/p:^^=. \^ "^-^^^ Please Return tt xo ')m m^'m m-im^ Private Library. No. M<^ 5 <^^^ ^ .9^"^' \ r.=<^^ '«%*-■' .^^^-^ Bio, '^^< 'e^ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA A1.C0VE vShei^f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/blowpipeguidetoiOOplym l/Jf/son /innt)-- BLOWPIPE; GUIDE TO ITS USE DETERMIKATION OF SALTS AND imERALS. COMPILED FR03L YAEIOUS SOURCES BY GEO. W. PLYMPTON, C.E., A.M., tKOFESSOR OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, BROOKLYN, N.Y. :SrEW YOEK : D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN ST. 181L Entered according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 18T4, bt d. van NOSTRAXD, In the Office of the Librarian 'of Congress, at Washington. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. rxam Preface, . . . • 7 The Use of the Blowpipe, • . . 9 Utensils — The Blowpipe, . . . . 12 The Oil Lamp, 22 The Spirit Lamp, • ... 23 Charcoal Support . . . • 24 Platinum Supports, 2G Iron Spoons, . . . , •• ♦ • . . .28 Glass Tubes, 28 Other Apparatus necessary, . . . . • . . .31 Thk ReagexNts, , . .34 Reagents of General Use, 34 ■ Carbonate of Soda, . 84 Hydrate of Baryta, 35 Bi-sulphate of Potassa, .•.••••• 35 Oxalate of Potassa, .... , , . « 86 Cyanide of Potassium, ..•».... S6 IV (J N T 1-: NTS. PACK The Reagents — (continued.) Nitrate of Potassa, ...•,•,,. 37 Borax, . 38 MicrocosDiic Salt, . 39 Nitrate of Cobalt, . . , . 40 Tin, . 41 Silica, .... . 42 Test Papers, . 42 Especial Reagents, . . , . 43 Boracic Acid, .... . 43 Fluorspar, . . , . 43 Oxalate of Xickel, . . 43 Oxide of Copper, . 43 Antimoniate of Potassa, . . 44 Silver Foil, . . 44 Kitroprusside of Sodium, . , . 44 PART II. Initiatory Analysis, 47 Examination with the Glass Bulb, 47 " in the Open Tube, 52 " upon Charcoal, 55 " in the Platinum Forceps, 61 " in the Borax Bead, 69 " in Microcosmic Salt, 72 Table I. — Colors of Beads of Borax and Microcosmic Salt, . .75 Table II. — Behavior of Metallic Oxydes with Borax and Microcosmic Salt, . . 85 Examinations with Carbonate of Soda, 103 Contents PART III. PAGE The DETERMrNATiOiSr of Minebals by the Aid of the Blowpipe 105 Table of Reactions : I. The substance reduced to a powder is placed upon Cliar- coal and heated with the blowpipe flame . . .109 1. It volatilizes or burns 109 2. It yields an alliaceous odor 113 3. It yields the odor of decayed horse-radish . .115 4. It gives off fumes of antimony 115 5. It forms upon the charcoal a whitish coating, which tinges the reduction flame green . . . .118 6. The residue has an alkaline reaction . . .119 7. The residue is magnetic 123 II. The substance mixed with the Carbonate of Soda is placed upon Charcoal and heated in the reduction flame . 125 1. The fused mass gives the sulphur reaction upon sil- ver. There is also a metallic globule . . . 125 2. The fused mass gives the sulphur reaction, but no metallic globule 128 3. The fused mass does not afford the sulphur reaction, but yields a metallic bead 130 III. The Borax Bead is violet in the exterior flame . . 134 1. Minerals with metallic lustre 134 2. Minerals without metallic lustre .... 135 IV. The pulverized substance, heated with Cobalt solution, exhibits a green color 137 V. The substance dissolves completely in Hydrochloric Acid 137 1. It is fusible before the blowpipe .... 137 2. It is infusible before the blowpipe .... 139 vi Contents. FAGE Table of Reactions— (Continued.) VI. The substance is partially dissolved in llydrocLloric Acid, forming a gelatinous mass .... 141 1. Fusible before the blowpipe 141 2. Infusible before the blowpipe 144 VII. The substance dissolves in Hydrochloric Acid, leaving a residue of Silica, but not in a gelatinous form , 145 1. Anhydrous bodies 145 2. Hydrates . .147 VIII. The substance is insoluble in Hydrochloric Acid, and yields in the microcosmic salt bead a skeleton of Silica 149 1. It is fusible before the blowpipe 2. It is infusible 149 150 IX. Minerals belonging to neither of the preceding groups 152 155 15G 157 157 158 Appendix a. The flame of Lithia distinguished from Strontia " h. Reaction of Manganese salts on Baryta . " c. Detection of Baryta in presence of Strontia . '* d. Action of Baryta on Titanic Acid . *' e. Detection of minute quantities of Manganese " /. Method of distinguishing the Protoxide of Iron from the Sesquioxide .... " g. Detection of minute traces of Copper . " 7i. Detection of Lead in presence of Bismuth " ^. Detection of Antimony in tube sublimates " j. Chlorate of Potassa as a reagent , ** k. Iridium and its Oxide .... 158 159 159 160 161 162 PREFACE The following pages have been compiled from such avai-lable material as seemed best adapted to the needs of the beginner in the use of the blowpipe. Parts I and II have been adapted with but few emenda- tions from the work of Sheerer and Blanford. The altera- tions have chiefly been in the chemical symbols, the new nomenclature replacing the old. Part III is translated from " Guide Pratique pour la Determination des Mineraux," par Aug. Gnerout ; the orig- inal was written by Dr. Fuchs of Heidelberg. In place of the complex chemical formulas of the French and German works, I have, in consequence of the elementary character of the book, preferred to give the chemical names. As a'convenient guide to the learner, this compilation is offered to scientific students. Geo, W. Pltmptoi^. PoLYTEcnNic Institute Brooklyn, July, 1874 :e,) THE BLOWPIPE. Part First, THE USE OF THE BLOWPIPE. Perhaps during the last fifty years, no department of chem« istry has been so enriched as that relating to analysis by means of the Blowpipe. Through the unwearied exertions of men of science, the use of this instrument has arrived to such a degree of perfection, that we have a right to term its use, " Analysis in the dry way," in contradistinction to analysis " in the wet way." The manipulations are so simple and expeditious, and the results so clear and characteristic, that the Blowpipe analysis not only verifies and completes the results of analysis in the wet way, but it gives in many cases direct evidences of the presence or absence of many substances, which would not be otherwise detected, but through a troublesome and tedious process) involving both prolixity and time ; for instance, the detection of manganese in minerals. Many substances have to go through Blowpipe manipulations before they can be submitted to an analysis in the wet way. 1* 10 T II E Blowpipe. The apparatus and reagents employed are compendious and small in number, so that they can be carried easily while on scientific excursions, a considerable advantage for mineralogists and metallurgists. The principal operations with the Blowpipe may be ex- plained briefly as follows : (a.) By Ignition is meant the exposure of a substance to such a degree of heat, that it glows or emits light, or becomes red-hot. Its greatest value is in the separation of a volatile substance from one less volatile, or one which is entirely fixed at the temperature of the flame. In this case we only take cognizance of the latter or fixed substance, although in many instances we make use of ignition for the purpose of changing the conditions of a substance, for example, the sesqui-oxide of chromium (Cr^O^) in its insoluble modification ; and as a preliminary examination for the purpose of ascertaining whether the subject of inquiry be a combination of an organic or inor- ganic nature. The apparatus used for this purpose are crucibles of pla- tinum or silver, platinum foil, a platinum spoon, platinum wire or tongs, charcoal, glass tubes, and iron spoons. (J).) Sublimation is that process by which we convert a solid substance into vapor by means of a strong heat. These vapors are condensed by refrigeration into the solid form. It may be termed a distillation of a solid substance. Sublimation is of great consequence in the detection of many substances ; for nstance, arsenic, antimony, mercury, etc. The apparatus used for the purposes of sublimation consist of glass tubes closed at one end. (c.) Fusion. — Many substances when exposed to a certain Cegree of heat lose their solid form, and are converted into a liquid. Those substances which do not become converted into the liquid state by heat, are said to be infusible. It is a convenient classification to arrange substances into those which are fusible vrith difficulty, and those which are easily fusible. Very often we resort to fusion for the purpose of decomposing a I T S U S E . 11 substance, or to cause it to enter into other combinations, by which means it is the more readily detected. If insoluble sub- stances are fused with others more fusible (reagents) for the purpose of causing a combination which is soluble in water and acids, the operation is termed unclosing. These substances are particularly the silicates and the sulphates of the alkaline earths. The usual reagents resorted to for this purpose are carbonate of soda (NaaCOg), carbonate of potash (KoCOg), or still better, a mixture of the two in equal parts. In some cases we use the hydrate of barytes [Ba(II0)2] and the bisul- phate of potash (KHSO4). The platinum spoon is generally used for this manipulation. Substances are exposed to fusion for the purpose of getting a new combination Avhich has such distinctive characteristics that we can class it under a certain group ; or for the pur- pose of ascertaining at once what the substance may be. The re-agents used for this purpose are borax [NaH(B02)2] and the microcosmic salt (Na, NIL, IIPO4). Charcoal and the platinum wire are used as supports for this kind of opera- tion. {d.) Oxidation. — The chemical combination of any substance with oxygen is termed oxidation, and the products are termed oxides. As these oxides have qualities differing from those which are non-oxidized, it therefore frequently becomes neces- sary to convert substances into oxides ; or, if they are such, of a lower degree, to convert them into a higher degree of oxidation. These different states of oxidation frequently pre- sent characteristic marks of identity sufficient to enable us to draw conclusions in relation to the substance under examina- tion. For instance, the oxidation of manganese, of arsenic, etc. The conditions necessary for oxidation, are high temperature and the free admission of air to the substance. If the oxidation is effected through the addition of a sub- stance containing oxygen (for instance, the nitrate or chlorate of potash) and the heating is accompanied by a lively defla- gration and crackling noise, it is termed detonation: By this 12 T 11 E B L o w r I p E . process we frequeutly effect the oxidation of a substance, and thus we prove the presence or the absence of a certain class of substances. For mstance, if we detonate (as it is termed by the German chemists) the sulphide of antimony, or the sulphide of arsenic with nitrate of potash, we get the nitrate of antimony, or the nitrate of arsenic. The salts of nitric or chloric acid are determined by fusing them with the cyanide of potassium, because the salts of these acids detonate. (e.) Reduction. — If we deprive an oxidized substance of its oxygen, we term the process reduction. This is effected by fusing the substance under examination with another which possesses a greater affinity for oxygen. The agents used for reduction are hydrogen, charcoal, soda, cyanide of potas- sium, etc. Substances generally, when in the unoxidized state, have such characteristic quaUties, that they cannot very readily be mistaken for others. For this reason, reduction. is a very excellent expedient for the purpose of discerning and classifying many substances. B. UTENSILS. We shall give here a brief description of the most necessary apparatus used for analysis in the dry way, and of their use. The Blowpipe is a small instrument, made generally out of brass, silver, or German silver, and was principally used in ear- lier times for the purpose of soldering small pieces of metals together. It is generally made in the form of a tube, bent at a right angle, but without a sharp corner. The largest one is about seven inches long, and the smallest about two inches. The latter one terminates with a small point, with a small orifice. The first use of the blowpipe that we have recorded is that of a Swedish mining officer, who used it in the year 1738 for chemical purposes, but we have the most meagre accounts of his operations. In IT 58 another Swedish mining officer, by the name of Cronstedt, published his " Use of the Blowpipe in Its Use i; Chemistry and Mineralogy," translated into English, in IT TO, by Van Engestroem. Bergman extended its use, and after him Ghan and the venerable Berzelius Q821). The blowpipe most generally used in chemical examinations is com- posed of the folio wing parts : {Fig. 1.) A is a little reservoir made air-tight by grinding the part B into it. This re- servoir serves the purpose of retaining the moisture with which the air from the mouth is charged. A small coni- cal tube is fitted to this reservoir. This tube terminates in a fine ori- fice. As this small point is liable to get clogged up with soot, etc., it is bet- ter that it should be made of platinum, so that it may be ignited. Two of these platinum tubes should be suppUed, differing in the size of the orifice, by •which a stronger or lighter current of flame may be projected from it. Metals, such as brass or German sil- ver, are very liable to become dirty through oxidation, and when placed between the lips are liable to im- part a disagreeable taste. To avoid this, the top of the tube must be sup- plied with a mouthpiece of ivory or horn C. The blowpipe here repre- sented is the one used by Ghan, and approved by Berzelius. The trumpet mouthpiece was adopted by Plattner ; it is pressed upon the lips while blowing, which is less tiresome than holding the mouthpiece between the lips, although many prefer the latter mode. Dr. Black's blowpipe is as good an instrument and cheaper. 14: T 11 i: ]j L () w 1' I p K It consists of tv.'o tubes, soldered at a, riglit angle ; the larger one, into which tJie air is blown, is of sufficient capacity to serve as a reservoir. A chemist can, with a blowpipe and a piece o? charcoal, determine many substances without any reagents, thus enabling him, even when travelling, to make useful investigations with means which are always at his disposal. There are pocket blowpipes as portable as a pencil case, such as Wollaston's and Mitscherlich's ; these are objectionable for continued use as tjieir construction requires the use of a metallic mouthpiece. Mr. Casamajor, of New York, has made one lately which has an ivory mouthpiece, and which, when in use, is like Dr. Black's. The length of the blowpipe is generally seven or eight inches, but this depends very much upon the visual angle of the operators. A short-sighted person, of cours?, v/ould I T S U S E . 15 require an instrument of less length than would suit a far- sighted person. The purpose required of the blowpipe is to introduce a fine current of air into the flame of a candle or lamp, bj which a higher degree of heat is induced, and consequently combustion is more rapidly accomplished. By inspecting the flame of a candle burning under usual circumstances, we perceive at the bottom of the flame a por- tion which is of a light blue color {a h), Fig. 2, which gra- dually diminishes in size as it recedes from the wick, and disap- pears when it reaches the perpendicular side of the flame. In the midst of the flame there is a dark nucleus with a conical form (c). This is enveloped by the illuminating portion of the flame {d). At the exterior edge of the part d we perceive a thin, scarcely visible veil, a, e, c, which is broader near the apex of the flame. The action of the burning candle may be thus explained. The radiant heat from the flame melts the tallow or wax, which then passes up into the texture of the wick by capillary attraction until it reaches the glowing wick, vv^liere the heat decomposes the combustible matter into cnr- buretted hydrogen (C^II^), and into carbonic oxide (CO). While these gases are rising in hot condition, the air comes in contact with them and effects their combustion. The dark portion, c, of the flame is where the carbon and gases have not a suSiciency of air for their thorough combustion ; but gra- dually they become mixed with air, although not then sufficient for complete combustion. The hydrogen is first oxidized or burnt, and then the carbon is attacked by the air, although par- ticles of carbon are separated, and it is these, in a state of intense ignition, which produce the illumination. By bringing any oxidizable substance into this portion of the flame, it oxi- dizes very quickly in consequence of the high temperature and the free access of air. For that reason this part of the flame is termed the oxidizing flame, while the illuminating por- tion, by its tendency to abstract oxygen for the purpose of complete combustion, easily reduces oxidized substances 16 T II E B L O W P I P K . brought into it, and it is, therefore, called the ilame of reduc- tion. In the oxidizing flame, on the contrary, all the carbon which exists in the interior of the flame is oxidized into carbonic acid (CO^) and carbonic oxide (CO), while the blue color of the cone of the flame is caused by the complete combustion of the carbonic oxide. These two portions of the flame — the oxidizing and the reducing — are the principal agents of blowpipe analysis. If we introduce a fine current of air into a flame, we notice the following : The air strikes first the dark nucleus, and forc- ing the gases beyond it, mixes with them, by which oxygen is mingled freely with them. This effects the complete combus- tion of the gases at a certain distance from the point of the blowpipe. At this j^lace the flame has the highest tempera- ture, forming there the point of a blue cone. The illuminated or reducing portion of the flame is enveloped outside and inside by a very hot flame, whereby its own temperature is so much increased that in this reduction-flame many substances will undergo fusion which would prove perfectly refractory in a common flame. The exterior scarcely visible part loses its form, is diminished, and pressed more to a point, by which its heating power is greatly increased. The Blast of Air. — By using the blowpipe for chemical pur- poses, the effect intended to be produced is an uninterrupted steady stream of air for many minutes together, if necessary, without an instant's cessation. Therefore, the blowing can only be effected with the muscles of the cheeks, and not by the exertion of the lungs. It is only by this means that a steady constant stream of air can be kept up, while the lungs will not be injured by the deprival of air. The details of the pro- per manner of using the blowpipe are really more difficult to describe than to acquire by practice ; therefore the pupil is requested to apply himself at once to its practice, by which he will soon learn to produce a steady current of air, and to dis- tinguish the different flames from each other. We would simply say that the tongue must be applied to the roof of the I T S U S E . 17 mouth, so as to interrupt the commuuicatioa between the passage of the nostrils and the mouth. The operator now fills his mouth with air, which is to be passed through the pipe by compressing the muscles of the cheeks, while he breathes through the nostrils, and uses the palate as a valve. When the mouth becomes nearly empty, it is replenished by the lungs in an instant, while the tongue is momentarily withdrawn from the roof of the mouth. The stream of air can be continued for a long time, without the least fatigue or injury to the lungs. The easiest way for the student to accustom himself to the use of the blowpipe, is first to learn to fill the mouth with air, and while the lips are kept firmly closed to breathe freely through the nostrils. Having effected this much, he may introduce the mouthpiece of the blowpipe between his lips. By inflating the cheeks, and breathing through the nostrils, he will soon learn to use the instrument without the least fatigue. The air is forced through the tube against the flame by the action of the muscles of the cheeks, while he continues to breathe without interruption through the nostrils. Having become acquainted with this process, it only requires some practice to produce a steady jet of flame. A defect in the nature of the combustible used, as bad oil, such as fish oil, or oil thickened by long stand- ing or by dirt, dirty cotton wick, or an untrimmed one, or a dirty wickholder, or a want of steadiness of the hand that holds the blowpipe, will prevent a steady jet of flame. But frequently the fault lies in the orifice of the jet, or too small a hole, or its partial stoppage by dirt, which will prevent a steady jet of air, and lead to difficulty. With a good blowpipe the air projects the entire flame, forming a horizontal, blue cone of flame, which converges to a point at about an inch from the wick, with a larger, longer, and more luminous flame enveloping it, and terminating to a point beyond that of the blue flame. To produce an efficient flame of oxidation, put the point of the blowpipe into the flame about one third the diameter of the wick, and about one twelfth of an inch above it. This, IS The U l o w p I p e . however, depends upon the size of the flame used. Blow strong cnougli to keep the flame straight and horizontal, using the largest orifice for the purpose. Upon examining the flame thus produced, we will observe a long, blue flame, a h, Fig. 3, which letters correspond with the same letters in Fig. 2, But this flame has changed its form, and contains all the combus- tible gases. It forms now a thin, blue cone, which converges to a point about an inch from the wick. This point of the flame possesses the highest intensity of temperature, for there the combustion of the gases is the most complete. In the original flame, the hottest part forms the external envelope, but here it is compressed more into a point, fonning the cone of the blue flame, and likewise au envelope of flame surround- ing the blue one, extending beyond it from a to c, and present- ing a light bluish or brownish color. The external flame has the highest temperature at d, but this decreases from d to c. If there is a very high temperature, the oxidation is not effected so readily in many cases, unless the substance is removed a little from the flame ; but if the heat be not too high, it is readilv oxidized in the flame, or near its cone. If the current I T S U S E . IS of air is blown too freely or violently into the flame, more air is forced there than is sufficient to consume the gases. This superfluous air only acts detrimentally, by cooling the flame. In general the operation proceeds best when the substance is kept at a dull red heat. The blue cone must be kept free from straggling rays of the yellow or reduction flame. If the analy- sis be effected on charcoal, the blast should not be too strong, as a part of the coal would be converted into carbonic oxide, which would act antagonistically to the oxidation. The oxida- tion flame requires a steady current of air, for the purpose of keeping the blue cone constantly of the same length. For the purpose of acquiring practice, the following may be done : Melt a little molybdic acid with some borax, upon a platinum wire, about the sixteenth of an inch from the point of the blue cone. In the pure oxidation flame, a clear yellowish glass is •formed ; but as soon as the reduction flame reaches it, or the point of the blue cone touches it, the color of the bead changes to a brown, which, finally, after a little longer blowing, becomes quite dark, and loses its transparency. The cause of this is, that the molybdic acid is very easily reduced to a lower degree of oxidation, or to the oxide of molybdenum. The flame of oxidation will again convert this oxide into the acid, and this conversion is a good test of the progress of the student in the use of the blowpipe. In cases where we have to sepa- rate a more oxidizable substance from a less one, we use with success the blue cone, particularly if we wish to determine whe- ther a substance has the quality, when submitted to heat in the blue cone, of coloring the external flame. A good reduction flame can be obtained by the use of a small orifice at the point of the blowpipe. In order to produce such a flame, hold the point of the blowpipe higher above the wick, while the nozzle must not enter the flame so far as in the pro- duction of the oxidation flame. The point of the blowpipe should only touch the flame, while the current of air blown into it must be stronger than into the oxidation flame. If we pro- ject a stream, in the manner mentioned, into the flame, from 20 T H E 13 L o w p I r i: . the smaller side of the wick to the middle, we shall })erceive the iame changed to a long, narrow, luminous cone, a b, Fig. 4, the end a of which is enveloped by the same dimly visible blue- ish colored portion of the flame a, c, which we perceive in the original flame, with its point at c. The portion close above the wick, presenting the dull appearance, is occasioned by the rising gases which have not supplied to them enough oxygen to con- sume them entirely. The hydrogen is consumed, while the carbon is separated in a state of bright ignition, and forms the internal flame. Directly above the wick, the combustion of the gases is least complete, and forms there likewise, as is the case in the free flame, a dark blue nucleus d. If the oxide of a metal is brought into the luminous portion of the flame produced as above, so that the flame envelopes the substance perfectly, the access of air is prevented. The par- tially consumed gases have now a strong affinity for oxygen, under the influence of the intense heat of that part of the flame. The substance is thus deprived of a part, or the whole, of its oxygen, and becomes reduced according to the strength of the affin- I T S U S E . 21 it J which the wsubstance itself has for oxygeD. If the reductiou of a substance is undertaken on platinum, by fusion with a flux, and if the oxide is difficult to reduce, the reduction will be completely effected only in the luminous part of the flame. But if a substance be reduced on charcoal, the reduction will take place in the blue part of the flame, as long as the access of au* is cut off ; but it is the luminous part of the flame which really possesses the greatest reducing power. The following should be observed in order to procure a good reduction flame : The wick should not be too long, that it may make a smoke, nor too short, otherwise the flame will be too small to produce a heat strong enough for reduction. The wick must be free from all loose threads, and from char- coal. The blast should be continued for a considerable time with- out intermission, otherwise reduction cannot be effected. For the purpose of acquiring practice, the student may fuse the oxide of manganese with borax, upon a platinum wire, in the oxidation flame, when a violet-red glass will be obtained ; or if too much of the oxide be used, a glass of a dark color and opaque will be obtained. By submitting this glass to the reduction flame, it will become colorless in correspondence to the perfection with which the flame is produced. Or a piece of tin may be fused upon charcoal, and kept in that state for a considerable time, while it presents the appearance of a bright metal on the surface. This will require dexterity in the opera- tor ; for, if the oxidation flame should chance to touch the bright metal only for a moment, it is coated with an infusible oxide. Combustion. — Any flame of sufficient size can be used for blowpipe operations. It may be either the flame of a candle of tallow or wax, or the flame of a lamp. The flame of a wax candle, or of an oil lamp is most generally used. Sometimes a lamp is used filled with a solution of spirits of turpentine in strong alcohol. If a candle is used, it is well to cut the wick 99. T ir ]•: I^> L u ^.v !• I V E off short, and to bend the wick a little toward the substance experimented upon. But candles are not the best for blowpipe operations, as the radiant heat, reflecting from the substance upon the wax or tallow, will cause it to melt and run down the side of the candle ; while again, candles do not give heat enough. The lamp is much the most desirable. The subjoined figure, from Berzelius, is perhaps the best form of lamp. It is Fig. 5. made of japanned tin-plate, about four inches in leng'th, and ha? Its Use. 23 the form and arrangement represented in Fig. 5. K is tlie lamp, fastened on the stand, S, by a screw, C, and is movable upwards or downwards, as represented in the figure. The posterior end of the lamp may be about one inch square, and at its anterior end, E, about three-quarters of an inch square. The under side of this box may be round, as seen in the figure. The oil is poured into the orifice, A, which has a cap screwed over it. C is a wick- holder for a flat lamp-wick. « is a socket containing the wick, which, when not in use, is secured from dirt by the cap. The figures B and o! give the forms of the cap and socket. The best combustible for this lamp is the refined rape-seed oil, or pure sweet oil. When this lamp is in use, there must be no loose threads, or no charcoal on the wick, or these will produce a smoky flame. The wick, likewise, should not be pulled up too high, as the same smoky flame would be produced. The Spirit-Lamp. — This is a short, strong glass lamp, with a cap, B, Fig. 6, fitted to it by grinding, to prevent the cva- Fi?. G. poration cf the alcohol, of silver, or of tin plate, The neck a contains a tube C, made ind which contains the wick. Brass 24 The Blowpipe. would not answer so well for this tube, as the spirits would oxidize it, and thus impart color to the flame. The wickholder must cover the edge of the neck, but not fit tight within the tube, otherwise, by its expansion, it will break the glass. It is not necessary that alcohol, very highly rectified, should be burnt in this lamp, although if too much diluted with water, enough heat will not be given out. Alcohol of specific gravity 0.84 to 0.86 is the best. This lamp is generally resorted to by blowpipe analysts, for the purpose of experiments in glass apparatus, as the oily com- bustibles will coat the glass with soot. Some substances, when exposed to the dark part of the flame, become reduced and, in statu nascendi, evaporated ; but by passing through the exter- nal part of the flame, they become oxidized again, and impart a color to the flame. The spirit flame is the most efficient one for the examination of substances the nature of which we wish to ascertain through color imparted to the flame, as that of the spirit-lamp being colorlc:s, is, consequently, most easily and thoroughly recognized by the slightest tinge imparted to it. It is necessary that in operating with such minute quanti- ties of substances as are used in blowpipe analysis, that they should have some appropriate support. In order that no false results may ensue, it is necessary that the supports should be of such a nature that they will not form a chemical combination with the substance while it is exposed to fusion or ignition. Appropriate supports for the different blowpipe experiments are charcoal, platinum instruments, and glass tubes. (a.) Charcoal. — The value of charcoal as a support may be stated as follows : 1. The charcoal is infusible, and being a poor conductor of heat, a substance can be exposed to a higher degree of heat upon it than upon any other substance. 2. It is very porous, and therefore allows easily fusible sub- stances (such as alkalies and fluxes) to pass into it, while other substances less fusible, such as metals, to remain unabsorbed. 3. It has likewise a great reducing power. I T S U 8 E. 25 The best kiad of charcoal is that of pinewood, linden, Tvillow, or alderwood, or any other soft wood. Coal from the firwood sparkles too freely, while that of the hard woods contains too much iron in its ashes. Smooth pieces, free from bark and knots, should be selected. It should be thoroughly burnt, and the annual rings or growths should be as close together as possible. If the charcoal is in masses, it should be sawed into pieces about six inches in length by about two inches broad, but so tliat the year-growths run perpendicular to the broadest side, as the other sides, by their unequal structure, burn unevenly. That the substance under examination may not be carried off by the blast, small conical concavities should be cut in the broad side of the charcoal, between the year-growths, with a conical tube of tin plate about two or three inches long, and one quarter of an inch at one end, and half an inch at the other. These edges are made sharp with a file. The widest end of this charcoal borer is used for the purpose of making cavities for cupeiiation. In places where the proper kind of charcoal is difficult to procure, it is economical to cut common charcoal into pieces about an inch broad, and the third of an inch thick. In each of these little pieces small cavities should be cut with the small end of the borer. When these pieces of charcoal are required for use, they must be fastened to a narrow slip of tin plate, one end of which is bent into the form of a hook, under which the plate of charcoal is pushed. In general, we use the charcoal support where we wish to reduce metallic oxides, to prevent oxidation, or to test the fusibility of a substance. There is another point to which we ^^ould direct the student. Those metals which are volatile in ih?- reduction flame, appear as oxides in the oxidation flame, 'rhese oxides make sublimates upon the charcoal close in the vicinity of the substance, or where it rested, and by their pecu- liar color indicate pretty correctly the species of minerals ex- perimented upon. 26 T II E B L o w p I p E. {b.) Platinum Supj^oris. — The metal platinum is infusible in the blowpipe flame, and is such a poor conductor of heat that a strip of it may be held close to that portion of it which is red hot without the least inconvenience to the fingers. It is necessary that the student should be cognizant of those sub- stances which would not be appropriate to experiment upon if placed on platinum. Metals should not be treated upon platinum apparatus, nor should the easily reducible oxides, sulphides, nor chlorides, as these substances will combine with the jDlatinum, and thus render it unfit for further use in analysis. (c.) Platinum Wire. — As the color of the flame cannot be well discerned when the substance is supported upon charcoal, in consequence of the latter furnishing false colors, by its own reflection, to the substances under examination^ we use plati- num wire for that purpose, when we wish to examine those substances which give indications by the peculiar color which they impart to fluxes. The wire should be about as thick as No. 16 or 18 wire, or about 0.4 millimetre, and cut into pieces about from two and a half to three inches in length. The end of each piece is crooked. In order that these pieces should remain clear of dirt, and ready for use, they should be kept in a glass of water. To use them, we dip the wetted hooked end into the powdered flux (borax or microcosmic salt) some of which will adhere, when we fuse it in the flame of the blowpipe to a bead. This bead hanging in the hook, must be clear and colorless. Should there not adhere a sufficient quantity of the flux in the first trial to form a bead sufiiciently large, the hook must be dipped a second time in the flux and again submitted to the blowpipe flame. To fix the substance to be examined to the bead, it is necessary, while the latter is hot, to dip it in the powdered substance. If the hook is cold, we moisten the powder a little, and then dip the hook into it, and then expose it to the oxida- tion flame, by keeping it exposed to a regular blast until the substance and the flux are fused together, and no further alter- ation is produced by the flame. I T S U S E . 