;i ]i 'i\\'i>i''*U}S: } H l! ■ m iiiil n iliiillliiii^ nil! liiji fi i ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Ensuring Democracy through Digital Access (NC-LSTA) http://www.archive.org/details/highschoolsofnor1925nort Educatioxal Publication No. 97 Division of Supervision No. 23 High Schools of North Carolina PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WHITE AND COLORED URBAN AND RURAL A COMPLETE LIST 1925-26 published by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Raleigh, N.C. Presses of Edwards & Broughtox Company RALEIGH INTRODUCTION The development of secondary education in rural Xorth Carolina is now entering upon a new phase. Heretofore the need has been so great that the main struggle has been to set up a high school of some sort Avithout much regard to the size or type of institution. Within the last few years much more attention has been given to a certain degree of refinement in their organization and administration. At this time, it is very seldom that one finds a community that is willing to embark on the enterprize of building a high school, unless that community vizualizes an accredited high school within a very few years. The current now is running toward a larger type of high school in all the newer consolida- tion schemes with the expectation of a minimum enrollment of from one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five pupils. In some instances, the enrollment will reach two hundred and fifty within a few years after the project is completed. In this kind of institution, a much wider range of opportunity can be offered and more definite programs provided. Administrators are beginning to realize that the small three teacher high school runs very high in per capita cost and too low in efiiciency. One is greatly impressed with the increasing length, from year to year, of the list of accredited schools. It is necessary to reprint this list each year in order to keep it up-to-date. The most spectacular thing in ISTorth Carolina education at this time is the wonderful growth of rural high schools which has been made possible by consolidation and transportation. A casual examination of this bulletin in comparison with the one issued a few years ago will convince any one of the extent of this movement. This pamphlet was prepared by Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, director of the division of school inspection. It is hoped that it will be of both interest and service to all people interested in secondary education in N'orth Carolina. G^ ~7~ tZ-^^iu^^ State Superintendent Public Instruction. EXPLANATORY NOTE This list of high schools in North Carolina gives the name of the school together with the name of the principal and the postoffice address of the school. The schools are listed alphabetically by connties. The name of the county superintendent follows the name of the county in each case together with his address. The schools are listed as Special Charter or city schools, Eural schools, and Private schools. The list contains the names of 732 white high schools and 114 colored high schools, making a total of 846 schools in which some high school work is being done. Of the 732 white schools 680 are public and 52 private. Of the 732 white schools 442 are accredited. Of the 114 colored high schools 43 are accredited. There are 121 special charter white schools, and 54 colored. There are 559 white and 29 colored rural schools. There are 31 private colored schools. The classification of all accredited schools is given. For example ; Alexander- Wilson in Alamance County is classified as an accredited school, II, A. 1924. This means that the school is an accredited school in Group II, Class A, placed upon the list in 1924. For complete in- formation on classification of schools see pages 12-14, Educational Publication JSTo. 79. When the classification of a school is not given it is a non-standard school. All Special Charter and Rural High schools are public unless otherwise stated. Private schools are listed separately. Where the name of the principal is not given it means that the Preliminary Report for the session 1925-26 has not been received. All schools which have been accredited for the session 1924-25 together with all schools previously accredited are included in the list. The list is complete, therefore, unt-1 the close of the session 1925-26. The date of accrediting of schools in 1920 and prior thereto is not indicated in this list. F'or the convenience of directors of summer schools and college authorities who admit students ui^on a basis of graduation from standard schools a list of schools arranged alphabetically is given in this bulletin. Persons who are not familiar with the location of schools in the various counties find it difficult to locate the names of schools when they are given alphabetically by counties. It is hoped that this list will expedite the work of all those who have occassion to use the names of accredited schools. 6 High Schools of North Carolina The high schools of the State which are members of or accredited by the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States are given in the bulletin both as a recognition of these schools and as information for those who may wish to knoAv the schools which are accredited by the Southern Association. The High School Course of Study will be revised and reprinted before the opening of the session 1926-27. A high school handbook will be printed during the present year and will be ready for use by the opening of the next school year. State High School Supervisor. March 1, 1926. STANDARD HIGH SCHOOLS A Standard High. School as defined in the State law is as follows: "A school term of not less than 160 days; four years or grades beyond the seventh elementary grade; three teachers holding required certificates; not less than forty- five pupils in average daily attendance; a program of studies approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction; such equip- ment as may be deemed necessary by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to make the instruction beneficial to pupils." In the interpretation of this law the following suggestions and require- ments are made for the development of a standard high school: 1. Teachers Every teacher employed in a standard or accredited high school must hold a high school teacher's certificate issued by the Division of Certification. This requirement holds for all classes of schools, public and private, white and colored, urban and rural. At least three whole time teachers must be employed in the lowest class of standard school. These three teachers may be employed when the average daily attendance is forty-five pupils; four teachers may be employed for an average daily attendance of seventy; five teachers for an average daily attendance of 100 pupils, and one additional teacher for each additional thirty pupils in average daily attendance. 2. Length of Term The length of term in a Group II, Class B School, which is the lowest class of standard high school, must be eight months or 160 days, ex- clusive of holidays. 3. Length of Kecitation Periods "With an eight months term, 160 days, recitation periods must be forty-five minutes in the clear in order that each course may be 120 clock hours or a unit of work. In arranging a daily schedule provision should be made for at least three minutes between recitation periods to allow for time spent in changing classes. The actual time spent in instruction during each recitation period must be forty-five minutes. 4. Fifteen Standard Units are Required for Graduation A unit is defined as follows: A unit is the credit allowed for the satisfac- tory completion of a course pursued for thirty-two weeks or more with five recitation periods per week, each recitation period being forty-five minutes in length. If the term is thirty-six weeks, recitation periods may be forty minutes in length. A unit of work is 120 clock hours. In estimating the fifteen units required for graduation such subjects as Arithmetic and Spelling should not be considered. When Arithmetic is offered in the eighth grade credit may be given toward graduation in making a total of seventeen or eighteen units required for graduation from any given school. 8 High Schools of* I^orth Carolina 5. ATerage Daily Attendance There must be at least forty-five pupils in average daily attendance in the lowest standard school. Such an average attendance permits the employ- ment of three whole time properly certificated teachers. 6. Course of Study A four year course of study must be provided. This means ordinarily the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades. In some schools there are twelve grades and in some instanoes the eighth grade is regarded as a part of the junior high school. There is nothing to prevent the organization of a high school on the Junior-Senior basis. When an effort is made to organize on this basis it is suggested that the seventh and eighth grades be organized as a Junior high school and the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades as the Senior high school. In schools where there are twelve grades it will be more convenient to organize on what is known as the 6-3-3 Plan: the six year elementary school, a three year Junior high school, composed of grades seven, eight, and nine, and a Senior high school composed of grades ten, eleven, and twelve. In small high schools with three or four teachers and an average daily attendance of forty-five to seventy it is not advisable, perhaps, to attempt to organize on the Junior-Senior basis. 7. Equipment A. Library — A separate room with adequate furniture must be pro- vided for the library which may be used also as a reading room. There must be in the lowest standard high school at least 300 volumes of dis- tinctively high school grade. The books in the library should be distributed as follows: (1) All reference books and periodicals suggested in the high school library bulletin. (2) Fifty volumes of standard fiction. (3) Fifty volumes of standard literature, in the form of essays, orations, addresses, short stories, and dramas. (4) At least ten of the books suggested on Agriculture and Home Economics. (5) Seventy-five volumes of History and Biography. (6) Twenty-five books on Geography and Travel. (7) Good editions of at least twenty-five of the leading British and American poets. In meeting the requirements each of the reference books and periodicals may be counted as one volume in the 300 books required for standard schools. B. Maps — To make the teaching effective, it is necessary not only to have good textbooks, but also to have good apparatus, such as maps, charts, lantern slides, pictures, and specimens. The requirements for maps for use in connection with physical, general or commercial geography, general science, history, and literature are as follows: High Schools of ISTorth Carolina 9 A. PHYSICAL series: 1. World on Mercator's Projection 5. Europe 2. United States 6. Asia 3. North America 7. Africa 4. South America 8. Australia Five of the above are required, but the entire series should be provided if possible. B. BLACKBOARD OUTLINE SERIES: Five under A above are required, and eight or more are recommended. C. POLITICAL series: At least one set of seven or eight maps, under A above, will be required. Also a good map of North Carolina, and a map of the Land office, U. S. Department of the Interior, showing the territorial expansion of the United States. D. HISTORICAL SERIES: 1. For English, History and Literature: England, or the British Isles. 