PRINCIPx\L TRANSACTIONS OF THE LUTHERAN GOSPEL MINISTRY OF NORTILCAROLINA, IN SYNOD ASSEMBLED, IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1812. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A CIRCULAR LETTER TO THE CLERGT OF SAID CHURCH. SALISBURY: (N. C.) FRL\TED BY COUPEE A,XD CRIDER. 1813* 2^ ^*^ ^'fe- ^5?^ ^§5%-.A.^S-'r^^5'^-^^-^*F^--^ FRINCTPAL TRANSACTIONS, &c. .-::®:: ON Sunday the c8th day of Odober, in the year of f»nr Lord 1812, the riiin-{re^> of the Golpel of the Lu- theran Congregiitions and their deputies, aiTembled in Guilford County, N. C. in their annual Synod. , I he Revd. Mr. Markert opened the \^orIhip of God in the ufual manj7er, and preached on 2 Tim. ii. 15. "- Study to iliew thvfelf approved unto God, a work- man that needeth not to beafriamed, rightlv dividing the word of truth." After Scrn. on, candiciate J. Sherer was folemniy ordained and confecrated to the minitlry of the Gofpei,' by the miniliers Miller, Markert and Shober. The apparent devotion of a filent h numerous congrega- tion, and the fenfible prefence of the omniprefent mer- ciful God, gives unto us the faithful confidence, that the Shepherd and BiO^op of his flock, Jefus our Lord, has himfeif called and authoriled this his jervant. After the ordination, Bro. Shober addrefied the congregation in the LngliCh iangirage on Luke xxii. 15. " With de- fire I have defired to eat this paflbver with you before I fuffer." After which the Lord's Supper was adminiiler- ed to about 90 ccmnunicants, among whom were 35 who were confirmed the day before ; during the celebra- 'don of this holy inftitution, the Reverend Mr. Dreher preached out ot doors, on John iii. 14, and Mr. Frank* low on I Cor. xv. 56, 57, to an attentive and larre Englifh con.L^regation ; and the Revd. Mr. Miller con- cluded this day's worfhip with a ferious and impreliive exhortation to the congregation, and prnving them to be reconciled unto God in this time of grace. On Monday October 19th, the Reverend Mr. Miller C 4 ) opened the Synod with an addrefs to all prefent, where-^ by all were reminded of the importance of our charge, and bv finging an appropriate Hymn, and with a folemn and ferious fapplication to the throne ot grace, for his guidance and affiltance to our deliberations. The following minifters were prefent. R, J Miller, L. Markert, G. Sbober^ J. Sberer, Godfrey Dreher^ who according to a refoiution of our la!t Synod, was ordained in South-Carolina. See laft journal. Candidates to the holy office were, John Philip Franklow, from Lewifburg County, 8. C. Michael Rauch, (or .-^rnokej Lexington County, do. John W. Meyer, now Bottetourt County, Virginia. Daniel Moier, Lincoln County, N. C. Jacob Kriefon, Guilford County, N. C. Deputies and Elders of Congregations. David Gobel, Guilfoid County, John Derner and Jacob Heifer, Rowan County, Leonard SifFert, Lincoln County, Samuel Hiller, of S. C. Henry Holder, John I^ull, and Adam Fifcus, from Stokes County. The Revd. Mr. Miller was then eleded Prefident, & G. Shober Secretary. After which the journal of our lad meeting was read, and fuch points as were not accompliflied, or which were referred to this Synod, were firit confidcred ; a- mong which the condition of our conc^regations in S. C* claimed attention, and as a petition.ifigned by 20 of our members in S. C. wasperferred & read at the fa*^- time, praying for the ordination of our candidate J P. Frank- low, it wasrefolved that hefliould be ordained ; and be- caufe this could not be done loon in his congregation, k longer delay might be hurtful, it was determined that he iliould be ordained here on Tuesday the 20th of Oct. ihe Treafurer then reported the account of the ex- penditure of the 25 Dollars left in his hands at the lafi Synod, which account was approved. The balance in his hands is 1 Dollar and ^^ cents. The deliberation refpecling the orphan fchool propof- { S J ed laM: Synod, (fee page 25) was poftponed to our next meeting. The liturgy which the Revd. Mr. Stork had in com- iniirion to co npiie, being not done on account of the wtakiiels of his eyes, he toe^ether with the niinillers Miller andShober, were aathorifed to complete one in the Gera?an and Enghlh languages, and to have the fa.