ffimMQm M H B iM HSBB - H DOCTRINES, STATUTES UD HYMN BOOK OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, ■* «» • ♦* S. A. WYLIE, PRINTER, INQUIRER OFFICE I860. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/doctrinesstatuteOOjeff T H E ottvints anir Mconomv OF TOGETHER WITH THE AMERICAN HYMN BOOK, OR PSALMS, HYMKS AXD SPIRITUAL SOXGS, FOR THE USE OF THE CHURCH OF CHFvIST IN AMERICA. Compiled from the Most Approved Authors. TOGETHER WITH A NUMBER OF ORIGINAL PIECES, BY CYRUS JEFFRIES. Seeing [lie cold, formal state of religion , in almost every branch of the Church, the manifest apathy for the salvation of souls, the growing fondness of professors for the things of time and earth, and the increase of sin and wickedness among men ; and knowing that civil and political institutions are rapidly ascending to emi- nence and distinction, and that the arts and sciences are sweeping on to such heights of power and grandeur, that they are already controlling the energies, and commanding the fortunes of the world : while the Church, that should be far in advance of these collaterals of Christiani- ty, is moving at such a pace that she must soon get out of the way or he run over ; and believing that the Church of Christ, ill all its pure and holy branches, is the great spiritual Precursor of all-other civil and moral systems, however sublime and glorious may be their intention, for time and eternity; that no system or nation can be in a state of advancement and ex- cellence without the Church being in the van of its glory, and, that the progress and happiness of mankind, both in the present and eternal world, depends en- tirely upon the purity of the Church, the number and unity of its branches, and the increase and spirituality of its numbers on earth — Being impelled by the Spirit of Christ, the Xew Testament Scriptures, and the above considerations, to a greater exertion in the cause of God, the salva- sion of souls, and a deeper vork of grace in our own hearts, and in the hearts of those who hear us, we have, for the glory of God and the advancement of his king- dom, adopted the Doctrines and Economy of the Church of Christ in America. And with love to God and man, and to every branch of the true Church of the Redeemer, on earth, we submit them to the candid consideration of all who desire an interest in the Spiritual Kingdom of Christ, our Lord. T H K DOCTRINES AND ECONOMY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN AMERICA. DECLARATION. In the name of Almighty God, we, by this Declaration, organize and estab- lish the Church of Christ in America ; and with full faith in the word of God, and a firm reliance upon our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, do hereby, for the glory of our Creator, the happiness of believers and the welfare of mankind, acknowledge and set forth the following Articles as the Doc- trines of our Faith and Practice, in the Church of Christ, as laid down m the Scriptures of Divine Truth, and humbly invoking the blessing and gui- dance of the Holy Spirit upon us for all time, we submit them to the judgment of the Christian world. THI BO Of 1IH1S OF TtlE CHURCH OF CHRIST IX AMERICA. I. There is but Oxe God. There is but one true and everliving God, who is the Author and Owner of the universe, and all thirigs therein ; and who exists in a Divine trinity of three great essentials, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in one person. II. The Holy Scriptures. The word of God as revealed in the Scriptures of the Old and Xew Testa- ments, is the only foundation for every principle of true Religion, and every es- sential feature is manifest from more than one text of Scripture, and no doctrine should be founded on a single passage thereof. III. jEsrs Christ our Lord. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the true and living God, manifest in the 10 flesh, the Creator, the Preserver and the Redeemer of the world. IV. There is no Sin but that of Trans- gression. Man was created innocent and good, and all his posterity came into the world in a state of mnocency and only became sinful by transgression. Adam's sin was his own act, and not the act of his pos- terity. The sinfulness of his act could not be transferred to them any more than the act itself could be transferred, yet the evil nature he received as the conse- quence of his disobedience, is transmitted to all his race. V. Faith, Repentance, and Forgiveness. Every one that knows good from evil, must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, repent, and be converted from the natural or carnal state, into the righteous or spiritual state, and by a Godly walk, and a holy conversation, become the children of God and be saved forever. VI. Future Rewards and Punishments. Heaven is the Kingdom of glory, the home of the spirits of the righteous in the spirit world, where they are not only re- 11 warded for all the}' have done and suffer- ed on earth, but they will rise from glory to glory along with the angelic hosts of the redeemed and happy children of God, through all the ages of eternal life and rapture. Hell is the home of the spirits of the unrighteous, lost and rained sons and daughters of men in the spirit world, where they, along with demons and devils, will be rewarded according to the deeds done in the body. VII. Love axd Chakity. Love to God, and Charity to all man- kind, are the essential features of Chris- tian^ : and without them, no person can be a good member of the Church of Christ, or a true follower of die Lord Jesus. It is only through these* that we can know the power and the beauty of the gospel, and the glory of its Redemption, its Judgment, and its Resurrection, so