THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA C378 UK3 I83iil S«S;TV OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00036720343 This book musf not be token from the Library building. Form No. 471 Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from University of Nortli Carolina at Chapel Hill >r^iifi TELIVEEED CEFORE THE ItlJLECTlC »2A^n PHIL^lJ\^THROrit ■SfT CHAPEL HILL, N. C. awsm mi assas ^Y^ THE HON. JAMES IREDELL* f-RINTED BY Isaac (j. PATRIDCE, 1834. COUKESPONDFNCi:. University of Noktii Cakolin-.*, Juyi; '2GiI), l8ol. Dear Sir — The uiiJersigucd have l)ccu appointed a Comiuitlt'c, by (ht; Pliilaiithropic Socu'ty, to request lor publicaiioii a copy of your A'I'.lress, JelivcrcJ on the day preceding Commencement. Tliey ta!;o [ileasure in communicating to you the high satisfaction which it afl'orded and the llat- teriiig approbation \vit!i which it was received. They take this opportunity of making their acknowledgments for the salutary advice which it contained and the lessons of wisdom which it inculcated. Yours, very respectfully, lion. J.iMES Ikedell. RlCfl'D B. CREECY, ) HAYWOOD W. GUIO.V, V JAMES H. IIUTCiil^'y, ) CommilUc Raleigu, June SSth, 1831. Young Gentlemen— I received on the 26th instant, a note of that date, which you addressed to nic as a Committee of the Philanthro|iic Society, requesting for publication a copy of the Address delivered to the two Societies of the University on the day before the Commencement. — Constant occupation has prevented me from answering it until to-day. — I can say with unalll'cted sincerity that T know of no merit in the Address which should entitle it to the honor of being published by tlic Society. If you believe, however, that any good may result from such a course, I am willing to defer to your judgment, and will furnish you with a copy as soon as 1 can make a fair one, having had no ojiportunity of doing so before it was delivered. For your own very complimentary note, and for the favorable opinion entertained by the Society of this humble effort, I tender to yourselves aud to them my sincere acknowledgments. With great esteem, your obedient servant, JA. IREDELL. '!*ilcssrs. Ricu'd 13. Creecv, Commit fee o/ the P'lilanlhropic Society/. Ricu'd 13. Creecv, ^ H.AYwooD W. Gulo :, > J.\MES H. HuTCill.VS', 5 -*5fe Yoviis^ GcnUe.mcn of Ihv DiaJcciic and Philantliropic Socictin;: I appear bcfuro you in obotlitMiCc !o the inv'tntion wills wliirli j'ou lionorf'd inc. In accepting litis invii.iii'n, T l;ave given you the strongest proof ot my desire to gra ify your ui^Oies and of my willingness to coniriliilc my po'ii'"!, liouevcr hnmhie, to llic entertainments of the day. UnskiMed in literary cxrrcisfs, an iinfreqiient wor.-^liipper in the temples of the ]Mus( s, and nnacciistomed to the diameter voii have nssigneJ me, I any vanity to l)e mortified. I shonid Ir.ivc shrnnk from a tnf^k, the performance of wliich has Iieretofurc I'Gcn illnstraicd by f;rniu5 and taslc and eloquence. Ilavisig, liouever, no ohjcci bnt your good, I .shall be anply reward- ed for all personal sacrifice, if any thini: I can sav on this occasion shall have the effect of animating one viritious j->rincip]c, of giving constancy to one generous impidse or ■s igor to oiic noble resolution. I can. well imagine, my young friends, llie emotions you feel on this return of the annual Collegiate Jubilee — your Joy at having passer! honorably through another year of pre- paration for the great duties of life — the bright hopes of the future, which you cherish wiih all the enthii-ia.-