^e printed. — The minillers will endeavor to obtain fur>fcribers thereto. At half pait 1 2 o'clock, candidate Meyer preached on Luke %i. 23 and the Revd. Mr. Miller on Horn, vi, 14. A letter from the Revd. J, G. Shmucker, of York, Pennfylvania, was with pleafure attended to ; he there- in acknowledged the receior of fiich addreffes as by our laif Synod were to be fent to the Lutheran Miniliry of Pennfylvania, and which were addreffed to him as Se- cretary ; that their Synod had received them in tender participation, and had requefled their Revd. Prefidenr, Mr. Helmuth, to execute their refolutions refpeding the fame. A letter of the Revd. Paul Henkel, (who nowrcfides near the Ohio) which contained his acknowledgment of belonging to our aifociation, and a (hort deicription of his activity in the flate of Ohio, was communicated to the meeting. The Revd Philip Henkel, who was lafl Synod ap« poiiited nuiiiionary Preacher, reported by a ie ter (in which he alio dated the with u> insdmiflible caufe of his abfence) as follows : *•' I ferved as miilionary Preacher from the i ith day of ?v1ay, to the 7th day of Au2:ult ; travelled 1534 miles, preached 50 times, briprized 115 children and 4 Adults, and adminiftered the Lord'.s Supper 4 times, in all to 45 communicants ; ] received 1 i2 Dolls, y^ cts. expended 4 Dolls. 6 cts- ir*. travel- ing expences, and for horfe (hoes and Clothes 22 Dolls. 50 cts. I found in the States of N. Caro-ina, '!>nneflee and Virginia, many deferted congregations, and they every where pray for Preachers.*' On his enquiry whether hefliouldmakcout ajournalot^ his tour, and whcihtr the fame Ihould be printta, it Was ( 6 ) Much resjretted that he hdd uoi lent one, as on that ac- count we c mid not determine any thing about the print- in-jf ; refpicting the balance in his hands of the money recei^'ed o i tiis journey, k was refolved, that it is to be leh to nin, eitner to keep the wnole or part as. he may thi-;k n^ht* bundry congregations from VirTinia, petitioned this Synod tor the ordination of candidate J. VV. Mevcr ; the petiti )n after beinjj read, was referred to Meflrs. Miiler, Mifkert, Shober and Sherer, to examine the fa>ne and report thereon. A petirion fro n Lincoln County, praying for the ad- Tanccme u of Oaniei vlofer, a licenfed candidate, was duiy con idered, and his licenfe to preach, baptize and cate:.iife in all our churches tor one year was re- newed. Michael Rauch, (or Smoke) and Joft Mdtze alfo ra- ce ved lij^^afe as above. Hercj jon the S^Tion of this day was concluded by fiiiginsj aa i praying. And )d:>ber 2och, the Seflion was opened again in the fame manner. I he following report was read. The niniflers to who u was referred the petition from V rginii, refpediag tiie ordination of the candidate J. v\ Vieyer — report, That oy enquiring of him, they found, that fome ^f.arsa;o he received licenfe from the miniliry of Pennfyivania to preich, baptize, and , carechife, that a! the f'jcceeJing Synod inPeunfylvania he was not pre- ftnt, OA'inoj to family circumltances, thic his written ar plica iOn tor the renewal of his licenfe was nor ac- cepred, becaufe he did not fend his journal and two 'wvritten fermons of his couipoiition, as he was iniorin- ed by the Revd. Mr. Botter. That he did as well be* foie he had receive J licenfe as after the licenfe had ex- pired, adminiifer all the i:iacr?ments, partly becaufe niTfpiters had difappointed hiru in confirming his cate- cbife.l c'iitdre'\ as they had pro^i^ifed, and partly accord- ing io Mis own notion. That the laid J. VV. Meyer ac- t 7 ; knowledges that he bad erred