 7).- SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: Item Greenvil le Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lee Lexington (For definitions and explanations, see text) free fruits, nuts, and grapes: 1 Land in bearing and nonbeanng fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, anc 1 1950.. 1,623 560 479 1,777 292 1,036 610 1,063 285 1,211 2 1945. . 3,006 183 21 454 39 572 677 1.424 100 303 3 acres 1950 1 . 2,847 390 512 170 114 826 474 1,290 350 2,340 4 1945- ■ 4,230 852 200 362 219 1,004 675 2,126 124 1,759 S 1950. . 1,159 378 127 622 30 620 458 795 111 641 6 1945. ■ 2.716 412 108 1,332 42 488 598 1,355 208 901 7 trees of all ages. .number 1950.. 20,805 3,283 359 2,859 153 4,019 6,027 6,524 515 21,222 8 1945.. 31,094 5,621 299 7,211 139 3,265 8,689 9,856 1,085 17,195 9 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 5,891 869 196 1,280 75 1,854 2,505 1,786 298 9,719 10 trees of bearing age.. number 1950- ■ 14,914 2,414 163 1,579 78 2,165 3,522 4,738 217 11,503 11 quantity harvested. .bushels 1949. . 6,677 1,473 62 786 16 1,145 5,027 2,370 155 3,942 12 1944. . 27,599 1,678 202 5,661 51 1,697 7,606 9,838 2,279 8,817 13 value. .dollars 1949.. 16,025 4,124 143 1,965 ■37 2,862 12,568 5,688 349 8,870 14 1950.. 1,192 366 188 507 146 668 445 808 137 814 IS 1945.. 2,698 492 182 1,887 431 584 648 1,371 396 1,144 16 trees of all ages. .number 1950- . 258,712 0,423 1,012 3,473 610 24, '02 32,538 100,797 1,671 169,117 17 1945.- 334,698 24,474 1,558 16,994 3,177 40,612 47,978 136,577 3,525 169,754 18 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 25,551 1,564 449 2,236 320 10,343 8,586 11,975 723 38,114 19 trees of bearing age. .number 1950.. 233,161 6,859 563 1,237 290 14,359 23,952 88,822 948 131,003 20 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949.. 74,745 2,565 125 456 56 4,199 6,820 17,975 266 42,688 21 1944- ■ 54,394 8,136 1,123 11,669 2,024 . 3,976 3,421 14,076 6,439 25.812 22 value . .dollars 1949.. 213,023 8,208 344 1,320 154 13,437 21,824 51,229 864 138,736 23 1950.. 594 263 261 442 95 386 237 489 85 446 24 1945.. 1,337 238 174 823 189 311 167 820 139 824 25 trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 1,882 1,159 796 1,165 307 1,035 714 1,521 194 2,055 26 1945.. 4,510 4,511 687 2,637 716 1,874 739 2,521 817 3,726 27 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 560 211 165 385 88 448 278 445 102 393 28 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 1,322 948 631 780 219 587 436 1.076 92 1,662 29 quantity harvested. .bushels 1949.. 356 146 1,669 1,393 587 321 140 342 152 416 30 1944.. 8,470 2,248 2,799 5,398 3,656 1,516 718 5,762 1,460 6,736 31 value. .dollars 1949.. 570 234 2,337 2,438 822 578 252 547 198 541 32 1950.. 443 83 7 16 1 101 111 253 8 107 33 1945.. 1,069 69 5 14 36 74 384 6 185 34 trees of all ages.. number 1950-. 1,743 255 8 28 1 212 295 942 12 434 35 1945.. 5,151 358 5 36 101 583 1,639 108 828 36 trees not of hearing age.. number 1950.. 813 87 4 14 1 132 156 478 10 177 37 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 930 168 4 14 80 139 464 2 257 38 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949.. 1,080 335 364 59 84 284 119 39 value. .dollars 1944.. 1949.. 1950.. 28,153 162 217 154 50 103 18 55 131 60 355 9 98 298 13 147 2,496 43 208 355 29 2,055 18 183 40 41 90 42 1945-. 261 62 5 217 162 76 66 293 19 86 43 trees of all ages . . numbe r 1950.. 1,022 414 485 1,406 286 487 624 1,067 76 4,868 44 1945.. 948 245 30 1,011 649 585 411 1,251 126 902 45 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 399 58 119 106 58 165 277 296 29 1,477 46 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 623 356 366 1,300 228 322 347 771 47 3,391 47 quantity harvested. . bushels 1949.. 94 59 54 2,196 193 90 30 76 49 183 4P 1944. . 220 44 14 602 324 212 84 174 50 1,038 49 value. . dollars 1949.. 188 118 108 4,392 386 180 60 152 98 366 50 1950.. 536 214 236 206 86 347 240 465 86 373 51 trees of all ages. .number 1950.. 1,391 636 412 394 242 1.536 608 1,090 214 1.070 52 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 462 165 15 118 59 734 199 283 63 236 53 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 929 471 397 276 183 802 409 807 151 834 54 quantity harvested. . pounds 1949.. 11,538 4,974 7,421 3.885 2,870 9,853 8,930 15,943 2,967 29,446 55 value . .dollars 1949.. 1,154 696 1,039 544 402 1,478 1,340 1,594 445 4,417 56 1950. . 687 170 287 998 82 441 231 396 107 414 57 1945.. 1,327 109 170 1,340 155 352 165 615 132 275 58 vines of all ages. . number 1950- . 8,729 1,606 368 2,578 7,616 2,158 1,984 2,282 306 38,681 59 1945.. 20,574 4,206 454 2,743 205 2,352 1,417 3,814 219 16,294 60 vines not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 2,685 348 74 911 7,538 1,243 761 637 150 27.023 61 vines of bearing age .. number 1950- ■ 6,044 1,258 294 1,667 78 915 1,223 1,645 156 11,658 62 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949. . 16,086 2,315 13,744 106,089 2,011 11,585 4,864 7,175 4,135 27,738 63 1944.. 98,111 16,97*; 53,851 281.171 12,000 83.677 28,835 121,989 8,881 117,186 64 value. .dollars 1949.. 1,448 208 l.100 9,548 161 1.043 438 646 372 2,496 65 Pecans (improved and 1950.. 3,043 3,696 7,620 7,000 1,017 2,726 1,040 3,237 3,637 6,885 66 1945.. 3,154 11,554 6,903 6,254 6,72' 4,020 981 5,484 2,098 8,394 67 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949.. 7,515 16,453 47,702 90,961 4, 153 19,475 4,058 16,920 45,531 41,198 68 1944.. 11,047 3,672 139,024 78,274 40,906 26,134 7,373 11,101 27,519 65,920 69 Improved pecans (budded, grafted, 1950.. 455 247 198 844 64 337 173 475 140 591 70 trees of all ages.. number 19 50.. 2,920 3,241 6,857 6,210 800 2,372 819 3,101 3,483 6,031 71 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 1,314 414 627 1,180 112 539 340 663 353 1,692 72 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 1,606 2,827 6,230 5,030 7 )7 1,833 479 2,438 3,130 4,339 73 quantity harveated. . pounds 1949.. 6,898 15,513 44,173 76,976 2,253 17,980 3,568 15,500 43,090 37,708 74 value. .dollars 1949.. 2,000 3,568 8,835 17,704 451 5,574 1,106 4,495 8,798 7,542 75 1950.. 43 72 138 172 36 54 13 35 19 115 76 trees of all ages.. number 1950.. 123 455 763 790 208 354 221 136 154 854 77 trees not of bearing age.. number 1950.. 21 79 116 158 40 77 93 36 8 148 78 trees of bearing age.. number 1950.. 102 376 647 632 168 277 128 100 146 706 79 quantity harvested. .pounds 1949.. 617 940 3,529 13,985 2,200 1 , 495 490 1,420 1,541 3,490 »0 value. .dnllars 1949.. 142 150 565 2,377 352 38» 127 327 231 524 81 Other tree fruits and 1949.. 320 29 39 13 66 15 68 1 79 82 Value of fruits, including berries and other small fruits, and 1949.. 179 43 65 245 50 36 73 38 254 S3 1944.. 590 69 186 455 73 78 46 304 164 545 84 dollars 1949. . 15.1,316 3.814 9,501 35,451 779 6,851 22,840 40,246 9,942 115,876 85 1944.. 119,782 12,739 32,584 106,912 8, 549 10,945 20,375 41.096 10,948 105,773 For 195(1, does not include acrea for farms reporting leas than 1/2 Brre. See text. SOUTH CAROLINA 453 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union Williams - bum York 406 756 424 1,168 1,732 1,383 1,379 697 523 2,824 706 538 1.087 713 1 12 so 22 655 1,003 309 150 123 412 2,056 99 893 49 951 2 218 190 464 464 1,223 1,396 495 574 2,171 26. 069 420 576 876 3,620 3 36 208 163 577 1,195 918 361 37 4 2,207 20,772 448 1,028 178 4,099 4 301 458 121 910 1,577 207 1,120 334 303 1,250 229 424 301 461 5 259 572 191 1.337 1,586 250 1.278 290 662 1,255 275 881 360 785 6 2,124 2,111 536 9,673 52, 140 977 23,203 2,419 5,961 36,086 838 5,760 1,217 10,537 7 1,563 2,690 535 12,458 49,740 999 25, 496 2,222 6,202 36,631 1,093 7,245 1,610 10,978 » 617 530 237 2,997 11,614 374 6,425 1,112 1,544 8,096 454 2,565 513 4,192 9 1,507 1,581 299 6,676 40,526 603 16,778 1,307 4,417 27,990 384 3,195 704 6,345 10 ■ 264 1,620 280 3,136 47,246 274 14,071 321 3,531 14,476 314 1,165 316 4,102 11 70 4,455 1,319 6,002 46,885 1,395 21,849 948 1,681 39,695 1,348 4,476 1,426 4,379 12 739 4,050 700 8,781 113,390 616 33,770 722 9,887 34,742 706 2,796 790 10,255 13 349 289 171 "12 1,310 482 875 489 349 2.047 368 448 337 504 14 372 609 256 1,524 1,492 7 51 1,112 477 767 2,003 595 982 572 961 15 7,281 2,307 31,238 17,851 31,147 15,797 12,426 13,155 184,771 2,545,671 9,750 53,858 1,769 320,532 16 6,768 3,429 11,794 38,219 28,243 15,238 20,992 25,572 169,592 2.021,049 19,549 92,047 3,951 342,731 17 1,601 1,470 11,065 5,240 9,540 4,153 4,118 5,213 52,036 259,788 1,362 6,480 942 69.320 18 5,680 837 20.173 12,611 21,607 11,644 8,308 7,942 132,735 2,285,883 8,388 47,378 827 (51.212 |19 2,654 452 15,374 2,502 1,354 3,958 1,079 1,896 72,874 917,514 5,024 9,125 331 43,086 20 99 2,166 18.527 940 21,610 10,480 7,750 9,309 59,665 1,874,395 10,827 17,286 2,728 21,633 |21 8,493 1,311 44,585 8,294 3,859 12,864 3,075 6,162 233,197 2,614,915 16,328 26,006 960 137,875 22 203 295 93 566 582 295 503 297 160 625 266 278 344 249 23 226 339 167 916 506 476 450 278 414 500 366 542 295 499 24 694 746 430 1,670 1,689 1,110 1,354 1,107 506 1,918 1,270 955 1,049 927 25 786 929 399 2,695 1,293 1,277 1,553 1,235 1,116 1,693 1,427 1,771 830 1,574 26 165 131 91 420 597 107 487 365 123 402 293 232 207 322 27 529 615 339 1,250 1,092 913 867 742 383 1,516 977 723 842 605 28 81 942 44 242 432 983 215 309 72 176 1,106 34 1,662 207 29 20 1,909 1,173 4,537 2,546 4,067 2,410 1,700 960 2,982 3,685 1,540 2,740 1,672 30 130 1,648 77 387 691 1,278 344 402 115 282 1,438 54 2,908 373 31 72 24 24 196 439 21 367 68 23 422 19 167 9 165 32 93 10 3 289 509 8 421 31 61 418 9 418 5 456 33 202 44 36 572 1,518 46 1,279 189 58 2,351 32 582 21 637 34 302 23 8 1,058 1,915 13 1,918 123 206 2,460 13 1,851 16 1,914 35 68 13 27 224 582 32 671 120 27 1,388 24 245 4 283 36 134 31 9 348 936 14 608 69 31 963 8 337 17 354 37 75 84 5 196 1,446 35 550 72 9 847 20 69 366 38 381 2 1,458 19,556 50 16,768 169 63 10,730 174 4,360 20 4,199 39 11 105 13 98 1 35 29 273 217 255 5 67 82 256 11 149 1 30 127 314 3 88 10 185 55 126 40 144 41 125 99 4 330 151 35 69 80 57 189 82 388 76 352 42 486 265 80 97 4 1,043 502 803 829 295 1,516 261 688 410 57 5 43 616 394 8 1,269 583 235 233 393 217 765 239 2,153 304 1,483 44 115 63 39 275 280 67 307 37 5 230 756 105 176 117 331 45 371 202 41 699 763 435 496 454 65 760 156 ,12 293 244 46 25 216 11 72 226 74 64 83 2 160 51 50 194 73 47 217 278 29 413 1,123 95 29 154 21 294 113 357 256 498 48 50 432 22 144 452 148 128 166 4 320 102 100 388 146 49 156 171 67 555 527 275 330 243 137 642 238 252 243 204 50 423 334 128 1,496 1,142 625 838 641 291 2,012 670 686 567 659 51 86 88 29 333 300 89 282 221 75 363 218 199 148 200 52 337 246 99 1,163 842 536 556 420 216 1,649 452 487 419 459 53 1,704 3,613 1,803 28,231 14,547 10,759 6,232 5,909 2.651 36,902 8,427 1,07 5 6,408 6,672 54 239 506 252 3,952 1,455 1,614 623 886 371 3,690 1,264 108 897 1,001 55 120 403 163 487 747 233 609 215 140 632 277 231 484 229 56 71 379 101 697 755 232 694 166 198 473 272 447 312 383 57 2,758 1,073 15,362 1,749 9,583 888 4.382 1,891 545 17,934 642 1,050 831 3,856 58 656 7 30 874 2,516 7,323 1,060 6,296 1,881 541 13,185 530 2,670 495 3,152 59 473 215 628 421 1,121 77 964 1,188 177 4,630 218 359 211 1,158 60 2,285 85 8 14,734 1,328 8,462 811 3,418 70 3 368 13,304 424 691 620 2,698 61 3,635 83,475 36,416 15,134 23,780 7,926 9,329 4,152 1,109 37 , 209 12,327 207 22,810 10,995 62 2,045 68 , 626 26,066 40, 400 108,994 13,666 94,735 12,629 9.021 36,287 48,286 16,055 36,129 36,887 63 327 7,513 3,277 1,362 2,140 713 840 37 4 ino 3,349 1,109 19 2,053 990 64 1,053 3,729 3,190 4,487 1,655 22,27 5 1,372 7,414 2,644 4,031 6,073 973 3,887 2,351 65 1,395 3,473 3,015 5,451 2,334 27,528 801 3,646 3,980 2,563 8,083 1,647 2,779 3,101 66 6,320 63,853 43,755 48,492 4,842 308,738 1,969 47,300 23,869 16,275 66,161 897 40,755 18,829 67 11,870 56,427 43,945 21,341 11,691 308,865 4,604 20.662 14,712 11,571 115,347 4,670 37,529 11,523 68 137 460 191 610 370 975 339 349 239 501 365 213 450 219 69 831 3,567 2,901 3,'892 1,557 19,221 1,283 7,243 2,489 3,814 5,548 781 3,611 2,279 70 141 405 348 704 405 2,785 525 777 190 893 1,351 211 695 426 71 690 3,162 2,553 3,188 1,152 16,436 758 6,466 2,299 2,921 4,197 570 2,916 1,853 72 6,17 5 62,633 38.670 46,701 4,b25 274,342 1,952 45,925 23,549 14,331 61,781 897 38,220 18,318 73 1,420 14,406 8,894 10,741 1,341 54,868 566 9,185 5,416 4,156 12,356 260 8,791 5,679 74 33 39 50 129 42 278 36 44 34 59 89 37 69 17 75 222 162 289 595 98 3,054 89 171 155 217 525 192 276 72 76 73 48 52 92 34 282 56 23 37 42 109 53 84 33 77 149 114 237 503 64 2,772 33 148 118 175 416 139 192 39 78 145 1,220 5,085 1,791 217 34,396 • 17 1,375 320 1,944 4,380 2,535 511 79 23 207 864 287 50 5,159 4 206 51 447 657 431 133 80 4 106 234 17 24 163 74 298 11 14 36 20 81 11 72 61 78 110 350 55 68 60 795 91 31 73 102 82 10 200 109 112 166 685 178 77 69 1,268 186 81 137 113 83 9,127 5.305 31,075 10,894 53,686 50,773 17,385 13,907 185,130 1,834,455 11.521 27.611 5,726 110,909 84 2,495 11,442 37,180 7,128 65,406 87,155 23,875 27,734 161,005 3,67 5,673 47,403 26.583 11,832 61,008 85 454 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 5 (Part 7 of 7 ).— SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED: I ten-. (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Eamberg Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs dollars 1949.. 1944.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1949- . acres 1949. . sold.. dollars 1949.. Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1949.. square feet 1949. . Grown in open farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949. . Sold -farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949. . Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1949.. square feet 1949.. Grown in open farms reporting 1949. . acres 1949. . Sold farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Forest products: All forest products sold dollars 1949.. 1944.. Firewood cut farms reporting 1949.. cords <4'x4'x8') 1949. . Ferce posts cut farms reporting 1949.. number 1949. . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1949.. thousands of bd. ft. 1949.. Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1949.. cords 1949.. Piling and poles cut farms reporting 1949.. number 1949. . Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles sold farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Standing timber sold farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. Value of other forest products sold (gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, etc.) farms reporting 1949.. dollars 1949.. 1,567,230 758.764 20? 714 585,118 106 616,058 232 489 279 868,557 39 48,336 69 58 101 113,555 S, 030, 246 1,881,643 50,611 573,820 9,023 1,394,320 3,776 41,267 1,565 86,631 291 49,816 2,928 1,367,969 4,193 3,523,792 339 138.485 1 1 1 250 60.870 33,582 1,077 12,356 271 «,861 116 573 18 763 66 16,592 66 43,060 6 1.218 1,056 7,000 4 2 338 1 1.000 3 1 3 715 2,500 3,700 1 2 .500 110,594 68,593 1,246 11,187 138 22,579 16 90 35 1,419 130 59 15,459 167 122.158 10 2,977 34,816 9,879 212 2,489 51 12,407 5 60 1.9 1,179 3 24 7,460 37 26,596 13,334 9,297 10 25 11,425 2 1,050 19 6 22 1,744 1 240 40,347 10,180 1,498 13,619 587 61,567 223 1,239 3 112 5 176 70 150 45 ,083 46,556 18,710 855 5,684 153 37,647 21 181 18 502 3 715 36 8,647 105 36,906 11 1.003 2,450 2,400 (') 1,000 2 770 2 (') 2 1.050 89.000 3,520 2 31 17,000 2 146 2 72.000 1 400 47,935 17,232 718 6,015 118 17,309 36 540 32 1,049 52 7,194 68 18,285 48 29,190 31,932 17,581 191 1,766 84 18,915 36 189 7 123 3 407 26 2,678 74 29,176 4 460 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, and bulbs: Nursery and greenhouse products, flower and vegetable seeds and plants, flowers, and bulbs dollars 1949.. 19 44.. Nursery products (trees, shrubs, vines, ornamentals, etc.) farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949. . sold.. dollars 1949.. Flowers and flowering plants grown for sale: Grown under glass farms reporting 1949.. square feet 1949. . Grown in open farms reporting 1949. . acres 1949. . Sold. farms reporting 1949. . dollars 1949.. Vegetables grown under glass, flower seeds, vegetable seeds, vegetable plants, bulbs, and mushrooms produced for sale: Grown under glass or in house farms reporting 1949. square feet 1949. Grown in open farms reporting 1949.. acres 1949. Sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949.. Forest products: Ail forest products sold. , dollars 1949.. 19 44. Firewood cut farms reporting 1949. cords (4'x4'x8') 1949.. Fence posts cut farms reporting 1949. number 1949. . Sawlogs and veneer logs cut farms reporting 1949.. thousands of bd. ft. 1949.. Pulpwood cut farms reporting 1949. cords 1949. . Piling and poles cut farms reporting 1949. number 1949. Value of firewood, fence posts, logs, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Standing timber sold farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Value of other forest products sold (gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, etc. ) farms reporting 1949. dollars 1949. Reported in small fractions. Hampton Horry Jasper 1 1 8 , 842 20,934 14 38 26,139 15 28,170 20 93 27 76,075 712 6 17 10 16,628 84.264 31,325 1,822 15,286 267 29.884 152 1,449 28 1,793 1 150 75 33,760 12S 48,874 11 1,630 12,973 8,275 3 9,900 4 5 5 12,759 3.106 120 2 2 1,741 92 5 200 1 1 400 1,590 3,753 1,325 (') (M 178,298 25,784 584 6,695 120 37,144 39 1, 56 60.88) 69 116,777 2 530 1 80 6 1 7 835 142,32) 43,473 386 3,554 233 40,937 15 362 23 1,300 5 *623 38 24,972 1 1 1 525 45.235 382,173 23 16.925 65,000 3 18 3 28,310 1,700 580 1 3 1,385 <>> 1 800 167,184 33,537 2,825 26.435 207 30.895 441 2,611 72 1,689 7 732 115 57,096 141 109,558 3 640 3 530 37,155 13,059 340 1,905 44 9,631 11 159 19 661 5 10.226 20 16.583 42 18.329 4 2,243 97.071 59,420 1,103 11.871 164 30.730 44 329 67 5,174 6 626 93 29,354 105 61 . 385 14 6,332 1 300 73,741 102,754 1,302 12,641 237 35.750 66 474 3) 1,787 3 1.009 59 20.157 87 53,258 6 326 40.313 13,946 4 3 13,236 6 23,077 2 3,100 3 4 4 4,000 93,196 51,123 1,266 15,278 358 53,903 133 1,606 28 1,660 5 5,168 81 45.065 82 47,597 9 534 66,324 19,050 868 15,119 75 6.890 9 82 7 583 1 25 13 4.861 33 41,463 SOUTH CAROLINA 455 CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 Calhoun Charleston Cherokee Cheater Cheater- field Clarendon Colleton Darl ington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown 3,451 382,776 92,265 1.645 638 101 749 490 2,656 1,728 8,775 5,775 4,200 600 28,045 3,200 11,340 600 1,435 53S 37,660 305 42,447 514 1 2 '2 11 2,464 1 15 i 15 284 197,242 10 188,800 18 1 2 2 5 5 3 3 1 7 9 4 1 1 6 17 6 9 3 4 150 ■ 2,556 6,825 3,700 12,000 3,340 100 16,650 16,047 5 1 96 1 2 2,088 5 1 1,200 1 1 10 ■i 1 2,480 1 1 25,000 7 3 12.300 3 6 3 7 3 1 3 8 1 2 962 58 22 183.784 1 3 245 (') 1 101 1 3 490 I ■1 100 5 6 1,750 2 1 500 9 4 16,045 1 1 8,000 1 3 310 8 7 19,510 7 3 26,300 9 10 11 1 1 2 2 1,750 77,414 1 1,250 67,621 1 1 1 200 96,635 1 (') 2 1,025 136,158 1 (') 1 1,500 104,762 1 1 1 100 71,376 1 25 104,940 17 65,840 149,612 70,485 305,723 76,240 156,302 183,335 18 37,900 29,604 17,530 38,224 70.681 46,622 66,959 21,014 13,282 32,913 62,456 61.334 28,529 7,071 19 650 192 1,234 1,151 1.596 1,760 574 1,315 1,022 452 900 502 2,474 736 20 7,387 1,701 13,690 15,688 15,940 16,280 4.361 16,557 83,054 4,147 7,973 5,737 22.910 6,433 21 171 73 347 306 133 194 135 113 126 107 65 122 243 172 22 35,183 14,279 47,999 69,470 21,902 23,634 30,204 12,797 17,668 20,244 12,214 26,689 27.827 21,975 23 34 25 150 112 69 64 67 36 95 46 17 26 203 51 24 1,307 972 944 863 425 47 5 1,654 396 473 433 2,269 832 1,581 331 25 24 36 9 30 22 38 51 21 1 45 52 100 19 71 26 2,410 3,137 427 3,778 904 1.442 4,649 1,312 30 1,396 3,214 8,150 731 3,488 27 3 187 40 4 1,137 41 3 53 59 1 20 67 1 200 44 16 2,994 51 2 460 108 4 198 30 2 160 16 38 3,076 87 2 396 104 11 1,580 51 2 300 75 28 29 69 30 39,442 28,687 12,857 22,676 26,276 16,193 78,195 15,840 4,650 27,880 77,493 54,909 31,733 27,690 31 57 61 78 58 159 56 179 54 62 111 96 79 97 63 32 65,046 41,178 54,759 42,839 123,082 54,292 189,703 B0, 493 71,036 127,192 104,952 81,089 69,588 43,094 33 4 452 6 7,549 1 5 3 325 6 254 32 37,825 4 302 2 554 18 1,230 3 890 1 160 7 3,441 6 592 McCormick Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland Saluda Spartan- burg Sumter Union nilllams- burg York 685 14,874 3,197 11,850 4,036 50,375 36,777 341,704 275 54,696 60,425 2,260 16,433 26,825 1 967 4 125 1 9,895 7 1,810 13 9,905 9 9,163 8 103,982 17 1,177 2 15,320 7 7,030 5 125 4 100 10 4,352 6 3 3 1 1 1 12 18 21 36 12 3 4 49 2 5 37 4 290 7,534 1,055 7,620 2,029 44,858 31,921 9,856 200 1,832 52,250 1,630 3,136 21,150 5 2 407 4 1 1,000 4 1 1,677 6 2 5,000 4 3 3,411 4 4 2,706 13 3 2,980 3 '14 132,758 19 9 67,410 13 2 2,700 3 1 4,500 7 4 2,820 3 6 1 2 8 1 I 1 ) 2 4 1 16 4 10 1 10 2 1 4 3 9 5 4 7 4 7 14 5 26 1 20 3 2 8 6 in 395 6,840 2,085 4,230 797 5,482 4,306 265,948 35 51,583 8,025 130 13,147 4,550 n 1 1,800 1 (') 1 500 57,786 1 6,775 1 40 7 22,692 14 5 18 65,900 129,982 2 4,820 4 1 6 1,281 92,378 1 400 1 10 1 (') 2 150 88,665 3 1,750 1 1 5 1,125 75,000 12 13 2 57 54,782 2 1 2 550 68,928 1 1 1 40 178,250 2 4 50C 69,342 14 15 1 1,210 130.741 1 35 352,545 1 150 111,769 16 17 113,362 198,951 18 39,425 10,107 7 , 445 113,056 49,290 133,955 25,797 44,158 51,557 31,324 30,507 27,904 19,093 34,299 19 654 1,130 582 1,128 1,773 1,599 1,284 785 1,246 1,873 1.313 724 1,759 1.947 20 6,975 15,033 5,789 12,826 13.604 13,580 9,946 7,865 9.954 17,499 12,349 8,565 18,935 23,881 21 72 157 49 276 448 404 305 173 160 432 112 114 207 449 22 18,109 21,665 5,573 39,502 53,318 74,634 28,358 32,251 22,848 46,555 16,304 12,340 35,841 77,822 23 9 93 19 117 119 114 132 51 62 158 18 63 134 175 24 529 668 307 1,382 1,218 964 621 1,176 2,208 1,236 401 758 974 1,324 2b 31 16 10 83 11 24 11 65 27 16 26 25 81 10 26 2,702 625 899 3,643 161 1,004 216 4,923 1,640 317 1,211 1,490 3,448 1,023 27 6 2 2 23 17 1 4 3 6 6 18 3 28 513 29 30 19 45 111 2,323 69 1,723 82 40 58 130 98 190 87 1,207 35 1,632 64 3,380 121 60 56 29 43 70 30 42,381 8,239 11,611 39.445 29,552 33,232 14,751 35,944 59,023 32,065 23.126 41,551 14,007 41,806 31 41 51 56 157 140 239 77 103 142 104 47 60 93 66 32 70,881 49,312 35,522 158,470 87,677 317,943 53,303 92,900 118,334 50,511 87.655 25,676 73,839 30,576 33 1 2 5 8 20 14 10 5 8 14 3 11 6 8 34 100 235 7,649 1,036 13,512 1,370 874 1,138 893 9.B02 986 2,115 819 2,618 Jb 456 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL [Data for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial — farms Other farms Com- mercial fauna reporting reporting reporting Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number Under 10 acres number Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and bui Idings. .. .average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting acres farms reporting 1 to 9 acres Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number Not residing on farm operated number With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number Working off their farm, total number 100 days or more number By tenure: Ful 1 owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms repor t ing Electricity farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars Corn pickers farms reporting Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting Automobiles farms reporting Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950! Hard surface farms Gravel , shell , or shale farms Dirt or unimproved fa Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms report ing Family workers, including operator farms reporting Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms leporting acres Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Irish potatoes farms reporting acres bushels Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting dollars Land in bearing and no, .bearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting acres Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting number Cattle and ctlves farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Hogs and pigs ■ . farms reporting number Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1 949: Chickens sold forms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Cattle sold alive number Calves sold alive... number Sales of farm products in 1919: All farm products sold farms reporting dollars Livestock sold alive farms reporting dollars Dairy products sold farms reporting dollars Poultry and poultry products sold ...farms reporting dollars Specified farm expenditures in 1919: Any sped fled farm expenditures farms report ing Machine hire dollars Hired labor dollars Feed for I ivestock and poultry. .dollars Livestock and pout try purchased dot tars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil .dollars 84,101 2,656 8,586,692 102.1 6,529 66.51 83.325 3,248,601 5,183 79,352 2,783 6,958 18,741 5,498 25,570 10.783 343 47,405 6,247 57,112 4.43 343 16,354 41,704 28,837 3,074 48,697 76,690 75,431 71,116 37,374 66,587 12,201 38,893 77,201 1,069,845 28,903 282,284 21,382 8,434 1,203,723 69,241 11,301 7,078.386 20,210 48,897 60,060 123,863 47,757 '80,893 41,7 48 102,(103 63,254 466,050 25,848 54,774 70,889 2,345,902 9,571 3.091,253 17,337 5,587,339 40,092 50,928 84.101 198,911,286 34,832 15,515,900 13,551 10,706,184 20,496 9,623,744 72,287 5,195,832 25,169,428 14, 154,314 7,890.618 4,773. 017 10, 136,892 55,263 9,926 3,292,101 59.6 4,290 75.88 46,642 711,221 19,410 50,779 2,820 38,849 32,649 26,817 33,712 5,712 58 IS, 781 5,654 37,913 4.44 29 6,245 28,242 22,681 3,278 26,275 40,632 39,533 35,403 17,020 25,088 4.228 6,613 38,190 280,720 14,387 90,667 10,796 996 122,619 41,725 3,780 551,832 17,516 15,733 31.368 46,480 30,561 88,661 26,002 39,364 33,139 132,026 9,162 14,455 44,990 1,205,083 6,294 319,386 11.184 1.505,576 6,133 11,996 42,573 14.650.428 16,480 2,385,448 4,059 735,705 13,637 1,051,577 42,126 1,243,387 2,471,209 3,045,509 1,299,682 968, 045 1,436,472 926 22 122,958 132.8 5,903 49.76 917 37,593 37 892 24 85 204 51 323 98 2 503 54 716 4.10 232 560 293 60 524 847 836 796 421 801 138 275 900 7,509 484 6,238 360 28 3,681 769 21 2,069 371 260 568 1,400 678 5.992 628 1,632 678 2,282 109 196 761 30,739 147 14,015 291 93,858 796 1,079 926 1,373,297 379 199,011 102 73,521 325 70.471 727 42,165 138,732 83,275 51,555 15,032 80,807 1,114 119 94,709 85.0 4,217 51.25 919 15,908 293 1,054 38 7 58 615 510 726 68 75 791 5.36 166 686 336 40 611 847 822 732 305 415 101 184 638 4,619 450 3,110 304 18 2,615 19 1,752 481 239 651 1,166 762 2,584 692 1,133 659 1,710 74 107 924 28,029 109 4,182 264 28.206 129 356 831 287.635 332 43.404 73 5.441 305 18,504 772 29,500 30,616 58.155 23,695 11,178 27,210 1,975 35 316,237 160.1 5.935 37.29 1,955 114,315 59 1,744 80 201 412 162 629 277 12 1,057 167 1.408 4.50 7 443 1,013 688 29 1,075 1.674 1,637 1,535 668 1,114 325 1,003 1,834 42.640 294 3,741 312 10 1.764 1,598 386 126,727 459 856 1,287 2,819 1,082 6,069 963 2,365 1,463 13,348 707 1,816 1,599 53, 429 245 280,832 448 153,314 1.084 1,106 1,975 4,271,182 952 309,938 150 306,633 555 303,803 1,620 113,608 561,043 340,026 196,520 06,148 255,137 1,440 254 106,920 74.2 2,995 44.79 1,227 22,447 465 1,311 85 1,037 835 704 852 120 2 466 110 1,139 4.01 163 847 599 20 821 1.123 1.058 938 355 475 137 155 1,038 10,787 94 575 170 6 869 1,143 159 23.009 390 420 782 1,047 609 2,274 525 667 861 3,701 264 448 1,200 30,061 167 14,764 291 33,167 98 190 1.069 410,667 413 47,046 76 8,531 355 28,807 1.174 17,860 66,385 81,820 26,550 15,250 42,235 521 5 169,935 326.2 7.816 28.26 518 66.648 5 476 27 40 101 34 154 93 3 271 41 231 6.10 7 123 219 219 16 285 489 457 437 246 464 150 847 507 17,899 99 1,290 B9 14 1,250 373 381 281,581 126 346 453 1,077 315 2,047 204 473 432 6,666 308 919 405 11,739 35 2,630 75 17.461 372 448 521 1,778,430 339 219,620 17 37,918 87 11,777 451 49.156 533,939 58,326 32,803 84,316 149,422 256 15 23,769 92.8 2.204 23.71 232 6,623 38 223 21 133 123 85 115 17 1 123 31 112 6.65 7 41 87 10 135 183 167 156 91 141 37 43 213 2,727 35 186 32 6 285 84 13,316 47 24 185 262 113 208 77 93 183 1,158 88 149 192 5,855 16 1.005 31 2.942 9 23 201 57,928 90 14,583 3 96 37 2,460 178 1.535 6,065 3.460 3,645 3,485 3,435 3,151 69 271,854 86.3 8,401 98.96 3,120 135,125 129 3,010 81 282 591 188 976 322 13 1,840 410 2,473 4.77 8 900 1,947 1,465 661 940 2,855 2,801 2,641 1,213 2,183 363 894 2,549 23,072 1.573 23,023 673 S3 6,292 2,490 185 40,107 976 587 1,863 4,156 2,295 16,428 2,107 6,305 2.108 7,378 267 522 2,720 101,411 555 129,477 1,041 241,902 2,853 3,221 3.151 5,995,373 1,271 565,387 732 911.949 1,171 319,927 2,687 214.252 580,047 461,385 321,067 106,001 362.685 Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. SOUTH CAROLINA 457 FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 195C reports for only a sample of farms See text Bamberg Barnwell Beau fort Berk sley Calhoun Chnrl eston Cherokee Che iter Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- mercial Other mercial Other mercisl Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other farms mercial Other farms farms farms farms forms farms farms farms farms farms farms In in.' farms forms farms 9S2 548 1,477 399 199 1,454 896 2,034 1,128 532 411 1,094 1,546 1,186 1,361 848 1 4 51 8 42 6 481 45 646 15 138 87 427 21 140 49 121 2 160,556 49,010 222,888 37,530 126,096 45,604 135.474 74,497 164,842 31,503 105,709 33,340 142.150 70,350 175,619 75,022 3 163.5 89.4 150.9 94.1 633.6 31.4 151.2 36.6 146.1 59.2 257.4 30,5 91.9 59.3 129.0 88.5 4 4.711 3,533 3,897 3,251 24,353 2,273 8,015 2,641 8,186 3,188 20,227 3,829 6,353 4,052 5,253 3,923 5 34.15 37.01 29.10 39.13 57.39 81.93 65.10 70.64 56.92 51.37 88.10 143.41 69.69 79.96 37.20 46.30 6 974 497 1,466 316 190 1.321 892 1,862 1,113 435 394 945 1,534 970 1,347 730 7 67.357 12.852 102,708 9,198 14,507 10.390 25,075 18,535 76,075 6,670 20,861 6,504 52,468 14,050 47,343 13,034 8 5 82 20 70 47 958 94 1,092 21 197 121 740 63 383 82 243 9 696 478 1,370 334 182 1,393 833 1,852 1,060 483 374 1,062 1,488 1,100 1,280 775 10 51 47 76 44 7 25 30 80 53 42 24 23 44 72 67 56 11 69 360 82 237 27 969 75 1,323 157 436 51 723 201 843 101 622 12 174 274 258 173 51 821 228 1,202 317 321 00 643 495 759 388 485 13 SO 190 73 126 24 642 68 978 108 257 55 484 137 637 66 405 14 258 233 390 192 122 930 363 1,172 254 232 244 796 449 782 393 537 15 ISO 66 194 31 55 337 402 588 254 67 133 108 163 73 119 69 16 2 542 8 885 I 175 8 14 2 185 7 124 2 272 2 618 4 30 5 929 8 841 17 18 249 233 100 331 242 65 20 70 36 35 30 44 59 77 26 138 105 185 151 239 202 19 662 254 906 154 ■ 115 363 559 1,068 659 302 332 405 1,123 908 780 523 20 6.19 4.79 4.13 5.13 23.30 4.48 5.13 3.80 4.98 5.12 9.99 5.57 4.06 4.07 5.20 5.08 21 7 220 6 218 1 23 7 81 82 1 138 35 355 5 55 2 175 1 261 106 22 69 108 95 393 155 23 487 235 661 128 81 207 277 581 686 247 262 280 812 613 602 473 24 248 173 382 118 79 385 322 645 464 267 195 555 661 496 570 387 25 30 703 25 292 1 988 10 182 6 92 41 933 6 483 25 1,248 1 197 25 515 86 7 56 60 591 98 664 00 276 26 581 230 27 960 415 1,361 274 167 1,268 840 1,629 1,015 366 378 825 1,418 832 1,177 561 28 945 409 1,340 249 156 1,253 819 1,602 958 315 351 820 1,388 827 1,169 551 29 885 399 1,274 214 151 1,133 7 59 1,372 883 285 311 735 1,307 701 1.108 521 30 406 111 741 105 83 790 532 881 389 105 182 355 663 341 498 205 31 777 161 1,387 145 159 1,140 1,112 1,386 651 135 283 515 999 476 869 285 32 199 64 249 54 70 52 161 197 350 91 203 50 199 82 152 86 33 850 98 988 165 868 63 343 237 853 178 2,412 95 338 125 454 171 34 929 431 1,391 260 170 1,275 860 1,759 1,064 346 345 872 1,324 705 1,223 535 35 26,082 5,813 36,454 3,672 3,750 5,769 12,151 10,710 29,516 3,260 5,044 3,492 11,959 4,332 12,116 3,662 36 143 36 104 18 61 219 280 335 159 26 210 329 717 378 670 398 37 1,860 289 1,319 154 1,233 556 1,857 927 1,428 135 1,456 830 6,833 2,397 11,076 3,811 38 177 62 321 67 34 125 341 438 275 116 166 230 463 230 284 125 39 11 1 13 2 306 17 45 22 26 6 3,801 161 24 6 22 6 ■10 1,979 440 2.629 501 56,279 2,194 5,283 4,010 3,575 2,377 721,772 16,171 3,706 1,551 2,670 984 41 7 58 358 1,005 221 117 831 764 1,611 929 420 286 839 1,289 863 1,108 626 42 639 210 1,207 170 99 371 92 75 182 21 295 238 86 39 35 19 43 254.123 32,448 612.398 37,946 1,185,158 41,352 30,276 5,566 60,551 2,802 1,507,579 36,777 9,232 2,530 4,165 1,776 44 168 90 176 50 80 354 276 557 312 157 .87 248 735 576 303 230 45 294 46 266 165 158 104 69 53 888 80 215 149 2,917 521 655 212 46 768 339 1,124 239 162 939 808 1,350 755 228 300 718 999 609 762 465 47 1,788 532 2,655 396 364 1.206 1,423 1,576 2,041 387 606 853 2,215 990 1,910 866 18 584 233 842 173 160 867 596 983 594 185 223 519 1,157 728 1,070 579 49 4,775 592 3,179 466 5,613 2,176 4,742 3,004 4,573 467 4,513 1,391 6,127 1,867 9,520 2,683 50 i 518 191 796 156 102 417 490 702 495 156 149 300 1,088 669 962 522 51 2,374 262 1,292 203 809 603 1.334 1,024 954 204 584 426 2,200 937 4,508 1,204 52 720 339 1,177 252 135 1,028 708 1,384 881 308 256 702 1,089 619 1,001 495 53 11,062 2,773 12,284 1.611 2.425 3,386 10,338 8,816 15,621 1,943 4,787 3,090 2,933 1,433 2,849 1,221 54 537 210 752 136 69 282 501 773 578 153 114 200 125 74 127 45 55 1.556 446 1,838 223 276 367 1.290 1,196 2,030 254 564 288 254 117 202 67 56 798 402 1,266 303 161 1,240 714 1,609 954 402 308 920 1.361 974 1,068 682 5V 23,976 9,646 35,389 5,982 8,893 21,350 23,356 26,905 32,744 8,924 17,511 19,487 43,753 24,896 31,956 17,838 58 73 30 113 23 30 80 96 107 120 57 35 53 295 173 113 66 59 5,706 798 21,414 1,334 77,055 2,971 26,860 3,840 26,243 1,658 21,242 2,507 24,395 5,552 9,057 2,619 60 229 96 276 49 46 130 167 170 249 99 64 74 523 263 275 160 61 50,418 7,737 30,124 3,238 46,037 12,781 67,474 13,933 111,028 10,880 65,017 12,661 96,020 22,753 57,965 17,119 62 394 42 419 26 962 96 517 132 1,060 26 694 87 858 168 1,022 177 63 1,065 104 561 68 1,257 191 1,075 307 797 93 936 136 1,005 311 1.731 407 64 982 491 1,477 337 199 1,080 896 1,564 1,128 453 411 670 1,546 973 1,361 684 65 2,066,335 113,398 3,026.589 192,008 2,003,255 263,033 1,350,475 376,546 3,520,164 181,191 3,719,750 160,201 3,152.220 444,163 2,342,099 230.807 66 577 208 690 128 131 309 464 614 671 177 209 211 651 360 641 288 67 318,944 32,837 350,577 23.769 269,120 39,961 296,990 91,522 672,364 36,267 297,314 37,730 188,366 41.637 205,180 36,761 68 61 6 38 9 20 7 28 10 27 9 15 8 302 177 381 125 69 430. 456 537 49,258 743 222,765 467 146,392 895 39,826 357 76,414 293 178,435 19,674 614,533 30,317 70 254 106 311 61 65 226 210 231 282 113 77 102 628 341 312 185 71 145,726 4,297 63,501 2,913 144,008 11,958 56,506 11,059 99,361 6,234 54,332 10,413 391,234 17,222 47,302 12,926 72 881 397 1,216 265 164 839 719 1,313 1.022 416 387 760 1.354 049 085 648 73 90.208 14,431 76,690 5,590 5.832 12,795 26.305 9,315 128,326 19,435 41,080 4,140 106,420 41,776 70,754 15,783 74 1 386,846 22,020 463,059 70,780 574,040 15,693 238,587 57,810 625.550 46,590 1,140,361 18.400 294,381 35.791 200,052 37,363 75 299,743 196,048 84,274 15,025 158,073 9,655 123,016 34,880 113,714 70,225 241.358 37,818 165.338 41 . 420 365,655 71.885 253,275 44,730 76 10,395 130,977 7,740 178,938 8,880 91,653 18,777 283,011 8,755 125.616 16.385 162,416 23.630 72.729 18,455 11 38.066 112,687 12,290 65,666 11,188 56,880 23,095 151,346 12,910 412.989 23.030 54,188 15,884 41.931 16,170 78 138.422 18,770 165,398 17,544 85,305 15,135 68,743 13,325 223,446 11 , 449 212,520 26.480 145,255 28,897 117,176 23,275 79 .458 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL LData for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanations, see text) Chesterfield Lorn- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Com- mercial farms Darlington Other farms Com- mercial farms Other farms Dorchester Com- mercial farms Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number. Under 10 acres number. Land in farms acres. Average size of farm acres. Value of land and buildings. .. .average per farm, dollars, average per acre, dollars. Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting. acres. farms reporting 1 to 9 acres. Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number. Not residing on farm operated number. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number. Working off thel r farm, total number. 100 days or more number. By tenure: Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number . All tenants number. Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms repor t ing. Electricity farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. Corn pickers farms reporting. Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting. Automobiles farms reporting. Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. Family workers, including operator farms report ing. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. H ired workers farms reporting. persons. Crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres. Irish potatoes farms reporting. acres 1 bushels. Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting. dollars. Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting. acres 2 Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms reporting. number Cattle and calves farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number Hogs and pigs farms reporting number Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting number Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Cattle sold alive number Calves sold alive number Sales of farm products in 1919: All farm products sold forms reporting dol lars Livestock sold alive farms reporting dollars Dairy products sold forms reporting dol lars Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting dol lars Specified farm expenditures in 1919: Any specified farm expenditures.. farms reporting Machine hire dol lars Hired labor dollars Feed for livestock and poul try dol tars Livestock and poultry purchased dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars 2,592 43 263,166 101.5 4,912 50.79 2,581 108,745 92 2,383 71 247 615 160 B59 396 6 1,331 56 2,120 3.45 5 549 1,131 686 125 1,619 2,303 2,293 2,152 1,001 1,526 212 693 2,306 29,350 966 8,572 1,156 46 8,464 2,243 626 195,426 591 2,071 2,035 3,828 1,503 5,917 1,367 2,145 1,984 9,565 501 1,089 2,176 68,774 333 32,659 500 232,279 681 1,249 2,592 1.403,417' 1,055 269,147 158 100,947 646 335,523 2,288 219,608 717,060 251 , 541 145,168 107,856 281,873 1,158 195 63,617 54.9 3,646 56.18 923 15,252 299 1,070 55 821 605 511 649 130 1 378 36 966 4.02 221 551 301 55 765 811 786 716 246 311 56 79 683 5.323 246 1,405 374 5 2,064 890 179 28,513 275 252 568 852 495 912 449 550 681 2,012 156 234 912 19,833 126 4,227 162 17,311 58 188 861 441,160 306 29,220 52 3,598 227 11,734 961 50,045 74,635 58,820 15,150 30,060 45.130 3,319 76 227,668 68.6 4,672 71.84 3.316 115,652 19B 3,149 80 97 998 141 735 478 6 2,100 61 1,263 4.90 2 326 1,479 966 55 2.131 3,187 3,176 3,011 1,770 3,057 492 1,233 3,200 50,595 619 3,505 1,590 64 11.101 2,772 124 20,335 818 245 2,835 4,600 1,938 5,449 1,582 2,331 2,750 23,517 1,772 3,361 2,938 65,655 257 9,744 528 70,958 367 759 3,319 ,433,141 1,446 421,418 46 33,860 623 56,448 3,103 188.290 704,959 189,636 114,214 111.920 291,991 739 275 24,049 32.5 2,647 79.32 685 8,304 370 678 38 320 446 328 233 65 2 439 40 285 5.07 40 265 166 25 526 646 636 566 265 360 55 65 599 4,362 57 "69 264 6 1,413 559 14 1,205 182 53 345 463 306 643 241 299 487 2,503 262 348 581 11,934 46 2,086 94 20,296 33 70 o70 443.836 198 24,932 8 326 109 12,694 591 22,256 40,575 26,050 9,625 11.620 17,743 1,176 13 315,040 267.9 10.631 38.47 1,135 53,411 46 1.102 53 106 247 93 617 281 18 260 116 830 6.12 7 326 634 515 16 635 1.064 1,044 984 489 882 248 762 1.125 27,538 400 3,966 89 219 20,225 959 191 199.606 281 102 990 2,003 812 9,318 591 1.389 978 16,840 656 2,063 994 46,174 225 19,172 441 214,881 1,234 2,525 1,176 ,315,258 866 698.409 52 58.697 496 119,247 1.083 51.494 438.143 250,083 154.651 69,465 145,331 1,768 339 95,971 54.3 2,783 47.59 1,640 24,188 654 1,634 110 1.099 863 676 1,067 294 2 405 71 821 4.52 111 626 690 25 976 1,316 1,286 1,126 575 830 126 163 1.569 14.130 391 1,334 74 36 3,033 1,298 133 20,997 221 72 1,190 1.489 832 2,265 47 4 715 1,259 7,931 629 1,068 1,417 43,321 154 6.318 313 93,730 64 372 1,382 380,223 620 114.156 10 714 379 46,859 1,386 24,225 70,900 118,555 41,465 44,620 23,360 3,478 147 226,728 65.2 5,679 86.39 3,466 119,553 218 3,324 75 180 468 221 719 288 12 2,459 272 2,745 3.71 20 596 1,783 899 98 2,297 1,345 2,205 351 1,381 3,109 35,190 953 9,715 1,156 27 7,533 2,852 510 213,282 594 325 2,124 4,600 1,221 3,728 1,033 1.578 2,437 13,810 747 1,303 2,702 72,134 270 16.465 386 93,505 688 580 3,478 .023,146 862 327,604 83 ISO, 780 527 100,939 2,970 364,694 917,964 303,914 139,292 132,214 349,220 643 118 37,652 58.6 6,320 141.25 498 7,595 206 564 42 306 353 309 374 69 1 199 135 613 4.77 82 387 267 20 386 457 431 371 146 191 62 115 331 2.230 137 1.309 128 4 1,076 42 9.438 153 29 338 708 208 456 186 241 354 1,768 101 174 474 12,279 44 1,086 83 8,914 23 48 430 208,132 137 21.299 18 2.664 101 5,861 507 48,240 56,305 38,855 14.080 19,415 50,105 3,073 140 192,503 62.6 6,782 112.85 3,057 89,718 220 2,901 104 245 493 171 445 145 4 2,479 245 2,472 3.56 510 1,668 639 16 2,230 2,878 2,851 2,760 1,628 3,140 306 1,193 2,869 28,989 1,187 9,347 514 28 6,698 2,714 102 18,640 293 241 1,999 4,278 964 3,243 816 1,283 2,452 15,257 1,049 1,812 2,557 65,885 218 7,259 278 49,795 346 356 3,073 .551,435 913 315,878 52 49, 530 390 34,397 2,721 169,683 613.111 200.886 206.128 177,726 423,275 . 263 63 17,831 67.8 9.991 137.54 210 2.830 219 29 125 121 104 127 23 66 181 5.90 56 151 216 211 201 75 115 45 115 142 1,105 70 740 519 80 8,631 196 6 848 41 7 135 367 65 233 55 69 150 776 54 77 186 5.405 15 784 30 2,217 11 15 202 54,397 56 10.123 3 733 37 2,154 201 14,020 29,762 11,715 6.380 13,117 31,631 927 19 122,909 132.6 6,664 49.49 921 37,983 46 857 53 111 218 81 362 307 2 256 58 530 6.29 7 186 460 210 867 840 815 470 722 154 397 886 19,891 328 2,230 93 64 6,708 637 128 63.646 192 104 763 1,636 536 4,854 403 1,834 751 11,471 500 1,180 777 24,023 97 41,128 271 S5.996 351 1,309 927 1.879,785 618 461.870 34 244,318 294 66,292 778 35.352 279.618 254.146 129,756 57.083 80.098 'Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. 3 Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. SOUTH CAROLINA 459 FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF lySU— Continued reports for only a sample of far See textj Edge field Fail field Florence Georgetown Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- ( ,„„ mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other merciol Other forms farms forma farms farms farms 111 11!.'. farms farms farms 1„ i n .'. farms farms farms (a i mn farms 1,209 756 738 799 6,010 830 704 881 1,756 4,000 622 933 590 811 6,257 961 1 40 84 8 74 281 177 26 364 51 607 15 98 10 127 317 287 2 150,784 58,246 164.167 85.093 323,255 61,316 95,769 35,692 137,232 176,069 124,320 70,717 187,735 47,660 322,679 61,749 3 124.7 77.0 222.4 106.5 53.8 73.9 136.0 40.5 71.2 44.0 199.9 75.8 318.2 58.8 51.6 64.3 4 7,339 3,007 8,127 4,655 5,705 7.148 8,311 3,053 7,890 5,798 10,542 5,081 14,716 2.920 6.829 4,151 5 57.47 41.83 35.33 44.76 113.28 118.28 88.30 81.03 106.94 130.19 51.31 75.92 41.85 50.20 133.82 118.67 6 1,192 668 717 674 5,990 610 702 762 1,731 3,347 611 77 4 579 719 6,233 679 7 48 , 496 11,272 25,749 10.665 149,503 7,948 17,166 5,084 59, 549 46,185 27,256 12,387 50,221 13,191 118,474 4,763 8 54 205 25 210 515 332 117 609 112 1,481 37 292 4 213 883 505 9 1 , ISfi 717 659 680 5,785 659 691 843 1,672 3,781 588 886 518 720 6,002 850 10 41 24 32 49 125 67 12 26 46 146 26 25 58 58 112 33 11 78 541 63 514 251 267 96 704 227 3,273 96 696 57 558 412 434 12 425 425 241 474 735 359 162 587 495 2,639 191 604 152 500 1,189 450 13 103 290 67 392 242 299 78 500 125 2,242 55 511 62 373 354 365 14 320 341 327 493 1,446 555 390 643 665 2,803 250 595 262 360 2,538 696 15 111 59 72 50 375 70 96 116 197 228 49 41 142 128 644 65 16 4 774 5 334 1 255 7 4,182 3 202 13 205 2 120 7 887 4 965 7 316 1 296 17 169 2 321 5 3,070 2 198 17 356 18 167 48 37 25 258 166 11 15 224 528 105 150 43 10 31 26 19 818 450 355 440 4,235 704 336 394 1,462 3,444 508 747 395 380 5,063 631 20 4.03 3.54 5.92 3.57 3.58 5.45 6.70 5.51 5.74 4.61 5.07 4.37 6.98 4.87 3.62 4.67 21 6 3 2 5 5 1 22 23 328 42 151 45 563 151 133 55 516 567 244 196 256 70 848 71 698 465 317 360 2,861 504 299 305 1,011 2,558 438 612 284 335 2,991 396 24 345 275 308 253 1,733 295 188 264 1,160 2,514 380 511 190 230 1,746 384 25 25 800 5 421 59 295 32 435 32 3,993 5 488 271 286 760 625 35 228 66 345 5 575 75 4,177 457 26 27 490 621 415 1,016 553 611 553 5,520 659 673 824 1,600 2,868 576 696 600 720 5,776 638 28 999 543 606 531 5,458 636 653 818 1,589 2,812 564 681 584 710 5,746 638 29 933 483 585 481 5.143 601 628 763 1,524 2,537 529 621 553 670 5,430 593 30 355 200 278 260 2,298 137 348 515 797 1,220 210 230 266 320 3,201 185 31 527 295 443 370 4,190 234 722 770 1,324 1,510 349 360 380 435 5.547 295 32 162 22 149 73 551 108 148 104 224 172 159 85 271 65 613 51 33 612 22 393 84 1,284 237 342 150 628 256 457 120 783 75 1,154 125 34 1,097 566 647 584 ■ 5,775 402 667 698 1,511 2.634 552 633 561 671 5,997 513 35 14,781 4,720 7,319 3,980 66,812 3,179 8.402 3,209 13,932 16,360 6,535 4,075 19,196 7,354 56,498 2,453 36 226 127 398 303 2,064 205 327 107 883 1,296 356 382 71 75 2,452 136 37 2,330 617 6,465 2,022 11,530 1.586 1,804 281 8,969 7,286 8,194 2,947 1,020 250 8,455 464 38 242 137 52 47 1,137 89 334 317 475 972 132 172 220 91 2,119 135 39 53 29 11 3 86 16 34 9 49 35 15 21 641 68 1,952 50 40 3,330 2,069 680 551 11,911 1,562 3,746 1,587 5,306 9,208 1,456 2,021 69,679 5,339 136,418 3,467 41 1,026 619 522 572 5,052 506 655 757 1,468 3,175 523 748 448 568 5,040 664 42 70 36 13 7 886 42 33 14 130 110 31 37 293 126 204 28 43 22,764 2,976 2,922 505 327,438 16,841 77,183 1,101 63,534 16,107 5,151 6,059 179.021 11,203 113,804 4,372 44 255 217 96 93 960 190 201 318 480 1,143 201 359 193 286 1,551 226 45 2,374 17 5 41 17 309 95 179 25 1,878 969 258 132 454 58 149 21 46 780 475 578 545 4,282 438 576 511 1,170 2,193 476 576 497 544 4,987 487 47 1,729 689 1.258 730 7,726 913 966 608 2,471 3,148 1,026 864 988 674 3,216 757 48 789 485 587 646 2,743 306 401 388 1,292 2,417 465 646 403 379 1,854 212 49 5,509 1.413 9,282 2,711 6,594 77 2,005 920 7,337 5,757 7,769 2,831 3.454 980 4,659 466 50 725 435 503 548 2,320 254 334 303 1,195 2,172 428 547 329 296 1,512 169 SI 2,142 720 2,147 1,094 3,228 359 620 369 3,950 2,883 1,860 989 886 429 2,045 218 52 889 501 567 545 4,311 424 576 636 1,145 2,023 440 543 494 602 4,705 523 S3 4,127 1,473 2,068 1,407 27,371 3;i23 5,940 3,773 3,519 4,781 2,285 1,801 11,257 4.267 33,224 2,593 54 297 96 134 83 1,819 184 391 396 164 207 123 73 377 337 2,524 226 SS 528 144 239 103 2,856 319 785 607 310 302 281 150 1,331 516 3,814 301 56 1,011 641 529 597 4,907 541 647 779 1,532 3,372 528 789 494 691 5,525 750 57 28,503 14.632 22.653 16,114 131,428 18,407 22.805 16,314 79,910 108,296 22,726 20,596 20,849 14,064 162,644 20.141 58 95 45 77 78 323 55 43 47 299 519 86 117 87 79 618 81 59 20,720 1,351 10,282 2.352 35,073 2,916 133,985 1,686 67,766 33,704 21,058 6,469 64,675 3,327 22,263 1,749 60 272 145 115 116 648 89 82 104 548 957 184 226 172 158 980 131 61 60,758 16,261 82,250 10,556 131,517 16,130 48,466 7,507 300,831 155,779 104,512 39,764 36,185 14,586 98,673 11,044 62 551 87 1,280 345 522 25 498 80 924 445 1,234 257 804 46 599 29 63 1,163 204 1,824 451 791 85 239 67 1,367 767 983 380 609 144 515 37 64 1,209 635 738 650 6,010 433 704 601 1,756 2,862 622 787 590 634 6,257 612 65 2,492,784 219,248 1.349,355 206.892 15,525,052 250,537 1.739,047 186,597 3,286,632 723,623 1.379,246 283,807 1,857,772 193,116 18,007,196 209.174 66 560 254 376 282 1,759 172 326 245 708 986 311 347 394 281 2,014 164 67 186,288 27.898 284,611 41,044 385.877 33,403 152,955 37,052 250,542 121,865 263,424 64,456 381.163 47,547 400.961 21.949 68 123 64 74 38 102 18 13 6 359 436 95 105 29 6 40 9 69 216,192 4.400 178,109 4,312 90,964 5,603 30,482 521 786,904 48,920 261,617 17,467 37,557 455 28,268 580 70 293 167 146 . 142 774 111 104 121 611 1,134 198 274 194 192 1.255 157 71 45,297 9,229 66,521 8,249 94, 498 10,749 304,294 5,847 255,761 115.792 80,729 27,502 102,309 9,656 251,923 6,861 72 862 554 531 513 5,149 633 6S6 720 1,468 3,074 559 772 578 740 5,916 711 73 79,685 5,610 19,824 8.155 283,110 32,985 20,121 3,725 85,240 90,789 43,015 23,730 50,043 9,185 281.695 22,295 74 381.756 10,055 146,051 19,370 1.092,370 89,991 272,481 52,838 501,220 73,815 256,375 37,650 594,960 32,555 1,403,116 85,922 75 107, 6B3 29.53S 196,726 32,060 388,825 41.854 259,993 41.370 472,265 167,787 224,321 81.135 98.363 34,985 431,825 35,160 76 76,311 6,517 80,132 15,494 203,786 22,327 153,535 14,675 200,540 89,290 161,709 55,085 133,359 9,785 275.535 22,980 77 52,853 3,775 22,980 8,290 219,282 26,864 28,115 7,994 148,110 53,081 74.659 10,435 121,931 14,040 189,135 23,900 78 172,133 9,204 50,372 11,220 574,253 88,980 88,523 13,925 188,839 57,220 101,174 28,155 185,024 9,145 1,038,403 82,377 79 460 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6.— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL LData for items shown in italics are based on (For definitions and explanati Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: Farms number Under 10 acres number Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and bui ldings. ... average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting acres farms reporting 1 to 9 acres Farm operators, 1950— Residing on farm operated number Not residing on farm operated number With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number Working off their farm, total number 100 days or more number By tenure: Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms report mg Average of last monthly electric bill dollars Corn pickers farms reporting Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting Automobiles farms report ing Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Hard surface farms report ing Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting Family workers, including operator farms report ing Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more farms report inft persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Crops harvested in 1919: Corn for al 1 purposes farms reporting acres Land from which hay was cut farms Irish potatoes farms Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms Livestock on farms, April I, 1950: Horses and/or mules farms Cattle and calves farms Milk cows farms Hogs and pigs farms Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Chickens sold farms Chicken eggs sold farms Cattle sold alive Calves sold alive Sales of farm products in J 949: Al 1 farm products sold farms Livestock sold alive farms Da-L ry products sold farms Poul try and poul try products sold farms Specified farm expenditures in 1949: Any specified farm expenditures farms Machine hi re. , H i red labor Feed for 1 ives tock and poul try , Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil reporting acres reporting acres bushels reporting dollars reporting, acres" reporting number reporting number reporting, number reporting number reporting number reporting number reporting number reporting dozens . . . number . . . number reporting dol lflrs reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting . .dol tars . . dol lars . . do 1 tars . .dol lars . .dollars . . do 1 lars Jasper Com " , I Other mercial farms farms Com- mercial farms 248 4 67,224 271.1 7,991 28.96 246 11,838 IS 220 21 36 76 24 94 73 52 173 11.62 3 66 125 237 231 206 157 232 71 226 246 7,175 49 525 28 28 2,564 68 19,564 93 88 219 470 181 1,707 138 385 206 3,569 167 484 213 6,491 26 11,672 43 6,592 196 365 248 644,808 162 169,828 8 50,391 59 140,947 233 7,789 203,477 1 99,994 36,786 37,238 58,064 25 230 170 15 620 616 615 510 395 640 26 36 725 5,914 83 270 40 16 848 95 10,340 199 26 540 635 454 1,289 332 526 588 3.183 338 456 690 11,256 28 2,074 62 5,347 50 85 608 112,155 256 40,350 3 192 83 4,497 656 5,405 13,065 28,685 9,865 10,570 3,455 1,502 1,202 24 125 220.280 102.935 Other farms 146.7 5,743 39.34 1,490 68,303 48 1,420 144 361 113 486 238 6 772 91 846 4.60 3 237 621 377 26 1,054 1,365 1,348 1,252 578 1,093 217 574 1,397 19,501 439 5,026 302 25 1,934 1,198 198 93,417 500 568 1,139 2,243 975 5,668 872 1,750 1,160 6,061 306 652 1,331 34,881 127 8,807 241 52,402 827 689 1,502 ,909,057 621 200,947 7,061 118,382 313 62,001 1,309 67,564 441,741 207,519 108,704 78,958 135,539 85.6 3,823 46.93 933 18,770 303 1,111 52 833 720 605 717 104 3 378 76 805 3.46 72 637 316 15 808 907 872 757 445 745 71 95 784 6,623 215 2,045 182 62 16,130 536 258 691 965 715 2,519 649 1,331 773 2,890 163 319 1,035 23,307 119 3,553 210 22,548 209 282 951 492,282 413 57,097 59 86,994 270 16,162 967 25,060 82,711 63,275 18,250 26,026 23,846 Com- mercial farms 1,087 29 116,972 107.6 4,535 41.50 1,074 34,646 74 1.032 23 117 289 98 387 103 3 594 32 772 4.31 188 312 467 5 490 877 867 787 431 728 81 239 984 10,054 564 5,867 278 24 2.551 923 89 43,323 240 303 769 1,543 823 4,004 767 1,655 811 3,049 139 269 936 33,585 158 41,372 282 107,826 604 732 1,087 1,727,552 489 135,429 117 10«,216 317 166,807 763 59,772 140,158 139,737 74,966 26,869 86,146 Other farms 1,365 184 96,647 70.8 4,165 60.09 1,161 16,338 512 1,272 52 1,028 923 793 926 69 2 368 60 1,091 4.79 197 667 716 30 510 916 905 835 325 600 91 121 946 5,707 527 3,765 262 20 2,598 1,056 54 8,961 370 171 770 1,160 921 2,749 802 1,182 811 2,007 113 183 1,153 34,967 167 7,200 268 31,586 210 350 990 134,775 430 54,230 94 6,744 334 24,610 1,007 35,028 35,279 58,619 40,120 22,895 25,259 Lorn- mercial farms 1,675 33 200,759 119.9 5.965 50.95 1,657 77.065 65 1,609 55 198 425 139 437 179 14 1,045 73 1,277 4.41 2 325 960 811 195 620 1.497 1,471 1,421 589 1,073 255 684 1,440 15,211 714 11,895 488 34 4,493 1,431 48 6,418 479 1.024 1,053 2.683 1,115 9,455 1.028 3,430 1,195 5,208 208 557 1,429 52,148 172 113,894 380 140,816 988 1,566 1,675 3,765,578 644 206,880 175 528,498 424 181,269 1,222 117,195 368,949 172,715 229,111 66,944 152.012 Other farms 1,416 147 109,449 77.3 8,225 102.78 1,150 20,273 395 1,301 94 1,108 861 756 994. 77 2 343 87 1,224 5.11 233 904 779 170 370 878 843 767 256 386 132 280 805 5,126 526 4,664 310 24 2,854 1,017 38 9,129 584 266 775 1,265 833 3,400 752 1,341 733 2,052 100 183 1,153 35,625 142 10,195 300 53,885 227 422 1,073 519,054 422 77,484 146 42,207 371 38,280 1,083 50,660 84,585 100.572 43,208 30,500 43,413 Com- mercial farms 2,280 51 190.283 83.5 5,574 75.49 2,270 104,344 72 2,076 65 100 245 106 483 224 16 1,557 39 1,182 4.05 1 369 1,159 744 81 1,330 2,102 2,042 1.902 1,029 1,815 271 1.436 2.064 27,355 586 4,807 260 11 2,414 1,989 106 24,720 234 329 1.560 3,444 1,062 3,222 951 1,471 1,768 11,759 774 1,410 1.899 46,751 95 10,028 160 41,626 336 473 2,280 5,615,725 650 230,660 35 36,553 202 40.610 1,842 106,182 710,524 83.010 67,740 97,160 251,310 Other farms 304 75 19,048 62.7 4,354 68.39 242 4,240 99 243 12 157 140 122 194 31 1 78 5 235 4.50 35 190 110 20 160 230 210 205 80 120 45 60 163 1,425 27 274 25 < 2 > 171 240 1,991 51 21 147 256 108 205 102 129 172 759 54 80 223 6,250 20 610 31 5.592 5 27 218 102,001 56 6,064 6 446 39 3.430 240 21,035 27,615 0,220 2.235 6,320 9.450 Lexington Com- mercial farms 1.347 32 170,630 126.7 6,254 54.76 1,315 61,777 53 1.273 45 192 350 125 745 244 1 357 230 1,065 4.93 14 455 881 450 35 831 1.170 1,159 1,114 524 945 138 398 1,248 24,320 487 4,096 437 29 4,115 1,235 410 175,949 536 1,772 1.014 1,847 919 4,638 865 1,876 1,047 8,253 360 892 1,032 66.589 409 233,857 572 362.987 929 1.133 1,347 ,081,359 816 400,135 263 153,060 644 480,882 1,196 71,953 271,786 190,955 180,720 67,915 161,320 'Docs not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. Reported in small fractions. Does not include acres for farms reportinK less than 1/2 acre. See text. SOUTH CAROLINA 461 FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued eporta for only a aam pie of fanna. See tex tJ McCormick Mar ion Marlboro Newberry Oc< nee ran Re burg Pickens Richland Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- Com- mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercial Other mercisl Other farms forms farms farms fo mi>. la rma farms fa rma farms farms farms farms farms farms farms farms 482 598 2,675 437 2,366 328 1,326 1,276 1,052 2,236 4,328 1,598 845 2,256 892 1,552 1 10 80 180 121 57 75 44 179 12 204 93 370 11 264 38 318 2 65,017 48,032 153,844 34,163 202,343 21,568 165,853 94,795 107,387 140,022 469,368 76,931 68,664 128,143 131, 97S 88,915 3 134.9 80.3 57.5 78.2 85.5 65.8 125.1 74.3 102.1 63.0 108.4 48.1 81.3 56.8 147.9 57.3 4 4.B36 4,803 6,508 6,080 6,701 5,203 6,958 5,032 4,784 3,618 6,833 3,256 7.885 5,112 11,523 4.323 5 40.42 58.62 114.01 76.39 83.83 134.60 48.53 71.77 48.41 54.34 60.69 79.64 83.25 91.16 75.58 91.00 6 463 481 2,663 323 2,355 267 1,311 1,102 1,041 1,914 4,294 1,374 833 1,931 849 1.237 7 16,518 8,542 60,096 3,142 112,941 6,736 55,012 19,403 35,387 29,211 229,239 25,47 5 25,316 28,572 42.601 17,219 8 17 152 291 199 78 91 71 374 50 685 127 467 57 722 55 562 9 461 557 2,590 390 2,232 279 1,279 1,190 1,001 2,144 3,985 1,367 798 2,123 847 1,452 10 20 30 61 33 114 37 42 60 28 72 277 171 24 78 35 78 11 43 443 182 220 154 195 181 957 119 1,821 256 1,018 105 1,682 135 1.191 12 159 355 491 195 572 158 481 834 316 1,260 937 880 207 1,344 256 977 13 29 245 139 150 146 125 138 711 75 959 260 709 66 1,160 133 843 14 103 224 480 239 285 138 537 778 436 1,411 1,211 714 431 1,502 385 939 15 51 41 297 66 211 37 156 102 112 147 969 218 58 107 241 226 16 5 1 332 2 1,896 6 1,864 4 629 1 395 2 502 3 675 13 2,135 3 353 1 646 2 264 4 383 17 323 132 153 666 18 6 26 363 114 146 54 273 186 57 161 515 191 66 285 169 298 19 179 340 2.140 365 1,641 261 1,018 988 685 1.368 2,564 963 748 1,960 617 1,034 20 3.87 3.76 3.83 4.88 3.31 4.07 4.93 4.02 3.76 3.23 5.94 4.61 4.54 4.01 7.02 4.31 21 25 424 22 463 1 189 1 132 64 1,075 6 152 16 204 12 305 22 66 74 335 48 24 222 206 122 23 135 249 1,346 282 1.001 184 912 817 438 1,128 2,250 737 483 1,319 504 898 24 127 191 721 147 800 149 420 511 366 813 1,579 520 587 1,339 366 602 25 32 27 352 20 1,803 37 1,350 15 183 131 797 65 611 80 549 195 1,150 87 2,516 45 920 30 192 206 620 10 485 15 862 26 278 262 27 384 490 2,508 328 1,966 259 1,272 952 918 1,622 4,068 1,272 718 1,512 837 1,122 28 374 470 2,492 316 1,898 239 1,239 937 887 1,602 3,992 1,217 708 1,487 809 1,102 29 334 414 2,369 306 1,788 204 1,164 827 792 1,382 3,735 1,152 678 1,372 777 977 30 170 264 1,560 141 803 51 583 380 567 785 1,975 500 315 526 393 490 31 280 436 3,030 305 1.261 52 868 525 1,025 1,105 3,305 735 545 656 730 735 32 39 63 368 32 313 59 221 66 96 102 1,295 241 52 127 234 112 33 95 74 988 52 1,163 117 548 76 149 142 4,437 342 171 179 894 178 34 443 409 2,524 239 1,858 151 1,208 884 960 1,641 4,146 1,020 791 1,714 788 1,056 35 4,557 2,902 23.187 1,404 19,235 1,108 16,007 6,687 9,873 11,644 92,121 10,868 8.382 13,022 13,686 7,759 36 254 204 856 66 416 38 712 522 627 870 825 157 459 697 432 408 37 3,087 1.349 4,534 458 8,015 386 9,418 3,378 6,585 5,195 7.501 829 3.233 3,469 6,261 2,345 38 133 138 1,160 111 331 22 512 338 447 655 351 126 166 367 303 343 39 16 11 96 8 23 2 28 10 29 42 210 28 14 24 13 11 40 1,492 1,236 13,304 1,069 3,107 246 4,012 2,236 4,638 6,079 19,988 2,091 1,542 3.006 2,769 3,046 41 388 482 2,371 322 1,936 218 1,173 1,058 906 1,845 3.312 1,052 752 1,866 783 1,297 '42 8 29 70 2 126 23 38 23 41 65 1,585 230 68 78 78 53 43 380 2,902 11,009 60 48,310 5,660 7,061 1,191 5,182 10,148 606.107 33.059 26.103 9,798 16,833 7,789 44 169 237 603 153 344 80 592 576 540 1,192 987 396 377 1,002 264 433 45 91 127 151 39 424 40 284 180 533 690 1,164 232 221 274 357 217 46 358 368 2,013 226 1,369 140 848 687 80S 1,414 3,068 746 666 1,358 720 827 47 789 580 3,576 414 3,351 150 1,709 1,024 1.713 2,131 7,636 1,238 1,353 1.996 1.339 1,081 48 363 402 1.003 141 820 90 955 813 898 1,613 2,333 542 705 1.602 643 887 49 1,383 2,259 3,469 533 4,622 266 9,208 2,669 4.436 4,736 16,863 1,358 3,601 3,817 7,410 2,654 SO 322 362 839 106 695 69 901 743 864 1,520 1,995 424 678 1,502 557 745 51 669 611 1,191 149 1,275 91 3,823 1,278 1,916 2,323 7,103 554 1,774 2,003 2.538 1,317 52 373 367 2,073 230 1,686 169 1.075 850 802 1,387 3,393 954 633 1,372 698 981 53 1.205 881 14,596 1,402 9,334 625 6,572 3,127 2,668 3,138 45,010 6,378 1,990 3,387 7,949 4.345 54 56 47 1.013 86 471 43 361 192 173 184 2,237 516 91 169 374 316 55 111 68 1,614 143 980 57 795 302 337 342 5,916 928 210 265 1,006 515 56 437 511 2,263 319 1,851 231 1,164 1,077 966 1,943 3,508 1,155 763 1.904 795 1,329 57 14,302 10,029 54, 957 7,815 37,267 5,925 47,375 31,833 39,859 52,565 119,333 28,201 49,710 57,543 46,413 42.288 58 61 58 271 33 173 33 290 235 302 419 422 104 289 487 168 228 59 4,100 2,507 32,319 1,066 14.736 1,228 119,250 8,195 22,742 14,463 51 , 401 6,211 59,404 22,662 152.895 14,922 60 131 129 376 61 270 44 490 423 528 636 999 242 440 733 237 340 61 54, 460 8,088 39.855 5,588 29,783 5,577 232,456 68,662 144,984 70,503 233,201 31,181 281 , 437 100,286 229.616 66,164 62 453 88 421 25 824 13 980 136 640 350 2,202 52 715 279 2,515 564 63 393 260 551 39 514 33 1,285 421 1,052 757 3,410 269 810 484 981 333 64 482 433 2,675 310 2,366 278 1,326 1,046 1,052 1,793 4,328 1,355 845 1,773 892 1.229 65 627,304 198,125 7,528,593 133.487 6,269,989 143.887 2,944,702 377.825 1,571,630 583,745 10,283,757 530,933 1,324,057 498,067 2,993,753 435.148 66 233 238 996 101 577 52 679 459 571 835 2,338 507 431 748 487 482 67 72,534 25.740 304, 460 18,962 298,787 8,757 285,321 55,910 180.572 116,060 1,420,927 79,728 156, 193 85,951 491,386 139,429 68 39 51 47 3 78 11 371 193 247 270 218 33 268 333 101 89 69 20,681 13,273 44,025 192 150.721 909 480,058 18,431 163,883 153,698 1,038,756 2,118 252,882 36. 496 705,508 6,475 70 146 155 488 69 349 60 548 483 591 810 1,124 279 485 889 270 408 71 29,361 6,630 49,283 3,772 47,423 3,721 423,522 38,130 89,858 46,991 479,241 20,363 213.237 70,816 256.717 47,188 72 394 550 2,382 377 1,782 281 1,154 1,026 861 1,653 3.900 1,293 739 1,749 793 1,199 73 13,789 9,370 111,520 20,740 392,791 19,869 87,572 40,525 39,700 36,113 325,159 44.483 45.418 48,360 65.017 12,476 74 47,333 21,320 636,487 43,515 867,340 49,386 432,164 40,845 87,530 63,912 2,163,969 136,377 172,675 49,965 673.575 62,254 75 36,780 36,075 225.539 28,305 162,741 25.021 774,323 100,570 94,895 168.438 1,211,980 91,410 231,647 143,330 567.159 132,155 76 47,947 14,302 118,435 13,858 231,056 7,165 152.885 26,775 89,360 33,967 686,989 39.850 251,362 46.105 285.526 131,909 77 ! 14,515 7.274 136.546 20,927 113,324 9,536 61,268 14,665 29,300 23,168 372,889 46,792 41.278 32, OSS 175,646 25.925 78 18, 450 10,385 285.335 43,601 442,400 20,293 176,130 36,030 50,595 31,320 673,505 46,282 56,184 22,970 165,383 17,843 79 991354 0-52-31 462 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 6 -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMERCIAL FARMS AND OTHER FARMS: CENSUS OF 1950 — Continued [Data for items shown in italics are based on reports [or only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms, acreage, and value, 1950: f arms number. . . Under 10 acres number... Land in farms acres. . . Average size of farm acres... Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars... average per acre, dollars. . . Cropland harvested in 1949 total farms reporting... acres. . . farms reporting 1 to 9 acres... Farm operators, 1950 — Residing on farm operated number. . . Not residing on farm operated ; number. . . With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold number... Working off their farm, total number. . . 100 days or more number. . . By tenure: Full owners number. . . Part owners number. . . Managers number. . . All tenants number. . Specified facilities and equipment, 1950: Telephone farms reporting. . . Electricity farms reporting. . . Average of last monthly electric hill dollars... Com pickers farms reporting. . Tractors other than garden tractors farms reporting. . Automobiles farms reporting. . Kind of road on which farm is located, 1950: Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . Farm labor week preceding enumeration, 1950: Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons. . Unpaid members of operator' s family working 15 hours or more fat Hired workers farms reporting. . . persons. . . reporting. . . persons. . . Crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting... acres. . . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. . . acres. . . Irish potatoes farms reporting... acres . . bushel s. . . Vegetables for home use (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) -..farms reporting... Vegetables for sale (other than Irish and sweet potatoes) farms reporting... dol lars. . Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees, April 1, 1950 farms reporting.. acre6 2 . Livestock on farms, April 1, 1950: Horses and/or mules ■ farms reporting. . number. . Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting. . number. . Hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Sows and gilts for spring farrowing. .. farms reporting.. number. . Chickens, 4 months old and over, on hand. . farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Chickens sold farms reporting. . number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . Cattle sold alive number.. Calves sold alive ■ number.. Sales of farm products In 1919: All farm products sold farms reporting. . dol lars. . Livestock sold alive farms reporting.. dol lars. . Dal ry products sold fBrms reporting. . do 1 1 a r s . . Poultry and poultry products sold farms reporting.. dol lars. . Specified farm expenditures In 1919: Any specified farm expenditures farms reporting.. Hachine hire dollars.. Hired labor dollars.. Feed for livestock and poultry dol lars. . Livestock and poul try purchased. ... dol lars . . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased dollars.. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil dollars.. Spartanburg Other farms 1,352 22 153,995 113.9 5,747 50.49 1.329 51,701 51 1,287 44 206 492 121 518 180 1,024 77 66,598 65.0 3,652 52.73 847 13,964 257 959 49 825 562 392 586 95 110 1,102 3.95 8 394 848 346 6 964 1,267 1,252 1,145 6B1 1,238 150 493 1,235 16,003 585 5,188 252 28 3,010 1,152 67 19,480 299 1,994 926 1,893 1,011 7,166 953 2,605 1,047 5.500 330 572 1,162 73,866 364 660,959 535 255,000 823 1.461 1,352 ,250,301 764 281,961 233 123,323 643 608,414 1,229 90,146 313,642 77 5,353 213, B07 47,622 156,818 61 802 3.45 Com- mercial farms 127 631 306 15 661 762 756 696 315 480 41 55 715 5,596 379 1,944 163 8 1,332 787 20 1,645 224 177 580 889 655 2,127 608 1,085 635 2,134 113 159 862 22,909 185 30,217 364 41,887 124 368 797 3211)85 421 50,501 109 12,392 431 45,290 782 19,195 28,585 103,410 31,415 11,716 26,630 3,063 69 234,401 76.5 9,239 116.60 3,011 115,773 123 2,893 108 442 1,197 303 1,024 330 22 1,687 337 2,447 4.64 822 1,537 1,487 120 1,325 2,667 2,595 2,449 Other farms 3,733 601 156,092 41.8 5,103 122.54 3.220 53,816 1,074 3,459 175 2,975 2,502 1,989 2,354 267 1 1,111 625 3,190 4.63 595 2,200 1,965 240 1,420 2,563 2,507 2,212 2,625 26,466 1,315 13,907 816 36 6,716 2,546 334 65,253 1,197 19,283 1,984 4,146 2,186 10,873 2,027 4,727 2,036 6,263 249 597 2,607 114,196 513 163,706 931 341,239 1,776 1,875 3,063 ,450,644 1,137 405,747 573 643,431 1,106 Com- mercial farms 1,195 1,031 2,075 1,554 421 302 1,316 456 339,576 76.868 2.472 181.150 1.168,344 566,965 463,900 116,170 352,801 2,507 16,522 1,087 7,036 840 38 6,384 2,827 189 23,816 1,627 6,786 1,966 2,937 2,281 5,167 2,075 2,784 1,990 4,493 172 272 3,110 86,429 566 25,671 925 94.256 407 772 3,056 B 80 ,471 972 112,887 501 70,035 1,151 3,043 127,965 223,630 241,403 125,555 72,741 109,243 2,671 63 237,832 89.0 5,065 63.45 2,652 123,513 101 2,563 65 165 354 127 767 3S1 16 1.537 93 1,389 4.37 10 289 1,224 859 5 1,699 Other farms 643 188 25,663 39.9 3,770 139.64 530 7,625 224 587 30 398 363 316 324 70 2 247 35 322 6.49 1.242 2,405 490 1,728 2,477 35,293 662 5,371 687 32 6,290 2,465 80 39,510 547 347 2,146 4,647 1,711 6,621 1,520 2,522 2,237 17,976 1,134 2,174 2,392 63,557 206 11,222 477 91,603 1,205 1.236 2,671 6,949.564 1,219 500,319 52 117,837 538 32^,441 2,436 198.628 1,276,926 397,787 215,249 219,181 313,577 26 256 Com- mercial 331 301 271 115 140 56 107 420 2,915 69 392 122 4 744 14 2.027 159 73 356 506 278 558 249 325 424 2,110 187 257 517 12,883 62 2,564 113 10,803 28 494 155,485 191 26,097 12 1,649 133 8,211 403 10.U13 26,288 27 , 562 7,615 12.093 9,090 Other farms Williamsburg 822 16 114,140 138.9 5.215 35.80 811 30.635 36 779 32 91 251 70 294 62 12 454 30 562 3.65 5 142 368 438 67 278 704 681 631 375 667 159 336 757 8,816 427 6,112 195 41 3,390 85 11.475 211 339 651 1,345 675 4,910 632 1,556 668 2,090 105 207 740 29,603 121 22,868 221 93,162 557 838 822 1,288,585 336 126,880 114 150.740 224 74,146 564 36,063 154,645 105,105 47,437 16,917 57,343 887 86 79,049 89.1 3,999 47.82 738 11,941 300 803 52 634 542 477 639 44 1 203 117 679 3.33 Com- mercial farms 68 398 471 146 241 734 718 613 366 656 72 157 573 4,132 301 2,313 171 44 2,963 584 46 4,839 327 237 529 839 607 1,759 541 779 545 1,209 50 80 733 23,826 132 7,025 207 32,037 84 188 618 211.390 206 27,428 93 17,010 247 23,203 660 16,265 40,234 43,515 23,811 20,019 15.075 Other farms Com- mercial farms 4,859 258 317,450 65.3 4,303 71.80 4,828 129,000 436 4,587 170 227 717 143 1,370 681 5 2,803 62 2.154 3.97 6 304 1,789 1,668 60 3,177 4,637 4.610 4,338 2,700 5,672 492 981 4,676 59,910 1,442 6,509 894 41 6,515 3.545 778 226,289 840 806 3,512 6,437 2,614 8,387 1,948 3.098 3.640 30,211 1,826 3,183 4,083 95,746 230 22,451 488 54,766 771 1,108 4,859 ,965,793 1,629 478,802 54 71,388 587 52,093 4,374 82.024 536,051 177.190 110,554 160,278 310.169 1.216 358 84,898 69.8 3,779 83.51 927 10,247 511 1,049 118 589 576 449 657 171 3 385 585 5.31 68 431 445 5 655 856 825 749 342 573 119 243 768 5,227 193 815 199 13 1,409 791 80 11,025 247 70 628 970 519 1,303 387 564 670 4.064 301 454 924 22,250 74 2,103 114 9,301 81 97 910 286,810 257 44.450 6 305 155 6,666 791 12,860 93,747 38,834 11,355 23.632 64,022 2,205 58 229,912 104.3 6,499 65.18 2.182 81.345 20,282 113 419 2,205 5,548,944 870 294.265 364 390,526 590 1,852,740 1,767 148.850 446.201 1,239,520 360,635 98,212 220,077 1 Does not include acres for farms with less than IS bushels harvested. See tex 2 Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. SOUTH CAROLINA 463 County Table 7.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 [Data for itetna ahown in italic* are baaed on reporta for only a aomple of forma. See text] 1 3 Item (For definition* and explanation*, aee. text) The Stute Abbeville Aiken Al lendale Anderson Bamberg Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Cnl lioun 139,364 147.745 2,040 2,374 3,415 3,847 777 1,074 5,800 6,371 1,530 1,527 1,876 2,417 1,653 1,300 2,930 2,222 1,660 1945.. 1,898 FARMS BY TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID 11 12 12,690 21,952 11,525 12,950 19,998 16,914 20,450 13,620 4,840 2,305 283 372 246 271 362 186 207 64 33 12 371 5B7 267 359 510 500 459 153 78 82 55 112 152 145 69 76 44 37 14 22 518 1,060 579 686 1,025 772 691 230 99 50 57 271 230 239 223 163 117 123 41 21 62 131 123 251 368 375 324 145 35 25 37 4 904 183 73 44 6 10 11 20 7 470 1.072 370 329 317 168 87 48 45 14 79 196 104 99 276 246 340 152 73 16.000 to 19,99° number 1950. . 22 13 2,120 4 49 51 90 45 37 21 10 73 FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Field-crop farms other than vegetable 68,741 1,132 40,045 27,564 754 40 705 1,586 17 1,471 276 26 250 2,452 124 2,318 499 17 451 805 17 747 43 5 16 573 29 394 929 39 890 1,140 43 71 92 161 49 686 1,604 1,506 3,063 6,218 3,506 287 2,425 56,406 5 24 24 34 75 35 5 35 1,124 5 35 44 54 183 108 16 59 1,465 15 165 68 62 369 251 19 99 2,664 1 6 15 40 434 337 5 92 414 1 13 6 49 23 17 1 5 1,469 10 1 5 43 113 80 5 28 268 38 16 142 190 83 1 106 553 19 5 115 159 76 5 78 2,048 17 Livestock farms other than dairy 87 69 24 25 26 27 39 30 Miscellaneous and unclassified farms. . .number 1950.. 548 FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS 28 29 84,101 580 1,527 3.942 16,822 30,084 31,146 55,263 20,600 34.623 926 1 3 31 78 280 533 1,114 459 655 1,975 17 32 116 197 775 838 1,440 482 957 521 13 38 30 43 77 320 256 89 167 3,151 10 80 101 278 1,142 1,540 2,649 1,071 1,578 982 4 41 36 149 202 550 548 220 328 1,477 13 23 39 166 483 753 399 205 193 199 9 12 11 26 12 129 1,454 175 1,278 896 4 6 17 90 158 621 2,034 492 1,542 17 56 31 32 73 174 477 331 38 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD. BY SOURCE 39 40 1944. . 213,561,714 191,665,897 1,660,932 1,665,346 4,681,849 5,061,520 1,836,358 1,666,476 6,691,705 6,473,232 2,179,733 2,480,901 3,218,597 4,050,214 2,266,2B8 1,476.769 1,727,021 1,005,616 3,701,355 2,772,693 41 42 All crops sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 168,273,332 164,806,777 1,184,961 1,396,621 3,442,889 4,305,715 1,514,808 1,489,691 4,669,127 5,597,584 1,197,269 1,964,754 2,677,331 3,834,944 1,545.350 1,055.696 1.003,365 636,000 2.741,409 2,421,169 43 46 Field crops, otber than vegetables and fruits and 1SS.43B, 142 149,638,271 1,161,980 1,365,960 3,253,142 3,986,347 1,210,012 1,246,237 4,568,790 5,487,954 904,915 1,596,500 2,011,094 2.847,988 227 , 982 134.918 962,601 566,459 2,649,892 1944. . 2,339,591 Vegetables sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 7,630,218 8,266,888 3,821 8,761 149,736 218,293 294,897 235,381 53,746 57,480 286,571 350,101 650,344 918,527 1.226,510 913,965 35,842 67,123 63.353 60,713 its' 1944. . 3,637,742 6,142,854 18,910 19,398 38,955 94,075 7,399 4,373 33,257 42,853 5,713 18,003 13,443 66,029 1,858 3,293 1,643 2,383 24,713 20,015 £ Horticultural specialties sold. . dollars 1949.. 1944. . 1,567,230 758,764 250 2,502 1,056 7,000 2,500 3,700 13,334 9,297 70 150 2,450 2,400 89,000 3,520 3,279 35 3.451 850 52 All livestock and livestock 1944. . 40,258,136 24,977,477 415.101 235,143 1,098.366 687.212 286,734 166,906 1,982,231 865,468 935,908 497 , 437 493,331 198,038 689,006 403,492 608,681 356,323 855.006 313,624 !< Dairy products sold dollars 1949. . 1944. . 11,441,889 8,416,257 78,962 51,134 315.164 269,859 38,014 21,128 948,905 438,437 430,993 239,674 50.001 20,100 223.232 66,749 147.287 80,018 40,183 20,547 C Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 10,675,321 7,494,452 88,975 72,517 332,700 209,017 14,237 34,679 365,038 220,883 150,023 59,697 66,414 34,301 155,966 110,300 67,565 50,330 105,595 66,032 h Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy 1944. . 18,140,926 9,066,768 247,164 111,492 450,502 208,336 234,483 111,099 668.^88 206,148 '354,892 198,066 376,916 143,637 309 , 808 226,443 393,829 225,975 709,228 227,045 59 60 Forest products sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 5,030,246 1,881,643 60,870 33,582 140,594 68,593 34,816 9,879 40,347 10,180 46,556 18,710 47,935 17,232 31,932 17,581 114.975 13,293 104. 940 37,900 464 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND [Data for items shown in italics are based on Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Charleston Cherokee Chester Chester- field Clarendon Col let on Darling- ton Dillon Dor- chester Edgefield Fairfield 1 2 All farms number 1950.. 1945. . FARMS BY TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD 1,505 1,800 2,732 2,866 2,209 2,450 3,750 3,390 4,058 3,980 2,944 2,815 4,121 3,967 3,336 3,141 1,990 2,046 1,965 2,311 1,537 2,150 3 424 496 138 70 97 213 398 179 304 530 164 350 240 293 440 2=7 291 217 256 751 69 345 252 372 795 386 856 326 358 329 213 191 138 114 391 61 72 60 75 159 180 433 350 233 244 121 276 203 222 386 149 355 169 238 242 5 6 7 8 9 57 44 50 17 24 460 370 169 34 48 313 228 93 29 34 688 826 240 78 40 678 694 489 223 92 279 163 119 62 42 617 1,201 823 305 76 273 892 1,045 487 144 222 157 109 8 18 291 236 104 40 31 179 98 49 12 26 12 13 FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM 88 27 25 66 49 24 50 68 36 53 20 14 Field-crop farms other than vegetable 108 15 26 67 171 1,329 22 1,307 1,121 7 1,114 2,302 26 2,126 150 47 22 11 2,936 10 1,524 1,402 538 25 240 273 10 19 3,099 32 798 2,269 46 15 2,889 22 300 2,567 10 11 556 29 231 296 20 24 982 40 937 5 10 30 38 55S 16 555 18 19 17 33 5 113 5 10 36 21 5 28 10 37 20 64 20 5 5 15 16 22 Livestock farms other than dairy 40 42 36 28 4» 252 31 64 171 39 73 23 24 25 26 21 6 5 10 69 12 11 46 68 24 10 34 130 86 15 29 288 248 232 107 5 120 260 234 5 21 63 52 135 90 5 40 53 29 26 12 40 11 9 27 Hiscel laneous and unclassified farms .. .number 1950.. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS 1,150 1.214 856 1,173 760 1,829 650 294 1,079 798 » 28 29 30 31 32 33 411 45 43 28 63 85 147 1,094 174 920 1,546 20 7 51 200 652 616 1,186 575 611 1,361 1 24 49 107 367 813 848 334 514 2,592 17 49 56 302 1,221 947 1,158 570 583 5 3,319 4 45 161 643 1,102 1,364 739 325 414 1,176 5 19 77 146 283 646 1,768 526 1.242 3,478 14 36 160 1,046 1,655 567 643 239 404 3.073 15 53 303 1,373 1.067 262 263 130 133 927 3 33 19 116 268 488 1,063 450 613 1,209 13 40 55 120 448 533 756 359 397 738 1 - 30 1 57 1 209 1 422 1 799 295 504 36 37 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE 39 40 All farm products sold dollars 1949. . 1944.. 3,879,951 2,418,956- 3,596,383 3,390,725 2,572,906 2,55B,504 5,876,977 5,015,984 7,087,762 5,489,599 2,695.481 2,122,160 9.231,278 7,599,331 9.645,832 7.064,717 2,132,239 1,924,411 2,712,032 2,824,177 1,556,247 1.414,202 41 42 All crops sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 3,323,179 2,098,028 2,688,207 3,015,986 1.554.327 1.904,574 4,960,823 4,516.898 6,462.494 5,183.431 1,350,029 1,399,343 8,522,184 7,114,697 9,154,018 6.842,110 1,125,411 1,309,342 2,036.471 2,363,593 833.856 954.101 43 44 Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 1,391,354 613,188 2,464,390 2,688,379 1,516,497 1,863,591 4,508,962 4,088,704 6,431,979 5,133.717 1,124,567 1,244,964 8,283,722 6.998,475 9,111,417 6,796,612 1,010,616 1,253,897 1.812.325 1.687.351 828.218 947.606 45 46 1944.. 1,544,356 1,376,019 11,762 20,533 5,941 15,391 223,939 85,37 3 21,540 38,585 220.603 137,039 222,720 94.035 19,488 39,699 80,634 46.616 25.740 86.262 3.427 2,512 47 48 1944. . 4,693 16,556 210,410 306,436 31,788 24,843 227,922 342,821 8,4t, 10,914 2,203 15,612 6,967 16,412 18,913 5, 110 6.116 5,629 187,066 389, 380 776 3,446 49 50 51 52 Horticultural specialties sold. . dol lars 1949.. 1944. . All livestock and livestock 1944. . 382,776 92,265 479,358 291.324 1,645 638 840. 555 357,209 101 749 952,739 615,706 4°0 215 554.783 259,546 2,656 1,728 1,039.729 655, 85B 8,775 5,775 612.459 463,620 4.200 600 415.574 209,325 28.045 3,200 850,526 582,156 11.340 600 492.226 308.128 1.435 S3S 586.233 398,767 766,542 428,405 S3 54 1944.. 76,707 78,757 198,109 139,556 644,850 437.584 104,545 94,745 34,186 25,032 59,411 76 , 047 1 53 . 444 159.807 50,263 52,870 244.585 176.793 220,592 143,906 182,421 129. SSI 55 56 Poultry and poultry products Bold dollars 1949.. 1944. . 64,745 51,962 408,456 120,779 60,228 62,816 347,257 156,105 69,142 51,649 166,106 191,519 106,800 87.143 36,551 26.033 77,167 B6.725 54,526 102,050 74.77( 114, 8S( 57 58 Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy 1944. . 337,906 U.0,605 233,990 96,874 247,66] 115.306 314,740 177,555 451,455 182,865 814,212 388.292 352.215 216,670 328,760 130,422 528,774 318.638 217,108 1S2.172 329.041 154,361 59 60 1944. . 77,414 29,604 67,621 17,530 65.840 38,224 149,612 70,681 70,485 46,622 305,723 66,959 96,635 21,014 76.240 13,282 156,302 32,913 183,335 62,456 136, 1SI 61,33. SOUTH CAROLINA 465 BY ECONOMIC CLASS; AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945 -Continued reports for on [y n sump) i of farms. See textj Florence Georgetown Green vi 1 le Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens lee l.exinf{ton McCornuck Marion Marlboro Newberry 6,840 6.075 1,585 2,029 5,756 7,341 1,555 1,995 1,401 1,692 7,218 6,715 1,065 1,085 2,704 2,913 2,452 2,996 3,091 4,168 2,584 2,792 3, 194 3,736 1,080 1,270 3,112 2,799 2,694 2,989 2,602 2,778 1 397 205 113 210 416 280 309 184 181 145 1,138 1,582 721 572 811 146 407 201 187 250 177 402 136 173 165 349 342 194 209 362 209 381 186 120 49 251 417 316 254 566 375 518 239 281 425 343 507 273 310 443 86 91 98 169 380 377 750 388 294 477 165 171 186 170 216 127 145 105 125 203 50 94 88 109 469 230 379 261 315 484 3 4 5 6 7 814 2,035 1,903 490 125 139 191 67 73 11 397 266 134 41 27 122 102 49 16 36 109 91 58 41 18 621 1,828 2,165 B21 283 39 40 10 12 5 331 330 124 33 32 259 239 68 6 29 421 462 194 74 31 488 724 316 116 66 330 283 182 60 38 60 46 38 16 3 297 751 890 355 76 581 660 370 150 62 435 342 110 45 37 H 9 10 11 12 52 5 67 39 31 44 14 50 13 33 50 15 9 38 61 64 13 5,759 12 143 5,604 25 629 1,185 62 1,119 4 15 45 111 65 83 389 9 380 223 9 150 64 40 5 9 5 121 6,114 25 24 6,065 11 118 27 73 18 5 15 1 60 1,338 5 1,314 19 20 10 15 5 32 873 5 863 5 10 1,417 43 1,374 2,147 17 1,812 318 5 5 6 15 7 689 48 631 10 77 21 15 161 98 402 402 16 10 27 2,528 16 79 2,433 2,225 19 1,956 250 21 1 11 854 14 840 9 5 89 79 34 14 IS 5 624 17 5 ffl 10 34 45 31 5 5 5 79 19 5 15 42 2 4 36 49 21 51 37 HI 16 35 ?1 60 62 22 129 85 44 22 6 16 196 85 97 26 14 57 176 81 5 90 50 30 5 15 37 10 1 26 55 18 5 32 75 33 10 32 107 46 5 56 73 63 262 132 24 106 6 1 5 47 26 21 34 28 212 62 18 132 23 24 ?5 111 10 6 26 865 892 4,056 955 822 992 829 1,229 1,385 1,447 326 1,871 619 443 340 1.320 27 6,010 2 SO 234 2,284 2,609 831 704 3 2 28 123 286 262 1,756 20 47 51 151 472 1.015 622 9 25 46 55 162 325 590 10 21 47 70 139 303 6,257 17 27 508 2,761 2,275 669 248 3 11 16 11 58 149 1,502 16 33 42 147 487 777 1,087 1,675 11 20 70 229 694 651 2,280 8 42 112 386 1,018 714 1.347 5 10 69 211 463 589 482 8 3 54 74 343 2,675 5 33 168 1,153 934 382 2,366 32 29 112 470 1,004 719 1,326 26 38 60 132 476 594 28 •9 13 31 72 394 577 30 31 32 33 34 830 223 502 5 881 292 584 5 4.000 1.280 2,720 933 375 553 5 811 232 574 5 961 270 691 817 227 590 1,202 534 667 1 1,365 472 893 1,416 564 850 2 304 127 177 1.847 720 1.127 598 261 336 1 437 165 272 328 184 144 1.276 667 609 35 36 37 3R 15,775,589 12,037,191 1,925,644 1,610,536 4,010,255 5,432.648 1,663,053 1,345,874 2,050,888 1.555.322 18,216,370 14,469,826 756,963 540,631 3,401,339 3,348,746 2.062,327 2,117,182 4,284,632 4,420,288 5,717,816 5,422.934 3, Ml, 061 4,331,952 825 429 730,661 7,662,080 5,628.763 6,413,876 7,015,536 3.322.527 2,376,500 39 40 15,047,066 11,655,860 1.316,512 1.334,856 2,336,235 4,362,616 762,214 863,883 1,326.756 1,175.672 17,329,099 13,929,054 313,538 268,122 2,759.943 2,916,777 1,484,109 1,629,713 3.019,360 3,474,088 5.330.463 5.259,115 2,085.087 2,897,681 542.577 550,115 7.173.864 5,411,699 5,844,929 6,811.362 1,810,910 1.527,453 41 42 14,648,160 11,337,978 1,193,356 1,215,919 1,983,436 3,895,226 734,217 828,380 1,123,925 996,235 17,174,547 13,724,817 281,265 207,469 2,598.310 2,473,064 1,407,285 1,584,848 2,923,254 3,387,572 5,293,810 5,222,033 1,675,766 1,986,891 529,483 539.864 7,142,616 5,374,921 5.756,687 6,681.599 1,779,914 1.501,916 43 44 344,279 300,993 78,284 115.444 79,641 326,674 11,210 14,489 190,224 146,733 118,176 97,125 29,904 48,351 109,547 50,598 52,284 23,910 15,547 31,474 26,711 25,528 212,271 777,369 3,282 6.789 11,069 25.211 53.970 92,583 8.252 8,514 45 46 16.967 16,584 2.425 2,979 154,316 119,782 3,814 12,739 9,501 32,584 35,451 106.912 779 8,549 6,851 10,942 22,840 20.375 40,246 41.096 9,942 10,948 115,876 105.773 9,127 2,495 5.305 11,442 31.075 37.180 10,894 7,128 47 48 37,660 305 623.761 352,802 42,447 514 537,756 268,609 118,842 20,934 1,589,756 1.038,707 12,973 8,275 722,541 456,207 3,106 120 581,811 336.177 925 200 720,087 507,235 1,590 3,753 406,270 259,450 45,235 382,173 544,325 372,549 1,700 580 504,477 384.715 40,313 13,946 1,172,076 895,077 81.174 27,648 1.222.231 1.273.239 685 967 169,490 141,121 14,874 125 430,430 206,957 3.197 11,850 9.895 1,312.666 735,991 49 606 321,029 144,769 50 514,165 196,729 SI 52 96.567 87,252 31.003 68.516 835,824 518,678 279,084 206,956 38,012 16,855 28,848 59,120 50,583 26.555 205,376 107,276 115,960 165,473 570,705 375,220 36,999 13,861 166,691 156,242 33,954 25,757 44,217 42,882 151,630 75,223 498,489 294.571 53 54 105,247 95.756 310,141 115,018 371,553 333,198 108,231 122,729 111,965 34,911 258,784 128,828 145,444 142,953 78,163 93,251 191,417 119,963 219,549 255,604 44,040 28,150 543,827 650,110 35,991 63.930 53,055 24,298 51,144 37,093 461.652 280,988 55 56 421,947 169,794 196,612 85,075 382.379 186,831 335,226 126,522 431.834 284,411 432,455 319,287 210,243 89,942 260,786 172,022 197.100 99,279 381,822 264,253 239,990 102,758 511,713 466.887 99,545 51.434 333,158 139,777 311,391 84,413 352,525 160.432 57 58 104,762 28.529 71,376 7,071 84,264 31,325 178,298 25,784 142,321 43,473 167,184 33,537 37,155 13,059 97,071 59,420 73,741 102,754 93,196 51,123 66,324 19,050 183,743 161,032 113,362 39,425 57,786 10,107 54,782 7,445 198.951 113,056 59 60 466 STATISTICS FOR COUNTIES County Table 7.