27 The platinum wire can be used except v.bero redaction to the metallic state is required. Every reduction and oxidation experiment, if the results are to be known by the color of the fluxes, should be effected upon platinum wire. At the termina- tion of the experiment or investigation, if it be one, to clean the wire, place it in water, which will dissolve the bead. {d.) Platinum Foil. — For the heating or fusing of a substance, whereby its reduction would be avoided, we use platinum foil as a support. This foil should be of the thickness of good writing paper, and from two and a half to three inches long, by about half an inch broad, and as even and smooth as possi- ble. If it should become injured by long use, cut the injured end off, and if it should prove too short to be held with the fingers, a j^air of forceps may be used to grasp it, or it may be placed on a piece of charcoal (e.) JPla^num Spoon. — When we require to fuse substances with the acid sulphate of potash, or to oxidize them by detonation with nitrate of potash, whereby we wish to preserve the oxide produced, we generally use a little spoon of plati- num, about from nine to fifteen millimetres * in diameter, and shaped as represented in Fig. 1. The handle of this spoon is Fig. T. likewise of platinum, and should fit into a piece of cork, or be held with the forceps. (/.) PlatinuTii Forceps or Tongs. — We frequently are neces- sitated to examine small splinters of metals or minerals directly in the blowpipe flame. These pieces of metallic sub- stances are held with the forceps or tongs represented as in * The French miUimetre is about the twenty-fifth part of an English inch. 28 T H E B L O V/ P I P E . Fig. 8, where a c is formed of steel, and a a are platinum Fig. 8. bars inserted between the steel plates. AX h h are knobs which bj pressure so separate the platinum bars a a, that any small substance can be inserted between them. {g.) Iron Spoons. — For a preliminary examination iron spoons are desirable. They may be made of sheet iron, about one-third of an inch in diameter, and are very useful in many examinations where the use of platinum would not be desirable. (h.) Glass Titles. — For the separation and recognition of volatile substances before the blowpipe flame, we use glass tubes. These should be about one-eighth of an inch in diame- ter, and cut into pieces about five or six inches in length. These tubes should have both ends open. Tubes are of great value in the examination of volatile sub- stances which require oxidizing or roasting, and heating with free access of air. Also to ascertain whether a substance under examination will sublimate volatile matter of a certain appearance. Such substances are selenium, sulphur, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium. These substances condense on a cool part of the tube, and they present characteristic appearances, or they may be recognized by their peculiar smell. These tubes must be made of the best kind of glass, white and difficult of fusion, and entirely free from lead. The substance to be examined must be put in the tube near one end, and exposed to the flame of the blowpipe. The end containing the sub- stance must be held lower than the other end, and must be moved a little over the spirit-lamp before a draught of air is produced through the tube. It is a good plan to have a number I T S u S K 29 of these tubes on hand. After Iiaving used a tube we cut off that end of it which contained the substance, with a file, and clean it from the subhmate, either by heating it over the spirit-lamp, or with a piece of paper wound around a wire. It sometimes happens that the substance falls out of the tube Fig. 30 T Hi: B L o ^v p i p j:: . before it becomes sufficiently melted to adhere to the glass. To obviate this, we bend the tube not far from the end, at an obtuse angle, and place the substance in the angle, whereby the tube may be lowered as m-uch as necessary. Fig. 9 will give the student a comprehension of the processes described, and of the manner of bending the tubes. {i.) Glass Tubes closed at one End. — If we wish to expose volatile substances to heat, with the exclusion of air as much as possible, or to ascertain the contents of water, or other volatile fluids, or for the purpose of heating substances which will decrepitate, we use glass tubes closed at one end. These tubes must be about one-eighth of an inch wide, and from two to three inches in length. They should be made of white glass, difficult of fusion, and free from lead. They should be closed at one end, as figured in the margin, Fig. 10. D When a substance is to be examined for the purpose of 1 T S U S E . 31 ascertaiaiug whether it contains combustible matter, as sulphur or arsenic, and where we wish to avoid oxidation, we use these tubes without extending the closed end, in order that there may be as little air admitted as possible, as is represented in tube B. But when a substance to be examined is to be tested for water, or other incombustible volatile matters, we employ tubes with little bulbs blown at one end, such as represented at tube A. Here there is room for a circulation of air at the bot- tom of the tube, by which the volatile matter rises more easily. In some cases, it is necessary to draw the closed end out to a fine point, as in the tubes C and D. Either one or the other of these tubes is employed, depending upon the nature of the sub- stance used. The sublimates condense at the upper part of the tube a, and can be there examined and recognized. These tubes, before being used, must be thoroughly dried and cleaned. In experimenting with them, they should not be exposed at once to the hottest part of the flame, but should be submitted to the heat gradually. If the substance is of such a nature that it will sublime at a low heat, the tube should be held more hori- zontal, while a higher heat is attained by bringing the tube to a more vertical position. VARIOUS APPAKATUS NECESSARY. EdvJcorator or IVashing Bottle. — Take a glass bottle of the capacity of about twelve ounces, and close the mouth of it very tight with a cork, through which a short glass tube is fitted airtight. The external end of this tube is drawn out to a point, with a very fine orifice. The bottle should be filled about half full of water. By blowing air into the bottle through the tube, and then turning it downwards, the com- pressed air will expel a fine stream of water through the fine orifice with considerable force. We use this washing bottle. Fig. 11, for the purpose of rinsing the small particles of coal from the reduced metals. 32 The B l c) av pipe Fig. II. Agate Mortar and Pestk. — This mortar is used for the pnrpose of pulverizing hard substances, and for mixing fluxes. As this mortar will not yield to abrasion, there is no danger of any foreign matter becoming mixed with the substance pulverized in it. It should be cleaned after use with pumice stone. Steel mortars are very useful for the pulverization of hard bodies ; but for all those substances which require great care in their analysis, and which can be obtained in very minute quantity, the agate mortar alone should be used. A hammer made of steel is necessary. This should have the edge square. A small anvil, polished on the surface, is also required. It is frequently used to test the malleability of metals. A knife, for the purpose of ascertaining the hardness of mine- rals. The student should also be provided with several three-edged files, and likewise with some flat ones. A microscope, an instrument with two lenses, or with such a combination of lenses, that they may be used double or single, Its Use. 33 is frequently necessary for the examination of blowpipe experi- ments, or the reaction of the fluxes. Common lenses, howso- ever cheap they may be, are certainly not recommended. A microscope with achromatic lenses can now be purchased so cheap that there is no longer any necessity of procuring one with the common lens. Besides, there is no reliability w^hatever to be placed in the revelations of the common lens ; while on the contrary, the deceptive appearances which minute objects assume beneath such lenses are more injurious than otherwise. A small cheap set of magnifying glasses are all that is required for the purpose of blowpipe analysis, Fig. 12. Fig. 12. A small magnet should be kept on hand, for the purpose of testing reduced metals. Ni'pjpers, for the purpose of breaking off pieces of minerals for analysis, without injuring the entire piece, are indispensable, Fio; 13. Fig. 13. A pair of scissors is required to trim the wick of the lamp? aci for the trimming of the edge of platinum foil. 34 The B l o w p i r e . A small spatula sLould be kept for the purpose of mixing substances with fluxes. THE REAGEXTS. Those substances which possess the property of acting upon other substances, in such a characteristic manner that they can be recognized, either by their color, or by their effervescence, or by the peculiar precipitation produced, are termed reagents. The phenomena thus produced is termed reaction. AVe use those reagents, or tests, for the purpose of ascertaining the presence or the absence of certaui substances, through the jDCCuliar phenomena produced when brought in contact with them. The number of reagents employed in blowpipe analysis is not great, and therefore w^e shall here give a brief description of their preparation and use. It is indispensably necessary that they should be chemically pure, as every admixture of a foreign sub- stance would only produce a false result. Some of them have a strong affinity for w^ater, or are deliquescent, and consequently absorb it greedily from the air. These must be kept in glass bottles, with glass stoppers, fitted air-tight by grinding. A. REAGENTS OF GENERAL USE. 1. Carhonate of Soda. — (NaoCOg). Wash the bicarbonate of soda (XaHCOg) upon a filter, with cold water, until the filtrate ceases to give, after neutralization wdth diluted nitric acid (HXO3), a precipitate with nitrate of baryta, Ba(jSr03)2, or nitrate of silver (AgXOg). That left upon the filter we make red hot in a platinum, silver, or porcelain dish. One atom of carbonic acid is expelled, and the residue is carbonate of soda. A solution of soda must not be changed by the addition of sulphide of ammonium. And when neutralized wdth hydro- chloric acid, and evaporated to dryness, and again dissolved in water, there must be no residue left. I T S U S E . - 35 Carbonate of soda is an excellent agent in reduction, in consequence of its easy fusibility, whereby it causes the close contact of the oxides with the charcoal support, so that the blowpipe flame can reach every part of the substance under examination. For the decomposition and determination of insoluble sub- stances, particularly the silicates, carbonate of soda is indis- pensable. But for the latter purpose, we use with advantage i\ mixture of ten parts of soda and thirteen parts of dry car- bonate of potash, which mixture fuses more easily than the carbonate of soda alone. 2. Hydrate of Baryta, Ba(H0)2. — This salt is used some- times for the detection of alkalies in silicates. Mix one part of the substance with about four parts of the hydrate of baryta, and expose it to the blowpipe flame. The hydrate of baryta combines with the silicic acid, and forms the super-basic silicate of baryta, while the oxides become free. The fused mass must be dissolved in hydrochloric acid, which converts the oxides into chlorides. Evaporate to dryness, and dissolve the residue in water. The silicic acid remains insoluble. The hydrate of baryta is prepared by mixing six parts of finely powdered heavy-spar (BaSOJ with one part of char- coal and one and a half parts of wheat flour, and exposing this mixture in a Hessian crucible with a cover to a strong and continuous red heat. The cooled chocolate-brown mass must be boiled with twenty parts of water, and, while boiling, there must be added the oxide of copper in sufficient quantity, or until the liquid will not impart a black color to a solution of acetate of lead (PbA.) The liquid must be filtered while hot, and as it cools the hydrate of baryta appears in crystals. These crystals must be washed with a little cold water, and then heated at a low temperature in a porcelain dish until the crystal water is expelled. The hydrate of baryta melts by a low red heat without losing its water of hydration. 3, JBisulphate of Potassa (KHSO4). — At a red heat the }\alf of the sulphuric acid of this salt becomes free, and thus 36 T ir E B I. o w r i r i: . separates and expels volatile substances, by wliicli we can recognize lithium, boracic acid, nitric acid, fluoric acid, bromine, iodine, chlorine ; or it decomposes and reveals some other conjpounds, as, for instance, the salts of the titanic, tantalio and tungstic acids. The bisulphate of potash is also used for the purpose of converting a substance into sulphate, or to free it at once from certain constituents. These sulphates are dis- solved in water, by which we are enabled to effect the sepa- ration of its various constituents. Preparation. — Two parts of coarsely powdered sulphate of potash are placed in a porcelain crucible, and one part of pure sulphuric acid is poured over it. Expose this to heat over the spirit-lamp, until the whole becomes a clear liquid. The cooled mass must be of a pure white color, and may be got out of the crucible by inverting it. It must be kept in a fine powder. 4. Oxalate of Potassa (KG).- — Dissolve bioxalate of pot- ash in vfater, and neutralize with carbonate of potash. Evapo- rate the solution at a low heat to dryness, stirring constantly towards the close of the operation. The dry residue is to be kept in the form of a powder. The oxalate of potash, at a low red heat, eliminates a consid- erable quantity of carbonic oxide, which, having a strong affinity for oxygen, with which it forms carbonic acid, it is therefore a powerful agent of reduction. It is in many cases preferable to carbonate of soda. 5. Cyanide of Potassiuni (Cy, K). — In the dry method of analysis, this salt is one of the most efficient agents for the reduction of metaUic oxides. It separates not only the metals from their oxygen compounds, but likewise from their sulphur compounds, while it is converted through the action of the oxygen into carbonate of potash, or, in the latter case, combines with the sulphur and forms the sulphureted cyanide of potassium. This separation is facilitated by its easy fusibility. But in many cases it melts too freely, and therefore it is better to mix it, for blowpipe analysis, with an equal quantity of soda. This mixture has great powers of reduction, and it is easily ab- I T S U S E . 37 sorbed by the charcoal, ^vhile the globules of reduced metal are visible in the greatest purity. Preparation. — Deprive the ferrocyauide of potassium (K4FeCy6) of its water by heating it over the spirit-lamp in a porcelain dish. Mix eight parts of this anhydrous sail with three parts of dry carbonate of potash, and fuse the mixture by a low red heat in a Hessian, or still better, in an iron crucible with a cover, until the mass flows quiet and clear, and a sample taken up with an iron spatula appears perfectly white. Pour the clear mass out into a china or porcelain dish or an iron plate, but with caution that the fine iron par- ticles which have settled to the bottom, do not mix with it. The white fused mass must be powdered, and kept from the air. The cyanide of potassium thus prepared, contains some of the cyanate of potassa, but the admixture does not deteriorate it for blowpipe use. It must be perfectly white, free from iron, charcoal, and sulphide of potassium. The solu- tion of it in water must give a white precipitate with a solution of lead, and v/hen neutralized with hydrochloric acid, and evaporated to dryness, it must not give an insoluble residue by dissolving it again in v/ater. 6. Nitrate of Potassa, SoJtpdre (KXOo). — Saturate boil- ing water with commercial saltpetre, filter while hot in a beaker glass, which is to be placed in cold water, and stir while the solution is cooling. The greater part of the salt- petre will crystallize in very fine crystals. Place these crystals upon a filter, and wash them with a little cold vv^ater, until a solution of nitrate of silver ceases to exhibit any reaction upon the filtrate. These crystals must be dried and powdered. Saltpetre, when heated with substances easy of oxidation, yields its oxygen quite readily, and is, therefore, a powerful means of oxidation. In blowpipe analysis, we use it particu- larly to convert sulphides (as those of arsenic, antimony, &c.) into oxides and acids. We furthermore use saltpetre for the purpose of producing a complete oxidation cf small quantities of metallic oxides, which oxidize with difficulty in the oxidation 38 T II K B L o w p I r E . flame, so that the color of the bead, iu its highest state of oxi- dation, shall be visible, as for instance, manganese dissolved in the microcosmic salt. 7. Biborate of soda, horax — Xall(BOo),,. — Commercial borax is seldom pure enough for a reagent. A solution of borax must not give a precipitate with carbonate of potassa •, or, after the addition of dilute nitric acid, it must remain clear upon the addition of nitrate of silver, or nitrate of baryta. Or a small piece of the dry salt, fused upon a platinum wire, must give a clear and uncolored glass, as well in the oxidation flame as in the reduction flame. If these tests indicate a foreign admixture, the borax must be jjurified by re-crystallization. These crystals are washed upon a filter, dried, and heated, to expel the crystal water, or until the mass ceases to svrell up, and it is reduced to powder. Boracic acid is incombustible, and has a strong affinity for oxides when fused with them ; therefore, it not only directly combines with oxides, but it expels, by fusion, all other volatile acids from their salts. Furthermore, boracic acid promotes the oxidation of metals and sulphur, and induces haloid compounds, in the oxidation flame, to combine with the rising oxides. Borates thus made, melt generally by themselves ; but admixed with borate of soda, they fuse much more readily, give a clear bead. Borax acts cither as a flux, or through the formation of double salts. In borax, we have the action of free boracic acid, as Vv^ell as borate of soda, and for that reason it is an excellent reagent for blowpipe analysis. All experiments in which borax is employed should be effected upon platinum wire. The hook of the wire should be heated red hot, and then dipped into the powdered borax. This shonld be exposed to the oxidation flame, when it will be fused to a bead, which adheres to the hook. This should be then dipped into the powdered substance, which will adhere to it if it is hot ; but if the bead is cool, it must be previously moistened. ExT>ose this bead to the oxidation flame until it ceases to I T S U S E . 39 change, then allow it to cool, when it should be exposed to the reduction flame. Look for the following in the oxidation flame : (1.) Whether the heated substance is fused to a clear bead or not, and whether the bead remains transparent after cooling. The beads of some substances, for instance those of the alkaline earths, are clear while hot ; but upon cooling, are milk-white and enamelled. Some substances give a clear bead when heated and when cold, but appear enamelled when heated intermittingly or with a flame which changes often from oxidation to reduction, or with an unsteady flame produced by too strong a blast. The reason is an incomplete fusion, while from the basic borate com- pound a part of the base is separated. As the boracic acid is capable of dissolving more in the heat, a bead will be clear while hot, enamelled when cold, as a part in the latter instance will become separated. (2.) Whether the substance dissolves easily or not, and whether it intumesces from arising gases. (3.) Whether the bead, when exposed to the oxidation flame, exhibits any color, and whether the color remains after the bead shall have cooled, or whether the color fades. (4.) Whether the bead exhibits any other reaction in the reduction flame. The bead should not be overcharged with the substance under examination, or it will become colored so deeply as not to present any transparency, or the color light enough to discern its hue. 8. Microcosmic Salt — Phosphate of Soda and Ammonia — (N'aXH4HP04). — Dissolve six parts of phosphate of soda (Na2HP04), and one part of .pure chloride of Ammonium (NH^CL), in two parts of boiling water, and allow it to cool. The greatest part of the formed double salt crystallizes, while the mother-liquid contains chloride of sodium, and some of the double salt. The crystals must be dissolved in as little boiling water as possible, and re-crystallized. These crystals must be dried and powdered. "When this double salt is heated, the water and the ammonia 4:0 T II E 1> L O W PIPE. escape, while the iunombustible residue has a composition simi- lar to borax, viz., a free acid and an easily fusible salt. The effect of it is, therefore, similar to the borax. The free phos- phoric acid expels, likewise, most other acids from their combi- nations, and combines with metallic oxides. For supports, the platinum wire may be used, but the hook must be smaller than when borax is used, or the bead will not adhere. As for all the other experiments with this salt, the microscosmic salt is used the same as borax. 9. Nitrate of Cobalt. — Co ( NO3 )2. — This salt can be pre- pared by dissolving pure oxide of cobalt in diluted nitric acid, and evaporating to dryness with a low heat. The dry residue should be dissolved in ten parts of water, and filtered. The filtrate is now ready for use, and should be kept in a bottle with a glass stopper. If the pure oxide of cobalt cannot be procured, then it may be prepared by mixing two parts of finely powdered glance of cobalt with four parts of saltpetre, and one part of dry carbonate of potassa with one part of water free from carbonate of soda. This mixture should be added in suc- cessive portions into a red-hot Hessian crucible, and the heat continued until the mass is fused, or at least greatly diminished in volume. The cooled mass must be triturated with hot water, and then heated with hydrochloric acid until it is dissolved and forms a dark green solution, which generally presents a gelati- nous appearance, occasioned by separated silica. The solution is to be evaporated to dryness, the dry residue moistened with hydrochloric acid, boiled with water, filtered and neutralized while hot with carbonate of ammonia, until it ceases to give an acid reaction with test-paper. This must now be filtered again, ar^i carbonate of potassa added to the filtrate as long as precipitate is produced. This precipitate is brought upon a filter aid washed thoroughly, and then dissolved in diluted nitric acid. This is evaporated to dryness, and one part of it is dissolved in ten parts of water for use. The oxide of cobalt combines, with strong heat in the oxidation flame, with various earths and infusible metallic I T s U s K . 41 oxides, and thus produces peculiarly colored compounds, and is therefore used for their detection ; (alumina, magnesia, oxide of zinc, oxide of tin, etc.) Some of the powdered substance is heated upon charcoal in the flame of oxidation, and moist- ened with a drop of the solution of the nitrate of cobalt, when the oxidation flame is thrown upon it. Alumina gives a pure blue color, the oxide of zinc a bright green, magnesia a light red, and the oxide of tin a bluish-green color ; but the latter is only distinctly visible after cooling. The dropping bottle, is the most useful apparatus for the purpose of getting small quantities of fluid. It is com- posed of a glass tube, drawn out to a point, with a small orifice. Tiiis tube passes through the cork of the bottle. By pressing in the cork into the neck of the bottle, the air within will be compressed, and the liquid will rise in the tube. If now we draw the cork out, wdth the tube filled with the fluid, and pressing the finger upon the upper orifice, the fluid can be forced out in the smallest quantity, even to a fraction of a drop. 10. Tin. — This metal is used in the form of foil, cut into strips about half an inch wide. Tin is very susceptible of oxidation, and therefore deprives oxidized substances of their oxygen very quickly, when heated in contact with them. It is employed in blowpipe analysis, for the purpose of producing in glass beads a lower degree of oxidation-, particularly if the substance under examination' contains only a small portion of such oxide. These oxides give a characteristic color to the bead, and thus are detected. The bead is heated upon char- coal in the reduction flame, with a small portion of the tin, whereby some of the tin is melted and mkes with the bead. The bead should be reduced quickly in the reduction flame, for by continuing the blast too great a while, the oxide of tin separates the other oxides in the reduced or metallic state, while we only require that they shall only be converted into a sub-oxide, in order that its peculiar color may be recognized in the bead. The addition of too much tin causes the bead i2 T II E B L O W P I P K . to present an unclean appearance, and prevents tlie j'equired reaction, 11. Silica, (SiO;). — This acid docs not even expel carbonic acid in the wet way, but in a glowing heat it expels the strongest volatile acids. In blowpipe analysis, we use it fused with carbonate of soda to a bead, as a test for sulphuric acid, and in some cases for phosphoric acid. Also with carbonate of soda and borax, for the purpose of separating tin from copper. Finely powdered quartz will answer these purposes. If it cannot be procured, take well washed white sand and mix it with two parts of carbonate of soda and two parts of car- bonate of potassa. Melt the materials together, pound up the cooled mass, dissolve in hot water, filter, add to the filtrate hydrochloric acid, and evaporate to dryness. Moisten the dry residue with hydrochloric acid, and boil in water. The silica remains insoluble. It should be washed well, dried, and heated, and then reduced to pov/der. 12. Test-papers. — {a.) Blue Litmus Pajper. — Dissolve one part of litmus in six or eight parts of water, and filter. Divide the filtrate into two parts. In one of the parts neutralize the free alkali by stirring it with a glass rod dipped in diluted sulphuric acid, until the fluid appears slightly red. Then mix the two parts together, and draw slips of unsized paper, free from alkali, such as fine filtering paper. Hang these strips on a line to dry, in the shade and free from floating dust. If the litmus solution is too light, it will not give sufficient character- istic indications, and if too dark it is not sensitive enough. The blue color of the paper- should be changed to red, when brought in contact with a solution containing the minutest trace of free acid ; but it should be recollected that the neutral salts of the heavy metals produce the same change. (h.) Red Litmus Pa;per. — The preparation of the red litmus paper is similar to the above, the acid being added until a red color is obtained. Keddened litmus paper is a very sensitive reag-ent for free alkalies, the carbonates of the alkalies, alkaline Its Use. 43 earths, sulpliides of the alkalies and of the alkaline earths, and alkaline salts with weak acids, such as boracic acid. These substances restore the original blue color of the litmus. (c.) Logicood Pajper. — Take bruised logwood, boil it in water, filter, and proceed as above. Logwood paper is a very delicate test for free alkalies, which impart a violet tint to it. It is sometimes used to detect hydrofluoric acid, which changes its color to yellow. All the test-papers are to be cut into narrow strips, and preserved in closely stopped vials. The especial employment of the test-papers we shall allude to in another place. B. ESPECIAL REAGENTS. 13. Fused Boracic Add (B0O3). — The commercial article is sufficiently pure for blowpipe analysis. It is employed in some cases to detect phosphoric acid, and also minute traces of copper in lead compounds. 14. Fluorspar (CaFP). — This substance should be pounded fine and strongly heated. Fluorspar is often mixed with boracic acid, which renders it unfit for analytical purposes. Such an admixture can be detected if it be mixed with bi- sulphate of potassa, and exposed upon platinum vrire to the interior or blue flame. It is soon fused, the boracic acid is reduced and evaporated, and by passing through the external flame it is reoxidized, and colors the flame green. We use fluorspar mixed with bisulphate of potassa as a test for litbia and boracic acid in complicated compounds. 15. Oxalate of Nickel (XiO). — It is prepared by dissolv- ing the pure oxide of nickel in diluted hydrochloric acid. Evaporate to dryness, dissolve in water, and precipitate with oxalate of ammonia. The precipitate must be washed with caution upon a filter, and then dried. It is employed in blow- pipe analysis to detect salts of potassa in the presence of sodium and lithium. 16. Oxide of Copper (CuO). — Pure metallic copper is dis- 44: T n E B L o w p I i* e . solved in nitric acid. Tlie solution is evaporated in a porcelain dish to dryness, and gradually heated over a spirit-lamp, until the blue color of the salt has disappeared and the mass presents a uniform black color. The oxide of copper so prepared must be powdered, and preserved in a vial. It serves to detect, in complicated compounds, minute traces of chlorine. It. Antimoniate of Potassa (K4Sb207). — Mix four parts of the bruised metal of antimony, with nine parts of saltpetre. Throw this mixture, in small portions, into a red-hot Hessian crucible, and keep it at a glowing heat for awhile after all the mixture is added. Boil the cooled mass with water, and dry the residue. Take two parts of this, and mix it with one part of dry carbonate of potassa, and expose this to a red heat for about half an hour. Then wash the mass in cold water, and boil the residue in water ; filter, evaporate the filtrate to dry- ness, and then, with a strong heat, render it free of water. Powder it while it is warm, and preserve it in closed vials. It is used for the detection of small quantities of charcoal in com- pound substances, as it shares its oxygen with the carbonaceous matter, the antimony becomes separated, and carbonate of potassa is produced, which restores red litmus paper to blue, and effervesces with acids. 18. Silver Foil. — A small piece of silver foil is used for the purpose of detecting sulphur and the sulphides of the metals, vdiich impart a dark stain to it. If no silver foil is at hand, strips of filtering paper, impregnated with acetate of lead, will answer in many cases. 19. Nitroprusside of Sodium (NagNO, FeCyg). — This is a very delicate test for sulphur, and was discovered by Dr. Playfair. This test has lately been examined with considerable ability by Prof. J. W. Bailey, of West Point. If any sulphate or sulphide is heated by the blowpipe upon charcoal with tlie carbonate of soda, and the fused mass is placed on a watch-glass, with a little water, and a small piece of the nitroprusside of sodium is added, there will be produced a splendid purple color. This color, or reaction, will bo produced from any substance contain- I T S U S E . 45 ing sulphur, such as the parings of the nails, hair, albumeu, etc. In regard to these latter substances, the carbonate of soda should be mixed with a little starch, which will prevent the loss of any of the sulphur by oxidation. Coil a piece of hair around a platinum wire, moisten it, and dip it into a mixture of carbonate of soda, to w^hich a little starch has been added, and then heat it with the blowpipe, when the fused mass will give with the nitroprusside of sodium the characteristic purple reaction, indicative of the presence of sulphur. With the proper delicacy of manipulation, a piece of hair, half an inch in length, will give distinct indications of sulphur. Frepai-ation. — The nitroprussides of sodium and potassium (for either salt will give the above reactions), are prepared as follows : One atom (422 grains) of pulverized ferrocyanide of potassium is mixed with five atoms of commercial nitric acid, diluted with an equal quantity of w^ater. One-fifth of this quantity (one atom) of the acii is sufficient to transfer the ferrocyanide into nitroprusside ; but the use of a larger quan- tity is found to give the best results. The acid is poured all at once upon the ferrocyanide, the cold produced by the mixing being sufficient to moderate the action. The mixture first assumes a milky appearance, but after a little while, the salt dissolves, forming a coffee-colored solution, and gases are disengaged in abundance. When the salt is completely dis- solved, the solution is found to contain ferrocyanide (red prussiate) of potassium, mixed with nitroprusside and nitrate of the same base. It is then immediately decanted into a large flask, and heated over the water-bath. It continues to evolve gas, and after awhile, no longer yields a dark blue precipitate with ferrous salts, but a dark green or slate- colored precipitate. It is then removed from the fire, and left to crystallize, whereupon it yields a large quantity of crystals of nitre, and more or less oxamide. The strongly-colored mother liquid is then neutralized with carbonate of potash or soda, according to the salt to be prepared, and the solution is boiled, whereupon it generally deposits a green or brown precipitate, 4 6 The Blowpipe. which must be separated by filtration. Tiie liquid then con- tains nothing but nitroprussidc and nitrate of potash or soda. The nitrates being the least soluble, are first crystallized, and the remaining liquid, on farther evaporation, yields crys- tals of the uitropnisside. The sodium salt crystallizes most easily. — (Platfair.) As some substances, particularly in complicated compounds, are not detected with sufficient nicety in the dry way of ana- lysis, it will often be necessary to resort to the wet way. It is therefore necessary to have prepared the reagents required for such testing, as every person, before he can become an expert blowpipe analyst, must be acquainted with the charac- teristic tests as applied in the wet way. In the absence of nitroprussidc of sodium, pulverize the assay and fuse it with soda and borax in the inner flame ; place the fused mass upon a clean silver surface and wet it ; a blackening of the surface of the metal indicates the presence of sulphur. Part II INITIATORY ANALYSIS. QjALiTATivE ANALYSIS Fcfei's to thosG examiiiatious "which relate simply to tlie presence or the absence of certain sub. stances, irrespective of their quantities. But before we take cognizance of special examinations, it vrould facilitate the progress of the student to pass through a course of Initiatory Exercises. These at once lead into the special analysis of all those substances susceptible of examination by the blowpipe. The Initiatory Analysis is best studied by adopting the following arrangement : > 1. Examinations with the glass bulb. 2. " with the open tube. 3. " upon charcoal. 4. " in the platinum forcep?!. 5. " in the borax bead. 6. " in microcosmic salt. 7. " in the carbonate of soda bead. 8. Confirmatory examinations. 1. EXAMIXATIOXS WITH THE GLASS BULB. The glass of which the bulb is made should be entirely free from lead, otherwise fictitious results will ensue. If the bulb 43 T H E B L O W I' I P E . be of fliut glass, then by heating it, there is a slightly iridescent film caused upon the surface of the glass, which may easily be mistaken for arsenic. Besides, this kind of glass is easily fusilJe in the oxidating flame of the blowpipe, while, in the reducing flame, its ready decomposition would preclude its use entirely. The tube should be composed of the potash or hard Bohemian glass, should be perfectly white, and very thin, or the heat will crack it. The tube should be perfectly clean, which can be easily attained by wrapping a clean cotton rag around a small stick, and inserting it in the tube. Before using the tube, see also that it is perfectly dry. The quantity of the substance put into the tube for exami- nation should be small. From one to three grains is quite sufficient, as a general rule, but circumstances vary the quantity. The sides of the tube should not catch any of the substance as it is being placed at the bottom of the tube, or into the bulb. If any of the powder, however, should adhere, it should be pushed down with a roll of clean paper, or the clean cotton rag referred to above. In submitting the tube to the flame, it should be heated at first very gently, the heat being increased until the glass begins to soften, when the observations of what is ensuing within it may be made. If the substance be of an organic nature, a peculiar empy^ renmatic odor will be given off. If the substance chars, then it may be inferred that it is of an organic nature. The matters which are given off and cause the empyreuraatic odor, are a peculiar oil, ammonia, carbonic acid, acetic acid, water, cyano- gen, and frequently other compounds. If a piece of paper is heated in the bulb, a dark colored oil condenses upon the sides of the tube, which has a strong empyreumatic odor, A piece of litmus paper indicates that this oil is acid, as it is quickly changed to red by contact with it. A black residue is now left in the tube, and upon examination we will find that it is charcoal. If, instead of the pape^', a piece of animal substance Initiatory Analysis. 