BOOK °f- DLSICNS ^^■ri lV» W W • » HI 'SMI K: 1 IIP M M I Wywi m D H ml -f2Q"Bi au^ \&'2>\ IHi COLVM6IA S.C. F. P. VENABLE library of ill^c Uniocrsitu of Hortl^ t£aroHna COLLECTION rf FRANK P. lllLliURX. ALTERNATE DESIGN FOR THE GIBBES MEMORIAL ART GALLERY. Architect. Charleston, S. C. ', Ai I i.iii'kx. Architect. l()\\Xi)|-.S CoL'XrV C(.)l"kl HOL'SK. V'aldosta. Cia. 5 < w o u 2 Pi fc5 iRAi\K P. i\IUJlL'Ri\. Architect. BYNUM GYMNASIUM. University of North Carolina. ilill, N. C. 1' "^ i III! nil iig ii jiinnfinTT--^^-'^^ IRA.XK P. MILBL'RX. Architect. PROPOSED UNION STATION For the Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Raihva Lha^lc^luu, b. C. IKAiXK r, MILI'.LR.X. Aicliitcd. CLUB AXD OFFICE DUILUiXG. iK.\.\k r. mii,i;lu.\, .Vrcliitect LJULRJJOX CuUX I'V CUURI llUUSli. ]!>iiring Const r net ii)n. l^aris, Ky. FRANK r. MII.RLRX, Architect. DESIGN FOR UNION STATION For the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railway. 1 RANK 1'. JULl;rk.\, Architect. I'lKD.MONT SAVINGS BANK AND OFFICE BUILDING. Winston, i\. C. 1-K.\M< I'. Mll.l'.l l<\. Architect. I'kdl'i JSI'.I) COUNTY COURT IIOUSIv -J u u. w .<^ IRAXK r. Mll.iU'RX, Areliitecl. DESIGN FOR UNION STATION. All.inl.i. Ga •NOimi-(;\k'()IJ\\--T.\ll IKJlL^r- K'AlilCII \-r; •II^WK I'^tlLIJIIA \l<'('IIT--((l|.IIMIM\ ,^ 1 1^^^ W 3 m 2 ii.i^ .4 fill .J rir.r HM^- FRANK P. MILBURX. .Architect. NORTH CAROLINA STATE HOUSE As Remodeled. Raleigh, N. C. FRANK P. iMILBURN, Architect. OFFICE BUFFALO COTTON MILLS. Union, S. C. J l''RANK P. MILr.URX, Architect. COTTON EXCHANGE AND BANK BUILDING. FRANK P. IM1I.1;LU.\. Architect. WILCUX COUNTY COUK1 HOUSE. Abbeville, Ga. m>£| 'joK-.' "ntlnflnnnh h h h ti'nn'ifppu n ff fTrfj \-^. I ,H V ^^ l-K ■K^MES f-^ PSj ■mPWVinivvnDmu J w>m\ \^^ \^^^ \^s '^^^*^ \ »r*'.iiT^ (f ism it IteaJ^^. N:\(v/(\'\iu\i\rauuu"uiiunn-ifiiTri]'n:nTiircnr ,\V^g^^>z: a^ laaaT Btas, fc:^ KT •J) U a w < iz o u -KAMx 1". MILJiURX. Architect. HUI EL BLANCHE. Lake City. Fla. i'RAXK P. MILISURX. Architect. ALUMNI HALL, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N. C. m^ I'UAXK P. MII.nURN, Architci-t. L'.MUX STATION, I"or Mobile and Ohio; \'ew Orleans and Northeastern; Vicksburg, Sbrevcport and Pacific; and Alabama Great Southern Railways. Meridian, ?vliss. I' 7^ ,: :' /; 111 t> ■ft.y-:f-'- yr-'fe~ t^f- IT .WK 1'. MDJ'.I-RN. Architect. FULTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Also Imilt at Monticello, Ky.; Cadiz, Ky. ; Salyersville, Ky. ; Hinton, Winfield, W. Va. Cost $15,000 to $2o,uoo. Hickman, Ky. FRANK P. MILBURN, Architect. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE HOUSE. Columbia, S. C. 1 KA.XK r. MIl.liUKiX, Aichitc:t. RESIDENCE FOR MR. B. P. WHl'l'E JR. Winchester, Ky. I'RANK r. MlLliURN, Architect. UNION STATION luir Seaboard Air Line, Norfolk and Western, and Southern Railways. Durham, i\. C. I'RAXK r. MILIU'RN, Arcliitcct. DESIGN FOR A SCHOOL BUILDING. TKAXK 1', MILKIKX. Architect. UNION STATION For Southern Railway. Aslievillc, N. C. FRANK P. MILBURX, Architect. AI.MX BUILDING, NEWBERRY COLLEGE. Newberry, S. C. FRANK P. MILliURX. Architect- UNION STATION For New Orleans and Northeastern, and Gulf and Slnp Island Railwa Ilattiesljurg. iliss. 1-KANK v. MIl.I.IRX, Arcliitect. .MAKV ANN SMITH BUILDING, University of N'orih Carolina, Chapel Hill. N. C. II;A.\K I'. iMII.IU R.\, Arcliitect. CITV HALL AiNU THEATER. Darlington, S. C. ■i;a\k ]'. Mu.iukx, Arrhilcct. UNION STATION itr tlic Ar Ian tic Coast Line, Snutlit-rn, and (Jeorgia Uailways. Augusta, Ga. i K.\.\K l\ MILUURN, Architect. ILuKlUA STATE HOUSE. Tallahassee, Fla. FR.WK I'. MlI.IirRN, Aicliilecl- A I'LiBLIC LIBKAKV. FRANK P. MILI'.rRX, Archirect- RESIDENCE FOR MR. JAMES A. BENSON. Washington. Ga. iKANK r, Mii.nrRX, Architect. V. M. C. A. P.UILDING. University of North Carnhna. Chapel Hill, N. C. KA\K I'. MIMaUX, Architect. RESIDENCE FOR MR. FR.\.\K 1'. .MILBUR.X. CoUmilii.-i, S. C. m-^^its '^^-V' ^ V^'|9"<'>>\\ ""i^ l-^^ >-^ #i.mK\ . I;L1M) SCIK Hjl,. Raleigh. N. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. Columbia. S. C, December 29, 1902. MR. FR.