as to obey the ordinances of God's house, that we may bring honor to his name, good to man, and salvation to ourselves. Signed in behalf of the first Assembly of the Church of Christ in America, in the year of our Lord, 1865. CYRUS JEFFRIES. Chni. H.orrLTOX Weld, Sec. THE STATUTES OF TH K CHURCH OF CHRIST IN AMERICA. The Visible Church. The visible Church of Christ is a con- gregation of faithful men and women, in which the true word of God is preached, and the ordinances established by our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, duly administered. II. Who are to be Admitted as Mem- bers. All persons who profess to love God, and by an upright walk, chaste conversaH tion, and a virtuous life, prove to thej world that they are disciples of Christ, are entitled, on application, to full menu bership in the Church of Christ, and to all the rights and privileges thereof. III. Who are Admitted as Believers. All moral persons who believe the doctrines of the Church of Christ, bill have as yet made no profession of i change of' heart, may, on application, be admitted as believers, until full professior 13 is made, when they shall he admitted to fall membership m the ehurch. But in no ease will probation be continued to a person guilty of unchristian conduct ; but such person may be dropped from the church register, at any time, by the society, through their minister. IV. Honesty and Industry. All members and believers in the iChurch of Christ, are expected to show, by an honest and industrious life, a good example to all around them ; always do- ing as they would others should do to I them. V. What is Forbidden in the Church of Christ. All acts and words forbidden in the New Testainent Scriptures, are entirely disallowed by the Church of Christ, to any of its members. VI. Offences and Immoralities. All immoralities and offences commit- ted by members of the Church, against the laws of God, and charges, by a mem- ber of the Church, laid in to the pastor, shall be tried by a committee chosen by 14 the Assembly to which the offending member belongs, at the next monthly Assembly ; and shall be acquitted, ad- monished, suspended, or expelled, as the case may require. VII. Abuse of one Member by Another. All abuses, or trespassiugs of one mem- ber against another, shall be settled as commanded bv Christ, in Matt. XYIII, 15, 10, 17. VIII. Settlement of Disputes. All disputes, misunderstandings and wrongs between members, shall be set- tled by committees chosen by the parties without going to law. IX. Loyalty to the Government. Every member of the Church of Christ; is expected to be true and loyal to the Union, the Constitution, and the laws of the United States of America, and use all Christian means to sustain the sacred rights and liberties of our great and glorious country. X. Loyalty to the Church. It is also expected that the members 15 of the Church of Christ will he true, social, and benevolent, not only to the brothers and sisters, but to all around them, assisting the poor, visiting the sick, comforting the distressed, and af- fectionately inviting all to come into the Church and be saved. XI. Pastorates. When three or more members, .can be found in any one community, they may be formed into an Assembly, and be un- der the care of an Evangelist, or Local Minister, until the} r are able to support a Pastor, and become a Pastorate. XII. The Weekly Assemblies. Every Church, or Pastorate, shall hold a weekly Assembly, or religious service, every first day of the week, unless other meetings of the Church are in progress at the same time and place, for the wor- ship of Almighty God, by singing, prayer, and the preaching of the word^ and for the paying of the Pastor, by the people, his weekly dues, every one as the Lord has prospered him or her. XIII. The Monthly Assemblies. Every Pastorate shall hold a Monthly 16 Assembly on the first Sabbath in every month, for the worship of Almighty God, by public singing, prayer, and the preach- ing of the word, also for the lifting of the Evangelists' collection, the appointment of Basket meetings, and for the trial of members guilty of unchristian conduct. XIV. The Quarterly Assemblies. Every Pastorate shall hold a Quarter- ly Assembly, composed of all the Official members, four times in each year, for the worship of Almighty God, by public sing- ing, prayer, and the preaching of the word ; also for the examination of the of- ficial character of all of its members, the election of the officers of the Pastorate, the licensing of Ministers and Exhorters, and the recommending of Ministers to the Annual Assembly for membership, the appointment of the various Commit- tees, the receiving donations, by will or otherwise, for the benefit of the Church, and the doing of all other business inci- dent to the Pastorate. The Deacon or presiding officer, together with the other officers shall be elected at the commence- ment of each Quarterly Assembly, and their term of office shall expire at the adjournment thereof. 