2. For Ancient History and Latin: Ancient World, Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, Ancient Italy. (This historical series is recommended, but not required.) E. for modern EUROPEAN AND AMES5ICAN HISTORY: 1. A good series of charts for European History. 2. A good series of charts for American History. (These charts are recommended, but not required.) These requirements with reference to maps and charts became effective September 1, 1923. C. Laboratory — For the teaching of Science there must be at least one room set apart for laboratory work and this room must have the necessary furniture and supplies. At least two sciences must be taught in a standard school. In the small school these sciences or subjects should be General Science in the eighth grade and Biology in the ninth. In the larger schools additional sciences may be offered. In providing for each science the general apparatus and supplies should be purchased and one individual set for each two to four students in any given class. In General Science and Biology 25 to 30 experiments should be properly performed by each student taking these subjects. D. High Scliool Records and Rejiorts — Tlae high school records are a matter of first rate importance. The high school register should be used by the high school teachers and the permanent high school record card furnished by the State must be used. The State Department of Public In- struction has printed a sufficient supply of permanent high school record cards to furnish the necessary cards for all high schools. A filing case should be provided in each high school for the keeping of high school records. A filing cabinet is an essential part of the equip- ment of each high school principal's office. 10 High Schools oe* ISTorth Carolina The Preliminary Report should be submitted promptly when request is made. This is the report which is to be made shortly after the opening of each school session. The Annual Report should be made immediately after the close of sohool and submitted promptly. One copy should be sent to the County Superintendent, one to the State High School Supervisor, and one copy kept in the office of the principal for reference. No school can be properly rated until the annual report is submitted. 8. Required Subjects There are some subjects so fundamental that they should be required of all students. Occassionally a student will be found who lacks ability to carry successfully any given high school subject, but the majority of all students will be able to do satisfactorily the work required in connection with a few prescribed subjects. The following units are required for graduation from a standard school: Units English 4 Mathematics 2 Science 1 History 2 *Foreign Language 2 9. Elective Subjects Just as many elective subjects as possible should be offered, but students should select electives wisely, in order to prevent smattering. It will be noted that only two units of foreign language work are re- quired. These units may be offered in Latin, French, German, Spanish. Four years of a foreign language should be offered, but not required. This will not meet college entrance requirements, and students desiring such credit should be advised to take perhaps four years of Latin and at least two years of modern language. The two units of mathematics should include algebra and plane geome- try. Students who wish to complete college entrance requirements should take at least two years of algebra and one year of plane geometry. Students who specialize in Vocational Subjects are not required to offer Foreign Language credits for graduation. If a student takes four years of Agriculture he is not required to offer any Foreign Language work in meeting the requirements for graduation. This applies also to students who take four years of Home Economics. A student who offers only two years of either one of these subjects is required to offer the two units of Foreign Language work required for graduation. COLLEGE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS The colleges in the. State differ somewhat with regard to credits or units required for entrance to college. The colleges have agreed, however, to grant the following credits for work done in high school toward meeting college entrance requirements: ''Not required of students specializing in vocational subjects. High Schools of ISTorth Carolina 11 ■ Units English 4 Social Science, including History and Civics 4 Mathematics 4 Greek - 3 Latin 4.7 French 3 German 3 Spanish 2 Botany 5 or 1 Chemistry 5 or 1 Physics 5 or 1 Physiology 5 Zoology ' - 5 or 1 General Science 5 or 1 Physiography 5 or 1 Drawing 1 Commercial Geography 5 Vocational Agriculture 2 Bookkeeping 1 Commercial Arithmetic 1 Stenography ..! 1 Manual Training 2 Home Economics _ 2 Bible 2 Music 2 Expression 5 It should be kept in mind in estimating college credits that a unit of work is 120 clock hours. A subject may be given an entrance credit of one unit if the course is pursued for a term of thirty-two weeks, five days to the week, with recitation periods forty-five minutes in length. The same credit may be secured for a thirty-six weeks term with forty-minute recita- tion periods. If a student knows what college he expects to enter, he should plan his course to meet the entrance requirements of that institution. THE CLASSIFICATION OF HIGH SCHOOLS There are two groups of standard high schools in North Carolina: Group I — Class AA, Class A, and Class B. Group II — Class A, and Class B. (Class B is the lowest standard or accredited school.) Note. Every teacher employed in a standard high school must hold a high school teacher's certificate. The standards of these groups are set forth as follows: €ronp I — Class AA. 1. A four-year course of study beyond the seventh grade. 2. Length of term — nine months, or 180 days, exclusive of holidays. 3. Number of teachers — ^twelve teachers holding proper certificates. 4. Length of recitation periods — at least forty minutes. 5. Fifteen standard units required for graduation. 12 High Schools of ISTorth Carolina 6. Laboratory facilities for the tea^ching of Science — General Science and Biology, and Physics or Chemistry. 7. Library of at least 1,000 volumes of distinctly high school books. 8. Required number of maps, charts, and other equipment. 9. Attendance — at least 310 pupils in average daily attendance. Group I — Class A. 1. Four-year course of study. 2. Length of term^ — nine months, or 180 days, exclusive of holidays. 3. Number of teachers — four teachers of academic subjects and two teachers of vocational subjects — a total of six teaohers. 4. Length of recitation periods — at least forty minutes. 5. Fifteen units required for graduation. 6. Laboratory facilities for the teaching of Science. 7. Library of not fewer than 500 volumes. 8. Maps according to requirements. 9. Attendance — at least 130 pupils in average daily attendance. (irroui) I — Class B. 1. Four-year course of study. 2. Length of term — nine months, or 180 days, exclusive of holidays. 3. Number of teachers — four whole-time teachers, one of whom may be a teacher of vocational subjects. 4. Length of recitation periods — at least forty minutes. 5. Fifteen units required for graduation. 6. Laboratory facilities for the teaching of Science. 7. Library of not fewer than 500 volumes. 8. Maps according to requirements. 9. Attendance — at least 70 pupils in average daily attendance. Group 11 — Class A. 1. Four-year course of study. 2. Length of term — eight months, or 160 days, exclusive of holidays. 3. Four whole-time teachers, one of whom may be a teacher of voca- tional subjects. 4. Length of recitation periods — ^at least forty-five minutes. 5. Fifteen units required for graduation. 6. Laboratory facilities for the teaching of Science. 7. Library of not fewer than 300 volumes. 8. Maps according to requirements. 9. Attendance — at least 70 pupils in average daily attendance. Group II — Class B. 1. Four-year course of study. 2. Length of term — eight months, or 160 days, exclusive of holidays. 3. Three whole-time teachers, holding proper certificates. 4. Length of recitation periods — at least forty-five minutes. 5. Fifteen units required for graduation. 6. Laboratory facilities for the teaching of Science — ^at least two Sciences. 7. Library of not fewer than 300 volumes. 8. At least forty-flve pupils in average daily attendance. 9. Maps according to requirements. High Schools of jSTorth Carolina 13 The schools below those of standard grade should be classified. The work in a school should be so organized that it can be definitely estimated just what amount of credit a pupil is entitled to for the work he has completed. There are three classes of schools below those of standard grade. These constitute what will be known as Group III schools, Classes A, B, and C. Group III — Class A. This is a three-teacher, non-standard high school. A high school may have three whole-time teachers, offer four years of work, and have a term of thirty-two weeks, but not be rated as a stand- ard school because certain requirements have not been met. Such a school is called a three-teacher non-standard school. In such a school every effort should be put forth, of course, to meet the requirements of a standard or accredited school. The principal of a school of this class must hold at least the High School Teachers' Certificate, Class A, and may receive a salary of $1,800 on a basis of a nine months' term. Group III— Class B. A Certified School. By Certified School is meant the following: 1. Three years of work beyond the elementary school. That is, the work of the eighth, ninth, and tenth grades, or first, second, and third years of a high school. 2. A term of thirty-two weeks, exclusive of holidays. 3. Recitation periods of forty-five minutes in length. 4. Two whole-time teachers, holding proper certificates. 5. Laboratory facilities for the teaching of General Science. 6. A library of not less than 200 volumes. 7. Twelve units of work completed. 8. An average daily attendance of thirty pupils. The principal of a Certified School must hold at least the High School Teacher's Certificate, Class A, and may receive a salary of $1,600 on a basis of a nine months' term. Group III— Class C. A Recognized School. A Recognized School may be defined as follows: 1. Two years of work beyond the elementary school. That is, the work of the eighth and ninth grades, or first and second years of high school. 