49 13 placed ill the bulb, the reddened litmus paper will be con- verted into its original blue color, while charcoal will be left at the bottom of the tube. A changing of the substance, however, to a dark color, should not be accepted as an invariable indication of charcoal, as some inorganic bodies thus change color, but the dark substance will not be likely to be mistaken for charcoal. By igniting the suspected substance with nitrate of potassa, it can quickly be ascertained whether it is organic or not, for if the latter, the vivid deflagration will indicate it. If the substance contains water, it will condense upon the cold portion of the tube, and may be there examined as to whether it is acid or alkaline. If the former, the matter under examination is, perhaps, vegetable ; if the latter, it is of an animal nature. The water may be that fluid absorbed, or it may form a portion of its constitution. If the substance contain sulphur, the sublimate upon the cold part of the tube may be recognized by its characteristic appearance, especially if the substance should be a sulphide of tin, copper, antimony, or iron. The hyposulphites, and several other sulphides, also give off sulphur when heated. The volatile metals, mercury and arsenic, will, however, sublime without undergoing decomposition. As the sulphide of arsenic may be mistaken, from its color and appearance, for sulphur, it must be examined especially for the purpose of determining that point. Selenium will likewise sublime by heat as does sulphur. This is the case if selenides are present. Selenium gives off the smell of decayed horse-radish. When the persalts are heated they are reduced to protosalts, with the elimination of a part of their acid. This will be indicated by the blue litmus paper. If some of the neutral salts containing a volatile acid be present, they will become decomposed. For instance, the red nitrous acid water of the nitrates will indicate the decomposition of the salt, especially if it be the nitrate of a metalic oxide. 3 50 T u ii: B L o w pipe. If there is an odor of sulphur, then it is quite jirobable, if no free sulphur be present, that a hyposulphite is decomposed. If an oxalate be present, it is decomposed with the evolution of carbonic oxide, which may be inflamed at the mouth of the tube ; but there are oxalates that give off carbonic acid gas, which, of course, will not burn. A cyanide will become decom- posed and eliminate nitrogen gas, while the residue is charred. Some cyanides are, however, not thus decomposed, as the dry cyanides of the earths and alkalies. There are several oxides of metals which will sublime, and may be thus examined in the tube. Arsenious add sublimes with great ease in minute octohedral crystals. The oxides of tellu- rium and antimony will sublime, the latter in minute glittering needles. There are several metals which will sublime, and may be examined in the cold portion of the tube. Mercury condenses upon the tube in minute globules. These often do not present the metalic appearance until they are disturbed v/ith a glass rod, when they attract each other, and adhere as small globules. Place in the tube about a grain of red precipitate of the drug stores and apply heat, when the oxide will become decomposed, its oxygen will escape v/hile the vaporized mer- cury will condense upon the cold portion of the tube, and may there be examined with a magnifying glass. Arsenic, when vaporized, may be known by its peculiar alli- aceous odor. Arsenic is vaporized from its metallic state, and likewise from its alloys. Several compounds which contain arsenic will also sublime, such as the arsenical cobalt. Place in the bulb a small piece of arsenical cobalt or " fly-stone," and apply heat. The sulphide of arsenic will first rise, but soon the arsenic will adhere to the sides of the tube. The metals tellurium and cadmium are susceptible of solution, but the heat required is a high one. This is best done upon charcoal. The perchloridc of mercury sublimes undecomposod in the bulb, previously undergoing fusion. IxiTiATORY Analysts. 51 The protcchloride of mercury likewise snl,Ki:ie?, but it does not undergo fusion first, as is the case witli the corrosive sublimate. The ammoniacal salts all are susceptible of sublimation, which they do without leaving a residue. There are, however, several which contain fixed acids, which latter are left in the bulb. This is particularly the case with the phosphates and borates A piece of red litmus paper will readily detect the escaping ammonia, while its odor will indicate its presence with great certainty. The halogen compounds of mercury, we should have mentioned, also sublime, the red iodide giving a yellow subli- mate.' The bulb is also a convenient little instrument for the pur- pose of heating those substances which phosphoresce, and like- wise those salts that decrepitate. Should the above reactions not be readily discerned, it should not be considered as an indication that the substances are not present, for they are frequently expelled in such combinations that the above reactions will not take place. This is often the case with sulphur, selenium, arsenic, and tellurium. It fre- quently happens, likewise, that these substances are in such combinations that heat alone will not sublime them ; or else two or more of them may arise together, and thus complicate the sublimate, so that the eye cannot readily detect either substance. Sometimes sulphur and arsenic will coat the tube with a metal- like appearance, which is deceptive. This coating presents a metallic lustre at its lower portion, but changing, as it pro- gresses upward, to a dark brown, light brown, orange or yellow ; this sublimate being due to combinations of arsenic and sulphur, which compounds are volatilized at a lower temperature than metallic arsenic. If certain reagents are mixed with many substances, changes are effected which would not ensue with heat alone. Formiatc of soda possesses the property of readily reducing metallic oxides. When this salt is heated, it gives off a quantity of carbonic oxide gas. This gas, when in the presence of a metal- lic oxide, easily reduces the metal, by withdrawing its oxygen 52 T H E B L o w p I r E . from it, and being changed into carbonic oxide. If a little fly- stone is mixed with some formiate of soda, and heated in the bulb, the arsenic is reduced, volatilized, and condenses in the cool portion of the tube. By this method, the smallest portion of a grain of the arsenical compound may be thus examined with the greatest readiness. If the residue is now washed, by which the soda is got rid of, the metallic arsenic may be obtained in small spangles. If the compound examined be the sulphide of antimony, the one-thousandth part can be readily detected, and hence this method is admirably adapted to the examination of medicinal antimonial compounds. The arsenites of silver and cop- per are reduced by the formiate of soda to their metals, mixed with metallic arsenic. The mercurial salts are all reduced with the metal plainly visible as a bright silvery ring on the cool por- tion of the tube. The chloride and nitrate of silver are com- pletely reduced, and may be obtained after working out the soda, as bright metallic spangles. The salts of antimony and zinc are thus reduced ; also the sulphate of cadmium. The sublimate of the latter, although in appearance not unlike that of arsenic, can easily be distingushed by its brighter color. It is, in fact, the rich yellow of this sublimate which has led artists to adopt it as one of their most valued pigments. 2. EXAMIXATIOXS IX THE OPEN TUBE. The substance to be operated upon should be placed in the tube, about half an inch from the end, and the flame applied at first very cautiously, increasing gradually to the required tempe- rature. The tube, in all these roasting operations, as they are termed, should be held in an inclined position. The nearer perpendicular the tube is held, the stronger is the draught of air that passes through it. If but little heat is required in the open tube operation, the spirit-lamp is the best method of applying the heat. But if a greater temperature is required, then recourse must be had to the blowpipe. Upon the angle of inclination of the tube depends the amount of air that passes Initiatory Analysis 53 through it, and therefore, the rapidity of the draught may be easily regulated at the will of the operator. The inclination of the tube may, as a general rule, be about the angle represented in Fi- li. Fig. 14. The length of the tube must be about six inches, so that the portion upon which the substance rested in a previous examina- tion may be cut off. The portion of the tube left will answer for several similar operations. When the substance is under examination, we should devote our attention to the nature of the sublimates, and to that of the odors of the gases. If sulphur be in the substance experi- mented upon, the characteristic odor of sulphurous acid gas will readily indicate the sulphur. If metallic sulphides, for instance, are experimented upon, the sulphurous acid gas eliminated will readily reveal their presence. As it is a property of this gas to bleach, a piece of Brazil-wood test paper should be held in the mouth of the tube, when its loss of color will indicate the presence of the sulphurous acid. It often happens, too, that a slight deposition of sulphur will be observed upon the cool por- 54: ■ T H E B L o w r I P E . tion of the tc.be. This is pai-ticularly the case with those sul- phides which yield sublimates of sulphur when heated in the bulb. Selerimm undergoes but slight oxidation, but it becomes readily volatilized, and may be observed on the cool portion of the tube. At the same time the nose, if applied close to the end of the tube, will detect the characteristic odor of rotten horse-radish. Arsenic also gives its peculiar alliaceous odor, which is so characteristic that it can be easily detected. A few of the arsenides produce this odor. The sublimates should be carefully observed, as they indicate often with great cer- tainty the presence of certain substances ; for instance, that of arsenic. The sublimate, in this case, presents itself as the arsenious acid, or the metallic arsenic itself. If it be the former, it may be discerned by aid of the magnifying glass as beauti- ful glittering octohedral crystals. If the latter, the metallic lustre will reveal it. But it will be observed that while some of the arsenides are sublimed at a comparatively low temperature, others require a very high one. Antimony gives a white sublimate when its salts are roasted, as the sulphide, or the antimonides themselves, or the oxide of this metal. This white sublimate is not antimonious acid, but there is mixed with it the oxide of antimony with which the acid is sublimed. As is the case with arsenious acid, the anti- monious acid may, by dexterous heating, be driven from one portion of the tube to another. Tellurium, or its acid and oxide, may be got as a sublimate in the tube. The tellurious acid, unlike the arsenious and anti- monious acids, cannot be driven from one portion of the tube to another, but, on the contrary, it fuses into small clear globules, visible to the naked eye sometimes, but quite so with the aid of the magnifying glass. Lead, or its chloride, sublimes like tellurium, and, like that substance, fuses into globules or drops. Bismuth, or its sulphide, sublimes into an orange or brown Initiatory Analysis. 55 isli globules, when it is melted, as dLrected above, for tellu- rium. The color of the bismuth and lead oxides are somewhat similar, although that of the latter is paler. If any mineral containing Jiuorhm is fused, first with the microcosmic salt bead, then put into the tube, and the flame •jf the blowpipe be directed into the tube upon the bead, hydro- ^uoric acid is disengaged and attacks the inside of the tube. The fluoride of calcium, or fluorspar, may be used for this experiment. During the roasting, a brisk current of air should be allowed to pass through the tube, whereby unoxidized matter may be prevented from volatilization, and the clogging up of the sub- stance under examination be prevented, 3. EXAMINATIONS UPON CHARCOAL. In making examinations upon charcoal, it is quite necessary that the student should make himself familiar with the different and characteristic appearances of the deposits upon the char- coal. In this case I have found the advice given by Dr. Sherer to be the best ; that is, to begin with the examination of the pure materials first, until the eye becomes familiarized with the appearances of their incrustations upon charcoal. The greater part of the metals fuse w^hen submitted to the heat of the blowpipe, and if exposed to the outer flame, they oxidize. These metals, termed the noble metals, do not oxidize, but they fuse. The metals platinum, iridium, rhodium, osmium and palladium do not fuse. The metal osmium, if exposed to the flame of oxidation, fuses and is finally dissipated as osmic acid. In the latter flame, the salts of the noble metals are reduced to the metallic state, and the charcoal is covered with the bright metal. We shall give a brief description of the appearance of the principal elementary bodies upon being fused with charcoal. This plan is that deemed the most conducive to the progress of the student, by Berzelius, Piattner, and Sherer. Experience 56 The B l o w pipe. lias taught us that this method is the most efficient tha; could have beeu devised as an initiatory exercise for the student, ere he commences a more concise and methodical method of analy- sis. In these reactions upon charcoal, we shall follow nearly the language of Plattner and Sherer. Selenium is not difficult of fusion, and gives off brown fumes in either the oxidation or reduction flame. The deposit upon the charcoal is of a steel-grey color, with a slightly metallic lustre. The deposit however that fuses outside of this steel-grey one is of a dull violet color, shading off to a light brown. Under the flame of oxidation this deposit is easily driven from one portion of the charcoal to another, w^hile the appUcation of the re- ducing flame volatilizes it with the evolution of a beautiful blue light. The characteristic odor of decayed horse-radish distinguishes the volatilization of this metal. Tellurium. — This metal fuses with the greatest readmess, and is reduced to vapor under both flames with fumes, and coats the charcoal with a deposit of tellurous acid. This deposit is white near the centre, and is of a dark yellow near the edges. It may be driven from place to place by the flame of oxidation, while that of reduction volatilizes it with a green flame. If there be a mixture of selenium present, then the color of the flame is bluish-green. Aesexic. — This metal is volatihzed without fusing, and covers the charcoal both in the oxidizing and reducing flames with a deposit of arseuious acid. This coating is white in the centre, and grey towards the edges, and is found some distance from the assay. By the most gentle apphcation of the flame, it is immediately volatilized, and if touched for a moment with the reducing flame, it disappears, tinging the flame pale blue. During volatLLizatiou a strong garlic odor is distiucly percepti- ble, very characteristic of arsenic, and by which its presence in any compound may be immediately recognized. AxTBioMY. — This metal fuses readily, and coats the charcoal under both flames with antimonious acid. This incrustation is of a white color where thick, but of a bluish tint where it is Initiatoey Analysis 57 thill, and is found nearer to the assay than that of arsenic. When greatly heated by the flame of oxidation, it is driven from place to place without coloring the flame, but when vola- tilized by the flame of reduction, it tinges the flame blue. As antimonious acid is not so volatile as arsenious acid, they may thus be easily distinguished from one another. When metallic antimony is fused upon charcoal, and the metallic bead raised to a red heat, if the blast be suspended, the fluid bead remains for some time at this temperature, giving off opaque white fumes, which are at first deposited on the surrounding charcoal, and then upon the bead itself, covering it with white, pearly crystals. The phenomenon is dependent upon the fact, that the heated button of antimony, in absorbing- oxygen from the air, developes sufficient heat to maintain the metal in a fluid state, until it becomes entirely covered with crystals of antimonious acid so formed. Bismuth. — This metal fuses with ease, and under both flames covers the charcoal with a coating of oxide, which, while hot, is of an orange-yellow color, and after cooling, of a lemon-yel- low color, passing, at the edges, into a bluish white. This white coating consists of the carbonate of bismuth.. The subli- mate from bismuth is formed at a less distance from the assay than is the case with antimony. It may be driven from place to place by the application of either flame ; but in so doing, the oxide is first reduced by the heated charcoal, and the metallic bismuth so formed is volatilized and reoxidized. The flame is uncolored. Lead. — This metal readily fuses under either flame, and incrusts the charcoal with oxide at about the same distance from the assay as is the case with bismuth. The oxide is, while hot, of a dark lemon-yellow color, but upon cooling, becomes of a sulphur yellow. The carbonate which is formed upon the charcoal, beyond the oxide, is of a bluish-white color. If the yellow incrustation of the oxide be heated with the flame of oxidation, it disappears, undergoing changes similar to those of 3* 58 T ][ K B I. <) w p r r E. bismuth above meiitioiiecl. Under the flame of reducLioii, it, however, disaj^pears, tinging the flame blue. Cadmium. — This metal fuses with ease, and, in the flame of oxidation, takes fire, and burns with a deep yellow color, giving off brown fumes, which coat the charcoal, to within a small distance of the assay, with oxide of cadmium. This coating exhibits its characteristic reddish-brown color most clearly when cold. Where the coating is very thin, it passes to an orange color. As oxide of cadmium is easily reduced, and the metal very volatile, the coating of oxide may be driven from place to place by the application of either flame, to neither of which doe;5 it impart any color. Around the deposit of oxide, the charcoal has occasionally a variegated tarnish. Zinc. — This metal fuses with ease, and takes fire in the flame of oxidation, burning with a brilliant greenish-white light, and forming thick white fumes of oxide of zinc, which coat the charcoal round the assay. This coating is yellow while hot, but when perfectly cooled, becomes white. If heated with the flame of oxidation, it shines brilliantly, but is not volatilized, since the heated charcoal is, under these circumstances, insufS- cieut to effect its reduction. Even under the reducing flame, it disappears very slowly. Tix. — This metal fuses readily, and, in the flame of oxidation, becomes covered with oxide, which, by a strong blast, may be easily blown off. In the reducing flame, the fused metal assumes a white surface, and the charcoal becomes covered with oxide. This oxide is of a pale yellow color while hot, and is quite brilliant when the flame of oxidation is directed upon it. After cooling, it becomes white. It is found immediately around the assay, and cannot be volatilized by the application of either flame. MoLYBDEXUM. — This metal, in powder, is infusible before the blowpipe. If heated in the outer flame, it becomes gradually oxidized, and incrusts the charcoal, at a small distance from the assay, with molybdic acid, which, near the assay, forms Initiatory Analysis. 59 transparent crystalline scales, and is elsewhere deposited as a fine powder. The incrustation, while hot, is of a yellow color, but becomes white after cooling. It may be volatilized by heating with either flame, and leaves the surface of the char- coal, when perfe:tly cooled, of a dark-red copper color, with a metallic lustre, due to the oxide of molybdenum, which has been formed by the reducing action of the charcoal upon the molyb. die acid. In the reducing flame, metallic molybdenum remains unchanged. Silver. — This metal, .when fused alone, and kept in this state for some time, under a strong oxidizing flame, covers the charcoal with a thin film of dark reddish-brown oxide. If the silver be alloyed with lead, a yellow incrustation of the oxide of that metal is first formed, and afterwards, as the silver becomes more pure, a dark red deposit is formed on the char- coal beyond. If the silver contains a small quantity of anti- mony, a white incrustation of antimonious acid is formed, which becomes red on the surface if the blast be continued. And if lead and antimony are both present in the silver, after the greater part of these metals have been volatilized, a beautiful crimson incrustation is produced upon the charcoal. This result is sometimes obtained in fusing rich silver ores on charcoal. SULPHIDES, CHLORIDES, IODIDES, AXD BROMIDES. In blow^pipe experiments, it rarely occurs that we have to deal with pure metals, which, if not absolutely non-volatile, are recognized by the incrustation they form upon charcoal. Some compound substances, when heated upon charcoal, form white incrustations, resembling that formed by antimony, and which, when heated, may, in like manner, be driven from place to place. Among these are certain sulphides, as sulphide of potassium, and sulphide of sodium, which are formed by the action cf the reducing flame upon the sulphates of potassa and soda, a .id are, when volatilized, reconverted into those sulphates, and as such deposited on the charcoal. No incrustation is, 00 T 11 E B L O W P I P E . however, formed, until the whole of the alkahue sulphate has been absorbed into the charcoal, and has parted with its oxy- gen. As snlphide of potassium is more volatile than sulphide of sodium, an incrustation is formed from the former sooner than from the latter of these salts, and is considerably thicker in the former case. If the potash incrustation be touched with the reducing flame, it disappears with a violet-colored flame ; and if a soda incrustation be treated in like manner, an orange- yellow flame is produced. Sulphide of lithium, formed by heating the sulphate in the reducing flame, is volatilized in similar manner by a strong blast, although less readily than the sulphide of sodium. It affords a greyish white film, which disappears with a crimson flame when submitted to the reducing flame. Besides the above, the sulphides of bismuth and lead give, when heated in either flame, two different incrustations, of which the more volatile is of a white color, and consists in the one case of sulphate of lead, and in the other of sulphate of bismuth. If either of these be heated under the reducing flame, it disappears in the former case with a bluish flame, in the latter unaccompanied by any visible flame. The incrustation formed nearest to the assay consists of the oxide of lead or bismuth, and is easily recognized by its color when hot and after cooling. There are many other metallic sulphides, which, when heated by the blowpipe flame, cover the charcoal with a white incrustation, as sulphide of antimony, sulphide of zinc, and sulphide of tin. In all these cases, however, the incrusta- tion consists of the metallic oxide alone, and either volatilizes or remains unchanged, when submitted to the oxidizing flame. Of the metallic chlorides there are many which, when heated ( n charcoal with the blowpipe flame, are volatilized and re- ceposited as a white incrustation. Among these are the chlorides of potassium, sodium, and lithium, which volatilize and cover the charcoal immediately around the assay with a thin vrhite film, after they have been fused and absorbed into the charcoal, chloride of potassium forms the thickest dopo-sit. Initiatory Analysis. G1 and chloride of litlilum the thinnest, the latter being moreover of a greyish-white color. The chlorides of ammonium, mercury, and antimony volatilize without fusing. The chlorides of zinc, cadmium, lead, bismuth, and tin first fuse and then cover the charcoal with two different incrusta- tions, one of which is a white volatile chloride, and the other a less volatile oxide of the metal. Some of the incrustations formed by metallic chlorides dis. appear with a colored flame when heated with the reducing flame ; thus chloride of potassium affords a violet flame, chlo- ride of sodium an orange one, chloride of lithium a crimson flame, and chloride of lead a blue one. The other metals mentioned above volatilize without coloring the flame. The chloride of copper fuses and colors the flame of a beauti- ful blue. Moreover, if a continuous blast be directed upon the salt, a part of it is driven off in the form of white fumes which smell strongly of chlorine, and the charcoal is covered with incrustations of three different colors. That which is formed nearest to the assay is of a dark grey color, the next, a dark yellow passing into brown, and the most distant of a bluish white color. If this incrustation be heated under the reducing flame, it disappears with a blue flame. Metallic iodides and bromides behave upon charcoal in a similar manner to the chlorides. Those principally deserving of mention are the bromides and iodides of potassium and sodium. These fuse upon charcoal, are absorbed into its pores, and volatilize in the form of white fumes, which are deposited upon the charcoal at some distance from the assay. When the saline films so formed are submitted to the reducing flame, they disappear, coloring the flame in the same manner as the corresponding chlorides. 4. EXAMIXATIOXS IX THE TLATIXUM FORCEPS. Before the student attempts to make an examination in the platinum forceps or tongs, be should first ascertain whether f>3 T II K B L O W P I P E . or not it will act upon the y)latinum. If the substance to be examined shall act chemically upon the platinum, then it should be examined on the charcoal, and the color of the llame ascertained as rigidly as possible. The following list of substances produce the color attached to tljem. Potash, and all its compounds, with the exception of tlic phosphate and the borate, tinge the color of the flame violet. Cliloi'idc of copper, Intense blue. Lead, Pale clear blue. Bromide of copper, .Bluish green. Antimony, Bluish green. Selenium, Blue. Arsenic, Eno;lish green. C. GREEN. Ammonia, Dark green. Boracic acid, Dark green. Copper, Dark green. Telluriuni, Dark green. /^inc, Light green. Baryta Apple green. Phosphoric acid, Pale green. Molybdic acid, x\pple green. Telluric acid, Light green. D. YELLOW. Soda, Intense vellow. Water, I'eeble yellow. Strontia, Intense crimson. Lithia, Purplish red. Potash, Violet red. Lime, Purplish red. Initiatoey Analysis. 63 The student may often be deceived in regard to the colors : for instance, if a small splinter of almost any mineral be held at the point of the flame of oxidation, it will impart a very slight yellow to the flame. This is caused, doubtless, by the water contained in the mnieral. If the piece of platinum wire is used, and it should be wet with the saliva, as is frequently done by the student, then the small quantity of soda existing in that fluid will color the flame of a light yellow hue. A. THE VIOLET COLOR. The salts of potash, with the exception of the borate and the phosphate, color the flame of a rich violet hue. This color is best discovered in the outer flame of the blowpipe, as is the case with all the other colors. The flame should be a small one, with a lamp having a small wick, while the orifice of the blowpipe must be quite small. These experiments should like- wise be made in a dark room, so that the colors may be discerned with the greatest ease. In investigating with potash for the discernment of color, it should be borne in mind that the least quantity of soda will entirely destroy the violet color of the potash, by the substitution of its own strong- yellow color. If there be not more than the two hundredth part of soda, the violet reaction of the potash will be destroyed. This is likewise the case with the presence of lithia, for its peculiar red color will destroy the violet of the potash. There- fore in making investigations with the silicates which contain potash, the violet color of the latter can only be discerned when they are free from soda and lithia. B. THE BLUE COLOR. (a.) The Chloride of Copper. — Any of the chlorides produce a blue color in the blowpipe flame, or any salt which contains chlorine will show the blue tint, as the color in this case is referable to the chlorine itself. There arc, however, some 64: T II K J] L O W P I P K.. chlorides which, in consequence of tlie peculiar reactions of their bases, will not produce the blue color, although in these cases the blue of the chlorine will be very Hkely to blend itself with the color produced by the base. The chloride of copper communicates an intense blue to the flame, when fused on the platinum wire. If the heat be continued until the chlorine is driven off, then the greenish hue of the oxide of copper will be discerned. (b.) Lead. — Metallic lead communicates to the flame a pale blue color. The oxide reacts in the same manner. The lead- salts, whose acids do not interfere with the color, impart also a fine blue to the flame, either in the platina forceps, or the crooked wire. (c.) Bromide of Copper. — This salt colors the flame of a bluish-green color, but when the bromine is driven off, then we have the green of the oxide of copper. {d.) Antimony. — This metal imparts a blue color to the blowpipe flame, but if the metal is in too small a quantity, then the color is a brilliant white. If antimony is fused on charcoal, the fused metal gives a blue color. The white subli- mate v>'hich surrounds the fused metal, being subjected to the flame of oxidation, disappears from the charcoal with a bluish-green color. (c.) Selenium. — If fused in the flame of oxidation, it imparts to the flame a deep blue color. The incrustation upon char- coal gives to the flame the same rich color. (/.) Arsenic. — The arseniates and metallic arsenic itself impart to the blowpipe flame a fine blue color, provided that there is no other body present wiiich may have a tendency to color the flame with its characteristic line. The sublimate of arsenious acid which surrounds the assay, will give the same blue flame, when dissipated by the oxidation flame. The platinum forceps will answer for the exhibition of the color of [irsenic, even though the salts be arsen'ates, whose bases possess the property of imparting their peculiar color to the flane, such as the arseniate of lime Initiatoet Analysis. 65 C. THE GREEN COLOR. (a.) Ammonia. — The salts of ammonia, when heated before tlie blowpipe, and just upon the point of disappearing, impart to the flame a feeble though dark green color. This color, however, can only be discerned in a dark room. (b.) Boradc Add. — If any one of the borates is mixed with two parts of a flux composed of one part of pulverized fluor- spar, and four and a half parts of bisulphate of potash, and after being melted, is put upon the coil of a platinum wire, and held at the point of the blue flame, soon after fusion takes place a dark green color is discerned, but it is not of long duration. The above process is that recommended by Dr.- Turner. The green color of the borates may be readily seen by dipping them, previously moistened with sulphuric acid, into the upper part of the blue flame, when the color can be readily discerned. If soda be present, then the rich green of the boracic acid is marred by the yellow of the soda. Borax, or the biborate of soda (NaO, 2BO3) may be used for this latter reaction, but if it be moistened with sulphuric acid, the green of the boracic acid can then be seen. If the borates, or minerals which contain boracic acid, are fused on charcoal with carbonate of potash, then moistened with sulphuric acid and alcohol, then the bright green of the boracic acid is pro- duced, even if the mineral contains but a minute portion of the boracic acid. (c.) Copper. Nearly all the ores of copper and its salts, give a bright green color to the blowpipe flame. Metallic copper likewise colors the flame green, being first oxidized. If iodine, chlorine, and bromine are present, the flame is con- siderably modified, but the former at least intensifies the color. Many ores containing copper also color the flame green, but the internal portion is of a bright blue color if the compound contains lead, the latter color being due to the lead. Tho native sulphide and carbonate of copper should be moistened GO The B l o w p i r e . with sulplinric acid, while the former shoiikl be previously roasted. If hydrochloric acid is used for moistening the salts, then the rich green given by that moistened with the sulphuric acid is changed to a blue, being thus modified by the chlorine of the acid. Silicates containing copper, if heated in the flame in the platinum forceps, impart a rich green color to the outer flame. In fact, if any substance containing copper be sub- mitted to the blowpipe flame, it will tinge it green, provided there be no other substance present to impart its own color to the flame, and thus modify or mar that of the copper. (d.) Tellurium. — If the flame of reduction is directed upon the oxide of tellurium placed upon charcoal, a green color is imparted to it. If the telluric acid be placed upon platinum wire in the reduction flame, the oxidation flame is colored green. Or if the sublimate be dissipated by the flame of oxidation, it gives a green color. If selenium be present, the green color is changed to a blue. (e.) Zinc. — The oxide of zinc, when strongly heated, gives a blue flame. This is especially the case in the reducing flame. The flame is a small one, however, and not very characteristic, as with certain preparations of zinc the blue color is changed to a bright white. The soluble salts of zinc give no blue color. (/.) Baryta. — The soluble salts of baryta, moistened, and then submitted to the reduction flame, produce a green color. The salt should be moistened, when the color will be strongly marked in the outer flame. The insoluble salts do not produce so vivid a color as the soluble salts, and they are brighter when they have previously been moistened. The carbonate does not give a strong color, but the acetate does, so long as it is not allowed to turn to a carbonate. The chloride, when fused on the platinum wire, in the point of the reduction flame, imparts a fine green color to the oxidation flame. This tint changes finally to a faint du'ty green color. The sulj^hate of baryta colors the flame green when heated at the point of the reduc- tion flame. But neither the sulphate, carbonate, nor, in fact, o> V other salt of barvta, a-ives such a fine screen color as the Initiatory Analysis. 