17 XV. The Annual Assemblies, The Annual Assembly, composed of all the Evangelists, Pastors, and Local Ministers within its bounds, together with an Elder or Lay Delegate, elected by the Quarterly Assemblies, for each Minister therein, shall be held once in every year for the glory of God and the transaction of the business of the Church, and shall be solemnly conducted by sing- ing, exhortation and prayer through all the business the 1 re of, which shall be 'the examination of the moral and official character of all its Ministerial members, with the right to bring to trial and acquit, admonish, suspend or expel, as the case may require ; receive and ordain Minis- ters ; send out Evangelists ; station Pas- tors Avhere and when called for by a ma- jority of the members of the respective Pastorates ; distribute the Evangelists' collection funds among the Evangelists, who, together with the Pastors, shall ren- der an annual account of all amounts re- ceived by them, during the past year, for their services ; the furthering of the Sab- bath School system ; the electing of the Treasurer for the Evanglists' or Mission- ary fund ; the appointing of the time and place of holding the next annual Asseni- B 18 bly, and doing all other business connected therewith. The elected Elder or presid- ing officer, together with the other offi- cers shall be elected at the opening of the Annual Assembly, and their term of office shall expire on the adjournment thereof. XVI. Tup: General Asse3ibly. The General Assembly, composed of Ministers or Bishops, or Delegates elect- ed by the Annual Assemblies, one Min- ister and one Layman for every three Ministers composing the Annual Assem- blies, shall be held once in every three years for the glory of God and the trans- acting of the business of the Church, and shall be solemnly conducted by exhorta- tion and prayer, through all its sittings. The business of the General Assembly shall be to designate the bounds of the Annual Assemblies and establish others ; make all rules and regulations for the general publication Office, when brought under its control by purchase or otherwise, and make all rules needful for the ad- vancement of the Church under the fol- lowing restrictions, namely : The Gen- eral Assembly shall not repeal, alter or change any article or articles of Religion, nor establish any new doctrine contrary L9 thereto. It shall not revoke or change the rules or regulations, so as to do away the equality of the Ministry, nor shall it alter or renew any article or regulation, or make any hew one without the con- sent of the majority of two-thirds of all the members of the General Assembly. The Parliamentary rules of the Congress of the United States shall, so far as prac- ticable, govern the proceedings of the General Assembly. It shall also appoint the time and place of holding the next General Assembly, and shall do all ptfoer business needful to be done by th,e.;, gen- eral Assembly. The Elected^ ^islfop., 1 'or, presiding officer, shall be eleqted a^.^ie 1 , opening" of the General Ass^mWy 'Y CYRUS JEFFRIES. PSALMS, HIIIIIS HID SPIRITUAL SOKES, FOU THE USE OF THE CHURCH BF CHRIST il AMERICA. The Creator. 1. C. M. GREAT God, how infinite art thou How frail and weak are we ! Let the whole race of creatures how, And pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere earth or heaven was made ; Thou art the ever living God, Were all the nations dead. 3 Nature and time all open he To thine immense survey, From the formation of the sky, To the last awful day. 34 4 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present to thy view ; To thee there's nothing old appears, Great God! there's nothing new. 5 Our lives thro' various scenes are [drawn, And vex'd with trifling cares : While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs. 6 But the mild glories of thy grace, Our softer passions move : Pity divine, in Jesus' face, We see, adore and love. 2. C. 31. JESUS, our God, we know thy name, And we will spread abroad : Our tongues shall far and wide pro- claim, Thou art our Savior, God. 2 We'll own thee for our God and King, Xor ever blush to tell ; "We'll rise upon our feet and sing, Thou hast done all things well. 3 Thy praise shall dwell upon our [tongues, Thy love our hearts inflame ; Immanuel God, shall tune our songs, And Jesus is his name. 35 4 Thou art our God while here on earth, Uphold us lest we fall ! And when our voice is lost in death, We'll sing thee Lord of all. ■5 Around thy throne we'll shout and [sing, And join the saints above ; Glory to Christ, our God and King, For his redeeming love. Redemption. 3. G. 31. ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed ! And did my Sov'reign die ! Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I ? 2 Was it for crimes that I have done, He groan'd upon the tree ! Amazing pitj^ ! Grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty maker, died For man the creature's sin ! 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While his dear cross appears, Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myself away ; ■'Tis all that I can do. 4. c. m. " PLUXGr'D in a gulf of dark despair, We wretched sinners la}\ "Without one cheering beam of hope , Or spark of glimm'riug day. 12 With pitying eyes the prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief : He saw, and (O amazing love !) He ran to our relief. 3 Down from the shining seats above With joyful haste he fled ; Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 4 for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence, break ! And all harmon'ous human tongues. The Savior's praises speak. .5 Angels, assist our mighty joys ; Strike all your harps of gold ; And when you raise your highest notes, His love can ne'er be told ! 5. c. M. BEHOLD the Savior of mankind, Xail'd to the shameful tree ! How vast the love that him inclin'd, To bleed and die for thee ! 2 Hark how he groans while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend ! The temple's vail in sunder breaks, The solid marbles rend. 3 'Tisdone! the precious ransom's paid, "Receive my soul !'* he cried : See where he \>ows his sacred head ! He bows his head, and dies ! 4 But soon he'll break death's envious chain And in full glory shine : lamb of God, was ever pain. Was ever love like thine ! 