2. A term of thirty-two weeks, exclusive of holidays. 3. Recitation periods forty-five minutes in length. 4. One whole-time teacher holding proper certificate. 5. Eight units of work completed. 6. Library of 100 volumes. 7. Twenty pupils in average daily attendance. The principal of a Recognized School must hold at least the High School Teacher's Certificate, Class A, and may receive a salary of $1,500 on a basis of a nine month's term. High School work should not be undertaken unless it can be provided for in a somewhat adequate manner. No school will be recognized as a high school unless there is one teacher giving whole time to high school instruc- tion. High school work should not be attempted in a school where an ele- mentary teacher, who should be giving her whole time to the elementary school, employs a part of her time in giving high school instruction. 14 High Schools of North Carolina SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION The schools listed below are accredited by the Southern Association. Those marked (*) are members of the Association. *Aberdeen High School, Aberdeen — A. S. Ballard. *Academy of St. Genevieve, Asheville — Mother A. Foret. *Asheville High School, Asheville — W. L. Brooker. *Asheville School, Asheville — George Jackson. *Asheville Normal (H. S. Dept.), Asheville — John E. Calfee. Bingham Military School, Asheville— Col. S. R. McKee. Bethel High School, Bethel— E. B. Page. *Boiling Springs High School, Boiling Springs — J. D. Huggins. *Burlington High School, Burlington — C. C. Haworth. Canton High School, Canton — R. J. Hutchins. *Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill— L. R. Sides. Cliffside High School, Cliffside— Charles C. Erwin. Central High School, Charlotte — H. P. Harding. *Concord High School, Concord — A. S. Webb. Cullowhee High School, Cullowhee — H. T. Hunter. Davenport Fitting School, Lenior — C. L. Hornaday. *Durham High School, Durham — Frank M. Martin. Edenton High School, Edenton — John A. Holmes. *Elizabeth City High School, Elizabeth City— S. L. Sheep. *Farmville High School, Farmville — G. R. Wheeler. *Fayetteville High School, Fayetteville — Harry Howell. *Forest City High School (Cool Springs), Forest City — J. W. Eaks. Franklinton High School, Franklinton — Hoy Taylor. *Gastonia High School, Gastonia — W. P. Grier. *Goldsboro High School, Goldsboro — 0. A. Hamilton. *Greensboro High School, Greensboro — Frederick Archer. ♦Greenville High School, Greenville — J. H. Rose. *Hamlet High School, Hamlet — F. L. Ashley. ♦Henderson High School, Henderson — E. M. Rollins. *Hendersonville High School, Hendersonville — A. W. Honeycutt. *Blue Ridge School for Boys, Hendersonville — J. R. Sandifer. *Henrietta-Caroleen High School, Caroleen — J. B. Jones. ♦Hickory High School, Hickory — R. W. Carver. ♦High Point High School, High Point — T. Wingate Andrews. ♦Kinston High School, Kinston — K. R. Curtis. Laurinburg High School, Laurinburg — S. W. Rabb. Lenoir High School, Lenior — C. S. Warren. ♦Lexington High School, Lexington — J. H. Cowles. ♦Lumberton High School, Lumberton — W. B. Crumpton. Mars Hill College (H. S. Dept.), Mars Hill— R. L. Moore. ♦Monroe High School, Monroe — Ray Armstrong. ♦Morganton High School, Morganton — D. W. Maddox. Newton High School, Newton — L. M. Epps. North Wilkesboro High School, North Wilkesboro — Horace Sisk. ♦Oake Ridge Institute, Oak Ridge— T. E. Whitaker. Oxford High School, Oxford— C. G. Credle. Oxford Orphanage High School, Oxford — R. L. Brown. High Schools oii* I^Torth Carolina 15 *Raeford High School, Raeford — J. M. Stackhouse. *Raleigh High School, Raleigh — H. F. Srygley. *Reidsville High School, Reidsville — J. H. Fleming. Rich Square High School, Rich Square — A. W. Oakes, Jr. *Roanoke Rapids High School, Roanoke Rapids — E. J. Coltrane. ♦Rockingham High School, Rockingham — L. J. Bell. *Rocky Mount High School, Rocky Mount — R. M. Wilson. Rutherford College High School, Rutherford College — W. F. Starnes. *Rutherfordton-Spindale High School, Rutherfordton — B. L. Smith. *Pineland School for Girls, Salemburg — Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones. *Saint Mary's School, Raleigh— Rev. W. W. Way. Salisbury High School, Salisbury — G. B. Phillips. *Selma High School, Selma — F. M. Waters. ♦Scotland Neck High School, Scotland Neck— H. M. Roland. ♦Shelby High School, Shelby— I. C. Griffin. Smithfield High School, Smithfield— N. C. Shuford. Southern Pines High School, Southern Pines^ — W. F. Allen. Spencer High School, Spencer — F. R. Richardson. ♦Statesville High School, Statesville — R. M. Gray. State School for the Blind, Raleigh — G. E. Lineberry. Tarboro High School, Tarboro — ^S. T. Emory. ♦Thomasville High School, Thomasville — J. N. Hauss. ♦Washington High School, Washington— H. C. Miller. ♦West Durham High School, West Durham — D. T. Stutts. ♦New Hanover High School, Wilmington — W. A. Graham. Wilson High School, Wilson — Charles L. Coon. ♦Richard J. Reynolds High School, Winston-Salem — R. H. Latham. ♦Salem Academy, Winston-Salem — Howard E. Rondthaler. WHITE HIGH SCHOOLS County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class — Date ALAMANCE: A.H.King. . Special Charter: Burlington .._ W. D. Halfacre Burlington I, A. Graham H. G. McBane . . Graham . I, B. 1922 Haw River B. H. Lewis . ... Haw River II, B. 1925 Mebanc . . Mebane I, B. 1925 Rural: Altamahaw- Ossipee Elon College, R-l... Graham, R-2 II, B. 1924 Alexander- II, A. 1924 Eli Whitney... II, A. 1924 Elon College.. - J. A. Hornaday Elon College J. W. Bason . Pleasant Grove S. C. Deskins Burlington , R-3 Burlington , R-2 . Snow Camp Taylorsville Stony Creek... Sylvan R. H. Hutchison II, B, 1925 ALEXANDER: M. A. Stone . . - Rural: Bethlehem W.W. Stockman Hidden] te C. H. Gryder II, A. 1924 Stony Point J. W. McCall Stony Point _ II, A. 1924 Taylorsville. _ M.C.Campbell . . II, A. 1922 ALLEGHANY: Rural : Piney Creek E. M. Williams.. Piney Creek Sparta Mouth of Wilson, Va. Glade Valley Wadesboro . Morven.. II, B. 1923 Sparta S. A. Leslie . II, A. 1923 Tiirkey Knob. . M. Vanhoy Private: Glade Valley... C. W.Erwin II, B. ANSON: R.W.Allen Special Charter: Morven J. F. Lowrance . II, B. 1924 Wadesboro . . . I, A. Rural: Ansonville... . Ansonville Polkton, R-2 Wadesboro Lilesville McFarlan Peachland Polkton II, B. 1925 BurnsviUe Deep Creek D. W. B. Coon.. Lilesville M. F. Teeter II, B. 1925 McFarlan O. n. T.PTriTnnn Peachland W. L. Harris Polkton W. C. MeCoU II, B. 1924 18 High Schools of N^orth Carolina County, Name of High School ASHE: Rural: Bowie... Elkland. Helton. _ Sutherland Virginia- Carolina West Jefferson. Private: Jefferson AVERY: Rural: Altamont... Banner Elk. Cranberry,. Newland Riverside... Private: Lees McRae Institute. . Plumtree School for Boys.. Superintendent, Principal, or Other OfScial Head J. 0. Goodman. L. K. Halsey... A. H. Braswell- J. B. Hash C. A. HoweU... B. H. Duncan.. Robt. B. Lee Plummer. F.C.Nye G. B.Price. -. R. T. Teague. C. R. Stroupe.. J. D. Horton... D.C.Butler... B. D. Franklin. BEAUFORT: Special Charter: Belhaven Washington. Rural: Aurora.. Bath.... Pantego. Private: Washington Coll. Inst.. BERTIE: Special Charter: Aulander. .. Windsor Rural: Colerain Kelford Lewiston- Woodville. Edgar H. Tufts. T. W. Clapp.... H. H. McLean.. C.H.Young.. E. S. Johnson. R. A. Thompson. G. W. Rhodes.... F. Parker M. 0. Fletcher. H.W.Early... C. R. Hinshaw- R. L. Tremain. J. S. Moore Mattie Livermon. Post Office Address of School Beaver Creek. Fleetwood Todd Sturgills Lansing Trade, Tenn. Grassy Creek. . West Jefferson. Jefferson. Newland. F. L. Stroupe .. Spear L. E. Andrews. Crossnore.. Banner Elk. Cranberry.. Newland Banner Elk.. Plumtree Washington. Belhaven Washington. Aurora.. Bath.... Pantego. Washington. Windsor Aulander. Windsor.. Colerain. Kelford.. Accredited Class — Date I, B. II, B. II, B. 1922 1923 II, A. 1922 II, A. 11, A. 1923 1924 Lewiston. I, B. I, A. II, A. II, B. I, B. II, A. II, A. II, B. II, B. 1925 1925 1925 1922 1923 II, B. 1925 IIiC4H Schools of North Carolina 19 County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class — Date BERTIE: (Continued) Mars Hill Clara M. Pigg . Colerain, R-1 Merry Hill _ II, B. 192.3 MerrvHilL... W. R. Smithwick Powellsville . A. G. Otwell Powellsville Republican. __ R. M. Peele Windsor Merrv Hill . Riverside . Roxobel D. P. McCain. Roxobel Elizabethtown Bladenboro BLADEN : W. W. Woodhouse. . Rural: Bladenboro . F. Q. Barbee II, A. 1921 Carver's Creek. Acme, R-1 Clarkton. . . Clarkton II, A. 1924 EUzabethtown , Elizabethtown Keliy II, B. 192.5 Kelly (French's Creek) W. N. Rhyne White Oak Academy F. T. Johnson White Oak II, A. 1923 Abbottsburg. . . V.E.Glenn Abbottsburg Southport - BRUNSWICK: B. R. Pa<'e Rural: Bolivia Bolivia.. . Leland J. P. Booth Leland Southport W. J. Faucette Southport ._ II, A. 1923 buncombe: W.C. Murphy .... Ashe\-ille- Special Charter: Asheville Asheville. . _ I, A A Black Mountain... J. 0. Wood - ... Black Mountain Barnardsville Biltmore .. I, B. Rural: Barnardsville.. F. A.Penland II, A. 1923 Biltmore W.H.Jones I, A. Candler C.J.Rich Candler. . II, A. 1923 Emma S.O.Wilde - Asheville, R-4 Fairview _ Fairview 0. F. Blankenship II, A. 1923 Grace . J. M. Roberts Asheville, R-1 Asheville, R-2 II, B. 1925 Haw Creek 0. H. Tilson Leicester II, A. 1923 Sand Hill R.J.Crowell II, B. 1925 Swannanoa E.N. Howell . II, B. 1925 Weaver viUe G.V.Allen ... . Weaverville Asheville, R-4 AsheviUe, R-5 Weaverville Biltmore, R-2 SkTland Asheville.. Asheville SchooL ... West Buncombe Homer Henry II, B. 1923 Woodfin.. A. C. Reynolds II, B. 1924 Shanghai .Venable Miss Minerva Brittain..'