67 chloride. The presence of lime does interfere with the reac- tion of baryta, but still does not destroy its color. (g.) Phosphoric Add. — The phosphates give a green color to the oxidation flame, especially when they are moistened with sulphuric acid. This is best shown with the platinum forceps. The green of phosphoric, or the phosphates, is much less intense than that of the borates or boracic acid, but yet the reaction is a* certain one, and is susceptible of considerable delicacy, either with the forceps, or still better upon platinum wire. Sulphuric acid is a great aid to the derelopment of the color, especially if other salts be present which would be liable to hide the color of the phosphoric acid. In this reaction with phosphates, the water should be expelled from them previous to melting them with sulphuric acid. They should likewise be pulverized. Should soda be present it will only exhibit its pecuhar color after the phosphoric acid shall have been expelled ; therefore, the green color of the phos- phoric acid should be looked for immediately upon submitting the phosphate to heat. (A.) Molyhdic Acid. — If this acid or the oxide of molybde- num be exposed upon a platinum wire to the point of the reduction flame, a bright green color is communicated to the flame of oxidation. Take a small piece of the native sulphide of molybdenum, and expose it in the platinum tongs to the flame referred to above, when the green color characteristic of this metal will be exhibited. (i.) Telluric Acid. — If the flame of reduction is directed upon a small piece of the oxide of tellurium placed upon char- coal, a bright green color is produced. Or if telluric acid be submitted to the reduction flame upon the loop of a platinum wire, it communicates to the outer flame the bright green of tellurium. If the sublimate found upon the charcoal in the first experiment be submitted to the blowpipe flame, the green color of tellurium is produced while the sublimate is volatilized. If selenium be present the green color is changed to a deep blue one C3 T n E B L o w r I p K. 1). YELLOW. The salts of soda all give a bright yellow color when heated in the platinum loop in the reduction flame. This color is very persistent, and will destroy the color of almost any other substance. Every mineral of which soda is a constituent, give this bright orange-yellow reaction. Even the silicate of soda itself imparts to the flame of oxidation the characteristic yellow of soda. E. RED. (a.) Strontia. — Moisten a small piece of the chloride of strontium, put it in the platinum forceps and submit it to the flame of reduction, when the outer flame wdll become colored of an intense red. If the salt of strontia should be a soluble one, the reaction is of a deeper color than if an insoluble salt is used, while the color is of a deeper crimson if the salt is moistened. If the salt be a soluble one, it should be moistened and dipped into the flame, while if it be an insoluble salt, it should be kept dry and exposed beyond the point of the flame. The carbonate of strontia should be moistened with hydro- chloric acid instead of water, by which its color similates that of the chloride of strontium when moistened with water. In consequence of the decided red color which strontia commu- nicates to flame, it is used by pyrotechnists for the purpose of making their "crimson fire." (J).) Lithia. — The color of the flame of lithia is slightly inclined to purple. The chloride, when placed in the platinum loop, gives to the outer flame a bright red color, sometimes with a slight tinge of purple. Potash does not prevent this reaction, although it may modify it to violet ; but the decided color of soda changes the red of lithia to an orange color. If much soda be present, the color of the lithia is lost entirely. The color of the chloride of lithium may be distinctly produced before the point cf the blue flame, and its durability may be Initiatory Analysis. G9 the means of determining it from that of lithium, as the latter, under the same conditions, is quite evanescent. The minerals which contain liihia, frequently contain soda, and thus the lat- ter destroys the color of the former. (c.) Potash. — The salts of potash, if the acid does not inter- fere, give a purplish-red color before the blowpipe ; but as the color is more discernibly a purple, we have classed it under that color. {d.) Lime. — The color of the flame of lime does not greatly differ from that of strontia, with the exception that it is not so decided. Arragonite and calcareous spar, moistened with hydro- chloric acid, and tried as directed for strontia, produce a red light, not unlike that of strontia. The chloride of calcium gives a red tinge, but not nearly so decided as the chloride of strontium. The carbonate of lime will produce a yellowish flame for a while, until the carbonic acid is driven ofi*, when the red color of the lime may be discerned. If the borate or phosphate of lime be used, the green color of the acids predominates over the red of the lime. Baryta also destroys the red color of the lune, by mixing its green colpr with it. There is but one silicate of lime which colors the flame red, it is the variety termed tabular spar. 5. EXAMINATIONS IN THE BORAX BEAD. In order to examine a substance in borax, the loop of the platinum wire should, after being thoroughly cleaned, and heated to redness, be quickly dipped into the powdered borax, and then quickly transferred to the flame of oxidation, and there fused. If the bead is not large enough to fill the loop of the wire, it must be subjected again to the same pro- cess. By examining the bead, both when hot and cold, by holding it up against the light, it can be soon ascertained whe- ther it is free from dirt by the transparency, or the want of it, of the bead. In order to make the examination of a substance, the bead 70 T HE B L c W r I PE. should be melted and pressed against it, when enough will adhere to answer the purpose. This powder should tlien be fused in the oxidation flame until it mixes with, and is tho- roughly dissolved by the borax bead. The principal objects to be determined now are : the color of the borax bead, both when heated and when cooled ; also the rapidity with which the substance dissolves in the bead, and if any gas is eliminated. If the color of the bead is the object desired, the quantity of the substance employed must be very small, else the bead will be so deeply colored, as in some cases to appear almost opaque, as, for instance, in that of cobalt. Should this be the case, then, while the bead is still red hot, it should be pressed flat with the forceps ; or it may, while soft, be pulled out to a thin thread, whereby the color can be distinctly discovered. Some bodies, when heated in the borax bead, present a clear bead both while hot and cold ; but if the bead be heated with the intermittent flame, or in the flame of reduction, it becomes opalescent, opaque or milk-white. The alkaline earths are instances of this kind of reaction, also glucina oxide of cerium, tautalie and titanic acids, yttria and zircouia. But if a small portion of silica should be present, then the bead becomes clear. This is likewise the case with some silicates, provided there be not too large a quantity present, that is : over the quantity necessary to saturate the borax, for, in that case, the bead will be opaque when cool. If the bead be heated on charcoal, a small tube or cavity must be scooped out of the charcoal, the bead placed in it, and the flame of reduction played upon it. When the bead is per- fectly fused, it is taken up between the platinum forceps and pressed flat, so that the color may be the more readily discerned. This quick cooling also prevents the protoxides, if there be any present, from passing into a higher degree of oxidation. The bead should first be submitted to the oxidation flame, and any reaction carefully observed. Tiien the bead should be submitted to the flame of reduction. It must be observed that Initiatoey Analysis. T1 the platinum forceps should not be used when there is danger of a metallic oxide being reduced, as in this case the metai would alloy with the platinum and spoil the forceps. In this case charcoal should be used for the support. If, however, there be oxides present which are not reduced by the borax, then the platinum loop may be used. Tin is frequently used for the purpose of enabhng the bead to acquire a color for an oxide in the reducing flame, by its affinity for oxygen. The oxide, thus being reduced to a lower degree of oxidation, imparts its peculiar tinge to the bead as it cools. The arsenides and sulphides, before being examined, should be roasted, and then heated with the borax bead. The arsenic of the former, it should be observed, will act on the glass tube in which the sublimation is proceeding, if the glass should contain lead. It should be recollected that earths, metallic oxides, and metalHc acids are soluble in borax, except those of the easily reducible metals, such as platinum or gold, or of mercury, which too readily vaporize. Also the metallic sulphides, after the sulphur has been driven off. Also the salts of metals, after their acids are driven off by heat. Also the nitrates and car- bonates, after their acids are driven off during the fusion. Also the salts of the halogens, such as the chlorides, iodides, bromides, etc., of the metals. Also the silicates, but with great tardiness. Also the phosphates and borates that fuse in the bead without suffering decomposition. The metallic sul- phides are insoluble in borax, and many of the metals in the pure state. There are many substances which give clear beads with borax both while hot and cold, but which, upon being heated with the intermittent oxidation flame, become enamelled and opaque. The intermittent flame may be readily attained, not by varying the force of the air from the mouth, but by raising and depressing the bead before the point of the steady oxidating flame. The addition of a little nitrate of potasli will often greatly facilitate the production of a color, as it 72 T H E B L o w p I r E . oxidizes the metal. The hot bead should be pressed upon a small crystal of the nitrate, when the bead swells, intumesces and the color is manifested in the surface of the bead. 0. EXAMINATIONS IN MICROCOSMIC SALT. Microcosmic salt is a better flux for many metallic oxides than borax, as the colors are exhibited in it with more strength and character. Microcosmic salt is the phosphate of soda and ammonia. When it is ignited it passes into the biphosphate of soda, the ammonia being driven off. This bij^hosphate of soda possesses an excess of phosphoric acid, and thus has the property of dissolving a great number of substances, in fact almost any one, with the exception of silica. If the substances treated with this salt consist of sulphides or arse- nides, the bead must be heated on charcoal. But if the substance experimented upon consists of earthly ingredients or metaUic oxides, the platinum wire is the best. If the latter is used a few additional turns should be given to the wire in consequence of the greater fluidity of the bead over that of borax. The microcosmic salt bead possesses the advantage over that of borax, that the colors of many substances are better discerned in it, and that it separates the acids, the more volatile ones being dissipated, while the fixed ones combine with a portion of the base equally with the phosphoric acid, or else do not combine at all, but float about in the bead, as is the case particularly with silicic acid. Many of the silicates give with borax a clear bead, while they form with microcosmic salt an opalescent one. It frequently happens, that if a metallic oxide will not give its peculiar color in one of the flames, that it will in the other, as the difiference in degree with which the metal is oxidized often determines the color. If the bead is heated in the re- ducing flame, it is well that it should be cooled rapidly to prevent a reoxidation. Eeduction is much facilitated by the employment of metallic tin, whereby the protoxide or the Initiatory Analpsis. 73 reduced metal may be obtained ia a comparatively brief time. The following tables, taken from Plattner and Sberer, will present the reactions of the metallic oxides, and some of the metallic acids, in such a clear light, that the student cannot very easily be led astray, if he gives the least attention to them. It frequently happens that a tabular statement of reactions will impress facts upon the memory when long detailed descrip- tions will fail to do so. It is for this purpose that we subjoin the following excellent tables. TABLE I #, BORAX. B. MICROCOSMIC SALf* 1. Oxydizing flame. 1. Oxydizing flame. 2. Reducing " 2, Reducing " The Blowpipe *3 ^ 11 QJ O §l1.i| ^ o — -tJ O S -^ '>< CJ =? ti 2 =: c« = ~ O — T •— O 2 B ^3i? g CC^Or-ip;a2i-:3SCK-it5E-(0 ^ O CO Alumina Oxide of Tin Telluric Acid B 3 1 'o Zinc Cadmium Lead Bismuth Antimony ll Lime Magnesia Glucina Yttria Zirconia Thoria Oxide of Tantalic Niobic Pelopic Titanic Tungstic Molybdic Oxide of -33 3 3 s Table I. A 7^7 • • Oxide of Cerium with interm. flame opaque white;. Oxide of Iron, yellovr Oxide of Uranium with interm. flame opaque yellow. Oxide of Silver in large proportion, with in- term. flame opaline. Vanadic Acid, yellow. Oxide of Nickel, reddish-brown. " " Manganese, red to violet. £ 's >-> o o r2 o 6 s 3 "a o I o o a ^ ^" o- ■§. O i i O i a s s o o o r2 o When in large quantity. Otherwise co- lorless. Oxide of Nickel " " Manganese " " Didymium 1 o & 1 Titanic Acid, yellow Tungstic " " Molybdic " dark-yellow Oxide of Zinc, pale-yellow " " Cadmium, pale-yellow " " Lead, yellow " " Bismuth, orange " " Antimony, yellow " " Cerium, red *' . " Iron, dark-red *' " Uranium, red " ". Silver Vanadic Acid, yellow Oxide of Chromium, dark-red 1 o o Cm O ■§ Yellow, orange red, and reddish-brown. a o 78 The B l o w p i r P5 |s| ►- c -2 5^ = a tc>^ o c f' ft to fcc o o ^ &3 a '^ o ^1 Si r c5 OJ iX! <^ O cq cc t-^ 03 cS I a a 3 "5 o_^ ^ eg g J c .« j^ csj O H^ P5 -< J2; o o < . - ij X CQ O o s «i 2 3 -g , o n « ^ -a ^ -S -73 -^ s 3 :5 o _ as N o 1^ « -< Jz; ^ 5:2 1-5 S O t>-i Cs3 H O -13 HO ^ o o .2-3 3 3 o Table I. A 79 'I l"^ • "5 OH § th-7. ^ ^ 2 o to O S =2 S § I 2.-2 tC^ fl o c ^ o a o o o 3 "tS o oQ tQ Q H^ w -<^ ;2; _2 •73 ^ ^ 3 -, •rr a. o - - :; O *S tJ "J .■§ § o 3 .H a ^ti^o -s .. s^ l|5 2o S 0.5rS O <1 ■;3 oj as IS - o J t» 1^ "o '^ ^ ^ " .2 a. o o o is rti.ll & « 2 2 ^^ eg f-i S rr I-* OC.5*§ 3 =! .2 O »- 80 The Blow pip i ^ "fi J; IS r « S O h'5 S r .2 rt <^ "in o 11 03 — t50H5PQ<1 .-= -5 X o rt r II c: o ei- = s e= o ^ o «2 "^ ^ ii* 13 O c''^ fee r5 w ts rt -S .= J2 -= i^ ± ^ s«^ si ..2 O^ PQ Table I. B. 81 rt o.H h5 52;P^ ^S C3 fl rt Oh O O £ §^ 2 fc^ ^n bO C3 C 3 l^o >-. 12 '3 - S 3 'a TS 9 nil ...-1i r3 ci, •-5 o 'o 'p ISO 4'^ 82 T HE B L O W I' I P E i g d «= fl ^ a tf; S^ o o o % fcX) to O r/1 o > '<'aO o 5^ c; r C3 O .- rt .X ^ .5 ci Q .- . iJil^ J I ^ -^ C c3 c .E^ ^ •-;: o 2 fcx; ^ i — -^ .i: — *^ c>-i s: H o o = ^ Wo ffl m "o w cS-< ' =« _ .^ ^ ^*- ^ io^.3 Wee .S^o- ' X rt i3 .S ^ -:= ^ .== ^ >; " O tt 02 hJ ;^ O kH N H O •5 .H >> ^^ S h:5 ^ « S i^ 02 ^S^^a HO 5 Table I 83 .X ^ ?; CO O 3 ■& 3 •3 " .2 -^ 2S ^:2-s •s So s p *E o o o oSf>o ,2 1:3 <1 ^ 2 <1 ►^ ^ Ei O < o c o o «3 ^.2 o « o o o bead is obtain hich, however, hyst-color may ght out by addin nitre. While is kept fused s and gives ott' b of gas. S § 2 "S senilis C* ci .Q ^ ,~ c3 ^ ;=: ^ c; -2 i =* t^^ ^ ':f 2 > 2 5 c: 1^ -^S •" -- — .-, •^!Eo.i!|-r 1^1 I ^^3o o o o -^ •;n •" -" O ^ .^ C ci c3 Si « ^ H II 3S vio- antity ces an bead, press- to be C ci o S ^^^'^ - II §1 ItMil tea O 'S tC-5 -^ >. fe .«2 C3 coolin ger a vcd. r?2 •« •p CO ^ 2 coolin . A the oxi parentl ich ho flat, nspare c ^ o rt s:s- i-'^'s c O ^ m -^ « c«d «M _ OQ C o O " Ci G> rj ' :2 s «^ ^•^ S bS Tii I] I. O W I' I P E . 1 c c .2 o s O sively rus- ditiou oniGS, first color- n ryj ^ r-J o ci 't; ^ ^ c. % fcOE Tl o o „ a o 1 'Pi o 5 he glass cooli and th 3 ^ o c .2 = 11 •s.a 5 '-^ f^ ci is O r-. m O'^ tr. O i b c t» ^ •J ^i^l t-^S-S ^ J: 7: *^ -^ •:3 :2' £ ^ .-^ ^ tc fe . o ^g2a's = =^ C C M *^ _ ^ ^^.r- ;-. C M d f 2 S ° '-3 .2f rt .2 -6 ^ -S o 'a -^ = o si to o >-:§ ^ '3 o t> o " c to "3 "^ .5 "^ m yr'n -^ fcctj 00 S ?i ?^ M i K ,: jj o o E .ti « o ?^ P r -^ 3 CO -"^^ . ei .^ --^ ^ I-' .— 0—1 ^ > >- Kl .;::. ^ ci -S-^ -2 "^-5 111 "^ -— r3 . - ci ■£ 'T? -^ lOunt, da irm, and icn cold. r ^ 9 C E •-: t» ^ =0 s-g CS JJ +j 'fcb'3 2 O c o Table II. 89 ^ . , o ;. • :; -s .--^ '^'^ L t:mum 1 Avii bea eh a tin econ and con re bea ains a ^ r: ^ tooras .iis|.^|l^ig ■ ^^ Wr^-rt H-S fcC-5 1 t:^ jjoociic^^ C. p -iJ o jj .^ <^ ^jj w ??0 "3 >-'S "^ 2 2 ^ o 9, 1^^ o 1 1 s Hi > 'o which n coo addi , the g lile ho cold. ^ u o S. ^ 9. c a, ^ 'O w rt o .2 „,^ .2 „ o to o ^ Hi .s '^ cs el ^ O O =* jj 03 O "73 -^ fee O -^3 ^ 3 ^ ci r- ci t) C3 t^ .2 &J3 £ .5 '^ . ^ S =« c ^ ! 1 1 :S .2 -i j o o ^ ^ a> B 3 g 5 o ^ g 3. O -u> '/>«>>■ -rs •" ^ o W Q > J3 .2 G ^ > ;=; -^ -^ § s § O CO O M ^ o JL S S ^ 3 ?^ « O •1 i^ g,.^ ^ S « O S <= 1'^ I S O-^StT S r; 5 ° ^ fl> -- ^ d ^rt d a, «3 O ^ qa c3 w .d ; ^ A «i^ d > O.S rQ OS o .^ O cj ^ M » o3 ? © ■s. In small quantity dis- solves slowly into a clear colorless glass, which, when cold, re- mains clear, and cannot be rendered opaque with an intermittent flame. If a saturated bead, which has been allowed to cool, be reheated to incipient redness, it loses its rounded form and exhibits imperfect crys- taUization. Dissolves readily to a dear glass which with a small amount of the oxide is yellow, while warm, and becomes i:b Table II. 93 -C3 h. g o ^ § ° I o^ o f o o o ? o o x» « is o -r; t- o 9 ^ c3 S,15 f- o fl — 5^ O 02 0^2 d ^ J Cn-d ^~ g g S =j ^ S rt 03 CC ^ 3 £P O o .5 ^ ,1, d ej 'd -d sfll » ^ M o s o .t^ q^ -^ £ o O =3 O r3 "3 ^ m ^ o o .g o d O C3 d .d rt S S ^^ O cc o o.2d^P2g=«'^ Orfl=!3oci'^.d.-gO^ fi--lFII Sills ^ro*-ld^«o^ii=^"^^'- o o fcC 1 o -^ Zi T3 ^ O O tn P. o CI 3 aT-a ^ ^ ^ :d «^-d ci O § tfl ^- ;r I S ° ^ J O o O -i;j f — ^o ^g h cT.g ^ -3 § "" 2 o o 0:2 ^ ,2ocjo/2ceocr s to a tx) >> ci ay O) ^ I « I D-2 ^ 5 "^ fc/i'2 2 S :S 9 o tec-- i 0.-2 ^-^^og — ' • "*^ '^ Ti3 '^ w cr- o o ri ^ ti) •5 "5 "fcc o .9 rt o rt rt t: "5 ^ a :3 o " o ci •"a c -^ c -kJ O X 03 O -kJ -^ c3 a o o g 2-P 3 q=l . • >^ 'I fcO c3 ^-5 c t. '5 o « ^ »3 o <1 'Ji , • — ■ ^ .S «J 'o ta g-Jg ft to i:;^^ o .;5 o o 12 -s p :h 3 ?^ c-t s5 tu ^ o ^ — "5 S > ^ o ^ (^2 tr- c t- 9 fcc '-H "5 " ^ ^ Table II 97 *2 O •S S S o f^ S S o s :i o .5 «- ^ ~ o ^ - 'tJ o ^ S -j^ w o ^ ° i^ m , O C o ii a 11:0 ."S»^ w C A, i; O O e« ._ jj O *J ^ O ei ce C -p CL, 2"^ J o S'5 ® fcC =^ g ;§ "^ ro .3 o ci ^ «t-< § .2 a ^ '-' 000 c^ -^ t-i - o o a t« o ^3 c 2 o os; -3 2 :;3 -t; "^ -s c3 .s .2 'C c to a vhcii pro- d, is |i •ate ot, ess fl 5-^1 •§ '^ 2 ^ 03 -.-21 |1 >..,a ryf 2 ";:; t» cfc _5 S > 2 fcp I'?':! S . 2 fcb ^ c a llil s|i| ou: s 000 M ^^ .ti & >-.^ 4. «« i J. to 4ill a •a * C £ y '2 . g =^^ 'S a CO — or brow bead a amcl-lik ider an 1 i C! •^ "^ C3 = 3 — ~ C <1 >-.XS ^ ci •n g :j-:2 o o o a ^ ^ 2 •- £ bc-^ d t5 2 ^' -2 ^ --5^--=^ ^ d ^ o2 ^-5 M S t3 r-. ^ ^.-S ^ ■> 3 -!<-i •" -^ d f- ^'^ 2 d c -a d c3 oT^ i d '^ d >^ T^.p ^ •5 . d ,- ^ 't^ r-; s s "-► — -a d d ^ ^ =^ -^ CO '0 s §1 c :S S 8 3 « ^ S = fcJb r ^ S o .S ,S '^ :S il § tl* . •dC '^9 ■ n r,-^ 8^ 9S The Blowpipe. 6 a fco > t^ o ! O -S J 5 ca to S ^ CO d O » J- ^ g - g 2 ^ o ^ s =^ o 9 ^ :^ -^ a o fl ci a ■^ ^ fl Oi t- O tH O cc • — O P 'O ^ I Cl( C; cS c3 _^ o tc 6 - o rs ^ ^ to J- a, o S P § 5^ cj r, "^ r^ '^ CJ -^ S . — ! - ^ ' ^c o 3 «^|"l iiil § ^^t S g 2 ^ g g ■ .'ri '^ oj T3 to S d O .a i u ^ o S fcfitcS o |i o o ^ 3 3 O "S 3 " p ci _;:; o ^ XJ > rt =: ^3 ^ tt ;S g^. •K o c.^ Table II 99 With a sufficient dose of the acid, the bead becomes brown with a violet tinge. This reac- tion is readily obtained upon charcoal. Sulphate of iron renders the bead blood-red. On charcoal the satu- rated glass becomes at first dull, but as soon as the reduced antimony is volatilized, it again be- comes clear. With tin, the glass is at fii'st ren- dered grey by the r"- duced antimony, but \>y continued blowing is restored to clearness. Even when the glass contains but little oxide, tin produces this reae tion. Dissolves even in large quantity to a colorless glass. Dissolves with ebulli- tion to a glass of a pale yellow color while warm. • A bead containing suf- ficient of the acid to render it spontaneously opaque on cooling, has a greyish color. A bead, that has only been treated for a short time in the oxidizing flame, Avhen submitted to the reducing flame becomes grey and turbid from the reduced anti- mony. This soon vola- tilizes and tlie glass again becomes clear. The ad- dition of tin renders the glass ash-grey or black, according to the amount of oxide it contains. o 5 . Even when in large proportion, dissolves to a clear glass, Avhich is yellow when Avarm, but almost entirely loses its color on cooling. On charcoal, the antimo- nious acid may be al- most expelled, so that tin produces no further change. .2 28. Oxide of Antimony, 100 The Blowpipe. pure igstic , the d-red ir to this the on be utity, e3 -a d S ^|2 W3 ? M q5 ^2 § o^^ 9-^ 2 S^£i tc =S "^ .^ 3 .5 5 h= ^ d ill o ^2 ^^ ? .-^ S S Hod ^ o III ^cA.2 o a C3 c-2 - Si fcc O ^3 tn o eS 2 S o .1 ,-,-S i^J c; OJ2^ P) ^ .2 «"■« d fcc '3 i P. o o !=! O sent in small quantity, the glass undergoes lio change. With a larger proportion, the glass is deep yellow while warm, and yellowish-brown when cold. This reac- tion takes place upon charcoal, with a small quantity of the acid. Tin produces a dark colora- tion, when the acid is not present in too great a quantity. The glass, Avhich has been treated in the oxi- dizing flame, becomes, when the acid is not present in too large a quantity, brown, and E to d .s Dissolves readily to a clear colorless glass. In large proportion it ren- ders the borax yellow, Avhile warm, and with a still greater addition the bead may be made opa- que with an intermittent flame. If more be then added, this reaction takes ^placc spontaneously. Dissolves readily and in large quantity. When but little is dissolved, the glass is yellow while hot and colorless when cold. Ig H-o Table II. 101 fr< • o !/: —■ • S X ^ -^ .= o 75 og^H S •s ^ .0 ^-^ « ,-^3 S ^ ^ s i r- S -C ^ -- iant grcei lat produc of chromi tion on c isely sinii lers the cc t darker. -a := '^^ 'i^ g 2 rt Msit ^sl 1 1 M ,> ra « . M s- c3 -* «-Q^ ?: ?^ g^J'^ S 1 y. ^.r-5-ig ,Q yellowis vhen wai es nearl cooUng. , the gla: :, and wh autiful g; • 9 jj "^ r- - ^^ ,^ " t^ « _ c; '- n large quantity, ly opaque. In a flame, oxide of [enum is formed is visible in tlie glass in the form k flakes. If the ppear opaque, it be flattened with a. '0 ii tb .3 d *: ^ fccs - ^ § ^ -^ 1 >-^ ^ ^ ^ H -Sot fcXJ g ^ 8.5 fl ^ d o ^2^ t- S o •s 2 <^ §1 o o +-> .a ph-s '-' .2 =^ 3 o 2 O 2 Si M ^ O O rt *^ 2 .2 ra a o .3 . fcjD ^ -^ S ^ ••;3 . '=^»* ^0 'ro '0 ~ g^ 83 102 Tn Blowpipe pm -5 o .= ^ ^ o s S! fe S 55 . K a .2 ei O '3 .s ^'^ .1 O >i; tn rt O ci O qq o TS a '- ^ d >..J. c3 g =: ©-:;: :::: s (+3 -"•Jill >< ei - >-> 1 o rt .5 «3 p '-t: 2i S S a O > o « "2 o ± -s -s ""^ 9 » "^ o J^l en c «J|lel fcjf^ O fcij^ ^ a d ^- ■ o ■?^ "^ c s S — rt ^ fcJO p C" •~^ ct ^ ,a .- rt ii Jii c? O O Oi "^3 o s be ^ ri W -' 2 -5 ^ " ^ &^ . O P t. r- O 'O =e § « ^- ^"S o c ? S f I ^ .S ! -43 ?= O -< 1 ^"i ^ 5 1i >.<= >■ e3 ' d 9 % O ^" U-S ^ r-) 11 rr 'fcbi^ is > ^h o-r o 3 a O ^ O "TS TS O 2i CO .2 b C CO 29 CJ ... "3 I N I T I A T O P. Y A N A L Y S I S . 103 t. EXAMINATIONS WITH CARBONATE OF SODA. The carbonate of soda is pulverized and then kneaded to a paste with water; the substance to be examined, in line powder, is also mixed with it. A small portion of this paste is placed on the charcoal, and gradually heated until the moisture is expelled, when the heat is brought to the fusion of the bead, or as high as it can be raised. Several phenomena will take place, which must be closely observed. Notice whether the substance fuses with the bead, and if so, whether there is intu- mescence or not. Or, whether the substance undergoes reduc- tion ; or, whether neither of these reactions takes place, and, on the contrary, the soda sinks into the charcoal, leaving the sub- stance intact upon its surface. If intumescence takes place, the presence of either tartaric acid, molybdic acid, silicic, or tung- stic acid, is indicated. The silicic acid will fuse into a bead, which becomes clear when it is cold. Titanic acid will fuse into the bead, but may be easily distinguished from the silicic acid by the bead remaining opaque when cold, Strontia and baryta will flow into the charcoal, but lime will not. The molybdic and tungstic acids combine with the soda, forming the respective salts. These salts are absorbed by the charcoal. If too great a quantity of soda is used, the bead will be quite likely to become opaque upon cooling, while, if too small a quantity of soda is used, a portion of the substance will remain undissolved. These can be ec|ually avoided by either the addition of soda, or the substance experimented upon, as may be required. As silica and titanic acid are the only two substances that produce a clear bead, the student, if he gets a clear bead, may almost conclude that he is experimenting with silica, titanic acid being a rare substance. When soda is heated with silica, a slight effervescence will be the first phenomenon no- ticed. This is the escape of the carbonic acid of the carbonate of soda, while the silicic acid takes its place, forming a glass 104: The Blowpipe. with the soda. As titanic acid will not act in the same man- ner as silica, it can be easily distinguished by its bead not being perfectly }3ellucid. If the bead with which silica is fused should be tinted of a hyacinth or yellow color, this may be attributed to the presence of a small quantity of sulphur or a sulphate, and this sometimes happens from the fact of the flux containing sulphate of soda. The following metals, when exposed with carbonate of soda to the reducing flame, are wholly or partially reduced, viz. the oxides of all the noble metals, the oxides and acids of tungsten, molybdenum, arsenic, antimony, mercury, copper, tellurium, zinc, lead, bis- muth, tin, cadmium, iron, nickel, and cobalt. Mercury and arsenic, as soon as they are reduced, are dissipated, while tellurium, bismuth, lead, antimony, cadmium, and zinc, are only partially Yolatilized, and, therefore, form sublimates on the charcoal. Those metals which are difficult of reduction should be fused with oxalate of potassa, instead of the carbonate of soda. The carbonic oxide formed from the combustion of the acid of this salt is Yery efficient in the reduction of these metals. Carbonate of soda is very efficient for the detection of minute quantities of manganese. The mixture of the carbonate of soda with a small addition of nitrate of potassa, and the mineral containing manganese, must be fused on platinum foil. The fused mass, when cooled, presents a fine blue color. Part III. THE DETERMINATION OF MINERALS BY THE AID OF THE BLOWPIPE. TABLE OF KEACTIOXS. I. The substance reduced to a powder is placed •upon charcoal and heated with the blowpipe flame. 1. It volatilizes or hums. 2. It yields an alliaceous odor. a. Minerals having metallic lustre. b. Minerals without metallic lustre. 3. It yields the odor of decayed horse-radish, 4. It gives off fumes of antimony. a. Minerals having metallic lustre. a. Giving witli carbonate of soda upon charcoal and in tlie reduction flame a bead of metallic lead. p. Giving with soda upon charcoal in reduction flame a bead of silver. y. Giving neither silver nor lead when treated with soda upon charcoal under the reduction flame. b. Substances without metallic lustre. lOG T H E B L O W P I P K . 5. It forms upon the charcoal a v:hitish coating, which tinges the reduction flame green, (If pulverized, and heated witli strong sulphuric acid, colors the flame red.) a. Minerals of a tin-white color. b. Minerals having lead or steel gray color. 6. The residue has an alkaline reaction, a. Substances soluble in water. a. Yielding water when heated in a glass tube. /3. Giving no water when so heated. b. Substances insoluble or nearly so in water. a. Effervescing when treated with hydrochloric acid. /?. Fusing with the carbonate of soda, and yielding a sulphurous mass. 7. Giving neither of these reactions. 7. The residue is magnetic. a. Minerals with metallic lustre. b. Minerals without metallic lustre. IT. The substance mixed witb the carbonate of soda is placed upon charcoal and heated in the reduction flame. 1. The fused mass gives the sulphur reaction upon silver. There is also a metallic globule. a. Anhydrous substances. b. Hydrates. 2. The fused onass gives the sulphur reaction^ hut no metallic globule. a. Hydrates. b. Anhydrous substances. 3. The fused mass does not afford the sulphur reaction^ but yields a metallic head. a. The o-lobule is bismuth. The Blowpipe. lOT b. The globule is lead. c. The globule is silver. d. The globule is copper. e. The globule is some other metal. III. The borax bead is violet in the exterior flame. 1. Minerals loith metallic lustre. 2. Minerals icithout metallic lustre. lY. The pulverized substance, heated with cobalt solu- tion, exhibits a green color. Y. The substance dissolves completely in hydrochloric acid. 1. It is fusible before the bloicinjje. a. Yields water when treated in the glass tube. b. Yields no water in the glass tube. 2. It is infusihle before the blov^pipe. a. Hydrates. b. Anhydrous substances. YI. The substance is partially dissolved in hydrochloric acid, forming a gelatinous mass. 1. Fusible before the bloiopipe. a. Hydrates. b. Anhydrous substances. 2. Infusible before the blowpipe, a. Hydrates. b. Anhydrous bodies. YII. The substance dissolves in hydroeliloric acid, leav- ing a residue of silica, but not in a gelatinous form. 1. Hydrates. 2. Anhydrous bodies. 108 T H E B L o Av p I p p: . yill. The substance is insoluble in liydrocljloric acid, and yields in the microcosmic salt bead a skeleton of silica. 1. It is fusible before the blowpipe. 2. It is ill fusible. IX. Minerals belonging to neither of the preceding groups. I. THE SUBSTAl^CE, EEDUCED TO POWDEE, IS PLACED UPOIS" CHAECOAL AND HEATED WITH THE BLOWPIPE ELAME. 1. IT VOLATILIZES OR BURXS READILY. Sulpliiir — Arsenic — Selenium — Tellurium — Anti- mony — Selensulphur — Eealgar (arsenic di-oxide) — Orpi- ment (arsenic tri-oxide) — Yalentinite (antimonic tri- oxide) — Senarmontite (antimonic tri-oxide) — Kermes (oxide and sulphide of antimony) — Antimonocher (hydrated pentoxide of antimony)— Stiblite (antimonic oxides) — Stibine (antimonic tri-sulphide) — Salammoniac (ammonium chloride) — Muscagnite (ammonium sul- phate) — Cinnabar (mercuric sulphide) — Calomel (mer- curous chloride) — Sylvine (potassium chloride) — Cotun- nite (lead chloride) — Tiemannite (mercuric selenide) — Graphite. Yielding an alliaceous odor when heated on charcoal ; — Ai'setiio ; it volatilizes without liquefying ; gives in the glass tube a dark gray metallic ring ; in the platinum pin- cers, colors the flame pale blue ; metallic lustre, tin white, dull or black. Arsenite sublimes without fusing in little white crystals ; in the platinum pincers colors the flame blue ; soluble in hot water ; has a vitreous lustre. DifFasing an odor of sulphurous acid when heated : Sulphur, burns with a blue flame ; in the closed tube 110 The Bloavpii'e. melts and volatilizes ; H (hardness*) 1.5 ; brittle. — Cinnor hew volatilizes in the closed tube, yielding a black subli- mate, and if previous!}'- mixed with soda or potassium cyanide, will deposit little globules of mercury ; red ; 11 2.5. Yielding an alliaceous and sulphurous odor when heated on charcoal : Realgar, melts in the closed tube, and sub- limes, giving a transparent red deposit ; red ; becomes , dark brown if treated with potash. — Orpiment melts and volatilizes in the closed tube, yielding a deep yellow sub- limate ; yellow ; dissolves in potash solution. Releasing fumes of antimony when heated on charcoal : Native Antimony fuses to a spherical metallic globule, but becomes coated in cooling with small crystals of antimonic oxide. The metal is bluish white, lustrous, with a specific " The scale of hardness is as follows : 1. Talc, light green variety, easily scratched by the thumb nail. 3. Selenite (gypsum), not easily scratched by the nail ; does not scratch copper. 3. Calcite, transparent. Scratches and is scratched by a coj^per coin. 4. Fluor spar, crystallized. Not scratched by a copper coin ; does not scratch glass. 5. Apatite, transparent. Scratches glass with difficulty; easily scratched by the knife. * 6. Orthoclase, white, cleavable felspar. Scratches glass easily; not easily scratched by the knife. 7. Quartz, transparent. Not scratched by the knife. 8. Topaz. 9. Sapphire. 10. Diamond. With a knife, piece of glass, and a copper coin, the hardness ia soon determined, and a clue to its name and value obtained. In applying the test for hardness considerable care is requisite ; when determining the relative hardness of two substances, each should be applied to the other. Minerals of equal hardness scratch each other. T H 3:: J> L O W P I P E . 11 ! gravity of G.T. — Valentinite, transparent, pearly lustre, white, and is easily sublimed in the closed tube. — &enar- 7)iontite is distinguished from the preceding only by a dif- ference in crystalline form. — Kermes alFords a globule of antimony when heated alone upon charcoal, and releases water when heated in the closed tube ; H, 1.5. — Stiblite yields a globule of antimony upon charcoal, but no water in the closed tube ; H. = 5.5. Yielding antimony fumes, also the odor of sulphurous acid, when heated upon charcoal; Kermes gives in the closed tube a sublimate, at first white, then orange ; hard- ness 1.5, streak,* bright red. Stibine fuses easily in the tube, and gives, if heated strongly, a brown sublimate ; metallic lustre ; lead gray color. H. ^ 2. Diffusing the odor of decayed horse-radish when heated on charcoal : Selenium — Tlemannite ; deposits mercury on the sides of the tube if heated with carbonate of soda. Yielding the horse-radish odor with sulphurous acid when heated on charcoal, Selensulplmr. Tellurium ; easily fused on coal, and burns with a greenish flame; tin-white, with a metallic lustre. — Sal- ammoniciG evaporates without fusing ; is easily soluble in water; if heated with potash releases ammonia. — Mascag- nite fuses, boils, and volatilizes, and deposits water in the closed tube ; treated with soda, gives a sulphur reaction. — Sylvine fuses and volatilizes on the charcoal, coloring .the flame a pale violet ; soluble in water. — Cotunnite gives on the coal a greenish yellow coating ; treated with soda a globule of lead is obtained ; slightly soluble in water. — Calomel gives with carbonate of soda in the closed tube little globules cf mercury; grayish white; insoluble in water. — Graphite fused on platinum with saltpetre yields * The streak is obtained by marking with the mineral upon a white surface, preferably the surface of unglazed porcelain. 112 The Blowpipe. carbon dioxide, which converts the reagent into potassic carbonate ; at a high heat it burns, leaving only a slight residue. 2. YIELDING BY CALCINATION AN ALLIACEOUS ODOR. a. Minerals with metallic lustre. jSTative Arsenic — Dufrenoysite (copper and arsenic sulphides) — Arsenical Antimony — Sclervelase (lead and arsenic sulphides) — Panabase (antimony and arsenic sulphides) — Polybasite (lead, copper, antimony, and arsenic sulphides) — Smaltine (cobalt and arsenic) — Lencopyrite (iron and arsenic) — Cobaltine (cobalt, ar- senic and sulphur) — Mccolite (nickel and arsenic) — Pammelsbergite (nickel, arsenic with sm^all amount of bismuth and copper) — Disomose (nickel, arsenic, and sulphur) — Mispickel (iron, arsenic and sulphur) — Geo- cronite (lead, antimony and arsenic sulphides). Arsenic and Antimony as native metals belong with this group only when the assay consists of too large frag- ments, or when on account of impurities in the former the volatihzation is not complete. a- Yielding hydrogen sulphide when treated with hy- drochloric acid: Dufrenoysite j the borax bead indicates copper ; fuses easily on charcoal giving arsenic and sul- phurous odors, leaving finally ahead of copper. — Panahase yields on coal the fumes of antimony ; sometimes the cop- per reaction is obtained in the borax bead ; many speci- mens yield also a zinc coating on charcoal. Borax bead blue : Cobaltine reduces before the blow- pipe and leaves a magnetic bead. Borax bead is of a brownish tint in the oxidation flame • Disomose decrepitates on charcoal. The Blowpipe. 