THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA PRESENTED BY Charles W. Broadf oot C370.9 C77b v.l c.ll This book is due on the last date stamped below unless recalled sooner. It may be renewed only once and must be brought to the North Carolina Collection for renewal. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PUBLICATIONS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY 1790-1840 -BY CHARLES L. COON VOLUME I RALEIGH Edwards & Broughton Printing Company 1908 THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION J. BRYAN GRIMES, Chairman W. J. PEELE THOMAS W. BLOUNT D. H. HILL M. C. S. NOBLE R. D. W. CONNOR, Secretary Copyright 1908 by The North Carolina Historical Commission. Chronological Table of Contents. VOLUME I. 1744. — Free School in Beaufort: James Winwright's Will. 1759.— Free School in New Hanover: James Innes' Will. 1791.— Civil List for 1791. 1795. — Rev. John Alexander's Will. 1798.— Warrenton Academy Asks State Aid. David Caldwell Asks for Exemption of His Students from Military Duty. 1800. — Census North Carolina Counties. Educational Conditions. 1801. — -Raleigh Asks State Aid to Establish Academy. Newbern Academy Asks State Aid. 1802. — Gov. Williams' Message on Education. Joseph Graham's Plan for Military Academy. 1803. — Gov. Turner's Message on Education. Dudley's Bill to Encourage Academies. O'Farrell's Bill to Establish Academies in Each County. 1804. — Gov. Turner's Message on Education. "Sentinel" on Extravagance. 1805. — Gov. Turner's Message on Education. 1806. — Gov. Alexander's Message on Education. * 1807. — Gov. Alexander's Message on Education. 1808. — Gov. Williams' Message on Education. 1809. — Gov. Stone's Message on Education. 1810. — Gov. Stone's Message on Education. Education in Caswell County. Education in Edgecombe County. Education in North Carolina. 1811. — Gov. Smith's Message on Education. 1812. — Gov. Hawkins' Message on Education. The New Bern Charitable Society. Treasury Receipts and Expenditures. 1813.— Miles Benton's Free School. The Wayne County Free School. Fayetteville Orphan Asylum. 1814.— The Dixon Charity Fund. 1815. — Gov. Miller's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. 1816. — Gov. Miller's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Murphey's Report on Education, q^ Gov. Miller on Emigration. C\-} Lottery for Fayetteville Academy Refused. I / ^ The Griffin Free School 1816—1840. 6J iv Table of Contexts. 1817. — Gov. Miller's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Murphey's Report on Education. Walker's Report on Education. Murphey's Bill to Diffuse Knowledge. Female Benevolent Society of Wilmington. Lottery for Smithville Academy Refused. 1818. — Gov. Branch's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Martin's Bill to Establish Schools. *■ Slaves May Be Taught to Read or Write. 1819. — Goa t . Branch's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Some System of Public Education Urged. Education Report of 1819. 1820. — Population of the Principal Towns. 1821. — Incorporation of a Baptist Church Refused. 1822. — Gov. Holmes' Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Proposed Subsidy for Academies. Teachers and Students Must Perform Public Duties. Approrpiation of Public Lands for Education. Work of Raleigh Female Benevolent Society. 1S23. — Gov. Holmes' Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Hill's Resolution on Establishing Schools. The Legislature Urged to Establish Common Schools. 1824. — Gov. Holmes' Message on Education. Hill's School Fund Bill. Senate Committee Report on Education. Ashe's Bill for Educating the Youth of the Poor. Committee on Plan of Education. Haywood's Plan to Create a Literary Fund. Haywood's Flan Approved by Western Carolinian. Review of Other School Systems; North Carolina Urged to Establish Schools. An Edgecombe Appeal for Free Schools. 1825. — Raleigh Register on "Education of the Poor." "P. S." on Education. Judge Gaston's 4th of July Toast. The Raleigh Register on Necessity of Education. Proposed History by Judge Murphey. Gov. Burton's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Assembly Resolutions on Education. Education Report of 1825. Attempt to Raise School Fund by Lottery. The Literary Fund Law. Table of Cox tents. v 1S25. — Memorial of Orange Sunday School Union. Lottery for Publication of X. C. History. Attempted Legislation. Lotteries for Academies Refused. 1826. — Comment on School Law of 1825. Manumission, by Raleigh Register. Gov. Burton's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Proposed Lottery for Public Schools. Lottery for Increase Literary Fund and Publication of Xorth Carolina History. Potter's Political College Bill. Potter's Speech on His Political College Bill. Discussion of the Morality of Lotteries. Failure of Bill to Encourage Sunday Schools. Failure of Attempt to Increase Literary Fund. Failure Statistical Information Bill. Failure of Bill to Prohibit Teaching Colored Apprentices. Organization of Literary Board. First Report of Literary Board to Legislature 1826-7. Lotteries for Academies Refused. 1827. — Proceedings Literary Board. "Upton" on Education. Causes of Emigration. Gov. Burton's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Legislative Inquiry into Condition of Literary Fund. Smith's Bill to Repeal Literary Fund Law 1825. Drake's Bill to Repeal Literary Fund Law 1825. Literary Fund Clerk Bill Rejected. Report on Literary Fund Repeal Bill. Deaf and Dumb Institution Incorporated. Second Report Literary Board. Spirit of Economy and Individualism. 1828.— Plan for the Education of Teachers. Gov. Iredell's Message on Education. Internal Improvements Remedy for Emigration. Third Report of the Literary Board. Domestic Industry and Economy. Assembly Committees on Education. Senator McFarland's Bill to Educate Poor Children. House Resolutions on Education. House Report on Education. Proceedings of Literary Board. 1829. — X's Open Letter Against Schools and Internal Improvements. Dr. Caldwell on Opposition to Taxation. Gov. Owens' Message on Education. vi Table of Contents. 1829.— Kinney's "Plan of Public Schools." Committees on Education. McFarland's Bill to Educate Poor Children. Loan Asked for Edenton Academy. What Other States Are Doing for Common Schools. Neglect of the Public Library. 1830. — A Teachers' Association Suggested. The Establishment of Schools Urged. North Carolina Urged to Follow Tennessee in School Legislation. Gov. Owens' Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. McFarland's Bill to Educate Poor Children. Assembly Resolutions on Education. Inexpedient to Appropriate School Fund. McFarland's Bill to Increase Literary Fund. Monk's Bill to Increase the Literary Fund. Loan Asked for Oxford Academy. Bill to Collect School Statistics. Literary Fund Receipts 1830. Disbursements State Treasury 1830. ^^^^-—Slaves Must Not Be Taught to Read and Write. Census of North Carolina. 1831. — Gov. Stokes' Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. McFarland's Resolution on Schools and Literary Fund. Taxation for Free School in Johnston County. Literary Fund Receipts. Slavery and Education. A Cruel Punishment Abolished. History of the First Teachers' Association. Plan of Schools by "People's Friend." Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Necessity for Schools. Lottery for Publication of N. C. History Refused. VOLUME II. 1832. — Assembly Committees on Education. Central Normal School Proposed. Teachers and Students Not Exempt from Militia Duty. Ralph Freeman Must Not Preach. Slaves Must Not Preach in Public. Receipts of Literary Fund. Use of Literary Fund by State. Expenses of the State Government 1810-1832. Caldwell Letters on Popular Education. Table of Coxteistts. vii 1833.— Causes Which Retard Schools. The Cause of Emigration. Valuation of Property and Taxes Assessed 1833. Cost of Public Printing 1814-1833. Stock in Banks Owned By Literary Fund. Use of Literary Fund. Valuation of Property and Taxation 1815 and 1833. Social and Economic Conditions. Eeport of Literary Board. Gov. Swain's Message on Education. Why Schools Were Not Established. Assembly Committees on Education. Report and Resolution of Committee on Education. Objection to Chartering Denominational Schools. "Old Field" on the Necessity for Schools. 1834. — Taxation and Revenue System. Friends Ask for Repeal of Certain Slavery Laws. Johnston County Free School Law Repealed. Assembly Committees on Education. Assembly Resolutions on Education. House Report on Education. Proceedings of Literary Board. Report of Literary Board. McQueen's Education Bill. The Standard's Comment on McQueen's Bill. The Star on Free Schools. 1835. — The Xew Constitution Should Provide for Public Schools. Gov. Swain's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Report of Literary Board. The Use Made of Literary Fund 1835. Proceedings of Literary Board. Charter for N. C. Bible Society Refused. 1836-7. — Gov. Spaight's Message on Education. Assembly Committees on Education. Donaldson Academy Asks State Aid. Assembly Resolutions on Education. Literary Fund: Receipts. Legislation on Swamp Lands and Literary Fund. Proceedings of the Literary Board. Citizens of Fayetteville on Economic Conditions. Receipts, Disposition and Investment of the Surplus Revenue. Educational Conditions 1836. 1838-9. — Popular Education: A Sermon. The Legislature Ought to Establish Schools. Gov. Dudley's Message on Education. Assemblv Committees on Literarv Fund and Education. ,\iii Table of Contexts. 1838-9. — Assembly Resolutions on Education. Report of Literary Board on Common Schools. Report on Literary Fund. Report of Committee on Education. Mr. Cherry's Original Bill. Mr. Hill's Original Bill. House Bill Reported from Committee of the Whole. Conference Bill and Conference Report. Newspaper Comment on School Bills. The Educational Campaign of 1839. Members Legislature by Counties. Literary Board 1827-1839. Proceedings of Literary Board 1838 and 1839. THE BEGIJDJIJVGS OF PUBLIC EDUCATION, 1790-1840. One of the most interesting chapters in North Caro- introductory note lina history is the fifty years' agitation which preceded the enactment of the first public school law. These two vol- umes are the result of a desire to put the story of that agitation and the educational ideals of the people of that day in convenient form for the use of students of our social and economic history. Much of the material herein brought together has never before been published, or, if published, has remained in- accessible to all except a very few. This material is prac- tically complete. The documents are printed as they were written, mistakes and all. Whenever a paper could not be found, there is a note telling as much. In the summary which follows, I have tried to put in concise form what I conceive to be the meaning and the substance of the documents. It is my hope that this sum- mary may not prove wholly uninteresting to the general reader, and that it may call the attention of students to the importance of this phase of North Carolina history. I. Educational and Economic Conditions. In 1T90, North Carolina was the third State of the Population 1790 ' -and 1840; expenses Union in population, having at that time a total popula- °f state govern - tion of 393,751, of which 73.2 per cent was white. In 1840, the State had fallen to seventh in population, having then a population of 753,419, of which 64.4 per cent was white. In 1790, the total expenses of the State govern- ment were only $41,480, and $24,000 of that sum was the cost of the legislature. As late as 1835, the actual expenses of the State government were a little less than $87,000 and the legislature cost $40,000. Governor Swain, 1 Narrow bounds of ' legislation. in his message to the legislature of 1833, said that "the apathy which has pervaded the legislation of half a een- 1 P. 652. Editor's Introduction. Educational con- ditions in 1835. An excuse for these conditions. A prophecy as to what historians will say ol the legislation of this period. North Carolina three centuries behind in educa- tion and other improvements ; causes stated by President Caldwell tury is most strikingly exhibited by the fact that the mere expenses of the General Assembly have ordinarily ex- ceeded the aggregate expenditures of all other departments of the government, united to the appropriations which have been made, for the purpose of Internal Improve- ment" ; and added, "that government can not be wisely administered, where those who direct the expenditure of the public treasure, receive more for this service than the amount of their disbursements." Two years later he la- mented the fact that there was then but one college in the State, but few respectable academies, and that there was no adequate provision "to diffuse even the elementary prin- ciples of education among the poor" ; also that there was then not a single work of internal improvement in prog- ress. The amiable governor excused this dark picture somewhat by saying that the legislation of the general gov- ernment had always been unfavorable to North Carolina, especially mentioning the land laws and the tariff. 1 But he could not conclude his last message to the General As- sembly without telling it again that it spent too much on itself and without adding a paragraph 2 declaring that "the history of our State Legislation during the first half cen- tury of our political existence, will exhibit little more to posterity than the annual imposition of taxes amounting to less than a hundred thousand dollars, one-half of which constituted the reward of the legislative bodies by which they were levied, while the remainder was applied to sus- tain the train of officers who superintend the machinery of government. The establishment of schools for the con- venient instruction of youth, and the development and im- provement of our internal resources by means beyond the reach of individual enterprise, will seem scarcely to have been regarded as proper objects of legislative concern." In 1829, Dr. Joseph Caldwell, in his address 3 to the Internal Improvement Convention at Raleigh, declared P. 713. 8 P. 714. s P. 434. Editor's Introduction. xi that North Carolina was three centuries behind in public improvements and education, and attributed this condition largely to the widespread and fatal delusion that taxation for such purposes was considered contrary to a republican form of government. There can be no doubt that the domi- nant sentiment made it well-nigh impossible, during this period, to carry through legislation on any subject not connected with the bare preservation of life, liberty, and property. This individualistic policy which paralyzed all efforts to establish schools and begin a comprehensive sys- tem of internal improvements seems to have been the out- growth of sparse population and what Dr. Caldwell called the fatal delusion that taxation was contrary to a republi- can form of government. But whatever the cause of it, the people of eastern North Carolina were unacquainted with those of the west. Unfortunate sectional jealousies were kept alive by lack of the means of communicatiou between the sections, while commerce and trade languished and the masses of the people remained poor and ignorant, ready to oppose internal improvements and State aid to education as leading to aristocracy and taking the position that plain farmers and mechanics needed no education. 1 These documents give, in many places, glimpses of the ^^YLLiDar- I actual educational condition of the masses of the people. ticular . s ta tements - As early as 1810, Jeremiah Battle wrote that not more than one-third of the women in Edgecombe County could write their names. 2 In 1823, the Western Carolinian de- clared that the people at large were deplorably deficient in the rudiments of education. 3 In 1824, an Edgecombe correspondent of the RaleigJi Register speaks of the lack of knowledge among the country people. 4 The next year, a Lincolnton writer, 5 in the Western Carolinian, says that "the dullness and incapacity which is permitted to enter our legislative hall, and disgrace us even in the national representation, and our former tame subserviency to the 1 P. 431. 2 P. 70. :! P. 215. 4 P. 244. 3 P. 252. Xll Editok's Introduction. Governor Owen on educational and economic condi- tions. President Caldwell on our social conditions. Teaching held in contempt; Cald- well's description of the North Caro- lina schoolmaster. interests of another State, evince most unequivocally the mental debasement of a large portion of onr population." In 1830, Governor Owen said that we were behind other States and that our so-called policy of economy had kept the poor in ignorance and the State in poverty. 1 The same view of the situation was expressed by Upton in the Fayettevilh Observer , when he said that our penny-saving legislators had doomed the people to ignorance. 2 In 1832, Dr. Joseph Caldwell, in his letters on popular education, said that the people had long resisted any change in routine legislation ; that there was great aversion to taxation beyond the mere necessities of the government ; that the people lacked com- mercial opportunities ; that money was scarce and the mar- kets of the world were far away ; that a large part of the people looked with indifference upon education, while many boasted of their ignorance of letters. 3 In comparison with other occupations, teaching was regarded with contempt. 1 The same authority described the North Carolina school- master by saying : "Is a man constitutionally and habitu- ally indolent, a burden upon all from whom he can extract a support ? Then there is one way of shaking him off, let us make him a schoolmaster. To teach a school is, in the opinion of many, little else than sitting still and doing nothing. Has any man wasted all his property, or ended in debt by indiscretion and misconduct ? The business of school keeping stands wide open for his reception, and here he sinks to the bottom, for want of capacity to support himself. Has any one ruined himself, and done all he could to corrupt others, by dissipation, drinking, seduction, and a course of irregularities ? Nay, has he returned from a prison after an ignominious atonement for some violation of the laws ? He is destitute of character and can not be trusted, but presently he opens a school and the children are seen nocking into it, for if he is willing to act in that capacity, we shall all admit that as he can read 1 P. 458. 3 P. 356. 3 P. 545. P. 560. Editor's Introduction. xiii and write, and cypher to the square root, he will make an excellent school master." And again, he says that "in our scarcely any one, , T p iij. - j_ xi- except "an idiot, present mode 01 popular education, we act upon the prm- not incompetent ciple that school-keeping is a business to which scarcely any one but an idiot is incompetent, if he only knows reading, writing and arithmetic. If in almost every vicin- age there happens to be one or a few who have more cor- rect opinions, the numbers who think otherwise carry it over their heads, and our primary schools are kept sunk down to the lowest point of degradation, and education is disgraced by our own misconceptions and mismanage- ments." In 1S26, Governor Burton said that primary education Gov. Burton on the 7 r J difficulty of obtain- was more difficult to obtain than in 1776, and he lamented tag primary educa- ' tion ; legislative the fact that the legislature had, for forty-nine years, econ™mic e condi- neglected to aid the establishment of primary schools, as tlons m 1838 ' required by the Constitution. 1 The next year he said that sectional jealousies have palsied the energies of the State and rendered every system of improvement abortive. 2 In 1833, the Legislative Joint Select Committee on Internal Improvements 3 said that no class of our citizens were pros- • perous ; that the thrift displayed by the citizens of other States was not visible in our borders ; that improvement in agriculture and mechanic arts was not even attempted ; that intellectual advancement was retarded by poverty and listlessness ; that there were no good markets of easy access ; and that a comprehensive system of internal im- provements appeared the only means at hand to unite all sections and to improve educational and economic condi- tions. During the same year, the citizens of the town of Halifax citizens Halifax drew up a memorial 4 to the legislature in which emigration, they said that the State was in a retrograding position and that our people were forced to seek homes elsewhere, be- cause "sufficient importance in intellectual, and physical improvements, has not been felt by the State generally." 1 P. 294. s P. 362. s P. 615. 4 P. 619. XIV Editor's Introduction. Further statement aild public education, of economic con ditions in 1833. North Carolina said to be a century be- hind in education. Disturbing in- fluence of conven- tion question. Proposal to make school establish- ment a feature of new constitution. These citizens also said that prosperity and intelligence could only be aided by a system of internal improvements Of the same tenor was the report 1 of another legislative committee of 1833, to whom was referred "sundry documents and schemes relating to the Internal Improvements of this State." This committee said that nine-tenths of our farming lands were then for sale and referred to the laggard policy of North Carolina in delaying for thirty years any general system of improvements. This report also referred to the preju- dice then existing against railroads and said that people were daily leaving the State to go where they would have better opportunities to reap the fruits of their labor. "Old Field/' a correspondent of the Raleigh Register during 1833, grimly observed that he thought "the people will have to learn to spell internal improvements before they can comprehend the meaning of that term." And he added that North Carolina was then a century behind other States in education and all other subjects, of impor- tance, caustically referring to the policy of borrowing the small Literary Fund each year, with which to pay the members of the legislature. 2 The convention question was long a disturbing factor in the life of the State. After it had been settled, in 1831, that a convention would be called to amend the constitu- tion, the Raleigh Star said that this question had "long proved a bone of contention in the councils of the State, to the exclusion of calm deliberation on everything else." 3 On the eve of the assembling of this convention, a Raleigh Standard correspondent, who signed himself "D," sug- gested that the new constitution should contain a provision regarding public schools, and argued that the lack of schools was daily draining the State of wealth and popula- tion. This article resulted in a declaration on the part of the Standard, oft repeated, in favor of "the universal 1 P. 631. * P. 670. 3 P. 707. Editor's Introduction. xv diffusion of the blessings of education." 1 But no change was made in the educational clause of the constitution of 1776, nor was the question considered by the convention of 1835. From 1835 to 1840, conditions do not seem to have im- l£S^^M proved to any great extent. In a memorial 2 to the legisla- a nVSucatto™ai ture of 1836-7, the citizens of Fayetteville represented that they had year after year witnessed "with pain and mortification the depressed condition which each section of our State presents." The memorial also spoke of the "dis- content, decay and ruin" manifest throughout the State, and of the "illiberal and contracted policy to force our people" to "go forth and seek other lands." In his inaug- ural address, 3 in 1837, Governor Dudley said that North Carolina was "actually least in the scale of relative wealth and enterprise" ; that her "lands [were] depressed in price, fallow and deserted" ; that her "manufacturing advan- tages [were] unimproved," her "stores of mineral wealth undisturbed" ; and that her "colleges and schools [were] languishing from neglect." In 1838, Eev. A. J. Leavenworth, 4 a Charlotte Presby- illiteracy in 1838. terian clergyman, estimated that "we have probably 120 thousand children between the ages of 5 and 15 years, who are destitute of a common school education." He further said that "in some parts of the State, many large families are found, not one of whom, parents or children, can read their alphabet ; and in others, whole neighborhoods of forty and fifty families exist, among whom but few individuals can read their Bible." In his report 5 on education to the legislature of 1838, Wm. W. Cherry said that "those who have mixed much with the people of our State know that there -is an average of nearly half of every family in the State, who have reed no education and who are as yet unprovided with the means of Learning even to read and write." And the Western Carolinian 6 remarked about the 1 P. 710. * P. 795. 3 P. 803. 4 P. 813. 5 P. 862. 6 P. 816. XVI Editor's Introduction. Why so little was done. Wealth of State in 1333. same time upon "the prejudice entertained by some to have their children educated in a 'free school,' preferring them to remain in ignorance rather than have them edu- cated at the public expense." But why was so little done, by the legislature during all these years, to remedy the educational condition of the State % In 1834, an assembly resolution 1 to inquire into the "present facilities for instruction possessed by the peo- ple of North Carolina" failed of consideration. And the Raleigh Star/ about the same time, naively inquired: "Can it be presumed for a moment that the Legislature would have so long indulged in a profound and listless apathy on the subject of popular education, if it had been sensible of the number living in ignorance and dying in darkness ?" Possibly the remark of the Western Carolin- ian ten years earlier touched the question more nearly when it said that the people complained much of taxes and would not approve the establishment of schools by that means, and expressed the opinion that the only hope of their establishment lay in providing a permanent school fund. 3 Then the popular idea that a State with such sparse population and no large towns could not maintain a system of public schools, undoubtedly had its effect on legislative action. It was true that New Bern, the largest town in 1820, had only 3,663 population, 2,218 of whom were negroes.. But as early as 1815, 4 the landed property of the State was valued at $53,521,513. The personal property valuation at that time must have been at least $100,000,000, for in 1838 the Literary Board 5 estimated the land value of the State at $64,000,000 and the personal property at $136,000,000, making an aggregate value of $200,000,000, notwithstandingthe fact that the State Treas- urer said in 1833 that the deficient property assessment laws and the poll-tax listing laws resulted in defrauding the State out of as much revenue each year as was actually 1 P. 680. 2 P. 704. P. 238. 4 P. 622. 5 P. 834. Editor's Introduction. , xvii collected. 1 The actual revenue then collected was about $68,000. If this amount had been doubled by proper Public schools ' .7 possible before 1840 legislation as Governor Swain and others urged, it is easy anrt wh y- to see that an educational income nearly as large as was actually in hand in 1840 could have been easily provided as early as 1830, and possibly much earlier. These facts seem to dispose effectively of the argument so often ad- vanced during these years that the State was doing all it was able to do on the subject of education. But it would not be a true picture to recite all these Educational ideals, things and not sav somethino; of the educational ideals voiced by so many of the leading men of this period. Though their voices were unheard for a long time, still what they said about education must have had some weight. It is, at least, true that what these men said has great historic value in any discussion of the evolution of our social institutions. In 1802, Governor Williams called the attention of the Educational ideals of some early legislature to the subject of education and said that edu- governors, cation would enable the people to appreciate their civil and political rights. 2 The next year, Governor Turner said that education was the foe of tyranny. 3 In his message of 1804, he said that prosperity and happiness depended on education, and mentioned the subject of taxation for schools. 4 In 1811, Governor Smith observed that educa- tion prevented crime, 5 while Governor Stone two years ear- lier had suggested the establishment of schools secondary to the University, the first mention of State aid to high schools in these documents. 6 The narrow courses of study then dominating all the opponents of nar- schools had vigorous opponents. In 1803, O'Farrell's smdy?" 1868 ° school bill declared that the dead languages were not nec- essary to be taught in the schools of a republican govern- ment. 7 In 1810, Jeremiah Battle raised objection to the 1 PP. 622, 628, 672. ■ P. 31. 3 P. 43. * P. 49. ■ P. 80. 6 P. 60. » P. 46. xviii ( Editor's Introduction. dead languages as the basis of all education. 1 In an ac- count of the course of study in one of the Warrenton female academies, 1810, it was said that the standard English authors were read. 2 In 1795, Rev. John Alex- ander wished both "hooks and needles" to play a part in the education of his daughters. 3 Before 1810, music, painting and embroidery were taught in the Raleigh Academy. 4 Education in agri- As early as 1810, an agricultural society was formed in culture favored. J ' <=> J Edgecombe and a library of books on agriculture began to be collected. 5 In 1822, Governor Holmes lamented the neglect of agricultural education and suggested the teach- ing of agriculture in the State University. He also re- ferred to the fact that the learned professions were crowd- ed with incompetents who might make excellent farmers. 6 The next year he urged the acquisition of a farm near the University, on which students might be taught agricul- ture. 7 In 1826, Robert Potter, of Halifax, intro- duced a bill in the General Assembly to establish a politi- cal college on a farm in Wake County. This college, if established, would have had a professor of agriculture and the students would have spent a considerable part of their time in farm work. 8 In 1831, a law passed the General Assembly to establish a free school in Johnston County. This school was to have a farm attached and trades were to be taught. In 1836, Donaldson Academy at Fayette- ville asked State aid for the equipment of a manual labor department, a teachers'" department, and an engineering department. 10 These facts are abundant evidence that this period possessed many men who fully realized the importance of training in agricultural and mechanic arts, but possibly the presence of slavery had something to do with the failure of all their plans. Educational ideals However, it was not the earlv governors alone, who of other governors 7 •> ° and citizens. 'P. 69. 2 P. 77. 3 P. 10. 4 P. 76. 5 P. 71. 6 P. 195. » P. 212. P. 300. 9 P. 494. 10 P. 736. Editor's Introduction. xix voiced educational ideals beyond their day and generation, as these documents show. In 1815, Governor Miller was democratic enough to say that public education was the only means by which all could be educated, and that edu- cation was the surest means of breaking down class dis- tinctions. 1 The next year he declared that ignorance was best if you intended to make slaves of men. 2 In 1816, Judge Murphey proposed a system of public instruction to include the rich and the poor, in primary and secondary and higher schools. He even included the education of the deaf and dumb and the clothing and feeding of poor children at public expense, in his plan. 3 In 1817, John M. Walker declared that liberty would vanish when wealth and education were the possession of the few only.* In 1824, Charles A. Hill declared on the floor of the Senate that education was the foe of tyrants and the foundation of liberty ; that education and civilization go hand in hand ; and that ignorance was the cause of vice, while vice fol- lowed the neglect of the education of the children. In 1825, an anonymous correspondent of the Western Caro- linian spoke of intelligence as the life of liberty, of educa- tion as the only sure basis of agricultural and commercial prosperity, and of ,the patriotic duty of all to promote the cause of public schools. 6 During the same year, Governor Burton placed the establishment of a system of public edu- cation above internal improvements in importance, because of its influence on the moral character of the people and the preservation of our political institutions.' In 1827, Upton, in the Fayetteville Observer,, said that virtue would always be found in the train of education, that the pros- perity of our neighboring States was due to the diffusion of knowledge, and that schools were intimately connected with the future well-being of our political institutions. 8 In 1829, Charles R. Kinney answered the argument that it was unjust to tax one man to educate another's children, 1 P. 100. 2 P. 103. s P. 106. 4 P. 147. 5 P. 224. « P. 252. P. 263. 8 P. 356. xx Editor's Introduction. by saying that the blood of the poor man was very often spilt in defense of the rich man's property. 1 In 1830, the Raleigh Register reminded the people that the legislature was under a solemn moral obligation to provide education for all the white people of the State. 2 And about the same time Governor Owen said in his message to the legis- lature that vice, irreligion and poverty were the results of ignorance, and that a tax on the rich for the education of opponents of the poor was justifiable. 3 In 1831, the Raleigh Register schools enemies of. ,.., -c the people. made its strongest editorial utterance m favor 01 schools. It declared : "Let this be the test word by which the peo- ple try every candidate for office: is he friendly to free schools ; popular education ? If not, he should be marked as an enemy to the people; to their rights as freemen; as anti-republican in his principles, and unworthy of the con- fidence of those for whose benefit this Government was Present day ideal instituted." 4 But the present-day idea that it is the duty Friends. of the State to provide education for all, regardless of race or financial condition, is nowhere clearly stated in these documents, except in the memorial 5 of the Friends, sent to the legislature of 1834, wherein they protest against cer- tain repressive slavery laws, 6 such as prohibiting slaves and free negroes from preaching and making it a crime to teach a slave to read and to write. This memorial boldly declared "it unnecessary to urge the incontrovertible argu- ments .that might be advanced from reason and Religion. to prove that it is the indispensable duty of the Legislature of a Christian people to enact laws and establish regula- tions for the literary instruction of every class, within its limits ; and that such provisions should be consistent with sound policy, tend to strengthen the hands of Government and promote the peace and harmony of the community at large." This fine educational statement, far in advance of the times, fell on deaf ears. Some of our so-called 1 P. 440. 2 P. 454. s P. 458. 4 P. 528. 5 P. 675. 6 Pp. 477, 503, 536. Editor's Introduction. xxi wisest men of that day continued to talk about "the educa- tion of the poor" and to introduce measures for the educa- tion of that class and to propose still harsher measures governing slaves. But Jeremiah Hubbard, or whoever wrote this Friends' memorial, was the wisest educational prophet of the period, in that he saw clearly the necessity of educating all classes of the people and the futility of making laws to repress the natural instinct of all human beings for more knowledge. These references are sufficient to give the reader some conclusion, idea of the educational creed of the wisest leaders of this period of our history. Their bold and concise statements of the educational duty of the State have not yet been realized in North Carolina. Erom what has been said, it is easy to see why they were impossible before 1840. II. Educational Agitation: Measures and Results. Hatred of taxation, sparse population, primitive means Barriers to commu- 7 ± r x ' -*• mty action. of communication, the presence of slavery, the educational destitution of the masses of the people, and the lack of a common religion made it extremely difficult during this period to gain friends for any measure looking to social and physical improvement. The people of the State lived . apart. It took many long years to unite all the diverse elements of our population and to fuse them into one homogeneous people. The New England States did not have to go through this long process of fusion, hence they could begin earlier than North Carolina the work of public education and the realization of the ideals of great lead- ers. Here our educational leaders had to be content to utter their voices in the wilderness and then await the slow and tedious changes from an individualistic life to that of community cooperation. Even in colonial davs, Governor Dobbs with the aid of Proposed colonial free schools. a number of our leading men proposed to establish one free school in each county. But the measure failed, partly xxii Editor's Introduction. because the governor and the Assembly disagreed about other matters and partly because no adequate means could be provided after the disappointing settlement the colony secured incident to the winding up of its claims against the mother country for its services in the French and In- dian War. 1 wr^ghtand iimes. But individuals were not wanting in those early days, possessing a keen appreciation of the educational needs of the people. In 1744, James Winwright left a bequest to establish a free school in Beaufort. In 1754, James Innes left his property by will to establish a free school for the benefit of the youth of JSTorth Carolina. But both of these bequests failed to realize the hopes of the donors." Educational clause When the constitution of 1776 was framed, its 41st see- in constitution of . . . , 1776. tion provided that schools for the convenient instruction of youth should be established and that one or more univer- sities should encourage all useful learning. This clause was always interpreted by the friends of education to mean that public schools were required to be provided by the legislature, as well as the support of the State University. Hence we hear often during this period the newspapers, the governors, and others reminding the legislature of its Academy plan first solemn duty to provide for public education. But the hope of people to " x establish public failure of the legislature to carry out the 41st section of schools. ~ J the constitution of 1776, except in the one particular of chartering the University in 1789 and providing for its meager support, caused the early growth of the idea of State aid for academies already established by private means, as well as encouraged individuals to supply the lack of public schools. In 1795, Rev. John Alexander left a conditional bequest to provide education for the poor children of Hertford and Bertie counties. 3 In 1798, 1 State Records, XXIII, 392 ; Colonial Records, V, 298, 496, 573, 1041, 1095; Colonial Records, VI, 5, 477. 2 Pp. 2, 4, 5. These documents are not printed in the Colonial Records, hence their presence here. S P. 11. Editor's Introduction. xxiii Warrenton Academy asked State aid to assist the efforts of private individuals, observing that this academy had been preparing youth for the State University, "A circumstance they humbly conceive that can not fail of attracting At- tention, and inducing Consent to their present prayer." This request was refused on the ground that the condition of the finances of the State did not warrant making the donation. 1 In 1801, the citizens of Raleigh asked the Assembly to give them a lot in the town of Raleigh on which to erect an academy, which was granted on the con- dition that the title to the property should remain in the State. 2 The same year the trustees of xsew Bern Acad- emy asked release from the payment of the balance on their bond given the State for the purchase-price of one of the "Palace" lots. This request was rejected as im- proper to be granted. 3 Speaking of educational conditions in 1794, Judge Mur- buis to aid acade- - 1 - ° ' ° m}es introduced. phey declared there were, at that time, not more than three schools in the State "in which the rudiments of a classical education could be acquired," while there was great lack of books in even these few schools pertaining to history and literature. 4 This condition of education, no doubt, caused Governor Williams to urge some "adequate and suitable means for the general diffusion of learning and science throughout the State," in 1802. 5 This same year, Gen. Joseph Graham submitted his plan for a State Military Academy. 6 The next year, Governor Turner urged the establishment of schools in every part of the State, 7 and two bills were introduced in the Assembly looking to the establishment of academies. One of these bills, Dudley's, proposed to establish an academy in each superior court district and partialy support them by escheats ; 8 the other, O'Farrell's, proposed to establish county academies of sci- ence but provided no certain means of support. 9 Both 1 P. 14. 2 P. 25. 3 P. 28. 4 P. 22. s P. 31. R P. 32. 7 P. 43. * P. 44. 9 P. 46. xxiv Editor's Introduction. Free school socle- these bills failed. In 1804, Governor Turner said he was ties and their work. ,. P . , pi , • • , n i i • i desirous 01 seeing some plan 01 education introduced which would "extend itself to every corner of the State." 1 He observed that "many respectable academies have been insti- tuted in different parts of the State" and that "several of them have failed for the want of sufficient support, and others are in a languishing state." But the Assembly paid no attention to his recommendation. The next year he again called attention to the subject of education "upon some plan that shall be general and effective, whether by affording some uniform support to one or more well regu- lated school or schools in every county in the State, after the example of our sister State South Carolina, or in some other adequate mode, is submitted to your wisdom." 2 And again the legislature failed to consider the subject in any way. While Governor Turner was urging the legislature to take some action relative to establishing schools, a society of citizens of Edgecombe County, raised two or three hun- dred dollars to establish a free school for the education of poor children. Some few children received the benefit of this charity, but the intended school was never established. 3 Between 1800 and 1825, these societies for the educa- I tion of poor children seem to have been numerous, and to / have had considerable influence in securing funds for their / work. Besides the society in Edgecombe, there were soeie- / ties in New Bern, Fayetteville, Wilmington, Raleigh, / Wayne County, and Johnston County. The New Bern charitable society for the education of poor females was in- corporated by the legislature of 1812. i The Wayne County free school was incorporated in 1813, 5 as was the Fayetteville orphan asylum, whose object was to clothe, educate and bind out to trades poor orphan children. 6 The Wilmington Female Benevolent Society was incorporated in 1817, and its objects were declared to be "to secure to *P. 49. 3 P. 52. 3 P. 71. 4 P. 83. 5 P. 89. ■ P. 91. Editor's Introduction. xxv poor children and destitute orphans, a moral and religious, as well as a common education ; and besides furnishing with such education, to adopt, support and provide with situa- tions that are useful." 1 In 1822, the Raleigh Register mentioned the work of the Female Benevolent Society of that place and said its purpose was to promote "industry and instruction of the children of indigent parents in the first rudiments of learning." The course of study in this school embraced instruction in the "rudiments of English language, the common rules of Arithmetic, Writing, Sew- ing and Knitting." 2 In 1825, the Orange County Sun- day School Union sent a memorial to the legislature in which they said that their society had taught many poor children to read and asked an annual donation of twenty- five cents for each scholar for the purpose of supplying books. This request was promptly rejected. 3 In 1831, the Johnston"~CoTrrrty-Eree School Law was passed. This law proposed to establish a central county free school, sup- ported by county taxation, in which trades were to be taught. Permission was given the trustees to locate the school on a farm and to require the poor pupils educated in the school to teach after the completion of their studies. This law was repealed in 1834. 4 In addition to the efforts of these societies to improve the Bequests to estab- x lish free schools. educational condition of the masses, these documents refer to the generosity of Miles Benton, of Gates County, who left his property to establish a free school ; 5 to Alexander Dixon, of Duplin County, who left $12,000 in 1814 to establish a charity school for the poor children of that county ; 6 and to Moses Griffin, of ISTew Bern, who left a considerable bequest, in 1816, to establish a free school for poor children. 7 Benton's bequest was lost in litigation which arose over the settlement of his estate. Griffin's heirs brought suit to test the constitutionality of the be- 1 P. 166. a P. 208. s P. 283. 4 Pp. 494, 678. 5 P. 86 ; 1813. S P. 94 7 P. 114. XXVI Editor's Introduction. Legislative indi ference to estab* lishment of schools Murphey's report of 1816. quest on the ground that it created a perpetuity contrary to our State Constitution. In 1820, the Supreme Court de- clared the bequest legal, but unfortunate management of the fund resulted in failure to establish the school prior to 1840. This fund is still in existence in diminished amount and is now used by the public schools of the town of New Bern. The Dixon Fund was also mismanaged, but is still in existence, yielding an income of a little less than $150 annually, and is used as a part of the public school funds of Duplin County. From 1806 to 1814, the legislative records of the State do not disclose enough interest in education on the part of the Assembly to consider the subject in any form, although Governors Alexander, Williams, Stone, Smith and Haw- kins repeatedly urged the consideration of the subject as of highest importance. In 1815, Governor Miller re- minded the legislature that only by public aid could "the temple of science" be opened to all, and urged the consid- eration of some plan by which every member of the com- munity could receive the benefits of education. 1 But still nothing was done beyond the appointment of a joint com- mittee of the two houses, consisting of Frederick Nash, Simmons J. Baker, and James McKay, the first education committee ever appointed. 2 The next year Governor Mil- ler warned the Assembly of the dangers of a union of two such powerful agents as wealth and talents and proposed the consideration of providing a fund for the education of all the people. 3 On the education committee of 1816 was Senator Archibald D. Murphey, of Orange. Murphey had proposed to refer the governor's remarks on education to a special committee, 4 and later he was made chairman of the committee and wrote with his own hand its wonderfully in- teresting report, 5 in which he declared that the State's strength lay in the great mass of the people, that the State should afford to all the means to become enlightened with- 1 P. 100. 2 P. 101. P. 103. 4 P. 104. P. 105. Editor's Introduction. xxvii out distinction of class, and that primary and secondary schools should be established leading directly to the Uni- versity. At the close of this report Mr. Murphey proposed the appointment of a committee "to digest a system of pub- lic instruction" and submit it to the next General As- sembly. 1 When the Assembly met in 1817, Governor Miller in- Murphey's report ... of 1817. vited its attention to the subject of education "in a par- ticular manner," and on November 29, Mr. Murphey sub- mitted his plan for the establishment of public schools." In brief his plan was to provide a school fund to be man- aged by six commissioners with the governor at their head, with power to locate schools, to fix salaries of teachers, to appoint the trustees of the secondary schools, and to devise a plan for the promotion of pupils from the primary schools to the secondary, which were to prepare students for the university. His plan further provided that the coun- ties were to be divided into townships with primary schools in each and also that the incorporated towns were to estab- lish such schools, all aided by a combination of State and local funds. The secondary schools were to be aided by the State's paying one-third the salaries of the teachers. There were to be ten secondary schools. Mr. Murphey's plan further included many details relating to the organi- zation of schools and their courses of study, their method of instruction and discipline, the education of poor children at public expense, and the establishment of an asylum for the education of the deaf and dumb. On December 10, Mr. Murphey introduced a bill 3 to carry into effect the recommendations contained in his report. This bill passed its first reading in each house and then disappeared. There is no record to show what disposition was made of the measure. It is certain, however, that it did not become a law, and it is also within bounds to say that this measure and the report on it embraced the profoundest and most » P. 111. s P. 123. 3 P. 165. xxviii Editor's Introduction. comprehensive educational wisdom ever presented for the consideration of a North Carolina legislature, walker's report of Following Mr. Murphey's report of 1817, there was pre- sented another report 1 by one of the committee appointed in 1816. This report was signed by John M. Walker. Mr. Walker's plan consisted in providing for the educa- tion of teachers. His theory was to educate a great num- ber of teachers, thereby reducing by competition the price of tuition to that level at which all parents might be able to pay for the education of their children. esSSisbSregu- When the Assembly of 1818 met, Governor Branch late schools. called its attention to the constitutional requirement to establish schools, and added that "we are bound as servants of the people under the solemnities of an oath to steer the vessel of State ; and when we connect this imperious duty with the luminous and impressive appeals which have been so often made to the Legislature for the last year or two, I apprehend that nothing that I could add would impart additional force." 2 During this session of the Assembly, William Martin, of Pasquotank, introduced a bill 3 to estab- lish and regulate schools, which passed its second reading in the Senate but met death in the House of Commons on its first reading. This bill provided for the establishment of schools in each militia district, under the direction of five county commissioners chosen by the county courts. There were to be three committeemen for each school to employ the teacher, fix the rates of tuition, and to desig- nate the poor children to be taught free. This law further provided that each teacher was to receive an annual salary of $100 to be paid out of the public funds and two-thirds of the tuition money. Each county was empowered to levy a tax of as much as 10 cents on each $100 valuation of property and 50 cents on each poll in support of schools. And finally, this law provided free books and supplies for poor children. 1 P. 147. 2 P. 171. 3 P. 174. Editok's Introduction. xxix The next year Governor Branch declared that education ^J? 1 ^ %^' was the paramount question in North Carolina and called attention to the "languishing condition of some of our nurseries of science." 1 During this year the Blakeley Ga- zette 2 said that public sentiment favored the establishment of free schools, but that there was a division of opinion as to the best plan, whether by providing a school fund or by endowing central academies and requiring them to estab- lish branch public schools. But Governor Branch's mes- sage could not be wholly neglected. The education com- mittee, through its Chairman, Emanuel Shober, made a somewhat lengthy report in which it was admitted that the children of the State could not be educated by private means and suggested establishing a school fund on the basis of the Cherokee lands or the bank stock then owned by the State, the proceeds to be applied to education in the several counties. 3 The Assembles of 1820 and 1821 did not consider the Attempt to secure . national aid and to school question, but m 1822 Governor Holmes made such subsidize acade- x ' mies. an earnest appeal for carrying out the constitutional re- quirement in regard to schools that the taxes on auctioneers were proposed to be devoted to aiding academies 5 and a special committee report on the policy of the national gov- ernment relative to the proceeds of the sale of public lands was rendered and a resolution adopted, asking Congress to appropriate the proceeds of such sales to the States for purposes of education. 6 But nothing came of either pro- posal. However, the friends of education did not despair mil's resolution to establish schools m the face of so many failures. When the legislature of ignored. 1823 met, Governor Holmes 7 repeated his suggestion about teaching agriculture iu the University, while J. A. Hill, of !New Hanover, introduced a resolution directing the committee on education to inquire into the expediency of establishing schools in conformity with the 41st section of 1 P. 180. s P. 182. 3 P. 184. 4 P. 194. 3 P. 197. ■ P. 199. 7 P. 212. XXX EdITOK's INTRODUCTION. the constitution. But this committee made no report and introduced no bills, 1 although the Western Carolinian as- sured the legislature that no appropriation which it could make would be so little objected to as one for the support heha?ntue S hopes °f common schools. 2 The next year Governor Holmes, in legislation? his message, 3 spoke of the overflowing treasury of the State, and regretted that not one cent had been appro- priated to improve the minds of the children. "But," said he, "I have harped on it so often that I now touch the chord with almost hopeless expectations and frigid indiffer- ence." Still he thought the legislature would not hesi- tate to create a fund to promote the education of the peo- ple. But in this expectation he was to be disappointed. His suggestion 4 relative to the creation of a school fund, Mil fails! 1001 fund however, met with a hearty response from Charles A. Hill, of Franklin, chairman of the Senate committee on educa- tion, who introduced a bill, 5 on December 6, 1824, to carry out the wishes of the chief executive. This measure had for its long and singular title : "A Bill to create a fund for the purpose of educating that part of the infant popu- lation of the State who shall from time to time be found destitute of the means of becoming otherwise properly taken care of in that particular." This bill provided "that all the Bank stock, which shall be acquired by this State, through the investment of the Treasury notes or- dered to be issued by the last General Assembly ; together with all the monies which shall annually be collected from taxes at present laid on Gates, natural and artificial curi- osities, peddlers, negro traders, and Billiard tables" shall belong to the school fund. Tfim to edu- cate the youth of earlier in the session had indefinitely postponed a bill 1 by tne p° or rejected. one of its own members, Samuel P. Ashe, of Cumberland, entitled : "A Bill providing a fund and plan for the Educa- tion of the youth of the poor in the different Counties of this State." This bill contained a provision for county commissioners of schools, one from each captain's district, to be appointed by the governor, with the chairman of the county court as chairman of the board of commissioners to manage the schools. The duties of the commissioners were declared to be the apportionment of the county school fund and the determination of the poor children to be edu- cated at public expense. The commissioners were em- powered to elect a treasurer and a secretary. This bill contemplated supporting the schools by a direct appropria- tion from the State treasury and made no provision for county or local taxation in any form. These measures and a resolution to appoint John Louis Taylor, Joseph Cald- committee to P re- •*• L j } l pare a plan for well, Peter Browne, and Duncan Cameron a committee to p uWic schools. prepare a plan or system of Public Education for the in- struction of children of poor or indigent parentage" and report to the next Assembly 2 constituted all the educational work of the Legislature of 1824. Affain the legislature had met and done nothing to es- sentiment in favor 00 ° of some action in- tablish public schools. But "A. B.", in the Western creasin s in vi s° r - Carolinian, about this time, said that North Carolina had always acted as if nothing could be done. However, he observed that in case of war the State could annually sup- port with ease 1,000 men in the field, and could now as easily support 1,000 teachers half the year. 3 An Edge- combe correspondent of the Raleigh Register also urged the establishment of public schools, and spoke of a public meeting recently held in that county to petition the legis- lature to establish them. 4 Although the legislature of 1824 had done nothing for education, still it looked like 1 P. 229. 2 P. 235. * P. 241-3. 4 P. 244. XXX11 Editor's Introduction. The real reason why schools were not established. Work of Legisla- ture of 1825 ; Gov. Burton's memora- hle message. the sentiment in favor of some action was increasing in strength and vigor as the years went by. As soon as the legislature passed the joint resolution to appoint Judge Taylor and others to formulate a plan for establishing public schools, the Raleigh Register 1 said that nothing had before prevented their establishment "but the difficulty of forming a suitable plan for effecting the object." For once the Register nodded. This had always been the last excuse of the opponents of public schools for not estab- lishing them, but no one can, at Jjhis-jdistance, believe that was the real reason*—) Every conceivable plan had been proposed that could have been proposed ; first, to subsidize the academies ; second, to create a school fund ; third, to support the schools by a combination of local taxation and permanent income, which was Murphey's plan ; and fourth, to establish schools by county taxation. But none of these could be gotten through the legislature, all because, if we are to believe the Register, no suitable plan had yet been proposed ! The truth is that no local or county taxation measure could pass, because that would raise taxes. And the creation of a permanent school fund large enough to support a system of schools was only remotely possible by setting aside for that purpose all the bank stock then owned by the State, the income of which was being used at that time to help defray the expenses of the State gov- ernment. This plan would have resulted in raising taxes indirectly and would have meant the same thing as estab- lishing schools by direct taxation. But the majority of the people were not ready to increase their taxes in order to establish public schools and that is the real and only good reason why they were not established. In October, 1825, the Register 2 said that it trusted that "our Legislators will consider it among their most sacred duties to adopt immediate and efficacious steps for estab- lishing public schools." On the assembling of the legis- 1 P. 251. 2 P. 257. Editor's Introduction. xxxiii lature, Governor Burton 1 sent it one of the strongest edu- cational messages ever sent to a North Carolina assembly. He said that internal improvements were important, but that education was more important ; that the former re- garded only the face of the country and the pecuniary in- terests of the people, but that the latter was concerned with the temporal and eternal happiness of mankind. He pleaded earnestly for brushing aside every difficulty in the way of establishing schools, though they arose at every step. He also said that "if the preservation of our politi- cal principles in their original purity be of any value — if the moral character of the people be matter of moment — if honest merit should have fair play in our elections, then let us not delay, but immediately begin the important work!" And much more of the same tenor. Early in the session the people of the county of Beau- fort sent a petition 2 to the Assembly asking for the estab- lishment of free schools, and Mr. Ashe, of Cumberland, again called attention to the subject by a resolution 3 in- structing the committee on education "to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill creating a fund for, and a plan by which common schools may be established." The committee report . . on plan of educa- committee appointed m 1824 sent m their report through tion. the governor. This recommended the division of the State into school districts, the election of twelve to four- teen county school commissioners by the county court, tha appointment of three committeemen for each district, a county tax for the erection of a schoolhouse and a teach- er's house in each district and for the payment of the sala- ries of teachers. There were also recommendations that the people of the districts be given the selection of teach- ers, that the chairman of the county commissioners should have some supervisory powers over the schools, and that all teachers must be able to teach reading, English gram- mar, and the ordinary rules of arithmetic. In its essential features this plan did not differ materially from some of 1 P. 263. ■ P. 266. 8 P. 266. c XXXIV Editor's Introduction. Failure of lottery scheme and pas- sage of Literary Fund law of 1825. those previously submitted. Its essence was that the schools were to be supported by taxation, hence no attention was paid to its recommendations. 1 Two days after this report was presented, Wm. M. Sneed, of Granville, intro- duced a bill in the Senate to raise a common school fund by lottery, but this bill never passed the Senate 2 . And on December 22, Mr. Hill, of Franklin, again submitted a bill to create a permanent school fund, similar to the bill he introduced the previous year. 3 This bill with slight amendment became the Literary Fund Law of 1825. Its exact title was "An act to create a fund for the establish- ment of common schools." The fund thus created, in the language of the act, consisted of "dividends arising from the stock now held' and which may hereafter be acquired by the State in the Banks of New Bern and Cape Fear, and which have not heretofore been pledged and set apart for internal improvements ; the dividends arising from stock which is owned by the State in the Cape Fear Navi- gation Company, the Roanoke Navigation Company, and the Clubfoot and Harlow Creek Canal Company; the tax imposed by law on licenses to the retailers of spirituous liquors and auctioneers ; the unexpended balance of the Agricultural Fund ; all monies paid to the State for the entries of vacant lands (except Cherokee lands) ; the sum of twenty-one thousand and ninety dollars, which was paid by this State to certain Cherokee Indians, for reservations of lands secured by them by treaty * * * ; and of all the vacant and unappropriated swamp lands in this State, together with such sums of money as the Legisla- ture may hereafter find it convenient to appropriate from time to time." The literary fund thus set apart for education was placed under the control of a board consisting of the governor, the two speakers of the House and Senate, the State treasurer, and the chief justice of the supreme court, 1 P. 267. s P. 277. 3 P. 279. Editor's Introduction. xxxv whose corporate title was "The President and Directors of the Literary Fund." This fund was wholly inadequate K. equate sc ' h001 for the purpose in view, and was known to be so at the time. The Raleigh Register said that this provision would enable some future legislature "to commence the operations of the plan." 1 The income of the fund during the first year after the law was enacted was stated to be $12,724.95; from bank stock, $2,840; from license taxes on liquor, $4,109.84; from licenses to auctioneers, $741.04; from land entries, $4,614.07; and from Cape Fear Navigation Company, $420. 00. 2 A year later Gov- ernor Burton 3 said to the Assembly that "the last Legisla- ture commenced the important work, but if that beginning is not well sustained and pursued, the present generation may pass away, before anything effectual is accomplished." Nor were there lacking others who entertained similar views. Several attempts were made by individual mem- bers of the Assembly of 182G to increase the Literary Fund. Henry Seawell, of Wake, introduced a resolution to raise $630,000 by lottery and turn it over to the sixty- three counties for the purpose of establishing schools ; 4 and James J. McKay, of Bladen, introduced a bill to transfer all the bank stock acquired by the State since 1821 to the school fund. 5 Both of these measures failed. The net result was a law to raise $50,000 by lottery and permit Judge Murphey to use half of it to publish a history of the State, the remainder to go to the literary fund. 6 But this lottery was a failure, and the history was not published nor the school fund increased. 7 Such was the fate of every proposed measure to increase the literary fund for the next ten years. Still the friends of improving the educational condition Death of other j. educational bills. of the State were not discouraged. The same legislature of 1826, which refused to increase the literary fund, al- 1 P. 291. s P. 346. s P. 294. i P. 298. 5 P. 341. 6 P. 298. P. 384. xxxvi Editor's Introduction. though the State at that time owned more than $548,000 in bank stock alone, 1 only about $100,000 of which was a part of the school fund, was given the pleasure of entomb- ing several other educational measures. Robert Potter thought the State ought to issue $200,000 worth of bonds to erect and endow a "political college," one of whose ob- jects was to train teachers and "elevate the character of the State." But the legislature would not heed his ap- peals. 2 Another measure, introduced by Samuel King, of Iredell, had for its object the appropriation of a small amount to aid Sunday Schools to teach poor and destitute children to read. But this measure also failed. 3 John Scott, of the town of Hillsborough, wished to appoint a commissioner to collect statistical information, but John Boon, of Orange County, moved to kill the measure and the majority agreed with the country man against the borough man. 4 The morality of The Legislature of 1826, after passing several lottery ' bills, refused to grant the lottery privilege to a number of academies and indulged in a hot debate over their moral- ity. 5 The opponents of lotteries were led by Charles A.- Hill, of Franklin, who very properly contended that they were merely gambling devices. The advocates of lotteries argued that they aided good causes, kept money at home which would be spent in patronizing foreign lotteries, if the domestic article were outlawed ; also that gambling could not be prohibited by law, that a lottery was like an insurance risk, and that a game of chance was not immoral. This discussion and its results indicated that the moral sense of the State was awakening. It was only five years later that a lottery to promote the publication of a North Carolina history was definitely refused on moral grounds. 6 organization of The first Literary Board organized on January 16, its recommenda- 1827, and appointed Bartlett Yancey to write its report 1 P. 350. 8 Pp. 300, 308. s P. 339. * P. 343. « P. 330. 6 P. 529. Editor's Introduction. xxxvii to the legislature. 1 This report 2 recommended the estab- lishment of public schools as a moral duty, the increase of the literary fund, and the drainage of the swamp lands. In urging the increase of the literary fund, this report took pains to say that its recommendation of the transfer of the bank stock acquired since 1821 had not been made "without due regard to the revenue of the State, and its ordinary disbursements, and no doubt is entertained but the stock may be appropriated as recommended without injury to either." But when Mr. McKay's bill 3 to do this very thing was before the Senate, it could muster only seven votes. Evidently the anti-taxation members of the legislature had grave doubts about the ultimate effect of adopting such a recommendation. The ten years between 1827 and 1837 resulted in no Ten unfruitful years. educational legislation, except those measures of doubtful value, prohibiting the teaching of slaves to read and to write and forbidding negroes to preach the Gospel. But measure after measure was proposed, looking to educa- tional progress. In 1827, a society was incorporated 4 to promote the education of deaf and dumb children. A peaf and Dumb r Institution. land grant was asked from the national government to endow the proposed school, but no grant was made and failure marked the end of the whole matter. In 1828, "S," through the medium of the Register, addressed the members of the legislature and proposed to issue bonds and use the interest to educate teachers at the University. The teachers educated under the proposed arrangement were to receive the small salary of $200 a year for two or three years, thus making tuition low and thereby "dif- fusing education." The legislators paid no attention to this scheme, but did consider somewhat the bill 6 of Tryam McFariand's bill McFarland, of Richmond, proposing a plan "for the edu- children, cation of the poor children of North Carolina," which consisted in using the income of the literary fund to pay 1 P. 345. 3 P. 346. 8 P. 342. 4 P. 379. 5 P. 400. 6 P. 422. xxxviii Editor's Introduction. the tuition of destitute children in schools already estab- lished. Two commissioners in each captain's district were to select those to he educated free. This hill met its legis- lative death in the Senate, December 19, 1828. x But Mr. McFarland believed in perseverance, so he reintroduced his bill again in 1829, 2 and still again in 18 30, 3 only to meet defeat in every effort to obtain some kind of a school law. me^lures def^Ssd. At ^ s distance, it is almost inconceivable why some of the measures proposed during these ten years were not adopted. For instance, Mr. Thomas Hill, of New Han- over, proposed to the legislature of 1830 to find out how many children there were in the State who had no oppor- tunity to obtain an education, but that august body did not care to know. 4 The same year Archibald Monk, of Sampson, proposed to add 1,063 shares of bank stock to the literary fund, but this too was defeated, 5 as was also Mc- Farland's proposition to apply the license fees paid by attorneys 6 to increasing the fund. The wisest heads of that day, men like Frederick iSTash and John M. More- head, reported to the Assembly in 1828 7 and in 1827 s that the literary fund was too small to establish schools. - A similar report was made by Samuel T. Sawyer in 1830.° In 1833, a report by the legislative committee on educa- tion said that the literary fund must be increased before any plan of public education could be attempted. 10 In 1836, the chairman of the committee on education re- ported 11 that there was nothing, in his opinion, in the con- dition or the character of the people of the State repug- nant to the successful operation of a system of common schools; that difficulties would likely arise upon the com- mencement of such a plan of education, due to the sparse- ness of the population and to "the prejudices of the coun- try upon the subject" ; but this committee would not rec- 1 P. 425. 2 P 446. 3 P. 462. 4 P. 472. 5 P. 470. « P. 468. 7 P. 428. * P. 876. ! ' P. 467, » ° P. 655. l 1 740. Editor's Introduction. xxxix omniend tliat schools be established, because they "would require a sum far beyond the present resources of the State." Evidently the dominant sentiment was content to let the fund set aside in 1825 slowly accumulate without any additions, a course of action which Governor Burton said would certainly mean the failure to establish public schools during- his generation. But though abundant evi- dence has already been given to show the difficulty attend- ing the adoption of any constructive policy during this period, a few more evidences may throw additional light on the narrowly contracted, individualistic legislative policy which seemed to be attached to the State with hooks of steel. In 1830, Thomas Hill presented a fruitless me- morial from citizens of New Hanover, asking for the es- tablishment of public schools. 1 In 1831, Governor Stokes took occasion to say that he thought the legislature would be too busy with the capitol building and the bank question to give any attention to schools. 2 In 1827, the House of Commons rejected a resolution to place the Canova statue of Washington on rollers, so as to remove it easily from the capitol in case of fire. This statue was ruined by fire in 1831 as a consequence of that penny-wise action. The same year the Commons refused to undergo the expense of placing a clock in their own hall. And so jealous of State sovereignty were they that they also, the same year, rejected a resolution requesting the Secretary of War to have a railroad surveyed from New Bern to Raleigh and westward. 3 After the appearance of the Caldwell letters 4 in 1832, in which the sad condition of education in the State was so clearly pointed out and the degraded condi- tion of the primary teachers and their schools pictured in the most unsparing manner, a resolution looking to the establishment of a teachers' normal school was introduced in the Assembly. 5 This was Dr. Caldwell's cherished plan to better educational conditions. But the bill failed be- 1 P. 464. 2 P. 490. a P. 398. 4 P. 545. 5 P. 534. xl Editor's Introduction. Opposition to denominational schools. Plans of Kinney scai McQueen. cause there was no money with which to undertake the work, the committee on education reporting that the liter- ary fund had been too much used by the State of late years. The annual income of the fund was now said to be only about $8,000. In 1833, there took place a charac- teristic contest in the legislature over chartering two de- nominational schools, 1 the Greensboro Academy and Man- ual Labor School and the "Literary and Manual Labor In- stitution in the County of Wake." The committee on education amended the Greensboro school bill by making the board of trustees self-perpetuating instead of permit- ting the Presbytery of Orange to fill vacancies on the board. The committee report on the bills contains this sentence which seems to explain the nature of the oppo- sition to them: "Your committee are aware that appre- hensions are entertained that if these bills be passed into laws a class of individuals in their corporate capacity may have conferred upon them privileges, if not incompatible with our Constitution and Bill of Rights, yet inconsistent with the freedom and genius of our institutions." 2 This meant that a great many of the members of that legislature believed these bills violated the spirit of that section of the constitution which forbade the establishment of one relig- ious society in preference to another. One of the most sensible of the early plans for establish- ing schools was that outlined by Charles K. Kinney in 1829. 3 Briefly, Mr. Kinney proposed to divide the coun- ties into districts and give them corporate powers and the right to levy a tax for a four months' school and the erec- tion of schoolhouses. His plan also contemplated the ex- amination of teachers and the New England custom of employing female teachers during the summer months. Another plan 4 was submitted by Hugh McQueen, of Chat- ham, in 1834. In brief, McQueen's plan proposed trans- ferring the poor taxes to the support of schools, by pro- P. 660. 2 P. 661. 3 P. 440. 4 P. 695. Editor's Introduction. xli viding that after the death of any pauper the tax levied for his support should not be discontinued but continued and the proceeds placed to the credit of the literary fund. This pauper measure failed, but it seemed to strike the legislature with considerable force, and it was printed in the laws of 1834. Eeference has already been made to the use of the liter- j^nd. f iP state' ary fund by the State during the years 1827 to 1837. In his report for 1832, the public treasurer said that "the use which is thus made of the cash belonging to this fund, excludes the possibility of carrying into effect the design contemplated by the act of 1825 ; and the President and Directors instead of investing, or otherwise disposing of it for improvement, as directed by that act, have been obliged virtually to relinquish for a time, their control over it." 1 During this year as high as $64,000 was borrowed by the State from this fund during one month. Another attempt to better educational conditions during ^ethe^chefs"" these ten years of inaction was the effort to organize a State teachers' association to promote the cause of educa- tion. In 1830, a newspaper article suggested that such an association be formed to promote the establishment of common schools. 2 This suggestion was seconded by the Register in May 1831. A meeting of teachers at Chapel Hill during the commencement of the same year was the result. This meeting adopted a constitution and organ- ized the K. C. Institute of Education, whose objects were said to be the "mutual consultation and the discussion of subjects connected with education and the advancement of knowledge." Dr. S. J. Baker, of Martin, was made presi- dent; W. M. McPheeters, W. M. Green, and Fred. Nash, vice-presidents ; and W. A. Norwood and W. J. Bingham, secretaries. The executive committee was composed of Professors Hooper, Phillips and Mitchell. Meetings were held in 1832 and in 1833, when they ceased 3 . 1 Pp. 541, 724. 8 P. 452. " P. 510. xlii Editor's Introduction. Tne use made of the surplus revenue. The work of the Legislature of 1836-7. The year 1837 began a new era in North Carolina edu- cational history. The immediate cause of the change from the do-nothing policy long in vogue was the distribution of the surplus revenue by an act of Congress in 1836. The total amount received from the national government under this act was $1,433,757.39, 1 which amount was used as fol- lows: "1st to defray the Civil and Contingent expenses of the State Government, $100,000 ; 2nd for the redemption of the public debt due the U. S. in trust for the Cherokee Indians created for the purpose of paying the State's sub- scription for the stock in the Bank of the State of N. C, which stock constitutes a part of the fund belonging to the board of Literature, $300,000 ; 3rd For the payment of Stock in the Bank of Cape Fear subscribed for by the Pres. & Directors of the Literary fund, $300,000 ; 4th For draining the Swamp Lands of the State under the direc- tion of the Board of Literature, $200,000 ; 5th Invested in Stock of the Wilmington and Raleigh Bail Boad Com- pany by the board of Int. Improvement, $533,757.39." This increase in the active capital of the banks gave imme- diate impetus to works of internal improvement and in- spired broader plans for public education. When the legislature of 1836-7 met, it refused to fritter away the surplus revenue by distributing it among the counties in proportion to population and taxation, 2 and adopted the plan of distribution outlined above. There were those in this legislature who desired to establish pub- lic schools at once, among the number, Alfred Dockery, of Richmond, who insisted on adding all the surplus revenue to the literary fund and the distribution of the interest to the counties for the education of indigent youth. 3 But the legislature of 1836-7 was not ready to enact a school law. It contented itself with an instruction to the literary board to digest a plan for common schools and submit it to the next Assembly, 4 with the passage of a law incorporat- P. 800. 2 A. 743. 3 P. 743. 4 P. 744. Editor's Introduction. xliii ing the literary board and giving the governor power to appoint it, 1 and finally with the enactment of a law defi- nitely vesting the swamp lands in this board and appro- priating $200,000 for draining them. Early in the session of the Assembly of 1838-9, Mr. JSKSSg" 11 Dockery repeated his resolution relative to the establish- consi ment of public schools. 2 H. G. Spruill presented a reso- lution and a plan which contemplated dividing the coun- ties into school districts and holding an election in each district on the question of school or no school. The dis- trict was to be empowered to levy a tax to pay one-half the teacher's salary, the other part to be paid out of the in- come of the literary fund. A notable feature of this plan was the suggestion that every district refusing to estab- lish schools should be required to vote on the question every year until they were established. 3 The plan sub- mitted by the literary board recommended the division of the State into 1250 districts, estimating an average school population for each district of 108 children between the ages of 5 and 15 ; the establishment of normal schools after the fashion advocated by President Caldwell some years before; the holding of an election in each county to deter- mine whether it was willing to levy a tax for schools to amount to twice the sum expected from the literary fund ; and the appointment of a State superintendent of com- mon schools. 4 It was estimated by the board that the in- come of the school fund was then about $100,000. This amount, added to $200,000 proposed to be raised by county taxation, would pay the 1250 teachers each a sal- ary of $210 a year. 5 The suggestions of the board were received with considerable interest. Bills to carry out the plans of the board were introduced in the Senate by Wm. W. Cherry and in the House by Frederick J. Hill. Mr. Cherry's bill 6 did not contemplate establishing schools until another meeting of the Assembly ; Mr. Hill's bill 7 provided 1 P. 748. 2 P. 822. 3 P. 823. i P. 826. 6 P. 835. ,; P. 866. » P. 873. xliv Editor's Introduction. The first school law and its pro- visions. The educational campaign of 1839 ; newspaper argu- ments for the school law. for their immediate establishment. Both bills did not go as far as the literary board recommended in the way of raising local fnnds. Mr. Hill's bill empowered the liter- ary Board to appoint a "State Superintendent of Public Instruction." The net result of the educational efforts of the Assem- bly of 1838-9 was the passage on January 7, 1839, of a law submitting the question of schools or no schools to a vote of the people of the several counties in August, 1839. It was also provided by this law that a favorable vote meant a county tax levy of one dollar for each two dollars to be received from the income of the literary fund. The schools established were to be under the control of five to ten county superintendents ; the whole territory of the county was to be divided into no more districts than one for each 36 square miles and the first term of the schools in each district was to be conducted on $20 of county taxa- tion and $40 income from the literary fund. 1 As soon as this law was enacted, the friends of the estab- lishment of public schools began an active campaign in their favor. In March, 1839, the Raleigh Star 2 observed that it had no doubt of the result of the election to be held in August, but urged the friends of schools to spread in- formation about the law providing for them. It was true, this paper said, that the South was far behind in popular education, and that the proposed schools would endow the children with sound learning and establish them in good morals. The Star took some pains also to say that those who took advantage of the schools proposed would not be considered pensioners on the public bounty, because what was general could but justly be considered the right of all. The Carolina Watchman 3 made the point that the taxes then levied were nearly all spent on courts and that the additional school tax proposed would all be spent at home and could not, therefore, be a burden, nor make the people P. 886. 2 P. 893. 3 P. 895. Editor's Introduction. xlv poorer. In addition, the Watchman declared that educa- tion would lessen crime, and said it was simply not true that plain farmers and mechanics needed no education, as was so often contended. The veteran Register 1 argued that education was necessary to the honor and welfare of the State; that public schools would make demagogues scarcer; that general education would bring prosperity; and, finally, that a tax for schools was only "a draft of children and of innocence on the overflowing treasury of a Parent's heart." The Rutherfordton Gazette 2 said that the ignorance of the masses was a great evil, that the pros- perity of the State was at stake, and that North Carolina had been lukewarm too long on the subject of popular edu- cation. The Newbern Spectator 3 said that it was the pa- triotic duty of all to support the establishment of schools and deprecated making the adoption of the law a political question, as was then being done in Craven County, though, if the Whigs had been in power, it said, a school system would have been put in operation years before. In advertising the election of 1839, the sheriff of Stokes The campaign in ° . Stokes. County 4 took occasion to advocate the adoption of the school law. He answered the opponents of schools who were circulating the specious argument that the tax would be one imposed on the poor for the benefit of the rich. In the most caustic manner he paid his respects to some Stokes Democrats who were opposing the law, and in- sisted that there could be nothing improper in permitting the people to decide whether they would have public schools or not. The Davidson County members of the Assembly 5 of T n 1S38-9 issued an address to the people. They maintained that public schools would work a moral, mental and phy- sical revolution in jSTorth Carolina. This address recited the objections raised to the adoption of the law and an- swered them in detail. The principal objection to the law 1 P. 897. 2 P. 898. 3 P. 899. 4 P. 900. P. 3 902. p campaign m Davidson. xlvi Editor's Introduction. Objections of "Rusticus." The result of the election. A word in conclu- sion. in Davidson, as it was everywhere else, was the fact that a vote for schools meant a vote to increase taxes. The answer to this objection by the Davidson legislators was dignified and statesmanlike. They maintained that taxa- tion was a mark of all well-regulated governments, that the small increase in taxes was to be held as of little moment in comparison to the immense good to be derived by the com- munity in increased moral well-being. They also answered such selfish and frivolous objections as these : "It is wrong to tax the rich to educate the poor; it is wrong to tax one man who has no children to educate another man's children." "Rusticus" in the Register of August 3, 1839, stated the objections urged against the adoption of the school law by its more thoughtful opponents. He objected to the inade- quate salary allowed teachers, the shortness of the school term proposed, the large districts, and the lack of compe- tent teachers. These, "Rusticus" thought, were four fatal objections to the plan submitted for the approval of the people, and he urged its rejection and the submission of a more practicable measure. Especially did "Rusticus" urge the establishment of a school to educate teachers. 1 The Raleigh Register did not give complete returns of the school election. 2 But, from those given, it seems the law failed in Rowan, Lincoln, Yancey, and Davidson, in the West; and in Edgecombe, Wayne, and Columbus, in the East. The great majority of the counties adopted the plan, and thus approved the principle of establishing schools by a combination of county taxation and State aid derived from the permanent school fund established in 1825. Thus the long agitation was ended. In some form 0!' other ^N"orth Carolina has maintained public schools during all the time since 1840, except a few years immediately following the Civil War. The names of the men who took part in convincing the State that it ought to establish 1 P. 907. 2 P. 910. Editor's Introduction. xlvii schools appear in these documents in their true light. Some of them, judging by present-day standards, were wise an;l some not so wise ; but all of them must have been men of more than ordinary force of character and persistency of purpose to continue the agitation against hostile public opinion and finally win a victory, even though it was a victory wen for the most righteous cause ever battled for in at!V period of our history. While the school law of 1839 was not a very satisfactory measure, it marked the beginning of a new era. Individualism was now gradually to give way to community spirit ; selfishness and intoler- ance which only desired to be undisturbed must now needs give place to measures devoted to the welfare and uplift of all the people; hatred of taxation for schools must now begin to' disappear before the dawning of that wiser policy that no taxation is oppressive which is used for giving equal educational opportunities to all. Charles L. Cooisr. Wilson, North Carolina, December 14, 1908. 1744 1. FREE SCHOOL IN BEAUFORT: JAMES WINWRIGHT'S WILL 1. FREE SCHOOL IN BEAUFORT: JAMES WINWRIGHT'S WILL. s P c r hooL tywilIedfor 1 win and appoint that the yearly Rents and profits of all The Town land and Houses in Beaufort Town Belong- ing unto me with the other Land adjoining thereto (which I purchased of John Pindar) after the Decease of my wife Ann to be Applyed to the Uses hereinafter Mentioned for Ever (to Wit) for The encouragement of a Sober discreet Kind of teachers Quallifyed Man to teach a School at Least Reading Writ- and course of ^ ° ment offund.^" m S Vulgar and Decimal Arithmetick in the aforsd. Town of Beaufort, wch said Man Shall be Chosen and appointed by the Chair Man (or the Next in Commission) of Car- teret County Court and one of Church Wardens of St. John parish in the aforesd. County and Their Successors for Ever, also I Give and Bequeath the Summ of Fifty pounds Sterling (provided that my estate Shall be Worth so much after my Just Debts and other Legacys are paid Master's house and and Discharged) to be applyed for the Building and school house o / i 1 j o provided for. finishing of a Creditable House for a School and Dwelling- house for the said Master to be Erected and Built on Some part of my Land JSTear the White house Which I bought of the aforesaid Pindar, and my True Intent and Meaning is that all the yearly profits and advantages arising by the aforesd. Town Lotts and Lands thereunto adjoining as aforesd. with the Use of the sd. Land for Making and Im- proving a plantation for the planting and Raising of Corn, etc. (if the aforesd. Master or teacher of sd. School Shall Land for the use of think proper to plant and Improve the same) be entirely for the use and Benefitt of ye sd. Master and his Successors During his and their Good Behaviour, — Also that the sd. Master Shall not be obliged to teach or take under his Care any Schoolar or Schoolars Imposed on him by the Master to decide Trustees herein Mentioned or their Successors or by any taught free. other person, But shall have free Liberty to teach and take 2 Wijst weight's Will, 1744. under liis care Such and so many Schoolars as he shall think Convenient and to Receive his Reward for the Teach- ing of them as he and the persons tendering them shall agree. Aug. 13, 1711. Probated March Court 1711/5. x Faroes Winwright lived in Carteret County. 1759 1. FREE SCHOOL IN NEW HANOVER: JAMES INNES ? WILL 1 1 By "an act for the promotion of learning 1 in the district of Wilmington," the Legislature of 1783 vested in the trustees of Innis Academy the property left by the will of James Innes. See State Records, Vol. xxiv, 511, 984 ; Vol. xxv, 18-20. 4 1. FREE SCHOOL IN NEW HANOVEE: JAMES IX>ES' WILL. In the name of God amen. I James Innes of Cape Fear in Xorth Carolina in who innes was. America. Coll of the fiegernent of sd Province Raised for His Majestys imediate Service and Commander in Chief *of this Expedition to the Ohio againest the French and there Indeans whoe have most unjustly Invaided and fortified themselves on His Alajestys Lands. Being now readdey to enter upon action and of Sound minele, memory, and understanding. Do make this my Last Will and Testment in manner and forme following viz. : I recomend my Soul to the Almighty God that gave it, relying on the Merits of Jesus Christ for Mercy att the last day. My Bodie I most freely otter to be disposed off as God in Llis wise providence shall pleas to direct. I recommend the paying of all my Just and Lawfull Bequests to be sent 1 J ° ' . .to Edinburgh. debts instantly, or when demanded. I direct a remit- tance may be made to Edinburgh Sufficient to pay for a Church Bell for the Parish Church of Cannesby, in Cath- ness, agreeable to my Letter to Mr. Jams. Broadee Minis- ter thereof. I also appoint and Direct that there may be a furder remittance made of One Hundred Pounds Sterll. for the Use of the Poor of the said Parish of Cannesby. And the Said Snmm of One Hundred Pounds to be put to Interest for the use of the Poor of Said Parish, as formerly directed bv me. 6 James Innes' Will, 1759. aftee r sciiTO V i en for I a ^ s0 gi ye au d bequeth att the Death of my Loving Wife Jean Innes my Plantation called Point Pleasant and the Opposite mash Land over the River for which ther is a Seperate Patent, Two Negero young Woomen One JSTegero young Man and there Increase, All the Stock of Cattle and Hogs, halfe the Stock of Horses belonging att the time to that Plantation With all my Bookstand One Hun- dred Pounds Sterling or the Equivalent thereunto in the r currency of the Country For the Use of a Free School for the benefite of the Youth of North Carolina. And to see at this part of my Will be dewly Executed att the time, Management of ' / 1 apuoint the Colonell of the New Hanover Reffement, the the bequest. / . . Parson of Wilmington Church and the Vestrey for the time being, or the Majority of them as they shall from time to time be choised or appointed. The Residue of my Estate boeth reall and personall I leave to the sole dis- poseall of my Loving Wife and Companion of my Life Jean Innes whome I appoint to be Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, which I desire may be record- ed in the Publique Register. In testimoney hereof I have put my hand and Seall this fifth day of July and in the year of Our Lord God One Thousand Seven hundred Fifty win made at win- and Four. Done att Winchester in Virginia in Presence Chester, Virginia, , . inl754 - of us. Signed, Sealled, and published. James Innes John Caelyle W. Cocks Caleb Grainger. „ . . ... ... The foregoing last Will and Testament of James Innes Probate of the will. ° °„ Esquire was duely proved before me by the oath of Caleb Grainger who made oath on the holy Evangelists that he saw and heard the said James Innes sign seal and publish the foregoing as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of the said Caleb Grainger John Carlyle and William Cocks who subscribed their respective names as James Innes' Will, 1759. Evidences thereto in presence of the Testator, who was at the same time of sound and disposing memory and under- standing. Let Letters Testamentary issue hereof to Jean Innes Executrix in the foregoing Will named. Brunswick 9th Octo. 1759. Arthur Dobbs. 1791 1. CIVIL LIST FOR 1791, 1. CIVIL LIST OF 1791. The following statement shows the different items of exjDense of the government of the State for 17'Jl: — - Governor's salary £ 800 Treasurer's salary 750 Comptroller's salary 500 Secretary of State salary 100 Council, their Clerk and Doorkeeper. . . 100 Clerk to the Treasury 200 Members of Assembly, Clerks and Door- keepers 12,000 Judges of Superior Courts 3,200 Attorney General and Solicitor, 320 1. each 640 Agents for settling with the U. S 1,600 Public Printer 500 Incidental expenses of government of every kind the committee estimate at 250 £ 20,740 — Estimate of Assembly Committee of Finance, Laws 1790, p. 28. 1795 1. REV. JOHN ALEXANDER'S WILL 10 1. REV. JOHN ALEXANDER S WILL. Da Prsecepta, Familise Tuae, nam Tu crive moriturus es. Forasmuch as the last scene of life seems hastening on, make^a wm. opert ° and the curtain ready to fall ; I think it prudent, before I make my final exit off the stage, whereon I have sometime acted, to dispose of the few trifles fortune has bestowed me, manner following to wit: Imprimis — I give and bequeath to my two Daughters, Property willed to his daughters. Martha and Kachel, all and every part ol my property whate\ Q r, to be equally divided between them, and to their lawful heirs forever. On the demise of either, before em- powered to make a will, the surviving sister inherits the whole. Should both decease, before the laws capacitate to will, if daughters should 1 ' die, then property then, my remaining property is to be wholly converted to eat^poof'ewfdren. educating the poor children within the counties of Hert- ford and Bertie ; under such regulations as my executors shall think fit. My body I bequeath to the earth, whence Funeral directions. it originated. My Soul, Immortal, and unallyed to dust, I commend to the Father of Mercies. The manly, mascu- line voice of orthodoxy, is no longer heard in our land. Far, therefore, from my grave be the senseless Rant of whining Fanaticism; her hated and successful rival. Cant and Grimace Dishonour the dead, as well as Disgrace the living. Let the monitor within, who never Deceives, alone pronounce my Funeral Oration ; while some friendly hand Deposites my poor remains close by the ashes of my beloved Daughter Elizabeth, with whom I trust to share a happy Eternity. And of this my last will and Testament I Constitute and appoint Captn. George West, George Outlaw, Esqr. and Mr. Edward Outlaw, my Executors — on whose Pro- bity, Honor, and Disintered Friendship I entirely rely for the faithful Discharge of the trust I repose in them — Be- ll 12 John Alexander's Will, 1795. Kind of education to be given his daughters. Wishes he could free his slaves. seeching them, as they would approve themselves to him who is the Father of the Fatherless, to use all possible means of Inspiring my children with a love of virtue, and an abhorrence of vice — Restraining them from all places and persons Dangerous to their virtue or Innocency — Giv- ing them an Education to their rank in life suitable and becoming — Let their books, and their needles be their principal companions and employ. I could wish the laws enabled me to do more for my wretched and unfortunate slaves than that of recommending them to lenity and mild treatment. Be to their faults a little blind — Be to their virtues ever kind. John Alexander. 1 Bertie, Apl. 4 1795. 1 The above will was probated at August term of Bertie County- Court, 1799. 1. WARRENTON ACADEMY ASKS STATE AID. 2. DAVID CALDWELL ASKS FOR EXEMPTION OF HIS STUDENTS FROM MILITARY DUTY. 13 1. WARRENTON ACADEMY ASKS STATE AID. The Memorial and Petition of the Trustees of the War- renton Academy, respectfully, incorporation. SHEWETH, — That in the year 1786 an Act passed in the General Assembly of this State, directing an Academy to be erected and established for the Education of Youth, under the Name, Stile and Title of "The Warrenton Academy" : — At the same Time Trustees were nominated and appointed thereto, and incorporated after the usual Form and with Similar Powers that other Bodies politick and corporate are by Law vested and established: And in Order more effectually to further this Salutary Meas- ure, the aforesaid General Assembly authorized and em- powered the Trustees of the said Academy to raise by Way of Lottery the Sum of One Thousand Pounds Currency, to assist in defraying the expense of Buildings and other Coiitingences. Your Memorialists beg leave to represent, that altho' much Pains were taken to carry the said Lot- iniree \roved rized ter 3 r * nto e ^ ect > J et tne y P rove d abortive, as the Number abortive. £ ^^jjg^ contained therein could not be disposed of within the limited time ; of Course no publick aid has been virtu- ally given to this laudable Institution ; which Independant of so great a disappointment, has through the means of individual dona- private donations and individual exertions flourished with tions supported . school for ten o' re at Reputation upwards of len Years, lour Memo- years : prepares ox j. universi/v 1 ^ the rialists mean not to raise any Competition with similar Institutions. They know their value, and how justly they deserve encouragement: — Yet they venture to affirm, none has been more eminently useful, nor is any one better cal- culated to promote the desirable purpose of preparing Youth for our State Seminary: — A circumstance they humbly conceive that cannot fail of attracting Attention, and inducing Consent to their present prayer. Buildings much The Building of the Academy is in so decaved a state decayed ; appara- tus. 14 Warkextojst Academy Asks Aid, 1798. 