epjgregiouQv in nor hav- ing endeavoured for licenfe, either froni the Ptr.nfyl- vania miniltry or from this, and for havii g confirmed children and adminiitered the Sacran tnt- viithou; ordi- nation. Ihey Further find that the n^iihorary miniiiers fent from this minillry, h d vifued hitn aitd hh congre- gations, and had invited them, either to aflbciate with the Pennfylvania or our miniitry, and that the petition- ing congregations are farther from the Pennfylvania miniltry than from this. In confideration of all circumftances, and in partku- lar as there appears no affur^nce in the petition, that the faid congregations are inclined and willing to adnit and fubmit to our rules, and to the rules of the Luther- an Chriiiian Church:— We believe it to be beii that candidate Meyer be licenfed to preach, baptize and ca- techife until our next Synod, and tha^ he (liould le- ctive the promife, that if polTible two n iniftcrs of our afTociation (hould vifit in his congregaticns next ipring, to confirm the catechifed children, and admirifter the Lord's Supper ; and that they fhould ai o be authciiied to ordain the faid candidate in one of his, congiegaiicns, if no ferious obflacle intervenes. Synod approved of the above report, and reqi:eflcd the Revd. Mr. Miller and Sherer to accept the change during the month of May next, to vifit in faid congre- gations fdV the above purpofes, which, as well as the call of ading during^ this year as mifTio ary preachers ; they accepted, in faithful confidence on the afTiliance of our Lord. Bro. Shober reported that by his fervice, he had by the blefTing of the Lord affcmbled two congregations, the one by the name of Hopewell, where Henry Rippel and Charles Chirty are Elders The other named Beth- lehem, where J. A. Folk, Adam Flfcus, and Frederick Wolf are Klders ; which two congregations requell to be received into our afrjciation. This being alio the re* qoeft of a congregation alTembled under the miniftry of the Revd. Mr Dreher, in S. C. where Fredr. Glafs, Johnlvcgler, John.Crebs and .^amuel Jumper are elders. ( 8 ) they were all with thanks to our gracious Lord received into our connexion and charge. The folloiving rcfiorts ivere resolved to be entered in our JournaL R. J. Miller, baptized fince February laft, 150 children and 6 Adults. C. A. Stork, baptized laft year 97 children, 2 adults, and confirmed 46. L. Markert, no return. P. Henkel, do. do. £ <^ G. Shober, fince the beginninpr of this year, bap- ^ tized 60 children, 4 adults, and confirmed 48^. G. Dreher, baptized. 18 children, i auult, and confirmed 1 2. J. Sherer, fince April baptized ^'7^ children and catechiicd 2>S'> (who were confirmed by Bro. Shober, and are nor part of the 48.) Candidate Moler, , has baptized fince April laft 36 children. The German PreftDyterian candidate W. Mouk, hav- ing petitioned this Synod for a recommendation to re- com!nend hirn to the EngliOi PreftDyterian Synod, in or- der thereby to be alnfted to receive orJmation, the Se- cretary was inftructed to execute to him a certificate, certifying that the faid candidate did laft fpring apply to our Synod for ordination, but that we tnought^we could not confiftently inrerfere, he belo >gi g to another per- fuafion, that the Prefbvterian elders who were then pre- fent were fatisfied with this refolution, and that we had not heard anv thing againft his moral charader, and of coarfe had nothing to lay againft him. A petition from South Carolina, wherein the fubfcri- bers pray for a fettled German Lutheran Preacher a- mon^ them, or that at leaft "uch a one might vifit them everv three (noiirhs, in orde^ thai their children may be confirmed and the Lord's Supper be adminiftered to them, was attended to with heaitfelt participation, and refolved that the laft prayer ftiould be acrompliftied. — The miniiters who are to vifit rhem du ing this year, ^yere hereupon appointed, and recommeaded that thofe ( 9 ; .