113 Borax bead is green in the reduction and reddish brown in the oxidation flame : Mhpiekel reduces on charcoal and yields a magnetic globule. With carbonate of soda yielding a bead of lead : Sclerodase, very brittle: H. 2.5. — Geocronite gives de- cided antimony reactions, and more feebly the cojDper re- actions. With carbonate of soda upon charcoal yielding a silver bead : Polyhasite gives the antimony coating, aid reduces to a dark gray grain having a metallic lustre. /?. Yielding no hydrogen sulphide by treatment with hydrochloric acid : Smaltine yields a blue borax bead, and reduces easily on the charcoal to a dark gray brittle globule, which may be taken up by the magnet. — Leucopy- rite gives upon the charcoal a magnetic mass ; gives also a dark gray streak. — JSficcoUte gives a red brown color to the borax bead in the oxidation flame ; reduces on coal to a magnetic globule ; has a copper-red color, a metallic lustre, and gives a dark brown streak. — Rammelshergite gives reactions similar to Niccolite ; reduces readily ; remains incandescent some time after being removed from the flame ; has a tin-white color, and gives a gray streak. h. Minerals loitJiout metalliG lustre. Kottigite (nickel, cobalt, zinc -and arsenic) — Scoro- dite (iron and copper, arsenates) — Sjmplesite (hydrated arsenate of iron) — Pitticite (iron arsenate and sulphate) — Pharmacosiderite (hydrated arsenates of iron) — Phar- macolite (copper arsenate) — Chondrarsenite (manganese, arsenate) — Erythrine (cobalt arsenate) — JSTickelochre (nickel arsenate) — Pyrargyrite (silver antimony and arsenic sulphides) — Erinite (copper arsenate) — Chalkophyllite (copper arsenates) — Liroconite (copper and aluminum ar- senates) — Euchroite (copper arsenates) — Olivenite (cop- 114 T H E B L o w r I P E . per arsenate and tliospliatej — Tyrulite (copper, arsenate and calcium carbonate). Giving ill borax bead the copper reaction, and coloring the flarne blue if previously wet with hydrochloric acid; — JErinite gives on the charcoal a copper bead; yields water in the closed tube ; H.=5.5; transparent near the edges. — Clialkopliylllte decrepitates violently and re- duces to a brittle globule; emerald green color; clear green streak; H.=2. — TyroUte breaks into small frag- ments before the blowpipe, then blackens and fuses to a steel gray bead; H.=l.o ; color green, streak green and effervesces with acids. — Euchroite reduces before the blow- pipe, first to copper arsenite, then to metallic copper ; H.= 4.5 ; has a vitreous lustre. — Liroconite fuses on the char- coal and reduces to a scoriaceous mass ; becomes cobalt blue wlien ligbtly heated. — OUvenite fuses in the platinum pin- cers and recrystallizes upon cooling ; gives a little water in the closed tube ; and reduces upon the charcoal to a brown scoria ; streak varies from brown to olive green. Kottigite gives upon the coal a coating of oxide of zinc ; and affords a green color if treated with cobalt so- lution and heated strongly. • Erythrine gives a blue borax bead ; the mineral has a pinkish tint. J^ichelochre gives a brownish bead with borax in the outer flame; color greenish yellow. Fyrargyrite gives readily a globule of silver upon the charcoal if mixed with soda. Ghondrarsenite gives a violet color to the borax bead if brought into the outer flame. Becoming magnetic when reduced upon charcoal : 8cor- odite reduces easily to a scoriaceous mass; H. = 3. 5 or 4; streak greenish white. — Symplesite ; infusible; H.=5; Btreak varies from white to blue. — Fitticite reduced some- The Blowpipe. 115 what on charcoal; if plunged into water becomes trans- parent; H.^2.5; streak yellow. — Pharmacosiderite fuses on coal; in the closed tube gives off" water and turns red; streak yellow. Pharmacolite reduces on charcoal to a transparent bead ; the bead sometimes tinged with blue by reason of the presence of a little cobalt; colors the flame slightly red. 3. YIELDIXG THE ODOR OF DECAYED HORSE-RADISH WHEN HEATED OX CHARCOAL. Clausthalite (lead selenide) Berzellianite (copper sel- enide) — Tieinannite (niercurj selenide) — l^aumannite (silver selenide) — Zorgite (copper and lead selenide). Clausthalite gives with soda upon charcoal a bead of lead ; without soda, scales off, gives off fumes and yields a coating on the coal of red, yellow and white. — Berzel- lianite gives in the exterior flame a greenish blue borax bead; in the inner flame a reddish brown bead ; upon the charcoal a malleable gray globule is obtained. — Tieman- nite yields mercury in the closed tube, if heated with soda. H.==2.5; brittle. — N'aumannite, ^vith. soda on char- coal gives a bead of silver; in the outer flame on charcoal it fuses quietly; in the inner flame it boils and becomes solid and incandescent. — Zorgite fuses very easily and reduces to a gray mass Avith a metallic lustre; in the bo- rax bead exhibits the copper reaction; gives upon charcoal with soda a bead of lead. 4. WHEX HEATED UPOX CFiARCOAL GIVES OFF FUMES OF AXTIMOXY. a. Minerals having metallw lustre. I a globule of lead when heated in the redi al with carbonate of soda. Zinkenite — Jamesonite — Plagionite — Geocronite (all a. Giving a globule of lead when heated in the reduction flame upon charcoal with carbonate of soda. 116 The Blowpipe. lead and antimony sulphides) — Bournonite (copper, lead and antimony sulphides) — Tetrahedrite (copper, lead, silver and antimony sulphides) — Freieslebenite (silver, lead and antimony sulphides) — Kobellite (lead, iron, bis- muth and antiinony sulphides). The copper reaction is obtained with : — JBoiirnonite : gives in the closed tube a sublimate of sulphur ; reduces easily upon the coal to scori£B ; brittle; H.=2.5 ; streak dark gray. — Tetrahedriie decrepitates before the blowpipe; fuses on ciiarcoal and becomes gray scoriae; H.=3 — 4. Zmkenite decrepitates and reduces easily ; H.=3.5. J^lagionite ; hrhile ; H.=2.5 ; decrepitates before the blowpipe. Jamesonite and Geocronite are easily distinguished from the above by blowpipe alone. KohelUte colors the borax bead brown in the outer flame ; gives a bead of lead which is brittle in consequence of the presence of bismuth. Fieieslehenite yields a globule of lead which contains silver. /3. Gives a globule of silver when heated in the reduction flame on charcoal with soda. Dyscrasite (silver and antimony) — Miargyrite, Psatu- rose, Pyrargyrite (silver and antimony sulphides) — Polybasite (silver, copper and antimony sulphides). Yielding sulphurous fum.es when heated on charcoal: Polybasite borax bead indicates copper ; decrepitates, and reduces readily H.==2.5; Sp. Gr. 6.5. — Tetrahedrite, the borax bead indicates copper ; decrepitates and fuses easi- ly; contains a little silver. — Miargyrite; steel . gray to black in color ; soft to the touch ; streak red. — Psatiirose y H.=2.o; black. The Blowpipe. ' 117 Dlscrasite reduces easily on charcoal, but unlike the preceding yields no sulphurous acid vapors. 7. Giving on charcoal with soda neither lead nor silver. Native Antimony — Ullmanite (nickel, antimony and sulphur) — Stibine (antimony sulphide) — Breithanptite (nickel and antimony) — Chalcostibite (copper and anti- mony sulphides). Volatilizing completely after long heating: Native Antimony — Stihine. Giving the sulphur reaction: Ullmanite ; borax bead in the outer flame is reddish brown ; H.=5; brittle streak gray. Chalcostibite gives the copper reaction, decrepitates before the blowpipe and reduces easily ; H.=3.5 ; color varying from lead color to very dark gray ; streak black. Giving no sulphur reaction: Breitliaiiptite ; borax bead gives nickel reaction ; reduces with difficulty ; H.== 5 ; streak brownish red. h. Minerals loithoiit metallic Instre. Stiblite (antimony oxides) — Antimony Ochre (anti- monic oxide) — Jamesonite — Boulangerite (lead and anti- mony sulphides) — Kermes (antimony sulphide) — Pyrar- gyrite (silver and antimony sulphide) — Kameite (calcium and antimony oxides). Giving the sulphur reaction: Kermes fuses easily and colors the flame green : H.=1.5 ; adamantine lustre: color varying from brownish red to cherry red; streak red or brown. — Jamesonite gives with soda a globule of lead ; fuses easily ; H.=2 ; gray; streak dark gray and of a metallic lustre. — Boulangerite yields upon charcoal with soda a globule of lead. H.=3. — Pyrargyrite when reduced upon 118 The Blowpipe. charcoal with soda a bead of silver; alone on the coal it scales off and reduces to a black globule streak red. StiblUe yields a white coating upon the coal without reducing; reduced with soda, it yields a bead of antimony; yellow; H.=5.5. Antimony Ochre fuses easily before the blowpipe and with considerable intumescence ; gives water in the closed tube ; H.=l. Honieite alone upon the charcoal yields black scoriae ; with soda a globule of antimony is obtained ; H.=6 or 7 ; color Yellowish. 5. YIELDING OX CHARCOAL A WHITE COATING WHICH TINGES THE REDUCTION FLAME GREEN. [The powdered substance treated with strong- sulphuric acid and heated, colors the flame red.] a. Minerals of a tin-white color. Native Tellurium. — Argental Tellnrium Altaite (lead and tellurium). N'ative Telluriuni volatilizes completely, giving an odor similar to selenium. H.=2. Argental Tellurium gives if reduced with soda a silver bead ; H=2.5 ; malleable. Altaite yields with soda a bead of lead ; alone it reduces easily upon the coal, giving a yellowish coating. 1). Minerals of a steel or lead gray color. Tetradvmite (bismuth, tellurium and sulphur) — Sjl- vanite (gold, silver and tellurium) — Nagyagite (lead and tellurium, and sometimes also gold and sulphur). Giving the sulphur reaction: Tetradymlte gives with T H E B L O W P I P E . 119 soda in the reduction flame a globule of bismuth ; yields also an odor resembling selenium; — Hagyagite gives when reduced with soda a globule of lead ; streak gray. Sylvanlte gives no sulphur reaction; reduces on the charcoal to a gray metallic grain ; after long heating a malleable globule is obtained. G. HAVING AX ALKALINE REACTION AFTER CALCINA- TION. a. Easily sohible in loater. a. Yielding water when heated in tlie closed tube. Mirabilite (sodium sulpliate) — Thermonatrite — Mat- ron — Trona (all sodium carbonates) — Epsomite (magnesi- um sulphate) — Kalinite (potash alum) — ^lendigite (soda alum) — Tschermigite (ammonia alum) — Borax (sodium borate) — Loweite (magnesium and sodium sulphate) — Carnallite (magnesium and potassium chlorides) — Bous- singanltite (ammonium, magnesium and iron sulphate) — Picromerite (magnesium and potassium sulphates). Giving efiervescence with hydrochloric acid : Ti'ona^ H.=2.5 ; fuses in the closed tube yielding much water. — iVci^rd^i H.=1.5; fuses in the tube yielding much water; effloresces in the air. Thermonatrite does not fuse, and releases but little water. Giving with soda the sulphur reaction : Alums giving after strong heating the blue reaction with cobalt solution. — Potash Alum ; intumesces and tinges the flame a feeble violet. — Soda Alum fuses, intumesces and colors the flame yellow, especially if previously wet with hydrochloric acid. — Ammonia Alum, if heated with caustic potash, yields the odor of ammonia gas. — Epsomi(e gives after calcination a flesh or rather skin color with the cobalt 120 The Blowpipe. solution; fuses easily and with intumescence ; H.=2 or 2.5. — Mlrdbilite gives no reaction with cobalt solution ; fuses easily and is absorbed by the charcoal ; colors the flame yellow; H.=1.5. — Loioeite decrepitates in jiarting with water and then fuses quietly ; 11=2.5 or 3. JBoussingaul- tlte contains but little water ; gives with potash the am- monia odor. JPlcromerite gives the flesh tint with cobalt solution ; colors the flame violet, and precipitates silver nitrate by reason of containing some potassium chloride. Borax intumesces strongly and then fuses, afibrding an occasional green tint to the flame. Carnallite, very hygrometric ; colors the flame slightly violet ; gives also a slight whitish coating on the charcoal ; H=2 or 2.5. a. Giving no water in tlie closed tube. ISTitre (potassium nitrate) — Soda I^itre — Nitrocalcite (calcium nitrate) — Arcanite (potassium sulphate) — Thes- iardite (sodium sulphate) — Common Salt. Deflagrating on charcoal : Nltre^ coloring the flame violet: &oda Kitre^ coloring the flame yellow : Nitrocal- cite^ coloring the flame red and dejlagrating feebly. Giving^ with soda the reaction of sulphur : Arcanite decrepitates and fuses ; gives feeble potash reaction in the flame. Thenardite reduces only at a high temperature, coloring the flame yellow. Common Salt yields easily to the blowpipe flame, color- ing it yellow. h. Insoliible in water. a. EflPervesces when treated witli lijdrocliloric acid. Witlierite (barium carbonate) — Calcspar (calcium carbonate)— A ragonite (calcium carbonate) — Strontianite The Blowpipe. 121 (strontium carbonate) — Gaylussite (sodium and calcium carbonate) — Dolomite (calcium and magnesium carbonate) — Magnesite (magnesium carbonate) — Barvtocalcite (bar- ium and calcium carbonate) — Bromlite (barium and cal- cium carbonate) — Xemalite or Brucite (magnesium oxide hjdrated) — Hydromagnesite (magnesium carbonate) — Smitlisonite (zinc carbonate). Giving water iu the closed tube : Gaylussite colors tlie flame yellow; brittle; decrepitates, and fuses to an opaque globule. ILjdromagnesite gives with cobalt nitrate the flesh tint indicative of magnesium ; does not fuse nor color the flame. 11=3 2\'emallte ; infusible; does not color the flame ; gives the flesh tint with cobalt solution ; silky lustre. H=2. Coloring the flame green if previously wet with hydro- chloric acid j Witherite fuses easily f o a white bead having an enameled surface. Barytocalcite colors the flame yel- lowish green, and becomes opaque white with a greenish glazed covering. Bromlite presents the reactions of Barytocalcite ; some specimens, however, afibrd the crim- son color of strontium in the blowpipe flame. Coloring the flame red when moistened with hydro- chloric acid ; Strontianite. Coloring the flame orange-red when wet with hydro- chloric acid ; Calcspar y infusible, and becomes highly luminous before the blowpipe; H=3. — Aragonite is infusi- ble; in the closed tube falls to powder; H=3.5 or 4. — Dolo- mite eflervesces but slightly with acid ; heated in a powder- ed state on platinum foil, the particles remain separate, whereas calcite would unite in a mass ; 11=3.5. — Smitli- sonite gives upon charcoal a white coating of zinc oxide. Giving no color to the flame: Magnesite ; infusible, but yields the flesh tint when treate 1 with the cobalt solution. 122 The Blowpipe. /3, Giving the sulphur reaction -with the carbonate of soda. Anhydrite (calcium snlpliate) — Selenite (calcium sul- phate with water) — Barytite (barium sulphate) — Celes- tine (strontium sulphate) — Polyhalite (potassium, calcium and magnesium sulphates) — Glauberite (calcium and sodium sulj)hates) — Alunite (potassium and aluminum sulphates) — Kieserite (magnesium sulphate) — Aluminite and Alunogen (aluminum sulphates). Yielding water in the closed tube : Selenite becomes opaque in the flame ; decrepitates, scales off and then fuses to an enameled bead ; H=2 ; gives considerable water in the closed tube. JPoIyhalite gives but little Avater in the tube j fuses easily on the charcoal to a brownish bead ; and dissolves in water leaving but little residue; .H= 35. Aluminite ; infusible, but reduces to a j)owder. Aluno- gen intumesces at first and then subsides into an infusible mass. H=2. Kieserite dissolves easily in water. Calcined on charcoal and wet with hydrochloric acid gives a purple color to the flame ; Celestine decrepitates and fuses to an enameled bead. Calcined and wet with hydrochloric acid gives a reddish yellow color to the flame ; Karstenite decrepitates slightly and fuses to an enameled Vvdiite bead. Calcined and wet with hydrochloric acid, colors the flame yellow ; Glauberite, partially soluble in water ; has a slightly salt taste ; decrepitates before the blowpipe. y. Producing neither of the above reactions. Borocalcite (calcium borate) — Pharmacolite (calcium arsenate) — Haidingerite (calcium arsenate) — Brucite (magnesium hydrate) — Boracite (magnesium borate) — Fluorspar (calcium fluoride) — Cryolite (aluminum and sodium fluorides) — Chiolite (aluminum and sodium fluo The Blowpipe. 123 rides) — Katrolite (sodium liydrate and al u ni I n inn si I icate) — Talc (magnesium silicate) — Spinel (magnesium and aluminum oxides). Flame presenting the pale green of boric acid : Boro- calcite after the volatilization of the boric acid gives the red color due to calcium ; gives water in the closed tube. Boracitc fuses with intumescence to a b*ead which in cooling becomes encrusted with crystals. Giving garlic odor when heated on charcoal : Phar- macolite fuses to an enameled white bead. Saidbtgerite behaves much like the preceding; it contains less water and yields less under the blowpipe. Brucite is infusible ; becomes opaque white when heat- ed ; H=1.5 ; pearly lustre, gives a flesh-colored reaction with cobalt. — Spinel gives a blue reaction with cobalt solution. When treated with sulphuric acid, yielding fluorhydric acid: Cryolite decrepitates, and then fuses to a transpa- rent bead which becomes opaque upon cooling ; colors the flame yellow; H=2.5. Chiolite presents the same reac- tions as cryolite; H=4. Fluorspar decrepitates and fuses to a transparent bead; colors the flame red. H=4. JSfatroUte gives in the microcosmic salt bead a skeleton of silica; small fragments become opaque when first heated, but recover transj)arency at a higher temperature. H=5.5. Talc gives a skeleton of silica in the microcosmic salt bead; and also gives the magnesia reaction with cobalt solution ; scales off" under the blowpipe ; H:^l. 7. THE RESIDUE AFTER CALCINA.TIOX IS MAGXETIC. a. Minerals having metalliG lustre. Hematite (iron peroxide) — Magnetic Iron Ore — Crai- tonite (iron and titanium) — Limonite (ferric hydrate)^ — 124 T HE Blo wriPE. Chromite (iron and chromium oxides) — Wolframite (iron, manganese and tungsten oxides) — Franldinite (iron, man- ganese and zinc oxides). Limonite yields water in the closed tube; dark brown color; streak brownish yellow ; H=5.5. Hematite ; infusible; 11=6; yields no water ; streak red. Magnetite ; anhydrous ; fuses with difficulty ; magnetic before calcination ; streak black ; H=6. Chromite colors the borax bead green ; H=6 ; streak brown. Craitonite gives a violet bead with microcosmic salt in the reduction flame ; streak black. 'Wolframite gives a blood red bead with the micro- cosmic salt in reduction flame; gives a green mass it treated with sodium carbonate and nitre on platinum foil; streak, red brown to black. Franklinite gives upon charcoal a whitish coating of zinc oxide; gives manganese reaction in the borax bead; streak, brownish red. l. Minerals witJiout metallic lustre. Siderite (iron, carbonate) — Limonite — Ked Hematite — Gothite (ferric hydrate) — Botryogen (ferrous and ferric sulphates) — Yoltaite (iron and potassium sulphates) — Copiapite (ferric sulphate) — Chloropal (iron silicate) — • Coquimbite (iron sulphate). Giving water in the closed tube: Limonite ; H=5.5 ; vitreous or adamantine lustre ; streak, brownish yellow. — Gothite yields less water ; H=4.o ; brittle; thin lami- noB are translucent ; streak, brownish yellow. — Botryogen intumesces before the blowpipe ; gives the sulphur reac- tion; vitreous lustre ; streak, ochre yellow. — Yoltaite forms The Blowpipe. 125 an earthy mass before the blowpipe ; gives the sulphur reaction j partially soluble in water ; streak, greenish gray ; opaque and black. — Coquimhite is white, blue or green ; gives the sulphur reaction; streak, wliite. — Copiapite gives sulphur reaction; transparent; yellow and with pearly lustre. — Chloropal gives no sulphur reaction; yields a silica skeleton in salt of phosphorus bead; color, pale dull yellow; unctuous to the touch; becomes reddish before the blowpipe. Siderite gives no water. II. THE SUBSTAXCE MIXED WITH SODIUM CAKBOXATE IS PLACED UPO^ CHAE- COAL AXD HEATED I^" THE KEDUCTIO]^ FLAME. 1. THE FUSED MASS GIVES THE SULPHUR RE ACTION OX A SILVER PLATE, AND CONTAINS ALSO A METALLIC GLOBULE. a. Anhydrous todies. Eismutbinite (bismuth sulphide) — Tetradjmite (bis- muth sulphide and bismuth tellurite) — Galena (lead sul- phide) — Anglesite (lead sulphate) — Bismutite (bismuth carbonate, bismuth sulphate) — Leadhillite (lead sulphate, lead carbonate) — Lanarkite (lead, sulphate and carbonate) Aikinite (lead, bismuth and copper sulphides) — Millerite (nickel sulphide) — Lin^eite (cobalt sulphide)— Argyrose (silver sulphide) — Cuproplumbite (copper and lead sul- phide) — Stromeyerite (copper and silver sulphide) — Stan- nite (iron, tin and copper sulphides) — Chalcocite (copper sulphide) — Covellite (copper sulphide) — Bornite (iron and copper sulphides) — Chalcopyrite (iron and copper sul- 12G The Blowpipe. pliide) — Pentlandite (iron and nickel sulphides) — Costil- lite (copper and zinc sulphides). The metallic globule is bismuth : Jjismutlte effervesces with hydrochloric acid; exhibits a vitreous or dull sur- face; color greenish or yellowish; streak, white: H=3.5. • — Tetradymite gives the odor which distinguishes tellurium ; metallic lustre; silver white color; streak, black ; H=1.5. — Bismuthmite fuses easily and forms projections on the bead through spirting; metallic lustre; steel gray to pale yellow; streak, dull ; H=2.5. — Aikinite gives the copper reaction ; metallic lustre ; steel gray color ; streak, dark gray. The metallic globule is lead : Galena / decrepitates in the closed tube, giving a sublimate of sul|)hur ; metallic lustre, lead gray color; streak, dark gray; H=2. — Angle- site decrepitates before the blowpipe ; lustre somewhat ada- mantine, often greasy looking; color, white, gray or brown- ' ish; streak, gray; H=3. — Leadhillite intumesces before the blowpipe and becomes yellow, but turns white upon cooling ; yields easily a lead bead ; transparent ; yellowish; streak, white ; H=2.5; effervesces with hydrochloric acid. — Lanarkite fuses to a white globule ; gives readily an ef- fervescence with hydrochloric acid ; transparent ; greenish white color; streak, white; H=2. — Cuproplurnoite gives the copper reaction in the bead ; the metallic globule is not as malleable as the ordinary lead globules ; fuses with effervescence ; color, lead gray ; streak, black. The metallic globule is nickel; Millerite yields a mass which may be taken up by the magnet; metallic lustre; color, yellow. — Pentlandite gives the iron reactions ; has a metallic lustre and the color of bronze ; H=4. The metallic globule is copper : Chalcocite fuses upon the charcoal to a globule with numerous projections ; in the reducino- flame it becomes covered with an infusible The B l o w pipe. 127 coating; metallic lustre; streak, black; 11=2.5 or 3. — Co- vellite behaves like clialcocite ; greasy lustre ; H=1.5. — Bornite fuses to a magnetic steel gray globule ; copper colored or iridescent; gives reactions of iron; streak, black. — Chalcopyrite decrepitates and then fuses to a magnetic mass; metallic lustre; yellowish wliite color; streak, green- ish black ; gives the iron reactions. — •CastllUte boils and fu- ses; gives upon the coal a coating of zinc oxide ; color, lead gray ; streak, reddish brown. — Stromeyerite fuses easily to a gray globule with a metallic lustre ; silver may be found by the wet process ; metallic lustre ; lead gray color and dull streak. — Stannite fuses to a brittle, gray globule ; gives the iron reaction ; with soda upon coal, yields small beads of tin; metallic lustre; color varying from, steel gray to pale yellovf ; streak, black. — Tlie sulphur combinations C)f copper give j^roraptly upon calcination with soda a clean bead of copper. The metallic globule is silver : Argentlte fuses with boiling ; streak, brilliant ; H=2.o. Linnceite fuses on charcoal ; colors the borax bead blue; has a tin-white color ; 11=5.5. h. innerals containing ivater. Linarite (lead sulphate and copper hydrate) — Langite — Bieberite — Clialcanthite (all copper sulphates) — Bro- chantite (copper sulphate and copper hydrate). Giving the copper reaction : Linarite gives a yellow coating upon charcoal, fusing easily ; adamantine lustre; ultramarine blue color; stueak, bi"ight blue. — Chalcan- thite whitens before the flame, intumesces, reduces and then blackens ; vitreous lustre ; skv blue color ; streak, bbiish white. — JJrochantite fuses readily; has a vitreous lustre; transparent green color and gives a green streak.— Xa;?^^/?/^ 128 The Blowpipe. differs from brocliantite in its greater amount of water. — JBieherite colors the borax bead blue ; silky or vitreous lus- tre ; rose colored ; streak, reddish white. 2. THE FUSED MASS GIVES THE SULPHUR EEACTION, BUT NO METALLIC GLOBULE. a. Mmerals containing water. Aluminite and Alunogen (both aluminum sulphates) — Johannite (uranium sulphates) — Goslarite (zinc sulphate) — Pissophanite (aluminum and iron sulphates) ^ — Cacoxene (aluminumj iron, silica and phosphoric acid). Becoming blue when treated with cobalt solution : Aluminite ; infasible before the blowpipe ; H=5. — Aluno- gen intumesces and subsides into an infusible mass; readily soluble in water. — Fissophanite ; blue tint in cobalt reac- tion not very decisive; borax bead exhibits the iron reac- tion; blackens before the blowpipe. Becoming green when treated Avith cobalt solution : Goslarite gives on charcoal a coating, yellow when hot, white when cold; intumesces on the coal and then becomes infusible and white. Johannite before the blowpipe flame becomes a black mass and rather soft; colors the borax bead green ; color, green ; streak, pale green. Cacoxene decrepitates and yields in the oxidation flame a magnetic scoriae ; the borax bead exhibits the iron reac- tion ; yellow ; streak, yellow. h. Anhydrous idinerals. Pyrrhotine — Pyrite — Marcasite (all iron sulphides) — Alabandite (manganese sulphide)- — Hauerite (manganese sulphide — Blende (zinc sulphide) — Greenockite (cad- The Blowpipe. 129 miiim sulphide) — Molybdenite (inoljbdeniim sulphide) — Christophite (iron and zinc sulphides) — Bornite — Chalco- pyrite (iron and copper sulphides) — Chalcocite and Co- vellite (both copper sulphides) — Castillite (copper and zinc sulphides) — Stannite (iron, tin and copper sulphides). The borax bead presents the iron reaction : Pyrite fuses in the reduction flame to a black magnetic globule ; yellow color ; streak, gray ; E[=8 to 6.5. — 31arcaslte behaves like pyrite ; yields a sulphurous odor when heated on charcoal ; greenish yellow color; streak, greenish black ; H=6 to 6.5. — Fyrrhotite fuses to a black magnetic mass ; is magnetic slightly before heating ; bronze color ; streak, blackisli gray ; H=3.5 to 4.5. Borax bead violet in oxidation flarne: Alahandite fuses only on the edges ; color, brown to black ; streak, green ; 11=3.5. — Hauerite in the closed tube gives a sulphur sub- limate and a green residue; color, brownish red; streak, brownish red ; 11=4. Giving a coating on charcoal yellow when hot and white when cold : Blende decrepitates before the blowpipe but does not fuse ; streak varies from yellowish white to brown ; 11=3.5. — Christophite gives the iron reactions ; color, vel- vety black ; streak, blackish brown ; 11=5. Greenocklte yields only brown scoriie ; streak varies from orange yellow to brick red. Molyhdenite ; the microcosmic salt bead is green in the reduction flame ; becomes brown when heated in the closed tube ; infusible. Giving a globule of copper when fused with soda and borax ; also giving a brown borax bead in the reduction flame if tin-foil be added : Chcdoocite fuses on coal to a globule which forms projections by spirting ; metallic lus- tre ; streak, black ; 11=2.5 to 3. — Covellite is like the pre- ceding, except it has a greasy lustre. — Bornite fuses to a 6* 130 Thk Blowpipk. steel giTiV magnetic globule ; copper red, or iridescent ; streak, black; gives the iron reactions. — Chalcopyrite de- crepitates and fuses to a gray magnetic mass ; metallic lus- tre ; pale yellow or iridescent ; streak, greenish black ; gives iron reaction. — CastiUite fuses with bubbling ; yields the zinc coating on coal ; color, lead gray ; streak, reddish brown. — Stannite fuses to a brittle globule ; gives iron re- actions ; and with carbonate of soda on the coal yields small beads of tin ; metallic lustre ; 11^4.5. 3. THE FUSED MASS GIVES XO SULPHUR REACTION, BUT YIELDS A METALLIC GLOBULE. a. lite gJoljide is lismuth. ]S"atiYe Bismuth — Bismite (bismuth oxide) — Bismntite (bismuth carbonate)— Euljtite (bismuth silicate). Bismutli fuses readily, has a metallic lustre, silver white color with a slight ruddy tinge ; brittle ; H=2.5. — Bismite reduces easil}^ to a metallic globule ; easily crushed ; color yellow or yellowish white ; streak, yellov/ish white ; H^l.o. — IMsmutite reduces easily ; in the closed tube it turns brown and yields water ; eflervesces with acids ; has a vit- reous lustre; color, white. — Eulytite fuses readily; the microcosmic salt bead presents a skeleton of silica ; ada- mantine lustre; brown; streak, yellow to gray ; H=4.5. h. The metallic globule is lead. Xative Lead — Plattnerite (lead oxide) — Minium (lead oxide) — Matlockite (lead, oxide and chloride) — Mendipite (lead oxide and lead chloride) — Pyromorphite (lead phos- phate and lead chloride) — Cerusite (lead carbonate) — Phosgenite (lead carbonate and lead chloride) — Stolzite (lead tnngstate)— Vrulfenite (lead molybdate) — Yanadinite The Blowpipe. 131 (lead chloride and lead vanadate) — Dechenite (lead vana- date — Crocoite (lead clironiate) — ■ Melancliroite (lead chromate) — Eusynchite (lead and zinc vanadates) — Yan- qnelinite (copper and lead clironiates). Giving the oxygen reaction : Plattnerite ; color, iron black ; streak, brown. — Minium • color, red ; streak, orange. Eifervescing with acids : Cerusite decrepitates before the blowpipe ; takes an orange colored coating and finally reduces to a bead of lead ; 11=3. — Phosgenite fuses easily in the exterior liame to a globule which is pale yellow upon cooling ; reduces easily, yielding acid vapors. The borax bead becomes green in the interior and yel- low in the exterior flame: Vanadinite decrepitates strong- ly ; fuses to a globule ; emits sparks and reduces to metal- lic lead. — Dechenite fuses easily; streak, yellowish. — Eu- syncMte yields a zinc coating upon charcoal ; streak, pale yellow. The borax bead in either flame presents the green of the. chromium reaction: d'ocoite decrepitates, fuses easily and spreads over the coal ; adamantine lustre ; orange streak. — Melancliroite decrepitates slightly and reduces to a dark colored mass ; streak, brick red. — J'^anquelinite gives the copper reaction ; intumesces slightly upon coal, then boils strongly and becomes a dark gray globule ; streak, yellow- ish green. — Pyromoiyhite decrepitates in the glass tube ; fuses upon charcoal in the exterior flame, to a bead whicli upon cooling exhibits a crystalline surface, giving at the same time a thin white C(>ating of lead chloride; colors the flame blue; yields sometimes an odor of arsendc. The microcosmic salt bead in the reduction flame pre- sents the blue of tungsten : Stohile fuses on charcoal to a crystalline globule with metallic lustre ; streak, gray. The microcosmic salt bead presents the green color of 132 The Blow pi pi:. molybcleiium : Wulfen Ite decrepitates and tlien fuses ; streak, white. Mendipite upon charcoal diifuses the odor of hydrochlo- ric acid ; reduces to metallic lead. 3IatIocJxite decrepitates and then fuses to a yellowish gray globule ; the presence of chlorine in this and the pre- ceding example is best detected by the vret process. JSTative Lead^ easily fusible, gives npon charcoal an abundant yellow coatius; ; metallic lustre ; streak, shining; 11=1.5. c. The metallic globule is silver. Kative Silver — Cerargyrite (silver chloride) — Bromy- rite (silver bromide) ^ — lodyrite (silver iodide) — Amalgam (silver and mercury). Silver fuses before the blowpipe ; fibrous fracture ; streak, brilliant. Cerargyrite fuses in a candle flame ; yields before the blowpipe a brownish bead ; transparent ; conchoidal frac- ture ; streak, white ; 11=1.5. Uromyrite ; the powder is bright green but becomes rapidly gray. lodyrite fuses to a silver globule, coloring the flame purple ; streak, brilliant ; PI=1. Amalgam in the glass tube gives sublimate of mercury ; on charcoal the mercury evaporates and the silver remains; H=3. ']. The globule is cojyper, or there is a. cupreous scori-a remaining. jSTative Copper — Cuprite (copj^er sub-oxide) — ]\Ielac- onite (copper oxide) — Atacamite (copper chloride and copper hydrate) — Libethenite — Thrombolite and Pseudo- The Blowpipe. 133 Malachite (copper phosphates and hydrates) — Mahichite and Azurite (copper carbonate and hydrate) — Dioptase and Chrjsocolla (copper sihcate and hydrate) — Crednerite (copper and manganese oxides) — Yolborthite (copper and calcium vanadate). Are anhydrous : Kative Copper; granular fractm-e; copper red color ; metallic lustre ; brilliant streak ; H=2.5. — Cuprite first blackens and then reduces to a globule of copper; carmine red color; streak, brownish red; H=3.5. -^Melaconite reduces easily to metallic copper ; color, steel gray, blue or brownish black; streak, dull; H==3. — Cred- ?ier^^e, .infusible and yields tlie mauganese reaction ; H=4.5. Are hydrates : — infusible before the blowpipe : Dioptase assumes a blackish color in the exterior flame and red in the interior flame; streak, green; the microcosmic salt bead exhibits a skeleton of silica ; 11=5. — ChrysocoUa first blackens and then turns brown before the blowpipe ; streak, greenish white ; shows silica in the salt of phosphorus bead; H=2.5. Efiervescing Y>^ith acids : Malachite fuses to a globule and reduces at a high temperature; color, green; streak, green. — Azurite fuses and reduces before the blowpipe; color, blue ; streak, blue. Atacamite colors the flame bluish green; H=4. Libetlienite fuses on charcoal to a steel gray globule ; greasy or vitreous lustre ; color, green ; streak, greenish yellow ; H=3.o. JPseudo-malachite fuses to a steel gray globule ; vitreous lustre; green color; streak, green; 11=4.5. Thromholite fuses to a black globule, and then reduces to copper, after long blowing; 11=3, or 4. Yolhortfdte fuses on charcoal to a black scoria ; yields water in the closed tube and turns black; color, olive green; streak, yellow ; 11=3.5. 134 T II ]; 15 Lo \v pi p e e. The globule is soihe other metal, Asbolite (cobalt and manganese oxides) — Zaratite (nieliel carbonate) — Xative Gold. Asho^.ite colors the borax bead blue ; gives a green mass when fused on platinum-foil with nitre and sodium carbon- ate. — Zaratite colors the borax bead in the outer flame red- dish brown ; effervesces with acids. — Gold fuses with diffi- culty ; high specific gravity, yellow color; H=2.5. III. THE BOKAX BEAD BECOMES AMETHYST COLOEED IE THE OXIDIZIjSTG FLAME. 1. IrllNERALS WITH METALLIC LUSTRE. Pyrolusite — Haussmanite — Braunite — Marceline — (all manganese oxides, the latter one contains silica also) • — Acerdase (manganese oxide and hydrate) — Psilomelane (manganese and barium hydrates) — Wolframite (iron and manganese tungstate). Releasing chlorine when heated with sulphuric acid and salt : Pyrolusite yields much chlorine ; streak, black; H=2. ■ — Haussmanite gives but little chlorine ; streak, brownisli; H=5.5. — J^raunite gives but little chlorine; streak, black; H=G.5. — Marceline resembles braunite. — Acerdase yields but little chlorine ; gives w^ater in the closed tube ; streak, brown; H^=4, — Psilomelane disengages but little ciilorine, and yields a little water in the closed tube; lustre, not vr-i-y metallic ; streak, brilliant brown or black; dissolves easily in hydrochloric acid and then gives a precipitate witli sul- phuric acid. Di^eneao-iiio- no chlorine : JVolfrcnniie fuses easilv to a T 11 ]•: B L o w p I p E . 