15 that it cannot be repaired to be made fir and suitable for the reception of the JSTumber of Students who wish to re- sort there. Your Memorialists with great deference fur- ther represent, that the Institution is already furnished with a great variety of Mathematical and Philosophical apparatus, all of which were obtained through the repeated exertions of liberal Individuals, and some small private donations. Those resources are now exhausted, and the Institution needs publick patronage. To whom then- can they so properly apply, as to the Representatives of a Free am from state d r r j l i. j : r treasury asked. People, who know the value and beneficial Consequences resulting from an early Education ? They are the more emboldened to do so, from a Hope and Belief that the Present General Assembly being animated with a Zeal to cherish every useful Institution any former one thought proper to establish, will, after this Representation made to them of the existing State of the Warrenton Academy, direct such Aid from the Treasury as in their Wisdom they deem meet. And your petitioners will pray, etc. J. G. Bbeiiox, Chairman. In House of Commons 1 December 179 S read and re- ^j^! ty EDUCATION. As the most certain way of handing down to our latest Education the foe .' . .of tyranny and the posterity, our tree republican government, is to enlighten surest basis of r J> 1 to . . liberty. the minds of the people, and to preserve the purity of their morals, too much attention can not be paid to the educa- tion of youth, by promoting the establishment of schools in every part of the State. Education is the mortal enemy to arbitrary governments, and the surest basis of liberty and equal rights. — House Journal, 1803. 43 2. DUDLEY'S BILL TO ENCOURAGE ACADEMIES. ?rop r osed academies A Bil1 to vest in tne different Superior Court Districts of the State such property as may escheat to the State, for the purpose of supporting and encouraging, a seminary or seminaries of learning in each District in this State and for other purposes. esck^ated°property -^ e ^ enacted by the General Assembly of the State of tain e acad^mies. r North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that in future all sum or sums of money that shall be collected from the sale of such property as have heretofore escheated to the State, One moiety of such sums shall be paid to the trustees of the University of the State of North Carolina, for the purpose of finishing and completing the buildings of the aforesaid University. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the moiety of such property as have heretofore escheated shall be paid in equal portions to the trustees of such seminaries of learning as are already or may hereafter be established in each Superior Court District in this State for th°. purpose of supporting such seminary or seminaries, in such Superior Court Districts. go t"the S aclde- t0 And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all property which may hereafter escheat to the State and after the passing of this act shall be vested in the dif- ferent Superior Court Districts in which such property may escheat ; the monies arising from the sale thereof shall be applied for the sole use and benefit of the seminary or seminaries, within said District by the Trustees thereof. have\ts™are t0 And be it further enacted, that where there is at this time no seminary of learning established in the District in which said property may escheat, the monies arising from the sale thereof shall vest in, and be considered wholly belonging to the different counties composing said District by an equal distribution, among the respective counties 44 Bill to Encourage Academies, 1803. 45 thereof — under such rules and regulations and be applied in the manner which the County Courts may direct. And be it further enacted, that there shall be appointed K s S er in a proper person in each District in this State a Commis- sioner of escheated property where the same has not been done by an act of the last General Assembly and the per- son so appointed shall give bond and security, in the man- ner which is now required by law ; and such appointments shall be made from time to time as may be found necessary, by joint ballot of the General Assembly. And be it further enacted that all Acts and clauses of acts which come within the meaning of this act be and the same is hereby repealed and made void. In Senate Decern. 21st 1803. Read the first time and clerk's entries on n bill ; its failure. passed. In House of Commons 21 Deer. 1803 read the first time * and rejected. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1803. 3. O'EARRELL'S BILL TO ESTABLISH ACADEMIES IN EACH COUNTY. One academy in each county. A Bill to establish an Uniform and general system of Education throughout the State of North Carolina. o Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that from and after the passing of this act, there shall be an academy established in each county in this State, to be called the academy of Sciences of the county of So^lacTtenffHlges; Sec. 2. That the course of education to be established taught. may ' in said academies shall consist of the study of the English language, writing, arithmetic, Mercantile book keeping, geometry, trigonometry, mensuration or surveying, navi- gation, geography, natural and experimental philosophy and the laws of North Carolina. That the study of the dead languages as being useless in a republican govern- ment and a great waste of time, shall form no part of the course of education of the academies of Sciences, That the study of the French language would be very useful and ornamental to the citizens of this State, therefore, when the funds of the academy of sciences of any county will admit of the expense, a teacher of that language should be added. Trustees. g EC _ 3 That the Justices of the Peace and Field Offi- cers of each county with such persons as the court shall from time to time think proper to appoint shall form a body politic by the name of the trustees of the academy of Sciences of the county of corporate powers. g EC> 4 That they shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, may sue and be sued in any court of law or equity in the State or elsewhere, that they may receive donations of lands, houses or other property, buy land, agree with workmen for the building and repairing of houses, fix the salaries of teachers, the sum that each 46 Bill to Establish County Academies,, 1803. 47 scholar will have to pay annually, and also every other thing necessary to the good government of the said acade- mies. Sec. 5. That all landed property acquired by the g™J2§55gSrty academy of Sciences of any county by donation or pur- chase shall remain attached to the said academy forever, and be rented out from year to year, for the use of said academy to the highest bidder. Provided nevertheless, that any property given for a particular purpose, shall be applied to the use, and in the manner ordered by the will or deed of the giver. Sec. 6. That one-third of the trustees of the academy Quorum of Trus- ' tees. of Sciences of any county, assembled at the court house of said county or elsewhere by adjournment, shall have power to make laws and regulations for the government of ■said academy, appoint a treasurer and other officers. Sec. 7. That in any county where the trustees of the gS**£g when academy of Sciences of said county, shall have neglected to act in their corporate capacity, the court of that county shall receive and appropriate all donations made to the academy of Sciences of that county. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof. 1 In House of Commons 10 Deer. 1803 read the first time ggJJ^Sik. and passed. In Senate 10 December 1803, read the first time and passed. In House of Commons 13 Deer. 1803 read the second time and rejected. — Unpublished Legislative Docume.ds. 1803. Y Th\s bill makes no provision for any certain revenue for the sup- port of the academies. 1804 1. GOV. TURNER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. "SENTINEL" ON EXTRAVAGANCE. 48 1. GOV. JAMES TURNER'S MESSAGE 0> EDUCATION. It is a truth founded on the experience of the age, that Desires to see a i o ' plan of education knowledge is one of the firmest pillars of national strength ; mtroduced - and believing that nothing would tend more to the adorn- ment of the character and respectability of this state, than a general diffusion of learning, I am desirous of seeing a plan of education introduced, which shall extend itself to everv corner of the state. It is true that many respectable academies have been instituted in different parts of the state ; but it is also true, that several of them have failed for the want of sufficient support, and others are in a lan- guishing state. Since the prosperity and happiness of a Prosperity and ° D l ± v ±1 happiness depend nation depends so much on the education of its citizens, sTateoughtto aid individual exertions ought to be seconded by public patron- vidiila s ' rts ° f mdi " age. Were this the case, our schools would be placed on a solid foundation ; and the children of the poorest citizens might have access, at least, to necessary instruction. The best method of effecting this desirable end, will be devised by the General Assembly. It cannot, I know, be ac- complished without an addition to our revenue ; but cer- ^J 6 ^? 6 & e di " tainly every citizen will be willing and desirous to con- tribute towards an expense so well applied. — House Journal, 180^. 49 2. " SENTINEL " ON EXTKAVAGANCE. To the Citizens or Electors of the Legislature of North Carolina. Sees disaster in the increasing salaries I think it is time to awake and open your eyes of under- LegisSture* e standing, and see the approaching bane of distress in its tender bud, before it gets a strong root. If I am rightly informed, what has ruined monarchical and republican governments, has been extravagancy; the means of heavy taxes — and I think our State is making some progress in that road of destruction. I am informed our Legislature, at their last session, allowed each member per day for his attendance, thirty shillings. A member's wages, when we were under his Britannic majesty's government, was seven shillings and six pence per day, and a dollar was worth eight shillings. The progress of our Legislature respecting their wages, vote againlnhose s i nce peace was proclaimed between Great Britain and the United States of America has been as follows, viz. : Their first allowance was twenty shillings per day, and a dollar was then worth twelve shillings ; their next rise was to twenty-five shillings, and our currency had appreciated to ten shillings a dollar ; and their next rise was, as above inserted, to thirty shillings. Fellow citizens, I think it is time to be alarmed, and shew our resentment, and to reject, at our next election, every man who voted in favour of thirty shillings, or per- haps at the next assembly they will allow each member thirty-five shillings per day. Sentinel. [The name of the author of the above is left with the Printer.] — From Raleigh Register, May 7, 180 J/.. Details of the in crease in salaries responsible for increase. 50 1805 1. GOV. TURNER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 51 Asks that some general and effec- tive plan ot edu- cation be adopted. Schools can not flourish if left to individual effort alone. 1. GOV. TURNER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. But more especially, let me again recommend to the serious consideration of the General Assembly the proper education of the youth of the State, upon some plan that shall be general and effective, whether by affording some uniform support to one or more well regulated school or schools in every county in the State, after the example of our sister State South Carolina, or in some other adequate mode, is submitted to your wisdom. It is evident that the situation of our State in this respect calls for legisla- tive aid ; for though it must have given pleasure to every friend of science and good government, to observe of late years schools springing up in many parts of our country, yet it must also have pained him to see that when left to the support of individual patriotism alone, they have too frequently languished and sunk for want of competent patronage and well-qualified Teachers. Under the pro- tection of government, it is presumed, those fundamental institutions in which our youth would not only be taught the elements of useful knowledge but the i>rinciples of virtue, and on which perhaps depend the future prosperity, happiness and freedom of the State, would be completely upheld. — From Message to Assembly, 1805, House Journal. 52 18G6 1. GOV. ALEXANDER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 53 1. GOV. NATHANIEL ALEXANDER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. infinitely impor- Permit me, gentlemen, to call your attention generally tant that the peo- . . pie be enlightened, to those objects, the proper management of which is calcu- lated to secure our liberities, our personal happiness, and the wealth and respectability of the State. On the subject of education, little can be said which has not been said already by my predecessor. But I will take the liberty to observe, that in a government constituted as ours, where the people are everything, where they are the fountain of all power, it becomes infinitely important that they be sufficiently enlightened to realize their inter- ests, and to comprehend the best means of advancing them. Indeed, it may be affirmed with truth, that unless they be informed the duration of their liberties will be precari- ous, their enemies will seduce them from the pursuit of their true interests, or their own prejudices lead them into fatal dangers. — House Journal, 1806. 54 1807 1. GOV. ALEXANDER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 1. GOV. ALEXANDER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. ^^f^o™-iw° r The common obieets of legislation may be comprised in trie fiappiness «i o j i of the community. wldeT {h& following heads . Education. Internal Improve- ment, the Security of Property, and the Punishment of Crimes. Your attention has often been awakened to these several subjects; therefore it is unnecessary for me, at this time, to comment upon them ; yet they are worthy of your consideration ; for on the manner in which they are ac- complished, eventually must depend the happiness of the community. — House Journal, 1S07. 56 1808 1. GOV. WILLIAMS' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 57 1. GOV. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. Education and I will trespass no longer on your patience, but will close internal improve- _ •_ . . ments of primary this communication by wishing you a happy session, and importance. d D d rrj by observing that the proper Education of the Youth of our Country, and the improvement of our internal Naviga- tion, are objects of such primary importance as justly to have a first claim to your attention. — House Journal, 1808. 58 1809 1. GOV. STONE'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 5y 1. GOV. DAVID STONE'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. importance of Next, and second only, to the support of our independent education. 1 1 . . . ,.., ii- Kepublican Government, m purity of principle and undi- minished rights, is the importance of such provisions for the education of our Youth, as will afford, in certain pros- pect, the grateful anticipation, that independence gained by the toil, the blood and treasure of our fathers and broth- ers confirmed and supported by our own best efforts, will be transmitted to our sons, prepared by their education to manage its concerns with dignity and skill, and, when re- quired by just occasion, to support it with firmness and valour, university and The liberalitv of your predecessors has done much for subordinate schools ■/ «/ x should be fostered. ^ e ca use of letters and science, by the establishment of a Seminary for giving instruction in the higher branches thereof, within our State, But much remains to be done, as well for the perfecting of the Seminary, as for the more extensive establishment and distribution of subordinate schools. Nor will it be forgotten in your labors upon this subject, that letters and science, though useful as lights to enable a sound heart to shape a safe and beneficial course through the voyage of life, are mere delusions when not controlled and directed by correct moral principle, chas- tened and purified by the precepts of our holy Religion. * * education 68 ° f While it is equally unnecessary and impracticable to enumerate all the advantages which may be confidently hoped from judicious establishments and plans of educa- tion among ourselves, it may not be improper to give a transient view of some. They afford our country a more extensive choice and general command of virtues and talents, for the direction of her affairs, by more extensively unfolding and display- ing the germs of excellence in the minds of her youth. They impress upon the more advanced and elderly, the propriety and necessity of exemplary deportment. 60 Stone's Message ox Education, 1S09. HI Relieve parents from much of the anxiety and uneasiness of distant separation from their children. Save a considerable amount of our circulating medium among strangers. Prevent the impression upon the minds of our youth, of unreasonable predilections in favor of alien institutions and manners, as well as of prejudices against those of our own state, and against the condition of society, of which their interest and duty require them to become members. Enable them to acquire an early and more intimate knowl- edge of our own municipal institutions, by being situated where those institutions are more often the subject of con- versation and enquiry. Attach the respect, gratitude and reverence of our youth to persons and places within our own limits, as being their guides to science and virtue, and the scenes of the juvenile exertions and amusements, and give them a more intimate knowledge of the principles and talents of those with whom they are afterwards to act in scenes of real business. — House Journal, 1809. 1810 1. GOV. STONE'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. EDUCATION IN CASWELL COUNTY. 3. EDUCATION IN EDGECOMBE COUNTY. 4. EDUCATION IN NORTH CAROLINA. 62 1. GOV. STONE'S MESSAGE 0> EDUCATION. The education of our youth of both sexes, as indissolubly Because educa- •' ' / tional facilities connected with the vital principles of our Institutions, will ^'^TTY 1 ,?^ ■T r j late the task is not deserve an important place in your deliberations. Those yet flmslied - of us who can look back a few years, must view with heart- felt satisfaction, the multiplied facilities afforded at this time for procuring a virtuous education, beyond what then existed among us. But I trust we shall never consider our task as finished, until preparation shall be made, and opportunity afforded for the most obscure members of society to procure such a portion of instruction for their offspring, as shall enable them satisfactorily to discharge the most important duties in society. It is by this alone that our country can obtain, in the management of its high concerns, the full benefit of that dispensation of intelli- gence which shall be made to it. House Journal, 1810. 63 2. EDUCATION IN CASWELL COUNTY. From 1750 to 1775 not one-third peo- ple could read : much improve- ment since. Robt. H. Childers' work as a teacher. Caswell academy and its teachers." The progress of society and civilization depends upon the education and virtue of the people ; great improvements . therefore, have been made since the first settlement of th? county. From 1750 to twenty-five years after, it is com- puted that not more than one-third of the inhabitants could read, and scarcely half that number could write a legible hand; from 1775 to 1800 what was then called a common English education, viz: u to read, write and cypher as far as the rule of three," was given to a little more than half the inhabitants, but from 1800 up to the present time the progress of civilization and litera- ture has been greater than for perhaps fifty years antece- dent to that time. The great revival of religion about that period seems to have contributed much to the dis- semination of morality, sound principles and good order in society ; but as the naturalists have observed every calm is succeeded by a storm, and accordingly many of the inferior class of society appear now more depraved than ever. For the progress of literature in the inferior branches of an education, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic since 1800, the people of this county are much indebted to Mr. Robert H. Childers. Greater improvement in writing could not be expected from any man ; at least one-half of the youth of the county who write well, were taught, either directly or indirectly, by this excellent pensman. Situated within a quarter of a mile of the Court House is Caswell Academy. The plan of Caswell Academy was first conceived and brought to public view in the winter of 1801. Early in the succeeding year between five and six hundred dollars were subscribed, and during the year 1803 it was completed for the reception of students. The Rev. Hugh Shaw and Bartlett Yancey were the teachers for the first two years ; the number of students was from fifty- 64 Education in Caswell, 1810. 65 five to sixty-five each year. From that period the institu- tion was not in a very flourishing state until 1808, since which time it has prospered much under the direction of Mr. John W. Caldwell — a gentleman educated in Guilford by his father, the Eev. David Caldwell, well known in the State for his services in disseminating literature, morality and religion among his fellow citizens. The funds of the Academy at present are low; it is now, and always has been, dependent on the liberality of the trustees of the institution, and a few other public-spirited gentlemen of the county for support ; no library of consequence is yet established — a plan has, however, been suggested and is now going into operation by which it is hoped that a good library will be procured in a few years. The number of students is at present thirty-eight. Hico Academy, situated near the "Red House" in Cas- Hico Academy. well, was erected, it is believed, in 1801, by a number of public-spirited gentlemen in that part of the county. Mr. Shaw, after he left Casw T ell Academy became the teacher at this Academy for two or three years, during which time, it is believed, it had between thirty and forty students. It has since that time been on a decline, and about the middle of last month it was consumed by fire. There had been a school taught in it this year, but no fire had been used in it for several months previous to its being burnt; it is generally believed that some vile incendiary put fire to it, for the purpose of consuming it. The trus- tees have, however, determined to rebuild it of brick upon a more extended plan. Since the establishment of these institutions the progress influence of cas- of virtue and of science in the county has exceeded the Academies. 100 most flattering hopes of the friends of literature. The education that has been acquired there by our youth seems to have benefitted, not only its votaries, but to have im- parted its blessing to all around them. The inhabitants generally are more enlightened — men who thirty or forty 66 Education in Caswell, 1810. Students at the University. Caswell has no men of great talents. Physicians and lawyers. years ago were considered the best informed and most learned among ns are now scarcely equal in point of information to a school-boy of fifteen years. The vener- able fathers are, however, almost to a man (those that are able) the supporters of seminaries of learning; they seem to look forward with pleasing anticipation to the utility their country will derive from the cultivation of the minds of our youth ; there are, however, some designing demagogues, "wolves in sheep's clothing," who-, because they can read a chapter in the Bible (when it is in large print) and drag over a congressional circular (after a manner) think they have learning enough, wish to excite prejudice against the institutions and their students — "'but black sheep are to be found in almost every flock." Since the commencement of the year 1804 this county has sent the following students to the University of this State, the foundation of whose education (except one) was laid at these institutions, viz : Saunders Donoho, Bart- lett Yancy, Edward D. Jones, James W. Brown, Romulus M. Saunders, David Hart, and John W. Graves; besides them the following students received the rudiments of their education at Caswell Academy: Dr. Horace B. Satter- white, now of Salisbury; William W. Williams, of Hali- fax, Virginia; Archibald Haralson, of Person; Elijah Graves, of Granville, and James Miller, of Person. Caswell is not distinguished for men of talents. We have no men of the first rate talents, but a great number are entitled to the rank of mediocrity and some above it. These are all natives, for we have no spreeing Irishmen, revolutionizing Frenchmen, or speculating Scotchmen among us. In this county there are five practicing physicians : Dr. John McAden, Dr. William S. Webb, Dr. Samuel Dabney, Dr. James Smith and Dr. Edward Foulks. Of the pro- fession of the law, now residing in the county, are the following; e'entlemen : Bartlett Yancy, Edward D. Jones and Solomon Graves, Jr. The order in which each pro- Education ra Caswell. 1810. 6" fessional character is named denotes the priority of time in which they commenced the practice of their profession. There are two societies in the county constituted for in- tellectual improvement. One at Caswell Academy and an- Literary societies. other at the tavern of Jethro Brown, Esq. Their exercises are mostly polemical. We have no public library in the county. About two vears ago several gentlemen of Caswell and Person had formed themselves into a society for the en- Agricultural societies, couragement of the arts and agriculture ; but that spirit of emulation and national pride which then characterized all seems now to be possessed by a few only. Little has been done for the progress and promotion of this society as yet. The religion of the inhabitants may be best estimated by the number of churches and communicants : there are Churches. four Baptist churches and about 300 communicants ; four Presbyterian congregations and about 200 or 250 com- municants ; three or four Methodist societies, and about 250 or 300 communicants. Caswell is a very healthy part of the country. The common diseases of the inhabitants are nervous and billions Health. fevers. The remedy for the most part is stimulants and purgatives, the composition of which is best known to the physicians. The amusements of the polite part of society consists in balls, tea parties and visiting parties. Those of an Amusements, inferior class consist of Saturday night frolics, now become almost obsolete ; shooting matches and horse-racing, afford amusement to the better sort of men. and now and then mav be seen a party with an old rusty pack of cards amusing themselves for whiskey. The only Sporting Club in the county is the "Jockey Club" of the Caswell Turf. August 11th, 1810. Bartlett Yaxcy. — From the North Carolina University Magazine. Nov., 1860. 3. EDUCATION IN EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Knowledge making progress. Electioneering customs. As to the "progress of civilization," little can be said here. Knowledge is certainly more abundant than formerly. Learning, morality and religion are more en- couraged, or at least viewed with more complacency. The peaceful, social and humane virtues, it is believed, have more than kept pace with the growth of population. A thirst for knowledge was never great here. The people are neither aspiring, restless nor basely servile. They are generally satisfied with their political situations, and seldom trouble their minds with politics. There are not more than one hundred and eight newspajDers taken weekly in the county. Although learning is not generally dif- fused, yet since the establishment of the University of this State there are more who possess liberal education now than at any former period. There is a certain suavity of manners employed in many places by candidates for popular favor very little studied or desired here till within a few years past. It consists in a peculiar shake of the hand, called by our farmers the electioneering shake — in purchasing brandy and drinking with the people— persuading them to get drunk, whereby they may lose sight of the object of an election — flattering and gulling the people with empty pro- fessions of extraordinary devotion to their interests, &c. These means when artfully employed generally answer the desired end. Twenty years ago the practice was unknown in Edgecombe, and was considered as the reproach of some of our neighboring counties. It has since those days been introduced as a refinement — but as the first attempts at this innovation it was viewed as an indication of distrust to the sober judgment of the people. But so fascinating was the liquor that its use on these occasions became fashionable, and popular among all classes, and a liberal distribution of it became necessary to a man's election. Education in Edgecombe, 1S10. 69 But to the credit of the candidates of 1812 they have met in caucus and agreed to renounce this expensive and dan- gerous mode of electioneering. There are seventeen county schools in the county, at Seventeen schools J " ' and 400 scholars which are about 400 scholars ; nothing more is attempted schooisflfty^-ears to be taught in them than the elements of reading, writing dg0 ' and arithmetic, and but few of the teachers are qualified to do justice to those, j^othwithstanding this apparently infant state of literature, we may easily discover that it is progressing; for fifty years ago there was not more than one or two schools in the limits of the whole county. For want of an academy in this county several have sent to those in the adjacent ones, viz: At Westrayville and Vine Hill. It is in prospect to establish an academy at Mount Prospect, in this county, and we can not account for the delay otherwise than for the general indifference with which learning is still viewed. It is to be apprehended that in this country general objects to dead . . languages as the knowledge will never characterize manv of its citizens as basis of education; c *• distinguished men long as the dead languages are viewed as the basis of a of the past. liberal education. This county has never been prolific in men of talents, or they have been obscured for want of opportunities of education. Among the most distin- guished characters it has afforded was Jonas Johnston. whose name and character have already been mentioned. Had he received an education corresponding with his gen- eral talents, he might have done credit to any country. Thomas Hall was a man who possessed considerable natural talents, with the advantages of a grammatical education. He was quite conversant with the Latin classics, which he made the most of. He represented our county in the state convention, but never offered again for any public office. He was a lawyer of some emminence and would have made a shining character at the bar had he not been almost led away from his professional studies by a strong poetical genius. He, however, continued to practice as 70 Education in Edgecombe, 1810. Formerly no child- ren sent' to college. One lawyer me lawyer in the county. Two-thirds peopl can read ; illiter acy of women. of learn- ing slow. long as he lived, and had a considerable share of business in the courts where he practiced. But his mind seemed more frequently engaged in poetry than the laws, and there have been frequent instances that while his opponent was speaking in a cause in which he was employed, that he was engaged in writing satyrical verses. His favorite subject was satyre, but he wrote with equal facility on other subjects. He also possessed and indulged in, a most biting and ready wit, and was never at a loss for repartee ; but like most other wits, he generally made fewer friends than enemies. Some few of his pieces are yet in the hands of his friends ; but the bulk of them which would have been sufficient to form a handsome volume are now lost to the world. We have but few more of literary talents in the county; the means of education having heretofore been much cir- cumscribed ; we have more now, however, than at any former period; and we have never been destitute of men in whom w T e could confide our interests. Before the estab- lishment of our University no children were sent out of the county to any college or academy. At present there is only one professional law character in the county, and he a native of the county ; but there are more physicians than at any former period, who can not boast, however, of great erudition. Quacks are abund- ant and are privileged to boast. It is believed that about two-thirds of the people gen- erally can read ; anel one-half of the males write their names, but not more than one-third of the women can write. The girls now at school are learning and are very desirous to write ; it is deemed a more important accom- plishment in that sex, among the common people now than formerly. The progress of learning for twenty-five years back has been slow, and perhaps has not more than kept pace with the population, till within these two or three years. The Education in Edgecombe,, 1810. 71 people now manifest some disposition to diffuse learning ; perhaps from their finding the means of obtaining it more accessible now than heretofore. The custom at the public schools, and in some towns, among those who are desirous of intellectual improvement, has found its way here. So- cieties have been formed, and kept up with a tolerable degree of spirit, greatly to the benefit of the members thereof, both in talents and morals. Novelty is a great matter here. We are generally ready to encourage any new institution that promises beauty or utility, but when it becomes familiar we grow indifferent. Three or four vears ago a subscription was set on foot Free scjiooi at- * ° L tempted ; tailed. for establishing a free school for the education of poor children in the county — two or three hundred dollars were soon subscribed. A few children received the benefit of this subscription (for it never became an institution) but as the matter never got into proper hands it languished and died. But unhappily for want of sufficient interest in literary pursuits, and perhaps for want of a more perma- nent residence of many who compose these societies, they have generally languished in a few months, and are with difficulty sustained. Some attempts have been made to Few libraries - procure libraries, but this for some of the above reasons, was never effected, except by a society that was in existence about fifteen years ago. On the dissolution of that body the books were scattered abroad, or divided among those who contributed to the establishment. The agricultural Agricultural soci- o ety library being society has appropriated a sum of money to procure an estabhsned - agricultural library. Some donations are maele of books for this purpose. On the fourth day of July, 1810, pro- posals were made for the establishment of a society for the promotion of agriculture and the arts. The plan has suc- ceeded, so far as to go into operation. It has now upwards of thirty respectable members, whose public spirit is thus manifested, greatly to their benefit, and it is hoped to the benefit of the countv- The societv convenes on the second 72 Education in Edgecombe, 1810. day of every court of quarter sessions in the county; ad- journing from day to day as they see fit. — From North Carolina University Magazine, April, 1861. ' (Jeremiah Battle, M.D.) 4. EDUCATION IN NORTH CAROLINA. The University Never conferred greater benefits or exhibited fairer TMrtfeve^rrpre 8 prospects of continued success than at the present time. parat< f } *° It has now precisely 100 students, of whom about 65 are on the Establishment and the remainder in the Academy. Some estimate may be formed of the value of our other Seminaries in different parts of the State from the number of students they have severally furnished to the University. Of the students now on Chapel Hill 6 received the first £££££ *%**** rudiments of their classical education at the Academy in Dlyersiy - Louisburg; 6 at Raleigh, 4 at Caswell, 1 at Belfield, Va. ; 1 at Pittsborough, 1 at Guilford, 1 at Warrenton, I at Salisbury, 2 at Spring Hill (Lenoir), 1 at Fayetteville, 4 at Ebenezer, Va. ; 2 at Hampden Sydney College, Va. ; 23 at Chapel Hill, and the remainder at different places in this State, Virginia and South Carolina, unknown to us. Of the merits of the Institution in the higher branches Life of institution due to the exer of instruction nothing need be said. The Institution it- tionsofitsprea- self, deserted and frowned upon by the Legislature, has been preserved in existence by the talents and exertions alone of its President. Public opinion has at length utter- ed its strong voice in its favour, and the Legislature has hafas^sted the ate again extended to it its fostering hand. We on a former se occasion noticed the success of the President's exertions to obtain private contributions. These will enable the Trustees to enclose the Main Building, and the success of the former attempt leaves no room to doubt but enough will be obtained by subscriptions to complete it. The Preparatory School is now much superior to what T \ ie preparatory *- J l school ; the presi- it has been at any former period. Its teacher is unques- ^| tionably the best Latin and Greek scholar in the State, and equal to any whatever. We are informed that Presi- dent Caldwell, in his zeal to procure his valuable services 73 presi- t helps to pay teacher. 74 Education in North Carolina, 1810. Course of study in academy. First term fresh- man class. Freshman class, second term. to the Institution, contributes to his compensation in addi- tion to the salary allowed by the Trustees. To show how the education of a youth should be con- ducted who is intended for the University, we here give a Catalogue of the books read by the several classes in the University, with remarks extracted from a publication ordered by the Trustees in July last. No. I. The Academy. Ruddiman's Rudiments. Corderius, 40 colloquies. ^Esop, 40 fables. Selects? e Veteri. Selects? Profanis. Grammatical Exercises or Mair's Introduction. Cse&ar's Commentaries, 3 or 4 books. Sallust and Prosody. Virgil, to the 7th /Eneid. Wettenhall's Greek Grammar, translated. Greek Testament, 5 chapters of John. Murray's Grammar, the large text. Reading, spelling, writing, and arithmetic, to the rule of three. No. II. The College. July 1. Horace's Odes, 5 books. Mair's Introduction. Prosody. Greek Grammar. John's Gospel, from the 5th chapter. No. III. January 1. Freshman Class — Half Year Advanced. Horace, the remainder. Lucian, 28 or 30 dialogues. Mair's Introduction, the Ancient History. Greek Grammar, and Prosody. Education tn Xorth Carolina, 1810. 75 First term sopho- more. Second term soph- omore. No. IV. July 1. Sophomore Class. Cicero, 4 or 5 orations. DUworth's Arithmetic, throughout. Murray's Grammar, with remarks. Xenophon, the first book. Xo. V. January 1. Cicero, 4 or 5 orations more. Homer's Iliad, 1 or 2 books. Geography, and the use of the Globes. Xo. VI. July 1. Junior Class. Elements of Geometry to 219th article, or to the end of First term junior. the 4th of Euclid. Simpson's Algebra, to the Problems. Xo. VII. January 1. Remainder of Geometry, or the 5th and 6th of Euclid, second term junior. Plane Trigonometry. Logarithm. Ewing's Synopsis on Heights, Distances and Surfaces. Simpson's Algebra, 152 Problems. Xo. VIII. July 1. Senior Class. Helsham, to the motion of prejects. d. January 1. Blair's Rhetorick, abridged. Xo. IX. Remainder of Helsham. Paley's Moral Philosophy, omitting politics. Duncan's Logic. Ferguson's xAstronomy, 158 pages. First term senior. Second term senior. 76 Education in North Carolina, 1810. Teachers. The Raleigh Academy Has now about its usual number of students. Mr. Rice is its Principal. He will be succeeded in a few weeks by the Rev. Mr. McPheeters, who is recommended as a man of profound learning and considerable literary taste. Mr. Greville teaches in the English Department, Grammar, Geography, Reading, Speaking and Composition. Our language, heretofore too much neglected, is begin- ning to receive due attention ; and from the exertions of a very competent teacher we expect hereafter to witness at our exhibitions a better style of eloquence than usual, both in reading and speaking. Mrs. Sambourne teaches Music out of the Academy, and Painting and Embroidery in it. She presides over the manners and deportment of the Fe- male Department, but instruction is imparted by the three gentlemen, who in rotation enter the school to attend to their several classes. We think this plan and arrangement superior to that which heretofore prevailed. Men of edu- cation and talents are probably the most efficient instruc- tors. Mr. Dickson teaches in the Preparatory School. a^d P fiterar^ society He is a good accountant and a very elegant penman. A Literary Society of students and a very handsome Library are important advantages of this Institution. English empha- sized. Female depart merit. and literary society and library. Teachers and library. Teachers and course of study. The Louisburg Academy Is under the direction of Dr. Bogle, as Principal. He is a man of genius, an excellent classical scholar, and to a very happy talent for instructing unites an uncommon zeal in the cause to which he is devoted. He is assisted by Mr. Crudup. The Academy has now between 45 and 50 students. A respectable Library has lately been estab- lished there. Fayetteville Academy Has upwards of 120 students. The Reverend William L. Turner is Principal, whose merits as the Chief of the Education in North Carolina, 1810. 77 Institution are well known. Music, Painting and the French Language are said to be taught in a very superior manner by Miss Beze, a native of France, Competent assistants are provided for the several departments. Westrayville Academy In Nash County, under the direction of Mr. John Bob- Teachers and patrons. bitt. Of the merits of this institution we know nothing. No small recommendation of its teacher is that he is a graduate of the University of North Carolina. We can not, therefore, doubt his fitness for his vocation. Mr. S. Westray and Dr. T. Jones are patrons of the Institution, and they are gentlemen in whom the public will willingly confide. Ca swell Academy. Of this Seminary Mr. John W. Caldwell is Principal. Teacher. The school is said to be a good one. Board in the vicinity is remarkably low. Mr. Mordecai's Female Seminary, Warrenton. This is conducted by Mr. Mordecai himself, with the Teachers, assistance of his son and daughters. We believe this to be an excellent Seminary. Its conductors possess talents and a fine literary taste. The beauties of such authors as standard English .,,. -i't-i i' iii i m- • authors read. Addison and Pope are unfolded to the pupils m so inter- esting and engaging a manner that the taste is generally chastened and refined to the standard of Classick purity. The mind is elevated superiour to the enjoyment of silly novels, which but too often deprave the taste, corrupt the heart and enfeeble the understanding. Music and Paint- Mufeicai composi- tion and painting. mg are taught by Mr. Miller. His pupils, by being taught both to read and compose music, are made to understand it. His Painters are copyists, but they copy only from the Volume of Nature. Besides these there are several other respectable Acade- other academies. mies and Grammar Schools in the State, viz : at Hyco, Cas- well ; Asheville, Buncombe County ; Salisbury, Salem. 78 Education in JsTorth Carolina, 1810. Pittsboro, Lumberton ; Laurel Hill, Richmond County ; Warrenton ; Spring Hill, Lenoir ; jSTewbern, Eclenton ; near llr. John Sims', in Granville, and we believe some others, Dut have too little knowledge of them to enable us to speak >f them with propriety. -Editorial, Raleigh Star, March 15, 1810. 1811 1. GOV. SMITH'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 79 1. GOV. BENJAMIN SMITH'S MESSAGE OK EDUCATION. Education ail im- Too much attention can not be paid to the all-important portant ; ignorance *- x ernment free g ° v subject of Education. In despotic governments, where the supreme power is in possession of a tyrant or divided among an hereditary aristocracy (generally corrupt and wicked) the ignorance of the people is a security to their rulers ; but in a free government, where the offices and honors of the state are open to all, the superiority of their political privileges should be infused into every citizen from their earliest infancy, so as to produce an enthusi- astic attachment to their own country, and ensure a jeal- ous support of their own constitution, laws and govern- some plan should ment. A certain decree of education should be placed be devised to place ° education within w ithin the reach of every child of the state: and I am reach of every J ' chlld ' persuaded a plan may be formed upon economical princi- ples that would extend this down to the poor of every neighborhood, at an expense trifling beyond expectation, when compared w T ith the incalculable benefits from such a philanthropic and politic system. In these schools, sub- ject to proper superintendence, the rising generations might be brought up in the true principles of the Christian Religion, which includes the purest morality, and would prevent that multiplicity of crime now too frequently perpetrated in the country. — House Journal, 1811. 80 1812 1. GOV. HAWKINS' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. THE NEW BERN CHARITABLE SOCIETY. 3. TREASURY RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. 81 1. GOV. WM. HAWKINS' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. Education an rrii , r- « • -,, j <■ , object of great J- he encouragement 01 Agriculture and manufactures, the improvement of our roads and inland navigation, and the promotion of learning, are objects of such great im- portance, that a doubt can not be entertained as to the propriety of their occupying a considerable share of your deliberations. — House Journal, 1812. 82 2. THE NEW BERN CHARITABLE SOCIETY. An Act to incorporate the Xewbern Female Charitable Society. That the individuals who are at present associated in edue1ition r of h poor the town of Xewbern, for the relief of the poor and the SoSSS^ 5 education of poor female children, under the name of the poor ' Xewbern Female Charitable Society, and those who here- Name, after may become members of the said Association agree- ably to the rules which may be therein established, be, and the same are hereby incorporated into a body corporate Corporate powers politic, by the name of the Xewbern Female Charitable Society, and as such shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, be capable of acquiring and holding real or personal estate ; have ability to make and ordain laws and regulations for their own government, and elect their own officers, and generally to do, receive and perform all such matters and things as rightfully belong to. or are usually incident to bodies corporate or politic within this State. Any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwith- standing. —Laws 1812, chap. LXX. p. 26. 3. TREASURY RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. Nov 1, 1811, to Oct. 31, 1812. All Public Taxes £25,889 19s. 2d. Dividends Bank of Newbern and Bank of Cape Fear 2,500 Loan from Banks 12,500 Balance from 1810 14,404 7s. lid. Total 55,294 7s. 2d. Total Disbursements £26,203 18s. 6d. — See House Journal, 1812, p. 27. 84 1813 1. MILES BENTON'S FREE SCHOOL 2. THE WAYNE COUNTY FREE SCHOOL 3. FAYETTEVILLE ORPHAN ASYLUM. 85 Lands lost by litigation. Miles Benton's will. 1. MILES BENTON'S FKEE SCHOOL. Saturday, JSTovetinber 27, 1813. The committee of Propositions and Grievances, to whom was referred the petition of John T. Benton, of Grates County, stating that by the last will and testament of Miles Benton, the Testa- tor devised a certain plantation and tract of land for the support of a Free School, together with the rents and profits of four acres of land. That a law suit was insti- tuted, and a recovery had of the plantation and tract of land above mentioned ; and that only the four acres as aforesaid remains to the use intended by the testator ; and the petitioner being Heir at Law of the said deceased, he prays that the four acres aforesaid vested in Him, Report, That your committee are of opinion that to legislate upon principles affecting the will of the testator would be an interference highly improper, therefore recommend that the petition be rejected. Submitted. A. Philips, Chairman. — Senate Journal, ISIS, p. 12. In the name of God, amen. I Miles Benton of Gates County and State of J^OTth Carolina being of a sound and well disposing mind and memory do make constitute and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following Viz — Imprimis I leave to my loving wife Nansey Benton the use of one third part of my land and plantation whereon I now live during her natural life and after her death to be disposed of as hereafter mentioned. Also I give and bequeath to my said wife one feather bed and furniture with walnut bedsted and curtain belonging to the same, also two chests one a pine and the other a cypress one, also one small walnut dressing table and dressing glass, also two large looking glasses, also one small trunk to her and her heirs forever. Bextox's Free School, 1813. 87 Item, I give and bequeath to John Tatain alias Benton the other two thirds of my land and plantation whereon I now live and after the death of my wife the other third to him his heirs forever. Item I leave to my brother Josiah Benton the use of my land and plantation whereon he now lives during his life and after his death it is my will and desire that the said land be equally divided between my two nephews. Jethro Benton and Henry Benton — to them and their heirs for- ever. Item I give and bequeath to John Tatem alias Benton the land and plantation whereon John Sanders lived, with as much land joining thereto as will make fifty acres of the whole to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item, It is my will and desire that the balance of land wherein those fifty acres are given to John Tatem alias Benton are taken out of, be equally divided between my two nephews. Jethro and Henry Benton s to them their heirs and assigns forever. Item, It is mv -will and desire _ o •- Certain property to that my land and plantation I purchased of Luke Sum- cle^use^fora ner be sold by my executors on a credit of twelve months, and the money ariseing therefrom to be let at interest and the interest ariseing from the principal be applied to build- ing a school house and hireing of a teacher for the purpose of a free school, and that said school house to be built within two miles of the place where I now reside, and all children with [in] four miles of my place of residence be permitted to be taught in said school, — It is my desire that Management of the , . .. rt • ** I • 1 !■ school. tne court appoint commissioners to Superintend said free school from year to year during time — Item. I give and bequeath to my sister-in-law Elizabeth Benton, wife of Josiah Benton, one negro girl named Clarkey to be at her own disposal. Item, I give and bequeath to my friend 0ther pr0T ijj ns. Ivedar Ballard my riding horse Adams — to him his heir^ and assigns forever. Item, It is my will and desire that all my personal estate of all kinds (excepting negroes) be sold and the money arising therefrom o-o towards paving mv just debts, and if there should not be money sufficient Benton's Free School, 1813. to discharge my just debts, it is my will that my executors sell as mauy of my negroes discresionally as will be suffi- cient to satisfy all my just debts. Item, I give and be- queath to my loving wife ]STansey Benton one third part of all my negroes after my debts are paid — to her her heirs and assigns forever. Item It is my will and desire that the other two thirds of my negroes not already given, be equally divided between John Tatem alias Benton — Luckey Benton Elizabeth L. Benton, — Patsey H. Benton, Jethro Benton — Henry Benton and Mary Benton, wife of Mills Benton all share and share alike to them their heirs and assigns forever. Item It is my will and desire that my house at the cross road meeting house with two acres of land on each side of the road leading to Edenton, ad- joining the cross road leading to the creek be leased or rented as my executors think proper, and the money arise- ing therefrom be appropriated to the same purposes as the money arising from the sale of the land I purchased of Luke Sumner and continue for the same term. Item I give and bequeath to my sister in law Elizabeth Benton widow of Jethro Benton dec'd ten dollars per year out of a lease rent from William Benton for ten years, to her, her heirs and assigns forever. Item — all the rest and residue of my estate of what kind soever I leave to be divided as fol- lows, one third part to my loving wife Nancy Benton and the other two thirds to be divided between the two sons of Josiah Benton, John Tatem alias Benton, and the three daughters of Jethro Benton elec'd, all share and share alike. Lastly I nominate and appoint my friends Kedar Ballard and Thomas Parker to be my executors to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of June, 1805, Signed — Sealed, published and declared by the testator to be his last will and testament in presence of Jos. Jr. Sumner James Knight — Jacob Benton. Miles Benton (Seal.) [The above will was probated at November County Court 1805.] 2. THE WAYNE COUNTY FREE SCHOOL. An Act to establish a Free School in the county of Wayne. That Silas Hollowell, John Davis, JSTieholson Washing- Trustees appointed, ton, Robert G. Greene, John Hooks, Sampson Lane, (Jul len Blaekman, Jesse Slocumbe, Laurence Wood, Robert Collier, and Barnabas AlcKimiie, shall be and they are hereby declared a body politic and corporate to be known corporate powers. and distinguished by the name of the Trustees of the Free School of the county of Wayne, and by the name afore- said they shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and they or a majority of them shall be able and capable in law to take, demand, receive, and possess all money, goods and chattels that shall be given them from charitable motives for the use of said Free School, and the same to apply according to the will of the donor, and by gift, purchase or devise, shall have, receive and retain to them and their successors forever, any lands, rents, tenements or hereditaments of what kind or nature the same may be in special trust and confidence, that the same or the profit thereof or all be applied for the purpose of establishing and endowing the said Free School. II. That the said Trustees or a majority of them, shall Government ami determine on the place for establishing the said Free school. School, and adopt such rules and regulations for erecting the buildings and for the government of said Free School, and particularly for the preservation of religion, order and good morals therein as a majority of the said Com- missioners or Trustees may desire for that purpose, and they are hereby declared to possess the same powers which the Trustees of any other seminary of learning within this State have or may possess or enjoy. Provided, the same are not contrary to the Constitution of this State or the United States. III. That upon the death, resignation, removal 01 89 How vacancies are to be filled. 90 Wayne County Fkee School, 1813. refusal to act of any of the said Trustees, it shall be law- ful for the remaining Trustees or a majority of them to appoint others to act in their room, anci"lvhen so elected they shall have the same powers as those appointed by this act. byioltery bemised IV - That tlie said Trustees or a majority of them are hereby authorized to raise by lottery a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars, by such scheme or schemes as they may think proper to devise, and the same shall be applied solely and exclusively to the use and benefit of the said Free School in such manner as may be by them pre- scribed. V. That the said Trustees shall enter into bond pay- able to the Chairman of the county court of Wayne for the time being, and his successors for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of their appointment 1 . —Laws 1S13, chap. XXV, p. 17. 1 This school was never established, it seems. There is no existing record of its establishment that can be found. 3. FATETTEVILLE OEPHA> ASYLUM. An Act to incorporate the Female Orphan Asylum So- ^u^ttonVf^or ciety of Fayetteville. cMldren " I. That the individuals who are at present associated in the town of Fayetteville for the education of poor children, under the name of the "Fayetteville Orphnn Asylum," and those who may hereafter become members of the said association agreeably to the rules which may be therein established, be and the same are herebv incur- corporate powers " conferred. porated into body corporate and politic by the name of the "Fayetteville Orphan Asylum.'' and as such shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, be capable of acquiring and holding real and personal estate, have ability to make and ordain laws and regulations for their own government and elect their own officers, and generally to receive and perform all such matters and things as right- fully belonging to or are usually incident to bodies corpor- ate and politic within this State, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And whereas it appears by representations made to the General Assembly, that it is the wish and intention of the said soeietv to seek out as Parental care of children. objects of their charity, children who are destitute of both parents and who would become chargeable to the county iu which they reside, which said children they the said society intend to board, clothe and educate, and when properly cjualified and of suitable ages, to have them bound out to suitable trades, whereby they may become useful members of society ; therefore, II. That the aforesaid society are hereby authorized to society may bind i ii- n • ' -i • -i l out children. take under tneir care and protection, by and with the con- sent of the Wardens of the Poor for Cumberland county, or any three of them, any such children who are destitute of both parents and who might become chargeable to the county; which said children they the said society shall be 91 92 Fayetteville Okphan Asylum, 1813. allowed to board, clothe, and educate, until the society con- ceive them properly qualified to bind out to proper trades or professions, and whenever said society conceive such children so qualified, they are hereby authorized, by and with the consent of the County Court of Cumberland, to bind out such children in the same manner as the County Courts have heretofore done. — Laws 1813, Chap. XLIY, p. 26. 1814 1. THE DIXON CHARITY FUND. 93 Notice of Alexan- der Dixon's death. Bequest of $12,000 to education of poor children. 1. THE DIXON CHARITY FUND. DlED, At his residence in Duplin county, on the 22nd March last, Alexander Dixon, Esq. in the 69th year of his age. This gentleman had no family. Some months previous to his death had made his Will, and after discharging three small legacies to three of his nephews, two of whom were his executors, and their legacies intended only as com- pensation for their services over and above what the Law would allow them for carrying the object of the will into effect, he devised the whole of his estate real and personal to be sold and the monies arising therefrom to create a fund for establishing a Charity School for the Education of poor Children in the county of Duplin. The Estate was clear of debt; and is ascertained by his Executors, after being settled, will raise a fund of upwards of $12,000 for the object of this benevolent institution. — The Will was confirmed at the county court of Duplin in July last, much to the satisfaction of Col. William Dickson, his elder and surviving brother. — Raleigh Register, Aug. 5, ISlJf. Will of Alexander Dickson, (June 19, 1813.) All landed prop- erty to be sold . IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I, Alexander Dick- son, of the county of Duplin, being infirm in Body, but of sound and perfect memory, blessed be God, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, IMPEIMTS. My will is, and so I direct, that all my just debts and personal expenses be first paid out of my estate by my Executors hereinafter named. It is my will and desire that all my Lands be sold at Public Auction 94 Dixon Charity Fuxd. 95 by my executors, for the highest price that may be got, in the following manner, that is to say, the Manor Plantation containing 300 acres bought of Joseph Dickson, deceased. The 313 acres adjoining the same bought of Austin Beas- ley, and 1 1-2 acres adjoining that, where the dead tree is, bought of Thomas ]\IcGee and 86 acres between his own aud Joseph Brays lines, bought of said Bray, containing in the whole 716 1-1 acres, which said parcels of land, as above described, is to be sold all in one lott. Also 150 acres on the West side of Maxwell Swamp on the head of Jimmie's Branch bought of Abner Huggins, that to be sold in one lott. Also 50 acres on the South side of the head of Branch, bought of Robert Dickson, de- ceased. Also 50 acres adjoining the same, at the East end and joining John McGowan's line. Patented by my- self, the two above mentioned pieces to be sold in one lott. Also 300 acres, or thereabouts, below the cross roads and on both sides of the main road, adjoining and between Gabriel H. James, Robert Dickson and John Hunter's lines to be sold in one lott, Patented by myself. Item — I leave and bequeath to my nephew John Dick- Bequest to John son (son of my Brother Robert Dickson, of Cumberland County, Blockers Ferry) my young Xegro Winch named Amy and her increase to him and his heirs forever. Item — I leave and bequeath to my nephew, Joseph Me- Bequest to Joseph Gowan, my Xegro Woman named Xaney and her increase to him and his heirs forever. Item — I leave and bequeath to my Xephew, Jones Dick- Bequest to Jones son, Five Hundred Dollars to be paid in Xotes, if so much in possession at the time of my death, if not. to be raised out of the sails of my estate and paid to him by my exe- cutors. The residue of mv negroes is to be sold in the following Negroes to be sold ; i ■ ™ i t i i t-w 1 -r ~ other property also. manner, that is to say. Old -Lucy and her Daughter Lucy and her son Prank and her increase hereafter to be sold 96 Dixon Charity Fund. Free school in Duplin. in one lott, and not separated. Also Kitt and the three youngest children that she may have at the time of my decease to be sold in one lott and not separated. Old Tarisman is to be well treated by my executors and not let want for anything. The Negroes not herein named are to be sold separate to the highest bidder. The remaining part of my estate, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hoggs and Sheep, Household and Kitchen furniture and Plantation Tools of every description and Kinds of Crop and Pro- duce are to be sold in the same way as my other Propertv. The money arising from the said sales are to be collected by my executors when due as soon as may be. Should there be any money, Bonds or Notes, or accounts on hand at the time of my decease, my executors are to account for them and after paying out all expenditures that may have accrued heretofore, or may hereafter accrue, the neete proceeds are then to be kept and put by my executors to the use of a Free School or Schools for the Benefit of the Poor of Duplin County. Lastly. I hereby nominate and appoint my Nephew, John Dickson, son of my Brother Robert Dickson, de- ceased, living at Blockers Ferry, Cumberland County, and also my Nephew, Joseph McGowan, of Duplin County, son of William McGowan, deceased, my whole and sole executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Wit- ness Whereof I the said Alexander Dickson, have hereunto set his hand and seal this nineteenth day of June Eighteen hundred and thirteen. Alexander Dickson, (Seal) Signed, sealed and delivered by the Testator to be his last Will and Testament, who hath in our presence signed the same and we at his request have signed the same as witnesses thereto. Stephen Graham. William Mallard. Dixon Charity Fund. 97 State of North Carolina — Duplin County. July Term of the County Court of Please and Quarter Sessions for said County of Duplin. The within Will was Exhibited into Court and after Probate, being duly debated and discussed was admitted to probate and Record. And was duly proved in open Court by the oaths of Stephen Graham and William Mallard the sub- scribing witnesses thereto. And at the same time John Dickson and Joseph Mc- Gowan the Executors named in the said will came before the Court and Qualified as Executors thereto according to law. Ordered that letters issue accordingly. Test. Wm. Dickson, C. C. Across the back of said Will is the following endorse- Endorsement, ment: Alexander Dickson's Will Proved and Recorded July Term, 1814. On the 24th of January, 1817, the executors reported Value of fund 1817 a settlement of the estate, showing a net balance on hand of $12,621.49. This fund has always been known as the "Dickson Charity Fund," and until after the Civil War was managed and controlled by the Clerk and Master i 11 control of fund un - Equity and the income applied in various ways for edu- nl after cml war ' cational purposes. In recent years it has been managed by the Board of County Commissioners, and the income applied to the public school fund. But through years Fund mismanaged of mismanagement and ill-directed investments, it has almost come to naught, and, like most bequests of this kind, has not served the high purpose for which it was intended by the donor. — From Carr's Dickson Letters, MS. of Revised Edi- tion. 7 97 98 Dixon Charity Fund. Present Income Dickson Fund. The County Treasurer of Duplin County for the year 1904-05, reported- that he received $140.88 interest from the Dickson Fund. For the year 1905-06, he reported $140.89 from the same source. — From MS. Records, Office State Superintendent. 1815 1. GOV. MILLER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 99 1. GOV. MILLER S MESSAGE OK EDUCATION. class distinction Knowledge and virtue are the great supporters of free ought to be ° ° rJr avoided. governments. In a country like ours, nothing should be more carefully guarded against, than the establishment of anything like different orders in society. When the sources of information are confined to a few, it may have a tendency to introduce into society an order of men, who, valuing themselves upon their superior acquirements, are too apt to look upon those, who have been less fortunate, with a degree of supercillious contempt. They may be too apt to imbibe the idea, that the people were made for them and not they for the people. Plan ought to be It is under the hand of Legislative patronage alone, every member of that the temple of science can be thrown open to all; and society. . ... it seems to me well worth the consideration of the Legis- lature, if some plan can not be devised by which every member of the community, no matter how circumscribed his situation, may have an opportunity of experiencing the benefits of education. ah can not be edu- The progress which has been made of late in the estab- cated except by . . . public patronage, hshment of seminaries for the education of youth evinces a spirit of genius in the people of this State for literary acquirements. But so long as these establishments are left to depend for support upon the individual exertion their beneficial effects must necessarily be partial. It is under the fostering hand of legislative patronage alone that the temple of science can be thrown open to all. — House Journal, 1815. 100 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. House Committee 1 on "Seminaries of Learning" : House committee. [Frederick N"ash, Orange, and Simmons J. Baker, Martin. — House Journal, 1815. Senate Committee 1 on "Seminaries of Learning" : senate committee. James McKay, Bladen. — Senate Journal, 1815. 1 This was a joint committee of both houses of the Assembly. The committee made no report. This was the first Assembly committee on education ever appointed. 101 1810 1. GOV. MILLER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 3. MURPHEY'S REPORT. 4. GOV. MILLER ON EMIGRATION. 5. LOTTERY FOR FAYETTEVILLE ACADEMY REFUSED. 6. THE GRIFFIN FREE SCHOOL 1816-1840. 102 1. GOV. WILLIAM MILLER'S MESSAGE 0> EDUCATION. The subject of education has ahvays been one of pri- The more ignorant the hetter. if men niary importance, with all governments established for the are intended for J r ' ° ^ slaves. benefit of the great body of people. Men intended for slaves the more ignorant the better. But, if for freedom, they ought, of course, to be enlightened. If the wealthy alone be admitted into the temple of science, the most dangerous species of aristocracy may be apprehended, from the union of two such powerful agents, as wealth and talents. A plan by which the means of obtaining some portion Fund for advance . o l ,• i re -i j , n • v ment of literature of education may be arrorded to every one, however mdi- proposed. gent is, without doubt, practicable. The example set in a neighboring state, in establishing funds for the advance- ment of literature and internal improvements, seems well worthy of imitation. — House Journal, 1816. 103 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES 01V EDUCATION. senate committee. Nov. 22, 1816. Resolved That so much of the said message, as relates to the subject of Public Instruction, be referred to a select joint committee 1 . And on the part of the Senate Mr. Murphey and Mr. Hinton are ap- pointed 2 . ■ — Senate Journal, 1816-17. House"committee. 'Nov. 24, 1816. House Committee on Public Instruc- tion : Frederick Nash, Orange ; Thomas Settle, Rocking- ham ; William Drew, Halifax town ; Samuel King, Iredell. — House Journal, 1816-17, p. 8. Resolution was introduced by A. D. Murphey, Orange. 1 A. D. Murphey, Orange, and John Hinton, Jr , Wake. 104 3. MURPHEY'S REPORT. Dec. 19, 1816. — The committee to whom was referred so much of the message of His Excellency the Governor as relates to the subject of Public Instruction, report: That after forty years of succssful experiment, the most The united states J J x ^ 7 has had forty years sceptical can not doubt the excellence of the svsteni of of successful gov- L u ernment. government which we have adopted. Suited to our geo- graphical situation, to our genius for commercial enter- prise, and to our opinions of civil liberty, it has carried us in triumph through the perils of a revolution at a time when it wanted the federative strength which it now possesses ; and in a late war has exacted the respect, if not the admiration, of distant nations. The national charac- ter has given force to the operations of the government, and has exhibited both the splendid virtues which adorn a nation and the more humble virtues which ornament private life. It is the government of our choice, and that of our forefathers, who established it. The inheri- This inheritance . Tin should be handed tance is precious ; and, whilst we cherish it with all the down to our cmi- L ' ' dren unimpaired. feelings of an ardent patriotism, let us in prudence seek to give to it improvement and duration, that our children may receive it from us unimpaired, but rendered more rich by the culture which we shall bestow upon it. A republic is bottomed upon the virtue of her citizens ; it is knowledge x , . . only that lights the and that virtue consists in the faithful discharge of moral path of duty. and social duties and in obedience to the laws. But it is knowledge only, that lights up the path of duty, unfolds the reasons of obedience and points out to man the pur- poses of his existence. In a government, therefore, which Pub i ic V i rt ue , ,t it'j re iiit J demands the diffu- rests upon the public virtue, no efforts should, be spared S ion of knowledge, to diffuse public instruction ; and the government which makes those efforts, finds a pillar of support in the heart of every citizen. It is true that knowledge and virtue do not always go hand in hand ; that shining talents are 105 106 Murphey's Report, 1816. Men are virtuous in the degree they are enlightened. Wisdom gives exer- cise to the generous sensibilities. The great body of the people are the strength of the State. The State should afford to all the opportunity to learn their rights and duties. This requires a system of public education. The system adopt- ed should make provision for all ' classes. sometimes united with a corrupt heart, but such cases only form exceptions to a general rule. In all ages and in all countries, the great body of the people have been found to be virtuous in the degree in which they have been en- lightened. There is a gentleness in wisdom, which softens the angry passions of the soul, and gives exercise to its generous sensibilities. And there is a contentment which it brings to our aid : humility in times of prosperity, forti- tude in the hour of adversity, and resignation in affliction. True wisdom teaches men to be good rather than great ; and a wise providence has ordered that its influence should be most felt where it is most needed, among the great body of the people, who, constituting the strength of the State, have no other ambition than to see their country prosper and their wives and children and friends happy. To the several classes who compose this great body, the attention of the government should be particularly direct- ed ; to teach them their duties and enable them to under- stand their rights. The frightful examples of a few indi- viduals who are led astray by the temptations of vice or the seductions of pleasure, will not deter the State from doing its duty. She will extend her maternal care to all her children. She will endeavor to reclaim the vicious, to strengthen the wavering, to reward those who do well, and afford to all the apportunities of learning their duties and their rights. To effect this benevolent purpose, a judicious system of public education must be established. Few subjects pre- sent more serious difficulties, none is of more vital im- portance. To frame a system which shall suit the condi- tion of our country and the genius of its government, which shall develop the faculties of the mind and improve the good dispositions of the heart ; which shall embrace in its views the rich and the poor, the dull and the sprightly is a work of great magnitude and requires details to give it efficacy, which the little time allowed to your commit- Murphey^s Report, 1816. 107 tee will not permit them to attempt. They will, however. Details should be . . in- i worked out bv a give their general views upon the subiect and recommend committee and re- 00 ;*-_ _ ported to next to the Legislature to appoint men to till up the outlines Assembly. in detail and make report to the next General Assembly. Your committee feel proud to look back and review Few states have re i-ii i l ■ a- i r\ t t e excelled North the efforts which have been made m JNorth Carolina to dii- Carolina in exam- pies of private fuse public instruction. Few states have afforded such donations to edu- J- cation. examples of private munificence for this purpose. And the Legislature has lent its fostering care, by establishing an University and endowing it with funds. But your private effort has , . , * not been entirely committee regret that such success has not attended these successful. benevolent efforts of their fellow citizens as they seem to have merited ; and they entertain the fear that no better success will hereafter attend them, until a general system a general system of public education shall be established and enforced bv should include " schools from pri- the Legislature. This general system must include a ^ aT J !? the o o . «/ highest. gradation of schools regularly supporting each other, from the one in which the first rueliments of education are taught to that in which the highest branches of the sciences are cultivated. It is to the first schools in this gradation that The primary , schools in which your committee beg leave to draw the attention of the reading, writing " _ and arithmetic are Legislature at this time, because in them will be taught the ^"S 11 * mtt yl]? the learning indispensable to all — reading, writing auel arith- state ' metic. These schools must be scattered over every sec- tion of the.. State, for in them education must be com- menced and there it will terminate as to more than one- half of the community. These schools will be the most difficult in th; ir orgaui- Primary schools _ most expensive and zation, and the most expensive to the State : but thev will difficult to organ- ' L J ize, while they are be the most useful, inasmuch as all the children of the the most usefuL State will be taught in them, and many of these children are destined never to be taught in any other. Here their education will commence anel have its end. With the learning which they here acquire, they will pass into active life and take rank with their fellow citizens. It is important therefore that in these schools the precepts of 108 Mtjbphey's Report, 1816. Morality and reii- morality and religion should be inculcated, and habits of gion highly impor- tant- subordination and obedience formed. One of the greatest blessings which the State can confer upon her children is to instill into their minds at an early period moral and religions truths. Depraved must be the heart that does not feel their influence throughout life. It is a subject of Early education of deep regret that at this time in North Carolina the earb- children now left L ° " to chance. education of youth is left in a great measure to chance. Thousands of Thousands of unfortunate children are growing up in children growing . . , ,, . -, 3 -,. • j , up in periect perfect ignorance 01 their moral and religious duties. ignorance. Their parents equally unfortunate know not how to in- struct them, and have not the opportunity or ability of placing them under the care of those who could give them The state should instruction. The State, in the warmth of her affection unfortunates. and solicitude for their welfare, must take charge of those children and place them im schools where their minds can be enlightened and their hearts can be trained to virtue, children of the There is another class of unfortunate children who are nate often attain" objects of anxious solicitude. These are the children of wealth and honors. the poor, whose parents, bereft of the comforts of lite, are rendered doubly wretched by seeing their children bereft of the opportunities of education. How often among these children do we not see the most promising genius ? And how often has not this genius been seen to burst the fetters which enchained it to the bed of poverty and tower- ed its way to wealth and honours ? Genius delights to toil with difficulties: they discipline its powers and animate Many whose vir- ^ s courage. Hence it has happened that many whose humanity were ned elevation has been prominent and whose virtues have adorned humanity have been born in the lap of poverty. The state should The State must take into her bosom these poor children, a^dlducaKhese and feed and clothe and educate them at the public ex- &an r sferring e the pense. Such of them as give proofs, of genius and hopes higher schools. of future usefulness should be transferred to schools of higher grade, and eventually brought forward into active life under the public patronage. Among these youths who Murphey's Keport, 1816. 109 shall thus be educated at the public expense, the State will find her most useful citizens. Their devotion to her interests will be unbounded; her attachment to them will be unlimited. From these teachers may be selected for Tnus the state • coulcl st*cu.rt? the schools m which they are qualified to teach ; and, as teachers, they have been educated at the public expense because they were poor, they must in return teach gratuitously the poor children placed under their care. And, to stimulate them to honest and active exertions, let those who shall faithfully discharge their duty in teaching for the time required of them, be rewarded for their fidelity by being advanced into higher schools and instructed in the sciences at the public expense. Discreet persons must be appointed in each countv to Discreet persons " should be appoint- superintend and manage the concerns of the sectional ^ d in each county r o to manage the schools which shall be established, and to designate the several ^adel children who shall be educated in part or in the whole at the public expense. The application of the funds which shall be consecrated to the purposes of these schools shall be made by them. There yet remains one class of unfortunate human Deaf and dumb , ... ' . should be edu- bemgs who have peculiar claims upon our humanity and cated. who must not be overlooked in a plan of public instruction. These are the deaf and the dumb. There is a language of nature, expressed by the countenance, which all un- derstand. This is the language of feeling, and, being the only one known to the deaf and dumb, is by them spoken with peculiar eloquence. But the artificial language neces- sary to the acquaintance of abstract ideas and to the de- velopment of the intellectual faculties remained unknown to this part of our species, until lately, when Providence in its goodness vouchsafed to discover to the Abbe de Or. Epee the method of applying signs scientifically to their instruction. And at this day they can be taught language and instructed in religion, morals and the sciences about HO Murphey's Report, 1816. Connecticut first to as easily as those who can hear and speak. Connecticut education of the has had the honor of establishing the first asylum for the deaf and dumb. . deaf and the dumb upon this Continent. And Messrs. Gallaudet and Clerc who have been the active ministers of humanity in founding this asylum deserve the thanks of the human race. The number of the deaf and dumb in North Carolina is not great, but, small as it is, it claims the humane attentions of the government, our highest duty When we shall commence this great work of national to our fellow-beings ° whenTTOrface ffea charity, of establishing schools for public instruction in the h m n eansof r edu h every section of the State, and educating at the public ex- pense those to whom poverty has denied the means of educating themselves, may we not hope that a benevolent God will smile upon our labours and cause them to pros- per ? We shall have discharged the highest duty which w« owe to our fellow-beings, when we shall place within their power the means of learning those things which belong to their temporal and everlasting peace. Now possible to ap- To carry into effect any General System of Public In- propriate 8500,000 . . to carry on a gen- struction much expense must be incurred. But vour com- eral system of d education. mittee rejoice that the state of our finances will shortly put it in the power of the Legislature to appropriate nearly half a million dollars to this purpose, and yet not withhold the appropriations which shall be necessary to complete the system of Internal Improvements now under considera- tion. Your committee would gladly exhibit views of our finances to prove that this would be the result, but that duty more properly belongs to the committee who have the subject of the public revenue under consideration. Your committee forbear to attempt the details which will be necessary to give effect to the system of education which they recommend to the consideration of the Legisla- Detaiis of the plan ture. Much time and much deliberation will be required of education to be reported later. to mature them and your committee recommend to the two Houses to adopt the following resolution : Mubphey's Report, 1816. Ill Committee ox Public Ixstbuctiox. Resolved, That the speakers of the two Houses of the committee to re- . port to next As- (jreneral Assembly appoint three persons, to digest a system sembiy. of public instruction founded upon the general principles of the foregoing* report, and submit the same to the con- sideration of the next General Assembly. 1 Respectfully submitted, A. D. Muephey, Chairman. Dec. 19, 1816: In Senate Deer. 19th 1816 Read and resolved that this House do concur therewith. Johx Branch Sp. S. — Senate Journal, 1816. In House of Commons 21 Deer. 1816 Read and re- solved that this House do concur therewith. Jas. Ieedell S. IT. C. 1 No record as to who was appointed on this committee. 4. GOV. WILLIAM MILLER ON EMIGRATION. our products go The State of jSTorth Carolina, though not so highly to swell exports of » , >, n . , , two sister states, favored as some oi her sister states, has yet many ad- vantages, which if properly improved, would give her that stand in the union, to which her population and extent of territory so eminently entitle her. * * * Situated as she now is, a great part of her produce goes to swell the amount of the exports of the two adjoining States. To prevent this, State pride as well as interest should prompt system of internal us to use every exertion. Let her rivers be made navi- ^cessaiytofree gable, and if practicable her outlets to the ocean opened, North Carolina -. . , , , , . , from commercial and ere long, we should have her agriculture improving, dependence and to _ _ ° prevent emigra- h er commercial towns risine; to importance, the value ox tion. . ° x ' her land increasing, and her people, instead of seeking new countries, contented to remain at home and cultivate the soil that gave them birth. Instead, then, of only con- tributing to the wealth and aggrandisement of others, we should be enabled to manage our own commercial concerns, and to free ourselves from a degrading species of depend- ence unon the citizens of other States. — From Governor s Message, House Journal, 1816. 112 5. LOTTERY FOR FAYETTEYTLLE ACADEMY REFUSED. A Bill to authorize the Trustees of Fayetteville to raise by way of Lottery a sum of money for the use of said school. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Fayetteviiie Acad- . emy authorized North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority to raise J d * by lottery. of the same, That the Trustees of the Fayetteville Academy be and they are hereby authorized to raise by way of one or more lotteries the sum of five thousand dollars for the use and benefit of said Academy. And be it further enacted, That before the Trusteees Aforesaid shall proceed to use and dispose of any tickets In the Lotterv hereby authorized, they shall give bond ir Trustees to ?ive bond. the sum of Five Thousand Dollars payable to the Commis- sioners of the Town of Fayetteville for the fair conducting of said Lottery or Lotteries, which bond may be put in suit without assignment for the benefit of any person in- jured by the misconduct of said Trustees. In House of Commons Dec. 24, 1816 : Read and In- Rpfused _ definitely Postponed. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1816. 113 6. THE GBIFEIJV FKEE SCHOOL— 1816-1840. GRIFFIN VS. GKAHAM AND OTHERS— FROM JOHNSTON. IN EQUITY. Moses Griffin* made his will, containing the following devises and bequests: "I appoint E. G., W. G., &c, trus- tees of my estate, and executors of my will — I give the remainder of my estate" (after certain legacies and pay- ment of his debts) "to my said trustees and executors, in trust, to be managed by them to the best advantage for the purpose hereinafter mentioned. I desire my landed property shall not be sold, but rented out to the best ad- vantage. I desire that my trustees and executors, out of the issues and profits of my estate, real and personal, shall purchase two acres of ground in JSTewbem, and as soon as the funds arising from the profits of my estate be deemed by them sufficient to make a commencement, that a brick house shall be erected on said land, suitable for a school room, and finished in a plain manner, fit for the accom- modation of indigent scholars, and be called 'Griffin's Free School.' And it is my desire, that as soon as the house is finished, and the funds arising from the profits of my estate will admit, a proper schoolmaster shall be employed to teach and educate therein, as many orphan children, or the children of poor and indigent parents, who, in the judgment of my trustees are best entitle to the donation, ss the funds are equal to — and it is my wish to clothe and maintain the indigent scholars as well as school them ; and when they shall arive at the age of fourteen, it is my de- sire that my executors bind them out to suitable occupa- tions. And to prevent misconception, my meaning is, that the amount of my estate, real and personal, be considered as a principal sum, and remain undiminished forever; and * Died in 1816. 114 The Griffin Free School. 115 that the issues and profits only shall be appropriated to the support of the said free school. And it is my desire, that all interest arising from money, shall be put out at in- terest again, and be deemed principal, and continue at interest until, by my executors, it shall be deemed suffi- cient to put the institution in operation." The heirs at law and next of kin, filed this bill against the executors and trustees, praying to have the trusts de- clared void, and that the Defendants might be declared the trustees for them and for an account. Held by a majority of this Court, that the Statute of the 43d of Elizabeth, c. 4, is in force in this State, and that the Court of Equity, by virtue of it, has jurisdiction of all charities. Held also, that independent of that statute, and though the jurisdiction of charities in England belong to the Court of Chancery, not as a Court of Equity, but as administer- ing the prerogative of the Crown, the Court of Equity of this State hath the like jurisdiction : for, upon the revolu- tion, the political rights and duties of the King devolved upon the people in their sovereign capacity ; and they, by their representatives, have placed this power in the Courts of Equity, by the acts of Assembly of 1778, c. 5, and 1782, e. 11. But if this were not so: it is further It eld, that as there are trustees and a trust for a definite charity, and a speci- fic object pointed out, the Court would, as a mere matter of trust, take cognizance in this case, by virtue of its ordi- nary jurisdiction as a Court of Equity. Held also, that, if the Court of Equity had no juris- diction of charities, as such, nor of a trust relating to them, and could not, upon a bill by the trustees or others estab- lish the charity by decree, yet, inasmuch as the estate of the trustees is good at law, and the condition or the trust is certain and net unlawful, no trust results, in this case. 116 The Griffin Free School. for the heir or next of kin: and therefore the hill is dis- missed. Held also, that this will doth not create a perpetuity*. for the trustees have the power of alienation — and though notice to the purchaser might effect him in Equity, yet that, being a circumstance collateral to the power of selling, will not affect the question of perpetuity : and the clauses in the bill of rights and constitution, were designed only to prevent dangerous accumulations of individual wealth, and referred to estates-tail alone: the establishment of a permanent fund for charitable uses does not come within the mischief, and is not prohibited by either of these clauses, nor by the common law. — North Carolina Reports, Hawks' Law and Equity, June Term 1820, Vol. XIII, pp. 96-97. CHAPTEK LV. An Act to Incorporate the Trustees of Griffin^s Free School. \\ nereas Moses Griffin, late of the town of Newbern, by his will devised_all the residue of his estate to Edward Graham, William Gaston, John Devereux, Francis Hawks, and John Oliver upon trust, that they should, out of the rents and profits of his estate, both real and personal, pur- chase two acres of land in some convenient and healthy place near the town of Newbern ; and as soon as the funds arising from the issues and profits of his said estate should be deemed by the said trustees sufficient, that they should erect a brick house one and a half story high upon the said two acres of land, which said house the said testator directed to be thirty feet long and twenty feet wide, and to have a large room suitably furnished for a school room laid off on the first floor, the remainder of said house to be furnished in a plain manner fit for the accommodation of indigent scholars ; which house should be called Grif- fin's Free School. And whereas also the said testator The Griffin Free School. 117 directed further that as soon after the erection of the said house, as the funds arising from the issues and profits of his estate, both real and personal should admit of, a school- master should be employed for the purpose of teaching and educating therein as many orphan children or the children of such poor and indigent persons as were unable to ac- complish it by their own means, and who in the judgment of the said trustees were best entitled to the benefit of said donation, as the funds might be found equal to ; with a further direction to the said trustees that the said poor and indigent children should be boarded, clothed and ap- prenticed from the rents and profits of his estate, when- ever the funds arising therefrom should be sufficient ; with a permission by the said testator that the schoolmaster who might be employed by his said trustees should receive from the parents and guardians of twenty-five scholars other than indigent ones, such tuition as he might make terms for. And whereas the said Edward Graham and Fraiicis Hawks have died since their said testator, and it is desir- able that the said trustees should have a perpetual suc- cession : Therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That William Gaston, John Devereux, John Oliver, George S. Attmore, George Wilson, James C. Cole, John IST. Roberts, John T. Lance and John M. Bryan, be, and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of the Trustees of Griffin's Free School ; and shall have a perpetual succession and a com- mon seal; and be in law capable of suing and being sued, impleading or being impleaded, in all courts either of law or equity; and may take and receive from the said surviv- ing trustees, or the personal representatives of those who are dead, conveyances and assignments for all the lands, 118 The Gbiefin Free School. funds, stocks or choses in action which they hold from, the said testator; and further may take and receive, either by gift or will, any personal estate, funds or choses in action which may be given to them for the use of the said schooL il. And be it further enacted, That upon the death or removal of any of tiie said trustees, or upon any of them refusing to act in the said trust, the vacancy thus created shall be filled by the remaining trustees. III. And be it further enacted, Thai five of the said trustees shall be a quorum, for the transaction of all busi- ness. IV. And. be it further enacted, That the said trustees may elect a secretary and treasurer, who shall give bond, satisfactory to the trustees, for the faithful discharge of his duties as secretary and treasurer, and who shall re- ceive such compensation as may be settled by the said ' trustees. And whereas it is represented that a suit in equity is now peuding for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of the assets of the said Moses Griffin, which may be in the hands of John Devereux or John Oliver, survivors of his executors who proved the said will, or which may have come to the hands of Edward Graham or Francis Hawks : V. Be it further enacted, That when the accounts in the said suit have been taken and a final decree passed therein, it shall and may be lawful for the said surviving trustees, or the executors or administrators of those who are dead, to pay any balance in their hands to the secretary and treasurer of the corporation hereby created ; and the receipt of such secretary and treasurer shall be a final dis- charge to the said trustees or said executors or administra- tors for the amount thus paid: Provided always, and it is hereby declared, that the said will of the said Moses Griffin, as above recited shall be held and deemed to *oe the fundamental law of the said corporation: And provided The 'Griffin Free School. 119 further, thai this act shall not be in force unless the sur- viving executors and trustees of the said Moses Griffin shall, within twelve calendar months after the passagt thereof, file in the office of the Secretary of the State their assent in writing to the same. — Laws of 1833-SJf., chapter LV, pp. 5^-55. 1817 1. GOV. MILLER'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 3. MURPHEY'S REPORT ON EDUCATION. 4. WALKER'S REPORT ON EDUCATION. 5. MURPHEY'S BILL TO DIFFUSE KNOWLEDGE. 6. FEMALE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF WILMINGTON. 7. LOTTERY FOR SMITHVILLE ACADEMY REFUSED. 120 1. GOV. MILLER'S MESSAGE OX EDUCATION. To enlighten the public mind in a free government, has Blessings of free ^ government ever been held the surest mode of perpetuating the bless- dependent on L L ° education. ings of that government. In proportion as each individual in a community is informed, just in that proportion is he calculated to appreciate the benefits derived from the com- munity. To devise a plan by which instruction may be extensively diffused, occupied some portion of the atten- tion of the last Legislature ; and as the subject may again be submitted for consideration, it may not be unreason- Attention im-ited 11 £ ,i •, ,• ., • ,. to consideration able for me thus to mvite your attention to it in a parti- of a pi«n of public instruction. cular manner. — House Journal, 1817. 121 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. senate committee. The Senate Committee on Education : Thomas Wynns, Hertford; Archibald D. Murphey, Orange. — Senate Journal 1817-18, p. 8. House eommittee. House Committee on Education : Alfred Moore, Brunswick ; David E. Caldwell, Iredell ; Hutchins G. Bur- ton, Halifax ; and Stephen L. Ferrand, Salisbury. — House Journal, 1817-18, p. llf. 122 3. MURPHEY'S REPORT 0> EDUCATION. Saturday, Xov. 29, 1S1T. — Mr. Murphey handed in the following report : The Committee to whom were referred so much of the Message of his Excellency the Governor, as relates to public instruction, Report Tn Part : zeal for the public welfare has taken That we have much reason to thank Providence for the ^fittcS strife 11 * 1 arrival of a period, when our country enjoying peace with foreign nations and. free from domestic inquietude, turns her attention to improving her physical resources, and the moral and intellectual condition of her citizens. The war of party spirit which for twenty years has disturbed her tranquility and perverted her ambition, has terminated; and political strife has yielded its place to an honorable zeal for the public welfare. Enlightened statesmen will avail themselves of this auspicious period to place the fortunes of the State upon a basis not to be shaken ; to found and cherish institutions which will guarantee to the people the permanence of their government, and enable sentiment now in ■ • -n r-m favor of internal them to appreciate its excellence. The legislature oi improvements and ■ L x ° education. Xorth Carolina, giving to their ambition an honorable direction, have resolved to improve this period for the best interests of the State ; to adopt and carry into effect liberal plans of internal improvements ; to give encouragement to literature, and to diffuse the lights of knowledge among all classes of the community. Let us foster the spiiit which has gone abroad ; it will lead to the happiest results. If we ourselves should not live to witness them, and of seeing our children receive from our hands a country grow- ing rich in physical resources, and advancing in moral and intellectual excellence. This is the true way of giving strength and permanence to the government ; of giving to it roots in the hearts of the people, and nurturing it with ^ea^ovemment their affections. What people will not love a government their h'apphiess. 