^O^IES Of i^DYENTURE^eWAfl'^ie'UNION: Cn. E>it,-r,;1 nlthefmlcfHce. h\-w Ynrk. Y( )L. 6. \ ^°^N"o':^go^TsgS^i^.!^ ^"- : NW YORK. \ ^^'^^^^^^T^^'^^^^^Vm'^ A. Story ojrCJ©EA.TII, ,4 Story of Cedar Mountai WALTER TVILMOT. "Do it, general: life I will. I'm y. time," and, with a > er shook bauds "w 1 1 of a large group followed by a siuj stake your on, every , tlie speak- oiispicuous .'-tli-i-amp, turned away. It was a lovely moonlight night in the month of June, 186'.J. At that time, McClel- lan had advanced with his magniUeentarmy of one hundred and fifty-six thousand men, to the banks of the Chickahomiuy, and, pushing across, had fought on the last day of May the bloody but indecisive battle of Seven Pines. On the right it was a Confederate, on the left a Federal success; and General MoClel- lan drew back, marshaled his great lines, darkening both the northern and southern banks of the Chickahominy, and prepared for a more decisive blow at the Confederate capital, whose spires were even then insight. Before him, however, lay the rebel army, commanded now by General Robert E. Lee, who had succeeded Johnston, wounded in the battle of Seven Pines. The moment was favorable for a heavy attack by Lee. Jackson had just driven be- fore him the combined forces of Shields and Fremont, and on the bloody field of Port Republic ended the great campaign of the valley at a single blow. The veterans of his command could now be concentrated on the banks of the Chicka- hominy against McOlellan; a combined ad- vance of the forces under Lee and Jackson might save the rebel capital. How should the attack be made ? A council of war was called. In this coun- cil General Stuart boldly proposed an at- tack upon McClellan's left wing from the direction of James River, to cut him off from that base. This suggestion was not adopted ; the de- fenses were regarded as by far too strong. It was considered a better plan to attack the Federal army on the north bank of the Chickahominy, drive it from its works, and try the issue in the fields around Cold Har- bor. The great point was to ascertain if this was practicable, and especially to And what defenses, if any, the Federals had to guard the approach to their right wing. If these were slight, the attack could be made with fair prospects of success. Jack- son could sweep around while Lee assailed the lines near Mechanicsville; then one combined assault would probably defeat the Union forces. In order to find the character of the en- emy's works beyond the stream— his posi- tions and movements— General Stuart had just been directed to take a portion of his cavalry, advance as far as Old Church, if practicable, and then be guided by circum- stances. Such were the instructions he had just re- ceived, when Lee took his hand, and earnest- ly asked : " Can you reach the church, Stuart, find out all I want to know, and, above all, re- turn in safety?" The great cavalry rider of the South promptly replied : " Do it, general 1 You may stake your life I will. I'm yours to count on every time." Then, with a careless laugh, he warm- ly shook the otner's hand and turned away. As the rebel cavalier mounted his horse on that bright moonUght night he was really a gallant figure to look at. The gray coat buttoned to the chin ; light French saber balanced by the pistol in its black holster; the cavalry boots above the kuee, and the brown hat with its heavy black plume floating above the bearded features, the brilliant eyes, and the huge mustache, which curled with laughter at the slightest provocatiou— these made Stuart the perfect picture of a gay cavalier, and the spirited horse he rode seemed worthy of such a rider. Catching up with his column of about fif- teen hundred horsemen, and two pieces of horse artillery, Stuart pushed on northward as if going to join Stonewall Jacksou, and, reachnig the vic.nity of Taylorsville, near Hanover Junction, ordered his troops into bivouac for the night. He himself had dismounted under a wide spreading tree, and while standing beside his favorite horse, was resting his elbows upon the saddle, gazing thoughtfully to- ward his busy men, and yet with a far-away expression. Presently, he was approached by Colonel William H. F. Lee, one of his most trusted supporters, who laughingly asked : ■' Are you plotting, general T' "Hardly that," was the reply. "I was simply wondering what it was best to do with myself for the next three or four hours. I tell y^u what it is, Lee, war's all well enough— in fact, it's a glorious trade; but, after all, a man wants a taste of something else once in awhile; a glimpse of society, for instance, and the sight of a pretty woman's face." " There's several places in this neighbor- hood where you might spend a very agree- able evening," suggested Lee. "True; and I was just thinking ; there's Hickory Hill, Colonel Wickham's place, you know. The colonel is badly wounded, and would, no doubt, be very glad to see us. What do you say 'Z Have you a mind to take a gallop over there with me ?" "I should like nothing better!" exclaimed Lee, with alacrity. " That is, if you can put up with such a poor companion as myself." "Come — come? don't depreciate your- self," said Stuart; "but mount, and let us be off." "Shall we take an escort, general ?" asked the colonel, when he was seated in the saddle. "What's the use?" was the reply. "We shall meet none but friends. Forward !" and away they galloped down the road. Hickory Hall, a noble Southern mansion, surrounded by ample, and, in times past, well-kept grounds, was reached in due time; and, after sending their horses to the stables, the two Confederate ofBcers entered the house, where they were received and warm- ly o'elcomed by Colonel Wickham and his family. To say that the visitors were most hospita- bly entertained, is only to state what always follows the reception of a welcomed guest in the Sunny South, and the good cheer was so abundant, and so thoroughly enjoyed on this occasion, that it was not long before General Stuart fell asleep in his chair, and the two colonels found it difBcult work to keep up the conversation. All at once there was a sound without- distant at first; but which every moment drew nearer and nearer, and which at length caught the attention of all, and brought Stuart to his feet with a start. "Cavalry!" he exclaimed. "Friends or foes— that's the question ? and one we must get a chance to speak with you again. Now to reconnoiter." They hurried to the rear of the house, which was rapidly being surrounded by Federal troops, as one glance was enough to determine, and, by a shrewd maneuver, made their way out of the back door, past the kitchen- a separate building, as is usual in the South — and so reached the stable where their horses had been stalled. In a moment they were in the saddle, and fairly out upon the road before their escape was discovered. Then what a wild shout went up! "After them — after them!" cried the Union leader. Captain Fletcher Burnham. " I tell you one of them is Stuart himself!" and the mad chase began in dead earnest. Fletcher Burnham's party numbered some twenty-five or more men— as brave and dar- ing a body as ever sat in saddle, and they needed only to know that it was Stuart they were after to exert themselves to the very utmost. How those horses did fly over the ground ! The mere memory of it thrillsme to this very hour. Every now and then revolvers and carbines would ring out : Crack— crack— crack ! Still the two rebel ofBcers kept steadily on their way, and Taylorsville was every mo- ment growing nearer and nearer. "Fire again !" ordered Burham. "It won't do to lose them now," and at least twenty carbines rang out- but still the fugitives kept on as though not a single shot had been fired. "Give them another shot!" commanded the young captain, " and Are low this time. Try to hit their horses ; that'll fetch 'em, I fancy." Once more the sound of the weapons broke upon the air. " Ah! one of them's down— ain't he, Char- ley?" exclaimed Buruham, suddenly, ap- pealing to his friend aud lieutenaut. Charley Fairchild, who wasridiug by his side. "I'm not quite certain, cap," responded Charley. "They're in the shade of that clump of trees yonder, and 1 can't make them out." "No more can I," said the captain, iu an irritated tone; " and, by Jove! if they've managed to escape us, after all, I shall be mad enough to kick myself. I shall— apd with right good will, too." By this time they had reached the shadow of the woods, and they were not long iu sat- isfying themselves that the two fugitives really had, iu the most mysterious and un- accountable manner in the world, given them the slip. It was some time before Fletcher Burnham was willing to acknowledge himself fairly beat; but, at last, he was forced to do so, and then, turning to his friend, he said, iu a tone of conviction : "Never mind, Charley. I know what the and if we don't succeed in decimating his forces before he gets through, why, I'm mighty mistaken ; that's all." CHAPTER II. GRIT CAEEOI.L, THE UNION SCOUT. The chase over, the Union cavalry slowly returned to camp, and the young leader— for Burnham had not yet seen the twenty-sixth anniversary of his birth-day— springing to the ground, threw his bridle to an orderly, and started off at a rapid pace toward his quarters. A trooper was standing before the en- trance. He was a noble specimen of the Northern soldier— a perfect giant in build and strength. " Ah ! Dan ; it's you, eh ?" said the captain. " Seen anything of Grit — Grit Carroll, the scout?" "Yes, captain," responded Dan Godfrey, with the usual military salute. " He was about here not more than fifteen minutes ago^ and seemed quite disappointed when he learned that you had not yet returned. Guess he's in camp now." " Hunt him up then, will you, and bring him to my quarters." Dan again saluted, and hastened away. L!aptain Burnham entered his tent; and, having seated himself, at once fell into an attitude of deep meditation, from which he was at last aroused by Dan, who suddenly presented himself, with the concise words : "He's here, cap'n." " Ah ! let him come in." The next moment Grit Carroll, the Union scout of the Potomac, stood before him. One glance at this most remarkable man was enough to satisfy any one that he was a brave and noble patriot— a glorious hero, who, if he was battling against his own state and his own people, was doing it from a sense of duty— from a true and undying love for the Union our fathers established— that Union which alone makes our country re- spected and feared throughout the world. Grit waited, while Captain Burnham re- garded him thoughtfully for a time. At length he ventured to say : "You sent for me, captain." "Yes," responded the officer; "and you, it seems, had been here seeking me." Yes; I was anxious to know if you had important information," said Grit. "Ah! what is it? I know full well. Grit, that whatever comes from you is reliable; and, therefore, I am greatly interested, "said. Burnham' "I found ererythiug to-night e.\actly as you said I would, even to the number of men Stuart started out with." " Vou didn't take him at the colonel's?" " No Confound it, the men I sent to watch the stables didn't get there in time. We saw them the moment they struck the road, however; and then the the tallest kind of a race began, while, at the same time, the men kept up a running fire upon them. How in the world they managed to escape with their lives is more than I am able to under- stand." "Did you drive them clean into their camp, cap'n?" "No. They disappeared in a little clump THE WA.Il LIBRARY. i y ^ I tii.-i'S, just tbis side of Tayloi-sville— disap- I' Mied, I tell yoH, exactly as though the :; round had opened aud swallowed them ■ I understand," nodded Grit, "those fel- lows are better acquainted in these parts than your men, cap'u." •' But we examined every inch of ground," asserted the captain. •' Did you ride up and down the deep gul- ly that runs through the woods in a south- easterly direction 1*" aslced the captain. ' "No," was the reply ; "but we examined it Closely." " Did you looli carefully in that part just " I can't r\:iVily swear to that." "..\h, lainain, lulieve me, there's just where you iiKMic y.>nr mistalse. There is a cavernons-likc [.'ac- there, washed out liv the floods, and luvttyinu.h ,-.in.rahd now Ijy vegetation, tliut would holil at loast a dozen mounted uicn, lluiI niuct\ -iiino ,uit of every hundred would pass ii witliinit even dreaming that it could conceal a single per- more thoroughly? regretfully. of niv heart,"' said " That's true, at least." •'Yes ; and so they escaped, and now, the next thing is to catch the cunning fox at some other time and in some other place." " Well, let it rest for the present," said the captain. " Didn't I understand you to say that you had other news for me ?" "Yes." " Does it concern this grand raid ?" " In a measure, yes." "Let's hear it." " Xf General Stuart makes the report Lee thinks he will, aud which, mark you, I know he will. It has been decided by the eueniy to cross the Chickahominy above our right, aud attack the force now on the east liank of the stream. Stonewall Jack- I an important nature that it sent Captain Fletcher Burnham, now acting as major, to Hanover Court House with a battalion of some five or six hundred men, at a very early hour. Have you ever visited this picturesque spot, reader? Well, you should have looked upon it on that bright day in June— upon its old brick court-house, where Patrick Henry made his famous speech against the parsons— its an- cient tavern— its modest roofs— the whole surrounded by the fertile fields waving witli golden grain. All this you sliould liave looked upon; and then you should have taken note of Buruliam's cavalry, like a vast flock of bluebirds— as the rebels were in the habit of calling them— lost, as it were, this pleasant nest, set in a sea of rippling >per- M'l'iai.li- loroo will lio oslontatiously sent !ii older to give the imjiression that a raove- riioiit from that quarter upon Washington !^ ill contemplation. Butafterall, cap'n, 1 lout know but this information ought to go right straight to MctClellan." "The moveinentis not to be carried out until Stuart has returned, you say?" asked Burnham, quickly. " No— it depends somewhat, and perhaps altogether, upon the condition in which he iiiids our defenses." ■I'obe sure; then suppose you let the 111 itter rest with meuntilsome time to-mor- '■ \'or>- wi.di ; as 1 actually belong to your ooiiiinanil, captaiii, I roiisiiTcr myself, in the ■ijooii! ui'id nou tor'wbat I wanted to 1 know how mortally anxious I am onor of capturing or killing this rebel raider, Stuart. Well, I want you to make sure of his next move, aud let me know just what it is going to be, and when a good opportunity is likely to offer for me to swoop down upon him and gobble him up." All right, cap'n ; I'm pretty certain he's siy. Qg (or Old Church now, as told J°" i keep get the thing dead to sted.'- good-night. But, by tiie way, i want to say to you before you go tlio iiianiit r in whii li you do your duty; and thai, as 1 told you luii/c before, if you have aiiv iiioliiiatioii to wear chevrons on your .-lo.x.., I, myself, will__see to it that you I am ur.atly oiiiiged to you, cap'n," re- 1 1 ilni, with a Shake of the head; "but, I I lot is, I liave no such inclination at I -out. and, whafsmore, I never expect to lia\ o. But, in easel ever should aspire to be aiiytliiug more than a mere private and scout, I won't fail to let you know." ■•Ah, well! perhaps you are right," said IJurnhan], hastily; "and now, once more, good-night." 1 "Good-night," returned the scout, as he Viuietly withdrew ; "1 shall have news for k, before daylight." Df such wheat and waving, folia-e. Their horses >t od ready saddled in the street, and tins lailv mass was suddenly Ei^officS^snmil'h hind a wooded knoll, in 1 his whole column was drawn up ready command. Before he gave the signal, the general dis- patched Colonel Fitz Lee around to the right to flank and cut off the Union party. All at once the scouts in front were de- scried by the Federal cavalry; shots re- sounded • aud, seeing that his presence was discovered, Stuart gave the word, and swept at a thundering gallop down the hill. The startled bluebuds did not wait ; they were too much taken by surprise. The whole squadron hastily got to horse— then, presto ! they disappeared in a dense cloud of dust, from whence echoed some parting salutes from their carbines. Stuart pressed on rapidly, taking the di- rect road to Old Church ; and all went well until he arrived near a place called Hawes' Shop, in a thickly wooded spot, when sud- denly and unexpectedly he was Hetcely charged by Burnham's full command. For a time the fight was hot— even desper- ate; but Burnham very soon understood what he ought to have thought of before he started out that morning— that his little troop had no chance against three times their number; then, slowly and sullenly, he began to retire. Yet, a the very last, anxious to accomplish his end, he suddenly wheeled and alone dashed on toward the enemy at full gallop, and when near the head of his column, fired twice at Stuart, then once more he wheeled short about and went back at full speed to ami sharp cai ing voice : "Close up! Form fours! Draw sabers! Charge!' Aud now the Confederates pur- sued at headlong speed, uttering shouts and yells sufficiently loud to awaken the dead of centuries! The men were evidently exhilarated by the chase, the Federals just keeping near enough to make an occasional shot practi- cable. Once again they made a stand, and then, alter a sharp fight, a considerable number were either wounded or captured, and most of these proved to belong to the company in which Colonel Fitz Lee had formerly been alieutenaut. It was quite laughable to see the evident pleasure which " Colonel Fitz," as he was generally called, took in inquiring after his old cronies. " Was old Brown alive? Where was Jones now? and was Roljinson sergeant still?" Colonel Fitz never stopped until he found outeverything; or, rather he wouldn't have stopped if there hadn't have come an interruption. The prisoners -wdTe still laughing as they recognized him, or were answering his in- numerable questions, when all at once a cavalryman rode up, and saluting Stuart, said: " We have just captured a deserter, sir." "A deserter?" "Yes, general.' " Where is he?" was Stuart's next brief in- terrogatory. " Coming yonder, general," answered the cavalryman. "Gentlemen, this looks bad," said Stuart, turning to his ofBoers with lowering brow. CHAPTER IIL A FEARFUL THAaEDV. Again General Stuart spoke: " How do you know this man is a de- serter?" he asked. promptly. "Whereishefron ■oldly. wi " Caroline county." The man even mentioned the town, which was a romantic place on the banks of the Rappahannock. " What is his name ?" " Carroll— Eliuei Carroll." ap," said Stuart, i lance from the blue and black feather. I nee mounted men iparently eighteen aud wore the blue low, of a private in he returned the dai k -laiM, oi ^^luan nith the air of one who says: ■■ What do you hnd in my appearance to make you fi.Y your eyes upon me so Intently." In another moment he was in Stuart's im- mediate presence, and calmly, quietly, without the faintest exhibition of embar- rassment, or any emotion whatever, waited to l.>e addressed. The rebel general's words were curtest of the curt. " Is this the man V" he demanded. "Yes, general," replied one of the escort. " You say he is a deserter?" "Yes, sir; I knew him in Caroline county, wlien he joined Captain Watson's company ; and there is no sort of doubt about it, gen- eral, as he frankly acknowledges that he Is the same person." " Acknowledges it?" " Yes, sir ; acknowledges that he is Elmer Carroll, of Caroline county, and that after joining the South he deserted." Stuart flashed a quick glance at the pris- oner, and seemed at a loss to understand what fatuity had induced him to testify against himself, thereby sealing his fate. His gaze — clear, fiery, meuaeiug— was re- turned by the youth with apathetic calm- ness. Not a muscle of his countenance moved, and those who stood by now had an opportunity to look at him more atten- tively. He was even younger than they had at first thought him— indeed, a complexion was fair. Ills 1 curling, his eyes blue, mild, their expression, as they uu glances of the rebel leader, and almost as confiding. More than one brave man there found it impossible to suppress a sigh, so painful was the thought that this really noble-looking youth would probably soon be lying low with a bullet through his heart. It has been said by those who knew him Hi: girl's— ay. that a kinder hearted man than General J. E. B. Stuart never lived. However this may be, one'thiug is certain, in all that ap- pertained to his profession and duty at, a soldier, he was simply inexorable. Desertion, in his estimation, was one of the deadliest climes of which a human being oould l.o ^uiliv, and his course was plain, his iv..oliilioii immov.able. ■■ What i.^ voiu- name?" asked the general, coldly, w ith u dark aud lowering brow. "Elmer Carroll, sir," was the response, in a mild and pleasing voice, in which it was utterly impossible to discern the least trace of emotion. " Where are you from ?" " I belong to Burnham's command— the cavalry that engaged you just now, sir." The voice had not changed in the least, a calmer tone was never heard. "Where were you born?" continued Stuart, as coldly as before. "In Caroline county, Virginia, sir." " Did you belong to the Southern army at any time?" "Yes, sir." The utter coolness of the speaker was in- credible. Stuart could only look at him for a moment in silence, so astonishing was this equauimity at a time when his life aud death were in the balance. Not a tone of the voice, a movement of the muscles, or a tremor of the lips indicated consciousness of his danger. The eye never quailed, the color in his cheek never for an instant faded. The prisoner acknowledged that he was a deserter from the Southern army, with the simplicity, caudor.^and calmness of one who saw in that fact nothing extraordinary, or fU. THE WAR LIBRARY. to affect his des- ealculated in any n tiuy unpleasantly. Stuart's eyes tiasbed ; he could not under- stand such apathy; but ia. war tbere is little time to investigate psychological pheno- mena. " So you were in our rauks, and you went over to the enemy?" he said, with ii sort ot growl. " Yes, sir," was the calm reply. ' You were a private in that squadron of cavalry that attacked us just now?" " Yes, sir." Stuart turned to an ofBcer, and pointing to a tall pine near, said in brief tones: " Hang him to that tree !" Then it was that a change — sudden, awful, horrible — came over the face of the pris- oner. At that moment those about him read in his distended eyeballs the" vision of sudden death!" The youth became ghastly pale, and the eyes, before so vacant and apathetic, were all at once injected -with blood, and full of piteous fright. It might have been seen in an instant that the poor boy had not for one single moment realized the terrible danger of his position ; and that the appalling words, " Hang him on that tree!" had burst upon him with the sudden and stunning force of a thunder- bolt. Human countenances have been seen ex- Sressing every phase of agony ; ay, many ave seen the writhing ot the mortally wounded, as their life-blood welled out, and the horror of the death-struggle fixed on the cold, upturned faces of the dead ; but never had there been witnessed an expression more terrible and agonizing than that which pass- ed over the face of the boy-deserter, as he thus heard his awful sentence. He had evidently regarded himself as a mere prisoner of war ; and now h.