. Valley Springs. W.S.Burleson Private: Acad, of St. Genevieve. . Mother M. Monk II, A. Asheville School George Jackson I, B. 20 High Schools of ITokth Caeolina County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class — Date BUNCOMBE: (Continued) Asheville Farm School L. H. Burch Farm School Asheville Nor. Sch. (Prep. Dept.) --. J. E. Calfee .. I, B. Bingham Mil. Col. S. R. McKee Christ School- - R. R. Harris Grove Park School... ._ II, B. Montreal Nor. School-. S. L. Woodward ...... Montreat II, B. Snyder Outdoor School for C. E. Snyder Asheville, R-1 II, B. C.H.Trowbridge II, B. BURKE: R. L. Patton Morganton .. Special Charter: D. W. Maddox Morgan ton I, A. Rural: Drexel J. E. Hunter- Drexel W. T. Byrd I, B. 1922 Hildebran E. S. Teague . . Hildebran . _ II, B. 1923 Valdese C. C. Long Valdese Olive Hill P. E. Corpening Morganton, R.F.D... Rutherford College - Private: Rutherford College A. R. Reep II, B. 1921 CABARRUS: Special Ciiarter: Concord Hinton McLeod Concord- - I, AA. Rural: Harrisburg J. B. Stanley Harrisburg Kannapolis Kannapolis... II, A. 1924 Midland Harrisburg Concord, R-2 Concord Mt. Pleasant Mt. Pleasant--- Winecoff W.H.Mitchell . Logan F.T.Logan Private: Mont Amoena Seminarj' . C. L.T.Fisher ...1 I, B. Collegiate Institute G. F. McAllister I, B. High Schools ob* ISTorth Carolina 21 County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class— Date CALDWELL: J. W. Mcintosh' Lenoir Special Charter: Granite Falls II, A. 1923 I, A. Rural: CoUettsville.... CoUettsville __ Dudley Shoals. A. F. Sharps Granite Falls.. Hudson Lenoir, R-2... Hudson . . Geo. E.Smith . Oak Hill A. R. Crisp II, B. 1923 Whitnel W.E.Wilson Whitnel Private: Davenport Preparatory School . .. C. L. Hornaday Hugh A. Dobbin II, B. Patterson School . -- CAMDEN: Indiantown Rural: Old Trap J. P. Pegg Old Trap SMloh S. M. Eddleman F. M. Eason J. H. Workman R. L. Fritz, Jr Shiloh South Mills South Mills CARTERET: Special Charter: Beaufort Morehead City. Beaufort Morehead City I, A. 1922 Rural: II, B. 1924 Newport C. F. Carroll, Jr. . Newport II, B. 1923 Smyrna H.C.Banks II, B. 1925 Private: St. Pauls CASWELL: Robt. W. Isley Rural; Anderson R. W. Barnette Union Ridge Ruffin Cobb Memorial F. B. Harton Leasburg Mount Gilead Milton J. E. Farrior, Jr --■' Pelham.. W.J.Liles Prospect Hill.. Mrs. B. M. Warren .. Prospect HiU Semora Agnes WTiitt Yanceyville (Bartlett Yancey) S. H. Abell _ Yancey>.illc II, A. 1925 ;2^2 High Schools of ISTorth Cakolhsta County, Name of High School CATAWBA: Special Charter: Hickory Newton Rural: Ball's Creek. Blackburn. -- Catawba County Farm-life. ■ Claremont.- Highland... Longview-.. Maiden Mountain View Monogram Sherrill's Ford. West Hickory. . White Church.. Private: Concordia College.. CHATHAM: Rural: Bells Bennett- . . Bonlee Bynum Goldston.. Moncure. . Pittsboro.. Siler Citv. CHEROKEE: Special Charter: Andrews Murphy CHOWAN: Special Charter: Edenton Rural: Chowan. CLAY: Rural: Elf Hayesville. Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head J. A. Capps. Samuel Thompson. R. J. Hilker R. D. Huitt D. J. Whitener H. G. Kopenhaver. R.W. Whitener... A. P. Whisenhimt. J. Lov Sox Reginald Turner.. W. E. Abernathv. C. M. Dickson. J. L. Kiser R. N. Hovle... 0. W. Kreinheder. W. R. Thompson.. J.F.Grigg R. L. Forrester. R. C. Dorsett.. Archie Braiton. C.L.Parker.... H. G. Self A. V. Nolan S.J. Husketh... A. L. Martin. L. B. Nichols. B. R. Carroll. R. H. Bachman. Miss Paulina Hassell. C. W. Riden Allen J. Bell J. A. Wood. B. C. Jones Post Office Address of School Newton Hickory Newton Catawba Newton, R-2... Catawba Newton Claremont Hickory Hickory Maiden Hickory Long Island Sherrill's Ford. West Hickory.. Claremont, R-2 Conover Pittsboro Apex Bennett Bonlee Bynum Goldston Moncure Pittsboro Siler City Murphy Andrews Murphy Edenton Edenton Edenton Hayesville Hayesville, R-3 Hayesville Accredited Class — Date I, A. I, A. 1922 11, B. 1925 II, B. 1925 II, A. II, B. 1925 II, A. 1924 II, A. 1924 II, B. 1924 II, A. 1924 II, B. II, A. 1922 II, B. 1925 II, A. 1923 II, B. I, B. I, B. 1923 I, A. II, B. 1923 I, B. 1924 High Schools of I^orth Carolina. 23 County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class — Date CLEVELAND: J. C. Newton . ... .. Shelbv Special Charter: Kings J. Y. Irvin . Kings Mountain Shelby Faliston Grover Lattimore Mooresboro Lawndale. Waco Boiling Springs Whiteville Acme. Bolton Cerro Gordo Chadbourn Evergreen Fair Bluff I, A. Shelby J. H. Grigg I, AA. Rural: Faliston W. R. Garv . . B. F. Bird Lattimore Mooresboro Piedmont Waco Private: Boiling Springs. COLUMBUS: Rural: Acme Delco Bolton Cerro Gordo... Chadbourn.. Lawton Blanton M. G. Latham W. D.Burns I. J. Kellum J. D. Huggins J. H. Mclver Mrs. Agnes Barnhardt Fabian Broadway C. C. Russ Eugene Chesson. ._ . II, B. 1925 I, B. II, A. 1923 I, A. n, B. 1923 n, B. 1925 II, B. Evergreen FairBluEf ... F. F. Thompson C. M. Townsend C. E. Mabry P. S. Sykes . 11, A. 1925 Hallsboro Tabor Hallsboro Tahor II, B. 1925 II, A. 1924 Whiteville G. 0. Rogers I, B. CRAVEN: R.S. Proctor New Bern Special Charter: J. M. Shields I, A. Rural: CoveCitv Harold Whitehurst-. . .. Cove City .. Craven County Farm-life School F.W.Jarvis .. II, A. Dover Dover, R-3. New Bern, R-2 II, A. 1922 Fort Barnwell.. G. C. Bush Jasper J. F. Pugh II, B. 1925 CUMBERLAND: B. T. McBrvde ... Special Charter: Fayetteville ... R. R. Harley I, A A. Rural: Cedar Creek. A. B. Alderman ... . . Cedar Creek Fayetteville, R.F.D.. Eastover W.C. Eagles . II, B. 1924 Falcon A. C. Holland Godwin John W. Heath Grays Creek A.B.Collins Hope Mills, R-2 24 High Schools of ITorth Carolina County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class — Date CUMBERLAND: {Continued) K. A. McDonald- -- _ n, 11, n, II, T, I, II. I, I, II, I, II, II, I, II, I, II, B. 1925 Lan Tabor Linden D. C. Mosteller Massey Hill H. H. Hamilton Fayetteville, R.F.D. . Wade J. D. Messiok J. W. Carrell . B. 1925 Seventy-first _ Fayetteville, R-3 A. 1925 Rtpdmnn B. 1925 R. W. McDonald Fayetteville, R.F.D.. Wade Wade D. S. McCormick CURRITUCK: Maud C. Newbury. . _ Rural: C. N. Baughan B. 1924 Poplar Branch R. C. Mayo, Jr. . . .. Poplar Branch B. 1921 DARE: E. W. Pearson Rural: Hatteras Ethel B. Williford Manteo . . L. R. Williford Manteo B. Wanchese Chas. R. Roe DAVIDSON: S. G. Hasty Lexington Lexington Thomasville Welcome Linwood, R-l Denton Linwood Thomasville, R.F.D.. Lexington, R-3 Southmont Lexington, R.F.D.... Welcome Thomasville Wallburg Mocksville Mocksville Cana, R-l Farmington Special Charter: Lexington T.D.Stokes A. Thomasville P.C.Newton ... A. Rural: Arcadia . B. 1924 Churchland C. E. Snoddy B. Denton Linwood Pilot W. C. Harward A. L. Elliott H.E.White A. 1924 Reeds Southmont Tyro Welcome Private: Baptist Orphanage... Liberty 0. M. Staton E. C. Willis E. R. Smith J. Carl Sink T. A. Whitener E. F. Mumford .. B. 1924 B. 1925 A. 1923 DAVIE: Special Charter: E. P. Bradley E. C. Staton B. 1922 Rural: Cana Farmington Mrs. C. S. Eaton.... Mrs. W. S. Wellborn.... B. 1925 High Schools of ISTorth Carolina 25 County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class — Date DAVIE: {Continued) Fork Church J. Minor Mocksville, R-3 Cooleemec Advance II, 11, II, II, I, II, 11, II, II, I, II, I, II, II, I, I, I, II, A. B. B. A. B. B. A. A. A. AA B. A. B. B. B. AA. B. A. S. M. Holton, Jr 1924 L. P. Hendrix 1925 R.E.Mills . Advance . . DUPLIN: B.C.Siske. _ Warsaw Special Charter: R.T.Ray Faison.. 1924 Teacheys J. S. Fleming . Warsaw 1922 Rural: Beulaville Mrs. M.A.Stone . . Beulaville . _.. ._ 1925 Calypso,. C.H.Walker Calyspo Chinquapin R. L. Marsh Chinquapin.. ._ Kenans ville I. C. Pait Kenansville .. Magnolia Dan Byrd Magnolia 1924 Rose Hill E. C. Jernigan . . ........ Rose Hill 1923 Wallace-. . - I. H. Butt .... Wallace.. _ . .. 1921 DURHAM: L.H.Barbour Durham Special Charter: Durham C.E.Phillips Durham Durham, R-6 East Durham Durham, R-1 Durham, R-3 Bahama Durham, R-8 West Durham Tarboro .. Rural: Bethesda .. . P. G. Farrar 1924 East Durham. Herman Jernigan Lakewood A. A. Long .. Lowe's Grove.. 0. K. Goodwin 1922 Mangum (Bahama) . . R.C. Holton 1925 Mineral Spring B. F. Kendall . West Durham . D. T. Stutts _ EDGECOMBE: W. H. Pittman Special Charter: Rooky Mount . Z. L. Foy.. . Rocky Mount Tarboro . Tarboro S.T.Emory Rural: Battleboro Wm. J. Barefoot Battleboro Conetoe. Tarboro, R-2 Tarboro, Box 524... . Macclesfield Pinetops Conetoe. Crisp J. C. Horner W. R.Echols ' Leggett P.S.White Macclesfield 1. R.A.Phillips Pinetops . N. E. Gresham Speed... W. J. Bundy West Edgecombe. . M. T. Tanner Rocky Mount 1924 26 High Schools of IN'orth Carolina County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class — Date FORSYTH: T. H. Cash Winston-Salem Kernersville Winston-Salem n, I, n, n, n, 11, n, I, I, I, II, II, II, 11. II, I, I, II, 11, II, II, II, n. Special Charter: Kernersville . R. A. Sullivan .... A. 1922 Winston-Salem. J. W. Moore . AA. Rura!: Clemmons A. 1922 Lewisville J.H.White Mineral Springs Old Richmond _ W. A. Sowers J.F.Scott Winston-Salem, R-3. Tobaccoville Winston-Salem Rural Hall B. 1924 Old Town J. 0. Rodgers . B. 1925 . Rural HalL— T. S. Neale B. 1925 Sedge Garden. J. R. Rhue Kernersville Pfafftown Vienna W. B. Speas Walkertown W. L. Ingold . Walkertown Winston-Salem A. 1924 Private: Salem Academy E. J. Heath . B. FRANKLIN: E. L. Best Hoy Taylor ... Special Charter: Franklinton ... B. Louisburg W.R.Mills - B. C.B.Howard . . ... ... . - Rural: Bunn_ L. H. Davis A. 1922 Cedar Rock T.H. Sledge Louisburg, R-4 B. 1924 Epsom Justice... P.L.Worrell . Spring Hope, R-2.... Louisburg Private: Louisburg College Academy Miss Sallie P. Betts . B. GASTON: F. P. Hall Special Charter: Bessemer City. C. M. Tatum Bessemer City A. 1921 Cherryville.... A. AA. Rural: Belmont J. G. Bamette . A. 1922 A. K. Pierce, Jr. . Dallas C. B. Hawkins Dallas A. 1925 J. M. Holbrook B. 1925 Mount Holly.- - C. E. Rozzelle Mount Holly Gastonia, R-2 A. A. C. Warlick W. R. Rhyne A. 1923 Tryon ... H. M. Loy B essemer City A. 1923 Private : A. 1924 Sacred Heart Academy Sister M. Boyde Belmont High Schools of North Carolina 27 Countv, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class— Date GATES: J M Glenn Gatesville Rural: Gates L C Hand Gatesville Hall (Eure) Eure.-- - Hobbsville Sunbury .. E. L Derrick II, B. 1923 GRAHAM: J. H. Moody - - Robbinsville Robbinsville Oxford Rural; Robbinsville W. GuyJustis II, A. 1924 GRANVILLE: J. F. Webb Special Charter: Oxford N. W. Weldon Oxford I, A. Rural: Berea--_ -__ R. M. Usrv - . . Berea CrppAmnnr J. A. Pitts . - Creedmoor ... II, A. 1922 OakHiU W. C. Poe — Virgilina, Va Stem stem II, A. 1923 Stovall R.C.Young Stovall II, A. 1923 Wilton R. F. Coats - Franklinton, R-1 Oxford : II, A. 1924 Private: Oxford Orphanage.. _ Miss Nettie N. Bemis I, B. 1924 GREENE: H.G.Robertson - . Snow Hill Rural : Hookerton W.P.Moore . Hookerton , . .. ... Snow Hill M. R. Mahaffev - SnowHiU I, B. 1923 Walstonburg.__ H. W. Cart,er Walstonburg Greensboro GUILFORD: ■■■ .• Special Charter: Greensboro (Central) C. W. PhiUips Greensboro- ... ... I, AA. High Point High Point- ... I, AA. Rural: Alamance 0. C. .Johnson Greensboro, R-6 Greensboro, R-2 , Gibsonville Guilford CoUege Bessemer W. E. Younts II, A. 1924 Gibsonville J. H. Joyner . . II, B. 1925 Guilford College Sallie B. Newman. ... .... II, A. 1924 W. A. White, Jr. 11, A. Jonesboro Jonesboro McLeansviUe Brown Summit..