123 124 Mukphey's Report, 1817 Committee have prepared a system of public instruc- tion for all, in schools, from highest to lowest. Ample funds and board of adminis- tration necessary. Outline of plan of instruction. whose constant solicitude is for their happiness, and whose ambition is to elevate their character in the scale of intelli- gent beings. Having commenced this great work of Hu- manity, let us persevere in it with a patience that shall not tire, and with a zeal that shall not abate ; praying to the Father of all go&d, that he will enlighten and direct our course and finally crown our labors with success. Your committee have entered upon the eluties assigned to them with a full conviction of their importance, and of the difficulties which attend their discharge. But believ- ing that let the subject be taken up when it may, those difficulties will exist, and availing themselves of the light thrown upon the subject by the wisdom of others, the} have prepared a system of public instruction for North Carolina, which with much deference they beg leave to submit to the consideration of the General Assembly. In digesting this system they have adhered to the general principles of the report on this subject, submitted by the committee to the last Legislature, and have embraced a provision for the poor as well as the rich, and a gradation of schools from the lowest to the highest. To give effect to any plan of general education, it is essentially necessary that ample funds be provided, and that these funds and also the execution of the general plan, be committed to the care and direction of a board com- posed of intelligent and efficient men. Your committee reserve for a. more special report their views with respect to the creation of a fund for public instruction. This subject requires a minuteness of detail, which would only embarrass the general views which it is now their object to present to the consideration of the General Assembly. Your committee have considered the subject referred to them under the following divisions : 1. The creation of a fund for Public Instruction. 2. The constitution of a board to manage the fund and to carry into execution the plan of public instruction. AIurphey's Report, 1817 3 25 3. The organization of schools. ■i. The course of studies to be prescribed for each. 5. The modes of instruction. 6. The discipline and government of the schools. 7. The education of poor children at the public ex- pense. 8. An Asylum for the deaf and dumb. Having reserved for a more special report the creation Views on school ° L x fund reserved of a fund for public instruction, your committee will first for s P ecial report, submit their views with respect to the constitution of a board for the management of this fund, and the execution and superintendence of the general plan of education which they recommend. The Board of Public Ixstructiox. As the whole community will be interested in the plan Board, with Gov- of education, the members of the board should be selected to have charge of schools and the from different parts of the State. They have charge of all scl1001 fun <3- our literary institutions ; and to give more weight and re- spectability to their deliberations and resolves, the governor of the State should be placed at their head. It will be their province to manage and apply the fund committed to their care, to carry into execution from time to time as it shall be found practicable, the different parts of the plan of public education ; to superintend the same when in full operation ; to prescribe general rules and regula- tions for the discipline and government of the schools ; to make annual reports to the Legislature of their proceedings and of the state of the schools under their charge. Your committee do therefore recommend — 1st. That there shall be elected by joint ballot of the Assembly to elect ,-,'.-.. the board of six. two Houses of the General Assembly, six directors who shall be styled, "The board of public instruction"; that three of the directors shall reside at or to the eastward of the city of Raleigh, and three shall reside at or to the westward thereof. 126 Mukphey's Report, 1817 Governor ex-officio president. Secretary to be appointed. Compensation of members of board; annual and other meetings. Board may make rules and alter them. Board to have power to locate all schools, fix salaries of teachers appoint trustees, and devise plan of promotion from lower to higher schools. 2cl. That the governor for the time being, shall be ex officio president of the board ; but the board may ap- point a vice-president who shall preside in the absence of the governor. 3d. The board shall appoint a secretary and such other officers as may be necessary for conducting their business, who shall receive a reasonable compensation for their services. 4th. Until otherwise ordered, the members of the board shall receive the same compensation for their traveling to and from the place of their meeting; and the same per diem during their attendance on the board, as is now allow- ed by law to members of the General Assembly. Thev shall hold an annual meeting in the city of Raleigh at or near the time of meeting of the General Assembly. The president' of the board may at his own pleasure, or shall at the request of any two of the directors thereof, convene extra meetings of the board for the transaction of any extraordinary business. A majority of the whole number of directors shall ' be necessary to constitute a board for the transaction of business, but the president or any single director may adjourn from day to day until a board is formed. 5th. The board may at any time enact, alter or amend such rules as to them may seem proper for the purpose of regulating the order of their proceedings; they may adjourn for any period or meet at any place, where they may think the public interests shall require. They shall have power subject to the limitations to be provided by law, to establish and locate the several academies directed by law to be established ; to determine the number and titles of the professorships therein ; to examine, appoint and regulate the compensation of the several professors and teachers ; to appoint in the first instance the trustees of the several academies and primary schools, according to such general rules as shall be established by law; to Mukphey's Report, 1817. 127 provide some just and particular mode of advauciug from the primary schools to the academies, and from academies to the university, as many of the most meritorious children educated at the public expense, as the proceeds of the fund for public instruction may suffice to educate and maintain, after the whole system of public instruction hereby recommended, shall be put into operation; to man- age the fund for public instruction, and apply its pro- ceeds in carrying into execution and supporting the plan of education committed to their care; and in giving effect to this plan, the board shall regard the primary schools at its foundation, and care shall be taken that the proceeds of the fund for public instruction shall not be applied to the establishment of any academy, so long as it is probable that such application may leave any primary school unprovided for. And the board shall have power to enact, alter or amend such bye-laws, rules and regulations relative to the various subjects committed to their trust, as to them may seem expedient : Provided the same be not inconsistent with the laws of the State ; and they shall recommend to the General Assembly from time to time, such general laws in relation to public instruction, as may in their opinion, be calculated to promote the intellectual and moral improvement of the State. 6th. The directors of the board of public instruction Jgggj; ££g£ for the time being shall, ex officio, be trustees of the uni- ° ftheUni ™ rsi ty- versify of this State. 7th. The treasurer of the State shall have charge of tTfEThargT* 6 the fund for public instruction, and the proceeds thereof ofschoolfund - shall be paid upon warrants drawn by the president of the board ; and all expenses incurred in carrying into effect the system of public instruction and supporting the same, shall be charged upon this fund and paid out of the proceeds thereof. 8th. The board of public instruction shall annually 2£Si?5!Srtaf submit to the General Assembly at or near the commence- pubUcfeducation. 128 Murphey's Report, 1817 ment of their session, a view of the state of public educa- tion within the State, embracing a history of the progress or declension during the year next preceding, and illustrat- ing its actual condition and future prospects ; and also setting forth the condition of the fund committed to their trust for public instruction. corp r oration. a 9 th. The board of public instruction shall be a body politic in law ; shall have a common seal and perpetual succession; shall by the name and style of "The Board of Public Instruction," be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded ; and shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges of a corporation. The Organization oe Schools. of e c EDUCATION. Monday, Dec. 8, 1817.— The Speaker laid before the House the following letter : To The Horible The Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir, Having been appointed by the Speakers of the two walker's letter Houses of the Legislature,' of NO. Ca: in obedience to a joint Resolution of that Honb le body, at their last Ses- sion ; a Commissioner, in common, with two other gentle- men, to digest a plan of Popular Education, and being unable to communicate with those Gent n on the subject — I have deemed it my duty, through you, to lay before your Hon: body the Plan of Education herewith submitted — Accept, Sir, of my Respects John M. Walker. December 6th, 1817. The report was read and ordered to be sent to the Sen- toSrtatwSSrt ate with a message, proposing to have it printed, one copy repor ' for each member of the assembly. — House Jornal, 1817, p. 59. To The Honorable the Legislature of Xorth Carolina, Gentlemen, At a time when the American people; from St. Croix, importance of r r } ; public education. to the Mississippi, accord in estimating the vast impor- tance of public Education. And when the Executives of every state, are annually increasing the recommendation of the subject, to the immediate representatives of the people : I cannot fail to be duly impressed with the im- portance of the trust, committed to me, by your honorable Speakers — Xor can I fail felicitating my fellow-citizens, 147 148 Walker s Report, 1817. in common with your selves, in anticipation of the future, compared with a retrospect of the past. Too long have the energies of our state lain slumbering in listless inactivity; the Legislature of 1815, has im- mortalized itself, by cutting the Gordian Knot which had thus bound it in torpid lethargy. That Legislature took a comprehensive view of the duties of Legislation : its pre- decessors had contented themselves with passing honest laws and imposing moderate taxes : this was but part of their duty : the creating new rights and new interests, con- stitute the most important branch of legislation. The head, the heart, the mountain, the valley, the lake, the river, are a like the common property of the state and constitute the rich mines into which the Legislators should dig and search ; and like the polisher of the diamond bring the hidden treasure to light, in its true and valuable form. Legislature of 1815 That legislature commenced the great work of internal began the work ° ° Movements 111 " improvement, on a scale which vanquished the checkered interest of locality by interesting every section in equal rights and equal privileges. Already North-Carolina be- gins to emerge from her dormancy ; to assume her destined station among the galaxy of her sister states, whose bril- liant corruscations of inventive genius, has astonished an admiring world. Education of the Among the remaining objects of National importance, poor of first importance. which that Legislature has left lor its successors to ac- complished, may be placed first in importance the Edu- cating the poor. There are few subjects on which human ingenuity has been more generally exerted, and as few, in which it has more generally failed: whether this has j)roceeded from the want of invention or the irremediableness of the sub- ject, I shall proceed in the duty assigned me, stimulated by the maxim "Ex cohesione scintillum ex citat." The resolution be- Indeed, it would be a melancholy reflection, if, while gan a new era. . . . Natural science was daily enlarging, so as not to be con- fined by the earth nor the heavens, Moral and Political Walker s Report, 1817. 149 phylosophy should be so limited as not to overcome the ob- stacles to human happiness, arising from ignorance. — However formidable these obstacles may have been let us not despair, for the American Revolution has opened wide the temple of Mature. Morality, Politics and Phylosophy shine on her altars with new lights. Morality, which here- tofore, was confined to the narrow actions of individuals, is now made the broad basis on which is bottomed the wide Republic of America ; Politics has opened her vast field of principles, and secured to the American citizens those rights and liberties, where before were only found in the pages of Antiquity, While Phylosophy, like the radiant sun, illumines the whole, enlivens the mind, and animates the genius to its utmost achievements. Witness the bril- liant discoveries and inventions since our Revolution. — What age or what country can boast a Franklin, Ritten- house, and a host of others, whose inventions have created a new era in the interest of our country, by inviting from the American farmer, to reward whose labour Mature seems to have exausted all her stores, a portion of skill and industry to be added to the Manufacturer. Allready Europe pays tribute to our inventive genius. — In clothing her nakedness and in guiding her mariner from clime to clime, she is indebted to our inventions. — To our Ritten- house she is indebted for the "Prophetic Planatarium," which unlocks the arcana of the celestial world. To our Franklin she is indebted for the pointed rod which draws down innocuously the fiery wrath of Heaven, beneath our feet. These are some of the rich gifts with which Xa- ture has adorned the genius of Columbia — Let us emulate her munificence, in improving the genius and talents of those who are unable to visit her temple. This will be national charity: — That virtue which Nations and indi- viduals are so eloquently invited to practice, by the offer of every reward, which can awaken the present, or render happy the future life: — This will be the highest species 150 Walker's Report, 1817. of charity, clessiminating, among the poor, knowledge and virtue. ermentmake!°edu- Patriotism joins charity, in pleading another reason, cation a necessity. ." i ■ i r i • • 1 c lor educating the poor, derived Irom the principles ol our Government. Happy government ! where governor and governed are interchangeable terms : — when he who sits on the highest spoke of Government which, by the salutary principles of rotation in office, is made alike obedient to the laws of its own revolution : — where all are equally invited and equally entitled to interchange the duties of citizen and officer. But in vain will our Fathers have hungered and toiled ; in vain will they have fought on the ensan- guined field for these inestimable principles ; if ignorance prevents their sons from enjoying the fruits of their vic- tory : — In vain may the legislator lucubrate over the mid night lamp in digesting equal laws: — In vain may the erudite Judge preside on the bench, if ignorant Juries decide the fact, and apply the law. What our renown armies may have acquired for a Nation ; — What ever wealth industry may have accumulated ; all these weigh light in the scale of comparison, with the helping of a wise Legislature ; a learned bench, and an enlightened Jury. View the Grand Juries of our country, the Pala- dium of our liberty; the great inquest of the Nation; the grand arbiter of Honour, fame and reputation, and say, what cost will be too great to enlighten the yeomanry of our country from whence they are taken ? These consid- erations apply alone to us as individuals ; what shall we say when we compute the National loss ? What germs of genius have not the chilling blast of poverty smothered from their country's service ? How oft has Nature, always mindfull of equality in her works, compensated by fertility of genius, the scantiness of Fortune ? Where are the Bacons and the Newtons of the old World ? Where the Franklins and Thompsons of the New ? They rise in Walker's Report, 1817. 151 evidence. Let us not be tantalized by the deceptive ap- pearance of progressive education in our state. While The number f each county vies with its fellow in erecting Academies in schools decreasing its bosom, the great mass of people are destitute of schools. It is a melancholy fact that our schools are les- sening in their number and usefullness. The time has been when there was scarcely an old field whose bosom was not enlivened by a country school, whose gay- full numbers at their halcion meridian, enlivened the sterility of the field, or gladdened the solitude of the woods with their schoolboy's note. What avails it us tu point to our University the pride of the state ? or boast of our more numerous ornaments, our Academies ? While the great mass of our fellow-citizens are destitute of Edu- cation and the means of Education. And while too, this partial system of Education is spreading its influence in ° The masses des- a balqfull maimer in our country, by destroy ing that titute of education, happy equilibrium of our constitutions, equality, which it was the pride and glory of our fathers to establish and which should be our rich inheritance to maintain. — It re- quires but little experience and less foresight into human nature to foretell what will be the condition of our country when wealth and learning are the inheritance of the few, and ignorance and poverty the lot of the many. Compare the happy days of Rome when liberty gladdened the hearts of her citizens, and equality pervaded their condi- tion, with those tumultuous and contentious days, when her citizens were divided into a few learned Patricians Liberty wm vanish when wealth and and many ignorant Plebeians. These remarks are not passion s a oni y of made to discourage the Academic system, but to call your a attention to the effects which that system is producing — and from thence to draw a strong argument, for the gene- ral diffusion of Education among the poor, in order to counteract the increasing inequality of condition. For it may be affirmed that every Academy established puts down 3 or 4 country schools, by monopolizing those chil- 152 Walkeb's Report, 1817. dren, whose parents are able and determined to support a school, it leaves the balance of the neighborhood too poor to support such teachers (at the present prices), as are worthy to teach. scarcity of native Did this assertion, that our schools are lessening in teachers. ' » number and usefullness require support, we have only to look around and compare what portion of those who teach in our state, are native Carolinians : — scarcely one in ten. Why this aversion to so honorable and lucrative a profes- sion ? Is it because too few are educated among us ? Or is it because our educations are too superficial to be re- tailed to others? Or is it the remnant of that Feudal Aristocracy inherited from our translantic Ancestors ? who considered the peasantry as exchangeable stock, and whose policy it was to discourage the profession of country schools, to keep them ignorant and consequently poor, that they might be the more docile under their tyrany. How different were the sentiments in our antient sisters, Greece and Rome, where teaching was the most honour- able of professions, whose children were committed to their teachers, not only in the hours of learning, but in the hours of vacation, that they might learn by precept and example. The cause of this partial distribution of learning is too evident to require investigation ; it arises from the disparity of the number of those to be taught and the number willing to teach ; thereby creating a com- petition between the parents, which raised the price too Too few teachers high to be purchased by the many. Change but this com- and price of tuition .. ,.,. ,. , -, too high as a result, petition to the teachers by multiplying their number, and the price will be again reduced to a scale acceptable to all, to the child of poverty as to the child of wealth. Then shall our fields and woods again resound with the jocund sound of the school-boy's note. For the American poor, as yet, require no stimulus to educate their children. — Furnish them with teachers and their parental tenderness Increase of the l thTr!eTne dy teachers w ^ prompt them to their use. Ignorance has not yet, Walker's Kepokt, 1817. 153 with all her train of vices, eradicated the finer feelings of their bosom, which, while it prompts them to obey the first law of nature, suffers them not to forget its dictates. It is not yet in America, as in some European countries. Where ignorance, poverty and vice, have destroyed the tenderness of parent, and where the offspring excites no other care or duty from the Parent, than sending it to its grave through the Nurse of a Foundling Hospital. It is common to the human bosom to Over-rate its chance of happiness; But the American Legislator should not be mislead by this sentiment. Nor should we think the same effects will not follow the same cause. Nor believe what has befallen other countries will not befall his, under sim- ilar circumstances. Is it not time then for the American Legislator to arrest the progress of ignorance ? Humanity pleads a still stronger reason for educating mtans^o'emninate the poor, derived from the policy of our government, creas'evirtue. 11 The Continent of America is laid on a scale unparalleled by either of the old continents. Whether we regard the vastness of her territory or the grandeur of her scenery, or the richness of her productions. Her National origin dif- fers as wide from the origins of the Nations of the old World, as her geographical features — The nations of the old world had their origin in the darkness of time and Nadir of Intellect, their progress to manhood was slow and tardy; time was required to change the simplicity of the shepherd state or the rugged frugality of the camp in- to the boundless splendor of luxury. While America arising in the Zenith of Intellect, and transplanted from the lap of wealth and cradle of luxury, into a land yield- ing almost without labour, every object which can gratify desire ; luxury, scarcely sustained a check at her birth. It is a fact which the slightest gleanings in History will prove that in proportion as a Nation advances in extrava- gance and luxury the poor increase with accumulating misery — These facts shoulel prompt us to adopt the policy 154 Walker's Kepokt, 1817. of our Government to the condition of our country. But we have without analogy of circumstances adopted the European Parochial policy. What Millions have Europe ► spent in mitigating the misery from poverty ? And how far short has it fallen from accomplishing its object ? Let the riots and tumults ; the cries for bread, the haggard look and the chilled nakedness answer ! ! Happy Ameri ca ! still happier Carolina ! you have not yet reached this achme of misery ! May the period of its arrival be far,, very far distant ! ! ! But the history of other Nations, once abounding in rich redundant land like ours, and the rapid progress of population, which in our country as yet knows no check admonish us that the time is approaching ; nay if we look at our Parochial list we shall find it ap- proaching alarmingly fast. A few years ago there was not a beggar in America, but a short time past our pau- pers were so few as not to claim more than voluntary neighborhood charity, — jSTow they have increased so rapid ly as to claim the attention of our courts, and parish levies are annually collected for their support. And it is equally a melancholy fact that larger sums of money are now expended in raising orphan and pauper children in igno- rance and want, and too often in vice, than would be re- quired, under a more judicious policy, to raise and intro- duce them to competency and virtue. These facts should stimulate us to improve upon the Eropean policy — Let us prevent poverty, rather than ex- haust our genius and resources in relieving its distress. The Golden maxim "a grain of prevention is better than a pound of cure," is as applicable to parochial policy, as to clinical practice. Let us give them education. Let us The ignorant and therefore light their taper and oil their lamp — Education the poor fill the . . . . J ai]s ' is to labor what oil is to the lamp — It will light them into the avenues which lead to honor, wealth and happiness ! ! Look the world over — who are more industrious than the poor ? Yet lamentable to be told ! who fills your paro- Walker's Report, 1817. 155 chial houses and parishes with poverty and industry ? The poor. Who fills your Jails and Penitentiaries with con- victs \ The ignorant poor. Whence can this arise % Surely from the want of knowledge and foresight in di- recting their labor. Vain will be their labor and fruitless their toil, tho' exerted with the strength of an Anteus or a Herculees, if not directed by judgment and foresight, the offspring of enlightened minds. And shall we not en- lighten their minds ? Shall we not give them Education \ Not that Aristotilian Education, which prepares the mind for disquisition and controversy, instead of thought and action, which stores the mind with antient song and fabled story, insteael of things of men. — The greatest Logician of the past century has said "the sociaiXu*! great study of Alan is Man": — Let us initiate them into this study : — Let us teach them the great moral lesson, which while it points out the true relationship they bear to the objects around them teaches them, also, the great duties they owe to the Creator, to themselves, and their neighbors, (which teaches them the love of virtue and the detestation of vice : — which inculcates the practice of all the cardinal virtues of Prudence, Temperance, fortitude and justice. — Then we may disgrace our land with Work- Houses and Penitentiaries, with jails and gibbets; but there will be no convicts — their walls may prove what the state of society once was ; the want of tenants, what it now is. There we may say with the Poet : — "Ingenuas didiisse fideliter artes Emollet mores nee sinit esse feros." This is not hvperbole : — Various proofs of the soliditv Governments must *■ " take care to ertu- of these positions, that Education will lessen crimes and f ate the young if i they would per- prevent poverty, will arise from considerations drawn j^f^s! 6 them ~ from our social and moral nature: — That Man is a social animal, impelled to society, his history proves from its earliest day. Miserable wants be his situation, and abor- 156 Walker's Report, 1817. The constitution of North Carolina cited. Education the basis of virtue. tive the best gift of Nature, if, while irresistably led to form society, there was planted in his bosom principles which led to its destruction. If human society has been checkered by practices which threatened its existence, it has been because those governments which have been formed for its promotion, have not availed themselves of the due culture of those principles which led to their estab- lishment, but have every where preferred governing the human mind by fear and terror rather than leading it by social and moral principles. — Accordingly we find in all governments penalties and stripes; Jails and gibbets are the engines of the Law, directed against the adult, while the young are permitted unrestricted and unchecked to progress in those very practices which lead to those en- gines. And if at any time we have seen governments en- couraging the diffusion of learning, it has been that learn- ing which act on the side of avarice, and not on the side of sociability — that learning which taught to calculate pence, and not weigh consequences — which improved the head and neglected the heart. Is it not time to discard the habitude of imitation to such governments ? Is it not time to carry our constitu- tion into effect \ Does not the forty-first article of our constitution which is a monument of the wisdom and phi- lanthrophy of our fathers imperiously command that teachers shall be procured and paid by the publick to ena- ble them to teach at moderate prices ? How much more becoming a free Republican government like ours to re- form practice by the mild influence of a moral education, than by humbling the mind into submission by servile fear? How much more becoming such a government to pre- vent crimes, by presenting them in an odious light in an early education, than to rely alone on severe punishment ? Is not Education the basis of Virtue ? Is not Virtue the basis of morals ? And are not morals a surer basis to sub- Walker's Report, 1817. 157 mission to the laws than abject fear \ Can anything but education elevate the mind to the dignity of virtue % Vir- tue may be inspired, it can never be commanded : — All crimes proceed either from ignorance or tempta- cf£°?of C mueh tion. — Charity for our species prompts us to believe that cnme ' the greater portion of these crimes which cheeker society, spring from the first source. — -The substituting knowledge for ignorance, by removing the cause will remove the ef- fect. — And those crimes which spring from temptation will be annihilated, or very much lessened ; for it is the province of a moral education to curb the efflux of inordi- nate passions and desire, at once the fountain and food of temptation. Did this reasoning stand in need of facts to support it, „ ° r >- ' Example of they abound in the history of man — Take the renowned Socrates - Socrates among the Greeks, who was addicted, according to his Biographer, to every low and profligate vice: — Yet who ever more completely overcome his passions, by the principles of morality than Socrates ? Whose name shines through the mouldering pages of antiquity with brighter panegeric than his ? But why confine ourselves to individual examples ? Example of scot- -f^fy-, i . . , . . . land and Switzer- Whole, nations bear testimony, what education will do in ] and. preventing poverty and correcting vice. The benevolent Howard, who travelled over Europe to assuage the pain from vice, and mitigate the misery from poverty, affirms that he found fewer jails in Scotland and Switzerland, than in any other country in Europe. And that he every- where found the peasantry poor, vicious, and miserable in proportion as they were ignorant. — All geographers and travellers tell us that the peasantry in Scotland and Swit- zerland are better educated than in any other country in Europe. Hence the disparity between poverty and vice, in these countries, compared with the rest of Europe. Let us compare the state of poverty and vice between Scotland and England. In Scotland, whose bleak Cala- 158 Walker's Bepokt, 1817. donian Hills, without improvement from education, would scarcely afford habitation to man or hybernation to beast — yet here it is calculated that not more than one in forty derive assistance from charity. — Whilst in the rich irri- gated vales of England, the mother of agriculture, the father of manufactories, and the mistress of commerce, it is calculated that one in seven are relieved by charity. Crime less in Scot- ryii -i • •< -i , ,1 • p ,1 , < ■ land than England. Ihe disparity between the crimes of the two countries, is still more apparent : — In Scotland it is calculated, that not more than one in Sixty Thousand is criminal — while in England it is computed that one in sixteen are crimi- nals. These facts speak louder than volumes in praise of popular education, exempt herself can North Carolina has advantages which should prompt i>overty by educa- her to emulate this happy state of exemption from vice tion. . . . and poverty, by disseminating education among the poor. She has no large towns from which eminate like the radii of a circle, Luxury, poverty and vice. Genius and for- tune are more equally divided among her citizens — this real or apparent equanimity of circumstances is peculiarly favorable to the practice of those virtues, which honor tlic head and adorn the heart ; and I cannot pass this part of the subject, without congratulating my fellow citizens on their general practice of these virtues ; and adding my limited testimony, that fewer crimes are committed in Carolina, than in an equal population, on either side of the Atlantic. Plan of education. Influenced by these reasons which are suggested by charity, and plead by patriotism and humanity, I beg the liberty of recommending to the Legislature the adoption forthwith, of a system of public education, which promises universality in extent, facility in execution and economy in practice, contained in the subjoined resolutions. Three classes 186 1st. That three classes of one hundred and eighty six young men to , , „ , be educated to young men, between the age oi fifteen and twenty years be annually and successively taught and prepared to teach Walker's Report, 1817. 159 reading, writing, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Elements of Geometry, and Moral phylosophy at the public expense, thev first ffivina: bond to the Governor of the State for the time being, in the probable amount of the cost of their education, conditioned to teach in some county in this State, three years, at the moderate price of $8 per scholar, with liberty to enter into any other pursuit, after receiv- ing their education, by cancelling their bond or so much as remains due, in proportion to the time they wish to avoid teaching. The first class to commence in 1818, or as soon thereafter as convenient. The second class 12 months after the first, and the third class 12 months there- after. 2d. That the overseer of the Poor, in each and everv Overseers of the i poor to select poor county, be instructed to enter each and every parishioner cated° be edu and pauper, between the age of 10 and 15 years, whose parents or next of kin are unable to pay the moderate price of tuition, to such schools as may be thus established in their neighborhood ; and that they be directed to pay such charges, as parish charges have heretofore been paid. 3d. That the first Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses- Board of literature sions held in 1818, in each county appoint not less than to recommend . 1 ,. 1 . young men. 5 or more than 12 prudent, intelligent men, m the respec- tive counties who shall constitute a Board of Literature, to continue in office 3 years, and who shall have power to fill vacancies, occasioned by resignation, death or removal. and whose duty it shall be to invite and recommend intel- ligent young men, of their respective counties to enter into the above class, to take their bonds as above conditioned. and transmit them to the clerk's office, in their respective counties : And further it shall be their duty to superin- tend and to aid the general operation of this plan. 1th. It shall be the dutv of this Board of Literature District trustees of public instruc- appointed as above, at their first meetino- to elect one of tion composed of 11 P county boards to their members, who shall constitute with others similarly Xcat^t^hers* elected in each county, in the district, a Board of Trus- 160 Walker's Report, 1817. Each judicial dis- trict to have one school, cost to be paid out of public treasury. tees of Public Instruction, for their respective districts; who shall receive a commission from the Gov' r of this State for the time being, investing them with similar power and rights as have already been granted by law to Trustees of Literary Institutions, investing them with the additional power to select the scites within their district where the said Literary establishments shall be located; to contract for a house suited to the above purposes ; to employ teachers ; to superintend the Stewarts department ; and all other powers necessary to carry the above object into operation. It shall further be the duty of said Board of Trustees to report to the Governor of the State the condition and progress of said schools under their charge annually ; to grant diplomas, or certificates of proficiency in a neat elegant style, on parchment or vellum paper, to such scholars as are prepared to teach. And it shall fur- ther be the duty of the said Board of Trustees, semi-annu- ally to lay before the Gov. for the time being, a statement of the amount necessary for the institution over which they shall preside, and it shall be the duty of the Governor to issue his warrant to the Treasurer for the amount, that shall appear to be requisite. 5th. That a school for the reception of this class be established in each Judicial District of this State, appor- tioning to each school a proportionate number of Scholars, according to the population of each District, and the Stewart's department be furnished and supplied out of the Public Treasury. Supposing it will require 3 years to prepare each class to teach, and by thus establishing the schools for their tuition, the cost of the State is not ex- pected to exceed $50 the first year per scholar; $40 the second ; $30 the third and succeeding years. Upon this supposition, the subjoined table will show the amount of cost, and the extent of operation of this plan Walker's Report, 181' 161 o C n ~ GG ^2 Qi > o $ . ■as CO £< P4 3 "^ ^~ : Z Z 186 I 372 558 | 2o 25 25 4, 650 13, 950 9, 3U0 18, 600 13, 950 13, 950 j 57, 660 per Scholar 81. 24 | 46,500 This table does not credit for 1,558 teachers which ought to be added to the number of 46,500 youths taught, which would reduce the price to 81.22 each for three years' tuition, or 40 cents annually to the State. Your Commissioner begs leave to make a few remarks Remarks on ° economy of the on the foregoing Table and Plan of Education. 1st. Ou P lan - the economy of the plan, (a J When it is recollected that such is the benign influence of the Christian religion, which so happily pervades our country; that it cannot be doubted that there is a religious denomination in our Country, possessing commodious meeting houses in each district who would refuse tendering them, to the board of Trustees of Publick Instruction, to be converted into Academies at the moderate price of building chimnies. And when it is also recollected the facility and cheap- ness with which commodious log houses can be built in their vicinity for the accommodation of their classes, it cannot be supposed that the expense of educating these classes will exceed the amount expressed in the Table. From which amount, it is evident that for $57,660, ex- pended in five years, the state will have taught 558 teach- ers in whose services the State will have an interest for three years, and 46,500 scholars, which to the state will not exceed $1.22 each for three years tuition. Educa- tion is never communicated except through teachers ; the State therefore, if she promotes education, must either 11 162 Walker's Report, 1817. Remarks on facil- ity in operation. ' 'Diffusable opera- tion" of the plan. Other remarks on the plan. raise her teachers or hire them, where they can be found • if the latter, it will be a moderate calculation, to estimate the salaries she will be obliged to give, to obtain such tal- ents and learning, as she ought to encourage in teaching at $500 each — if she hires 558 teachers, then, even for one year, it will cost her $279,000. 2d. Its facility in operation. — The beneficial opera- tion of this plan will be felt in the fourth year, when the first class leaves school; and commences teaching, by be- ginning that competition which will be completed in the fifth and sixth year, when all the classes will be in opera- tion, which will keep it securely up after the first impedi- ment is removed. For it is the fond hope and expecta- tion of your Commissioner, that by educating such a vast number of youths whose talents might have wasted their blossoms in the desert air, abilities will be unfolded which will qualify and prompt their possessors for future teachers, and consequently all future expense to the State will be saved. 3d. Its dirTusable operation. — In turning out these young teachers, stimulated by the never slumbering pas- sion, self-interest, under the unerring guide of moral obligation they will penetrate into the remotest corner of every county, in searching for schools. They will be in- vited, and their schools will be profitable in proportion to their talents, skill and assiduity. — This is a strong guar- antee to the plan. It is impossible to do justice to the principle or its de- tail in these few lines — -But your honorable body will redily perceive that should the expense be incurred, and the State disappointed in receiving the services of their teachers, it is manifest that the money will have been loaned to indigent young men for the acquirement of an education, they could not possibly acquire without its aid. For when it is considered that the disabilities which con- stitute the difference between minor and adult age, in civil Walker's Report, 1817. 163 law are imposed for the benefit of the minor, the purchas- ing, under the condition herein projjosed, an education which will introduce him into a profession, honorable and lucrative, and not like other professions and trades over- stocked — they will not hesitate to remove the disability of the minor, to give his bond for this particular object — and if the Legislature deem it necessary the bond may be taken with security, to bear interest — But should the plan go into operation, its advantages should be incalculable. Shall we estimate its value by comparing it with other systems of popular education ? While all which have heretofore been proposed has been limited to the poorer classes of citizens this will benefit all ; the rich as well as the poor, by turning out such a number of decent young men who are master teachers, in the most useful branches of learning, to find schools wherever they are wanted : — Or shall we calculate its value by saving of money to the State? The average price of Tuition is now $15 or $20 per Scholar: this scheme will reduce it to $8 to the parent, and 40 cts. to the State, thereby saving $11.60 cts. on every scholar. The scheme proposes to educate 46,500 calculation show- children, $11.60 cts. saved on each scholar, will be a clear pif^wm^ave the saving to the state of $530,400.- — Or shall we look around on the rising generation to estimate its value ? What per- fect forms — whar sparkling eyes — what sprightly minds do we see destined by the hard grasp of poverty, to linger in the dust, unless elevated by education. Or shall we look around on the aged to behold the sad effects of the want of education ? See the growing list of parishioners hanging on the cold hand of frigid charity ! How differ- ent their situation would have been, had half the sums which are now given them in alms, been bestowed on them in an early charitable education ? See the multiplication of vices and crimes keeping pace with the declension of learning in our State ! View the criminal hurried heed- lesslv and uncalled for before his God ! bv those laws 164 Walker s Report, 1817. which punish, hut do not prevent crimes: What would his destiny have been, had his mind, in early youth, been enlightened by the moral precepts of a moral Education \ All of which is respectfully submitted by John M. Walker., one of the Commissioners on the Plan of Public Educa- tion. December 6th, 1817. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1817. Senate resolution *»'-!-»■•/• to print walker's Tuesday, December 9, 1817. Received from the House report. ^ ' ' of Commons a report made by John M. Walker, one of the commissioners on the plan of publick education, accom- panied by the following message from the House of Com- mons : Mr. Speaker — The report on the plan of publick educa- tion prepared by John M. Walker, in obedience to a reso- lution of the last General Assembly herewith sent, we pro- pose shall be printed for information, one copy for each member of the General Assembly. The forgoing being read, Ordered that the following message in answer thereto be sent to the House of Com- mons. Mr. Speaker — We agree that the report or plan of edu- cation proposed by John M. Walker, shall be printed for information, one copy for each member of the General Assembly as proposed by you. —Senate Journal 1811-18, p. 67. 5. MURPHEY'S BILL TO DIFFUSE KNOWLEDGE. Tuesday, December 16, 1817. Mr. Murphey banded in tbe following report : Tbe committee on public instruction, report a bill to Senate committee r x on education m- provide for the general diffusion of knowledge, by estab- awn to esubiiSi^ lishing schools in all parts of the state and recommend the schools - same to be passed into a law. Respectfully submitted, A. D. Murphey, Ch'm. The house taking the foregoing report into consider a- Bin introduced, tion, Resolved, that they do concur therewith. Where- upon Mr. Murphey introduced a bill to provide for the general diffusion of knowledge by establishing schools in all parts of the state ; which being read was passed for the first reading in this house and sent to the House of Com mons. — Senate Journal, 1817-18, pp. 88-89. Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1817. Received from the Sen- H° use passes the J ' Senate bill on first ate the report of the committee on public instruction re- readm &- commending the passage of a bill formerly a part of the report, entitled a bill to provide for the general diffusion of knowledge by establishing schools in all parts of the State. The report was concurred with, and the bill recommended read the first time passed and returned to the Senate with the report. 1 — House Journal, 1811-18, p. 69. 1 There is no further record of this bill in the journals of either house. I have not been able to find a copy of the bill. C. L. C. 165 6. FEMALE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY OF WILMINGTON. Wilmington ISTovr. 7th. 1817 To the Honbl : the Senate and house of Representatives of the State of K". Carolina society formed to Whereas a Societv has been established in this place, promote education « r oth e r rp h o a or S ohiiJren h J the name of the "Female Benevolent Society of Wil- mington JST. Carolina"' whose object is "to secure to poor children and destitute orphans, a moral and religious, as well as a common education ; and besides furnishing with such education, to adopt, support, and provide with situa- tions that are useful, and not unfavorable to virtue, such children, as, in the opinion of the Society, stand most in need of their patronage." Ask to be allowed And whereas they can neither adopt children, nor hold to hold property ■/ J- and adopt children. f lin( j s or property, in a corporate capacity, untill they are recognized as such, by law: they beg leave to solicit Your Honorable Body for an act of incorporation. And your Petitioners, as bound, will ever pray Eliza Lord 1st Directress Mary L. Oeme Secy. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1817. 166 7. LOTTERY FOR SMITHVILLE ACADEMY REFUSED. Whereas it is represented to this General Assembly that certain liberal and well disposed persons have subscribed sums of money for the purpose of erecting a school house or academy at the Town of Smithville, and that the sub- scriptions would be increased if it appeared probable that an adequate fund for erecting a proper building and sup- porting the same could be raised: Therefore, to encour- age an undertaking so laudable, which may be highly ben- eficial to the inhabitants of the county of Brunswick, and produce advantages more extensive hereafter, I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State Ask to raise 88,000 J ''by lottery. of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the au- thority of the same, That the Trustees of the said Acade- my, established by the General Assembly and under the authority of the same, shall have power, and they are hereby permitted to raise the sum of eight thousand dol- lars by a lottery or lotteries as they or a majority of them residing in the counties of Brunswick, Xew Ha) 1 . over, and Bladen, shall deem most proper, and that the said Trustees or a majority from the counties aforesaid, being present shall appoint seven commissioners for the purpose of opening and completing a scheme or schemes of lottery or lotteries, calculated to raise the sums aforesaid, in which there shall not be more than two Blanks to a prize, and the said Commissioners shall be managers of said Lot- tery and accountable for the prizes and profits thereof, any three of said commissioners being competent to Trans- act business. II. And be it further enacted, — That when three- Wh en drawing to begin. fourths of the said tickets are sold the drawing of said lottery shall commence under the management of said commissioners, any three of them being present, they giv- ing thirty days notice in the Wilmington paper and one of the papers in the City of Raleigh. 167 168 Lottery Refused, 1817. payment of prizes. ijj. Be it further enacted, That all prizes shall be paid in sixty days after the drawing is finished, upon de- mand of the possessor of a fortunate ticket; which prize shall be subject to a deduction of fifteen per cent, and if such prize is not demanded within six months after the drawing is finished, of which public notice shall be given in the Wilmington paper or one of the papers in the City of Raleigh, the same shall be considered as relinquished for the benefit of said Academy ; and the nett profits of said lottery or lotteries shall be vested in the Trustees of said Academy, for the use of said Academy, that the said Commissioners shall fix the days of drawing said lottery or lotteries except the first day of drawing, which shall commence as herein stipulated. SSkSSSSZ IV - Be ** further enacted, That before the commis- sioners appointed as aforesaid shall begin to act in pur- suance of this law, they shall enter into bond with security to be judged sufficient by the County Court of Brunswick County, for the sum of eight thousand pounds, payable to the chairman of the said Court and his successors, which bond shall be void on condition that they, the Commis- sioners appointed as aforesaid, shall well and truly per- form the Trust reposed in them, that is to say, that they will without fraud, delay or other deductions than the fifteen per cent, therein prescribed, pay to every fortunate adventurer in said lottery or lotteries, the prizes he or she shall draw therein, in the time before mentioned and fur- ther, that the said Commissioners shall fully and faith- fully account for all the profits which shall arise from the Lottery or Lotteries aforesaid, deducting therefrom, the necessary expenses in six months after the drawing of the same to the said Court on the continuing the same, and that the said commissioners shall deposit the nett amount arising from said lottery or lotteries in the Wilmington Branch of the State Bank of North Carolina subject only to be drawn for the use of said academy, and by an order Lotteet Refused, 1817. 169 passed by the trustees of said Academy, a certified copy of said order shall be sufficient to authorize the Treasurer of said Academy to check ou said Bank for the amount therein stated; that a certificate from the cashier of said Bank stating the amount deposited by the Commissioners for the use of the Academy shall be satisfactory evidence to the Court for 'the amount deposited by them. V. Be it further enacted, That if the commissioners sgj* ¥*®? be ilv , stituteu to compel appointed as aforesaid, fail to perform any part of the ^their duty! 8 to condition of said Bond, any person aggrieved by such fail- ure may without assignment bring suit on said bond in the name of the chairman of said Court, in any Court of record within this State having cognizance thereof, and all such sums recovered thereon shall be to the use of the person or persons who shall so bring suit, and the said Bond shall be lodged with the Clerk of the County Court of Brunswick County, who shall keep the same as part of the records of the Court aforesaid. In House of Commons Dec. 18, 1817: Read the first time and passed. In Senate Dec. 18, 1817 : Read and rejected. Rejected. — Unpublished Documents, 1677. 1818 1. GOV. BRANCH'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 3. MARTIN'S BILL TO ESTABLISH SCHOOLS. 4. SLAVES MAY BE TAUGHT TO READ AND WRITE. 170 1. GOV. JOHN BRANCH'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. When we reflect on the lethargy which has pervaded our ^OTabieto^ction state and enchained her energies until a few months past, !°f'em"frat'ion. est and the manner in which our physical resources have been suffered to lie dormant for the want of a moderate portion of energy in the Legislature to elicit and call them into action, and at the same time take into consideration the extraordinary excitement of public feeling at the present time, I am persuaded that with me you will be fully sen- sible of the more than ordinary responsibility under which you are placed. The impulse from public sentiment is too strong to be mistaken, and requires only a proper direction and organi- zation of the representatives of the people, to arrest the progress of emigration, and to render our state in an emi- nent degree prosperous, and our citizens contented and happy. In a government like ours where the sovereiontv resides The people should ° ° J be enlightened. in the people, and where all power eminates from, and at ^na^pnMsSnre- stated periods, returns to them for the purpose of being caSied t out. ucat1011 again delegated, it is of the last importance to the well being and to the existence of Government, that the public- mind should be enlightened. . * * # -5f * vr * Permit me, therefore, to refer you in a particular man- ner to this solemn injunction contained in the Constitu- tion of the State of North Carolina, Art. XLI. "That a school or schools shall be established by the Legislature for the convenient instruction of youth, with such salaries to the masters, to be paid by the public, as may enable them to instruct at low prices, and all useful learning shall be duly encouraged in one or more tmiversities." ' Let it be recollected that by this chart we are bound as Education is a subject ot highest the servants of the people under the solemnities of an remSfflvem- oath, to steer the vessel of state ; and when we connect men ' 171 172 Gov. Branch's Message, 1818. this imperious duty with the luminous and impressive appeals which have been so often made to the Legislature for the last year or two, I apprehend that nothing that I could add would impart additional force. It surely will not be denied that it is a subject of all others in a republi- can government, of the most vital importance : for it is in this way and this alone, that our Republican institutions can be perpetuated, or that radical changes can be effected in the morals and manners of the people. — House Journal, 1818. 2, ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. Senate Committee on Education : William Martin, Pas- senate committee ' on education. quotank ; Richard T. Brownrigg, Chowan ; Hodge Pay- burne, Haywood. — Senate Journal, ISIS, p. 10. House Committee on Education : P. M. Sanders, Cas- House committee well ; David F. Caldwell, Iredell ; Willie P. Maugum. Orange. — House Journal, 1818, p. 16. 173 3. MAKTIN'S BILL TO ESTABLISH SCHOOLS. Martin's bin passes Saturday, Dec. 12, 1818. Mr. Martin, from the corn- first reading in the _ ... • . senate and is mittee on public instruction reported a bill to establish ordered printed. r L and regulate schools in the several counties of this state ; which being read was passed for the first reading in the Senate and sent to the House of Commons. Resolved by the Senate that this bill be printed, one copy for each member of this General Assembly. Sent for concurrence. ■ — Senate Journal, 1818, p. 61/.. Martin's bin passes Monday, Dec. 14, 1818. Received from the Senate the the House. . -it- • t report ol the committee on public instruction, concurred with, recommending the passage of a bill to establish and regulate schools in the several counties in this State. The report was concurred in and the bill recommended read the first time, passed and returned to the Senate. — House Journal, 18 IS, pp. 69-70. Martin's bin passes Friday, Dec. 18, 1818. The Senate now entered ou second reading in u 7 senate by vote of the order of the dav, when the bill to establish and reau- 53 to 2, the ayes ■> ' . o corded. es benig re ~ ^e schools in the several counties in this state, being read and amended, and the question was "shall this bill pass for the second reading in the Senate ?" upon which ques- tion the yeas and nays were called for, and are thus : For the passage of the bill are Messrs. Atkinson, Albrit- ton, Brownrigg, Bethnne, Benton, Baker, Bruton, Boon, Hall, Hill, Daniel Jones, N. Jones, Kelly of Moore, Kelly of Camden, Kenan, Leonard, Marshall, Brown, Bethell, Banner, Calloway, Caldwell, Collins, Campbell, Dudley, Davis, Davidson of Montgomery, Davidson of Mecklen- burg, Dobson, Eborne, Felton, Fisher, Grist, Glisson, Green, Gaston, Murphey, Martin, McLeod, McKinnie, O'Kelly, Phifer, Pierce, Payborn, Reid, Riddick, Speight, Steed, Tate, Tarkenton, Williams, Wellborne — 53. 174 Martin's Bill to Establish Schools, 1818. 175 Against the passage of the bill are Messrs. Alston, Johnston, 2. So the bill was passed for the second reading and sent to the House of Commons. — Senate Journal, 1818, p. 82. Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1818. Received from the Senate the Jg£SiS mfieta bill to establish and regulate schools in the several coun- House - ties in his state ; which was read the second time, and post- poned indefinitely. — House Journal, 1818, p. 98. A Bill to establish and regulate Schools in the Several counties of this State. One or more public I. That the Justices of the Several Courts of Pleas g^SlSStolach and Quarter Sessions in this State if they shall deem it "omny ra^- Ct ' by expedient may at the first court which shall be holden in their respective counties, after the first day of April next or at any subsequent court, Seven Justices being on the Bench, order and direct the establishment of one or more publick Schools in each Captain's District in their said Court to appoint counties and appoint five persons of competent skill and five directors of the 11 J- L school or schools ability to act as Directors of the said Schools ; which Di- in each cli * trict - rectors shall have charge and management of the School fund of their espective counties, and shall continue in the appointment for the space of one year; when the said courts shall respectively renew their appointment or ap- point others in their stead. And in case the said courts shall neglect to make such appointment at the end of the year the said Directors shall continue in their office, until another shall be made. A Majority of the Directors shall record of proceea- , ' ings and render an be competent to act, and thev shall keep a regular account account of funds x ° to county court. of their proceedings, and annually submit the same, with an account of the state of the school fund, and the schools under their charge, to their respective county courts. The 176 Martin's Bill to Establish Schools, 1818. Directors shall meet together every three months or oftener if necessary ; they shall elect one of their body to act as President thereof, who shall have power to cause a meeting, whenever he may think proper. Directors given II. Be it further enacted that whenever a school house power to declare what school houses shall be erected or leased for the term of two years in any shall be public " school houses. Captain's District, the person erecting or leasing the same may make it known to the Directors of Schools in said county and the said Directors may acknowledge the same- Three trustees to as a public School House ; and thereupon they shall ap- be appointed for *- i j l with power to em- ' P°i n t three discreet persons to act as Trustees of said an°dflx e ratesof school : which Trustees or a Majority of them shall bo authorised to imploy a Teacher for the said school, pre- scribe rules and regulations for the Government of said School, the rates of Tuition, ask and receive the tuition money, a regular account of which they shall keep and submit at the end of each year to the Directors aforesaid. Trustees to desig- They shall designate such poor children in their neiffh- nate poor children ^ ° x ° to be taught free, bourhood, as they shall think ought to be taught free of any charge and submit to the said Directors at the end of each year a list of their names and ages as near as may be. salary of iioo a HI. Be it further enacted that the Salarv of one Hun- year may be paid u ofpubife C itod. ut clred Dollars may be paid out of the School Fund to the Teachers of each of the said schools, by the Directors aforesaid, and two thirds of the Tuition money shall also be paid the said Teachers. The other third shall be paid by the Trustees of the School to the said Directors ; and the Teacher shall be bound to teach free of any charge such poor children as the Trustees shall designate. Tax of as much as IV. Be it further enacted that for purpose of creating 10 cents on e&cli $ioo valuation and a school Fund in each county the Jus'tices of the Court of 50 cents on each u poii may be levied Pleas and Quarter Sessions of said countv may and thev to create a school ^ ■> J ■ «■ fund - are hereby authorized to levy annually and cause to be collected as other Taxes a Tax not exceeding fifty cents on each poll, and ten cents on each hundred Dollars value of real estate ; which money shall be paid by the sheriff Martin's Bill to Establish Schools, 1818. 177 to the county Trustee ; and one third of the tuition money aforesaid shall also be paid over by the Directors of the public Schools in said counties to the said Trustee ; and the said monies shall be drawn in favour of Teachers of Schools in said county upon the order of the President of the said Directors. V. Be it further enacted that the Trustees of each Books and station- ary to be furnish- school shall purchase Books and stationarv for the use of ed poor children 1 " free by the trustees. poor children, who are to be taught free of charge, and be allowed the same in settlement of their accounts. The committee on Public Instruction report the accom- Report of com- paning Bill, entitled a Bill to establish and regulate Schools in the several counties in this State, and recom- mend the same to be passed into a law. Respectfully submitted, 13th Dec. 1818. W. Martin, Chm. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1818. 12 4. SLAVES MAY BE TAUGHT TO READ AND WHITE. A Bill to prevent all persons from teaching slaves to read and write, the use of figures excepted. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of North Caro- lina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That any person who shall hereafter teach or attempt to teach any slave within this State to read or write, the use of figures excepted shall be liable to indictment in any court of record in this State and upon conviction shall be fined at the discretion of the Court not less than ($50) fifty dollars, nor more than ($100) one hundred dollars or imprisoned. And be it further enacted, that the Judges of the Supe- rior Courts and the Justices of the County Courts shall give this act in charge to the grand Juries of their re- spective Courts. 1 Clerk's entry: In House of Commons 11th Deer. 1818 Read the first time and rejected. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1818. Introduced by Wm. B. Mears, of Wilmington. 178 1819 1. GOVERNOR BRANCH'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 3. SOME SYSTEM OF PUBLIC EDUCATION URGED. 4. EDUCATION REPORT OF 1819. 179 Education of youth claims pre-emi- nence above all other questions. The schools are languishing. 1. GOV. JOHN BRANCH'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. And in the first place as claiming a pre-eminence above all others, allow me to call yonr attention to the subject of education of youth, the only durable basis of every- thing valuable for a government of the people, and to press on your attention the moral and political obligations which you are under, created and imposed by the solemn injunc- tions of the Constitution, to patronize and encourage a general diffusion of knowledge : for when we advert to the languishing condition of some of our nurseries of sci- ence, and observe the apathy which prevails in regard to their advancement, it becomes a subject of no less aston- ishment than regret. It is the boast of a republican gov- ernment that all men are born equal ; but what is it that keeps them so ? On a proper solution of this question de- pends the perpetuation of the liberties of this and every other free government — Let the few monopolize the sci- ence of the country, and they at once monopolize its sover- eignty. — House Journal, 1819. 180 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES OX EDUCATION. Senate Commitee on Education: Benjamin F. Haw- senate committee kins, Franklin ; Emanuel Skober, Stokes ; Jokn Owen, Bladen. — Senate Journal 1819, p. 13. House Committee on Education: Richard E). Spaight, House committee Craven; Micajah T. Hawkins, Warren; John Hill, on e(3ucation - Stokes. -House Journal, 1819, p. 15. LSI 3. SOME SYSTEM OF PUBLIC EDUCATION URGED. Public sentiment Education. — Some exertions have been made at former favors the estab- . . , ' . . . . i -i • i i< lishment of public sessions oi the Legislature lor the establishment of a gen- schools. & & . eral system of education throughout the State. There is, we believe, a prevailing wish among the citizens of North Carolina, that such a measure should be adopted — some difference of opinion, however, exists as to the means best calculated to carry it into effect. Objections may be made to every plan that has been proposed ; and indeed, it is somewhat difficult to devise any plan that shall be com- pletely adapted to every purpose that may be exepected to be embraced in a system of education. The leading ob- ject is the establishment of free schools, by which the children of the poor, as well as the rich, may be furnished with the means of acquiring, at least, the rudiments of sparse population useful learning. A thin population, extended over a large renders any plans ° x x ° ou? C in U iii° C arts y territory, may, in some parts of the state, render the ap- of the state. plication of the system impracticable; and it may, per- Diversity of haps, be matter of doubt whether it would be better to ap- opinion as to the cTschoois SUpport P ro P r i a te a specific fund or a particular source of revenue for the support of free schools, or whether it would be more expedient to endow the several academies under the stipulation that schools should be established and main- tained by the respective institutions. These, however, are minor considerations, and ought not to create objections to the principal question. The members of the assembly should first decide whether they are willing to form any system for the instruction of the rising generation — it may then be proper to discuss the details of its organiza- tion. placing- education If the statesman would render himself useful to the within the reach tc i 1 i • 1 , • c i i ^ f of ail classes the people lor whom he legislates; 11 he would confer an 1m- best work of the -ii-i <-> i • iiii statesman. portant and lasting benefit on their posterity, he should be aware that he cannot more certainly, or more effectu- 182 Some System of Public Education Urged. 183 ally promote his benevolent purposes than by placing the means of education within the reach of all classes of his fellow citizens. * * * — From Blahely (N. C.) Gazette, copied in Raleigh Register, Sept. 10, 1819. 4. EDUCATION REPORT OF 1819, Senate action on Shober's report. House action on report. Diffusion of knowledge of first importance. Work of private seminaries. Monday, Dec. 20, 1819 — Mr. Shober from the commit- tee on that part of the Governor's message respecting edu- cation, made a detailed report; which being read, was concurred with by the Senate and sent to the House of Commons. —Senate Journal, 1819, p. 89. Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1819. — Received from the Senate the report of the committee on that part of the Governor's Message, respecting education praying to be discharged from the consideration of the subject. The question to concur with the report, was determined in the affirmative. — House Journal, 1819, p. 88. That the committee to whom was referred that part of the Governor's message which respects education, beg leave to report, That they have given the subject that serious consider- ation which it merits; that they are fully impressed with the truth, that the best and only durable cements of Re- publican institutions, consists in a wide diffusion of knowledge, and that it behooves every citizen who has the true interests and glory of his country at heart to aid and assist in this invaluable work. Your committee perceive with pleasure, that by individual exertion, much has been done in this great cause. Seminaries of learning have been formed in various parts of the State, others are still rearing, where human excellence is cultivated with suc- cess ; and where many a youthful mind has attained, and many continue to receive that impulse to noble and virtu- ous actions, which not only renders them ornaments, but pillars to society, minds which perhaps for the want of those seminaries would have remained like marble in the 184 Education Report of 1819. 185 quarry, useless to the world uutil it has received the art- ist's polish. Your committee are convinced, however, that no system Liberal aid by d state only means of education upon a general principal, can succeed and *° lu J ™ m ' n e general flourish, if dependent on individual exertion alone, and that it requires the strong and foetering hand of legisla- tive aid. They are satisfied that a parsimonious policy on the part of the State, touching the great subject of edu- cation is but illy adapted to promote the true interest of the community, because they conceive, that without educa- tion, knowledge which tends to exalt a nation cannot be attained. The great objects to which the states of the Union lend their attention, is to establish Universities; where the young men of the country having gone through Academical instruction, may finish their education. To enable these Universities to flourish, it is necessary that they should all be endowed, and while it gives a pleasur- able sensation to see states vie with each other, to foster and render prosperous their respective establishments it creates a feeling far different to see other states treat their nurseries with cold neglect ; and it gives your committee pain to say, although it is a melancholy fact, that the university has o c it i r* «!• i i-i i meagre support State of JNorth Carolina stands among this latter class, from state. True it is, the state has done something towards their es- tablishment, but your committee beg leave to say, that in their opinion, the State has not done that which consider- ing its wealth, and internal resources, it could do, which has caused the establishment to languish and drives the youth of the state in quest of education elsewhere. And your committee cannot refrain to mention, that but for individual aid and donations the University of ISTorth Car- olina would long ere this time, have sunk into indigence and want ; your committee fondly hope, however, and they beg leave most earnestly to recommend to the legislature to rescue the state from this charge, and to induce it t..< treat its offspring, with that paternal care which it merits. Your committee are sensible that Primarv Schools and 186 Education Report of 1819. No plan recom- mended. School fund sug- gested. Practicable plan Academies should not be neglected, because it is here that for primary schools ° greatly needed. ^he .first seeds to Knowledge are sown, but no practical plan presents itself to them, where the state could be of direct aid. Your committee conceive that it should be of much importance; nay, of incalculable benefit, if a prac- tical plan could be devised of establishing free schools, for the education of poor children, in the different counties of the state ; and although several plans have suggested them- selves, excellent in theory, yet your committee deem it in- expedient at this time, to recommend an experiment. Your committee beg leave further to report that they deem it advisable that a fund should be created, denominated the School Fund, which fund your committee conceive might be raised either by drawing it from the lands lately ac- quired from the Cherokee Indians or by appropriating a part of the stock holden by the state in the bank, which funds should be placed in the hands of a certain number of trustees, to be appointed by the General Assembly, and by the trustees thus appointed, vested in some productive stock, and that the profits arising from such stock should be applied to the purpose of education, either by throwing it to one or more points, or by distributing the same in due proportion to the counties generally, as the legislature may from time to time direct. Your committee conceive that much good would result from the plan proposed, and would tend, if wisely managed, to a national blessing; more particularly as it would yield a benefit without cre- ating a burden. Your committee, however, from the late period of the session, and from other reasons which they will not detail, refrain from introducing a digested plan by bill. And submitting these, their views, they beg leave to be discharged, etc., etc. Em'l. Shober, Chairman. In Senate, Dec. 20th, 1819. Read and resolved that this House concur therewith. B. Yancey, S. S. — Senate Journal, 1819-20, p. 119. 1820 1. POPULATION OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS. 187 1. POPULATION OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS. New Bern. Whites 1475 Slaves 1920 Free coloured 268 Total 3663 Fayetteville. Whites 1918 Slaves 1337 Free coloured 277 Total 3532 Ealeigh. Whites 1177 Slaves 1320 Free coloured 177 Total 2674 Wilmington. Whites 1098 Slaves 1433 Free coloured 102 Total 2633 Edenton. Whites 634 Slaves 860 Free coloured 67 Total 1561 Salisbury. Whites 743 Slaves 477 Free coloured 14 Total 1234 188 Population of Principal Towns, 1820. 189 Washington. Whites 474 Slaves 517 Free coloured 43 Total 1031 — Census 1820, in Raleigh Register, Aug. 17. 1821. 1821 1. INCORPORATION FOR BAPTIST CHURCH TRUSTEES REFUSED. 190 1. INCORPORATION FOR BAPTIST CHURCH TRUSTEES REFUSED. A Bill to incorporate the Trustees of the Baptist Church in the Town of Washington : Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of ISTorth Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That Jeremiah Martin, Thomas D. Mason, Jonathan Haven, Henrv Clark and Jeremiah Ligsret, and their successors be and they are hereby constituted and declared to be a body politic and corporate, to be called and known by the name and style of the Trustees of the Washington Baptist Church, and they are hereby vested with all the powers and authorities which are given to re- ligious societies or congregations of every denomination and also by another act passed in the year 1809, entitled an Act to amend an act passed in the year 1796, entitled an act to secure property to religious societies or congrega- tions of every denomination, any law to the contrary not- withstanding. Engrossed and Examined. In House of Commons Dec. 21, 1821: Read and in- definitely postponed. — Unpublished Documents, 1821-22.. 191 1822 1. GOV. HOLMES' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 3. PROPOSED SUBSIDY FOR ACADEMIES. 4. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS MUST PERFORM PUBLIC DUTIES 5. APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC LANDS FOR EDUCATION. 6. WORK OF RALEIGH FEMALE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. 192 1. GOV. GABRIEL HOLMES' MESSAGE OX EDUCATION. I would mention one defect which appears to me to Education in ,,.,-■ . „ ,. -,.-, agriculture much exist generally in the education of our young men 01 lib- neglected, eral advantages : they know little or nothing of agriculture and are not taught to hold it in proper estimation. The consequence is that they nearly all devote themselves to the learned professions, and leave the calling of husband- ry, equally as respectable and more useful, to those whom they consider as their inferiors. By this defect and these consequent mistaken notions, we lose the talents and influ- ence of many a young man, who lags and withers in one of the professions, when he might be an ornament and guide in the quiet walks of agriculture, and constitute one of that most excellent and useful class of society, good citizens. It is truly melancholy to witness the crowd and Thp learned drones that hang upon the rear of the learned professions, ^L°inVom™tents burthens to themselves and burthens to society, because they are useless ; and many of them — perhaps I might- say a large majority — men of talents, but unhappily mis- applied. I trust, if they are beyond the saving influence of the Legislature, that you have it still in your power to prevent this accumulation, and to diffuse the talents of our state into more extensive usefulness. Should the Leg- , ° Any system of islature ever practically unite in the important truth, that notnegiect'aeri 3 it is of the last moment to the stability and security of subject 'shoufd be our republican institutions, that all kinds of useful knowl- the university. edge should be extended to our youth, the poorest as well as the richest, it is to be hoped that they will not overlook the article of agriculture ; and in the present flourishing state of our University, when its wealth has received such an addition of western lands, its number of students such an increase, its buildings receiving such improvement and extension, and its able faculty and trustees are so zeealous and indefatigable in raising its reputation, and extending the sphere of its usefulness, it appears to be an auspicious 13 193 194 Gov. Holmes on Education. period to introduce the subject of agriculture within its walls, and lend it your aid ? Were you even to de vote a considerable sum of money to this purpose, how manifold would be the interest which the people would receive in its advantages ? Young men of liberal education would leave our University with proper ideas of the dignity and use- fulness of agricultural avocations, and with much useful knowledge relating thereto. They would go into the dif- ferent parts of the state, and devote themselves to agricul- ture, and associate into societies with men of more limited opportunities where their knowledge and influence would be widely diffused, and give a life and vigor to agricul- ture, of which one can easily form some conception. But I would not have you suppose that this subject is alto- chemistry and gether neglected in our University. We have there a pro- rnmeralogy already ~ ~ d r sfty gl subjects In- fessorshij) of chemistry and mineralogy, which bear an in- w^h^icuuure 1 . 601 timate relation to agriculture, and it gives me much pleas- ure to state, that I have been informed that the gentleman who has charge of that department of instruction, takes a lively interest in the improvement of the agriculture of the country, and devotes a part of his course of lectures to that subject alone, and loses no opportunity of imparting to his pupils every article of knowledge which will be of service in the business of life. I am happy that I have it in my power to make known the fact, that our Univer- sity is not confined to those studies which, though of the highest importance in a liberal education, have no imme- diate relation to the concerns of life. * * * u Je e /ui fcarnfng With regard to education, although we have been con- couraged! 36611 sidering an important part of it, you are by no means to stop here. Our constitution has made it your duty to en- courage and promote every kind of useful learning. Its wise and patriotic framers, who were about to burst from the thralldom of oppression, and who were sensible of the enslaving influence of ignorance, ordained it to be their own duty and the duty of their sons, to whom they were Gov. Holmes on Education. 195 soon to bequeath the inestimable legacy of freedom, to dif- fuse learning among the people — and they, no doubt, looked forward, in pleasing contemplation, to the period when their posterity should have schools and academies erected among them ; when knowledge, at least of the more ordinary and indispensable kind, should be within the reach of the child of the poorest citizen — when all useful knowledge should be duly encouraged and promoted — the people acquainted with their rights, sensible of their na- tional blessings, and therefore determined to perpetuate their institutions ; and to keep the soil which their fathers had purchased with their blood and treasure, the land of freedom and the asylum of the oppressed. I fear, gentle- men, if those venerable fathers were to rise from their to™edonfto|ut -i . i -, -, ■■ . . -. . -, education within tombs, tney would reproach us with supmeness and neg- the reach of an. lect, and would not listen to our plea of want of power. We shall never know what power we have until we exert it ; and it holds in political as well as in physical strength, that it is increased by exercise. To all these subjects then, which appear to me, I am sure, in far more important light than my limits or language will allow me to express, let us give heed, and timely heed. Let us do something, however little, — it may prove in time as a grain of mus- tard seed. — House Journal, 1822. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES OIY EDUCATION. House committee House Committee on Education: Augustin H. Shep- on education. ° 1 perd, Stokes ; Charles Fisher, Rowan ; James Graham, Rutherford ; Nathaniel Gordon, Wilkes ; Robert Jeter, Granville ; Thomas Clancy, Hillsborough ; T. 1ST. Mann, Nash ; Lawrence Cherry, Martin ; Henry Elliott, Chow- an; E. E. Graham, Newbern; Stephen Smith, Wayne; Richard Wooten, Columbus ; George Blair, Jr., Edenton ; S. Sidbery, New Hanover; Duncan McLaurin, Rich- mond ; John Gilchrist, Robeson. — House Journal, 1822. Senate Committee on Education: [I have not been able to find a list of the Senate mem- bers of the committee on education for 1822. The Senate Journal for 1822 and the Raleigh Register and other sources have been examined. The copy of the Senate Journal for 1822, belonging to the State Library, is muti- lated. The Raleigh Register for 1822 is partly missing. C. L. C] 196 3. PROPOSED SUBSIDY FOR ACADEMIES. On motion, Resolved. That the committee on Education Taxes on sales at ' auction to be be, and they are hereby instructed to inquire into the in- devoted to acade- expediency of appropriating the sum raised in each of the towns of this state by taxes on sales at auction, to increase the funds of such seminaries of learning as may exist in such towns severally ; and that they report by bill or other- wise. ■ — House Journal, 1822, p. 156. 4. TEACHERS A1VD STUDENTS MUST PERFORM PUBLIC DUTIES. Teachers and stu- * -r»-n mi ioii <• -r* • dents- to be exempt A Bill to exempt Teachers and Students of Private from duties to the x pubiic. Seminaries from the performance of public duties. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the teachers and students of private Seminaries for the time being, be and they are hereby ex- empt from the performance of public duty : Provided, that nothing herein contained, shall be so construed as to exempt them from duty at general reviews nor from being called out in case of insurrection or other emergencies. Clerk's entries: In House of Commons 7 Deer. 1822: read the first time and passed. In House of Commons 16 Dec. 1822: read the second time and postponed indefinitely. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1822. 198 5. APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC LANDS FOR EDUCATION. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE To whom was referred, the Reports and Resolutions of Preliminary re- x marks. the Legislatures of Maryland and New-Hampshire ; and the proceedings in tne Senate of the United States, rela- tive to the appropriations of Public Lands, for the purpose of Education; made to the Legislature of North-Carolina, Dec. 1821. The Committee, to whom was referred that part of the Governor's Message which relates to the reports and reso- lutions of the Legislatures of Maryland and New-Hamp- shire, and the proceedings in the Senate of the United States, relative to appropriations of public land for the purpose of education, respectfully Report : That thev have given the subject all the attention and importance of edu- _ c _ cation in a free consideration which their time and opportunities would government, admit. Your committee are deeply impressed with the importance of education and the general diffusion of knowledge. In a government which depends on the pub- lic will, where the sovereign power is vested in the people, and where, by the frequent recurrence of elections, our citizens are periodically and frequently calleel upon to dele- gate certain portions of that sovereignty which is inhe- rent in them, it is almost as important that they should know their rights, as that they should -possess them. With- out this knowledge, they too often become the elupes of intrigue and the unconscious instruments of faction. Your committee view with pride the rapid progress j^cademYes 186 which North-Carolina has, of late, made in knowledge and science. Within the last twenty years academies have been established by individual subscriptions and indi- vidual exertions in almost every county in the state. At these seminaries, by the generous exertions of their found ers and patrons, thousands of youth, of both sexes, are in- 199 200 Public Lands and Education. » structed in the subordinate branches of science, and quali tied for the ordinary business of life. Many graduates of Our University, too, is annually sending forth gradu- university engaged . , ° ■;. ° in teaching and ates, who generally embark in the business of instruction, other professions. ' D ". ' or in some of the learned professions. Many of them are now distinguishing themselves in their several call- ings, and some are doing honor to the legislative councils of the state. The effect of the establishment of these in- stitutions has been to give to the people of the state a more expanded and liberal view of her policy. Every intelligent Xhe subject of Internal Improvement, once thought to man now favors J r ? o ments. al mprove ~ be impracticable and visionary, now meets with a friend in every man of intelligence. The question now is, how shall we best render navigable our rivers, and open and improve our roads ? How shall we lessen our dependence on the adjacent states, and best avail ourselves of the ad- vantages which nature has given us ? Our criminal code, once sanguinary and bloody, has become mild and just; our citizens have become more civilized and refined, and North-Carolina begins to have a just sense of what is due her own character and standing as a member of the Union. only a few able to Your committee regret, while advantages have been thus send children to ° ° univ^rsiTv y ° r the afforded to men of property and fortune of educating their children, that the State, on her part, has not made corresponding efforts to establish primary schools, where the poor could have an opportunity of educating their children. The number who have the means of sending their children to an academy, or to the University, is com- paratively small ; and your committee apprehend, that while the efforts of the liberal and the more wealthy to establish these seminaries may have given to their chil- dren advantages which they did not before possess, that it may have had the contrary effect upon the poorer classes of the community. The population of North-Carolina is so thin, that in most parts of the state, it requires the whole of a neigh- Public Lands and Education. 201 i borhood to find employment and afford the means of pay- population sparse; ing neighborhood teachers. Where the means exist, as neglected, those who are most engaged in the canse of education gen- erally send their children to some Academy, or to the University, the balance, not so justly appreciating the im- portance of the subject, suffer it to remain neglected for the want of suitable persons to give an impulse to their exertions. The establishment of primary free schools. . where the poor as well as the rich can have an opportunity of instructing their children in the rudiments of an Eng- lish education is certainly "a thing devoutly to be wished for" by every friend of his country. Your Committee, however, in the present embarrassed Primary schools can not be estab- condition of the country, would despair of this State, listed by taxation without any fund at its disposal, except what is collected by taxes from the people, being able to do any thing effectual upon this subject, were it not for the claim which North-Carolina has upon the general government for an appropriation of public lands for the purposes of educa- Appropriation of tion. This claim is not a new one on the part of North- ^rant^bVunited Carolina. The subject was brought before the Legisla- btates - ture at a former session, which, by joint resolution of both Houses, instructed their Senators, and requested their Representatives, in Congress from this State to urge the right of North Carolina, to participate in the appropria- tions of Public Lands for the purpose aforesaid, in just proportions to what had been granted to the new states. This claim the Senate of the United States thought it in- expedient to grant. Your Committee are, however, grati- fied that the subject has of late been much canvassed by the old States ; particularly by Maryland and New Hamp- shire, and that there is reason to believe that they are dis- posed, through the medium of their representation in Con- gress, to assert their rights to share in the benefits of these appropriations. Your committee do not consider it important to enter 202 Public Lands and Education. The land discus- minutely into the discussion of the question made in the sion. J L Maryland, and assented to in the New-Hampshire Report, whether previous to the several cessions which have been made to the general government, the non-ceding states were in justice entitled to participate in the extensive back country which then formed a part of the states, which have since made such large cessions to the United State? : because they cannot see how it can be made to have any bearing upon the main question. If, however, they were to express an opinion, it would be unfavorable to 1he claim then set up by the minor states. The war of the revolution was a war of defence, not of conquest. The States, from a sense of individual weak- ness, associated together for their mutual safety, in the character of States, having certain chartered limits, which were recognised as their respective boundaiies. for the purpose of protecting the persons and property of their citizens from the exactions of arbitrary power, and of de- fending the unalienable rights of man. It never was un- The public lands derstood, or even contemplated, that the war was to be do not belong to a , ... ,, . -, T few states. waged lor the acquisition of territory. JNo such motives ever actuated the citizens of the United States. It is a novel idea to your Committee that two or more States, engaged in a war on the same side, impelled by the same motives, because they are successful, can be said to be en- titled to any portion of each other's teritory by right of conquest. The victory which is achieved is over the com- mon enemy, but the conquest, it seems is over each other. Under the articles of confederation, the States were sov- ereign to all intents and purposes. The consideration was only a strict alliance for purposes of mutual safety and defence. — When, therefore, Great Britain acknowl- edged our independence, it was as separate, sovereign and independent States. Again, conquest implies the acquisition of territory. No one state in the Union acquired any territory by the Public Lands and Education. 203 war. Each remained within its former chartered limits. Cession of Tennes- see to United The larger States, however, have now parted with any states. right they formerly had in the lands they have ceded, and the other- states, through their representation in Congress, have admitted that the right was in the ceding States, by accepting their cessions upon the conditions and qualifi- cations contained in the several cession acts. In 1789 the General Assembly of North-Carolina passed an act, ceding all that tract of country, which now constitutes the State of Tennessee, to the United States. As it regards the claim of North-Carolina to the territory over which she then, and previous to that time, had exercised jurisdic- tion, there can he no question. Her boundaries had never been defineel by any charter subsequent to her own ; her claim, there, rested upon as firm a basis as the claim of Maryland to the territory over which she now exercises jurisdiction. The act of cession has the following pre- amble: "Whereas, the United States, in Congress assem- Lands in Tennessee ceded to aid in pay- bled, have repeatedly and earnestly recommended to the in ? debt ofrev °- 1 " lution. respective States in the Union claiming or owning Western Territory, to make cessions of part of the same as a fur- ther means as well of hastening the extinguishment of the debts as of establishing the harmony of the Unite-el States and the inhabitants of the said Western Territory, being also desirous that such cessions should be made, in order to obtain a more ample protection than they have hereto- fore received. Xow this State being ever desirous of doing ample justice to the public creditors, as well as the establishing the harmony of the United States, and com- plying with the reasonable desires of her citizens : Be it," kc. Which shows very clearly the temper of the peo- ple at that time. It was soon after the close of the revo- £f people of°Nortti lutionary struggle, when the States, having each their Carolma - quota of public debts to pay, and having no surplus fund, that is to say, the smaller States, when public and private confidence were in a great measure shaken, the creditor 204 Public Lands and Education. was apprehensive of the loss of his debts, and the people were oppressed by the burthen of the taxes imposed to defray the ordinary expenses of government, and borne down under the weight of debts already contracted. „ ,,. , , , These circumstances gave rise to much discontent and Public lands by o th^stafe^fouoa complaint, and, no doubt to the pretended claim on the part of the minor States, to participate in the Western Lands belonging to other States. It was certainly gener- ous and may have been politic, in those States to make large cessions to the Union, for the purpose of securing the payment of the public debt, restoring harmony to the people of the different States, and gratifying the wishes of a part of their respective citizens, who were anxious to set up for themselves. It is no less certainly the duty of Congress to see that this magnanimous act of generosity be not abused, and the fund which was intended for gen- eral, applied to local purposes. The act also contains this provision: "That all the lands intended to he ceded by virtue of this act, to the United States of America, and not appropriated as before mentioned, shall be considered as a common fund for the use and benefit of the United States of America, North-Carolina inclusive, according to their respective and usual proportion in the general charge and expenditure, and shall be faithfully disposed of for that purpose, and for no other use or purpose whatever." Language could not have expressed the intention of the Legislature more plainly, or placed the claim of those States, which have not yet received appropriation, upon a firmer basis. The acts of cession of other States contain similar provisions, congress ought to Your committee have too an exalted opinion of the Con- state. ai a e gress of the U. States, to believe that however much they may doubt "the expediency of making appropriations for the benefit of the old, corresponding with those already made for the new States," they can hesitate for a moment to redeem the plighted faith of the nation, and perform the very conditions upon which the cessions were made. Public Lands and Education. 205 Your committee gave no additional force to the reason- ing contained in the reports to the Legislature of the States before mentioned, to show the justice of the claims of the non-ceding States to be allowed appropriations pro- portionate to those already granted to the new States ; and they admit the claim of those States, which have made the largest cessions, are placed, by the several acts upon the subject, on the same footing, except, perhaps, that there 411 tne states n . lve may be more equity in the claim of the ceding States, in- landsrfLou&iana asmuch as they have made the contract, and paid the con- finds. 6 sideration upon which the benefit of the stipulations con- tained in the several cession acts, have been guaranteed to them. There can be as little doubt of the right of all the States to share the advantages which have resulted from the purchase of Louisiana, and the Indian title to the Public Lands, as they were paid for with money drawn from the Treasury of the IT. States, in the proportion that they have contributed towards the same. As that might be a difficult matter to ascertain, perhaps no better mode can be devised than the one suggested by the Maryland Committee-, the ratio of square miles. Your committee are satisfied that the statement and a calculation showing amount calculation made in the Maryland report are correct, of public lands. That the amount of unappropriated Public Lands is four hundred millions of acres. The total amount necessary to do justice to those States, which have not yet had any ap- propriation made in their favour, is 9,370,760 acres, or something less than 2 1-2 per cent upon the whole amount. That the amount already appropriated for literary pur- poses, and which will be appropriated, if the system here- inbefore adhered to for the benefit of the new States and Territories, is 14,576,569 2-3 acres. Xorth Carolina is entitled to an appropriation of 980,666 acres, which, at two dollars per acre, would amount to the sum of $1,961,- calculation show- 332. Two dollars per acre being something less than the c n a fonna e in f the rth average price for which government lands have sold, it pu 1C an s- 206 Public Lands and Education. What this would enable state to do for education. Appropriation already made ap- plauded, partiality condemned. Maryland report approved. New Hampshire report quoted. would be fair to estimate the claim of North-Carolina at $2,000,000 ; the interest upon that sum would be $120,000 per annum, which divided equally among the counties in the State, would make the sum of $1,933.70 per annum, to each county. $120,000 per annum, divided among all the different counties in the State, according to their re- spective population and wants, judiciously managed, would enable the Legislature to establish schools to a consider- able extent, in each county. The means of obtaining edu- cation would thus be brought home to the doors of every individual, and the poor, as v^ell as the rich, could avail themselves of the advantages of a fund so wisely appro- priated. Your, committee applaud, rather than condemn, the ap- propriations already made, and all they ask is, that Con- gress will make them general, not partial, that, that which is expressly stipulated to be a common fund, for the com- mon benefit of all the States, shall not be applied exclu- sively for the benefit of any particular State or section of country. Your committee, from every consideration which they have been able to give the subject, cordially concur with the sentiment expressed in the Maryland Keport, "that in whatever point of view the public lands are considered, whether as acquired by purchase, conquest or cession, they are emphatically the common property of the Union. They ought to inure, therefore, to the common use and benefit of all the States, in just proportions, and cannot be appropriated to the use and benefit of any particular State, to the exclusion of the others, without an infringe- ment of the principles upon which cessions from states were expressly made, and a violation of the spirit of our national compact as well as the principles of justice and sound policy." They also agree perfectly in opinion with the sentiment expressed by the Legislature of New-Hamp- shire, "That those states for whose benefit such appropri- Public Lands and Education. 