6.. L. M. OF him who did salvation bring. I could forever think and sing ; Arise, ye need}', he'll relieve ; Arise, ye guilty, he'll forgive. 2 Ask but his grace, and lo, 'tis giv'n \ Ask, and he turns your hell to heaven : Thoughsin and sorrow wound my soul , Jesus, thy balm will make me whole. 3 To shame our sins he blush'd in blood, And clos'd his eyes to show us God ; Let all the world fall down and know. 38 That none but God such love can show. 4 'Tis thee I love, for thee alone, I shed my tears, and make my moan ! Where'er I am, where'er I move, I meet the object of my love. Inviting. 7. 7s and 6s. C10ME, my brethren, let us try, ' For a little season, Ev'ry burden to lay by, Come, and let us reason, 2 What is this that casts you down ? Who are those that grieve you ? Speak, and let the worst be known, Speaking may relieve you. 2 Christ, by faith, I sometimes see, Then it doth relieve me ; But my sins return again, They are they that grieve me ; 3 Think of what your Savior bore In the gloomy garden, Sweating'blood from every pore, To procure your pardon. 8. p. M. C10ME, ye sinners, poor and needy, ' Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; 39 Jesus ready stands to save you. Full of pity, love and power ; He is able. He is willing, doubt no more. 2 Xow ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings you nigh Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger Xor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you, "Tis the spirit's glim'ring beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruis'd and mangled by the fall, If you tarry till you're better. You will never come at all ; Xot the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to call. 5 Agonizing in the garden, . Lo, your Savior prostrate lies ! On the bloody tree behold him ! Hear him cry before he dies, k 'It is finished ! ,? Sinners, will not this suffice ? 40 6 Lo ! tli' incarnate God ascending, Pleads the merit of his blood ; Venture on him, venture freely ; Let no other trust intrude ; Xone but Jesus, Can do helpless sinners good. 7 Saints and angels joined in concert, Sing the praises of the Lamb, While the blissful seats of heaven, Sweetly echo with his name ; Hallelujah ! Sinners here may do the same. 9. P. M. OCOME away, to ever living day ; Do not delay, while it is called " [to-day, 0, come, Christ is here ; Come out from the wilderness, Come out from your deep distress ; O, come, and God will bless ; Come, don't fear, O, come to his happiness, Come, sinners dear. 2 O, come along, and join the happy [throng, Till sweetest song inspire every tongue. O, come, Christ is here ; &c. * # # # * Come, mourners dear. 41 3 O, where is he, that taught you ou his [knee, How you should be from sin and sor- [row free ? 0, come, Christ is here ; &c. # # # * * Come, children dear. 4 0, where are they that taught you first [to pray, And showed your way to everlasting [day? O, come, she is here ; &c. # * f # # Come, children dear. 5 O, where's j^our child, you loved, so [sweet and mild, Who calmly smiled as it crossed old [Jordan's wild ? 0, come, it is here ; &c. # # * # * Come, parents dear. 6 They're all at home, beyond the silent [tomb, In bliss to roam through all the life to [come ; 0, come, they are here ; &c. # # * * *= Come, kindred dear. 7 Then come along, and leave all sin [and wrong ; 42 Come join the throng, and unto Christ [belong ; O, come, Christ is here ; «&c. ■TO -TO* TP * * Come, mortals dear. C. J. 10. L. M. LIFE is the time to serve the Lord, The time t' insure the great reward, And while the lamp holds out to burn, ! hasten sinner to return. 2 Life is the hour that God hath given T' escape from hell and fly to heaven, The day of grace when mortals may Secure the blessings of the day. 3 Then what my thoughts design to do, My hands with all your might pursue : Since no device or work is found, Xor faith, nor hope, beneath the [ground. 11. c. M. C10ME, humble sinner, in whose ' [breast A thousand thoughts revolve ; Come, with your guilt and fear op- [press'd, And make this last resolve : 2 I'll go to Jesus, though my sins Have like a mountain rose ; 43 I know his courts, I'll enter in. Whatever may oppose. 3 Prostrate I'll lie before his throne, And there my guilt confess ; I'll tell him I'm a wretch undone, Without his sovereign grace. 4 I'll to my gracious King approach, Whose sceptre pardon gives : Perhaps he may command a touch, And then the suppliant lives. 5 Perhaps he may admit my plea, Perhaps he'll hear my pray'r ; But if I perish, I will pray, And perish only there. 6 I can but perish if I go, I am resolved to try ; For if I 'stay away, I know I must forever die. . 12. P. M. C10ME ye sinners, high and wealth}- ; -' O, unto the Savior fly. Come to him, ye strong and healthy, For you, like the rest, must die. Come ye sinners, 0, come over, And obey the gospel word. Come and praise the great Jehovah, And adore our blessed Lord. 44 2 Come ye toilers, from your labors, Bid the world and sin good-bye, Teach the gospel to your neighbors, Show them they must turn or die. Come ye fathers, O, come over, &c. 3 Come ye wretched, poor and feeble, Who in sorrow weep and sigh ; Come and journey with God's people, Ere you languish, droop and die. Come ye mothers, O, come over, &c. 4 Come ye careless ones of pleasure, Come while G-od invites you nigh : O, receive the ransomed treasure, And your souls shall never die. Come ye brothers, O, come [over, &c. 5 Come ye lovely ones of beauty, Turn to Christ your sparkling eye ; Learn of him your Christian duty, As you soon must fade and die. Come ye sisters, O, come over, &c. 6 Come ye weary, heavy laden, Flee to Christ who now is nigh ;■ Come ye aged, youth and maiden, He will save ; you shall not die. Come ye mourners, 0, come [over, &c. 7 Come ye Christians, bound for glory In the heavenly lands on high : 45 Come, begin the heavenly story, For our bliss shall never die. Come ye Christians, we'll go [over, &c. Penitential. 