- .. Liberty MoLeans\-ille- - Monticello E. E. Farlow L.H.Floyd n, B. 1925 Nathaniel Greene R. M. Utley •'■■•'' 28 High Schools of JSTorth Caeoliwa County, Name of High School GUILFORD: {Continued) Oak Ridge Pleasant Garden Pomona Rankin South Buffalo - Summerfield.. Private : Greensboro Bible and Lit. School. Oak Ridge Institute HALIFAX: Special Charter: Enfield Roanoke Rapids... Scotland Neck. Weldon Rural: Aurelian Springs. HoUister. . HARNETT: Special Charter: Dunn LiUington... Rural: Angier Barbecue Bunn Level... Coats Erwin (Duke). LaFayette Private: Buie's Creek Academy HAYWOOD: Special Charter: Canton Waynesyille Rural: Bethel Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Miss Notre M. Johnson. W.H.Crawford H. A. Helms H.G. Waters E. S. McBane L. R. Casey. E.D.Owen T. E. Whitaker A. E. Akers R. Hunter Pope C.W.Davis... H.M.Roland Miss Narcissa B. Daniel V. C.Matthews J. J. Beale B.P.Gentry B. E. Lohr B. D. Bunn I. J. Stephenson C.H. Dula J. M. Farmer J.H.Taylor T.W. Sprinkle W. M. Lovelace J. A. Campbell W.C.Allen R. J. Reveley R. 0. Edgerton Fred L. Stafford Post Office Address of School Oak Ridge Pleasant Garden.. Greensboro Greensboro, R-4... Greensboro, R-6... Summerfield Greensboro Oak Ridge Roanoke Rapids... Enfield... Roanoke Rapids... Scotland Neck Weldon Littleton _ Hollister LiUington Dunn LiUington Angier Olivia Bunn Level Coats Erwin Chalybeate Springs Buie's Creek Waynesville Canton Waynesville Woodrow Accredited Class — Date II, A. II, A. II, B. 1924 II, B. 1925 I, B. I, B. I, A. I, B. I, B. I, A. 1922 II, A. 1921 II, B. 1925 II, B. 1925 II, B. 1925 II, A. 1925 I, A. I, A. I, A. II, B. 1924 High Schools of North Carolina 29 County, Name of High School HAYWOOD: (Continued) Clyde Rook Hill Private: Haywood Institute HENDERSON: Special Charter: Hendersomdlle. Rural: East Flat Rock. Flat Rook Mills River Private : Fassifern Fruitland Institute HERTFORD: Rural: Ahoskie Como Harrellsville Murfreesboro. - Winton HOKE: Rural: Antioch Mildouson, Raeford Rookfish-. HYDE: Rural: Englehard Fairfield Lake Landing. Ocracoke Sladesville Swan Quarter.. Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Chas. F. Owen. W. F. Albright- P. A. Roberts. R. G. Anders- H. C. Mardis. Miss Bessie Steedman . J. E. Ockemaan Miss Bessie Jordan J. R. Sevier N. A. Melton.. N. W. Britton. C.B.Garrett.. A. C. Bergeron. J. R. Brown. -. C. C. Graves.. - P.D. Rudd..__ W. P. Hawfield. Fred Abernathy.. Joe Osborne J. M. Staokhouse. C. D. Williams.... E. W. Joyner. C.E. Topping.. C. F. Copeland. J. H. Andrews. M. H. Judd.... G. M. Guthrie. Post Office Address of School Clyde Waynesville, R-2 Clyde Hendersonville. . Hendersonville. _ East Flat Rock. . Flat Rock Horse Shoe Hendersonville. . . Hendersonville- -. Winton Ahoskie Como Harrellsnlle Murfreesboro Winston Raeford- Red Springs Dunderraoh Raeford Rockfish Swan Quarter Englehard Fairfield Lake Landing Ocracoke Scranton Swan Quarter Accredited Class — Date II, B. 1925 II, A. 1921 I, A. II, B. II, B. I, B. I, B. II, A. 1921 I, B. n, B. 1923 m High Schools of J^orth Carolina County, Name of High School IREDELL: Special Charter: Mooresville States^'ille Rural: Cool Springs... Harmony (Iredell County F-1) Scotts Sharon Troutman Union Grove.. Private: Mitchell Academy Presbyterian Orphanage.— JACKSON: Rural: CuUowhee Qualla Sylva Webster Private: Sylva . Collegiate Institute JOHNSTON: Special Charter: Clayton Sehna Smithfield Rural: Archer Lodge.. Benson Four Oaks.. Glendale , Kenly Meadow Micro ' Pine Level Princeton Wilson's Mills . Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Miss Celeste Henkel. B. E. Littlefield. W. R. Kirkman. R. W. Adams. R. H. Lankford. . W. P. Whitesides. C.H. Cathey R.S. Shore S. B. Smithey G. H. Elhnore. T.L. O'Kelly.. J. N. Wilson... P. W. Alexander. W. C. Reed A. C. Lovelace... C. R. Bird J. C. Hough H. B. Marrow Vann B. Stringfield N. G. Woodlief...- N. C. Shuford J.W.King H. C. Renegar J. T. Hatcher E.T. Boyette G.T.Whitley .4. G.Glenn, G. M. Moser I. B. Talton M.P.Young Nathan Womack. . . Post Office Address of School Statesville Mooresville Statesville Cleveland Harmony Scotts Eufola Troutman Jennings Statesville Barium Springs Sylva Cullowhee Whittier Sylva Webster Sylva Smithfield Clayton Sehna Smithfield Claj'ton, R.F.D Benson Four Oaks Kenly, R.F.D.. Kenly Benson, R J.D. Micro Pine Level Princeton Wilson's Mills.. Accredited Class — Date I. A. I, AA. II, B. 192.3 II, A. II, A. 1923 II, B. 1925 II, A. 1923 II, B. 1923 I, B. II, A. 1922 II, B. 1925 I, B. 1924 I, A. I, A. I, A. 1922 1924 II, A. 1923 II, B. 1925 High Schools of North Carolina 31 County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class— Date JONES: Rural: W. V. Wilkinson Maysville Pollocks ville Trenton . II, B. 1924 Alex H. White .. II, B. 1924 G. 0. Mudge C. E. league T. T. Lanier J. S. Truitt II, B. 1923 LEE: Special Charter: Jonesboro Sanford Jonesboro Sanford-. - Broadway Kinston_._ I, B. I, A. Rural: Broadway LENOIR: M. L. Nea! E.E.Sams II, B. 1925 Spelcal Charter: E. B. Fisher I, AA. I, B. Rural: G. C. Buck Kinston, R-1 Kinston, R.F.D.4...- PinkHill II, A. 1925 Moss Hill E.W. Glass - Pink Hill B.B. Holder . 11, A. 1923 LfMCOLN: L. B. Beam Lincolnton Special Charter: Lincolnton... . W.E.Gladstone Lincolnton I, A. Rural: Asbury. .. _ Miss Betty Coon . . Lincolnton, R.F.D... Crouse Grouse 0. L. Kiser . _. . . _ North Brook .. Miss Dora Rhodes - . - - Cherry ville, R-3 II, B. 1925 Rock Springs . C.E. Mcintosh II, A. 1925 H. B. Kiser _ . . . Lincolnton, R.F.D.__ Franklin MACON: M.D.Billings . .. Special Charter: Franklin A. L. Bramlett Franklin .. . I, B. 1921 Rural: lotla M.P.Wright Franklin, R-3 MADISON: 0. S. Dillard Rural: Mars Hill Ethel E. English D. W. Kanoy H. W. Cook . MarsHilL. Marshall Walnut Marshall Walnut Mars Hill I, B. 1923 II, B. 1924 Private: Mars Hill College R. L. Moore I, A. High Schools oi* North Carolina County, Name of High School MARTIN: Rural: Everetts Hamilton Jamesville Oak City Parmele Robersonville Williamston.. Bear Grass. . Gold Point.. Farm Life Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head MCDOWELL: Special Charter: Marion Old Fort Rural: Glenwood Nebo MECKLENBURG: Special Charter: Chahlotte: Alexander Graham Junior High . Central Davidson Rural: Bain (Mint Hill). Big Springs— - Clear Creek. ., Cornelius Derita Dixie Hickory Grove Hoskins Hunters ville... Long Creek... Matthews Newell North Charlotte Oak Dale R. A. Pope. R. T. Johnson. J. L. Jones CO. Small—. H. M. Ainsley. B. 0. Dupree. . R. I. Leake J. S. Seymour.. S.M.Lee L. B. Wynne. J. D. Lilley... N. F. Steppe. A. W. McDougle.- Geo. B. Strickland. Geo. L. Smith., Y. V. A. Riser. J. M. Matthews. A. M. Elliott - . . E. H. Garinger.. H.L.Elliott, Jr.. Harry L. Griffin. H. P. Hamilton. W. W. McComb. W. E. Pell F. W.Webster. _ R. A. Grier R. F. Plaxco G. B. Coon W. D. Loy B.S. Plaxco G. N.Neel T. C. Lingerfeldt Leroy Dulin J. B. Potts Post Office Address of School Williamston.. Everetts Hamilton Jamesville Oak City Parmele Robersonville. Williamston.. Williamston, R.F.D. 2... Robersonville, R.F.D Williamston, R.F.D. 4... Marion Marion Old Fort Neals ville Nebo Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Davidson Matthews, R-19 Charlotte, R-4 AUen Cornelius Derita Charlotte, R-11 Charlotte, R-9 Charlotte, R.F.D.... Huntersville Huntersville, R-20... Matthews Newell Charlotte, R-8 Charlotte, R-6 Accredited Class — Date II, B. 1925 II, B. 1924 11, A. 1923 II, B. I, A. I, B. 1922 II, B. 1924 II, B. 1923 I, AA. II, B. 1922 II, A. 1922 II, B. 1924 II, A. 1925 II, A. 1925 II, A. 1924 High Schools of ISTorth Carolina 33 County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class— Date MECKLENBURG: (Continued) 'Oakhurst. W. S. Hough Charlotte, R-1 Paw Creek . Paw Creek J. H. Knox.- . . II, B. 1924 Piedmont Junior High School - Charlotte Pineville 0. A. Tuttle - . Pineville II, B. 1924 Sardis-CarmeL- W.E.Powell Charlotte, R-1 Charlotte, R-1 Pineville, R-15 Charlotte Sharon... C. C. Stroup Steel Creek (Observer)... W. C. Merritt Vocational H.K.Moore _ Woodlawn.. .. D.C.Shaw.Jr Charlotte, R-2 Charlotte .. Private: Southern Indus- trial Institute F.M.Matthews ... . . ' MITCHELL: J. B. Deyton .. Forbes Special Charter: Spruce Pine (Harris) Edward Warrick Spruce Pine .. II, B. 1924 Rural: Bakersnlle J. R. Carr Bakersville II, A. 1924 MONTGOIVIERY: J. S. Edwards Troy Rural: Biscoe R. S. Rainey Biscoe - II, B. 1925 Candor T. B. Mauney . . . Candor . II, A. 1924 Mt. Gilead J. H. Newell .. .. Mt. Gilead II, A. 1922 Star R. C. Kiser ._ Star.. II, A. 1925 Troy Harold ICrauss Troy Carthage II, A. 1921 MOORE: A.B.Cameron . Special Charter: Aberdeen D. H. Cooke I, B. 1923 Cameron ... J. Clyde Kelly Cameron Carthage Southern Pines Vass Hemp Eagle Springs Jackson Springs Pinehurst Vass, R-1 Highfalls Carthage O.B.Welch I, B. Southern Pines . W. F. Allen II, A. 1923 Vass-Lake^dew W. D. Matthews II, B. 1924 Rural: Elise Allen Jones . Eagle Springs. . R. D. Redfern Jackson Springs E. 0. Smithdeal II, A. 1922 Pinehurst W. P. Morton II, B. 1925 Sandhill Farm- life School . R. G. Hutcheson II, A. Highfalls J. M. Weatherly 34 High Schools of ISJ'orth Carolina County, Name of High School NASH: Special Charter: Spring Hope- Rural: Bailey. Bunn_. Castalia Middlesex _ _ Nashville Red Oak Farm-life School Whitakers. . NEW HANOVER: Special Charter: Wilmington NORTHAMPTON: Rural: Conway Jackson Rich Square... Seaboard Severn Woodland- Olney ONSLOW: Rural: Jacksonville. Richlands Swansboro... ORANGE: Special Charter: Chapel Hill.... Rural: Aycock (Cedar Grove) Efland Hillsboro PAMLICO: Rural: Alliance. Hobuoken. Oriental... Stonewall.. Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Linwood S. Inscoe. J. E. McLean. L. H. McNeely.... Elizabeth Hyman. W. E. Whisnant... C. L.Eaddy Curtis Crissman... H. A. Nanney.. V. W. McGhee. W. A. Graham. . Malcolm G. Little. P.J.Long T.R.Everett.-.. J. L. Dennis Mrs. J. H. Boyce. H. M. Lynch H.M. Finch L. Bruce Gunter.. W. M. Thompson. S.H. Willis R. C. Zimmerman. R. G. Stephens R. H. Claytor. Nellie H. Graves. M. L. Shepherd. E. B. Goodwin.. G. A. Brown T. B. Attmore. R. H. Smathers. Z. E. Brinson J. W. Hamilton. E.R.Perry W. G. Johnston. Post Office Address of School Nashville. Spring Hope. Bailey Rocky Mount, R.F.D Castalia Middlesex Nashville Red Oak.. Whitakers. Wilmington. Wilmington. Jackson Conway Jackson Rich Square. Seaboard Severn Woodland... Jacksonville. Jacksonville. Richlands. . . Swansboro... Hillsboro. Chapel Hill. Hillsboro, R-2. Efland Hillsboro Vandemere. Alliance Arapahoe.. Hobucken. Oriental-.. Stonewall.. Accredited Class — Date n, A. 1923 II, B. 1925 II, B. 1923 I, B. 1923 II, A. II, A. 1924 I, AA. I, B. II, B. II, A. 1923 II, A. 1922 II, A. 1922 I, A. II, B. 1925 II, A. 1923 II, A. II, A. II, B. II, A. II, A. 1923 1923 1925 1923 1922 High Schools of North Carolina 35 County, Name of High School PASQUOTANK: Special Charter: Elizabeth City. Rural: Newland. . . Weeksville- PENDER: Rural: Atkinson Burgaw Long Creek- Grady Maple Hill... Rocky Point-. PERQUIMANS: Rural: Perquimans County PERSON: Special Charter: Roxboro Rural: AUensviUe... Bethel liilL. Bushy Fork- Helena Olive HiU... PITT: Special Charter: Ayden GreenviUe.-, Rural: Arthur Bethel Falkland Farmville Fountain Grifton Grunesland Winterville Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head M. P. Jennings. A. B. Combs- B. L.White. - R. T. Ryland. T. T. Murphy. P. B. Pollock- Arnold Hall... I. B. Hudson.. A. F. Leighton. T.H. Biles E. E. Bundy- VV. J. Taylor.... B. I.