-^ was con- demned to death ! He had looked forward, doubtless, to mere imprisonment at Richmond until regularly exchanged, when " Hang him to that tree!" burst upon his ears like some avenging Nem- already the rope aroimd his neck— he choked. When he spoke, his voice soiuided like a death-rattle. An instant of horror-struck silence ; a gasp or two as if the words were trying to force their way against some obstacle in his throat. Then the sound came. His tones were not loud, impassioned, energetic ; not even animated. A sick terror seemed to have frozen him. When he spoke, it was in a sort of moan. " I didn'nt know," he murmured, in low, husky tones. " I never meant, when I went with them, to do anything wrong— to fight against my own friends. They told me it was all right : so did another. They knew who I was— they had been told I was a Southerner— and, so help me God ! I haven't fired a shot to-day. I was in the I'ear with a captured horse. Oh ! general, spare me. I never " There the voice died out ; and, as pale as a corpse, trembling in every limb— a spectacle of helpless terror which no words can de- scribe — the boy awaited his doom. Stuart had listened in silence; his gaze riv- eted upon the speaker, his hand grasping his heavy beard, his lips tightly compressed. For an instant he seemed to hesitate — life and death were poised in the balance. Then, with a cold look at the trembling deserter, he said to the men : " Take him away, and carry out the order. Bv his own showing he's not fit to live." ^Vith these words he turned and galloped off. once led to the pine The boy who had so earnestly pleaded for his life witb fear and trembling at once be- came a man— a man ready to meet death without flinching. It was almost with sad- ness that those intrusted with the duty tied his hands behind him, and placed the fatal noose about his neck. The column had been ordered to advance, ..nd willingly the troopers moved forward, nor cared to look upon the last scene in the grim drama. The last, did we say ? Ah, no! the last bloody scene in that fatal drama was not to be enacted for two years— lacking twenty-eight days 1 "Come — come, my men!" exclaimed the officer impatiently, as he cast a hasty glance toward the now rapidly receding cavalry. "I've no wish to hurry this young fellow into eternity ; but we must make haste, or we shall never catch up with our com- mand." " We're all ready, lieutenant," said one of the men. "Very well." Then to the prisoner : "Have you anything you would like to say before we swing you off?" "Nothing but this," responded the un- fortunate youth : " Y^our general has ordered you to commit deliberate murder— and that's just what you are doing— nothing more or less. It must be plain enough to you all that I am no more than a mere boy, with little or no knowledge of military law. Do me by your general, had I known, or even for a moment dreamed, what would be the consequences? Yes, I tell you, this is a wicked, a cruel— even auseless murder. Still I do not blame you. But you may tell Gen- eral Stuart, for me, that he surely will have cause to rue this day's work to the last hour of his life— ay, and that last hour will come the sooner for the pitiless course he has taken." Then, after a moment ot silence: " I— I would like to send a message to my mother— my brother— my— no— no! let it pass. I have kept you too long as it is. I am ready! " "But, my poor fellow," began the oflicer, in a compassionate tone, "any message you would like to send " The youth only shook his head. "Then good-by "—sorrowfully. "Good-by"— almost cheerfully. " Let him swing, boys." The order was obeyed, and in less than two minutes the poor boy's soul was in eter- nity. "Mount!" ordered the officer, when he was quite satisfied their work was complete. "Forward! Double quick!" And away they sped along the road their companions had passed over. An hour passed, and not a living soul ap- peared to look upon i^the swinging body of the murdered boy. Some minutes more elapsed, and then, suddenly, a single individual thrust aside the undergrowth and made his way out of the neighboring forest. For some moments he did not see the ghastly object almost close to him, for he was looking the other way; but presently he turned, and then the swaying body caught his eye. For one instant he gazed upon it, and then a look of the utmost horror came into his race. "My God!" he gasped, "it's Elmer! mv own little brother ! Now what fiend's work is this?" CHAPTER IV. AN AVENGER. It was Grit Carroll, the Union scout, who stood gazing up at the lifeless body swinging from the limb of the pine tree, and who ut- tered the words at the close of the preceding chapter. His brother! Yes, it was too true, that idolized brother Elmer— little Elmer, he had always called him. The poor boy's war history had been brief. When his elder brother — elder by more than ten years— was about to leave their home on the banks of the Rappahaunock, to join the Union army, he had made Elmer promise not to take any part in the great struggle but to remain quietly at home, and do all in his power to aid and assist their widowed mother. Grit had no fear that the Confederate authorities would force the lad into their army, for, he reasoned, if his youth does not save him, his mother's widowhood surely will. He never told Elmer that he was going to join the Northern army, for being a dead- shot, he had from the first made up his mind to act as a scout, and knowing therefore, that he would be obliged to be much alone, and in his own country, he thought it best that none of his relatives or neighbors should know his Intentions. Having obtained his brother's promise, he went away feeling that all would go on well at home. Grit Carroll had not taken one thing into due consideration, the infiuence of Elmer's companions, boys of his own age. Not long after Grit's departure a regiment was raised in Caroline county, one company of which was made up in the vicinity of Elmer's home. Two-thirds of his friends joined it, and he soon received many press- ing invitations to do likewise. For a long time he resisted, turning a deaf ear to all i)leadings. At last, however, in a fatal moment he said Yes, and became a sol- dier in gray. He went through a single campaign, and then with some others, was captured by a squadron of Union cavalry. He was about to be sent North as a pris-. oner of war, when the scout of the •otomac happened to enter the camp. Elmer saw him, and uttered an exclama- tion of delight. "What! you— and in that dress?" cried' Grit, advancing toward his brother. " Yes, dear old fellow," said Elmer, " they made me. That is, you see, all the other boys about our place went into the army, and they wouldn't give me any peace until I joined them." "Hum," almost growled Grit, "and now you see what it has brought you to. You are a prisoner of war, and most likely will be cooped up in some Northern fortress for the next three years." " Oh, say. Grit, old fellow, you cau fix all that. Don't let them take me away. Just let me stay here with you." " But you couldn't do that, you know, without joining our army," objected Grit. "I don't care. The army that's good enough for you is surely good enough for me," promptly answered his brother. " But I am not with my command very often," said the elder. "No matter. I should see you oftener than I would if I were sent North, or even went back to my old comrades." "True, Elmer, and I'll see what our com- manding ofBcer has to say about the mat- ter," and as he turned away, he muttered to himself: " At anyrate, I should have the child more under my own eye, and I think 1 could see to it that no harm comes to him." The commanding officer said : " By all means, let him join," and he quickly added, " I'd like to enlist the whole Southern army in the same way." "But he's very young, you know," sug- gested Grit. "No matter," replied the other; "he un- derstands his business, and I'm glad enough to get new recruits ot that stamp ou any terms." Thus it was that Elmer Carroll had be- come a Union soldier. He had joined the Northern army out of love for his brother. Now, here was the end of it all : murder- ed—foully murdered as a desei'ter ! " A mere child— an innocent, unthinking youth," murmured Grit. " What dastardly cowards to perpetrate such a shameful act I Oh ! that I only knew who were its au- thors." " Water ! comrade— bring me water!" Grit turned. The faint cry seemed to come from the undergrowtii, not a dozen paces from him. He listened. " In Heaven's name ! a drink, comrade. My throat's as dry as a limekiln." Ah! he saw where the came from now, and hastened forward. He parted the thick underbrush, and just within saw a Union soldier, stretched at his bow. He took off his canteen, and making his way to his side, held it to his lips. The wounded trooper drank eagerly. "Ten thousand thanks, comrade," he said, when he had finished the last drop in the canteen. " I feel a hundred per cent better. Now if you will only raise me a lit- tle, and help me to get my back against that tree " " Of course," and then, as he assisted him, " you're Newton, of Burnham's cavalry, ain't you?" "You bet; and you're Grit Carroll, the scout, and brother of the poor fellow swing- ing yonder." "Yes," returned Grit, with a shudder. " Did you see the cruel work done!" "Saw it all," said Newton, "and I'll tell you all about it, it you like." , „ ^„ " Wait^let melook atyour wound first. " No, no- 'taint no good. If they hadn't shot my horse, I should have managed to keep my seat, and so got away. But you see, the beast fell at the same moment that a ball struck me, and so there was nothing for it but to crawl in here, unless I wanted to get inside of Castle Thunder, or submit myself to the embrace of Libby. 1 thought THE WAR LIBRARY. 3 3 of the alternati coucludecl to it oue dreamed of 'verytliiii^' (liai for just one moment, and •1. No one missed me— no y heins here, and so I saw ;ni~piii(l at my leisure — \'ifz tn ciKi, and when it li'' l:i-l iiKiii ride away." iu?.t let me look at youi saw it fi was all ov. "Newtn wound. 1 gerous now ; but it may speedily become by neglect; and, at anyrate, the llow blood should be stopped." It to bother you, old fellc don't s what's the matter. Dtlier?" said Grit, earnestly; "you know how much consequence your '- -ne just now— I want to hare you i who 1 that ordered to be huiifi atonce— liul I \v;nit iimrc lli-m (hat- I ivunt you to iioiiit iHit I.. 11,,. ,.\(.rv Tiiaii wij.. Ijad any hand in Ih.' inaltiT. FiL-^t, \\\,- i.ni" whi. denounced hiui as a deserter, it you can then those who took charjie of him ami executed the commanding offlcer's orders " '• Hum ! Well, I thiuk myself they ought to suffer for it, and— yes, I will do all I can to help you. Grit." "Thank you, ray dear fellow, I was sure you would, and now let me open your coat." Grit examined the wound. He saw that It was not serious, but carefully washed and dressed it, and then, said : " I am going to leave you for a ht tie wljil,-, I can't let poor Elmer swing fium tliat cursed tree one mimii'iit Ii.n.'ci thin is ooov ui JUS I'lMitiM ititii ^\ lit n lie li id laid"it on .1 Ih d .ill. .ncs.iud liiK (i ^lass hi went to a 11. i^hliDMiin slieain; .ind, lia\'iTig hlled his tanli_eii with watei, letuin'ed with It to Newton. Alter this, he selected a secluded spot, whei e he was not likely to be observed by au> one passing on the rood: aud, having "■ " " '"""" .i"i-i'-'i -..i.i.-»li it by his -ilH-r hi- iitiiiind t.. th.. pliM Mhcie he M l.tt tl... 1h..1j .ii„l,,,r-m_' It ten.leily lu In. aims, uinic.l it Ui it. List resting place. Ah! how gently he laid it in its last nar- row home— how affectionately he covered the dear face and beloved form with green leaves and sweet-'imening flowers; then, with « hat a sit,'li he tliiew in the earth, and laisp.l till niiaui.l th it shuwedbut too plain- forget it. I suspected who it was from the Hrst, buti wanted to make no mistake in the matter. The dirty scoundrel has always hated Elmer from as long ago as I can re- member—yes, and me too, for that matter. Ah! Loren Langford, look out! the avenger is on your track— the avenger who will rest neither night nor day until he sees you hanging where your poor innocent victim hung!" "Eight! old fellow! " and anything I can . " Thanks, comrade, and as I have already said, I shall avail myself of yonr services whenever it is possible to do so. Now, if you feel able, please describe all the others who had a hand in this cowardly murder." (lilt lould riM'iiLiii/.i- but two from his des- 11 ipli.ins. 'riir liiutcnant and most of the men he could not place. At length he said: "There is no use wasting any more time now. We shall visit their camp together soon, then you can point them all out to me. And now it is tinii- we were leaving this place. Do you fi.'! aid" In rule?" "Lord, yes, ol.l f.ll.nv. I'm all right, only a little weak. Hut wIhm. s there a horse for othe only I hope we shan't ay on our way back." I'our arms— I trust you the last thing befi liiit all about that. Too (irit, old boy, I thought jiece, it was my especial appose some oue of the ade love to it." Which one of those dead VH Vi>TER V. ' I mull, throwing l.\ the side of the 'II III 1 1. II me, please, just islhalft.ixe the order which cost 11 other his life.' al Stuart," answered Newton, sclaimed Grit ; you "Dead certain," returned the other con- Idently, " I heard hiin called by that name it least a dozen times " "Describe him, jile ise Xi n t.iii at oiLi 1 „i\ 111 niniite— in- fUyc ' I III 1st, setting !• 1 .11.1 1 Ilea thing hard. M iiai t, and mark me, 11- .uder will cost him 11 tli.it denounced poor his name wasn't men- ■ Wh It did he say?" ■ ^ 11.1 he came from the same county, and tliiiik the same part of the county that .Imer did. Said he was a member of the ime coni:iany that he joined. Knew him 'ell— couldn't be mistaken, and a lot more esides." " Hum : Can you describe just how he )oks?" "Yes; that's an easy matter enough. He ras a heavy built man, not more than twen- r-two or twenty-three, I should think, iiough Had light hair, and red eyes; a pgular brutal face, with a hungry— almost eudish look ahoutit. He was " •• That's enough," interrupted the scout. I've got him dead to rights, and don't you "Mine is cone, theiie woods," sai obliireil to'ri.ledc "Tha 's all ric meet any of the e " I hope not; b were able to save " Here's mv sni the world of that pet, and now I s Johnnie rebs has n "I'll take a look horses yonder was you "The roan. "Good!" and Grit forced his way through the underbrush into the road. Newton ?oon Iviid an i-xi'lamatinii nf sat- isfaction, and ii.-; IN I. 1,1, r,.i r, .;. ...m- that his Irii-iiil ■ n , . , , ,;., n,,.. forth a eaiiiin.' i . • . . , : ■ , - i , ; ,,,„. " The scout liasl. ,..d |,. :. -i,,,.. luin l In', ii.s,.- ful weapou, and then started oh to liud iiis own steed. He was not long absent, and when he re- turned, he assisted the wounded cavalry- man to mount, then taking his own place ju the saddle, and requesting Newton to hold fast, he started off in the direction of the pulled up short, and before sk a single question, begun liece of woods. old fellow— dismount as !iMe," he whispered, "and in that clump of bushes." asked his astonished com- When he had come within a few yards Grit "put his pistol on him," in military parlance, and took him prisoner, calling Newton from the woods to take charge of The captive had scarcely been conducted into the underwood and placed beside the other, when two men appeared, coming from the same direction, and the audacious Grit determined to capture these also. He called to Newton once more; but that worthy was too busy rifling the unfortunate graycoats, and did not hear. He then re- solved to capture the two new cavalrymen by himself. He accordingly advanced toward them, when su.idciily another came around the coin. a- ..I III., w.i.i.ls and joined them, mak- Ur still .Itsi.nird attacking them, when another aini.an il, making four ; and as they now approached Grit they suddenly drew their revolvers, and leveling them, ordered him to surrender. He was within h his own revolver coolly : " \Vhat do you mean ?'' " We mean," said the men," that you area confounded Yankee spy, and you are our prisoner," " r am no spy," was the reply. "What regiment do you belong to?" '.'n... — th vrir-o-iT,;™ '» band. " Iliu backing into i "Dismount, quickly as p. conceal yours. " What's up rade. "You'll see in a moment," and Newton, having with some difficulty slipped to the ground, Grit pushed his horse forward a lit- tle way and waited. Presently, a Confederate cavalryman came along. " Halt !" exclaimed Grit, suddenly showin" himself. The Johnnie came to a dead stand. "Come in here out of the cold," said Grit, sternly. "Noneof that !" he quickly added, in a warning voice. " Undertake to touch your pistols, or hesitate for an instant to obey me and I Are!" The unfortunate rebel surrendered at once. " Now, then, Newton, takeehargeot him," called Grit, and as the Federal trooper came up and took the prisoner's weapons from him, he continued: "But just give me that gray overcoat he has on, and let me swap horses with him ; for I think I can do a little business right here, there's a detachment of rebel cavalry encamped just above this spot T see." Newton handed him the rebel coat, whic h the scout put on ; after which he mouLted the other horse, and taking a position on the road, awaited the appearance of some fur- ther prey. He had not waited long, when a second stray cavalryman came along, and sewing Grit dressed m a gray overcoat and Confed- erate accoutremeuts generally, had no fear of him. His conflding simplicity was his ruin. | Fiisl, amands the brigade?" " Kmht airaiii. Where is it stationed'?" " Near Old Tavern ; but a squadron is with Stuart." "Yes. Who commands the flivision?" " Look here," said Grit, v.dio, of course, was throughly acquainted with his role, " I am (ired of your asking me so many questions; but I will answer all the same. The — th Virginia is in Frisbie's lirigade, Norton's division, and Stuart commands the whole. 1 belong to the regiment, and am no spy." He's all right, boys," said oneof themen; •let I I go. ' You are mistaken," said Grit, coolly. " V.in an^ a Yankee spy !" cried the man. ■And how do I know you are not spies :iud scn-ita from the Yankee army?" asked Grit; " you have ou gray coats, to be sure, but let me see your p.antaloons." "They raised their coat-skirts and showed their pantaloons, which, whatever they were, were not Federal blue. " Now show yours," they said. Grit had foreseen this, and fortunately be- ing prepared, readily exhibited his own, which happened to bo those of a Confeder- ate officer. "He's one of our officers, boys," said the former spokesman. "Yes, lam," said Grit, "and I'll report you all for this conduct." " None of your talk," said the incredulous cavalryman, fiercely. " I know you are a spy, and you've got to go with us, and that's the end of it." "Very well," returned thr- T^nion scout; "the picket |i..-i :-. :ii-i .I..VVI1 the road. I'll "All riulii : I ;,iv; and they ranged theins.;\.-, I «.. .n, .aeh side, with drawn pistols, ami all rorle liack. Grit now plainly saw that it was neck or nothing. If he was conducted to the picket, he knew that his real character would be dis- covered, his fate be a stout rope and a short shrift, and that his body would soon be dangling from a tree, as a warning to all spies. Accordingly, he watched his chance, and, suddenly, crossing his revolver over his breast, shot the man on his left through the back ; a second shot wounded a horse on his right; then, all four shot at him so close that their pistols nearly touched him. Strange to say, not a ball struck him ! He then turned his horseand dashed back, until he was opposite the point where New- ton was concealed, when he wheeled round, and they all stopped suddenly. Grit CO Illy crossed his leg over the pom- mel of hill saddle, covered them with his re- volver, and said : "Now, come on, you cowardly rascals! Charge m ' if you dare ! I'll answer for two of you the first pop." They ret iiained consulting hurriedly with- in fifteen laces of him for some minutes, and then t .irned round and rode back. ii-^ THE WAR LIBRARY They had not goue fifty yards, however, when shame seemed to overcome them ; and, n-hirliug round, the three who were un- wounded charged him, firing with their pis- tols as they came on. lirit cliarged forward to meet them, emp- tyiiiL^ liis chajjibers in quicli succession. "(iiif ivu dead, the other two turned their horses and fled down the road, Grit pursu- ing them with shouts, and firing upon them until they had almost reached their camp. Again turning, the brave scout's first care was to secure the dead man's horse. He then once more returned to the point where he had left Newton and the pris- •■ Come, old fellow," he said, " there's no time to swap knives now— up with one of the rebs ou my horse, and put the other on this one; then, you can have the animal we captured first. Be quick about it, or we shall have a whole squadron of Confederate cavalry down upon us." They worked fast, and were all speedily mounted. "Now, then," said Grit, addressing the prisuuers. "l want no funny business. If i-irl,.i Ml \m;! fi'ilows attempt to escape, l< ' - i:ilieruaclequicker than you i:ii; , : iMiisou. Understand!" I III j i-i ;;i ? - nmmated that they did. ■ All 11x1. 1, iiieu. Forward!" and away they dashed toward the Union lines. They had not gone far when they heard a terrific yell liehind them, and. looking back, at once saw that they were being hotly pin-- suaI by at least fifty of the enemy. CHAPTER A") "Now, then, Newton, we are in for it, sure," said Grit, casting another hurried glance at the advancing rebels, "and th.s horse of mine is carrying double, too." " I see," replied Newton briefly. "How do you feel?" asked the scout. ■' Does your wound trouble you any 'i"' " i_ih. bother the wound," growled the trooper. " Don't think of that, old fellow. Let's get out of this mess. ' " I would like to," smiled Grit. " How long can your horse keep up that gait ?" asked Newton. "Soiiii- tun.' yet," was the reply, "and I lanry till- ivbfls won't be iu a hurry to fire upi'i'i u- ?o louir as they risk hitting two of •Will ing it then, that we've got ■ I'm thinking old Sultan, here, would be elad to dispense with the blessing. The pursuing part}- was now drawing nearer and nearer every moment; but, as Grit had foreseen, did not fire. Suddenly, wheeling his horse about, he sent two shots at thel'oremost of the enemy. Down went the first man, and the ne- reeled in his saddle. "So far, so good," he muttered, and again he sped ou. Newton had charge of the other pris- carbine to his shoulder at the same time, fired. Down went another man, and the onward dash of the Confederates was momentarily cheeked. "Now, grayback," said Newton, to his charge, " we must show them our heels in dead earnest," and away they went, like the wind. Again and again the pursuers came within pistol-shot, and each time they received a dose of lead from Grit's revolver and New- ton's carbine. At length, losing all ijatience, they return- ed the fire. The prisoner behind Grit gave a yell of ag- ony, and suddenly unclasped his hands. He could not fall, for he was fastened se- curely to the back of the saddle. Grit turned around and looked into his face. " Where did the bullet strike you ?" he asked. The man did not answer, but stared at him as if he had not heard. The scout repeated the question. Thru 111.' other's lips moved, and a torrent of Mm. ul .:u>ln'.l from his mouth. The next iiistiuit Ills . y.'lids dropped, and hin head fell fell:iw!" mut- . jnd he unbucl that held him With a dull, heavy thud, the d.ad man fell to the ground, and the horse bcauded for- ward as if relieved of a burden. " Now, then "cried the scout, "for one last effort. Forward "and away they rushed toward the Union lines. The pursuers, seeing there was little chance either of overtaking or bringing them down, halted, and then, turning, rode sul- lenly away. Having disposed of his i>risoner and cap- tured horses, and, what was of much more consequence to him, found a competent sur- geon to look after Newton's wound. Grit be- gan to think of himself. He was taint and hungry, and, although he hated to confess it even to himself, dead tired. The first thing, then, was to find food ; the next, to get a little rest. Grit, of course, was at no loss to procure the wherewithal for a substantial meal, and, having satisfied his appetite, he threw him- self upon the ground, in the shade of a spreading tree, tor a short nap. He was careful not to oversleep, and, two hours later, he was once more iu the saddle, riding at a fuiious rate iu the direction of Old Church. Stuart, having left the fatal spot where young Elmer Carroll yielded up his innocent lite, pressed on with liis column at a rapid rate iu the direction of the Tottapotamoi, a sluggish stream, dragiiing its nniildy waters slowly iH'tw.'.'U nish-i'lad banlis lieneath droopiii;; II' .- ; aii'l r.a.lif.l ii at a jioint where it :- .■n.-^•■l 1-v a Miiall niMii- l.n.lge. The " li"l.- Ini.' .iltli.' slr.ani h.' Lmiui, to his great sati>laiti. n, wascniii .'ly uiiilefeud- ed by works. McClellan's right wing was unprotected. Stuart had accomplished the great object of his expedition, and felt satisfied that he could pi.ot Jackson over the same ground. But, for the present, he determined to go ou— as Grit Carroll, the scout, had said he would. A Union picket was stationed at the bridge — this was quickly driven in, and retired at a gallop to the high ground beyond, where Stuart's advance guard, under Colonel W. H. P. Lee, first encountered the Union forces. ThcF.'il.'ial-iiiMol r.'l thousan.l in-ii ,■ '..:■-' Captain i;oyal Ther were.li i;.' over a us under battle m the fields to receive the rebel attack. It came without delay. Placiug himself at the head of his com- mand. Colonel Lee swept forward at the jjas dc charijc, and, with shouts, the two lines came together. The shock was heavy, and the Union troops stood their ground nobly, meeting the attack with the saber. Swords clashed, pistols and carbines bang- ed, yells, shouts and cheers resounded ; and then the Federal line was seen slowly to give way. Burnham and Royal did their utmost to hold their men together, and keep them up to the work ; but the enemy had the advan- tage in numbers, and the impetus of the at- tack, and so, at length, the Federals broke and took to headlong flight. For some time they were pursued with ar- peared from their faces at sight of a specta- cle which greeted them. Captain Lataue, of the Essex cavalry, and probably one of the best known and best be- loved officers of the Southern army, had been mortally wounded in the charge, and as the men of his command saw him lying bloody before them, many a bearded face was wet with tears. The scene at his grave afterward became the subject of a great historical painting, by Mr. Washiugton, called "The Burial of La- taue;" and I find it recorded that, iu his general order after the expedition, Stuart called upon his command to take for their watchword iu the future, " Avenge La- fane ! ' ' Captain Royal, of the Federal forces, had also been badly wounded, and several of his men killed. A Dutch cavalryman had fallen from his horse, and lay writhing with a bullet through the breast, biting and tearing up the ground. He called for water, and a ne- gro ran to a house near by to bring him some. On returning, he found a destitute rebel trooper robbing the dying man of his spurs ! Surely, war is a hard trade 1 By Stuart's command, Fitz Lee now pressed on, and burst like a whirlwind into the camp near Old Church, where large supplies of boots, pistols, liquors, and other commodities belonging to the Federal army were found. These were speedily appropriated by the men, and the tents were set ou fire amid loud shouts. The spectacle, as can readily be under- stood, was animated; but a report having got abroad among the marauders that one of the tents contained powder, the vicinity of the spot was evacuated in almost less than no time. The whole rebel command was now at Old Church, where Stuart was to be guided in his further movements l.v circumstancw He stood alone, with liis head bent for- ward; he was evidently deeply lellecting. In a moment he raised his h'ea.l, and tiirn- ing to one of his aides-de-camp, said ; "Tell Fitz Lee to come along— I am going to move on with my column." These words terminated all doubt, and those who heard him understood in an in- stant that the general had decided on the bold and hazardous plan of passing entirely round McClellan's army. "I think the quicker we move now, the better," said one of his officers w-ith a laugh. "Right! " replied Stuart, gravely; "tell the column to move on at a brisk trot." So, at a rapid jjace the column moved. CHAPTER VII. THE SCOUT SHOWS HIS GUIT. Stuart's command then had reached Old Church. It had captured and destroyed all the stores tlieie, and then had started on to- wai.l (lie I'hi' Icahorainy, intending to strike it at a |H, hit 1" low Long Bridge, and so re- enlii ilio I 'oiili iterate lines by way of Charle.^ City. Grit Carroll, who seldom failed In any un- dertaking, had not come up with them. ; What was the reason of this 'i* It was a good and sufficient one. Grit bad ridden on for more than an hour, when, on suddenly turning a bend in the road, he discovered two cavalrymen just ahead of him, and the next moment saw that they were Union boys. He soon overtook them, and found that they were out ou a private foraging expedi- Uon. He did not volunteer to make known his own business, but agreed to keep them company until they should reach the ford of a broad stream at no very great distance ahead. At length the river came in view. Just before reaching the stream there were two gates, withiu a short distance of each other, which had to be passed. There was a feuce on the right side of the road, and an- other gate in that, opening into a field. On the left there was no fence— simply an open field and a high hill. Grit and his companions, to save time, had made a short cut, and were now coming across the fields to the left at a brisk trot. At the very moment they came in sight of the first gate they saw a rebel officer and three men riding through. They also saw, at a short distance in the rear, several more one of Grit's companions. " Fight," responded Grit, setting.his teeth tight together. "All right!" exclaimed the other two in a breath. "Then close up to receive their charge," warned the scout. The rebels, |having passed the gate, and been joined by their comrades, pushed on toward the three Union men, who, instead of running, as the rebels expected they would, drew up in line to receive them. "Charge!" cried the rebel officer; and at them they went. Grit and his friends .held their fire until the rebels were within five yards of them, when crack— crack — crack! went their re- volvers, and one of the enemy bit the dust. ing them to surrender. For a time they refused, ami fought des- perately ; but the odds beings. .much against them. Grit s companions at last called out that they would surrender. The otecer now supposed the light was over, when suddenly Grit thrust his pistol right in his face and fired— so close, indeed, that the powder burned his ear. How the man escaped with his life is a wonder. As he fired, the scout dashed away, and two of the rebels pushed on after him to cut him off from the gate. The officer was terribly enraged, as may THE W AR LIBRARY. y^y readily be supposed, aud rode at him full speed. Grit fought desperately, killing one man and wounding another. Then three more came up. Seeing himself now completely hemmed in, the scout lowered his sabre, which he had drawn, and called out that he would surrender. ' The ofhcer, with flashing eyes, rode up to him, aud shook his flat at him, gritting his teeth. "You scoundrel!" he exclaimed. "You .black-hearted villain! to (ire on me after surrendering ! I am almost tempted to blow your brains out with my pistol!" "Not so fast!" said Grit, coolly, /hadn't surrendered before, I want you to under- stand!" "You lie!" cried the officer, raising his pistol. Grit was too quick for him ; his was al- ready raised. Crack !