207 aticns have not yet been made, will not be true to them- selves, if they do not make known to Congress, who alone possess the power to make them, their request for such ap- propriations, not as a matter of favour, but of right/' They, therefore, respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved by the General Assembly of North-Carolina, That each of the United States has an equal right to par- ticipate in the benefit of the public lands as the common property of the Union ; and that the States in whose favour Congress has not made appropriations of land for the pur- poses of education, are entitled to such appropriations as will be in just proportion with those already made in favor of other states, and in accordance with the principles upon which cessions have been made by States to the United States. Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be requested Resolutions report- ,, -. r . T , , . ed for adoption. to transmit copies of the foregoing Report and Resolution to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, with a request that they will lay the same before their re- spective Houses, and use their endeavours to procure the- passage of an act to carry into effect the just principle therein set forth. Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be also re- quested to transmit copies of the said Report and Resolu- tions to the Governors of the several states of the Union, with a request that they will communicate the same to their respective Legislatures, and solicit their co-operation. All of which is respectfully submitted. Samuel Hilumax, Chairman. — Raleigh Register, Jan. k, 1822. 6. WORK OF RALEIGH FEMALE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. We have observed with pleasure that the young Gentle- men of this place have associated themselves to perform a Play this evening, (Wednesday,) for the benefit of the forTOm™ilme. teilce Female Benevolent Society. This Society has existed for some time past, and has for its object the promotion of in- dustry and the instruction of the children of indigent parents in the first rudiments of learning. Our readers will excuse our dilating a little on the sub- ject so interesting to the lower class of the community, and so reputable to those who are at the head of this In- stitution, whom Providence has blessed with the means and inspired their hearts to enter earnestly into this labor of love. The object of this Society is to purchase raw Industrial work. d •/ a. materials, which the poor and industrious females are em- ployed to spin and weave into useful cloths for domestic use — and these are made up and sold for the benefit of the Society, & thus their small funds (arising from annual subscriptions and charitable donations) is continually re- volving for the benefit of the poor. Before this school was opened it could not have been believed that there were so many poor children in the indi ent children ne ighb° r h°°cl> in so great a degree destitute of instruction. educated. j^- - g a p] easin g sight now to observe between 40 & 50 children "trained up in the way they should go," and reg- ularly brought to Divine Worship, many of whom proba- bly never before attended on such an occasion. These children are not only instructed on the Sabbath-day but attend school regularly five days during the week, under the superintendence of a pious lady competent to the task, who is paid by the Society. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on this undertaking and its benevolent founders. We trust they will persevere; and it argues well that the 208 Raleigh Benevolent Society. '209 young' Gentlemen have with characteristic liberality, vol- unteered their services to aid the funds of the Society. — Raleigh Register, July 1$, 1822. Sunday last being the Anniversary of the Raleigh Fe- male Benevolent Society, a very appropriate and eloquent Sermon was delivered by the Bev. Mr. Green, from the following words — "But whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him V and a collection was then made in aid of the funds. A brief sketch of the progress of the Society during the last year was read in the Church — from this document it se^monf^ appears that this Institution has already been productive of much good ; and it is not to be doubted that the advan- tages accruing from it to the poor of the city will be felt more sensibly every year, as one of its principal objects is to give to destitute female children such an education as will tend to render them useful and respectable members of society. The children of the School were present on the occasion, and Mr. Green alluded very happily to them in his appeal to the benevolence of the Congregation. — Raleigh Register, August 2, 1822. Wanted A RESPECTABLE Female to take charge of the School under the patronage and superintendence of the Raleigh Female Benevolent Society. It will be expected that whoever undertakes to teach courses of study ,i ,-,-. .-. -, , _ . . in the society free the Children, shall be competent to instruct them m the school, rudiments of the English language, the common rules of Arithmetic, Writing, Sewing and Knitting. Further, it will be expected that the teacher will take charge at bed and board of such children as the Society have, or may adopt, to be supported, clothed and educated at the ex- pense of the Society. 14 210 Raleigh Benevolent Society. A small dwelling attached to the School Room will be furnished to the person who undertakes the services above mentioned. Application may be made to the President or Managers , or to the Book Store of J. Gales and Son. May 14. — Raleigh Register, June 8, 1827. 1823 1. GOV. HOLMES' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 3. HILL'S RESOLUTION ON ESTABLISHING SCHOOLS. 4. THE LEGISLATURE URGED TO ESTABLISH COMMON SCHOOLS. 211 1. GOV. GABRIEL HOLMES' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. I trust it will not be deemed chimerical to recommend Experimental farm for use of the purchase of a small farm near our University, to be university m teach- L u ' mg agriculture. p U t imc l e r the care of a scientific and practical farmer, • who should, besides a small salary, given as an additional inducement for one qualified to offer, be allowed the pro- duce of the farm, which should be cultivated in the highest order. On this farm experiments should be made under the direction of the Professor of Chemistry, in manuring, as to kind, quality, and manner of applying, and in the Details in outline various methods of cultivating different articles of common of the plan. . ° growth, and such as might be deemed important to intro- duce from abroad. The person having charge of the Farm should understand the mechanism and use of the most improved implements of husbandry, and also be well informed in the different departments of domestic econo- my. It is unnecessary to be more minute, as my design is only to sketch an outline of the plan, which some re- flection has suggested to my mind. Let the students of the University, of the two higher classes, accompanied by the Professor of Chemistry, visit this little farm at such time as might be fixed upon by the Faculty of the Uni- versity, and there see and learn the usefulness and beauty of husbandry. What a stock of useful knowledge would this enable our young men to carry with them into the utmty of the plan. bogom of gociety j The utilitj and practicability of this plan derives much support from the assurance which we may feel, that the able and indefatigable Faculty of our University, would cheerfully co-operate in the attainment of the important objects in view. — House Journal, 18 23- k, p. 119. 212 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES (» EDUCATION. Senate Committee on Education : Win. M. Sneed, Granville ; Charles A. Hill, Franklin : Nathan B. White- senate committee on education. field, Lenoir ■ John Hill, Stokes ; Edward Ward, Onslow. — Senate Journal, 1S23, p. 13. House Committee on Education: James Graham, Rutherford ; S. Whitaker, Wake ; Charles Fisher, -Rowan ; Joseph Flynt, Stokes; Bedford Brown, Caswell; Thomas Clancy, Hillsborough ; Thomas X. Mann, X ash ; Ephraim „ Mann, Tyrrell ; William Wilkins, Edgecombe ; Theodore on education Barrow, Perquimans ; William Watson, Hyde ; Charles Edwards, Greene ; L. T. Oliver, Onslow ; Wm. K. Frede- rick, Duplin ; Gideon Seawell, Moore ; John Cole, Rich- mond. — House Journal, 1828, p. 1.26. se committee 213 3. HILL'S RESOLUTION ON ESTABLISHING SCHOOLS. Constitution re- quires schools for convenient in- struction of youth. On motion of Mr. J. A. Hill 1 , Resolved, that the committee on education be instructed to enquire into the expediency of establishing, by law, schools throughout this State, in conformity to the 41st section of the Constitution, which makes it the duty of the Legislature to establish schools for the convenient instruc- tion of the youth of the state, and to provide for the due encouragement and promotion of useful learning; and that said committee have leave to report by bill or otherwise 2 . — House Journal, 1823, p. 150. 1 J. A. Hill, New Hanover. 2 Made no report and no bill was proposed. 214 4. THE LEGISLATURE URGED TO ESTABLISH COMMON SCHOOLS. There is one subject which, amidst all the political fer- ment and turmoil of the times, we hope will not be passed Establishing by unnoticed. The subject of Education has been too neglected. long neglected by the Legislature; but we hope at this ses- sion something will be done to encourage it. We have a well endowed and very respectable University ; but its ad- vantages are too remote from the great mass of the popula- People deficient in ° ° x L rudiments of edu- tion of the state, to be felt and appreciated by them. The cation - people at large are deplorably deficient in the rudiments of an education. To obviate this, primary schools are wanting. Xo appropriation which the Legislature could make, would be so little objected to as one for the support ^.h?™s"vouid be of common schools. We do hope some member will make an experiment this session, and see what can be done in the Legislature on this subject. — Editorial in Western Carolinian, Nov. 18, 1823. 215 1824 1. GOV. HOLMES' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. HILL'S SCHOOL FUND BILL 3. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORT ON EDUCATION. 4. ASHE'S BILL FOR EDUCATING THE YOUTH OF THE POOR. 5. COMMITTEE ON PLAN OF EDUCATION. 6. HAYWOOD'S PLAN TO CREATE A LITERARY FUND. 7. HAYWOOD'S PLAN APPROVED BY WESTERN CAROLINAN. 8. REVIEW OF OTHER SCHOOL SYSTEMS; NORTH CAROLINA URGED TO ESTABLISH SCHOOLS. 9. AN EDGECOMBE APPEAL FOR FREE SCHOOLS. 216 1. GOV. GABRIEL HOLMES' MESSAGE OX EDUCATION. It may not be amiss, gentlemen, to say somewhat on the subject of Literature. It is unquestionably of vital im- portance to the respectability of the State, as well as indi- vidual prosperity and happiness. But I have harped on it so often (and as often I presume, have my predecessors) that I now touch the chord with almost hopeless expecta- Education is of x x _ vital importance to tions and frigid indifference. But whilst I see our sister the state and to the o individual : other States boasting of millions appropriated to that fund and xonh Carolina. that well organized little Republic, Connecticut, proudly declaring that her every son and daughter can read and write — by the contrast our policy forms with their regula- tions, I am irresistibly constrained to invite your atten- tion to the improvement of the minds of the rising genera- tion of North Carolina. Our Fiscal Department is in a flourishing situation ; An overflowing our treasury abounding in gold and silver, or its adequate nothing appropn- , .., , „ -. , , ated for education : value, collected from the people, and not one cent appro- creation of school x , . x fund suggested. priated to the improvement of the minds of their children. I mean those who have not the means to afford their sons and daughters liberal educations. Surely, then, we can- not, consistent with good policy, hesitate to create a fund, that will assist the parents of every denomination, to initi- ate their offspring in elementary rudiments of learning. Knowledge, well and generally diffused amongst every class of our citizens, is the best security of their constitu- tional rights and liberties. It will enable them to resist all innovations of Demagogues or ambitions men, whose views to the constitution are inimical or subversive. The people are industrious and patriotic ; they cheerfully sub- • -i i t ' "" The people will scribe to the necessary demands of the State upon their approve a measure looking to the edu- purse. without a murmur. They would most gladly re- cation of the chii- j- >_ dren ceive and greatly acknowledge your patronage for the im- provement of their families. They have a right fully to 217 218 Gov, Holmes on Education. anticipate your fostering care, and I cannot doubt but that the advantages resulting to society from such mea- sures, will claim your wise and well digested liberality toward them. — House Journal, 182J+. Bill to create a 2. HILL'S SCHOOL FUND BILL. Monday, December 6, 1824. Mr. Hill 1 , from the Com- mittee on Education, reported a bill to create a fund for the purpose of educating that part of the infant popula- tion of this State, who shall from time to time be found poor f-hifdrerfin- t ,..,/., i /. i ■ .i • i , i troduced in Senate. destitute of the means of becoming otherwise properly taken care of, in that particular ; which was read the first time and passed, and, on motion of Mr. Outlaw' 2 , ordered that the bill and the report be printed. — Senate Journal, 182J+-25, p. Jf.2. Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1824. — The bill to create a fund for the purpose of educating that part of the infant popu- lation of this State who shall from time to time be found Vote on indefinite- destitute of the means of becoming otherwise properly taken jy ^ n t ^ n ? ngbm care of in that particular, was read the second time. Mr. Speight 3 moved that the bill be indefinitely postponed, which was not agreed to. The yeas and nays on this ques- tion being demanded by Mr. Hill, are as follows : For indefinite postponement are, Yeas. — Messrs. Barringer, Calloway, Davis, Forney, Harrell, Marshall, Marsh, Speight, Shober, Sherrod. Wil- liams of Beaufort, Wellborn— 12. Those voting on Against indefinite postponement are, ftn?b 1 iL neme,lt Nays. — Messrs. Baker, Brittain, Bullock, Bryan, Be- thune, Boddie, Boykin, Beasley, Carson, Davidson, De- vane, Frink, Fisher, Gibbs, Greene, Hill, Joiner, Love, Matthews, McLeod, Legrand, McDaniel, McLeary, Mont- 1 Charles A. Hill, of Franklin. 2 George B. Outlaw, of Bertie. 3 Jesse Speight, of Greene. 219 220 Hill's School Fund Bill. Amendment adopted. Yeas and nays on Carson amend- ment. gomery, Nuttall, Perkins, Parker, Peebles Poole, Rid dick, Roberts, Shipman, Salyear, Smithwick, Sullivan, Sea- well, Vanhook, Williams of Lenoir, Williams of Moore, Wilson, Ward — 41. The question then recurred on the passage of the said bill the second time, which was determined in the affirma- tive, and the same being read the third time, Mr. McLeod 1 moved to strike out the words negro traders and billiard tables in the first section, which was not agreed to. Mr. Carson 2 moved to add the following section to the bill : "That the tax hereafter to be collected from persons keeping a billiard table, shall be one hundred dollars, to be licensed and collected under the same rules and regula- tions and restrictions as by law are now provided in the collection of such tax." Which amendment was agreed to. The yeas and nays on the adoption of this amendment being demanded by Mr. Nuttall 3 , are as follows : For the adoption of the amendment are, Yeas — Messrs. Baker, Brittain, Bullock, Bryan, Black- well, Beasley, Carson, Davidson, Devane, Frink, Forney, Gibbs, Greene, Hill, Harrell, Love, Matthews, Montgom- ery, Perkins, Peebles, Pool, Riddiek, Roberts, Shipman, Salyear, Smithwick, Sullivan, Shober, Seawell, Williams of Lenoir, Williams of Moore, Wilson, Ward, Wellborn —34. Against the adoption of the amendment are, ]STays — Messrs. Barringer,, Bethune, Boddie, Boykin, Davis, Fisher, Joiner, Legrand, Marshall, Marsh, Mc- Leod, McDaniel, McLeary, ]STuttall, Parker, Speight, Sherrard, Vanhook, Williams, of Beaufort — 19. 'John McLeod, of Johnston. 2 Samuel P. Carson, of Burke. 3 James Nuttall, of Granville. Hill's School Fund Bill. 221 The question then recurred on the passage of the said bill the third time as amended, and the same was deter- J h H^ otl ;?V h i r -n reading ol the bill mined in the affirmative. The yeas and nays on the pas- m the Senate - sage of the bill the third time being demanded by Mr. Speight, are as follows : For the passage of the bill are, Yeas — Messrs. Baker, Brittain, Bullock, Bryan, Be- thune, Blackwell, Boykin, Beasley, Carson, Copeland. Davidson, Devane, Frink, Fisher, Gibbs, Greene, Hill. Love, Legrand, Matthews,' McLeary, Montgomery, Per- kins, Parker, Peebles, Pool, Riddick, Roberts, Shipman. Salyear, Smithwick, Sullivan, Seawell, Vanhook, Wil- liams, of Lenoir, Williams, of Moore, Wilson, Ward. — 38. Against the passage of the bill are, Xays — Messrs. Barringer, Bodelie, Calloway, Davis, Forney, Harrell, Joiner, Marshall, Marsh, McLeod, Nut- tall, Speight, Shober, Sherrard, Williams, of Beaufort, Welborn.— 16. Thereupon the bill was ordered to be enorossed. — Senate Journal, 182^-25, pp. 10 2-10 S. Friday, December 31, 1824. Received from the House of Commons a message, stating that they have rejected the engrossed bill to create a fund for the purpose of educating House rejeeti , that part of the infant population of this state who shall the Senate WL from time to time be found destitute of the means of be- coming otherwise properly taken care of in that particular. — Senate Journal, 182^-25, p. HO. 1 x See House Journal, December 30, 1824, p. 121. The House indefi- nitely postponed the bill without division. 222 Hill's School Fund Bill. The Bill. Certain bank stock and license taxes to be constituted a school fund. Commissioners to manage the fund. Commissioners to make an annual report to Legisla- ture. Taxes on billiard tables. A Bill to create a fund for the purpose of educating that part of the infant population of the State who shall from time to time be found destitute of the means of be- coming otherwise properly taken care of in that particular. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of j^orth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that all the Bank Stock, which shall be ac- quired by this State, through the investment of the pro- ceeds of the Treasury notes ordered to be issued by the last General Assembly ; together with all the monies which shall annually be collected from the taxes at present laid or which shall be hereafter laid on Gates, natural and ar- tificial curiosities, peddlers, negro traders, and Billiard tables, shall be, and the same are hereby appropriated as a fund for the purpose aforesaid. And be it further enacted that the Governor, for the time being, the Secretary of State, the public Treasurer and the Comptroller shall be, and they are hereby de- clared to be commissioners with power to take charge of the said stock and monies and to employ them in such manner as they shall judge best calculated to further and promote the end in view. And be it further enacted that said Commissioners shall report annually and fully to the General Assembly to the end that Body may be the better enabled to determine on the time and manner in which the interest of the fund so to be created, or any part of it shall be applied to the pur- pose above mentioned. Be it further enacted that the tax hereafter to be col- lected from persons keeping a Billiard table, shall be one hundred dollars, to be secured and collected under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as by law is now provided in the collection of such tax, any law to the con- trary notwithstandina:. Hill's School Fund Bill. 223 In Senate Dec. 30, 1824, Engrossed and Examined. clerk's entry. In House of Commons Dec. 30, 1824, read the first time and rejected. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1824--25. 3. SENATE COMMITTEE EEPOET ON EDUCATION.* The Committee on Education having taken the subject under consideration report Education the That so sensibly affected are they, with the importance of liberty. 11 of a general diffusion of useful knowledge among all the classes of the community in a free and independent na- tion, they have been induced briefly to examine the effects of education, as tending to raise and maintain the founda- tion of liberty in all nations. u To teach the young idea how to shoot" The imagination has deservedly engaged the Philanthropist in every age, in can not conceive . . . . aii the blessings of every clime. The committee are aware that the imagina- education. " • ° tion, with all its active energies, is still inadequate to embrace and contemplate all the blessings resulting from the powers and faculties of the mind, when well stored with useful and valuable learning; but being taught by the history of olden times, that the mind herself is stripped of her brightest gems ; that liberty, however dearly bought, is but an empty sound, unless aided by such a share of use- ful knowledge, as will unfold and cherish their inherent beauties ; Your Committee will venture the assertion that life itself is but an evanescent shadow, without the proper improvement of the mind. If we view the dawn of liberty in Greece ; if we contemplate its advancement in that ot^rants 1 the foe c l ass ^ c region we discover, at once, that education led the van. And what but the awful inroad made on mental 'Senate Committee on Education, 1824-25 : Charles A. Hill, Frank- lin ; Samuel P. Carson, Burke; Benj. W. Williams, Moore; Isham Matthews, Halifax, and James Nuttall, Granville. Mr. Hill made the report. See Senate Journal, 1824-25, p. 42. 224 Senate Report ox Education. 225 refinement has deluged, with slavery, barbarism and deg- radation, the once delighted and all powerful Greece \ While she gloried in her Demosthenes, Epaminondas, Pelopidas and other innumerable enlightened statesmen, nor tyrant arms, nor despots frowns could awe her into submission. She stood preeminently proud, entrenched under the impregnable ramparts of her own defence. But soon as wealth and pride had usurped all power, and use- ful learning was adjudged to check their dread career, ignorance and sloth then put forth their baleful influence and in their gorgon of destruction, hurried her liberty for KjfLSfwEL®™ ages. This second paradise, this mother, cradle and man- "uir>n . negleet edU " tie of freedom, — this emporium of all that was truly good and glorious, — this birth place and nursery of patriotism and philosophy, receeded from her high and well earned fame ; — Greece became the seat of savage ferocity ; fell like the tall Cedar of Lebanon, and seemed only for a moment to have illumined the world by the splendid bril- liancy of her scientific coruscations, more fully to demon- strate the importance of education to secure the rights of man. Thus too, old Rome, once mistress of the world — Rome also, while under the guidance of literature and science, who could bound her illimitable empire ? What region equal her resplendent grandeur ? — profligacy of manners and corruption of morals succeeded the neglect of the mincl. and Roman greatness could only remember her heroes and statesmen, her poets and philosophers, the more deeply to deplore her dishonor and her ruin. The advancement in civilization has ever proceeded in civilization and an equal pace, with the improvement of the mind So ever gone hand in the ramparts of freedom and the enjoyments of liberty have ever declined with the declension of useful learning. Despots alone rejoice in the ignorance of their vassals, and have sought securitv from their mental darkness. 15 226 Senate Report on Education. Pope's lines. children of the state. Not so republics; they boast their security in the intelli- gence of their sons ; for both have learned " 'Tis education forms the common mind Just as the twig is bent the trees incline." Your committee would call the attention of the Legis- lature to an examination of the State of the indigent youth of the community; why engulphed in ignorance and over- whelmed in infamy that abject son of penury and want ? The sad condition Ah ! perhaps his father's bones yet shine unhurried on the fields of battle, where gloriously he fell in defence of our liberty. Who can tell the number of children, who, de- prived by birth of the means of acquiring even an ele- mentary education grow up, exposed to the delusions of vice, and soon yield to the deceitfulness of sin ? Who can recount the children of our State who rise to manhood ignorant alike of men and manners, unable to read the sacred charter of liberty ; unacquainted with the history of these glorious revolutionary struggles, which wafted our country to honor and independence ; incompetent to search that sacred volume ; which brought life and immor- tality to light. — These sojourn among us with as little honor to themselves, as usefulness to their Country, — are led captive by the tinsel glare of folly or ambition ; be- come the veriest tools of duplicity and intrigue, and may at some future period subserve the purposes of a despot, to revolutionise our government, sap the very foundation of our republican institutions, and satiate the proud spirit of some aspiring Demagogue. The Committee would direct the attention of the Legis- lature to our Villages, streets and cities, — to our gill-shops and prisons; — to the walks of female depravity and fe- male pollution ; — to the helpless orphan, and impoverished child ; — to our criminal records and plans of execution ; — Alas, what there do we behold? miserable objects; many whose virtues mis:ht have shown in the lustre of the State, Ignorance the cause of vice. Senate Report oa t Education. 227 had they been blessed with even the elements of learning ! Wretches whose first departure from morality and virtue, is signalised by that ignorance which your Committee would deplore and which your committee would remove ! — unhappy victims of the wily and seductive arts, too often employed against female innocence and female affec- tion! And why vour streets, vour cities, your neighbor- vice follows the . """ neglect of the chil- hoods, your prisons, your courts and the community dren. crowded with these miserable characters ? — Here is the cause. The helpless Orphan, the child Of poverty, is suf- fered to grow up in that ignorance which dooms him to infamy and despair, because he is poor and disowned by the State. Your Committee indulge the sanguine hope and livelv Anticipate time ° L " when state will aid anticipation of better times, and look with fond expecta- ^ the education of 1 - 1 poor children. tion to the commencement of a work, which may reverse these sad scenes by bestowing some portion of the care and patronage of the State, on the instruction of the indigent and orphan. The human mind is fitly compared to the marble in the quarry, which can never shine unaided by the hand of the sculptor. Talents of the first order, may. and frequently do lie buried in the bosom of the poorest Orphan or child of most abject povertv. Indeed the high Poor children often possess great renown and merited fame of many of the most illustrious talent. of our Nation, warrant the assertion and demonstrate the fact, that persons of low estate and obscure birth, when fired by manly pride and virtuous ambition, are most likely to succeed in the march to honor and to fame. Your Committee then recommend that when blessed with the means of removing so dreadful a calami ty, we should dare the undertaking. That a work may be com The treasury over- c ' flowing, time now menced, that could run parallel with immortality itself, toheginto aid work ol education. Divine Providence as with an eye to so great and glorious an object h?s given to the State an overflowing; treasury. ISTow then. Your Committee are persuaded is the moment to commence so brilliant a display of patriotism and mag- 228 Senate Report on Education. nanimity. Already has the State afforded to the affluent and wealthy the happy opportunity of educating their sons. Already has she raised that pride and boast of the The wealthy pro- State ; Already does her University deservedly rank anions vided the means of '" education at the the first colleges of America; both from the extent of her university. ° 7 funds and erudition of her Faculty. From hence is. spread abroad that useful information, which is diffusing literature and science in every section of our State. But your Committee would not stop here; They behold and deplore the wretched state of ignorance to which a large Time to provide portion of our indigent youth are doomed. This must for the indigent ■*■ ° " y° uth - be remedied and now is the favorable and auspicious period ; this is the happy moment to lay a foundation for the general- dissemination of good and valuable learning among every class, to the helpless and forlorn. Your Committee would again assert the means are at hand. There must be a beginning, and although that beginning be comparatively small, yet your Committee cherish the Let the beginning fond hope that as a large fire is often kindled from a little be small, the work *- ° will grow. spark, so may the philanthropic mind look forward to the day, when future generations, shall look back to the proud period, when from this little beginning, virtue, liberty and science shall have cemented every section of our Country ; when they shall rise up with prophetic eulogy bless the day of their redemption from ignorance and infamy, and everywhere announce paeans of praise to that Legislature, which shall stand forth as the first champion of equal rights in the State of North Carolina. To effect the important objects embraced in this report, your Committee ask leave to report the following bill and recommended its passage into a law. [See preceding 1 pages for the bill referred to. C. L. C] — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 182J/.. 4. ASHE'S BILL FOR EDUCATING THE YOUTH OF THE POOR. Saturday, Dec. 11, 1824. Mr. Ashe 1 presented a bill providing a fund and plan for the education of the youth Introduction in the of the poor in the different counties of the State, which House< was read the first time and passed, and, on motion, re- ferred to the committee on Education. — House Journal, 182^-25, p. 68. Monday, Dec. 13, 1824. Mr. Alston 2 , from the Com- mittee on Education 3 , to whom was referred the bill pro- viding a fund and plan for the education of the youth of committee. the poor in the different counties of this State, returned the same. Ordered, that the said bill lie on the table. — House Journal, 182^-25, p. 72. Monday, December 20, 1824. — On motion of Mr. Bain 4 , ordered, that the bill providing a fund and plan m ord d for the education of the youth of the poor in the different P rmted - counties of this State be printed, one copy for each member of the Assembly. — House Journal, 182J/.-25, p. 88. 1 Samuel P. Ashe, Cumberland. 2 Willis Alston of Halifax county. 3 The House Committee on Education. 1824-25 : William Watson. Hyde; Alney Burgin, Burke; J. M. Flynt, Stokes; George Andrews, Rowan; John Scott, Hillsborough; William McCauley, Orange; Wil- lis Alston, Halifax; R. H. Cowan, Wilmington ; R. W. Goodman, Lenoir; Alexander Elliott, Cumberland; Alex. McNeill, Moore; J. L. Bailey, Pasquotank; J. N. Hoskins, Chowan; S., Craven; Gabriel L. Stewart, Martin. See House Journal, 1824-25, p. 4. 4 Matthew Bain of Mecklenburg. 229 230 Ashe's School Bill. Fails on second reading. Monday, Jan. 3, 1825. — The bill providing a fund and plan for the education of the youth of the poor in thu different counties of this State was read the second time and, on motion, ordered, to be postponed indefinitely. — House Journal, 182J^-25, p. 133. The Bill. A Bill providing a fund and plan for the Education of the youth of the poor in the different Counties of this State. Duty of the Legis- As it is the bounden and paramount duty of the Legis- lature to provide . . . . „ for the education of lature m every well organized government, to provide lor the tuition of youth, but more especially of those in repub- lican and representative governments, the well being and perpetuation of which to make it coexistent with time de- pends on the capacity of the people to understand and fully appreciate the fundamental principles of the Government and laws they live under — as it is essential to the pros- perity and welfare of the republic, that its citizens should be correctly informed and have a full knowledge of their political rights and social duties as members of a com- munity, voluntarily submitting for the general good to arbitrary regulations, an information and knowledge, which can only be obtained by making the acquisition of the rudiments of useful learning of easy, equal and gene- ral access to the children of every citizen, so as to place the child of the poor upon a footing with the rich, on what to them may be aptly termed the threshold of life ; by so doing implant in their youthful minds an attachment to republican equality, and thus stifle if not destroy forever the disposition to assume and exercise those invidious and Equality of oppor- dangerous distinctions but too fast arrowing; in our Country trinity ior all. ^ on which the possession of inordinate wealth, and the inflated desire for personal distinction, with its concomitant ambi- tion which thfH wealth gives birth to in the individual pos- Beneflts of educa tion. Ashe's School Bill. 231 sessing it, who disposed to sacrifice the happiness of their Country and of myriads unborn to the gratifications of their passions and the furtherance of their ambitions views, proves clearly the positive necessity of planting in early youth, and in all classes alike, the genius of repub- lican equality, virtue and civil duty, which can only be done effectually by regulating the education of youth by law, so as to make it general, uniform, and systematick ; for the pride and desire of distinction in the rich, tho' few, with the obstinacy of some and the poverty of others, requires a positive law that shall open the door to the tem- ple of knowledge to all classes without reserve, respect or be^nCTa^mSform distinction of person. Strongly impressed with such feel- regulated by law. ings and sentiments and ardently desirous to put in mo- tion at once this wheel of mental independence, and enable man the more fully thus to become acquainted with him- self and his God. 1st. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of ISTorth Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the members of the General Assembly shall, at the time, and in the manner of recom- mending Justices of the peace for the several Counties county commis- , . _ ... . sioners for the edu- m this State, proceed to recommend a suitable person in cation of the poor to be appointed by each Captain's Company or District in their County to act the legislature, as a Commissioner for the education of the poor of said County, who shall be commissioned by the Governor, shall hold their office during good behavior, and the said Com- missioners so appointed together with the Chairman of the County Court (who shall be ex officio chairman of the Board), Shall form a board of Commissioners for the County wherein they reside, and a majority being present shall annually elect a Secretary if necessary for the fur- therance and support of the objects and end for which they were appointed, and shall appoint a Treasurer who coumycon^ission shall enter into bond with good and sufficient security, made payable to the chairman of said board and his sue- 232 Ashe's School Bill. eessors in office for the benefit of the State in such sum as said board shall require, which bond shall be lodged with the Clerk of the County Court for safe keeping; together with a certificate of the appointment so made of Treasurer under the hand and seal of the Chairman aforesaid, which bond shall be sueable and recoverable as other State bonds now are or may be, and shall allow him a fair compensa- tion for his services to be fixed by said Board. 2d. Be it further enacted, That should any of the Commissioners so appointed refuse to act, remove out of the District or die, then and in that case, any three Jus- hithe g commissfon. tices of the Peace of said Counties, including the Chair- man, may appoint some person to fill said vacancy untill the ensuing Legislature, when the same and all other va- cancies shall be filled as above. 3d. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the said Board of Commissioners for any County has organized themselves as prescribed in the first section of this act, the Chairman of the Board shall procure from under the hand and seal of the Clerk of the County Court thereof a certificate of the organization of the same ; that the Treas- urer has been appointed and entered into a sufficient bond, fpr the faithful performance of his duty, the said certifi- cate shall be presented to the Treasurer of the State, who upon renewing the order of said Chairman, shall place or cause to be placed in the hands of the said Treasurer, by semi annual payments, the amount which may be appro- priated 1o said County as hereafter mentioned, viz: Appropriation from state trea- sury. Amounts to be appropriated to each county left blank in the bill. Anson $ Ashe Buncombe Brunswick Blake Bertie Beaufort TO THE COUNTY OF Bladen Camden Columbus Carteret Chowan Cabarrus Craven Caswell Chatham Currituck Eoberson Surry Sampson Wake Ashe's School Bill. 233 Cumberland $ Davidson Duplin Edgecombe Franklin Greene Gates Guilford Granville Halifax Hyde Hertford Johnston Iredell Jones Haywood Lenoir Stokes Tyrrel Wilkes Warren Lincoln $ Martin Mecklenburg Montgomery Moore Xorth Hampton New Hanover Xash Onslow Orange Pasquotank Perquimons Pitt Person Rutherford Richmond Rowan Randolph Rockingham Washington Wavne which said sums are hereby appropriated annually out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and the receipt of the several Treasurers hereby appointed, shall be a sufficient voucher in the hands of the Treasurer of the State in the settlement of his accounts. 4th. Be it further enacted, That the Board of Com missioners for the several Counties, shall annually on some certain day to be fixed and agreed upon, among them- selves, a majority being j>resent, proceed to divide in the hands of their Treasurer to be by him kept, the sum so allotted to said county among the several Commissioners thereof for the benefit of the education of such children, apSS°K™id whose parent, Guardian or friend in the estimation of ^itciSdrenare • -i n • • n t -i , i /» , n to be educated in said Commissioners, is or may be unable to defray the rudiments of an ,, r. i i ,n "• i r\ • • • i i English education. expense thereof, and he the said Commissioner is hereby authorized and required to take all lawful means, to cause the same to be taught the rudiments of an English educa- tion, and the order of said Commissioner shall be a good voucher in the hands of the Treasurer of the said Board in the settlement of his accounts ; but the Treasurer shall not be allowed to issue to any one Commissioner a greater amount than shall be allotted to his District unless other wise ordered bv the Board. 234 Ashe's School Bill. Commissioners to report to the governor. 5th. Be it further enacted, that on or before the first day of November in each and every year, the chairman of each and every Board of Commissioners in the several Counties in this State, shall cause a full and fair state- ment to be made out, and filed in the Governor's office of this State, and by him to be laid before each succeeding Legislature showing the sum received by such Board, the number of children instructed at the public expense, the term and price of tuition, and if any, how many deprived of instruction for the want of funds or other causes. 6th. Be it further enacted that the Treasurer of the several Boards of Commissioners, appointed and commis- sioned as aforesaid, shall on or before the first of Novem- ber in each and every year, settle and account with the Treasurer of the State, for the sum or sums so deposited with or paid over to him as before specified, and the Treasurer of each Treasurer of the State is hereby authorized to receive in commissioners to settlement or liquidation of the same, the receipt of any render an account. ti _c i n •• • i i i • or all of the Commissioners so appointed, by this act, coun- tersigned by the Chairman and Clerk of the County Court thereof, which receipts so signed shall be allowed the Treasurer of the board in the settlement of his accounts, and the said Treasurer of the Board shall not be eligible to reelection untill, he produce to this board the certificate of such settlement with the Treasurer of the State. In House of Commons 11th Dec. 1824, read the First Time and passed and referred to the Com. on Education. In House of Commons 13th Dec. 1824. Ordered to lie on the Table. In House of Commons 20th Dec. 1824. Called up and ordered to be printed. In House of Commons 3d Jan. 1825, read the Secmd Time, amended and postponed indefinitely. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, ISSJf. Clerk's entries on the bill in the House. o. COMMITTEE 0> PLA> OF EDUCATION. Resolved by the Senate and House of Commons of the State of North Carolina, That the Honorable John Louis Taylor, the Reverend Joseph Caldwell, Peter Browne, committee to pre- Esq., and the Honorable Duncan Cameron, be, and they cate pooVchndren" are hereby requested to prepare a plan or system of Pub- lic Education for the instruction of Children of poor or indigent parentage, and that they report the same to the next General Assembly of this State. Resolved further, That his Excellency the Governor communicate these Resolutions to the Commissioners re- spectively named in the preceding resolution 1 . —Laws of N. C, 1884-26, p. 96. 1 This resolution was introduced in the House of Commons, Jan. 3, 1825, by E. H. Jones, of Warren. See House Journal, 1824-25, p. 133- 235 6. HAYWOOD'S PLAN TO CREATE A LITERARY FUND. With respect to the stock to be purchased with the pro- ceeds of the Treasury Kotes issued and to be issued and sold, the Public Treasurer, strictly speaking, would, per- certain stock to haps, be more within the line of his official duty, were he ofaf^dfof'eto^ to remain silent, whilst this stock would of course, fall into the common mass of that which is already owned by the state ; but bearing in mind that the General Assembly has long and anxiously sought the means of creating a fund, without resorting to taxation, which might ulti- mately prove commensurate to the providing the means hIfebera r co S nskie?- °f education, throughout the state, for that portion of our some melnsTo^es- citizens who may, from time to time, be found destitute of without taxation, them ; he ventures on the liberty of respectfully submit- ting whether this stock, should it be thought expedient so to appropriate it, might not well be considered as laying the foundation of such fund, and forming, at least, a hope- ful beginning. • — From Report of John Haywood, Treas., to Assembly, 182 k- 2a6 7. HAYWOOD'S PLAN APPROVED BY WESTERS CAROLINIAN. We are much pleased in seeing that the subject of Pub- lic Schools has again been brought to the attention of our Legislature. We hope it will meet with better success than at the two preceding sessions. Treasurer Haywood, in the last paragraph of his Re- Plan approved. port, with a delicacy peculiar to himself, has pointed out the means for a school fund, which, if adopted, will make a "hopeful beginning." It is the counsel of age aud ex- perience, speaking to our members : it should not be dis- regarded. It is surely the duty of all governments to attend to the education of the rising generation. Other states of the Union have done much already ; but what has North Carolina, as yet, done? Literally nothing! As, how- Duty of the govern- ever, our means at this time are insufficient to adopt a sys- rising generation, , . . ™ , , , , North Carolina has tern, and carry it into effect, all that at present can be done nothing as . . . J' et ' expected, is for the legislature to create a fund, set it apart, and pledge it to the purposes of education: it will soon increase ; and in a few years, may be the means of diffusing the blessings of knowledge to thousands of the needy sons and daughters of ISTorth-Carolina. We observe that the subject, in another shape, has also Ashe's plan not 11 L approved. been brought before the Legislature. Mr. Ashe has intro- duced a resolution, in which he is for completing the whole system at once. His zeal in the cause has mislead him. When we have resolved to rear an edifice, prudence requires that the means for doing so should first be pro- vided. And if we attempt to adopt a system of Poor Schools, it would be well enough to provide the necessary fund for doing so. We should do one thing at a time — for by attempting too much at once, the whole may fail. If the present Legislature adopts the recommendation of the Treasurer, and makes a "hopeful beginning," it is need now be made. 237 "238 Haywood's Plan Approved. all we ought to expect at present ; and by so doing, they will be laying the ground-work of a system that will do them immortal honor. — Western Carolinian, Dec. 7 ', 182 4. committee ap- ^ e are pl ease d to observe, that the suggestion of Treas- t^rmiiefund 13111 urer Haywood, relative to the formation of a "Fund/' the avails of which should be applied to the support of com- mon schools throughout the State, has been met by a be- coming liberality on the part of the Legislature. A com- mittee has been appointed, (as will be perceived by refer- ence to the proceedings of the legislature) to bring in a bill on the subject. Let this fund only be established by law, and, to use the apt language of the Treasurer, a "hope- ful beginning" will have been made. Plan the most As we observed in a former number of our paper, this plan for the support of common schools, appears the most feasible of any we have heard suggested: in fact, we be- lieve it is the only one that could ultimately produce a permanent system for the maintenance of free schools. We know that the division of each county into convenient districts, and the assessment of a tax "upon each indi- vidual, according to his property," appears the most plau- sible to a superficial observer ; and might, perhaps, as a temporary measure, answer very well. But we are afraid People complain of taxation, and will it would not do as permanent means. Ine people already not approve of this _ x . means lof establish- complain of an excess of taxation: and should this lauda- ing schools. i ble project be attempted to be carried into effect by imme- diate taxation, we have our fears that the whole plan would become unpopular ; and such is the force of popular favor in our country, that no measure in opposition to it can be carried into successful operation. The legislature may enact laws for a dozen years in succession — but if they are not palatable to the people, they will remain a dead letter in the statute-book. — Western Carolinian, Dec. 21, 1821/.. 8. REVIEW OF OTHER SCHOOL SYSTEMS; >ORTH CARO- LINA URGED TO ESTABLISH SCHOOLS.— I AND II, BY A. B. I. Eor the Western Carolinian. Mr. White : Governor Holmes, in his message, has alluded to the excellent system of common schools, in the state of Connecticut. President Dwiffht, in the 4th vol. Review f the ° 7 school system of of his Travels, has given a particular and interesting ac- ^ecticut ° f Con " count of the school system in that state. "For the sup- port of the schools, (says he) the state pays out of the treasury, annually, the sum of two dollars upon ever}" thousand dollars in the list of each school society, to its committee, for the benefit of the schools within its limits. It also pays to these societies, half yearly, the interest arising from the school fund. To form this fund, the state sold part of a tract of land, called "the Connecticut Reserve," lying on the southern border of Lake Erie, with- in the present state of Ohio. The principal sum arising from this source, was, in the treasury books, in May, 182 1, $1,700,000. But in order to entitle a school society to their proportion of this money, their committee must cer- tify that the school in said society has been kept, for the year preceding, in all respects, according to the directions of the statute regulating schools ; and that all the monies drawn from the public treasury for this purpose, have been faithfully applied and expended, in paying and boarding instructors. If these monies are misapplied, they are forfeited to the state. If the committees make a false certificate, they forfeit sixty dollars. Each school society is to appoint suitable persons, not exceeding nine, to be overseers, or visitors, of all the schools within their limits. It is the duty of the overseers to examine the instructors; to dis- place such as may be found deficient, or will not conform to their regulations ; to superintend and direct the instruc- 239 240 ]NT. 0. Ueged to Establish Schools. Other New Eng- land states. New York system described. tion of the children in religion, morals and manners ; to appoint public exercises for them ; to visit the schools twice, at least, during each session; particularly to direct the daily reading of the Bible, by such children as are capable of it, and their weekly instruction in some ap- proved catechism ; and to recommend that the master con- clude the exercises of each day with prayer. The system of education in the other New-England states, does not differ much from that of Connecticut. The expenditures of Massachusetts (without the aid of a pub- lic fund, of $1, TOO, 000,) in support of public schools, is equally liberal. The city of Boston alone, expends, an- nually, on its schools, $70,000. Here are schools of every grade, from the Primary, up to the Latin Grammar and classical schools, in which youth are prepared for the Uni- versity, or acquire a very superior English education. Till within a few years, the common schools in the state of New- York were under miserable regulations. That state now has a school fund, which, though not equal to that of Connecticut, is very respectable. The writer is not able to state the precise amount of that fund, or how it was raised; but 12 or 15 years ago, it amounted to nearly $500,000, and its annual income was more than $36,000. The system of education in this state, when completed, is, that every four square miles shall have its school, under proper regulations. These regulations, as well as those of Connecticut, respect the qualifications of instructors. The call for "cheap" masters, has gradually given place to the more important one for well qualified instructors. The state of New- York, by the adoption and prosecution of its present enlightened system of education, will acquire more real glory, than by its far famed "Great Canal." — The one will give her wealth ; the other intelligence : the one will convey her productions speedily and cheaply to market, and extend her commerce west of the Mississippi — from the other will issue her future Clintons, and Browns, and N. C. Urged to Establish Schools. 241 Hamiltons ; and a free, intelligent, enterprising popula- tion, at which, tyrants will tremble ! But is it not time for ^North-Carolina to do something Plan for North . * Carolina. for the education of her children \ The establishment of a few schools, at convenient places in each county, for 1-3 or 1-2 of the year, would be of vast importance to the State. If we cannot have a school for every four square miles, let us have one for every sixteen, or every twenty, or every thirty, square miles. And let us have, in differ- ent parts of the State, schools of a higher grade, at which young men may obtain suitable qualifications for school- masters, magistrates and legislators. A. B. — Western Carolinian, Dec. 21, 1821/. II. For the Western Carolinian. j\lr. White: I wish to make a few additional remarks on the subject of education. When I closed niy first com- munication, I was speaking with respect to schools of a m . &&e sch00l higher grade than those at which our children are in gen- j^^v^atefr 5 ' eral to be educated. Perhaps we have in our State more schools for the languages and sciences than the circum- stances of the country call for. The consequence is, they are not well patronized. But so far as my acquaintance extends, we have not one school, the great object of which is to give our young men a superior English education. ]STor till the great establishment of schools, with teachers of competent literary attainments, will there be much de- mand for them ; for our youth will probably either aspire to a classical education, or be satisfied with such degrees of knowledge as those to which their parents attained. And yet it is to this last class, to men of their limited ac- quirements, that [North-Carolina is to look for many of her instructors, of her magistrates, of her legislators, and of the officers of church and state. Establish schools, offer suitable salaries to instructors ; and, in return, demand 36 242 ]ST. C. Urged to Establish Schools. Have acted as if nothing could be done. Proof that we are able to support schools. proper qualifications, and you will render a most important service to your country. — You will cherish a spirit of en- terprise among the citizens ; you will open to those born in the humblest circumstances, the way to wealth, to useful- ness and distinction. It seems to have been a maxim which regulated the measures of our Legislature in preceding years, on the sub- ject of education, that nothing could be done. And Governor Holmes, if I comprehend his meaning, seems to consider general education as desirable, rather than attainable, in our present circumstances. The subject, it must be readily admitted, is one of much difficulty, as well as one of im- mense importance. But if the object is great and desira- ble, and not absolutely out of our reach, difficulties should not deter us from laboring diligently and perseveringly for its accomplishment. We should cheerfully submit to much inconvenience, and to much expense, in order to obtain so great a treasure, as a good education for our children, and in order that our neighbors and the community at large may exteud the same inestimable blessing to their off- spring. Both the location and the support of the schools will be But cannot the collected The General As- sembly might locate a few in each county, at the most eli- gible places, and leave the others to be located by proper persons, appointed for that purpose. Or whilst they as- signed the number of schools to each county, according to its population, or some other principle, they might leave their location to the inhabitants. And as to the funds for the support of the schools, can they not be obtained without impoverishing the people, or drawing on their purses beyond what they will cheerfully bear ? Here is the greatest difficulty. Overcome this and all the others will readily yield. But in case of war, or foreign invasion, North Carolina could easily raise, equip Location and sup- port of schools not . . -. •, . , , i , i an insurmountable attended with some obstacles difficulty. . , wisdom of the State surmount them ? N. C. Urged to Establish Schools. 243 and support in the field, 1000 men. — And can she not with equal ease if that number is needed, employ 1000 instruc- tors half of the year ? North-Carolina expends annually several millions of dollars for foreign commodities ! Can she not employ to better advantage, one or two hundred thousand dollars within her own bounds, in educating her children ? The money thus expended will not be sent out of the country. It will be still in circulation. I do hope Mr. Editor that the General Assembly will do this year something for the promotion of literature and education, more than make "'fine speeches," that they will take up this important subject with becoming spirit; and by their united wisdom, be enabled to originate and carry into suc- cessful operation, measures which will extend the blessings of education throughout North-Carolina. A. B. — "Western Carolinian,, Dee. 28, 182 Jf. 9. AN EDGECOMBE APPEAL FOE FKEE SCHOOLS. Education a ques- tion of highest importance. Instances of our public spirit. Messrs. Editors: — The press of electioneering specula- tions relating to the Presidential Question, which so long monopolized public attention, having subsided, the present appears to be a proper season to bring before your readers, and particularly before the legislative body now in session, a subject which must be allowed by all reflecting persons to be of the highest importance. This subject is, the GEN- ERAL diffusion of useful learning; or the education of the rising generation — the POOR, as well as the rich. The State of North-Carolina is distinguished for her patriotism and public spirit. The costly yet invaluable statue of Washington, will remain for ages a noble monu- ment of her liberality, and will teach, with a silent though irresistible eloquence, the pure doctrines of pure republi- canism, to generations yet unborn. Her generous provi- sions, also, for Internal Improvements, for Geological Ex- periments, - pear to have little or no interest in the extension of elemen- 244 An Appeal for Free Schools. 245 tary and other learning anions; the less favored classes. A The rich are tnter- " ° ° estea in educating closer view, a minuter investigation, will demonstrate the the P° or - fact to be otherwise. Some sensible writer has informed us, and experience corroborates his calculation, that prop- erty, however large, rarely descends further than the third generation; often it is entirely annihilated by the second, and not infrequently, it is swept away, by unfortunate prodigality, by ill advised speculation, or unavoidable casu alty, from him who originally acquired it. Xo man. how- ever opulent his circumstances may now be, can know as- suredly, that it will be in his power, ten years hence, to educate, from his individual resources a favorite son ; and still less can he know, that that son will have the ability to procure the adequate instruction for a succeeding race. What an easy and simple and effectual barrier against contingencies so probable, is it within our means to apply ! By the appropriation of some of the public lands, a pro- prietorship in which is felt by nobody, or by the laying of a p rt rt n ofthe1,ubi 1 ic a small tax, which could not be oppressive, and which would suppoiT*hoois. to excite complaint in none but the most sordid and ignorant, how incalculable an advantage might be conferred, not only upon those who are now on the stage of life, but upon the countless thousands who are yet to make their appearance ! Among whom must be found the teachers, the pleaders, the jurors, the judges, the generals, the legislators, and the go\ernors of a great people, who may look upon us, as at once their progenitors and their benefactors. While, Messrs. Editors, we feel a commendable pride in what our State has done, and is doing to profit its pojiu- lation and exalt its dignity, let us ask those upon whom the lights of literature and science have shone with more or less effulgence, if there exists not a something which occa- sionally causes regret ; which excites a feeling of unpleas- ant mortification ; and which even mantles the cheek with „ , . . , General lack of a blush ? What is this something ? Is it not the general Bgg^SttfiF want of literary knowledge, and that of the lowest kind catl0n " 246 An Appeal eok Free Schools. which prevails, with very few exceptions over all the rural parts of the State ? It is a melancholy fact, that many of our farmers of wealth and character, nay, even many of our instructors and clergy, are notoriously deficient in Orthography, and Reading and Writing, and the common- est rules of vulgar Arithmetic. How much the influence of such men is diminished in society by this deficiency, it is needless here to enquire. It is indeed greatly to be la- mented, that persons of vigorous natural powers, strong common sense, and sufficient experience, should be unable decently to exhibit their ideas and assert their talents, merely because they possess not the cultivation which, in earlier life they might have obtained, under a skilful pre- North Carolina J ° L compared with ceptor, in a few months. In the Northern States, one other states. L never meets a native adult who cannot both read and write ; we might extend this remark to all persons of fourteen years of age. Is it not desirable that our population be equally well instructed ? and what is wanting to effect this but the disposition to make a fair experiment ? if we can not do as At the Free Schools, in the States of New England, "the much as New Eng- ° ' d^somethfno- sti11 ^' 1Q ^ an( l the poor meet together." There is no respect of persons. The rudiments of useful knowledge are accessi- ble to all ; and all avail themselves of the invaluable privi- lege. In North-Carolina, on account of the less density of our population, it might not be at present, practicable, even should it be thought expedient, to accomplish so much. But, because we cannot effect every thing, shall we attempt nothing? "Half a loaf is better than no bread." If the present legislature would, with a seriousness and zeal becoming the prodigious importance of the subject, but to make a begin- make a beginning; — if they could be persuaded to make even a parsimonious appropriation ; or lay even a small tax, which would never alarm their constituents — this would be something — and something worth while too. In future sessions, when the nature and utility of the object should be better known and consequently better esteemed, more mng. An Appeal foe Free Schools. 247 legislative aid would undoubtedly be given; and more, and more — till tbe end were obtained. We presume not, Messrs. Editors, to prescribe to tbe it is hoped no L ' member of Legis- Honorable Assemblv, either the means or the manner, by [ature win oppose " ' ij the elementary which so vast an object as the Elementary Education of education of youth all youth is to be brought about. That Assembly, we are happy to say, enrolls among its members several, of high respectability, who are known to be favorable to the de- sign ; and we charitably hope, that, in a body so wise and patriotic, there is not one member opposed to it. Lest any misunderstanding should arise, it may be neces- Elementary educa- sary to define the phrase Elementary Instruction. We mean by it the common branches of English learning, viz. Spelling, Reading, Writing, Cyphering and English Gram- mar. These are the only studies which it is indispensably requisite generally to spread amongst all the people. By the assistance of these, the student of genius may with fa- cility carry himself on to higher and more intricate specu- lations ; the student who has no extraordinary mental pow- ers will desire to advance no further. This course of edu- cation is what is exactly adapted to the wants and business of life. More than this, few are desirous to obtain. So much, every person should be taught. The dead lan- guages, and the abstruser sciences, as they have ever been, so they will probably ever continue to be, cultivated by the fern instead of the many ; and for their accommodation, numerous private institutions of more or less merit, are already provided. The middle class of society, conjunctly with the poor, what the educa- constitutes the great mass, which we denominate emphati means to churcV cally THE PEOPLE. They are our husbandmen, our "" mechanics, and our militia. To animate this important mass — to infuse into this great body a SOUL — to breathe into it the breath of life — is to multiply the means, and facilitate the acquisition of USEFUL LEARNING. Are we republicans ? Would we perpetuate those principles 248 An Appeal for Free Schools. which gave us independence, and for which our intrepid ancestors expended their treasures, and shed their blood \ — and are we attached to our State and confederative Con- stitutions ? There are among us hundreds of brave and worthy patriots to whom these sacred principles are un- known ;■ — hundreds who are not able to read a word in our excellent constitutions ; and unless something be done to change materially the aspect of things in this respect, this evil will continue, and perhaps increase, till it MAY bring about the subversion of our liberties. — -Are we christians % From many of our neighbors, and friends, and relatives, the BOOK OF LIFE is shut! To them it speaks no language neither of terror or of consolation ! and may they not some day, like Montezuma, when the sacred Volume was handed him by a Spanish Priest — because he could not read and know its contents — dash it with contempt to the earth ? Education pro- But, finally, setting aside both considerations of a politi- motes happiness . . of individuals. cal and religious nature, we ought to encourage a more ex- tensive propagation of the means of knowledge among all classes, because such a course will reflect back upon us, more light and more happiness than we bestow. It will be bread cast upon the waters and found after many days. Among those who have been only tolerably instructed in literature, &c, there ever subsists a species of genteel and honorable emulation ; a polite and friendly intercourse. They who can read, will read, and they who read will be prone to communicate to others what has given pleasure or instruction to themselves. By this means, conversation will assume a more elevated cast, the affections of the heart will be exalted and improved, and instead of the rawness, the awkwardness and the uncouth manners which give of- fence, and repress sociability, we shall participate in the advantages which result from a refined and reciprocal in- terchange of the courtesies of life. Our wildernesses and solitary places will then blossom like the rose. An Appeal, fob Free Schools. 249 Considerable exertions have recently been made m sev- Meeting held in . Edgecombe to peti- eral counties in this State, to effect the obiect of this com- tion Legislature ; ' J division of purpose. munication. In Edgecombe, a meeting was held, a few months ago, with a view, ultimately to petition the Legis- lature. But the novelty of the matter prevented the requi- site degree of unanimity. In Pitt, Martin, and elsewhere, are many individuals, whose favorable opinion is known. I shall, Messrs. Editors, have ralized my present expecta- tions, and have accomplished my present object, when some gentleman of more leisure and ability than myself, shall have placed this topic before the public in a better dressed or a more attractive form. It is one of immense impor- tance, and I shall envy the man his fame and honor, both with this age and with posterity, through whose talents and influence the blessing of FREE SCHOOLS shall be estab- lished upon whatever plan, and rendered accessible to every class of the people, in the State of North-Carolina. Edgecombe County, Nov., 1824. — Raleigh Register, Dec. 3, 182 1^. 1. RALEIGH REGISTER ON "EDUCATION OF THE POOR." 2. "P. S." ON EDUCATION. 3. JUDGE GASTON'S FOURTH OF JULY TOAST. 4. THE RALEIGH REGISTER ON NECESSITY OF EDUCATION. 5. PROPOSED HISTORY BY JUDGE MURPHEY. 6. GOV. BURTON'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 7. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 8. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS ON EDUCATION. 9. EDUCATION REPORT OF 1825. 10. ATTEMPT TO RAISE SCHOOL FUND BY LOTTERY. 11. THE LITERARY FUND LAW. 12. MEMORIAL OF ORANGE SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. 13. LOTTERY FOR PUBLICATION OF NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY. 14. ATTEMPTED LEGISLATION. 15. LOTTERIES FOR ACADEMIES REFUSED. 250 1. RALEIGH REGISTER 0> T "EDUCATION OF THE POOR." We congratulate our readers on the appointment of a Committee on plan . of education: suita- very able committee for the purpose of forming for the we plan has sooner ° . prevented action next Legislature, a system for educating the children of b >" Legislature. indigent parents in this State. It is a subject that ha- long engaged the attention of our most worthy patriots and philanthropists, and it is one on the policy of which there* is no difference of opinion. The venerable framers of our Constitution directed such schools to be established, and it is time that direction was obeyed. Nothing has prevented it, but the difficulty of forming a suitable plan for effecting the object. We trust this difficulty will vanish before the committee to which this subject is now committed. — Raleigh Register, Jan. 7 ', 1825. 251 2. "P. S." ON EDUCATION. For the Western Carolinian. surprising that our Mx. White: In. perusing the message of Governor Legislature has not . yet provided the Holmes to the Legislature of this state, I was particularly means of educa- ° ' x tion - and forcibly struck with that part in which he adverts to .the subject of Free Schools, and institutes the very strik- ing contrast between the state of education in Connecticut and North-Carolina. It is, indeed, surprising that a sub- ject so interesting to every philanthropist, so superlatively important in a political point of view, and so loudly and imperiously demanded by existing circumstances in our state, should have continued so long without attracting the special attention and engaging the active exertions of our Legislature. Of the utility of Legislative interference, Example of New the New-England states exhibit a most splendid and con- England in provid- ° J - ing schools for the viiicing illustration, in that high state of intellectual cul- ture for which their whole population is distinguished. It is not in the giant minds of such men as Adams, Webster and Everett, that we trace the monuments of their intel- lectual superiority ; but it is in those benevolent and politi- cal provisions for the general dissemination of education and intelligence, which, in the extent of their operation, pervade every domestic circle, and afford to the indigent parent that consolatory reflection, that a humane and lib- eral policy is showering blessings upon his offspring, for the attainment of which his own limited resources are in- adequate. From this system of education, have emanated results the most splendid and encouraging to the active philanthropist, and to the politicians of other states. New- commerciai supre- England, at this moment, presents a population which, for land the result of intelligence, patriotism and enterprise, is not equalled either in Europe or America ; its agriculture and manufac- tures are in a constant and uninterrupted march to perfec- tion ; her marine waves its flag and rides on the bosom of 252 P. S. On Education. 253 every sea, and every port of the civilized world exhibits monuments of their adventurous enterprise. But when we turn our views from this interesting picture to the con- sideration of our own state, the mind is loathe to contem- plate the humiliating contrast. Whatever may be said of our rapid advancement within a few years past, an inti- mate familiarity with the lower order of our population is alone requisite to disclose the gross ignorance that exists. The dullness and incapacity which is permitted to enter ignorance of the x *> *- lower order of our our legislative hall, and disgraces us even in the national population, representation, and our former tame subserviency to the interests and designs of another state, evince most un- equivocally the mental debasement of a large portion of our population. Those social feelings, ingrafted in our nation for the best purposes, urge most irresistibly upon us the duty of active exertion in ameliorating the condition of this wretched part of our population:. And when we consider that (notwithstanding the infinite diversity of fortune and mental cultivation which have originated in the peculiar and varied conditions in which chance has placed us) we are all originally equal; and that, not un- usually, the haunts of wretchedness and poverty contain our leaders often the embryoes of future heroes and statesmen : and when obscure homes. we contemplate, how large a portion of those who now con- stitute the pride and the glory of their country have sprung up from the very mires of obscurity, to their pres- ent elevated stations, either under the auspicious influence of patronage, or by the buoyancy of native, unassisted genius — we find additional inducements to co-operate vig- orously in the contemplated design. These are considera- tions which apply to all men considered as social beings: but there are others which apply more particularly to our- selves, considered as citizens of the happiest and only free government on earth. The maxim, that "intelligence is the life of liberty," is sanctioned by the authority of the intelligence is the chief of patriots, and most amply verified by the political llfeofllberty - 254 P. S. On Education. Education a patri- otic duty. experience of the last century. The more ignorant the people are, the more they are subject to be led astray by erroneous opinions, to be deluded by misrepresentations, and imposed upon by artifice. And so long as the mass of the population continues ignorant, no matter how lib- eral and judiciously adjusted the political system may be, its existence is destined to be transient. ignorance of the Why is it that Europe has so often witnessed republican masses hinders .. . ' . ... . „ , . republican govern- institutions, originating m successful resistance to oppres- ment in Europe. . . . „. , sion, tumbling into the most furious and bloody anarchy, and at length terminating in a despotism more galling and oppressive than ever ? It is this : the people of Europe do not possess that intelligence, and consequently that habi- tude of reflecting and judging for themselvves, which is essential to the permanence of republican institutions. This view of the subject renders it peculiarly interesting to every patriot who contemplates with enthusiasm their splendid revolutionary struggle, and the happy and lib- eral political system to which it has given birth — who re- gards, with abhorrence, the abominable designs of the Holy Alliance to repress every burst of liberal feeling through- out the world, and who looks forward with delightful an- ticipation to that period when our republic shall be a light and landmark to the patriot of every clime. But not only the permanence of our republican institu- tions, but the character and honor of our state imperiously demand increased intelligence in the mass of our popula- tion. It is humiliating in the highest degree, to behold the gigantic strides by which our sister states have sur- passed us in the march of improvement. Notwithstanding that here was first formed the spark which afterwards blazed in a mightv conflagration throughout the Union, yet how little have we profited by this bold and early dis- play of American feeling? Our agriculture is nearly what it was in the days of our fathers ; enterprise, of every kind, seems to have taken wings, and fled to some Other states have outstripped us in intellectual and commercial affairs. P. S. On Education. 255 congenial abode ; our political existence has been but barely acknowledged ; and, with very few exceptions, our repre- sentation at Washington has been such as to corroborate the degrading opinions entertained of our state. It is now high tirne to retrieve our lost honor, and establish our char- acter for intelligence, patriotism and enterprize. And in th/masses the ° ,.,. , . . . only sure basis of accomplishing the grand obiect, the intellectual improve- agricultural and 00 ^ J- commercial pros- ment of the lower classes must constitute the adamantine perity. basis of the whole superstructure. Do this, and agricul- ture will feel its genial influence; commerce will wave its flag ; talents and ability will mark our representatives ; foreign influence will vanish from our deliberations, and our state assume that rank to which its resources and its political duration so eminently entitle it. P S Lincolnton, Dec. 8th, 1824. — Western Carolinian, Jan. 11, 1S25. 3 JUDGE GASTOH'S FOURTH-OF-JULY TOAST, 1825. ******* By William Gaston, Esq. — A system of general instruc- tion : the development of our internal resources : the pure and able administration of justice: Let these be the car- dinal objects of the policy of I^orth Carolina. ******* — Raleigh Register, July 8, 1825. 256 4. THE RALEIGH REGISTER OX NECESSITY OF EDUCATION. At the last session of the Legislature of this State, a character of com- ° ' mittee appointed resolution was passed, in which, Chief -Justice Taylor, the Jj° ^?ie e ation plan Rev. Joseph Caldwell, Duncan Cameron, Peter Browne, Esqs., were requested to prepare a plan or system of Pub- lic Education, for the instruction of children of poor or indigent parents, and report the same at their next meet- ing. From the acknowledged ability of the o-entlemeii thus designated, and, the zeal which ther invariably mani- fest in promoting such measures as have for their aim, the interest of our State, we entertain no doubt, but that the wishes of the Assembly will be complied with. Considering education as one of the principal founda- Education one of .. i,t c • t • i i i ,• l -j. it the foundations of tions both oi individual and national prosperity, and be- prosperity, lieving that in governments framed for the happiness of their citizens, it is of the highest importance, that knowl- edge should be generally diffused, we sincerely hope that me subject will be presenteel to the consideration of our Legislature, in so forcible a manner, as to insure its suc- cess. In many of our sister States, particularly those of Xew Policy of other * x " states to provide England, the establishment of public schools is anions; the the means of edu- 0.-7 r/ O cation for all. most favorable objects of their policy. Surely in a state, whose honors and offices are equally open to the exertions of all whose object is to adopt virtue and merit, however humble the soil from whence they emanate, the most cer- tain mode of acquiring for the public the talents of all her citizens, is to extend to all as far as practicable, the benefits of Education. The poverty or loss of parents, ought not to be the means poverty ought not of withholding from their country, and burying in ob- to individual scurity, those who might have proved its most distinguished ornaments. We trust therefore, our Legislators will con- sider it among their most sacred duties to adopt immediate 17 257 258 The Necessity of Education. and efficacious steps for establishing public schools. They will thus be instruments of rearing a valuable band of citi- zens, who can never be unmindful of their liberality in placing within the reach of their exertions, whatever their talents may entitle them to. — Raleigh Register, Oct. 28, 1825. 5. PROPOSED HISTORY BY JUDGE MURPHEY. It is a fact, no doubt known to many of our readers, that Murphey to write a civil and politi- for some vears past, Archibald D. Murphey, Esq., of ca * history of the " x ' ± «/ ? i 7 colony and state. Orange County, has been engaged in collecting materials for an extensive work on 1ST. Carolina. We have called the attention of the public to this subject now, because, through the information of a friend of Mr. Murphey, we are enabled to present something like an outline of the work. The civil and military history of the State will be divided into two parts ; the first embracing our Colonial history, and the second, our history since we became a sovereign State. By way of introduction to the first part, introduction to . ° J J _ ' colonial history. the discovery of Columbus, together with the state of Italy in his time, and the reasons which induced men of science to adopt the belief of the existence of a continent west of Europe, &c, and the discoveries of the two Cabots, will be presented — after w T hich follows the history of the Charters which have been granted by Royal Authority for colonizing North-Carolina, including the first charter and that granted Sir Walter Raleigh, whose expeditions, efforts to plant a colony and failure, with his character, trial, execution, &c, will be embodied in the work. The his- History of Indian trib6s. tory of the Indian Tribes of Carolina, their territory, pop- ulation, military force, moral and social character, &c. form the next head in the sub-division of the subject ; after which the progress of the colony is considered. Under this general head, the author treats of the division of the territory-patented, into 1. Virginia — 2. North-Carolina and 3. South-Carolina — Wars with the Indian Tribes — ■ cohmyto 1728? the Charter granted to the Lords Proprietors, with the history of the Proprietary Government — surrender to the Crown — history of Ld. Granville and his agents in Xorth- Carolina — commencement of the feuds between the Church of England and the Dissenters, with the history of them during ihe Colonial Government. This brings the writer 259 260 Proposed History by Judge Murphey. Later colonial history. History of the Revolution in North Carolina. to the establishment of the Royal Government in the Colo- ny, the disputes between the Governors and Colonial As- semblies, with the firm conduct of the latter — the extortion of Lord Granville's Agents, of Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, corruption of the Judges, &c, all leading to the history of the Regulation War, as it is termed — the progress of public discontents, proceedings of the mother country, &c, withdrawal of Governor Martin — call of a Convention at. Hillsborough, its acts, the Governor's proclamation, &c, &c. The subject is thus brought down to the formation of a new plan of Government, Declaration of Indepen- dence, &c. It is intended also, that the first part shall em- brace a connected history of the legislation of the colony, its Judicial history, history of manners during the colo- nial government, and a statistical view of the State during the same period, population, revenue, &c. The second part, viz, our history since 1776, commences with a general view of the State of the American Colonies from 1770 to the Declaration of Independence. Causes of discontent with the mother country, and the measures, adopted by the colonies, come next in order. Then fol- low, preparations for war, first measures of N. C. Assem- bly on the subject — call of Continental Congress at Phila- delphia, 1775 — measures recommended to the colonies — commencement of hostilities with the mother country, &c. The history of the War, as far as connected with the Work of the author, the organization of the Government in North-Carolina, and the Acts of Assembly relative to the Continental line of the State, are next given, and we are thus brought to the Treaty of Peace. The author then briefly reviews the state of Society during the struggle, the suspension of Courts of Justice, &c, &c, and in consid- ering the history of the provision made for the troops of the Continental line, he gives in detail an account of the Certificate debt of North-Carolina, different denomina- tions of Certificates, amount of each, plan for redemption, Proposed History by Judge Mttbphey. 261 &c.j and a history of the paper currency of North-Carolina. different emissions, amount, plan of redemption, frc. The influence of Moore L _ A and Davie : state next subject is the progress of Society and manners after of society after J i o f North-Carolina, with Portraits of them, and will be en- riched with a Map of the State, and Maps of the several Counties. There are other subjects connected with om history, the details of which, though consisting of events, occurring at different periods, will probably be distinctly presented, in a connected manner — such as the history of the settlement of our Boundary, of the several religions denominations, of the Declaration of Independence by the people of Mecklenburg, in 1775, of the Cape Fear Asso- ciation, and of the North-Carolina Bar. The Geology and Mineralogy of the State, 1. Of the Geology and mm •i f • ^-> r< i ■ i r.n-<-in eralogy. main ridge of mountains — 2. Secondary ridges — 3. lable Lands — 4. Alluvial region — 5. Valleys of the primary 262 Proposed History by Judge Murphey. Rivers, &c. — Elevations of each above tide water. The meteorology of ]STorth-Carolina in each of the foregoing divisions, Mean Temperature, Humidity of the Atmos- phere, &c, and with the aid of men of science, the Botany of the State will also be allowed a place in the work. importance of the We have thus given to our readers, at some length, the substance of the information which we have received, as we can not but believe it will be interesting. A history of ISTorth-Carolina has long been a desideratum among our most intelligent men, and we heartily congratulate them on the prospect of receiving one at the hands of their dis- tinguished compeer, Mr. Murphey. Williamson's His- tory is miserably defective, scarcely the skeleton of a his- tory. Judge Martin, now of Louisiana, but formerly of this State, had, before he left us, collected many materials for a history of the state, which he carried with him. It Martin's collection is now some 15 years or more since, and we have heard of materials. d ' nothing of his work. His supply of materials, we are in- formed was very good, far better than that which has been within the reach of Mr. Murphey ; for Judge Martin hav- ing first undertaken the task, collected the originals of many manuscripts of which no copy was left. If Judge Martin does not intend to finish his work, it is much to be wished that his materials could be procured and placed in the hands of Mr. Murphey. It is, in our view, an object so desirable to have a eood work on North-Carolina, that Deserves attention ° ' of Legislature. fa e attention of our Legislature would not be improperly directed to this subject. Analysis of work to ^ n addition to the above, we learn, that Mr. Murphey wi-Jl probably publish during the next session of the Legis- lature, a pamphlet containing at length an analysis of the proposed work. — Raleigh Register, Nov. 11, 1825. be printed. 6. GOV. BURTON'S MESSAGE OX EDUCATION. If the subject just alluded to be important [internal Pllblic d improvements] , how much more so is that of Public Edu- ^prate^e tium cation ! Whilst the former regards the face of the conn- S e ™ im P rm e - try, and the pecuniary interests of its inhabitants ; the lat- ter is wholly solicitous about the distinguishing feature of our nature, the moral habits of man, and his "felicity both temporal and eternal." The latter derives additional claims to consideration, from the very difficulties which surround, and the time requisite to digest and mature any efficient system connected with it. But above all, it has, in comparison, one recommendation, which never fails to be felt and understood by the mass of mankind — it requires a less fund to conduct it. — A system of Inter- nal Improvements, only requires that it should be well planned, liberally encouraged, and ably conducted, and the end is attained — success must ensue. But though the other asks nothing more, still the difference of the materi- als to be wrought upon, defies anything like the same con- clusion. Yet surely difficulties, though they rise at every Difficulties in the step, shall not prevent us from making; some effort, from path of carrying ° out plan of eduea- undertaking some system. If the preservation of our po- tion - litical principles in their original purity, be of any value ■ — if the moral character of the people, be matter of mo- The moral eharac- ment — if "honest merit should have fair play" in our elec- tor of people and 1 >> the preservation ot tions, then let us not delay, but immediately begin the cipie^denmnds&e important work! Whilst Public Education is unestab- sSS'o^uwS a lished, and its kindly influences are not generally felt, it is more than useless to address the great body of the peo- ple on the subject of principles. They must fully under- stand, before they can duly appreciate their political bless- ings. If nothing more can be done, at least enable them to understand and judge for themselves, when they are in- structed. It but seldom occurs that the understanding is 263 264 Gov. Burton on Education. Results of neglect- improved and the mind enlarged, without a consequent im- ing to educate the , people, provement of the moral feeling. But while the people continue uninformed, your annual Assembles may enact — your Courts of Law may arraign and punish — but yom enactments will be void — your punishments be but peri- odical exhibitions, serving, for a moment, to frighten or amuse, yet destitute of the wholesome, the desirable influ- ence of just examples. In such a state of things, it cannot be expected that moral worth, that intellectual attain- ments, and pure principles should have that weight and There can be no influence that they should command. If so, are not the real freedom with- n • n -i r, ,1 i r • i out education. people unequivocally left the mere slaves ol passion and prejudice ? Have they, in strictness, that free agency, ■ which is the pride of the rational, as it is justly the boast of the truly freeman ? True, indeed, it is, that the free agency of the mere animal is preserved, but that of the man is wholly lost. Surely, then, it is time that such a condition of things should be deprived of its legal sanc- tion. The provision for Public Education is a noble fea- ture, which stands in fine relief, in most of our State Con- wimt other states stitutions. In most of the States too, legislative enact- have done. , -. -. • 1 1 ments have, m consequence, been made, scattering through- out their limits the invaluable treasures of Education. Yet North Carolina has, in a great degree, been deprived of the advantages which might have followed from her own constitutional provision. True, it is, we have a Univer- sity, justly the pride of our State and the sources of ex- tensive usefulness. And it is also true, that, at the last Session of the General Assembly, a resolution was adopted appointing some of our most distinguished citizens to di- a plan of primary gest and report to the present session a plan of "Primary reported by com- Schools." It seems therefore unnecessary further to draw your attention to this subject, as the report will no doubt bear the stamp of the well-known and distinguished abili- ties which have been enlisted to prepare it. — House Journal, 1825-26, pp. 98 and 99. mittee. 7. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES OX EDUCATION. Senate Committee on Education : Charles A. Hill, senate committee. Franklin; William M. Sneed, Granville; George L. Da- vidson, Iredell; Edmund Jones 1 , Wilkes; Micajah T. Hawkins, Warren. — Senate Journal, 1825-26, p. 9. House Committee on Education: William Herbert. House committee. Ashe; William Unthank, Guilford; John E. Lewis, Cas- well ; James Houze, Franklin ; William A. Bozman, Wash- ington; Benjamin Best, Duplin; Warren Alford, Robe- son ; Nathaniel Gordon, Wilkes ; James L. Hill, Iredell ; Nicholas J. Drake, Nash ; J. J. Brooks, Chatham ; John Walton, Gates ; John J. McMillan, Bladen ; Henry Dock- ery, Richmond; Charles Edwards, Greene. — House Journal, 1825-26, p. 10 . 1 Succeeded by Richard Dobbs Speight, Craven. Mr. Jones had to go home before the Legislature adjourned. Senate Journal, 1825-26, p. 38. 265 Beaufort petition on free schools. Inquiry about re- port of committee appointed by Leg- islature of 1824. School fund and plan of education to be created. 8. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS ON EDUCATION. Monday, Dec. 12, 1825.- — -Mr. Williams presented the petition 1 of sundry inhabitants of the county of Beaufort, on the subject of free schools; which was referred to the committee on Education. ■ — Senate Journal, 1825-1826, p. 35. Mr. Ashe 2 presented the following resolution: "Resolved, That the committee on Education be in- structed to ascertain and report to this House, as soon as possible, whether the committee appointed by the last Gen- eral Assembly of this State, for the purpose of digesting a plan for the instruction of the children of the poor in the several counties in this State, intend reporting thereon or not ; and, if not, that the said committee be further in- structed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill creating a fund for, and a plan by which common schools may be established for the convenient instruction of the in- digent youth in every county in this State." On motion, ordered that the said resolution lie on the table. — House Journal, 1825-26, p. 135. 1 This petition has not heen found. 2 Samuel P. Ashe, Cumberland. 266 9. EDUCATION REPORT OF 1825. Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1825. — Received from his Excel- lency the Governor, by his Private Secretary, Mr. Camp- bell, the following communication: To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina. Gentlemen, — I have the honor herewith, to transmit the Message on report of committee to report of a committee directed by the last Legislature to prepare plan of x . primary schools. prepare a plan or system of public education for the in- struction of children of poor and indigent parentage. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, H. G. Burton. December 13, 1825. — House Journal, 1825-26, p. lJfl. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO PREPARE A SYSTEM OF GENERAL EDUCA- TION. The undersigned, directed by a resolution of the last Legislature, to prepare a plan or System of Public Educa- tion, for the instruction of poor or indigent parentage, respectfully Report — That although extensive plans of Public Education, sup- pians of other , -i ^ -n • ,' i -i • states not adapted ported by munificent appropriations, have been in success- to North Carolina j. , .. r ^ a c •nil conditions. iul operation m many of the States, for a considerable period, yet no one, that they had an opportunity of considering, seems to be adapted in its details, to the civil divisions of this State, the extent of its territory, or the scattered residence of our population. One indispensable requisite in any plan to be adopted is, that it shall be cal- ^ouid^Sftee culated to diffuse equal benefits throughout the whole of Se gre^tesfnum- the State, and extend its salutary influence to the greatest ren.° p °° r ° possible proportion of the poor and indigent of every county. Other States have been enabled to avail them- 267 268 Education Report of 1825. selves of the preexisting divisions of townships, parishes, and ecclesiastical societies,- converting them into school districts, which, from the fullness of their population, the} have oftener been obliged to subdivide, for the purpose of avoiding too numerous a collection of scholars for one teacher, than to combine for the sake of procuring a suffi- Effect of schools on cient number. In some states, one sixth, and in others, the morals and ' ' states erity ° f ° ther one f° ur th of the entire population is receiving instruc- tion, annually, in common schools alone ; and so decided and unequivocal have been the beneficial effects, of these institutions, upon the morals and intelligence of the citi- zens, and the consequent prosperity of the States where they have been best sustained by public patronage, that an universal conviction has resulted, that the attention of an enlightend legislature could not be drawn to a subject more momentous in its nature, or more vitally conducive to the stability and only solid glory of a free government Our first obstacle The first obstacle to be surmounted is that presented in establishing schools is inequai- by the inequalitv of the counties, both in extent and popu- ity of comities m •/ n j x i fatfao! and P ° pu " lation, as relative to each other; and, in many of the coun- ties, the density of the population in some parts, and its thinness in others. This difficulty can only be effectually obviated by a law founded upon a local knowledge of all the counties, though it is probable that such a law might be passed upon the assumed basis of the existing districts for militia companies. Upon this branch of the subject, The plan proposed it is therefore respectfully submitted. 1. That the whole State shall be laid off by law, into convenient school districts. 2. That the Justices of the Peace for each county in the State, shall, annually, and at the same Court when the loners for^h Sheriff is elected, and immediately before his election, the comny Courts y choose by ballot, a majority of the Justices being present on the bench, not less than twelve, nor more than fourteen persons, who are either Magistrates or freeholders of the county residing therein, who, when elected, shall consti- tute the school commissioners for that county. Education Report of 1825. 269 3. No ballot shall be counted, unless it have written on it a number of names equal to the number of persons to be chosen at that balloting, nor shall any one be deemed elected, unless he receive a majority of all the votes given in at the balloting. 4. The person first chosen at the election of anv of the chairman of the 1 * commissioners. said school commissioners, or if there be more than one chosen at the balloting, when a choice shall be made, the person having the highest number of votes shall be deemed chairman of the Board ; and for the purpose of ascertain- ing this with precision, the Clerks of the County Courts shall enter on their minutes, the result of each balloting. But when the commissioners are chosen, they may, at any meeting, elect any other individual their chairman, which choice they shall certify, under their hands to the next County Court, that the Clerk of which may enter the same of record. 5. That the said school commissioners, shall in conve Three committee- „ -. . , . , , , men for each dis- nient time alter their election, appoint not less than three triet appointed by _ . . ; county school com- freeholders. nor more than five, in every school district in missioned. their respective counties, as a school district committee, whose duty it shall be to examine instructors, displace such as are incompetent, visit the school at such times and as often as they think necessary, and require of the master such exercises as may show their progress in learning. Duties of commit- They may also expel scholars in case of misbehaviour; and eemen - no schoolmaster displaced by them, or scholar expelled, shall be received at any other school established by this law. But the schoolmaster or scholar, may appeal from the sentence of the district committee to the school com- missioners of the county whose decision on the case shall be final. 6. It shall be the duty of said district committee, as soon as possible after their appointment, to convene, after ten days notice, at two public places in their respective tosei^schooi * counties, the freeholders (or free white persons) residing Slte ' 270 Education Report of 1825. Commissioners to build schoolhouse and master's house in each district Land may be condemned. Teacher to be selected by the people of the dis- trict. Course of study. Vacancy in office of schoolmaster ; how filled. in such districts, for the purpose of selecting a convenient scite for the district school, and when the selection is made, the district committee shall certify the same to the chairman of the school commissioners. 