-Satterfield- R. B. Dawes D. H. Crumpton. King D. Brown.. J. S. Merritt R. C. Garrison... R. G. Fitzgerald. J. K. Long., J. A. Keech- Miss Laura Caldwell. E.B.Page Raymond Peele. Guy B. Rhodes- W. G. Coltrane- W. J. Smith, Jr. D. H. Conley... Post Office Address of School Accredited Class— Date Elizabeth City Elizabeth City T AA. Elizabeth City, R-4. n, A. 1925 Burgaw Atkinson II, B. 1923 Burgaw TT A. Rocky Point Maple Hill II, B. 1925 Hertford Hertford. Roxboro - Roxboro., Roxboro, R-2... Woodsdale, R-2. Roxboro, R-1 Timberlake Roxboro, R-3 Greenville. Ayden GreenviUe. Bell Arthur. Bethel Falkland Farmville... Fountain Grifton Grimesland. Winterville. I, B. 1923 II, A. 1925 II, A. 1924 II, B. 1924 II, A. I, A. I, B. 1924 I, B. II, B. 1921 II, B 36 High Schools of jSTorth Carolina County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class— Date POLK: E. W.S.Cobb . Special Charter: Tryon _. W. A. Schilletter Tryon II B ID'S Rural: Greens Creek.. E. T. Hines Campobello, S. C, R-4 J. W. Brown II B IP'S Mill Spring _.. Saluda... W. H. Cale II B 1923 11 B Hillcrest Inst. Rev. R. N. Hunter . ... Landrum, S. C, R-4_ Asheboro RANDOLPH: T. F. Bulla Special Charter: Ashoboro W.H. McMahan Asheboro Franklinville I, A. II B 1923 C. C. Carroll F. A. Ficquett II A 1924 iRural: Farmer Farmer ._ _ . Liberty. - D.C.Holt Liberty Seagrove Trinity...- Staley Rockingham II A 1923 Trinity R.D. Marsh II A 1924 Staley. RICHMOND: L.J. Bell Special Charter: Hamlet H. M. Kyzer I A Rockingham I A Rural: C. H. McGregor . Derby Memorial M. K. Carswell Jackson Springs, R-2 Ellerbe Ellerbe . . II A 19''3 Hoffman H. D. Epting Hoffman Norman Norman Oak Ridge Hamlet, R.F.D L.T.Rogers ._ ROBESON: J. R. Poole Special Charter: Lumberton..!. G.B.Lay Lumberton I, A. Maxton C.L.Greene Maxton.- . . I, B 1923 Rural: Barnesville . _ N. C. Barefoot D. B. Oliver . Barnesville B. T. H. S. . Lumberton, R-1 Fairmont II, B. 1925 Fairmont ... T. S. Teague . ... . I, B. 1923 Floral College E. W. Fort Maxton, R.F.D Pembroke Maxton, R-3 Lumber Bridge Orrum Indian Normal S. T. Liles II, A. 1924 Liberty . H. F. Lambert Limiber Bridge II, B. 1925 Orrum R. L. Pittman II, B. 1923 High Schools of I^orth Carolina 37 County, Name of High School ROBESON: (Continued) Parkton Philadelphus.-- Red Springs Rowland St. Pauls Private: Carolina College ROCKINGHAM: Special Charter: Madi3on Reidsville RuiFm Rural: Bethany Leaks ville Stoneville Wectworth ROWAN: Special Charter: East Spencer... Salisbury Spencer Rural: Granite Quarry Landis Mount UUa Rockwell Rowan County Farm-life Woodleaf RUTHERFORD: Special Charter: Cool Springs (Forest City) Rutherfordton- Spindale Rural: Cliffside Ellenboro Henrietta- Caroleen Private: Round Hill Academy Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head G. E. Parrott... W.L. McNeill.. J. L. Duncan J. F. Sinclair E. R. Franklin.. E.J.Green J.H.Allen J. C. Lassiter E. V. Stowitts.. M. B. Andrews.; W. D. Lambeth. C. H. Weatherly Owen Odum H. K. Dorsett... George Howard. R. S. Lennon... F.B.John W. F. Shealy... J. D. Tickle.... H. E. Hendrick. R. Lee Trexler.. 0. B. Jones C.A. Furr C A. Erwin E.G.Lee L. E. Spikes C.C. Erwin R. B. Tapp H. C. Thompson N. R. Prickett.- Post Office Address of School Parkton Red Springs... Red Springs... Rowland St. Pauls Maxton Reidsville Madison Reidsville Ruffin Summerfield.-. Leaksville Stoneville Wentworth Salisbury. East Spencer... Salisbury Spencer Granite Quarry Landis Mount Uulla... Rockwell China Grove... Woodleaf Rutherfordton. Forest City.--. Rutherfordton. Cliffside Ellenboro Caroleen Union Mills Accredited Class — Date I, B. II, B. II, B. I, B. I, B. II, B. 1923 II, A. 1922 I, AA. II, B. 1925 II, A. 1925 II, A. 11, B. 1923 II, B. 1925 I, AA. I, A. II, B. 1924 II, A. I, A. I, B. 1925 I, B. 1923 I, B. 1923 II, B. 1925 as High Schools of jSTorth Cakolina County, Name of High School SAMPSON: Special Charter: Clinton Rural: Franklin Garland '. . Ingold Newton Grove. Roseboro Salemburg Shady Grove. ._ Turkey Mingo Academy Private: Pineland School for Girls SCOTLAND: Special Charter: Rockdale (Gibson).. Laurinburg.. Rural: Laurel Hill. . Spring Hill. . STANLY: Special Charter: Albemarle... Norwood Rural: Aquadale Badin Clairmont Endy East Albemarle Millingport New London... Oakboro Richfield Stanfield Yadkin Mineral Springs Private : Albemarle Normal Mitchell Home School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head J. L. Hathcock. C. B. Thomas. Robt. R. Walker. R. E. Williford... W.B.Barnes R. T. Moore D.V.Carter R. R. Cusick J. E. Redfern.... Mrs. Dora W. Knight. Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Jones. L. M. Peele C. Grigg J. R. Thompson. T. E. Stough. J. J. Pence... Charles A. Reap. J. P. Sifford. C.J.Scott.. J. P. Lowder. E. E. Morgan.. Brooks Jerome. Mrs. Ingram... M. M. Palmer. P. D. Baird.... C. H. McRee.. H. J. Fleming.. B.T.Hale.... E. F. Eddins. Katie B. Pridgen. Annie B. Go well.. Post Office Address of School Clinton. Clinton. Kerr Garland Ingold Newton Grove. Roseboro Salemburg Dunn, R-6 Turkey Cooper Salemburg.. Laurinburg. Gibson Laurinburg. Laurel Hill. Wagram Albemarle. Albemarle. Norwood.. Badin Palmerville Albemarle, R-6 Albemarle, R.F.D.. Albemarle, R-3 New London Oakboro Richfield Stanfield Palmerville. Albemarle.-. Misenheimer. Accredited Cass — Date II, A. II, A. 1924 II, B. 1925 II, A. 1922 II, A. 1921 II, A. 1924 I, B. I, B. 1923 I, A. I, A. II, A. 1923 I, B. II, A. 1923 II, B. 1925 II, B. 1922 High Schools oif North Carolina 39 County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Post Office Address of School Accredited Class— Date STOKES: J. C. Carson Germanton Francisco Germanton King Rural: J. T. Smith C. M. Felts .. H. A. Carroll. . II, B. 1922 A. A. Keener. Nancy Jane Cox Reynolds W. C. Button. Westfield Pine Hall Geo. P. Hunt Pine Hall J. C. Colley Pinnacle.. __- Walnut Cove Mount Airy Elkin Mount Airy Pilot Mountain Rockford Dobson Westfield White Plains Mountain Park Bryson City Almond Bryson City Whittier II, B. 1925 M.T.Chilton II, A. 1922 SURRY: Special Charter: Elkin E. S. Hendren J. H.Allred I, B. 1924 Margaret Sparger I, A. E. P. Mendenhall .. II, A. 1925 Rural: Arthur F. Graham . A. 0. Joines. II, A. 1923 Westfield White Plains... Private: Mountain 0. H. Hauser 1. 0. Hauser W. E. Wilson ............... .. II, B. 1925 SWAIN: Rural: N.E.Wright ._ G. T. Windell II, B. 1922 Bryson City Whittier TRANSYLVANIA: E. B. Carroll C. C. Hanson T. C. Henderson n, A. Rural: I, B. 1923 Rosman Private: Brevard V. E. Wessinger s ' 0. H. Orr Rosman. _ _ . . • ^ .. ..: Brevard II, B. 1923 I, A. TYRRELL: W. D. Cox... _ L. E. Stuart ......... Rural: Columbia Columbia II, A. 1925 40 High Schools of N'orth Carolina County, Name of High School UNION: Special Charter: Monroe Rural: Benton Heights Indian Trail Marshville-- Mineral Springs Prospect Union UnionviUe Waxhaw Wesley ChapeL Wingate Private : Wingate Junior College... VANCE: Special Charter: Henderson.. Rural: Dabney Townesville Vance County Farm-life Zeb Vance WAKE: Special Charter: Raleigh Wake Forest... Rural: Apex Bayleaf. Gary Fuquay Springs Garner Green Level Knightdale Holly Springs. . Millbrook State School forBUnd.... Wakelon Wendell West Wake.... Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head Ray Funderburk. R. N. Ledford. L. C. Broome. W. Q. Grigg.. C. F. Gaddy.. A.E.Lee P.O. Purser.. J. B. Haney... L. A. Price E. H. Broome.. R.L.Patrick.. W. M. Jenkins. C. M. Beach.. E. M. Rollins. A. P. Sledd. J. R. Nixon. R. F. Estes. Lee B. Durham... C. M. Billings, Jr.. John C. Lockhart. C. E. Wessinger. C. H. Pinner.... E. L. Wehrenberg. H. C. Griffin.... B. H. Johnson.. W. C. Strowd... A. T. HoUeman. Post Office Address of School Monroe. Monroe. Monroe Indian Trail Marshville Mineral Springs. Mineral Springs, R.F.D Monroe, R-1 UnionviUe Waxhaw Monroe, R-5 Wingate Wingate... Henderson. Henderson. Dabney Townesville. Middleburg. Kittrell Raleigh Wake Forest. Randolph Benton Apex. Neuse M.B. Dry W. E. Fleming L. W. Umstead G. M. Beavers Miss Gladys Tnoroughgood Gary Fuquay Springs. Garner Apex, R-1 Knigntdale Holly Springs... Millbrook Raleigh.. Zebulon.. Wendell- New Hill. Accredited Class — Date I, A. II, A. II, A. II, A. II, B. I, A. II, B. II. B. II, A. II, A. II, A. II, A. II, B. I, B. II, A. n, A. 1923 II, B. 1924 1924 1924 1924 1935 1924 1922 1922 1924 1924 1923 1922 High Schools of ISTobth Carolina 41 County, Name of High School WAKE: (Continued) Private: Peace Institute,. St. Mary's School WARREN: Special Charter: Littleton Warrenton,, Rural: Drewry. . Macon Norlina__ Vaughan. Wise WASHINGTON: Special Charter: Plymouth. _. Rural: CreswelL- Cherry_._ Maokeys, Roper WATAUGA: Rural: Appalachian State Normal Blowing Rock.. Cove Creek Shulls MiUs-... WAYNE: Special Charter: Fremont Goldsboro Mount Olive.. - L. R. McCaD_. J. C. Manning. W.J.Nichols.. Rural: Belfast Eureka Grantham Nahunta (FaUingCreek) Pikeville Rosewood Saulston Seven Springs. . Smith Chapel-. Woodland I Mary G.Pitts, Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head W. C.Pressly... W. W. Way J. Edward Allen. C. U. WiUiams. J.Y.Kerr Herbert Scholz. M. J. Davis G.B.Harris-.. R. S. Alh-ed..- W. J. Early-- John W. Darden- Jas. W. Norman- W. W. Harmon. E.N. Riddle. — , Smith Hagaman. B. B. Dough erty. J. P. Mock S. F. Horton J. T. Jerome. F. M. Arrowood. W.A.Mahler..., L. J. Perry B. A. Scott, Jr.. H. J. Massey.. F. S. Johnston. C. C. Bost B.K.Miller... Post Office Address of Schoo Raleigh Raleigh Warrenton Littleton Warrenton Manson, R.F.D Macon Norlina Vaughan Wise Plymouth Plymouth Creswell Creswell Mackeys Roper.. Boone Boone Blowing Rock Vilas Shulls Mills Goldsboro Fremont Goldsboro Mount Olive Goldsboro, R-6 Eureka Goldsboro, R-4 Pikeville, R.F.D.... Pikeville Goldsboro, R-1 Saulston Seven Springs Mount Olive, R.F.D, Dudley, R-2 Accredited Class — Date n, A. n, A. n, B. I, B. II, B. • II, A. 1922 II, B. 1923 II, A. 1923 II, B. 1924 I, A. II, A. 1925 I, B. I, AA. I, A. II, B. 1922 II, B. 1924 m High Schools of JN'orth Carolina Coimtv, Name of High School WILKES: Special Charter: North Williesboro-- Rural: Roaring River. Ronda Traphill Wilkesboro Private: Mountain View WILSON: Special Charter: Elm City... Lucama Wilson Rural: Black Creek- _ Gardner's New Hope Rock Ridge. -- Stantonsburg. YADKIN: Special Charter: East Bend Rural: Boonville... Courtney. -- Jones ville... Yadkinville. YANCEY: Rural: Bald Creek... Clearmont Deyton Bend- Mica ville Pensacola Private: Stanley McCormick School Yancey Collegiate Institute Superintendent, Principal, or Other Official Head C. C. Wright. L. E. Calhoun. S. E. Matthews- L. N. Hickerson. E. R. Settle T.W.Story S. J. Honey cutt. Charles L. Coon. P. T. Fugate Jno. A. Moore J. Shepard Bryan. F. E. Howard. J. B. Eagles- - Eliza Parker.. Geo. A.-Short- J. T. Graham. J. T. Reece- H. B. Shore. H. F. Pardue.