— and down went the officer like a sack of meal. "Curse you!" exclaimed a sergeant, dash- ing forward, while all the others, excepting the one in charge of the two prisoners, joined him. "Curse you!— take that!" and he fired a shot from his pistol. It missed ; and the next moment Grit's saber descended and cleft his head open. Then, quickly pushing forward agamst an- other, he knocked him from his horse. Instead of making off, as he easily might, he next turned his attention to rescuing the two prisoners; and, dashing forward, made a stroke at the trooper in charge. It missed him, but wounded the horse, which, with a loud snort, bounded off, carry- ing his unwilling rider with him. "Now, then!— quick!" exclaimed Grit. ' We can'tgo through the gates; let us wheel around, and make for the upper ford." "But my arms!" said one of the men. "They've taken my saber and pistols." "You'll have to let them go," rejoined Grit, startmg off, "No!— by a thundering sight, I won't!" and the daring fellow actually sprung from his horse, snatched up a saber and revolver, and regained his seat before the rebels could oppose him. Then, with a parting shot, he galloped off to rejoin his companions. " Well, that was a mighty close share," he laughed when he had overtaken them. Then, addressing Grit : "By Jove! comrade, you're a regular trump. If It hadn't been for your genuine Yankee pluck we'd have beeu in limbo " Perhaps," rejoined Grit, calmly; "but I don t happen to be a Yankee, all the same." "Not a Yankee! What the deuce are you thenV" "A Southerner— a native-born Virginian ; and, for that matter, my home is notso very many miles distant— over yonder;"— point- mg in the direction of the Rappahannock. 'Jehosophat! that gets me. 1 didn't know there was a Southerner of your regular out and out bluestripe in the Union army." '; Then you have much to learn," said Grit, "for the fact is, there are many of us— yes, a great many— and the Union is just as dear to us as to you. Look at General Thomas, he is a native Virginian ; then there IS Anderson, and a host of others I could name, I tell you, comrade, the South is by no means a unit in this unholy struggle." "I'm satisfled of that now. But say, com- rade, how far have we got to go to find that other ford ? The trouble is, we can't be too long away from camp— eh, Charley ?" "1 supposenot," answered Charley ; "but for all that, I don't propose to leave our new friend here until we've seen him safely over the river." " Don't put yourselves out on my ac- count," said Grit, "and yet, I'd like your company for a much longer distance than that. Having seen what you're made of, I'd like to have you take part in a little expedi- tion I'm engaged upon, and if you'll consent to go with me, I'll agree to make it all right with your commanding ofBcer." •;Cau you do that?" asked Charley, quickly. "I think so." "It's rather funny," laughed Charley; "but we've beeu together some time now, and yet I don't know what to call you." "My name is Clinton Carroll," said the scout, quietly; "but I'm generally called Grit Carroll, the scout of the Potomac." " Lord ! old fellow, we're heard of you a thousand times. We'll go with you, sure- won't we, Tom?" j . . " You just bet," was the hearty reply. Im glad o hear it," exclaimed Grit, warmly, " And so your name is Charley- Charley what?" "Charley Clayton, and this is my very particular friend, Tom Merrett, a rightroyal good fellow, and true as steel." " I can well believe it. Now let us hurry on." They put their horses to a trot, and in due time, having reached the ford, crossed it without difficulty, and then took the most direct road leading to Old Church, which, on account of the wide detour they had been obliged to make, was still many miles dis- CHAPTER VIII. JEFFERSON WHITE APPEARS ON THE SCENE. For several hours the three horsemen kept on at the same steady trot, aud then they stopped by the side of a beautiful stream to rest and refresh themselves. Presently a confused sound reached their ears, which quickly brought Grit to his feet. "We've got neighbors," hesaid, " Charley, you and Tom lead the horses a little deeper into the underwood, while I go forward and reconnoiter." They hastened to comply, while the scout quickly disappeared in the direction from whence the sound had come. He was absent for some time. At last his companions heard approaching footsteps, and on looking up, beheld Grit coming to- ward them leading a young darky by the "You see, I thought it would be as well for us all to take part lu the examination," he said, quietly. " Where did you manage to pick up that piece of ebony?" asked Tom, curiously. "Just beyond the edge of the woods, off in that direction," responded Grit. "He be- longs to a mansion-house, which is just vis- ible from there, and where I more than sus- pect there's a body of rebel calvary at present." "How's that, Ebony?" demanded Tom. Dat ain't my name, sah," responded the little darky with much dignity. "What is your name, then?" asked Charley. "Julius Caisar Jefferson Hannibal Setback White, an' dey calls me Jeff fur short." "Lord, what a name! Well, we'll call you Jeff for short, too. Now then, Jeff, how many soldiers are there up at the house?" "Reckon dar's 'bout fifty or twenty, sah." " Fifty or twenty ? That's definite. Can't you hit any nearer than that?" " Wait a moment," said Grit, " let me put a question or two; where are the horses, Jeff'" "Dey's tied to de picket fence, sah." "How many men stay with the horses ?" The boy considered for a moment, then he said . "Four, sah." "Wait!" put in Charley, suddenly. Don't fur sartin shuah, sah." "All right, my boy," said Grit, with great satisfaction; "and now, when Lieutenant Dunbar and his men have gone, will you I come here aud let us know ?" "Yes, sah." "Do you see that?" and the scout held up a silver piece. '^ Again the boy's eyes rolled in his head, and_ this time until nothing but the whites off them could be seen. f " Yes, mas'r, I sees dat," he affirmed. How m the world he managed to do it under the circumstances is a wonder. "All right," said Grit ; " if you keep quiet, go, and yours." " I'll do it, sah— I'll do it— shuah." "Then off with you!" and the boy gone m the twinkling of an eye. "Can we trust him?" ai quickly. "I think we can," answered the scout; and yet, I am not going to do so implicit- ly ; I am going up to the house myself, and that, too, right away." " Cau you do so in safety ?" asked Charley, an.xiously. "Of course," was the reply; "watching the movements of the enemy is a part of my business, you know;" and Grit once more disappeared in the direction of the house. This time he was gone much longer, and when he returned, he reported that the in- formation they had obtained through Jeff' was correct. He had counted thirty cavalry horses, and had seen Lieutenant Fenton Dunbar at one of the windows of the house. Jeff was true to them, he said, and had not given the slightest hint of their being in the neighbor- Tom, ' any signs of going?" asked one more," prompt- and now, where are ^ - ., .,. How many IS four? " As many as yous i ly answered Jeff. "Good!" said Grit the rest of the men?' "Some ob 'em's in de house— some's on de piazza, an' some's lyin' under de trees on de ground." "How many are in the house?" Jeff again considered. "Dar's Lieutenant Dunbar," he said, at length, "dat's one." "What! Fenton Dunbar of Latane's cav- alry?" demanded the scout. "Dat's him, sah." "Hum! Well, who else?" " Den dar's anoder officer, an' two mo' be- sides." " Good ! that makes eight so far. Now, on the piazza?" " Dar's jist twice as many dar." "Sixteen. Now, under the trees?" " Dar's mo' dar dan on de piazza." " How many more?" " Don't know— 'free, four." "About thirty in all," muttered Grit. We can t go on without making another detour, and even then we run the risk of their coming down upon us whenever we strike the road. We'd better rest where we until night," objected " Nevertheless, we had better wait," said " This darky— can we trust him ?" " I think so ; but let's see. Jeff, when you get back to the house wha-t are you going to tell them there?" j e b The negro rolled his eyes about fear- ' Do they she Charley. " No ; and I am thinking that as soon as it is dark, we can safely push on by avoiding the road past the house." "Then let us do so, by all means" ex- claimed Tom. ' "We will; but I must manage to see Jeff first and give him his silver piece, or at some other time he might be tempted to do us or some of our comrades an ill turn." He hardly ceased speaking when the little darky presented himself, and what was of quite as much importance, he had not come empty handed. From a clean towel that had beeji careful- ly wrapped around it, he produced a nicely cooked chicken, and from a basket, he brought forth other and innumera-b'le dainties. "Where'd all these good things come from, Jeff?" demanded Grit, with a show of sternness. "Mammy sent 'em. I tole her dat 'free ob Mas'r Linkum's sogers am hid down hyer, an' she sent all dese yer wid her lub." "Bless the dear old gal!" and Charley Clayton at once produced a silver dollar, which he earnestly entreated Jeff' to give to his mother with his undying affec- tion. Tom also sent her a substantial gift, and Grit gave the boy the promised silver piece. " Have you found out anything more about when the rebel trooners are going?" asked the scout. " Yes, sah ; dey's gwine in de night." " Ah ! that will do. Boys, we will have to be on our guard." Jeff remained with them a long time, m fact, until he had seen the last morsel of the chicken disappear, aud until ail the other dainties had vanished forever. Then, con- fidentially informing them that he 'spected mammy'd want him, he departed. "That was a regular God-send," sighed Tom, as he threw the last chicken bone upon the little heap they had made. " I wish we could come across a Jeff like this one every day." " That would be too good— we should soon become fastidious," laughed Charley. "Right," said the scout; "and now, let's get a wink of sleep, so that we may be off the moment it's dark enough to move in safety," and they stretched themselves on the ground, and Tom and Charley knew no more until they were gently roused by Grit, some hours later. " Come, it's time we were oft'," he said, in alow tone. "I've found a path that will lead us by the house, without taking us too near it." 8 J-J/ THE WAR LIBRARY. Without further delay they sprung to saddle. For some time they rode ou iu silence. At length Tom said : ••Do you know this Lieutenant Dunbar, ••Yes," responded the seout, slowly, linew him years ago; but I hardly think li would remember me now. Hi' "iis abou the age of— ot Elmer— my SjrMiiu-i-. 1 mus be more than teu years his senior. ' •• What kind ot a fellow is he r ' '•A iiolile fellow— a perfect gentleman aud, yes, as handsome as a pieture. That's strange comparison to make of a man, Ini nevertheless, it's true. No woman eve possessed a more strikingly handsome lae thoughtlully. ^ . ^^ ••la like to have you— but not to-night. When he has thirty (Jonfederate troopers at his back." •• Right— it wouldn't be best, and, now, let's get ou a little faster." They continued to ride on at a pretty rapid pace until the break of day, when they once more stopped for a little rest. Charley now noticed that the scout seemed relieved of all anxiety. CHAPTER IX. TIM O'COXXELL ,IND HIS SONG. The morning was bright and beautiful; thesuu had just risen, and the earth, re- freshed l>y the heavy dew of the night, was lireakiug forth with all its luxuriant fra- i'he liver, which flowed beside the resting ;aU uees spread their shadows about ,, and the sweet singing birds hopped brauch to branch, awaking the echoes ud now the coun- ;,ud the lilackeued ruins of a liaru or dwelling. As they left the road, followed by Stuart's column, aud kept along the river's bank, the track of the euemy became gradually less perceptible, and the country, uninjured by ed climate. . The tall corn waving its yell^ fleeted like a sea the clouds that vni slowly above it. The wild Uowers and U;il- inia grew thickly arouud, ami tin- r;,iilr stood basking in the clear streams, while some listless darky lounged upon the bank beside them. Strange as all these evidences of peace and tranquility were, so *" *''" •■ ° "* gold. the camps of ot a de my I hands, and words of commendation and praise. Tom and Charley turned inquiring glances on Rrit, who. as whenever anything occur- red tir.it 111 did not thoroughly understand, at (.iiri- starti-d to his feet, and became all •• liiMiiaiu Ill-re until I return," he present- ly said, aud then cautiously made his way down the bank of the little stream, iu the direction from whence the sound had come deiitly wouiuleii. They were seated or recliiihig aljout a fire, and were busy eating, while one ot their number was entertaining them with the narration ot some adventure of love or war. At first, the scout could not make out through iIh' inlhiL'i', whether they were blue or gray Iml Ih'mms iint left long in ' '■ ••Sure, thi silf that's kr the voice. " Right where, Tim ?" coolly asked the lieutenant. " In phat I war sayin', sure." " And what were you saying?" "Oh, bother! But, sure, that wheriver you go, the women, God blessthim, have a way av s;it - — 1,1 ,M. ii.- : Ill them Tlirough the thick ^iKid.^.'iui' I asioual glimpses of the blue sky ciiuld be seen and the glittering rays of the sun as they streaked the river with gold. Presently, while they were eating tlieir noonday meal, the sound of laughter came to their ears, followed by the clapping of Upon me sowl "Liki- I .- I i ill y" laughed the lieu- tenant. Ill : [I lis a strange compli- ment villi \ ■ -. ! ' 1. li III pay them." ".\y, |i-i Ii.iIm/ ilic iiigs, divil a less. May- be vi'iiivii luurd pliat happened to ireself uii'iil Killaliii- wanst?" ■■ Look nut for the meat there, Tim. No, I never did. Well, eo on." "I war comin' along one niorriiir. ji^t as day war beginnin' to break, whin I si-i-s a slip av a pig throttin' beton-iiie. widunlinily near him; but as ther road war limi-ly. an' meself rather down in lu-art, I tlmimlit. me. I turned round, an', by the blissed loight, it war Sir Godfrey himself war on •' Sir Godfrey ? And who was Sir Godfrey, Tim?" "Sure, thin. Sir Godfrey Clanricard — him that owned morn half the country." '•Ah! I see; and probably he owned the pizas well?" •Yes; bad luck to his hooknose. Phat •ari-vedoiu' there, me foine fellow?' says hi- ■ Phat'a that ye have dhraggin' there behind ye?' " ' A boneeu, sor,' says I, ' Isn't he a foine crayture?— av he wasn't su throublesome.' " ' Throublesome— throublesome— phat do ye mane?' "'.Tiist so,' savs I, 'Isn't he parsecutin' the liiifr mil a\ me the whole mornin', fol- l,,nin' nil' ai I'lii iMiywhere I go? Con- trai\ lia-i.-- ! la \ al^^ avs war.' ■■ ■'! ;i l\ i-i N •' I I iliiv an' part company. my liaiiil, imi w i I li-iinidin',' says he; ' or mavlia ir- 111'- -auii' iiiil viiiril be comin' to, aii-'imt inn--- lni-t i-illiii-: ail- faix, I tuk his aihiiii-i-. an' \ .■ si i-, li 1 1-1 iiiant, darlint, it's list as I warVavin', tlii-v'ii- loike the wom- 1-11. till- li-a-l thing iu loi'fe is enough to bring thi-in at tlii-i- us, av ye only put the eome- Thi- rnai- nf laughter that greeted this de- iioueuii-iit had not subsided when Grit sud- denly stoi'il aiming them. ••(ii-it ( ail III! !' i-xclaimed Lieutenant Fain-hilil, in a well pleased tone, "where in thewiiild iliil vim ilnip down from ?" Till- M mil sili-iitly pninti-il tn the elevation ■■ \n' Mill-, 1- thri-i- aiiv more av ye up I hell-, iii-u , .Mi^tlll-l 1,1 i|i - ' ili-manded Tim. ■■ Bei-;iii>i- ii\ ilii-ii-i-^, bi-plazed to let thim comeiliiHii 1.1 wanst, an' not be froightenin' the loili- nut ii\ a man by comin' amongst Again a mai .-1 i:iii-_'liler went up. "Will ip ,. . Ill iiti-nant," said Grit, assoiin: 'I' iki- liiinselt heard, " I have!" I , I I- aliiivi-lliere, whom, if itispt-i. ''■■: .:-!' aiili- 111 tills good com- pany 1 -li'iil ! -' I" introduce among "By all means," exclaimed Fairchild, heartily. " Mounted, I suppose ?•' "Yiiiill find •! --■^■"I'l sheltered spot for your cattli- --. I iir;.. aUiiiL' with our horses," ami III III. It- i a secluded nook in au al. -; . .. Ill- >lr.-ani. Tij.- -i.iii 1li-i. iH-.l tnri-turn to his com- paniiuis, and having reported that the party below was a small detachmeut of his own command, and that they would be made heartily welcome, the three, by following a circuitous path, at length reached the shel-, teied nook, aud having secured their horses with those already there, they joined the troopers about the fire. •'Lieutenant and comrades," said Grit, "permit me to make you acquainted with two brave men— Charley Clayton and Tom Merrett. I have seen what kind of stuff the hoih "That indorsement is quite sufficient," said Lieutenant Fairehild. " Comrades, you are welcome." "Welcome! welcome!" cried all the oth- ers, even the wounded man, whom Gritnow, for the first time, observed was an officer. Fairehild noticed his inquiring glance, and at once said : " This is Captain Ingold ; you know him, I think." " Captain Ingold ! yes, I have that honor, captain. I am sorry to see you thus. Where did you meet with your misfortune?" " At the bridge across the Tottapotamoi. We had quite a struggle there." " Yes," said Fairehild, "and Captain Royal was wounded at the same time." 'Did the rebels meet with any loss?" asked Orit, anxious for information. Nil irieat loss, " was tlie reply; "but we have liiaiil that I'aptain Latane, of the Es- sex (-avail V, was killed." •- Is It |i..ssii.li.: His loss will be severely fell ii\ III.- Ciiiiti-.lerates. He was a brave s.il.li.'i, aii.l a |ii-rli-(-t gentleman." '■^■.■; his i-ininiy is ne.xt to mine, you -- \h ! M's; to be sure." -Niiiv, then, gintlemen, will yez be atiu' siiiiiiiliiiiu-? Sure, ther mate is ready," put ill 'run, at this moment. '- ( If i-niii-se thev will," said the lieutenant, ••and at the saiiic time. Tiin, you might favor us with auotlu-r of your stories. Iu that way we shall make sure you are not getting "any more than your fair share of this extra supply ot victuals." '•Arrah! now, it's cunning ye air, litten- aut; but, sure, I'm not falin' up to a story jist at presiut, sor." . 'Then give us a song, Tim," cried out one of the men. "A song, is it? an' sure, do ye think that a man can >ing whin his heart's too low for him to be tillin' a story? Go way wid ye, .mtiim-iit about ye at all at all." Ill, ,-a:.l ill. other, "tellusabout the gi'iii rai^ -i-i . i -in-law, and how your frieial, till- lai. lain, ^oi li-r to sing a song at thegi-ni-iars ^laml |.art\-.' '•To till- ilivil \\ Hi \ .-,' .Tied Tim. "Sure, woulil VI- III- s.-in. in' nil- into telliu' a story an' sin-in' a son- al ^^all an' ther sametime, whin Tin b ilin lliai bad that I cud cry?" ••Wbals till- niatti-r. Tim?" rather un- guai-.l.-.llv a-ki-.l ili.- lu-uteuant. •'Wbv,' sun-, sol-, ■ responded the Irish- man, -rM-.iisi i-.-ini-niliered that this isther anuivei^ary av the death av me poor old grandfather." "Is that so? Pray what was the matter with the old gentleman?' asked Fairehild, with a great show of interest. " Why. thin, I jist disremember all about ther complaint ; but I'm thinkiu' he had a fall from a scaffolding, an' broke his neck." "How was that, Tim?" I'Whv, sin-t-, tbin. there war a rope arouud it an' 1 1 li I. li. .1 il I.i -intlemau up short, af.in.K ,■ I.I .i:i-. • M-. .-..i.nd." I . I . I .mil now there •,■.,. . . ,, ; I II >i..ry and song. This iiino inn ~li..wiil no inclination to dei-liiii-: but turning to the oflicers and new ""•'Yi'-'uui.st k'l'iin'v, tiiii'n that this I'm tellin' ye, happi-ni-d in 1 luiilin some time ago, afore liver thought av s.-i-in' this swate country. "A big otliiii--a ^dni-i-al, in fact- con- nected wid tlii-r -i.vi-innient, had a regular out an' out sisti-r-iii-law. whom he had niver seen, an' av whom he war as much afeered as if she war ther divil himself, an' for good raisons, too, for sure she war a queer wan. , , , •' Y'e see, years afore, the gmeral had mar- ried a pretty Irish girl in Dublin, an' thm ye I THE WAR LIBRAR"?. 6^3 7 cone right away to London, where his wife 'lied, an' that's why he hadn't seen mueh av her family ; but he'd heard enough av thim, ye may he sure av that. " Well, he came Imek, an' whiu he tuelj up his risiileiu'i' ill Diililin lie concluded to f-'iveapraiiil parly: l.ut lir didu't send his sister-hi-law, .\Ii>s Maiaii, ivho was livin' down in tlie west, an' invitation, but some [wan else, out av (!i\iliiit'ut did, an' sure, she fame. j "Now ye oupht to be linowin' that this Isame Miss Maran war a lady av about forty or more, liut that she war always thinkin' she war as swatc an' innocent a child as wan av less than tninty. an' that all the young fellows war wantin' to make love to her. "Well, as I war sayiu', she came to the gineral's grand party, an' a friend av me own, wan Captain Powers, an aide to the gineral, determined to have some fun out av her, knowin' mighty well how it would an- noy her brother-in-law, an' tickle the com- pany. " Well, he made much av her, an' tuck her down to supper, an' thin he found a place for her in wan corner, an' when he thought the right time had come to bring her out, so to spake, he began his blandishments in dead earnest. The first those about thiiii kn.u- av what war goin' on, war whin tiny sud- denly heard a simperin' faymale voii-f, .x- claimin' : "• Don't, now— don't, I tell ye; it's little ye know Galway, or ye wouldn't think to make up to me, squeezin' me fut.' " ' Upon my soul, you're au angel— a regu- lar angel,' says ther captain. 'I never saw a woman suit my fancy before,' says he. "'Oh, behave, now,' she cried. 'Father Magrath says ' • ' Who's he ?' a.xes ther captain. 'The priest; no less.' she says. "'Oh! confound him,' cries Powers. " ' Confound Father Magrath, young man ?' "'Well, thin, Judy, don't be angry; I only meant that a soldier knows more av these matters than a priest,' says the cap- tain. " ' Well, thin, I'm not so sure av that,' she tells him; 'but anyhow, I'd have ye to ri- member it ain't a Widow Malone ye have beside ye.' " ' Niver heard av the lady,' says Powers, says he. " ' Sure, it's a song— poor crayture — it's a song they made about her in the North Cork Rigiment, whin they war quarthered down in our country,' she tells him. "'I wish to Heaven you'd sing it,' cries Powers. '•'WhatwiU ye give me thin, av 1 do?' she whispers. ■• ' Anything— everything— my heart, my life,' says the captain. " ' Ah ! would ye now, darlint ?' "'I would.' " ' An' would ye give me that beautiful green nng on yer finger beside?' she asks. " " ■ " " " a for your promise.' "'May be me brother-in-law might not like it,' she objects. "'He'd be delighted,' says Powers; 'he jist dotes on music' "'Does he, now?' " ' On my honor, he does,' declares the wicked captain, gravely. " ' Well, moiud ye get up a good chorus,' she says, 'fur the song has wan, an' here it is.' "'Miss Macau's song!' cries Powers, tap- pin the table wid his knife. " ' Miss Macau's song !" was echoed an' re- echoed on all sides; and before the unlucky gineral could interfere, she had begun. " An' this is phat she sung," continued Tim: Did ye 1 > Widow Malone, own av Athlone. Oh I she melted the hearts Of the swains in thim parts, So lovely the Widow Malone, So lovely the Widow Malone. ' Of lovers she had a full score. From the minister down ' the Widow Malone. •Oh,' says I 'Oh,' says 1 Myo' 3 mv Molly Male ,11 thought so St] And< J comfort i Not wrong : But Strong : If for widows you di Ijearn to ktjis, not to siyii. For they're all like sweet Mistress Malone, Oh, they're very like Mistress Malone." To explain the air to which Tim snug this song would be impossible; indeed, I am in- clined to thiuk it never had a name ; but, at tlie end of each verse, a species of echo fol- lowed the last word, that rendered it irre- sistil)ly ridiculous. The boys yelled and shouted in their mer- riment ; some even rolling over aud over on tlie ground In their paroxysms of laughter and delight. It was some time before the lieutenant could make himself heard ; but at last he managed to ask : " Well, Tim, what did the general and his friends think of that song ?" "Sure, thin, sor," said Tim, "niver did song create such a sinsation as that same wan av Miss Macan ; an' certainly her desires as to the chorus were followed to the letther, for 'the Widow Malone, Ohone!' resounded from wan ind av the table to the other, amid wan universal shout av laughter — the same as it did here. " None could resist the ludicrous effects av her melody, sure ; an' aven the poor gineral, sinkin' under the disgrace of his relation- ship—which she had contrived to make pub- in the mirth around him " Well, we ought to hate a drink after that — don't you think so, captain ?" said Fair- child. " Tim, fish up two or three of those bottles out of the stream. We'll see if we can't do justice to the governor's wine." " I'm quite willin'," grinned the Irishman, as he started to his feet. CHAPTER X. IN THE UNION CAMP. Lieutenant Fenton Dunbar and his detach- ment of cavalry did not leave the mansion until some hours after Grit Carroll and his companions had departed from the vicinity ; but then, anxious to overtake the main col- umn, they pressed on with all speed until about one o'clock, when they reached an in- viting spot by the side of a pleasant stream, where the lieutenant ordered them to halt. At the plantation they had supplied them- selves with something in the way of rations, aud, when the lieutenant had eaten his fru- gal meal, he wandered forth alone upon the bank of the stream, now standing to watch its bold sweeps as it traversed the lovely valley before him, now turning to catch a passing glance at the camp-fire, and the hardy features which sat around. The hoarse and careless laugh, the deep- toned voice of some old campaigner giv- ing forth his tale of flood and field were the only sounds he heard; and gradually he strolled lieyond the reach of even these. The path beside the river, which seemed worn in the rock, was barely sufficient for the passage of one man, the underwood growing along its edge being the only de- fense against the precipice, which, from a height of full twenty-five feet, looked down upon the stream. Here and there some broad gleam of sun- light would fall upon the opposite bank, which, unlike the one he occupied, stretch- ed out into rich meadow and pasturage, broken by occasional clumps of beech and holly. River scenery had ever been a passion with him. He could glory in the bold and broken outline of a mighty mountain- he could gaze with delighted eyes upon the boundless sea. and knew not whether to like it more in all till' niiu'lity outpouring of its wratli.ivhru th.