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; AND VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE: CENSUSES OF 1950 AND 1945— Continued [Data for items shown in italics are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text _ Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Orangeburg Spartanburg Williams- burg Al I farms number 1950. 1945. FARMS BV TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD Ho sales number 1950. SI to S249 number 1950. S250 to S399 number 1950 . $400 to S599 number 1950. S600 to S999 number 1950. SI, 000 to SI, 499 number 1950. SI. 500 to S2.499 number 1950.. S2.500 to S3, 999 number 1950. . S4.000 to S5.999 number 1950. S6.000 to S9.999 number 1950. S10 , 000 and ovei number 1950 . FARMS BY TYPE OF FARM Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number 1950. Cash- grain number 1950. Cotton number 1950. Other field-crop number 1950. Vegetable farms number 1950. Fruit-and-nut farms. number 1950. Dairy farms number 1950 . Poul try farms number 1950. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number 1950. General farms number 1950. Primarily crop number 1950. Primari ly Is ves rocft number 1950 . Crop and livestock number 1950. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms. . .number 1950. FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS Commercial farms number 1950. Class J number 1950. Claaa II number 1950. Class HI number 1950. Class IV number 1950. Class V number 1950. Class VI number 1950. Other farms number 1950. Part-time number 1950. Residential number 1950. Abnormal number 1950 . VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD, BY SOURCE All farm products sold dollars 1949. 1944. All crops sold dollars 1949. 1944. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars 1949. 1944. Vegetsbles sold dollars 1949. 1944. Fruits and nuts sold dollars 1949. 1944. Horticultural specialties sold. . dollars 1949. 1944. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars 1949. 1944. Dairy products sold dollars 1949. 1944. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars 1949. 1944. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold ...dollars 1949. 1944. Forest products sold dollars 1949. 1944. 3.288 3,722 443 1,062 390 381 499 250 148 70 21 5 751 26 720 5 40 20 40 60 109 48 10 51 1,052 6 12 6 90 275 663 2,236 730 1,505 1 2,155,375 2,298,846 1,260,213 1,661,283 1.187,161 1,580,034 15,330 14,033 53.686 65,406 4,036 1,810 764,421 588,273 317,581 204,691 136,849 264,945 309,991 118,637 130,741 49,290 5.926 6,903 243 518 440 671 1,176 912 992 459 154 178 3,197 43 3,063 91 56 5 134 43 578 309 10 259 4,328 54 129 229 562 1.532 1,822 1,598 837 761 10,814,690 10.099,894 7,412,660 8,165.550 6,672,346 7,511,996 639,166 556,494 50,773 87,155 50,375 9,905 3.049,485 1.800,389 1,040,874 614,772 499,604 380,574 1,509,007 805,043 352,545 133,955 3,101 3,084 483 999 398 433 445 158 108 30 20 6 547 6 S36 5 106 16 15 75 845 5 16 16 40 191 577 2.256 774 1,482 1,822,124 2,427,826 930,474 1,795.166 840.411 1,705.841 35,901 56,287 17,385 23,875 36,777 9,163 822,722 606,863 289,378 207,948 284.103 279.145 249,241 119,770 68,928 25,797 2,444 2,238 323 668 306 360 288 146 115 76 33 55 540 26 514 892 28 45 67 97 195 460 1,552 559 989 3,428,901 3,014,420 1,646,227 1.160,318 1,265,994 942,872 24,622 85,730 13,907 27,734 341,704 103.982 1,652,692 1,809,944 711,983 1,138.983 303,905 332,030 636.804 338.931 129,082 44,158 2,376 2,416 227 315 153 228 451 324 348 161 84 35 960 5 945 10 5 12 47 150 126 28 16 82 1,056 1,352 5 45 104 176 523 499 1,024 482 542 3,571,386 2.389,522 2,176,678 1,609,519 1,970,148 1,374,381 21,125 72,956 185,130 161,005 275 1,177 1,216,458 728,446 135,715 43.858 743,704 531,896 337,039 1 52 , 692 178.250 51.557 6.796 7.039 677 1.346 802 861 1.180 728 567 293 115 109 2,136 61 2,070 5 20 387 133 91 194 107 10 77 3,789 3,063 36 82 160 357 943 1,485 3,733 1.710 2,023 7,331,115 10,129.954 5.580.277 9,019,918 3,602,057 5,033,477 89,069 295,448 1,834.455 3.675.673 54,696 15,320 1,658,460 1.078,712 713.466 500,222 416,444 394,243 528,550 184.247 92,378 31.324 3,314 3,144 149 231 142 268 643 532 647 453 94 57 2.456 16 1.862 578 134 99 5 30 2,671 29 69 78 526 922 1,047 643 262 380 1 7,105,049 5.852,041 6.012,242 5,222,156 5,898,759 5.088,115 41,537 79,608 11,521 47,403 60,425 7.030 981,038 599,378 119,486 135,938 331,652 219.285 529,900 244,155 111,769 30,507 1.709 2.008 269 334 125 221 257 247 146 63 14 12 627 7 620 21 14 75 273 439 887 284 603 1,499,975 1.319,413 1.009,501 1,076,709 963,316 1,022,606 16,314 27,395 27,611 26,583 2,260 125 421,132 214,800 167.750 108,420 97.439 55,441 155,943 50.939 69,342 27,904 6.075 5.829 306 561 296 445 883 1,089 1,413 853 167 48 14 4,465 37 358 4,070 44 197 156 41 1.231 4.659 2 12 100 968 2.013 1.764 1,216 349 867 9,252,603 9,349,834 8,507.968 8.903.503 .248.495 ,699.521 237.314 192.050 5.726 11.832 16.433 100 655.970 427.238 71,693 63,645 58.759 50.933 525,518 312,660 88,665 19.093 Chapter C STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS (467) o < (A D "i o c o u LU 0) O 5 c/> c/> 470 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 1.— FARMS, FARM OPERATORS, AND FARM WOODLAND: CENSUS OF 1950 Crista, except for approximate land area, are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5, A, and B FARMS AND ACREAGE Fanes number. . Approximate land area acres.. Proportion in farms percent.. Land in farms acres.. FARM OPERATORS Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. . 1 to 99 days operators reporting. . 100 days or more operators reporting.. Not working off their farm. .. .operators reporting.. Operators by age: Under 25 yeara operators reporting. . 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting.. 45 to 54 years operators reporting.. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. . 65 years and over operators reporting.. Average age years . . Operators not reporting age number.. Operators by year began operation of present farm: 1950 and 1949 operators reporting.. April 1949 to date of enumeration operators reporting. . April 1949 operators reporting.. May 1949 operators reporting. . June 1949 operators reporting.. July 1949 operators reporting.. August 1949 operators reporting. . September 1949 operators reporting.. October 1949 operators reporting.. November 1949 operators reporting. . December 1949 operators reporting.. January 1950 operators reporting. . February 1950 operators reporting.. March 1950 operators reporting.. April to date of enumera- tion, 1950 operators reporting. . 1950 with month not reported. . .operators reporting. . 1948 operators reporting. 1947 operators reporting. . 1946 operators reporting. , 1941 to 1945 operators reporting. . 1936 to 1940 operators reporting. 1935 and earlier operators reporting. . Average year of occupancy year. . Operators not reporting number.. Residence and relationship to landlord: 1 Tenants and part owners with landlord living on a farm. .. .operators reporting. Tenants and part owners related to landlord operators reporting. FARM WOODLAND Any woodland farms reporting. Woodland pastured farms reporting. acres. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acrea farms reporting. 20 to 49 acrea farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. 200 to 499 acres farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. Woodland not pastured farma reporting. acrea. Under 10 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 49 acres farma reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 199 acres farma reporting. 200 to 499 acrea farms reporting. 500 acres and over farms reporting. 19,395,200 61.5 11,918,968 51,517 18,749 32,768 84,474 5,758 23,802 31, 536 27,599 21,C04 16,916 46.5 11,780 15,911 241 127 90 111 128 173 472 1,333 3,185 7,998 636 508 226 683 11,138 10,744 9,039 23,656 16,399 35,230 1939 7,411 41,983 9,694 80,861 35,883 1,207,800 lp, 466 8,019 7,268 2,805 1,424 661 240 69,181 4,379,984 18,379 12,742 18,067 10,290 5,597 2,982 1,124 749,440 58.2 436,139 3,016 851 2,165 3,222 150 1,020 1,416 1,141 1,203 909 48.5 541 916 10 5 20 5 10 45 90 125 436 50 45 15 55 565 572 428 588 1,503 1939 418 1,206 373 2,734 45,626 1,392 681 508 119 16 15 3 4,103 157,969 1,255 780 1,240 515 204 86 23 22,969 2,266,380 72.6 1,645,701 11,025 3,217 7,808 11,550 575 3,223 5,396 5,039 4,039 3,063 48.1 1,634 4,051 2,639 70 55 61 175 400 1,186 160 167 65 150 1,947 1,950 1,473 4,285 2,775 5,699 1939 789 5,950 1,431 14,198 7,883 168,962 3,370 2,179 1,591 468 200 65 10 11,101 434, 874 3,790 2,541 2,764 1,132 493 314 67 12,599 1,717,120 70.7 5,803 2,171 3,632 6,417 425 1,865 2,683 2,599 2,100 1,789 48.0 1,138 1,290 30 35 91 205 612 86 70 25 1,076 921 756 2,226 1,553 3,005 1939 887 3,486 557 8,190 5,534 176,415 1,847 1,365 1,451 502 266 76 6,439 384,356 1,400 1,276 1,781 999 634 252 97 11,586 2,022,400 63.8 5,136 2,136 3,000 6,209 391 1,734 2,300 2,144 2,114 2,014 48.9 889 1,631 921 25 10 20 50 105 150 306 75 55 40 50 836 730 1,976 1,449 3,398 1937 686 3,417 682 7,276 4,371 189,701 1,457 886 1,134 468 280 97 49 6,046 479, 239 890 986 1,848 1,167 698 347 110 15,488 2,649,600 59.7 2,563 3,565 1,086 10,013 3,514 124,790 1,437 762 767 297 138 9,011 638,452 1,996 1,476 2,416 1,565 931 464 163 3,909,760 73.0 6,368 1,504 3,493 40 15 15 26 20 15 10 15 16 10 30 60 120 91 141 427 • 856 2,561 90 60 55 56 20 40 80 117 1,113 2,484 1,150 2,306 1,191 2,120 2,530 4,919 1,638 3,540 4,426 6,739 1938 1940 877 1,465 11,109 2,211 14,830 4,198 163,761 1,638 864 717 418 209 127 25 13,493 997,729 3,521 2,483 3,110 2,147 1,227 710 295 2,416,000 65.0 1,570,268 6,405 8,424 5,438 1,822 4,004 3,075 4,583 4,420 2,363 8,709 20,808 20,486 476 1,563 1,665 2,496 5,436 5,979 3,437 6,837 6,355 3,019 5,716 5,061 2,642 4,302 3,026 2,072 3,150 2,000 47.7 45.2 42.6 1,346 2,937 2,298 6,284 4,627 20 5 10 10 5 50 165 636 1,676 1,815 90 30 15 100 2,410 2,172 1.631 4,332 2,836 5,547 1940 1,392 10,708 2,506 13,751 4,534 102,098 2,788 709 591 228 119 77 22 12,721 751,408 3,347 2,270 3,513 1,976 933 509 173 Figures relate to all tenants and part owners as shown in County Table 2 and State Table 14, and not merely to those classified by tenure in Economic Area Table 6 and 10. SOUTH CAROLINA 471 Economic Area Tabic 2. FARM LABOR: CENSUS OF 1950 £Dnta ere based on reports for only s sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARM WORKERS WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION FoJilly and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons . Average per farm reporting persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons . Operators working 1 or more hours farms reporting. 1 to 14 hours farms reporting. 15 to 34 hours farms reporting. 35 to 54 hours farms reporting. S5 hours or more farms reporting. Operators not working or not reporting number of farms. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons . No unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more or not reporting number of farms. Hired workers farms reporting. persons . Regulsr workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons . 1 worker farms reporting. 2 workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 workers fsrms reporting. 5 to 9 workers farms reporting. 10 or more workers fsrms reporting. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons . 1 worker farms reporting. 2 workers farms reporting. 3 or 4 workers farms reporting. 5 to 9 workers farms reporting. 10 or more workers fsrms reporting. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Fsmily workers only farms reporting. Operator only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's fsmily only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. Operator and hired workers only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator':: family and hired workers only farms reporting. Regular workers and no seasonal workers farms reporting. Hired workers by basis of payment: Psid on a monthly basis farms reporting. persons. average hours worked per month. average wage per month. .dollars. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. persons . average hours worked per week average wage per week. . dollars . Paid on a daily basis farms reporting. persons . average hours worked per day. average wage per day. -dollars. Paid on an hourly basis farms reporting. persons, average wage per hour .. dollars. Paid on a piece-work basis farms reporting. persons. No report as to basis of payment number of farms . persons. Hired workers by type of perquisite furnished: Paid on a monthly basis farms reporting. Furnished board and room farms reporting. Furnished house farms reporting. Furnished other perquisites farms reporting. Furnished no perquisites farms reporting. Paid on a weekly basis farms reporting. Furnished board and room farms reporting. Furnished house farms reporting. Furnished other perquisites farms reporting. Furnished no perquisites farms reporting. Psid on a daily basis farms reporting. Furnished board and room farms reporting. Furnished house farms reporting. Furnished other perquisites farms reporting. Furnished no perquisites farms reporting. EXPENDITURES FOR HIRED LABOR Expenditures for hired labor in I9H9 farms reporting. dollars. $1 to $99 farms reporting. S100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 farms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2,499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. Farms with expenditures for hired labor but no hired workers reported farms reporting. $1 to $99 farms reporting. $100 to $199 farms reporting. $200 to $499 fsrms reporting. $500 to $999 farms reporting. $1,000 to $2.499 farms reporting. $2,500 and over farms reporting. 117,284 243,295 2.1 114,916 198,027 106, 502 12,317 17,142 36,155 40,888 32,693 54,349 91,525 84,846 16,411 45,268 10,881 28,360 5,973 2,243 1,325 971 369 7,619 16,908 4,508 1,434 1,051 471 155 14,043 100, 873 51,536 7,644 2,368 9,031 770 8,792 1,810 2,890 197 72 3,678 7,886 49 17 9,394 25,379 9.2 2.36 1,918 5,585 0.36 677 2,497 303 1,031 1,810 441 950 145 134 3,678 825 1,654 166 634 9,394 650 3,444 549 3,150 62,745 27,648,200 27,465 12,630 12,747 4,675 3,120 2,108 48,174 25,473 10,799 9,013 2,010 731 148 4,770 8,196 1.7 4,684 7,555 4,224 891 1,153 1,479 701 2,156 2,193 3,331 4,187 377 641 151 327 89 36 12 12 2 246 314 196 37 11 2 291 4,393 2,321 430 86 170 30 131 46 119 192 128 59 103 44 22 86 146 9.0 2.89 181 243 0.44 20 30 1,690 374,082 1,131 282 174 48 35 20 1,418 1,066 222 107 20 18,127 33,835 1.9 17,702 28,445 16,346 3,167 3,683 4,586 4,910 6,623 7,536 12,099 15,433 2,339 5,390 1,398 3,140 800 323 137 91 47 1,190 2,250 743 165 206 69 1,914 15,788 8,940 1,260 425 1,226 96 1,149 193 277 185 76 510 1,246 49 23 834 1,890 9.1 2.80 816 1,717 0.46 102 117 60 143 5 510 116 261 15 82 834 72 323 35 325 7,667 3,366,697 3,847 1,286 1,316 553 378 287 5,655 3,492 1,007 845 191 115 10,144 19,600 1.9 9,974 16, 913 9,171 1,453 2,209 2,652 2,857 3,428 4,693 7,742 7,906 1,249 2,687 700 1,469 410 128 101 47 14 671 1,218 377 155 103 36 1,079 8,895 4,605 741 170 676 62 578 119 181 190 56 231 469 48 19 636 1,415 9.0 2.59 206 377 0.38 63 107 70 138 82 5 6 231 40 112 12 27 636 52 243 51 221 4,466 1,461,733 2,220 826 754 377 186 103 3,403 2,005 709 491 152 39 9, 554 18,189 1.9 9,365 15,268 '■■,■■■' 1,368 1,811 2,322 2,996 4,212 6,678 7,374 1,225 2,921 841 1,923 444 190 121 70 16 498 998 296 96 82 18 6 1,036 8,329 4,479 696 189 674 79 727 142 193 217 79 251 480 49 16 755 1,831 9.3 2.48 103 249 0.36 49 79 20 89 142 32 82 5 6 251 82 90 1 45 755 109 355 16 165 4,203 1,610,469 2,247 684 686 257 183 146 3,095 2,087 534 366 76 23 Areas 5, A, and 12,618 23,896 1.9 12,345 19,788 11,364 1,715 2,006 4,112 3,531 4,124 5,235 6,424 10,253 1,578 4,108 1,135 2,758 642 222 134 106 31 668 1,350 403 144 54 56 11 1,305 11,040 6,216 897 273 894 84 910 106 245 211 91 415 946 49 17 974 2,211 9.2 2.46 138 359 0.39 82 312 35 35 106 18 73 5 1 415 97 162 26 70 974 71 421 60 323 6,014 3,014,984 2,897 1,055 1,046 432 341 243 4,625 2,722 908 746 174 47 28 26,578 61,516 2.3 25,841 44,477 24, 190 1,451 2,427 8,110 12,202 5,751 12,086 20,287 17,855 5,255 17,039 4,004 11,546 1,990 843 523 481 167 2,050 5,493 1,164 355 317 136 78 4,518 21,323 10,661 1,475 737 3,094 176 3,205 517 856 194 66 1,188 2,694 50 14 3,673 11,461 9.3 2.14 168 879 0.24 130 728 41 421 322 52 30 1,188 193 645 50 189 3,673 168 1,650 237 935 15,918 9,780,210 6,443 2,873 3,260 1,338 1,132 872 11,073 6,003 2,294 2,038 496 18b 54 51,741 2.2 23,772 45,500 22,509 827 2,006 9,860 9,816 4,095 12,237 ■'-'■ , "' 14,367 2,678 6,241 1,556 3,072 993 310 155 64 34 1,433 3,169 761 327 202 128 15 2,445 21,327 10,146 1,120 233 1,387 143 1,245 484 699 194 49 435 744 47 13 1,565 3,895 9.1 2.33 173 550 0.28 113 200 42 153 484 157 183 60 51 435 180 148 20 58 1,565 121 279 92 818 17,845 4,620,732 6,075 4,860 4,670 1,315 533 192 15,425 5,785 4,513 4,039 791 258 39 Areas 8 and C 11,488 26,322 2.3 11,233 20,081 10,108 1,445 1,847 3,034 3,782 3,520 6,157 9,973 7,471 1,710 6,241 1,096 4,125 605 191 142 100 58 863 2,116 568 155 76 26 38 1,455 9,778 4,166 1,025 255 910 100 847 203 320 203 118 589 1,204 46 19 871 2,530 8.4 2.76 133 1,211 0.31 lie 924 35 52 203 56 61 18 25 589 101 213 42 153 871 47 152 58 333 4,942 3,419,293 2,605 764 641 355 332 245 3,480 2,313 612 381 110 58 472 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 3 (Part 1 of 2) —FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND AND BUTCHERED- CENSUS OF 1950 ,Data for chickens are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations. see text) Hie State Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Areas 5, A, and B Area 6 Area 7 Areas 8 and C l 2 3 \ 5 6 .farms reporting., number. . .farms reporting., .farms reporting., .farms reporting.. farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . .farms reporting., .farms reporting.. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting., farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . farms reporting., farms reporting.. . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . number. . farms reportinf. . dozens. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . .farms reporting.. dozens . . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . dozens . . . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . dozens. . farms reporting. . number. . farms reporting. . number. , 91,428 170,343 43,599 34,227 7,440 3,043 3,119 35,010 69,229 21,493 7,433 3,774 1,725 585 94,544 5,550 7,187 4,614 861 75 828 1,190 662 137 29 94,018 236,826 29,245 54,749 10,024 2,255 471 116,293 3,615,089 16,499 3,257,094 28,984 7,731,181 67,301 844,652 4,402 481,887 7,942 410.033 33,447 1,065,864 5,628 499,462 11,744 1,097,531 10,864 642,355 3,043 250,444 5,219 980,187 3,232 377,336 1,754 210,578 2,524 1,245,758 946 230,519 680 207,730 877 1,070,914 289 147,655 255 293,610 284 1,142,363 178 188,891 157 249,280 178 1,087,540 24 56,900 24 47,079 24 368,780 12 60,917 12 25,500 12 285,600 4,243 7,193 2,059 1,786 244 93 61 617 1,154 395 135 57 22 8 4, "84 315 365 284 28 3 K 39 63 31 6 2 4,543 7,901 2,199 2,289 55 263 31 5,474 186,870 1,396 68,902 2,259 589,583 2,740 40,195 420 14, 590 690 99,670 1,886 60,360 537 12,925 937 98,485 605 35,565 274 14,822 415 86,680 136 15,680 55 5,250 110 63,160 92 22,570 75 14,780 87 160,818 5 2,500 5 2,000 5 39,360 10 10,000 5 2,500 10 41,150 13,415 25,028 6,079 5,462 983 437 454 1,762 3,483 1,100 379 163 91 29 14,998 1,084 1,370 931 139 14 135 186 111 20 4 14,842 26,101 6,976 7,598 268 511 73 19,590 703,460 3,602 534,920 6,259 1,699,563 10,197 141,586 1,001 115,960 1,721 87,880 6,358 198,463 1,242 68,520 2,594 204,383 2,107 124,345 622 31,455 1,104 205,550 627 75,150 388 51,375 524 256,975 188 46,675 126 42,095 173 150,160 55 28,580 55 31,000 55 269, 500 41 44,961 41 87,980 41 229,320 17 43,700 17 43,500 17 291,920 7,601 15,664 2,915 3,317 675 335 359 1,092 1,923 744 212 89 33' 14 9,095 696 898 585 96 15 79 109 66 10 3 9,001 17,098 3,739 5,019 243 257 58 10,552 347,929 1,579 263,400 2,914 575,106 5,498 70,784 360 27, 510 705 41,075 3,404 105,662 596 31,545 1,225 109,040 1,278 75,352 321 16,910 652 92,590 231 26,219 138 25,245 186 75,503 88 22,800 76 13,075 68 62,213 32 16,195 17 23,350 32 59,325 20 22,000 15 17,500 20 94,575 7,364 13,856 3,551 2,686 630 254 243 1,892 3,324 1,247 370 188 64 23 8,670 617 812 504 106 7 115 146 98 13 4 8,627 18,492 2,936 5,294 397 259 39 9,662 351,336 1,741 958,632 3,332 1,172,096 5,242 65,998 416 210,820 894 52,610 2,995 93,880 631 110,942 1,357 150,205 982 59,095 321 72,555 645 170,666 271 32,328 172 63,275 234 133,891 98 24,300 77 20,525 93 131,154 18 9,125 12 4,795 18 66,855 55 59,610 50 74,300 55 411,880 10,045 17,277 5,560 3,274 705 238 268 3,411 7,352 2,092 683 382 185 69 10,965 485 635 403 77 5 119 179 97 18 4 10,922 25,445 3,274 6,974 674 316 66 13,229 448,736 2,553 746,987 3,750 1,220,140 7,760 99,670 661 71,075 1,027 42,020 3,472 108,048 793 205,230 1,348 137,320 1,225 73,255 447 62,953 651 183,234 521 59,358 326 26,282 439 229,127 154 39,850 152 63,620 153 184,230 68 34,555 67 54,640 68 302,770 23 22,500 23 15,800 23 69,250 6 11,500 6 1,968 66,284 20,306 42,900 8,004 8,037 2,229 993 1,043 11,774 26,250 6,541 2,652 1,488 811 282 20,004 880 1,214 685 181 14 119 182 85 31 3 19,956 55,409 4,808 12,592 2,556 246 85 24,334 664,190 2,594 177,877 5,047 1,186,819 15,352 179,663 624 15,657 1,368 40,838 5,652 175,529 673 32,375 1,809 135,842 2,448 144,822 629 32,860 1,105 161,967 622 71,972 342 21,740 471 221,490 184 43,054 126 25,340 178 247,077 54 27,600 54 23,48- 54 194,280 22 21,550 16 8,700 22 169,465 18,707 33,654 8,686 7,511 1,507 522 481 9,082 14,573 6,214 1,843 726 241 58 19,004 1,189 1,489 1,012 168 9 175 249 138 33 4 18,945 65,713 3,293 10,976 4,676 264 66 22,064 603.856 1,940 239,782 3,220 517,522 13,056 157,713 570 13,630 881 23.755 6,215 194,254 641 16,310 1,311 71,200 2,190 128,121 426 18,532 639 78,645 513 59,328 210 9,720 319 102,137 69 13,935 27 2,175 54 14,885 11 5,500 11 1,825 6 20,500 9,747 14,771 6,745 2,154 467 171 210 5,380 11,170 3,160 1,159 681 278 102 7,224 284 404 210 66 8 47 76 36 6 7,182 20,667 2,020 4,007 1,155 139 53 11,388 308,712 1,094 266,594 2,203 770,352 7,456 89,038 350 12,645 656 23.185 3,465 129,658 "15 21,615 1,163 191,056 29 1,800 3 357 8 855; 311 3", 301 123 7,691 241 163,475 73' 17.335 21 : 26,120 -1 120,377 . 46 23,600 34 ; 152,515 46 189,773 7| 8,270 j 7 42,500 7 71,9001 l| 1,700; 1 1,611 I 10,5761 8 9 Sows and gilts for spring farrowing 11 15 16 17 Farm slaughter: 20 21 22 Cattle, excluding calves, butchered 26 27 30 31 32 11 11 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 S'l «) Meat, lard, hides, and other products Sino or more Chickens on hand 4 months old and over Fggs sold Under 25 chickens on hand 25 to 49 ch i ckens on hand 50 to 99 chickens on hand 100 to 199 chickens on hand 62 63 64 65 66 200 to 399 chickens on hand dozens. . farms reporting. . number. . . . farms reporting. . number. . 68 69 70 dozens. . . . farms reporting. . number. . 72 number. . 74 75 76 77 78 79 B0 81 82 83 84 85 800 to 1,599 chickens on hand dozens. . farms reporting. . number. . number . . dozens. . farms reporting. . number. . number. . 10 45,000 10 16,500 10 206,400 3,200 or more chickens on hand dozens. . number . . number , . 1 8,917 1 7,000 1 37,500 1 7,000 1 2,000 1 41,700 87 88 89 91 92 dozens. . SOUTH CAROLINA 473 Economic Area Table 3 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF LIVESTOCK ON HAND AND BUTCHERED: CENSUS OF 1950 [Data for cows are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text | Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5, A, and Areas 8 and C Cattle and calves farms reporting. . number. . 1 farms reporting. . 2 to 4 farms reporting. . fi to 9 farms reporting. . 10 to 24 farms reporting. . 2S to 99. farms reporting. . 100 or more farms reporting.. Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows.. farms reporting.. number. . Cows milked yesterday farms reporting.. number. . Al 1 dairy products sold farms reporting. . dollars.. Whole milk sold .farms reporting.. gallons. . doll ars. . Cream sold farms reporting. . pounds of butterfat. . dol lars. . No milk cows farms reporting.. I or 2 cows: Cows milked yesterday farms reporting.. number. . All dairy products sold farms reporting. . dol lars. . Whole milk sold farms reporting.. gs lions . . dollars. . Cream sold farms reporting. . pounds of butterfat.. dollars.. 3 or 4 cows: Cows milked yesterday farms reporting. . number. . All dairy products sold farms reporting.. dol lars. . Whole milk sold farms reporting.. gal Ions . . dol lars. . Cream sold forms reporting. . pounds of butterfat. . dol lars. . 5 to 9 cows: Cows milked yesterday farms reporting.. number. . All dairy products sold farms reporting.. dollars. . Whole milk sold farms reporting.. gallons ■ ■ dollars. . Cream sold farms reporting.. pounds of butterfat.. dollars. . 10 to 19 cows: Cows milked yesterday farms reporting.. number. . All dairy products sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Whole milk sold farms reporting. . gallons . ■ dol lars. . Cream sold farms reporting. . pounds of butterfat. . dollars. . 20 to 29 cows: Cows milked yesterday farms reporting. . number. . All dairy products sold farms reporting.. dollars.. Whole milk sold farms reporting. . gallons, dollars. . Cream sold farms reporting. . pounds of butterfat.. dollars. . 30 to 49 cows: Cows milked yesterday farms reporting. number. . All dairy products sold farms reporting. . dollars. . Whole milk sold farms reporting. . gallons. . dollars.. Cream sold farms reporting. . pounds of butterfat. . dollars. . 50 cows and over: Cows milked yesterday farms reporting. number. All dairy products sold farms reporting. dollars. Whole milk sold farms reporting. gallons . dollars. Cream sold farms reporting. pounds of butterfat. dollars. 78,318 169,560 30,934 34,155 6,765 3,953 2,202 309 74,029 212,541 68,005 146,022 59,706 108, 736 10,841 13,243,583 5,615 23,300,680 12,614,549 2,105 392,688 217,792 6,024 51,499 60,067 6,709 654,769 2,601 708, 809 310,602 1,499 179,840 98,627 4,579 10,351 1,297 310, 822 734 494,639 198, 704 264 50, 242 27,647 2,022 6,825 1,047 703,408 775 1,331,499 603,967 177 73,504 40,733 849 7,497 619 1,825,354 577 3,540,338 1,810,334 32 10,460 6,318 328 6,088 307 1,926,966 307 3,656,487 1,926,866 5 185 100 249 6,909 248 2,898,826 248 4,932,714 2,898,026 1 1,500 180 10,999 180 4,723,710 ISO 8,260,422 4,679,317 15 72,152 40,827 4,818 16, 590 1,929 2,198 443 182 61 4,563 9,259 4,450 8,304 4,160 6,837 1,066 704,261 503 1,174,327 647, 846 262 34,530 17,818 113 3,730 4,438 787 63,650 335 62, 879 33,645 180 17, 895 8,870 269 666 106 33,385 65 27,118 16,105 55 14,075 7,510 108 375 61 40,465 36 57,350 35,545 16 2,269 1,290 25 230 20 49,495 20 100,150 48,595 16 314 15 82,180 15 159,750 82,180 5 150 5 75,000 5 100,000 75,000 15,170 73,672 6,212 6,119 1,476 811 495 57 14,475 40,927 13,974 31,381 12,794 25,481 3,640 3,726,431 1,537 5,927,776 3,423,956 587 110,150 64,762 501 11,113 13,250 2,581 263,225 870 188,330 84,610 430 61, 830 37,390 890 2,197 332 99, 292 131 90,222 45,635 41 7,015 3,787 400 1,496 254 191,576 153 258,719 136,338 70 31,030 17, 930 212 2,481 176 622,215 156 1,051,086 618,650 15 2,675 1,410 82 1,598 71 588, 810 71 1, 080, 809 588,810 9,111 47,341 3,221 3,986 992 579 302 31 8,743 25,742 8,276 20,313 7,749 15,912 2,087 1,761,533 1,423 3,559,813 1,679,509 236 50,730 26,550 467 6,247 7,783 1,128 158,206 591 280,960 114, 597 191 22,195 11,090 831 2,149 363 91,375 317 240, 884 80, 990 25 5,160 2,720 385 1,656 285 156,446 239 350,950 132,031 15 23,250 12,650 161 1,261 117 293,305 112 581,391 291, 485 70 1,282 69 388, 675 69 799,457 388, 675 8,146 52,303 2,655 3,353 1,006 731 354 47 7,907 30,304 7,504 19,620 6,703 13,033 1,448 1,155,930 703 2,310,192 1,101,816 402 63,496 31,561 403 5,194 6,243 684 46,806 145 38,935 14, 880 272 36,071 17,625 762 1,692 224 35,687 118 80,963 26,982 61 9,445 4,805 497 1,659 283 187,936 221 420,363 179,515 42 12,085 5,776 169 1,333 135 219,227 123 552,144 214,855 11 4,855 3,030 47 832 46 222,180 46 435,960 222, 1B0 47 1,492 46 734,300 46 1,254,911 734, 300 32 683 32 273,007 32 524,873 273,007 213,185 116,020 356,231 7 662, 916 355,036 1 16 50 2,967 50 1,215,643 50 1,993,504 1,209,853 11 6,750 3,790 23 1,098 23 366,219 23 718,869 366,219 20 940 20 323,724 20 556,148 323,724 8,833 40,433 4,069 3,550 600 385 186 43 8,386 22,929 7,953 15,820 7,079 12,332 1,157 1,690,279 543 2,941,368 1,592,229 232 104,415 58,435 433 6,352 7,293 828 76,027 335 81,092 37,440 186 25, 504 13,792 433 943 117 23,270 31 19,091 9,680 25 7,375 4,075 160 507 72 42,660 57 85,863 39,205 6 1,900 1,140 62 447 37 105,356 37 215,887 101,958 1 2,300 22 425 21 134,491 21 309, 535 134,491 33 878 33 424,168 33 632,428 423,368 1 1,500 800 17 1,839 17 875,934 17 1,583,912 839,534 2 64,486 36,400 14,438 64,732 6,048 6,339 957 599 438 57 13,562 40,573 12,377 27,442 10,297 19, 574 833 2,961,101 583 5,161,909 2,940,093 194 14,970 9,957 1,185 9,023 10,157 370 23,390 200 31,173 12,290 110 5,670 3,750 715 1,446 89 18,835 52 23,795 12,504 36 5,840 4,000 247 669 57 75,321 44 138,985 72,904 18 2,450 1,597 118 918 73 277,841 68 546,838 277,466 58 1,096 58 360,080 58 574,323 359,980 5 ie5 100 82 2,384 82 854, 548 82 1,501,905 854,548 54 2,904 54 1,348,436 54 2,340,643 1,348,436 10,421 4,514 4,932 592 264 111 9,605 16,636 e,414 12,026 7,189 e,817 355 149 439,677 . 50,010 110 7,155 4,225 1,191 6,726 7,380 241 10,745 80 11,425 4,210 85 5,270 2,945 326 595 47 2,545 7 775 455 15 1,230 670 78 144 3,019 1,775 38 292 26 70,625 26 132,315 70,035 5 630 590 11 116 5 45, 500 5 91,000 45,500 10 290 10 127,460 10 199,666 127,460 7,381 44, 832 ,',,'Pj, 3,678 699 402 255 61 6,788 26,171 5,057 11,116 3,735 6,750 255 984,578 174 1,785,618 979,090 82 7,242 4,484 1,731 3,114 3,523 90 12,720 45 14,015 8,930 45 5,405 3,165 353 663 19 6,433 13 11,791 6,353 6 102 147 319 24 7,004 14 16, 250 6,654 10 520 350 64 535 35 187,290 35 360, 527 187,290 22 425 22 105,050 22 205.653 105,050 26 698 26 294,323 26 505, 746 294,323 587 9 237,523 9 404,430 236,515 1 900 629 474 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 4 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED ACRES AND QUANTITIES SOLD FOR PRINCIPAL CROPS: CENSUS OF 1950 [Data for corn and sorghums are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5, A. and B Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Under 5 acres farms reporting. S to 10 acres farms reporting. 11 to 15 acres 16 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 101) acres and over. Harvested for grain. . . Under 11 acres. 11 to 24 acres. 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over. Sorghum for all purposes except sirup. Under 11 acres. 11 to 24 acres. 25 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 acres and o Harvested for grain. Under 11 acres. 11 to 24 acres. 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over. Wheat threshed or combined. Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over. Under 100 bushels 100 to 499 bushels 500 to 999 bushels 1.000 to 1,999 bushels. 2,000 to 4,999 bushels. 5,000 bushels and over. Oats threshed or combined. Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over. Under 100 bushels. . 100 to 499 bushels. 500 to 999 bushels 1,000 to 1,999 bushels. 2,000 to 4,999 bushels. 5,000 bushels and over. Cotton harvested. Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. Brms reporting, arms reporting. rms reporting. acres. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting, acres, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. . acres . . arms reporting. . arms reporting.. arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . bushels . . arms reporting., arms reporting. . rms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . s reporting. . acres . . arms reporting,, s reporting. . arms reporting. . rms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting., bushels. . a reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. . arms reporting. arms reporting. . acres . . arms reporting, arms reporting. rms reporting. . rms reporting. . Brms reporting. 115,820 1,352,159 24, 562 53,302 18,159 10,180 7,014 1,909 694 113,459 1,291,699 76, 521 27,923 6,830 1,615 570 4,226 18,200 3,910 188 92 31 5 833 ,864 700 78 38 16 18,243 134,727 14, 987 2,352 587 236 81 4,761 652,309 2,930 1,569 182 62 17 1 19,388 282,579 12,062 4,453 1,680 795 398 4,420 ,921,900 1,577 1,833 499 300 176 35 93,326 ,197, 845 47, 871 36,447 7,016 1,365 627 5,091 41,677 1,420 2,603 696 263 74 29 6 4,896 39,562 3,854 949 65 22 6 397 1,105 387 10 41 155 36 5 1,330 7,536 1,167 138 20 342 32,480 228 106 1,240 11, 563 918 246 53 14 9 250 56, 547 128 96 15 7 3 1 3,567 31,580 2,353 1,106 93 12 3 16,971 136,549 4,821 8,971 1,998 739 379 43 20 16,408 130,396 13,375 2,641 347 27 18 1,171 4,507 1,106 30 212 1,405 187 15 3 7 9,780 83,088 2,334 5,385 1,238 532 232 47 12 9,551 79,573 7,568 1,726 215 31 11 1,194 2,991 1,163 22 81 326 74 2 9,276 93,333 1,718 4,993 1,430 676 362 79 18 9,150 90, 272 6,647 2,057 383 48 15 945 4,740 856 53 26 9 1 352 2,939 278 45 22 7 12,498 171,806 2,012 5,261 2,401 1,368 1,081 283 92 12,148 164, 762 7,043 3,723 1,036 265 81 240 1,277 205 25 97 290 26,054 436,718 3,767 10,130 4,394 3,359 2,996 1,001 407 25,598 412,175 13,717 7,708 2,961 887 325 2,789 120 21 5 1 25 268 17 6,887 54, 531 5,466 1,076 226 97 22 2,187 286,203 1,327 758 79 13 6,099 80,504 3,904 1,439 462 203 91 1,492 548,512 573 615 167 79 52 6 13,823 174,702 6,071 6,511 1,065 143 33 1,614 12,300 1,281 251 60 20 2 481 59,547 307 152 14 2,490 15,197 2,141 265 60 21 3 512 57,806 359 129 18 5 1 1,700 15,431 1,328 258 64 30 20 459 74,303 281 145 16 14 3 2,809 23,798 2,300 297 131 53 28 661 122,750 365 234 39 14 9 2,061 27,680 1,242 515 206 66 32 517 155,155 201 229 51 22 13 8,832 109,473 3,938 4,141 665 74 14 2,969 40,897 1,774 750 285 121 39 565 185,634 208 246 68 34 6 3 8,128 84,491 4,761 2,940 333 72 22 2,047 31,223 1,184 524 198 98 43 504 252,110 159 222 54 43 23 3 10,154 151,524 4,387 4,373 1,080 229 85 2,959 70,612 1,522 670 372 238 157 826 618,366 191 333 114 102 67 19 25,299 464,987 8,494 12,413 3,229 740 423 23,980 249,965 4,353 11,671 4,484 2,257 1,002 155 58 23,806 245,628 15,958 6,691 968 137 52 12 180 5 1,361 5,505 1,261 63 23 10 4 116 18,275 62 44 1,693 13,910 1,335 239 71 37 11 200 65,443 94 68 23 8 6 1 16,657 132,555 12,503 3,681 382 55 36 SOUTH CAROLINA 475 Economic Area Table 4 (Part 2 of 2), FARMS REPORTING SPECIFIED ACRES AND QUANTITIES SOLD FOR PRINCIPAL CROPS: CENSUS OF 1950 Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 5, A, and B Areas 8 and C Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres . Less tlian 1 acre farms reporting. 1.0 to 2.4 acres farms reporting. 2.5 to 4.9 acres farms reporting. 5.0 to 9.9 seres farms reporting. 10 acres and over farms reporting. Land from which hay was cut Under 10 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 seres 50 to 99 acres 100 acres and over. Hay sold Under 10 tons. 10 to 39 tons. 40 to 99 tons. 100 tons and o , rms repo arms repo is repo arms repo arms repo arms repo is repo arms repo arms repo a rms rep arms repo rting. acres, rting. ting, rting. rting. rting. rting. tons, rting. rting. rting, rting. Irish potatoes farms reporting. acres 1 bushels . No acres reported farms reporting. bushels. 0.1 to 0.9 acre farms reporting. acres . bushels. 1 to 1.9 seres farms reporting. acres . bushels. 2 to 2.9 acres farms reporting. acres . bushels . 3 to 9. 9 acres farms reporting. acres, bushels ■ 10 acres and over farms reporting. acres, bushels - Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees farms repoi Under 0. 5 acre farms repo 0.5 to 0.9 acre fa rms repo 1 to 2.4 acres farms repo 2.5 to 9.9 acres farms repo 10 acres and over farms repo rting. acres 2 rting. rting. rting. rting. rting. Apples farms reporting. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. trees. l'nder 25 farms reporting. 25 to 99 farms reporting. 100 to 499 farms reporting. 500 and over farms reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. trees. Under 25 farms reporting. 25 to 99 * . . . farms reporting. 100 to 499 farms reporting. 500 and over farms reporting. Bushels harvested farms reporting. bushels. Under 100 farms reporting. 100 to 499 farms reporting. 500 to 999 farms reporting. 1,000 and over farms reporting. Peaches farms reporting. Trees not of bearing age farms reporting. trees. Under 25 farms reporting. 25 to 99 farms report ing. 100 to 499 farms reporting. 500 and over farms reporting. Trees of bearing age farms reporting. trees. L'nder 25 farms reporting. 25 to 99 farms reporting. 100 to 499 farms reporting. 500 and over farms reporting. Bushels harvested farms reporting. bushels. Under 100 farms reporting. 100 to 499 farms reporting. 500 to 999 farms reporting. 1,000 and over farms reporting. 33,876 105,802 1,917 11,633 15,513 4, 528 285 43,290 372,951 33,262 7,352 1,717 686 273 2,481 19,666 1,985 412 69 15 32,178 9,430 1,326,342 25,160 138,282 4,736 1,540 121,087 1,445 1,542 112,046 460 952 68,733 291 1,163 102,265 86 4,233 783,929 37,726 64,630 28, 724 1,727 4,279 1,452 1,544 19,447 7,166 88, 503 6,807 256 79 24 14,110 189,460 13,212 669 176 53 6,473 132,859 6,323 100 22 21,633 8,067 760,372 6,757 718 251 341 15,327 3,970,806 11,947 1,417 562 1,401 4,637 1,476,292 3,649 391 199 398 2,653 18,482 2,142 416 72 13 10 191 1,051 170 17 1,635 109 15,265 1,376 8,566 236 73 5,250 14 14 764 7 14 355 2 8 330 3,111 1,718 2,301 225 480 73 32 2,697 968 18,039 873 72 19 4 2,063 57,304 1,748 228 64 23 1,163 61,317 1,090 43 9 21 2,185 836 13,658 719 92 24 1 1,539 29,915 1,314 182 35 8 177 2,433 173 3 9,103 95,492 6,390 1,968 479 190 76 695 4,955 553 120 19 3 5,268 329 47,860 4,431 25,705 750 216 16,602 76 77 3,743 5 10 600 6 26 1,210 5,626 65,008 3,640 1,416 374 152 44 353 2,568 279 62 11 2,801 236 27,018 2,311 12,148 389 126 8,599 96 97 5,356 4 8 515 1 5 400 8,080 31,489 5,421 328 936 507 888 5,247 1,617 22,572 1,523 64 23 7 3,999 61,617 3,730 204 48 17 1,510 30,784 1,467 30 9 4 6,030 1,736 309,736 1,305 178 81 172 4,651 2,655,907 2,879 468 284 1,020 1,339 1,023,056 625 294 140 280 3,705 8,975 2,656 216 534 130 169 2,725 968 13,632 922 34 6 6 2,040 22,579 1,909 106 22 3 807 15,623 793 10 2 2 2,721 976 161,867 767 121 35 53 1,968 593, 222 1,477 242 92 157 376 142, 547 281 32 20 43 4,644 45,146 3,383 923 215 80 43 228 2,131 177 44 4 3 2,678 243 26,244 2,144 12,203 471 167 10,986 57 58 2,495 3 6 255 3 12 305 3,610 5,959 2,547 261 575 114 113 2,559 845 8,390 S05 27 13 2,020 19,816 1,934 66 16 4 755 10,501 744 9 1 1 2,777 911 121,588 756 90 19 46 2,169 312,883 1,786 254 45 84 351 153,956 277 20 13 41 668 1,333 84 430 137 15 2 4,018 36,121 3,055 702 159 66 36 233 1,900 169 52 11 4,052 171 29,387 3,668 18,334 329 100 8,094 50 51 2,493 2 4 260 3 16 206 4,659 7,339 3,350 279 629 242 159 2,329 998 18,517 929 45 17 7 1,580 18,913 1,495 54 25 6 792 7,710 784 2,845 1,230 112,365 963 135 75 57 1,917 316,087 1,498 201 98 120 755 121,764 666 37 24 28 8,221 21,484 523 4,025 2,973 642 58 5,312 50,304 3,996 926 244 101 45 256 4,026 188 55 10 3 6,512 1,199 144,228 5,459 28,248 671 212 16,798 195 202 17,918 81 166 12,818 88 358 36,671 18 261 31,775 6,150 5,903 4,949 214 632 234 121 1,509 741 3,008 734 874 3,123 869 521 2,389 521 2,496 1,120 31,052 1,037 60 13 10 1,596 54,774 1,526 52 7 11 919 29,623 909 3 1 22,572 78,100 715 6,067 11,826 3,746 218 8,671 44,438 7,748 741 121 53 8 427 2,417 368 49 6,877 2,370 190,984 4,239 25,955 1,486 492 40,292 751 823 59,413 281 583 37,921 117 439 26,128 3 33 1,275 5,104 1,888 4,584 112 288 92 28 1,879 765 3,259 759 6 1,266 5,244 1,260 6 802 3,978 801 1 1,580 774 7,171 741 28 3 2 914 4,492 902 11 469 1,927 469 2,246 4,784 457 1,085 574 124 6 3,263 17,960 2,908 260 53 31 11 98 618 81 13 4 2,355 4,773 845,356 1,532 7,123 404 154 14,466 206 220 19,864 77 161 16,009 71 299 37,015 65 3,939 750, 879 3,307 1,359 2,916 92 205 60 34 502 264 262 1 268 864 267 1 123 557 123 999 484 2,935 469 14 1 573 ,526 565 7 1 251 986 249 1 Does not include acres for farms with less than 15 bushels harvested. See text. 2 Does not include acres for farms reporting less than 1/2 acre. See text. 476 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of Z).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators. - , , farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land ) n farms ac res Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . . farms reporting acres Vtoodl and pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line . farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder ...forms reporting. Electric power- feed grinder forms reporting. 139,195 76,549 9,010,005 79,041 3,813,389 466 682,179 25,074 1,586,605 11,918,968 85.6 5,614 69.61 87 82 129, 97£ 3,969,03C 24,918 36,004 29,227 23.682 11,634 3,038 1,475 27,405 504,480 46,323 927,899 35,883 1,207,800 69,181 4,379,984 24,919 478,183 103,973 451, 592 135,400 5,401,409 61, 719 2,190,463 80,861 5,587,784 102 7,407 74 2,657 130,525 5,278 45,766 51,517 18,749 32,768 84,474 5,758 23,802 31,536 27,599 21,804 16,916 46.5 15,911 23,656 51,629 11,896 95,060 94,842 4.43 218 32,865 13,627 9,175 36,424 12,674 1,055 12,709 7,214 103,059 6,530 38,175 1,257 70,722 70,512 5.5 2,123 372.37 10,232 46,025 10,232 750 1,840 1,710 4,195 520 1,285 1,261 3,601 490 1,245 7,749 12,321 11,112 52,060 1,650 4,370 1,721 4,886 10 30 5 10 11,803 566 7,112 7,293 1,350 5,943 5,056 945 2,531 2,605 2,195 1,822 1,700 45.3 5,730 1,660 2,140 3,877 9 1,320 7,445 7,440 4,29 5 2,515 1,230 560 2,695 785 10 44,672 16,081 356,193 32,827 598,475 6 139 2,881 107,803 847,004 19.0 2,615 135.46 42,499 642,230 8,171 22,611 11,717 25,731 12,426 524,572 15,775 539,240 3,256 93,745 970,067 37.7 3,731 98.17 87 24,636 605,586 2,590 5,425 7,311 9,310 15,474 9,688 636,487 7,447 382,750 5 275 2,807 128,612 890,900 57.6 4,970 86.20 14, 577 428,651 1,365 3,006 3,690 4,420 2,096 12,713 9,152 826,832 5,181 352.840 21 1,670 3,427 134,781 1,046,561 82.3 6,096 73.56 12,008 399,048 1,011 2,205 2,761 3,591 2,440 9,788 7,316 895,934 3,991 355,727 6 2,399 2,792 130,106 1,123,954 114.8 7,429 64.45 9,151 352, 282 666 1,365 1,780 2,870 2,235 235 3,115 12,815 8,511 46,900 4,075 20,240 10,187 66,081 3,245 13,965 26,629 44,773 43,930 701,945 8,865 47,020 12,877 86,321 20 95 5 30 42,271 1,456 13,675 16,338 7,106 9,232 27,444 3,165 10,715 10,177 7,496 5,450 4,054 42.9 23,490 7,495 7,135 11,847 2,193 26,371 26,316 3.17 55 5,094 1,920 1,427 7,032 2,072 L38 3,890 18,940 7,900 65,865 6,211 49,390 12,456 160,051 4,590 28,640 19,620 41,595 25,401 690,391 11,231 96,970 15,191 209,441 10 25 10 25 24,522 645 7,406 8,611 3,785 4,826 16,685 795 4,295 6,190 5,446 3,975 2,845 46.4 10,935 3,000 4,840 1,415 17,286 17,23o 3.50 50 4,390 1,505 1,120 6,225 1,781 100 3,826 25,730 6,655 75,660 5,330 61,110 10.926 229,514 3,840 33,275 13,187 36,960 15,173 530,041 9,221 120,115 12,566 290,624 14,817 301 5,502 2,110 3,392 9,626 330 2,075 3,710 3,211 2,715 2,225 48.5 5,456 1,396 2,865 6,452 13 1,071 11,523 11,493 4.05 30 3,942 1,416 1,005 4,*985 1,495 100 3,720 33,150 6,371 96,362 5,411 91,088 10,167 340,617 3,891 45,290 11,278 41,006 12, 503 528,560 8,772 169, 528 11,623 431,705 10 160 10 160 12,048 420 4,457 1,495 2,962 8,011 200 1,451 2,985 2,880 2,337 1,920 49.5 3,886 866 2,310 5,877 14 1,085 9,778 9,753 4.31 25 3,983 1,461 1,067 4,476 1,506 100 3,426 41,480 5,302 108,710 4,766 115,025 8,283 421,642 3.130 47, 615 8,958 37,200 9,643 502.472 7,317 204,120 9,263 536,667 5 50 5 50 9,163 385 3,396 1,195 2,201 6,15' 160 951 2,225 2,316 1,876 1,435 50.0 2,972 741 1,685 4,625 14 1,012 7,557 7,547 4.90 10 3,452 1,227 922 3,542 1,342 70 5,591 4,365 726,470 2,262 256,136 35 7,100 2,050 112,613 877,093 156.9 9,292 58.71 87 87 5,242 250,553 310 636 790 1,455 1,595 456 2,310 38,320 3,208 78,808 2,901 91,334 4,878 349,122 1,836 36,853 5,152 32,103 5,504 367,681 4,458 166, 507 5,423 440,456 5 30 30 5,113 292 1,746 605 1,141 3,704 50 580 1,205 1,172 1,195 916 50.6 1,471 275 931 2,888 16 741 4,558 4,543 5.59 15 2,306 937 575 2,022 905 3,079 2,504 519.533 1,275 1"1,920 10 2,080 1,318 84,623 608,910 197.8 10,027 50.67 84 84 2.877 160,548 185 306 450 620 875 436 5 1,370 29,105 1,582 52,939 1,556 64,550 2,668 252.549 982 28,211 2,822 21,008 3,008 242 , 592 2,382 121 . 866 2,984 31-, 099 2,836 147 982 280 702 1.981 50 375 661 641 530 465 49.5 740 145 461 1,696 17 537 2,583 2,583 6.54 1,471 671 460 1,321 550 60 SOUTH CAROLINA 477 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 only a sample of farms. See textj The state— Cont inued Area 1 Siie of farm — Con. Total all Size of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Ulder 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and over acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres and over 4,459 2,109 999 6,380 475 1,512 1,450 1,000 595 235 91 70 107 43 12 1 3,759 1,756 803 4,320 330 892 945 710 550 450 180 66 55 92 39 11 2 1,353,326 1,220,831 1,475,370 350, 029 4,025 23,052 42,525 44,600 48,620 53,160 27,515 13,990 14,190 32,432 28,438 17,482 i 1,741 822 359 2,462 170 697 555 365 295 205 95 30 20 20 8 2 4 402,397 323,687 260,052 134,678 895 13,005 20,035 26,530 20,515 21,005 11,315 5,765 3,610 6,450 3,520 2,033 5 83 125 159 3 2 1 6 37,171 112,296 514,231 10,431 5,495 4,936 7 2,445 1,327 685 967 50 117 200 165 115 140 60 21 25 42 23 9 B 235,629 216,115 207,959 58,999 2,330 7,197 7,415 13,750 5,325 5,265 1,930 1,709 1,755 3,019 6,828 2,476 9 1,557,265 1,440,699 2,041,694 436, 139 2,590 28,860 55,145 57,380 63,810 68,900 36,900 18,046 16,045 35,863 21,975 10 349.2 683.1 2,043.7 68.4 5.5 19.1 38.0 57.4 80.8 115.8 157.0 198.3 229.2 335.2 712.2 1,831.2 11 17,737 33,486 89,450 4,870 3,580 3,012 3,501 4,837 6,013 6,713 7,298 6,526 9,916 10,489 38,028 46,889 12 50.66 50.46 44.45 71.91 596.61 148.86 90.00 85.16 75.16 58.17 46.81 32.88 42.12 31.32 53.58 24.71 13 84 78 66 89 88 90 90 90 85 89 96 93 79 89 95 58 14 84 76 65 88 97 96 92 e9 84 89 95 93 81 89 95 60 15 4,195 1,919 923 5,714 330 1,331 1,350 895 735 555 220 85 65 95 42 11 16 356,801 300, 787 319,273 116, 598 1,230 14,910 22,745 18,135 18,835 15,075 6,775 3,280 2,365 4,600 5,722 2,926 17 195 247 80 80 18 18 1,650 1,770 330 580 600 345 520 180 255 70 205 70 125 20 40 20 5 10 15 20 5 5 18 1'/ 396 682 1,366 99 243 361 23 56 111 1,318 702 208 151 350 135 305 135 20 235 165 60 160 155 45 65 65 25 25 15 10 15 15 5 5 15 40 7 20 2 2 21 1 22 945 485 182 54 5 10 5 10 22 2 23 364 571 515 12 7 5 24 2,351 1,129 634 969 40 140 210 210 120 110 55 5 10 40 24 5 25 83,712 85, 141 114,842 12,341 85 625 1,120 1,460 1,195 1,000 1,260 370 210 810 2,744 1,462 26 2,428 1,078 553 3,659 155 550 800 675 590 475 190 56 50 86 25 7 27 129,166 97,945 133,724 54,791 440 3,680 7,175 8,510 8,465 9,185 3,945 2,811 2,285 4,985 1,907 1,403 28 2,408 1,124 579 2,734 30 350 710 515 460 340 160 55 40 36 31 7 29 181, 508 163,348 314,402 45,626 60 1,520 5,880 6,565 6,910 7,390 4,495 2,770 1,035 3,030 2,235 3,736 30 3,945 1,906 882 4,103 75 600 900 785 670 555 215 81 65 102 43 12 31 694, 070 693,479 971,775 157,969 185 4,290 10,780 15,635 20,825 29,425 16,940 6,480 7,550 20,250 15,985 9,624 32 1,480 649 308 3,405 50 490 820 640 565 420 190 70 55 71 26 8 33 65,479 59,056 101,824 34,384 65 1,915 4,795 4,780 5,525 4,895 2,525 1,870 2,370 1,760 1,441 2,443 34 4,084 1,910 882 5,656 365 1,196 1,310 910 755 575 235 85 65 107 43 10 35 46,529 40,943 85,854 14,430 525 1,920 2,650 2,295 2,055 1,930 960 465 230 428 591 381 36 4,338 2,019 955 6,188 405 1,456 1,435 975 780 590 235 91 65 101 43 12 37 569,679 483,373 567,839 183,730 1,755 19,215 31,040 28,105 28,495 25,260 11,980 6,461 4,860 10,395 10,373 5,791 38 3,739 1,727 857 4,795 115 790 1,225 890 710 550 225 85 65 91 37 12 39 330,699 307,545 531,068 92,351 210 4,060 11,795 12,805 13,630 13,285 8,280 5,010 3,615 5,600 6,420 7,641 1(1 4,362 2,065 973 4,868 95 775 1,190 915 755 585 235 91 65 107 43 12 41 875,578 856,827 1,286,177 203,595 245 5,810 16,660 22,200 27,735 36,815 21,435 9,250 8,585 23,280 18,220 13,360 11' 10 19 13 6 5 1 « 195 1,408 5,414 202 200 2 44 5 19 10 6 5 1 45 20 1,258 1,074 52 50 2 46 3,914 1,640 710 6,090 465 1,487 1,400 925 755 555 230 85 60 92 31 5 47 380 1,272 328 557 231 235 193 3,652 10 380 25 952 35 785 30 545 30 410 30 305 6 5 30 10 66 6 27 6 7 •UJ 4« 100 1,604 659 319 3,016 300 790 670 465 335 250 55 36 35 50 23 7 50 417 161 55 851 50 180 210 170 120 90 20 5 5 1 51 1,187 498 264 2,165 250 610 460 295 215 160 35 31 30 50 23 6 52 2,669 1,314 627 3,222 165 702 735 510 450 330 180 55 30 47 14 4 53 15 408 849 16 166 419 7 74 204 150 1,020 1,416 20 55 65 60 345 355 35 285 275 20 135 260 5 85 200 5 60 150 5 30 20 5 10 2 4 54 20 55 55 20 56 1,068 936 524 362 214 194 1,141 1,203 105 135 215 245 245 245 215 145 135 190 120 125 40 50 5 15 20 10 25 26 16 13 57 4 58 636 51.1 282 50.6 138 50.9 909 48.5 65 50.2 172 45.5 225 47.8 145 48.6 110 50.9 105 50.9 60 54.1 15 44.6 5 53.3 5 54.5 2 53.4 59 48.1 60 800 432 166 2,891 215 855 740 405 275 220 90 50 20 16 2 3 61 146 75 32 916 100 270 235 115 60 90 30 10 5 1 62 565 303 140 980 50 225 230 150 160 85 45 10 10 15 63 2,749 1,198 596 2,091 155 347 390 385 305 265 90 30 35 51 30 8 64 18 17 18 11 11 7 10 11 13 14 15 13 14 22 25 18 65 1,030 3,789 769 1,751 421 859 569 4,756 90 365 145 1,106 95 1,015 90 745 45 605 50 445 5 190 5 55 25 97 14 42 10 /,(, 61 (,- 3,779 1,748 849 4,756 385 1,106 1,015 745 605 445 190 61 55 97 42 10 M 8.55 11.42 19.03 3.80 4.69 3.26 3.28 3.43 3.55 3.59 4.78 4.26 8.20 6.56 15.56 27.59 69 10 2,681 3 1,376 10 692 110 246 270 280 190 130 60 25 30 61 31 5 70 71 1,438 1,420 898 495 519 75 110 90 75 35 50 20 15 5 21 18 5 JS 795 1,961 574 954 380 435 229 2,397 10 215 45 501 45 550 35 365 30 305 35 195 5 110 5 30 10 55 7 27 2 4 73 40 74 1,117 151 502 126 256 90 560 42 35 110 1 125 5 75 10 70 5 45 35 10 10 37 5 18 5 75 76 1 991354 0-52-32 478 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators. . . . farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value.... percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . . farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total. operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm ..operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years ..operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECI FI ED FACI LITIES Tel cphone Electricity From a power line Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder Electric power- feed grinder arms reporting, anus reporting, arms reporting. doll ors. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, s reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. Total all farms 22,969 13,722 1,239,556 11,060 556,475 111 79, 778 4,283 230,108 1,645,701 71.6 6,735 96.89 20,799 593,630 4,303 5,771 4,423 3,812 1,840 465 185 3,933 68,263 9,774 184,532 7,883 168,962 11,101 434,874 8,416 118,828 18,647 76,612 22,240 846, 425 14, 249 356,053 14, 198 603,836 27 1,223 26 1,183 21,756 784 11,025 3,217 575 3,223 5,396 5,039 4,039 3,063 48.1 9,421 2,639 4,285 8,474 11 2,921 18,794 18,749 4.73 45 7,760 2,992 1,271 8,098 2,688 241 Size of farm Under 10 acres 2,080 1,385 18,320 755 4,935 300 11,475 11,780 5.7 3,633 629.30 1,420 6,210 1,420 125 300 375 965 140 420 240 710 220 620 1,490 2,555 1,655 7,475 465 1,340 365 1,130 10 5 1,375 160 1,215 640 90 325 470 390 375 285 47.4 1,000 260 405 535 430 1,735 1,735 4.64 760 380 130 785 190 10-29 acres 6,956 3,306 83,504 3,990 73,020 5 125 726 23,419 133,230 19.2 3,442 176.64 89 91 6,291 88,052 1,566 3,295 1,430 520 2,615 2,015 12,070 1,060 5,690 1,631 9,675 1,380 5,790 4,716 ?,338 6,816 102,737 2,425 14,095 2,376 15,365 6,656 170 3,491 1,081 2,410 335 1,380 1,666 1,340 985 760 45.1 3,650 1,225 1,180 1,931 786 5,451 5,436 3.79 15 1,775 665 315 1,945 531 25 30-49 acres 4,615 2,635 112,045 2,300 79,300 645 16,475 174,870 37.9 4,500 119.21 89 4,335 96,950 590 1,095 1,370 1,280 780 4,885 1,725 17,310 1,620 13,560 2,170 20, 725 1,795 11,960 3,835 9,480 4,545 119,145 3,195 30,405 2,985 34,285 5 15 4,400 125 2,215 685 1,530 2,350 60 670 120 785 575 48.1 1,825 490 885 1,750 11 415 3,820 3,810 3.98 10 1,385 435 190 1,545 440 35 50-69 acres 2,941 1,796 119,491 1,360 70,205 506 20,222 169,474 57.6 5,895 100.50 87 2,740 75,200 265 655 660 925 235 575 4,100 1,590 21,205 1,425 16,915 1,981 30,304 1,470 12,275 2,725 9,475 2,895 100,505 2,455 33,290 2,491 47,219 2,865 56 1,381 1,271 445 826 1,630 30 300 685 685 560 470 50.2 1,020 275 710 1,136 12 275 2,446 2,441 4.41 5 921 315 110 1,135 315 40 70-99 acres 2,275 1,585 140,080 940 67,380 15 1,190 570 21,640 187,010 82.2 7,357 89.28 87 87 2,115 70,755 190 375 430 690 430 545 5,935 1,410 23,350 1,155 18,505 1,700 44,585 1,245 15,215 2,080 8,665 2,260 100,040 1,960 39,655 2,085 63,090 2,210 45 1,085 330 755 1,155 25 235 505 590 465 325 50.0 735 150 455 1,005 13 205 1,900 1,885 4.80 15 915 330 155 980 320 20 100-139 acres 1,611 1,126 141,894 675 63,035 416 22,533 182,396 113.2 9,337 81.03 86 87 1,525 : 710 110 220 235 500 440 20 430 5,635 1,091 26,116 960 23,385 1,306 49,330 895 12,740 1,466 6,480 1,596 90,461 1,430 41,760 1,511 72,715 1,496 95 626 240 386 965 15 115 420 360 311 265 50.6 525 145 295 735 13 185 1,245 1,245 5.50 610 200 65 670 265 20 140-179 acres 877 652 110,172 385 46,250 5 700 347 20,333 136,789 156.0 12,573 80.22 88 840 43,585 45 70 150 165 315 95 270 4,925 576 17,616 565 16,005 707 37,053 521 11 , 739 821 5,866 876 66,126 821 32,669 837 53,058 5 30 781 70 356 115 241 510 10 65 210 191 245 120 50.6 280 40 175 411 155 755 755 6.21 375 155 55 310 160 10 180-219 acres 462 347 70,981 190 30,415 5 1,005 146 12,428 89,973 194.7 12,041 61.30 87 437 26,723 35 31 70 80 140 76 5 170 5,380 256 9,323 261 12,755 346 25,128 262 6,631 432 4,033 457 41,426 422 24,766 432 37,883 421 31 156 45 111 281 45 116 121 75 45 48.4 115 10 51 266 16 102 402 402 7.96 276 121 55 236 115 10 SOUTH CAROLINA 479 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950- Continued only ■ aimyle of fama See text] Area 2— Continued Area 3 Sise of farm— ^on. Total •11 farms Size of form 260-499 500-999 1,000 acrea Ihder 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 screa acrea acrea and over acrea acrea acres acres acres acres acres acrea acres acres seres and over 571 261 65 12,599 880 3,441 1,975 1,465 1,445 1,190 740 366 253 519 250 75 1 440 198 47 6,711 460 926 970 880 1,020 815 560 291 172 362 196 59 2 161,246 141,688 89, 140 867,459 7,980 28,257 44,130 54,685 95,225 101, 820 90,065 65,527 45,020 135,215 116,432 83,103 3 240 100 15 6,743 435 2,685 1,095 675 520 465 265 125 115 236 100 27 4 55,815 39,341 9,714 418, 192 2,630 49,015 39,420 36,095 37,705 46,255 34,280 19,185 23,640 61,770 52,294 15,903 5 31 13,510 28 21,470 17 40,618 65 5 5 1 21 18 15 6 7 68,693 525 810 1,208 9,315 19,014 37,821 300 157 50 2,372 70 221 275 215 360 310 200 166 87 263 151 54 S 34,037 22,556 16,635 140,342 5,785 12,217 9,030 6,260 . 12,500 10,600 9,465 11,351 8,487 21, 552 19,189 13,906 9 196,534 179,943 122,837 1,214,002 4,825 65,055 74, 520 84, 520 120,430 138,000 115,690 73,361 61,381 184,748 168,551 122,921 10 344.2 689.4 1,889.8 96.4 5.5 18.9 37.7 57.7 v 83.3 116.0 156.3 200.4 242.6 356.0 674.2 1,638.9 11 26,844 45,397 140,853 5,150 2,552 2,117 3,440 4,294 5,106 5,879 7,769 10,837 10,104 14,085 19,558 57,321 12 79.34 68.60 71.90 54.53 456.43 108.47 90.47 73.80 61.26 50.99 49.80 54.11 42.68 38.74 30.26 33.39 13 86 82 68 83 86 84 83 87 83 80 82 82 82 32 80 75 14 85 79 70 82 88 86 83 88 83 80 82 82 80 84 77 78 IS 549 249 63 11,619 630 3,266 1,830 1,370 1,340 1,095 700 350 232 514 223 69 16 46,141 40,459 22,565 312,935 2,930 48,528 40,280 33,615 36,745 34,020 25,120 14,425 10,675 32,433 19,300 14,864 17 45 21 1 2,225 630 665 325 185 155 140 60 25 10 25 5 18 15 56 10 5 3,270 2,726 1,741 860 430 510 365 410 260 400 200 225 130 140 70 50 30 35 36 80 6 16 2 19 2 20 66 47 4 2,191 565 285 430 330 215 105 80 115 61 5 21 185 33 2 937 125 95 195 130 85 65 162 67 13 22 142 36 11 214 5 25 15 12 86 54 17 23 40 97 43 56 10 14 32 24 260 111 42 3,746 110 310 455 540 565 535 390 200 127 313 146 55 25 11,985 9,089 10,139 81,170 235 1,500 2,830 4,470 7,400 7,655 7,660 6,050 3,835 14,364 13,529 11,642 26 363 147 41 5,504 85 620 725 860 940 830 470 235 160 371 156 52 27 22,656 16,131 11,135 127,323 235 3,505 6,985 9,645 14,910 19,515 13,445 6,510 7,935 18,789 15,945 9,904 28 334 154 44 5,534 60 450 845 835 925 820 530 250 172 403 181 63 29 23,506 17,349 13,382 176,415 180 2,725 6,815 10, 890 17,670 22,555 16,995 10,930 9,685 28,900 28,228 20,842 30 500 244 61 6,439 40 470 875 980 1,145 995 615 321 232 462 237 67 31 69, 560 74,795 54,804 384,356 95 2,770 9,840 16,790 30,180 40,025 37,940 26,486 22,663 71,960 78,778 46,829 32 324 , 1*1 33 3,297 25 330 505 460 570 445 320 155 100 252 96 39 33 16,439 13,484 7,260 77,653 45 1,785 3,240 4,325 7,005 8,115 7,885 6,360 4,655 11,393 8,573 14,272 34 535 248 59 10,383 605 2,221 1,645 1,370 1,360 1,150 695 320 226 489 233 69 35 6,247 8,636 3,552 54,150 . 1,105 4,242 4,530 4,785 6,520 6,115 6,645 2,600 1,933 6,909 4,198 4,568 36 565 260 65 12,218 710 3,371 1,940 1,440 1,425 1,175 730 355 247 519 235 71 37 80, 782 65,679 43, 839 521,428 3,400 53,533 50,095 47, 730 59,055 61,190 46,225 26,985 22,445 65,586 48,774 jo, 410 38 534 228 64 7,823 170 910 1,205 1,180 1,250 1,035 700 340 237 504 219 73 39 51,930 39,922 30,781 335,238 460 6,010 12,885 19, 685 32,075 38,325 32,540 23,340 18,175 54,657 50,330 46,756 40 551 255 65 8,190 95 830 1,305 1,260 1,385 1,150 720 356 248 518 250 73 41 93,066 92,144 10 1,125 10 1,125 68, 186 2 43 1 3 560,771 23 321 18 301 275 5 20 5,495 16,655 27,680 47,850 5 150 5 150 62,580 5 50 5 50 54,935 37,416 32,348 100,860 5 20 5 20 107,006 3 81 3 81 67,671 42 43 44 45 46 528 211 48 11,730 780 3,251 1,850 1,400 1,340 1,115 685 345 237 464 207 56 47 27 206 38 92 17 21 436 4,606 45 490 115 1,151 55 685 30 525 60 580 10 400 25 275 10 91 45 167 27 88 14 19 48 49 135 266 73 26 5,803 585 1,540 975 695 700 525 265 135 75 206 73 29 so 95 6 5 2,171 110 755 445 230 230 200 105 10 15 45 22 4 51 171 67 21 3,632 475 785 530 465 470 325 160 125 60 161 51 25 52 284 176 39 6,417 260 1,831 935 740 730 620 450 215 162 288 144 42 53 5 20 425 1,865 55 210 245 745 30 260 25 205 25 170 25 95 5 75 5 20 5 20 5 35 24 6 54 35 3 55 131 22 16 2,683 135 760 510 340 405 165 110 65 41 91 43 18 56 136 58 13 2,599 145 615 415 305 280 325 185 100 30 137 54 8 57 111 50 17 2,100 120 450 320 270 225 255 155 80 76 115 18 16 58 101 65 12 1,789 150 291 260 240 225 225 160 60 45 81 39 13 59 52.5 54.4 52.7 48.0 46.7 43.4 48.2 49.0 49.0 52.0 52.4 52.6 52.6 52.7 50.7 51.7 60 120 68 13 4,928 445 1,845 855 500 500 300 185 65 60 122 36 15 61 15 15 4 1,290 85 520 250 135 110 65 50 15 15 20 22 3 62 82 17 10 2,226 125 565 400 315 240 225 125 85 20 80 38 8 63 343 159 38 4,558 245 771 585 560 635 585 385 180 152 277 139 44 64 18 17 18 11 9 7 9 12 13 14 17 19 19 16 16 20 65 152 118 33 1,516 120 230 190 130 165 140 140 100 52 127 91 31 66 512 238 55 8,871 650 2,106 1,450 1,055 1,065 830 555 285 197 418 197 63 67 512 238 55 8,851 650 2,101 1,445 1,050 1,060 830 555 285 197 418 197 63 68 10.16 11.79 17.25 4.39 20 4.32 2.88 5 3.56 5 4.29 5 3.82 5 4.17 5.41 4.90 6.96 7.34 13.97 17.14 69 70 352 184 47 3,249 215 421 395 370 395 385 310 145 96 307 160 50 71 186 98 27 1,339 125 120 130 135 145 130 150 80 57 132 101 34 72 70 79 17 618 40 90 95 65 45 75 30 30 15 61 55 17 73 250 125 27 3,204 245 520 460 435 395 335 210 150 86 ■ 202 129 37 74 245 23 19 1,202 65 160 150 160 130 145 125 55 37 101 56 18 75 45 29 7 111 5 30 20 5 10 5 21 8 7 76 480 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres FARMS, ACREAUE, AND VALUE Farms number. Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. . acres. . Land rented from others by farm operators. . . . farms reporting. . acres. . Land managed by farm operators farms reporting. acres. . Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting. . acres. . Land in farms acres.. Average size of farm acres., Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent.. Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent.. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. . acres. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. . 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. . 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. . 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting. . 200 acres and over farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting.. acres. . Cropland not harvested and not pastured. .. farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting. . acres. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. . acres. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting. acres. Cropland, total farms reporting. acres. Land pastured, total farms reporting. acres. Woodland, total farms reporting. acres. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres. Land i rrigated by sprinklers farms reporting. acres. FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total, operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years • • .operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FAC I LITI ES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line forms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump forms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine '. farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 11,536 6,472 1,051,798 6,245 336,382 34 38,619 2,290 135,675 1,291,124 111.4 5,435 50.94 84 80 10,525 319,656 1,744 3,102 2,378 1,918 1,001 268 114 3,060 84,374 4,432 96,882 4,371 189,701 6,046 479,239 3,210 79,974 8,805 41,298 11,239 500,912 6,656 354,049 7,276 668,940 10,938 399 5,136 2,136 3,000 6,209 391 1,734 2,300 2,144 2,114 2,014 48.9 4,077 921 1,976 4,847 13 1,073 8,019 8,006 4.23 13 3,117 1,215 513 2,760 979 48 720 310 8,860 430 2,695 85 7,500 4,055 5.& 2,312 385.31 560 2,730 560 35 95 70 180 25 45 50 145 445 725 595 3,005 100 285 65 180 685 20 115 485 485 4.36 180 65 25 190 60 3,170 650 11,960 2,665 48,895 1,755 820 35,860 1,065 36,415 1,135 835 53,675 375 19,230 1,306 976 89,227 466 31,365 1,145 905 108,085 395 35,380 720 570 91,675 295 31,260 85 2,065 58,790 18.5 1,970 105.59 84 84 2,955 47,015 370 1,760 825 220 5,515 •'-,•'■ 38.0 2,725 68.41 83 87 1,670 38,210 240 380 505 545 220 6,275 66,630 58.7 4,129 70.63 87 1,015 23,825 175 305 250 200 85 311 11,827 108,765 83.3 4,404 51.18 82 84 1,191 32,070 155 280 300 311 145 275 10,290 133,175 116.3 5,869 48.06 86 90 1,060 34,415 105 185 245 345 160 20 255 9,315 113,620 157.8 7; 445 46.88 86 655 27,040 55 85 90 220 185 20 210 1,110 520 3,820 220 1,110 360 2,345 235 1,160 1,505 2,230 3,115 51,945 555 3,380 540 3,455 260 1,625 615 5,410 600 5,435 745 9,910 425 2,820 1,405 3,350 1,725 45,245 965 9,880 1,020 15,345 355 3,020 580 7,450 515 5,880 850 19,070 410 4,350 995 3,035 1,110 34,295 850 13,250 985 24,950 475 4,350 750 12,760 791 16,378 1,045 33,005 505 6,005 1,211 4,197 1,271 49,180 1,096 26,733 1,251 49,383 455 6,885 665 12,170 730 16,765 995 49,410 535 8,885 1,055 4,645 1,140 53,470 1,010 32,535 1,110 66,175 295 6,405 440 10,295 450 15,725 635 42,965 335 7,420 3,770 705 43,740 605 29,550 705 58,690 3,045 100 1,115 405 1,545 85 935 320 610 305 1,545 65 245 110 730 135 655 90 540 90 350 195 395 48.7 43.6 335 1,715 85 480 100 585 215 700 10 7 65 1,780 1,780 2.68' 240 100 40 255 1,695 30 745 380 365 995 20 275 400 355 300 305 49.2 610 130 345 715 12 1,145 1,140 2.88 5 275 65 4'^ 365 100 1,085 15 585 190 395 535 20 175 220 195 190 225 49.5 365 45 245 480 13 65 900 900 3.92 400 •145 60 365 130 1.236 50 521 155 366 755 20 135 230 250 341 260 52.1 305 60 170 741 16 135 941 941 391 121 131 15 1,080 45 465 145 320 670 15 95 235 215 280 215 52.4 305 50 185 590 14 140 900 900 4.34 430 145 40 395 135 675 20 270 105 165 435 65 165 140 180 120 50.8 155 20 110 430 16 90 565 560 4.80 5 2"0 95 25 215 80 370 295 55,525 165 22,915 130 5,030 73,410 198.4 7,834 39.34 345 17,745 25 30 60 80 115 35 200 4,850 195 6,555 230 9,705 310 25,660 185 5,960 350 2,935 370 29,150 325 20,515 360 35,365 360 10 135 40 95 235 50 60 60 80 75 52.1 25 65 21« 19 50 285 285 5.77 165 70 40 150 SOUTH CAROLINA 481 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued only a sample of farms. See text/] Area 4 — Contin led Areas 5, A, an d U Site of farm — ^on. Total all farms Site of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres and over Ihoer 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres acres acres a ere a acres acrea acres acres acres acrea acres acres and over 642 278 110 15,488 1,292 3,826 2,725 2,005 1,515 1,476 757 520 306 614 303 149 1 582 241 98 9,938 852 1,716 1,400 1,395 1,190 1,190 617 415 246 549 247 121 2 205,724 174,406 171,751 1,246,498 14,089 36,685 57,420 86,760 103,325 135,015 83,590 195,188 172,568 204,778 3 192 55 37 7,642 535 2,560 1,625 840 485 561 280 195 151 22i 125 65 4 44,152 22,106 28,414 445,783 2,780 47,895 55,055 41,360 31,020 44,507 28,095 26,540 25,545 42,665 49,123 51,198 5 5 16 8 44 5 5 5 11 18 6 1,440 11,740 24,189 58, 520 275 750 1,075 10,048 46,372 7 377 153 84 2,577 115 311 270 305 305 265 172 180 121 259 178 96 8 29,935 20,906 20,622 168,026 10,625 10,870 8,295 13,000 9,670 11,305 8,965 8,445 11,035 23,998 25,650 26,168 9 221,381 187,346 203,732 1,582,775 6,244 73,710 104,180 115,395 124,675 168,217 118,735 102,760 72,735 213,855 206,089 276, 180 10 344.8 673.9 1,852.1 102.2 4.8 19.3 38.2 57.6 82.3 114.0 156.8 197.6 237.7 348.3 680.2 1,853.6 II 15,991 23,736 72,210 5,146 2,359 2,257 2,743 3,687 4,452 5,412 6,991 7,903 9,334 13,057 27,236 87,472 12 46.24 37.51 40.07 52.48 476.73 115.55 71.21 63.50 53.34 47.99 42.98 39.81 39.83 37.56 41.99 45.81 13 78 79 69 90 82 91 91 91 91 92 85 89 69 91 81 72 14 78 74 67 86 84 93 92 92 92 91 89 90 87 91 77 74 15 566 222 96 14,076 877 3,490 2, 585 ' 1,860 1,425 1,360 726 470 291 583 270 139 16 39,462 24,186 22,728 498,553 3,080 50,090 65,275 54,285 49,860 52,145 35,138 23,790 18,630 48,604 46,761 50,895 17 20 21 3 2,533 877 920 230 205 125 75 35 20 10 25 6 5 18 55 16 1 3,239 1,640 550 395 230 190 121 65 5 35 7 1 19 60 6 2 3,073 930 805 410 285 300 130 100 35 60 16 2 20 125 32 5 2,907 1,000 575 425 460 170 95 60 90 25 7 21 180 47 24 1,675 275 360 305 205 135 135 198 47 15 22 96 55 22 431 30 65 55 46 130 83 22 23 30 45 39 218 45 86 87 24 396 147 87 3,458 70 360 350 540 395 531 315 205 161 307 131 93 2S 20,025 13,954 18,760 71,745 165 1,590 1,600 3,955 3,540 6,595 5,575 2,885 2,410 9,835 10,195 23,400 26 336 111 55 6,905 270 1,071 1,130 940 890 855 527 325 185 433 176 103 27 14,790 12,130 7,492 153,431 690 6,710 9,510 11,125 12,595 18,150 13,097 11,040 5,595 24,936 18,381 21,602 28 430 142 88 3,514 60 305 435 500 500 620 281 205 130 263 128 87 29 40,300 27,082 41,491 124,790 105 1,710 3,635 5,475 6,200 15,430 8,659 6,905 8,410 16,277 16,834 35,150 30 552 237 92 9,011 156 1,105 1,355 1,510 1,240 1,241 676 490 265 559 282 132 31 88,589 87,621 96,924 638,452 521 8,310 17,985 33,480 42,840 65,131 49,719 51,475 34,285 101,553 102,785 130,362 32 275 134 46 1,927 30 180 240 285 340 290 146 110 50 142 62 52 33 12,420 16,707 12,332 41,584 80 730 1,245 2,830 4,260 4,860 2,015 2,925 1,770 6,450 4,171 10,248 34 587 258 99 13,003 942 2,745 2,260 1,780 1,420 1,376 691 485 295 593 281 135 35 5,795 5,666 4,005 54,220 1,603 4,570 4,930 4,245 5,380 5,900 4,532 3,740 1,635 6,200 6,962 4,523 36 622 260 106 14, 986 1,022 3,736 2,700 1,960 1,505 1,456 752 510 301 608 292 144 37 74,277 50,270 48,980 723,729 3,935 58,390 76,385 69,365 65,995 76,890 53,810 37,715 26,635 83,375 75,337 95,897 38 581 253 106 6,288 135 700 790 975 865 991 531 300 221 438 216 126 39 72,745 57,743 72,583 238,119 350 4,030 6,480 12,260 14,000 26, 885 16,249 12,715 12,590 32,562 31,200 68,798 40 627 273 110 10,013 216 1,305 1,510 1,640 1,350 1,406 736 520 300 594 293 143 41 128,889 114,703 138,415 763,242 1 75 1 75 626 10,020 21,620 38,955 49,040 80,567 58,378 58,380 42,695 117, 830 119,619 165, 512 1 75 1 75 42 43 44 45 46 562 220 80 14,514 1,202 3,531 2,595 1,950 1,440 1,386 701 495 285 558 264 107 47 35 33 21 593 55 165 75 25 45 55 36 10 16 50 23 38 48 216 94 34 6,420 905 1,731 960 845 580 560 265 185 70 205 76 38 49 96 43 6,405 866 1,751 985 795 525 570 220 185 125 236 92 55 50 40 22 4 1,822 95 530 365 275 180 135 40 65 50 50 28 9 51 216 74 39 4,583 771 1,221 620 520 345 435 180 120 75 186 64 46 52 351 160 63 8,709 386 1,970 1,700 1,160 950 886 522 310 176 372 190 87 53 1 476 80 170 100 45 30 25 15 5 5 1 51 50 15 9 2,496 241 830 490 345 145 176 65 75 20 85 13 11 55 80 66 19 3,437 265 876 570 445 330 330 230 115 55 105 87 29 56 156 73 25 3,019 260 710 530 340 360 260 130 95 65 150 81 38 57 171 53 24 2,642 211 495 455 365 265 335 135 65 81 146 59 30 58 115 36 18 2,072 140 445 285 280 285 210 126 110 60 86 26 19 59 53.9 51.0 52.0 47.7 45.9 45.1 46.4 48.0 50.7 49.8 49.6 49.9 54.4 50.0 49.6 50.6 60 106 53 8 6,017 590 1,955 1,205 725 445 471 210 135 56 140 67 18 61 20 1 1,504 145 570 345 165 305 75 275 91 240 40 125 25 50 10 80 25 55 10 3 52 65 59 17 2,530 205 580 530 57 28 53 401 144 76 6,064 416 1,096 840 850 720 715 357 305 155 373 142 95 M 22 16 20 - U 10 9 10 13 15 15 16 18 15 17 15 18 65 175 98 40 1,624 160 296 190 165 155 176 85 55 50 140 93 59 66 527 208 103 11,596 850 2,456 2,050 1,615 1,275 1,151 652 445 226 516 238 122 57 527 207 101 11,581 850 2,446 2,050 1,615 1,275 1,151 652 445 221 516 238 122 58 7.64 9.29 1 14.65 2 85 4.27 15 4,415 4.19 3.30 10 681 3.18 3.52 3.68 4.87 4.74 4.86 6.97 5 111 7.06 9.98 20.64 69 70 71 381 170 310 555 530 520 561 300 205 366 183 93 211 100 63 1,363 115 190 155 125 125 136 86 55 45 170 97 64 72 71 44 38 1,103 45 131 85 130 135 136 85 85 45 95 85 46 73 241 95 39 4,616 310 696 635 780 570 576 286 190 90 290 124 69 74 106 55 27 1,256 95 175 105 175 120 146 100 55 35 140 68 42 75 5 15 8 93 16 15 10 5 5 5 15 5 17 76 482 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part l'of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for (For definitions Bnd explanations, see text) Total all farms Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators. . . . farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres.. farms reportin| 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only lor pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. . . farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land In farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total, operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years * operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more ; operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILIT1 ES Telephone , Electricity From a powe r line Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heatel Home freezer Electric washing muchine Electric chick brooder Electric powar-feed grinder arms report rms report arms report doll arms report arms report arms report arms report arms report arms report arms report ars. ng. "g- ing. lng. ing. 89,941 13,061 2,048,650 21,078 1,091,065 110 168, 133 5,762 455,437 2,852,611 95.3 5,387 60.83 87 81 28,860 1,280,589 3,012 5,827 6,755 7,098 4,158 1,283 727 5,475 101, 959 7,285 182, 791 4,198 163, 761 13,493 997,729 1,920 46,970 19,613 78, 812 29,396 1,565,339 8,725 312,690 14,830 1,161,490 16 1,896 15 27,645 1,509 8,424 4,004 4,420 20,808 1,563 5,436 6,837 5, 716 4,302 3,150 45.2 13,278 3,493 4,919 10,279 10 2,005 17,518 17,448 4.69 70 5,801 2,642 1,789 4,862 2,440 259 2,086 721 15,490 1,480 8,090 201 12,230 11,350 5.4 1,380 254.58 68 1,800 8,755 1,800 125 315 130 345 50 165 120 270 85 946 1,415 1,920 9,415 215 565 170 435 1,920 131 1,086 280 806 955 235 435 355 305 293 275 43.7 ,180 320 355 450 7 150 i,oro 1,025 4.31 5 315 140 80 245 140 9,407 2,031 48,125 3,155 158,165 1 14 461 19,925 186,379 19.8 2,016 100. 79 9,196 161,775 775 4,600 3,821 6,236 1,901 80,892 4,910 173,380 3,451 1,786 126,905 2,146 109,410 2,581 1,736 154,580 1,325 91,295 1,850 1,335 164,810 900 82,270 621 21,275 232,997 37.4 3,000 79.54 86 6,106 184,466 180 565 1,726 3,635 696 37,535 198,780 57.6 4,151 71.98 87 3,350 132,565 80 245 560 1,450 1,015 801 33,234 212,641 82.4 5,595 66.48 90 92 2,521 116,055 60 160 341 890 1,070 34,330 212,750 115.0 7,311 64.17 85 1,760 97,315 30 100 180 530 785 135 1,281 996 166,513 581 63,431 15 4,100 485 32, 180 201,864 157.6 8,840 55.73 1,195 78,375 35 75 40 310 510 225 710 575 116,135 380 50,075 310 1,080 1,010 5,055 375 1,825 1,596 9,201 95 765 4,466 6,678 9,291 167,910 710 3,670 1,841 11,026 5 30 5 30 8,796 301 2,681 1,450 1,231 6,516 835 2,445 2,050 1,366 1,005 781 41.4 5,535 1,640 1,440 1,947 7 256 4,397 4,397 2.98 695 2,655 1,310 9,640 481 2,730 2,266 25,046 230 1,585 4,070 6,875 6,186 196,761 1,211 6,970 2,496 27,776 676 4,580 1,050 9,990 485 4,210 2,125 39,530 255 2,000 2,566 5,905 3,391 147,135 1,116 10,790 2,285 43,740 601 260 126 560 246 5,882 185 1,501 990 511 4,615 305 1,145 1,490 1,226 925 575 44.9 2,880 755 1,175 185 3,081 3,061 3.13 20 545 190 135 620 291 lb 3,251 105 806 390 416 2,560 75 405 920 696 605 430 47.9 1,345 310 520 191 a, i8i 2,171 626 241 160 530 260 25 750 6,045 875 13,795 565 8,980 1,961 58,376 301 3,205 2,051 6,185 2,551 135,895 1,216 18,230 2,156 67,356 5 10 2,426 110 655 7,670 790 15,110 490 8,550 1,535 74,640 265 3,545 1,640 5,920 1,820 120,095 1,035 19,765 1,670 83, 190 545 7,445 665 14,825 450 12,930 1,150 78,080 171 3,254 1,140 6,955 1,265 100,645 851 23,629 1,240 91,010 1,730 75 595 455 255 210 340 245 1,941 1,340 45 25 335 205 645 415 590 500 421 315 340 230 48.2 48.6 805 575 200 130 505 290 1,166 895 12 13 160 1,806 1,801 4.45 3 6r>6 240 206 630 290 20 170 1,370 1,365 5.46 5 635 240 170 535 275 10 1,156 85 360 140 220 881 10 130 270 290 235 170 49.8 360 50 191 645 150 1,030 1,020 5.80 10 555 220 150 455 200 30 335 25,705 140, 505 197.9 9,838 50.21 87 675 52,095 20 40 20 115 270 210 360 6,545 330 9,710 280 8,920 640 58, 240 110 1,695 640 3,300 690 66,350 530 17,160 695 67,160 635 60 215 65 150 470 20 85 175 165 95 95 48.0 170 40 110 380 15 125 625 625 6.60 370 170 120 280 135 25 SOUTH CAROLINA 483 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued only a sample of farms. See textj Ar ea 6— Cemti lued Area 7 Sil e of farm — Con. Total all Size of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Uvler 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acrea acres acres and over acres acres acres acres acres acrea acres seres acres seres acres and over 1,113 556 304 26,604 2,245 11 , 330 5,155 2,546 2,030 1,275 670 330 231 481 201 90 1 948 480 236 11,108 SIS 2,645 2,240 1,470 1,395 890 325 300 171 405 176 76 2 328,859 327,440 451,493 1,234,643 18,285 67,290 97,385 106,365 138,775 119,130 100,230 72,790 53,370 168,713 140, 167 142, 154 3 572 273 149 18,039 1,565 9,505 3,450 1,331 925 600 240 100 85 143 71 85 4 132,689 95,190 99, 150 625,212 10,820 174,580 117,320 67,790 63,680 53,063 30,500 9,635 17,660 33,780 31,442 14 , 950 S 10 3, 710 41 35,214 38 40 5 5 16 9,196 3 4,915 11 33,337 6 7 133,895 48,778 400 740 698 411 228 5,141 840 670 820 573 833 535 440 265 181 363 160 83 8 73,848 76, 235 79,990 328,365 16,155 28, 240 21,690 28,475 36,845 36,080 26,885 17,140 16,050 44,506 35,074 31,385 9 391,410 381,609 594,548 1,570,268 12,950 213,630 193,015 145, 680 166,010 146,105 104,585 65,375 54,980 167,188 141,430 159,406 10 351.7 686.3 1,955.8 59.0 5.8 18.8 37.4 57.2 81.8 114.6 156.1 197.8 238.0 347.6 703.7 1,771.2 11 17,136 41,951 75,240 5,865 1,648 3,232 5,209 7,158 8,780 11,588 13, 401 16,770 17,161 88,447 34,054 73,177 12 47.56 61.13 38.78 107.53 266.29 167.40 138. 54 187.52 109.21 101.35 84.64 84.62 72.02 67.09 48.92 46.38 13 83 72 66 87 84 89 88 89 87 86 87 70 87 86 79 46 14 86 73 65 81 90 91 88 87 85 86 88 70 87 88 78 40 15 1,073 540 393 25,573 1,975 11,180 5,015 2,466 1,945 1,200 613 295 815 418 177 72 16 132,766 130,278 154,083 576,346 10,185 177,575 134,895 69,375 54,535 41,695 22, 745 11,480 7,320 33,605 18, 062 16,474 17 20 1 1 3,977 1,975 1,230 315 150 155 45 45 30 20 15 5 2 18 30 6 1 9,632 6,820 1,330 551 475 230 80 35 35 46 ■ 19 1 19 45 85 7 34 6,791 3,895 3,130 1,550 1,880 840 665 620 515 310 380 110 220 100 65 45 70 50 131 26 21 10 8 20 4 21 316 53 10 1,123 860 180 235 150 60 45 140 52 11 22 370 307 175 275 52 235 96 10 10 15 35 23 13 23 69 11 31 27 24 612 363 188 3,921 65 610 740 620 610 470 255 150 75 206 73 47 25 16,463 21,432 23,554 23,839 240 1,265 2,370 2,135 2,355 3,390 1,635 1,330 655 3,605 1,453 3,396 26 467 291 173 4,738 200 1,285 990 ■ 635 585 370 210 95 80 181 72 35 27 30,784 25,794 40,438 40,439 420 4,785 4,915 3,695 5,105 4,135 2,680 8,530 1,810 4,435 1,384 4,535 28 476 259 137 4,534 30 740 955 710 695 500 395 165 95 310 106 33 29 25,335 31,545 53,116 102,098 60 2,465 5,745 5,880 9,645 9,975 9,690 6,170 3,960 19,910 16,852 11,746 30 1,002 492 381 12,721 185 2,660 3,040 2,040 1,810 1,130 630 305 220 436 180 85 31 168,301 157, 473 393,817 751,408 530 17,895 46,375 57, 325 86,315 79,370 64,130 40,175 38, 880 108,048 98,628 114,343 32 245 95 73 3,071 35 375 460 290 295 220 130 65 36 110 44 21 33 8,315 7,673 14,383 27,892 90 995 3,160 3,880 3,440 3,480 1,405 1,135 1,010 4,825 1,693 5,990 34 985 506 367 17,108 1,030 5,900 3,630 2,046 1,705 1,090 600 395 185 398 157 72 35 9,446 7,414 17,157 49,266 1,435 8,650 7,155 4,990 4,615 4,060 2,300 8,465 1,945 5,360 3,379 2,922 36 1,083 543 295 25,892 8,045 11,310 5,080 3,491 1,970 1,235 635 310 880 438 183 75 37 180,013 177,504 218,075 639,604 10,845 183,635 131,580 75, 205 61, 995 49,230 27,060 15,340 9,785 39,645 30,899 24,405 38 893 451 346 8,040 130 1,530 1,745 1,300 1,190 820 485 830 141 366 136 67 39 50, 113 60, 650 90, 053 152,819 390 4,785 10, 375 10,395 15,440 16,845 12,730 8,685 5,685 36,740 19,997 21,132 to 1,092 540 295 13,751 805 8,985 3,375 8,195 1,905 1,215 655 385 230 476 200 85 41 193,636 189,018 1 2 1 2 344,933 5 1,854 4 54 853,506 590 80,360 53,120 63,305 95,960 89,345 73, 820 46,345 43,840 187,952 115,480 126,089 42 43 44 i'> 46 923 389 206 35,095 3,045 10, 815 4,975 2,446 1,910 1,205 590 295 310 412 140 52 47 139 141 77 839 140 335 75 20 60 40 45 15 1 42 39 27 48 204 77 51 2,926 595 1,195 365 225 305 110 85 30 25 48 36 17 49 332 176 87 5,438 815 8,240 865 495 390 365 90 65 35 113 51 24 50 106 49 19 3,075 285 1,500 535 290 180 130 40 45 10 36 19 5 51 226 127 68 2,363 530 740 330 205 210 135 50 80 15 77 33 19 52 739 363 203 20,486 1,335 8,875 4,215 1,986 1,580 970 560 355 191 336 137 56 53 5 6 2 1,865 310 1,130 205 95 50 45 5 10 15 54 100 66 30 5,979 640 3,370 910 390 250 155 115 55 31 51 18 4 55 276 134 67 6,355 415 2,670 1,415 645 500 335 130 70 50 80 35 10 56 852 142 68 5,081 370 1,695 1,170 570 500 360 155 65 40 91 43 22 57 205 84 52 3,026 185 1,050 630 365 300 145 100 65 40 96 35 15 58 123 63 39 2,000 135 540 390 315 230 115 100 35 50 61 25 14 59 49.2 48.3 49.5 42.6 39.2 39.2 44.3 46.6 47.3 46.4 48.6 46.9 49.8 50.6 50.9 53.8 60 165 121 47 12,497 1,140 6,690 2,380 901 630 410 150 75 55 75 39 12 61 20 8 10 4,627 550 2,565 785 331 190 150 35 30 20 25 15 1 62 157 72 33 4,332 335 1,700 940 450 375 255 120 55 20 60 18 4 63 695 336 193 8,383 575 8,435 1,670 1,070 905 535 370 195 131 319 123 55 64 18 17 16 10 8 7 . 9 12 13 12 16 16 17 18 17 23 65 241 204 128 1,359 135 385 185 120 165 95 85 75 35 76 68 35 66 935 479 263 18,555 1,270 7,165 3,645 2,010 1,645 1,085 565 300 306 413 177 74 67 925 477 260 18,505 1,270 7,140 3,635 2,000 1,645 1,080 565 300 806 413 177 74 68 9.23 12.17 15.61 3.86 3.83 2.82 3.50 4.16 4.51 4.57 5.95 9.41 5.50 9.07 8.28 11.56 69 10 698 2 376 3 203 50 4,471 340 85 730 10 695 10 600 5 440 320 170 135 216 123 57 70 645 71 386 294 156 2,258 175 305 310 275 350 200 165 115 65 166 92 40 72 266 178 123 2,590 125 535 4O0 380 355 270 165 100 55 113 54 38 73 437 266 119 7, TOO 400 3,085 1,635 1,110 935 585 320 175 145 238 94 38 74 266 178 73 2,695 130 675 460 385 320 215 160 80 80 151 71 28 75 30 43 25 158 40 80 5 30 15 10 5 5 20 11 7 76 484 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued I [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions arid explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C Total all farms Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres SO- 69 acres FARMS, A C P F A R T , ANT VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average site of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres I rrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm ■ operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years opera 25 to 34 years opera 35 to 44 years oper^ 45 to 54 years optra 55 to fi4 years opera 65 years and over opera reporting or? reporting ors reporting ors reporting urs reporting ors reporting Average age yea Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present larm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone fa Flee F F tlec Elec Home Elec Elec Elec city la oni a power line fa Average of last monthly electric bill om a home plant fa ric water pump .fa ric hot-water heater fa freezer fa ric washing machine fa ric chick brooder fa nr power- feed grinder fa rms reporting rms reporting rms reporting rms report n« rms report "g rms report n 6 rms report n R rms report n g rms report "P rms report ng 13,628 11,217 981, 172 5,772 205,602 59 209,227 1,682 69,653 ,326,348 97.3 5,174 60.18 86 12,812 270,723 5,474 3,403 1,763 1,159 692 227 94 2,843 61,799 4,026 87,720 3,115 236,447 6,267 53b, 957 673 50,898 10,758 82,804 13, 241 420,242 5,143 349,144 7,735 772, ',04 29 3,690 950 12, 757 535 6,270 1,473 4,797 313 2,049 3,112 2,860 2,378 1,919 48.1 2,408 6,933 15 629 6,951 6,94f 5.67 5 2,614 1,299 1,062 2, '87 054 103 2,931 2,341 16,010 1,160 5,330 196 4,622 16,718 5.7 1,407 246. 