--. F. D. B. Harding A. H. Wolfe- - - L. C. McCurry. C. R. Hubbard.. E. D.Wilson Florence Woody. B. Robinson Jess D. Warrick - Leroy F. Jackson- Ralph M. Lee Post Office Address of School Hunting Creek North Wilkesboro. Roaring River Ronda Traphill Wilkesboro Hays Wilson Elm City Lucama Wilson Black Creek Wilson, R.F.D.... Wilson, R-1 Wilson, R-2 Stantonsburg Yadkinville East Bend Boon%-ille Yadkinville, R.F.D Jonesville Yadkinville Burnsville Bald Creek Day Book Green Mountain. . Mica ville Pensacola Burnsville Burnsville Accredited Class — Date I, B. II, A. 1923 II, A. 1923 I, B. 1921 I, B. 1924 II, B. 1925 I, A. II, B. 1924 II, A. 1923 II, A. 1922 II, A. 1924 II, A. 1922 II, A. 1924 II, A. 1923 I, B. 1924 I, B. 1922 LIST OF ACCREDITED HIGH SCHOOLS FOR 1925-26 LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BY SCHOOLS School Post Office County Moore Hertford Stanly Graham, R-2 Alamance Pamlico Swain Elon College, R-1 Averv Harnett AnsoTiville . . Anscnville _ ._ Anson Appalai^hian ?!taf;e N'nrmal Watauga Apex. Uake Arapahoe Pamlico Arcadia Da's'idso'n Randolph Asheville. ... . Atkinson Pender Carteret Aulander... Bertie Aurora Beaufort Aycock (Cedar Grove) HiUsboro, R-'' Ayden_ .. ... Htt Badin . Stanly BakersviUe... Bakersville. Bald Creek Mitchell Bald Creek Balls Creek Baptist Orphanage .. Davidson • Bath Bath Beaufort Belhaven... Belhaven Belmont Belmont Benson Beaufort Belmont Gaston Gaston Betison Johnston Guilford Bessemer City Bessemer City Summerfield . ..... Bethel Gaston Rocldngham Bethel Pitt Bethel Havwood Bethel Hill Woodsdale, R-2 Durham, R-6 Bculaville Biltmore Asheville Biscoe Black Creek Durham Beulaville . . Duolin Biltmore . Bingham Militarv School. . _. ... Buncombe Biscoe. .. ... .- _.. .. Montgomery Black Creek Wilson Black Mountain. Buncombe Bladenboro Bladenboro Boiling Springs Bonlee BoonvUIe Brevard Bladen BoiHng Springs .. .. Cleveland Bonlee niinthsiTn BoonvUIe Yadkin Brevard.. Transylvania i4 High Schools of Nobth Carolina School Brevard Institute Broadway Bryson City B. T.H. S Buie's Creek Academy Bunn Bunn Burgaw Burlington Candler Candor Canton Carolin a College Carthage Cary Catawba Catawba County Farm-life. Cedar Rock _ Cerro Gordo Chadbourn Chapel Hill Charlotte Cherryville Chowan. _ Churchland Clarkton Claremont Clayton Clemmona Cliffside Clinton Clyde Coats Colerain Columbia Concord. .1 Concordia College Contentnea Cool Springs Cornelius Cove Creek Cranberry Craven County Farm-life.. _ Creedmoor Creswell CuUowhee Dallas Davenport College Dawdson Denton Derita Dobson Dover Dunn Durham East Bend East Durham East Flat Rock. Eastover Post Office Brevard Broadway Bryson City Lumbeuton, R-1 Buie's Creek Rocky Mount, R.F.D.. Bunn Burgaw Burlington. Candler Candor Canton Maxton Carthage Gary Catawba " Newton _. Louisburg, R-4 Cerro Gordo Chadbourn Chapel Hill Charlotte Cherryville Edenton, R.F.D Linwood, R-1 Clarkton Claremont Clayton Clemmons Cliffside Clinton Clyde Coats Colerain Columbia Concord Conover Kinston, R-1. Cleveland Cornelius Vilas Cranberry Vanceboro Creedmoor Creswell Callowhee '. Dallas Lenoir Davidson Denton Derita Dobson Dover Dunn Durham East Bend East Durham East Flat Rook Fayetteville, R.F.D County Transylvania Lee Swain Robeson Harnett Nash Franklin Pender Alamance Buncombe Montgomery Haywood Robeson Moore Wake Catawba Catawba Franklin Colimibus Columbus Orange Mecklenburg Gaston Chowan Davidson Bladen Johnston Forsyth Rutherford Sampson Haywood Harnett Bertie Tyrrell Cabarrus Catawba Lenoir Iredell Mecklenburg Watauga Avery Craven Granville Washington Jackson Gaston Caldwell Mecklenburg Davidson Mecklenburg Surry Craven Harnett Durham Yadkin Durham Henderson Cumberland High Schools of North Carolina 45 School Edenton Elizabeth City Elizabeth town Eli Whitney Elkin Ellerbe Elm City Enfield Erwin Evergreen Fairmon t Faison Farmington Farmville ._ Fairview Fassifern Fayetteville Forest City (Cool Springs) Fear Oaks_ Franklin Franklin Franklinton Fremont Fruitland Institute Fuquay Springs Garner Gastonia Gibson (Rockdale) Gibson ville, - _ Glade Valley Glen Alpine Glen wood Goldsboro Grace Graham Granite Falls Greenville Greensboro Greens Creek Grifton Grove Park School Guilford College Hallsboro Hamlet Harmony (Iredell County Farm-life) Haw River Hayesville- Haywood Institute Helena Henderson Hendersonville Henrietta-Caroleen Hickory Hiddenite Highland High Point Hildebran Hillsboro Hobucken Post Office County Chowan Elizabeth City - . . - Pasquotank Bladen Alamance Elkin Surry Ellerbe _,- Richmond Elm City Wilson Enfield Halifax Harnett Columbus Robeson Duplin Davie Pitt Buncombe Henderson Cumberland Rutherford Johnston Macon Kerr _ _- Sampson Franklin Wavne Hendersor Wake Wake Gaston Scotland Guilford Alleghany Burke McDowell Wayne Asheville, R-1 Buncombe Alamance Caldwell Pitt Guilford Campobello, S. C, U-4 Griffon Polk Pitt Buacombe Guilford Columbus Hamlet Harmony Haw River Hayesville Clyde Timberlake Henderson Hendersonville Caroleen Hickory Hiddenite _ Richmond Iredell Alamance Clay Haywood ,,■ Person Vance Henderson Rutherford Catawba Alexander Hickory High Point Catawba Guilford Burke Orange Hobucken Pamlico 46 High Schools of JSTorth Carolina School Hope Mills Huntersville J Indian Normal Ingold lotla Jackson Springs Jacksonville Jamestown- _• Jamesville Jasper Jeff prson Jerusalem Jonesboro Kannapolis Kenly Kernersville King Kings Mountain Kinston LaFayette LaGrange Lake Landing Landis Lattimore Laurinburg Leaksville Leicester Lenoir Lewiston-Woodville. _ Lexington Liberty Liberty-Piedmont Lilesville Lillington Lincolnton Littleton Long Creek Long Creek-Grady Louisburg Louisburg College Academy Lowell Lowe's Grove Lucama Lumberton Lumber Bridge Macon Madison Magnolia Maiden Mangum (Bahama) Manteo Marshall. Mars Hill High School Mars Hill College Marshville Marion Matthews Maxton Maysville Post Office Hope Mills Huntersville Pembroke Ingold Franklin, R-3 Jackson Springs, . . Jacksonville Jamestown Jamesville New Bern, R-2.... Jefferson Cooleemee Jonesboro Kannapolis Kenly Kernersville King Kings Mountain.. Kinston Chalybeate Spring; LaGrange Lake Landing Landis Lattimore Laurinburg Leaksville Leicester Lenoir Lewiston Lexington Liberty Wallburg Lilesville Lillington Lincolnton Littleton Hunters\nlle, R-20. Rocky Point Louisburg Louisburg Lowell Durham, R-3 Lucama.. Liunberton Lumber Bridge Macon Madison Magnolia Maiden Bahama Manteo Marshal! Colerian, R-1 Mars Hill Marshville . Marion Matthews Maxton Maysville County Cumberland _ Mecklenburg Robeson Sampson Macon Moore Onslow Guilford Martin Craven Ashe Davie Lee Cabarrus Johnston Forsyth Stokes Cleveland Lenoir Harnett Lenoir Hyde Rowan Cleveland Scotland Rockingham Buncombe Caldwell Bertie Davidson Randolph Davidson Anson Harnett Lincoln Warren Mecklenburg Pender Franklin Franklin Gaston Durham Wilson Robeson Robeson Franklin Rockingham Duplin Catawba Durham Dare Madison Bertie Madison Union McDowell Mecklenburg Robeson Jones High Schools of Xorth Carolina 47 School McLeansville Mebane Middlesex. Millbrook Mills River Michell Academy Mitchell Home School. Mocksville -.. Moncure Monroe Montreal Normal Mont Amoena Seminary Mooresville - Morehead City Morganton Morven Mountain Park Institute Mountain View Mount Airy Mount Gilead Mount Holly Mount Olive Mount Pleasant Institute Moyock Murphy Nashville Nebo New Bern Newland Newport Newton. _ NorUna North Brook North Wilkesboro Norwood Oakboro Oak City Oak Hill Oak Ridge Institute Old Fort Old Richmond Old Town . Oriental Orrum Oxford... Oxford Orphanage Pantego Parkton Paw Creek Peace Institute Perquimans County High SchooL Philadelphus Piedmont Pikeville Pilot Mountain Pinehurst Pineland School for Girls Pineville Pink Hill Post Office McLeanswlIe. Mebane Middlesex Millbrook Horse Shoe Statesville Misenheimer.. Mocksville Moncure Monroe Mt. Pleasant Mooresville Morehead City Morganton Morven Mountain Park Hays Mount Airy Mount Gilead Momit Holly Mount Olive Moimt Pleasant Moyock Murphy Nashville Nebo New Bern Newland Newport Newton NorHna Cherryville, R-3 North Wilkesboro Norwood Oakboro Oak City Lenoir, R-2 Oak Ridge Old Fort... Tobacco ville Winston-Salem, R.F.D. Oriental Orrum Oxford Oxford Parkton Paw Creek Raleigh Hertford Red Springs, R-1. Lawndale Pikeville Pilot Mountain.. Pinehurst Salcmburg Pineville Pink Hill County Guilford Alamance Nash Wake Henderson Iredell Stanly Davie Chatham Union Buncombe Cabarrus Iredell Carteret Burke Burke Surry Wilkes Surry Montgomery Gaston Wayne Cabarrus Currituck Cherokee Nash McDowell Craven Avery Carteret Catawba Warren Lincoln Wilkes Stanly Stanly Martin Caldwell Guilford McDowell Forsyth Forsyth Pamlico Robeson Granville Granville Beaufort Robeson Mecklenburg Wake Perquimans Robeson Cleveland Wayne Surry Moore Mecklenburg Lenoir 48 High Schools of North Carolina School Piney Creek Pinnacle Pittsboro Pleasant Garden Plymouth Polkton Pollocks\'ille Pomona Poplar Branch Princeton Prospect Raeford Raleigh Ramseur Randleman Red Oak Farm-life Red Springs Reidsville Richlands Rich Square Roanoke Rapids Robbinsville Robersonville Rock Ridge Rock Springs Rockingham Rocky Mount Ronda Rosman Roseboro Rose Hill Rosewood Round Hill Academy Rowland Rowan County Farm-life. Roxboro Ruffin Rural Hall Rutherford College Rutherfordton-Spindale- _ Salisbury Salem Academy.. Salemburg Saluda Sand Hill Sandhill Farm-life School Sanford Scotland Neck Seotts Seaboard Selma Seventy-first Shady Grove Shady Grove Sharon Shelby Sherrills Ford SilerCity Smithfield... Post Office Piney Creek Pinnacle Pittsboro Pleasant Garden Plymouth Polkton PoUocksville Pomona Poplar Branch Princeton Mineral Springs, R.F.D Raeford Raleigh Ramseur Randleman Red Oak Red Springs Reidsville Richlands Rich Square Roanoke Rapids Robbinsville Robersonville Wilson, R-2 Denver Rockingham Rocky Mount Ronda Rosman Roseboro Rose Hill Goldsboro, R-1 Union Mills Rowland China Grove Roxboro_._ Ruffin Rural Hall Rutherford College Rutherf ordton Salisbury Winston-Salem Salemburg Saluda Candler Vass, R-1 Sanford Scotland Neck Seotts Seaboard Selma Fayetteville, R-3 Dunn, R-6 Advance Eufola Shelby Sherrills Ford SilerCity Smithfield Coimty Allegany Stokes Chatham Guilford Washington Anson Jones Guilford Currituck Johnston Unioa Hoke Wake Randolph Randolph Nasb Robeson Rockingham Onslow Northampton Halifax Graham Martin Wilson Lincoln Richmond Edgecombe Wilkes Transylvania Sampson Duplin Wayne Rutherford Robeson Rowan Person Rockingham Forsyth Burke Rutherford Rowan Forsyth Polk Buncombe Moore Lee Halifax Iredell Northampton Johnston Cumberland Sampson Davie Iredell Cleveland Chatham Johnston High Schools of ISTorth Carolina 49 School Smyrna Snow Hill Snyder Outdoor School South Buffalo-. Southern Pines South River Southport Sparta Spencer Spring Hope Spruce Pine (Harris) Stanfield Stanley Stanley-McCormick School Stantonsburg Star St. Marry 's School St. Pauls State School for Blind States ville Stearns Stedman Stem Stoneville Stonewall Stony Point Stovall Sunbury Summerfield Swannanoa Sylva Collegiate Institute.. Sylva Sylvan Tabor Tarboro Tay lorsville Teacheys Thomasville Townesville Trenton Trinity Troutman Troy Tryon Tryon Unionville Vance County Farm-life . . Vass-Lakeview Virgina-Carolina Waco Wadesboro Wake Forest Wakelon Walkertown Wallace Walnut Walnut Cove Warrenton Warsaw 4 Post Office Smyrna Snow Hill Asheville, R-1... Greensboro, R-6 Southern Pines.. Wade Southport Sparta Spencer Spring Hope Spruce Pine Stanfield Stanley Burnsville Stantonsburg — Star Raleigh St. Pauls Raleigh Statesville Columbus Stedman Stem Stoneville Stonewall Stony Point Stovall Sunbury Summerfield Swannanoa Sylva Sylva Snow Camp Tabor Tarboro Tay lorsville Teacheys Thomasville Townesville Trenton.