- whitr waves lifted their heads ti> llca\ en, and l.roke themselves in foam upon the n..ky liraih, or in the calm beauty ot its Ipioatl and mirrored surface, in which the bright world of sun and sky were seen full many a fathom deep. and throu-ii pla.n, nnw ,-pr.adin;;- int.. >..nie an eddyiuj; strcain, with mossy rocks and waving tn-.'s darkening over it. There was lint a cabin, however lowly, where tlie net of the ti.sherman was stretch- upou the sward, around whose hearth he did not picture before him the faces of, happy toil and humble contentment, while,! from the deserted mansiou orruined hall, on bank or hillside, he imagined he could hear the ancient sounds of cood cheer and wel- come. As he wandered on, he reached the nar- row path which led downward to the river- side; and. on examining further, perceived that in tliis iila.c th.'str.-aui was fordable; ahugetlat r...k, niliii- up a ^r.'atpartof the river l.r.l. ...■.■npi.-.l tl..- nii.l.ll.-, on either side of whiili till. cuiTcut ran witli increased force. Bent upon exploring, he descended the cliff, and was preparing to cross, when his attention was atti-acted by the light of a fire at some distance from him, on the opposite side of the narrow stream that fed the river. The flame rose and fell in fitful flashes, as though some hand was ministering to it at the moment. As it seemed impossible, from the silence on every side, that it could proceed from au encampment of any great numlier of the enemy, he resolved on approaching it and examining it for himself. He knew that the negroes sometimes built fires on the river banks. It was not impos- sible, too, that it might prove a guerrilla party, who frequently, in small numbers, hung upon the rear of a moving column. Thus conjecturiug, he crossed the smaller stream, and, quickening his pace, walked forward in the direction of the fire. For a moment a projecting rock obstructed progress; and, while he was devising 5 sound some meansof proceeding further of voices near him arrested his attention. He listened, and was sure the speakers were soldiers, but as yet could not tell to which army they belonged. He now crept cautiously to the verge of the rock and looked over. Before him was a little shelving strand beside the stream, and here he now beheld the figure of a Union cavalryman. He was in the uniform of a common sol- dier, but wore no arms. Indeed, his occupa- tion at that moment was anything but a warlike one, he being leisurely employed in collecting some bottles of wine which ap- parently had been left to cool within the stream. "Confound it, Tim!" said a voice in the direction of the fire; "what are you delay- ing for?" "Sure, thin, I'm comin', sor," said the other; " but, be ther powers ! I can onlj' find five av ther bottles. Wan av them seems to have been carried away by the sthream." "No matter," rephed the other. "As I told you, we only want two or three of them now ; perhaps you can find the missing one later." The only answer to this was the muttered chorus of an Irish song, of which Dunbar could only make out : " For they're all like sweet MistTe^s Malone, Oh, they're very like Mistress Malone \" This was interrupted at intervals by im- precations on the missing bottle. It chanced just then that a slight clinking noise attracted the lieutenant's attention, and, looking down, he perfnived at the fpot of the rock the prize the other s..ught for. It had been, as he conceived, carried away by the eddy of the stream, aud -nas borne, as a true prisoner of war, withiu the Con- federate's grasp. From thismoment his interest in the scene became considerably heightened. Such a waif as a good bottle of wine was not to be despised in circumstances like his; and he watched with anxious eyes every gesture of the Impatient Irishman, and alternately vi- brated between hope and fear as he neared or receded from the missing bottle. "Let it go to perdition," shouted a voice from the fire, "Captaii Ingold and Grithere divil a good bottle av wine, I've no say;" and the Irishman prepared to take up his burden. At this instant Dunbar made a slight effort to change his position so as to obtain a view of the rest of the party. The brauoh by which he supported hiiu- 10 i-3i THE WAR LIBRARY. self, however, gave way beneath his grasp without a loud crash. He lost his footing, and slipping downward from the rock, came plumi) into the stream below. The noise, the splash, and, more than all, the sudden appearance of a man beside him, astonished tiie Irishman, who almost let fall his gathered bottles; and thus they stood eontroutiu^ each other for at least a" couple of minutes iu sileur . A hearty burst of laughter from both par- ties term"inated this awlfward moment, while the Irishman, with the readiness of his eountiymeu, was the first to open the ne- gotiation. "Howly Bridget!" exclaimed he, 'phat can ye be doin' here ? You're a rebel wid- out doubt!" "Even so." laughed Dunbar; "but that is the very question I was about to ask you; what are vou doing here?" '■Sure, 'thin," replied Tim. "I'll not be longiu tiUiu' ye that. Captain Ingold war wounded in tbf action at the bridge, an' we heard liad way to tiie ifUPiai i dozen sthrouK, wan t cut in his shoulder, party, we are, I suppo; not- " brought up this way by When Stuart war out of av •-rut jiermission to come iu ;iii ^\e found him early this ' :.ly that, but we came ^liiid things by the way I '•■ bottles. We're on our lai Jiiics now, some tin or a ■ an a\ us wid an ugly saber- It ye are the stronger your prisoners; if What was to have followed, it would be hard to say, for at this moment an officer, who had finally lost all patience, came sud- denly to the spot. "A prisoner." cried he, placing a heavy hand upon Feiitmi Duiibni's shoulder, while with the otlifi ln' lulil liis drawn sword pointed tow a id lii< lir. 'a-t. For Dunbar to draw a ]iistol from his bo- som was but the work of a second ; and while gently turning the point of the Union ofHcer's weapon away, he coolly said : '■Not so fast, my friend, not so fast! The game ia in my hands, not yours. I have only to ))ull this trigger, and my men, thirty In number, are upon you ; whatever fate befals me, yours is certain." A half-scornful laugh betrayed the incre- dulity of the Union officer, while the Irish- man,"nppareatly anxious to relieve the awk- wardness of the moment, suddenly broke in with: '■Sure, thin, he's roight, lieutenant, dar- lint, an' savin' vour prcsince, vou're wrong; we are iu liis power. Tliat is," added he, with a peculiar liisUgrhi. " av he belaves there's any great triumph iu capturiu' sich a little mess av poor divils as oursilves." The features of the Union officer suddenly lost their scornful expression, and sheathing his sword with a certain air of resignation, he calmly said : " If this be so, 1 fear we uiusl submit. I have a dear friend heii — a bintlier nin. ,r, who is badly wounded ; were it ^.tlieiui eil might be different. 1 (ant lly and lea\e him, vou l;now; but were he eiilv in a place of safety, I'd not mind uieeliu!; Iliree, ay, even four times our niunber in battle." Fentou Dunbar smiled. It was n.it an un- pleasant or sarcastic smile, but rather one of rare good humor. The Union officer sawthesmile and quick- ly iuterjireting it as a good augur.y, cheer- fully said : "So, then, you'll not make us prisoners this time. Am I not right ?" "Prisoners," put in Tim, officiously. "Shure, thin, he'll do nothin' av the kind. Come an' take a bite wid us, sor; I'llvinture to say we'll give ye as good mate as ye'll get up above tliere. In on y case at all, a little cowUi ihiikin an' a glass av good wine ain't no bad things in our sarcumstances." Feuton could not help laughing outright at the strangeness of the proposal. " I greatly fear I must decline," he said ; " you seem to forget 1 am here at this time to watch, not to join you." "To ther uivil wid yer scruples," cried the Irishman. "Sure, thin, do both. Come along now, like a good fellow; ye arealways near your own men, so don't refuse us." "Yes, yes; do come, lieutenant," said the Union officer, cordially ; " you shall be made very welcome." Feuton again shook his head. But in pro- portion as he declined, they both became more pressing in their entreaties, and at hist beginning to dread lest his refusal might seem to i)roceed from some fear as to the good faith of the invitation, he said : "This really is an awkward position you place me iu. I dislike to refuse you, and yet " "Come, come; don't be foolish, that's a good fellow," said the other officer cipline," said Dunl ing, you know. And then, my own men, wnat " ■■ Arruli, now, don't be thinkin' av them," intermiitedTim. '■ Come, come! " added the Union officer ; "in an hour— in half an hour, it you will — you shall be back with your men ; we've had plenty of fighting lately, and we are likely to have enough of it in future. We know something of each other in the field ; let us see how we get on together around the camp-fire." Resolving not to be outdone in generosity, Fenton at once replied : " Here goes then ! Lead the way, lieuten- ant." A moment later he was at the camp-fire. To his utter amazement, one of the men seated there instantly started to his feet with the Involuntary exclamation : "Fenton Dunbar!"' He scrutinized the man's features closely. "Surely," he said, at last, " I have seen vou before; and yet " ■■ I am Clinton Carroll," said the other, ■•Clinton Carroll!" echoed Dunbar, "and CHAPTER XI. SURPRISED BY GUERRILLAS. '■Yes, Fenton." said Grit Carroll, calmly, "I belong to the Union army. I fight as I believe 1 have a perfect right to fight, lor my unalterable convictions. I have ever believed that secession was wrong— more than that, a crime; nay, worse than a crime; hence. I am here. I belong toBurnham's cavalry. This is my lieutenant. Permit me to make you acqiiainted with Lieutenant Fairchild. 1 know you both well, and am sure two better men nei ei' met." Lieutenant FaireliiM then introduced his guest to Captain hifxolil, and, with a wave of his hand made him known to the others about the fire. Aftei^ this, Dunbar turned to Grit and said: " I am very glad to meet you again, Mr. Carroll, and while I am an officer in the Con- federate army, yet, permit me to assure you, that, knowing you and your family so well as I do, I am thoroughly persuaded that conviction, and conviction alone has led vou into the Union ranks, and, therefore, instead of tliiuking less of you, I honor you for the step vou have taken, knowing what a sacrifice it must have cost." "Thank you, Fenton," said the scout. "I am very glad indeed, to retain your friend- shij), and I believe the time is not far distant when I shall be able to do you a really friendly turn ; but, no more of that at pres- ent." Several of the bottles of wine -were now ojiened, and between eating and drinking, Dunliar listened to many a good story. Atlengtli Captain Ingold raised himself a little, and addressed him a question. Fen- ton replied, and then ciuiekly continued : •■Do \ on l.now, captain, it strikes me I have seen vou before, and not so very long ago, either?" "It is possible," rejoined the captain; " l)ut I should judge it could only have been in action." " Were you iu the valley recently ?" asked Fenton. " Yes, it was there I gained my company," was the replv. "Ah ! aud"it was there I saw you— at Win- ilii-^ter, 1 tUinlv. Tell us about your ijart in the eni^a-enienl, eaijtaiu." •• Y.-.-, it -vvas at Winchester," said the cap- tain, i >lleeti\elv. "You should have seen th.ni, if vouclidn't. The command iu which I was a lieutenant was orderod to form close column, and charge through a narrow ra- viue to carry a battery of guns, which, by a flankiug fire, were devastating our troops. Before we could reach the point aimed at, we were obliged to pass an open plain, in which the ground dipped for about a hun- dred and fifty yards or more, the column moved on, and, though it descended one hill, not a man ever mounted the opposite one. A very avalanche of balls swept the entire valley; and, yet, amid the thunder and the smoke, the red glare of the artillery, and the carimge around them, our troops [I oral Shields sent an aide-de- rders for us to dismount and and in this position the artil- lery played over us for more than half an hour. "The Confederates gradually slackened, and, finally discontinued their fire; this was the moment to resume the attack. " I crept cautiously to my knees, and looked about. One word brought my men around me; but I found, to my horror, that, of a full squadron who came into action, not a huudred remained; and that I myself, a mere lieutenant, was now the senior officer. '■Our gallant commander lay dead beside my feet. At this instant a thought struck me. " I remembered a habit he possessed, in moments of difficulty and danger, of placing in his hat a small yellow plume which he commonly carried in his belt. " I searched for it, and found it. "As 1 held it aloft, a maddening cheer burst around me, while, from out the line, each officer sprung madly forward, and rushed to the head of the column. " It was no long march. With a loud cry of vengeance, the mass jjressed forward, the men trying to outstrip their officers, and come first in contact with the foe. " Like tigers on the spring, they fell upon the enemy, who — crushed, overwhelmed, and massacred— lay in slaughtered heaps around the cannon. " A fresh regiment of cavalry came thun- dering on behind us, a whole division fol- lowed, many prisoners were taken and the whole battery was captured. "I sat upon the carriage of one of the gnus, my face begrimed with powder, and my uniform blackened and blood-stained. The whole thing appeared like some horri- ble dream. I felt a hand upon my shoulder, while a rough voice called in my ear, 'Cap- tain, vou've won glory enough for one day. Remember, from this moment, I am your friend!' "It was General Shields who spoke. This," added the brave captain, his eyes filling as as he said the words, " this is the saber he gave me." " Sure, thin, the gineral's a thrump," e-x- claimed Tim, flourishing a half-empty bot- tle above his head. " How do I know anything ahoutit, is it?" said Tim. " Why, thin, sure, lie's a country- man av me own, an' so can't be onything else but a dacent lad." "Ha-ha! he's got you there, lieutenant," laughed Ingold. '•1 say, Tim," said one of the men, sudden- ly, "how was it that you got into trouble shortly after you enlisted, and while you were on giiaid dutv near the treasury de- partment at Washington ?' "Arrah! go way -svid ye now. Don't be rakiu' up old scores at this late day," rejoined Tim, with a broad grin upon his face. " Come, come, Tim," cried the lieutenant ; "tell us all about it. Give us a chance to condole with von man." "Well, tliitl, ef ve will have it, ye will; but, sure, th,ie-> veiy lit tie to t ill. It war me first e.Kpc rieiiee at fruard-iuouutin', an' I strutted uloug me beat wid a full apprecia- tion av ther dignity au' importance av me position. By an' by a giutleman appoach- ed, au, I shouted out at him : "'Halt!- who comes there?' " ' A citizen,' savs he. as mild as milk. '"Advance, citizen, an' give ther counter- sign,' says I, as fierce as I cud say it. " ' I haven't the countersign,' he^says; 'an', if I had, the demand for it iit this time an' place is something verv strange an' unusual.' '"An, liv the liolv"Moses,' I yells at him, fiercer nor" ever, 've don't pass this way at all, till ve sav Bunker Hill, so ye don't." "Sure, thin, the citizen seemed ter appre- ciate the situation, an' he advanced an' cautiously whispered into me ear ther words ' Bunker Hill ' jist as if he know'd thim all the while. "'Right! Pass on,' 1 says, straightening meself up, an" he passed. That's all there wasaboutit, only ther b'ys got the laugh " made me think I'd got meself into a hape av throuble onto I e, an Tim's little story created quite a burst of merriment. How long this might have lasted, it is hard to say; for all at once they were startled into silence by the tramp of horses near them. They listened breathlessly, and could plainly detect in their rude voices and coarse laughter the approach of a body of guerrillas. They looked fron silence and iu fear. Nothing could he more unfortunate should they be discovered. one to the other In THE WAR LIBRARY r39 11 Upon this point tliey were left little time to deliberate ; for, with a loud cheer, a band of horsemen galloped up to the spot, their tarbiues in rest. The Union men instantly sprnng to their feet, and seized their sabers, bent upon making a resolute resistance. As for Dunbar, his determination was at once talien. Remaining quietly seated by the fire, he stirred not for a minute, but, addressing the one who appeared to be the chief of the guerrillas, calmly said : " These are my prisoners ; I am a Confed- erate officer of cavalry, and my party is youder." This evidently unexpected declaration seemed to surprise them, and they conferred for Me replied the leader : ^bid Fairchild, and those with him, turned upon Dunbar an inquiring look, as though to say that upon him now their hopes entirely rested. " Do as he bids you," said the young Con- federate; while at the same moment he sprung to his feet, and gave a loud, shrill whistle, the last echo of which had not died away in the distance ere it was replied to. " Make uo mistake now," said Feuton to the Union men; "our safety depends on this." While this was passing, two of the guer- rillas had dismouuted, and, detaching a coil of rope which hung from their saddle-bow, were proceeding to tie the prisoners wrist to wrist ; the others, with their carbines to the shoulder, covered them man by man, the chief of the party having singled out Dun- bar as his peculiar prey. "The fate of young Carroll and a good many others I could name might have taught you better," he said, "than to play this game;" and then he added, with a grim smile: "But we'll see, if you are a South- erner, if you can't dance on nothing as well as the best Yankee of them all." This riucl sp.'eili luirlv made voune Dun- bar's I.I 1 11111 ruia, 'But tl"..- pu.TriUa chief's triuiiii.li ..^.■l■ his ti'rror was sliort- lived eiiouL-li, f..r scarcely bad the words fallen from his lips, when his own party, dashing through the little stream at a gallop, came riding up. The attitude of the guerrillas as they sat with presented arms, was sufficient for Fen- ton's men, who needed not the exhortation of the sergeant, who rode foremost of the Flatten 'em out ! the infernal "■Whoop!" shouted Tim O'Connell, as, seizing a heavy stick, he rushed at the chief. Then with a whack that was heard above the din, he tumliled him from his horse, and before he could recover his feet was upon him, his knee pressed upon the guerrilla's neck. "Isn't it enough for ye to pillage the whole country, ye dhirty spalpeen, widoutwantin' to be murtherin' a little party wid a wound- ed man amongst thim ?" cried he, as he held him fast to the earth with one hand, while he presented a loaded revolver to his face with the other. By this time the whole scene was suffi- ciently ludicrous. Such of the guerrillas as had not been thrown by force from their saddles had slid peaceably down, and depos- iting their arms upon the ground, were earncsth- 1.. --iiin fi.r mercy. Leaving' th.' . hirl i,i lie dealt with as Tim should M-i- 111, Duiiliar ordered the others to rise and Lmn in lino before him. Affecting to occupy liimself entirely with them, he withdrew the attention of all from the Union officers and men, who, with the single ex- ception of Tim, remained quiet spectators of the scene nrnnnd lliem. "Kow's > -Mir tiiin', gentlemen," said Feu- ton, aii(lr.V>iiiL; lni:old and Fairchild in a whispi-i: ■■-it to \ .Mir horses and away ! It's now or Ufvci. Cocd-by !" A warm grasp of the hand from each was the only reply, and he turned once more to liis discomtited friends, the guersUlas. "There, Tim," he laughed, "let the poor devil rise. I confess, so far as I am con- cerned, that appearances were very strong against me just i igaiust Then, Irishman obeyed him, and the guerrilla slowly rose to his feet : " Well, captain, are you convinced by this time that I was not deceiving you V The partisan chief muttered some words of apology between his teeth, and while he shook the dust from his clothes and arranged the broken plume of his liat.casta look of scowling and indlguant nieaniiig upon Tim, whose rough treatment he had evidently not forgiven. "Don't be lukin' at me that way, ye dhirty thafe, or 1 11 " "Hold there!" exclaimed Dunbar; "no more of this." Then in a hasty aside: "Off Willi vou. Tiu) ; off with you! See, your fiiciid's Will l.e Iraviiij; you behind," and .|ui.-Klv tiuiicil to llif chief to attract and hold Ills alU-utioii, while the Irishman scud "Come, captain, come, gentlemen, we must be friends. If I mistake not, we've got something like refreshments at our camp above there. In any case you'll par- take of our camp-fire for an hour or so." The invitation was gladly accepted, and ere half an hour had elapsed, the sudden and most unaccountable escape of the little Union party was quite forgotten. CHAPTER XII. STUART' 8 EA ID . The most exciting portion of Stuart's raid now begun. From the moment he left Old Church it was neck or nothing — do or di^. He had one chance of escape against ten of capture or destruction. The rebel general had decided upon his course with that rapidity, good judgment and decision, which were the real secrets of his splendid efflciency as a leader of cavalry —in which capacity, it is safe to say, he has seldom been surpassed, either in the late war, or any other. He was now in the very heart of the coun- try controlled by the Federals, with theii^ enormous masses upon every side. He had driven in their advanced force, as we have seen, passed within sight of the white tents of General McClellan's head- quarters, burned their camps, and ascertain- ed all that he wished to know. How was he to return He could not cross make a circuit ba He could not returi he had advanced proved, the alarm le Pamunkey, and e had no ])ontoons, the niiile by which eicni- afterward Tell L'i\en, and an Iry, and powering force of iiiiaii artillery had been rapidly moved iu that di- rection to intercept the daring raider. Capture stared him iu the face, on both these routes— across the Pamunkey, or back as he came ; he must, then, find some other loophole of escape. Such was the dangerous posture of affairs, and such was the important problem which Stuart decided in five minutes. He deter- mined, as we have already said, to make the complete circuit of McClellan's army ; and, crossing the Chickahominy Ijelow Long Bridge, re-enter the Confederate lines from Charles City. It on his way he encountered cavalry he intended to fight it; if a heavy force of infantry barred his way he would elude, or, if possible, cut a path through it; if driven to the wall and debarred from es- cape he did not mean to surrender. From Old Church onward it was ixtcrra incognita. What force of the Federals held the road was a question of the utmost inter- est, but adventure of some description might be safely counted on— tliat all understood. At a steady trot, with drawn sabers and carbines ready, the cavalry, followed by the horse-artillery, approached Tunstall's Sta- tion on the York River Railroad, the Fed- erals' direct line of communication with their base of supplies at the White House. Everywhere the ride was crowded with in- cident. The scouting and fianking parties constant- ly picked up stragglers, and overhauled un- suspecting wagons filled with the most tempting stores. In this manner, a wagon, stocked with champagne and every variety of wines, be- longing to a general of the Union army fell a prey to the ever-thirsty graycoats. Still they pressed on. Every moment an attack was expected iu front or rear. Colonel Martin commanded the latter. "Tell Colonel Martin," ordered Stuart, "to have his artillery ready, and look out for an attack at any moment." Hardly had the message been delivered, when a loud cry arose : "Yankees in the rear !— Yau':ees in the rear!" Every saber flashed ; fourc were formed, the men wheeled about, when, all at once, a stunning roar of laughter ran along the line. It was a canaid ! The column moved up again with its flanking parties well out. The men compos- ing the latter were, many of them, from the region, and for the first time formonths saw their mothers and sisters. These went quite wild at sight of their sons and brothers. They laughed and cried, and on the appearance of the long gray col- umn instead of the familiar bluecoats of the Federal eavaliy, they clapped their hands. and fell intii eesiasies of delight. Oneyoung lady ivas seen Id throw her arms around a bioUief .-.he had not before met for a long time, buisiiug into alternate sobs and laugh- The column was now skirting the Pamun- key, and a detachment hurried off to seize and burn two or three transports lying iu the river. Soon a dense cloud rose from tliem ; the flames soared up, and the column pushed had been hastily thrown. lay ates were approaching Tunstall's where, doubtless, they woula make a charge; and to load down their weary horses they knew was injudicious. The advance-guard was now in sight of tie railroad. There was no question about the affair be- fore them. The column must cut through, whatever force guarded the road ; to reach the lower Chickahominy the guard here must be overpowered. Now ^ as the time to use the artillery, and every effort was made to hurry it forward; but, alas! it had got into a tremendous mud- hole, and the wheels were buried up to the axle. The horses were lashed, and jumped, al- most breaking the traces; the drivers swore, the harness cracked ; but the guns did not move. "Mine Got in Himmel! lieutenant," said a sergeant of Dutch origin to Lieutenant McGregor, " it don't vos can pe done. Put shust you put dot keg ov vhisky on dot gun," pointing, as he spoke, to a keg of liq- uor in an ambulance, the spoil of the Fed- eral camp, " und dell de poys they can hafe it if they only pull through, und you vlU see vat will happens!" McGregor laughed, and the keg was quick- ly perched on the gun. Then leek place an exhibition of herculean iiiu-rulai ity which would have delighted ed into the mud-hole up to their knees, seized the wheels of gun and caisson loatled down witli ammu- nition, and just simply lifted the whole out and put them on Ui ni ground. The piece whirled on— the keg had been dismouuted, and the cannoneers reveled iu the spoils they had earned. Tunstall's was now nearly in sight, and an officer of the advance guard came back and reported one or two companies of infantry at the railroad. Their commander, he said, had politelv beckoned to him as he reconnoitered, ex"- claiming, in wheedling accents, full of Teu- tonic blandishment : "Koom yay!" But this cordial invitation was disre- garded. Then the voice of Stuart rang out ; " Form platoons ! draw sabers !