13. s. M. ND can I yet delay A My little all to Death enters, and there's no defense His time there's none can tell ; He'll in a moment call thee hence, To heaven or down to hell. 4 Thy flesh, perhaps thy greatest care, Shall crawling worms consume : But ah ! destruction stops not there Sin kills bevond the tomb. 86 59. p.m. WHAT'S this that steals, that steals upon my frame ? Is it death ? Is it death ? That soon will quench, will quench this vital flame ! Is it death ? Is it death ? If this be death, I soon shall be From ev'ry pain and sorrow free. ! I shall the Kim? of Glory see ! All is well, all is well f 2 Weep not for me, my friends, weep not [for me : All is well, all is well ! My sins are pardon'd — pardon'd I am [free ! All is well, all is well ! There's not a cloud that doth arise To hide my Savior from my eyes : I soon shall mount the upper skies ! All is well, all is well ! Tune, tune your harps, your harps, ye [saints in glory ! All is well, all is well ! Will rehearse, rehearse the pleasing [story"! All is well, all is well ! Bright angels are from glory come ! They're round my bed, they're in my I room : 87 They wait to waft my spirit home ! All is well, all is well ! • 4 Hark ! hark ! my Lord, my Lord and Master calls me ; All is well, all is well ! I soon shall see, shall see his face in glory! All is well, all is well i Farewell, my friends — adieu, adieu ! I can no longer stay with you ; My glitt'ring crown appears in view ! All is well, all is well ! 5 Hail, hail, all hail, all hail ye blood- wash'd throng, Saved by grace, saved by grace, 1 come to join, to join your rapturous [song, Saved by grace, saved by grace ; All, all is peace and joy divine, And heaven and glory now are mine; O hallelujah to the Lamb, All is well, all is well. 60. P. M. BROTHER, thou art gone to rest : We will not weep for thee, For thou art now where oft, on earth, Thy spirit longed to be. 2 Brother, thou art gone to rest ; Thine i* an earl}- tomb ; But Jesus summoned thee away, Thy Savior called thee home. 88 Brother, thou art gone to rest ; Thy toils and cares are o'er ; And sorrow, pain and suffering now, Shall ne'er distress thee more. Brother, thou art gone to rest ; Thy sins are all forgiven ; And saints in light have welcomed thee, To share thejoys of heaven. Brother, thou art gone to rest ; . And this shall be our prayer — That when we reach our journey's end, Thy glory we may share. 61. c. M. I^HY life I read, my gracious Lord, - With tranports all divine ; Thy image trace in every word, Thy love in every line. I Methinks I see a thousand charms Spread o'er thy lovely face, While infants in thy tender arms Receive thy smiling grace. 5 "I take these little lambs," said he, "And lay them in my breast ; Protection they shall rind in me, In me be ever blest. "Death may the bands of life unloose,' But can't dissolve my love : Millions of infant souls compose The fa mil v above. 89 5 "Their feeble frames my power shall [raise, And mould with heavenly skill ; I'll give them tongues to sing my [praise , And hands to do my will." 62. c. m. T)rriIY should we start and fear to die ! » * What timorous worms we mor- tals are. Death is the gate to endless joy. And yet we dread to enter there. 2 The pains, the groans, the dying strife, Fright our approaching souls away ; And we shrink back again to life, Fond of our prison and our clay. O, if my Lord would come and meet, My soul would stretch her wings in [haste, Fly fearless through death's iron gate, iS"or feel the terrors as she past ! Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are, \ While on his breast I lean my head, And breathe my life out sweetly [there. 90 63. c. M. FROM the great and good Creator, Souls immortal take their birth, And, among the tribes of nature, Take their station on the earth. - There, without a halt or cavil, In the sweeping flight of time, Enters on its mighty travel, In the endless inarch of mind. 2 On, through scenes of earthly pleasure, Over wastes of human woe, On, through climes of want or treasure, The progressive soul must go. On, and upward, through the mystery Of probation's fleeting clime, Passing swiftly through the history Of its stay in earth and time. 3 Trusting nothing, base or pleasant. In this erring world of love, Dignifying through the present, Man below, and God above. On the coasts of endless alory, On the brilliant hills of light, It continues on the story Through the kingdoms of delight. **4 Over realms more entrancing, Brighter scenes of glory shine, On the raptured soul, advancing Through the great Creator's clime. 91 On, with suniless happy millions, Over zones of pearl and gold ; Through the plains of God's pavillions, Ever travels on the soul. 5 On, through higher constellations In the peerless orbs of joy. On, with raptured angel nations In their holy, high employ. Over latitudes of glory. Up through attitudes of bliss, On, o'er worlds unknown in story, In the universe of bliss. 6 Over globes of greater wisdom, Where eternal raptures roll ; Up through higher suns and systems, Journeys on the happy soul. After far and wide enlarging For a thousand million years. It has only gained the margin Of eternity's frontiers. c. J. The Judgment. 