26 2,640 10,905 2,640 180 405 425 920 125 250 400 1,155 35 115 1,926 2,968 2,760 12,230 320 770 510 1,405 2,771 100 1,861 285 1,576 1,010 90 515 765 530 411 455 47.1 115 565 1,286 13 120 1,040 1,040 4. 18 283 155 1C5 305 70 5,010 3,915 57,320 2,570 33,900 290 3,870 87,350 17.4 2,018 115. 73 86 4,790 54, 285 2,065 2,155 570 655 3,030 1,440 7,275 575 3,195 1,765 11, 595 160 825 3,880 7,145 4,935 64,590 1,245 7,050 2,225 14 i 790 4,690 175 2,300 675 1,625 2,655 145 870 1,145 1,015 870 670 47.3 1,245 225. 860 2,620 15 130 1,910 1,910 3.74 4C3 170 145 530 95 1,820 1,515 54, 315 775 18,315 205 4,050 68,580 37.7 2,971 79.12 89 89 1,745 33,365 365 555 495 330 400 1,855 605 4,920 565 5,590 1,105 19,390 115 835 1,465 2,625 1,790 40,140 695 8,280 1,410 24,960 5 10 5 10 1,725 65 655 175 460 1,140 40 260 410 420 315 230 47.8 500 70 335 865 14 80 1,060 1,080 4.29 270 130 125 415 110 931 816 44,006 355 12,130 125 3,095 53,041 57.0 4,097 72.07 86 86 881 21,651 125 235 255 185 81 310 2,010 325 4,040 345 5,295 655 17,380 30 435 795 2,230 911 27,701 4 555 7,740 795 22,675 895 20 390 120 270 505 20 120 195 205 215 120 49.5 195 20 170 520 18 35 571 571 4.57 215 105 265 55 SOUTH CAROLINA 485 Economic Area Table 5 (Part 1 of 2). -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS. BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are based on reports lor only a sample of farm*. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C— Continued Site of farm — Continued 100-119 acres HO- 171 acres 1(10-219 220-259 2M1-499 acres acres acres 500-999 1,000 acres acres and over F A R V S , A C P E A G E , A NC V A L U F Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by fans operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per furm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land In farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres, 1 to 9 acres farms reporting. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. 100 to 190 acres farms reporting. 200 acres and over farms reporting. Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. acres. Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting. acres. Woodland pastured farms reporting. acres. Woodland not pastured farms reporting. acres. Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting. acres. Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting. acres. Cropland, total , farms reporting. seres. Land pastured, total farms reporting. acres. Woodland, total farms reporting. acres. Irrigated land in farms farms reporting. acres. Land Irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting. acres. FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100' days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm ..operators reporting Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECI FIEF) FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant farms reporting Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Electric washing machine farms reporting Electric chick brooder farms reporting Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting 646 60S 72,030 190 10,210 1 1,874 191 9,703 74,411 lib. 2 5,818 50.89 86 596 18,907 91 115 125 170 240 2,650 226 4,329 306 10,975 526 34,305 60 1,095 606 2,150 631 25,886 446 14,720 616 45,280 240 45 195 376 50 175 176 110 70 49.4 110 305 13 56 531 531 6.38 261 126 131 231 116 10 311 265 41,445 121 11,005 230 215 40,995 90 7,400 155 150 36,940 91 3,540 48,910 157.3 7,783 49.81 84 83 291 11,775 75 2,815 45,580 198.2 7,217 36.17 87 220 11,010 65 2,870 37,065 239. 1 11,540 48.00 81 140 7,685 5 11 15 185 3,415 130 2,905 170 6,835 250 22, 295 25 610 285 1,075 306 18,095 240 10, 860 295 29,130 1,695 90 4,460 110 6,395 175 18,905 25 1,645 215 1,470 225 17,165 150 9,735 205 25,300 65 1,550 75 2,210 100 7,700 120 17,140 5 15 145 765 150 11,445 125 9,265 145 24,840 200 15 145 10 130 40 60 52.7 40 200 19 31 246 246 7.12 40 52.1 5 10 20 50 25 20 49. 6 35 125 30 180 180 25 140 140 7.43 116 46 115 45 BO 412 381 125,950 119 25,076 141 4,734 146,292 353.1 17,369 46.90 82 82 100 252 121 66 51 290 17 94 371 371 9.45 300 148 109 248 217 179 119,692 88 30,671 6 4,400 94' 9,677 145,086 666.6 34,833 53.34 81 79 397 30,190 196 16,019 25 16 25 16 40 16 55 33 145 62 86 37 21 16 217 134 7,625 12, 745 191 100 7,791 6,273 256 123 24,250 23,223 332 191 65,615 77,414 61 51 4,477 5,315 390 184 6,144 4,097 402 203 45,606 35,037 332 187 36,352 41,283 397 211 90,065 100, 637 175 178 21 46 5 42 125 16 83 172 172 12.28 149 96 194 139 315,469 39 36,690 61 202, 873 79 16,937 540, 095 2,784.0 126,320 48.35 68 180 34,738 6 12 7 21 34 43 57 117 22,489 88 37,215 120 135,939 152 226,072 36 34,896 171 48, 746 187 94,442 163 193,324 190 362,011 4 3,440 3 940 156 31 46 8 11 41 40 36 21 50.4 50 10 35 87 15 90 169 164 30. 18 5 152 106 99 102 49 IB 486 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2). -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 10-49 acres SO- 69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres All farms number SPECIFIED EOl' IPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting Grain combines farms reporting number Corn pickers farms reporting. number Pick-up hay balers farms reporting number Silos farms reporting Motortrucks farms reporting number Year of newest model farms reporting Under 5 years farms reporting 5 to 9 years farms reporting, 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden -.farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over ....farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family ond/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting persons Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting persons Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting Fami ly workers only farms reporting Operators only farms reporting Unpaid members of operator's family only., farms reporting Hired workers only farms reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPFNDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures , farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting dol lars Hired labor farms reporting dol lars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. . farms reporting dol I ars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil., farms reporting dol 1 ars Farm machinery repairs farms report ing dol lars Tractor repairs farms reporting dollars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol I ars 139,195 1,355 6,290 6,765 382 390 2,159 2,215 1,221 25,440 29,714 24,609 12,212 3,337 9,060 23,454 30,282 22,609 21,926 28,004 19, 534 12,427 3,791 3,316 1,098 1,158 977 1,120 69,963 81,449 68,020 20,891 10,550 36,579 40,466 37,607 37,668 16,511 6,943 51,517 6,352 74,942 117,284 243,295 114,916 198,027 106,502 54,349 91,525 16,411 45,268 10,881 28,360 7,619 16,908 8,792 14,043 100,873 51,536 7,644 2,368 114,355 88,248 34,075,040 66,257 6,426,840 62,745 27,648,200 65,041 17,187,023 48,238 9,119,605 68,921 5,652,930 48,261 11,564,411 43,342 5,934,114 16,017 3,314,398 37,382 2,619,716 12,709 50 132 170 5 5 70 70 10 1,030 1,110 995 450 155 390 473 651 278 252 403 206 131 30 45 201 216 32 32 4,670 5,240 4,510 1,390 695 2,425 8,536 3,225 475 95 378 5,431 530 5,960 8,956 13,397 8,846 12,581 7,991 3,335 4,590 491 816 226 351 320 465 381 8,465 5,265 835 110 8,638 4,443 430,050 3,000 105,615 2,848 324,435 5,126 801,700 3,061 226,355 4,752 245,147 1,483 122,200 1,247 67,914 241 26,979 1,161 40,935 95 542 562 25 25 287 287 56 3,973 4,328 3,807 1,636 541 1,630 2,653 3,099 2,403 2,272 2,668 1,966 1,291 375 300 270 280 136 151 17,509 19,189 17,066 3,546 2,660 10.860 19,261 16,816 5,942 1,127 1,526 15,792 1,872 25,137 38,020 64,124 37,689 61,099 35,354 16,460 25,745 1,950 3,025 939 1,302 1,118 1,723 75 420 445 10 10 165 165 55 3,591 3,831 3,461 1,291 445 1,725 2,525 2,765 2,385 2,305 2,465 2,025 1,210 360 455 160 180 95 120 12,916 14,076 12,620 2,815 2,105 7,700 5,880 7,901 9,425 1,540 985 9,020 1,155 14,470 22,235 43,795 21,980 40,830 20,425 11, 530 20,405 1,955 2,965 1,060 1,355 1,020 1,610 115 441 461 30 30 175 190 35 2,836 3,037 2,730 1,220 380 1,130 2,536 2,783 2,471 2,385 2,600 2,165 1,300 375 490 85 85 91 98 8,828 9,954 8,617 2,286 1,435 2,502 3,815 6,621 1,855 681 5,587 715 8,610 13,227 26.588 12,906 24,041 11,851 6,905 12,190 1,522 2,547 917 1,337 725 1,210 95 575 575 5 5 120 120 70 2,857 3,052 2,787 1,192 460 1,135 2,956 3,246 2,891 2,811 3,036 2,481 1,591 455 435 95 95 105 115 7,772 8,818 7,602 2,497 1,155 3,950 1,530 2,556 5,671 2,231 725 4,427 740 6,971 10,897 22,982 10,622 19,737 9,766 5,416 9,971 1,801 3,245 1,056 1,580 896 1,665 9,78 130 605 610 20 20 145 150 100 2,807 3,169 2,747 1,367 295 1,085 2,907 3,276 2,867 2,792 3,104 2,537 1,657 485 395 60 60 106 112 5,942 6,984 5,792 2,022 920 2,850 1,135 1,676 4,070 2,042 865 3,560 490 5,342 8,387 18,164 8,172 14,842 7,472 4,230 7,370 1,732 3,322 1,137 1,913 826 1,409 125 515 515 30 30 125 125 65 1,902 2,119 1,876 961 275 640 2,041 2,292 2,016 1,956 2,162 1,816 1,130 381 305 35 35 80 95 3,638 4,389 3,551 1,391 520 1,640 617 631 2,302 1,536 505 2,262 250 2,850 4,750 11,075 4,580 8,190 4,210 2,225 3,980 1,305 2,885 585 1,320 1,619 36,070 20,270 2,225 331 34,473 25,577 3,335,609 18,294 956,090 17,437 2,379,519 17,343 1,543,855 11,937 694,298 18,987 625,009 10,862 1,065,536 8,765 363,569 1,362 123,460 8,105 240,109 1,700 20,280 9,370 1,470 255 21,666 17,291 2,908,659 13,676 983,654 11,630 1,925,005 12,040 1,394,220 8,820 690,105 12,775 500,435 8,251 1,005,244 7,686 343,023 1,506 139,073 6,975 203,950 1,201 11,705 5,340 955 321 13,459 10,693 2,147,710 8,561 693,550 7,193 1,454,160 7,832 1,205,543 6,112 527,070 8,143 365,626 5,739 808,084 5,331 343,405 1,536 154,365 4,661 189,040 1,526 9,096 4,230 776 275 11,213 9,023 2,318,101 7,328 675,726 6,382 1,642,375 6,822 1,372,295 5,172 664,930 7,136 406,280 5,642 913,175 5,097 380,737 1,801 181,437 4,311 199,300 1,517 6,655 3,030 595 215 8,512 6,902 2,534,764 5,400 616,305 5,032 1,918,459 5,247 1,785,041 4,137 819,023 5,586 416,707 4,582 1.050,885 4,242 451,860 1,962 248,860 3,501 203,000 1,135 3,445 1,530 325 170 5,038 4,257 1.922,190 3,201 471,845 3,356 1,450,345 3,176 1,134,015 2, "0b 660,760 3,241 337,215 3,032 814,685 2,8"-6 388. 2"0 1,521 210,940 2,301 177,330 3,079 85 450 455 20 20 135 135 105 1,186 1,394 1,171 621 170 380 1,461 1,766 1,441 1,401 1,671 1,281 816 275 190 35 35 55 60 2,002 2.553 1,957 917 305 735 252 385 981 1,126 335 1,263 165 1,490 2,677 6,786 2,556 4.496 2,356 1,260 2,140 897 2,290 657 1,494 371 796 800 155 121 2,787 2,362 1,518,244 1,672 283,355 1,887 1,234,889 1,772 1,131,125 1,536 607,230 1,882 253,230 1,816 647,835 1,627 299,450 1,036 173,930 1,282 125,520 SOUTH CAROLINA 487 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 only a sample of farm* . See test] The State — Continued Area 1 Sit 6 of farm — Con. Total all Sue of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and over ■ores. acrea acres acres acrea acres acres acrea acres acres acres and over 4,459 2,109 999 6,380 475 1,512 1,450 1,000 790 595 235 91 70 107 43 12 1 261 1,029 1,065 46 167 767 881 93 87 545 742 88 51 230 232 18 5 16 16 10 40 40 5 35 35 5 40 40 10 5 5 5 10 10 11 8 a 11 2 3 4 5 50 50 5 15 15 11 13 2 46 93 96 18 5 11 2 6 354 276 246 29 6 5 5 6 7 7 360 287 259 29 6 5 5 6 7 8 207 2,279 243 1,351 195 799 37 1,235 75 5 221 5 200 210 170 145 5 80 5 20 11 24 6 10 9 10 30 50 2,874 2,057 1,723 1,423 75 241 240 235 175 155 90 35 30 60 60 27 11 2,208 1,288 740 1,164 75 210 185 200 145 145 75 30 20 45 24 10 12 1,487 900 593 465 25 85 65 90 50 45 25 10 15 35 12 8 13 305 416 2,640 145 243 1,440 76 71 858 156 543 801 50 20 30 95 110 30 90 115 25 85 145 25 70 125 25 75 95 10 40 55 5 5 5 30 1 11 25 14 15 16 20 45 2 11 25 3,863 2,789 2,533 904 20 120 120 145 130 120 60 50 25 35 48 31 17 2,625 1,419 854 731 90 110 135 120 95 50 45 25 30 20 11 IB 2,593 1,402 848 690 80 95 125 120 95 45 45 25 30 20 10 19 3,735 2,649 2,402 764 90 100 125 125 110 50 50 25 30 33 26 70 2,321 1,198 709 595 60 70 115 85 95 45 45 25 25 20 10 21 1,398 845 534 315 35 25 65 35 40 20 30 25 20 12 8' n 552 371 235 118 103 72 152 128 10 15 20 25 20 30 35 15 35 20 15 10 10 5 5 2 6 23 74 2 50 50 68 50 59 55 32 38 74 70 75 59 20 20 20 20 10 5 5 15 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 25 26 5 78 81 93 65 10 15 10 10 5 5 5 3,144 1,502 792 3,363 240 721 750 595 450 290 105 50 50 77 27 8 29 4,322 2,475 1,919 3,746 285 776 805 630 520 335 125 50 50 92 61 17 10 3,025 1,402 655 3,224 230 705 720 560 425 285 95 50 50 71 26 7 11 1,820 1,064 571 699 70 100 140 105 90 70 30 15 20 35 19 5 3? 445 760 102 236 37 47 460 2,065 55 105 105 500 85 495 50 405 70 265 60 155 15 50 5 30 15 21 7 2 33 34 30 386 190 60 1,925 375 730 360 165 110 110 15 11 15 27 6 1 35 300 1,133 2,249 101 378 1,169 11 70 775 1,825 1,829 570 60 20 490 182 40 510 465 85 355 335 95 185 370 100 135 255 70 45 120 50 10 25 45 10 20 20 20 30 30 5 7 25 36 37 38 10 391 1,997 271 972 83 489 231 3,100 20 310 70 800 30 630 50 470 25 365 25 245 5 95 5 30 92 26 1 6 39 40 31 217 1,952 95 839 40 340 511 2,511 30 130 106 555 115 620 85 405 85 305 45 290 30 105 10 40 30 15 5 12 4 42 3,909 ' 1,807 864 4,770 255 1,121 1,070 775 645 485 195 65 55 66 31 7 43 13,184 9,068 9,114 8,196 395 1,589 1,780 1,280 1,160 930 440 140 100 143 174 65 44 3,677 1,647 757 4,684 255 1,106 1,065 760 630 480 195 65 50 56 16 6 45 5,909 2,424 1,034 7,555 395 1,536 1,705 1,200 1,085 865 420 120 80 112 31 6 46 3,447 1,565 741 4,224 240 1,031 960 690 560 430 140 60 40 51 16 6 47 514 177 2,193 105 375 535 340 310 265 170 25 25 36 7 IB 2,462 2,083 859 1,275 293 762 3,331 377 155 505 46 745 50 510 70 525 60 435 50 280 10 60 20 40 15 61 21 15 28 49 50 7 7,275 6,644 8,080 641 53 75 80 75 65 20 20 20 31 143 59 51 1,692 4,983 790 2,292 1,293 1,137 5,111 453 1,533 822 717 6,280 253 1,800 509 151 327 246 314 131 16 21 31 32 15 15 25 40 50 10 25 30 45 50 25 20 20 40 55 20 10 10 40 55 10 10 20 10 15 5 5 10 16 26 5 5 16 22 111 17 32 11 7 49 3 10 4 VI 51 20 20 54 55 10 56 57 58 59 1,851 1,115 655 291 31 45 55 45 45 10 20 10 11 13 6 1,826 940 160 532 300 35 102 69 3 4,393 2,321 430 255 150 15 1,075 710 75 1,020 505 100 705 390 60 585 280 70 435 195 45 185 25 50 45 20 5 40 25 5 45 20 5 3 1 60 61 62 232 160 107 86 15 5 15 15 5 5 10 15 1 63 4,025 1,901 963 5,002 330 1,167 1,125 785 620 495 220 75 50 91 32 12 64 3,619 1,705 911 3,716 180 786 900 600 440 410 180 60 50 71 27 12 65 4,762,771 5,002,859 6,048,379 543,673 11,915 46,135 59,210 51,660 49, 525 59,195 40,690 11,040 10,545 29,150 124, 518 56,090 66 2,460 1,136 485 3,204 140 670 815 520 380 360 160 40 50 51 14 4 67 587,452 454,427 398,022 169,591 4,025 21,490 32,950 23,535 25,640 28,560 11,665 3,205 5,520 7,775 3,978 1,248 68 3,218 1,601 892 1,690 95 336 370 230 215 195 70 40 40 61 26 12 69 4,175,319 4,548,432 5,650,357 374,082 7,890 18,645 26,260 28,125 23,885 30,635 29,025 7,835 5,025 21,375 120,540 54,842 70 2,631 1,307 621 2,817 230 642 630 430 345 320 100 30 15 61 12 2 71 2,170,975 1,938,055 1,820,855 638, 310 41,855 62,045 73,020 73, 575 59,190 44,230 72,885 9,415 4,250 21,700 88,097 88,048 72 2,279 1,084 551 2,259 140 415 520 365 330 255 95 25 30 51 28 5 73 1,205,321 1,198,821 1,542,580 420,794 14,085 18,930 26,395 27,715 20,895 35,085 32,330 5,270 1,425 10,550 222,907 5,207 74 3,027 1,483 779 2,796 125 650 675 395 370 315 115 35 20 66 23 7 75 694,525 758,264 851,606 125,831 6,225 15,235 15,090 11,960 12,200 17,600 8,870 3,260 1,450 8,450 20,378 5,113 76 3,118 1,637 915 1,359 55 187 265 250 210 150 90 35 30 50 25 12 77 1,642,402 1,563,824 1,543,393 161,069 2,355 10,580 15,625 24, 575 17,450 21,235 16,705 4,750 7,900 5,755 19,590 14,549 78 2,992 1,582 862 1,292 10 171 300 200 235 180 80 5 25 51 24 11 ?o 994,310 1,009,947 1,026,535 97,198 290 8,480 7,570 11,045 13,940 12,735 5,820 375 3,495 5,745 22,941 4,762 80 2,208 1,356 814 463 65 70 75 80 70 25 5 15 25 24 9 81 611,115 628,239 640,931 49,767 7,145 2,940 5,315 7,575 5,235 3,925 375 3,270 2,000 9,551 2,436 82 2,261 383,195 1,290 381, 708 691 385,604 1,060 47,431 10 290 116 1,335 255 4,630 165 5,730 200 6,365 150 7,500 75 1,895 10 225 46 3,745 23 13,390 10 2,326 m 84 488 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic-Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2). -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, Area 2 ■ see text) Total all Size of farm Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 1 22,969 2,080 6,956 4,615 2,941 2,275 1,611 877 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS 2 . farms reporting. . 375 20 25 35 25 20 50 45 50 10 3 . farms reporting. . 1,545 35 135 160 145 170 200 150 130 50 4 number. . 1,630 35 150 170 150 170 205 150 135 50 . farms reporting. , number. . . farms reporting. . 5 5 40 6 7 483 15 70 35 40 30 40 35 25 8 number. . 494 15 70 35 40 30 40 40 35 30 9 280 15 30 5 10 40 20 45 20 10 . farms reporting. . 4,663 200 875 785 555 675 475 325 166 110 11 number. . 5,597 205 970 880 615 750 580 405 199 120 12 .farms reporting.. 4,558 200 855 760 545 665 465 325 166 105 13 . farms reporting. . 1,684 55 255 220 170 220 170 155 81 50 14 . farms reporting. . 607 55 140 60 80 105 50 35 15 5 15 • farms reporting. . 2,267 90 460 480 295 340 245 135 70 50 L6 . farms reporting. . 5,076 130 681 785 720 735 570 435 271 155 17 number. . 6,300 150 776 875 805 780 680 510 346 210 in Wheel and/or crawler tractors other . farms reporting. . . farms reporting. . 266 261 150 145 19 4,655 50 570 730 660 685 555 415 20 number. . 5,659 60 640 775 "30 725 655 475 321 185 21 . farms reporting. . 4,197 50 530 665 625 605 485 380 231 140 22 . farms reporting. . 2,440 30 295 385 320 365 285 245 131 70 23 . farms reporting. . 882 10 150 130 130 120 95 65 45 25 24 . farms reporting. . 875 10 85 150 175 120 105 70 55 45 25 . farms reporting. . 362 80 100 55 25 20 10 10 10 15 26 number. . 337 90 110 60 25 20 10 10 10 15 27 28 29 . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . 25 25 640 10 10 10 210 13,794 1,115 3,661 2,775 1,871 1,460 1,050 302 30 number. . 16,353 1,250 4,148 3,185 2,172 1,680 1,230 845 418 250 11 . farms reporting. . 13,597 1,110 3,605 2,755 1,846 1,450 1,040 615 302 210 32 . farms reporting. . 3,625 320 790 580 410 445 270 195 127 100 33 . farms reporting. . 2,175 170 545 465 310 240 150 110 60 20 34 Farms by class of work power: . farms reporting. . 7,797 620 2,270 1,710 1,126 765 620 310 115 90 35 . farms reporting. . 7,706 1,470 3,750 1,275 441 340 210 76 50 35 36 . farms reporting. . 4,702 405 " 1,760 1,245 600 380 196 41 20 15 37 No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting. . 5,485 75 765 1,310 1,180 820 635 325 121 50 36 . farms reporting. . 3,354 15 270 405 545 540 385 335 216 135 39 . farms reporting. . 1,722 115 411 380 175 195 185 100 55 20 FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED 41 . farms reporting. . 12,266 1,220 3,700 2,330 1,506 1,200 770 530 262 165 41 . farms reporting. . 3,048 295 956 645 350 275 260 90 60 30 42 . farms reporting. . 6,874 430 2,090 1,530 1,015 735 500 235 110 60 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 43 . farms reporting. . 18,127 1,310 5,330 3,690 2,475 1,885 1,310 735 3"2 200 44 persons. . 33,835 1,825 7,955 6,570 4,555 3,755 2,525 1,710 1,036 535 45 . farms reporting. . 17,702 1,285 5,270 3,630 2,405 1,840 1,260 700 361 180 16 persons. , 28,445 1,740 7,530 6,120 4,195 3,355 2,110 1,205 696 300 47 16,346 1,170 4,920 3,410 2,205 1,655 1,130 630 336 170 48 Unpaid members of operator's family . farms reporting. . 7,536 410 1,815 1,645 1,235 940 600 335 190 55 49 persons. . 12,099 570 2,610 2,710 1,990 1,700 980 575 360 130 50 . farms reporting. . 2,339 70 245 300 245 265 250 235 127 100 51 persons. . 5,390 85 425 450 360 400 415 505 340 235 52 Regular workers (to be employed . farms reporting. . 1,398 35 125 135 135 125 145 140 92 55 53 persons. . 3,140 35 235 225 190 140 230 235 209 110 54 Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) . farms reporting. . 1,190 40 145 165 135 165 120 120 56 50 55 persons. . 2,250 50 190 225 170 260 185 270 131 125 56 Regular hired workers and no seasonal . farms reporting. . 1,149 30 100 135 110 100 130 115 71 50 57 No report as to period of expected . farms reporting. . 58 Farms by kind of workers: persons. . 59 Both family workers and hired workers . farms reporting. . 1,914 45 185 240 175 220 20O 200 116 80 60 . farms reporting. . 15,788 1,240 5,085 3,390 2,230 1,620 1,060 500 245 100 61 . farms reporting. . 8,940 840 3,350 1,835 1,085 780 535 205 100 55 62 Unpaid members of operator's family only. . farms reporting. . 1,260 115 335 210 190 lbO 130 70 15 10 63 425 25 60 60 70 45 50 35 11 20 SPECIFIED FAR\i EXPENDITURES IN 19 19 64 . farms reporting. . 18,301 1,450 5,036 3,725 2,526 1,930 1,340 785 417 240 65 .farms reporting. 13,692 665 3,476 2,930 1,965 1,540 1,090 680 347 220 66 dol 1 ars. 4,391,298 62,280 458,475 449,835 332,105 284,870 109,705 286,360 261,694 185,465 •farms reporting. dol 1 ars. 11,308 1,024,601 540 22,680 2,951 146,030 2,580 194,225 1,655 141,680 1,300 127,125 840 81,985 520 79,615 277 59,355 180 45,285 6R . farms reporting, dol 1 ars. 7,667 3,366,697 325 39,600 1,531 312,445 1,545 255,610 1,070 190,425 885 157,745 695 227,720 495 206,745 242 202,339 175 140.180 70 71 .farms reporting. 9,304 920 2,461 1,940 1,210 950 605 370 237 150 77 2,571,718 212,925 318,745 296,975 171,545 190,770 197.945 253,535 259.730 39.585 73 . farms reporting. 7,936 615 2,005 1,595 1,110 865 565 320 216 160 74 dollars. 1,751,229 45,065 150,090 191,900 92,855 132,885 172,500 175,870 230.805 36,030 75 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased . farms report ing. 8,961 665 2,080 1,755 1,341 1,000 730 380 252 140 76 dollars. 711,566 60,070 95,720 65,600 50,316 60,465 60,915 42,715 11,755 77 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil 6,608 250 1,051 1,220 891 880 690 485 301 180 78 1,499,627 19,735 82,983 147,485 122,950 128,505 156,580 158,665 118,805 "2,150 79 . farms reporting. 5,726 165 825 995 871 770 640 445 262 140 80 dollars. 904,440 16,220 46,970 66,000 73,375 66,535 80,095 72,130 48,835 2~,350l 3,233 492,681 480 40,855 420 37,545 1151 82 dollars. 9,020 19,170 44,060 52,090 41,000 27,240 16, 880 i 83 84 . farms reporting. dollars. 4,381 411,759 125 7,200 635 27,800 765 25,145 666 29,315 595 28,990 490 28,005 345 31,130 182 21,595 100' 10,470|l 111 SOUTH CAROLINA 489 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued only a samp e of farms See textj Arel 2 — Continued Area 3 Size of farm — Con. Total all farms Size f farm 260-49° 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and over acres acre a acrea acrea acres acrea acrea acrea acrea acres acrea and over 571 261 65 12,599 880 3,441 1,975 1,465 1,445 1,190 740 366 253 519 250 75 1 55 31 9 195 5 15 15 25 15 30 5 10 36 27 12 2 211 116 43 687 85 40 35 70 50 65 50 41 117 93 41 3 211 139 ■ 702 85 40 35 711 50 65 50 41 122 94 50 4 2 2 69 - 24 24 25 270 13 15 50 25 10 15 20 15 25 1 1 51 2 2 13 1 2 31 5 6 60 15 7 65 69 25 271 50 25 10 15 20 15 25 15 51 13 32 8 45 34 16 226 20 5 15 15 25 30 15 10 46 25 20 9 272 178 47 2,361 85 300 275 245 295 300 225 115 107 222 138 54 10 378 387 108 2,773 95 330 290 260 305 340 260 120 167 289 205 112 11 251 175 46 2,283 85 280 265 240 295 285 220 115 97 221 129 51 12 175 102 31 979 50 95 100 70 105 115 105 45 52 126 80 36 13 35 21 6 366 20 50 35 40 55 25 20 30 10 50 22 9 14 tt 52 9 938 15 135 130 130 135 145 95 40 35 45 27 6 IS 337 203 54 2,480 30 260 260 230 375 330 220 135 106 303 164 67 16 527 434 207 2,985 30 305 280 230 410 370 265 165 142 386 248 154 17 337 193 54 2,380 20 225 245 220 365 320 220 130 106 298 164 67 18 337 193 54 2,303 20 215 245 220 360 315 205 120 96 282 159 66 19 497 398 198 2,714 20 260 260 220 375 345 240 145 117 354 237 141 20 286 153 47 2,055 20 185 190 200 345 285 195 115 76 257 135 52 21 200 79 35 1,267 10 110 125 100 210 205 95 90 56 122 107 37' 22 55 51 6 370 45 20 40 75 25 40 15 15 60 26 9 23 31 23 6 418 10' 30 45 60 60 55 60 10 5 75 2 6 24 15 15 11 2 2 5 112 112 137 10 35 35 10 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 2 25 ?n 10 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 2 26 10 20 15 15 15 20 26 6 10 27 10 21 7 159 10 25 15 25 15 25 27 6 11 28 438 220 52 6,173 355 1,336 910 765 840 665 440 195 146 309 153 59 29 653 378 144 7,365 380 1,469 955 880 965 825 570 305 198 472 205 141 30 412 205 47 5,949 330 1,285 880 755 800 645 430 195 141 303 140 45 31 230 121 37 1,844 115 270 200 215 260 195 145 85 56 162 102 39 32 70 32 3 809 35 185 130 95 110 90 60 30 25 30 18 1 33 112 52 7 3,296 180 830 550 445 430 360 225 80 60 111 20 5 34 44 13 2 4,422 720 2,130 640 315 235 195 85 16 22 40 21 3 35 20 170 20 25 2,281 3,416 110 20 751 300 445 630 330 590 250 585 160 505 120 315 50 165 20 105 30 146 15 50 36 9 5 37 291 168 49 1,770 5 110 160 160 285 235 160 110 60 277 147 61 38 46 35 5 710 25 150 100 70 90 95 60 25 46 26 17 6 39 353 181 49 5,283 495 1,525 820 555 475 490 305 125 95 278 94 26 40 60 25 2 973 75 280 125 75 140 65 55 55 33 35 28 7 41 120 43 6 5,624 260 1,421 960 755 720 590 350 155 105 171 106 31 42 507 256 57 10,144 555 2,720 1,640 1,215 1,195 980 620 320 188 454 194 63 43 1,667 1,242 460 19,600 740 4,330 2,990 2,265 2,435 1,905 1,325 730 551 1,255 717 357 44 492 232 47 9,974 555 2,710 1,630 1,205 1,170 950 605 305 178 429 183 54 45 822 314 58 16,913 710 4,180 2,860 2,145 2,100 1,675 1,115 570 398 770 315 75 46 447 227 46 9,171 485 2,550 1,495 1,115 1,070 825 570 280 158 394 177 52 47 240 62 9 4,693 185 1,080 810 595 585 540 295 175 130 206 80 12 11! 375 87 12 7,742 225 1,630 1,365 1,030 1,030 850 545 290 240 376 138 23 \'< 265 187 50 1,249 15 95 100 95 195 155 105 85 51 188 113 52 50 845 928 402 2,687 30 150 130 120 335 230 210 160 153 485 402 282 51 205 163 43 700 10 60 30 40 70 80 40 60 21 153 87 49 52 460 768 303 1,469 15 70 45 50 125 110 50 125 76 370 205 228 53 120 • 53 21 671 5 50 70 60 125 80 75 30 36 50 74 16 54 385 160 99 1,218 15 80 85 70 210 120 160 35 77 115 197 54 5 5 145 134 29 578 10 45 30 35 70 75 30 55 15 138 39 36 56 57 58 59 250 163 40 1,079 15 85 90 85 170 125 90 70 41 163 102 43 242 69 7 8,895 540 2,625 1,540 1,120 1,000 825 515 235 137 266 81 11 SO 102 48 5 4,605 355 1,575 760 555 480 330 245 95 47 130 26 7 61 25 741 70 150 125 85 95 115 25 25 15 30 5 1 62 15 24 10 170 10 10 10 25 30 15 15 10 25 11 9 63 534 255 63 9,755 600 2,313. 1,540 1,205 1,210 940 645 335 208 479 209 73 64 494 226 59 7,136 285 1,606 1,150 900 910 700 500 260 168 399 189 69 65 619,490 847, 812 293,207 2,025,534 17,050 195,735 149,970 136,750 206,105 186,965 154,700 111,605 81,545 314, 636 245,980 224,493 66 321 121 23 5,668 225 1,291 1,005 775 765 570 355 160 122 264 104 32 67 72,815 33,096 20,710 563,801 6,540 75,015 87,075 65,985 78,970 85,170 39,315 25,185 14,735 47,128 21,433 17,250 6R 419 226 59 4,466 170 916 570 535 575 450 345 195 142 329 173 66 69 546,675 814,716 272,497 1,461,733 10,510 120,720 62,895 70, 765 127,135 101,795 115,385 86,420 66,810 267,508 224, 547 207, 243 70 293 134 34 5,806 375 1,261 910 735 755 590 415 190 132 262 133 48 "1 270,155 267,702 92,106 2,435,897 57,095 151,785 149,820 107,970 117, 510 191,260 214,225 157,375 506,739 180, 530 523,637 77,951 72 302 145 38 4,264 245 885 665 550 505 445 325 165 102 228 108 41 73 171,199 260,419 91,611 858,129 9,360 79,320 47,435 39,150 63,395 68,675 124,285 55,315 100,290 94,510 73,203 103,191 74 373 192 53 5,817 310 1,350 895 665 730 580 375 230 153 328 150 51 75 93,740 83,857 38,638 334,100 5,370 49,315 21,360 22,270 55,330 23,720 36,335 16,225 11,600 35,465 27,818 29,292 76 379 221 60 3,701 85 516 420 425 550 470 325 175 122 349 193 71 77 198,350 208,235 85,184 764, 895 2,640 50,795 49,370 44,945 97,420 72,690 88,480 41,080 30, 592 123,490 98,788 64,605 78 334 221 58 3,350 65 440 435 395 505 370 300 170 118 324 161 67 79 163,095 160,336 83,499 493,794 4,380 42,155 32,565 25,920 51,745 38,575 53,430 29,365 56,624 75,755 43,565 39,715 80 269 195 57 1,744 15 170 170 145 255 200 170 110 67 233 145 64 81 80,275 95,044 29,502 311,837 1,600 26,405 17,710 13,260 31,970 23,695 29,875 15,370 47,979 48,360 28,442 27,171 82 233 193 52 2,639 65 365 345 320 370 295 230 135 107 242 115 50 83 82,820 65, 292 53,997 181,957 2,780 15,750 14,855 12,660 19,775 14,880 23,555 13,995 8,645 27,395 15,123 12,544 84 490 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2). -FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 4 Total Size of farm all Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-159 140-179 180-219 220-259 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 11,586 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS 2 . farms reporting. . 167 5 20 5 15 10 10 20 10 15 3 833 30 15 35 75 100 125 55 number. . . farms reporting. . number. . 862 36 36 181 30 15 10 35 10 10 15 75 100 125 5 5 10 55 5 5 15 60 5 A 15 7 n 181 10 15 15 10 15 9 . farms reporting. . .farms reporting.. 137 1,838 5 190 135 160 10 185 10 210 5 200 20 125 10 95 10 50 11 number. . 2,233 55 225 135 170 190 230 215 ISO 135 12 . farms reporting. . 1,785 45 175 130 160 185 205 195 125 95 13 -farms reporting.. 870 25 75 40 55 75 100 70 60 60 14 . farms reporting. . 264 5 25 25 20 35 10 45 30 5 15 . farms reporting. . 651 15 75 65 85 75 95 80 35 30 16 . farms reporting. . 2,341 10 165 165 200 275 345 290 160 130 17 number. . 2,890 10 190 170 230 280 375 320 195 160 IS Wheel and/or crawler tractors other 2,315 10 160 165 190 270 160 19 . farms reporting. . 2,254 5 155 160 190 265 330 275 160 125 20 n umbe r . . 2,744 5 180 165 220 265 345 300 195 150 21 . farms reporting. . 1,983 5 120 145 175 235 305 255 135 110 .,.., 1,170 85 80 115 155 165 150 80 65 23 423 5 25 30 25 80 60 40 25 24 . farms reporting. . 390 5 30 40 30 55 60 45 15 20 '", . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . number. . . farms reporting. . 42 42 97 104 6,688 5 5 5 5 1,400 10 10 10 10 5 5 835 5 5 25 25 770 10 10 10 10 500 ?fi 10 10 155 17 5 5 285 5 5 970 29 765 270 30 number. . 8,051 330 1,530 1,075 885 925 910 605 405 190 51 . farms reporting. . 6,566 275 1,375 960 760 825 755 490 265 155 32 . farms reporting. . 1,839 100 195 220 190 200 215 140 105 55 33 ■farms reporting.. 1,038 30 255 125 150 105 165 60 50 30 34 Fams by class of work nower: .farms reporting.. 3,689 145 925 615 420 520 375 290 110 70 15 . farms reporting. . 3,476 520 1,680 445 205 175 100 110 25 25 36 . farms reporting. . 2,978 160 980 590 370 355 285 85 55 25 37 No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting. . 2,791 30 345 555 360 501 415 235 130 55 UK . farms reporting. . 1,769 5 70 115 145 215 245 230 125 115 39 .farms reporting.. 572 5 95 50 55 60 100 60 35 15 FARMS BY K-IND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED 40 . farms reporting. . 3,721 365 955 480 375 345 370 240 110 75 41 . farms reporting. . 497 15 135 65 25 95 35 25 10 5 42 . farms reporting. . 6,764 315 1,895 1,140 710 781 705 425 245 145 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 45 . farms reporting. . 9,554 495 2,715 1,465 885 1,081 960 600 310 195 44 persons. . 18,189 665 4,245 2,590 1,600 2,086 1,800 1,260 690 510 45 . farms reporting. . 9,365 485 2,690 1,440 875 1,056 955 570 300 195 M persons. . 15,268 615 4,150 2,500 1,510 1,861 1,555 970 535 365 47 8,590 445 2,515 1,285 805 990 855 535 265 160 48 Unpaid members of operator's family .farms reporting.. 4,212 150 1,065 730 445 526 470 270 175 95 49 persons. . 6,678 170 1,635 1,215 705 871 700 435 270 205 . farms reporting. . persons. . 1,225 2,921 30 50 70 95 65 90 45 90 110 225 160 245 135 290 90 155 75 145 51 52 Regular workers (to be employed .farms reporting.. 841 25 25 25 30 55 95 75 60 70 55 persons. . 1,923 25 25 30 75 80 110 150 105 125 54 Seasonal workers (to be employed .farms reporting.. 498 10 45 45 15 60 80 80 30 10 55 persons. . 998 25 70 60 15 145 135 140 50 20 56 Regular hired workers and no seasonal . farms reporting. . 727 20 25 20 30 50 80 55 60 65 57 No report as to period of expected . farms reporting. . 58 Farms by kind of workers: persons. . 59 Both family workers and hired workers . farms reporting. . 1,036 20 45 40 35 85 155 105 80 75 60 . farms reporting. . 8,329 465 2,645 1,400 840 971 800 465 220 120 61 .farms reporting.. 4,479 320 1,595 665 410 475 385 220 80 55 62 Unpaid members of operator' s fami ly only. . farms reporting.. 696 40 170 150 70 61 80 35 35 20 63 SPECIFIED FARNi EXPENDITURE? .farms reporting.. IN 19 4 9 189 10 25 25 10 25 5 30 10 64 . farms reporting. 9,094 500 2,120 1,380 950 1,126 1,000 630 325 205 65 .farms reporting. 6,689 260 1, 375 1,015 670 826 810 540 275 173 66 doll ars. 2,054,095 17,920 94,510 82,935 90,740 94,570 150,930 147,480 118,725 133,410 67 . farms reporting, dollars. 5,046 443,626 165 6,920 1,020 47,375 820 38,470 540 33, 720 701 44,125 665 56, 745 400 36,355 180 19,820 105 7,745 68 . farms reporting, dol 1 ars. 4,203 1,610,469 155 11,000 725 47,135 540 44,465 380 57,020 460 50,445 470 94,185 450 111,125 225 98,905 140 125,665 70 71 . farms reporting. 5,820 365 1,195 810 670 741 680 415 230 140 72 dol lars. 2,333,945 88,640 103,160 140,890 172,460 219,130 385, 970 125,815 298,055 65,030 73 .farms reporting. 4,428 235 790 595 505 601 540 315 220 100 7 4 dollars. 740,835 29,425 37,550 47,510 50,475 59,970 104,020 74,580 57,830 23,100 75 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased •farms reporting. 4,726 200 940 620 495 676 565 370 185 105 76 dollars. 268,168 2,105 17,730 10, 195 19,545 16,125 27,360 23,255 17,345 5,095 77 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil . farms reporting. 3,277 40 365 300 310 435 495 345 195 130 78 dollars. 784,389 1,400 24,345 31,445 32,865 45,570 87,775 68,215 53,185 43,060 79 .farms reporting. 2,875 25 245 280 255 376 445 315 190 110 80 dollars. 544,203 225 18,300 12, 790 18,430 27, 760 56,570 43,995 33,040 34,625 81 1,707 85 80 125 175 250 220 150 75 dol 1 ars. .farms reporting. 333,899 2,248 7,805 210 7,080 240 11,945 190 12,290 331 28, 650 340 23,165 235 21,435 140 20,640 80 83 25 84 dol lurs. 210,304 225 10,495 5,710 6,485 15,470 27,920 20,830 11,605 13,983 SOUTH CAROLINA 491 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued only ■ sample of farms See text Area 4 — Continued Area* 5, A, and B Site of farm — Con. Total all farms Sue of farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 160-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acrea acres acres and over acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acrea and over 64;.' 278 110 15,488 1,292 3,826 2,725 2,005 1,515 1,476 757 520 306 614 303 149 1 30 191 20 101 7 56 101 797 15 12 5 26 60 10 95 15 90 10 45 10 41 15 120 5 108 11 65 2 35 80 3 196 107 64 862 20 26 35 70 95 90 45 60 46 135 ioe 112 4 10 10 46 6 6 29 41 41 161 5 21 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 25 1 5 5 20 5 5 14 16 16 30 5 6 36 15 7 36 31 46 28 148 29 28 88 160 lie 3,746 5 21 10 13 10 15 25 1 20 14 32 8 120 1 491 460 10 425 15 486 295 220 10 145 5 327 25 194 47 lie 9 465 10 329 215 184 4,484 145 541 515 510 460 553 310 275 175 433 266 299 11 242 144 84 3,591 110 456 440 430 420 481 295 210 140 326 176 105 12 152 94 64 1,683 20 166 125 225 190 241 125 115 55 206 132 83 13 35 17 1? 441 15 65 70 30 75 40 40 20 35 40 1 10 14 55 33 8 1,467 75 225 245 175 155 200 130 75 50 80 45 12 IS 342 166 93 3,130 67 261 325 310 420 476 265 205 151 362 165 123 16 475 286 199 3,945 74 277 355 355 455 528 290 240 193 473 296 409 17 342 166 92 2,958 32 211 295 310 405 461 260 195 151 357 139 122 IB 337 161 91 2,906 31 201 285 310 405 451 255 195 141 3S7 154 121 19 458 271 190 3,622 32 217 300 340 430 503 275 230 178 463 264 390 20 291 130 77 2,623 25 iei 250 280 375 416 230 185 131 316 136 98 21 125 96 54 1,690 10 126 140 170 210 306 130 120 76 201 95 86 22 91 28 14 469 5 20 45 65 85 50 35 35 35 65 21 a 23 7b 6 9 464 10 35 65 45 60 60 45 30 20 50 20 4 24 2 214 40 50 30 15 25 15 5 10 10 8 6 25 2 219 40 50 30 15 25 15 5 10 10 12 7 26 11 17 466 15 15 177 6 7 95 78 104 8,469 2 2 625 10 10 1,661 10 25 1,415 10 10 911 10 10 481 15 15 180 10 20 194 11 12 111 27 26 1,195 935 335 426 29 649 338 209 9,988 700 1,841 1,575 1,355 1,035 1,077 557 415 235 562 310 326 30 450 172 84 8,230 620 1,621 1,370 1,170 915 891 480 320 170 410 175 88 31 230 118 71 2,326 135 291 285 255 270 291 170 105 65 250 135 74 32 60 1 7 1,294 135 205 260 200 115 135 70 65 20 75 5 9 33 160 53 6 4,610 350 1,125 825 715 530 465 240 150 85 8b 35 5 34 110 50 75 20 6 3 4,213 4,726 950 235 1,535 1,650 660 1,020 475 655 205 420 160 380 101 105 55 120 37 70 24 21 11 5 35 45 36 140 17 8 3,419 40 380 720 565 470 460 286 140 110 145 93 10 37 295 123 86 1,876 15 81 170 195 260 266 160 120 105 262 133 109 38 47 43 7 1,254 52 180 155 115 160 210 105 85 46 100 32 14 39 236 102 68 5,003 435 1,201 790 595 520 465 262 210 90 241 124 70 40 51 26 10 360 45 65 30 70 50 40 5 15 10 25 5 41 275 103 25 9,390 665 2,410 1,815 1,260 915 921 455 270 181 320 125 53 42 537 218 93 12,618 765 3,101 2,330 1,645 1,275 1,301 600 450 271 516 245 119 43 1,385 743 615 23,896 1,080 4,700 4,050 2, 770 2,440 2,559 1,240 895 697 1,441 927 1,097 44 512 200 87 12,345 765 3,051 .2,310 1,605 1,250 1,276 570 435 250 491 240 102 45 787 296 124 19,788 1,030 4,511 3,895 2,560 2,165 2,201 1,035 690 475 781 309 136 46 45? 195 83 11,364 705 2,836 2,165 1,415 1,135 1,181 525 395 220 461 227 99 47 215 49 22 5,235 265 1,090 1,010 780 580 595 280 215 135 190 71 24 48 330 101 41 8,424 325 1,675 1,730 1,145 1,030 1,020 510 295 255 320 82 37 49 237 134 74 1,578 30 136 120 145 150 191 125 110 91 235 140 105 SO 598 447 491 4,108 50 189 155 210 275 358 205 205 222 660 618 961 51 192 118 71 1,135 25 71 60 90 95 141 90 55 81 180 129 98 52 413 381 404 2,758 30 89 80 100 150 213 130 90 197 445 463 771 S3 70 34 19 668 10 65 50 70 65 95 45 70 15 105 46 30 54 185 66 87 1,350 20 100 75 110 125 145 75 115 25 215 155 190 55 167 100 55 910 20 71 70 75 85 96 80 40 76 130 92 75 56 57 58 59 212 116 68 1,305 30 86 100 105 125 166 95 95 70 210 135 88 300 84 19 11,040 735 2,965 2,210 1,500 1,125 1,110 475 340 180 281 105 14 SO 175 64 15 6,216. 485 1,900 1,225 765 570 580 225 165 65 156 73 7 61 35 897 60 205 135 175 110 75 40 35 25 25 11 1 62 25 18 6 273 50 20 40 25 25 30 15 21 25 5 17 63 517 235 106 13,018 87? 3,021 2,295 1,745 1,365 1,341 657 475 286 557 263 136 64 467 179 97 9,049 262 1,696 1,715 1,230 985 1,021 496 360 246 482 228 128 6 5 417,743 345,095 360,03? 3,682,100 49,270 177,514 252,975 182,690 248,015 363,095 145, 530 138,285 167,025 524,410 495,436 937,655 66 296 105 49 6,930 195 1,436 1,375 1,005 790 765 366 225 181 346 171 75 67 70, 823 43,112 38,416 667,116 5,355 59,075 99,560 67,515 68,410 60, 785 38,015 17,570 24,190 66,460 72,788 65,393 68 407 158 93 6,014 13? 1,116 1,030 765 695 726 340 280 211 387 203 124 69 346,920 301,983 321,621 3,014,984 43,915 116,439 153,415 115,375 179,605 282,310 107,515 120,715 142,835 455,950 422,648 872,262 '0 316 187 71 8,106 651 1,776 1,320 1,080 835 861 440 275 196 406 175 91 71 349,615 196,010 189, 170 2,369,010 145,325 195,950 163,285 176,300 312,540 392,410 127,740 81,705 100,770 254,925 138,385 277,675 72 321 138 68 6,082 436 1,241 975 845 645 666 391 220 135 311 133 84 -3 84,860 85,611 85,904 1,177,350 44,890 48,098 69,900 83,255 110,140 141,855 74,190 26,225 27,805 202,420 54,321 294,251 74 332 160 78 7,442 457 1,661 1,200 915 770 835 410 275 186 417 199 117 -5 42,077 37,483 49,853 642, 757 43,987 57,764 38, 390 34,000 32,475 46,515 21,970 19,675 54,685 67,425 81,353 144 , 518 76 392 177 93 4,805 117 671 680 615 605 636 336 235 181 402 197 130 " 167,154 115,326 114,049 1,166,603 7,080 40,228 58,035 58,925 80,265 148,815 65,770 68,095 56,850 163,630 168,264 250,846 - 8 377 168 89 4,096 101 561 560 515 495 541 270 165 181 377 204 126 79 125,610 86,551 86,307 652, 102 3,980 23,844 24,810 25,790 31,700 58,915 30,605 30,315 43,855 83,770 117,997 176, b21 BO 307 158 82 1,903 25 106 155 170 215 281 160 105 126 272 167 121 81 85,480 60,707 54,702 404,852 1,375 7,975 16,110 10,140 16,325 36,550 19,845 19,050 25,730 55,350 83,327 111,075 82 256 126 75 3,244 96 486 465 420 360 421 180 125 146 282 163 100 83 40,130 25,844 31,605 247,250 2,605 15,869 8,700 15,650 13,375 22,365 10,760 11,265 18,125 28,420 34,670 65,446 PA 492 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2). —FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [lava are based on reports for {For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-49 acres SO- 69 acres 70-99 acres 100-139 acres MO- 179 acres 180-219 acres Al 1 farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. . number. . Si los farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting.. Tractors farms reporting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. . wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . farms reporting. . Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting.. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting.. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR. W F F. K PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Fami ly workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator ' s family only., farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting. Machine hire and or lured labor farms reporting. doll ars. Machine hire farms reporting. dol 1 ars. Hired labor farms reporting. dol lars. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dol I ars. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting. d o 1 1 u r s . Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. . farms reporting. dol lars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. .farms reporting. dol I ars. Farm machinery repairs forms reporting. dol lars. Tractor repairs farms reporting. dollars. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dollars. 285 1,513 1,736 194 199 519 543 274 5,135 6,022 4,962 2,653 676 1,633 4,914 7,358 4,834 4,700 7,049 4,221 2,826 850 545 110 134 163 175 14,238 16,416 13,830 4,093 2,006 7,731 8,156 7,061 9,810 3,561 1,353 9,642 585 18,139 26,578 61,516 25,841 44,477 24,190 12,086 20,287 5,255 17,039 4,004 11,546 2,050 5,493 3,205 4,518 21,323 10,661 1,475 737 25,458 21,561 12,051,995 17,059 2,271,785 15,918 9,780,210 12,959 3,519,867 8,941 2,241,523 16,602 1,776,987 10,784 3,394,878 12,233 1,997,948 3,693 1,159,130 11,103 838.818 2,086 115 115 105 65 16 21 5 5 655 740 640 215 85 340 1,550 400 65 15 56 1,205 1,551 2,227 1,521 2,046 1,391 470 655 116 181 9,407 15 170 170 5 10 561 621 546 245 81 220 421 406 391 511 315 235 50 30 20 20 15 15 3,165 3,420 3,045 540 390 2,115 4,146 3,460 1,380 121 300 2,991 175 5,736 8,327 13,491 8,231 12,681 7,756 3,335 4,925 542 810 261 357 311 453 6,236 90 105 606 621 566 216 45 305 390 470 370 360 425 325 215 50 60 20 35 10 10 2,821 3,021 2,740 390 425 1,925 1,315 1,756 2,775 220 170 5,655 11,330 5,575 10,500 5,180 3,075 5,320 560 830 380 430 235 400 35 81 86 20 20 55 65 10 435 445 415 165 70 180 425 500 415 400 475 355 250 30 75 10 10 15 15 1,861 2,051 1,811 451 295 1,065 490 620 1,916 300 125 1,046 55 2,195 3,091 6,673 2,980 5,895 2,755 2,581 ,720 ,140 486 778 336 488 175 290 10 10 10 481 501 476 176 75 225 471 521 461 441 486 396 286 55 55 10 10 25 25 1,531 1,701 1,516 436 230 850 205 365 1,540 386 85 691 60 1,730 2,325 5,260 2,240 4,255 2,070 1,210 2,185 600 1,005 430 610 220 395 1,850 10 10 20 20 10 590 630 585 310 70 205 560 645 555 530 615 480 335 105 40 5 5 25 25 1,105 1,305 1,080 335 170 575 175 245 870 425 135 610 35 1,120 1,665 4,240 1,605 3,100 1,525 865 1,575 520 1,140 410 770 200 370 10 100 100 10 10 30 30 5 461 482 460 275 80 105 460 520 460 450 500 435 265 120 50 996 860 355 120 385 135 115 571 350 110 470 40 695 1,145 3,100 1,095 1,985 995 530 990 445 1,115 360 715 160 400 1,435 990 120 30 1,471 896 83,620 655 23,470 531 60,150 725 70,125 430 20,805 785 23,790 216 21,640 271 14,439 31 5,924 265 8,515 446 7,785 4,605 455 96 7,467 6,212 864,950 4,741 359,490 4,122 505,460 2,902 258,145 1,755 93,190 4,180 134,375 1,906 148,370 2,317 67,925 240 17,130 2,242 50,795 480 5,095 2,180 385 5,346 4,516 800,434 3,676 327,609 3,150 472,825 2,430 239,160 1,625 112,620 3,440 164,980 1,866 15f,454 2,456 89,578 286 28,513 2,345 61,065 375 2,605 1,055 190 111 3,071 2,641 623,410 2,111 219, oOO 1,931 403,810 1,696 200,798 1,141 88,940 2,021 99,255 1,296 169,904 1,545 98 , 910 280 3S.93'' 1,455 64,975 515 1,725 725 145 85 2,421 2,171 672,231 1,821 r>...' 'ii. 1,651 475,475 1 173 1,710 111,765 1,246 194.090 1,336 92,267 336 37,577 1,205 54,690 460 1,145 430 60 60 1,650 1,390 818,460 1,150 175,210 1,140 643,250 995 255,785 715 193,595 1,275 112,270 1,010 250,945 1,055 118,055 455 67,630 900 50,425 395 700 280 75 50 1.180 1,040 708,845 850 189,655 885 519,190 760 194,650 o30 119,850 850 114,925 815 23", 920 820 105,440 400 62,015 690 43,425 15 75 75 10 10 10 10 15 310 390 305 145 55 105 360 440 360 350 425 325 190 85 50 5 5 10 10 470 545 460 220 70 170 65 50 235 280 80 280 10 385 650 1,945 605 1,015 570 245 445 335 930 285 580 110 350 290 315 145 15 45 655 600 568,440 490 104,765 505 463,675 485 156,015 385 77,370 505 ~',290 495 180,575 470 96,605 255 54,880 405 41,725 SOUTH CAROLINA 493 BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950- Continued only ■ sample of farms. See textj Area 6 —Continued Area 7 Si ec of farm — Con. Total all farms Sue o f farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acrea acre a acres and over acrea acres acrea acrea acrea acrea acres acres acr»a acres acres and over 1,113 556 304 26,604 2,245 11,350 5,155 2,546 2,030 1,275 670 330 231 481 201 90 1 70 53 27 82 20 15 15 10 % 15 2 2 283 274 204 443 55 75 15 40 35 25 20 16 60 44 38 3 294 356 309 487 80 SO 13 40 35 25 20 20 16 60 46 50 4 30 58 36 15 10 5 S 30 91 58 82 41 71 16 414 30 60 35 40 55 20 20 25 10 10 65 6 23 6 31 7 92 83 78 427 30 60 35 40 55 25 20 25 11 65 36 25 e 55 679 50 421 39 265 47 4,007 5 205 5 790 10 445 355 190 5 110 10 242 5 120 7 69 9 10 895 520 66 625 599 551 4,286 235 930 805 545 455 365 225 110 66 278 157 115 n 656 399 246 3,916 200 865 765 505 440 345 190 110 66 241 113 '." 12 423 282 205 2,537 135 535 410 350 285 240 125 85 46 186 92 48 13 90 66 24 441 20 80 95 70 50 30 30 10 15 30 7 •'. 14 145 51 17 938 45 250 260 85 105 75 35 15 5 25 14 ■-. 15 789 450 281 3,021 115 580 335 365 400 320 220 160 66 240 134 66 16 1,329 1,032 951 3,629 220 685 345 390 500 330 230 180 77 305 224 143 17 784 450 281 2,965 95 570 325 380 395 315 220 160 66 240 134 65 18 779 448 279 2,820 60 515 305 360 385 310 220 145 66 235 134 65 19 1,309 1,016 934 3,386 185 610 315 365 475 320 230 160 72 300 219 135 20 732 381 235 2,465 50 440 275 315 325 285 195 135 66 205 123 51 21 437 270 186 1,848 30 335 190 225 260 200 155 105 56 165 92 35' 22 200 S3 27 337 15 65 35 40 30 45 20 25 30 19 13 23 95 28 22 280 5 40 50 50 35 40 20 5 10 10 12 3 24 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 11 4 8 8 9 71 71 162 172 20 20 15 15 10 10 55 65 10 10 20 20 5 5 20 20 10 10 15 15 5 5 5 5 20 20 5 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 25 26 27 28 5 5 834 418 251 12,428 685 4,365 2,505 1,435 1,275 775 440 245 146 333 156 66 29 1,079 678 554 14,034 825 4,780 2,640 1,605 1,425 885 515 275 166 456 296 166 30 818 391 213 12,186 655 4,310 2,450 1,395 1,270 765 440 245 146 322 141 47 31 517 319 190 4,678 245 1,095 770 545 630 435 275 195 91 222 133 42 32 130 24 11 1,993 70 745 470 270 210 105 65 15 10 30 2 1 33 171 48 12 5,515 340 2,470 1,210 580 430 225 100 35 45 70 6 4 34 39 35 250 6 100 10 13 7,233 7,827 8,523 1,535 495 100 4,115 4,665 1,990 800 1,505 2,515 281 530 1,350 195 320 1,115 110 145 700 55 50 345 30 40 100 69 25 147 30 13 2 9 35 50 115 36 37 37 673 358 252 2,379 30 345 285 340 345 280 190 150 65 195 98 56 38 116 92 29 642 85 235 50 45 55 40 30 10 1 45 36 10 39 433 245 149 7,853 835 3,145 1,450 695 570 380 255 115 86 197 89 36 40 25 594 3 268 7 106 213 17,392 5 1,265 75 7,765 30 3,430 50 1,710 25 1,315 10 810 5 190 5 251 2 94 6 32 41 395 135 42 1,060 505 283 24,005 1,760 10,405 4,825 2,356 1,810 1,130 590 295 200 394 171 69 43 4,219 3,656 3,715 51,741 2,705 19,515 11,130 5,700 4,445 3,020 1,255 735 540 1,292 703 701 44 968 455 250 23,772 1,740 10,365 4,790 2,316 1,785 1,105 585 290 200 379 154 63 45 1,468 613 323 45,500 2,415 18,620 10,225 5,141 3,750 2,440 1,010 550 415 609 220 105 46 953 442 247 22,509 1,640 9,880 4,525 2,181 1,680 1,060 565 265 160 364 129 60 47 325 103 53 12,237 550 5,130 2,840 1,400 940 640 240 145 105 170 55 22 48 515 171 76 22,991 775 8,740 5,700 2,960 2,070 1,380 445 285 255 245 91 45 49 754 443 268 2,678 110 535 545 281 315 285 155 70 55 168 106 53 SO 2,751 3,043 3,392 6,241 290 895 905 559 695 580 245 185 125 683 483 596 SI 658 421 256 1,556 45 250 260 181 190 155 100 60 40 118 90 47 52 2,050 2,489 2,550 3,072 125 310 350 264 290 250 145 115 70 403 366 364 53 256 128 94 1,433 75 310 305 135 175 155 65 35 20 90 44 24 54 701 554 842 3,169 165 585 555 295 405 330 100 70 55 280 117 212 55 498 315 174 1,245 35 225 240 146 140 130 90 35 35 78 62 29 56 57 662 393 235 2,445 90 495 510 241 290 260 150 65 55 153 89 47 58 59 306 62 15 21,327 1,650 9,870 4,280 2,075 1,495 845 435 225 145 226 65 16 60 156 28 12 10,148 1,135 4,965 1,645 795 645 365 235 115 70 126 44 6 61 15 5 1,120 100 465 245 120 90 25 20 15 25 5 9 1 62 92 , 1,045 50 519 33 302 233 23,248 20 1,545 40 9,710 35 4,745 40 2,361 25 1,870 25 1,140 5 635 5 315 15 415 17 189 6 83 63 220 64 980 512 297 20,069 1,090 8,235 4,150 2,151 1,715 1,020 585 300 185 384 177 77 65 1,727,987 2,218,651 2,606,908 5,651,289 147, 230 1,322,150 924,545 630,325 604,750 384,000 283,125 197,950 109,370 501,432 264,061 282,351 66 738 383 203 13,382 600 5,095 2,875 1,610 1,255 765 405 230 110 252 144 41 67 216,186 222,035 170,965 1,030,557 27,060 218,975 171,565 120,680 113,985 85,240 65,010 49,105 28,840 72,995 32,029 45,073 68 925 498 294 17,845 925 7,255 3,680 1,876 1,560 940 555 275 170 368 166 75 69 1,511,801 1,996,616 2,435,943 4,620,732 120,170 1,103,175 752,980 509,645 490,765 298,760 218,115 148,845 80, 530 428,437 232,032 237,278 70 738 403 194 13,695 705 5,070 2,990 1,561 1,350 775 455 220 155 252 116 46 71 698,830 588,958 548,791 1,579,842 76,415 296,435 238,900 217,850 164,115 196,160 66,915 114, 185 19, 595 106,085 50,649 32,538 72 612 332 170 10,964 555 3,990 2,330 1,341 1,015 650 360 220 135 222 104 42 73 424,022 413,246 530,698 991,338 34,065 221,815 156,835 92,355 131,945 61,295 32,560 145,085 10,970 32,375 31,999 40,039 -l 875 444 261 15,289 985 5,670 3,125 1,750 1,415 650 500 260 155 345 175 59 •5 227,677 330,429 317, 730 924,108 71,710 179,120 127,175 101,175 85,900 64,815 47,715 33,540 13,900 104,562 58,631 35,865 "6 890 478 295 14,997 550 5,645 3,160 1,706 1,480 875 515 255 175 369 169 78 77 586,462 692,899 657,318 2,948,746 61,365 669,185 507,415 317,255 307,385 239,140 151, 270 126,675 51,780 248,390 157,149 111,737 78 925 482 285 11,141 495 3,645 2,295 1,340 1,165 755 475 250 125 358 168 70 79 371,580 469,268 410,956 775,400 23,870 129,390 91,665 74,315 74,495 63,845 60,550 38,770 16,620 95,775 49,425 56,680 80 719 435 275 1,941 70 310 185 230 240 200 175 115 40 202 111 63 81 243,530 283,897 276,959 285,407 6,300 28,235 19,765 26,755 26,355 20,945 21,295 17,450 6,530 45,315 28,576 37.886 82 715 410 241 10,683 485 3,550 2,250 1,285 1,080 725 435 235 115 322 144 57 83 128,050 185,371 133,997 489,993 17,570 101,155 71,900 47,560 48,140 42,900 39,255 21,320 10,090 50,460 20,849 18,794 84 991354 0-52-33 494 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued I [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text} Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine forms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers. farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. nunfber. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under S years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules ' farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 1 5 hours or more farms reporting. persons Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less thBn 150 daya) farms reporting. persons Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting persons Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting Family workers only farms reporting Operators only farms reporting Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting Hired workers only forms reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 19 4 9 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting dollars Machine hire fsrms reporting dollars Hired labor Is™ 18 reporting dol lars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock Bnd poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dol lars Gaaoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs ferms reporting dol lars Tractor repairs f" rT " s reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars 1,620 99 242 254 34 34 102 102 102 2,455 2,896 2,350 1,341 386 623 1,691 2,271 1,625 1,598 2,066 1,395 871 308 216 117 118 64 87 4,810 5,496 4,438 1,787 775 1,876 3,335 6,207 2,395 1,232 459 4,649 165 8,248 11,488 26,322 11,233 20,081 10,108 6,157 9,973 1,710 6,241 1,096 4,125 863 2,116 1,455 9,778 4,166 1,025 255 10,479 6,336 3,675,056 3,660 255,763 4,942 3,419,293 6,534 1,738,434 3,364 938,407 7,288 869,413 2,730 844,004 2,629 469,029 1,133 276,825 2,024 192,204 180 185 175 75 35 65 30 35 15 15 15 10 5 5 15 15 5 5 710 730 650 190 115 345 1,416 1,360 125 10 20 1,050 30 1,690 2,265 3,760 2,240 3,630 1,915 1,200 1,715 120 130 25 25 105 105 95 2,145 990 315 25 1,865 805 40,765 480 9,565 510 31,200 1,155 109,320 405 28,660 1,225 31,890 170 5,985 115 4,510 25 2,760 90 1,750 440 470 420 180 70 170 175 200 150 145 160 135 70 30 35 30 30 10 10 1,200 1,225 1,120 265 230 625 1,175 3,060 600 90 85 1,475 80 3,265 4,301 8,299 4,266 7,891 3,866 2,570 4,025 281 408 131 195 161 213 246 4,020 1,570 370 35 3,641 1,991 182,140 1,090 28, 640 1,436 153,500 2,036 157,590 856 45,305 2,456 75,750 521 39,050 361 26,505 86 9,595 501 16,910 5 5 5 335 345 330 115 85 130 150 150 130 125 125 105 50 35 5 5 770 820 745 230 145 370 385 830 455 100 50 1,560 3,355 1,540 3,025 1,405 885 1,620 215 330 115 170 110 160 195 ,345 535 120 20 1,510 915 188,755 530 32,200 745 156,555 1,010 92,170 515 37,510 1,065 57,645 340 39,415 365 18,045 80 6,100 310 11,945 251 257 235 95 45 95 121 128 121 120 125 100 55 20 25 341 376 320 115 65 140 130 355 325 75 46 345 5 560 785 1,745 760 1,395 685 390 710 155 350 80 140 130 630 285 65 25 796 536 99,830 34S 20,835 406 78, 995 450 83,045 255 52,325 361 27, 105 246 36,665 210 15,620 70 8,955 160 6,665 SOUTH CAROLINA 495 Economic Area Table 5 (Part 2 of 2). FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued [Data ore baaed on report* for only a aample of farma. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Arrua fl snd C— Continued Size of farm — Continued 100-139 acres H0-17° acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acres 260-499 acres 500-999 seres 1,000 acres snd over All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. numbe r . Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farma reporting. number. Yesr of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years snd over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles fsrms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No trsctor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No trsctor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Fami ly workers , inc luding operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment farms reporting persons Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only fsrms reporting. Unpsid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only ; farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting dollars Machine hi. e farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dot lars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dol lars Gasoline and other petroleum fuei and oil farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dollars Tractor repairs farms reporting dollars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dollars 246 316 236 146 211 206 211 186 121 50 IS 10 10 6 7 376 417 331 211 75 130 230 136 230 406 556 1,185 541 255 430 121 289 101 220 106 435 210 65 15 606 461 262,414 285 22,610 416 239,804 421 121,281 301 41,998 436 63,512 256 73,705 256 23,070 126 14,065 180 9,005 126 132 166 178 141 81 20 40 105 5 190 265 745 260 450 250 105 200 95 295 65 120 40 175 90 170 95 10 5 286 236 155,460 145 12,215 216 143,245 221 78,250 170 27,095 241 41,430 121 27,660 151 16,300 81 9,830 111 6,480 110 115 110 80 10 20 125 150 125 125 145 110 70 20 20 95 120 95 90 115 135 140 120 65 10 100 115 95 60 10 25 150 95 215 615 195 320 185 90 135 60 295 50 100 280 224 184 20 20 237 333 237 236 324 209 128 261 359 239 174 35 30 20 50 105 226 125 425 115 215 110 105 65 210 125 25 350 560 320 155 240 215 1,222 170 816 94 406 40 155 80 190 160 110,505 70 4,350 125 106,155 105 54,645 85 9,330 140 38,120 125 54,670 115 22,145 85 18, 130 60 4,015 140 115 100,285 55 8,440 105 91,845 85 18, 345 65 4,640 115 37,900 95 26,515 85 19,600 55 6,900 55 12,700 190 160 75 20 25 387 342 627,923 192 31,270 322 596,653 303 289, 135 232 185,385 291 115,129 287 149,171 246 72,980 181 50,805 165 22, 175 25 128 168 126 106 10 10 133 221 133 133 211 120 94 5 21 10 10 157 209 152 117 20 15 187 906 167 326 152 87 174 124 580 107 328 252 69 104 63 16 199 167 461,306 94 25,956 151 435,350 147 84,617 96 57,115 140 118,315 157 103,573 154 59,864 121 38,695 116 21,169 19 67 79 19 19 31 31 32 148 327 142 118 11 13 163 439 162 162 388 139 93 26 20 12 148 362 124 113 5 16 152 173 2,104 148 207 148 35 59 153 1,897 146 1,591 306 107 128 20 13 188 172 1,287,638 58 38,967 169 1,248,671 135 514,576 103 391,679 153 230,597 176 245,105 156 168,095 143 101,200 106 66,895 496 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) The State Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fa rms • number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 ac res farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Lsnd irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off -farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 yeara or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. S p F C I F I E D FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 139, 195 76,549 9,010,005 79,041 3, 813, 389 25,074 1,586,605 11,918,968 85.6 5,614 69.61 87 82 129, 978 3,969,030 24, 918 36,004 29,227 23,682 11,634 3,038 1,475 27, 405 504, 480 46,323 927,899 35, 883 1,207,800 69, 181 4,379,984 24,919 478,183 103, 973 451, 592 135, 400 5,401,409 61,719 2,190,463 80, 861 5,587,784 102 7,407 74 2,657 130, 525 5,278 51,517 18,749 32, 768 84,474 5,758 23, 802 31,536 27,599 21,804 16,916 46.5 56,499 15,911 23,656 51,629 11 11,896 95,060 94,842 4.43 218 32,865 13, 627 9,175 36,424 12,674 1,055 26,284 26,284 4,460,037 xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX 8,944 541,422 3,918,615 149.1 8,901 63.48 87 25, 688 1,111,716 2,073 5,816 5,780 6,230 3,979 1,265 545 9,216 209,642 10,368 244,521 10,878 471,007 20,417 1,578,629 6,793 162,560 23, 297 140,540 26,031 1,565,879 17,893 843,209 23,114 2.049,636 48 5,924 30 1,339 24, 702 979 5,560 2,984 2,576 20,118 330 2,611 4,930 5,342 5,903 4,593 51.3 4,910 629 4,350 15,725 17 3,431 21,000 20, 956 5.53 44 10,245 4,598 3,298 10,210 4, 181 441 11, 104 11, 104 1,542,692 11, 104 813,242 3,742 321, 105 2,034,829 183.3 10,741 61.86 85 81 11,032 762,177 466 1,794 2,098 2,366 2,578 1,039 691 3,710 105,316 4, 143 123,224 4,225 210,810 7,770 710, 755 2,377 64,705 9,687 57,842 11,081 990,717 6,859 380,831 8,931 921, 565 20 1,316 20 1,166 10,374 545 1,309 2,960 1,728 1,232 7,936 172 1,423 2,807 2,850 1,877 1,046 47.3 2,822 376 2,087 5,714 14 1,568 8,562 8,536 6.72 26 4,361 1,938 1,439 3,981 1,973 221 401 (*) (*) (») (*) 166 50,771 544, 338 1, 357. 5 72,980 61.32 71 385 78, 986 32 72 128 123 234 28,764 193 41,046 180 91,322 330 230, 186 154 45,457 351 28,577 394 148,796 329 165,543 375 321, 508 46,442 XXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx 46,442 2,194,448 1,068 42,538 2,151,910 46.3 3,641 78.83 87 46, 274 1, 307, 036 2,650 14,306 13, 999 10, 795 3,917 505 102 3,805 33, 597 8,503 107,755 5,335 105,854 12,120 481,955 3,840 50, 236 26,601 65,477 46,352 1,448,388 9,771 189, 687 14,017 587,809 44,280 1,191 39 10,286 9 8,611 30 1,675 323 35,211 11 3,430 41 10,668 146 11, 769 74 8,385 59 4,822 9 2,869 43.8 41.6 155 27,903 36 8,830 83 8,096 129 8,332 9 6 169 1,079 360 27,220 355 27,165 22.15 2.71 5 55 304 2,776 170 840 111 1,069 178 5,545 120 1,739 36 101 4,518 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 4,518 385, 860 392 17,863 367,997 81.5 4,228 52.88 89 87 4,482 170,562 145 1,046 1,246 1,272 573 134 66 696 8,255 1,466 24,187 856 26,470 1, 874 119,941 508 8,436 3, 155 10, 146 4,493 203,004 1,514 43,161 2,139 146,411 5 15 4,139 243 1,142 904 238 3,316 170 913 1,088 877 697 437 45. 1 1,939 407 932 1,452 10 1,060 xxxxxxxxxx rvxxxxxxxx 1,060 52,240 30 795 51, 445 48.5 4,638 108. 52 90 79 1,060 31,795 325 340 275 110 10 120 620 215 2,500 170 2,170 290 12,425 90 630 695 1,305 1,060 34,915 280 3,420 355 14,595 15, 194 XX xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 15,194 769, 187 350 9,355 759,832 50.0 4,279 85.64 15,184 460,960 515 3,725 4,902 4,266 1,591 178 9 1,388 8,991 3,227 39,343 2,056 33, 620 4,998 172,261 1,604 19,075 9,458 25, 582 15, 189 509,294 3,836 61,686 5,628 205, 881 1,025 20 185 165 20 865 260 225 225 145 85 43.4 550 120 240 235 147 20 1,888 620 1,883 620 4.20 2.79 426 60 176 5 156 30 552 175 226 50 15 14, 516 346 2,781 2,396 385 12,088 815 2,991 4,005 3,065 1,776 1,100 43.3 8,967 2,590 2,808 2,684 266 9,453 9,428 2. 70 25 814 212 428 2,234 649 36 •Not aval lablc. 'Data arc given by tenure of operator for commercial farma only. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS SOUTH CAROLINA OF 1950 497 only a auntie of far Set text] The State — Continued Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Tenanta — Con. Croppers 82,836 xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX 22,836 767,468 129 5,248 762,220 33.4 22, 776 551,072 1,805 8,450 6,790 4,315 1,291 115 10 1,137 8,429 2,813 27,476 1,688 24,205 3,755 115, 168 1,165 14,935 11,295 20, 935 22,826 586,977 3,074 47,569 4,536 139,373 5 30 21,966 495 5,480 4,610 870 16,956 2,235 5,925 5,763 3,643 1,900 1,030 39.5 14,959 5,311 3,611 3,266 542 13, 501 13,491 2.41 10 1,065 327 346 2,039 617 45 unspeci- fied 2,578 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 2,578 202,760 182 9,117 193,643 75. 1 4,456 58. 89 81 2,521 83,067 180 705 666 562 332 59 17 423 6,512 707 12,719 529 18, 359 1,137 59,065 443 6.815 7, 106 2,533 102, 298 1,001 31,686 1,283 77,424 2,381 82 197 623 466 157 1,815 160 514 628 525 278 202 43.1 ,332 357 440 665 99 1,597 1,592 3.61 5 370 109 109 489 172 Total all farms 54,964 39,161 ', ■■,■■"■- 21,495 805, 699 11,134 630, 769 3,269,276 59.5 4,293 46,599 709,115 19,724 14,071 7,342 4,259 1,088 101 14 10,440 127, 161 23,116 411,353 15,265 328,807 28,544 1,378,459 11, 755 155, 225 44,037 159, 156 51,542 1,247,629 26,867 611,193 34,424 1,707,266 23 119 50, 824 2,512 32, 672 5,417 27,255 20,886 1,815 9,059 11,884 10,448 9,143 8,399 48.0 20, 709 6,040 9,040 21,729 12 5,649 37,918 37,830 4.43 88 15,179 6,081 3,258 16,510 4,661 256 6,380 4,320 350,029 2,462 134, 678 967 56, 999 436, 139 68.4 4,870 71.91 5,714 116, 598 1,650 1,770 1,318 702 208 54 12 969 12,341 3,659 54,791 2,734 45,626 4,103 157,969 3,405 34,384 5,656 14,438 6,188 183, 730 4,795 92, 351 4,868 203,595 6 202 6,090 193 3,016 851 2,165 3,222 150 1,020 1,416 1,141 1,203 909 48.5 2,891 916 569 4,756 4,756 3.80 1,438 519 229 2,397 560 42 Tenure of operator 1 Full owners 879 879 112,498 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 266 9,880 102, 618 116.7 7,311 62.83 868 28,761 80 230 270 185 224 3 ?'.! 531 9 238 447 7 869 694 40 194 637 9 742 812 3 089 879 41 724 814 21 336 784 48 063 823 31 195 106 89 638 70 152 215 264 141 52.8 223 45 120 485 16 94 696 696 5.10 326 103 42 453 141 20 Part owners 188 188 19,469 188 10,978 43 4,658 25, 789 137.2 10, 195 74.45 183 8,132 10 15 75 35 35 12 1 57 2,312 115 1,965 106 3,277 163 8,128 140 1,365 183 610 188 12, 409 173 6,954 178 11,405 5 200 5 50 143 143 5.89 C) CI C) C) 2 •1, '"'.! 1,410 705.0 90, 400 110. 24 50 58 2 223 2 1,014 2 265 54.0 1 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 827 49, 110 22 1,103 48,007 58.0 3,925 66.98 91 92 827 23, 861 30 215 326 175 65 15 1 71 874 357 3,745 297 3,875 392 9,520 402 4,595 662 1,537 827 28,480 527 9,344 477 13,395 245 225 120 231 145 126 45 530 220 85 127 10 587 587 2.48 70 16 156 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 2,645 66.1 2,629 39.23 68 40 895 5 10 15 10 5 100 35 385 30 205 470 35 1,030 15 56.3 25 25 2.13 Share- caah xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 5 815 5 265 550 110.0 11,000 100. 00 100 100 5 225 5 325 5 20 5 160 Crop- share ixxxxxxxx '.XXXXXXXX 332 24,710 17 838 23, 872 71.9 4,705 65.46 332 11,381 5 70 111 100 30 15 1 21 174 192 1,970 152 1,955 202 j, 805 207 1,965 282 622 332 13,525 252 4,094 237 7,760 10 227 15 35 91 60 227 227 2.62 Livestock- ahare xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Croppers 380 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 380 15,520 15,520 40.8 79.07 380 9,490 10B 170 65 20 30 170 95 830 80 955 110 1,350 130 2,120 270 605 380 10,490 170 3,245 140 2,305 110 105 70 125 5 42.2 270 100 20 280 280 2.46 napeci fled XXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxx 5,420 5,420 77.4 3,948 47.28 86 1,995 15 430 30 335 35 760 45 1,390 40 70 2,760 2,150 10 46.0 50 50 1.99 Not classi- fied 4,484 218,062 1,447 74,590 634 39, 273 258,315 57.6 4,360 75.81 3,834 1,530 1,310 646 307 40 1 616 5,400 2,655 39,831 1,882 30, 590 2,652 99,113 2,224 18,607 3,997 9,153 4,292 100,852 3,279 54,597 3,427 129, 703 4,267 162 2,504 465 2,039 1,900 100 790 961 735 798 718 48.6 2,022 651 730 1,406 13 446 3,328 3,328 3.66 974 364 160 1,692 377 12 498 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, .' u are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share . numb FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting.. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting.. 1 to 99 days operators reporting.. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting.. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting., 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting.. Average age .years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FATUITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 22,969 13,722 1,239,556 11,060 556,475 4,283 230,108 1,645,701 71.6 6,735 96.89 20,799 593,630 4,303 5,771 4,423 3,812 1,840 465 185 3,933 68,263 9,774 184, 532 7,883 168,962. 11,101 434,874 8,416 118,828 18,647 76,612 22,240 846,425 14,249 356,053 14,198 603,836 27 1,223 26 1,183 21,756 784 11,025 3,217 7,808 11,550 575 3,223 5,396 5,039 4,039 3,063 48.1 9,421 2,639 4,285 8,474 11 2,921 18,794 18,749 4.73 45 7,760 2,992 1,271 8.098 2,688 241 3,511 3,511 514,604 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 1,208 77,431 437,173 124.5 10,965 90.60 87 84 3,360 150,108 222 690 665 913 626 168 76 1,043 25,169 1,674 37,384 1,753 50,221 2,499 121,416 1,773 36,054 3,254 16,821 3,441 212,661 3,018 111,444 3,021 171,637 11 695 10 655 3,271 165 910 510 400 2,536 20 236 567 829 940 693 53.4 577 2,176 18 664 3,078 3,068 6.17 10 1,729 768 272 1,609 726 96 1,187 1,187 153,540 1,187 83,352 431 33,135 203,757 171.7 15,334 90.98 84 83 1,177 86,763 25 140 151 285 330 181 65 442 14,652 532 18, 149 634 15,353 701 46,502 640 14,830 1,087 7,508 1,187 119,564 1,072 44,835 941 61,855 500 5 500 1,144 27 390 216 174 777 121 326 249 218 143 48.7 301 31 182 679 15 294 1,081 1,081 8.86 737 299 196 652 355 (*) (*) (*) (») 36 8,105 64,247 649.0 47,453 81.73 99 15,031 1 15 5 7 26 27 18 52 5,243 35 2,290 38 7,443 92 25,707 61 6,457 96 2,076 99 22,564 89 19,143 94 33,150 41 97 97 15.91 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 5,516 284,398 140 4,640 279,758 50.7 4,100 80.19 85 86 5,516 166,735 200 1,515 1,645 1,520 550 66 20 446 4,140 1,285 16,200 1,066 19,130 1,551 50,050 1,195 12,880 3,581 10,623 5,516 187,075 2,036 36,150 1,946 69,180 5 15 5 15 5,376 75 1,495 1,290 205 3,946 240 1,010 1,545 1,130 646 450 43.9 3,321 1,015 1,070 985 150 3,916 3,911 2.45 5 456 86 50 771 155 25 300 xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX 300 27,540 25 1,415 26,125 87.1 5,040 58.36 85 84 300 11,645 10 70 70 90 45 5 10 55 530 145 2,235 120 2,295 165 7,300 110 1,160 270 960 300 14,410 200 3,985 200 9,595 5 15 5 15 285 15 30 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX 30 3,460 5 265 3,195 106.5 6,881 72.24 67 60 30 1,595 20 200 75 70 55 35 55 46.9 150 40 65 80 30 215 215 4.83 1,690 XXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxx 1,690 110,740 75 2,045 108,695 64.3 5,461 82.87 87 89 1,690 59,615 5 290 525 575 255 40 10 255 20 345 20 860 10 65 25 75 30 1,850 25 410 25 1,205 20 5 41.0 10 5 25 25 1.43 10 185 1,400 605 8,410 510 8,165 805 20,645 570 5,535 1,340 4,925 1,690 69,425 970 15,100 970 28,810 1,650 20 440 385 55 1,235 35 220 435 410 220 165 46.4 990 255 345 320 7 35 1,200 1,200 2.47 140 20 15 350 70 15 •Not available. ^atn arc given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 499 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a samp] e of farms. See text J Area 2 — Continued Area 3 Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Not classi- fied Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Not Tenants — Con. Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci - fied Full owners Part own e r s Managers All Cash Share - cash Crop- share Livestock- share Croppers Other and unspeci - fled fied 3,170 XXXXXX1XXX xxxxxxxxxx 3,170 113,970 5 135 113,835 35.9 2,940 83.06 85 295 xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX 295 26,445 30 780 25,665 87.0 7,506 78.24 76 12,656 • 9,024 571,412 4,357 188,725 2,468 106, 797 660,766 52.2 5,621 110.98 90 12,599 6,711 867,459 6,743 418,192 2,372 140,342 1,214,002 96.4 5,150 54.53 83 2,124 2,124 388,395 XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx 786 42,756 345,639 162.7 7,942 49.29 82 618 618 108,756 618 57,225 255 21,612 144,369 233.6 11,491 47.97 85 60 (») (») («) («) 23 7,576 52,952 882.5 49,150 55.40 68 4,203 XXXX'iX/XX XXXXXXXXX 4,203 249,485 72 3,865 245,620 58.4 3,399 56.47 84 255 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 255 38,115 10 555 37, 560 147.3 5,401 35.05 10 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 10 705 1,221 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 1,221 87,795 35 1,120 86,675 71.0 4,087 56.57 50 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 50 3,800 2,371 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 2,371 93,300 11 1,195 92,105 38.8 2,652 65.32 88 92 2,356 55,833 135 965 705 420 121 10 215 1,750 466 4,724 506 7,610 446 14,925 296 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 296 25,770 16 995 24,775 83.7 5,053 50.60 61 73 286 8,601 10 60 95 95 26 5,594 3,969 370,308 1,922 111,482 1,236 64,533 425,422 76.0 4,352 60.05 83 79 4,713 74,336 1,885 1,422 831 442 113 20 1,855 29,708 2,780 62,957 2,478 63,385 3,040 145,769 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 705 70.5 3,800 76.0 6,168 94.57 84 84 87 82 81 88 69 86 3,170 81,240 180 1,100 955 725 195 10 5 135 1,305 440 3,865 330 5,605 415 13,110 295 11,730 5 45 75 105 55 5 5 70 590 75 1,360 85 2,420 140 7,625 10,647 174,993 3,855 3,411 1,957 1,087 308 23 1,950 19,059 6,248 110, 509 4,392 76,815 6,258 191,199 11,619 312,935 2,225 3,270 2,726 2,191 937 214 56 3,746 81,170 5,504 127,323 5,534 176,415 6,439 384,356 2,058 80,443 135 337 565 632 286 81 22 976 28,228 1,169 33,073 1,421 56,225 1,629 110,052 617 37,969 10 95 100 140 185 66 21 278 11,662 322 8,134 410 25,543 438 45,710 58 8,753 4,173 111,434 195 1,415 1,230 971 342 20 255 8,925 5 50 70 85 40 5 70 980 130 3,275 150 5,605 175 15,575 10 390 1,216 36,045 45 330 345 341 150 5 205 1,920 476 8,110 386 9,080 481 23,501 50 1,640 1 5 5 15 30 6 11 27 13 41 5,237 40 3,785 37 6,022 54 20,770 5 5 15 5 35 5 70 10 180 15 285 30 675 15 385 20 740 86 1,385 86 2,555 126 2,490 146 7,134 596 6,335 1,193 19,374 1,183 25,240 1,278 62,055 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 385 4,895 110 1,135 4,747 48,607 3,297 77,653 812 24,852 287 10,560 26 6,676 727 11,110 100 1,535 311 4,695 5 10 215 3,075 96 1,445 31 32 33 1,690 240 10, 629 10,383 1,987 561 54 2,968 230 10 931 30 1,531 236 4,613 3,815 805 39,584 54,150 12,766 4,791 1,709 10,072 1,665 15 3,324 65 4,188 815 24,812 34 3,170 295 11,997 12,218 2,094 617 60 4,183 255 10 1,216 50 2,366 286 5,264 35 86,410 13,680 304,561 521,428 141,744 57,765 17,775 137, 143 13,180 440 46,075 2,600 62,307 12, 541 1 67,001 36 640 190 8,034 7,823 1,874 547 55 1,663 205 5 596 20 641 196 3,684 37 11, 805 4,145 144,481 335,238 109,305 47,765 17,935 42,685 8,120 85 15,695 680 12,435 5,670 117, 548 3fl 580 165 8,196 8,190 1,974 542 59 1,708 195 10 611 20 691 181 3,907 39 18,715 10,045 268,014 6 13 6 13 560,771 23 321 18 301 166,277 16 260 11 240 71,253 7 61 7 61 26,792 87,295 21,180 250 32,581 1,125 22,535 9,624 209,154 40 41 4? 43 44 3,100 285 11,880 11,730 1,962 574 58 3,983 225 10 1,176 50 2,246 276 5,153 45 35 190 503 10,067 436 4,606 80 281 29 148 1 4 105 331 20 20 10 66 70 205 5 30 221 3,842 15 5 5 47 855 75 8,221 5,803 557 256 6 1,370 90 5 340 25 820 90 3,614 48 730 70 1,201 2,171 295 143 2 1,230 65 5 305 25 760 70 501 49 125 2,265 5 210 7,020 4,212 3,632 6,417 262 1,490 113 342 4 33 140 2,748 25 165 35 846 60 1,506 20 201 3,113 1,804 5 25 51 200 5 310 425 10 5 5 240 5 40 185 10 165 5? 640 65 1,845 1,865 152 52 5 720 30 5 215 20 400 50 936 53 875 85 2,922 2,683 345 119 10 1,021 65 296 5 585 70 1,188 S4 605 55 2,813 2,599 417 194 10 886 40 5 285 15 466 75 1,092 55 360 25 2,209 2,100 504 112 10 526 70 145 5 260 46 948 56 200 42.3 30 44.6 1,777 AS.i 1,789 48.0 509 54.1 75 49.5 2 45.0 405 44.7 30 49.4 130 45.7 230 43.8 15 44.0 798 48.1 57 58 43.5 40.0 1,975 175 5,132 4,928 349 164 19 2,262 95 5 626 25 1,381 130 2,134 59 670 580 45 65 1,500 2,446 1,290 2,226 40 345 16 112 8 9' 570 840 20 65 125 255 5 20 400 430 20 65 656 920 60 5 61 535 6 35 7 4,594 11 4,558 11 1,276 19 297 13 20 9 846 6 85 8 240 7 5 5 425 6 91 8 2,119 12 6V 5 63 55 2,210 25 250 1,772 10,622 1,516 8,871 420 1,791 168 507 42 56 150 2,338 10 100 40 661 5 45 85 1,351 10 171 736 4,179 64 10 65 2,210 250 10, 592 8,851 1,786 507 56 2,338 100 10 661 45 1,351 171 4,164 66 2.14 3.19 4.63 30 4.39 20 5.84 5 7.23 19.62 2.47 2.60 2.58 4.29 2.28 2.86 4.33 15 67 68 185 40 25 285 70 15 10 65 4,750 1,802 718 5,018 3,249 1,339 618 3,204 945 399 171 743 299 143 87 313 50 24 8 36 230 65 30 337 25 5 75 15 5 136 10 10 95 25 20 116 25 10 5 55 1,725 708 322 1,775 69 70 71 15 5 10 72 55 15 1,408 80 1,202 111 379 31 125 8 9 10 116 15 15 31 10 55 15 5 573 47 73 74 500 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator' Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share FARMS, ACREAGE, AMD VALUE Far numbe rms Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) ■ farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPFRATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting.. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 yeBrs operators reporting. 65 yearB and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less thBn 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. S P F C 1 F I E D FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 11,586 6,472 1,051,798 6,245 336,382 2,290 135, 675 1,291,124 111.4 5,435 50.94 84 10,525 319,656 1,744 3,102 2,378 1,918 1,001 268 114 3,060 84,374 4,432 96,882 4,371 189,701 6,046 479,239 3,210 79,974 8,805 41,298 11,239 500,912 6,656 354,049 7,276 668,940 10,938 399 5,136 2,136 3,000 6,209 391 1,734 2,300 2,144 2,114 2,014 48.9 4,077 921 1,976 4,847 13 1,073 8,019 8,006 4.23 13 3,117 1,215 513 2,760 979 48 2,173 2,173 523,257 xiiiiniii xxxxxxxxxx 776 47,619 475,638 218.9 9,570 46.93 82 77 i2,072 97,243 88 345 458 607 399 127 48 1,124 47,694 990 24,660 1,349 82,485 1,762 183,024 971 26,858 2,064 13,674 2,141 169,597 1,934 157,037 2,038 265, 509 586 285 301 1,549 21 167 293 446 607 478 54.2 344 ,321 400 1,786 1,785 5.29 1 1,009 436 198 752 352 753 753 131,097 753 70,404 377 31,216 170,285 226.1 11,994 54.54 86 84 747 56,153 5 55 110 164 293 64 56 325 10,024 359 7,817 454 23,421 574 56,677 362 11,668 680 4,525 753 73,994 606 45,113 678 30,098 278 150 128 469 5 116 142 163 176 173 5 135 408 195 631 631 6.31 438 190 71 302 122 14 (') (*) C) (*) 9 1,787 34,988 1,060.2 50,028 45.56 82 1 16 8 15 2,425 5 1,265 17 8,605 25 11,793 20 480 27 8,777 28 16,363 33 20, 398 3,149 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 3,149 158, 360 57 2,212 156, 148 49.6 2,572 50.38 81 3,133 84,361 135 1,140 990 600 220 48 303 3,882 602 10,098 444 14,355 649 31,515 360 7,455 1,649 4,482 3,139 98,341 809 25,692 814 45,870 3,039 75 1,140 1,005 135 1,929 205 625 691 650 401 312 44.1 1,547 310 615 822 41 1,753 1,753 2.41 162 50 21 191 66 321 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 321 28,675 11 771 27,904 86.9 3,233 33.55 78 87 321 11,277 70 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 70 100 100 65 40 16 80 755 115 2,530 86 2,440 166 8,402 85 1,765 251 735 321 14,562 166 4,960 181 10,842 306 15 120 105 71 49.2 110 5 146 12 156 156 4.78 7,680 109.7 3,610 49.59 71 70 2,310 821 XXXXXXXXXX! xxxxxxxxxxx 821 42,801 25 580 42,221 51.4 2,810 52.73 83 821 24,766 15 220 260 235 80 11 15 335 840 25 50 220 70 3,295 40 1,610 45 3,730 71 862 176 2,498 121 2,050 171 8,101 100 2,695 471 1,249 821 28,126 231 5,607 216 10, 151 771 30 230 200 30 551 30 165 201 195 115 75 44.8 340 65 205 231 9 20 481 481 2.36 •Notr-Svailable. 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 501 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sampl t of f> rms . See text} Area 4 — Continued Areas 5, A, .nd B Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Not c laasi- fied Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Not classi- fied Tenanta — Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Croppers Other and unspeci- fied All Cash Share, cash Crop- shsre Ll vestock- shsre Croppers Other and unspecl - fled 1,660 272 5,478 15,488 3,293 1,338 33 3,619 449 75 1,251 30 1,538 276 7,205 1 XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx 3,546 9,938 3,293 1,338 C) xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX 5,307 2 xxxxxxxxxx 397,444 1,246,498 597,089 221,511 (*) UIllUXl xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX ••: 7,898 3 1,660 272 2,343 7,642 xxxxxxxxxx 1,338 C) 3,619 449 75 1,251 30 1,538 276 2,683 4 53,455 25,669 107,618 445,783 xxxxxxxxxx 113,819 C) 233,900 43,418 5,260 77,170 2,430 77,945 27, f 77 98,064 5 10 540 52,915 11 321 25,348 1,071 52,841 454,065 2,577 168,026 1,582,775 361 f, 57,144 539,945 7 300,652 37,912 231,135 43,046 5,260 76,950 2,430 77,652 25, 797 473,131 8 31.9 93.2 82.9 102.2 164.0 224.7 1,148.8 63.9 95.9 70.1 61.5 81.0 50.3 93.5 65.7 9 2 237 2,898 4,252 5,146 7,348 10,863 123,510 2,983 4,557 3,057 2,503 10,252 2,324 6,123 ". " 10 69. 29 28.85 54.16 52.48 47.04 51.22 66.71 46.40 47.39 45.14 41.13 88.63 45.82 58.86 >'.1.MI 11 82 85 86 90 89 92 39 89 B9 73 91 50 91 84 'JO 12 83 92 81 815 85 87 63 90 89 71 90 71 91 67 13 1,650 266 4,548 14,076 3,200 1,333 33 3,592 438 75 1,261 30 1,528 270 5,918 14 38,000 7,928 76,812 498, 553 161,791 100,468 8,396 127,706 17,809 2,855 45,777 1,515 46,830 12,920 100,192 15 115 685 5 115 1,516 1,562 2,533 3,239 202 511 40 158 120 690 15 105 25 175 65 340 15 4b 2,171 1,880 20 5 17 535 245 70 40 820 547 3,073 2,907 722 884 235 292 1,090 1,086 140 111 10 20 385 415 503 430 50 95 1,026 15 19 55 30 96 1,675 596 360 7 526 45 25 226 10 170 50 186 20 15 6 13 1,293 431 218 3,458 201 84 1,192 154 94 461 13 13 18 56 24 380 11 11 57 20 5 140 16 3 107 10 5 56 7 3 1,407 7? 70 67 15 5 23 555 1,375 20,349 71,745 30,943 17,879 2,154 3,644 385 30 695 25 1,319 990 17,125 24 215 81 2,476 6,905 1,623 696 20 1,052 204 25 336 15 362 110 3,514 25 2,835 1,585 53,042 153,431 43,714 24, 703 2,841 16,922 2,330 470 6,205 215 5,522 2,180 65,251 26 125 87 2,107 3,514 1,237 451 18 390 98 15 120 5 111 41 1,418 27 2,690 6,335 60,835 124, 790 55,589 26,586 4,015 9,950 2,540 80 3,170 125 2,440 1,595 28,650 28 160 127 3,036 9,011 2,627 993 26 1,097 189 35 370 5 372 126 4,268 29 6,455 5,667 196,230 638,452 218,635 115,498 18, 709 59,251 18, 487 1,705 14,120 435 17,887 6,617 226,359 30 75 995 645 75 1,565 232 1,497 28,660 4,389 1,927 41,584 13,003 658 13,895 3,044 168 8,135 1,225 6 1,130 28 265 4,330 2,588 35 405 354 105 1,800 936 5 50 25 85 1,700 997 35 375 226 830 14,094 6,118 11 1? 50 33 1,385 893 18,137 54,220 15,378 7,383 667 9,332 1,090 120 4,983 65 1,954 1,120 21,460 34 1,655 267 5,179 14,986 3,247 1,333 33 3,604 439 75 1,251 30 1,538 271 6,769 35 41,390 10,888 150,203 723,729 236,448 143,050 13,391 148,272 20, 524 3,355 52,877 1,755 53,671 16,090 182, 568 36 220 152 3,279 6,288 2,041 772 21 762 159 20 265 5 207 106 2,692 37 4,240 9,275 109,844 238, 119 100,427 52,600 7,299 17,924 3,330 110 5,865 200 5,459 2,960 59,869 38 220 152 3,713 10,013 2,879 1,135 28 1,203 219 35 410 5 403 131 4,768 39 9,145 12,002 257,065 763,242 1 75 1 75 274,224 142,084 22,724 69,201 21,027 1,785 17,290 560 20,327 8,212 255,009 1 75 1 75 40 41 42 43 44 1,630 262 5,142 14,514 3,117 1,254 31 3,349 404 75 1,131 30 1,473 236 6,763 45 20 100 705 5 15 70 184 3,875 3,130 593 6,420 6,405 96 450 665 64 218 370 2 1 1 100 327 873 20 17 113 25 75 205 35 175 420 20 50 105 331 5,424 4,496 10 15 15 48 630 75 915 60 10 202 695 2,435 2,231 1,822 4,583 8,709 296 369 2,562 174 196 932 722 151 2,576 87 26 321 15 170 35 951 15 370 50 1,078 65 40 151 630 3,866 2,607 49 1 32 SO 60 15 51 155 345 360 . 