7. When it shall be so certified to the school commis- sioners, they shall as soon as may be, purchase of the pro- prietor of the land, the number of acres prescribed by law, and thereon cause to be erected the necessary buildings for a school-house, and the master's residence, and ever thereafter keep the same in due repair ; and if the commis- sioners and the owner of the land can not agree as to the purchase, then the commissioners may have the same con- demned for the uses aforesaid, under the same rules and regulations as lands may now be condemned by law, for the purposes of Internal Improvement. 8. That the school masters to be appointed under th< act shall be elected by a plurality of the votes of the free- holders (or free white persons) residing within the dis- trict; but no one shall be considered duly elected, unless he have previously produced to the district committee, who are to preside at the election, a certificate from the chair- man of the school commissioners, or from a majority of the board, stating that he is duly qualified to teach read- ing, English, and the common rules of arithmetic, viz : ad- dition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and the rule of three or proportion ; and the person producing such cer- tificate who has the greatest number of votes shall be deemed duly elected. 9. Whenever a vacancy occurs, from any cause in the appointment of schoolmaster, it shall be the duty of the district committee to certify the same forthwith, to the chairman of the school commissioners, who shall, there- upon, direct the district committee to convene the electors of the district in the manner above required, for the pur- pose of appointing a successor; and the result of such election shall be immediately certified by the district com- Education Report or 1825. 271 mittee to the school commissioners. At the end of every six months, the district committee shall give the school- master, at his request, a certificate, stating how long during the last six months, he has kept open school under this act. 10. The schoolmasters shall diligently instruct the scholars, during the hours prescribed by law, in the several branches of learning above mentioned ; for which they shall be respectively entitled to demand and receive from each scholar per session; and if the parent Sa i ary0 f t he guardian or master, liable to pay for any scholar, shall, on s demand, neglect or refuse to do so, the same may be recov- ered by warrant before any Justice of the Peace. Every such schoolmaster shall also be entitled for the time he hath kept open school to receive semi-annually at the rate of dollars per annum, to be obtained in the fol- lowing manner, viz: As soon as he has obtained from the district committee, the certificate hereinbefore mentioned, stating the time he has kept school within the then last six months, and delivered the same to the chairman of the school commissioners, it shall be the duty of the said chair- man to give him an order on the County Trustee for the money appearing due on the said certificate, which order being countersigned by the clerk of the said commission- ers, and presented to the County Trustee for payment, it shall be his duty instantly to pay the same ; and if he shall neglect or refuse so to do, the money due thereon may be Me thod of collect- recovered by warrant before any Justice of the Peace ; and mg salary - on the trial of such warrant, if six months have elapsed between the assessing the tax hereinafter directed to be assessed, and the issuing of such warrant, the said Trustee shall not be permitted to allege or plead, that he has no funds in his hands from which the said money ought to be paid; but judgment shall be rendered against him, to be paid out of his own proper goods and chattels : and such trustee may immediately sue for and recover the money from the sheriffs, who ought to have collected the 272 Education Report of 1825. Money to build houses to be bor- rowed and tax levied to pay the debt. tax and paid the money over to him, either by warrant before any justice of the peace, or by snit against him and his securities on their bond. On the judgment obtained upon such warrant against any parent, guardian, county trustee or sheriff, no stay of execution shall be allowed. And if any such defendant shall pray an appeal from such judgment, and shall not prosecute the same, or shall not on the trial thereof diminish the original judgment, then the appellate court shall render judgment against such de- fendant, for the sum originally recovered, with interest at the rate of per annum until the same is paid with double costs. 11. And for the purpose of defraying the expense of the school establishment hereby proposed, it shall be the duty of the justices of each county, a majority being on the bench, immediately after electing school commission- ers, and before they proceed to the election of sheriff, to borrow, or authorise to be borrowed, a sum adequate to the purchasing of all land and erecting all the buildings neces- sary for the said establishments within their county, at the same time assessing on the county a tax or taxes, ade- quate to paying the interest and .... per cent per annum of the principal of the sum so borrowed ; the proceeds of which tax or taxes shall be pledged to the creditor or cred- itors, and shall not be repealed or altered until the wnole debt is paid off. And for defraying the yearly expenses and accounting for the same, it shall be the duty of the chairman of the school commissioners to make out, or cause the clerk of the said commissioners to make out an account of the disbursements for the preceding year, and to return the same together with an estimate of the ex- penses for the ensuing year to the County Court at its session when the succeeding school commissioners are to be elected, and before the same are elected ; and it shall be the duty of the justices of the said court, a ma- jority being on the bench, immediately after making said election, and before they proceed to the elec- Education Report of 1825. 273 tion of sheriffs, to assess on their county a tax or taxes, Tax to be levied to -,,-,, pay annual ex- the proceeds of which shall be estimated to be at least equal pensesofthe x x schools. to meet all the expenses as aforesaid ; which tax or taxes it shall be the duty of the sheriffs of the county to collect, under the same rules and regulations that he collects other taxes, and pay over the proceeds of the same to the county trustee, taking duplicate receipts therefor, and return his account with one of the said receipts to the chairman of the county school commissioners, within six months after the said tax or taxes are assessed as aforesaid, under the penalty of dollars. And the sheriff, before en- tering into office, shall give bond with two or more good securities, in double the sum estimated as aforesaid, pay- able to the chairman of the county court, and conditioned for his due performance of the duties aforesaid. And it Method of coiiect- *- ing school taxes. shall be the duty of the county trustee to pay every order drawn on him by the chairman of county school commis- sioners, as soon as the same shall be presented, to return his account to the said chairman, and pay over to him the balance of money in his hands, if any, at least fourteen days before the sitting of the court at which said chairman is to make his return as aforesaid, under the penalty of dollars. And the said countv trustee, before en- Bond for school ■* moneys. tering into office, shall give bond with two or more good securities, in double the sum estimated as aforesaid, pay- able to the chairman of the county court, and conditioned for the due performance of the duties aforesaid. 12. And if the justices of any County Court shall pro- ceed to the election of Sheriff without assessing the taxes aforesaid, then, all those who are on the bench when such i j.- <• en -re • i 1 -n -i t -n i • Penalty for failure election ot bnerirl is made, shall be liable to the sum esti- to levy school taxes. mated as aforesaid out of their own property ; and it shall be the duty of the State's Attorney for the said county to commence suit against said justices, returnable to the then next Superior Court for any adjacent county, and said suit shall be triable and tried at the return term, before 18 274 Education Report of 1825. the said court proceeds to any other business on the docket, And no evidence shall be admitted on the trial of such suit, excej)t the records of the said County Court, or a copy thereof, showing that the defendants were on the bench of said court and did elect a sheriff without assessing the tax or taxes aforesaid, and if judgment shall pass against the defendant, the same shall be final to all intents and purposes, without being questioned or questionable in any other court whatever. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Superior Court, immediately after the termi- nation of that term, to issue and deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the sheriff of the county where the defendants reside, an execution on said judgment ; and it shall be the duty of such sheriff, within days after the delivery, to levy the money due on such execution, and pay it over to the chairman of the county school commissioners, under the penalty of dollars ; and the said chairman shall apply the said money towards defraying the school ex- penses of the said current year, chairman of 13. The chairman of the county school commissioners, commissioners to mav at anv time visit anv district school within his county ; supervise schools. •' Powers limited. and make any order, rule or regulation, for the government thereof, and every order, rule or regulation so made shall be final and conclusive, unless where he dismisses a school- master or expels a scholar, in which case such schoolmaster or scholar, or any one in their behalf, may take an Records of acts of appeal to the county school commissioners, whose decision chairman to be inn r> i a i i • -i i • in kept. shall be final. And the said chairman shall report every order, rule or regulation made by him as aforesaid to the clerk of the county school commissioners, and have it en- tered on their minutes. And if it shall be deemed neces- sary, on any such visitation, or at a meeting of any county school commissioners, to examine any witness on oath con- cerning any matter then and there under consideration, such chairman shall administer such oath, and if such witness knowingly and wilfully answers falsely to a ma- Education Report of 1825. 275 terial question, lie or she shall be guilty of perjury, aud liable to all the penalties thereof. 14. Every county court may, either at the beginning or end of the year, a majority of the justices being on the Pa y of chairman, bench, make some reasonable allowance to its chairman of county school commissioners. 15. The clerk of the countv court shall act as clerk and cierk of county court to be clerk of keep the accounts of the comity school commissioners for s^ers* 30 ™™ 8 " his county; and every sheriff shall promptly serve all no- tices, by the chairman of the school commissioners deliv- ered to him to be served, but no such clerk or sheriff shall be entitled to any specific compensation for such services — ■ but they shall be considered as part of the extra services for which county courts usually make allowances." coxci/c/sioisr. The foregoing details as to the assessment and collection of a tax for the purpose of defraying the expense of the institution, have been entered into by the undersigned, under a belief, that if the Legislature should adopt that mode of raising a fund, it is of the utmost consequence to the success of the system, that the performance of the du- p er f 0rma nce of ties assigned to the justices, should be enforced by every pern of private reasonable sanction, since the neglect of those duties in any one county, would at once paralize every movement; and enjoining the performance of a public duty at the peril of private responsibility, is but following the spirit of laws already in the statute book. The nature of the remedy assigned to the schoolmasters, arose from the pre- sumption that they would for the most part be dependent upon their salaries, solely, for the actual means of subsis- tence, and that any delay in the payment of them might prove ruinous. If however the wisdom of the Legislature should adopt other measures , -i -, c t c • , i i may be taken if other ways and means for defraying the expenses, such taxation plan is not adopted. as creating a permanent fund, payable out of the treasury, or setting apart for the same purpose, the Bank Stock be- 276 Education Report of 1825. longing to the Public, and its shares in the several naviga- tion companies, some of which, it is understood, are about to become productive, then punctuality would be insured, and the above suggestions superseded. Which is respect- fully submitted 1 . John Louis Taylor, P. Browne, Jos. Caldwell, Dun. Cameron. Nov. 23, 1825. Report ordered j n House of Commons 13th Dec. 1825. Eead and or- printed by House. dered to be sent to the Senate with a proposition that the same with the accompanying Report be printed 4 copies for each member. In Senate Dec. 14 1825. Referred to the Com. on Education. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1825-26. House action Dec. 14, 1825. — Received from the House of Commons. approved by Senate. a message from his Excellency the Governor, enclosing a report from the committee appointed by the last Legisla- ture to prepare a plan or system of Public Education, ac- companied with a proposition from that House that the same be printed, four copies for each member ; which proposition was agreed to. — Senate Journal, 1825, p. 4-1. 'This report is in the handwriting of Judge Taylor. 10. ATTEMPT TO KAISE SCHOOL FUND BY LOTTERY. In Senate Dec. 15th, 1825. Read the first time andggj r B g leson passed and motion of Mr. Sneed referred to the Com. on Education. In Senate Dec. 2 2d, 1825. Reported without amend- ment and the Bill made the order of the day for tomor- row 1 . In Senate Dec. 23d, 1825. Read the second time and passed. In Senate Dec. 24th, 1825. Committed on motion of Mr. Speight of Greene to a Com. of the whole house, to whom was referred the Bill for the promotion of Educa- tion and made the order of the day for Monday next 2 . In Senate Dec. 26th, 1825, reported by the Com. and on motion of Mr. Sneed was ordered to be laid on the Table. In Senate Dec. 30th 1S25. On motion of Mr. Hill of Franklin, the Bill was indefinitely postponed. (See Sen- ate Journal 1825-26, p. 80.) A BILL TO AID IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OE A FUND FOP, THE SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS FOR THE CONVENIENT INSTRUCTION OF YOUTH, ETC. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Governor of this State shall be em- Governor empow- ered to contract powered and is hereby directed to contract tor the vending for vending a . . lottery. of Lotterv schemes and Tickets therein, and drawing; the same on the sole responsibility of the contractors without liability for the management of said Lotteries, or payment of the prizes on the part of the State ; and that such con- 1 The report was made by Charles A. Hill, of Franklin, on Dec. 22, 1825. See Senate Journal, 1825-26, p. 57. 2 See Senate Journal, 1825-26, p. 65. Jesse Speight, Greene county. 277 278 School Fund by Lottery. tracts may be made for a specific sum for such scheme oi a given amount as the Governor for the time being shall deem prudent. And be. it further enacted, That the amount of money, which shall from time to time be so raised, and agreed to be paid by such contract shall be paid over by the contract' or or contractors to the Treasurer of this State ; by whom Profits to go to the the same shall be invested in some safe and productive common school . . -it- fund. manner, and to constitute with such other additions as may be made by future legislative provision a permanent" fund for the purpose of diffusing the benefits of a common school education to be called "The common school fund of ]STorth Carolina." And whereas many Lottery grants for the purpose of aiding sundry academies in this State have been at differ- ent times, made by the Legislature, most of which are without limitation of time and are therefore vested in the grantees ; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the Arrangements Same, That the Governor be authorized to make arrange- with academies • i 1 i i i c authorized to raise ments with the holders of such grants who may make ap- money by lottery. .... ... plication within two years after the ratification of this act, by which they shall be entitled to receive such proportion of the whole amount of money raised by said lotteries (after deducting one-fourth part to be paid into the Treas- ury, in pursuance of this act) in the rate of the amount of each grant, except such as are already under contract which are first to be completed. And be it further enacted that in making contracts under this act, privilege may be given to the contractors to combine the Lotteries of this State with those of any other State or States 1 . x This bill was introduced in the Senate, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1825, by William M. Sneed, of Granville. See Senate Journal, 1825-26, p. 43. 11. THE LITERAET FUND LAW. Thursday, December 22, 1825. — Mr. Hill 1 , of Franklin, introduction of *•' ? _ school fund bill in from the Committee on Education, reported a bill to ere- Senate, ate a fund for the establishment of Common Schools, and for the support thereof; which was read the first time, and, on motion of Mr. Seawell 2 , ordered that the bill be printed ; and it was further ordered, on motion of Mr. Boykin 3 . that the same be committed to a committee of the Whole House, and made the order of the day for Monday next. — Senate Journal, 1825-26, pp. 58-59. Monday, Dec. 26, 1825. — The Senate resolved itself in Bin considered in . _ _ . ,. . committee of the to a committee oi the whole House, Mr. .Pickett m the whole, chair, to take into consideration the bill to create a fund for the establishment and support of schools for the con- venient instruction of Youth ; and, after some time spent therein, the committee rose, the Speaker resumed the Chair, and Mr. Pickett, the Chairman, reported the first mentioned bill with an amendment; which was agreed to by the Senate, and the said bill was read the second time and passed. Mr. Pickett, from the committee of the Whole House, then reported the bill to aid in the establish- ment of a fund for the support of schools for the conveni- ent instruction of youth, etc., without amendment; which, on motion of Mr. Sneed, was ordered to be laid on the table. — Senate Journal, 1825-26, p. 67. Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1825. — The bill to create a fund for Third reading in the establishment of common schools was read the third " ena •" time and ordered to be engrossed. — Senate Journal, 1825-26, p. 69. 1 Charles A Hill, Franklin. 2 Henry Spawell, Wake. 3 Thomas Boykin, Sampson. 4 Joseph Pickett, Anson. 279 280 The Literary Fund Law Bill passes House without division. Senate agrees to House amend- ment. Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1826. — The engrossed bill to create a fund for the establishment of common schools was read the second and third times, amended, and passed. Or- dered that the said bill be sent to the Senate, with a mes- sage, asking the concurrence of that House with said amendment. 1 — House Journal, 1825-26, p. 206. Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1826. — Received a message from the House of Commons stating that they have passed the engrossed bill to create a fund for the establishment of common schools, with an amendment, to strike out the last section of the bill ; in which they ask the concurrence of the Senate. Which amendment was agreed to, and the bill was ordered to be enrolled. —Senate Journal, 1825-26, p. 90. Funds set aside for education. AN ACT TO CREATE A FUND FOR THE ESTAB- LISHMENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS. I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au- thority of the same, that a fund for the support of Com- mon and convenient Schools for the instruction of youth, in the several Counties of this State, be, and the same are hereby appropriated, consisting of the dividends arising from the stock now held, and which may hereafter be ac- quired by the State in the Banks of Newbern and Cape Fear, and which have not heretofore been pledged and set apart for internal improvements ; the dividends arising from stock which is owned by the State in the Cape Fear Navigation Company, the Roanoke Navigation Company, and the Clubfoot and Harlow Creek Canal Company; the tax imposed by law on licenses to the retailers of spirituous 'This bill was passed without division in the House, created no division in the Senate. The bill The Literary Fund Law. 281 liquors and auctioneers ; the unexpended balance of the Agricultural Fund, which by the Act of the Legislature, is directed to be paid into the public Treasury ; all monies paid to the State for the entries of vacant lands, (except the Cherokee lands;) the sum of twenty-one thousand and ninety dollars, which was paid by this State to certain Cherokee Indians, for reservations to lands secured by them by treaty, when the said sums shall be received from the United States by this State ; and of all the vacant and unappropriated swamp lands in this State, together with such sums of money as the Legislature may hereafter find it convenient to appropriate from time to time. II. Be it further enacted, That all the sums of money which have accrued since the first day of JSTovember last, or which may hereafter accrue as aforesaiel, shall be, and the same is hereby vested in the Governor of the State, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Speaker of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Commons, and the Treasurer of the State, for the time being; and they and their successors in office are hereby constituted a body cor- porate and politic, under the name of the President and President and directors of the Directors of the Literarv Fund, with power to sue and be literary fund 1 created and given sued, plead and be impleaded, and to hold real and per- g C ^ |;fft' n | 1 he sonal property, and to sell, dispose of and improve the same, to effect the purposes of promoting learning, and the instruction of youth. The Governor shall be President of the Board, and any three of the Directors shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business relative to the said fund ; and, in the absence of the Governor, they shall have authority to appoint a President for the time of such absence. They shall cause to be kept by the Treas- urer of the State a regular account of all such sums of money as may belong to the said fund, the manner in which the same has been applied and vested, and they shall make an annual report thereof to the Legislature, with such recommendations for the improvement of the s°me, as to them shall seem expedient. 282 The Literary Fund Law. investment of III. Be it further enacted, That the President and funds in certain securities. Directors of the Literary fund hereby created are author- ized to vest any part or whole of the said fund, in the Stock of any of the Banks of this State, or of the United States and at all times to change, alter and dispose of the same, and of any real and personal estate belonging to the said fund, in such manner and upon such terms, as may in their opinion be best calculated to improve the value thereof. Application of jy. Be it further enacted, that the fund hereby created funds to the J nithe t severai youth sna ll De applied to the instruction of such children as it tionVfiS whUe r ma y hereafter be deemed expedient by the Legislature to instruct in the common principles of reading, writing and arithmetic ; and whenever, in the opinion of the Legisla- ture, the said fund shall have sufficiently accumulated, the proceeds thereof shall be divided among the several Coun- ties, in proportion to the free white population of each, to be managed and applied in such way as the Legislature shall hereafter authorize and direct. population. -—Laws of 1825-26, Chapter I. 12. MEMORIAL OF ORANGE SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. In House of Commons 14-Dec-1825, read and referred gfSSKi. 011 to Com. on Education. 1 — House Journal, 1825, p. 11/-8. To the Honourable, the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, convened in the City of Raleigh — The memorial of sundry citizens of the County of Orange, com- posing the officers of the Sunday School Union of said County and other citizens of the same. The undersigned, feeling a deep interest in the youth Asks aid for sun- ° . , . da J" Schools ° f of our State, and more especially of the children of the 0ran s e county. indigent and ignorant, beg leave to present to your honor- able body the subject of Sunday Schools, as an object of Legislative aid, and particularly to solicit such aid as in your wisdom may be deemed best, to support and extend the Schools under the care of the Sunday School Union of our County. In doing this, they feel it their duty to present to your honorable body, a brief view of the origin, design, and effect of these benevolent institutions, that you may be the better prepared to pass upon the merits of their petition. Sunday Schools owe their origin to the active benevo- origin of Sunday lence of an English Gentleman named Robert Raikes, who passing through the streets of one of their populous towns, on the Sabbath Day, and beholding many children engaged in idle play, whom he found on enquiry unable to read, proposed to have them instructed on the Sabbath gratui- tously if they would attend. Such is the origin of these benevolent institutions, which experience has shown to have the most salutary influence on the youth of all coun- tries where thev have been introduced. 'This memorial was presented by John Scott, of Hillsborough. 283 284 Orange Sunday School Union". object of their The design of Sundav Schools is to instruct the young establishment. ° ° " ° and ignorant children of the indigent, and others indis criminately, in reading and spelling, in sound morals and in the first principles of natural and revealed religion. The instructors are persons of tried integrity and experi- ence; and the whole course of instruction tends to the im- provement of the moral character of the young. The la- bors of the Teachers and officers are entirely gratuitous. Sunday e |choois g Sunday Schools were in successful operation as early as m 1822. 1822 ^ in Great Britai]Qj inland, France, Holland, India, Ceylon ; in the South Sea Islands, West Africa, South Africa, \New Foundland, the West Indies, and our own happy country. — In Ireland by the report of the Sunday School Society in 1822, there were 1538 schools— 173,384 learners and 10,370 gratuitous teachers. schools in Ireland. Of the effects of Sunday Schools in Ireland, a gentle- men engaged in their benevolent operations thus testifies: "There have been 150,000 children and 7,000 adults in the schools of the Hibernian Society since the commence- ment, and I have never heard of one scholar who has been educated by us, being arraigned for any crime." in Great Britain. In Great Britain, in 1822, there were 5,637 schools. 50,375 teachers, and 656,542 learners. Since that period the number has greatly increased, and the effects are daih becoming more sensibly beneficial. In our own Country these institutions have an existence in almost every State in the Union, and have been invari- ably attended with marked advantage to the young. The Sunday schools in Sunday School Societv of Orange Countv has under its Orange county " " have taught many ca re 22 Schools in which are instructed from 800 to 1,000 children to read. ' children, many of whom, — the children of the poor, who would otherwise have been brought up in utter ignorance and vice, have been taught to read and trained to habits of moral reflection and conduct. The schools have been heretofore supplied with books for the most part by the charity of the public, and it is to furnish the necessary Orange Sunday School Union. 2rf5 books, that your memorialists prav for such aid, as that Funds asked to ^ . buy books. the sum of 25 ets. per annum may be paid for every Sun- day School learner under their care, out of the public taxes, in such manner and to such person for their use, as in your wisdom you may deem best. And your memo- rialists would further pray a similar provision for all the Sunday Schools formed, or which may be formed within the limits of our County and throughout our State. J. Webb, President. William Kirkland, 1st Vice-President. Wm. Xorwood, 2nd Vice-President. F. Rash, 3rd Vice-President. John Kirklaxd, Treasurer. J. W. Xorwood, Eecording Secretary. -J. Witherspoon, Corresponding Secretary. Dennis Heartt, \ Wm. Huntington, / J. G. Bacon, / Managers. Elam Alexander, \ Wm. Bingham, ) The memorial is also signed by 28 other citizens of Orange County. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1825. The Committee to whom was referred the memorial of Report of commit- .... ,, . „ r r\ ., tee on memorial. sundry citizens ol the County ol Orange, composing the officers of the Sunday School Union of said County, and other citizens of the same under their consideration report : That it is inexpedient to grant the prayer of the peti- tioners and therefore recommend its rejection. 1ST. J. Drake, Chm. In the House of Commons 22-Dec-1825, read and con- clerk's entry on curred with. report. - — House Journal, 1825, p. 170. Desirability of publication of the history. $15,000 authorized to be raised by lottery. Access to records by author. Three drawings only. 13, LOTTERY FOR PUBLICATION OF NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY. An Act to encourage the publication of a Historical and Scientific Work on this State. Whereas, It is represented to this General Assembly by Archibald D. Murphey, of the county of Orange, that he hath been for several years engaged in collecting and ar- rangeing materials for an extensive and historical and sci- entific work on this State, and that the completion of said work requires the aid of the General Assembly ; and where- as the publication of such a work is much desired, and would be useful and creditable to the State ; Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the said Archibald D. Murphey be, and is hereby authorised to raise by way of Lottery from time to time, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, for the prose- cution and completion of said work. II. And be it further enacted, That the said Archibald D. Murphey have liberty to examine the public records in the Executive office, and in the Offices of the Secretary of State and Comptroller, and also the files of the Senate, and of the Llouse of Commons of the General Assembly, and to make therefrom such extracts as he may think proper. III. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said, That it shall not be lawful under any pretence what- ever, to have more than three classes of drawings of the saiel Lottery, for the purpose of raising the sum required by this act. Read three times and ratified in General Assembly, 4th of January, 1826. John Stanley, S. H. C. B. Yancey, S. S. -Laws 1825-26, Clap. XXXV. 286 14, ATTEMPTED LEGISLATION. To Prevent Education of Slaves. — House Journal, Tuesday, December 27, 1825: Mr. Stedman (Wm. W. Stedman, of Gates) presented a bill to prevent persons from educating slaves. The said bill was read the first time, and, on motion, rejected. — House Journal, IS 25, p. 183. To Ix CORPORATE TRUSTEES OF OXFORD pRESBYTERIAX Church. — House Journal, Friday, Dec. 23, 1825 : Mr. (John) Glasgow (Granville) presented a bill to incorpo- rate the trustees of the Presbyterian Church in Oxford. The said bill was read the first time and rejected. 1 — House Journal, 182-5, p. 174- 1 This and similar bills were rejected on constitutional grounds. It was claimed the passage of such bills would be a union of Church and State. 287 15. LOTTERIES FOE ACADEMIES REFUSED.* A Bill for the relief of the Trustees of the Williams- borough Academy. $10,000 authorized. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of ]STorth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Trustees of the William sborough Academy be and they are hereby authorized to raise by one or more lotteries the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars. Entries on bin. In Senate Dec. 22, 1825: Read the first time and passed. In Senate Dec. 23, 1825 : Bead the 2nd time and or- dered that the Bill do not pass. A Bill to change the corporate name of the "Trustees of the Richmond Academy," and to authorize said trustees to raise ten thousand dollars by way of Lottery. Name changed. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the corporate name of "The Trustees of the Richmond Academy" be so altered that said Trustees be hereafter styled "Trustees of the Richmond Euphra- dian Academy." $10,000 authorized. And be it further enacted, That said Trustees may, by one or more lotteries, raise a sum not exceeding ten thou- sand dollars, for the benefit of this Institution. Entries on mil j n Senate Dec. 17, 1825: Read the first time and passed. In Senate Dec. 19, 1825 : Read and ordered to lie on the table. In Senate Dec. 23, 1825 : Read the second time and ordered that the same do not pass. ] The refusal to pass these bills was justified by Charles A. Hill and others on moral grounds. The debate on the subject of lotteries is omitted here, as it is given at another place. 288 Lotteries foe Academies Refused. 289 THE PETITION OF THE FRAXKLIX LIBRARY SOCIETY: To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of Xorth Carolina : The Franklin Library Society established in the Town of Hillsborough on the seventh (7) day of February, Anno Domino, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, and incorporated by the General Assembly on the 25th of De- cember following, for the promotion of learning and culti- mstory and pur- vation of virtue, has since its organization been productive . of much usefulness, and patronized in a small degree by many of the friends of Literature ; but the funds of the institution prove insufficient to enable it to be productive to that extent of usefulness which it otherwise might be. Thankful as we are for the patronage we have already received from the General Assembly, and believing as we do, that your Honorable Body are even willing to patronize institutions having for their end, objects so laudable in their nature, in endeavouring to inculcate in the human mind, those principles which are requisite, and necessary to be possessed by the citizens of a free Government, — • pray that they may be allowed to raise, by lottery, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars, under the direction . , , . » ' Asked to raise of such managers as they may appoint ; which sum shall S3 - 000 - be appropriated in the purchase of useful books, to add to the Library of the Institution and for other necessary purposes. Signed by order of the Society, by the officers thereof on the 14th day December, Anno Domino one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five. Nathaniel Jones Palmer. Pres. Richard S. Clinton, Yice-Pres. Jos. Wood, Secretary. Officers Charles L. Cooley, Treasurer. Thos. C. Palmer, Librarian. Robert Wynne, Attorney. In House of Commons Dec. 23. 1825; Read and in- Rejected. definitely postponed. 19 1826 1. COMMENT ON SCHOOL LAW OF 1825, 2. MANUMISSION, BY RALEIGH REGISTER. 3. GOV. BURTON'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 4. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 5. PROPOSED LOTTERY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 6. LOTTERY FOR INCREASE LITERARY FUND AND PUBLICA- TION OF NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY. 7. POTTER'S POLITICAL COLLEGE BILL. 8. POTTER'S SPEECH ON HIS POLITICAL COLLEGE BILL 9. DISCUSSION OF THE MORALITY OF LOTTERIES. 10. FAILURE OF BILL TO ENCOURAGE SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 11. FAILURE OF ATTEMPT TO INCREASE LITERARY FUND. 12. FAILURE STATISTICAL INFORMATION BILL. 13. FAILURE OF BILL TO PROHIBIT TEACHING COLORED AP- PRENTICES. 14. ORGANIZATION OF LITERARY BOARD. 15. FIRST REPORT OF LITERARY BOARD TO LEGISLATURE 1826-27. 16. LOTTERIES FOR ACADEMIES REFUSED. 290 1. COMMENT ON SCHOOL LAW OF 1825. Our Legislature adjourned on Wednesday last, after a session of 45 days, in which were passed 36 acts of a gen- eral nature, and 115 for local objects. Perhaps the most important act of the session is that school bill the •"- x most important providing a fund for the establishing Common Schools legislation of the 1 o o year. throughout the State, in compliance with the injunction of our Constitution, which provides, "that a School or Schools shall be established by the Legislature, for the convenient instruction of youth, with such salaries to the masters, paid by the public, as may enable them to instruct at low prices." And though the funds at present provided ma v Fund not large . ..." enough. not be sufficient completely to accomplish this object, they will enable a future Legislature to commence the operations of the plan. Owing to the thinness of our population, in some parts of the State, a School cannot be conveniently carried to every man's door, yet, Schools may be formed in every neighborhood where the popula- tion is sufficient to make one desirable, and by this means the benefits of a common English education will be spread, by degrees, throughout the community, the re- quirements of our constitution at length complied with, and the surest means will have been provided for the se- curity of a continuance of the blessings of our free and ex- cellent Republican Government. The fund appropriated to the above object, is to be control of the under the control of the Governor, the Chief Justice of lund ' the Supreme Court, the Speakers of the Senate and House of Commons, and the Treasurer ; and they are to be a cor- porate body, and to be styled "The President and Direc- tors of the Literary Fund." This act is of such an interesting nature, that we shall procure a copy for publication in our next paper. — Raleigh Register, Jan. 6, 1826. 291 Friends resolve to free slaves. Number set ffee ; where sent. / Those sent to Hayti embark at Beaufort. Those sent to other places. 2. MANUMISSION, BY RALEIGH REGISTER. Manumission. — At the annual meeting of the Society of Friends in this State, held last Fall, that respectable body came to the resolution of manumitting and removing all the coloured people held by them, that were willing to leave the country ; and since that time they have been concerting measures for carrying their intentions into effect, and in consulting the wishes of the coloured peo- ple themselves in relation to their future destination, which has resulted in the f oil owing arrangement : 120 of the number are desirous of going to Hayti ; 316 to Liberia ; and about 100 wish to be sent to the non-slave-holding States of Ohio or Indiana — which we believe embrace the whole of the population of this description held by this Society, except a few who have formed family connections which they are unwilling by removal to dissolve, and where the husband or wife is held by persons from whom they cannot be purchased. We obtained this information from our friend Dr. Geo. Swaine, of Guilford county (as he passed through this city, a few days ago) who is deputed by his Society to at- tend to the embarkation, and to supply the wants of that part of this population who have made choice of Hayti for their future home. They will sail from our port of Beaufort, a few days hence, on board a vessel which has been engaged for the purpose, owned by Mr. Henry Cooke, of that place, and commanded by Capt. Thompson. The 316 of this population who have chosen to go to Liberia, and the 100 who wish to be removed to Ohio or Indiana, will also be sent there at the expense of the So- ciety of Friends ; the former, by one of the first vessels to the African Settlement ; and the latter, by means of wagons, which will be engaged to convey them and the little property of which they may be possessed. 292 Manumission, by Raleigh Register. 293 Besides the above mentioned coloured people, we learn, others deported, that this Society have already sent off 64 persons to the State of Ohio, 47 by the Indian Chief, which lately sailed from Norfolk to Liberia, and 11 by another vessel which sailed about the same time to Africa. It ought also to be mentioned to the credit of this Soci- Funds raised, ety that it contributed 800 dollars to the funds of the Afri- can Colonization Society soon after its establishment. — Raleigh Register, May 30, 1826. 3. GOV. BURTON'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. Virtue and intelli- gence necessary to the existence of free government and individual happiness. The constitution enjoins the estab- lishment of schools. For forty-nine years no primary schools have been established. Primary education harder to obtain now than in 177(1 Believing it universally admitted, that the existence of free governments depends upon the virtue and intelligence of the great body of the people ; and that these are also the sources of individual comfort and happiness, I shall not consume your time in repeating arguments so often ad- duced, to shew the necessity of diffusing the benefits of education among the poorer class of our fellow citizens. But, permit me to call your attention to a clause in our State Constitution, which enforces the obligation, of giv- ing to this subject your serious consideration. It is this: "A school or schools shall be established by the Legislature of this State, for the convenient instruction of youth, with such salaries to the masters, paid by the public, as may enable them to instruct at low prices. All useful learning shall be duly encouraged and promoted in one or more Universities." The latter branch of this constitutional in- junction has long since been complied with, by your pre- decessors. We have a University in a prosperous condi- tion, with competent funds. But, as to the former, and a no less important branch, concerning schools, — it is to be lamented that from the formation of the constitution until the last session of the General Assembly, (a period of forty-nine years) nothing whatever has been done. The last Legislature commenced the important work ; but if that beginning is not well sustained and pursued, the present generation may pass away, before anything effectual is ac- complished. Many enlightened persons believe, that it is more difficult for an individual in ordinary circumstances to obtain for his child at this time, the common rudiments of education, than it was at the period when our Constitu- tion was adopted. This increased difficulty originates, in part, from the increased demand which the exigencies of government have made upon the resources of individuals and the enhancement of the necessaries of subsistence. 294 Gov. Burton's Message on Education. 295 It appears, therefore, peculiarly just and proper, that the State should contribute somewhat to the diminution of that burden, which, in part, it has created. And while it exacts and expects obedience from the citizens to its laws and institutions, it should give them the opportunity to aj)preciate their privileges and improve their condition. The least reflection will satisfy us, that reading, writing, The morality of the -, , i P . ■, . i • i -i ^ • % masses largely and the common rules ot arithmetic are highly essential aided by the pri- J mary school to the healthy action of our government, founded, as it is, studies. upon the supremacy, and executed by the agency of the people : and they unquestionably contribute more largely to the individual benefit and morality of the body of peo- ple, than the branches of severe science usually taught in our established seminaries. Whilst upon this subject, I beg leave to remark, that the Constitution itself in the sec- tion before recited, has not only imposed the obligation, but has also suggested an important means for the execu- tion of the injunction. — House Journal, 1826, p. 11 4- Senate committee on education. House committee on education. 4. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. Senate Committee on Education: — James J. McKay, Bladen; William M. Sneed, Granville; Charles A. Hill. Franklin ; Francis T. Leak, Richmond ; John Joyner, Pitt. — Senate Journal, 1826-27, p. 9. House Committee on Education : — James R. Love, Hay- wood; James Blevins, Ashe; John Scott, Hillsborough;. John E. Lewis, Caswell; Robert Potter, Halifax (town) ; A. A. Wyche, Halifax ; James Iredell, Edenton ; Joseph D. White, Bertie ; Enoch Foy, Jones ; Marshall Dickerson. Pitt; John T. Gilmour, Bladen; Alfred Moore, Bruns- wick; John M. Morehead, Guilford; A. H. Shepperd, Stokes ; Archibald McNair, Richmond ; Shadrack Llowell, Robeson. — House Journal, 1826-27, p. 121. 296 5. PEOPOSED LOTTEKY FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Resolved, That the Committee on Education be instruct- proposed lottery , .. , -,. «..,, -ito raise school ed to enquire into the expediency oi raising by lottery the funds.. sum of six hundred and thirty thousand dollars, to be dis- tributed by alloting ten thousand dollars, to each county in this State, for the purpose of establishing public schools 1 . Which resolution was agreed to. — Senate Journal, 1826-27, p. 21. introduced by Henry Seawell, of Wake. 297 Directors of liter- ary fund to raise $50,000 bv lottery ; $25,000 to aid pub- lication of North Carolina history. $25,000 to be devoted to literary fund, Murphey to relin- quish privilege of former act. 6. LOTTERY FOR INCREASE LITERARY FUND AND PUBLI- CATION OF NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY. An act to authorise the President and Directors of the Literary Fund to raise money by way of lottery, and iot other purposes. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of jSTorth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the President and Directors of the Lit- erary Fund be, and they are hereby authorized to raise, by way of lottery fifty thousand dollars ; of which a sum not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars shall be applied b) them toward aiding Archibald D. Murphey, of Orange County, in collecting material for, and publishing the his- tory of JSTorth Carolina : But before the said money shall be advanced to him, he shall enter into bond to the Gov- ernor, and his successors in office, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, conditioned that if he shall die before the publication of the aforesaid, his executors or adminis- trators shall, within one year after his decease, file in the Secretary's office, for the use of the State, all papers, docu ments, records, pamphlets, and other materials, which he hath collected, or shall collect for said history, including his manuscript of said history. II. Be it further enacted, That the residue of the money authorised to be raised by this act, shall constitute and form a part of the Literary Fund ; and the President and Directors of said Fund are authorised to sell, upon such terms as they, or a majority of them, may deem expe- dient, to one or more persons, the privilege of raising, by lottery, the money aforesaid. III. Be it further enacted, That no part of the said twenty five thousand dollars shall be paid to said Archi- bald D. Murphey, until he shall relinquish all right or claim to the privileges granted to him by an act, passed at the last session of the General Assembly, entitled "An act to encourage the publication of a historical and scientifical 298 Lottery to Increase Literary Fund. 299 work on this State;" And that said twenty five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as the President and Directors of the Literary Fund may, in their discretion, think he will be entitled to, shall be advanced only as the work pro- gresses. 1 —Laws 1826-27, chap. XVI. introduced in the House of Commons, January 17, 1827, by John Scott, of Hillsborough. See House Journal, 1826-27, p. 167. 7. POTTEK'S POLITICAL COLLEGE BILL.i clerk's entry on In H. Commons 22d. Jan. 1827. Read the first time and passed and ordered to be printed and referred to Com. on Education. — See House Journal, 1826-21, p. 176. A BILL TO ESTABLISH A POLITICAL COLLEGE FOR THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The rector and vis- I- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State eai r coiiege of x J of North Carolina, That a Rector and fifteen Visitors to North Carolina. . . . . be chosen as shall hereinafter be directed, be incorporated under the name and title of "The Rector and Visitors of the Political College of North Carolina." Rector and visitors H- That in that style and capacity they shall have the mace a corpora- p 0wer to sue and be sued ; plead and be impleaded; have and use a common seal, acquire, hold, and transfer prop- erty of every description whatever ; and do all other mat- ters and things which may be necessary and proper to the ends of their creation and which appertain generally to corporate bodies. Visitors chosen by HI- That the visitors shall be chosen by a joint ballot of both houses of the legislature, and hold their appoint- ments during the pleasure of a majority of the members of the same, subject to removal by them at any time with- out notice and without impeachment. speakers of assem- IV. That when so elected it shall be the duty of the bly to notify per- sons chosen, speakers of the two houses of the General Assembly, to make out and transmit to them joint official letters of ap- pointment, whereupon it shall be the duty of the persons so appointed to assemble at such time and place, as shall be deemed most expedient by the Governor, they being duly apprised by him of his designation of the same. Robert Potter, Halifax borough. 300 Pottek's Political College Bill. 301 V. That when thus assembled they shall proceed to visitors to organize . . -. . . . -. institution. organize a system of discipline and instruction for the in- stitution over which they are to preside ; and they are hereby invested with full power of Legislation, in all mat- ters relating to the same comformably to the provisions o: this charter. VI. They shall, at their first meeting, proceed to elect visitors to choose a rector. a Rector, the term and tenure of whose office, shall be the same with that of the visitors, but whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of Rector, by resignation, death, or otherwise, it shall be filled by the Visitors, a majority of the votes of whom shall at all times be necessary to the appointment of a Rector and whenever a vacancy shall occur in the appointment of a Visitor during the recess of the Legislature, it shall be filled by a temporary commis- sion from the Governor, to expire at the close of the next preceding session of the General Assembly. VII. That the Rector and Visitors when thus consti- RuIes and regul . v tuted shall after their first meeting under this charter, set upon their own adjournments, and regulate the mode of their proceedings, and that four Visitors and the Rector, or seven Visitors alone, shall constitute a quorum to trans- act business; that in the deliberations of the Rector and Visitors, all questions shall be decided by the votes of a majority of the visitors, unless where the vote of the Rector if given to the minority would make the division equal, and then the question shall be lost ; that the Rector shall pre- side over the deliberations and jiroceedings of the visitors, and whenever an extraordinary meeting of the Visitors is deemed necessary, shall have power to summon them to- gether. VIII. That the Rector and Visitors are hereby re- school in wake ; quired to purchase in due season, a tract of land in the ment to cost P m i- ttt t ^ • ^ i • n n n i- • -^0,000 ; farm for County of Wake, which together with the fixtures, furni- support of college, ture, stock necessary for the purposes of the institution, shall cost and be worth, when the arrangements are com- pleted, twenty thousand dollars ; that on this land a farm 502 Potter's Political College Bill. Officers of the college. shall be established for the instruction and support of the members of the College, and provided with suitable build- ings for their accommodation; that the apartments intend ed for the officers and apprentices of the College shall be constructed at the discretion of the Rector and visitors , a strict and rigid regard being had to plainness and economy. IX. But the officers of the college shall consist of a President and four Professors, to be chosen by a majority of the Visitors and hold their appointments during the pleasure of the same ; and whenever the President or either of the Professors shall from any cause whatever vacate their appointments, a successor shall be designated by a majority of the Visitors. Four professors and their titles. X. That the Professors shall be a Professor of Agri- culture ; a Professor of the art of War ; a Professor of Political Economy ; and a Professor of Morality, whose several duties and the time and order of performing them, shall be prescribed by the Rector and the Visitors. XL That the apprentices shall consist of such a por- tion and such a class of the youth of Xorth Carolina, as the Legislature shall from time to time deem fit, to be selected in just proportions from the several counties in the State, in reference to the amount of taxes paid by said counties respectively into the Public Treasury ; and that students from each until otherwise ordered, the County of Anson shall be enti- county. ° tied to send two ; the county of Ashe one ; Brunswick, one ; Camden, one ; Buncombe, one ; Beaufort, one ; Burke, one ; Bladen, one; Bertie, two; Craven, two; Carteret, one; Currituck, one ; Caswell, two ; Chowan, one ; Chatham, two ; Cumberland, four ; Columbus, one ; Cabarus, one ; Duplin, one ; Davidson, two ; Edgecombe, four ; Franklin, two ; Guilford, two ; Gates, one ; Granville, four ; Greene, one ; Halifax, four ; Hertford, one ; Hyde, one ; Haywood, one ; Iredell, one ; Jones, one ; Johnson, two ; Lincoln, two ; Lenoir, one ; Moore, one ; Montgomery, one ; Mecklinburg, two; Martin, one; Xew Hanover, four; Xash, one; Xorth- Potter's Political College Bill. 303 ampton, four ; Onslow, one ; Orange, four ; Person, one ; Pasquotank, one ; Pitt, two ; Perquimans, one ; Rowan, two ; Randolph, one ; Rockingham, two ; Roheson, one ; Richmond, one ; Rutherford, two ; Sampson, one Surry, one ; Stokes, two ; Tyrrell, one ; Washing- ton, one ; Wilkes, one ; Wake, four ; Warren, two ; and Wayne, two, to be selected and chosen in the following manner, to wit : The several County Courts of the State, a majority of the justices being present, are hereby author- . ized and required at the first of their sessions, which shall be holden after they are apprized of the passage of this act, to appoint one Justice of the Peace, and two free holders, for each of the Militia Captains' Districts, within ineij Counties respectively ; and XII. That it shall be the duty of the trustees and Method of appoint- freeholders so appointed to register immediately, the name a student whose c i • -i ' i t , • • l 1 i l n father's estate is oi every youth within the district assigned them, who shall worth over $i,ooo. be within six months of the age of fifteen years, either in anticipation or advance, and the estate of whose father, shall not exceed in value, a thousand dollars ; or in the case of orphans, the estate left by whose father, and then actually existing, shall not exceed in value the sum of a thousand dollars. XIII. That the several Registries when thus made out, shall, by the Justice and freeholders of the District, re- spectively making out the same, be returned to a General Assembly of the Justices of their respective counties ; and the Justices of the several county Courts of the State, are hereby authorized and required, at the term at which they shall appoint the Justice and freeholders of the District before mentioned, to agree among themselves a day or days on which they shall assemble at the Court House of their respective Counties, to receive and decide upon the return of the Justices and freeholders of the Districts. XIV. That in all cases where a question shall arise Disputes about under the twelfth section of the act relative to age or set&ed^graerai 6 estate, it shall be first decided bv the Justices and free- tices of the peace. 304 Potter's Political College Bill. holders as aforesaid, before whom it shall occur, upon such evidence and such views of the case, as they may deem just and conformable to the requisitions of the said sec- tion; but if any one should be dissatisfied with their de- cisions, they may state the question to the trustees of the county within which it may have arisen, at their General Assembly to which the District Justice and freeholders aforesaid are required to make their returns; and the said Justices at their said General Assembly, are hereby au- thorized and empowered ultimately and finally to deter- mine, in their discretion all such questions. Provided that when the Justices of the said General Assembly shall be equally divided upon a question, the decision of the District Justices and freeholders shall abide. county visitor to XV. That the Justices of the General Assemblies examine those appointed. aforesaid, when they have compared and examined re- turns of the several district Justices and freeholders, and in their discretion revised, altered, or confirmed the same (all which* they are hereby authorized and empowered to do) shall communicate with the Visitor appointed for their County, and agree with him upon a day or days, when he shall visit them and examine the youths reg- istered as before required, in order to select from them an apprentice or apprentices as the case may be, for the Political College. XVI. That at the time thus agreed upon, by the Gen- eral Assemblies of the Justices of the several Counties, and the visitors thereof, the Justices shall again convene in General Assembly, at their respective court houses and cause the youths of the several districts of their respective examinatfon and he Counties registered as before required to be assembled st P u P d ents mentof there, that they shall then be introduced to the Visitor, commissioned for that purpose, who shall in such mode as he shall deem ,most fit and proper, scrutinize and ex- amine them, and in his discretion select from among them such a number as the County may by the provisions of the Pottek's Political College Bill. 305 Act be entitled to send to the Political College ; that where among the registered youths of any county, there shall be a number greater than that which said County may be entitled to send to the Political College, who in the esti- mation of the visitor are equally gifted, and promise to be equally useful to the State, he may by lot decide which of them shall be selected. XVII. That when the apprentices have been selected certificates of ■t^ 1 selection furnished agreeably to the directions herein contained, the visitors those a PP° inted - aforesaid shall furnish the apprentices by them respec- tively designated certificates of their selection. They shall also furnish duplicates of said certificates to the Clerks of the several county courts of this State, who are hereby required to spread copies thereof, upon their sev- eral records. XVIII. The Visitors at the time they select and cer- tify the apprentices shall decide then when to present potntment to be i n i no c i s~i n -i i presented to presi- tnemselves to the officers of the College, and every Appren- dent of college, tice when he appears before the President and .frolessors of the College shall adduce the certificate of the Visitor as the evidence of his right to admission. When the certificates aforesaid have been passed upon by the officers of the College, or by the Hector and visi- tors, if they should be present and think proper to act, the apprentices shall be forthwith admitted to the privi- leges of the College, and subject to the discipline and duty thereof: Provided that the officers of the College or the Rector and Visitors thereof, may at any time revise and reverse any decision they may have made, where it ap- pears that fraud has been practiced upon them in relation to their certificates, and the State shall have a permanent and indefeasible title to the apprentices, with an exclu- r , „ 1 r " College course of sive right to discipline and direct them at pleasure, for piet^controi of six years commencing from the day on which they enter tic^nfeTOd on 1 " College; during all which time they shall be supported dents'to teach '" -i ,-, ,,,... -i/»i/-> three years. entirely at the charge of the institution, and for the first 20 306 Potter's Political College Bill. three years of their apprenticeship, shall be carried through a course of discipline and instruction, conform- able to the rules of the college, and then shall be subject during the three remaining years, to the performance of such duties, and at such stations, as the Rector and Visi- tors thereof may think proper to assign them, one-fifth of stu- XX. As a fundamental rule of discipline, which the dents at all times ■*■ to be employed on officers of the College, are to cause to be strictly observed, one-fifth of the apprentices are, in turn, to be at all times, actively employed in agricultural labor on the College farm, unless special reason shall require this rule to be dispensed with. visitors of the coi- XXI. Be it further enacted; that the visitors afore- lege to be each given a district. said shall at their first meeting under this Act, arrange the State into as many districts, as there may be visitors, and assign to each visitor a district respectively, and it shall be the duty of the several visitors to visit the Coun- ties composing their respective districts in the manner herein before pointed out, for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act. Power to expel XXII. A Quorum of the Rector and the Visitors, or given rector and ' visitors. ^he Visitors alone, shall at any time have power to expel an apprentice from the College, and whenever a vacancy shall occur in the berth of an apprentice, in consequence of expulsion, or any other cause, it shall be the duty of the Visitor, from whose district such apprentice came, in his discretion to fill the same from his said District. visitors to fix time XXIII. The Visitors shall in their discretion fix the college is to go ficer,s° peration ' ° f ~ U P 011 the time, when the college is to go into operation ; they shall also in proper time appoint a President and four Professors, agreeably to the directions herein con- tained to preside immediately over the affairs of the Col- lege, and conduct the duties thereof; they may also in their discretion, appoint subordinate officers and servants, to the institution and prescribe the duties and compensa- tions of the same. The compensation of the five principal Potter's Political College Bill. 307 officers of the College shall be as follows : For the Presi- dent a salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, unci board ; and for each of the four Professors a salary of one thousand dollars and board, the several salaries to be paid at the expiration of each and every year, that the Presi- dent or Professors entitled to the same may serve. XXIV. And be it further enacted, that to enable the Rector and Visitors to carry into effect the provisions of this act, the Treasurer of the State is hereby directed and empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of the State, $220,000 f or the 1 ; endowment of the which is hereby pledged for the redemption of the sam^ college. the sum of two hundred and twenty thousand dollars, which as soon as he shall have obtained it, he shall pay over to the directors and Visitors of the Political College, hereby established, who shall appropriate twenty thousand dollars thereof to the purchase and preparation of a farm, as herein before directed, and the other two hundred thousand dollars shall be vested at their discretion, in a permanent fund the interest of which shall enure forever to the benefit of the Political college of North Carolina, subject to the control and management of the Rector and Visitors hereof, under the authority and supervision of the Legislature. Report of Committee. The Committee of Education, to whom was referred Report of commit- tee. "A Bill to establish a political College for the State of Xdrth Carolina," have had the same under consideration and respectfully recommend it to the house without amendment. Respectfully submitted, Rob. Potter, Chm. In House of Commons 1st Feb. 1827 — read and with clerk's entry. the bill laid on the table 1 . — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1826-7. House Journal 1826, p. 199. 1 This bill was never taken from the table. 8. POTTER'S SPEECH ON HIS POLITICAL COLLEGE BILL. Legislature of North Carolina. House of Commons. Purpose of the pub- lication of the speech. REMARKS OF MR. POTTER, On the bill to establish a Political College. The speech delivered by Mr. Potter, on the 22d ultimo, on the bill introduced by him to es- tablish a Political College, in this State, having created great excitement and lead to much con- versation, in order to correct misrepresentations, and procure a fair construction of his motives, he has thought proper to submit a copy for pub- lication. Summary of the provisions of the bill. This bill proposes the establishment of a central insti- tution, upon a farm in the county of Wake, to which those counties in the State which pay into the treasury,, by way of taxes, less than a thousand dollars, should be entitled to send one apprentice ; those paying over a thousand, and less than two thousand, two ; and those paying over two thousand, four. The number which would be furnished according to this ratio would be one hundred and seven. It also provides that the State shall have a paramount and indefeasible title to the apprentices, for six years from the day on which they might enter col- lege ; during the first three years of which, they are to be carried through a course of discipline and instruction con- formable to the rules of the college; and for the remaining three years, in consideration of the education they shall have received, they are to perform the duty of instructors at such stations in the State, as the rector and visitors of the college may think proper to assign them. The ap- prentices are directed to be selected from among the youths of the State who shall be within six months of the 308 Potter's Speech. 309 age of fifteen years, and the estate of whose fathers shall not exceed in value the sum of a thousand dollars. As a fundamental rule of discipline, the bill directs that the apprentices be divided into five classes, which in turn are at all times to be actively engaged in agricultural labors on the college farm. To effect this, the bill previously di- rects "that a rector and fifteen visitors, to be chosen as shall hereinafter be directed, be incorporated, under the name and title of the 'rector and visitors of the Political College of ]ST. Carolina.' " It then directs that the visi- tors be chosen by a joint ballot of both Houses of the Legislature, and hold their appointment during the pleas- ure of a majority of the members of the same; and invests them with authority to appoint a rector, a president and four professors for the college, and prescribe their duties ; to select the apprentices agreeably to rules laid down in the bill, to fix upon the time for the commencement of the operations of the college, to make all dispensations neces- sary for that purpose, and to carry into effect the details of the bill. It invests them, in short, with full powers of legislation, in all matters appertaining to the college, con- formably to the provisions of the bill ; and in order to enable them to effect the objects contemplated, directs the Treasurer of the State to borrow and place in their hands the sum of two hundred and twenty thousand dollars ; twenty thousand of which to be appropriated to the pur- chase of a farm and construction of necessary buildings ; and the remaining two hundred thousand dollars, to be vested by the rector and visitors in a permanent fund ; the interest of which to enure forever to the benefit of the college, subject to the management and control of the rector and visitors, under the authority and supervision of the Legislature. Mr. Speaker, — In submitting the proposition contained object to elevate in that bill, a proposition so novel in its character, and, character of North ■•<• j , 1 . • . -r i Carolina. it adopted, so important m its consequences, I trust the House will bear with me a moment, while I open on them 310 Potter's Speech. some of the arguments in favor of it, and declare to theni the motives which have impelled me to offer it. To say that the object of this measure is to elevate and dignify the character of North Carolina, and provide for the con- tinuance of her safety, and the enlargement of her happi- ness, by enlightening and liberalizing the faculties of her people — that its ultimate scope is nothing less than the diffusion of education among the mass of her children, is at once to announce the magnitude of its importance. Sir, if mind which gives to man the dominion of the world — if it be that which distinguishes him from the brutes that perish, and almost exalts him to an equality with heaven, then the process, by which its mighty attri- butes are developed and harmonised, is obviously an ob- ject of paramount consideration. But forcible and unde- niable as is this truth, and urged upon us from sources of North Carolina has oracular sacredness, North Carolina seems ever to have sadly neglected the . diftusion of knowi- remained most sadly insensible to it: while many of her edge ; this state ^ ' d me^mtoofthe^^ sister States have addressed themselves to the subject with umon - a degree of energy and zeal, which indicate their sense of the vitality of its importance ; while they have most lib- erally devoted their best resources to the development of the moral and intellectual energies of their people, North Carolina, in this, as in every other useful improvement, has continued to stumble and flounder on, at a lazy and lagging pace, behind every other member of the Union. The state must Sir, it is time she were disenchanted — it is time she was realize her degra- dation, brought to a just and full sense of her degradation — it is time that the spell which has so long sealed her energies in death, should be broken, and her thoughts should be raised from the habitual contemplation of low and subor- dinate objects, and fixed upon her manlier and more ex- alted interests. Would you ask how this is to be done — would you ask how "a consummation so devoutly to be The people must wished," is to be accomplished? I answer, educate the be educated. people — yes, let in upon their minds the light of science Potter's Speech. 311 and of truth — confer upon them the capacity of thinking - — enable them justly to appreciate their relation to their country — give them to see and understand their rights and interests, and the prevailing instinct of nature will impel them to assert and pursue them. If this proposition, bearing, as I conceive, upon its very face the impress of beauty and truth, should yet be deemed to require the sanction of authority, I would direct you to the sentiments of those chiefs and sages, whose valor won, whose wisdom established our liberties. The man who, when living, re- ceived the homage of all hearts, and whose name like a charm still enchants the world — whose form shadowed forth upon the wall, in the attitude of entreaty, would Quotes Washington. n , , , , ,.'_,. on education. seem to beckon and persuade you to the adoption ol his favorite maxim. That sainted sage, in the last word ad- dressed by him to his country, in language the most ear- nest and emphatic, invited her attention to this subject. These are his words : " 'tis substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to ever - species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it, can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric ? Promote, then, as an ob- ject of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essen- tial that public opinion should be enlightened." The convention of rpi /-n r> 11- n i in-i • 1776 enjoined the liie Congress of /6, whose deliberations were con- general education . . of the people. ducted m the borough which I have the honor to repre- sent, some of whose members were then fresh from the battles of their country, and yet reeking in the blood of their enemies — whilst the fierce and furious din of civil discord shook this mighty continent, and the echoes of the ball and the sabre were sighing and shivering in their ears — resolved as fate — calm and unmoved as a:ods, deciding on the destinies of mortals — even amidst those terrible convulsions, they were not unmindful of this important 312 Potter's Speech. subject; and, in the charter furnished by their delibera- tions, under which we are now assembled, they intro- duced a provision, enjoining it as a duty on the Legisla- ture which they then created, to provide for the general The subject gen- education of their people. To the misfortune of the peo- former legislatures, pie, and the lasting shame of those who have heretofore occupied the places which we now fill, that duty has never been performed, though occasionally reminded of it by ad- venturesome members of their own body, and sometimes casually invited to it in the annual messages of the execu- tive, until our present Chief Magistrate, in his recent com- munication, has pressed the subject upon us with a solici- tude and anxiety, characteristic of his well known deep and virtuous sensibility to the best interests of his people. The Legislatures from time to time have sported with the subject, by adopting a barren resolution in its favor; but as yet they have done nothing decisive in relation to it. They did, indeed, at the last session, set apart some trifling branches of the revenue, which they were pleased The present to style "The Literary Fund ;" but if not added to, the inadequate! present generation at least must pass away before it ac- cumulates sufficiently, to afford effectual aid to the people. Sir, this is not the way to treat this matter — it is a sub- ject not to be dallied with. I would seize upon it with the determined energy, with which, if drowning, I would grapple a plank in the surge. I would embrace it as a Education our only measure, on which depended our last, our only hope, of provement. social improvement, or political exaltation ; and if the measure T now tender you, be not accepted, or some effi- cient system for disseminating education among our peo- ple be not adopted, I shall sit down in despair, over the irreclaimable degradation of my country. But, by heaven, I will not believe it — I cannot believe you will turn away your faces, and refuse to sanction and approve this measure. I cannot believe, you will thus impliedly Potter's Speech. 313 decide that our people are incapable of virtue or excel- lence, and that they are only "Born to eat, and be despised and die, Ev'n as the brutes that perish, save that the^ Have a more noble trough, and wider sty." I would invoke the genius of my country to come to my side, and aid me in persuading you to the adoption of this measure. Sir, if she were indeed to appear among us — ■ if the genius of jST. Carolina were now to present herself sad picture of the -,.,,,.. „, , present condition to you, who are charged with the destinies ol her people, of the state. instead of the majesty of a guardian goddess — instead of a radiant brow, and an eye flashing light and dignity on this assembly, you would mark her with a pallid front, and "sad and shrouded eye," and in the hollow accents of de- spair, she would demand of you, in the language of admo- nition and reproof, >v why sit ye here, all the while idle ?" why assemble here from session to session, and expend your time upon ephemeral objects, while you neglect the very salvation of the republic? why meet you here from year to year, to scuffle over subjects, unimportant to the public, and trifling in themselves, or to squabble about the disposition of a clerkship or a judgeship, whilst the peo- ple, for whom all this is intended — for whose benefit gov- ernment was established, laws enacted, and judges ap- pointed—whilst the people are left to rust in primeval ig- The people left to ... <, . , ■, , , f. rust in their prime- norance — rotting trom sire to son, and age to age, deal vai ignorance as the adder, and dark as Erebus? She would tell you, tores squabble " over trifles. you were a degraded and despised community; but only so, because you would be so. She would tell you that North Carolina was a lion in the net, an eagle without his pinions, fixed upon the earth, and gazing at the sun in despair, and she would conjure you to make one gener- ous, one manly effort, to redeem and disenthral her — to take, at this moment, a firm and noble stand in support of the most sacred rights of humanity — to silence in your 314 Potter's Speech. Anappeaifor hearts the suggestions of every selfish passion, and act action in favor of °° d *- ' peopi a e ing the with a single eye to the honor and interests of jour coun- try. She would remind you of the frailty of life, and the immortality of virtue. She would tell you, that time scoffs and hisses at the grandest achievements of man, and crushes, and crumbles, the proudest monuments of his power; hut that fate itself had no control over virtue, essentially eternal, it should live, like a cherub smiling above the storm, when the frail forms from which it sprung, should have returned to the clod of the vax-ey. She would warn you that the flight of time was rapid and irrevocable; and with a voice, like the music of the spheres, she would implore you to seize upon the passing hour — to make it your own, and render it immortal, by consecrating it to patriotism. Cheered and elated at the effect of her admonition, her form now buoyant with hope, her brow brightening and flushing, and her eye dilating — tearing the shroud from her face, and stamping with an emphasis that should wake an echo in every cottage of Carolina ; in a tone of encouragement and command, she would exclaim to you, as she retired, "Arise ! thou can'st and must." Yes, to be great, North Carolina has only to will to be so. She has moral and intellectual energies, which, if put into action, would command for her an hon- orable and enviable elevation in the Union — an elevation, where the proudest should conceive themselves honored in her smile. She has, indeed, though all unknown to the world, names dear alike to genius and science — names, which the all-enduring hand of fame will inscribe upon the proudest pillar of her temple, and over which the most approving smiles of virtue have been poured. The vir- tues of Henderson alone, might atone for the errors of a vicious age, and win from heaven a pardon for its frailties Deplorable absence and its f ollies. Like a proud tower of other days, time- 01 patriotic pride ; L d ' Sven°tife ei ieader 0t worn > but unyielding, that lifts its brow to heaven, itself ship of affairs. ^ [ mR g e f eternity, standing amidst desolation, he Pottek's Speech. 315 stands, in all the grandeur of intellectual solitude, upon a soulless waste, over whose dreary and cheerless bosom the eye of the mind searches elsewhere in vain for shelter and a resting place. If there should prevail every where else a dearth of feeling and of thought, to him would I repair, as did the way-farers of Israel to the moral fountain, so sublimely typified in the rock of the desert. To him would I repair, to renovate, refresh, and sustain my spirit, as to an exhaustiess source of truth, of virtue and of wisdom. But though we have- such men of might among us, they continue here in the backwoods of iST. Carolina, drifting quietly along the stream of life, theii noble energies lost to their country, and expended, chiefly on mere private professional pursuits. Such is the de- plorable absence of high feeling and patriotic pride among our people — such their profound ignorance, not only of what concerns their honor and their rights, but their in- terests merely, that instead of arming and sending forth their strong men to battle they seem content to entrust the conduct of their political ranks to the merest pigmies of the community. It is a fact, justly mortifying to the pride of every enlightened lover of his country, that though among our delegation to the National Legislature, Many representa- tivGS in congress there be several worthy gentlemen, yet many districts of have no honor. our people have selected, as the guardians of their politi- cal interests, and the champions of their political honor, men who are known to have no honor of their own, and no ability to defend it, if they had it. Well may it be said of them, u The ass knoweth his owner, and the ox its master's crib; but Israel doth not know, my people do not consider." The people do not indeed know, or consider what they do. They do not consider, that the national government, having from the time of its organization, been invested with a strong control over most of the important objects of legislation, is now fast attracting, and drawing within the verge of its power, every essential interest of 316 Potter's Speech. the people; and, consequently, that the thirteen men, de- puted by them to the national legislature, are probably every day called upon to decide questions bearing more decisively and vitally upon their rights and welfare, than do the whole body of measures, which we here at home have to act upon, in a six week's course of legislation. It is not less appalling than disgusting, the effect on the mag- nitude of the trust, and the responsibility of the trusted, our legislature en- While we sit here engaged in listening to petitions for matters, while coii- gates, petitions for divorces and petitions for legitimate gross votes away . . the national reve- bastards, they are carrying; on stupendous operations, and nue to other states ; . . condition ° fsuch ex P en ding millions of money, drawn from the pockets of the people ; and how expending it ? Aye, how expending it ? why, the money raised from honest, laborious and self- devoted ]STorth Carolina, is expended in other states. It is transferred to those states, who do themselves the jus- tice, to send to their National Legislature, not topers, and fools, and vagabonds, but men — men whose characters and talents command for the interests of their people, a de- cided preponderance there. North Carolina, the sixth state in the Union, in numbers and intrinsic resources, is yet the very last in political dignity. She exercises less influence and controul over the measures of the na- tional government, than the little State of Delaware, with a single representative. In the appropriate and emphatic- language of one of the few men in our national delegation, North Carolina the of whom we may be "justly proud, North Carolina is the Ireland of the . J . union. Has no Ireland of the Union. Yes, sir, we are the tributaries of voice in congress ; ; ' the reason. ^ e "Union. "In the sweat of our faces do we earn our bread," and pay to our masters what they demand of us ; and the only benefit which we derive from it, with some honorable exceptions be it spoken, is the privilege of send- ing a few cattle to Washington, to be stalled and fattened there during the winter, on a part of the proceeds of our own labor. If ever we disturb the silence of the hall of Odin, and mingle in the din of its gladiators, our "voice, Potter's Speech. 317 is like that of one from the wilderness, whom no one heareth." The expression of our wishes is met with bitter scorn, or with calm contempt, and cold neglect, from the National Legislature, and the National government. Why ? Because the organs, through which, in a great measure, we choose to communicate with them, are not en- titled to respect themselves, and cannot, therefore, com- mand it of us. But if, in "these piping times of peace," they are utterly inadequate to the great trust confided to them, it is dreadful, it is horrible to reflect, what our peo- ple may suffer from the impotency, in great and danger- ous emergencies. And can we be so infatuated as to in- dulge the hope, that we are to be left forever to the calm and undisturbed enjoyment of our rights — rights, to estab- lish which, the wealth of our fathers was exhausted and their best blood poured forth like water ? Believe- me, no ! Liberty is a divinity, whose favor, as it is not to be won, so neither can it be kept by the offerings of dullness and luxury. Wisdom and virtue alone can propitiate her smiles ; and never does her votary appear so lovely in her eyes, as when his glove of mail is dyed in gore. Sir, the time will come — nay the time is coming, when, without the most heroical mildness, magnanimity and forbearance, not this State only, but this mighty Union, is to be shaken and convulsed to its very centre; and it is in these halls — it is in the halls of legislation, rather than the "tented field," that questions are to be- decided, involving na- tional liberty, or national slavery — National existence, or national death. In such an event, when that crisis shall arise, when the storm that is now silently collecting in its wrath, shall actually burst upon us, what will be our attitude? Aye, what will be the bearing of North Caro- lina with such men in her national council, as Daniel Bar- Names the incom- ttt-it A1 . -. -r , „ . „... , petent members of rmger, Willis Alston, and Lemuel Sawyer? Will they congress from ° ' "> J North Carolina. protect us ? Can they protect us ? Tis notorious, that neither have the sagacity nor the energy to do it. They 318 Potter's Speech. have not the soul to stand in the presence of the mighty men with whom they are absurdly classed, and in their faces calmly, but boldly, assert our rights and advocate our interests. Pardon me, sir, I do not regard this as a proper place to bandy vulgar epithets. I have too much respect for the gentlemen with whom I am associated, and before whom I now stand — I have too much respect for myself wantonly to indulge here, in expressions of per- sonal hostility. I cherish none towards either of those unfortunate men; but I feel indignant and disgusted at the degradation of my country, and it is under a sense of public duty that I speak, when I say that one of them, is not only without talent and without character, but with- out free-agency — that he is not only a slave to mean and low propensities of his own, but a pimp and a caterer to the selfish and sordid passions of a malignant villian and a vile slanderer. Yes, he is governed by a fellow, who is himself governed by the Federal Government, who holds a sinecure under the Federal Government, and in the last 3 years has pocketed ten thousand dollars from the treas- ury of the union, without having rendered a single act of service for it; but has continued here at home, lounging about the courts of the country, and slandering our most virtuous and useful citizens, only because they were hon- ester than himself, and because, here at home by their country who knew them both they had been more honor- ably noticed and advanced. One might have expected better things from his age ; but the whiteness of his hair, bleached by the frost of fifty winters, forms a singular and sad contrast to the darkness of the thoughts that roll below. But I forbear. It is a sufficient punishment to him to be what he is. Let it not be supposed, that be- cause I thus allude to the characters of mean men, who hold high stations in the country, that I am the less re- gardful of the honor of my country. I love my country, and would die for her. Yes, sir, if the offering of my Potter's Speech. 319 poor life could in aught advance her interests or her honor, heaven knows that I would lay it down as promptly and as cheerfully as ever gallant entered the bower of consenting maiden ; but though "'with all her faults I love her still," I will not flatter those faults, I will not flatter her rank vices and follies — I will not "bend to her idolatries a pa- tient knee, nor cry aloud, in worship of an echo ;" but rather hold a mirror up to her which, by reflecting her moral deformities full in her face, shall teach her, if pos- sible to turn away, in shame and terror from them'. It is right — it is necessary, she should see how she is gulled and dishonored. She does not know it — she does not feel it — and all the ills she bears, are to be traced to her pro- found insensibility — to her jjolitical character and politi- cal rights. I affirm, that such a sentiment, as an enlight- Enlightened ened regard to the dignity and interests of their country, dignity of the State does not does not exist anions; the mass of the people of jNorth- exist among the ° x x masses. Carolina ; and, in the name of God, I would ask you who are assembled here, under the sacred and responsible ob- ligation to guard their honor, preserve their rights, and provide for their welfare, if you will continue to sit quietly here, with your arms folded, and wait for heaven to inspire .them with it ? The days of inspiration are no more, and it will be vain and idle in us, to expect our peo- ple to become wise and virtuous, until we give an impulse to their slumbering energies. To impart that impulse is the object of the measure I now tender you. It is founded on the admission of our inability at this time, to extend the benefits of education to all our people, and proposes, therefore, to select from the several sections of the State such a portion of our youths as we can conveniently edu- cate, and assemble them in a common college, that we may qualify them to instruct the others. Let not the plain and prudent men of the house be started at the name of the institution — nothing extravagant, nothing grand in the common sense of the word, is intended. It is not proposed to instruct our young men how to educate their The kind of edu- cation needed. 320 Potter's Speech. bodies, to shine in the drawing rooms, and prattle about literature and the sciences, but to instil into their hearts the chastest and severest principles of virtue and philoso- phy—to teach them, as the cardinal principle of education that the first and most sacred obligation of a citizen is his duty to his country, and qualify them, at the same time, efficiently to perform it. All is to be conducted on the most rigid principles of economy — a farm is to be estab- lished, and plain wooden buildings constructed, as the only outward signs of the college ; and, as a fundamental rule of discipline; the young men are to be divided into five classes, and in turn to be constantly engaged in agri- cultural labours on the college farm. The influence of an The college would institution, founded and conducted on these principles, effect upon ail the would not be limited to its own membership. It would have an exalting effect on the morality of the whole com- munity, and strongly tend to create an enlightened tone of sentiment, and a just sense of excellence. Who can say, that such a sense now exists among us ? I affirm that it does not. We are magnanimous enough in professions. We say we are republicans, and profess to live for virtue and for liberty ; but when we come to act — when we are called upon for that true touchstone of the heart, we show at once the emptiness of these professions. Every man's experience must have satisfied him of this. I have my- self striking exemplifications of the fact. I have met our professions are with those, who were all magnanimity in professions, but great, our acts _ ° . small. real meanness in conduct — who, under an appearance of simplicity approaching to childishness, and generosity bor- dering upon enthusiasm, concealed a degree of guile and of selfishness, that would have augmented the address of the primal seducer. Yes, sir, the great Don Juan of Eden himself, who triumphed over the virtue of our first mother, was not more wily and more artful, and, like him, it is their great luxury, with insidious creepings, to wind their way into the unsuspecting heart, only to deposit their Potter's Speech. 321 poison there, and leave it blackened, if not blasted by the contagion. I call upon yon all to look around you in the world, and see if its dignities depend on virtue. Do you not everywhere behold villians, insensible to all the obliga- tions of morality and patriotism, whose wealth alone se- cures to them the smiles and honors of the world, when, too, in the very acquisition of it they have violated not only the kindly feelings of nature and humanity, but the sternest principles of truth and justice \ Yet, it matters not, though a scoundrel may have robbed his mother, his father, his brother, his friend, or his country, if he has done it in a way to screen himself from a prosecution, and save his ears, though he may basely have put into his pocket ten thousand dollars of the money of the peo- ple, for which he never rendered a single act of service, yet having secured it, he may furnish feasts, and honest Imen will condescend to share them. jSTay, more, he may ^eansof ending obtain a place in the Legislature of his State, and there condition" 1 procure the jitassage of an act, for his own private and especial benefit — an act, bearing upon its very face a lie, and having for its object nothing more or less than the securing of a legal fee in his dishonest and "itching palm" ; and yet not only escape the vengeance due to crime, but continue to legislate for the very people he has thus betrayed and dishonored. I call upon you, the guar- dians of the morality, as well as the rights of the people, to put your faces against their abominations ; and by adopt- ing the system of education before you, prepare the way for exterminating these evils. The people should be in- structed to respect nothing but virtue ; to despise and tread upon a villian, though his limbs be arrayed in gold and fine linen. The mere contemplation of such an institution as tht The proposed coi- i it i t lege would flt one proposed, would stronglv tend to accomplish this re young men to serve t ° " L their country. suit. It would be a sublime and noble spectacle to see a body of young men, associated together under the sanction 21 322 Potter's Speech. and patronage of their country ; the direct and exclusive object of whose education, should be the attainment of excellence. It would relieve them, too, from the degrad- ing consciousness of dependence, to know that while they were qualifying themselves to serve their country, they could, in a course of healthful exercise, produce what was necessary to sustain and support themselves. It would dignify labour, and make it respectable, not only in their eyes, but those of the community; and would thus furnish a powerful incentive to general industry. It is impossible Agriculture would to detail, or even to anticipate, the many advantages which be elevated. _ r ' . J . might result to the country, from the agricultural depart- ment of the college. Agriculture, the most important in- terest of North-Carolina, for we are essentially a body of farmers, would there be systematised and reduced to sci- ence: the professor of agriculture would be chosen for his knowledge of the elementary principles, as well as the practical details of the science ; and, in the conduct and government of the college farm, might throw a body of new light on the subject, which would be eminently ser- viceable to the whole community. Next in importance to the department of agriculture, is the military profes- sorship. It is admitted to be incompatible with the spirit The militia would of our government to keep on foot a body of mercenaries ; be rendered em- ' . cient. and hence it has been laid down as one of the cardinal principles of our republican policy, that to the militia should be left the defence of our liberties. Is it not greatly important then, that they should be efficiently dis- ciplined and instructed ? Who that has attended the ar- rays of our militia, and witnessed their clumsy and un- graceful evolutions, but must laugh to scorn the idea of their offering effectual resistance to a disciplined foe ? I am sure I do not err, when I say that ten thousand men, who had seen service — ten thousand courageous and dis- ciplined troops, thrown upon the coast of North Carolina, might overrun the State with fire and sword. Let not my Potter's Speech. 323 sentiments be misunderstood. The light of heaven no where shines upon a braver or a hardier race than that of North Carolina. I do not believe there is on earth a t Y ise to provide for the general niih- people, with bolder hearts or stouter hands, than those we th e y P eopie. tlon ° f represent ; but the history of all time has shewn, that, in the field, the best and noblest efforts of valour are vain without discipline. If we would be wise, therefore, and act upon the lessons of the past, let us now, when it is in our power, lay the foundation of a general military edu- cation for our people. If it be desirable that they should be disciplined at all, and our policy is mainly founded upon that principle, then it is obvious they should be well disciplined ; so that, in time of need, they may stand forth, the guardians of our liberties, our women, our children, and our firesides. Among other interesting results, this important one would inevitably attend the adoption of the system before you. It does not propose to make enlight- ened citizens of those merely, who shall be immediately educated under it ; but through them, to reach and in- struct the great body of our people. It is to be remem- Those educated to o ./ i i be teachers at bered, as the condition on which their country is to under- a^stete^effects take to educate them, that she is to have a paramount and 0l l e plan ' indefeasible title to their services, for six years from the day on which their education commences ; and that, after they have been supported and instructed for three years at the Political College, they are to be distributed through the State, at such stations as the Rector and Visitors of the College shall think proper to assign them, and there serve the other three years in disseminating among their countrymen the benefits of that education, and that dis- cipline, which their country shall have conferred upon them. We shall thus have created for ourselves a body of instructors eminently and efficiently qualified to superin- tend the morality and intellect of the State, and to give a just and enlightened direction to it ; and when elistrict schools shall have been established throughout the State, the Political College can remain as a focus for the concen- 324 Potter's Speech. tration of the genius of the country. It would be a nu- cleus, round which the sentiments and affections of the people would form — it would give life and soul to the State — it would be to her, what now she has not, a heart, equally enlivening and animating all her parts, and would soon absorb the stupid and selfish prejudices now enter- tained by one portion of our people against the other. The men who should be educated there, would be particu- larly qualified to contribute to this result. One of the principles of the measure is to extend the aid of the State only to those who are unable to educate themselves. Taken, therefore, from the humblest grade of life, and exalted by education, they would, when they returned among their countrymen, have more authority and influ- ence with them, than those of equal abilities, but higher birth, and better fortunes than their own. It is impossi- ble at this time to enumerate all the advantages which might result from such an institution, or even adequately to discuss the details of the measure itself. Perhaps, however, among other reasons for opposition, it may be objected to, on the ground of the smallness of the number aii the people can which it proposes to educate. To this, I answer, that the not now be edu- n t , • j"iri -j. • 1 cated; only a few. sparceness oi our population, amused as it is over such an extensive space, and the condition of our fiscal con- cerns, forbids, at this time, the thought of educating all our people ; and it is, therefore, proposed to select from among them such a portion as our funds will enable us to educate, and qualify them to instruct the others. It may be answered, too, that if the number of young men to be educated, compared with the whole number of the State, be small, the sum to be raised by the State to sup- port and educate them, compared with the whole amount of the funds of the State, is proportionately small. The interest of it might be raised from the property of North Carolina, and so trifling would be the portion which each man would pay, that unless reminded of it, he scarcely would perceive it. Many gentlemen in my part of the Potter's Speech. 