— charge!'' At the command, the sabers flashed, a thundering shout arose, and, sweeping on in column of platoons, the gray horsemen fall upon their blue adversaries, gobbling them up, almost without a shot. The men swarmed u]ion the railroad. Axes were quickly applied to the telegraph poles, which went crashing down, and a de- tachment was sent to burn a small bridge on the railroad near. Suddenly, in the midst of the tumult, was heard the shrill whistle of a train coming from the direction of the Chickahominy. Stuart quickly drew up his men in a line on the side of the road, and he had no sooner 12 ■'rU THE WAR LIBRARY. done so than the train came slowly round a wooded bend and bore down. When within two hundred yards, it was ordered to halt ; but the command was not obeyed. The eneiueer crowded on all ste.am— the train rushed on; and then a thundering vol- ley was opened upon the '• fiats " containing efflcers and men. The engineer was shot by one of Stuart s staft-otBcers, and a number of soldiers were wounded. . The rest threw themselves upon their faces; the train rushed headlong by, like some frightened monster bent upon escape, and, in an instant, it had disappeared. Stuart now reflected for a moment. The question was, should he go back and attack the White House, where enormous stores were piled up, oruot? It was tempting; but a considerable force of infautrv was posted there ; the firing had doubtless "given them the alarm, and the at- tempt was too hazardous. The best thing for that gray column was to set their faces toward home, and keep moving, well closed up, both night and day, for the Chickahorainy. :>VlSo Stuart pushed on. CHAPTER Xin. IN A TIGHT PLACE. ^ the railroad the Confederate raid- ers came upon a world of wagons, loaded with grain and coffee, standing m the road, abandoned. Quick work was made of them. They were all set on fire and their contents destroyed. These wagons, however, were only the oi'aiit-coHreurs— the advance guard— of the main body. In a field beyond the stream thirtv acres were covered with them ! They were all burned by these destroying "angels" in gray. The roar of the soaring flames was like the sound of a forest on flre. How they roared and crackled! The sky overhead, when night had descended, was bloody-looking in the glare. Meanwhile the main column had moved " Who is here?" " I am," responded one of his staff, whose voice he recognized. "Good!" he exclaimed. "Where is Col- onel Lee?" " I think he has moved on, general." " Do you know it " came in the same agi- tated tone. "No; but I believe it." " Will you swear to it? I must know! He may take the wrong road, and the column will get separated." " I will ascertain if he is in front," said the staff ofBcer. " Well, do so ; but take care— you will get captured." "Never fear, general;" and the officer started on ah ead. He had not gone two hundred yards in the darkness when hoof-strokes in front were heard. "Halt! Who goes there?" he cried. " Courier— from Colonel Lee," was the an- swer. "Is he in front?" "About a mile, sir." "Good!" exclaimed the voice of Stuart, who had galloped up ; and the accent was one of intense relief. If the reader has ever commanded cav- alry, or been connected with a body moving at night in an enemy's country, he will easi- ly understand why Stuart drew that long, deep breath, and uttered that single word, "Good!" Once separated from the main column, and lost— good-by then to Colonel Lee. " Now my mind's relieved on this score," said the general to his aid, "there's another matter: has anything been heard of Lieu- tenant Fenton Dunbar and his detach- ment ?" "They joined the main body more than an hour ago, general." " That's splendid news. Did he meet with any losses?" " Never lost a man." " Better and better. Now let us advance in dead earnest." Pushing on by large aospitals, which, be it said to their praise, were not interfered with, they reached at midnight the three or four houses known as Talleysville , and here a halt was ordered to rest men and horses, and permit the artillery to come up. r's store, F Stuart's the place This pause was t.ntal from which the owner 1 officers proudly boastc.i was remorselessly r;iiis;i(kcMl, and the edi- bles consumed, he liiin^i'lf iMt in succession tigs, beef-tongue, pickles, candy, tomato catsup, preserves, lemons, cake, sausages, molasses, crackers, and canned meats. In the presence of these attractive com- modities the spirits of many rose. Those who in the morning had said : " Stuart is go- ing to get his command wiped out — this movement is madness," now regarded him as the first of men— and the raid as a feat of splendor and judicious daring, which con' 1 not fail in terminating successfully. Behold ! such is the difference in the views of the military machine, unfed and fed. In an hour the column moved again. They were now on the road to Forge Bridge. The highway lay before them, white in the unclouded splendor of the moon. The critical moment was yet to come. Their safety was to turn apparently on a throw of the dice, rattled in the hand of chance. The exhaustion of the march now began to tell on the men. Whole companies went to sleep in the saddle, and even Stuart him- self was no exception. He had thrown one kmee over the pommel of his saddle, folded his arms, dropped the bridle, and, chin on breast, his plumed hat dropping over his face, was sound asleep. His sure-footed horse moved steadily, but the form of the general tottered from side to side, and for miles one of his staff held him erect by the arm. The column thus moved on during the re- mainder of the night, the wary advance guard encountering no enemies, and giving no alarm. At the first streak of dawn the Chicka- hominy was in sight, and Stuart was spur- ring forward to the ford. It was impassible! The heavy rains had so swollen the waters that the crossing was utterly impracti- cable ! Here, then, were the Confederate raiders within a few miles of McClellan's army, with an enraged enemy rushing on their track, to make them rue the day they had circum- vented them, and inflicted on them such injury and insult. Here thev were with a swollen and impassible stream directly in their front, the angry waters roaring around the half-submerged trunks of the trees, and Federal's approach. The situation was not pleasing. All felt that the enemy would be upon them in less than an hour, and death or cap- ture would be the sure alternative. Hope was almost gone. Some attempted to swim their horses over the river, but both they and their cattle were nearly drowned among the tangled roots and snags. " Colonel, what do you think of the situa- tion at this moment ?" asked an offioer of Colonel Let "Well, captain," was the reply, in the spt-iiker's habitual toneof courtesy, " I think we are caught." "That's about the way to put it," mut- tered those standing near. The scene upon the river's bank was curious, and under other circumstances would have been laughable. The men lay about in every attitude, half overcome with sleep, but holding th( ' bridles, and ready to mount at th alarm. Others sat on their horses asleep, with drooping shoulders. Some gnawed crack- ers; others eat figs, or smoked or yawned. Things looked blue; and that color first figuratively spread over every countenance. There was only one man who never de- sponded or lost hope. That was Stuart. He had never been in such a tight place before ; but he seemed to rise under the great pres- sure. He was thoroughly aroused— strung for the hard struggle before him, and resolved to do or die ; but he was not excited. All that was noticed in his bearing to at- tract attention was a peculiar fashion of twisting his beard— certain proof with him of surrounding peril; otherwise he was cool, and looked dangerous. He said a few words to Colonel Lee, found the ford impassible, and then, ordering his column to move on, galloped down the stream to a spot where an old bridge had fo'rmerly stood. Reaching this point, a strong rear-feuai-d was thrown out, the artillery placed in but the stone abutmeuts remained, S9me thirty or forty feet only apart ; for the river here ran deep and narrow between deep banks. Between these stone sentinels, facing each other, was an aching void, which it was nec- essary to fill. Stuart gave his personal superintendence to the work; he and his staff laboring with the men. A skiff was procured. This was affixed by a rope to a tree in the mid-current above the abutments; and thus a movable pier was secured in the middle of the stream. An old barn was then hastily torn to pieces, and robbed of its timbers. These were stretched down to the boat and up to the opposite abutment, and a foot-bridge was thus ready. Large numbers of the men immediately unsaddled their horses, took theii' equip- ments over; and then, returning, drove or rode their horses into the stream, and swam them over. In this manner a considerable number crossed; but the process was much too slow. There, besides, was the artillery, which Stuart had no intention of leaviug. A regular bridge must be built without a moment's delay, and to this work the Con- federate leader now applied himself with ardor. Heavier blows resounded from the old boat, anchored in the middle of the stream, the men lifted them across. They were just long enough; the ends rested on the abutments, and immediately thick jjlanks were hurried forward and laid crosswise, forming a secure footway for the cavalry and artillery horses. Standing in the boat beneath, Stuart worked with the men ; and, as the planks thundered down, and the bridge steadily advanced, the voice of the general was heard humming a song. He was singing carelessly, although at every instant an overpowering force of the enemy was looked for, and a heavy attack upon the disordered cavalry. At last the bridge was finished ; the artil- lery crossed amid hurrahs from the men, and then Stuart slowly moved his cavalry across the shaky footway. A little beyond was another arm of the river, which was, however, fordable; the water being just deep enough to swim a small horse; and through this, as through the interminable sloughs of the swamp beyond, the head of the column moved. The prisoners, who were numerous, had been marched over in advance of every- thing, and these were now mounted on mules, of which several hundred had been cut from the captured wagons and brought along. They were started under an escort across the ford, and into the swamp beyond. Here, mounted often two on a mule, they had a disagreeable time; the mules con- stantly falling in the treacherous mud-holes, and rolling their riders in the ooze. When a third swamp appeared before them, one of the Yankee prisoners exclaim- ed, with tremendous indignation : " How many chicken-hominies are there, I wonder, in this infernal country !" The rear-guard, under Colonel Lee, had, meanwhile, moved steadily from the high ground, and defiled across the bridge. The hoofs clattered on the hasty structure, the head of the column was turned toward the ford beyond, the last squadron had just passed, and the bridge was being destroyed, when shots resounded on the opposite bank of the stream, and Burnbam's cavalry, to- gether with Colonel Rush and his far- famed lancers, came thundering down to the bank. They were exactly ten minutes too late! Stuart was over with his artillery, and the swollen stream barred the way. The Confederates had won the race. The disappointed Federals banged away at Colonel Lee and his rear-guard, and a parting salute whizzed through the trees as the long gray column slowly disappeared. CHAPTER Xir. OBIT AND HIS COXFEDER-\TES. Captain Fletcher Buruham was at his new quarters, impatiently awaiting the arrival THE WAR LIBRARY. ^ M I 13 There was a look of care, disappointment and annoyance on his brow. At length there was the sound of hastily approaching footsteps without; and, too impatient to wait, he at once sprung to the entrance to receive his expected visitor. Ah!" he exclaimed, in a tone of relief, as the person drew near, "you have come at last. Grit— I am very glad to see you." " Yes, captain, I am here," rejoined the scout, calmly; "I came as I received your 'message." "Well," said Burnham, after a moment's pause, " was ever any one's plans so thoroughly upset as mine have been ? From ■the moment that impudent raider started from the vicinity of Taylorsville, till he dis- appeared again in the Chicljahomiuy swamps, I was on his track ; and yet, what came of it? He has got off almost scot-free —actually lost, as I urn informed, only one man, Lataue, wLiie I have lost nearly half a dozen from my own company. Grit, I cannot tamely submit to this defeat— this upsetting of all my plaus. What is to be done'/" " Find out what his next move is to be, captain, and depend on some one else besides MoClellan to give you assistance," answered the scout. Fletcher Burnham looked at the speaker " I don't know what to make of that man — McClellan. Had Hancock, or any of a dozen other generals 1 could name, been in com- mand of this maguiflcent army, Stuart never would have got back to the Confeder- ate lines alive— ah! and for that matter, we would have lieen in possession of Richmond just eighteen days ago— that is, directly after the victory at Seven Pines." "I believe you, Grit," said the captain; " but you know we mustn't say such things aloud." " But I tell you. Captain Burnham, I am getting out of all manner of patience with the way this campaign is conducted, and I am not the only cue either." " We must submit to the powers that be, for all that. Grit," said the officer; "andnow tell me, how do you expect to hud out what Lee's and Stuart's next moves will be?" "I have thought of that," said Grit. "I shall go into their lines again." "Alone?" " No ; if I can arrange the matter, I want to take three men with me." " Who are they?" " Sid Newton, of your command, and Charley Clayton and Tom Merret of Royal's company." "That can be arranged. When do you wish to start?" " Early this evening." " But Newton — he was wounded the other day— is he fit for such an expedition ?" " Yes, he seems to lie pretty much all right, and is mighty anxious to start out with me, I can tell you." " Well, I'll give you a line to Royal, or whoever's in command of his company. By the way, how is he getting along?" " Very well, I hear. " "I'm glad to know il," then after some moments spent iu writing— " well, here's "he* will give you the two men you want. And now, as I may not see you again before you start— good-by ; and be sure to let me hear from you as soon as you have anything of importance to report." "Certainly, captain— good-by," and the scout quietly withdrew. Early that same eveuing.Grit and the three men, for whom he had taken a strong liking, started out. Thanks to the scout's consummate knowl- edge of the country, they penetrated the Confederate lines, scouted all through the country about Richmond, learned all they had undertaken to find out, met with in- numerable adventures and many hair- breadth escapes, and at last at the end of nine days, started on their return toward the Union lines. For some time they traveled on without incident. At length, while in the vicinity of the New Bridge Road, they heard that a party of the enemy were then at the Chim- neys, with their pickets in front, and that they were going to make an expedition to- ward Goldings, where the Federals had a picket post. They at once resolved to waylay the party, whatever its strength might be, their inten- tion being to attack it from the woods on the side of the road; then, during the con- in the ' —hot for a light- and he knew he could de- pend upon his companions, every one of them. So they set out toward the Chimneys, and when within a mile or so of the rebel pickets on the other side, took post in the woods where the road suddenly descended between high banks, and gave them an excellent op- portunity to ambush the graycoats as they approached. •rhey waited two or three hours, and still there was no sign of an enemy. Then, tis night had come, they concluded to give it up for the day, and go across to the home of a good Union man, with whom Grit was acquainted, and get supper and lodging. They weut accordingly, and had a good supper, telling their host to get ready a hot cup of coffee at daylight, when they would try again. Soon after daybreak they left him in high spirits, and made for the main road again. They had just drawn near, in the field, when they saw the head of a squadron of Confederate cavalry, coming from the direc- of the Goldings. I ten or twelve forest passe the evening before; but this was impossible. The enemy were so close upon them that if they started to run they would certainly see them— and the pine forest was more than half a mile off. The only thing they could think of was to take advantage of a rise in the ground, cross the road, and get in some pine bushes- short second growth, about as high as a man— where they determined to open lire upon them. Accordingly, they ran across as hard as they could, and passing by a small house, got in the bushes. "The enemy were coming on rapidly, and they held a hurried council of war. " What do you say. Grit," asked Charley Clayton; " are we to let 'em have it? They're a pretty strong force, you know." " Let me hear what the rest of you have to say first," rejoined the scout. "What's your idea, Tom?" "I tell you ..hat, boys," exclaimed Tom, quickly, " it won't do for us to let them get by without doing them some damage. They have been up there robljing and plundering, and making prisoners of our men, and, I for one, intend to fire into them." " Ah ! and what say you, Newton ?" " I think I can settle this question," said Sid Newton, quietly. " As how ?" asked the scout, wonderingly . " I recognized two men in the squadron." " Who are they?" asked Grit, his face in- stantly becoming pale with emotion. " The lieutenant and one of the men who there were others of the party.' "We stay here — at least I do," said the scout, hoarsely. "I shall fight, and die if necessary. But we can get off. They will think we are a heavy force sent to ambush them ; and in the confusion we can get into the big pines below, where they never can catch us— trust me for that." Tom Merrett instantly declared that he would stand by Grit as long as he could keep upon his pins. Newton said that had been his intention from the moment he recognized those who had taken part in the murder of Elmer Car- roll. Charley Clayton was not slow to add that he could be counted on every time— l)ut they were all very pale— very pale aud anx- Brave men never underestimate the dan- ger they are about to encounter. The most courageous man I ever knew trembled like an aspen leaf while marching up to a battery of belching cannon, yet he would have been the last man in the regi- ment to even think of turning back. Such is true courage. fusion, to make their escape if necessary. Grit was at the time iu pretty i ae thicket. CHAPTER XV. Grit and his three brave comrades no- looked carefully to their arms aud saw that all was right. Beside revolvers, they all had carbines, ex- cept Newton, who carried a short revolving rifle, which had got somewhat clogged up with the spermaceti on the cartridges. He worked at it, and got it in order, how- ever, and then said he was ready. The cavalry had now got within twenty yards of them, and at the head of the col- umn rode a colonel well known to Grit, who was surrounded by his staff officers. The prisoners were in the rear. It was neither the colonel nor the prison- ers Grit wa.s looking out for: he had iu mind a certain lieutenant, and a villain liy the name of Langford, as well as some half a dozen others. At length his eyes sparkled— emitted fire, as it seemed to Newton— and raising his car- bine as though he had found a mark to his fired a volley which at once threw the rebeli liking, he exclaimed : No- " " ■ [la into tremendous confusion. The young lieutenant who had liad charge of the execution of poor Elmer Carroll, and ho, perhaps, was the most innocent of all ho took part in that unholy business, dropped dead— a major, a captain, and a private also fell. The rebels fairly trembled in their boots, and turned their horses to run— thinking they were ambushed by the greater part of the Union army. The colonel shouted, "Steady! steady, men!" and pushed forward. He was a brave fellow, but two of the little party were ready for him. As he got within five yards of where they were they fired. The skirt of his coat was torn to pieces, bis horse was killed, and he himself fell, mortally wounded. As he fell, some of the officers, whose horses had run on by to the front, came galloping back ; and, seeing one in a par- ticularly handsome uniform, witli braid on the sleeves, Grit fired and shot him through the body, killing him. They might easily have got off in the con- fusion now, had it not been for a woman who saw them when they were scudding across the road. " Oh ! they are only four men ! They are only four men, I tell yer!"she cried, vin- diotively, at the top of her voice. The enemy, as soon as they heard this, rallied, and threw dismounted men into the bushes after their hidden foe; it seemed as if they were down and in the pines in less than a minute. Sid Newton had been shot through the fleshy part of the left arm, and Charley Clayton had been slightly wounded in the side. No time was to be lost, and they made a break for the big pine forest, where Grit ex- pected to be able to escape. They could not reach it^the flankers com- ing in and cutting them off— and soon they found that they were completely sur- rounded. Grit got separated from the rest, and was running about trying to find an opening to escape, but they were all around him. He could hear their angry howls as they closed " Hi, yi ! here they are, bovs ! Bully for us! Give it to 'em! Give 'em blue brim- stone and death !" It was like a pack of famished wolves. Grit had discharged his carbine, and all the chambers of his revolver were empty. He had stopped under a sapling to reload. He felt at that moment as if he had never been so miserable in all his life before. He had that feeling of desperation which it can be imagined a dog has when he is run into a comer, and glares up and snaps at His hand did not tremble a particle, how- ever, as he was loading his revolver and car- bine, and when this was done he got up from the ground. Half a dozen of the enemy were closing right around him, and as soon as they saw him they fired, and he returued their fire. He could not find an opening to get out. He was surrounded upon every side, and he did not know what to do. Every moment they were blazing away at him, only a few yards off, as he doubled about, and he had nine balls through his clothes and the cap of his coat, aud one in his cap. At last he got into an open space, toward the roaa, and saw a gap in the fence which only one cavalry man was watching. " Now's my chance," he thought. He made a rush straight at him. He had kept one charge iu his revolver, and if he killed the cavalryman, as he thought he easily might, he could get his horse, and then, good-by to them ! As he ran toward him the rebel trooper raised his carbine and fired at Grit, but the scout did not mind that. He was up to him and putting his revolver 14 ^lA THE WAR LIBRARY. saddle. He fell, and Grit was just about to catch the bridle, when— there was a rush, and a score of cavalrymen rode him down, one of the men striking him across the head with his carbine. When he came to his senses Grit was lying on his face, and the first words he heard "Deal as a mackerel, by Jove!" He raised his head a little, and finding he was not dead, they collared him, and made him stand up, hustling him about from side to side, and cursing at him till the air smell- ed of brimstone. Grit soon got tired of such brutal treat- ment, and clutching a carbine from one of thera, attempted to club it f.nd hit right and left, but tliey got it away from him. There was one fellow— a bloodthirsty brute from Texas— with a cocked pistol, who was most enxious to get at him, and the officers around laughingly exclaimed : "Let Texas get at him! he'll soon finish him!" "Just put me out in the field there with a pistol," cried Grit, fiercely, " and your Tex- an or any of you can tiy me." They buly laughed at this, and hustled him about the more, as they did poor Sid Newton and Tom Merrett whom they had caught. Charley Clayton had got away. Sid Newton had lost his hat, as had Grit also, and had a colored cloth wrapped over his head, which made his pale cheeks aud dark eyes look like a girl's. The rebels laughed at this resemblance, and said, ad- dressing Sid, while they pointed at Grit : " We know now who you are : but who is that fellow yonder? He looks independent enough to be old Ben Butler himself." But Sid did not answer, so they didn't find jut just then, and presently the three pris- oners were conveyed to the'Chimneys, where they were lodged together in a front room of a large house occupied by the troops windows. For some time they were left to them- selves. At length, about eleven o'clock, a staff officer pushed his way by the guard and eutered the room. He seemed to be a man of great impor- tance, and Grit at once saw that he had come on some particular mission, therefore hejwas on his guard. " Well, sir— hem !" he exclaimed, address- liivitly to Grit; "you young mt ynnist'lvi's into a bad scrape feflov ■■Nni til It 1 am :nvai-.-,it, >ir," replied the scout, .n-4ly. Hmh so, 1 li..g tokuow?" "Wliy. yuu ,:inie inside of our lines by night, auil «a> laid our troops, against all the u-aL-'s of I ivilized war, sir." "1 wa- a xi'laiined, taking a longbreath, "that's ther right sort. That 'ere come from ther Yanks, fur sartin. 1 got it myself, while I was with Stuart, on his giaud raid. Take ernuther pull, comrade; 'twon't hurt yer fur a cent." " Well, seein' it's you, I don't mind if I do," and the worthy sentinel nearly pulled the bottom out of the canteen. Yerv little was now said for some time; botli soMh I - s( enicci to be retlecting on the great niei iis el (he ■• hlue ruin." At leii^Mh ilie sentinel remarked, some- what .iio\,.~ilv, lliat"ther infernal stuff was :iii powerlul" — and then, leaning up against till' (looi -jamb, he gave a prolound sigh, and w.mlil have let his carbine lall had not the other eau^dit it. The next instant the overpowered sentinel was lying at his length upon the floor. "Quick!— quick!" whispered the knight of the canteen; "help me ter git him inside thar; an' don't ye make a breath o' noise. That's ther ticket. Now then, just you uns dig out o' ther back door lively. Ye'll find three horses an' yer lixin's back o' ther brush ahind ther stables. Ther horses has got their hoofs shoved inter stockins' made J 1st git yerselves inter no sich er fix ez this yere agin, 'cause 1 mayn't be 'round fur ter git yer out." The three Union men, one after the other, grasped the good-natnied fellow by the hand, and then silently departed. They reached the brush back of the barn. They found the horses with muffled feet. They also found a portion of their arms and other property; and, veiy thankful for the thoughtful kindness of their friends, they quickly mounted and rode silently away. It was late on the night of the twenty- fifth of June that Grit ouce more presented nmauding otficer, and lie Iletohl hem that a, irnat battle was immi- nent; that St uait had reported his exposed situation toward the liver; and that Lee and his generals had decided to take ad- vantage of his carelessness or shortsighted- ness. Un hearing this report, such measures of defense were taken as the time permitted; and the expected ;attack was awaited— by McClellan, at least— with anxious apprehen- sion. It was about ten o'clock the next morning —the twenty-sixth— that the rebel forces is- sued in vast numbers from their camps be- fore Richmond, and commenced their bold and desperate assaults upon the Federal Tlieir first demonstration was an attack on llie ia\ ally commanded by General Sher- iiiaii. wlii.h was posted in the vicinity of Hanover (.'oiirt Huu.se, on the extremenght. While this ojieratioii was progiessing, thev extendedtheirassanll to the troops stationed nearest to Ilie-e, whieh were posted in the vicinity of Sleehanirsville. They crossed t he riiieka hominy at Meadow- bridge, above the town, with the evident in- tention of turning the right wing of the Federal forces. The troops placed here were the Eighth Il- linois cavalry, more than half of the liuek- tail Regiment, and li\e e.,ai|iaiiies ol the Pennsylvania Reserves. 