135 magnetic globule covered with crystals; dissolves in hydro- chloric acid, leaving a yellow residue ; streak, brown or black; H=5.o. 2. MINERALS WITHOUT METALLIC LUSTRE. lihodclirosite (manganese carbonate) — Man ganocal cite (manganese, calcium and magnesium carbonates) — Khod- onite and Tephroite (manganese silicate) — Helvite (iron, manganese and glucinum silicates with manganese sul- phide) — 'Wad (oxides of manganese, calcium and barium) Carpholite (manganese and aluminum silicates) — Spess- partite (aluminum, manganese and calcium silicates) — Pyrochroite (manganese hydrate) — Piedmontite (alumi- num and manganese silicates) — Zwieselite (manganese and iron phosphates with iron fluoride) — Childrenite (manganese, iron and aluminum phosphates) — Tantalite (iron and manganese tantalate) — -Columbite (iron and manganese columbate and tantalate) — -Triplite and Triph- ylite (iron and manganese phosphates). Giving w^ater in the closed tube : Wad disengages chlorine with sulphuric acid and salt; reduces sensibly in volume before the blowpipe; greasy lustre; brown streak; makes a mark on paper; 11=1. — Pyrochroite ; pearly lus- tre; white; becomes bronze colored by exposure to the air; turns first green and then brow^n under the action of the blowpipe; 11=1 or 1.5. — Carpholite intumesces before the blowpipe and then fuses with difficulty to a brownish opaque enameled bead; pearly lustre; yellowish color; white streak; 11=5. — Childrenite intumesces before the blowpipe and colors the flame bluish green ; yields much water in the glass tube; has a wine yellow color; a vitreous lustre; transparent; yellowish streak; 11=5. Eftorvescino; Avith hydrochloric acid: PJiodochrosite 13G TiiK ]>Lowi'irE. decrepitates slightly before the ]jlo\vpii)e; streak, reddish white ; 11=4. — Mangcuiocakite gives a white streak ; H= 5 ; blowpipe reactions same as preceding. Giving a skeleton of silica in tlie salt of phosphorus bead : a. Soluble in hydrochloric acid: Tephroite fuses to a black scoria; vitreous lustre ; color, gray or brown; streak, gray; 11 = 5.5. — Ilelvite boils and fuses before the blow- pipe; in the reducing flame it yields a semi-opaque bead; gives a bismuth coating on charcoal ; affords also the sul- phur reaction ; greasy lustre ; green color ; gray streak ; 11=6. h. Insoluble in hydrochloric acid : Ilhodonite fuses on charcoal to a black bead; brownish red color; reddish v/hite streak ; H = 5.5. — Piedmontlte fuses easily to a black glass; reddish black color; clear gray streak; H^5 to 6. — Spesspartite fuses easily; brownish red color; gray streak ; H=6. Zwieselite decrepitates before the blowpipe and fuses easily ; if v/et with hydrochloric acid, colors the flame blue; brown color; grayish white streak; H=5. Tantalite ; infusible ; gives feebly the manganese reac- tion; iron black color; brov>'n streak; II=G.5. Cohanhite, also infusible; gives feeble manganese re- action ; blackish brown color; 11 = 6.5. Triplite fuses easily; boils strongly and gives a brilliant globule ; streak, greenish gray to brownish yellow ; 11= b.6. TriphyUte fuses cpiietly and easily to a steel gray mag- netic globule ; colors the flame a pale blue-green color ; sometimes reddish ; gives feebly the manganese reaction ; greasy lustre ; greenish gray color; streak, gray. The Blowpipe. 137 lY. THE SUBSTANCE, FJJLYYFdZEB AND CALCINED, GIYES WHEN TEEATED WITH COBALT SOLUTION UNDEE THE BLOW- PIPE, A GEEEN COLOE. Zincite (zinc oxide) — Smitlisonite (zinc carbonate) — Iljdrozincite (liydrated zinc carbonate) — Gabnite (zinc, iron, magnesium and abarainum oxides) — Willemite (zinc silicate) — Calamine (bjdrated zinc silicate). Effervescing witli hydrochloric acid: Smct7iso?iite ; in- fusible ; 11=5. — Hydrozlncite yields water in the closed tube ; color, white; streak, shining ; H=2.5. Giving a skeleton of silica in the microcosmic salt bead: Calamine decrepitates and gives off water in the closed tube; sometimes of a delicate bluish tint; streak, white; H=o. — TE^Y/e^/z/fe yields no water; brittle and ex- hibits a conchoidal fracture; 11=5.5. Soluble in hydrochloric acid: Zi/icite has an adaman- tine lustre and yellow streak ; H=4. Insoluble in hydrochloric acid : Gahnite lias a vitreous lustre and a vrhite streak. Y. SOLUBLE WITHOUT EESIDUE IN IIYDKO- CHLOKIC ACID. 1. FUSIBLE BEFORE THE BLOWPIPE. a. Yielding vxtter in the closed tube. Sassolite (boric acid) — Ilydroboracite (calcium and magnesium borates) — Torbernite (calcium and copper 138 T K E Blowpipe. phosphates with iiraniuin oxide) — Dnfrenite and Yivia- nite (both ii'on phosphates). SassoUte colors the flame green and gives a sublimate in the closed tube; Ii=l. JTi/droboracite fuses ixud colors the flame pale green ; partially soluble in water; 11=2. Torhernite gives reaction of uranium ; streak, varying from yellow to green. Dufrenife gives the iron reaction in the borax bead; fuses on coal to an earthy globule ; silky lustre ; color, va- rying from green to brown: streak, yellowish gray ; 11= 1.5. Yivianite boils before the blowpipe and becomes red; lustre, vitreous ; streak, bluish Avhite ; 11=1.5. h. Yielding no water in dosed tuhe. Wagnerite (magnesium phosphate and magnesium fluoride) — Apatite (calcium phosphate with calcium fluo- ride and chloride) — Amblygonite (aluminum, sodium and lithium phosphates, together with lithium and aluminum fluorides) — Chiolite and Cryolite (sodium and aluminum fluorides) — Boracite (magnesium borate with magnesium chloride) — Keilhanite (contains calcium, iron, titanium, yttrium and aluminum, mostly as silicates) — Molybdite (molybdenum oxide). Boracite colors the flame pale green, and a very high temperature yields water ; H==7. Assuming a bluish green color when wet with sulphuric acid : 'Wcignerite boils and fuses ; dissolves in dilute sul- phuric acid ; H=3. — Apatite fuses quietly; insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid ; 11=5. — Amhlygonite fuses very easily ; gives feebly the reaction for fluorine, also of lithium; H==2. The B l o w p i e e . 139 Cri/oUte iiises even in an ordinary flame to a limpid bead which becomes opaque upon cooling ; in the closed tube gives the reaction for hydrofluoric acid; H==2.5. — Ohio- lite, same reactions as cryolite ; H=4 ; both substances exhibit soda reaction in the flame. JTeilhcmite; the salt of phosphorus bead contains a skeleton of silica ; in the inner flame it exhibits the char- acteristic color of titanium compounds. 3folybdite gives molybdenum reaction ; earthy appear- ance; yellow streak. 2. INFUSIBLE BEFORE THE BLOWPIPE. a. Mineral hydrates. Uraconite (uranium oxide) — Turquoise — Peganite — Fischerite (aluminum phosphates with different propor- tions of water) — Wavellite (aluminum phosphate and aluminum fluoride) — Lantlianite (lanthanum carbonate) — Parisite (lanthanum and cerium carbonates) — Gibbsite (aluminum hydrated oxide). Coloring the flame green if first wet with sulphuric acid : Turquoise turns brown before the blowpipe ; colors the flame green; greenish blue color; white streak; H=6. — Pegcmite turns pink in closed tube ; otherwise like tur- quoise; H=3.5. — Flscherite turns white in tube; has a green color; H=5. — Wavellite in the closed tube releases hydrofluoric acid ; turns white ; exhibits the blue of alu- mina if treated with cobalt solution. Effervescing with hydrochloric acid : Lantlianite browns in the closed tube; pearly or dull lustre ; streak, white. — Parisite browns in tlie glass tube; vitreous lustre; Btreak, white. Uraconite; the microcosmic salt bend gives the ura- 140 ' T II i: 13 L o Av V I VIZ. niiim reaction ; becomes red in the closed tube ; earthy- looking; 3^ellow; H=l. Glbbsite whitens and exfoliates before the blowpipe ; becomes luminous without fusing ; becomes deep blue with cobalt solution ; transparent ; 11=2.5. h. Anhydrous minerals. Uraninite (aranium oxides) — Chromic Oxide — Mag- nesite (magnesium carbonate) — Monazite (cerium and lanthanum phosj)hates) — Poljcrase (titanium, iron, zir- conium, yttrium and niobium oxides) — Periclasite (mag- nesium oxide) — Apatite (phosphate, fluoride and chloride of calcium) — Fluocerite (cerium fluoride). Uraninite gives the reaction of uranium ; greasy lus- tre; black streak ; 11=5.5. Chromic Oxide ; gives beautiful green color to the borax bead ; soft and earthy. Apatite if wet with sulphuric acid colors the flame blue- green. Ilagnesite effervesces with acid and takes a flesh color when treated with cobalt solution. Monazite if moistened with suljDhuric acid, colors the flame bluish green ; streak, reddish yellow. Poll/erase decrepitates before the blowpipe ; heated rapidly it forms a brilliant brownish yellow mass ; streak, brownish yellow. Fluocerite yields the fluorhydric acid reaction ; whitens before the blowpipe. Periclasite becomes bright red if treated with cobalt solution ; vitreous lustre ; H=6. The Blowpipe. 141 YI. SOLUBLE IlSr HYDROCHLOKIC ACID BUT FORMmG A DEPOSIT OF GELATINOUS SILICA. 1. FUSIBLE BEFORE THE BLOWPIPE. a. Minerals Gontaining vKiter. Datholite (boro-silicate of lime) — Xatrolite, Analcite and Ginelinite (sodmm aud aluminum silicates) — Scole- cite, Laumontite, Gismondite and Thomsonite (calcium and aluminum silicates) — Philipsite (calcium, potassium and aluminum silicate) — Faujasite (calcium, sodium and aluminum silicate) — Hisingerite (ferrous and ferric sili- cates) — Chloropal (ferric silicate). Communicating the yellow color of sodium to the flame: JSfatrolite becomes opaque before the blowpipe and then fuses to a transparent green; vitreous lustre; gives often an alkaline reaction when moistened; H=5. — Analcite fuses to a bead which is opaque but containing minute transpa- rent bubbles or vesicles ; vitreous or j)early lustre ; will give the alkaline reaction; H=5.5. — Philipsite boils and then fuses to a transparent bead; vitreous lustre; H=4.5. — Faujasite gives the soda flame feebly, boils and then fuses to a white enamel; vitreous or adamantine lustre ; H=7. Gmelinite gives feebly soda reaction in the flame ; fuses readily to a semi-transparent mass filled with minute bub- bles ; H==4.5. — Thomsonite gives soda flame feebly; boils and fuses to a white enamel; H=5.5. DathoUie yields a pale green in the flame, due to boric 1^2 T II E B L o w r I p E . acid; boils before llie blowpipe and then fuses; greasy or vitreous lustre ; brittle; 11=5.5, Scolecite intumesces before the blowpipe and some va- rieties curl up like a worm (hence the name) ; it also fuses to a white enamel, containing minute bubbles ; vitreous lustre; H=5.5. Laumontite boils and then reduces to a milk white bead; the wet powder sometimes gives an alkaline reaction; H=3.5. Gismondlte decrepitates, then becomes transparent and finally fuses to a white enamel full of air bubbles; lustre, vitreous J 11=5. Hisingerite gives iron reaction in the borax bead; fuses to a black opaque vesicular mass which is magnetic; greasy lustre; black; streak, greenish brown. Chloropal assumes a red color before the blowpipe ; is magnetic after calcination ; pale yellow color ; has an unc- tuous feel; H=2.5 to 4.5. J). Anhydrous Winer als. Hauynite (sodium and aluminum silicates and calcium sulphate) — Xosite (sodium and aluminum silicate with sodium sulphate) — Sodalite (sodium and aluminum sili- cate with sodium chloride) — Lapis Lazuli (aluminum sodium and calcium, silicates and sulphates) — WoUaston- ite (calcium silicate) — Eudialyte (zirconium, iron calcium and sodium silicates) — Eukolite (zirconium, calcium and sodium silicates) — j^ephelite (aluminum and sodium sili- cate) — Wernerite (aluminum and calcium silicates) — ■ Humboldtilite (aluminum, iron, calcium, and sodium silicates) — Tscheffkinite (titanium, cerium, iron, lantha- num and copper silicates) — Orthite (iron, calcium, alumi- num and cerium silicates) — Fayalite, Lievrite (aluminum, iron and manganese silicates). The Blowpipe. 143 Giving sulphur reaction if treated with sodium carbon- ate : Jrlauynite^ decrepitates and fuses to a blue green bead ; lustre, vitreous ; color varying from blue to white ; streak bluish-white ; the wet powder often giving an alkaline reaction ; 11=5.5. — Lapis Lazuli fuses with diffi- culty to white bead ; rather vitreous lustre ; bright blue color ; yields hydrogen sulphide if treated with hydro- chloric acid ; H=5.5 — JS^osite fuses only on the edges to a glass full of bubbles ; 11=5.5 — 6. In the borax bead saturated with copper oxide coloring the flame blue : Socialite fuses to a colorless and limpid bead. — Eudialyte fuses to an opaque green bead. The fused mass becoming magnetic : Fayalite fuses to a grayish black magnetic globule, brittle and having a magnetic lustre; the borax bead exhibits the iron reac- tion; the copper reaction may be obtained in the reduc- tion flame by using tin ; it is magnetic before calcination. — LievriCe fuses easily to a black magnetic globule ; the borax bead presents the iron reaction ; streak black. 'WoUastonite fuses tranquilly to a transparent gloss. ^w/l-o^/^e fuses very easily ; after the separation of th© silica the hydrochloric solution turns blue if tin foil be added; the mineral has a brownish red color. JVq:>hel ite iiises without intumescence; greasy or vit- reous lustre ; wet powder, alkaline ; H=5. 5. Wernerite fuses with considerable bubbling to a spongy Lead ; 11=5 to 6. Humboldt ilite fuses to a yellowish or black bead ; 11=5. Tscheff Iciiiite boils before the blowpipe and becomes porous; throws ofl" incandescent particles; heated more strongly it fuses to a black bead ; streak, dark brown; 11=5 to 5.5. Orthite fuses with intumescence to a black gloss; yields a little water in the closed tube ; color varying from brown to black ; streak vellow to o;reenish Q-rav : 11=5.5 to 6. 144 The B l o w r i i' e . 2. INFUSIBLE BEFORE THE BLOWPIPE. a. Minerals containing vKvter. Thorite (tboriuin silicate) — Cerite (cerium silicate)-— Serpentine, Meerschaum, Antigorite, Monradite, Chrjso- tiJe (all magnesium silicates) — Colljrite and Allophane (aluminum silicates) — Zeolite (aluminum and magnesium silicate) — Diaclasite (magnesium and iron silicates). Becoming rose color with cobalt solution ; terpentine fuses upon the thin edges ; blackens and yields water in the closed tube ; dull or greasy lustre ; H.==3.4. — Diaclasite; much like serpentine but exhibits a pearly lustre upon its cleavage faces, becomes brown before the blowpipe and magnetic after calcination. — Antigorite splits into smooth thin laminse which may be fused under the blowpipe to a brownish yellow mass ; H^2.5. — Monradite becomes darker colored before the blowpipe ; color, yellow ; lustre vitreous ; H=G. — Neolite^ greasy or silky lustre ; greasy to the touch; H=l. — Chrysotile becomes white before the blov/pipe ; has a silky lustre and constitutes most of the amianthus of the serpentine rocks. — Meerschaum has an earthy texture ; very light ; it contains hygroscopic moist- ure which is readily given oif in the closed tube ; at a higher temperature yields much water ; H=2. Taking a blue color when treated with cobalt solution ; Allopliane colors the flame green ; contains much water ; Colly rite absorbs moisture ; has a glimmering lustre, a greasy feel, and adheres to the tongue ; H=-1.5. Thorite is orange, yellow or black, but loses its color before the blowpipe; vitreous lustre; streak, reddish gray. Cerite^ color, brown to red ; streak, grayish white ; 11=5.5. T H E B L O W P I P E . 145 1}. Anhydrous Mine reds. Gadolinite (magnesium, yttrium and cerium silicates) — Gehlenite (calcium and aluminum silicates) — Chryso- lite and Forsterite (magnesium silicates) — Chondrodite (magnesium silicate and fluoride). Gadolinite; the vitreous varieties become incandescent, then suddenly brilliant with intumescence ; other varieties with a laminated fracture whiten, intumesce and exfoliate ; black color; grayish green streak ; H=6.5. Gehlenite does not intumesce ; lustre, slightly greasy; color, grayish; streak, white; H=5.5. Chrysolite / unalterable before the blowpi2}e ; vitreous lustre, greenish yellow color; streak, white. Chondrodite becomes milky white before the blowpipe ; heated strongly it gives feebly the reaction of fluorhydric acid ; color reddish or brownish yellow ; streak, white ; H=6. Forsterite behaves like chondrodite; lead gray to yel- low ; 11=5.5, V^II. SOLUBLE m HYDEOCHLOEIC ACID, LEAYIKG A EESIDUE OF SILICA WHICH IS NOT GELATIIS^OUS. 1. MINERALS CONTAINIXG WATER. Danburite (calcium borosilicate) — Lepid elite (lithium and aluminum silicate and lithium fluoride) — Petalite, Spodumene (lithium and aluminum silicates) — Diallage (calcium, magnesium and iron silicates) — Diopside (calcium and magnesium silicates) — Augite (calcium, magnesium, 7 146 T II E 1> L o w p I r E . iron and almninuni silicates) — Axinite (aliuniniim, cal- cium, iron and inan<^anese ; borates and silicates) — Treniolite (calcium and magnesium silicates) — Araplii- bole, Spliene (calcium titanate and silicate) — Orthoclaso (potassium and aluminmn silicates) — Albite (aluminum and sodium silicates) — Zoisite (calcium and aluminum silicates) — Epidote (calcium, manganese, iron and alumi-. num silicates) — Garnet (iron and aluminum silicates)— Idocrase (aluminum, iron, calcium and magnesium sil- icates) — Muscovite (potassium and aluminum silicates) — Acmite (sodium and iron silicates) — Tourmaline (alumi- num, litliium and manganese, silicates and borates). The flame presenting the coloration of lithium especial- ly if the substance be fused with 2:>otassium bisulphate : Lepldolite boils, fuses easily to a bead filled with bubbles \ gives reaction of fluorhydric acid ; B[=2.o. — Petalite fuses readil}^ to a white enamel: II=G. — Spodumene intumesces and fuses to a translucent bead ; vitreous lustre, pearly upon the cleavage faces. The flame presents the color of boric acid : Danhuriie fuses to a bead translucent while hot, opaque when cold ; color, yellow ; streak, white ; lustre, vitreous ; H==7. — Ax'uiite fuses with boiling to a deep green bead ; vitreous lustre ; color, brown to violet blue ; H=7. — Ihurmcdlne^ intumesces and fuses, but with difficulty ; 11=7.5. Diallage fuses before the blowpipe, has a pearly lustre on the cleavage surface ; is generally bright green and opaque \ H=4. Uiopslde fuses to a white bead; colorless or bottie green ; H=6. AufjuG fuses to a. black bead ; color, dark green to black ; the powdered mineral if wet has an alkaline reac- tion ; 11=6. The B l o w pipe. 11-7 TremoUte fuses with boiling to n. v.liito b:-au ; color, white, or greenish white. Amphibole ; same as treraolite except that it fuses to a green bead. (Xote : Amphibole is the name applied to a series of minerals including tremolite : Dana calls the lat- ter m.agnesia-lime ampliihole. — Ed.) Titanite gives titanium reaction, and fuses with some intumescence to a blackish gloss. Orthoclase (potash feldspar) fuses quietly ; color, red- dish white, greyish white, sometimes green ; has a distinct cleavage with a vitreous lustre frequently inclining to pearly. 11=6. Albite (soda feldspar) presents sharper angles than the preceding ; fuses rather more readily, giving soda flame re- action ; colors much the same as above though more fre- quently translucent. H=3. Zoisite fuses with intumescence and boiling to a spongy mass of a cauliflower shape; after fusion it dissolves to a siliceous jelly in hydrochloric acid ; color, gray. — Epidote^ same as preceding ; color of the fused mass is brown or black ; color of the mineral is a lively green. Garnet fuses quietly; concentrated acids attack it slightly; H=7. — Vesiivianite, or Jcloo^ase, much the same as preceding ; fuses to a greenish or brownish gloss ; 11=6.5. 3fasoovUe (potash mica) loses its transparency before the blowpipe, becomes white and brittle and finally fuses to an enamel ; in a closed tube yields water which shows a fluorine reaction. H=2 to 2.5. Acmite fuses easily to a black bead ; exhibits iron reac- tion in the borax bead ; is strongly attacked by acids ; streak, grayish yellow. 2, MINEEALS CO^^TAINING WATEE. Apophylite (calcium and potassium silicates) — Anal- 148 The 13 l o w p i p e. cite (calciuin and sodium silicates) — Brewstcrite (alii- iniiium, barium and strontium silicates) — Chlorite (alu- minum, magnesium and iron silicates) — Clionicrite (alu- minum, magnesium and calcium silicates) — Gymnite (magnesium silicate) — Ilarmotome (aluminum and bar- ium silicates) — Heulandite and Stilbite (aluminum and calcium silicates) — Pjrosclerite (aluminum, magnesium, chromium and iron silicates) — Prehnite (aluminum, cal- cium and iron silicates) — Pectolite (aluminum, calcium and sodium silicates) — Mosandrite (calcium and sodium silicates, containing also iron and titanium) — Chabazite (aluminum, calcium, potassium and sodium silicates.) Apophylite exfoliates and fuses to a whitish enamel. H=4i- to 5. Analcite^ white or nearly so, fuses to a glass-like mass, colorless, 11=5 to 6. Jirewsterite fuses to an opaque white glass. Chlorite is generally deep green color with pearly lustre ; slightly flexible ; whitens under the blowpipe and fuses with difficulty to a blackish mass. Chonicrlte. H=2|- to 3. Fuses with intumescence to a whitish glass. Gymnite fuses on the edges only, becoming o-paque. H=2 to 3. Ilarmotome fuses without intumescence to a glass. H==4. Heulandite has a pearly lustre ; under the blowpipe exfoliates and fuses to a white enamel. Stilbite has a vitreous or pearly lustre ; under the blowpipe swells u^d and assumes various forms, finally fus- ing to an enamel. H=3 or 4, Pyrosclerite is of a greenish color and fuses to a glass. H=3. T II ]•: B r. o ^v ]• 1 1' e. 149 Prehnite ; green and with pearly lustre; fuses with intumescence to a vesicular, glass}^ mass. 11=6. JPectollte ; fibrous, white, with silky lustre. 11=5 ; fuses to a white enamel. Mosayidrite is of a brownish or reddish color. H^4 ; fuses to a brown glass. Chahazite has a vitreous lustre, and is wdiite or pinkish color ; streak white, fuses to an opaque glass. YIII. THE SUBSTA^^CE IS I:N'S0LUBLE m HYDKOCHLORIC ACID, AKD YIELDS m THE MICROCOSMIC SALT BEAD A SKEL- ETON OF SILICA. 1. IT IS FUSIBLE BEFOEE THE BLOWPIPE. Amphigeiie (aluminum and potassium silicates) — Anorthite (aluminum, magnesium, sodium and iron silicates) — Grossulaire (aluminum and calcium silicates) ■ — Keilhauite (titanium, iron, calcium and aluminum silicates) — Knebelite (iron and manganese silicates) — Labradorite (aluminum, calcium and sodium silicates)— Sphene — Titanite (titanium and calcium silicate) — Ta- chylite (aluminum, calcium, magnesium and sodium sil- icates) — Wernerite (aluminum, calcium, sodium and iron silicates). ■' #■ Ampliigene gives alumina reaction with cobalt solution; fuses with difficulty. Anorthite is wdiite and brittle ; fuses to a colorless glass. Grossulaire is a form of garnet ; fuses to a brown or black glass. 150 T II K J] L () W PIPE. Kellhauite is of a brown to black color, giving yellow to brown streak ; fuses with intumescence to a black glass. KnebeUte fuses to a dull-looking bead wliicli is mag- netic. Lahradorite has a pearly lustre. II=G ; fuses to a colorless glass. ^phene or Tltanite is brown, yellow, or black ; streak white; intnmesces, and fuses to a dark-colored glass. Tachylite is black and brittle ; fuses to a black glass. J\^ernerite is white or whitish and transparent. H=G, fuses to a white glass. 2. INFUSIBLE BEFOEE THE BLOWPIPE. Quartz — Biotite (magnesium and aluminum silicates) Talc (magnesium silicate) — lolite (magnesium and alumi- num silicates) — Iljpersthene (magnesium and iron sili- cates) — Staurolite (aluminum and iron silicates) — Eme- rald — Euclase (aluminum and glucinum silicates) — Phen- acite (glucinum silicate) — Zircon (zirconium silicate) — Topaz (aluminum silicate with aluminum and silicon fluoride) — Uwarowite (aluminum and chromium silicates) ■ — Chlorite (aluminum, iron and magnesium silicates) — Eipidolite (magnesium silicate with magnesium and alu- minum oxides) — Opal (silica with water) — Andalusite — Cyanite — Cimolite — Lithomarge — Kaolin and Pyrophyl- lite (all aluminum silicates). Decomposed by concentrated sulphuric acid : Hiotite (magnesia mica) becomes opaque before the blowpipe and fuses only on the edges ; gives iron reaction in the borax bead ; the wet powder is slightl}^ alkaline ; H==2.5. — Chlo- ?77e exfoliates before the blowjoipe, whitens or blackens and T ir K 1j t. o ^^' v i v e. 1 51 disengages water that has an alkaline reaction. — IHpido- lite, same as chlorite except that it fuses rather more easily upon the edges. Minerals possessing a hardness less than 7 : 7hlc^ be- comes red if treated, with cobalt solution ; exfoliates j is greasy to the touch ; 11=1. — II)jpersthene is broY>'n or black ; has a metallic lustre on one face ; 11=6. — Andalu- site gives alumina reaction with cobalt ; is nsually translii cent. — Cycmite whitens before the blowpipe, and then gives the alumina reaction with cobalt solution ; flexible ; H nearly 7. — Cimolite yields vrater in the glass tube; yields decided blue color with the cobalt solution ; has an earthy look. — TAtliomarge gives up water in the glass tube ; exhibits fine blue reaction with cobalt ; Avhitens when alone before the blowpipe ; greasy to the touch ; streak, greenish Avhite ; 11=2.5. — Kaolin gives off water in the glass tube ; affords blue reaction with cobalt ; is friable and earthy. — PyrophyUite yields w^ater in the glass tube ; exfoliates on the coal and thenintumesces considerably, pro- ducing white worm-like masses ; greenish ; 11=1.5. — Opal yields water in the glass tube ; scales off under heating and becomes opaque ; 11=5.5 to 6.5. Hardness above 7 : lolite is fusible in the slightest de- gree only; has a vitreous lustre and generally a bluish color. — Staurolite is partly decomposed by sulphuric acid ; gives in borax bead the reaction for iron ; becomes darker colored before the blowpipe. — 'Emerald becomes milky before the blowpipe ; at a very hig1i heat, the thin edges become rounded and form a colorless spongy looking scoria. — Eaclase yields slightly to the ]>lov\^pipe ; whitens and at a very high heat takes on a white enamel. — Phenacite is transparent and alterable before the blowpipe.^^ — Zircon loses its color (whicli is from yellow to cinnamon bi-own) when highly heated; 11=7.5. — Topaz^ the yellow varie- ties become red if subjected to tlse blowpipe flame, but 152 Th3-: Blowpii'K. only after cooling ; if boric acid be fused on a platinum wire -until the green color disappears, and then topaz in powder be added, the green coloration reappears in the flame. — Andalusite gives the alumina reaction with cobalt. — Uwaroicite becomes greenish black before the blowpipe, but becomes lighter green again when cold ; gives a green bead with borax ; — Quartz, vitreous lustre : H=7. IX. MINERALS WHICH BELONG TO NEITHEE OF THE PRECEDING CLASSES. Tungstite (tungstic oxide) — Scheelite (calcium tung- stite) — Cassiterite (tin oxide) — Rutile- — Anatase and Brookite (titanium oxides) — Escbynite (titanivim., zirconi • um, calcium and cerium oxides) — Perofskite (calcium tita- nate) — Pyrochlore (calcium, cerium and niobium oxides with sodium fluoride) — Xenotime (yttrium phosphate) — Spinel (magnesium and aluminum oxides) — Gahnite (zinc, iron and aluminum oxides) — Wolfram (iron and manga- nese tungstate) — Corundum and Diaspore (aluminum ox- ides) — Yttrotantalite (tantalum, yttrium and calcium ox- ides) — ^Euxenite (titanium, yttrium, uranium and cerium oxides) — Polymignite (titanium, zirconium, yttrium, iron and cerium oxides) — Chrysoberyl (glucinum and alumi- num oxides) — Polycrase (niobium, titanium, zirconium, cerium, yttrium and iron oxides) — Klaprothine (magne- sium and aluminum phosphates) — Columbite (manganese and iron niobate) — Osiridium — Graphite — Diamond. The microcosmic salt bead presents the reaction of tungsten ; Tungstite, soft, has a silky lustre, a yellow color, and blackens before the blowpipe. — Scheelite fuses The Blowpipe. 153 with difficulty; it is decomposed by hydrochloric acid, leaving a yellow residue ; color, white, yellow or brown; streak, white ; H=4.5. — 'Wolfram fuses with difficulty to a magnetic globule covered with crystals ; dissolves in hy- drochloric acid leaving a yellow residue ; the borax bead exhibits the manganese reaction ; streak brown or black; H=5.o. The microcosmic salt bead exhibits the titanium reac- tion ; Anatase, infusible ; color indigo blue to black ; streak, gray ; H=5.5. — Riitile, infusible ; brownish red color ; yellow streak ; H=6.5. — BrooTcite^ like anatase ; crystallizes in the rhombic system. — Eschyyiite, infusible ; intumesces somewhat and turns yellow; streak, yellowish brown ; — Perofskite, infusible j streak grayish white. JEuxenite, infusible ; greasy lustre ; dark brown color ; streak, brownish red ; H=6.5. — Folymignite^ infusible ; metallic lustre ; iron black color ; dark brown streak ; H= 6.5. — Polycrase decrepitates but is infusible ; changes by calcination to a brownish gray mass ; is dissolved by sul- phuric acid. Cassiterite gives if heated with sodium carbonate on charcoal little flakes of tin ;. adamantine lustre ; streak clear brown ; H=6.o. Pyrochlore becomes gray before the blowpipe ; the borax bead is reddish yellow in the oxidation flame, and deep red in the reduction flame ; streak, gray ; H=5.5. JCenotime, infusible; transparent; greasy lustre; brown color; streak varying from yellow to rose color ; H=4.5. Spinel^ infusible ; crystallizes in regular octohedrons ; readily soluble in microcosmic salt bead ; H=8. Gahnite does not dissolve in microcosmic salt ; other- wise is like spinel. Corundum^ infusible and insoluble. Piasporej infusible ; decrepitates violently in the glass 154 T JI K ] ) L ( ) W J* [ P K. tube, and rccluces to little white Hakes ; yields water a lit- tle below red heat; has a brownish red color; 11=5.5. Yttrotcmtalite, infusible ; gives off water in the glass tube which affords an acid reaction, by reason of the pres- ence of fluohydric acid. Clirysoheryl^ infusible ; insoluble in acids ; transparent ; greenish color ; H=S.o. Klaprothine^ infusible; is not attacked by acids unless jDreviously calcined, when it may be to a great extent dis- solved; streak white; 11=5.5. Columhite, infusible ; insoluble in acids ; metallic lus- tre; streak reddish brown to black; 11=6. Oslridium ; unalterable before the blowpipe ; calcined with nitre in the glass tube it yields the odor characteris- tic of osmium ; H=7. Graphite burns before the blowpipe ; H=2, Diamond ; H=10. appendix; (a.) Method of dlstinguisldng tlie red flcane of Litliia from that of Strontia, — It has been long known that the crimson coloration imparted to the blow-pipe flame by strontia, is destroyed by the presence of baryta. The latter snbstance, hoY/ever, as first indicated by the writer, does not affect the crimson flame-coloration produced by lithia. Hence, to distinguish the two flames, the test-substance may be fused with 2 or 3 volumes of chloride of barium, in a loop of platinum wire, the fused mass being kept just v/ithin the point or edge of the blue cone. If the original flame-coloration proceeded from strontia (or lime), an im- pure brownish yellow tinge will be imparted to the flame- border ; but if the original red color were caused by lithia, it will not only remain undestroyed, but its intensity will be much increased. This test may be applied, amongst other bodies, to the natural silicates, Lepidolite, Spodumene, &c. It is equally ayailable, also, in the examination of phosphates. The mineral Tryphylline, for example, when treated ^;er se, im- parts a green tint to the j)oint of the flame, owing to the presence of phosphoric acid ; but if this mineral be fused (in powder) with chloride of barium, a beautiful crimson coloration in the surrounding flame-border is at once pro- duced. * The articles in the Appendix from a to i, inclusive, arc taken, with slight alter- fctions, from some pnt>lishc(l notes of Prof. Ciiapmax, of Toronto. Article j originated with Mr. liANpAUBR. lo6 Appendix. (b.) Reaction of Manganese Salts on Baryta. — AVhen moistened with a solution of any manganese salt, and ignit- ed in an oxidizing flame, baryta and baryta compounds, generally assume, on cooling, a blue or greenish-blue color. This arises from the formation of a manganate of baryta. Strontia and other bodies (apart from the alkalies), when treated in this manner, become brown or dark grey. A mixture of baryta and strontia also assumes an indefinite gi'eyish-brown color. If some oxide of manganese be fused Avith carbonate of soda, so as to produce a greenish-blue bead, or ^' turquoise enamel," and some baryta or a baryta salt be melted into this, the color of the bead will remain unchanged; but if strontia be used in place of baryta, a brown or greyish-brow^n enamel is j)roduced. Note. — Some examples of Witherite, Barytine, and Baryto-calcite, contain traces of oxide of manganese. Theso, after strong ignition, often assume per se a pale greenisli-bliie color. {c.) Detection of Baryta in the 2:)resence of Strontia. — This test is chiefly applicable to the detection of baryta in the natural sulphate of strontia ; but it answers equally for the examination of chemical precipitates, &c., in which baryta and strontia may be present together. The test-matter, in fine powder, is to be melted in a platinum spoon, with 3 or 4 Yolumes of chloride of calcium, and the fused mass treated with boiling water. For this purpose, the spoon may be dropped into a test-tube, or placed (bottom upwards) in a small porcelain capsule. The clear solution, decanted from any residue that may remain, is then to be diluted with 8 or 10 times its Yolume of water, and tested with a few drops of chromate (or bi-chromate) of potash. A precipitate, or turbidity, indicates the presence of baryta. {cL) Actioji of Baryta on Titanic Acid. — Fused with borax in a reducing flame, titanic acid forms a dark arae- The Blowpipe. 