^ , con^regrations wbofeminillers are comrniiiioned to tra- ♦ vtri, rnay he viiited by thoie miniiters viho live ntxt to them as inuch as polTiDle. \ me.norial from 4 congregations in S. CaTohna, figned b>' aoout 6c o[ our members, requefting that certain eilaMifhed church rules might be generally a- dop'-ed, in order that calumniators from without and the ignorant frohi wTtbin, may be prevented from af- fertin^thar we live without rules, was read and attend- ed to," and refoUed, that our rules a'ready printtd in the German language (hould be printed in the Ln^hih lan-juaire, and that in addition thereto fuch texts of fcri^ture (hould be cited as contain our rules, or fuch on which they are bottomed. And it is recommended to all our miniflers ftriaiy to adhere themfelves to our rules, and to procure their performance, in order that impurity, remiflrnefs and lukewarmnefs may ceafe to grow among us, that vital religion may be increafing, and that awakened fouls may not be deterred froin uniting themfelves with us on the road to eternal happi- nefs. It was further acknowledged, to be the dutv of the elders to be prefent at every preparatory meeting, before the facranient, and when the communicants give in their names, that our members who live in open fm may be rejeded from the Lord's Table, and that each elder who is afrai » to do his duty, or negleds to per- form his official duty alfo in this point, hae^ better refi,?!! his office, or that it be permitted to the minifler to re- leafe fuch a one from his office, if admonitions to be faithful, given in prefence of fome members of the con- gregation, (hall have remained ineffectual. Scripture fays, i Cor. v. 13, pur awav from among yourfelves that wicked perfon. You (liall not eat w^fh fuch Tinners who are named. 1 Cor. v. • 1, for fuch have no inheritance in the kinofdom of Chri ' and God. Eph. V. 5. 1 Cor. vi. o, 10. We are rcmmaridcd in the name of our Lord Jtfus Chnl>, to wn'r^draw from ev: ry brother that walketh diforderly. 2 Thes- iii. 6. Mark th*- n which caufe divifions and off^ nces contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned ; and avoid them. B .; I TO ; ^ Rom. XVI. 17. The rule however which our Saviojar laid down, Matt, xviii. 15, 16, 17 is firft of al! tobe ob- ferved, and P^ul favs, Gal. vi. 1. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are fpiritual reftore fuch an one in the fpint of meeknefs ; confidering thy- felf, lelt thou alio be tempted. And if then all ex- hortation remain Iruirlef^, what Jefus faid to Peter, Matt. xvi. 19. will no doubt apply, as he repeats the fame toall his dilcioles, Matt, xviii. 18. N .B. What Paul fays, i Cor. vi. 1—7. is alfo to be recommended. In taking a view" of our congregations, it was much regretted that many of our members fometimes foon after their confirmation, quit attending to the preach- ing of thegofpel, and onlv come when they have chil- dren to chriften, and that others abfolutely live like hea- thens, and will yet be called members of our church ; it is 'therefore very preilincrly recommended, that the duty of the min^i'ters to vifit fuch hackfliders with the elders may never be delayed, fo as to artrad them' by love and friendfhip, and to entice them to turn and be- come real and- vital chriflians, and to continue fuch vi- fits as long as any hope ofrcturn and amendment exiils. '! he Lord will certainly blefs and profper fuch endea- vours. A proportion, that it, he repommended to all the« members of our church, that in cafe thev are about en- tering into the State of matrirnonv, thev would accord- ing to the cu^loni of all well reguUred churches, fulfer the bands of matrimony to be publifhed, and b* marri- ed by one of our miniffers ; was confidered and with- 'oi't a diffenting voice adopted It was alfo r^folved, that hereafter only fuch children fliall be recorded in -our church books as are baptized by one