'I h. se weie jiro- ■ ited by rifle-pits ami la , a-i woi i^-. As thi swai ill ine.xhanstilily in front and around he Federal lines, eleaiiy proved that an at- emjit at resistance liy so small a corps vould be wholly useless. General Reynolds immediately dispatched 1 messenger to General McCaxl forreiuforce- ed before de a firm lintained y that a During the interval these could arrive, tin resistance, and the their position with s large number of them About two o'clock the engagement be- came more general and desperate. While advancing down by the rear of Mechanicsville through low, swamy ground, the enemy wen- nttai ked by the Federals from the cover of their lille-pits and earth- works with immense .■lleet. Asceiieoi i;i,at e:ii nage and tumult en- sued. Many ol the mrn and horses sunk in the inire, ami heeaiiie helpless targets for liy this the aetion laid spread along the line toward the hit, ami the troops of Gen- eral .Met "all having liceii attacked, now en- gag..l the enemy. A vigorous contest then took place, which oceuiued the afternoon of the twenty-sixth. ill vain the rebels, advancing repeatedly with great resolution, eudeavored to drive the Federals from their position. The latter remained immovable. At six o'clock, apparently becoming des- perate at their want of success, the rebels brought fresh troops to bear upon the as- sault, and the battle perceptibly increased iu fury. At that period Morrell's division arrived opportunely on the field as a reinforee- The second brigade of this division was called into immediate action. It was or- dered to relieve the center of General Mc- Call's column. The Fourth Michigan, the Fourteenth New Y'ork, the Sixty-second Pennsylvania, and the Niuth Massachusetts, together with a batialiun of Berdan's sharpshooters, were drawn up iu line of battle. The struggle which followed was well sus- tained and desperate on both sides. It con- tiuued without any advantage to either party till half past nine o'clock. The loss of the enemy during this period must have lieen fearful, as they were con- Iroiited by the Federal forces while protect- ed iu a great measure by their rifle-pits and breastworks. | All their efforts to dislodge the latter proved fruitless. Late in the day they made a furious charge with cavalry. They were met by a squadron of Federal horse, under Buruham, and driven back, many of their horses sticking fast in the marsh, and being abandoned by their liders. Here it was that Grit Carroll and Sid New- ton did good service, both fighting Uke demons until the enemy had retired beyond rifle-shot. " Three more of the murderers fallen be- fore my carbine,' muttered (irit, as he and Sidagain joined llieii i (unmaml, from which they had become >eiiaiale.l. ••And now only si.x remain, Stnai i hiinseU, the coward- " ' ford.aud lour others; auJ, if I live tie is over, some of those will thisM ••That fiendish murder isn't proving to be a very paying investment to the Southern Confederacy,' remarked Newton. '•I don't mean it shall," was the scout's Fitz-Jolin Porter, who commanded the entire corps to which the division engaged on this day belonged, was present in every Sart of the field, and was ably assisted by IcCall, Morrell, and Griffin. During the whole battle the artillery on both sides did immense execution. At some periods the filing ..hook the earth, aud the fui'i.'ms'.omliat.' '' At seven o clock the eiieniy made a special efloit to break ihe center of the Federal troo|is engaged. This efl'ort was confronted and (letcated with great gallantry by Gen- Tlie troops ou the left, under Seymour aud Reynolds, also fought with much hero- ism, aud succeeded in defeating the attempts of the rebels to cross the bridge over the Chickahominy, Tliiis, when the close of the first day's li-ht airiveil, the enemy had really gained nothing ami had lost heavily. But they «eii> mil .h.-iieaitened. Thi'_\ hail only made a beginning of the gigantic enterprise which they had con- resolute in its prosecution CHAPTER XVIII. THE BATTLE OF GAINES' MILJ-. During the night which ensued, after the 16 '±± THE WAR LIBRARY. battle at Mechanicsville, orders were given to commence the removal of the camp equipage, the stores, and the ammunition ot; the Federal army toward the James River. Soon long trains of wagons, several thou- sand m number, began their slow line of march, extending four miles in the direc- tion indicated. The sick and wounded were also convey ed, some toward the White House, some to- ward Harrison's Landing. General Porter had been ordered to withdraw his forces from their recent position near the river. While these movements were progressing in the Federal camp, the rebels were not idle. Immense reinforcements were promptly brought forward. The early dawn of the next day, the twenty-seventh of June, beheld sixty thou- sand rebels under arms, ready to renew the assault. The Federals had gained some slight re- pose during the night, and though wearied, and about to be assailed by superior num- bers, were undaunted by the impending terrors of their situation. General Porter had received orders to fall back to a position two miles beyond Gaiues' Mills. In obeying this order, General Sykes' division led the retreating column. Next came the division of General MorreU. During the march perfect order was main- tained, but the enemy mistaking the move- ment for a hasty flight, pressed forward in enormous masses, overtook the Federals near Gaines' Mills, and there resumed the assault upon them. Their advance had been temporarily im- peded by the destruction of the bridge at the mill. But soon they constructed a tem- porary causeway, by which their artillery was conveyed over, and the pursuit of the Federals was renewed. As their retreat was made at an unhurried and leisurely pace, it was not long before they were overtaken by the eager enemy. Then ensued the bloody actions of Gaines' The scene of this conflict was an ex area, about two miles in length, and one mile in breadth. This space was made up of green meadows, waving grain fields, thick woods, boggy marshes, and rude ravines. Several farmhouses existed within its limits, which were afterward used as hospitals. General Porter had Ijeea ordered to engage the advancing foe, if be were attacked in this position. Accordingly at eleven o clock all was ready to receive them ; each division, each brigade, each regiment, and each gun had then been placed iu its proper position. Along the far-extending lines at proper intervals the immortal banners of the re- public appeared in view, waving majestic- ally and gracefully in the breeze, and bid- ding defiance to the approaching host. Bright guns in endless succession flashed in the morning light. The long ranks of Federal troops presented a firm and daunt- less front. Generals with their staffs were seen riding rapidly from regiment to regi- ment giving orders and perfecting their po- sitions. After a short interval of silence and ex- pectation, the sudden roar of the enemy's artillery, and the falling and bursting ot their shells gave evidence that they had recommenced the contest. The first firing came from the woods and from the roads on the right. The Federal cannon instantly thundered in reply at the still invisible enemy. At length, after a considerable period of time had been expended in this manner, ! masses of the rebels emerged from the woods, deployed into position in front ot the Fed- eral lines, and the engagement became general. It was fiercely contested on both sides. Several desperate attempts were made by the enemy to break through the Federal lines on the right and on the left ; but they were met in every instance with the un- flinching firmness of veterans, and were in- variably repulsed with heavy losses to the assailants. The battle continued to rage during the whole day, with the usual vicissitudes which characterize engagements in which brave men contend for the mastery with equal degrees of resolution and obstinacy. As evening approached, theenergy of the attack of the rebels diminished, and a sudden lull occurred ; but after a short respite the con- test was renewed by them with greater fury than before. It then became evident that during this mysterious interval the enemy had been largely reinforced. Their troops now rushed forward in over- whelming masses with savage and frantic yells. With answering shouts the two armies approached each other, and dealt their death blows upon their opposing ranks with increased ferocity. The combat now became most desperate and sanguinary. The Federals performed many deeds of the noblest daring and fortitude, but soon the superior energy and vigor which por- tions of the Confederate columns exhibited, demonstrated that they had the advantage not merely of a preponderance of numbers, but also of physical freshness. It was well that at this critical moment the Federals received some reinforcements from the other side of the Chickahominy. They consisted ot three brigades, with some cavalry, a good part of them Irish. These Irish regiments, as was their usual custom, went into the fight with their coats off, and their sleeves rolled up, and fought the exultant rebels with the fury and feroci- ty of tigers. Hundreds of Confederates then bit the dust, laid low forever by the stalwart blows of the gallant and pugnacious sons of Erin. The carnage was still progressing all over the widespread field, when the sun disap- peared in the western heavens, and the shadows of night were about to descend upon the tumultuous and sanguinary scene. The enemy had repeatedly endeavored to force the Federals into the low, marshy tract lying between Gaines' Mill and the bridge. To have been driven into that perilous po- sition would have insured the destruction of a large number of troops, for it was im- passable ground, and would have proved the weltering grave of thousands. At one time the rebels had nearly suc- ceeded in this undertaking. It was when the danger here was most imminent, that the wild rush and deter- mined assault of the Irish regiments saved that portion of the army from destruction During the progress of the and.several partial panics had occurred, and some rapid and frantic running to the rear had been achieved by fri^tened fragments of the Federal forces. But the vast majority of them fought nobly and well. About twenty-seven thousand Union troops took part in this battle. In addition to those composing the corps of General Porter, the divisions of Generals Hooker, Kearney and Sumner were also en- gaged. The number of Confederates who figured in the contest was at least sixty thousand ; and a large portion of these were fresh troops, who were substituted from time to time for those who had become wearied during the progress of the struggle. Notwithstanding this disparity of num- bers, at the close of the day the Federals had not been driven from their position. The main body of the troops were still in their first lines near Gaines' Mill. The losses on both sides were very heavy Many valuable Federal officers were slain' The field was covered in many places with heaps of dead and dying. The plaihtive groans of the wounded, after the roar of the contest ceased, bur- dened the midnight air, and added to the horrors ot the fearful scene. The combatants on both sides slept upon their arms, except those who were detailed to bury the dead, to convey the wouuded from the field, and to perform picket duty. While these operations were jirogressiug on the right wing of the Federal army, an engagement took place on the left, where Geueral Smith held a position consisting of breastworks and two redoubts. He was attacked on Friday evening at seven o'clock, by the Georgia brigade, com- manded by General Toombs. The latter was encountered by Hancock's brigade, the guns in the redoubts assisting in the engage- ment, which was brief but desperate. After losing a hundred killed, whom they left on the field, the Georgians retired in disorder before the deadly and continuous fire of the Federal troops. This was the first battle at Gelding's Farm. The second ensued on the following morning. Mortified at their defeat, the chivalrous Georgians determined to renew the contest. At eight o'clock they again advanced to- ward the redoubts, and resumed the attack. The Federal troops were either protected lying on the grass. They gave the GeorgiauB a deadly reception. Colonel Lamar was mortally wouuded in the commencement of the engagement, and his lieutenant-colonel was taken prisoner. The result of the contest was the same as before, the rebels being compelled to retire, after suffering very severe losses. That same night, as Grit Carroll and his three friends, Sid Newton, Charley Clayton and Tom Merrett, who, through the influ- ence of Fletcher Burnham, were hence- " forth to be hisconstaut companions, stretch- ed themselves upon the ground for a few hours' rest, the following brief conversation occurred : , " Well, Grit, old boy,"said Charley Oayton; you've done some pretty hard service to- day, and that piece of yours has rung out a great many times. What is the grand ber how that foots i "You've added something to the sum total of it to-day," said Newton, confidently. "Yes," was the reply, "two more of the miserable cowards are dead, and I've mark- ed another for life— be the same long or short." " Did you get a shot at Stuart?" " Yes ; fired at him ten times ; but never touched him once. He was not in the regu- lar fight, you know ; but I knew where to find him." "And Langford?" " 'Twas he I marked, and if he ain't the most frightened and most uncomfortable man in the whole Confederate army to- night, why, I'm greatly mistaken. I put one bullet through his left ear, another plowed a furrow across his forehead, leaving the mark of Cain there; and a third carried away a portion of his upper 1 p." " You did give him a close call," exclaimed Newton. " I should say so !" added Tom. "Ay; but the next will be closer though," said Grit, calmly; "and, now, let us go to sleep ; there's work for us on the morrow." CHAPTER XIX. THE EETREAT. During the pight after the battle, the re- moval of the baggage trains, of the sick, and the disabled toward the James River and the White House, was continued. The enemy had thus far gaiued but little advantage, and had been very severely pun- ished. Still, however, deluded by the absurd and fantastic conceit that the retrograde move- ment of the Federal army was a mere flight before their invincible forces, they were de- termined to continue the contest. On the afternoon of the twenty-seventh, the headquarters of General McClellan were removed across the Chickahominy to the vicinity of Savage Station. Thither vast masses of stores and ammu- nition had been transported, on their way to their new depot on James River. Throughout this whole route the houses were converted into hospitals, and were oc- cupied by the wounded of the Federal army. During Friday night the larger portion of the Union forces crossed the Chickahominy, and thus obtained some advantage over the pursuing enemy. It should be observed at this time, that the battle of Mechauicsville and Gaines' Mill took place on the leftside of that stream. Those which afterward ensued were fought on the riiy/it side. This arrangement will be understood, when it is remembered that the Chiikalioniiuy flows southward into the James River; that, in describing the events connected with it, the observer is supposed to be facing the mouth of the stream, and that the points of the compass are to be taken accordingly. Notwithstanding the enormous losses which the rebels had suffered, and although they had not as yet driven their opponents from a single one of their chosen positions, they persisted in claiming coutinual vic- tories. Under this pleasing delusion, they prepar- ed, after the interval of a day, to renew the contest, and to endure additional and still more sanguinary slaughters, in the pursuit of a favorite and fanciful chimera. No attack was made on the main body of the Federal army on Saturday, the twenty- eighth of June. Early in the morning of that day the en- bythe breastworks, or were concealed by I tire force which had so valiantly confronted THE WAR LIBRARY "A the rebel hosts had crossed the Chickahom- iuy by four bridges. These were then blown up or burued, to intercept the pursuit of the enemy. Liiter in the day it was ascertaiued that they had crossed the stream at Newbridge, with the apparent intention of moving round toward Bottom Bridge, to cut off tlie communication of the Federals with tlieir railroad and telegraph. Saturday wore away without any heavy engagement on the part of the rebels. , The reason of this apparent inaclivilv was that a liirf;e number of their I i-.,m|,s \mi .■ busily (•iij;a];ed in buryini; their iIi-:m1, ;iim1 in eonveyiu.m Iheir wounded from the s.-eiics of the late sanguinary engagements into Richmond. Many ot the wounded Federal soldiers also tell into their hands. During this day the Union array was with- drawn as hi I- as Savage's Station. From iliis p. lint, several separate trains of cars, nikil with the wounded, were sent down to Wliite House. A third trip was about to bo made when it was ascertained that the enemy had cut the telegraph wires, and had gained possession of Despatch Sta- tion. A large proportion of the sick and wound- ed who were at Savage Station, were ,in this same day [ilaced in ambuhimi's, and their Hu menccd. But a sullluient iiuinlier of these conveyances were not to be obtained; and except those who were al)le to walk, or even to crawl toward a place of safety, the re- mainder ultimately fell into the hands of the enemy. During Saturday night a vast amount of commissary stores, ammunition and hos- pital supplies, for which there were no means of removal at command, were destroyed by order of General McClellau. Four car-loads of ammunition, which had arrived from the White IIous.- dm in- tlio previovis week, were replacid in flic cars, and the entire train, keaded by an fn:;iiu-. was let loose, sent down the railway, and run into the Chickahominy at the bridge which had been burned, to prevent it from falling into the possession of the rebels. This train rushed forward on its pathway to destruction with fearful velocity, and at length iibin^ed into the tranquilstream with aprodif^ious II ash. Strange speitacles were exhibited by the multitudes of the wounded, and by the long lines of ambiUauces and wagons which, dur- ing the day, weretoilingontheir way toward James River. Htmdreds of men went limping along, some with their arms in slings, some hob- bling on crutches. The ambulances were all flUed, and often the wounded would be seen sitting in the end of the wagons, their broken legs or crushed ankles hanging out, and the blood dripping from them upon the ground beneath. cortege. These, together with droves ot cat- tle, crowds of negroes, teamsters, sutlers, and frightened fugitives of every kind, to- gether with the noise and tumult, the swearing and screaming, which inevitably attended such a throng, at such a time, pre- sented a most extraordinary combination of contrasts. Sometimes a sudden terror pervaded the mass, for then a report had arrived that the enemy were interposing a i^owerful column between them and the James River, thereby cutting off their only means of escape. Then again, when the falsity of this rumor was as- certained by the return of messengers who had been sent to the front, hope would re- vive, and a gayer tone would animate the volatile and motley assemblage. Meanwhile, orders had been sent to White House to hasten the departure of the Fed- eral troops from that station. These orders were obeyed with all possible dispatch, and the place was finally abandoned l>y the as- sembled transports and steamers at tour o'clock on Saturday afternoon, the twenty- eighth. All the stores, ammunition and wounded had been previously embarked, and safely removed. About seven o'clock in the evening the pickets of the enemy began to make their appearance in the vicinity, but they found only desolation and solitude. Even the in- significant building, which had given a name and some celebrity to this locality, had been burned, although the author of the super- fluous and barbarous deed remained un- known. At three o'clock on Sunday morning, the twenty-ninth. General McClellan, attended by his staff and body-guard, left the scene of his night's reiiose, and rode forward toward Charles City. He had directed his generals to abandon theirintrenchments, to follow with their several divisions until in- tercepted by the enemy, and then to give them battle. At daylight on Sunday morning General Smith began to retire. Generals Sumner, Heintzelman, Keys,and Franklin soon fol- lowed with their respective forces. Then came McCall's division, and last of all those of Hooker and Kearney, who brought up the rear. As soon as the rebel commanders observed ' motion, in upon them ; but it was not till later in the day that a regular engagement took place i>etween them. Then ensued the battle of Peach Orchard. CHAPTER XX. PEACH ORCHARD AND WHITE OAK SWAMP. The enemy approached the Federal troops ipproacnea i istnir- Road cohiiiins of the enemy was ternhc. Tlieir ranks wavered and staggered like liniiiken men before the continuous hail- storm of shot and shell which was poured Tlie battle lasted from eight in the morn- ing until noon. During this period the rebels endeavored to outflank the Federals on the left, and in- tercept them on the Williamsburg Road, but without effect. They charged several times on three bri- gades, with the evident intention of crush- ing them in detail, but with no better sue- All I he troops engaged fought with des- 'I'iie ellorts'made by the rebelsto drive the Federals into a retreat from their position, were absolute failures; and it was not until the Union generals had become assured tiiat the caravan of wagons, ambulanees. and cattle of their army had crossed the White Oak Swamp, and were safe from the immedi- ate pursuit of the enemy, that they gave the order to fall liack. This order was executed leisurely ; and having reached Savage Station, they again drew up in line of battle to receive the ad- vancing foe. The contest which ensued was still more fierce and sanguinary. It commenced about five o'clock in the afternoon, and did not terminate until eleven o'clock at night. Before the attack began, the rebels had been largely reinforced ; their next assault therefore was much more vigorous and de- structive. They approached through a dense wood, which concealed them from view until they were within a short distance of the Federal lines. They then suddenly emerged from the edge of the forest, ran out three or four batteries to commanding positions, and opened a rapid fire of shot and shell. This salute they kept up with such skill and resolution, that a portion of the Feder- als were overpowered and gave way. A Pennsylvania regiment broke, and then fled in a panic, after losing a hundred men in killed and wounded. The Federal artillery could not for a time be served, all the men being either picked off or driven away from their guns. Never liad the rebels fought with more During the progress of the battle the Fed- eral forces were, on several occasions, in a very critical position. At one lime an entire brigade of the en- emy was oliserved to be moving stealthily down to tlie ri;.;lit. with the design of mak- ing an ;ilta( k u[Min the flank. This intention wasdefeatedljy the prompt- itude with wliich Captain Pettit placed a liattery in such a position as to sweep the entire column with grape and canister, which eventually compelled them to recoil, and to relinquish their purpose. During the progress ot the fight the Irish brigades greatly distinguished themselves, charging in some eases up to the very can- non of the enemy. One of the rebel batter- ies they hauled off, spiked the guns, demol- ished the caiTiages, and then abandoned them. At length the shades of darkness descend- ed upon this mortal combat, but they brought no termination to its horrors. The roar of tlie cannon, ana the sharper, shriller sound of the musketry continued to be deafenini; nnd i'lces^nnt. Theni-iii \> :c i ic as light as noonday atrapiiln, : ; c lurid flashes of the artilleiN , i ; -- harge enabled the combalan: i . ,i - . i i iiiii the position of their To aiM io I lie terrors uf the scene, the ad- jiifciii mm,„|> were set on flreby the Ijursting slu Us, and s.Hin the conflagration rolled vast liea\ iny volumes of smoke and flame far up into "the vault of heaven, giving to the battlefield the appearance of a pande- monium. Thus the carnage and the contest raged un- til near midnight. The losses on both sides were very heavy. The rebels had done much daniaiie liylir- ing into the liospitals in wliieli many oi the wounded luid been placed; and thc\ perpe- trated this barbarity in spite of the signifi- cant white and red flags which were placed upon them. At twelve o'clock the Federal command- ers received orders from General McClellan acio'.,~ wiiiti' t'lak Swaini., inaM^uich a's the the James River, which liad begun in a leisurely and voluntary march thither, unavoidably de- generated into a flight on the part of the Federals, and into a pursuit on the part of That wcai'ieil, overworked, but heroic Imnd, who had engaged the enemy so often and so bravely, were compelled to exhiiust the last powers ot liinnan endurance in order to escape complete destruction. The race to reach the swainji was one of desperate energy, accompaiiii d by desperate II was ciL'ht o'clock on Monday morning ^ of the thiiticthof June. ' Tlicday was bright and hot. The fugitives were exhausted with their superhuman ef- forts in fighting and retreating. After crossing the creek, hundreds threw themselves upon the ground to rest, or, els the race to White 1st army of the reb- t ot them, and in a leir rear. '1- desperate engage- locality in which it short time cam, Thenfollowc. ment, named al took place. Soon after crossing White Oak Creek, the Federal generals formed their new line of battle with great energy and promptness. The new position of the Unmn forces ex- tended about four miles in len.i;tlp. On th" cxlnijic lijilit (ieiicial Hancock was posted with his biigadc. Xext to him were phiced the troops ot Brooks and David- son. The batteries, Iielonging to this division were commanded by Captain Ayres. Then came the divisions of Sumner, Heintzelman and Porter. The battle commenced with an attack by the enemy on the column of General Han- cock. They opened with about twenty batteries, which were served with such vigor and skill that they soou blew up several of Captain Mott's caissons, shattered his guns, and spread confusion among the teamsters, can- and troops who came within their 18 THE WA.R LIBRARY. graceful proceeding General McClellan, on the following day, ordered the provost-mar- shal to arrest all the stragglers as they came into camp. After a short time, howeyer, the Federals who had been attacked, recovered their self- possession, and their guns responded to those of the enemy. The latter had not yet crossed White Oak Creek, and the engagement was still con- fined to the operations of the artillery. At length a portion of the rebels made an attempt to cross the stream, but were met and repulsed with success by General Smith, whose brisk fire of infantry extended con- tinuously along the whole columns. Finding it impossible to cross in front, the enemy detached a powerful force to proceed four miles due south to Charles City Crosa- roads, for the purpose of iuterposing be- tween the Federal forces and James River, thereby intercepting their retreat. The position which they proposed to reach was within a mile and a half of Turkey Bend on that river; and, had