325 State annually contribute a hundred times as much as their share of it would amount to, to improve the breed of game cocks and race-horses. Besides, a hundred men, educated in the manner proposed, would be worth to the State more than a hundred thousand, with a mere smat- tering of education. In all ages, in all countries, we find that in difficult and The value of a few .■,.-•-« i i i t educated men. dangerous emergencies, the safety of many has depended on the few ; and in a decisive crisis, a hundred such men would be worth to us far more than the "rascal counters" which we] should expend upon them. They might be worth to us our liberties. Sir, would you ask for an in- stance of the amazing influence, which even one great mind, happily cultivated and fairly developed, could exercise over the interests, the character and the fame, even of a learned and powerful nation. jSTone who have communed with him, ever can forget the divine spirit that breathes and burns in every line of the immortal Scottish tales. -As an author, he has done more for his country than ever what waiter scott has done for his man before did for his country. He has rescued Scotland country. from comparative obscurity and oblivion, and made her a holy, and a haunted region. Every vale of his native land has been lighted up with a ray of his genius, and her mountains and her caverns are peopled with the children of his fancy. Among his pages, her chiefs and sages rise, like "spirits conjured from the vasty deep," and stand embodied there, in the eternal panoply of truth — truth avouched by history, and consecrated by genius. Their thoughts, their deeds, their very forms, have all the warmth and freshness of life ; and we hear, and see, and almost feel them, with as palpable distinctness, as if they yet "lived, and moved, and had their being." But whence the mighty power, that could thus, "as with the stroke of an enchanter's w T and," call back the vanished models of past excellence, to act as monitors of living men, persuading us by their eloquence, and exalting us by their example, to the pursuit of virtue and excellence ? Whence, 326 Potter's Speech. I say, this mighty— this magic power? The original ca- pacity must indeed have come from heaven ; "but its devel- opment was the fruit of education alone. But for the ex- panding and ennobling influence of education, even Scott himself, "In life's low vale remote, had pined alone, Then drop'd into the grave, unpitied and unknown." Education makes In education alone, may consist the difference between the difference be- tween Scott and h^ mind, and that of many a youth, now toiling at the many North Caro- J J o lmaboys. handles of a plough, in the fields of Carolina; and the elements of as great a heart might be found beneath the tattered vest of many a helpless boy. Nay, I take it upon myself to say, that I do not know a man, reared and liv- ing among us in profound obscurity, scarcely less divinely gifted than Scott himself, who, if his lot had been cast in a kindly and intellectual region, would have been the ob- ject of universal love and admiration — whose spirit, if it had been courted into expansion, and enlivened into ac- tion, would have been a blessing to his country, and an ornament to humanity ; but, alas ! alas ! too gentle and too delicate, to meet and master the rugged storm of vulgar passions and stupid prejudices, that spirit is fast retiring within the dark and icy chamber of despair. I speak, and I could weep while I speak, of the immortal Edwin Tribute to Edwin Paschalle. Yes, though his name be like my own, un- known to fame, yet here in the face of my country and the world, I dare to call him the immortal Edwin Pas- challe, for the elements of his mind and of his heart can never dissolve, but must endure forever. Death may in- deed lay low his mortal form, and remove him from a scene unworthy of his pure spirit; and when that hour shall arrive, to him bringing neither terror nor sadness, when the shaft of the dark and relentless monster shall reach and rive his sublime heart, the genius of poetry will hover o'er the spot where he reposes, and chant to the winds of the evening, "a mute, inglorious Milton, here doth rest." And will you thus permit the genius of your Potter's Speech. 327 country to droop and wither, and die of inanition ? Will The plan of^educa- you leave the rich mine of intellectual ore, every where f^uncUono? e the aboanding in your State, unexplored and unwrought % w ""' '' Or, rather, will you not forthwith establish a moral mint, and work it up, as the only source of true wealth, and hap- piness to the people ? The University, indeed, is now open to the sons of the wealthy, where they are received and cultivated to the utmost extent of the capability of improvement ; but those of the needy must gaze upon that temple of science, as did the patriarch on the land of promise, as a place they are destined never to reach. Adopt the system of education proposed to you and it will at once remedy this hardship and remove these un- just distinctions. Wherever a genius shall appear, with more than ordinary promise of ability to serve his family and his country, no matter how obscure his birth, how low his fortune, the fostering hand of his country will be ex- tended to him — he will be taken under her protection and his education provided for. Sir, I despise gasconading here and elsewhere, and it is only because I know, that were I called upon, I should be prompt to act as I am to speak, that I now declare to you, that such is my sense of the utility of this measure, of its vast importance to the dearest* interests of my country, that if blood alone could procure its adoption, and the sacrifice of an humble indi- vidual would suffice, here in my face would I receive the axe of the executioner. At this moment, and on this Fear of public opinion controls spot, would 1 how me down, and submit to the death stroke the votes of mem- bers on appropria- of the headsman ; and I should depart with the consoling tlons - and triumphant conviction, that I had done more to exalt the character of my country, to enlarge her happiness, and perpetuate her liberties, than if I had been entrusted with the command of her citizens, and had met and van- quished her enemies in the field. But, alas ! for the honor and the interest of the State, such is the doting fondness with which many of us cling to the pettiest portion of power, such our extreme reluctance to incur the least lia- 328 Potter's Speech. bility to lose the dear favor of the people, that whenever ewe are called upon to make an appropriation for money, though it be directly and obviously for their benefit, we fix our eyes at once upon their brilliant chandelier, and begin to calculate the chances of returning next winter, to spend six or eight weeks in this fine hall, with the right to say yea and nay, on unimportant questions. I should hope, however, that on this occasion you would discard all selfish considerations, and resolve to act worthily of your country and yourselves. I know not how it may be with the rest of you ; but, for myself, when I shall cease to live in accordance with the dictates of honor and of truth — when I shall be deterred by any consideration whatever, from the bold and honest discharge of my duty to my con- stituents and my country, may the execration of those con- stituents and of that country await me — may the spirit of my father, whose heart was exalted, though his station was lowly, and whose principles remained pure and un- altered, even by the foulest and most evil destiny — aye ! may his spirit indignantly swoop on me from on high, and blast me with the wrath of his eternal curse. "O, Gen- tlemen, the time of life is short, to spend that shortness basely were too long: though life did ride upon a dial's point, still ending at the arrival of an hour." Of the frailty and the fleetingness of our nature, what an appall- ing and mournful exemplification have we just beheld. Refers to the fate While standing up here in the presence of his country, the champion of her best and noblest institution, in the full exertion of his divine energies, in defence of her dearest and most essential interests, the godlike Stanly faltered in his course — even his great, his mighty mind quailed and sunk beneath the mysterious power of heaven. In the arms of his weeping country he fell, who, with grief un- utterable, had marked his failing, and rose with eager zeal to receive and sustain him. The fortitude with which he met the blow, the effort of his undauntable spirit to bear his body up against the shock; the dignified and Potter's Speech. 329 stern reluctance with which at last that body yielded to a power which mortals would in vain oppose, constituted the most sublime and impressive spectacle I ever beheld. May that power, which thus in a moment snatched him from among us, again restore him to his deserved pre- eminence. Brief indeed is the space allotted us, either for thought or action. But few years will have passed away and the seats we all now occupy will be filled by other forms, as reckless, perhaps, and certainly as perish- able as our own. Those of us whose voices shall not have been stifled by faction, or by the just and enlightened de- cision of our country, will have fallen beneath a sterner and a surer blow than that which silenced the eloquence of Stanly. Here, then, while we stand "upon this bank and shoal of time," let us do that, which, in after years, shall show we did not live in vain. Let us leave to the future generations of our countrymen a lasting and con- soling evidence, that of the many hours of sin and tears, crowded into our mortal span, there was one in which we yielded to the suggestion of patriotism and virtue. For myself, if it were pardonable in me at this moment to indulge a selfish thought, I should say that if fame stood obedient to my will, with all her fools and monuments be- fore me, I would choose, as the safest and most sacred wouin rejoice to be repository that, which should convey me to posterity, as cessfui advocate of i i i c r t ' this measure. the author and successful advocate of this measure. "But is too fond and far, These aspirations in their scope incline, Should dull oblivion bar, My name from out the temple, where the dead Are honored by the nations, let it be, And light the laurels on a loftier head ; And be the Spartan's epitaph on me, 'Sparta hath many a worthier son than he.' " — The Star, Feb. 23, 1827. 9. DISCUSSION OF THE MORALITY OF LOTTERIES. Richmond acade- my in need of buildings which can not be pro- vided by private funds. Impossible to get an appropriation out of the public treasury. The bill authorizing the Trustees of the Richmond Academy to raise by .Lottery, ten thousand dollars, was read the second time, and the question having been put on its passage — Mr. Leake, rose and said, that it would doubtless be recollected, by the greater part of the Senate, that when at the last session, he had the honor of introducing a sim- ilar bill to the one now under discussion, he had taken oc- casion to advert to the circumstances which had made it necessary for the Trustees of the Richmond Academy to apply to the Legislature, for that kind of assistance con- templated in the bill. He had then mentioned, that a short time prior to that period, there were about 60 pupils in each department of the institution, but at that particu- lar juncture, the School was somewhat languishing for the want of buildings — not one being owned by the Trus- tees for the accommodation of the Females, and the one in use by the Males was in a state of dilapidation and nearly unfit for use. Having mentioneel these facts for, the purpose of shewing that the Richmond Academy was entitled to rank among the most respectable institutions of the State, but was about to pine away for want of houses, Mr. L. said he had frankly confessed, why the Trustees had not provided them. The reason was, they neither had, nor could they acquire funds sufficient for that purpose, in any other way than by Lottery. Neither the Trustees of that nor of any other Academy, said Mr. L. would be willing, he knew to take out of their private pocket 8 or $10,000, and apply it to a purpose, not in- tended to bring them any pecuniary return or exclusive aelvantage, but designed wholly for public benefit. He also knew that the sum could not be raised by subscrip- tion in the neighborhood, and who did not know, that a donation out of the public Treasury, was a still more dif • 330 The Morality of Lotteries. 331 ficult and improbable event. And hence it was he had ventured the prediction, that unless the bill passed, the re- turn of another session of the Legislature, would not find that respectable School in its then prosperous condition. jBut, notwithstanding' all that was said, his bill had failed — Gentlemen voted against it, either because they could not reconcile lotteries to their principles, or because they did not believe the School was in danger. If the former was the ground of their opposition, without wishing to dis- cuss the question whether lotteries were immoral, Mr. L. could vote for a . tit- • school lottery with said, he would merely remark, that his principles were a good conscience, more pliable than theirs, inasmuch as he could vote for a lottery intended for some useful public purpose (to prop up a declining school for instance) with as much cheerful- ness, and as little reproach of conscience, as he could enter into a cotton or other speculation where there was a chance (as is always the case) of involving his family in ruin. But if gentlemen voted against it, because they believed that the school could get along without it, it was now his duty to inform them, and the Senate generally, that what he had feared, on a former occasion, had been too fully realized. That the entire female division of the school, consisting of some 50 or 60 young ladies, had been lost to the Trustees within a short time past, without as he feared, the possibility of being regained, except by the passage of the bill now under consideration. He hoped therefore, the bill would pass. Mr. Hill, of Franklin, was opposed to the bill, and his Mr. mil says most opposition arose from one of the obiections, attributed by met with m-for- L L J ' v tune. The promo- the gentleman last up, to the opponents of the measure, f^^ 016 ? 11 ^ As regards the call made upon us for the support of the bill sound moralit >'- on account of the languishing state of the institution for whose benefit it was intended, it is known to every person acquainted with the history of such institutions in this State, that they have all more or less, experienced the fa- tality attending the Richmond Academy. However 332 The Morality of Lotteries. anxious lie might be for the cultivation of the human mind, and the general diffusion of the benefits of educa- tion, he could not agree to promote these desirable objects in this way. He was willing to do anything not contrary to the principles of sound morality, to disseminate useful learning, .but he had yet to be convinced, that the utility of the end, sanctified the impurity of the means put in requisition for its attainment. He never would aid by his vote, any measure which savored of the damning in- fluence of gambling. He thought Lotteries were a species of gambling, and he thanked God he had never voted for of tt ambm:i^ pecies their encouragement. That Lotteries participated of the nature of this pernicious evil, he thought could be proved, could be conclusively established. — What, said Mr. H. are the characteristic features of gambling? Is it not that we venture something for the sake of gaining more ? And of all kinds of hazard, that of adventuring in a lottery is the most fascinating. Indeed, it possesses such a charm, that he had known even pious men drawn without reflection into the snare, and who awoke from their dream of folly, to see in a proper light, on what slippery ground they stood. The poor were frequently influenced by the hope of gain, to vest their hard earnings in Tickets, which but too often resulted in the impoverishment of their fam- ily and their own disgrace — Look around at the increase of the evil. Formerly it was but nominal — now, we can- not take up a country paper, but flaming lottery notices attract the attention. It was high time indeed to frown down this monstrous evil ; and if it cannot be entirely re- strained, let it not be encouraged by affording new facili- ties for its exercise. — Believing Lotteries to be as detri- mental to the morals of the community as cards, dice, or anything else, he could not patronize them even to sub- serve the cause of literature. Mr Pickett does M r- Pickett entertained very different views on this not believe lotter- J V?ciou S CTently subject, from the gentleman from Franklin. He seemed The Morality of Lotteries. 333 to deprecate the passage of the bill, on account of the im- moral tendency of the principles which it involved — but as for himself he could not believe that Lotteries were in- herently vicious. What are we asked to do \ — to assist the Trustees of the Richmond Academy, an institution which had done much good, in supporting their school, which, without our intervention, must fall to the ground. What other way is left but by Lottery, to obtain this as- sistance; as the gentleman from Richmond has justly ob- served, we could not expect a donation from the Public Treasury. What, said Mr. P. do we come here for ? Is it not for the purpose of adopting measures to advance the character of the State and to improve the condition of the people? And what measures so sure of those results, as those which foster and establish schools. Do not let us manifest by the rejection of this bill, that we place but little value on the benefits of education. It was known People will buy -, ■, t i i • lottery tickets ; that our laws licensed the lottery svstem, and that m every best to keep the « « » money at home by part of the State, individuals were engaged in vending p™™?^ local tickets in lotteries created for the benefit of other States. He could see no reason for withholding from the friends of literature the privilege of raising funds for purposes connected with the best interests of our citizens. It is certainly good policy to keep our money at home, for per- sons will venture, and if no opportunity exist at home, they will seek it elsewhere. He could not believe that the ruinous consequences would arise from Lotteries, which the gentleman from Franklin had imagined. From the first establishment of our government, acts have been passed, authorizing Lotteries. The practice was not con- fined to our own State, but had been sanctioned, he be- lieved, by every member of the Union. Is it possible that they would have been countenanced so long, if they were productive of the great evils which had been attributed to them ? He should think not. He concluded by saying, that he should always feel bound to vote for similar meas- ures, where their aim was the public good. 334 The Morality of Lotteries. Mr. mil cites one Mr. Hill made a few observations in reply to Mr. Pick- instance of lottery _ . fraud. e tt. That Gentleman, said Mr. H. had remarked, that he never knew any fraud committed in these lotteries, nor did he believe they would arise. He could call his atten- tion to many instances, he would mention one, that of Jonas Frost, of Smithfield, who, perhaps, had managed his lottery as judiciously as any one ever did, for after selling all the tickets, he pocketed the money and de- camped without drawing it. It was not unusual for these lottery holders to make their jack at one stroke, as Jonas Frost did. Suppose, said Mr. H. we should au- thorize a lottery for any purpose, and the individuals to whom it is granted, after selling the tickets should refuse to draw it, what claim have we upon them. He had no ill will against the Richmond Academy — he wished there were flourishing institutions in every county of the State ■ — for indeed, the diffusions of the blessings of education would be the best antidote to this gambling spirit which pervades the community. But if we authorize one county to draw a lottery what will be the consequence ? Every county in the State, has an equal claim upon us, and they will want a similar privilege, and if we grant the boon to all it would be without value to any. He therefore doubted the propriety of the measure, as well on the score of policy as morality. Mr. Seawell said, the object of this bill was to raise a sum of money, for the purpose of putting an Academy into operation, for the diffusion of learning ; and this could not be done without receiving aid from other sources than Tneeviiofiotter- were in the reach of the Institution. If he understood the ies does not out- weigh the good, matter, the rejection of the bill was contended for, on the ground of immorality and impolicy of the measure. He thought a fair statement of the case was this — is the evil which would result from the passage of this bill of suffi- cient magnitude to counterbalance the good which would flow from the successful operation of the Academy in The Morality of Lotteries. 335 question. It had been admitted by the gentleman from Franklin, that the best antidote to this gambling spirit would be found in the propagation of Seminaries of learning. If the situation of the country would warrant the establishment of schools in every county at the public expense, there would be no necessity for resorting to this mode of rearing Academies ; but are gentlemen prepared to vote for such a law or in our present embarrassed af- fairs, could the people spare the money necessary to carry the law into effect ? How will this bill operate ? Does it put the hand of the collector into the pocket of any one ? ]STo, like all other speculations it holds out a prospect to adventurers, to gain a large sum by risking a small one. Gentlemen talking about restraining the people from in- Gambling can not -. -. . , , . . -f- "" , i . ... be prohibited by dulgmg a gambling propensity. It cannot be done; 11 it law. be attempted, the only effect will be a change from better to worse for they will carry it on in secret — it cannot be checked by prohibitory enactments ; for it is inherent in the nature of man. If a man buys a land warrant, is it his intention to emigrate where the land is located ? Xo ; nine times out of ten he buys on speculation, and the principal portion of the transactions of the world are un- dertaken for purposes of speculation, and they originate in the same spirit, which influences the adventurer in a lottery — it is all hazard. Everybody acts on the princi- ple of gain ; we are then, strictly speaking, all adventurers. The merchant who buys $10,000 worth of goods in Xew insurance compa- •vr -i i ■ , -i j. -, . , -, • nies compared lork and insures their safe arrival m port by paying a with lotteries. premium, does to all intents and purposes run a risque which constitutes the essence of a lottery. Does the In- surer establish his office, to protect commerce — no, to enrich himself. But the Trustees in this instance do not wish to put money into their pockets — no, they desire to advance the happiness of mankind in general, by enlight- ening its members. If this bill passes, so far from en- couraging vicious propensities, it will give birth to hos- 336 The Morality of Lotteries. tility of sentiment as regards gambling by annually turn- ing out a large number of well educated youth. Will not this be an ample requital to those individuals who shall New York obtained pay a f ew dollars for a ticket? The great state of New money for internal r J & iotteries. ments by York derived her funds for carrying on her mighty sys- tem of Internal Improvements from lotteries. But were her farmers bowed down and impoverished ? ISTo, quite the reverse — the lotteries are supported not by them, but by those gentry vvho if they did not risque their money in this way would perhaps make a more unprofitable use of it. He hoped the bill would pass. Mr. Leak resents Mr. Leake felt thankful for the able assistance rendered remarks of Mr. Hill. him, which perhaps made it unnecessary for him to say anything more on the subject; but he begged the indul- gence of the Senate for a few moments. The gentleman from Franklin, in the remarks which he made, referred to some manager of a lottery, who, after selling his tickets, "decamped" with the money. If he intended to insinuate by this observation, that there was any probability of an- other decampment, he must say that the allegation was as unworthy of himself as unjust towards the Trustees of the Richmond Academy. (Here the Speaker informed Mr. Leake that his re- marks were of a personal nature, and could not be al- lowed. ) Mr. Hill asked leave to explain, and disclaimed having any allusion to the Trustees of that Academy. Mr. Leake resumed. He had expected opposition from the gentleman from Franklin. He had heard him more than once denounce, not only this, but all bills of a similar nature, and therefore was not startled when he saw him rise. — But why was the gentleman so hostile to lotteries ? because they are games of chance and therefore immoral. Games of chance That they were games of chance, he did not deny, but that this necessarily constituted them immoral, was a con- clusion to which he could not subscribe. It was a con- clusion which branded as immoral the various vocations The Morality or Lotteries. 337 of agriculture, commerce and manufactures, for there is certainly risk, when the husbandman sows his seed, when the merchant adventures his stock in trade. Upon this branch of the subject Mr. L. begged leave to read a part of an able report made to the Virginia Legislature at its Virginia report on x . lotteries quoted ; last session on the subject of lotteries. (Here he read this lottery for a •> v good purpose. an extract.) He then went on to say, that the individual who, after reading that report, could still maintain that there was not an essential difference, in point of vice, be- tween lotteries and the common modes of gambling, was able to resist arguments which he could not. If lotteries were not immoral, then it was expedient to pass the bill now before the Senate. Its object is to establish schools from whence proceed the main pillars of our republic, virtue and knowledge, the source of individual respecta- bility and happiness, and without which we may toil in vain to effect or render popular those mighty schemes of Internal Improvement which ennoble States and enrich individuals. Mr. Joyner made a few remarks against the bill on the joyner opposes j. . ■■ -, -,, -ITl p D *H 0n mora l score of its immoral tendency, and the establishment of a grounds, bad precedent. He moved that on the passage of the bill, the Yeas and Nays should be called. The question on the passage of the bill at its second reading having been stated, Mr. Leake rose to inquire whether his being a Trustee of the Institution, for whose benefit the lottery was in- tended, vested in him such an interest, as would render it improper for him to vote on the question. The Speaker thought it did not. The Yeas and Nays were then called and were as fol- lows : Yeas. — Messrs. Alexander, Baird, of Burke, Bullock, Yea and nay vote. Burney, Blackwell, Beard, of Bowan, Beasley, Deberry, Elliott, Forman, Forney, Gray, Gilchrist, Hollomon, Hill., of Stokes, Hawkins, King, Locke, Leak, Love, McMillan, 22 338 The Morality of Lotteries. McKay, Miller, Matthews, Pickett, Eiddick, Eoberts, Spaigkt, of Craven, Smith, Speight, of Greene, Sharpe, Seawell, Stokes, Tyson, Vanhook, Williams, of Martin and Ward. — 37. ISTays. — Messrs. Boddie, Bell, Croom, Devane, Daven- port, Gilliam, Hill, of Franklin, Hunter, Joyner, Mc- Dowell, Marsh, McDaniel, McLeary, Parker, Salyear, Sanders, Shewford, Sellers, Williams, of Beaufort, Wil- son, of Camden, Wilson, of Edgecombe and Wasden. — 22. So the bill passed its second reading, and was then or- dered to be read the third time. Mr. Hill, of Franklin, made an unsuccessful effort to lay it on the table. It passed its third reading and was ordered to be engrossed. — Raleigh Register, Jan. 5, 1821 . 10. FAILURE OF BILL TO ENCOURAGE SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Monday Feb. 5, 1827. — Mr. King 1 presented a bill for the encouragement of Sunday Schools ; which was read the first time and passed. — Senate Journal, 1826-27, p. 86. Feb. 7, 1827. — The bill for the encouragement of Sun- introduction of the , „ , , , , -. . -. . bill in the Senate. day Schools was read the second time, and, on motion oi Mr. Speight 2 , of Greene, the same was indefinitely post- poned. — Senate Journal 1826-27, p. 92. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same; that from and after the passing of this Act, the Treasurer of the State shall be authorized to pay the following sums respectively. — And be it further enacted, that wherever there shall be Twenty-five cents oioin 1T1-I- s~*t • appropriated for a Sunday School established m any one or more Counties each poor child in d . ... Sunday Schools, to of this State, the obiect of which is to instruct poor and buy books to teach J x reading and indigent children in the art of reading and writing, the wrft 111 ^ Treasurer is hereby authorized that when a certificate shall be presented under the signature of such school or schools, and signed by two respectable freeholders of such County to pay the sum of twenty five cents, for every child or indigent person, that they may certify as regular scholars of such institutions, out of the funds that are set apart for education ; any law to the contrary notwithstand- ing. The following entries by the clerk of the Senate are to be found on the above bill : Samuel King, Iredell. 1 Jesse Speight. 339 340 Failure to Encourage Sunday Schools. In the Senate Feb. 5th, 1827, read the first time and passed. In the Senate Feb. 7th, 1827, read and on motion of Mr. Speight, of Greene, indefinitely postponed. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1826-27, 11. FAILUBE OF ATTEMPT TO INCREASE LITERARY FUND. Thursday, Feb. 1, 1827. — Mr. McKay, from the com- Bm introduced, mittee on Education, reported a bill to transfer the stock owned by the State in the Banks of ISTewbern and Cape Fear, and purchased since 1821, to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, which was read the first time and passed. — Senate Journal, 1826-27, p. 75. Friday, Feb. 9, 1827. — The bill 1 to transfer the stock Yeas and nays, owned by the State in the Banks of Newbern and Cape Fear, and purchased since 1821, to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, was read the second time, and on motion of Mr. Hill, of Stokes, was indefinitely postponed. The yeas and nays on this question being demanded by Mr. Hill, of Stokes, are as follows : For the indefinite postponement, are Messrs. Lawson H. Alexander, Cabarrus ; Wm, W. Boddie, J^ash ; Thomas Blackwell, Bockingham ; John B. Beasley, Tyrrell ; Samuel Davenport, Washington ; Edmund Deberry, Mont- gomery; Alexander Elliott, Cumberland; Benjamin Fore- man, Hyde ; Wm. Gilliam, Bertie ; Alexander Gray, Ran- dolph ; John Gilchrist, Eobeson ; Charles A. Hill, Frank- lin ; Edward R. Hunter, Gates ; John Hill, Stokes ; Mica- 'jah T. Hawkins, Warren; John Joyner, Pitt; Benj. B. Lock, Brunswick ; Thomas Love, Haywood ; Alex. B. Mc- Millan, Ashe ; Athan A. McDowell, Buncombe ; Bobert Marsh, Chatham ; Stephen Miller, Duplin ; Isham Mathfws, Halifax ; Michael McLeary, Mecklenburg ; Wm. Montgomery, Orange ; Joseph Pickett, Anson ; Jonathan Parker, Guilford ; Willis Biddick, Perquimans ; Pleasant J The Raleigh Register of Feb. 13, 1827, says that Messrs. Hill, of Stokes, Hill, of Franklin, and Seawell opposed the bill on the floor, while Messrs. Sneed and McKay advocated it. 341 342 Failure to Increase Literary Fund. B. Roberts, Surry; Richard D. Spaigkt, Craven; Samuel Salyear, Currituck; John M. Smith, Davidson; Jesse Speight, Greene; Elisha H. Sharpe, Hertford; Reuben Sanders, Johnston; John Sellers, Sampson; Henry Sea- well, Wake ; Josiah Tyson, Moore ; Robert Vanhook, Per- son; J. O. K. Williams, Beaufort; Willis Wilson, Cam- den; Louis D. Wilson, Edgecombe; Joseph J. Williams, Martin ; John Wasden, Wayne ; Edward Ward, Onslow — yeas 45. Against the indefinite postponement of the bill, are Messrs. Matthew Baird, Burke; Whittington Davis, Car- teret ; Samuel King, Iredell ; James J. McKay, Bladen ; Wm. M. Sneed, Granville; Martin Shuford, Rutherford; Montfort Stokes, Wilkes — Nays 7. — Senate Journal, 1826-27 , p. 101. 12. FAILURE OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION BILL. Friday, Feb. 2, 1827. — Mr. Scott 1 , with leave, pre- bui introduced, sented a bill to appoint a commissioner to collect statistical information relative to this State, and to prescribe the duties of said commissioner. The said bill was read the first time and passed. — House Journal, 1826-27, p. 203. Monday, Feb. 5, 1827. — The bill to appoint a commis- Failure on second ,, . . . . . . reading. sioner to collect statistical information relative to this State, and to prescribe the duties of said commissioner, was read the second time, and, on motion of Mr. Boon 2 , postponed indefinitely. — House Journal 1826-27, p. 209. 1 John Scott, Hillsborough. 2 John Boon, Orange. 343 13. FAILURE OF BILL TO PROHIBIT TEACHING COLORED APPRENTICES. Bin introduced. Friday, Feb. 2, 1827. — Mr. King 1 , with leave, present- ed a bill to repeal so much of the act, passed in 1762, as requires the master or mistress to teach or cause to be taught coloured apprentices to read and write. The said bill was read the first time and passed. — House Journal, 1826-21, p. 202. Failure on second Saturday, Feb. 3, 1827. — The bill to repeal so much of reading. . . an act, passed in 1762, as requires the master or mistress to teach, or cause to be taught colored apprentices to read and write, was read, and, on motion, postponed indefi- nitely. — House Journal, 1826-27, p. 207. The wii in full. A Bill to repeal so much of an Act passed in 1762 as requires the Master or Mistress to teach or cause to be taught coloured apprentices to read and write. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the au- thority of the same, that the Master or Mistress of a col- oured apprentice shall not hereafter be required to teach or cause to be taught his or her coloured apprentice to read and write, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. cierfs entries. In House of Commons 2 Feb. 1827, read the first time and passed. In House of Commons 3 Feb. 1827 — read the Second Time and postponed indefinitely. — From Unpublished Legislative Records, 1826-27. 1 Joel King, Franklin. 344 14. ORGANIZATION OF LITERARY BOARD. Executive Office, Raleigh, 16th Jany, 1S27. At the above place and time, the first meeting of the First organization *■ ' ° of the Literary "President and Directors of the Literary Fund" was held : gfgj^ ^Zn^ 7 There were present the following gentlemen, The President, H. G. Burton, Govr. Chief Justice J. L. Taylor, B. Yancey & Jno. Haywood, Esqrs. On motion, Jno. K. Campbell was appointed Secty. On motion, B. Yancey Esqr. was directed to draft a re- port to be presented to the Legislature, in pursuance of the Act of 1825. Resolved that a warrant be drawn upon the Treasurer for the purchase of a book, in which a journal of the pro- ceedings shall be kept. The Board then adjourned. — From MS. Records of Literary Board. 345 Mr. Yancey sub- mits report. Receipts for the year. 15. FIRST REPORT OF LITERARY BOARD TO LEGISLA- TURE, 1826-27. Executive Office, 1st Feby, 1827. The Board met pursuant to adjournment, present, The President and all the members. Mr. Bartlett Yancey submitted the following report : Report of the President and Directors of the Literary Fund. In obedience to an act of the Legislature, passed at its last session, requiring the President and Directors of the Literary Fund of this State, "to make an annual report of all such sums of money as may belong to the said fund, with such recommendations for the improve- ments of the same, as to them may seem expedient," we have the honour to submit to the Legislature the following report : From the appropriation made at the last session, the fol- lowing sums of money have been received by the Public Treasurer, and pursuant to the act, the Board have caused a regular account of the same to be stated by the Treas- urer. 1. Dividends from the Bank of Cape Fear. .$ 1,956. 2. Dividends from the Bank of l^ewbern. . . . 884. 3. Tax on licenses & retailers from Sheriffs & Clerks 4,109.81 4. Do. imposed on Auctioners 741.04 5. Entry money for vacant lands 4,614.07^ Making in amount of receipts previous to the 1st day of Xovr. 1826 $12,304.95^ Since which time a further sum has been re- ceived from the Cape Fear Navigation Com- pany amounting to 4^0.00 (Making the actual receipts up to this time, of $12,724. 9 5| 346 First Beport Literary Board. 347 Of this sum no part has yet been vested in stock, as directed by the Act creating the Literary Fund, but it will be so vested so soon as the President and Directors shall ascertain, satisfactorily, the kind of stock it may be pru- dent and proper to purchase. From the appropriation of $21,090, which was paid by Application made . v for the payment of this State to certain Cherokee Indians tor reservations se- the Cherokee fund to the Board. cured to them by Treaty made by the Lmited States, and for which this State has a fair claim upon the Equity and justice of the government of the United States, no part has been received, and the Board recommend to the Legisla- ture to make another application to Congress for the same. The Swamp and Marsh lands of this State which are ***■ $** ™' am P J- lands be not sub- vacant, having been pledged for the support of Common 3 devo^whoiiy to Schools, it might seem unnecessary to make further provi- tf sion by law, prohibiting their entry, under the entry laws of the State. The Legislature, however, at its last session, deemed it expedient to pass an act forbidding its entry : but this act is limited, in its duration to the 1st day of Feby. 1827. To remove all doubt on this question, and to prevent litigation hereafter, it is respectfully recom- mended that the swamp and marsh lands of this State shall not hereafter be entered by any person as vacant land, but that the same shall be applied to the purposes of public education as heretofore directed. The value of Swamp land in this state is becoming more important every year, and though the Board have no accurate information upon which to form an opinion of the quantity now owned by the State, yet they have good reason to believe it is con- siderable ; and if it shall hereafter be managed with cau- tion and prudence will constitute a valuable portion of the Literary Fund. Experiments which have been made by individuals, in a few years past, show that most of it is susceptible of becoming the most fertile and valuable land in the State for grain, and no doubt remains that most of it may be drained by reasonable expense or labour. 348 First Report Literary Board. Proportion of land So far as the Board has been able to obtain information owned by the State snouid < be i ascer- on this SUD Ject, the great difficulty in reclaiming this land, tamed. j^ ^ Q state, ^ that a \ aT g e portion of it is owned by persons who have entered it upon speculation, under the belief that at some future time it would be drained and become valuable. The proportion which is owned by indi- viduals and the State, can only be ascertained by survey or examination, and preparatory to any plan for draining the same, it would seem expedient that these respective pro- portions should be known. It is believed, when the information shall be received, inducements can be offered by the State, which will make the interests of persons owning lands of this description, adjoining lands belonging to the State, to afford their co- operation in so desirable a work. Sto°e U d ghttobe Independent of the interest the State must take in ad- vancing the value of its domain, other considerations of higher character and more importance enter into the sub- ject. — These lands at present are unproductive and the direct cause of pestilence and disease to all the inhabitants in their vicinity. Should they, under the auspices of a wise and benevolent policy, become drained, the lands will be fertile and productive, the country will become healthy and inhabited by a dense, enterprising and industrious population, contributing to the annual growth and pride of the State. Recommendations. It is, therefore, respectfully recommended, that the Board of Internal Improvement be instructed to cause a survey and examination of such portion of swamp lands as they may find convenient the ensuing year; and that in the survey and examination they ascertain, as near as prac- ticable, the portions of such land owned by individuals and the State, and the comparative value of each & report the same to the next legislature. The moral duty of The establishment of schools in which shall be taught the government to it /. -,.-,.. •■ establish schools. i:he rudiments of a common plain education, is a moral First Report Literary Board. 349 duty imposed upon all government. In a government like ours where the right of suffrage is general, with but few exceptions, it is essentially important to the preservation of public liberty: in the business & intercourse of society, it is necessary to protect the poor & ignorant from the de- ceits & wrongs of the cunning and unjust ; and in the exer- cise of the right of suffrage, it is proper, that the citizen may read & think for himself, and, above all, it is essential to teach man his duty in this life & the high destiny which awaits him hereafter. In this as well as every other branch of public instruc- tion or improvement, it is important to make a good be- ginning. We should build the Literary Fund, intended as the basis of Public instruction, upon a good foundation. This can only be done by creating a fund of respectable amount, & vesting it all in an annual productive stock, re- lying on the interest to defray the annual expenses of the Schools. It is fortunate for our State that she has so managed her finances for a few years past, that she has it now completely in her power to set apart a portion of her funds to the aid of common schools, which may bring them into operation in two or three years, without disturbing the principal of the sum which may be pledged for that pur- pose. The State owns, at this time, In the State Bank of No. Ca. 2762 shares of the statement of the , „ stocks owned by Value 01 $276,200 the State in various companies. In the Bank of ]STewbern 1663 shares value of . . . 166,300 In the Bank of Cape Fear 2057 shares value of. . 205,700 Of this stock the dividends arising from that in the State Bank, are now applied to the ordinary expenses of the gov- ernment, & those arising on the stock held in the Newbern Bank & Bank of Cape Fear, previous to 1821, have been set apart and are now applied to the purpose of Internal Improvement, & consist of 350 First Report Literary Board. In the Bank of "Newbern 1304 shares, of the value of $130,400 In the Bank of Cape Fear 1358 shares, of the value of 135,800 The dividends on the remaining stock in the Bank of Newborn & Cape Fear are pledged to the purposes of the Literary Fund & Consist of In the Bank of Newbern 359 shares, of the value of $35,900 In the Bank of Cape Fear 699 shares, of the value of 69,900 stocks recommend- It is respectfully recommended, that the stock now ed to be transferred L d Fund LiteraTy owned by the State and purchased since 1821, and that which may hereafter be acquired in the Banks of New- born & Cape Fear, be transferred to the President & Di- rectors of the Literary Fund, for the benefit of common schools. This suggestion for the improvement of the fund for common schools has not been made without due regard to the revenue of the State, and its ordinary disbursements, & no doubt is entertained but the stock may be appropriated as recommended, without injury to either. The Board, are aware, that it may be desirable hereafter, upon the expira- tion of the charters of the present banks, either in extend- ing those charters for a longer time, or in establishing a new Bank, that the State should become a stockholder to the amount of the stock it may then own in the present banks; & they are fully impressed with the opinion, that a proper & judicious management of the public finances would require such a measure. The recommendation now submitted by them, is not at all in conflict with such a course. It will still be the property of the State, & sub- ject to its direction & control ; & it will be competent for the State, either in a renewal of the charters of the present banks, or in the creation of a new Bank, to secure to the President & Directors of the Literary Fund the right Such a course is wise. Eikst Report Literary Board. 351 of subscribing to the capital stock of the Bank any sum which the Legislature may think proper, & no doubt can be entertained but that this would be done. The benefit to be derived from an appropriation of the state could soon T . , . . -. li-i establish schools, stock to the Literary .bund, is, that it would establish, at n the fund is thus increased. once, a permanent certain fund, upon which the State could rely, to carry into operation the system of schools in a short time. The annual interest to be derived from it, would be certain in amount, & after the system shall have commenced with such a fund, no reasonable fears could be entertained of their discontinuance. It would give confi- dence to the plan and inspire the whole community with a hope of its speedy commencement. It is hoped there are no grounds to believe the fund would not be prudently and faithfully managed. The President and Directors of the Fund are all amenable to the Legislature, & most of them can be removed at their pleasure. In common with their fellow citizens, they take and feel a deep interest in the prosperity of the institution committed to their care, and no doubt the State will, at all times, command their best efforts in its promotion. We have the honor to be very respectfully, ( Signed) H. G. Burton, Prest. Jiiro. L. Taylor, B. Yaxcey, James Iredell, Jxo. Haywood. Having agreed to and signed this report, the Board then adjourned. — From MS. Records of Literary Board. 16. LOTTEEIES FOR ACADEMIES REFUSED. The bin in favor A Bill authorizing the Trustees of Richmond Academy of Richmond & •' Academy. ^ ra i se ^g sum f ten thousand dollars by lottery. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of ISTorth Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Trustees of the Eichmond Academy be, and they are hereby authorized to raise by way of lottery the sum of ten thousand dollars for the erection of two acade- mies, male and female, the purchase of books, and for other purposes connected with the welfare of their institution. In Senate Jan. 3, 1827: Engrossed and examined. Fails in the House. j n House of Commons Jan. 3, 1827: Read the first time and passed. In House of Commons Jan. 4, 1827 : Read the second time and rejected. In House of Commons Jan. 5, 1827 : Reconsidered and again rejected. The bill in favor A Bill to authorize the Trustees of Spring Grove Acad- Academy. rove emy in Anson County to raise the sum of five thousand dollars by way of Lottery. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Trustees of Spring Grove Academy in the County of Anson, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to raise by way of lottery the sum of five thousand dollars to be appropriated and applied to the ben- efit of the said institution in such manner as the said Trustees or a majority of them may direct, and that the Trustees of said academy shall select from among them- selves three proper persons whose duty it shall be to con- duct and strictly attend to the drawing of said lottery. Engrossed and examined. 1 See debate on morality of lotteries on previous pages. This de- bate was instigated in the Senate by the Richmond Academy bill. 352 Lotteries Refused. 353 In Senate January 5th, 1827: Read the first time and F a j] Ure in the j Senate. passed. In Senate Jan. 5, 1827: Read and ordered to be laid on the table. In Senate Jan. 30, 1827: Read the second time ana ordered that the Bill do not pass. 23 1827 1. PROCEEDINGS LITERARY BOARD. 2. "UPTON" ON EDUCATION. 3. CAUSES OF EMIGRATION. 4. GOV. BURTON'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 5. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 6. LEGISLATIVE INQUIRY INTO CONDITION OF LITERARY FUND, 7. SMITH'S BILL TO REPEAL LITERARY FUND LAW 1825. 8. DRAKE'S BILL TO REPEAL LITERARY FUND LAW 1825. 9. LITERARY FUND CLERK BILL REJECTED. 10. REPORT ON LITERARY FUND REPEAL BILL. 11. DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION INCORPORATED. 12. SECOND REPORT LITERARY BOARD. 13. EDITORIAL COMMENT ON REPORT OF LITERARY BOARD. 14. SPIRIT OF ECONOMY AND INDIVIDUALISM. 354 1. PROCEEDINGS LITERARY BOARD. Executive Office, 11th Feb j, 1827. The Board met, on this day, certain stock to . be bought, Present, the President and all the members. It was Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to purchase stock of the State Bank, at a rate not exceeding par, & stock of the Banks of iSTewbern and Cape Fear, at a rate not above $85. It was directed by the Board that letters should be di- rected to the principal Brokers in the United States, on the subject of purchasing the privilege granted to the Board of raising Fifty thousand dollars by lottery. The Board then adjourned. — From MS. Records Literary Board. 355 train of education. 2. " UPTON " ON EDUCATION. The following Extract is from a communication, which recently appeared under the signature of Upton, in the Fay etteville bserver : virtue win always Virtue will alwavs be found in the train of education. be found in the « Without it, a republican form of government can not be supported — it cannot long exist. Virtue and patriotism make us a nation, have hitherto preserved us, and are essential both in our national councils and among the peo- ple. The fate of some republics should admonish us, that though our liberty is sure, and our Constitution immov- able, still the purest liberty may be contaminated and de- stroyed by vice, the firmest Constitution be overthrown by faction. When the largest proportion of a nation is ig- norant and vicious, the government must cease to exist; the laws cannot be executed where every man has a per- sonal interest in screening and protecting the profligate and abandoned. Where these are unrestrained by the wholesome coercion of authority, they give way to every species of excess and crime ; one enormity brings on an- other, until the whole community becoming corrupt, bursts forth into some mighty change, or sinks at once into anni- hilation. It would be an easy task to show, that in pro- portion as every country has been enlightened by educa- tion, so has been its prosperity; that the moral and social virtues cannot flourish where gross ignorance prevails — for without knowledge the heart cannot be good ; — but where the heads and hearts of men are generally improved and cultivated, wisdom and virtue must reign, and vice and ignorance must cease to prevail. Virtue and wisdom are the parents of public and private felicity; vice and igno- rance of public and private misery. A comparison of the savage that roams through the forest with the enlightened inhabitants of a civilized country, is a brief but impres- sive representation of the momentous importance of edu- 356 XJpton ox Education. 357 cation. If we regard the want of general knowledge as connected with the cause of religion and morality, its aspect is awfully solemn ; but the other view of it, already alluded to, is sufficient to excite the keenest solicitude of the legislative body. If, then, the preservation of our aS^iy C cmneSed unrivalled Constitution depends upon the intelligence and ^©u* pouttcai 61118 virtue of the people, how is it that Xorth-Carolina has been so remiss in fortifying her part of the national edi- fice ? The people of this State, with great propriety, have made it the express duty of the Legislature to encourage and promote useful learning, to establish schools for the convenient instruction of youth. — Where, then, are our Schools ? establishments so intimately connected with the permanent prosperity of our political institutions as well as the local improvement of the State. Why has the gen- tfSgJJjJ 1- ^* eral establishment of schools expressly directed by our ne § lec ' ted - Constitution been neglected so long ? or, if not totally neg- lected, impeded in its operation by appropriations totally inadequate to the object ? In most of the other States measures are adopted and funds provided commensurate with the importance of the subject, and education is uni- versally diffused; while in N. Carolina (I speak it with shame) the same chilling and sluggish apathy that pene- trates into and pervades all our public measures for im- provement, is visible in the establishment of our public schools, a subject of the most imposing consideration. While other States are advancing rapidly in knowledge bo?m^at e f s n duf h " and wealth, their prosperity, to the most superficial ob- toowiedge. of server of our peculiar political Constitution, is owing chiefly to the general diffusion of knowledge. In this State, genius and talents, instead of being nurtured with the refreshing dew of patronage, are allowed to wither in the frost of neglect. Our physical, moral and intellectual powers have never been unfolded, and never will be, until the people are redeemed by education from the state of ignorance to which they have been doomed by our penny- 358 Upton on Education. Peni'V -saving Legislators have doomed the people to ignorance. Educational condi- tions can only be remedied by public schools supported by the State. Results to come from the estab- lishment of the schools. saving Legislators. All the drawbacks of this State may be traced to this muddy source — want of general knowl- edge. Every weight that impedes her equal march with her sisters, results from the ignorance of the common peo- ple — common in their present degraded state, but, when loosened from the bonds of ignorance, they will constitute the pride and support, as they are now the "bone and sinew" of the country. All the inconveniences we labor under can only be remedied by enlightening the people, and this by the establishment of Public Schools under the patronage of the State. A subject of more importance never will be presented to the Legislature, and the call is loud upon all gooel and patriotic citizens. Let there be a union of all heads for the good of the State ; let the peo- ple instruct their Representatives to inquire into the pres- ent state of the School Fund, and, if not adequate, extend it; let the appropriation be such as to carry the establish- ment of Schools into immediate execution ; let them devise and support the best plan to disseminate learning through- out the State ; all other methods are partial in their opera- tion, circumscribed in their effects, and dependent on con- tingencies for their commencement. — But by this expedi- ent, and the Schools being spread throughout the State, and aided by its bounty, will carry improvement within the reach of every citizen. If the people generally are instructed in those branches of education which are indis- pensably necessary to every person in his intercourse with the world, and to the performance of his duties as a useful citizen, they will then be better acquainted with our politi- cal Constitution and laws, better enabled to decide on those great political questions which ultimately are referred to the people; their minds will be developed, their affections purified, their manners softened, their views exalted, and better fitted for those high destinies which their Creator has prepared for them. When the moral and intellectual faculties of the people are improved, our Legislature will Upton ox Education. 359 be more enlightened, the clouds of local prejudice which surround us will be removed, we will understand our re- sources and advantages, and know how to improve and defend them; we will afford efficient and ample support to proper plans for internal improvement, operating with equal advantage to all, without the imputation of local partiality, and so regulate them as to obviate individual and local discontent. The character of the State will be properly represented in Congress, and Southern interest- defended. We will take our station as a constituent por- tion of the nation and our rights will be protected. — Raleigh Register, Oet. 26, 1827. 3. CAUSES OF EMIGRATION. Lack of facilities In the Register of the 27th of June, above the signature to market produce , ' ' . .' . one cause why peo- oi A JN orth Carolinian, 1 discovered, an essay on Jimi- ple leave the State. _ ' " gration, in which the writer attributes to idleness and dis- sipation, that poverty and want which is the cause of emi- gration. In many instances, doubtless this is the case, yet a far greater stimulus is given to the tide of emigra- tion from a very different source, viz, the misguided policy of our Legislatures, and consequently that of perhaps a very small majority of the sovereign people. Our internal resources are great, and might be much greater, were our country more densely settled by an industrious yeomanry. And could we have an outlet for our produce, both vege- table and mineral, we might soon vie with the wealthiest of our northern sisters of the Union, in point of agricul- ture and commerce. But what is to encourage the indus- try of the farmer, the mechanic, the artisan, while the pro- duce of his labor is lost for want of facilities to a market — or what is worse, will hardly pay its own freight there, and yet they behold in the minds of those whom they have chosen to legislate for them an indisposition to any- thing like endeavoring to better their condition, as it re j gards commerce by opening a communication with the world.* intolerant public And further, when free citizens, proprietors of the soil, policy also respon- ' . ' sibie. and consequently partakers of the good and evil which re- sult to the State at large, behold a political evil, and not only see but feel it:};, and when they publicly and constitu- tionally assemble to instruct their Representatives to coun- teract its effect, and are threatened for that cause with persecution even for conscience sakef, who should think/ strange, of those who have added much to the real wealth *A central railroad. X The introduction of slaves in the State. t The Quaker bill of 1827. 360 Causes of Emigration". 361 and improvement of the State, whose forefathers for sim- ilar causes left the well cultivated fields of Old England, broke the interior of the wilderness and converted it into fruitful gardens, should be stimulated to break the wilder- ness of the West and leave their oppressors sole occupants of the soil. A Brief Re marker. — Raleigh Register, 1827. 4. GOV. BUKTON'S MESSAGE 01V EDUCATION. Little done in the way of internal improvements ; sectional feelings have helped to hinder progress. Swamp lands ought to be reclaimed. To create and sustain within our own State, one or more commercial depots, which, thro' lines of easy, direct and cheap inter communication, should connect the extremities of the country together; serving to keep the circulating medium, the very life-blood of commerce, in a continual and healthy flow throughout our own body politic — there- by destroying that injurious and unfortunate dependence upon our sister states (one of the principal causes alluded to above,) has been the ardent wish and anxious desire of every enlightened friend of the State. In the prosecution of this subject, much has been attempted, much has been expended, and but little has hitherto been done. In the conflict between the prejudices naturally flowing from sectional feelings and the correct reason of the case, the energies of the State have been almost palsied and her attempt rendered comparatively abortive. The want of systematic arrangement, and the failure to select one or more points, combining the greatest variety of interests, upon wbich the accumulated energies of the State might have been thrown with irresistible effect, has been the source of almost total ruin to our system of Internal Im- provements.* * * Connected with this system, is a subject, in which it is expected every sincere friend of his country will take a deep interest. I refer to the draining and reclaiming of our swamp and marsh lands. This work has already been commenced, in a manner highly creditable to your prede- cessors. They authorized the Board of Internal Improve- ments to employ surveyors to make the necessary exami- nation of certain swamps, whose locality was specified, preparatory to the commencement of this important work. Two gentlemen, Mr. Nash, highly recommended by Gov. Clinton for science and skill in his profession, and Mr, Brozier, whose qualifications as a surveyor are well known, 362 Gov. Burtox ox Education. 363 have been engaged during the greater part of the past Sum- mer and Fall, in making surveys, drafting platts and col- lecting the information required. All of which will be communicated to you more at large. It is sincerely de- sired, that the result of the investigation which you may bestow upon the labours of these gentlemen, may be such as to induce you zealously to prosecute this work. Could Advantages to be ,,, mi 1-iit n derived from this these lands generally be reclaimed, the advantages result- work. ing to the farming interest of the State, from the addition of such an immense body of arable lands, would be incalcu- lable. To the benevolent and philanthropic no undertak- ing could be presented so acceptable as one proposing to diminish the quantum of human misery, by removing a fruitful source of disease, and converting a curse into a blessing. To the legislator it must be consoling to know, that while he, in this way, prevents the partial depopula- tion of his State, he is at the same time creating the most ample and permanent provision for the education of the poor of the rising generation. Did the subject hold no other advantage, this of itself would entitle it to deep at- tention and untiring exertion. For, upon the education of the generation now growing up, and those that will come after, depends, in a great measure, the continuance, in their purity, of our happy forms of government. It is at once the source of public and private respectability, the spring of social and individual happiness. Yet, with all the advantages which must incontestably flow from reclaim- ing the swamp lands and a system of free schools, they are both in danger of failing, from the failure of the provision upon which both were measurably based. In their aid. Lottery for the ii -r-i i-1-i-r.-icT i Purpose of draining the last Legislature authorized the Board oi Internal lands a failure. Improvements, and the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, respectively, to raise, by way of lottery, $50,000, and allowed them to sell the privilege. After a fair experiment it has been found impossible to procure a purchaser. With you it remains to make such other and 364 Gov. Burton on Education. further provision, as shall seem best calculated to attain objects so desirable. Whether the practice of some States, of granting exclusive privileges to the purchasers of lot- teries sold by such States, by totally prohibiting the sale of tickets in any other lottery, would render the privilege offered for sale, by the State, more valuable, or whether any other system can be resorted to, are subjects which may deservedly claim your attention. — House Journal 1821-28, pp. 121-128. 5. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES 0> EDUCATION. Senate Committee on Education : Emanuel Shober, senate committee. Stokes ; Nicholas J. Drake, ISTash ; John Joyner, Pitt : Abner Franklin, Iredell; Nathan B. Whitefield, Lenoir. — Senate Journal 1827-28, p. 10. House Committee on Education: Joseph D. White, House committee. Bertie ; Enoch Ball, Currituck ; George Whitefield, Le- noir ; Thos. W. Blackledge, Beaufort ; Joseph Gillespie, Duplin ; John T. Gilmore, Bladen ; John C. Taylor, Gran- ville ; Nathan A. Stedman, Chatham ; John M. Morehead, Guilford; Wm. J. Alexander, Mecklenburg; Xathaniel Gordon, Wilkes; Benjamin S. Brittain, Haywood; Robert H. Jones, Warren ; H. J. G. Ruffin, Franklin ; Clement Marshall, Anson ; Malcolm Pureell, Robeson. — House Journal 1827-28, p. 133. 365 6. LEGISLATIVE INQUIRY INTO CONDITION OF LITERARY FUND. committee on state Saturday, Nov. 24, 1827.— On motion of Mr. Perry 1 , of literary fund. Resolved, That the committee on Education he instructed to inquire into the state of the Literary Fund and report to this House at an early day in the Session. —House Journal, 1827-28, p. 137. 'Robert Perry, Perquimans. Committee to in- quire into state of literary fund ap- pointed. Report of the com- mittee presented. Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1827. — On motion of Mr. Black- ledge, Resolved, That a select committee he appointed to in- quire into the state of the Literary Fund; and also to inquire whether any bond has been taken from the person entrusted with the safe keeping of the monies belonging to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, for the due and faithful performance of his duty. Resolved, That Messrs. Blackledge, Adams, Lilly, Puf- fin and Pool form this committee. 1 — House Journal, 1827-28, p. 157. 1 Thomas W. Blackledge, Beaufort; Kinchen Q. Adams, Johnston; James M. Lilly, Montgomery ; Henry J. G. Ruffm, Franklin ; John Pool, Pasquotank. • Monday, Dec. 17, 1827. — Mr. Blackledge, from the se- lect committee, to whom was referred the resolution direct- ing them to inquire into the state of the Literary Fund ; and also to inquire whether any bond had been taken from the person entrusted with the safe keeping of the monies belonging to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, for the due and faithful performance of his duty, reported that the committee had, according to order, had the subjects referred to them under consideration, and instructed him to report a bill to provide for the safe keep- 366 CoXDITIOX OF LlTEEABY FuXD. 367 ing of the money appropriated to the Literary Fund, and to recommend its passage. The said bill was read, and, on motion, ordered to be printed, one copy for each mem- ber of the Assembly. —House Journal, 1827-28, pp. 187-188. The Report. The select Committee to whom was referred a resolution directing them "to inquire into the state of the Literary Fund ; and also to inquire whether any bond had been taken from the person entrusted with the safe keeping of the monies belonging to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, for the due and faithful performance of his duty" repectfully report : That they entered upon the performance of their duties at as early a period as the ex- isting inquiries into the financial affairs of the State then pending, would permit. Being entirely without data on Letter to the Gov- the subject, the Chairman was directed by the Committee to address a letter to his Excellency H. G. Burton, as President of the board appointed for the management of the Literary Fund, desiring him to communicate such in- formation on the subjects embraced in the resolution as would enable your Committee to perform the duties as- signed them by the House. The Chairman, accordingly did address a letter to his Excellency asking of him to know : First, What was the amount of money constituting Questions asked, the Literary Fund ? 2ndly, What investments had been made in stock of the various banks ? 3rdly, At what time those investments had been made ? But lastly and mainly, whether the President and Directors had taken a bond from the person entrusted with the safe keeping of the monies of the institution? This letter was delivered to his Excellency by the Chairman of the Committee; and in answer thereto on the 10th inst., the letter of which the following is a copy was received by the chairman and by him submitted to the consideration of the Committee. 368 Condition of Literary Fund. (Copy.) Kaleigh Monday Morning, Dec. 10, 1827. No bond has been Sir, In answer to your letter of Saturday last, as chair- taken from the ,, ^ . ,, , -, -,--,- c r\ ■ i • Treasurei- of the man oi a Committee oi the House ot Commons, enclosing Literal Board ; no . . . authority to take a resolution oi the House directing An inquiry into the such a bond. ° ± " state of the Literary Fund, and whether any bond had been taken from the person intrusted with the safe keeping of the monies belonging to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund for the due and faithful performance of his duty." I have the honor to state that no such bond has been taken by the President and Directors of the Lit- erary Fund. The act of the Legislature of 1825 creating a fund for Common School directs that the Board shall cause to be kept by the Treasurer of the State, a regular account of all such sums of money as may belong to the said fund, the manner in which the same has been vested and applied and that they shall make annual report there- of to the Legislature. A reference therefore to the act shows that the board had no authority by law to take from the jDerson entrusted with the safe keeping of the monies of the board, a bond for the performance of his duties ; and that it would have been perfectly unnecessary it should have contained any such provision as the law makes it the duty of the Treasurer of the State to receive the monies appropriated for common schools ; and that he shall keep a regular account of the same. The condition of the Public Treasurer's bond required by law "that he shall faithfully account for the public money of the State, and for his performing the several duties appertaining to the office of Public Treasurer." So that any duty required by law for the Treasurer of the State to perform comes with- in the condition of his bond. The annual report I pre- sume will be made by the present board in a short time; but as it may be desirable on the part of the Legislature to know the true condition of the fund, before that report shall be received, I take this opportunity of giving an ab- Condition of Literary Fund. 369 stract of the receipts of the two last years., and an account of the monies which have been invested in Bank stock, under the authority of the act. Balance of the fund reported by the Treasurer condition of the Nov. 1825 $12,304.95$ Literar >' ™- Agricultural fund transferred by law Feb. 1827 8,041.92$ Dividends on Newbern Bank Stock 2,692.50 •Dividends on Cape Fear Navigation Company 420.00 Tavern tax 1827 3,467.44 Auction tax 1827 553.65 Entries for land received 1827 4,300.35^ Total receipts for 1826 and 1827 $36,989.82$ Credit this amount by the following expenditures, viz : For 78 shares of Stock of the State Bank at par $ 7,800.00 For Blank Books to keep accounts 5.50 7,805.50 And leaving a balance due the Literary Fund from the Treasurer of the State of the sum of $28,184.32$ From this statement it will be seen that 78 shares of Bank Stock have been purchased for the fund, which have been regularly transferred to the President and Directors, and stands so transferred on the books of the State bank of North Carolina. The above sum of $28,184.32$ has been received by the late John Haywood as Treasurer of the State, and in ad- dition to which sum, the Literary Fund has in the State Bank, the sum of $17.50 for dividends in June last, and also the dividends lately declared on the stock. — the 24 370 Condition of Literary Fund. amount of which will appear I presume in the report here- after to be made by the board to the Legislature. I have the honor to be, respectfully, H. G. Burton. Letter to the Attor- On the fullest consideration which the Committee could ney General ; ques- • tions asked. bestow on this letter, there still remained some discrepancy of opinion among us as to the legal soundness of his Excel- lency's opinion. And in order to produce unanimity by getting advice from higher authority, the chairman of the Committee addressed a letter to J. F. Taylor, Esquire, the Attorney General of the State, who was deemed by the committee to be the constitutional adviser upon legal points connected with the interests of the State, desiring his opinion: First, whether the condition in the Treas- urer's bond as Public Treasurer would cover any deficit in the Literary Fund ? 2ndly, Whether it was the duty of the President and Directors of the Literary Fund to take a bond and security from the persons entrusted with the safe keeping of the monies constituting said fund ? To this letter the Attorney General replied with great promptness and your committee annex a copy of his letter to this report as part thereof. Dec. 10, 1827. Dear Sir : You have done me the honor to ask my opinion whether the condition of the Treasurer's bond covers any deficiency in the Literary Fund and whether it was the duty of the President and Directors of that fund to take bond from the person entrusted with the safe keep- ing of their money, and I now submit to you the result of the little reflection, I have been enabled to bestow upon the subject since the receipt of your communication this morn- ing. Hew that the Upon the first question, I am of the opinion that the the Treasurer does condition of the Treasurer's bond does not cover any de- not cover the .... ™ Literary Fund. ■ ficiency in the Literary Fund. That if any sum of money Condition of Literary Fuxd. 371 has been set apart and transferred by the public treasurer to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund with their assent, such sum thereby ceased to form a part of the Public Funds covered by the condition of the bond ; but became subject to the exclusive control of the President and Directors and if any part of it was left with the pub- lic Treasurer (an act on the part of the board not contem- plated I think by the Legislature) the Treasurer thereby becomes their agent, but ceased to hold the money as Pub- lic Treasurer. But the mere report of the Public Treas- urer that he held so much money belonging to that fund does not make such a transfer of it to the President and Directors as to prevent the liability of the Treasurer's se- curities ; that before their liability ceases, there must not only be a declaration on the part of the Treasurer that so much has been set apart, but some acknowledgement of that fact on the part of the President and Directors. Upon the second question I think it was not content- Law does not plated by the Legislature that a bond was to be taken from requn any one. They seem to have considered that the money appropriated to the Literary fund should remain in the Treasury until the appropriation shoulel be maele by the President and Directors to the purpose for which they were incorporated ; — and that the money thus called for by them and the proceeds thereof should be subject exclu- sively to the control of the Board. Very Respectfully, Your obedient servant, T. W. Blacklegs, Esq. J. F. Taylor. On the comparison of the two letters, it will be appa- „. 1 l J Disagreement be- rent to the House, that there is a difference of opinion be- ^the<^v£rnOT° ns tween his Excellency and the Attorney General, as to the ™t£& Ati0TneY responsibility for the Treasurer's bond for any deficit in the Literary Fund. Your committee decline giving any opinion when two such high authorities disagree. They lament that they have to state a deficit of twenty-eight thousand, one hundred and eio-htv-four dollars and thirty 372 Condition of Literary Fund. No censure of any one ; bill recom- mended. Bill to require a bond. two and a half cents, ($28,184,325^), as appears by his Excellency's letter making a part of this report. In conclusion your committee have laid all the facts connected with the subject before the house. They do not feel called upon to pass any. censure upon those high public functionaries to whose custody and direction this sacred deposit has been entrusted. As to any expression of opinion which is unfavorable or otherwise upon that part of the subject they leave it to the Legislature. But for the purpose of preventing so unfortunate and disreputable a recurrence of circumstances, they recommend the pas- sage into a law of the following Bill To provide for the safe keeping of the money appropri- ated to the Literary Fund. Be it enacted &c. That it shall hereafter be the duty of the President and Directors of the Literary Lund to take bond and security from the person entrusted with the safe keeping of the monies of the institution, in a penalty double the amount of the sum or sums so entrusted for safe keeping. Sec. 2d. And be it further enacted, that this act shall be in force from and after the ratification thereof. All of which is respectfully submitted, Thomas Wharton Blacklege, Chairman. Rejection of the bill and report. Endorsed on the above bill and report : In H. Com- mons 5-Jan.-1828, read and the report and bill unani- mously rejected. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1827. 7. SMITH'S BILL TO REPEAL LITERARY FU1VD LAW. Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1827. — Mr. Smith 1 , with leave, pre- House t>m to repeal Y ' -' ' L Literary Fund sented a bill to repeal an act, passed in the year 1825, en- introduced, titled '"an act to create a fund for the establishment of common schools." The said bill was read, and, on mo- tion, referred to the committee on Education. — House Journal 1827-28, p. 191. 'Nathaniel G. Smith, Chatham. A Bill to repeal an Act passed in the year 1825, entitled Literary 1 Fund epea "An Act to create a fund for the establishment of Common Schools." Be it enacted by the General Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same; That the above re- cited' act be, and the same is hereby repealed. — Unpublished Legislative Documents 1827-28. 873 8. DRAKE'S BILL TO REPEAL LITERARY FUM) LAW. S^Kdllw? A Bill to repeal an Act passed in the year 1825, entitled "an act to create a fund for the establishment of common schools." Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that an act passed in the year 1825, entitled "an act to create a fund for the establishment of common schools," be and the same is hereby repealed. Be it further enacted that the fund created by the above entitled act, and known by the name of the Literary Fund, shall constitute a part of the funds in the public treasury of the State. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1827-28. peatTm fans in 6 Saturday, Jan. 5, 1828. — Mr. Drake 1 presented a bill to repeal an act, passed in the year 1825, entitled "an act to create a fund for the establishment of common schools" ; which being read the first time, on motion of Mr. Alexander 2 , the said bill was indefinitely postponed. — Senate Journal 1827-28. 1 Nicholas J. Drake Nash. 2 William J. Alexander, Mecklenburg. 374 9. LITERARY FUND CLERK BILL REJECTED. Mr. Owen 1 presented a bill to authorise the President senate passes Literary Fund and Directors of the Literary Fund to employ a clerk ; Clerk bll] which bill was read the first, second, and third times and passed, and ordered to be sent to the House of Commons. — Senate Journal, 1827-28, p. 117. Received from the House of Commons, a message, stat- House rejects ° Literary Fund ing that they have rejected the engrossed bill to authorise clerk bilL the President and Directors of the Literary Fund to em- ploy a Clerk. — Senate Journal, 1827-28, p. 121. John Owen, Bladen. A Bill to authorize the President and Directors of the Bin allowing Di- rectors of Literary Literary Fund to appoint a Clerk. Fund sso for a Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the President an el Directors of the Liter- ary Fund be authorized to employ a Clerk, who shall be allowed a salary not exceeding Fifty Dollars, per annum, to be paid on the warrant of the President, and that the said sum be allowed for the last year. — From Unpublished Documents, 1827-28. 375 10. REPORT ON LITERARY FUND REPEAL BILL. cS^slsrejfc* 111 " Monday, Dec. 31, 1827. — Mr. Morehead 1 , from the LUeraryFuSd'iaw 1 committee on Education, to whom was referred the bill to repeal an act, passed in the year 1825, entitled "an act to create a fund for the establishment of common schools," reported that the committee had had the said bill under consideration, and instructed him to recommend that the said bill be rejected. The report was read and concurred in. — House Journal, 1821-28, pp. 221- 1 John M. Morehead, Guilford. The committee on Education to whom was referred the bill to repeal an Act passed in the year 1825, entitled an "Act to create a fund for the establishment of Common Schools," have had the same under consideration and beg leave to report: That by the act of 1825 a fund for com- mon schools is created, in which the youth of our State are to be instructed in the common principles of reading, writ- ing* and arithmetic : condition of the That under the provisions of that act, a fund to the amount of $35,989.82^ cts. has already accumulated; that the sum with the dividends of Bank Stock and Navigation Stock, monies arising from licenses, granted to retailers and auctioneers ; monies arising from entries of vacant land, and the vacant and unappropriated swamp lands ; also the sum of $21,090 which was paid by the State for Indian reservations, which it is hoped will be refunded by the United States ; all of which are appropriated by said act to the fund for Common Schools, will create a fund sufficient to carry the rudiments of an English Education to the door of every cottage in this State. ti h e e Art P ofi825 e ° f Your committee believe that the passage of that Act 376 Report ox Repeal of Literary Fund Law. 37' must have been greeted by every Philanthropist, and friend of Civil Liberty, as the foundation on which was to rest the future happiness of our citizens, and the per- petuity of our political institutions. Ours is literally a country of laws ; we acknowledge no superiority, but that voluntary tribute which is paid to personal merit : we in- herit, in common, the birth right of equality, and it is equally the duty of every citizen to act and think for the common welfare. If the great mass of the people are per- mitted to remain in ignorance, their acts must be the re- sult of caprice or delusion. They will have to receive their political faiths from those, whose opportunities have given them an extent of information, and superiority of under- standing, unatainable by them whose misfortune it may have been to be poor. Instead of forming their opinions, upon mature delib- eration from the collected wisdom of our political sages, they will have to receive their information from others, whose interest it may be to dupe and mislead them. Unfortunately for all countries, and more particularly for ours, there will be demagogues ever ready to excite the prejudices, and inflame the passions of the people to effect a result, directly the reverse of that, which would have been the dictate of a well-instructed judgment. From the very nature of our civil institutions, the people must act; it is wisdom and policy, to teach them to act from the lights of reason, and not from the blind impulse of deluded feeling. Your committee cannot but contrast the sullen discon- condition of an ... ignorant and a tent of an ignorant people, brooding over evils which do well-informed ° r r ' ° people contrasted. not exist, and wrongs never sustained, with the happy con- dition of a well-informed people, whose sound judgment? discriminate between the declamatory froth of a dema- gogue, and the sound doctrines of political philosophy. Independent of any political influence that general edu- cation might have your committee are of opinion that any 378 Report on Repeal of Literary Fund Law. State or sovereign, having the means at command, are morally criminal if they neglect to contribute, to each citi- zen or subject that individual usefulness and happiness which arises from a well-cultured understanding. Duty of the state Your committee believe that it is the duty and the in- to instruct poor children. terest of ]STorth Carolina to instruct that part of her popu- lation, who possess not the means of acquiring a useful education ; and to afford every possible facility for the in- struction of those, whose fortune places them beyond the necessity of charitable assistance. The ample means which she can command could not be more usefully or nobly employed. Your committee cannot conceive a nobler idea, than that of the genius of our country, hovering over the tattered son of some miserable hovel, leading his infant but gigantic mind in the paths of useful knowledge, and pointing out to his noble ambition the open way by which talented merit may reach the highest honors and preferments of our gov- ernment. Your committee unanimously recommend the rejection of the Bill. All of which is respectfully sub- mitted, J. M. Moreiiead, Ch. In House of Commons 31 Dec. 1827 — read and unani- mously concurred in. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1827. 11. DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION INCORPORATED. Preliminary Meeting. After the business of the Bible officers of the Society was disposed of, a meeting was held, agreeably to the notice given in our last Register, to take into consid- eration the expediency of establishing an Institution for the instruction of the deaf and dumb. The Rev. Dr. Al'Pheeters was called to the Chair, and J. Gales acted a? Secretary. On motion, it was resolved to establish a Society, under Resolutions to m- the name of "The 1a". Carolina Institution for the instruc- tion of the deaf and dumb." A Constitution was immedi- ately formed, subject to revision, and signed by the per- sons present. Committees were appointed to revise the Constitution; to make application to the General Assem- bly for an act to incorporate the Society ; and for drafting a memorial to Congress, praying for a grant of land, such as has heretofore been given to institutions of the same kind in some of our sister States. His Excellency the Governor is chosen President of the Society. The other officers will be published hereafter. The Rev. Dr. Caldwell, at the unanimous request of the Address by Dr. meeting, lias consented to deliver an Address in favor of this Institution, in the Commons Hall, on Wednesday evening next, at candle light. At the close of which, a meeting of the Society will be held. — Raleigh Register, Dec. 21, 1827. Address by Dr. Caldwell. On Wednesdav evening last, convincing <-> J address. agreeably to previous arrangement, the Rev. Dr. Caldwell delivered a most interesting & appropriate Address in the Commons' Hall, on the subject of establishing an Asylum in the State, for the instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, nor did he fail to convince any, we presume, of the expediency and duty of contributing to the erection of such Institu- tions. 379 380 Deaf and Dumb Institution. story of the begin- It was ordered by Providence, whose afflictions are fre- Gai&udet. e w ° r ° quently blessings in disguise, that a gentleman of high standing in society, experienced the misfortune of having a part of his family afflicted by this calamity. Aided by the benevolent efforts of other individuals, he sent a person to Europe to attain a knowledge of the means there used to remedy this melancholy privation. Mr. Gallaudet, a pious, philanthropic gentleman, highly gifted and very lib- erally educated, undertook this labor of love. At London his reception was far from satisfactory, and he proceeded to Edinburg, where he was still more mortified. It seemed as if the friends of the human race there, wished to mo- nopolize the merits of these praise-worthy institutions and confine their blessings to a very small sectional part of the globe. From Scotland he went to France, and there the doors of the schools were thrown open to him, and Abbe Sicard, the benevolent and liberal minded successor of Abbe de L'Eppe rendered him every facility for the acqui- sition of this language of Charity. visit of Mr. ciere. A still greater benefit Mr. Gallaudet derived from his visit to France, for it induced Mr. Laurent Clere, one of the most intelligent of the Professors, to accompany him to America. And this was the first seed sown, whose ma- tured growth are spreading their branches in every quarter of the Union. Our readers will be astonished to learn that in North Carolina, the number of persons who labor under the distressing disabilities attached to the want of hearing and speech, is estimated at 400. condition of the One of Mr. Clere's answers to queries respecting; his untaught deaf. , . m State, before he was himself instructed, is very affecting — "I had a mind and did not think — I had a he^rt and did not feel." Persons suffering under these privations, be- fore enlightened by education, appear to be terrified when death meets their eyes. They look upon the lifeless clay with horror, for thev have no idea of futurity, no knowl- Deaf axd Dumb Institution. 381 edge of a superintending Providence, no hopes of meeting in another and a better world. —Raleigh Register, Bee. 28, 1827. Society Incorporated. An Act to incorporate the North Carolina Institution for the instruction of Deaf and Dumb. 1 Whereas certain individuals of this State have associ- Preamble, ated themselves together, under the name of the North Carolina Institution for the instruction of deaf and Dumb, for the purpose of establishing an asylum for the reception and instruction of such unfortunate persons in this State as may belong to that description; and they being desirous that this Legislature should extend to them the powers and privileges of a body corporate and politic ; therefore, I. Be it enacted bv the General Assembly of the State Given corporate " >J powers. of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the present and future members of the North Carolina Institution for the instruction of deaf and dumb, be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and style of "The North Caro- lina Institution for the instruction of deaf and dumb ;" and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal; may aco^iire. hold and possess, sell and transfer estate, real and personal ; may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, and generally do, exercise and perform all the powers and privileges usually exercised and performed by bodies poli- tic and corporate in this State. II. Be it further enacted. That power is hereby granted to the members of the institution aforesaid to make and establish such byelaws and regulations for their govern- ment, and that of their officers and agents, as they may deem necessary and proper, the same being not inconsistent 1 Introduced in the House, Saturday, Dec. 29, 1827, by Charles Fisher, of Salisbury. See House Journal, 1827-28, p. 216. 382 Deaf and Dumb Institution. with the constitution and laws of this State, or of the United States. —Laws, 1827-28, chap. LXIV. Land grant asked, Officers. Officers and Directors. We have stated in a former Register, that a Society was formed in this City on the 18th ultimo for the purpose of establishing an Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb of this State, since which, an Act has been passed incorporating the Society, and a Memorial been sent on to Congress, praying for a grant of land for the Institution, with a request that our Senators and Representatives in Congress will give their aid to the application. The following gentlemen have been appointed Officers of the Society for the ensuing year : Governor Iredell, President Rev. Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Beck with, Stephen Birdsall, Treasurer. Weston R. Gales, Secretary. V. Presidents. Directors. Directors. — Charles Fisher, Win. Davidson, Wm. Boy- Ian, Rev. Dr. Wm. McPheteers, Wm. Peace, Wm. Hill, Benj. S. King, Wm. Robards, Wm. Gaston, Beverly Daniel, Bartlett Yancy, Alfred Moore, John L. Taylor, Gavin Hogg, Frederic ISTash, James Mebane, John Beard, Jr., James F. Taylor, Charles Manly, Joseph Gales. Editorial, Baleigh Register, Jan, Ik, 1828. 12, SECOJfD REPORT LITERARY BOARD. Executive Office, Jany 3rd, 1828. At this time and place a meeting of the President and Directors of the Literary Fund was held, present, Gov. Iredell, The Board - Chief Justice Taylor, B. Yancy and Wm. Robards Esquires. The following report was read and directed to be trans- mitted to the Legislature: Report. To the honble. The General Assembly of the State of K C. The President and Directors of the Literary Fund, in obedience to the duty imposed upon them by law, respect- fully submit the following report: The receipts of this corporation for the year ending on the 1st. jSTovr. last, have been, The amount transferred from the Agricultural year C . ip * Fund in Feby. 1827 in pursuance of an act passed in 1825 $ 8,041.92^ Dividend on Newbern Bank Stock 2,692.50 Do. " Cape Fear " " 4,209.00 Do. " " " Navigation Company. -120.00 Tavern Tax for 1827 3.467.41 Auction " 553.65 Land Entries 4,300. 35|- Dividend on 5 shares of State Bank Stock be- longing to the Literary Fund in June 1827 17.50 $23,702.37 Add to this the amount due the fund on the 1st day of Xovr. 1826, as heretofore reported. 12, 304.95 h Making an aggregate of $36,007,324 383 384 Second Report Literary Board. Investment of funds. Lottery to raise $50,000 a failure. Of this amount there have been expended and < appropriated For the purchase of a blank book to keep the accts 5.50 For 78 shares of bank stock at par 7,800.00 Leaving a balance, on the 1st Nov. 1827 of. .$28,201.82$ At a meeting of the Board on the 11th Feby. 1827, the Treasurer was directed to invest the amount then belong- ing to the Fund in stock of the different banks of this state, at certain rates designated by the Board. It appears from the foregoing account, that under these instructions, only $7,800 was invested. Whether the neglect to invest the rest of the fund, arose from the severe illness with which the Treasurer was soon afterwards afflicted, or from his inability to procure the stock on the terms prescribed by the Board, or from any other cause, the Board have now no means of ascertaining. By an Act of the General Assembly, passed in the year 1826, the President and Directors of the Literary Fund were authorized to raise by way of Lottery, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ; one half of which was to constitute a part of the Literary Fund, and the other half to be paid to A. D. Murphey Esq. to aid him in his intended publication of the History of North Carolina. The Board regret to state, that in their efforts to accomplish the objects of this act, they have been unsuccessful. Letters were addressed to the principal brokers in the different cities of the United States, who had been engaged in purchasing the privilege of lotteries, inviting from them proposals for the one au- thorized by this Act. To all these letters, answers were returned, declining, for various reasons, to make any pro- posals. The Board believing that this was the mode in which the Legislature intended that the authority to raise money by lottery should be exercised, and unwilling to in- cur the risk and responsibility of drawing a lottery under Second Report Literary Board. 385 their own superintendence, or that of agents appointed by them, without the special direction of the Legislature, have declined to take any further steps in this business, If the General Assembly should be still disposed to prose- cute this plan, it is respectfully suggested that new provi- sions should be added to those contained in the act of 1826, and such as will readily suggest themselves to your honor- able body, to inspire public confidence and prevent abuses and mismanagement in those who may be more immedi- ately employed in the direction of the lottery. Upon this subject, as upon every other, this Board will cheerfully perform any duty and obey any instruction that you may prescribe. The President and Directors of the Literary Fund, in Defalcation in the common with their fellow citizens, deeply deplore the un- fortunate defalcation in the Treasury Department, which has been recently developed and exhibited before your committee of Investigation. Much as it has affected them from its peculiar circumstances, so well calculated to excite their sympathy, they would deplore it still more deeply, if they could believe that it would have any influence in retarding the execution of the great plan, which your wis- dom has conceived, and in the prosecution of which they are employed as humble instruments. In the. accomplish- ment of this plan, the ardent wishes of every benevolent mind, the hopes of every intelligent patriot are enlisted. Virtue and intelligence are the only sure foundations of a republic, and in proportion as you enlighten the mind, you add new incentives to virtue, and diminish the temptations to vice. The Board are happy to believe, as the result of Literarv fund saf6i the anxious inquiries they have made on this subject, that there will be no necessity for any encroachment upon the Literary Fund to supply the temporary deficiency in the general funds of the State. They beg leave, in elucidation of this opinion, to offer the annexed statement, giving a prospective view of the fiscal concerns of the state for the ensuing vear. From this it will be seen that all the ordi- 386 Second Report Literary Board. nary expenditures of the government can be met without at all interfering with the specific appropriations hereto- fore made by the Legislature. While however they feel pleasure in presenting this prospect, they assure the Gen- eral Assembly that they will, in directing investments of the money intrusted to their management take especial care so to act as not in the slightest degree to impede the ordinary disbursements or derange the ordinary operations of the Treasury Department. Answer to criticism ^he Board having no further recommendations, & no of theXnd agement other General View to present at this time to your Hon- ourable Body, might here close their report. But they feel constrained by a sense of duty to themselves, and of sincere respect for those under whom they hold their ap- pointments, to advert to the unfortunate misapprehension which prevails among some members of your honourable body, as to the manner in which the duty of this board has been performed. Creatures of your will, called by you to the performance of responsible duties, without other reAvard than that which the Patriot feels, in the consciousness of contributing to the welfare of his country, with no possible interest to lead them astray, they had hoped, that even if they erred in judgment, the veil of charity would be cast over their errors. If they have received the censure of any one, they are willing to attribute it to that jealousy of persons entrusted with the management of monied affairs, which recent circumstances have tended so highly to ex- cite ; and to the want of that patient investigation of facts and of that cool process of reasoning, which the mind in its moments of irritation is unable to bestow ; but which is absolutely necessary to bring it to correct conclusions. It mi . . „ is said, 1st. That the whole fund for common schools, The charges all 7 ' unfounded. amounting to twenty eight thousand dollars and upwards has been lost. 2ndly. That the President and Directors of this fund were censurable, for not taking bond from the persons entrusted with the keeping of their monies. And. Second Report Literary Board. 387 thirdly, That the deficiency in this fund could not be cov- ered by any bond, which has been, or should have been given by the late Treasurer as Treasurer of the State. The Board believe, that a little reflection, will convince every one, that none of these propositions are well founded. 