of our miniOers or duly iicenfed candidate, or fuch who are baptized by a regular minifter of the Ger- man or^Knglifh Preibyterians. Complaints being mnde that during the celebration o^'rhi^ Lord's Supoer, are in fome confrrecra- t' ns comniir d, tfpecia'ly w^en perfons are admift d > the noafe who lio not cnderft and the language, and ( l^ ) only meet for the Dnrpole of mocking tne hoiy m^ntu- tio'i ; uis tnerefore left to the elders and miiiutcis of eacu'congregauon to a:imit only liicli to De vilitors da- luis the celebration aioretaid, asaie ot good report and to ail.nils th'e oiners ; this might be done by diiuailing the whole congregation after lermon, ana that then tne comaicnic^intMakc up the hilt places, or any other mdniiLr approved by in^ elders, ^c. Aiier a iermon preached by iir. Shober, on Pfalm, cxxvi. 5, 6. '• I hey thiit low in tears (hall reap in joy/' &c. Ca.'didate J. P. Franklow, was conlecratcd a mm-, ijtjr oiihe golpcl, ana the lolemn nrdmation was ptr- loriued by trie miniU^^rs- Miller, Markert ana Shober. Ine Kev'd. Mr. Frahkiow was heienpon requeltcd to make one of iiiore vilits in a part ot bouth Caro^^na, ca kd 6alr-[CeichJr,' there to enquireMnto the lituai'ion o. i4ie rcUdueof oar i..eaibers, who tonierh had.a V. iied congregation, 'and .to report the leiultot h,^ ..;.-.>.;ieb to the next Synod. r t u- i 1 he* Secretary was charged to procure the feal whicli two years ago had been relolved to be procured tor the ule ot our"mmutry ; and to pay tor the iame out ot our "Vowards the fuuporr of poor b-ednhers in the holy mmriry, thetoilowing received turns were paid to the Trcaiurer : . . c? Of 1. P. Franklow, out of one congregation in b. Carolina, ^Doils. 20 00 cts, — R. J. Miller, ; ^5 -L. Markert, ^ ^^ ' ... u. Shober, . ^ ^S . ^-j. Sherer, ^ * '^ ^ '^SO ... G. i^ieber, (from S. C.) 5 ^^ Total, l^oiis. 53 2ccts- Refolved, that an axtraQ be made from this journal, and that the fame be printed in both languages on tv-.b- frription, and that the Secretary have all the rules ot our aiTociadon vvhkh are yet in force, and v/hich are not ( 12 ) already printed, tranflated into the Enghfh language and anncixcu lo the journal. Keio.vtd, thar on the hrlt Sunday of May next, a 3 da\.^ meeting be held in vSouth Carolina, at Btthti's churcn, and that the niinillers Stork or Shcber, G. Drther and J. P. Franklow, God willing, attend the fame r'iiiiip Roth was accepted as a candidate for the n in- ifteriai office, and received hcenle under iht iuperin- tendjiice ot the Rcvd. Mr. hherer to exhort, catechife and in caie ot neceflity to baptize tor one year. For the lame time, Jacob Milier of Stokts^ County, alio received iicenle to exi-ort, read, and in caie of nt- ceffity to baptize. General iicmfe to preach and a£t as above, weie re- newed to Jacob Kriefon. Relulved, that our next Synod be held on the ^d, Sunday of Odober 1813, in Kowan County, at the Pilgrim's church. Our bufinels being finiOied, and ir being late, we adjourned to thehoufe of the Revd Mr. Sherer, where in prcfence of mod of the preacliers, 2 candidates and one deputv, the journal was read and completed. Hereupon Prefident Miller, concluded this our an- nual Synod, by finging an appropriate Hymn, and a feeling and encouraging addrefs, to remain faithful la- bourers in the vineyard of our Lord, that we may not be afhamed when he comes to call us to an account. In the concluding prayer we fupplicated the throne of grace for torgivenefs of all errors and negleds, and in particular for what we nave erred in or neglected during our this year's deliberation, prayed for his bleffing up- on what we had refolved in his name, thanked him for the w.iuy favours he had poured down upon us his poor fervants, arid upon our congregations, and for his mer- cies and patience with our weaknels and infirmities, and recommended ourftlves and all the minillers of the golpel, in particular thofe of