15 35 55 160 820 1,165 476 2,496 3,437 50 301 577 5 180 323 1 200 712 982 20 81 105 5 5 15 55 230 340 110 360 447 10 26 65 220 1,303 1,536 5? 10 10 51 19 54 315 170 75 36 874 930 3,019 2,642 656 775 357 257 3 5 571 431 75 111 15 25 190 140 246 105 45 45 1,432 1,174 55 5 56 120 42.0 41 46.8 1,155 49.7 2,072 47. 7 700 52.6 124 48.3 216 42.6 26 45.6 10 50.1 60 42.2 100 40.9 20 46.8 1,032 47. 7 17 42.9 40.4 58 950 102 1,972 6,017 544 419 13 2,147 208 45 710 20 1,023 141 2,894 59 220 15 565 1,504 65 61 1 577 35 5 145 10 341 41 800 60 280 85 876 2,530 544 265 14 601 90 15 191 5 256 45 1,106 61 330 85 2,292 6,064 2,023 587 5 546 116 10 170 5 185 60 2,903 62 7 11 13 12 19 13 8 6 9 5 6 6 5 8 12 63 5 910 10 151 426 3,821 1,624 11,596 454 2,620 195 1,122 6 22 58 2,287 6 188 10 865 26 988 16 181 911 5,545 50 15 65 910 151 3,809 11,581 2,620 1,122 22 2,282 188 50 860 15 988 181 5,535 66 1.8! 3.35 4.08 4.27 5.05 6.47 14.42 2.68 3.35 3.01 2.61 3.22 2.16 5.36 4.09 67 50 30 12 1,487 15 4,415 1,326 562 5 266 32 5 5 75 10 103 41 10 2,242 19 69 10 5 55 10 5 25 532 223 1,501 1,363 1,103 4,616 441 384 1,178 182 164 494 11 8 14 28 83 419 6 16 51 5 30 135 11 16 162 6 21 56 701 464 2,511 70 71 5 10 72 20 10 439 1,256 396 211 9 83 6 10 35 5 16 11 557 7 3 6 93 33 11 2 20 15 5 27 74 502 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture {not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 yeara or more operators reporting. Averuge number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED F A c I I [TIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater • farms reporting. Home freezer • farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 29,941 13,061 2,048,850 21,078 1,091,065 5,762 455,437 2,852,611 95.3 5,387 60.83 87 81 28,860 1,280,589 3,012 5,827 6, 755 7,098 4,158 1,283 727 5,475 101,959 7,285 182,791 4,198 163,761 13,493 997,729 1,920 46,970 19,613 78,812 29,396 1,565,339 8,725 312,690 14,830 1,161,490 16 1,896 15 96 27,645 1,509 8,424 4,004 4,420 20,808 1,563 5,436 6,837 5,716 4,302 3,150 45.2 13,278 3,493 4,919 10,279 10 2,005 17,518 17,448 4.69 70 5,801 2,642 1,789 4,862 2,440 259 5,709 5,709 1,074,359 XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx 2,133 153,353 921,006 161.3 8,601 56.52 87 82 5,642 346,946 226 817 1,002 1,563 1,269 541 224 1,991 37,321 1,916 53,285 1,554 59,420 4,599 382,556 755 18,547 4,873 22,931 5,678 437,552 3,196 115,288 4,994 441,976 1,832 2 32 5,295 277 1,191 676 515 4,374 1,102 1,221 1,176 970 50.9 1,105 144 996 3,370 17 726 4,247 4,235 5.77 12 2,057 1,027 670 1,685 852 132 3,497 3,497 586,403 3,497 329,435 1,317 134,179 781,659 223.5 11,170 54.26 85 78 3,473 345,541 35 345 490 771 980 454 398 1,250 35,968 1,269 48,788 985 45,420 2,554 276,707 390 11,275 2,931 17,960 3,495 430,297 1,835 92,663 2,804 322,127 15 3,175 247 831 461 370 2,606 71 386 892 897 581 377 600 1,893 14 372 2,646 2,635 7.15 11 1,389 626 459 992 600 (») (*) (») («) 47 14,938 137,504 1,527.8 76,057 68.06 84 27,839 10 19 49 51 4,101 46 9,932 35 17,979 66 62,220 23 5,637 9,796 89 41,872 70 27,717 82 80,199 1 3 1 3 25 80 78 20.23 2 60 42 17 24 23 13,843 XXX XX XX xx xxxxxxxxx 13,843 643,402 405 16,773 626, 629 45.3 3,125 69.48 13,793 450, 531 625 3,100 4,170 3,936 1,666 242 54 969 7,990 1,964 25,307 638 17,322 3,162 105,964 400 5,346 7,180 14,169 13,828 483,828 1,601 30,658 3,442 123,286 5 30 13,104 448 2,598 2,096 502 11,005 1,040 3,247 3,376 2,421 1,481 795 41.4 8,249 2,281 2,323 2,701 6 299 6,664 6,629 2.82 35 739 279 188 751 420 11 2,110 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 2,110 162,850 219 9,558 153,292 72.6 3,709 52.05 91 89 2,100 91,749 75 320 570 670 341 81 43 282 2,930 584 8,882 213 8,723 734 35,625 108 2,041 1,368 3,342 2,110 103,561 470 U,694 844 44,348 335 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 335 12,755 5 5 12,750 38.1 2,553 69.23 94 91 335 11,455 1,913 121 40 120 130 45 40 210 10 175 40 505 20 70 195 255 335 11,745 50 325 45 680 4,077 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 4,077 189,605 77 2,402 187,203 45.9 3,407 73.96 4,077 138,758 105 745 1,265 1,315 575 70 2 311 2,020 597 6,265 171 3,265 1,072 31,648 100 845 2,201 4,402 4,077 147,043 471 6,130 1,127 34,913 330 5 527 75 410 75 ,553 250 105 10 450 70 538 55 390 100 275 45 165 20 43.5 44.8 922 140 176 25 426 100 677 75 9 7 734 110 729 110 4.12 2.57 5 189 IS 62 62 5 164 10 123 15 5 3,846 141 620 530 90 3,397 260 770 941 825 510 325 43.9 2,410 570 696 831 7 60 1,927 1,907 2.76 20 147 66 55 175 61 1 •Not avai lnhlc . ^ata arc given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 503 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area 6 — Continued Tenure of operator' — Con. Tenanta — Con. Croppers unspeci- fied Not classi - fled Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share Livestock, share Croppers unspeci fled Not classi- fied 6,657 XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx 6,657 223,168 51 1,095 222,073 33.4 2,738 81.92 88 88 6,637 181,714 405 1,900 2,045 1,665 565 55 2 265 1,885 555 6,250 166 2,360 1,042 24,601 'no 980 2,982 4,283 6,657 189,849 456 5,225 1,132 26,961 5 30 5 30 6,397 140 1,235 990 245 5,342 640 1,820 1,691 966 575 230 38.8 4,400 1,445 1,011 161 3,532 3,522 2.49 10 292 106 30 321 156 5 624 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 624 51,569 48 3,553 48,016 76.9 3,558 48.56 609 24,645 40 95 170 136 130 31 7 76 1,055 188 3,700 68 2,759 254 12,885 1,225 404 1,747 614 29,400 144 5,039 264 15,644 578 41 141 91 50 423 25 137 151 130 66 357 65 75 152 16 331 331 4.21 6,802 3,855 388,088 3,738 118,228 1,860 136,194 385,813 56.7 3,597 67.25 84 5,868 109,732 2,126 1,565 1,093 822 233 27 2 1,214 16,579 2,090 45,479 986 23,620 3,112 170,282 352 6,165 4,554 13,956 6,306 171,790 2,023 46,364 3,508 193,902 6 16 6,000 520 3,799 770 3,029 2,741 1,205 1,433 1,163 1,054 1,003 46.6 3,009 972 973 2,289 10 583 3,881 3,871 4.92 10 1,556 668 455 1,410 545 31 26,604 11,108 ,224,643 18,039 625,212 5,141 328,365 ,570,268 59.0 5,865 107.53 87 25,573 576,346 3,977 9,622 6,791 3,895 1,123 96 69 3,921 22, 829 4,738 40,429 4,534 102,098 12,721 751,408 2,071 27,892 17,108 49,266 25,892 639,604 8,040 152,819 13,751 853,506 25,095 829 5,438 3,075 2,363 20,486 1,865 5,979 6,355 5,081 3,026 2,000 42.6 12,497 4,627 4,332 8,383 10 1,359 18,555 18,505 3.86 50 4,471 2,258 2,590 7,700 2,695 158 o,356 6,356 727,592 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 2,444 129,951 597,641 94.0 8,344 94.35 89 84 6,307 162,833 808 2,324 1,639 1,043 419 36 38 1,869 11,857 1,679 15,971 2,099 59,299 5,155 317,970 957 11,654 5,334 18,057 6,339 190,661 3,578 82,810 5,560 377,269 6,107 149 955 589 366 5,314 120 899 1,410 1,567 1,106 810 48.2 1,311 181 1,062 3,736 16 385 5,152 5,137 4.77 15 1,975 1,007 1,221 2,969 1,020 56 2,173 2,173 175,286 2,173 81,827 722 51,321 205,792 94.7 8,594 95.99 85 2,152 67, 233 230 620 627 422 194 33 26 516 3,996 512 5,916 687 21,349 1,601 95,850 300 3,723 1,832 7,725 2,158 77,145 1,133 29,068 1,721 117,199 2,038 96 445 328 117 1,677 55 356 629 579 294 101 44.6 543 140 472 1,041 13 204 1,591 1,576 5.08 15 567 294 281 777 402 39 31 (•) (») (") («) 18 5,901 24,840 801.3 54,500 82.33 39 32 31 3,438 20 203 19 797 18, 545 7 542 25 405 31 4,438 22 1,655 26 19,455 14,355 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 14,355 502,588 263 9,881 492,707 34.3 4,444 129.64 89 89 14, 320 313,446 1,280 5,961 4,297 2,300 461 20 1 902 3,082 1,781 11,080 1,177 9,650 3,804 139,121 466 3,220 7,390 13,108 14, 330 327,608 2,148 15,952 4,169 148,771 8 23 23 13.56 13,734 346 2,327 1,827 500 11,768 1,425 .4,017 3,686 2,350 1,115 611 39.0 9,368 3,746 2,371 2,011 5 362 9,323 9,313 2.82 10 787 287 632 2,801 826 30 817 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 817 51,157 96 4,574 46,583 57.0 4,961 90.27 92 89 802 20,948 25 301 235 190 46 510 xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 510 20,040 10 190 19,850 38.9 6,259 169.63 94 89 510 11,975 101 475 171 1,120 101 665 341 21,955 30 85 472 1,335 802 22,543 201 1,225 356 22,620 756 36 126 106 20 686 25 176 210 175 115 65 44.4 357 101 180 240 10 31 381 381 4.48 91 66 46 160 41 235 170 90 15 55 160 105 595 80 425 150 6,120 30 40 340 535 510 12,730 120 625 175 6,545 5,502 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 5,502 219,521 76 1,960 217, 561 39.5 5,309 133.72 89 89 5,497 134,963 305 1,840 1,906 1,195 240 10 1 400 1,215 745 5,355 581 5,615 1,847 63,076 211 1,540 3,117 5,797 5,502 141, 533 996 8,370 2,007 68,691 95 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 95 2,595 2,595 27.3 3,174 124.02 89 84 95 2,355 5 30 25 35 6,810 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 6,810 181,870 45 1,990 179,880 26.4 3,573 132.55 88 90 6,805 131,440 845 3,290 1,800 720 145 5 621 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 621 27,405 36 1,167 26,238 42.3 4,209 113.11 85 75 611 11,765 100 265 161 70 15 95 2,455 15 20 10 60 290 1,085 635 3,205 345 2,280 1,190 36,195 165 1,170 3,055 4,505 6,810 135,730 695 4,535 1,330 38,475 490 10 65 55 10 445 25 155 120 90 45 50 41.4 295 90 110 95 10 365 365 2.67 5,327 110 771 646 125 4.651 380 1,276 1,541 1,055 550 320 41.5 3,511 1,300 971 795 96 3,962 3,962 2.81 20 130 20 291 81 301 1,271 390 45 40 1.98 5 5 6,505 185 1,260 950 310 5,420 905 2,215 1,635 915 365 130 36.1 4,790 2,100 1,010 715 4 205 4,160 4,160 2.71 315 125 235 1,020 305 20 46 137 110 715 70 665 266 11,715 25 375 356 866 611 12,617 121 1,177 291 12,380 561 5 90 60 30 496 175 150 95 35 41 38.6 350 135 90 151 20 410 405 3.10 5 80 15 30 200 3,689 2,579 321,765 1,911 40,797 1,694 131,311 249, 288 67.6 5,334 101.50 2,763 29,396 1,659 717 227 123 37 614 3,691 747 6,665 565 10,890 2,140 179, 922 341 8,753 2,527 9,971 3,034 39,752 1,159 23,334 2,275 190,812 3,188 236 1,681 1,703 330 1,373 1,705 265 705 605 583 511 478 45.7 1,265 555 421 1,583 13 400 2,466 2,456 5.16 10 1,124 654 443 1,141 434 32 504 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj CENSUS OF Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) ■*ireas 8 and C Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers FABMS, ACREAGE, AND VALl'E Farms numbi Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total > ar ms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm operators reporting Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 54 years operators reporting 65 1 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present fBrm years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone f »™s reporting Electnci ty forms reporting From a power line '»™ s reporting Average of last monthly electric hill dollars From a home plant f »™ s reporting Electric water pump '"""> reporting Electric hot-water heater '°™s reporting Home freezer '"""' reporting Electric washing machine ' >»rms reporting Electric chick brooder 'o™» reporting Electric power-feed grinder f»rms reporting 13,62e 11,317 981,172 5,772 205,602 1,602 69,653 ,326,348 97.3 5,174 60.18 86 12,812 270, 723 5,474 3,403 1, 763 1,159 692 227 94 2,843 61,799 4,026 87,720 3,115 336,447 6,267 535, 957 673 50, 898 10,758 82,e04 13,241 420,242 5,143 349,144 7,735 772,404 29 3,690 8 950 12,757 535 6,270 1,473 4,797 7,073 313 2,049 3,112 2,860 2,378 1,919 48.1 2,408 6,933 15 829 6,951 6,946 5.67 5 2,614 1,299 1,062 2, "8" 854 103 2, 239 2,239 522,243 XXXxxxXXXXXXX xxxxxxrxxxxxx 473 23, 288 498, 955 222.7 11,159 56.88 90 79 2,181 83,591 312 562 459 403 316 84 45 797 24,705 786 27,196 1,018 99,899 1,452 204,782 230 20,958 1,929 37,824 2,212 135,492 1,438 145,562 1,864 304,681 17 3,135 6 410 2,099 95 501 227 274 1,655 32 198 484 491 531 292 50.3 38" 28 362 1,338 18 288 1,630 1,629 7.25 1 878 417 340 821 313 1,350 1,350 146,630 1,350 66, 202 236 10,306 202,526 150.0 7,889 57.78 82 75 1,350 59.91B 111 366 310 257 201 75 30 381 8,823 338 7,752 498 49,861 746 65,6e3 90 3,149 i,ies ",340 1,350 76,493 721 61,833 932 115,544 540 2 540 1,294 40 318 201 117 1,017 31 172 304 366 224 152 47.5 276 35 276 736 122 841 841 6.59 302 189 170 355 123 53 (*) (*) (*) (*) 18 5,742 190, 4es 3, 594. 1 930 XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX2XXXXXJ1X 930 73,205 45 1,299 71,906 77.3 165,800 3,061 50.58 46.89 64 86 59 73 53 920 10,319 28,962 4 65 1 370 1 251 6 20" 5 87 19 38 17 2 36 138 9,371 3,650 27 369 20,124 5,039 27 135 46,333 6,332 44 187 71,428 24,479 9 25 19,607 1,300 48 583 13,403 2,154 53 935 39,714 37,641 42 225 75,311 11,282 51 258 117,761 30,811 50 883 3 42 6 62 8 238 4 216 4 22 43 672 35 7 217 13 337 15 232 8 96 35 45.8 43.6 17 429 6 111 11 191 22 294 12 9 35 9 52 352 49 352 49.82 4.03 3 47 66 31 30 30 49 30 119 21 67 7 236 XXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxx 236 31,460 14 618 30,842 136.5 5,055 43.10 74 •Not available. 'Data ore given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 505 Economic Area Tabic 6 (Part 1 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Cata are based on report* for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas fl and C — Continued Tenure of operator ' —Continued Ten ants— Continued Share- casli Crop- share l.i vtv.ti. i- it- inera Croppe Not c lass i- fied FARMS. ACBF.ACE, AND VALl'E Land owned by farm operators farms Land rented from others by farm operators farms Land rented to others by farm operators forms Land in farms Average sue of farm Value of land and buildings average per farm average per acre Proportion of farms reporting value Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 Bcres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 acres and over farms Cropland used only for pasture farms Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms w oodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms . . . number reporting acres reporting acres reporting nc res .... acres dollars do] Inrs . percent rep< rtinp rep< rtinp rep( rung rep< rtinp report ing rept run* rep< r 1 1 n p rep< rung acres rnp< r, t i ii p .teres rr p< rtinp acres rep( rtinp Other pasture (not cropland and woodland ) . fa Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland. etc. ) . In Cropland, total farms Land pastured, total farms V'oodland, total farms Irrigated land In farms farms Land irrigated by sprinklers farms FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators Not residing on farm operated operators w ith other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators I to 99 days operators 100 days or more operators Not working off their farm operators Operators by age: Under 25 years operators 25 to 34 years operators 35 to 44 years operators 45 to 54 years operators 55 to 64 years operators 65 years and over operators Average age reporting. acres, reporl trip. acres, reporting. acres, reporting. acres, reporting. acres. reporting, reporting. reporti np. reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. . . . . years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm yea rs . SPECIFIFD FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump f«™ s reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer f a ™s reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting. 25 111X111111111 11111XXXX1X11 25 1,525 5 70 1,455 58.2 2,260 36.83 100 100 25 1,115 300 XXXXXX1XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX 300 16,845 15 190 16,655 55.5 2,146 51.76 88 66 300 9,655 10 55 105 90 35 5 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX1XX11X 10 60 15 235 5 15 20 30 25 1,175 15 235 15 250 55 505 100 530 15 320 50 5,365 180 280 300 10,690 55 825 50 5,685 290 10 80 110 45 25 10 41.6 100 75 e 130 130 3.07 250 XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX 250 8,240 2,330 466.0 9,320 20.00 100 100 5 135 5 475 5 180 5 650 1,480 8,240 33.0 2,3-n 71.37 98 250 6,525 40 65 75 124 XXXXXXXIlllll XXXXXXXXXXXXX 124 12,e05 11 421 12, 384 99.9 3,770 37.95 74 74 114 3,483 5 50 20 21 11 7 25 360 45 245 25 265 20 645 125 200 250 ,130 45 625 40 910 240 10 170 35 25 55 70 70 2.21 550 27 289 17 1,335 33 6,032 78 675 119 4,322 27 1,905 39 7,367 2 53 53 6.15 18 9,056 7,628 312,299 3,492 66,195 910 29,018 362,476 40.0 2,736 71.85 85 81 8,308 86, 033 4,982 2,204 742 286 83 11 1,491 15,250 2,606 27,619 1,437 34,022 3,838 169,585 319 5,684 7,010 22,083 8,701 130,902 2,717 55,156 4,630 203,607 10 15 8,431 355 5,205 825 4,380 3,686 215 1,455 2,074 1,756 1,515 1,438 48.3 2,281 341 1,568 4,543 15 375 4,076 4,075 4.35 1 1,321 632 473 1,462 32e 21 1 Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 506 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Share- cash Crop- share All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting, 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules,, farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting persons Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or nrjre ) . . f a rms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting persons Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting No report as to period of expected employment. , farms reporting persons Farna by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting Family workers only farms reporting Operators only farms reporting Unpaid members of operator ' s family only. ... farms reporting Hired workers only farms reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting dol lars Machine hire farms reporting dol lars Hired labor farms reporting dollars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Liveatock and poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars SeedB, bulba, plants, and treeB purchased farms reporting do] lars Gaaoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars Tractor repairs farms reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars 1,355 6,290 6,765 382 390 2,159 2,215 1,221 25,440 29,714 24,609 12,212 3,337 9,060 23,454 30,282 22,609 21,926 28,004 19,534 12,427 3,791 3,316 1,098 1,158 977 1,120 69,963 81,449 68,020 20,891 10,550 36, 579 40,466 37,607 37,668 16,511 6,943 51,517 6,352 74,942 117,284 243,295 114,916 198,027 106,502 54,349 91,525 16,411 45,268 10,881 28,360 7,619 16,908 14,043 100,873 51,536 7,644 2,368 114,355 88,248 34,075,040 66,257 6,426,840 62,745 27,648,200 65,041 17,187,023 48,238 9,119,605 68,921 5,652,930 48,261 11,564,411 43,342 5,934,114 16,017 3,314,398 37,382 2,619,716 538 2.234 2,347 170 173 721 729 430 7,985 9,422 7,700 4,386 980 2,334 7,975 10,294 7,861 7,668 9,689 6,788 4,294 1,354 1,140 224 239 330 366 15,761 18,825 15,246 6,470 2,320 6,456 2,368 6,154 9,787 6,307 1,668 9,713 1,094 14,281 23,234 55,299 22,440 38,636 20, 728 10,800 17,908 5,878 16,663 4,305 11,009 2,414 5,654 5,084 17,356 8,403 1,425 794 24,169 20,863 12,173,088 15.781 2,040,246 16,712 10,132,842 15,411 7,076,834 12,308 3,583,374 16,740 2,133,020 14,441 4,321,398 13,329 2,242,029 6,004 1,278,224 11,243 963,80'. 396 1,630 1,809 100 104 533 561 430 4,506 5,721 4,439 2,586 596 1,257 4,471 6,653 4,421 4,344 6,400 3,971 2,667 763 541 95 102 127 151 6,663 8,482 6,507 2,859 964 2,684 440 2,151 4,042 3,641 830 4,161 339 6,181 10,470 34,161 10,196 19,378 9,619 5,245 9,759 3,494 14,783 2,717 9,832 1,454 4,951 3,220 6,976 2,918 462 274 10,504 9,427 9,766,103 6,882 1,176,459 7,991 8,589,644 6,814 4,441,121 5,593 2,586,172 7,769 1,504,372 6,875 3,325,818 6,584 1,840,054 3,568 1,109,711 5 , 549 730,343 58 172 237 21 22 102 110 89 306 580 288 216 45 27 328 897 328 327 828 280 193 53 34 9 9 42 60 286 667 247 152 42 53 26 1 46 272 56 207 24 132 364 2,793 332 405 327 48 78 306 2,388 292 1,914 82 474 274 58 45 362 350 2,309,622 178 140,815 326 2,168,807 220 963,754 208 468,619 258 180,168 335 458,402 308 325,333 296 203,870 238 121,463 191 1,127 1,230 57 57 520 530 157 4,348 4,715 4,155 1,704 537 1,914 3,829 4,925 3,754 3,564 4,590 3,091 1,959 548 512 90 110 200 225 19,011 20,902 18,543 2,763 2,718 13,062 16,963 11,022 14,628 2,315 1,514 14,765 1,612 28,078 42,603 83,997 42,440 79,162 40,450 21,256 38,712 2,504 4,835 1,457 2,576 1,261 2,259 :,3*1 40,099 19,768 1,895 163 37,220 30,660 6,132,057 22,694 1,837,312 21,389 4,294,745 16,560 1,667,055 12,496 1,192,013 19,799 871,523 14,994 2,029,474 12,636 778,205 2,493 358,014 11,755 420,191 55 121 137 26 26 49 49 51 657 734 632 261 65 306 458 651 448 438 616 410 261 103 46 20 20 15 15 1,926 2,074 1,881 398 352 1,131 361 1,616 2,083 342 116 4,125 9,206 4,088 7,755 3,883 2,160 3,872 545 1,451 399 949 245 502 508 3,580 1,593 165 37 4,152 3,320 ,150,116 2,433 220,113 2,455 930,003 2,219 426,052 1,461 280,328 2,769 205,880 1,460 367,139 1,935 192,098 372 99,737 1,834 92,361 125 130 125 50 20 55 50 60 50 50 60 45 30 10 495 510 490 55 75 360 70 350 590 30 20 1,030 2,105 1,025 1,985 970 530 1,015 65 120 30 35 60 965 450 55 5 1,010 860 154,965 670 41,460 640 113,505 610 66,375 440 32,785 625 17,240 430 53,370 435 15,470 40 6,500 425 8,970 25 283 285 135 135 5 1,586 1,656 1,505 567 196 742 1,231 1,434 1,216 1,141 1,334 980 653 147 180 10 10 75 90 6,850 7,439 6,609 846 1,025 4,738 2,020 4,915 7,028 905 '326 4,738 476 9,425 14,152 29,225 14,101 28,099 13,331 7,771 14,768 747 1,126 391 521 397 605 696 13,405 5,919 755 51 12,908 10,893 1,991,889 8,209 608,059 7,837 1,383,830 6,578 433,375 4,943 333,130 6,579 239,277 •5,742 692,865 5,151 227,195 681 81,600 4,866 145 , 595 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 507 BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 • sample of farms. See t .-\ L The State — Continued Tenure of operator —Con. Tenants — Con. Croppers unspeci fled Not classi- fied Total all farms Tenure of operator' Full owners Part owners Managers Slinre- cusli Crop- snare Livestock- share Croppe unspect - fled 76 589 659 20 20 295 305 71 1,569 1,760 1,509 628 196 685 1,731 2,315 1,691 1,611 2,175 1,311 819 247 245 45 50 SO 90 8,616 9,611 8,466 1,219 1,105 6,142 13,915 3,310 3,880 810 921 7,637 975 13,224 20, 806 38, 520 20,751 36,879 19,931 9,543 16,948 850 1,641 445 761 452 795 19,956 10,765 805 55 16, 911 13,821 2,316,045 10,074 838,245 9,176 1,477,800 6,032 503,070 4,788 304,045 8,445 325,481 6,436 763,695 4,196 275,530 1,161 137,010 3,784 138,520 20 108 123 5 5 30 30 20 370 394 343 173 60 110 328 428 318 303 378 257 181 41 35 15 30 20 20 1,003 1,141 976 230 140 606 537 766 947 203 125 818 56 1,477 2,244 4,418 2,234 3,981 2,104 1,116 1,877 267 437 182 300 112 137 257 1,977 946 105 10 2,018 1,615 471,752 1,198 109,655 1,160 362,097 1,026 194,198 763 198,550 1,231 66,870 825 138,320 813 62,237 218 30,672 746 31,565 54,964 172 1,127 1,142 34 34 283 285 115 8,295 9,276 8,027 3,320 1,179 3,528 6,851 7,513 6,245 6,023 6,497 5,476 3,314 1,073 1,089 680 698 278 318 28,242 32, 573 27,477 8,647 4,506 14,324 20,669 18,279 9,165 3,976 2,875 22,671 3,283 26,270 40,613 67,045 39, 508 60,446 35,378 17,000 25,068 4,229 6,599 2,110 3,029 2,408 3,570 1,821 3,124 36,384 20,402 3,862 1,105 42,100 26,948 3,694,170 20,722 1,232,008 16,327 2,462,162 26,036 3,038,259 17,633 1,289,427 24,355 963,847 11,616 1,429,319 10,485 748,493 3,656 364,579 8,597 383,914 6,380 51 230 232 18 18 29 29 37 1,235 1,423 1,164 465 156 543 801 904 731 690 764 595 315 152 128 70 75 59 65 3,363 3,746 3,224 699 460 2,065 1,925 1,825 1,829 5.70 231 3,100 511 2,511 4,770 8,196 4,684 7,555 4,224 2,193 3,331 377 641 151 327 246 314 291 4,393 2,321 430 5,002 3,716 543.673 3,204 169, 591 1,690 374,082 2,817 638,310 2,259 420,794 2,796 125,831 1,359 161,069 1,292 97,198 463 49,767 1,060 47,431 111 111 6 6 10 10 8 306 373 286 113 40 133 267 331 262 256 289 236 136 65 35 10 15 22 27 455 500 425 164 65 196 75 175 362 211 56 755 1,451 725 1,257 670 391 587 104 194 53 131 74 651 295 55 30 764 664 167,540 548 43,720 383 123,820 435 174,265 486 135, 170 514 45,765 363 70,765 342 44,665 170 23,040 301 21,625 112 145 112 21 5 '86 178 477 167 377 152 110 225 28 100 18 61 17 39 17 150 45 10 11 188 168 130,435 131 12,860 98 117,575 106 135,790 107 188,945 138 17,640 113 29,615 123 17,475 43 6,840 113 10, 635 6,554 1 374 1 6,180 1 1,587 1 172 1 48 1 709 1 461 5 5 352 367 327 30 297 220 155 375 57 20 416 25 351 702 1,420 702 1,405 647 381 758 15 15 5 5 15 687 316 50 647 522 40,794 466 28,164 187 12,630 256 14,900 236 16,435 315 7,125 126 5,690 131 3,920 31 1,940 111 1,980 40 40 2,695 35 1,955 20 740 25 2,240 25 6,635 20 260 5 5 ,250 172 182 167 25 60 220 22 131 5 191 297 620 297 615 272 176 343 5 292 121 25 5 1,250 5 200 5 750 277 227 17,209 211 11,804 87 5,405 106 8,470 106 3,095 140 4,585 41 2,015 56 1,925 6 1,100 51 825 140 145 135 185 45 120 20 10 210 20 130 305 630 305 630 280 170 350 305 '135 25 275 210 17,050 185 13,615 65 3,435 95 2,465 85 5,470 135 2,055 60 2,025 55 1,205 15 490 45 715 50 40 2,590 35 790 10 1,800 25 1,525 20 1,235 20 225 20 900 15 740 10 350 10 390 4,484 13 13 11 804 886 763 293 110 360 398 421 338 308 328 248 121 50 77 60 60 32 33 2,442 2,732 2,359 513 360 1,486 1,604 1,475 1,007 253 145 2,147 406 1,770 3,134 4,836 3,089 4,515 2,754 1,311 1,761 229 321 74 124 161 197 184 2,905 1,665 315 45 3,402 2,361 198,350 2,058 84,473 1,021 113,877 2,019 311,768 1,429 80,072 1,828 55,253 756 54,290 695 30,677 218 17,486 535 13,191 508 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, LData are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share All farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers farms reporting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. . number. . Silos farms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Tractors farms reporting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting.. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms report ing. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years and over farms reporting. . Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting.. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting.. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules.. farms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting.. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. . FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting.. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. . FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Family workers, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting.. persons. . Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . rfegular workers (to be employed 150 days or more)., farms reporting. . persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting.. persons. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment, farms reporting. persons. . Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and lured workers farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator ' s fami ly only. ... farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting. Machine hire and/or lured labor farms reporting. dol lars . Machine hire farms reporting. dol lars. Hired labor farms reporting. dol lars. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting. dol lars. Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting. dollars. Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting. dol 1 ars. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. dol lars. Farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dol lnra. Tractor repairs forms reporting. dol lars. Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting. dol lars. 22,959 375 1,545 1,630 20 21 483 494 5,597 4,558 1,684 607 2,267 5,076 6,300 4,801 4,655 5,659 4,197 2,440 882 875 362 387 217 254 13,794 16,353 13,597 3,625 2,175 7,797 7,706 4,702 5,435 3,354 1,722 12,266 3,048 6,874 18,127 33,835 17,702 28,445 16,346 7,536 12,099 2,339 5,390 1,398 3,140 1,190 2,250 1,914 15,788 8,940 1,260 425 13,301 13,692 4,391,298 11,308 1,024,601 7,667 3,366,697 9,304 2,571,718 7,936 1,751,229 8,961 711,566 6,608 1,499,627 5,726 904,440 3,233 492,681 4,381 411,759 3,511 118 513 526 2 2 152 152 79 1,238 1,587 1,180 569 114 497 1,523 1,946 1,488 1,417 1,757 1,231 721 237 273 72 77 105 112 2,379 2,975 2,336 768 345 1,223 399 520 1,069 1,158 365 1,946 421 988 3,028 6,622 2,895 4.54S 2,705 1,246 1,843 814 2,074 544 1,286 384 788 681 2,214 1,248 155 133 3,226 2,764 1,654,851 2,285 296,072 1,904 1,358,779 1,719 931,190 1,683 594,604 1,879 292,034 1,793 579,645 1,626 352,528 1,096 188,837 1,165 163,691 139 359 375 1 1 128 138 110 613 813 612 264 97 251 700 986 690 675 906 611 373 136 102 35 35 30 45 884 ,116 862 347 157 358 391 543 157 733 125 307 3,082 1,051 1,790 1,011 452 779 356 1,292 280 874 134 418 319 732 392 40 37 1,146 1,035 978,385 728 139,947 815 838,438 649 679,476 697 563,777 760 143,611 810 374,838 731 233,793 495 129,195 589 104,598 62 2 3 25 26 18 80 148 79 38 26 15 83 224 83 83 212 75 39 23 180 72 30 11 59 16 23 97 410 91 116 86 30 71 294 69 226 24 68 98 96 403,946 42 11,743 81 392,203 52 146,150 60 90,526 70 27,894 83 80,683 67 50,425 67 29,789 61 20,636 55 206 241 5 5 81 81 40 441 511 436 95 40 301 556 742 546 531 707 476 285 110 81 15 20 15 15 2,556 2,802 2,526 205 286 2,035 2,400 670 1,890 335 221 2,570 720 2,081 4,991 9,433 4,986 9,118 4,766 2,291 4,352 180 315 85 185 95 130 175 4,811 2,585 215 5 3,941 3,001 477,705 2,605 194,440 1,231 283,265 1,275 135,835 1,191 127,420 1,565 45,295 1,036 144,395 1,011 71,405 386 40,4*0 855 30,955 155 170 150 35 15 100 135 35 20 125 35 125 250 430 250 410 240 95 170 35 70 25 50 10 20 35 215 120 10 280 200 66,425 155 16,000 130 50,425 95 50,250 105 37,160 125 9,655 110 29,245 95 10,505 55 4,345 70 6,160 185 195 185 30 15 140 195 200 190 185 190 165 105 35 25 5 925 1,045 915 45 90 780 215 325 955 140 55 790 205 1,550 3,200 1,545 3.100 1,460 815 1,640 80 100 25 30 30 25 7,430 25 2,805 10 4,625 20 2,155 15 150 25 885 15 5,000 15 2,200 10 1,375 75 1,470 685 85 5 1,375 1,095 154,230 1,000 84,680 395 69,550 505 41,765 525 30,020 575 14,375 365 42,360 460 22,195 115 9,510 420 12,685 'Data are gi ven by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS a sample of farms. See text] SOUTH CAROLINA OF 1950 -Continued 509 Area 2— Continued Area 3 Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Tenants — Con. Croppers unspeci- fied Not classi- fied Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Malingers Sliare- cash Crop- share Llvestock- share Croppers unspeci- fied Not class! - fled 3,170 35 90 120 5 5 65 65 30 170 215 170 40 15 115 250 385 245 240 375 205 115 45 1,275 1,360 1,260 95 160 1,005 2,080 220 620 130 120 1,465 445 1,150 2,860 5,135 2,860 5,060 2,765 1,210 2,295 40 75 20 45 20 30 2,820 1,635 95 2,000 1,480 183,075 1,250 80,330 600 102,745 555 29,170 445 46,525 705 15,055 450 55,510 365 30,085 165 21,105 285 8,980 5 175 200 175 25 55 30 160 30 20 270 515 270 450 250 135 200 20 65 15 60 20 250 125 15 235 195 65,755 170 10,135 95 55,620 95 12,420 90 13,215 120 5,190 90 11,980 70 6,280 40 4,025 60 2,255 52 426 426 97 33 2,291 2,538 2,251 718 330 1,203 2,214 2,402 1,994 1,949 2,077 1,804 1,022 376 406 235 250 60 75 7,896 9,280 7,801 2,275 1,376 4, W0 4,886 3,432 2,124 1,268 946 6,958 1,766 3,475 8,923 14, 288 8,679 12,873 7,778 3,532 5,095 918 1,415 420 569 553 846 674 8,005 4,694 850 244 9,890 6,796 876,411 5,643 382,399 3,636 494,0L2 5,609 679,067 4,305 374,902 4,687 202,732 2,886 320,066 2,291 196,289 1,189 104,410 1,711 91,879 687 702 270 271 226 2,361 2,773 2,283 979 366 938 2,480 2,985 2,380 2,303 2,714 2,055 1,267 370 418 112 112 137 159 6,173 7,365 5,949 1,844 809 3,296 4,422 2,281 3,416 1,770 ?10 5,283 973 5,624 10,144 19,600 9,974 16,913 9,171 4,693 7,742 1,249 2,687 700 1,469 671 1,218 1,079 8,895 4,605 741 170 9,755 7,136 2,025,534 5,668 563,801 4,466 1,461,733 5,806 2,435,897 4,264 858,129 5,817 334,100 3,701 764,895 3,350 493,794 1,744 311,837 2,639 181,957 2,124 78 221 231 2 3 57 58 79 678 820 653 288 88 277 749 927 739 728 875 647 392 142 113 10 10 36 42 1,270 1,586 1,239 471 187 581 235 340 800 591 158 142 1,003 1,781 3,941 1,727 3,007 1,535 905 1,472 440 934 254 514 239 420 1,221 386 1,341 597 166 54 1,853 1,508 620,656 1,175 155,823 1,097 464,833 1,151 1,492,338 927 417,105 1,196 101,043 1,068 262,769 904 206,119 566 138,107 678 68,012 40 140 143 66 71 321 423 321 179 70 72 382 508 367 357 467 335 205 17 23 24 404 520 401 165 50 186 25 75 136 329 53 270 69 267 546 1,431 535 843 520 182 323 198 588 137 329 100 259 187 348 216 10 11 558 530 450,866 341 81,927 455 368,939 358 377,204 290 113,098 397 45,486 423 187, 521 395 86,252 340 56,132 263 30,120 18 18 18 46 71 44 29 7 8 57 106 57 57 99 49 27 10 58 303 46 58 46 7 12 47 245 47 237 58 205,284 24 5,504 51 199,780 36 96,675 34 46,245 34 12,648 58 47,982 50 19, 116 45 13,806 45 5,310 15 130 130 10 10 85 85 30 426 456 416 125 80 211 467 537 452 437 507 397 252 60 85 15 15 15 15 1,521 1,806 1,496 240 165 1,091 1,925 465 1,346 277 190 1,536 285 2,142 3,728 7,006 3,718 6,816 3,573 1,882 3,243 140 190 85 105 130 3,588 1,771 135 10 2,958 2,233 379,830 1,846 178,605 1,223 201,225 1,366 137,075 996 141,480 1,616 78,940 842 127, 575 842 91,315 332 53,550 726 37,765 125 130 125 30 15 80 25 70 135 20 5 85 5 160 210 485 210 450 200 125 250 20 35 10 10 10 25 20 190 75 5 195 135 ,765 105 ,650 70 ,115 75 ,305 85 ,975 110 ,235 85 ',165 25 ,025 85 :,140 186 191 186 50 25 111 161 181 161 156 176 151 81 30 40 460 495 445 55 65 325 270 185 605 106 55 490 90 551 1,066 2,056 1,061 1,986 1,011 550 975 45 70 30 2,371 5 75 75 10 10 70 70 10 175 200 165 40 40 85 231 271 216 211 251 181 121 25 35 15 15 5 5 796 1,011 786 120 65 601 1,540 175 425 116 115 840 180 1,226 2,151 3,922 2,146 3,862 2,081 1,051 1,781 50 60 30 35 25 25 10 10 725 10 600 5 125 10 160 40 1,021 491 45 5 891 666 119,680 555 56, 505 356 63,175 531 31,695 345 16,905 461 19,930 281 56,820 306 27,225 96 16,705 271 10,520 35 25 14,285 20 10,110 20 4,175 10 20,110 15 40,300 25 12,655 20 1,490 15 600 15 600 45 2,101 1,075 65 1,631 1,241 188,670 1,036 77,760 671 110,910 650 67,705 491 68,945 875 38,425 431 55,845 351 51,150 166 31,955 285 19,195 100 125 100 25 10 65 80 30 146 30 10 246 448 246 433 226 136 207 15 15 10 10 15 231 105 20 196 156 40,705 120 24,980 101 15,725 100 8,260 60 5,355 135 4,535 65 7,540 80 3,125 25 865 65 2,260 41 170 171 44 44 28 890 1,003 849 358 121 370 825 907 765 724 766 627 391 86 150 70 70 56 71 2,929 3,358 2,770 951 392 1,427 2,235 1,401 1,133 522 303 2,558 471 2,199 4,031 6,919 3,948 6,189 3,497 1,717 2,692 424 730 177 284 263 446 341 3,607 2,017 430 83 4,327 2,807 368, 898 2,282 141,942 1,640 226,956 2,895 332,605 2,017 140,201 2,574 95,983 1,310 139,048 1,159 90,992 461 50,242 927 40,750 991354 0-52-34 510 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, Datij are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop- share All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting, 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting, number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobiles farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting, 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules.. farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting Dirt or unimproved farms reporting FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting persons Family workers, including operator farms reporting persons Operators working 1 or more hours persons Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more fsrms reporting persons Hired workers farms reporting persons. Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more). .farms reporting persons Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days ) farms reporting persons Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting No report as to period of expected employment. . farms reporting persons Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting Family workers only farms reporting Operators only farms reporting Unpaid members of operator ' a family only. ... farms reporting Hired workers only farms reporting SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting dol lars Machine hire farms reporting dol lars Hired labor farms reporting dollar. Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dol lars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and ,1 farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars Tractor repairs farms reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol lars 167 833 862 36 36 181 181 137 1,838 2,233 1,785 870 264 651 2,341 2,890 2,315 2,254 2,744 1,983 1,170 423 390 42 42 97 104 6,688 8,051 6,566 1,839 1,038 3,689 3,476 2,978 2,791 1,769 572 3,721 497 6,764 9,554 18,189 9,365 15,268 8,590 4,212 6,678 1,225 2,921 841 1,923 498 998 1,036 8,329 4,479 696 189 9,094 6,689 2,054,095 5,046 443,626 4,203 1,610,469 5,820 2,333,945 4,428 740,835 4,726 268, 168 3,277 784 , 389 2,875 544,203 1,707 333,899 2,248 210,304 343 347 27 27 90 90 51 590 727 573 313 87 173 865 1,070 864 849 1,021 713 355 172 186 12 12 37 37 1,471 1,879 1,431 507 197 727 228 331 749 645 220 673 130 1,241 1,871 4,243 1,802 3,004 1,679 1,325 496 1,239 375 869 167 370 427 ,375 648 100 69 1,952 1,672 752,012 1,192 138, 656 1,200 613,356 1,412 ,082,554 1,141 344,911 1,203 107,119 1,133 296,325 1,031 219,249 697 140,505 805 78,744 37 234 253 9 405 528 394 214 59 121 507 721 507 497 698 451 293 23 561 827 558 286 141 448 730 2,116 713 1,249 672 298 577 261 867 204 628 79 239 244 469 248 723 683 728,311 535 117,405 567 610,906 474 750,843 470 197,791 486 73,567 593 293,838 521 185,683 415 126,248 381 59,435 22 130 22 32 22 17 90,952 8 9,190 17 81,762 16 35,480 9 26,800 18,117 21 13, 789 21 10,989 10 2,800 15 178 203 163 237 287 237 232 282 192 122 35 5 5 1,433 1,560 1,428 142 200 1,086 1,361 740 811 147 887 140 ,972 2,779 5,066 2,774 4,844 2,589 1,300 2,255 82 222 37 97 125 27 77 2,697 1,412 175 2,199 1,563 220, 584 1,166 66,930 867 153,654 1,023 105,263 693 53,135 862 24,117 438 55,430 397 54,570 172 23, 900 342 30,670 5 176 207 176 5 145 130 36 276 602 276 531 256 165 275 11 265 100 20 271 181 64,455 155 6,645 76 57,810 170 33,215 96 16,665 165 7,215 71 20,350 76 18,560 31 3,060 71 15,500 60 165 60 145 50 30 7,150 20 1,600 20 5,550 30 4,140 215 15 950 5 2,500 5 2,500 65 75 60 30 5 25 90 115 90 90 115 85 65 10 391 416 386 45 75 266 140 250 341 731 1,351 731 1, 266 676 305 590 25 85 25 706 406 55 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued a sample of finu. See text] 511 Are a 4— Continued Areas S, A, and B Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Not Total all Tenure of operator ' Not Tenants — Con. Tenants Other and tied Full Part Croppers unspeci - fled All Cash Slia re- cast) Crop- share Li veatock- s ha re Croppera unspeci- fied 1,660 272 5,478 15,488 3,293 1,338 33 3,619 449 75 1,231 30 1,338 276 7,203 1 5 45 45 5 6 6 11 150 150 101 797 862 41 58 288 319 23 20 219 246 13 1 14 15 4 6 99 99 1 11 11 1 5 25 25 6 38 38 16 17? 183 20 20 5 41 23 13 4 1 1 6 IB 161 59 40 4 23 20 5 33 7 20 6 177 5 34 9 1,348 e 5 27 13 642 lie 3,746 50 1,146 43 670 5 22 11 560 5 86 15 201 5 35 76 10 45 27 731 4,484 1,410 881 27 614 103 20 201 5 187 98 1,552 u 30 22 632 3,591 1,096 661 21 520 86 15 186 5 162 66 1,293 12 15 2 264 1,683 600 386 18 198 36 5 60 5 51 41 461 13 10 5 85 5 15 16 92 276 706 441 1,467 3,130 156 340 1,052 86 189 603 2 1 18 36 286 336 50 32 10 10 20 106 90 11 100 148 5 20 51 161 631 1,119 15 5 16 95 21 754 3,945 1,324 898 55 436 43 15 110 5 175 68 1,232 17 85 16 681 2,958 1,045 600 18 326 32 10 85 5 143 51 969 18 85 16 650 2,906 1,034 589 18 316 32 10 80 5 138 51 949 19 95 21 688 3,622 1,262 870 52 396 43 15 85 5 165 83 1,042 20 60 30 15 15 11 6 603 376 136 91 30 30 36 36 3,213 2,623 1,690 469 464 214 219 78 104 8,469 943 605 189 149 24 27 25 3b 1,921 560 438 67 55 12 12 15 16 772 11 11 236 145 16 75 10 10 15 30 1,442 27 22 5 10 5 60 30 5 25 5 5 5 20 540 103 57 6 40 5 5 5 5 568 36 31 873 491 197 183 167 169 21 21 4,319 5 5 5 24 1 1 2 2 15 5 5 81 665 146 213 25 78 15 29 715 162 3,759 9,988 2,342 1,022 43 1,507 218 25 565 15 582 102 5,074 30 665 146 3,139 8,230 1,836 753 12 1,392 203 25 510 15 563 76 4,237 31 45 75 545 21 20 105 897 566 1,676 2,326 1,294 4,610 690 299 847 340 107 306 9 2 1 130 181 1,081 22 46 135 5 40 50 420 42 70 451 21 15 40 1,157 705 2,375 20 15 34 1,150 46 1,852 4,213 406 10 5 1,085 30 210 10 765 70 2,707 V, 830 195 90 120 1,832 1,088 4,726 3,419 902 933 281 442 1,026 1,172 176 211 15 50 430 521 5 10 320 305 80 75 2,517 862 16 10 37 40 6 503 1,876 778 384 17 190 12 5 55 5 87 26 507 38 45 485 10 55 203 1,877 1,254 5,003 274 1,103 221 451 1 19 146 991 20 131 5 10 35 300 61 435 25 110 612 2,439 49 5 40 80 1,000 5 207 184 3,101 360 9,390 82 1,911 23 832 120 2,318 10 298 50 836 5 20 50 948 5 151 135 4,326 41 3 65 42 1,450 257 4,152 12,618 2,768 1,262 27 3,292 408 75 1,155 30 1,383 241 5,269 43 2,440 503 6,634 23,896 5,941 3,687 180 5,927 933 170 2,045 65 2,220 494 8,161 44 1,450 252 4,054 12,345 2,707 1,227 25 3,287 408 75 1,150 30 1,383 241 5,099 45 2,420 477 6,139 19,788 4,440 2.15B 31 5,609 859 145 1,980 65 2,154 406 7,550 46 1,375 222 3,628 11,364 2,575 1,143 25 3,087 373 60 1,075 30 1,318 231 4,534 47 645 145 1,719 5,235 1,093 608 6 1,457 226 40 540 20 526 105 2,071 48 1,045 255 2,511 8,424 1,865 1,015 6 2,522 486 85 905 35 836 175 3,016 19 15 20 10 10 5 10 10 21 26 6 11 15 15 6 366 495 205 246 192 249 174 1,578 4,108 1,135 2,758 668 1,350 910 560 1,501 442 1,066 193 435 367 378 1,529 296 1,065 171 464 207 22 149 16 108 9 41 13 166 318 105 172 88 146 78 27 74 16 35 17 39 10 5 25 55 65 30 35 25 30 30 33 66 18 44 16 22 17 46 88 41 58 25 30 21 452 611 276 347 207 264 245 SO 51 s? 51 5 25 54 55 56 57 58 15 1,435 16 236 268 3,786 1,305 11,040 499 2,208 343 884 20 5 161 3,126 27 381 5 70 50 1,100 33 1,350 46 195 282 4,817 30 60 795 96 2,169 6,216 1,241 402 5 1,721 161 30 585 10 835 100 2,847 61 70 25 5 237 391 98 4,197 897 273 13,018 116 61 2,965 71 35 1,280 185 5 2,938 30 414 15 65 65 5 1,045 65 1,168 10 216 525 170 3,812 6? 2 23 1,045 30 64 750 156 2,754 9,049 2,311 1,139 22 2,341 297 50 865 20 928 181 3,236 65 60,225 29,994 262,236 3,682,100 1,383,340 1,210,179 153,269 456,167 52,852 9,185 151,005 10,705 145,405 87,015 479, 145 66 520 120 2,145 6,930 1,764 880 8 1,837 211 45 680 20 731 150 2,441 67 30,910 6,515 111,445 667,116 233,771 155,887 13, 950 134, 142 10, 767 3,365 49,225 4,370 49,540 16,875 129,366 68 390 96 1,552 6,014 1,659 897 22 1,466 187 35 535 5 563 141 1,970 69 29,315 23,479 150,791 3,014,984 1,149,569 1,054,292 139,319 322,025 42, 085 5,820 101,780 6,335 95,865 70,140 349,779 70 410 127 2,895 8,106 1,896 792 11 1,374 242 45 490 10 466 121 4,033 71 38,370 9,013 359 , 805 2,369,010 959,385 617,250 66,000 214,565 17,900 4,715 46,420 525 59,025 85,980 511,810 72 275 111 2,115 6,082 1,533 723 10 1,030 148 20 435 20 321 86 2,786 73 15,180 10,610 118,198 1,177,350 443,073 327,412 13,978 132,175 34,295 2,550 31,050 235 21,580 42,465 260,712 74 360 116 2,161 7,442 1,877 908 7 1,421 243 30 450 15 533 150 3,229 75 8,170 2,515 56,898 642, 757 242, 243 202, 782 4,934 76,564 11,485 865 16,855 1,420 28, 789 17,150 116,234 76 165 51 1,092 4,805 1,492 804 23 857 123 25 330 10 278 91 1,629 77 11,680 5,205 120, 679 1,166,803 443, 196 407,099 34,337 114,620 23,720 4,650 30,615 1,730 25,165 28,740 167,551 78 110 46 905 4,096 1,228 700 23 812 153 25 315 10 233 76 1,333 79 14,200 4,035 70,912 652, 102 256,075 219,310 23,014 56,884 10,494 1,410 12,665 1,300 14,265 16,750 96,819 80 65 11 402 1,903 700 477 22 211 17 10 70 5 73 36 493 81 5,675 1,850 32,257 404,852 155,459 140,665 18,611 29,825 3,900 950 6,160 750 8,440 9,625 60,292 82 85 41 710 3,244 936 540 13 702 148 25 260 10 188 71 1,053 83 8,525 2,185 38,655 247,250 100,616 78, 645 4,403 27,059 6,594 460 6,505 550 5,825 7,125 36,527 84 512 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are baaed on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text Area 6 Total all Tenure of operator 1 Full Part Tenants farms owners owners Managers All Cash Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- share 1 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS 29,941 5,709 3,497 90 13,843 2,110 335 4,077 40 ? reporting. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . number. . reporting. . 285 1,513 1,736 194 199 519 543 274 112 523 566 85 87 163 164 74 96 503 609 55 58 137 144 116 6 42 72 2 2 18 23 17 50 365 407 40 40 172 182 51 25 67 83 25 25 27 27 26 5 10 71 72 5 5 45 45 1 4 S 6 7 R 9 10 reporting. . 5,135 1,718 1,464 67 1,041 260 10 211 15 11 number. . 6,022 1,962 1,874 123 1,123 285 10 227 15 12 reporting. . 4,962 1,679 1,433 56 980 250 10 186 15 13 14 reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . 2,653 676 1,633 4,914 933 236 510 1,724 876 168 389 1,444 49 6 1 72 360 130 490 1,066 90 25 135 210 46 30 110 5 10 10 15 16 5 17 number. . 7,358 2,481 2,413 263 1,482 325 5 335 15 in Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. . 4,834 1,709 1,429 72 1,041 200 5 261 15 19 reporting. . 4,700 1,677 1,403 71 1,001 195 5 246 5 ?n number. . 7,049 2,411 2,353 247 1,387 300 5 320 5 21 reporting. . 4,221 1,526 1,290 56 834 179 5 191 5 J? reporting. . 2,826 998 870 42 546 102 5 131 5 reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . 850 545 302 226 266 154 18 13 1 188 100 72 5 25 35 24 25 134 27 25 50 15 77 163 40 35 7 45 10 15 10 28 29 30 number. . reporting. . number. . 175 14,238 16,416 43 3,533 4,182 35 2,166 2,791 16 65 97 45 5,469 5,881 10 845 916 15 1,865 1,955 10 20 20 160 170 11 reporting. . 13,830 3,418 2,111 53 5,277 829 160 1,740 20 17 4,093 1,319 933 38 731 188 5 200 33 14 reporting. . reporting. . 2,006 7,731 542 1,557 268 910 14 1 746 3,800 166 475 15 140 245 1,295 20 Farms by class of work power: 35 reporting. . 8,156 328 109 7 4,815 190 25 555 5 36 17 No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules.. farms reporting. . reporting. . 9,810 ■ 2,472 1,529 11 4,502 985 205 1,856 15 .Ifi reporting. . 3,561 1,367 1,203 63 600 169 5 161 15 19 reporting. . CATED FARMS BY KINp OF ROAD ON WHICH LO 40 41 42 reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . 9,642 1,884 1,265 45 4,156 562 55 1.236 18,139 3,467 2,006 34 8,788 1,447 270 2,610 15 FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 41 reporting.. 26,578 5,320 3,310 85 12,715 1,954 320 3,787 40 44 persons.. 61,516 14, 104 12,833 1,109 25,007 4,386 670 7,317 120 4S reporting. . 25,841 5,069 3,198 76 12,619 1,924 320 3,756 40 46 persons. . 44,477 8,577 5,815 85 22,902 3,521 640 6,986 100 47 24,190 4,610 3,017 76 11,999 1,849 305 3,526 35 4R Unpaid members of operator's family reporting. . 12,086 2,380 1,576 8 6,243 1,007 170 2,025 25 49 persons. . 20,287 3,967 2,798 9 10,903 1,672 335 3,460 65 SO reporting. . 5,255 1,760 1,547 81 1,038 342 25 192 10 SI persons. . 17,039 5,527 7,018 1,024 2,105 865 30 331 20 S2 Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more)., farms reporting. . 4,004 1,441 1,316 77 667 262 15 116 5 53 persons. . 11,546 3,995 4,844 737 1,256 615 20 176 5 14 Seasonal workers (to be employed reporting. . 2,050 591 554 23 480 146 10 92 5 55 persons. . 5,493 1,532 2,174 287 849 250 10 155 15 56 Regular hired workers and no seasonal reporting. . 3,205 1,169 993 58 558 196 a5 100 5 57 No report as to period of expected employment. . farms reporting. . SH Farms by kind of workers: persons. . S9 reporting. . 4,518 1,509 1,435 72 942 312 25 161 10 SO reporting. . 21,323 3,560 1,763 4 11,677 1,612 295 3,595 30 61 reporting. . 10,661 1,599 694 3 5,796 731 130 1,620 10 62 63 Unpaid members of operator' s family only. ... farms SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN reporting. . reporting. . 1 949 595 60 737 251 64 reporting. 25,458 5,386 3,376 85 11,312 1,959 315 3,482 40 65 reporting. 21,561 4,863 3,136 85 9,686 1,664 300 3,002 30 66 do] lars. 12,051,995 3,813,199 4,445,889 831.768 2,238,772 619,362 46,885 569,685 10,790 67 reporting. 17,059 3,955 2,543 61 7,594 1,298 255 2,297 25 68 dol lars. 2,271,785 644,490 508,231 63,626 843,995 130,085 16,460 214,315 3,490 61 reporting. 15,918 4,011 2,709 84 6,541 1,244 185 2,112 30 70 dollars. 9,780,210 3,168,709 3,937,658 768,142 1,394,777 489,27" 30,425 355,370 7,300 71 reporting. 12,959 3,329 2,243 62 4,398 1,047 175 1,490 20 77 dol lars. 3,519,867 1,220,866 1,264,256 238,090 481,619 166,064 10,000 97,145 6,625 73 reporting. 8,941 2,480 1,697 54 2,795 628 85 851 20 74 dol lars. 2,241,523 847, 108 826,311 128,346 328,918 115,008 3,360 66, 110 1,085 75 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting. 16,602 3,939 2,637 71 6,393 1,364 185 1,776 30 76 dol lars. 1,776,987 580,819 632,671 65,698 311,519 96,947 4,840 70,130 685 77 Gasoline Bnd other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting. 10,784 3,283 2,145 78 3,757 654 75 1,172 10 78 dol lars. 3,394,878 1,204,641 1,->29,192 155,216 494,675 167,675 4,115 102,480 4,135 79 reporting. 12,233 3,510 2,429 81 4,301 1,034 140 1,477 35 80 dol lars. 1,997,948 647,690 827,525 143,026 249,003 104,408 2,395 54,435 1,355 81 reporting. 3,893 1,452 1,232 77 765 158 5 142 10 82 dol lurs. 1,159,130 393,099 506,107 84, 172 128,088 64,248 325 17,210 680 B3 reporting. 11,103 3,133 2,125 57 4,035 999 140 1,397 30 84 dol lars. 838,818 254,591 321,418 58,854 120,915 40,160 2,070 37,225 675 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued 513 a sample of farms. See text] Area 6 — Continued Area 7 Tenure of operator 1 — Con. Not Total all Tenure of operator 1 Not Tenant i — Con. Tenanta Full classi- Croppers Other and unspeci - tied owners owners Managers All Can Share- cash Crop- share Livestock- shore Croppers Other and unapeci- fled fied 6,657 624 6,802 26,604 6,356 2,173 31 14,355 817 510 5,502 95 6,810 621 3,689 1 5 186 201 5 5 80 90 15 41 51 5 5 20 20 10 21 80 82 12 12 29 30 16 82 443 487 15 16 414 427 47 21 118 128 13 13 156 157 29 15 94 96 1 2 66 77 6 30 192 218 5 6 6 6 6 5 41 42 60 60 20 140 165 60 60 10 16 30 35 44 44 2 3 4 5 6 7 e i 9 10 1 1 12 13 2 5 5 10 10 136 136 10 437 108 845 4,007 1,463 540 18 1,484 131 65 692 5 525 66 502 in 478 108 940 4,286 1,555 589 36 1,576 136 65 719 5 585 66 530 ii 422 97 814 3,916 1,427 538 16 1,457 131 65 666 5 525 65 478 17 182 40 37 25 35 435 136 243 2,537 441 938 991 177 259 409 36 93 15 1 787 180 490 66 10 55 30 10 25 351 85 230 290 70 165 50 5 10 335 47 96 n 5 IS 103 608 3,021 1,158 422 24 998 71 15 392 490 30 419 16 133 719 3,629 1,355 535 43 1,237 82 15 440 665 35 459 17 467 93 583 2,965 1,137 422 24 988 71 15 392 480 30 394 in 457 93 548 2,820 1,097 417 24 893 71 15 352 430 25 389 19 644 113 72 651 515 3,386 2,465 1,281 964 529 373 41 20 1,117 757 77 71 15 15 400 306 595 340 30 25 418 351 70 1\ 52 370 1,848 753 269 19 542 51 10 226 235 20 265 11 81 10 10 81 64 337 280 135 76 63 41 100 115 5 15 5 35 45 55 50 39 47 1 5 74 10 10 20 31 32 71 71 24 24 1 1 15 15 5 5 10 10 31 31 '•h 10 10 2,362 36 36 3,005 162 172 12,428 50 50 3,526 5 5 1,204 2 2 20 95 105 5,914" 40 40 2,407 50 60 2,710 5 5 221 10 10 1,764 ?7 "H 217 311 230 35 29 2,588 232 3,465 14,034 3,959 1,409 35 6,588 331 230 2,686 35 3,050 256 2,043 10 2,317 211 2,971 12,186 3,460 1,188 16 5,797 306 225 2,366 35 2,650 215 1,725 31 287 51 1,072 4,678 2,000 537 11 1,262 76 30 456 5 610 85 868 32 280 1,750 40 120 436 1,463 1,993 5,515 513 947 215 436 1,045 3,490 75 155 40 155 460 1,450 10 20 425 1,615 35 95 220 637 11 5 34 3,960 1,015 1,210 80 210 231 2,897 2,001 1,296 7,233 7,827 8,523 460 2,006 2,732 155 720 876 4,946 4,156 4,255 66 295 385 20 195 280 570 2,120 2,420 20 40 35 4,095 1,265 960 175 241 175 1,672 945 653 V, V, 7 37 192 58 45 328 280 2,379 642 1,039 119 400 22 17 7 642 356 56 15 10 5 351 41 205 '285 20 10 281 138 IB VI 2,162 141 2,292 7,853 1,958 605 14 3,935 215 115 1,465 25 1,960 155 1,341 40 135 175 213 88 15 100 5 25 65 5 10 41 4,070 376 3,844 17,392 4,076 1,441 9 9,824 586 380 3,857 60 4,540 401 2,042 42 6,097 517 5,148 24,005 5,665 2,085 24 13,533 782 505 5,286 90 6,330 540 2,698 43 11,393 1,121 8,463 51,741 12, 890 5,880 117 28,109 1,658 985 12,011 190 12,295 970 4,745 44 6,062 517 4,879 23,772 5,555 2,064 24 13, 503 782 500 5,281 85 6,315 540 2,626 45 10,678 977 7,098 45, 500 10,343 4,462 24 26,699 1,548 950 11,546 160 11,595 900 3,972 46 5,787 497 4,488 22,509 5,134 1,933 24 12,968 742 485 5,036 85 6,105 515 2,450 47 250 1,879 2,610 829 12,237 2,907 1,269 7,181 396 250 3,180 50 3,055 250 880 48 4,891 372 480 97 22,991 2,678 5,209 1,047 2,529 452 13, 731 807 806 57 465 15 6,510 340 75 10 5,490 335 385 50 1,522 356 49 50 16 715 144 1,365 6,241 2,547 1,418 93 1,410 110 35 465 30 700 70 773 51 187 82 503 1,556 688 265 16 417 37 10 175 175 20 170 w 317 206 123 21 714 402 3,072 1,433 1,282 503 784 254 92 1 597 436 52 31 10 5 210 180 305 180 20 30 317 239 10 54 398 21 651 3,169 1,265 634 1 813 58 25 255 30 395 50 456 55 166 76 427 1,245 544 198 15 371 26 10 160 155 20 117 56 57 337 97 560 2,445 937 431 16 777 57 10 335 5 320 50 284 58 59 5,725 420 4,319 21,327 4,618 1,633 8 12,726 725 490 4,946 80 5,995 490 2,342 60 3,115 190 2,569 10,148 2,146 589 8 5,876 340 250 1,916 35 3,070 265 1,529 61 275 35 5,067 10 360 269 5,299 1,120 233 23,248 343 110 5,966 96 21 2,073 520 30 12,470 40 15 5 510 245 5 5,002 200 15 5,560 20 161 72 2,719 67 5 90 449 20 772 536 64 4,322 368 3,791 20,069 5,413 1,812 20 10,770 627 420 4,407 65 4,775 476 2,054 65 863,565 128,485 722,367 5,651,289 2,205,391 788,912 99,069 2,111,630 182,735 78,815 902,670 10,470 836,785 100,155 446,287 66 3,427 292 2,906 13,3S2 3,903 1,178 14 6,906 401 305 2,995 40 2,875 290 1,381 67 448,100 31,545 211,443 1,030.557 427,804 104,658 24,895 370,150 34,840 15,480 165,860 1,320 134,770 17, 880 103,050 68 2,712 258 2,573 17, 845 4,971 1,692 19 9,430 577 360 3,932 60 4,075 426 1,733 69 415,465 96,940 510,924 4,620,732 1,777,587 684,254 74,174 1,741,480 147, 895 63,335 736,810 9,150 702,015 82,275 343,237 70 1,456 210 2,927 13,695 4,130 1,485 3 6,492 447 310 3,045 45 2,335 310 1,585 71 162,895 38,890 315,036 1,579,842 577,835 353,854 475 491,660 104,375 42,715 180,950 1,650 133,370 28,600 156,018 72 1,076 135 1,915 10,964 3,191 1,179 8 5,332 287 295 2,430 30 2,045 245 1,254 73 48, 670 94,685 110,840 991,338 408,380 153,323 2,250 350,355 48,300 17,565 171,815 1,155 96,250 15,270 77,030 74 2,732 306 3,562 15,289 4,612 1,617 15 7,132 591 340 2,836 60 3,000 305 1,913 75 117,622 21,295 186,280 924,108 395,407 148, 721 3,525 267,965 34,890 8,035 101,220 1,580 109,630 12,610 108,490 76 1,677 169 1,521 14,997 4,339 1,472 20 7,735 402 285 3,352 50 3,335 311 1,431 77 184,935 31,335 211,154 2,948,746 1,139,953 430,189 35,078 1,032,415 85,825 36,155 436,960 5,705 420,985 46,785 311,111 78 1,367 248 1,912 11,141 3,851 1,215 20 4,903 396 235 2,297 35 1,685 255 1,152 79 69,250 17,160 130,704 775,400 338,273 123,887 12,617 216,994 21,719 5,140 86,760 805 90,900 11,670 83,629 80 382 35,495 1,246 68 10,130 223 367 47,664 1,753 1,941 285,407 10,683 864 132,598 3,626 294 61,552 1,170 20 4,912 17 513 56,430 4,788 56 8,300 386 5 100 230 182 15,005 2,252 250 30,725 1,630 20 2,300 255 250 29,915 1,082 fll 87 35 SI 33,755 7,030 83,040 489,993 205,675 62,335 7,705 160,564 13,419 5,040 71,755 805 60,175 9,370 53,714 S.l 514 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: 1950 — Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj CENSUS OF Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C Total all farms Tenure of operator 1 Full owners Part owners Managers Al 1 farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARM.' Milking machine. Grain combines. . arms arms Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobi les Year of newest model linder 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms rms arms rms arms arms rms arms FARMS RY KINE OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCAT Hard surface Gravel, shell, or shale Dirt or unimproved. .. FARM LAROR, WEEK PRECEDING E N U M E R A T I Family and/or hired workers Family workers, including operator. Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more. Hired workers Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more).... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers.. egu No report as to period of expected employment. Farms by kind of workers: Roth family workers and hired workers Family workers only.. Operators only Unpaid members of operator's family only. Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 191 Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor Machine hire Hired labor Feed for Iiveatock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other form mnchinery repairs reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. , reporting. . number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting.., number, reporting. . reporting. . number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number. . reporting. number, reporting. number. . reporting, reporting, reporting. . reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. arms arms arms ON arms arms rms arms arms arms anna reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . .persons, reporting, persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons reporting, reporting, persons reporting report ing reporting reporting, reporting reporting reporting dol I ars reporting dollars report mg dol 1 ars reporting dollars reporting dol 1 ars reporting dol 1 ars reporting dol 1 ars reporting dol 1 ars reporting do] I ars reporting dol I ars 13,638 99 242 254 34 34 102 102 102 2,455 2,896 2,350 1,341 366 623 1,691 2,271 1,625 1,598 2,066 1,395 871 308 216 117 118 64 87 4,810 5,496 4,43e 1,787 775 1,876 3,335 6,207 2,395 1,232 459 4,649 165 8,248 11,488 26,322 11,233 20,081 10, 108 6,157 9,973 1,710 6,241 1,096 4,125 863 2,116 847 1,455 9,778 4,166 1,025 255 10,479 t>,336 3,675,056 3,660 235,763 4,942 3,419,293 6,534 1,738,434 3,364 93P,407 7,288 869,413 2,730 ( H4,004 2,629 46C-,02i> '. . 133 27n,f2r. 2,024 192, 2C4 43 117 119 12 12 34 34 60 346 988 806 579 82 145 637 860 617 610 793 528 334 112 82 46 47 15 20 1,206 1,402 1,101 551 172 378 237 695 670 518 119 807 22 1,302 2,046 6,107 1,960 3,460 1,820 988 1,640 657 2,647 508 1,866 280 781 377 571 1,389 629 115 2,057 1,668 1,576,099 959 99, 910 j 1,487 1,476,189 I 1,339 638,401 867 393,023 1,520 368,590 970 324,104 837 177,430 459 106,579 599 70,8".l' 34 58 63 5 5 34 34 23 430 514 417 220 80 117 353 525 348 348 510 293 186 64 43 12 12 2 3 560 652 522 230 87 205 70 485 442 286 1,271 4,655 1,241 2,684 1,171 750 1,513 274 1,971 201 1,247 145 ■7 24 129 244 997 332 60 1,160 924 1,033,126 546 55,544 758 977,582 707 262.448 430 215,515 826 239,894 515 273,526 470 146,129 272 e2,972 368 63,157 25 50 12 12 23 | 23 14 49 ! 129 48 45 146 47 50 532 47 56 47 48 474 46 425 15 49 51 518,780 20 11,533 51 507,247 39 379,297 32 160,302 46 58,954 51 86,260 45 62,885 43 41,130 35 21,755 157 169 132 61 40 31 92 121 92 67 116 75 42 324 391 300 53 65 182 211 350 277 67 25 274 602 863 2,029 881 1,"69 821 521 948 76 260 56 159 32 101 787 291 20 12 755 544 206, 5 "5 274 20,886 444 185 , 669 376 66,138 223 42,095 495 59,998 203 54,674 239 34,114 e.i 23,831 196 10,283 'Data are given by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 515 Economic Area Table 6 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 — Continued [Data are baaed on reporta for only a sample of farma. See text] (For definitions and explanations, aee text) Areas 8 and C — Continued Tenure of operator 1 — Continued Tenant a — Continued Crop -ah a re Li vestock- share Crop per a Other and unspecified Not clanai fied All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine. Grain combines. . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Motortrucks. Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other thon garde Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors Automobiles. Year of newest model • Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules.. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH l.OCAT Hard surface Gravel , shell , or shale ■ Dirt or unimproved FARM LABOR. WEEK PRECEDING E N 1 M E R A T I Family and/or hired workers Family workers, including operator. Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more. Hired workers Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more).... Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers-. No report as to period of expected employment Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Family workers only. Operators only. Unpaid members of operator's family only. Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Speci fied farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor. Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline odd other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs arms reporting. aims reporting. number- arms reporting. number. arms reporting. number. arms reporting. arms reporting. number. arms reporting. [arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. number farms reporting arms reporting number. arms reporting. arms reporting arms reporting. farms reporting. arms reporting. number. arms reporting. number arms reporting. number. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. : arms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. N arms reporting. persons. . arms reporting. . persons. . . . .persons, arms reporting. persons. rms reporting. persons. arms reporting. persons. arms reporting. persons. arms reporting. arms reporting. persons. rms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms arms reporting, . reporting. dol lars. . arms reporting. . dollars. arms reporting. dol lars. arms reporting, dol lars. arms reporting, dollars. arms reporting, dollars. arms reporting, dol lars. arms reporting. doll ars. arms reporting, dol 1 ars. arms reporting, dollars. 25 20 3,525 10 1,150 20 2,375 25 2,450 5 7,500 20 2,240 10 1,750 10 1,775 5 1,250 10 525 90 95 eo 5 25 50 35 140 110 10 5 70 210 280 625 280 620 275 180 345 5 5 5 5 275 95 5 240 185 18, 650 120 4,410 135 14,240 125 6,405 60 5,115 135 6,180 65 4,370 80 6,715 10 5,095 70 1,620 5 100 160 90 20 15 140 40 45 20 5 80 160 230 485 230 480 220 120 260 225 105 10 5 250 5 15,000 5 50 5 300 5 725 5 1,475 5 975 5 500 165 115 21,270 50 3,220 100 18,050 65 10,070 50 1,425 105 5,735 40 7,550 30 4,475 25 3,125 20 1,350 113 277 108 253 103 85 150 13 24 8 18 6 6 100 20 5 99 43 17,053 21 935 33 16,118 38 9,510 16 15,715 79 3,350 28 5,835 23 2,477 'Data are Riven by tenure of operator for commercial farms only. 516 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Dat eports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of f a rm Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- Livestock* other than dairy and poultry General — primarily crop FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Far . number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other Income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days ,. .operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years..... operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years . Operators by years on oresent farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms reporting Average of lust monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant larms reporting Electric water pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater farms reporting Home freezer furms reporting Electric wushing machine farms reporting Electric chick brooder . . farms reporting Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting 139,195 76, 549 9,010,005 79,041 3,813,389 466 682,179 25,074 1,586,605 11,918,968 85.6 5,614 69.61 87 82 129,978 3,969.030 24,918 36,004 29,227 23,682 11,634 3,038 1,475 27,405 504,480 46,323 927,899 35,883 1,207,800 69,181 4,379,984 24,919 478,183 103,973 451,592 135,400 5,401,409 61,719 2,190,463 80,861 5,587,784 102 7,407 74 2,657 130,525 5,278 51,517 18,749 32,768 84,474 5,758 23,802 31,536 27,599 21.804 16,916 46.5 56,499 15,911 23,656 51,629 11 11,896 95,060 94,842 4.43 218 32.865 13,627 9,175 36 . 424 12,674 1,055 1,148 809 228,397 547 58,884 • 16 21,787 460 46,238 262,830 228.9 13,609 65.98 78 71 t 1,148 87,465 10 175 182 236 301 150 94 308 9,230 403 17,188 357 19,999 698 111,421 275 9,794 890 7,733 1,148 113,883 653 39,023 813 131,420 973 116 309 167 142 770 45 200 225 193 175 183 47.2 451 156 136 492 13 249 890 890 6.84 496 284 138 390 175 34 40,172 14,068 1,808,782 30,828 1,568,336 79 87,751 4,533 302,087 3,162,782 78.7 4,564 59.87 87 84 40,172 1,570,952 1,366 9,217 11,323 10,864 5,717 1,178 507 6,086 82,476 11,431 200,498 8,978 225,886 16,269 890,522 6,515 98,930 27,331 93,518 40,172 1,853,926 15,014 407,292 19,053 1,116,408 5 20 38,037 1,177 2,554 9,814 7,886 1,928 29,455 1,741 6,298 9,405 8,256 6,270 4,237 46.1 17,891 4,140 7,354 12,878 10 27,565 10,093 839,998 20,043 696,402 19 11,455 3,320 128,775 1,419,080 51.5 5,270 104.95 89 87 27,565 665,797 2,595 10,485 7,892 5,044 1,369 140 40 4,012 18,210 5,225 45,123 4,463 85,322 12,942 541,975 1,984 22,352 18,419 40,301 27,565 729,130 8,030 125,884 14,032 627,297 6 60 26,500 627 4,761 3,435 1,326 22,353 1,915 6,447 6,815 5,353 2,927 1,806 42.0 13,850 4,926 4,634 8,063 890 19,016 18,951 3.42 6^ 3,790 1,592 2,146 7,390 2,307 109 1,174 827 130,893 590 45,410 1 5,000 . 242 15,782 165,521 141.0 8,129 62.95 83 76 1,174 54,364 225 180 270 206 189 72 32 310 4,768 452 13,639 283 12,335 622 67,217 168 3,212 848 9,986 1,174 72,771 567 20,315 734 79, 552 13 1,005 8 955 1,107 56 246 157 89 912 40 196 2-'l 268 213 122 46. .8 335 101 236 532 .126 809 347 126 199 280 102 661 564 110,650 225 17,987 36 14,025 357 31,651 111,011 167.9 21,277 114. 18 79 661 44,629 31 75 120 141 185 71 38 148 6,321 296 8,834 258 8,627 420 30,833 300 6,279 595 5,488 661 59,784 478 21,227 511 39,460 26 1,425 26 1,425 618 28 148 423 1 57 117 181 152 113 51.8 117 10 107 404 222 613 608 8.49 486 241 102 381 157 43 1,590 1,386 337,722 655 92,994 49 28,972 599 41,017 418,671 263.3 19,875 73.54 82 84 1,433 118,807 105 131 225 284 329 217 142 1,144 65,151 685 28,009 892 54,982 1,137 l'l2,710 658 25,791 1,472 13,221 1,555 211,967 1,489 145,924 1,380 167,692 12 425 60 1,465 78 396 138 258 1,159 31 184 338 357 347 197 49.2 325 37 246 960 17 652 1,517 1,516 16.77 1 1,326 852 345 941 508 117 1,520 1,371 186,631 398 24,522 32 24,313 524 28,821 206,645 136.0 9,075 67.86 83 82 1,240 45,948 251 302 165 243 211 54 14 586 11,477 638 18,044 594 23,985 1,064 92,085 521 8,228 1,402 6,878 1,344 75,469 1,049 43,690 1,212 116,070 1 1,436 63 401 456 167 289 1,009 15 236 321 271 320 266 50.1 418 63 221 800 16 426 1,445 1,440 9.49 5 1,044 426 233 901 585 36 3,035 2,535 818,870 1,042 139,672 109 239,907 1,299 134,866 1,063,583 350.4 16,385 51.48 84 76 2,796 168,460 265 411 496 650 522 310 142 1,613 37,801 1,160 55,959 1,559 231,123 2,134 400,096 719 73,638 2,646 46,506 2,957 312,220 2,440 392,562 2,626 631,219 1 2,500 2,762 203 819 382 437 2,093 25 277 507 725 691 473 51.1 591 94 434 1,798 17 652 2,651 2.643 7.15 8 1,682 807 552 1.292 747 119 SOUTH CAROLINA 517 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 a sample of farms. See text"] The State — Continued Area 1 Typ< of farm— Con. Total Type it furm Livestock other than dairy and poultry General — primarily livestock General — crop and 1 i vestock laneous and unclassi - tied all farms Cash- grain Cotton Other field, crop Vege- table Fruit Bnd- nul Dairy Poultry General — primuri ly crop General — pr imari J y livestock General — crop und ll vcatock luneous and unclaaai - fled 284 2,446 56,089 6,380 32 1,253 10 15 40 71 105 104 68 30 115 4,537 247 2,059 40,192 4,320 21 507 5 10 40 70 100 84 42 25 110 3,306 1 39,546 495,820 3,358,366 350,029 6,287 44,185 345 3,110 2,945 13,085 8,855 16,915 6,228 2,645 12,070 233,359 3 91 912 21,694 2,462 17 825 5 5 15 15 35 31 42 5 20 i,447 4 10,000 118,675 835,600 134,678 2,065 42,620 815 295 865 1,595 1,030 4,170 5,298 350 985 74,590 5 2 8,611 18 54,779 87 143,719 3 10,431 1 4,255 1 1,240 1 4,936 117 945 11,632 967 12 127 5 5 10 21 65 23 13 5 35 646 ft 7,813 66,086 685,955 58,999 851 8,487 265 400 175 1,405 2,285 1,735 1,908 100 1,025 40,363 9 50,344 603,188 3,651,730 436,139 7,501 82,573 895 3,005 3,635 14,515 7,600 19,350 9,618 2,8915 12,030 272,522 in 177.3 246.6 65.1 68.4 234.4 65.9 89.5 200.3 90.8 204.4 72.4 186.1 141.4 96.5 104.6 60.1 n 8,548 •11,802 4,514 4,870 15,441 4,623 7,000 39,000 6,069 19,882 6,549 6,592 6,147 5,20d 8,402 4,375 i? 59.31 52.69 74.03 71.91 59.76 71.22- 78.21 139.53 66.78 86.32 74.55 38.12 48.28 48.60 77.05 74.07 ii 85 88 86 89 84 89 100 67 100 86 62 93 99 83 78 90 14 69 80 81 88 93 88 100 93 100 97 75 87 89 92 82 89 15 279 2,446 47,553 5,714 32 1,253 10 15 40 71 95 104 68 3U 115 3,881 16 15,483 177,230 743,883 116, 598 2,250 37,170 175 770 790 4,820 2,185 3,534 2,498 815 4,325 57,266 17 40 60 19,909 1,650 45 5 5 10 25 20 5 1,535 IF 60 60 296 426 14,322 7,513 1,770 1,318 320 486 5 5 5 15 15 5 20 30 15 20 30 5 35 10 5 20 45 1,340 646 11 20 40 566 4,412 702 10 265 5 15 20 15 20 5 35 312 21 50 643 1,209 208 5 120 10 5 12 5 5 5 41 22 10 19 144 3,830 138 295 160 1,177 38,103 1,066 157 31 lb, 787 142,926 23,638 54 12 969 12,341 3,659 5 1 1 282 11 16 1 177 1,680 597 5 5 250 10 5 6 41 2,380 40 6 1 37 465 61 2 1 11 229 47 10 45 585 75 5 2 627 6,055 2,683 5 10 20 5 55 30 15 350 75 10 27 2,980 36,631 444,009 54,791 710 6,212 235 125 110 1,230 1,185 1,390 662 465 1,575 40,892 ■If. 153 1,323 15,757 2,734 6 563 5 10 25 36 40 33 22 20 60 1,914 2< 4,220 85,960 388,686 15,626 190 7,530 50 490 635 850 625 1,035 2,097 275 995 30,854 3( 213 1,928 29,410 4,103 22 718 10 10 25 46 85 84 53 30 115 2,905 31 18,165 219,860 1,583,315 157,969 3,702 19,634 350 570 1,890 3,955 2,185 10,044 3,502 755 2,820 108, 562 32 116 867 12,072 3,405 16 713 10 15 15 56 85 72 37 30 95 2,261 33 2,480 25,923 175,309 34,384 270 7,321 25 535 130 835 815 2,625 415 465 1,450 19,498 34 259 2,201 45,022 5,656 27 1,062 10 15 40 66 100 94 5e 30 115 4,039 35 3,186 19,481 173,602 14,430 97 3,026 60 265 70 445 255 257 215 65 280 9,395 36 279 2,446 52,588 6,188 32 1,253 10 15 40 71 105 104 68 30 115 4,345 37 22,293 251,964 1,330,818 183,730 3,242 45,062 410 1,145 910 8,430 3,720 5,389 3,389 1,335 6,485 104,213 3f 239 2,010 27,633 4,795 17 938 10 15 30 71 90 99 53 30 115 3,327 3< 10,530 149,986 706,921 92,351 742 16,531 75 1,275 775 4,065 1,790 4,125 2,741 795 3,030 56,407 41 249 2,234 35,379 4,868 22 863 10 15 35 56 90 94 58 30 115 3.4B0 41 22,385 305,820 1 1,800 1,972,001 30 133 20 203,595 6 202 6 3,892 27,164 400 1,060 2,525 4,805 5 200 5 2,810 11,079 5,599 1,030 3,815 139,416 1 2 1 42 V 118 52 50 2 46 278 2,257 51,816 6,090 26 1,216 5 15 40 61 105 102 68 30 115 4,307 47 1 33 37 149 378 606 2,596 39,134 33,019 193 3,652 3,016 21 75 340 5 5 10 5 20 10 10 20 45 40 2 12 28 7 21 10 25 170 3,458 2,512 l' 10 SO 15 339 5,497 851 10 300 10 15 11 20 20 465 51 22 247 267 1,790 27,522 21,621 2,165 3,222 40 886 5 5 5 10 10 30 10 51 25 65 17 66 1 37 5 85 2,047 1,940 V 17 30 SS 21 219 503 1,835 9,139 12,088 150 1,020 1,416 50 155 330 15 5 5 15 25 5 36 15 6 10 30 100 790 978 S4 15 36 10 1 5S 5 56 51 565 10,656 1,141 10 255 5 5 5 36 15 20 40 750 S7 71 86 57.2 551 397 50.9 9,462 8,587 48.1 1,203 909 48.5 5 5 46.6 242 100 47.2 5 5 58.3 5 15 50.9 20 5 50.5 30 15 50.4 31 1 48.5 22 15 51.4 10 15 61.3 20 10 48.6 813 723 48.7 Sf SO 47.0 60 35 10 38 206 433 46 408 1,492 20,963 6,099 9,184 22,353 2,891 916 980 2,091 15 10 705 230 155 346 5 5 5 5 15 1 10 60 30 20 50 21 10 30 10 25 13 20 25 60 2,049 651 735 1,427 5 25 t," 61 12 10 20 63 64 22 17 12 11 7 9 14 14 21 18 13 14 8 18 16 15 "5 68 269 482 2,085 5,960 38,815 569 4,756 11 27 31 892 5 15 5 25 20 66 15 90 8 98 1 52 5 30 20 iio 448 3,346 66 5 67 269 2,085 38,720 4,756 27 892 5 15 25 66 90 98 52 30 110 3,346 h« 7.75 174 6.18 1,311 4.52 95 15,714 3.80 5.98 16 2.86 185 2.70 5 7.33 5 4.60 10 16.24 56 8.04 55 4.05 26 2.67 16 3.02 20 5.26 55 3.67 989 69 70 1,43S 71 63 34 164 488 385 1,119 6,393 3,441 16,880 519 229 2,397 56 25 335 5 5 10 5 5 15 36 10 50 20 5 70 6 1 46 6 41 5 10 85 386 162 1,704 16 5 20 74 83 12 593 89 4,827 28U 560 42 1 45 5 5 5 31 15 25 16 5 5 10 35 5 382 12 75 ' 518 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of fa Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms numbe r Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not wood land ) farms reporti ng acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years . Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting Electricity farms reporting From a power line farms reporting Average of last monthly electric bill dollars From a home plant larms reporting Electric WBter pump farms reporting Electric hot-water heater.. ..farms reporting Home freezer farms reporting Electric washing machine ..farms reporting Electric chick brooder farms reporting Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting 22, 969 13, 722 1,239,556 11, 060 556,475 111 79, 778 4,283 i30, 108 1,645,701 71.6 6,735 96.89 88 20, 799 593, 630 4,303 5,771 4,423 3,812 1,840 465 185 3,933 68, 263 9,774 184, 532 7,883 168,962 11,101 434,874 8,416 118,828 18,647 76,612 22,240 846,425 14,249 356,053 14, 198 603, 836 27 1,223 26 1,183 21,756 784 11,025 3,217 575 3,223 5,396 5,039 4,039 3,063 46.1 9,421 2,639 4,285 8,474 11 2,921 18, 794 18, 749 4. 73 45 7,760 2,992 1,271 8,098 2,688 241 293 202 48,408 130 16,437 10 4,800 87 10, 755 58,890 201.0 21,215 104. 59 75 , 75 293 27,643 85 33 45 68 1,675 124 4,699 132 5,928 178 11,589 135 5,406 228 1,950 293 34,017 228 13, 009 213 17,517 242 46 242 242 5.91 7,297 2,218 207,169 5,689 280, 158 9 8,112 635 30,773 464,666 63.7 4,941 79.58 86 84 7,297 242,475 250 1,875 2,026 2,105 846 165 30 902 9,471 2,257 33, 196 2,087 37,241 2,855 97,219 2,147 27,291 5,297 17,773 7,297 285, 142 3,676 74,003 3,566 134,460 7,110 102 1,959 61 1,590 41 369 181 5,248 15 235 40 1,120 67 1,883 46 1,588 41 1,122 43 722 47.0 46.0 111 3,617 30 1,021 51 1,363 121 2,112 12 109 322 5,400 5,395 2.95 5 1,122 342 167 1,533 459 15 1,785 1,805 120.3 7,800 64.82 100 100 15 375 5 125 70 15 380 5 175 10 ,230 35 2,585 15 355 10 2,930 65.1 11,294 173.46 100 100 45 1,405 5 10 10 10 15 300 15 400 25 295 5 15 40 160 45 2, 105 35 610 35 650 5 15 5 45.1 40 5.42 437 372 65,113 135 7,640 20 7,750 232 18, 078 62, 425 142.8 21, 660 128.16 76 90 437 28,940 15 55 60 105 135 46 21 79 3,237 165 3,969 170 5,712 272 13,571 229 4,644 401 2,302 437 36, 196 327 13, 643 337 19,283 15 1,155 15 1,155 402 25 183 80 103 249 30 90 114 111 67 51.9 136 416 411 7.46 5 330 140 72 277 110 37 498 426 71, 116 232 23, 650 17 10,387 171 11,070 94,083 188.9 19,290 100. 76 81 82 443 30, 366 30 50 75 90 110 61 27 340 13, 105 200 7,525 271 8,674 333 22,468 256 8,345 463 3,600 498 50, 996 483 30,124 398 31,142 1 40 471 12 138 55 127 96 93 70 49.7 102 21 87 304 18 193 468 4 68 16.64 413 206 83 321 174 22 290 265 27,945 45 1,730 20 5,355 105 6,850 28, 180 97.2 11,388 104. 40 86 245 ,355 10 90 1,145 120 3,065 110 4,175 205 8,075 150 2,735 280 1,630 245 11,565 215 8,055 240 12,250 280 10 100 45 45 60 70 60 50 49. 7 90 20 45 145 14 285 285 10.49 205 105 143 155 280 219 54,661 70 4,605 16 19,240 96 12,464 66,042 235.9 15,718 70.29 91 259 13,764 33 30 45 62 60 21 8 147 8,274 141 2,761 156 11,300 162 21,481 134 5,815 248 2,647 280 24,799 253 25,389 220 32, 781 250 25 25 71 93 56 56.3 30 184 19 81 261 261 7.99 188 104 129 95 SOUTH CAROLINA 519 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued a sample of farms. See text"] Area 2 — Conti Type of farm — Con. General — crop and livestock Miscel - laneous and unclassi fled Total all farms Type of farm Cash- Rrain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit and- Dairy Livestock other than dairy and poultry General — priman ly crop General — pnman ly llveatock General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous • nd inclasai fled 40 4,085 15 700 85 1,675 3,110 69.1 7,000 114.49 78 45 760 10 500 15 615 30 620 45 175 45 1,415 45 1,390 35 900 414 333 53,718 137 14, 123 2 6,500 176 8,574 65,761 158.8 12,634 87.28 93 85 414 24, 121 5 100 75 95 95 20 149 4,971 191 6,615 221 6,887 299 16,694 249 4,595 409 1,978 414 35,607 399 16,453 379 23, 581 379 25 16 51 127 105 95 54.7 72 271 20 105 378 378 5.03 207 190 102 12, 842 . 9,208 619,070 4,362 188,845 14 10,004 2,533 115,439 702, 480 54.7 5,780 109. 26 90 87 10, 793 179,337 3,890 3,461 1,972 1,115 318 29 8 1,963 19,769 6,347 113,978 4,455 78,805 6,389 216,895 4,831 52,177 10,800 41,519 12, 158 313,084 8,150 150, 751 8,337 295, 700 6 13 12,034 520 8,263 1,221 7,042 4,346 315 1,855 2,954 2,839 2,277 1,817 48.4 5,174 1,501 2,466 4,697 11 1,844 10, 788 10, 758 4.71 30 4,855 1,865 730 5,107 1,420 91 12,599 6,711 867,459 6,743 418,192 65 68,693 2,372 140, 342 ,214,002 96.4 5,150 54.53 83 11,619 312,935 2,225 3,270 2,726 2,191 937 214 56 3,746 81, 170 5,504 127,323 5,534 176,415 6,439 384,356 3,297 77,653 10,383 54,150 12,218 521,428 7,823 335,238 8,190 560, 771 23 321 18 301 11,730 436 5,803 2,171 3,632 6,417 425 1,865 2,683 2,599 2,100 1,789 48.0- 4,928 1,290 2,226 4,558 11 1,516 8,871 8,851 4.39 20 3,249 1,339 618 3,204 1,202 111 5,305 1 1,500 28 2,050 18,541 220.7 15,032 69.58 68 66 84 5,220 10 25 20 11 3 24 1,264 29 1,215 54 3,475 59 5,802 31 941 5,680 69 9,277 64 3.57 5,721 1,645 210,122 4,442 245, 206 19 18,297 580 37,395 436,230 76.3 4,304 56.15 84 84 5,721 172,558 250 1,685 1,695 1,435 569 63 24 1,145 16,547 1,976 34, 894 2, 198 54,875 2,400 119,072 1,332 21, 182 4,365 17,102 5,721 223,999 3,005 92,604 3,131 173,947 5 20 5,424 142 1,783 1,500 283 3,783 240 811 1,267 1,191 875 748 47.2 2,544 570 1,137 1,659 9 377 3,544 3,544 3.01 738 261 145 344 322 16 725 72.6 3,400 46.90 100 100 10 246 175 5 5 40.0 10 2. 16 545 10 325 870 43.5 2,167 50.78 20 350 10 280 15 2.17 8,338 20 1,505 5 525 25 2,080 8,288 202.1 17,490 107. 83 61 41 3,180 25 610 31 223 41 4,925 36 1,785 36 2,530 11 270 11 270 291 239 53, 069 99 16,496 17 8,156 122 6,721 71,000 244.0 11,980 48.59 79 80 256 16,129 47 6 229 11,860 162 5,737 218 11,888 220 18,540 121 4,858 275 1,988 271 33,726 276 28,606 266 30,428 1 10 148 15 134 286 286 13.53 231 150 36 173 91 21 185 175 30,119 37 4,919 5 2,500 61 2,750 34,788 188.0 12,480 59.21 84 155 7,359 99 2,427 102 3,105 104 3,051 159 16,677 53 1,000 175 1,169 170 12,891 150 6,478 160 19,728 1 79 180 180 13.43 150 73 16 138 79 3 193 166 60,415 47 10,698 6 10, 389 99 5,752 75,750 392.5 13,033 33.93 SO 174 8,223 10 101 9,625 80 4,900 144 18,722 118 17,768 109 14,225 177 2,287 182 22,748 188 42,572 176 36,490 136 19 39 152 152 5.79 100 42 120 113 39,790 35 11,886 2 2,727 74 8,172 46,231 385.3 14,504 39.61 92 120 11,059 28 2,555 114 2,027 120 17,562 95 12,695 115 24,087 5 20 40 108 108 6.17 65 2,630 10 335 20 1,065 1,900 54.3 7,700 144.38 35 655 15 125 25 310 15 310 20 330 35 145 35 1,090 25 460 25 640 35 3.38 198 160 47, 187 69 9,460 3 10,400 97 7,659 59,388 299.9 13,639 46.95 85 198 10,593 57 9 7 126 3,999 137 5,394 148 8,205 183 25,258 100 3,447 198 2,492 198 19,986 188 15,651 193 33, 463 73 40 33 124 52 49 54.7 26 138 18 168 168 4.73 5,701 4,069 400, 733 1,932 112,057 7 14,199 1,266 66, 698 460,291 80.7 4,468 57.96 83 79 4,805 77,364 1,895 1,442 846 477 122 22 1 1,908 30,718 2,866 67,665 2,554 69,009 3,130 160, 832 1,488 28,735 4,919 25,968 5,366 175,747 3,776 128,462 4,004 229,841 5,251 229 3,653 517 3,136 1,872 165 941 1,205 1,108 980 824 48.2 2,155 666 941 2,173 12 753 4,269 4,249 4.36 20 1,746 725 327 1,792 584 52 520 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE. AND VALUE mber farms numl Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 .to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years..... operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECI F I ED FACI LITIES Telephone fa Electricity fa From a powe r 1 ine fa Average of last monthly electric bill From a home plant la Electric water pump fa Electric hot-water heater fa Home freezer fl Electric washing machine fa Electric chick brooder... fa Electric power- feed grinder fa rms rms re porting porting porting dollars porting porting porting porting porting porting porting 11,586 6,472 1,051,798 6,245 336,382 34 38,619 2,290 135,675 1,291,124 111.4 5,435 50.94 84 10,525 319,656 1,744 3,102 2,378 1,918 1,001 268 114 3,060 84,374 4,432 96,882 4,371 189,701 6,046 479,239 3,210 79,974 8,805 41,298 11,239 500,912 6,656 354,049 7,276 668,940 10,938 399 5,136 2,136 3,000 6,209 391 1,734 2,300 2,144 2,114 2,014 48.9 4,077 921 1,976 4,847 13 1,073 8,019 8,006 4.23 13 3,117 1,215 513 2,760 979 46 110 70 15,690 65 1,895 50 3,170 14,415 131.0 7,431 56.93 77 110 6,175 5 15 30 15 5 35 765 20 340 40 2,245 50 3,775 25 675 80 440 110 7,280 50 3,685 105 5 30 105 105 5.62 50 4,464 1,502 233,282 3,378 158,080 ' 6 4,220 513 29,248 366,334 82.1 3,962 47.90 82 82 4,464 145,599 145 1,350 1,321 1,000 507 116 25 878 15,221 1,300 22, 552 1,312 45, 587 1,787 109,005 939 17,865 3,900 10,505 4,464 183,372 1,981 78,673 2,099 154, 592 10 ,455 5 675 20 1,965 47 42 11,625 22 3,285 4,286 117 1,553 1,283 270 2,809 200 721 859 947 810 554 1,734 290 865 1,588 11 177 2,729 2,729 2.86 556 135 101 489 180 16 5 735 1,395 93.0 2,050 50.00 33 15 510 710 1,405 56.2 7,588 129.70 80 25 625 5 42 3,774 11, 136 236.9 21,511 90.79 100 100 47 4,414 5 10 145 15 840 65 25 825 10 305 272 20 375 16 280 47 710 47 5,061 32 1,387 42 5,085 227 202 53,057 64 10,771 5 1,250 74 4,893 60, 185 265.1 12,762 49.60 81 211 12,741 10 30 25 65 50 22 9 176 11,315 98 3,070 121 6,916 152 20, 553 107 4,240 212 1,350 227 27,126 216 22,471 202 27,469 293 268 41,888 87 4,570 77 2,871 43,587 148.8 7,204 56.27 90 248 10,033 35 45 50 50 55 5 2 148 4,245 116 2,336 138 5,365 216 18,584 126 1,785 277 1,239 263 16,614 218 11,395 243 23,949 56 1 15' 10 10 5.19 66 206 206 10.96 166 115 29 108 43 47 293 293 6.72 233 103 57 218 190 76, 020 47 14,031 12 26,950 81 5,907 111,094 509.6 19,881 42.48 80 73 187 12,952 5 20 15 64 49 26 8 158 14,748 66 3,880 170 33,486 156 32,256 99 11,105 206 2,666 212 31,581 20B 59,340 213 65, 742 185 29 95 78 35 22 60 56 198 135 40 8 82 34 35 69 70 39 35 44 48.9 54.0 90 33 10 6 26 38 172 135 17 18 187 187 6.96 107 69 19 60 55 SOUTH CAROLINA 521 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued a sample of farms See text"] Area 4 — Continued Type of farm— Con. General — primari 1 y livestock 9,530 20 2,715 25 1,620 10, 625 236.1 3,768 16.82 78 74 crop and 35 420 20 310 40 795 45 4,220 2,480 45 5,015 15 56.3 312 276 86,691 91 9,366 5 2,915 168 12,356 86,616 277.6 14,767 56. oe 85 81 312 24,868 Miscel - laneous and unclassi - fled 96 100 28 28 151 9,817 141 3,685 211 11,459 247 26,313 197 8,120 296 2,354 312 38,270 292 29,396 297 37,772 297 10 64 35 29 242 78 184 18 113 286 286 6.93 229 101 43 191 104 5,653 3,690 471,813 2,387 122,283 6 3,284 1,170 62,562 534,820 94.6 4,575 51.49 85 4,684 81,958 1,533 1,582 862 567 119 17 4 1,373 25,437 2,567 58, 555 2,209 78, 508 3,174 238, 385 1,563 31,202 4,540 20,775 5,342 165,950 3,437 135,147 3,873 316,893 5,289 196 3,935 3,186 700 2,486 2,344 165 831 1,185 907 961 1,204 49.9 2,003 575 897 2,392 13 476 3,940 3,927 4.16 13 1,555 561 228 1,526 467 Areas 5, A, and B Total all farms 15,488 9,938 1,246,498 7,642 445, 783 44 58,520 2,577 168,026 1,582,775 . 