157 thys tine-blue glass, wliich becomes light blue and opaque when subjected to the flaming process. The amethystine color arises from the presence of Ti'O^ : the light-blue en- amelled surface from the precipitation of a certain portion of TiOl The presence of baryta, even in comparatively small quantity, quite destroys the latter reaction. "When exposed to an intermittent flame, the glass (on the addition of baryta) remains dark-blue, no precipitation of titanic acid taking place. Strontia acts in the same manner, but a much larger quantity is required to produce the reaction. (e.) Detection of Oxide of Manganese when present in minute quantity in mineral hodies. — The process on page 134 may be varied to advantage, as follows, viz. : — Dissolve the assay in a borax or microcosmic salt bead, and then treat the fused mass with carbonate of soda in excess. If there be a trace of manganese present, the bead will assume the turquoise-enamel appearance, which arises from the formation of manganate of soda. (/.) Method of distinguishing the Protoxide of Iron (FeO) from the Sesquioxide {Fe^O^) in Silicates and other com- pounds. — This test serves to indicate, with great certainty, the presence or absence of FeO in bodies generally. It is performed as follows : — A small quantity of black oxide of copper (CuO) is dissolved in a bead of borax on platinum wire, so as to form a glass which exhibits, on cooling, a de- cided blue color, but which remains transparent. To this, the test-substance in the form of powder is added, and the whole is exposed for a few seconds, or until the test-matter begins to dissolve, to the point of the blue flame. If the substance contain Fe'^0^ only, the glass, on cooling, will re- main transparent, and will exhibit a bluish-green color. On the other hand, if the test-substance contain FeO, this will become at once converted into Fe^O^ at the expense of some iao A P P E X D I X . of the oxygen of the copper compound ; and opaque red streaks and spots of Cu'O will appear in the glass, as the latter cools. {[/.) Defection of minute traces of Copjjer in Iron Pyrites and other dodies. — Although an exceedingly small percen> age of co23per may be detected in blowpipe experiments, by the reducing process, as well as by the azure-blue coloration of the flame when the test-matter is moistened with chlo- rhydic acid, these methods fail, in certain extreme cases, to give satisfactory results. It often happens, that veins of iron pyrites lead, at greater depths, to copper p3'rites. In this case, according to the experience of the writer, the iron pyrites will, almost invariably, hold minute traces of cop- per. Hence the desirability, on exploring expeditions more especially, of some ready test, by which, without the neces- sity of employing acids or other bulky and difficultly port- able reagents, these traces of copper may be detected. The following simple method will be found to answer the pur- pose : — The test-substance, in powder, must first be roasted on charcoal, or, better, on a fragment of porcelain, in order to drive off the sulphur. A small portion of the roasted ore is then to be fused on platinum wire with phosphor-salt ; and some bisulphate of potash is to be added to the glass (v/ithout this being removed from the wire) in two or three successive portions, or until the glass becomes more or less saturated. This effected, the bead is to be shaken off the platinum loop into a small capsule, and treated with boiling Avater, by vrhich either the whole or greater part will be dis- solved; and the solution is finally to be tested with a small fragment of ferrocyanide of potassium ("yellow prussiate.") If copper be present in more than traces, this reagent, it is well kno7vm, will produce a deep-red precipitate. If the copper be present in smaller quantity, that is, in exceedingly The jJLO>f?ix'E. liI9 minute traces, the precipitate will be brown or brownish - black ; and if copper be entirely absent, the precipitate will be blue or green — assuming, of course, that iron pyrites or some other ferruginous substance is operated upon. In this experiment, the preliminary fusion with phosphor-salt greatly facilitates the after solution of the substance in bi- sulphate of potash. In some instances, indeed, no solution takes place if this preliminary treatment with phosphor- salt be omitted. (Ji.) Detection of Lead in tlie presence of Bismutli. — When lead and bismuth are present together, the latter metal may be readily detected by its known reaction with phos- phor-salt in a reducing-flame — antimony, if present, being first eliminated ; but the presence of lead is less easily as- certained. If the latter metal be present in large quantity, it is true, the metallic globule will be more or less malleable, and the flame-border will assume a clear blue color when made to play upon its surface, or on the sublimate of lead- oxide as produced on charcoal ; but in other cases, this re- action becomes exceedingly indefinite. The presence of lead may be detected, however, by the following plan, based on the known reduction and precipitation of salts of bis- muth by metallic lead : a method which succeeds perfectly with brittle alloys containing 85-90 per cent, of bismuth. A small crystal or fragment of nitrate of bismuth is placed in a porcelain capsule, and moistened with a few drops of water, the greater part of which is afterwards poured off; and the metallic globule of the mixed metals, as obtained by the blowpipe, haying been slightly flattened on the anyil until it begins to crack at the sides, is then placed in the midst of the sub-salt of bismuth formed by the action of the water. In the course of a minute, or eyen less, accord- ing to the amount of lead that may be present, an arbores- 160 A p r E X D I X . cent crystallization of motallic Ijismuili will he formed around the globule. This reaction is not effected by cojiper ; but a precipita- tion of bismuth would ensue, in the absence of lead, if either zinc or iron were pres3nt. These metals, however, may be eliminated from the test-globule, by exposing this on char- coal for some minutes, with a mixture of carb-soda and borax, to a reducing-flame. The zinc becomes volatilized, and the iron is gradually taken up by the borax. If a sin- gle operation does not effect this, the globule must be re- moved from the saturated dark green glass, and treated witli farther portions of the mixture, until the resulting glass be no longer colored. (i.) Detection of Antiinomj in Tule-SuUlmates. — In the examination of mineral bodies for antimony, the test-sub- stance is often roasted in an open tube for the production of a white sublimate. The presence of antimony in this sublimate may be detected by the following process — a method more especially available when the operator has only a portable blowpipe case at his command : — The portion of the tube to which the chief portion of the sublimate is at- tached is to be cut off by a triangular file, and dropped into a test-tube containing some tartaric acid dissolved in water. This being warmed or gently boiled, a part, at least, of the sublimate will be dissolved. Some bisulphate of potash — either alone, or mixed with some carb-soda and a little borax, the latter to prevent absorption. — is then to be fused on charcoal in a reducing-flame ; and the alkaline sulphide thus produced is to be removed by the point of the knife- blade, and placed in a small porcelain capsule. The hepatic mass is most easily separated from the charcoal by remov- ing it before it has time to solidify. Some of the tartaric acid solution is then to be dropped upon it, when the well- The Blowpipe. 161 known orange-colored precipitate of SbS' Avill at once result. In performing this test, it is as well to employ a some- what large fragment of the test-substance, so as to obtain a thick deposit in the tube. It is advisable, also, to hold the tube in not too inclined a position, in order to let but a moderate current of air pass through it ; and care must be taken not to expose the sublimate to the action of the flame — otherwise it might be converted almost wholly into a compound of SbO' and SbO^, the greater part of which would remain undissolved in the tartaric acid solution. A sublimate of arsenious acid, treated in this manner, would, of course, yield a yellow precipitate, easily distinguished by its color, however, from the deep orange antimonial sul- phide. The crystalline character, etc., of this sublimate, would also effectually prevent any chance of misconception. (j.) Chlorctte of Potassa as a Reagent. — The action of this salt is, of course, that of energetic oxidation, caused by the evolution of oxygen at a high temperature. The detection of the oxides of the metals below, is readily effected by the following means : — In a tube 15 centimeters long, and 5 millimeters in diameters, closed at one end, place the test-substance, together with a small quantity of the chlorate ; apply heat gradually, at first without, and then with, help of the blowpipe, until no more oxygen is given off. The reaction is then completed, and the color of the test is to be examined. Flesh color indicates presence of Iron. . YeUowish-brown, " Lead, Black, or grayisli-black, " ct Copper. Blue to black, " Cobalt. Purple, (( Manganese. Black, t< Nickel. -l-^^2 Appendix. (L) iXDiu:\r. This metal was discoYered iu 1863, by Professor Eicliter, at Freiburg, Saxon3^ It is found, in very small quantities, in the black sulphide of zinc of the Freiburg mines. The metal is nearly the color of aluminum, soft, ductile, and has a specific gravity of 7.14. OXIDE OF IX'DIUM UjJO/i Charcoal — Under the oxidizing flame becomes, while hot, dark yellow, and upon cooling, light yellow. Under the reducing flame it is gradually reduced. The reduced metal is volatile, and deposits a coating upon the the coal ; the outer flame is, at the same time, tinged with violet. In Borax Bead. — Under the oxidizing flame, dissolves to a faintly-colored yellow bead, which becomes colorless upon cooling ; and if great quantities of the assay be added, be- comes opaque. Under the reducing flame, the glass remains unchanged. If placed upon charcoal, the oxide is reduced — the metal volatilizes, and is again oxidized, and coats the coal. Not- withstanding the presence of soda, the violet color is per- ce]3tible in the outer flame. Treated idtli Soda. — In the oxidizing flame, insoluble. In the reducing flame, upon coal, the oxide is reduced ; a portion is volatilized, and coats the coal with oxide ; and R portion remains in the mass, in snipJl white beads. INDEX. Acerclase, 134. Acmite, 146. Aikiuite, 125. Albandite, 128. Albite, 146. AlJophane, 144. Alamina, reactions in borax bead, 78, 78. " in mic. salt, 80, 83. reaction on charcoal, 41. Aluminite. 122, 123. Altaite, 113. Alunite, 122. Amalgam, 132. Amblygonite, 138. Ammonia, 62, 65. Amphibole, 146. Amphigene. 149. Analcime, 141. Aualcite, 143. AnatasCj 149. Andalusite, 148. Anglesite, 125. Anhydrite, 122, Anorthite, 149. Antigorite, 144. Antimony, metallic, 54, 56, 6?, 64, liO, 117. oxide Oi",genera! reactions, 99, 111, 118. oside of, in borax bead, 76,78. oxide of, in mic. salt, 80, 8. Antimoniate of potassa, 4i. Antimonochre, 111. Apatite, 138, 140. Apophylite, 143. Aragonite, 121. Arcanite, 120. Argyrose, 125. Arsenic, general reactions of, 109, 112. reaction in glass bnlb. 50. "■ on charcoal. 56. " in platinum forceps, 62, 64. Arsenions acid, 50, 103. Asbolite, 134. Atac imite, 132. Augite, 145. Axinite, 143. Azwrite, 133. Baratocalcite, 121. Baryta, as reagent, 35. reaction in forceps, 62, 66. " in borax bead. 76, 73. " in mic. salt bead, 80, 82. Barytite. 1?2. ]%erzeliianite, IIG. Bieberite. 'i'27. Biotite, 147. Bismuth, reaction of, in tube, 54, 180. " on charcoal, 57. chloride of, 61. oxide of, in borax bead, 76, 78, 130. oxide of, in mic. salt bead, 80, 82. oxides of, general properties of, sulphide of, 60. Bismutite, 126, 130. Bismuthinite, 126. Blast, method of producing, 16. Blowpipe, construction of, 12. use of, 9. Blende, 128. Boraic acid, as reagent. 4^^. reactions of, 62, 65, 1.37. Bornlte, 125, 12 *. Boracite, 122, 138. Borocalcite, 122. Borax, 119. Borax beads, reactions, 76, 78. Botryogen, 124. Eoulangerite, 117. Bournonite, 116. Boussiugaltite, 119. Brnunite, 133. Breithauptite, 117. Brewsterite, 143. Brochantite, 127. Bromide of copper, 62, 04. Bromlite, 121. Bromyrite, 132. Brookite, 152. Brotite, 147. Erucite, 121, 123. Cacoxene, 128. Cadmium, reaction en charcoal, 58. oxide of, leaction in borax bead, '16, 78. oxide of, reaction in mic. salt, 80, 82. Calc emr, 121. Calomel, 111. Carnaltite, 119. Carpholite, 135. Cassiterite, 152. Castillitc, 129. Celestiue, 122. Cerargyrite, 132. Cerium, oxide of, reaction on borax bead, 76, 78. oxide of, reaction on mic. salt bead, 80, 82. Cerite, IM. Chabazlte, 148. 164 1:< ChalcocUe, 125, 1J9. Chalcophyllite, 113. Chalcopyrites, 1*5, 129. Chalcostibite, 117. Charcoal, properties of, 24. as reagcut, 55. Chillrenite, 135. Chiolite, U3, 133. Chlorides, 61. Chlorite, 148, 150. Chloropal, 1-^5, 141. Chondrareenite, li3. Choiidrodite, 144. Chonicrite, 148. Chromium, oxide of, {rencral reactions, 102. reactions in borax bead, 76, 73, 140. reactions in mic. salt bead, 80.82. Christophite, 129. Chrome iron, 104. Chrysoberyl, 152. Chrysocolla, 133. Chrysolite, 145. Cimolite, 150. Cinnabar, 111. Clausthalite, 115. Cobalt, oxide, reaction cf, 83. " •' in borax bead, 76. 78. oxide, reaction cf, in mic. salt bead, 80, 82. nitrate of, as reagent, 40. glance, 112. Collvrite, 144. Cohimbite, 135, 150. Copper, 132. oxide of, as reagent, 41. " reaction in borax bead, 76, 78. 94. oxide of, reaction in mic. salt bead, 80. 82, 94. bromide of. 62, 64. chloride of, 62. pyrites, 125. Coprapite, 125. Coquimbite, 125. Correlite, 125, 129. Corundum, 152. Costillite, 126. Cotunnite. 111. Crednerite, 133. Crocolite, 131. Cryolite, 123, 138. Cuprite. 132. Cuproplumbite. 125. Cyanite, 15J. Danburite, 145. Datho ite, 141. Dechenite, ISl. Diaclasite, 1-14. Diallage, 145. Diamond, 152. Diaspore, 152. DidjTnium, oxide, react'ons in borax bead, 73, 73. Didmlum. oxide, reactions in salt bead, 80, 82. general reactions, 87. Diopside, 145. Dioptase, 133. Disomose, 113. Dolomite, 121. Dufrenite, 13S. . Dul'renoysite, 112. Dyserasite, 116. Emery, 150. Emerald, 150. Epidote, 148. Epsomite, 119. Erinite, 113. Erythrine, 11.3. Eschynite, 149. Euchroite, 113. Euclase, 1^0. Eudialite, 142. Eulytite, 130. Eupoiite, 142. Eusynchite, 131. Euxenite, 15J. Fauysite, 141. Fayalite, 143. Fischerite, 139. Flame, reducing. 19. oxidizing, 17, Fluocerite, 140. Fluorine, 55. Fluor spar, 43, 122. Franklinite. 124. Friteslebenite, 116. Gadolinite, 145. Gahnite, 137, 152. Galena, 125. Garnet, 146. Gaylussite, 121. Gehlenite, 145. Geocronite. 113, 116. Gibbsite, 139. Ginelinite, lc9. Gismondite, 141. Glauberite, 122. Gold, 96, 134. GOthite, 124. Goslarite, 123. Graphite, 111. 152. Greenockite, 128. Grossulaire. 149, Gj-mnite, 148. Haidinorerite. 123. Harmotome. 148. Hauerite, 128. Haussmanite, 133. Hauvnite, 142. Helvite, 135. Hematite, 124. 125. Heulandite, 148. Hisinserite, 141. Humboldtilite, 143. Hvdroboracite, l.b7. Hydromagnesite, 121. Index. 165 Hydroziucite, 137. Hyperstlxcne, 150. Idocrase, 146. Iodides, 61. lodyrite, 132. lolite, 150. Iridium, 152. Iron, oxide, reaction of, in borax bead, 76, 78, 88. oxide, reaction of, in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 88. pyrites, 128. spoons, 28. Jamesonite, 116, 117. Johannite, 128. Kalinite, 119. Kaolin, 150. Keilhanite, 138, 149. Kermes, 111, 118. Kieserite, 122. Klaprothine, 15S. Knebelite, 149. Kobellite, 116. Kottegite, 113. Labradorite, 149. Lanarldte, 125. I.angite, 127. Lanthanite, 139. Lapis lazuli, 142. Laumonite, 141. Leadhillite, 125. Lead, metallic, 130. oxide of, reactions in open tube, 54, 130. oxide of, reactions on charcoal. 57. " " in forceps, 62. chloride, of, 61. oxide of, reaction in borax bead, 76, 78, 91. oxide of, reaction in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 91. sulphide of, 60. Lepidolite, 145. Leucopyrite, 113. Libenthenite, ISl. Lime, reactions of, in platinum forceps, 62. 69. reactions of, in borax bead, 70, 73. '' in mic. salt bead, 80, 82. Limonite, 124. Linarite. 127. Liroconite, 113. Lithia. reactions In forceps, 62, 68. Lithomarge, 150. Lowsite, 119. Magnesia, reactions witli nitrate of co- balt, 41. reactions in borax bead, 76, 78. reactions in mic. salt bead, 80, 82. Magnesitc, 121, 143. Magnetic iron ore, 124. Malachite,' 133. Manganese, oxide, reactions in borax bead, 76, 78. oxide, reactions in mic. salt bead, 80, 82. Manganocalcite, 1S5. Marceline, 133. Matlockite, 130. Meerschaum, 144. Melaconite, 132. Melanchroite, 131. Mendipite, ISO. Mendigite, 119. Mercury, reaction of, in glass bulb, 50. oxide of, 94. Miargyrite, 116. Microcosmic salt, 39, 72. Milderite, 125. Minium, 130. Mirabilite, 119. Mispickel, 113. Molybdenum, 58. Molybdenite, 129. Molybdic acid, reaction in borax bead, 76, 78, 101. reaction in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 101. Molybdite. 1S8. Monazite, 140. Monradite, 144. Mosandrite, 148. Muscagnite, 111. Muscovite, 146. Nagyagite, 118. Natrolite, 141. Natron, 120. Naumannite, 115. Nemalite, 121. Neolite, 144. Mckel, 112. oxide reaction in borax bead, 76, 78, 89. oxide reaction in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 89. oxalate of, as reagent, 43. Nickel ochre, 113. Nice ite, 112. Niobic acid, reaction in borax bead, 78, 98. reaction in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 89. Nitre, 120. Nitrocalcite, 120. Nosite, 142. Olivenite, 113. Opal, 150. Orpiment, 110. Orthoclase, 146. Orthite, 142. Osiridium. 152. Osmium, 168. Oxidizing flame 17, 18. Palladium, 95. Panabose, 112. 16i) I X 1) E :■: Parisite, 139. Pectolite, US. Peganite, 139. Pelopic acid, i-eaction iu boras bead, 73. 78, 99. reaction in mic. salt bead, 10, 82, 99. P-ntlandiie, 12G. Peri^la-^ te, 140. Perofskite, 15-2. Phenaciie, 152. Phiilipsite, 141. Phos,2'enite, 130. Piiosplioric acid, reaction in furceps, 62, 67. Piedmontite, 135. Piermerite, 119. Pitiicite, 113. Pissopliarcite, 128. Plagiouite, 116. Platinum, forceps, 27, 61. oxide of, 95. ppoon. 27. wire. 26. Piattuerite, 130. Polybasite, 112, llo. PolVcrase. 152. Polybalite, 122. Polymignite, 152. Potassa, reaction of, in foiTeps, 62, 63, 69. autimoniate of, as reagent, 17. nitrate of. as reagent, 37. oxalate of, as reagent, 36. Potassitim, cyanide of, 3-J. Preiinite, 148". Psatui-ose, 116. Pseiido-malacbite, 13^. Psilomelane, 134. Pyi-argaryrite, 113, 116, 117. Pyrites, 128. Pyrochlore, 152. P'.rocriroite, 135. Pyrolusite, 134. Pyromorphite, 130. Pyrophylite, 150. Pyrosclerite, 148. Pyrrbotine, 123. Quartz, 150. Sammebergite, 113. Eeagents, general, 'di. special, 43. Rbodchro^ite, 1-35. Rhod um, oxkle of, 95. Rhodonite, 135. Eiioidolire. 150. Rock pair, liO. Romeite, 117. Rathenium, oxide of, 98. Ratine, 152. Sal ammoniac, 111. Sa-soiite, 137. ficheelit-. 1.52 Sclerve':a.?e, 112. Scolecire, 141. Scorodile. 113. Selenium, 110. reacriou3 of, iu glass bulb, 49. in open tube, 54. " on charcoal, .56. '■ in platinum, for- ceps, Gi, 61. Selenite, 122. Selensnlpbur, 100. Senermoutite, 111. Serpentine. 144. Siderite, 124. Silica, as reagent, 4?. reactions of, in borax bead, 76, 78. reactions in mic. salt bead, 80, . 82. Silver, i-eaction of, on charcoal, 59. foil, 44. oxide of, reactions of, in borax bead. 76, 78, 95. oxide of. reactions of, in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 95, 132. Smai;iiie, 112. Smithsonite, 121. 137. Soda, 62, 68. carbonate of. 1G3, 110. formiate of, 51. Soda nitre, 120. Sodalite. 14 '. Sodium, nitroprusside of, 44. Spesspartite, 1:^5. Sphene, 149. Spinel, 152. Sijodumene, 145. Stannite, 129. Staurolite, 143. Stibine. Ill, 117. Stiblite, 111, 118. Stilbite. 148. Stoizite, ISO. Stromeyerite, 125. Stront-a, 62, 68. Strontianite, 121. Sulphur, 44, 109. Sylvanite, 119. Sylvine, 111. Symplesiie, 11?. Tacbv'itc, 149. Taic.^1.50. Tantalic acid, rerTction in borax bead, 76, 78, 97. reac.ion iu mic. salt, 8J, 82, 97. Tant-:2lite, 135 Telluric acid, reactions in fiame, C5. 67. " borax bead, 7>'\ 78. reactions in mic. salt bead, 80. 82. Tclluiiam, I'^O. 118 reactions of. in Uibe. 5^1. '■ en cha coal. 56. in forcen-s 62, 68. Tellu"0!i^ acil. 1G2, ■J epiiroire, 13.5. Tost nrrpe s^. 4?. Tctradvinitc, 113, 1,C5. I !>" D E X . 167 Tetraheclrite, IIG. Theuardite, 120. Ttiomsonite, 141. Thorite, 144. Tliormonatrite, 119. Thrombolite, 132. Tiemaunite, 111, 113. Tin, 41,58. OS 1(13 of, reactions in borax bead, 76, 78, 92. oxide of, reactions in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 92. oxide of, reactions witli nitrate of cobalt, 41. Titanic acid, reactions of, iu borax bead, 76, 78, 98. reactions of, in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 95. Titanite, 149. Tobernite, 137. Topaz, 149. Tourmaline, 146. Tremolite, 146. • Triphylite, 135. Triplite, 135. Trcna, 119. Tschetikinite, 142. Tschermignite, 119. Tungstic acid, reactions in borax bead, 76, 78, 100. reactions in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 100. Tungstite, 153. Turquoise. 139. Tyrolite, 114. XJlmanite, 117. Uraninite, 140. Uranium, oxide of, renctions iu borax bead, 76, 78, 93, 139. oxide of, reactions in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, 93. Uwarowite, 150. Vanadinite, 130. Vandaic ac.d, reactions iu borax bead, 76,78, 101. reactions in mic. salt bead, 80, 82, ICl. Vanqueilnite, 131. Yiviauite, 138. Volborthite, 133. Voltaile, 124. Wad, 1-35. Wagnerite, 188, Washing bottle, 31. Water, 62. Waveliite, 139. Wernerite, 142, 149. Willemite, l.i>7. Witherite, 120. Wolframite, 124. 134, 153. Wdlastonite, 143. Wuifnerite, ISO. Xenotine, 152. Yttrotantalite, 152. Zaratite. 133. Zinc, 1;.6 oxide of. reactions in borax bead, 76,-78, 90. 136. oxide cf, reactions in mic. salt, 80, 82, 90. oxide of, reactions with nitrate cf cobalt, 41. cxX'le of, reactions on charcoal, 58, Zincite, 133. Zinkeaite, 115. Zircon, 150. Zoisite, 148. Zorgite. 115. Zwieselite, 135. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY D. Yajst Nosteakd, 23 Murray Street & 27 Warren Street, NEW YORK. V/eisbacli^s Mechanics. New and Mevised EditiGn, 8yo. Clotli. $10.00. A MANUAL OF THE MECKAXICS OF ENGIXEEPJNG, and of the Construction of Macliines. By Julius Weisbach, Ph. D. 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By presenting- these general examinations on Skeleton Structures, -w ith particular application for Suspended Bridges, to Engineers, I venture to ex- press the hope that they will receive these theoretical results with some confi- dence, even although an opportunity is wanting to comi)are them with practi- cal results. O. H. Useful Information for Railway Men. Pocket form. Morocco, gilt, $2.00. Compiled by W. G. Hamilton, Engineer. Eiftli edition, revised and enlarged. 570 pages. *' It embodies many valuable formulas and recipes useful for railway men, and, indeed, for almost every class of persons in the world. The 'informa- tion ' comprises some valuable formulae and rules for the construction of boilers and engines, masonry, properties of steel and iron, and the strength of materials generally." — Railroad Gazette^ Chicago. Brooklyn Water Works. 1 vol. folio. Cloth. $25.00. 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Contents. — Report on Filtration — London "Works, General — Chelsea "Water Works and Filters — Lambeth Water Y/orks and Filters — Southwark and Vauxhall Yv^ater Works and Filters — Grand Junction Water Works and Filters — West Middlesex Water Works and Filters — ^New River Y/"ater Works and Filters — East London Water Works and Filters — Leicester Water Works and Filters — York Y^ater Y/orks and Filters — Liverpool Water Works and Filters — Edinburgh Water Y/orks and Filters — Dublin Water YT'orks and Filters — Perth Water Y^orks and Filtering- Gallery — Berlin Y/ater Y/orks and Filters — Hamburg- Yf ater Y/orks and Reservoirs — Altona Y'ater Works and Filters — Tours Water Works and Filtering- Canal — Angers Water Y/'orks and Filtering Galleries — ISTantes Water Works and Filters — Lyons Water Y/orks and Filtering Galleries — Toulouse Water Works and Filtering Galleries — -Marseilles Y/ater W^orks and Filters — Genoa Water Works and Filtering Galleries — Leghorn Y/ater Yv^orks and Cisterns — Wakefield Water Works and Filters — Appendix. Tnnner on Roll-Turning, 1 vol. 8vo. and 1 vol. plates. $10.00. A TEEATISE ON EOLL-TUENING EOE THE MANUEAC^ TUEE OF lEON. By Peter Tijnxee. Translated and adapted. By John B. Peaese, of the Pennsylvania Steel Works. With numerous wood-cuts, 8vo., together with a folio atlas of 10 litho- graphed plates of EoUs, Measurements, &c. " We commend this book as a clear, elaborate, and practical treatise upon the department of iron manufacturing operations to -which it is devoted. The writer states in his preface, that for twenty-fi.ve years he has felt the necessity of such a work, and has evidently brought to its preparation the fruits of experience, a painstaking regard for accuracy of statement, and a desire to furnish information in a style readily understood. The book should be in the hands of every one interested, either in the general practice of mechanical engineering, or the special branch of manufacturing operations to which the work relates.'' — American Artisan. 10 SCIEXTIFia BOOKS I'UBLISHEl) BY Glynn ov^ the Pov7er of "Water. 12ino. Cloth. $1.00. A TEEATISE OX THE POWEE, OF WATEE, as applied to drive Flour Mills, and to givo motion to Turbines and other Hydrostatic Engines. By Joseph Glyxn, F.E. S. Third edition, revised and enlaro-ed, with numerous illustrations. Hewson on Embankments, 8 TO. Cloth. 12.00. PEINCIPLES AND PEACTICE OF EMBANKING LANDS from Eiver Floods, as applied to the Levees of the Mississippi. By WiLLiAij: Hewso27, Civil Engineer. " This is a valuable treatise on the principles and practice of embanking lands from river floods, as applied to the Levees of the Mississippi, by a highly intelhgent and experienced engineer. The author says it is a first attempt to reduce to order and to rule the desig-n, execution, and measurement of the Levees of the Mississippi. It is a most useful and needed contribution to scientific literature. — PliiladdpMa Evening Journal. Griiner on Steel. 8vo. Cloth. $3.50. THE MANUFACTUEE OF STEEL. By M. L. Getoteh, trans- lated from the French. By Lenox Smith, A. M., E. M., with an appendix on the Bessemer Process in the United States, by the translator. IllustTated by lithographed drawings and wood-cuts. " The purpose of the work is to present a careful, elaborate, and at the same time practical examination into the physical properties of steel, as "well as a description of the ne-w processes and mechanical appliances for its manufac- ture. ■ The information which it contains, gathered from many trustworthy sources, will be found of much value to the American steel manufacturer, who may thus acquaint himself with the results of careful and elaborate ex- periments in other countries, and better x^repare himself for successful com- petition in this important industry with foreign makers. The fact that this volume is from the pen of one of the ablest metallurgists of- the present day, cannot fail, we think, to secure for it a favorable consideration. — Iron Age. 1). vajs'' :sfOHTRA:sri). li Bauerman on Iron, 12ino. Cloth. $2.00. TEEATISE ON THE METALLUEGY OF lEON. Contain- ing outlines of tlie History of Iron Manufacture, methods of Assay, and analysis of Iron Ores, processes of manufacture of Iron and Steel, etc., etc. By H. BArEHiiAif. Eirst American edition. Eevised and enlarged, witli an appendix on the Martin Process for making Steel, from the report of Abram S. Hewitt. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings. " This is an important addition to the stock of technical works published in this country. It embodies the latest facts, discoveries, and processes con- nected with the manufacture of iron and steel, and should be in the hands of every x>erson interested in the subject, as "well as in all technical and scientific libraries." — Scientijio American. Link and Yalve Motions, by W. S. Ancliincloss. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. APPLICATION OE THE SLIDE YALYE and Link Motion to Stationary, Portable, Locomotive o.nd Marine Engines, with new and simple methods for proportioning the parts. By "William S. AucHiiJCLoss, Civil and Mechanical Engineer. Designed as a hand-book for Mechanical Engineers, Master Mechanics, Draughtsmen and Students of Steam Engineering. All dimen- sions of the valve are found with the greatest ease by means of a Printed Scale, and proportions of the link determined without the assistance of a model. Illustrated by 37 wood-cuts and 21 lithographic plates, together with a copperplate engraving of the Travel Scale. All the matters we have mentioned are treated with a clearness and absence of unnecessary verbiage -which renders the work a peculiarly valuable one. The Travel Scale only requires to be known to be appreciated. Mr. A. writes so a,bly on his subject, we wish he had written more. London En- gineeriiig. "We have never opened a work relating to steam which seemed to us better calculated to give an intelligent mind a clear understanding of the depart' ment it discusses. — Scientific Ameriam. 12 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Slide Yalve by Eccentrics, by Prof. C, W. MacGord. 4to. Illustrated. Cloth, $'4.00. A PEACTICAL TEEATISE ON THE SLIDE YALYE BY ECCENTEICS, examining by methods, the action of the Eccen- tric upon the Shde Yalve, and explaining the practical proces- ses of laying out the movements, adapting the valve for its various duties in the steam-engine. Eor the use of Engineers, Draughtsmen, Machinists, and Students of valve motions in general. By C. "W. MacCord, A. M., Professor of Mechanical Drawing, Stevens' Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N, J. Stillman's Steam-Engine Indicator. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. THE STEAM-ENGINE INDICATOE, and the Improved Mano- meter Steam and Yacuum Gauges ; their utility and application By Paul SiiLLiiAN. New edition. Bacon's Steain-Engine Indicator. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. Mor. $1.50. A TEEATISE ON THE EICHAEDS STEAM-ENGINE IN- DICATOE, with directions for its use. By Chables T. Poktep.." Eevised, with notes and large additions as developed by Amer- ican Practice, with an Appendix containing useful formulse and rules for Engineers. By E. W. Bacoit, M. E., Member of thn American Society of Civil Engineers. Illustrated. Second Edition In this -work, Mr. Porter's book has been taken as the basis, but Mr. Bacon iias adapted it to American Practice, and has conferred a great boon on American Engineers. — Artisan, Bartol on Marine Boilers. 8yo. Cloth. $1.50. TEEATISE ON THE MARINE BOILEES OE THE UNITED STATES. ByH. B. Baetol. Illustrated. D. VAJV IWSTBAKD. 15 Gillmore^s Limes and Cements. Fourth Edition. Mevised and Enlargd. 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. PEACTICAL TEEATISE ON LIMES, HYDEAULIO CE- MENTS, AND MOETAES. Papers on Practical Engineering, U. S. Engineer Department, No. 9, containing Eeports of numerous experiments conducted in New York City, during the years 1858 to 1861, inclusive. By Q. A. Gillmgee, Brig-General U. S. Yolunteers, and Major TJ. S. Corps of Engineers. ^Yitk numerous illustrations. *' This -work contains a record of certain experiments and researches made under the authority of the Engineer Bureau of the "War Department from 1858 to 1861, upon the various hydraulic cements of the United States, and the materials for their manufacture. The experiments were carefully made, and are "well reported and compiled. ' — Journal Franklin Institute. Gillmore's Coignet Beton. Bvo. Cloth. 83.50. COIGNET BETON AND OTHEE AETIEICIAL STONE. By Q,. A. GiLLMOEE. 9 Plates, Yiews, etc. This work describes with considerable minuteness of detail the several kinds of art^cial stone in most general use in Europe and now beginning to bo introduced in the United States, discusses their properties, relative merits, and cost, and describes the materials of which they are composed The subject is one of special and growing interest, and we commend the work, embodying as it does the matured opinions of an experienced engineer and expert. Williamson^s Practical Tables. 4to. Elexible Cloth. $2.50. PEACTICAL TABLES IN METEOEOLOGY AND HYPSO- METEY, in connection vv^ith the use of the Barometer. By Col. K. S, WiLIilAMSOM, U. S. A. U ilCIKI^TIFIC J:00JC^ PUjyLISJIlJT) BY Williamson on tlie Barometer. 4to. Cloth. $15.00. ON THE USE OF THE BAEOMETEE, ON SUEYEYS AND EECONNAISSANCES. Part I. Meteorology in its Connec- tion with. Hypsometry. Part 11. Parometric Hypsomctry. By E. S. "WiLLi.vMsox, Pvt. Lieut.-Col. U. S. A., Major Corps of Engineers. With Illustrative Tables and Engravings. Paper No. 15, Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers. " San Francisco, Cal., Feh. 27, 1SG7. " G-en. A. A. Humphreys, Cliief of Engineers, U. S. Army : " General,, — I have tlie lienor to submit to you, in the following pages, the results of my investigations in meteorology and hypsometry, made with the view of ascertaining how far the barometer can be used as a reliable instru- m.ent for determining altitudes on extended lines of survey and reconnais- sances. These investigations have occupied the leisure permitted me from my professional duties during the last ten years, and I hope the results will be deemed of sufficient value to have a place assigned them among the printed professional papers of the United States Corps of Engineers. " Yery respectfully, your obedient servant, "R. S. WILLIAMSON, " Bvt. Lt.-Gol. P. S. A., Major Corps of P". S. Engineers." Yon Cottars Ore Deposits. 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. TEEATISE ON OEE DEPOSITS. By Beenhard Yon Cotta, Professor of Geology in the Eoyal School of Mines, Preidberg, Saxony. Translated from the second German edition^ by Prederick Pri:j:e, Jr., Mining Engineer, and revised by the author, with numerous illustrations. " Prof. Yon Cotta of the Freiberg School of Mines, is the author of the best modem treatise on ore deposits, and we are heartily glad that this ad- mirable work has been translated and published in this country. The trans- later, Mr. Prederick Prime, Jr., a graduate of Preiberg, has had in his work the great advantage of a revision by the author himself, who declares in a prefatory note that this may be considered as a new edition (the third) of his own book. " It is a timely and welcome contribution to the literature of mining in this country, and we are grateful to the translator for his enterprise and good judgment in undertaking its preparation ; while we recognize with equal cor- diality the liberality of the author in granting both permission and assist- ance." — Extract from Review in Engineering and Mining Journal. ]). VAiplenienta7''if Volume, Svo. Cloth. $9.00. This volume brings the Record of Chemical Discovery down to the end of the year i8'39, including- also several a^dditions to, and corrections of, former results which have appeared in 1870 and 1871. """ji* Complete Sets of the Work, Nev,' and Revised edition, including above supplement. 6 vols. Svo. Cloth. $62.00. Rammelsberg's Chemical Analysis, Svo. Cloth. $2.25. GUIDE TO A COUESE OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ESPECIALLY OF MINEEALS AND FUR- NACE PEODUCTS. Illustrated by Examples. By C. F. Eammelsbeeg. Translated by J. Towlee, M.D. This work has been translated, and is no-w published expressly for those students in chemistry v/hoso time and other studies in colleges do not permit them to enter upon the m.ore elaborate a,nd expensive treatises of Preseniua and others. It is the condensed labor of a master in chemistry and of a prac- tical analyst. IS SCIEN'TIFIC HOOKS PUBLISHED BY Eliot and Storer's Qualitative Chemical Analysis. l^eiv Edition, Mevised, 12mo. Illustrated. Cloth. $1.50. A COMPENDIOUS MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE CHEMI^ CAL ANALYSIS. By Chaeles W. Eliot and EeaxxII. Stoileu. Eevised with the Cooperation of the Authors, by WiLLi.vii Ivip- LEY Nichols, Professor of Chemistry in the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. " This Manual has great merits as a practical introduction to the science and the art of which it treats. It contains enough of the theory and practice of qualitatlYe analysis, " in the wet way/' to bring out all the reasoning in- volved in the science, and to present clearly to the student the most approved methods of the ai-t. It is specially adapted for exercises and experiments in the laboratory; and yet its classifications and manner of treatment are so systematic and logical throughout, as to adapt it in a high degree to that higher class of students generally "who desire an accurate knowledge of the practical methods of arriving at scientific facts." — LutJieran Observer. " We wish every academical class in the land could have the benefit of tho fifty exercises of two hours each necessary to master this book. Chemistry would cease to be a mere matter of memory, and become a pleasant experi- mental and intellectual recreation. We heartily commend this little volume to the notice of thote teachers v/ho believe in using the sciences as means of mental discipline." — College Courani. Oraig^s Decimal Systein, Square 32mo. Limp. 50c. WEIGHTS AND MEASUEES. An Account of the Decimal System, with Tables of Conversion for Commercial and Scientific Uses. By B. P. Ceaig, M. D. " The most lucid, accurate, and useful of all the hand-books on this subject that we have yet seen. It gives forty-seven tables of comparison between the English and French ctenominations of length, area, capacity, weight, and the Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers, with clear instructions how to use them ; and to this practical portion, which helps to make the transition as easy as possible, is x^refixed a scientific explanation of the errors in the metric system, and hov/ they may be corrected in tho laboratory." — Naiian. D. VAN XOSTIIAND, 19 Nugent on Optics. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00 TREATISE ON OPTICS ; or, Light and Siglit, theoretically and practically treated ; "with the application to Fine Art and Indus- trial Pursuits. By E. Nugknt. With one hundred and throo illustrations. " This book is of a practical rather thau a theoretical kind, and is de- signed to afford accurate and complete information to all interested in appli- cations of the science." — Round Table. Barnard's Metric System, 8vo. Brown cloth. §3.00. THE METEIO SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASUEES. An Address delivered before the Convocation of the University of the State of Nev/ York, at Albany, August, 1871. By Fkedehice A. P. Baexae-d, President of Columbia College, Nevv^ York City. Second edition from the Revised edition printed for the Trustees of Columbia College. Tinted paper. " It is the best summary of the arguments in favor of the metric weights and measures with which we are acquainted, not only because it contains in small space the leading facts of the case, but because it puts the advocacy of that system on the only tenable grounds, namely, the great convenience of a decimal notation of weight and measure as well as money, the value of inter- national uniformity in the matter, and the fact that this metric system as adopted ani in general use by the majority of civilized nations." — The Matiou- The Young MechaniCo Illustrated. 