64. P. M. TYTO, wo, to the sinner, who lives in ▼ y [his sin ; Unrighteous without and unholy within ; Each thought of his heart, and each look 1 [of his eye, Is tainted with sin : — and his doom is to [die. 92 2 Wo, wo, to the sinner ; his hopes bright [but vain Will turn to despair, and his pleasures to [pain ; To whom in the day of distress will he [%'' Forsaken of God ; — and his doom is to die. 3 Wo, wo, to the sinner ; his deeds of [dark night Shall all be revealed by eternity's light ; Like spectres of horror shall each meet [his eye ; Too late then to pray, for his doom is to [die. 4 Wo, wo, to the sinner, who lives at his [ease, Expecting long years of enjoyment and ]peace ; His barns he may build, and his hopes [may be high, But God hath declared that his doom is [to die. 5 Wo. wo, to the sinner in gaudy array, Who feasts in profusion from day unto * [day ; For water, alas ! soon in vain will he cry, Tormented in flames : — for his doom is to [die. 93 6 Wo, wo, to the sinner, who will not [repent ; To hell shall his sin-burdened spirit be [sent ; Forever in that fearful prison to lie, No hope for him there ; — oh ! his doom [is to die. w. H. 65. P. M. r pHE Gospel day has come, JL And the judgment is begun, Sounding the gospel note of pardon, And all who will believe, Forgiveness shall receive, Shouting the Gospel note of pardon. Salvation forever : Our Savior doth reign, O, may we never Leave him again, But gather round his standard, And march away to joy, Sounding the Gospel note of pardon. 2 We have heard the Savior say : Now is the judgment day ; Sounding the Gospel note of pardon. To all our ransomed race, Now is offered his free grace, Sounding the Gospel note of pardon. Salvation forever, &c. 94 By one the judgment came On all of eyery name, Sounding no gospel note of pardon ; But the blessed Savior ran To the help of fallen man, Sounding the gospel note of pardon. Salvation forever, &c. For judgment he is come, And to lead his ransomed home, * Sounding the gospel note of pardon, For he standeth at the door, To judge the rich and poor, Sounding the gospel note of pardon. Salvation forever, &c. And he judge th every day, As the holy word doth say, Sounding the gospel note of pardon, And he judgeth in the earth, Every soul of human birth ; Sounding the gospel note of pardon. Salvation forever, &c. From the south to the north, All his children shall come forth, Shouting the gospel note of pardon ; From the east to the west, They shall gather to his rest, Sounding the gospel note of pardon. Salvation forever, &c. c. J. 95 Resurrection. 66. L. M. HE dies the friend of sinners dies, Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around; A solemn darkness veils the skies ! A sudden trembling shakes the ground ! 2 Come, saints and drop a tear or two For him who groan'd beneath your [load ; He shed a thousand drops for you. A thousand drops of richer blood. 3 Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of glory dies for man ! But lo ! what sudden joys we see : Jesus, the dead, revives again ! 4 The rising God forsakes the tomb ; (In vain the tomb forbids his rise) ; Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies. 5 Break off your tears, ye saints and tell How high your great deliv'rer reigns ; Sing how he spoiTd the hosts of hell. And led the monster, death, in chains ! 6 Say, ''live forever, wond'rous King! Born to redeem and strong to save !" Then ask the monster, "where 's thy [sting, And where's thy vicl'ry boasting Stay, father, stay ! alone, alone, With none to cheer, and none to mourn ; I cannot leave this world of wo, And to the land of spirits go. 105 6 Stay, father, stay ! once more I ask, O, count it not a heavy task, To stay with me till life shall end — My last, my only earthly friend. Miscellaneous. 78. P. M. HEAR the gentle, loving Savior, Jesus Christ, the crucified, Asks you to entreat his favor, Since for sinners he has died. Will you seek him ? See his arms are open wide ! 2 Every day you're drawing nearer, Xearer'to eternity ; Every sunset makes time shorter, From the coming wrath to flee. Jesus calls you. "Come poor sinner, come to me. 3 "Come ye weary, heavy laden, Come and cast your sins on me ; I have died for your salvation. Died that I might make you freo." 1 Come to Jesus, Christ alone can make you free. 4 Some, alas ! will still refuse him. Some will still neglect his grace, N 10G Vainly trusting in excuses, They will never seek his face. Careless sinner S Why thus slight your Savior's grace ? Are you weary ? Christ will help you ; Are you sin-sick ? Christ will heal. Jesus is the great Physician, To him all your sorrows tell. He will aid 3'OU, He alone can save from hell. Little children ! Jesus calls you, Will you hear him plead hi vain ? Can you, will 3^011, hy refusing, Crucify your Lord again ? Guilty sinners. Thus to give your Savior pain ! Come, oh ! come at once to Jesus ; Give to him }^our heart's best love, Love him, serve him, and forever You will reign with him above. Happy spirits ! You will reign with Christ above. 79. r. 31. Sung by the Minister. OW dear friends, we have proclaimed Jesus Christ our Savior, 107 Won't you come, and in his name Seek his holy favor ? Won't 3^011 come unto the Lord f Won't you come and view him 2 As commanded in his word, Won't you come unto him ? Sung by the Sisters. 