102.2 5,146 52.48 90 86 14,076 498,553 2,533 3,239 3,073 2,907 1,675 431 218 3,458 71,745 6,905 153,431 3,514 124,790 9,011 638, 452 1,927 41,584 13, 003 54,220 14,986 723,729 6,288 238,119 10,013 763,242 1 75 14,514 593 6,405 1,822 4,583 8,709 476 2,496 3,437 3,019 2,642 2,072 47.7 6,017 1,504 2,530 6,064 12 1,624 11,596 11,581 4.27 15 4,415 1,363 1,103 4,616 1,256 93 Type of farm Cash- Rrain 123 108 27,650 27 2,554 30,311 246.4 8,535 39.85 94 82 123 11,137 32 11 36 1,295 71 2,815 32 1,015 103 12,873 16 325 122 851 123 15,247 57 2,635 103 13,888 25 20 49.0 6,032 2,726 394,269 4,124 244,399 9 10,475 720 45,995 603,148 100.0 4,430 45.62 90 6,032 267,430 141 1,056 1,650 1,797 1,082 204 102 1,132 17,020 2,357 49,132 1,246 39,602 3,097 201,739 615 11,452 4,839 16,773 6,032 333,582 2,135 68,074 3,407 241,341 Other field- crop 277 146 19,715 177 15,093 5 1,075 41 1,153 34,730 125.4 3,559 33.75 85 277 12,188 5 55 55 Vege- table 182 157 27,938 61 7,460 Fruit and- 56 5,609 178 1,283 918 365 4,508 241 964 1,385 1,101 1,006 659 46.4 2,615 586 1,062 1,887 10 238 4,086 4,081 3.32 5 993 249 270 1,106 317 30 96 1,065 112 1,823 57 1,720 182 16,136 35 650 237 1,148 277 15,076 117 3,435 197 17,856 272 5 30 207 5 45 85 71 40 6 43.9 110 45 60 231 231 4.01 32 2,937 32,461 178.4 6,837 42.14 92 83 182 10,467 30 10 55 25 35 20 7 70 740 86 2,290 41 1,028 122 16,111 26 380 147 1,445 182 13,497 102 2,148 137 17,139 2,640 11 5,750 26 1,872 14,688 253.2 23,490 101.51 171 6 20 132 40 54.7 37 110 20 147 147 4.15 15 10 15 10 7 16 665 38 ,355 27 980 15 615 53 710 58 8,476 32 2,260 38 4,887 139 129 38,065 55 9,565 326 303 42,211 71 2,897 34 98 3,619 4,930 44,011 40,178 316.6 123.2 28,446 7,926 84.60 58.35 81 87 86 96 109 264 11,476 7,757 10 88 15 56 30 45 6 55 21 30 5 10 22 87 . 96 9,115 1,130 72 154 4,392 5,409 67 107 4,448 1,829 108 236 11,786 21,787 44 81 1,832 ~t, 120 129 306 962 1,146 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 129 24, 983 129 15,395 124 16,234 301 14,296 193 4,079 261 23,616 52 52 17.19 28 101 15 41 33 27 16 48.6 75 128 128 19.27 123 294 267 79,944 106 9,867 3 13,801 115 13,084 90,328 307.9 15,747 58.82 86 75 256 14,954 26 40 36 91 19 35 9 169 10,538 124 2,961 148 18,919 223 35,696 6,224 280 1,236 278 28, 453 239 35,681 258 54, 615 General — primar i ly crop 384 332 86,414 160 25,349 82 8,960 102,803 267.7 10,370 42.64 90 82 384 32,031 311 10 121 294 294 52 164 50 90 125 48 36 132 5,495 ISO 6,984 156 9,086 298 45,173 1,353 349 2,681 384 44,510 251 15,934 324 54,259 Gene ra 1 - primarily 55 183 49 52.2 57 259 259 6.33 368 11 53 120 58 48.7 84 193 16 346 346 5.13 189 83 86 167 63 9 61 56 8', 411 21 2,110 23 2,510 8,011 131.3 10,394 73.16 92 99 Genor.l- crop and livestock 26 535 25 51 296 61 3,245 41 1,445 51 4,445 269 236 58,917 94 21,236 2 8,048 63 6,671 81,530 303.1 11,972 40.64 96 93 269 20,121 60 28 19 142 5,684 124 5,807 141 13,071 211 29,435 79 2,620 254 4,792 269 31,612 219 21,375 248 42,506 48 264 264 5.56 171 50 56 193 Miscel- laneous ■ nd inclasai fled 7,343 5,429 454,794 2,701 99,952 12 19,371 1,292 73,741 500,376 68.1 4,038 61.26 6,041 103,286 2,212 1,921 1,047 656 187 14 4 1,456 18,463 3,561 69,003 1,471 32,207 4,354 240, 249 853 14,988 6,236 22,180 6,892 190,752 2,773 65,658 4,865 272,456 6,899 333 4,553 640 3,913 2,688 230 1,304 1,547 1,468 1,211 1,060 47.8 2,925 810 1,123 2,983 12 949 5,636 5,626 4.11 10 2,302 714 476 2,549 562 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 522 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and- Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Far mber rms Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value, percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured. ... farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.)... farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years . Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone Electricity From a power line Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric washing machine, Electric chick brooder Electric power-feed grinder farms report farms report farms report doll tarms report farms report farms report farms report farms report farms report farms report 29,941 13,061 2,048,850 21,078 1,091,065 110 168,133 5,762 455,437 2,852,611 95.3 5,387 60.83 87 81 28,860 1,280,589 3,012 5,827 6,755 7,098 4,158 1,283 727 5,475 101,959 7,285 182,791 4,198 163,761 13,493 997,729 1,920 46,970 19,613 78,812 29,396 1,565,339 8,725 312,690 14,830 1,161,490 16 1,896 15 96 27,645 1,509 8,424 4,004 4,420 20,808 1,563 5,436 6,837 5,716 4,302 3,150 45.2 13,278 3,493 4,919 10,279 10 2,005 17,518 17,448 4.69 70 5,801 2,642 1,789 4,862 2,440 259 256 153 57,871 126 21,232 2 8,430 142 14,767 72,766 284.3 14,232 51.02 75 74 256 23,858 30 45 40 76 43 22 77 2,142 94 4,059 36 3,361 156 36,023 41 1,066 165 2,257 256 30,059 113 6,569 171 39,384 13,457 4,424 619,679 10,876 534,068 35 42,392 1,676 125,108 1,071,031 79.6 4,676 63.41 13,457 638,593 390 2,391 3,590 3,866 2,342 582 296 1,611 20,767 2,647 49,315 1,220 34,158 4,699 290,753 706 12,690 7,672 24,755 13,457 708,675 2,749 67,615 5,134 324,911 197 27 48 15 33 186 20 38 33 58 48 38 47.3 111 53 7 117 13 69 171 171 8.08 127 89 44 65 50 7 12,554 539 2,536 1,988 548 10,669 690 2,259 3,229 2,741 1,856 1,289 45.0 6,006 1,258 2,480 4,417 10 539 6,787 6,765 3.65 22 1,504 684 510 1,220 677 25 5,060 1,575 149,362 3,913 147,234 499 22,766 273,830 54.1 4,468 83.24 89 5,060 147,482 335 1,505 1,435 1,280 438 50 17 709 4,072 901 10,108 518 9,866 2,530 91,784 243 3,499 3,649 7,019 5,060 161,662 1,188 17,437 2,655 101,650 4,882 127 1,012 704 308 3,957 370 1,266 1,101 871 513 332 41.5 2,895 985 705 1,318 156 3,256 3,231 3.26 25 650 250 173 835 323 15 522 282 54,012 332 24,275 115 10,180 68,107 130.5 4,653 36.74 82 79 522 24,365 45 45 135 140 123 26 8 130 1,377 229 8,168 118 5,090 297 25,241 70 1,125 382 2,741 522 33,910 240 7,592 352 30,331 490 32 104 71 33 408 20 91 116 107 91 37 45.5 162 46 106 214 12 22 335 334 3.92 1 124 48 21 82 31 27 21 11,119 6 1,452 12 4,612 7,959 294.8 13,271 37.15 81 99 27 1,007 1 10 1,315 16 840 12 3,517 12 1,280 27 3,162 10 1,315 12 3,517 234 199 66,118 136 24,992 5 850 135 10,925 81,035 346.3 27,293 72.37 84 91 214 33,387 5 5 35 10 35 62 62 182 11,453 81 4,130 103 4,778 183 20,943 46 3,556 212 2,788 229 48,970 199 19,787 214 25,721 174 141 20,439 72 8,351 3 3,404 61 4,142 28,052 161.2 9,795 62.65 70 122 8,235 21 20 30 25 18 8 81 1,650 42 1,446 37 4,177 101 11,137 19 476 138 931 148 11,331 98 6,303 117 15,314 201 32 62 17 45 172 162 12 10 35 119 10 10 64.6 7 27 27 6.20 31 49 63 49 20 48.6 41 5 42 144 17 117 233 232 21.35 1 218 183 73 141 77 34 36 32 40 30 25 47.6 66 5 28 75 12 56 167 162 12.30 5 122 39 43 58 106 6 878 706 220,888 360 40,954 32 55,937 418 48,077 269,702 307.2 14,775 50.15 84 80 836 68,678 45 65 111 213 188 127 87 530 20,151 328 14, 551 366 38,097 671 108,044 122 8,180 752 12,001 876 103,380 685 66,428 751 146,141 818 45 232 120 112 628 10 137 203 185 183 110 48.6 204 35 144 473 16 176 806 801 7.07 5 533 244 174 406 229 43 SOUTH CAROLINA 523 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued a sample of farms. See text"] Area 6 — Continued Type of farm— Con. General — priman ly livestock General — crop and livestock 36 31 8,535 15 1,540 11 770 9,305 258.5 13,647 64.37 97 31 4,220 11 305 6 210 16 660 26 ,670 26 160 31 4,735 21 1,045 31 4,330 36 36 6.22 726 601 149,235 350 49,213 4 23,991 284 22,206 ?00,233 275.8 10,591 45.60 86 72 726 71,211 20 40 55 145 236 156 74 390 9,677 275 10,725 343 26,626 563 74,201 112 3,621 585 4,172 726 91,613 530 39,924 645 100,827 1 1,800 Miscel - luneous •nd 633 78 182 100 82 523 15 61 218 101 155 104 48.9 147 15 109 433 16 107 567 567 6.69 379 156 125 259 176 64 6,976 4,013 440,044 3,792 126, 405 21 19,691 1,982 150,438 435,702 62.5 3,863 66.24 84 79 6,014 117, 478 2,146 1,601 1,109 842 268 41 7 1,263 17,775 2,175 50,121 1,034 24,715 3,265 202,374 371 8,330 4,711 14,909 6,469 185,374 2,113 50, 820 3,671 227,089 7 18 7 18 6,157 534 3,849 776 3,073 2,859 380 1,2ZJ 1,464 1,187 1,122 1,016 46.7 3,047 998 985 2,393 11 618 4,022 4,012 5.00 10 1,633 708 489 1,453 573 31 Total nil farms 26,604 11,108 1,224,643 18,039 625,212 40 48,778 5,141 328,365 1,570,268 59.0 5,865 107.53 87 81 25,573 576,346 3,977 9,622 6,791 3,895 1,123 96 69 3,921 22,829 4,738 40,429 4,534 102,098 12,721 751,408 2,071 27,892 17,108 49,266 25,892 639,604 8,040 152,819 13,751 853,506 25,095 829 5,438 3,075 2,363 20,486 1,865 5,979 6,355 5,081 3,026 2,000 42.6 12,497 4,627 4,332 8,383 10 1,359 18,555 18, 505 3.86 50 4,471 2,258 2,590 7,700 2,695 158 Type of farm Cnsh- Rrain 114 83 29,944 46 5,225 1 4,000 79 9,283 29, 886 262.2 10,090 63.63 114 4,965 30 21 31 23 6 3 46 1,262 26 959 26 2,780 79 19, 076 90 844 114 7,186 66 4,042 94 21,856 7 1 6 101 16 23 17 20 11 48.1 915 339 60,591 747 38,793 150 21,277 78,107 85.4 6,700 77.45 82 83 915 36,465 85 205 260 195 131 11 28 80 819 120 1,627 101 2,645 310 34,791 38 449 429 1,311 915 38,911 179 3,913 340 37,436 Other field- crop 851 52 159 132 27 740 50 178 187 188 147 75 44.6 418 160 137 273 56 405 405 3.61 20,777 7,278 565,130 15,201 498,484 13 7,740 2,569 96,054 975,300 46.9 5,486 119.12 89 87 20,777 460,972 2,090 8,445 6,082 3,363 748 33 16 2,835 10,558 3,645 25,469 3,459 57,746 9,405 378,406 1,543 14,230 13,257 27,919 20, 777 496,999 6,006 82,534 10, 200 436,152 19, 947 468 1,135 3,362 2,496 866 17,080 1,520, 4,890 5,304 4,047 2,141 1,306 41.7 10,464 3,805 3,586 5,916 646 14,664 14,624 3.37 40 2,745 1,196 1,831 6,052 1,857 78 Vege- taMe 81 51 3,750 50 2,675 35 1,435 4,990 61.6 9,197 151.42 75 74 81 2,325 20 25 20 10 Fruit- und- nut 5 5 2,300 5 500 5 1,050 1,750 350.0 110,000 314.29 100 100 5 1 10 30 1 20 15 105 56 2,235 10 60 56 215 81 2,375 30 195 56 2,340 26 20 10 20 5 44.0 5 70 70 4.58 26 21 5,387 16 1,575 26 1,560 5,402 207.8 30,081 153.09 77 73 25 1,435 Poultry 56 40 5,550 31 480 5 1,250 100 7 50 5 1,250 5 57.0 5 5 12.00 16 595 6 185 5 70 26 2,795 5 75 21 247 26 2,215 26 740 26 2,865 6 47.2 26 24.05 30 1,385 4,645 82.9 4,617 64.52 26 355 10 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 310 35 3,705 5 15 46 175 36 440 25 410 35 4,015 15 44.2 15 55 55 15.47' 351 310 114,077 102 15,006 14 11,790 300 36,869 104,004 296.3 18,256 63.03 81 79 292 11,274 47 63 50 55 61 12 4 154 2,420 67 2,370 141 13,400 270 69,304 71 2,113 272 3,123 319 16,064 247 17,933 295 82,704 354 209 '■■v. ■'■ 246 17, 917 317 11 11 297 5 24 61 105 79 53 51.9 31 244 21 107 336 336 7.59 224 117 107 157 134 28 103 11,692 64,629 182.6 9,136 55.68 83 75 354 19,049 35 70 70 85 71 14 9 58 2,180 78 2,015 102 4,584 219 35,172 24 650 216 979 354 23,244 147 7,414 234 39, 756 General — priman ly 5 5 General — crop and livestock 55 410 82.0 2,700 32.93 100 100 5 145 329 15 81 63 18 268 60 80 93 57 27 45.2 140 70 81 115 24 234 234 5 155 5 100 5 10 5 145 5 155 5 255 117 86 23,375 53 1,935 1 1,525 62 5,187 21,648 185.0 16,663 86.46 85 89 117 6,590 5 35 25 11 30 4 7 41 641 40 854 44 2,382 87 9,891 18 530 87 760 117 8,085 67 3,553 92 12, 273 Miscel- laneous and inclassi fled 36 11 25 81 5 45 5 16 22 13 43.6 50 10 20 3,803 2,681 355,670 1,542 42,622 11 23,723 1,777 142,518 279,497 73.5 5,635 100.21 2,862 32,421 1,685 738 258 125 49 6 1 651 4,189 755 6,930 621 17,921 2,224 194,683 357 9,770 2,624 13,583 3,143 43,540 1,237 31,880 2,369 212,604 3,288 248 1,731 341 1,390 1,786 265 720 635 600 535 489 45.8 1,290 555 442 1,645 13 438 2,570 2,560 5.37 10 1,196 719 494 1,207 471 33 524 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2). FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text.] Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable FARMS. ACHF.AGE AND VALUE Farms number. . Land owned by farm operators farms reporting. . acres. . Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres . . Land managed by farm operators larms reporting. . acres. . Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting.. acres. . Land in farms acres.. Average size of farm acres.. Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars.. average per acre, dollars.. Proportion of farms reporting value percent.. Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent. , Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting.. acres. . 1 to 9 acres farms reporting.. 10 to 19 acres farms reporting.. 20 to 29 acres farms reporting.. 30 to 49 acres farms reporting. . 50 to 99 acres farms reporting. . 100 to 199 acres farms reporting.. 200 acres and over farms reporting. . Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting. . acres . . Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland pastured farms reporting. . acres. . Woodland not pastured farms reporting.. acres. . Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting.. acres. . Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting. . acres. . Cropland , tota 1 farms reporting. . acres . . Land pastured, total farms reporting.. acres. . Woodland, total farms reporting.. acres . . Irrigated land in farms farms reporting.. acres. . Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting.. acres. . FAIUI OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: I'nder 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by yearo on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years, SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone f »™s reporting. Electricity : f " ms reporting. From a power line f °™s reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant ! "<° s reporting. Electric water pump ! ' ma "Porting. Electric hot— ater heater "»™» reporting. Home freezer ['"" reporting. Electric washing machine f.°™» reporting. Electric chick brooder <>™> reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 13,628 11,217 981,172 5,772 205,602 59 209,227 1,682 69,653 1,326,348 97.3 5,174 60.18 12, ei2 270,723 5,474 3,403 1,763 1,159 692 227 94 2,843 61,799 4,026 87,720 3,115 236,447 6,267 535, 957 673 50,898 10, 758 82,804 13,241 420,242 5,143 349,144 7,735 772,404 29 3,690 8 950 12,757 535 6,270 1,473 4,797 7,073 313 2,049 3,112 2,860 2,378 1,919 48.1 3,390 521 2,408 6,933 15 829 6,951 6,946 5.67 5 2,614 1,299 1,062 2,787 854 103 136 104 28,761 70 1,510 2 3,057 35 2,808 30,520 224.4 9,302 58.79 82 58 136 6 217 5 35 40 20 27 5 4 21 545 28 3 391 31 1 005 51 18 581 11 1 111 109 670 136 9 153 58 2 661 76 19 586 130 1 10 35 23 21 16 25 45.2 24 96 96 9.68 1,033 707 39,485 747 25,012 132 3,804 60,693 58.8 3,239 55.02 87 1,033 30,662 60 335 295 201 120 21 1 161 951 177 3,570 251 4,248 403 ?8,309 25 680 767 2,273 1,033 35,183 351 5,879 513 22,557 37 26 301 175 26 312 35 90 265 245 212 252 25 155 596 5 416 416 3.47 61 1,401 i 1,064 103,246 727 | 32,316 I 1 2,640 201 i 7,802 130,400 93.1 ' 5,268 60.46 91 85 1,401 43,850 165 460 305 305 122 37 7 362 2,385 537 7,003 409 15,800 785 53,614 143 3,748 1,236 4,000 1,401 53,238 679 21,933 940 69,414 1,354 27 312 200 112 1,069 20 231 325 344 228 157 47.3 356 91 201 722 15 63 835 835 310 126 117 418 117 16 284 262 36,988 112 9,875 1 5,000 15 110 51,753 182.2 13,650 93.79 82 65 284 14,057 110 85 20 21 16 16 16 60 1,856 91 2,471 64 5,232 92 22,070 32 1,032 ! 117 10 49 167 167 7.65 81 173 6 5,035 93 284 6 18,384 654 125 6 8,120 12 114 6 27,302 383 940 266 6 31 21 226 6 15 1 58 64 86 5 32 44.1 44.8 73 1 15 68 SOUTH CAROLINA 525 Economic Area Table 7 (Part 1 of 2).- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are baaed on reporta for only a aample of farma. See text] Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area* 8 and C — Continued Type of farm — Continued Livestock other than dairy and poultry fienerul — prnnari 1 y crop fieneral — priman ly li veatock General - crop and 1 i veatock Miscel- laneous and unclasai- fled FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting seres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average siie of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres I to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ) farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. I to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: l^ider 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators repurting. 45 to 54 vears operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over , operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting, 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone farms reporting. Electricity farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home f reer.er farms reporting. Electric washing mochine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 104 100 37,825 38 4,350 4 7,089 16 824 48,440 465.8 27, 680 64.69 104 8,453 5 11 5 17 73 5,328 17,358 69 11,670 23 2,050 94 1,841 104 15,521 89 24,736 94 29,028 175 16 18 18.6 36 104 104 21.71 93 9,624 20 545 4 13,054 27 3,608 19,615 215.5 9,006 82.48 61 41 65 2,669 32 445 29 4,453 25 9,935 2 282 80 333 22 20 52.4 29 6 11 41 13 81 81 11.09 717 593 195, 950 279 40,341 24 101,800 167 10,978 327,113 456.2 19,484 50.49 83 70 688 35,081 79 145 169 103 98 73 21 317 21,579 293 23,146 401 96,164 450 105,503 42 23,351 617 22,289 706 79,806 521 141,094 619 201,667 1 2,500 183 101 163 154 153 113 20 137 404 140 552 549 8.03 3 341 158 139 310 121 18 300 230 77,494 144 8,100 18,065 39 3,087 100,572 335.2 15,897 31.53 85 79 300 15,860 5 35 85 75 78 6 16 110 3,224 61 6,075 165 18,650 187 34 , 074 30 6,495 244 16,194 300 25, 159 207 28,369 235 52,724 33 211 21 48.0 62 145 38 218 218 8.60 8,611 1 18 14,088 521.8 12,265 53.24 78 34 27 2,235 11 725 21 525 12 5,245 22 2,150 27 6,168 27 2,760 27 5,770 22 36.41 295 9,234 258 7,796 64,633 3e2, 881 98 3,331 12,357 68,846 1 15 1,400 48,511 58 966 2,408 34,196 75,982 466,042 237.6 30.5 8,513 3,171 38.67 67.94 92 83 295 15,401 10 40 61 83 60 36 5 133 2,729 83 2,076 155 16,335 223 35,248 17 1,540 257 2,653 295 20, 206 200 20,604 265 51,583 89 41 48 200 1 32 61 70 61 16 18.0 69 5 47 156 24 215 215 8,473 94,773 5,013 2,237 773 318 103 23 4 1,546 20,520 2,684 36,863 1,499 56,667 3,969 221,335 348 10,609 7,153 25,273 8,873 152,158 2,820 87,796 4,780 278,002 15 25 5 10 8,591 366 5,272 837 4,435 3,786 215 1,471 2,120 1,797 1,563 1,454 48.3 2,320 343 1,595 4,643 15 434 4,244 4,242 4.76 2 1,438 715 535 1,542 368 27 991354 0-52-35 526 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Frui t- afld-nut Dairy Livestock other than dairy and poultry All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms reporting. (■rain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos . farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . farms reporting. Wheel tractors other than garden farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. n umbe r . Automobiles farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Ferns by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. . . farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel , shel 1 , or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. persons. Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers farms reporting. No report as to period of expected employment, .farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms reporting. Family workera only farms reporting. Operators only farms reporting. Unpaid members of operator's family only. . farms reporting. Hi red workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor fanna reporting dollars Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired .labor farms reporting dol lars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dollars Liveatock and poultry purcbaaed farms reporting dollars jeeda, bulba, plants, and trees purchased. . . farms reporting dollars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil... farms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repaira farms reporting dol lars Tractor repairs farms reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repel ra farma reporting dol lars 1,355 6,290 6,765 382 390 2,159 2,215 1,221 25,440 29,714 24, 609 12,212 3,337 9,060 23,454 30,282 22,609 21,926 28,004 19, 534 12,427 3,791 3,316 1,098 1,158 977 1,120 69,963 81,449 68,020 20,891 10,550 36,579 40,466 37,607 37,668 16,511 6,943 51,517 6,352 74,942 117,284 243,295 114,916 198,027 106,502 54,349 91,525 16,411 45,268 10,881 28,360 7,619 16,908 8,792 14,043 100,873 51,536 7,644 2,368 114,355 88,248 34,075,040 66,257 6,426,840 62,745 27,648,200 65,041 17,187,023 48,238 9,119,605 68,921 5,652,930 48,261 11,564,411 43,342 5,934,114 16,017 3,314,398 37,382 2,619,716 291 327 101 101 36 389 483 372 232 45 95 513 812 503- 492 756 442 248 102 92 10 10 30 46 674 908 652 303 76 273 234 201 200 339 174 929 2,389 860 1,291 805 331 486 320 1,098 207 627 148 471 251 609 351 50 69 915 753 704,983 476 98,559 628 606,424 433 67,184 417 171,516 580 114,598 634 310,199 579 194,098 442 108,896 455 85,202 123 1,875 2,064 86 90 578 599 153 5,787 6,684 5,531 2,324 819 2,388 5,918 8,020 5,825 5,643 7,615 4,960 3,183 941 836 128 141 233 264 18,514 20,863 17,933 3,411 2,405 12,117 10,994 8,460 14,800 4,266 1,652 14,085 1,923 22,455 36,253 76,313 35,828 64,823 33,617 17, 567 31,206 3,967 11,490 2,832 7,497 1,629 3,993 2,338 36 424 461 6 6 343 353 25 4,085 4,293 4,011 2,409 424 1,178 3,039 3,602 3,004 2,869 3,405 2,547 1,873 344 330 40 45 146 152 12,835 14,212 12,637 4,113 2,223 6,301 6,787 8,330 9,409 2,370 669 7,609 362 18,515 25,779 55,556 25,579 49,553 24,287 13,602 25,266 2,721 6,003 1,591 3,146 1,399 2,857 1,322 1,174 10 54 55 1 1 13 13 8 467 576 451 222 98 131 245 413 235 235 392 191 128 52 11 16 21 529 602 500 153 71 276 181 410 338 181 64 406 11 692 1,050 4,253 1,033 1,764 968 490 796 249 2,489 193 1,714 124 775 98 116 1 1 37 42 19 444 854 439 252 60 127 475 788 475 435 660 385 213 90 82 21 26 82 102 444 691 433 248 50 135 71 30 85 332 143 382 70 171 573 2,034 525 784 500 227 284 302 1,250 197 834 153 416 797 392 418 65 66 201 209 559 989 1,400 968 645 96 227 1,118 1,683 1,118 1,103 1,598 970 533 227 210 50 50 24 35 1,110 1,663 1,070 572 150 348 180 90 202 889 229 847 144 537 1,476 5,800 1,430 2,448 1,343 669 1,105 865 3,352 799 2,822 34 183 187 12 12 36 41 10 584 709 565 332 57 176 685 833 655 644 768 602 401 121 80 35 35 29 30 1,041 1,275 1,020 478 142 400 409 216 210 460 225 702 63 671 1,299 2,904 1,267 2,024 1,192 561 832 351 880 260 623 249 530 129 257 3,542 32,286 15,903 2,066 425 32,511 26,795 9,686,172 21,492 2,423,396 17,071 7,262,776 14,464 1,429,166 10,625 1,129,571 17,787 1,113,237 10,786 2,656,631 12,009 1,632,394 4,312 966,230 10,456 666,164 2,521 23,058 10,604 1,157 200 24,673 21,717 5,872,177 14,995 1,099,564 18,826 4,772,613 14,244 1,206,994 11,039 793,418 15,918 907,007 15,506 2,695,169 11,596 721,149 1.857 247,951 11,052 473,198 232 801 395 35 17 983 753 1,158,956 573 68,581 571 1,090,375 479 79,817 360 56,553 750 208,791 597 220,166 4,71 140,758 215 86,988 387 53,770 254 271 131 604 564 1,183,286 345 83,795 529 1,099,491 311 69,430 359 150,672 408 77,522 519 324, 517 469 220,441 439 157,081 293 63,360 819 611 280 40 46 1,520 1,340 2,948,835 891 237,012 1,175 2,711,823 1,376 3,326,406 1,053 1,453,613 1,122 502,135 1,293 801,057 1,127 479,761 945 295,122 881 184,639 319 948 505 60 32 1,415 1,097 898,494 753 97,783 842 800,711 1,309 5,271,466 1,267 1,119,706 877 83,814 954 308,748 612 120,704 421 78,181 456 42,523 3,035 41 559 581 82 82 207 208 130 1,538 1,883 1,489 918 203 368 1,484 2,150 1,474 1,440 2,031 1,280 761 346 173 30 30 81 89 1,861 2,435 1,731 993 204 534 282 445 824 1,139 345 1,292 118 1,497 2,653 6,675 2,519 3,776 2,363 883 1,413 1,047 2,899 831 2,099 387 800 913 1,606 932 113 134 2,819 2,321 2.019,430 1,552 281,781 2,000 1,737,649 2,043 1,025,652 1,733 1,664,698 2,135 442,544 1,907 893,247 1,816 448,379 1,185 277,692 1,405 170,687 SOUTH CAROLINA 527 BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 only a sample of farms. See text") The State— Continued Type of farm — Con. General — primarily livestock General — crop and livestock Miscella- neous and unclassi- fied Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General — primari ly crop General — primari ly livestock General — crop and ll veatock Miscella- neous and unclassi- fied 22 29 34 2 2 14 14 18 119 157 119 59 25 35 114 154 114 114 150 104 69 20 15 2 4 169 276 169 69 20 80 35 60 75 99 15 107 15 157 269 746 264 429 249 130 180 84 317 59 287 79 185 80 15 5 279 234 306,061 192 46,355 194 259,706 239 319,335 229 96,102 229 33,809 179 74,596 129 54,393 84 33,500 104 20,893 2,446 59 471 495 44 44 147 149 74 988 1,193 948 533 88 327 1,203 1,614 1,188 1,178 1,569 1,048 709 180 159 19 20 23 25 1,767 2,243 1,713 685 310 718 16 375 852 1,055 148 1,095 84 1,180 2,275 6,452 2,185 3,646 2,057 1,040 1,589 886 2,806 703 1,977 342 829 796 1,389 670 86 90 2,366 2,084 1,850,977 1,642 278,750 1,703 1,572,227 1,787 855,732 1,590 647,944 1,779 297,573 1,649 677,749 1,487 447,858 977 248,226 1,198 199,632 56,089 186 1,231 1,259 '36 36 328 330 142 8,687 9,810 8,405 3,556 1,243 3,606 7,297 8,113 6,665 6,435 7,024 5,833 3,530 1,142 1,161 724 747 297 342 28,939 33,533 28,152 9,058 4,548 14,546 20,902 18,455 9,435 4,317 2,980 23,154 3,320 26,774 41,534 69,694 40,364 61,808 36,185 17,331 25,623 4,599 7,886 2,408 3,861 2,586 4,025 2,013 104 3,429 36,935 20,731 3,892 1,170 43,072 27.759 ;,858,811 21.288 1,351,410 16,911 3,507,401 26,586 3,195,165 18,073 416,645 25,055 L, 397, 957 12,201 L, 666, 658 11,011 905,596 3,983 434,349 8,979 471,247 51 230 232 18 18 29 29 37 1,235 1,423 1,164 465 156 543 801 904 731 690 764 595 315 152 128 70 75 59 65 3,363 3,746 3,224 699 460 2,065 1,925 1,825 1,829 570 231 3,100 511 2,511 4,770 8,196 4,684 7,555 4,224 2,193 3,331 377 641 151 327 246 314 291 4,393 2,321 430 86 5,002 3,716 543,673 3,204 169,591 1,690 374,082 2,817 638,310 2,259 420,794 2,796 125,831 1,359 161,069 1,292 97, 198 463 49,767 1,060 47,431 17 12 11,659 6 1,229 12 10,430 17 2,895 16 1,350 11 1,650 11 2,950 11 2,250 11 1,100 6 1,150 111 116 96 25 10 61 150 155 150 145 150 125 80 40 5 5 5 611 641 580 80 65 435 226 215 662 140 10 631 45 512 1,061 2,118 1,056 2,068 971 586 1,097 45 50 40 1,016 450 85 5 1,027 872 87,705 777 50,395 361 37,310 385 38,505 425 20,395 576 18,845 276 21,325 301 16,845 65 7,495 266 9,350 232 66 131 56 45, 75 26 101 21 76 90 160 85 155 80 60 75 5 5 151 83 123 78 25 45 13 28 63 150 62 140 62 36 78 2 10 5 5 1,250 5 1,250 5 200 5 750 10 10 8,150 10 650 5 7,500 5 125 5 5,000 5 2,500 5 2,500 5 3,000 5 2,000 5 1,000 35 30 15,555 20 755 20 14,800 20 1,175 15 895 25 1,005 20 5,000 15 2,850 10 1,600 15 1,250 61 56 134,814 36 9,019 51 125,795 51 175,482 56 235,587 51 21,223 51 31,589 46 19,306 36 6,176 40 13,130 90 75 11,250 45 3,205 50 8,045 80 70,465 75 22,205 50 4,830 50 5,630 35 1,625 15 425 30 1,200 104 74 25,995 60 5,990 34 20,005 75 10,965 56 31,035 71 7,300 54 10,130 58 4,340 33 2,025 52 2,315 68 53 6,330 47 2,425 28 3,905 45 6,050 51 2,805 42 1,635 33 5,585 33 3,035 8 1,225 33 1,810 30 30 4,925 30 3,200 15 1,725 30 3,910 25 5,740 25 1,435 15 1,040 15 200 95 220 90 190 SO 50 110 25 30 15 20 15 200 115 105 20,730 90 7,325 70 13,405 80 16,410 85 13,690 80 4,515 65 14,190 60 7,585 50 5,510 45 2,075 10 81 82 1 1 14 14 12 817 900 776 295 110 371 416 447 356 325 348 265 128 55 82 60 60 38 39 2,449 2,745 2,366 520 360 1,486 1,609 1,490 1,022 265 151 2,163 411 1,791 3,180 4,903 3,130 4,566 2,790 1,326 1,776 235 337 80 135 166 202 185 2,945 1,690 320 50 3,440 2,394 215,310 2,083 85,398 1,039 129,912 2,024 312,128 1,450 82,092 1,860 60,893 774 60,380 713 36,162 230 22,211 553 13,951 528 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 7 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vege- table Fruit- and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry SPECIFIER EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine. Grain combines. . Corn pickers Pick-up hay balers. Si los Motortrucks Year of newest model Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Tractors Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. Wheel tractors other than garden Year of newest model. Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over. Garden tractors Crawler tractors. Automobiles. Year of newest model Under 5 years 5 to 9 years 10 years and over Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules No tractor and only 1 horse or mule No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules. Tractor and horses and/or mules Tractor and no horses or mules FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHIC Hard surface Gravel , shell , or shale Dirt or unimproved FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERAT Family and/or hired workers Family workers, including operator. Operators working I or more hours... Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more Hired workers. Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) Seasonal workers ( to be employed less than 150 days) Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers No report as to period of expected employment. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers Family workers only Operators only Unpaid members of operator" s family only.. Hired workers only SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES Specified farm expenditures Machine hire and/or hired labor. Machine hire Hired labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. . Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil.. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs arms reporting farms reporting number arms reporting number arms reporting number arms reporting arms reporting number arms reporting arms reporting. arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting number arms reporting arms reporting number arms reporting Farms reporting farms reporting arms reporting farms reporting number arms reporting number farms reporting number arms reporting farms reporting farms reporting Earms reporting arms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting i LOCATED arms reporting arms reporting. arms reporting. ON arms reporting. persons. arms reporting. persons. .... persons. arms reporting. persons, arms reporting. persons. rms reporting, persons. arms reporting, persons. arms reporting, arms reporting, persons. . arms reporting., arms Teporting. . arms reporting, rms reporting, arms reporting. IN 1 n M EXPENDITURES IN 1949 specified (arm expenditures Machine hire and or hired labor. Machine hi re Hi red labor Feed for livestock and poultry Livestock and poultry purchased Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased. Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil. Farm machinery repairs Tractor repairs Other farm machinery repairs arms arms arms anas arms arms arms arms arms rms arms arms arms arms rms rms arms arms arms rms arms reporting reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, number. reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporti ng. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. arms arms arms arms arms arms arms rms rms arms reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . . persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting, reporting. persons. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dol tars reporting dol lars Areas 8 and C — Continued Doiry 19 19 54 76 89 70 55 10 5 73 109 73 73 102 50 22 16 465 93 177 69 288 84 236 34 52 55 99 94 253,911 59 12,715 69 241,196 94 270,907 52 99,485 74 27,715 87 51,651 72 27,185 51 16,713 59 10,472 Poultry 206 79 120 I ypr ,, I (.., in I mil i nurd Livestock other than dairy and poultry 717 20 80 87 20 20 49 49 23 349 428 327 202 60 69 271 400 271 271 383 234 157 49 28 2 2 13 15 402 468 347 212 42 180 219 209 62 249 2 443 654 1,597 618 953 583 244 370 227 S44 195 484 84 160 143 2,976 66 106,706 81 328,566 86 101,663 69 4,947 46 22,325 29 3,630 22 2,720 191 427 226 30 36 646 463 450,535 227 28,926 443 421,609 466 277,056 317 359,182 496 110,623 338 158,540 368 92,023 203 60,465 276 31,558 General — pnmari ly crop 116 146 116 85 11 20 78 126 78 78 117 67 60 1 154 197 147 62 40 45 30 70 122 62 16 90 5 184 275 623 269 522 254 156 268 75 301 58 126 29 175 46 69 200 80 15 6 290 244 201 , 068 137 13,090 209 187,978 173 36,526 121 34,428 214 45 , 963 125 60,861 115 31 , 889 60 20,174 97 11,715 General — pnmari ly 1 1 veatoek 27 168 27 37 22 10 15 12 131 12 131 27 27 144,461 11 1,465 27 142,996 27 142,900 27 36,685 27 13,470 17 17,174 17 14,325 12 8,000 7 6,325 General — crop and 1 1 veatoek 3 3 1 114 119 104 73 31 99 123 99 99 121 79 53 16 10 1 1 1 1 195 216 180 63 33 95 101 143 147 Miscella- neous and unclaaai- fled 274 652 263 440 246 112 192 84 212 63 119 35 93 49 73 190 102 10 275 225 114,309 119 13,107 205 101,202 175 46,345 142 40,410 214 25,481 134 41,399 127 20,079 70 14,039 82 6,040 9,234 11 36 37 14 1,066 1,221 1,037 Sit 188 335 694 792 608 591 687 527 324 113 ee 79 79 32 46 2,795 3,028 2,586 999 467 1,120 2,850 4,696 1,034 381 273 3,134 141 5,597 7,405 13,500 7,270 12,318 6,375 3,946 5,943 736 1,182 349 629 441 553 295 601 6,669 2,941 840 135 6,617 3,275 660,512 1,916 77,172 2,312 583,340 4,163 422,520 1,679 145,379 4,516 250,378 1,110 157,199 1,123 79,172 333 43,126 870 36,046 536 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, LData are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV FARMS. ACREAGE, AND VALUE Fan . . . number reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres Land owned by farm operators farms Land rented from others by farm operators farms Land managed by farm operators farms Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres .... acres .... acres , dollars , dollars . .percent . .percent Land in farms Average size of farm Value of land and buildings average per fan. average per acn Proportion of farms reporting value Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported Land in farms according to use: Cropl and harvested farms 1 to 9 acres 1C to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture. Cropland not harvested and not pastured Woodland pastured Woodl and not pastured Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland)... Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.). Cropland, total Land pastured, total Woodland, total Irrigated land in farms Land irrigated by sprinklers arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms reporting acres reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years.... operators reporting.. 1 year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone Electricity From a powe r 1 i ne Average of last monthly electri From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder Electric power- feed grinder rms reporting. rms reporting, arms reporting. dol lars. arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. 139, 195 76, 549 9,010,005 . 79,041 3,813,389 466 682, 179 25, 074 1, 586, 605 11,918,968 85.6 5,614 69.61 87 82 129, 978 3,969,030 24, 918 36,004 29, 227 23, 682 11,634 3,038 1,475 27,405 504,480 46, 323 927,899 35,883 1,207,800 69, 181 4,379,984 24,919 478, 183 103, 973 451,593 135,400 5,401,409 61,719 2, 190, 463 80, 861 5, 587, 784 102 7,407 74 2,657 130, 525 5,278 51,517 18, 749 32, 768 84,474 5,758 23,802 31,536 27,599 21,804 16,916 46.5 56,499 15,911 23, 656 51,629 11 11,896 95, 060 94,842 4.43 218 32,865 13, 627 9, 175 36,424 12,674 1,055 84,231 37,388 6,002,729 57,546 3,007,690 401 595, 109 13, 940 955,836 8,649,692 102.7 6,473 67.07 87 82 83,379 3,259,915 5,194 21,933 21,885 19,423 10,546 2,937 1,461 16,965 377,319 23,207 516,546 20,618 878, 993 40,637 3,001,525 13, 164 322,958 59,936 292,436 83,858 4,153,780 34,852 1,579,270 46,437 3,880,518 79 7,288 61 2,553 79, 701 2, 766 18,845 13,332 5,513 63,588 3,943 14,743 19, 652 17,151 12,661 8,517 45.4 35, 790 9,871 14, 616 29,900 11 6,247 57, 142 57,012 4.43 130 17,686 7, 546 5,91? 19,914 8,013 799 520 429 466,410 258 111,347 54 131,554 279 55,477 653,834 1,257.4 88,066 72.51 77 75 501 220, 174 12 30 63 355 299 47,691 223 32, 035 199 63,251 416 234,816 157 28,343 466 27,524 513 299, 900 404 139,285 454 298,067 23 4, 191 21 2,201 424 81 137 102 109 106 13 346 470 468 30.11 442 290 172 1,500 1,194 682,' 733 805 193, 937 145 159,076 755 111,314 924, 432 616.3 36,786 61.23 83 81 1,434 283, 794 25 48 48 95 259 380 579 926 65,421 605 50,986 734 121,394 1,155 333,148 476 46,096 1,347 23, 593 1,469 400,201 1,224 232,911 1,322 454,542 2,545 1,206 259 383 123 260 1,062 29 191 421 375 206 100 278 779 14 638 1,392 1,389 15.57 3 1, 164 796 471 791 491 123 3,869 2,430 816,456 2, 296 271, 550 112 137,265 1,402 142, 256 1,083,015 279.9 16,743 66.55 85 77 3,822 338, 067 38 186 432 874 1,124 837 331 1,661 59, 970 1,229 57,765 1,436 126,228 2,787 420,292 913 47,627 3,222 33, 066 3,849 455, 802 2,512 233,825 3,07 7 546,520 21 237 16 62 3,570 233 904 395 509 2,878 77 504 955 1,010 612 335 46.9 1,231 310 599 1,872 13 899 3,479 3,469 7.47 10 2,093 1, 167 779 1,941 1,066 130 16, 637 6,851 1,264,264 11,956 662,672 38 60,590 3,096 194, 164 1,793,362 107.8 7,788 77.20 88 82 16, 528 705,051 250 3,262 4,196 4,343 3,320 1,002 135 3,721 72, 694 4,001 85, 699 4,125 204, 656 8,609 596,758 2,437 65,413 12,121 63,091 16,584 863,444 7,018 342,7 63 9,651 801,414 20 215 15 195 15,846 531 3,567 2,083 1,484 12, 770 586 2,991 4,660 3,761 2,169 1,039 44.0 7,437 2,292 3,067 5,492 10 1,334 13,496 13,448 4.42 48 4,398 1,840 1,735 3,824 2,071 144 29, 998 11, 978 1,471,852 21, 367 968,661 22 57,465 4,176 224,520 2,273,458 75.8 4,899 67.86 87 83 29, 765 960, 855 1,476 7,604 7,946 8,099 4,066 534 40 5,207 72,771 7,444 135,557 6,819 199,867 13, 523 761,538 4,297 73,444 20,434 69,416 29, 908 , 169, 193 11,338 346, 082 15,429 961,405 28,564 808 4,537 7,797 4,611 3,186 21,730 7 415 6 094 3 954 2 265 43.7 13 882 3 861 5 149 9 724 10 1,737 20,669 20, 627 3.71 42 5,661 2,070 1,702 6,722 2,630 206 SOUTH CAROLINA 537 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 a sample of farms. See textj The it ate — Continued Area 1 Economic class — C on. Total nil farms Economic c 1 aaa Other farms Commercial farms Other forms Part-time Residen- 11 nl Ac.nc.mnil Total Class I Class II Class III Claaa IV Class V Claaa VI Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal 20, 519 34,405 40 6,380 1,896 6 28 22 134 468 1,238 1,483 3,000 1 1 13,093 1,148,044 9,948 433,479 26,063 1,858,352 11,547 372, 220 : 880 4,320 350,029 2,462 134,678 1,067 131, 967 1,015 60,088 6 5,112 6 1,300 27 14,569 11 1,255 22 5,570 1 1,873 113 22,730 51 7, 615 278 32,383 260 13,605 621 51,603 686 34,440 988 70,912 596 39,905 ■' , '•■ 147, 150 851 34,685 6 4,074 3,495 33,596 7,628 49,400 11 10,431 967 333 1,240 18 6 42 86 4,255 178 17", 460 4,936 1 1 e 172, 318 454,975 3,476 58, 999 19, 726 1,037 2,247 204 2,639 4,647 8,952 16,210 .";.,.,■-,:'. 500 9 1,413,279 1,809,193 46,804 436, 139 177,824 5,375 14,817 7,239 27, 706 41,341 81,346 94,607 159,272 4,436 10 68.9 52. 6 1,170.1 68.4 93.8 895.8 529.2 329. 206.8 88.3 65.7 63.8 53. 1 4,436.0 11 4,775 3,843 185,766 4,870 6,109 67, 873 32,785 27, 138 11,825 6,094 4,189 5,214 :'., j;:m 71,000 12 69.81 80.40 147.06 71.91 66.01 75.00 75.50 82.47 60.05 66. 11 63.92 82.07 74.06 16.01 13 88 86 62 89 88 83 96 100 80 87 88 88 91 100 14 87 78 67 88 86 84 79 100 76 91 88 88 91 100 IS 19,668 26, 899 32 5,714 1,880 6 28 22 133 463 1,228 1,392 2,441 1 16 424, 308 277,400 7,407 116,598 60,977 840 4,621 1,561 7,772 17,123 29,060 28,075 26,970 576 17 3,780 15,944 1,650 120 5 15 10 90 245 1,285 III 19 4,953 2,384 5 1,318 672 5 30 155 462 396 250 20 3,303 887 81 951 195 15 5 6 5 702 208 54 395 168 54 5 10 5 20 36 20 140 86 12 230 35 231 25 76 15 1 11 ?? 6 21 3 4,625 11 20 12 969 11 353 8 23 2 42 1 186 1 1 5,795 6 20 76 280 335 25 60,023 62, 780 4,358 12,341 6,941 1,755 1,417 460 914 765 1,630 2,615 2,155 630 26 8,402 14,686 28 3,659 1,004 5 6 1 78 222 692 841 1,813 1 27 154,419 252,745 4,189 54,791 14,960 505 430 31 2, 105 3,577 8,312 12, 290 27, 387 154 28 6,777 8,475 13 2,734 852 5 11 7 74 197 555 695 1,186 1 29 153, 986 171,201 3,620 45, 626 15,036 400 150 2,016 2,200 3,190 7,080 9,900 19,210 1,480 30 10,867 17,644 33 4,103 1,251 • 6 28 12 124 308 773 922 1,929 1 31 494,531 861,791 22, 137 157, 969 58,856 1,600 7,274 1,688 10,684 12,223 25,387 31,261 67,002 850 32 5,081 6,657 17 3,405 1,181 5 21 16 104 303 732 806 1,417 1 33 71,010 82, 657 1,558 34,384 15, 777 175 460 1,176 3,645 3,301 7,020 7,110 10,840 657 34 16,444 27,559 34 5,656 1,659 6 28 17 122 438 1,048 1,362 2,634 1 35 55,002 100,619 3,535 14,430 5,277 100 465 307 386 1,162 2,857 3,356 5,708 89 36 20,176 31,327 39 6,188 1,896 6 28 22 134 468 1,238 1,453 2,838 1 37 638,750 592,925 15,954 183, 730 82, 878 3,100 6,468 2,052 10, 791 21,465 39,002 42,980 56, 512 1,360 38 11,298 15,541 28 4,795 1,516 6 28 22 129 358 973 1,151 2,127 1 39 285,019 316,638 9,536 92,351 37,754 2,330 2,027 3,652 6,759 7,256 15,730 19, 625 32, 205 2,767 ■li 13,269 21,121 34 4,868 1,441 6 28 12 134 348 913 1,147 2,279 1 41 648,517 1,032,992 25, 757 203,595 73,892 2,000 7,424 3,704 12,884 15,413 32, 467 41,161 86, 212 2,330 42 43 25 202 200 2 44 3 1 45 10 10 84 52 52 50 2 tf 19,217 31, 575 32 6,090 1,823 6 16 21 121 448 1,211 1,433 2,833 1 47 974 17,574 1,530 21,265. 8 193 31 6 1 8 16 30 132 48 15 512 c 16 7 27 176 280 1,618 SO 2,391 3,026 851 386 126 5 11 21 6 80 96 280 205 681 260 1,358 51 55 6 7 24 1,322 12 15 101 287 907 1,322 1 sa 930 885 150 1,020 50 230 5 45 45 150 40 60 495 2 5 30 5"i 5,090 6,790 1,416 455 1 7 16 165 266 341 620 'A 6,331 11 1, 141 406 5 11 5 40 115 230 220 515 VI 2,966 6,174 3 1,203 405 10 10 33 77 275 251 546 1 sn 2,196 6,203 909 191 5 25 161 191 527 w 45.4 49.6 48.0 48.5 48.4 44.7 47.8 52.4 47.4 46.5 49.2 46.9 49.4 63.0 60 8,642 2,203 3,597 7,562 12,056 3,837 5,436 14,151 11 2,891 916 980 2,091 869 265 250 685 1 1 31 206 70 75 162 630 195 155 392 702 141 240 446 1,320 510 490 959 6? 7 16 5 22 15 82 hi 6 21 1 64 11 13 11 11 11 14 19 23 17 9 9 9 11 30 ss 3,432 22,522 569 4,756 180 1,203 15,361 35 1,428 6 28 22 123 386 863 2,124 1 67 15, 336 22,461 33 4,756 1,428 6 28 22 123 386 863 1,203 2,124 1 68 14.43 3.80 4.15 32. 43 15.66 5.90 4.33 3.00 3.82 3.51 96.75 ftq 25 61 2 70 5,992 9,159 28 1,438 464 5 22 16 90 155 176 437 536 1 71 2,267 3,797 17 519 135 5 17 16 30 35 32 141 242 1 72 1,329 1,919 10 229 69 1 6 6 6 15 35 75 85 73 6,792 9,712 6 2,397 705 16 22 85 231 346 651 1,041 74 2,254 2,403 4 560 183 5 1 6 10 35 56 71 166 211 75 122 125 9 42 30 5 10 5 10 11 1 76 538 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, (_Data are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial fa Class I Class II Class III Class IV FARMS, ACREAGE, AMJ VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported. .. percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acre: 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres SO to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture Cropland not harvested and not pastured Woodland pastured Woodland not pastured Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). Other land ( house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. Cropland, total Land pastured, total Woodland, total Irrigated land in farms Land irrigated by sprinklers arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting arms reporting rms reporting arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres rms reporting acres arms reporting acres arms reporting acres s reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Telephone Electricity From a power line Average of last monthly electric bill. From b home pi an t Electric water pump Electric hot- water heater Home f reeier Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farms reporting farma reporting farms reporting farms reporting Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years ■ operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less thart 5 years operators reporting.. 1 year or less operators reporting.. 5 to 9 years operators reporting- . 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES 22,969 13,722 1,239,556 11,060 556,475 111 79,778 4,283 230,108 1,645,701 71.6 6,735 96.89 88 85 20,799 593,630 4,303 5,771 4,423 3,812 1,840 465 185 3,933 68,263 9,774 184,532 7,883 168,962 11,101 434,874 8,416 118,828 18,647 76,612 22,240 846,425 14,249 356,053 14,198 603,836 27 1,223 26 1,183 21,756 784 11,219 11,025 3,217 575 3,223 5,396 5,039 4,039 3,063 48.1 9,421 2,639 4,285 8,474 11 2,921 18,794 18,749 4.73 45 7,760 2,992 1,271 8,098 2,688 241 10,313 4,698 668,144 6,703 367,750 99 72,352 1,815 123,311 984,935 95.5 8,166 87.11 86 84 10,152 418,637 448 2,360 2,466 2,725 1,532 442 179 1,983 49,204 3,526 74,023 3,491 92,147 4,843 243,675 3,669 70,221 8,018 37,028 10,243 541,864 6,215 211,572 6,002 335,822 21 1,210 20 1,170 9,876 281 1,152 2,804 2,016 788 7,338 265 1,378 2,474 2,226 1,830 1,286 47.7 4,289 1,139 1,839 3,880 11 1,149 8,172 8,157 4.87 15 3,010 1,190 553 3,080 1,280 161 86 71 46,958 37 10, 520 10 15,807 41 7,432 65,853 765.7 79,937 104.28 78 78 81 22,987 10 8 48 45 7,011 53 4,030 41 4,567 75 22,013 46 3,720 86 1,525 86 34,028 81 15,298 81 26,580 11 1,165 10 1,125 10 19 10 29 1 48.9 70 79 79 30.80 252 187 64,115 117 15,187 50 30,175 108 13,059 96,418 382.6 37,804 99.33 89 89 237 32,475 5 15 15 21 60 83 38 155 10,647 110 6,934 113 7,799 174 28,422 128 6,584 230 3,557 242 50,056 212 25,030 206 36,221 239 12 48 12 36 193 119 13 128 239 239 18.96 421 329 103,340 176 24,695 32 22,305 200 24,158 126,182 299.7 23,676 78.20 81 82 401 44,063 16 15 15 57 130 107 61 185 7,496 182 8,182 2O0 12,007 316 39,350 253 11,765 365 3,319 406 59,741 361 31,268 346 51,357 359 37 139 65 74 272 10 46 96 107 71 71 50.3 76 15 81 249 18 175 394 394 9.64 1,086 654 110,240 653 49,590 6 2,815 329 20,633 142,012 130.8 12,712 93.80 80 82 1,061 64,895 5 55 125 295 416 147 18 288 7,198 415 7,720 484 14, 192 601 30,671 483 11,891 949 5,445 1,071 79,813 810 33,281 786 44,863 10 45 10 45 1,041 35 349 181 168 732 214 129 60 165 110 298 153 76 210 137 20 60 291 308 262 102 49.8 343 70 187 536 14 158 979 974 6.44 5 507 260 72 457 276 30 3,373 1,433 177,101 2,303 123,211 472 28,431 271,881 80.6 6,511 82.63 86 84 3,317 127,662 61 490 771 1,252 670 65 8 620 8,802 1,038 20,888 1,090 23,537 1,462 59,970 1,213 20,476 2,568 10,546 3,348 157,352 2,017 52,815 1,828 83,507 3,255 78 1,062 561 501 2,261 75 495 957 721 570 267 46.0 1,497 341 666 1,135 10 304 2,795 2,790 4.10 5 984 332 154 1,071 449 31 SOUTH CAROLINA 539 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued ■ sample of farms. See textj Area 2— Continued Economic class — Con. Other farms 5,024 3,084 225,998 2,382 114,805 30,114 310,689 61.8 6,210 100.87 90 89 109,125 755 1,606 1,286 861 278 22 929 9,639 2,276 42,094 2,064 36,898 2,477 74,064 2,104 24,808 4,242 14,061 4,949 160,858 3,579 71,345 3,334 110,962 4,768 196 3,357 611 2,746 1,642 140 840 1,321 1,187 776 505 46.3 2,100 530 1,135 1,689 10 653 4,356 4,336 4.69 20 1,834 708 246 2,116 716 60 Residen- tial 7,625 5,940 345,414 1,975 73,920 5 125 1,630 76,683 342,776 45.0 4,840 112.63 90 86 5,832 64,294 3,100 1,805 671 226 30 1,015 8,875 3,966 67,849 2,326 38,542 3,775 114,535 2,643 23,799 6,380 24,882 7,041 141,018 4,448 71,216 4,855 153,077 5 10 5 10 7,105 307 4,864 590 4,274 2,563 170 1,005 1,600 1,626 1,432 1,272 49.7 3,030 970 1,311 2,905 12 1,112 6,259 6,249 4.57 10 2,909 1,092 470 2,900 690 7 7,301 7,301 1,043.0 1,349,993 785.79 29 47 1 6 6 545 6 566 2 1,375 6 2,600 7 641 7 2,685 7 1,920 7 3,975 1 3 1 3 1 1 46.5 7 7 56.13 Total all farms '12,599 67,11 867,459 6,743 418,192 65 68,693 2,372 140,342 1,214,002 96.4 5,150 54.53 83 82 11,619 312,935 2,225 3,270 2,726 2,191 937 214 56 3,746 81,170 5,504 127,323 5,534 176,415 6,439 384,356 3,297 77,653 10,383 54,150 12,218 521,428 .7,823 335,238 8,190 560,771 23 321 18 301 11,730 436 4,606 5,803 2,171 3,632 6,417 425 1,865 2,683 2,599 2,100 1,789 48.0 4,928 1,290 2,226 4,558 11 1,516 8,871 8,851 4.39 20 3,249 1,339 618 3,204 1,202 111 7,005 2,742 497,151 4,821 306,710 60 60,528 1,136 75,809 788,580 112.6 5,783 51.69 84 83 6,906 238,599 340 1,848 1,895 1,749 824 194 56 1,891 51,462 2,724 64,366 3,056 113,030 3,399 238,587 1,852 53,198 5,570 29,338 6,954 354,427 4,139 217,690 4,283 351,617 23 321 18 301 6,577 215 2,189 1,670 519 4,613 260 929 1,495 1,507 1,152 991 48.0 2,794 634 1,306 2,439 11 780 4,692 4,687 4.43 5 1,524 631 296 1,429 629 64 Economic class Commercial farms 32 31 14,510 11 4,859 1 7,000 13 1,274 25,095 784.2 42,781 56.33 94 91 32 5,504 11 7 7 24 1,682 10 775 25 3,350 30 11,976 10 863 31 945 32 7,961 32 5,895 32 15,326 2 71 2 71 9 2 51.5 29 31 31 27.24 97 62 32,709 27 7,329 25 20,450 39 7,854 52,634 542.6 23,607 45.96 75 71 92 11,831 6 5 5 31 28 17 79 6,924 51 3,781 65 8,277 79 13,625 48 6,855 92 1,341 97 22,536 92 22,056 87 21,902 1 10 46 92 92 26.83 Class III 261 184 65,348 131 15,513 22 19,479 110 12,189 88,151 337.7 18,544 58.72 87 81 261 22,338 15 15 60 106 45 20 178 8,949 168 6,614 181 11,017 222 31,093 110 5,804 251 2,336 261 37,901 241 25,770 235 42,110 5 20 5 20 70 23 47 176 33 51 88 29 27 47.6 56 17 34 150 13 107 247 247 10.37 197 115 34 139 83 7 691 378 108,490 428 37,848 2 3,722 215 13,934 136,126 197.0 10,227 51. 685 39,928 20 16 80 271 216 72 ]0 253 9,754 302 10, 636 386 22,392 435 35,894 218 12,526 604 4,996 685 60,318 510 44,672 535 58,286 10 170 5 150 667 19 265 140 125 410 56 236 184 137 50 47.7 238 25 96 336 14 151 570 570 6.05 307 127 80 269 124 11 2,368 842 137, 162 1,738 118,3* 4 5,952 388 24,188 237,286 100.2 5,113 51.19 84 84 2,326 80,366 35 381 730 796 347 36 1 622 13,463 894 19,315 1,073 32,084 1,102 71,265 594 11,644 1,896 9,149 2,358 113, 144 1,398 57,191 1,423 103,349 5 50 5 50 2,194 83 900 570 330 1,418 80 345 553 561 352 251 46.5 1,036 230 441 755 10 240 1,686 1,' ' 3.55 490 182 95 505 209 10 Class VI 3,556 1,245 138,932 2,486 122,801 6 3,925 371 16,370 249,288 70.1 3,563 50.36 83 84 3,510 78,632 285 1,425 1,065 615 113 6 1 735 10,690 1,299 23,245 1,326 35,910 1,531 74, 734 872 15, 506 2,696 10,571 3,521 112,567 1,866 62,106 1,971 110,644 3,350 96 925 925 165 481 630 651 601 661 49.2 1,442 356 705 1,123 10 207 2,066 2,061 2.75 5 413 127 61 433 165 10 2,239 1,408 150,437 1,006 49,712 1 1,419 403 18,450 183,118 81.8 4,525 56.77 85 83 2,144 44,976 375 796 600 277 83 13 776 13,655 1,076 24,484 1,048 28,310 1,136 54,140 638 9,220 1,907 8,333 2,209 83,115 1,483 51,185 1,498 82,450 2,089 109 1,830 1,576 255 1,321 657 85 411 546 466 347 193 45.6 981 250 385 772 11 238 1,612 1,607 4.32 5 601 250 120 683 250 15 Hesiden- tial 3,353 2,561 219,871 916 61,770 2 2,304 833 46,083 237,862 70.9 4,134 62.76 82 76 2,567 29,074 1,510 626 231 165 30 5 1,077 15,805 1,703 37,054 1,429 35,025 1,903 89,961 805 15,075 2,904 15,868 3,053 81, 933 2,199 65,905 2,408 124,986 3,062 112 2,011 2,037 246 1,791 1,146 525 641 625 601 605 49.7 1,151 406 535 1,347 13 497 2,566 2,556 4.34 10 1,123 457 201 1,091 322 31 2 4,442 4,442 2,221.0 137,500 61.91 100 100 2 286 2 248 1 1,419 1 50 1 1,668 2 160 2 611 2 1,953 2 458 1 1,718 540 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class I Class II Class III Class IV FARMS, ACREAGE, AM) VALUE Farms number Land owned by farm operators tarms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average size of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported. . .percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested. farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ).... farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land irrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting Not residing on farm operated operators reporting With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting 1 to 99 days operators reporting 100 days or more operators reporting Not working off their farm operators reporting Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting 25 to 34 years operators reporting 35 to 44 years operators reporting 45 to 54 years operators reporting 55 to 64 years operators reporting 65 years and over operators reporting Average age years Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Tel ep hone farms reporting. Electricity. farms reporting. From a power line farms reporting. Average of last monthly electric bill dollars. From a home plant farms reporting. Electric water pump farms reporting. Electric hot-water heater farms reporting. Home freezer farms reporting. Electric washing machine farms reporting. Electric chick brooder farms reporting. Electric power-feed grinder farms reporting. 11,586 6,472 1,051,798 6,245 336,382 34 38,619 2,290 135,675 1,291,124 111.4 5,435 50.94 84 80 10,525 319,656 1,744 3,102 2,378 1,918 1,001 268 114 3,060 84,374 4,432 96,882 4,371 189,701 6,046 479,239 3,210 79,974 8,805 41,298 11,239 500,912 6,656 354,049 7,276 668,940 10,938 399 5,136 2,136 3,000 6,209 391 1,734 2,300 2,144 2,114 2,014 48.9 4,077 921 1,976 4,847 13 1,073 8,019 8,006 4.23 13 3,117 1,215 513 2,760 979 48 6,108 2,926 654,354 3,902 228,764 33 36,775 1,219 82,834 837,059 137.0 6,538 49.17 82 5,977 242,844 228 1,540 1,558 1,371 913 255 112 1,767 64,025 1,956 43,840 2,264 128,866 3,010 283,009 1,713 51,314 4,416 23,161 6,060 350,709 3,377 244,205 3,563 411,875 5,796 215 2,006 1,441 565 3,978 231 914 1,135 1,270 1,184 859 48.2 2,105 356 1,100 2,555 13 647 4,198 4,197 4.35 1 1,630 683 290 1,259 540 42 39 33 27,407 29 8,023 1 5,500 25 4,441 36,489 935.6 68,184 79.30 90 82 39 12,688 10 23 33 5,078 14 1,765 15 3,128 28 11,920 22 1,307 38 603 39 19, 531 34 9,513 29 15,048 12 10 6 9 2 44.8 31 38 38 23.85 144 124 76,603 44 13,404 1. 17, 210 83 11,002 96,215 668.2 31,734 47.31 76 76 129 20,000 5 5 272 222 100,987 159 24, 883 5 3,020 144 17, 536 111,354 409.4 20,889 55.12 81 75 265 28,029 16 29 22 52 79 9,754 44 2,440 92 11,014 117 41,943 54 8,718 131 2,346 133 32,194 116 29,486 139 52,957 10 22 31 88 82 32 163 9,548 81 3,503 125 21,979 195 36,584 146 9,252 238 2,459 272 41,080 235 40,779 227 58,563 606 434 126,768 313 30,719 7 8,405 244 12,479 153,413 253.2 10,569 44.45 84 79 574 35,428 136 260 76 4 295 14,337 250 7,877 329 32,906 384 49, 570 228 8,762 504 4,533 599 57,642 446 56,005 476 82,476 23 33 40 24 2 45.6 126 126 12.89 237 32 32 48 191 5 40 63 46 64 33 48.3 24 153 17 92 259 259 117 92 29 75 20 3 205 98 29 125 48 6 583 23 215 77 138 376 5 61 121 171 147 49 49.1 152 11 109 306 14 128 551 550 1 345 136 43 252 120 10 2,054 942 180,344 1,325 68,136 1 1,200 392 19,035 230,645 112.3 5,337 50.39 83 79 2,018 74,769 40 365 566 633 364 49 1 514 13,772 625 11,485 780 35,089 968 75, 263 573 13,865 1,427 6,402 2,044 100,026 1,058 62,726 1,134 110,352 1,980 58 878 537 341 1,161 65 332 468 442 344 212 46.5 752 120 348 829 12 188 1,507 1,507 3.83 599 186 104 495 211 16 SOUTH CAROLINA 541 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of farms. See textj Area 4 — Continued Areas 5, A, ami II Economic class — ton. 2,469 1,494 178,819 1,215 64,405 448 19,468 223,756 90.6 5,054 53.99 2,373 52,803 391 801 605 486 76 13 1 690 12,205 1,029 22,302 1,046 30,148 1,358 84,967 753 13,395 1,939 7,936 2,453 87,310 1,554 55,748 1,684 115,115 1,503 395 1,108 966 100 390 585 436 395 392 47.6 881 180 435 1,078 12 228 1,804 1,804 4.12 632 277 110 692 233 5 3,008 2,052 218,625 1,128 43,213 623 33,373 228,465 76.0 3.595 54.3*. 86 75 2,174 23,806 1,125 761 215 61 12 602 8,064 1,447 30,740 1,061 30,687 1,677 109,716 744 15,265 2,449 10,187 2,725 62,610 1,724 54,016 2,028 140,403 2,778 118 1,626 300 1,326 1,265 60 430 580 437 535 763 1,091 385 441 1,213 13 197 2,016 2,005 4.05 11 804 254 113 808 206 1 1,844 1,844 1,844.0 1 203 1 1,547 1 283 1 80 1 1,547 Total all 15,488 9,938 1,246,498 7,642 445,783 44 2,577 168,026 1,582,775 102.2 5,146 52.48 90 14,076 498, 553 2,533 3,239 3,073 2,907 1,675 431 218 3,458 71,745 6,905 153,431 3,514 124, 790 9,011 638,452 1,927 41,584 13,003 54,220 14,986 723,729 6,288 238,119 10,013 763,242 1 75 1 75 14, 514 593 6,405 1,822 4,583 8,709 476 2,496 3,437 3,019 2,642 2,072 47.7 6,017 1,504 2,530 6,064 12 1,624 11,596 11, 581 4.27 15 4,415 1,363 1,103 4,616 1,256 93 Economic class Commercial fan ',. ' < 4,631 818,600 4,957 347,719 33 40,549 1,316 97,224 1,109,644 134.0 6,230 48.55 89 86 8,158 398,361 362 1,359 2,047 2,262 1,489 424 215 2,051 54,620 3,391 88,180 2,096 96,140 4,743 412,093 1,097 27,490 6,885 32,760 8,217 541,161 3,596 178,250 5,245 508,233 7,751 262 1,909 1,192 717 6,102 256 1,193 1,901 1,587 1,468 1,040 47.6 3,123 704 1,424 3,161 12 713 6,051 6,046 4.42 5 2,173 662 639 2,105 699 66 Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V 69 65,730 25 16,546 7 8,550 35 3,536 87,290 1,119.1 83,133 60.73 68 83 67 28,824 13 10 43 35 11,169 37 6,061 26 8,515 52 29,003 24 1,879 73 1,839 73 46,054 50 21,563 55 37,518 11 14 19 16 4 48.7 53 53 41.87 165 114 91 28,145 14 19,248 70 14,616 121,871 738.6 40,224 53.26 88 90 149 36,879 5 20 37 76 99 8,466 80 9,218 71 12, 501 137 48,738 48 4,111 148 1,958 155 54, 563 125 25,078 149 61,239 119 41 141 141 12.80 115 65 50 83 51 8 348 294 107,763 187 34,212 4 7,297 119 8,142 141,130 405.5 19,723 52.85 88 81 343 44,628 5 10 15 10 88 159 56 178 11,106 159 8,297 150 12,760 285 57,089 74 4,870 331 2,380 348 64,031 264 28,736 313 69,849 334 14 32 64 247 76 83 72 66 40 46.8 106 11 51 171 14 139 319 319 7.86 241 145 77 174 138 13 927 565 152,102 571 61,972 6 2,794 218 25,414 191,454 206.5 9,363 48.97 86 79 911 63,445 21 20 72 233 400 141 24 308 7,446 405 14,046 325 20, 672 597 72,253 181 5,899 830 7,693 917 84,937 528 34,017 669 92,925 282 113 169 614 10 112 273 217 121 81 46.0 315 101 203 357 12 167 771 771 5.47 395 105 119 302 93 10 3,140 1,570 202,206 2,010 117,966 2 2,660 450 21,849 300, 983 95.9 4,416 47.65 90 87 3,108 128,837 61 273 750 1,209 739 71 5 735 7,659 1,150 21,691 782 22,434 1,703 104,972 450 6,191 2,579 9,199 3,114 158,187 1,347 36,284 1,884 127,406 2,945 85 900 487 413 2,135 105 515 840 660 440 250 45.2 1,342 290 529 1,079 11 196 2,508 2,508 3.71 171 229 929 284 10 3,625 2,019 201,705 2,073 88,878 424 23,667 266,916 73.6 3,029 41.36 90 90 3,580 95,748 257 1,050 1,205 810 241 6 11 696 8,774 1,560 28,867 742 19,258 1,969 100,038 320 4,540 2,924 9,691 3,610 133,389 1,282 32,572 2,175 119,296 3,419 540 540 2,960 135 475 626 572 806 661 50.3 1,281 285 591 1,458 17 132 2,259 2,254 2.91 5 563 132 146 581 110 20 Part-time rfc.id.n- tial 2,919 2,012 191,310 1,325 61,044 448 23,218 229,136 78.5 4,174 52.97 93 93 2,798 65,117 406 930 766 520 169 6 1 683 6,975 1,332 25,788 714 15,828 1,774 98,594 408 7,729 2,492 9,105 2,884 97, 880 1,291 30,532 1,964 114,422 2,747 147 1,902 245 1,657 1,007 115 586 688 555 403 336 45.6 1,278 350 450 1,121 11 382 2,396 2,396 4.02 947 227 221 1,118 311 10 4,275 3,295 236, 588 1,360 37,020 810 46,313 227,295 53.2 3,416 68.35 88 83 3,111 31,880 1,765 950 255 125 16 721 8,275 2,178 38,613 701 12,147 2,483 118,195 416 6,205 3,621 11,980 3,874 78,768 1,392 26,627 2,793 130,342 4,008 181 2,907 2,587 385 2,202 1,597 105 715 846 876 770 696 49.1 1,615 450 655 1,774 12 526 3,141 3,131 4.16 10 1,288 472 241 1,391 245 16 11 17,971 3 1,271 16,700 1,518.2 143,297 121.55 73 56 9 3,195 2 3 1,875 4 850 3 675 11 9,570 6 160 5 375 11 5,920 9 2,710 11 10, 245 1 75 1 75 991354 0-52-36 542 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only I tern (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV FARMS, ACREAGE, AM) VALUE Fan . number Land owned by farm operators tarms reporting acres Land rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land managed by farm operators farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average si ze of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported. . .percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting acres 1 to 9 acres farms reporting 10 to 19 acres farms reporting 20 to 29 acres farms reporting 30 to 49 acres farms reporting 50 to 99 acres farms reporting 100 to 199 acres farms reporting 200 acres and over farms reporting Cropland used only for pasture farms reporting acres Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms reporting acres Woodland pastured farms reporting acres Woodland not pastured farms reporting acres Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms reporting acres Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. ).... farms reporting acres Cropland, total farms reporting acres Land pastured, total farms reporting acres Woodland, total farms reporting acres Irrigated land in farms farms reporting acres Land i rrigated by sprinklers farms reporting acres FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting.. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. . 1 year or less operators reporting.. 5 to 9 years operators reporting.. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone Electricity From a power line Average of last monthly electric bill. From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder Electric power-feed grinder arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting. dol lars. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting. 29,941 13,061 2,043,850 21,078 1,091,065 110 168, 133 5,762 455,437 2,852,611 95.3 5,387 60.83 87 81 28,860 1,280,589 3,012 5,827 6,755 7,098 4,158 1,283 727 5,475 101,959 7,285 182,791 4,198 163,761 13,493 997,729 1,920 46,970 19,613 78,812 29,396 1,565,339 8,725 312,690 14,830 1,161,490 16 1,896 15 96 27,645 1,509 5,641 8,424 4,004 4,420 20,808 1,563 5,436 6,837 5,716 4,302 3,150 45.2 13,278 3,493 4,919 10,279 10 2,005 17,518 17,448 4.69 70 5,801 2,642 1,789 4,862 2,440 259 23,139 9,206 1,660,762 17,340 972,837 90 152,442 3,902 319,243 2,466,798 106.6 5,891 59.85 88 81 22,992 1,170,857 886 4,262 5,662 6,276 3,925 1,256 725 4,261 85,380 5,195 137,312 3,212 140,141 10,381 827,447 1,568 40,805 15,059 64,856 23,090 1,393,549 6,702 266,326 11,322 967, 588 10 1,880 9 £0 21,645 989 4,625 3,234 1,391 18,067 1,183 4,231 5,404 4,553 3,248 2,147 44.7 10,269 2,521 3,946 7,990 10 1,422 13,637 13,577 4.62 60 4,245 1,974 1,334 3,452 1,895 228 192 152 204,214 120 59,401 24 45, 160 136 31,045 277,730 1,446.5 90,083 63.00 78 77 190 119,488 10 180 119 14,554 65 13,770 66 25,460 159 94,353 29 5,527 161 4,578 190 147,812 148 45,541 180 119,813 2 1,815 1 15 142 44 30 144 34 119 17 125 180 178 25.51 2 166 133 86 101 525 458 284,896 330 95,548 26 25,308 333 50,398 355,354 676.9 33,744 53.41 82 77 510 142,078 16 15 20 132 327 337 20,322 236 16,104 236 28,210 420 134,847 121 5,334 457 8,459 525 178,504 430 53,866 475 163,057 3 35 3 35 383 131 124 41 83 397 11 69 127 136 60 63 46.9 124 12 79 304 15 212 484 482 12.25 2 403 297 179 224 172 54 1,071 716 238,048 669 102,814 23 28,584 488 47,832 321,614 300.3 15,266 55.60 84 77 1,066 121,544 6 25 50 145 362 352 126 505 13,218 295 17,443 328 22,251 858 130,634 144 8,897 888 7,627 1,071 152,205 671 44,366 930 152,885 5 30 30 956 103 260 98 162 792 21 118 250 287 213 54 46.7 300 43 174 545 14 218 898 893 8.29 5 610 336 223 433 280 50 4,180 1,651 311,164 3.156 199,981 3 6,181 746 57,103 460,223 110.1 6,969 68.23 89 82 4,173 237,119 25 325 685 1,306 1,309 454 69 892 12,051 901 21,518 767 25,953 2,151 144,431 382 8,060 2,978 11,091 4,175 270,688 1,477 46,064 2,338 170,384 3,886 219 893 505 388 3,210 106 727 1,164 907 539 303 44.7 1,949 485 693 1,389 10 285 3,225 3,195 4.67 30 1,088 457 313 975 448 28 8,528 2,936 351,644 6,708 300,769 5 23,956 1,101 70,116 606,253 71.1 4,220 63.35 87 81 8,490 317,756 195 1,500 2,255 2,763 1,505 251 21 1,242 14,276 1,614 36,713 951 25,559 3,496 190,352 536 7,192 5,314 14,405 8,521 368,745 2,103 47,027 3,782 215,911 8,113 224 1,875 1,147 728 6,517 470 1,723 2,013 1,700 1,088 628 43.5 4,015 1,042 1,484 2,698 9 392 5,041 5,020 3.56 21 1,258 474 344 1,063 574 55 SOUTH CAROLINA 543 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a aample of farma. See textj Area 6 — Contin nonuc claaa — Con. Re a i d en - tial Total all farma Economic claaa Commercial fttrma Claaa 1 Claaa II CI... Ill CI... IV CI... V Part-time fle.iden- tial 2,974 1,558 151,774 1,797 60,019 1 1,055 634 36,606 176,242 59.3 3,602 63.49 87 83 2,878 70,385 486 845 736 631 157 22 1 568 8,344 941 17,002 461 12,500 1,406 59,933 150 3,155 1,956 4,923 2,908 95,731 938 23,999 1,546 72,433 5 10 5 10 2,650 264 2,418 1,951 365 1,586 1,008 195 605 771 553 406 262 43.7 1,486 426 446 933 275 1,852 1,852 4.90 708 280 213 667 302 3,821 2,297 236,314 1,941 58, 209 12 9,470 1,225 98,777 205,216 53.7 3,525 70.55 81 76 2,984 38,256 1 640 720 357 186 76 640 8,205 1,143 27,542 519 11,080 1,699 108, 700 195 2,475 2,591 8,958 3,392 74,003 1,078 21,760 1,955 119,780 3,348 251 1,897 1,842 405 1,437 1,732 185 600 662 608 648 741 48.9 1,522 546 522 1,355 12 308 2,023 2,013 4.94 10 848 388 242 743 243 16 5,166 1 811 4,355 622.1 38,333 80.70 86 65 6 1,091 30 6 935 6 40 7 1,649 7 535 7 75 6 2,056 7 605 7 1,689 1 6 1 6 26,604 11,108 1,224,643 18,039 625,212 40 48,778 5,141 328,365 1,570,268 59.0 5,865 107.53 87 81 25,573 576,346 3,977 9,622 6,791 3,895 1,123 96 69 3,921 22,829 4,738 40,429 4,534 102,098 12,721 751,408 2,071 27,892 17, 108 49,266 25,892 639,604 8,040 152, 819 13,751 853,506 25,095 829 2,926 5,438 3,075 2,363 20,486 1,865 5,979 6,355 5,081 3,026 2,000 42.6 12,497 4,627 4,332 8,383 10 1,359 18,555 18,505 3.86 50 4,471 2,258 2,590 7,700 2,695 158 22,915 8,529 902,878 16,528 584,415 31 30,741 3,447 1 17,054 1,320,980 57.6 5,942 108.38 89 84 22,810 546,950 2,318 8,905 6,564 3,772 1,086 96 69 3,307 19,138 3,991 33,764 3,969 91,208 10,581 571,486 1,730 19,139 14,581 39,295 22,858 599,852 6,881 129,485 11,476 662,694 21,907 593 1,245 3,735 2,745 990 18,781 1,600 5,274 5,750 4,498 2,515 1,522 42.1 11,232 4,072 3,911 6,800 9 959 16,089 16,049 3.67 40 3,347 1,604 2,147 6,559 2,261 126 21 15 27,667 14 3,475 14 3,823 27,319 1,300.9 69,132 53.76 52 52 21 9,863 15 10 1,537 5 732 2 410 19 13,757 1 40 16 980 21 12,132 12 1,987 19 14,167 172 113 44,886 118 19,635 8 7,045 79 10,483 61,083 355.1 32,057 92.40 78 76 172 19, 195 10 10 6 26 60 29 31 81 1,526 53 1,263 62 8,135 122 29,632 28 569 148 763 172 21,984 122 10, 230 132 37, 767 145 26 29 22 7 143 37 68 35 10 3 41.8 78 167 167 13.71 1,282 510 111,532 909 55,656 7 6,630 286 25,553 148,265 115.7 12, 590 118.33 88 81 1,277 57,703 5 95 285 552 287 34 19 351 2,317 255 2,987 317 10,413 772 66,278 150 2,284 955 6,283 1,277 63,007 571 15,014 837 76,691 1,232 24 201 128 73 1,055 25 161 385 337 144 87 45.4 543 205 216 481 10 94 1,166 1,161 4.79 5 398 196 265 669 307 20 8,458 2,590 272,357 6,550 ." i,c " 7 6,816 1,142 52,191 477, 669 56.5 6,574 118.52 89 8,443 222,305 135 2,810 3,062 1,938 487 9 2 1,368 6,086 1,475 11, 582 1,535 33,131 3,978 184,444 732 6,492 5,637 13,629 8,453 239,973 2,717 45,709 4,298 217,575 8,928 3,103 254,125 6,484 189,274 3 5,850 1,097 46,620 45.1 4,664 108.86 89 84 8,922 174,920 993 4,291 2,458 978 178 22 2 1,030 4,828 1,483 9,730 1,470 24,584 3,832 170,137 556 7,690 5,223 10,740 8,928 189,478 2,399 37,102 4,207 194,721 4,054 2,198 192,311 2,453 65,688 6 4,400 829 58,384 204,015 50.3 4,159 84.92 88 85 3,975 62,964 1,175 1,698 753 273 74 2 1,158 668 65,916 646 13,089 293 19,928 59,077 51.0 4,527 95.86 88 81 1,102 15,316 447 426 132 76 21 2,526 1,911 255,849 865 27,708 4 17,297 1,401 111,383 189,471 75.0 5,756 104.02 77 57 1,656 13,700 1,212 291 95 47 11 467 2,844 720 7,470 583 14,535 1,858 107,238 263 2,064 2,602 6,900 4,007 73,278 1,060 19,443 1,983 121,773 191 1,280 261 1,765 189 3,580 638 33,939 100 1,065 773 2,132 1,107 18,361 361 5,925 678 37,519 423 2,411 481 4,665 376 7,310 1,502 145,983 241 7,688 1,749 7,714 1,922 20,776 798 17,409 1,597 153,293 8,164 155 1,348 986 362 6,960 455 1,860 2,426 1,798 828 410 41.8 4,251 1,570 1,637 2,234 8 330 6,792 6,782 3.53 10 1,332 558 968 3,152 878 27 ,534 247 1,644 1,098 ■ 546 7,193 785 2,383 2,139 1,581 881 539 40.7 4,764 1,715 1,372 2,470 286 5,893 5,878 3.34 15 1,000 516 598 2,060 699 53 3,818 135 501 501 335 832 731 737 652 483 44.9 1,603 571 655 1,535 12 163 2,053 2,043 3.59 10 505 264 248 586 306 18 1,062 76 785 115 670 368 145 300 240 207 118 66 40.6 530 235 121 460 10 118 767 767 4.49 252 126 140 288 129 5 2,121 160 918 215 703 1,332 120 405 365 376 393 412 48.4 735 320 300 1,118 14 277 1,694 1,684 5.45 10 867 523 298 853 305 27 5 74 740 148.0 5 380 5 235 5 125 5 615 5 19 5 5 5 .50 5 5 5 544 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 1 of 2), FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950- Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C Total all farms conomic class Commercial farms FARMS, ACREAGE, AND VALUE Farms Land owned by farm operators farms Land rented from others by farm operators farms Land managed by farm operators farms Land rented to others by farm operators farms . . . number, reporting. acres, reporting. acres, reporting. acres, reporting. acres. Land in farms Average size of farm Value of land and buildings average per farm average per acre Proportion of farms reporting value Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported . arr . . . acres. dollars. dol lars. . percent. . percent. Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms 1 to 9 acres farms 10 to 19 acres farms 20 to 29 acres farms 30 to 49 acres farms 50 to 99 acres farms 100 to 199 acres farms 200 acres and over farms Cropland used only for pasture farms Cropland not harvested and not pastured farms Woodland pastured farms Woodland not pastured farms Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland) farms Other land (house lots, roads, wasteland, etc.) farms Cropland, total farms Land pastured, total farms Woodl and , total farms Irrigated land in farms xarms Land irrigated by sprinklers farms FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated operators Not residing on farm operated operators With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators 1 to 99 days operators 100 days or more operators Not working off their farm operators reporting acres reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting acres reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. Operators by age: Under 25 years operators reporting.. 25 to 34 years operators reporting.. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. . 45 to 54 years operators reporting. . 55 to 64 years operators reporting. . 65 years and over. operators reporting.. Average age years.. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. 1 year or less operators reporting 5 to 9 years operators reporting 10 years or more. operators reporting Average number of years on present farm years SPECIFIED FACILITIES Te lephone "rms Electricity ,arms From a power line farms Average of last monthly electric bill From a home plant farms . farms ElectDC water pump Electric hot- water heater farms Home f reeze r ! " rms Electric washing machine farms Electric chick brooder farms Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting, reporting, reporting. . . dol lars. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. 13,635 11,217 981,172 5,772 205,602 59 209,227 1,682 69,653 ,326,348 97.3 5,174 60.16 86 76 12,812 270,723 5,474 3,403 1,763 1,159 692 227 94 2,843 61,799 4,026 87,720 3,115 236,447 6,267' 535,957 673 50,898 10,758 82,804 13,241 420,242 5,143 349,144 7,735 772,404 29 3,690 950 12,757 535 6,270 1,473 4,797 7,073 313 2,049 3,112 2,860 2,378 1,919 48.1 3,390 521 2,408 6,933 15 829 6,951 6,946 5.67 5 2,614 1,299 1,062 2,787 854 103 4,572 3,589 668,873 2,280 139,407 53 196,227 772 40,635 963,872 210.8 9,935 55.35 87 74 4,504 182,690 492 1,199 1,021 873 609 216 94 1,352 46,549 1,420 60,101 1,676 202,425 2,429 366,372 354 45,014 3,748 60,721 4,540 289,340 2,426 293,966 , 3,105 568,797 19 3,675 950 4,326 180 1,065 648 417 3,387 98 594 1,038 1,104 859 481 47.8 1,109 160 840 2,390 15 454 2,875 2,871 7.40 4 1,293 667 589 1,325 526 82 52 74,812 16 7,223 11 49,537 14 2,869 126,683 1,949.7 143,242 93.41 79 62 65 19,980 12 39 27 4,905 34 4,397 19 17,421 47 50,194 20 14,832 55 16,954 66 29,262 41 37,156 52 67,615 3 940 3 940 65 42.75 117 109 75,861 67 13,434 7 38.40C 25 1,655 126,040 1,077.3 65,172 58.67 85 86 117 16,715 6 1 7 29 44 30 73 6,365 25 10,816 84 45,308 78 28,667 28 13,465 113 4,704 117 33,896 99 65,136 106 73,975 1 2,500 100 15 67 115 114 16.36 1 108 67 60 72 30 10 SOUTH CAROLINA 545 Economic Area Tabic 8 (Part 1 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued [Data ore baaed on reports for only a aample of farms. See text] (For definitions and explanations, see text) FARMS, ACREAGE, AND V A 1. 1 ' E Farms number Land owned by farm operators farms reporting acres l.and rented from others by farm operators farms reporting acres 1-and managed by farm operators , farms reporting acres Land rented to others by farm operators farms reporting acres Land in farms acres Average site of farm acres Value of land and buildings average per farm, dollars average per acre, dollars Proportion of farms reporting value percent Proportion of land in farms for which value was reported percent Land in farms according to use: Cropland harvested farms reporting. acres. 1 to 1 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 acres and over Cropland used only for pasture Cropland not harvested and not pastured Woodland pastured Woodland not pastured Other pasture (not cropland and not woodland). Other land ( house lots, roads, wasteland, etc. Cropland, total Land pastured, total , Woodland, total Irrigated land in farms Land irrigated by sprinklers rms reporting. rms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting. arms reporting, arms reporting, arms reporting, acres. rms reporting. acres. arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. acres- arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. acres. arms reporting. acres. s reporting. acres. FARM OPERATORS Residing on farm operated ., operators reporting. Not residing on farm operated operators reporting. With other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold operators reporting. Off-farm work: Working off their farm, total operators reporting. 1 to 99 days operators reporting. 100 days or more operators reporting. Not working off their farm operators reporting. Operators by age: I'nder 25 years operators reporting. 25 to 34 years operators reporting. 35 to 44 years operators reporting. 45 to 54 years operators reporting. 55 to 64 years operators reporting. 65 years and over operators reporting. Average age years. Operators by years on present farm: Less than 5 years operators reporting. I year or less operators reporting. 5 to 9 years operators reporting. 10 years or more operators reporting. Average number of years on present farm years. SPECIFIED FACILITIES Telephone Electricity From a power line Average of last monthly electric bill From a home plant Electric water pump Electric hot-water heater Home freezer • Electric washing machine Electric chick brooder Electric power- feed grinder farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. farms reporting. Areas B and C — Continued Rconomic class — Continued Commercial farms — Continued 555 46S 160,413 24,260 7 29,857 160 9,771 204,759 368.9 14,884 46.34 67 72 546 34,159 21 36 62 144 196 83 6 275 14,908 175 10,215 225 53,210 339 68,811 109 8,136 497 15,318 550 59,282 401 76,256 415 122,021 188 60 128 367 10 35 133 136 102 39 46.5 127 252 100 485 483 8.32 2 334 167 134 332 97 1,139 874 136,667 539 37,340 7 17,847 lea 9,634 162,440 160.2 6,777 46.41 89 81 1,121 39,432 61 244 261 326 177 26 2 366 9,206 418 12,158 476 33,390 652 77,356 72 3,085 989 7,813 1,127 60,796 658 45,661 823 110,746 362 131 231 758 21 151 280 314 202 93 47.1 270 53 234 596 15 95 853 652 5.83 1 367 174 163 368 148 26 2,503 1,935 137,032 1,350 45,246 2 10,636 336 10,044 162,870 73.1 3,509 53.62 86 2,466 54,203 362 697 672 370 143 528 4,289 680 11,807 746 19,311 1,186 83,768 105 1,915 1,917 7,577 2,468 70,299 1,080 25,515 1,532 103,079 5 50 2,376 82 430 430 60 321 568 531 504 315 48.4 598 81 413 1,338 IS 95 1,183 1,183 4.22 296 110 118 397 168 Psrt-time Pesitjentls! 2,233 1,861 112,678 981 30,500 1 1,600 238 8,324 136,654 60.7 3,622 59.26 86 87 2,173 38,511 675 762 432 221 78 5 508 5,310 646 8,694 560 16,822 1,156 57,633 122 4,528 1,773 5,156 2,213 52,515 941 26,660 1,418 74,455 2,105 86 ,519 200 ,319 723 110 445 598 482 270 251 684 91 385 1,063 13 126 1,371 1,371 4.94 531 258 204 577 147 6,79? 3,742 196,541 2,511 35,695 4 4,400 S46 19,800 216,836 32.2 2,402 82.40 85 77 6,134 49,420 4,307 1,442 310 65 5 5 8,990 1,955 18,895 877 17,200 2,676 107,699 196 1,310 5,231 15,322 6,482 77,305 1,775 27,500 3,206 124,899 10 15 6,320 269 3,666 625 3,061 2,957 105 1,010 1,476 1,268 1,249 1,187 49.5 1,592 250 1,182 3,460 15 249 2,699 2,699 4.34 784 369 269 885 161 546 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Pan 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are based on reports for only The State Economic class Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms Totsl Class I Class II Class III Claaa IV Class V Class VI 1 139,195 84,231 520 1,500 3,869 16, 637 29,998 31, 707 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS 2 reporting. . reporting. . 1,355 1,183 124 318 307 164 164 106 3 6,290 5,163 307 689 727 1,226 1,434 760 4 number. . 6,765 5,623 490 802 771 1,280 1,469 811 5 reporting. . 388 346 70 75 75 40 48 40 6 number. . 390 356 76 76 76 40 48 40 7 reporting. . 2,159 1,876 150 281 238 427 515 265 8 number. . 2,215 1,930 163 289 244 443 521 270 9 reporting. . 1,221 1,106 188 326 229 155 184 24 10 reporting. . 25,440 17,145 463 1,181 1,903 4,203 5,446 3,949 11 number. . 29,714 20,438 1,215 1,849 2,429 4,796 6,026 4,123 12 reporting. . 24,609 16,582 433 1,139 1,823 4,075 5,272 3,840 13 Under 5 years reporting. . 12,212 8,892 381 892 1,249 2,342 2,498 1,530 14 reporting. . 3,337 2,158 40 121 173 560 646 616 IS reporting. . 9,060 5,532 12 126 401 1,173 2,126 1,694 16 reporting. . number. . 23,454 30,282 16,603 22,769 472 1,732 1,249 2,586 2,182 3,292 4,265 5,304 5,222 6,241 3,193 3,614 B 18 Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . . farms reporting. . 22,609 16,364 461 1,243 2,155 4,265 5,122 3, 118 19 reporting. . 21,926 15,903 452 1,233 2,128 4,154 4,954 2,982 20 number. . 28, 004 21,507 1,633 2,459 3,161 5,059 5,847 3,348 21 reporting. . 19,534 14,058 399 1,082 1,857 3,660 4,384 2,676 22 reporting. . 12,427 9,113 334 782 1,247 2,396 2,775 1,579 23 reporting. . 3,791 2,718 58 186 399 650 869 554 24 reporting. . 3,316 2,227 7 112 211 614 740 543 25 reporting. . 1,098 418 19 60 45 68 120 106 26 number. . 1,158 460 24 62 50 78 135 111 27 reporting. . 977 699 41 58 67 155 228 150 28 number. . 1,120 802 75 65 81 167 259 155 29 reporting. . number. . 69,963 81,449 41,721 48,876 451 1,258 1,173 1,951 2,795 3,667 9,595 11,250 15,144 17,189 12,563 13,561 30 31 farms reporting. . 68,020 40,543 411 1,100 2,655 9,365 14, 755 12, 257 32 reporting. . 20,891 12,244 377 863 1,549 3,427 3,899 2,129 33 reporting. . 10,550 6,044 22 78 350 1,583 2,374 1,637 34 Fares by class of work power: reporting. . 36,579 22,255 12 159 756 4,355 8,482 8,491 35 reporting. . 40,466 19,797 31 100 277 3,157 7,810 8,404 36 No tractor and only 1 horse or mule reporting. . 37,607 19,328 1 15 155 2,478 6,173 10,506 37 No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules reporting. . 37.668 28,503 16 136 1,255 6,699 10,793 9,604 38 reporting. . 16,511 12,535 374 1,031 1,776 3,458 3,620 2,276 39 reporting. . 6,943 4,068 98 218 406 827 1,602 917 FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED 40 reporting. . 51,517 28,846 311 792 1,446 5,366 10,362 10,569 41 reporting. . 6,352 3,069 21 43 128 423 1,030 1,424 42 reporting. . 74,942 48,672 137 585 2,051 10,112 17,416 18,371 FARM LAROR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 43 reporting. . 117,284 76,671 480 1,433 3,664 15, 602 27,429 28,063 44 persons. . 243,295 176,250 7,987 9,854 13,401 38,645 55,728 50, 635 45 reporting. . 114,916 75,408 437 1,313 3,476 15,312 27,050 27, 820 46 persons. . 198,027 137,581 569 2,015 7,295 31,035 49,572 47,095 47 106, 502 71,124 431 1,288 3,322 14,580 25,572 25, 931 48 Unpaid members of operator's family working reporting. . persons. . 54,349 91,525 37,349 66,457 90 136 381 727 1,660 3,973 8,565 16,455 13,434 24,000 12,999 21,164 49 50 farms reporting. . persons. . 16,411 45,268 12,182 38,669 457 7,418 1,178 7,839 1,854 6,106 3,283 7,610 3,353 6,156 2,057 3,540 51 52 Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) reporting. . 10,881 8,771 438 1,112 1,560 2,420 2,103 1,138 53 persons. . 28,360 25,331 6,084 5,495 4,113 4,601 3,360 1,678 54 Seasonal workers (to be oployed leas than ISO days) . . . .fsrms reporting. . 7,619 5,211 138 443 631 1,323 1,601 1,075 ss persons . . 16,908 13,338 1,334 2,344 1,993 3,009 2,796 1,862 56 Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers.. . . fsrms reporting. . 8,792 6,971 319 735 1,223 1,960 1,752 982 57 No report as to period of expected employment. . fsrms reporting. . 58 Farms by kind of workers: 59 reporting. . 14,043 10,919 414 1,058 1,666 2,993 2,974 1,814 60 reporting. . 100,873 64,489 23 255 1,810 12,319 24,076 26,006 61 reporting. . 51,536 31,134 7 136 600 4,918 11,796 13,677 62 reporting. . 7,644 3,782 10 81 593 1,301 1,797 63 reporting. . 2,368 1,263 43 120 188 290 379 243 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES I N 1949 64 reporting. . 114,355 72,255 498 1,451 3,717 15,311 25,725 25,553 65 reporting. . 88,248 61,300 492 1,409 3,527 14,001 22,128 19, 743 66 dollars.. 34,075,040 30,380,870 6,499,368 5,306,522 4,448,693 5,956,814 5,358,605 2,810,868 67 reporting. . 66,257 45,535 282 948 2,585 10,215 16,296 15,209 68 dollsrs. . 6,426,840 5,194,832 349,270 430,675 618,874 1,269,739 1,551,945 974,129 69 reporting. . 62, 745 46,418 491 1,366 3,271 12,038 16,797 12,455 70 dol lara. . 27,648,200 25,186,038 6,150,098 4,875,647 3,829,819 4,687,075 3,806,660 1,836,739 71 reporting. . 65,041 39,005 378 1,077 2,600 9,359 13,326 12,265 72 dollsrs.. 17,187,023 14,148,764 3,884,808 3,041,048 1,992,315 2,087,509 2,010,968 1,132,116 73 reporting. . 48, 238 30,605 332 1,013 2,353 7,846 10,634 8,427 74 dol lara. . 9, 119, 60S 7,830,178 .711,855 1,800,866 1,264,131 1,195,153 1,211,122 577,031 75 reporting. . 68,921 44,566 412 1,190 2,751 10,250 15,229 14,734 76 dollars. . 5,652,930 4,689,003 988,145 646,025 535, 585 878,085 868,265 572,978 77 Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil reporting. . 48,261 36,645 492 1,374 3,163 10,858 13,141 7,597 78 dollsrs. . 11,564,411 10.ir5.092 1.301,210 1,547,616 1,617,257 2,548,330 2,133,368 987,311 79 reporting. . 43,342 38,857 449 1,317 2,057 8,496 11,151 8,787 80 do.- lara.. 5,934,114 5,185,' 81 962, 8e4 925,904 877.887 1,015,936 912,115 490,695 81 82 reporting. . dollars. . 16,017 3,314,398 12,361 2,949,019 428 564,710 1,192 629,615 1,846 524,651 3,309 550,534 3,559 463,083 2,027 217,226 83 rrp.rting. . 37,382 28,785 378 1,055 2,181 7,419 9,787 7,965 84 dollar/... 