12mo. Cloth. $1.75. THE YOUNG- MECHANIC. Containing directions for the use of all kinds of tools, and for the construction of steam engines and mechanical models, including the Art of Turning in Wood and Metal. By the author of "The Lathe and its Uses," etc. From the English edition, with corrections. 20 ISCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISIIElJ MT Harrison's Meclianio's Tool-Book. 13mo. Cloth. ll.oO. MECHANIC'S TOOL BOOK, with practical rules and suggestions, for the use of Machinists, Iron Workers, and others. J^y W. B. Haerisox, Associate Editor of the "American Artisan." Illustra- ted with 44 engravings. " This work is specially adapted to meet the wants of Machinists and work- ers in iron generally. It is made up of the work-day experience of an intelli- gent and ingenious mechanic, who had the faculty of adapting tools to various purposes. The practicability'- of his plans and suggestions are made apparent even to the unpractised eye by a series of well-executed v^^ood engravings." — Philadelphia Inquirer. Pope^s Modern Practice of tlie Elec- tric Telegrapho Eighth Edition. 8yo. Cloth $2.00. A Hand-book for Electricians and Operators. By Ee.axk L. Pope. Seventh edition. Berised and enlarged, and fully illustrated. Extract from Letter of Prof. Morse. " I have had time only cursorily to examine its contents, but this examina- tion has resulted in great gratification, especially at the fairness and unpre- judiced tone of your whole work. " Your illustrated diagrams are admirable and beautifully executed. " I think all your instructions in the use of the telegraph apparatus judi- cious and correct, and I most cordially wish you success." Extract from Letter c^ Prof. G. W. Hough, of the Dudley Ohsevoatery. " There is no other work of this kind in the English language that con- tains in so small a compass so much practical information in the application of galvanic electricity to telegraphy. It should be in the hands of every one interested in telegraphy, or the use of Batteries for other purposes." Morsels Telegrapliio Apparatus, Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. EXAMINATION OE THE TELEGEAPHIC APPAEATUS AND THE PEOCESSES IN TELEOAPHY. By Samuel E. B. MoESE, LL.D., United States Commissioner Paris ETniversal Exposition, 1867. D. VAJV XOSTIlAIiD. 21 Sabine^s History of the Telegraph. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. HISTOEY AND PEOGRESS OF THE ELECTPJO TELE- GRAPH, witli Descriptions of some of tlie Apparatus. By BoBEET S-iBi2fE, G. E. Second edition, with, additions. Contents. — I. Early Observations of Electrical Phenomena. II. Tele- graphs bj Frictional Electricity. III. Telegraphs by Voltaic Electricity. IV. Telegraphs by Electro-Magnetism and Magneto-Electricity. V. Tele- graphs now in use. VI. Overhead Lines. VTI. Submarine Telegraph Lines. VIII. Underground Telegraphs. IX. Atmospheric Electricity. Haskins^ G-alvanometer, Pocket form. Illustrated. Morocco tucks. §2.00. THE GALVAInOMSTER, AND ITS USES; a Manual for Electricians and Students. By 0. H. Haskixs. " We hope this excellent little ^vork will meet with the sale its merits entitle it to. To every telegrapher who oWnS; or uses a Galvanometer, or ever expects to, it will be quite indispensable." — The Telegrapher, Cnlley's Hand-Book of Telegraphy. 8vo. .Cloth. 15.00. A HAND-BOOK OF PRACTICAL TELEGRAPHY. By R. S. CuLLEY, Engineer to tho Electric and International Telegraph Company. Eifth. edition^ revised and enlarged. Foster's Submarine Blasting. 4to. Cloth. $3.50. SUBMAEIKE BLASTIMG- in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts- Removal of Tower and Corwin Rocks. By John G. EosxEn, Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers, and Brevet Major- General, U. S. Army. Illustrated with seven plates. List op Plates. — 1. Sketch of the Narrows, Boston Harbor. 2. Townsend's Submarine Drilling Machine, and Working- Vessel attending. 3. Submarine Drilling Machine employed. 4. Details of Drilling Machine employed. 5. Cartridges and Tamping used. 6. Fuses and Insulated Y/ireg used. 7. Portable Friction Batterv used. 22 SCIENTIFIC IsOOK^ PUBLISHED BY Barnes^ Submarine "Warfare. 8vo. Cloth. O'J.OO. SUBMARINE Yn^ARFAEE, DEFENSIVE AND OFFENSIVE. Comprising a full and complete History of the Invention of the Torpedo, its employment in War and results of its use. De- scriptions of tlio Tarious forms of Torpedoes, Submarine Batteries and Torpedo Boats actually used in War. Methods of Ignition by Machinery, Contact Fuzes, and Electricity, and a full account of experiments made to determine the Explosive Force of Gun- powder under Water. Also a discussion of the Offensive Torpedo system, its effect upon Iron-Clad Ship systems, and influence upon Future Naval Wars. By Lieut.-Commander John" S. Barnes, U. S. N. With twenty lithographic plates and many vrood-cuts. " A book important to military men, and especially so to engineers and ar- tillerists. It consists of an examination of the varions offensive and defensive engines that have been contrived for submarine hostilities, including a discus- sion of the torpedo system, its effects upon iron-clad ship-systems, and its probable influence upon future naval wars. Plates of a valuable character accompany the treatise, which affords a useful history of the momentous sub- ject it discusses. A great deal of useful inform.ation is collected in its pages, especially concerning the inventions of ScHOLL and Yeiidu, and of JoNES' and Hunt's ])atteries, as well as of other similar machines, and the use in submarine operations of gun-cotton and nitro-glycerine." — N. Y. Times, Ra^ndairs Quartz Operator's Hand- Book. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. QUARTZ OPEEATOE'S HAND-BOOK. By F, M. Eandall, New edition, revised and enlarged. Fully illustrated. The object of tliis work has been to present a clear and comprehensive ex- position of mineral veins, and the means and modes chiefly emx)loyed for the mining and working of their ores — more especially those containing gold and silver. 1\ VA:^ XOSTIIAXD. Mitcheirs Manual of Assayingc « 8vo. Cloth. $10.00. A MANUAL OF PEACTICAL ASSAYING. By Johx Mitchell. Third edition. Edited by Willia^i Cbookes, F.E..S. In this edition are incorporated all the late important discoveries in Assay- ing made in this country and abroad, and special care is devoted to the very important Volumetric and Colorimetric Assays, as well as to the Blow-Pipe Beliefs Chronoscope. Second Edition^ Illustrated. 4to. Cloth. $3.00. ELECTEO-BALLISTIO MACHn^TES, and tlie Scliultz Chrono- scope. By Lieutenant-Colonel S. Y. Bexet, Captain of Ordnance, U. S. Army. Contents. — 1. Ballistic Pendulum. 2. G-un Pendulum. 3. Use of Elec- tricity. 4. NaVez' Jjlachine. 5. Vignotti's Machine, with Plates. G.Benton's Electro-Ballistic Pendulum, with Plates. 7. Leur's Tro-Pendulum Iviachine 8. Schultz's Chrcnoscope, with two Plates. Michaelis^ Clironograpli. 4to. Illustrated. Cloth. $3.00. THE LE BOULENGE CHEONOGEAPH. YV^ith three litho- graphed folding plates of illustrations. By Brevet Captain E. MiCHAELis, First Lieutenant Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army. " The excellent monograph of Captain Michaelis enters minutely into the details of construction and management, and gives tables of the times of flight calculated upon a given fall of the chronometer for ail distances. Captain Michaelis has done good service in presenting this work to his brother officers, describing, as it does, an instrument which bids fair to be in constant use in our future ballistic experiments.'' — xii^my and Navy JourmB. 24 SCIENTIFIC IWOKli PUBLISHED BY - Silversmith's Hand-Book, FourtJi JEditioii. Illustrated. 12mo. Cloth. $3.00. A PBACTICAL HAND-BOOK FOE MINERS, Metallurgists, and Assayers, comprising the most recent improvements in th(3 disintegration, amalgamation, smelting, and parting of the Precious Ores, with a Comprehensive Digest of the Mining Laws. Greatly augmented, revised, and corrected. By Julius Silvees:mith. Fourth edition. Profusely illustrated. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. $3.00. One of the most important features of this work is that in -which the metallurgy of the precious metals is treated of. In it the author has endeav- ored to embody all the processes for the reduction and manipulation of the precious ores heretofore successfully employed in Germany, England, Mexico, and the United States, together with such as have been more recently invented, a,nd not yet fully tested — all of which are profusely illustrated and easy of comprehension. Simms' Levelling. 8vo. Cloth. 12.50. A TEEATISE ON THE PEINCIPLES AND PEACTICE OF LEVELLING-, showing its application to purposes of Paihvay Engineering and the Construction of Poads, &c. By Fredeeick Yf . SiMMs, C. E. From the fifth London edition, revised and corrected, with the addition of Mr. Lav/'s Practical Examples for Setting Out Pailway Curves. Illustrated vfitli three lithographic plates and numerous wood-cuts. " One of the most important text-books for the general surveyor, and there is scarcely a question connected with levelling for which a solution would be sought, but that would be satisfactorily answered by consulting this volume." — Ilining Journal. " The text-book on levelling in most of our engineering schools and col- leges." — Engineers. "The publishers have rendered a substantial service to the profession, especially to the younger members, by bringing out the present edition of Mr. Simms' useful \"or\y'— Engineering. D. YAi^^ XOSTF.AjS'D. 25 Stuart's Successful Engineer. ISmo. Boards. 50 cents. 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Engineer in Chief of the United States Navy- List of Illustrations, Pumping" Engine and Pumps — Plan of Dry Bock and Pump-'Well— Sec- tions of Dry Dock — Engine House — Iron Floating Gate — Details of Floating Grat<3 — Iron Turning Gate — Plan of Turning Gate — Culvert Gate — Filling Culvert Gates — Engine Bed — Plate, Pumps, and Culvert — Engine House Roof — Floating Sectional Dock — Details of Section, and Plan of Turn-Tablea — Plan of Basin and Jjlarine Eailways — Plan of Slidhig Frame, and Elevation of Pumps — Hydraulic Cylinder — Plan of Gearing for Pumps and End Floats — Perspective Tie-w of Dock, Basin, and Railway — Plan of Basin of Ports- mouth Dry Dock — Floating Balance Dock — Elevation of Trusses and the Ma- chinery — Perspective View of Balance Dry Dock Free Hand Drawing. Profusely Illustrated. ISmo. Boards. 50 cents. A GUIDE TO OENAMENTAL, Eigiire, and Landscape Draw- ing. By an Art Studenf. Contents. — Materials em.ployed in Drawing, and how to use them — On Lines and how to Draw them — On Shading — -Concerning lines and shading, with applications of them to simple elementary subjects—Sketches from Na- ture. 26 SCIEXTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Minifie s Meclianicai Drawing. Eighth Edition. Royal Svo. Cloth. $-4.00. A TEXT-BOOK OF GEOMETEICAL DRAWING for the use of Mechanics aud Schools, in Avhich the Definitions and Rules of Geometry are familiarly explained ; the Practical Problems arc arranged, from the most simple to the more complex, and in their description technicalities are avoided as much as possible. AVith illustrations for Drawing Plans, Sections, and Elevations of Building's and Machinery ; an Introduction to Isometrical Draw- ing, and an Essay on Linear Perspective and Shadows. Illus- trated with over 200 diagrams engraved on steel. By Wii, Minifie, Architect. Eighth Edition. With an Aj)pendix on the Theory and Application of Colors. • " It is tiie best work on. Drawin.g- tliat we have ever seen, and is especially a t-ext-book of Geometrical Drawing- for the use of Mechanics and Schools. No young Mechanic, such as a Machinist, Engineer, Cabmet-Maker, Mill\sTight, or Carpenter, should be without it." — Sderdific American. " One of the most comprehensive works of the kind ever published, and can- not but possess great value to builders. The style is at once elegant and sub- stantial." — Pennsylvania Inquirer. " Whatever is said is rendered perfectly intelligible by remarkably well- executed diagrams on steel, leaving- n-othing for mere vague suj)position ; and the addition of an introduction to isometrical drawing, linear perspective, and the projection of shadows, winding up with a useful index to technical terms." — Glasgow Mechanics' Journal. C^^" The British G-ovemment has authorized the use of this book in their schools of art at Somerset House, London, and throughout the kingdom. Minifie's G-eonietrical Drawing. I'feiv Edition, Enlarged, 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. GEOMETEICAL DEAWING. Abridged from the octavo edition, for the use of Schools. Illustrated with 48 steel plates. New edition, enlarged. '' It is well adapted as a text-book of drawing to be used in our High Schools and Acaderaies where this useful branch of the fine arts has been liitherto too much neo:lccted." — Bo&toii Jounud. D. VA^^ XOSTllAXD. 27 Bell on Iron Smelting, 3vo. Cloth. $6.00. CHEMICAL PHENOMENA OE lEON SMELTING. An ex- perimental and practical examination of the circumstances which determine the capacity of the Blast Eurnace, the Temperature of the Air, and the Proper Condition of the Materials to bo operated upon. By I. Lowthiain' Bell. " The reactions yrhich take i)lacG in every foot of the biast-fumace have been investigated, and the natta-e of every step in the process, from the intro- duction of the raw material into the furnace to the production of the pig iron, has been carefully ascertained, and recorded so fully that any one in the trade can readily avail themselves of the knowledge acquired ; and we have no hes- itation in saying that the judicious application of such knowledge will do much to facilitate the introduction of arrangements which will still further economize fuel, and at the same time permit of the quality of the resulting metal being maintained, if not improved. The volume is one which no prac- tical pig iron manufacturer can afford to be without if he be desirous of en- tering upon that competition which nowadays is essential to x>rogress, and in issuing such a work Mr. Bell has entitled himself to the best thanks of every member of the trade." — London Mirdng Journal. \ King's Notes on Steam. TJiirteenth Editiofi. . 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. LESSONS AND PEACTICAL NOTES ON STEAM, the Steam- Engine, Propellers, &c., &c., for Young Engineers, Students, and others. By the late W. E. King, U. S. N. Eevised by Chief- Engineer J. W. King, U. S. Navy. " This is one of the best, because eminently plain and practical treatises on the Steam Engine ever published. ' — Philadelplua Press, This is the thirteenth edition of a valuable work of the late "W. H. King, U. S. N. It contains lessons and practical notes on Steam and the Steam En- gine, Propellers, etc. It is calculated to bo of great use to young marine en- gineers, students, and others. The text is iU \strated and explained by nu- merous diagrams and representations of ra .chinery. — ^IAEIXE ENQINEEEING, applied to Paddle and Scre^" Propulsion. Consisting of 3G Colored Plates, 259 Practical Wood-cut Illusti-ations, and 403 pages of Descriptive Matter, Him whole being an exposition of tlio present practice of the follow- ing firms : Messrs. J. Penn & Sons ; Messrs. Maudslay, Sons t": Pield ; Messrs. James Yv'att & Co. ; Messrs. J. & G. Ecnnio ; Messrs. P. N a.pier & Sons ; Messrs, J. & AY. Dudgeon ; Messrs. Pavenliill & Hodgson ; Messrs. Humphreys & Tenant ; Mr. J. T. Spencer, and Messrs. Forrester & Co. I3y N. P. Buegh, Engineer. PmxciPAL. Contents. — General Arrangements of Engines, 11 examples — General Arrangement of Boilers, 14 examples — General Arrangement of Superheaters, 11 examples — Details of Oscillating Paddle Engines, 34 ex- amples — Condensers for Screw Engines, both Injection and Surface, 20 ex- amples — Details of Screw Engines, 20 examples — Cylinders and Details of Screw Engines, 21 examples — Slide Valves and Details, 7 examples — Slide Valve, Link IvTotion, 7 examples — Expansion Valves and Gear, 10 exam- ples — Details in General, 00 examples— Screw Propeller and Fittings, 13 ex- amples - Engine and Boiler Fittings, 23 examples - In relation to the Princi- ples of the Marine Engine and Boiler, 83 examples. Notices oft/ie Press. "Every conceivable detail of the Marine Engine, under all its various forms, is profusely, and we must add, admirably illustrated by a multitudo of engravings, selected from the best and most modern practice of the first Marine Engineers of the day. The chapter on Condensers is peculiarly valu- able. In one word, there is no other work in existence which will bear a moment's comparison v/ith it as an exponent of the skill, talent and practical experience to vv-hich is due the splendid reputation enjoyed by many British Marine Engineers." — Engineer. " This very comprehensive work, which was issued in Monthly parts, has just been completed. It contains large and full drawings and copious de- scriptions of most of the best examples of Modern Marine Engines, and it is a complete theoretical and practical treatise on the subject of Marine Engi- neering." — American Artisan. This is the only edition of tho above work with the beautifully colored plates, and it is out of print in England. 7). VAX :rOSTi:AXD. 29 Bourne^s Treatise on the Steam Eix giiie, 27'i7itli Efdltlon. Illustrated. 4to. Cloth. §15.00. TEEATISE ON" THE STEAM ENGINE in its various applied, tions to Mines, Mills, Steani Navigation, IxailTvays, and AgricuL tiire, witli the tlieoretical investigations respecting tlie Motiva Power of Heat and tlio proper Proportions of Steam Engines. Elaborate Tables of the right dimensions of every part, and P'ractical Instructions for the Manufacture and Management of every species of Engine in actual use. By Joh:n~ Boue^ye, being the ninth edition of " A Treatise on the Steam Engine," by the '^Artisan Club." Illustrated by thirty-eight plates and Hvo hundred and forty-six -wood-cuts. As Mr. Bourne's -vvork lias the great merit of avoiding unsound and imma- turo views, it may safely be consulted "by all who are really desirous of ac- quiring trustworthy information on the subject of which it treats. During the twenty-two years which havo elapsed from the issue of the first edition, the improvements introduced in the construction of tho steam engine have been both numerous and important, and of these Mr. Bourne ha,s taken caro to point out tho more prominent, and to furnish the reader with such infor- mation as shall enable him readily to judge of their relative value. This edi- tion has been thoroughly modernised, and made to accord with the opinions and practice of the more successful engineers of tho present day. All that the book professes to give is given with ability and. evident care. The scien- tific principles which aro permanent are admirably explained, and reference is made to many of the more valuable of the recently introduced engines. To express an opinion of tho value and utility of such a work as The Artisan (Jlulfs Treatise on the Steam Engine, which has passed through eight editions already, would be superfluous ; but it may be safely stated that the work is worthy the attentive study of all either engaged in the manufacture of steam engines or interested in economizing the use of steam. — Mining Journal. Isiier^;Aroocrs Engineeriiig Precedents. Two Vols, in One. Svo. Cloth. §2.50. ENGINEEEINa PEECEDENTS FOE, STEAM MACHINTEEY. Arranged in the most practical and useful manner for Engineers. By B. r. IsHERWooD, Civil Engineer, U. S. Navy. With illus- trations. SCIEXTIFJC 2;OOK;j l^rj^UsllKJ, i:y Warcrs Steam for tliG Million. Neiv anil iLCvised Edition, 8vo. Cloth. 81.00. STEAM FOE THE MILLIOX. A Popular Treatise on Steam and its Application to the "Useful Arts, especially to Tsavig-a- tion. By J. H. Waud, Commander U. S. Navy. Kevr and ro Tised edition. A most excellent Trork for the young engineer and general reader. Many facts relating to the management of the boiler and engine are set forth Avitli a simplicity of language and perfection of detail that bring the subject homo to the reader. — American Engineer. V/eJker^s Scre*;^/ ir'ropnlsioii. Svo. Cloth. 75 cents. KOTES ON SGEEW PEOPULSION, its Pise and History. Py Capt. "W. H. Walkepc, U. S. Navy. Commander "Walker's book contains an immense a,mount of concise pra.cti- cal data, and every item of information recorded fully proves that the various i)oints bearing upon it ha.ve been well considered previously to expreisaing an opinion. — Londoii JSHning Journal. Page's Eartli^s Orust. ISmo, Cloth. To cents. THE EAETH^S CEUST : a Handy Outline of Geology. By David Page. " Such a work as this was much, wanted — a work giving in clear and intel- ligible outline the leading facts of the science, without amplificatioa or irk- some details. It is admirable in arrangement, and clear and easy, and, at tha same time, forcible in style. It will lead, we hope, to the introduction of Geology into many schools that have neither time nor room for the study of large treatises." — The 21useum. I). VAX 2\^0STHAXJJ. Rogers' Geology of Pennsylvania. 3 Vols. 4to, with Portfolio of Maps. Cloth. $30.00. THE GEOLOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A Government Sur- vey. With a general view of the Geology of the United States, Essays on the Coal Formation and its Fossils, and a description of the Coal Fields of North America and Great Britain. By Henry Darwix FiGgers, Late State Geologist of Pennsylvania. Splendidly illustrated vrith Plates and Engravings in the Text. It certainly should be in every public library- throughoiit the countn,--, and likewise in the possession of all students of G-eology. After the final sale of these copies, the -work vril], of course, become more valuable. The work for the last five years has been entirely out of the market, but a few copies that remained in the hands of Prof. Rogers, in Scotland, at the time of his death, are now offered to the public, at a price which is even below what it was originally sold for when first published. Morfit on Pure Fertilizers. With 28 Illustrative Plates. Svo. Cloth. $20.00. A PEACTICAL TPEATISE ON PURE FERTILIZERS, and the Chemical Conversion of Rock Guanos, Mar.lstones, Coprolites, and the Crude Pliosphates of Lime and Alumina Generally, into By CAilPBELL MOEFIT, M.D., F.C.S. Sweet^s Report on Coal. 8ro. Clotli. .$3.00. SPECIAL REPORT ON COAL ; showing its Distribution, Classi- fication, and Cost delivered over different routes to various points in the State of New T'ork, and the principa,! cities on the Atlantic Coast. By S. H. Sweet. "With maps. Golbnrn's Gas Works of London, 12ino. Boards. GO cents. GAS WORKS OF LONDON. Bv ZER.^n Colbuen-. 82 SCI-EXTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY The Useful Metals and their Alloys ; ScofFreii, Truran, and others. Fifth Edition, 8vo. Half calf. $3.75. THE USEFUL METALS AND THEIE ALLOYS, inclading MINING VENTILATION, MINING JUEISPEUDENCE AND METALLUEGIC CHEMISTEY emiiloyed in the conver- sion of lEON, COPPEE, TIN, ZINO, ANTIMONY, AND LEAD OEES, with their applications to THE INDUSTEIAL AETS. By John Scofficen, AVilliam Trurax, William Clay, EoBEiiT OxLANi), WiLLiAii Faiebaiex, W. C. AiTKiN, and Wil- liam YosE Pickett. Collins^ Useful Alloys, 18mo. Flexible. 75 cents. THE PEIYATE BOOK OF USEFUL ALLOYS and Memo- randa for Goldsmiths, Jewellers, etc. Bj James E. Collins This little book is compiled from notes made by tbxe Author from the papers of one of the largest and most eminent Manufacturing G-oldsmiths and Jewellers in this country, and as the firm is now no longer in existence, and the Author is at present engaged in some other undertaking, he now offers to the public the benefit of his experience, and in so doing he begs to state that all the alloys, etc., given in these pages may be confidently relied on as being thoroughly practicable. The Memoranda and Receipts throughout this book are also compiled from practice, and will no doubt be found useful to the jpractical jeweller. — Shirley, July, 1871. Joynson s Metals Used in Construction. 12mo. Cloth. 75 cents. THE METALS USED IN CON^TEUCTION : Iron, Steel, Bessemer Metal, etc., etc. By Francis Herbert Joynson. Il- lustrated. " In the interests of practical science, we are bound to notice this work ; and to those who wish further information, we should say, buy it ; and the outlay, wo honestly believe, will be considered well spent." — Scientific Review. I). VAN XOSTIIAND. Hoiley's Ordnance and Armor. 493 Engravings. Half P.oan, $10.00. Half Eussia, $12.00. A TEEATISE ON OEDNANCE AND AEMOE— Embracing Descriptions, Discussions, and Professional Opinions concerning the Mateeial, EABEiCATioisr, Eequirements, Capabilities, and En- durance of European and American Guns, for Naval, Sea Coast, and Iron-clad Warfare, and their Eifling, Projectiles, and Beeech-Loadiis^g ; also, Eesults of Experiments against Armor, from Ofncial Eecords, with an Appendix referring to Grun-Cotton, Hooped Gruns, etc., etc. By Alexander L. HoLLEr, B. P. 9-18 pages, 493 Engravings, and 147 Tables of Eesults, etc. Contents. Chapter I. — Standard G-uns and their Fabrication Described : Section 1. Hooped G-uns; Section 2. Solid Wrought Iron Guns; Section 3. Solid Steel Guns ; Section 4. Cast-iron Guns. Chapter II. — The Eequirements of Guns, Armor: Section 1. The Work to be done; Section 2. Heavy Shot at Low Ve- locities ; Section 3. Small Shot at High Velocities ; Section 4. The two Sys- tems Combined ; Section 5. Breaching Masonry. Chapter III. — The Strains and Structure of Guns: Section 1. Kesistance to Elastic Pressure ; Section 2. The Effects of Vibration; Section 3. The Effects of Heat. Chapter IV.— Cannon Metals and Processes of Fabrication: Section 1. Elasticity and Ductil- ity; Section 2. Cast-iron; Section 3. Wrought Iron; Section 4. Steel; Sec- tion 5. Bronze ; Section 6. Other Alloys. Chapter V. — Rifling and Projec- tiles; Standard Forms and Practice Described; Early Experiments; The Centring System ; The Compressing System ; The Expansion System ; Armor Punching Projectiles; Shells for Molten Metal; Competitive Trial of Eifled Guns, 18G2 ; Duty of Eifled Guns: General Uses, Accuracy, Eange, Velocity , Strain, Liability of Projectile to Injury ; Firing Spherical Shot from Eifled Guns ; Material for Armor-Punching Projectiles ; Shape of Armor-Punching Projectiles; Capacity and Destructiveness of Shells; Elongated Shot from Smooth Bores; Conclusions; Velocity of Projectiles (Tabled Chapter VI.— Breech-Loading Advantages and Defects of the System; Eapid Firing and Cooling Guns by Machinery; Standard Breech-Loaders Described. Part Sec- ond : Experiments against Armor ; Account of Experiments from Official Eecords in Chronological Order. Appendix. — Eeport on the Application of Gun-Cotton to Warlike Purposes— British Association, 1863 ; Manufacture and Experiments in England ; Guns Hooped with Initial Tension — History; How Guns Burst, by Wiard, Lyman's Accelerating Gun; Endurance of Pan-ott and Whitworth Guns at Charleston ; Hooping old United States Cast-iron Guns ; Endurance and Accuracy of the Armstrong 600-pounder; Competitive Trials with 7-inch Guns, 34 ^CIEXTIFIC BOOKH PUJiLISUJ::!) JiY Peirce's Anal3rtic Mechanics. 4to. Cloth. $10.00. SYSTEM OF ANALYTIC MECHANICS. Physical and Celestial Mechanics. By Benjamin Peirce, Perkins Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics in Harvard University, and Consulting As- tronomer of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. . Developed in four systems of Analytic Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics, Potential Physics, and Analytic Morphology. " I liave re-examined the memoirs of the great geomieters, and have striven to consolidate their latest researches and their most exalted forms of thought into a consistent and uniform treatise. If I have hereby succeeded in open- ing to the students of my country a readier access to these choice jewels of intellect ; if their brilliancy is not impaired in this attempt to reset them ; if, in their own constellation, they illustrate each other, and concentrate a stronger light iipon the names of their discoverers , and, still more, if any gem which I may have presumed to add is not wholly lustreless in the collec- tion, I shall feel that my work has not been in vain." — Extract from the Pre- face. Burt"s Key to Soiar Compass, Secoitd Edition. Pocket Book Form. Tuck. $2.50. KEY TO THE SOLAR COMPASS, and Surveyor's Companion ; comprising all the Pules necessary for use in the field; also, Description of the Linear Surveys and Public Land System of the United States, Notes on the Barometer, Suggestions for an outfit for a Survey of four months, etc., etc., etc. By W. A. BuET, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. Second edition. Cliauvenets Lunar Distances. 8vo. Cloth. 12.00. NEW METHOD OF COERECTINa LUNAP DISTANCES, and Improved Method of Finding the Error and Rate of a Chro- nometer, by equal altitudes. By Wm. Chauvenet, LL.D., Chan- cellor of Washington University of St. Louis. D. TAN XO^TllAXD. 35 Jeffers' Nautical Surveying. Illustrated with 9 Copperplates and 31 Wood-cut Illustrations. 8vo. Clotii. $5.00. NAUTICAL SUEYEYING. By YfiLLiAii N. Jefpees, Captain U. S. Navy. ^lany books have been -written on each of the subjects treated of in the sixteen chapters of this -work; and, to obtain a complete knowledge of geodetic surve^.'ing requires a profound study of the whole range of mathe- matical and physical sciences ; but a year of preparation should render any intelligent oiScer competent to conduct a nautical survey. Contents. — Chapter I. Formulai and Constants Useful in Surveying II. Distinctive Character of Surveys. III. Hydrographic Surveying under Sail ; or, Hunning Survey. IV. Hydrographic Surv^eying of Boats ; or, Har- bor Survey. Y. Tides — Definition of Tidal Phenomena — Tidal Observations. YI. Measurement of Bases— Appropriate and Direct. VII. Measurement of the Angles of Triangles — Azimuths — Astronomical Bearings. VIII. Correc- tions to be Applied to the Observed Angles. IX. Levelling — Difference of Level. X. Computation of the Sides of the Triangulation — The Three-point Problem. XI. Determination of the G-eodetic Latitudes, .Longitudes, and Azimuths, of Points of a Triangulation. Xll. Summarj'- of Subjects treated of in preceding Chapters — Examples of Computation by various Eormulse. XIJI. Projection of Charts and Plans. XIV. Astronomical Determination of Latitude and Longitude. XV. Magnetic Observations. XVI. Deep Sea Soundings. XVII. Tables for Ascertaining Distances at Sea, and a full Index. List of Plates. Plate I. Diagram Illustrative of the Triangulation. II. Specimen Page of Field Book. III. Running Survey of u Coast. IV. Example of a Running Survey from Belcher. V. Flying Survey of an Island. VI. Survey of a Shoal. VII. Boat Survey of a River. VIH. Three-Point Problem. IX. Triangulation. Coffin's Navigation. Fifth Edition. 12mo. Cloth. §3.50. NAYIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTEONOMY. Prepared for the use of the U. S. Naval Academy. By J. H. C. Coffin, Prof, of Astronomy, Navigation and Surveying, with 52 wood- cut illustrations. 8G SCIEXTIFIC J WOKS PUBLISIIEJJ BY Clark's Theoretical Navigation. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. tHEOBETICAL NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRON- OMY. Bj Lewis Cluik, Lieut. -Commander, U. S. Navy. Il- lustrated with 41 Wood-cuts, including the Vernier. Prepared for Use at the U. S. Naval Academy. The Plane Table. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. ITS USES IN TOPOGEAPHICAL SUEVEYING. Prom the Papers of the,U. S. Coast Survey. This -work gives a description, of the Plane Table employed at the U. S. Coast Survey 0£B.ce, and the manner of using it. Pook on Shipbnilding. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. METHOD OF COMPAEING THE LINES AND DRAUGHT- ING VESSELS PROPELLED BY SAIL OR STEAM, in- cluding a Chapter on Laying off on the Mould-Loft Floor. By Samuel M. Pook, Naval Constructor. 1 vol., 8vo. With illus- trations. Cloth. $5.00. Brunnow's Spherical Astronomyo Bvo. Cloth. $6.50. SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY. By F. Bexd^xow, Ph. Dr. Trans- lated bv the Author from the Second German edition. 1). VAN' y^OSTIlAXJJ. Van Buren's Formulas. 8vo. Clotli. $2.00. INVESTIGATIONS OF FOEMULAS, for the Strength of the Iron Parts of Steam Machinery. By J. D, Tax Bukex, Jr., C. E. Illustrated. This is an analytical discussion of the f ormulre employed by mechanic?.! engineers in determining the rupturing or crippling pressure in the different I)arts of a machine. The fonnulae are founded upon the principle, that tlio different parts of a machine should be equally strong, and are developed in reference to the ultimate strength of the m.aterial in order to leave the ehoico of a factor of safety to the judgment of the designer.— /5'e"ZZi»ia?i's Journal. Joynson on Machine Gearing, 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. THE MECHANIC'S AND STUDENT'S GUIDE in the Design- ing and Construction of General Machine Gearing, as E-ccentrics, Screws, Toothed Wheels, etc., and the Drawing of Rectilineal and Curved Surfaces ; with Practical Eules and Details. Edited by Fkaxcis Herbert Jotnsox. Illustrated with 18 folded plates. " The aim of this Tvork is to be a guide to mechanics in the designing and construction of general machine-gearing. This design it well fulfils, being plainly and sensibly written, and profusely illustrated." — Sunday Times. Barnard's Report, Paris Exposition, 1867. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. EEPOET ON MACHINEEY AND PEOCESSES ON THE INDUSTEIAL AETS AND APPAEATUS OF THE EXACT SCIENCES. By F. A. P. Barnard, LL.D.— Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. " "We have in this volume the results of Dr. Barnard's study of the Paris Exposition of 1867, in the form of aji official Keport of the Government. It is the most exhaustive treatise upon naodem inventions that has appeared since the Universal Exhibition of 1851, and we doubt if anything equal to it has appeared this century." — Joar/iaZ xi^ypUed Cliemistry. 3S ^ICIKNTIFK! jUUkKS FL'r.LJSllKD DV Engineering Facts and Figures. ISmo. Cloth, .9^2.50 per Volurno. AN ANNUAL EEGI8TEE OF PKOG-EESS IN MECHANI- CAL ENGINEERING AND CONSTEUCTION, for the Yeara 1863-04-65-66-67-68. Fully illustrated. 6 volumes. Each volume sold separat'Olv. Beckwith's Pottery. 8vo. Paper. 60 cents, 0BSEEYATI0N3 ON THE MATERIALS and Manufacture of Terra-Cotta, Stone-Waro, Eire-Brick, Porcelain and Encaustic Tiles, with Remarks on the Products exhibited at the London International Exhibition, 1871. By Arthfe Beckwith, Ci^dl Engineer. '•' Everrtliing is noticed in this book which comes under the head of Pot- tery, from fine porcelain to ordinary brick, and aside from the interest which all take in such manufactureis, the ■work will be of considerable value to followers of the ceramic art:" — Emning Mail. Dodd's Dictionary of Manufactures, etc. V^uio. L..,ch. .$2.00. DICTIONARY OF MANUFACTURES, IMINING, MACHIN- ERY, AND THE INDUSTRIAL ARTS. By Geoege Dodd. This work, a small book on a great subject, treats, in alphabetical ar- rangement, of those numerous matters which come generally within the range of manufactures and the productive arts. The raw materials — animal, vege- table, and mineral — ^whence the manufactured products are derived, are suc- cinctly noticed in connection with the processes which they undergo, but not as subjects of natural history. The operations of the Mine and the Mill, the Foundry and the Forge, the Factory and the "Workshop, are passed under re- view. The principal machines and engines, tools and apparatus, concerned in manufacturing processes, are briefly described. The scale on which our chief branches of national industry are conducted, in regard to values and qixantities, i j indicated in. various Vv^ays. D. VAN NOHTliANJJ. 39 Stuart's Civil and Military Engineer- ing of America. 8vo. Illustrated. Cloth. $5.00. THE CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERS OF AMERICA. By General Charles B. 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