our churches, to his fur- ther mercies, protedion and the guidance of his holy ipirir, and that he might not take away his holy fpirit from our cungregaiions. ( '3 ) Mav he do more as we under (land pray for, for his name lake. Amen* Extrad from the Journal, G. SHOBER, Secretary. Rules entered into by the Conferency. Ocl. locj / >'iiiy luch can De adiiuttcid iuli members ot our church, who are baptized and accoid- ing to our ru!e conhrmed and actually partake of the Lord's crupper. Od. 1804 Kefolved that all luch persons as live in open vice, to the fcandal ot others, Ihail not be p rmitted to partake of the hoiy Sacrament nor (tand as Godfathers, it after they have been reprimanued privately or openly by the elders or preacher, they continue m their bad pradices, and every minilter is at liberty to baptize their children or to refufe it. Od. 1806. The above rule was firmly eltablifhed, and with this addition, that it Ihall be read once every year m each congregation. Aug. 1810. Refolved, that if parents of iMegitimate children, vvifh to have their children baptized, they mult fir(t according to the rule of our forefathers, openly before the concrregation, or berore the minifter and elders, confefs their tranfgrefrion, and folemnly promife to amend their lives. And in cafe Father or iMother re- fufe to do fo, the child may be baptized if one of them, either Father or Mother, fubmits to this rule, provided he or (he engages for the chriitian education of fach child. And all fuch tranfgrefiors who refufe to fubinit to this rule, if regularly aiked fo to <^o^ are excluded from our church, until they fubmit thereto. CSee JonrnaU ^'ipnl^ 1812, 17.J ( «4 ) A CIRCULAR, To the Clergy of the Lutheran Church in the Siate of JSorib- Carolina, MY DEAR BRETHREN IN THE LORD, PLlliVlir *ne, in my official capacity, at this a-^'ful crifis, when both the civil and religious worid are vifiDiv in a ibte of tiuduation ; and by dalhing agaiud each other, tiioufands are literally finkHig in the rums of both, to rile no more ! to addrefs to your ferious c:)iuideration the following particulars, in reipecl to the diicharge of your o^ticiai duties, as MiniUers of the Gofpdl of Jefus Chrilt. And, tint, as by your own profeffioo, you are called by the fpirit of God, to iiand upon the vvaiis of his Zian, as^his watchmen, to warn his people, lee lia. v. 8. I. and Ezek/xxxiii. i — lo. I'heretore, let the du- tw.s of the watchman lie near your heart; rememoer that it is an all-important charge. ihe louls ot mea are precious in the ligUt of God, and thev ought to be precious in our fight alfo ; for, their blood will be re- aired at the watchman's hand, if he is dingent and zaitnful in warning theni, he will deliver his own loul. Let the confideration ot this excite u^ to watcntulnefs, care and diliirence in the dilciiarge M every minillLerial duty tov-'ard them: chat, tnereoy, we may ihew our- felves to God and men, woikmen that need not to be .Inamed. Let us, then, endeavour to acquire and cul- .ivate a fpirit of (kill and tendernels, in order to enable iS to comfort and encourage the broken-hearted and ..Miipted believer ; and, likewiie, a fpirit of intrepiUity und firnuiefs, to enable us to reprove and rebuke, with sll the authority ot God's word, thofe who ad incon- :^'llent!y with their profelTion. Let us, in this cafe, be difintereded, zealous for the glory ot God, prepared for the^crofs, fuperioV to perfonal confiderat;ons, to the fear of men, and to the Ihackies of party and bigotry ; t\vM v/*:h all plainners of f^cech and behaviour, we may ( '5 ) . . tjere^l the tranfirredion and expofe the hypocrify oi thn(e, who profefs to know God, but in works do deny hnn. I well know, my dear Brethren, that this requires more courage, and will generally expofe us to greater trials, than all pofTible fevcrity againft avowed infidels and open profligates. And, it -niay be, that