2,619,716 2,235.802 393, 174 296,289 353,236 465,402 449,032 273,669 SOUTH CAROLINA 547 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 195C • sample of farms. See text] The State— Continued Area 1 Economic class — Con. Economic class Other farms all farms Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Class 1 Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Pu r t - 1 1 me Re si den- tist Abnormsl 20,519 34,405 40 6,380 1,896 6 28 22 134 468 1,238 1,483 3,000 1 1 56 680 106 454 10 13 51 230 41 156 5 1 21 13 5 59 5 41 5 36 10 31 6 42 1 3 685 442 15 232 157 1 14 6 59 41 36 42 31 2 4 10 10 161 161 53 3,900 21 21 115 116 49 4,369 3 3 7 8 13 26 18 18 29 29 37 1,235 17 17 16 16 26 431 5 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 2 2 12 28 1 1 1 1 7 63 1 1 7 7 5 5 1 1 1 206 11 11 1 1 10 532 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 22 106 271 10 4,295 4,902 79 1,423 537 19 52 43 80 136 207 278 596 10 11 3,748 4,253 26 1,164 401 6 28 17 63 101 186 256 506 1 12 1,557 1,738 25 465 172 6 18 7 35 55 51 111 181 1 13 356 1,635 3,593 622 1,893 3,232 1 156 543 801 46 183 403 10 23 10 17 1 27 78 15 31 107 30 105 172 35 110 186 75 250 211 14 15 26 6 1 16 3,889 3,536 88 904 483 11 44 24 80 129 195 191 222 8 17 3,408 2,811 26 731 393 6 23 12 78 102 172 161 176 1 IB 3,312 2,690 21 690 382 6 23 11 78 102 162 156 151 1 .") 3,518 2,903 76 764 436 11 39 13 80 109 184 161 161 6 20 2,990 2,470 16 595 347 6 23 6 78 92 142 126 121 1 2\ 1,811 1,494 9 315 194 6 7 1 47 52 81 70 60 1 22 623 556 228 240 111 131 12,221 449 527 451 456 159 177 16,005 1 6 1 2 8 10 16 152 128 70 75 59 65 3,363 102 51 10 15 27 32 921 5 11 26 5 35 5 5 5 10 15 302 36 25 25 31 25 25 5 5 902 25 46 35 35 26 26 1,539 ■>; 5 5 10 1 1 11 ?4 75 5 5 12 11 11 507 1 2 1 77 6 83 29 14,005 18,521 47 3,746 1,014 32 18 13 98 321 532 1,043 1,685 4 30 11,907 15,555 15 3,224 865 6 12 6 83 277 481 876 1,482 1 31 3,723 4,910 14 699 186 6 12 5 27 66 70 195 317 1 32 1,959 6,225 5,462 6,504 4,960 2,300 2,547 8,098 15, 198 11,770 4,205 1,650 460 2,065 1,925 1,825 1,829 570 100 579 321 350 822 317 1 5 10 46 5 15 36 73 45 166 70 55 236 77 45 366 241 280 545 122 155 526 356 465 476 136 205 960 1,248 1,010 531 116 13 1 9 5 34 5 23 17 26 6 16 1 38 1,293 1,582 231 86 1 5 30 50 50 95 31 8,664 13,995 12 3,100 953 6 12 20 92 242 581 722 1,424 1 40 1,202 2,079 2 13 511 2,511 105 741 16 2 15 21 15 206 75 496 116 565 290 1,205 r 17,188 23, 394 31 4,770 1,636 6 28 21 116 428 1,037 1,187 1,946 1 43 30,346 36,460 239 8,196 3,360 61 120 100 249 967 1,863 1,956 2,848 32 44 16,675 22,802 31 4,684 1,595 6 18 20 96 418 1,037 1,167 1,921 1 4b 26,803 33,610 33 7,555 3,040 6 43 50 199 915 1,827 1,822 2,692 1 46 14,997 20,351 30 4,224 1,470 6 8 20 86 393 957 1,032 1,721 1 47 7,564 11,806 2,289 9,434 13,259 1,919 2 3. 21 2,193 3,331 377 882 1,570 148 15 35 23 20 30 11 51 113 40 251 522 32 545 870 36 520 790 107 791 971 121 4A 49 6 1 50 3,543 2,850 206 641 320 55 77 50 50 52 36 134 156 31 51 1,178 911 21 151 77 6 18 11 20 16 6 37 36 1 52 1,524 1,299 206 327 203 40 56 47 25 29 6 47 46 31 S3 1,277 2,019 1,012 1,131 1,551 788 246 314 131 85 117 63 5 15 1 12 21 11 1 3 10 20 25 20 17 23 15 30 30 6 71 87 36 90 110 31 54 55 21 1 56 57 1,776 1,327 21 291 107 6 13 10 20 22 36 87 96 1 58 59 14,899 8,006 1,506 513 17,499 21,475 12,386 2,356 592 24, 564 10 10 4,393 2,321 430 86 5,002 1,488 656 115 41 1,600 5 5 10 28 10 76 40 5 20 124 396 155 25 10 388 1,001 461 80 1,080 610 120 20 1,282 1,825 1,055 195 25 2,119 6(1 61 k^ 1 22 63 37 6 1,032 1 64 13,368 13,554 26 3,716 1,355 6 28 17 124 333 847 1,012 1,348 1 65 1,951,367 1,538,383 204,420 543,673 345,323 78,465 86,124 16,775 47,470 59,245 57,244 96,715 67,455 34,180 66 10, 452 697,535 8,959 10, 256 531,880 7,347 14 2,593 21 3,204 169,591 1,690 1,146 85,118 669 21 7,709 28 11 3,075 17 71 7,400 104 277 30, 295 192 766 36,639 322 890 47,810 507 1,167 36,125 513 1 538 1 67 68 6 69 1,253,832 1,006,503 201,827 374,082 260,205 78,465 78,415 13,700 40,070 28, 950 20,605 48,905 31,330 33, 642 70 10,726 15,284 26 2,817 798 5 17 15 85 210 466 756 1,262 1 71 1,431,832 1,418,362 188,065 638,310 326,542 86,395 57,487 12,290 67,945 62,835 39,590 109,285 115,935 86, 548 72 8,092 9,529 12 2,259 830 6 27 16 100 225 456 636 792 1 73 664,349 512,184 112,894 420,794 340,722 156,250 90,052 9,130 28, 560 30,850 25,880 43, 930 32,455 3,687 74 10,905 13,431 19 2,796 968 6 28 17 70 282 565 741 1,086 1 75 475,140 462, 948 25,759 125,831 70,578 7,380 16,288 6,750 7,350 17,710 15,100 27,668 26,855 730 76 6,204 5,386 26 1,359 603 6 28 22 99 177 271 372 383 1 77 718,346 670,212 40,761 161,069 106,779 7,105 24,649 8,780 23, 260 19,570 23,415 25, 529 22,211 6,550 78 5,719 4,741 25 1,292 597 6 28 17 89 167 290 362 332 1 79 396,350 329,638 22,505 97,198 66,521 8,230 15,536 5,355 15,965 7,720 13,715 16,697 12,090 1,890 80 2,157 1,479 20 463 245 6 23 17 52 42 105 116 101 1 81 194,154 153, 958 16,467 49,767 32,281 1,165 9,111 3,125 7,665 2,925 8,290 10,266 6,530 690 P2 4,671 3,902 24 1,060 525 6 27 17 73. 152 250 287 247 1 83 202, 196 175,680 6,038 47,431 34,240 7,065 6,425 2,230 8,300 4,795 5,425 6,431 5,560 1,200 B4 548 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [_Date are based on reports for only Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class I Class II Class III Class IV reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. , reporting. . reporting, reporting. number. . reporting. , reporting. . number. . reporting, reporting, reporting. , reportinp. reporting. number. . reporting. number, reporting. number. . reporting, reporting. . reporting, reporting. Ml farms ■ SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking machine farms Grain combines farms Corn pickers farms Pick-up hay balers farms Silos farms Motortrucks fsrms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Tractors farms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. ... farms wheel tractors other than garden farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years faros 5 to 9 years farms 10 yeBrs and over farms Garden tractors farms Crawler tractors farms Automobiles farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farmB 10 years and over -. farms Faras by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting. No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting. No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting. Tractor and horses and/ or mules farms reporting. Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface.. : farms reporting. . Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved fBrms reporting.. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Fami ly and/ or hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Family workera, including operator farms reporting.. persons. Operators working 1 or more hours ...persons.. Unpaid members of operator's family working IS houra or more farms reporting. , peraons. . Hired workers farms reporting. . persons. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 davs or more) fBrms reporting. persons. . Seasonal workera (to be employed less than 150 days). . . . farms reporting. . persons . . farms reporting, farms reporting. . persons. Faras by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workera farms reporting.. Family workers only farma reporting.. Operators only farms reporting. . Unpaid membera of operator's family only farms reporting.. Hired workers only farms reporting. . SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting. Machine hire and/or hired labor farma reporting dollara Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor faras reporting dol lars Feed for liveatock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchaaed farms reporting dollars Seeds, bulbs, planta, and trees purchaaed .....farms reporting dollara Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms reporting dollars Farm machinery repairs farms reporting dollars Tractor repairs farms reporting dollara Other farm machinery repaira farms reporting dol lar< Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers . . No report aa to period of expected employment 22,969 375 1,5*5 1,630 20 21 483 494 280 4,663 5,597 4,558 1,684 607 2,267 5,076 6,300 4,801 4,655 5,659 4,197 2,440 882 875 362 387 217 254 13,794 16,353 13,597 3,625 2,175 7,797 7,706 4,702 5,485 3,354 1,722 12,266 3,048 6,874 18,127 33,835 17,702 28,445 16,346 7,536 12,099 2,339 5,390 1,398 3,140 1,190 2,250 1,149 1,914 15,788 8,940 1,260 425 18,301 13,692 4,391,298 11,308 1,024, 601 7,667 3,366,1.97 9.304 2,571,718 7,936 1,751,229 8,961 711,566 6,608 1.499,627 5,726 904,440 3,233 492,681 4,381 411,759 10,313 323 1,119 1,204 10 11 386 397 247 2,372 3,059 2,307 966 277 1,064 2,862 3,898 2,807 2,706 3,582 2,393 1,418 506 469 127 137 157 179 5,898 7,073 5,796 1,350 799 3,647 2,820 1,270 3,361 2,086 776 5,308 1,282 3,399 9,204 19,547 9,023 15,572 8,568 4,004 7,004 1,421 3,975 978 2,571 637 1,404 784 1,240 7,783 4,246 410 181 8,411 6,89c. 3,514,88 r ' 5,660 642,202 4,031 2,872,685 3.o95 1,892,651 3,631 1,376,327 4.274 508,834 3,722 1,179,561 3,435 708,151 2,044 338,271 2,f"0 319,880 29 31 41 2 3 30 31 43 76 253 70 58 216 75 75 187 58 241 72 72 96 72 12 24 76 802 76 721 22 81 86 81 9»9,O80 32 29,922 81 879,158 62 332,652 52 102,980 126,089 86 175.146 71 152,304 66 b7,809 51 84,495 107 139 161 3 3 83 83 78 202 353 200 141 26 33 224 417 224 219 369 188 124 30 IS 23 213 342 210 142 16 52 86 144 160 248 261 61 302 422 292 149 22 121 314 550 314 314 534 264 156 47 346 529 321 156 25 140 3 150 169 15 59 86 253 61 442 594 432 193 38 201 549 728 544 509 658 463 241 90 132 25 25 45 45 734 990 713 241 137 335 197 35 305 428 121 598 100 332 245 1,078 240 353 240 113 170 725 157 518 60 207 110 395 1,523 339 652 309 162 343 269 871 206 515 113 356 156 969 2,522 948 1,850 893 494 957 296 672 201 389 139 283 157 165 75 45 246 231 t.98.873 130 40,856 211 658,015 163 583.2-8 181 559,810 196 97.342 236 210.595 190 107.299 175 .68,495 147 36,804 213 126 51 20 381 369 559,675 245 r-,8,038 344 491,637 224 290,350 260 244,161 273 75,910 354 182,204 300 143,342 2"0 75,187 229 68,155 275 673 311 35 21 955 900 499,660 699 117,579 655 382,081 488 258,801 533 139,501 567 58,107 685 225,272 594 100,448 464 63,140 416 37,308 31 345 370 5 5 127 127 50 688 759 666 259 95 312 935 1,160 905 880 1,073 777 480 187 110 40 45 36 42 2,081 2,377 2,048 439 335 1,274 887 250 ,301 632 303 1,735 420 1,156 3,002 6,201 2,962 5,624 2,802 1,546 2,822 364 577 212 277 177 300 187 324 '2,638 1,218 145 40 2,863 2,327 522,940 1,951 223,435 1,402 299,505 1,299 272,690 1,233 224,203 1,446 92,834 1,236 245,126 1,241 125,423 645 70,060 994 55,363 SOUTH CAROLINA 549 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of f irms. See text] Area 2— Continued Area 3 Economic class — Con. Total Economic claas Other farms all farms Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Class 1 Class 11 Claas III Claas IV Class V Claaa VI Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal 5,024 7,625 7 12,599 7,005 32 97 261 691 2,368 V-'" 2,239 3,353 2 1 5 40 7 195 154 4 34 69 20 17 10 25 15 1 1 283 136 7 687 517 21 32 63 135 157 109 82 87 1 1 283 136 7 702 531 22 34 70 137 158 110 82 88 1 4 5 5 60 5 5 35 24 25 270 18 19 226 1 1 11 1 1 26 1 2 18 5 5 84 10 10 42 5 5 21 1 1 2 5 6 7 2 45 21 60 35 2 271 227 11 27 18 45 84 42 21 21 2 8 21 5 7 226 198 7 42 46 41 51 11 15 12 1 9 1,167 1,117 7 2,361 1,471 21 79 162 250 530 429 455 433 2 10 1,300 1,222 16 2,773 1,770 49 112 197 363 601 448 480 520 3 11 1,132 1,112 7 2,283 1,434 20 78 155 243 519 419 429 418 2 P 331 380 7 979 621 14 54 106 119 215 113 184 173 1 1 ' 65 180 384 55 190 439 14 15 16 641 1,255 562 952 938 2,480 568 1,655 15 75 11 219 69 335 247 559 226 435 7 32 2 1,362 1,017 23 2,985 2,078 63 130 347 409 640 489 416 486 5 17 1,185 802 7 2,380 1,615 32 75 219 330 554 405 379 384 2 in 1,160 782 7 2,303 1,579 32 75 219 325 548 380 363 359 2 \'i 1,217 837 23 2,714 1,948 60 117 338 382 623 428 385 376 5 ?n 1,060 737 7 2,055 1,428 30 62 193 281 513 349 317 308 2 21 604 416 2 1,267 876 25 35 118 161 349 188 186 203 2 11 236 220 85 95 35 50 3,370 140 181 150 155 25 25 4,519 370 418 112 112 137 159 6,173 284 268 42 42 81 88 3,244 5 17 10 1 1 12 12 60 54 21 70 50 5 5 17 22 450 72 92 5 5 11 12 1,228 66 95 30 30 31 31 1,284 46 85 15 15 16 16 1,253 40 65 55 55 40 55 1,674 23 24 25 26 27 28 79 5 1 1 2 2 26 8 9 196 7 2 3,945 5,315 20 7,365 4,007 54 102 288 600 1,497 1,466 1,427 1,927 4 in 3,315 4,479 7 5,949. 3,179 23 56 191 440 1,210 1,259 1,206 1,562 2 1! 943 1,325 7 1,844 893 23 36 134 179 308 213 399 551 1 H 536 1,836 1,295 1,235 1,239 810 840 2,314 3,591 2,197 885 451 809 3,296 4,422 2,281 3,416 1,770 417 1,869 2,187 880 2,283 1,248 10 10 15 7 59 26 31 26 16 178 70 191 100 30 226 284 165 737 746 150 913 412 146 900 1,300 700 1,121 300 177 630 721 506 628 262 215 796 1,514 895 505 258 1 15 16 17 7 15 2 IK 445 2,866 501 4,090 710 5,283 407 2,725 17 8 16 47 41 97 51 275 147 981 135 1,317 122 939 181 1,618 19 2 1 40 661 1,105 973 502 12 11 16 135 243 85 302 631 177 201 1,797 3,016 185 977 1,849 286 1,221 2,180 41 1 2 4,068 4,848 7 10,144 6,113 31 90 2,102 41 7,094 7,162 32 19,600 12,681 209 544 769 1,631 4,354 5,174 3,495 3,398 26 44 3,954 4,718 7 9,974 6,026 31 84 232 603 2,080 2.996 1,818 2,128 2 45 6,224 6,642 7 16,913 10,724 52 156 465 1,181 3,920 4,950 3,128 3,059 2 46 3,599 4,173 6 9,171 5,674 31 84 212 577 1,949 2,821 1,587 1,908 2 47 1,770 2,625 535 1,761 2,469 376 1 1 7 4,693 7,742 1,249 2,976 5,050 825 19 21 25 29 72 73 139 253 129 343 604 193 1,095 1,971 241 1,351 2,129 164 906 1,541 213 811 1,151 209 48 49 2 50 870 520 25 2,687 1,957 157 388 304 450 434 224 367 339 24 M 243 170 7 700 523 15 63 98 142 127 78 92 83 2 '.■!. 319 225 25 1,469 1,185 92 308 219 236 217 113 143 117 24 53 317 551 218 236 295 140 671 1,218 578 408 772 417 20 65 5 30 80 43 44 85 85 91 214 102 132 217 109 91 111 73 127 224 86 136 222 73 7 2 56 57 421 246 7 1,079 738 25 67 118 165 219 144 182 157 2 So 59 3,533 1,918 325 114 4,299 4,472 2,776 525 130 5,584 8,895 4,605 741 170 9,755 5,288 2,588 311 87 5,428 6 17 7 114 37 10 11 256 438 151 21 28 655 1,861 837 115 22 1,833 2,852 1,556 165 20 2,560 1,636 821 215 31 1,844 1,971 1,196 215 52 2,481 Mi 61 6? 6 92 61 7 32 2 64 3,352 3,437 7 7,136 4,329 32 91 235 594 1,528 1,849 1,434 1,371 2 6b 486,766 356,150 33,495 2,025,534 1,656,636 191,627 225,288 269,460 299,975 402,031 268,255 206,180 153,678 9,040 66 2,802 204,240 2,077 2,846 178,159 1,552 5,668 563,801 4,466 3,386 421, 859 2,826 13 6,300 32 38 14,625 89 163 72,586 219 428 68,018 524 1,185 115,035 1,013 1,559 145,295 949 1,186 78,653 903 1,094 62,849 735 44C 67 fin 7 M 282,526 177,991 33,495 1,461,733 1,234,777 185,327 210,663 196,874 231,957 286,996 122,960 127,527 90,829 8,600 70 2,425 3,177 7 5,806 2,911 30 66 174 361 988 1,292 1,185 1,709 1 71 339,883 290,567 48,617 2,435,897 2,103,292 893,951 418,631 325,150 124,873 200, 142 140,545 154,501 156,264 21,840 72 2,038 2,261 6 4,264 2,247 29 61 169 288 840 860 878 1,139 7.1 249,850 113,964 11,088 858,129 717,928 201,031 81,850 145,776 107,707 101,714 79,850 66,345 73,856 74 2,206 2,474 7 5,817 3,243 25 52 180 473 1,119 1,394 1,178 1,395 1 75 114,083 84,299 4,350 334,100 238,117 13,125 29,130 31,969 52, 800 54,579 56,514 48,720 46,913 350 76 1,611 1,268 7 3,701 2,391 27 91 236 415 847 775 668 640 2 77 196,613 115,920 7,533 764, 895 625,847 35,118 67,790 126,412 131,359 164,373 100,795 76,697 61,211 1,140 78 1,346 938 7 3,350 2,191 26 80 213 362 770 740 651 506 2 79 113,875 78,064 4,350 493,794 402,802 12,446 31, 125 . 86,313 82,632 129,017 61,269 46,960 43,432 600 HII 765 417 7 1,744 1,283 21 75 182 302 419 284 249 210 2 81 64,350 38,010 2,050 311,837 261,595 7,105 17,800 59,470 51,029 89,544 36,647 22,575 27,267 400 M 1,011 693 7 2,639 1,712 18 68 149 279 578 620 515 411 1 83 49,525 40,054 2,300 181,957 141,207 5,341 13,325 26, 843 31,603 39,473 24,622 24,385 16,165 200 Kl 550 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2>— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Cfcia are based on reports for only (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Comme re 1 a 1 fa rms Class I Class II Class III Claaa IV All farms number. . SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Mi Iking mschine farms reporting. . Grain combines farms reporting. . number. . Corn pickers fsrma reporting. . number. . Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. . number. . Silos ferms reporting. . Motortrucks farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting.. Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over farms reporting. . Troctors farms reporting. . number. . Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. ... farms reporting.. wheel tractors other than garden farma reporting.. number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting.. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. . 10 years and over forms reporting. . Garden tractors farms reporting. . number. . Crawler tractors farms reporting. . number. . Automobiles farms reporting. . number. . Year of newest model farms reporting. . Under 5 years farms reporting. . 5 to 9 years farms reporting.. 10 years snd over farms reporting. . Fams by class of work power: No tractor, horses , or mules farms reporting. . No tractor and only 1 horae or mule farms reporting. . No tractor and 2 or more horses and/ or mules fBrms reporting.. Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting. . Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting. . FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting.. Grayel, shell, or shale farms reporting. . Dirt or unimproved forms reporting.. FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms reporting. . persona. . Family workera, including operator farms reporting.. persons. . Operators working 1 or more hours persons. . Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more farms reporting. . persons. . Hired workers farms reporting.. persons. . Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms reporting. . persons. . Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . . . farms reporting. . persons. . Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers .... farms reporting. . No report os to period of expected employment. .. forms reporting.. persons. . Farms by kind of workera: Both family workers ond hired workers farms reporting. . Family workers only farms reporting. . Operators only farms reporting. . Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting.. Hired workers only forms reporting.. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditurea farma reporting.. Machine hire and/or hired lobor farms reporting. dollara. . Machine hire forms reporting. dollars. . Hired labor fo™s reporting. dollara. . Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting.. dollars. Livestock and poultry purchaaed forma reporting. dollara. Seeda, bulbs, plants, and treea purchaaed farma reporting. dollara. Gaaoline and other petroleum fuel and oil ..farms reporting. dollara. Farm machinery repeira farma reporting. dollars. Troctor repaira farma reporting. dol lors. Other farm machinery repaira farroo reporting. dollars. 167 833 862 36 36 181 181 137 1,838 2,233 1,785 870 264 651 2,341 2,890 2,315 2,254 2,744 1,983 1,170 423 390 104 6,688 8,051 6,566 1,839 1,038 3,689 3,476 2,978 2,791 1,769 572 3,721 497 6,764 9,554 18,189 9,365 15,268 8,590 4,212 6,678 1,225 2,921 841 1,923 498 998 727 1,036 8,329 4,479 696 189 9,094 6,689 2,054,095 5,046 443,626 4,203 1,610,469 5,820 2,333,945 4,428 740,835 4,726 268,168 3,277 784,389 2,875 544,203 1,707 333,899 2,248 210,304 156 683 712 36 36 163 163 124 1,196 1,502 1,153 606 172 375 1,635 2,136 1,634 1,604 2,056 1,380 794 287 299 12 12 61 68 3,475 4,292 3,427 942 472 2,013 1,624 1,146 1,703 1,266 369 1,844 313 3,663 5,402 11,555 5,311 9,129 4,962 2,493 4,167 859 2,426 636 1,677 306 749 553 768 4,543 2,310 305 91 4,897 3,935 1,791,859 2,901 332,181 2,651 1,459,678 2,925 1,974,140 2,313 622,637 2,565 211,270 2,185 663,710 1,970 473,291 1,305 301,642 1,538 171,649 39 117 39 110 38 38 357 305 32 279 7 343,129 27 41,174 39 301,955 27 390,596 30 58, 932 31 34,537 39 96,905 52,875 28 22,051 19 106 173 103 96 197 194 91 105 226 91 75 3 13 685 108 182 105 503 91 403 22 100 70 31 94 104 166 225 158 100 19 39 219 330 218 208 302 172 109 21 208 343 203 114 28 42 171 30 136 136 10 9 243 275 237 130 28 79 348 428 348 348 418 309 214 48 430 525 419 226 41 152 117 283 257 899 254 416 243 112 173 156 483 136 344 39 139 117 554 1,574 523 1,089 473 316 616 205 485 164 302 67 183 138 153 101 128 123 3C1.608 70 31,671 118 349,937 96 526,522 83 133,319 97 39,055 116 113,632 110 87,027 110 64,637 76 22,390 267 257 351,803 159 47,750 242 304,053 202 363,181 214 141,647 210 39,102 243 136,477 214 105,729 201 67,983 177 37,746 174 349 109 40 561 501 238,189 342 58,231 415 179,956 392 292,604 351 117,316 375 35,482 413 117,149 365 63, 953 280 43,231 241 20,722 35 238 238 11 460 374 177 61 136 586 700 586 571 668 480 202 137 141 31 32 1,276 1,524 1,269 337 190 742 611 205 652 433 153 619 110 1,249 1,846 3,499 1,820 3,152 1,725 851 1,427 206 347 136 256 76 91 130 180 1,640 834 85 26 1,664 1,373 261,326 998 84,620 910 176,706 930 281,279 788 123,413 836 38, 754 847 138,922 690 94,556 463 55,951 544 38,605 SOUTH CAROLINA 551 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of farms. See textj Area 4 — Continued Areas 5, A, and 11 Economic class — Con. Total all farms Economic class Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Part-time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Class I Class 11 Cl.as III Class IV Class V Class VI fart- time Residen- tial Abnormal 2,469 3,008 1 15,488 8,283 78 165 348 927 3,140 3,625 2,919 4,275 11 1 10 lie 1 1 101 797 85 620 14 34 14 83 21 95 10 167 16 172 10 69 113 10 61 1 ? 31 3 118 31 1 862 41 41 679 41 41 52 5 106 10 10 96 16 16 173 5 5 173 79 118 61 4 4 5 6 13 13 12 336 5 5 161 168 118 3,746 128 134 109 2,398 8 9 35 60 83 23 84 116 12 18 25 236 35 35 17 439 35 40 8 954 15 15 25 25 3 733 6 6 ) 612 2 3 3 3 7 H 1 1 9 305 593 10 379 349 3 4,484 2,932 170 201 312 505 1,105 639 830 712 10 11 331 300 1 3,591 2,298 57 110 214 417 917 583 698 592 3 12 124 139 1 1,683 1,202 53 93 155 234 459 208 281 197 3 13 61 146 467 31 130 238 441 1,467 3,130 280 816 2,011 2 2 52 5 18 129 21 38 286 56 127 389 106 352 776 90 233 379 96 321 604 65 330 512 14 IS 1 3 16 498 254 2 3,945 2,713 211 304 373 541 876 408 666 544 22 17 457 223 1 2,958 1,989 51 128 281 389 766 374 554 412 3 18 452 197 1 2,906 1,957 45 128 280 389 756 359 544 402 3 19 483 203 2 3,622 2,580 189 293 360 524 831 383 598 424 20 20 410 192 1 2,623 1,750 38 110 244 350 679 329 498 372 3 21 268 107 1 1,690 1,199 36 83 181 257 418 224 272 217 2 22 101 41 10 10 5 5 1,627 35 50 20 20 31 31 1,585 469 464 214 219 78 104 8,469 272 279 47 50 57 83 4,150 1 1 2 3 9 19 44 17 10 4 6 4 5 109 42 21 6 6 7 7 873 41 52 5 5 18 18 563 126 135 20 20 10 85 1,718 45 60 10 10 15 15 1,443 116 110 56 58 10 10 1,945 80 75 110 110 10 10 2,371 1 23 74 1 1 1 1 3 75 ?fi n 78 1 29 1,944 1,814 1 9,988 4,914 144 236 366 738 1,870 1,560 2,215 2,846 13 30 1,585 1,553 1 8,230 3,993 48 90 853 539 1,645 1,424 1,914 2,321 2 31 469 427 1 2,326 1,169 35 75 159 889 397 274 549 606 8 32 300 816 626 700 676 365 266 860 1,226 1,132 412 137 1,294 4,610 4.2J3 4,726 3,419 1,876 589 2,235 1,506 2,209 2,557 1,369 7 2 13 10 5 81 97 38 68 95 815 127 82 329 261 253 995 613 562 1,189 494 200 950 735 1,555 956 254 290 1,075 671 1,102 542 292 415 1,300 2,033 1,410 320 212 13 34 21 3 5 5 57 221 36 5 42 1 3 38 102 101 642 128 282 IP 841 1,036 5,003 2,564 45 49 164 1,006 1,033 8 40 85 1,438 98 1,663 1 360 3,390 225 5,064 1 18 8 83 5 157 31 508 95 1,881 85 2,417 45 1,763 90 2,561 41 8 42 2,114 2,037 1 12,618 7,349 58 147 319 835 2,863 3,127 2,444 2,817 8 43 3,597 3,031 6 83,896 15,735 735 778 1,138 2,260 5,485 5,339 4,144 3,971 46 44 2,057 1,996 1 12,345 7,246 53 134 306 814 2,827 3,112 2,339 2,752 8 IS 3,262 2,874 3 19,788 12,238 69 811 518 1,601 4,827 5,012 3,750 3,792 8 46 1,846 1,781 1 11,364 6,830 53 189 304 751 2,691 2,902 8,099 2,427 8 47 901 1,416 246 817 1,093 119 1 2 1 5,235 8,424 1,578 3,164 5,408 1,126 9 16 58 35 88 109 135 214 210 453 850 843 1,227 2,136 355 1,305 2,110 151 1,066 1,651 303 1,005 1,365 146 48 40 3 50 335 157 3 4,108 3,497 666 567 620 659 658 327 394 179 38 SI 126 78 1 1,135 859 57 98 193 197 228 86 177 96 3 52 155 88 3 2,758 2,411 547 491 465 407 359 142 185 124 38 S3 140 180 106 52 69 67 668 1,350 910 461 1,086 665 14 119 44 29 76 80 71 155 139 95 252 148 178 899 183 80 185 71 152 209 151 55 55 91 54 55 1 3 56 57 189 78 1 1,305 1,023 53 96 197 228 319 136 198 81 3 S8 SO 1,868 1,047 186 57 1,918 1,122 205 41 11,040 6,216 897 273 6,223 3,369 372 38 16 5 109 47 1 592 224 41 8,508 1,356 120 2,976 1,726 205 2,141 1,146 815 2,671 1,696 310 5 5 61 2,074 2,122 1 13,018 7,806 63 145 333 809 2,797 3,059 2,621 3,183 8 61 1,609 1,144 1 9,049 5,813 68 135 305 713 2,384 2,214 1,926 1,308 2 65 194,821 64,415 3,000 3,682,100 3,209,955 717,739 586,572 532,292 584, 488 607,705 234,159 860,111 136,344 82,690 66 1,242 81, 260 1,047 903 30, 185 504 6,930 667,116 6,014 4,489 537,750 4,044 40 38,802 61 99 47,451 134 221 57,158 289 566 118,729 523 1,815 190,451 1,689 1,748 85, 159 1,348 1,483 96,871 1,886 958 33,095 682 hi 68 1 2 69 113,561 34,230 3,000 3,014,984 2,665,305 678,937 539,121 475,134 405,759 417,854 149,000 163,840 103,249 82,690 (0 1,356 1,538 1 8,106 4,073 49 96 259 542 1,515 1,612 1,744 2,286 3 11 200,210 156,160 3,435 2,369,010 1,857,800 538, 610 898,058 297,748 864,363 307,305 157,128 258,950 231,160 81,700 12 1,131 71,627 1,222 984 46,571 938 6,082 1,177,350 7,442 3,896 916,638 4,213 38 889,263 53 99 144,136 113 818 136,858 269 469 146,336 544 1,272 138,555 1,612 1,200 61,490 1,622 1,302 88, 535 1,585 1,481 74,308 1,642 3 97,869 8 73 74 1 75 40,754 15,210 934 642,757 526,523 134,162 67,450 59,889 91,397 109,202 64,423 54,255 44,484 17,495 .6 748 343 1 4,805 3,176 63 130 286 489 1,344 864 950 677 2 77 90, 374 27,805 2,500 1,166,803 999,252 161,394 179,745 166,976 179,118 212,061 99,958 97,985 59,003 10,563 78 642 262 1 4,096 2,763 51 139 247 437 1,042 847 819 507 7 79 56,827 12,335 1,750 652,102 555,283 113,379 131,869 85,893 92,643 90, 194 41,305 56,650 30,104 10,065 80 330 71 1 1,903 1,410 50 122 226 280 515 217 299 187 7 81 23,897 6,860 1,500 404, 852 344,560 70, 839 86,724 55,790 60, 732 50,915 20,160 33,235 18,230 8,827 82 497 212 1 3,244 2,191 40 118 19Q 353 779 717 644 402 7 83 32,930 5,475 250 247,250 210,723 43,140 45, 145 30,103 31,911 39,279 21,145 23,415 11,874 1,238 84 552 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, [Data are baaed on reports for only Area 6 Economic class Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Commercial farms Total Claas I Class II Class III Class TV Claas V Class VI 1 29,941 23,139 192 525 1,071 4,180 8,528 8,643 SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS 2 .farms reporting. . 285 264 52 71 62 29 35 15 3 reporting. . 1,513 1,433 148 263 219 320 331 152 4 number. . 1,736 1,654 275 312 229 346 339 153 5 reporting. . 194 182 46 40 44 16 21 15 6 number. . 199 187 51 40 44 16 21 15 7 reporting. . 519 490 63 75 48 100 113 91 8 number. . 543 513 74 76 49 110 113 91 o reporting. . 274 258 67 102 31 32 16 10 10 reporting. . 5,135 4,290 192 450 530 985 1,287 846 11 number. . 6,022 5,082 426 662 655 1,079 1,352 908 12 reporting. . 4,962 4,148 174 430 512 937 1,261 834 13 reporting. . 2,653 2,218 161 333 345 513 493 373 14 reporting. . 676 540 13 55 36 157 149 130 11 reporting. . reporting. . number. . 267 1,146 1,448 619 1,254 1,528 331 573 707 4,914 7,353 4,306 6,639 189 305 471 1,061 673 1,090 17 in Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden. . . farms reporting. . 4,334 4,251 189 471 658 1,136 1,229 568 19 Wheel tractors other than garden . farms reporting. . 4,700 4,152 188 471 648 1,105 1,177 553 ?o number. . 7,049 6,398 790 1,052 1,050 1,400 1,429 677 ?i reporting. . 4,221 3,706 169 403 590 960 1,069 515 n reporting. . 2,826 2,456 151 289 379 613 729 295 n reporting. . 850 769 15 77 161 204 172 140 24 reportine. . 545 481 3 37 50 143 168 80 reporting. . number. . 110 134 79 102 2 5 7 20 20 10 20 30 40 10 10 '16 77 reporting. . 163 127 6 2 15 26 58 20 28 number. . 175 139 10 2 20 28 59 20 m reporting. . 14,238 11,233 177 432 745 2,485 4,111 3,283 TO number. . 16,416 12,951 448 636 884 2,871 4,653 3,459 31 reporting. . 13,830 10,859 161 410 711 2,430 3,971 3,176 32 reporting. . 4,093 3,021 144 338 432 747 860 500 33 reporting. . 2,006 1,570 15 39 84 432 570 430 34 Farms by class of work power: reporting. . 7,731 6,268 2 33 195 1,251 2,541 2,246 3S reporting. . 3,156 5,259 2 12 63 795 2,191 2,196 36 No tractor and 2 or more horses and/ or mules reporting. . 7,061 5,060 45 405 1,565 3,045 37 reporting. . 9,810 8,514 1 42 290 1,634 3,518 2,829 38 reporting. . 3,561 3,233 164 403 555 918 823 370 35 reporting. . 1,353 1,073 25 68 118 228 431 203 FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED reporting. . reporting. . 9,642 585 7,350 410 126 285 5 364 37 1,345 77 2,732 126 2,498 165 41 12 reporting. . 18,139 14,295 54 213 597 2,562 5,212 5,657 FARM LABOR WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION 43 reporting. . 26, 578 21,430 184 517 1,024 3,920 7,861 7,924 44 persons. . 61,516 53,053 2,914 4,553 4,409 10,302 16,158 14,717 IS reporting. . 25,841 20,962 167 464 953 3,835 7,701 7,842 46 persons. . 44,477 37,379 214 622 1,859 7,569 13,763 13,352 47 24,190 19,702 166 457 932 3,614 7,306 7,227 48 Unpaid members of operator's family working reporting. . 12,086 10,207 34 95 455 2,037 3,766 3,820 ii persons. . 20,287 17,677 48 165 927 3,955 6,457 6,125 reporting. . persons. . 5,255 17,039 4,426 15,674 183 2,700 480 3,931 626 2,550 1,056 2,733 1.266 2,395 815 1,365 61 52 Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) reporting. . 4,004 3,501 181 467 562 884 903 504 63 persona. . 11,546 10,832 2,326 2,639 1,765 1,863 1,462 ■rri u Seasonal workers (to be employed less than 150 days). . . farms reporting. . 2,050 1,648 37 182 201 335 527 366 ss persons. . 5,493 4,842 374 1,292 785 870 933 588 66 Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers . . . farms reporting. . 3,205 2,778 146 298 425 721 739 449 57 58 No report as to period of expected employment. reporting. . persons. . Farms by kind of workers: 59 reporting. . 4,518 3,958 166 427 555 971 1,106 733 60 reporting. . 21,323 17,004 1 37 398 2,864 6.595 7,109 61 62 63 reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . 10,661 8,092 1 22 135 1,118 3,257 3,559 737 468 17 53 71 85 160 82 SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 reporting. . 25,458 20,159 190 525 1,031 3,835 7,321 7,257 65 reporting. . 21,561 17,770 190 525 990 3,485 6,521 6,059 66 dollars. . 12,051,995 11,329,628 2,642,216 2,362,843 1.613,397 1,884,472 1,886,644 920,056 67 68 reporting. . dollars. . 17,059 2,271,785 14,153 2,060,342 138 163,082 406 218,453 800 234,872 2,776 487,402 5,257 630,588 4,776 325,945 69 7(1 reporting. . dol lsrs. . 15,918 9,780,210 13,345 9,269,286 190 2,479,134 515 2,164,390 928 1,378,525 2,863 1,397,070 4,765 1,256,056 4,084 594,111 71 reporting. . 12,959 10,032 150 414 682 2,136 3,449 3,201 7? dol lars. . 3,519,867 3,204,831 1,060,856 711,425 375,704 391.274 417,383 248,190 73 Livestock and poultry purchased reporting. . 8,941 7,026 137 359 590 1,554 2,472 1,914 74 dollars. . 2,241,323 2,130,683 625,771 556,077 276,764 205,724 339,232 127,115 75 Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased reporting. . 16,602 13,040 163 472 767 2,609 4,405 4,624 76 dollars. . 1,776,987 1,590,707 316.126 343,946 188,106 272,884 293,903 176,742 77 reporting. . 10,784 9,263 189 493 858 2,413 3,214 2,096 7R dollars. . 3,394,878 3,183,724 595,343 686,686 ^03,882 607,168 568,823 221,917 reporting. . 12,233 10,321 186 510 796 2,248 3,334 3,247 80 dollars. . 1,997,948 1,867,244 427,049 431.941 308,158 303,645 269,727 126,724 81 reporting. . dol lars. . 3,893 1,159,130 3,526 1,111,466 184 259,176 481 303,341 588 192,860 955 183,452 906 130,078 412 42,559 reporting. . 11,103 9,350 173 421 635 1,955 3,062 3,104 84 dollars. . 838.818 755,778 167,873 128,600 116.298 120,193 139,649 84,165 SOUTH CAROLINA 553 BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued a sample of farms. See text] Area 6 — Continued Economic class — Con. Other farms Residen- tial Total all furm.i Economic class Commercial farms Class II Claas VI II r i ■ I <- I tial 402 429 392 231 60 101 307 334 307 282 303 266 193 40 25 25 1,518 1,715 1,508 527 250 731 1,020 885 762 174 133 1,046 80 1,697 2,558 4,410 2,442 3,660 2,221 1,028 1,439 456 750 299 378 207 372 249 340 2,102 1,152 200 116 2,549 2,062 391,816 1,624 113,146 1,502 278,670 1,405 161,340 975 67,335 1,854 108,476 857 100,210 1,108 65,030 205 23,810 1,020 41,220 11 24 25 16 437 483 416 198 76 142 295 365 270 265 334 248 176 41 31 25 25 6 6 1,486 1,749 1,462 544 186 732 1,876 1,116 534 148 147 1,245 95 2,142 2,589 3,989 2,436 3,437 2,266 851 1,171 372 552 203 273 195 279 177 219 2,217 1,417 160 153 2,743 1,727 290,236 1,281 98,282 1,069 191,954 1,515 153,271 939 43,405 1,707 76,804 662 100,919 798 64,024 161 22,854 727 41,170 7 2 40,315 1 15 2 40,300 7 425 1 100 1 1,000 2 10,025 6 1,650 1 1,000 2l.,i 82 443 487 15 16 414 427 47 4,007 4,286 3,916 2,537 441 938 3,021 3,629 2,965 2,820 3,386 2,465 1,848 337 280 71 71 162 172 12,428 14,034 12,186 4,678 1,993 5,515 7,233 7,827 8,523 2,379 . 642 7,853 213 17,392 24,005 51,741 23,772 45, 500 22,509 12,237 22,991 2,678 6,241 1,556 3,072 1,433 3,169 1,245 2,445 21,327 10,148 1,120 233 23,248 20,069 5,651,289 13,382 1,030,557 17,845 4, 620, 732 13,695 1, 579, 842 10,964 991,338 15,289 924,108 14,997 2,948,746 11,141 775,400 1,941 285,407 10, 683 489,993 22,915 66 413 452 15 16 370 383 47 3,505 3,756 3,438 2,202 394 842 2,602 3,170 2,571 2,431 2,968 2,114 1,583 298 233 40 40 152 162 10,664 11,991 10,461 3,810 1,773 4,878 5,561 6,882 7,870 2,098 504 6,512 203 15,350 21,307 46,996 21,146 41,528 20,059 11,357 21,469 2,322 5,468 1,386 2,755 1,194 2,713 1,128 2,161 18,985 8,619 959 161 20, 529 18,015 5,205,002 12,001 927,507 16,112 4,277,495 12,110 1,423,824 9,710 914,308 13,376 815,618 13,566 2,637,635 9,989 691,771 1,691 255,492 9,601 436,279 16 457 16 16 16 15 441 15 317 3 124 12 16 16 176,417 11 35,450 16 140,967 13 92,689 12 34,475 13 19,046 16 47,811 15 29,372 15 19,000 14 10,372 5 35 41 21 93 129 90 84 1 5 116 214 111 106 195 102 93 9 10 10 141 221 138 106 50 102 171 1,007 164 290 164 60 126 121 717 114 458 52 259 69 114 50 25 1,282 25 110 117 117 117 353 396 350 285 25 40 315 379 314 309 373 273 231 32 10 1 1 5 5 877 1,061 846 441 145 260 136 85 746 273 42 1,232 3,885 1,212 3,117 1,152 805 1,965 314 768 238 453 110 315 204 123 124 11 1,472 1,558 1,444 865 202 377 1,105 1,246 1,105 1,065 1,196 934 694 100 140 5 5 40 45 4,532 5,022 4,437 1,555 767 2,115 1,790 1,860 3,703 939 166 2,242 87 5,816 8,035 18,447 7,990 16,604 7,698 4,632 8,906 969 1,843 592 895 464 948 505 109 110 13 1,095 1,160 1,063 631 110 322 714 851 694 634 769 520 371 98 51 15 15 67 67 3,803 4,188 3,749 1,238 686 1,825 2,571 3,131 2,512 515 199 2,659 82 5,872 8,266 16,450 8,214 15,302 7,748 4,124 7,554 634 1,148 302 469 389 679 245 60 80 10 10 43 48 1 478 487 477 326 56 95 338 422 333 303 377 271 183 58 30 10 10 30 35 1,294 1,463 1,275 459 175 641 1,051 1,806 859 262 76 1,194 26 2,694 3,587 6,750 3,550 6,199 3,281 1,736 2,918 269 551 125 163 176 388 93 1,158 151 156 141 99 7 35 135 147 125 125 136 114 97 16 1 11 11 602 656 576 245 372 460 191 103 32 1,017 1,967 994 1,657 919 392 738 146 310 71 109 98 201 48 170 160 424,209 124 47,183 160 377,026 128 250,120 118 149,675 141 105,495 165 143, 141 150 54,212 108 34,967 125 19,245 294 918 253 40 20 1,246 1,186 755,977 901 118,085 1,070 637,892 901 136,779 774 117,070 884 88,805 1,036 392,836 743 98,620 248 42,300 704 56,320 924 7,066 2,855 266 45 7,827 7,171 2,034,540 5,062 374,349 6,466 1,660,191 4,974 505,972 4,260 324,414 5,170 281,463 5,927 1,114,248 4,036 265, 856 680 83,293 3,875 182,563 582 7,632 3,794 411 52 7,836 6,810 1,289,504 4,292 236,300 6,074 1,053,204 4,269 290,459 3,365 203,365 4,819 203,080 4,935 669,429 3,479 151,349 378 39,824 3,357 111,525 232 3,318 1,691 242 37 3,434 2,672 524,355 1,611 116,140 2,326 408,215 1,825 147, 805 1,181 85,309 2,349 117, 729 1,487 270,170 1,566 92,362 262 36,108 1,526 56,254 123 871 515 70 23 927 747 143,968 475 36,945 672 107,023 575 55,433 409 25,982 715 32,091 486 83,838 351 20,651 69 7,551 335 13,100 2,526 351 374 337 236 40 61 279 307 264 259 277 237 168 23 46 20 20 10 10 1,162 1,387 1,149 623 140 386 1,300 485 462 173 106 967 10 1,299 1,676 2,758 1,627 2,310 1,526 488 784 205 448 94 193 141 255 156 1,471 1,014 91 49 1,787 1,302 300,819 901 64,605 1,056 236, 214 1,005 97,585 845 51,048 1,193 75,899 940 226,523 801 62,978 181 22,364 747 40,614 5 20 5 5 5 5 15 5 15 5 5 1,500 5 1,500 5 5 3,000 5 500 5 750 554 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 8 (Part 2 of 2).— FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See text} Item {For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 8 and C Total all farms Economic class Commercial fa All farms number. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON FARMS Milking ma chine farms reporting. Grain combines farms reporting. number. Corn pickers farms reporting. number. Pick-up hay balers farms reporting. number. Silos farms reporting. Motortrucks farms reporting. number. Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Tractors farms reporting. number. Wheel and/or crawler tractors other than garden farms reporting. Wheel tractors other thaa garden farms reporting. number, Year of newest model farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over fsrms reporting. Garden tractors farms reporting. number. Crawler tractors farms reporting. number. Automobi les farms reporting. number. Year of newest model , farms reporting. Under 5 years farms reporting. 5 to 9 years farms reporting. 10 years and over farms reporting. Farms by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms reporting No tractor and only 1 horse or mule farms reporting No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and horses and/or mules farms reporting Tractor and no horses or mules farms reporting FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms reporting. Gravel, shell, or shale farms reporting. Dirt or unimproved farms reporting. FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workera farms reporting. persons. Family workers, including operator farms reporting. persons, Operstors working 1 or more hours persons. Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more, . farms reporting. persons. Hired workers farms reporting. persons. Regular workers (to be employed ISO days or more) farms reporting persons. Seasonal workers (to be employed less than ISO days) farms reporting. persons. Regular hired workers and no seasonal hired workers fsrms reporting. No report ss to period of expected employment - farms reporting. persons. Farms by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers... farms reporting. Family workers only farms reporting. Operators only fsrms reporting Unpaid members of operator's family only farms reporting. Hired workers only farms reporting. SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms reporting Machine hire and/or hired labor farms reporting dollsrs Machine hire farms reporting dollars Hired labor farms reporting dollars Feed for livestock and poultry farms reporting dol lars Livestock and poultry purchased farms reporting dol lars Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms reporting dol lars Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil fBrms reporting dol lars Farm machinery repairs fsrms reporting do! lars Tractor repsirs farms reporting dol lars Other farm machinery repairs farms reporting dol 1 ars 342 254 34 34 108 102 102 2,455 2,896 3,350 1,341 386 633 1,691 2,271 1,625 1,598 3,066 1,395 871 308 216 117 118 64 87 4,810 5,496 4,438 1,787 775 1,876 3,335 6,307 3,395 1,333 459 4,649 165 8,248 11,488 36,332 11,333 30,081 10, 106 6,157 9,973 1,710 6,341 1,096 4,135 863 2,116 847 1,455 9,778 4,166 1,025 256 10,479 6,336 3,675,056 3,660 355,763 4,943 3,419,393 6,534 1,738,434 3,364 938,407 7,288 869,413 2,730 844,004 2,639 469,029 1,133 276,825 2,024 192,304 333 234 29 29 97 97 97 1,482 1,800 1,403 905 204 294 1,129 1,652 1,104 1,093 1,539 940 593 300 147 61 62 37 51 2,136 2,634 1,963 873 324 766 519 1,531 1,393 918 211 4,230 13,323 4,099 7,971 3,859 2,366 4,112 1,055 5,353 811 3,697 473 1,655 583 924 3,175 1,354 195 131 4,035 3,187 3,334,580 1,799 187,873 2,740 3, 146, 707 2,461 1,366,364 1,552 810,935 3,887 727,436 1,739 738, 584 1,591 430, 558 857 254,512 1,198 166,046 55 171 54 60 249 221 48 33 13 2 7 8 11 20 62 193 53 53 61 2,356 54 64 54 7 10 61 2,292 56 1,763 30 530 31 66 66 1,440,695 21 34,540 66 1,406,155 42 489,060 28 313, 153 57 337,680 66 182,383 55 145,178 87,341 48 57,837 29 32 37 6 6 15 15 28 107 167 100 90 7 3 115 219 115 115 300 103 74 26 3 14 14 5 5 101 170 93 79 8 1 109 6 116 1,089 101 158 101 37 57 110 931 104 622 56 309 54 117 116 521,005 60 33,93: 111 498,080 97 301,563 85 85,967 91 147,319 115 131,478 110 66,895 98 44,540 79 32,355 SOUTH CAROLINA 555 Economic Area Tabic 8 (Part 2 of 2).- FARMS AND FARM CHARACTERISTICS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are baaed on reporta for only a sample of farina. See textj Item (For dcfimtiona and explanationa, aee text) Area 8 and C — Continued Economic claaa — Continued Commercial ferma — Continued Other ferma Part-time Residential Abnormal All ferma. SPECIFIED EQUIPMENT ON. FARMS Milking machine farms Grain combines farms Corn pickers farms Pick-up hay balers farms Si loa farms Motortrucks farms Year of neweat model farms Under 5 years farms 5 to 9 years farms 10 yesrs and over farms Tractors farms Wheel and/or crawler tractors other thsn gsrden fsrms Wheel tractors other than gsrden farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years fsrms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years snd over farms Gsrden tractors. fsrms Crawler tractors farms Automobiles farms Year of newest model farms Under 5 years fa rms 5 to 9 years farms 10 years and over farms Faros by class of work power: No tractor, horses, or mules farms No trsctor and only 1 horse or mule farms No tractor and 2 or more horses and/or mules farms Tractor and horses snd/or mules farms Tractor and no horses or mules fsrms FARMS BY KIND OF ROAD ON WHICH LOCATED Hard surface farms Gravel, shell, or shale farms Dirt or unimproved farms FARM LABOR, WEEK PRECEDING ENUMERATION Family and/or hired workers farms Family workers, including operator farms Operators working 1 or more hours Unpaid members of operator's family working 15 hours or more.. farms Hired workers fsrms Regular workers (to be employed 150 days or more) farms Seasonal workers (to be employed less thsn 150 days) fsrms Regular hired workers and no seasonsl hired workers farms No report as to period of expected employment fsrms Fan* by kind of workers: Both family workers and hired workers farms Family workers only farms Operators only farms Unpaid members of operator's family only farms Hired workers only farms SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES IN 1949 Specified farm expenditures farms Machine hire and/or hired labor farms Machine hire farms Hired labor farms Feed for livestock and poultry farms Livestock and poultry purchased fsrms Seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees purchased farms Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil farms Farm machinery repairs fsrms Tractor repairs farms Other fsrm machinery repairs farms reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number. reporting. number. reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting. number, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting. . reporting. . reporting. . reporting. persons, reporting. persons. . .persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting. persons, reporting, reporting. persons. reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting, reporting. reporting reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dol lars reporting dol lars reporting dollars reporting dollars reporting dol lsrs reporting dol lars 10 SI SI 8 S 23 23 23 309 342 302 253 23 26 335 424 335 325 401 285 169 13 10 10 318 406 304 223 31 35 149 272 250 2 261 542 1,660 503 942 488 239 454 281 718 220 484 112 234 242 261 110 545 513 428, 020 271 38,031 4S8 389,989 381 181,677 291 125,595 442 78,602 417 150,756 365 90,794 296 57,992 227 32,802 397 453 371 209 55 107 291 357 286 286 345 254 174 5 5 7 625 759 586 254 130 202 121 255 472 234 57 388 5 691 1,061 2,614 1,028 2,069 958 574 1,111 255 545 179 291 111 254 144 22 a 806 345 1,023 852 329, 210 521 41,221 752 287,989 666 178,875 439 49,790 710 58,203 541 115,064 428 44,129 191 23, 786 321 20,343 1 482 488 451 205 100 146 189 204 174 174 181 135 71 28 36 21 891 923 803 156 145 502 345 1,220 749 143 46 754 15 ,647 2,277 4,926 2,253 4,520 2,108 1,357 2,412 209 406 136 233 111 173 385 443 369 196 72 101 255 275 240 230 235 199 121 43 35 20 20 15 20 1,004 1,060 927 396 171 360 401 1,151 446 158 1,300 1,951 3,683 1,904 3,300 1,694 981 1,606 283 383 133 188 165 195 118 185 2,068 772 140 24 2,093 1,472 266,336 841 33,846 1,161 232,490 1,132 123,990 597 43, 705 1,436 60,578 452 69,213 506 29,085 106 12,917 443 16,168 236 1,668 797 175 47 1,903 1,226 170,990 750 39,210 965 131,780 1,280 152, 230 723 50,745 1,404 49,093 512 47,100 440 19,660 124 8,470 362 11,190 644 572 234 110 228 306 341 280 275 291 255 157 36 11 14 1,669 1,798 1,547 517 280 750 2,410 3,525 556 155 151 2,211 105 4,208 5,301 9,303 5,224 8,804 4,549 2,910 4,255 371 499 151 233 226 266 145 294 4,930 2,110 655 77 4,545 1,917 169,286 1,106 28,580 1,236 140,706 2,792 217,420 1,088 76,577 2,996 92,484 473 56,620 597 26,611 151 11,843 463 14,768 556 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; Qjata are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock -share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspeci fled tenants number. Farms not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frul t- and- nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms : . .number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Dai ry farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily live stock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. CI ass III numbe r . Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars Ml livestock and livestock products sold ....dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dol lars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy andpoultry, sold... do liars lorest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, I960: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting numbe Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. .dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. .dol lars Ijind from which hay cut farms reporting acres Total all farms 26,284 11,104 401 46,442 4,518 1,060 15,450 15,194 256 22,836 2,578 54,964 1,148 40,172 27,565 1,174 661 1,590 1,520 3,035 6,241 3,511 284 2,446 56,089 84,231 520 1,500 3,869 16,637 29,998 31,707 54,964 217,190,151 168,598,179 155,385,289 7,264,933 4,394,739 1,553,218 43,743,639 13,243,583 11,594,861 18,905,195 4,848,333 126, 649 1,715 91,786 173,300 78,623 383,669 74,029 212,541 68,005 146,022 97, 582 618,879 116,293 3,615,089 29,695 112,234 35,328 396,841 16,499 3,257,094 28,984 7,731,181 115,820 1,352,159 113,459 l,291,o99 23,742,872 ...' "■.■'.■ 92,608 , ' ■ v ■ ' 536, 570 78,246,860 34,075 108, 844 127,478,595 «.■,."»:. - 44,016 379,627 Under 10 acres 787 150 ,880 85 310 305 5 1,355 130 9,892 2,200 5 880 1,315 120 15 25 221 65 45 25 10 10 10,018 2,817 12 25 35 115 820 1,810 9,892 4,927,546 3,864,023 2,883,240 171,730 22, 893 786,160 1,058,348 114,653 597,240 346,455 5,175 9,259 532 3,795 4,420 4,340 7,540 3,780 4,765 3,335 4,025 6,615 20,925 9,590 258,155 1,191 2,598 1,355 7,410 1,216 358,469 1,795 559,085 7,193 20,128 6,958 19,498 22,350 4,455 15,615 7,560 1,099,970 1,841 2,999 3,388,479 1,658,040 10-29 acres 3,311 1,870 1 22,145 1,400 475 6,015 5,935 80 13,435 820 17,345 25,780 190 13,365 12,225 220 70 115 206 261 615 420 15 180 17,405 27,327 6 30 265 4,305 10, 265 12,456 17,345 46,395,273 43,969,168 43,099,243 666,535 117,640 85,750 2,337,675 354, 810 782,150 1,200,715 88, 430 40,840 1,136 23, 885 31,411 18,284 33,928 16,783 21,571 15,238 18, 806 29,357 108,375 35,650 731,957 5,417 7,355 6,971 38,053 3,236 292,045 5,791 784,080 38,129 253,489 37,519 249,259 4,665,247 560,860 32,181 261,798 128,495 18,535,470 14,245 40,653 47,406,005 30-49 acres 4,250 1,695 890 8,101 B,395 2,100 27,545 37,080 10,900 1,150 330 4,170 4,090 80 4,670 580 8,886 15,185 130 9,155 5,900 195 90 75 160 245 815 520 55 240 8,966 16, 845 10 30 380 3,575 6,385 6,465 33,003,660 30,420,640 29,486,240 593,095 299,155 42,150 2,438,050 375,500 748,050 1,314,500 144,970 24,105 1,369 18,866 30,766 15,431 33,345 14,446 20, 524 13,336 17,950 19,035 87, 270 22,380 588,050 5,055 7,740 6,035 39,275 3,185 231,555 5,240 921,985 22,980 231,150 22,615 226,985 V''.'.. 446,385 19,025 226,020 100,485 14,664,580 7,220 23,824 28,154,735 50-69 acres 3,871 1,230 4,661 566 85 2,155 2,105 50 1,535 320 5,712 8,165 95 5,130 2,940 110 95 140 146 245 790 425 45 320 5,783 9,762 7 20 375 2,250 3,720 3,390 5,712 21,575,327 18,786,272 17,885,597 517,625 261,550 121, 500 2,567,150 513,705 829,290 1,224,155 221,905 14,453 1,493 12,291 22,290 10,162 27,709 9,662 16,387 9,042 14,602 11,746 63,481 13,856 442,810 3,676 6,596 4,590 34,015 2,200 300,725 4,025 784,455 13,455 157,440 13,090 153,065 2,679,595 304,825 11,095 147,030 62,760 9,217,725 3,735 13,362 16,116,610 7,508,190 6,400 36, 430 70-99 acres 3,891 1,260 21 2,735 410 70 1,195 1,195 815 245 6,085 115 3,890 2,080 130 90 150 181 381 780 475 30 275 4,916 375 1,835 2,865 2,746 18,944,300 15,214,435 14,333,880 474,790 306,465 99,300 3,282,895 577,935 1,330,180 1,374,780 446,970 11,893 1,593 10,458 20,381 9,167 31,164 8,791 17,052 8,305 14,525 9,743 64,602 11,258 414,172 3,512 7,693 4,438 38,692 2,087 397,040 3,662 980,310 10,977 141,699 10,732 136,794 2,387,350 214,840 8,495 120,930 49,790 7,270,125 2,725 10,074 11,745,680 5,713,050 6,216 42,470 100-139 acres 3,250 1,185 6 1,826 320 40 750 735 15 535 181 3,521 4,520 150 2,895 1,475 120 90 205 172 345 700 385 40 275 3,636 6,267 16 95 475 1,405 2,306 1,970 3,521 16,492,105 12,203,235 10,901,645 481,645 746, 505 73,440 3,914,915 1,052,110 1,303,030 1,559,775 373,955 9,157 1,801 7,788 16,127 7,083 31,264 6,803 17,544 6,352 14,438 7,556 56, 605 8,631 367,245 3,065 9,130 3,616 41,645 1,596 472,110 2,951 998,200 8,431 122,590 8,256 117,985 2,028,755 166,665 6,475 97,320 40,395 5,924,540 1,845 7,010 8,196,730 3,897,745 4,595 38,275 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 2,011 851 25 921 196 30 430 415 15 185 80 1,783 2,470 110 1,720 640 75 65 155 117 200 600 275 20 305 1,909 17 80 350 980 1,181 1,200 1,783 11,118,686 7,534,110 6,562,865 342,345 533,620 95,280 3,139,316 1,294,650 727,096 1,117,570 445,260 5,243 2,121 4,469 10,524 4,263 27,272 4,163 14,684 3,852 11,348 4,246 38,242 4,912 207,915 1,925 7,225 2,185 26,880 1,021 269,975 1,761 556,000 4,756 83,361 4,646 79,176 1,361,130 131, 3B5 3,636 63,555 . ' ■ 3,870,855 630 3,003 i, ■ .' 2, no 29,545 1,101 630 10 435 80 10 140 140 130 1,170 75 825 270 40 20 145 es 226 405 215 20 170 988 2,176 11 135 245 500 695 590 903 7,650,302 4,304,482 3,858,307 293,865 152,310 3,066,340 890,615 1,004,455 1,171,270 279,480 2,872 2,664 2,492 7,288 2,376 20,325 2,326 10,170 2,146 7,517 2,395 29,100 2,646 121,155 1,141 6,230 1,400 24,055 480 203,970 975 2,536 50,334 2,461 45,969 849,510 67,030 1,881 36,803 16,111 2,310,125 415 1,540 1,573,645 782,940 1,596 ...... Data nrc given by tenure of operator, by type of farm, BnH by economic class for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 557 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 19S0 only b sample of farma. See textj The State — Continued Site of farm— Continued 260-499 500-999 1,000 acre; acres acrea and over Total all farms Si ze of farm Under 10 acrea 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acrea 100-119 acrea 140-179 seres 180-219 acrea 220-259 seres 260-499 acres S00-999 acres 1,000 acres and over 1,790 1,0*1 82 467 156 10 145 140 1,580 126 1,118 336 31 51 252 110 503 681 321 30 330 1,201 8* 297 699 820 915 565 1,079 18,260,125 10,428,409 8,547,444 1,260,056 499,424 121,465 7,058,571 2,701,543 1,322,592 3,034,436 773,145 4,202 4,346 3,682 12,048 3,598 53,393 3,481 27,222 3,156 17,284 3,281 58,747 3,633 219, 533 2,151 16,441 2,216 56,269 729 182,015 1,511 851,140 3,528 106,084 3,446 95,714 1,905,615 209,145 2,582 74, 819 33,090 5,005,318 571 2,642 2,935,660 1,399,655 2,375 50,815 906 519 108 154 77 5 29 29 10 33 422 674 90 462 122 45 49 173 56 236 360 208 10 142 516 1,688 155 395 306 352 285 195 421 16,370, 564 9,144,763 7,507,927 535,393 1,011,062 90,381 6,671,004 2,917,535 1,099.569 2,653,900 554,797 1,952 8,387 1,648 7,498 1,653 49,1'7 1,604 26,460 1,373 12,634 1,479 40,000 1,496 113,857 1,135 16,463 1,094 40,411 295 320,441 540 428,480 1,564 76,427 1,517 67,608 1,492,826 191,723 1,144 62,164 30,960 4,365,535 242 1,573 1,856,263 900,906 1,104 41,664 418 312 137 33 13 266 42 192 32 18 11 55 14 221 239 146 4 89 175 899 189 253 179 134 95 49 100 17,192,653 9,832,122 7,697,441 1, 775, 709 323,200 35,772 6,112,000 1,011,184 3,310,789 1,248,531 948 18,136 856 6,456 803 55,275 778 28,887 569 7,733 697 35, 222 646 70,685 664 21,051 586 36,271 134 142,539 258 306,526 764 74,962 738 66,571 1,435,666 321,533 533 68,869 30,973 4,494,577 930 1,095,103 504,901 568 40,568 879 i sa 2 827 40 5 332 332 380 70 4,484 1,295 32 1,253 10 15 40 71 105 104 213 68 30 115 4,537 1,896 6 28 22 134 468 1,238 4,484 4,007,575 2,181,072 2,023,972 60,285' 85,930 10,885 1,651,763 704, 261 342,906 604, 596 174,740 5,456 735 4,224 8,013 4,718 16,910 4,563 9,259 4,450 8,304 4,242 11,762 5,474 186,870 1,870 5,593 1,150 8,930 1,396 68,902 2,259 589,583 5,091 41,677 4,896 39,562 698,875 76, 570 3,544 31,230 11,744 1,688,091 101 36 30,460 21,100 2,499 17,615 10 10 450 122,005 24,675 21,045 530 100 3,000 97,330 10,130 36,090 51,110 335 364 90 245 390 210 250 210 245 215 505 350 12,085 95 700 55 485 120 13,785 130 43,665 210 560 200 520 11, 325 1,760 70 345 130 17,895 WO 111 13! 225 10 103 10 180 1,207 110 35 1,005 340 5 30 10 50 10 10 30 1,010 35 10 645 260 5 250 5 5 5 25 10 5 35 10 5 20 655 20 10 515 IV. 175 20 i' 150 15 130 20 20 40 10 5 25 525 225 5 10 125 115 10 45 260 1,207 442,825 343,320 329,100 6,425 6,545 1,250 97,745 14,875 33,835 49,035 1,760 1,241 357 712 933 962 1,619 927 1,080 902 1,045 922 2,065 1,282 31,565 356 485 166 888 280 6,280 425 59,875 1,151 6,200 1,101 5,940 106, 825 11,335 750 4,940 2,160 301,890 10 4 3,550 2,785 370 1,350 10 95 340 1,005 617,660 441,730 428,490 10,930 2,310 5 20 110 220 645 552,105 364,035 337,335 5,100 21,600 20 65 190 515 470, 815 316,865 294,940 1,075 20,850 10 100 110 370 465,845 322, 500 292,120 3,500 26, 880 20 15 70 120 297,255 87,700 81,950 125 5,625 95,340 64,095 170,395 30,685 79,865 59,845 5,535 1,245 496 1,060 1,600 1,090 2,345 1,055 1,455 1,020 1,400 965 2,000 1,255 39,950 385 565 205 1,400 335 15,555 560 144,025 1,280 9,720 1,250 9,225 161,610 10,315 910 6,770 2,680 385,285 30 10 6,945 4,820 615 2,695 173,380 80,560 34, 630 58, 190 14,690 890 620 785 1,220 825 2,730 805 1,505 790 1,435 705 1,665 935 32,210 310 540 195 1,035 220 6,375 435 60,405 795 6,440 750 6,025 105,690 10,175 665 5,110 2,005 294,555 20 5 6,965 4,280 465 2,710 129,750 17,610 57,495 54,645 24,200 705 668 655 1,140 660 1,885 635 1,005 630 995 605 1,785 685 28,775 265 450 230 1,805 200 10,530 285 104,735 710 6,650 685 6,395 100,935 9,415 540 5,250 1,835 250,580 15 4 2,755 2,345 425 3,145 117,795 45,160 23,390 49,245 25,550 530 879 460 875 470 1,895 465 970 455 900 400 1,130 520 16,980 200 475 155 965 110 6,440 230 38,790 510 4,850 495 4,710 79,610 7,255 355 4,955 1,590 232,990 10 4 4,500 2,760 285 2,185 187,825 106,690 42,225 38,910 21,730 205 1,450 215 430 205 1,415 205 815 *05 735 195 520 210 12,005 100 515 50 550 55 6,270 80 74,990 200 2,430 185 2,090 31,600 1,490 110 1,345 420 63,820 10 6 3,095 2,560 125 1,255 86,775 34,225 33,725 500 109, 575 45,270 44,170 600 500 29,870 175 20,850 8,845 1,375 90 1,059 80 1,190 230 75 160 85 285 65 3,750 40 75 40 260 20 1,510 30 39,850 65 820 60 780 12,750 325 50 765 370 56,390 5 2 1,250 850 31,600 7,145 6,520 18,135 20,750 65 1,335 110 60 575 60 245 55 160 45 395 55 3,210 45 140 20 325 25 1,255 30 9,400 55 565 55 565 12,950 1,500 35 370 160 26,210 62,555 8,200 6,570 47,785 1,750 97 1,130 220 71 686 71 336 66 181 66 931 82 4,580 40 245 20 405 22 595 32 11,600 75 1,575 75 1,575 36,200 3,500 40 720 205 31,570 45 520 45 715 630,735 80,320 53,345 26, 575 400 505,415 383,001 1,188 121,226 45,000 42 15,018 37 141 42 2,517 42 1,218 37 1,032 31 189 30 1,435 26 1,100 10 618 8 295 20 1,890 30 1,373 30 1,318 32,975 19,000 13 362 114 15,260 116,640 56, 337 43,657 4,925 1,120 6,635 47,903 30 248 47,625 12,400 11 10,604 20 1,212 150 5 16 8 303 10 494 10 419 6,405 500 298 75 11,646 1 1,400 700 9 798 991354 O- 52 - 37 558 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share -cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -9 hare tenants number. Livestock -share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farms not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit- and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Frui t- and -nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Conmercial farms number. CI ass I numbe r. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI number. Other farms , number. Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold . . , .dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dol la rs Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poul try, sold. . .dol lars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products numbe r Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April l T I960: Horses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows, including heifers that have cal ved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs ....farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested. farms reporting acres bales harvested sold . .dol lnrs Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. .dol lnrs Land from which hay was cut forms reporting acres Total all farms 3,511 1,187 99 5,516 300 30 1,721 1,690 31 3,170 295 12,656 7,605 293 7,297 15 45 437 498 290 280 972 513 ■45 414 12, 842 10,313 86 252 421 1,086 3,373 5,095 12,656 25,156,013 16,969,212 13,967,062 260, 510 2,565,774 155,866 7,788,731 3,726,431 1,620,059 2,442,241 398,070 20,200 1,245 13,541 25,822 15,311 76,040 14, 475 40,927 13,974 31,381 13,801 43,269 19,590 703,460 5,780 22,553 3,429 27,261 3,602 534,920 6,259 1,699,563 16,971 136,549 16,408 130,396 2,505,614 300,500 13,782 174,435 76,703 11,439,563 22 20,710 17,415 9,301 98,665 Under 10 acres 100 10 5 135 1,830 10 20 15 45 160 1,830 609,855 370, 485 210,495 26,050 4,885 129,055 239,245 19,730 162,385 57,130 125 1,405 434 495 635 925 1,490 850 1,045 815 940 850 1,705 1,610 66,810 275 415 150 495 285 62,260 480 180,160 760 2,055 710 1,910 35,120 1,820 2,480 1,325 199,780 195 735 10-29 acres 456 115 2,300 .>.!! 400 360 20 1,800 65 4,085 2,565 25 2,530 10 45 55 70 36 85 55 5 25 4,100 2,871 5 5 10 90 820 1,941 4,085 3,775,078 3,239,778 3,127,828 34,915 76,785 250 528,025 164,165 195,830 168,030 7,275 5,961 633 2,795 3,865 3,551 7,103 3,285 4,460 3,175 4,165 3,750 7,545 5,641 148,497 1,131 1,735 640 3,260 836 94,570 1,565 209,540 5,030 26,655 4,920 26, 110 508,625 60,520 4,270 40,200 19,715 ,933,885 10 4 3,500 2,975 1,560 6,970 30-49 acres 595 170 1,280 110 10 400 395 5 695 1,680 35 1,645 85 50 30 25 150 70 15 65 2,580 2,045 5 10 20 150 745 1,115 2,570 3,616,025 2,974,390 2,637,480 64,515 270, 895 1,500 630,665 253,800 187, 005 189,860 10,970 4,170 867 2,960 4,620 3,335 8,305 3,175 5,140 3,105 4,550 2,965 6,880 4,085 119,285 1,140 2,105 630 3,065 815 53,810 1,295 215,615 3,760 27,275 3,665 26,630 479,800 48,840 3,080 36,750 16,305 ,405,830 1,875 9,845 50-69 acres 555 130 695 35 5 335 330 5 250 70 1,561 1,050 30 1,020 10 75 40 40 10 140 45 95 1,576 1,380 180 510 690 1,561 2,428,890 1,994 025 1,793,070 32,125 168,830 399,655 130,010 125,940 143,705 35,210 2,691 903 2,325 4,160 2,296 6,662 2,201 3,876 2,146 3,521 1,976 4,966 2,705 84,540 861 1,356 535 2,895 500 52,775 845 144,595 2,385 20, 805 2,270 19, 840 362,765 42,270 2,015 25,475 10,570 ,577,820 1,595 10,210 70-99 acres 515 185 15 450 35 270 270 775 45 730 60 50 40 75 160 85 10 65 ,110 1,165 20 40 165 445 495 1,110 2,513,830 1,719,200 1,501,500 28,565 189, 135 745,460 108, 300 402,500 234,660 49,170 2,105 1,194 1,740 3,305 1,830 7,310 1,740 3,725 1,740 3,085 1,535 6,290 1,990 97,280 675 1,905 470 3,810 430 84,625 725 373,115 1,810 16,740 1,740 16,145 29,530 1,420 20,755 8,350 1,235,165 15 9 . , 19! 5,930 1,335 12,105 100-139 acres 485 130 315 25 170 170 70 45 681 580 45 535 50 70 25 25 130 70 15 45 721 930 5 20 60 135 365 345 681 2,503,060 1,777,940 1,161,055 30,005 576,880 10,000 697,325 376,355 111,395 209, 575 27,795 1,520 1,647 1,216 2,601 1,316 7,008 1,231 3,587 1,186 3,057 1,080 3,580 1,430 62,790 545 2,280 350 2,110 300 23,510 505 153,800 1,350 13,090 1,310 12,550 230,860 18, 750 1,035 ... 6,060 5 5 7,500 6,000 1,000 10,84c 140-179 acres 260 125 5 150 25 5 85 85 30 5 337 310 25 285 40 357 540 5 20 60 145 160 150 337 1,948,875 1,194,075 908,820 14,055 271,200 180-219 acres 166 70 5 90 20 5 25 25 35 5 131 160 10 150 717,925 464,745 122, 745 130,435 36,875 865 2,253 701 1,711 701 6,012 671 2,876 640 2,300 595 2,335 771 35,965 320 1,190 175 1,715 185 77,505 310 112, 450 730 8,715 710 8,500 181,690 44,355 555 10,050 3,960 '-"■..' 570 20 146 331 1 65 20 55 100 90 131 1,622,792 573,112 482,052 2,000 89,060 1,006,905 585,830 71,790 349,285 42,775 422 3,845 357 878 386 6,090 381 3,075 356 2,312 295 2,070 401 16,350 201 2,690 130 2,925 85 3,425 165 20,620 341 4,599 321 3,964 72,160 8,480 266 5,238 2,246 329,190 10 3 2,500 2,110 306 5,590 Data given by tenure of operator, by type of fnrm, and by economic class for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 559 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY MJUKCL, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 -Continued nly a sample of farms. See text] Ares 2 — Continued Siie of farm — Continued 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres seres acres and over Total all farms Under 10 acres 10-29 seres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acrea 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 2 20-2V/ acres 260-499 acres 500-999 1,000 acres seres snd over 10 183 196 36 155 15 193 388 15 31 86 2,281,235 961,190 810,954 6,000 139,216 5,020 1,266,330 896,980 58,685 310,665 53,715 481 1,846 498 9,651 482 4,926 456 3,621 370 2,430 492 27,335 291 2,825 165 2,430 80 12,245 190 84,910 400 6,615 380 6,050 133,835 18,530 331 8,020 3,373 507,919 22 65 202 38 46 57 18 30 13 59 2,270,132 1,263,265 571,685 11,930 679,609 41 968,680 515,570 128,364 324,746 38,187 229 9,913 213 1,135 219 213 4,304 164 2,419 170 2,941 200 26,597 183 3,857 76 2,244 51 54,125 76 140,835 168 4,401 161 3,659 102,275 12,255 90 2,731 1,656 255,550 958,316 445,632 394, 253 9,350 32,029 10,000 422, 831 148,766 36,970 237,095 89,853 58 531 59 5,086 56 2,518 41 851 45 1,557 45 7,716 53 1,480 33 1,127 10 5,240 18 49,328 42 2,859 41 2,478 60,249 9,225 30 2,731 1,473 227,419 427 12,305 187 11,406 56 7,329 2,124 618 60 4,203 255 10 1,271 1,221 50 2,371 296 5,594 5,815 84 5,721 10 20 41 291 185 193 353 120 35 198 5,701 7,005 32 97 261 691 2,368 3,556 5,594 15,522,816 9,710,545 9,253,890 108,645 342,790 5,220 5,428,729 1,761,533 2,488,440 1,178,756 383,542 11,238 1,381 7,467 15, 534 9,088 47,906 8,743 25,742 8,276 20,313 8,442 24,023 10,552 347,929 3,826 12,624 1,854 12,000 1,579 263,400 2,914 575,106 9,780 83,088 9,551 79,573 1,376,572 91,032 8,690 105, 761 57,199 8, 588, 378 17 86 61,300 27,620 5,705 64,246 125 85 220 60 325 45 365 75 130 5 150 150 1,830 30 5 415 410 5 1,300 80 1,401 1,970 15 1,955 835 30 450 35 .">■■ 20 250 235 15 505 50 860 1,065 5 1,060 210 195 15 180 25 645 715 5 705 5 110 110 115 50 710 605 5 595 5 5 290 50 5 li« j 95 5 100 35 500 560 10 550 230 45 5 145 25 135 50 156 90 20 101 25 75 65 10 30 15 315 270 15 255 15 5 126 140 5 135 5 15 101 26 10 152 186 20 166 715 170 5 10 1,401 2,040 5 5 20 5 10 5 865 1,115 10 20 35 5 10 20 655 20 5 60 20 10 30 720 10 15 145 710 220,870 161,685 144,370 11,475 3,340 2,500 57,735 9,U75 31,090 17,570 1,450 605 365 135 215 410 815 375 465 350 425 445 965 670 22,830 110 195 50 250 75 4,605 135 55,530 320 820 300 775 13,990 315 350 1,630 905 143,750 5 50 565 1,415 1,401 2,579,375 2,361,305 2,353,420 6,405 1,480 217, 870 76,875 71,690 69,305 200 3,156 817 1,161 1,611 2,021 4,046 1,906 2,636 1,816 2,301 2,155 4,030 2,756 55,820 720 995 330 1,260 300 24,710 531 34,615 2,766 16,289 2,736 16,144 268, 565 17,860 2,776 27,333 15,865 2,309,120 85 520 505 860 1,777,415 1,563,370 1,544,685 16,175 2,360 150 209,335 40,705 98,355 70,275 4,710 1,765 1,007 1,235 2,110 1,475 3,430 1,415 2,055 1,355 1,960 1,400 3,460 1,760 46,625 565 925 295 1,325 255 9,945 440 43,615 1,610 12,575 1,555 12,250 209,455 16,180 1,410 18, 670 9,865 1,489,065 330 390 645 1,463,945 1,195,920 1,183,810 12,110 30 100 280 325 710 1,517,630 1,198,190 1,140,915 11, 185 46,090 25 510 690 5 5 25 90 250 315 500 1,434,865 888,095 813,705 13,885 60,505 30 325 5 136 240 5 15 45 70 115 180 315 1,206,960 539,185 532,320 6,865 20 25 85 105 126 620,405 302,270 285,320 1,850 15,100 100 230 656 2,720 830 4,445 247,095 117, 605 51,160 78,330 20,930 1,310 1,118 1,080 1,970 1,155 3,565 1,125 2,205 1,070 2,045 1,020 2,435 1,255 43,625 455 895 205 1,085 170 17,205 370 71,040 1,265 10,265 1,235 10,035 169,195 15,420 1,105 13,400 7,415 1,137,905 15 15,000 4,500 795 5,635 299,325 102,985 100,600 95,740 20,115 1,285 1,189 1,120 2,180 1,185 4,300 1,165 2,370 1,115 2,155 1,025 2,865 1,250 40,840 500 980 235 1,325 245 17,380 395 51,825 1,170 10,580 1,155 10,255 179,565 16,235 980 12,635 7,055 1,055,215 10 70 45,000 22,450 910 7,035 510,510 141, 580 266,900 102,030 36,260 1,065 1,347 900 1,855 990 4,850 955 2,710 900 2,325 840 2,490 1,060 36,025 425 1,300 195 1,240 195 23,585 320 63,805 960 8,850 930 8,440 135,590 5,540 785 10,435 5,225 779,655 631,470 351,795 171,085 108,590 36,305 680 1,775 595 1,315 605 4,835 605 2,620 570 2,365 530 1,645 645 32,390 330 1,240 190 1,100 135 12,625 280 80,460 590 5,625 565 5,240 83,585 3,225 460 6,245 3,200 472,855 297,750 27,165 217,160 53,425 20,385 345 1,798 325 855 310 2,320 295 1,055 285 860 280 910 315 10,995 155 545 80 565 40 3,215 110 14,270 290 3,475 285 3,350 52,670 1,550 225 3,325 1,600 243,000 10 111 960,595 160,120 140,895 1,000 16,225 2,000 760,165 104,355 617,845 37,965 40,310 212 4,531 185 475 207 2,041 197 1,080 186 750 175 565 200 11,810 97 547 40 310 35 11,945 45 35,275 200 2,455 195 2,260 38,725 1,625 140 1,880 865 125,540 40 172 15 55 100 92 105 152 1,442,522 716,810 642,785 13,405 60,115 505 630,062 285,168 115,815 229,079 95,650 509 2,834 453 1,521 479 7,552 459 3,450 408 2,465 362 2,878 404 32,472 269 2,050 136 1,715 91 13,090 202 97,060 391 6,655 386 6,125 117,280 3,905 301 5,583 3,003 507,145 1,650,441 413,419 293, 104 10,250 110,000 65 1,182,037 370,184 682,373 129,480 54,985 234 7,053 212 867 186 4,737 184 2,559 168 1,877 162 1,031 181 10,474 144 1,291 71 935 28 120,719 64 18,965 167 3,134 161 2,659 60,402 2,100 134 3,146 1,512 226,868 647,793 210, 176 178,561 4,040 27,575 740 7,825 515 6,300 280 3,535 186 3,070 439 10,344 192 7,456 385,375 134,041 64,367 186,967 52,242 72 8,997 66 560 65 5,415 62 2,537 53 785 48 749 56 4,023 56 1,661 27 890 10 4,376 22 8,646 51 2,365 48 2,040 47, 550 7,077 24 1,479 689 98,260 1,300 670 62 5,651 560 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; CData are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share -cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farms not classl fled by tenure number. , Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit- and -nut number. . Cash-grain number. . Cotton number. . Other field-crop. number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fruit -and- nut farms number.. Dai ry farms number. . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. . General farms number. . Primarily crop number.. Primarily livestock number. . Crop and livestock number.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number. . CI ass II number.. Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold . . . .dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dol lars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dai ry and poultry, sold. . .doll ars. . Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products numbe r. . Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting. . number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs ..farms reporting.. number, . Chldtens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Cotton harvested. Tobacco harvested. , . farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold . .dol lars . . . farms reporting. acres . pounds harvested. aold . .dollars . Land from which hay was cut ....... farms reporting. acres . Total all farms 2,173 753 33 3,149 321 70 S26 821 5 1,660 272 5,478 4,589 110 4,464 15 25 47 227 293 218 534 177 45 312 5,653 6,108 39 144 272 606 2,054 2,993 5,478 14, 284, 646 8,721,960 8,107,085 85,483 505,617 23,775 4,713,974 1,155,930 1,951,244 1,606,800 848,712 10, 508 1,359 7,538 14,240 8,293 53,551 7,907 30,304 7,504 19,620 8,137 31,927 9,662 351,336 3,866 14,853 2,773 21,876 1,741 958,632 3,332 1,172,096 9,276 93,333 9,150 90, 272 1,503,725 129,375 8,133 83,301 47,635 7,075,831 4,684 46,213 Size of farm Under 10 acres 100 5 555 165 5 40 120 555 213,875 143,465 128,810 8,550 5,855 250 70, 410 5,320 55,425 9,665 570 375 195 225 365 545 330 390 315 385 350 755 540 12,190 115 115 50 170 85 45,535 140 35,230 320 945 315 925 13,340 1,580 325 1,260 795 122,390 10-29 acres 1,625 100 15 325 320 5 1,100 85 1,405 1,690 30 1,660 20 1,415 10 45 590 1,120 1,405 2,310,765 2,128,335 2,117,040 10,190 230 875 177,055 5,875 112,355 58,825 5,375 2,885 801 1,395 1,830 1,710 3,135 1,570 2,005 1,490 1,835 2,185 5,085 2,500 43,820 590 755 385 1,505 210 66,790 490 79,805 2,665 18,345 2,625 17,965 277,010 42,885 2,670 22,105 13,540 2,020,705 520 2,280 30-49 acres 190 70 655 55 10 265 265 260 65 840 850 15 830 5 60 315 535 840 1,343,125 1,168,565 1,151,710 5,720 11,135 154,370 18,865 73,730 61,775 20,190 1,605 837 1,260 2,000 1,315 2,970 1,245 1,920 1,195 1,765 1,235 3,550 1,530 35,915 485 725 360 1,760 290 72,410 485 34,590 1,565 13,680 1,560 13,600 198,465 21,330 1,355 13,605 7,320 1,089,110 740 3,415 50-69 acres 220 35 210 40 35 670 5 30 10 55 25 5 25 675 20 45 160 240 670 900, 065 630,630 584,360 2,050 24,720 19,500 257, 700 51,995 126,005 79,700 11,735 1,030 874 875 1,380 835 2,550 815 1,535 750 1,385 835 2,910 1,020 40,210 345 705 225 1,315 200 53,155 390 155,300 920 7,975 920 7,945 125,275 5,720 700 6,820 3,605 525,310 515 2,660 70-99 acres 195 45 20 60 60 10 701 440 10 430 35 706 10 15 45 195 340 701 1,118,760 679,985 655,645 10,770 13,570 395,835 57,340 226, 220 112,275 42,940 1,171 955 1,071 1,959 1,081 3,881 1,020 2,125 980 2,025 1,046 3,987 1,151 40,542 471 1,006 436 2,685 220 126,380 510 94, 590 1,090 10, 585 1,065 10,380 159,455 9,310 905 8,040 4,170 591,030 100-139 acres 335 125 115 25 5 40 40 380 10 5 25 30 15 90 25 10 55 585 15 40 70 225 225 570 1,439,800 809,300 790,960 12,005 6,335 751 4,775 505,135 67,545 274,990 162,600 125,365 1,050 1,371 945 1,620 950 4,510 915 2,820 905 2,265 875 4,260 1,005 46,410 505 1,360 440 4,915 225 248,425 420 113,290 950 9,885 940 9,745 159,110 8,520 620 8,955 4,725 705 ,730 140-179 acres 240 110 105 35 5 25 25 15 25 265 275 15 260 10 25 25 10 85 25 5 55 29: 5 25 90 170 165 265 986,505 588,955 532,505 2,850 53,600 321,570 118,725 96,755 106,090 75,980 665 1,483 550 1,310 620 4,230 615 2,490 580 1,745 510 2,215 650 23,470 365 1,105 220 1,430 155 79,075 285 83,325 585 7,155 585 7,110 121,230 7,300 470 5,270 2,915 438, 555 405 3,950 180-219 acres 10 15 120 130 5 125 30 20 15 40 10 10 20 135 250 5 5 25 70 65 80 120 888,130 363,485 355,885 400 7,200 470,965 65,850 325,645 79,470 53,680 350 2,538 310 690 320 3,380 315 1,710 295 1,325 300 1,695 320 23,620 200 720 150 1,350 90 62,570 140 125,360 320 3,915 305 3,685 65,350 2,115 270 3,580 2,050 310,740 270 3,400 Data are given by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 561 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See textj Area 4 — Continued Areas 5 , A, and R 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and ove Total all farms Si le of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres 70-99 acrea 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acrea 260-499 acrea S00-999 acrea 1,000 acres and over 335 97 5 40 15 136 20 16 10 5 165 191 15 176 10 46 35 75 80 25 10 45 205 477 20 35 201 90 165 2,183,041 1,042,177 853,097 18,140 170,940 986,364 313,230 377,607 295,527 154,500 597 3,657 9,995 542 5,331 511 3,366 421 3,002 506 40,791 402 2,828 260 2,905 140 70,155 246 263,575 446 8,429 431 7,929 161,795 14,885 321 6,278 3,968 601,372 361 7,870 6 20 10 20 45 13 5 27 108 188 1 41 32 54 34 26 90 1,088,709 540,674 449,572 732 90,220 150 462,011 180, 500 66,971 214, 540 86,024 259 4,204 160 665 231 7,156 226 4,160 193 1,407 151 1,884 174 21,623 161 1,872 96 1,435 53 31,145 85 89,944 161 4,917 151 4,167 88,375 8,715 121 3,339 2,089 315,987 163 5,439 1,369,481 465,209 332,916 8,061 121,232 3,000 688,099 151,360 172,801 363,938 216,173 106 12,920 97 726 99 8,579 99 4,328 80 817 74 1,324 97 2,987 51 1,471 18 75,772 36 53,492 74 3,927 73 3,571 73,720 5,140 56 2,514 1,593 241,857 74 5,814 3,293 1,338 33 3,619 449 75 1,281 1,251 30 1,538 276 7,205 6,432 123 6,032 277 182 58 139 326 294 714 384 61 269 7,343 8,283 78 165 348 927 3,140 3,625 7,205 21,239,851 15,175,729 13,337,276 714,830 547,473 576,150 5,533,228 1,690,279 1,655,956 2,186,993 530,894 13,895 1,529 10,021 17,396 8,850 41,764 8,386 22,929 7,953 15,820 11,181 64,944 13,229 448,736 3,602 13,123 4,380 42,870 2,553 746,987 3,750 1,220,140 12,498 171,806 12,148 164,762 2,396,217 289,925 10,251 153,879 72,692 11,099,159 710 1,470 1,274,622 528,884 4,172 38,157 107 15 280 130 410 170 465 175 540 120 485 185 1,285 155 400 400 35 15 1,115 660 50 2,131 1,530 177 12 5 15 50 95 1,115 899,578 646,525 96,795 4,265 1,090 544,375 252,803 66,103 164,305 22,395 250 827 1,088 290 345 470 975 405 655 385 620 680 1,760 1,020 36,100 136 213 140 565 261 159,829 265 71,550 591 1,548 561 1,498 21,790 975 290 985 560 83,580 15 26 23,570 9,410 20 1,485 45 30 5 5 40 30 45 20 5 20 2,141 1,020 120 15 365 355 10 450 70 1,125 1,475 10 1,415 50 10 480 35 10 215 200 15 170 50 5 35 5 65 25 10 30 1,130 1,600 25 15 5 15 35 45 85 45 15 25 900 1,120 5 20 555 1,115 2,131 2,246,650 1,972,580 1,871,070 77,085 11,050 13,375 249,445 21,060 103,940 124,445 24,625 3,290 683 2,111 2,511 1,615 2,660 1,500 1,850 1,395 1,685 2,545 8,880 3,141 66,295 525 675 725 4,045 395 51,645 555 119,125 2,995 20,245 2,905 19,600 255,885 30,580 2,595 ■22,015 11,340 1,726,415 130 207 177,450 72,950 535 1,890 5 95 680 820 1,125 2,434,200 2,201,860 2,133,960 63,980 3,420 500 214,655 13,770 103,380 97,505 17,685 2,595 938 1,575 3,155 1,480 1,960 1,430 1,810 2,035 7,340 2,375 64,455 630 860 585 2,615 400 42,385 610 138,385 2,395 26,560 2,350 26,205 351,635 34,345 2,105 25,920 12,645 1,941,205 110 224 199,330 84,080 630 2,895 5 20 130 505 460 885 2,067,605 1,661,300 1,565,965 82,890 10,445 2,000 364,595 47,855 148,325 168,415 41,710 1,875 1,103 1,415 2,240 1,255 3,080 1,195 1,875 1,125 1,755 1,535 6,650 1,795 61,235 505 960 620 3,750 360 109,970 620 142,790 1,715 21,255 1,675 20,805 288,865 30,905 1,460 19,220 9,175 1,393,645 105 161 139,010 62,920 625 3,190 260 35 15 120 120 196 45 5 60 60 306 120 5 100 15 5 35 35 65 25 595 720 20 670 30 20 5 20 50 20 75 55 20 605 920 5 15 10 120 395 375 595 1,915,270 1,442,560 1,334,295 93,700 14,465 100 423,930 21,550 299,930 102,450 48,780 1,435 1,335 1,150 2,205 985 2,505 940 1,520 915 1,325 1,140 5,465 1,345 55,425 405 620 455 3,690 285 14,480 480 145,570 1,300 18,085 1,265 17,430 243,585 29,795 1,080 16,395 7,355 1,149,645 85 179 134,860 53,525 635 3,940 65 21 610 580 15 525 40 20 15 15 56 60 115 60 5 50 615 35 155 375 295 610 2,080,290 1,333,490 1,163,195 108,635 60,960 700 721,390 178,750 321,335 221,305 25,410 1,396 1,490 1,106 1,849 981 3,743 951 2,201 945 1,930 1,166 7,310 1,285 49,980 470 1,145 621 7,125 300 97,540 470 169,180 1,320 19,445 1,275 18,700 275,730 24,440 1,000 14,730 6,435 975,155 70 156 141,120 62,520 525 3,865 20 25 226 345 20 300 25 20 10 5 16 25 85 45 15 25 251 531 5 10 35 70 206 205 226 1,341,611 1,007,325 767,525 48,240 191,560 240,086 39,805 80,656 119,625 94,200 726 1,848 551 1,132 546 2,263 526 1,202 491 922 581 4,407 676 25, 510 230 860 325 2,970 221 61,625 236 53,340 661 12,656 636 12,131 143,280 11,905 536 9,960 3,984 611,280 60 119 107,950 37,525 325 2,650 L40 75 5 65 5 115 81 231 155 134 58 11 40 15 30 5 235 200 20 155 25 10 15 *158 185 10 170 5 15 20 235 255 114 10 16 j. 98 15 16 10 5 .'• 15 20 12 30 16 85 59 45 38 5 35 21 173 66 5 25 95 105 55 235 814,500 589,990 530,305 53,160 6,525 15 20 46 110 65 50 785,010 507,110 478,005 22,800 6,305 25 120 105 110 90 158 2,141,915 1,373,269 1,217,494 70,900 84, 875 46 56 35 46 60 1,768,332 1,038,246 921,866 58,195 58,185 204,130 16,020 84,375 103,735 20,380 490 1,662 380 770 370 2,245 365 990 345 655 415 3,880 455 17,030 145 330 205 2,825 85 11,545 155 35,205 435 8,115 430 7,590 135,430 12,410 300 5,410 2,565 386,520 35 102 79,100 34,055 210 2,545 236,405 155,915 31,770 48,720 41,495 276 2,844 260 615 230 1,295 225 805 220 755 241 1,660 255 12,980 110 270 131 1,375 60 26,855 50 28,685 246 5,295 241 5,245 72,610 8,700 215 5,680 2,350 386,765 20 44,500 19,550 155 1,935 727,596 212,490 163,095 352,011 41,050 557 3,845 477 1,234 457 4,695 447 2,271 397 1,261 492 6,281 533 32,690 217 1,693 291 4,892 116 63,110 191 169,665 503 14,480 477 13,195 210, 505 32,110 390 12,105 5,780 867,300 65 207 191,000 77,000 267 4,325 668,228 325,620 105,062 237,546 61,858 285 6,205 247 813 241 6,063 234 3,129 212 1,328 240 4,143 241 11,915 140 1,693 185 3,483 35 103,390 61 57,240 222 12,090 222 11,690 172,750 33,010 185 9,907 4,446 661,455 6 7 7,082 4,202 151 4,833 1 27 30 16 1 13 21 134 28 41 2,744, 89C 1,401,474 1,256,801 30,980 98,593 15,100 1,229,965 591,341 49,783 588, 841 113,451 143 19,195 124 882 125 9,085 118 4,471 93 1,774 111 7,168 108 15,121 89 3,804 97 5,535 35 4,613 • 57 89,405 115 12,032 111 10,673 224,102 40,750 95 11,552 6,057 916,194 9 33 29,650 11,147 94 6,029 562 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; i LData are based on reports for Item 'For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by tenure of operator: ' FuJ 1 owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t- and -nut number. . Cash-grain number. . Cotton number. . Other field-crop number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fruit-and-nut farms number.. Dairy farms number. . Poul try farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. . General farms number. . Primarily crop number.. Primarily livestock number. . Crop and livestock number.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Conmercial farms number. . Class I numbe r . . CI ass II number.. Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold . . . .dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. .. dollars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy andpoultry, so Id... do liars.. Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. . Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, I960: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting,. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting . number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Cotton harvested .farms reporting,. acres . . ba Lea harves ted. . sold, , del Inrs , . Tobacco liar vested farms reporting . . acres. . pounds harvested.. sold , .do) Itirt . . L.nd froi whi ch hav was cut . ms report ing. acres , Total all farms 5,709 3,497 90 13,843 2,110 335 4,117 4,077 40 6,657 624 6,802 18,773 256 13,457 5,060 522 27 234 174 878 2,357 1.595 36 726 6,976 23,139 192 525 1,071 4,180 8,528 8,643 6,802 60,763,423 48,718,464 45,992,002 2,463,449 219,536 43,477 10,926,516 2,961,101 1,962,163 6,003,252 1,118,443 28,693 2,118 20,432 43,244 14,635 72,087 13,562 40,573 12,377 27,442 22,437 217,224 24,334 664,190 5,276 22,591 10,268 157,192 2,594 177,877 5,047 1,186,819 26,054 436, 718 25,598 412,175 7,287,154 1,031,172 24,980 467,945 203,987 29,197,295 8,193 21,739 24,249,295 11,097,874 5,316 51,775 Size of farm Under 10 acres 510 55 100 100 320 35 1,471 325 195 15 15 15 5 5 5 1,476 5 10 155 445 1,471 769,845 612,240 583,075 15,705 2,255 11,205 156,805 2,530 72,170 82,105 800 1,751 440 480 575 465 850 390 480 355 420 1,175 4,610 1,475 35,890 145 260 305 2,585 150 17,480 250 104,360 1,151 3,350 1,126 3,275 58,950 4,635 1,170 4,665 2,180 316,155 335 475 552,270 24 i,67i 35 160 in-29 acres 575 470 1 6,120 625 135 1,545 1,540 5 3,625 190 2,241 6,770 40 4,675 2,055 90 15 10 16 30 225 195 30 2,251 7,166 1 10 25 630 2,865 3,635 2,241 10,509,030 10,090,065 9,856,490 220,615 12,960 402,310 52,990 126,150 223,170 16,655 9,052 1,161 4,961 6,756 2,915 4,880 2,625 3,145 2,455 2,915 6,295 24,620 7,025 119,260 720 960 1,520 9,745 410 15,155 755 67,380 8,107 55,120 7,992 54,450 963,497 155,015 8,375 42,995 6,155,910 2,975 6,370 7,373,' 3,372,565 820 2,835 30-49 acres 945 465 3,840 605 140 1,280 1,265 15 1,680 135 986 4,670 40 3,405 1,225 90 5 10 95 360 285 5 70 1,006 1,025 2,090 2,050 986 9,292,385 8,761,795 8,491,670 265,510 4,615 504,575 7,755 122,940 373,880 26,015 6,095 1,525 4,751 8,236 3,171 5,505 2,846 3,419 2,571 2,950 4,945 28,300 5,325 116,145 820 1,010 1,875 13,575 500 17,160 900 206, 110 5,820 5,730 65, 810 1,057,288 167,135 5,715 85,530 37,635 5,416,885 1,960 . 5,765,455 2,633,245 1,080 4,665 50-69 acres ,575 305 35 590 585 5 565 2,375 25 1,730 620 50 5 25 10 80 295 215 5 75 611 2,845 70-99 acres 906 415 65 665 1,190 925 606 5,692,635 5,164,890 4,939,475 208,955 16,460 467,850 73,605 62,045 332,200 59,895 3,335 1,707 2,836 5,800 1,951 4,542 1,811 2,721 1,686 2,406 2,795 21,225 3,031 82,615 685 1,265 1,460 11,025 340 21,475 700 82,100 3,120 48,370 3,030 46,960 761,695 118,085 2,940 56,225 22,370 3,227,465 . 