\NK P. MILBURN. Columbia. S. C. Dear Sir: It gives me a great deal of pleasure to recommend you to anyone wbo desires the services of an Architect. Your work at Winthrop College, the City Hall and the State Capitol shows that you are master of your profession. 1. Yours very truly. - M. B. McSwEENEY. Governor. COUNTY JUDGE, FULTON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. HiCKM.\N, Kv., January 28. 1904. To Whom it May Concern : The Fulton County Court appointed Frank P. Milburn as .\rchitect for the new Court House, recently completed. His ^lans were satisfactory and our people feel that he has done his duty as Superintendent of the work. We have the best ar- ranged and constructed building in Western Kentucky. All our people are well pleased and there are no complaints from any source. I take pleasure in recommending Mr. Milburn to anyone in need of an Architect, as a first-class man — knowing that they will not be disappointed should they secure his services. Yours very truly, H. M. Ke.\rby, Judge of Fulton County Court. COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS AND REVENUES, WILCOX COUNTY, GA. Adbeville, Ga.. July 5, 1904. To Whom it May Concern : This is to certify that the County Commissioners of Wilco.x County. Georgia, have accepted the plans and specifications for the new $52,000 Court House as submitted by Architect Frank P. Milburn. The plans are complete and the building is now finished" to the entire satisfaction of our people. We found Mr. Milburn honest, upright, and prompt in all our dealings with him, and we recommend him to anyone in need of the services of an Architect. George F. McLeod, Chairman. J. B. Mitchell. T. M. Parsons. FLORIDA CAPITOL COMMISSION. At a meeting of tlie Capitol Commissimi held in tlie E\ccuti\c Oflice. i'allaliassee, Fla., Decemlier iS, 1902. tlie fol- lowing resolutions were passed: "Rcsolz'cd. That the Capitol Commission of the State of Florida extend its thanks to Mr. Frank P. Mill)urn and express its appreciation of his efficient services in the making of plans and specifications and supervision of the work of improving the Capitol. His work has been of inestimable value in connection with the building, and he is heartily commended to the public for work of a similar nature." W. S. Jennings, Governor of Florida and Chairman of the Capitol Commission. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. L.\KE CiTV. Fl.^.. September i. 1902. MR. FR.VXK P. MILBURX. Architect. Columbia, S. C. Dear Sir : Believing that true merit should have its reward, we. the County Commissioners of Columbia County, Florida, desire to say to you that our new Court House, just completed and accepted, is the pride of our entire people. It has been remarked by many, among whom were our Governor and State Comptroller, that our building, in architectural design, attractiveness, comfort and convenience, has no equal in Florida. W'e are perfectly satisfied. And you, as the Architect of this building, have the gratitude of our whole people, and you should feel proud of \'our handiwork. With the best of wishes for your future continued success, we are, Yours very truly. County Commissioners of Columbia County, Florida. By R. T. BuczER. Chairman. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, WYTHE COUNTY. Wytheville. V.\., November 2S, igoi. "Resolved, That the thanks of the Board of Commissioners of Wythe County be tendered to Mr. Frank P. Milburn, Architect, of Columbia, S. C. for his untiring interest in securing for Wythe County a creditable Court House, both in plan and construction, of which the County may be justly proud." (Signed) A. L. Plrter. Chairman. COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS AND REVENUES, WILKES COUNTY, GA. Washington. G.\.. July ii, 1904. To Wlioni it May Concern. Greeting : I, tlie undersigned. Commissioner for Wilkes County. Georgia, certify that Frank P. Milburn was the Architect for our new Court House, which cost $45,000. He has rendered valuable services to this County in protecting their interests. I foimd his plans complete, and did not have one cent of extras, above the contract price. I found him to be fair, honest, and prompt in the discharge of his duties. I do not give this recommendation as a matter of form. b;-.t I bclie\-e true merit warrants it. C. E. Smith. Commissioner. As Ordinaiy of Wilkes County. I fully indorse the above. \V. S. Lane, Ordinary Wilkes Co.. Ga. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Ch.vkli.tte. N. C. October i5. 189S. To Whom it May Concern : This is to certify that the Building Committee of the new Court House of Charlotte. N. C. adop'ed plans submitted by Frank P. Milburn. Arch.itect, for our new Court House, the same being in their judgment the best design submitted, from more than twenty Architec*s. During the construction of our liuilding. we found Mr. Milburn a practical man. and his plans have given us entire sat- isfactio:\ Yours truly. (Signed) Jxo. R. Erwin. Chairman. OFFICE W. P. SNELGROVE, COUNTY SUPERVISOR. MR. FR.WK P. MILBURN. Ancerbcn. S. C. August i. 1838. Charlotte. N. C. Dear Sir : At a meeting of our Building Committee today, which perhaps will be the last held, it was unanimously agreed that we should not adjourn without expressing our entire satisfaction with you as a man who will carry out to the letter his contracts. You ha\e intelligently and conscientiously discharged every duty and obligation imposed upon you liy reason of being the Architect of the new Court House and Jail for Anderson County. The Court House is given up to lie the handsomest Co.mty building in the State, and our people ,dl laud their praises of both the Jail and Court House. There has not been a hitch between the Building Committee and the Contractors, and both liuildings have been com- pleted according to the plans and specifications furnished by you. and this speaks worlds for the Architect. In addition, we want to say that you have made friends of this entire committee, and that you are at lilierty to refer at any and all times to either of us. Respectfully, (Signed) W. P. Sne:,grive. Chairman. " J. D. ^L\XWELL, Secretary. John H. J( nes. J. F. Clariiv. I hereby certify that the signatures to the above instrument of writing are genuine. Witness my hand and official seal this August 12, 1898. (Signed) Jno. C. Watkins. Clerk Court. C. P. & G. S. BAILEY BROS, TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS. Winston, N. C. Di-cenilH-r 4. iiSg6. To Whom Concerned : Mr. Frank P. Milburn was our Architect for the new C.mrt House in this County, which cost $60,000. His i)lans liave worked out nicely, and we found him to be a practical superintendent in every respect. Our building is C!)nsidered one of the best in the State and our people are well pleased. We with pleasure recommend Mr. Mil1)uru to anyone in neeil of an Architect, as an lionest, capable man, worthy of the confidence of anyone. [SE.VL.] J. F. Miller, C. B. B. M. D. B.viLEV, Chairman. R. S. LiNVILLE. E. W. H.\usEU, Com. of Forsvthe Co., N. C. G. B. BINGHAM, JUDGE OF THE TKIGG COUNTY COURT. C.Miiz. Kv.. Xovcnibcr 11, 1895. To W'hom it may Concern : We, the undersigned Commissioners of Trigg County, in tlie mailer of erecting a new Court House for said County, do hereby certify that Mr. Frank P. Milburn was our .Architect (having selected his plans from quite a number submitted to us), and as such was highly satisfactory, desire the services of a good man, a good the best one we ever saw for the cost. T. K. Gk.asty, Trigg County Clerk. We cheerfully commend him as worthy of the consideration of any who may Architect, and everything the Urm implies. We have a first-class building, and ( Signed ) (\. B. BlXGll.SM, Ixo. I). Sn.\w, J. M. r.wu.K, R. -V. Burnett, Comni'itee COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Weh H, W. V.\., May 4. 181)5. Know all Men by these Presents : That we selected Frank P. Millnirn as the Architect of our new Court House and Jail, having liad plans from twelve different .Architects to select from. Both buildings are now complete, at a cost to our County of $54,000. They are a mon- ument to our County, and a credit to the .Architect. We are well pleased and satisfied with same, and do not hesitate to recommend Mr. Milburn to County officers in need of his services as a man worthy and well qualified in his profession. (Signed) T. K. Totten. [SE.\L.] W. C. D.\NIEL. W. BuKBRUK^E P.WNE. C. C. C. C. H. C. Flesker.