2 O, yes, bless the Lord, we'll come, And we'll bow before Mm, * For he is the Holy One, Angels all adore him. O, yes, we will join the song, Tuned to angel story, And, with every raptured tongue, Give him all the gloiy. Sung by all. 3 O, yes, we will, all as one, Join the heavenly measure, That when time and earth is done, We'll join the hosts of pleasure ; There we'll glory in the name Of Jesus Christ, our Savior, And in bliss and glory, reign Along with him for ever. c. J. 80. P. m. C10ME up nearer, strangers, nearer ; While I tell you all my heart ; 108 And let each one be a hearer Of the tidings I impart. I was born of high ancestry. In Brittania's sunny isle. In the State, as well as vestry, I was Fortune's favored child. In the midst of youth and splendor, I beheld my wretched case, When I made a full surrender, And received God's pardoning grace. I was filled with life and glory From the courts of endless day, While the Son of gospel story, Made me happy night and day. But my kindred gathered -round me , Duke, and lord, and titled earl. If I would recant, they'd crown me With the pleasures of the world. But my heart was fixed on heaven, All their offers I declined ; On which, greater strength was givqn To my calm and peaceful mind. Then my fond and doting father, Offered me his lands and gold, With his rank and love together, Should I leave the Christian fold. Though I loved my father dearly, His great offer grieved me sore ; But I saw my duty clearly, And I loved my Savior more. 109 5 Then came my mother in her carriage With a Princess fair and pure, Who offered me her hand in marriage, If I would my faith abjure. No, dear one, I love my Savior, Better far than world or wife ; And I hope by my behavior, To obtain eternal life. 6 My only sister, crowned with beauty. Bathed in tears, unto me came, And, in her love, rehearsed my duty To my parents and their name. My dear sister, I have ever Sought my parents kind advice, But all council, I must sever That would lure me back to vice. 7 Then, from home and kindred driven, To a strange and distant land, With my hopes all firm on^heaven, I obeyed my Lord's command. Without sister, father, mother, Far away from native shore, I yet have a friend and brother, Who will guide ever more. 8 I am dying, surely dying, But my faith in God is strong. See the angels round me flying, 0, I hear their heavenlv song. 110 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory be to God on high, Fare you well, ye weeping strangers, Earth and sorrow all good bye. c. J. Farewell Hymns. 81, L. M. MY dearest friends, in bonds of love, Whose hearts the SAveetest union [prove, Your friendship ? s like the strongest [band ; Yet we must take the parting hand. Your company 's sweet,your union dear, Your words delightful to mine ear ; And when I see that we must part, You draw like cords around my heart. How sweet the hours have pass'd away, Since we have met to sing and pray ; How loth we are to leave the place, Where Jesus shows his smiling face ; O could I stay with friends so kind, How would it cheer my fainting mind ; But duty makes me understand, That we must take the parting hand. How oft I've seen your flowing tears, And heard you tell your hopes and fears ; Ill Your hearts with love hath seem'd to [flame , Which makes me think we'll meet again . A few more days, or years at most, And we shall reach fair Canaan's coast ! When in that holy, happy land We'll clasp anew the immortal hand. 4 I hope you will remember me, If you no more nry face should see, An interest in your prayers I crave, That we may meet beyond the grave. blessed day ! O glorious hope"! My soul leaps forward at the thought, When in that hoi}', happy land. We'll take no more the parting hand. 82. L. Mi FAREWELL, dear friends, I must [be gone, I have no home or stay with you ; I'll take niy staff and travel on, Till I a better country view, Farewell, farewell, farewell, 3fy loving friends, farewell. 2 Farewell, my friends, time rolls alon- . Nor waits for mortal cares or bliss ; 1 leave you here and travel on. Till I arrive where Jesus is. 112 3 Farewell, my brethren in the Lord, To you I'm bound in cords of love ; Yet we believe his gracious word, That soon we all shall meet above. 4 Farewell, old soldiers of the cross, You've struggled long and hard for [heaven, You've counted all things here but [dross, Fight on, the crown shall soon be [given. Fight on, fight on, fight on, The crown shall soon be given. 5 Farewell, poor careless sinners, too, It grieves my heart to leave 3 r ouhere ; Eternal vengeance waits for you ; O turn and find salvation near. O turn, turn, turn, And Jind salvation near. 83. P. M. AXGEL-FATHER, oh, be near me, On my journey through the earth, Let thy blessed presence cheer me, In the hours of pain and death. 2 Angel-mother see me languish, Almost ready to despair ; Thou canst calm the brow of anguish, Thou canst soothe the heart of care. 113 Angel-brothers, sisters, lovely, Shining round, a glorious band ; Help us bear these'lingering moment Till we enter spirit-land. 4 This bright hope, oh, how consoling ! That, though loud the breakers roar Every wave of time inrolling. Brings us nearer to the shore. 84. P. M. THEEE is a happy land, Far, far away ; Where saints and angels stand. Bright, bright as day ; O, how they sweetly sing, Worthy is our Savior King, Loud let his praises ring, For ever more. 2 Come to that happy land, Come, come away ! Why do vou doubting stand ? Why still delay ? O, we shall happy be, When from sin and sorrow free. Lord, Ave shall live with thee, Blest evermore. 114 3 Bright in that happy land Beams every eye ; ' Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. O, then to glory run, Be a crown and kingdom won. And bright above the sun, Reign evermore. Our Country. 85. P. m. MY country ! 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty ! Of thee sing : Land where my fathers died ; Land of the pilgrim's pride ; From every mountain side, Let freedom ring. 2 My native country ! thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love : I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills ; My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. 3 Our father's God 1 to thee, Author of liberty ! To thee we sing : Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light ; Protect us by thy might. Great God, our King ! 