they succeeded in their intention, they would have inevit- ably accomplished the ruin of the army, and prevented its successful establishment at Harrison's Landing. Fortunately, information of this move- ment of the rebels was obtained in time, and a portion of the weai-ied Union troops was so marshaled as to prevent its achieve- ment. They reached the advancing columns of the enemy at four o'clock in the afternoon, and attacked them. The rebels fought desperately, and their artillery produced a dreadful havoc in the Federal ranks. The latter were nearly dead already from the effects of heat, exhaustion and thirst; and so little discipUne remained that a por- tion of those regiments which were nearest the James River at one time broke ranks, rushed to its shores, plunged in, and, after slaking their thirst, returned to their colors, and resumed the fight. The resistance of the Federal troops grad- ually became weaker. Human nature could endure no more. The fresh masses of the exultant rebels continued to press forward with still greater resolution. An overwhelming and decisive victory seemed about to crown their perse- vering efforts, when, at the critical moment, a delivery suddenly appeared. As at Pittsburg Landing, so in the present instance, the gallant navy of the Union res- cued the land forces from destruction. At the very crisis the gunboats on the James River opened their fire upon the enemy. At five o'clock the enormous rifled guns of three gunboats, which were anchored in ^ Turkey Bend, belched forth their colossal shells, with a detonation which completely drowned the feebler cliorus of all the artil- lery on land, and terrified the foe by the un- expected presence of a more formidable an- tagonist. As the shells descended upon the serried masses of the rebels, and burst among them, whole ranks were battered to the earth by the flying fragments. Horrible havoc ensued. Confusion and terror were quickly diffused through their columns, and they who, a few moments before, were confident of driving the Federal army into the James River, or of compelling it to surrender, themselves began to give way. CHAPTER XXI. BATTLE OF IIALVERX HILL. Encouraged by the evident effect of the shot of the gunboats, the Federal com- manders, of whom the most distinguished on this memorable field was General Heint- zelman, determined to recover the fortunes of the day by making a combined and des- perate charge. The gunboats were, therefore signaled to suspend their fire. Preparations were quickly made to effect the intended movement. The great-hearted veteran whom we have just named galloped from column to col- umn. He announced the purpose to charge in brief and thrilling words. He then returned to his position, and passed down, to the right and to the left, the stern order of advance. The bugles sounded, and, like the surging of a mighty deluge, which has long been compressed within narrow limits, that mass of heroes, having oaught new energy and They marched defiantly against the foe, with the determination to conquer or to perish. The enemy met the rushing tide at first with firmness; but nothing could long re- sist such a delirium of fortitude as seemed to pervade and to inflame their assailants. They gradually gave way; their lines broke, and, eventually, they fled from the field in complete confusion. During this famous battle-shock many were slain on both sides, and many prison- ers were taken. In the entire engagement the Federals lost, in killed and wounded, not less than three thousand and flve hundred. The loss of the enemy was undoubtedly as great, if not greater. The contest saved the Federal army from ruin or from capitulation, and covered both the generals who commanded, and the sol- diers who fought in it, with enduring re- nown. In vain had the best rebel officers repeat- edly put in practice their favorite tactics of hurling fresh troops on the Federal lines, first on one wing, then on the other, and suddenly in the center. All was in vain. The goal had been safely reached. The glancing placid waters of the James River had at last greeted the longing eyes of the soldiers of the LTnion, and thepossibility of their destruction or of a still more disas- ted. At th.' .Im^,. mT u,.' I.aitl.' m White Oak Swaniji llic I'.'drral ar]u,\- tcn.k jiossession of Malvern liill iii The \lcinity of the river, (ieueral McClellan had selected Harrison's Lauding, six miles below, as his future per- manent camp, and thither the convoy of wagons, ammunition stores, and supplies of all sorts continued to be directed. The James River was crowded with trans- ports and vessels of all kinds, to assist in the work of transportation. yet com- pleted. On Tuesday, the first of July, the last of this memorable series of engage- ments—the battle of Malvern Hill— was fought. As an attack from the enemj- was antici- pated, the Federal army was drawn out in battle array at an early hour. Their lines formed a magnificent semicir- cle, which presented a formidable front. General Keyes, with his command, was posted on the extreme right. General Franklin's corps came next; then the troops of Sumner, comprising two divisions. The extreme left was occupied by Porter. Heintzelman's corps,embraeing thedivisions of Hooker, Kearny, and Couch, occupied the center. Fifty heavy guns bristled along the lines from their freshly made earthworks. The battle commenced about noon with a vigorous cannonading on both sides. The Confederates Were commanded by Generals Lee, Magruder, and Jackson, and opened the engagement with great spirit. Several hours passed before the infantry came into action. At four o'clock the rebels advanced, fiercely attacked the troops commanded by General Couch, and attempted to break the Federal lines. The effort failed, and the assailants were driven back with great slaughter at the point of the bayonet. They were not easily disheartened. After a short interval they made a still more desperate effort to accomplish their purpose. The rebel commanders threw forward heavy masses of troops, assisted and pro- tected by artillery, against the ranks of Porter and Couch, and continued for more than an hour to hurl forward fresh columns upon the Federal line. At one crisis their determined efforts seemed about to be successful in driving back the Federals; but at that critical mo- ment Porter dispatched a messenger to Sumner for reinforcements. The Irish brigade of Meagher was immedi- ately sent to him. They advanced to meet the enemy with their usual enthusiasm. The wavering Federal lines were quickly steadied ; the rebel host in turn recoiled, and the periled fortunes of the day were re- covered. Thus the flght was continued until after nightfall. At ten o'clock the last gun was fired. During the progress of the engagement the most signal service had been rendered by the gunboats on James River. The immense shells from their rifled can- non tore shrieking and howling through the forests, and often exploded within the lines of the enemy with a concussion which shook the solid earth, and scattered piles of dead and wounded on every hand. In all their efforts to drive the Federal " forcess f rom their position the enemy had signally failed. After each advanc* they had been repulsed with heavy losses. < The battle was to them an unqualified de- feat. So ended the engagement at Malvern Hill. Thus terminated the last assault made by the troops of the Confederacy at this period upon the Union army in the peninsula. Thus concluded one of the most extraordinary series of battles which has ever occurred in the blood-stained annals of ancient or mod- ern warfare. The repose of the Federal army at Harri- son's Landing now remained undisturbed for more than a month, when the second battle of Malvern Hill occurred, in which General Joe Hooker punished the enemy and gained possession of the field. A little later the place was abandoned, and the rebels resumed occupation. It had now become evident to the Federal government that the expedition against Richmond, through the peninsula, had prov- ed a total and irremediable failure. It was quite as evident that the longer de- lay of the army of the Union in that unpro- pitious clime would be productive of no good, while it would entail a continued and lavish waste of the national treasure and of valuable lives. General McClellan, therefore, received or- ders to evacuate Harrison's Landing. This order was obeyed on the sixteenth and seventeenth of August, 1862. The future destination of the army was then unknown. It was, however, intended to be consoli- dated with the forces which had been placed under the orders of General Pope. This arrangement was afterward complet- ed ; and the fortunes of war were again tried under new auspices against the despe: yet by no means contemptible enemy. CHAPTER XXII. ELLEN WAYNE. pepper, should be somewhat strengthened, particularly in the matter of cavalry, and so, several squadrons, heretofore attached to the Army of the Potomac — including Burn- ham's and Ingold's commands — were sent to him. Grit Carroll, then, with his two insepara- ble companions, was now in the country be- tween the Rapidan and the Rappahannock. Fate had so ordained that other important personages connected with this, our vera- cious history, were also in that vicinity. Stonewall Jackson had returned from the neighborhood of Richmond, and accompany- ing him were a portion of Stuart's cavalry, including the command in which Fenton Dunbar was a lieutenant, and Loren Lang- ford a minor officer. The regiment commanded by Colonel Wayne also formed a part of his column. Within the Confederate lines, near the banks of the Rapidan, was the magnificent mansion and estate known as Glenwood, and which was owned and occupied by the widow of the late Senator Mason, and her peerless daughter, Hilda, of whom Colonel Wayne was guardian. This hospitable mansion was now the cen- ter of unusual life and gayety ; for not only did it shelter the attractive widow and her accomplished daughter, but Ellen Wayne was there, chaperoned, as usual, by her maiden aunt, Lydia. Hence, as a matter of course, it was the Mecca to which all Confederate officers, who, by any possible means, could obtain an In- troduction, resorted. The lovely Ellen had played her part well that night at the Chimneys, and had simu- lated sickness so perfectly that her aunt had become terribly alarmed, insomuch, that she had insisted upon giving her a dose of not only very powerful, but very disagree- able medicine, and then put her to bed— a place where the devoted Ellen was glad enouali to retreat to. for, no sooner had she. THE WAR LIBRARY. i^iil. martyr-lilie, swallowed the drug, than she was taken sick in dead earnest, and so sick indeed, that she could hardly hold her head "'renton, then, was left to carry put the plot alone ; and he at once bethought him- self of one who was acting as his orderly— a trusty fellow, wholly devoted to his inter- '^' He found him, and stated the case. The .Mderly entered into his plans; aud, so far :is Giit and his friends are concerned, we kmnv the result. . The ne.xt morning tl>ere was a terrible r.iiuiHis at the Chimneys. The sentinel who imd guarded the iuner door being found dead drunk in the room where the prisoners h;id been confined, aud the "blue-birds" I liemselves were no longer in the cage— they had Uown. The sentinel told his story. A comrade had come through the hallway about eleven o'clock, aud had given him a driuk of whisky out of his canteen— after lliat he could remember absolutely noth- \Vho was the fellow ? He didn't know— thought it was one of Ills own regiment, but didn't see his face, aud so couldn't swear to it. The officers talked it over, and at last de- cided that it must have been thi- Yaiik.-i' who escaped, that he must liavf i .tuni.Ml ; touud one of thedead t'oiifH.lciatf's .oats: (lut it on; discovered ami imi.ar.'i lli.' horses for the road, and tin u [ilaycil the bold game with the s ' So, after cursing tb the whisky— a fault ; liave committed — tht to dr Ell.- ■1 loMlriiiking it tliian would was pt-rmitted 11 \\ cut nil her way rejoic- l.uiiid li.i- established at iff amit and cousin. .t Stiini'wall Jackson in the thi' earliest visitors at the 'cutou Dunbar, was Loren «as now an orderly ser- promise of soon being a rprise, Loren was received ',llcn, who, indeed, scarcely iiok any notice of him dur- part he had played in the mure young lover had" filled her pure lietestatioii for the villain, aud, to 1 upper lip only added to her loathiug. Loreu'Langtord went away with a heart hurniug with rage and fury. The next morning he met Dunbar, who, in fact, he little suspected was his rival. He told him of the reception he had met with the night before. "And now," he asked, anxiously, "what can be the meaning of it ? She can't treat me so on account of that miserable little <^ub, Elmer Carroll, for he's dead and out of the way— I happen to know that, for tain. Ha-ha!" Dunbar, who from Ellen had learned all the facts of Elmer's death, as given her by Grit, aud confirmed by Newton, fairly shuddered. "Laugford," he said, at last, coolly, "you ask luy opinion, and to tell you the truth, my opinion really is that her knowledge of your own connection with Elmer Car- roll's death accounts for her treatment of " Her knowledge!" exclaimed Langford. " Who in thunder ever told her what I had to do with it?" Then, suspiciously : "Did "Certainly not," answered Fenton. "In fact, I knew nothing whatever about it until she told me herself." "Who did tell her, then?" growled the villain. " If I only knew the man I'd send him to his Satanic Majesty so quick that he'd never know what struck him." " I can't tell you. Perhaps your best plan would be to address the lady herself upon the subject," said Fenton. Langtord considered for a moment, and form you that Miss Ellen, my niece, declines the honor of seeing you." Langford's bloated face instantly became crimson with rage. , At length, suppressing his passion, he managed to say : " I would detain her but for a few mo- ments. I simply wish to make an explana- tion—an explanation in connection with the death of a friend of hers. If you will be so kind as to tell her that, I am sure she will see me." , . , Miss Lydia considered for a brief period. Certainly Loren Langford belonged to a good family ; and, perhaps, on the whole, it was better to have his friendship than his ill-will, so, presently, she said : " Very well, sir, I will speak to her," and with a slight inclination of the head she left the room. A few moments later Ellen appeared, and there was something repelling, both m her looks and voice, as she said : " You have something to say to me about Elmer Carroll, whom you murdered. Please say it in as few words as possible, and relieve me of your presence." "Murdered!" exclaimed Langford, catch- ing at that one word. "He was no more murdered than any man who is hanged as a deserter. He belonged to the Caroline .-.luutv ivirirapnt; he deserted it and went MviT t.) till' I'ui'iny. We took him prisoner 111 a sharp i-\ii;ageiuent last month; he was i^niz.dasa i leserter, and hung by order :i'iii-ial Stuart." Who recognized him?" asked Ellen, coolly. , , "I— I— don't know," stammered the vil- lain; "some half a dozen or more, I believe." " Yourself among the number?" " Of course, when I was asked, as a Caro- line county man, if I knew the prisoner, I was obliged to say Yes." "It was very much against your will to do so, uo doubt," said Ellen, bitterly. "I know my duty as a soldier, Miss Wavne," retorted the other. " Yes ; I am perfectly aware of the fact— I suppose you were also obliged to assist your old schoolmate out of the world— there wouldn't have been enough to have per- formed that pleasing task without yon." Langford bit what little was left of his lip in vexation and rage. " You appear to be wonderfully well-in- formed," he sneered. " I know the whole story, sir— know it ex- actly as it occurred. I had it from one who made no mistake in the gloomy recital." "Will you give me his name'?" asked Langford, fiercely. "No, sir— I will not." " He has slandered me fearfully, and I de- mand his name, that I may punish him as he richly deserves." " He told the simple truth," rejoined El- len, "and his story was corroborated by another— an eye-witness; and, so far as I am concerned, you shall have no further oppor- tunity to shed innocent blood." " Miss Wayne," said Langford, suddenly drawing near her, "you know quite as well as I can tell you, that I love you— have loved you for years, aud that I wish to make you my wife. Now theu, will you marry me?" " Marry you ! No, indeed, sir. I would die sooner than marry such as you— one whom I rcard as not a whit better than a mur- vhere not It with: , by Jov ight." and that, too, before That very afternoon he procured leave of absence, aud rode over to Glenwood. He asked for Miss Ellen Wayne. Miss Lydia came in her stead. " I beg pardon, ma'am," said Langford, rising, "it was the other Miss Wayne, your niece, whom I wished to see." " I aui perfectly aware of the fact," said Miss Lydia, calmly; "but, sir, I beg to lu- asked derer." " Look out! You may go too far, you regrei your words yet. Remember, not easily balked of my desires." " Do you dare to threaten me, si Ellen, scornfully. , ^ " I dare do anything that tends to con tribute to my comfort or happiness, I " But Ellen would hear no more, and with- out a further word she swept from the room. . . , , "Curse her!" muttered the disappointed man. " But I'll bring her to her senses yet, I'll have my will of her, and then— ha, ha!— we'll see if she won't come down from her high horse," and, hearing footsteps ap- proaching along the hallway, he quickly made his exit through one of the parlor CHAPTER XXIII. VrLLAINOUS BABOAIX. That same night, at about ten o'clock. Loren Langtordlhppedout of the Confeder ate camp, and having provided himself with a "uide, whom he found waiting at an appointed place, plunged into the neighbor- ing forest. After a weary tramp of more than three- quarters of an hour they came to a secret place in the mountain fastness, less than forty-flve or fifty men were as- sembled. This was a guerrilla camp, and the leader as none other than he whom our old friend Tim O'Conuell had treated with such undue famiUarity some weeks before, when Fenton Dunbar's party had come to the rescue of himself and his friends. The guerrilla chief, hearing approaching footsteps, instantly started to his feet, and was on the qxilvive,. "Ah! good evening. Captain Blyer!" ex- claimed Langford, as he drew near. " Vigil- ant as ever, Isee." " We have to be, sir," responded the guer- rilla, taking the other's proffered hand. " Well, you are here then, at last. I have been expecting you for the past half hour "I came as soon as I could manage it," said Langford ; "but, the fact is, I had some trouble in getting away, and then, the walk- ing through this confounded forest isn't the best in the world." " No ; and it's a mighty good thing for me that it isn't," said Blyer. " True, I didn't think of that. Now, Captain, can we get right down to business— for time is precious, as you know." " Yes ; I suppose so. Well, come over here by the fire, where we can see each other's faces while we talk, and you can tell me just what you want." Langford followed the guerrilla to the fire, and as he seated himself near him, asked : "Well, what do you want to know m the first place?" " Exactly what you expect of us,,and what you are willing to pay for the job," respond- ed the chief. "I'll tell you in the fewest possible words," said Langford. " You know Glenwood !" " Senator Mason's place — yes . I know it." "Well, there's a girl stopping in that house who I want to get possession of, and that too, with the least possible delay." "Oho! and you want us to carry her off for you?" " Hum ! Well, it can be done, I suppose. How much will you pay ?" " How much do you want for the job ?" " Stealing a girl out of that house will kick up a deuce of a rumpus, you know. The widow is a friend of Stonewall Jackson ; and then, Colonel Wayne is the guardian of her daughter— is that the girl ?" "No— no; it's the widow's niece I want." "Whew!" whistled the guerrilla chief. " Wayne's own daughter! that's worse yet." "I don't think so." " No ; I suppose not— when you're making a bargain " "Well, that's the what's your price?" "I'll do it for a thousand dollars." " A thousand dollars!" "Yes; and not a cent less." "You want too much, Blyer," said Lang- ford, impatiently. " Come down a little." " Impossible, sir. The fact is, I wouldn't undertake it for that, if I didn't expect to make something else out of the expedition. I suppose there's plenty of plate and such- like in the house?" "Yes; certainly— the family's rich, you know." "Then there's the widow's pretty daugh- ter," said the guerrilla, with a leer; "and is there any other gal there, sergeant?" "Yes," said Langford, "Miss Millie Wordsworth cauif from Richmond to-day. She's a ■! aiiki'i- ^hl. vou know, but has been in the ( '..nil di rat.- .-apital for nearly a year. Her parents die.l s.i she came South to reside with her uncle, her only livingrelative." "Ah! yes; I've seen her; but I prefer Miss Hilda, she's more to my taste. Come, Langford, I'll tell you what I'll do. See yonder?" "The opening there? Y'es." "Well, there's as nice a hiding place as can be found anywhere in these mountains. That cave contains no less than a dozen apartments. A whole regiment could hide there, and remain in perfect security for a lifetime. Now theu, give me one thousand dollars, and the privilege of bringing off the other two girls, and all the treasure the house contains, and I'll secure your charm- er, bring her here, and keep her in safety, where you, and you alone, can visit her, un- til she's perfectly willing to remain with you without any fuss, wherever you may see fit to keep her. " All right," said Langford, after a mo- ment's consideration, " it's a bargain. Now when can you undertake the job?" girl I -and nov 20 /i S' THE WAR LIBRARY. " How would to-morrow night do ?" asked Blyer. "Make it the next night," said Langlord' " by that time I shall have the rhino ready.', "Very good; we'll be ready then. By the way, you'll bear us company ?" " Then, everything's settled." "Yes; and, now, I'll return to my quar- ters. "^Vhere's that guide?" " Over yonder, waiting for you." " Ah, yes, I see; and, now, good-night!" "Good-night!" The two consummate villains parted. CHAPTER XXIV. THE ABDUCTION. Two days passed. Tlie second night came. There had been quite a gathering of gray- coated officers in Mrs. Mason's drawing- rooms, but now nearly all were gone — in fact, but two remained. Colonel Wayne, Elli'ii's futlici-, and her would-be lover, Lieutiiuiut I'lutdii Dunbar. All hail 1 ctiit'd to a cozy little apartment, designated )■>- Mrs. Mason as the snuggery, and Colonel Woyne had just finished a glass of old wine, which, as he said, he had taken to fortify himself for the road. There had been a moment of silence, which the colonel now broke. "Come, Feuton, my boy," he exclaimed, suddenly starting to his feet, " if you're quite through ogling that trio of pretty girls, we'll be going." "Oh, papa!" cried Ellen, "why do you leave us so soon ? It's but little past eleven ; I'm sure you might stay another hour. Re- member, you didn't come near us at all last night." "(>i]ly:i littli' past i-li-veu, eh ?" laughed hei' tat her, as ti.> ti.x.k nut liis watch. "Now, this lui'lty litllf initli-trllcr says it's two minute-ito twelve, and I shouldn't wonder if you heard the clock strike in even less liiiio than that. In fact, I shouldn't won- der Eh? What the deuce was that, Fenton?" Captain Dunbar was already on his feet. "It was a shot sir," he said; "and, of course, comes from an enemy." With flushed cheeks he sprung to the window. "Colonel." he exclaimed, a moment later, while making a great effort to appejir calm, " we are beiug surrounded. We've got to fight for it or be taken prisoners; now, which shall it be?" "How many are there? Letme see," and the colonel cautiously peered forth from the window. "Ten— twelve— thirteen," he muttered, "on this side, and I suppose as many more oueaeh I'f the otliers— say fifty in all, and only lis r,v<. and a few niggers to oppose them. IliMn' I lie thing looks blue enough "Ne'veVl'heie.-s,'- 'exelanned Feulon, "I'm for li;:litin- tlieni, sir-ami tliat to the deatli." and then, in a l.uv wliisper-, he add- hert jt girls, i£ those outside ga 'Right, by Jove!" cried the colonel. "Let us close and fasten every door and window, and defend the place as long as we can stand. Quick! quick!— or it will be too late." Alas! it was already too late. The assail- ants were, even then, forcing their way into the house. Crack !— crack ! Down went a negro servant, and a bullet lodged in the wall, after passing through a picture, just above the colonel's head. Crack!