3,233,600 770 190 20 275 275 225 60 490 1,555 20 1,145 390 75 10 15 121 285 215 100-139 acres 70 520 2,091 5 85 555 785 661 490 4,813,530 4,205,250 3,974,260 225,435 5,555 536,940 85,130 65,960 385,850 71,340 2,526 1,906 2,291 4,821 1,721 4,863 1,636 2,712 1,510 2,275 2,096 22,030 2,326 72,470 641 1,152 1,331 13,482 361 13,155 716 111,835 2,371 43,490 2,336 41,935 677,970 68,485 2,095 43,130 15,975 2,294,735 690 2,208 2,447,675 1,118,360 775 4,710 710 340 120 5 150 140 10 140 45 340 1,045 35 700 310 65 20 25 100 240 165 5 70 355 1,510 25 145 415 550 375 340 4,090,975 3,304,000 3,081,685 215,350 6,815 150 722,495 159,115 171,605 391, 775 64,480 1,785 2,292 1,540 3,645 1,170 4,365 1,120 2,510 1,005 2,100 1,615 18,905 1,645 66,400 465 1,410 960 12,660 280 51,325 535 177,040 1,676 38,470 1,646 36, 790 580,420 71,860 1,495 32,730 12,770 1,834,985 530 1,760 1,891,895 910,025 495 3,370 140-179 acres 505 276 10 220 55 105 100 5 50 10 270 640 25 515 100 45 75 205 105 100 300 1,011 1 15 110 310 310 265 270 3,035,855 2,211,820 1,987,165 189,925 9,73C 25,000 721,285 198,190 148,770 374,325 102,750 1,216 2,497 1,036 2,663 921 5,152 906 2,921 836 2,166 1,065 16,200 1,110 41,920 375 1,665 720 11,975 150 5,035 355 81,950 1,145 30,190 1,130 29,020 483,500 47,635 24,935 9,830 1,438,080 205 606 o84,L30 305,345 335 3,820 180-219 acres 265 215 115 30 30 35 115 270 20 205 45 30 10 15 80 175 95 10 70 130 35 100 135 195 130 115 2,166,055 1,473,285 1,272,700 171,400 29,185 637,230 162,330 144,705 330,195 55,540 670 3,233 565 1,505 535 3,165 525 1,770 475 1,415 560 12, 035 595 27,070 230 920 480 10,055 90 4,625 205 67, 820 620 19, 530 605 17,545 306,400 28,025 505 14,S90 6,170 827,995 105 344 359,020 177,410 1,690 Data are given by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class for commercial farms onlv. SOUTH CAROLINA 563 VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of forms. See text} Aren 6 — Continued Aren 7 Si ze c f farm — Cor turned Total all Si ze o f farm 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres Under 10-29 30-49 50-69 70-99 100-139 140-179 180-219 220-259 260-499 500-999 1,000 acres acres acres and over 10 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acrea acrea acrea acrea and over 407 221 109 6,356 245 1,335 1,365 1,040 855 545 300 180 126 231 96 38 1 406 228 . 137 2,173 60 635 475 240 255 190 85 70 20 75 47 21 2 10 33 36 31 5 16 2 8 1 140 28 10 14,355 890 8,305 2,845 1,031 610 375 140 30 55 55 16 3 4 65 26 4 817 25 350 190 81 65 50 25 5 5 15 5 1 ! 510 290 150 30 10 10 10 10 6 35 1 1 5,597 165 2,750 1,445 610 290 200 70 15 25 20 6 1 7 35 1 1 5,502 95 160 5 2,705 45 1,410 35 600 10 290 200 70 15 25 20 6 1 8 9 20 20 150 2 3 12 6,810 621 3,689 640 60 1,050 4,630 285 1,075 930 130 470 260 50 235 195 50 305 85 30 165 35 5 5 50 20 5 30 5 5 104 5 1 20 10 1 46 11 145 40 446 212 120 21,806 115 10,065 4,570 2,235 1,590 1,030 485 195 165 221 107 28 13 20 371 13 168 18 93 114 915 20 365 10 225 10 85 10 70 15 25 5 20 10 15 25 15 2 37 7 8 14 45 5 ! r . 55 31 9 20,777 1,070 9,680 4,335 2,140 1,510 990 460 170 160 181 68 13 16 35 22 5 81 20 20 10 15 15 1 17 5 47 1 93 2 12 5 39 5 26 56 351 25 20 10 15 1 15 10 5 5 30 5 35 5 16 5 10 5 75 1 19 18 45 30 125 19 20 40 40 20 26 21 266 117 99 476 20 140 65 45 50 25 15 25 5 50 21 15 22 126 74 75 354 15 110 60 35 25 25 10 15 5 25 20 9 23 5 38 59 1 23 22 5 117 3,803 5 1,065 30 1,085 5 475 10 240 5 20 325 5 150 10 70 25 114 1 47 6 27 24 140 166 25 165 40 26 963 510 292 22,915 1,195 10,275 4,685 2,311 1,725 1,110 525 280 201 377 162 69 27 30 69 90 21 6 1 6 8 28 116 271 189 74 105 4o 172 1,282 5 5 10 205 10 265 10 230 30 185 15 155 5 70 15 35 30 56 28 45 14 11 29 20 30 220 97 23 8,458 55 3,445 2,090 1,090 745 470 235 65 80 145 27 11 31 211 58 19 8,928 490 4,640 1,740 760 550 315 140 105 55 90 31 12 32 115 23 9 4,054 640 1,975 580 215 215 155 75 60 46 55 25 13 33 150 46 12 3,689 1,050 1,075 470 235 305 165 145 50 30 104 39 21 34 5,906,026 6,342,185 6,726,322 61,243,679 1,720,130 22^14,320 12,749,630 7,576,107 5,621,615 3,610,030 1,747,130 920,120 582,675 1,622,763 1,351,029 828,130 35 3,560,996 3,939,811 4,571,902 57,688,935 1,635,185 22,540,535 12,395,145 7,131,282 5,114,580 3,266,635 1,542,680 618,430 489,140 1,217,923 1,072,613 664,787 36 3,178,951 3,711,381 4,180,710 56,661,551 1,527,635 22,266,235 12294,985 7,018,302 4,945,415 3,206,120 1,504,620 606,340 484,385 1,098,640 1,059,793 649,081 37 355,090 162,607 354,532 701,145 29,305 201,270 96,140 84, 495 70,890 54,080 37,075 7,675 4,505 97,150 7,400 11,160 38 20,995 65,698 35,623 91,744 1,750 8,030 4,020 18,485 15,275 6,435 985 4,415 250 22,133 5,420 4,546 39 5,960 2,155,155 125 2,305,206 1,037 1,757,410 234,495 2,929,080 76,495 83, 695 65,000 348,285 10,000 424, 260 83,000 382, 700 328,360 133,430 246,440 45,375 325,335 177,785 109,535 40 323,880 41 577,440 982,520 448,601 259,470 660 1,995 5,150 1,030 172,520 21,225 780 33,195 50 19,430 1,510 1,925 42 514, 580 101,386 318,202 620,043 49,350 50,910 48,540 216,570 24,930 89,490 13,105 102, 570 2,205 15,290 3,448 3,635 43 1,063,135 1,221,300 990,607 2,049,567 33,685 295,380 270,190 206,660 185,250 217,645 119,545 110,675 43,120 290,615 172,827 103,975 44 189,875 97,168 397,010 625,664 1,250 25,500 30,605 20,565 124,335 15,035 71,020 55,250 48,160 79, 505 100,631 53,808 45 1,079 540 293 25,360 1,895 11,055 4,990 2,466 1,940 1,215 595 300 231 428 170 75 46 5,474 11,745 22,957 2,415 908 2,073 2,555 3,072 2,898 2,971 2,936 3,067 2,522 3,792 7,947 11,042 47 958 458 265 18, 729 625 7,000 4,305 2,220 1,780 1,125 585 290 230 367 135 67 48 3,626 2,497 2,284 33,971 760 9,510 7,440 4,240 3,720 2,665 1,535 935 590 1,389 724 463 49 862 434 229 10,333 380 3,060 2,460 1,270 1,135 725 440 195 155 327 129 57 50 11,437 13,260 11,287 29,110 565 5,145 4,745 2,670 3,725 2,475 1,635 1,265 605 2,810 1,679 1,791 51 812 411 220 9,605 305 2,790 2,280 1,170 1,105 705 415 190 150 312 128 55 52 5,733 7,515 6,087 16,636 335 3,260 2,890 1,585 2,110 1,395 795 710 285 1,423 893 955 53 731 355 158 8,414 275 2,445 1,960 1,070 960 590 370 170 140 282 115 37 54 3,857 3,693 2,080 12,026 280 2,795 2,460 1,350 1,690 980 670 475 245 713 262 106 55 397 441 232 19,475 1,120 7,910 4,060 2,135 1,640 1,065 535 270 200 351 133 56 56 26,491 21,206 15,882 133,728 4,270 36,740 25,050 15,850 14,410 11,220 5,990 4,040 2,495 7,259 4,397 2,007 57 902 391 189 22,064 1,520 9,125 4,455 2,325 1,835 1,135 570 285 215 367 140 52 58 43,519 29,336 14,680 603,856 32,390 180,645 124, 835 72,565 55,120 65,385 23,935 13,235 9,755 16,611 6,034 3,346 59 525 300 184 2,854 75 765 680 340 335 235 90 65 30 135 70 34 60 3,730 4,574 4,530 6,266 95 905 920 510 555 480 245 395 40 985 423 713 61 776 388 217 6,847 255 2,005 1,335 840 830 525 320 170 125 270 124 48 62 26,163 23,572 16,205 59,987 1,120 10,375 9,090 6,715 6,105 6,270 3,550 2,715 1,565 6,365 4,665 1,452 63 155 70 28 1,940 105 505 430 275 270 120 70 50 25 65 19 6 64 9,500 9,202 6,670 239,782 49,680 15,995 11,490 9,055 7,155 18,985 3,800 116,385 425 5,830 555 427 65 335 132 69 3,220 170 895 645 455 365 255 115 95 35 135 39 16 66 91,115 96,339 44,845 517, 522 24,290 66,230 77, 800 54,965 32,260 196,435 18,330 16,460 4,470 14,580 5,700 6,002 67 968 489 266 23,980 1,456 10,775 4,875 2,395 1,805 1,115 560 250 175 366 155 53 69 45,014 37,487 36,207 249,965 4,290 79,840 56,575 30,755 23,865 17,775 10,010 4,255 2,985 8,900 5,084 5,631 69 953 472 258 23,806 1,431 10,700 4,855 2,365 1,785 1,115 560 250 175 366 153 51 70 40,379 31,852 32,024 245,628 4,215 78,940 55,840 30,330 23,065 17,420 9,845 4,145 2,970 8,650 4,657 5,551 71 806,515 707,309 661,185 5,316,627 94,215 1,755,865 1,189,240 643,075 502,780 367,545 211,050 103,500 57,055 186,140 101,430 104,732 72 105,665 63,413 175,389 513,068 7,795 196,120 111,785 58,480 39,105 15,210 2,925 8,775 5,180 22,125 10,750 34,818 73 788 420 241 16,548 760 7,880 3,415 1,690 1,115 715 340 150 115 230 102 36 74 34, 578 33,963 43,600 137,200 2,060 46,530 30,585 16,250 11,140 7,790 3,720 1,705 1,210 4,675 7,144 4,391 75 14,503 17,609 18,638 54,399 865 19,195 11,905 6,425 4,175 2,780 1,335 605 345 1,665 3,138 1,966 76 2,172,689 2,378,061 2,666,875 7,468,982 108,870 2,586,230 1,650,735 898,290 567,645 381,300 190,940 83,215 51,595 233,175 452,917 264,070 77 160 84 34 22,813 1,385 10,410 4,700 2,315 1,695 1,055 485 200 170 256 115 27 76 787 533 291 80,554 2,389 32,832 17,561 9,770 7,035 4,583 2,106 899 675 1,265 897 522 79 714,365 567,396 335,844 96,818,114 2,715,175 38,666,360 21,278,235 12,232,375 8,491,375 5,638,090 2,633,225 942, 775 830,610 1,604,850 1,146,421 638,623 in 372,420 294,940 152,344 46,992,281 1,356,755 18,910,450 10,192,010 5,838,895 4,211,120 2,704,685 1,255,995 489,115 404,900 771,955 552,142 304,259 81 351 198 122 8,945 160 2,600 2,090 1,265 1,105 625 355 230 100 266 112 37 82 8,250 7,Cg7 8.313 44.732 320 7.110 7,690 5.360 5.750 4.195 2.715 2,305 630 4,080 3,073 1,504 B3 564 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 9.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS- VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [ .ii.4 are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C Total all farms Size of farm Under 10 acres 10-29 acres 30-49 acres 50-69 acres Farms by tenure of operator: ' Ful 1 owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Cash tenants number Share- cash tenants number Share tenents number Crop -share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspecified tenants number Farms not classified by tenure number Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number Cash- grain number Cotton number Other field-crop number Vegetable farms number Fruit-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class I number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. CI ass VI numbe r . Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in I9U9 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products .- number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested. , . . , fa rms re por 1 1 ng acres bales harvested sold. . dollars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds hnrvested sold. . dol lars cut farms reporting acres liind from which hoy wn 2,239 1,350 53 930 226 25 305 300 5 250 124 9,056 2,570 136 1,033 1,401 284 6 104 91 717 622 300 27 295 9,234 4,572 66 117 192 555 1,139 2,503 9,056 14,972,148 9,432,262 6,042,451 2,870,586 15,875 503,350 4,771,618 984, 578 954,050 2,832,990 768,268 11,299 1,325 9,834 15,080 7,395 46, 301 6,788 26,171 5,057 11, 116 9,867 92,002 11,388 308,712 2,621 14, 631 4,627 66,725 1,094 266,594 2,203 770,352 12, 170 139,023 11, 902 129,331 2,657,888 265,284 6,680 45,916 12,211 1,089,561 2,196 4,937 5,024,094 2,213,178 3,394 in , 224 140 45 25 5 2,711 2,726 220 10 15 195 2,711 371,388 269,763 171,015 75,850 3,618 19, 280 100,325 1,105 26,425 72,795 1,300 1,871 198 1,495 1,575 1,080 1,910 915 1,145 630 710 1,780 6,355 2,405 39,860 240 605 350 1,740 135 5,295 225 44,300 2,385 6,560 2,315 6,380 105,875 3,470 965 2,190 107,550 106 109 97,464 . 310 445 385 385 325 265 241 150 440 105 10 125 125 200 30 5 95 95 140 60 935 55 445 435 40 30 1,030 535 15 235 285 30 15 465 270 15 110 145 15 40 ,800 1,210 10 85 100 60 5 35 1,060 790 5 5 10 60 100 45 5 50 471 466 1 5 25 185 995 1,617,230 1,293,250 1,178,060 109,630 560 5,000 316,940 16,975 87,440 212, 525 7,040 4,200 385 3,750 4,395 2,450 5,340 2,180 3,135 1,560 2,065 3,595 19,410 4,180 86,055 610 845 1,200 6,975 300 16,900 575 147, 510 4,640 30,795 4,540 30,110 528,975 46,545 2,865 12,855 3,685 501,315 710 1,236 1,181,400 529,550 1,040 2,390 . 5 60 200 520 1,030 1,173,220 913,785 803,260 70,125 400 40,000 230,175 4,770 34,235 191,170 29,260 1,640 715 1,385 1,960 1,010 2,890 950 1,685 700 1,055 1,430 10,690 1,555 40,840 350 630 750 6,445 160 8,800 305 61,845 1,675 17,920 1,650 17,425 341,310 36,455 1,035 8,190 2,130 266,465 420 888 535 1,430 20 40 155 250 465 893,975 644,190 463,280 89,900 1,010 90,000 232,615 11,045 64,615 156,955 17,170 856 1,044 755 1,280 575 1,910 540 1,085 405 705 745 7,780 790 25,810 175 365 510 6,195 135 30,715 210 73,260 860 11,575 845 11,125 223,035 23,770 520 4,530 1,195 162, 735 245 491 489,660 222,130 355 1,290 Data are given by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 565 Economic Area Table 9.~ FARMS CLASSIFIED BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS- VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY SIZE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] {For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C — Continued Si 7e of farm— Continued 100-139 acres 140-179 acres 180-219 acres 220-259 acrea 260-499 acres 500-999 acrea 1.000 acres and over Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop -share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers .number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farms not classi fled by tenure number. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f rui t-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Frui t-and-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock , number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. Class f number. Class II number. Class III number. Class IV / number. Class V number. Class VI number. Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars Al 1 crops sold dol lsrs Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural special ties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold do liars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting ". dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number . Milk cows. . . , farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested. farms reporting acres bales harvested sold. .dollars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold. . dollars Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres 15 285 180 10 50 120 5 30 310 15 60 126 150 285 867,240 501,275 392,805 4-4,185 1,695 62,590 311,905 62,380 43,925 205,600 54,060 596 1,455 496 1,017 481 2,418 461 1,351 366 881 515 7,710 551 23,275 220 680 370 6,360 66 2,300 216 85,860 550 10,225 545 9,630 199, 840 15,090 270 2,835 810 116, 190 175 502 513,625 211,755 220 1,265 115 55 5 5 90 5 30 55 10 5 100 40 111 206 6 5 40 65 90 105 554,495 362,370 247,960 43,210 920 70,280 185,725 13,920 51,755 120,050 6,400 291 1,905 236 428 225 1,730 220 965 160 445 235 4,930 280 12,720 115 405 185 3,590 50 24,040 100 51,155 285 6,580 275 5,240 105,195 12,550 185 2,030 455 60,755 70 166 161,240 63,560 140 725 522,960 319,815 261,610 57,380 825 173,050 50 37,360 135,640 30,095 205 2,551 185 465 180 1,320 175 630 145 315 190 4,185 210 9,105 105 555 145 3,360 20 695 75 28,810 215 5,625 205 4,910 101,250 5,350 95 1,890 505 73,075 60 190 189,000 79,400 65 251 30 15 35 55 20 35 355,660 266,215 227,555 38,000 660 74,230 635 8,845 64,750 15,215 135 2,635 145 440 130 875 115 415 100 225 125 3,245 135 6,175 60 210 115 2,020 35 585 30 20,580 135 4,235 135 4,090 80,350 9,550 80 1,125 285 43,525 55 205 220,220 95,935 55 275 91 60 25 15 20 111 312 12 45 55 70 95 35 100 2,573,048 1,510,774 701,353 698,771 650 110,000 905,174 388,605 70,950 445,619 157,100 381 867 362 6,567 356 3,752 305 1,820 322 9,475 347 21,535 272 2,085 298 11,394 60 7,490 180 118,635 379 14,416 378 11,811. 253,345 8,425 181 2,810 593 84,148 90 363 425,445 178,280 199 2,666 21 77 167 10 11 20 56 33 37 50 1,265,001 796,415 447,181 257, 704 1,530 90,000 401,642 158,630 10,777 232,235 70,944 193 6,575 186 656 171 4,927 166 2,682 129 616 151 4,209 139 6,443 111 1,653 144 3,459 31 1,010 63 17,567 172 7,941 167 7,606 227,310 42,480 79 1,572 396 59,437 37 136 135,364 49,622 81 1,158 I 91 31 45 7 3 4 20 17 6 3 8 12 1 14 4 72 31 15 2 14 43 174 31 36 32 34 25 16 20 3,801,081 2,016,605 661,462 1,352,661 2,482 1,470,882 313,963 365,178 791,741 313,594 184 20,658 169 946 161 13,719 160 7,841 102 1,304 123 6,243 120 13,174 143 5,573 109 9,397 26 45,429 38 54,450 153 11,447 146 9,815 257,723 48,634 45 2,304 482 68,256 13 82 88,286 35,781 114 5,130 1 Oats are given by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class for commercial farms only. 566 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OI CData are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit -and -nut number Cash-grain number Cotton numbe r Other field-crop number Vegetable farms number Fruit-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. .. .number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number Class I number Class II number Class III number Class IV number Class V numbe r Class VI number Other farms number Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold. . .dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold.. dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April 1, 1950: Horses end mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows, including heifers that have calved. . .farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs.. farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in I9U9: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in I9t9: Corn for aj 1 purposes farms reporting acres Corn harveHted for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting ba les harvested sold. .Hoi 1 a r s Tobacco harvested farms report in)' acres pounds harvested so Id.. doll i Land (rom which hay was cut farms report mg acres Total all farms 12, 709 44,672 25,731 15, 474 12,713 9,738 5,591 3,079 1,871 4,459 2,109 999 1 3 16 29 31 54 217,190 168,598 155,385 7,264 4,394 1,553 43,743 13,243 11,594 18,905 4,848 126 91 173 78 383 74 212 68 146 97 618 116 3,615 29 112 35 396 16 3,257 28 7,731 115 1,352 113 1,291 23,742 2,696 92 : , 536 .. 34 1.08 '3 Tenure of operator Full owners 787 3,311 4,250 3,871 3,891 3,250 2,011 1,101 698 1,790 906 418 17,353 585 9,265 7,503 583 400 886 1,090 1,884 3,184 1,477 191 1,516 904 26,284 208 550 1,462 4,647 8,604 10,813 65,275,244 43,786,486 37,700,249 2,974,499 1,882,537 1,229,201 18,760,411 4,837,171 5,862,944 8,060,296 2,728,347 26,284 2,483 22,248 48,034 18,781 144,164 18,050 77,246 16,604 46,089 20,731 202,327 23,264 1,141,560 8,764 47,999 10, 678 154, 898 5,066 1,718,250 8,686 3,960,774 23,358 361,107 22,913 343,983 6,329,148 638,590 18,100 264,281 115,499 16,782,410 8,659 27,405 31,844,606 132,465 Part owners 150 1,870 1,695 1,230 1,260 1,185 851 630 361 1,041 519 312 7,617 224 4,803 2,59.0 244 164 500 281 651 1,520 921 56 543 127 11,104 221 644 973 2,204 3,374 3,688 41,964,958 27,658,074 23,967,024 2,255,928 1,306,810 128,312 13,169,422 5,692,239 2,635,332 4,841,851 1,137,462 11,104 3,779 9,834 24, 859 8,317 82,137 7,954 44,753 7,236 30,787 9,139 1 9,972 434,598 i>252 26,691 5,043 99,230 1,933 795,690 3,305 1 ,. . ' 10,393 228,193 10,142 207,324 4,055,548 436,072 8, 202,900 89,907 I, 3,440 11 , 287 12,967,769 Managers 25 10 11 82 108 137 1 36 49 32 109 38 18 2 18 22 401 54 145 112 38 22 30 6,257,012 2,814,267 2,227,868 46,930 525,004 14,465 3,210,766 806,578 1,096,632 1,307,556 231,979 401 15,604 319 2,078 293 19,785 286 10,215 230 3,084 302 11, 506 295 63,807 234 8,208 207 13,958 74 , i...i , ., 119 421,272 288 20,803 271 18,321 l.lli . 3 15,402 9,167 ,394, 53 499 22, 145 10,900 4,661 2,735 1,826 921 435 285 467 154 33 43,801 323 26,025 17,453 346 61 155 117 391 1,499 1,095 35 369 72 46,442 37 161 1,322 9,748 17,998 17,176 88,107,419 83,712,600 81,604,950 1,437,335 515,315 155,000 4,118,704 1,133,856 869,387 2,115,461 276,115 46,442 1,897 27,965 50,041 20,566 50,899 19,244 32,365 17, 725 26,435 33,624 151,645 37, 549 753,948 6,323 11,379 9,242 62,478 3,052 179,108 5,565 . 450, 91 L, . .: . ' ■ 56, ! 19,711 11,123 ?,7 -■■ 85 1,400 1,150 566 410 320 196 80 65 156 77 13 3,806 71 2,603 1,132 121 10 55 26 124 364 247 20 97 12 4,518 25 50 131 506 1,205 2,601 7,957,054 6,455,182 5,914,562 340,500 47,120 153,000 1,463,887 637,390 313,960 512, 537 37,985 4,518 1,761 4,041 7,345 2,866 10,158 2,625 6,368 2,267 5,065 3,686 25,371 3,937 93,424 1,003 2,660 1,401 14,550 422 27,330 723 98,465 4,328 61,161 4,253 58,931 952,740 67,000 4,125 56,638 . 1,479 1 . ■. '. I Share- cash 475 330 85 70 40 30 10 5 10 5 500 515 1,060 65 325 390 280 2,424,715 2,349,895 2,328,000 20, 275 1,620 73, 570 825 6,300 66,445 1,250 1,060 2,287 970 1,825 545 1,160 500 700 465 590 895 5,400 980 20,285 195 320 390 2,255 65 1,230 170 10,410 1,040 12,040 1,040 11,790 229,830 37,970 920 12,185 5,675 ' . 580 2,335 2,866,205 1,421,770 370 1,440 Crop-share 305 5,935 4,090 2,105 1,195 735 415 140 100 140 29 5 14,506 106 7,969 6,431 55 10 25 30 71 482 341 5 136 15 15,194 5 53 610 3,883 5,802 4,841 31,660,202 30,576,050 30,189,670 316,255 70,125 968, 837 170,700 168,182 629,955 115,315 15,194 2,084 12,848 22,701 7,^2 16,039 7,362 10,542 6,751 9,006 11,978 53,871 13,203 281,569 2,230 3,094 3,460 20,585 1,268 44,550 2,149 168,815 14,537 164,423 14,322 160,963 450,030 13,636 187,317 89,335 12,981,866 7,141 26,669 32,727,335 15,942,965 5,164 26.S73 Data are given by type of farm and by eronomi- class for commerrnl fa only. SOUTH CAROLINA r><;7 PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, By TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 only a sample of farm*. See text] The State — Continued Arc- 1 Tenure of operator — Con. Tenants — Con. Croppe unspeci- fied Farais not classi- fied by tenure Total all farms Tenure of operator Pull owners Part owners Managers Share - caah Crop-share Livestock share Croppers Other and unspeci - fied Finns not claaai- fied by tenure 185 130 30 86 426 366 25 22,836 6 38 450 4,590 9,601 8,151 130 820 580 320 245 181 80 75 45 60 33 2,185 20 1,425 740 45 10 15 26 100 177 101 5 71 20 2,578 1 10 51 373 905 1,238 973,322 155,891 222, 500 594,931 60,895 22,836 1,803 8,000 14,381 7,815 16,016 7,300 10,445 6,930 9,136 14,980 54, 587 17, 114 303,944 . 2,302 3,608 3,309 18,219 1,015 91,595 2,075 152,320 20,596 189,632 20,396 186,652 3,491,400 628,480 20,920 268,973 136,003 19,976,242 9,611 30, 963 36,323,795 17,539,125 3,236 4,237,433 3,665,315 3,543,210 109,725 10,380 2,000 511,498 74,880 153,270 283,348 60,620 2,578 1,644 1,916 3,434 1,427 6,661 1,326 3,740 1,201 2,202 1,909 10,707 2,089 52,941 532 1,563 597 5,989 261 12,103 402 81,795 2,341 30,049 2,301 29,180 527,445 60,185 2,083 27,918 13,308 1,950,505 815 2,462 2,937,615 1,371,245 838 5,838 9,892 17,345 8,886 5,712 4,806 3,521 1,783 903 516 1,079 422 54,964 54,964 15,585,518 10,626,752 9,885,198 550,241 165,073 26,240 4,484,336 773,739 1,130,566 2,580,031 474,430 42,418 367 31,420 48,288 30,666 86,684 28,495 47,962 26,210 39,627 33,786 136,778 45,213 1,216,176 10,122 17,957 10,158 66,277 6,374 329,382 11,309 l,t>23,416 38,709 281,651 37,591 271,580 4,334,425 298,480 23,641 160,798 52,799 7,590,438 2,212 2,864 2,506,415 1,000,540 14,565 92,132 475 1,512 1,450 1,000 790 595 235 91 70 107 43 12 1,295 32 1,253 10 15 40 71 105 104 213 68 30 115 4,537 1,896 6 28 22 134 468 1,238 4,484 4,007,575 2,181,072 2,023,972 60,285 85,930 10,885 1,651,763 704,261 342,906 604,596 174,740 5,456 735 4,224 8,013 4,718 16,910 4,563 9,259 4,450 8,304 4,242 11,762 5,474 186,870 1,870 5,593 1,150 8,930 1,396 68,902 2,259 589, 583 5,091 41,677 4,896 39,562 698, 875 76,570 3,544 31,230 11,744 1,688,091 101 36 30,460 21,100 2,499 17,615 15 65 200 165 140 135 55 20 20 35 22 447 15 427 5 10 25 55 70 73 146 26 25 95 53 21 83 208 551 1,339,911 621,961 547, 826 35,705 33,230 5,200 598,840 216,770 160,020 222,050 119,110 879 1,524 748 1,543 767 5,209 767 2,701 745 2,231 687 2,739 804 43,005 421 2,088 280 2,860 286 24,950 458 277,453 803 8,463 8,178 165,325 25,700 654 7,152 3,087 438,386 20 6 9,595 5,245 563 4,792 679,236 217,181 171,981 3,500 449,420 282,020 43,120 124, 280 12,635 188 3,613 153 306 178 2,020 168 1,092 167 992 157 543 171 15,695 108 1,240 12,225 110 74,405 172 2,047 157 1,462 36,315 5,630 137 1,827 7S1 117,355 15 6 5,495 3,800 122 1,760 15,602 900 14,702 13,535 97 2 7,801 1 5 1 84 1 60 1 60 1 15 1 2 100 70 2,625 5 650 5 240 225 145 105 50 25 20 5 5 2 761 11 745 5 5 190 616 759,392 689,995 686,815 2,200 980 69,147 6,010 16,375 46,762 250 827 918 587 1,161 662 1,755 652 1,008 612 863 647 1,787 742 18,530 227 390 121 905 181 4,015 307 30,900 786 7,918 776 7,723 141, 865 23,000 811 9,880 4,256 618,365 3,525 371 2,965 31,025 19,300 17,600 1,700 11,725 250 2,610 40 776 40 65 25 40 25 30 25 30 35 65 40 1,430 15 15 15 195 15 1,225 15 3,620 40 275 35 235 2,875 290 35 310 175 15,635 600 300 311 11 300 75 246 20,850 20,615 20,615 314, 892 291,175 290,170 25 980 10 5 5 5 5 5 15 5 100 5 10 5 10 100 5 90 85 12,750 30 14" 23,467 4,075 6,830 12,562 250 332 948 302 611 297 635 297 413 287 393 267 637 307 7,935 117 180 51 270 101 1,865 147 12,120 321 3,718 316 3,563 62,675 9,290 326 4,225 1,731 257,565 20 10 3,330 3,225 221 1,800 5 180 110 35 20 20 450 1,207 1,005 645 370 120 : i 40 67 11 3 100 280 334,110 317,555 317,080 475 58,515 41,350 16,555 1,665 5,750 17,165 20 1,185 380 879 185 390 280 700 270 395 250 340 290 720 330 7,660 80 115 40 275 60 ' 825 120 12,300 350 2,970 350 2,970 56,975 11,420 375 4,555 1,980 293,190 70 836 55 370 55 165 45 95 50 350 60 1,405 15 80 10 160 5 100 25 2,860 70 945 70 945 19,240 2,000 70 700 285 39,225 4,484 1,213,434 651,035 616,450 18, 880 10,020 5,685 519,654 185,926 123,294 210,434 42,745 3,560 341 2,735 4,998 3,110 7,842 2,975 4,398 2,925 4,158 2,750 6,678 3,756 109,565 1,113 1,837 682 4,023 848 27,662 1,383 206, 725 3,328 23,149 3,183 22,129 352,745 22,240 1,941 12,359 3,615 513,335 41 13 11,440 8,530 1,442 8,042 568 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers Share- cash Crop-share Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number. . 30 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number. . 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number . . 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number. . Cash -grain number. . Cot ton numbe r . . Other field-crop number.. Vegetable farms number. . Fruit-and-nut farms number. . Dairy farms number . . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. .. .number . . General farms number. . Primarily crop number. . Primarily livestock number . . Crop and livestock number.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms. . number. . Class I number. . Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1919 by source: All farm products sold dollars. . All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold. . .dollars . . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars.. Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number . . Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting.. number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved. . .farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farm3 reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting. . number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . Specified crops harvested in ri'Mi: Corn for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Cotton harvested farms reporting.. acres. , bales harvested.. sold. .dollars. . Tobacco harvested farms reporting.. acres . . pounds harvested.. sold. .dol lars . . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. . acres. . 2,080 6,956 4,615 2,941 2,275 1,611 877 462 255 571 261 65 7,605 293 7,297 15 45 437 496 290 280 972 513 45 414 12,842 10,313 86 252 421 1,086 3,373 5,095 12,656 25,156,013 16,969,212 13,967,062 260, 510 2,585,774 155,866 7,788,731 3,726,431 1,620,059 2,442,241 398,070 20,200 1,245 13,541 25,822 15,311 76,040 14,475 40,927 13,974 31,381 13,801 43,269 19, 590 703,460 5,780 22,553 3,429 27,261 3,602 534,920 6,259 1,699,563 16,971 136, 549 16,408 130,396 2,505,814 300, 500 13,782 174,435 76,703 11,439,563 45 22 20,710 17,415 9,301 98,665 ioo 456 595 555 515 485 260 166 75 177 1,752 153 1,599 30 282 249 225 194 600 295 30 275 179 3,511 39 85 213 427 1,070 1,677 7,831,804 4,552,672 3,091,616 87,400 1,245,465 128,191 3,031,759 1,345,788 674,314 1,011,657 247,373 3,511 2,231 2,747 6,092 2,809 24,483 2,711 12,204 2,607 8,862 2,262 10, 029 3,104 173,261 1,458 9,358 904 8,733 976 259,145 1,566 657, 983 2,738 25,056 2,657 24,074 552,969 66, 500 2,345 31,078 14,635 2,186,744 20 13 15,270 12,405 2,228 29,118 10 115 170 130 185 130 125 70 45 130 673 49 619 5 5 90 177 40 25 172 105 10 57 5 1,187 32 102 121 227 363 342 4,866,641 2,618,243 1,865,834 27,875 714,534 10,000 2,206,023 1,538,963 210, 680 456,380 42,375 1,187 4,100 1,014 2,863 1,055 15,775 1,000 8,600 930 6,501 856 4,580 1,114 52,043 625 4,967 335 3,948 296 82,995 483 134,990 1,016 14,939 970 13,347 289,175 38,190 953 18,995 8,740 1,315,897 10 3 3,315 2,525 872 21,954 1,409,984 406,791 216,761 6,000 174,025 10,005 974,696 355,099 324, 716 294, 881 28,497 99 14,242 61 280 76 4,183 74 2,101 64 686 78 2,190 88 51,685 65 1,751 50 2,551 42 68,665 62 377,010 54 2,136 48 1,917 46,855 10,215 22 933 592 90,411 140 2,300 1,280 695 450 315 150 90 30 50 15 5,161 81 5,070 10 10 45 55 5 45 195 110 5,516 5 15 55 426 1,940 3,075 7,419,260 6,943,155 6,527,710 49, 510 365,935 475,045 248,415 62,710 163,920 1,060 5,516 1,345 2,895 5,690 3,426 8,475 3,246 5,710 3,146 4,871 3,731 8,234 4,616 101,080 1,031 1,829 585 3,060 556 18,230 ±,026 77,200 4,925 41,760 4,785 40,350 707,365 104,515 5,385 82,675 39,960 5,987,810 35 110 35 35 25 25 20 5 5 5 215 15 200 300 10 15 85 190 459,990 283,300 263,385 14,915 5,000 176,690 147,180 6,210 300 1,533 250 470 230 970 215 665 195 615 210 545 265 6,940 100 330 40 230 55 2,610 90 8,175 275 2,625 265 2,340 43,265 1,565 255 3,925 1,355 203,425 67 4,249 1,691 12,310 170 1,920 5 380 395 330 270 170 85 25 15 15 1,570 20 1,545 5 20 150 570 950 52,105 51,905 50,785 1,120 2,214,065 2,100,190 2,073,355 11,085 15,750 30 1,737 20 35 25 55 25 40 25 35 25 60 30 540 5 5 25 235 25 235 3,475 375 30 600 245 36,240 113,310 25,840 27,430 60,040 565 1,690 1,310 1,420 2,835 1,350 3,145 1,280 2,115 1,245 1,815 1,275 2,830 1,545 37,935 395 615 250 1,475 230 7,035 390 33, 585 1,645 15,680 1,585 15,095 241,615 36,185 1,675 28,110 12,160 1,849,195 790 5,395 Data are given by type of fn rm and by economic class for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA r,i;i) PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950--Continucd only a sample of farm*. See text] Area 2 — Continued Tenure of operator— Con. Tenants — Con. Croppers Farms DOt classi- fied by tenure Total oil farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers Share - cash Crop-share I I VI M Ml 1 share Croppers uiispeo - fied Farms not I . t nilrtl ■ fied by tenure 135 1,800 695 250 125 70 30 3,060 40 3,015 5 5 25 20 3,170 5 5 30 230 1,160 1,740 4,241,975 4,112,260 3,757,060 20,015 335,185 129,465 46,645 22,230 60,590 250 3,170 1,338 970 1,870 1,590 3,425 1,500 2,320 1,455 1,970 1,975 4,140 2,500 48,080 425 665 235 1,045 220 5,475 460 28,135 2,675 20,235 2,625 19,845 363,250 59,055 3,115 45,280 23,780 3,556,865 1,830 4,085 2,570 1,561 1,110 681 337 131 100 183 59 9 265 5 260 5 20 115 155 421,980 369,930 357,555 2,375 10,000 51,805 28,675 6,415 16,715 245 295 1,430 220 455 220 775 215 485 215 425 230 640 250 6,995 95 190 50 265 45 2,935 80 6,855 275 2,740 255 2,615 52,760 6,535 280 4,405 2,265 319,515 545 3,520 165 1,345 12,656 3,628,324 2,448,351 2,265,141 89,725 85,815 7,670 1,101,208 238,166 347,639 515,403 78,765 9,887 367 6,824 10,897 7,945 23,124 7,444 12,312 7,227 10,461 6,874 18,236 10,668 325,391 2,601 4,648 1,555 8,969 1,732 105,885 3,122 452,380 8,238 52,658 7,948 50,708 909,450 81,080 5,077 40,754 12,776 1,858,701 15 6 2,125 2,485 4,443 31,034 880 3,441 1,975 1,465 1,445 1,190 740 366 253 519 250 75 5,815 84 5,721 10 20 41 291 185 193 353 120 35 198 5,701 7,005 32 97 261 691 2,368 3,556 5,594 15,522,816 9,710,545 9,253,890 108,645 342,790 5,220 5,428,729 1,761,533 2,488,440 1,178,756 383,542 11,238 1,381 7,467 15,534 9,088 47,906 8,743 25,742 8,276 20,313 8,442 24,023 10, 552 347,929 3,826 12,624 1,854 12,000 1,579 263,400 2,914 575,106 9,780 83,088 9,551 79,573 1,376,572 91,032 8,690 105,761 57, 199 8,588,378 17 86 61,300 27,620 5,705 64,246 40 125 220 325 365 315 230 135 81 156 104 28 1,311 41 1,260 10 10 16 175 143 140 234 83 25 126 95 2,124 20 45 108 261 626 1,064 5,296,011 2,028,158 1,786,398 33,795 203,465 4,500 3,046,686 766,922 1,768,635 511,129 221,167 2,124 2,493 1,731 4,325 1,834 17,083 1,812 8,840 1,708 6,032 1,545 5,545 1,827 104,123 1,109 5,690 449 3,850 501 178, 786 844 262,334 1,810 17,892 1,748 16,442 306,660 15,080 1,662 20,508 10,057 1,524,056 12 81 56,300 25,170 1,566 21,809 412 27 385 130 1,830 835 450 295 290 145 55 55 101 16 1 4,072 15 4,057 230 5 225 20 410 235 195 110 95 65 25 20 40 1,175 5 1,170 95 1,300 505 180 115 100 30 710 1,401 860 645 710 500 315 126 101 152 66 2,341 5 2,336 276 ■ '/■ 618 11 17 76 117 216 181 2,371 311 1,522 2,305 10 15 75 155 485 645 25 195 806 1,340 20 126 150 2,178,652 995,973 946,778 15,065 33,560 570 1,120,644 462,932 468,131 189,581 62,035 618 3,525 540 1,505 548 7,405 538 3,785 510 2,962 481 2,514 538 29,348 332 1,843 181 1,727 100 40,125 197 77,720 532 7,659 525 7,187 143,425 9,657 521 9,206 5,420 805,935 5 5 5,000 2,450 434 9,650 619,018 241,924 163,624 7,000 71,300 5,706,405 5,264,185 5,205,955 31,300 26,930 338,860 252,345 250,575 1,770 11,035 11,035 1,'S86,960 1,467,130 1,462,600 4,530 167,545 70,110 70,110 3,226,325 3,117,365 3,074,185 16,250 26,930 375,680 346,200 337,450 8,750 343,249 172,631 42,759 127,859 33,845 60 10,317 52 331 43 2,995 42 1,434 38 871 43 685 35 1,806 33 895 17 753 2 329 9 4,462 32 1,564 32 1,311 28,882 1,850 33 1,106 718 119,337 429,795 196,420 93,150 140,225 12,425 4,203 1,358 2,088 4,067 2,948 7,925 2,832 5,098 2,667 4,543 3,018 7,080 3,588 77,575 1,107 1,832 516 2,310 295 9,925 705 63,465 3,957 33,920 3,907 33,360 543,825 49,210 4,132 58,143 33,778 5,081,355 85,560 43,795 26,450 15,315 955 255 1,329 225 410 205 875 195 525 180 505 210 570 210 5,665 125 255 40 270 20 875 40 7,020 255 2,420 240 2,215 34, 785 10 1,104 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 135 240 3,390 1,605 10 85 10 85 1,500 135 10 220 75 10, 750 112,430 28,295 42,785 41,350 7,400 1,221 1,300 896 1,699 936 2,256 901 1,407 796 1,242 931 2,426 1,046 25,095 316 425 231 1,060 125 4,355 285 22,120 1,155 11,100 1,140 10,955 168,320 21,040 1,215 17,180 9,325 1,403,975 97,385 92,670 30 4,685 50 50 3,351 35 75 45 505 40 355 35 315 30 55 45 40 390 40 390 4,150 250 40 695 480 69,860 107,740 28,295 17,945 61,500 1,220 2,371 1,361 716 1,421 1,526 3,323 1,466 2,226 1,441 2,141 1,636 3,323 2,036 37,525 541 852 195 785 125 4,155 330 26,045 2,226 17,305 2,211 17,160 296,965 26,325 2,356 32,803 20,048 3,025,440 26,680 3,365 5,940 17,375 2,800 296 1,269 206 447 226 951 220 575 205 330 201 691 241 8,275 100 215 40 185 25 540 45 8,230 271 2,620 266 2,555 38,105 1,460 271 3,855 2,245 330,540 1,722,730 1,180,305 1,151,135 21,485 7,535 150 488,355 162,628 115, 765 209,962 54,070 4,233 407 3,056 5,306 3,715 12,498 3,519 6,585 3,353 5,905 3,355 8,199 4,564 135,077 1,245 2,364 691 3,360 681 34,235 1,159 167,125 3,449 22,053 3,339 21,273 353,780 15,235 2,342 16,798 7,226 1,057,695 47 3,678 1,388 10,584 170 1,350 586 ,358 20 240 456 3,395 146 1,186 2,270 18,525 570 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF [Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres . . number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 1R0 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres . number 1,000 acres and over number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and fruit-and-nut number Cash-grain number Cotton number Other field-crop number Vegetable farms . . . number Fruit-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. .. .number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Farns by economic class: 1 Commercial farms. number Class I number Class II number Class III number Class IV number Class V number Class VI number Other farms number Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold.. dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold. . . dol lars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules - farms reporting number Ail cattle and calves. farms reporting number Cows, including heifers that have calved. . .farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive.. farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain..-. farms reporting acres buahels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres bales harvested sold. . dollars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acre pounds harvested sold. . dol lars Land from ch hay was cut forms reporting acres Total all farms 720 3,170 1,755 1,135 1,306 1,145 720 370 235 642 278 110 4,589 110 4,464 15 25 47 227 293 218 534 177 45 312 5,653 6,108 39 144 272 606 2,054 2,993 5,478 14,284,646 8,721,960 8,107,085 85,483 505,617 23,775 4,713,974 1,155,930 1,951,244 1,606,800 848,712 10, 508 1,359 7,538 14,240 8,293 53,551 7,907 30,304 7,504 19,620 8,137 ->1,927 9,662 351,336 3,866 14,853 2,773 21,876 1,741 958,632 3,332 1,172,096 9,276 93,333 9,150 90,272 1,503,725 129,375 8,133 83,301 47,635 7,075,831 4,684 46,213 Tenure of operator Full owners 50 .90 190 220 330 335 240 120 70 335 136 57 1,135 45 1,080 10 20 25 158 206 159 344 103 25 216 126 86 109 285 728 956 4,803,163 2,093,978 1,862,338 39,340 169,650 22,650 2,180,725 507, 747 960,498 712,480 528,460 2,173 2,210 1,725 4,175 1,873 24,259 1,828 13,580 1,742 7,292 1,633 8,735 1,866 126,001 1,185 6,957 839 8,876 583 483,707 985 742,466 1,761 23,952 1,741 23,456 439,065 17,660 1,558 18,260 10,264 1,518,070 1,416 18,986 Part owners 50 70 35 80 125 110 80 55 97 20 31 447 25 422 44 62 31 134 54 20 60 18 753 24 38 113 149 214 215 3,308,665 1,740,579 1,452,445 20,272 267,862 ,393,174 312,258 743,009 337,907 174,912 753 4,394 664 1,870 672 9,264 672 5,077 630 2,955 628 5,008 662 45,082 455 2,702 377 4,584 241 354,825 345 155,711 677 11,463 662 10,698 193,955 22,465 621 10,933 7,398 1,113,103 534 8,144 Managers 355,050 88, 275 87,675 600 254, 260 97,740 3,440 153,080 12,515 33 10,759 28 122 27 3,008 27 1,497 25 460 21 570 19 584 27 1,102 12 705 10 3,275 10 450 17 845 16 355 15,075 12 407 381 56,050 1,680 115 1,625 655 210 195 115 105 50 20 40 16 3 3,001 40 2,956 5 3,149 5 6 45 165 1,111 1,817 4,052,227 3,606,107 3,545,062 11, 670 49,375 409,495 180, 200 86,252 143,043 36,625 3,149 1,287 1,698 3,043 1,909 5,362 1,799 3,483 1,732 3,149 2,378 7,183 2,529 51,604 718 1,197 520 2,755 211 71,020 502 45,805 2,953 29,552 2,913 28,752 466,125 71,365 3,066 35,923 22,366 3,326,558 787 ,400 290 290 321 5 1 10 10 70 225 524,917 307,385 307,235 150 194,657 138,560 7,590 48,507 22,875 321 1,635 311 524 261 1,456 261 961 241 911 271 966 281 6,159 111 332 85 450 40 8,210 70 3,135 321 3,915 321 3,670 65,975 5,535 311 3,497 1,722 260,590 180 1,845 Share- cash 99,385 91,270 8,115 385 430 70 1,420 50 115 45 170 45 110 45 100 65 310 55 1,715 20 20 30 250 10 320 70 770 70 770 10,365 1,450 70 945 580 83,925 35 205 10 320 265 70 60 40 25 15 5 10 805 20 780 5 5 10 35 306 465 1,030,434 988,887 936,542 3,070 49,275 41,547 1,565 10,672 29,310 821 1,255 651 1,087 571 1,085 541 724 511 673 611 2,044 691 13,450 196 258 135 785 61 8,365 176 7,390 786 8,647 776 8,512 130,045 13,600 796 9,724 6,078 883,748 221 ,110 tJBta are given by type of farm and by economic class for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 571 PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950-Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area 4 — Continued Areas 5, A, and i) Tenure of opera to r-^xn. Tenants— Con. Croppers unspeci- fied Farms not classi- fied by tenure Total ell farms T«*nure of operator Full Part owners Managers Share - cash Crop -shore Livestock- share unspcci fied Farms not C ' naiil- fied by tenure 100 1,100 260 60 60 40 15 10 5 10 1,610 20 1,590 20 100 665 875 93,200 4,515 52,895 35,790 3,000 1,660 1,274 465 945 840 1,615 775 1,060 760 940 1,205 3,115 1,255 21,280 325 430 230 900 70 50,930 185 11,265 1,505 13,195 1,475 12,975 214, 270 49,745 1,625 19,030 12,655 1,902,650 555 1,405 840 670 701 570 265 120 85 165 90 12 10 272 5 5 55 207 276,786 194,060 193,860 200 71,976 35,175 14,665 22,136 10, 750 272 1,018 216 367 187 1,031 172 623 170 520 221 738 242 8,970 66 157 40 370 40 3,515 61 23,695 266 2,995 266 2,795 45,345 1,035 261 2,687 1,291 190,045 5,478 1,765,541 1,193,021 1,159,565 14,201 18,130 1,125 476,320 57,985 158,045 260,290 96,200 4,400 401 3,423 5,030 3,812 11,658 3,581 6,667 3,375 5,764 3,477 10,431 4,586 128,065 1,481 2,895 1,025 4,956 696 45,805 1,490 227,664 3,868 27, 521 3,818 27,011 389,505 17,885 2,874 17,778 7,226 1,062,050 220 1,430 131 810 1,923 12,003 1,292 3,826 2,725 2,005 1,515 1,476 757 520 306 614 303 149 6,432 123 6,032 277 182 58 139 326 294 714 384 61 269 7,343 8,283 78 165 348 927 3,140 3,625 7,205 21,239,851 15,175,729 13,337,276 714, 830 547,473 576,150 5,533,228 1,690,279 1,655,956 2,186,993 530,894 13,895 1,529 10,021 17,396 8,850 41,764 8,386 22,929 7,953 15,820 11,181 64,944 13,229 448,736 3,602 13,123 4,380 42,870 2,553 746,987 3,750 1,220,140 12,498 171,806 12,148 164,762 2,396,217 289,925 10,251 153,879 72,692 11,099,159 710 1,470 1,274,622 528,884 4,172 38,157 107 280 410 465 540 485 306 140 115 251 134 2,066 121 26 84 255 183 437 224 40 173 121 3,293 46 60 157 350 1,128 1,552 7,802,542 4,980,205 4,037,887 300,150 73,243 568,925 2,566,501 709,924 979,272 877,305 255,836 3,293 2,369 2,613 5,290 2,381 17,344 2,297 8,797 2,202 5,194 2,628 20,730 2,889 166,325 1,095 4,761 1,346 15,199 872 467,334 1,198 759,529 2,913 52, 808 2,832 50,778 821,262 114, 135 2,576 45,240 20,929 3,190,504 255 586 540, 750 219, 747 1,394 14,818 15 130 170 175 120 185 120 75 81 155 58 914 36 827 51 36 21 45 50 84 187 108 16 63 1 1,338 23 54 137 215 442 467 4,927,207 3,000,803 2,643,243 178,515 176,545 2,500 1,806,613 816, 860 349,147 640,606 119,791 1,338 3,683 1,107 2,319 931 8,863 904 5,047 849 3,538 1,168 13,671 1,237 53,188 545 3,957 695 11,175 288 197,768 401 176,384 1,229 28,601 1,187 26, 518 400,870 52,015 1,110 28,887 13,393 133 291 241,680 99,345 632 9,175 487,381 397,742 125,752 4,650 267,340 85,039 20 6,753 78,266 4,600 33 14,769 27 242 17 ' 1,147 16 533 11 42 24 1,435 24 1,612 15 521 18 968 7 570 9 6,645 27 1,994 26 1,818 35,010 1,000 13 1,420 770 103,087 2,082 1,702 55 1,285 1,020 480 260 196 100 65 60 50 40 3,438 15 3,297 126 25 10 52 5 31 15 3,619 2 37 50 356 1,568 1,606 5,728,741 5,274,725 5,138,200 126,230 10,295 13 748 396,291 48,091 154,630 193,570 57,725 3,619 1,583 2,388 4,109 1,718 4,709 1,643 2,992 1,491 2,031 2,712 10,348 2,887 55,698 622 1,375 770 5,318 332 21,535 492 46,030 3,322 44,773 3,262 43,853 583,560 85,410 3,516 57,402 29,684 4,601,281 236 473 417,150 184,590 719 4,862 155 120 35 35 45 15 5 5 15 15 401 5 375 21 5 11 15 16 92 315 618,996 569,796 544,321 24, 430 1,045 49,200 13,290 7,260 449 1,379 399 694 278 722 258 478 237 437 373 1,931 414 7,590 92 170 107 1,038 42 1,380 67 11,955 418 5,470 418 5,460 68,075 2,525 433 6,137 2,650 402,021 26 59 52,950 23, 700 156 955 400 355 200 120 60 35 25 20 20 10 1 1,231 1,201 35 660 450 170 1,115 2,131 1,125 885 595 610 226 235 50 158 60 15 1,426 65 5 200 15 10 1,251 5 10 170 616 450 1,538 110 705 691 7,205 40 105 120 116,705 112,095 104, 865 7,230 2,083,000 2,000,290 1,966,610 33,130 550 94,995 93, 830 88,080 5,750 2,221,405 2,075,429 2,026,839 40,215 8,375 593,640 423,285 407,485 15,475 325 3,360 150 3,210 1,250 75 1,556 70 140 45 70 45 55 45 55 50 295 70 1,785 25 35 20 175 5 50 15 230 75 1,005 75 1,005 12,775 2,920 75 1,280 620 94,525 10 25 15,500 5,700 20 70,210 1,810 18,630 49,770 12,500 1,251 1,665 1,006 1,717 636 1,136 611 786 556 621 996 3,523 1,016 19,694 ■ 205 285 275 1,390 125 3,030 150 8,885 1,166 16,038 1,131 15,573 208,855 31,650 1,245 22,005 11,750 1,817,390 168 139,000 63,800 270 ' 1,440 1,165 40 1,125 30 3,167 20 30 15 90 10 35 10 35 20 40 30 415 75 5 25 5 50 25 375 25 375 8,125 2,690 30 640 390 75,400 15 125 102,351 31,206 20,415 50,730 43,625 1,538 1,444 712 1,224 578 1,363 558 932 498 703 1,062 3,794 1,142 21,154 210 450 302 1,815 105 15, 595 200 14,410 1,388 17,615 1,363 17,335 228,195 40,265 1,492 22,805 11,965 1,846,880 100 185 171,700 76,475 168 1,162 170,005 1,785 108,135 60,085 350 276 2,151 181 304 166 1,328 161 706 145 180 211 765 215 5,060 85 430 61 825 50 1,455 55 10,500 250 4,270 250 4,105 57,535 5,360 241 4,535 2,309 365,065 20 36 38,000 14,915 90 1,100 2,293,980 1,522,254 1,392,194 105,285 20,050 4,725 678, 784 115,384 166,154 397,246 44 92,942 45 5,612 46 409 47 3,886 5,436 3,803 9,701 3,526 5,560 3,400 5,015 4,649 18,760 6,192 171,913 1,325 2,509 1,551 10,210 1,054 59,780 1,650 231,552 5,007 43,630 4,841 41,795 555,515 37,365 3,036 20,930 7,916 1,189,526 85 118 72,960 23,500 1,414 8,554 572 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 10. -FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TYPE OF FARM, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE OF [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Manage Share- cash Crop-share Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number . 100 to 1 39 acres number . 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 499 acres number. 500 to 999 acres .number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f ruit-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms. number. Fruit -and-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. .. .number. Genera 1 farms number . Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock : number . Crop and livestock .....number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number . Class I number. Class II number . Class III number. Class IV number. Class V number. Class VI numbe r . Other farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1919 by sou r ce: All farm products sold dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. Vegetables sold dollars. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horticultural specialties sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold. . .dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars. Forest products sold dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm pi-oducts number . Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows, including heifers that have calved. . .farms reporting. number. Ml Ik cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 19119: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms, reporting. dozens . Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain forms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested. . . farms reporting. . acres. . bales harvested. . sold. . dollars. . . . farms reporting. . acres. . pounds harvested. . sold. . dol Lara. . LBnd from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres. Tobacco harvested. 2,086 9,407 6,236 3,451 2,581 1,850 1,281 710 366 1,113 556 304 18, 773 256 13,457 5,060 522 27 234 174 878 2,357 1,595 36 726 6,976 23,139 192 525 1,071 4,180 8,528 8,643 6,802 60,763,423 48,718,464 45,992,002 2,463,449 219, 536 43,477 10,926,516 2,961,101 3, 962, 163 6, 003,252 1,118,443 28,693 2,118 20,432 43,244 14,635 72,087 13,562 40,573 12,377 27,442 22,437 217, 224 24,334 664, 190 5,276 22,591 10,268 157,192 2,594 177, 877 5,047 1,186,819 26,054 436,718 25,598 412,175 7,287,154 1,031,172 24,980 467,945 203,987 29,197,295 8,193 21,739 24,249,295 11,097,874 5,316 51,775 90 575 945 860 906 710 505 265 116 407 221 109 3,821 128 2,546 1,167 190 21 93 99 486 880 487 21 372 119 5,709 48 169 379 1,021 1,815 2,277 15,769,075 11,121,212 10,344,396 638.410 112,131 26,275 4,055,521 672,293 764,717 2,618,511 592,342 5,709 2,762 5,024 11,688 3,959 26,028 3,769 14,348 3,430 8,162 4,871 75,761 5,056 223,236 1,740 8,943 3,161 65,437 852 91,102 1,720 642,041 5,350 122,377 5,252 115,154 2,173,167 237,780 4,817 102,793 42,933 6,060,082 1,770 4,655 5,219,926 2,395,981 1,655 19,138 470 465 410 415 340 276 215 120 406 228 137 2,331 25 1,878 428 92 106 42 220 667 428 10 229 39 3,497 104 289 337 630 1,121 1,016 510 6,120 3,840 1,575 770 460 220 115 55 140 28 10 12,584 101 8,998 3,485 240 6 30 30 140 798 672 5 121 15 13,843 16 41 332 2,526 5,587 5,341 55 625 605 305 190 120 55 30 30 65 26 1,739 26 1,368 345 85 5 15 5 50 211 161 135 140 35 20 5 290 30 100 1,540 1,265 585 275 140 100 20 15 35 1 1 3,742 30 2,692 1,020 40 5 5 20 255 225 50 2,110 16 22 51 226 571 1,225 4,077 35 150 150 7 155 820 1,680 1,415 15,931,357 11,050,499 10,112,336 393,564 31,807 12,742 4,487,115 1,825,619 628,802 2,032,694 393,743 3,497 4,556 3,147 9,374 2,626 24, 765 2,487 13,488 2,297 9,416 3,031 55,397 3,099 119,478 1,288 8,426 1,931 48,733 517 35,040 1,003 278,236 3,332 108,096 3,274 96,224 1,821,996 215,197 3,145 105,995 45,437 6,548,603 875 2,731 3,000,789 1,387,558 1,052 16,007 1,803.928 1,204,179 1,165,401 23,480 10,838 4,460 561,784 27,194 284,865 249,725 37,965 90 20,044 74 565 62 • 2,126 60 1,194 45 390 76 3,793 71 2,490 45 1,485 57 4,035 3 175 16 3,137 81 8,171 81 7,712 145,181 37,035 76 9,510 5,546 852,939 24 185 237,440 109,400 31 1,219 '4,963,984 23,562,480 22,735,870 771,610 55,000 3,602,861 2,975,041 2,776,781 157,965 40,295 477, 830 458,650 448,435 9,990 225 7,815,333 7,481,495 7,329,370 151,480 645 1,349,884 428, 825 178,565 742, 494 51,620 13,843 1,803 8,562 15,746 5,279 12,645 4,808 7,779 4,377 6,477 10, 104 55,559 10,942 193, 880 1,421 2,557 3,276 24,762 635 25,190 1,285 110,025 12,487 151,164 12,302 148,079 2,490,670 483,945 13,372 218, :.03 101, 573 14,526,822 5,063 13,579 15,273,285 , ■■ '. '.n 1,941 11,277 623,025 276,575 60, 790 285,660 4,795 2,110 1,708 1,879 3,551 1,258 3,878 1,127 2,318 952 1,908 1,768 15,505 1,812 40,820 413 983 799 9,225 150 9,535 260 28,180 2,024 34, 162 1,999 33,087 509,055 41,945 2,004 32,044 13,078 1,872,195 632 1,592 1,482,640 666,625 369 2,916 19,180 240 2,290 335 1,426 310 615 200 395 170 220 165 195 275 1,470 325 5,015 60 95 120 545 30 335 55 3,490 330 3,825 330 3,750 59,580 7,365 335 5,710 2,580 367,370 55 128 142,255 67,690 55 240 300,738 107,960 18,890 173,888 33,100 4,077 1,917 3,422 6,135 1,841 3,847 1,716 2,552 1,566 2,217 3,276 16,545 3,531 63,030 435 550 1,052 6,340 235 4,980 455 24,270 3,837 45,495 3,752 44,485 718,710 156,445 4,007 68,693 33,497 4,746,550 1,500 4,283 4,803,985 2,240,675 875 4,205 Dota are given by type of farm and by ceo ic closs for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 573 PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sampl e of farms. See textl Area 6 — Continued Ares 7 Tenure of operator — Con. Farms not classi- fied by tenure Total all farms Tenure of operator Fsrms not claaai* fied by tenure Tenanta— Con. Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Croppers Other and unapeci- fied All Cash Share- cssh < r.ji- :.|mrr Livestock- ahure Croppers Other and unspeel - fled 320 3,625 1,680 565 225 140 50 30 35 190 135 80 60 45 10 35 10 20 1 3 477 10 322 145 30 5 25 87 66 5 16 1,471 2,241 986 606 490 340 270 115 75 150 46 12 2,245 11,350 5,155 2,546 2,030 1,275 670 330 231 481 201 90 21,806 114 915 20,777 81 5 26 56 351 476 354 5 117 3,803 22,915 21 172 1,282 8,458 8,928 4,054 3,689 61,243,679 57,688,935 56,661,551 701,145 91,744 234, 495 2,929,080 259,470 620,043 2,049,567 625,664 25,360 2,415 18,729 33,971 10,333 29,110 9,605 16,636 8,414 12,026 19,475 133,728 22,064 603,856 2,854 6,266 6,847 59,987 1,940 239,782 3,220 517,522 23,980 249,965 23,806 245,628 5,316,627 513,068 16,548 137,200 54,399 7,468,982 22,813 80,554 96,818,114 46,992,281 8,945 44,732 245 1,335 1,365 1,040 855 545 300 180 126 231 96 38 5,798 67 168 5,563 31 60 635 475 240 255 190 85 70 20 75 47 21 1,902 16 171 1,715 20 5 11 15 75 -24 101 23 21 2,173 8 67 144 684 667 603 6,068,020 5,243,576 5,098,725 95, 825 39,026 10,000 681,309 82,655 144,241 454,413 143,135 2,173 2,792 1,996 4,143 1,342 5,253 1,266 2,701 1,082 1,915 1,780 18,123 1,994 83,370 460 1,100 806 12,999 286 69,260 481 222, 892 2,114 28,803 2,078 27,788 605,377 34,078 1,325 16,432 5,737 813,701 1,928 7,108 8,554,880 4,056,134 1,017 7,319 890 8,305 2,845 1,031 610 375 140 30 55 55 16 3 14,092 30 576 13,486 30 5 16 27 175 145 30 10 14,355 6 51 765 5,861 5,822 1,850 37,999,588 37,165,708 36,750,913 323,775 6,020 85,000 767,930 18,865 256,435 492,630 65,950 14,355 2,647 9,053 15,016 4,178 7,340 3,848 4,753 3,396 3,956 10,349 53,915 11,508 241,754 1,042 1,364 3,053 17,512 751 22,510 1,117 111,075 13,743 135,875 13,723 134,325 2,905,435 386,970 10,932 87,090 35,774 4,933,063 14,016 51,639 62,625,800 30, 597, 810 4,012 15,594 1 25 350 190 81 65 50 25 5 5 15 5 1 760 5 70 685 10 5 11 11 15 15 160 2,705 1,410 600 290 200 70 15 25 20 6 1 5,432 5 176 5,251 10 5 55 35 20 5,502 5 36 400 2,586 1,975 500 16,233,108 15,912,258 15,807,508 101,825 2,925 259,350 1,155 40,585 217,610 61,500 5,502 2,950 4,891 8,112 2,016 3,485 1,901 2,315 1,700 1,930 4,382 23,651 4,827 109,425 516 656 1,336 7,725 366 12,290 516 58,940 5,327 58,250 5,322 57,595 1,241,455 165,290 4,152 34,840 14,219 1,934,843 5,406 21,816 27,362,200 13,337,820 2,111 8,245 5 45 35 10 640 4,630 930 260 195 85 35 5 20 5 5 6,705 20 275 6,410 10 60 285 130 50 50 30 1,050 1,075 470 235 305 165 145 SO 30 104 40 20 290 150 30 10 10 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 » 9 5 20 16 2 8 14 1 10 2 6,276 35 4,296 1,945 85 1 10 10 45 225 205 95 1 595 25 570 11 621 25 175 271 150 1,352,860 1,308,990 1,298,180 8,810 12 n 505 25 480 5 90 is 13 16 10 25 235 176 108 5 63 81 6,356 7 46 366 1,906 2,436 1,595 15,734,585 14,080, 248 13,668,773 243,180 35,375 132,920 1,263,093 155,845 196,154 911,094 391,244 6,356 2,476 5,777 11,284 3,521 12,432 3,319 6,996 2,918 4,652 5,315 48, 528 5,796 207, 187 986 2,975 2,351 24,074 677 142,022 1,206 149,605 5,930 69, 829 5,889 68,427 1,523,965 73,430 3,327 27,749 10,311 1,401,008 5,790 20,070 23,911,057 11,600,597 3,131 17,145 14 1 5 5 95 90 5 6,810 10 245 2,595 3,095 865 16,719,870 16,529,230 16,353,100 174,430 1,700 190,440 1,280 16,275 172,885 200 6,810 2,455 2,430 3,945 1,270 2,230 1,150 1,370 1,045 1,215 4,375 20,230 4,915 90,400 290 400 1,140 6,230 235 5,105 320 23,730 6,470 56,503 6,465 55,845 1,231,545 183,830 5,330 40,235 16,805 2,345,165 6,685 23,207 27,368,070 13,453,630 1,145 4,410 1 2 31 20 5 6,657 12 105 1,335 2,960 2,245 11,973,290 11,653,779 11,259,689 380,310 13,780 307,011 42,265 80,555 184,191 12,500 6,657 1,799 2,417 4,386 1,656 3,170 1,511 2,027 1,436 1,782 4,297 13,280 4,736 71,460 406 651 1,107 6,509 175 6,755 435 25,715 5,747 58,297 5,687 57,627 1,039,600 246,365 6,442 102,180 48,180 6,927,272 2,691 7,130 8,339,590 3,792,565 567 3,421 75 6,802 5 817 1 5 30 205 276 300 1,837,220 1,591,145 1,471,615 36,530 510 95 3,689 76 624 16 101 211 296 1,007,025 916,645 845,725 70,865 55 89,155 360 11,590 77,205 1,225 624 1,614 499 964 294 1,275 254 612 228 325 453 3,229 498 10,225 92 263 178 1,978 40 1,585 70 22,870 514 8,610 4<*> 3,355 154,595 31,075 549 8,646 3,743 541,635 185 446 504,815 221,255 70 420 77 ?n 8 7 7 3 6 434, 591 369,983 369,220 79 60 255 165 30 1,607,400 1,580,645 1,577,945 1,305 1,395 26,755 200 3,430 23,125 5 45 40 5 249,130 243,440 242,565 875 11 6,802 2,295,079 1,780,094 1,633,949 136,385 9,760 472,212 7,170 105,214 359,828 42,773 5,554 413 3,625 5,871 2,709 6,523 2,438 3,764 2,228 2,997 4,355 26,714 5,166 125,106 782 1,180 1,843 14,225 587 26,370 1,023 153,380 4,804 46,910 4,689 45,006 656,140 57,215 3,570 31,444 8,498 1,208,849 461 589 517, 855 216,125 637 4,134 3,689 1,006,895 829,420 773,920 38,365 10,560 6,575 163,351 2,105 22,146 139,100 14,124 2,445 412 1,879 3,391 1,269 3,417 1,149 1,816 997 1,341 2,003 12,332 2,747 70,724 354 518 616 4,666 225 5,840 415 32,250 2,164 14,108 2,093 13,828 259,090 17,490 940 4,415 1,545 168,185 1,055 1,463 1,332,580 532,520 767 4,389 34 35 36 37 38 763 31 83,000 242,075 16,230 191,495 34,350 4,000 817 2,249 736 1,328 466 899 416 587 345 465 626 3,687 720 19,260 85 110 186 1,372 60 2,215 105 14,925 775 8,915 765 8,710 166,385 5,705 690 6,065 2,200 304,080 745 2,163 2,430,500 1,139,615 276 1,399 5,690 2,000 43,620 40 53,397 41 42 43 44 45 1,067 52,330 11,211 31 14,019 24 137 23 668 23 370 21 162 28 830 19 821 12 309 21 736 1 150 1 1,700 29 1,350 23 1,260 22,760 1,100 24 1,514 1,032 153,025 24 274 393,797 205,220 18 285 230 5,460 4,420 39,200 250 621 2,179 436 661 201 366 171 251 131 156 461 2,872 506 10,749 66 78 156 1,085 55 1,955 66 6,785 581 5,765 581 5,735 116,415 8,385 335 2,360 965 134,880 590 1,944 2,352,800 1,120,465 200 640 510 3,152 485 860 195 300 180 195 160 175 440 2,860 465 10,630 80 115 200 655 30 845 90 6,370 500 5,455 500 5,455 128,535 20,475 370 3,035 1,385 186,670 505 2,174 2,698,450 1,345,880 235 740 95 2,622 75 110 30 60 30 35 15 15 65 615 75 1,290 5 5 35 245 5 100 20 325 90 985 90 985 21,100 . 3,285 55 555 200 27,425 85 335 413,780 200,400 45 160 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 S3 54 55 56 57 58 59 SO 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7 livestock 38,605 6,510 32,095 9,790 12,070 10,235 35 1,103 15 20 30 95 30 55 30 55 20 65 35 2,665 30 60 20 75 25 5,375 30 13,610 15 120 15 120 3,375 685 10 25 10 1,875 30 305 General — crop and ll vi- ■ i ... V 10 5 20 30 25 30 5 10 40 12 11 126 34 3 35 15 198 1 4 13 22 57 101 442,010 220,267 194,017 3,895 22,355 196,051 82,585 47,508 65,958 25,692 198 2,232 198 625 193 2,603 188 1,331 173 967 155 872 177 13,848 162 701 92 813 69 8,920 112 32,645 181 2,561 170 2,406 42,365 5,625 161 1,502 853 124,160 163 3,727 Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied 715 1,401 865 655 720 510 325 136 111 172 78 13 95 5 2 5 31 37 30 5,594 1,954,169 1,219,231 1,187,041 22,485 7,555 2,150 507, 728 163,103 117,250 227,375 227,210 4,340 450 3,146 5,538 3,795 13,176 3,593 6,783 3,420 6,040 3,410 8,432 4,647 137,511 1,279 2,491 724 3,854 696 34,800 1,180 168,575 3,533 22,791 3,423 21,971 367,265 15,995 2,394 17,258 7,414 1,086,055 2,337 19,607 580 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Tabic 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE [Data are based on reports for {For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number.. 30 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number.. 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number.. 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share -cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number. . Class II number. . Class III number. . CI ass IV numbe r. . Class V number. . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold . . . . dol lars. . Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold. .. dol lars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. . dollars. . Forest products sold dollars.. riumber of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. . Average sates per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting. - number- . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain .farms reporting.. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested . farms reporting. . acres. . bales harvested. . sold. . dol 1 ars. . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . do 1 1 ars. Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. ucres. Total all farms 720 3,170 1,755 1,135 1,306 1,145 720 370 235 642 278 110 2,173 753 33 3,149 321 70 826 821 5 1,660 272 5,478 6,108 39 144 272 606 2,054 2,993 5,47c 14,284,646 8,721,960 8,107,085 85,483 505,617 23,775 4,713,974 1,155,930 1,951,244 1,606,800 848,712 10,508 1,359 7,538 14,240 8,293 53,551 7,907 30,304 7,504 19,620 8,137 31,927 9,662 351,336 3,866 14,853 2,773 21,876 1,741 958,632 3,332 1,172,096 9,276 93,333 9,150 90,272 1,503,725 129,375 8,133 83,301 47,635 7,075,831 4,684 46,213 Type of farm Cash- grain 170,385 155,210 153,830 15,010 1,000 3,510 10,500 165 110 1,549 160 85 585 325 80 230 60 320 100 3,530 45 80 45 305 20 715 30 6,445 60 830 60 830 18,125 7,150 30 240 120 18,265 45 745 110 1,660 830 350 430 380 260 125 65 176 64 14 2,956 290 65 785 780 5 1,590 226 4,464 5 13 76 319 1,510 2,541 5,996,705 5,525,204 5,491,947 18,122 14,985 150 404,676 44,082 90,780 269,814 66,825 4,464 1,343 2,899 5,779 3,061 11,735 2,926 6,927 2,823 5,214 3,504 12,322 3,727 94,925 ' 1,323 2,705 1,004 8,316 419 39,470 1,022 121,480 4,204 45,291 4,154 44,706 708,590 70,435 4,464 56,968 35,096 5,217,676 Other field- crop 21,455 20,455 17,750 2,705 1,000 15 1,430 10 15 5 Vegetable 22,235 20,255 5,130 15,125 1,714 13,838 10 140 10 140 2,125 10 45 30 4,500 1,605 175 385 1,045 375 10 25 15 75 20 640 Fruit- and- 356,825 321,375 56,390 9,925 255,060 15 1,160 15 265 15 265 3,875 5 30 25 3,700 11,950 565 11,385 23,500 47 7,592 37 103 27 93 27 54 17 20 12 171 32 715 7 10 12 280 5 1C0 5 725 27 549 27 549 15,165 12 283 219 35,350 Dairy 10 5 30 25 25 30 25 46 20 6 158 44 5 20 10 1,182,378 122,381 122,321 1,029,840 847,219 12,965 169,656 30,157 227 5,209 131 330 217 6,961 217 4,235 212 4,087 152 1,420 192 8,044 197 1,910 93 1,085 31 1,395 94 26,350 151 3,310 146 2,240 68,375 5,500 55 508 285 41,536 Poul t ry 35 35 30 30 30 30 25 20 10 35 10 3 206 62 293 12 31 60 50 85 55 1,782,952 138,710 2,500 415 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 5 5 10 25 15 10 15 5 75 20 33 159 31 12 16 5 218 1 7 16 42 70 82 166 ,590 1,611,252 56,405 1,481,387 73,460 32,990 293 6,085 198 406 228 2,730 223 1,455 218 883 192 1,022 220 52,975 147 570 122 880 226 778,395 190 515,530 212 2,854 212 2,784 53,305 3,875 137 1,072 197 1,755 577,586 76,970 74,990 650 1,330 474,696 14,018 12,937 447,741 25,920 218 2,649 175 631 202 9,328 202 4,829 163 829 170 1,706 174 9,011 193 3,784 100 1,782 43 1,842 86 24,947 142 2,310 131 1,979 36,610 600 85 777 342 53,450 160 5,381 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 581 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only u sample of farms. See textj Area 4— Continued Type of farm — Con. General — priman ly livestock General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied Areas e t, A, and U Total all farms Type of (arm Cash- grain fit her field- crop Vegetable Krui t- and- nut IJairy Livestock titer tl.nn dairy and poultry General — priman ly crop General — priman 1 y livestock General- crop and I I VrM 1,1 I Ml seel • laneoua and un- clasai - fied 96,855 21,965 21,715 250 71,390 19,920 35,110 16,360 3,500 45 2,152 ia 100 40 630 360 40 360 35 310 35 135 28,625 35 25,360 40 1,015 40 1,015 14,200 15 140 95 12,420 40 865 25 35 55 55 20 15 45 27 15 216 60 5 31 312 3 22 26 58 123 1,129,542 524,381 403,184 9,165 105,032 7,000 504,137 106,215 143,147 254, 775 101,024 312 3,620 266 942 302 5,532 302 3,059 790 1,311 256 2,283 267 36,235 237 1,910 172 2,607 215 59,500 238 201,160 272 5,256 262 4,696 118,250 9,955 215 2,495 1,702 262,132 555 1,415 840' 675 706 585 290 135 110 205 108 29 126 18 5 26 229 3,721 10 10 5,478 175 1 11 9 48 56 50 5,478 2,282,660 1,268,629 1,213,423 18,291 20,290 16,625 517,934 60,365 163,725 293,844 496,097 4,575 499 3,555 5,359 3,954 13,713 3,713 7,799 3,494 6,062 3,582 10,938 4,717 133,564 1,557 3,234 1,080 5,274 723 46,965 1,533 238,529 3,973 28,997 3,923 28,427 414, 550 20,070 2,950 18,338 7,494 1,104,577 1,984 12,993 1,292 3,826 2,725 2,005 1,515 1,476 757 520 306 614 303 149 3,293 1,338 33 3,619 449 75 1,281 1,251 30 1,538 276 7,205 8,283 78 165 348 927 3,140 3,625 7,205 21,239,851 15,175,729 13,372,276 714, 830 547,473 576,150 5,533,228 1,690,279 1,655,956 2,186,993 530, 894 13,895 1,529 10,021 17,396 8,850 41,764 8,386 22,929 7,953 15,820 11,181 64,944 13,229 448,736 3,602 13,123 4,380 42,870 2,553 746,987 3,750 1,220,140 12,498 171,806 12,148 164,762 2,396,217 289,925 10,251 153,879 72,692 11,099,159 710 1,470 1,274,622 528,884 4,172 38,157 60 1,485 1,415 880 670 525 300 155 170 220 98 54 1,899 827 9 3,297 375 70 1,226 1,201 25 1,426 200 126 21 l..'l 36 41 40 35 35 m 56 16 10 10 20 12 1 255 50 183 84 5 22 20 25 45 55 60 45 25 10 45 38 16 224 108 173 63 2 31 1,156 2,141 1,130 900 605 615 251 235 50 173 66 21 121 1 1 15 6,032 22 61 131 576 2,355 2,887 10 50 157 60 6 10 21 40 105 139 20 23 20 25 31 20 20 45 80 108 65 294 5 11 15 384 1 12 53 67 115 136 304, 108 268,604 265,994 2,160 450 10,532,582 9,837,771 9,598,306 215,515 23,950 573,395 528, 725 499, 925 8,770 20, 030 325,928 283,820 62,590 217, 980 30,589 310 4,600 25,679 4,915 123 2,472 73 126 274 88 129 92 951 87 2,415 41 141 52 496 10 2,590 46 6,610 112 3,305 112 3,115 87,850 41,755 51 601 283 37,974 52 1,781 586,271 19,059 85,100 482,112 108, 540 6,032 1,746 4,497 8,369 3,421 10,907 3,267 5,967 3,045 4,117 4,778 24,627 5,071 121,192 1,286 2,854 1,629 13,268 663 22,335 1,102 129,790 5,667 88,575 5,551 86,150 ,133,665 128,270 6,032 116,444 57,735 :, 838, 201 390 786 677,128 271,276 1,805 13,755 23,320 325 3,565 19,430 21,350 277 2,070 211 377 151 296 141 199 136 184 231 1,611 252 6,460 46 48 101 915 20 1,115 36 2,810 247 3,720 242 3,620 48,220 625 242 3,457 1,163 183,825 171 423 383,200 176,425 55 330 3,250 36,883 2,536 8,227 26,120 5,225 182 1,791 147 277 112 356 112 212 107 201 142 1,444 152 7,815 37 62 86 1,265 46 2,120 80 11,615 151 2,092 151 2,012 30,665 1,700 56 675 280 45,750 505,573 489,805 50,890 8,400 428,015 2,500 12,143 2,605 2,825 6,713 3,625 58 8,717 22 52 32 203 32 99 26 36 26 104 47 1,829 22 71 11 105 26 655 26 640 20,450 4,050 5 250 130 21,450 1,794,331 109,724 103,401 2,450 3,873 41 445 21 311 1,673,599 1,441,878 11,322 220,399 11,008 139 12,909 119 397 139 5,566 139 3,747 139 3,487 112 1,564 117 6,730 119 2,215 54 877 32 2,430 65 15,750 96 3,405 75 2,822 56,325 5,350 48 993 404 57,865 5 15 10,000 2,100 87 3,127 1,287,194 72,685 56,455 11,285 2,120 2,825 1,203,344 26,533 1,104,061 72,750 11,165 326 3,948 183 267 235 1,760 235 832 234 5e7 223 1,641 288 73,335 124 546 141 1,350 284 606,079 253 590,020 213 3,428 208 3,388 70,335 2,375 430 234 35,210 696,483 100, 739 79,366 12,500 8,773 100 584,614 4,492 12,782 567,340 11,130 294 2,369 220 603 212 5,555 201 2,565 175 551 238 5,761 229 8,253 221 2,672 234 7,078 67 3,565 88 16,799 220 5,149 208 4,342 85,565 1,350 77 1,016 386 53,588 1,238,449 903,554 786,514 92,890 24,150 90,399 14,126 13,476 400 110 735 157 3,087 256,932 8,167 121,991 126,774 77, 963 384 3,225 304 636 293 2,960 282 1,580 264 505 336 3,564 370 12,225 149 566 222 2,722 119 7,115 132 27,545 366 8,979 361 8,574 165,140 51,230 324 4,668 2,172 345,309 42 99 97,902 41,631 201 3,442 250 67,458 12,450 27,334 27,674 8,815 61 1,482 56 87 51 247 51 161 51 119 51 906 56 6,490 36 163 46 483 41 4,428 51 50,784 50 1,085 56 1,085 17,225 855 21 300 79 11,166 269 3 6 37 22 121 26 360 821,320 428,286 388,539 34,475 3,272 2,000 364,784 55,110 104, 828 204,846 28,250 269 3,053 233 617 258 3,392 258 1,528 246 749 234 3,524 257 25,801 183 1,233 209 3,7»1 184 34,115 197 125,505 258 6,679 253 6,269 110,402 14,200 213 3,500 1,685 246,935 11 15 19, 582 8,602 170 1,963 10 5 7,205 138 11 11 1 13 62 40 7,205 3,070,089 2,137,890 1,431,820 108,005 32,840 565,225 693,291 116,814 169,321 407,156 238,908 5,750 534 3,956 5,588 3,858 10,021 3,580 5,765 3,442 5,155 4,718 19, 247 6,303 176, 191 1,338 2,552 1,595 10, 520 1,076 60,325 1,689 237,487 5,086 44,734 4,905 42,745 570,375 38,165 3,096 21, 545 8,141 1,221,886 91 132 86,810 28,850 1,447 8,821 582 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number.. 10 to 29 acres number. . 30 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number.. 100 to 139 acres number. . 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number.. 1.000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers. number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants. number. . Share -cash tenants number.. Share tenants number. . Crop- share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . Class I number. . Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V i number. . Class VI number.. Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars.. Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold ... .dollars. . Dairy products sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold. . . dol lars. . Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold. .dollars. . Forest products sold dollars. . Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting. . number. . Chickens 4 months old and over. ... farms reporting.. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting.. number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. . acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested.. bushels sold. . Cotton harvested farms reporting.. acres . . bales harvested . . sold. .dol lars . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. . acres . . pounds harvested.. sold . .dol lars , . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting.. acres . . Data are given by tenure of operator and by economic cl Total all farms 2,086 9,407 6,236 3,-151 2,581 1,850 1,281 710 366 1,113 556 304 5,709 3,497 90 13,843 2,110 335 4,117 4,077 40 6,657 624 6,802 23,139 192 525 1,071 4,180 8,528 8,643 6,802 60,763,423 48,718,464 45,992,002 2,463,449 219,536 43,477 10,926,516 2,961,101 1,962,163 6,003,252 1,118,443 28,693 2,118 20,432 43,244 14,635 72,087 13,562 40,573 12,377 27,442 22,437 217,224 24,334 664,190 5,276 22,591 10,268 157,192 2,594 177,877 5,047 1,186,819 26,054 436,718 25,598 412,175 7,287,154 1,031,172 24,980 467,945 203,987 29,197,295 8,193 21,739 24,249,295 11,097,874 5,316 51,775 Type of farm Cash- grain 20 13 18 128 25 2 101 622,194 509,615 500,865 8,475 275 107,254 48,405 5,625 53,224 5,325 256 2,430 175 609 101 927 90 436 62 296 136 1,461 172 5,208 48 235 96 1,301 25 1,810 43 8,970 205 8,324 205 7,924 179,365 111,155 85 1,788 500 64,520 46 785 325 4,675 3,405 1,730 1,145 700 515 205 125 371 168 93 2,546 1,878 35 8,998 1,368 290 2,722 2,692 30 4,296 322 13,457 64 183 403 1,825 4,885 6,097 27,209,280 25,741,999 25,007,933 691,856 36,250 5,960 1,299,195 25,793 114,489 1,158,913 168,086 13,457 2,022 9,562 20,396 6,648 19,597 6,194 11,590 5,700 7,604 10,449 76,720 11,174 247,742 2,103 4,824 4,094 35,479 769 23,590 1,717 184,157 12,400 195,152 12,188 190,437 3,048,578 413,284 13,457 312,270 149,111 21,271,916 2,102 4,528 4,408,732 1,805,679 2,084 19,625 Other field- 195 2,055 1,225 620 390 310 100 45 25 55 31 9 1,147 428 3,485 345 30 1,020 1,020 1,945 145 5,060 2 30 264 1,607 2,336 821 12,392,742 11,972,487 11,833,131 136,580 2,776 377,314 3,730 45,052 328,532 42,941 5,060 2,449 3,446 6,119 2,102 4,642 1,931 2,653 1,766 2,245 3,806 24,031 4,054 96,986 477 849 1,190 12,303 397 11,130 679 68,645 4,719 53,392 4,669 52,586 1,001,775 138,430 4,621 48,099 21,114 3,013,545 4,825 14,504 17,185,009 8,204,014 1,415 8,043 Vegetable 35 22 5 190 92 240 85 46 92 370 817,603 754,281 296,396 456,020 1,865 50,467 390 1,801 48,276 12,855 522 1,566 427 876 249 721 214 326 194 259 389 3,353 446 10,183 92 142 214 2,220 30 500 70 2,895 431 8,168 426 7,803 120,650 9,780 342 5,807 1,185 175,365 15 32 32,500 10,400 72 1,150 Fruit- and- nut 57,197 52,282 12,392 39,890 4,915 1,185 3,730 27 2,118 16 53 20 115 15 40 15 40 21 260 20 605 5 25 11 115 10 3,800 21 162 16 112 3,540 205 16 160 75 10,457 Dairy 93 106 5 30 15 234 35 82 66 31 5 15 I, 357,959 460,762 424,867 15,745 20,150 2,885,047 2,550,326 57,388 277,333 12,150 234 14, 350 204 903 234 12,285 234 7,812 229 7,538 129 2,029 149 7,195 209 3,865 82 2,329 21 1,290 48 9,080 188 12,945 188 10,255 240,263 12,770 129 4,827 2,160 312,190 20 70 58,500 23,880 94 3,012 Poultry 174 16 17 26 15 50 50 1,551,882 106,101 98,045 5,155 2,901 1,442,106 42,619 1,318,018 81,469 3,675 174 8,919 219 80 767 74 393 73 333 100 1,813 142 37,905 29 194 78 1,932 111 55,435 126 393,900 111 3,299 109 2,888 60,205 1,500 64 1,948 442 66,130 10 26 27,000 12,745 30 812 Livestock other than dairy and poultry 15 30 95 80 121 100 75 80 25 125 93 39 486 220 32 140 50 878 14 53 75 119 224 393 2,988,546 682,847 606,799 64,065 11,858 125 2,201,534 3,528 69,225 2,128,781 104, 165 878 3,404 665 1,808 764 12,280 746 6,195 624 1,697 832 34,908 781 42,753 596 6,202 854 46,095 171 17,585 425 117,529 755 32,889 716 25,588 581,705 14,894 413 6,174 2,441 327,943 10 23 23,202 10,018 203 3,768 ass for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 583 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text]] Area 6 — Continued Type of farm— Con. General — primari ly livestock General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied Total all farms Type of fur Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Fruit- and- nut Dairy Li vealock other tli.ui dairy mid poultry primari ] y crop (.ei.eral- primuri Jy livestock fie lie nil — crop and j i ..- tocl Mi »ce 1 - 1 iiiirniili .ii..! in. claaii- fled 5 30 70 75 70 70 100 70 35 140 38 23 372 229 1,476 2,251 1,006 611 520 355 300 130 80 166 59 22 119 39 726 14 144 222 210 251,380 54,520 43,115 11,080 175 150 191,360 69,605 31,700 90,055 5,500 36 6,983 118 36 835 36 '445 36 440 26 1,245 30 2,470 26 375 31 2,275 25 12,005 25 17,460 26 2,120 26 1,800 35,700 2,050 20 400 175 26,315 2,774,366 1,491,466 1,282,635 171,443 37,351 37 1,180,639 179,102 158,600 842,937 102,261 726 3,821 685 2,032 590 7,428 563 3,899 527 2,167 679 20,414 664 36,784 433 2,671 684 21,287 229 15,470 368 147,347 706 27,878 691 24,196 470,085 40,668 636 14,872 4,127 652,836 92 339 355,990 138,230 215 3,628 5 6,802 174 4 9 26 37 42 56 6,802 2,988,261 1,969,516 1,763,155 144,645 30,511 31,205 544,186 20, 576 113,087 410,523 474,559 5,728 522 3,777 6,327 2,811 7,165 2,527 4,064 2,321 3,205 4,489 28,856 5,303 130, 819 829 1,343 1,941 15,460 613 27,467 1,077 166,687 4,932 49,850 4,812 47, 861 712,315 62,075 3,642 32,941 8,986 1,276,042 478 619 556,355 229, 829 688 4,759 2,245 11,350 5,155 2,546 2,030 1,275 670 330 231 481 201 90 6,356 2,173 31 14,355 817 510 5,597 5,502 95 6,810 621 3,689 22,915 21 172 1,282 8,458 8,928 4,054 3,689 61,243,679 57,688,935 56,661,551 701,145 91,744 234,495 2,929,080 259,470 620,043 2,049,567 625,664 25,360 2,415 18,729 33,971 10,333 29,110 9,605 16,636 8,414 12;026 19, 475 133,728 22,064 603,856 2,854 6,266 6,847 59,987 1,940 239,782 3,220 517,522 23,980 249,965 23,806 245,628 5,316,627 513,068 16,548 137,200 54,399 7,468,982 22,813 80,554 96,818,114 46,992,281 8,945 44,732 124,390 115,145 114,520 75 550 9,245 114 1,091 77 290 59 175 54 137 53 82 61 710 70 2,327 6 27 20 215 10 110 15 750 103 2,710 98 2,689 62,365 37,650 13 72 33 4,030 10 21 29,500 14,800 91 994 45 365 225 85 70 25 20 15 5 15 37 168 171 576 70 25 181 176 5 275 25 11 53 157 236 450 2,109,408 1,973,202 1,958,380 9,010 5,812 116,331 645 5,305 110,381 19,875 915 2,305 626 1,353 418 1,230 402 737 326 379 639 4,768 695 14, 795 100 208 179 3,493 16 1,150 87 8,565 816 10,797 796 10, 497 191,300 24,185 915 19,084 9,131 1,296,858 576 1,405 1,453,000 611,625 241 2,823 1,070 9,680 4,335 2,140 1,510 990 460 170 160 181 68 13 5,563 1,715 13 13,486 665 480 5,341 5,251 90 6,410 570 20,777 3 69 1,158 8,078 8,434 3,015 54,320,166 52,825,410 52,357,812 430, 120 37,478 199,555 193, 185 34,465 157,965 755 1,276,646 23,585 128,586 1,124,475 218,110 20,777 2,614 15,251 26,097 7,817 17,326 7,252 10,212 6,424 8,349 15,860 99,768 17,597 422,996 2,021 3,231 5,328 37,637 1,436 38,805 2,346 173,865 20,006 204,926 19,936 201,701 4,400,100 378,210 14,107 103,874 39,629 5,442,150 20,662 76,087 92,271,751 45,080,580 7,309 29,105 1,870 95 1,775 4,500 81 2,464 55 105 40 120 35 65 35 55 65 325 50 1,180 15 20 5 15 5 50 5 50 65 535 65 535 13,625 35 285 10,175 20 63,000 22,375 25 160 7,550 7,550 3,550 4,000 5 1,510 5 15 5 15 5 10 5 10 100 20 2,500 5 125 236,995 21,885 21,885 215,110 195,660 1,035 18,415 26 9,115 26 81 26 775 26 500 26 500 16 160 26 1,855 26 185 16 105 5 60 15 2,120 25 560 25 560 12,700 140 60 7,500 10 22 27, 500 11,500 15 370 433,285 19,200 350 413,835 2,915 250 56 7,737 20 45 20 115 20 55 15 45 30 195 45 49,655 20 25 10 45 50 179,785 45 231,400 10 120 10 120 1,750 10 60 25 3,550 10 20 30,500 15,225 20 140 20 40 15 15 40 30 20 35 16 75 26 19 235 75 14 27 11 15 110 60 35 25 25 10 15 5 25 20 9 108 101 1 20 31 58 241 523,845 67,009 52,283 8,475 6,001 250 421,346 1,595 12,162 407, 589 35,490 351 1,492 298 1,056 294 3,193 284 1,756 230 522 318 8,962 332 16,378 148 1,199 338 8,391 83 3,422 121 16,945 268 4,768 262 4,351 127,370 2,400 50 588 139 18,497 21 42 59,470 23,235 185 2,461 145 15 , 1,085 475 240 325 165 150 70 40 114 47 27 81 21 2 10 5 354 3 11 16 98 91 135 1,136,811 1,003,539 946,424 50,970 6,145 101,327 2,430 13,454 85,443 31,945 354 3,211 287 763 208 1,031 206 582 164 293 281 3,313 300 10,561 82 377 169 1,971 58 2,435 79 14,540 338 7,668 336 7,642 152,427 47,882 323 6,209 2,767 372,657 311 1,023 1,116,701 480,636 155 1,667 1,930 500 1,430 650 780 5 386 5 10 5 10 5 5 5 1,250 5 90 5 .90 2,700 5 3,689 I ■■■■: 583,382 341,258 285,815 3,350 10,593 41,500 181,099 33,220 23,390 124,489 61,025 117 4,986 117 433 102 1,039 97 587 75 331 111 2,174 107 9,123 50 405 106 2,770 47 8,065 46 32,137 112 2,992 111 2,954 79,700 4,551 103 1,718 701 103,330 97 311 329,010 152,210 69 1,368 23 11 32 32 16 3,689 1,566,362 3,121,052 867,067 41,180 20,060 192,745 190,841 2,335 24,021 164,485 254,469 2,559 612 1,962 3,723 1,339 4,081 1,219 1,990 1,061 1,460 2,089 13,278 2,837 74,486 386 589 671 5,325 230 5,900 456 35,900 2,232 14,799 2,160 14,489 272,590 18,190 982 5,070 1,814 207, 735 1,096 1,579 1,437,682 580,095 825 5,489 584 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 11.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS ; VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C Total all farms Type of farm Cash- grain Other field- crop Vegetable Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres numbe r 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres. number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Cash tenants number Share-cash tenants number Share tenants number Crop -share tenants number Livestock -share tenants number Croppe rs numbe r Other and unspecified tenants number Farms not classified by tenure number Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number Class I number Class II number Class III number Class IV number Class V number Class VI number Other farms number Value of farm products sold in 19119 by source: All farm products sold dollars Ail crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars Vegetables sold dollars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dol lars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs. farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for ell purposes farms reporting acres Com harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harvested. farms reporting acres boles harvested sold. .dol lars Tobacco harvested far™ reporting acres pounds harvested sold. .dol lars Land from which hay was cut farms reporting acres Data are given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial farms only 2,931 5,010 1,820 931 771 646 311 230 155 412 217 194 2,239 1,350 53 930 226 25 305 300 5 250 124 9,056 4,572 66 117 192 555 1,139 2,503 9,056 14,972,145 9,432,262 6,042,451 2,870,586 15,875 503,350 4,771,618 984,578 954,050 2,832,990 768,268 11,299 1,325 9,834 15,080 7,395 46,301 6,788 26,171 5,057 11,116 9,867 92,002 11,388 308,712 2,621 14,631 4,627 66,725 1,094 266,594 2,203 770,352 12,170 139,023 11,902 129,331 2,657,888 265,284 6,680 45,916 12,211 1,689,561 2,196 4,937 5,024,094 2,213,178 3,394 18,224 1 1 11 18 105 141,763 127,545 126,160 1,260 125 13,233 1,175 12,058 985 136 1,042 114 329 57 325 47 165 32 45 67 652 94 2,299 15 65 22 207 6 325 16 2,170 135 4,250 135 4,240 101,675 77,825 50 380 45 6,315 5 22 17,500 6,750 39 325 35 445 235 110 75 50 30 15 15 10 10 3 286 421 326 55 15 105 105 45 435 285 145 145 120 55 30 40 70 23 673 391 336 81 171 91 1 21 11 125 125 120 10 1,033 5 31 116 881 1,401 17 15 43 225 511 590 284 15 18 10 26 40 175 766,755 668.835 652,065 16,420 350 93.245 205 10,335 82,705 4,675 1,033 742 1,428 591 1,975 541 1,136 431 635 781 6,740 801 19,586 130 320 311 3,085 45 1,530 150 17,390 1,028 14,596 1,018 14,321 268,835 14,800 1,033 11,127 3,957 56c, 940 100 84 69,245 30,465 335 1,195 3,495,777 3,191,112 2,880,862 306,545 925 2,780 265,330 270 76,520 188,540 39,335 1,401 2,495 1,171 2,132 893 2,861 853 1,628 714 1,145 1,143 13,850 1,321 37,820 271 606 693 7,424 171 28,335 311 93,943 1,351 21,850 1,316 20,430 447,150 30,025 768 6,692 1,322 185,145 1,229 3,612 3,822,019 1,740,070 526 2,221 2,727,736 2,639,889 390,197 2,249,692 80,347 900 830 78,617 7,500 284 9,605 225 355 139 1,368 129 805 107 196 179 1,193 220 4,248 48 407 104 1,588 10 200 10 1,575 250 2,368 239 2,153 60, 410 10,155 50 295 80 16,000 SOUTH CAROLINA 585 Economic Area Table U.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPF.R ATOR, AND BY ECONOMIC CLASS ; VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY TYPE OF FARM: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are baaed on reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item (For definitiona and explanations, see text) Areas 8, and C — Continued Type of farm — Continued Poultry Livestock other tl.an dairy and poul try General — primuri 1 y crop General — pnmari 1 y 1 l veatoek General — crop and livestock Miscel- laneous and un- classi- fied Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. . 10 to 29 acres number. . 30 to 49 acres number . . 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number. . 100 to 139 acres number. . 140 to 179 acres number. . 180 to 219 acres number. . 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number. . 500 to 999 acres number. . 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator:'- Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers n.umber. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. . Shore tenants number. . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-she re tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by economic class: 1 Commercial farms number. . CI ass I numlie r . . Class II number. . Class III number. . Class IV number. . Class V number. . Class VI number. . Other farms number. . Value of farm products sold in I9 U 9 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollar's. . Field crops, other than vegetables and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vege tobies sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural spec 10 1 ties sold dollars. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars.. Forest products sold. dollars. . Number of farms reporting sales of ony form products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting.. number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting. . number. . Cows, including heifers that have calved farms reporting.. number. . Milk cows farms reporting. . number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. . number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold farms reporting. . number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting.. dozens. . Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for oil purposes forms reporting.. acres. . Corn harvested for grain forms reporting.. acres. . bushels harvested. . bushels sold. . Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres . . bales harvested. . sold. .dol lars . . Tobacco harvested forms reporting. . acres . . pounds harvested.. sold. .dol lsrs. . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. . acres . . 