115 GENERAL IXDEX. Index to Doctrines. Page. Declaration » 8 But one God 9 The Holy Scriptures 9 Jesus Christ our Lord 9 Faith, Repentance and Forgiveness M No Sin hut hy Transgression 10 Future Rewards and Punishments 10 Love and Charity 11 Index to Statutes. No. The Visible Church 1 Who Admitted as Members 2 Who admitted as Believers 3 Honesty and Industry 4 What is Forbidden in the Church of Christ 5 Offences and Immoralities 6 Abuse of one Member by Another 7 Settlement of Disputes 8 Loyalty to the Government 9 Loyalty to the Church 10 Pastorates 11 Weekly Assemblies 12 Monthly Assemblies 13 Quarterly Assemblies 14 Annual Assemblies 15 General Assemblies 16 Temples of Worship 17 Title of Temple Lands 18 Cemetery Lands 19 Trustees of Temples 20 Powers of Pastorates 21 Orders of the Ministry 22 Deacons, Elders and Bishops * 23 116 No. Pastors and Pastorates 21 Support of Evangelists 25 Siippoil of Pastors 26 Feasts of Gifts or Donations 27 Pastoral and Evangelists' Stewards 28 Bequeathmcnts 29 Committee of Relief 30 Committee of Visitation 31 Committee of Reconciliation 32 Divine Worship 33 Church Privileges 34 Privileges granted Seekers or Mourners 35 Singing 36 Reception of Members 37 Praving for the Sick i 38 The* Yearly Meeting 39 Chartered Rights 40 Index to Subjects of Hymns." Page. The Creator 33 Redemption 35 Inviting 38 Penitential 45 Praver and intercession 50 F aith 53 Sacramental 58 Baptism 59 Rejoicing and Praise GO Christian Warfare 65 Trusting in Providence 66 Prospect of Heaven 68 Christian Fellowship 78 Pastoral 80 The Scriptures 82 Death 84 The Judgment 91 Resurrection 95 Mi. jionary 98 The Sabbath 101 Family Woi -h' 102 Temperance 104 Miscellaneous 105 117 Ixdex to First Lines. Xo. Page. A charge to keep I have 20 .51 A home in heaven, what a joyful thought, 47 74 Alas and did my Savior bleed 3 35 All hail the power of Jesus' name 36 64 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. ... 18 49 Almighty God, in humble prayer 21 51 Am I a soldier of the cross . . . . 37 65 And can I yet delay 13 45 And let this feeble body fail 57 84 Angel- father, oh be near me 83 112 Another six days' work is done 71 101 Arise, my soul,' arise 23 53 Behold the Savior of mankind 5 36 Blest be the tie that binds 49 78 Brethren, we have met to worship 70 99 Brother, thou art gone to rest 60 87 Burst ye emerald gates and bring 35 63 Children of the Heavenly King 38 66 ' Come, humble sinner, in whose breast. .. 11 42 Come, let us join with sweet accord 72 101 Conie, my brethren, let us try 7 38 Come thou fount of every blessing 25 T \ Come up nearer, strangers, nearer , . . 80 107 Come ye sinners, high and wealthy 12 43 Come ye sinners, poor and needy. .' 8 38 Farewell, dear friends, I must be gone. . 82 111 Father, I stretch my hands to thee 16 47 Father of mercies, in thy word 56 83 From Greenland's icy mountains 69 98 From the great and good Creator 63 90 Giver and guardian of my sleep 73 102 Great God, how infinite art thou 1 33 Go, preach my gospel, saith the Lord 53 81 Go, teach the nations, and baptize 30 59 Hear the gentle, loving Savior 78 105 He dies, the friend of sinners dies 66 95 Holy Bible, book divine 55 82 How precious is the book divine 54 82 Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbear. .... 58 85 118 No. Page. How sweet, how heavenly is the sight 51 79 How tedious and tasteless the hours 26 55 How vain are all things here below 19 50 I have sought round the verdant earth. . 17 48 Jerusalem, my happy home 41 68 Jesus, my all to heaven is gone 39 67 Jesus, our God, we know thy name 2 34 Jesus, the name high over all 52 80 Lend a hand to one another 50 79 Life is the time to serve the Lord 10 42 Lord, in thy courts we now appear 22 52 Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray. ... 74 102 My country! 'tis of thee 85 114 My drowsy powers, why sleep ye so 14 41 My dearest friends, in bonds of love 81 110 My God, the spring of all my joys 32 60 Now, dear friends, we have proclaimed.. 79 106 O, come away to ever living day 9 40 O, come, sinners, come 68 97 Of him who did salvation bring 6 87 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand 46 72 O that my load of sin were gone 15 46 Our bondage here shall end, by and by.. 33 61 Plunged in a gulf of dark despair 4 36 Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous grace 81 60 Religion is a glorious treasure 34 62 See, how the morning sun 75 103 Stay, father, stay, the night is wild ... 77 104 That doleful night, before his death 28 58 The day is past and gone 76 103 The faithless world's promiscuous flow. .45 71 The gospel day has come 65 93 There is a happy land '. ... 84 113 There is a land of pure delight 44 71 There's a light in the window 43 70 There are eternal, happy lands 48 75 There's sweeter vales than Tempe 27 57 Thy life I read, my gracious Lord 61 88 119 No. Page. What's this that steals, that steals upon my frame 59 86 When for eternal worlds we steer 24 54 When I can read my title clear 42 69 When marshal'd on the nightly plain 40 67 Why should we start and fear to die ! 62 89 Wo, wo, to the sinner, who lives in his sin 64 91 Ye faithless souls, who Jesus know 67 96 Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor 29 58 (^S@ 111414. On page 76, hymn 48, in the 1st line of the 4th verse, the word " the " to he omitted. On page 91, hymn 6o, in the 6th line of the 5th verse, read " altitudes " for " attitudes." On page 98, hymn QS. in the 2nd line of the chorus of the 3rd verse, read "o'er"' for "over.'' On page 13, Art. 6, 4th line should read •'• heing laid,"' &c. On page 19, Art. 17, 9th line should read " in the Annual Assembly." '•