- Trinity Troutman Troy Bessemer City.. Tryon Uniomille Middleburg Vass Grassy Creek Waco Wadseboro Wake Forest Zebulon Walkertown Wallace Walnut Walnut Cove Warrenton Warsaw County Carteret Greene Buncombe Guilford Moore Cumberland Brunswick Alleghany Rowan Nash Mitchell Stanly Gaston Yancey Wilson Montgomery Wake Robeson Wake Iredell Polk Cumberknd Granville Rockingham Pamlico- Alexander Granville Gates Guilford Buncombe Jackson Jackson Alamance Columbus Edgecombe Alexander Duplin Davidson Vance Jones Randolph Iredell Montgomery Gaston Polk Union Vance Moore Ashe Cleveland Anson Wake Wake ■ Forsyth Duplin Madison Stokes Warren Duplin 50 High Schools of North Carolina School Washington Washington Collegiate Institute Waxhaw Waynesville Weaver College Webster - Weeksville., Welcome Weldon - Wendell Wesley Chapel Wentworth West Buncombe West Durham. .- .- West Edgecombe West Hickory West Jefferson Whitakers - White Oak Academy Whiteville Wilkesboro Williamston Wilmington Windsor Wingate Junior College Winston-Salem Wilson Wilton Winterville Wise... Woodfin Woodland-Olney Yadkinville Yancey Collegiate Institute Yanceyville Post Office County Washington Beaufort Waxhaw Union Waynesville Weavemlle Webster Weldon Halifax Wendell Wake Monroe, R-5 Wentworth . Asheville, R-4 West Durham Durham Rocky Mount, R.F.D.. .. Edgecombe West Hickorv Nash White Oak Bladen Whiteville Wilkesboro Wilkes Windsor Bertie Wingate Union Forsyth Franklinton, R-l. Granville Winterville ... Pitt Wise Warren Asheville, R-5 Yadkinville Yadkin Yancey Yanceyville-. _ Caswell COLORED HIGH SCHOOLS County, Name of High School ALAMANCE: Special Charter: County Training School _ Special Charter: Colored High School _ BEAUFORT: Special Charter: Colored High School. BERTIE: Rural: County Training School. Private: Bertie .4cademy_ BRUNSWICK: Rural: County Training School. BUNCOMBE: Special Charter: Stephens-Lee High School. Private: AllenHomeSchool BURKE: Special Charter: Ohve Hill High School. CABARRUS: Special Charter: Logan High School Private: Scotia Womens College. CARTERET: Special Charter: Colored High School. Colored High School. Superintendent, Principal or Other Official Head F. J. Gunn. J. R. Faison. J. W. Masks. C. G. White. W. S. Etheridge. James W. Barbour, Jr.. W. S. Lee. Miss Veda Stryker. P. E. Corpening. F. T. Logan. T. R. Lewis. W.S.King.-. W. F. Brooks. Post Office Burlington. Wadesboro. Washington . Powellsville . Windsor . Southport- Asheville. Asheville. Morganton. Concord. Concord. Morehead City. Beaufort Accredited Class — Date I, A. II, B. 1924 II, A. 52 High Schools of N^orth Cakolina County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal or Other Official Head Post Office Accredited Class— Date CLEVELAND: Rural : County Training School T. K. Borders Shelby COLUMBUS: Rural: C. 0. Howell Whiteville CRAVEN: Special Charter: West Street High School J. T. Barber II, B. 1925 Private: E. N. C. I. Academy Wm. Sutton New Bern _ II, B. 1925 CUMBERLAND: Public: State Normal School (H. S. Dept.) E. E. Smith I, AA. 1919 DAVIDSON: Special Charter: Colored High School Colored High School _ J. E. Reid Thomasville DUPLIN: Special Charter: Colored High School Colored High School M. S. Branch E. A. Hemby Warsaw Faison DURHAM: Public: N. C. College for Negroes (H. S. Dept.) J. E. Shepard Durham I, A. 1919 Special Charter: Hillside Park High School W. G. Pearson Durham I, A. 1923 EDGECOMBE: Special Charter: Tarboro High SchooL _ _ _ W. A. Pattillo Tarboro II, B. 1924 Private: J. K. Brick Junior College (H. S. Dept.) T. S. Inborden Bricks II, A. 1922 FORSYTH: Special Charter: Columbian Heights High School . J. D. Jones Winstom-Salem I, AA. 1919 FRANKLIN: Private: I, B. 1922 Christian College W. R. Collins Franklinton II, B. 1925 High Schools op North Carolina 53 County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal or Other Official Head GASTON: Special Charter: Highland H'"gh School- . . J. A. Rollins . . Private: Rev. VV. E. Ricks GATES: Rural : County Training School T.S.Cooper GRANVILLE: Private: Mary Potter School -_ G. C. Shaw . GREENE: Rural: County Training School--. -- - GUILFORD: Special Charter: E. Washington St. High School. W.B.Windsor .. Normal High School E. E. Curtright Rural: Jonesboro High School Public: A. & T. College (H. S. Dept.) W. S. Ravenell .. . Private: Bennett College (H. S. Dept.) Immanuel Lutheran Academy and Seminary- . Rev. H. Nau Palmer Memorial Institute . . HALIFAX: Special Charter: Colored High School W. T.Alexander County Training School-.. ... E. A. Cox Rural : Eastman School-. .. J. L. Setzer HARNETT: Special Charter: County Training School W. D.Gay-- HERTFORD: Rural : Waters Training School C. S. Brown Post Office Gastonia- Kings Mt.- Sunbury- Oxford_ Snow Hill- Greensboro- High Point. Greensboro, R.F.D. Greensboro - Greensboro. Greensboro - Sedalia Roanoke Rapids Weldon Ringwood- Dunn. Accredited Class — Date II, A. 1922 I, A. 1922 I, B. 1922 I, A. 1919 I, A. 1919 II, A. 1923 II, A. 1923 II, B. 1924 54 High Schools of North Carolina County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal or Other Official Head Post Office Accredited Class— Date HYDE: Rural: County Training School J. B. McRae -.. -.. Scranton IREDELL: Special Charter: C. W. Foushee Statesville Colored High School J. L. HoUowell JACKSON: Rural: Colored High School J. H. Davis Sylva JOHNSTON: Special Charter: County Training School A. J. Taylor... Smithfield II, A. 1925 LEE: Rural: Colored High School- W. B. Wicker Sanford LENOIR: Special Charter: Tower Hill High School II, B. 1925 Private: Kinston II, B. 1924 MARTIN: Rural : Colored High School . E.J.Hayes Williamston County Training School W. C. Chance Parmele Private: R. P. Gordon Parmele MECKLENBURG: Special Charter: W. H. Stinson . . I, A. 1924 Private: J. C. Smith University (H. S. Dept.) R. T>, Williams I, A. 1919 MONTGOMERY: Private: Peabody Academy J. K. Hilyard Troy II, B. 1923 High Schools of North Caeolina 55 County. Name of High School Special Charter: County Training School. NASH: Special Charter: I.inwood High School . Colored High School. _ Rural : County Training School . NEW HANOVER: Special Charter: Williston Industrial NORTHAMPTON: Rural : County Training School. Private: Rich Square Inptitute. ORANGE: Special Charter: County Training School . PAMLICO: Rural: County Training School. PASQUOTANK: Public: State Normal School {H.S. Dept.) Special Charter: Colored High School . -"rivare: Roanoke Institute. PENDER: Rural : County Training School. Superintendent, Principal or Other Official Head A. C. Pinekney. 0. R. Pope. C. G. Segar. D. A. Thomas. D. C. Virgo. W. L. Greene. W. S. Creecy. R. L. Bozeman. R. L. Rice. P. W. Moore. Private: Burgaw Normal and Industrial School L. S. Burford. C. F. Graves. T. T. Ringer. C. F. Pope Burgaw Post Office Carthage- Rocky Mount. Spring Hope.. Nashville Wilmington.. Garysburg. .. Rich Square. ChapplHill Bayboro. Elizabeth City. Elizabeth City. Elizabeth City. Rocky Point.-. Accredited Class — Date 1, A. 1923 r, B. 1924 I, AA. 1919 II, A. 1924 56 High Schools of jSTorth Carolina County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal or Other Official Head Post Office Accredited Class— Date PERQUIMANS: Special Charter: Colored High School Hertford Rural: County Training School .. ._ __ Winfall PERSON: Special Charter: Cedar Grove Academy _ T H. Lee - - Rural: County Training School, .. .. C J Ford Roxboro, R.F.D PITT: Special Charter: Colored High School . C M Epps --- - Rural: County Training School Grimesland _ RANDOLPH: Special Charter: Colored High School. _ J E Brower - . Asheboro. - .. . RICHMOND: Special Charter: Colored High School W H A Howard - -- - Rockingham Hamlet Pine Street School J T Taylor . - ROBESON: Special Charter: County Training School _ _ S P Bradby - - - Maxton. _ _._ Private: Redstone Academy. _. Lumberton Lumberton Thompson Institute.. W. H. Knuckles II, B. 1925 ROCKINGHAM: Special Charter: Washington High School J. A. McRae Reidsville I, B. 1923 Rural: Colored High School H. H. Falkener Leakpville High Schools of jSTorth Carolina 57 County, Name of High School ROWAN: Special Charter: J. C. Price High School. Dunbar High School — Private: Livingstone College (H. S. Dept.) RUTHERFORD: Private: Western Union Academy. SAMPSON: Special Charter: County Training School.. SCOTLAND: Rural: County Training School . Private: Laurinburg Normal and Industrial Institution STANLY: Rural: Colored High SchooL UNION: Special Charter: Winchester Avenue High School . VANCE: Private: Henderson Institute . Kittrell College. WAKE: Special Charter: Washington High School. Rural: County Training School (Berry O'Kelly School). Private: St. Augustine Junior College. Shaw University (H. S. Dept.) Superintendent, Principal or Other Official Head L. H.Hall... - S. E. Duncan. J. H. Johnson. R. J. Davidson. M. D. Coley. J. A. Kirk- E. M. McDuffle. J. D. Bean. J. N. Brown. J. A. Cotton.. G. A. Edwards J. L. Levister. H. L. Trigg. Reginald Lynch_ J. L. Peacock Post Office Salisbury East Spencer. Salisbury. Spindale Clinton. Hastv. Laurinburg. Badin. Monroe. Henderson. Kittrell... . Raleigh. Method. Raleigh. Raleigh. Accredited Class — Date I, A, 1924 I, B. 1919 II, B. 1924 I, A. 1922 I, A. 1922 II, A. 1923 I, A. 1919 II, A. 1919 58 High Schools of N^orth Carolina County, Name of High School Superintendent, Principal or Other Official Head Post Office Accredited Class— Date WARREN. Rural: G. E. Cheek Wise II, B. 1925 WASHINGTON: Rural: Colored High ScnooL .. -.. __. J. J. Clemmons . . Roper _ ., . Colored High School W. W. Walker WAYNE: Special Charter: Dillard High School Hugh V. Brown _. _ _ .__ Goldsboro _ Colored High School .. .. J. E. Cromartie, . . . Mt. Olive WILKES: » Rural: Wilkesboro, R.F.D. . WILSON: Special Charter: I. W. St. Claire Wilson II, B. 1925 High Schools of North Carolina 59 SUMMARY TABLE WHITE HIGH SCHOOLS, 1924-1925 Public High Schools Private High Schools Grand Total Classification State Normal Special Charter 18 42 28 18 11 Rural Total I, AA _ . . . 18 46 58 145 129 3 15 7 15 18 I, A I,B.. . 1 1 3 29 127 118 49 73 II, A 152 II,B.. . 144 2 117 5 277 249 396 254 40 11 436 265 Grand Total 2 122 526 650 51 701 COLORED HIGH SCHOOLS, 1924-1925 I, AA 1 1 1 6 1 2 4 3 7 2 3 6 3 I, A 6 3 6 7 13 I. B . II, A . __ . 1 2 9 II, B - . . 13 Total Accredited 4 14 19 3 22 21 41 22 10 43 Non-Standard 51 Grand Total 4 33 25 62 32 94 WHITE AND COLORED HIGH SCHOOLS, 1924-1925 Public Private Grand Total Types cf Schoo.s State Norma! Special Charter Rural Tnta! 396 254 21 41 White Accredited. 2 117 5 14 19 277 249 3 22 40 11 22 10 436 265 Colored Accredited 4 43 51 Grand Total 6 155 551 712 83 795