104 9 28 26 1,069,910 67,524 49,092 16,775 1,657 989,711 893,772 7,267 88,672 12,675 104 10,288 221 104 4,680 1,050 72 5,296 38 1,382 24 1,069 261 33 14,010 104 4,585 102 3,601 105,175 7,725 19 154 32 4,262 11 43 48,925 18,040 56 15 95 85 60 75 85 30 50 25 91 34 72 414 179 24 100 27 5 25 20 5 5 38 30 60 45 35 15 20 20 15 25 20 15 151 79 5 65 20 717 6 11 38 116 169 377 300 2 13 9 25 106 145 583,410 20,596 17,638 1,250 88 1,620 562,814 980 492,182 69,652 1,663,866 239,158 225,522 11,318 2,318 772,783 547,291 455,641 91,262 388 91 6,411 55 101 59 481 59 263 59 188 39 1,190 90 27,326 43 417 39 1,495 68 162,285 84 270,225 63 1,684 63 1,589 33,190 800 32 286 47 5,430 1 25 22,572 9,028 11 155 1,370,168 40,605 39,239 1,290,324 54,540 717 2,321 608 1,417 635 15,199 603 8,488 432 1,141 638 19,303 587 26,373 466 7,191 660 24,205 97 3,380 231 67,584 647 18,488 620 15,607 366,458 6,629 268 2,628 560 74,553 41 42 54,500 20,845 271 4,337 142,543 2,585 16,961 122,997 82,949 300 2,576 254 591 237 2,019 227 1,066 200 431 253 4,147 271 10,380 95 394 225 2,970 48 2,696 95 25,611 300 7,499 300 7,109 181,430 36,755 269 3,624 1,165 160,840 147 208 218,654 89,593 123 852 368,439 39,749 37,269 1,875 605 324,090 30,436 169,312 124,342 4,600 27 13,646 27 98 27 949 27 507 21 118 26 745 27 6,255 27 319 26 2,690 11 38,810 26 46,370 27 1,720 26 1,050 27,875 6,500 21 375 80 10,920 40 35 50 10 30 40 20 15 20 21 14 196 62 1 36 11 5 10 10 295 1 3 15 56 107 113 631,711 295,366 247,607 45,969 1,790 17 426 245,062 6,370 38,977 199,715 91,283 295 2,141 294 667 224 2,494 219 1,360 164 443 283 6,006 254 13,145 143 964 270 4,911 62 4,147 132 64,035 292 7,295 281 6,610 142,210 11,700 261 3,332 830 115,746 84 153 141,240 56,075 144 991 2,72' 3,800 1,060 471 405 310 111 85 35 111 77 43 130 38 9 1 9,056 178 11 22 30 20 48 47 9,056 2,746,702 1,591,901 959,978 128,220 4,753 498,950 685,075 8,455 101,252 575,368 469,726 6,905 398 6,111 7,737 4,423 13,935 3,978 7,925 2,792 4,221 6,407 37,111 7,651 155,984 1,295 2,566 2,253 17,081 570 24,625 1,115 167,439 7,967 54,648 7,796 52,581 922,770 62,020- 3,909 17,023 4,093 543,410 578 748 629,439 242,312 1,728 6,041 Data are given by tenure of operator and by economic class for commercial forms only. 586 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to -1° acres number. 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 13° acres number. 140 to 17° acres number. 180 to 21" acres number. 220 to 25° acres number. 260 to 409 acres number. 500 to 990 acres number. 1.000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. All tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number . Crop- share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number. Farm not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit-and-nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dol lars. . Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars.. Forest products sold dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dol lars. . Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. . Milk cows farms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. . Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. . number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for al 1 purposes farms reporting. acres. . Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested farms reporting. . acres. . bales harvested. . sold. . dol lars. . farms reporting. . acres. . pounds harvested.. sold. . dol 1 ars. . Tobacco harvested. Land from which ha cut farms reporting. acres. Total all farms 12,709 44,672 25,731 15,474 12,713 9,788 5,591 3,079 1,871 4,459 2,109 999 26,284 11,104 401 46,442 4,518 1,080 15,450 15,194 256 22,836 2,578 54,964 68,885 1,148 40,172 27,565 1,174 661 1,590 1,520 3,035 6,241 3,511 284 2,446 56,089 217,190,151 168,598,179 155,385,289 7,264,933 4,394,739 1,553,218 43,743,639 13,243,583 11,594,861 18,905,195 4,848,333 126,649 1,715 91,786 173,300 78,623 383,669 74,029 212,541 68,005 146,022 97,582 618,879 116,293 3,615,089 29,695 112,234 35,328 396,841 16,499 3,257,094 28,984 7,731,181 115,820 1,352,159 113,459 1,291,699 23,742,872 2,696,926 92,608 1,199,667 536,570 78,246,860 34,075 108,844 127,478,595 60,898,352 44,016 379,627 Economic class Commercial farms 2,817 27,327 16,845 9,762 7,907 6,267 s.eoe 2,176 1,355 3,380 1,688 899 26,284 11,104 401 46,442 4,518 1,060 15,450 15,194 256 22,836 2,578 68,885 1,148 40,172 27,565 1,174 661 1,590 1,520 3,035 6,241 3,511 284' 2,446 1,125 201,604,633 157,971,427 145,500,091 6,714,692 4,229,666 1,526,978 39,259,303 12,469,844 10,464,295 16,325,164 4,373,903 84,231 2,393 60,366 125,012 47,957 296,985 45,534 164,579 41,795 106,395 63,796 482,101 71,080 2,398,913 19,573 94,277 25,170 330,564 10,125 2,927,712 17,675 6,107,765 77,111 1,070,508 75,868 1,020,119 19,408,447 2,398,446 68,967 1,038,869 483,771 70,656,422 31,863 105,980 124,972,180 59,897,812 29,451 287,495 12 6 10 7 6 16 17 11 7 84 155 189 208 221 54 37 25 140 13 105 22 22 31 108 65 30 81 43 9 29 43 24,017,507 12,641,066 8,128,119 2,353,033 1,411,812 748,102 10,777,821 4,218,200 4,010,910 2,548,711 598,620 520 46,188 391 3,146 404 32,724 385 17,459 318 10,036 327 20,142 328 46,982 322 14,258 264 31,678 65 523,455 103 241,189 436 47,086 419 40,282 986,326 197,696 336 59,123 32,353 4,761,234 54 838 997,989 494,976 299 24,502 Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI 135 60 297 395 253 550 644 145 161 50 450 23 293 134 30 74 350 134 105 258 159 5 21,437,643 11,006,373 8,665,860 761,763 1,084,830 493,920 9,474,979 4,488,184 1,951,367 3,035,428 956,291 1,500 14,292 1,182 5,439 1,195 49,973 1,160 28,564 1,003 15,850 1,081 39,064 1,033 151,405 976 18,112 830 43,295 271 813,701 404 976,002 1,201 68,234 1,131 57,899 1,383,468 208,155 951 68,312 33,098 4,692,071 286 2,605 2,937,378 1,654,966 804 34,148 35 265 380 375 375 475 350 245 185 699 306 179 1,462 973 112 1,322 131 65 625 610 15 450 51 2,416 95 846 1,475 37 82 336 226 192 476 257 5 214 104 25,164,517 18,082,412 16,818,040 570,238 639,874 54,260 6,327,870 1,912,046 1,668,254 2,747,570 754,235 3,869 6,504 3,186 10,510 2,817 43,321 2,678 22,506 2,487 12,693 3,097 53,266 3,322 246,124 1,565 17,030 1,978 47,395 788 572,835 1,117 1,171,703 3,514 97,590 3,422 89,840 1,997,731 297,865 2,847 88,196 44,881 6,598,074 1,801 11,428 15,431,881 7,909,335 2,032 37,124 115 4,305 3,575 2,250 1,835 1,405 980 500 366 820 352 134 4,647 2,204 38 9,748 506 325 3,954 3,883 71 4,590 373 14, 110 139 4,011 9,960 103 171 256 295 450 1,050 641 30 379 202 56,036,400 49,812,472 48,010,449 1,072,180 614,638 115,205 5,293,884 940,022 1,169,573 3,184,289 930,044 16,637 3,368 12,635 28,339 8,832 55,585 8,453 29,766 7,746 17,633 13,346 118,686 14,531 564,296 3,587 16,248 5,873 73,368 2,197 424,517 3,328 1,410,472 15,675 242,158 15,500 232,869 4,875,300 610,482 12,981 210,749 109,257 16,041,018 11,199 46,172 59,314,134 28,917,016 6,688 59,632 820 10,265 6,385 3,720 2,865 2,306 1,181 695 466 915 285 95 8,604 3,374 22 17,998 1,205 390 5,897 5,802 95 9,601 905 25,659 246 13,945 11,468 237 202 280 415 770 2,082 1,176 90 816 353 52,463,411 46,758,758 45,052,357 1,211,458 387,072 107,871 4,969,673 665,740 1,150,650 3,153,283 734,980 29,998 1,749 20,586 39,750 16,292 65,815 15,473 37,035 14,301 25,997 22,532 141,215 25,187 743,553 6,477 17,549 8,907 85,205 3,450 451,277 6,107 1,532,068 27,483 333,678 27,071 324,843 5,878,232 693,163 24,700 346,291 166,311 24,422,514 13,063 36,567 38,843,823 17,848,364 9,911 71,701 Data arc given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 587 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 only « sample of farms. Sec text] The State— Continued Economic class— Con. Part- time Residen- tial Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class I Claas Class III Claaa IV Claaa V Cilia VI Part- time Reaiden tisl 1,611 6,123 3,930 2,625 2,386 1,675 855 396 205 509 171 33 8,281 11,222 4,951 3,082 2,420 1,846 923 507 306 569 245 53 475 1,512 1,450 1,000 790 595 235 91 70 107 43 12 879 188 2 827 40 5 332 332 25 305 445 355 275 225 115 40 30 40 32 9 879 188 2 827 40 5 332 332 10 45 95 110 65 100 15 208 70 10 260 340 220 190 110 70 20 10 5 2 551 70 616 35 95 301 360 230 235 155 45 15 20 21 5 1 355 645 415 280 215 75 36 20 46 6 1 246 246 20,519 12,055,411 8,881,570 8,344,920 398, 865 115,580 22,205 2,847,834 371,310 724,781 1,751,743 326,007 20,519 588 13,764 23,025 12,810 44,696 12,057 23,351 11,325 18,674 14,321 71,481 17,455 564,673 5,697 11,451 5,686 44,440 3,215 219,170 5,406 1,015,005 16,891 155,376 16,509 150,525 2,483,030 229,925 14,717 121,564 44,457 6,493,362 1,785 2,574 2,297,810 923,360 7,283 49,883 34,405 2,711,789 1,520,335 1,376,882 100,585 40,268 2,600 1,050,631 90,010 318,146 642,475 140,823 21,867 124 17,625 25,116 17,835 39,076 16,423 23,160 14,870 19,649 19,430 62,451 27,734 643,032 4,411 5,627 4,442 19,615 3,147 86,765 5,890 475,399 21,788 124,455 21,053 119,665 1,819,465 66,005 8,916 38,720 8,066 1,058,510 415 260 167, 715 55,600 7,256 40,897 818,318 224,847 163,396 50,791 9,225 1,435 585,871 312,419 87,639 185,813 7,600 32 25,572 31 147 21 2,912 15 1,451 15 1,304 35 2,846 24 18,471 14 879 30 2,222 12 23,447 13 133,012 30 1,820 29 1,390 31,930 2,550 514 276 38,566 30 40,890 21,580 26 1,352 380 70 4,484 1,295 32 1,253 10 15 40 71 105 104 213 68 30 115 4,537 4,007,575 2,181,072 2,023,972 60,285 85,930 10,885 1,651,763 704,261 342,906 604,596 174, 740 5,456 735 4,224 8,013 4,718 16,910 4,563 9,259 4,450 8,304 4,242 11,762 5,474 186,870 1,870 5,593 1,150 8,930 1,396 68,902 2,259 589,583 5,091 41,677 4,896 39,562 698,875 76,570 3,544 31,230 11,744 1,688,091 101 36 30,460 21,100 2,499 17,615 380 70 10C 10 280 55 1,295 32 1,253 10 15 40 71 105 104 213 68 30 115 53 2,794,141 1,530,037 1,407,522 41,405 75,910 5,200 1,132,109 518,335 219,612 394,162 131,995 1,896 1,474 1,489 3,015 1,608 9,068 1,588 4,861 1,525 4,146 1,492 5,084 1,718 77,305 757 3,756 468 4,907 548 41,240 876 382,858 1,763 18,528 1,713 17,433 346,130 54,330 1,603 18,871 8,129 1,174,756 60 23 19,020 12,570 1,057 9,573 316,785 18,715 18,715 298,070 209,850 6 19 6 1,020 6 535 6 535 1 10 5 125 6 795 1 400 5 40 5 40 500 5 95 85 12,750 336,237 48,945 48,945 234,292 178,215 6,547 49,530 53,000 28 12,008 28 97 28 1,100 28 666 26 580 22 118 16 1,870 28 662 11 112 11 1,625 11 7,600 28 725 23 520 13,000 300 16 370 130 18,300 5 1 135,841 51,541 19,766 26,575 5,200 83, 800 32,300 730 50,770 500 22 6,175 16 62 22 524 22 244 17 169 16 80 16 900 22 722 11 300 5 300 10 1,000 17 418 17 418 7,380 3,500 6 202 10 10 30 6 31 11 5 15 6 453,812 222,295 184, 545 3,625 34,125 18 681 21 470 193,267 51,160 93,820 48,287 38,250 134 3,387 124 324 122 1,341 122 665 121 445 88 687 121 15,755 82 297 47 771 65 13,815 81 171,665 107 2,220 107 2,205 56,985 22,200 97 1,800 871 132,745 1 1,845 1,560 98 1,280 316 10 301 5 5 25 15 40 21 41 6 10 25 5 792,145 601,650 560,185 7,775 33,690 180,295 27,415 82,030 70, 850 10, 200 468 1,693 368 774 433 1,977 428 1,033 403 847 408 1,626 453 26,435 » 167 497 143 1,224 146 14,085 293 144,293 439 4,597 429 4,232 93,650 7,680 382 6,660 3,265 489,005 10 7 3,700 2,215 273 2,432 937 16 916 5 5 5 15 35 71 135 50 15 70 35 759,321 586,891 575,366 3,430 8,095 142,385 19,395 ■36,485 86, 505 30,045 1,238 613 947 1,739 997 3,106 982 1,718 952 1,570 957 2,563 1,107 32,220 452 783 255 2,100 321 11,415 481 58,300 1,167 10, 528 1,132 10,018 174,615 20,650 1,097 9,744 3,712 511,556 45 15 13,475 8,795 641 4,035 778,069 506,960 485,860 11,375 5,475 4,250 241,444 38,735 88,369 114,340 29,665 1,483 524 1,077 2,711 1,148 3,182 1,103 1,754 1,093 1,649 1,073 3,081 1,323 48,080 552 984 366 2,568 392 18,802 587 151,875 1,241 9,950 1,211 9,715 169,975 15,740 1,130 8,690 2,895 418,720 20 8 6,520 5,365 691 4,035 3,000 246,450 121,645 115,640 2,580 3,425 111,725 14,345 34,925 62,455 13,080 2,076 119 1,657 2,283 1,961 3,944 1,871 2,294 1,831 2,244 1,676 3,407 2,433 61,485 560 670 315 1,310 456 8,860 796 54,850 2,086 13,107 1,971 12,382 181,970 6,500 810 3,660 710 92,465 20 4 3, .520 2,465 750 3,890 188,915 22,430 14,950 4,925 1,120 1,435 166,485 132,846 1 188,915 1 716 1 350 1 265 1 183 1 145 10 2,150 1 1 1,400 700 588 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.- FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Area 2 Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. 10 to 29 acres number. 30 to 49 acres number . 50 to 69 acres number. 70 to 99 acres number. 100 to 139 acres number. 140 to 179 acres number. 180 to 219 acres number. 220 to 259 acres number. 260 to 4°9 acres number. 500 to 999 acres number. 1,000 acres and over number. Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number. Part owners number. Managers number. Al 1 tenants number. Cash tenants number. Share-cash tenants number. Share tenants number. Crop-share tenants number. Livestock-share tenants number. Croppers number. Other and unspecified tenants number. Farm not classified by tenure number. Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f ruit-and-nut number. Cash-grain number. Cotton number. Other field-crop number. Vegetable farms number. Fruit -and- nut farms number. Dairy farms number. Poultry farms number. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number. General farms number. Primarily crop number. Primarily livestock number. Crop and livestock number. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. Value of farm products sold in 1 9*4-9 by source: All farm products sold dollars. All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars.. Fruits and nuts sold dollars. Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars. Dairy products sold dollars. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars. Forest products sold dollars. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. number. All cattle and calves farms reporting. number. Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. Milk cows farms reporting. number. All hogs and pigs... farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1 9M-9 : Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold .farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1 949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested. Tobacco harvested. Land from which hay was . . farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. .doll ars. . . farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dol lars. ut farms reporting acres 2,080 6,956 4,615 2,941 2,275 1,611 877 462 255 571 261 65 3,511 1,187 99 5,516 300 30 1,721 1,690 31 3,170 295 12,656 7,605 293 7,297 15 45 437 498 290 280 972 513 45 414 12,842 25,156,013 16,969,212 13,967,062 260, 510 2,585,774 155,866 7,788,731 3,726,431 1,620,059 2,442,241 398,070 20,200 1,245 13,541 25,822 15,311 76,040 14,475 40,927 13,974 31,381 13,801 43,269 19, 590 703,460 5,780 22,553 3,429 27,261 3,602 534,920 6,259 1,699,563 16,971 136,549 16,408 130,396 2,505,814 300,500 13,782 174,435 76,703 11,439,563 45 22 20,710 17,415 9,301 98,665 250 2,871 2,045 1,360 1,165 930 540 331 155 388 202 56 3,511 1,187 99 5,516 300 30 1,721 1,690 31 3,170 295 7,605 293 7,297 15 45 437 498 290 280 972 513 45 414 186 21,527,689 14, 520, 861 11,701,921 170, 785 2,499,959 148,196 6,687,523 3,488,265 1,272,420 1,926,838 319,305 10,313 2,087 6,717 14,925 7,366 52,916 7,031 28,615 6,747 20,920 6,927 25,033 8,922 378,069 3,179 17,905 1,874 18,292 1,870 429,035 3,137 1,247,183 8,733 83,891 8,460 79,688 1,596,364 219,420 8,705 133,681 63,927 9,580,862 30 16 18,585 14,930 4,856 67,631 20 20 20 65 5 31 46 20 85 102 50 15 40 60 60 20 40 86 57 8 213 121 32 55 15 90 150 180 165 135 145 55 35 90 18 8 427 227 6 426 15 10 151 150 1 230 20 45 820 745 510 445 365 160 100 50 96 30 7 1,070 363 1,940 85 5 575 570 5 1,160 115 150 45 105 635 33 602 43 103 35 19 15 15 2,831,829 1,204,865 411,166 1,558,314 1,209,512 38,287 310,515 68,650 86 32,928 441 75 6,643 75 3,339 62 2,416 43 1,450 67 6,530 60 3,300 29 1,556 7 22,050 13 30,295 79 3,476 74 2,894 91,845 11,155 49 3,116 1,852 295,379 16 3,498,460 1,211,911 477,236 6,450 615,565 112,660 2,246,079 1,274,818 477,536 493,725 40,470 252 13,883 153 645 194 10,177 188 5,780 170 3,680 145 2,749 179 54,650 394 3,497 77 3,933 76 134,415 98 359,625 162 4,103 141 2,874 72,284 4,150 91 2,650 1,300 194,935 18 18 2,675,964 1,660,978 1,218,017 11,100 431,861 65 8,079 180 9,489 962,655 458,268 148,281 356,106 52,331 421 6,356 339 1,276 385 7,978 354 3,962 321 2,657 262 2,150 366 35,230 260 3,769 131 2,090 109 39,760 170 192,740 306 5,481 291 5,196 1.".'. -"■ 37,785 260 9,147 4,965 751,267 5 1 1,500 1,210 304 7,952 5 131 80 85 37 98 62 5 31 15 3,503,406 2,654,756 2,207,651 27,440 409,665 10,000 802,153 248,900 305,735 247,518 46,497 1,086 3,226 768 2,086 844 7,239 832 3,791 785 2,577 706 3,077 968 74,936 452 2,637 232 2,329 316 128,495 379 296,330 870 10,639 825 10,234 217,600 27,695 839 20,176 11,735 1,784,772 5 5 5,270 4,295 661 10,032 2,615 63 2,547 5 20 130 91 75 69 302 161 10 131 71 5,613,764 4,804,842 4,487,697 79,910 211,949 25,286 721,920 210,800 191,604 319, 516 87,002 3,373 1,664 2,183 4,597 2,506 11,385 2,386 6,310 2,288 4,722 2,405 7,736 2,978 96,506 1,000 2,755 775 5,064 615 76,730 1,006 219,823 2,899 27,115 2,818 26,400 522,470 77,605 2,959 49,713 26,362 3,962,119 15 8 9,315 7,300 1,599 15,762 1 Data are given tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 589 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See textj Area 2— Continued Economic class — Con. Psrt- time Residen- tial Total all farms Economic claaa Commercial farms Class I Claaa II Class III Claaa IV Class V Claaa VI Part- time Residen- tial 310 1,385 1,155 825 575 360 190 56 ■45 115 5,024 2,877,263 2,111,046 1,966,851 62,455 74,695 7,045 704,587 147,915 213,079 343,593 61,630 5,024 573 3,284 5,640 3,652 13,224 3,457 6,646 3,351 5,176 3,181 8,825 4,412 159,045 1,593 3,291 863 5,434 860 68,920 1,530 264, 525 3,950 29,906 3,855 29,196 537,290 58,305 3,572 32,444 11,286 1,661,241 10 4 1,500 1,975 2,370 18,517 1,520 2,700 1,415 736 535 321 147 75 55 68 52 7,625 557,655 303,075 280,725 10,640 11,085 625 237,445 35,745 73,255 128,445 17,135 4,856 115 3,533 5,217 4,286 8,953 3,980 5,226 3,869 4,890 3,686 8,021 6,249 158,685 1,001 1,201 685 2,895 865 21,175 1,585 105,395 4,281 22,577 4,086 21,452 370,185 22,775 1,505 8,310 1,490 197,460 5 2 625 510 2,066 12,147 193,406 34,230 17,565 16,630 35 159,176 54,506 61,305 27,629 947 7 440 7 395 7 1,390 7 7,661 156 7 640 7 15,790 7 82,460 60 1,975 7 370 3,441 1,975 1,465 1,445 1,190 740 366 253 519 250 75 2,124 618 60 4,203 255 10 1,271 1,221 50 2,371 296 5,594 5,815 84 5,721 10 20 41 291 185 193 353 120 35 198 5,701 15,522,816 9,"710, 545 9,253,890 108,645 342,790 5,220 5,428,729 1,761,533 2,488,440 1,178,756 383, 542 11,238 1,381 7,467 15,534 9,088 47,906 8,743 25,742 8,276 20,313 8,442 24,023 10,552 347,929 3,826 12,624 1,854 12,000 1,579 263,400 2,914 575,106 9,780 83,088 9,551 79,573 1,376,572 91,032 8,690 105,761 57,199 8,588,378 17 86 61,300 27,620 5,705 64,246 170 2,040 1,115 820 735 690 425 240 152 367 184 67 2,124 618 60 4,203 255 10 1,271 1,221 50 2,371 296 5,815 84 5,721 10 20 41 291 185 193 353 120 35 198 107 13,800,086 8,530,240 8,102,755 87,160 335,255 5,070 4,940,374 1,598,905 2,372,675 968,794 329,472 7,005 1,970 4,411 10, 228 5,373 35,408 5,224 19,157 4,923 14,408 5,087 15,824 5,988 212, 852 2,581 10, 260 1,163 8,640 898 229,165 1,755 407,981 6,331 61,035 6,212 58,300 1,022,792 75,797 6,348 88,963 49,973 7,530,683 17 e6 61,300 27,620 3,435 45, 721 30 25 45 20 20 55 27 19 108 76 22 55 10 10 50 85 80 100 90 70 25 25 100 38 18 261 117 2 311 15 81 76 5 195 20 15 565 520 330 280 250 115 85 46 92 62 626 216 4 1,522 75 5 510 485 25 806 126 1,722,444 195,137 73,247 1,600 120,225 65 1,516,026 '69,045 1,383,304 63,677 11,281 32 53,826 31 1,556 26 693 20 200 28 302 18 3,440 11 419 9 406 20,360 8 12,870 360 10,920 1,300 15 859 445 63,150 1,413,408 278,267 202,097 15,540 60,630 1,863,520 759,555 679,170 4,040 76,345 1,326 1,096,271 651,051 306, 539 138,681 38,870 97 14,571 66 339 66 4,757 66 2,753 66 2,111 67 891 63 2,217 60 1,210 32 662 8 103,530 13 2,432 79 2,691 73 2,006 52,795 1,775 50 1,261 848 158,715 1 1 1,000 490 77 5,427 1,043,983 453,033 431,069 159,881 59,982 261 7,140 194 833 230 5,254 223 2,842 215 2,079 176 1,303 223 16,094 183 1,799 72 1,039 62 28,781 94 55,691 225 3,720 200 3,122 57,910 4,125 185 6,001 3,794 600,480 486 21 465 22 31 2,242,343 1,679,173 1,598,223 21,055 54,890 5,005 462,617 161,045 71,631 229,941 100,553 691 3,245 540 1,561 589 6,452 584 2,906 556 1,953 539 2,237 606 32,091 321 2,215 160 1,830 127 20,050 229 86,373 621 8,567 605 8,262 159,460 18,462 581 13,471 9,181 1,411,373 184 5,505 300 180 436 9,156 2,020 15 1,995 10 5 5 71 45 69 116 44 15 57 37 4,014,942 3,358,777 3,308,267 30, 810 19,700 573,439 199,266 134,282 239,891 82,726 2,368 1,695 1,475 3,411 1,887 9,439 1,850 5,102 1,772 4,093 1,784 5,733 2,119 84,874 938 2,679 443 2,762 348 43,129 680 178,915 2,117 20,537 2,082 19,992 370, 647 29,355 2,201 34,680 21,313 3,137,755 15 85 60,000 26,950 1,178 12,959 145 1,415 505 390 325 315 180 105 45 105 23 3 1,064 181 6 2,305 155 5 655 645 10 1,340 150 150 631 340 290 310 185 135 55 35 71 33 4 560 770 520 355 400 315 180 71 66 80 33 3 2,239 3,216 46 3,170 15 5 60 20 62 148 27 20 101 30 2,543,429 2,259,331 2,241,751 14,115 3,465 248,038 65,465 45,850 136,723 36,060 3,556 715 2,121 3,996 2,570 7,950 2,475 4,861 2,294 3,972 2,493 5,358 2,959 74,136 1,068 1,938 447 1,941 345 13,315 731 71,700 3,262 24,988 3,227 24,558 371,060 20, 780 3,316 32,691 14,392 2,159,210 2,239 1,389,733 1,052,450 1,031,475 17, 555 3,270 150 310,808 107,645 58,395 144,768 26,475 2,239 621 1,396 2,521 1,552 6,675 1,486 3,231 1,430 2,841 1,503 4,106 1,896 56,510 688 1,504 350 1,975 290 11,740 553 83,720 1,777 13,333 1,727 12,848 218,670 14,215 1,731 14,078 6,470 957,595 3,353 274,433 127, 533 119,338 3,930 4,265 119,305 21,610 38,370 59,325 27,595 1,992 138 1,658 2,765 2,162 5,627 2,032 3,172 1,922 2,882 1,851 3,998 2,667 69,650 556 816 340 1,265 390 15,495 605 45,905 1,671 8,652 1,611 8,357 133,855 1,020 611 2,720 756 100,100 58,564 322 322 58,242 33,373 19,000 2 29,282 2 20 1 196 1 182 1 182 1 95 1 8,917 1 44 1 120 1 7,000 1 37,500 1 68 1 68 1,255 1,540 11,348 1,017 8,690 1,251 9,780 991354 0-52-39 590 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE [Data are based on reports for Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number 10 to 29 acres number 30 to 49 acres number 50 to 69 acres number 70 to 99 acres number 100 to 139 acres number 140 to 179 acres number 180 to 219 acres number 220 to 259 acres number 260 to 499 acres number 500 to 999 acres number 1,000 acres and over number Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number Part owners number Managers number All tenants number Cash tenants number Share -cash tenants , number Share tenants number Crop- share tenants number Livestock-share tenants number Croppers number Other and unspeci fied tenants number Farm not classi fied by tenure number Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f ruit-and-nut number Cash-grain number Cotton number Other field-crop number Vegetable farms number Fruit-and-nut farms number Dairy farms number Poultry farms number Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number General farms number Primarily crop number Primarily livestock number Crop and livestock number Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars All crops sold dollars Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dollars Vegetables sold dol lars Fruits and nuts sold dollars Horticultural specialties sold dollars All livestock and livestock products sold dollars Dairy products sold dollars Poultry and poultry products sold dollars Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars Forest products sold dollars Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number Average sales per farm reporting dollars Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting number All cattle and calves farms reporting number Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting number Milk cows farms reporting number All hogs and pigs farms reporting number Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting number Livestock and livestock products sold in 1949: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting number Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting number Chickens sold farms reporting number Chicken eggs sold farms reporting dozens Specified crops harvested In 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting acres Corn harvested for grain farms reporting acres bushels harvested bushels sold Cotton harveBted farms reporting acres bales harvested sold . .dol lars Tobacco harvested farms reporting acres pounds harvested sold . .dol lars Land from which hoy was cut farms reporting acres 720 3,170 1,755 1,135 1,306 1,145 720 370 235 642 278 110 2,173 753 33 3,149 32± 70 826 821 5 1,660 272 5,478 4,589 110 4,464 15 25 47 227 293 218 534 177 45 312 5,653 14,284,646 8,721,960 8,107,085 85,483 505,617 23,775 4,713,974 1,155,930 1,951,244 1,606,800 848,712 10,508 1,359 7,538 14,240 8,293 53,551 7,907 30,304 7,504 19,620 8,137 31,927 9,662 351,336 3,866 14,853 2,773 21,876 1,741 958,632 3,332 1,172,096 9,276 93,333 9,150 90,272 1,503,725 129,375 8,133 83,301 47,635 7,075,831 4,684 46,213 165 1,765 915 465 605 575 455 250 150 477 188 98 2,173 753 33 3,149 321 70 826 821 5 1,660 272 4,589 110 4,464 15 25 47 227 293 218 534 177 45 312 175 12,519,105 7,528,939 6,947,520 71,282 487,487 22,650 4,237,654 1,097,945 1,793,199 1,346,510 752,512 6,108 2,050 4,115 9,210 4,481 41,893 4,326 23,637 4,129 13,856 4,660 21,496 5,076 223,271 2,385 11,958 1,748 16,920 1,045 912, 827 1,842 944,432 5,408 65,812 5,332 63,261 1,114,220 111,490 5,259 65,523 40,409 6,013,781 1,601,550 619,258 419,958 5,300 194,000 917,101 220,222 536,387 160,492 65,191 39 41,065 29 163 39 3,412 39 1,717 38 869 38 579 30 12,931 33 887 15 597 7 78,000 14 63,814 32 2,191 32 1,836 62,910 9,500 22 1,944 1,786 264,886 10 5 20 15 40 25 25 15 51 32 34 109 113 5 45 10 45 60 45 45 70 90 70 30 80 54 17 285 149 7 165 10 15 35 35 40 590 315 160 195 225 170 65 50 201 34 9 728 214 1 1,111 70 15 306 306 100 5 665 55 329 10 319 22 11 1,848,301 660, 793 431,124 18,682 210, 837 150 975,258 332,575 412,121 230, 562 212,250 144 12,835 105 478 108 4,845 108 2,829 99 1,536 70 1,081 64 8,602 98 2,163 59 1,116 32 343,700 34 97,260 3,178 75 2,413 52,110 4,450 77 2,997 2,052 305,355 5 42 60 16 54 23 5 26 9 1,765,097 771,067 734,597 2,375 31,095 3,000 877,959 223,774 399,313 254, 872 116,071 272 6,489 2L3 935 270 7,272 270 4,000 247 1,930 216 2,712 220 48,735 190 2,281 153 2,381 120 251,592 132 275,241 234 5,977 229 5,407 105,720 11,880 204 5,582 3,969 568,091 10 40 50 42 87 24 5 58 48 1,911,443 1,177,222 1,115,927 21,060 27,735 12,500 552,165 153,532 154,110 244,523 182,056 606 3,154 416 1,291 493 8,759 483 4,842 465 2,025 483 2,849 529 31,058 347 2,107 240 2,373 161 72,840 205 180,352 501 8,682 500 8,647 172,455 23,325 477 8,613 6,535 973,119 1,550 30 1,510 10 5 5 60 85 70 223 70 30 123 56 3,358,853 2,583,149 2,544,679 14,590 16,880 7,000 654,865 122,797 218,538 313,530 120,839 2,054 1,635 1,290 2,844 1,518 10,662 1,448 6,158 1,409 4,073 1,506 6,938 1,720 57,515 790 2,896 646 6,748 380 140,595 656 232,450 1,794 21,449 1,769 21,148 377,075 42,730 1,762 23,161 15,125 2,289,260 2,761 34,210 25 2,330 76 3,121 179 5,485 315 -,98 4 854 9,520 Data are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 591 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See textj Area 4 — Continued Areas 5, A, and Economic class — Con. Other farms Part- time Residen- tial Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Part- time Residen- tial Abnormsl 110 660 355 270 376 330 125 60 35 95 50 3 2,469 2,469 1,467,685 1,031,530 1,014,125 10,220 6,310 875 369,220 39,820 126,345 203,055 66,935 2,469 594 1,741 2,795 1,814 6,969 1,718 3,761 1,613 3,087 1,742 6,360 2,164 74,599 921 2,085 688 3,761 415 37,830 838 174,300 2,071 17,726 2,046 17,446 257,995 13,780 1,979 14,223 6,306 933,970 445 745 485 400 325 240 140 60 50 70 40 3,008 3,008 276,065 152,480 145,440 2,670 4,120 250 94,320 7,665 31,700 54,955 29,265 1,930 143 1,681 2,232 1,997 4,629 1,862 2,861 1,761 2,632 1,734 4,048 2,422 53,466 559 785 336 1,175 281 7,975 652 53,364 1,796 9,760 1,771 9,560 131,360 4,105 895 3,555 920 128,080 21,791 9,011 1,311 7,700 12,780 10, 500 2,280 1 35 1 5 150 742 3,875 1,292 3,826 2,725 2,005 1,515 1,476 757 520 306 614 303 149 3,293 1,338 33 3,619 449 75 1,281 1,251 30 1,538 276 7,205 6,432 123 6,032 277 182 58 139 326 294 714 384 61 269 7,343 21,239,851 15,175,729 13,337,276 714,830 547,473 576,150 5,533,228 1,690,279 1,655,956 2,186,993" 530, 894 13,895 1,529 10,021 17,396 8,850 41,764 8,386 22,929 7,953 15,820 11,181 64,944 13,229 448,736 3,602 13,123 4,380 42,870 2,553 746,987 3,750 1,220,140 12,498 171,806 12,148 164,762 2,396,217 289,925 10,251 153, 879 72,692 11,099,159 710 1,470 1,274,622 528,884 4,172 38,157 177 1,695 1,600 1,120 920 866 531 285 256 456 243 134 3,293 1,338 33 3,619 449 75 1,281 1,251 30 1,538 276 6,432 123 6,032 277 182 58 139 326 294 714 384 61 269 138 18,945,871 13,653,475 11,945,082 609,545 527,423 571,425 4,854,444 1, 574, 895 1,489,802 1,789^747 437,952 8,283 2,287 6,135 11,960 5,047 32,063 4,860 17,369 4,553 10,805 6,532 46,184 7,037 276,823 2,277 10,614 2,829 32,660 1,499 687,207 2,100 988, 588 7,491 128,176 7,307 122,967 1,840,702 252,560 7,215 132,949 64,776 9,909,633 625 1,352 1,201,662 505,384 2,758 29,603 5 20 10 35 35 25 20 120 157 137 15 20 95 130 120 153 70 95 46 105 56 20 350 215 6 356 16 10 180 170 10 110 40 50 555 680 505 395 375 206 105 110 110 35 14 1,128 442 2 1,568 92 45 621 616 5 705 105 5 5 1 1 3 11 3,418,531 1,614,478 873,360 11,700 252,418 477,000 1,771,595 927,147 418, 849 425, 599 32,458 78 43, 827 47 360 51 5,414 50 2,871 44 1,765 46 4,212 42 7,969 45 2,663 47 3,131 18 215,877 19 52,404 46 6,731 45 6,048 130,633 24,850 38 8,842 4,833 713,991 3 12 10,500 4,750 38 3,011 11 2,217,682 1,248,981 1,039,564 68,890 127,527 13,000 835,455 350,856 194,987 289,612 133,246 165 13,440 123 616 128 5,717 125 2,895 107 1,335 130 4,126 109 6,866 103 1,959 93 3,662 17 76,900 35 17,050 125 7,771 119 7,111 141,134 29,750 112 8,966 4,973 763,271 13 38 32,684 13,593 93 4,140 162 21 131 10 10 5 20 45 15 90 53 37 1 2,358,944 1,500,028 1,379,613 72,915 47,400 100 797,911 140,365 333, 580 323,966 61,005 348 6,779 283 838 304 5,179 293 2,298 267 1,125 316 5,672 312 41,320 199 1,739 270 5,534 100 144,675 130 312,545 325 12,069 304 10,959 213,935 45,615 258 11,983 5,874 928,391 52 211 189,898 76,606 192 3,743 647 21 576 50 21 47 94 67 5 22 13 3,056,424 2,465,654 2,272,201 121,390 31, 863 40,200 540,155 77, 537 217, 131 245,487 50,615 927 3,297 672 1,568 670 4,586 645 2,671 606 1,572 750 7,445 795 43,368 303 1,156 388 5,569 205 122,975 237 147, 804 834 18,434 823 17,607 277,995 33,910 760 21,853 11,864 1,850,185 131 343 305,650 137,240 364 5,152 2,543 31 2,355 . 157 40 25 31 108 90 241 115 5 121 62 5,285,555 4,560,889 4,242,299 224,760 56,205 37,625 644,496 61,390 246,013 337,093 80,170 3,140 1,683 2,245 4,373 1,871 6,706 1,810 3,796 1,732 2,610 2,463 12,605 2,691 96,910 817 1,912 1,095 9,669 599 104,965 833 328,770 2,815 43,711 2,750 42,532 587,950 77,725 2,825 49,676 24, 296 3,721,630 276 525 498,680 209,370 993 7,812 95 1,115 820 460 375 295 205 55 65 90 46 4 1,552 467 1,606 315 20 460 450 10 691 120 2,887 60 105 11 20 65 126 266 136 50 80 40 2,608,735 2,263,445 2,138,045 109, 890 12,010 3,500 264, 832 17,600 79,242 167,990 80,458 3,625 720 2,765 4,205 2,023 4,461 1,937 2,838 1,797 2,398 2,827 12,124 3,088 80,390 810 1,185 936 5,095 560 21,815 846 130,015 3,346 39,460 3,266 38,710 489,055 40,710 3,222 31,629 12,936 1,932,165 150 223 164,250 63,825 1,078 5,745 125 785 570 420 330 ,"'-■ 130 135 25 61 38 5 990 1,346 555 460 265 315 96 100 25 97 22 4 2,919 1,741,852 1,301,783 1,201,138 83,295 13,125 4,225 371,847 28,770 113,856 229,221 68,222 2,919 597 1,936 2,863 1,735 4,841 1,634 2,705 1,578 2,415 2,131 10,263 2,562 81,035 763 1,356 953 6,571 556 44,173 817 151,655 2,443 26,615 2,383 25,670 345,260 34,450 2,135 16,920 6,955 1,058,790 85 118 72,960 23,500 850 4,950 4,275 320,780 166,965 144,050 15,490 6,925 500 134,895 5,420 45,640 83,835 18,920 2,685 119 1,942 2,537 2,065 3,945 1,890 2,450 1,820 2,195 2,510 7,715 3,627 89,595 560 700 590 2,705 495 14,990 830 67,295 2,556 16,015 2,451 15,350 191,005 2,915 895 3,880 885 120,320 556 2,940 11 231,348 53,506 47,006 6,500 172,042 81, 194 6,658 84,190 5,800 8 28,918 36 3 915 2 405 2 453 8 934 3 617 3 12,602 775 19,250 6 130 76 10,416 592 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE l^Data are based on reports for (For definitions and explanations, see text) Total all farms Economic class Commercial farms Class II Class III Class IV Class V Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. . 10 to 2° acres number. . 30 to 49 acres numbe r . . 50 to 6° acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number. . 100 to 139 acres number. . 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number. . 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 acres number. . 1,000 acres and over number.. Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Ful 1 owne rs numbe r . . Part owners number. . Managers number. . Ml tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share- cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop-share tenants number. . Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farm not classified by tenure number. . Farms by type: 1 Field-crop farms other than vegetable and frui t-and-nut number.. Cash-grain number. . Cotton number. . Other field-crop number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fruit-and-nut farms number. . Dairy farms number. . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number.. General farms number. , Primarily crop number. . Primarily livestock number. . Crop and livestock number. . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Value of farm products sold in 1 949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars.. Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold, .dol lars. . Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold e dollars.. Horticultural specialties sold dollars. . All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Hairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars.. Forest products sold dollars.. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting. number. . Milk cows forms reporting.. number. , All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. tjiickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting. number. Chickens sold farms reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1919: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested. . . farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. . doll ars. . . farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. . dol lars. Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres. Tobacco harvested. 2,086 9,407 6,236 3,451 2,581 1,850 1,281 710 366 1,113 556 304 5,709 3,497 90 13,843 2,11Q 335 4,117 4,077 40 6,657 624 6,802 18,773 256 13,457 5,060 522 27 234 ■ 174 878 2,357 1,595 36 726 6,976 60,763,423 48,718,464 45,992,002 2,463,449 219,536 43,477 10,926,516 2,961,101 1,962,163 6,003,252 1,118,443 28,693 2,118 20,432 43,244 14,635 72,087 13,562 40,573 12,377 27,442 22,437 217,224 24,334 664,190 5,276 22,591 10,268 157,192 2,594 177,877 5,047 1,186,819 26,054 436,718 25,598 412,175 7,287,154 1,031,172 24,980 467,945 203,987 29,197,295 8,193 21,739 24,249,295 11,097,874 5,316 51,775 615 7,166 5,250 2,845 2,091 1,510 1,011 595 291 963 510 292 5,709 3,497 90 13,843 2,110 335 4,117 4,077 40 6,657 624 18,773 256 13,457 5,060 522 27 234 174 878 2,357 1,595 36 726 174 58,468,344 46,938,370 44,358,053 2,327,064 209,776 43,477 10,454,304 2,953,931 1,856,949 5,643,424 1,075,670 23,139 2,527 16,807 37,373 11,926 65,564 11,124 36,809 10,149 24,445 18,082 190,510 19,168 539,084 4,494 21,411 8,425 142,967 2,007 151,507 4,024 1,033,439 21,250 389,808 20,909 367,169 6,631,014 973,957 21,410 436,501 195,489 27,988,446 7,732 21,150 23,731,440 10,881,749 4,679 47,641 1 30 69 90 48 104 24 5 25 15 35 20 116 189 105 169 289 26 41 22 35 16 14 48 28 6 14 4 8,220,172 4,742,544 4,485,664 209,895 45,948 1,037 3,198,177 1,245,132 960,271 992,774 279,451 192 42,813 165 1,662 155 10,817 150 6,141 118 3,582 130 9,741 115 7,515 128 4,081 126 16,554 15 1,340 33 15,050 179 26,859 173 22,660 511,913 98,186 180 38,572 20,297 2,983,280 31 308 363,016 169,294 93 6,735 217 4 183 30 6 1 82 17 53 140 98 42 9 7,899,051 4,943,939 4,538,677 353,186 52,076 2,75." 150 1,129,620 327,933 1,300,597 196,962 525 15,046 445 2,144 441 14,343 421 8,321 335 4,551 430 23,056 372 36,763 321 5,482 411 25,914 81 18,225 141 267,791 462 36,918 449 31,938 744,272 127,710 427 44,614 20,974 2,839,145 107 935 932,336 525,468 192 6,165 5 25 80 65 85 145 110 1J0 65 271 74 46 379 337 23 332 51 160 155 5 105 16 10 630 1,025 665 555 415 310 135 95 220 97 23 1,021 630 3 2,526 225 35 830 820 10 1,335 101 155 2,865 2,090 1,190 785 550 310 195 100 211 58 19 1,815 1,121 5 5,587 571 150 1,695 1,680 15 2,960 211 680 13 403 264 7 66 26 75 191 97 94 26 7,005,297 5,247,097 4,906,399 288,998 45,740 5,960 1,525,686 428,351 172,507 924,828 232,514 1,071 6,541 890 3,187 770 8,846 710 4,627 668 2,985 879 23,333 862 43,842 383 3,747 588 21,234 185 29,215 268 160,106 989 38,455 974 35,310 764,334 111,877 964 39,559 19,322 2,773,786 440 2,240 2,790,224 1,452,285 405 3,459 27 1,825 1,607 46 5 31 15 119 468 319 5 144 37 13,943,131 12,552,153 11,988,882 514,350 23,921 25,000 1,235,830 133, 043 142,167 960,615 155,148 4,180 3,336 3,157 7,851 2,281 10,366 2,205 5,683 2,076 3,886 3,528 42,264 3,617 116,181 865 2,823 1,791 26,072 498 32,535 888 213,337 3,959 79,951 3,897 76,072 1,444,240 233,765 3,949 88,077 45,712 6,667,757 2,392 8,153 9,888,630 4,521,153 1,146 10,991 7,289 68 4,885 2,336 92 6 5 50 224 820 583 15 222 42 14,841,172 13,513,977 12,916,736 561,470 24,291 11,480 1,204,945 13,215 167,029 1,024,701 122,250 8,528 1,740 5,906 11,967 4,112 12,390 3,836 6,829 3,492 5,010 6,492 52,076 6,957 179,984 1,465 3,273 2,965 34,141 680 49,505 1,364 238,794 7,840 115,464 7,705 111,193 1,873,355 280,104 7,992 134,117 59,050 8,472,463 3,412 7,678 8,193,034 3,584,779 1,750 10,444 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial forms only. SOUTH CAROLINA 593 OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued only a sample of farms. See text] Area 6 — Continued Area 7 Ecoii onuc claaa — Con. Total all farms Economic claaa Other farms Commercial farms Other farms Part- time Residen- tial Abnormal Total Claaa I Claaa II Clana III Claaa IV Claaa V Claaa VI Part- time Residen- tial Abnormal 326 1,056 570 280 250 185 150 45 30 61 20 1 2,974 2,974 1,825,002 1,474,184 1,356,249 112,905 5,030 321,863 4,810 47,190 269,863 28,955 2,974 614 1,821 2,963 1,288 3,711 1,153 2,038 1,048 1,473 2,100 16,468 2,269 57,016 466 751 1,055 10,327 311 16,650 475 61,900 2,407 28,915 2,352 27,861 415,085 40,130 2,259 23,959 6,978 1,008,404 410 548 476,170 198,490 351 1,753 1,145 1,135 416 326 240 155 120 70 40 89 26 9 3,821 3,821 396,083 240,215 216, 755 18,980 4,480 143,850 2,360 57,760 83,730 12,018 2,573 154 1,798 2,891 1,419 2,749 1,283 1,700 1,178 1,515 2,249 10,096 2,890 67,630 315 415 781 3,785 275 9,680 546 91,030 2,391 17,695 2,331 16, 845 235,555 15,835 1,310 7,110 1,330 174,445 45 24 19,185 6,790 285 2,335 2,245 11,350 5,155 2,546 2,030 1,275 670 330 231 481 201 90 6,356 2,173 31 14,355 817 510 5,597 5,502 95 6,810 621 3,689 21,806 114 915 20,777 81 5 26 56 351 476 354 5 117 . 3,803 61,243,679 57,688,935 56,661,551 701, 145 91,744 234,495 2,929,080 259, 470 620,043 2,049,567 625,664 25,360 2,415 18,729 33,971 10,333 29,110 9,605 16,636 8,414 12,026 19,475 133,728 23,064 603,856 2,854 6,266 6,847 59,987 1,940 239,782 3,220 517,522 23,980 249,965 23,806 245, 62e 5,316,627 513, 06e 16,548 137, 200 54,399 7,468,982 22,813 80,554 96,818,114 46,992,281 8,945 44,732 1,195 10,275 4,685 2,311 1,725 1,110 525 260 201 377 162 69 6,356 2,173 31 14,355 817 510 5,597 5,502 95 6,810 621 21,806 114 915 20,777 81 5 26 56 351 476 354 5 117 114 60,236,784 56,859,515 55,887,631 662,780 81,184 227,920 2,765,729 257,365 597, 897 1,910,467 611,540 22,915 2,629 16, 850 30,580 9,064 25,693 8,456 14,820 7,417 10,685 17,472 121,396 19,317 533, 132 2,500 5,748 6,231 55,321 1,715 233,942 2,805 485,272 21,816 235,857 21,713 231,800 5,057,537 495,578 15,608 132,785 52,854 7,300,797 21,758 79,091 95,485,534 46,459,761 8,178 40,343 5 10 10 10 30 15 5 15 5 205 265 230 185 155 70 35 20 56 45 11 366 144 7 765 30 60 405 400 5 245 25 1,214 3 53 1,158 5 5 5 20 22 16 6 11 8,130,483 7,570,580 7,465,317 99,410 5,853 55 3,445 2,090 1,090 745 470 235 65 80 145 27 11 1,906 684 7 5,861 ::05 255 2,631 2,586 45 2,595 175 6 246 11 157 8,078 5 10 5 31 129 98 31 32 28,953,331 27,864,080 27,617,304 208,215 28,561 10,000 828,907 45,895 109, 372 673,640 260,344 8,458 3,423 6,502 12,330 3,359 8,739 3,143 5,127 2,781 3,879 6,304 48,528 7,442 222, "17 >ia 1,783 2,633 21,141 751 27, 830 1,163 158,870 8,258 96,926 8,233 94,870 2,196,215 213,830 6,003 51,912 22,082 3,035,692 8,379 36,367 47,643,645 23,572,180 3,407 15,033 490 4,640 1,740 760 550 315 140 105 55 90 31 12 2,436 667 3 5,822 276 165 2,015 1,975 40 3,095 271 8,681 11 236 8,434 30 5 1 640 1,975 560 215 215 155 75 60 46 55 25 13 1,595 603 6 1,850 300 30 505 500 5 865 150 3,554 89 450 3,015 35 35 241 173 135 5 33 16 3,081,312 2,800,044 2,745,159 50,550 2,085 2,250 243, 523 850 32,743 209, 930 38,245 4,054 760 2,927 4,788 1,754 4,119 1,629 2,480 1,359 1,839 2,906 16, 752 3,287 76,796 384 692 800 6,466 238 9,115 453 49,570 3,611 28, 535 3,580 28,006 534, 520 50,790 2,611 14,952 4,356 575, 495 3,225 5,307 4,879,225 2,037,265 1,100 4,829 245 435 165 100 105 35 30 5 5 20 8 5 1,158 1,158 800,145 701,290 671,200 18,520 6,070 5,500 92,961 845 10,666 81,450 5,894 1,158 691 754 1,141 420 1,397 380 757 329 481 721 5,143 912 22,473 139 273 241 2,731 90 2,890 130 14,350 956 7,269 912 7,069 136,640 13,445 605 3,335 1,280 139,020 820 1,281 1,213,165 490,485 292 1,594 605 640 305 135 200 130 110 45 25 84 31 16 2,526 2,526 159,250 90,380 81,970 2,920 4,415 1,075 60,640 1,260 11,480 47,900 8,230 1,282 124 1,120 2,235 644 2,015 769 1,059 668 860 1,277 6,989 1,835 48,251 215 245 370 1,685 135 2,950 265 17,900 1,201 6,739 1,176 6,659 121,450 4,045 335 1,080 265 29,165 230 162 102,425 32,000 470 2,745 1 6 5 » 5 1 6 8 7 8 30 28 14 46 67 8 51 5 || 2 7 7 73,994 65,695 60,945 4,500 250 6,499 12 13 n 5 5 47,500 37,750 20,750 16,925 75 6 1 16 17 5 5 36 36 10 100 11 89 19 20 21 11 8 3 6 23 24 2^ ?fi 27 28 ?0 10 10 1 28 11 17 23 2,400,306 1,775,316 1,519,148 23,125 17,373 215,670 530,390 174,600 173,712 182,078 94,600 172 13,955 152 645 118 2,388 112 1,248 105 730 133 3,285 146 32,295 76 855 61 3,490 34 130,970 37 191,627 160 6,031 159 5,756 131,645 14,600 134 6,212 2,446 355,987 151 1,564 1,894,158 1,083,715 117 2,961 30 11 1 i? 58 121 91 30 32 16,574,346 16,011,414 15,791,224 198,360 21, 830 n 3 3 34 15 16 17 36 39 40 41 42 43 1,096,506 838,081 749,479 83,120 5,482 243,425 447,178 32,320 5,4340 360,518 112,725 1,282 6,342 1,104 2,871 679 2,968 649 1,590 620 979 1,110 12,902 1,173 41,200 220 891 638 8,951 171 49,937 213 20,615 1,245 22,191 1,240 21,679 528,442 66,158 897 13,458 6,215 868,587 1,247 8,621 12,002,480 6, 169, 867 676 5,502 472,306 3,700 47,605 421,001 90,626 8,928 1,856 6,158 9,878 3,143 7,016 2,913 4,149 2,546 3,251 6,509 38,911 7,257 159,608 868 1,351 2,072 13,666 521 16,090 934 64,340 8,525 79,688 8,479 79,003 1,624,425 130,200 5,944 41,147 14,857 2,059,330 8,739 26,750 28,476,525 13,289,430 2,862 11,116 9,750 45 46 264 6,235 1,800 7 10,571 6 17 2 63 2 26 2 9 6 150 7 460 1 14 7 113 1 40 2 450 6 300 6 300 5,500 1,250 1 375 190 26,000 1 17 22,500 10,845 1 46 180,125 63,300 15,000 21 52,215 7 68 11 463 10 226 6 7 10 918 12 316 9 176 7 1,607 9,750 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 9,500 5 15 5 5 57 SO 5 200 60 61 6? 63 64 65 5 250 66 67 68 69 70 5 250 17 2,486 17 2,486 42,290 20,000 19 5,104 2,898 405,706 17 482 589, 501 307,304 16 902 71 5 100 5 100 1,000 72 73 74 75 76 78 7° no 61 5 12 16,990 10,035 5 50 82 83 64 B5 86 B7 594 STATISTICS FOR STATE ECONOMIC AREAS Economic Area Table 12.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950— Continued [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms. See textj (For definitions and explanations, see text) Areas 8 and C Total all farms omnercial Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. . 10 to 29 acres number. . 30 to 49 acres number. . 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number. . 100 to 139 acres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number.. 220 to 259 acres number.. 260 to 499 acres number. . 500 to 999 acres number. . 1,000 acres and over number. . Farms by tenure of operator: 1 Full owners number. . Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop -share tenants number.. Livestock-share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by type: l Field-crop farms other than vegetable and f rul t-and-nut number.. Cash-grain number. . Cotton number. . Other field-crop number. . Vegetable farms number. . Frui t-and-nut farms number. . Dairy farms number. . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number.. General farms number. . Primarily crop number. . Primarily livestock number. . Crop and livestock number.. Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number.. Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars.. All crops sold dollars. . Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dollars. . Fruits and nuts sold dollars. . Horticultural specialties sold dollars.. All livestock and livestock products sold • dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars. . Poultry and poultry products sold dollars.. Livestock and livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars. . Forest products sold dollars. . Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number.. Average sales per farm reporting dollars.. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . 1 number.. All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows including hei fers that have calved farms reporting. . number. . Milk cows 'arms reporting.. number. . All hogs and pigs farms reporting.. number. . Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting.. number. . livestock and livestock products sold in 1919: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting.. number.. Hogs and pigs sold alive farms reporting.. number. . Chickens sold f »™ reporting. . number. . Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. . dozens. . Specified crops harvested in I9H9: Com for all purposes farms reporting.. acres. Com harvested for grain farms reporting. . acres. , bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested farms reporting. acres. bales harvested. sold. .dollars. Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres . pounds harvested. sold. .dol lars . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres. 1 Data are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. 2,931 5,010 1,820 931 771 646 311 230 155 412 217 194 2,239 1,350 53 930 226 25 305 300 5 250 124 9,056 2,570 136 1,033 1,401 284 6 104 91 717 622 300 27 295 9,234 14,972,148 9,432,262 6,042,451 2,870,586 15,875 503,350 4,771,618 984, 578 954,050 2,832,990 768,268 11,299 1,325 9,834 15,080 7,395 46,301 6,788 26,171 5,057 11,116 9,867 92,002 11,388 308,712 2,621 14,631 4,627 66,725 1,094 266,594 2,203 770,352 12,170 139,023 11,902 129,331 2,657,888 265,284 6,680 45, 916 12,211 1,689,561 2,196 4,937 5,024,094 2,213,178 3,394 18,224 220 1,210 790 466 391 361 206 155 120 312 167 174 2,239 1,350 53 930 226 25 305 300 5 250 124 2,570 136 1,033 1,401 284 6 104 91 717 622 300 27 295 178 13,312,613 8,409,990 5,149,607 2,744,671 12,672 503,040 4,187,166 980,203 861,741 2,345,222 715,457 4,572 2,912 3,842 7,721 3,092 34,380 2,925 19,311 2,352 7,130 3,544 56,574 3,854 158,377 1,400 12,625 2,432 50,857 543 242,789 1,136 ol8,012 4,319 87,401 4,222 79,501 1,799,688 215,314 2,819 29,596 8,214 i7,464 1,1 1,641 4,262 4,454,639 1,995,798 1,725 12,773 4,809,690 3,407,988 1,096,530 2,041,418 40 270,000 1,275,113 337,292 493,687 444,134 126,589 66 72,874 56 345 36 3,399 29 1,937 24 662 31 2,930 39 8,156 30 1,937 30 7,427 10 185,828 11 66,506 51 4,771 48 3,958 135,315 32,705 591 157 22,092 3 36 34,972 13,628 36 1,444 28 1 U 21 13 5 3 22 1,824,198 838,221 409,069 275,890 322 152,440 799,084 396,449 51,992 350,643 186,893 117 15,591 110 475 112 6,646 112 4,072 95 1,327 84 3,758 84 8,142 96 2,284 66 4,406 12 4,336 35 32,617 105 6,817 92 5,281 176,228 25,420 44 1,242 375 56,363 14 67 77,200 31,700 51 2,164 SOUTH CAROLINA 595 Economic Area Tabic 12.— FARMS CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, AND BY TYPE OF FARM; VALUE OF PRODUCTS SOLD BY SOURCE, LIVESTOCK AND SPECIFIED CROPS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS: CENSUS OF 1950 Continued [Data are baaed on reporca for only a sample of fanna. See textj Item (For definitions and explanations, see text) Arena 8 and C— Continued Economic claaa — Continued Commercial farma — Continued Farms by size of farm: Under 10 acres number. . 10 to 29 acres • number. . 30 to 49 acres number.. 50 to 69 acres number. . 70 to 99 acres number. . 100 to 139 seres number.. 140 to 179 acres number.. 180 to 219 acres number- - 220 to 259 seres number.. 260 to 499 acres number.. 500 to 999 seres number. . 1,000 seres and over number. . Farms by tenure of operator: ' Full owners number.. Part owners number. . Managers number. . All tenants number. . Cash tenants number. . Share-cash tenants number. . Share tenants number. . Crop -share tenants number. . Livestock -share tenants number. . Croppers number. . Other and unspecified tenants number.. Farms not classified by tenure number.. Farms by type: ' Field-crop farms other than vegetoblc and frui t-and-nut number.. Cash-grain number. . Cotton number. . Other field -crop number. . Vegetable farms number. . Fruit- an d-nut farms number. . Dairy farms number. . Poultry farms number. . Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry number.. General farms number. ■ Primarily crop number. . Pnmari ly livestock , number. . Crop and livestock number. . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms number. - Value of farm products sold in 1949 by source: All farm products sold dollars. . All crops sold dollars. Field crops, other than vegetable and fruits and nuts, sold dollars. . Vegetables sold dollsrs. , Fruits and nuts sold dollars.. Horticultural special ties sold dollars. All livestock and livestock products sold dollars.. Dairy products sold dollars.. Poultry and poultry products sold dollars. Livestock snd livestock products, other than dairy and poultry, sold dollars. Forest products sold dollsrs. Number of farms reporting sales of any farm products number. Average sales per farm reporting dollars. Livestock on April I, 1950: Horses and mules farms reporting. . number. . All cattle and calves farms reporting.. number. . Cows including heifers that have calved farms reporting. . number. Milk cows farms reporting. . number. All hogs and pigs farms reporting. number. Chickens 4 months old and over farms reporting. , number. Livestock and livestock products sold in 19119: Cattle and calves sold alive farms reporting. number. Hogs and pigs sold alive fa Chickens sold fa reporting. number, reporting. number. Chicken eggs sold farms reporting. dozens. Specified crops harvested in 1949: Corn for all purposes farms reporting. acres. Corn harvested for grain farms reporting. acres. bushels harvested. bushels sold. Cotton harvested. farms reporting. acres . , bales harvested. sold. .dollars . . Tobacco harvested farms reporting. acres. pounds harvested. sold. .dollars . Land from which hay was cut farms reporting. acres . 10 25 60 40 85 60 40 40 35 70 56 34 314 152 7 82 15 267 11 31 225 26 25 15 116 86 25 5 56 20 1,972,510 1,197,139 1,025,716 155,045 3,878 12,500 678,790 68,905 75,607 534,278 96,581 555 3,554 456 1,328 474 8,103 439 4,081 356 1,296 448 11,499 453 27,990 274 3,230 382 11,283 74 5,977 146 155,741 525 16,739 505 14,972 350,350 37, 295 275 4,847 1,277 185,375 286 1,303 1,468,794 680,408 261 3,004 15 185 200 155 150 126 65 35 55 95 33 25 593 281 7 258 36 100 95 5 110 12 645 18 116 511 40 12 169 218 106 5 107 48 1,982,634 1,324,060 1,201,270 93, 783 2,527 26,480 517,407 27,157 63, 549 426,701 141,167 1,139 1,741 961 1,906 822 6,240 802 3,658 659 1,391 965 15,590 1,012 41,721 432 2,186 768 11,931 161 6,178 341 124,683 1,054 21,117 1,039 20,343 428,660 47,764 635 7,137 2,043 290,952 596 1,514 1,602,569 728,320 402 1,636 195 995 520 250 145 150 90 50 20 35 37 1,141 794 2 566 156 20 170 170 115 105 1,576 105 881 590 175 5 10 45 377 268 145 10 113 47 1,494,210 1,121,016 1,001,861 113,710 3,825 1,620 328,074 6,765 48,472 272,837 45,120 2,503 597 2,112 3,159 1,491 4,692 1,386 2,620 1,086 1,685 1,894 17,683 2,116 53, 565 460 906 1,071 9,944 250 11,895 503 84,700 2,411 28,678 2,371 27,198 516,175 55,205 1,784 13,515 3,686 505,610 685 987 823,325 332,375 904 2,986 250 870 415 210 205 130 50 25 10 65 15 8 2,253 2,253 1,175,662 702,327 618,022 82,540 1,605 160 435,104 2,770 66, 881 365,453 38, 231 2,253 522 1,755 2,391 1,201 4,697 1,126 2,459 883 1,552 1,870 17,235 1,917 55,915 575 1,207 1,170 11,073 301 18,165 476 112,680 2,044 21,662 2,023 20,720 402,115 39,860 1,306 7,915 2,287 315,622 440 607 527,495 203,545 532 2,256 2,461 2,930 610 255 175 135 55 50 25 35 35 11 481,073 318,042 272,964 43,375 1,553 150 148,451 1,605 25,016 121,830 14,580 4,473 108 4,236 4,956 3,101 7,214 2,736 4,398 1,821 2,431 4,447 18,177 5,611 94,270 645 795 1,025 4,795 250 5,640 591 39,660 5,806 29,910 5,656 29,060 454,085 8,810 2,555 8,405 1,710 216,475 115 68 41,960 13,835 1,136 3,185 Dota are given by tenure of operator and by type of farm for commercial farms only. APPENDIX The Questionnaire Index to tables (597) 598 THE QUESTIONNAIRE TO, mqui.y I. .ulhoriied by At! of Conjr«. (46 SU1. 21 ; IS USC J01-218) which requi™ ih.l ,„, 81, . r.port. Your report U ,<*»rt«i conGd.olla! trutsul .abject to Ibe pro.iiloe> FORM Al NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE— bureau of the census WASHINGTON AGRICULTURE QUESTIONNAIRE 1950 Include all harvested by be reported c complete failure or which were iclJon from any Section III.— CROPS HARVESTED IN 1949 n land in this place (question 15). whether Be sure to Include landlord's share. Do Brew on land now farmed or rented by others; these crops will questionnaire. Do not Include crops which were a harvested because of labor shortage, low prices. FOR USE OFFICE ONLY No. Agriculture Questionnaire Number CORN: ; 18. How much CORN" was harvested for all purpose* last > Section I.— PERSON IN CHARGE. APRIL 1, 1950; AND AGRICULTURAL °u£* OPERATIONS (If a member of the family or anyone else fills this questionnaire for Ihe person in charge, please be sure that all the information La Riven FOR the PERSON IN CHARGE.) Ha) D Whim »\W G Negro 1(c) Q Other; What race?. t birthdav? . . Is this place a farm? !Q NO. IP "SO." ANSWER QUESTIONS 6 AND 7. (CTfrtmni Ifj YES. IF "YES," SKIP TO QUESTION [9j. , What is the total acreage in thij; place? Were there in 1949 or will there be it. 1050 on this place— i chrrtcd "Yea" Ibr thu Duration, skip u t at trill riursilaiiniiri'. Ilkrvacu k»!i < uallom [Ji tlirnub-h {/>.**l|< lo qur.tlon (c) Any crops grown, such as corn, cotton, tobacco, etc.? . Q No Q Yes (rf) Any hay cut? or land pastured or graced? Q No Q Yes (e) Any fruits? nuts? or nursery and greenhouse products? Q No Q Yes (/) Any vegetables or berries grown for sale?. Q No Q Yes t, 7(a) through 7(0, OWNED LAND; [8] How many woodland . * in tel*nd. e wned, check the square for "None" above. LAND RENTED FROM OTHERS: 9. How many acres of land do you RENT FROM others, including any worked on shares? □ Noi If "None," check and skip to question [13}. (a) (iivc the following information for each landlord: e and address of landlord from furli landlord? Not No Yes knowr an d rrltKMAHKs". Total orn-i (or all II equal total for question i. ler? D No □ Yes 11. Does the landlord furnish ALL the work animals or tractor power (as a part of his share In the operation of this place)?. . . Q No Q Yes '(a) Do you pay to your landlord any cash as rent? . . . Q No Q Yes (fc) Do you pay lo vour landlord anv share of the crops? , Q No Q Yes (Such as 1, J, J.) td Do you pav to vour landlord anv share of the livestock or livestock products? (Such as {. 1. 1) ..*.... D No Q Yes (d) Do you have this land under any other arrangement?. . Q No Q Yes (A filed quanilly of any product, upkeep of land and buildings, payment i: ,f.' LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS: [13] How manv acres do vou operate for others as a HIRED MANAGER? | [If a hired nuiuca, LAND RENTED TO OTHERS: 14. How many acres are RENTED TO others, including land worked on shares by croppers or tenants? □ None (Include any leoaral* field* rented lo other*. rTocnumtrolLr: It Inert l» an entry of acra in quenlQn-1 Lati! » or d-d I' i hl. ri,i. r-. >.r > njr [1..H-. ri..l.[ *i uli 14.. In a counly n-qL"rinr. u l-andrsriJ-Trn in! y-.nr <■.iiiii.ni. r.l ■'■.... 1. 1 mil I.- n,ri.i.|,r.d ,l'i i >l«'ul |..r,< Uu.jlli.nii.llT. fill [QUI tonn before rc-nled to other.) Ln.ri.|.l-i..,.- it>: jiiunnniVc J IS. Acres in This PUlee. — To obtain this acreage, add a tenrrf (question 8) and acre* renttd from others (question It); LOCATION OF LAND: 16. Is all the land in this place (question IS) located in this county? U "No"— (a) How many acres arc In this county? (Ii) (live names of other counties ami acres located in each: D No □ Yes ■ r of count)' I .<■ nt county) RESIDENCE: 17. Do you live on this place? D No If "No," give location of all land In this place— i are In . tToMinlilfur d. (T<»n>hl|>gr .IbirlHi L >r popcorn. I o corn was harvested, check and skip to questic teta CORN was cm for SILAGE?. 23. fJoir much of last year's CORS crop teas or trill be SOLDT Value of this corn and oLhcr corn G None Bushels products sold or to be sold . . •$ /0 iHoi-Jit liml.or.i'i jharru'oid.'tnui ihnt ujrd lor seed o.- feed on thliptacr.l I l>oU«r» onlyj SORGHUMS: (Milo, hegari, atlas, rorghum cane, kafir, "Egyptian co sorghum-, etc. Report sweet sorghum for sirup in question 103.) [241 How much SOilGHUM was harvested for all purposes except sirup Inst year? □ None * . If "None," cheek and skip lo SMALL GRAINS, question [30]. 25. How much SORGHUM was harvested for GRAIN or for SEED? Acre* Buwhols tKlihcr Ibnshed n c.inhiml -ji fal III the head oiler cultlnr fn I inn i nda- L laj train I 27. How much SORGHUM or cane was hugft-ii or uroiCtl. or cut fur dry forage or hay? . mi.- total of the .mi for ijurttloni V> lo 17 mun f |ual lb 29. What u-aa the value of last year'* SORGHUM crop which teas or will be SOLDT □ Not (Report landlord's shair is Kid cmpl itial url I* «. -1 or Iml on U1L9 pltor.) SMALL GRAINS: Which or the Following Sm For eath crop harvested, answer these three [30J GRAINS grown together and threshed asa MIXTURE? Q None ryr; oau and barley, oils and peal. Vodcrline 31. WHEAT threshed? . O None 36. OATS tbresbed? . . . Q None 37. OATS cut when ripe o l Grain Cbops Webe Habvehteli Last Yeab — ,rly feeding 40. BARLEY threshed? . 41. RYE threshed? . . . D Noi □ Not 46. OTHER GRAIN threshed — Rice, buckwheat, flaxseed? Q Not «7. What iraa the total calue of all small grain crops, including grain ntraic, SOLD or to be told? {Crops reported in questions 30 to *fi.) Q Noi How many acres were harvested? Acres *_ How much was harvested? <3) How much was sold or will be sold? (Indu.;. landlord '• ■bare an told euTpt laxi uif i BQ. gold _ BtJ.EOld _ flu. told _ Do. sold _ li uan.tr In tlnl column. 48. How many SOYBEANS were grown for all purposes last year?. . . □ None If "None," check and skip to qucstion[S3], 52. How many SOYBEANS were plowed inder for green manure, not grazed or otherwise larvested? crn tor question is.) check and nkip to quest inn [69], 58. HOVW many COW PEAS were plowed under for green manure, not graaed or otherwise barvcatodr (Thf mini ..I Ihr ^rca for queitlom N to M mini equal the [59] How many PEANUTS were grown for all ptlrnowi last year?. . , Q None If "None," check BJldakip to question [62]. 60. How many PEANUTS were harvested fur picking or threshing? [62] Ilo« many VEI.VETrtKANS were rown for all plinmu last y.-ar?. . . □ Noi .in,, .i.i. Tons XXX Color- . In shells Tons X X X XXX 68. What ii.]» .'.'i. calue of last year's soybeans. .■..(..,!■. />i .in nt ■ . and celeetbeant which icerr or cill be SOLD? . . . D Noi H Tn» In-ifitioi -1 << '88 uu |iS (Reduced facsimile) NORTH CAROLINA AND SOUTH CAROLINA 599 of law, Yo-r i •rutu i.-|«iri -HI be iw#a! for ttatltUrel purpoeet only end ( t be uted /or |>ur|M<(ri u/ (u iuil.ni, mi riil«uii,„i, or regulation. HAY CROPS: ft. PROM how . last year? . D Nw 1 [79]. If "None," check and *klp u> que ill (Report mlied har under the hay which medr up III, larirst pa/I of the mlalure. For each ha>, fire lolaJ production of all cutllnaa. Count only once (be acre* of land from wejrh eul i made.) Wtiii: it t Follow n • or more cuttings of the aame ha> true were r Cmorii Wm Cut Luf Y 70. ALFALFA for hay (or for dehydrating)? . . mixed, 7*. LE8PEDEZA for hay? 76. ANY QTHEB HAYT fUrchui] «t*b». Bermuda " 77?*ASY sTT 78- Hote much of faff year' teem or in II be SOLDT .... I Report landlord'! ituu» u told eierpl Uu ii riw. old meadowe. r hny crops? ' hau (1) From how many acres waa hay cut laat year? <») How many tona were cut? Aerea *_ Tona Acre* ft— Tons Acrea *„ Tons Acres *_ Tona Acre* *_ Tona Acres *_ u',.-.,. -,.,1. fSS ...x LESPEDEZA SEED, CLOVER, GRASS, AND OTHER FIELD SEED CROPS; [7tj Was any lespedeta need, clover seed, grass seed, or other iD " s " Held seed cropa harvested la.it year? „ \Q Yea If "No," check and skip to question [96]. (Report production on • "clean seed" basis.) rOlnrjama) » (Qlvequaolltr and unit 96. What teat thr vaiur of latt near'* Uapedexa seed. c'oror. gran, and other (laid seed crop* which uu -re or will be SOLDT Q None * S /OO ■ U i- 1 v.- , i landlord'! ihur u told mapl that used (m ■■■■■! on lliii place.) (Dollari only > POTATOES, COTTON, TOBACCO, ETC. Which or the Followino Chops Were Harvested Last Yeas — uneedD. report M for DNone m inan id Duuira weir* IwmtPl, you need oot report una.) . Cotton? D None yj . Tobacco? . 103. Sujarcanr or Sorghum for Sirup? , (ftepv-r 1*0 Uu of an acre. If called lor. •ucnuA.lft.Mc.) (2) How m%ca>- WB9 harvested? (3) .What is the value of the mount sold oi to be sold? (Include landlunl'i (Include I •old and ciiea «. pay tot flonini) VEGETABLES FOR HOME USE AND FOR SALE: ID No \D Yea ID No. If "No," check and skip to question [1«]. D Yes. Answer questions 117 to I 115. Were any veietables, sweet corn, or melona harvested last year for sale for market o other processors? . . HOW MANY ACRES WERE HARVESTED LAST YEAR FOR SALE- I two or more planUofi of Uu now crop »m (Report tenths of an acre, njeh ai A. A. made, iIUkt on the ami land or on dlflrreni Land, rcpoti tbe total laureated i plantlosa. Include, tan ol I'lttuble barrelled from laud from whlcb ouar crop* w 117. AsparijimT . Acrea * — 118. Green beans (snap, string, or was)? . . Acres* — ltt-rSweel corn? . 129. Cucumbers? . Acres *_ Acres *_ Acres *_ Acres *_ 138. English peaa? ' 10 Rttoj and nimientoar . . . Acres * 143. Squash? . . . Acrea * 111 Tomntoea? . . Acrea * 146. Watermelons? . Acres * 147. Other? (See list below.) Acrea * Acres* '■ (QUr.ni (Own. Beet! (lafck) Enplanl Broctoll Kale Carrou Muitard (pmul Collardi Okn> Parralpe 148, What imi the eatu* of all ceoelablea SOLD latt yearT • =■ (Indnde landlord' > (hare Do not Include the value of IrUil potatoes and iwn ipoUtoa an BERRIES AND OTHER SMALL FRUITS: [149] Were any berries or other small fruits harvested last year for ID No home use? > I'D Vea 150. Were any berries or other small |D No. If "No," check and skip to fruits harvested last year for sale? . . question [159]. ID Yea HOW MANY WERE HARVESTED LAST YEAR FOR SALE— (Raport lanthi of an am. njcb ai ft. A. >A, "to. I» not include naebrwiiif an*.) 151. Strawberries? Acres *_ 152. Blackberries and dewberries (tame)? . . . Acres*— 158. Other? Blucbcrriea, ts.mc raspberries, gooseberries. Quarts - Quarts - Quarts. TREE FRUITS. NUTS, AND GRAPES: [159] Are any fruit or nut [n No. If "Ho, trees or grapevines on this 1_ ., place? iDVes ISO. How much land is in bearing and nonhealing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees? [Acres (Report lenlna ot an acre, fuch M r*>. >iV etc. Do not InrJude berry acreazr or nurjo Check and skip to question [202]. I D Less than j acre E —XX "U TREE FRUITS. NUTH, AND QRAPES-CWinurd Wiikh or FatiT.NoN. 1«1. APPLES? 162. PEACHES? lit. PEARS?. 168. CHERRIES? 171. PLUMS and PRUNES? 170. FIGS? 178. URAPE8? 183. IMPROVED PECANBT (UUddnl, ITafUxl. nr tup-Hulled > 184. WILD or SEEDLING PECANS? 189. OTHER TREE FRU1TH and NUTS? Apricots, nectarines, cheatnuls, walnuts, pomegranates, quinces. (I) HOfJ many are trms or vinos NOT uf teoariiifi age? vine* of i heariiii rjlnquanutraod [202] What wa* the value of laat ytar'a crop of frulta and nuts. Including berrlea and other amatl fruit; that trsrs or trill be SOLDT . Q Noi (Report landlord i irtare aa told ) IN! 203. Have all the crops harvested last year on thin place (question 16) been reported? Broomcorn, popcorn. Kudtu, or anv other crops not mentioned. □ No. If "No," give below the name of the crop, acres harvested, and value of amount sold. Value of Acres •>!•• i« harvested * 1049 □ Yea (iwllanoolvi D No. If "No," check and skip product*, flower or vegetable seeds or plants,< ,-, v ta ( < l " a,tio " C 208 !- . . •". 'in Vw. ( Report lentha of aoam.iurhai A. A. ift.tic) 204. Were any nursery or green h . oduet*. flower or vegetable needs or pU flowers, or bulbs grown for sale last year? 205. Ho- (trees. «hr you have 1 many NURSERY PRODUCTS s. vines, ornamentals, etc.) did t year? Acres * _ Ht Value of I940« ■ 00 . How many FLOWERS and FLOWERING PLANTS (a) Under glass? Square feet (b) In open? Acres * •— (D-iUanoturl were grown for sale — | Value of f 19491) S /OO 'Dollar* on]*) (a) Under glss (6) In open? i house? Square feet _ 10 -LAND USE IN 1949 —(copy acres from question Section IV. [208] Acres in This Place*- Now we want to distribute this land according to how it was used last year. After you have accounted for a field or plot do not count this land again. Be sure to account for all the land. Give only whole acres. f land were CROPS udlng hay cut) last year? □ None 209. From hot HARVESTED ( .; „HU.T 9. and irapeji ) ■ In To Be Filled Br Cenblm Enluebatob: (a) Add acres of all crops (with * In Section 1 Acres) (6) From how many acres or land were two crops harvested last year? (c) Subtract the acres for (b) from (a) and (This entry should be within three acres of the acres shown for question 200.) pland were used only for 210. How many acres of c pasture (or graiing) last year? 212. How many acres of cropland have not been accounted for ? □ Noi (Include H]|» land, land In Boll-uDprovement cropa only, and land on wnlrh 213. How many acres of, woodland were pastured (or grazed) last year? □ None _ 214. How many acres of woodland were not pastured (or grazed) last year? .' □ None _ 215. How many acres were in other pasture (other than cropland pastured and woodland pastured)? D None _ 216. How many acres were In house lots, barn lots, lanes, roads, ditches, and wasteland? . - , . D None _ Section V.— YEAR BEGAN OPERATION. AND OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME IN 1949 YEAR BEGAN OPERATION: , 217. When did you begin to operate (his place? . . . OFF-FARM WORK AND OTHER INCOME: '(1) D None 218. How many days did you work last year off your J ,_, ,-, ,_ , „_ . farm? Include work at a nonfarm job, business, \ w U 50 to 99 days profession or oo someone else's farm. . . (Owe* one) ("*) D 100 to 199 days (Donotlnciudeetthsnf.wtrt.1 ^(5) q 200 days or more 219. Did any other member of your Tamily living with you have »|Q No nonfarm job, business, profession, or work on someone else's farm last year? \q y m 220. Did you have any income last year from any of the following sources — sale of products from land rented out, cash rent, boarders, old age assistance, pensions, veterans' allowances, unemployment compensation, interest, and help from members of your family? If "None" for question 218 and "No" for both questions 219 and 220, skip to question [222]. 221. Was the income which you and your family received from work off the farm and from other sources (listed in questions 218, 219, and 220) greater than the total value of all agricultural products sold from your place last year? a no D Yes a no D Yea Section VI.— IRRIGATION IN 1949 (-222] 208), hot it land occupied bj ba If "None," check and skip to question [230]. 229. How many acres in this place were irrigated by sprinklers last year? D Noi (Reduced f acsimi le ) 600 THE QUESTIONNAIRE Section VII.— FOREST PRODUCTS IN IMS _/00 fDolIira onlyj 231. (a) Were any forest products cut last year? (We wani a report of (r -j », the firewood, fence poets, aawloga, etc, cut for homo use or for Bale.) . . . I p! ,. (6) Was any gum for naval stores produced last year' /d No LO Yes If "No" in questions 231 (a) and (b), check and skip to question [243 J. 232. How much FIREWOOD and FUELWOOD was cut last year on this place? □ None Cords 237. How much was received last year from the tale of firewood, fence posts, toon, lumber, pulpwood, and piling and poles? Q Nonesold*$_ ( 238. How much was received last year from the sale of gum for naval stores, bark, bolts, Christmas trees, hewn ties, mine timber, and other miscellaneous forest products? □ None sold • S_ Section VIII.— PASTURE RECEIPTS IN 1919 [243] How much was received last year from the sale of pai-tun- iir enuiriw privileges? □ None • Include all animals on this place owned by you and by others. MULES AND HORSES, APRIL 1, 1950: 245. Arc any mules, hoi ir ponies on this place? . 246. How many are MULES and MULE COLTS of all ap,cs7 . r HOUSES und f'QLTS of alia [eluding ponies? . . CATTLE AND CALVES, APRIL 1, 1950: [248] How many cattle and calves of all ages are on this place? □ (Include all cuttle nn'l cslvu, both dairy mid beat, mi this place.) If "None," check and skip to question [2S7]. OF THE TOTAL CATTLE AND CALVES ON THIS PLACE- 249. How many are COWS? Include heifers that have calved. (Number! (N'umluT) i, steers, and steer calves born before irqUMLUins2ili!n'J.'.;ii!i COWS MILKED YESTERDAY: 253. How manv COWS and HEIFERS were MILKED YESTERDAY? Q None 255. How many | 2 produced ycslerday? (Number) , (fiallon*) HOGS AND PICiS, APRIL 1 If "None," check and skip to question [260]. 258. How many are less than 4 months old? . . . 259. Ho (Thdouii loultis old and o esllonaUftHnndHum (Number) (Numl.rt (Number) SHEEP AND LAMBS, APRIL 1, 1950: If "None," check and skip to question [272]. 261. Of the total, how many are LAMBS bom sitico Oct. 1, last year?. 262. Of the total sheep and lambs bom before Oct, I, last year, (a) EWES?. £o) HAMS and WETHERS? . n mini of Oik miml- n (or uuratlnns 311 lu V (Number) (NuintHv) GOATS; RABBITS; AND FUR ANIMALS IN CAPTIVITY: [272] Are any of the following on this place or were any kept last year — (a) GOATS? . . ' □ No a Yes fb) DOMESTIC RABBITS?. □ No □ Yes (c) FUR ANIMALS in captivity? Q No Q Yea If "No" In (a), (6), and Home frcc*rr? . II- -if quick fnvilng Hi |*r arn Of total value.) . If "None," skip to quest! OR S 327. Is there any MORTGAGE [ D No DEBT on the land and building". owned by you? [ \J Yes. How much? . . S. 328. What won the total amount of property taxes paid (or payable) Irj 1841) on all property owned by vou? . . S iliu-liiil. nnl» tain on real ratlin and |.n«iii»l |irufa-n» (;> nof Include (llollaii i Coios loi draliuutn districts.) (a) Of thin total, what was the amount of turn on the land and buildings? $. Not shown aeparately JOOQuntaxbill I LAND RENTED FROM OTHERS: (a) How much would this land and tho buildings on It soil for? . . , $. If "Nono," skip to OR S. question [331]. /00 330. If you pay any cash as rent, what la he amount for the year? $_ LAND MANAGED FOR OTHERS: D None _ [331] Enter hero for question 13. . . If "None," skip to q OR S_ LAND RENTED TO OTHERS: [332] Enter here answer [or question 14 * D None If "None," skip tc question [333]. (Acra) («) How much would this land and the buildings on it sell for? . . . S OR S„ _ /00 [333] .Who furnished the Information given in this report? (C/tccfc which) Q Operator; D Wife or other member of operator's family, Q landlord; D Hired laborer; □ Neighbor; □ Other (Give name under REMARKS) 334. On what date was this quest tilled? . li ami il.iyj i'J50 ENUMERATOR'S RECORD— To be filled by Census Enumerator. STATE COUNTY E. D. No. . TOWNSHIP OR DISTRICT , la this place in the agriculture sample? D No D Yes Have you reviewed each section of thus questionnaire? D No D Yes Certified by Checked by (Craw Leader) (Reduced facsimile) INDEX TO TABLES 603 Economic area County Economic area Abnorma 1 farms Age of farm operator Alfalfa Almonds Alsike clover seed Angora gouts and kids Animals, domestic Animals, fur (in captivity) Annual legumes, specified Apiaries. See Bees. Apples Apricots Area, approximate land Asparagus Automobi les Barley Beans Bees Beets Berries, specified Blackberries, tame (included witli Blackberries and dewberries) Blueberries (tame and wild) Boysenberries (included with Logan- berries and youngberrlcs) Buckwheat Bulbs. See Nursery and greenhouse products. Butchered animals Butter Buttermilk sold (included with Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold).... Cabbage Calves. See Cattle and calves. Cane, sugar Cantaloups and muskmelons Carrots Cash-grain farms Cash rent Cash tenants Cash wages paid for farm labor Cattle and calves C.uil i flower Celery Cherries Cheese sold (included with Butter, buttermilk, skim milk, and cheese sold).... Chick brooder, electric Chicken eggs sold Chickens Citrus fruits, specified Classification, farm: by color of operator by economic class by size by tenure of operator by type by value of products sold by work power Clover Color and tenure of operator Commercial farms Corn Corn pickers Cotton Cotton farms Cottonseed (included with Cotton sold) Cowpeas Cows and heifers Cream sold Crop and livestock farms, general Cropland Crop- share tenants Croppers (separately for South only) Crops harvested. See individual crops Cucumbers Cultivated summer fallow Dairy farms Dairy products Date of enumeration Days worked off farm Dewberries, tame (included with Blackberries and dewberries) Dry field and seed beans Dry field and seed peas (other than Austrian winter pess) Ducks raised Durum and macaroni wheat Economic class of farm Eggs Electricity Efimer and spelt English or Persian walnuts Ewes Expend! tures , farm 22,27 5,15 12 12 , 13,16 II 12 12 12 1 12 .8,15 12 12 II 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16,21,26 ■1,17 3,14-16,20,25 9,19-23 11.13.16 12 12 12 11, 13 15 11,13,16 11,13,16 12 3,5,16 13,16,27 2,13,16 3,13,16 13,16 13,16 7.15 12 3,5,13.14 13.16,17,22.27 12,13,16 13,15 12,16,21,26 16 12 11,13,16 11,13 16,21,26 1,4,12-15,17,18 3,14-16,20,25 3,14-16,20-25 12,16 12 14,15 13,16.21.26 11,13 6 5,15 12 12 12 11 12 13,16,27 11,13,16 7,15 12 12 11 8,9,13,15,19-22 5 5 5 4 4,6 4 5 5 5 I 5 3,6 5 5 4 5 5 8,12 1,5-8 2 3,6 4,6 5 5 5 4 3 4,6 4,6 5 5 2 6 5.6 2,3,6 5.7 5.7 5 5 4.6 4 7 1, la, 6 2 2 5-7 5 1 7 4,6,7 4 1 5 5 5 4 5 1 5-8 7,9-12 6.9-12 2,5-8 3.9-12 5-8 3.9-12 3,9-12 9-11 5,8-12 6,9-12 7,9-12 9-12 5-8 6,9-12 8-12 4.9-12 5-8 8-10,12 7-12 3,9-12 3 7,9-12 5-8 6,9-12 6,9-12 4.9-12 7,9-12 3,9-12 8-12 3,9-12 5-8 Facilities and equipment, specified Fullow land. See Cultivated summer fallow Fa rm 1 abo r by color and tenure by economic class by site of f u rm by type of farm Farm operators: ijy °gc by color by residence by tenure by years on farm Farm products, value of Farm property, specified, value of Farm slaughter Fa rms , numbe r by class of work power by color of operator by economic class by kind of road by kind of workers by size of farm by tenure of operator by total value of products sold by type of farm Feed, expenditures for Fence posts Field and seed beans, dry Field and seed peas, dry Field-crop farms Field crops Fi gs Filberts (included with Filberts and hazelnuts) Firewood and fuelwood. Flaxseed Flowers and flowering plants Forest products Fruit-and-nut farms Fruits and nuts Full owners Fur animals In captivity Gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil, expenditures for Geese raised General farms Gilts. See Sows and gilts. Goats and kids Gooseberries Grain combines Grains Grapefruit Grapes . Grasses (tame or wild) Grazing permits, operators with Grazing privileges, receipts from Green peas (English) Greenhouse products. See Nursery and greenhouse products. Hay, all kinds Hay balers, pick-up Hazelnuts (included with Filberts and hazelnuts) Heifers (included with Cows and hei fers ) Hired laLor, expenditures for Hired workers Hives of bees. See Bees. Hogs and pigs Home freezers Honey Hops Horses and colts Horses and mules Horticultural specialties. See Nursery and greenhouse products Hot water heater, electric Income, farm. See Value of farm products sold Irish potatoes Irrigated land Kids. See Goats and kids. * Lambs. See Sheep and lambs. land and buildings, value of Land Brea, approximate Land in farms Land in fruit orchards, vineyards, and planted nut trees Land in irrigated farms Land pas tured Large farms Legumes, specified annual Lemons 7.13,15 9..13J 5,19-22,24-27 20 22 19 21 5, 15 3,5, 14-16 5. 15 3,13-16,20,25 5. 15 11-13 1.4,13,15,17,18 11 1,2,12-15,24 1 3,5,14-16 13, 16,27 7 9 2,13,16 3,5, 13-16 13,16 13. 16,22,27 9,13,15 12 12 12 13,16,21,26 12,13,16 12 12 12 12 12 12,13 12.13,16,21,26 12,13 3.13-16,18.20,25 11 9.13,15 11 13,16,21.26 11 12 7,13,15 12 12 12 12 14 12 12 12 13,15 11,13,16 9,13,15,19-22 19,20,22-25,27 11,13,16 15 11 12 11 11,13,16 8,12,13,16 15 12,13,15,16- 12 1.13,14,15 1,4.13,15,17,18 1 1,2,4,13-15,17,18 12 1,14,15 13 12 12 4-7 4 1,6,7 3 1,2,2a 7 3 3,6 2 2,2a 7 7 3,6 5 5 5 7 5.7 5 5 S 5 5 5.7 7 5,7 la, 2, 2a, 6 4 3,6 4 7 4.6 3,6 4,6 3 4 5 4 4,6 5,7 3 4,5 5,6 1,1a 1, la, 6 1 1.1a, 2, 6 5.6 la 1,1a 1.5-8 " ' l] S-8 6,9-12 1,5-8 3,9-12 S-8 3 1,5-8 5-8 '"8-12 S-8 2.5-8 5,8-12 6,8-i2 3,9-12 7,9-12 S-8 7,9-12 4.9-12 9-12 7.9,10,12 4,9-12 6,9-12 4 5-8 3,9-12 2,5-8 2 3,9-12 5-8 9-12 S-8 3.5.9-12 5-8 1 1,5-9 604 INDEX TO TABLES County County Lespedeza LettLce (included with Lettuce and romaine) Lima beans Limes Livestock and livestock products sold.. . Livestock butchered Livestock farms, other than dairy and poultry Livestock-share tenants Livestock, specified Livestock sold alive Loganberries (included with Boysenberries and youngberries) Lupine seed Machine hire, expenditures for , Machinery, farm Managed land , Managers Mandarins (included with Tangerines and mandarins) , Maple sirup Maple sugar Maple trees tapped , Milk Milk cows Milking machine Millet Mint for oil Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Mixed grains , Moh air Motortrucks Mules and mule colts Mungbeans Navy beans Nonwhite farm operators Nursery and greenhouse products Nuts , specified Oats Off-farm work Olives Onions Operators, farm: by age by color by residence by tenure by years on present farm Oranges Owned land Part owners Part-time farms Pasture Pasture receipts Peaches Peanuts Pears Peas Pecans Pelts. See Fur animals in captivity. Pe ppe r s Perquisites furnished hired workers by color and tenure by economic class by size of farm by type of fam Pigs. See Hogs and pigs. Piling and poles Pimientos Plums and prunes Popcorn Potatoes Poultry Poul try farms Power feed grinder, electric Power line, electric Products, farm, value of Proso millet Prunes (included with Plums and prunes)... Pulpwood Rabbits and fur animals in captivity Rams and wethers Raspberries , tame. Receipts from grazing privileges Red clover seed Redtop Rent, cash, paid Rented land See also Part owners and tenants. Residence of operator 12 12 12 11 13 11 13 16 21 26 14 16 20 25 11 13 16 11 13 16 v> 13,15 7,8, 13, 15 1,14,15 3,13-16,20,25 12 12 12 12 11,13 11,13,16 7,15 12 12 13,16,21.26 12 11 7,8.13,15 11 12 12 3, 15,16 8,12,13,16 12 12 5,15 12 12 5,15 3,5,14-16 5,15 3,13-16,20,25 5, 15 12 1. 14,15, 18 3,4,13-18,20,25 22,27 1,13-15 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 23,24 25 27 24 26 12 12 12 12 12 11,13,16 13.16,21,26 15 7,15 11-13 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 17 17 5 5 5 4,7 4 4,6 5 5 3,6 3,6 1 2a, 6 5 5 5 5 4 4,6 3 5 5 7 5 4 3 4 5 2,2a 5,7 5 1,6 5 5 1 la, 2, 2a, 6 7 1,1a 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4,6 3,9 3 7,9,10,12 6,9-12 3,9,11 9-12 5-8 5-8 5-8 6,9-12 3 3,9-12 5-8 1,5-8 6,9-12 1,5-8 6,9-12 8,12 5-8 3,9-12 7,9-12 5-8 5-8 3,9-12 1,4, 14, 15 5,15 5-8 1,5-8 Residential farms : Rice Road , kind of Root and grain crops hogged or grazed. Rye Ryegrass Sales of livestock (sold alive) Sampling, reliability of Sawlogs and veneer logs Seed beans, dry field and Seed peas, dry field and Seeds Share-cash tenants Share tenants and croppers Sheep and lambs Si lage Silos Si rup Size of farm Slaughter, farm Small fruits Small grains Snap beans Sorghums Sows and -gilts Soybeans Specified facilities. See Facilities and equipment. Specified farm expenditures Spinach Spring wheat Squasti Steers and bulls Strawberries String beans Sudan grass Sugar beets, for sugar Sugarcane Summer fallow, cultivated Sweetclover Sweet corn Sweet potatoes Tangerines and mandarins Taxes, farm Telephone Tenants Tenure of farm operator Timber Timothy Tobacco Tomatoes Tractors Tractor repairs Trading center, distance to Tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. See individual crops Tung nuts Turkeys Type of farm Unclassified farms Uses of land Values: crops farm products sold farms (land and buildings) livestock Vegetable farms Vegetables Velvet beans Vetches for seed Vineyards. See Land in fruit orchards vineyards, and planted nut trees. Wages paid, cash Walnuts (English or Persian) Washing machine, electric Water pump, electric Wa termelons Wax beans Wheat White farm operators Wild hay Winter wheat Woo,] land Wool shorn Work off furm Years on farm Youngberries (included with boysen- berries and loganberries) 22,27 12 7,15 12 12 12 11.13.16 28,29 12 12 12 12 3,14-16,20,25 3,14-16 11, 13 12 15 12 2,13,16,19,24 12 12 12 12 11,13 12 13,15 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 14,15 12 12 12 12 10,18 7,15 3,13,14-16,20,25 3.13-16,20.25 12,16 12 12 12 7,8,15 12 12 11 13,21,26,27 13 1,13-15 12 11,12,13 1.13,15.18 11 13,16,21,26 12 12 12 9. 19-23 12 7,15 7,15 12 12 12 3,15,16 12 12 1,13-15 5,15 5 12 7 5 3,6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 4 5 3 5 2 4 5 5 5 5 4.6 5 3,6 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 3,6 2 2,6 5 5 5 5 3,6 3 3 5 5 4 7 7 1,1a 5,7 4-7 ,1a. 6 4,6 7 5 5 5 •fr U. S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 0—1952 our 1953 >.