— crack! Another servant fell, and a beautiful vase on a stand liy Mrs. Mason's side was shat- tered to fragments. At least, a'dozen of the enemy were now in the adjoining room. "Thunder and blazes!" suddenly exclaim- ed the colonel, "these are not Yankees— they are ourown people!" "Ah! I understand now," said Fenton Dunbar, bitterly, "they are our own peo- ple, but ten times more to be feared than the worst Yankees that ever crossed the Potomac. They are Blyer's guerrillas, and —yes ! I thought so ; there's Sergeant Lang- ford, of the Caroline county cavalry, among them. They have come at his bidding, and then! ment, at tl the room, with a dozen men at his back— " now, then, I say, surrender— the whole kit of you. There's no use of your holding out for another moment. There's only two men among you— while we number more than fifty. Come, we've no time to spend in fool- ing, for we're bound to gut this place, and wo want to get through and dig out before '■■No, sir I Xever will we sui render to surli as ynn," nieil Colonel Wayne, leveling a levdlver at the guerrilla chief's head. Crack I But Blyer had sprung to one side just in time to save his worthless life, and the bul- let penetrated the brain of the man directly behind him, who fell heavily to the floor. With a howl of rage the guerrillas sprung upon the two Confederate officers, and in less than a minute there were at least twenty of them in the room. Still, for a time they fought well and des- perately, each killing two men, and wound- ing no less than eight between them. But the odds were too great, and at length Colonel Wayne fell bleeding to the floor, and Dunbar was knocked senseless with the butt of a carbine. This ended the fight. Five minutes later all in and about the house had been secured. " How many prisoners are there in all?" asked Blyer of his lieutenant. " The two officers and five white women, an' mor'n twenty niggers— half on 'em wenches," was the reply. " Hum, that's more than we can accom- modate up yonder, ain't it, lieutenant?" " Yes, cap'n, a durned sight." " Then parade such o' ther darkies as we've no use for, and blow 'em to kingdom-come —dead men tell no tales; and this night's work mustn't get to Stonewall Jackson's ears, that's certain." As incredible as it must seem, this cruel order was carried out, eleven negroes being shot dead in front of the mansion. The house was then- to borrow the elegant term used by fhegiierrillachief— thoroughly gutted. The prisoners were securely bound, and the party at once retreated to the moun- tain fastness. The night of terror wore away. The morning dawned. The glorious orb of day rose higher and still higher in the heavens, and cast his golden rays upon what had been beautiful, hospitable Glenwood; but now, alas! how changed ! Fences torn down, the negro quarters— to make sure that not one of those who might otherwise carry the dreadful news to Jack- son escaped— burned and lying a heap of ruins, the garden trampled over, the house dismantled and plundered, and liefmc tlie open door and gaping wiiid.uvs a heaii of murdered blacks piled up, wlule still an- other lies stretched across the threshold. Only last night the place was alive with joyous song, and the walls of the house "fairly shook with laughter." But now how still the— stillness of death is upon it. An hour pas-ed. Suddenly llnre seemed to be a slight movement in tie- adjacent forest, and after a short inler\al lonr men appeared at the edge of the woods and crouched behind a neighboring wall. " Don't see a mortal soul about the place," whispered one ;" and I should think from the stillness, that nobody was up yet." Then, after a pause : " I'll give just one cull, perhaps my old fi and Sc ip will answer," and the speaker gaye a qniek sharp whistle, which the opposite liills sent back in echo. There was no other auswer. "Something's wrong. Grit," said another of the party, " you can restassured of that.'' "I fear so, too," rejoined the Union scout; for it was Grit himself and his companions. Then, after another ineffectual call : " We must manage to get around to the back of the negro quarters by skirting the "But can we do that?" asked Charley Clayton. " We'll try," was the brief answer, and they set out at a rapid pace. Soon they had accomplished their pur- pose, and were close upon the spot where the quarters had been. Then (iiit ('arioll ;;ave utterance to an exclamatii f eensteination and rage. "Whose werk is this?" he cried. " I must know, and that right speedily." "Great Heavens! " he exclaimed the next moment, "look at the house— the windows are broken, and all the doors stand open. Come, there's little fear of our meeting any oue; let us follow up this mystery to the end of the chapter," and with strange feel- gs tugging at their hearts they hurried to- ward the mans They entered by the back door. They soon found the snuggery, and came upon evidences of strife. The guerrillas had been careful to remove their own dead and wounded, butstill it was easy to see that there had been hard fight- ing in that very room, as the blood upon the floor aud the shattered ornaments and per- forated walls betokened. Then Tom Merrett came upon the dead body of a negro servant in the hallway, aud a mo- ment later Charley Clayton gave a cry of horror and consternation from the front door. All hastened thither. "My God, this is awful!" exclaimed Sid Newton. "It's more than that— it's fiendish!" said Grit, with quivering lips; "and if I don't find out something more about it soon I shall go mad." At that moment Sid, who had approached the heap of murdered blacks, gave utter- ance to an exclamation of surprise, and dropped upon his knees before the repulsive pile. Grit hastened forward. " What is it, Sid?" he asked. "I ain't quite certain. Grit; but I think this old man has some life in him vet," was the reply. "Godgrant you may be right! " and Grit fell upon his knees by his side. Soon the other bodies were lifted away, and the one that had attracted Sid's atten- tion was raised up. "Seipio!" exclaimed Grit, " Great Heav- ens! I am sorry for this. But, see, there really is some life in him. We may be able to save him yet." " At least," said Tom, " we can bring him around long enough to tell us whose bloody work this is, so that we may have the satis- faction of avenging him and all the dead here." "Yes— yes; we'll avenge him. Ay, and what vengeance we'll wreak upou the cow- ardly murderers!" and, while he was speak- ing. Grit had taken a flask from his pocket, which he now held to the old negro's lips. After awhile tin? poor creature revived, and uttered a feehle moan of pain. Th<'ii he ,,|ieni i| Ills eyes, and they rested uponlliil, «iiM I', lis bending over him. "Masr (aiieli: ' he exclaimed, while a look of pleasure lit up his dusky face. "Yes, it's me, Scip — come to save you," said the scout, tenderly. "Where are you hurt, my poor fellow ?" "No use — no use; too late, Mas'r Carroll," sighed the old man. " Grim Def hab done gone got me. shuah. But I's mighty glad you'se come afore de good Lord tuk me, cos yer may be able to help de young missus an' hermudder." " Yes— yes; tell us all about if, Scip — that is, if you have streugth to do so. Who robbed the house and killed or carried off all the inmates?" "Degood Lord will give me strength to tell yer, Mas'r Carroll. It war Cap'n Blyer an' his band o' thieves; an' dar was a Coii- fedei-ate sojer wid 'em dat seemed like he war a kind o' boss." " Who was he — who was he ?" asked Grit, eagerly. " Beckon I used ter see him down in your country, Mas'r Carroll; but den dar wasn't de mark o' Cain upon his brow, an' his upper lip wa'n't gone." "Ah-h-h! Loren Langford!" hissed the scout, between his tightly clinched teeth. " Dat's him— dat's him, sah, shuah !" said the negro, excitedly. " Dat's what I hearn young Mas'r Dunbar call him, I 'member now." " Was Fenton Dunbar here?" " Yes, sah ; an" de colonel, too, 'spects dey's killed him; leastwise he war bleediu' pow- erful when I seed him last." "And— and Miss Hilda— the girls ? " "'Spects dey's carried 'em all off, Mas'r Carroll." ".Sid— Tom — Charley!" cried thescout, ex- citedly, " we must do something for this poor fellow. He must tell his story to Stone- wall .Tackson, and when he's heard it, it he don't root out that murdering baud of out- laws, why, I'm mistaken, tliafsall." "No use, Mas'r (arndl, no use," mur- mured the old nes:ro. "Degood Lord am callin' fur me ; eben now I hear his glorious voice. Yes, Lor', I's comin'— I'scomin'!" and throwing up his arms poor Scip fell back dead. CHAPTER XXV. THE U.ITTLE OF CEDAI! MurXT.UX. It was now the first week in August, and the military authorities at Washington hav- THE WAR LIBRARY. r>y-/ 21 Ing obtained authentii uudf : information, which lie (,'oufederaf e gen- loiMiidable force for : tlieariuy oommand- ncl, ailvancing to the hiiigtou or of Baltl- o summon the forces Western Virginia, to Me dispatch, and di- ll pepper at once, and reeled liini tuiv threaten Gordo Thi3 movement instantly excited the ap- , prehensions of the rebel leaders. Jackson and Ewell immediately called in all their forces, and prepared to cross the Rapidau at Barnett's Ford. Among others whom this andden and un- ' expected movement peremptorily recalled to their duty was Loren Langford. Captain Blyer too received an intimation that his own, and the services of his band, for a few days would be highly acceptable, and a fur- ther intimation reached him that he had better not slight this urgent invitation. The cave then, and the several prisoners therein confined, were left in charge of a dozen or more men, while the guerrilla chief, at the head of some forty odd thieves and cutthroats, rode off to join Jackson's column. Thus, for a few days, Ellen, her cousin, and their friend, were relieved of the pres- ence of their tormentors. All their arrangements being perfected, Jackson and EwelT crossed the Rapidan, ap- proached the position occupied by the corps of General Banks, near Cedar Mountain, and on Saturday, the ninth day of August, a battle was fought between the two armies, scarcely second in fury and stubbornness to any which had occurred during the war. The point at which this fearful contest took place was about five miles south of Cul- pepper Court House, on the road to Gor- donsville. The enemy took their position on the side of Cedar Mountain, where they were pro- tected in a large degree by thick forests. They numbered at least twenty-five thou- sand men. The advantages of their position were very great, for it commanded a full view of the operations of the Federal troops below them, and enabled them to post their bat- teries in several successive tiers, semicircu- lar in their outliTie, by which they could simultaneously cannonade the whole body of their assailants. The positiou of the latter was completely exposed to the enemy, having no advantage of natural or artificial defense whatever. On the day previous to the battle, the bri- gade of General Crawford had been thrown forward to observe the movements of the enemy, and oppose his advance. General Banks occupied this position with his entire corps on the day of the engagement. Bickett's division of McDo^' three miles in his rear. jwell's corps ' The .i,i. a- me have a light. five minutes. I " All right," said the fellow, and some ten minutes later he handed Fenton Dunbar a folded note. The young lieutenant opened it, and by the light of the messenger's torch read as follows : " DEAR Fenton :-I have just heard the details of the must horrible plot ever concocted by human be- erpetrated, you will understand the rest— I ca erto it more directly. " Oh, Fenton, watch over my Ellen— indeed, es in your power for all those defenseless ladii emember! I charge you, my lovely girl muat honor and humanity, set her pure spirit free. Were there no other hand to do it, I would emulate Virginius could I get to her; but you will spare me so fearful a task-l know you will. God help us ! we live in fearful times, when a fond father thinks it virtue to contem- plate the deathof his own beloved child— and, oh. how 1 love her ! I cannot venture to write another word. Remember, Fenton, I depesd on you. " PniLii- Wayne." The first effects of this letter on Fenton Dunbar were fearful. For a few moments he was like a madman, and the friendly guerrilla started back in affright, at the same time laying his hand upon his revolver to defend himself, if necessary. "Look a-here, Ueuteuaut," he presently said, "I ain't no kind o' scholard, an' I hain't got no kind o' an idee what's in that thar paper ther curnul sent ye ; but I reckon thar ain't no manner o' use in your rearin' an' tearin' round hyer like all possessed, in that air ridiculous sort o' way. Now, is there?" These few timely words of the guerrilla somewhat quieted Fenton, and quickly understanding the necessity of keeping cool, he said : " You're right, I was too hasty. The fact is, I was a little provoked at something the colonel writes me. He claims I didn't do my part in the fight at Glenwood the other day, says if I had done as well as he, we wouldn't be here now. But there, he's an older man than I, and I'll think no more about it." "Ther cunuel's wrong, ef he says yer did not tiirht well," .-ifflrmed the guerrilla; " fur v.T.liiHi^ht lik.. a.ll jicssrss.^.l : l>iit you're um. 'e.,s the- .il,- l,.||,.i' ,1,,1,-t takeji;^ coufim After the me.ssenger had withdrawn, Fen- ton set himself to thinking. Yes, he at last concluded, there was no help for it ; if the colonel and he must die, rather than that she should be left behind, lu the power of these consummate villaius, Ellen should die by his own hand. He would then tell the others what was likely to be their fate, and, if they felt so dis- posed, they could take their own lives with the knife he would give them. Three quarters of the hour passed. Fenton heard footsteps approaching. It he was to gain the apartment occupied by the ladies, not a moment must be lost. He went to the passageway leading from his own door. The man left to guard the place was re- clining oil a bed of leaves. Whether he was asleep or not, Fenton couldn't tell. Cautiously — noiselessly, he left the room and slipped into the one occupied by the ladies. In the dim light he saw them crouching in a corner. "Who's there?" demanded Miss Lydia, sharply, and yet not in a very loud tone. "Hist!" cautioned Fenton. " It's me— Fen- ton Dunbar. I come to give you warning of our approaching fate. Can you bear to hear " I hope we're all good Christians," said Miss Lydia, "and, as our lives are in the hands of God, that we will be resigned, what- ever our fate may be." Fenton had now reached Ellens side. she said, in a faltering voice. "Yes," he answered; " and the trouble is, there are but a few moments left in which to tell it." " Are w Miss Lydia, pointed!. "Worse that that — far worse!" faltered poor Dunbar. " What can be worse !" asked the maiden lady. " Perhaps the easiest and best plan would be for me to give you this letter, and for you to read it aloud," said the young man. Miss Lydia took the letter, and, in a voice that did not tremble once, read it through to the end. Then, for a few moments, there was a deathlike silence in the place. It was broken by Ellen, who, in a voice of unnatural calmness, said : " Fenton, you will surely obey my father's last request. I beg, if you truly love me, that you will do so." An agonizing sob was her only answer. "And, Lieutenant Dunbar,'' said Hilda Mason, as soon as she could catch his atten- tion, " I beg— I entreat the same great favor at your hands." As these words passed the lovely Hilda's lips, her mother uttered a moan of anguish, and fell fainting into Miss Lydia s arms. "Lieutenant," said Millie Wardsworth, " I candle; but I cannot live dishonored. There- fore, 1, too, must command your terrible yet friendly offices." " I shall kill myself," said Miss Lydia Wayne, " as soon as I see there is any neces- sity for my doing so ; but I hope to kill at least one of the villains first." At this moment a number of the guerrillao —Blyer among them — were heard in the main apartment of the cavern. " Yes," said the voice of the chief, " bring out the colonel, and some of you fetch young Dunbar along. We'll parade 'cm together, and send 'em to Heaven in company. Then for the rest of the fun afterward." "Oh! Fenton— Fenton ! they're coming ! Don't, In mercy's name, wait another min- ute!" murmured Ellen, hastily. "Let me ■die now, and by your hand." "My God! and must it be!" cried the young man, in very agony. At that moment there was another loud call in the outer chamber. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE TABLE TURNED. "Hark! keep quiet, both of you," com- manded Ellen's aunt Lydia. "Then, in a more gracious voice: "There's time enough to die when all hopes of a happy life are passed. They are not coming here yet." At this moment those who had gone for Fenton made their report. "Not there!" roarnd the chiff. Where thr deui'c is In- then? Hecan't Ijav,- c-scaped. Some time was uuw lost in tlie search. At length Blyer's patience gave out, and again he'roared : " Come here, you confounded fools, some of you ; look in the place where the gals are eonfiued—ten to one he's there," and with- out waiting to see whether he was obeyed or not, he liimseLt hurried forward, followed by his lieutenant, the Confederate officer, and one or two men. " Bring a torch, some one," he cried, as he stood in the entrance to the chamber. One was quickly brought. "Ha— ha! " exclaimed the blood-stained villain, " there you are, eh? I thought so. THE WAR LIBRARY 'il Well, I suppose you might as well die right where j'ou are now, as at auy other place and time," and he slowly raised a pistol to tal- i :i|'t;iiii .- iiir. " Why, ii:illv, coliiii.l, the request is so unusual— in fiict, the thing itself so " began Captain Fuinhild, hesitatingly. "And yet " interrupted Wayne, and again he whispered. "Yes— yes!" exclaimed the captain at last; " I can understand how you must feel about the matter, and if the dirty whelp don't object to your plan, I won't." Colonel Wayne instantly went over to where the Confederate oiBcer lay. "I know you. Captain Floyd," he said, " and I know the great influence you exert at Richmond. But I also know you for a consummate villain. I heard all that passed between you and Blyer and his lieutenant. Now, then, if you will fight me at once, and here, you have a chance for your life; if you will not fight, you die inside of fifteen minutes by the rope." "This is hard, colonel," whined the cowardly villain. " Is it as hard as the fate you intended for ine and my daughter?" exclaimed the col- onel sternly. 'Then, as Floyd remained si- lent: "Come! be quick— decide!" " I— 1 will fight !" stammered the villain. " Cut his bonds, and give him a sword," said Wayne, to one of the guards. Then, turning to Fairchild: "Captain, will you lend me yours for a moment?" Captain Fairchild silently handed him his blade. The colonel advanced toward his detested enemy. Suddenly, Floyd, thinking he saw a enhance to get in a death-blow, rushed bold- ly upon him with uplifted sword. Wayne, however, was watching him with eagle eye; and, as he was about to strike, brought his own sword down with a curved stroke across his neck, nearly severing his head from his body. The scoundrel fell dead without a groan. "Now," said the colonel, calmly, wiping his sword, and returning it to Fairchild, " let us go the ladies." "Willingly;" and they hastened to the chamber where they had been confined. They found Grit already there, deep in conversation with Hilda Mason, while Fenton was conversing with Ellen and her strong-minded aunt. Millie Wardsworth was seated beside Mrs. Mason, who had just returned to con- sciousness. On hearing approaching footsteps, she looked up. " Charley Fairchild ! " she exclaimed, and instantly her face was suffused with blushes. "Millie! Is it possible ?" cried the aston- ished officer; "and have I really, without knowing it, been of service to you, of al' women in the world ?" "Indeed you have, Charley ;"— then, t( hide her confusion— "and you will do us an other great service, if you'll only take u away from this horrible place with the least possible delay." "Arrah! be aisy, thin, will ye? Och! lave go bitin' av me fingers. Ye won't, ye dhirty spalpeen ? Thin take that ! and that ! Och, thin ye've let go at last, have ye? Well, I know'd long ago that we'd be ther death av aich other some day, an' sure, it's come thrue at last." " What's that, Tim ?" asked Fenton Dun- bar, curiously. " Why, sor, your honor, I've jist kilted ther murdherin' villain what wanted to kill all av us that day, whin ye fell into ther wather forninst me, ye moind." " What !— and is Blyer really dead, then ?" asked Grit. "He is, sor." "I thought I finished him myself," said Colonel Wayne. "Y'edidnot, thin," affirmed Tim; "but, sure, he's dead intirely now, sor, afther bitin' me fingers nearly off— ther haythen, ther Turk !" "Well, I'm glad you've made sure of him at last," said the colonel, "Now there's only the scoundrelly lieutenant to deal with." " I fixed him " said Grit, calmly. " Good ! Then the rest can be easily dis- posed of ; we'll leave them to the tender mercies of Uncle Sam. " I don't care wl ers," exclaimed M ly; "but, Charliy away from here a^ " I'm perfec ines of the prison- nlsworth, warm-- ', 1 say, take us -ar^ possible." le, 1 assure you," laughed the handsome Yankee captain; "but the question is, where shall I take you to?" "Why, back to my house, to be sure," said Mrs. Mason. "No! no! that will never do," interposed Grit, hastily, and then he whispered a few words to the colonel. " Mr. Carroll is right," said Colonel Wayne, gravely; " you cannot return to Gleuwood at present, dear madam." " And why not, pray ?" "The fact is," said the colonel, slowly, " these miserable vandals haven't left the place in a habitable condition— for one thing." " Then what can we do ?" asked the poor lady, almost in despair. said ( . , _ . emember there is a fine large house within the Union lines, which I can easily manage to put at your disposal— in fact, I promise to do so. And then, you can have the society of Colonel Wayne and Lieuten- ant Dunbar for as long as they are willing to remain with you, and I pledge myself that they shall return to their commands the moment they have a disposition to do so." "I must say I like the captain's plan," said Colonel Wayne, after a little consideration ; " and I am sure a few days' rest will do me no harm. The fact is, my friends, I received a rather uncomfortable wound at Gleuwood the other day, and I find it is troubling me even now." " And for my part, I shan't at all object to keeping your company," said Fenton Dun- bar, heartily. " And if we go, I can see you often, can I not, Clinton V" Hilaa asked the scout in a whisper. "You shall see as much of me as you wish?" Grit eagerly answered. "That will be a great deal, then," she murmured, with downcast eyes. " Then ]/o», at leant, think none the less of me, for fighting for the old Union ?" "No, indeed!" Were you not aware, CUnton, that I, too, am Union at heart?" "You, Hilda?— and yet, how could I even doubt it?" " I am sure you need never have done so. For my part, I cannot forget that my father was a senator of the whole United my dear girl," exclaimed Grit, heartily. " You have made me supremely happy." "Fall in! Fall in!" The command went forth in cheerful tones, and soon the party was ready for the road. The return march to the Union lines was accomplished without incident or accident, and the house Captain Fairchild had prom- ised them, was duly turned over to Mrs. Mason and her party, and there they re- mained for some time. At length, when a new movement of the armies rendered a change necessary, Mrs. Mason and her daughter, together with Aunt Lydia and Ellen, returned South, the colonel and Fenton Dunbar having rejoined their commands some time before. But Millie Wardsworth decided not to go South again. She listened to Charley Fair- child's earnest pleadings, and they were quietly married, he obtaining a furlough for the purpose. For a bridal tour they went North ; and when the captain was obliged to rejoin his regiment, he left his wife with his mother in their pretty country home, telling them they must be company for each other, until the cruel war was over. Time sped by. Battle after battle was lost and won. Grit Carroll and his three brave comrades did no- ble service, seldom resting, and always found where duty called, no matter what the dan- ger might be. But, as yet, although he had fired at him scores of times. General Stuart had never been touched by his bullets. At length oame the fearful series of bat- 24 6-Ao THE WAR LIBRARY. ties fought iu the vicinity of the Wilder- you would like, I will tell you just how it was." All were respectfully silent while he spoke, and they could not be otherwise than atten- tive, for the man's description of the battle was so precise, so circumstantial, so elo- quent, and so startlingly vivid, that those who had been there seemed to be living the fiery scenes over again. When he had concluded, all imderstood, and there was room for no more dispute. On the following morning, the soldier of Shiloh went to the office to settle his bill previous to departure, and asked the amount of his indebtedness. Said the landlord : •' You were iu the army ?" " Yes, sir." " May I ask what office you held ?" " I held no commission, sir. I was but a private soldier." '■ If it possible? Well, sir, I shall claim the privilege of celebrating this rare event by making you a present of a receipted bill without further cost to you. Of the thou- sands of soldiers that have stopped at my house since the close of the war, you arc the first private on record!" 'tits," and drive him out of the conflict. "All right, general," said Sheridan; and instantly he started after the great laider. Two days later, that is to say, on the eleventh day of May, 18G4, his cavalry had reached a placed called Yellow Tavern, about six miles from Richmond, and here they encountered an immense body of rebel cavalry commanded by Stuart m person. Sheridan instantly ordered a charge, and a terrible battle at o'nce ensued. Grit Carroll was in the van, and, as the hostile columns came together, he was brought almost face to face with Stuart. Like lightniug his carbine sprang to his shoulder. Crack ! And General J. E. B. Stuart fell to rise no more ! It was all over in an instant, and a teelmg almost akin to pain or sorrow took posses- sion of him. " That is mv last shot," he said, and quiet- ly fell to the iear. "The fight was over. Their great leader was gone, and the rebels had no heart to struggle longer. Many horses, and most of their guns fell into the Federals' hands. It was a great victory for Sheridan. CHAPTER XXX. CON'CLnSION. When Sid Xewton, together with Tom and Charley, came upon the scout that night, they were alarmed to find that he was seri- ously wounded. "Yes, boys," he said, "I'm badly hit, the ball struck me just as I fired my last shot But," he quickly added, "it doesn't much matter now, poor Elmer is wholly and fearfully aveuged, at last. The war is almost over, and so I shall ask for my discharge." A little later, he aid so, and after some de- lay, it was granted. Soon after, he and Hilda Mason were mar- __ reside at Glen wood, where their chil dren fill the house with sunshine. Sid Newton, Tom Merrett, and Charley Clayton all remained in the army until the close of the war. They have since bought large tracts in the South, and are prospering, as they deserve. Captain Fletcher Burnham, led on by ambition, became a brigadier-general, and I have heard him say, that had the war lasted six months longer, he would have worn two stars on each shoulder instead of one. He is now a member of congress from his native state. Captain Ingold also prospered ; but he was contented with a major's commission, and, I am glad to state, is in the army still. Tim O'Connell, God bless him, became a corporal, and after the close of the war, man, he stumbled into a fortune. He .s president of a big mining company to-day. Now for our rebel friends. Colonel Wayne, being seriously wounded in the Valley, resigned his commisson ic the fall of 1864, and thereafter remained quietly on his plantation, where he still resides, with Aunt Lydia for his housekeeper. Fenton Dunbar became a captain ; and, after the war was over, married Ellen, who now graces his beautiful Richmond home, he being a bank president in what was once the Confederate capital. [THE END.] RARE SPECIMENS. Perhaps you have heard of the rare speci- mens of soldierly humanity that appeared at a popular hotel in the Southwest. Iu the large bar-room of the house, during the evening, a discussion arose touohiug certain events that transpired at the battle of Shiloh. The dispute waxed warm. Many of those present had been in the war, some engaged on one side and some on the other, and, be- ing military men— and oilicers at that, they were very emphatic. At length a modest gentleman, who had been sitting in a far corner, quietly listening, arose and came forward. " Gentleman," said he, " I happened to be engaged in that battle— was in at the be- ginning, aud came out at the end— and, if Persuasiveness of the Musket. General Steedman tells a good story which is applicable to the manner in which the aristocratic Sixtieth Rifles recently skipped out in front of Ramleh, and gave everything up to the Egyptians. While near Nashville the general had a negro regiment on the picket line, and a young, bright mulatto sergeant in command of a post got the drop on a rebel post and captured the whole out- fit. The rebels were a crowd of high-step- ping young Virginians, and some of them were badly wrought up by the idea of having to surrender to a "lot of niggers." General Steedman took their commander a fine young fellow, into his tent, extended some little courtesies to him, and, in the course of his conversation, said: "It was a little tough, lieutenant, to be taken in by colored soldiers, but war has strange experiences." " Well, general," said the other, as he set down his glass, "I've l)een in the army now nearly four years, and if I've learned any- thing, it has been a profound respect for the musket. When the muzzle is shoved into my face I don't usually ask any questions as to whose got hold of the breech."— rotcdo Blade. 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