1st as to the loss of the fund set apart for common schools. Whether a loss has been sustained by any part of this fund as to whether any or not, as it was mixed in the hands of the public Trea- been°iost nf surer, with the general funds of the state, can only be de- termined, by ascertaining when the Defalcation in the Treasury occurred, and when the sums appropriated to the Literary Fund came into the possession of the Treasurer ? It is well known that the act establishing this fund was passed at the session of 1825. The Board having here- unto annexed a statement, taken from the official records of the Treasury, by which it appears that the first monies transferred by the Treasurer under this act were trans- ferred on the 31st October 1826. By far the larger part of the sum belonging to this fund has been received since that period. It seems to have been the opinion of your committee of Investigation, and that opinion appears to this Board to be supported by strong circumstantial evi- dence, that the defalcation in the Treasury, from what- ever cause it proceeded, must have occurred before the 31st of October 1826, which was the close of a fiscal year. If this opinion be correct, it follows as a necessary conse- quence, that the money lost or withdrawn from the Treas- ury, must have belonged to some other than the Literary Fund, which then had no existence. The Board believe that this simple exposition and comparison of facts satis- factorily show, that whatever may be the deficiency in the Treasury, no part of the sum lost or abstracted can be properly chargeable to the fund, the Investment of which was entrusted to their care. They confidently, however, indulge the hope that the deficiency is merely temporary. and that the State will sustain no ultimate loss in any of taken. 388 Second Report Literary Board. its funds. Other views might be presented on this subject, which the Board, for the sake of brevity, forbear to urge ; and they therefore proceed to remark upon the second proposition, that they ought to have taken bond from the person to whom they entrusted the monies appropriated to why no bond was the Literary fund. Upon this subject, the Board can only say, that upon an attentive consideration of the act, to which they owe their existence, and which prescribes and limits their powers and duties, they could perceive no au- thority vested in them to require bonds from any one. The act while it makes the treasurer of the State, ex officio, a member of the Board, and directs him to keep all their accounts, gives them no authority to appoint a Treasurer of their own, nor to withdraw the fund from the Public Treasury, except for the single purpose of investing at their discretion in some productive stock, with a view to its accumulation, until it should become sufficient for the ultimate object of its appropriation. For this purpose, and this alone, the Board believe, they were constituted the special agents of the State. Would they not have been justly censurable, if, because the legal right to this fund was vested in them, for the sake of its more convenient management, they had withdrawn it from the hands of the person to whom was confided, by the choice of the immediate representatives of the people, the custody of the Public Money of the State, and had taken it into their own possession, or had given it in charge to one appointed by themselves and responsible only to them ? As to the 3rd proposition, even if it were true in principle, the board can not understand how it is to affect them. If the true construction of the act of 1825 be as they have endeavored respectfully to show, that they had no authority to draw this fund from the Treasury into which it must originally be paid ; but for the purpose of investing it into stock, it must necessarily remain in the hands of the Treasurer, as Public Treasurer, until such investment is made or di- Second Report Literary Board. 389 rected by them. If the Legislature whose province it is, The bond of the have failed to make it a condition of his bond, that he thesifetyofthe 0I should account for this money, they and not the Board, who had no authority to require any bond, are responsible. But as the Board believe the opinion here alluded to, to be erroneous, they briefly state that according to their views, the money appropriated to this corporation must be re- ceived into the Public Treasury and there kept until this Board in their discretion shall direct its investment ; that the duty of safely keeping this money is as strongly en- joined by law upon the Public Treasurer as that of keeping any other money of the State ; that by the condition of the bond of the Public Treasurer, as prescribed by the act of 1801, is, that he shall faithfully account for the public money and perform the several duties appertaining to his office as Public Treasurer, that the duty of keeping the Literary Fund was one imposed upon him in his official capacity as Public Treasurer ; and that even if the bond of this officer had been given before such duty was as- signed yet it has been determined by the Supreme Court, that when a public officer gives bond for the faithful dis- charge of his duties, the condition embraces future duties which may be superadded by the Legislature. The Board therefore have no doubt, that even if a loss had occurred in the Literary Fund by the default of the Treasurer before an actual appropriation and investment of the money had been made, such would have been embraced by the Bond of the Treasurer. And in this opinion they are happy to find that they have the concurrence officially expressed of the able Attorney General of the State. The Board will prolong their report no further than to express their deep regret that this exposition of their views should have been rendered necessary, and to offer as an apology for the late period at which this communication is made, the long vacancy that existed in the Treasury De- partment, and the pressing duties which have devolved on 390 Second Report Literary Board. the present incumbent since his appointment to that office. They have the honor to be, With the highest consideration, Your Obt, Servt. Ja. Iredell, Prest. of the IAterary Fund. Ealeigh, 5th Jany. 1828. STATEMENT. Probable condition ^~ D1 *i e f view of what the condition of the Treasury of of treasury 1828. ^ g^ ^jjj probably be 0R tbe lst J uly and fa e 1gt Novr. 1828. Deposits in Banks 1827 In the Bank of Newbern $30,445.03 In the State Bank 25,190.85 In the Bank of Cape Fear 20,155.15 In Bank Notes 80.00 In Treasury notes fit for circula- tion 9,616.80 85,487.83 Bank Dividend receivable Decbr. 1827. In the State Bank, 2762 shares, 3 pr. ct 8,286 In the New Bank, 1663 shares 3 pr. ct 4,989 In the Ca. Fr. Bank, 2062 shares, 2 pr. ct 4,124 In the State Bank, (L. F.) 78 shares, 3 pr. ct 234 Div. on part of this stock of June 1827 17.50 17,650.50 The Dividends on stock of June, is estimated to be about the same as of Decbr. 1827 17,650.50 120,788.83 Second Report Literary Board. 391 Supposed receipts for vacant land, 1828 4,000.00 Supposed receipts for Cherokee lands 5,000.00 To dividends of Ca. Fear Nav. Co 840.00 Receipts up to 1st July 1828 $130,628.83 General Statement of the Treasury as to probable re- ceipts and expenditures up to 1st. July 1828. General Receipts $130,628.83 Probable disbursements to 1st July 1828 Legislature $36,000 Executive Department 1,231 State Department 750 Treasury Department 1,250 Comptroller's Department 600 Adj't Gen 200 Public Printer 450 Judiciary 1,200 Bal. Buncombe Turn. Co 250 Div. on deferred St. Bk. Stock. . . 3,356 Pensions 1,200 Geological Survey 250 Supposed appropriation to be made for the sale and finishing the survey of Cher, lands .... 2,000 Other contingent expenses 1,000 60,537 70,091.83 Deduct for cash paid for disburse- ments since 1st. Novr. 1827 to 1st Jany. 1828 including sala- ries to Judiciary for the last fall and all arrearages 8,000.00 Deduct other appropriations for this session. Extra printing supposed to be. . . 250.00 392 Second Report Literary Board. Other charges 500.00 Cape Fear appropriation 6,230.00 14,980.00 Supposed to be in the Treasury 1st July 1828 $ 55,111.83 To be applied to the use of Internal Improvements or the Lity. Fund. Balance supposed to be in the Treasury 1st. July 1828 $ 55,111.83 Probable receipts after 1st. July & before 1st Nov. 1828. From Sheriffs, for taxes $67,000 Auctioneers' tax 450 Tax on Newbern Bank 6,337 Tax on Cape Fear Bank 5,938 79,725.00 Deduct from this amount the half year's expenses $134,836.83 For Civil list from July to Nov. 1828 24,537.00 Bal. in the Treasury 1st. Nov. 1828 $110,299.83 Of this amount there is appropri- ated for Lity. Fund 38,245.50 Of this amount there is appropri- ated for In. Imp 40,451.00 In both Funds on 1st. Novr. 1828 78,696.50 31,603.33 From this sum deduct for salary paid Engineer in Deer. 1827 1,175 Deduct for expenses till Novbr. . . 500 Deduct for Half year's salary. . . 1,000 2,675.00 Balance in the Treasury 1st Nov. 1828 28,928.33 Second Report Literary Board. 393 The amount of the Literary Fund stated above is com- posed of the following items heretofore appropriated : Amount on hand $28,184 Receipts for vacant lands in 1S28 4,000 Dividends on ISTav. Co. Stock 2 dividends. . . 840 Dividends on 2s T ew Bk. Stock at Deer. 1827. . 1,077 Dividends on Few Bk. Stock at June 1828. . 1,077 Dividends on Cape Fear Stock at Deer. 1827. 1,048 Dividends on Cape Fear Stock at June 1S28 . 1,048 Dividends on 78 St. Bk. Stock 3 pr. ct 234 Dividends on Bank stoek in June 1827 17.50 $38,245.50 The amount of the Internal Improvement Fund is com- posed of the following receipts, Amount now on hand 22,195 Receivable for Cherokee lands 5,000 Newbern Bank Stock dividends Deer. 1827. . ■ 3,912 Same Bank Stock dividends June 1828 3,912 Bank of Cape Fear dividends Deer. 1827. . . . 2,716 Same Bank June 1828 2,716 $40,451 Statement of the different periods at which the money constituting the Literary Fund was received into the Treasury. 1825. Oct. 31. Dividends on 16 shares jSTewbern Bank stock, declared January 1826 $ 62. Dividend on 205 shares ISTewbern Bank stock declared July 1826. . 820. Dividend on 235 shares of Cape Fear Bank stock declared Jany. 1826 705. 394 Second Report Literary Board. Oct. 31. Dividend on 417 shares Cape Fear Bank stock declared July 1826. . 1,255. Tavern & Retailers' tax received this day 4,109.84 Auction tax received this day 741.04 Land entries for the year ending this day 4,614.07^ 1827 Feby. 5. Agricultural fund transferred this day $ 8,041.92! Oct. 31. Dividends on 359 shares of JSTewbern Bank Stock declared in Jany. 1827 1,436. Dividends on 359 shares ISTewbern Bank stock declared in July 1827 1,256.50 Dividends on 699 shares Cape Fear Bank stock, declared in Jany. 1827 2,079. Dividend on 704 shares of Cape Fear Bank stock declared in July 1827 2,112. Dividends on 150 shares of Cape Fear Nav. Company stock 420.00 Tavern Tax received this day 3,467.44 Auction Tax received this day. . . . 553.65 Land entries for the year ending this day 4,300.35^ $35,989,821 The sum of $17.50, the amount of a dividend declared in June 1827, on Five shares of State Bank stock, belong- ing to the Literary Fund, were never paid into the Treas- ury, but remain in deposit in that Bank to the credit of the President and Directors. Having no other business before them, the Board then adjourned sine die. Jno. K. Campbell, Secretary. — From MS. Records Literary Board. 13. EDITORIAL COMMENT ON REPORT OF LITERARY BOARD. We publish in our paper of today, two very interesting Importaneeofthe reports, the one of the President and Directors of the Lit onnternai e im° ard erary Fund, and the other of the Board of Internal Im- utera^Fund. provements. The subjects embraced in these reports are fraught with interest to the whole community, for with their success is identified the prosperity of the State, both in her moral and physical improvements. — To cherish the education of her youth, and to promote the improvement of her territory, is the imperious duty and highest interest of the State. These are the first steps in ascending to that pinnacle of greatness which will consummate her inde- pendence, her honor and her happiness. But however much we may feel concerned in the im- provement of the face of the country, our feelings at pres- ? Ior ,e interested in r J ' ° L intellectual lm- ent are more warmly enlisted on the subject of intellectual {£e^n^rovement m improvement as contemplated in the former of these re- °ountr^. ce ° f the ports. It affords us more than ordinary pleasure to be- hold in prospect, thro' that able report, at no very distant period, a system of education established, conformably to the design of the Constitution, suitable to the present con- dition of society ; so that the poor, who form no small por- tion of our citizens, may be afforded the means of teaching their children to read at least the history of their own country, to understand the principles on which her free in- stitutions are based, and the part they are to perform in supporting them. That view which is presented of the subject in the re- port, we humbly conceive, proceeds from a sound and en- ^portof \he ut lightened judgment. We speak not the language of syco- eMr> phantic flattery. The subject has too strong a hold on our feelings, to elicit only the high sounding, but empty expressions of compliment. We are led to these remarks from other motives than the mere paltry desire to concili- ate individual favor — they flow from the deep concern 395 396 Comment on Report Literary Board. which presides in our bosoms for the general welfare of the State, of which we are proud to boast our citizenship. We long to see those views realized. It would contribute more to the preservation of our liberties than the erection of fortifications, or the establishment of armies. What are fortifications without patriotic and virtuous soldiers to de- fend them ? and what are armies without enlightened offi- Knowiedge eie- cers to command them ? Knowledge elevates man, and vates men ; quotes , . . Bacon. gives him a consciousness of the freedom of the mind, and enlarges the empire of its dominion. In this opinion we are not alone. Among the host of authorities that might be adduced, we mention only the expression of the emi- nent Bacon, in whose sentiment the enlightened will read- ily concur- — He has said 'That man is but what he knows.' What is it that enlightens the understanding, corrects the judgment, regulates the affections, refines the taste, and improves the manners ? What is it that raises man from the vilest barbarism to the highest state of refined civiliza- tion ? It is knowledge. And the foundation for acquiring the most extensive knowledge may be laid in "the rudi- ments of a common plain education." a nttie learning And yet there are some who imbibe and propagate the not a dangerous . .. thing. stale sentiment of the poet, that a little learning is a dangerous thing;" and some there are to whom knowledge is hateful for its own sake. With the latter class we wish to have nothing to do. "Owl-like beings, creatures of darkness," let them rest in their favorite nooks, and de- light themselves with the shades of night. But with the former class, whose organs fit them for the radiance of noon-day, we beg to make a brief remark. Indifferently educated men, say they, are more apt to have crude notions than men not educated at all. If it be meant by this, that a smattering in many branches of knowledge, without a competent acquaintance with either, is a little learning — is indifferent education, we have no hesitation in admitting the correctness of the sentiment, but if we are to under- Comment on Report Literary Board. 397 stand them as meaning that erroneous views of things is the result of heing well taught in only a few of those things of which a knowledge may be acquired, then we deny the position. A man who "is ever learning," and yet never "knows anything as he ought to know it," will have his understanding confounded and his senses be- wildered ; but are the same effects likely to be produced by a small degree of knowledge properly obtained ? Does the man who learns the English Grammar have a worse idea of the Latin on that account ? or does a knowledge of Geography cause one to err fatally in his conjectures of Astronomy ? We think that a. proper attention to this subject will set „ ,_ 1J1 *- L d All should hasten it in the most favorable light ; and we do sincerely hope th that the Legislature and every individual in the com- munity will simultaneously put forward their strength in hastening that era of universal day — when all, from the son of the wealthy, who burns the college lamp, to the plough-boy, who carols his rustic notes in the field, may be enlightened. In such an event, North- Carolina will yet form as bright a star as any that sheds lustre on the Amer- ican banner. —The Star, Feb. 2, 1827. .son will be en- lightened. U. SPIEIT OF ECONOMY AND INDIVIDUALISM. The House of Commons rejected a resolution to place the Canova Statute of Washington on rollers, so as remove it easily from the capitol in case of fire. This statue was destroyed in 1831, by fire. — See House Journal, 1827-28, p. 169. The House of Commons rejected a resolution to place a Willard clock in Commons Hall. — See House Journal, 1827-28, pp. 173 and 17 If-. The House of Commons refused to adjourn for Christ- mas day, hut afterwards reconsidered and adjourned. — See House Journal, 1827-28, pp. 203 and 205. House of Commons rejected a resolution requesting the Secretary of War to have a railroad surveyed from New- bern to Raleigh and thence into the western counties. — See House Journal 1827-28, 258. 398 1828 1. PLAN FOR THE EDUCATION OF TEACHERS. 2. GOV. IREDELL'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 3. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS REMEDY FOR EMIGRATION. 3. THIRD REPORT OF THE LITERARY BOARD. 5. DOMESTIC INDUSTRY AND ECONOMY. 6. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 7. SENATOR McFARLAND'S BILL TO EDUCATE POOR CHIL- DREN. 8. HOUSE RESOLUTIONS ON EDUCATION. 9. HOUSE REPORT ON EDUCATION. 10. PROCEEDINGS OF LITERARY BOARD. 399 1. PLAN FOE THE EDUCATION OF TEACHEES. calls attention to We would call the attention of our readers, and espe- the plan of a cor- _ _ ' x respondent. cially of those who will compose a portion of our approach- ing General Assembly, to a well-written Essay which ap- pears in today's Register, on the subject of Common Schools — a theme on which much has hitherto been said, but for the establishment of which nothing has yet been done (except the formation of a Literary Fund of some considerable amount.) for want of an approved, well di- gested Plan. The writer of this Essay offers a plan, which we think worthy of the consideration of the Legislature. — Raleigh Register , Oct. 1%, 1828. To the Members of the approaching Session of the Legis- lature of North Carolina. Everybody admits It is not deemed necessary in this enlightened age, to the importance of . ,.,. „ , , i-i 1 a system of educa- enter into an elucidation of the advantages which would tion ; plan for the ° poor the principal resu lt from a well regulated system of public education. question. j^y[ } or at least all who possess common intelligence, admit that nothing would more contribute to the respectability and prosperity of the State, than the dissemination of learning among its inhabitants. The principal question, then, to be considered, is the "modus operandi," in what manner the blessings of education can be best disseminated among the common and poorer classes of society, and how the least amount may be expended, for this purpose, so as to produce the greatest possible benefit. As there has always existed a great variety of opinions on this subject, so we find a number of different methods pursued to attain the same desirable end. In some of the States, common Schools are supported out of the proceeds of what is called the School fund ; in others, annual appropriations are made for this purpose by the Legislature. But, as yet, North Carolina may be said to have done almost nothing 400 Plan to Educate Teachers. 401 in the advancement of so desirable an object as the estab- lishment of such a system of public education, as might extend its advantages through all classes of society. It is university expen- 00 «/ sive; Literary true, she has established and liberally endowed a Univer- Fundsmaii. sity, which is a source of much credit to her, but the ex- penses attendant on the reception of an education there, are such as to prohibit all, except the comparatively wealthy, from obtaining such a one as it affords. — It is also true, she has established a "literary fund," but such is the slow process made in the increase of its amount; and the obstructions attending its application to the proposed object so great, that in all probability, many years will elapse before its beneficial results will be felt by the peo- ple. It is for these reasons that it is thought proper to submit to your consideration a Plan, which seems to hold out a speedy prospect of realizing the benefits of public education, and yet not be attended with such an increase of the public tax as to render it burdensome to the people. It is but just to remark, that the following plan was, in some measure suggested by the remarks of Mr. Potter, Plan suggested i _e ^1-i-it-t t -1 -1 • • similar to that of made a iew years back in the Legislature. Indeed, it is Robert Potter. a matter of some surprise, that the plan he then proposed, did not receive a more mature consideration from the Leg- islature, but it is supposed that it may be attributed to the violence of personal invective with which he clothed some part of his remarks, and thus, instead of calling the atten- tion of the House to the real subject of his address, un- necessarily raised a prejudice against his proposition. It is suggested for the promotion of the object now Loan of 1200 000 to under consideration, that you, at the approaching session earry 0llt plan- of the Legislature, appoint a Committee to contract for a loan, to be made before the 1st Jan'y, 1830, on the credit of the State, of two hundred thousand dollars. Turn not away with alarm, at the mere mention of this large sum, but endeavor to restrain your feelings until you have been 26 402 Plan to Educate Teacheks. informed how it is to be paid, and for what object, and in what manner it is to be applied. Details of the plan; There is little doubt but that this sum could be obtained repayment of the _ loan - from capitalists at the rate of three and a half or four per cent, interest per annum : but for the sake of not making our calculation too small, we will say four per cent. The interest, then of the two hundred thousand dollars pro- posed to be borrowed, would annually amount to eight thou- sand dollars, for the payment of which, together with the gradual liquidation of the whole debt, the following plan is proposed. That the payment of the original amount borrowed, $200,000, be made at four different periods, regular intervals of time intervening, say $50,000 in 1835 ; $50,000 in 1840; $50,000 in 1845; and $50,000 in 1850: That to secure these payments an annual sinking fund of $10,000 be established, to which such appropriations shall be added, as may be necessary from time to time, for the payment of the interest. According to this plan, the payments would be provided in the following manner : 1st, Appropriated by the Legislature, 1st year, 1830 $ 9,000 2d. Otherwise provided, method will be after- wards explained 9,000 1st. As above — 2d year, 1831 12,000 2d. As above 6,000 1st. As above— 3d year, 1832 15,000 2d. As above 3,000 In the 4th and 5th years, 1833 and 4, the appropriation by the Legislature, will amount to $18,000 by this means, against the year 1835, the annual interest, together with $50,000 of the original debt will be paid. During the five succeeding years of 1835, 6, 7, 8, and 9, the annual appropriation will amount to $16,000, to provide for the payment of the interest of the loan now re- Plan to Educate Teachers. 403 duced to $150,000, and the $16,000 of the annual sinking fund. By the year 1840, another payment of $50,000 will be made, reducing the original debt to $100,000, so that the annual appropriation for the next succeeding five years will amount to $14,000. The original debt being then, say 1845, reduced to $50,000, the annual appropriation will be decreased to $12,000, and thus in 1850, the whole debt will be liqui- dated. If you have followed us through this tedious calcula- How the money is i-i • to be spent. tion, by winch we have provided for the loan and payment of $200,000, your curiosity will be excited to know in what manner we are to dispose of this large amount. We will endeavor to gratify this curiosity, and will be more than repaid, should you fortunately coincide with the views expressed. It is proposed that the $200,000 bor- rowed as above stated, be placed in a Loan Office, estab- lished in the Treasury, and regulated by the usual bank- ing system, or be deposited in some reputable bank, as your better judgment may direct. Although we do not profess to be well acquainted with the banking system and its profits, yet we feel little hesitation in saying, that by either of these methods it would secure a clear income of 6 per cent per annum, which would amount to $12,000. It is Twenty poor young . lii r men to be educated farther proposed, that at the commencement of the sum- at university ; to . . . enter 1830. mer session of the University of North Carolina, in 1830, twenty poor young men, who have prepared themselves for joining the Freshman Class, but whose parents are unable to assist them in the farther prosecution of their studies, be admitted into the University, and supported out of the income of $12,000 above mentioned, that the young men shall present their recommendations to a committee ap- pointed for the purpose of deciding the choice to be made out of all such as shall apply for admission, and that they (the twenty) shall only be admitted into the University 404 Plan to Educate Teachers. To teach two or three years after graduation. Twenty more poor such cases, a salary of $100. young men to enter proposed, at the succeeding in 1831, and the same number each succeeding year; all to teach. Further details of the plan. under such restrictions and conditions as you may deem proper. It is especially recommended that one of these conditions shall be the requisition of a bond with good security from each of those admitted, that he should, after graduating, become the instructor of a School in some part of the State, for two or three years, on such terms as would be sufficient to provide him with wearing apparel and boarding, say when boarding is furnished, as is usual with In pursuance of the plan Commencement, in 1831, twenty other young men would be admitted into the Uni- versity, under the same conditions and restrictions, and be supported in the same manner as the former, and so continue admitting twenty every succeeding Commence- ment. We feel no hesitation in asserting — indeed, we know from actual experiment, that a young man, entering the University under such circumstances as those above mentioned, could be well supported on one hundred and fifty dollars annually. In this calculation, the tuition, which, no doubt would be granted, free of expense, by the Trustees of the University, is not included, nor clothing, which, almost without exception, would be willingly fur- nished by a young man himself, or his friends. The ex- pense, then, of twenty young men, supported at the Uni- versity, will amount for the first year, 1830, allowing $150 for each, to $3,000. This amount deducted from the $12,000 of annual income, leaves a balance of $9,000, which will be appropriated, as shown in the statement above, to the payment of the interest of the loan, and the increase of the sinking fund for 1830. The succeeding year, 1831, the number of students educated out of the annual income of $12,000 would be forty, whose expenses, according to the statement above made, would amount to $6,000, leaving $6,000 to be appropriated in the same manner as the $9,000 of the preceding year. In 1833 the number of students would be sixty, their expenses Plan to Educate Teachers. 405 $9,000 — balance to be appropriated as mentioned in the statement, $3,000. in 1834, the number of students would be eighty, whose expenses would take up the whole amount of the annual income of $12,000. In this year, too, twenty of the students — those who first entered the University — would graduate, and proceed to the perform- ance of the duties required by their bonds, and thus be- come instrumental, not only in disseminating the improve- ment they have derived from a liberal education, through- out the country, but would also be engaged in training up others, who, in their turn, would become students, gradu- ates and instructors. It will be seen, by a recurrence to the circumstances After ism eighty , , , , _ _ . . -, poor young men mentioned above, that after the year 1834, eighty poor win be in school ' ■; ... each year ; twenty young men will be constantly receiving their education in having to teach. the University, twenty of whom will annually graduate — this is repeated here, in order that you may keep constantly in view the importance of the object under consideration. We have thus endeavored, in as plain and concise a Asks candid hear- manner as possible, to exhibit to you the plan which has sons of wealthy ' ,... •in! men wil1 not enter been the sumect of our thoughts, and which, with all due teaching profes- J ° ' ' sion, deference, is now submitted to your better judgment. We trust, however, if the plan should not meet with your ap- probation, you will not entirely condemn it, until after a candid examination of the arguments with which we now proceed to support a measure which is deemed by us of vital importance to the future welfare and respectability of the State. The young men who now receive a liberal education in this State, are generally the sons of wealthy men. Necessity, therefore, does not require, and inclina- tion seldom leads them, to undertake the tedious occupa- tion of "teaching the young idea how to shoot." The con- Native teachers „,'.,.', . . . now jften preach- seqnence of which is, that m most cases, the instructors ers and farmers also. Foreigners m our higher Schools and Academies are composed of unsatisfactory. Clergymen, who have, besides, their pastoral duties to perform, and can not, therefore, devote their time exclu- 406 Plan to Educate Teachers. This plan would furnish many ex- cellent native teachers. Degraded condi- tion of the primary schools. sively to teaching. We recollect, and have now every reason to regret, that our preparatory education was re- ceived under an instructor, who followed the three em- ployments of pastor of a church, farmer and instructor ; and we have reason to believe such "Caleb Quotem" kind of men are found all over the State. In the alternative of not employing a clergyman as instructor, the people are conrpelled to depend upon foreigners, with whose character and qualifications they are entirely unacquainted, and who furnish, by the very circumstance of their being unsettled in their habitation, a prognostic of destitution of character, which too often turns out true. Were the plan of educat- ing twenty young men annually adopted, if they were re- quired to teach for two years — forty, and if the requisition extended for three years, sixty of these young men would be constantly employed in the schools throughout the State. Being natives of the State, depending entirely upon their own exertions for wealth and distinction, and furnished with recommendations according to their qualifications, by the Faculty of the University, the people might be con- stantly furnished with able instructors, under whose care they could confidently place their children. But if we have reason to lament the want of able instructors in the higher schools, with what language shall we express our regret at the degraded condition of the common schools throughout the State. If we visit one of what are, in the language of the country, called "Old Field Schools," we shall find a collection of children, most of whom are at that tender age, when "The mind impressible and soft, with ease Imbibes and copies what she hears and sees, And thro' life's labyrinth holds fast the clew That Education gives here, false or true ;" yet over this interesting little band, we find placed, as pretended guardian of their morals, and assistant of their Plan to Educate Teacheks. 407 first efforts to tread the path of learning, a man, who is distinguished alike for his ridiculous ignorance and vul- garity. Too indolent to obtain support in an active em- condition of the _ , m primary schools ployment, too ignorant to be a proper judge of his quali- * ho " ld j? e ;^?, medied fications, and too vulgar to know what constitutes decency and propriety in conduct — yet this man is he to whom parents are compelled to trust the formation of their chil- dren's character, or suffer them to grow up, their minds wild and uncultivated as the forests around them. Is it not the business of a Legislator to endeavor to alter such a state of things as this ? Shall he, to whom the people have delegated their rights, make no exertion to improve a situa- tion thus degraded ? Certainly none will be backward in pursuing the path that will lead to a reformation, when it is once pointed out to them. (To be concluded in our next.) — Raleigh Register, Oct. 12, 1828. To the Members of the Approaching Session of the Legis- lature of North-Carolina. ( Concluded. ) It was before stated, that the vouno- men who were edu- salary of state > «/ o educated teachers cated out of the fund appropriated for that purpose, should g2oo e a fi ye!r. at be required to teach for such a salary as would be sufficient for their boarding and clothing, say $200. The common salary now paid to a well qualified instructor varies from three hundred to a thousand dollars — it is so much in fact as to prohibit entirely the poorer classes of society from sending their children to the higher schools. Now when the whole amount to be paid would only This low salary ill t-11 W ^' enable every amount to $200, if the expense should be divided among: parent to pay the L " tuition charges, the whole number of emplovers there would be none so P^pg ail on r " ° d •>.' neeVbe^eiected 8 * s ^ ou ^ think it amply sufficient to warrant the adoption by the Legislature of the proposed measure. There can be no doubt that if the system is once properly put in operation, hundreds of young men will annually make application to be admitted into the participation of its benefits. Such being the case, the committee appointed for that purpose could and would select out of the whole number of applicants, twenty who would be of distin- guished talents. — What may we not expect from such young men receiving a liberal education under such cir- cumstances ? In the heat of imagination kindled by the thought, and in the warmth of our zeal for the cause we advocate it seems that we already listen to their bursts of eloquence at the bar of our courts or in our legislative halls, dwell with pleasure on their poetical productions, study their scientific researches, or hear of their patriotic efforts to better the condition of their fellow beings. The system of public education now proposed does not promise us a mere fleeting advantage: it is no momentary glance of sunshine which gilds every object then leaves us in utter darkness — no bubbling effervescence which dies away as soon as it is produced, but like the sun, which daily returns to warm, gladden and support us, its benefits will be as permanent as diffusive. Like the pure fountain which retains its transparency, and continues to bestow its delicious influence on surrounding objects, whether the sun is shining in meridian splendor, or tempests howl in the heavens — so this system, whether political factions shake the government to its centre, or peace sheds its gentle blessings over the land, will continue silently, slowly, but surely to produce its beneficial influence among all the future inhabitants of our State. Plan to Educate Teachers. 411 It niay be asked how young men are to prepare them- state aid for pre- . . T . . paring young men selves for admission into the University? Will it not be to enter University v not needed. required to extend assistance to those who are preparing to enjoy the charity of the State, as those who are already partaking of its benefits \ No, it is answered. Those who have observed the Academies and higher schools in our State, must know that there are many young men who do receive a preparatory education, but those whose j>arents, or those who have supported them thus far, are unable to extend their support through a collegiate course. Here then, the State should step in and lend a helping hand to assist the aspiring youth up the hill of education. If she does not, as is now the case, the young man without that improvement which results from passing through a regular course of education, studies a profession and enters the world as a quack-doctor or pettyfogging lawyer. Let it not be supposed that no one can become an eminent phy- sician or attorney without receiving a collegiate education, is the idea intended to be conveyed. Facts would contra- dict such an assertion. But these eminent men will them- selves admit that they form an exception to a general rule, upon which rule we can alone act with certainty. — What a great advantage then it would be to the State, how ines- timable one to themselves, if the young men who, with such slender qualifications, enter upon the study of one of the learned Professions and drag out a listless life at its tail, should receive a regular education which is the stepping stone to higher attainments in legal, medical, or clerical knowledge. Such, gentlemen, are the considerations on this subject, which it has been thought proper to present to you as legis- lators — as men in duty bound to your constituents, to the State at large, to support these measures which will con- tribute to their welfare. It is known to you, that session Ea ch Legislature after session of the Legislature has passed away for many years without any . . " measure enacted years back, without our berna; able to point to anv measure winch has been of ^ ° r " real benefit to the people. 412 Plan to Educate Teachers. of much real benefit to the State. The Legislature has met, perhaps spent thirty thousand dollars annually — passed .a few private acts — altered some public laws — so that taking all in all we are compelled to admit, however shameful the admission may be, that it would have been as well perhaps, if not better (for then our money would have been saved) had the Legislature not convened for the last ten years. Why have a legislative part of government at all — why not let our Judges decide what may and may not be lawful — if the Legislature does not enter into the liberal consideration of those objects which are calculated to have an important bearing on the happiness and intelli- gence of the people ? We fondly trust however, that you will dispel that listlessness which is satisfied with the name of legislator without possessing any of its true char- acteristics — that you will no longer take part in that politi- cal fraud by which the people are deprived of their money without receiving any real advantage in return — that you will lend your aid in giving dignity to the Legislature, by introducing to its consideration subjects of real impor- waming not to tance and utility. Dispel then the idle fears (if any such heed the voice of , , • \ • c , t , • i the demaggoue. you entertain) concerning your future election, and con- soling yourself with the consciousness of acting properly, and conferring a blessing on the State, resolve to step boldly forward as the advocate of those measures which your own intelligence must inform you will be beneficial to yourselves, your constituents, and the inhabitants of the whole State. , "Great minds, like Heaven, are pleased with doing good, Though the ungrateful subjects of their favor Are barren in return. * * *" We know that large appropriations made by the Legis- lature, for whatever purpose, are often used by political demagogues as bug-bears by which they hope to frighten the people so as to secure their own election. — But we Plan to Educate Teachers. 413 trust there are none such among you — that you are only actuated by those pure motives of patriotism of which none need be ashamed, and which take as their guide the intelligence, prosperity and happiness of the people. There are yet other strong motives to induce vou to Those receiving . . . . " the benefits, of such adopt the measures which it is the object of the present a plan will consider x ox those benefactors communication to propose ; and although these motives wh0 enacted it- concern you more as individuals than as legislators, they are yet consistent with the purest dictates of patriotism. Should you in your wisdom adopt the measure, those who may hereafter derive benefit from it, will look up to you as their benefactors — the page on which the passage of a bill embracing this measure is recorded, will often be re- ferred to, and the names of those who supported the meas- ure deeply imprinted on the memory of those who enjoy its advantages, & by means of which they in future will become the ornaments of their country. "Will it not he a subject of pleasure to you to think, that when death shall have deprived you of any longer participation in the councils of your country, still you will be remembered as one of its benefactors ? Will not your bosom glow with patriotic pride, if, at some future period, you shall hear one of those who received an education by the assistance of your vote in passing the measure now proposed, delight- ing and convincing a Senate by the force of his eloquence or supporting the truths of the gospel with the wisdom and fire of a Paul ? Will it be an object of no considera- tion to you, that not only the present generation, but thousands yet unborn are to receive the happy benefits of your wise legislation, should you support the proposed measure ? Will it be said by you, that it is inconsistent with a patriot's wish, a patriot's duty, to become the means of dispelling the clouds of ignorance which hang over the State, and admitting the lights of education, which would continue to grow brighter and brighter, until their efful- gence would shine on everv inhabitant of the State? 414 Plan to Educate Teachers. It remains for you to decide these momentous questions in a few weeks, and we fondly hope your decision may be such as to reflect honor on yourselves and secure innu- merable advantages to the State for which you legislate. Much more might be said on this interesting subject, and a great many other views taken of it ; but we fear we have already exhausted your patience; if so, we can only plead in excuse, our own zeal on a subject which appears to us so very important.. Oct. 6. S. Note. — In order to render the subject as little intricate as possible, it was thought best to omit in the statements of the payment of the loan, the interest which would ac- crue from the sinking fund, from the time it was appro- priated, at different periods, until it was really paid, in the liquidation of the debt. It may be mentioned here that it amounts to the important sum of $24,000. — Raleigh Register, Oct. 11, 1828. 2. GOV. IREDELL'S MESSAGE 0?f EDUCATION. In June last, I received from, the proper officers of the Treasury department of the United States the sum of twenty-two thousand dollars, the amount of the appropria- tion made by Congress to reimburse what has been ex- pended by this State in purchasing Cherokee reservations. This sum was immediately paid over to the Public Treas- urer, and has been by him transferred to the Literary Fund, according to the provisions of the act establishing that fund. 1 — House Journal, 1828-29, p. 139. 1 This is Gov. Iredell's only reference to education in his message of 1828. 415 3. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS REMEDY FOR EMIGRATION. Question of inter- The subject of opening and improving our outlets to the nal improvements J L ° i o Legislature 6 the ocean, of removing obstructions in our rivers, and of pro- viding, by canals or roads, for the more convenient trans- mission of our produce to market, has so often engaged the attention of the Legislature, that I feel, when I touch upon these topics, all the awkwardness of addressing you upon trite matters. Yet when I look at the situation of our State, I can not forbear urging upon you what has so often elicited the earnest recommendation of my prede- state can not main- cessors. We now occupy, from our population and terri- tam her present . ■*- " ' *■ ± Fmpr^n-h^in- tory, an elevated position among the States of the Union. temai condition. Q ur re i a t| ve ran k can no t be stationary, nor can it be maintained without exertions on our part. Almost every State is calling forth its powers to improve its internal condition. Shall we alone, who have such resources, and who could bring them into action by so small a compara- tive expenditure, shrink from the adoption of the means which are promoting the prosperity of others and leading to their superiority ? Let us, too, press forward in the career of Internal Improvement. Let us, too, leave for the benefit and gratitude of posterity, memorials of that wise policy which consists not in hoarding our money, but in applying it to useful and profitable objects. * * * commerce would It were superfluous to dwell upon the happy effects on increase tenfold; . . . - . . . ,. emigration would our prosperity, which would follow m the tram of a ludi- cease, and popula- , tion and wealth cious system of improvements, faithfullv executed. A would rapidly ad- •' i i u i y ntCTnaiim y p S ro™e° f new ^ e wou ^ be infused into every branch of industry; adopted! 616 01ir agriculture would be relieved from a heavy burthen, which now oppresses it ; our commerce would increase ten fold ; the tide of emigration would be checked ; and our population and wealth would advance with a rapidity equal to our most sanguine desires. Are we not prepared to commence such a system ? Why should we delay ? It 416 Remedy for Emigration. 417 will require much time for its completion, and the neces- sary expenditures will be divided among several years. You will discover, from the Treasurer's report that we Funds now avaiia- have a large available fund, not required for the ordinary t>e issued, expenses of Government, and not otherwise appropriated What this sum can not supply, may be furnished by our credit. Every other State has resorted to loans for a similar purpose. The usual objection to loans, that it burthens posterity with a debt which we have contracted for our own advantage, does not here apply. The benefit will descend to our posterity with the burden, and will be more than a compensation. We are but tenants for life ; the estate will be theirs forever; and it is but just that they should pay the greater part of what we may expend in its permanent improvement. — From Governor James Iredell's Message to Legisla- ture of 1828-29, House Journal, 1828-29, pp. 136 and 137. 27 4. THIRD REPORT OF THE LITERARY BOARD.* To the Honorable the General Assembly of North Caro- lina. The President and Directors of the Literary Fund, in obedience to the requisition of law, respectfully submit the following report. Receipts for the It appears from the report of the Public Treasurer, which has been already submitted to you, that during the last fiscal year the receipts of this corporation have been $35,715.39 And that the disbursements consisting entirely of the purchase of stock in the State Banks of Newbern and Cape Fear have amounted to the sum of 33,640.00 year. Size of the fund. Leaving a balance in cash in the hands of the Public Treasurer on the 1st day Nov. 1828, 2,075.39 To which should be added the balance, due from the late Public Treasurer on the 1st of November 1S27 28,184.32 And the balance of the Agricultural fund on the 1st of November 1828 251.62+ $30,571.33| The amount of the Literary fund therefore on the 1st of November 1828 may be stated as follows : Balance due from the last Public Treasurer. . $28,184.32 Cash in the hands of the present Treasurer. . 2,075.39 Balance of Agricultural fund on 1st Nov. 1828 251.621 1 1 have been unable to find this report in the records of the Liter- ary Board. This report was found among the Legislative documents of 1828. . 418 Report of Literary Board. 419 78 shares of the State Bank stock purchased before the present year at its par value. . . 7,800.00 204 shares of State Bank stock purchased dur- ing the last year, estimated at its par value 20,400.00 141 shares in the Bank of Newbern, estimated as above 14,100.00 50 shares of stock in the Bank of Cape Fear, estimated as above 5,000.00 Showing an aggregate of $77,811. 62-| It will be recollected that the Board in their last annual Nothing lost by the shortage in the report contended and they thought successfully that no treasui r- part of the deficiency in the Treasury should be chargeable to the Literary Fund. However that may be, the anxiety of the Legislature to procure this fund undiminished can not be doubted. The Board respectfully suggest as an easy mode of discharging the balance due to this coloration, which as above stated amounts to $28,184.32, that the Public Treasurer should transfer to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, Bonds now in possession and taken at the sale of the late Treasurer's estate, the principal of which shall amount to that sum. As these bonds bear interest from their date, the Fund by this ar- rangement will sustain little loss from the suspension of so large a portion of its capital during last year. The Board have no other recommendation to make at this time, Fimdwi]lso0Ilbe except to urge a steady perseverance in the plan which is estlbiiAsfhoois. now in operation and which promises at no very distant period to realize the benevolent and patriotic expectations of those with whom it originated. I have to be in behalf of the President and Directors With just consideration, your obedient servant, Jas. Iredell, Pres. Ex-Officio. Raleigh, Dec. 1828. 5. DOMESTIC INDUSTRY AND ECONOMY. Members of next Legislative. — * * On motion of Mr. Jones, of Row- Legislature to wear homespun. an? a resolution has been adopted by the House of Com- mons, recommending to the members of the next Legisla- ture to appear clothed in Homespun, for the purpose of encouraging domestic industry and promoting a spirit of economy in our State. ■ — From Legislative Report, Raleigh Register, Dec. 16, 1828. 420 6. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. Senate : James Mebane, Orange ; Henry. J. G. Ruffm, senate committee. Franklin ; Hardy B. Croom, Lenoir ; Thomas T. Hunt, Granville ; Abner Franklin, Iredell. — Senate Journal, 1828-29, p. 8. House: Josiah McKeil, Chowan; John Pool, Pasquo- House co mm ittee, tank ; Thomas W. Blackledge, Beaufort ; Josiah O. Wat- son, Johnston ; P. B. Pierce, Halifax ; Wm. J. Branch, Franklin ; Luke P. Simmons, Columbus ; William L. Hale, Brunswick ; Thomas Boykin, Sampson ; Malcolm Purcell, Robeson; Nathaniel G. Smith, Chatham; Frederick Nash, Hillsborough ; George C. Mendenhall, Guilford ; William McLean, Cabarrus ; David L. Swain, Buncombe ; Bartlett Shipp, Lincoln. — House Journal, 1828-29, p. 11$. 42] Introduction of the bill in the Senate. 7. SENATOR McFARLAND'S BILL TO EDUCATE POOR CHILDREN. The legislative history of this bill is as follows : Friday, Nov. 21, 1828. — Mr. McFarland 1 presented * * a bill for the education of the poor children of the State of North Carolina ; which bill was read the first time and passed ; and * * was, on motion of Mr. Mc- Farland, referred to the committee on Education, and, on motion of Mr. Alexander 2 , ordered to be printed, one copy for each member of the Legislature. —Senate Journal, 1828-29, p- 9. 'Tryam McFarland, Richmond. 2 Lawson H. Alexander, Cabarrus. Journal record of Committee report. Monday, Dec. 8, 1828. — Mr. Mebane, 1 from the Com- mittee on Education, to whom was referred a bill to pro- vide for the education of the poor children of North Caro- lina, reported the same without amendment, 2 and the bill was made the order of the day for tomorrow. — Senate Journal, 1828-29, p. 38. 1 James Mebane, Orange. 2 This entry on the Senate Journal does not correspond with the written ( unprinted ) report of the committee. The committee recommended the indefinite postponement of the bill. Friday, Dec. 19, 1828. — The Senate entered on the Bill in committee 1 * . , , ... . of the whole. orders oi the day, and proceeded to consider the bill lor the education of the poor children of the State of North Carolina ; when, on motion of Mr. McFarland, the Senate 1 Not taken up on December 9 as first agreed. 422 McFarland's School Bill. 423 resolved itself into a committee of the whole on said bill, Mr. Hinton 2 in the Chair ; and, after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair, and Mr. Hinton reported that the committee of the Whole House had in- structed him to report the bill for the education of the poor children of the State of North Carolina, with an amendment, to-wit : to strike out the first section of the bill. The Senate proceeded to consider the report of the committee of the Whole, and the question to concur in the proposed amendment being stated, on motion of Mr. Bin and amend- cn •■.,•,-. .-n . merits indefinitely Snober," the bill together with the amendment of the com- postponed. mittee of the Whole, was indefinitely postponed. — Senate Journal, 1828-29, p. 70. '■ Charles L. Hinton, Wake. 1 Emanuel Shober, Stokes. In the Senate, Nov. 21st 1828. — Read the first time and clerk's entry on passed and on motion of Mr. MeFarland referred to the Committee on Education, and on motion of Mr. Alexan- der, ordered that it be printed one copy for each member. A Bill for the Education of the Poor Children of _. . „. The bill. North Carolina. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that from and and annualh „ ^ rT . ' " Proceeds of Liter- thereafter, the Public Treasurer shall hand over to the j£g' t £j uld appro " County Trustee of each county in this State the portion of the public money, which may be coming to each of their respective Counties from the Literary Fund, which has been set apart by the Legislature of this State for Educa- tion ; and that each Countv shall be entitled to draw from n , .„ t •j Distributed to said fund an amount agreeable to the population and taxa- tiSttto^opaSStm'" and taxation. 424 McFakland's School Bill. tion of said County ; and on payment to each of these re- spective sums the Treasurer shall take bond with good Security, payable to the Governor, in double the amount paid said Trustee, for the faithful performance of his duty : And further, the Treasurer of this State shall take a receipt for the amount paid to the Trustee of each County, which shall be a good voucher and allowed him in his annual settlement, commissioners to Be it further enacted, that at the first County Court each captain's dis- held in each County in this State after . . . . trict to ascertain • nillln « n n ,~< r^ . number ot poor it shall be the duty of each and every County Court m this children. ** u •* State, and annually thereafter, to appoint two or more discreet persons as Commissioners in each Captain's Dis- trict of said County, whose duty it shall be to ascertain the number of poor children in each of said Captain's district who are without the means of paying for their Education ; and said Commissioners thereon shall sub- scribe or cause to be sent said poor children to any school in five miles distance from the place of residence of said child or children, if the situation will admit ; and it shall commissioners to be the duty of said Commissioners to pay for the tuition pay tuition of poor children. of said children, and take a receipt from the leacher or Trustee of said school or schools for the amount paid; specifying the name of each person and the amount of tuition, and the length of time: and the said Commission- ers, appointed as aforesaid, may call at any time during the year for payment from the Trutsee for the amount which is due them for payment of tuition : Provided said amount does not exceed the amount set apart for each County. commissioners to Be it further enacted, that said Commissioners shall give bond in double the sum, payable to the County Trus- tee, for their faithful performance. Be it further enacted, that no child or persons educated shall be paid for any unreasonable time ; and that no com- missioner shall pay for forwarding the education of any give bond. McFarland's School Bill. 425 person, further than Reading, Writing, English Grammar course of study. and Arithmetic. Be it further enacted, that the amount now on hand, exclusive of Bank or other Stock, shall be divided the ensuing year among each County. And be it further enacted, that the Commissioners' an- Reports to Legis- lature. nual report to the Trustee of their County, and the Trus- tee to the Treasurer, and the same to the Legislature of said State, a full and fair Copy of their proceedings. Committee Report on Above Bill. The Committee to whom was referred "A Bill to pro- Fund t0 ° sma11 - vide for the education of the poor children of North Caro- lina" Report, that they have had this Bill under their consideration, and notwithstanding they approve its pro- visions, yet they are of opinion that the disposable part of the fund denominated the literary fund is at this time, too small to be distributed in the different counties of this State, and produce any valuable effect, they therefore beg leave to return said Bill to the House, and recommend Recommends ' postponement. that the further consideration thereof be postponed in- definitely. Respectfully submitted, James Mebane, Chairman. In Senate December 19th 1828. Taken up and on mo- clerk's entry on . r the bill. tion of Mr. McFarland ordered to be committed to a com- mittee of the Whole House, and reported therefrom bv Mr. Hinton with an amendment, and on motion of Mr. Shober the Bill together with the amendment was post- poned indefinitely. House resolution to require report of funds of the University. Referred to the Committee on Education. House resolution about educating poor children. 8. HOUSE BESOLUTIONS ON EDUCATION. Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1828. — Resolved that the Committee on Judiciary enquire what further provision ought to be made by law in order to make it the duty of the Trustees of the University to make an annual report to the Legis- lature of the State and condition of that institution, the value of any property they may receive from individuals by donation or otherwise, the property either real or per- sonal which they may recover by virtue of the laws now in force vesting certain escheated property in them, how much they have recovered, how much they have sold, what it sold for, in what way they have disposed of it, what property remains on hand in money or otherwise, and that the Committee report by bill or otherwise. 1 The question to concur with the reference of said resolu- tion was disagreed to ; and, on motion of Mr. Fisher, 2 it was referred to the Committee on Education. — House Journal, 1828-29, p. 153. 1 Introduced by Abner N. Vail, of Washington. 2 Charles Fisher, Salisbury. On motion of Mr. Barnhardt, 1 Resolved, That the Committee on Education be in- structed to inquire into the expediency of appropriating a part of the Literary fund for the education of the poor and indigent children in the several counties in this State, and that they report a plan to carry the same into effect ; either by bill or otherwise. -House Journal, 1829-29, p. 196. introduced by John C. Barnhardt, of Cabarrus, Dec. 15, 1828. 426 9. HOUSE REPORT OS EDUCATION. # Saturday, Dec. 27, 1828. — Mr. Nash, 1 from the Judi- Laws sufficient to require reports ciary 2 Committee, to whom were referred certain resolu- fr 9 m University ; " asked to be dis- tions requiring them to inquire what further provision v J^f£\J™tfth&~ ought to he made by law, in order to make it the duty of SJ^^SuaSS?" the trustees of the University to make to the Legislature an annual report of the funds of that institution, and of its situation; and also to inquire into the expediency of appropriating a part of the Literary Fund for the educa- tion of poor and indigent children in this State, reported that the committee, on examining the laws heretofore passed on the subject embraced in the first resolution, find that they are amply sufficient, and that further legislation on the subject is unnecessary; upon the second resolution the committee had turned its attention, and instructed him to ask that they be discharged from the further considera- tion thereof. The question to concur with the report was determined in the affirmative. - — House Journal, 1828-29, p. 1 Frederick Nash, Hillsborough. 2 This is evidently a mistake, as both resolutions were referred to the Committee on Education. ME. NASH'S REPORT. The Committee on Education to whom was referred cer- Xo legislation tain resolutions requiring them to inquire what further reports from Uni- provisions ought to be made by law in order to make it the duty of the trustees of the University to make to the Legislature an annual report of the funds of that institu- tion and of its situation ; and also to enquire into the expediency of appropriating a part of the Literary Fund for the education of poor and indigent children in this State. Having had the same under consideration, report 427 428 Nash's Report. That upon examining several Acts of the General Assem- bly heretofore passed upon the subject embraced in the first resolution, they find that the law has already made ample and sufficient provisions and that no further legis- Literary Fund too lation on the subject is necessary. Upon the second resolu- small to enter on ** " x ofeducItion Ste hope tion ^ e J wou ld report that in their opinion the fund set eonTewhenpoor apart for literary purposes is yet too small to justify the children can be -r • i , " , ■ , ■ -, , • educated. Legislature m entering upon an active and extensive sys- tem of education. They hope that the time may come when those who sit in the seats now occupied by them will have the high gratification of assisting in expelling from our country that moral and intellectual darkness which now broods over it, when the children of the poor and in- digent, shall equally participate with those of the wealthy in all the blessings of Civil Government. This is a sub- ject of deep interest to us all and upon which your Com- mittee have reflected with much anxiety ; — grateful for that portion of education with which they have been fa- voured, they are anxiously desirous that others shall en- joy the same blessing. And while they deplore the neces- sity of still delaying the great and good work, they cor- dially and fervently unite in the prayer that a kind Providence will hasten the time when literary, moral and religious instruction shall pervade our country, — when the portals of science shall be thrown open to the child of the poorest and most indigent of our citizens, — when all shall feel the fostering care of our common country. They pray to be discharged from the further consideration of the sub- jects referred to them. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. Nash, Chm. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1828-29. 10. PROCEEDINGS OF LITEEARY BOARD. A meeting of the President and Directors of the Liter- ary Fund was held at the house of Chief Justice Taylor on the 18th day of September 1828 Present James Iredell, Gov. & Prest. Chief Justice Taylor, ) . Wm. Robards, Treasr. \ The Treasurer reported that he had since the 1st day of investment of r J funds. July last purchased for the Literary Fund one hundred and forty one shares of Newbern Bank Stock at Eighty per cent. Fifty shares of Cape Fear Bank Stock at Eighty per cent and five shares of State Bank Stock at Ninety per cent and that there was still a balance in his hands belong- ing to the Literary Fund and ready to be invested — where- upon it was Resolved that the purchases of stock now re- ported by the Treasurer be confirmed by this Board, and that he be directed to vest in stocks of the said Banks at the rate above mentioned to wit Newbern at Eighty, Cape Fear at Eighty and State Bank at Ninety per cents, the remainder of the money belonging to the Literary Fund or so much as can be vested without detriment to the gen- eral operations of the Treasury of the State. The Board then adjourned. — MS. Records Literary Board. 429 1. X's OPEN LETTER AGAINST SCHOOLS AND INTERNAL IM- PROVEMENTS. 2. DR. CALDWELL ON OPPOSITION TO TAXATION. 3. GOV. OWEN'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 4. KINNEY'S "PLAN OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS." 5. COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 6. McFARLAND'S BILL TO EDUCATE POOR CHILDREN. 7. LOAN ASKED FOR EDENTON ACADEMY. 8. WHAT OTHER STATES ARE DOING FOR COMMON SCHOOLS. 9. NEGLECT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. 430 1. X's OPEN LETTER AGAINST SCHOOLS AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. To the members of the approaching legislature : What need have we of additional Eoads and Canals \ no need of more Have we not enough of them now \ Cannot a man go from ^^trondffioiis place to place, whithersoever he will without obstruction ? fur father^ and what more could he do, were the whole State cut up into roads and by-paths \ * * If a person can not find his way, as things are, let him make use of his tongue and inquire. But we must forsooth have better ways of getting our produce to market. The present accommoda- tions suited well enough our fathers, and they became rich in their use ; and it is quite doubtful if, with greater fa- cilities, we should be any better off an hundred years hence. T trust your wisdom will be, as your wisdom has been here- . tofore, decidedly against innovations and alterations, under the specious disguise of improvements. You will probably be asked, Gentlemen, to render some „ n r J > ' Hopes no assistance little assistance to the University of our State. But I uniVerltv 611 the hope you will strenuously refuse to do this likewise. It is respectfully submitted to the wisdom above mentioned, whether our good old-field schools are not abundantly suffi- cient for all our necessities. Our fathers and mothers Old field schools logged along uncomplainingly without colleges; and long g°° d enough ,;■ no • J ^-° > io«/ o n colleges needed. experience proves them to be very expensive things. The University has already cost the people not a little ; and the good it has accomplished thus far is extremely doubtful ; if I might not rather allege it to have been productive of mischief. College learned persons give themselves great „ , . 1 o & Course of study in airs, are proud, and the fewer of them we have amongst aristocracv d ' s t0 us the better. I have long been of the opinion, and trust you will join me in it, that establishments of this kind are aristocratical in their nature, and evidently opposed to the plain, simple, honest matter-of-fact republicanism, which 431 432 Open Letter Against Schools. ought to nourish among us. The branches of learning cul- tivated in them are, for the most part, of a lofty arrogant and useless sort. Who wants Latin and Greek and ab- struse mathematics in these times and in a country like this ? Might we not as well patronize alchymy, astrology, heraldry and the black art \ * * * In the third place, it is possible, but not very likely I confess, that you may be solicited to take some steps with regard to the estab- The measure to lishment among us of common schools. Should so redicu- establish common . . schools ridiculous, lous a measure be propounded to you, you will unques- Times very hard. , . tionably, for your own interest, as well as that of your constituents, treat it with the same contemptuous neglect which it has ever met with heretofore. Common schools indeed ! Money is very scarce, and the times are unusually hard. Why was such a matter never broached in better schools we now and more prosperous days ? Gentlemen, it appears to me have not all filled. . Too much ado that schools are sufficiently plenty, and that the people about education. „ . have no desire they should be increased. Those now in operation are not all filled, and it is very doubtful if they are productive of much real benefit. Would it not re- dound as much to the advantage of young persons, and to the honour of the State, if they should pass their days in the cotton patch, or at the plow, or in the cornfield, instead of being mewed up in a school house, where they are earn- ing nothing ? Such an ado as is made in these times about Not necessary that education, surely was never heard of before. Gentlemen, every bodv be able T 1 , . . ,, , to read, write and 1 nope you do not conceive it at all necessary, that every- cipher. 7711 • • ■ body should be able to read, write and cipher. If one is to keep a store or a school, or to be a lawyer or physician, such branches may, perhaps, be taught him ; though I do not look upon them as by any means indispensable : but if he is to be a plain farmer, or a mechanic, they are of no plain farmers and mechanics do not manner of use, but rather a detriment. There need no need education. arguments to make clear so self-evident a proposition. Should schools be established by law, in all parts of the State, as at the North, our taxes must be considerably in- Open Letter Against Schools. 433 creased, possibly to the amount of one per cent, and six- pence on a poll ; and I will ask any prudent, sane, saving man if he desires his taxes to be higher ? ******* You will doubtless be told that our State is far behind Makes no difter- her sisters in things of this sort, — and what does this prove ? behind our sister iirii if r states > aDle t0 Merely, that other states are before us ; which is their at- govern ourselves " without reference fair, and not ours. We are able to govern ourselves with- t0 oth ers. out reference to other members of the confederation ; and thus are we perfectly independent. We shall always have because our taxes c d r m J are lighter. reason enough to crow over them, while we have power to say, as I hope we may ever have, that our taxes are lighter than theirs. ******* — X in Raleigh Register, Nov. 9, 1829. 28 2. DK. CALDWELL ON OPPOSITION TO TAXATION. Three centuries As we now are, and with such plans as we now practice, behind in educa- tion and improve- we correspond in public improvements and in popular edu- cation, not with the nineteenth century, but with three cen- turies ago. Can we, as a population, continue to endure a thought like this 2 But it will be asked, What then are the means by which you will prppose to commence a system of internal im- provement '( Have you the intrepidity to recommend tax- ation to a people who hold it in such abhorrence, and on whose nerves of revolting sensibility candidates for the Legislature and for public offices, well know how to strike tones of harmony, at once delightful to the people's ear, and to themselves in consequent assurance of their own No man who op- election. To this question I have but one answer, and poses a moderate tax for improve- there can be only one. To no purpose can that man claim ments can claim to J r r cause friend ° f the t° be a friend of internal improvement, and to the public good, who avows opposition to so moderate a tax as is nec- essary to carry it on. As well might he make pretensions to be my friend, when he sees me without strength and perishing with thirst, while he denies me water in my extreme necessity. Taxation contrary We sometimes hear it asserted, that 'Taxation is contrary to republican . . government a fatal to the genius of a Republican Government.' This is a delusion. ° x radical error, and however captivating to many, he who persuades them of its truth, is but using his efforts to fasten upon them a radical and fatal delusion. It is not the genius of a Republic that no taxes should be raised, but that no tax should be levied except by the people them- selves. To induce the people to give up taxation totally, as though it belonged not to a popular government, is but asking their consent and determination to be tied hand and foot, and to yield themselves without remedy and without hope to every species of adversity. Of this we are now furnishing a most impressive example. * * * 434 Caldwell on Opposition to Taxation. 435 In every nation that would be free, with opportunity to Every man should . . . not hesitate to try have the voice of its people heard, through its constitution to mould public L x ' ° opinion on this and its laws, the voice of the majority must be the supreme c i uestion - law of the land. But while on this point, there can be no doubt, it is equally certain, that in a popular State like ours, every individual not only has the right, but is bound in conscience, so far as he would have an influence in so- ciety, so to modify the public voice, that its decisions may be on behalf of what he sincerely believes to be for the good of his country. We know well that multitudes must egregiously and shamlessly trifle with these subjects both among the people and even in legislative body, to which we ought to look for sober wisdom, and a deep sense of the responsibility which they have voluntarily incurred to their conscience, their country, and to God ; * * * and he who sincerely believes that an opinion of the people is erroneous, and pernicious in themselves, and vet with 1 ' A\ ho the real selfishness and flatterv, seeks by all his artifice and zeal to enemies of the "■ ' <■' people are. plunge them more deeply into error that he may secure their favor, gives incontestable proof of his disqualifica- tion for the trust. * * * - — Dr. Joseph Caldwell before Internal Improvements Convention, Dec. 22, 1829. Published in Raleigh Regis- ter, Feb. Jf, 1830. 3. GOV. OWEJV'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. The University our only school in which we can take any pride. This school needs aid : the Literary Fund might be loaned to the trustees. The enlightened liberality of the f ramers of our Consti- tution, and the Legislature of an early day, have done much for the cause of learning, by establishing an institu- tion in the center of our State, in which the higher branches of science are taught as successfully as in any similar institution in our country, and is the only monu- ment of learning within the State of North Carolina, to which the eye of the stranger or the citizen patriot may be directed, with any emotions of pride and patriotism. It will at once be understood that my allusion is to our Uni- versity. Much remains however to be done, towards per- fecting and giving permanency to this institution ; and its situation at this time calls more loudly for legislative inter- position and patronage, than at any former period of its existence. Its funds which promise at some future day to be equal to its necessities, are yet locked up beyond the reach of those, to whose guardianship it has been com- mitted by the Legislature ; and this institution, proudly claimed by some of our most distinguished citizens as their alma mater, is permitted to languish, for the means which it is deemed within the power of the Legislature to fur- nish, without injury or even hazard to the State. A con- siderable sum of money which has been appropriated to the establishment of a Literary Fund, has not yet been in- vested in any of the banks of the State, and the commis- sioners charged with its management, have determined to purchase no more bank stock. It is then respectfully sub- mitted to the Legislature, how far it may be advisable, and whether it is not within the legitimate object of the Legis- lature which created this fund, to authorize the commis- sioners to loan to the trustees of the University from time to time, anv part or the whole of the monies thus appro- priated, which have not been applied to the purchase of 436 Gov. Owejs ox Education. 437 stock, taking their bond with such interest as may be agreed upon, or fixed by the Legislature, for the repayment of the same. The importance of preserving in a flourishing condition Advantages of 1 L ° ° having the Um- such a seminary within our own borders, is obvious. It versit >'- prevents a large amount of money from being disbursed abroad and among strangers — our young men are saved from forming prepossessions in favor of foreign seminaries and foreign manners — they are enabled to study with more effect the political institutions of the State — imbibe a greater reverence for whatever is good and virtuous among ourselves — and avoid a prejudice against that state of so- ciety which we now have in the Southern States, and which must be, much as we may deprecate it, coexistent with th>° Union. The influence of early education upon the well being of lm ortanee of society, and upon the present and future happiness of the early educatl0n - human race is admitted by every enlightened nation of the earth; and the responsible duty of disseminating it, devolves with peculiar force upon the statesman and legis- lator. So completely is the formation of character under its control, that every effort should be made to direct the virtuous energies of the mind, both by moral and intel- lectual education, into paths of usefulness. And that the standard, both of learning and virtue, may be more ele- vated, a system of public education should be adopted, by which the thousands of the rising generation in our State, who seem doomed to a life of ignorance, if not of folly and vice, without the fostering care of the Legislature, shall be able to acquire knowledge of the most useful kind — their tender minds trained to a love of order and virtue — and where industry and a reverence for the laws, shall be duly inculcated. In the present enlightened a°;e of the world, when the ... 1 ° o 7 \\ e ought no favorite schemes of the philanthropist throughout the p""?^ aifw/th habitable globe, seems to be the bountiful distribution of StiS eansofedu " 438 Gov. Owen on Education. The subject of education often brought to the attention of the Legislature. Kinney's plan. What other States are doing. knowledge, wheiever there is human intellect to receive it; and under the improved modes and methods of instruction, which have been introduced into the primary schools both of Europe and America, contributing so much to the ease with which elementary learning may be acquired, let us no longer permit the youth of our State, to launch upon the ocean of life, ttiere to shape their course without at least, the rudiments of science. In proportion to the ease with which an education may be acquired in other countries and the facilities afforded by their governments for this purpose, so should we feel its importance among ourselves : and with an enlightened wisdom, peculiarly characteristic of the present age, should North Carolina attest her belief in these principles by a liberal provision for the education of her children, until the development of intellect and the establishment of truth shall have placed us equally above the reach of civil tyr- anny, and ecclesiastical usurpation. The vast importance of this subject, has frequently claimed for it the considera- tion of the Legislature — and a report upon it by some of the most distinguished citizens of the State, under a reso- lution of the Legislature of 1824, will be found among the archives of the State. Accompanying this communication will also be found a plan for the establishment of primary schools in North Carolina, submitted by a gentleman 1 whose opportunities for observing the practical operation of the public schools of the northern States, entitle his opinions to influence, and the benevolence of the attempt to adapt them to the peculiar situation of his adopted State, will secure to him the gratitude of its citizens. T have also been enabled to procure and herewith trans- mit you, an account of the common schools in New Jersey, and the School system of New York, Connecticut, Khode, Tsland. Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. These several documents are believed to contain 1 Charles R. Kinney. Gov. Owen on Education. 439 the fullness of information upon this most interesting sub- ject, calculated to shed all necessary light on the path of the Legislature, in regulating this important branch of our public economy. — House Journal, 1828, pp. 1J/-7-1J/.8. 4. KINNEY'S " PLAN OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS." importance of ^ e vas ^ importance of a general dissemination of edu- ted^howto obtain cation is so universally admitted as to require no comment. question now.' 1 The only question of difficulty is how to attain the object. The plan 1 propose has for its object only common schools, in which shall be taught the ordinary branches, such, of course, as would tit a man for mercantile pursuits. And, indeed, I think such information more immediately neces- sary in our State than further endowments of the univer- North Carolina has sit 7- In proportion to our population, I suppose, this graduatesasany State can number as many of collegiate education as any State except one ; ,i tt • *j.i n j.i j. 1 £ o j-i common schools one in the Union with perhaps the exception of bouth llG f° r another year — perhaps for posterity. It is hoped that none of those elected, will be insensible to the obligations attached to their responsible situations. Not knowing now, of course, who the members of the next Legislature will be, we cannot be accused of personalities, as we hope we shall not be, of proscription, when we say to the Representatives, no matter who they may be, that they — the chosen depositories of the rights and happiness of free Republicans — the citizens of a Government found- ed on the virtue and intelligence of the people^ — are under solemn and imperious moral and political obligations 1 — ■ from which nothing will discharge them, but the faithful and honest performance of their duty — to provide means of instruction to all ranks and classes of our white popu- lation ; and that as soon as they are qualified for the dis- 454 Establishment of Schools Urged. 455 charge of their legislative duties, they are bound by the most solemn and awful obligation — a voluntary OATH — to support and sustain the University. The Constitution of ISTorth-Carolina, which every mem- The constitution ber of the Legislature takes oath to support, when he University be ... supported. qualifies, declares "that one or more Universities shall be established." This is no unmeaning provision. It is re- plete with wisdom, patriotism, benevolence, obligation. The Sages, Patriots and Statesmen who framed our State Constitution, had just then thrown off their allegiance to the British Crown ; they were devising a plan of Govern- ment for a community of independent Freemen ; they were aware that much of the stability of the Government, and much of the happiness of the people depended upon the cultivation of the public mind. Hence they made it a Constitutional duty in the Legislature to establish "Uni- versities." Nov does the obligation cease with the mere act of incorporating Trustees ; it extends with full force, and with unceasing application, to the endowing said Uni- versities with such ample funds, as are requisite for effect- ing this Constitutional provision. No member of the Leg- islature of North Carolina therefore, can discharge his duty, or comply with the solemn obligations of his oath, if he refuses or neglects to endow the University with such funds, as the resources of the State, and the wants of the Institution, warrant and demand, for carrying into full and complete operation the intentions of the wise and beneficent framers of the Constitution. —Raleigh Register, Aug. 16, 1830. 3. NORTH CAROLINA URGED TO FOLLOW TENNESSEE IN SCHOOL LEGISLATION. Plan of public edu- A late Tennessee paper contains the act passed by the cation in Tennes- ein l • iti see outlined. Legislature oi that State, at its last session, to establish a system of Common Schools, and to appropriate the School Funds of that State. This act provides that the several County Courts shall annually appoint a Commissioner in each Captain's Company, who shall meet at their Respec- tive Regimental Muster Grounds on a certain day, for the purpose of dividing said Regiment into School Districts of convenient size, taking down the heads of families in each district on separate sheets of paper, which shall be given to a Justice of the Peace residing in each District (or should there be none to some other suitable person) who shall after giving ten days public notice, cause to be elected five trustees, all persons voting who vote for mem- bers of the General Assembly. Such trustees to organize themselves, by choosing a Chairman, Clerk and Treasurer ; and the Chairmen of the several districts in each county are to meet at the Courthouse on the first Saturday of June annually, for the purpose of choosing not less than five nor more than seven Common School Commissioners for said county, who are to appoint a Clerk, who shall also be Treasurer. They are to have control of all moneys, etc. — said Commissioners to meet semi-annually. — They shall apportion the annual School Fund amongst the sev- eral School Districts, (which shall be entitled to a share by having provided a comfortable school house in such district) in proportion to the number of children of both sexes between the ages of five and fifteen years. The Trustees of each district to give bond to said Commission- ers that the money which they receive shall be faithfully applied to the support of a Free School. Each of the trustees to keep open a subscription paper, and solicit and receive donations in support of the school. The Trustees 456 North Carolina Urged to Follow Tennessee. 457 of each School District are constituted a body politic and corporate and have the full power to employ and dismiss Teachers. The School Commisisoners shall number the School Districts in each county and divide them into five equal parts, and assign to each, one of said divisions, who shall visit them, at least once a year, and report to the Secre- tary of State annually on or before the 1st of September. — The Trustees of each District are also to report the state of the School under their direction to the School Commissioners. — It is made the duty of the Trustees of the several School Districts, as far as practicable, to induce all children within the district under the age of 15 years, to be sent to School, making no distinction between rich and poor. This is a mere outline of the plan — the Act itself will Tins state ought to *- _ provide tor the be preserved and shown to such as wish 10 see it. And we children of ail her F citizens. trust, since Tennessee, the child of North Carolina, has carried into effect this important provision for the Educa- tion of the Children of all her citizens, we shall not longer neglect this paramount duty, urged upon us by that sacred instrument, our Constitution. ■ — Raleigh Register Editorial, Jidy 29, 1830. 4. GOV. OWEN'S MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. Education one of greatest objects of legislation. Criminals usually ignorant ; vice, irreligion and pov- erty due to igno- rance. Objects of education. The object of all our legislation is the happiness of our citizens, and in furtherance of this object, I would particu- larly invite your attention to the education of our youth, the internal improvement of the State, and the regulation of the circulating medium, as the three great and leading subjects, which should claim your attention at the present session. * * * The importance of a general diffusion of knowledge is universally admitted ; nor is it any longer pretended that learning is unfavorable to morals, or injurious to the best interests of a nation. On the contrary, our own experi- ence as a nation, and the history of the world prove to us, that most of those who are condemned to the just punish- ment of malefactors under the laws of a Christian com- munity, are the exceedingly ignorant, who have been hur- ried into acts of violence, or seduced into excess, by the example of a few, whose situation from fortuitous circum- stances affords them a passport to luxury, and to criminal indulgence. If then it be true that the vice, irreligion, and consequent poverty and misery of a large portion, of our fellow citizens are to be attributed to their intellectual condition, are these not indispensable considerations to the virtuous legislator ? The benevolent designs of the philanthropist, and the particular plans of the political economist to promote the general diffusion of education, are mere instrumental expedients in the hands of the legislator ; and without the aid of the strong arm of gov- ernment, must fall "still born," and prove ineffectual for raising the ignorant from their degraded condition. The object of education is to train the young to usefulness, and to fit them for that station, which they are to assume in after life among freemen. Without a proper cultiva- tion of the moral and intellectual faculties, this end can never be attained — these artificial helps have ever been 458 Gov. Owen on Education. 459 found to suffice. Whilst other members of this great confederacy have been appropriating millions for the gen- eral concern of literature, and establishing schools for the education of their youth, thereby enabling them to keep pace with the enlightened age in which we live, has there not been a manifest dereliction of duty on the part of those who have been entrusted with the regulation of the political economy of North Carolina, that in all its bounds there North Carolina is never has been established a single institution for gratui- states. tons instruction, even in the elementary branches of edu- cation ? Fellow Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Commons, should this be so ? and will you permit it any longer to be the case ? Have we not resources approach- ing almost to immensity lavished upon us % And if they are not properly applied, is it not time to raise a protesting voice against a species of economy, which has so long kept our so-caiied econ- the poor in ignorance, and the State in poverty? Fully poor in ignorance 7, , . . , „ , , . ,. , , \ and the State in sensible of the arduous nature ot the duties which devolve poverty. upon the Legislature — of the difficulty of reconciling the views even of those most friendly to the establishment of primary schools for the instruction more particularly of the poor, we may yet be consoled by the reflection, that the path is not an untried one, but has led other Legisla- tures to the happiest results, by ameliorating the condition of society, establishing correct habits, morals and religion, always under the dominion of education — and these are the only sure conservators of the government under which we live. In the archives of the State, you have abundant materials from which to compile a system for North Caro- lina, for the gratuitous public instruction of the youth of the State. If, in such a system, it be necessary to tax Tax on the rich for the wealthy for the benefit of the poor, it is in the nature iepoorjus of things that it should be so, and it should be recollected that it is the latter, who are oftener called on to fight the battles of their country. The University of the State should, in connection with pi ea for aid to the primary schools, also claim the fostering care of the Legis- 460 Gov. Owen on Education. lature. For this institution, spacious buildings have been erected, extensive and valuable libraries have been col- lected, costly chemical and philosophical apparatus have been procured, by which the professors are enabled to com- municate instruction in the elevated branches of learning and science with more ease ; and these have been effected in no small degree by private contribution. After having struggled through many years for a precarious existence, until it has attained to a lofty eminence among the col- leges of our country, the trustees are reduced to the neces- sity of abandoning it altogether, or of turning it over to the Legislature of our country. The last alternative has been adopted. To you, many of whom have received your dearest and most valuable inheritance within its conse- crated walls, they are about to surrender their trust ; and with that, "this child of the constitution," which, if cher- ished as it should be, must become the great moral engine of supplying the halls of our Legislature, the Bench, the Pulpit, and the Bar, with that learning and talent, which, without it, will be looked for in vain from other j)arts of the State, and must be supplied from abroad. There can be no better test of the enlightened wisdom of a nation, than the extent and sufficiency of its provision for the mental and moral instruction of its children, and we can never hope to establish for North Carolina, an elevated standard of education, or even of social and national virtue, until the principles of correct education, and their influ- ence upon society, shall have been known, acknowledged and practiced among ourselves. Is there not a constitu- tional injunction on the subject of education, and this too, founded on the belief (to use no stronger term) that a system of general education, is indispensable to a system of general morality, and that from these alone, we can hope to perpetuate the free institutions of our country. — House Journal, 1830-81, pp. 157 and 158. 5. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES OX EDUCATION. Wm. M. Sneed, Granville ; Try am McFarland, Rich- senate committee, mond ; Wm. D. Moseley, Lenoir ; Clement Marshall, An- son; Collen W. Barnes, Northampton. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. lJf.. Samuel T. Sawyer, Edenton; Uriah W. S wanner, Wash- House committee. ington ; James A. Chesson, Washington; Charles G. Speight, Newbern ; Xathan B. Bush, Jones ; Wm. K. Frederick, Duplin ; John P. Gauze, Brunswick ; Thomas Hill, iSTew Hanover ; Archibald Monk, Sampson ; William Branch, Franklin ; William Clark, Pitt ; James T. Haley, Northampton ; A. Weaver, 1 Guilford ; Philip Irion, Rock- ingham ; William H. Phillips, Hillsborough ; Daniel M. Barringer, Cabarrus ; Joseph Allison, Orange ; Mordecai Fleming, Surry. —House Journal, 1830-31, p. 167. 1 Amos Weaver was later deprived of his seat in the House of Com- mons on the ground that he was. at the time of his election, a min- ister of the Methodist church, and ineligible to a seat in the Legisla- ture, under section 31 of the State Constitution. The history of the case may be found in House Journal, 1830-31, pp. 170, 171, 184, 191. 461 6. McFARLAND'S BILL TO EDUCATE POOR CHILDREN. Bin introduced. Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1830. — Mr. McFarland presented a bill to provide for the education of the poor children in the State of North Carolina ; which was read the first time and passed, and, on motion of Mr. McFarland, ordered to be referred to the committee on Education. ■ — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 19. Bm similar to otn- By Mr. McFarland, a bill to provide for the education ers by McFarland. „ , ., , , -, o, , P -at r^ t rmi oi poor children m the State oi JN. Carolina. [Ihe pro- visions of this bill are precisely similar to those contained in the bill presented at the last two or three sessions, on this subject.] — Raleigh Register Report of Proceedings of Senate, Wednesday, Nov. 2k, 1830, in issue of Dec. 2, 1830. provisions of Legislature. — In the Senate, on Wednesday, the 24th McFariand-sbiii. ultim0j Mr M'Farland introduced a bill to provide for the education of the poor children of this State ; which was read the first time, passed and referred to the commit- tee on Education. The provisions of the bill are briefly these: That so soon as the literary fund shall amount to a sum deemed adequate for the purpose, that the interest arising therefrom shall be paid over by the Public Treas- urer to the county trustees of the several counties in the State, in sums proportioned to the population and taxation of the same, to be by them applied to the education of those only whose parents or guardians are absolutely desti- tute of the means of paying their tuition; and such alone as have no visible property are to be entitled to the pro- visions of the bill ; and their children are not to be ad- vanced in their education beyond reading, writing, Eng- lish Grammar and Arithmetic. For carrying these pro- visions into operation, the County Courts in each county 462 McJTakland's School Bill. 463 are to appoint two commissioners, to ascertain the number and enrol the names of such poor children, and enter them in the ordinary way to some school within a reasonable distance of their places of residence; to give the teacher or trustees of the school a certificate, shewing the names and number of scholars thus subscribed, which shall be paid by the county trustee. — The Star, Dec. 2, 1830. Friday rDec. 24, 1830.— Mr. McFarland, from the com- Adverse committee ' . -, n . , r .-,-. report: bill laid on mittee ona Lducation, to whom was referred a bill to pro- the table. vide for t^le education of the poor children of this State, made a report thereon, expressing the opinion that it is inexpedient at this time to pass the said bill into a law; and, on motion of Mr. McFarland, ordered that the bill and report be laid upon the table. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 88. Saturday, Jan. 1, 1831. — On motion of Mr. McFar- Senate committee land, ordered that the committee on Education and Pri- discharged. 011 mary Schools be discharged during the present session. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, y. 120. 7. ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS ON EDUCATION. Thursday, Eov. 28, 1830. — On motion of Mr. Monk 1 : Resolved, That the committee on Education be instruct- House inquiry . . . , about establishing ed to inquire into the expediency ol appropriating the interest of the literary fund to the education of indigent children, and that they report by bill or otherwise. ■ — House Journal, 1830-31, p. 167. New Hanover me- morial on schools. Aid to University and other schools from Literary Fund. 1 Archibald Monk, Sampson. Thursday, Dec. 9, 1830.— Mr. Thomas Hill, | t '-jh leave, presented the memorial 1 of sundry citizens of l.i w Han- over county, upon the establishment of common schools ; which was read, and, on motion of Mr. Hill, referred to the committee on Education. — House Journal, 1830-31, p. 206. 1 This memorial couicl not be found among the Legislative papers of this year. Thursday, Dec. 9, 1830. — The following resolution, of- fered by Mr. Pearson 1 , was read and adopted: Resolved, That the committee on the University be in- structed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a Board of Commissioners, to be denominated the Commis- sioners of Education, who shall have the entire manage- ment of the finances of the University, and such common schools as may be established ; and the expediency of grant- ing to the University the aid which its situation at present requires, on condition that the trustees will convey to said commissioners all the funds of the University, which, to- gether with the literary fund, shall constitute a general fund for education, out of which the University and such other schools as may hereafter be established by the State, are to be supported. — House Journal, 1830-31, pp. 206-207. 1 R. M. Pearson, Rowan. 464 Resolutions on Education. 465 Resolved that the Committee on Education and Primary McFariand'sreso- Schools be instructed to inquire into the present situation into condition of Literary Fund and of the Literary Fund. As to the amount of said fund, the propriety of a _ loan to the Uni- How invested and the time of investment. The amount v ersity. of cash on hand, and as to the propriety of loaning any part of said fund to the trustees of the University. Also as to the propriety of appropriating to said fund any stock or funds of the State which are not set apart for any specified object, in order speedily to carry into effect the laudable purpose for which it was intended. That they report the same to this Legislature 1 . In Senate 13th Dec. 1830. Read and agreed to. In Senate 1st Jan. 1830. Read and the Committee thereof discharged from the further consideration thereof, resolution. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 58. 1 Introduced by Tryam McFarland, of Richmond. Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1830. — Mr. McFarland presented Resolution t0 use the following resolution, viz. plyKSp^k Resolved, That the Public Treasurer be authorized to use any part of the Literary Fund (should it be necessary) for the payment of contingent charges of government, and the redemption of Treasury notes for the ensuing year ; and that he refund the said amount to the Literary Fund, and report the same in his annual report. Which was read, and, on motion of Mr. McKay 1 , ordered to be laid upon the table. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 111. 1 James J. McKay, Bladen. Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1831. — The resolution authorizing the Treasurer to use any part of the Literary Fund, was taken up, on motion of Mr. McFarland, read the first time and passed. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 135. 30 Passes first reading. 46b' Resolutions on Education. indefinitely post- j an . 5 1831. — The resolution authorizing the Public poned. ° Treasurer to use the Literary Fund, if necessary, was read the second time, and, on motion of Mr. Skinner 1 , ordered to be indefinitely postponed. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 138. 1 Henry Skinner, Perquimans. 8. INEXPEDIENT TO APPROPRIATE SCHOOL FUND. Friday, Dec. 17, 1830. — Mr. Sawyer 1 , from the corn- House resolves not _ . . , , . to establish mittee on Jiducation, instructed to inquire into the expedi- schools. ency of appropriating the interest of the Literary Fund to the education of indigent children, reported that it is not expedient at this time to make the contemplated appropriation, and prayed to be discharged from the fur- ther consideration of the subject. The report was con- curred in. —House Journal, 1830-31, p. 221. 1 Samuel T. Sawyer, Edenton. 467 Resolution to replace shortage in Literary Fund. 9. McFARLAND'S BILL TO INCREASE LITERARY FUND. Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1830. — Mr. McFarland, from the committee on Education and Primary Schools, to whom was referred a resolution instructing them to inquire into the present state of the Literary fund, made a report thereon, accompanied by the following resolution, viz. Resolved, That the public Treasurer be authorized to transfer to the Literary fund, the sum of twenty-eight thousand one hundred and eighty-four dollars thirty-two and a half cents, and all interest that has or may accrue on said sum, it being an amount due from the late Treas- urer John Haywood. Which being read, was, on motion of Mr. Wilson 1 , or- dered to be laid upon the table, and on motion of Mr. Mc- Farland, ordered that the report be printed, one copy for each member of the Legislature. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 81. 1 Louis D. Wilson, Edgecombe. Passes Senate. On motion of Mr. McFarland, the resolution concerning the Literary Fund was taken up, read and adopted, and ordered to be engrossed. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 91. Bin introduced. Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1830. — Mr. McFarland presented a bill for the promotion of the Literary Fund ; which was read the first time and passed. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 82. Fees for attorney's licenses to go to Literary Fund. A Bill for the further promotion of the Literary Fund. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, 468 McFaeland's Bill to Increase School Fund. 469 that all tax fees paid by attorneys for Licenses in the different Counties of the State, shall be paid the Clerk of the County in which such license is obtained, and the amount so collected by said Clerk shall be paid over to the Publick Treasurer of the State as other publick monies, and by him applied to the Literary Fund, and the sum shall constitute a part of the capital stock of said fund, any law to the contrary not withstanding 1 . — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1830-1. In Senate 22nd. Dec. 1830. Read the first time, and passed. In Senate 5th. Jan. 1831. Read the second time and bhi fails, on motion of Mr. Meares 2 , ordered to be indefinitely post- poned. — See Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 138. 1 Introduced by Tryam McFarland, Richmond. 2 William B. Meares, of New Hanover. 10. MONK'S BILL TO INCREASE THE LITERARY EUND. Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1830. — Mr. Monk 1 , with leave, House bill intro- •> ' ' ' ' duced and rejected. p resen ted a bill to increase the Literary Fund; which was read the first time and rejected. — House Journal, 1830-31, p. 231. A Bill to increase the literary fund. The bill ; certain Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Literary Fundf ° North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that seven Hundred and four shares of the stock owned by the State in the Bank of Cape Fear, and three Hundred and fifty nine shares of the stock owned by the State in the Bank of JSTewbern be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart to the literary fund. — Unpublished Documents, 1830-1. Archibald Monk, Sampson. 470 11. LOAN ASKED FOR OXFORD ACADEMY. Saturday, Dec. 18, 1830. — Mr. O'Brien presented the Mnnn \ . , J ' L 83,000 asked from memorial of sundry citizens of Granville county, praying Literar y Fund - a loan out of the literary fund, of the sum of three thou- sand dollars, to aid the Literary and Military Academy at Oxford ; which was read and referred to a select commit- tee, consisting of Messrs. O'Brien, Gary, Jones, A. W. Wooten, and Bush 1 . — House Journal, 1830-81, p. 228. 1 Spencer O'Brien, Granville; Roderick B. Gary, Northampton; John F. Jones, Carteret; Allen W. Wooten, Lenoir; Nathan B. Bush, Jones. Friday, Dec. 23, 1830.— Mr. O'Brien, from the select Committee make committee to whom was referred the memorial in relation favorable report, to the Oxford Military Academy, leported a resolution in favor of Daniel H. Bingham, authorizing a loan out of the literary fund of $3,000 ; which was read the first time and passed. —House Journal, 1830-31, p. 235. Saturday, Jan. 1, 1831. — The resolution in favor of Loan fails. Daniel H. Bingham was read the second time, amended, and, on Mr. Blair's 1 motion, indefinitely postponed. — House Journal, 1830-31, p. 259. 1 George Blair, Chowan. 471 12. BILL TO COLLECT SCHOOL STATISTICS. Bill introduced. Tax listers to gather school sta- tistics ; number not attending school and adult illiterates to be ascertained. Report to the Governor by county clerks. Compensation. Thursday, Dec. 23, 1830.— Mr. Thomas Hill 1 presented a bill to collect information relative to schools in the several counties in this State ; which was read the first time and passed. — House Journal, 1830-31, p. 23k. A Bill to collect information relative to schools in the several Counties of this State. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of JSTorth Caro- lina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of each and every person ap- pointed in the several Counties in this State to take the lists of taxable property during the month of July next to collect information relative to the number of schools in the districts for which they may be respectively appointed, the number of scholars attending each school, the different branches of education taught therein, the number of chil- dren in their respective districts who from any Cause do not possess the opportunities of acquiring a Common English education, and the number of adults who are ignorant of the Common branches of education, and return all such information to the Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the Counties in which they re- spectively reside. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of each and every Clerk of the Court aforesaid to transmit all such information as he may receive in manner aforesaid to- gether with such other information as they may derive from authentic sources relative to the aforesaid subject to the Governor of the State who shall lay the same before the General Assembly at the next annual session. And be it further enacted that the clerks of the several Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in this State shall 1 New Hanover. 472 Bill to Collect School Statistics. 473 each be allowed the sum of one dollar for making the re- turns as in this act directed. — Unpublished Documents, 1830-1. Tuesday, Dec. 28, 1830.— The bill to collect inform a- Bm fails t0 p** tion relative to schools in the several counties in this State, was read the second time, and, on motion of Mr. Edmon- ston 1 , postponed indefinitely. — House Journal, 1880-31, p. 2J h 6. "■ Ninian Edmonston, Haywood. 13. LITERARY FUND RECEIPTS 1830. The balance of cash remaining in the Treas- urer's hands unexpended, to the 1st of November, 1829, as reported to the Gen- eral Assembly of that year $17,029 . 24£ Receipts from the first of November, 1829, to the first of November, 1830, consists of the following items: Cash for entries of vacant lands $6,636.00 Tavern tax 2,782 . 66 Auction tax 394. 12 $9,812.78 Cash received of State Bank of N. C, dividend on 282 shares of stock belong- ing to this fund, at 3 per centum, for 12 months ending with December, 1829. . . . 846.00 Ditto State Bank of North Carolina, divi- dend on the above shares of stock, at 2 per centum, for 6 months ending with June, 1830 564.00 Ditto Bank of Cape Fear, dividend on 50 shares of stock belonging to this fund, for 6 months ending 1st January, 1830, at 2 per centum 100. 00 Ditto Bank of Cape Fear, dividend on 704 shares of stock, at 2 per centum, for 6 months ending 1st January, 1830, which is appropriated to this fund 1,408.00 Ditto Cape Fear Navigation Company, dividend on the shares of stock belonging to the State, and money expended, as de- clared by the said company, and payable Januarv, 1830 392 . 86 Aggregate amount 30,152 . 88-J 474 Literary Fund Receipts. 475 Agricultural Fund 1,218 . 64 Cash received from judgments obtained against Clerks and Clerks and Masters, and on returns made by them to the first of November, 1830 $1,529.67 Deduct disbursements during the period, for which vouch- ers have been delivered to Comptroller and allowed... 311.03 Total amount of receipts $31,371,524 — From Treasurer's Report to Legislature^ 1830. 14. DISBUBSEMENTS OF STATE TBEASUEY 1830. General Assembly $39,927 . 52 Executive Department 2,300.00 Treasury Department 2,000 . 00 Department of State 1,122 . 00 Comptroller's Department 1,000.00 Adjutant General's Office 200 . 00 Public Printers 900.00 Judiciary 24,567 . 00 Sheriffs for settling taxes 1,013 . 15 Congressional Elections 93 . 32 Repairs of State House 1,111 . 53 Public Library 100 . 00 State Bank of N. C, interest on deferred payment 3,356 . 24 Pensioners 930 . 00 Governor's House 13 . 10 Stock in Roanoke Navigation Company. . . 9,500.00 Treasury Notes burnt, session 1829 19,971 .85^ Money burnt 123 . 20 Contingencies 6,081 . 30 Wm. M. Sneed, agent appointed by the Governor under the resolution of 1829, to adjust and liquidate the claim of the State against the United States 1,000.00 Bogue Banks 59 . 10 Total $115,369 . 37| -From Treasurer' s Report to Legislature, 1830. 476 15. SLAVES MUST NOT BE TAUGHT TO BEAD AND WBITE. Committee on Slavery and Free Persons of Color, senate committee. William B. Meares, New Hanover ; AVilliam Montgomery, Orange ; Richard D. Speight, Craven ; Marshall Dickin- son, Pitt; Louis D. Wilson, Edgecombe. Thomas Hill, New Hanover; Robert McAfee, Ruther- House committee, ford; William Wadsworth, Moore; Josiah Holder, John- ston; D. M. Barringer, Cabarrus. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, pp. 1^-15. Dec. 1, 1830. — Mr. Meares, from the joint select com- Titles of wiis re- mittee, to whom was referred so much of the Governor's yent"iaveTfroni re , , i i • ■ e e being taught to message as relates to slaves and the situation oi tree per- read and write. sons of colour in this State, made a detailed report thereon, accompanied by the following bills, to wit : A bill to pre- vent the gaming of slaves, and to prevent free persons from gaming with them or suffering them to game in their houses ; a bill to prevent the circulation of seditious jmblications and for other purposes ; a bill to prevent slaves from attending muster or election grounds on the days of muster or election ; a bill to prevent all persons from teaching slaves to read or write, figures excepted ; a bill to reinact a part of the first section of an act. passed in the year 1787, chapter 11th, entitled an act for hiring out persons on indictment or presentment, not be- ing able or willing to pay the fees of office and jailor's fees ; a bill to amend the several laws in this State con- cerning slaves and free negroes ; and a bill to regulate the emancipation of slaves ; which bills were severally read the first time and passed. — Senate Journal 1830-31, p. 33. The joint select Committee, to whom was referred so The report. 477 47S Slaves Must ISTot be Taught to Read. Combination to excite slaves. Plans to subvert slave relations formed. much of the Governor's Mesage, as relates to slaves and free persons of Colour — Report, That after as careful an examination into facts, as time and circumstances would permit, they are satisfied, an extensive combination now exists to excite in the minds of the slaves and coloured persons of this, and the other slave holding States, feelings and opinions sub- versive of good order, and utterly incompatible with the relation in which we stand towards that class of our popu- lation. Your Commitee are fearful, impressions have already been made which will not easily be effaced : and that under the delusion of these impresions, designs have been cer- tainly contemplated, and perhaps plans actually formed, to subvert the relation of master and slave. To such a state of things your committee cannot look, but with feel- ings of horror more easily conceived, than expressed. The actual detection of the circulation of the incendiary publi- cation, (a copy of which is transmitted to this Legisla- ture) and the accidental but partial discovery of designs, perhaps not fully developed or digested, which have been entertained by some slaves at points of the State remote from each other, together with the disclosure of facts rela- tive to those designs, leave no doubt on the minds of your Committee, that the time has arrived when it becomes the bounden duty of the Legislature, from which it would be criminal to shrink, to act with firmness and decision in so regulating our police, as will insure our own safety, and duly punish all attempts to invade it. "It is fruitless to complain of the relation between Master and Slave." It is a state of things thrown upon us, not by our own con- sent ; an evil which it is impossible at present, to remedy, and which we must therefore guard with all those barri- ers which stern policy may dictate. In the condition of slavery there can be no medium state. Submisison and obedience must be absolute and unconditional, or slavery Slaves Must Not be Taught to Read. 479 must cease. And, when we observe the radical difference between the ideas, the deportment and habits of the slaves of the present day, and those of twenty years since, we are led justly to fear, that unless some change in our gen- eral police is effected, the most ruinous consequences may be apprehended. One source of great evil which suggests itself to your Teaching slaves to _ . read and write one committee and from which the most serious danger may be cause of the present ° •> troubles. apprehended, is, the teaching slaves to read and write ; thereby affording them facilities of intelligence and com- munication, inconsistent with their condition, destructive of their contentment and happiness, and dangerous to the community. To prevent these evils and the further dis- semination of inflammatory and seditious publications and the consequent contamination of the minds of our slaves, your Committee have reported two bills ; one to prevent the circulation of seditious pamphlets and other publica- tions ; and the other to render it criminal to teach slaves to read and write. The frequent intercourse between free negroes from non-slave holding States and our slaves is another source of evil, sedulously to be avoided. As some entertain doubts as to our constitutional rights, entirely to prohibit their coming into our State, at least as mari- ners, and for a limited time, your Committee have pur- sued the policy of a sister State, and thought it advisable to throw such obstacles in the way of vessels bringing them into the State, as will induce their owners and officers to desist from their employment ; and have reported a bill having that tendency. Various other points of policy, in regulating the general conduct of slaves and free persons of colour, and their intercourse with each other, and with our white popula- tion, have suggested themselves to your Committee, to remedy and provide for a part of which, Bills are here- with reported, and their pasage recommended : others not vet digested, are vet under consideration and will as soon 480 Slaves Must Not be Taught to Read. Bill on second reading- in Senate. as practicable be acted on and brought before the Legis- lature. All which is respectfully submitted, Dec. 1, 1830. Wm. B. Meares, Chm. — From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1830-31 Subsequent Legislative History of the Bill in Senate. Dec. 7, 1830. — The bill to prevent all persons from teach- ing slaves to read or write, the use of figures excepted, be- ing read the second time, Mr. Dick 1 moved to amend the bill by striking the words "read or," in the fifth line of the first section ; which amendment was not agreed to. Mr. Dick moved further to amend the bill by adding the following additional section, towit : "that the provisions of this act shall not extend to the county of Guilford" ; which amendment was also not agreed to, and the bill was read the second time and passed. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 1/.6. 1 John M. Dick, Guilford Bill on third read- ing in Senate. Dec. 9, 1830. — The bill to prevent all persons from teaching slaves to read or write, the use of figures ex- cepted, being read the third time, Mr. Dick moved to lay the bill upon the table; which was not agreed to. Mr. Montgomery moved to amend the bill by striking out the words "read or," in the fifth line of the first section; which amendment was not agred to. Mr. McFarland moved further to amend the bill by adding the following as an additional section, viz. "And be it further enacted, that this act shall not be in force until after the first day of May next" ; which amendment was not agreed to, and the bill was thereupon read the third time and passed, and ordered to be engrossed — ayes 36, noes 22. The ayes and noes being demanded by Mr. Montgomery, are as fol- lows, to-wit : 480 Slaves Must Not be Taught to Read, 481 Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. George Ayes and noes. O. Askew, Bertie ; Collen W. Barries, Northampton ; John B. Beasley, Tyrrell; Wm. W. Boddie, Nash; David W. Borden, Carteret ; Wm. W. Cowper, Gates ; John Crump, Montgomery ; Samuel Davenport, Washington ; Marshall Dickinson, Pitt; Edward C. Gavin, Sampson; William R. Hall, Brunswick; John H. Hawkins, Warren; John Hill, Stokes ; Charles L. Hinton, Wake ; Shadrach Howell, Robeson ; Edmund Jones, W T ilkes ; Jonathan J. Lindsay, Currituck; Risden M. McDaniel, Jones; John McEntire, Rutherford ; Tryam McFarland, Richmond ; Isham Math- ews, Halifax ; Wm. B. Meares, New Hanover ; Stephen Miller, Duplin ; Wm. D. Moseley, Lenoir ; Wyatt Moye, Greene ; Wm. Murchison, Cumberland ; Joseph Ramsey, Chatham; Richa rd D. Speight, Craven; Wm. Selby, Sr., Hyde ; Luke R. Simmons, Columbus ; Wm. M. Sneed, Granville ; Walton ; Edward Ward, Ons- low ; William P. Williams, Franklin ; Jos. J. Williams, Martin ; Louis D. Wilson, Edgecombe. Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Abraham Brower, Randolph ; Pinkney Caldwell, Iredell ; John M. Dick, Guilford ; Wm. P. Dobson, Surry ; James Gudger, Buncombe ; James W. Guinn, Macon ; Jacob Hare, Hert- ford ; Ransom Harris, Davidson ; Jos. B. Hinton, Beau- fort ; Daniel Hoke, Lincoln ; James Kerr, Caswell ; Alex- ander McNeill, Moore ; Robert Martin, Rockingham ; Clement Marshall, Anson; Christopher Melchor, Cabar- rus ; William Montgomery, Orange ; David Newland, Burke ; John Ray, Ashe ; Gabriel Sherard, Wayne ; Henry Skinner, Perquimans ; Robert Vanhook, Person ; William Welch, Haywood. — Senate Journal, 1830-31, p. 51. 31 482 Slaves Must Not be Taught to Read. History of the Bill in the House. Dec. 22, 1830. — The engrossed bill to prevent all persons from teaching slaves to read or write, the use of figures excepted, was read the second time 1 . Mr. Worth moved to strike out of the bill the words "to read." The question thereon was decided in the negative — yeas 30, nays 93. The yeas and nays called for by Mr. Stedman. Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. John Second reading in andnoes Se; ayes ®- Earnhardt, Cabarrus; Daniel M. Barringer, Cabarrus; Jos. M. Bogle, Iredell ; Alexa nder Bui e , Cumberlan d ; Alney Burgin, Burke ; James Calloway, Ashe ; Willis D. Dowd, Moore; Isham A. Dumas, Richmond; Ninian Ed- monston, Haywood ; Joseph Ellison, Orange ; Elias A. Hooper, Burke ; James M. Billy, Montgomery ; Andrew H. Loretz, Lincoln; George C. Mendenhall, Guilford Alfred C. Moore, Surry; William A. Morris, Anson James Murphey, Richmond ; Allen Peoples, Guilford Bartlett Shipp, Lincoln; Nathaniel G. Smith, Chatham Jos. Spurgin, Davidson ; Caleb Stephens, Columbus ; John Stockard, Orange ; Thomas Tatham, Macon ; James Weaver, Buncombe ; Joseph White, Anson ; Jas. Whita- ker, Macon ; W. W. Wiseman, Davidson ; Jonathan Worth, Randolph ; James Wyche, Granville — 30. Those who voted in the negative, were Messrs. W. J. Alexander, Mecklenburg; E. Alexander, Mecklenburg; Richard Allison, Iredell ; Joseph Arrington, Nash ; W. D. Barnard, Currituck; Daniel L. Bateman, Tyrrell; John Bragg, Warren; Wm. Branch, Franklin; Joseph J. Brooks, Chatham ; John Brown, Robeson ; Abraham Brower, Randolph ; John M. Bryan, Craven ; Nathan B. Bush, Jones ; Isaac Carter, Hertford ; James A. Chesson, Washington ; Wm. Clark, Pitt ; Wm. Clemons, Pitt ; Jesse Cooper, Martin ; Owen B. Cox, Jones ; Stephen Dodson, Caswell ; Wm. Donnell, Rockingham ; Thos. Dozier, Camden ; Mordecai Fleming, Surry ; Hardy Flow- 1 Passed first reading in the House on Dec. 10, 1830, without divi- sion. See House Journal, 1830-31, p. 209. Slaves Must Not be Taught to Read. 483 ers, Edgecombe ; Frederick Foy, Onslow ; Roderick B. Gary, Northampton; Alexander F. Gaston, Craven; John P. Gause, Brunswick ; Gideon Glenn, Franklin ; Abner H. Grandy, Camden; L. A. Gwyn, Caswell; Jas. T. Ha- ley, Northampton ; James Harper, Greene ; Louis D. Henry, Fayetteville ; J. A. Hill, Wilmington ; Thomas iJiUpTsTew Hanover; Robt. C. Hilliard, Nash ; Josiah Holder, Johnston ; W. Horton, Wilkes ; J. Horton, Ashe ; Philip Irion, Rockingham ; Wm. Jackson, Chowan ; Fos- ter Jarvis, Hyde ; John F. Jones, Carteret ; Reuben Ken- dall, Montgomery ; Wm. S. Larkins, New Hanover ; Thos. Lawson, Person; Benj. S. Leonard, Brunswick; Gray Little, Edgecombe ; Salter Lloyd, Bladen ; Wm. L. Long, Halif axtown ; James R. Love, Haywood ; Thos. Marshall, Carteret ; Alex. W. Mebane, Bertie ; Arch. C. Monk, Sampson; Benj. Mullen, Perquimans; Robert McAfTee, Rutherford ; Thos. McGehee, Person ; John W. McMillan, Bladen ; Alexander McN eill, Cumberland ; Thomas Nich- olson, Halifax] Spencer O'Brien. Granville; William Orr, Buncombe ; Richmond Pearson, Rowan ; Wm. H. Phillips, Hillsborough ; Thos. G. Polk, Rowan ; John Pur- cell, Robeson; Nathaniel G. Rand, Wake; John W. Sas- ser, Wayne; Samuel T. Sawyer, Edenton; Benj. Sikes, Tyrrell; Benj. T. Simmons, Currituck; Thomas S. Sin- gleton, Hyde ; John M. Skinner, Pasquotank ; Dickson Sloan, Sampson ; Charles G. Spaight, Newbern ; W. W. Stedman, Gates ; Uriah W. Swanner, Washington ; Elisha Uzzell, Greene ; William Wadsworth, Moore ; Ransom Walker, Warren ; Wm. Watts, Martin ; James M. Webb, Rutherford ; John H. Wheeler, Hertford ; Keder Whit- ley, Johnston ; John W. Williams, Beaufort ; Thos. Wil- son, Perquimans ; John Willey, Gates ; Jos. W. Winston, Stokes ; Council Wooten, Lenoir ; Allen W. Wooten, Le- noir ; Wm. Wright, Duplin ; Leonard Ziglar, Stokes — 93. Mr. Moore moved that the bill be postponed indefinitely. Amendments . . attempted. Ihe question thereon was determined in the negative. 484 Slaves Must Not be Taught to Read. Mr. J. Whitaker moved that nothing therein "contained shall apply to the county of Macon." This amendment was rejected. The bill, on motion of Mr. Bynum and Mr. Barnard, was amended, and the question was then put, shall the bill pass its second reading, as amended ? and decided in the affirmative — yeas 85, nays 27. The yeas and nays demanded by Mr. Edmonston 1 . — House Journal, 1830-31, p. 231. 1 The bill passed third reading without division. See House Jour- nal, 1830-31, pp. 238 and 243. An act to prevent all persons from teaching slaves to read or write, the use of figures excepted. Theiact. Whereas the teaching of slaves to read and write has a tendency to excite dissatisfaction in their minds and to produce insurrection and rebellion, to the manifest injury of the citizens of the State : THEREFORE, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That any free person, who shall hereafter teach or attempt to teach, any slave within this State to read or write, the use of figures excepted, or shall give or sell to such slave or slaves any books or pamphlets, shall be liable to indictment in any court of record in this State having jurisdiction thereof; and, upon conviction, shall, at the discretion of the court, if a white man or woman, be fined not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned ; and if a free person of color, shall be fined, imprisoned or whipped, at the discretion of the court, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes, nor less than twenty lashes. II. Be it further enacted, That if any slave shall here- after teach, or attempt to teach, any other slave to read or write, the use of figures excepted, he or she may be carried before any justice of the peace, and on conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to receive thirty-nine lashes on his or her bare back. Slaves Must j^"ot be Taught to Read. 485 III. Be it further enacted, That the judges of the Su- perior Courts and the justices of the County Courts shall give this act in charge to the grand jurors of their re- spective counties. — Laws 1880-31, Chapter VI. 16. CENSUS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Counties. Ashe Anson Burke Buncombe __ Brunswick _. Bertie Beaufort Bladen Craven Cabarrus Currituck _._ Caswell Chowan Camden Chatham Columbus ___ Cumberland. Carteret Duplin Davidson Edgecombe __ Franklin Granville Gates Guilford Greene Hyde Halifax Haywood Hertford Iredell Johnston Jones Lincoln * Decrease. Census of 1830. Census of 1820. Free Whites. Slaves. Persons of Color. Total. Total. Increase. 6,897 492 102 6,991 4,335 2,656 9,116 4,772 163 14,081 12, 534 1,517 13,919 3,609 199 17, 727 13,411 4,816 14, 494 1,670 93 16,259 10,542 3,717 3.014 3,101 408 6,523 5,480 1,043 5, 272 6,742 212 12, 276 10, 805 1,471 6, 305 4,155 488 10, 949 9,850 1,099 4,490 3, 123 188 7.801 7,276 525 7.192 6,131 1,002 14.325 13,394 981 6.497 2,255 44 8,796 7,248 1,548 5,248 2,274 132 7,654 8,098 *444 8,899 6,434 355 15, 188 13,253 1,935 2,761 3,758 169 6,688 6,464 224 4.491 2,029 201 6,721 6,347 374 10.106 5,112 281 15, 499 12, 661 2,838 3,001 1,073 62 4,141 3,912 229 9,081 5, 057 636 14, 824 14,446 378 4,875 1,593 139 6,607 5,609 998 6,775 4,429 169 11,373 9,744 1,629 11,347 7,632 1 923 151 13, 421 7,073 228 14, 933 13,276 1,657 5.337 4,960 368 10, 665 9,741 924 9.429 9,154 760 19,343 18, 222 1,121 3,891 3,648 327 7,866 6,837 1,029 15.785 2,556 394 18,735 14,511 4,224 3,333 2,872 108 6,313 4,533 1,780 4.078 1,939 160 6,177 4,967 1,210 5.870 9,790 2,078 17, 738 17,237 501 4,241 289 163 4,593 4,073 520 3,873 3,712 956 8,541 7,712 829 11,495 3,740 27 15, 262 13,071 2,191 7,174 3,639 125 10, 938 9,607 1,331 2,347 3,095 186 5,628 5,216 412 17, 604 4,953 68 22, 625 18, 147 4,478 486 487 16. CENSUS OF NORTH CAROLINA— Continued. Census of 1830. Census of 1820. Counties. Free Whites. Slaves. Persons of Color. Total. Total. Increase. 12 : 791 4,942 7,147 3,281 138 321 20,076 8.544 16,895 6.320 3.181 Martin 2,224 Moore 5,997 1,680 176 7, 753 7,128 625 4,894 8,514 458 2. 294 38 110 5,390 10.918 Montgomery 8.693 2.226 Northampton 5,128 7,036 939 13. 103 13,242 . * 139 4,921 5,497 341 10, 759 10, 866 8,185 *107 4,504 8,707 281 8,492 307 Onslow _ 4,569 3.144 101 7.814 7,016 798 15. 903 7,339 628 23.875 23, 492 383 Person 5.447 4.432 148 10. 027 9,029 998 Pitt _ . 6,837 5,407 70 12,174 10, 001 2,173 Perquimans 4,325 2.749 343 7,417 6,857 560 Pasquotank . 4.951 2.623 1.038 8.616 8,008 608 Richmond 5.661 3,512 153 9.326 7.537 1.789 6,280 2.467 608 9.355 8,204 11,474 1,151 Rockingham 8.413 4,296 211 12,920 1,446 14, 460 6,201 3.407 135 20, 796 26.009 * 5.213 Rutherford 14.054 96 15.351 2.206 Randolph 10,594 1,462 344 12,400 11,331 1.069 12. 372 1,950 185 14, 507 12. 320 2.187 7,596 3,938 239 11.768 8.908 2,800 1 ,122 2,841 233 16,196 4.732 14 033 2.163 Tyrrell 3,298 1,376 58 4.319 413 Wilkes 10, 336 1.472 137 11,942 9.967 1.975 Wake 11,476 8,108 838 20, 417 20.102 315 Wayne . 6,663 3,520 143 10.326 9.040 1,286 2,713 1,712 137 4,562 3.986 Warren 4,259 7, 327 292 11.878 11.158 720 Lenoir 3.734 3.875 126 7.635 6.799 836 472, 433 246, 462 19, 575 738. 470 638. 829 99. 641 Davidson was struck off from Rowan in 1822, and if the population of the two counties be added together, shows an increase in what was Rowan in 1820 of 8,208. Macon in like manner composed a part of Haywood until 1828. If the population of that county be added to that of Haywood, it will show an increase of 5,910. * Decrease. 488 16. CENSUS OF NORTH CAROLINA- Continued. REC A PITU LATION. Whites. Males. Females. Total in 1830. Total in 1820. Uuder 5 years of age ' 40, 662 Of 5 and under 10 .. 35,973 42,785 34, 247 28,792 27,610 41,229 24,704 16,455 10, 657 5,944 2,470 767 152 26 ' Of 10 and under 15 _„ ' 31,171 Of 15 and under 20 _ ' 25,582 Of 20 and under 30 _' 39,174 Of 30 and under 40 . _ _ : 23,080 Of 40 and under 50 15,076 Of 50 and under 60 . . _ _ _ 10,646 Of 60 and under 70 . . 5. 947 Of 70 and under 80 2,469 Of 80 and under 90 650 136 23 Of 90 and under 100 256,589 235,844 1 472,483 419,200 1831 1. GOV. STOKES' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. 3. McFARLAND'S RESOLUTION ON SCHOOLS AND LITERARY FUND. 4. TAXATION FOR FREE SCHOOL IN JOHNSTON COUNTY. 5. LITERARY FUND RECEIPTS. 6. SLAVERY AND EDUCATION. 7. A CRUEL PUNISHMENT ABOLISHED. 8. HISTORY OF THE FIRST TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 9. PLAN OF SCHOOLS BY "PEOPLES' FRIEND." 10. DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM. 11. NECESSITY FOR SCHOOLS. 12. LOTTERY FOR PUBLICATION OF A N. C. HISTORY REFUSED. 489 1. GOV. STOKES' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. university refused The Literary Fund will claim and receive your favor- fund/ 01 ' ' J able attention. The Report of the Public Treasurer will afford you precise information with regard to the amount of cash in his hands, and the situation of that portion of the fund which is not available. It is probably known to all of you that the Trustees of the University did not ac- cept the loan offered them by the last Legislature from this source, so that the whole remains subject to future legislative disposition. The most important item of prop- erty transferred by the Legislature to the corporation to whose management the Literary Fund has been commit- Reciamation of ted, are the swamp lands belonging to the State. These the swamp lands. x . lands are believed by many intelligent individuals to be of immense value / and their improvement to be an object second only in importance to the opening and improve- ment of Roanoke Inlet. It is unnecesasry, I am certain, to dwell upon the advantages which would result from the former. They are apparent to all. To convert a dreary waste of water and marshes into a habitable and fertile region, to insure the means of sustenance and comfort for an immensely increased population, and to give health to a section of the country which needs no other blessing, are the certain rewards of a successful attempt at improve- ment. To your wisdom it is submitted, whether such ad- vantages, which, if attained, do not end with themselves, but tend to the enlargement of a fund which may justly be regarded as the orphan's legacy, will not justify, and does not demand a full and early experiment to test the practicability of the measure. Legislature win be Believing that this assembly will have much to do in too busy to con- .,. „ . ., „,, , . .-,. £ sider subject of providing lor the security 01 the people; m providing tor its own future accommodation ; and for the establishment of a new bank, or so directing the application of banking capital, as to secure a sound circulating currency ; and in 490 schools. Gov. Stokes on Education. 491 preventing injury to individuals, which must otherwise follow, when the charters of the present banks expire, these being primary objects for the consideration of the Legislature, I have declined making recommendations which I had contemplated, relative to the situation of the University and the establishment of common schools. — House Journal, 1831. 2. ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION. Nov. 24, 1831. — Mr. McFarland presented the follow- ing resolution, to-wit : R^iutf mato ap- Resolved, That so much of the Governor's message as on education. relates to the Literary Fund and Common Schools be re- ferred to a select committee. Which being read, on mo- tion of Mr. Spaight, ordered that the said resolution lie on the table. — Senate Journal, 1831-82, p. 7. Nov. 25, 1831. On motion of Mr. Spaight, the Senate proceeded to consider the resolution presented on yester- day by Mr. McFarland and laid upon the table ; and the resolution being read, the question was decided in the affirmative. Whereupon Messrs. McFarland, Montgom- ery, of Orange, Dobson, Askew, and Davenport were ap- pointed the committee in pursuance thereof. — Senate Journal, 1831-32, p. 10. senate committee. Tryam McFarland, Richmond ; William Montgomery, Orange ; William P. Dobson, Surry ; George O. Askew, Bertie ; Samuel Davenport, Washington. — Senate Journal, 1831-32, p. 10. House committee. Samuel T. Sawyer, Edenton; Lewis Thompson, Bertie David C. Freeman, Beaufort; Ashley Sanders, Johnston Archibald Monk, Sampson ; Gideon Glenn, Franklin Daniel W. Courts, Surry; William L. Miller, Robeson Benjamin Sumner, Person; Littleton A. Gwyn, Caswell Hugh McQueen, Chatham ; William McLean, Cabarrus Alney Burgin, Burke. —Rouse Journal, 1831-32, p. 151. 492 3. McFARLAXR'S RESOLUTION OX SCHOOLS ANR LITERARY FOR. Saturday, Dec. 24, 1831. Mr. McFarland presented McFariand'sreso- . _ -. . lution on school-; the following preamble and resolution, to-wit: and increasing ° l literary fund. ^Vhereas by the list section of the constitution of this State, it is made the imperative duty of the Legislature to establish schools for the convenient instruction of youth; and whereas all convenient aid should be given to foster and enlarge the present fund set apart by this State, there- fore, Resolved, That the claim of this State against the United States, as reported by the commissioners of 1828, be appropriated to the Literary Fund of this State ; and the treasurer is hereby authorized, as soon as said claim is adjusted, to enter said amount to the credit of the same, which shall constitute and form a part of said fund. Which was read, and, on motion of Mr. Williams, or- dered to be referred to the committee on Finance. — Senate Journal, 1831-32, p. 70. Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1831.— Mr. Sneed, from the com- Un f avorable report mittee on Finance, to whom was referred the resolution u^^^S instructing the Public Treasurer to transfer the claim of this State against the United States (so soon as it shall be adjusted and settled) to the Literary Fund, reported that it is inexpedient to legislate upon the subject, and ask to be discharged from its further consideration ; in which report the Senate concurred, and the committee were discharged accordingly. — Senate Journal, 1831-32, p. 75. 493 Bill introduced in senate. Passes senate. Passes house; first reading. Passes house. 4. TAXATION FOR FREE SCHOOL IN JOHNSTON COUNTY. Monday, January 9, 1832. Mr. Thompson 1 presented a bill to raise a fund to establish free schools in the county of Johnston, and for the government thereof, which was read the first time and passed. — Senate Journal, 1831-32, p. 112. 1 David Thompson, Senator from Johnston county. Monday afternoon, January 9, 1832. A bill to raise a fund to establish free schools in the county of Johnston, and for the government thereof, was read the second and third times and passed, and ordered to be engrossed. — Senate Journal, 1831-32, p. 115. Tuesday, January 10, 1832. A bill to raise a fund to establish free schools in the county of Johnston, and for the management thereof was read the first time and passed. — House Journal, 1831-32, pp. 21f2 and 21/.3. Friday January 13, 1832. — The engrossed bill to raise a fund to establish free schools in the county of Johnston, and for the management thereof, was read the second and third times, passed and ordered to be enrolled 1 . —House Journal, 1831-32, p. 252. 1 The members of the House of Commons from Johnston, 1831-32, were Josiah Houlder and Ashley Sanders. The Senator was David Thompson. 494 Johnston County Free School. 495 The Law. An Act to raise a fund to establish free schools in the county of Johnston, and for the government thereof. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of be levied. North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the County Court of Johnston county may, at the first court which shall be held after the first day of May next, and annually thereafter, at least ten justices of the peace being present, lay a tax, and cause it to be levied on all the property in said county which is liable to be taxed for State or county purposes, equal to not more than twenty-five per cent, per annum, on the whole amount of State and county and parish taxes levied in said county; which shall be collected, held and used as a school fund for said county of Johnston, according to the rules and regulations hereinafter prescribed. II. That it shall be the duty of the sheriff or other col- lecting officer of said county to collect and account for the said taxes, under the direction of the County Court, ac- cording to the rules and regulations by law created for collecting other taxes in said county ; and he may be re- quired to give a bond to the chairman of said court, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful collecting and accounting for said taxes. III. That it shall be the duty of the clerk of the County Court to take and receive from the sheriff the taxes afore- said, who shall keep an account thereof, and hold the said monies in his office subject to the direction and control of the persons who are hereinafter authorized to manage the said fund ; and the clerk shall give a bond with security, in the sum of two thousand dollars conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties imposed by this act, and the honest accounting for the funds aforesaid. 496 Johnston County Free School. Trustees to be IV. That the County Court aforesaid shall cause an elected; only per . . . , , . sons taxed to vote election to be held for one trustee in each Captains dis- for trustees. ■*- trict in said county, each district electing its own trustee, of which election public notice shall be given ; and in the said election each free white man who is taxed under this law shall have one vote ; and the said trustees shall consti- tute a board, and hold their appointment for two years from the time of their appointment ; and the said board shall be styled "The Trustees of the Central County School of Johnston county." V. That the election of trustees shall be held at such times and places, as the County Court shall direct, within six months after the period when the taxes laid by this act shall fall due, and biennially thereafter ; and the said trustees, after their appointment, shall be notified thereof by the clerk of the County Court, and shall within twenty days thereafter assemble at Smithfield, and appoint one of their body president and another secretary, and give notice by advertisement of their proceedings, so that the citizens may know who the said president and trustees are. VI. That the trustees shall have power and authority to make rules and orders for their own government, and compel the obedience and attendance of the members of the board by fines, to be by them fixed, and which fines shall be recoverable by a warrant before any magistrate, in the name of the clerk of the County Court and his successor in office, and when collected shall go to increase the school fund aforesaid. school house and VII. That the said trustees shall, as soon as it can be farm; other schools ' provided for. done with the fund aforesaid, purchase a site and erect a school house or school houses in said county for the edu- cation of youths, with a farm attached if thought advisa- ble; and the same shall be the principal or central school of said county ; but the selection of said site shall be ap- proved by the County Court before the same is purchased Johnston County Free School. 497 and improved; and the title of the said site and the land attached to it shall be made to the clerk of the County Court and his successor in office, in trust, for the use of the trustees aforesaid, and the purposes declared in this act. VIII. That the trustees aforesaid shall have power to p oor children to be select from the several districts in said county, always bYtaught; those* -,.,, 1 _c l.t^.-o. j • educated may be having the same number from each district, poor and m- required to teach otHcrs. digent male children, who shall be educated at said school in the English language only ; and such indigent children shall be boarded together and clothed out of the said fund, during the time of their attendance at said school, free from any charge ; and the said trustees shall have power to require, under such rules as they may pre- scribe, of any person taught at said school that he shall teach others either in his trade, or his books in said school, or other free schools to be organized in said county until he shall come to the age of twenty one years ; or they may require of him, if they think best, after he has been edu- cated as aforesaid, to aid in the cultivation of the farm aforesaid, for the time aforesaid ; and no child whose father is living, shall be admitted in said school, unless his father will in writing under seal agree to submit, and cause his son to submit, to such regulations, which agree- ment shall be made with the trustees aforesaid and en- tered into by a deed executed to the clerk of the County Court aforesaid and his successor in office, in trust for the board aforesaid; and no orphan child shall be admitted in said school unless he shall have been bound as an apprentice to said trustees and their successors by the County Court ; and the said trustees, and their successors are hereby declared to be able and capable in law to have apprentices bound to them : Provided always, that the said trustees shall fur- nish the said child during the term of his service afore- said his necessary clothes and board: And provided fur- 32 498 Johnston County Free School. Trustees to report to county court. Pay scholars may be admitted. ther, that they may allow the parents, guardians or friends of said child to pay to the fund aforesaid a reasonable compensation for the education of the child aforesaid, and thereby release him from the obligation aforesaid, which compensation shall be fixed by a majority of said trus- tees at a regular meting of the board. IX. That the said trustees shall have power and au- thority, with the fund aforesaid, to employ a teacher of said school, and some competent person to manage the farm attached to it, upon such terms as they may be able to agree on ; and they shall report in writing every six months to the County Court the progress and condition of said school, the conduct of the scholars by name, and render with said report an account of the fund and the disbursements thereof. X. That the said trustees may have power and author- ity to admit in said school other students, not exceeding ten, until the fund shall be in a condition to warrant an entire exclusion of all but free scholars; and the rates of tuition and board of said scholars shall be uniform ; but in no case shall any scholar who pays tuition be admitted over the age of thirteen years. XL That when the fund by this act created will justify, and the interest of the school require it, the trustees afore- said may employ one or more artificers as instructors of the youths belonging to said school, and prescribe rules for the government both of the boys and master. XII. That the trustees aforesaid may make such allow- ance as they may think reasonable to the clerk of the County Court for acting as their treasurer, and the clerk shall be entitled to no other compensation for his services, and he shall be entitled to no fees for apprentices bound to said trustees. XIII. That the president of said Central School shall have full power to call said board of trustees together, whenever he may think the good of the school requires it, five of whom, exclusive of the president, shall constitute Johnston County Free School. 499 a quorum for the transaction of business in all things, except in the expenditure of the funds, and in that case it shall require a majority of the whole number to con- stitute a quorum. — Private Laws, 1831-32, pp. 96-99, Chapter CXY. 5. LITERARY FUND RECEIPTS. The receipts of money belonging to this Fund since the 28th day of Dec. 1830, to the 1st Nov. 1831, including the transfer (per resolution) of 29,074 dollars 96 cents, amount to thirty-seven thousand twenty-one dollars and thirty-six cents, and consists of the following sums, viz. Cash received for entries of vacant land $1,684 . 27 Ditto for tax on sales at auc- tion received of sundry auc- tioneers 277.73 Ditto for tavern tax received of Sheriffs 2,594.40 $4,556.40 Cash rec'd of State Bank of N". C. for dividends on 282 shares of stock, (owned by the President and Directors of this Fund) at 2 per cent. for the half year ending Dec. 1830 564.00 Ditto ditto dividend on the above shares for the half year ending June, 1831. . . . 564.00 Ditto Bank of Cape Fear, divi- dends on 50 shares of stock (owned by the President and Directors of this Fund) at 3 per cent, for the year end- ing with December, 1830. . . 2,112.00 3,390.00 This sum transferred from the unappropri- ated money in the hands of the Public Treasurer, and placed at credit of this Fund, as directed by resolution of Gen- eral Assembly 29,074.96 500 Literary Fcxd Receipts. 501 Making with the balance belonging to this Fund and delivered over by the com- mittee of Finance on the 29th Dec. 1830, of 37,455 . 1U The amount of 74,476 . 48| There has been no expenditure from this Fund for the period above stated. — From Report Public Treasurer, Nov. 18-31. 6. SLAVERY AND EDUCATION. Restrictive laws have failed. slaves discon- Qov. Stokes on Slavery. In relation to our internal tented. J concerns, I have to observe, that it would be impossible to conceal from the world, and needless to disguise from ourselves, the fact, that a certain class of the population of the State have become more discontented and ungov- ernable than heretofore. Fanatics of their own complex- ion, and other incendiaries, have fomented these discon- tents, and have incited them in many instances, to enter into conspiracies dangerous to the peace and safety of the country. To guard against these evils, which in all proba- bility will continue, the utmost caution and prudence -are necessary. Restrictive laws have been enacted without producing the desired result; and the crimes' committed in a late insurrection in an adjoining State, would seem Better police regu- to require further and earlv attention to this subject. In- lations. stead of multiplying severe and sanguinary laws to operate upon those who know little, and care less about them, would it not be advisable to establish a more efficient and accountable police, and to arm and equip one or more com- panies of volunteers or attached militia, in each county, to be called out when required, and to be paid while in actual service ? It is believed that such a force, in aid of the civil authority, would effectually secure the peace of the country ; and the public arms belonging to the State could not be placed in safer hands. These State troops might be enrolled for one or more years, be held responsi- ble for the arms and ammunition furnished, and not be suffered to abandon the service during the term of their engagement. — From Message to Legislature, Nov. 22, 1831. 502 Slavery a.\d Education. 503 Slaves Shall Not Be Tauqht to Bead. A Bill to repeal Topermit teaching «7 r slaves to read. part of an act, passed at the last General Assembly, Chap. 6. Entitled, an act to prevent all persons from teaching- slaves to read, or write, the use of figures excepted. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That so much of the before recited act, as makes it an indictable offence, to teach slaves to read, Be, and the same is hereby Repealed. 1 In Ho: of Commons Dec 16, 1831 on motion by Mr. clerk's entry. Sawyer postponed indefinitely. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1831. 1 Introduced by James Whitaker, of Macon. Negroes Must Not Breach. — An act for the better re^u- „ ° c No negro allowed lation of the conduct of negroes, slaves and free persons of to P reach - color. That it shall not be lawful under any pretence for any free negro, slave or free person of color to preach or exhort in public, or in any manner to officiate as a preacher or teacher in any prayer meeting or other association for worship where slaves of different families are collected together ; and if any free negro or free person of color shall be thereof duly convicted on indictment before any court having jurisdiction thereof, he shall for each offense receive not exceeding thirty-nine lashes on his bare back ; and where any slave shall be guilty of a violation of this act, he shall on conviction before a single magistrate re- ceive not exceeding thirty-nine lashes on his bare back. II. That it shall not be lawful for any slave to go at x slave to exercise i r .... . ,. . any privilege of a large as a ireeman, exercising his or her own discretion freeman. in the employment of his or her time ; nor shall it be law- ful for any slave to keep house to him or herself as a free person, exercising the like discretion in the employment 504 Slavery and Education. of his or her time; and in case the owner of any slave shall consent or connive at the commission of such offence, he or she so offending shall be subject to indictment, and on conviction be fined in the discretion of the Court not exceeding one hundred dollars: Provided, that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any person permitting his or her slave or slaves to live or keep house upon his or her land for the purpose of attending to the business of his or her master or mistress. —Laws 1831-82, Chap. IV, p. 7. Free negroes growing worse, evils of free black population. More rigid Assembly Report on Slavery. The Committee to whom measures necessary j: -\ i j? j_t ri > -»«■ i ±. was referred so much of the Governor s Message as relates to slaves, free negroes and free persons of colour and incen- diary publications respectfully Report — That they have examined with attention the subject committed to their consideration, and are fully impressed with the belief, that a period has arrived, which imperi- ously requires of the Legislature the adoption of some more rigid system of government for the conduct of slaves and free persons of colour. Upon examination it appears evident to the Committee, that the conduct and behavior of this description of our population, generally speaking, for several preceding years, has been from better to worse ; that a spirit of uneasiness and insubordination among the slaves has been increasing; whilst the free persons of colour appear to have relaxed from labor and industrious pursuits and subsist in most instances by corrupting the slaves to steal from their owners. The Committee beg leave to state that this pernicious traffic is not confined to the slaves with free persons of colour but is carried on between slaves properly called so, and free slaves ; that from a total disregard of the present laws, the evil felt by the existence of a free black population has been much increased, by a practice of considerable extent and of dan- gerous tendency by which slaves are permitted to go at Many slaves have too much liberty. Slavery and Education. 505 large and act as freemen ; keeping house to themselves, with horses, cattle, and stock of all kinds, and in some instances with hired slaves under their control — in short, being perfect masters of their own time and employment, to all intents as fully as freemen. The Committee enter- tain the opinion that to this state of things is to be attrib- uted in a great degree that daring spirit of insubordination, so obviously increasing amongst this description of people. The Legislature has from time to time modified the rigour of such laws as inflict penalties upon slaves, and have afforded to them, by laws recently passed, when tried for their lives, the same safeguards, that are provided for the lives of freemen : Whilst the State has been thus mindful of the claims of justice, a corresponding system of humani- ty and indulgence has been evidenced by masters in the treatment of slaves — . In most instances the Committee be- slaves happier ,. . , .,., . . . than their owners. neve it may be said with truth, the slave is happier than his master; and in nearly all, better off, than the free person of colour: From a policy so just in the Legisla- ture, so mild and humane in the master; better conduct and behaviour in the slave might be expected : But the Humane measures Committee believe they will be sustained by the observa- disorder. tion of every person, that in proportion as their treatment has been mild and humane, their conduct has been turbulent and disorderly. That an insurrectionary disposition has been manifested in neighboring States, are facts known to the Community, and recent occurrences prove, that a simi- causes of disorder. lar spirit has found its way into this State. The Com- mittee believe that this feeling has been produced in this State amongst the slaves, by the following causes : first by the circulation of pamphlets ; secondly by the black preachers ; thirdly by slaves exercising the privilege of freemen ; and f ourthlv by the free persons of color. As incendiary pam- " -v- phlets. to the pamphelts they are printed to the .North and are highly calculated to inspire such a disposition. Those re- ferred to in the message of his Excellencv have been ;06 Slavery and Education. Black preachers. Slaves acting as freemen. examined by the Committee, and they fear, there is much reason to apprehend others of a similar character have found their way into many parts of this State. The com- mittee, however, do not perceive, that any amendment can be made to the existing laws in respect to the circulation of these pamphlets, by any direct legislation upon that offence ; but that the least safe guard against their circu- lation, is, by closing such avenues as are most likely to afford them a passage : One of these and the most direct, is afforded by persons of color coming from another State by water; they are exempted from the examination and observation which always attends traveling by land ; whilst it furnishes better opportunities to avoid detection; and their arrival being mostly in the towns, furnishes ready opportunities for distribution to a greater extent. As to the black preachers, they are most of them igno- rant and superstitious, and there is too much reason to believe, that they expound many of the passages of sacred writ as prophesies of the judgments of vengeance, which they are to be the instruments of executing. As to the slaves who exercise the privileges of freemen — these privileges excite dissatisfaction in the minds of those to whom they are not extended. They receive and enter- tain other slaves in their houses, and seduce them in every way from their duty. They tempt others to steal and re- ceive the property ; they instil into other slaves the injus- tice and rigour exercised by the master ; and by their exemption from all control in the application of their time, they possess the best opportunities of communicating with other slaves and arranging every preparation necessary for a common design. To those who own horses, as the fact is in some instances, there is afforded additional means. This description of slaves generally make a pretence of raising a crop. This renders their detection more diffi- cult and though it may be easy to establish that they sell and consume more than they grow ; yet the impractica- Slavery and Education. 507 bility of showing by legal evidence, how or in what way they have violated any existing law, has hitherto left them in the full and open enjoyment of this injurious traffic, and which cannot, as the committee believe, be effectually prevented but by the enactment of additional laws. As to the free persons of colour; their intercourse with the slaves operates pretty much in the same way. They gamble with the slaves ; they buy from them, at very low prices, corn, cotton and other articles, stolen from the master; they inculcate in the minds of slaves that there is no offence in stealing the master's goods ; and they con tribute in every way, together with the free-slaves, who have been adverted to to render the slave dissatisfied with his master — nay, with his own condition. These people from being freemen, have opportunities of receiving these pernicious pamphlets which have already been noted ; and in many instances being taught to read and write, they disseminate the mischievous doctrines they contain. By cutting up all intercourse with these classes of peo- ple, the Committee is not aware that there will be the slightest abridgment of comfort ; whilst, on the other hand, they believe that a great portion of public mischief, al- ready felt, would be removed. The Committee have believed that if the free black Restrictions on free negroes. population was required annually to give bond and security for their good behaviour the public would be beneficially served. The idle would be compelled to labor in order to become able to give security, or forced to leave the State ; the vagabond without character must leave the State; and besides the value which now results to society from the industrious habits of this people, there would be the less temptation held out to them to corrupt the slaves. These being the views of the committee, they have felt Lavrs should be it their duty, under, the reference made to them, to report ^^ enforced to the Legislature the provisions in detail, which are re- spectfully presented for its consideration, in the shape 508 Slavery and Education. of a bill. The whole history of the laws respecting slaves and free persons of colour, evince the necessity at this time of a vigorous enforcement of the laws, and with a view of producing that certain obedience which is the ob- ject of all laws, the Committee entertain the confident hope that the bill herewith reported, if passed into a law will have that effect amongst this part of our population to produce new manners and habits by which their comfort and happiness will be promoted, and the interest and safe- ty of the country at large increased. clerk's entry on Report from the Committee on Slaves, etc. the report. ' ^ g^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Reported from the Committee by the Chairman and the accompanying Bill put upon its passage. Mr. Seawell Chr. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1831. 7. A CRUEL PUNISHMENT ABOLISHED. An act to abolish the punishment of cutting off ears, cutting off ears That it shall not he lawful hereafter to inflict the pun- ishment of cutting off the ears, but the same is hereby abolished ; any law or usage to the contrary notwithstand- ing: Provided, that in all cases where by the existing laws the cutting off an ear or ears is prescribed, or part of the prescribed punishment, the offender on conviction shall in lieu thereof be sentenced to receive one or more public whippings, not less than thirty-nine lashes on his i>are back : And provided also, that this act shall not ex- tend to the punishment of any perjury or subornation of perjury, committed upon the trial of any capital offence. —Laws 1831-32, Chap. XII, p. 10. 509 8. HISTOEY OF THE FIRST TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Tennessee con Literary Convention. — In the last Reqister. we took vention. u some notice of a literary Convention lately held at Nash- ville, for the purpose of promoting the extension of Edu- cation amongst the people of Tennessee. It may be recol- lected, that in the month of July last, a writer in this paper, under the signature of Poedophilus, called the at- tention of the friends of Education and the cause of Liter- ature, in this State to this subject, and suggested the pro- priety of a meeting at Raleigh during the then ensuing session of the Legislature. But nothing further being said on the matter, the session passed without any attention to it. conventions in Since that period, Conventions of this kind have been other states; similar one m North held in several of the States, and measures adopted, which we have no doubt, will effectually promote the end pro- posed, viz. the establishment of Common Schools, with competent Teachers in every neighborhood. A number of Gentlemen, desirous of promoting the general Education of the People of this State, are solicitous of again calling the attention of the friends of Education, and of Teachers generally, to this subject, and for this purpose, propose to hold a Convention at Chapel Hill, on the day before the ensuing Commencement of our University. suggests that It is known to most of our readers, that our Legislature, convention at . 7 o t chapel miuorm m the year 1825, passed an act to create a fund for the a plan for common J ' r schools. establishment of Common Schools throughout the State; but, though a considerable fund has, since that time accu- mulated, nothing further has been done to carry the in- tention of the General Assembly into operation. The fund is placed in the hands of a Corporation, consisting of the Governor, the Speakers of the Senate and House of Com- mons, the Chief Justice, and the Public Treasurer, for the purpose of instructing the children of the State generally, 510 Fibst Teacheks' Association. 511 in Beading, Writing and Arithmetic, in such way as the Legislature may direct. No plan for effecting this pur- pose has yet been adopted; and perhaps no more suitable occasion will occur for forming such a plan, than that which will be afforded by the contemplated meeting of Teachers and other friends of Education, at Chapel Hill. The subject is one of primary importance, as in the absence of education amongst the people generally, we have no certain foundation for a continuance of our happy Repub- lican Institutions, or for the happiness and prosperity, which we at present enjoy. We refer our readers to a sensible, well written Essay systems of other , -i i -r, ■ i t i. r. i -i . i • r^ ' states not suited to m today s Register, on the subject ol establishing Common North Carolina. Schools throughout the State ; but this writer takes no notice of the Acts of our Legislature, above referred to. — ■ We are of opinion, with the author of this Essay, that the systems of Education in use at the North are not suited to our thinly settled Country ; but though these systems be not applicable to our situation, we have no doubt that at the proposed meeting (which we trust will be attended by the writer of this Essay, as well as by all other friends of Education) such a Plan may be devised as will be calcu- lated to suit the circumstances of our State, and be the means of carrying; into full effect the views of the Legis- lature, who passed an act so truly wise, patriotic and be- nevolent. — Raleigh Register, Thursday, May 12th, 1831. A CONVENTION Of Teachers and Friends of General Education. It is proposed, by a number of persons who feel inter- u for the con ested in the subject, to hold a Convention of Teachers and vent-.on at chapel Friends of General Education, in this State, at Chapel Hill, on the day before the ensuing Commencement of our University, for the purpose of mutual consultation, and 512 First Teachers' Association. the discussion of subjects connected with Education and the advancement of knowledge. It is hoped that the Teachers throughout the State, and others friendly to Learning, will attend this meeting for the purposes above stated, and for taking into consideration the expediency of organizing a permanent Council, or Sen- atus Academicus, who shall meet periodically for the afore- mentioned objects. Ealeigh, May 19, 1831. — In Raleigh Register, May 19, 1831. Examination. Literary oration. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA.— It af- fords us much gratification to state that the Commence- ment of this Institution was numerously attended, and that the Exercises were sustained to the satisfaction of the Trustees and other Visitors. The Examination of the younger classes was commenced on the 15th inst. and continued until the 2 2d. The Senior Class, had, by the particular direction of the Board of Trustees, been examined by the Faculty three weeks be- fore. On the evenings of Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day, there was speaking, as is usual, by the members of the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior classes. On Wednesday, the Literary Oration, of which public notice has been given through this paper, was delivered by the Rev. William M. Green, of Hillsboro. Those who are acquainted with this gentleman, and who know how much his mind and heart are occupied by one engrossing subject, would have conjectured beforehand, that an Oration from him would have some connexion with Religion. — We learn that the subject matter of it, was, the influence of Chris- tianity upon the happiness of Nations. We think the se- lection of the topic a judicious one ; we cannot see why a Clergyman addressing a Christian audience, should be ex- pected to forget altogether, the sacred character he sus- tains. The Orator was listened to with great interest, but First Teachers' Association. 513 as we shall take an early opportunity of presenting it to our readers, a particular analysis here of the sentiments advanced, if we were competent to the task, is rendered unnecessary. On Wednesday afternoon, a Convention of Teachers and Teachers' conven- <• ; tion other Literary gentlemen interested in the subject of Edu- cation, was held, for the purpose of devising means for giving perfection and efficiency to the instruction commu- nicated in our jmblic Schools of whatever rank. We in- dulge the expectation, that we shall have it in our power, hereafter, to give to the public, a particular account of this meeting, which we deem of great importance, tending, as it must do to enlighten and regulate public sentiment in regard to the important subject of Popular Education. The following was the order of Exercises on Thursday, the day of Commencement : — FORENOON, 1. Prayer by the President. 2. Latin Salutory Oration, DeBerniere Hooper, Wil- ^°^ m mington. 3. Literature of Modern Italy, Jacob Thompson. Leas- burg. 4. National Pride, Lemuel B. Powell, Warren. 5. Forensic Dispute — Ought the Southern States to es- tablish Manufactures ? Henry J. Cannon, Raleigh, James M. Williamson, Person. 6. Means of promoting national wealth, Giles Mebane, Orange. 7. National History, Thomas J. Pitchford, Warren. AFTERNOON. 8. Inducements to men of talents for the due improve- ment of their powers. William W. Spear. Hillsborough. 9. Forensic Dispute — Ought the Colonization Society to 33 Commencement 514 First Teachers' Association. be encouraged ? Jesse A. Waugh, Waughton, Thomas K. Owen, Bladen. 10. Forensic Dispute — Ought measures to be adopted for the prevention of war ? Archibald A. T. Smith, Fay- etteville, Allen Jones, Hillsborough. 11. Valedictory Oration, Calvin Jones, Pulaski, Tenn. 12. Degrees conferred. 13. Report of Examinations. 14. Prayer. The Degree of Batchelor of Arts, was conferred upon the young gentleman named in the foregoing scheme, and upon James Grant, Jun. of Raleigh, and Alexander Meb- ane, of Orange. The Degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon the Hon. Abraham Rencher, Benjamin B. Blume, Albert V. King, Silas M. Andrews, Thompson Byrd and Erasmus D. North, Alumni of the Institution, and upon James B. Tate, instructor in Bertie county. — Raleigh Register, Thursday, June 30, 1831. NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION The object. It will be remembered that an advertisement appeared in several of the newspapers of this State, requesting the attention of teachers and the friends of education at Chapel Hill on the 22nd inst. the day preceding the commence- ment, with a view to organize a Society having for its ob- ject the diffusion of knowledge on the subject of education, and the improvement of common schools and other literary institutions in our State. First officers. At the time and place appointed, there was a numerous and highly respectable meeting. Dr. Simmons J. Baker was called to the chair. The objects of the meeting were explained by Mr. Benjamin M. Smith, of Milton, in an appropriate and highly interesting address. On motion, the following persons were appointed a committee to draft First Teachers' Association. 515 a constitution, to wit, Professors Mitchell and Hooper of the University, Eev. William M. Green, Benj. M. Smith and W. J. Bingham. The meeting then adjourned to Thursday morning at 6 o'clock. Thursday morning — Met according to adjournment. The committee appointed for that purpose submitted the following constitution which was adopted. CONSTITUTION. Preamble. We, whose names are subjoined, pledging our zealous efforts to promote the cause of popular educa- tion, agree to adopt the following constitution, and to obey the by-laws made in conformity with it. Article 1. This society shall be called the North Caro- improvement of Una Institute of Education. Its object shall be, to diffuse knowledge on the subject of education, and by every proper means to improve the condition of common schools and other literary institutions in our State. Art. 2. Members. — Anv person of good moral char- conditions of membership. acter, interested in the subject of education, may become a member of this institution, by signing the constitution and making an annual contribution of one dollar ; or by paying the sum of ten dollars may become a member for life, and be exempt from the annual contribution. Art. 3. Meetings. — The annual meetings of this institu- Meetings. tion shall be held at Chapel Hill, on the afternoon preced- ing Commencement, at such hour as the directors shall appoint. Special meetings may be called by the directors, of which due notice shall be given in the public Journals. Art. 4. Officers. The officers of this institution shall be ~~ Omcers. a President, three Vice-Presidents, a corresponding and recording Secretary, (the last of whom shall act as Treas- urer,) and an executive committee of three, who shall con- stitute a board of directors. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum to transact business. 51 6 First Teachers' Association. The officers shall be elected by ballot, at the annual meeting of the Institute. Duties of officers. Art. 5. Duties of Officers. The recording secretary shall give notice of each meeting of the Institute, and of the board of directors, and shall also keep a record of their transactions. He shall receive all the moneys, and dis- burse the same by order of the board of directors. The corresponding Secretary shall be the organ of com- munication with other societies and individuals. Board of directors. To the board of directors shall be intrusted the general interests of the Institute, with authority to devise and exe- cute such measures as may promote its objects. It shall be their duty to point out some suitable person to deliver an address before the society, at each annual meeting; to se- lect competent persons to deliver lectures on such subjects connected with education, as they may deem expedient and ■useful ; to collect such facts as may promote the general objects of the Institute, and to provide suitable accommo- dations for the meeting. They shall report annually to the Institute, and shall have power to fill all vacancies in their own body from among the members, and make by- laws for their own government. Executive com- The executive committee of three, shall take charge of whatever books, pamphlets, or other property, may belong to the Institute. They shall examine the annual address, reports and all other, communications made to the Insti- tute, and publish such as, in their estimation, will tend to throw light on the subject of education, and aid the faith- ful instructor in the discharge of his duty. The board of directors, as soon as convenient after each annual meeting, shall select subjects for lectures at the next annual meeting, and assign them to proper persons. Art. 6. The meetings of this institution shall be opened with prayer. By-laws. Art. 7. By-laws, not repugnant to this constitution, may be adopted at any regular meeting. First Teachers' Association. 517 Art. S. This constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at the an- nual meeting, provided such proposed amendment or alter- ation be made known to the board of directors at their stated meeting, next preceding the annual meeting of the Institute, and receive their concurrence. The following gentlemen were elected officers, and con- officers for next c ° _ year. stitute the board of directors : Simmons J. Baker, President. u Wm. M'Pheeters, D.D., Rev. Wm. M. Green, > Vice-Presidents. Hon. Frederick Nash, ) Dr. Walter A. Norwood, Recording Secretary. W. J. Bingham, Corresponding Secretary. Professor Mitchell, j Professor Hooper, > Executive Committee. Professor Phillips, I The board of Directors met in the afternoon, and made the following appointments. To deliver an address before the annual meeting, on the Next program day preceding the next commencement — Alfred Moore, Esq., of Orange. Lecture on the imperfections in the present mode of teaching in our primary schools, and the best method of correcting them, assigned to the Rev. William Hooper, of the University. Lecture on elocution, with a particular reference to the teaching of reading, assigned to H. S. Ellenwood Esq. of Hillsborough. On Lyceums and Societies for the diffusion of useful knowledge — James D. Johnson, Esq. of Oxford. Subject for discussion — the period of time necessary for due preparation for College. 518 First Teachers' Association. The corresponding Secretary was directed to procure for the use of the Institute, the "Annals of Education," and five copies of the ''Education Reporter." Resolved, That the Secretary prepare an account of the proceedings of the meeting, and of the Board of Directors for publication in the Hillsborough Recorder, and that all the newspapers in the State be requested to publish them. By order of the Board W. J. Bingham, Secretary. — Raleigh Register, Thursday, July 7 ', 1831. Literary Convention. — We mentioned in our last, that a number of gentlemen friendly to the cause of Education, and many of them Teachers, assembled at Chapel Hill, During Commencement week, for the purpose of mutual consultation and improvement. We are today, enabled, to Much good to come p-ive the proceedings of that Convention and are gratified of the organization. ° r o o in so doing, from a belief that such associations will prove in i^orth-Carolina, as they have done elsewhere, eminently useful in awakening an interest in behalf of Common schools- — in leading Teachers to investigate more atten- tively the theory of Education, and in enlightening and regulating public sentiment on this important subject. It may seem a small matter to many, that a few individuals from different parts of the State, should have met and con- sulted together for the public good, and should have or- ganized a regular society to hold hereafter periodical meet- ings. But if we mistake not, we discover in this disin- terested attempt to promote the cause of Literature and Education, the germ of great future usefulness, and trust most sincerely, that the maturity of the fruit may corres- pond with the promise of the blossom. 1 —Raleigh Register, Thursday, July 7, 1831. J The proceedings of 1832 have not been found. The Raleigh Reg- ister for a part of 1832 is not in the State Library. First Teachers' Association. 519 NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION The annual meeting of the North Carolina Institute of Education will take place on Tuesday the 25th of June, two days previous to the Commencement of the Univer- sity. After which time, will be delivered the Annual Ad- dress and Lectures on the subjects appointed at the last meeting, viz: Annual Address, by Joseph A. Hill, Esq. of Winning- pro amm h ton. First Lecture, on Lyceums and Societies for the dif- meetm s m 183S - fusion of useful knowledge, by James D. Johnson, Esq. of Oxford. Second Lecture, on a System of Elementary Schools for North Carolina, by the Hon. Frederick Nash, of Hillsborough. Third Lecture, on the Custom of excit- ing emulation in Literary Institutions by reward or pun- ishment, by Walker Anderson, Esq. of Hillsborough. It is hoped and presumed, that the friends of Education generally, will attend and unite in supporting a cause of such vital importance to the State. By order of the Executive Committee, Walter A. Norwood, May 22. Recording Secretary. — In Raleigh Register, May 28, 1833. Our University. — Another overflowing Commencement furnishes evidence both that a new spirit is awakening in favor of the University, and that the Addresses annually delivered, by the distinguished gentlemen who accept the appointments and invitations of the Literary Societies and of the Institute of Education, have an attraction which it was not foreseen would attach to them. The houses of the village were thronged and crowded until they would hold no more. * * Among the visitors, were Gov. Swain, and Ex-Governors, Owen, Iredell and Branch. We learn, through the kindness of a friend that on Wednesday, George E. Badger, Esq. led the way in the ex- 520 Fiest Teachers' Association. ercises of the occasion, in an address before the two Liter- ary Societies. * * The annual address Joseph A. Hill, Esq. of Wilmington, followed in the ail- before the Institute r l . of education. nnal Address to the Institute, pervaded in every part by good sense, rendered more acceptable by the wit, fancy, and facility and elegance of language which accompanied and embellished it. He described with much effect his own sufferings, when an unlucky boy, he was some years ago a member of the Preparatory School at Chapel Hill, and whilst he pleaded for a more sparing use of the rod on the part of the pedagogue, refuted his doctrines by his own example — proving by the copiousness of his classical allusions and the number and the appropriateness of his quotations, that no one of the scourgings to which he al- luded had been bestowed in vain. other addresses. A Lecture on Lyceums, by -Tames D. Johnson, Esq. gave evidence of extensive reading and research in relation to this subject, and presented an ample array of well selected facts, to which the inhabitants of many small villages that are scattered over the surface of Xorth Carolina would do well to give especial heed. The exercises of the day were closed by Walker Ander- son, Esq. who stated the results of his own experience in the education of Females, and laid down certain just prin- ciples respecting the difference that obtains between the two sexes, in regard to the propriety of applying to them the stimulus of emulation as an incentive to exertion. * * — In Raleigh Register, July 2, 1833. To the Members and Friends of the Xorth Carolina In- stitute of Education. Members of the The Funds of the Institute having been exhausted by institution of Edu- , -,-, , , . , , . . , , cation asked to the Publications of the last year, it is particularly re- pay their dues. _ ...-.-. epiested, that those indebted for a year s Subscription will forward the amount as soon as possible, postpaid, to the Subscriber at Chapel Hill. The number of members not Fikst Teachers' Association. 521 being sufficient to defray the expenses of the publication-- of the present year, any persons friendly to the objects of the Institute, would aid those objects by becoming mem- bers, which they can do by forwarding to the Treasurer an annual contribution of One Dollar. By order of the Executive Committee. Walteb A. Xokwood, Treas. August 18, 1833. — In Raleigh Register, Aug. 20, 1833. We are indebted to the publisher, Mr. Patridge, for a Mr H ni's address copy of the Address of Joseph A. Hill, Esq. delivered, v " at Chapel Hill, before the Xorth Carolina Institute of Education, in June last. This able address comes to us in quite an acceptable form, making a pamphlet of 16 pages octavo, very neatly printed. The publisher will please accept our thanks for the present. We should gladly present it to our readers forthwith, were it not for the press of important public documents, which have para- mount claims upon our columns. 1 —In Raleigh Star, Feb. 20. 183 J^. 1 With this reference to the affairs of the Institute of Education, it disappears from the newspapers. 9. PLAN OF SCHOOLS BY " PEOPLE'S FRIEND." Messrs. Editors; yet S pro^x!sl^ S suned There are certain subjects which many readers pass ovei to this state. without even a hasty perusal, because they feel no interest in them or suppose, that under existing circumstances, they are wholly impracticable, or believe they already un- derstand them sufficiently well. I have some apprehen- sions, that the subject of the following Communication is one of this character. Its originality, in connexion with its great and acknowledged importance, will, I hope attract the attention of intelligent and reflecting men, and secure for it a careful examination. My object is the establish- ment of Schools throughout North Carolina. Several of our Late Governors have in their Annual Messages to our Legislature, expatiated at considerable length, on this fruitful and popular topic. Nor has it escaped the vigi- lance of several of our eminent private citizens. But so far as I now recollect, all the Communications which I have seen in our papers on the subject, though the pro- ductions of enlightened and zealous friends, have been deficient in one important particular — they have not been fully adapted to the peculiarity of our circumstances, we must organize The system of Education which has been for some time a plan of our own. _ ^ in so successful operation in New York, Massachusetts, and some other States, is not I apprehend, suited to North Carolina. It is, therefore, the part of sound wisdom, and of enlightened policy, not to follow in the steps of our neighbors, however we may admire their example ; but make for ourselves a new road, in other words, originate a plan of Education adapted to our peculiar circumstances. And if our system should not be as imposing and as splen- did as that of our neighbors, but should in the end lead to the same desirable result, the general diffusion of learn- ing among the people, we ought to possess sufficient inde- pendence and magnanimity to carry our own views into 522 Pjlast of Schools. 523 full effect. In the sincerity of my heart, I believe the ^^Xtant. time is far distant, when good schools on the common plan and in sutocient numbers will be supported througnout our whole btate, either by the public revenues or by pri- vare patronage, or by both these united. Still I do not consider our case as hopeless. Very far from it. I re- gard the present time as decidedly more propitious to a general and successful movement in favor of education, than any which has occurred since the adoption of our Constitution, if not since the earliest settlement of this State. 1 may be singular in nay opinion, but permit me to offer some reasons for it. In the first place, a great variety of causes which I need ^aTcometoadopT not specify, have for a long time, been operating to make some sys e a deep impression on reflecting men, who cherish a warm attachment to their native State, and who feel much solici- tude for its prosperity and future welfare ; that there is urgent necessity for the adoption of some general and efficient system of education. A great many persons of this description, in different sections of our State, are, I believe, ready to co-operate cordially in the general es- tablishment of schools on a plan, practicable, thorough, and attended with moderate expense. — Show them a plan, which unites all these desirable qualities; and you will secure at once their cheerful and liberal assistance. In the second place, the uneducated & poorer class of D istribution of our people, have recently had their attention, incidentally Fneuedthem to° r indeed yet impressively and powerfully, directed to the read. subject of education. An impression very general if not co-extensive with our boundaries, has been made on a large proportion of our community, in favor of the subject un- der consideration. To "the Bible effort" which has been in progress nearly two years, we are indebted for this propitious circumstance. The distribution of thirty or forty thousand copies of the Holy Scriptures among our destitute families, and often where not even a Spelling book, or an Almanac was ever seen, has, I believe, under 524 Plan of Schools. these disadvantages, excited in a great many instances, an earnest desire to become acquainted with their contents. And this desire will cause many of them to hail with lively joy the establishment of Schools for their children; that their offspring may obtain ready access to that volume, which though it contains intelligence more valuable than a globe of gold, is nevertheless at present to them "A sealed Book." I readily admit, that this is not the great object for which the friends of the Bible have been put- ting forth their vigorous and persevering exertions ; but it has, I believe, been the necessary consequence of their successful efforts to spread the word of life over our land in all its length and breadth, and whilst every benevolent mind and every friend of learning and of Christianity must be much gratified with this happy result, it is highly important that we should avail ourselves of our present advantages to urge forward with increasing confidence and zeal, the cause of moral and intellectual improvement, pian-to have a J nQW proceed to state, in few words, the outlines of a teacher take charge L aswHTifupporthim; P iarL > which appears to me, to be better adapted to our open on certain e circumstances than any which has come to my knowledge. Its peculiarity is the division of a Teacher's labors among two or more Schools, according to the ability of his em- ployers. I would engage none but well qualified Teachers, of good character and of experience, and provide a satis- factory remuneration for their services. Then if one neighborhood could sustain such a Teacher, let him take charge of only one School. If it would require two neigh- borhoods to support him, let him have the care of two Schools ; and devote three days in a week to each of them. If it would require three neighborhoods to support him, let him have the charge of three Schools, and spend two days in a week in each of them, and if in some thinly settled and mountainous sections of the State, a still great- er number of Schools would be necessary to sustain a good teacher, let him have the charge of five or six Schools, and devote onlv one day in a week to each of them. Plan op Schools. 525 I infer with certainty, that all the children in Xorth- Sunday schools . ■ have taught many Carolina, could m this way obtain a knowledge of the fun- t0 read - damental branches of Education ; for in Sabbath Schools, a great number of children, and youth, and adults, have been educated, who never enjoyed any other literary ad- vantages. This fact is itself a practical demonstration, that the plan which I have proposed, if generally adopted would be of incalculable advantage, to the interests of learning in our State. This plan would be economical In the schools taught only one day in the week, the price schools mighttbe of instruction would probably not exceed 50 cents per the week; tuition scholar per quarter, and in the other Schools, in the same proportion; it would moreover, be very convenient for those parents, who often, and especially during the busy seasons of the year, need the services of their children. Besides, Parents, it is believed, would make greater exer- tions to send their children the distance of two or three miles to school, a part of the time, than they would to send them daily. In conclusion, I inquire is not my theory apparently so pian could be well adapted to our peculiar circumstances, and of so much promise, as to be worthy of being fairly tested ? This could easily be done, if some person of public spirit, of influence and wealth, would embark in this enterprise, and establish a few schools in his neighborhood. In this case he should spare no pains to procure competent teach- ers, to prepare convenient School-houses, to provide all necessary books, and make a thorough experiment. The result might justly enrol his name amons: the most dis- tinguished benefactors of his country. — The People's Feiexd. P. S. Since the above article was written, I have been ^ n 3xample of tne informed that a respectable Teacher, in an adjacent coun- ty, has commenced the instruction of two schools. He spends three days a week, in each school. — Raleigh Register, Thursday, May 12, 1831. Recalls society- organized in 1827. Congress did not give aid asked. 10. DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM. Deaf and Dumb Asylum. — We could not withhold last week, the expression of our astonishment, in announcing the fact, that there are in this State, fourteen hundred and fifty six persons bereaved of those prime blessings of nature, hearing and speaking, and the more we reflect on it, the greater is our surprise. It will be borne in mind, that during the Legislature of 1827, a Society was organ- ized for the purpose of establishing in North Carolina, an institution for the instruction of Deaf and Dumb per- sons. A constitution was adopted and signed and several pertinent and feeling addresses were made on the occa- sion — one, we particularly recollect, delivered by Dr. Cald- well, elicited great approbation. An Act also passed the Legislature, the same session, incorporating the said So- ciety, and a respectful Memorial was addressed to Con- gress, praying for a like donation of land as has been granted to similar Institutions in other States. This Memorial was acted upon by Congress, and a bill subse- quently passed one branch of that body, for carrying into effect the wishes of the Society, but owing to the want of time, the House of Representatives did not act upon it. If it be still amongst the unfinished business we hope our Representatives will ferret it out and use their exer- tions to have it passed, for the late examination shows, that we have need of such an Institution, in an eminent degree 1 . — Raleigh Register, Thursday/ Feb. 3, 1831. 1 The editor corrects his statement as to the number of deaf and dumb children in the next issue of his paper. 526 Deaf axd Dumb Asylum. 52* Statistics Deaf and Dumb. — The following statistics are from the Census of 1830 : — ■ White. Negroes. Totai. Deaf and Dumb — Under 14 years. . . 69 25 94 Of 14 and under 25 65 27 92 Of 25 and upwards 60 27 87 194 79 273' Blind 215 157 372 — From Raleigh Register, Feb. 10, 1881. [This is printed to correct former statement which was an error. See editorial, Register, February 10, 1831 ] 11. NECESSITY FOE SCHOOLS. People should con sider every candidate opposed to schools an enemy of the people. What other states are doing. Common Schools. — The necessity for establishing Com mon Schools in every section of our country ought to be sounded in the ears of the rulers of the States, and of the Union, until this great duty of providing for the general instruction of the people is more faithfully regarded. — Let this be the test word, by which the people try every candidate for office : is he friendly to free schools ; to popular education ? If not, he should be marked as an enemy to the people; to their rights as free- men ; as anti-republican in his principles, and unworthy of the confidence of those for whose benefit this Govern- ment was instituted. The example of !New-York merits the applause of the Republic. Massachusetts supports her schools on a different plan: the spirit of education in that State is unbounded, & her seminaries of learning are not excelled by those of any State. Connecticut has distin- guished herself in the same laudable career. Other States are awaking, to be blest by the light, and freedom, and general improvement of the age. Plutarch tells us that "Caesar could boast that he had slain a million of men, given a million their liberty, and made a million prison- ers." In giving a million their liberty, there was some- thing of true glory. But in assisting the many millions in this Republic to appreciate, enjoy and perpetuate their liberty, a glory still more exalted may be achieved. This is a work of moral, as well as political grandeur, that will endure and be admired when the monuments of conquest by force, shall be swept from the world. — Raleigh Register, Thursday, Sept. 22, 1831. 528 12. LOTTERY FOR PUBLICATION OF A NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY REFUSED. To the Honourable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina : The Memorial of Archibald J). Mur- phey of Orange County. Respectfully sheweth, That he has heretofore represented to the General As- Former lotteries 1 . failed. sembly that he has been for several years engaged in col- lecting materials for a correct history of North Carolina and that he was unable to complete the work, without lib •eral pecuniary aid. The General Assembly upon this rep- resentation passed an act authorizing him to raise by way of lottery the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, but re- stricted him to three drawings. This restriction and the smallness of the sum authorized to be raised put it out of his power to dispose of the Lottery. A subsequent act was passed authorizing the president and directors of the Lit- erary Fund to raise by way of lottery the sum of fifty thousand dollars, and to pay over to your Memorialist one- half thereof but no steps have been taken to carry this act work on history re mi n i c sr • t 1 i interrupted by into efrect. Ihe labours of your Memorialist have been sickness. suspended for several years past, by reason of severe rheu- matism with which he was afflicted. Being at length re- lieved in a great degree from this painful disease, he is once more prosecuting the work, and he now solicits from the undertaking must „ , . , , , . .' , . , , . , be aided by the General Assembly that pecuniary aid without which no man state to succeed, of reasonable fortune can compile a History of North Caro- lina. The materials for our Colonial history are deposited London records to be secured in the public offices in England, and among the early records of the States of Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia: And your Memorialist entertained a hope, after the British Government, had upon the application of the General Assembly consented that copies might be taken of ill the documents and papers relating to our Colonial his- tory to be found in their public offices and after having made out an index of all these documents and papers and 34 529 530 Aid to Publish History Refused. Documents to be state property. Asks 850.000 by lottery. delivered the same to our Ambassador in London for the information and use of your Honourable body that yon would have obtained copies at the expense of the State, since the index has been received nothing further has been done on the subject; and your Memorialist has concluded that the General Assembly will not procure such copies If sufficient aid be given to your Memorialist, he himself will proceed to London, or send an agent of Intelligence to procure copies of the papers and documents aforesaid; and after writing our Colonial history, he will present them to the General Assembly to be deposited in the Public, Library. They will fill up many large volumes in manu- script. He will at the same time present to the General Assembly several volumes in manuscript containing copies of such documents and papers relating to our history as he shall have been able to collect in this Country. It is be- lieved that the documents to be obtained from England, and those which have been and will be collected in this country will fill more than twenty folio volumes. Your Memorialist can not set forth with any precision, what it will cost to make his collection ; but it is certain that it will cost a large sum. He asks for no appropriation from the Treasury. It will, he hopes, answer his purposes, to be authorized to raise a sufficient sum by way of Lottery. And it being a matter of perfect indifference with the General Assembly, whether he be authorized to raise fifty or twenty thousand dollars. He prays that an act might be passed, authorizing him to raise the former sum. Such an act will probably enable him through some of the Bro kers in the Northern States to raise fifteen or twenty thou- sand dollars. And he prays that he may not be restricted in the number of drawings: Such a restriction will under the act, be of no avail to him. He further prays that he may "have access to the papers and documents in the public offices in this City; and that he be permitted to take copies of such as he may require ; and for this purpose to withdraw from the public offices Aid to Publish History Refused. 531 such papers and documents upon his signing a receipt for, and promising to return the same. — And your Memorialist will ever pray. A. D. Muephet. Nov. 29, 1831. A Bill to encourage the publication of a History of North Carolina. Whereas it is represented to this General Assembly that Lottery bin. Archibald D. Murphey of Orange County is engaged in compiling a History of North Carolina, and that he cannot complete the work without liberal pecuniary aid: Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the said Archibald D. Murphey be and he is hereby authorized to raise by way of Lottery a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars to enable him to prose- cute and complete said work. And that he shall have ac- cess to the public documents of the State with liberty to take copies of such of them as he may require ; and f o 1 this purpose to withdraw for a short time from the public offices said documents upon his signing a receipt for the same. The Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of unfavorable report .,,, e of the committee. Archibald 1). Murphey, praying for the enactment oi a law, and authorizing him to raise by way of Lottery the sum of fifty thousand dollars, have considered the same and REPORT, That however anxious they are to see a correct History of North Carolina, yet a failure of a similar attempt made by the petitioners, not many years since, connected with the system of hazard, contemplated in the Memorial, upon the morality of the community, induces your Committee to return the Bill and Memorial to the House and recom- mend its rejection. Respectfully submitted, Thos. G. Polk, dim. — Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1831. u^eW^ 6fw^- a a o U o c o £ £ ^ O r* Q < U C/3 a c3 H U U h Pi $ Z Q o <7} <2 O o u (25 Z o o Cc cj W ~ s ~ S £ .s 04 S h CU r- v: CO On o c § s v. o C Q C Q Pi o o