felf-lovc, ambition, avarice, love of eafe and pv^erfion to the crofs, may fudged to fome of us, fpare tfee ricli and powerful : but God fays, " Ipare not," and we niuft obey him apd not men, pleafe him and not ourfelvcs. Moreover, we nave folemnly pledged ourfeves to the Church, & to the world, at our laft, & at 2 other of our preceding lynodical meetings, that we would thus sd ; by excluding Ire m a participation of the iacr?,ments of ou^ Chu?ch, all thofe of her members who continue to live in onen and wiifu! fm. And let me aik, has not our remiffnefs in this very cafe, been one great caufe of fo many of ouf people's leaving: our conimunion ? i Specially ^ofe of our voung people, who have firil been awakened from the fleep of fin and death under the preachin,?of other denominations ? 1-et us, then, by a confcientfous ad- ' herepce to the rule made in that cafe, endeavour to re- move this (tumblin^-block out of the way, and thi^ re- proach from. our Church, and likewife the rule of lad Synod, refpeding thofe who do not regularly attend rhe ordinances of the gofpel ; carefully obferving our Sa- viour's rule, Matth. xviii. 15, 16, 17. and by every other lawful and endearing means, endeavour to v^^iii them over to their duty and interelh Let me again re- mind vou, that the times in which we live, are both*p:- rilous and ponentous, and have been long predidtd by the word of God ; therefore, let us be prepared for the event, by a (leadv adherence to the fimple truths of the gofpel ; which will do more to preferve us, and thofe committed to our care, from the prevailing errors of this unhappv period, than by entering into the various controverfies that are agitat-ng the Chriftian world. Let us alfo attend cinfely to the catechifing of the chil- dren in our refpe£tive charges, 'and let it be our chief care and principal endeavour, by the aid of the holy fpi- rit of God, to leaven this lump with the knowledge of divine trvi?h ; but, if this is negleded, l^e aifured that the natural confequence will be, that all vital piety will fooTi decay and die away from anions: our dear people. Let u- orefs upon the tenoer minds of the young, a deep fe -U of their fallen, undone, finful and miferable Itate by nature ; the eafy, fim; le and fafr remedy, that infi- nite IVJercy hath provided and revealed in the gofpel of his bleireJ Son : of the inhnite merit of his all- atoning blond, and meritorious life, whereby they can alone be reconciled to God their heavenly father, by faith in them ; and that this faith is God's free gift to them, and can only be produced in their hearts by the operations of his holy fpirit. Le^d them to pray for this, to hope ' and look for it from God, who alone can give it. If, through the ble(nng of God upon our labours, we can fucceed in this mod important point, we may confident- ly hope that they will be preferved from the baneful in- fluence of thofe loofe, legal, pharifaical and anti- nomian dodrines, that are in our unhappy days delu- ging the Chriflian world. And we may alfo hope to fee a permanent revival and fpread of gofpel truth in our Church. But without this, although the outward form of religion mav, and I have no doubt will, remain in our Church whilif the prefent race of men lafts ; yet, it will foon difappear too, and with it all Church connexion and all communion of Saints on earth. This mav, to many, feem a bold aflertion ; it is, however, in confor- mity to the word of God. The wirnefles are to be flain, and, the iigns of the times fpeak the event approaching. It is our duty, by an humble dependence upon the Di- vine aid and afTidance, to ftem, if we cannot ftop the torrent. Remember, the eteat reformer whofename we bear as a denomination ; he was but one man, and but a man ; what did he achieve ? May Luther's God, and onr God, enable us by his grace to go and do fo like- wife, is the fincere prayer of Your affedionate Brother, R. J. MILLER.